HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • --• f -....-iiiiiliiilili;iii..._._.~~-....--~. ~-~-:CIF Playoff Scores _..._...__. .... !iiiiiii!.-..-..._ ..... .-..iiillili .. - Los:-Alamitos 1'it;. Lo~~ . --\.. Fullerton Damie.n . .. 14 6 27 13 I . -· Anaheim "' -" --A~ - LB ·Wilson· -. f Glendora . Ran~ho Alamitos • '· 13 6 • I .. Redlands . .: I Loa'i-a · • • '· :tiootiiiil ~eff ' • 20 8 \I t"• ... ' 12 1 ._ __ 111!11!!!!!!11!!11-!I"~~~--~---~,...~~---SEE DETAILS, SPORTS PAGES--------------. !111, --------- • . . • --" ' ··-. Wanted: • Ill Mes .a, Eagunil • • • .. , , I I ' _.,....,,.. '2.. lfP, ... J lfCTIOIU. t., ·P'AOll. . ' \VASHli~qroN {AP) -The A~y says · 24 U.S. solclers and fonner servicemen, in addition lo an officer and staff ser- t::eant altta&y ~harged, are being in-. ' vestigat.ed In the alleged murder of ap- proximat.Cly JOO Vietnamese civilians in 1968. • '. But ttie ·South Vietnamese Defense Min· i.stry in. Saigoh said today there was no 1nassacr'c. that U.S. artillery and air 1o1trikes had killed "about 20 civilians" in a battlt which claimed 125 Viet CO}'lg. Rererrtng to some accounts being car· ri.ed in the U .S, and foreign press, I.he South Vittnamese agency said : "Reports from newspapers and foreign news -agen. _ cies recently that said S27 civiUans were killed were compfelely inaccurate." where· there Is a gro\\•lng demand ror an investigation or the raid. Jn reference to the ?ifarch 1968 raid neal' a hamlet known as l\fy Lai, the Army said: "During the operation a small group of American soldiers re· portedly shot many, possibly JOO, Viel· namese civilians." The· Anny said that Lt. ·\Villiam L. Cal- (See ARMY PROBE, Page 3) Youth in Bullet Chase Sw·renders To Lagm1a Police PenlllgOn spok~en he~e had no com· ment on the Saigon announcement and indJcau6na were It cau&ht them by SUC· By "RT.HUR R. VJN~EL prise. ~ 04 "" o.., ,.,.,. ,,.,. . ~ Only hours earllet the Army had iS'sued • Six days of· frttdom . ef!ded briefly F tl· a statement• to ITTembers or Conkfcss • ~ day. for a youth who escaped Laguna Beach police in a marijuana case a \\eek ago, then ducked bullets Tuesday when Orange Co Mt WeaCAl!r Mpstly lair today'8n<\ Sunday but late night and 'arly morn- in& !ow cloud• or log. Slightly warmer Sunday. 1 . \NS~fl Tf\DAY . e Robert Culp i1 a11 actor who 10011ld rather fioJ.1t th ll Tl twitch. W11en he feeµ for a talt8e, 11e reaU11 feel1 it. Storu tell& about hit life i11 ReJurrtc- lion Citu, Familu Weeklu toctau. CIMltefl M..., ... Mwtill"f I Cl••tl""' ,, .. -1•11 ,_ .. ' " OlttHtle• " c.-11..n " llMI lllllt ... E•itwi.I ,ttt • ·-· 1•1• r ~••11•11'mtl!I ••• llwfl ... ". , .. 0 Niii L'"9rt " Utfl(.lt Liii n ~ .\ Costa Mesa detectives closed in on his hideout. James Lusk .Jr., 22. of 1302 Via Avila. San Clemente surrendered to . Laguna Beach authorities at S:21l p.m.. ac· companied by his father and altorncy ,.. George Chula of Santa Ana .· He wu booked ' on warr1;1nts charging possession of marijuana and resisting ar· rest. but Cbulai arranged to drop the $8,515 bail to he could be released for tht weekend. He wu released on llis promise to be in ~_,..t.:~, ,<;Je_m,ente Jud lclaj bi&bict ~Md' Friday at 8:30 a.tn. for arraignment YOUJll Lu&k bad been In contact with Chula'• offict several times since Tuetday, when he fled out the rear of an aoortment al 2571 Sant.a Ana Ave., Costa M.... • Shots (ired by two deleclives along the route he ran to lreedom narrowly missed Lusk. Investigator derry Thompson. who was IS.e SURRENDERS, Pago 31 .. . ' ),..{" -• • ' ·f( '* • • ·- . . ' . ·ti ·t. -ti San . JoaqH:in -M~sh Silld_ ' To UC ~ : as Nature -'Refµge l .. Baquel!ls a Good Spor.i : ~egents . O~ay . "~1 . •. . . , . -r ' ,; .. .. • • ·$~02,150 Deal For 200 Acres (S))'clal to the DAILY PILOT) SAN FRANCISCO -University of Calironiia regenls voted Friday to purcha!e 200• acres of mitrshlands frOm the trviJie', Company ' for creation of a wildlife ·preserve on the UC Irvine cam· ..i,, •, I ,..,s. Known as the 5'11 Joaquin marsh. thr. reedy. swam.J>-like •fresh water lowland area ,is just north" ~ ex.isUnftUCI pro- perty. It lies 1e.nerally behveen Jamboree Road and University Drive. The regents, in announcinl( the purchase, indicated the negotiated price of the 200 acres Is $202,150. t!niv,ersity~ s~esmerJ said today tl}aJ Ille iDirsh 'b -111e...i to b< "tmnel7 vo.lUa'ble "by natural sclentlsls for the study of fresh water life. It \Vas also characterized, much as the nearby Upper fiewpott Bay .. as a n1ajor t•way ~t.atkll'' for migratory · 6ir'ds a!Ong ·lhe Pacific flypath. ~ 111 acquiring the marsh as part or U1c UCI campus. the area will be included in the University of California's natural land and water resetve system . 'Mle marsh .ts the twelfth such site added to th i~ UC svsteln. UCLA alumna Raquel Welch appeared Ftiday at pep rally prior to Bruins' "lvinner-goe.rto-lbe-Hosc Bowl*' game against that other school on the other side of toWn. Male1.1apparcntly pr<!dominated a\' ,1jlep rally. For i nsight Into wbich· \eam might pre- dominate in today's ame, .. see ~rts. , , ' ' r ' • r~undst for the purch•se will come half , from lhe,regent1'"1i>d8et with matchin&: money from a Ford Foundation grant. . . • , " , , ., ' CAR WASHERS ASK ~ T_~yer"f.!1 .. ,s 'Block . Ban on. N:._ud .... ~. -. ' .. _D,. ~ .. Icing FUNDS ~OR CREW • • .,., ·• ~-,, . orange-. Coa~t «;,ollegc's Shell n' Oar Club Sunday will be ~rating a car wash the three bin but th::it such arrests Three Orange County tivern owners ,.,·on a court order Friday whleh they claim was to block the sherifE from pui. ting the· clamps OD lheir nude or semi· nude girlle lhows. T )I e court order, signed by Superior Court Judge Robert C o r r m a n , presumably means lhat the nudle dancers will continue to cavort in lhc buff until Dec. 2 without fear of the &heMfC closing do"''n proceedings . Altofney Berrien ·Moore represented the ~ar owners. on De~. 2, he rnt!Et justify his allegatlons thal a recently adopted Orange County a n l I -nu d e ordinance ts tnnjld and C04llOI bo ap. piled to put tho -Pl on sudl ... lerttlillment. Moote alle&ed sheriff's officers pJonntd lo use lht cxaanty ontinanct a1 lhelr f\c!l'lortry for wklespread al'Telts of fc1nalc dancers and their employers al would be mlCIOltltUtlonal and unlawful. In Costa Afesa to help raise. funds to itend Moore ukl CalUornla co u r t s , OCC's crew and shell to the tntemaUonal particularly Los Angeles County Superior Rowing Association lnvltalional Regatta. Court.. had thrcnro qut aUeJnpts to pre-Thi w~ will-be al the ).lobll ataUon, Vcnl ~ ent<rta-rd nd Ad thrwgb almllar ordinlDCU and that corner or Harbor Botlleva a ams "•JCh 1ctlao wUI nQI b<ar the 11th\ ol day A,tcnoi:. Club •Pokesmen Sly cuatomcrs tn any <>ranac Counly coar1toon1 .1 ·~ may *t!nhine boJV much they. ••tsb to • All ihM bers are ID ~ •• dtlnate to OCC'1 .,... I« tile w111h. sectors or the county. • ' ' . ,. I 041LY PILOT Satul'by, NMmbtr 22, 19" :·. PAl'1Y 10-lOi • SUNJ)AY 10.7 • "TONKA" FOR IOY BUILDERS . rrench•r333 SUNDAY ONLY To dump. load. haul, dil. ~lulU-acUon steel to)'. Ill ~ , TRUCK 683 SUNDAY ONLY BUddy L Bir r.1acki» dlpTlp truck, ttumps heavy lotds. 201A" long. · FOCAL 100)(600 t.11CROSCOftE J'luti& cue. Include•: Prf. part'd slides and toola. . SHADE AZALEA In bud and in bloo1n . 4" pol size. I ~ I --- "" ~:.. ....... !llwt ,.. •••• ,"' •; ~ .. , • • •....:..... 23" IAIY DOLL$ OR IAT·HTUI IABY Your .Choice 406 S1111da11 011111 491 f or holiday toastlnr. 41 ;-lasses, lncludl111 8 6·oz.: I-oz.: 10-oz.: 12·m.; she.mg, 13..()z. mup, and l 11.hot alau . I. I ' .S1111day 011111 991 7.pc. Teflon® stt. of cook\\·1re. Includl"1: l ·ct.t. a11d 2·qt rovt"rt'd sauce pans . .>-Qt co\·erffl Dutch O\'Cn, l(}'' 1killeL ~C...Polll Tr.oe.....rt I .. ,. ' COSTA MESA ON~ Y , • ' ·I, ' CHOCOLATE CHERRIES • Su11day 01ily Lu•idou• <hocol•..; rov-7 4 ft ered cherries bv Welch. ..... De.rk or light chpcolate, 18-oz. box. · Llfllll9d qMl!tf', flCH'I tole! IO dH'-rl. 'Nit W•lfhl. • ALL-METAL FOLDING TABLE 24"x60" nietal folding table for f'Xtra serving room. Wlth carrying handle, metal leas, silvcrtonc top, Easy .s torage. ' 511 SAVING ON THREE HOUSEHOLD HELPS .'i unda!I 011111 I Sf'lectlon or air freshener, 7.()r1 11lze In la\·ender, pin.e, spice, floral. Also Windew Cleaner and Spn.y Starch•. Llrn1tH -m~. -M'-1 " llMltrs •N1t we19ht. l 1 I , • • ' ·- t:.. ·-... ---. --·--- voi.:. 62, NQ •• 280, 5 SECTIONS. ·82 .PAGES -- ·uc _oBu ys ·---.,..-. __ -• • --• •r•---'- .. -------- Col~pse$; . . ' . 10 Killet1, .. • . . -·--- -. .1rV·iiie . '• ·. 'SATIJIDY;' NOVEMIER ;22,-1969 .. ' -' ---. Marsh ' (Speclll Io !lie DAILY PILOT) SAN F'RANCISCO ...-.University of~ California regents voted .Friday to purchase 200 acres of m1nhlandl from the Irviqe Company for crtation of a wildll!e preserve on the ~ Irvioe cam· pus. Known as the San Joaquin marsh, the reedy. swamp-like fresh water lowland are-a is just no..P, of u.iaUng. UCJ pro- perty. It lies 1eoerally between J amboree Road and Unlversit1 Drive . The regents. in announcing the purchase. Indicated the negotiated price of the 200 acres is '202,150. -- -·- I -.. . ·--~ \ • "l'i11P =Banaeta1W11 -. .. TEN .CENTS -. -- --as Pi-es~rve . . - University spokesmen said today that Uie..:.marsh Is considered to be extmnely vfluable by natural .scientists for the ~~~t1ac~!n~':J.h m~e!s :· ~~rb;' ~ .Nn'port Bay, as a major "way staUoo" for migratory birds '1ong . the PacillC flypath. • Regents \\'ere told that Sin Joaqu_in marsh. ls one of the (ew natural ·areas of its type still remaining in Southem California. Many such· 1reas throughout:. the state have been drained and Wied.for development. ~w of the regents' appr.oval .of the, purchase was relayed· to Irvine Con:tpany executives Friday by UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich. It is jlnticlpated,. that confirmation of the sale will come in rouUne fufiion·from the Irvine Company Boon! of Dlr<clon. "We have beett ac;lvlsed .ij)at the rqdrt.9 . have authorized the university president to negotiate the purchase," said Irvine Company Vice Presidept R a y m o n,C:I \Vatson: "It Is our understanding that the university wi$l>es to use. this area for an arboretum and wild life preserve.'' Yt'atson indicated that the <COmpany p~mes the ~niversity wanls to 'move (See PRESERVE, P11e %) SAIGON (UPI) -A lW-story orphan- "ge that ·wu badly damqed in a Viet C.Ong offensift JI mQnlhl *80 collapsed early today, crushing nine ctpldren and one teacher Jn tons or crumpled concrete. 100 Civilians Killel/! -. . . American soldiers and Vietnamese civll- Iana iM!!Iecr anoth~ l3 yOuths from the ~e. Among the fli'at rescuers "to arrive were men. from.the U.S. 8th·Sig-nat Battalion at Tan Son Nbut Air Base who have conlributed time and money lo ijle orphanage. . •·1t WU really terrible," said Sp. 4 David Blunt ol New Castle, Calif., one of the first to arrive. ''The building was as flat as a pancake." Ming Chu Loong, a teacher rrom Hong Kong, apparently heard a sharp cracking ~ and wu running through the orph- anage waking the children when the con- crete building fell. She was among those kiUed. "One of the teachers had to run £or miles to a telephone," said lhe Rev. An- drew Leung, bead of the Roman Catholic or~. He said much or the rucue work wu therefore delayed until dawn. Rescue workers blamed the collapse on an excmJJf iand in lbe cement used In t~ bu~ and on war Umage. In the M1y. 1• offeillive, the orphanage was caught in croWire between allied and Viet Cong forces and 70 percent deslro)'- ed. Alter the fiahtil1i !t was U...idil! Ii> ~~1 .. iJ.'S!U4i!r bW1t. ; Bars Win Order Blooklng Ban On Nude Dancfug 'Itlree Orange County tavem owners "':")n a court order Friday which they c{aim was to •block the sheriff from put,. ling the clamps on1 their nude or semi· rwde girlie shows. · T tr e coort order, sign ed by Superior C'Aurt Judge Robert C o r f ma n , presumably means that the nudie de.ncers will continue to cavort in the buff until Dec. 2 without fear of the sheriff closing down proceedings. Attorney Berrien Moore represented the bar owners. On Dec. 2. he must justify his allegations that a . recently Rdppted Orange County a n I 1 • n u d e ordinance is inValid and cannot be ap· R\jed to pUt the wraps on such cn- t~inment. ?ifoore alleged sheriU's officers planned to use the county ordinanct as their authority for widespread arrests or female dancers and their employers at the three bars but that such arrests Would be unconstitutional and un1&wful. Moore said California c o u rt s • rarticularlj Los Angeles County Superior Court, had lhrown out attempts to pre- '-tnt toplesl.bottomless entertainment through aimbet ordinances and that "such action trifi"DOt'bear the light of day ln any Orange County courtroom." All three bars !re in unincorporated ~cctors of the. county. <;;A R WASHERS ASK -. FUNDS FOR CREW . , . Orange Coast College's Shell n1 Oqr Club Sunday will be operaUng a car \li'BSh In Costa Mesa to help raise funds lo ~end OCC's crew and shell to the International Rowing A!lOClation Invitational Regatta. The wasfl Will be at lbe Mobil station, comer of Harbof Boulevard. and Adams Avenue. Club spokesmen say customers may determine how much they wish to donaie to OCC's crew ror the wash. Polio Victin1 Plan~ To Walk Acro.ss U.S. LONDON (UPI) -David Ryder, 21, crippled by P.Ofio when he was two years old, said Friday he wlll walk across the: United Stal.es next summer to raise ITl()no< ey for chlr.\ty. Ryder. who Credit.I his lone walks for helping hia recovlf')' rrom Polio, w11ked the lenith of BritAin on cruttbel and leg braces last summer to ralae f4,ll0 for a rund for the disabled. -: , Army Probe Widens '' , .. \. -~ ' I . . • . ' • . . .; . '-.....1. ..... --- \VASHJNGTON (AP) -The Anny aays 24 U.S. IOldien and former servicemen, in addlUon to an officer and ttaff str· gc.ant already charged, ire. -being in- vesUgsled fn the alleged murder of ap- proximately 100 Vietnamese civilians in 1968. But the South Vietnamese Defense Min· tstry ln Saigon said today there ·was no massacre, that U.S. artillery and air ~trikes had killed "about 20 civiUans" in a battle \l.'hich claimed 125 Viet Cong. Nixon to Ap"ply Same Criteria in Ne~Lf:om·t P.i,c~ W ~CT_o~ (,\Pl -~rtajdent '!':IJr- on -he Will """ hia light "lo r"'°" tbl: propu. bf.lance" to the Supre'me. COurt de:eplle the Senate's 55_.S rejection or his nomination of Judge Clement F. Hayns- --,.worth Jr. MARSH MAP -Circled arrows indicate 200-acre marsh to be add· ed to UC Irvine Campus. Hatched lines indicate .existing 1.510-acre campU1. Broken line between Jamboree and University Drive rep. reaenta .eventual extension of Campus Drive. Orange County Airport is at upper left, Upper Newport Bay is at left center and Newport Center is at Jo,ver left. Co ·unty to Take Stand On Reaction to Crises ·ORANGE County supervisors are · scheduled to consK!er Tuesday a proposal aimed at establishing the county's reac· tion to ~mergePcies faced by the county 's coastal ·comm·unities. The board balked at 1 ruling a week ago in the face of argum61ls that they' might be committed to Jong-term and rost1y operll:tions by ordering flood COO• trol district crews to emergencies which would hardly qualHy for that rating under review by SCJ'.lior county oUlcials. Supervisor Robert Battin .urged that county aid, in tenns of work creYlS, sandbags, and µie use of heavy equip- ment in critical shoreline situations, !>hould only be authorized by the Board of Supervison' chairman or hls deputy. Generally agreed to by the board was the argument that recent legislation which allowed California's counties to come to the aid of local cities in shoreline emergencies should be tempered by local regulti.Uons establishing the natw-e and length of time -if determinable -~L such assistance lhoold be orrered. Supervisor William Hirstein stressed that he did not question lhe principle that the county should react to shoreline emergencies "sUch as those that hit l!S in the Newport area" but "they are usually of a temporary nature and we ha ve to remember U)at we are paying ror this aid thrQUlh tax funds." H. G. Osborne, chief engineer for the Orange County Flood Control District, said the supervisors' decision "will be a very welcome one for us since it 'will give us a yardstick by which we can measure our reaction to appeals from beach com- mUDities. "This particular Issue was sparked by legislation establishing the right of coun- ties to help beach cities in such silurt- tions, Osborne explained. "and it wa s our idea that we should get a solid ruling from the board at a lime when emergen- cy situations are much more prevalent." Creation of an emergency situation between now and a board ruling, Osborne said, will not prevent his crews from pro- viding.their traditional response to a call for aid from a threatened beach com- munity -that of jmmediate assistance. But the President will wait until after Congress opens its new session in Jan· uary to submit another nomination. Any nomination sent to the Senate this year would automaUcally lapse when the cur- rent se.sslons ends next month, unless confirmed before adjounntnt._ Nixon did not say if he wouli:t select aoother n01ninee with Haynsw6rth's con- servative southern · backjl(round, but he tlid sa y he would again apply criteria "consistent with my commltmenhi to the Anierlcan people before my election as President a year ago." Expressing deep regret that the Senate had failed to confirm Haynsworth. the President said "the Supreme Court nteds men or his legal philosophy to restore the proper balance to lhat great lnstltu· tlon." The vote ·Friday. which climaxed a bir· ter three-month struggle ovet judicial ethics and philosophy. was Nixon's most severe congressional defeat since he took office. Doctors to Check . Kidnap Suspect • Two doctors were appointed Friday lo off.er opiniQns on the mental state o! a Costa Mesa woman accused of abducting t"l\'O neighbor ctyldren. Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner ordered Mrs. Patrlda Stagner. 30, or 773 Y(. Wilson St., to"'return to court Dec. IS for his rulinc. Mrs. Stagner was returned to tile ps)'dliatric \vard of Orange County 1tfedical Center where she is receiving treatnie:nt. The, mother.of three v.'as arrested Oct. 17 in San Diego after aul.llOrlties took two brothers, 1t1ichael, 6, and Divid Fingel· stein, 4, and Uie woman's three children into protective custody. The Fink.elsteln boys ''ere returned, unharmed, to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chavei. 'Chase Youth Surrenders -. ur.A11'1'111Ja R. VU,iSEL OI * Wf Pit.I 'tiff Six days of treedom ended brief1y Fri· dat for a youth who escaped Laguna Beach Police ln a marjJuana case a "·eek ago, then dqcked buneto 'I'Ueodl\f wbei\ Coote M ... deloetlYts cloied hi on hll hideout. • . Jame1 Luak Jr., II, ol »Ill Vil Arl!I. San ·Cl....,.te aurnnderod lo Laa- Reech nulhorities ;it 5:20 p.nt.. ac· " ' ' ' companied by his fathtr ~ a~torney George Chula of S1nta Ana. He Was booked 00 warraota chareing ?OSMSSion of m'arijUana and resist.in,& ar· rest .• but. Chula arranged lo drop the II.Iii baU·to he could be rel1uocUar the -· He was released on hi• J)r'ontisc to be. In 1-na Bw:hoSan CJ<intn1e Judldtl Dbtricl Courl next Fridl)' at l :IO a.oil. for arraignment. ,y~, Lusk had been in-contact with Chui8•s ofHce-several -times-!!Ince Tuesday, when he Oed oul"lhe rear or •n apartment at ~71 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Men. ~ Sholl llred b)' two detecUvt1 along the route he r1n io freedom narrowly milled Loll<. • lll~l•IOr Ofm '""""-· who '" (See SURRENDERS, Pase II ·~ Rtferrtni t..> some 1ccounts .bein1 car-1"here there ls a srowinl demand· for an ried Jn the U.S. and foreign Jll<SS, the Jnnollptlon al. the raid. Sout)l. Vittnamea agency said: "Reports In rwference to tbe: March 1961 raid froiv newspapers and torelgn Mtll agel)-near a hamlet tnowri as "fy ·Lai, the cies recently that said SZ7 ctvillanl" were Army. said : "During the operaUon a killed were. completely inaccurate." small 1roup of, American llOJdien: te- Penlagon spokesmen here had no 1..~· partedly shot many, pouibly 100, Viet~ mettt on the Saigon anflOllnctmmt and namese civtliam:. .. • i~tions· were it caulht them by :sur· -1'be hrny 'said that U . William L. CaJ- prise. ley, 28. now sta.i.iJ)ned at.. Ft. Benninl. Only hours earlier the Army had issued 1 Ga., wu ch1rged in the incldent and a 1 staten1ent to men1bers o( Coo4ress (See ARMY P~ P11e a) 4pollo~~~r~~~tsSnoo~e While 'Tftey C·ruise ·Honie -.. • • I . Sl'ACE CENTER, HOOl!llil~(UPI) '-~al %:U A.II. PST wwe the ur111's Apollo 1211 1Stronaut1 Sllled the Yan~· arav1t1 exertl ~ influeDce Oh tbc Cllppir tar from the "Wlrlll" Vici ·• .,c""1P. than the .-·s. T)cl ~•"" !he moon lnlf the wei«>m• srup -111,000 rillltll ahead at ·the ... ., Earth's gravity today, thtlr alJbttl, ... Gn wttll the moon it,DOO ~behind . a Pacific Ocean splashdown in Jm&::fft The command ship, apparently scarred days. . rrom what engineers now think wu 1 "We have enjoyed the trip/' Aid treU doub4e dose of llahtnJng on launch, Charles ''Pete" Conrad, the vfbrn Jud-is 'e®eduled to larX! 400 miles southeast er of man 's first .truly sclenUflc e:rpedi-... of American Samoa about I P.M., PST Uon to another cele.stlal body. Moiiday. i Today, the eighth day of !be "1&I mUUoe Tbe alnnlt carrier Hornet ls standinC mission, was one of reSt ror Conrad, Alan · by. Weathermen predicted Sltisfactory L. Bean and Richard F. Gordon. concUUans for . the recoverr o1 the three They had earned it. and earth control pilots, who Cam' 80 to • pounds of pre- told them to "sleep in as k>ng u you clous moon iocks and parts sa.Jvqed like." ' • from a robot spacecraft that scouted The astronauts reached the point in Apollo 12's ~ landln& site in 19f1. Senate U·nit to Go Ahead · Witl1 Hearings on War WASHINGTON (UPJ) -The Senate Foiefgn Relations committee. after wee~s of indecision, finally has decided to go ahead wi th a series of hearings on Vietnam next month. There was no indication the bearings \\'OUld feature the verbal slugging matches that marked such hearings dur- ing the Johnson adminh1tration. C.:hainnan J . William Fulbright told newsmen Friday the new sel of hearings would be confined to testimony on nine bills and resolutions introduced ·by. both "hawks'' and "doves." He emphnslzed no "confrontation" WOl5 planned. Guerillas Spring ' Another ·Ambush Qµ 1).S. Troops SAIGON (UPI) -The U.S. military conunand. today reported another guer- rilla ambush iif American troops. pu.sb4 ing the casualty toll in such attacks this \lleek to II GIJ slain and 24 wounded . In an apparent attempt to Inflict higher U .Si casualties, Communist troops Fri- day sprang their fourth ambush of the "·tek JS miles south oC Da Nang, In the Que Son Valley, an old guerrilla strona:· holtl. ¥ i The lS.minute fusillade or machi~ gun and grenade fire lil!cd five U.S. An1eri· cil division. trooPi1 and wounded seven before U.S. helicopter gumhips drOve the 1tlacke.r1 aW11. Six pe.rrUJe. bodle1 were round. the.tr lirtl Joasea In this week'• ambushes. Ju1I wal o1 the •.""'""1 ihe, U.ll . ._. linu ....,.red a llMoo north Viet- nam.He arms cxht "blch thtlr tom· mandet Ollle4 "the iVost 11PJficont weapons.lnd1IUlltklre ftnct tre'Vt _medl 4 In more than 1 year.'' procedures," Fulbtjg~t (0-Ark.) said. lie said the' piirpose of the session was to "help the admi~IJ'aUon detenninc just what is ·lhe wisest future pr~dure" for ending the war. The measures before-the committee Include a bill by Sen. Charles E. 1Goodell (R-N.Y.), who is up for eitction•in lfiO, to requir.e U.S. wlthdl:awal ff'OIQ VlCtnllm by D~c. r. 1970. There ·also 1$ a resolu4 lion backed by leadecs of both parties expressing general approval ot Nlxorl°s wllhdraWal plans but urglng . a cease fire. TWo resoluUone, requiring both Sen- ate and House action. arc pendlng·to re· peal the 1164 Gulf of Tonk.in resOuUon that iutbOrJU!C1 •• PraU:lenf Lyndon B. Jahn$on to "take all necessary steps" lb protect South Vietnam. . The hearings originally were schedUled for the end _of ~tober. but were PQSl- poned to hear President Nlxon't No•. j address to the nation. ' Weatlter MoaUy lair \®ay·and 'Sunday but late nighhnd early morn- ing low clouds 'tir fog . SligbUy warmer Sunday., JNSmt:: TODA}' e Robert Culp fs a.n actor who wa1'1d tatlltr f ight th a ·11 t10Uch. Wlu~ he feels for • cauae. he reall y feels it. Stor11 tcU1 about hit life in Resurre.c- ~io1' CUy, F'amttu \Veektu Wdo11. Oltltf61 ....... ... ~ t C.I..... 1144 ,... lf.1' c.-. !tell,_. It c........ni u ._.. ._.. •11 ,...,... ..... ' a-ft • "'" lilk41s• I' lf.1' hdl _,...,. 1 .. U AMURwt If ._....,. n •• j I • 1 • • . --O&ILY Pl~OT . ' • "lf4.I~ 1~10 SUNDAY 10.7 -... -.... ,. --COSTA MESA -oNL V: FIRE KING OVENW ~RE &G~ You bake, serve, &tore, rr· . heat all in the same dish. Easy tO clean. " !" G·E FM/AM TABLE RADIO "TONKA" FOR BOY BUILDERS + . I CHOCOLATE CHERRIES ered cherTies by Welch. ._, Dark or ll11ht chocolate, 16-oi. box . Sunda11 011ly 7 Lusicious chocolate cov-4 ft l !mlttd qu1111y, nont 10~ •o N dNl•t1. '•Htl ~ftrh! . . 'nr::nr::s::il~'iHf.'8!.'8!.'8!.'!8.'3.':J ·~1::e:.'lll.'itf:.'lll.'IHf.'i1f:.'i1f:.'liH:l;H. TOUGH SWEATSHIRTS ROUGH•ACTION WEAR ~ Sunday Only 99«! GjlOOYy. PANT TOPS 2, 3 BUTTON CUFFS ~ .· AbA!.,~A 6 f)~ II I o0 @ ~Oo ~o:oo~ Sunday 222 GOLD PIERCED EARRINGS Only vouR CHOICE ~ , Sundn11 011111 Our Reg. 1.57 Boys' warm "meaa-arounds"! Cot4 A fine style for any Gal ! "Jn" pointed collars, 2 ton crew neck. Nilly pullover with long sleeves pockets "make it" for fall . Polyester/cotton a l rs! A .gal's favorite that's and fleecy lining. Reinforced neck band.for .hard 1 warm soft f8bri c that expresses the now trend. lovely bargain. Savi! wear 'an tear. \.Xfl.i.\e, J>Iu,er. ~more. S-M~.L. White, paste]!, more. 32-88; Save now ! o\\'! -· . Pa1r Lr~ ..... ""11ni' _._ ..... __ ........ ,........,.,.~ ..... "'"=_........., ......... " .... ..,,._,ml '8!.'8!.'8!.~~~':iH!.~:~ ' ';;H:.~';;H:.';;H:.';;H:.';;H:.';;H:., . ' . j ' ~ •. ~. ALL·MET AL FOLDING TABLE " Su11da11 011111 " . ' Trencher 333 SUNDAY ONLY To <l umr. load. haul. die. i.\ful ti·action steel toy. 1s 1,,··, TRUCK 683 SUNDAY OHLY Euddy L Bi;; !'ilack@ d1.1mp ~ trizck, dumps hea"y Joa.di. 20~., Iona;. :?~"x60.' met.a.1 foldin g tablt for e,.;tra s"rvin& room. \Vith carrying handle, mt!tal legs, silycrtone top. Easy storage, 511. FOCAL 100X600 MICROSCOPE Pl1,t1c caae. Inclu4es: Pre. pared slides and tool1. PATIO OEPT. 9ss SHADE AZALEA . In bud ~nd m ~loom I" pol size. 23" BABY DOLLS OR BATHTUB BABY 45-PC. MELMAC DINNERWARE SET Your Choice Sunday Onl~· 46-6 ~ Sund~y 888 ~ Onlv ~ '* .· ~ ~ Just in time for delicious holiday eating. a set ~ for ei ht in Ailelmaco.ftl melamine, by Miramar • A cuddly baby doll that cries "mama" Or 18" In socf prints, turquoise, avocado, pink, cinna· d611 Vlith bathtub. \Vith diapers, accessories, mon. N. and eyes that clos e. M ~ SAl'l'll•ic•" c, ... m,., l\ ~'8!.'8!.~~~'8!.'8!.'8!.~U~'8!.'8!.~~~~~~ • (' 41 ·PIECE CLEAR GLASS BAR SET S1111da11 011lu 491 Tor holiday t.011tlnr. 41 il•••H. lncludlna: 8 6-oz..; S-oi.; IO-Oz.: 1~-oz.; 1Mm1, 13·oi. mup, and 1 ahol glass. SUPERHARD TEFLON COATED COOKWARE Sundatr Onltr 997 'T·flC":· Teflon® set of cOokv.ut. lncludn: 1-qt. 11nd :?-ql co\•tttd sauct pans. 5·qt coverf'd Dut ch oven, tcr· •klllel. l·PLACE 18X26" GUN RACK Cherrywood rubbed to delu :\"fl' \\'a I 11 u t finish. Fell • lined i;-roovf's for prct.ecUon. A hunter's favorite! 233 SAVING ON THREE HOUSEHOLD HELPS • .1i11nda!J Onl11 Selection of air freshtntr, T·ot. 11lze In hi\· ender, pine. lfllct. floral. A!iO \Vlndow CJ~ner and S11r~ Staten•. l l"'UM •Witty, -Mid le lf .. ltri. "Hft lfrtl'19'1t, ' . . ' P i lot , ... ~ ... - . ~~ °X~~·s. Ago: It .Was N~. p;dinru·y News I By CHARLES: /I· l.OOS NOVEMBER 12, 1963: I ~a~nlshing f , story on an Atoipic f:nei;o·Commission bearing on the p;oposed san Onofre po~ plant whl!;n the inewa came in. -'/ , 1t was mid morning and. I was s,ittlng at· my typewriter staring across the room, looking for the right word. • l saw the wire editor move to lhe bank of the teletype machines, rip off several sheafs of copy and return to his desk. He sat down and began shuffling through the wire ser~ Vice dispatches. HE STAR~D, to .rtad one. Then he stopped, standing up.. and ligbtinl.,. clg~tte;L almost simullaneously. He stood there a mome9 staripg down at the copy on his desk. Then .he looked arotln,d the '. room and said, almost sheepishly, as though he renlly didn"•t belieVe what he was reading and was . afraid he'd be Iaugh~;Bt: . "Heh, Prtiident ~nnedy has been shot." , Ch•tltt ":""' The San 9notre ati:!Jn, plant story ended abruptly. There was a lot of confupon ·at f~ the President had been wounded, but It was not clear how seriously .• A SOt Of people began filtering into the newsroom from other parts of our plant. They crowded around the teletype machines. The ptiblisher came in and announced firmly that everyone w h o didn't belong ·in the' newsroom Should gel oilt immediately. They did, SEVERAL OF US huddled .with tl\e ~v.·s editor as he made plans and assignments. It setmed"Hlte every phone in the room was ringing. • I fObnd one that wasn't and made a quic k call to my wife to tell her to tunl oti*the television·: J. Wrote the fonnill obituary. When I started, I was writing it on a spec- ulative basis, but y,·e soon learned the story would be needed that day. SHORTLY AFTER I finished, word came that there had been a shooting on the wes~ side of town. I was the only reporter who \vas free and the sports editor had a camera handy so he came Ulong. When we found the place, the police were dragging a drunken, middle- aged woman across the lawn. She was kicking and spitting and swearing at Ute officers who were trying to get her into the back of a patrol car. TRE PATROL~1AN at the door said she'd shot her husband six times in the head with a .22 .caliber pistol. He was asleep on the couch at the lime and never knew what hit him. There were a Jot of empty liquor bottles lying around and th~y hadn't covered the body yet. • We went back outsi~e. The sports editor looked a little pale, so I grabbed the camera and took a picture of the woman snarling at the cops. They were still trying to get her into the police car when we left. We made It back to the office in time for the last edition. The story got two paragraphs at the bottom of page one. Bid to Supp1·ess .Evidence R~jected in League Case By TOl\I BARLEY 01 tlM ~IY Pli.t Slaff A five-day hearing into a motion tQ §UP. press evidence .complied ag.ainst A_rthur !>eWiU e League ended Friday with a Superior Court judge's rtiling that a con~ tainer which. once housed a gun allegedly used to kill a police officer can be used in League's triai All three points raised by the defense were stnick down one-by-0ne by Judge James F. Judge during the protracted pre-trial hea ring; arguments that the 1(11n case, a bullet taken from the body of Of· ficer Nelson Sasscer and the casing from that bullet shotild not be allowed as evidence against the y<1ung Black Panther. Corky Reaches Qf.ffl rter Final s (!:ipedll to the DAILY PILOT) SANTA CRUZ -United States Surling ch11:mplon Corky Carrell of Dana Pcint Friday was among seven Southern Californian s who advanced to the quarter-finals here in the $4.300 Santa Cruz Internationjl Pro-Am S u r f i n g Toumam~nt. others from the southern end of the slate who made it throu gh the cut in the three day ch·ampionships are l\tike Purpus, Dru Harrison and Al Laws, all of Hennosa Beach; Cheer K r i t c h I o w , Cardiff; Rolf Arness, Pacific Palisades; and Tiger Makin. Excellent surfing conditions prevailed In this no~ state beach city with about 500 spectators viewing the competition in 7o-degree ·weather. Surf Friday was breaking from si:< to eight f e e t on average s e t s with some heavies coming in at 12 feet. > DAILY PI LOT ....,.,. .................... a..-..... ........¥,..,.,. c--_ .... OftAH!;I COAl1 it!.111.llMIHO (OMPAN'f J.wrt N. W"4 P....-rt .., "'*""'" '••lnl:. e.,1., Vice,,....,..,.~, .. IMnelll' h.e111•• Ke1 Yn ·-Th·~· A. M•r,tll11• 'MINtlfll e•iw -c.i. -.1 :po1w.i.1..,. ,,,.., frf-11 tffdl: 2211 "'"I h!llM IOll ...... re L-hl(IH tn.F-t A- H\tfl""9IOll .._., --'""' A date has not yet been set for trial of the 20-year-0ld Santa Ana man on charges that he .shot and killed Officer Sassce r last June 4. Defense attorneys explained late Friday that there will be a change of counsel and that negotiations lo that end are presently under way. It is likely, the DATLY PILOT learned, tha t attorneys Robert Green and Michael Gerbosi will give way In the trial court to an experienced trial layer on the payroll of the Black Panther organiza. lion. Judge Judge's ruling leaves the pros· ecution in w h a t a deputy district at· torney said was ''the curious position th at we can ofter the gun but not its container or the bullet (and its casing) that we clai m was fired by th e weapon." Santa Ana Municipal Court J udge Paul Mask earlier upheld the argument of League's defenders during an even longer hearing in his courtroom and ruled the gun out of trial court. A new issue emerged from the hearing. the possibility that the prosecution will a~tempt to prove that League's alleged killing of a police officer {not necessarily Sasscer) was premeditated. Apollo Streaking Back to Earth SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Apollo 12's astronauts sailed the Yankee Clipper far from the "unreal" world of the moon into the welcome grasp of Earth's gravity today, their sights set on a Pacific Ocean ,splashdown in just two days. "We have enjoyed the trip," said Charles 'Pete" Conrad, the Vi brant lead· er of man's fi rst truly scientific expedi· lion to anQlher celestial body. Today, the eight day of the '350 million mlssioo, was one of rest for Conrad, Alan L. Bean and Richard F. Gordon. They had earned it, and earth eontrot told them tot "sleep in as long as you like. II The astronauts reached the point in spact at %:53 A.M. PST where the earth's gravity exerts more influence on the spaceship than the moon's. The earth was about 202,000 miles ah ead at the lime, with the moon 39,000 miles behlnd. , The command ship, apparenlly scarred from what engineers now lhlnk was a freak double dose of Ughtnlng on launch, Is scheduled to land 400 miles southca~t of American Samoa about I ~p .l\t. PST 1.'fond<iv. The aircraft carrier ttornet J!I standing by. \Veat.hermen p(edictcd sa11sractory oondltlons lor the· recovery of tho three _plloU:, who carry 80 to 90 pound!! of pra- cious moon rocks and ~rts saJvaged from a robot spacecraft that scoulcd Apollo 12's moon landing site in 1967. I s ' . gJ1-F•-.~;we~~ .. ~islling, ~..o · Platfnr-m ~in ks t:u 1Co~se-~i !sts Hold Fis li·irJ SANTA DARllARA (AP) -Sun·OI! Co. '!IL's top might have be.-4en~ U n side, lugboals wlll low II to lhe clrtlling fisl1cd .. for~ a J~.OCMJ.Con dtilllng, platrorffi. • hit ~l'boUOJJ1, .. a Sun ,"JXlkcatnait aaid. shf, spokesmen aald. tod~y a half-mile frorn where conserva-"Qr It might have becn .. huni _.p oil the Fearln& the new pJatrorm means fn.. ,_Qrphni:iage_ ' 1 ' Collapses ; ~ UontSts were holding a fish·in to prot~t 1 , • • . its in.stallaUoo off thelr once olJ-s'n1eared bottom. 4 , . creased chances for another blowout, shores. ' "Ir sJstl!S 1ett of wAter,u meml]er:s ot ._~~'commit~ to Get 10 Killed .SAIGON (UPI) -A•lh.....tory orl!hoo· ' age'µiat wal badly damag'cd tn a Viet Cong offensive JS monthl' ago collapsed arly today, 'cruahlnglf'lne children and one teacher JD ton11 of crumpled concrete. • Ar:nerJcan soldiers and Vietnamese civil· ians pUUed another 28 youths from the , • '"''e~kage. Among the first r~s~~ers to arrive \li'ere men from the U.& 691.h• Sig· ' 11t1l Battalion al Tan Son Nhut Air Base · "'ho have contributed time and money to the orphanage. "It was really terrible," said Sp. 4 David Blunt of New Castle. Cnli f., one of the first to arrive. "The building was as fiat as a pancake." Ming Chu Loong, a teacher from Hong Kong, apparently heard a sharp cracking sound and was running through the orph- anage waking the children when the co"'" crete building fell. She was an1ong those killed. "One of the teachers had to run for miles to a telephone," said the Rev. AD-' drew Leung, head of the Roman Catholic orphanage. He sa id much of the rescue work v.·as therefore delayed until da\"n. Rescue workers blamed the collapse on an excess of sand Jn the cement used ip the building anC: on \li'ar damage. Jn the ?.tay. 1968 offensive, the orphanage was caught Jn ~rossllre between allied and Viet Cong forces and 70 percent destroy· ed. After '!lie fighting It v.·as decided to 1:1\ug up Ute shell holes instead of rebui ld· ing the orphanage. fl.faj. Douglas Yard as of Bessemer. Pa., said more than 90 men in the 69th Signa1 B!ltlalion immediately volunteered to help \\'hen they heard of the orphanage col· lapse. "There were Vietnamese all over the place and yoiJ could hear childr~n crying inside the wreckage," Blunt said, F rum Page 1 ARMY PROBE • • Icy, 26, now stalioned at Ft. Benning, Ga., v.·as charged in the incident and a dec ision \\'ould be made early ne xt \veek l\'hether he \viii fa ce court martial. Calley \1·as le<idcr of a unit involved in . the ()peration. A st3(f sergeant. David Mitchell, 29, of St. Francisville, La., ha s been charged with assault to commit mu rder. Robert E. Jordan III. the Anny's gen· l'raJ counsel, said that another nine men still in the service and IS others who have been discharged since the r.a.id are under inyesUg{l.tion. , -,. He said the former solditrs could face c:ou rt martial under the Uniform Code ur Military Justice. 1 75 QUESTIONED Investigators so far have questioned about 75 persons, including Vietnamese \l'ho might have first·hand knowledge about Ute case, J ordan said. He denied the Army Is covering up the case, saying it is not In a legal posi tion to give details or talk about aspects .of the case because It could prejudice the rights of the men who may go to trial. "Whether a crime wa!I committed and who did it will be the t\VO big issues il there is a trial," Jordan said. Jordan ag reed the Army might be in a better position from a public relntions standpoint if it could come out in the open. The !!latement Friday came afte r Se n. Charles E. Goodell, (R·N.V.), and Rep. \Villiam L. Minshall, (ft.Ohio). urged SPparate congressional investigations in- to the incident. Cleme11te Planner Howard Willian1s Dies; Rites Today Funeral services were scheduled this morning in St. Clement's by the Sea Episcopal Church, San Clemente, for Howard E. Williams who died Wednesday at South Coast Community Hospital. He wa s 76. Mr. Williams, vice chairman of the San Clemente Planning Commission, had been ill for some time and had unde rgone surgery Nov. 12. He was appointed to the commissiori in 1962 and served one term as its chairman. A native of Idaho, he was employed by the Western Division of ContlnentaJ Can Company in San Francisco for 'IT years prior to his retirement in 1958. Survivors include his widow, Glenna, and two sons, Robert James of Palo Alto and Ronald Howard of Fullerton. Entombment -pill be at the Sanctuary of Faith, Eternal Hills. Oceanside. The C.mpany sent a leotl\ .. of divert .. Whetbtt,the lop jVu ~1Ct<\ w)lr' do, OJI CUI 'GOO lie!•• llie ft!l>in ~y. dow~,over!!Jiht 19.o>Ce If ihe lop o~lhi ~nnine bi>w: ... n 'WkJra cal\.l't~~ the 'We'll bold OU1, said GOO chairman Al t3li-tiy.ISO..t00! $f0ll Skelct(in "'lis darft.. ~ pla~orm :_a half-milt.,east or a 1_1n'lilir rig Weingand. : • aged w,h'eo. it ~nk' top51 turvy m· the ' , w~re an oil well bfew out last January, Elgnt to 1~·~ll hive taken bJrns Pacific ·Frlday afternoon. ~-• • · 'pOttutlog the' sea an(I be~~'· . ' anchOred il'Oiind the 1clock on the pro- "C0inpant • sfx\ke'sinan said Jmpfotfcr'· Comp8nY 1poke§men ·.Ald workers po6ed drilling site In llD eflort to impede bnla~ct caused u·(o nip when workmen would 1.ry to ~P alrl nJo. lJie upjlir' P.'rt .the com~ny when It tows the p1'tfqrm slid. it off a barge. lt's eigh t J~gs w.ere or the hollow legs, rtstotmg proper baJ. into position. The boatsmen held f1lhJng poking from the ocean's ~{ace Six miles 1 a11Ce. •• .. • .pol.es over the ~dt Witli lurel on tbe llnel. otf~c.. ., , ,Wbe~.-tfu! platforfu .ls '~oatlng On ...._lj.i , Phlt'.one re~ ca~~ REMAINS AS CHAIRMAN Newport·Bal's Palmer • .. • .. -' LEAVES PRl!SIDENCY Newport-Bal'i Blomgui1t " NewportS&L AcquU,ition Completed by Imperial $20 Million . Complex Eyed Near Baek· )Jay Plam for Park Newport. a lttige, t:zo. millibn residential complex overlooking Upper Newport Bay was unveiled thls week by Gerson Baker and Associates of San F;'rancisco. The 50-acre ·residential development was-designed by the' archlt~ as a "tqtal environment~· approacb of blen· ding structures, Jandscapirtg aild recrea· Uonal facilities into a total community. ·_Ultimately, the project will have 1,302 l ptt'tments and townhouses renting from $190 to $400 per month , spokesmen said. The development, sitting atop a knoll near the corner of Jamboree Road and San Mateo Avenue below Newport Center, is already under construction. M'mgled among the two-story apart- ment and tow.nhouse structures will be a $750,000 private health club spa with olYrJplc-sized po;ol, seven other swifti.. ming _pools, a ceDtral park, aeven tennis courts. pUtting greens and childien's play areas. , A neighborhoOd conven,i~nce shopping center also will be built within' the com- plex. Completion of the first •1z mllllon ~·orth of the development should be com:. plete by next ?Cay, sp,okesriu!TI said, It will include· all ' the recreation and commercial segments Of ·the plans. Con- tinuing construction \\'ill add more dwell- The Imperial Corporatioa of America on Oct. 21 , 1936, with a· few files, a couple ing units. of San Diego loclay connmied acquiring of d~sks and a typewi·itef:.Totat 'assets The first segment, will have 700 com• all outs~ftding s h a r e's of guaranteed pleted apartments. " stock of the pioneer Newpott Balboa Sav. wer~ $~·800· In concept, the spokesmen said, the ings and Loan Association of Newport \V1lh1n 20 years, to\al resource~ had , Park Newport c10lnpleJ ·will resemble Beach. ~rown to $26 million. Today, the Wort~of .. Bakar's \Voodlake development in San Negotiations between Imperial and or. the association Is pegged at $112 million: "Mateo. ficers of the long.lime Newport firm had Newport Balboa Savings and Lo!ln .. : Park Newport's central park will ID- been disclosed earlier . . t 1 f od elude pools and a small lake with a IO-. · . Assoc1ahon now opera es ou o a m ern de&ree clock tower and sculpture. Agnes Blo.mqu1st, president of. Newport main office at 3366 Via Lido and baa a ' Bal.boa Savings, fqr th),P8Jit ~1~ years,._ •N Ce · . _ _ resigned th at post.and Imperial P'resiclent branch at ewpo r!I. nter. . • -• Jack H. McDonald becomes ne1v head of It now becomes I.he l~th 18S~.9JI-F u·m w ms Bn.Q, 1 the N.ewport as~oclation. l\1iss Blomquist O\\'ned by Imperial and-Jh,\f~~ ;t I.,: Ii· · ~ , remains 8.!I a director. firm in Callfomla. ,', ··i· 1-~Lt\"'· ~ p• k • ' Paul A. Palmer. founder of lhe un· IC eting Ne1vport firm, remains as director and , . board cha irman. l•'rot•a Page ' l ' I Newpo1t Balboa Savings and Loan SURRENDER .. s' At County p ant Association was formed by Palmer llnd . · several associa tes in 1936 at a time when • • . A Santa Ana enlrtneerlng finn llllC· Paln1er was pushing development of Lido ce•cfu)ly moved FHc!iV 'to halt picketing Isle. along on the Tuesday night raid, could &t Tts plant in a.Supe'~i~r Court comp~int During that depression era, Palmer not be rea C'hed to determi ne if Costa which seeks $1.5 • rrillJJOn ,"frotit the learned that no financial .il)stituUons twle!\a police "'ou \d seek 8ddllional com· International Union of o ·p e r ,.fln g this side of Los Angeles would loan mon~ plfli nts llgain!!t Lusk. •• Enginiers, (AFIXIO) .~ - ey on "rlsky" beach properties. . , bl k d Superior Court Judge Robert Corfman ·The· Ne,vport firm went into business Rls long hair clipped BnCI . s 'nee re • signed a c ou rt order which technically rlenctl whe re his beard had been fre shly baos union·organized picketing at the Yes, Art Thefts Are a Problem NEW YORK (AP) -Art dealer Stephen Hahn said Friday that $500.000 worth of pai ntings v;cre stolen from his gallery whlle he dis· cussed the problem of art thefts \Vith a group of other dealers. Hahn said seven paintin gs by Im· pressionists and post impressionist.s were stolen from his Madison A\'Cn· ue gallery Wednesday night. One of them, a narro\V oil or wat. er lilies by Calude Monet. was worth "more than $100,000," he said. Hahn described the thieves' taste as expensive 6ut "conservative." saying that they passed up paint· ings by Picasso and Juan Miro. Other painUngs taken were works by Camille Pissaro . Georges Rou- alt, Mary Cassat, Berthe Morisot, Henri Matisse and 1.farc Chagall. The paintings apparently were stolen whe,. Hahn was at a meeting of the board of directors of the Art Dealers Associ ation of America. "The main subject we discussed, was the thievery that has been go- ing on in New York lately,'' Hahn said. shaved, ihe young suspect' seer/led Plant of Transport Dynamics, the Orange nervous while waiting In Chula's oUice. County division of Lear Siegler Inc. The Jtls fa tht'r, who owns 8 Los Angele11 firm manu!actures ·aerospace and tq. di'.rstrial bearings. . • ~ machine shop business. seemed grim ·and The bulky complalnt alleges that uni91l uncomfortable, 1vhile each spoke to the pic kets have been harassing employes other only occasionally. since a strike was ordered last Nov. 19. Young Lusk's difficulty ,vith the 1::19 Included with the lawsuit is the documented testimony of employes who be gan last Seturday afternoon in the rec· have been threatened, workers w60Se tory yard of a Laguna Beach church cars have been damaged and employes 'i\'hen he allegedly went to pick up a bag \\'ho claim that they have been followed hidden In some bushes. home from work and warned that con· tinued defiance of Wlion. orders would Patrolma n John Saporltn. In unlrorm, directly affect their families. Attempted to stop and question t~e long. Judge Corfman ordered both parties to haired youth, who scurfled, broke tree and appear · Dec. 3 for further discussion of ran, leaving his truck behind. the dispute. • The vehicle was traced to Lusk and A company spokesman asserted late F.riday that picketing at the plant was warrant s issued for him on that basis, ac· continuing despite· application of the rording to a spokes1nan for Chu13's of· <.'tlUrt order. fice. A quantity of what appeared to be morljuana was found at the scent, but how much was nol disclosed. Big J ets Won't Cut Fares Until 1974 Information relayed later sent Cnsta Mesa detec tives to the Sanla Ana Avenue address Tuesday night, but the suspect WASHING TON (UPI) -Aviation's new escaped on foot before be could bf ar· 400.passenger jumbo jeUlner will not rested . • · bring any Immediate fare cuts, according A I. l 1 h 1 !hr ghoul · the' · • to a staff study by the Civil Aeronautics n n ens \te man un ou . · · Board (CAB). surrounding area failed to turn up ar.y The study indicated the airline Industry clue as to where he went. 9.'<>uld not nallze profits from the huge The atmo9phere was calm and '-'OrdlaJ planes "unW 1974 and beyond." It clttd Friday when Chuta and the elder Lusk two factors -the high cost of introducinlt tui;ned thE! youngster In to Detective Nell the plane, and the initial gap between the · Purcell at the Laguna Beach Police great number of stats and the amount of Department. passenger traffic available. .Apollo Was _H.it by Lightning·~·Twice SPACE CENTER, Houslon (AP) -T•n· tative analysls shows that Apollo 12 ":as hlt twice by lighlning atte~ It Jilted otr last week ln a Cape Kennedy rain s~orm, space orflclals say. The 363-foot-tall rocket and spacecraft a.!sembly 'vas struck once 36 seconds af. ter It left the ground 3ll(I a second time 52 St!Conds after Jifloff, Donald 0. Arabk1n ~ of the Manned Spacecraft Center pro- gram offl.Ce told newsmen Friday. "The rocket and engine plume exhaust ) acted Just like a wlre that ran trom the clouds to the ground, U1en from cloud to, cloud," Arabian said. "We do h11ve photographs showing the Jlghtnlng strika which orcurrcd at that instant," he said, "and this was the dis. charge that "'·as from the cloud t" tho ground. ;ind we believe 11~1' the lightning - path was travtling along the Ionized l!M plume nn down to the. ground . , . Wa feel llke It was a fairly 11ealthy dis-- charge." There has btcn considerable question over whether lightning actually struck the-rr'oi.11\d troin---. cloud laytr a,ooo feet the ahiP at launch. high. Space c agetieY officials 33id 1~er the The s~ond 1lgbln1ng bolt, he snld used launch that reports from aircritt had th e rocket's flaming tail to jump from showed there were no Jlghtnlng-produc-one cloud to another. Ing elements In the rain clouds, and this Arabian said the lightn ing burned rour allsertion was repe3ttd at the Friday sensors which report the temperature ot 11tws conference. But Arabh1n addtd the spacecraft's skin and four others thal th~ presence of the ship' With .il's : .wht~h monltor ~emptratttres in the man- rocketUre apparently changed the poten-euvering rocket's tuel. ti.al for tl~rlcal discharge, or lightning. The ~i,scharges ,also knocked out the He said the ionized stream Of tire tron1 spacecrart's..fuel cell tcmporarly and u.~ tbe rcckc:t 's exhnust brought the tltcb'f· !N:t the guldanct 1)'$lem. BoU1 falluru city down the vehicle and the . nameto were quickly (\xtd. ,, ' •• Nlntlyqbt intmben and Mt:nda attended the flnt an- nlvtnaty b<llQU<l ol tbe QosQ of Ille er-.MI II Ille il"'J>Ol1« 1M 1"1 week. llilhlilbt of the e ·V e n I n & '" • paforn:1aiite by the 2f>. Wlco llOI> Shepon! Chorale. !!be Rev. Doctor Vinc<Ol . Goilulo, Jr., founder an<! Ji,uur of Ille chu;ch of Ille Crllisroldl. Introduced the .......... ·o1 bis church coun- cD and u.ile who -e lnslnl· ...maJ wltlt him In founding the churcll with a munbenhlp of 107. 1'1e church meets In the Chapel of Pacific View Me- . morial Park every Sunday at 11 p.m. Dr. Henry Gerhard, minister of Ute Cltllrcll of Religious ld9ce of Lagan Beacb, will speak on .. The Power of Gratitude, .. ar the 9 and 1 t a.m. urvJce1 Sunday at the churcll, lOOIZ Llguna Canyon Rold. HiJ~ schoo1 membtrs will partldpll< In the .. rv1ces by J'Ll!:ading scripture and leading the medUatlon. Following each =·-. .......... "'* zx:e :&£ •• a~~ . ~ --... stn.1ce they will a e r v e mrt1juneoll. Junior churtll and bob)' .......... ·~ ...... ID& the t q'clock ouvJce.' • A missionary to J 1p1n the Rev. Joan Wakeford, II ~ to show color ~".ft tlial country, KO(u,. ll«lj Kooc anq Soulh Africa la a 1111< II 10:4& a.Iii. Swtclay In lhe Foanquare Gu"' Ckarc*, 7tS Lake St., HunJID&lon S.ach. Miaa Wiiieford ..,.. dal<d '4th the Fourequara Gospel denomlnation in 1112, and graduated frqm its: tr•ino Ing center, LU'E Bible Col· lege, Los Anceles, iri JIM. Sb• has spent fiye )'Uri In Japan. A film prelil!:TitaUon of West lrian !New Guil>ea>. including the fabled 6hangri·La, will be shown at tbe 7:ao p.m. aervlce o f Foaatala Valley Pretbyt<dla Cllardl; 9 U 0 Talbert, uY, the Rev. Sta.iley P. Allen, putor. At the 11 a.m. aer:vlce sermon number eight on the historic Wettmlnster Shorter C.lechbm will be given, UU<d . ,.j.7!•' ti ··~ P-ew "Tht Meonlnp of ni... Big Worda: Juatlflcatloo, Adop- tion, and SancWlcatlon." The Chapel Cbolr will &Inf . Tiie Sonday ~ !>our II 11 9:45, aad yopt,!I meets at 1:00. "'!lie Therapy or ,,,_Iv· ,,.,. ~ the ...,,,.. loplc ollhe ~erend Norman · L. Brown oo Sonday, II the' l)'IDOGUt Ctqnpllouf , C...,.. o 1 Newpori Harbor, SIC Broad SI., Newport Beach, 1110 a.m. worship service. S u n d a y School is held at the same time with babyslttin& service provided. uBaU Out" wW be the sermon toPic oI the: Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie at the Preab)'ttrian Cbwrcb of the Coveuat, ZUO Fairview Rold, Costa Mesa. Worahlp &Uvlces will be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church school tlu'ilufh sixth fll'ade wlll be held at 9:30 a.m. "A Pause to Refresh" wil be the sermon topic or the Rev. (See PULPIT, Pap 5) Soulhlincl Executive .Resigns Dr. Carron i . Shuster, chief radlinistratlve 'officer for the United Pres~ Church In nine Soulhem catUornla eoun- UH and Hawail, bu real.ped, effective Dee. 31, lo become ~ecuUve of the S;ynod of Florida. Dr. Shuster h .. beeo refal<d to Pre 1 byte rl a n I 1 min Southern California since 1§0, when he was first named ad· mini!ltrative assistanL In 1'52 be was elected e•IC\ltiVe secretary of both the Synod of Callfomia, Southern Area, and the Presbytery of Loa: Angeles. He held lhb dual poat until Dec. 31, 1967, when both agen- cies were diJsolved, and he waa ·named executive of the Synod of Soulhern Caillomla upon Us organWitlon." Dr. Shuster ls a former president of the CouncU of Churches in Southern California. Church, Temple Schedule Service An interfaith service for members of the Unitarian Universalist Church, Costa Mesa, and Temple Sharon is scheduled for 10:30 · a.m. Thanksgiving Day at the Unitarian Churth. IW Vic· tori&. Rabbi Garson Goodman will be the speaker. His topic: "Tbe Why of Tbanksglvtng." llJ1nle tO Cemtt Bleglngs·· What Thanksgiving Weami .BY LOUlll CASSELIJ u,, fhllt loll wrttw•. Tblnb~vlng b ' A aon borne safely from Vietnam. • A. wife .,.00 alsaya meaaures up to big crises, even though Ille may fuU and fret about llWe onei. A BOSS who asks how ,...,.. coming with tbe work load you're alrudy carrying before be glva ,.. something else to do. A friend who has an In· fallible instinct for knowing when you 'want company , .. and when you need to be lefl alone. A pa~or who b willing to sll and suffer with you, ntbil!:r than glibly minlmiu your troubles. A DOCTOR who is 10 con- acientious he worries more •boul,.ur·hWth than you ao. A ....U.f!y nephew 1\'bo.can be bribed, with one low:y dollar, to believe that you're the la!I ol the big·Ume ~: ; An ~edlbly fl I t-h f u I newspaper carrier who gets your paper there on titne every day -even ln the nastiest weather. A P~ who always aeemed u happy to deUver as YoU were to receJve Jetten poe:lmarked "APO, San P'r31l· ciaco." A neighbor who can fix anything, A brother-in-law who's a first-rate lawyer. A COWiin in the automobile buaineu. A BUSINEM partner wbooe meticulous honesty w o u I d make Abe IJncoln look like a aharpster. ' The opportunity of working at a job which you feel is worthwhile, and I« a. mm- pany that not ..... In JI.,..,. has ever asked )'OU to do aay .. thing dlshono!abl<. The chance to Pl Into haoled. WI • nt\'91' ·I b I r y arguntenlA about things lhal really matter with people who , really care -your colleagues In the bu.in<" ol reporlln( the news .. THE PRMLEGE ol living in l COWltry that Is strong enough to to~rate dluent .and adinll mlitakes .•. a coo.itry which, for all of it!! ahortcom· ings, provldea for It& people the Jarge.t measure o f freedom from·opp,resslon and want lhll 1111 ever been •t· lained in any bwrtao IOClety. The."-joy ol beJna alive on a·crJsp COQ1 N.....ii.rdq; The unquenchable JrituitJon lhat all um dldn~ )1111 hlppen ... that there's SO?MOne to be thankful to, as well as much to be thankful for. ORANGE COAST-CHURCH .. DIRECTORY . LOOKING FOR MEANING& R~LEVANCE? ... ' FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH <A. 1. c.1 l'alnrlow Rd .At Fair Dr., Costa -. · f A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worahlp ~ , . ..,...._5"11tfwlty-hpft II~• S,_.,, ....... PrtMt. .. ..., C..meN"' 141""'' HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1UO .... St. 9t folMew, c ..... M-.... c..i. ,..,... ,__ Sunday School 9:.S a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Ba))Uat; Training Union 8 p.m. Evening Service 7, p.m. Wednesday Bible Study &: Prayer .............. 7:00 p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 6IO HAMILTON, COSTA MIS4 •IV. J. O. WALL.Act S1111cl•v Sch••I •••••••• 9;45 Tr•i11!11g U11io11 •• , , • , , •• 6:00 Mo,,11119 Wonhip , •••• I I :00 Evo11i119 Wor1hip ,·,,,.,. 7:00 Wocino1doy Prov•r Mttfir:g for t U •9•• •••• , •••• , , , , • 7:JO ...... MZ·flll N1'"" Alwep A•efl.W. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2251 t . I. 'ALISADQ ROAD SANTA ANA HlllHTS SUHO..Y SCHOOL .•••. , ................. -••••••. 914$ AM. MOllNIN• wotl:SHll" , ............................... 11 A.M. IVINOIO WO•lltll" , ............................... 1 l'.M. MIDWlllC SllVICI WIDNISOAY 71• .. .M. "WIMMm s. AcMn, ,. .. .., Clltln:~ '11-. W.Mn BAPTl~R~~RCH , FIRST CHRISTIAN CHU'RCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IM.NCMll o• TNI MoTHn CHUICH THr •11tST CHURCH OP CHllST, ICllNTIST IN IOSTOH, MAJSACHUSITTS "SOUL AND BODY" Sunday, November 23rd · Cetta Meta-First Church of Christ, Scientist 2UO M ... YlrM Dr., Cnte M .. Sltld., kMol-9:11 A.M. Cltardi Semca-11 A.M. holll'l.loolll, Jaso .w .. Y.,. Dr. Hunt ington B1a·ctt-Flr1t Church of Christ, Scl1ntl1t tlO Oliff S•.O., kltool-f:]O Ir 11 :00 Ch.irch -11 A.M. S.~c• RMdlAt ltMtll -II 0 OH ... Laguna Beach-First Church of Chr l1t, Seientlst 6)1 Hltll Dr. Q411rcll & S.lldey Sclt..i -t :JO & 11 :00 Reodl11t 1...., 2a<4 ..,._, Newport Beach-cFlr1t Church of Christ, Scientist JJOJ YJe Udo Clt•Kll & S.Me, School -9:11 & 11 :00 ...... 1M11t, JJ1 I YI• Ude Newport Beach-S•cond Church of Christ, Scienti1t 3100PL1Clflc Yin Dr., CONN .. M• Cllurch A IHdey k*l-10 A.M. ........ 1...,. -216J I. Co9lt Hwy, ef Potnlttif•Yf&ilr'I •. IAIMl'kl11 tal'f!NI 11~' 17411 M..-A.,P.Y. All are cordially invited lo attend the chU.,h Victoria & Placentia Ave . services and enjoy the privileges of the Costa Mesa Reading Rooms leY. hM Hntas. M._,w J·-.. "'-cy Mon1i119 Worth ip l ;JO I 11 ;00 -Suridt y School , , , •• , , •• 9:l0 't'oufh Metti111 •• ; ••••• , 6;00 1 Prtytt Str•itt , , , • ,, •• , 6:30 M11i119 s.,...tct • , , , , , •• 7:00 ...._,. A¥tllMll It ti kn'lcel Mlnliltr C•llcl C:.r1 Pr•wfded AT ALL Sl•YIC(t D••t l• "",_ 11:~~~~~~~~~~;::::~~~~~~:::::::~~11 Youtll MlllfsfW 11rty W1,.1t111 ............ lrJt 1.:.... '"" k'"' ················"" ··~ ST. MATIHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH Mtn1l11t W•rilllp .......... 10:• 1.111. y"""' .,..,.. ... ~ .............. i ,.rn. I M S ·,I V....,. ...... , .. , •..• ,., .. ., . .,7 11-m. \ i11ouri Vll<>V 14).2421 :.~:::y Care P~~~~' UNIVER5i°f'~PPlR'Kh5cHOOL S111dbur1J 11 M1tfl.11w1 in Un iv1r1ity P1rk- WOltSHll': 10:JO A.M. ~~::::=:;~~~~~~~I FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Church of tht Otlly Wor4 NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH M1in & Ad1m1 Streets l•rt111 .:.n:~a .... r I Hunti n .. ton Beech 15th l lrri111, N1w~rt l11ch 1 '9 (h nlol" Cltll-Bulldln;I Mor11l119 Wer1 hip •••••••• l rJO A 'l:OOAM 1:4SA.M. Su11d1y Scltool l lbli Sthool '•• '' ''' •:<4S AM 10:00 A.M. C1wotio111I St rwic• Yo1th 6roup1 • , • ,, • 6:00 PM R1w. H. Ni1rrn1n11 .P11tor lll-1211 E¥1nint Wenhi, •••• 7:00 PM 01'1'1(1.: -w. (NII H~w1v. H.I . Emphui:rlng l lMI: •n..r .,...,,. -WM. -, '·"'· Pilon•: ..Wiii ' The Pim of God Huf'Mrt care PrlYldtd 11 •11 •erwlcn 1t The Person of r1o..1~t 0tt1t1: m.utt 0111 p.M11....,..SID DIALoA:PlATIR-64M6Jt ""'" ~~;;;;~~~:;:;;:;;:;~~~~~~~~~~~Ir The Power of th• Holy spirit fJ S!llld.y Sdtool ' AM Morn!~• \Voritilp 9 1MI 10:30 AM CHURCH OF RELIOIOUS SCIENCE et H"'""' •t1tll Mtl'llMr Cllllr'UI .. Unit ... Cllllfdl lttlltltut Sc:ltrKt. l.U A1191ln $UNOAY $l!ltVIC:f .•• 11 AM M!111t"1 •• , Albtrl llurl\1, It $.t.F. THI lllll Cl.UI 01" NIWl"OltT llACH •• , ..... 11111 .. llllM PLEASE DON'T COME •. TO . CALVARY CHAPEL ' If y•11 1r1 looki11t for 111 tl1!Jor1!1 pr•tr•m. or 1oti1I pr11tig1. l it if yeu ''' look int f<:r i11.G1pth l ib\e 1h11fl11, Cllri1ti111 ftl· l0Wlhi11, 11'14 l111piri119 1plril1d wou~ip, you'll lo..-. u1 l To ecco,.,. rnod1te our 1rowi11t chureh f1,.,!ly -now h••• two Su11d1y 111ort1iftf ttrt'lc11, 9:)0 111d 11100. Nur1t ry c1rt. Corn1r of Grttn· ¥1111 .. Sunflower. 14J.Jl21 .JJarf,01• Ckri6lian Church O• NIWJ'OaT llACH-(DIKlp ... ) MMfhlt ... ...., H.,,.r ...... .., Sclt11I 425 I . 1 ltll St .. Co1te M ... Church School -9:30 A.M . Worship -10:45 A.M. H.,..,., Core,.,......~ Phonr. 675-3915 Minister: Dr. D. W. McE!roy CHURCH OF CHIUST 2'7 W. WILSON ST., COSTA MICA lnWUH "AllOI ...i PAllfilW SUNDAY MO R.NINte l lllf: STUD\' , ,, , ••••••• ,,, t :<45 A.M. SUNOA\' "'OR.NJHG WOll,HU' A COMMUNION •• 10:<4f A.M. SUNDAY IV!NIN$ WO•SHIP •••• ,,,,,,,',,,.,,. 6:00 P.M. WE:ON£SDA\' EVfNINW l llLE STUD\' •••• '! .•••••• 7:10 P.M. HUlfll•T ~II P•OYIDf:O D-.. O. M.,.W D. •· H•nt ,........, AuMI ... M!Mlter Ph"!'o.:.J41.l711 D!Y ot Night •• I Evenl111 SIM« 7 PM Wednff<llV 8Jbl1 !iludV aild Pt1)'1.r 1 l'M NullCry dur1111 Mlir¥LIX' A full Youd. l"tu1u1m Crn. of Or1np and 2Jnf. St. Co~U M"-1 P'•stot H. £. Jor>tS; LFCA ,1.\br, . COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • u.itH a 1fCh et RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 611 HELIOTROPE W•l'lhlp -10:00 A.M. <420 IOtll SI., Hu11tin9to " l11ch Pho11• Sl6·2120 CfrlHCh kltHI -10:00 A.M . or. PfllllP o. Murr1v, Ml1111i.r MIH $111;1ey S!lbf:L, C.(.I!. Ad ult A Youth S1 rwic11, I I 1.rn. l•t Y••r Cl111. W1d., 7:1 5 p.111. llNm PATI, MINISTllt 67~000 Seventh-Day Adventist Churches C.t. MIM L .. 1H Nlt..e zn AMC• Sh'Mt wtnfll,. I• J1h11 Sh1wm1k1, P11lor s..tflt ...,_..,,...a.rd! "'on11 141-6596 JJll2 Cntw ,...., ,_..., ........ kilMI , , • t:JO AM M ... Wentilp ••• 1l:OOAM ,,...,_ MMtf .. • Wff·7:JO PM A.£. R1wto11, P11ler Plto111 : 492·1916 Sabbetli Sch.-1 • , • , 9~0 AM M.nilfMJ Worthl11 •••• 10110 AM ' ' FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH t040 T.etMft AN. CT .. Mrt I M .. Nlle1, POUHTAIN YALLI\' UNIFIED SEllVICE. Sut1d1y Schoel t :JO -WORSHIP. IO:lO Won hlp A Youth G1011p• -6:JO p.11'1. , HUl'ltfY JLA\IMM 11 Ill ltn'lt• A ~ly OWrtll -Vllltorl ~ Awtn W\ll<enw ~VANCiEUCAL FREE CHURCH .. """"..,.. .... 1912 PMriM A.,., IS6o7fll t1U A.NI, -'"'"''' kf'ltll -A" ,\tfl 111• A.M. -Mlnllr!I W.rlolllll, ' II .M. -,.111111 eNU,. ,! .. ,.M. -,_..,, Str¥1c .. , ,.M •...... ,.,. """" A.M-"CONTRACT OP \.IFl"-l1M .. ZO P.M-''Weftl'"J 11 the Tr1tfl"-J11ll Joh1t • 4 rhrt1 1J THE EPISCOPAi,; CHURCH W1lcom11 You. ST • .IAMU. J2ff Yle LU-. .....,... IMQ 7 :JO -...-H9'y IMllettlt 9100 1.111-Mentl1t,,.,., 11t & JN 5". H.t,1.-...wa4ns... 9:00 .... .-cMrd: ScHel 11 :00 ... .-H ... lildlerhr lat & Jnl s... Monil .. l"NY'lf JM & 4fll S.11. c•lld c... et t :oo ...... The a.. . .ICllta P. Att.y II, ._., Tiie .... D..w A. er.., Aiied ... hc.ter ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS PLKlflc View Drlft Lit M•9M1lte, CONN 4el M• S•lldey: 1:00, t :Jf -Cllllll CoN .. ftJO H•ly hp • A•1•'td All ·-Welciltlll: Rwter. Tiii a.. . .W.. 1..-n hwft:-...._ '44 M6J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. s.-.,. 7:JO & t :JO Qwcll ~ -t ill Th•ndays: ':JO & 10 e.M.; Holy hyl • eMHtltff Ylut, Tiie Rn ..... , W. Dt:...._-...... 141·1lZ6 ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH •rn• 11. " c:111,.. '"'"' -J"' '"' If .. ,_, h int• HU11tl11tlltl IMCll. Cllfflr>1ll TIM 11w. "'""' c. ClltY, 1'11ttr SuncNy Services I 'll A.M. "°" CMM19111tn t <• A.M. l't"llty kn'ICt a Cllwtll ,, .. 11'.M. ··-"""" 11JO l'.M. llllKtptl 111• A.M. M1n111t1 WM'lflll' Y ...... Cllwtfl-HU""f Cl"' l',..,1114 FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 146 .E. 22nd Sf., Costo Mesa 541-3761 M.C.~ ....... ,.. .leNhlhikt.._.._ · l•v Ni,hol1011, Mini1t1r of Youth SUNDAY SCHOOL -9:30 A.M. EVANGELISTIC CAMPAICiN Nov. 16th thru Nov. 30th Sunday -10,50 AM & 1 PM Tuosday thru Frldoy -7:30 PM SERMON TOPICS: ''Christians Beware" "What is Your Relationship with God?" "Pentecost, \Vhat is it?" "Tb• Baptlsim of the Holy Spirit" "The Man God Can Help" "Give God A Chance" EVANGELIST EARL ODELL r..;1r h ..... ht-TMCher Ylll™" w.ac... -H•....,., Ane.dnt S.... ~ "9-kllMt -Mr•. Johll GoU"ick, Oir•tfor "9HI: 64S.2]2J SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOO~ har~?.;, .;;!?o~G temple meeting at St.limn Episcopal Church o 3209 Via l ido. Ntwport Beach For Information: C.tr 67&.7230 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 140 W. Wll1on, Coit• M.1• Y. L HUTWICl, Pater 54 .. <4704 .. •Ollltf I . SISTI• Mln!tllr If ICIKl!ltn CA.Ill GIHTllY Mlllht.tr If Mwt!t SUNDAY SERVICES S.Mer Sclil>HI -9:41 A.Iii. IO:tO A.M.-"Tlle G'"htnl ef ..,_N •. 2,. S11f!'le11 bv P1llor 7:00 P. M-"Ow "'-' be1M" s.r...; ~ , • .., COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ,.,.ldwl -1t1••,.""' -,..........,., -0t11:1 ""' TEMPLE SHARON * ,..~"., ............... Mt!,. H.tt. Al'M 617 Wnt "-'ttH• C.... MIN All Jtwi•ll ftfl'llli•t •r• lrt¥itff to !0111 ijf lfl tr11ly lt'lt111!119ful SAlllATH IYININ• lllYICU PllDAT et 1:11 P.M. Sftlnt..I "-'--•..w hrMll ...... 646·5552 T,,.,,r, Shi ro" Choir -01111 Slt1b1t Ml-1 <4J2 Attend the Church ' ., of your cboice this week/ · NEWPORT MARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 2501 Cliff Dr. LI 8-4293 Tlieln._J...,.,..,.,,.- Tlle ..... lOHlclWW.., --· F•mtlv Wotllllp t :IXI kl 10!311 •.m. SIJL'ldly Stmol f :JO Ill lO:JO 1.m. Worsh1$1 Slr•lt• 11:00 !o 12:00 Nursery care available at all services WELCOME LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Paclfic View Dr. Corona del M~ DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mn. W.Jwe CJl•••nt.1., P'.W.Wllfl1t Phona 644-2664 9:TIA.M. '9.rlyW•nltlp 1 O:GD A.M. S1U.,. CltlltClt ...... 11 :00 A.M ........ Wenlllp N......,Pleow.4 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mls•o11rl Svno4 760 Yktotie It., c-. .... LetW ¥. Teniew, ,_,.,. 541-5404 Wor11llp Serwltts: 1:1J & 11 /A.M. Sund1y 5clloo1: t:.10 A.M. .-,dllll 151?:!t C!1J1 : t:• AM. CHllSTIAN ILIMINTAIT SCHOOL 14Wl6t P~INCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mae Y9f'de Drl.-e • hlier Street, C"te Maa, Callr. AHDllE\¥ C. AHDfltSOfril, P11tor Slnllv Sd!Oll: t:IL t :XI 1nc1 ll:DO-Mon:lrill WWlfllp: t :oa. t :lO Md n :ot l'ri11c1 of P11$e lutll1r1t1 School -Mi11 E1t~1r 0 11011, l'ri11cl111I Offi.~• Pho111 : 5<49-0521 School Pho111: 549·056? ST. PAU\.'S LUTHIUN l\Ussourl Synod 429 Cypr•st Dr. Laguna llilch In. W. I. Nl•r.,_._ :I . \Vorlhip Service. -10:00 A.:r.t. Sunday Sc:hool and Bible Class -8:45 A.:Ptf. Phone: Church ~94-7998 Parsonage: 494-8110 • A Cordial W elcom1 frorn THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1ll:io1 l1l1nd THI UNnlD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 115 Agile 675-0950 9:)0 Tr1ditio111I Wor1hip A Sul'l41y School Colli M111 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St.A H•rhor l lvd. Ciiurcll Wonhip -9:10 & 11 Church Scltool -t :J O S<41.7727 Co1t1 M11 1 North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M111 V1td1 j l1k1r SI. 549-2719 Wor1hip & Church School 9:00& IO:lO A.M. Hu"ti 119to11 hick FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 51 6·1537 5,,...Jc11 -9:l0 l 11 A.M. NUTl•ty tllru 2nd 1r1d1 • 11 Ch11rcll School -9:)0 A.M. Hu"tl11t+o" l11ch -North COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 H1il A••· 1<42.<4461 Wor1hip a Churcll School 9 l tO:lO A.M. lrvi111 -E11t l lvff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH l]J.121] I 1<422 Culw1r Ro14 11 U11i..-•nity Ori•• Wor•hip A Church Scllool 9:JOA.M. l19u111 l11ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21632 W11l1y Drive in So. l11u111 Wo11hip I I A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. 499.1011 Newport l11cll CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1<400 W. l1lbo1 11..-il • 67l-ll05 Wonhip A Chwr<h Scllool t':lO A 11 A.M. ---~-- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian JOllZ Mopell• IN"' AftMll HMti.,tMleeclt • ..... Da:liold .. 11:.-,,.. ,..., ....,. W ....... : 9:10 A.M. Cltttn:h khHl1 101<41 A.M. Offk11 HI I J M.,..11. St. ,.._1 9""4940 Church of the Covenant JQO Pel"'-• ltMll, C""9 ..... llU(I A. K•1nl1, P11tor S.MerWenMp: 9:l0 & 11 -Cltwdl ...._.: t :Jt PlrtoiM: S4MJM e I 9' St. Andrew's Presbyterian CArch ... .... -. ..... _,... .... CHAILU HllllltT DIDINPllLD, PASTOR Wlnlllp•Cllwdt~el:' 91101 '' A.M. 646·7147 ' St. Marte Presbyterian Church c.,.. J_.,,.. 1-lwM.W Dttft,,'C.... .. M• J_ . ..._.,..,,_., W-.M,.Q ... ..._.-11A.M. 644o1141 Comnmnlty P,mbyterlan Ch•ch 411 ...... A,,_ C•MSt.J, L41fe-.... DA.LU.I TUINR, PASTOR· WenW, • ttlt • 11 rlt A.M. -Qineli ...._. • 9'JO A.Iii. 494•7SSS W1 l 1li••• In Yow , .. UNITARIAN UNIV!RSALIST CHURCH 1259 v;,1orit St., C.1!1 Mt•• ,., "52 lllrld•Jt _._ lt:il!IA.M. Attend Iha church of your choice on Sunday • ' . ... 1MI ·~ WOil.i Boroseope ·.l!nlp jt • •• t • ... ~ and Pew . . - "Y .. ... Taurus: Don't Be Reckkss (C•dooed &om Pqt C) •tlbrtn Dale Fllckb11r, • at z Ntwpon ·U1111¥ C ' a re ' , . !""Uni II tbe Sealor Cllbena Bulldina •. 11th. Stree~ and· Irvine Avenue, Newport ~Beach. ' A ThanksgJvlng service will ! be held Wedntday at 7:30 . r,.m .. Pntor Fllckln1er · eadJna .tho -pUoo Jn a ; 1lnpplt1Ucr.i. -- • Flnt Baptlol Cllarcll "" ~Day SclMcll, 301 Macnou., Colla M.... wlll hear a aermon "O Give 1'hankl Unto the Lord," by the Rev. Harold Anderson, al&Oc!ate putor at ·the II a.m. mornin, wotlhlp. Putor Anderson will also •peak 1t the 7 p.m. service. Gueat preacher on mlasion SWlday at St A • cl r e w ' 1 Prtsbytertaa Ctiare•. 600 St. Andrews Road, N e w p o r t Beach, will be the Rev. William Grubb, ml!llcr.iary lo Korea who Is currently on furlough. Mr. Grubb's topic will be "New Dlmensioll3 in Mission.•• Worship services are at 81 1:30 and JI 1.m. Rabbi Garson Goodman, spiritual leader of Temple &••roa, t h e ctm1ervaUve ·temple of' the Harbor area, wUI preach a aermOn entfUed "M•n and the Universe" on Frldly nllht worship services at 1:15 p.m. 'nle temple is located at 117 Wett Hamllla.1 Street, Cost.a Mesa. A regular Oneg Shabbath will follow lhe services. The rabbi will be aubted by the Temple Sharon Choir. Pastor Ronald White hu chosen 11 h1a sermon Ulle for both the 9 ir.1d 11 a.m. worship service "An Expreaa:lon of Thanks!'', bated on II Peter 3:8-14. Newport Har II er Lutlleran Cb11rcb, 2501 Cliff Drtve, Newport Beach. Sunday_ Is .the day designated for the return of Thanks6fferlng Boxes by the women of the church. TI1is special offering support& m8.ny project! and aervlce3. Services on Than~eiving Day will be held at 9 a.m. Putor White baa chosen as his sermon title "Thanksllvtng", based on I Timothy 2:1-8. "The Bh!ulnp That Hallow Our Days" will be the subject or the sermon ·at Barbor 1 ChrlsU.n ctnireb, DhttpJH· et• Christ, Dr. D, W. Mc:Elroy. minister. The congregaUon meell at H1rper EJementary School, US E. 18th Sl, Coota Mesa. Sunday School ls at 1:30 and Worship follows at 10:4!. Nursery cart provided.· The subject of the Lesson-Sennon to be read tn 'Christian Sclnce churches Sunday is "Soul and Body." Pae:s&,eil to be read from the Bible include this verse fn>(a Psalms : "Why art lhou cast down. 0 my soul? and why art lhou disquieted within me? hope thou In God: for I shalt yet praise him, who Is the health of my countenance. and my God." Thanbgtvlng D1y services, including a period for ex- pres1ions of gratitude by members of the COJ.grtgatlon. will be held at all Christi•• 8deoce Cburc ll e1 on 1bursday, the time lo be determined locally. Cburcb of Tbe Naurtne, 1885 Anaheim St.;Co.!lta Mesa, holds Sunday School Sessl(l.1 at t :30 a.m. with classes for 111 1ge1 1t the morning worship service, 10:45 a.m. nursery care Is provided. 'nle Rev. Charles Snyder will be spe•k· fnr on the subject 11Proeram for the ,End nmes". . At the evenln& worship tervice, 7 p.m., the Rev. Gordon W. Blenkhorn, Callfornl1 repruentllive for Bible Uter1ture lnterr11llonal with headquarters In Colum· bus, Ohio, will peak on the oubjec~ "What WUI t h e Harvest Be" Colored slides ot Vietnam wtll also be ahOwn durlD& tbe service. "Jnctnae and Thlnkl&ivin&'' wiU be tbe aubject ol the sermon by Rev. O av Id ~·atQrioC"Que,by ... ltL Tho d!urel! Ja ~a\ed 1t 1~ W. Balboa ~Blvd., Newport Beach. Early Y.·orship and church school are at 1:30 1.m. with mor.tlng worebip at 11 a.m. Nursery care II provided. 1'he Senior Hlah Youth Fellowllhtp meell at 7:00 p.m. each SUn- day. Latberu CHrtk Of n. Maol<r at 2900 Paclflc View Ort,., Corona clel Mlf, olfen two houn of "·orahlp at 9:15 Ind 11 a,m. The convt&ltJon wlll observe tbe loll Sunday Jn tbe Trinity Seuon. D r • William R. Eller will dtllver the measa,e "Be Villlanl" bued upoo.the .Gorpel !or the da1, Matthtw 21 : 1·1!.. Tho Senior lfl&b Luther Leacue wtll hold a mountlin retrtlt over the weekend. ';How a ChrilUan Gives 111r.iks" la the tiUe ol the sermon which thole who worship at Flnt Cutsdu Cbrcb of Costa Mesa, 792 Victoria Street, wUl hear at either of the motnlng worlhlp &ervices, 1:30 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. At 5:30 p.m. the church wtt1· have a TharWgiving dinner for members and friendl of the church. During the Vesper Hour, T p.m., the colorofOl.lnd movie, "What A Way Ta Live" v.111 be shown. This movie will present hlplights of the 1161 North American Christian Con- ve.1Uon which was held last July Jn Detro!~ Michigan. 'Ibo final two -1001 ol the Family JJfe Conference wtlh Dr. GleM O'Neal will be Sun- day at WatMr Aveaae Baptist Cbrctl, Warner Avenue 1t Gothard Street, Hunttnaton Beach. · Dr. O'Neal, prola.aor ol practical theology at T1lbot Theological Seminary w t 11 speak on "From The Home To The World" r.1 the 11 a.n1. worship service abd "Christ - A& Home In My Heart" at the 6 p.m. service. With the ieneral breakdown of marriage relaUonships and the homelife so widespread in America today thes. Bible rtl&ted messages are or Jn- terest to everyone. Visitors are cordially invited. Nursery cir~ provided. . -- The Flnt Uniied Methodist Charcti, %121 17th St,. Hun- tington Beach, wtn Conduct two worship services Sunday at 1:30 and 11 a.m. The Rev. EcMard C. Erny will preach on the sermon tit l e, '1 Remem b e r l n 1 to Be Grateful". 'Ibe yroth 'Choir will a.Ing at the 1:30 worship and the chancel choir at the 11 o;clock service. A-coffee clatch will be held at 10:30 a.m. for the Church School teachen and helpers. A Thanksgiving eve communion service will be held a,1 Nov. 20th at 7:30 p.fT\. A folk service by the young people or s~ Job .TIM DMH Epllcopat Cruell, 2043 Orange Ave .. Costa Meu, will be the feature at the 9:30 Lm. service Sunday. Members are asked to bring packaged or canned foods for the annual Than.sgiving da,y ''in ga th erin1'' for lhe Eplocoptl Cbllclren'• Home. Sunday school will be at 1:30 a.m. with nursery care provld· ed. The early communion service will beeJn at 7:IO a.m. On 'I'hanksglvln1 day there · will be strVlca 1t l :SO and JO a.m. each Friday at tbo Huollngtoo. Volley 8aflllt Church, I'm Slater Ave. Tbt IC!lad&lle calls for colhl 11 t :U 1.m., lelaon from 10 lo n o'lcock and • di-period from It lo lt:30. The clus ls an lnterchurcb, lnttrcommun.lty c 1 ·a as · for women. Anlel)"-1 Dantuma. of tbe Moody ln1Utute, Chleqo, ii t1achl111 tbe claa "Advt& lure With the Bible.'' Mornlnr worJhlp la ICIMdul- td for lO:llO a.m. at Raunc- . Uao Lulbtru Cliurel, 1181 Hamlltoo, Huntlniton lltach. Tho Rev. Arthur R. '!'lnlley. pastor, wll speak on a 'Way of . l>l.recUon llld Putpoee." Membtrs w r 11 completo their pled1e1· In ·the· Educ&· U<t.111 Building followbii •tbo aervlce. Churcli school meets In ll'O seutons: third araders ~ 1bove 1t I 'a.m. and nursery care throuab aecoDd gradera at 10:30. '!be •dult dllc:u11lon group will meet at I 1.m.· The senior and youth choirs wUI •Ina at 7:30 p.m. Thanks- giving eve service Wednesday. The empha1l1 w ft I be on youth 111d millions 1t 9:30 a.m. Sunday aervlce at Clu11t P.rnbyterian Cburcb, 20112 Mag:ioUa, HuntJngton Beach. Janet Mentzer who went caravanlnj: In California In the summer and M1rde Martin who worked at the Clmeron House, San Francllco, will discuu their experJences. A Rnlor hla:h partnt dinner will be held 11 5:11 p.m, at lbe church. 0.1 ThanbeJvini day an In- formal communion service wtll be held 1t lD a.m. The Rev. Don Roberts, pator, will lead the worship. This Sunday at CommWlfty Ualied Me&llod:l•t Ou.rcll, e&&Z Heil Ave., Hun~ Buch, the Rev. Charles Rose will pre1cb at both the I and 10:30 servlce1. '"l'he Gift o r Gratltude". Church sch o o I chlld care Will be available at both hours. The adult bible class meels at 9 1.m. and the "Arthltects" a c I 1•1 for adults meets' at 10:30. The Mesa Verde U Di t e d Me&Mdllt <*lrU, 1701 Baker st., Costa Mesa, wW blVe two worsJilp servtce1 Sunday at I and 10:11 a.m. 11ie Rev. Paul C. Biesemeyer has selected "Think! Be to God" u his sennon topic. There wlll' be church school at I 1.m. for all age& from nursery through high school, and at 10 :30 a.m. from nursery through sixth grade. The j11.1lor hlib youth fellowahlp meets at 6:30 p.m. Sunday and the senior hl1h group at 1:30 p.m. Monday. The week's events at the Baht'I Ceoter, 98$ Victori1, Costa Mes1 1 will be· centered around the llklay ftast of power. Tonight 's meetJni will be hotted by Mr. and Mr1. Lto Rovln while on Monday •l I p.m. Joe Adams will dlscsus "Home CUiture" ln his firt1lde talk. Tuesday evening will see the observance of the Day of the Cove.11.llt". On 'lburaday, in cornmemoraUon o f t h e ascension of Abdu'l·Baha the Ralph Slu'olber1 wttl hold a supper at 11 p.m. followed by re1dlngs 1t 1 a. m. Churches Laud CRIS -~ ., ~ • e>~ '1!>~ ~~ ~~ 6~ u ~~ fl I !S~w~ SUNDAY NOVEMIER 23 BJ IYvNSY OMAJUI RECREATION HINT1 Vlotts wtdl rtla&tves, Uort joaneya aroboltcaW.N_,..._ lor 'rtUlq. NOS IP OTLIGK T 1 ~ •o•rl com• --· ARID (March ll·Aprtf It): You may not pt wheni you are pg ·u fast u you like, bu! you wW reach cleSUQIUon. Best to 1vold excess speed. Rmttve who speab lhlrply D1l1 not be Jn but pbyslcll condlUon. T41lRUS (AprU JO.Moy 111): Study fbanclal r e v I e w s , revelaUone. But don't be Jn too much or a hurry. As&trnn,.te I n t o nnaUon. Reckle'ssness could provt eo&tly. Don't be goaded Into lool!lh w.,.... GEMINI (Moy It.June IO): or1onlzatlon. Vlllt tbooe who may be hotpltallled. Be -1ldtrate. Chtirttable octfvlt1 ts beneftolal. llaed I p I r II u a I c.u..e1 . LEO (July 23-AUJ. 21): A<:· cent on your desires. Get aid of -· Don't permit prtde to stand In WIY of procr .... Be ll'•'!f\ll \for favors. You ett ~ today lo luUW k a y uplr1ttoo1, • YJllGO (Au1. II-Sept. 21): Review omb!Uono. You could get 111,...tloa which ·-road ol pregreu. Key la wtlJ. !.,.,ell lo learn. . CruUva thln'Jng 11 your vut Illy. Be wllilni tO chance your miDd. LlllBA (5ept. 13-0ct. U): Full moon aUeda: area of chart related to dlstCnct, journeyl, ldtalJ. Best lo leave detolla lo othln. View preject .. a whole. Do not be dbcouraged. Your villoo wtll bl clear. SCORPIO (Oct. :13-Nov. II): reet1n11. B«Uin1 e-la ... -.Lototben know lnl" dellreo. CAPrucomN (Dec. 21.Ja. II): Fine for 1et0n1 p<Olier rtlt and recre1tlon. MU.U tUe care of yourself. Bii'° lllu• caa bo handltd. You do not need to reach too '-r afttld. Stay In yair own ~ Thoayou~ . AQUWIJI (Jan. zo.rab. 11): run moon po11u.., c:o1o- ddn Mtb romaaUc, cnattve Jntm1ta. llaal with cblldnn • Tell n a ~ II. It lranl:. If you "" ol, ,_.o~ou illo itcllve. Act f)y .· l'llCll <F•b. If.March Iii): Atlr.ltloncentm......thome but. Be --tt r..i-tna np111..a bJ tklen. You ..ru __ .,_ rtenct. You 111 thf1 bf IQ. . eanwvattve coune. 1,300 Plan to Attend Lutheran Youth Parley Cy<it htali. DreN for 0<ea1lon. You could be center of •l· tentlon . AccePI reapoollbllty. Reword may be deloyed -but It ts corninc your w1y. Reallze thfa; oct acconllnaly. CANCER (June t i.July 21): What · was hidden ".1ow I• revealed. Best to work wtthln Be wt11ln1 lo diseuu, Jn. wstlaata a r e 1 s prevtoualy close4 -Include• who apendll what and how rnuch ts to be t.lcluded In allowance . M-ae clear by end of day. S~GrrrARIVS (Nov. I-Dec. 21): Sootlllht ·on jOint ellorta. Consider p_osal b llltf of p a r tner!htp. Commurucate TOIM.Y .IS YO UR B l lTB DA Y, excltfnc pooolbilhitl an aua to-. nalltltt. If lfn(le, you could be IDlkfnl marrtap !Ilana. II married, travd could be on agenda -or an addition to famll!'. e.~~·. Mll..:r~i:v. to~;;=-.. ~~,,f· ,t!fO~.Jf...ft.Y. , ... ;_c1n1 •• r~ The largest lnter.Lutheran Youth Congress ever held wll be c on ducted 1n the Dlaneylond Hotel, Anah<lm, from Nov. f1-30. D1vid Anderson, fow>der of Lutheran Youth Alive, the spollsorln1 or&anluUon. report, thtt 1,300 members of 200 Lutheran churches will 1t- tend. Clooed cln:ult TV wtll be aet up and overflow regiatranla wlll lollow the c:on· gress from two adjacent hotels. ''Cbenae. Ibo Bl& llowld" has been Mlected as the theme of conclave ol youths from thrte major Lutheran synodi: The Lutheran Church In Am e ric a CLCA); The American Lutheran Church (AtC): an<I th< Lutheran Chureh Missouri Synod. •--------------""1--------------Featured speakers Include Rev. Erling Wold from Grand - Forlu, fonnerly pastor at the c i A M ,. • g Emmanuel Lutheran Cbun:h , , oa~ rea " ee. 1. n 8 . in North Hollywood, 0 r • C!9 Conrad Thompson, director of • .,...,.:r._,_.,.,_,,.,..,. ___ ..,,,..._,__...,,_ ___ ..,..,,..,,..,... __ evangelism for the ALC, and the black evangelist, Rev. MOMOAY ctro,.. '"' Nw•, u ,_, IC••IM'i. S.Ult\ Cati ~i.i •• (.Gita Nelson Trout rrom Min· p~c1J!~1~""\K~ .. 1:i11tt~ H~~ .. J·~,·~~r,~ c;r~·!:='c~,.~"'a nu palls, who will speak on h«h.~ 0r111" $trttt. H1111tlllltol\ ~. ~1,:0 ~ c...-~ °"" ,,._, "1\' fllltllo "Peace, Love, and Freedom." Nt'.WPOrt lf~iQ:o ~C1tl1~ CMI ~nl1Y°11tcrt':f*'l"il'::lff, 11\ff He,,..,"" ••M:ti I•~ Cll.ll!. a.tilcll' CltlHM w, Ull'I 5ttnl ,_,., F1lr•rou1111t, Cot11 ,..,..., II aion lttdl l11r1< H\lntl"'* Mu.IC by "The Son"•ht," an •nd lrvlne ...... -. tw'*1 e1.ci, 1 m 11 -· "'6 10 1,m. 1Exd1i"'1 Cllib of trv\M IMv1lrJ1I Wttfr'lllMW OPl11!111fl Club, KIM'I afternoon In Disneyland, and u .. 11" l'und fxK111tv1 Botrd. Corti 1,,., .. ""'" "'!•I ~1111. Hf1 Tl'blf 11tt1t111ran1, Wt1tm111111r. 11 1~1 lltllf lltt tltur•, ltoU H«llOr I JYll,. CMa1 Hl ... t r, hldlo -. • 11 rtlev1nt e ~""ve courltl c_.. ,,.,_, 11. _,, -c..t.> *",~.,., c.Mtr. c.ta II:::. lllcb 11 "Faith, lntlllectual "=.r~~11'fitf'lan~~~.=~ v ~,Wf_.!.!r. \~ =1r"".; · f,t1 ,,.:' · -11trt ~· c-te Suicide?" and "Drue• and Su .ConN ck #4r. U -~Ir.IL 'fUW: m 1'" '~' ,~~1'\l'f1~~. c~~ Abuse" will be offered. ~. H~ C~~f,,'Tl 1C..'1', ~ ~~'i•fl'lllf: 're: . l"ld. 11il1 ~"'· ' nie ct1nsres1 will climax li"t:r."~~ ;.{~~~ ~ 'fli.:..~:Jf' ;;!~'"it ~ """" ... ~~~~' .,.__.._.. With a public youth rally in the 1:, 0 •,, "···H.fi.-~ &Ttl • "liM n o.lllll'Y ?hib; CIOJl'KJL Ulllffd '""""" ltfltt. tll W, Melody· land Auditorium at 2:30 1 7 ' 1·'-''c. .!!.!, l1m:. vrne r.:,,,,.,. ..:il:Mco.rz.:,."" =~~ c 1u11 . ~'(i ~ ~"t Cll•"~ l 1r11t11 "6'r1ff. '1111WP011 t1dl. 1 .....,..1011 IMc:ll 111'1. H1111tlllffM on Suqday, Nov. 30th. . Jrlif!:':!-!1.1Ml~~11:::~•::;~:. H~~~111~~.LT~ ~-s.~.,£'~ Muff ~irt, ~ Moe Ttrn ... , ltkl ,,_ loc~ '°' I"' l'reiffVlllon • f11tr Vitti MUll'llc ......... ~ HI.I llltlOll lhtc!I. : 1.m. . ·1-11.-mtfll tt l1rbtr loholl T9!0lplt, 1401 llM'I Slrtll. N...,.,, Interfaith Service . Set at Laguna H~lls CMlt M-HtnYll~Y l.._ NO. tf ~w.sntl'?!,,IC.' Al f!ltf)(t. ~ I Mdl. 7:• tt.m. OOd l'"ttlowl Hill. 2.Wo4 "'""'°'' _ !:l 'u:.l .. --- ·' ·" c ' --I • -, , y,,,W, hit , ""'' O' t •· • ' • t ' L .. IPll KtlL Ml W. ltlll ll'r'Mt, c..tt o/.i~lllowt \Allltl "'· 10. °""' ,..... ,.., •:• '·"" ,,., ,_1 "' ..,..,11 11 .. """'....., u.c.1, ,.. •rcM. ~ Ktu. '9!I ltt~ p,ffl, Ullj"""1 ti Ctl!Wrllt lrt!M. 7:• l .O:O.M . ..,.... ,.... ua .w I!. 1""' '""· ' SATU•DAT ,,., Cell• Mmlt. S:ll p,l'J'I. c -ltlbot lltj=b, N..-tef I"'"' 01Plt!ltn ~llnlft"I """' ..NllWl'Ort , S t.11'!· ~ llclllr, ltlMI ltY (..,._ NtwMrl IMdl. 1....r:=,_ ...,,. • .::"LMt l.lbr.n. 7:• '""" 'Ibe 1nnual Thankagjvlng Day service sponsored by the Rellgiou.s Council of Leisure World will be held at 10 a.m. Tbursciay In the new Fir.;t Baptist Church or Laguna Hiiis. The yearly program is plan- ned to involve most of the churches oC the Leisure World communJty. Officlating in the service thla year will be the Rev. Vemer Olaoa of the FJnt Bap- tist Church of LICUM Hiiis; the Rev. Frank Pumell ol th< - Dtsctples of Cbrl!~ and tbe Rev. Jobn Simpson of the Geneva Presbyterian Church. ';The Therapy o f a Thou1hUul H e a r t , ' ' the sermon topic, will be delivered Group Eyes New Facility by the Rev. Lawrence Hawley of the United Methodist Chureh ol LaguniHlllt. Dr. Allan H. Howard, Pml· dent of Temple Judea, will rt1d the Pretldent'1 pro. clamttlon. Opening Closed Life llii 11111 R.-""''-• ltlt AM, 7:•j~~~~w~=~~l .:.'RI'.--.... , ... VII... .... °"' N••~· .. . -fllft. UI IMl'JftL 11'1111 llilMo 7111 ..,... ............. A•ltrt .. ... Or~ tM11Y C,_Mr If tl'le Olt.._ ......, ,._..._... °" ...._. ""' .~:i:t;~:-;. ::= ...:m .. ;:1y ~~ ''" et.tt """' f tu"" •w1 AT ••MltMuan 1~'"· ,It,,,. '*"""'"' Clv ,, °""" Clergy Also Can Get Help BUSI NESS AND PRQFESSIONAL ·· · , : GUIDE' AUTOMOllJ.I MONTREAL <AP) -Many Individual and community IUe "Uvln1 11 a celibate 1119 \¥.AXING & POLllHINCJ people 10 to priests and to rellglous vows of poverty, never been. an el15Y task, Iatmen A !!qlMs mlnlstin fo< help. What abool ob«llence and ch • • t I t Y • especially Jn U,. t1me1 we'r< ci..- memben of the clerp who Pttaoos attend.Ins also can living ln nw. Many brothera 545!6040 t need help tbemltlva? roceive lndlvtdual coumellna. and 1111111 bave ~ onfen ROY'S AUTO DITAll. •1 • ._:. .... _~ Montreal •-•·ar ..... ~_,... r... wtthoul any omill erperlence -Newpor:, <:-. - .........., ~·11a _,WJ ·~ .. -.. and encounter' the 1e1 drive Pl'll D&..11wa a Dt11YWY • hu had 1 center to offer and lncUvldual client charlf! with d--ate turmoil at the ,.......;.;;;... .._,,., cMtell I poycholoiicll assl!Wlee lo ol $15 an hour help cover tbe -·-I u-1n relif)oua llre. operational coot of Ibo aervice, an of '°·" • MA n11w1s -• i Bec1uR o1 the nature ol wbfch Auger Indicates will be Auger 111)'1 moot -In 1----.----- thtt llli and the kind o1 people about $100.000 this year. It is orders control the sex drive . MAmWIS attracted to Jt, "there's an alf4Upportlnc. "thnlugh autbenUO-rellsioua IO.l'l'I • BOMD • TllA"ZM awful lot of suffering, suf· The klea was conceived a commlbnent" while othen .,,..... ...,_ Brti. Gen. Thomas F. Rlley rertna: without any senae," year ago by 1 groop ei( can sublimate It tnlo other ac· Ollt9 ,.. ... ....._ Ot. (ret.) will head the Co-says Dr. Lucien Auger a psychologists who realized the ti vlty. l lN NewfOlt • .._ ordinating COmmittee or Our director or the Centre need ror a service lo meet Beslde1 the preblem8'peclll Ubetty 8-1303 Lady Queen o( Angels Oiurch, lntttdiscipllnal?"! de Montreal. problems facing ~e cltrl)'. to reli&loo• life there are Newport Blvd., • newly form· He adds, b" way of ex· There are 15 fufi.tlme staff othtts which are more a • -UPHOLSTllt'Y ed group of pariah members. / I 1 d 1 11 • let They wi11 hold their flrit planallon: members, n c u n g reflect.Ive of today 1 aoc y. meeting at noon Sunday at lhe "One girl who came to us q u a I i f I e d psycboloib:ts, '"111e religious life is being •· Irvine Coast Country Club. had entered a nunnery to Auger says help is available challenied and tbls leads to Members will dllcues a plin at.one tor having le1U81 rela· to peraons ol any J'tll&lon, but tnsecurtty," 1111 Auger. He The Santa Ana-Tustin Coun· to construct a multipurpose lions with her brothers when this is predominantly a Boman notes that between 5,000 and Mesi UpJiolstery Ullerty M711 ell of Churches has formally structure to serve u a library she was young. B e c a u s e Catholic ma. Within a five.. 10,000 gave up rellglou1 life UN NIWflOIT IL"· "ResurrecUon and the Life" commended the community for the school and a meeuna rell~ life didn't sutt her, mile radius of lt.s Montreal 1....:!ast=.:.Y""=..:in::.:Can=lld:•:· ___ i=.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,~ will be lhe meutae f.ven Sun-rererrll Wormatlon aervice. place for groupe: wtthln the she wu mia;erable for ZO JocatJon,there are 12,000 nlllll doy by the Rev.?!!..• J;,!!:!· CRIS wu defined by the church. yean. rt ondand .!,~. rollglouo brothers pallor of the r u-mt _,.. .. t council as a "centr1liud All mtmberS ol the parish "To be productive, a p est t" "" ....... Clnltdo of Huatt-Beacll. clearing and referrol omce are invited to attend th• or OWi must be true lo hf• or Similar centera In New York o-n Sundays 12 N-n to s· p.m. 11 wOt be a eontinuaUon of a which can prov!de a v1lu1ble b ch 12 Ill\ her self. We try lo help them and Cbk1go are sponsored by r--VV I f fr ... run , .~. ~.-~. ser a o mesures om uic link between· the private devek>p their pattnUallties u J\atnan Catholic cu .... ....-. D•lltfltfvl 1!rte11,Jftf """ ..... C...'s gospel af John. Servlce1 are: at ctuzen, CCUltJ and cl t y well u cure the problems." "We want to Jwve our bands •n•I••" •Ir 1t!Hllt1e....i .,.,11 •.• 11 ,,..,,, ~~ ~~ A1ve~eew~= :~f1o~~iu~~~~1~~1 -~~~ Hanoi to Accept weeRak~11m1olnartbe1 .~~·! tr~~~e;_ saa'1ar'· ,. number ,,.,1911111tt 'MH•'•• Th• ,,,..,_,., a ... , --""A'""'~ 1•11P:11:1 .. ., M.m,.mt ry W1rtl1. ht•~ I Hl11t•r tf St11 01.,. fwy. IE1<f 11 a.m. at the HuoUnglon 1pncle1 tbrou1hout Oranle Pri'soner Gif•a tbe p-ovlnce Indicates 111 Jn. of problems related to '"'°'I-;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;:=;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;;::;:;~:=:=~=;; Beach Cllapel, Sixth • n d County." .,. tereol· In tho work It I! try1n1 llooal lmmaturil)', probablyli' 0r..,e. . 1 The llOl>pn>(lt a 1 e n c Y , 1 to do. · becauoe r.uit-1111 Is too Cburch ochool wt I bqin at recently 1-ated, 11 beln1 TOKYO (AP) -Hano p 1 y c h 0 I 0 s I st 1 ot the cl-and 1119 too UHle con- 1:'10 a.m. ot the downtown !uncled tbrou1b srants and Radio wd today Cbrlatmll oemlmn. 11., talkl nolaUnc tact with reol Ure. church. Junior and senior high p,roceod> from the "11 of llfta for American !>ril0Mn1-:::==============:====:;ll youth lellowsbfJ)I wttl meet at I The PIO!lle Booll," a di,.._ fn North Vlllnam wtll be IC·'' ~~ p.m. on Sunday. 'Ille Sunday tory of bealtb, we 11 are, cepted Dtc. HI by tbe North BIBLE TH0l.JGHTS everilng . service at 7 o'clock recreational l\ld voc1t.lon1I Vietnamese central pott of. will be based on Unlvtrs1l 1ervlces available jn Orange flee. I See by Today's -Want Ads Bible Sunday. A tervice will County. The broadcast, monitored be conducted at 10 1.m. 1be commendation also cm-here, s1ld the method of sen· Thantnivt.ig day at the J1un-braced U>e Or1nge County ding the presents by family 1912 HCOITA•-:_•:~· tlnatonlkachchapel. Department of Health, whlch membert of captured htfped Jn the Ndtlal 1ta1e1 of Amtrtc1111 will be t.be ume II ~=-:..,:.,::':t,:'·~·=•-:1ot:• ·~C::..==~~A~ll"'U~'!p~eal~l~ed~the~~F .. ~atala~ devdotJment by h<tpl~ pro-"f,revlously uaed." It did not llCIUIVI STaoN• Dltlfrill c•u1t1 wot, ••~•• c•11t.11ff.,., llt bllolirtf, w•uMt 1114 'r.4 tyt1, th .. lllil• 11v1 (Pr. 2112f) 1114 '"·It lioltt tfi lllrit-t 11,r111t ort#-tfll!itMi II•• 1t1 t414,," lvtrtt J21. MILLIONS of lllruflktt4t 1114 th't fr f1mlllt1 ''" fttfift .tfi•t tt.11 i• trM. l•c•1tl"• 1trollf 4rlfllr I• 1Moll1lroly th• W•rl4'1 tNt fttt CUltSE, e THAT -IT'S own flemorial pork -F vane, 81Mt claa is meet.ing .;;;;;du;;oe;.";;ThaiiiiPiieoptliliiiiiiBoo~k;;. •!P;iji;er;aiibori"iatu_.V:-______ 11 Huntl,.ton llH<h l { ORTHODOX* P11£SBYTOWI CllllRCll ................. tH1 .... It,. I ....... • ..... AND WOltST OF ALL. th• l liroi• 1oyt 11• 4runktr4 1h•ll tnftr HE.AVINI 11 C•r• 6110 ,Ci.ti. S111, IM. 1:11). A DltUNKAltD It Iott tflltNALLY. A ,,,. woy .. AVOI D 4r111U11111 11 +. 1t.tv1r t1lro tho fint 1lp. ' eDIMI eA NYn•rY fit u111U thlhire~ MOaNIN6 WOQMIP -t1 :H A.M. Th• So111h1""its Mo st &tlilli/iil Mnir..VU Wliy w111 t 'P'ltf 1'"1011 lff1t1r4IM hit ht1t1tlMtt htN 1M llort• 1U1r i...,11,.,i'""*fflt wltli thol!f 4il111r1 0.. 1t1YH h.wa, eflkl TOO LATI. wflettltr Mt ch.Ml~ 111tlre,.1' 11 tHh tht t IM will .... , .... o 4t1111ror41 Tlte TOTAL AISTAINll htt i..tttr fwitllh 1114 -o llottitr Uft ..., t¥oltllllf oltoMil. A ..,.,,., fellow 11 MOltl OF A MAN to r1h10 tltoftt ilrh•• fftt11 t ro hit c•m1t111lo111 who 1111 t.r J.t. 11 mt11 011o••h to 11y, "NO". . IY THI .-~CE OF eoc;, tlt111lt•"'• .... ltt'f'• thlt .. 1.r ... htllolt 1114 t 11t It aff. l't ul 1114, "I (tll 4o ALL thl"'' th,.uth CHIUST which , .... Jllth.fl&fli fl'lt", f'hU. 41 I>. Uit fll. 4rwflktrt1 , ... 1.,0 lo 1tucl., I~• lift of J1t1n ·11 hit lll LE •IHll Illy oltttlltftt• t M p~t.,or rtlttt• hlm1tll frtll'I tht SLAVEAY of ttfo119 41h1•I Coftlt, •tlltfy ·eur.1 e DAYI • ..., ..... ._.141 ...... . a ......... w.M .. ... t 6:1•1J6J ., 114·2H 4 "C111fe,,ru t• th••• Mll•f• 1114 ,,,,fle11 h114 !rtl111rlc1l/y -.,., ' ,r11'9yf1tflM. MAUSO~llJM • COl~ • CIMITll'I' ~= TREES of the WORLD I 01t l rltlo with u1. Chur'h tf Chtl1t, 2S7 W. Wll101'1 St., C.tlo IL~M~·:"~·=C~·'~"·~·~·:··~'~·--~-....,,...-~~~~~~lll!:::===============================:i:'. •• ,I • j \~ I I t . --. ,. . "" -... ---··----· , - Can Natural Gas '· . ··p~,l rition? llY JIEINI J.' coilaEu.· ' ' -.\.lr.i.~ . . ') ~:--" .... _ ' , \ SOONER Vil LATER " . .-· venloq, .does not require slgnillcant " I . For many ye.an, SOutbem Callfomlans I and th• rajdenll qi ~r ft!eln>P,Olltan .,.,. throughout Ibo country have U,Ved "'J'hi Picwc IJll>Unc et!iltM«• weal' I<! \ioli. Iii ffciv.mber, 1988--leac thao ' \ ,_ . alter :the· llart of the reoearch J; ~ pitllmlnal')' multi ol the pro. gram,~ announced. '!be answer wa a d~fuel Velllcle. Clean-burning nabtll· ' P.'"""'8'111& used lnltead o1 , ....... ' 01•-ellgfnei l'llXWkation and the estimated colt for eonvers:ion kits, <OD ~ ,m"'8 pro- docUon basll, b approllinalely'l300 per vehicle. the ·legal atandanf of 1711. Oolde1 of ~trogen were •reduced to 11+ _ppm on natural cu from t,078 ·on 1asoyqe. · with the air pollution 'problem. 11· \vu lint ooi.cl In SoolherD Calllomta< In I.Ml when Cabrillo sailed up ·thocoul and saw cloud& ol smoke hanilnc • ov.,. ~t te now Loa: Angeles. He caJk.d the area "Bahia de lo& Fu.mo&" or '"Ibe ·'Bay of Smokes." Today, thole clouds or amoke have become smog. All residents and visitors to this area ...,. famill&r with the eye irritation, reduced vla.i~ility, aJ!d other m effect. accompanying lhll atr Where cooventional mot.or vehicles are -apt to' be pollution ofle..i.r.-.t "llpP.- 'Y'd·F''. opeec1s in heavy tratoc and ~ tested urban ....... Tl>e cklal·!uel 11111<m ·"¥ ~ ,drama Uc re1qll& In, the,-redlic!!on ol air . polluUon em1sa1o ... Four "'1iclu were l ',ullli2ed in !)le pilot tes\ project. ~ veblcles have been drlveil a-total of ap- proxlinately 40,000 miles since con- ) version. stabeequenUy, an addlUonal SO Another ·test vehicle· was a I!l6a Rambler Ambassador. Mapled lo the dual·fUel system alt.er se,OOo miles Of use and 9cting an exhaust control device IJtcause U predllted the requirement, the Rarebler ' showed eve,1 more drastic reducUons In air contaminants. This passenger vthicle tested out with 0.14 percent carbon monoxide, 133 ppm in hydrocarbo"8 and 150 ppm In oxides of nitrogen wblle using natural gas. On gasoHne, lht. correspondinir flgure.s were 4.4 percent and IZ.5 and. 1,315 perts per • pollution. · A recent report blued by the Loo ~ngel<s COunty Air Pol)!Jtlon Control District pointed out that gqollne.powered motor vehicles are reapoMible for, 87 per~ cent of the contaminants in the air ln Loa Angeles COuntf. The report stal<d ihat W percent of the carbon .mormide; 8 per. cent of the hydrocartma IOd otbet orgairle gases, and 62 ,percent O( the OX• hies of nitrogen in the air were due to the operaUon of motor veblcles with iot.emal combusUon en&ine& ' What operation of the motor vehicle 1 beyond. the ranee of the stored natural Pl fuel Is desired, the pull ol a choice-like cable located on the dashboard con- '1¢8 operaUon of the vehicle to gasoline. Tills simple oonversion can be m4de while the vehicle ill operating .• GuoDne operaUon on all vehicles is the same·U THE !J.U: <>r, NATURALGAS,u a !uel· oo , original equipment when the gas4lr for Jnternal 90!'\bustion en&fnei ill ~ a mb:cr oontrol cable is set for gasoline i!ew 'coocepl. POclllc Llghtln(.S)'llel1!'• operiUon. pl~'statlonary com~ engtnu "·" ' h.,.. operated for .years 111 nalllral gu. · llqMPRESSED NATURAL GAS for ,o;. 'fl!!I, fuel also la used by elJ. field !fllea\ ls stored on the vehicle 'I'{,; partmenl The regQ\ators redilce the q~•. farmen, and water d1stridl to PfeasUtized tanks. The range of fthk;les pressure of the natural gas before It· poWtz. ata.Uoni'ry engines. 'lbul, k eean-'pftSent1Y in service reaches up to J20 enters a "gaHlr.mixer" which }ikicated ed feul.b .. tO Ute natural 1U ai I fuel · mt~. 'A fueJ line connectl the t&nta; to ,., on top of thi carburetor. This gaH!r . for. mot<lr vehlcleS. ''rqillators" installed in the engine com-· niixer Is the key to the iystem. The ciio-.. FRANCHISE GAME Not Always Way to -Riches, Lawmaker Says By JAMES E. WHITMORE Slate Seulor, ISlb Dls1rtct The Iegls1ature hu ~ever cognizant of protecting the conM:DU against ques- tionable methods of oelllni product., hlih interest rates, and achemea, to bilk the public. As a reauJt, California baa the best consumer protection -Jaws-of -any Elate in the nation. But such protection la a never-ending, changing lie.Id. Despite the fad that the new laws we pasa;ed earlier this year became effective on Nov. JO, we are now loo~ng into other areas 'of consumer pro- b.·caJl<d "big business." SUch lrancbfs<s inwl~e gasoUne, · food, 8ulol, and a mfriad of other ~ucts and aervlcea. 'In !act, teltJmoii on the subjd"'muJ..i , that more frUchiaea are~' IOld... ln Callfomla thao In any other ~· • • parent corporation as 1ft!ll as other per· ti.Dent "information, much llke a pros- pectus .for the sale of securities. iF E PROPOSED legl11ittlbn becort* Jaw, the state corporaUon cdm. ~ then could make a determ.lna· tlOn u to whether he would permit the sales of franchises under the company name in California. · vehJcles have been converted and more conversions ore plaruled. Most ol thOse vehicles are In dBIIi oj>eration throughjlut the LDI ,Angeles '!"'L ;rI>e Cjllilomla Divlaloo of Highways ii conv:e~ ten vehicles and the City of O>s ,\ngeles nve. Results QI our tesb conducted on' a 19A Fora Ranchero showed that; Wbtle operating ,oc_natural gas. carbOn rhonox· Ide ernisstbns were reduceJ i'Mre than 90 percent with 0.07 percent In the elhaust compared to L3 ,percei'it for gasoline and the 1968 stale an'd teder8.l standard Ot LS percent.. stmu~ry; · 'hY\t~~fbo'ni· in natural gas operation· were 80 parts -per 'million (ppm) vermM22l lot gasoline and . ' . . . . , , A ! i _,r . f ' ' MANlfOIA • 1,SASIC4fJ ~/ f0t1WAH) / • million. _ IN. ADD MON to these dramatic lm· provements in air pollution emis.iona, the proj~ has conllrmed bther advantages iii using natural caa as a motor vehicle fliel. For instance, the engine oil remains clean. Because natural ga11 does not con· ~n Jead this contaminant Ls eliminated. :rhe natural gas fuel system is a closed -systt.m and there js no ai r pollution or .loss of fu!J throu.gb evaporallon. • Natural gas is already a vapor and thus t thae is no walling for It to vaporize as wilh gasoline. The result b quick starting and smoolher operatiQn. there also Is no problem with vapor locks. Natural gas ba'I an octane rating of 130 (gasoline 100) and thus is ideally suited for today's high- compression, high-perfonnance. engines. Safety bas been an important con· sideration of the project and specific characteristics of natural gas make It an inherel)tly sale fuel. Natural gas Is lighter than air, thus, In case of a leak. it wiU rise and dissipate harmlessly lot.o the abnosphere. By contrast, heavier-than-air fuels will "Puddle" on the ground and present a ~tential fire hazard. The ignltton tem perature of natural gas Is higher than that of many other fuela-1,300 degrees Fahrenheit .. This means that it takes a hot spark to ignite the gas. . . " A repreaentallve of the •late ~ generll" office, In pre1entJna (.iiiUinoioy on the 111bject lo the interim comn)lltee, warned that frauds in franchises "are like an Iceberg. We have one reported to our office and it will bring many others." Many fraudl; It ieems, are not reported -the lranchl!ees hope lo recover their. investmenL EARLIER THIS MONTll A proposed BE . POIJllTED our that fraudultnt !aw aeekhur: to require • modified francldMI form a cha1n reaction, kavtng ~!'l.~. r1n'"'thean~.:!":." •• ofthe~!f -· wtt1t ... 1ea Jia!es. ~ For the present, consultations are.being held with the corporation commlastofter on the Licensing of franchise sa1esn¥n, much like the securit\es and real est.ete aal~en are licensed. One 1 l\ C h salesinan,' It was rtpprted to the-C:OR\-, ~ mittee,111 presently under indictment fol". fraud In lranchi!e sales, aod is out on bail and selling other franchises. N~t E1Jeli .$900 'Millwn ~,.l.l,,,,; 1 •~!. 'I I _'. FINALLY, the ratio of natural gas mixed with air must be within narrow limits in order for combustion to take plaee. Additionally, we have placed the storagf· tanks in what we consider to be the safest location in.solar as a possible collis.ion is concerned. In addition to the compressed natural gas .system, we at. Paclfi<: Lighting are experimenting with the use of a liquefied natural gu (LNG) dtorage system on motor vehicles. Thia -sy&em uses the saq:i_e compcinenb and techniques as the ciimprtssed natural gas system except that the natural gas is stored In liquid form ln a cryogenic tank at a nominal mL11us 260 degrees Fahrenheit. ""6' .....u--.. --. .nu ~ .. '6 tracton wilb ~bed atructurea, 1:11:1 ol franolltee ulelmen, WU ~ in IUpplien wJ1b undelivered orden. testimony lo one of our ~\aim com-'!'Ila, ~ ls """'1derina the mlU.. hearings. • ~· · ·modlllod.·dllcl..U.. portloft;of !!><·pro- Franchl1e1 re~ 1l percent of our poiecl'!egwauon, Wider which lrathbort 1"'61 national producl, and e«talnly can would be required lo Ibt aasets ol the .. " . / "'~r-· Libe~hVs (Y~rs~ Polk.e . . . ' . ri0m cm article bu W alltr K ..oou fJ. European Commun.lty. 1, ~ THE NEW tenslcm have lncreQed ~ conflict between lbe police ml the la. For It must be laid thal liberals e prejudiced aglinsl poilce, mucti u any white police are biased ijahist .. ' egroea. ~ . Moot tiberali'_...,. ... .....,,. that I chargts"al,~ linltality"rt true. . -tend lo,!'flla Io,pvo the pol\Ce the elll ·of any doilbt. '!'bey reil<iy-de, the enre111e black group1 u11f!e1t adicala for their coofronlaUonist effortl. They do·Qot face up lo Ibo need for tac- UC. to deal with deUberate incitement to mob v.iolenct. . It tbe .. llberal and · intellectuaJ com· muoWes are to -have any impact on the "'1Jce, U they are lo play any role In ~ the growlnc political l!lenatloo. cit l1)l!ljl police, they must 'show ,IOme reeOjittiGn. f,hll ~lhe police forte1 is al8o . cpu'l',Oled o1 hliman beinis, aeekinc lo earn a llvinf. · '.11ioy mmt . be wllllrig lo engage in a· dlilogpe · wil)I the poll"' coacemlng their problems. . ' ., Further bearingJ oo the subject art ·f'!>eduled for later lhll month. (' il.'11£ MEANTIME, one new con- sumer ~on law rteently enacted proclaims Chat unS<Jliclted, unordered ~ delivered by mail · wili be rn3r:dea!P.· an uncon;diUonal gilt to the ~iple!it.'jAnd the aame law will tie -: bl!lpfll) tb persoril who terminate mti:n~tn the kinds, of organlzaU0115 • wblCh , . "cally mail .books, records, or other items to its mefpbers. Futln'e reclpleiit.s will be entitled'-fo. keep as a gift any items sent 30 daya after the orgaoiiatlon:-has been noUfled of their canei!Hation. . · Another law provides that a "&edit card holder Is not liable for Wlaut~ use of an unsolicited credit card not ~vlous­ ly u'¢ by the ~Ider. It also1t<I...., that cardholders are not to be ~ liable for tise of lost Or stolen cards af~vtng appropriate notict. · .!<~ Arid California consumeTB irtf iler proteded by~ changes. tn u¥: 1 ' con- fon111ng lo federal ~gula,llgM,. · the fie~ Of -t and lnsiiutrieiilt· 1 aod tinlfonnll)" Iii j>ockaglns Ind labe!IQI. . . . ~ ~. ' . .. .. .....,.....,..,.... _______ Our M•11 l11 S•11 f'rlPlebeo----'-''--------'·''°·--. .. ~, '( I . • l ,.,. fitfl~~ial: Ha~hbnry's ·,Dea' . ' ' ... By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -The Flow .. Children period of the hippie era lJ\ Ibo Ha8hbury ls -offtcialfY '...,,, l!algbl te oac:t "'°"'a two-wsy .atrtet. ·ezcept for the blocl< c-lo llJe Park, after a lq ND as a one-wayer to accommodate Gray Llne 11wken ancl otper voyeurs. As they used to _alng about the Bowery : "We never go utere any more ." ' AN EX~IER star paid 11000 in an out-of-court settlement for roughing the kicker -the ltlcker in this case being a Playbdy Bunny he pushed around a IJtUe too pl11yfully. TALK OF THI TAHOE 1et: Blll HarT&h'• mad cnisb on s~ ... Bobble Gentry of ''a:le to Biiiie Joe • ctlebrl· ty. Or, u IOme ·of those wbo have gambled 1then llnc It. 110wtd t.o Billie ·Karrah." ON 11111 otmmi 11.\HD: ~ Alloe Jama of Siin Cat!Oo will· ed Into ~1!1'1 Jo -. fllled oul ao elghWpot Keno can! and 11l:ed the cage man: "Did J win anythlna?" Ht look ooe look and ' slipped his f.,..be.d. l\'hOn hb hHd lltopped spin-, nine. be heijdtd •• ., htt wlnnlnp: $25,000. t"Ofl UNDllCOVER WORK, the S.F. police an owltclling from tliose I ' • l --- loudly anonymous Fords -11pot.table 1 block away -to a raggle-taggle col· lection of used cars, including evea ~wagou. THE GDWi in the Hiiton Rent..a-car office In .the Hilt.on lobby are now wearing orange buttons r e a d I n g "We're No. 3 -We Don't Try At All." YES, VIRGINIA, there Is a genera· lion g1p: Ruth Arkell of Corte Mldera wa11 driving two nine-yr-olds acro&s the Gale Bridge and as they ap- proached the toll plau she announced: •.'Johnny Mathis' brother works~.'; ta unison: "Who's Johnny Mathis? ' I ROCK' .AJIOilND the bAnk: The Rolllnc Ston" grossed 1378,IJ\IO In three nighta -ll!0,000 al Ibe Oak. Coliseum; 8' llke amount in L.A. and $75,000 In San Diego. They net 16 per· ctnt ol lhfl, "100 figure It out (8lll Gl'lham, who b never lmpresoed : "J'm impressed"). Tiii FLAG-WAVER: 111< following ~Jumn ad ran two days before Vet.wans Day In the Nevada State Joamal ol Rone>: "To the Veterana of the Unl\td ~ ol America: AMERICANS, On No\'ember 11, 1999, there will be a mUdve par1de In Reno to honor our country ind our vetfl'ant. Let u shQW the JlWll' and loud mloortty how Iha . t .. • .. ' .. great majority of Amtricans fill. Everybody wants peace, but ,In honorable, JA&ting p;eace, ~ a ~. short and diShon~able pea~. We utle everyone wllo Is physic.Uy able~~ participate. It will be one way .to stkP our love~ gratitude for ourJ~l!l!t,J. This ldvt donal<d by J.C. BU• tlaes of a.no. Joe Conf0'te;P,:.,,1c1mt." '(' Joe Conforte. Does that name rinl<• be:ll? It Should, for Mr. Conforte ~ beta of\en in the news .. As ;Qlt operator of a notorious brothel-~ Nevada . As an-attem~extortionlaJ, for which he dld't!me In a Nevada il'JI Oie tried lo lri~ .!he b~r.l~ torney of Reno in a xx scandal-} Kid as an lnccme tax '(lolator, fOf"·WNth he served a term in a Federal~ It's heart-warming th«l the. ·slltfit majority 1' finaIIy a)l<al:lo( _up: .1' j NOTE rRbM the MAiie Jtlil.d~ The Messrs. KnOwland, pm. e\ ~. became so nervous ov« the '&ombiW In New York · ..... a riitonabJe dls~ away -that, acccrdias to ,.. menib thl1 wk. lo Oik-i'tlb .Wiers, •'il1 pocl:ageo belnc brougbt lnlo• Ille Trlbdno plant an now .Object tO~ speclloo. ln.lddltioo, all 110H1npiopa will be r.qult<d lo have a conllnli<ll •JipoJi!tment before 'being allowed (<> enttr ~ )irtmlses." Yawned Clllp· mf.flt from a staff membtr:..,'\I ~a.a understand the paranoia· 1Mi..·r..n·1 und~~nd ~e ~~:· ... L~~·-~· ! .. , ...... "-' .. ...... ~.,,. 1: r·~, ' , · ·\ J • • • ...... _._J. ~ -. -··· -- Buys Total Happiness By JAMES G. PlllUIPS Edltorlal Reae&re• Repottt . ~ ~if 9il boo~ I~ A\aska may be run- nil)I Ou' of ~ at ~ast momentarily.' 'I1le stumbling block.il"Dot lack of oi1 or {Tlet:JlS of expioitlng ,ti. ~ut an amy of. sticky political problem!. When oil · men in' 5eptember paid the 5tale more than $900 million for lease rights to the newly_ found oil deposits, on the state's chill North Slope, they ex· peeled to move the black gold to market by early 1972. Since the lease sale, however, Aluka's Eskimos and other naUvea have applied irteadily increasing presiufes for a .share · in the riches. And conservationists have aroused concern In · Congrets over the toll oil operations could Lake 'OO lhe fragile Arctic ecology. IN A LESSER BUT still significant pl-oblem, the Canadian Government has Indicated It fttay stake a claim to the Arctic waterways "where the oil . industry hopes to rorge a Northwest Passage to the oil-hungry U.S. East Ceiast. A pro- longed dispute over' any of these issues could throW off the industry's timetable for a 1971 delivery da~. Probably the most immediate and most perplexing hurdle far· Oil men In Alaska Is the insistence of the state's 5.1,000 Eskimos, Jndiam and Aleuts for a share In tbe cominf'bonaiiu. The nativeifvtt!w 'llr~asonabt~ for J~ny-l>otii""8te!Y industrialists and COl'J)Ol'ate-stockbolders- to reap enormous profits from public lands while the typk:al native' remains .poar; . • A recent government study found that unemployment among adult natives reaches 50 to llO percent In ~e spring and fall as compared wlth S to t I percent for all adult Alaskans. lfleomes, educational levels and living conditions also are far lower for natives. Their average life ex• pectancy ls only 34'h years. SPURRED ON by such statistics, native lobby groope have a 1 k e d Congress: (I) For legislation to grant native development corporations title to fO million acres of 18nd in and around \'lllages. (I) For'federal payment of $500 million for · mineral rights oa 300 million acres the naUvei conai.S.. their natural hunting . and nshln& presen-es. (3) To requile payment tct-lhe nallves ol a royl!ty of I percent of all rrilrirals extracted from those areas, '\\'hich ln· elude most of the North Slope_. ~ lalt~r pro~al has sparked the most opposition. Ctologlitts predltt that the Slope contains at least 5 to 10 billion 'barrels or oll. -OIL INTERESTS bave been In a hurry to get the dispute settled ~without 1 royalty payment) because ~ the U.S. Departrtient of the ·Interior has frozen further land transfers to the state or in- dividuals until the claims are resolved. The freeze was , ordered by former Interior Secretary Stewart L. Udall in 1966 and continued this year by his suc· ces.sor, Walter J. Hickel. It has blocked plans bY the oil com- panies lo build an 800-mile lrans·Alaskan pipeline to move North Slope oil to the ice-free southern coast. There ll\WOUb:f be picked up by tanker for ~hipmerit t'o West Coast ports in the "lower 48" slates. The pipeline proposal aroused a drum· fire of opposition from conservationist in· terests, who fear the project will damage the state's land and wildlife wtl.ess strict conservation measures ~ itrt~ ~ed. Recently, the Interior . .pe~ment· In· dlcated It planned lo Ifn pOitlons Of the freeze to allow land acquisition for the pipeline to proceed. But objecUom we.re raised in the Senate Interior Committee. Ai this temperature, natural gas take!C up only I/600th of the volume that it does at normal temperatures and atmospheric pressure. Much greater volumes can be stored in a given .apace. A 60-gallon tank holds the equivalent or S,000 cubic feet of rotural gas under s t a n d a r d con• ditions--enough for more .than 700 miles of travel. THE USE OF LNG in motor vehicles would greatly extend their range. LNG would be suitable for taxicabS, long· range truck or bus operations. However, cryogenic storage tanks are now relative- ly expensive, and the project engineert are working to develop lower-cost stor· age tanks. For refueling in the com pressed natural gas system, it Is more practical to repressuriu the fuel tanks while they remain on the vehicles. Al the present time, several compressor systems with existing off.the-shelf components are being used, but project engineers are working to develop more suitable com· pressors. Whe11 vehicles remain at a garage or enol~er central locati on overnight. a repressurization cycle lasting several AL THOUGH HICK.EL prOtnistd the hours is satisfactory. But there are times Committee veto power over any freeze · when It might be necessary to refuel a exemptions, the New York Times rteenUy vehicle more rapidly. Several "tanker'• reported that pipe already had been vehicles have been developed to make a brought in "and there la good reason to rapid refueling system poasible. These believe that preliminary work on lhe \ir.kers carry 1 number of hig~pre8lillre right-o(~waY has been star~. ~1,fhout -natural gas tanks. The fuel is transferred benefit of permit or of law.'",,, , .Worn these tanks to the vehicle being Efforts by American oil companies ito .. t\ieled simply by connecting a hose pioneer a tanker route through .Jtae fPrough a quick-disconnect fiUlng located waters of the fabled Nmtbwe3t Pa~ V'1 the vehicle. have tOa~ off a w.,8,.il oatio~C • • l'he unavailability of compressed fervor in Canada. N~ art the Cili.-· ·natural gas Is the biggest problem at the di ans urging that,.. tltelr fCQUnlry 1 dRrt Jmoruent and lhis Is why we are talking in control over the diinge'rous ice-clO"ed tenns of neet-lype operations-vehicles : sealanee but also that it lay claim' to the that return to the central location {such extensive oil deposits that geolotfsta as our own vehicles ) for fueling. From an think will be found on the ocean noor. air pollution standpoint, in Los Angele3 UNDER 'HEAVV PRESSURE, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudc1u on Oct. Z3 "claimtd for Canada the "exclusive rl}i:ht to ·explore and ex· plolt" resourees of the North American Arctic Jsland11 and the adjoining con- Cou11ty approximatai, 10 percent of the total regjstration are fleet.type vehiclea. And interestin1ly enough, they COOIUnl' something like at percent. ol the plO\,tne: thus, by converting " Gnall nu'mber or vehieles we can. matt a tarce .imped upon the air poUuUtn problem . tinental sheU. Tnideiu dodged the question of sovereignty over the w a t e r w a y s , however, announcing through hi5 aides that this point ftuld be dealt with •In a- aub$equtnt polic;r paper. ' .One of the main Canadian concerns has been the specter of widespread pollution in the tftnt of · a tanker eccldenL Sa\Urday1 November 22, 1969 Because of the slow healing action or the The Comment Page or the Arctic. gc:ltnlleta. have estima ted that. an Daily P.ilot seeks to inform oll slh:k coold ~ for decades, perhaps ~nd stimulate readers by even centurtes. · presentlng a variety of com· Despite the nllJ.Qn's need for more oiJ ' -mentary on topics o( Inter· rese rv,s, It ~afford time for 1 close·'·. ':".'e1t and ,significance from look at the dllertmas now being raised ill \ •• . ~9L(or~ observers a n d Alaska. The ~-run economic benefits spokesmen. must be we!8t.Ef..~~alnsl the long.range 'Ro•-rt N. wa~, Publliher effects on l\lasuns and their environ· -- 1nent. I l, • ,, n ~ • • • • c ls 4 • d n • ., •· • ,, • " I• I. d ~ " .g • ,, 1) > • .e n ,, ii ,, II a " " is ;e " .. •• ,. le al "' !d >O ,. ,. pt id al " " ic "' lk ol •· " es :e. g· '• .. rs ... ?d al ey nt th re re n· -Or a ·al es • r" • .. Te ed ng .. ed ed "" in es ch an es he ... "" e: ol ocl v< " .. \ .-.. . . . ~ . ,Missions ' ' " 4 • . N . ·-· earIDg-·-.L. ·------' ' ·--·" ~ - ..j -'m..,th.9 I • • •. .riio ................ -.,..,~~"---•' -• .. . ~ .• ..i.:.;~ ID • Comment ' ' :iiWtnC~~ ' . . ~ ''i"''"'I"' " ·t • By .' ·~'liu~~ R;o1toi ....,,.,.1( ~l" too . Rond,11 MeG!irdl• _ : , \., <f ''',.' =:,~~;!Jlll'~ I Cln buy ~:rly 100oc~o1 ,1.,.i1n'ldlho for .... LakeNam~1r.-~.-·= ..... ""•nlc1nbuy.,elothotolnNowport,TI<ero1r.·m1ny ' '; +"I''. · wllfbriJil.~toW ."'9Mlrl~ trM1 on tho prop0rty, IH1 -t)y rolllrii; ·Mi tO. hilly. c· . te'' t · ~ t ·' ·~1al lhowcue to ten , • For ""' 1 ~-the -body of lond lf>IMing tht mlddi. -llftll ~r ' , , Orange: CoJntyi · t>fen ltnown as the Irvine Ra~h. o In 1965fh. lrvh• Co"1>•r1't~ • 1 · svn-&t. comliit,.i Of ~ finch /nap, boodolod by 1 ~ .'.~PoQ.ifil,ii;;~ ' ,ape •"!! !Ol>Pld,.wi\1}_1 Spanoh OOn ~ IJO~k thtt became their logo or trademark • Since thlt time the aymbol h •, , ~. ~ . . .. : • ~.,aMrtising -.pffnt~l&erawr.;.· .~ ·:;·:: .. : .. ., .. ,~. ~~·.:~raqt., of .i~• '<>v?~ ro • f'~ ~~. ';\ I •. •:.· .OWl)~P ot:tllt:lntJ11e · ' " ~ ·• ·· :·~ ; In fi\te ·sllort:yun·t • \;', _,:1 •. ::,,,. .:~ ,;~.n. tbfrth fa--.e 'hiot>lv , ........ J ,· oi~ ............ , ..••• , ·.1~ :; 1. ~~ * ·' ~j~~t~nar.~s ~~ nirf ' ··'f ... ,. . ....~· ol hvint' by the National Co '. r •• ~~ .... ~·~·. :..).."" • •• Guilily;one of the \lisitors re appeared on signs, on stationtrv, in 1><.(;ompanyJ1lt that the dist)nctO.. ~ fo~ ·• ~ompany with tfit histOiic • :. • • -•• f ' :. • ~.. J -' • · to cowbOysan<tcrttW~ eYtlOplnent that tin ·•infd 'Purlni th• roc:eo1.1_.1o11 n Attlirs iind·ErW:ironmlrit.a- resldant Nixon had.'-ktd thent .. -DAILYPIUT l . . • I " Tht only thing 11 tho •<•Hll0" 11 quite 0 way1 ·,...., tho OH S u._e_ : according lo ·Pllj!lp Yuskln, •• nurest town~ Do ·~· think ln.festmtnts"!I this .type 1rt · . • • ... ;-• ... dltec~. :· '?' salee for I 1mort in .. stmonl? .. ~· ' At Fore.st ' . Leadeiah1p . ' :. -:. ' • :' ''tO .~o~r thi-rrVin!"RaiiCh 'U~Xpe(tedly,found-tha , ·communities tising:fr What was Oncir ·a ey are doing;o: ... ·1ild thlt hl- alitv 1 ~CQO)piex of urbltt · ... \ .. La d d , 'th ' · I! p I "()(. the total l,Jllll . homes ! n oes not ~ave any value wt m 1t~e . eop e • . ~~ " tanned for~completiori hr this create value. Land 1n .an area· rem(J'.te rrom , people has Hiln~reds of eontestan&I• are--: ~community by 1975," sald litUe or no . value. People create urban l~J.1d values. expected to enter a noyel Lak4!· Vas.skin, ''fJ_ver sqe will ~ These values depend on the use of that particular Joca-Naming contest . at Lake riom the TOday series that has tion. 1'he highest .and best use of a ;Jil~tticular locati~n Fori:st featurlng 1 Sloe sav-bf;en. designed ~or .'¥ -~OWi~·-;., depends to a great extent on ·lhe nunlber and economic ' . growing ra~lly." · status of the people living, working ahd sh:opping in the lngs bond for eac .. wl""1n3 en·· Interiors of the new models area. Again it is peopl~ that creat~ value. Land, no tr)'., announ~ ~aid ~s. will be compl~ted.. by matter hOw much t.here is of it, has no. VaJue ;Within jt· ~or of rn.ariet!J!g _at Lake QiYenltttd Design OC 9r•rge. self. ~ 1 Fores\: ~ 11 Pr.icts ..Sor Utt twp through : ,,, The contest. open tO .. all ·seven 6edroom. homes will ·· - We h.•v•· an apartment complex ,(16·uftftt) ln r(nlnd adults. will run from . '.mid· · · r.ahge 'from $2ii,49S to $!11,445 .. : that we are thinking of buylns frorft ~.fr1e_nd. ·If "9ms .Nove~.ber throu,gh ~ritbe"r · The balance of . the co1:rh \·, .to be • littfe high but the term1 su~t ~~. WJ1~t ,we a.ra 31 . 1989. Contestants will be munity will consist of Ckatlon· concerned about is the 1rouble they rn•.Y b:! _,to .u~--~~t a~ked to name each of. fhe Series_. Homes w.hicl\ art ~ .. · about management? Wiii we ltetd a ma1"1•~1er l\vrftg· on toUr ·Jakes at the southeastern slightly larger.Jot§. " ''. the property? A'nd what about vaC.ncies? .We.•re 9lve" Oranje Countr development. Four units of Cliatlon bomes to understand there Is • grfft demand for •1Mrlm9"ts and winners 'viii be announctd have 'been completed ~r .,-e on a rentel blisls, but is that'-true? Wh•t are sOm...1""'-· .shortly ~~ ~ fla!·~-..the._.::-currentb:. uncltt:COO$'l~on · • portant factors to IOo~ for when bvxlng en aj».rtment rear. Ra~as·added tba~ there and 78,)iireent ol ~seOOme1 house? What do you recommeftd? ~ 15 no cost « obU1ation to have been sold s~ ~e fifst . . ,, enter the contest and that or the year. Buy it! . . · Lake Forest . hostesses and The · Citation and Today One or the rriost important factors contributing to ~t Ttourf skippers have11con-series homes are part of an the. succest or ,failure of an ~partme11~; complex is the t~:n f'Jst 01~! :~~!:'eds. at overall C9'1lmunity master resident m'al'l.agtr. , .:.k F 1 . lh 1 est plan developed by Pi!a~ . . . . . . ~ ~ e ores 111 · e arg · ~ration parent company An ·1nve'St1nent 1n an apartment devel91>ment can be residential t water body in of.J.;eadership Ho'l'es. just as trouble-free for 'an or.ner as .~ investment ii a Orange County, cootatnJni SJ •• -' • !. blue chip J0ased comm·erciai. propez:ty.'·Jn addition:'~it .!'lilllon gallons ot Water ·and ---. 1~t~~ 1~1ements0fln ~~ can pay a .b~tter f'eijll'Jl, "'ithbut its incom8!being rigidly including a shoreline · 1wo ~t~nltf thr!~'fttm::ry .. • . .• fixed fo ~ ~ _l9ng t~rm. as ih ,some in_vtstments. aJ:ld· b.as miles long. ~ lakes also' are S<;hools to~ >.'irk.. sites and the pos_sJbtbt_y,: Of mc~ased 'UICOme ~a'"TesU!ting 1lfo ~:~~stocked WJlh Winn water ~four (:Q:nmtte1al areas. · crease1nmarketv~lue. ~ . v· 11 lo Lak F 1 ·The Leader'shlp ,,Home• S d t · th k 1. Oh' It .: is ors . e ores are . , 1_ oun managemen IS e ~ o-. ·"t!'!S s uauon, lhvlted~ to vli~·the ·la-$_1 vii Divl_sl<!n of Macco,CcQprat'!'.n therefore, for. your -purpose the t,r"~po~e~, tnvestlJ)en~· the Llke}f.oreit Tour Bbtt. -is-. One of _the ~rgelt, home · r shouJd be designed to produce suffi~eiit ~''to sqir~ ::lAJCe Fe~ .a ·t,'100.acre· ;~nd~ iii· Cal.~la,.....,wlth · .. ~-.·•·. 1· port .full-time professional managemen~;: • { ...,. ,1 c-' "dev"eloPJnent. Is a ·neane . rune ~ acUve, ~Jects In , !-•.. .-i. As for vacancies. they are a't ,t:he1_owesl level in · BrotbersJ,. Inc. project. To_ Southerg Cahfornra,, many years and 1nay have reached a ·prtictical mi'ni· reach Lake Forest, t.Q.ke .. the • F.reeway ~ccess· lo . the murn. All available meastlres indicate that apartment Santa Ana_..,or ·San Diego Missions is via the San.Diego vacancies a re \veil under fi ve percent in ·tos Angeles F'r~e"·ay_s ~El ~oro ~and -FreeiA'a)'"·~ ~tf:i ~ then, ' .• and Ora nge Counties. In many portions of1he area va· follow Ufe !llrecl1onal s1grt!. west to.tbedt pm_ • : ' cancy rates are do\vn to two or three percent This level I Qf vacancy is. for th e most part. accounted for by units held of! the market for renovation or by units unoccu- pied dtuing the turnover period between tenants. - shopping cen Ms and .. ·compliX, a n~ west · 'Irvine, .and 21 ditte=•·»•. . · T-usifn Meadows, The ' · i:\ie lrvll)O '<foiil finaoc.ed.·master.·j:lla apparent from, ~ht~· Centec,. to tile resi Safar~ beginnlng:to AOa, F!.8'W<l-fs. }f now 111 stores ifl fhit ·n9Sses in' the lndustrill iversi{y of California ft as UnMfsity Park_... "CXXJ residents.· ~~ • • ~ • the 'largest privattl'f ity, Size fr\d ~~ II 1 NIWJ)Oft FIMni:lll ts, ·to llo:n CountfY. n Oi9) ind Senti . sin91• name, 1.~ni , . Rinch, is now ma , ,: l.cluse ";,. , p.;,.; ilecidOci ,, create a new r:nar company engaged in the many differ for tomorrow.,. ca In the creat1on of th ment should reprllilnt tl)or-~"l>!'"~ rather ·th 'ilogo ~ ~tially lf!I sing!• word ''Irvine'' i 1 ·most ll'\ltlnc:f' i1 Wi.1_1 !P.Pl'f in a , llft "fill be 1 ltrger rectangle at the r' i · fds. ~ ~ In those areas for which the old Irvine Ranch hallmark is 'tMI appropriate,.~hey will continue its .use to represent ~he proud tradi"tlont .. 1for 'f"hioh thf Ra~t\· was. originally knowo. o, For·,h0$1 ict:Mt~ "!'hich · ' relatl"to th-e'·creation o'f ·1 new environment for people, hbwevtr,"thl ComPanv will use its new symbof. 40 In So doin.g, they hope that in.,.,. . . ~xt_(~ yea~. th_ei~ ~rk .will c.~rrye t~ ~ti~ l.~r .~ company_)'Jhose l°"J _ .. ~~ ·.~\!tP!Y~i! dev,ot~ ~6-lf!ipr9vinQ ihe f,l.!.tvr~~-. · • -· ... · _ .. : , ~· . ' ., ' ., -----·-· ---~---.. \ . -. . ' ...... --· ... ' ' B1,1i!~i~~qq,_or~o\v~s Citiei·Taday "· ·•"·"'°· I ' • '· Accompanying the sharp declines in vaC8.rtCf.1hi?re · Is considera hie evidence that rents a·re btgtiiiJ.ing to move up rather_ rapidly uitder the pressure Qf demand · for available units. ·' • ~deq uate ·tn3rket re~earch an""d finaf!Cial analysis_ are imperative to the suet:ess of any A~ttm~nt ven-. ture. \Ve firmly believe that.an apartmient illvestrrient can be totally successful if it is properly researched and certain important criteria are considered. Some of the i.i11portant factors are location. prit.e. room layout, architectural design and population concentration. The future looks very bright indeed for apartment house investors. ... ED ITOR'S NOTE: Rand.alt R. 11-fcCardle 1.f.. an inveatme11t analyst. presiMnt of the Real Estaters, a coJlege ·let:Wre'f a director of tile Ca/ifort1ia Association of Rial Estate Teach: e_rs, aKtllor of "Real Estate in California:" S~ni:t your ques· t1011s and comments to Rat1dall R. i\lcCardle, c/o tlle DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1560, Cost.a i\fesa, 926.,26. Fer1istrom to Head . ' . Leadership Trac_~ Russell G. Fernstrom of .,...., Costa l\-lesa has been named to the post of Sales f..fanager for the Missions 2200 -Unit Leadership Homes residential de\'elopmenl in Laguna_ Hills, director of 15aJes. "Fernst rom will supervise sales activities in three separate Leadership reaide.,. l.ial development!! In Orange County including. Glenbrook llills in Brea. and Sanclpointe in Santa Ana in addition Lo the l\-1issions," said Yasskin. li e will assume his new sales rtuties errective im· mediately establishin,1!: head:· , quarters In the sales offices of ~ the l\-liS!ions. located on LI , Paz Road just west of the San Diego Freeway, s l a le d Yasski n. Prior to joining ~erehif'I Homes In 119'7 e's u les man:iger for Sandpolnle. the !ZOO.home community in Santa Ana . Fernstrom served three year11 as !ISies manager for _a rcsidenllal de velopment 1n , Running Springs. California and one yea r with Walker & Lee in Orange County . Earlier, ,he wss a sales ex- ceutive with Sears & Roebuck and Western Auto Supply. A nativ,e qf New Jersey, !IEAM ~1ss101i' Russell · Fernstrom Femstrom was ·educated tn California, atten9ing Redoqdo Beach High School and El CamlnQ College. He Rrved with the Air Evacu1Uon fo..&1 of the U.S. Air Forte duripg the Korean War. Fernstrom currenlly bokis tnember1;hip In_ !JM! EkJlklln& Indu*y AuoclaUon. ... I < • JOB ' PRINTING' 0 Pt:lBLICATIONS 9 NEWSPAPERS Quelity Printin9 encl O.pencfeble Stirvice for more then • querier of • century. 2211 WEST IALIOA ILYO,. tllWPOiT IUCH-Ml-4S.2t ,. 1, by Graham for "the rapid aPi · preciation of ·Harbor View View Hills in Corona del Mar, Hills homes. , is another or the fa ctors con· "First off, they are qualit)r tributing to .the success or this · Homes in a very desirable .1u>r:Ury home development on _ location," he pointed out.· Irvine master-planned land. "This means there are going Alex Gr a h.a.m . · sales to be i)eople inteileSted In liv~ m·ariager for Lusk Homes, ·fng in this developfntzrt.· . And, said there are numerous-in-- .. ' Rapid 11ppreciation Of home \'&hies at-Lusk Homes-Harbor stances of Harbor1Vlew Hills where you have Interest, you resales which provide vivli:l iJ. have rapid appreciation .poten· lustratlon of the marmer In tlal. which the home values in-"Also, .these homes have the crease. , ~k -;-hallmark_ of .. quality . Graham reported one family. They.have so plany built-in ex-tras' which are not round on purchased a home on . Quiet th I ha Cove for $44,900 and soJd the other homes at peop e ve . home two years later for come lo recognize the added · values . ~-=-know." he cootinued. "And, of course. the cost of "that they made a number of building a home is on the in-crease. This means l h a t µnprovements -probably In today's bUyer Is toing to ~ the neighborhood of .$5,000 -tain far more home far his but. even considering .this , money than a buyer one or their appreciation in just two two years from oow ·could do years shows, how valuable for the same amount." these homes are." 'Har~-Vlew Hills, at 1417 Another example cited by Keel Drive, Corona del W..ar, Is Graham js even m o·r e · oOe of six Lu"sk Jtome.s dramatic. devetopm'ents at the present A home was purchased for time. Others are Country $43,500 and ~he owner put ln H'ill!, La H'abra ahd l"ullerton; 1 'bout $1 ,;;t>O·ln lmprovemen~. Huhtington SeacnH.1 Hunt· · "Before the finrt payment , ington Beach; Countrywood, came due, hcjwever,'' G(aham. Hacienda Heights';-Lusk said, "the home was sold fo~ HomeS-CerrltOs, Cerritos; and $52,500." NOhl . Ranch, Anahelrn and Several reasons were cited -Orange., " ' . -. ' Village Hm Tri1n Class " •. ' . . I ' . . . ••, . • :'SELF-C.LEA'N!NG O:V~ · " • BUILT-IN AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER • OLD,F ASilJO'Nt:J> KITCHEN PANTRIES ' t'ENCED REAR YARD .• CAH PE'fING ·:· • FAMILY 'R.OOMS . · ·• FOR~L\L illNING ROOMS .• 1VALK-lt";°CUiSETS . , • CIJL.DE-SAC STREETS • • UNDERGll(l{JND UTILITIES , , ,' :, • J. & • 'BKl>RoO.llS;i l •J BATHS mesa • NEAR, B'EACa\i5, SC!IOOI.5, SJIOPPING ·IDOids ~~;'HA :~nd t"o:1~'.(Jllior&.1 Tenm A•~il.ble : . ' , : ' s27 · 950 'ONSTRUCTION ~ .,. [ROM . · ./' ·s.TA<;E PRICES di~~ ·MOYE IN·. (ti01ne model•) IN 3o.60 DAYS! • ' ,\.:P·BOll llATTtlil * A5SOCJAT&i • $e1-A1eatt . ... ~ 1 • ,, • ) ' ........ y ·-~~Gft~: 7ti{S·'°"6"2 O?ta u11·1v 1f A.1'11. ao 1 P.M. BUILT BY c;ooacg i:8ECTZEB • AS50CIATES • IUILDING 801113 SiNCE ,.,. • 20.oot ROMES BUILT TO OAT! 111 · · · ~~ CA!.jFORNIA'S oLDESI' ut:t,uS,.y~\' ~ENnAL Bun,mNc .,~,, "· • 1 : .1.p1uvciTELY~WNEDr~,ovnu'YE~ .• · • :-,:rA.,._ 11 NQ, '""'!it"" r~ ~¢'.Y•: .. ~ . ,• \ • I ' I f DAILY ft1LOT Saturd3.)', NMmber 22, 1969 Funds for Mortgage I-,,,f lati9p, Li11J-i"8 • • ,#-• Builder Urges Boost ior GI Market · Home .Ownership WASH I NGTON -A 3pokesman for the nation's hon1e builders today urged senators to perml l investment of National Life Insurance f.Und money in VA mortga,es to boost the GI housing market and increase the fund's investment retu rn. • Larry Blackmon of Fort ' Worth, Texas, home builder and a past president of the National Association of Home Builders. s u pporte d In testimony pre pared for a Senate Finance Subcommittee a measure which \Y o u 1 d authorize such use of the NSLI funds. · The NSLI fund now has assets of $6.l billioo and is ex· peeled to have resou rces of about $8.S blllion within 10 years. The proposed legisla· tion would permit investment of up to $S billion in VA guaranteed mortgages. "Unfortunately," Blackmon testified, "this fund is not now able to assist the VA in pro- viding nnancing to veterans to purchase a home. Its in· vestJnenls are limited solely to government bonds and bills. These now have an average yield of about four percent. Limiting the National Lile Insurance Fund lo gove111ment bond investmen t un· questionably retards i t s growth aod the coruequent yield )Q ¥eteran policy bolder•· "This fund could make a greater contrlbijtlon lo retum· inc ¥eterans by purchastnc their guaranteed mortgages now bearing intei;est rates of 711 percent. "The VA guaranteed home mortgace offers the same security aod IOWldne11 u a Treasury bOnd or bill. It offef, two additional features: first,, a yield substantially higher than the Jong tenn govern- .menl bond. and secondly, a good way o! !Jnanclng a house at less COl!lt to veterans." Blackmon estimated that funds investment in G t mortgages could p r o v l de financing for at leut 300,000 Newport B11ilding Soars'·'"\!~, would also help .... MEXICAN BRICK AND SHAKE ROOF ~ AT AANCHO LA pressures on the mortgage market," he said. "and to that CUESTA HOM&S W'th o l b p 't' exlenl help make Joans lo I c 0 er erm1 s vetera!JS more freely available and perhaps less costly. Building pcrtnit applications for the Gerson Dakar develop- ment near Newpor t Center h e Ip e d October's building valuation in Newport Beach to soar jo more than $5.4 millio.1, city spokesmen said today. "We are aware lhat this B!uffsdevel opme ':l t con· would not happen im· tributed to the; increases. mediately, but the funds could New U11i~ Opening at · Cuesta The hu ge increase in value or building permits came after a severe lull through the sum· mer and into fall, they said. Permits for $240,00 worth be released as housing i.8"call· The grand opening of Unit house from the r Ines t of commercial buildings in the ed for. The fund is already Five at Rancho La Cuesta.• material& available. Hi s Gerson Bakar project were authorized to io¥est i n Huntington Beach has been superjntendents are constantly logged along with pennits for mortgaa:e participations of announced by sales man.11aer .,.a'-•~g 1 lor -build;"" 52 townhouses and recreation other government agencies . -. . n;mu. .... ~ .. "> buildings. and this authority would not Bud Fricker. The new 10,.. tedmiques which w1ll allow The Balboa J n s u r a n c e be changed. The bill simply crement of homes, built ·~y · them to · itve bufers mOre Building's foundation permit expands the scope Of the Frank H. A'J!e s and Son, ~ill holne for their m«iey than for '650,000 also was lssuel:l. fund's investment powers by · number 66 with prices ranging, available in other ~bdlvlslons. Sirigle-family a w e I I i n g authorizing direct investment from $25,990 to $35,100. A litUe over a mile from Brookhurat Street and Atlanta A¥enue. Ayres rectnlly Initialed a free interior d ecorati ng service. Jan. Adams, decot•tor, wW a.dvise buyers en choice of color1, drape• and _carpetlua, as well u furgilure arrqement and o t b e r decorating tips. N.1s1 Adams is • Conlinllinc lnllation I s changing the. complexion of • one American Dream -bame ownership -accol'dlng to Jason · R. Hellzer, partner in George J, Melt z er • & Ass ociate.s , bu i l~· developers of Mesa Woods in Costa MUI. "Splralina: costs h a ¥ e already ellminated half ol the fllllilles Jn Callfomla from home ownenbli> and only IO plr<ent can ql!allfy foe loans an (bi&bel'-Priced.. homa," Jthe buUder said, "By nul yoar, wheJflt is p~dt'cted costs will be e¥tn 15 pert:eoL higher than now \hat one trut American Drum wUJ ·fade even more. *''lbose who hesU.te about buying now wm not Oftly ellmlnate thenuelves 1 1 ·buyers: they . w:UI d o o m themselves to bicher ·and higher houallll '101111, be<:•'\!< rents •o up 11 tbe vacancy factor penrilts landlords to ile-- mand mo~ and more in rent. Real lncreues or from ~ lo, MO' pet'· moalh recently have ~· the tule rllhor than, the e:aception 1n m06t areu of Sou\bem C&llfornla," Hdtau added. , thtrt ~ m DO 1toekholder1' dMdenda to be paid -and d e c I 1 I o 'l"'lldnl Is not hamper.4 by boanls bf dltec- ton. When price tncreuu for 1materialt teemed likely, we caotracted·. al lo~ pricel for enoup to )luarantee a lqw price for tlie entire flnt unit or Meaa Woods. Prices start 1t $27 ,950 and purcbue qn be made on VA, FHA or eonvenUonal terms. Innovative land planninc fs a:Jveo much credit for the sales success of the Mesa Woods developme(lt. Most floor plans offer com· pletely private interior garden court.a in addition to the large outdoor one made possible by placing the home on the lot In a maMer that eliminates all wasted yard apace. Noteworthy features include Garden View kitchens with pass-through windows an d self-cleaning ovens, vaulted ceilings in Jiving and family rooms, generous use o f ceramic tile, ~ carpeUog in specified a.reu. . To Uispect Mua Woods, take San Diego Freeway to Fairview Road offramp, ao north lo Sunllowor and ri&hl to models. Via surface streets. take Barbor Boulevard or Bristol Street to t 1 O 1 sunno"·er Avenue. The total for last October is almost double that of the same month last year. permits, includi,1g' those for in VA guaranteed loans." Much of the success of th& Rancho La Cuesta iJ Hun# the \\\'o large dev elopment.s. He pointed out that in the previous groups of Ayres Ungton State Park, where totaled $2.S million during peak year of 1955, 24 percent homes in Huntington Beach Brookhurst deadends at the October. of all new housing units had may be attributed to excellent Pacific ·0cean. The ( o U r at Rancho La Cuesta Monday, ThUrlday and f'riday, aod by apPointmenl. ,Buy .. ~I .~ Woods can take pdyantage of,wbat euen. llaUy ,lrf ,J1181, prll'O•, ..,_ cording to K'en Breman, dlrtc· ~r of sales and marketing 'fOr Southern California's oldest \ exclusively resideoUal building l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; firm. ,,. · The permits for the large residential development at Jamboree and San Joaqulrr Hills Roads along \vi lli permit applications by the Holstein Company for a 112-home The current lrend of soaring mortgages guaranteed by the location, good architecture· furnished and decora'ied rriodel bullding permit totals should VA ; today, only 3.7 percent of and con s truction , and ·bomes ahd sales-information continue, building departmenl new starts reetive a VA moderate prices. center, open se¥en dafs a spokesmen predicted. guarantee. Ayres builds an attractive week. are I o c at e d at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ one and tw04t0ry homtis ~ have three to four ~oori\I. two baths, shakNr tile raofa and optional th,.., cir Iara&•· · "'11lat's one~ of the ad-! vanlages of bek)g a privately owned ComPll11: as George J.I lleltzer I< Anoctalel has been far more than ff yun, Profit margins can ~ kepi small, U· • _I_ is G/s .. Our . . aif. ,·~ iguel 4 {jreat CExtetio~·c:ro ~oose Prom. 1 ·- ' " • ·--· 4 BR-3 BATHS 1•• •G• Wl'H NUMllR 5 Look Oat NU01b1r 4· GARDIN GlOYI LINCOL!I MHCURY OA•OIN OllOVI AT 1"-00KMU•IT ,61 .. 2'80 Prices from $32,990 • 2· OR S°CAR GARAGES t J Liv• near the ocean In Huntlniton ·a11ch. EnJoy the cl11n, crl1p offthor• br111e. At R1nch«;' La Cut1ll you'ft find homu to c~mplomont 11111 · , ffM environment. Th••• ire large comfort1bl1 f1mlly hom11 d11l9ntd with fl1lr and lm19lnatlon. Como out tod1y ind ln1pect our San Miguel mod1l1 .•• w• al-0~1v1 1 l1r91 11lactlortof·other ~ · · ~ · fln1 hom11. VA, FHA, Conventional terms available Phone (714) 1188-2929 Just t1ke 1 look at these quality fe1ture1: SAN DftGO FREEWAY ATLANTA ,. I RinChO uc..- ' • CULTUMD MMlllLf P\IU.MiAN T0'9 • rottMAL mNINQ ltOOM8 • not to se1te • ALL-ELECTRIC PATIO KITCHENS • MAITUI l!DftOOM VAN111£1 AND LAROI CL08nl • DIPINOABLI. COIT. ... AVINQ 'OltCID Mfl: HU.TING • ""'Afll!O '°" ""' CONomONING • BUILT-IN RANGE ANO OVEN WITH STYLISH DARK CLASS DOOR • BUILT·IN DISHWASHER 1 HEAVY DUTY DISPOSER • FUU WIDTH PLATE CLASS MIRRORS IN ALL BATHS • ST AINt.ESS STEEL KITCHEN SINKS • GOLD ANOOIZED ALUMINUM KITCHEN WINDOWS • TEMPERED GLASS SLIDING WALl.$ • CUSTOM UQHTINO PlXTUft(I TMROUOHOut • ,AIHIQNAILI OVAL IASINI SN ALL IATHS • SHOWIR9 0VEJt A&.Ll'TUIS • Y"fV\. Alnrr<>I FLOOR TILE IN KITCHEN. ANO FAMll.V "!>OM, • ACOU8TIC CflUNOI • HANO TlX1VMD .wALU • s ~-. • f'UU.Y INSUL.AT!D MtNUIAL IATI CEILINGS • CONCMTE .DRIVIS • UNDERGROUND UTILITIES : ~c:i":n.111 • 8QIVl.THROUGH PATIO-KITCHIN WINDOW WfTH StlltVINO IAR • KAND-CftAPTID WllOUGHT ... ON IWUNQI • CUSTOM DfSICNEO HAND flNISHED HARDWOOD KfTCHEH CABtNETS • LARGE KlTCHEN PANTRIES • lz..GA&.l.OH WATlft HIATI"' • WOOD-8U!INIHQ ,_,.Cl, WITH QAI LOG UOKTlll8 • mrr.VOLT wlnNo TO DftVut LOCATIOft . • AllCHfltC1\llWJ V COOftOINATtD mtltiOOS • SHAKE ROOFS • IUILT_,N TV AND Tll.IPKONI OUTl.11'8 ,, • WEATHt:APROOF EUCTfUCAL OUTLIT AT l'ATIO • LOW MAINTENANC( PTEPUORS PIATURINQ STAINED ROUCH BEAMS AND SIDING, Wmt cot.OR COAT STUCCO • T~ USE OF MASONRY • DUICNPI 8ILICTID H.\lli>WAll£ • ftAIND ,..m; ENl1l'f DOOftl AYRES· SINCE 1905 R RANGRO hA GUESTA ' ' . HUNTINGTON BEACH . ,. f \ I --· Featu1;es ' ' Included • In Price ' Have you ever befit disap. p_olnled by dilcoverlng that 10me of the features you liked ht • model home were actually extra.coat options? ·A reCrf.lhlng cha.nae await& l"CUl!aln Val)ey, •"9'rdbig to Rlcb.iird Hall ind Robert Mala of Tricon Devefcipment Co. "All features dllplayed In our three .new models are in- cluded in the stated sales price,'' they pointed out. Located on N.'agnolia Blvd. between . Slater and Talbert Aves .• the Balanced Power development is in· Its second ·increment of 36 residences. A speCial Opt!! house ls schtdul~ Sllnday at the model complex of La Linda Homes. Re£reshments will be served from noon to 5 p.m. Single-story, tw~story and tri-level noor plans a r e avall~ble with Spanish, con- temporary, traditional and Bermuda designs. . Living space in the three and four-bedroom residences ranges from 1,700 to 2,500 square feet. Among the special at- tractions of La Unda Homes are hobby rooms, fonnaJ din- ing rooms with floor-to-celling fireplace, wallpaper, and wood-paneled family rooms with erposed .beam . ceiling, wet bar and carpeting. Master suites incorporate a sitting room, separate dress- ing rom •. built-in v~nity, walk· in wardrobe and Ro[Jl.an bath. Designed by home economists fee optimum ef· ficlency and convenience, tilt kitchens offer 31 &eparate features. Built-in appliances lncl4,de a gas range, side-by. side' double gas o v e n s , dishwasher, disposal, can opener, toaster, coffee timer and blender. Additional features of each kitchen are a three.com- partment sink. self-closing cabinet doors. luminous ceil- ing, ceramic tile drainboards, vinyl floors, spice r a c k , writing desk and pantry. The complete, ready·to-oc- cupy package at La Linda Homes also includes shake roofs, concrete driveways, th~ g,rage!; gas patio • 1tubs, rear;yard fencing and front yard trees. · Priced lrom $35,500 to $40,500, the residences are close to shopping, schools and beacheii. Horse Room ' At RaQcho California Parcels now offered In one· half to l~·acre sizes provide property owners ample room for keeping horses in the Meadowview s e c t J o n of Rancho Ca l iforn i a in Southwest Riverside County. A 50 by 100-foot training ring, located adjacent to the ~teadowview Clubhouse, also · Is available to Meadowview residents who keep horses. In addition, numerous and readily a~ssible bridle trails are favorably positioned near the 1,150-ecre coonlry estate development. "Numerous scen'ic lookouts, strategically located watering holes and picnic groundl where both rider and his horse may enjoy refreshment ha ve been built into our bridle trails network," pointed out George J. McGaffigan, vi ce president and general manager of the ranch company. "More than 50 miles of well-marked trails which traverse our 87 ,500 acres are designed to ac- commodate horsemen who wish to ride for an hour or for an, entire weekend ." For the more serious rider. nearby training and boarding stables are open sii: days a week with instruction avallable for both rider and horse in all classes. The Rancho Ca I i torn I a arena, site of many clinics and horse shows, provides the 11teadowview property owner additional nearby com- prehensive facilit ies all or which are geared lo horse ac· tivlties. Uncle Len Offers Pri1es Every Saturd1y Leolio.tN-.,4 Wt'rt .,..,_...,,.. All•'"'-Wt'rt Nttnter ,'-1.Mfl °" NWl!Mr ,_, ' GARDIN GROV! LINCOLN MIRCURY •AROlfit ••OVI AT IROOICHURn 636·2'10 I l \ '( • ' j • . .. • • ' . • • :!' ·~ .:: ( • 'I -... • • I uron. l ' . .• . . ' IS·R· a ' . GOU • 1ve ere ~ •• • ID IS. • ..,~--~·.·.·-·-.-· •-.r • I Something excit- ing Is 1about to happen in the Orange County area. Today. TlQuron.Full·on family townhome llvlns. A moment from the-sea . ' ' Our Grand Opening is this week· end. To fntroduce you to the begin· nlng of the good life In the cool, carefree new world of green lawns, colorfu l flowers . and tree-shaded parks. Each Tiburon home is a master· # LARWIN 'S I ) .. piece of design. Big new one and two story homes feature exciting new features and floorplan Ideas. The whole community Is one giant park with endless recreationa l facilities. Just for the fun of it. We have the Tiburon Club. For year-round family fun. You belong the day you move in. This Is the per- fect place to get away from It all. By staying home. Tiburon is in the perfect location. Right In the heart of the famous ·coastal commun ities of Newport, Lido Isle and Balboa. \, • ... • . ' I /-.. Beaches are six minutes rw1y, Swimming. Skllnf. Surfing. Boating: S1lllng. You Nrne It. Features. How about totalhome refrigerated a!r conditioning. At no extra cost. And no exterior ma in tenance. lt1s all done by pnifessionals. ' . Come out today. Excellent financ- ing. Special parking lacilltles, Intro- ductory prices limited time only, It's not a countJy club, But when you live here you'll think It Is. /, • I ~, .•,. ~ ' GARDEN GROVE FWY T BERT &~~ ,,.. IU, TIO. Low FHA and VA terms. Dlrectlons1 Tiburon Is loCated 1,, Fount1l" V1lley on Brookhurst. T1ke San Dftto fwy, to BroOkhUfst, IOUth ont block to modt!s. I ' I •• • ,\ ., • • \ l ! l j l I l '" \.. ' ' ' ! I ; • ' ' ' l ' ' ! I ! . ! ' ! .. I DAILY PILOT Saturday, Ncwembrr 22, 1%,q San Miguel Model 4-bedroom Home ' One ol the: roost popular planl' at • Don ·Ayres Jr:s JlanchO Di CUesta-Hunl.qton Beach is the two !story San Miguel The horn• has foor tiedrooms, three baths, family room and formal dining room. Prices of the San Miguel rang! from $33,400 to $3•,200 depending on the exterior sty!· ing selected. Two and three car garages are offered . as well as all electric patio kitch· ens with built-in rungcs with Ovens which have stylish dark glass doors. Built-in disposer and dishwasher are also in- cluded in purchase price. Tile and.shake roofs, m,aster bedroom vanities, cultured marble pullnian tops, vinyl asbestOs-floar tile in kitchen , acoustic ceilings and han<f..tex· ti.Ired walls' are· among the other features, according to sales manager, Bud Ertcker. n1c year-around g 0 0 d "'Cather and smog..free·air are typical or the pop.liar Hun- ti'*ton Beach area. Huntingt.n Beach is growing fast, with in- dustry and business keeping ~ce with the influx of new families who enjoy living near the ocean. yet close to freeways and access to other metropolitan and recreational areas. Buyers are able to order their homes customized to be finished to meet their ln· divldual tastes a n d re- quirements. Families are in vited to visit the furnished and decorated model homes and sales-in- formaUon center daily at Brookhurst Street and Atlanta .Avenue, Huntington Beach. Republic Homes Show Fi.p.al Santa Ana Unit One or the few remaining ~ose-in deveJopments in Santa Ana ls showing its final unil at 3113 South Pacific Street. Republic Homes Coropralion, i di\rision of National Environ- me:it Corporation (NATEC), has opened the last unit or 31) homes or its 250 home development. Priced f r o m $35,99~ to $39,995, the homes have four and five bedroom models with 1500 to 2600 square feet, respectively. There are four furnished models, the Fair- mont, the Stratford, t h e Stockbridge and the Carmel. These _are quality homes with double entrance doors, formal Mahttenonce Leose 24 -· clOHo:I tMi •lltl lldDry t,._,.. ma111i.....11e1 ,,..rim GAIDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY G41UllN G•OYI'. 4T aROOll:H Ull51 63.6-2980 dining rooms, and extra large family rooms featuring floor to ceillng masonry fireplaces. :They' all contain custom home features such as shake 'a":ld shingle roofs, nylon shag carpeting, and high beam ceil- ings. Further, all homes have two car and some three car garages with a large storage space area. Some plans even contain a rear boat door. The kitchens all contain top-of-the· line appliances scuh as self· cleaning ovens, and are at- tractively , s t y I e d with lumi'.1ous c e 11 i n g·s and breakfast bars. This close-in and central development is within the city limits of Santa Ana and ad· jacenl to three freeways. Primary 3'.1d se condary schools are blocks away and Orange Coast College is just three miles. South Coast Plaza shopping center is within one mile of the new hom es. Open Sundays 12 Noon to 5 p.m. e11do11d 1i1 c;ondifioned mill ._., SS liore1 "' Mo11!9011'11t-,W1rd1. !11t h & Edi119K •I S111 Diogo hty. f Bea~hf:ron1 Bargain < Presle.y Lowest Priced • in The JoftS!.prtced ...... Ca~trano Beach Is aboat a view homes"' bl Caplstranq mile down a very scenic road. Btaclt wW be 00 dl...tay dut· Doheny Slate Beach, ofe pf ....,.-Southern California's tmost Ing the grlJi! opooloe ol the Popular swimining and surflpg 3~ million· dollar, 1'5-unlt beaches, is only a m11e and a Praley Development: O:>m· quarter away. Schoc.ls, \00. pan)' conpnunttJ, California ale close, with an elementVy · · Pr1-. school located on the boundary lbnes, Capistrano. l\."Q of the development. Capistrano two baths. Fireplaces are fn. 1 eluded. Family rpoma,,dlning areas, vaulted ceil"-s, and formal entryways are fotind iQ .most models .. The development ls located about on~ mile· south of lhe town of San Juan CaPlstrano, on Calle Juanita, oo the ocean side of the San Diego will start 8\ $22,9116. The combination of Vlew- 'flh.ny ,ol. the homes will oriented location and Jower•o;;;;;;;;;.,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i""'o;;;;i"i brie belufjfs•I' oc;ean views," ehd price 'fill draw aUenUon 11 lOoli Out Na1111Nr '4. Freeway. uia 'Robert ~ .Phillips, Ex· from several major markets. w .. n. N~ .. ,.. Aa•*"'™'«'i'"' ecu&Jft ,Vice President of the ~hilJ,lps report4 ·that Qleir pre-N, ...... ,~ o.t Nlll'llW~ ~lctcorporatlon. ~on 1Darket survey GAIDEN GIOYI · , "I!' fact, ..,.. will have studi .. ~inned the appeal. LIN!:ot)j MHCUllY. netrlJ llO de~ of ocean '!be bOlnel '-•ve two, three •.A•OIJ4 N0\11 AT lltOOICNU!tfT • B t pr! .-•. I • .' 636-2980 ' view. u ce and view are ..:•:r_:l:::our::_.:-..0:=:·::'.""::'.'.'.' _:w~l~th'._·u~. p!'....'.:to'.''~'!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!''!!!'"' onl.y two of the advantages of 1- Callfon>la Hot!les, Capistrano. 1bt k>caUon, whk:h Is One ol our most e.Clttng, Is alao a pri)llary attraction." "The development h: onij about 'I• rnHe from the ocean, a.s the crow flie s. And the site for the new marina In the Dana Point Harbor ls only two miles.away," he continue<i. According to the, Or e Escape to Lake 'forest! L&ket ·woods e"Xdttn& homes S•n Di•se/S!Rtl An1 f~ ti u fore Ro.d tllin follow flt ,1.,., County Harbor District, the million dollar marina will eventu~lly house a~ proximately 2200 boat., in ad· dition to a boat club, boat ren·l;:; ......... .i~~:;;~:fftt::M::M::M:ff:ww;;;;;;,..,..~ tal agency. restaurant, dtyl! ...,...,,,,,,,,...,...-......... dock and maintenance facilities, picnic areas, pUbllc beaches and park areas with recreational facilitiea. YOUR PROBLEM: . . MAST!'R SUITE OF PALERMO MODEL INCLUDES PRIVATE PARLOR· One half of the 260-acre harbor will be completed by July, 1971f wJth the remainder to be in oPeration within five years. You want to Hll some item th•t you no longer need b,ut -someone else c•n UH for Harbor View Homes .7 NOT ? OVER , , $50 ? ? • • Palermo Emphasizes Size Other major facilities art also nearby. Downtown Boeing Plane YOUR ANSWER: You call THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for Cl.111lfied Advertising, and place • From the outside. t h e Palermo model in Harbor View Homes is impre,ssive enough. But once you step in- sid e, the effect is grcr.1de. Bigness is everywhere in the Palermo. But nowhere does the feeling of size come 1hrough as ii does upstairs in the master suite. A n d the roominess is no illusion. The master suite or the Palermo measures 28 fee t long. At one end is a spacious, luxurious bath and dressing area which leads to the big bedroom por· lion, then · dow.1 a two-step level to another huge area which is the Palermo master suite's private parlor. Also, on the second floor of the Palermo are three more bedroor:ns '(one with its own prjVate1 ~1cony), for the . rest of the fampy -set apart with The Palermo totala 2,259 Test Success . a comp lete bath and hall of square feet Or space and sells their own. for 0nJy $34,995. SEATTLE (UPI) -The The elbow room continues H bor Vi H also giant Boeing 747, nearing the downstairs, too. The slope-ceil· ar • iew o~ Of· Ing foyer leads to an immense fers four other models priced end of its testing period, suc-from $25 995 to $3& 995 cessfully passed !ta Federal livi'.1g room .and dining room Hartior'. ·view Ho~es are Avia.tlon Admlnistration area. From the dining room 1 led J'"-· te evacuaUon test here Sunday. you enter a 16-foot breakfast oca wH muw s • away PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFIED AD nOok wh.ich ls next to 3 large from beaches, Newport Center Despite the malfuncUon of Comer kitchen. 'The nook and Fashion Island shnnping one of lta five evacuation I AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE • •w• slides, 499 passengers were • overlooks a family room •. com-mall, Corcr.ia de! Mar High • School the Or••ge county removed from the plane 3 2 2 • Plete with powder room, on.. ' .... LINES TIMES DOLLARS • Airpart and the Un1·verslty of within the required 90 sero.1ds . •: tional wet bar and fireplace. ' "In the past 14 months we California at Irvine. have been most pleased by the Take the San Diego or 111• Tryl99est Dealer ,._ AND YOUR. CR.EDIT IS GOOD I : way. people frlehactPalmto ertoh·'· NMeawportc. -~·-FBour ~-t •• w,da oyrf'ram· top :·Gc:~.-D-E: N·~:~.·0-:::"'YE ,:, ! D I A L N 0 w D I R E c T ! : spaciousness o e , tu ~1\U ~ "" ... ;: .., · Sal and proceed south to Ford * 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 • says Duffie Fryhng. es Road. Or, take Coaa\ Highway LINCOLN MHCUIY : • __J Manager, ''especially whe:i d t rth t M Arth GARDEN •11ov1 AT s1t001CHU•sr it IToll free N.m c.11.., 140•1220, • they find out how low the price an um no a ac ur 636-2980 it · is. The Donald L. Bren Com-;:Boule~;;;:;v~a~rd~to~F~o~r~d~R~oa~d~·==~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~·~"·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~**~**~*~**~·~·~·~·~·~~~~~· pany. builders and developers,rr are indeed proud of this ac- complishment.'' Eldorado: high-flying homes at ground-level prices. ' .. r jf you've given up find ing a home you can offord, consider whot's new ot Mission Viejo: Eldorodo Homes -$22,500 lo $29.640. FHA/VA finoncin g. There's a great 2-bedroom home for those who need no more. And 3 bedrooms, and 4, all witn down-to-eorth prices a nd FHA or VA financing. M ission Vieio became America's most successful new town because oll lls odvontoges ore available to every resident. A cha llenging 18-hole golf course. A $400,000 private -to resi- dents - recreation club. A charming community shopping ploza . Churches. lv'ied icol facilities. Services of every kind. But most important, perhaps, is that each home is generously endowed with the flavor of early California. Our community is one, proud, .small town -whether your price range Is $20,000 or $60,000. Eldorado Homes, proud member of fhe Miss ion Viejo family, con be purchased with an Income of $800 per month. T odoy, toke a flyer. Come just a little farther south on the Santa Ana or Son Diego Freeway lo la Paz Rood, and turn lefl fp Eldorado Homes. Pion "' ""-"l ""' ~ (.olifomla Optn Golf~ ,....., V"tejo Goll Oub o..n.b.r '11 lht\I ;.,_., ' , Far,,...,..,...,,.u141 ~'" ., ,. " ' .. I ...... -. .... Hello again, boys and girls-, and welcome to Uncle Len's Corner. Not too many of you boys and girls seem lo be in lhe Chrislma! spirit yel. Entries in Uncle Len'11 Christmas CArd Contest are getting off to a slow start. If you want to make some children happy al Fairview State Hospital and have a chance to win prizes, you'd better start hurrying. The con- test closes on Friday, ~· 12, and that's not really too far away. JUST TO REl\UND you of what it's all about: The winner gets a special, all-day holiday visit t o , . • r . • ..> • ·' .. . ' -- . --· ... --~~-: .. :""'·~- • ..... ~*1-.ot-­\~~.U' thi\i K 011 Ys·! -·..._ ~·.=.· . -"-;--. .; . - ~ ..... ~ ~ ·.-- ~ .. ·-~· ··--·«~·-- Disneyland for himself (or ~-------------------------------,1 herself) and his (or her) brothen and sisters and mom and dad. A special group of cards that Uncle Len likes real we~but not quite well enough to be the big win- * PRIZE WINNER * Eileen Rose. 11, 601 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar TUMILEWEEDS PEANUTS .. PERKINS IM 6AA'it'l'A IJ..WAVS l.ISEP 10 CALL ME '1<11111 .. SOS EVER'(llOPY ELSE! ... MY NAME MOST SE.'Klll'l YA SPELL 'THAT WIT\.! A 'K' OR A "C'?-ONEOR 'fWO 'P'S 1 DAILY PJtor 1i- ly T '"' K. ltya11 ly Charles M. Schull ly John Miies ,•,. •' \~ ner-will win for their Anb child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you desitnm each. a Kennedy haU l':Oi doll ar. do: (1) raw picture on piece of plain, white paper 5' inChes w1de ~d ~ And all or the cards, except 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace 1 , !or the winner, will be given to picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and a ddress JUDGE PARKER By Harold Lt Den , children at Fairview. on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY fljiiiiioiiii<:-...... ----""l •--==-:=,.....-::c,.-;;:-::=:-::==-•--="""==-""'------.·· ,, The rules are simple. J ust PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. ----r CA•fr HELP I'll &e !ACK !EFORE ,., EVEJV MINVTE f draw a picture that bas L-------------------------------~11 OA.11'.LI WU~ MIA.T ~~E IT .. I worrv VOLl'VE HAD " CHANCE 'a'l:E GONE WILL ( so mething do with Christmas YOU POI WG UP A.T A.&OllT VOii ! TO MISS ME, sweu-SEEM. ~w mblff. and make up a V'el'se or and phone number on thc 'back Draw a scene aboul the nation Costa Mesa ; Michie Corey. 11. TillS HOUllf? HE~r~ Christmas message to go with or the sheet and send il to: you li ke besl and you'll be in .Newport Beach : Monica it. Uncle Len's Christmas Card the running for a Kennedy half Mansfield, JO, Fountain P. o. Box 1560, Cosla ~1esa , 9'h, Costa Mesa, Chris Burnet-BOTH THE Plt'TURE and message should be done ln black pencil, ink or crayon on ()(le side of a white sheet or paper not bigger than letl~· size (I~ x 11 inches). Contest. The DAILY PILOT, dollar. Valley ; Palricia Halloran., I Calif., 92626. HONORABLE mention win-t, S, Costa ll1~sa ; Jeffrey Dar- Meanwhile, in our regular ners in this week·s art conlcst row, s. Costa Mesa; Usa and jF.;=>:;;i. art contest, lhf subject for are: Jeffrey Marks, 8, South n.ext week will be forejgil. K_!,ith IU1gdon, 9, Huntington Laguna, and Ernie Moyles, 9, countries ai:i<t their people. Beach; Terilyn Kelly, 10, JiuntingWn Beach. Put your nam e, age, address THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving ; Oh, what a lot of fun ; But do not forget that day I'm sure t 'was not a play, Snlll ,.,, .Mitt.... te As• At4y. •I• 0...,. C.. o.lly Pllet, ... IHI. c..te ...... Cellf. The Indians met with the Pilgriln:i To give their thanks and pray. fl< l(~nned~ hall dol!ar gffS lo TtrllYn l(~lty, 10 • .l'4 v ;,i. ll•YI. Cost• Mt••· tar ""-w1...,;,,. en!,., I~ lht sto,., •IWI -'" conte•I. Ma!! Your POtm or star, lo Unc:lt L111, 114• 15'1, Ca.r• ~w C•lilor11l1. -'""" ,tl!d$ 1 com.ll!tt' 20-YOlume \ti of tri. W .... t Selk l!IKJllellMlfi to 1.1111•11 HlrKh •• g, U, of W11111lpev, MlllllOll•, Cini~, for Mr <IWIStloll: How weu the continental shelves formed ? On a gJoba l map the major features are lands and seas. A closer look reveals that the continents are margined with .sloping shelves, submerged under shallow tidal \Vaters. These major features seem to be permanent, but we know that even they have changed during the long span of geological history. All these shelves of shallow. tidal waters alope genUy out to sea, then suddenly plunge down to the deep ocean basins. If the oceans Jost all their water, we could see the entire solid surface of the globe. \\lithout a doubt we \voukl rlecide that il5 most stupen· dous features arc at the seaward edge of the con- tinental she lves . Herc the steep cliffs precipitate a mile or more straight down lo the ocean abyss. The steep-walled ha.sins are the true homes or the watery oceans and it is ob- vious that the gentle slopes around their rims rlghUully belong to the continents. Al present, earth scientists do not have enough data to prove bow or exactly when the continents and their slightly :i.11Lmerged shelves were form· ed. But they have enough l!vidence to suggest several possible theories. The earth's crust has two principal layers of different densities. The lower level is a global shell of rlenser, basalt-type minerals. Jt fonns the floors of the ocea ns and underlies the con- tinents. The land masses are hu'e slaba or plates of lighter minerals floatin g, as It were, ln the denser basaltic layer. the evidence sugats that the conUntnts and lhe ahelves share a common tiistory and most 1lktl7 t~ey were formed togcth•. But this ctlapter of the earth's inf11ncy ts still 11hrouded In my1tery. Al present. nobody ean prove how the continents or their shelves were formed . A 1eneration or so ago, most uperts assumed I that they were fonned' in separate chW'lks, more or less '----------------------'I where they are. Then someone c A c suggested that all the land areas originally were Joined ~----a1•0 .1 orner :!~~::!~i ~"act~· th~d•i•f;: RIDDLES and JOKES fragments drifted a p a r t through the seabed. This theory or continental drift was pooh-poohed -but a lot of new evidence suggests that it 1nay be true. If so. the margins of the drifting con· tinents are submerged somewhat like the edges of rloating rafts. But at preselt nobody can say fo r £Ure how or exactly when the con-. tinental shelves were formed. AlldO' Miid• • W..tlll .... Allll to lime o.111m. 1ot 11. of P•s•d'"'' t•IS, !or l\lt CIWfllion: ls our moon a plaaet or a satellite? * PRIZE WINNER Boy (on phone: Doctor. nly brother just swallowed a fountain pen. Doctor : I'll be right over. But what 'vill you do in the meantime? Boy: Use a pencil. -Ttrllyn !Colly, 10, l1~ VI~" lllY8. Ca1ll Mo~ Dear Carol: \Vhal is 'the last \VOrd in rockets? •eJ!~ :JeMSU\t -D1vlll M11:l111i, I. COiii Me.•~ Clara: Your husband really likes his collection of tools. S~rah : Yes, but it'll break his heart When l he neighbors ask for them back. -Terllyn K•ll1, 10, Co•i. Mui When il comes to lhe precise details or the space age, Andy's readers are most cer· tainly on their toes. A large '----------------------'I number or faithful penpal s have written in to point out a glaring error in several news reports on the Lunar Landing. Several TV newscasters reported the dramatic event by stating that man had landed on ar.other planet. A few newspapers made the same error and even stated in big, bold words that the astronauts had landed on another planet. These new smen, of course. 1vere reporting the most dra matic moment in hu1nan history. It was hapening right lhere and lhen and world-wide excitement was at an all·time high. Because of all UUs we can forgive the error of mistaking our satellite moon for a planet. But for the sake or our factual space in!ormation, It is lime to correct this error. A planet travels a single orbital pith around the sun. A 51telllte orbits around a planel. circling around and Jround h as il1e two of them orbit the sun. The earth Is one Dentais the Menace • l j • • I • or tttc sun's nine planets. Our ~2~----------LL:::::::;::;;;;j golden moon Is a captive L--- ,.ttlllte. traveling monthly 'OF {VURS'fi ITS lWlJ{ IN Hi;.Qe ! WJll,T orbits around the planet earth •• the 1wo of them swing In a 'lllE HEQ( 010¥1.1¥/1,ICT?' yearly orbit around the sun. I MOON MULLl"IS ,.Al<~ CAl<e OF HIM, PARTNeR·· Youi"e Of.JI" New 80UNCof? ... .Y-..... f!A® MUTT AND JEFf WHAT 'ARE YOU · DOING? --·· GORDO n1 v:fU >. IJ W~IW i "'UT Ol'nl!ef) 'll!tf _,,1i•f 11 WAS SUI• (;l!).c ~. tlT,..Vtf.WS f f'l-A1,f>>J w.., i·~~ AO A PJ..O/N'1 ce~re~ Fti.D o" >. ci<oue-ce!.s ~.,.. ... 11-J.J. MISS PEACH ... /,. !'M BOILING A ,.HREE MINUTE EGG! WHAT ARE YOU HOLDING ,.HE EGG FOR? By Al Smltli / )• .. ,, " " • , I ~--::--·-----------------------------. J J •DAILY PILOT • I I ' Saturday, Novembtr 22, 19tiq " ' j ' ;~~EN'S WEAR . v ALVES " G RO UP OF SPORT CChi.'l'S'. , " , .. " tncn'! ·spai·ts\vear 43 -all 1'7 'slo.r~s . 45:00_-50.QO· . 30.00 -. I . TK 36 -36 KE\' Pl .-\NO toys 42 -·all ·17 sto.rcs t'og. 9.99 ,\.11sc o W EE T OT CHA IR ... toys '42 '--all 17 stores. reg. 3.99 :·1 . ~, • _LINGERIE AND FOUNDATIONS NVLON ·+~'l{>OT "SLIP§, 32-38 . daytime Jing,ft1.i?~ -all, 17 Stol'CS.l~eg. J.,,00~6.QO . ' . - . UY.I " . . ' C.\RDT[lAN. P ULL,OVER. -5.\oYEt\TERS . ' . ' 00 ''"'00 10 9D men'~ spotls\vear 84 -all 17 stor• 14. _,, . GABRfI':L IRONING SET I oys -all 11 stores reg: 5.99 ... ' • I ' , . ' . .. CR!';PESET"J;l)rA SLIP, :l2-3~ A.,li ~.99 r ~.. fo1Jlidatio~ 44--~ a:ll 17 stOres 'reg. '12.50~ , t •. ~ 6.99 LoNc .sLEEVE KN IT sr{r~~s -.;;- men's sportswear 84 -all 17 stores ~e1-,110.00 3.99 ii l>EC IAL GROUP KN IT $f,:iffiT.S : n1en's s1xn1s wear 84 -aJ J.17 stoJ,,.es•lO.CX~/22.00 5.09 . -.. \' ' ·FA:\10US M.\KER UN D!plWEAR j men's ful'n\shfngs:. 127 -all 11• stOrcs ,w~1·e S./2.90-'J.f>O 3 ror 2.~!) F .\SHION STRETCH HOSiERY ,me11is fijrnishings 1:!7 -all 17 stol'eS \Vere b~C ii!Jc ,hl\GLISH WOO L l::N At: KLET S r11en's furilishings 127 -all· 17 sl?1'CS.-\\'c1-e 1.GO ~l!)e .ENG LI SH \VOOL OVER-CA LF HOSh men's ,furnishin"'S 127 -aU 17 Stores \Vere 2.00 J,.J!) • 0 • • JARll;l·Ai1{'S REX-FLEX SHOES men·~ shoes 60 -all 17 stores \Vere 29.00 ·2-1.9:J BOYS' WEAl{ VALUES t . \•V,\JE)lPROOF SKI P.-\RKA boys' \Vear 14 -all 17 stores \Vere 15.00-17.0'1 HOODED N YLO N l'.~RK .-\ bo~-s'·\VCal' 14 -all 17 stores \Vas l:S.00 FA.\IDUS .\l.·\KE :\0-IR ON JEAJ\e b9ys' \Vear 14 -all 17 s!Ol'C!' 1vet'C 6.00 SHELDON H OO [)~ l'.IRK .-\ boys' \Vear 14 ;--all 17 sto11"s \1·as .18.00 ~l::)'ERSJBLE ,NO-!llOi\' J rl ~\(EJ~ boys'. \Veat~ 14 :-all 17 Stores 1verc 8.00 !'AMOUS ~!AK E P°t'LLOV~lt1'S \V·E.\'rER S ' boys' furnishings 23 -all 17 stores 10.00-1 2.00 FAMOUS ~!AKER SWl::ATERS boys' f.Jrnishings 23 -~1111 sto1-es 10.00-12.00 P ULLOV ER, C.\RDI GAN S~V EATERS ho~' fu1·nishings 23 -i ll 17 stores 4.00-10.00 HOME FURNISHINGS L.">D\' PEPPhR!cLL C.-IRESS T O WELS li11ens 30 -aJl 17 stores reg. 80c•2.IO SPRINGMAID CA:..IELOT T O\l'hLS linens 30 -':11117.slores "reg, 1 .50-~,90 S PRING.\1AID TAHITIAN ROSE TOWELS l I .~ :J . ' i .:JU : :; : } ,!; '.) (iUc-2.t.19 !i nens 30-all 17 stores 1·eg. 90c-4.00 59c-l .!)9 -DI SCONTINCE D COTTO:'>/ J'[\RC.\Lh SHEET S ·bedding 41 -all 17 stores t1vi n, full, 6.50-7.j() 3.19-4.ifl \VH!TE NO-IRON ~I USLI N SHEET S bedding 41 -all 17 sto1·es, l\Vin. full. cases 2.29-3.79 J.UU-.3.·IU REG. OR LOi\'G :..1.~TTR ESS O R BO:\ SPR l \'G sleep equipn1ent 14j -alt 17 stol'es rei;. 44.!J~) .\SS ORTED SOF.I SLEEPERS sleep eq uipment 14.)-a\l ~7 sto1·es i·eg, 149.00-3!)!).00 _I itJ.OO-:!iU.00 J J\N ERSP!ll NG .\1.-rrTRhSS OR SPR\\'G sleep· equ.ipment. 145 -all stores t\\dn, full, 39.9D 211.!J9 ' . ~JOD£RN 11 PC. CO RNER GRO UP f.ieep equipment 145 -all 17 sto1·es reg. 2-19.00 ASSOR'rMENT OF ROO.\•[ DIV! DERS s11 7;, ·draperies 11 -nil 17 s tol'es l'eg. 10.00-25.00 0:\1\. OR \VALNUT CCSTO:..I SH ELVhS draperies 11 -all 17.SlOJ'eS reg:. 00.00-23.00 toys.42 -a ll 17 stol'es l'eg. 1.99 R EM.CO ~I U :..J BO J U~I BO • toys 42 - all 17 store~ reg. 9.9!-1 1+4"x8+" FIBER GLASS DR.-\PI:;R l hS 1 draperies 113 -all 17 stores l'c.'g. 40.00 'l'i\1 NTED PICN IG. TABLh toys 42 -all 17 stores reg. 9.93 G RIPPEDEE GRA VI D EE toys 42 -all 17 stores reg. 9.9£1 199.00 OFT o.ou 11.00 99c (j,9!) . . 19.!.19 i .9G PL.-\ YTD'l E STROLLER toys 42 -all 17 stores i:eg. 1.99 " ·,!.. ' ,,. ' . ' t ' 1-. ~ .... :i_, -. _9Do QUILTED HOLLYWOOD SLIPCOVERS cui'lai~s .113 -all 17.-stoi:cs reg. 7:·~~-2-1.~ -', .. :6·~:2-1.09 20'' ZIPPER C.-\SES ,. Jug~age 36 - all 17 stores reg. U.50 211" F,\ilRIC Z IPPE·R:i C.\Si::S luggage JG -nil 17 store~ reg. 8.~)o" F.\.\IED .\1.-IK ~: ZIP l'loR TiJTJ·: ll.\!; luggage 3G -all 17 stores i·cg. 12.93 .\JEN 'S STRE.-\.\ILI TE 31" CO.\ll'.-\.'\ION lug;age 36 -au 1~ storeS reg. 16.£5 • • • > • J\llNOLTA 35 ~i:..f ).i[ \1x n c C .-\.\lEl~A c.:an1e1'as 37 -all 17 stores reg. 95.99 VERNON 80~ SxS, ED]l'O R'S SC REEN can1Ci:as 37 -all 17 stol'cs reg. 3 l.99 .'; y C.\SCO CONTO IJil 1-1 E.\'I' i\L\SS.-IGE R ;mall appliances. 74 .... :: .. :ii!-11.1-7 :S101·cs i·cg,.;S,99 l 'DI CO co:..IB!i\ATION OVEN-BROIL l::R !'tnal! appliances 74 _:_all 17 stores reg. l9.9fl l'O RN W.-\LL ELECTRI C BL '\' \V.-\R:\1 ER !'n1all appliances ·74 -all 17 storf's 1·£>g. !J.9H R h\ll NGTO:'\ loLECTRIC SLI C li\G KNll-E s1n?ll appliant'cs 74 -all 17 slores t·ci;. 19.!JQ l'ORT.-\llLE fR ON l!\G BO.-\!Ul , , . I . house,varcs 33 -all 17 stoJ'.es reg. 11.!JJ l>l!JRACREST UA't'H·RCJO.\I SC.\L E house,vares 33 -·all 17 stOrcs 1·cg .•. i3.0IJ .I-PC. 1'1NG SIZE TV TRAY SET 'J1 ouse.1va!'es furniture 87 -all 17 stores re~. 21.00 .IS" ll !G H DESKIC RED h:-.'Z.\ housc\va1'Cs furniture 87 -all 17 sto1·c-s re~. 69.~9 FOlNT.1 1\' FLO W DRl\'1'1S(; FOl '\'T.\I:\' . 4.G9 . . 4.19 ~.99 7~.99 29.99 ' l .99 15.99 (i '!)~) 1 I .U:J 8.:l!) ' .> • 7.9:). lG.W ha rd\,·arc 6:l -all ·] 7 store~ reg. :-;,!:3 3.!J:J FA:SHION SAV INGS l'i\'TJU :..L\IED F.-\S H ION CO.\TS, 1 •. 16 misscS' '27 -all 17 stores 80.00-200.00 G0.00-150.00 FA.\'IOCS :..!.-\id,'. 1':-.'IT DRESSE' lO\Vll & travel 4£1--:-all 17 stores 28.00-·14.00 1li.!J:J G ROU P OF DRESSES .-lo\i;n & travel 49 -all 17 stores re g. 18.DY 1 '.~:) DRESSES, ·S J'ECl.-IL S IZES \ro1nen's 57 -all 17 stores 26.00-:14.00 J J.H!J.:!~.!1:1 l'-1\'IT DRESSES. 111-20 hh·cl . 9.) -nll 17 store?!'\ 13.00-23.00 F.\.\lOL:s \1.-\1'1·: POLY ES T ER SLIT' 1 ·os1no~litan !)6 -all 17 stoJ'C'S 28.00-3.1.00 l'OLYESThR l~i\I T DllESShS. 8.211 cosniopoHtan 96 -all 17 stores rC'g. 28.00 FUR VALUES 11 .!J:J 11.:J~I BLACK -DYED BROADT.-1 l L L.-1.\ l B J .-\CK ETS ru·1· salon 47 -all lQ sto1·es· 2;!2.00 " ' LET-O UT N-.-I T E:..JB .\" .\11 1\K \\'R.\I' STOLES fur salon -17 -all 17 stores :!88.00 i\ATUR.\L :..Il i\'K BOAS fur salon 47 -111117 stoi:es . ' J\A T l.'R.-\L NOR\•l'EGI.\\' IJLJ 'E FU\ 30.00 C.\PELETS fu1· salon 47 -all 17 stol'es 77.00 l\'AT URAL .\ll i\K _1 .-\CKETS rur saton 47 -au 11 Stores 11-H.Oo "l'.11 l!:.lllJ.I ~11 .. i.. Br9~d~r~ ·'"'~·bl!n" fur l)rt/dU<'h l~htl"'I to J~O"" cnu ntrr.Or orlrln "' rn11>01·tc<I fur •• 1 .. 01 <o sou1;1 <oosl plaza, san dieso fwy at bristol, <asla inesa; 546-9321 may <o buena park, la palma at dale; &27-40:0 s:1::? n1:nc!c1y :hru saiur.:'a)' 10 c·ro1 ·io 9.~0 pr.1 .-: \' P0LTESTER Al'\'D cciTrON· D 9 5,TERS, IO~·i~ . "' Joung~\year 53 --,a,all 17 sto~. reg. 14.00 , • , . , ·8.99 •. '"· • ~'/ • ~ ''. ·~{r-. NOTIONS . AND ·COSME'FIGS• ·•:, . ' '. . . . • . ! '. ; • : . ·-- FOLDING SU ITCASE ·J.'.O R TR.\V.E~. notions i ___: ·aJi 17 stores reg. 3.~9 ' 'T- l'C:ll b°ER CA l>DY noli'ons i -all 17 -~torCs 1;e.:;. :J.30 C,0\1 P .1cc:~t rn:ROR . -noiiCln.s 1 -~~Lj7 stores r~. 9bc . ..hl.EN'.S_DRESSEll. ViALET ~. _ n.otjO\lS.1 :-all '17 ~tOre·s ,~. 4.00 • ' ~ 1,-........ • ~ ' ' : . . '' ' • J . ' ; ' : ·~.99 . 1.119 ; ' 29• . ,,. 'CA'1 ARY'PI N KI Ncf~H EA RS-_. .:· ,· : 1~ ;-. 8De . not1o(ls 117 all 17 store~".eg. 1.99 ' • , 'J ,,t. I TWELVE POCKET SHOE BAG ,, 110tioi1s 1 __;an '17 stores reg~ 4:00-5.00 · , I • " I" '· \ ' J U1\l U0·-GAR~11-:N'~ .BAGS 11otioiis 1 --1 lill 17'SlpreS ·1ieg: 3.50 ' . ' ~ ACCE~SORY VALUE$ l'.\.'\T\' HOSE, .\1.-I N\' CO LORS llosici·y 7 -all 17 stores i·e:i;. 2.00, 3/4.75, 6/~.10 CH.\I i\' RO PES jc\\·eJry ::':l -a ll 17 stores reg. J.OO.j.00 ' ' 1.99 1.91 1.39 1.99 l'li\S. h.-\RRI NGS, NEC KL ACES, RO P hS je\i,c!ry 22 -all 17 stol'cs reg. 2.00-l J.OO 99c-7.50 r .. \:..1ous 1K1Xr,ER LEA n:1ER ~ccr:ssofln:s : ·-~ '}:n~all Jcathet· :.!5 -a\1 17 stores 6.00-17.00 2.99-8.99 - llETThR V IN YL HAN DBA GS, ~JANY COLORS handbags 26 -all 17 stores reg. 7.00-8.00 : l • .3.99t FA.\IOL'S ~[1. KER H .~NDBAGS . . #' ' · ,. J • ~ ~ .. ~ handbags 26 ...:.:. all 17 stores reg. 16.00-20.00 9'.99 SHOE SAVINGS llED C ROSS· SHOES, ~l hD I U.\l H EELS \1·on1cn'." shoes ~1 1 -all 17 slol'es 1·cg. 20.00 •1n•1 or.:.<iuc! nu no con-lion wh•looevtr w•!t. H•e Am~rlcin N•tlon1I ~~d C.ro.s. J C.\IPJNG _l ,\CKS G IRLS' DRESS SHO ES )'OUn~ peoples. 70 -an·17 stol'es 12.00-13.00 (;IRLS' STRhTCH VINYL BOOTS young peoples 10 -all 17 stores reg. 11.00 TEEN G IRLS' STR ETC H VI NYL BOOT S ~·oung: peoples 10 -au 17 stores reg. 14.00 .I 'IT IQL'E BROWN LE.-\TH hR GROGL. ES lJoulc\'ard 112 -all 17 sto1'es reg. 11.00 · CH ILDREN 'S VALUES C:OTTO\' Ki\ IT POLO SH Ill TS , 3-7 little boys 52 -all 17 stqrcs reg. 3.50 BOYS' PATTERl\'ED DR ESS PANTS, 3-7 little boys 32 -all 17 stoi·es reg. 5.00 G IRLS' l'L.\ID J U:..IP ERS, 7-1+ sports,vear 7.7 -all 17 sto1:es reg. 8.00 COTTON FLARE-LEG PAN T S, 3-6 :\ sporls\vear 17 - all 17 stores reg. 1 .9~ ~LIP-ON AND CA RDI GAN S\V EATERS pt·e~teen DO -all 17 stores reg. 7.00~11.00 · G IRLS' PA NT S, SIZES 6-1+ pre-teen !)O -all 17 stores reg. 8.00-12.00 . GIRLS' r.\l\T\' HOSE. BEI GE accesso1~s f·18 _:.all 17 sto1-es reg. 1.:!9 .-, I _j ' • • •· V INYL CA R SE.\T S. \\'H !TE furniture 12·1 -all 17 stores reg. 16.00 c o ·n 'ON PRESSES, PRI NTS. PLAIDS toddlers 128 -all 17 stores . reg. 4.50-7.00 · 1-1.:MI 8.99 8.99 8.99 6.99 ,j,j!) 00.c .. 3.911-G.99 8.99 MAY CO , -------·-...,..----. .. -- --~~-~ . ... ,,..~ "o:'; .. -·~ Satunl01, N""!t.t 22, 1969 DAILY ~IL~,@ ; Bowl·· Bid · Bruins, USC Clash for Rose • , :~ . 'LOS ANG~ (AP) ..,.(1)CLA and, str~1t lrip \o P~'1 big bowl New; selected aftd announced! late ·this after~, Sootller1) call_.• ,,.Jio)oril, • bothr Yea" •pay, , , , ,..._~but~ ..... ~~'l'IJlri',, 'SoullitmCal,r\th'a'~.rtQOrdlrithe their 1Mu11 1'idtron ~ ~y·wtth Pai!lllC-i Cehrerence, cajj earn' u,e bowl' the pr<iligl..,. -BoWI bGOoi' at stake. cliote' eveo U \he aame ends In a Ue,. The A _.tty cr!"..14, ol 90,!09 '! expected ~jans' ~e1 aaf"e wai with Nolfe pime, at Me~;,.,..pme wlU be: ,4'14,. . . , • ,. , a naUa:W 1ttne6iift-·ABC -• 1 ·UCLA tS 5-0-t ht the conference, thanks with the f aet for S P;M. '~ · to a 20--!0 tie with Stanford. . The U<;I.¥ Bruins, coached 11,;Tommy Overall, botb ieims· are ~t, The win· Prothro, iP'_lifaV<ftd by a •nder' nwg_in' ner will meet ·the:-Bir Ten reprtsintaUve, while OOlclt"Jobq McKQ's TrOjal{s' ,are presumably tithe!\ Michiga'n ·or .Purdue. shootln&.,:for an. un~ted.1f6Ur'µI The 1mlctwest vl*lna ttam will' be . ' ' nOOn. • ' • " !ilostrObserrers-,~ct uu. .,., wQt be 'Cloee alillough UCLA. with a flrlf.'year varsity junlor, _Denriis Dwnmit, ·at· the On TV '1'0dilll . ' , 3 p.HI., ~......... 7., quarterback contrOll, bas rolled up 317 points .Jn nine games., -~ Bruins' tr!PJH!>lion atl>ck , has been·e~ciUng and1\1Pldalve. 1 " BRUl,N .HA~F,8A(I<: -UCLA senior halfback Greg J ones . (43)1 the Bruins' leading rusher, will be in action ~ay against USC at the Coliseum in a bat- UllT ....... tie to decide the West Coast Rose Bowl representa:-. tive, In the background is Bruin quarterbact Dennb Dummit (19). ', Ram, ·cowboy iook-alikes • In Showdown at Coliseum .~. I When the Rams 1 and the Dallas Cow· bo,Y.S stare at e.ach other acfoaB the line of. Scrimmage in the Coli~m .Sunday, it'D be a Uttk liki looking ,ih _the.mirror. Thf slmilaritieii: between the two NFL po"·ers are .Striking. For one thiilg, they are both winners, and this is one reason why the _game has been a sellout for almost, a month. Ap- f,roldmately 78,000 will be on hand __ le> nspect the oulC<lme. It starts at 1:05 p.m. George Allen's Rams are 9-o and seek- ing to become the first NFL team to win Sports on TV For Weekend Big event '·or the weekend teleVision fare ls the VSC-UCLA footblJl game, on ctianntl 7 this afternoon at 3 o'clock dJrect from the Coliseum. Chris Schenkel and Bud Wilkinson will brh~\ht' comlnentary on Ulls one follow· lng the Ob10 State-Michigan Kame in tile momihg and airing of the woftd· mid- dleweight championship fight between Nino Benvenuti and Luis Rodriguez direct front Roine, Italy. All on Channel 7. Laker fans will see Jerry \Vest and mmplny from San Francisco tonight on Channel s. ,_ 1J1 1,m, 111 CL -NCM FOO!llALL -Ohio si.11 llKl!nff .. Mlchl9•~ WOlwr 11a. 1111 Fltmml119, ltt Gro.KUll mlk"IH 11 Mlcllkltn St.il1,1t1'1, IT• b11 ~II~ by fM USC·UCU. u me.I l :JD 111.m, I~! CL -llASKETl.4Ll -Cloney Hlolt va. WIJhlNllOJ! ~!flh. ' .. 10 in , a row without a ]Ols s.ince .Green Bay turned the trick in :1982. While Los Angeles leadf the Coa!tal ·Dirision by four games over Baltimore,-Dallas (8-1) has a s~milar_ advan~ge in the Cp;pitol. The Rams finished 11·1·2 in 1967, but lost · tc·the Packers in the Western Con- ference title game, and last season their 10-3-1 piark was not good enough to top ~altimore in th"eir awn division. Meanwhile, the Cowboys have always been the brkiesmaid, but never U1e bride. In 1967 they won the Eastern champion- ship, yet lost to the Packers in the title game, and la.!t ye,ai:, after Unishing 12-2 in the regular season, the CowOOys were thrashed by Cleveland for the Eastern crown. On the field, the two teams are also Iook·alikes. For e:umple, each is led by a tall, powerful ·quarterback with a sling-shot ann. The Rams' Roman Gabriel (6-4, ~) is the third leading passer in the league ·and has thrown 18 touchdown· ~ but just one in!.ercepUon in 266 attempts. His counterpart, Dallas' Craig Morton (6-4, 214 ), is the NFL's fourth leading pa511er. He has tossed fQr 14 tqyct\dowhs, deSplte ,.f1¥Uhlg ) shoulder 1injury.' I - -In· the backfieki, bOth 'tearris have a versaUle rookie runner. Both Larry Smith of the Rams and Calvin Hill of the Cow· boys seem destined for "star'' status. Smith, from Florida, is the ninth Jea<f... lng rusher in the league wllh 437 yards on Ill carries, and ls also the club's secorid highest recelvtr with 29 catches. Like Smith, Hill is a first draft choice. CurrenUy, the Yale product is lhe hot- test rookie in the NFL. He Is the league's top rusher with 807 yards and a s.z average. Additionally, both teams have a set of neet receivers. Lance RentzeJ and Bob Hayes of Dallaa rate among the beat pass-catch.ing' combinations, but the Rams' Jack Snow and WendeU 'I\lcker have caught more passes. Furthermore, the Rams and Cowboys have the two offensive tackles from last year's All-Pro team in Bob Brown and Ralph Neely. Neely, however, may not play because of a knee injury. His re- placement is Rayfield Wright, a third· year man who gets the honor of facing Deacon Jones. Jones and his fellow Fearsome Four-. some companions are currently tied for the league lesd in tackling the pas!er with 38. The other team claiming that dis tinction? Righi, it's the Cowboys, and they also have a nickname-The Dooms. day Defense: Brown and Neelr1may be football'.!1 two best offensive tacKles, but the Rams' ,.1erlin Olsen and the. Cowboys' Bob Ully are ~erlainly lhe two finest defepslve tackles. Each has been an All-Pro for se veral seasons, Olsen on the left side and Lilly on the right. For final comparisons, both teams ha ve two All·Pros in their secondary. Linebacker Maxie Baughan and safety Eel Meador are the Rams with that honor and linebacker Chuck Howley and cornerback Cornell Green are the Cow· boy" Like the Cowboy game. the remaining Collseum meetings with the Vikings an<! Colts are both sellouts. I . Southern c11, .. with t a f4at ~tu.rln1 iOphomore at quart.erbac~.JlnuDy JOnes, has p~yed. fat more conserv1Uvely, grindirii out y1ri!age on ~lhe rushea by tailback Clarence Davis; Davis, -..the Succesaor \o the 1 Trojans' celebrated O.J. Simpson~ ia'the natioo'a leading big college rusher_ with 270 car: rles for:l,DI yards.· ' This ts not to say, however, that the Trojans caa't excute the loai.bomb play. Jimmy Jooes has at leut,two daqirous receivers. 1n this a.spect,_ ~bby Chandlett . USC-UCLA TV Rosters "" "'" .... _ ''' .... H...,. ... . e~ Gb 1 All(ll')y:lln , .. lf ~ltr ~ ll N9dor Clb-~' ·:;: I=~ " 1~ ~llOr " " -llb-11; ·~ " " ·ii~: db· ~.,....,. r. . -ll ... ,. . ~·-" ~ ,~, d: ~111-" ~ " " u .. ,,... :: 5 .~:;. .. ff ft:~:?. ~ " Ji E""" lb .so ~ ' .,...,..,,. Jg 51 "~dtr m" *~-·u )lklm•r '" k•1~11 ji cL1nrch ' u J:i~~ mJb ~,. ... " $1 :=h' ~ ~ 01::.,~.· " ,. . " " tt w.~ ~ tr.a;:~ ,. ~ ~~ c 1A 1r ~ 11 cElrv g ~-· II 7 :t'Mrtn•~ '" 111 n "••Itri ~ McN!llr :,::i,_ g ·-di rtl!OI> n ! b· 31 l1rlln• ~ ~ w•~ • u r:g " . if;.:~ " " fi " MN ~ kltll " :t~" d• ~ell ,, M:t'1Yi!: " • jllrl\!11$t1 " r•'f:o . " lie I '" :i G=•• "' " 80,000 to See Stanford, Cal In Big .Game STANFORD (AP),-Some 80,000 of the faithful are expected to jam Stanford's football Stadium today when California travels down the Peninsula for the 72nd annual Big Game. Stlllford Ii favored· by 14 points to win its eighth game in the last nine meetings with the Golden BeBl'I, but the hlstOry or this season-ending cluh for boUl xbooll I>; dotted With -ls. Though the Ind.Jans presently hav~ • 1- 2-1 record and can (JOSI their· boll mark since their 1941 Rose Bowl team by beating the Bean, the eeuon still must be counted something of a dlsa~ pointment by both squads . Stanford's inability to beat either Southern Cal oc UCLA -the Indians Ued the Bruins -has kept them 01it of the· Rose Bowl despite its finest team in yean. Cal, now 5-4, was cru.!Jhed' by UCLA. lost to Southern Cal in the final minute and then fejl ,apart against ,Oreg~ State in losifl& all Pacific-I Conference cham- pionship hopes. The game will match the passing of Stanford's Jim Plunkett -who owns most of the sea10n offense records ln the Pac-I and is now going after the career marks:__ agal.nst a California running at~ tack that Jacks consistency. Cal's P,efense has also fie~ strong on occasions this year, but injuries have spoiled its Overall effectJveness. "We ex~ct an all-out battle," says Stanford coach John Ralston, who points out that the underdog has won four of the last six Big Games. "Yoa have to live with the outcome of this one through the long winter months," flays Cal's Ray Wlllsey." · His star full back, Gary . Fowler, said, "The Big Game Is an emotional thing. Froth the way pradlce bas been going, I fetl we'll be ready." Both 'teams are Jn good shape. Cal welcomes back quarterback Steve CurUs, wh.o was No. I.before breaking his col- larbone against UCLA. Dave Penhall will start, however. Stanford gets fullback Howie Williams and ·starting offensive guard Bob Reinhard b8ck. Boih played only slightly la.!lt week, though Hillary Shockley took over for WllDairis and d1d In excellent job, The Indians have won seven of the last eight Big Game,, but Cal won 10 of I 4 before that. Overall, Stanford has won 32, Cal has won 29 and there have been JO Uea. w~:he.s played ·the last ff"IVfgames with two , injUrefi .. fing,rs on hl.!1 ;ri&ht haDd otrappe<I wtth <ape, and Sam'Dicker,.a. lo addlUon to Davia, Southern Cal bas other hard-nosed tunnerS in Charlie Erins, MIU• Berry and Lou Harris: and still another fine pass catcher in Terry DeKraai, 1 The T'rojans1 also have fl fine · place klcker in Ron Ayala, whose clutch field goal·ln the .ft.lat second topji[ed Stanford, 26-24, ' l • ' ~ , . :. UCLA boaN ll'eat recel-. oOtl!ily George Fanner, a big but ellrmtb'~ ex-trJtk ma9 Gwe:p C90IW -~ ~!t let th4 ~ Gw blll'I''"' -and,~ Gani!. • , J:llJ;t I )>,•" • Cotnplel!lfntlng Dlilun1t and hla Pai'a- aclion e1ercisc are two of the best j>od- yardage ru'nnen op the·~ cfei J~s and Oeet M\cltey CUreton.,.,,'l , , ~ Oelemlytly, the Troj•"*' Ir• bll ·and fast and UCLA is big -1~ fal( ~. ---~--,_ .. · ~ ... "''' ........ TROJAN DEFENDER -One of tbetw defensive backs bp the usii football team is Sandy Durko (16), p!Clured atibve in recent ,actio1t... Dtirko is expected to have bis hands full, defending against the pas•! ing lalenls. of UCLA quarterback Denrus, Dummit in the. imporlaD}. Paclllc-8 game loday at lbe Coliseum, ;: . " Sports in Brief . ·:. Ortiz Spurred . by · Blo()d., , Takes VerdictFromLeite . . -... NEW YORK -Goaded on by the shrill whistle.s of hls fans pleading for action, Carios Ortiz rallied In the late rounds Friday night and scored a 10-round decision o.ver Brazil's Edmundo Leite at Madison Square Garden. Ortiz, the former lightweight champion of the world, was making hl.!I first start in 17 rrionths · and showed distinct signs of rust In the early going. Then Carlos, re.!lponding to insistent whistling and boos from his fans, came on Jo take the d~ision with a flurry in the last three' rourids. Jude:c TOfJ_Y_iCastellano scqred It 7-3 and judge John Mai"shio had it 4-3-3 for Ortiz. Referee Barney Phelan called it a draw with · four rounds for each man and two even. Jn the seventh round, Leite opened a cut at the corner of Ortiz' right eye in a two-fisted e.,.;change with the ex~hamp. The blood -to spur Ortiz on, • WE~tBLEV, England -Corona del Mar'! Rocj Laver aiid Tony Roche, the top-rated stars, powered their way lo Ule final of the BrWSh~ Open indoor .termis championship at Wembley Friday n~~: Laver, playing the best tennfl aeen:tn the tolltnament thus far ; downed r.c., Okker of ,the Netherlands a.a, i-2. -~-· The match wu all over in just over-a hour. Okker'! speed about court got fiiin nowhere against . Laver's profeuioilal court.craft and scorching backhand. By contrast it took Roche 2~ hours to overcome Earl BuchhoJ.z,of &L Louis, 6-3, 7-9, 15-13. . .. LAS VEGAS -Erratic Jimmy P-.oi<Jl and steady Chuck Scally both-~ of 67 Frklay to tie for the first rounif:~ In the $18,750 Nevada Open .golf UNtd8T ment. ~::-;:· Powell, a veteran from Yorba Liriti; came within a. stro&e qi Ar:nO\d Palmiif:S front nine coilrse reCord . at the' Pat:lft Sahara Nevada Country c;tub with a ;ioi He shot .four consecqUve birdies onJih!· front side. · ' ,:::_:::: Scally, of Coraopolis, Pa., played a( !M . Paradise Valley Country Club· and ·llliol· nine-hole &cores ~~ 33 and 34. ~ar: ~t' Par1dlle Valley ia 72. · Alone at 11·waa Martin -.,/ W)>ite Plains, N,Y. with _., ol l6JI. !.(.et was Joe Porter, Grants Pasl, Ore:, iii:~ 1:)0-.,,m. Jll CL -llOX!NG -Cl\tmpl911 Nine l!ltnvfl!llll "'· No. I cl\111~""' Luis ltoclrlo~ 15-~ IOI" ti>• tlll11d ml«ll-l•hl 111r.. H-•• COlfll rll'lllSkit II P1l1no DtHI s-1 '" 11:-. ti.Iv, l:lq,o.mf CUI CT -WltESTL1NG -Chide H .. rll "~' f I Tiit P:or"""-m. ·en CL -NCAA FOOTBALL -UCLA ., 11 Cfltls $d\W•l, 8ud WllldtUOft mlli•lde' •I IM 4, •. m,";t'J"(F -80WLING-JOl!nflV Gllffllhfr vs. Dlex 11t11wr • Rodriguez, Benvenuti Fight Tonight . ' a 36-33. ·::: PHILADELPHIA ·-The New f i~. Knicks stopped a last period Philadelpl'M rally F\iday night Iii defea\ theilen• 94 and extend lhelr National lluteibUI • ,_ p.rn !SJ C:T -OUtDOOll:S -G..s.l!Dvt G.d• dl1 t l1!1n·l'i:ir "Ytllaw lllvtr 8~11." " s .. ,,,. in cT -";\ cL1,.s -From •II NFL. ROME (AP) -A nervous and AFL 49fftfl lttl Wffkt • s ''"',,1· 13'1 ,. -FUT oL -IL«"-cit tote..-dt nusu lly t'ght Up_, NI Be e t' "'1~~0i.1.tn. ISi CL -IASKEj8ALL -LA 1..ii:,, •• , u ~ I : Y"". no, ·1" nu I SF ~'rJ· ChlCt Hetrn. o CJ!; 5c11Nd et11rhljl• .,. went into secluSIOn Friday on the eve of "'::':io, .. '", tfj~cr -~~~'r;R. 01:11.1v -'' ... I.ht ddeme ol bis :world . middlewei&Jtt • "V.it"f"i.t1 , ~WEo ; iA~;." .-t. · boling UUe apWt; .top-rinked 'Lull ~ -~~co.I s..-, Rodrlguea. F ''31 •:1\ 'U.ar ;:~P,~ ~~"Ui.;.~1' := The Miami-based Rodriauu, 32. ap-. '"~ :ltrc!~ ~~.ri"ti~umtti1.'l'~~c11 o.o. peared confident as he prepared for a t!\~~~~oor1cauer~Etrra11t11 "*/'IN'-FfM· crack at the tiUe he has betn cha.sin& for c~~';i!~k 111 ia-_;J,L Foor1.41.L: -•• 111....,, more than t-.-o years. -~~·l:'MW C[-":'1-FOOTIALL,-Chicilltltll Jlis big opportunity will come tonight .~~"\r '~~t)j1 -;~~el.~!!:'T~. ~ ~~'-lld before a capacity cro"'d of ll,000 Jn 1111:·.~ 1~1 !! u. vs . ~.!£.!"°om Ktll• Rome's modernistic Srvwt• Palace """'"•.. '" Jftt...-.. ~-. r--· -• '·~ ~ -i c~t:~TAJI• -·"':11~" The fight will be telecast Uve by :~Id!> "''~' "' ~ 11 '"°!"'-'• "" satellite to lhe tJo.1lted States where it will 111.m. i!1 c.t -UC.LA vs. \!Sc -TOl'l'I H•<l!'01 " be ohown on ABC's WJde World ol Sports t:i ~·t~COI~ W!t~f •lltr!IOM. ftll!I J o.m. ~, c::clh1M"&.:'1~~'t'R'!.. F'Oft'I ""'trMlor program. 's1i:':\°'u1f tr-~"6itos -(,.1 ... ",.,.. "' ''I'll beat Nino because tam 100 Umes .Mt•·'"· 01 ~" ~ H.t.MAJ!~t'ri.-.,_,.,,,.,, ,x,., better,'' _Rodriguez: said. ''it will be a fan-~1111 1.::.°':,:.=1·~n t::t~· "°'1' ,._, tasUc thins -exploltve." I I The challenger and his manager, Angelo Dundee, have said ever since they came to Rome 10 days ago they have had no other problem but to wait out for the figbt.. • • . . • ' . •it am happy for '''this opportunity," Rodriguez said. "I ha.ve nothing to worry "" '.J'V Todaw Ch•nnel '1, l :30 P.Jfl. abOut and that goe!J for the crowd. the referee or Benvenuti. If possible. I'll gG for the k.1ockout. Otherwise I'll go through the IS rounds and take it by a decision." Benvenuti, \\'ho is one year youngtr than his challenger, sought rut 1111d calm in a hotel in suburban Rome after de.ye of controversy lnvolvin& hts atyle, hil lhape, lhe referee of the fiaht and his own peraonal life. The champiaJ has changed h i s talkative mood ever tince be Oew into Rome Tlibnday"flvnl, hil .. lhililns ·bead· quaners. at Santa Vittoria d' Alba, in the Pledmoot Alpa, "He needs'only to ·rest and concentrate on the figllt," said manager Bruno _.\maduzzi, "U he's nervou.!I, it's a good sign." Put b:efore leaving Santa Vittoria d'Alba the champia.1 had gald he was preparing for a big show against Rodriguez. "I want to close the mouth or all those who have criUclzed me," he blasted. "The only way to do It Is with a cltar vlc· tory over Rodriguez. J am alill the but. and 1'11 prove IL" •, But press reports tn. Ttaly were filled with "'arnlngs' for the boxer y,·ho has been the darling of ltall•n crowds for nearly a deca~. + ' Critics e0m;lainod; Ille ·champion had alowed down, ~cause of the easy Ufe which followed bb boxing triumphs and wealth. They supported . their views by polntbg to hJs poor pertonnances during the last t•o l!Ue deftnlel. Benve~U outpointed Don J'uitnler of Salt Lake City, Utah in Sin Remo one ye•r '•go and retained Illa t!Ue Jn Naples last' month when Fraser Scott of Seattle, Wash. was disqualified for buWnr. Sports writers also expressed fears rt11niing Benvenutl's new ttat.1ing methodl under American Al Sllvant. The champion h•s lowered his defe:M6 a bit "&o be quieter and tberper," be llld. AsaociaUon wJruilrig streak ot H ''' . . .. ,,, JOHANNESBURG -Goller 0.!'Y Player; 1~enc!e\l >Paijhei~tal ~~- ' ~~~:i.~~~ American"= stir Arthur Allie· complete In open~ ments here. ..-· •· "The government ol South ~ rlJ!hlly 0< wron(ly, has decided ~·· policy of .aeparate development. 11t,1:1;11 (he ,Jaw and whether ooe is whke, ~ brown or brindle, one baa to obey 1~1!,_;~ . '. LOS ANGELES -The Loo ~ Lakers fought the San Dtego Rocbil. 100.te, Friday night at lhe Fonml. ,::; , Pacing the crippled vlcton. wat:<ld rtllable lerry West who peppon(,~ nets lor 11 points. ~;:.. " ...• .. .. · .. •: ... " •• .. I I I ••• L'- l . -t:'-J4 OAILV PILOT S1tunf1y, NO\'tmber 22, 196• :Rustlers • ·- ; End '69 Saddleh ~-ck in ·T-itle :ShoWdo·wn .. ....... ·~~i.-Campaign Golden West Coll<i• will rlllJ down the ·~ curtaJn on what could be tile wtnningest football su110n In the four-year history '~"'·"Of the school toniahf, when the Rustlers • · entertain Cypress College at Orange ... ·. Coast Colltge. Kickoff is at a o'clock. , ~ .. A Rustler victory would be No. 6 for the aeuoo after three succesaive years ~~.:.in whlcb the GWC squad haJ won five. "~·"Golden West bas never had a losing foot,. .·'-bollowon. •.,' Coach Ray Shackltlord has compiled : an i.mpreaalve record in four se~ -;:-20-14-1. :---· · '"l'his bas been a 11tilfying year.'' ht :, .. · uys. "We were in the running all the i ·way and we )lave played some « the 1 beat \earns around. Now we would like ·, ·to get that sWb win to give our kids a ..l .-. ·new mart.." ~ The Rutten are in good health for the ~' .game, for 'the mo.I part. MJl<t Compn, • ~:-ftlrtini tifht end this aeuon, has bt.ien ~ sidelined with a tnte injury and will riot 7 auit up toniCbt· He ill al80 tbt center on puma • . The Golden Wut eleven wUI 10 with Tony Bonwell at quarterback wlth Char· lit Buckland in the tal!back spot. They Me the team slatilttcal leaders this ttUOO and each baa done an outatand· In( job of llvllll th• Ruatlm thelr best· ~ ~·tr ncord. l · . -'Cypress, on the olbtr hand, bu won ~ : but one decilion in eight outings. ~ • : coach Carl Scbilltr's Chargers have ~;~hit hn by the injury but as well •. : u lollll( two slarltrs lo the milllary •. wvl<talmld-ttUoo. • • Joe McGuckln, the ltadinl ru.sber on - -~the Cllarpr team. is a doubUul p.1rtlcl- ~panL He hu a leg injW')' and milled Jut weell's 1ame. Ht is replaced by ;;<;Gary Goultttt. ~· Quarterback Jim Martinez has bun :·· _a malDltay all IWIClll ·and i1 the one the i : Cblrpn depend on to generate a pus- ·: Ina pme. ! . · In addition to the moat wlna ever, the : Golden Weat team will allo add to a ruah- ; In( yardqe mark HI Jut -k. In ellhl ... gama, the Rustlen have amaaed 1188 : yltdl and 1nythlq they ldd lo lht total -ll lonJl!hl will Jncreue tht tdflt OVtt tht. 1111'1 lWn !olal of 1145. eot.Ollf Wl lf ~ r, US T"" ..... Ill t!: Art J.tllCMt i: 111 ANIY y.,_ T C.rl "-•~rt '• 19 Cllerltl ~ G Joflrt !"-!If '~ • ,. ''" Wll-c Dorl .. .,..,., i• 2'I hlll ...... dlll G KM Mol'rl• 2H Jtff H1'NMM T IOD Alllll'I• ".'Ii. Mllui ,.rllldY I! IOll "-*'I• • · 1• Tll'IY ..,,..II I Jim Martlfltt ~~ • -17$ ...... ,..l'l(lfllft • o.Ml1 .... !'I Ir• . 171 C!Mrtle tuddtM I 0.rY Ot111.n1 111 ~ &ll~dW • Girt MICDe\llfU . ~ -Saddlehack "' "' '" .. '" "' •• •• •• "' •• Oimhs to 16th { ~; .In U.S. Ratings ·~ -! · · Northeastern Oklahoma A&M and • .. ·-Arizona Western, contestants in the ~ · NJCAA Bowl game in Savannah, Georgia ~ ·.00 Nov. 28, are rated one-t\vo in the J. C. ~ Grid-Wire selecti<l'l.S of top two-year col- • Jene football leaml. Coach George Hartman's fabulous Sad- dltback College football learn come& race-to:face with reality tonight at Heme"t High whea It tries for an unpnlCedented ~ undisputed con1ertnce championship in Its first year of league compeUUon. The Gauchos will be facing the num ber lwo team in the Desert COnferenct, Mt. San Jacinto, with kicko(f a1 a o'clock . A Saddleback victory w!U assure Hartman's team of an outfight chan1· pjonship and a loss will leave them in a three-way tie for the top spot Also riding on the outcome of toniglit's game ia a berth ln the state junior college small lchools playoffs. Saddleback could clinch the~ bid with a win or a tie. Otherwise, the entrant will be decided at· the confueoce table. The Gauchoa have one.of the most ex· ploalve unill in junior colleae ranks Lhis year. Paced by Toby Whipple and Rod Grave1, they have nin up a fantastic t?tal of 3,425 yardJ.ruihlnc'a.nd passing in eight game1. This is almost 2,000 yards more than the 1,497 they have given up' tO the <1p- pcsltlon. · · · • Graves is the stauSUcaJ J°eader In com- bined rushing and pa$8iog in lbe state w.hlle Whipple leads the viea th rushing and scorina:. Botb have poated 1mpreuive *-. Directions to Hemet. High School. Take the Santa Ana ·rr,eway norlh to the Newport Freeway. Go north (right) to the Riverside Freeway. Tutn right and go into the city of Riverside. /furn right on Van Buren and go east to Highway 395. TUrn·right on Hwy. 395_ to .Highway ~4. This will bring you int.ii Hemet. Stay KN IGHT ON THE LOOSE -Foothill High's Jim Votaw smashes through Neff defenders for a nice gain during Friday night CJ.F play- oU action. The Knights bowed to Neff, 12-7, in a duel of undefeated on V4 through town to Santa Fe Ave.~. three point margins. Since that time, le tt on Santa· Fe to Re met High School. • Saddle back has rompe'd 6vtr -seven credentials iri the eight g1mes pl11yed. e:tralght foes whlle Mt. San Jacinto ha• WJ(Ue 'Hartman is pleased With · his lost only lo MirJ Costa, 7-0, on an lri- team's offen.se and feels the dele~ has t.ereepted pus return. done .3·good job as well, be says: · The Eagles drove to the Mii-a·Costu ''We'll have <lW' toughest game of the two as the game ended in a bid for vie· season with Mt. San Jacinto. 11iey ha ve tory. 1wo fine rurtnlna: backs -the best _ two Which brings up the conver•lon rule. ~~ks we have faced thi_s year. Coach . Roger Cl'laney says he will · ~Y . are -~•!JO. a. big team ;<'!1e of· .ordinarily go with his kick et blll in such a femtve lme ~verages m in, PoWlCIS pet • sltUAlllon as he f~ W.tth M)fa eoeta, he man) an~ we wttfhave. to do a good j~b wouldn't hesitate to go for two points. , of blocking and t-;:ickl!ng to stay with , them." The two backs Hartms.n iJ referring ~to are Alo~z.o Brown and Harry Btmon. Brown hU acored 12 touchdowns and BeDlon la the leading ground gainer with 800 yards. BQth teamg I01Jt early season ,det:isions . Id Southw~nj C<>Dege · by ldenlical SAOlilLlaACK JlO ~~ ... ,.tr 211 trt•n ColOlrt 2(lO 8ob Ut'tlt . 117 °"" ~rtll'I ' '10 Jiff Vlrctlrt t10 O•ve Llmetlroolt 114 AIQ 01v OS Rod Grt¥ff 11S Jl«ltt FltlClllr 11t GlfY<ROM!1'141n llS TO!lr Wlll1t1tle MT. SAM ~ACINTO .'T Kerry SUr!lllWt , 170 '"" C'OMOr uo ~ :: ... :::~ : G M!at kl.,._ US: T Al $rntlll 2• E Kiii Irwin 115 I-Jftl'N H~ 11Ct ti ATOIUO l rown !'Clo · a Htrr'I" hnMn JIS 'I Htrl"I' Merrit 1t$ OAIL Y ,.ILOT ,.l!ott by L.tt P'IYl!t ouUits. Al so seen for Foothill are Rick Haugen (50) and Craig Grimm (88). The Knigltts meet Rolling Hills next I GLENN .WHITE Sports Editor Redlands Posts 20-8 Triumph B1 ROGER CARLSON · , Of• ti.I Dllh' ,. .... Miff ~ REDLAj'iDS -,-Loata Hieb .School's Saxons enlered MM loi>lball playoff compe!IUon for the llrsl lime In Its his- tory Friday night but foUnd lht going rough, bowing 20-8, · lo Rtdlands High al lht Unlv,.nlty or Redllodl. 1be host Terrien put.,on an aweaome display of ball control coupled with a defense that was Jn a word, inUmidating, before a full houae of 7,000. · Coach Paul Womack'I ' Citrus . Belt League chaffipions intinildated every fa· cet of the Saxons' offente as they shut doWn tailback Ray Spagnuo~ and 'turn- ed Wa.ra's hiahly-t.outed. rollout offense into~ a shambles. Nothtng went well for coadl Herb Hill's loaers. -. Tailbact Spagnuolo waa· held to only 12 yards in nine carries. His Jongeat run of the JUght was five yarda. ~back Standley, meanwhile, was sackJd .even Umes for los1e1 and ended up with a net-nal\ing yardage of minus 23. The rest ol the Sax.ons couldn't do much better u Redlands limply took it to them from every. arigle and never let up. Loar a played good defeme ~especially fn the first half -but still found ittelf Ofl the short end of a 7-0 score after two per· iods. . The Terriers put together one drive, accumulated their only four fi'rst downs of the hall, and drove 71 yards 'for the tally with Scott Russell going the final foot with 7:21 to go before intermission, Later, in the fourth quarter, WOmtck's Impressive crew put it out of reach with a 4J.yard drive comwning JI plays. It added its l.hlrd TD to make it 20.0 when lineman John Willlaril.s fell on a loose ball in the end zone to cap a 57- yard march. Loara's only score came wi\h less than a minute to 10 when the Saxons .capital- ized on a Redland1 fwnble on. the 23 and three plays later Standley plissed to Greg Helms for the only Loara touch- down. · Standley added the tw~poi'nt convtr- sion with a pasg to Spagnuolo. ~ Los Angeles Harbor. leader In the t Southern California Conference. Is rated ~ third as the highest California team with ~ . J>llUdena in fifth poa!Uon. ; : Saddleback College moved up from 19th ~ t& 11th this week and could go higher ; with a vic tory at Mt. San Jacinto Satur· ; diiy night. Knight Defense Tough, 12-7 JAYCEE R UNNERS PtACE FAR BACK . Redlands domJnated play throughout, 1ndividually and teamwl11t. ?be only Sax- on to fare well individually was middle linebacker Mike Hanna, who took away the Terriers' inside running game. Redlands dominated the Irvine ~•rue kingpins so well in the fint half that Loa~a was able to net only one yard rushing. ~.,The weekly ratlnis: , .. TOP TWENTY TEAMS t. Northeastern Okla. A&cM (9-0--0) 777 '.?, Arizona Western (8-0-(I) 3. Los Angel .. Harbor (7·Hll 4. Tyler, Texas (9-1.0) 5. Puadt111 (741) 4. Pe•rl River, ?i.flss. ('4-01 7. Bakenfleld (7-1-0) I. East Missi$Sippi (9-1.(ll 9. De Anu (8-HI) .·ljl:Fullerton tH-0) .-:·:·San Dlt1<> Mtsa (7-1-0l .;:::: v..-(7-1-0) ·::it:Cl\abol (8-1-0) ·:·:-Reedley (94-0) ·:-~IS.' West Valley tl-1-0) : • Saddlt badt (7-1-0) .· Hutchinlon, Kansai <a.t.o) .::U. Nwau, N.,.. York (l-04) ·:·If.· Yuba (7-1-0) ;:;*: RedwoOds (7-1-0) '!'~ ·, · Rodleater, Mlnn. (M-0) 755 752 718 746 745 135 732 730 728 728 728 724 724 722 720 71' 713 712 711 711 By CRAIG SHEFF ot tl!o Oalb Pilwl $1111 One philosophy in some coaching cir· cles is that Ute defense wins games and the offense scores poinl.s. That was defin itely the case Friday night at Santa Ana Bowl as Foothill stop- ped Neff pa11lng sensation Jim Macdon- old cold in rolling to a 12·7 first round CIF AAA football playoff victory. Macdonald came into the game with passing credentials second to none, bot a hard pass rush by the Knights kcpl the 8-0, 185-pounder scrambling all eve- ning long . Macdonald was sacked four limes for tosses totaling 35 yards and he repealed· Iy had to throw the ball in a hurry to cs· cape the on-rushing Foothill linemen. For the night, Macdonald completed ooly 10 of 2.4 pases for 137 yards. In Ute first half, Ute Ne.ff quarterback v.·as he ld to just four completions in 11 attempts for 48 yards. \Vhile the defense was containing Mac- donald in the first half, the offensing running game wa s playing ball control to perfecUon. In the first half, Neff had the ball for' only 23 offensive plays while Foothill had the football 32 times. The Trojans could only run off six play.s tn the first qua rter. All-Crestview League back-of-t he-ye::ir Bob Speicher showed why he was glven that honor by picking up 73 yards and a touchdown in the first haU, For the game Speicher totaled 111 yards in 20 carries for a 5.6 average. The Knights took advantage of a lucky bounce to gain its only toochdown mid· \\'ay through the first quarter. \Vhen Foothill 's opening series gained only three ·yards. Knights' kicker MikE" Van Dordrecht punled to the Neff 27 \fhere the ball bounced oft lhe leg of a Trojan halfback and v.•as recovered by Foothill. ~~::' ~!Anaheim Rips Bruins, 24-0 ... ·~ ' "> 87 HOWARD L. HANDY .~: : : > ..... IMlfr ,. .... "'" . .; Tim Tborn and Geota• Fraaer of ;,n;,. : :Mint Hilb out on a two-man oflenaivc :fllOW Frldoy nlllll lo anuff out hopes of tbe W1lson Bruins 1n 1 first round AAAA football pliyoff game at La Palma Sta- dium before a, near c•P1city crowd. Final ...... tad: An.tbeim 2~ Wlllon O. : · :n.x-n put oo a daa~DI runillnf display : :jQd Frater enahaeered tht attact by .. run· : fi~ ind P1uinl with equal abendon to •: f111 coach Clare VanHoortbeie'1 Coloolll! ~: ... 1econd roond b1Ule 11111\11 Rodl1nds ..,.:ant week. -:: ·'Anaheim and RidJandl met In resuJar • rtaton pi.y early t.ht1 1e1son with the Colonllfl winning. 21-t. Anaheim scored lhe first time it had ";.,.11101> of the ball 11 Thom tJJrinted ~W Janll to the Wilton one yard strfpt and :~ifllove ovtr on the next play for the touch· : "down. A bad 1n.1p on an atttmpted two- • point convert.Ion left the icore at U 1fter 1:19. The Colonisl! drO \'C to tht \Vilson one before being stopped tht second Ume thPy hid poaessiOn and the gainf: seltled into a mid-field battle until the closing seconds of the half. At that point . sophomore f\1ike Davis Intercepted a Bruin aerial in the end zone to thwart a Wilson scoring attempt wit h 25 seconds remain ing in the period. Brian Doheny. leading rusher for the Wileon team this season, was sidelined with an injury with 7:41 left in the half on a blocking 1J.1Jignment for quarterback Lamont Larkin. This hurt the Wilson Of· tense for the balance of the night. The MICOnd half was all Anaheim, both on the scort-board and in the atallsUcal columna. 1be Colon.Im scored once in the third period •fter drlvlng 68 yards with Frastt sneaking over from the ten. The Anaheim firat team co1npletcd its work for the ntght on the first play of the fourth period with Fraser hurllng 10 Ed Hovdey tor an eight-yard touchdown. Rtserve quarterbaclt Joe McCulley· en· ginccred the (iJlal TD and hit Cary Tozer on a 35 yard scoring pass with 5:19 re· maining. Anah eim attempted ·two-point conversions every time and failed. Until the ga me was unde r wraps. on ly Thorn and Fraser carried for the Anu- 11eim team . The two·did suah a thorough job, the Bruins had trouble bringing them to earth despite kno"'ing who would carry the ball virtually every play. Thorn, in add.Ilion to hit offensive her· oics. dld an outstanding job on defense as v.•ell , coming up to meet the Wll!on ball carrJers repeatedly. He also did all ol the kicking for the Anaheim team. GAMR StATISTIC:S • Ftr•• ff-r111ll1"9 ll Flrll •own1 "*''~' t l'l•tl G11wn1 pentUltl ! To!~I llrtl dOW'l'lt II Y~rd• •utllfno .111 Yt'1111 P~Hfnl 14J '1'••111 1011 !l Nt t r1rd\ O•IMll ~ PtUt1 f!ttmJtf'C! COft'IOl~ttd lllllt Pt<lfl!ietl'l"•"h Pt'n•!!t!MI l•'tt Fwnbl~ll1'11mblf' 101! OJO Sttrt •r Ow1r1..,, • • • ' " ·~ "' ' ~' " . "~ ,,. o a • • -t ~ e 1 1: -11 \ Six plays later, Speicher scored fr om the eight and [)Qog Rothrock's perfecl placement made it 7.0 with 6:58 left in the opening quarter. Speicher. along wilh teammates Craig Grimm and Rick Hauge n tossed Macdon- lilld for a Joss in the end zone to earn the Knights a safe ty hall-way lhrough the se<iond quarter. That made it 9-0. Tile play was set up . when a pass by Foothill quarterback Bob Blacklidge was intercepted at the one-yard line. On the first play, rvtacdonatd was nailed at- teinpted to pass. A fine return of the ensuing Neff punt by fullback Jim Votaw set up 26-yard fie-Id goal by Rothrock. Votaw gathered in the Neff punt at his ow n 35 and ran it back 49 yards to the Trojans 26, Rottlrock's place111ent ll'as perfec l, fi ve plays later fro1n U1c 16 to n1ake it JZ,O. ·t; * Finl downs •u•~1n• l'lrJI "°"'"' 01nln~ Fl.,1 down• oene!llr• lo1al l!r1t down1 Yanh n.11Mno Y•rd1 ltl1Slnt Y"n:ll loJI Nel v1rd1 111lnfd P1n1J A1!emot~/Com1t]•t"4 lttnell1Je1t'l'an:l1 Pt~tllte<J FumbleuFumb~I lot! '" .. ' 0 " "' • ' "' '" 1/U ,,, See,.., '' OUtrlen ' 0 ' ' ' . • ' " ·~ '" • "' 1•110 •l:iG '" CIF Grid Scores ' .4AAl4 !U1ho1t 1\,..,.1 12. M01111 Vl11f JJ 1;:1 Rtfl(ho n. Arrovo 10 An1Mlm ,,, l-!!11th Wilson t Reclla""I '1Q. Loire I ei.1r •i, HutMmt o s.n11 Monie• 21), (Ol'ol• u Wf\Htltr U. SL P1yt !) Ltkt-" 21, CllmP!ort 12 ... :111>!111 P'l)fftf't 11, ·Lt Pllllnlt t · l'une""" 14. 01m1'" ' Murllfl~ lf;, Ctllrll~ 1· 1.twndl!t U, ltJllleWlf f Rolllno Hilll tJ, LIJYln 21 . F!M!llll!I 17.. Ntll 1 &on!lf ).l, HoMl!wlew 1 S Glt!'IOor• 1), Jllfl(tlo Al1m1!01 ' .. S1n1e ,.ly!1 U, A•f't'l'O Grtfldl , a •r•tow 30. OMe•lo ' Liii Al~mll6J '7. Allt l&rn• t 1 Rlvt,.ldt PQ!y '· El Cenlre f • $•Me vnu •· Pas~ R041!"9 f litml'f 71, !il<Vlfd !I l'flm Sltrlnt11 l'O, P,.f!J n $11'1111 $(1\ftll 'l'U(CI Vt!ltY ••, flll'I" l'l"et t l""ll"rltl I•. Not•t 01"11 I lloran 21, C1n10t1 1' , Gold en West College cross country forces placed 16lh and Saddleback Col - lege was 20th in Friday's Southern Cal jaycee championship meet at Pierce Col· Jegc. Los Angeles VaJley \VGn the title with 54 points. 32 ahead of runnerup ·Moor- park. COAMf: STATl$TICS L Flrd dOwnt r111Mlno 1 Flrtl downt pe11!ngr ' Flrtl d11Wn1 Plflll!lts ' Totet1 fir11 downs ' Yar111 n11hlng n 'l'tn:I! IMUlflQ "6 Ytnl 16tt .u Ntf Yl!'d! Ollnl!d 7t P•11tt. l~mJ)td/C$ll'Op!eted U/7 Ptn•lllfl/'1'1rd1 ptn•Hzed 7/U f'Ymblts/Fvrnblt1 1011 111 Sc•r1 ..,,. Chllrltn • • ' • " "' " ~ "' "' 11!1 "' R«lland~ Lo1r1 0 7 01l -l0 •• 0 • -• Pi1·ates Gain SoCal Semis Aft er 2 Win s; GWC Splits By GLENN WIDTE Of flte Di iiy ,.lltt 91111 It 's Orange Coast College against po- tent Fullerton Junior College this morn- ing at Cerritos College In an 11 o'cloc.k semi(\nahi match of the Southern California jaycee championships. OCC, two-Lime defending champion, outlasted El Camino, 9-5, and edged Cer- ritos ~-in. Friday tourney action, which was split between Cerritos and Rio Hon- do. The Pirates will play ln the 4 o'clock finals today if they get by this mornihg's show. If they lose. they return for a 2 p.m. test. Golden West bounced back from its 7-2 loss to Cerritos in first round action to sink Ei Camino, 4-2. so 1he Rustlers Play Long Beach today al 10. Orange Coast hit Cerritos with quick goa ls as Mike Allbright and Gary Thompson connected lo · the lirs.t two minutes. But the Falcons took a timeout and then came back to score four sLraight and settle for a 4-3 leadat halftlme . They were on top, 5-4, as the last quarter began. Then Allbright scor«I to tie it. With five minutes to go Steve \'/ogncr made a penalty shot to put OCC Jn the lead. 6-S. • Tiien the defense held on in what coach .lack P11llerton ~ailed "one . of the be st Jaycee gan1es I C\'Cr sa1Y," Albright h.'.'d three goab, Wagner two and Tho6mpaon one. Coach Tom Herslad's Rustltrs broke 1 2-2tie in the routrh quarter when Harry Noah made good on 1 pair of penalty shots. the first coming with 5:3' k> pl1y -the second with 1:0$ rernalnin& in the game. Golden West never trailed, tetUng Its rirst two .atllies from Gary Grombacher and Don· Lippoldt. Gerritos left the Ru1Uer1 behind quickly, hooting lo a 3.(1 halftime Jeadand 4-0 fivantage aefore Gotdtn West could score, Dave Miller andRlck Bryan pick· . ed up goals forthe loae:rs. Orange Coast had to strugale for a pair nf quarters against El Camino. Coich Jack Fullerton;s Redcoata were down at halftime, 4-3, Ho\l'ever. he made a !IOme •d· justments, pulling his li&htet swimmers In !ht pool lo gel more mo.tm<nt. Pu-I Una John Blauer, Lonnie Ketfover, Chris Gammon and Steve Schwer In the water oppanmlly !urned lht Irick • The Pirates blasted El Camino, "l, the final two periods. Bob Mostley and Dou& Schlwnburg 'fl'l!:re lauded by Fullerton for their ef· forta. Schaumburg blocked 1 l aoal at. tempts while Motelty ICOrtd twlct, played strona defense and came upwlth a couple of ateal!I. ~like AJlbrlght tallied three., 81auer had two while alngle scores were plcktd up by Steve \Vagntr and Gary Thompson. • 3 5 , ' • -, ------~----..,-----,---~---=-·----------- In Playoff11, I r ' ' : ·Glendora: Trips · ' ' ' . • ') l . Vaqueros, ~3-6 By .JORN CASS Trellcllel punt bad put the Tar· Of n. ...,,. PlW S.... tans. deep ~ I hole. 'Two bigbnoki and tbe run-Maiiy Mercurio bad com· nlng ol Rick Storie spelled the pleted a toog pus to Ken end ol the awon !or 1lancho HuiJMga to get the ball Into AJamltoa as the Vaqueros w«e maneuvering territory when defeated, l.M, by· the Tartan1 Gary James appaftntJy lnte_,.. ol Glendora In llnt round CIF cepied a aecond long elforl, , football playoff action beld oo returning to the Tartan 10. the Bolsa Grand<r lligh School Glendora found Ilse!!, bow· field Friday oight. ever, with a first down on ill Stone, whci carried the ball own 42 Instead of in a defen- 27 Umes for the Tartans, ga1 n. sive pcsjtion at the 10, as tbt ed 114 of Glendora's total rush. resuJt of a pass interference ing yardage ot 146 and scored penalty called on the intercep. both yjsitor touchGowns. , tioo. Ria first effort, the first big Stone toot over that point break of the game (Ol"the Tar· and virtually ~ the Va. tans, was a 39-yard punt re-queros iniq the dirt as he jal>o tum after Kevin Tre.ischel bed away for abort yardage . was forced to ktck trom deep · until be went into the end zone iii his end zooe. from the five, .JS plays later. Stone's run was a thing of Gladd's ldct'went off-to the beauty as he received the ball side but Glendora held a 13-1 behind a wall of blockers. He lead with oo]y 1:37 remaining broke to the eastern sideline in the garrie. and was forced1 to cut back Rancho's tally was also due, into the field only one time as In part. to a.bit of misfortune he sped, untouched, to paydlrt. on Ille .part ol the off.,,... On With Z:13 remaining in the the 8eeond play of the eecohd half, Ron Gladd's PAT kick period,:PauJ Shane recovered W"11 throogb the uprights to a Tartan IUmble on the Glen- If you have trouble buiidln1 • rhythm Into your swing, chKk to 111 if you 1r1 ma.kine a "forward press" before 1tartin1 your .backsw1ng. The forward presa 11 merely a .very sli1h~ move- m9nt of th• hands 1pd/or· the right knu toward the' target {SM Illustration), This action should ~ followed lmmodlattly by the start of the b1<kswln1. It is sort of' 1 rockini: forw1rd, t.hen back end. Into the1wing. . . Such a pre_ulag forward helps lr11 lht body . from any tension th1t might h1v1 -bullt up dur!nl the address period. It activates your 1ctual. 1w1nc in a manner that wUI provide a smooth, unified takeaway rather thin one In which one part- 1ayi the:hands-movt out •held of tvei'ythina: elsL .. 0 INJ Mn..._,.,. give Glendora a 7-6 half$le dora ~·' , , adv&'Uge. Trel&Chel and Jante5 were ----------~--------S-'s final TD came aboot the bl(·g&iiien,-for the Va~ue· alter Glendora n<eived the ros, picking up 46 and 43 yarda break of the game. rushing. Tn!l!cbef alJo con- Glendora !tarted a march nected for 15 yards in passes. from the Tartan 15 ·after a .... 0 Standings SOUTH•RM CAt.ll'OllNIA. (ONl"lltafitCI .,_ La """I" Gelfto'I W~I W L '"PA S 0161t1 32125117 22 1117 2 21106' 13'5f7 Ellt LllJ Angeles ··-'""" o 4 n1n "'Ml•Y'I tar. H•rtior 4 t.111 Anlelta Ji First dtlWM l'll:Slllrls • 1 Ftl'll tl!Mn1 P•l$lnD 2 A Flr11 downs ""•Illes 1 2 To111 llrsi dawn1 • 1l Y1rds rvihl"I llJ 1~ ~:~ ::r~ t: ~ Net Yatl!S MIMcl IM 21, ,_, ·~edl aHTIP!elfd 13/~ f'9111ltltl/Y1nti P11111flled AlllJ Fumbla/F11rnlllt1 1llirl Cl/O __ ,,_ UI •m UI "fllCtlo AllmlM Cl ' G 0-' Gltndor• I I Cl ._11 Los Alamitos Zips · To 27-1,3 Triumph By STEVE ANDREWS Of t1M t111tr l"lltt Steff Los Alamitos. nx:le the Jeft arm· of quarterback Vic Pere- boom to a 27·13 CJF AA play· off victory over A1ta Loma in football action Friday.at'West- ern High. The senior signal-caller com· plet.d U of-18 passes (or 2fJ6 y3,ds and two touchdowns in the opening round win over the Hacienda League champions. eron set up the next score. HiXoo ran over from the If on a fourth down and Pere- boom added a...,two point con- version with •· pass to Don Creoswell to ~ 1be Griffins way c:uf. ~ • · Los Alaml\!>J' final -tally came in the third stanza. ·Pe:rtr boom capped a 72-yard march with an ·13-yard bullet to flank- er Jeff TioibUrat cutting over the middle. Newport Squashes S11nny Hills, I 0-6 By CRAIG SHEFF Center guord Topi Wamocte ot a. o.11r l'fflt ,.., paced Sailors acortng wt.th • Newport H.-'1 water three while· Searles and Tai· , the m8ge added two each. Jim polo team (eta a crack al Smith, Jeff wucox and Doog CIF quarter fin'1s Tuesday by Snyder rounded out •"""'8 virtue ol the 8allors' cmvinc-with one aplec.. ing lM vlclqry over Sunny Talmage gave the Sailors Hill! Friday ID-the I°""'' pool. a·2-<I lead withe palr of gools Coach Bill Barnett's .club early Jn the opening 'quarter. will meerGanlen Grave. Hil fin! tally came just 35 1be Tan jumped oot to a seconds· into the period. Both were ccoted from 4-1 fin! quarter lead and never _, __ , 1•.feet GUI. 1be oecood looked back -although there ~ • were aome anxious ~ab goal came with S:Q2.Jeft wben ln the cloolng ZI> mlouies -ol Talmage grabbed ID errant the game. Lancer pass aod toned ID the second Newport score. Holding an W load with 2: 30 After tho Lencen cut the Jell, Sunny Hills left forwanl margin to z.t, Smith and war. Gary Najarian -rammed irt necke banged ID gools In the three goals wltl!fn" to l!C<Jllda. cl~ng , two mlouies of the But uie SOilciri:nlvtr loot fu;'i qWuter. tliolr ~ u ·Bob Sear• Both teams traded two IOlls Jes put the game rot of reach each ID the oecood perlod,NaJ. with a goal with 1:)1 left and ariantoaedlll.apenalty- Doog Snider added frosting _with l:to lef!-and 'Wlko> bit -to the cake-with the final·goat a penalty-toso ol hil·own-wlth with 30 •«<oinemalnlng. 2:15 remaining. Pereboom received ground IUppOI'\ from halfback Mike Hixon, who rushed for 114 yards in 16 carries. Hixon scored twice for the Griffins. The game wasn't as close as the final score indicates bow· ever. The Gril!ins, champs of the Orange League, bolted to a 27:0 advantage in the third quarter and substituted freely during the final period. Anaheim Sinks Mesa With Late Flurry, 4-0 Sunny Hills' Gene· Crawf!J<I M:Ored 30 ........ ·later-!l;lm. five feet out and Searles end- ed the flrst ball scoring with 1 :30 left when his Initial obot from fOllr feet out bounced off Lancer goalie Gary Farris' ann. Searles caught the ball and rammed It back ln. Alta Loma found the going tough against the Los AJami· tos defense picking up only three first half first downs. The Braves initial second half first down came in the fourth quarter. Los Alamitos got on the board before most of the visit· ors from Alta Loma could get seated. An 81-yard scoring strike from Pereboom to Bob Carner· on on the games first play set the Griffin attac k roiling. They virtually put the game away in the second peri?d scor· ing twice within two minutes. Hixon did honors both timeS with the iniUal score coming on a 21·yard burst around right end. A pass interception and re- turn to the Brave 16 by Cam· By HOWARD L. HANDY Of "" .,..., '"" s..,. A flurry of three goab in the final quarter by a pressing Anaheim High School water polo team brought the 'Costa Mesa season to an abrupt end Friday afternoon in second round CIF playoff competition in the Ora;ige Coast College pool. The Colonists from Anaheim had scored a goal in the se- cond period on a personal foul shot and this one held up to the final quarter when they made the final tally read 4-0. A disputed attempt by Costa Mesa at the first half buzzer was the closest coach Terry Bowen's Mustan gs came to getting on the scoreboard. Bill McAheny fired a shot t.1to the net from two-thirds the length of the pool. The ball sailed over goalie 1.1 a r k Smoot's outstretched hands but offlclals ruled the buzze r had aounded before the shot was under way. Otherwise, it was a I I Anaheim lo the scoring col· CIF Polo umn. Doug Arth made good on the penalty throw Jn the se- cond period. Tracy Lambert· scored" the second and fourth goals and George Koehn made the other one. The victory advances Anaheim to the third rou.id of playoff cornpeUtion. T h e Colonists defeated Parochial champion Servite, 6-f, In first round play. ... This is the second straight season in which the Mustangs have made the playoffs as the runner-up team in the Irvine League. Corona del Mar, top seeded. in the playoffs, is the circuit champion. The Costa Mesa team is composed of 50 percent j11.1iors giving Bowen a good nucleus for next year's starUng team. The two leading scorers on the Mustang squad will return. Ron Misiolek haa 43 goals this year and is followed closely by Mike Beat With 42. Both are juniors. In addition, goalie Rod Ross will return ror another year of acUon. Bowen is high kl his praise of the young goal tender and figures he will grow taller than his current height of 6-211 giving blm ad- ded reach "' the nets. Starting anion on the MU.tang team Included Dave Bannon, Curt Plumlee, Rod Klnya;i and McAheoy. Two goolt by Warned• In the third quarter gave New. port an 8-3 advantage, as the defeme held SUMy Hills score- less. The Orange County Raceway track record will be at stake tonight when Willie Bersch aod SU!h Mal!Ubara renew a long battle. The two LA driven have maintained possession of the ocm fuel-altered maximuma: for the past two yean. Shoold Mal!ubara eclipse Borsch's best of 7.43 seconds during Saturday's meeting, lt will mark the sixth time the pair have exchanged ownership of the track elapsed Ume mark. Borsch has set ri.U of his records ID a modified model·T roadster constructed nearly 10 years ago, while Matsubara has been Jnfiuenclng the: division with a radically new car. Matsubara's tiny FI at• bodied coupe ln<wporatts a funny car type transmlnlon and suspension which could te an advantage. CdM Drowns Upland, 11-5 By ROGER CARL50N Of fM Oellr PIW St1• POMONA -Corona del Mar High Scbodl and its a..-ne water polo contingent rnethodkallY cut down San Antonio League c h 1 m p I o n Upland, U-6, Friday afternoon to stoy unbeate:I. The second round C1F playoll victory at Col Poly Pomona earned coach curr Hooper's JrvJnc L e a g u e champs the right to meet Channel League champion Ox.· n&rd HiJh Tuesday afternoon at Long Beach Milllka:n. Oxnard edged Mira Costa, 3- 1, Friday. Tbt Sea Kings won it with a liourl!b, and Hooper seemed only mildly 1allslfed with the victory. "It WU • good team effort, but I would hive liked to have played more tida. I ckr.l't me8n to take anything away from Upland but J fttl Wt can play better than we did tc>- da;y," he said. Coach Don Morril of Ille deleat.d llighlanden aaid, ."Corona is the best team we've eeen this year and ap- pears to have the right to No. l seed in tbe playoffs." · The Sea Klnp broke It open ID Ille 111111 period !1heo Garth Bergaon, Sreu Beman! IM Scott Newcomb combined for foor quiet goal! to lurn a &0mewhat close M game into llM CUlblon. Irr t ll, the Sea Klnp displayed a ·d e v 11ta t l ng defense and tr e me ndou s overall balance. With ""' Bruce Blac k SaturdiY, NO¥tfl'lbtr 12, 1969 OAJ~V PILOT f§ , occ Trio Rolls,.14-6 ;.. On Polo.:: ' . -· By BOB ttQT!I ' malnlng. ed over tho Santa Fe League • -.; Pft• Dlllr Plllii •iaft Peter Farquhar combined champiou In five plays for Thrtt members of Oriol• Fullerton's tenactoos de. with Paul .hd Hernandez to another eeore. , Coast College's cham~p ·fense llmtted powerf.ul Damien · pace the offense of the Free-PaUI scored when he failed · Water polo team havt ~ to a lblgle touchdown as the way League ·c)Wnpe as they to llnd a receiver open and 'named to'·theSouth ~(COn­ 'lndiaos ro11ed ·to a tU win in 'wer~ the only men to carry weaved hb: w., throuch the !erence all-league teML the oPenlng .rouod ol the AAA the ball for the Indians. Spartan defense for tbe necea-Selected to the first un it foOtball playolfs In a· game Farquhar set up the first ~ 25 yards to make it 13-0 w~ St.eye Wagner, Mike AIJ.. played Friday night at Fuller· score with runs of 17 and 15 w•\h 7:5> left before lntennJ.t. bright and . go a I le ·Doug too HJgh. yards as. Fullerton drove 82 sion. 'llm PauJ, who quarterback· yards in 15 plays the first Again Perales split the up. ScJ:nm'Blgi u er al)d ·.Giry eel Fullerton to touchdowns ID Ume It bad the ball. rights with his idck to give the Thompson were second taam each ol. lhe first two periods, Hernandez scored. the touch· hosts a .l~ margin. aelecUons, with Bob MOle(ey leed·the pme when he made .a down when he went in from Damien mounted an attack and Brad Shoemaker earning djvlng interception of oppas.._ the one With 1:3)5.left jn the befofe halftime, driving from honorable menilon bonon: ,. lng quarterback Kevin Car. first quarter. S4m Perales its 25 to the Indian seven. But Schaumburg and Wagner roll's pass with 1:30 left In the' booted home the extra pclllt Fullerton. took over on downs arfi repea ters as aIJ.Jeague game to halt the Spartans' to make it 7.0. when the ~liclals spo!ftd an aelectlons; while Allbrlg!K'}t's closing drive. On the ensuing kickOCf Paul Ulegal receiver downf1~ on a second-team pick Jalt sea-Earlier in the same period warner recovered an amides fourth down. _ ... Joey Hernandez, who was also kl.ck for the · Indians ·but-the The Spartans' only 1core,:·,;'°ii;n.ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ 8 standout on otrense, put drive stalled and Demien c~. on a 52-yard drive thatl1 111 .IDDll YOIT . Damien in the awkward posi-gained possesaidn on its own · w-..'lpearheaded by the. Pl.SS-NO'W i.. OtMtt c-tr ......, ._ · tJOn ol. being eight · pojnti • 23 , ing of·Carroll and the running """" ~..., ..,_..,. •· down ,Instead or seven· wh"' At that: point the Fullerton '-~ Sf m pllavez, Carroll going GARDiN"•iion he sbot jhroogh the lino, l,D · defenae_got toogh ID_d pl.shed 1 In on a •rune-yard carry as. LINCOLN MOCUAY hloCk a POlnt after attempt u,,e Spartans back to the 1$. like P,lu.1~ be wanted to pass OA•De:N ort0".d AT ••00tet1uUT after ~Spar.tans had tallled «eceJvl.ng Da!nien's.punt on· ·· ~t· scr:tMbled into the end 4)'49IO . tJieit onfy 'score w!th '7:43 re-the spartan ~-Fu~erton roll·, zone.., * * * . . WEEK . END . G)lAND PIANO SALE . NMI nATISTICS ' • • l"lnt *"""' ~"'""'~ • • BUSH-&ERTZ-IW•lnut :-----·-·---·Wu $1299 NOW $109' l"lnl dowl" NHl"9 ' • ALWAYS l"lrst clrM'ilf ·-Iliff • • HALLITT-DAVls;._lM•ho91nyl w'Wu $1299 NOW $109' Tol•I ftrtt ._. " " HARDMAN-Ba~Y:...,IE~nyl -Wu $1399 NOW SllH EASY Y1r<k "'"'""' m ·~ TERMS Y1rdt Nfllflt "' " KIMBAL!,-~_( Ebony l .: .... _ Wu $I 499 NOW $1%4' Y1rdt Iott ' " Chrlltm•• • Ntl y~ 1i1Mc1 "' "' WURLITZER ow--IEbonyl -Wu $2245 NOW SllH , ...... ~ ,..,, ' BALDWIN-hby-(Wolnutl ...... Wu $2499 NOW St'". L•yaw•y tomplt!ed 1$/f . P_ll.., STEINWAY-6' l"~IWilnutl --Wu $l199 NOW $Z799 . Yatda P1Mll:ed ~" "" . j<11mbltl/ WallicbsMu8i~Ci1Y SOUTH COAST PLAZA . ·~ "' ···.· F\llTlillMI Inf Phone 540-3165 San ''1 ONrten . -O.rnltft . . .. . . o • • . -. f 11Uerklil •• .• 1 ' • o -u Prep Sho MEET .. PREP SHOP FEATURES ' JACKETS by VAN HEU81!N9 Windbreaker IN BOYS' & MEN'S SIZES " DEACON JONES In -' ' . . I I 1. I I t ' • I I .· .. ' Satur01, NeutnlMr 22. lM NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND WGH, . LOW CLOSE ., ,:.~ t,OA~ (~i­ ~"'t,, AMERICAN ·STOCK l EXCHANGE • WEEK'S AND · YEAR'S DAR.Y "LOT Jf 1 HIGH, L0W . ' CL0SE , .... ' . ~ 1'!. t,;..• ya«'I f, • .;"iif t f!' fC£4:;5 i 'fl1''1'fi;a.,.o ;c ;; :-;:a ; J I DAA.V ~ILOT SoturOIJ, N°"mbtr 22, 1969 r1Afl•tl8 Chamber Soetetv . r I ,r.llh~t-r Fes~•val Berlin Philharmonic Octet OCC Thespians Competing .; Delivers Superb ·concert Orange Coall College Is competing with 19 o th er Southern California colleges - including Cal State Fullerton •nd CaJ State Long Beach - 1n the second annual American College Theater Festival, regionally fCalllornia a n d performed during a two week Arizona are region lwo). The period In that city. judging I& done 1.,..uy by pro-,;:::=======::; fessio:ials and educators con- cerned with the theater. 'l1len three plays are selected (or the local festival at which time the national judges come to view the shows . .. . . . . ' . • By roM BARLEY Of flll Otllr ""91 Stiff We left some happy races behind us in the Art C.Olony Wedne!day night and a superb performanct by the Berlin .. Phlnlarmonie Octet wasn't the :on1y ruson for the obvious . -«Uatit ol the Laguna Beach Outmber Music Society's ex- ecutives. Balance sheets and box of. lice burblings have no place in the concert review, to be sure, .. but k's hard to resist the · dlservation that a n e a r .. capacity auWence -we were . hard put to it to spot more than a few empty seats - ~un have done much for the morale of this gallant Jillie organizatior.. _ More power to them and · I!l•Y aJI those lovely dollar bills resist wear, tear and in- ftation for a long Ume to come. Any chamber music .group that has the courage to ~ \li'hat many regard as Jhe world's greatest chamber ·ensemble to Laguna on noth-- tng but promises deserves any ·fmancial fillip that may be ·floating around. , A magnificent octel and a 'delighted audience gave the . !'OCiety's tenth season a dooble-bamled send .. U thal exceeded the greatest ex- ~ions of a handrul or h,ard-working organizers. It .was good to see and It was good to be there. MEMORABLE ·. ''lbat said, let us tum to the 'program and commend our :·.irtlsts -all drawn, of course, from the Berlin Philhannonic Orchestra -for a memorable rendition of th at jewel or the chamber music trea s ury, :·Schubert's Octet in F major. This \Vas a rlawless reading of the deeply moving score. Our program correctly told us .lbat Schubert based his work l Sale • Senlce • Lease MOST C•NTkALLY LOCATID IN 1 O•ANOa COUNTY L GARDEN GfOVE l LINCOLN MHCURY .IA•OIN .. ov• AT ••OOKHU•ST : 63'·2910 • • • • on Beethoven's joyous Opus ttl Septet but we have to im- mediately confess to a preference for the m o r e rounded Schubert rendition. For all its glowing humor it carries more than a hint of pathos in key passages and Liz Slates TV Debut NEW YORK (AP) Elizabeth Taylor will make her dramatic debut o n television in a one-hour, original dramatic special to be broadcast by NBC during the 1970-71 season. Mort Werner. NBC vice president for programs and talent, said Thursday the teleplay is being developed and will be produced in England by the Harl~ch Television and Independent Associated Television com- panies in association with NBC. The producel'6 said ti1is.s Taylor's fee -reputed to be $240,000, the highest ever of- fered for a single television performance -will go to the Combined Theatrical Charities toward the rebuilding or Den- ville Hall. a home for retired actors and actresses i n Eaglapd, 11.'lss Taylor's .only previous appearances on television have been in her movies and Jn non-dramatic programs. this, we thought, was where the Berliners excelled, partlcu.larly in that gorgeously scored final movement In which a blithe allegro is prefaced by scoring that tells us all too adequately of the blackness and despair to which the composer was no stran&er. Our own·preference was for the second movement in which the composer draws heavily upon a romantic theme and which he scores, most ef· fectively, andante un poco mosso. Leader A I f r e d Malacek's distinguished violin was very much In evidence here and -we enjoyed some superb cello work from Peter Steiner. CEREBRAL We cannot express the same DAIL'I' PILOT $flit Pllett Caught in the .Act enthusiasm for the work which Gloria Newton picks the wrong moment to come immediately preceded th e home as hubby Jack Kielson and Diane Lysip_k learn Schubert -Paul Hindemith's in th~ Rancho Community Players' come8y "The 1958 octet -bu t our oplnlon Marriage Go Round," closing tonight at Mission was obviously not shared by a Viejo High School's little theater. delighted audience. The work, --''---''----'....::.......C::..::..C.:::==------- written for the octet and dedicated to them by its com· poser, is a trifle too cerebral for our admittedly romantic tastes and a little too far removed from academe to sit s moothly on our discriminating palate. TY's Beverly Garland 'Happiest Hou sewife' OCC's entry 1s its 'productlon of "The Chemmy Circle.", a Frooch farce by I Georges Fegdeau, which closes tonight •t the college auditorium. · Judging Ille Orange Coal\ entry are actress Nanette Fabray, .directo~s Ella Sta:ie and Mark Daniels, eostumer- Kate Drain Lawson ·and set deslgner Harty Homer. ParUcipaUon in the festival ls a commitment on the part of each college theater to present the best work of which it is capJble. Any junior or senior college in the United States may enter. • The members of the acttig company . must be enrolled students. Any type of p!B.y for adult audiences is acceptable, ~ad the acUng company may tn no case l!xceed 25 persons. The plays are first judged Recital Slated In Santa Ana The Charles W. Bowers Memorial A1uscum, 2002 North Main, Santa Ana, will be he setting for a voice recital to be presented by singers tutored at Leona Roberts V o I c e Studio, Garden Grove, at 2:30 By VERNON SCOTT · I · · h p.m. p e r 1 men 1 n g wll new The program wil be com· casseroles. These three plays will then go to Washington, D.C. where two th.eaten with necessary production factlittes will be provided. The fe stival will pro- vide lrampcrtation for the companies and their theatrical baggage plus living expenses. Lu.-Jlt 11 ~ FIRST RUN Miry T.,,., ~ llril p;.a.y "CHAN&I OP HAlfr' ••• ''JOUI NIY TO THI PAR SIDI OP THI SUN" The local festival starts ID January 1970, and th el~~~~~~~~~~~ Washbgton Festi val will take Ir place in the spring when 10 college productions will be "' . llGll -•aos• STANLIY ll:UIRICK PROOUCTIOll 2001 a 1111-oct,uiry CINIWA SCIEIN 11'.ETROCOLOR ~ ..... 2"''•111°-f.f'A'f :·'l'i~'ll c..'ill It was not without interest, however, and there was cer· lalnly no fault to find with ils perfonnance by this incredib ly impeccable octet. It brought to the fore some dedicated dou- ,ble bass work by Rainer Zep- peritz and some glorious French horn renditions from Gerd Seiler!. l!OLLY\VOOD (U PI) posed or all art songs a:id Beverly Garland, the in-Because she dresses in arias by Weber. Haydn, Saini· F1111-F11...-c .. FHtv,. terloper or a bride on "My modest, mid d 1 e • c I ass Saens, Donizetti, Puccini, as , i.,;r..<cBill8t1""• cen111n...a11 mu1.,a1 -nc1r, & all Liberty ticket ... "' A pleasing preliminary to the Hindemith was Rossini's Sonata No. 3 in C, so typical of the happy Giacomo with its bubbling humor, often skillish scoring and the sheer charnt of its subtle variations. 1\ great favorite of ours, this one. We have omitted to draw to your attention Ferdinand Metger, vi o 1 in ; Kunio Tsuchiya, viola ; Herbert Staehr, clarinet, and Hans Lemke, bassoon. Let us not overlook their distinguished contributions, with their col· leagues, to a magnificent and memorable e v e n i n g of chamber music. Estelle's Son h '[ dr be · h * IIRO MOSTIL * Three Sons" this season, is a ousew1 e war o in t e well as some contemporary happy if harried housewife off· series -playing Fr e d materials. ''THE PRODUCERS" screen . MacMurray's wi:f'e -Beverly 1 -:•Fi::::::;:=:=:;;;;~1~~~~~~~~~~~Jk=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=/ Beverly is Mrs. Fillmore chooses more ~aring things I for her own closets. Crank, the wUe of a building c:Ontractor. They live high atop Sbe is addicted to miniskirt! the Santa Monica mountains which, she says, pleases her near Mulholland Drive, the husband. famed lovers lane. • Mrs. Crank also is fond of Originally the home was diamonds, a fact that does not built as a Pacifica hideaway overwhelm Crank wlth joy. with pretentions of Hawaii, On weekends the family coral beaches and the echo of slays home, usually relaxing guitars. Beverly didn't like it, in a spacious garden filled so she changed the decor to wilh swings, teeter-totters, Spanish, adding Latin colors playhouses and the like. 'Ibey and furniture. refuse to have a swimming · Sfle tired of the Spanish in-pool installed until t h e f I u enc e and is now youngsters are older. Oc-l-=========-11 redecorating in old English casionally the family will antiques. dri ve to Santa Barbara to The results is startling -a escape the smog. mixture of Japanese, Spanish \Yhen Beverly is working and English furniture, pain-she does very little en- Lings, colors and atmosphere. tertaining. But when the "It drives us a little mad,'' schedule is light she will invite Beverly says, ''but it blends." two or three couples in for Beverly has brown hair, dinner -most' of \vhom have brown eyes and stands 5-£eet, nothing tu do "'ilh show 4-inches tall. She is shapely business. and a mother of a daughter , Beverly is convinced she Is Carrington, 5, and a son, the happiest wife in America J ames, 13, \\'ho is called Big because she and her husband Jim~Crank by his parents. never have a cross word. Therfamily is rounded out by .. [ think it's because we Tot, a Shih Tiu dog; three work at our marriage," she cats named Garmore, Furry said. "That, and the fact that and Caesar; an unnamed·-";;;';;;il;;;he;;;r;;;o;;;ne;;;;;;o;;;I ;;;us;;;d;;;r;;;ink;;;;;;.';;;' = parakeet; and a parrot who11 doesn't answer to the name of :ti1oses. NEW I. ANXIOUS 11111!1 T-• Nt..sl In Or•"9• C-ty PIHH U1 lft Tht ~S SPiii. Look Ollt •4 . GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY ~;, Jbuth Coast Rep crtor_v "F·unniest Show offered b11 O. C. Theatre tills yea r •• ," Tom Titus, D. P. LAST WllKI ND "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" 1121 Nl!WPO llT ILVD .. llfff' H-.. •ESERVATIC1'S. INl'OllllAATION -~IUJ "Willlll• tfle PMlr"' -OELIOHTl'UL SC• CMILOlllN'1 TND TlltS S1111d1y1 •f 1:111 Ind 2:• p.m. C1ll ter 11_ .. '- . . ' DIW )'ta CUI SEE anythlna 7111 want J\iim USTAl1RANT"· """"' ARLO JJUTHRIE COLOR by Deluxe Unrtt• Af'l11tt l!P Call 673-6260 For lnfonNtion • • • • • • • • •. Sllows at I 1 10 pm 011 Tomomwl•nd Slip • TWO BIG ONES Beverly Is giving the parrot talking le ssons aq hour a day by turning on a tape recorder that repeats endlessly the phrase, ;'Pretty Boy." So far Moses just eyes the machine suspiciously and refuses to ut· • • • ••• • .. • : • • • • • • • • , ..• . · , ' , • BILL DEAL and lhe RHONDELS S"°"'s 1t 9 & 11 p111 on Tlll!OfTOWl1nd T1rr1ct ,,::;-~~ SAM RIDDLE PLUS More than SO adventures & attractions ... Par ode of Disney Chnctm at 12:30 & 4:15 pm .•• ~ Special daytime entertainment ..• The new Haunted Mansion ... REGULAR DISMYLAND PllCES OPllt ~ DAf, 11 All • MIDJlltt ·~':e.2: ntOll I UI • lll lDNITl • ...... ~1 "' • • . "A WIRY lllllY, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • mllSllY AMllll R ----C...,.H.~.1-·~'~ Cl ' ... ~w5 , ALSO •••• ter a syllable . "If he doesn't talk soon," Beverly threatens, "out he goes!" Beverly is up by 6 a.m . when the CBS-TV series is shooting. She gets breakfast started for the rest or the family and is of( to Studio Center only five minutes down the mountain . 'The morning[ meal is completed by a live.in housekeeper "'ho cares for the ' children. She usually is home in lime to prepare dinner for he Crank clan - a chore in which she delights. Beverly Is particularly fund of ex· Mex ico Ol('il HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Director Ralph Nelson ob- tained approval of the Mex· lean government to film ''Soldier Blue" on location in Durango. mg, 5•t·USt JOI ll'l'OUlallll KIDDIES MATINEES SATURDAY AT 1 PM and l PM SUNDAY AT 2 PM "WILLIE Mc BEAN AND HIS MAGIC MACHINE" "11s 5c11itlr ~Is "Tkt Cold Doy"h1 TM P..t'" tH THE Wl!9TMINSTl!lll CENT'lr:lll JohnW!vne Rock Hudson •the Undele.aled ·..._..cooo .. .,..,. -·-"'-· . M!J.JJIJ Jolln WIYllf llKk Nfllll-"THE UNDEPIATIO'' fAj GA19ry P.U A111te H..,.... ''THI CHAI.MAN" (Ml M••lm+lll•n ScMll Dl•M ••r "KllAKATOA" !OJ '"' "•ING ., 8RIONT WATI•" Arr. Glolllr1' "ALICE'S IESTAUllANr' (Iii) JK .119111M l llltf ''THI: l'lllST TIMI" !Ml Arte Glifltr'9 "AL ICl'S •ESTAUllANT" flt) JH~Hllilt 114111 ''THE l'lllST TIME" fMI stereo 103FM the sounds of the harbor .. _Ld.~~7 youve never heard it so good ' -----------,--------------,--,.--,,.----,--;-------------------------- ·- ,Aan Leaders Warning Given To1 Smugglers , . DEAR ANN LANDERS : My husband is an attor· ney in a border state. He lrMuenUy gets phone calls from distraught parents whose teenagers have been taken -into custody by the federal authorities. The cbarat .:.... narcotics smuggling. • Please alert the kids who think It is OK to take a li!Ue trip and pick up pot lot the guys in the dorm or fraternity house. Some of these characters are sure they inaw. the ropes, but they are mistaken. The foll.Wing facts should be posted ,on every col· loge bUlletin bo'atd in the U.S.A. 25 years older. Invariably, they are rich men. QUllNll ly Phll lnterlancll ' New Homo ' 1-----~,....,=,...----·1-----~.~-=,-----..... • LBGAL N011CE LBGAL NOTICE c1m'""~':,.C!l.'!f.!!"TION ... IUl"ll ... C.•T ., '"' CllllTll'ICAnl•Oll ......... Play Dull .'~ICTITtOUiNI.'f VUlll ITAYI., ULINlltJaA Htl ,ICTITIOVS _.. , TMI UNOllllONll> COAltOlATION THI COUNTY Of' OU.NOi Tiit ~If'" • _.,, t11w ,,. .._ '*"" cwttw m.t It .. a11Mtl111 , Ht. A+M1t C'M41!1Ctlll9 I li\11!11t1t tt AM 1'11'1 It .• MiMM ...... It .. ~ '""'· JllOTICI o• ............ PITnteM ,..._, 9"Cll. CIUforl\lt, ...,.,, tM "°' ' t N....,. ~ Ctl...,"le ..-r ttlt !IC"• •O• ,JIOIAT9 -.... I. AMO POii '"*" firm Mm• of fOllllOll Ul-B H '"""" """ _,. " NNIN COM-"'"''' tllTAMIMf.UT T1t1ove: ,..,. tNI .. i.i "''" " --ut on est ~~·c:. ~-= ~~ o!:'.!,." "°''.' M. ." •• "'°°°. :::.::"·:.::.-.,-:-.. =-::-!: ""*t .,_IHJ , .. c. tf MfMll It 11 , NOTICI II HIJIRY GIVIN Tllet J ~llll Hmllr 405 ....,.. Dt , ........ : JUNI w. SNf ltWOOO Ple\lt llllll 1111•11" I N~ •: di. C 'tlloNIMI 1fttr c• B J ·-'a VER' lAMl"AM1'. INC .. •·llrdt '""'· !Mtlllen "' .,. .. of wfll ll'ld for lllUIM 2::. A ~,-~ c.1" y ft"a A "'""""" hit<fi, C•I. luuenc. Of 1.•I"'• T""""n"l"I' to tll:t . . • . ,,.,. • WITN•IS Ill NM tlllt 16lfl .. ., ti Hiii._, ,...,_. .. .t!IOI 11 mMe ttt = C1ll1'ml11 Htlfll l'.1..Mllttr, 1'1 NEW YORK (UPf) Dtvld A111•'· 1Ht f•r111tr "'lk\ll•ri. Ml 1'111tilttltnf11111 -*''t.Lr1 •• C•1• MIN. 'iilllfw'llll. G rd' "'A_.. n .. -n.. .. l<MMr•lt: ie.n •lee• ol ""'bl' tM ..,.,. flt• ""' Mt "",.. J w~!.!7~":iw aa s ""' .-\lppy ...... J•rnet H. =Mo ,,.....,.: "'DkofnbtT lt, lfff, •• •:• l .M .. bl tllf H.1111 ,.~M,..., TaJla," the latest opening at i~t1~$'0~A~~~ico~~";.. el' .f. ~~rtC::'ltf N~,~of w':~~ tettv c.' , .. ..,.. the off-Broadway Bouwerie an tlll• Hth mo of A111u11. A.D. ,..,, w.t lltldll·ltrelf) 111111t °" "t' '&~";t ~""='• , ••• --·••r ii --~•-· ...... Mtott "'* F1r1 s. Eccl._,...,." l'llflllc "sem1 AM. c.11ftm11. Not«'f l'vbllc ..; ... ,._. '* ..... ~"' J.1-.... • 91NM1CI' ..,,, '" lllf fir •tl41,..,""'11111 lfttt. """''"' Dttlcl H1¥1m""',., INt. . ' In ~ •••• srowlnc rue ol nw...ift. *ilr IMl!'IMl1111M41. .... 1-1\o ' W,,I •. Jt JOijN. Ctullf'r (Ifft, =::":'1 :":' .... ~·-"'-< ·= ... "'· h I """"UY IHllrM JI'"" H, #Mllll MU911 "· lllf'C'ii.I I ' · . • . • male omosexual p ays. -tlOWfl .. ,.,,. .. w ,... ,.,.Wlftt " t111 • ..,_'" ..... • ~~-",.,""-" " "",. .. ,.,... ... • ........ 1 II • • i k ""I c.rMrttltn ""' 1•tctmC .tl'lf wltlllll i. LIM ......., . _, .,. . ~ ..., a s ncere wor us. •'l'\lfl'\tllf "' Wltlf or ,,. ciotMrltfeft 'hi• um *""1 ~""""' w ~ ..... ""'tMUltld takes an honest loot ~t tbl :::'~"':~:.:. ':!'::==' :;,,..~ .u::.:r..r =:"c..t 0111, ,11of, tOfl~~i.11.u.1 ' gaii life. But it ~eta or1 to a lft WI""" Wfltl'IOf. I lllvt Mnvnlrt Mt ~~,.,rt.,.., .,... :::::'!.v;:.e. ........ I d I ~-~ d 't ly In """-"'r MM ..... lfll•~ "" tf'f!c ... •••I "" ---r • .. .. -~ ..... n. U 1Ji.u ~. an l s on 1.U111 .., ant n.r 111 t1111 ctrtfflul• 11n1 1-.v. LIQAI,; NOTICE '"" 1 .,.._ 111 latter half that ft takes OD real ro~'r.ci ... t. ll ... L) ~:'r~ bl>I,_ meanlng and arouse& tome l'tr• .. l!CCIM ' MOTKI ., pVM,t( MIAllfM f'11111.::Crc110:..:,1 CMtt °'"" 11l1tt rD.euure of interest Not•,., Pu1M1c<•Hfol'1111 N.nce i. ""*•I-tlllt Tiit 11111111111t Hlv""*"' 1, a. 11. n. ,,.. 11).Mt Or1ntt Co~nlY Ctm"'IUlfl'I If 11i1 Clt'f ti Ntwl'Ott tMdl • John a1l4 Carey-Lee have Mr C0111m1t11tt1 •••trtt win 11e14 , M ite 11Mt1111 ·en 1111 .,. D"'A'"'B N-Jl'"'S-Jived 1•ther in ftne·hannony ~on-J:ra 4tc~~DT AttttMr• •llettlOll" 1.0.H .. • .1t1r11 Venl\frt , ... , .. , __ ., __ •_·· ___ v_•,.;. . .,,_.,_._ • " _ .. °'' I .... ttlft Ct.I fir t •. UttltMI .. U11 l'lfflllt1• ' ilnce e:y discovered each II:!:: .,.. • 101! "' tr-""' ioe.IH "' ,,. IOlllll )'=.S officen ate well tcqu ted With e~ btdlng pla of·'evefy make and eVery model car. 'Ibey also know all the trlcu dreamed up by pe<>- ple who olt<mpt to muggle marijuana on their person. In bygone daya, a girl cwkl be sold to any well heeled old lecher by her family; but t ... day women have freedom of choice -and I am ,ppelleCI by the freq\le!'}Cy wlP! which they . c;l1oose the su1sr daddy. It's prostitutlOO no matter how you [2:~~~=~~:s:;,.,.~o:.i:::=o:~:?..?:::!!.=::.;::::,J Took at it. · Doo't 'these young kltols "With aome people, the 1oft.aeU campaign other While the latter ii aw•v l'ubrll~•~ ~Ill' O•nr l'i1ot tiff ·" v11" ••• o,. O'll0'1". v111• Dl1U ~. ' ~ N --I • 11 ~• 1 , -·-•*-OnlMt INl!'llllttvft), ti "'""It • l'lllH\H Cltr'I'°"* Htltft Oukl. AM U. f/f ITJ'\' !or • V•-•t ·back home .y .. i.-ov ... _. '.. '"' ._.... lllNtrltltl °""'"""""' " 7• rftl'Mlll!•I • .. ,.a.:1 id' t':'.::: .... INI 1 lttlfl ,,.. llt. ltlf lf.,,Cotefll Cltl ""'· Otte., tlttfh, gives ... n: ter to an o ...... LEGAL NOTICE "'NM•u •• "''*' ti.t~ '''tfll""' .. 1. ·~~21; .. ~':1.,",:;t'~~ sChool chwn he hasn't Hen f9f ...one llH,1111 Wiii ll)t ,,.._ Oii fll'I .flfl lltr Dulle. C-... Mtiri ,......r, Mtirito'I knoW that,wben the glamour doean't work." _ ho · j 111,.. 11.atl.. ti ~. 1fft, It-.., MUI' If t!Of 11*11 Wfl/fltr o1 Mow ~Nlrtl 12 years W lS Ult &e ... ,. ClaTo•oc•-0, IUllNlll f'.M. 111 "" CeuftCll Cllt"'"" If !tit ind "',.. ~,....,_, °''""ttt ..,_. 2. IJ drup are loond, the -· occordlng to federal 'low, is preoumed to be guilty of smumtnr "'unleu ht can prove 'he ii not. 'nM! burden of proof Is oo lhe indMduaJ. of being an okl man's darling ------------------ wean off they'll be stuck with t ol th N ' 1• · NtwWt' tMCll Ctt'f tftll, It *"'Cll•t1m1 OU e lyY. ,ICTITtoUI NAMe trld •lite •llr tllll tll .,_ iftt1tultid Ylctt, Mol'IAr. II A.M., ,_, '!\ .... B t th N l Tiit 111wMrtltllld de cttltf¥' """ tr. IMI' .... r 11111 .. Mtf'f ffllrtln, c:r111e' f'fltloMI CMltltl'Y. Dll'l<ttif ff u ' e avy man. I cWUC!lfltl • ..,.111111 11 f111 llutlt Ortl'l4 DON •• ...OklMION.· '"" M«Wl"t ..... ""' Hltll-"strallht 11 aJtbounh in I A-. 1111111 All9, C•llfWftle, ll!'llllf tllt S.C....., w.r, CorMI 1111 MM, ..._ 3. p.-, ... the best *>Ul'Cee of information. They makit a double profit -first on the ple, then on the f'eWard ' for informing the CUalGIM peoPJe. _ I hope a few thousand weekend adventurers will read thla letter and decide to gel their kicks Cloing 90mething lea don&erou&. -ARIZO- NIAN DEAR ARIZ: Thanb for the Oufl, So do I. Dl!JAR ANN LJ,NDERS: fs everybody crazy, or is It me? When. I was Jn my 20s I en· joyed the company of men my own age. Now that I'm 40, l find 40-year-old men very ex· cltlng.'Younger men bore me. Whtn,I am a, I'm Me I 1d1all find· 86-yw-old men very pleuant company: But 1 seem to be completely out 'Of slep. Wbeft:ver I look, I see women mll'l')'!ni.men 15 or 20 or even -.-;;;;;;:l;;;;i;;oi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. NIW-PllOM CHOUND UP tUT oi.o •AIMIONIO.,..WMlllJ' PlOMllll Alli MAOI ANO KIPT GARDIN GlOYI LINCOLN MllCUlT ' 0Alt01N OJIO\l'I AT •llOOKMUltlT U6-2HO the old 1eezer'1 Jumbago? The natural tendency then is to gO hunting fw1 a stron1 yoUng man to fill the void. And then the mess betln.s -the sham. the shame, lhe guilt and all the test. Don 't the old clowns realize what attracted the young girl in the first pl4ce? Or do they wise up only when the: divorce lawyer starts talk· ing "term~?'' Please warn your readers against the May a n d December mergers. Tell them they'll all do better if they act their age. -FEET ON THE GROUND DEAR FEET:. U tlley ask me, ru tell 'e:m. By attd large, your tbe&l.1 J.1 correct ; llowever, everyone lmow1 of •n exception to . wllcb tlley 1leefuRy point toiprove you are wra11. CO NFIOE NTIAL TO SHALL fT BE A PALMIST OR A MIND READER?: I don't have much faith in either, but since you must make a choice, I suggest .vou go to the palmist. I'm sure you have a palm .. C!'!!'l"""'' (en be • <>•obltm. Wh1! Un 'f'Ou O!vt lh1 pen.on Wl!O i..s •vtnoll'llne? Ann i...ndtll' new beak, .. Truth II Str1nt1,," JS 1v1i11bl1 In book •lort1. It Clft l llO bl obl1lntd br wrlnnt P,.htk• Miit, !:ndltwood CUH1. H,J, Price •• Sol.f,. Al\ft l.tl'ldtfl Witt M· tltd lo http 'f'Oll wl!ll YOllf' •l"OOl«N:. Send ~I'll lo fief 1" Cite el""-OAll.V ,.ILOT, - clollftt 1 Hll·•ddrt1ttd, t11m...i 111-velop.,, Open Sundays 12 Noon to 5 p.~. o,11-1htfuf shopping H1111tl11tto11 Cntw'1 ' ... • llctllllut fll"l'll ntM• of COYOTE II+ NtwMtt INCfl Cll'f QRJP'FITR drunken reunion, be and John T•ll11•1111 1M 1Mt ..... "'"' " Cfl'll-PttMi111 c"""' ... 1"' • ~ revert to sOme s e J; u a,I ,.._ T! :: t=~= r:....:ri:: ,llblltl\H or:111t , ... , O•ll'f 'ZI :-.:.: ::::::-. ~ '"'f,.;.11,~ hantypanky such U tbty In. .. ,.liowt:• Novtmbtt n. 1 .tt 21 ., ...,.., ,..,.,..... a ..,,...,. w d I eel I •M II In thel Jlllll'fl 011rt.1. n111 ••111111 11rtitt, 11u.blr1C1. t.11 w. Gtlfl~ " ""' ....,,., Jane Froman' s. Back u I n occ-ona Y r '-"'"°' c111,.1"1111 ft.1111 w1ttff 1.. LCGAL Na11CB .. """',.'' mn o. HINOll, u111111 C1f't. E t t • • T youth. It takes Bud quite a .·~,•.1c111C:1~1:~ •• ~•rr;::..r~:Ht~'n=: ""'""'"'"'-' ,,.. -.,tlllddl1111 • ...,. n er aYn•ng roops while to ~h~e :up to the fact l11 Slrrll'IOI DrlYI. l.ltllnfl Hltlltl. T.._ =·~=~rorr:J4~l .. ~ie:: " " that John 111 really "queer ti C1lllol'llll. MOTICI T• ClllllOITOJIS Mtf!l/o,.,, KANSAS CITY (AP) -An attractive brown · haired ~·oman in a blue suit, a silk scarf draped around the coat collar, smiled briahtly at a roomful of 45 Blightly bashful males Tuesday and said: • O.fldOcfobtrl,1161. IUl'llllllOll COUJIT OP TM• LQG•U despite an earnest and f;J;· JN,.ia 011rkt ITATI 01' cA"'''""'A POlt I Al'I life in 1943 i.1 a plane crash In~ tensive •Ynlanatlon by John of w • ..,"ff• ,•.,,..ac11•1e11t THI co,.uMT"f~, OU11•• '"' I". 1. ... 11. Ate "· " ., lftllt -r _......, 1-'t•ber RHd, H........,. ._.,, 01N ef the Tagus River at Lisbon, his way or IUe:. It ls clear that" ..... -.. " .. ""'··~ ... · .. _."':.'.:"'::Nftlry 111111 "VllltOINIA 1110.1 MAI.I.. lkl c!Qf!I, N-Mllet '°' ._....., -wll•. B d Is ••• to ft r • ' Vlrellll1 "· Miii· •kt VltWlflll 11111 Ntll!tl eo~. K.i'!lllll'l.lf'N...,.,. .. ~, Portusal . She was on her way u never so.... UD· ,.ublFc In •nd tor Niii "'' .. ""°"'1"' Mtn'"r,l •kl v 1r111111 •· Mentw, ,111.,., Nr•. ,.....,., c. Me,., 11. ~, .. d •·-"' 1..-r111 J-h ow-•, W1111r i.. _,.. M to entertain World War 11 ersi..uu. W.llclll, 11111 llludo!I OtHf k-ft .. "" NCITIC. II HIJlllY OIVIN ,. !I'll .. ~'t~~'1r .. ~'==lf-:,.,..::· :~~ troo~ In Euro"" It is thil ~xplanalion that la i. "'.,.'",."..,,... '!.."r', :;!~fll·rn:~ "',~ crld1t•• " 1111 ,.,,. nefNO 111c:..-it bl "'"' ,.,.,.,..,, 1, AM. 1111 .,..,.. ~ •"· the ibn nd .i.. ....,. 1-ttrl W•"' Ille! 111Wtlllf1'1tYll'lt CllllM HllMI"" c---0 a -I d c as a i.m:: Mw•· ur icMllDWINlfll 1111r nfC\lftlt !I'll ...... ""' dl(ldllll ,,. ,_,,.., _. flit 1tlt!ft, wtY ,._...., .... ., r. l'I' . • She un e1v,,ent 30 opera· teresUni part of the play. The co,.PICIA~ ''"LJ wllll ,,.. _,•i-mtrii."' 1111 tlffff ~~~~':;..'":i':·.:i~~ tions, Miss Froman related, in author unhappily baa felt It :!i:::'~ub11~1:,,.,,_i. :•r:,:•.:=1~~Z1111:'.!e~ "'"""" Mortvt,.,, Cotti MIM., d t lk a-he ' t <-v'e fourth ,rlMlHI Otftct In YIYdltrt !1 1t11 uf,CN,,11M11''11'11 offlc• MeGRIGOR • '·Hello, I'm Jcr.1e." _ For a moment there or er o wa ag tn, so s necessary o 1.. a or.,_ C•.1111'1' ., JllliMv H. lVANI '"" ..,_ lllOOIR was knew wh at it meant to be fhar~cte!t,:: th~ ~O:C::" t;:,~~\~1111 l.Ulr" ~;1011.1M1e~R.=...~.~':"~~ :~r~·~~.::.•a..:r:!vi':.:."i; silence, and then: . hospltaliied, ype or oua 1 c Y ,.,,"' .,·~~,•••• c.ufom11 '°'"' w111e11 i. 1111 .-._ " ::;.~.~~·n~"',,~1Ui b reasons, Thret of the playen ·~ Mlnt1t .t 1111 UllWtliftlll '" 111 .,,,..,. .....,_.., Clll,.t. "1m "'""· 1.e;e.. "f'm Tom, and I've een a have some naked momenta. :.. , .. cwt M~ ,.., =:.1!11::, ~ ": ':."fl~:::.T:: l'ltol,_.. offlclltlllf. ·•"""*""''• fa Or Yours for a long !'·me " c-fll .-r1 _c1 NII "" ~ ••• ,.,_ J111lt1M\111 MMwitl """'· 1111 .,.,.. n ' ~· ' The four actors are ex· t11: 1n41 t1s-1111 o.Ni. ·N..,tl'l'I';:. ,., 1Nt. .., IMt'flNirr. ~ MIN, ~ a middl~aged crewcut-type cellent -Ge?rge Reeder, tt:V-::..~1• ~r~~~. ~~~t 0•111 ,=; ~"':::.~.~ 1111 "''" PHOENIX ~ spoke up triggering an out-Edward Dunn, Ken KlJban and o1 ~ •llo'tl ,,...,,... ... _...,, Alltft M. l'11Mnt11. Aw M. " ., I'. burst from hia reUow patients Horton Willis. LEGAL N011CE f~~~·11.Mt:~~~~-!:.'~..,."":;..~":~': In the Veterans Hospital . ·Swen Swenson and Michael wn 1. PMlftc eea11 ttwr. L•-•1 '"''• o1 "....,_. .._.,., rw. ....... ..... ....... c.•. "'*" dlutlltlt'J, Mn. CfH'IUIM ll~ "I 81w you in Weisbaden in Devereaux produced the play, c111Tt,JCATI o' tUllNtlS . ""' mD .,..... s1n11 ",,11 ,.,,,., K•llW'fll ....,,,.tee d De h directed it Pt(TITI US NAMI ' ·' A"'""" frw M111"""""4r AllDll 15 •ttl'ldc:Jllldtlfl •lif I .... 1945," called out one. an vereaux . u TM lllMltnlll'IH ._ eet111Y "' It 1f,:: P11bt1111M Clnfltl c.tt O.llY "111t. 1r11111t1111crr1wt. Oft'ltllllt ~' wm capably. The slnale apartment .f\lcil111 1 MIMI• 111hb Mt, •ill(lr ,. HovtMlllr 1i.. a. tt .,. Dk*l'IMr .. w twlrll MIM•r, i1 AM. lltclftc Vlf• "f saw that pictu re about tU b H Pl-'" rton · c••· l'wm.111 v.11..,,• C.llferfti.. im 11n• ,1,1,1_111 ••rk. •t11 .,.....,..,. NW!ir se ng Y arry 1i.e 11 11Mer Tiit 11c1111ou, """ "'it " tf'I', , ... ""'"" ctl'tCWI. You in Japa-.1 in t952," put in ••raclive 011ANOI couMTY 1•0H woll 11111l--~·~ -~ .. ~~~~~~~~--JiF=~;;~~~;=;;;~=) ' llllt .. Id tlf'fft II --"' tf 1111 ..... l.4AJALI ~ :inother, 1"' Poe''°"' ~ 'MIM 111 tun 1nd '"" ,-y " j' d J ol rttldffKI 11 It fellowt: T...., ARMJCILB 6 ION " es, yes, rep 1e . ane K•""''" w, McKtth•n. 21111 111c11-w 1111 ,,_ d r M B """". Clrcl&. Hu111!111to11 I II ch ' .,OTICI TO c••t!Tffl ate .,. __ J Froman, Who gaine ame as arx ·ros, Cl lltorftlt. • SUl'IJllOR COUllT 0' THlt U1 £. 17111 It., Cll&a Mua a popular singer in tbe 1940s. oit141Movtmbt•13. ,,.,. ''"''' o• CALIPOllllNIA POii -' KIMH!I W. MCKttlllll Tiii COUNTY O• OltAMSlt '·That was 'With a Song In My stet•" c111torn1t. 0r111t1 couMY: w .. ,.,...,21 Hea rt,'" said Jane. "Susan Mov1'e Set Oft NovlmlMr "· , .... , tllfwt ,,.., • 11"11 " 011.••1tT "· COi.i.iNS. WINNER I Mll!•"f l'Ubllc 111 •M ttr ••If llttt, DlcMNll. Hayward ~layed me. I thought 3-•••n ,.,_ll'f .......... KtllMtl'I w ' HCITJCI ,, HltllllY OIVIN " 1111 h did Sp eodldly but l·t .nvea ...,_ --MCl<llfll" 1r-" '"' .. M "" .. ..., c,..1i.n 11 ,... ........ ,,.,,,.. -....it 5 e · ' •· 1 •• I I NEW YORK (, ") wfloM ,..,... fl llltltrlbld '-tlll wtfllln 11111 111 .,_ Mrl11t dtllll!I NIIMI 1111 you th e queerest feeling to see ·• R n.r -'""fll"""' ,.,.. tc11-110H11 "' ... ....., •If .....,,, •r. ,...,,,.. " 111. """'1 s9meone elae go through all .JOIS'tll.~-Actrna Shelley Wl~t.er1 hu ro·Fii~1~1. SEAL) ~1':.~11~:--ttii.:"'t11":i1l:.a'~~1:, tbat you've: done." , AH.WCO~NM been signed to a 1tairln& role G10r11 s . cu1i.r to MMftf '""'"· ....,.. "" ...,...., ' '"··Froman nearfiy lost her a:,..,....,. VA'ftJ&DI~ in 1 new Broadway mualcal Hot•N l'ub11c-<:111for'"'' ,,_...,.,,. '"' uftllM11111111 •• tht ql'f1e1 ITWM l't:I~~ N'VifllVUI'l"I; . Ortr••• CounlY OI' lt!CHARO I(. GJl:ACE, Allll'ftl'I', m r.PTnl\I' t::.. u.c:na11nu about the Mm Brothers and MY eom.,,1u1ot1 E-.1•u ''" •rMOW•r. 1u1i. •· Gltll4lllt1 v '"'°'"" .......---. their m~•er Mir 1t, 1m C.t!Wlill fll!J. wtilcti " ""' , ... " &MMllJilflCll UWI ' T...m 91/t!-If IM \llldlnl9l!IO Ill Ill"'..,.,,. •---~ -The show "Minnie's Boys " f'ue.11t""' or1111• '""' 011\Y f'llel, ..,.....,,. It 1llt .._.. " .. , .......... • ' H1vttT1• 11. 22, 2' 1i'ICI ID~ '· w1111• Mur """"" tftlr !ht tltlt Mllcl• is scheduled to open at the ,,.. 2u2-tt 11111 " "''' M!i«. Imperial Theater on March 7, et• ='C!:il.!i..._ ~~lHE~~l.ION~~IN~WINIB~~~~:::wt~th~MU~s~W~t:i~te:::n~p~la:)'ill~g:,;lhe~I LEGAL NOTlCE :r='=iil ., 1111 role: of Minnie. ,..,.. .. boY• ~m141 ff<~ CIRTl•ICATI 0, SUllNISI JllCNARO ~. tl ... CI •ICTITIOVS •AMI td t .. t ·~ ... Ill .. • llALTZ MORTVABID ·., C1nu dll Mar OR Ml• co.to -Ml ~ • • • llllLL 'llROADWAY :· ' . MOilTUARY i :1 J 111 -111· CJ..i. M~~ , u Mm ~,~1 • 'ii ll!Jl~Y .l!aatelas i •: ..... Ill! ... VllllJ ' 11-, l'lltl--. • " ., -~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-llTl!I ,.,_ Fiif""souTH coasT ".," f'LAZA THIUITRK ~-112-1171 Thi' .,,,_.,.llMd dO clf'fltr thlY ,,.. Ollll4lllt• C.llf. t111t COl'H:lllCll"' • bu•I-•• 211t °"''"'' , .. , tnn 141·1•11 Orlv1, INIM, Ctlllorftle """ UllClll' lfM Atllt""' lfll' htc"911" .i.. • • llcll!IOU• fltm -et l'ATIO •u11.0tfllG "~'II'""' or1,,.. Co.it .... 11, l'tltt, p•-ft ·-Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Strikebteaktr' 5 Character in early radio · • Fundamtnl1I l 4 Sprck 1' Lt ~n ln9 l• Act with lllLICh ·~ etpresslon ·: 17 Pltnt genus 11 Where gambling gaM es art ·: ,,,,,,, 2 words ·~ 20 Frolic 21 ··--can: Depth charge ZZ Bulbous plants 23 True's partner < 25 Crabby 27 Company 29 Pronoun 30 Carnivorous m1mm1I 34 Serpent 3& A la····· 31 Color 39 One living in th e Windy City: Z words 42 E teclt ic al control devic e 43 Fog, mi st ot 5ltam ~_j By 1111ld111 n•rrit ' ' " • • • 45 P11ad ls1 •• Harden 47 'H ospital units 49 Uninteresting people SI Antlcipalory terror 54 Put o•rm ents '" 58 Likely &O City of Italy ill Equestrian: Z words 113 .... Morgan a: Famed mlrtg• M Old womanish 65 Ne vada city 6& US agent; Informal &1 Two.root ed &8 Showing dilettante interests ~9 Withered DOWN 1 Wtll turned '"' 1 TV featur t 3 Nuc lear reacte1 ; 2 werds 4 Slgn1I rmlttin11 dt vitt 5 Fr anct s -··: eperatic 1 Ptrcy f aith \ or Guy Lemb1rdo : 2 words 8 Perct i ~t 9 Small rounrl skul lc ap: Var. l ll Both : Pre fi x II Kind of fl ight 12 Solar disk ll Frwt r 19 Carry 24 Dfslnttgra\t 2.l Range animal 28 Funny ftllew JO Calendar 1bl>1t•l•tic n 31 M111lca! comma nd 2 words )2 Unit ol . printin 1 33 Ki smet 34 Rtal t slalt unJI 11122/69 35 Strucl urt 37 Tra't't ltr 38 Btgat ~O Partlcipa11 t In NORAD: Abbr. 41 Unheppy sound ~6 Vtry l t!;vt pt r5Grl 48 CGnscr ip!s lo' strvitt 49 Engender 50 E-hausted 52 ··-of IOStS 53 feminine ""'' 54 Moby D i c~'s pursuer 55 Girl's nicknamt 5& Cru ise ,, •·r 59 We ghl system 62 lrlsh Rtpubllcat1 A,my: Abbr. " Iii-......... 111&awi.sJC1111 CUt1M 11tt011111oi·n01CUr Alia "RING OF "BRICiHT WARR" 3rd WEEI< • Endt Tu11. beyond the l!I ol innoctncr ... irtto tN: .,e cl 41W•rtntsl I• COflPORAlOI San Ditto F,.._, .. lriltol • •Z7tZ ACRES OF FREE PARKING OPEN 6:45-SHOWTIME·7 P.M. ELVIS PRESLEY IN -HIS NEWEST HIT "CHANGE OF HABIT" -ALSO- While Our Astranauts Are Going to the Moan, "JOURNEY (with us) TO THE FAR SIDE OF THE SUN" liTltunderq Advenbre Thal Rocked Two Nations! -~ ... - ,, •NI tllef t1ld firm II ~ of lfM ,,_..,. 1, .. ll, :a. lfff 204\... Aw..a'"' ... &AW tolllWIN 11treorol, Whl'H ftlrntt . Ill f\111 MEMOIUAJ, PAM 11111 ,l6ell of ,..Ide""' 1rt 11 10!10W11 LEGAL NOTICE ' ' : ' lAftt, MIWHl't ... ch, c1111orni.•nut1r ' •• Rlcl'ltrd W. INrnl1h, ltel l1l11lt 1 _____ =-::::::'-----11 (le~~ """ICll IC, Dlftf,._ t7tf' VII Vlf4iltM, f'.-W ... C""""'9. Ctflfotllll ,,.,., Mldllll CllTll'IC ... T• o• •u"l'"'c,.......Jll-:~~ ,... Drive • c. Hlrtft. 11• , ............ NtwMr1 ,ICT!TIOVI' fllAMI • N -~··-·· •ltdli 0 111Wllll• ftMtl Jlfln W. ICll.le, Tiii ul'ldlt11ti11M llOft ctrtltr Ill II CIM-I "-W-.! $31 l1n!dl Orl'tl, M"""'1 l .. Cll. lluclln• 1 M lnH1 11 2t71 ttlllw 1.11.. ~~ -• C111fettll1''2UI. • ' eo.11 MtM, under fhl rlctltlol/$ flrM ..,.....,_ O.IK H1¥1mbtr I. Ifft. neme of l!L!:CTJIO ADI • IN• • e~: Jl.lciwlrd W. 811mtsll tERH ... TlON ... 1. ,,.,. thtt 1tld firm It • •r: lllOl'llld K. Olt1ln1 com!IOtllll If th• follow1N ,.,.-i, wtletl PED l'AMILY I r: Jollft VI· Kh.11 111m• In 11111 tl'lll 1111c1 If rtt!41fllH 11 11 -""'" "L , • ..-• • ' •~: Mlc!\41111 c . Hfnll totlow•· '-Al.&ArrtlA Urtc.nAlio 11111" C11tlorl'll1. Qr1111• Cfllnf'I': w11irtm M. aou,k1. tm ltllow Llllt, 80MI ... On Ml'ltmlllr 6. lHf, ~rt J'M, I Cll!t Metl , C1111orn11. -..... A"e, noltl'Y IUIMle Ill 9nd for .. ,. 111 ... Hr• Dtlid HovemMr n . Ifft. ..... ,,. llOlllllY ••llHl'ld lllc!ltrd w. •••Mlall, w1m1rn M. Bo111k1 WetCIDlll&er --.., Rot11r11 IC. OIDtlnt. Mltl'IHll c. lilflh, 11-'• of Clllfotft!~1 Ottntl Ce\1!11'1': tnd JOllll W. Kff.11 knewn to rl'!I IO &I I/II On Nov, If, lm, fllf(I,. Ill•, I Holt.,. • --.on• WI!-111""" ''' t'*ICrlbff fO ,.ubll~ In trMI !tr MIO 11111, ~llr .., It'll ,i,11111" lmtnlmlftl 11111 ltkl!O\fl'ltdff41 ,,,,..,.. Wll Utm M. ""9111 kMWfl t. ml ISliD'Ji Ell MOltnJARY , f!W'f •~•culH 1t11 ••me. tt M 1111 "'* whelt -11 Mbtctlt• ~ 8'1clt CM-119'.': 1 (0,,lCIAL SEAL) eel IO tllf Wltl'llft lnlltUMtflt afl4I lu,'""'•l.-IO .-~= •nllt JI Meur.n tCkl\OWlffled M ••K UIK IM """· ""9-•· ...... 111-Hlltrr P11e.n.c1111ornr1 (Ql'l'ICl ... 1. ll!ALl ... o~· C:.Unf't I M41"1' K. Hlftl"I' •• (. Mr ClnlMlMlllll IUll"ll Hotl!'r l'u~llc<•llftmll • ......, MOllTU'"Y OCtokf p , 1m . PrftM:1H I ottlct 1111 ..,.,_,_ "'" ..:; °"""' W. I(""", ''of A"'"'*' Crtflte COIH'lf't ' at Miii SL t ... Ctlllt• °""' M~ Ctmmfnlon l!ulra NtwHr'I tNcR, Clllflnll• nut Novemller 1-4, lfTf Butllltteft Bea •1111<iltlled' Orin•• C11111 Dtlly Plltlt, l'ull<lltlled Qr1111e Coat! Dtlh' f'llol, Al-a H•vtmMr 1,, 22, 2' 1nCI OlctmMr ''I Noyltl'l&er \I, ttl 2' t nll 01~9e!. !: Ifft • 21214' lfff 11 ........ "THE BIG GAME" CORONAS HOMECOMING_ Tho Nowpert-MllO Corono1 •!tor_ rMChi"t the Mml.flnll1 el tho cho ....... lhlp playoff1, In their thlnl ind '""' --fut ,.,_ In tho J..,lor All American' 'ooti.oit P'"lrom, wlll cll,iW1to with their onnuol lntrHCtuod -on tvndoy, ........., IMr 23rd, at tho Corono olll Mir Hlth khool foot- l>oll flold. Klck.eff 11 11 121JO, ' The C.....1 Alumni 1ro •lnmo to ~ tho 11mo lfl<l Homoeoml"I felliYltlol ""'"' hold II tho c....,. olll Mir Touth Cttt,., lellowlnt tho - Corw del Mir footb•I -•h o ... Hott.ncl, wltli .. ..,. to tlie futu,.,. w11 i.. the 9unt .• ,,...... "· I SEE YOU THJRE . ·-• • • ' 1 ,• ..... • • • • ., ATLAS .. OllRFSLER 1•tJ•OU7ll/ll/f,,.IAt Costa Maaa· .. · '· ~: ' $.t.~.-'.J. t ·' ' ~""., I of,••I . I ·~ •• ;.-. t* ~ .,, ·t -. • ' ,c.;. ! ~ ·-.. USED CARS AT .,. I "" ' '&9 ·•1CHEVROQf . . NOVA COUPE ,:_. . . . '67 .PQNTIAC TEMPijST ,LE MANS VI, aut0rftafic?1rldi~. haaf r, f>owir s1ur; ing und~r.8~000 mil~s. IXIH~6f} -.t. "' ... ' l .. ·'Coupe~ Autorft.tic, ra·dro, 'heater, po~•r' ~ -,teerin91 vinyl top. Sharp. lIUR~fS l., . . ' •19.95· • '65 CHEVROtET ,IMPAU 4 DR. H,T. t' ,° VI, automatic, radio, heater,1r,ow:t1r ste•r• in9 & braU-.,. f~ctory ti( co~itioni,_,.~Ex- c.elfant co~Clition. (HOKI I'S-I -•11ts .. ~ " ··1,595 :) ., '68 VOLISW·AGEN . r. S•dan. Fully facto,Y equipp•d plus radio. IWXt.17021 " . ' BRAND -~ ;;;66 . CHRYSLER· """ NEW YORKER · .,. ,!4} Dr. :114·~1·. va.·.ut~ff("riClio, heafel!,. powtr 1te~P.1,..bralres-,windows-1eat, fac-. t7~'1 .i95 ~ . • '66 O~DSMOBILE . 442 HOLli>llf COUPE "Th• .Hot On•~' With V.8, power sf••rlng, auto. ·;tr.an s,., <rad.ia., )!Hfer, .• tc. Sharp, ·. ISLV62ll . '129 -.1 I . ., ,,..,, . ,Atusr-BE A .. •IASO•' ~., .. ., · · · " ~ wHY:.1· . Mo,.. •& 'ntore ' J~ ~I - . •# Allos • ·~~J 11.rpr; buy· • b ••• ,... '"'° • o Yiqu1 • • .. ,,.· .. , • n fs ., .., , 1.0 J I i n , • 11 Volun:te , ol • "" ,,.. "'" v utno• uvin91, ' . . NOTICE! !!.S·: We Still Have A Fine Selection ·Of Brand New And Demo 69's That Are !19ing ~Id . . : . 'At Huge Savi1191>· · OF THE WEEK . .. ·. '65 DOQGE ·;64 VOLVO : ·• 122 S. SEDAN "·-CORONET SOCI !,DR' HARDTOP ., . . , ft'I, ! ra'dio;~ ~trt··~ ., aut'o.•.1 tN"•l'ot i,~r \ steer., air cond., bucket seats, etc, f'RYC-~~-cfio, 1 ha~ter. Nice· ti~h): Cir; 10~F607) 061 )I ·•·1 ·' •.• · . •11.9-5 · '67 PLYMj>UTH FURY Ill 2·DR. HARDTOP VS, radio, heater, power ste.er., 1ut9. trans. lmrri4cul•t•·iits;41t & out. 'IVAE17 ~~ . '' • • " Atlas Ser.vice Department where pride - '. ·mokes the difference." Dependable ~i\d tt~o_.(lOmical repair and . nwint~NJ~• ' ' ~o~ for you.r conveniene;e .. We honor: \ . , C.ft"\Blanche, Diners Club, Americ~n -' . . . . Expres~ t.1•sler Charge, BankAmeii· •••••1111-•••••••la.••••••• .. .-••••llllll••••••••••••• ... card, 9asoline credit cards. -.· ... " '16 PLYMOUTH '..S~ELLl1!•2-DR.' HARDTOP V8t,r•cf10 , heetar, auto. tran1., power steer- ing, •ii; concf., b'uc~et seats, console. 1RlF95,I .. ,, •1 .• , . j_. s1 : · 0:5 ' • . HOURS : '67 CHR·YSLER ) s•at Town & Country,$t. Wagon. VI, red., htr., pow•r ste•r.,. power brakas,~auto .. Mottdey 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. Tues. thra Frf. trans., Oual ·Faet. Ai,r :C~11d., etc. A Fan-, 7:~0 a.m. to SfOO p.m, lutic Buy. ICE46H7~1495621 , . . .. . _,~.110~5 .. , /;!ii=<:;;; .. i .t -. . .. J ... ' ,J;H!f l'B_LER 'pLl'MQ_VTH ·IMPERIAL . ·,' ., ' . " ·.· .. . ' ~· :-: ;. . ~· ~ . , . . , \ . . : .. .. ..... '· ! . " .. . ' . ' • ,, . . ... - . . , • I t ' . . ··' ' ' . ,J ' .. ' .. 1 . ~ . ' ' • ·------------~---...---------..-~ -~-~ --- j ~·s F°" SAL• HOUU:S FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi'. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE • i -·· 1000 ' ' $25,500 "FOREST OF TREES" Room for boat or trailer. Drt111D k\tchen, ~ bitch cabinea. 'J'exa.5 bedrooms, t ~xlra room for studftlt. l \\'orkahop. Slatel.y dladc i lrtet:. ~1720. I i.o.n:~•~n~l~~~~1~00~~~-~~·~•=~~~l~C>:011:1;Gt:no~n~l~~~~l~C>~Oll~-O~•~·~·~·~l~~~~1~-~,~~~:::·=~ a ··,.., General 10001j General • ll00, 11 ' ,-~-~~~-:=.,-~~-~-.:.-.~-,% ~A ~;!i~~~~!~r~=ltor FINER v!!OMIS .; O~L~S1..,0" N·· P.RE. s.r·1~"'w' · .~':REjR.ON~"reHo"es 1: SJ>•cious Living rbom plus formal dining Lovely 1 a r • e 4,0-00 -: fl home with ·oai.· . ~~ "'"' "" < Pia ... lmmed. '°"' sm.u riJom, den; FOUR BEDROOMS and THREE slanding vie~ of the Muro harbor. 'l1iil 1llc. llotlton Shown b A 'hltlliellt : 'I TARBELL 2'SS Htrbor dow(tu M.rtin Rlfr. PULLMAN BATHS. Built.in electric kitchen spacious home can elther be a 8 bedroom ' I Ll:T. 11f':w. : 111 IJ!Z including dishwasher, buill·in Nu-tone Food or 4 bedroom with atudlo & playroom-lam!· BUl~DeRS MODEL 4 Bedroom, 5 bath home in final :rtaK•• of,;: Center and breakfast bar. Circular drive, ly room. Cus1om built by owner, with tla'c-4 .+ F~M + POOL: completion. Pal .. Verde none entry a. fir•·~ 1iii enclosed front court yard, patio, play yard, Ironic oven, 3 lireplacea, elegant Karlllan NEAR THE SEA r.aces. Family room & billiaril room. Beautl-" and wrought iron fenced enclosed 16'x36' tin Walled f t t -cl • uU d ~· Pr'ced 't · · $155 000 ' heated and filtered Anthony Pool. Every-carpe I · ron err 1 c e -en oaes " reaiured irJ' prue winnin& Y ecor~~· , 1 1 · · ·: · · · · · · · ' · · a;.-al IOOll-.1 ~ Coldwell, Banker ~FFERS: "IALIOA PENINSULA -OPEN 1511 MIRAMAR, Sat. & Sun. 1·5. Large 4 BR. home on 3 lots. Din. rm., play room + game rm. Beamed ceilings. Blk. to ocean & bay. $115.0-00. Cathryn Tennille --F1RST OFFERING SPECTACULAR ACTION VIEW Open Sat. I· 5 & Sun. JO · 5; 1005 Bonnie Doane, Irvine Terrace. High wood beams in 4 BR. & den, 3 bath home. Liv. rm., din. rm., den & breakfast rm. open to view ter- race. Encl. court &: 3 car gar. $89,500. Carol Tatum CAMEO SHORES "VIEW Ocean vie\v from most room -spacious garden oriented borne. 3 Bdrms., form. din. rm., fam . rm. + office & nice pool. $74,500 Mrs. Harvey SHORECUFFS 3 Bdrms. 2 Baths. Extra lrg. liv. rm. Fresh- ly painted; new carpets & drapes. Seclud· ed back yard. 2nd Story could be added which w o u 1 d provide panoramic ocean View. $65,0-00 K1thryn Raulston 4 HIGH-INCOME UNITS In beautiful condition, completely furnish· ed. & ve,.Y seld om vacant. Excellent estate producer. Only one s hort block to bay, beach or ocean. $62,500 Walter Haase CORONA DEL MAR , Great view up -some view down -and only a fe\v steps to Little Corona Beach. 4 BR & family rm., new electric kitchen, · thing a ~rowing family can ask for at only custom swimming pool. Asking '155.ooe. Call ' home · ...... 1,,;.1 Enttt 16 Lind• lllt O~iv• for appointment -.-,. --~ E n-•--s Bath $66,950. ood financing, owner will carry 2nd .... ~. ,,_ .. and epen xquisitely decorated 5 ~m, T.D. -SUBMIT LOW DOWN PAYMENT. UNDA l~LE =. ";':; ~ ,,.!; new bolll~ lviUl upatairs vl4w cif Co""'!' de!. Vacant -Immediate Possession. 5 Bedrooms, 4Ya bat!u, :!'story waterfrobt lonned -· Stop "°"" M~~-hllid-~~ 3Pfirl eped!aceths &d BkBQl. c.nw,le4v5e000red S home,designedforentertaining•familyliv-· to srack>wl livina. family pauu ~. re WJ OC 3 ·-·'·· • • Heavy hake Roof Ing. Huge family room aCCQmoclatea ' billiard """"and""' bu. Munve 57 Lind• Jal• Drive'' UPPER BAY EXCLUSIVE Cul-d .. sac street. lable, master suite with llreplace. For mal lireplaoe. Banquet dining. J.!:us1>111ie 4 Bedroom 4 Boili l\ome with patio Expensive t:arpets, drapes and exquisite dfc· dining room & separate maid's qtJarters.· Ownen s~te wiUt, ruman deck,· titting room and ftteplace in master orating greets you as you walk into the eJe-, Asking $135,000. Open dally. 14 Lipda tale. ~e~ .. ~~n ~~~ bed.room sufte. Family room has sunken con-- gant Jiving room. Three large bedrooms, · with wana,~of sJps, ftet1y ver11Uon pit and fireplace ......... $162,000. ,; Two pullman baths. Bright cheery kitchen BEACON IA y n .... to. All .... ,..alher , . 90' Lindo 1111 Drive . has built-ins, including new dishwasher. Exceptionllly spacious home with 3 bed· pro'te1eted 1 wlmmlrc. Family room \'lilh sliding glass doors to buge ., rooms. family room & firepl~ce plus sepl-Comi>letdf ' acretrilid ln-Or }le4utUul 4 Bedt0om1 4 Bath pome with extra aluminum covered paUo surrounded by beau-rate apartment with 2 bedrooms. A wonde~ course! • Impioll\ble ,..to large liviits room ~master Bed.rOQm. ·car· tiful lawn. This home oilers' pride of owner-ful location for children -commµnity belch replace U JM.~. Call to-reels . & !Jr&pes. ;anascaped. Boat. slip. Ne000ar ship and can be yours for only $84,950. -tennis courts -pier & floats. Th11 could day 6C5--0303 °011 courts • · · · · · -· · · ·" · · · · · · · · · · · .$135, . Comfortable Two Bedroom ~ a sinRle ~ome with. eiUler 5 or 6 bed· ~ BDRM 2 B;TR ' Linda hie DtvtlOflm•nt Co. ·· rooms. $79,50-0. Call for appointment. $ · IOIO .. yaldt Dr .. N.B. Blll Grundy 675-3211 ; ON HARDWOOD FLOORS. El•tra large mu-' IAYFRONT 22 ,500 ., . · t~r bedroom, cozy kitchen and dining area. FANTASTIC TE8MS! O...ro ~ 1000 Attached garage -extra large Jot. Excellent Large, formal 3 bedroom home with paneled neighborhood -beautiful tree lined street. den, dln1n11t room & your own 'vlne cellar. Seeing is believing ONLY $21,500 WITH Decorated in exquisite taste. Owner n\u1t sell TERMS. now. $139,50-0. Open Sat. & Sun.; 301 Ev.e- Assume Low Interest MESA DEL MAR FO\IR BEDROOMS, large Jiving roo1n, family room and built-in kitch· en. Master bedroom ofi to itself with its owri private bath. Recently professionally repaint· ed inside and out. Fully carpeted and drap- ed. Covered patio and fenced yard. Priced to sell at onJy $29,500. 646·0555 ' 220 I . S..llltffft .. SI. IE. 17" St. Shopplftt Ctr.I ning Star Lane. DOVER SHORES Maa:nificent builders home on large comer lol with room for pool. 4 Bedrooms, family room large-enough for billiard table; dining room. Beautiful Spanish motif-tile entry - adobe brick fireplace. $64,500. Open Sal. & Sun.; 1736 Anllgua Way. john macnab RJAL TY COM,ANY 901 'Dovor Dr., Sullt 120 642-1235 2211Llltl Mf.U COSTA MESA ~-I _.nera 1000 Generel 1000 you'// like our friendly service l=====;;; EVENINGS CALL 646-2259 OR 541-3265 A PRIVATE GLIMPSE 3 leclrooms and Den $131.00 ~tontb Tota.I Pmt. Scarce u hen'• teeth! Jmt got ii! Nw .new. Im· maculate throu1hout landM:aped to perfec:HolL 4 Bedroonu, 2 full Mthll. Built-ins. Double gua.ge. Prldc of ownet:1hip. Seller does not want to sell. He hu to!! You name the terms. VA, FHA. low down. G~ab yoor check book and hlllT)' on this! Call 6t5-0303 TRI PL EX .EAST SIDE EARNS $6000.00 Tremendous value!! 3 large units. · 2 bedroom and 2 baths ep;ch. Delu.'<e kitchen with built-ins. Only $400) down and just 7 y~ young. LuXury <:arpetine throll(holtt. M a n I c u r e d grounds plus fl super pool. Off seUon bargain! Priced now at $34,950. Stt Today. Dial 645-0303. Into the excitin&: ~ oC the Generel 1000 most exclua;ive re11ideotial And .,,,..... can ...,..., ""' $17 ,500? MUST BE , , WHY RENT? $123.00 Month includes every- thing. It's a 3 bedroom home in Costa f.tesa, there's no qualifying to assume the CKi.sting VA Loan \\i th an annual pereentagc ni.te of 6%. Full price is $21 ,S':Al- Bffi Buy Around! ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-- 0P IN EVES TILL 1:30 . 111111 . DANCE UNDO : THE STARS . On the vast decks of thjs 36\ CUSTOM POOL. Entert:Ui in the l1uge Livin& Room' with r.tassive Antique ~ Fireplace. AU electric built. ins. BIG family room wtth Beamed Ceilings. 4 s~ bedroems. 2 baths. cu.tom. Carpets and Draper;. Terrific' valUc at '35,693 with a btau- itful F.H.A. loan MSUM· ABLE at LO\V lnt~st! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Le 2043 WestcliU Dr. .....7711 $23,000 FANTASTIC OCEAN VIEW I brick patio. Owners have moved & must , sell. '59,50-0 . Carol Tatum ;I IDEAL ARIA :f A HOME OF INFORMAL CHARM 1~ Liv. rm. w/beamed ceilings, pegged floors :II & frpl. 2 Bdrms. 2 Baths. Den with fri>I. ! Cir. driveway. Good potential for ,remodel- •• NEWPORT BEACH lcW 1---------l sectk>n on the Back Bay in OPEN Dov-er Shores. 3. ~rand new t'or Personal Inspection SUNDAY I~ Executive view home $78.500 3 Br., den, dining, pool. 4545 TREMONT LN. model& to chooite from. 4 bdrm, 3% bath.11, powder room, paneUcd lamil,y room "'ith fireplace, 3 car i:aragc, JormaJ dining rOom + kitch. en breakfast a.rea. LU)(UI" K>usly <:arpeted. Sparidin£: court yard pool. FHA Loan w;th '" """al YESTERDAY'S percmta.ge rate of 5li4 % without quali:tYin&'· In model PRICE home. condition with bea~ti-A real doll hruse. lm- fu! ohve green deluxe cpt. 2 maculate throughout. \Vall tarvc bathrooms and a to wall carpeting. fushly room.y living room and den. painted. BeauUtul paiieliJl&'. Stt It today a1 $24,SOO t.JU Huge :ri ft livine room. prlee. Shake root found only in '),\.~1'::', 1·, : 546 -5990 Attractive home with ma.ny ' handy work feaares. lArsf vaJuable Joi . Unobstructf'd view all the way to Lquna. ~; mile 10 !\farina. BEST \VES'J'CLtFI-' ARJ..:A • Beautiful 400'.l sq, fl. home with beautiful POOL and ~tide. spa<:ious decking, trap. teal a:ardcn, play roo1n oU pool area PLUS 6 bdrm11, den and family room. 2 fire- places. ~ bath.'!., clccl. bit· in's, <rual1ty construc!ion • ASKING $82,:.00. TARBELL llM060 · : ing. $55,500 1 i · Kathryn Raulston . ;1 AREA'S IEST BUY,. 1'1 Eastbluff; 4 Bdrm. home w/custom pool & I! great view. Across from park. Walk to 'ii church, shopping & schools. Only $47,500 : lirs. Harvey 1 IMMACULATE IAYCREST I ! ·3 Bedrooms, family room, 2 batbs, 2 fire· I :! places; blt·in kitchen. Fabulous garden w/ l~ courtyard entry. \Ve know of nothing com· :1 parable. $46,50-0 I :~ Mary U>u Marion . ;f CORONA DEL MAR INCOME I ;f Small home & rental unit located on one 1 of best tree lined slreel~. Short \Valk lo l market & shops. Good income potential. : $41,500 I Mrs. Harvey ' 1 IA YSHORES OPEN HOUSE See this cape Cod charmer w/stone front, 1 ihake roof. open beams. Lots of room lo : da Oil. Sun. 1-5; 2Ml Crestview. $35,500 :c • Clarkson . !I 'COLPWELL, BANKER & CO. I! 550 NEWl'ORT CENTER DR., l•1 ·: NEWPORT BiACH i t W..0700 644-2430 • ' ILUFFS CONDO A BEAUTY on i;ood grf!f!n- belt are1t, acl'Ol!ls from PCX>L, cor. lot. 3 bdrm•. 21-' b;Jl hs, lgc, llv. rn1. & din. a rc11, gas bll-in's. rlttl. gar. ofl('ncr, X111t condition and ONLY 136,500 . "C" THOMAS Realtor Z24 \V. Coast llwy 51S·;,j27 Newpon BcaC'h, 1-:vc jl"-5643 CAPE COD CUSTOM Anytime * CAMEO SHORES • Sh~Hcred yard, trees. $42,500 :l Br., den, din, patio, foun- tain. Also open Sal. 1-5 Ivan Wells & Sons 1319 BONNIE DOONE Roy J. W1rd Co. IRVINE TERRACE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS I • 1430 Galaxy ~ve 6'£1550 J..ock I & leave It. S37.500 2 BR. Bloc;; to ocean. $12,500 TOTAL PRICE 4701 RIVER LN. FHA OR GI WEST NEWPORT with $1,200 down to any quali· • fied ~r and payment. HAL l'INCHIN LESS 111AN RENT ,, W.Y & ASSnt'IATES 1ini% annual interest! l big S-4 .:'\: bedrooms &: 2 bathJ! Car- iOiiii6iiiliiii3t2iiiiiiiA;;;n;;iyiill•m•eiiiiml pets &: . Drapes included! FHA YA BUYERS Everythlng's S-1.(;, kitchen, • i;v;ng room, yml, '""' and VALUE! Move In before Thls Is th<' sharpes1 3 bdrm hon1e in Gll"n l\far. &autiful ha n d 11.1bbed kitchen cabinets. l11terior tastefully cJec. Ot'UtC'd with lots o( 11·aJl OuUl:mal! ! ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee paper. Outside recently 2190 Harbor IDvd. al Adams painted, C.Overed patio 56-9491 Open tll 9 Plif in large well landscap. CORONA DEL MAR NJ back Yard. Only SACRIFICE S£16nd.!t50 w1 ;1u ~uy this Lo\v price $30.400 wo crtu am1 ly home. Low down $5,500 • COAn Low i:ncmUlly Slll Lo\v intel't'st 6\4 <;O & W\v taxes S246 WALLA.Cl R-2 lot II(). ol hiahway REAL TORS Can )'OU think or anythini: -....:.54'4M141-else T There's a cozy l Br IOpen E~eningl.) home I: plenty or roorn for another. O\\'ner/bkr 61l-0173 -rarr&H·-more expe:Mive homes. SUb- mit your down payment. Call now! &1a.-030J ' ORANGE COUNTY'S f'OREST E. LARGEST 0 l s 0 N 262t HARBOR BLVD. 546 1640 OPEN iVES TILL 1:30 1oc. Realtors $21,7sg.rg~AFLH:RlCE 645·0303 wtth a big play yard nell' a.t Harbor Center achools & walk to shopping. 2'199 Harbor Blvd., C.l\1. <I BEDROOMS nice sW!d 1969 VOLUME and 1 ~ baths. OJ.!tom stont $135.1 MILLION ~"IREPLACE! Carpel! &1"ii..Ooi0 ... iiiii;;;;;!'"'""•J ""'"""' sun. T IN KIT· I" CHEN! Exoelloot .,.., Yoo BAYFRONT juat <:an't beat this for a T<YJ'AL .... T<Yl'AL COST l'IElt & SUI' to yoo VEJS with possesr;lon like ... SOC>N 1, )'OU qua!-Severe! very choice 3 A 4 Bdrm. holn11 Hy. $139 S00 WE SELL A HOME From , EVERY 31 MINUTES Roady to move lnl Walker & Lee Lee Schonek 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-0163 ()pen tll 9 PM GORGEOUS5BEDRMl""l'~~67~~~3Sl~S'!"ll'!'!'l"' TRl-LEVE_L $3.5,tSO ASSUME VA LOAN Payments Just Ukt rent. 3 3 BR, Pool, 1)-pi, S2·1,000. baths. Plush carpeUna. built-Good arft: 1~ ba . ins, fa mily roon1, fittplace. m Darrell, Of Sprinkleni. Professionally Open Sat-Sun 1-:i landscaped. 510-1720. Pyramid Exchan10~ TARBELL 2955 Horbor 541-9569 540-Ult Eve. ·---- - General 1000 Gtntr•l ' . ' ' ' lOOOGener.11 1000 Generel 1000 Generel 1000 General 1000 Chnerel 1000 Gener.11 1000 : ' I I ii BV't'ERS WAJTIJ\'G 2790 HARIOR BLVD. 546-2313 I' :1 S·l'·R·E·A·D O·U· T !, In this lovely 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath tY.'o story l · featurin~ large separate family room, for· mal dinini; area, ove.nlze double garage. • Gigantic yard locatt!d on a quiet irid{' strttt ,1 -$31.995. ! MESA DEL MAR 4 llDltOOM \Yl th & tremendow; hkkory panelled fam· ily room. 'nte farm sb'le kllihm n.diatH "'umlh and convnlence. Top Colt. Mesa I aN!& dOll! to '('.hQolJ and shoppin.i -li $33,'lQ<> , • • l LOVE MESA VERDE C ntt.udtully k•l't--qulet-.afe-P.fesa Verde : nelfhborhood. Walk to library and IChool. i SqUMQ' Ccan 3 bPdroom 2 bath home. Jf Larp master 1ulte ~paratr. fre>m the olh· '.vii btdrooma. I.ow malntenef"l<.'t, la i::e yard. l?t-..ad)< for rou at $29,950 with easy tmn1. I l ' 1700 NEWPORT BLVD. 646-7171 OCEAN VIEW In charming Newport Hch:;ht~. J btdrooms, dinlnt; roo111, lar:,;r buscn1rnt 11u11pua roon1, di:lux{' buih·ln kit~hrn. $:\9.900, 10 ';~ do11·n. SLIDE INTO POOL ln thb secluded rear yard N fC'l.f f~nced · for kiddies. Lovely 3 Bedroom In the h<:art of \Veatcliff-Lar(:c kitchen, utility room anti pl~o size Uvtn'i ruom-$47,~10% down. • WANT A WORK$H01'7 Th&mftodou1 Newport l~t'lihlt 3 bedroom, 2 beth--clcan 111 a pin th1•oughout. Double g1r11.gie with 10X20 "·01·kAhnr1 11>aee. Ju11t 2 blot.ks from JiChools It AhoppfnJ:. $35,000. "LOOK POR THll SIGN" TIRID of slttlniJ an the side tract watchlni, th• main line run 7 . Join • winning i••rn-m•lt• more m•n•y in •n offic• th•t produc•s. Phone R•ndy McC•rdle-- S~o.lJ 1 l. IF YOU'RE NEW -WE'LL TRAIN YOU \O';THF. REAL ~·ESTATERS - \ CORONA DEL MAR JJJ MARGUHm 673-8550 UNITS UNITS UNITS \\le have at this time available an ouUtRlld· in~ selection in Corona dcl ,Alar units ranging from duplcxt>S at $47,500 to 6· plexes a t $145,000. Even some alngle rtsi· dences on R2 Jots starlhig at $31.~. !\lost of these proper lies ~•Real Eiitaltr Exclusives and are not on the 1encral mar- ket. If you are In the market for if1COP!C property In Corona del 1'1ar YOU MUST SEE This Immaculate 2 bedroom convertlblt den home in the Bluffs. 2 bathroom•. out• standlng carptts, custom drapes. bit. ln ber Jn den. ~ ptldf! of ownenhtp thruout. Rel•:c and enjoy llvln1 the carefrtt life. °"" $41,000. - . - CALL ANY ONE OF OUR 3 OFFICES TO SEE THESE EXTRA IUYS V•canl-E. 19th ST.-COSTA MESA 'Iii block to Irvine. 3 bedroom, large lot, 2 car pt-age Wtt h alley entrance ft:ir boot or ttrailc~-$:l6,950. Your chance to 111vc. V1conl -WESTMINSTER AVE . COSTA MESA New kitchen wtlh dlshwa1her. tree shad!d lot, eXlrf. workshop in retr--$25,000-10). dOWIL Ul'l'IR IASHIDE-$ll ,t50 10'/o DOWN Qulet cul de sac. lArge Jot wtth 1e1.dl of fruit trtts. Cozy 2 Bedroom in iheJttrtd area amid neaUy ke pt homes . 4 llDROOMS--US,500 Laree yard, flml1Y alze patio, 2 Baths and a ch•nct to uaume a 5 \(,;, loan. \\le hive uveral excellent buys In vacant loll In Colita lltesa and Newport Beach- Cll.11 u• •nYUme for delails. t " .: '· .. v. ,, " 'I I - • ..,,....-----..... ---------"""'-..... -----------------~·-----~··· THE ''MINI DOWN'' · Comes .to Fountain Valley. It's True, for Only You can own a Century Homes Two Plan, .Unit One ond hove all the features listed be:ow included in the price of $30,950 at No Extra Cost! Century Homes/Fountain Valley Compo re ! C ent ury Homes Features at No Extra Cost include: ' e Total (1 00%) use of full-size lot. 12 lo I 9ft. wide space beside your home for recreational vehicle -boot, camper, trailer -or use space how you wish. ··• Sturdy, cedar shake roofs •• e Rugged, vaulted, beam ce ili ngs e Privacy -6ft. decorative block walls complete with gates. e Fin e quality wall-to-wall carpeting 1 e Handsome brick fireplaces e Separate recreation rooms and studies e Potio-mi!lst er-bedroom suites e Un derg rou nd utilities e Fully-insuloted ceilings e Continuous-cleaning double ovens 8 (;,;,den kitc hens e Sunken living rooms e Wide, deep windows e Concrete driveways e Specimen tree in every yard e YOU OWN THE LAND I I ' 'HOW CAN IT BE TRUE? IT'S SIM PLE, WITH ABOVE DOWN PAYMENT OF $'1550.00 THE TOTAL AMOUNT FIN- ANCED IS·$29 ,400.00 AND 360 PAY· MENTS OF $229.00 EACH, (INCLUD- ING PRIN CI PLE AND INTEREST AT 8.5% ANN UAL PERCENTAGE RATE) PAYS T.HE LOAN OFF IN 30 YEARS. Century Home s/Fountain Valley Best Dollar Va lue, No Optional Extras , Minutes From Beach l ow, Low Down Payments 962-5559 Century Homes/ Fountain Valley On Bu•hard Strfft be tween Garfield Ave. i nd Elli• Ave. _L Peu Ba~tt /Z(l/t'J ,,,._~nu FAMILY EXPANSION -LUXUR IOUSLY! Dovere Shores wlth spectacular view of Back Bay &: mountains. 4 bdrms, one for the maid or guest, formal dining room & family room. Also a game room, large enough for a pool table, is adjacent to swiirunlng pool. 1046 Pe1c1dor Dr. Open Sun 1-S ~. 'je§.LEGE REALTY GOLP COUll'E CUSTOM PAUL WRITE CADA BA If ·-6' Paul'· White-Camahan Realty Co. 546-s5440 OUR 24th YEAR : ·r , .. EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS! BNutiful Poi· ,pu Beach on Kauai -200'x200' level lpt front .. Ing on ocean. Free simple. Stone's throw f'rorh Sheraton Hotel. $160,000. For more ln· formation contact Florence McCue. Office Open S1turd1y1 & Sundays A PET~60~~~~~J1, ... R;,~L TY This pretentious large home (approx. 4000 sq. It.) on a fairway of Mesa Verde Country Club is about the ultimate In lu xury. With both game & family room s + all the "usual" rooms & featu res, such as 4 big bdr1ns, 3 baths & would you believe a 12' wet bar, and a fabulous view to top tt oft, you'd have a truly ."one of a kind" home. 'Call us & see lt today. OUered at $89,500. CO LLEGE REAL TY 54'-5llO 1500 Adams at Harbor (Near Cinema Theater) ------- 1000 Gene:ral 1000 WE SELL 100 HOMES PER MONT,H ·\ ' ., , ,, " ',. ~.... . 642·5~ BEAUTIFUL BAYCREST Spacious Uving room plus ""!!!!!'"I formal dining room, den, ;;; ·-FOUR BEDROOP.tS a n d Gener1I 1 Gener'•I IOOI THREE PULLMAN BATHS. 1000 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; ' Built-in eltttric kitchen ln- J • eluding dlsh~·aslK"r, built-in -;;;;;===;;;! c·ollege Park Nu·tono Food Coot« aod -breakfast bar, Circu l ar RIGHT AREA drive, enclosed rront court CAMEO SHORES New listing with a spectacular ocean vic1v, In exclusive Cameo Shores. Exquisite Oriental exteriOl', Private patio with 11pac)ous swimming pool. Inside Is a fortu~ In teak paneling, l Bedrooms & convertible den large dining room n1a!\ter bedroom Let yours be next -call now and starf..: packing -our extensive advertising · and" multiple listing service will do .the work for you. Over 850 sales people who mHt buyers in all areas. We have waiting buy· ers. now! With P.ool ,., .... "'· '1" , .... """ Lovely 4 bdnn, 3 bath, fam· wrought iron fenced cnclos-with fireplace. CALL FOR A MARKET APPRAISAL. 11.y' room & den on large iot $26,950 ed l 6'x36' healed and filler. al Antho11Y Pool. Everything on a tree lined cunie in the 4 bdnn 'i bath on Fordham s. growing family can ask best section of Baycrest. Ex-Drive. This is BEST POOL for at only $66,950. Cood cellcnt condition with exter-HOME BUY IN AREA. financing, ov.•ner \vill carry ior newly painted. Built by Exclusive With 2nd T.D .• SUBMIT LO\V Ivan \Velis. $66,500. DOWN PAYMENT. Vacant. Roy J, W1rd Co. Newport Immediate Posscsskln. ( Ba,ycrest Office) 1430 Galaxy 646-1550 •• $89,500 Owner \viii help finllJlce Listed exclusively with RICHLY APPOINTED FIVE BEDROOM MANSION Luxurlou11 family home In BAYCRF.ST hu d~lgn lhal v. ill please a 11 DOVER SHORES Victoria • men1bers. lluge kllchcn !!!!!!!!"'!""""~~!!!!!!!II v.•ilh modem built-Ins -$28,500 dishwasher, recessf'd lighting, quRlity <'Urve SuperbJy decore.ted 3000 sq. ft. 4 BR, r_m nn, fonnal din I anytime) 2000 SQ, FT.I fomutl dining room. rm, in simply Oa~·less cond. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!"!!!!-. , New paint, paper and car-FOR sale, rent or lease/o~ Ewnings Call &&6.2259 .J bedroom, 2 baths, + dC'n Separate dC'n olt kil<'hen, for relaxing + family room, sliding doors open out to peting thnlout. l\1any out-Oon 2 extra n I c e Co~ 3 HR, 2 BA. tanu!y 'roon1, standing features. Fee sim· dominiums. CALL CLEN prof decor. 1% yr old-xJnt pie, $84,500. Open Sat-Sun, QUEEN 541).1151 Heritage cond. $32,SQO. 21382 F1eet new dishwasher. Blegant parklike yard and lovely fireplace. Room fOr"' boat. heated Tahlllan pool. 3 5fil.1720. baths -all CIU'J'M!lf'd, huge ]l)..5 19'll Santiago, 548-9865 Real Estate Lane, HB. Owner 646-4328 TARBELL 2955 Harbor masler bedroom with O\\'Jl Open Houses THIS WEEKEND 415 Woodland Place, Costa Mesa 64&-0555:8464579 :646-2259 (Sat· Sun 1·5) 20042 Shorewood Circle, HB 646-7711 (Sun 1·6) 9141 Five Harbors, Huntington Beach 646-7711 (Sun 1-5) ' (4 Bedroom) 2144 Vista Laredo '(The Blulfs) NB 673-3770 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1511 Miramar, Balboa Peninsula 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 316 Catalina (Newport Heights) NB 1 private bath, 24 (OOI llvinp; room vo'ilh lush wall lo wall CArpets. A must see at $73.400 -Good lenn11 - Vacant. 5-ili-54,10 l!l'ORE THANKSGIVING You should gt?t sett led In this richly detailed 6 or 7 bedroom home. D c e p down clean thruout. Ex· INO OILl6ATIONI IU:Z:Z -IUZZ - IUZZ Even If )'OU're busy as a bee )'OU must see . this P\ush-plush n1odem 4 BD.RP.1. 2 bath home, ~::1 s~t.°I ~ &. r ality ""/w tpes. PM·k 11th built-In BBQ. 2'l' Covered patio spaclout 11 v I n a: room. Only S31,9j(). HUR· R 'i ! 546-5-140 FURNISHED - l'OR LEASE Lovely 2 Bedroo1n home In one or best locations In Newport. Home lcatures FA heal Available lor lrnmedlatc occupancy $245.00 per month. Lei.Ml lhru June 15, 1970. TAKI OVH FHA LOAN Thill you gotta see! Great home! Great locaUon. Creal financing. SPoUesa In and out 3 bedroom. 2 baths. With gmall down assume existing ~ '/. loan. Price at only 127,500. NEAi HAllOI HI Westcliff localion -lowly, ~:1s~!!t~. Shak mop., ping. Only $W,50054&.~ , • .., .... ......, llllNCtoty ""' '" .... ....... • ,.. t • N •• ••ntl ... AD tti. I....._ .,..... N'9w ............. .,...., lfetell ., ..... , ....... --. t. .-n DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. p.,.,... .. wl .. .,.. ............. ., .. '"' .. wee4 ,. lllt IKll ·~ hi tWs di•-... FtlMy. (2 Bedroo m) · 2531 Crestview (Bayshores) NB 644-2430: 833-0700 (Sun 1·5) 934 Miramar, Laguna Beach 494-3066 (Sat 11).2 Sun 11-5) 316 E. Modena, Newport Beach 641>7171 (Sun Z.5) 64Z.1771 csun 1·5) 21542 . .\rcher Circle, Huntington Beach 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * 1227 Highland, Newport Beach 675-3111 (Sun Z.5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) *2005 Balearic Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 540-7573 CSat & Sun) 1570 Corsica Place (Mesa Verde) CM ' ::1s~Oi;L,Dl~~t Terri •Ith bit-ii g e, Dish· • liV· Ing room, firplc, pool si1A1 )'arcl, walled plus lovely lndscping. Owner moving. Price $3 7,000 . Call 5-lfi.54-IO GRAI YOUR HAT This Vl•t'3.nl 4 BORJ\f. hon1c 11:lth a $27.300 11.ssumable loan with 5~ '10 Interest \\'On't la.st long, EYE CATCHING ~ AND so livable is !hi~ lovely 3 bdnn &: family ~; roon1 in 1\1esa Verde. I ; ~~ room hon1e has many nice : features. All elect r ic , dish\\'U.Sher, loads of cup., ,: boa1i.li<, 2 baths, stall\ , (2 Bedroom & Family or Denj 231 Larkspu r, Corona del Mar 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) **106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1903 OrBllge Avenue, Costa Mesa 642·8004 · (anytime Sat & Sun ) 317 Bowling Green (College Park) CM 675-1662: 557.9595 Eves. (Sat & Sun 1-5) 535 Fullerton Ave. (Newport Heights) NB 675-5200 (Sun 1-5) 948 Darrell, Costa Mesa 546-9569 :54114519 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 481 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) 424 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 646-7111 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 401 Aliso (Newport Heigbls) NB 646-5227 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *527 O~Anza, Corona de! Mar 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 4908 Ri ve r Ave., Newport Beach 675-4130 :675-1642 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) 3811 Topside Lane (Harbor View Hills) CdM 675-5930 !Sat & Sun 1-5) *2048 Commodore Road (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sun 1·5) 1606 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) **301 Evening Star Lane (Dover Shor· es) NB, 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) *1906 Holiday (Baycrest) NB, 675-4600 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 2298 \Vaterman Way, East Costa Mesa 645-2000 (Daily 1-5) 31 5 Pirate Road (Clilfhaven) NB 675-5726 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 445 Tustin Avenue (Newport Hei ghts ) NB 675-5200 (Sun 1-5) 8272 Lambert, Huntington Beach MZ.6691 (Sun 1-5) 2604 Redlands, Costa Mesa 646-7711 (Sa t & Sun lZ.5) 17732 McKinney (Dutch Haven Mar.) HB 962-4471 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 22792 Costa Bella (Lake Forest) El Toro 831).6147 (Daily) 2307 Fairhill Drive (Back Bay) 644-1102 (Sat & Sun 10.5) 1900 Seadrift {Irvine Terrace) CdM 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1220 Dolphin (Irvi ne Terrace) CdM 646-3928:644-1655 Eves. (Sat & Sun 10.5) 1964 Raymond Ave . Costa Mesa 645-0303 (Sun 1-5) 2858 Drake, Cosla Mesa 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) **16861 Bolero Lane (H unt. Har.) HB 645-0303 (Sun 1-S) 3015 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach 646-7171 (Sun 1-5) *1174 Bismark, CoSIA Mesa 645-0303 (Sun 1·5) **16711 Edgewate r (Hunt. Harbour) HB 64Z.3615 (Sun l'M) 1218 Devon Lane (Weslcllff) NB 675-3331 (Sun 1-5) 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **333 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shor· es) NB, 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1736 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 64Z.8235 (Sat & Sun ) **515 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sa t & Sun) 1921 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 546-9865 (Sat & Sun 11).5) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1005 Bonnie Doone (Irvine Terrace) CdM 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sat 1·5, Sun 10.5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dove r Shores) NB 516-1550 (Daily) *1046 Pescador Drive (Dover Shores) CdM, 64Z.5200 (Sun 1-5) 1836 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Su n 1·5) 405 Francisco, Newport Beach M0-1720 (Sun 1-5) 1130 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 64Z.8235 (Sun) 1406 Lincoln Lane (Dover Shores) NB 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1-4 :30) *501 Kings Place (Newport Heights) NB 646-3928:646-2290 Eves. (Sat & Sun lZ.5) 1962 Balearic, (Mesa Verde) CM 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 298 Princeton (College Park) CM 646-7171 !Sun 1-5) ***90 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda lslel NB 675-3210 (Sun 11-5) ***57 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 11·5) ***I Lind'l Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 11·5) (5 Bedroom) **14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (5 Bedroom & FamOy or Denj *4536 Roxbu ry (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3520 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 442 E. 22nd St., Cos'la Mesa 607171 <Sat 1·5) 8302 Castilian, lluntin gton Beach 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) *3113 Jefferson, Costa Mesa 646-0555:543-3265 (Sat & Sun 1-5) ***16 Lin da Isle Dr, (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (S un 11·5) 19812 Lexington, Huntington Beach 646-7171 (Sun 1-5) CONDOMINIUM 2115 Vista Entrada (The Blulls) NB 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) DUPLEXES 616 Iri s. Corona del Mar 646-7171 CSat & Sun 1-5) INCOME PROPERTY (4 UNITS -3, 2 I Bedroom) 7411 Main Street (close to beach) HB 536-1459 (Sun 1·5) . ,.,, ** W....tr.et ••tr ,... ... ___ , ........ now 546-~WO 0"'' 1 s~,..LDr 1, shower. 15x2'l' llylne roonl.. " :· pay de s \\'\th brick fireplace. N~t· , pr I i In· ' 1v/w carpels. Lovely yard.• : I CONDOMINIUM Nice Townhouse overlooks tlie quad. Walk 10 HI SchooJ &: College. 2 Heat- ed pooli1, pha wading pool only $21.900. 54&-~40 CONTINTMENT llGINS HERE! Room for everyone In thl1 lovely 3 bedroom home close to Harbor Iii. But.· tcrcup yellow on the ou!Aide, neat as a pin In- side. $26,500 lake$ It all. :>l641.40 IUl'l:I! lot, ?>!any trees, r; hr u b s , Only $32,900. Oran~C'. 546-5440 HAPPY FUTURE ts prediced ror you in thh'I very attrac Income pro- perty. This Is a property for an lnveatmcnt minded purchaser. Buy !au~ l WE'RE SORRY • • fenced with.covered patio. Onl.Y $27,950 EZ term~ 546-5440 -' llG HOUSl- SM ALL PRICE ·' Gorgeous 4 bedr OO f1!.1 charml"r. Entertainer·~ ... living roon1 et!lling high fireplace'. Large master bedroom, all bll·in wife. : sa\·er kil~n. Boat + '' trailer ac.'CCSll. Destrabl~~ J\>1esa Ot<I f\1ar locaUo~i \\'alk to all schools. Hurry · 11s too sharp to last a t 546·M4q ..; II IF YOU ARE -MOVING to any other area in tho county -but if you ere, cell u~ end we'll:' I ' refer you (at NO COST) to the lead in~ r_~el estat.-·. FIRM IN THAT CITYI • • • and of course we'll be" happy to represent you in the sale of your home for fa st results. ' P.S.: Sellers! This "EXTRA" service brings . many out- of-state buyers referred to us by Real Estate firms ell over the nation • . ·. CALL 546°5440. "The Home of Complete Real Estate Service" PAUL • WHITE.· CARNAHAN ,. • ' 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 .. ' . • ' I ' ~. No-22) 1"'9 , d 4" n1.--..-:14c>U=_oc;sl.r.iH L SIS P~ ~·. .M?l,~f P~1t;~1 ire~,IS P~~ H.Ql,t.S~~ ~~~.I HCll!llS POll,IALI , ~S~~~O~~· : ~'ITALS U~ _,,.--1 . . . _ ,~GoneNl1w o.-•' . ., .,. .. 1• c911 ... Port< ·', ,1111 -•lff .. 1,nc, Ml,. H 141111 !!!'11"!"'1• ....... l"" \l-11Vn• looch , "')105 c~ .. !T.100 . I J 1• . • ~ • '' ' • i:. - • ·" -· ' ""OPEN SAf "SUN. 14 Of'i111 ~ ... 14 MEW" HOME ' NEW * VIEw VAcANT. 3 bdrm hoti!c w1tli ....... Del N,r • ii:xqu!Jite' WaterfroJt E v:J. ~:m~W.0 117 llOWLINO OltllN IUI DllV:C1" LANI ,. . . , i blt.W, -··wt• fcne-r.-:.... 4 ~ .-.. 1nterlo< c1<oor-New 11,11., ,,;u. -81111 3 llt •• -'27,2111 3 -~ + Famllr room IMMEJ!.~TE MOVE IN Thu 'hofne h,, ·iEVJRY· cd ym. inoJ . ooo. rbl• B,..> . &~-ta~.-. Hawn pool ,j_.,,. room, :II ""-•lv._)'11\! Ill Bath& PP' ""-qocuov• 4 IDRNQ" +'/2 BATHS ·TlllNG, inchxlln1~BJO·b&d. IUES ONL\C Art-54M!U j -... &l..mtnr ltlendly A.!<tntt $44.!IOO. 1onn&I dlnlog room & 3 Cpq;i,d<P•. blbll, ""'1· loC .~t l'Wfncing 114 .... " S:ROM B· ·cH l.omr. 21> beth" ~ rAM· • BR, 2 BA ............ '""" mib' home in a chOlce BELLE P,\RTCH • &G-10?0 'aood iltedfbdrm•. Reallt wW'!;boa:tstw;r.Top ocl 1 WJLLl~WINTON f '. ""~-, ~ • Jt.YROOM, '·• -ed yd, a;ar, P&Uo. Nr ..,., •. Newly· paintod and HUNT·INGTON arrtathonietor themoney. COR9fN-MAltTIN RMI 1!1t1t9 67~1 . -~. I .. . CYtrythlna! nu .. I .rflllltd. Texas 1be bed-HARBOUR 1 s.. u today, you'll be ple..,.. . .REA1.1'0RS . • .,.29 990 Evmr LUXURY fi hirt'"ln ~2523 1~ bath!, dY ea~ Elegant Contemporary anUy ~urpriaed. ,615:1562 ~t.95,95 ~es. U I rtity' p rk 1237 I thl• fabuJous 2 story fhonfe 2 BR bouae, bltns. A With tttlnlshed Al.in l Bdr. l! bl~ la.mil,y room; &"'·sUG 3036 E. C:O.tt Hwr .• CdM n "' I . wflh full BALCON~ on drps. pa.Uo, fenced ba "blnetJ. Boot or all onl.Y Look• like d&cwator'• 1 __ 1_1 , ~'1*>-•'""··-bit HUNTINff'(ON· BEACH both le..U, • e...,tl>lnr i. y&nt, '..,.gar. $11S ""'· • •400· h•""'" Priced!orquicksa!o. GERE.A\-,TY JoW IOI......_~ O>lpte 511 L YOUR "A•' '' 'Cal Now 9'2·1353 oI"" "'" q"all1y. Call '"'"'''5 : \Yill trade for comparable Millllt ;,;ca Dr.,For Wqrmation call. 'w·'k •2 .. 1_,_ ,·/""' ""' 1 • .. BR '"Ide •· •-~~ \Int Beautiful Arcadia home. PER.RON RLTY &0-1m. . ., . ~ to ~~inl ~ view ls SO GR.i.AT ~ta • £1"'<1 • cp::" ... ., .. ,pr, BEU..E PARTCH-&4$.U)70 1t"Gl1'I ~ lq\lll!!Uy' dean unbelievabJe, ' tJpl yrd. $17;, lse. "vaU I· , n.dy .to •llJOY. 3 bed-INVESTMENT , • ASSUME 3 Sr. 2 ba. tnhse. ln :tlnt . '• ' • I " now. 5*-1222 evtf/W~ ·'1<,;'.°°%.!.'l"d~na"':.:.rtl:'J PROPERTY , NtwpOrf. ~1ch -~200 ~ 138.900. L"1,1!1••,.,' '11 1311 IWntlngion .... do 1cot .OPEN S\ll"DAY 1·5. llOO. CLEA11 3 Br. 1\1 Ba. ·~ room with fireplace Prime' Newport Btacb loca· 51h% LOAN • ed h•11 · · • d~ dOul)Ie ~· ~eat .... wet """ '"" 3 Y••" lion l<Jnt "1"'1-I Owper u-anir~· anxlou• * LE••E OPT!""' r I TRAGEDY STRIKES 669 BOLSANA DR. s;de. ...... 543-3130 w. CUstom drai>t!• andJ block troro !>ttalt:" f.W.<1Xl ~ilfl~ af all off~~ on thl1 l.Ui T hd.rm 2\r' bl."\ LOWEST PRICE Must tell 3 iara:e BR 1\l. ba, PORTOFINA LAGUNA • CO'ITAGE 1 64r. Stove, ••• coverings. No care. BLLL CUSICK St?J070 4. BR pool hoine. WW ~ .. A_! G t ., lo ""d REALTY Home on Lido. 2 Br, 1 ba. dinifla: room, Adult OCCllPled refrig. Util pd. ft40. No an&caping. FantaAtk pool SALESPEOPl:.E Iarae 2nd. . ;;:'"'"~u!e ';ather =s~ ·Univ. Park Center, Jt'Vine S&eet-tH~~t. ·•r ~· ~ dO\vn to, present THE HU~I(\N •196-1268 Ptlts. ~. SST-8f(IO:. \\.i th rock watufall. $62.000 WANTED: DAVlbS6N' Realty . -tennia . clobhoust. AU thi~ Call Anytime 83.l-<E20 .,...,....,., INC fl.nanc1111 . $24,950. BY Owner: Wood, a;lass 'MESA Del Mar, 4 Br. 2 £, in~,.· Sale pric@d RAPIDLY ~~~6,l.'Olt)· 5t&-5460 ~1. 54-1-1833 !or $34,950. LID<? ~EAL TY ·"BRASHEAR REALTY house, designed by Chris garde~r incl, $2ro me. ,$:11,500. • I paey,.not --L~;,.~ We; ... .,. s .f "\ ~· . s 3377 Via tldo 613-7300 ~16952 Beach Blvd., H.B. Able.· z BR, 2· RA, bllns, Lease. ~s:.36S8 For • --'-. l\ayeJiiw.·l>Cl!!9!,wtbci· .1 .. ,,.. ~= +. ~ ~~ llock .. , 1240 • 101 VIA EBOLI !41-$007 Eves. "''3169 ·1'plc. v;,,; $41,500. Open 3 B~. 2 I'>.! -~ ""· . "" ......., .. .._ .. • •. •" :S · HDll "' " ~ -N& . -SQ FT FOlt·'RENT· House Sat ,ll).~ su n ll-S .. ftpJos,,bltns. $230 mo11 ... . t"'"'acW.te 3 b<dn>om N•w· Bfi!LE. • PARTq/ , ~I • 3 BATHS .• • ''A~ BACK BAY HOME · • 93l Miramar, L•&"•a J"o "'" 6!>-'2i3 • Shm'e ho' Ow MIR. 3~ BA,_'.~ prate. J3each. '494-- 1 me on · JA y W. YEATS .CO. i'ull d~nr room, 2 tirepl9ct. Near Npt, Poat O:rc. 646-2414 Open Hause Sat I SUn ~. dfRI, ~patur-DESK SPACE. Will pa.nltion • DISTRES.S SALE • Mes• Verde 3110 ,. •%'1er. ,.. , , . · Pool aiud grooocb. Prime 1150 Ill ft, 3 BR,'2 BA. e1. Bllilt'l967. OWner. C.R. to suit. Beacll Blvd. front. Oceanvlew home, Loiv dO\vn -----..,_--,-1 371-Newport Blvd ., NB • preftige location. s.to.17201 ·HOM! FOR 2 lrplc: $34.500, 10'° dn G~ 213 I ~. eves ate. S1&n ipace. to usurne~:Xlnt Joan. 5 """ LOVELY countrY club "1na. • tp,J.. '. · ~~~lesworthy & Co. .' llPEN SAT /SUN 1·5 Y. '.Q3 DEL MAR, CM ! ~ 2 bath hon1e com· • e\e\y redecorated. Elec· ~~ built·ins. Large living :ftion1 wilh fireplace also !'CC- . ation room beautifully '~lied, Garage dpors built ~~ cam'per. Extra 20 x 20' -!bldg, R-2 lot -can convert i\a 'duplex. . ! !Lochenmyer · RC"ahor I ~ Ne-.vpart--Slvd., CM I. f Ar:.L 646-39'Z3 t:ve1. 642-0185 'F . . • >!• HAT A-GIFT! 'ClJiitmas is coming & you i .be Santa o( the ccii1ury. ' rue yoUr family this beau- 'tlful spacious 4 bdrm Shcr-Mxl Estates home. Bonus Mhttts incl: luxurious shag ! ·J:ttlnr. Roman bath. lush ' dandsca ping &. 8% FINANC [w; l L\.lldl::DIA TE OCCU· PANCT. $39,000 * 642-ln.1 Anytime * ,:: 3 UNITS ,f.: { . $29,950 slde Costa P.tesa. Span. ile roof, rental1 on la'rge ·~· lot. l ncorn~ $38j r]1'9fit.1_1. Our ~I income rt'- ~.in a.rea. .:.:~.~.Exclusive With Newport at Vicfori• 646-1111 . (1nytlin1) ;t.CORSICAN -:-~-flQ~ES , ~'WITH INCOME · · clelli<e 4-plexes. All bit. . ~ crpt, drps &: land. tlci~lng."'',\% (annual rateJ lolrns .1vau: · 9 3 BR·2 BA·frplc.~ pl1111 ffBR-2 BA-patios fiBR-1 BA-dClwcc 1,lngl<i ':"'."SUNl'!.OWER . AVE. . ,~~twn S, f.tain & Bristol . ~ated \~ mile E. or Soul:h t Plaza Shopping Center . Coll 540.1973 I Rumpus Rooin. $:23,000 l 4 Bcdl'OOm!I. "! Bath.!!. , fH.:11 and lu~ BEAi\1ED 1.INI: f't4mily noom. e S 1"0 WVN or just $1400 ~·n t',H.A. , ~SELL A HOME RY 31 MINUTES Iker & lee TARBELL 2955 H1rbon THE HO~IDAYS° "°' Fairhlll Drive "13 / 24WIOO. Open, -BRASHEAR REAL TY -.Id 3 BR. W, ba. horn" ,.. 2 BR, \li !IA con(loJppl, 3 BR 2 bath oonie d:ttuer Light. bri&bt 4 bdrmi., 3 ba. E . . • 847-&j07 Eves, 968-1178 Reduced to $41,500 pool, adlts, $270. 549-.3'1'60 ' NEWPO"T lot 130"180 ~ add '5 fmOn + a:arOOi oriented family, I Toro 1244 Huntington a..ch. 1ci \YOW G.I., SUper special. PLACE REALTY 494-9'1U4 units. Drive by ~ Sa:nta rm°!':. ltnmh'tt1$:1~·30 LAKE FOREST R11n~h-Extra ~ "3 bedrooril, 2 Newpor!_BHch 32t° Ana Ave. lhen "'" ~ Lincoln LIM. Style . bl<tut:, 3 mos O""'N HOUSES baths. Ov;;ce ""' n '" r L19un•. Nigual . 1707 MOVE IN TODAY ~Bdrm.: 2,000 liq. fl.; 5 yrs. ~ 'f ..., , l" -Id & t I k rr;; ~ •• ,., Own-leav1· ng old. 3 Baths. Lge. llvini; sm8lt 8 ·ae·aa .1tt ••BOYD REALTY o IUI e K or'° -5..,... •SUN• ~ H: 1 " 1 LG 3 BR. 4. beautlful view SHORES · "' ·-E ~-· .fromfL-yocht&ton-,..,.,.. · area. Lii" oss-yourgan. 1 1 c · t ~ ~ w h -•ho'•••• rm.; bit.in appliances. Din-.,A .. ,,~ -• ...u.lt H""' QIM ~ 3 11 F D Bo Thi . 1 oA o. onven1en .., .,.,ach, e ave sevenu c IC .-- ing rm . Cpta. &: drapes,~· • "";:"' 1oa . ·• 67S..~Hi"'• .•. n 1 l11c1Ju~~~embe1 r1hlp 6002 r~1~·"-en or ·.~.~~ · B~. vron 1 ast. .. ..,6--0604 'iwtt & shopl. $34,950. Owner Bdrm-1 borufS avllil~i clean, duced to $45.~. Reasonable ASSUME F · n bal. U;;<J D nc • -wo•t • •r1er 'E; Sprina:daJe/S. Heil 4~2537 vacant 4 .ready .for immed. down.OwnerwWcarry2nd, Channlng.-bdrm, fs.m rm . ..va ... uplexn home, must Mil this __ Mi],V~tt= 5tll!eiAuum: -========= occupancy.1..ease ratestrorn Open Jor tr..de1. VacanL ~~0H~ SA~~~~· ·0n The Pe;nlnsul•: °"'/ h11,l.lr9_ BR'1, 2 5182 Sheilds 12_8.$0 Bdrm. 3 Ba, :00o~~~ _D_•_n_1_P_oi_n_t ____ 11_3:..:0 SJ25.$425 per.month, includ. Take a ~f 6~ , &4s-3%5S ica • · 2 BR. fiN~ee. enrlosed-1ar-·BA I & f•'." ,rm w/ E. 3pringdale/S. Heil ~poo.I. tennis crt." YI~ 10 $17,950! !:mall, clean 3 Br, 1 k~is 0:ea~s.m~~ .BE •CH DUPLEX .' aa~-~ ~~~niL Near beach, fdrplcB. ":::. w/ ·l0%& .i . .-llChools &: •hops. 5 min to ba, no tar. Nr Harbor. S3900 IDday! fa IC 11 ,\ Ill II 'II Ill 111\ 1\1 . ,.. • •UJ ..,-..,..:..,.. n. U'f.· -< •n•r 9ul Chri1Urie 429.999 freeway & beach. Total dn. 34032 Copper Lantun. bl ff 2 BR let BR. good income, °"· B•lltM lsl•nd ••Ve $., 227'2 Coit• s. Bamlng/E.-Mqnolia price $26,500. !)68.6161. 642-4903 Eert . u -Reatt, · . . Lee Pereyda ReAl E1tate 3 BR JoWtr + 4 BR upper, Belle. 8JIMl47 ,,;======== 2414 Vitt.a Del Oro '· • '199-1990 <ir 494-MSS elec bltn1,· fitt"'"ce. $1;,000 . -16.161 Mahogaliy . $34.950 O\VNER Desperate? Vacant! C -• I I 1950 l•N•'"ii1'>iiiirtii· i1Beiiaiiehiiii·il· ... 644-... IJ33iitt,i _.. 3 bedroom,· 2 bath. U!ase ' OnuOf" ft um· ' · " Riddlt & R.011 675·7225 Corona· ',:lei Mer 1250 · s. i1dtnaer/W .. Bushard with option to buy! B/B E j ONE furnished L~ls ure Big Sl/4'/. ~1 LOM'I C t M 1100 F~ UPP R-Bring your ""''2 ~--p I 127 """ Payments less than rent. World manor k OllC un-0 to ta"ke over. !'16-incfea.se in OI • es• pltirt-bruM. Laite 3 bdrm CAMEO ""'" c...,neer· OJ .~ Near schools & Shoppini;. T WNHOUSE .., --~ · home with country-sized N. ·Adams/E. Pifagnolia Ce.JI now 8~ BKR. ~~n~s927hed manor 11.vail. now. 3 Bclnns., :n' baths. A~tl ~~r 'Is_t/!lu!Nl•y•f~!p'RL_otld coA:·1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; kitchen, all bu i 1 t i-ti •' HIGHLANDS ~ -c-""'·;;,..,~----1 onl,y. 1'"11.ces pool. S275 Mf), •• w '"' "" "I• "''"...., llvl,,. -m. 2 $119500 F. w· d.ollar 4 Br.+ F/R or Bonus "HouM of tho Month" RENTA'l.S; Bay & Beach . thony Pool. Extra bonus • ~·--•fl ~...:..• ... '"" or a m ion ONLY $26 500 j "'tabo"l 'blo"·toPao•""< .--n .c• ~• bath&"I. he&"" shake -r .. ', · 5472 Kenilworth S43.!kl0 , · , • --.....,.==-'~:.;.;.!;:.':':..:~-..., ., u u •:1 ~-View with a truly sreat, cu. S W IW ham :...:.::J:.:e• urns • Re•lty, Inc. ~.... Askin"· r1A,95Q but Full Price ·$21,580 . . BARGAIN PR.ICED AT •Am boilt l bdm>. q"·"1y · · arner · Gra Lovely lafl:e J bdrm1. Cs.t'-~=· • ~ th th -~ bri "" _... Gene.Ill, 2000 901 Dover Dr .• NB SUite 128 whal'i "tnur'' pi'l"ce! 'Null Beautiful 3 bdrm 2 bl ~ ;;;~ :r ~ Sou1: home included. Over 2200 l1'207 Butt~'OOd $32,"50 ~,:°FtiAL.JREA·L~ye· 64&2<00 Eves. 54M8Si said? new carpet, thruout. Lar&e Coast Real Estate . sq. n. Sep. dinlnc nn., wet S W&ffitr/E Bui~ $145. l BR. colt.age. Fenced s•&-5110 -:ro .. :~p~t :.:. =~ bar, elec. kitchen. Artistic ~· fa-i·. ' · · 141-4405 yard. Garage. Pel o.k. Blue WATERFRONT Lux. Apt.~n (-cl*nl~ BY -OWNER: New, 3 BR, 2 frplc. Lovely to look al, . BY Owner. 4 bdr., 2 ba., ="'='=co=•=· =&1~5--0=U=l====-I the Penin. New 2 bdi-., 2 =•GE REA'-Cll for boat or ·traller. Close lo BA, f&111lly room, dh.1..... pleUe come&:,., tt:615-3000 ,_ d ~ ~ -U ba -1 • •• ad""· & •• t ~ ... ' all scllools. Low down &, mt, ...... -. Shake ;;;;~ , , . • 't ·meViat _crp ..... , rps., uo.:lll'D"" ..... ' ......... .........,.. u,u.B. QtJS _.MKllM, tak• ovf!r h'"'b ... Xtiting &% .,....... \rigs. Landscaped, fenced. Rental1 to Sh•ra 2005 Slips avail. Carl.be B4lb0a, "':=S:::::=iil:iS:I ... l' c.an>eted, llra"pes, built·iris, Boat •ate. Near Oct"an. 3fo Fe.~ Da n d.o .Rd ... fnt) iii loan. $148 per · monUt 'P,rt$s'. large patio., fenced yard, ~iced below FHA. 10 mos. WOMAN-Fift;yillh wiShes to 673-3003. Gov.,,-a·E·P· o· ' everything, CAIL. l..A.RR,Y l'.fe........,rt Beach. Ford Rd at old "'ll • -~·-· Dr' share home or apt w/sarne. --===-===~-· · · R<al ,.. ··~ • · · ~ ~~ ove.. FIN~R. 0 ENTALS 5'f6.ll51 1-lentase Lo.II· MacArthur. Move ton:u 17007 Maanolia. FV Eve1. 675-0085 -" bate lope" n eves) aal • .,.. """ .,~~ ~~ ::;;:;::;;::;::;:;:;:::;;;:;;::;:;:;:;:;;:: 545 04SI H.B. B&yfront 3 Jt. den. Pl~r. float. Large 4 bd1·m 2 bath. & fam·!'!!~~~~~'!!'!!!!!I'""" -'BL"""'~~FF=~="~.,c:;"'7,"=,;"'~m-:~~,.,~.~.~tck -CORONA Dlt: MAR -u , FOR Sale by Owner. 4 BR. WORKING \Voman lo Share lntruac. $UOO month,' ily room . nlJilr i;chooli;., Ii. ~ STUCCO 1. BR w/ pnm· , Bay Vi ew. . SACRIFICE V.A. lo•n Assumption den fam rm,. detached ·i;&r. 2 bdr. house, S9J. Call aft 6 f..1ag nlticent 4 bdrm.' 4 bath U • ~-La-e lot-119,500. ~""down. PM, 646-6161 view hOme. $1,iloo rho. ; shopping in exce ent Costa U7 .~ $39,SOO. Call 6 4 4 _ 2 2 5 9 Low Price $30,400 with $4,IXX> total down pay. •• -. l\Iei;a ~· ~JOO down, to. Newly decorated, Iri: rooms eves/wlmc1s. LO\v Down SS.500 ment for this 6% annual 5J6.-0.J38 art 6:30 pm.. Ne'fport Be•ch 2200 Jolln Macnab 642~ tal mbi'lthly paym'f!nt $219 thrU-<JUt. DiJtifV rm. Hrdwd -'-,OCEAN.:,::=-'VIEW"==~o~UPLEX==-Low Monthly S135 G.I. Loan ts $152 .•• no hid· Fountiin Villey 1410 """"-;o..;_;::.::..::.:_...::::.;: !TOWNHOUSE: 3 Br, 2~1 BA. inc. taxes. Oean & lresh, fin & carpets. Low VA.FHA Lo\Y Interesl 6\~ % de n costs. Clean 3 bedroom BEAUTIFULLY Remodeled frplc, patio, pool 2 car (tilr; d lo · •· A t f t "'~"' ....,~ 4 BR. + 2 Br. unit. Walk to • -· .. T $2" N all bit· •-......... • ·-rea y move 1n....,. c as term11. E-tts, .,...,..,.,..., u.iw axes ·iv ready for occupancy. Two ASSUME 69/e GI LOan ewport Island reside~. ins, cp.,., ... ., •. .a.-: on lhb one. CALL 540-USl THE KESSEL CO. Real ton ~~i>;.;~ $39,500. AC en t R·2 Lot So .• ol Hiih~'llf gorg~ baths. G&rpeta & Beautiful 3 bdnn Spanish ~ rooms, two baths, sun S325 per mo. Avail un. J1eritag.; Real E:n&le (open 1916 S flower SA • .,_........... c.an you think of anythin~ Drapes throughout .. Doubl,e lltyle Townhouse , 21 acre deck, fireplace, furnished, 871-8811 or 642--2497 evei;l .. 545.ut ' · DLX. Condo. 2 BR 2 BA, fpl, else! There's a cozy 1 Br. Garage1 Two Patios. Oose park & 2 club oowes ,vi lh aduils. RefcrcnCH. SS. \VIN l'·E Ar REWPAlrr.~D $~6,9;50 .5 BEDRM +POOL SPECTACULAR \J'IEW view or pOOI. $7l,500. H. home ll: plenty ot room for ID sChOol & shoppiQ&. Serina: swimmill£'. J?OO!S. $21S/per Horvath Realty 6~!972 Jui:ie -The Bluff.s'. 3 tiJ.. ,. Spackl!J,I, IuxurY J>otne with McKenzie Realtor 646-0732 another. is beli-vil181! inonth includes P.t.T.I. 1; ~1ALL beach cottage, room den, crp~. drps, frpl, 2 ISO' view of -Back Bay, 3 Owner/bkr. 673-0l.i3 WE SELL A HOME niaintenance f ees. $6000 .fo'('"l:$110 mo. Close to bay .. yatlos, poD:l5. 675-4t97 ·or Bdrm•., exquisite decorat. Newport H.ighti 1210 EVERY il MINUJE$ takes over GI loan. Better Jsr~ & .Wt mo·s rent id· 644-a449 -· ~. ina; new ,, .. ,,.,. & drape•. ONE OF A KIN_ o· Wa Iker & lee . hW"Y . tM• won't las" ~"';k. 125 clean;ng. dep. BA YCREST. Fam. Home .• :; bathl, full· dining room. Open Sun. 2-5. 1132 Goldenrod CUf•HAYEN ~ Br. 2 Ba. Fenced y:d. Odld, Rki> wood P""'linl: -band· ~:;ro; View Rill< $81 .500 r 7 BEDROOMS!! . 7'ii Ed;"•" lfmrfdil'J mg .f1REPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr .• 2 "pets, Ot<. $350. 646-3513 50nle break!ast bar. Arft P OPER'TfES WEST --CHAIM•R Unique, Modt!:rn, Beautiful! 842.M~ {)pt!n 'til 9 PM ·WT:... ~ ba ., patio, adults. Bayside "u=.==5====. =I of. most co n venie nce. 6fM1?0 ' _ · 6·75-'642 t!I-Fl"~ •• ,.. thi• l"'I Famil . + d · , 0 . ,,_ $ll 300. Village. Until July ht. $200. nt1Wport ~. 2~~ 540-1720 .. , ·' . 3 tiR··STOChi ROME listed 'S;GNA'i. AOAD ... beau-t Y rm. i :!;bo~ ~.,. . , 60 100 .5 BR; 211i Ba, lam· rm w/~t CaJJ-(2131 m-4309 or 673-SU.9.3 ·-B'-R:-'.'-,-,_..;;.;ba>.;.,.i;.t=~= TAR,lj\l;l,~ 2955 Harbor 1904 Federal·~ 5%,% ty! Utmott privacy is pro. ;:t! ~l:t~· eidllliv: 41e=~o~ :ia~c bu~t-in~ ~~ dr'::' ~~e ·t:-:; Cor~nl. del Mir 2250 bltns, nel'liy dee. ~ ~;: OWNER SAYS S12500PITI 10Sn;nl16.'i vided by the-spaciou1 Jot at onJ.y $89,500. range, oven, FA heat, dou. :<In!&. A!ISUme 71it"/o GL Agt. 642-3850, &'J3..;1D77 • • $10?.1 equity l'l'tlrth holdina and mature shade trfts. OON V. FRANKLIN hie gtirage with access to L" Oak F v * BEAUTIF1JL corner ··~1u.st sell!'' Lowest priced becauseofC-lzoi1ing. Ma ssiv e BRICK i'IRE· REALTOR kitchen, landscaped. Pay. ~136 ive ' · · home, conip furn. View. 2 Univer1ity P1rk 3237 4 BR. 3 balh condo. in the ALSO 4 Br I*-1900 on 19th PLACE, 'covered pat io, • 673-2222 e ment.s Jess than rent. I,:~=:;;;;=;=-"'==== BR, 2 BA, conv den. 6 mo Bluih1. Overlooks K\'f!enbelt Lytle Rily 583. \V. 19th large bedrooms. See ii to !l!"!!!!!'!' ... l!!!!!l'!!!!!!"'~'""' or more. $350. No petJI. 2 BR. den townhouse · $285 I.:. close to pool.' Asking 548-9493, a.18-~2 eve believe it s.t just $29,0001 " NEW LISTING! ITJIIMq•_smd 1_s_._n_1._A_•_•_H_1_1._._1_6_3o 675-0205 2 Br. house brand new $%75 S39,500. Come see this week· EASTSIDE WE SELL A HOME 1 Y•ar • hautlful ~T'!!imlJ ======== 3 & 1' 0 arnlly r1n., furni5hed, crxl! 2144 Vista Laredo. EVERY 31 MINUTES 3 Bdnns. 2~' bll. +that all 1· ACRE 2 Bdrm frpl c 81lboa 2300 ··awl!. Ott. lOth . '425 Opcn.1-5 Sat. & sun.. Lol 55x200 R·2. Lovely 3 bd· w lk & l :liiiiiiiiiOii-iiiiiOiiiiiili•I * ,, • • '-------~~ Red 1-lill Realty Sll--0820 OeLency Real E~tate rm l~I baths.,'frPic, etc. EX· a er ee impOrtant entertaining area! 0-n ·House Sun 1·5 heated p(IOI, feilced. room SPACIOUS 2 story, 3 bdr. 2 3 BDR?o.1, 2~ baths. lrg p.me 2SZll E. Coast Hwy, CdM CELI.ENT CONDITION. Din. + r.mily, nn. Best oI ,..... for horses. Owner. 545--6948 bl!. g.,,,,; F · 1 u. VIEW VIEW VIEW ' 746 M.11n St., H.B. · .......,.ie"''· am I Y · room, pool privil. Almost · 67}3770 Asking $78,500. CALL GLEN zi.u \Vestcllff Dr. a •· • Winter·Yrly. Kl 6-~74 new, $.115 m~lease. SG-2888 ""'""'~~!"'"!!!!!!""'~I QUEEN 540-Wl Heritaa• 656-7711 OPEN SAT & SUN 1-S HOME & L1guno Hills 1700 $22,500 R•aJ Emt• ~O~P~e=N~SA=T 1-s=u-N~1.-s-211~J'~bs~~~L\~NE INCOME · LEISURE WORLD 2 BR."'' '.~~ 2ba8,1~,,;'."j,;1; : _c_._,._n_•_d_•_l _M_•_r_.m_· _·_o 1 LOYCLY 315 PIRATE RD. 3629 E Coa CdM New 4 unib clo9f! to beach. BA. Lge Llv J'.lm· Estate util. 673-Ql80 RHr •• CLIFP:HAVEN ' · st Hwy., 3 bdrm 2 bath ow11er's apt. sa1e. View of ~lnts I valley. I========= POOL HOME N I• """ 3 Bd 675-5930 ; 1 ea d * * 613-8911 * * Huntington BHch 2400 SHORECLIFE"; large 3 Br. famlly. Avail t'eb. JS. $450. SHOWPLACE; l Br. 71iti ba. The be1t. Avail. Dec. 15. ow "-~! rm<., 2 -=='~""'"==-w frp c. rpet>, rape•, =~~~=======;= E.xqulsite 15 x 36 ft. pool. baths + f!Xcltina: family nn. OPEN SAT /SUN. built-in kitchens. Tenant1 Load' of decking. (.o,vered & kitch. combo. Great !or 1900 Seadrift, Irvine Terr, make ·pa,yments. Ask Ing L•gun1 Be1ch 1705 FURNISHED clean g1.1est cottaa;e, all facWtiea $85. Util pd. After 6 p.n1. SSS-7870, G81tlen1en. pa1i9-G~ ,l:Jedrc!Pn1s, family. Onl,y $35,500. Avail. now. Corona del Mar $67,00)., · c. 1 ... ~--" · CALL ?•,...\V~ home • prlv. resid. area, 3 Terry Realty cu._1459 2 bat~,· e:ectne 111,Wt·ins, SACRIFICE * ....-Full-dining l'OOlll. * Scenic Properli~s 67S;S721i Bdnn., zi~ baths, lam. &!,.~~~~!!!!!~~~!! 846-06M TAR.,BELL By O\vner din. rms. Rm. for pool. GARDEN KITCHEN iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii-i:iiiii" •I Prime area. elegant 2 story $M,950 3 bdnn 2 baths, upgraded l,;,,IStment· l"""ID8 I b.-, Pl"'n apt & '"''· Newport SllOrH 1220 R. C. GREER RHlly w/w carpets & d"""· ""' 1n 11..v Newly painted. SliOOO cash ---------l35S Via Lido 673-8300 arate Ji~ room with lire. • takea over le. me, paymnt .. 3 BDRM Lowtr 3 Bdnn Up. HARBOR VIEW HILLS pla~. brick entry gold an· 7 UNrts, large lot 132x305'; Call ~-i)4().'539 per Duplex, not lease-hold, $0 900 odiud ganten kitchen in- roo1n \51~uild3 more. $90,000 TRI • PLEX, 2 BR each, $55,950 Frank Marshal! Rlty t year old Lu;k Home. 3 BR. cllJ!llng built : in kitchi>n 01v11e~ will carry 1st TO. Bctlnn's upstairs. IJ1(..'0mi? 675-4600 2 DA, xtra Ira tam rnl. ce~!er. S~ down • l ull Wefl1-McC•rdle,•R1tr1. $485. $6,fOO dn. P.rlce l:======== Beautifully lnclscpd on xtra pnce $27.99a. On cul-de-sac, 181() Ne:wpmt Blvd., C.M. $35,000. North CM. By B 1223 ,_,lo•. call ov:ner. 644·2958 ;;,is.7729 6'"-0684 eves. owner. 534-356! aft 5 Fr.l. aycrest , . "'• .., CA?o.f.EO SHORES -Large CUSTOMH-OM£ + IY[l.L Trado or Sell 4 Bk + com<r Jot w/. ,,;._w. 4 BR'~ fam rm. Xlnt home & area. O S l 5 21' BA, frplc, crpts, tlrps.1---=~~--- POOL • '/2 ACRE 3120· unco1n )V•y, CM. pen un. • ™·""'·Would oon•l.du 5313 Quilty&. lovellne!iei. Kin& bed· $31,900. ~st ~altf.. (714) 2048 Commodore R<Mld leue w/ option.· Flexible 14 0 room8, 2 baths. 1-leaJed &: _,5ll;::.-<O~J2'=--~-----1 A MUST SEE! Lovely 3 bd. tenn1. By owner •. 673-5448 FHA to assun1e. 3 BR, ~x.23' liltered pool. l\tature -shade 3 Br, 2 8&,IDen.. w/w cl'pls, rm 3 balh home, Pool· huae Iii.VINE TERRACE fam. nn, 2i,, baths, electric ~ • CQl'npll"le priwcy: frpl, drps, blt-1ns: Corner rumpus room with tt'a own OutstandinC Corona d~I Mar kitchen. ll\1f.1ACULATE) Assume G.I. 1()1.v interest lot. ~. 1903 Oq.na:e, bath & fireplace. Perfect lot Home • prfv. · relid. art•. 3 Submit down. Joan. S4t!l50. ~112ll. CM ze::· artist, mother-inJaws Bdrm., 2~ baths, tam. & BRASHEAR REAL.TY TARBELL 2955 Heritor -/OWNER l'anJS'I' Sl:LL! · J"E· A"' SMITH din. nns. Rm. for pool. 16952 ~acb" Blvd., H.B:. NEWPO.RT BEACH Aikl!'i 123,500.51!% FHA.1 '' S5l,9'0.. 841-850! Evu. '31.J11ill · · BR, Ill BA, xtra 1,. yanJ.. REALTOR R. C. GREER RH_ lly GI RESALE Cham;.,. 3 BR. w / lo-M" -• ... ' .. ~ ..-..-3335 Via Udo 673·9300 ~ rocd . yr. c.'Ov. patio. Hdwd. -c~~=~-~~-"""ms 4 bdrn1s 2 ba on corner Jot.. O~ .. frpl.. bltn. kltch. Nr. OLDER 2 BR hou~r, 2 cftr 2 BLOCKS TO OCEAN \\'alk to tlem & St. Francis l!chooll!, rhurch & i;hops. ~a~. _Lrg r.lo_t -suitable for 3 BR .. den, 2 balh_s. R-2 Lot. Parochial School. No qualL Chvoor w/financc. $:!7,00J building .. M~I t>Over Shores • 1227· ~-to bulld. s4t,:DJ. lying. submit on cash OO\\·n WtiUi:er Rlty. 67>5200 HUGE 9 room + guest hou91! Salisbury, Realtor 673-6900 10 low interest G! Jo..n. t'Ull 33fi6 Via Lido, NB ()pen Sun. & pool. 0\\'l"lct'. SJ8,9JO. ~ I bl \:u DUJ'LEX So. of lh,•y. 2 pri~ only $24.000. $22,5.0.0 • 646-:IS44 * 5'8-8333 ·irrep acea e "iWf:tr boute1. $55.cn>. ss.ooo do1vn. Paul Jon11 Realty . y & Meuntalnsl ··. Income $415 mo. 61""~4 847-1266 Evr. 536-6358 OA Rcpl. ''Qld World" Q:lntem· 51/4•/o L N -plctu .. "Juohome.w/ CAMEO SHORE&-5 Bedrm SA"'RlflCE S'4~anpual pen:enta1tloan Mtlll V•nle 1110 unbbstructed v>ew . fuO!lt De", Pt!ol. By Owner. -"" ---~· 1ritb ( J79,500.· 67$-3520 an 5 p.m. 3 bdnn 2 ha, hdwd fin., 14 now on ... ~~ , ~ l-----~----I rooms. 4 Br"s, 4~.; Sa + month old 2%lt36' ~•ted & THE SEA SHANTY k•NTALS HoulU Unfurnished = l\lrs. Hopper. Agt. 673-6510 CtrrE 3 bd. l* ba. home, Lots or yard & l*"ltin4 &pace. Adults. $285. mo. rnJJ~ needs some work SlTI'ING ON A BL UFF ABOVE THE SEA.-WlTH General· 3000 'c"o"Ro;,N"A.-""ru"G"HLA""'°"N"os.""'"-·2' AN A\VF. lNSPIRING ·VfEW'. -·--_;:= BR, l~ii Ba Duple:.-(. Ava.ii OF THE \VfflTE SUR F $150. 2· BR duplu: Yard, Dec lst. $235. 646-2290 or P 0 UN 0 I NG ON . THt· patio, redtt. Avinl now. 1213) 944-1818 ROCKS, & sandy beacla. ·be:' Chl~n .. & .,et welcotne. ~=~-'--'-~~~- ICJ\v. Archaic c'.J houee, WI Bkr_. ~980 3 BR, fam nn, din. $450 mo EXl'ER rOR OF B A RN aw. ·2 BR. dbl gar, fencd 3 BR. 2 BA, 2 story $275 TYPE SIDING, WEATHER-yard. Children &. pets 2 BR. den, frplc S200 1 A ·1 Bkr 3 BR. 3 BA Luxury apt $.12.i ED SllA KE ROOF1..INES, \\.'C corne. va1 no1v. . . Universlly Realty. 67~111 nestled beneath tall trees, ~980 all ell('losrd \Y / nmblina ,_R_E_NT_o_r_JM __ -,-,,-0-pt-io-n-, 5 4 BR. 21; Ba. du_plex. 2200 picket lence. bdr. 3 ha.. 2000 sq ft . Im-Sq. lt. Bl11ns, d1shwa1her, Sp11.ciot1i; grounds, approx. med. Occupancy. 5'f&.ln 3 frpl. $300 ~lo. lease. 540-7573 150 fl. deep, Authentic old eyes Sea Coa~I floor plan, fea· 1 ~11:::,.::.:.La.,. __ ,-2-8-._-&-pa-tio BelbM 33 tu~s unique llv. rm., \\'/ G Bl Be -~ ffiGl-t VAULTE1' .. eATmn.. a.rap. , ue , ,aeon. .3 BPRM ,..,y $300 month ORAL BEAM CEILINGS, 64&-01.l -~ Nanhall Rea lty . TT.ED BY HEAVY CROSS. CoatA Mell 3100 1=========1 TJflIBERS. Deep stlloim?d,CI;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;; wood panelled \vall•. MAS.-1 .SfVE ANTIQUATED OLD BRICK FJREPV.CE. FR0li1 f'LOOR TO CEILING'. HuJ;c picture "''indo"'·s !hat af/ol'd l'..ARGE ,CJean 3 ,bdr:m ·with 12x27' famllY nxnn, new carpcl.8 &: drapes. Ex~llent Eastside lOC'atlon. J2l5/mo. To sre call :;-t0 -11 51 Lido lolo 3351 a vif'w of the Islands. ~fodernlzed, Sc:Wlery type Hf'rilttJ;f' Real Ulalc \\'RITER'S hidea\\.·ay 2 Br ki tchen has COVED CEIL-I ! 1 1 2 CHARMING 3 Br, 2 Ba • fircpl, ctpt1/drp11 • newly d<!cora.ltd. ·$375 mo. Avail. [Koc. ]RI. 642-9178 bet\\·een 6 & g p.m. AgenL TNGS W; HEAVY BEAM l"OR Letase: Avai . Dec. 1, 3 or c:u;e or &ac. IJ: TlfltBERS, BlLT'lN RANGE txJ:r., tow~. 3 ba. l:'.>'.°l5-6628==::=°'=84>-9-:" ='="=:==:''.:". & OVEN OISHJ'\1STR., RE> Crpts, drpai, bit-Ins, dbl gar. Hke pa""""'IS • Owrsl!led • -.. tA .. q-!ilea! tor ,-~-646-1111 Ii"""" ,;,;,·;;;··t1-place. ,..,._, 4 BR. 2 BA, tm rm, txe(. "ta1n-· ""Ea' I • ._':".:..: Baltaee fleniriWI• 1300 filtered pool. 1171 pf{ month $2) 950 ..::;.-:: ~:.=.:. .,_"f""' hom« Blu~. good oond. Pvt '"i·· "mt •~ w~~ pays all. .f'RlG., ETc. Thii unique _Pool & elbhR. \V1r pd. $215 Huntington Beach 3 clde house overklok1ng the a mo. lst & lasL mo. + t--OR lf!UC my immaculate 3 iiea. NEE0s PAINT A GEN· lttllri_ty dcpol. Adult !f!C-bdmr Pacific Sandi ERAL REPA1RS. lt'1 an tloM. Nq,_ pell. 5fD...9.t9l · -1mpel1al With tp0tless gold oul.lt.Jnd!fw value !I CONOOi\tINIUM. -1-BR. 2 c·arpettns . drape1, , • ... _,.. ...... IUlU.... .... ' · w~led trnt_ patio~ Jae htd oocup. FUrniahed. $:118.000. Devaloper'a Duplex The-Rf•I l1tate Mart AMED CEILINGS ntubnch. awlro pool w/!!lkte & div Assume 61.S~ loftn.. !14$.'724!1 rhree be'droont upper h\'O 847~5Jl ·. "U'' titha~ honlt! TARBEL~ , Mt.6691 brd. Prof larwbcp"'· lo bedmo I Mr In very~ OPEN Sit &. Sun 12 6. m 0 ' · 6""" \\IE Will a:iopetalt! \\•Ith other ·Around 11ttnf'll\'t Ill· OCIANfRONT m~lnl . Xlnt ne1ihborhd. . .. rtntal area. Now rull.y le.iur brokrrs. ltert.. because the . DMclt BBQ . t:ucadin& 5 BEDROOM~ S..U.950. ~7lT3 1536 Gala.v Drivt ed. Coad irowth potential. ow--nt1 ACtton. AN'D fall Covcrtd tin 3 I deaf l:, tlon 5 BR, 4 BA, pa~f!d fam nn SJ9 000 '"'' .. ca , • •• · ••co $27 900 • 51' '!.lo•• .. 1 lrplc. 2 '•• patio< w/ · ·BU.RR WHITE TH~ OWNER wn.L PAY mom.. 30 n. hOUI»' $54.• ~ f ~. 2 BA, rtm. nn. bit-Ins pool, ~ view lot, crpls, -POINTS 110 P'11A or VA , Ell'!drle. lritclw:n. Geot,. Wllljemton :? frpl1ce1, 11'1 co\."tted pallo. d Owntt n.tALroR !l~rms "" OK. f'ifl(l \\'ut· 'i,'l'l'I. l H bo REIJiOOR OWNER. tnT Iowa, CM. rpa6Tl-no ~ ~ 2901 Newpori Blvd., N.B. mont horn• $23.:WO. Rex L. BE L.2fSS Ir r '73-4350 Evu. 673-1564 C•ll • 5'6-15'2 sr.-6'2-225.l E .. ~ II~ Rlll'll. 841-2'5:15 I I $26;500 • B/\.! 2 -CM gar, swimming dish .. ·a1hcr &: 2 car garagt. FULL .•.1. IC' E pool &. rec. ft1.crnllei;:° J2JO Only '$22.i per l'llClnth. Bkr. r; rno. S.IB-1661 (l\' 5.J7-&S29 aft ~I Eves. 536-9866 VACANT! ~~PAY) 6. ' · 3 BR 2-bl., J1uge rumpus MISSION REALTY CONDOi\tlNlUl\I, 3 BR, l \I room. blt·lm D/\V cu&tom !lSj So. coast H!'1:, .~rune-Bft: 2 Car g.ir. l"' o ."'I &: ("fll1/dt'pl. lll"\\'IY de-corated Phone (71')" ~731 Facilities Sl9.l n10. 54().S310 $2i0/mo. ~ ~ 6R'11, l•mlly room, 2 BA'•· ll30 • 'QR, I BA, l'IICIOM!d NE\V 4 RR. near beach le Near ne1v. Vil!lv. 'Efq ttrd· , Fr'KhJ.1 pa In l e d. &ehoo.11. AvaU Dec. 111 $2"5 Tr.rtn1. Sl.'I.~: 4!IJ·16t? • 531'-91!7 • ·1 t mo. ~ ' --...,-----~-~---- UAL ISTATI -tWalNUI -l'INANCIAL .ll~:~it;.... •• loshod .... ...;~;;;:IC,;;T:;;..A..;.L,s.;:;;urnlsho4==--1 u_:.~......... ~~~:u ... ~ UH.:.._.w """'"'~ ·=LJ~ •· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:!!~l~~~~::~~l cc..~j'"'~n~•~'ll~-·~·M~111:~'~s~uo~j;'~"'~,..~~·~lll~11M~tw~609o~~"""""~~i.1~11111t1~~1~'°'°~~1~~~~~~~~1 ;., Huntl"""" llMch MOO Coofl -4100 ~ .... lolch i, ..... INch .j71S Ceofa -510014 I I • ' ..,. ... !lllputonllfa :, s . aR. ]dull bo avail tor wvµ;r ~ 1 Br ..... + -, BR larp. Neu -• $45.M.WllKLY l--N-E_V_E_R_....._ . , -.. INDUSTlW SPAC• POl 1111A'SE' Aalltat. ;; ' ' -by l'Hlton Vac.,,J, '~. $12S. 2 8r b'lr,$1111. "M~~· Uta ~ L '"""""'1 ts Maid ~ I'! CANDY, SUptlLY •175. Ina. (213) AT .44.1114. 131 E. 16th SI., C.M. Upota~I,. -, -· ... "1""1'· . . aP . ., 3 ~Sq, ft A/C 'II ... dt ~ bort • · """"' TV pool O ... .-. . o , carpe ..... _at1pe1_;,!:::: ltOUTI' 14 BR. 2 BA, b\tDa, crp11, ~'J26S • ' .;....,.· BEf R·E •term leues. Close to Oranee COWtty turpUrt -<No "1llna,- . drps. trptc,. 2 car 1ar1 tncd 2 Bdtm carptta, dtapet, ~ 1 BR fUrft • ~ ~ , ON TEN AC1t.£S N • , 000 1 • ExceUtnt Income 1116 • )'fd, ~mo. 962-1191 1araae. Small tenctrd )lard. ~ttabltna. · CoMamln&um 4950 livtd in. Brand new apl 1 6 2 BR. rum 6 untu.rn ew 1..-., sq. t. warebou1e or 11)1(. space. hoW'I kbt t LARGE BR. 2 8A frpl Excel k:lc&Uon. Adulta. No homeL Prtv,.te pa.Clo uv1na. Fireplaces / priv pat1ol / Will accept 6 mos. lease. Bld111: ruuy·sprln-•nd !:w-) ~ mw cpts &: 41rp1. dW e'. i-ts. $140 mo. &lJ...M31 BEACON Ba12 Bt.~trpl. pvt. OE LUX!:~ mancw, Neat beach le lhoPPina. All J>ooU. TtilnJ.t .ConinrtBktsC.. klered. Irvine Industrial Complex'. , L'Olleettna ~from • J!ncd back yd. $215.. :.= QUTUU LA POIN'J'.E """I: doc~ $2IS mo.' fabulous view, Avail. now 6 w/w carpetlna, dnpca. pri-llQJ Sea Lane OW 6'f.26l.J N ' led d' !==='""======'! Lo¥e!y.J S.. l\n'n ap~ pjol 67Wll9I -°'"'°"· ._ -vate 11v1na. tMacArth ... .ir O»n r ,1 43,000 Sq. !I. free-standing bide. a,. A/C off. .,.... '"""""·llt" .. feuntaJn Vall9 ,3410 c:ai1*'\r adults no pets. $150 1 BR f\lrn apt, No ifdldrtn or llNTiU it ~.BR-2 BA·fyPlc., plus • •" Fluores'cent lltbtinf throughout bide. Ready ::::. ~~ :!.~l&h ~ •. 1------"-'''-'--+ utU .. 1941 Pomona. pet& MOS~ lStll St; N.B. Aptt., UnfurnllhM • • itR-2 BA.paUos LARGE,'nr evtrythlnc, 2 Br soon. {H&lldles name brand cancfy ·3 BOR. 2 Ba. ~'enced fd. ~ -ATl'RACTIVE, 1 bdr., 646-4664 • 1 Bft.l-~A.<feluxe ilnale upper, carpets, dr&..'"le.i. re-1,752 Sq. ft. A/C off. Carpeted, drapes, im· •nd ~kl), $1S'TJ.OO _ca.ih deck, fireplace, carpet, pool, utU pa.id, 1arden liv· 2 Br. Apt. Exclusive Gener1I sqooCorslcan Apt. Homes !~tsra~~~~~· mediate occupancy. Near Orange Co. Air· !Tiui~. ~m-P.treonalj~·- .' drapes, bit-ins. \Valet. ing. adults, no pets. 1800 Baylront w/beach. Yrly. SUNFLOW£R AVE ~..., u;_,•~OTROPE. a BR, port It Freeway&j short term )eases. ~':~ ;.,,,,""', .~.?' • .,· ~ ': l'~~~ardencr pald. \V&llaee A~ .. C.M. " Reasonable. cau -6'f3..81S8. VEN DOME . Btwn s. ~1aln 4: Bn.tOI -~ ... , ..... "" . $235 CHAifl~. ~ec ~lQI' s BR. :.! Bt. Upper unit. blk. Located ~~ mile E et SOuth ba!con.y, re~ frplc. 3 blks CALL: Dlck Cramer or Jerry Cole ohOnc number to AJV:4 • · 3 BR. 2 BA,• mo. old, 1 .. apt. Equlp'd kit""~ w/w to boaclo. 1225 Yearly. Ait· IMMACULATE APTSJ Cout Plua ·-"a c.Otu :;'~""'""-.mo illo. Call "0' "W•" IANKER I: "0. ~:!.~;:.'.ST;:,.:'i,;j;.;JJJl.,. _· · • Wn rm...,, ... """"· blt-ino, """'"~ ~ Incl -· &J>.Jon . ADULT. FAMILY Coll J40.1'7J ... - -... . SlG.'I mo. """822, 213: NE .. uttL 6C-Mll =+-SECTIONS AVAlLABLE 2 BR Apt w/clrps ~ """"· SM NEWl'ORT CENTIR DR., lorn!a """'· In<)~ 5-6183 B:&AU'l'IFULLY FURN CerMI def Mir 4250 CS... te~, Park NEW) ¥R.-l BA, ~.crpt. AduJts only, no pets. $17S NIWPORT BIACH Asaoc • .Partner • ·~ '- • BR SPANISH -~= 2JlR Pool Ad"'ts, IL . Ba Drps, dishwhsr, patio, bum 1111> 23%1 2nd st. SW'l ..... '" • ..,._ •-u•2•.,. ., I • IV"nn.3~. -• ,• w no pe cozy Growx:I 1toor 2 Br with • Spadoul 3 .. 2 ceilina. frplc. pr. AduJts, . --v· _,_ ...,... ~ POOL & REC. $260. NEAR Stti '!" utU. 2272 Maple ~I. fire.aace, dcm to abop'c-. * 3 Bedrooms no peta $165. 2600 Elden, m.IALL 1 BR. View s. of ' ...,....~. . AUTOMOTIVI' •:1 : NEW.962-nls 54S-Ol!i7 ·Adultaoni,·no pets.•SwtmPool,PuV~n 53?--0(lOafterlpm&SUn. Hv.')'. Ne\v c~t.s &~ -~ · DIALIR .· ! L-un1 .... --h 3705 NICE 1 BDR. DUPLEX. Stud~okit.TOnlo. •Frpl•"~~~tvh/b><hyl AW:'la VALUE adu!t-upleonly., drapes.$160.675-6354. .... • A ,,t -. ADULTS Hal Pinchl ~alt 675-4392 -~· t m Wi ' ''" · • LARGE New 2 BR 2 BA . • ctiv.e wit}\ $25,000 ta 111,... LEASE Or rent,~executive 4 BR. den, 2 BA, view home. Covered patio, dbl gar, CJ111', drapes, dish\fuher. $275. 494-8961 wke.nd& or att · n or 642.m.. BR, no pets. Drps, cpl&, I • Orange l\Mmty e.~~· ' *** $l05 •*,* $115. Fum.~Lqwer duplex. l COSTA ME.SA dlah\\'hr, htd pool, quiet. PVlueswde.!.S1?,ta, dQ>s, bltn.s. lttntafa W~nttll 5990 Office ltent1t -6070 Tap in field, 25 yrs · Phone -~ BR. of24 ' Da.hli8. Quiet Ulll8h $135. 2295 Pacilic Ave. · .,........,.., · a1J,y E: tre 1.. ' 1 BEDROOTlf. Elderly lady. aduJ~. No doc! ( 213) IUUIDUI GREENS 548-6878 or ,6·12-4429 · X' me.,, hl&ti re~. No pet.s $85 mo. UtU. pd,. 681~1 A'M'RA~v··"•ean 2 BR lal. UGO MATURE resp cpl, no LAGUNA IEACH· P!~ic.xc~Ucnt ~· :nt c•"......,. ... ,, -..... , chUdren or pets. \vii.hes 2 br A' C--'--'lt1 ___ .. Cl-se ccted mwt ha\fe 1905 Fulk:rton. ~ 2 BR Cd~f. So cf hwy. BACHELOR unfurn from crpts, drps, blms, C8J'POrt. BALBOA Pen - 2 Bdrm. unf hie er apt, 2 b& ~ ;a.i.· Ir ---manarerial back.rrouncf, A&. • • LOVELY 1 BR turn apt. AduJts, no pets. $1&5 mo. Aft $110. Also avail 1 • 2 I: 3 AdullJ. no pets. $ l 3S . carpets Ii: drapes, bltru, by 12115., C.Tlt. area. To . ON FOREST .AVENUE tomotlw e.1:perience n q, 1 LA.ft.GE, ne\Yly redec. 1-Br. Adults only. 1004 · El > Bdrm. Heated pools, chlld MR-6763 Garaa;e w/'J. l!,tra apaces. $175. "'ally Bolt. 290 N. ltd Deak spa~ availd.~le in ~~: \YIU .train. Y!'f duplex. Ocean view. Adults, cCam::::=""'=·,;546-0c::..:;;·7.<,04:_,.~~.., * GC-7898 * care center, adj to &hoppin&, 1028 El earn· Ori $170 yearly. Call 6'1>7007 aft St, El Cajon, ea. ~ntl newest oll1ce hlilkhnc at tnvea~horl woekemed. ~ no pets. $175 mo. yea.rb. 1 BDR. Furn $m. ~fgr. Apt. 'fVRN Apt, incl ulil. New 2 No '!.,"'oo Polenon W•u Deh1xe 3 BR, 2;;: apt ~s. 6. 444-2596. prlme location In downtown lru: ~pt. for this' once in• PLACE REALTY 49f....9'ro.j •A" 641 ~a1 · Dr rl.f d I nl i. "'' ._ ••• .... ., ~na ~ach. Air condi-lifetime, exceptional oppa;.. ' .,., 1mar , . ":' BR. A u ts o y, no pe . Costa Mesa SiG-0370 W/\V cpts. ~1 or -Duplex apts. Upper &: e LANDLORDS e tioned, carpc!ed. beaut.itUl hrnlty, Ken a:u-~ tn'• 4 BR. 2 BA., view. Xlnt cone:!. 6 yrs old. $295. mo. Cail 497-1642 After 4 PM. 673-1975 eves li:c ~wkends. • MG-0154 Jo,ver-yearly. Matutt 4&1&1'" "" • RENT FREE RENTAL SERVICE entrances: Frontqe on 774-7000. '• Newport Stech 4200 a.lbot ...,,,.,, 3 Rooms Furniture drps, RIO. 1¥.i BA, $QO. oou Blvd. rra..5466 Munclp8J parking lot3 $50 . .1•"" SPLIT-level 2 BR. Crpt.s, !~.~boats, l10 .pets. 217 E. Broker S34.fi98i Forest Ave., rear _leads to EXCE P TIONAL ~ "---------I $19 95 & UP Adults:, no pell. 2883 l'iten-e 1'1-ee ~ntal Srrvice e per month for space Desk INGS. Part • timo ,_L_qu..:,__n_i_N_l1._uo1 ___ 3_70_7 NeGwpoRANrt °Oa~PENING ~:a~l:a A:pts. • dcza Dr. ~ Huntintton luch 5400 Brokers / Afii'll, / Owners and chain available for $S. routes. Avail in m&ll1' aifa! r l'~onth-To-Month Rentals Properties \Ve!>i · fi75-l64.2 Bu&Lncu hours anS'lvering li1en or \\'Omen to~' 2lml Century lMng! Crown IMMEDIATE 315 E. Balboa Blvd. WIDE SELECTION NEW 2 Br, $13a. Bltns. pati.,, LARGE 1 &: 2 Bdr. Apts for llf'rvice available for $JO. snack machines le • Valley Hihlanda. 3 BR,. 2 ~ OCCUPANCY BALBOA 613-~ NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. P~. &dulls only. t.o AduJts. l\Iany features incl. ltffml for ltent 5995 All ut.Wtles paid cxcePt money {days or evesl. BA. view. Pti beach & pool Lu.xury prden apartments BEAUTIFUL Bay view. 2 HFRC l'urniture Renla1s pets. 19'.> G 21st•st. separale patiod for privacy. telephone. SELLING -\VE .. privg. $250. 495--0124 offering complete privacy, Br. $200 ulil paid. Beach, 517 \V, 19th, CM 548-34812 BR 1arase apt. Refrl:. Just completed l. ready forlLARG--E-.---m-.-.. -.-.-ti-O-ill)' DAILY PILOT LOCA'I10NS. $900 req~ 370I ~autiful Iandscapifl& & un. pier, parlcin:. AduJta. ~ E. Sl~ 3 BR. Crpts, Drps, Bit-stove, cpts. Couple anly. OCC\lpancy. located near fw'fl. Ne\vly redcc. Priv. e:n-222 FOREST Av'ENUE part-time route, full ~ ,_M"'-ls_.s_lon __ V_i•_i,,_o____ paraQeled rect-eational facll· Edge\vater. cn41 871-2866 ins. Children & pets OK. Blue $100 mo. 646-8226 Adams, \Vest of Beach ft. &. ba. for 1 qulet adult. . UtGUNA BEACH routes al80 avail. ACT N " ·1· In •-club at Blvd . at 1213 ~1, ... ,,. St. FOR CHOICE LOCA,..... : S BEDROOM, % fireplace. lt1 1 ies a coun .. .,. . BAOlELOR Apt. Incl UW. Beacon, 645--0Ul 1 BR dupliox, garqe. Adults. ""' " C&l.l -5'18-69&3. 4s.t:9466 . •tJ".'I." 1 mot1phere, -Now leuin&: in ~ ~2 after 5 PM. l ~~-'!'"-iiiiii,..;;;; 1n OralllC County. Ve tncd-in yrd, Air/Cond. $300 Newport Beach.. Yrty., Sl20 • mo. Call -S135 2 Br. Ne1v erpts, bll·in No pets. $100. ma. 2 BDRM$ .• 2 BATH ROOM In <."Omfortable home Di1(', 1901 Avenue ot '1 ma. &17·56T6 Furnillhed or uniurnillhed 673-5342 or 536-3to t ranae I even. ~'enced. Gar. *5481964 West!iide. Kitchen Pr iv. 1000 Squafe Net Stan, Suite 585,. Ceri ' 3710 l'ifodcls open 10 am to 1 pm BACH. Furn. yearly lease, aze. Blue Bea.con. 645--0lll. 2 BR, beam cell, e&D. bllM, avllil. $(». Ll 8-8311 nuu. __ • Space Avail. c11y, Cal 90067. In o;ij')· ~I 1,S;.;•;;.n;_C.;.lc.;•.o.m_.• ... n_t•'-----Rent• trom $1.55 to $3.lO. util pd., pvt. beach $125 mo. Sl30. 2 BR dupliox. Yd. patio. yard .t-i:ar. $155 fl.to. $150/?.fo. HEATED POOL LOVELY Rooin in private UllRii,, Co. call tn4) 645-24$3 •. : l i BR extra room off OAKWOOD 67~?00 bltllll, relri&;. Children&: pet 64&-4922, t94-S270eve. lncd, cpVdrps. Kids OK home. Empla,yed gent . COIN laundric .. ~.l zarage. Near beach. Ha.s u 4351 O.K. Bier. 534-6980 2 BR, crpta. drpll, stove, no Delaware Studio Apts. ~1713 wlce:nds or e\·c. JO;; lTth Street, H.B. From $6,500 lo 14 2. ~ ... li;Vl pool. l ~i: BA. crpls, drps &: GAR~En. Lido ltlt pets, adults onJ.y Sl30 mo. 2S:M Dtla\Vll'C, ll.B. $15 \VK i.: up w/ kitchen. SJ6.a&OI Anaheim, Cos!». ~le~~ stove. APARTMENTS 1 BR, u!U pd, ,ar, 1 adult. m Costa Melt S 100 962-3886 6~2-2'l21. anytime 536-l816 Jlj, wk !litudia ap1. :!:l76 BAY LIDO BL.IX; Buena Park, Fu 11 er t~Jli BILL \\'ILLIAi\fS REALTY J-l&lh s-t pets. $160 mo/yrly. 67l--OS37 NEW 1 BR. Child or pet OK. LOVELY unturn 1 BR. l BA Ncwpott' Blvd. 548-9T;>;i. 3700 N l1 NB Gld'dcn Grove, HWlli!!;! 239 Del ar S C 492-6175 •uu .... '¥ Bl · Ott ~--· S C apt "-ta &: d /bit . ewpo ' · · BW.i\, Santa Ana, m · · · TI<!: 642-8110 ·'=':":";;:====== MERRIMAC WOODS tns, patio. .. ..... J. • • • ~·" rps, "' n PLEASANT quarters for OU1ces available. Rm 301 . La Mlrad • 1 .<c:N I AL:!io THE --Ju1t completed, 1 or 2 BR, 2 Plaza. 546-6976 dshwhr. ~tu> itove &: oven, employed , adult male. Pvt &75-2464 or 541{1(!32 Call Chari~ Aptt. Furnishtd CALIFO'•NIAN APTSI __ ,1_11oo __ h_l_1nd ___ 4_3_S_S I Bp1Zte1w,ith _:~.,..~ °';Ii LO-VELbYlt'-~ _2 .. s.r;;ul~~ f:°"~4~pl. C&JI eves att cntr. 64&-5689 sroRE. eUice a: desk space MPLETE plumb Gtneral 4000 " , · BAYFRONT 1 Br. view apt. ' ' .... , -1 ""' ""'"" lM2 Ne~r;,~~lvd., Cl\f shaet metal ishop for -~· S • h VIII ft-I Adlts. \Vnb'. Island fteaJtv, cleaning ovens, wood cell-pets. $135 mo. M&-1762 2 BR nt\vly decorated. Mltett. Trlr. Crta. 5n7 .,_.........., JUI"'' e .. .,.,s gn '"' lng.s, dishwashers, l ush $115 mo. '120 Shalimar Dr. Retri&: & bit-int, cpl!/d?ps, P.tacl\inery, tools, s t C?~,1J The GORGEOUS New 4$ Park Ave. 6'13-1200 lamdscaRitlc with streams I Apt A.,· l n~~. No pe•·. ccean view. S 15.S /per WEEKLY tJ.les Sea Lark 600' SHOP, OFFICE. 100% complete. ( l,U VAL D'ISERE N I & 2 Bed m f"-'·" KKU.I....... "' 1• •·! ~01 N port Bl d '3IO N-Blvd., ~1 ~....._-• -cw roo • "''_,r BAYFRONT: 3 BR. 2 ba. \\'aterlalla, elevaton:, BBQi, Available now! "'"'3M2 n'IOnth. AduJts preferred. Ou:;, s.<N ew v ., ~~t"''' '-" u ........... .. Sin&le·l br-2 br. Fum-unl'. . Sauna. Acfy Rm, Billiards ·· 'Therapy & .U' pool, BBQs : . 1000 Parsons Rd . 6-12-8670 , HOLIDAY PLAZA : ' DELUXE. spacious I Bdrn1. Furn apt sm p I u s uW. ileated pcol , an1plc paJ'~. No chlldren·no pets. l96a Pomona, C.i\t. S90. 1 BR lo .... ·cr. uW pd. New ""'/w. Pel O.K. Bkr . ....._ $35. 1 BR, v.•/w. drps, cen· ttaUy Ioc. Avail now. Bkr . ....._ ed &: unlurni&htd, a.i.N'Ondi-lo\\·er duplex yearly. clubhouec, aaurw:, jacuzzi & Tradewinds Reali.)' &tT-8511 Costa ~tesa. $15. 646-~. 548-&llJ PARTNER EEDED 1 tioned, dishwashen, Rlf. Salisbury Realty b'7HOOO 5wim pooJs, priv. car. w/ 2bl:::J;,BR, Pvt~· tio~:'_:_, drpe, BEACHBLUFF APTS S"9 lnduatrlol Prop. 60IO attractive new lint p,1 tleanlngoveri!,-pi.tio, break· atoraie. Everythini new. · pa • eiM.:l pr. N 1 • 3 BR 2 BA FA Mlac. lttnt1l1 __ photo frames . .E!t'ie fa st hMr, private sun decks, H ti I h ••-Adu! A 5f:t.M33 ew • • · ·• 1---------un ngtOn UC --Startlng al $140. ts . .. • dillhwshrs, patio1, pool. \VANTED G to I COSTA MESA :sales-oriented incljv. ~~ la.L"Ee "toragi: C)Ot;Cts, heal· ·-· -, please. Jwt Eu! of 2600 l BDRl'if unturn L'Ol1agc. • 847-39;;;7 : ara~ ren req, t96-2SCO • . ii t'd pool~ Salinas, B.8.Q.'s, BACHELOR & l BR tum. 1 Harbor Blvd. next to Naben Quiet. reflnt'd lady only. No --===~-=·~-for ill0l'8.ZC. C.M, or N.B. 11 Unit Industrial bldg. \\'ith :iouad proofed 11alls, \valk·in $140 up. Adults. no pet!. Cadillac 11.t 425 t-terrimac pell!. 14(i P.1c!la Drive, 01 ~fODERN 2 BR. 1 ~""'=•"'·"'C~all-'1,,.4--0330=-.:cc-= excellent incomt-! ~!~E;~h0tJ11;ooop01* clo)ll,!OI. Cove~ ca.L·~11s -17301 I<eelson Ln. 842-7848 \Vay. M5-6300 No pets. $135 flfonth. SINGLE a:11.1·aa:e for rent. $2-IO,COO ADUUI'S, no pefs. 1 · (\Ve•t of Beach nr Slaterl. Mn• Verde 5110 2616 ~na:land St, 968-3089 Eut •idc, C.f.1. $20. Wm. Winton Broker CHarbol'._ !!"t for. 00~1 ·•bl..,•'-W N-.. ,., .. 1''"1·y > BR SK ABOUT OUR ;; "-'" ~ ... :;. uh $1;>,vuu. Leavina: al1ftl: • .... ~ · ""' • · FURNI S tf.ED '.. · A 1 oR, fenced yard. SIOO mo. U'l-.»<t.. •·675-3331. \Vrite Box 551. t,azuna Bal• Al Mw.cArthur. &: Alain downtov.•n Hntg Bch. 52G N 2 BR. Cpl!, drps, clcc. bltns. lst &: Jut requited. GARAG~ tor Rent, Corona CA 92652 . ·: NoJn st. 5.16-13'6 DISCOUNT PLA Gang" Adu!". no ,..,. ~Call 962-1'61 '·mmorclol 60 . °'" ·~· .. , .. 100 de! Mar. I'll mo. -15 F ·NT·ST1·c 1 Bdrm. tum. $1l5. Adults, Spac. 2 Br, :! Ba apt, New .,_...........or~ 2 BR, crpts, drp.!, ~tovc, *caJi 63-2911* "" "" \\'lier & lights pd., 206 dnapes, new s!'&g c:rptina: N--Bue. h 5200 laundry . facll. No pets. * GARAGE • $20. mo. Prime Commercial Property REAL TY PlltOJEC:{ SINGLE Adult.! Luxury C-Jollel 536-8000 thruout. 111.t m1 N. al So •• ..,.,......, 1120, * 962-38116 2317 Eld C >I l32'x280'. c .2, Beach Blvd., ~000 proftt return c-u*n apts .....;th countcy Cou pliza $160. n01 S. -en. ·' · Huntington Beach. SU. 750 90 da.rs. m.«io calh ~ ' club atmosphere and comp. 1 Br. Condo. Completely Pac~c · 3'BR, 2 BA, new buildinz, 2 2 Bdnn Townhouse, 11,i bath.· * l4l-3029 * Cash down. 01\'ntr ._111 car. _ed. &4:).Ul7J day ore~ CALL 546-27i7 • Jete privacy. SOUTH BAY F\lm. Private. $16a a mo. · •torie1, crpb, drps, frlilc, w/d, refr crpts. drps, S~65. ry l~ year 1st tl'U6t deed. RESTAURANT~' CLUB APTS. Irvine at 16th, _Call:;; ..... £:::"'~=or=96U683===I GRAND 0PENING b!tns. ~: blk to beach, $275 mo 962-riM lnteme Pr1p1rty 60CJ! Rellonom1cs Corp. G7fi..6700 Costa Me.. 4100 Newport Stach. -THE VICTORIAN en leue. 108 Grant, cornet 2 &. 3 BD"<ll-lS 2 BA 1 1 ~!OST POPULAR "t.' liiiiiiiiiiiiii!liiii!!iiiiiiiiii!iiim I <714) 645--0550 Ora'1ge County 4600 Nl!'lv. large2 BR, l'~ BA. $150 of Grant&: Sea.shore D1'. Stt patio he ted , I ~.:~. COMMERCIAL Industrial Rentel 6090 'l'br, Sale -Phone 642:f!I HARBOR LOVELY 2 br apt. Almost -'--''---~---!Adults only. C'rpts-d1115""'tnll. Sat &: Sun. hook 'u ~.S:' ' r --· --$2j.(JOO for Parinenhi.p, m , new. Furn. i; blk lo ocean SINGLE Adult.. lu xury Sound proofed pct :ar w/ 2 BR 2 bath ts d P. CE,NTER N£W BUILDING or lady. Local business •bay. 1005\V. Balboa.Blvd. g;arden a~ts. w/tull recrea· storqe. Fenffit yd w/patio. blt·lns, D1w' $cfsS1:!:'. S1nt1 Ana 5620 100•,· occuplol. Anc:ho:;d . cslab Z3 yrs. can 9 lo 5, TOWNHOUSE tio:l facilities L: complete \\later pd. Gardener main-N H H ... ,M 1260 t.oean Ave ., Costa l\lesa &12-n41 Sun. on: 3-9209, Wkdays . South Bay Club · ear . oq o.!p1w.i-Cl"· down "''ith a few atronr Joni Each. Jnit 1725 sq h 2 otJ 1 ========m;:;. . (213\ 1$--0661 pnvacy. taincd. 661 Victoria St, 4150A O..lrice Rd NB CAN'T IE IEATI, I -l•ue• WUJ nel more ; ' ,,.....;, 1 · '. Apb. Z11 So. Brookhurst, 636-4120 ., • ., ~~•t • '!-• e, .. , · Ices, 2 rest rooms, 1101-..:v lnvntmtnt Oppor. 63.[ 2217 Harbor near \VU.On OCEAN FRONT 1 BR. Spac Anaheim <714l 712-4500 vu-wa PRIVATE-QUIET than 10':0 on a purcha~ed cleclric. Ample pa1·kinz. e l'ui'fl Bachelor $120 Kit & liv rm. Nicely tum. SINGLE l\1atuted Lady l'"or API' GARDEN LJVlNG price or Sl45,000. Can all· C. Robert Nilttre!i9 Realtor $100,000 PER YEA.~ •. HNoeated pool • Adults only Sha&" crpt. Bachelor only. Giirden Gro•t 4610 3 BR 1~..: bath ••=;mo. quiet Ndewport lsla 1 oo 150 . 2 b 1 r. Nice area. 2 BR, 2 BA aJI sunie cxliir\nr ?I~ ';O loan. Costa lile1111. 642·1485 fl.linlmum. incom.:! for ~~ pets· Adj to shoppinc SJ.30 mo. incl util. (2131 ~ ......,... crpts. rps, stove, yr y. el('c, Fu1J.v insulat<!d, 80und Fo1· n1ore information please man to particl~te in h" 698-3621 SINGLE Adulta Lu" u r y Call -67>0115. proolcd. I ad y ·!I dreliiiini:; ell!! "· \V. $ml.II. lndustrl1I lltentel 6090 pl'ofitable realt)i invcstrneTi $35.00 Wk. Up SP:t.CJOUS One bedroom. zarden apta with c:ounlry Welll"McC•r•llt~ Rltrs. OJNTEMP apt nr bch 2 Br room . 1000. sq It .Coor space, Eckhoff,& Assoc., Inc:. operation. Plwh 1-ed CIQle club atmosphere and com· 1810 Newport Blvd .. C.M. • d ., Ba. bit ,_ · 1. 72 ll I 1 Cr t 1818 W Cha pman Av~ · · N .... ~ •Studio & 1 Br Apls. Lower, clean, sunny. Palic pl . SOlITH BAY :•o......., ,, •• ,_,A vcs en,.. , ns, .. ., pa 10. w II()" c ose: space. P s. · · INDUST. SPACE offices on ewport ..-,,!!'Ac • • Kl h V -··• 150 cte•pnvacy. ,,...,.,,,.., .,.....UUO't e . Adu!'" , • ....., ...... , mo d•~• ,,., _00 F -·• -•r ~--•.Calif. . . ti 1 ...r.;M tc en & T inu. a"nd Parking. No peu, $ CLllB APTS 13100 Chapman "" M<:lll!e ..,,., ...-• ,, • "" • 011..~ ... v ..... .., k ""~n FOR" LIASE t1ve or 1nae ve! nvcs-::t~·· • Phone Se•""' " Pool ·~ o 642-3226 heating. Paticll. Pool Ii: rec 541·2621, Eves-w nds ~ -uired! \VUI train ..M..."--" "' mo yearly. 613-9..., Ave .. Garden Grove ·.(714) wner. For lease, new industrial ·~-. ..,...-- •Maid ser;ice incl. SAIL Inn f.fotel, ,wkly from 636-3030 fairwav Vifta Apls 3 BR., 2 Ba ... SPACIO!JS. ffjJ~~ry'JLnL11AGE space; S,IXD sq. 'ft. oUic:e & fled J)arl)'! 64:>-1574. ~ •Day, \\'eek&: ?-.lonth S3'1.50. Special lo\v monthly I Crpts, drpa., hrepl., blt-UJs. TIE OPFI wareholbf!, .improved. \Vith· Cvt. ---U' :?376 Newport Blvd. 5'1S-9r~ n.tea. 67>)841 (cot0 28th St. Litqune &each 4705 , Al ....... -'t Ii: 1 blk. to beach. S*. GARDEN APTS. At Meadowlark rolf Ccuf'llt ln Irvine lnduattlal complex. FOR Sale bf• owne-i;i'f I DARLING 2 bdr. Upper. Ir: Newpcrt Blvd). Near Orana:e Co ~..-• 646-Wll. 2aoo E. Salta, Santa Ana In 1pacious 3 bdrm owner's Ready' for OCCUPl.llCY. PadJic View cemeteJY'1tl, Spacious newly pa i n t ed. % BU\ lroin ocean, yrly. DELUX"E Ba.chel01' apt, N. UCI. Adttts only.2iM'21Jrn 3 BR 2 ba cpta/drps.. frpk; 5'16-152.J apt. with 3 additional rent. Bruueau/Wankier Call mornlnp 642-1323 ~'.:'.! New crpt & drpio. \Valk to fl.lod. 3 Br, 2 Ba doi\lllStairs, e~, 2nd fir, pvt·enft, d~k, Santa Ana Ave. S40. • bit-Ins. $nsJmo. Ne a 1' ah. All have private patios, ......... Harbor Shopng. Cent c r. furn. or partly turn. 109 3-lth v1~w. 1 blk bch/shoppuJi. Hoag Hospital. l'ifJ:l'. t150A Tustin 5640 bullt·ins including dlshwash· MoneY ,. LHn ' Adul t.. No pets. 1129.50. St.,·N.B. 67>-3315 . Adult. 1145 mo.,,.__ NEWlA$P1TS. Patrt<e Road, NB 64M.1117 DOWNING Am ,..., ,..,.,....., dropcd, ••" 2ild TD L Phone 646-1571 or 64&-SSGI WATERFRONT w I.boat UPSTAIRS, partly fur n. $150 75 NICE 2 br. Pool, patio, a:u. • ages " dote to achools Ir: Col4well, .... I Co. •• oan LOVELY Quiet turn. 1 BR dock. Lovely 2 BR . patio. bachelor apt, cloe:;e to. ~h. 11.:. 2 bdr., 2 swim. pools. Au bll·lrur, cpts, drps, adlts. No CORNER 01" llhoppinf. ~.k attractive SJO N41Wport Ctnter ·or. Prompt. confidentlt.J: . :ouplex. l\faturc Adl ts. Rcrs. Yrly Ille. 673-9000 or no rar. S1Z mo., ulihhcs uUl. ~·Adi~. only, no J!.Ctll. pets. $155 mo. 642-8001. WILLIAMS AND price&: temu, Newport •·1ch, Collf. .. .... 1171 ,., ~ • $125. catJ 548-8007 697 5918 paid. 494-?0M after 6 pm Furn. d desired,~ ALLIANCE Padflc..Sbore:i Realty --• ~ I=========~.:::;::-::;::._ 301 Avocado St., CM DUPLEX, upper, waterfront, $190, mo, l55CM \VUliams j36.8894 • er 847-&;86 13M700 644-~ Servina Harbor area 2tJ m Gtntr•I :::===3000:;::;G:°":':•:•~I.:.:====-=="'°::':':' =:;:---.:;3000:;; 1 VILLA MESA APTS 1¥'· 2 ~· w/w cpts, drpa, Centeral air conditionini ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~ Sattltr Morft• CO:.! 1...;~;,;;,;:;.._ 2 BR untum, pri palioi, hid bltns. Adult.. sat. ~73-ftlT lower 2 BR, 2 BA COSTA MESA home &: 9 Ltta 6100 31 E, 17th Stree~ pool 2 car encl'd &;ar. OtiJ. 4 BR, 2~t BA. Dish~hr. Adults over 18. Private units plm room to bid . !=======~= .. c..fri..Q ..&\'to..(-. f) "C bQ.9 dre~ welcome, no pets Studio apt. I blk t:om patio, fireplatc, pool. $125,lo>. al~ dn. ()y,"net INVEST NOW! ~~ Lo!nf ~~ 1-'"U ~... 'b i.;,q• µ please! $160. Also Jum $18.'.i. beach. $300. yrly. 673-2455 Call owner 646-5.lOl 54HOOl fNVESTI.tENT -~•p '.~' 'Solve a Simplt Scrambled Word Puzzle for a. Chuckle 0 '1eoirong• lh• 6 x:romb!ltd wold$ b11 low to rnoic• 6 ,omi:le wo1ds. Pririt ""~ d. ~.;.h "" Ill lrn• of 1quor•. ITEPSEl ' I I I I 1 I' I I . I ' I I I I I I . . IS I WALE I "Your grandni• •fill •l id-1.,~l-Tl-l.--.l-TI___, ing down the boMisters?" .._ .. _ _. __ .. _ --"·--'·-'· 'We wo un d b1rbed I wire around them.• ~T:..;A.;..;..P-rO-'T-iE--irr-r-1· "That •top her?" L-_.l'-'-1...:.· ._I _.I._' .... I __, "N.OJ?f,. bu! it sure -- -· her ••,.' . IR,UTAME I . ' , .. ~. ~-....., • .-.......... ,...,.-........ 1 0 ~t~19·~·111e~i!a 0:: I L I' I ,~........ ....3,,,.... . ---·--.......... A l,;N$ClAM61..E lEffl•S I V JOB ANSWER SCRAM·Lm ANSWER IN DIME·A·UNE 719 \V, Wiison. ,Siti-1Q1 2 BR unfurn apt. $150. Patio 8 • Z BR. aptJ. E. Costa In Fait Growing •'""" l I h 5705 'I Sell VISTA S$'s for trust deeds. 1j LA PALMAS APTS. t: pool. ~· dl'p9 It b!tru. 19une llC u esa. or rxchanre for .. DI Lo mak~ lit ~ 2nd • buy· '. 1325 Placentia more uniL~. 1''o\'tin RJtt. ' ·• •v Lr; New 2 Br., 1¥.i batJJ..S: c:pts., · CHARMING paJ:tly furn 642-5000 Etch 15 Ft. Frontagt istin; TDs. BJ<r. dJ·.i.pes, dlshwuher. Enclo• I It lluff 5242 M!Uide 1tudio bunirlllow, ========= $3'00 Eec:h day er ev~s- ed iarage. S150-Sl55. Se:e at e earden setting. Avail. Dec. lvtlnttl ,,.,.,ty 6050 'Owner/A;!:. &16-Wl Eve! CALL HARDES'IY • 760 w. \Vilaon 548-6731 e NIW DELUXE e J. Lease $110 tne gar. all FM F~ C ~ BRAND Ne ,v 1 • 2 BR. !! Br. ~ ha apt. for teaae utiliUes, Teleclcu. Reta. COt.f!'lt. Comer. Perfect for ~!! 6200 * 6'15.-21116 * WIW c:pta, all bltns incl. Incl. spac. mutt. suite. din _.!K-2775 ahopplna: center. 150x300. All -·- ttlf cleaning oven. Patioe, rm. A dbl. J:U'&&'e• auto. uW. ln. Sicnd at corner. OWNm 8'c1'Uice -\.S price. W1nW aarqn. Adults. 66-211B. door openn anfl. Pool A San Juen Viciorvllle an!!&. Box lB, Se:ll or trade UJ..20 acres 377 w. Wllaon. rec. . .,... Nr. C.tbalJc C1pldrane f 5725 Ontarla, Calif. level land nr Lovelock, a ... to tor. on >'IM' • ~·-• "ultl Nevada. ~2209 mtnt.. We can placti. X'TRA I.qt. O.lux• ' bdr. 2 -~' ... ' .. ,.,.. I BEDROOM rum .... ......... Bual-ll1<1t1I ·-'='='==-="'.'""'==-::: fund dlttct tho bc~*'f! ba. Upper. Electric blt·ins, e ONLY t2G e ""' __., "." 1 . to , 865 fl-''" w NB t."J'Pla le drps stove, dispo-... Meunt_. & DeNrt 6210 on title bis. real est.ate crpb, drps. Adults, no peta. ...,.oa ay, · · Sl35 mo. t96--Z319 ATI'R, Commercial ~lda.1200 ;:;;:;:.::o;..=..::.:::.::.:;_..;.;;..o @'no extra cost to the Sl85 mo. MIJ.QOl. SPACIOUS 1 bdr. Crpts, llEAL ISTATi aq, ft. Pk:tureaquc Old New· BEAUT. Palm Desert condo. er. Stop in er call, 1323'tt , 2 BR, priv paUo closed drps, di~h\vsher, Te fr IC• pot1 near Lido Ille. Ide&.! fer 2 Bt". 'l Ba, lo ma.int. Biz pvt Broadivll)', &A (parlrinc :on a:lll'agc, bltns. nt\\'jY decor. healed pool. Near fas~n Gtntr1I dcconltol'll, antiques, crafts, patio. $28,500. 644-1.j(jl our property) 54.W3&1 Adults only. $130 m '1, Ctr &. t-Dct. AdulL<i. $160 ltentllt Wented 5990 r11 . Adequate park inc. or evec. , J 1 2214-B. Rutgcrg Dr., 644-5298. Ownt"rl•i1· &r>474T It. E. Wanttd 6140 ANNOUNCiMINTS ;_ 640-6919. NEW 2700 *I ft 3 BR " lam --NOTICE end NOTICES NEWLY decor. 4 er. l BA. rm. 3 BA. Owner'• tux apt Jlave your~~ l livi"" bullt·illl, dllhwr, crpts., 'ra: Amlp \V&)'. 67a.-5033. lttNT•l -D£RS quarters Ip thll 1-Br. how;e, 1 ,.._.. fPne .... •-"· I I " r'" 2 bl.ks. [Rim Udo Isle. $135 U ha 3 I "~--"' ""' p&uu, db pr, poo. , .. ". .... f• l•«•• ' )'OU \<& & or ~" NO PETS. Can Ul)41' C.,..a .. MM' .,_. · Per month , hon:111 for lale or lot ttnt. SCHWINN BlcycJ,•• -• w. ,,., -,... "-·--/ ... nt 67~ •1•1 •·• LGE 2 ..__ 64.,..tl v .. •~ .-" call UI today. We f'eptttenl COntlntn~, yellow, . I: 3 Br. Cpta.. --SHAIU' 2 br, So. lkie of ~MMfllll••""*m"' BEAUTIFUL Shldlo for tht employees ol a Wp lock unde1' ..at. Poor corill· pool, Kkls A llmD ptta HW)'. nrp., crpts, tAm 6: 1 ~~~~~~·~•~1•~";.,;-~ ,.,.1 1-Harbor Ide t'"" S4$.S494 I O.K. 1991 Maple ,\pt, s priv. tn ttal' over pr. $180 Voiol, ._.tar, ;pt.a.no. Rea. tltm mov .. ia 10 tM n .. .,. . 548-21'.lS mo + 1100' depo1. 42llii Iris, RENTALS WANT£0 Rent, Arca and they must haw VERY 1'rlendl1 bl&ck A )! 2 BDR. r...-ta. drapct, bit· CdM. 67>-0633. * HOMES ~ hollllrcl All cull lt dttlred. white doc. -~· c:ouv. .._..., ROOM SWtabll lol' Clft ahop, C&U Farrow lil6-8640 Vic ot Stale A AmetiWI ina. fe~'pa.Uo, enclo. _.... o:>ROUDO AP':'S. 2 Br. * OUPU.:XU men's .... or ladtec stmp. IUSINID ... CM ~ , ... ,,, Xlnt No. CM IJ"e&, $140. Call Lower Jevtls,• studios, JM!;nt. * GUEST HOUSES I "61-<1151 """"'· F'1'lcs., poo~ dbl. *APARTMENTS Olli Jfin llerllt!lltt. 113-&fM l'lllANCIAl FOUNJ> 11/11. G<rlll$. 2 Br. ,..,tJ, d""", blt·ins, S135 C&J11Qrts, patlo!. $180. $220. FR.EE SERVICE 600 "I· fl. at 128 W. 1Sth St .. ~ .1.-Shtphm::I, remalC!', M ' -• ·•· COU>EN w•-n~,u.s C.M. Avail Ott. !Jt. UI. -Vic WU.ton" Fa.ln..-W, _ or SJJ:i, Adlts. No pell. Neu 873-3378 c..;11 ....,.... • Shopping. ~1 2-~B~R.~, -s.-· -. -0-1-H~,-.,.,-.-yrl~y. ~ * 548-1768 1r nOO?-.r TO SP4RE! ~ " lMMAC. quicl 2 Blt. New u1u·1, furn'd, $Iro, mo. \Vhile elepl11&11t1! Olmo.a• R£1'AlL or offico tpa.ct, 9CQ Ad\·ri1111nt Hfnly w I l I I CALICO Kttlen 44 ~ erplf, drp1, bltns. Adultl Ref's. recfd. Mr. f'ome)' line DAILY PILOl' \VANT '11 fl + !l(b(8:j' front krt. _.70 trade ~rvkes for 200 *I• ft. bllck, )'f:Uow, whl. t>nl)'. $140 •. $16.0386 _B_kr_._54_1J.3&63______ _•_o_s.1. -------Newport Blvd. ~I 4'Hlce space. 6'2-1001 ll/19. ~CM ar t ';;'-'..;,-.,,,; ··-·-·-..... ··-· ... , . .. " ,, ... ; , • · "• • • ·• ., .. .-.---··..;,• ~.-,-~ ..... ""T'i'·~·-·7c;-=--;.~ .. --~~~-""""_.,..,.. __ .,., _ _, __ ""':.,..---.... .,..--: _____ .., __ .,._.,. ________________ _ .. ' ' * * '"" Whotldy1 Wint? Wh1ddy1 Got? SPKIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURA.L IORN SWAPPERS Spocl1I Rite 5 Lines -S tlrftes -5 1auck1 -11Uli$ -&0 MUST IMClVOf 1-wMll yev "'"' tt tr• .. , 1-INMI ~ IOtfll lfl lrl .. , ._vou• .,._ 1nc1.1" ...,...,.. ....s ~..e • ., ••Y•"lf'"" '-HO'fHIHG FOii SAlf -llt,\Of:I ONlYI PHONE 642-5671 To Pl1c1 Your trader's P1r1dlH All C1'U!icr :11' W/ Balboa Is- land oUahare mooring. 1 win strew, 11.u10 ·pilot, hilly. !!Quip'd. Tradr for lot. Tru~t eds or 1? 1i73-2431 . · .2 Comm. BldJl:. l&e pavtd , • IOt near Newport & Briitol tJ'lvd. Value $26,500. \Van t v;iew hon1e, Uon Vibert Realtor ~0088 any1!me Ni\W 4 BR, 3 Ba vlew hon1r, Lltiul\a Pol1oDno, (or uni!s. ScpODI, Long Be1ch, lnr 1'~ hOme thit 1u'f':1t. T!lr. Hunt~m11in. 496-11.68. fu S5. Lovely l\ome + ftte foo:I, drink 1' go.Ir 1111 tu free. Posh Paunia Val. Iii)'. Submit a.crca.r c or ? ~·1'1'Jl CJ,oice 3 BR e1Uit11ide horna llf!&r Be.ck Bay; Tradt: S!IOOJ t9uity for a nqw 27.30• fl'aV· el ttailer & a ~w truck or ~ ! . ca.II 64&f649 ~Isett Hound PupB, A.KC ~· 11·i·colored. \VJIJ lrflde !qr pll'l'r la"'" Vft!',, .F!nt? fip'll. \\' tlrrforg l'rY~lal or ?· 5'10-8638 evts. lbvely '! Br i•abin near ~v Valley Ski Lodgt, t)lrn & c1·p1d 116,j()(), EX· e~e S6000 cqty for hou~ hi Oran2r Co. 53&fl936 •:UNITS. La&Wlltl. 1 block ": ,beach. Income $7260 a ypr, tPricc $651if clea.rl Take Small home. Roy J, A;rnt1t1n, Rltr. 494·7260. Beautiful 41' Norweiifan lfllina: yacht. Lovingly c11r· ea · ror & equipped. $16,000 df~'!ly for home. TD, rar 01· ':!~ ·a.14-3~ : ,• . 12 units close 10 Harben· & Newport, Ct-.t. Value $93,000, LEGAL NOTIC• Wini home, Owner will ca~ --~--,·-=~-~---ry fin. ct-.g1. Leon Vlberl iA•-tuf Rltr. MS-ti588 anytime. ..0T1Cf to ClllllOITOllf 1VPl•ID• CO\lltT 01" THf 10 ,t.cre~ .• R ·I, Oxoard. 13 IT.I.Tl OP CAl.!POl .. 14.PO• THI COUNTY DP Ol:AN•I Units, Burbank, 'Exchanile Nt. w1ia for watcrfJ"oot home or units e 11a1t of ...,RIO •· GLICK. 011;111..i. NOTICE IS HElllV GIVl!N ti! !ht i\1r. Conrad R iviera Realty c•ecllfor1 of 1111 tlltv• "'"'" 4ectdt11• '~ -oo <9'1""" t.• 11'111 111 Hrto111 /11v1riv ctt lm• •1111111 1111 """"" "' •'-"' .:.\/CS. 1tld d&e:e<1e11l •rt rMlll'ed '! 1111 lhtni, Down1own Laguna acr:oii' wllll "" "ect111rv Wl/Cllt,., " ttl• oHtct Ill lht cltr• ol 1111 •bov• 1ntll1tcl c1111.,, o• r"nn bca<·h; 13 units, 2 te '"11"' '"'"'• w1111 1h1 "''u•••v '"'''· •·· 164.M, Trade for 1'9Utll,,i. •o 1t11 11M11r1I•"" tt· 1t1• 11w -ottlc• of Olli• I. i:: .. 11o, 110 Morre ''' T.D., dUplei. -i;Ubmi1, 8autevard, Morro 81¥, Ctlllo,1111, t:i.ttJ "'''''f!ri. Brokfr 49•·.'.l"~" lm1111.,, 1ddrttt: P. a. 11 .. no. M1rre ;J<>o> llYJ Ct, t)U2), Wfllth la 1111 •lt1:t of n, d bullftese of !tit ll"<!trtltnecl In •II· "'"tu1 v-:eanlront Lagun11. con o. '"''1"1"" to ,~, """ 11 ••let d•ctd•n•, :I Br, 2 Ba, pool, 1:onv Joe. w11111" '°"'' fllCln!llt '"'' 1111 11,.1 AlliO Balbolt duplex, l Br, •11~~~:;".:'ir:~~'r 'l°i'~;-.,, ad inl.'Omt'. By owner. Trade · KtftMth L. 011c-Adrn1n111r11or of !ht ftS!l tt for land or ? 494-2'Jl3 o1 "'' 1bov1 "'"'" 111c1c1tnt GeLI a GAi.LO HAVE: Sailboat 58', race ,, o. 111 nt or cMJi~ (value $16,000). M-• l•Y· c1. t>+ir Attwff'YI ftr All!'tll~lllttltr Will TRADE 1 0. Real P11bllll'oed Dr•"•• CGt$1 thllY Pile!, Estate. N-M• u, n. H, •"" D..:tfl'ber '· ,,.. JIU.It 1 t/ can 673.<61 i R.E. <:ontracts. SecurM. Seas. 101,;, Int. La11t pay- ment due Apr '71. Oiic. Multiplc11 of $..~. Trd for boat. Bo.'( I43l NB,' Allnn 64.?-1174 HAVE: Con1n1t 1t h1.I lot, clear, St:i,000, Lake An'O\\'· head $10.~ ,~:!Mr. \\1 ANT airplane 01· inco'n1e prope,... ty. Broke1· 11) 689-8801. 712 SL JameR Pl. N.B. l Br, 2 Ba, ocean view. Own- er .11ays submil income or land for $30M eqty. Mark Leli. Rhr. 548-ntt Trade up -house with back bay vle1v at 2M3 Irvine ' Aw., for vacaM or 4 t~ 100 unit li. Agent 61:>-62~2 or 613-0823 aft 6 pn1. LEGAL NOT!CE NDTICI TO CllDITOll 11.ct. '1t1..1.1t, u.c.c.1 ltl A bul-tr•11ti.r It l tlovl II bl "'•dt. !bl Tile 11111\t' •Ml bu•l111H 1clclr1H" If lhl l'IJ\11,"0I' lrt: JE'-.tY LONG, 1010 W. O(tln f •Gll!, Nt\ljDO•I fltl(f\, c111111rnl1 1'ht 111rn11 11111 bu1l11111 tffrtHN t i !~I trt111ftrH ·1••: Fr111cl1 Vrfl~I. 2130 Portolt Drive, CG1t1 ,,.,.,.,, ~lllornl1, All G!lltr b\lllMU 111,/¥111 t"<! tel· tire"'' ulff ~r "'9 tr111111ror Wllllln 1~r .. "''" '"' Pitt w ttr 11 kl\CIW~ 10 I!\.,. lr1n1hlr .. '"' -(() TJ!t loc.rlorl •llCI ttn1rtl ••~•lp11C>ll ol lllt • .._.,,~ 10 ff l••ntltrrl'd •r1: llKk In Tr1dt, lt•t11 rtt, ""!..,,tnl and Hod wJU ot t ctrltln "•"'· bu"" lltndlM,!t t~ lltMh ,1n1tl• ou1lne11 kn!IWn 11 H1dltv't Cht,.. I Utfft, l«tltd 11 lllll Wut. Oc .. n fr1111, N11W11>11" '"'"' C•llltr~11. {CU '"' Dlt ct. 1llCI 11'11 ill t9 "I or '"'' WlllCll. fllf lK/lk lrfll"tr 11 !O k conw"'mt1M 1ro: On ar t iter Dtctnilltr 1, 1''9 t! l tnk af Amtrlct NTlSA, W4o1 VII Lide, NtWJ>on ltt,~. Ct!!tOrnlt. 01IM Movtnibtr 1, 1Ht •• * * * '* Jtrrv LOllt Tr1n1rtror fr111cl1 Unlnl Tr11111tr" " . --------. --•tMf NOTICE$ ~ ffioUncf fF rH Adil 6~00 Si~r.1ESE Cal. Blue ryt's. 8eige & brn. Vic. or Slater .S· Newland. s.12-ti7~8 F'QtiND Beq:le-type fcnu1if' '59.r \'ic. Oak l State SI., c.~. ':>43-5258 a.tier ;; FbUND Sunday at D&aa Cove, Grandntolht'r.11 ? cJterm bracelet. 494-58611 L!ttt 6.01 lf,EARTSICK Child I o s t ::l1nall gr11.y dog. Blucbit'fl Cnyn Dr, Lag Sch. Rewan:I. ·ltl.4-836D LADIES \Vri11twatch, Vic L'i!h St. & San Berrnirdinn Av. N.B. Keepaa.ke. Re· \l•ard. 83J..2&48 a/ternoons. BLACK Labn1dor. n111.Je. 1 ~~ yrs. old . n11111f! "Ben." N!!\l'Jll Peninsul11. Rr"•ard. 67;:i.-noo P.er10n1l1 6405 ANNOUNCliMliNTS 1nd NOTlt&s Per1on1t1 6405 *Al•rie? YES IT'S YOUR FAULT For recorded me .. a:e thal will cha nge your l~e call . ORANGE CO. 547-66$1 24 hour recording Withing You ' HAP~INIS$ ..• On your 12th BIRTHDAY R1ymond He i-rlck !t'Ont all the other Herrick's AITRACTTVE girl lo model a few hour& a week, 1ene;rou1 pa,y. Strlotly, •. lor fun . no exp ni\ceasary. Prefer over 21. Reply Box 7lf>. Santa ,\na. SINGL.ES Dance eicf;\ved. 8:30 to 12, li'ox Trot, Walb:. S\ving &. Lalin, McadOl'.'l&.rk ··:. paLMISTRY l Cntry Club, llB. 3 n1i W. ol "' Beach, off Warner . CARD READINGS Adnthii!ion $2. ~r·in1 Yovr Problem• to • LADIES • M.--I Wiii Htlp Vol.I' ;~0r Hee.Ith aod a.auty Solve Them. havi Maua1e • s.ui\a bath J :c,lve advice on all matters • • '646.filTO • ·Ol life, tuch as love, court-I ~-;;-~=7":..:;,i,,--..,-"'""° 0ihip, marria2e, divorce, bUi· N.B. Tenf\ls Club ta1111ly · ioo!lll tranuctlon!i of ;.II niembcnhip, $4!'!Cl. kinds. Reunite 1he l!C!PBr· Call 673-5980 a'ed, cause 11pc('dy and hap. ALCOHOL.JCS Aoot1yrnoue. . Pr n1an1ace•, overcome ri. Phone 5U-7ZJ1 o .. write to wl~. love r11 qu11.rrel5, evil P.O. Box 1223 Costa r.1esa. -tiablt8, ~tumbling bloc ks of * HARBOR CH.UfSET : llll kind1. There Is no heart Dally 2 PM. t'u.n Zone Boal sO bad or hon1e so dreary Co., Balbo:a * 67::.02-10 !fia t I cannot bring sun5h ine i.{lto It. Jn. fact, no n1atter "hat n1ay be your hope, fe ar or an1bilion, SE£ THE PALMISTRY READER 1 will 1cll )'OU just \vhat you lflllll 10 know. • Avall, for ptrtle5 \Vlth Thi• Card a11d $3.00 : Reci!ive S5.00 Rcadlnc 'dpen Dally 10 Al\! to IO P1'1 ' F'ully Licensed Of( (2131 697-9272 . ~10 \V, \Vhill ier Blvd., LA ll11ohn1. Announcements 6410 -SENSITIV ITY TRAINING \VORK SHOP A proirram or inter))(!raon.l exercises for small liflll· dil"ftctf!d group•. fltinirn1ll char2e call fi41-R130 10A?-.l-5P1'.I PRoF£ss=1a~N~A~L~""'°o~,-,-,-, Combo available [)(.'cembcr. Altl'l' 6 pn1, 8·l2-50ti Cem~_Lot1 6411 ron Sale by nwrier. ti Pi\cific Vie1v cerne1ery Jo1s. Call n1orn lng1 642-1,:m NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A -+--~Y=ou=r =-F._mi_,_ly l DAILY PILOT i ~ICINIEO w N AD •111•u11 llM<llna•. ,.,~. A T Ml aU matte~ 3J2 N, t::I Oiillino ll<•I. sin Clemente 642•5878 i 49)9136, 492.oo76 lt AM • JO PM ,, ... '"" .... ;.;..;.;..;..;.;..;.;.;..._ Pu\lll111tc1 Or1nt• C011I 0.TIJ Piiot. Nt Vlfllbef 12, 1969 ?16().6' Sl\'I~ t~ASH! , . •' c L A s S. I F I E D llEST 1111\TSI i~· WANJ TO ClfAN UP pH YOUR CLEAN OUT! FOR FAST! FAST! ACTIOlll CAll DAILY PILOT CWS· IAED DEPT. D 1. A L D I R E c T - 6 4 2 • s 6 7 8 ' No Matter What It 11 - . -.. I YOU CAN • SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT • WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGE IT! ' f •• : f I JOIN THE • IELLERS CIRCLE' WE'RE SAVING SPACE FOR YOU • •• ~ ~ C!!!Q!!!J ~ ~ If you sell a service and don 't advertise in the DAILY PILOT Service Dire cto ry, you're do in g business the h e rd way· Tho Service Dire ctory clauified ( cleuifi cetions 6500. 7000 in the ad section da ily I adventage you get through g 1 v es you an no other edver- tising medium. It reaches cu1tomers who are ready to buy . Be there when your pro spects come into the market looking for the services you have to sell. If your ser vice isn 't listed, we'll start a category just for you. Pick up the phon e ~ i 9 ht now and reserve your space tn th e "Selle rs Circle" Your Direct Lirie to Direct·ory Results 642-5678 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED .AD DEPARTMINT ·.· ' '•" . ' . : . ..... •, . . . '· '· '· ... ·1· \' '----------~---------J---~-------~--------,_.------.:._-----ll ~ I ., ... 'DAIL y--PiLOT CLAlllFllD INDIX .Joas & IMl'LOYMENT OU a IMPLOY .loll WMIM, -. J11i1 MM. Wem. 7100 Mtn, Wem. 71toJ1 .. -MA!I> • mirlcl. Want .... IOAUV.••u -n JI u DAILY "10T Wh'l y . J1ri .-... CoioQ!e. Vftl\...-• Generil •• ,.., ._too -.. _ ,,."_ en OU :'°"'""ab!o: &1+&99 fulf ~h•J'IO -: Mllf * * DIAi. DIRECJ' 84.1-5fra Wa·nt it done °'"'""ct1on '""'"'"'" 1•· · " rh 1 Jo~'::"· 1010 :;~:=.,,":'::i.c;;; Housewives and Mothe"' • HOUSIS POI SALE '/,,~~~T .. ~~:~. :: .rig • • • •11-,..-,-,,c;a,.--,-Vlll..,,.,"'iiA>"'""'"'10,;;..; d~lation 1Chedult1; blink I " ••••IAL. ,.,. ............ '" ..... INCOMI ,.O,llT'r ........... • Alli~ N .. --.. ...... rtconclll1Uon1; -&M.l'ld &C-•m ••tr• money .. r .... ~ • COil'& Ml.IA .............. u .. t \Jlll'tlill l'IOl"E•T"I' .o~ c II f -... _. ~ ~· ._,. I ......................... Ila '"AILElt PA~'l(I te:i a one 0 Of o.c. NUJ"lel RtJia:try cou.nlinf plillolOphltt. \VW * c H R I s TM A s * ~ ":': 111101 ...... , •••.•••. 1111 1u11NW 11111T•t. ......... H.... -. w. LI•-• • --. S.A. .... v .,.1 .. -. comme111urite C e1 'A•IC .............. 1111 Of"l',C:I lt[AL. ......... l'i th f "''""' ... _ . .,...., r-o# _,I • '°" 'I'" ............ ,,. , .. ,,,,." ,_.,.., .... -e ex per s wt'""'"'"''• •• ui.,.,,.. lllOflt Ii .... Tl .......... 1111 COMMl~I .... • HOUSECLEANING -llliOnlmm~'ate"•av·"·"'·. U.UOA ctVll ............ 1111 UIDUSTll&t.· a1fiTAt. ·::::::::.... lt'sfed below/I \Veekdays only, reliable, Call SI! 0 :::', ~ --M~1~ SMOl:IS ........... ~= ~n , , ... l ........ "'"' ..... •1• -w•o :m::111 ":·::::::::::::::::ins c~Ws'!iOVi:'i '~:::;:::::::;·~~~ U.50 ~r hr., M-1464.S41-6109l!!!!!!..,!!l!l!Jll!!l!!!!l""'•-I mr~~:ti:~·~·;ij:::::::::·,;:: ~::"f~11NO'a ii'fi:::::::::::5 SERVICE OIRICTORY SERVI Ci OIRICTORY ~iRVICE DIRICTOIY H84~~~~~~ N t NG In BOOKKEEP~HRU T/B 11,.1v1nrrv PAltK .•. ::::::::1ur ::l~~~ ~~~~~~ .... n ·::::: .. , Newpt, CdM It Balboa area Jor appointment llVIHI ...................... IUI OUT 0, ST'-l• •aoP .......... Aaahalt 0111 6$20 Electrl"I 6640 )1nl1orl1I 6790 only. Rel. Call 5.36-6608 or -U.Cll!.IAY ..................... 1 ... 'l'IOU"TAll(. Dllllti ......... 11 :..;.;.r;. _ _.._""' __ ....;.;.._ "" .... BOYS 11 .14 IUTllUPI' .................. 114 IUIDtVlllOtl LAND .......... Oii SEALING •-PA'IV"•llNG ELECTRICAL .. -·o·c-& ~~ 11 .T•,. 1t44 ••Al ••l-''' lllVICI .... u.11 "' •....-•• -" DUTCH fl.taint Serv erot ,..__, __ ..... , .. ~, llVIMI Tltl.ACI ............ nu '·'· t•CMAM" •, ........ ,,,. Residential. Indus. Comc'l repair. u ha'!!. 7 clays. No '-.-., DAY v.'Orker, Swedish, '--1·•-11:r rwu ""~ COrO/llA DIL MAit ........... IUt f, I , WANf«D .. . ... • 6Z• Comp! reu ••-•. Cu•-n'Uy job too sniull. Re·niod-' ,. dng, (1r waxing, Windo\Y avaUablc for Tues. and IGr J. C. Pen,ney Company F1ohlon hlllid -Newport ... ch Hao ,...111on1 -In *Sales * Santa's Helper * Credit Interviews * GUt wrapping •• IOA ''"'"suu. ......... 1• BUSINl•S d ~ • ..... '"' 11o: \\'aahin&. Harry van Beynen Laauna Belch So 1 ,,_,..., l~O• "'" ................. 1• .._ In enaa&ed b)' City of C.ld. Wr &ldlllons, If it's electrical, 537-1~ U no ans call alt 3 Thur a. References. <n4) ' • .._ ... _ ?iPD 'rt.:'.''01 ::::::::::::::::::: FINANCIAL suoeet restoration. \\'e fix ii! IH&-477'.l ""'""""====="°' 1~":!1>-~05~!0~~-=~~ DAILY Pll.OT Schedules including afternoons, evenln1s and .... '""" lllAJtD ........... 1w IUllMlll OfllOltTUMITllS. ,,. NATO CORP. ltOUS ECLEANING. Ex· ~ com bination of both. 1'1u111T1111ero111 11Actt ....... 1• •v11M11s w•111t1D ......... .-. Ge L1ndsc1pln9 6110 -Finest condltt'ons T -"·· E MUMTIMl\ToM 111A1taou11 .... , ... 1Nv11rMINT 0~1i. .. u 11 n'I Contra.cto'nl 638-:filS Floora 6665 pertenc..'td. Own transporta· BUS Girls il Bu& Bo)'I, 16 & -op supei.-~1on -%• LINDA llll '* UIVISTMIMT '# MT•D ...... 6'U IJC'O J , __ .. __ lion, 54M431 ovtr. CaU Bill J•"•••n Cellent benefits incJudJ.ng diSCOUDt prJVUedl, POUNTAIM 'tlALLIT ....... ,..I'll MON•'r TO LOAM ............. mt D-bys 8PIJICK 411..uu~ape vu1-.. • , ...... llACH ............... ,, ... l'lllONIAL LOANS ............ ms Dil itting 6.SSO CARPET VINYL Tn.E contractor. L&'NN, •Prldn. Practical Nune ~'7910 * •-ly Now * IUM1P •UCM ............. 1.1• 'WW&t.•Y LOAf'I ............. "311 __ .:.__c.;: _____ Ffi'e I Ll tr~-· OVt 'WM .....- MlllDI" "11ov1 ......... : ••.. 1411 co1.u.11t•t. LO&Nt ......... wt ei; · c. con · ·-pa.uos, etc.°"""""""' Day Shift Busboys & Olshwathers 10 AM t t p a.a u--~ th LON• •1.&.CM .................. , .. II.AL llTATI LOAMI ., ...... ~ LICENSED chUd care, n\Y 5f6..4478 646-9'1$1 C>.. • • • • ..... ,_,..ay ru ,rlday .AICSWOOO .................... llM MOATOA••1.1,.. ~ .... uu hon1e, 11$1 2 . 5. Mon thru Me lrfck 6830 ~p'd -l.unch il dlnner • ' • I ' ·, =i:,.•cc:=:.::::::::::::·~= ~~No~":~iA\.ENrS'' '*" Fri. r~enced yard. Lunches G•rdening "'° IOftry, . J;b. Men, w_ .°'" .. 11oo ~~N·o~."1""91 .. ewi 1~5 •. •tut· J. C. Penney Company OUT o" IT&T• ................ 1• & an11.ck. So. C:O.st Plaia :;cc.;:c:;;::.::;"-... ___ .:;:;:; RICHARD AUEN -~ • '" "'"'°" ................. .om Ind NOTIC~S area. 5'9--4038 NEW la PRIME RIB INN #%4 fHhflll l1i4Jnd . •: :~:~~~N~i~: .::::::::::::::::~::: ~g.u,"o t'rM "".' .• :::::::::: . .= BABYSITTER • Xlnt cu.re. Coniple;'~a:~ ·:;:.d 6~!r; Custom & Spanish Accountants ( 2) 428 E. lTth St., C~l Newport a..ch C1llf9rnl• 'i SANTA AMA ................ 1&21 P'•lllONAll .............. '619 up ~ ,.. b or month. Free Masonry A (t--l1ltyl TO $15,000 Uormerly Amta:ost ~ ' ~ !•, •ANT.A""" MfTI ............. IUI ANNOUllC:IMINTS ............ '411 Balanced lunch. 2 snacks. .,,. • ~ 01.1.NOI ................ 1.a ••1tTHs "'1 csll1na1ea. For info. call Block, Brick', Concrete LOCAL $700 00 ·· ru1r," ,,,, ................. ! ... l'UN•AALS ::· .. ·::·:; .. ; .. .,.12 111011. • l-l'i. Bristol • ''" ~oo-F I 1 6 •• .., ... 3 1 ,111. • ~ 11 f 11 11 I ·.:. ::fw:i~u • ............. ~:;: l".&.10 011Tu••Y ·:~ .. : .. ::.::..,, Pauhu·ulO. Cl\1, 5-iO-a::TJ v-.1,,_ rH s •• ., .. .,.. Land Devl' opment-conslruc·" Ltary coinpleted, prefer · ........... PUN•IAl Dl•&CTOltl ....... '41• GARDENING & I nd "'"" -ti bAcJ."l'OWld Exception .!Ollle collecUon exp •t .. VlltAOO CAWVON ......... 1611 ,,.,, •• , .... BABYS-INC 'ly "'m• a sca.,..'tii. on ~ • • • IOm~ J b· .. w 71 ' '•" U.OUMA Htll$ .. , ............. 11• · ........ .. •• • • '' '"' ' P1-rh•""ln9 al ni•t""'•emenl opportun· coll,..,e, call Ann, l.fe""han'· O _.,,en, om. 00 Joa.-Mtn. W9m. 71M. ,! I.MUNA •&ACM 170S CAltO OF TllAMKI ············"" Costa Mesa. area lcnced lZ yni exp.C lean-up, ..--•.• ...... ·eo "I' ... ... .,.. LAGUNA NllU&L .............. 11., IN Ml!MOltl,IM ................ u d h ' 1 i;:pl'inklcrs lnst'd &: repaired. ~tinting 68$0 lt!e1. Personnel A:.. ency, 2043 --: ,i::s~t~"~::: :·:·::'.:·:·;':'..:'..~~ ~===~==~ ~\~1,.TS'·:::::::::m: i't:r~re~cea. ~~1~nea s. tl73-1100 RIVIl!.rtA EMPLOYMENT \Vestclill 01'., N.B. 645-2770 DENTAL OFFtCES General . ·: U.M Ju&-. CAl'llTltANO ...... 1121 c•MITllt'r Clt"l'P'TS ......... w11 .:::::::::::::::::..:::;:.;::::;___ * PAINTING, lnt & exl. AGENCY, tNC. * CAFETERIA * •Assistants YOWll v.-oman wanted part ,;: CAl"ISTIUNO llACN , ........ nu r.i.~~~~1~~1tiri "······ .. ··:m BABYSITTING My Home, AL'S Garoenln&' & Lawn Back trom "/ielnam. ''"·-k 4667 MacArthur Blvd Ste 201 e f GI I tlm~. Will train. AR PHY'& i..! DANA l"OIJIT .................. 1111 ........... d 1 "l W Jood ?ifalntenance. Commucia.I, ..-.; • Pa-r full ti nsuranct r 1 Cott ·~ ·-., e.t.•_LllAD ..................... 1u1 -ucr1o•s ................ ay or n g,, . ann . lndu.stria.I a: re&ldential. in buatne11 again. f'rff N.B. 540-6310 Call: ll'l'l~ "'-t. =·&fl•" • Receptlonlata N """'l'• -.i·B Hubor. ;; :::•:,~:: ................... ~:ft ~~~"V.~N ·~~,v•~.'.:.:·:::::::.: Nice ya.rd. Infants OK. * 646-3629 * estlmatet. Will nabcontract. Advcrtistna: Display 2 PM~""" .. ""II • • In!orma.tion &irl (Evt) Blvd., C.M. ; !~ ' .. "u'g:'•'•'°'•'• cou, .. , .. =·,·~:::::::~= :~·,.:~~S:s~~,~~1~N ·::::::: &t)-529!1. 64~1089 IMME.DIATE Cl O Prepare reaurne, mut have Gener.I office clerk, aooG 1~ ...... ll9M. HOTICIS , .......... U€N'D Day Care. AM-5:30 CLEAN-UP SPEClALlS'l' -TY , -two -dental ,.,. •. D•" w/ftaurn. A .. ly MeG jl COiii MINIUM ........ ,, .. OlltM.AN • TUTOltlM•c .... ?ilO\\'ing, edgtna, odd jobs. SUBURBAN PaintirwJDec 1•• ,. -• w:~,~=~:.o:c~"~l··::·::l:: SERVICE DIRECTORY ·week I y. ho I in ea I!' Reru;onable. 548-6955 Expert Cua.ran~ WOPk PART TIME LAGUNA liACH " eve. hn. All unk>n btne. Yacbt Corp., 1631 Placentia, ··i •ENTALS 1.c:couNTIMG .~ ..... .-Harbor-B&ktr. M.6-1539 F'l\.>e est. l\'o job too la~ fits. salary $3.44 per hr. call C.M. J • " .1.N1w1111t• 111tv1c1 .. '* BABYSITIING. lily honw, Jlfl1'S Gardening & lawn or too smaJJ. 4!*-3100 HELP WANTED Carttr opportunitles, De. for appointment: 633-1614. GIRL FRIDAY .: HOVHI furnish~ Al'l'l1ANCI 1tEP.1.11ts. Plt1• u11 nialnle"'"""". Res. •-r~,,. pa · l 1 p b 1 . · ' •i••llAl ........ Hit asl"KAlT. otlt .. . •. •sH $15 v.·eek. .-.. .... c o: ....., HOUD y SPECIAL, 1 nn1en o u 1 c DENTAL Secretary • Recep. 9 a1n to noon. Sharp! Ph · ' • NTAll ,0 IKA1t• ........ ,.. !~~~. i;::.•::._ T-. lt'k. U:,™ 968-7156 mcl'Cial. * !>ID-4831. Ext ~inting. Lk & ~~ Large, nalional company, ex· ~~rkl. These pern1. po.. Unnlst. ~ 25-40. Call 60-7430 for Interview. · :: ~O:s'.'t ~~·~. .. ....... ::: JAIYl1n1N• ....... '"' BABYSITTING. DAYS OR TREE SERVICE, gcn'J yanl Frtt C5t5. Local rear. Call pand\11.; in Orana-e C.ounty, Sl(lOlll include retire· 546-..mO HAIR STYugr W/followt-.• MPA vt•oi ................ 1111 IOAT MAl''TIMANCI ....... w.i cleanup. s p R 1 N KL ER ha1 created many opcnina-a. ment, i;lck leave, v1ca· cc.=-==--------I ,,., '• COlllOI '"""" ........... t1U tltlC:IC, MA.0=·~·.re. ...... 'Ml NITC:S. REASON ABLE . REPAIRS. ~:>848 Chuck 60-0809 lor n1ale " fcn1alc, to work lion, health ins., etc. Dept, Store Good loeaUnn -b111y lhop. ·t~ NIWf'OltT •IACM ............ noe au•1Nl!SI I& VI ........ •U1 &l~'iMJ NTERIOR ~-. I HOUSEWIVES l\tale pref 613-6342 r ·1 Ml'#'o:T HOT& .............. ,211 •Ulll'.llltl ............... u11 I . ""'tenor nt. part thne evenings. No ex. Slartina i;alary baaed on ' • ::~~-',:Ho ~'.:::::::::: .. : ~:;rH1t~~!...:.U, ............ we BCA.~1Y_ SJTI111lN1h•G, & n1~.~8m,,'. E~:;~1~u~;~~~ a18~!'o'·•y3. ~~~ .~ S98.50 perience necessary u we your experienct. APPLY: COLCLEOEli ST0UOINTS HIGH 1~ .. alrlb .. ~:ed V~ -~II ::r.tt sMo••• ............... utJ c,"••'•'•""• 'c"~!. ................. '1-" ,. v,,.., ....... '" ..._......,... train. 5C.:i t~orert Av·nue. ARE R IRLS occu,...-Y t ... ,.. ii.: ' -··• 1 ·-~ 'I 'C'..i E5limares. Call 540-1332 a ••·-"Ad JIB TC:ltF, ............. tne cHtlD cAa1 Uc..., ......... "'' Lunch & ge ,. ....... "on·r••· PAINTING High tchool diploma and one S Earn Xtra Money for roo ....... _ amt. : UllltYl!aStTY 'Altl( .......... ttlJ ' ..... " · 961-8129 ••""'' .......................... -~::~~cl~:!NiH•·::·::::::·:m 645-2754 ~-n•r•I Sirvlc.. 6612 EXTERIOR--INTERIOR year re1iden<.-e required, TREJ TRIMMER, CHRISTMAS · Jl ••cit '"" ................... t,. c.t.•P•t u.Y1Mo • "''"''" ..i• BABYS,...,..ING my c d ~I -e ••• ~K • C1ll for 'f"'· CLIMBliR· . HOSTESSES c ·! l.AIT llU,,. .................. nu 01t.1.1"11t11s '' • U"I-Enjo I I 11 T1tt '™ 01--o•10•"""" ........ ""..,." bon1e, companion !or mlm:. 2 COLLEGE >ten WiU Do RENTAL READIER 77• -• iri:.iii:.-""""'· PARKS DIV. --.2 y an exc: tine .e..:m n. ~·d-Dln-~·-.A-· '•' 1av1•1 T•••.&.ce .•••....... t24S 0 .. '!';fi•• •••Vic"i" ····· ·· ........ -ri Q ......, """' ',d 1 . ·~ a bl!autUul a tore lmrnedi· -v ·-.,..,....., ... __.. • C:OIDNA 011. MAil ........... me ,-''' .......... -.. 2-5 yr. dally/wkly. 675-7993 Small Tree & Roe k r..m'Ml'l.1 d rt! · "'" man l!:XP • n trimmlna: eu· · ti~, over 21, """' up to lJ.' " IALtO• ...................... Ult :a~~1:.N~ ltlNTALl """""'= I rd Cl .,,.,......... A vc SUI&' ~ .. ency ca..lyptu1 I: palm tree1, to &le liberal dllCOWlt. Full ' ~~°Yo l:t...•Nos' ··~:::::::::::::::ll: 'INC:lfrl'O .. . ...:::::::"" HHanAUdLyln~~,; ~ncy~~~~· !::,~ ~~ ~:~~~.~;. · 6:i1 ~~Pa~ * PAJNTING Interlor/Exter. Sh•rp Stcr•t•ry f O r help WJ keep our ell)' beau. and part tlmc schedules, ~It~ lO·S. 1~ ·~: IAllOA lllAND ........... tMI Ploo1t 5 · ·· ................. ~~ ior. Local references. Im-fast • paced Newport tiful day1 and evt1. ov. · . • • HUNTtNOTON •••c:H ........ ,1411 :tll:f,cJ'1:'/e1111::j11~'0° .... ,Wt * * ti~Z.3398 * * 6Prtl, Estiinates will be med. service. 646-~7 Beech Agency. Tt~I , APPLY PERSONNEL PRIAIE RIB INN ' llOUNTAtN VAlLl"I' .......... 1ti1 •••'1N15H1uo . UJS BABYSITTING l\ly Jtome, glve11. 6'70. Shorth1nd ' CUSTODIAN 1 10 TO I P.'1. 428 E. 17th St.. CM :1'.: •SAL •l!•CM · ............. 2'1H OAltDININO "" FOR B • Pal ii I l r " (I "• A I LONa 11!.&.C:M .............. uot · ....... ,.rs 3 & over. 1-lot lunches. RAIN Guttel's In 11t a11 ed . ever n ng, n er· I & I I I J W ROBINSON OITIV!lr.., m IOI) ' •' 011:•N•• COUNTY ............. u11 OINllAL Sl!ltVtCl!'S ........ "n Ral••Y •• ,,.,, ,·, hei-•. ,...... !or & exte rior. acoustic cell-or9an &I O 0 w $450.-$540. Government build· • • 9.ANT~ """ '"' 01tAD1No. 01sc1Ho ........... ua1 Cdt.1 area. Call -613-1862 ..... " ....... 1 h U d •• HOUSEKEEPER full tlmi ·• wlsTMtHST•• · ................ i.iu 11u.1s ................ "" estni. n.easonbl. ~2208 ing1, 64&.-4077 le :M1·3502 r u • n • r -Ni• ina:1. maintenance & cart-Fashion Jal.and 11 . Cit: ~ · ,1 Ml~W"" c1TY ... :::::::::::1n• g~:•s"HJ,."uM• ............... !~': FULL Or part time child Phone: '42-JtlO. 425 ol our library, imrks &: Newport Beach ve 10' perrn&Mnl. Ill-. j: 1.&.Nt& "'""' MllOMTI ........ HJt ................. cal-e. Lovely Coilll Mesa ExpcMenced BARTENDERS N N 1 Bl d be h 1 cU in&. ~. child care. ·1 co.l&TAL .............. 1111 "'""''" ct.u•s .............. •tM rvt all Ora Co h> Platterlng, R•p•lr 6110 . ewpor v • ac a !ties. COASTAL AiiNCY Newport Peninsula $285/mo .• U.IUNA II.I.CM .............. 11• ~Aouus'•"c'LEA"ON .. o···"········7·',"'rn home. $15 Wk .. up. 646-5537 se ng nge u.n..,-. • • AIDES A pl I ~LD 2 •• u.ouNA Nloult. ............ 11'1 l'Nr•••oll o'acoitATiN•·:::::im 639-2233 : P Y n .....-u a.re :"" to 6 p.m. Profe11lonel References nect1sary, Wrtt I~~,~~:.:~~~~· .. ::··.:::::::.:~: INCOMI! TAX .............. , .. CHILDCARE In t.1y Home. *PATCil PLASTERING pel'90nonly, Huntin gton wkda,y1. My home-or VIC. ErnploymMt SWte JO.&, 3333 \V. Coa ,., juAN C11.PIST1tANO ...... 1m ::g:it.'r"-•i. 11c. ········:a: Infant~ -l yr only. Seaward H•uling 6730 AU types. Fm estimate Beach Con v a I es c e. n t 40th St., N.B. 6Ts.oo:ll A~sldence Hlchway, Newport BM i u.•1 Tit.ANO aaAC:H ......... ml INSUU.TIN• .................... ,HI Rd. CdM. 673-7517 Call 540-6825 Hospital, 1879~ Delaware, CHRISTMAS MONEY A member of 9Ji60 '' ·~ ir:t.r.:•:'c°""'"' .. ::::::::·: l=~~~r0c:..',1~~f·~-d;~~:::·:::;:! OULO Care • P.i)' Honie. YARD I G 81 • c 1 ea nu P Hunt. Bch. Women telephonlnr from SneUinr A Snellins Ine. • • HOU SEK E EPEi\· J~J~M 11;:;~tl'.::::::::·m: ~~'::~~=~~iiiAi·a: tti · ":-1: Vic-. Arevalos School. !lot S 1 0 I 1 0 ad · Salvagcables ~m"'°b~l•~l,_ ____ 61;:.;;90;.;; AIDES. Nuning. Exp er . )'OW" borne. 12.00 per hr + 2190 Harbor Bl, CM S0«6S Apply in penon only, Hun. :,~m~~1~1t111. ·::::::::::::: p.Nosc:.1.1"1He .......... :::: .. 1111 lunches. tnccd yd. Call -!!::'~ =~: tl"ees. ivy, PLUMBING Repairing 1: PreJ'd. Apply in penon via bonus. Harbor Blvd, at Adams tlneton Be1ch Convalescent "': RINTALS ~i~~.a1CK '"'",":::::::·:::: 968-18.ST .... Remodellni. Electric SC\VC? PH: n4-494-3015 -PLEASE -DISHWASHER Hospital, 1879'J Delaware, : Houlft Unfurnished ~;".:~1 ... ~ :~=11~1n;·:::::::: Brick, Masonry, etc:. C~~~~ ~d~n:!:4~1 c . "a 11 i n ' · :\II work BABYSITTER/Housekeeper, Only rirls who have a 11mll· Hunt. Bch. ' OINlltAL ............ ,.. l"AI NTIHCI, ...... ... .. ..... m s 6560 1-~'==~~~~~-ruarantttcl. 64z..6583 lfve ln or out. Min hrs 8-6, ing voice, Ail! no ban1er. Experienced HOU s EKE EP ER. FUD ~: COSTA Ml!IA ............... JI .. l'ATIOI "' ............... "'6f CLEAN UP " Hauling PLUMBING REPAIR l\1on-Frl. Girl 5, boy 3. Sal· Call ~!IMl lor appt/any· c•·-. m111t coo'-not : MllA DI\. MAI .............. ~lts PMOTOOltAl'H'r , ...... 71 · ,\ppl,y In pertiO ,,....... .._ MISA v1101 ................ 1111 l"LAST1•1NO. l"•ldl. •••" ...... BUILD, Remodel, repair Trees & shrubbery trimnied No job too small 1ry open. 642~792 days. time. " live-In. $40 wk. to 1tal't ' : colt.l!OI l'A•K ............. 1111 l'LUM111110 ............... "" or o·enoov·•. ""l" .• 9 • 64,_3128 • 6•2,-3 alt 6 SURF & SIRLOIN 67' ~1 ' MIWl"OIT 11.&.cN ............ me "'' o•OOM1110 6HO Brick. block, co ncret e. = ,,...'7" .,., .. ""'~ · * CLERICAL * ~ " NIWl'OltT NOHTI ............. nu l"OOl llltYICE ........... •m , ... , . b I ll 0 &930 Pacific Coast Hwy. NIWl'OltT IMOltll .......... mt l'O'#llt IWllPINO ............ ,11 carpen ..... no JO 00 snia . HA ULING. I-lave ~T P/U BABYSITTER • matW"t' k>v· PENINGS Newport Beach Housekeeper I: child care, IAYSNOltEI ............... nu l'UM' 111tv1ca ............... 1m Lie. Conlr. 962-6945 Anything. trash to furn. $8 Pool Strvice 6910 ing woman to care (or 2 Located in Colta Meil&. 1 --=~;:_:::~c;=::;=-'I S~ii da wk, S50 wk.+ rm ·&· oov11t 1Mo1t11 ............... :1tt1 1tooPtNG .................... •tst '-d + mlr. 494.1003 lid ho HS .. _ .. ~-... 1 DRIVERS ( 12) 00.~ Pd "" -· WISTCLIP' ............. JUt ltAOID, 11-n. 11c ........... ••» "'"' FRED & Al' Pool Se ch ren, my n1e, 9 '" .._pe,-.ence pre erred. ....... · vac. ~ UN1v11111rv ,,..IC ........... Ill' 1tliiMooe1.1Ho • •EPA11t ff.a Cir-ntorlnt 6590 1 ' rv. day ,. ... ,.. Sal•-open R II & p Tl · Hou•~ ,II.YIN& ...................... .M lllMOOl!llMO, ICITCHINS ... "41 :::::.i:~::::.::..:::~--=:.:. LITE Hau Ing • cleanup + Comp! pool maintenance. . "" ..... . rU •rt m• ~EPER, put 1.1.Ck IAY .................. n•• 1c1s1011 IM.Alt,IN ..... : ... ,tu CARPENTRY $1J a load. Sat! 1 I' t ed F BABYSITIER Needed, my Please call Beverly D1vid, to $576 Mo. + Tia• Newport Btach aru. lt•:.,:•u'' .................. ::! l~:\:'& MACHtN'i''ii';.&.!1$ 4:' MINOR REPAIRS. No Job *962-0161* frees ~f:n,~~l~·~le~ home. 6 Afol-3PM. fl.ion. <nfl 5f6..JJOO Xlnt opportunities with f~.. Call 67~ 1; lltVIN• T1!1t•ACI!' ............ aau 11,TIC TANICS.-..,._,, aic ... •HS '4" ""32 ext 4. Tue!. Thurs. Ii: Fri. (1) 9 COCKTAIL waltre1a, exp jor ('.o'11. tt pha -.-1 drfv.1 "Y~O~U~N~G""M~an~' ~-~p-/~O~----~~,I CClONA Dll MA• ........... HH TAIL0•1NO ............. ,n Tor Small. C.btn.t in Pl"' O"'"\I" I .......... .,,., ..... .... ~ltoA .................. ,,.. Tl•MITI CONT1tot. .......... •111 ages & 01 h • r cabinets .. H~·~·~·~·~·~'·~·~n~l~n~·--~6~7.:;35 ========== mo. old. 540-5923. nee. Fri & Sat nile, Omar'• lng record. m,y home boats )'&l'd ' Y llU.NDI ................. nH Tit.I, Cel"lmlc . , .......... ,,,. -R od I R • 4~• BABYS-ER want~ ..... ~ .. Al I e y Dlacotheque, San RfVIERA DfPLOYMENT ' ' 100 1Sll ............... :w1 Tll&, Lln•11u111 & Mlrtll ....... 111 SU-8175, Uno an1wer leave *HOLIDAY SPECIAL •m •, ept1r, ~ •• • .,.. '"'... etc. $l per hr. Repl)o Box =~:0~·~:.~ ............. = ~=~=v~f1~~ic: 1 11 ... ';:; msg at 646-:?.'172. II 0 C I I' & h Fountain Valley Drive-in. Clemente. 'Vil! pay top AGENCY, INC. 515.\f, Dally PUot ,•, HUNTIN•TON ll!AC:w"··::::::M. Ul'NOL5TliltY .... rt.. '"..:: :... Ander'°n . . omp et1 ,,. e1vy ROOi\l Additions" Remodel-Our home. t.1on thru Fri. \\'ltgeS, 49fr2096" 492-3692 4667 fl.facAl'lhU!' Blvd, Ste '01. Impectlon HUNTINGTON H.AltlO!JI ..... Miii WILDINO ......... "" -'=------c:l••ning. Mild S.rvlce. ing. Xlnt l-'i.nanclng. Ham· 962!1814 N.8. SQD..6310 POuNTAIM ¥Alt.IV .......... Mu w1NDOw cltAMlNO ......... '"' CARPENTRY, Cabinct!I All k t d mer Construction. 50-7363. CONSTRUCTION Electronic '~1t'o::•.c:ovi ·::::::::::::::::; JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Remod. No job too i;m.nll, wor 'ueran " • B~IAID, nltes. Apply aft 6 * DRIVllS * i.oNo •1AcM ............. IHI Jo• wANr•o, Mtto .......... 1tct qua! y,·ork. Call 646-2576 S yrs 1" er••· Sew 6960 pm, P.1AVERICK. 1728 New. SUPERINTENDENT No 1_...._e Inspector :::::~"':~~~~.::::::::::::::= ~&: :::~:g: Wllfln ·······mt REPAIR, Partl!lons. Small Call Cleenco 642·Sl64 • int port Blvd., CM. (....._I htJ ........ -- WEn#IMSTllt ................ a.1 1 :c'lO:L:V:~::TllUC:TIOM·:::·: Remodel, etc. Nlte or day. -RENTAL READIER e Dreumaking ·Alterations BARMAID British. to work VTn I NaaacbUVI MIDWAY CITY ,,. .............. Ml• 'Ot l'ltll"AltATION . .. JW "''"3~• S laJ lo.-0 I So oo.-......,,,, I ' ---J SANTA 1.tt.t. HllOHTS ......... Jal Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 ....,,. ""' pee on toa ,..,ma in an English Pub Call ne o Uu"''" ......... om• I t•, .... ha cit ~ .. ~. co&nAl ................ :me TMIAT••C:Al ·· .. "" * 646-6446 * · largest land developer,, hu ........ , Vt · an _.._ ...... u.•uNA •IACM .............. ms MERCHANDISE FOR REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CARPE'TS. \Vindov.·i;, Ora, 646-S930. alt 5 pm. an imm...,iate .,.,,_ 10,. dtt~ NOOl'd. Apply u.ouNA N10t11!L ............. 1197 SALE AND T"ADE etc. Res or Comc'I. Xlnt Alter1tlon1..646-5845 BEAUTY SALGN SPACE = ·~ ' YILLOW CAB CO MllllOM VllJO .............. ,,. "' CABIN~"T. Any 1117.e job. an otfalght Superintendent • SAN CllMINTI .............. mt ,U1tM1TU1tl! , . . ......... Mt 25 va. expcr. ;'"18-6113 l\'oril' Reas! Refs. 548-4111 Neat, accurate, 20 )'rl. exp. available In finest hotel Expe~e-··• In la-• vol: 186 E. lBtb SL CAPllTltAHO ........... IJU OP'l'IC:e: FUIMITUI• ........ lfU :..:llll . I t ·-· Be h '' 1~ ·• n... ••--CAl"I Tit.AMO II.ACM ......... »• O'l'ICI IQlllt_l'Mf:NT ........... 11 CARPETS, \V1ndov.·s, nn. comp ex, Mq"na ac . vme rradlnr operations. Th• ...-ta _,... DAllA 'OINT "" ............ 11•1 sto•1 ••U1l'Mt111T .......... •1' Cemint, Concrtt• 6600 etc. Re!S or Comc'I. Xlnt TILE, Cer1mlc 6974 Booth rental or commission. CONDOMINIUM .......... ,,,. CAPI. klSTAU•ANT .......... Ii 4'" ........ po11ltlon oUen; chaUtnre. Drlvtr.cha\ltttur 011PL1:x11 UMl'U•lll .......... :rm 1.1.1t ••u1PMEMt .......... ,.NII v:ork Reas! Refs. 548-4111 V The TU 1 -·~:;.;~~~~====~ 1 future a:ood workln.r rondl 3 hn 5-dty wk SUMMlll ttlNT.&.t.s ........•. ms Hou111Ho1.0 GOOOs .......... 102t CEMENT \VORK, no job too * emc, e ~· ar*8 "'OAT CARPENTERS ' • ca11' ' R.ENTAL:» 01.1t.1..:iie 1.&.i.1 .......... tnz snuill, reasonable. F'l'f'C Cust. Y.'Ork. 1n11ta11 & nopalr1. , tlon11. Salary comm eruiuratf! 64i.-O!n> A I • I h d l'U1tN1Tu1t• AUCTION ........ llU Hou11cle1nlng 6735 No i'ob too small. Pluter Experienced. Top pay. Largt with experience. Send l't· DRIVER 10,. oonime-•-• p •· rurn 1 e •PPllANC:Es ............. ,l lH estim. If. StuD\ck 5-lts-8615 ·u rd ·~ lllNllllli. ............... •GM 'NT1qu1s .......... 1111 BA Y & Bcttch Janitorial pe.teh. Leaking iho\ve r cuslomyachts. \Vi a Boat i1unic• lo Daily Pilot Box blue print shop in Harbor COSTA fllll.A ..... , ............ •1• l l!WIMO MACHIMf ....... 11" PA'I'IOS Drlveway11 repair. 847-l0Ci7/846--0200 \Vorks, 1295 Baker, Cosla M-13. area. Aak far Ron t:.•"9313. ""''" YllOI ................ 111 lrl\UllCAl lHST•UMINT ...... us Planters • Block letK"eil • Serv. Cpls, windO\l'S, floors, ~~~~c~"!'·~==o---li-':~~!""""'""'"'""""""IEi:EcrRciNri:"~~~i's'fiii. MIWJ'OllT •••CH ............ 4200 Pl.I.NOi. OIO.AMI ........... •u• etc. Res & c 0 mm c' I . ~fcsa, r. ELECl'RONJC Ass" .. NIWH•T M•tONTS .......... •111 ltAOIO .................. •• Ronni additions. 642-98!'12 T •-I 6'10 COOKS '"' .. ,. NIWl"OIT IHOltll ........... .mt flllVlllON ........ ............. 616-14-01 '" -rv c:• BOOKKEEPER BLERS Rttent solderlnc WllTCll,, ........... 4UO Hl•PI & STlltlO ............... au • CONCRETE Ft.OGRS. Local Coata. Mesa Manutac-Dlnn~r Holli'!. Exp'd. Lunch evtW>r, nee. Apply ln ""°'· UN1v1as1TY , ... Ill( ........... 4:111 ,,.,.I ltl!COltl'.llltl ......... ,mt ·~-t Re blc Call • \VINDOW3 DlRTY? TREES pruned. topped, & dn llhlttl In t l -r· ' ••CK 1,. y .................... ..,,. C:•M•llAI a IOUll"MINT ...... pa....,.., e c. uona , l>·ree est. l::i years exp. turlng tlnn of 20 employees r.: 1 net • erv l!w• SENSITRON INC. l 25 IAIT &LUI', ............. ..,., MOltY IUl"l't.111 ... ............. Don, 642-8514 removed. 26 )'I'll exper. nccdB exper. bookkeeper to 10-5, startlng Nov, 19th. Paula"no Av. C.'f. co1tONA Oil MAI .... .... ........ ll"OltTIHO oooos ......... IHI Johnny Dunn 642-2364, A e r i a I t o we r e q u I p , PRIME RIB INN '' " IAltOA ................. 4111 •tNOCUU.•S, ICOl'll .......... lllt do payroll & taxes, 2nd uv llU.NDI ................. •• Mt1c1l~1ous ............. MM Child C•re 6610 * APl' CLEANING * 493-5400, 638-7234 handle accts receivable &: 428 E. 17th St.. CM ELEcrnONIC Auemblera, llOO HLI! ............... 4111 MllC, WA T•D .................. 11 ;:;;c:;::;...:;c:;;:... ___ ~.;.; ,.,,,. tho""'"'h 642--8'"~ bank d•-·· ~ ·-lett•" (former'" Amo·-1 prl~ted circuit_ -exp. ••1.•01. 11lANO .......... qt!, M.AC:HINl•Y, lit. , ............ ,. •v-~ ............. ..,.... v ·v~ -MUNTIMOTON ••ACH ......... 4-lot 1.UMll• . .. ............ IJH LICENSED child care, n1y \\11LLIAr.1S Oeaning Serv. Upholstery 6990 l re-·. ton••-· $450 to COUPLE. A--··· hou" 'ee~•h Placentia, Newport l'OUNTA1N VALll'r ............ II STOlt.AOI! " . .. ...... '"' home, •IC 2·3, ?olon 1h11J t""'.. .-...U,J' t-''"' - Varian Data Machines locab . : ed In the Irvine lnduatrlal • ~ O>mplex, hu a.n immediate : ope nine for a Electro Meo: : • chanlcal lmpector. .': 1: ReqUirtmenta tnc.lud~ S tu ~ I monttw exp~ 111 tro rnecllanlC&I 'aaMmbb' ~ ir111pection, and famw.rlti ·~ with the el.ectronlc coJo ' code, componcnta and sembly dJ.-awlnaa. ·. Good •ta.rtin& ate plua excel· , ; lent company benelll.t m. : cludlnc u da,y1 vacation . : durfn&: lint year of emplOY• . ! ment plt11 an annual holi- day ncadon from Otriat. • . ma.s to Mondi)' lollowinl • '.: New Years. 11&1. 1111c:" .................. 44M au1lo1wc; MATlltlAlS ...... 17'1 CZYKOSKl'S Cu!ltm. U;;hol. $6.iO depending on exper. manapr• ror new. m~!umd-"'-=""'--------.. .,.. ti.ACM ............. • IWAl'I I EST 1"' f'ti. Fenced )'ard. Lunches lroncin~9._ ____ ...;;6_75~5 Send completP. resume to sized, (leluxe ap-"'men•-, EXTRA lnoome for couples, • d t ,. .... """" ............ -PETS ind L v OCK • •nack. So. Coa•l Pl"" -.. EW'Opean Cnlt•maNhlp M• • var1an a a IMIDIN OltOVI .................. Pl!ll .alNlllA&. .......... -area. 549-4038 IR 0 N t N G·BRlNG O\VN lOO'ti, lin! 642.-1454 P.O. Box ~lUt, Daily Pilot Hunt ington Beach a r e a . 10 hn • \\'k. $50 Interview :~:•:~·~~~~ ::·::.'.'.'.'.":::::.:J~J C:ATS ...................... ltH ::==========I t!ANGERS. 1831 Newport Blv, Cl\I. •••••••• Plellse forward br ief appt. 968-5216 -962-80'll ,,..,,. ... •MA ..... ooo• ........................ IUI .. ' "· c10 F c = ' mach1"nes ......... M01t111 ..................... m. Contractor• 66 ... 0 64S.-7M:! resume o expt1-n:l'IC'C erelgn 1r ~"cs ~e;~rM·~~·M·~'~.~.".~.::::::::::: "'v•srocit ...................... ..;....;.;_;....;_;.. ___ ""'"'' -· ~~~~.'~9 6995 Daily Pilot eox M 358 Good co. ti.nents. incl paid • COAITA\. · ................. .,.. CALIFORNIA LIVING FRED H. GERWIOi: J · · I 6790 COSMETICIAN : ~.11lve I vac1tion, cnnup 1~ uni. A VAR.IAN' SU'BSIDlAJtY., r ' u.euNA 11Ac:N .............. •m ,,.._. 1n1tor1a WELDING sbop l port&blt. $ THE ... ·~ 2m M'~l Dri u.euM• Nl•U•L ............ •"1 NU1tJ11111 . , ............ .,,, Buildln;: ..... .,tractor 0 al iro NOW' fuhion oriented for fomt1 f'umllhtd tree Good ... --..., eon ve MllllON VII.JO ............. ,.. 1'1'11MMIM• POOLI ........... .,.. Jo•am. rms, bdrm&, patios SPARKLE Janitorial It Win-mamcnt n. Newport Dept. Store to OP<n .. _ •• ~.... Aik tM 1 block s. of M1chl!llon Dr.) U.N cLaMINTI .............. .ftll PATIOS .......... -............ tflJ 646-11115 .... ~ !San o~ ~.-DolMA l'OINT ................... ,., ~WNINOI ................ : .... "" Licensed-Free estimates dow cleanlna: Serv. Win-brand Mw presUa:e line. J .. Moore Ph. 5'().1714. ...-.,o ,.. • .,.,. lo l.::f'o\'MX.-.. t:"111··:::::::::::: .. :·= ,.1c:ATtOHI ................... .,. 6'73-6041 &:; 549-2170 dowa, resld .• comcl. const. BU.SIEW marketplace in ~n't Salary & Comm. plus F iiE E BEA ll TY Jamboree ott ramp) N.INTALS TRANSPORTATION Cleanup. Free est. 968-2691 town. The DAILY PJLC7I' fringe beneftta. ApplJcanll ll'Vl.nt, Calli. 9'JM4 A1,t' Unfurnished •OATS• YACHT• ................. CarpM CINnlng 6625 DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! Oaplfled Rctlon. S1tve TIME FOR must have nm & llOlld w, ~I llROBEFuhl,to our paCort olr An F.qual Opportunity • SAtt.IOAT1 ............ "" money, Ume 6 elfort. Look a!llcs ability. Opporh"'i"' U me on nsu • Employer M,I:[' ''" •.1.1. .. · .......... ,ow•• c•u111a1 ........... ,... o· nd l'f!d ..... v ta t N In t t COITA Ml!IA ......... Sltl ll'llD......tlCI •OAT .............. * 1amo s are meuu l,;=-=l~V-h_ll_o_El_. '='~'-·-"'-'-'==;.,"°,.._w_!'-· '===-=-=,I for advanccnient. Contact n" O Vft men • ex-lNSURANCE -commercial MllA VllDI ........... 1111 .... •••OLlltl ........ -''Y qualo'Jy .. --~ ... 1 •11 ' .... t t"· N rt .. pllonal earn!.n'"' • \\'ill ••w•o•T '"'" -"' • ..,.. "· B!'l ...,..,. a ,..., e•-er, ·~-Fl-•·t• Cl-k . ••p'd. SaJ. · ......... ··-1•.1.T MAINTIWAMCI ....... ,.. OJA?i10ND CARPl:.I ···-train Call ?itisl H"""e f ·~ ~ ... N,W,OltT M110HTI .......... lflt tOAT uu1WCN1No ....... tG4 QUICK CASH , ~ll4~'-;.,:,l1~00;,..;M;o="=·~8=A=M~·=SP~M::;:.. _ · • ....... or a""' OPtn. Emph-e lnauranoe !t•WPOltT 1Ho•1s .......... mt ~I/Ml cou1P. . ...... "H CLEANEltS 64:>1317 anytime 1· Interview. TI-4: 5'15>-ilOSS 10-6 ., w11tck1"" ......... n• tDAT lltP, M001t•NI ....... TU• Cl Ill d d COSMETIC Sales. your own pm. Fashk>n ?t1lm>r Corp, Co .• 1502 N. Broadway, San. "",1111 SIT'r 11.1.•ic ........... IUI tOAT lllVICll ............ tlU CARPET & uphOl1lery slc111u ot• e 0 I Ore hnJ & neighborhood tor . ta Anl 5'47·7003 '" ic•AT ........... "' 10.&.r 1tl•T•l• ............. ... cl --• 1 1 FEMALE Ove ~ 111 EAST ILV'" ........... ,,., •oAT CM&1T11t .............. ·*' ea ..... ,., ll llO c;irpet 11• Holiday Magic. !;36.-4909 • r " P me, INVENTORY CONTROL COltONA DIL 'Mii .. , ........ me PlllflNO IOATI ................. •tallatlon. Re11ult1 awr. }>·or eaay to •••e GH A CIVIL SERVICE pr.pvt undwlchet I Piua. TYPIST IALIOA .................. •OAT MOVING ............... ,,.. f • all 64G-fi97J THROU Call 615.lto< .... ., ISL.ANOS ............... ,IMI tOAT ITOlt.AOll .............. tMI ..::""::.:·~·~·~'=..:.::..:::.:::.--_ .. I W/SEAL """CH . -I • f42....2e66 N.B. -Allie MM. t..100 ISLI .............. &211 tNTt WllirT'IO ............... CARPET & Furn. cleanln1t· QIHI 01C -OEN'iiJ!:MiN t..ADJ._ •AllOA ISUNO ............. AlltCllAllT ............... '1• ·oe• n...ninr fOll Mtter ReldtT • ~ ' or T MUMTld'fOfl 11ACN ........ ,,.. •t.Y•N• 4-IStoMS ..••. ~ ...... '1H for 1 day aervitw l quality f ..,.,.. COLLEGE STUDEl'1' Jani " C:1*' '""""'" v&L1.ev .......... u11 Mo•u .. 1 ~11 ,,.. 1 tt coat. $526-$638. ReQ. 0001pletJon ol .......... , -. ...... _ ~·,,· toirs , ~~ :i~~ ····:::::::::::::::= r:~~.;o-u .::::::::::::::::m ~~·~u~ng for DAILY PILOT ltllm-~~!al•del ".,:.."", .. Phoner w/ tlm"': jo~'°;'.. u: c';k;'''°° Pl-tbM tvtl, dean ottkla . OttANfl COUNTY ............. -IL1!Ct"1C CAii ................. 1~::,:~,,;:::::~·_..:.;.,:::;::;,..,.~~ g\;,,...,... ...... N "-CM I "' UllDIM ••ova .............. 1111 MIM1 •1iru • ........... nn RENTAL READIER ''"•) 4.112527 •~I f avail now. fG.14(13 cwport • .• Appy -r ·' ""'TMINIT•• , ............ ,.lflf W)j=i:°~a· · .......... ::: ,_ ,,...., · , txt. or N. Oll\'t Ora.nee U pm • M,ow ... ,. c1rv ................... • u . . .......... 54l).39'J4 Application. Complete I "'" General Office '' IAMA AU ,. " ........... AUTO ltltY I • '.lltTS ........ -==========-b •· 12/6/69 'I 0 I -i -I IA.ct.A ANA Hlf9Hfl ............ AUTO TOM.S a ICl\lt,, ....... "1• -1urn y -'· .. a . Full I Pert TlnM 4r-JANIT01t I srocx WOJU(. 1v1T1N .. , ................. r1t.&.1l1•i t1tAv11. ........... MB C1rp1t L1""n1 & c I WANT AD ' roMTAl 1 ............. 11• r1tA•L•1t1. UllH" ............ ,411 r• 11 COFFF,,.E Shop WailJ'eues, Newport I Costa MeN No ~D. nee • .ApPly to Mr. I.A.UNA l lACM . . ........ INS CAM•l!ltt j ............ .... Repilr ~l6 a us expe1·lenced. Call B 111 Sl&rl S2.!0 hr, must tJl(lO. Wlllllnu, SILVERWOODS. ILA,,ou,','1•'•'°•'TIL ·-'".'," 1'•"'11 jlWCitl · ........... ,_ Joh-n ~0 11110 "F h!on I·' nd N 8 I •, ........ , llP• • ......... tS11 FOR CARP!TING ....... i1u-n1VJE1L\ EMPLOYMENT "" u .. a • · · AN 'UAff CAPilf _. .... . I CA"lll'l:I 11:aNTAll •stt r 1 OA~ POffriT ...... 1 .. outt11u&o111 ms OR CARPET LAYING 642 5678 DRAPERY 'Vorleroom AGENCV, INC. LADI ES Ill, XTRn R .. AL ESTA.n, IMl"OtTID ""'°' .............. c. A. p .. 1 lil2-)J70 '""one •· 642-5678 various opmlnp dl)'I 6 2661 hf1cArthur BJvd, Slt 2(11 Chr11tl1\IJ help. Cuhll!f. ~--· I ll"OtlT CA1tl ........ ffll " Ex & I t ND ~-o I "-'--1 -r• ""''ou11, cu.s11c1 ........ ,ff11 y UNITED FUt>fO eve". prr. m net. . • _,..,.., wnpp t>i' .:: sen. 1.., ~ , '"''"! "" ............ .,. ''" ""• ••0& ......... "" OW' for ...wits! B<aoh Dnpery, 900 w. l1lll G~ I l b $l h 9,1~ lo 5,30, A,.1, • ., • C"OflOOM NIU'i\ ............ ''" •UTO l'ilNTS .............. Hn Nf!il!Ch Your Dollal"I SI. cri1 ..... r. • or ' r. DES~tOND'S, No. s rMNcm ~ ltlNTALI '#AMTIO ........... "" •UTOI WANTID .............. t1tt 1tOOM1 ,01t "'"' .................. ,.,., u111 ······r.·......... ..c:: SUN NEVER =s •• '9&-1286 Tal1nd. N.B. : :::-.t •ru:t.a·CiMi•t•·= ~~I& &-::1~~ .. :::::.:::::::::=a ••••••••• ~:tLY P11.0'l' wOOAos1 DAILY PILOT w~ ADS! DAILY PILOT WANT~ ., ------- l • • .,."""--~ ....... -••"I--... -~---.,.,--. ..,. ... ..,. • .... .,... '''" •v,,,_· ... ~~"'1"""""""",..,~~ .......... --.--------------...... ,...,...,..,..,.,.,...,..,...,..,.,.,_...,..,,.. __________ ,.. .. ..,..., .. i 'Wi:~yfiW'lw •. s.a-Ay, NMfllbtr 22, 1969 I .,.. -..I ... • ... ., • "' -.-., llJ'l'1-u ..,..., Joii&IMPLOYMINT Joas'aEMPLOYt.iiNT Joas& ooLoYMeNT M1lcHANll111 POii MUCllANDtSil'Olt · M111c~1 ;o11 MiliCHAND1s1 -;oil· 1M111CHAN01s1 '°11 ': I:·;~~~·~~ I ,, • -~ . I -rt. • ' ! ' ,.,... '"" • 'll&UI ..ulD w ,. ~ jV!D .,,.,.. ' MLi AND ftADI SALi AND TUii ~ tALI AND TRADI : M ._ lr\tn.W....7IOO Jeoo ~.Wom.1100 ... ;;;;~ :uiB J•h• ,..,,.,~"" .=z;;:,, =F' .r.;;r: · ttt.;.-T ..... M" hr ~~.! il~ s · :!~ sii.iiiiit 1I: •11.Yii:ii~~·~ii~.1~~-1 ·~··-r.·; ..... ;-;;;;;IG;Gll;;1i=;e~ Jlole I022 '1·-'-°"'""'· tftO _..._ "" Ct, 1" collea«•· mJJ, Experieft<.1d or tnj.,... ,(/" C\lrtam.,' .;..,...,, l ·GUta ~rl<nce ""~ , CE .flolo •. p""'8, FACTORY eCU,STOM JIWILRV. .... .sc.. Top .... mO!,tl oVtr ,11, tor day lhln. u-"F'S , ~ r~ .... --..... -of dra..... om. CLIARANCEI VOii ~KE IT or COD ... ~O APPi> · ....,. ~ ~·-·v -TV't, -10 pr racolty _,. cloannco of WI MAKI ITU JASCH aEn 1 to • p.m., Mon-l'ri, Honte 11\irnlshbli• . ~ llqUlr. compL 7t X'trU. •ll CIW'rq~. delD9Ntf1.~ Some wry eood rt~ at dis- • .. Em.piofmmt ~ ool~~ Cout Plastics • ' South· CN1t PlaU rJ &.VAi. co... Mile. I 0 0 d I e'. 1211 Door models 1tl.l:Uo Ir: re. COUfll pricet. t.pid&ry ... 1!'f11!o· Mala, 8a.nta Ana 850 \Y. 1.Bth SI., c.M. Sales ., .~ ' • DECOIATOI.' ans Startw:.rd Wy. Btoe.dlnoor turned PlanOs ... Organs: pliel, cutlna' '~""°" ' ~'NI~~~ •PORTERS ~'!!el.=~~~se~~Y 17~o:t:~:::•i• OF 11 LUXUIY AP~ -~me1, C&f. Sa(&: Sun, ~:~~~~~ ~:·~~t=!: ... L.l111, Call _ ...... -or working, with · aa.lea force. r.i• '"OI 5 1.&. & u..n.... c-.a..-'-'A"' 4 .... _ "'-· -new. W• Uml~ to 1pecWc rock eutttna: maehlDIT)'. ~· ~·· 1---" f Untl · 1 ~ -•• pon,... I"-"~'.,,. ""WI, --· -·~·· u l 23· ,--". 80 ·hu~. N• -Some exoellent !O'b -•~· -Nu ~~·" ... m ·~ I ·u ·•·NO NEW I Movie ........ pl'Qjeetor, ~ •• , ---· --~ pofuutlal. For job or fitting " " &m., baby lten\S, skis, golf dOwn .OAC, 5 y1an 'to PIQ'. to twnble in l lb packqt!f. ?ibnu1&cblrtrll J)!CPl;RIJ~CEO till Mn. Qmway, '968-6219 Equal opportunity employer 9-pc. Mediterr1nea'n led~m Suit1 lft Pit~n club;. clolhlna &; nlany· Thia great sale 0~ at: FIVE M.CEM It alt' 6 A Se.t. or write Box ,IR99: ,349.00) ·-·····-··-·····-···NOW: 1161.00 mi'.sc. 25802 Janwn, Miulon WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO LAPIDARY SUPPLlES • EXPLORER bu 'oPen· lnp 1ur :-j ' .... s • Finish men $'_). ~ Welder 1 • Mecha.nic /Au.to. •:i . Plumber .J •MW man " . " PLEASE• APPl..Y ~ ~-:.~OR C~­ /. ' =.-Explorer ?!lotor llomes ·~ .3021.Newport_ Bh·d. I (bsta MeJa, Calif, ln41S<&-3300 ' MAINTENANCE MAN jl'wt.~havt JiOme knowledge 'Of · plwnblr?,. eleetrl~. etc; -bUt "moltJ.y p.rd~nJn&. Xlnt ' ~ to rlsht pel'IO.ll. • :~ .• &73-M~4 ' - .MARINE MECHANIC .Expmenced, Top pay, 1..ar'le . pq.tom yachts, wtUanl Boat ~orkl, 12$. Baker, Costa ....... ~lCAL'' office help, ,.female. Front .office In- ~ forms. ExpPrlenced only. Good pay .for right ~ 5t0--t573, 10 A.Pot !xeell•nt EmployM Benefits APPLY Personnel Office 'Third Floor The Broadway 47 Court1 of Fa11iion FASH.ION ISL.ANO Newport Be•"' An Equal Opportunity ElnplO)'CI" PUBLIC RELATIONS Altract:lve, we 11 groomed )'(ltil& lady between 21 & 43 for publlc relations & as. altant 1n tfle..pre1ident. Must be unencumbered & ~ to travtl · 011" ~terisive· facbl eruiaes to Acapu1co, Btltiih Honduras, Jamaica & .ciu•i- bbean Islands & other inter. mediate point& on one or the finest. most luxurious yachts on the \Vest Coast. Salary ()(>('n. CHAL.LENGING OP- f'ORTUNITY! &6-1571 day 486, Hntg Sch, C&I. SHEU. Serv. Sta. seeks-IGor9e,ous '5pa~lsh C,Uttom, luilt So,a WJfit . Viejo,. ~tlsslon Ridge 1819 Newport, C.M, 642-8484 ml) lfarbor Blvd.,ll·A e"p'd, pump Isl and-t hi L S • ·r h I I b l'f l n.....n~...-...Nlte Costaltfesa. Located•t e Sale• Manager for llC\V saleimin. 'Top pay. Corona ma c n9 ovt ea.._ o ce o , ••u 1 u &mes, {Near Golf Course). "t"" 4'o•-1 dreu shop ,Laguna Beach. del Mar Shell 2801 E. Cst 'fabrics, l R•g. $419.95) ···--··· .... NOW $225.00 GARAGE Sale Plus; •mall 4' Sunday AJternoon the back ~ae Q.nttf lt1uat have prevloua sales & }fW)I ·~ Goldenrod. App in Sp•nish Dini.n9 ,Sets _ ••••• : ....................... -.•. $75.00 GE portable TV, a.11tlquc FR£E. managerial experienc:e, pel'&Ofl ·Solid Q•k End T•b~s and-Coff•• Tabl•1 • .$1t.SO <\e&k, crlb, plne corner 8' Green sofa, -web consn:., Rtference1. 2U: 728-0144 SfATISTICAL TYPlSI' ·Tall .Dec.orator Ti"bl• Lampi tablr, ladies Solt clubli: Wt slope AITnl $45. Lae wblte Savings &. Loan Typist/Receptionist • lront I R•9. $49.95) -·-··-......... .--.....•. NOW $11.00 bag I: cart, mlnk .:tole.make fi'r0tremmed :.~ ~~~ ~;! BRANCH ollice for Public Account. Siwni1h H1n9ln9 Sw19 :..amps • ofter. ~2 Rhythm UNIT fin., springs &: matL $15. •5 MANAGER Neat appearance. 54.~!K"M ' IR•g. "49.95 I ·-·············-, .......... NOW $22.50 CHEV. raclng pa rt 1 , with every new or used OR· drawer chest $15. \Vil.lie SUPERVIS,OR, A decorator dream house on display -··3 Furniture, carpet•, GAN sold between now&. peau de eoil A lace dreu Exp'd -Savings l Loan p . t hop ' rooms of ~orgeous Spanish furniture (was house,ilold lten11, 002 beer Christmas, w/chantilly Jace coat .u Enjoy a tt\\·arding' career rin _ s reg. ,1295. Charger, Other f{ems iOO DON'T WAIT ! ! 9/).0 -COit $101.-atll J].5. =l:sn; ~ =iau:n (:~~~i:.~~~n!o~~~: eACRIFICE $398 ~~MIO I.ill 245 Santa No~-~ 'tjl 1970 53&-9498 • in the Newport Beach area. req'd, Personnel Dept. Rm. J ~ ..,. • • • • • from.; POOL TABLES This position entails chal· Sll, Ciry Hall, 77 Fair Dr., ~REj)IT AVAIL. NO MONEY DOWN UDO I&land G~e Sale e CoM • urllt:zer e Allen Secard·Pool lenging dutl" and ls adapt-Oty or Cos1a ~fesa. lit PAYMENT NOT DUE 'TfL 1970 Pool T~~e •. ~ alate, • llammond e Baldwin BRIJN~CK-AMF ed tor an individual with S ERVISORS mm $400. 4 duung dWrs Pl ea.. e Others Cuitom Slate Table imaginative and creative :peri~~ced, lo supe!se FUR.HITU.RE ·~~sfDs:"'~~wer GOU"'+'LD MUSIC 1001:!°~M~•'ng abllitiea. Exccllent lrin&e •-.. _ ao1· · • kl ""•5 N · SA "'7-0681 '" '"-~ benefts., Call ?.tr, ltansley teicpnune icno~ wor ng GRANNY'S Attic Sale ~ 3715 ""' . n. .... * SECARO' POOLS * from ti o m e. No selling. Inlet Isle -Dr, CdM Lots ol Jj -532-1992 ~'ii213ii'..,""'iiii"'ii"i.' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiO IT~~:-~· :: ~~;~_ 1841 New port Blvd. Harbo~a tBl~d.) -~=:. :~i· s'::!c-~ p~~: ~~ANS m s. ?.fain .St. On.nae SECURITY · C 11 ~. N 1 c ' · • Yamaha Pianos &: Organs • POOL ~~~ .. ..:i &:r.\;;. =· osta Me·sa . Only . 6#-l069, 6'4-28S3 • Thom .. Organ• GUARD &t2-31ll WATER fountain, val ·$450: • Kimball ""'"°' ~~; :;! ;:C~ :,Oa1~18;~ TELEPHONE Answering Every Night 'Tfl,9-Wed., Sit. & Sun. ITil 6 ~~19!1~as51:ov~~J:: • Ko~Q..;.fM~~~~ TABLES cation, hOspital & liie in-Service Exp'd pref. JOBS A EMPLOYMl:t .. t Dr., HB. M6--02ll. NEWPORT & HARBOR Christmas Special $275 up. surance. OpportunitY lo ad-Call 541)..2052 Furnltu1'9 . IOOO EXCESS Furniture & Beacon Costa Aiesa * 642-2851 CHUCK'S vance to detective, Contact UPHOLSTERER Trainee pacldng cartom. Sat & Sun Open l!Mi Fri 10-9 Slln 12-S 2150 Harbor at Adams, CM Security Aient Son1e exper w/staple gun SchoG°a..lnstructlon 7600 . • 22nd &: 23rd. "l1Ati1-4PM. 420 HAMMOND. Stetnwq. Ya· KIRBY VACUUAt Oea.ner : Whitt Front Store preferred. Apply in person JOIN THE FIELD SACRIFICE SALE! Vista G~. (Bluffa) N.B. maha • new &: used piaDO& with attachment 1 /,. 'If OVERSEAS 1't 2212 S. Harbor Blvd. Johansen & OU'istenaen, 898 MTII A FUTURE! GARAGE SALE. J\1lsc tools or all makes. Best Du.YI lo polisher. Take O\l\'r small , LO\., job bunt for you. Sales Anah•lm \V l6lh St,, N.B. Corner "" /-• " '--· J\1UST J\fOVE NOW•. ~ •-up. Au•-·~ Other So, Calli. rilhl he~. ""vmenl• or pay oU •-•--' 16th & Monrovia. ...ge .... uca on no L't".rr1er! """' "' ... ,...... -~ MUSIC CO ~·.. -~' cau Smitty, 714:TI4-2610. MEN & WOMEN Afon., Nov. 24th only Let us help you quality. KING size velvet ensemble, misc items. 236 20th St.. ~ra ... , N. Main. .. of_ $36 . .tO.. Credit Dept,' MEN ·wanted for ~ LEADS L'EADS 9 an1 to 1 pm WAITRESSES INNKEEPERS INSTITUTE hdbd, bench, spread, custom C.J\t. ,' $anta Ana 5.15-7289. 'lo-"'-New•poper 0e'Uv Costa Mesa's smart new pin· INTERNATIONAL quilted. One ""i.'! A Real DECORATOR la p 1· , BEAUTIFUL •-~ -•·t~ 11 ''"'• • We haVP morp leads than \\"e SECURITY GUARDS H Ov 21 · M teJ/H •-lfA tu. DECORATOR-ITE'f' . m. s, IX· FRE-RGAN-,,.., £~ ,......, ........ -,To Homn. Approx. 2iii tn. can handle. Ou.r referral ner ouse. er •sues up 0 o..,. P •• ._mt Sch! .. • lures, ctlall'S, clnna, other ~ oil portrait of you or yoUr :Ptr iilorytln&'. Gd. SUpplmnt1 plan is fantaStic. Instant Newport area. 637-3070 to 12. Lu.ich &: dinner s.hUls A DIVISION OF Reg. ~ •••••• Now $250.00 items. Sat & Sun. 2612 Monday nltes 7:30. 8:30 pm children from a photosrapb. ·lnconie. Mut reside West of help needed, No .experie~ SECRET ARY avail. Interviews 105, start-ANTHONY SCHOO~..S KING size waahable velvet Redlands Dr., 01. GOULD MUSIC CO. A "'·onderfu1 idea for that J:larbOr mW. W-8979 requll'ed. Compleie training. Property Managem'ent ing N~~-l~~h.RIB INN A~~~~i:,Rgf~i/,';J;A ~:1:!trt:.~1!:~~~h,, SAT&: Sun ~5. Old pine tbl, 2045 N. ltlain, S .. \. 547~ special Christmas Klft . Men • · Earn nWilinym ~ per day TO $550 428 E. 17th St, CJ\1. Classee form every week Reg. $33() •••••• Now $269.50 kg ~ bed, chest, ~a, tblJ, HAA1MOND Spinet Organ M3 c646-3629-==·· ==="="'I • ~ntory, iCllnl! shipping • Payda.y·everyday il desir· Attractive, rood skilla, young (rormel'l.y Amigos) PHONE FOR APP'I'. FUI,.Lsi%eeQSemble,aortroll, chairs, lamps&: br1~brac. reverb u_n it preset, *WHltE THEY LASTI • ~· Fishlag l,'Od pro-ed. We advertise on TV 5 group: Newport_ ~ach.. --"~::;:;..=o:===::..-1 Ask for Betty 776-5800 cust quilt~. hcadbd, spread, ll5 Apolena, BaJboa IS!. Rose\\wd fin. New cood. ANTIQUE English blacull tludiOIL Browning Mfg. Co. limes dally.-Havf fun elem-RlVItRA Jj'.:MPbOYMEN't WAITRESS •'i1t:KC:rt.AND!SE FOR hen<, h. One only! Avocado. FREEZERS, Love seat' 644--4567 'jars, $1.6.95. Genuine .fUr -1919 Placentia, Costa Mea. onstratlng the SLIM GY1'f. '· r;,1 NC E • tel PRIVATE PARTY WANI'S $35 & The BL. ~itn P 1 be . AGE CT. I • xper1enc SALE A, ND TRADE Reg. $269.50 ••.•. Now n79.5(J bike, TV, lamps, misc. ll::i area rugs up. eop e art' wrig to try 4667 1\.14\cArthur BIYCI', Ste 201 ' I-:-~--'------· I e Mattress&: Bo;;.$p,.;n,.8 • }:l&rbor Island Rd, NB. TO BUY PIANO FOR zarre, 18423 Beach mvd, HB MEDLCA ' ""-~·-iber. lhe G1allopin<> Lourige Chair, ' · 10 A I I ·-~ ~1010 "'-! "'" -·-., .,..,,_.. .... N.B. 54(}63 pp v n person Furniture '8000 King Set .$99.95 Queen $89.95 v•..... ~· · '1'W'VU'ta FIRE\VOOD for aale<Ut to E •p'd only Pref This Js the Gravy Tnin -S '& SI LO ---~---~:::: SL-~~-b"__;· Ov•' ~·. All aboard NO\V!! Call Secretaries to $550 URF R IN . Fu11 Set $54.95 Twin $44.95 8205 your specilicattons; well "'"-~~ ~"-~ 5•30 Pee. Cst. Hwy. 2 Room air eond. iUoner• 125 SIESTA SLEEP SHOP Applloncos. 1100 Tolovisfon ""'°""'· DeHv & '1ck'd 8alary Open. 54Ci..9'212 546-9511 for appointment; Several openings Jn beach ., · Fri Sal s area for yo'ung gals with Newport Beach ea. l.urgc desk S2S. RCA Home Entertainment tree. $Z7.50 ~; C, $4?.SO c. MOTEL · t>ESK ·CLERK. 4 • · or un. ood kill 11 Lo 1 lle(rigerator $25. 2 kit. Re!rigeratol'I! •.•• froni $38. Call collect (714) 688--0846. ·p"m· to mldn' ..... t. .,... ..... r. •!!!!~IV~E~HA!!!!V~E!!!!CE,;·~AD!!!!S!!! !!!!d g s s, ca ra ne, \\!AlTRESSES \\'anted. Eve hi.hie 15 h 4 .. _ .. _ 1927 Harbor ~vd Costa !>.fesa GE Portable Color TV Center. 25" Color TV.1 c::::..:,:c.c.:,,.;...,,.'--~,..-"1 -~.'CR •-. 1 :."!:.' ..... "'Bea"~ .. h Merchants Personnel Agen-& ..... veyaril. Apply In 1 t '15 ear 81· ~· com· e 645-2760 e like nu ' 1148 AM-FM-stereo radio & FOR SALE: Family Meta-: ~-· ~ ._. .. ,_ '" D-tJo · """' · 2043 Wescclllf Dr NB e·-pee ca. BUI. sq. Jow ................ ---'pl•~r.NewlnApril. ~,,h•p -Ne"""'rt Beach area. Send . reiume Inc:. 4 ... ~...-., ms!, ,,,plSt for ~~~mo ·· · · person Odie's Restaurant, end table $25. Some old Dally 10.9 Sat lo-6 Sun 12-5 Frigidaire elec dryer $59.95 •=vrn -v-"" ....... I liflone no. to Box 1'1·700 Dai· beach ciry CPA office. c~c:.:cc.:c.__~~---1400 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. couches & chairs kit. &: 17 Pc K'1ng . S'--GE. 2 Dr, RPlrig ••.••••• $98 $695 &46-5935 aft 5 Prt;f Tee,n~"is ?ru!;s~:r.u.00.~ ·~Pilot ' Pbc.ni! 6'f3..695o S•win9 Mach. Oper•tors WIG STYLIST patio chairs, toys, clothes • IAW Whirlpool auto washer S50 Lease Color TV or Black J40TEL MAID •RECEIVING CLERK Good pay, bonus piecework, Apply in JX.'l"SO" free. 1'1isc. itcnlS $1 & $2. Bedroom GE wuher/dryer ..•• $100 & White. Option to buy. evenings or weekends. p Tl Full tln1e. XJnt salary & Co. steady work, ale factory. La Personnel OUice 842-2723 DUNLAP'S Free service. No deposit VICTOR 10 key addin& .~. :.~e bene!itl. ·Call tor appl., Fie5ta -Top Dra\\·er, 4001 J, W. ROBINSON HEYWOOD Wakefield Birch Large 9 drawer dresser, mir. ·181,; Newport Blvd., C.lt1. A-Active TV Rental Co, machine $37. 'I')'pewrltcrs, E ~ext. 30. Birch, N.B. (Near OC Air. rashion Island, N.B. drop..leaf dining table, 3 ror, 2 bed1ide stands, king ~7711 (1) 522.-1153 rebuilt like new $37 I: ~- 1N. ED Child Care & Ille Equal opportunity t'mployer port & S.D. FY.')'.l Equal opportunlry employer leaves $45. 6 n1atehlng uphol size headboard~ frame, quilt. GENERAL ELECT RI c 5'&8--n6S t\skpg.,. ·noon to 6 Pr>.f. JOSEP,H MAGNIN SERVICE s• .. Uon .att.,xlan'-. ha' $17 ~ Xln ed .mattress, sheets, blank-DISH-Hl·Fi & SteNO 1210 WESTERN saddle: padd-' ~toh/Fri Edinger & Bolsa ... ~ \\'Ol\l.EN -Full or p/time c 1r . .iu ea. t cond. ta, _tc. C\I Ouca. area. H.B. OwR Resf&llrML • _.. ~ full "' part tilne. Ne:.v Enro, for hoosecleaning. Ca 11 "'_alnut & bral'il'i teacart. e Ox,ice ot Spanuh WASHER, l YEAR OLD, CONSOLE stereo, record sel at, dtbl. ~~111· .b,;!~t1m· Aft 7 846--0082-Brookhurst &: E .d1ni::er, 67f>.'l357,alter6PM. L1teors.Danishhl·back llv · SIOD. I AM/FM 2 ar, ec . ......., -· · tramp. p.m. · *DAV* F.V. Call~ ::.:.:...:.::.::.=c,....:.c.~C~ook-~l 1m chair, 2 turq. llv n11 or Potocle~ S!y~· Call-E-0268 c~""'c:,: .. ~:';'~<;;,,.'175;.::;·,:646-4Z1:;,=,='c-:',... <·~-~==~~~-~-< • ~newpmt . BUSBOYS SERVICE Station Personnr?I, Younq Fry chairs. Lile brown 6' sofa. All Fo~ $249 .69 GE refrigerator ~l15tard ;;;,., TAPES ,_1500. COLLIER'S Encyclopedia'• Sal Al) Shi!" All in gd rond. Lam,ps, .....,., • ~ • ~rf XI n t oond. T children's al, Comm. & · ary. · Or N 00 ~ onl color, brand new, used l oond Plus misc reo::i-i; .. ... parsonn ,\p'1ly in J>!!l'SOll Union' Oil -OR 3-3320. misc. 415 Poppy, Cd?.1 ° wn .-ut!s. Y $9 mo. mo., 17.6 c.f., self -defrost · ...... '6 books $180. call 675-2907 a.ft . agim"" S·TOCK CLERK Kitchen Trainee 67J.-2718 WELK'S WAREHOUSE ,,,. «:01« 13251. 499-2578 • equip. Mu•t .. 11. 546-42U s. "' iReuben E. lee 3 ROOMS of MEQITT BRAND new • v.'On on TV. T•pe Recorders 8220 * * * * . I PrOfelikWlil Service Permanent, full time job. e 8' Divan + Love seat Frigidaire Re1rlg. Deluxe FAMILY Membership n 'ffr, tM emP,l;oyer 151 E. Coast llwy., N.B. \Ve have an lmJ'fledlate need Over 18, Neat appearanc~. e 5 Piece dining rooni .set 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana model D-ll6N Copper nz. GREAT Stereo -"Sony 260" _Irvine Coast Country Ou\> and thi appllcent for a bright ambitious stock Omnce tor advancement. e 5 P iece Bedroom,s.cL Open Daily 9-9 S3l-Oll9 · · Tape, Amp.. Spea ker tor sale. Pvt. pty. 673-9U1 ·m De Dr N 8 See Betty Bli.lce at· clerk with a minimum or l APPLY IN PERSON r~uLL !"RICE $388 ~I. 91i Sun. U-6 System. J\fikes, etc. $150. LAWN Sale: Barg&.lns '42~»1o"~r r •• sff-2743 m· f) year responsible stockroom USl' our Stol't' charge plan! Musr sacrifice complete KENMORE Auto washu, 2. 645--0137. Galore! Steno type niach, ·~~ ~J experience. Knowledge or Bob's Big Boy Approved Furniture hOuseful of Mediterranean ~Yo~e8.t~-sn~1005 nd. $45. TAPE Recorder, solid state 4 elc. Sat only. 448 BroadwaY, NURSES .Registered • even· t ,. XeC electronic component parb 1;;4 E. 17th Street 2159 Harbor, CM 543-9660 furn: sofa, love seat, 2 com-track, 3 speed monaural & C.M. . Jna & night shifts. Ex. Agency for Career Gil'ls is essential and a }Ii g h -==='C:O.;:,::ta;;:'o;":"':=== 7 PC SPANISH living _ mode lamp tables, coUee Maytag au!omaUc stereo S50 548-1787 l)enelit!. Apply Penc>nnel 410 \Y Coast Hwy., N.B. School degree ia rrrelc?T1!4. :::: • 7600 set $lS9.9a 11 so(a, 1 ·;~ table. lamps, color TV, din ,vasber. Good cbnditlon · GOYA Etchings • SacrH~ Dlttctor. So. c.oast Com· By appoint. 6-16-3939 l\fust have the ability lo get School1-lnstrud1on ..aat, 3 tablo•, 2 lam· psi 1 set, re!rig, stereo, ·1.; ..... size $50. 54fr9705 C & E • 1300 $200 both. Beautifully lnm· 'ru H •1~ r --·t I -.. .....'6 1meru quip. ed. Can AuthenUcate. Hun-muni.,, Olp,, .) o• .. ~ along with peop e. large 5 pc Spanish C:llning bdnn set, Queen bdrm set, LARGE Ugly Comb. Rebig. · Harbour 846-3161 Hwy .. SO.'Lquna. 499-Ull. Sales t 1~95 The ti size bedrm set, swag Freezer. \\'orks Perfectly, ~LAD 500C like otinglon ' . ~ ~ ESCROW 'bil ·11 room se '"· · Fae-CARPET I tall •-· ... , .. .-:o The main respons1 ity wt tory, 1885 Harbor, 540-6842 lamp, plcttll"e!l, \\·asher & $35. 675-19"13 atter 7:30 p.m. new, quick wirw:ling crank, ns er ,...., one foiJRSt AlDES ~·d. All OFFICER ,be to sto1'C, maintain and dryer. l\1Uc. ~ NORGE Auto wuher, cop-.rnagnifiying hood, quick roa. avocado nylon carpet, ~ts Top sal. pcnonncl issUe our electronic &lock. l -5 PC Danish modem 1 _ CORNER group v.·/ table pertone. 2 yrs old, Ira: size. focusing hand1e, polarizing double jute-backed. Will se.ll ffpt. Hoa; Memorial Outmandlng ·opportunity for room supplies.. walnut dining room set $58. teto.. 1 avocado 3 _. __ ~,. ·~ •~, S4l-8Jlr. filter, G tiller $650. lm>-2271 all or part $3/yard. S4G-7245 I~-NB exp'd. ·sales escrow officer 1 Dapish fi'loern \\'8.lnut 5 """ uuu•-,., .. ......,.,,.,,~ ... ·-·l'·• · · ._ n-.. room ,., •-.95. 2 credenia $34.95. 1 set ol an-CONTAFLEX &. 33 mm S25. AfOVING. ~Iaple tum. Active to wurK in our new Mi.pion Good slarting rate plus ex· ,.~ °"" -· , __ , .. _ g gal · 1•-h •· -" OFFICE Coordinator. Intel-Viejo, Savings & Loan olli~. · · ·· '· · · DanisJi modern 9 1uden1 yque \\'hile 2 end, 1 cocktail Antiques • 1110 projectors & po ..... u~ $35, aquanun1 w • .., "'..., Haent organized mature Pofu"st be capable of handling 'J:~t.~~aypa~!~~~tsd: .'..:J, l,. ;, j' ~.', 1, '. .. , ;, ~ .. , .,i,__s desks $9.95 each. The Fae-tabll"!!I $29.95. The Factory, -excellent, 89Z-3834 A•=I.ss. ~fan920y ~~~ l!CemMs, woman. Tulcl Incl 11 de --•,,, ... _,,for -nvenuo· .._ tory, J885 Harbor, 540-6842 1885 Harbor •. 54D-6&12 Pat Michaels Antiques PP iances.. ,......,,, · · · n!' ting 1· ,;,_ ..... ..... ... ~ .. ., ,,. ing flrsl year ol employment S II Good 8500 coo · ina rece ~..,...s, al loans. ~1nt working: cond. plus an annual holiday va-1 .,~;;!.:0~~ HIDE·a·bed & match 1 n g IC::~ Cream Table 32" round Could you be looking for? P,'r ng s EARLY Amer. Chr. S25. pa.ya~)/&, paper ow, & opportunily for growth. cation Ll'Om Chri1tma.. lo iii; chair, n1aple hutch, twin white }"ormica top, $25. 3 Armoires at S175. Roll top 5' HEAD Skis, incl blndng & rckng chr, $10. Braid~ l\li austomer machine records, Contact !>.f 0 n d a y following New bed mattresses & box Chairs $15: 26" sq. Pecan Desk $195. Bentwood Hat poles, $6.5 ea. Ski boots sz. 9 5x3'' ~. Sm. area rgs., $1 in ... · .v~~~l')'bi"n~~&rd~tat~pt~ 00\VNEY SAVINGS & Years. liprings. 1\.1.isc rurn. 64~2863 lamp table, $40. 847-5560 aft Racks $65. Ewvp Hutches &: 5~i. $25 ea. 2 pr. precision ea. 54~7494 , ......... .,. .,, .. ~ LOAN ASSOCIATION MEN .& WOMEN! 6oralldaySaturday. & _Servers fl.50 & up. 2 whl Miler skatei;, $25 ea. CarpetlayerhasHILo con\mi.sslo;n sate•. 540-0234 I .. · 5 PC Antique white \V 1 t Cl k · $ 50 'Y' ,, 837-4911 • d t ped('Slal dining room 9 et D(\NfSJi Modern blue/green ~lg I oc s, running, 1 • Aftl'T ~;boob, 2 pr, BZ, 9 & eylons n .99 yd, $hap orflCE girt 9.3, light office Sties To $1 ,000.00 v a r1a n a a COt.1PUTER PROGRAJ\1-S:U.95. Assorted dining r001n sofa & chair $49.95 l set Wicker Desks $65, Dining 6, S5 ea. '73--3785. from. $3.50 Ul> + my labor, 9.ork, typing. llarbor Neon OUice liUPPIY co. inust be ~llNG IS THE KEY TO chairs $4.95 each. Assorted Danish, 2 end, 1 cocktail rm . table & chairs, china KITE No 251 in good con-OOc per yard. 968-«110 '$i&n.~9., ~ Ra.rydolph St., exp. prefer a man already machines YOUR PROFITABLE occasional chair.i $14 t>ach. tabJ:s n4.9J. 2 matching :b~ne~; :;u~1 M~~~. dillon, s6so. Pr. Head stan-Slate bed POOL TABLES. ~.f.J. ~ employt'd who wanti; better FUTURE! The Factocy. 1885 Harbor Danish Modern lamps, both · ·• dard skis, $45. Boots size 8, Mig's Close:-Oul!. All ac- , E'AR.T TllitE deal, eo, reimburses fee, call A VARIAN SUBSIOiARY ClaS$Cs start soon. 540-6842 for $19.90. The Factory, 1885 LAY AWAY FOR $15. 675-3348 ce590ries incl. 100% finan-~VATIONS a.ERi\. 9 Ann, Merchants PeNotinel 2m !\1lchef90n Drive Pilot program of!ering the . DON~ GIV.E UPI Harhor, 540-6842 OIRisr~ NOW!! SURFBOARDS cing avail. 642-2842 ::~ ~p~T. :O~~f:5~: ~~~= We!itcliff DI'., 1~riic~li~:io f~:st ~~i\~,~~t R~~~i~l; You may find it at America's EGGSHEU. Satin Damask 001t:i~Rr!n ~~;HT SlO & up. 545-00tJ 12%xl3' WHITE Nylon btny Pilot. largest, most unusual un. Chain, $50 both. 9xll rug & Fro ti Rel' carpel, pad $40. 11%xll' SALES: $300 week .in y,•ig I bl~rs.~1f:~~:O~P Dr.} con1puter progi·an1ming. tihished rurnlture store. COI'. :f2 be~~~~· $4~ Items of ;vee~ d~ptlon! Mi1ctllt.,.,.,. l600 green cotton shag, pad $30. ... JERSQHN.EL ANALYST sm'lo $939 '"Month ,• ''CITY OF ' NEWPORT' BEACH ,. ' ·One Ot three p1'0fessk>nal , pos}.Uoni ;n the Pei'IOn- ~ PCl' <5fllCi, the pe1110nnel ~ &hal,fs1 11: pneraliat in mtuie, ft requires a col· ~ .. l .. e ·degree In pub;Jlc ?r 1'-bifislof• admlnietr&UOn ·«·• closely relaled mil· ~ jor, arid one ft1tf or rl'- ct!}t prore1slonal pent0n. ml experl~ Including 'al/.I !'' aU of the follow· <1\111' job ·~ ... cmafrment and te•~· 1dUlif_lctdort aria Pb. !t111.Plo>'tt nlaUonll. • 0 A'pfue,.~ and ttlU~ must N ·flled WLte 5 p.m.. Frt. da1. I>ll«nlbl!:r 12, 1968 to ~ omc.1 S300 Nev.·· port Blvd., Newpon Beach, Calif., m11 tl'B-6033. PiiESS OPERATORS , womeo •·ort tor plti1tlc1 inold1nc planl. Eve shift. 1464170 fashkln field. Need 5 Tue . Redhill & Sanla Ana f'>A')', gree . ""6""' rug HELEN MANNING Antiques ,._.L 548-524l saltspel'!IOna:. pot en Ila I An Equal Opportunity ~r Tustin. 1 mi So. ol Newport pad. SacnHce Sl 7S. Hun-2428 N\\'Pt Blvd cr.t 642-9251 SINGER ;:iewlng 1'1a<;.hiile. 8 G_E_Re_fri-'ge_ra_tor_, -.... --.... --.• unlimited. ,Call ?tlrs. Employer l\1&F :.t "'°"111 f'\vy. Open 362 days per yr. Ungton Harbour, 84'1-3l6l. JlOU~ pol'fli.ble. S5.5. new $65. 25 Gallon show Robinlon 842-4449 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, U1 ~ m S.1+5470 42" ROUND, \\TOUght iron, Sewing Michlnn 1120 condition. ~2'm aquarium $25. Draftln& White Elephants? THE QUICKER YOulSELL Tcdbiology .-.~1-AP=L-E~-.,-rne-,~h·u-1-,•h-.' &lass top, yellow dining · BEAUT. maple · hutch, xlnl machine $25. 646-5987 DAILY PILOTW ,~ANT~c;A~D~S:;!__:.,Whi='="='=l•=•=han=t=''=D==t="""'==·l=I"'= custom made. One ol a room table S6CI., 5' AntiCJ.lle 1969 SINGER w/beaut wal quality S11 Mi~ta 16 ?ti AN ' s Om ea a. Au to. -kind! sB.t only, The BluUa. while & orange coUee ta.bit' console &: zii-zag. lofakes can1era $17'!. 644--0581 Seamuter yellow sold Jobs,...-Men, WOm. 7100Jobt Men, Wom. 7100 Union l•nk S.•,. 64-1--MSS $25. Ph: 833-2737 button holes, ove~I!. 5 RELAXAClSOJt. Very good watch $00. Al!o Amitron, _.._ South Towtr RIVIERA Sofa ~ ANTIQUE Chair. Ear l y Year guar. Full price $38.ZI condition, like new. 3J9:Z $4S. &K-OM4 SHEIET METAL MECHANIC Needed immediately. Hi gh school plus 5 years experience in layout. lofting, fabri· cation, and assembly ol sheet metal parts tfnd assemblies in boat building or related field. r.Just have basic kno\vledge or mini· mum bend radH and bend allowances and or materl,al specifications used ln sh'eet met- al work. Cali layout, plan, form work from teinplates. Adept ln the use of power shears, powfr brakes, (oot presses. squeasers, and all olher machinery and equipment used ln sheet meta1 work. \ Call or 1pply ot 1mploymont offlc:<1 3'33 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mes• (71 4) 546 IOJO Atlantic Research Corporation Suitt 4D Naugahyde. Good cond .. 135. =-· Dblhr ~ Da.':,nport. or $5.26 mo. 526-6616 Wallace, C.Ji! s.48-70ll 'p'~RIN=TIN=~G~Eq-u_l_pm<!!l __ :~l2!IO= '>r•n ... C•ltf., t26U £75-1943 Afler 7:30 ~.Pof., lf'.IC? c • voca rug. WHITE rotary elec sewing NORGE Refrlg. $125. Silver multi, camera. lla:ht table, C•ll 547-9471 Quall!)' king bed.quilted. ~2195 . mach., button hole attach, plated tea & corree service, plate maker. supplies. $1465 "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUEEN slz~ box sprina:s &: $30. 64&-U60 after 6 Fri; $50. Sun lamp, $30. 546-D (213) 9#-5777 eves. = Co1nplctn-unused nOJ, worth mAll., 4 mos ald. $50. anytime Sat, Sun. $2JO. Aft !i &: wknds 84.2-6536 Avocado green sola Sl5. TAIL girls size 12-14 Holiday ~ Houac trailer 2 Bdnn Tho ·>"IRS!' ,'t ONLY franchised 5-T-R-E·T-C-H & SEW IT.M.) Store of Orange Counly QlRJSl'MAS SHOP TJCE EASY \VAY!! J.e1.m to 5('W on "knll fa~ rlcs". fltake stl'ttc::h ~ p.ants In 1 hr, a bathing 1ult for s,·,.oo -even ll girdle! In\· agine -T·5hlrh; for th~ \\"bo:c fa mily. LESSONS: fllorn, aftcnlOOn, !\IPLE furn, Coldspot Rct, M I I I ot lllS dtts.scs, like new. Shop only $2!500. Underwood Std 642-8321 US ca ft • early! "-~" 1547 "-•...iteor $10. 410 Shot'"''" gil'ls canopy bed, mple P.B. .,..,.. ...,~ ... •• ....... stereo consoll! beaut cab. Offl E I t 8011 * ACCORDION 1't NE\V Wi!90n X-31 golf clubll, Sli" 311 SuperlOT, N.B. 96&-7928 ce qu pmtn M 11 ton ~fa.nn--Omtello-120 bag included. 1 mos old. MODELS Clothes Aln1011( 3 DANISH \\lalnut this. chair 4 Desks $95 each. 2 walnut baas aecordion. Like· new, 9 Sl!iO. 968--3139 New, Size 10. Shoes n. I & ottoman, lamp, _anUq filp. desks SW etu:h. 6 leathu mos old, but mmt aacriflce l\.10DELS clothe& sale mes med. SUnday Only top tbl, \Vonder llone. swift.I Chra $35 each. 1 clcc: at SZO. 548-8118 ft.10. Sat 9-5. 117 N • &u.-7361. 833--0272 trypewrltcr $95. 2 manual ACCORDION W\lh case Baytront, Bal. 6'13-0528 l.F,i!REWOOO====--to~r_,Sal,.,..•.~D<Y~· " SO ... ~ I t7Pewrllera.J35 .each. 2 $50. O"~"~" P'"f, 6 Eucalypt118. DC!livtftd &: ... FA, never """"'• qUI led standl ·no each. Duplicator 64&-7529 '"''"'.._.....•tu.. ft.Loi.• ta-~ ·--Qoral, Scotchguarded $125. W/ltand .f7S. Plus '(lther trunks, 2..fi rt, $40. S ""~· .,.,,,,..._.,, ti1atchlng l ove seat $75. Items. 'All Xlnt 'cond.FENDER Mustatc elee 54&-8$~ • lawR..:-nunaiCCoior:oiO'.,"i,..n;;ii<;..,;;I l 1) "'17G=(X)92 • 61...:«K4 xuitar &: delue ~ amp. KERMAN Drier\ NC ~ cond. From Bullock's. $T5 Danish Modem Recliner, 1tt;fAi:FID;<;;;h::STi;;;;;ll:IDl~~Unn~;·~-~l~II2';,..,==-, pro:x. 9'9'' x 14'6':• ~t Cf bH;t offer. 5404!638. eves. ~-Lamp table $5. lotE':I'AL_F.illng_.cab ... S Alma FLUt£NCO-GUrrARS c:ondlUO $U45. S4s-85l2 WOOD laype S10 10'' w•lnul decks, swiYl'I chairs. Ramittl "A" 1-"B" 1965 n trik $5p n ' ~ Eboll, Udo. ~ side chain: lBi\l Selcdric ~-"';'."' ' LARGE tree fem #5 Yue-e, · 46" ROUND dining table, 4 lypt\\Tiler 6 mos. °'d, cost .. 67~ caa. 1-10', $25 1-7'. $7. ~-* ~ * cant' back t:haira, walnu\ ~11 $350. cael\R $.5. A;8\'e $3. MS-lU2 NEWPORT Beach Tennis $17~ .. 67:\-69)3 675-6IXXI ot 615-6000 Pf1nos I Orpftt 1130 OO~tMERClAL d\l>Jllay milk Cub t.fembel'l!hlp StOO + GL.ASS lop 1vroujthl lron TYPEWRITER, Adding PIANO for sn.le -Wvlllttr box .l display trttzer chest ll'lln.'"ler fee. Call &14--1841 table \vilh 6 cha.irs $70 niac::hln(', calcuTalor, veey t>.taple Spine!, $5J). 116A type Used Cheap 675-(I005 \VAN'i'ED: free planlt lor 968-1142 rt=h01'1¥11Jlc, Xlnt con d . 34th St .. N.B~ 673--1932 all i Fir Sale, 1'"'irewood. yard. Will dig. 642-1724 an. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS!> 892-2423 . THE SUN NEVER SETS on e>mwe' 4 ~ -·· 6 -~ -SOCK rr 1U"EMI 1lN&'Gl!f'lm)>OfliJIY' -· DMCY"PILOT WANT ADS< 83M6'JQ -CM: Now-United 1'uhd . ""'" .-" ....... "!"''-:-·--------------· ........ -... -----,----..-----:---~---------------· .... ~~ .. -..-----~-·-·-· •••• !'~""" I I I ' -FOUi CON NT OFFICES· TO SQW YOU -- I ' ' I NIWPOIT llACH 2211 --1W. I COITA MBA .-UO W• 11J I HUlfttffTON llACH ..1-IOt ""' ~ I LAIUNA llACH ' '221 -A- ·s.l'lwdty, ~ 22, 1969 I . • ,.... .. ! ., • I Hite I Hcnf'Ti11 C.. Use , Ow · P •• lllnlt •A • U.. ......................... _ ...................... _l. .... , ............ ... . .,.. __ ... ,.........._ ........ _ $JI. • . --"---.. -' BOY'S Ml.P1e furniture: $2S. BEJ,J,v8oA\t0 $1). Good SINGLE mattras and bax-;-pq ~· $1. G:E ... nam Olll'STANDING 'Christm!U TAN NU1ahyde couch and Maqie -DAL r LAWN awh.:; ,,Z. i:rf..Ql! BltYa.& M &nel.111 1aJn11i ~ pilyet' $10. Ex· condition. Pfltall. 673-1452 1ptfnp,. clean_ ,OOd con-iron $2. Jntlnt 1tat $1. Jlte. ideal ,• Fri. A Sat. 9-S. chair '25. 2167'Me)'tl' PJace, SAT. only. O&l'k ll'ffn ~ ROTO·BROJLER $18 ttw.in $3 Lawn nlOf"':I' Mil e~cle $5. K~tty , pine • ' _, dlliAD$25.St.Jame~FamUy 'ttjchea'41:SZ.~..,_\.$1. atn.~rplaquesallcol· C.P.f.~3 5' couch'$25. Maple dining 147~1-•. , ' ~tthtr$5B)cydepiut./Uro.' butchtabl~. blond~ drol:J .leaf KING ll&e: l:q1 $25. Kine •~ betrtoom Bible, beauti!l.al, ~~ttPoq.~ m!Xf;l' $1, or sche~AO owr 150 to SEWING. maehlne (home) set, 4 chain $20. Oiled · · ' ' -• .SS C'bttltmu decortUOn1 ~ table l leaf $25 each. ~r &beets. · \ l'a n ~ • t 1 'and ~ $25. ~9645 O.te(i:ier p. Crorntet 1et ,iS. chooee frvro $1.50 • $4.50. $lS. GE electric llklllet $5. walnut &lat bench with 3 NYLON bl,ckpacken tent $l -Animal cqe H Electric book ~Ives $.10. fur coots bed11nad $15. 6f2-39.19 BIKE 24." ~c Bike ......... •i G:El. touter $2 •. Dra~cy C ~ ~ n 111 e · tlower ar-Toastmaster toagter $4. 1594 cushions ~-Record cabinet $25. •·Burt rider, llfW, ~ M· fryfr cOoker $5. ~ : I SlO. Catj>et $25. Dnlpea $10 • 1 • ..,. -.. • • rod1 ar!!f ,ciulPJ)'ltnl, te'lf'ral l'tUlitments $2 • $ 5. 5$.nta Ana C ~f SlS. 2' maple chairs SS. 644--ll02 ~ Sl·Gamft 50o42 Minat $25. HouaehQld Items Sc • $1, SKI s-nti. mtn:a 28 1tretch '!':peu~p1 r SS. V~ sltte '2-is. 'Baby P'in& $1. Handmadl! eanina:s and -; · · Id Nevrr-mar c:otr~ table $5. CRIB, $14. Ctlb ~411 $2. $2.50 Clothet · 2SC43 Jee. 1 SJ6..8518 · cocoa $19. Ski~ cblld'a 3 -. ~-~ rocker fl. .c.i......-Kelll'l!r "Ffte:r.e ~n" 1mff of UIQl'ted o Id WHM'E Sta& a parlta. Schick hairdryer 15, 12" Twin mattreu $5. ~2575 .lkata Jl Stutfed anlmaJI • . $5. Me!l'11~ ITS-MU hie dryer SlO. Sco.tt radio oimplete p1u1 extra mtxH jewittry p . ~ Paper cu"'r women's aite larie S15. electric AkU.Jet $4. Wicker BICYCLE ~· ri and $2, 25c-50e . ~· 25c Book.I 1 ' SKI boots size 5 and 8 $5 a . parta: FM·AM SW tuper ·$2. Beautif\11 lofant ib'I'• wtlh roll or wrl,ppirw p&pe'r Yellow ski ~ women's hamper $?. Small teak. e~ )'OUl' choice. ~ 50c, JD..2Sc Edler and bimmtr pair. ~ •Dial 6C-56'fa *°" RESULTS $l'5. SpNker $25. a.cord cloUta ~ • $2.~ U~ Bay SS. Frilidaln ~er aiie 1mall $10. Ski sY.-eater table $2. Ora.rig!: tamp w1th 30ll Killybrooke, C . M , $4 ~· iron wood ~ · player $25. 615-6660 · atta NewPott 'Beach. $25 each. Mlcrotone blade ....omtn'a •~ amatl $10. teak ba.se $15. White lamp 54().2847 ~.. '2. Sat; t;ov .. 22nd 19"5 PM Bl1L;~ rm. 'txeeUenf ~. ·, $15. ftrl•x•Qmr $25. Tripod \Vool coat, 'A'OfMn'a aiu 3-5. with ceramic base $5. 3130 BICYCLE$. 2'1" a:irl'• SS. 3025 ~Ft." CM. cor¥1i Wet iult $10. Sea FO .,._,_ • • 'wheels $4.SO. Double elect r ic $20. All items llke new. Limerick Lane, C .~t . Rnu'a· llO·. ·""'" •-.a\e, w1th JttAl>Y to. flnllh blrctt - medium $10. 564671 R DUI': ~ ~~ blanket $2.SO. Ex-Ne 548--5214 M9-J002 -.... ~ ... ' DON'T PINCH ,,.-===,-,,·:-== • fn>m Colorado, lllUlUll town sa:t.· Woman'a clothei-~ lO co=P~P~ER=----,--,.-bo-,Ue"'r,--,la!"". ballOon tltts S14. GoOd fQr cabinets. 4 dnnr Sta 3 24 ORIGINAL 011 paintings $20 each. 2317 Comdl Drive. $1 • $15. 6082 Royalllt Copper tta Jtt,ttlt $10. Other RUGS. l.S90l'ted room size1 exm:be. 541).-2847 drawer $15 2 dra'IVft' com. SS. $25. S1zea SxlO to 24x48. 5£.2573 . • . 1,. •-ttl•• ~ and l1.50. from $10 • $25. Duncan FINE bone china SlO' modes ' SU.50 Record , Seuca J lb t APARTMD(T abe: tm '""' _. Phyfe drop leaf table, one • eabintt.a lU Bookcue hutch pes, aa oa '• ~ ene Mw otMrs 1 : Old Orler,ltal ••ute be.lket cente r leaf, with 4 chaln 6'B-592-t Sl8 VW traU.r hitch $12!!iO tandsca.... and o_U1t:ra. A ....... l'lllnl!, -JO ·-~ l2, $15. sink $5. 5.16--0037 ••.· ao~-wrl•-• ., Coal ' • · t Christmu lift Setur-.. ...,, .. ~:: .... .., uoc. .... -.... $25. Heavy duty rubber dock .191ii> VESPA motoncooter VW fas ll&ht:a· $10. 30tl Ktt8 ' '10 'to $15. Semi·· fOnnah GORGEOUS old okl. c1us bucke:l $3. Brass fireplace gUard 50c tt. 111.fi com-$25.. 642-1149 Kiltybrook, C.M. ~9 .. • I YOURSELF (You're N.ot Dreaming~ But You Can ! . day and SUnd8¥ afternoon. like new, a1ze l2 $5 ,and $lo. lhade Sl.5. Old aqua~ nails set $15. Brua uh tray poneDta AM·Fflf tuner $25. lJNED Prlnt'dacron drapes. COUCH and chair S1J Table Sll-3793 •!{and 'k1ttt suitt ihe 14, $15. 10 ead.. Ml.id of Honor $6.SO. MlJTOr $8. Dipper Sl. Pre.amp amplifier $25. Vt.t Jone , pair $25. S,natt 1kie ·w 4 chain SlS Car bed'$5 . WEBCOR 2-l;peed tape 968-657' ~ ~ carpet iawttPV $2. •51' lifinl Old wooden mallet $3. Dust changer $10. French Provln-drape $7.50. Hand mixer $2. 3150 Natlonal Ave., C.M. recorder $25. Craig 2-speed CHilJJREN"S Road signs, set $3. 6'15--SZ8 pan $2. Vases . 5 O c · cial cl lib chair S15. Sat only. Baby food warmer $2.50. ~ tape recorder $25. ~ ____ _. _ _. _ ... -.,. -~ -•---, LACE Ski eoo· , __ •t•n'• 1,__ Wuhboard $2. Sha_ v1 ng mug ~9550 ,.._.b "~ H' h cha' ., ~ 1.-·;,,,=--=-,..,.--= ~ .... .. ... .......,. .. " 1M:i' 12 971 Paul CA-I "'"1 ••·.Al· 11 u· ... ,Al, J,.ARGE,commtrclal vacuwn 1 1~1i· DAN[SJ-{ modem couch, 10 vuklle.. Sl eacb. pzte 9%M $10. Ladles alz'e T'iS • ar1110, ' · MAPLE dOOble bed with box 549--0695 S2ii f;ommm:lal vacuum bro•-, ..... _ .. , .• ,, foam kJt~hen".buileUn bouda $3. $4.50. Chlld'I &(ze 12 $5,< "'40-3"""'llJO""'=--.,.-=~ ·-. $15 v--iouS -· M • ,.., ,., • ., ., spri.,.. · .... +-WICKER dressing table hoile1 and attachment.I '15' : .cu~ns $25.. 962-4370 Crazy cat !Jim 50c-$1.7S. Wld's 1ize 2 $i5. Child '1 alze AX.MINISTER carpet, 14~i x • $4. Books™:Ivea $2 • $8. St2.50. Crib and mattress 35 Mi\f Kodak alkte camera : ~--Curl 548-8236. 90t W. 19th St., 4 $9. BOy'I Ski1, bindlnp, 121Ai $25. C8blnet for record Lazy boy chiur $4. Kitchen , $15. Dlap<r •ta•k•r "· '"'· ... ~1 ,• TOYS ,Kennera LW>Y C.M', . poles.S15. 6'l3-«137· p~r and records $5. Slat t bl $&. Ro nd tabl Sl5 ,_ .., ~ '".,._, Hair f'l)llera $4. Child's , . , _ .. beoch, 5 feet $4. Guitar ss. a, e .1.1 e · Yeilow pottery dishes $6.50. GE TV-21 Jnch table model; ·.: typewriter SJ. Matchbox car GOOD i. ~ a:reenAPARTM~ 1lxe i;::as Collien Junior <lassies $8. V~table juicer $3 .. Copper Twin fonnlca bookca11e needlaomework$15Double collectors case Sl. Ice ~Nfrl0fa $22.6C-l184 ttfria*ator $25. fl5..l.9M Royal typewriter, portable nails, screws, 1ta1n le i;1 headboard $5. Toy11, pmea box "'rinp I: mattrew, skates, child's dooble run-...... ool. .., 10 scre.w and bolts $3 lb. 2Sc. $2. Stc1tlonwqon ~ fair_ .. ,,_ -""" -..~ ner size 11 $3. lee i;kate1, ARTIFICIAL ' Chrt1tma1 ~at .,,, Fireplace fix-$14. Ha?1&'ing lamp $ . Vanous alze marine ply· $15. \Vomen, men and girl·, \;Ulaut .. r ., •. ~. men's size 9 fl. &#-0524 tree, 7 f t. Ponderoaa Pine. turea and stand S2.50. Men'1 ~1814 W'OOd scrap~, al!O aolld clothlrc' 25c • p . Maple BAJX CRIB. $15. Pl.•YP.f'll OOUBLE Hollywood bed $25. Lore. 'thick M@dlts, cost :.~~~~et,~~ea=l·,-59,-Dodg,--,-•-::V-:~-,-,..-:-.,-12=_::-;.-=1"-1·" mahogany, 1ir, teak 5c . $1. framed plCture S7 .so . $5 Both in IO(ld condition Roll .. way bed $20. Round ~ll sell for $15. $3.50. DI.she•, odd kitchen TV portable $15. MS-8642 646-2377 Portable alr'condltioner $10, and extrli aturdy'540-1683 ' PINCH YOUR '---btrd --$5. Sturdy utensils lOc each Mirror $5. ANTIQUE · •-! -.::: HO GAUGE freight train, 2 3058 Tyler \Vay, C . l\l . GAS .ranee. apl 1lze $25. ~·~ -· MATCHED Wom•n'• and ' piano 11""' ..,...., • ___.. '· CJ ... •-chairs $2 each. XIS 28th St. Small ahopny hest $15. · $25 2 nd engines, one •-=uS repau 5'J&.2962 eaft - NB 67" ~ men's 3 spe@d hike $14 each. su~-.. mJ• ..!:u v i--Jronrite tr0ner ' eand $7.50. 9 ca rs plwi caboo&e 021;;;.,,.TV;;;;--:_..,-_--;;~=-•·,:--:·=-t .........., Bel Q88h)>de recJiner '""""J u-noon. IN •'Ml..., tables $10. Golf cart $.ID. 2 transformen Sl5. .,.... ,.,., .,..., .. 2 TVs portable, ¥tork $25. S20~CIO:t1 doors, 8 panels, Road, N.B. bq $5. 6' glass door $10. Straight and curved track 5 bed•p~ad with bolster to New cloth carrler $5. Car 14%" x 7%" dee.Orator P~ cage S15. Settet 546-4062 cents. Scale fann bulldlnp match $2. Aluminum salad ice cooler $6. 3 hair dryers trim $9.50 per panel. 7%; • and chair SlO. End table $3. l'1"VR"'o"'u"'G°"lf'°r;;--,i;::ro=,:-:..,;::;k:-:and:;:, set $3. Rocket laurn:tier bowl, brand new $2. TY,,, DOUBLE bed mattress a1ld box sprinc $15. 548-8948 BASS d""" $25 F1oqr tom tom S25 1'1io'O 1mall tom , toms $2) each Snare wttJi •tand $2) ' 2 C!)'mbell ..on al.and SS each Bell, atlc-'4 • and brulhti $1 each. Blue I' SpQride .• chronlt. '&ff-mt , PENNIES $1 • $8. 2 bathroom scales S2 Scotch pine Christmas tree ~ vanity stool $3. <?Id chair $8. New twin bed Etector set $7.50. Barbell small flOWtt &m1npments • Sl. Firescreen. brass $4. 6 $6. HUJd mott.u $4. Electric p1aro stool no. Old milk frame $5. Box spring S12. welcht set. le:I. pound 110. 50c each. Maple lamp i;hade electric clockt $1 • $4. 4 lawn qer $6. ~2928 can . $3. Old trunk S18. Mattteis $10. Bar 11tool11, 54!Ml283 $3. 58 Chev. au lo. dock rad.105 $4 • $12. 4 TV ---''---'------Pedestal table with revolv· white and eold, pair $10. TV ---------tran!IT\las!On $25. 150~ East stand.I $3 • ss. 2 small MOVIE P,roiec:tor. excellent 1111' yam basket SlS. Old light $2. Iron SI. WafOe iron SCRAM LETS 18th St. 548-6.529 radlo1 $:1. 2 ·RCA record C?ndilion $25. D a Y l l le desk bells S2 and SJ. Green S2. Port a crib and mattress • HAND made quilled a~ players SS • $8. 4 table viewer $6. Picture frames yam lamj>!hade SJ. 673-0196 SU. Antique a l a nd l n g pllqued lwlfl 81.ze qW)ts $25 lamps Sl • $4. 39101n Chan-and print.a $4 each. Large SURFERS ·long-john Wet ashtray $6. Sat ll.S. SUnday ANSWERS each. Handmade afghanl nel Pl NB 673-1603 copper tray, hand paint~ nit; never worn, small $2:). all day, bacJc yard ol '310 , $15 each. Norelco spetd ONE burner . electric hof · ! ~tAPLE chest $25. S~I ~n ~;! ~::!,U2~% ;'! ~~ ~,.,,--,==,.,,--,--,,,-' _N_""'-"'-"'~·-eo.,-rona.,,..._•_•l.,.M:-'-'-· P<!sUe -Jersey -Sallo1· -shaver $5. Pennanen~ press plate $1 lnlra red light bulb • l 36 INCH Mqlc Chef pa rana:e, aood condition $10. 1909 Federal, C.M. · bed, mattress a x liqUe $9 each. 2 •Chinese Fu OLD 1Alhloned aola with CAR Jacks $2. Polaroid SW· Weiu;el - Teapot -~la tu re pa11ts, 31 waist, 31 inseam Sl OU lamp S1 Weller ~ ! aprin& $2'3. Knee hole desk dogs $6 each. Medlcint brown nylon cover, good ing!:r $13. Truck mirrors $2 -SLOWS her UP SI.511 each. 2 sport coats SS tery vue ~ Camera $2 J $1.5. ·Ne lamp $5. Night cablllf!!t, gl&SI shelves and condition. Larae oventuUe:c:J and fl. Mangle $10. 646-5248 "Your grandma still 11lld. each. 310 Femleaf, Cd.\1 Electric fan $8 , Old · wait ', stand with drawer $l0. miqw door $6. 2.HI-FI arms, rounded bacl( $25.1------,----Ing down the bannisters?" KENMORE washina: minor $15 lronl111 1board; · j 64&--2863 speakers 7·• diameter with Matching chair $10. Call NEW fireplace, brass screen "We "-'OUnd 90me barbed machlnt, deluxe, 4 yean old new $2. 119 :nowrer St C.M. AUBURN wig $15. GE grill cloth, frame and 962-9'119 with accessor~es $18. Bissell wire arotll'ld them." $25. ~1130 COPYlNG machine $ 2 5, AMIFM. radio Sl.5. Electric rheos1't $8·and 5" ~ter 190 SKIS s;z. Step.In bindings carpet iweeper $5. 546-674S "'nmt stop her?" S_A_N_T_A_N_A--f-1 a_h_t_•_r, Verlfax KOOak cop 1 er. ~ SJ. Japanes e $2. 6Q..693S SJ!, Ladies ski booll alu 7* GAS lop and burner $5. 2516 ''Nope, but it sw"e SLO\VS evaporative~. 120 stl-3382 dressing table $20. Japanese 2-15 inch speakers. new S12 $IP. 4 new recap jeep Urea Bowdoin Pl. C.M. her UP.'' x 1Bw x 26h, on ,mieela, COit API' atie atove $20. ·138 Santa ~way matching mbTor $20. each. 1 n-.. P .A. set, n0x15 S9 e.ch. 6C-1826 RIDING boota, m-~·"st, $69 looks nl -. ~1793 Pair 'Thai Ten1ple runner .....,. ... , ..:wu.i BAB'l items: StroUer $5. • ce _.. Iubel, Costa Meu. print.a $5. B:abY ltema $20 tor rJee!la output Xfanner $10. MEN'S black cowhkle ni&ht men's brown 9'AD. spurs. Bath tub i;eat St. Playtex GERMAN army helmets $6 -BEDROOM furnftur:f, one ~ all. 673-9211 1-UHF converter SIO. 3 bag $25. Navy blue :r:lpper boot hooks, the kit $18. 2516 nune. r _ll. Hu!ly 3 speed $ID. J•--ae ~i---l10. eel blue wtth p.irp&e accents clock radkla $2-46. Electric bag $5. Old fashioned double Bowdnin Pl. C.M. boy bk I --"" """ WOMEN'S better clothifJI, iron SS. Portable 11tereo $25. fold-in-wall bed $2$. Double 36" WALKING doll •:: s I e SlO. Ne1v meta 2210 0rana:t . CM. LI S-W old but not antique. double • ' - . · ••••t•n w,..... . ..,. • ., .... bird cage $1.50. Crib sheets • · bed •.. wtth mattttu $20. , • .,_ .. ..,. SS Buick car radio $5. -mattrta fol' wall bed $10. .,.,_,I..,. n ,,.__ .._.. .., SPAU' nlNG -" •·· and •--12 $1 .;>1..n11 ... .,., ....... ucu -. 25c. Baby clothes 10c • 50c. ....... ..... ~ Large chest $20. Other .et 'wit• a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified Ad . . 3 LINES ' 2 TIMES .. • I' $.2.00 DIAL DIRECT t 642-5678 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 1- suits. dreDeS, S-= • Federal, C.M. 6*-t291 Ladie_ 1 oklo. , used 3 times Boy'• watch. 13 .... ·-d I ~-11 ~-$15 to ~ General Electric feedlnr e wee cart, Ul.M'Cn go aoJd-wtth bl~ trim bani!: ,z. Some """~ a:owns SOFA $25. 2 Citliilt\$31 l!ach. $25. Ski poleai SS. Small · . • dish $3. 2 blue boudoir balls, doren practice ball, bee.ii SIS. Deall .$'1. Cheat is. SZ.-Lallles slloes all'A!! iOM; Chest or drawers $2. Mc!tal apartment sl.r.e Gu Servel SCHWINN Stingr~, boy 1 chain S3) each. 3 speed whl.mo pra~tlce hall,' putter t.tAanu. orian ........ 11 .. ul4!d $1 • $8. Everything in a:ood $5. M;.._.;. H . Foot ,-• $3. _..... condition $15. Small $20. 2 palra0 chll_d 11 aids $5 , ... ....., 646-8354 "'"' ...., llAll """"" h M aki boots SS record player, needs needle $3:1. KI 5-0505 Sl3.' Gtd'S, nUU Stnpr L"""1AR~~:ize pool table $25. DcV•n'", . .,1a1m,oolp 1213-.Pol.-~!:"',.~~ ~=~~~ize ~a sel~~ ~~ =~5~ Large bevelled St.50. White cannister set 23• TANDEM boat trailer $1. &ewing mach~ $5. Funk awcu wuno. 0 -·-•""" mirror $8 Twl b d '15c. Poto stick 75c. Golf 15" x 13" R.H .. fpropeller and Wqnal:1 en~ Ford' V8 alindu~ mo12t~r -'bench $15. Bar ,brll set $10. 536-1056. storage bwen ~er ;z:;: cart SS. Nnicycle $4. Boy'• $10. Trailer hitch t or $4. Tqy1-lOc. Glrl'S c(o~ • block. re """" • At~he case $15. Golf .clyba UPHO~ cbi.ir $10. Handsome walnut bullet, clothes, &-10, a:lrl's, 10.14 Sc Mustana: $5; 642-M82 size 12 dre1~s ~ and·1Sc. · *-8745 $.1 each. 3054 Ma~ C.M. 64S-9114 needs refinishing $25. 3 • 50c. Toys, booka, games Sc LARGE ciie 1 _ Twin boX ' Round maple type' table Sl.5. ' LADIES clothes galore alie 546-4328 ........... 10 "" • 50c. l'~lo.,..-e... Christmas 11 _., ' with formlca · top. BcioD 1' <>luv couch $15. 306 sleeping bap $1 • SJ . ....,. ..., .,.ring and mattress set $25 , < 12-16 25c -$L Waffle Irons BABY Crib· with~rnattreu Ramona Place. 548-9702 Hea"" blue c henille ornaments Sc • 50c. 330 -.. • ' teen and adult type !Oc, ~ n--•-· $2 White .,, r-~•'""'r C •1 -r ........ __ .. 2 twin bookcase hea~boards. Sa•·~·'· only 10· to 4 -, 1 t _. .u=P .. ,,er . SIS. 2761 San Carlos Lane, ALUMINUM Christmas tree bedspreads S3 each. Fabric, =>u"' ' ·" . ,,.... ....,..., '"'"" both $8. ChrOhle· telephone .... ......, • -. j vinyl headboard $2.50. Night C.)f. $6. Pink ---·-ents .,.... Hawaiian prints 21,2-6 yard Senta Ana. &16-~ bench $3. Two matching lndiarilpoll11, Hts. Bch. foU ,, , stand $1. Training wheels .... _... """ .,.,_ =---' Sal HAIRDRYER I • Beach Blvd l WEATHERPROOF Fur coat, doten. Movie 11 .. t bar $7.50. lena:ht1 """" -""""· Y"'"· • • near Y new chairs and aola, eet Sl2. Odd .;;..;.=~=·'-----! 11• Pattema. picture1, · su JO AM Iii id I I nal -~ Roo beautiful style, satin Uning Hoover -. ..... ble varullJJl n. on or un so · pro esa o .,,,... -... m tables $3 each. 2-'IV sets S15 ....... ket novels, d l i h e•• ...,.. -3000 •-St N rt f 28" 28" •• Col .._.. st;. ~1893 SU. GE and Adm tr a I D<::acon ·• ewpo an, x , ~. eman each. 834 Congresa St. C.t'i!. uhtrays 5c • SOc. Stereo Beach, oU Santa Ana Ave 2 burner stove Sl. Sylvania S4a.:oo67 albums SOc. 8911 Shore Cir-CDFFEE Table, soHd blond portable 1V $25 and $20. 'IV 6.f2..S55CI , halo.lite console TV 24" ===:--:=:-:-=...-::= cle, Hunt. Bch. 962-n78 mahogany, 2 tiered, large stand $5. 2-burner hot plate -_ _. k. t •-OK 115 SYLVANIA 1tereo head set, $15. Swag: lamp SS. Sit Boy'• Stinaray bike w. nous. diff~nt $'1.25 • ss. '"""'1 wor Uuc • foam padded, 1lert0 tuiiing, HCIJ'POndl . INT rt=:~~.!.,. a:ood fireplace s c r.e e n $10. Girl's and boy' a 26" bikes Stuffed ·animals $1.50 • $2. :0o"rko>l•$5.phoBla~kradandio, needllwhlt• $10. New •electric wann1nc co lion, .,..,. .,....,,..,.,.,,., °"" ·.....,.. $10 ,.do. Floor polisher and Garn,.' ~ -$1. """-·s SOc • " ,,. ~ -. •v.J _ _. and •• _.. $5 tray, $3.SO (coat $8.50). New SURFBOARD carrier for the scrubber $15. Old typewriter $2. a.tn:, child's 50c each. tw"""" rug u11""°1 • bronze tan brushed ~ top of your car with 4 locks REFRIGEdATOR $25 with $5. Touter $4. On sale al Sall and .peppel"IJ 35c pair. Mooo phooo alb1.1m11 25c. women's caaial •ho e.1' like new Sl2. Old fu hioned cross-top freezer, 6f2...32l3. 10678 Lenhardt Avenue, ChUd'a pink plaatlc bed S2. Books 25c. CoUee table 7AA, S3.50 (<ml $8). NeW antlquedrnser$2l.536-8296 l86A Tullp Lane. C.M. Fountain Valh~y. 83S-6063 Chlld'a plastic pad and $2.50. Vibraaonic car unit ollve ireen and white NEW large alwnlown rout ELECTRIC Water .beater, 411 DANISH modem couch $20. 2 11pread $'1 .50. Ma tern i t y ~u~ snore'; ~:'1 !~i t'acron place maia, napkins, pan $6. New aluminum pot gallon capacity $23. 54&-8014 . chain SS each. TV $3). dress $1.SO. Dresses J1 each. wardrobe 111.1ilca&e S 10 , $2. Small Lord's Supper and lid Sti. New setting for 6 CHESI' OC: drawers $'15. 2 Child's akls and poles $2. 2 SUila S2 each. Blouses.. 39c 548-82'JO tape1try, Sl. Girls' 1!:r:e 8 china dishes 44 piece• $15. school desks S7.!i0 e&ch. 2 cqe1 St each. GoU cart $2. each. ~1641 matching sweaten, white, 847-3093 blond end tablt1 $2.SO each. Shelves S7. Benche1 $10. STUFFED chairs $20. RED platfonn rocker $10. 2 turquoise trim, $1. 837--0284. M~RCYCLE b"mp<r nn"-TV set $5. MS-2116 Boat cushion11 $1. Life belt Dresser $15. Clothe11 25c • student twin head board .. • A.<:" RR Tl•• 11 ~ .--• vw " ~-==~~---~~• 11 Photo n1 $7 ., DI •--11-Sat n1 $10. New qullted bedspre , ""' • ·-iM.:u. rltr sacrllice $15.95, also BABY Bed and bathinette 15 · e arger · ~· ~ira ·-· 0 y. blue Oowei~ $5. 548-3930 Men's 1ize 11 ski boots $12. many miscellaneowi parts each. 549-0639 5.'i'l-!16l6 84&-3564 448 Broadway, C.M. • Inlaid chess board SID Baby· prices from 50c to $25. PONY Saddles -.::: Women's TAKE away loday, a:ood BIKE, 'bcl)-'1 33" top oon-CUSTOM made ottomana $1S car bed SU. 54&-4595 HANDMADE strawflower plaques. dolls ·and chenlUe flower atr¥1ementa $1.50 ·~ $5. Auorted cry1tal and ~Ver S3 • Jl2. ~tue lamps , • 1 $7.50 • $12.SO. S panish , Cllnddabru $2 • $4 pUr, ' I Hoetea Sets $2. TS • $5.... ! Roqawp.y bed $25. Potl, • , pans, bakln&" dlthea, ~ :•: and di• ... lOc • $3. ~ area · ni.p SOc ~ $5. vue, and.Craft .IUJJPl!ea, new and used toys SOc -ss. ~ lOc -13. w-...r,.r . ..., each. All ln good condlUon, haVe to .ee to appreclatt. s.1.:s.n. !J.5. ""' Ro,..U.l Dr .. Hunt. ·Bch., at Sprincl \ -and·-· -lo -~ 1...1..... t h $15 ...... 111:.•'I • $25. 23)5 c Canyon Dr. 962-fll.6 size u Ena:Ilah jodhpon, a ve auu re .. ._"ra or eac dltlon . .,,~ C.M. S4&-l44l . 7 FT couch, needa cleanln& --------- COUQI tancertna .upholltrry like new $5. 96)..6722 $31. &45-2589 BUF1',ET $25. Fox cape, auil S25 Pu1h button CAMERAS, cameraa. too 9o'OOd arms a:ood co: NEW Children'i pajamas, P~~ ~~amplllier $25. Bedspread $5. 673-5924 2=~ =eJ:pea~~ dreAmaktra form u:. r::; many, .351nm, p:>laroida. $23. 2 DberlJau paUo · size 2.-3 1: s, $2 (JU'. Ideal wat · NEW de11k, hu 'l drawers Console table, mirror and ttn& table $15 · movie camera, IOme old $1.25 each. 847-22'l4 for Cbrfttmu gtltl. 962"'722 SICKROOM supplies, private $18. 64>1452 C.M. sconce set $25. 2 wall hang· deyer $3 Tranalltor radb tlmen, $25 each. Movie pro- SKI pants, a:lrls size 6-7 worn HO Ca~ train can, areal party 4~ Commode ELECTRIC table aaw 8" Ing keys $2.50 each. 2864 $5 " $7. Polaroid camera jector $25. All In a:ood and once$2.50.842-3772 for Chriltmu gifts $1-$1.0. $'1. AdJuatabte bedtn,y aOO blade$18.645-l452,C.M. fifontereyAve.545-375.1 ~~~tlc~ml~ exc e llen t condltton. WOJ\.fEN'S wet 11.111 new Voit 833-0150 , ~ 53"·0=~ ~~ 12 BLUE chip boob $2.50 TV, works very a:ood 125. $2 Outdoor chaise Jowwe 892-383f, G.G. size 10 $15. Inboard bo$t SWIVEL Delll: cbair $25. cuaruo..: $2. Lattx. footrest each. % HP motor Ul, SS. 646-lSZ with pad $10 Barbtque ael. SlH=;-;G;:,..=,-....,,--P"-...,--,2I propel~ 12xl5 left hand Bl'MI Jin. aCr.en and set S2 Fracture $2 s"-HP motor lz.220 $6. CABINET buUel, old and 1plt and tbols $13 Ladin book& Sf. Old check pn.. S25. Room divider SS. Boy's $25. 8Jl.-OW6 · pa:. · Cash only. 1950 Fedtral, heavy with 5 drawers, ll" dreues, size 12, $1 and $2 ftttor mllCIUM Mll'b $10. siz.e 5 roll~ .rink ~tr• $5. TEN 40 a:allon. fiber barrels COSCX> hlJrh chair SS. Twin C.M. wide x 60" Iona $25. Chinese each. 675-G657 Small Carnival liau bowl Acbira1 21 T.Vo sound no ..___.. Cold quilted bedspread1 $6. . M' · I rowtd tab! 26 " $6 An-~··-•-~ pktµre $5. Girl'• me 1 ke $1 each. 2 remote out ....... " Jet •weep toy auto $5. VW trailer hitch $10. lfll· sty e e 2 BAR stools, Mediterranean. · · ..... ...-, ... .._. akala $1. Boy's me 4% Ice fa.I tankl, 4 A 6 pllon SS Sylvania portable 'IV, needl bike frame $25. 54G-5310 diameter, canoed all over wonned oak wlth Wl'OUfht lfl sµ. Antique .Uwr,fancy lkatn $1. OdJd'i print each. ~ work $25. ~le&1 EXTRA large hanwter cages and old $15. Old china tron footrest. Antlque a:ofd clothes bt'Ulll $8. Antique wri •• I t d I cabinet 13" Mcie x 16" tall x wlvet t1phola\a-y $25 each silver letter 1et SlS. Pt100I praa:SS.Dlaltype te'I'..,. SMmt-Corona typewriter GREAT Chriatmu alft: klr breeding nc u ng $15 rk •· h 536-0403H tBch. V~.Jonn SS. Wheel bar-SlO. White bedspread $2. Smm 3 le,. Kodak movie wtieel1, and waters· 15, We 4$14 long · Wo ucnc 545-1089 un row $10. IJabtweight back 'f"a.nlla\or radio. new $2.50. camera plua cue and ln. have nine. All for S25. which ai:: wide and 3l!' ~~1 and 610 x 15 ·TIRES Jl;tO Doc CHEST o( drawm no. Nltt pack $20. Modem lamp S2. 5'\..a16 door light bar po, AllO would Include supply of 68 long, 4 drawer $5. 2214 howie for lara:e dog, ~ stand $5. Baialnet $l0. Bike parts 50c to $5. O>Ior COMP'tETE crib and mat. 8mm Kodak J?fttjeetof' $20. food, 646-4450. 665 Surf. Elden Ave. C.M. su.4143 !ull!d' $21. ~ chair $20 Chi1d'1 •kil and boota, ibe wheel $2. 8oy'1 26'' bike SS. 1re11 $12. Mustang hone: All ln txcellent condlUon. C.M. ROCKER SlO. 540-8638 Tanru:m bli(e $25 New auitar ll $15. Sunlamp $51 M2-3425 new 16. Phone 642-5632. 1580 6Q.J476 2 :r'IFCE sectional, orange, MOVING. Apartment ranp $25 Golf duhl $3.50 Car top Bookcue SS. Slide proJeda.i HJGH impact cruh helmet Santa AM Ave . CM WOMEN'S aki boot.I slu 5~ $22.SO a piece. Dnert air $25. Large relrigerator $25. canift' U Gulla:ht J)Ol1 $5. Typewriter $15. Vacuum with lace shield $20. 5" 4 SEWING machines~ s~ and S, a:oocf corid!Uon rz ltunp $15. Gold ottoman Hklw.·hed 125. Dishwasher $2.50 2 bath or hall llghtl $7. l..amPI Sll and $15. Pio- Otcllloacope $23. 642-5729 • all work $5 to 110 each. each. &t2-347G $7.50. 548-5618 Sunday S25. Con9Dle TV sz. Set of SOc each. 7 steel l<Mdlng turea 2Sc ·SS. Toya 1c • $2. 2 1;,~:.,::::;=;;:,_.,...-..,-,,01eii'•ru; nit";mod;;;;;;,t,-;;;;;-'71;;;,; lamps $2. TV atand st chain Sl.50 each. Ice tr¥Jn boy'1 blke1 24'" $1 and $10. SAT only. Girl'• rink, 1kate1, 673-2996 BED couch $25. Armchaln OuuER. e ga1 sto\le, Roll bed $l. La freezer $7.SO 4 ~ pit;· Ladle1 bike with chllcl car- 1lze 6 $20. Site 5, S'l. Typing SHAKESPEARE Dy rod and SlO each. 2 rodren $5 each. worlll Ml! SlS. Sil\ler beige cha.I~~ for $2. 286 v: tl.lftl. new . $IS. Coleman ~ ~ m,.: Box':' ot~~ \ table SS. Record table $3. re-.1 brand new, ntVtt betn 2 end tables $4 each. CoUet wtg, tront hand tied $25. 1~-c M ... _ t · $10 Ba'-· .. ..., ~ "'"'.,.. """" · TV stand $2. Barrels $1 u.eJ SU. Call S.W.2llt table SS. l>raP'i Sl pair. Brown wla:1et SS. Washing v~... · · ;;·;:.~i;..~.~~ ~ $2. Walnut coffee table, 2 I each. ~falt mixer $3. Bird Books l5c each 1 lamps S:i machine. Kenmore, u la 1WlN bed $1>. Box spring boo drapn $3.0 Avocado tlerN ra:t. Walnut comer 1 n.at holder p . Unicycle $6. SCOUT lhirt. cap, belt, 2 each. Space n.' 8911 w oo StO. 18351 Ddaware, Hun-SlO. Night 1tand SS. 6 ctn..,. S2 Aluminum 6 ft table SlO. Boy'• dothirC ; Girl Seoot drtu.· llie U pant.I fl1r lJ.14 )'ear old $&. St. NB • .,. ...... • tiltPJn.Beach dra•tt dreuer sz. Dresser alte i and I $:: St j • $6.50 Scout frame $5. Scout Shh1. pants. cap, belt for ,,,_.""""'"' FORMAL, ,_ 12, ,.._ SlO. Double bed hme $3. Chtlatmat trHI $3. 2 pr • · '1 pacb, 2, $3 each. 1, $5. .couter S'll", 175 lbl, $6. DRESSES 1J1e 3 and I $1 • $JO ~'"' """ new Paper back boob 1Sc . 25c. rink lkatH. lbe ~~ il 7, Get111bura. H.B, 90-12Sl • ~ 616-mL :n5 VlraJn)a Pl. _893-ml • 110. M .... Honr KN -_ • lM Al-Pl. 5'M503 $11.!0 and 122. Toys. pmn. !I CAD. -·, J U j , • al:r:e 9%A:A fl.50, Owrcoe.t DRAPES. SlO. Belp, 32" x batbiel, ftOX'd playtt, So-$2 ~ $25. FiDnt 1 C.M. (rear I STUDENT delk $12.50. TrUf and tuxedo $6 Stautfet rut" wlde I tudea rodl CE a1.1 tom1.Uc washer $25. A. Danish chair, child.a Sl.50 $11S.. &wt. o1 car $25., sPMWs f MA1TRESS and bax sprfhg acHon e~c football reduclnr machine i20 . andrtna:1.~ l condition. 1/3 hp motor Brown cucade $10 Brown Ovtl War 8a)lontt .,: \ $25. ~7 game Sl.95. 962-7593 Slkllng "'antrobe clo1et 1 $3. 769\.ii W. 21th St. CM. w\&:~I $5 c.r OOl\S, boot.t. Playboys 47 ~ aa. • '1 DRESSER 125, Mlmr $'10. Mat'ORCYCLE helmetl half doors $2. Commerclat milk CHAIR S O. 540-8638 64&-.584! ~ $()c.$2. ~ten MOllebur Bolt act lo J Coffet table $5. 1 twi. n bed Pf1ce '16. Factwy seconds. W.ke mixer SIS. tlou11JChold CING, a:rape itake, * COMPLETE 11 volu me .et dn.>aes 50c42. 3,,. ~ tubular fed With mUltary ' • frames SIO. 2 twin head· 962-o66I item• 50c • S1 1115 Whlle prox'lmately 50'• S20. of Art LlnkJcllera Plcturt SY.ttter coats $-1 ~. dock and 11.ahts. VU"f ac- board1 SlO each. Ollld'a elec. YELLOW chrome dinette 1et Sail., Harbor View Hills, 540-8638 Encyclopedia lot boyt aud ;lkutY Coun1etor prddl.tCU cunite r.zs. Books 50c: -SZ. tnc· a r, boua:ht last SlS. Biby wartlrobe d~ CdM. 644-27'15 &mdaf onl.JI BATHTUB with lcp $25. girls. Uke ntw. S2 5 , 25c-t-L ti> C.,pltal St, wtrrt CASH ONLY ot-lDl1alttr Chriltmaa $25. 142-1522 1ro._968-36u 1o.s. IMM031 141~ •'·"'"°" Sollool,. &,pm 01ily 1 t I t I \ S1tu1"aJ, N"'mbfr 22, 1'169 ~TltANl;.;;..;;w.;."°=ltT;;;A.;.;T~·:.;.;.. ... I TllANSl'OltTATIOll ·I t010 ,.... .. ,.._ 9IOO "'.....,.... noo ~·••• '"•"""-'-MOO'"''""'"'•-·'NGO ,.,~Autoo TIWlll'OllTATION -TllANll'OltTATION TltANSl'OltTATIDN Sl'OltTATION IALI MID TUDI FREE TO YOU l6GO NEED aood home .,.:,,,.,.. -·---~-.... 1 ;;::;;:;;:;;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;; TRMIPll U.. Mint Oood. ::::·~:-:-::'."'.":~...,.~-lt----....... ---1·----....... _...~w 1---_...,....,.....,.... yrd. ,.,..,.. b!k/ttl "'"'ale J.IKI SAILING' _ MODIL SALE I I 2l0ec, 1•500 ..n... $115. '61 YW "SANDWINDll" "••uaNN ""HIA TOYOTA * AUCTION * mlul -30 P9IP"I< 9 DlsUKll 'THESE• ' can -,..1816 • 0 D!INJl BUGGY, lmt U.fn ,,__ • MGI 11 you wW ·..ii Of b"I' """'·old sW watdldo( • • P.,....n"-hlab J.,tei•Sf, Now lo 01c. l•l HONO~ Scramblet Zt1 cc, mlt •perldlnr C.t.'1'Ulori--l-.. =."-K=;,;_;.;..;;.O_h;;.l~I I '6$ TOYOTA Coro ll• Futback, perfe:ct condiUoti. 673-&>f7 ah·• WI~ a lll' taaMpet. Good w-cbl.J*"' depredation, 'J Ip ttntal, <;nod c»nd. $285..' )'tllow. embtlllthld ln iluh. ,_ •rm9"" . • 1------i--- Auetto• Frida)' '1:30 p.m. ovtr 10. ~ Jl/25 ~anlll, ln111urauce, etc, G,...nlaf Park * 6"·103S * tnc chrOrrlf pliu,h CUl!lt buck>-2-door O>u»t, Xlnt Cond. '65 Ml' B W'1ndy's A--~ ... ..: •-rn rnEJ: white kittf:n. 1 bl:1t ...PRU!R. Ttl£SJ!:? ,.,. 1969 YAMAHA ~ et vln,yl ,.;U 'huaky daroml rmmacula.!f Wide and out! · . ...,,...,.. . _., • 1-"°"'no WORK 6 -..u •.., -' O...ow ... S..,•t""Broad. !alSll N ~ CM 6'M686 t)'t, 1 Ct'et" •Y•· ~lhUy CAREFREE SAILING• An Adull Prive!• Clvl. Slreet Bllte. Llloa ' ,.... .betl1 ""' ..e,, CIL ' Spcl, wire Whl.\ dlr xlnt TRIUMP'H ·eel\lild ~n.nv'• 8kla. ldat'I. crlppled, ne«1a specla1 adult Cal 23 lilt.I SJ< \' ·..aa .. One Mii• fro m the Oco•n New. $42S. 8f6.26'1.4 .wid~ buie rizftt f'tc. ' • rond. Top nuintr, Bl~ bOokcl---------~ r care. Ptoue call 1'y 0:, ~ub Pt:.,~ Honda 00-196'1. xtnl ONLY $laff I MIRCEDES •-l!IW. Muot aacrillce llOIS.-Jll60 T!HA IRS, wiro whla. GU.tA clrcul&r dark nlllt 6C-+IU U/11 NEWPORT SA.lLlNG O.UB JN S.\tOG Jo"REE Condition, $225. Call MARQUIS MOTORS -....._ Ctn ftnc PriY, prty. POM· 18,IXXI ml . ti1akt Offer. mink C'(lfl, 1-~ly tREE 4 mo. a,; Gt!rmP • 67~7100 • Costa u-~163 900 s. Cit ijwy, 1..apl\l.:h '67 Me·rcecle1 .. m 4.50. Call Ker OJ.9713 or Call • 847-lSU ='. ~ roni Mus~ h:pherd • ~ Doberman lftl'M '66.'<6 SUZUKI. Not uaed ror 04-750.l * OO 156 S I ~. '63 TRitTMPtl TR.-4, clean, w/alr. 10 Jlm, 5 tn.ncl new pincher. Quite tara;e. COllT£S. J 30 l ·yr. Nttd ovtrhaul-a{id DUNE 'Byay Bullden:! 'a ~ 4 Or. SJ. Flnhtied , nu11 p>d. $8$ or bnt of· (not m"""'""' 13,00o miltl, Parenti .,. ..... ~ d,,... .,, Newport Harbor ,.,,,..... S2>11. 543-!989 vw chulJ!, 6S vw -. "' polar "'1lle w/ ..... ... P'Ouf""' fer. Call -- A.1 cond. W.00. 543--4610 rn..c389 11125 DEMONSTRATOR YAMAHA JOO -'66 Xln't with Alpine aeua. Complete tun.l leather inl.er All ' Sl• ' Pupp n:-c.-,, Ge · setup fOI' er,.tne -s or • ac-YELJ.OW naue;a.hyde bide-&· """"' ''* nnan F'Wlx j()Und. Bett~r than ntw. Choole from 20 Models cond. Dlrt Sprocket, helmet, make ofie:r 53&-a ';ft !·31) ctuorie• lnc:ld, elect. sun.1------.,io----VOLKSWAGIN .. _.. ........ ___ , Shep. % Boxer. '~ 1,_ .~,, "·t. ready to move In, ......... ! manual, etc. $200. sc..3818 · · root & AM/FM Sh.wave R • '69 Porsche rmii Tarp ~ ••• -..etone C01111U1e stertO Dobennan Re .. .i .. now for .ww "'~ WI ~ / ~ record pla,yer/radlo, Danilh Chrlstnwl ~ uk for Holl•nd Y•cht1 444-0129 -dio, Strictly for the discrim· ... Si;a, # $236 YW BUGS --•·rn --•-iri: -h·• need Take Harbor Bh•d. to 19th st. Moto---tera -.. ,. lmpori.d Auloo HOO inat!ni lndlvidual. 'N Por.c ... IU Uc. Y:NWm 0 """" --. "'4'&'r, Mrs. Ralat.on ll/21 0 " w ·--"~"I!' '&8 P---~ T•~ clnr. yellow modern sofa, SAILBOAT on chJnnel moor-.. ve st to 1750 Whittier .,._ ·- avod cond, glrl':i Scbw!M FREE Xl\tAS KITI'ENS. 6 Ing. 2J ft keel Da¥saller. 1961 L a m·b re t ta ?tlotor AUSn-N AMERl.C Stk # 5244 F!lDM $399 bike, $10. 49+9924 wits old, 2 calico teni. l IAJbatroes). Needs v.·ork; ·~~(971'4"'")!!'42f!\!0.!!·1,.350'"'""'"' ICOOttt, px1: nmlng cond., , A '68· Porsche 911 Cpe # 5™ calico maJe, 1 Oran&e tabby dinghy, otLrS. etc. 11000 $125 or best offer. ~2191 '68 PorlChe toll Tq'\ VJV241 OLD Tnmks (%) ~ rourid male, weaned « bx:· I tmd. IUY' Jf H '68 Ponche 91.2 VRHS02 fop ........ ,Id c1-. $40 -· • 11"2 ...... ult. 646-'882 SILL ~ u:O Auto Servi-AUSTI N AMERICA . . '68 ....... C'pe VVM635 GOOD SELECTION ::.~ •• :"~ .. .:::""'~ m;\'l LOVABl,!O Grsy ,,,.... CAL 25 Cooper .. ''"' 9400 Sol ... Service, Pam !lf)O w. Coast Hwy., N.B. '&8 Po,..,,,. 9µ Cpe WEE009 ~ ' P .. rtno A C 'I male tabby c:at g mos old with Blip, : •. $57$. Immediate Dellveey &u.9ilQ5 5t0-176t '68, Porsche~. WXEnS •0 ~ l au ve.. ·" · ' ' ' 2!112 w TRAILER SALES AU Models · Authoriud MG Dealer '118Ponche 9 Cpe WXGtrJ ~ 'i 540-Jltlo housctraJned, large breed. . Coast HJrhway •.. ynt 53(Mi856 after 5 11/'EJ Newport Beael\. * 6Q.CBJO ''uvy from e rften 1956MERCEDESBenil90SL '811Porschfl 1'&.rs&XEPJ!8 J'?tl table radk> $7. Tall elee-· · · who lives In On.I " BUCK bardb:lp ~MW paint-rebuilt 'ST Poncbe Cpe'I ' IJ1c 'cylinder heater $2. PETS and LIVESTOCK NE\Y COKOf'{A.00.30 WE SERVICE A motor, ttarie. etc. Nice i... • Stt # 5.243 0 ~lli> on display a"= ·uto s I ..... ·s1 Po he 8800 29'2 w. Coout Hi<hw•y WHAT WE SELL! upp y tertor( Stk No. MJ42CJ a "' 12 Cpe UYH914 .. .J Quality kln;r btd-quilted Peh, Genet:af Newpon Beach * StS.OSJO 324 So. H¥bor. Santa Ana real Cla!sic buy. JI m '67 Pwscbe US Targa ,,, complete-unused $16.l. v.·orth --'-------1 Blck So. of Bolsa 531·1066 Wholesale 3100 W. Cout HW)'., N.B. Siemon& ~lercedes Benz, ~ Stk # 5238 $2&1. Aft 5 & v;knds St2-6536 \VOT'S NU? , NE\V SABOTS -\V-sAIL, BAY HARBOR 642·9405 540-1164 W. Warner, Santa Ana. '67 PorscM 012 TiiU99 549.. 3031 Ext. 66 or 67 ta11ta Clau1 Specials al $249. TraMPac , 2400 W. Moblle HOme Seles P1·ice1 to AU ,.:•:ut::ho=rtz=od=M=G=De;:al:•:r:-j 546-4114 '67 Porsche 913 VCL739 1970 flARBOR 8LVD. 'TIS TROPICAL FISH" Coast Hwy. N.B. call -Complete l'otachine Shop 1967 MERCED '66 Pot'$Che 91,. SQD461 ~-A M~'SA 1610 "A" ......,.. li.sa Loma Roll • Awav . SP 'E ES Benz .. "'v.;o~ ""' 0080 Edinger fat M..,,.Ua) ~~... ' E D EQUIPlfENT At "A ROMEO 250SE --"--. '66 Pocscho 9U TKM196 . . • F v * • 842-4530 B Sheraton MaflOl'. HomeUe • REBUILT ENGlNES • .;. ..... _;_.;,_..:,.,;.:_.:._:;;;;.;.:,_'~I et:WU• ·auto · p. steer ·s.s Porsct SC XHF049 VW SS SemJ..camper, mint ,, ti' WANTED Good used tumiturt, appU· ance1, antlq~•. color TV's, ttfrl.&'1, stow's, wuhel'I I: dryers, etc. 1 piece or tiouae- ftl. 2( hr 1111'\'iu. · · SA OTS $265 Kit • Prestlj'e . Sahara ,67 ALFA · elect. sunroof elc. • less •65 Pol'sclie S "c· ZRNS89 cond . Only 12,475 n1i. Fae ' "-• tnS . New, complete. ~;;.a&lO AIL SIZES 1125 Victo1ia, CM M!l-6550 than 20,000 ~iles -r«Juced ·~ Porsch: cPe · XH'I'29l re-bit cng, ' Stereo/radio, __. NO\V ON DISPLAY JB3818eacbBlvd,HBIM7.(J991 hvm S4!nl to $4100 this, '1 ' pri. pty. Best o!fer. (213) OIRISTMAS IS NEAR 1 Power CruiMn 9020 1425 Baker St., Costa Meu • OPEN 7 DAYS * ROMEO Wttkend. Jim SI e nio n & . 6 PorscJW, s.c. UWF589 592-1932 or (n4) 846-1017 * Reserve. )'Olli' choice, % block Eut of Harbor Blvd. Mercedn Bera, 120 W. ·~ ~~:~ ~.. TQ~ '62 V\Y, '68 Interior. New t r-t ~-~'"P" earl•< 25' BERTRAM BAHIA MAR Costa Me1a (n<l "'o.9470 Warner, Santa Ana ~4 . r """ ul u.~ ..,.,..., • ..., 3 3 "" ~ .,......, .n~ '62 Pol'lk!he Cabro BBE032 eni. ove.rha · Extractor ex· 842-39'11 WUI love for yo a· t 11 CRUISER. T\VIN 150 H.P. ?tfOBIL.E 1-lome For Sale _ Triller, Travel 9425 .. Door _..a.n, wr, immacu-1962 ?.IE.RCEDES Beru 2206 '59 Porsche CPc HEV375 haWJt, Vlbrasonlc, Porsche • Chrlstmu. Cropped & &hots. ENGINES 2 RADIO.TEL& 1968. Sllahlly used, Llke ~--""--..;..= late. Will take older car In (Stk 9503) Nice running~ 'S9 p he VMrfOS7 rims. $1095. 6f;>o-3587. ~ top lines. Pl-IONES. APELCO AUTO new. J2'x40'. Forced aJr 1969 19~~· ALlO, fully ttU trade, HRZ8681B. call Ken dition, hydrax clutch rood o~ , WANT 2 dlde ciasl doors, au fittplact, ial dryer, dilh...,·uher. $3633 Wanted-RolltOP desk Needed before Chrlstmu Ol!J.-0449 NEED bricks one lo 1000, reuonably priced. 6"-4687 r.tARTINCREsr KENNELS DIR. FlN.DEr, FULLY heat, air cond. Adult Park contained, canopy, used on. 49'1-9113 or &ra-ffi'W. paint, nu &eat covers'. Only * * 546--0989 * * EQUIPPED FOR FISHJNG N...,11t. Bch. A Beauty ~ ly J times. Sac $3000. $700. Jlm Slemons ?ofercedes • POODLE Puppy' stan-ANO CRUISING. $12,;;oo. $5.300. Call _ &le: """., 83G-2650 AU'l'HORJZED Benz, 13) W. wa.i-ner, Santa CALL JOCK ::r 6= 00••. -·~ ALFA ROMEO A dard. beautiful . wh 11 e ,~.._. '67 COLD MEDAL, 2 BR, :ill lOCJG 31 ' SILVER Streak. Xlnt '°"""-·.,546-4i;;-;;;l;;;14=""',...-~ J~i'\Llflill t H111 11 u 11 " female, 4 n105. AKC. All MUST ~ll! 171J4' Flber&lus extras, in CG Park. Must cond. DEALER 1965 f.tERCEDES Benz 190 shOta. Took 1st in ·Puppy inboartl. Very seaworthy. sacrlf, $4800. \Vill fine. * 64.>16J3 • Diesel "'4oor • nu paint· 31(1(1 \f. q.ut Hwy., N.B. abow. SlT:.. ?.take oiler. E.'<. cond, $1800 or best of-636-3291 Marquis Motors Beautiful interior, good 00-!H()j 540.176-1 ~ fer.~ l.tOVJNG 10. Northem Ca.liL Tr1ller1, UtJllty 4MSO 900 so. est Highway lin!1, exce.ll~nt motor Aut~rized MG Dealer Storer 1775 DARLING tiny toy pood1ea. 30' J95'i Chri& Craft Expres. l0x50 Paramount mobile Two utility trailers, t.aiwia Beach. fPDA3J6) only $1795. Jim 'SJ..1~ new clutch, trans., SPACE: Boats l Cam~, AKC. \Vhlte, apricot .•· TIS. SS radio, auto pilot. home. ·Expanded llv mi, 4 x B. $125 and $85. 4!M-75!B • ·MD-3100 Slemons M~ Benz, l3J headers, have receipts, no a mo. 529 center St., chainpagne. Will hold for etc. ~$6COJ 84&-3825 1 Bdrm, center kit., avmings, e 833--7440 e ~1~•mer Sa.nt& Ana. pe:rfef~ cond., $2,TOO, after 5 C.M, ~T990or546-6400. Chriltmu. $50. & u p·. Bo 1 T II 9032 po.do. Adult park 1973 Nwpt DATSU p.m .• ~AlabamaApt.4 HB "";::':=:o~:='::-:=¥.=:= II "84&'~2"'~-'.,..-~.,.._-=,.,...,-I " ore Dlvd. 646-0643 Trucko 9500 N 1950 MERCEDES Benz lOOC t9G7, ill ~ •pd, AM-FM. FREE TO YOU GERMAN shorthair Pointer '16 ' P l y w ~d H ul l FAMILY PARK lN H.B. ---------! 4 door · good tramiportatlon chr-whls., aria: owner, lvn&" pupa: !I wk&. AKC. Champ ,v/Oberglan. Trailer ha& '66, 20x5S, 3 BR, 2 BA, ex-* '63 <;HIV V-1 Pickup The \Vortds Be1t $2000 Car fornlman1!:,. trnufXBble free miles Pon .. Country. 642-6839 -•E •· uaL h •'-' Shoto 523--t h f I t f •°""" 8 FT Fleet.aide w/radl.o/htr, • o Y ix:v. E105). Jim PO . -,, r '"' .., q ome .:;:·~-·;;;:::::·:,,::;:;,.-:-=,',---wnc & completely tigged. 1'11.S, ow ren ony, ..,......,, w/walls, b'• side m•-n, ~ SlemonsAfercedesBenz, 120 ~E 59 Coupe; w/fencd yn:I, beaut . "RUFF" -\Yolfhound pups. 1-Just Sell $100 673--2990, f"lnc avail. 536-8869 or '6 u •v \V. \Varner Santa .o.n-Or1g1na1. Very clean. $1995 b I k I w h I Collle/Sa.moyed Bir, clean, affect. CH. "63J.-06&1========= 636-3291 reu.r wrap bumper etc. #ALU "''"'C• M6-4lt< · l'UIG. finn. r;.;9-0024 mix 2'' yn eld • ....i -" ch · 1 Sparkling turf rreen (only all• ~Ii:, ·ootsidespa~ s~1~~or r11 mas . '68 MOBILE HOi\fE 20x43, in Laj:una will YoU tiod a lll60 :f.fERCEDES Benz '69PORSCHE912,Burgundy, wutchdoa:. older ch.ildren ~;,,;::;===-.,...,,= M.rlne Eq\llp. 9035 extras, nice, adults, pet low mileage, cared for pick· "Lcadu in The Beach Cltie5" D>SE coupe • a beautUul ~! Ft.I, ch.romc wheels. P lease. 83S-TIM &: SU-3476 SKYE TERRIER, AK C' 2.5 ONAN Generator. Just park. Cor. Sp. fencd 3 sides. up u this!) Pay you to in· ZIMMERMAN restored . classic ~ model • $587.i. ~2 aft 1 pm ll-24 chanrp aired tenlalc pup. overhauled $375. 8 l t. 642·32ti4 anytime Wed & Fr!. vestigate! 2195 HAlt.BOllt ILVO. rebuilt eneine, clutch, trans BEAUTIFUL medium breed Hsbrkn. rare, calm, fluffy Colun1bia dlngh)I &:. 3 HP other dys bel S PM ONL y $1195 ir.aA L"IO etc. New paint exceptionally RENAULT pct. ~~2a47 Johnson told-up outboard LOW RENT QUAL PARK ?o1ARQUIS l.IOTORS ~===~~,;.;,,:,.,==~/ clean interior -Call 54Mll.t male Cocker-mix 1 yr. BOXER Pupple1 -Pet & motor & carrying case $.195. 10:<50. 1 BR, 1 BA. ideal for 900 S. Cit Hwy, ' .......... Sch ORANGE COUNTY'S for details or can be seen al' -----·--- houae·pet, lovts child~n. f' J -• f ~-· ,. • '55 VW Camper, new engine, lia:hts, FM/ tilereo. $TJ(] firm. 33952 Copptr Lantern, Dana Point, 495-9806 I YW C&tnper 1fl89 Pop Tep ~ w/tent. Xin. gas heater. 1 Xlnt &nd. Priv. pty. >tf>-1'Al I CM1PER'S DREAi\1 1963 VW Camper. Big eogine. $945 or BEST 01'TER. ~ i§6i VOLKSW AGEN . Onme rims, wood steering wheel + xtra&! Beat G{fer. Art 5: 30, 673-4806 '64 VW CAMPER. Fully ; equip"d, canopy. $1250 • • 548-0ll! '62 VW CAMPER • $850. 645-0815 * ·oo V\Y sunroor. Very px1: <.'Ond. Lo mlles, new e ng , $1175. 494-2540 '69 VW Sunroof. Chrome \vhl i;. i\1any Xtras. Fact. Warr. Slo't cone!. 673-2529. had sholl. rree to gd home Show Qual. Will hold tor Call Len Bonner. 54S-8322 1m t. .... ncome. $2950 494-?JQJ • 540-3100 NO. 1 Jim Slemong Me r cede1 '68 RW •uto, r/h, 9800 ml, w/tencd yrd. 83>2929 or Xmas. 6 C)'I die.el eng. 3to1 reduc· aJ6..8869 or 636-3291 LONG BED DATSUN DEALER Benz, 120 W. Warner, Santa Michelin $1100. 1 owner. ~93 11/25 ~=,;C::;af;;>~·,,;c91Wtl~;;3=1=,,.-tlon unit. Fresh water 50' Completely Furn. Incl 1970 C.M.C. CSllOO Pickup. DOT DATSUN Ana. (0UJ313) 67:-0079 "63 V\Y VAN. New rebuDI LOVABLE Shaw-copper CHR.l.STiolAS PUPPIES cooled. Brand new, still in Color ·rv. Resort Loe. ~ Ser. # 2252JOJ 18835 Beach Blvd. J;========= engine & transmission. coJortd poo4le m.lx, 1 mos Gttat Pyrentts AKC, X· crate. Factory cogt. 673-2910 J>OS. ti!arina. $6500. See, $2695 lluntlna'.ton Beach TOYOTA $600. 673-S427 nffda eood home w/fencd rayed 1tock. Lovnlile little after 4 Pft1. 92702 Del Obispo, Sp. 75, UNIVERSITY "'2-T78l or MG-f\442 1963 V\Y Sqback, $675. 1962 )'I'd. S3G-6&56 after 5 11 T%S -~""~""'',;;"';:"":;.;·,::'42-=='l225:=-,-,-,, o======== Dana Pl 968-56j() OLDSMOBILE ·69 Datsun 2UK1 Rd&ter. 1...o ORANGE COAST'S Sunbeam Al pine, $'100. Call S.\fALL ,l&Jldtd white f'oo.-\VEIMERANER P!-1ppie1 . &o.t Slip Mooring 9036 LOTS AVAILABLE for coach 2850 llarbor Blvd. mi. $2700. Phone ~1186 ''OLDEST' "·,,..:,541-1697.:,,,:.""'·~---- dl!! 5 mos. old ma.le To Perfect for Christmas. ***>'SLIP available for of your choice . IN-Costa l\lesa forfurlherWo. '61 VW. Radlo1 new ti.res, ~ with chlkken. ~ Deposit will hold. 892-2'123 boll.ta lor sale (2) 30' to 35' FORMATION AT SPACE 54().!ISW Toyota Diiier nl~. $595. 11/21 AKC Dachshund, standard or 11) 60' to 80'. Call Chuck 26• Driftv.·ood Beach Club, ~1'6~,~-rn=R"o::..:ECO:.::._N_O_IJN_E_, U ./ 49M925 ./ •"•1t~,,-.. -.-. -m-,-... --.. w~>oemen..:;;;.;,;., red. 8 wka. $45. Champion Avert 61l-5252 or eves 21462 Pacific est H\vy HB heavy dty. super van. 630 I ;E;N;;;G;;S;H;;;FO;;R;D;;l'~C~~f'5Fs==if:;;~I Just Arrived! '63 vw BUS Th is kitten is dlgnilleil &: bkgrnd. 842.2897. 494-39.16 ' 20x55 J BR 1% BA, skirt, \V. 17th SI., CM. ~t.1 1• 1967 MERCEDES B eflt $750. WUdk>us, too. Will deliver IRISH Seltt!r, 7 mo. old, * WANTED * awnlnga &: itorage 15hed. Set 8 A!\t • 5 PM. ORANGE COUNTY'S 2.10SE Coupe (VJG083) In Large Shipment * 675-2348 * to like fam!ly, f93-41n U/21 male. papen & shoti. $100. SLlP 1'~0R 38' BOAT up In Costa f..lesa's finellt 1% TON Dodie Truck, cab VOLUME ENGLISH beautitul etindition -equ.lp-of lt 7 o MODELS J 96 4 v OLK SW AGE N LONELY! Take my ~@<I ..=::.:c:..;~;;::;,=~=--S7.~. 5-18-363'7 Best otter takes. 838--2&13. SALES ... SERVICE conditioning, sunroof, etc. lllf' lllll•S SIOOO. Call 962·2596 call 646-3479 714: 53S-0278 park. l\fove rla:ht In! Asking ·nlah utility boxes, xlnt cond. FORD DIALlllt ped with auto · p. steer· air ~ Sqwtreback, xlnt cond . temllle Welsh Co r al, .-~'"""" loit·Yacht R~uced from $7400 to S6300 ._, pertecUy trained, pre r. St. Bernard Puppy Charten 9039 El1ctrlc C1r1 9250 '541'55 Ford vs, '~ ton '89 MODELS for quick &ale. Jim Slemol'll ......... '64 VW. MAKE OFFER fl.du!tl. 642--29&1 11·24 ___ _.;. ...... :.::.::.•::GS:,..___ ----""-'----;..:.:: pickup $3C:'. Immediate dellftl')' Mereedes Benz, 120 \Y, •w.. BY OWNER. 962-2950 2 Lonahalred kitel'll, 1 male, APPEALING poodles, black, BARE BOAT CHARTER *ELECTRIC cart. good con. Sat pm M.>5-156 LARGE SELECTION \Varner, Santa Ana. 546-4114 900 So. Cit. Hl9hw•y '67 V\V sedan. XI.NT COND. 1 female, 8 v.·eeks o)d. Ir· male, AKC. Great for • 21' Aux i;loop rig sail, dltion $300. TALLANT, 1940-'6~ Cl.EV ~T 3 spd, 6 cyl, + Theodore '67 MERCEDES Benz 230 SL Lagun• Buch Original private owner. $1275 vine Cove. fS.1.2835 1V2.t children. Mi-1962 i.;Jeeps 4, head &. galley. $50 B Pomona, C.l\f. 8' slide-in sleeper camper. ROllNS FORD Cpe, PS, Ai.\1/F~t. 4· spd, 494-7503 * ~2100 499-246.l. 400-57\7 9 Hamaten, Good for Daehlhund Pups, miniature. a da.y. $100 for full \vtekeod. For quick sale $900. SlfrMU 2060 Harbor Blvd. 44,000 mi. Mint corn:!. 1j !!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!l!!!!!!!• j '56 V\V -Good Cond. $.125 or brffdera. Not far Pets. AKC. \YW hold "tU Xmas, • 20' &.lboa Day Saller$~ Mini Blkll 9275 '65 FORD% T PickUp. Xlnt Coata Mes. 642-001.0 owner $4000 (ll 525-8976; TOYOTA best offer. Call &12--5857 or 646-04&0. 665 Surf, Call -1162--~. H.B. a day +launch ftt, ln!Ur· ~1LNI-Blke, 1 yr old, 3\1 hp cond.. f.tust sacrifice for wol'k 871-3232 Ex 5552 !H84.154 C.l'of. 11124 SCO'JTIE. Female. AK C =~~;;:;~~ ~~ G4'2-6943, $8S. 64Ml77 after 6 pm quick sale! 64~3 FIAT "64 Merrede1 220 S. Air, SPECTACULAR ''066CC,,"'O,v'-.C,T~o-p_oo_nd_it~io-n-. -R-/H-. 1 COUJ&labrador pupple1, 9 r e r I 1 t ere d . Champion -====='=='=== wkdays, anytime Sat&: Sun '65 Ford Econoline Van. R/H, PIS, lthr. $2,350. YEAR END SALE Original private owner . wka. old. 414~ Emenon NB bloodline, beaut)'! 962-5671 .... _bll• Hom•• Dratted • l\tust Sell! Owner. 646-2939 $1050. 673-4648 mu 9200 M I 9300 FIAT '68 8M:I Spyder, 124 ALL MODELS Iott Tu.ltln behln 3'.lth & AkC BASSETT PUPS otorcyc "-·----$1000. Call · 548-9941 chrome whlll, radi al s, MG YOUR BEST OEAUi '66 VW. ri1u11t sell. Top cond. 21st) 11·24 Tr!<"Olor. $45-Si5, S4&863S eve 5 STAR GG PARK '67 HONDA '&t Chev. c.orvalr Van. Rad. stebro nhaurt. ~U21. ,ARE srILL AT R/H. Sunroof. $1050/best LAPRAOOR, l~S year old LABiiADOR Pupo, AKC ·~. 20x45, all extru. Htr. Autom1.tlc. Extra win-'62 flAT R d ~ DEAN LEWIS offer 673-3074 675-7i66 -·~ All -'-1> u cm' lot. must leave slllte! 305 Scramt,,•--do""'S. e-""-A• alt< Piii oa lier, •""""' "'67 MGB •GT Couna ,-·-' ,,_. a&PJ • cense. black, champ slock. field & ....-0o1r-...no tires, runs zood. nttdl top. 0 _1 _ d 1 " , •1•1ull _ 65 VW, sunroof, low FJ'ff to rood home . show ~. * 962-5737 531).8869 or 636-3291 # 574984 $400 8J3.2926 knd J;K> e... tt ex e.-.oi w mlleap clean One CW.·ner 54&-4448 11/24 AKC Doberman Pincher. '69-13' x 25'. One block fron1 $49' C1mpera 9520 · w s. blk. Jeath. !nter. Fully eq~IP. 1£& lJarllor, C.1't. M6-Dll $875. Cd,1\t _ si3-492J. · rnE U1Ilest Cat In Ille .~. traf--d. u~enl·mO"• shopping $1995 Cuh. Fhml FERRARI lncld. AM/FM, overdnve, BILL 1\1AXEY ~ "" ·• • l"·'O .. Bf d .. 55 ~ BARGAIN Ca m p I n g Rlr. new Radial Ply tires, 20,000 l '69 V\V 7 Passenge1· Bus. \Yorld. &U-1724 a.11 6 1 ..... &G-OJTI .,., .. e\vport v · .. o. • al Like ,,.w Lo Mil 1 _::;:·~::.,:,c:,,:::.:~==~=-Cr.1 Travel I 4 Whi dr, air. milesi. Locally O\~ & Ser. · W ea(e. p.m. 11/22 GREAT DANE PUPPY AKC Q ~ d ~I u x e '66 model + FERRARI viced by our serv. ice dept. ITlnlVIQ(!11Af $2795, Call 54M3(n 2 Lonc-haltd kittens, I niale, $2S. 1!!09 FEDERAL. C.f.1, '67 SUN VALLEY Skyline, ~,, ~o ·11.lrstream ll'lr 24' 1954. Newport lmportt Ltd. ()r.. $!e & drive to belie\.·e, ~ l:Q __,;,.r>~ '62 VW Bus, xlnt cOnd, t femalt, 8 wks ol.d. Irvint 10:<52, 1 BR. (very largel. Ewrylhln& 111 workinr anp Counl;>''• ac'11 autllozl. llUl l'IACH BLVD. pvt pty. Best offer. Co\~ Lacuna @4.a!m 11/24 Henn 1130 ~,:;~~~~~t ~· order. $3000 or will sell tzed dealer. Hunt. Beach 147..aJ55 546-1189 FREE. Husky. fiulfy P\lppy, ~" separately ~1338 SA.LES..SERV1C£.Plt.RTS 3 mi N. el Coast Hwy, on Bch Ul84 V\Y $800 or best oUer. aU shots, needl )lard. XLNT, healthy trail hone. L'tf.1ACULATE 1Qx60 double 1968 21' OPEN Road 3100 W.CoutHwy. !:Yet s·0 3117 &M-OJ'i8 11125 Wlll ro anywhere. 6 )'l' expando Viking 5 star adult Camper. Walk thru on lT Newport Beach '69 RED Toyata. Xlnt con. nnp 'o1 -or DARU MG Cream colored re.ldlna: $250. fi4G..3i69 park in Co5ta 1-te.sa. $9,500. ::-il9-3031 Ext. 66 er 67 Chevy chasaill, self con. 642·9'()5 540-1764 f.1u1>t 51!11, mo\'lng East. ,,Slo='-3-4~"2~------ tcrtol&e lritttn, 6 .wkll old to TRANSPORTATION Phone 646-8612 197U HARBOR BLVD. l&lncd, all po,...-cr, air cond Authorbied Fem.rl Dealer 3100 W. Coast HW)', N.B. 61ee_s1 Olfer. 4 9 5-SJ 25, '57 V\V Bus, xlnt tires & eni. ' '68 F'LEE'l'\"OOD 2 BR 11, COSfA l\1ESA tbru-OUf ,, • ., .... ~ 542.9305 54t)..}'7<!~ :>-4320. ne1v trans, Camper int, new ovin, home. 962-8401 11/24 •--h A Yac•-9000 • • · 1 .....,.....,.., JAGUAR ,.,.. brakes S7Z>. 846-1707 -m• BA. expanded \iv rm . '66 Hond• (1.160 SACRIFICE. Uke New Half -;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J ·,.;.:_A::""'°::::"::'::'di.;ijM~G:_:De::af:::::"c_I To)'Ola '68 Corona 4 1pd. O~!! >'~~:. "~:t~~~~\~~ 21' Cabin cruii;er, sips 2, An1heh11 Pk. Leaving. Fine Good Condition Cab-Over Camper, slttps 4, • ?t1G 2 rli\ ~ cond. '65 VW.J_~l~:OOF are allerP=. 4?J-2797 U/21 head~ CB radio. Needs avall. 63G-J29t $300. 547·SlS2 butane srove. $573. 545-5837 JAGUAR Sales. Sl!rvlc.?, Parts si 575 . 96 8--4305 1,,::--c=-c---c'"----I SPAYED, lf'eY female Tab-en;lne in1talled & ieneral * tO x 40 TRAILER. F.P. 196;; Triumph 650 CC TR 6-R, NEW lnmitdlale Dellvtry, TOYOTA 11117, R&H. GO()d 't9 VW bus, Jow mileage1 by cat, beautiful, we're ...,'1>rk. $600 (213) 592-1-110 aft $2850. 7204 COAST HI\VAY, lmniac conrl-tnt:ine Jui! re., 1969 Chevy Camper. 5000 ml Authorlnd All Models tires. Xlnt oond. SU.00. cocoa mat1, R/H. Xlnt allt!f'lk. ~. ll-2.'i c•cc•e:"'::...-------Beach .IE Bay, N.R. built. 54~2l88 Ct.11 _ ~176 aft 4. Dealer Call • 644-J.W cond. $2700 firm. SJ0-1749 15' ~·ood boat hull comp. ---u .. ,, ble o. · , J~rlllPUl l jl 111 p Ll I I " lmport..i •Autet ABANDONED; friendly tiler wllh tnJlflr & glassing n rvta .,.VUlli. etl , •• to JUU. or tbt: Pound. mater1&ts $lOO. 920 Arbor, 1' Larae Stock Available! .. ,_,,,, ""'· 11/22 C.M. STAR GA'ZER:"'~ •TheALLNEWXJS>;OAN CC5CKEii'itltJtt, male, ~ 19116="'-Chrto--O'a-,-,-2!-'.\-. -All ="' Ai its !10"..AY l. roiuAfl~;_=:.;:.::...._:::.j available for dem~tton, 3100 \V, Coaat Hwy. N.B. mor, very lmd w/chDdren. Gius. Twin 185 HP ~ng·s. w~ 11 ~ Your Doi'r A.drtft7 ~ M sm ":':n. ~ 'llf' ll"lS• ,_&12,,..,·,!>ltl>.;!~~-=~'c.~,,.~;;G:,,~;:>4!J.~':!:1164~ 146-S68T Llr.!2 Fly Brklc:c. liead &. Galley, -"~•. " A«ortl/"f 1• 1~• &l•r-. T 1 • ~~ ,.. 1, " 0 "" WlNT""~ _....... home !-; •-. r-'I "6-...,."" 2· 4-To deYelop me11oga for Sundoy ocr. JI . tnlt '55 ~1G ROADSTER. TF 1500 EM ........ '" .......,... ....., '" '""" .u..u. reod~correlPO"dlng torunbtr: 1f..J'-'1Ml:6'1 ·-yr. old Cocker s,.nlel. fine ofyourZodlotbinh~igri. J.74-TS •• Cotnp. reblt ere, rear end. watchdos. ~ 11124 8 Ii 10' Dinghy. 12' electric ICOl'IO new bra.k~s. clutch. etc. Lo bolt, ~·aonable. ~~';,,.,. i~~..., 61s.,,..,,,_ oer.lJ 900 So. Cit. Highway mil. call days !)47-$; pm ' MALE be-ale, 1 yr. old lovet • 548--oot5 • a 1.. Jl ""4v :J ~!.,.... "°'· 1, L .. wna leach · & wk,nds 00·5239 ask for children, lree lo eood homt. '"'•rk l• I• •~~'' 1. J. 6-ll 4'4-7503 * 540-3100 tifr. J. Jones. W-4945 S1llbolt1 9010 i~:.0.." ~1::'. ~~... 1a.»J5 •• ;; ;-..;c-6~=,,.,,-,.-J.,....~I .t;U.....,. odd • .....i I hat 7 Thi l7 n. ,7 Jo. f.A--~llUI '&3 JAGUAl1 XKE ,.._,,, .... _ st ~1G ~dan 1100 Gd. oond. ""11 ~ .e, ... ,, 0~ r LUOERS l&· No m $2800 1Vo:ou'" JI"°""' .. " _,,., • • "'.....,, wu~ \Yas ukin& $!Dl. take -lmlale cal Must find_.. · • ..... __.. ........ ••lMf9 #Or.11~ •hit Gd Cond $2SOO/otter ,,,_ )lome '°°" &tt-5802 U/ii flrm, Xlnl cond .. call 1 0 ~ 40Q;'•+Dft9!' 70c.f Old.,, · · · · er bai.;t oU,r. &U-9186 Pvt c'i · . ~751 a fter 7 PM 11.._ 11 "* 11 ,..... AJ. ~or 639--15n Ply TWO fl"l•ky biaCk mlie kit. C6LUMl1A 21 ll~ ..... .J~ ~~ l..u...MI' '62 Jq-XKE Rdsler, AM/ MUST sen Perfect '69 MGC. ol ttd ..... ~, .. ~~ameae, 7 y,·eeb sum. * 645-0StO ''k-''Y ,,,,.,,..,_,. 7,°' nr, Xln't Condition, $1nG. Pd $4000, In Jui .. ; $3050. ._..-l ~You'r• ~$1,. 7$C.m .... ,...,111"'""'I Call -644.-4930. Owntr tnanif, 629.=. diff Silver rrey ldtttna ..--14• SAILBOAT l~~111.,.. !~tr""! ~~ FOR.Sale-JaquarClaulc • .,,1arl e~a. Box ~ntd. :\1nl cond. $.38.7613 lS~ !l ~:,_ .... , ~=· l!tM XK~l«l. ssso. ·s11 ro,~o,ntua-lc. NPowl ur .. 11& ~ 11121 24' FiiEl GLAS L-14 101t. ~c,,.;; tor.-• call -fi73..6047. ta '"'' • • ease c I, .~""""" 21111~ !It ~ 111 .. n_.. n1ake otter. Ml-5981 8L4CK It ... ·hlte )'()Un( kit· $2500. Henry 6~ llMfr<I ~lYo.. a2'°""'._ ,.~ G ti n. ~ 111".1 VENTURI 21 ~~v.,-.... ~~-.... ~ ...... 1 1',"'-UNCOLN 'w ~I ' Sedan. Good ,,........... dlllon. mo. 1'he U1llat Cat in the "'ortd. w/trlr, bdcd! S.ij.{.1110 >51. 5~"'-'-""1 U~ Call 64 5"-1519 ft I ~Hot! \6Cevld ..... '62 LINCOLN ·~===,.;..'-"-=== fC-1'124 I · p.m. 11 /al NE\V 21 ' Sloop. PacUlc lt°" ~1!.N.vl~ .,,,,,.,,.., I OOUSU: 8td Sprina. Call \\1\nds. factory D ire c t . ~~:','~ ... ~~ ~:::::= MGA ~ 11/23 stm Call 838-2516 r.1· 60'1'... 00~ Continental, f\111 pwr, dlr, alr.1----------1• TWO SOP'.U. tM tab~I CAL 20 # 1112 Gaol '°'Adwx l\.N~~tal Small dn. Low pymts. LP,J. * ·~ MG8 * btfoft: f.. ~ 1.1/22 O\VNER * 67>TIOO ·--~::==~~==~\81===='"'====~~~~~----1 7471.B, call Phll 49WT73 or 43,000 ml. Good conditioft. _~ __ .. ______ , __ ,:.ll:::'::"'c...::.*;;.-==~ 1970 TOYOTAS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW BIG $$ SAVINGS ON '69 NEW DEMONS TIA TORS B MAXEY TA 1mL•iACH llVD., HUNT. ""'" • " ·-~ • ••rt•lt ........... 847.9555 ·-----..------------~--,..---·-----.,-...,...--,.,....-~.-c--~----,--·-···~~ ...... ~. ,. ~·----~ ~·-' - TW!f'!llTATION TM}!PO!!ATIOtol ' f . -..... -·- T~ATIOH TltANll'OlTATIOH . TllANlllO!!ATIOM TUNll'ClllTATION •. T '""""" A--··~ --'"'er'"" -... '"'~....., WI!. I ., ,· .. Dean ·Lewis 9s New Volvo. Sho..,roo1n Hiii NOW ALL NIW 1970 VOLVOS ALL 1970 MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! • 1<12 ~ 1:4~. • 1<15 • 16<1 -All The New Seden• & Station Wegon• Are Here VOLVO 1"Wbere Comfort Is Standard Equipnent" SAVINGS OH All REMAINING '69's • We'r e Dll!ltlllttf Year Waif T iii• Weeken4. Talcf' That Short Drlee to Co•ta Mesa 4 Sii~ Sf l SEE THE NEW 1800E . . . Fuel lnfectc.J New 4 Spetd Plu1 Mony N1w & Othtr Tollod· l .. 1 ORANGE C:OVNTY'S LARGEST & MOST MODERN VOLVO DEALER .1966 HARBOR BLVD~ 646-9303 COSTA MESA VOLVO t1oo Auto LH11;,. • tt10 .;;.;.;;.;..;;;;""-----'= 1 =;..;;;;;.;...--.;;"°°.;:: _______ 1 _ ·---= 9900 COUGAR -W!-r-AY-.·.-.-. --fjll LEISE. fj/I .CADllUC CHIYIOLET CHRYSLER CORVETTE ------1------1 CASH 1970 FORD Torino CT, •~ •• ,. CAD..,,.,, o. vw.. ate, '66 CHEV NOVA CORVITTE v• .;.'7.C..":'!':--"""""r brakes 6 srccrlna;, -..rt O>tlpe 19'7 Chry1ler ' LIKE -w '69 Co--tto • ' ._ ' ..-... , .• • . ~--351 b1l< vln)'I top, tilt 1teerin1 <Jl'U N y k '"' • T'---------w~. Medium blue, ft9d)' CLIA•.&M(I NOWI , radio, ~e oval ~sw, ' whl. vacuum door lock, elec VS, A, PS, PB, Sha~ll lit. ew or 1r Fut.back. American mq1. for a new home. <TYT315). 1•• ...,.1,,• 1., l.ui _ 4 V cngmc $911.;,c>, 24 mos. windows, 6 .....,., 5 eat, tie je\11el In town . Lie SSS. Custom 4 Dr Sedan, air eon-7£XMJ mi 50-6118 alt :S SAVE .,~ , n..o.. 291111 ., __ ~--• -• .. • -klr .-cl can 6 bucks,_ 1969 liY'IDn· LTD lr power ~-ditioning automatic trans-• • · • ..,....,. 63 Corwtt• "''"Y • m w=ii .• ........,. 'Tfi!: LOWEST PRICES 1, eall UI for'frll ..amate. .. ~-' a • . l)'l ission 'power iteerin& & S54S5. Roadster, 327 4 rpd, fuel in-AL ROBERTS ' YOUJl BUI' DEALS . 6I0111 l'llNM.IET atM~, l"ldlo, luxury trim. brakes 'radio heab!r tUt It '65 CORVETI'E Stin1 Ray, jeclion. extra 1harp earl lOOlll Gatdtn Gnivfl Btwl. • ~.AMSTIU..AT. . _ U9'·~u;~-~fH(OASf • , t.etcscoPlc•hed,iP-i&Gd._Ena. New tlre1, $15.'ICI. Day G42-1!143, ~)UockW.otBroolchlat DEAN LEWIS "*'for 5IJa ~. ' CAR LIASING c::ruisc cohtrol. New Dffm· 6'5-0512 . Be1t Oller. ~ve1/wknd1 64So0962 o.1T-T800 um a.rb Bhd. ;mW. Cat Hwy, NB ~218'.I -tum ti.res, Ablolutely Ukc 195 Horbor, c.M. 606-9303 H-e..dt :;:':::=;i;:i;=iO::= j ''7 Chtll'( El Ctmlno now. UHd Cua 9900U"" Cars 9900 UIOol Cm KI 9-33n UMd Ciri 9900 Auto. trans, poower steer., $21" MtlqUOI, Cl11olco 9615 "327" V• •nr. I< full Anm. GOOD SILICTION Will Buy m .. 1. Champoa"' mlll w/ '57. MORGAN 4 BUICK lull vln>l lntor. l'lawJ.., ln .. ~3<lll Ext.,.°' 61 NeW Top, new brak~•. Ex.-Your Volkswagen or Pol'ICjhe evt.rl det.11. 1970 HAJt89R BLVD. cellent con di t ion. $1500. & P•Y top dollars, Paid !or '63 BUICK LeSabre, Good COSTA MESA ~Ml-:;;;,;l,;724=:;&1::"::'::'::P::M:::. =::~I or no,t. Cal.!,.,R!!? ~ cond.; reblt ena. Orla. •SS Chevy Jmpal1. WaitJn, all .,,....,,_ owner. 64~. 548--0390 l==== .... ==•11:-1 pwr, Gd. Cond. $1250. Autos Wint~ 9700 . ·r -'-"~· -=~=~-can -M&-1135 --------1 Auto Leising ' 9110 * '64 SKYURK, 2 Dr, '61 Chevy Impala Conv., ·. WE PAY .WH "'11'P· 1~~-.'1":'.!; -!'1·000 3100 W, Cout HW)I., N.B. $295. Good Tn"'""''"~"· LEASE , lllNT m "· ·~· -......,.., 612-$4(15 040-1184 C•ll M:l--091<. FOR YOUR W ORDER YOUR :19 Electra, ahl.rpl $27S. Authorized MG Dealer 1006 CHEVY Imp&la \Vagon. 549-3031 Ext. 66 or !7 :. 1970 TODAY Call IO AM·2 PM 157 Chev. ~t1-;:in. Alr.pov.t!l'-1' owner. S1400. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. CONNELL FOR EARLllST 6f-0002 Se1A1',4Dr. v • .,, """ e;.....,.. ==co=""=•=MESA===' DELIVERY '59 Buick Invicta. White, 4 Rebullt2S3ensfne,newtt~~ '--------CHEYR0LE1 AU popowu makes. Fon! dr. Power brakes ~ "'"" new troN., _., 1teuJna, CHRYSLER 2828 Harbor Blvd authorized lea.sine iyttem, Ing. $150. 646--MC power brab1. auto traN. --------CQRVAIR Costa Mesa MS-u0n Get Our Competit1V. Rates '67 RIVIERA. full pwr, ate, Must ate lo appreciate, Rea· '64 Ch ry1ler Wagon --------Theodore new pol)'l1u tlre1. $2850. 10nabl.y priced at $450. Town & C.OUntry \Vagon, V-1, '82 CORVAJR. needJ minor WE PAY TOP 540-MOO or 646--1005 Can 8-17-7187 A/T, R&lf, Pwr. sreer .. tac. wol'k • would make good DOLLAR ROBINS FO~ FOR Sale '69 Bulck Skylark, 1969 CHEV. Impala c ... tom air, WSW. r00f"o69l. Sllll5. Du"' BUllY Chau~. 1100. f~1 ~: c~~Gu9.l.ld ~~ 2000 Harbor RI . CHEAP, a.iM.'Onit, vt~l top. coupe. Air cond., turbo l~"ACL•nlR00,BGE!,T561 .. d. 136-<958 -m ....... s. _.. eorge ·~ Costa Mesa -0 Ca118'f5..3058 hydramaUc::, power dl ac ......,., •v• • '62 CORVAIR Sta. Wag. A·l !'heod~·~borblnBl•vdFonl 1 11~~~~~"1"!'~•1 ;;;c:;,;;~=== brakea, power iteerlllr. ~~Block W. ol Brookhurst c:ond. sm. '61 Mona llOO, 2060 ~-· LEASE ANY MAKE vinyl roof, 6,000 mUei.l----'""-'-·1!00,;.·c.___ $145. Call 5'&-2831! C,M. M2-tl010 OR MODE t CADILLAC ,,,_ --------CONTINENTAL ·55 eorv.tr eoraa, 140 1MPORTll WANTED Lot ou.< Jo"" <'Porto show '63 Nov• SS, bkl "ala, auto I 4 pd tr G 11 Oranp flolmtin you the best plan lor your SACRIFICE trana 1 th l(>, Ii llll8. eo · TOP S BUYER personal needs wilbout obti-CAD. SED. DEVILLE, '67, 'P 11' r 'economy 6, 1966 .CONTIN ENTA L 20.1 Diamond, B.I. 673-26S7 l!LL MAXEY TOYOl'A gatio n. Loaded. Stereo, teat.her, "r~ 11':t11' 8rtcent tune-up SEDAN ' 18881 Beach Blvd. UNIVERSITY 30,000 ml. $3680 Finn. Day1 x n COi ' y owner $995. J,(18.ded! Xln't Cond. ~.)Sea~ Pb. 847-3556 OLDSMOBIL E 8.17·2970.Eves.494-4390 :!.-~~~2 dayll: 67 3-4566 Sl950. Call .· 546·18'13 CORVETTE W•"TED 1-,., ....... •c .. llA u .. ...._ Blvd. •if CAD ..i Dorado .. , aU xlP.I , -'63 4 n11 hardtop; tull ,pwr, '68 CORVETTE 321: 2 Iopa, 4 ,.., : w;11 '-AU~ • _,,,, .... _ ,.,,. BT"MALIBU lo ml, ....i Un!a, fo•I ,-.,,·, lo ml, "'"' -~. pd •M -· XI I' 13 °'~ ~m pn·vot• party CaU aft Costa Mesa lo mi, xlnt ooncf, !\-fake of. 8" ... ...v1iu • , " /r 1n . n · ,.NII. "" • · console, bucket seata. air, Tires new $895. 494-4129 673--4223 Eve1/wkendl. I p.m .. 546--8157 510..9640 fer. Sellftrade, 644-4265 lull P'Vr, AM/FM, vrtv. ,:,:;=:;;~:====...=.:;:;:=o;;::::;;;:,= Imported Avtos. _...;.:-:::.;;;lm;;iP:;;;or!.;.:.:-':.:.' .;A.:;ul;;;•:;...__:9.;;600:;;.;l;.;m::po::;r;;;•ocl;:;:...;;A;:u.:;too:.;:.__9_600-'-. ply. Make ~. m-842' Used Cars 9900 .. '61 CHEVY Van, paneled, BRAND tape deck, bed • cacpeted. Ocan looklnc A rwutlna. Call 't •Sf..W. 1962 CHEVY lmpola. 2 cir. Xlnt cond. ieo. ·-· NEW 'G CHEVY Impala Mr Adan. 1100 cub z:. ndl """"''·-'69 CHEVY Nova. Yellow, 297 eng, 3 ~pd lranl, xlnl ., BUGS 7~:.!io~=:· 1 aale' Sl850, 534-5290 . '6" Irnpe.la SS, air, p/b, p/1, 9 0, New tlre11 MAKE OPTER. l I 7 I 847 .. IJll) ' ·~ Impala, 2 dr, 213 enc. I OH DISPlA Y & READY TO GO Now -. lo m••· a/o, xh>t ""'· Lo ...,., oe-11m • CHOICE OF. COLORS.~O MODELS AT .•• HICK IVERSON 'IT-Chevy lmpola. Sold. Matcbi. lnL Air. PIS, !WI. Xlnt cond - '81 CbeV1'01et Impala Conv. Uke MW cond. All powtr. lllll' m,u, Evonlnp. 1965 OM!vy Impala SS. V-1, Rl.H. P/S, auto. Orta TWO LOCA-IO I-'l'OU oMitr. $lll50. 837.llGll. CHEVY Mona '&l. Top t'lln. Harbir Aren O.ly ~~riud VW ~ Po11<ho D1alor IAI T COAIT HWY. ot IAYllDI DlllVI , NI WPOltT 11!-CH dltion. 1 ..,..,,, RJH, 111to. lo new tires. sseo. 11»28811 & 1'70 HAlllOll IL VD., COSTA MESA 'II Chevy eonv, Stick ttllilt jj~~--~fot~O~M~1~o~P~T~H~ElL~ov:e~1~u~•~s~n~c:1A~L~s--~M~t~.J~1~11~! ~f:'"· P45. eau ownsr. '64 CHIVROLIT 3 I 4 TON CAB & CHASSIS b 11U111t ••llf'ltio11 int14• I out, l ie, No. SJ4247, OH YES! ' . WE WILL GIVE YOU A REFRIGIRATID CATERING IODY ALSO IN EXC ELLENT CONDITION! ALREADY ATTACHIDI TOTAL PRIC I '999 ., 0,.. 1 .... 111 II P,M. 18211 BllCll Blvd., Huntll!fton Baell ""'' Jt ....... DJeto ,..,. I'-541 llU or 147-6Uf Open, 7 Doys 'Tll 10 P.M. TOPS IN QUA Lin Wl'RI RIAL PROUD OF OUR 9UALITT USED CAftS a THI SALtlMIN THAT RIPRESENT US ll ·.~· 'IU.I. HAROLD 'H CONTININTAL "H CONTININTAL COUl'I Ao11I .tH''°" 1111111111<: tlnlsh wltl! IN!d!lfll lnltrllw, bl1ck land1u roof. Lu~""' 9<1ulpped. CompltlelY 1111 1tffr• '"' WI!"'' ftctory tlr, pawe, dM• lclcb1 1!c. VTP ,,. 52295 10b.Q.80D•80D LllllLI lllTllllTAL • iw;m ·•••••n·--· 261' HAHOR IOULIYARD, COSTA MllA 1 MH• South of tti. San Dl990 FrHway USED CARS 540·1631 • I • .. ~ .. • • • ,. -• --• --t ' - BR~ D NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE < ., FUii, f•c.to>rr 1qwlp,_d ii11::l1i1di119 h11~ r1 lts, 111t.1Mlt;, hick' Uft lithh, wl11d,hi1ld w1th1n , ouh idt mirror, ci r~ "'*'· 1+c. r ~-.-b.ou TOD AY '. . . FULL PRICE •, ' . llRAND NEW '' · ' BRAND ~EW • . 1970 DELTA 88 2-DOOR 1970 98·4-DOOR .SiPAN Futly f1clo1y 1q1l-,pecl inc.ludint h11d r11h, 1111 belts, ll1c.k up .ltthh, willd1h i1ld w11h1r1, oufiid1 inirror, c•t• 455 \II , 1Jtomf'tiC: Power lle1ri119, power d;sc llr1k11 "' ''h" •'a""a""'·g 6 FU~: , .• ''"· ''"s2996 ·~~~E PR(CE ' ORDER TODAY ORDER TODAY . I WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970· MODELS! OYER 40 SERVICE ST Al.LS TO KEEP YOUR TRUCK AT filAK ' " EFFICIENCY! • THI! GM ' -s'F lf'Ym .(RE . ~COMING IN :&Y>THE _ TRUCK LOAD! • • FROM PICKlll'S' TO HEAVY DUTYS ••• FROM' C,\'MPER UNITS TO FOUR WHEEL ' ' ' j DRIVES • • • WHETHER A SINGLE UNIT OR A . LARGE FLEET • • • WE ~AN SERVE YOUR TRUCK NEEDS BEST! Y·I, •""Y tr.Rt .,,1... ltMTY •• .,rt ... ~ ....... lffl-..,..t .. ltlt, .it illf. NCIChr, , .. 1 ...... redle, fltl 1 ...... t. 1M1111Cj1Atl DI LIWlll:Y IDIAL POii: CAMPlll:I " NEW 1970 3/4 TON PICKUP ,$2695 FULL PRICE CE2J900 ~ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A ·~· QUAUTY VALUE-RATED USED CA~ '"*' '67 OLDSMOBILE 98 COi/pi. IUOZ tl1) Fllll 11111war, rectory 1lr Cllllllditllnlf'lih AllSOlultlY gorgeou,. . ' $2595 '67 TORONADO ~UOG 'al Full 11111wu, 11c1ory 11r, lol~. °'!"f l top. An u ctllenl 'tlt luc '' $2695 '&6 OLDSMOBILE CUSTOM I~ 1 Or. 15LW tlll AvlOfnltio;, lfctory '"· ,...., ""'11'19. ""'V' IOJI, 8e11vHtvt I"' •lie a. out. '$1795 '67 OLDSMOBILE DELTA '65 OLll~'411Bl(E DU TA 88 t Or. H. 1, (NQX tlU Aulomellc, !1c1ory tlr. POWI• s!eering. VI. r1dio, hnl1r. Shtrp cir. $1295 '67 OLDSMOBILE DELMONT ' Of'. H. T. (VIN 3"1 AUtlHTllllc. IKtory 1lr, pe1wer 1trerlng, 125 VI, r1dlo. l!Ht1r. Ovt· 111odlng. ' 52095 '68 CHEVROLET CAPRICE • Or. !VT,. 3521 Autorn1tlc, i1c1ory 1lr, pow.r 1tee rifl(I, VI. "'"1'1 top, rfflo, M1!1r. ae1utih.I! CO!ldlllort. $2395 '66 CHEVROLET CAPRICE c;.;... J 1tir: w.T~ ITXv lllrl> A,.-jk; ·, ~.'·tuOs Ufl1 Autotn11t1C. 1~1111''1 •Ir· '°""' II' 1:eerl')g, "'""' roo, r1dlo. l'IHlw. Tri' $2395· ~7.95 . '68 CHEYULE . I Nomad co.,,.,. w1gon. (YWU S1'1 eutom111c pow.r 11n;lng. r.illo, hH!.r. A rul bt"•..,1)'. ' " $1895 '68 BONNEVILLE I Or. t.l T. (VHU D501 Full llOW'llr. llCl'Dry 1lr cO<ld1tlonlnt. ~1nv1 !OP. '66 FAIRLANE 500 2 Or. H. T. !TFC 1091 1utoml!lc, llOWi• llM•lng. VL .. di .. h11!1f. Fin• cir. $1395 '68 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER ' ' or. H. T. IWQI 153) F11~ llO\ffet'. tec4or, •Ir. L11~11•r·p1111. Atll!l111i.1y torgeo14. ~3095 . 28,() HARBOR BLV D. conA .MllA \ I OHH 1 DAYS A WllK TRANSPORT ArlON 9900UMllCffO ''·' TRAHSPM~ATI" + .!lt_AHSP'OllTAJ'~­ UMll Con •. • · . "" UMll Co~~ • •_.. DODGE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD , MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE l'ONTIAC · · '66 T·llRD VALIANT '65 LE J\otANS, llpo11 coupe. Stt"'to bel.ieve! $100 over Blue'•Book. 968-4038 -,60-V_AL_l_A_NT-,-VA_G_O_N_ '67 Gran P.t.'l x-Sh•r.pl . . 3012 Killybrooke Lane . I J»aded! $1995. 846-1165 ~,Costa Mesa 54G-3IU ORANGE'. ,IJiiNTY'S ONIJ ~ill'lllORlZED KEY DEALER FOR DODGE MOTOR HOMES by tRAYCO . Now. Special savings on our cbm- 1970 DODGE• ' ~OTOR HOMES . ., '· by TRAVCO ON DISPLAY, 21 ft, & 27 ft, I MODELS plete line of recreational vehicles-from 1 Wl~TER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 1st TIME OFFERED . campers and Famil y Wagons thr ough the ult imate in cross-count~ living, Dodge Motor Hornes. There'll never be a better time to put yourself into one of the greates t vacation homes going. See us today1 And save enough to get yourself way out of town tomorrow. -• GYPSY SUNDIAL •OVER 60 JN STOCKI REDE KAMP LITTLE CHAMP SLIDE ON ' 1969 COREY$ CRUISER · 4977 Completely • Se lf · Contained ' . .. -~ v.1 111gi111, 1ir conditioning, 1 uto. tr1n1mi11io11, pow1r 1t11ri n9, i l11p1 I ; ~ monom•tlc toil1!, '•fri91r1lor, m1 ny other 1J1tr11. No. 2012 16670. lid, front for 2, with rt cli11lf11t ~,,, .. ,, 111!. I N , r11r, kr 2, with t1bl1, 111h . 1lor· 1191· c1bl1111t, fermlc1 tep, 4r1w1n . GI..., ti11h4I, wiltd1hi1lcl l 111 windows, H••t.r, Hit h c1,t city1 •Ith tl•froder, IM.Nffe. l.1ounditroofi11t· lt•cli•, AM. Jut•11• t1nk I t •Ut•· Rofri9noto..1 electric. 12 '°' 11 0 'tlolt, Si11li:, bull t·ht •1tt i11l•1• 'lt1•J. Wete'r feri~. •1nt•d Jr..ri,, •ppre....i pl1r11~nt. •ircr•fl·tvP•· l ran111tl11lon, 1utom•lic, J 1pttcl, H:O, w1fer coolel,•Utecl,, low mil119t. TRAVCO . COREY 75 Camtaer Conv~rslons Ready for lrilmediate Delivery. GENE .O'HARA'S " Our Lease I , S~PLE.~lllCOUNTS -· ~ltANO MJ'W 1969 MONTEREY Cut_torn t e.r. HT. V .. , •ul9. tr•n1., f<ktOrV •Ir ce!llllllliolllr9, -"'"rln;. po-!Cl"'! br•k· a , po-wlnclowi, r.cllo, 1'1111.,., ""'l1irw1U tires.• lltlMCI glll!.i, Wh~I CO~ll'1. Ho, tZWX'32tSJ. ~ " Wind. Stier. $4117.20 Sale Price · $3855.00 DISCOUNT $ 962.20 , lQ&g'.'.MiiNTEREY · Wind. Stkr. $4074:10 2.DDor1t11n;11op, v· .. , •ul9. 1r1n1 .. powir 11ur1n11. -~ale Pri~e $3·193.78 ~ ~· •1¥ br&kll, w11111 .... u1, 11n1ed 11111, N'T $ 881 02 ~I cover~. lltluQ 1!1 Ylnvl ln11rlo<. tz.ix. • DISCOU • •1~. . · ..... "'" · . Wind. Stier. $3939.00 ....... !9.~! .. ~~~A!_C~!! _. 's,i. ;rice $3275.00 1011<:1 br•kn, 111nr11w111 11rr1. ~rNM• p'1·$,.;"0U. NT $ 664 00 f''k"'"..,.... ••. .............. . ' . .. • . __ _ lQ&s"cobGAR XRl . Wind. Stier. $3982.00 ... -· _..;..,_. ,,,..,..,, _ ·""'' -~e Price $332Sf10 "'""'' """·• ....... "'""O)' . 1•• '""" DISCOUNT' $ 657..00 1lllu';'N1!'fltnHS11• • • i • . . •:..... ·--' '·.. . --. OVER 70 MORE ro CHOOSE FROti' ! ~:::::::----, '• ... ll .• - THESE ' ARI TIU . . FACTS! We ore the nu("bor one Lincoln-Mercury d11lor in Orange aod Sfii Diogo Counties by 1ctual factory figures, and we must cle•r this final group of' brond now 1969 models to mike room fqr da ily shipmants of 1970:1. S.o row . ofter . row of 1!10dol1 end colori now qisplay~d on our back storage lot'-. just as they cemo off tho factory . trucks . T eke your pick and· We will give you same day • service and delivery at the gr11tost yolrond·ditcounh we have ·ever offered! . ·THE FABUL . US. ·. 1970 MUSCLE CARS : • ··. ARE·;HERE . " Wo•• lOi Eliminator ,e Cyclone GT . · . . :.CJ-428 Elim_lnator • Cyclone 429 . ;· Jl~T l)'_RIV~ "~. •. • · ~ .~~i.Nler. X·lOO · · :YOUR: F~YORITE . · : ' · / ~~lijt Oar Complete Hlljh .f ; <;tODA l} · Perfor'inan'ce Sales-Service-, ~ · -: , ·t, " \1 Parts Center! -.... ~ ";!!If ... . ...... _. .. -.................. .... .. . ' . t • ~, ' ---THE ~ FA(TORY SAYS .. MOVE THEM QUT ! " . Still Over 12·.Trlickloads of New 69's To Go! ·New 69's '69 Demos '69 Exec. Can '69 Low Mileage Used SAMPLE SA YING$-., :. · . .. • ·-'... ~ ' 1969 MERCU ·RY . M.ONTEGO_ 4DOOR SEDAN t . .... ' ' . V8, Aut0111atlc Trans., Ratllo · $ • & Heater, White Wall Tim, Factor.y Warranty. A beaut!· ' ~ . ' ful fir. etHJln• red •. Take a ride In ltili one today. ' Low , tiifleage. o Is Lie. No. 457.MU FULL PRICE . ' . NOTCH TRADE-IN CARS! ).,65 _ F,o,d· Convt,'11~ · · V.I, a11tometic, redio, ht•ler, looks I r11111 li',l' newJ .,._,drive · 196.4 Lt8:•o"'_qontinental . , 1t65 '?,tdlJ•~ Pqrf G.T.. . . · 1967 Mercury Co11gdr' tf,T! y.J, ftctory ,;, co"diflonln9, fu ll po,wer, reJio, heefer, whiteWell 6 cyl., eute. lr•n1., ,....iJo, h•'!!J--1' r~el cr••rw ftuff,' IMJ.t v.1, eutom•flc, led!o, he•titri ,ewer 1teerlAJ,.lf' w•ll•, ~11yl • ,. . • . :;r"'· ~~ii ono , today: I Ne.,.1tila lic•n•• Cli7 171• {I 1964 Oldsmobile Starfire . " v.1, ·~to; ! '"'" f•ctory eir conditionin .. ?,f11fl pow~r, r1dio, he1let, b11ck•t 1e1t1, whit• int erior. LiceMf }OR ,611 Ii •aa9 . 1963 Cmdilla~ De Ville tir••· Bleck witll bl.ck inleriOr. License IFI 66J 1eet1. Liu1'11• PCF tlQ_ .• _ M• fop, eir co~ilio,nfn9 •• 9n• owner, run1_.!!k• new."F~~·10.rY,' W!r· . •919 •919 ""ty.(VGZ·•ita9· . " 1964 Buick Skylark V.I, auto. ft •n1 ., factory 1ir conditloninig, Powar 1feerin9, pow• •r wi"clow•, rtdio, h••ler. licenst KIX 741 •919 1967 Toyota Corona 4 Gott '""'• stick 1hift, r•dio, he•t,r. W°•~t o t•• 1e..,-l.,Jrt thi1 '"'' Lic•h•• VOG 151 .- '989 1967 Mercury Pkln •. Brqugharn 1969 Merc.11ry .Marquis H.J •. ' 1 v.1, euto. +re,,,., fectery elr condlfio11in9, full pow•r. k/H, w/w v.1, eute. !rent., fectory eir cond'ltionin9, full· power, R/H, w/w tires, viii~ roef, tin!M 9le11, whl co.,.n. lest Mere he1 to off•r, tlrt•, ''tlnyl roof, finlti 91•1•, whl. co,,•r•, AM.FM Stereo. Lie. UUV 509 , XIH 806 *1989 . 1968 Ford Torino G.T. Convt. v.1, 111!0. tref11., , ••• , •••• ,r,.., radio, "'''''· whitewell tir•J. low.11111••-F•ctory w•rr•nty. lic•n1• WTZ 17J •1919 '3489 . ' 1969 Uricoln Continental . . . ' v.1, faclory ,•ir contili1Jonht9, full powor, R/H, w/w flre1, tintM. 91•••, whl. co¥•rl• Pricod belDw bluo book -W•rrenty. li•: ''"'' XTP 232 1 LINCOtN MERCURY • . •• ., ORANGE COUNTY COUGA -MONTEGO HEADQUARTERS "· ' . ' . 1301 .. NO.· TUSTIN, SANTA· ~NA · t,e-., . •. . . • , OPEii la· FrL· 'Tl 10 P.l· · sat. . sun. 9 · P.M. . . ~-w~. Appre~iate Y~u .. Bqsiness''· ' . . NEW CARS 547°9183 •• ' • ·. • • . ·~ --------·-------------------------------------------- . . -i ' •• • ·' ' • ' ' • . . . t.' ~ CADILLAC ~NINETEEN:}S~VENTY • 4 ... \ ..... ' . . . ' '"\ . . ( •* • ' • EXCELLENT 'SELECTION . · OF MODELS & COLORS c.\ VAILABLE FOR LEASE . -OJl PUR~A:S~ ·. I " ·~· ' Even \vhen measured.by Ca®Iac~'st8ndards or ex; cellence, the 1970. Cadillac is suf.e to exceed your greates expectations. Let's get together soon tor a demonstration drive. · . . , '·· . . . . ., -. . • A -Mag:Dffi~n·t . .... r ~· , Eqt~rien~e -.. ,, • • . .. ~. I .. ,. . r.' ,. t.. USED, LOW • MILEAGE 1969 CADl.LLA-C· 'EL · D()RAPOr . - Exquisiti S1pphire Blue Firemist w/ white p1dd1d top & wh ite leether ex- terior, ~ec.tory Air, Full Powff, Stereo AM, Power door loc ks, tilt & telescopic steering wheel, etc.., etc.. IS". H9[Q!I91 1 1967 CADILLAC eou'pe DeVUle. Blae)t exterior wlth black padded top a11d black cloth I: leather inter- ior. Ft.Ill power, factory alr, pcnve r door Jocks, A ~1-F1'1 radio, twlll1ht sentinel, etc. CUTK685J 1967 FLEETWOOD Brougham. Embassy black' wi th black top and black leather Interior. Full polver, fac· tory air, Ult lvheel, stcrt'o AM·FM, polver door locks, power ll'unk release, Vogue pre· mlum Ures, etc .. e t~. (UPS731 l 1966 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville. Beautiful Sahara gold ,,., Black Padded top, black leetht'r interior, Full Power, Factory Ah·, A.?.'l-fl\I Radio, till \vheel, Power door locks. etc. (Sii42'ff -· - 1969 CADILLAC Shalimar gold Sedan DeVillc lvith ;old top and gold leather Int erior. Full po\\er, fac- tory air. lilt steering '"heel. sterro Ar.1-r r-.1 radio. power door Jocks, etc. (XEZ573) SAU $3200 PRICI PRICE SALE $2700 PRICI SALE $57.00 PRICE SALE 1967 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville. Fu!J po\vt'r, factory air con· ditionlng, Al\l·Fr.1 radio, pov<er door locks, po\ver vent "'lndo\\'S. Bronze flreriih;t ''1th black padded top and black leather interior. _$3.600 (822AGAJ . , .. 1965. CADILl.AC Sedan De Ville. ·Pop~l8r· Ne,Vpott'' 'Blue ,\·f dlx. Interior, Factory Air Cond., Full fO\\'er, slgnRI seekin" Radlo,,ti!t,• telescopi.J: wheel. all Dix. Xtras. (J\VD204l. · "'' · ' PRICE . ·SALE ·$1800 · PRICE • OVER 30 QUALITY CADILLACS TO SELECT . FRO~l LARGEST SELECTION -IN ORANGE COUNTY! SALE . ~6:66.6 .PllCE I ... ' . 1968 CADILLAC Coupe de Vllle. Nohnancfy bJOe "With black Canaau and blUe leather trim. Fu!J. .power, factory air conditlonin", tilt-tele wheel, ·A?rI;FM r&dio, etc. Local one owne-r. IV-GZ117J . .. . " \ : .. . I.Ow mileo~!~!~.~!.~~~~;w~~!~~~~~ .• ~~~~·& 11~·~··., 1967 TH .... DE•• .. ~· $2' 1SALOE 0 trimmed plush. interior. Factory .air .corJ:d. •. ·f.,u11 power, s,tere~"' Af111F1'!: .:~,v-. ~pine "'hitc with black Vinyl lnt~rlor. 1ull · . ·. radio, Cruise Control, tilt & tclcs.cop!c· wflecJ; split front seat11~lffl.1e~~ ''.· po\\·cr, factbry air:· A?if~tM, tilt stJ rtng l"Jte adjustment, rear \Vlndo\v defogger,•door auard, powt r . QO!'.!joc;ltl, -· wh I (UTC387l · r headlamp dimmer!!. wsw tires. remete trunk ·opener .. twillgh ~i;entinel. cc · PRICE etc .• etc. Absolutely every option on 'this h,1xul'lous myt'*' car {Ser. -------------------99132943). Mui>t be seen&. dtiven: . · .·· 1 . . ~ . . . SALE PRICED .. . 1965 OLDS ~ELTA 88. Grecian 1old 'vilh n1atchlng cloth Inter- ior. Automatic, power !llttring, po\\·cr ,. brakes, radto, heater,~ fa ctory air, white -~·a.Us..stf1lla.~Ls. JXf:JJW> 1966 TORONADO Deluxe. Full po\\·er, factory air condltlonln&. tilt \\'heel, Al\t-Fr-.f r adio, silver blue finish, vinyl to1>, deluxe In terior. (10081} 1965 CADILLAC H!irdtop coupe. Cascade gi·ee n ll'ith match· ing cloth ilnd leather Interior. Full po\ver, factory air, ,AM-FJ\.l rad.Jo. tilt-telescopic steer:lng whee[ (RGU643) · · .. ~ )> -l~ . 1968 :CONTINENJi . L . . Sedan. Glacier green \vlth i;rcen leather ln- ·lcrior. Full po\"·~1tactory air, XMi-rJ\;I ~o. ,t· !V \VJ\4921 .I ;p . ' " PRICE SALE $2100 PRICE . SALE $2000 , ' PRICE .. , .. SALE . $'' .. . . . . 3900 ' ' PRICi "!' . .--------.NABERS·'-""""'""' ' - ' _2600 Harbor Blv_d.,_ · · -Costa M'esli · · · " 1 ·540•9,iOO ' .. -· . " ' . ' ... • • < NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT lmmec:.ll•te delivery e Excellent Selection 0Yer four acres ~ factory au.thor· lied total Caclllac facilities desiCJn· eel to bettw sell tiincl senic• new and used -Cacllllac automobiles. 'SALES DEP ARTMENT OPEN ~ --· =------·-+---------~ "":J ~. -;;-. . l 8:30 Al\I to 9:00 PA-1 l\1011. thru Fri. · • 9:0() Ml to 6:00 Pl\1 Sat. and Sun. I ' ' I/' '~ • • • ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL S~LE PRICES (FFECTJVE THROUGH TUESDAY, ~VEMBER 25, , '• Q •• ) •.. ~ ' • I ' ( A PSYCHIATRIST TELLS What Makes You Fall in Love ROBERT CULP An Actor Who · · Fights for Ca~ses .-----------.... ,. ... DAI LY Pl LOT ; ~1 4'A AN EXPERT'S ADVICE How to Choose the Right Toy for a Child FOR Dll. IU.IUB HINIUCBS, AmukaA MeJiCfll Auocillli.oa ... ,. '° ~ ,,..,.. °" ,. .......... ... ...... "' " ....... .. _,... dtiUWrdal ,, .U•W .. ,,..,,. ,,,;.u.p, I diU.i-- Ke,...da Moo,.., Gal/pore, JIU.. e The aafety of mcnber and child de- pends on the continued aJertne.. and diciency of the obetet.riciaa, hie ua.iatant, the anesthesiologist., and a Dune, each haYing a specific duty to perform. F.-er- genciea may ariae, and thia team must respond unhampered by the preecmce ol anyone who may become disturbed. FOR JORN .4. SR.4FFBR, A'1nilaUu111M, F~rtJ. ""'"""' "'""~" Bow --~ .4.w,...,_ ,,,.,... ""'"' ..... .,.. Ju'*' U. dt. ,_, JO r-r•t R'* .... a,-/ro• oduJr ,..&iolut How ......,. fl.Hiiu luaee '1wy~1--Mr•. lrelM Rolar, DnU. IAh, N .D. , e To date, of the 133 attempts, 77 haYe been succeaeful ea route to Cuba. Thie breaks down to 49 U.S. aircraft and 28 foreign. In addition, there ba•e been 29 succe&sful skyjackings to other countries, The remainder have been uuucceufuL We have not found any akyjack·related death.. POR UBBIUCB D"' ,... ..... .U..ON U. ... o/,..,..,... tMea ,... INN • '-J1 If -, ..,_ """ ,.._ 1ea ritl o/ lati.-J~ C... de, T ..... i.o., F . Y .. e I had a aerioua infection in the riaht fiqer of nay left hand. Docton consid- ered amputation, but through proper medical attention, it waa sued. FO• FINTON BLOlltn', Tre......, NJ. P-..ata Cota.I ....... ..,, ...... ,,.. auto• •/ "--· ~~ ..... ,..,,,..,.... ...... ,_ ~eor1• c.,u.rlll, e There is no way of tracing them. ei- ther as to ·custom or date, prior to 1920. It was not until the early 19309 that 6nt-day co•en became big buaiDeee to philatelists. Anyone who mailed a letter in New York City oD July ~ 1846. the place and date of iaauance ol the 6nt U.S. poetage stamp, receiftd the fint American "first-day COTer." What In Ula World! Sdentlfk Turlrey Whatever the brand of turkey on your menu this Thunday, there's a good chance it wu fed by com- puter. An IBM 1130 computing IJSteUl planned the feed menu for about 26 miJ. Comp41tw-lecl turkeys lion of the growing birda, from eu on· -ward. The computer ddermined nutri- tional requirements affected by changing weatheT and prices. Next step is fore- casting to determine how many turlreys Americans will eat next year. Football, Anyone? It has been 100 yean since the 6rat intercollegiate foot· ball game between Princeton and Rut· gera. Players wore street clothes minus jackets, according to ABCs aport.e de- partment. l.n 1874 flanard added IWe&t· en, and handkerchieu were tied on the playen' beads eo spectaton c:ouJd tell wbo was who without a aconica.rd. McGill added abort, white trouaen, striped eweat. en, and turbans. Tallow-coated (slip- pery I ) one-piece suits came Uld went (outlawed!) in the "90s. It waaa't until 1916 that numben identified the playen. Today's jeraeye, though, haTen'l changed much since the turn of the century. Groovy Responsibility ••Jn your teena you may re8Cnt parenl8' discipline," says Bobby Sherman ("Here Come the Brides, .. ABC-tv), looking back from the philo- sophical age of 23 ... But later OD it's up lobby Sltwmon to you-not them-to make a good re- lationship. My parenl.8 are my friende- FOa GBOltGB P. SCRVU, S«re..-y of L.IJor FlaiM o/ ..,. ...,_ ... .... die ...... ••••pl•yaeaa r••• ll•ri•I dae p••• JO yeer•1-Del L•le•JN, B..,.a, FaA. - e Alaab, but the Commoaweahh ol Puer- to Rico owl'tbe put 10 years eueecla iL FOa C.utOL BVMETT •• £""8 ......... ,..,. ........ , ,, ...., ... , ,,. ,.. ~-.... fl•e• lia •• yo•r -...1~B~ .U..a, ON..y, Colo. e He ie not my husband (Joe Hamilton, my ahow's producer, ii). When we 6.rat introduced Em.ie to our studio audience. it wu eort of a practical joke. Ernie was such a 1ood aport and took aach a srand bow that the introcluctioa beCufMi a nm- nin.1 pg. We hope to ha.e him oa the ahow eometime th.is sea.eon, u well u in the audience. But aiDce he is now nch a celebrity, he may be unuailable. POa Pn'BR GIUYES, .. MiuUM : lmpouible• ,,...,., .. ~ ....................... ,...,. ......, ....... ,..~-y.. ,_. •llC8r or,,_~ •'-• ...... ..,.., ..ire ...,. _..,, bl reel U/e1--lloN,., J. Jlor"100fl, F• --~Ya. • All our devices are pouible, ud tome of the moet fantastic are being med in real life. Drup are bued on the real ones. but, of coone, we simulate thoee Wied OD ~ show. POR FOODY B..i"YBS, ~ OAU> 5,.,,. UiUonllity • ~"' /00"""1 C4MCA .4,._,lB6-re11,..,_ proWWI • te.• frea ,,,.,.,... .. ,,.. ..... Bowl /er ... CIR ffe• dtM ,_,.., ce11 OSV fl«:JepC dae ...._ ,.,_ ao •ROllaer "°-' , ... ,_ 11.,.1r. '""°....., P•re--, NJ. e No Big Ten team is allowed to play in any bowl but the Roee Bowl ,, ......... ,_ ~ ...... , y--....................... _ ..... .... -,_ die ,.._..... ,_,_ re-~-SeM .. ~ • ....,...., -• .... -4, .. A.k n-. Y-af, F..Jly Weekly, Ul Lmd.ct-A-.., New· Ywk. N.Y. 1oeu. Ya a .... _._ ...... •weoli••• ... IS wW be ..W r-eedt -meL I could even go out on a double date with them. Mom was 15, Dad 17 when they married, and they still look and think young. They've adjuated to me. I got Dad to wear sideburns and. once i.n 11 while, medals. Mom wean m.ini-aki.rta and looh groory. h Light Wottc "When Apollo 12 beaded for the moon, it required a thrust equiva- lent to lighting 5.2 billion lightbulbe for one minute," says Wolfgang Thouret of Hackensack, N.J. Doctor Thouret ehould know ; he's the expert who designed the 20,000..watt xexon bulbs. the world's most powerful They are used at Cape Ken· nedy to illuminate the Apollo-Saturn dur- ing prelauncb work. That's SO billion candlepower or the equivalent of 59,000 household bulbs. Get a Hotwl The Bell System prides itself on it.s tremendous technical achieve. meats. But H's s till using the hone around Price, Utah, where there are 420 miles of telephone wire strung through some of the continent's most ~ ter· rain. To maintain the Linea, cowboy re- pairmen, laden with elaborate telepbouic equipment. tra•el mostly by horseback, sometimes in deep snow. Bell, however, adds that inspection is done by helicopter. N011~bw ~I, 1i69 You are Invited to mall your questions or comments about any article or advertisement that 1PPUrs In Family Weekly. Your letter will receive 1 prompt answer. Write to Service fditOf, F•lly Wetlly, 641 l.ulnlton Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10022. IMAGINE I ALL OF US -~~~~:;L!· ~·. ! 1~ . Children loYe the macic of Walt Disney cha'lden. Snow White, Pinocchio, Donald Duck and 25 other .it-time favor- ites will make your child's room as py and colorful • Disneyland. These characters are printed in full color on luxurious durable art-board. They are so bil they easily decorate a IO.foot wall. They're easy to punch out and put up, and your child will have loMl1 of fun arranclnc them. The only way to appreciate the color and charm of these superb Walt Disney character wall decorations Is to see them on your child's wall. Be the first in your neilhborhood to transform your child's room into a mlCical Disneyland. S4NMI just $1, plus 25~ for posQp and handllftC. n..t'a just I fraction of what JOU would expect to PIJ for nll decontlona of such outatllndin1 quaHtJ. Thia 1mazi .. offer mlJ not be ,.,.. .... thla MaMn in thla publication-Olllllll ••I ........ .,....,.,... •tt4 .... leWft .,_,.., .. .,, ,.,.. plM, Jlmlny Crlc...._ ,.,_ dlle,Q1,. ..... ,1pre. ..... ,..,._ --.,.. Tiie Uttle ,. ... Tlftbr ..,,, ._..._ W,_,.. .,.._,..,._ Tllumper, DtlMtio. .......... A .................... Clt..ta. ...... llllkN..INIC ....... Y.&m ~--------------------------~ I GoNen..,_. . 219 .................. .. CllrMtfted. .... Y.tllllll Pl••• Mnd me one complet. Mt of Walt Di9MY c:Nnc:ter punch. outs for only $1 plus 2~ l)Oltqe, with full moneybedl 1uaran. t ... EnctOMd 11 $ Address, ______________ _ City _______________ _ St«•---------.J.lp ____ _ D SAYE STIU MOM: OftOE" TWO KTS CW WALT OllMY L. CHAMCTE"I F'Oft ONLY $2.00. W« ,.AY TH« JIOITMI«. __________________________ J Advutium~nt Make This Your Loveliest Year El!r Every year of a woman's life should bring with it a new phase of beauty, for •oday the disc.overy of a remarkabJe tropical moist oil at last as- sures her that each passing year can bring added loveli- ness to her complex.ion. Extraordinary scientific achievement is embodied in this unique moist oil with its ability to contribute to the un- folding and blossoming of a radiantly beautifuJ com- plexion. AU skins need supplemen- tary ministration of a particu- lar kind after the age of twenlf..five, when the glands gradually become lea active and manufacture only a frac- tiooal quantity of vital skin ftuids. Sometimes this depriva- tion of the essentials is brought about cveo more prematurdy through unlavOlD'able weather hazards, diflicuJt climatic eoo- ditioos oc any one of a dozen othc:r circumstances exclusive perhaps to the twentieth cen- tury that directly or indirectly have a depletory df ect on nat- ural dennic ftuids. A lavish application of the scie ntific moist oil to the face and neck helps sponsor na- ture's every effort to provide the skin with regenerative, sus- taining elements that wort to restore balanced functioning. Optimum benefit is obtained from the natural balance of oil and moisture which this beauty ftuid possesses. Cosmetic tcien- tists have aptly described it as a "peeled" beauty oil, by which •hey mean it does not contain the heavy scaling elements common to normal oils. Its rapid softening and beauti- fying values are immediately available to the complexion and prove their worth most dramatialty when ..,Pied to alleviate skin dryness, for the complexion quiolly ta.ta on a smoother, dewier, lovelier ap- pearance. Another great, beneficent property of the tropical moist oil is its readiness to further the skin's naturaJ hygroec:opic tendencies, and a healthy bloom is soon established as moisture is constantly at- tracted fTom the atmosphere to the complexion. This moist tropical oil is obtainable in most countries of the world and here in Amer- ica is available from druggists as oiJ of Olay. Smoothed over your skin daily and used as an ideal sub-foundation for make- up, it brinp your complexion the richest djvidcnds of beauty and heralds lhe attainment of your loveliest year e"cr. ....,~ca & a Reca •• To gain the bat ~Mfits of the beo11tifying propertks of this moist oil and to lc«p yOfU complexion ckar of wrinkle dryness a/ways smooth on " film of oil of Olay beneath your ntalce-up to prOf«t -"" bea11tif y your complezio11 whilst uuuring >''*' nlak~up ltas pa/«1 molt beauty. • • • Ratlialtu is rutoud to the eompkxion wla~n ii is clter- ishftl witlr rich cream al ,Uglrt. Before Y'* go to bed, mOSSl!l8e Rently with tire oil of Olay, paying ponicul.tu attmtion to Ifie c row's-feet area where ageing Jinn firn appear. • • • Towards maturity cherish your slin with a little extra eore to smooth wrinkle-Jry- MSS and h4lp kup Iorio.I Una al bay. Befot'e n1irin,g, apply a genn<>tU film of oCl of Oltly. massaging It with tlte fi~­ tip• in cire11l"' mo11~ments '""' •piral upwards tutti Ofll-wanh. How to Choose the Right Christmas Toy By IJONEL WEINTRAUB "'nW.nt, Toy ~" of ~o ,,..W...., w..t Tey Corp. DURING TBE WEEKS before Christmas, millions of par- ents, grandparents, and doting aunts and uncles will be roaming around toy departments asking: "Ho'1J can I choose the rirht toy-ooe he (or she) will really enjoy?" Jost remember that toya are the tools of play, and play servea a more m~ogful function than joat t.o occupy a child'a time. A child needs energ'etic fun aa well aa ac- tivitiea to whet his curioaity and sharpen hia intellect. You might uk yourself, does it get the child involved? Standinr by and watching is not for space.-age children. They want to manipuJate tbinp-to participate. The enjoyment .ia in the doing, not in admirlnr. ~ -xt mlu does it produce action of aome aort? The ability to make thinra happen ha.a a powerful appeal t.o children. Now let's move on t.o some specific .. do'a and don't.a." Be sure the toy is appropriate for the child's mental al'e. For the convenience of con11umera, some manufadurera indicate an appropriate age range for each prod- uct. Consider thia a helpful hint and not an infallible rule. It is more important that the toy be suited to the boy'a or l'irl's own level of mental and social de- velopment. Don't eliminate a potential gift for a bright five-year-old because the toy ia recommended for the six-~gbt group. But I don't recommend the practice of some proud l'J'&Ddparenta I know who wouJdn't think of buying a t.oy for their gTandchild unless it waa marked for a child at lea.et two years older than be-- whether be waa ready for it or not. Select a toy your child can understand. Any toy that is too complicated will bore the child very quickly. Such a toy will require conaiderable superviaion on your part, which is something to be avoided. Whatever you buy, make certain it is euy to handle. Buy a toy your child can play with this Chriatmaa. Never mind the item you think be will "grow int.o by next year ... If a child can't enj°'y it instantly, chances are be won•t spend much time investigating its value later on. Be sure all electric t.oys carry the Under- writers' seal of safety. UL-etandinl' for "Underwriters' Laboratoriea"~bould be on every electrical item and cord. Electri- cal toya should never be uaed when b&nda are wet. Shop for the beet price. Several years ago, toy 'manufacturers abandoned the practice of recommending retail price&. Today toy prices vary from st.ore t.o store. and it paya to shop around. But product quality and durability are important, ao it ia advisable to buy brand names even if you pay a little more. Let yaw .... play with the toy io hi.a own way. Help only when he or abe ub for it. Of courae, there will be occuiooa when parental instruction and guidance should be ~ven. Don't buy a toy with a myriad ot amall parts for small children. Thia kind of item will end up all over the bouae or po88ibly in the child'a stomach. Don't buy poorly constructed toy._ lletal producta may appear sturdy and even im- pre8s yoo with the noetalgic appearance of a "rood old-fashioned toy." It ia wiae to be aure the metal edgee are rolled or turned in; all corners should be roun.ded . Be suft the wheela of wooden to19 are amootb and splinter-free.. Doll't ...,. '90 many toys for one child. It is easy t.o aive in ta an overpnerous impolse to shower the child with many toys in the hope one will be a big bit. Bot it's best t.o uae rood judgment in eeleding a few auitable items. Don't give the child all biJI t.oys at once. If your child is presented with a bevy of toys, including thoee from splurging rela- tives, it is wiee to put a few away for a later-date "surprise." Don't be overcautious. Concern for sale- ty should always be first in the minds of parent.a, but a child who baa .reached school &«e should be able t.o play with an adventuresome toy aucb as electrical itema and tool chests. The basic rule of toy safety i&-the right t.oy for the right child at the right time. Don't rush t.o blQ' toys at the last min- ute. Give yoor&elf enough time t.o delib- erate on all the element.a in the above list before you pick your t.oys. • Beza they a• a ... the King andQueent JOB TAMMY B ET 40 All-Time Great Hits on 4 Deluxe Stereo Records EXTRA BONUS ALBUM YOURS TO ENJOY FOR 10 DAYS FREE Md It'°" decide tokMplMMt. $450 Settle *t ¥<>;'°.Sr~~ ....... with. :.;-_-... .-w.. LP f..-TllY, a 11 ~Count.rY uarina,~1 ~uon" "Li~tle bltl 11 A~ .. 81 n,e Tune THllY°Vll ftDally done itl Johnny Cub and Tllnmy Wynette have combined all their top hits .•. all their m:ord-brea.tiq tiqla ... into ooe bit round- up of a act. That's riaht ... here's the collection you've been waitin1 for ... here arc 40 all-time areat hits like Johnny's oritinal reconlin1 of .. I Walk The Line" and the best-1ellin1 .. Folsom Prison BIUCS:' plus 04Doa't Take Your Guns To Town.h ''The Lona Black Veil" and "FraJWe'• Man, Johnny'.' Herc's Tammy's favorite, "Stand By Your Man" and her top-of·the-cbarta hit .. D-1-V-O-R.C·E~ alon1 wilh .. I Don't Wanna Play Houae;· "Your Good Girl's Gonna Go Bad" and "Tate Mc To Your World" ... all in one colosaal act. And It's only availabie throush this o«er-you won't fiod it in stores anywhere! The act is called THE KING AND QUEEN ... what betkr name for a collection of bits by Tammy and Johnny? And it can be yours for yean of en- joyment for only $12.95. ENJOY THE KING AND QUEEN FOR It DA VS AISOLUTEL Y f'REE! Bat of all, you can hear the ICt ••• play it youraelf in your own home for 10 fulJ.daY• ti:eforc you de-cide to buy. When the c:ollect.ion amva, Id down and listen to "Locomotive M~' "The Ballad Of lt'I JOW9 for onfr A llONTit ..wn.....a .... .,.u.. ... --. ... ~ ...... oreeo to Pboefti1" aod 9 ~ It': yours free if you decide to keep the tel. Boot Hill:' and "'Happfne11 la You"-Johnay at his best. And wait till you hear Tammy doina "I Stayed Lona Enouah~ .. Cry~ and ''The Phone Call" -you'll know why she's called "The Queen'.' To hear the act in your home for 10 daya, just flD out and mail the coupon at the riabt ... we'U mail you the tet immediately. We1J also 1end a FREE bonus lift alona with THE KJNG AND QUEEN. Jt'a a 1r LP album called Top Pop Co11ntry, with 12 more of your all-time favoritc!s-al l hlta, includ- in' "I Love How You Love Me;• "Gentle On My Mind:' and "Tbeac Boots Arc Made For Walkins'.' Pl.A Y THE RECORDS AT OUR EXP•;NSF.! When the ~rcb arrive, lit down aod play them .•. enjoy them for 10 hall daya-entirdy at our expeme. Then, if you can bear 10 part with them, just mum the albums to ua-yoo'D owe abloluccly nothift•· On the other band. if you decide to keep THE KING AND QUEEN, lt'a yOW'I for only $4.SO a month until the total cost of S12.9S plus mallina and han- dlina is .,.Id. And Top Pop Co1mtry Is youra, too, aa our bonus lift for 1tttin1 this wonderful act. Ma.ii the coupon DOW ••• you'w tot a arcat 1et comin1 ... a areat bonus album ... and you're under DO obliplion whataoever. COWMllA MUSICAL TllAIUllB ,_.._.., ...... 47.e Pleaaa nllb me my copy of the 4-rec:ord Mt. 1118 ltlNG AND QUEEN. 1 UDdentud tbat if I am not completely aatided for any reuon, I may nstum tho act witlda 10 dan ud owe ablolutely nodUq. If I decide to keep It, howe¥V it's mine for only $4 . .50 a month unlII tbe total COil of $12.95 plus maill.na and haad1iaa ii paid. Aod Dleue iDclude my utra bonw, 'fop l'f!P_ Co11111ry, wliich I may hne PR.EE if I cledde to keep THB JUNO AND QU~N. 0 f'tl OTIA UYIMS clledl hart llld rttln tNI C...-wtt11 ....-of $12.95. Wt will ,ey !Mill"« llld llllldllM. If JOU wt llOt COlllPlttafy dtlllflttd, rttvr11 bit 11t llld boMll lllMmn withla 10 dlys Tor full rlflllld. ...._ ________________________________________ ~ Gtf--------------------.M ..... ,..._ __________ ~,2"~------ h T• ._ • ,...,.._., Celle* ... , 0 YD ...• 0 1HE KIMANDQUUN la Mt ......... kt...,__,.._ .. COLUMBIA MUSICAL TREASURIES, Terre H.ute, lndlane 47808 L---------------------------~ 0 1119 0.-mr.. ~awn-O•T·71/r• Family~/ Nn'f!enwN" !J, 1969 The Best of the New-·A Toy Here they are-the dolls who dance ballet, the games that bust your brain (or back), I F YOU WANT to know what toy is going to be popular with children this Christmas season, just look at the world around you. Toys reflect the times. In World War II and duriDI' the Cold War, aoldien and weapona were popular. Now it'• apacemen. In the Depreaaion, the favorite game wa.a Monopoly, in which a player could becdme a "millionaire"---0r a bum. Today's popular games are bod:y-con- tact ones, wit.h plenty of ~go. "Twitter," in which participants twist together almoet like pretsels, started the fad three yean ago, ac- cording to the game manuf actu~r Milton Bradley, Inc. The company at- tributes body-1:.0ntact games to the fact people are more open and friendly toda_v. This yea~• body-action game i1 "Limbo Lep." It f eaturee an electric "Jimbo rod" for jompinl'. which can be set high or low, fast or slow. (It may also reflect our affluent society, which bu the time and money to ro to the Caribbean Ialanda where the limbo dancers entertain.) It coats ahout $6. In another area, children no lon&'er want a doll just to cuddle; they want S ketch Cl T1tne pn- cil activates mtuical not ea; uae tuM carda or tap out ro•r r.w,1 songa. the spacemen who go way out-all waiting to make life fun again for -By TEIUtY SCHAER.TEL action. too. Two new dolls from Kat- t.el. for example.. are "'Dancerina." a ballerina who moft!S arms, lep, and head in the clusic positions, and "Swingy," who dances to a rock beat. Ideal's action doll ia named '"Beau- tif u I Criuy." Ber hair actually grows. It can be wuhed and styled to fit her wardrobe. Tranaportation toya remain popu- lar-provided they do aomethinl'. Ideal produces Mini-lfotorific pow- ered cars and tnclc.a (complementing the la.ra'er Motorific line). The Minis can be held in a chikl's palm but have plenty of racing zip, tbanb to small "N" -eised batteriea. Mattel also produces toy cars and bu added a "SupeY-Charger" to last year's popular "Hot Wheels." Battery operated, the die-a.st can come with an &UOrtment of tracb and bridges. A clNf.....t line of miniature die- cut can comes from Corgi. The price range is about $1.60 to $4. The details are said to be so accurate that ,'"It's like &ooking at the real thing through the wron.r end of a teleecope." Among the tiny details are engines, air in- take, carburetors, exhausts, spoke wheels, doore that open. and spring suspension. In the stuffed animals field. Ger- many's Steiff. which made the first Teddy bear, baa come out with a new Teddy and a brand-tiew ''mink" ani- mal for $10. (No, it's not a real rodent. but it's cuddly.) Also new to the AJDerican market is the "Bt!tt'lt"f)/erl Hue," translated aa "bed jumping" in German. The tradi- Build Poaklge Stamp TraiM (abotle) 11ouraelf 10ith MiJ1i4tvre N -gavge traim. Dulie Bobben' (left) MtcMd t01uel11 cr.U 1D"4tevn-fOf"f'ltf ¥°" 'tOGftt. ' Familw Wuklw, N ov.mbe,r £3, 1119 tion is that a child receives a reward like candy for beinl' good all d.-y and promptly "jumping into bed." The goody is hidden under the hollow bot- tom of thia animal doll. In American stores, it's called "llicle.a..Gift" and retails for about $3.75. In p:reachool toys, the lateet from Fiaber-Priee includes the four-room "Play Family HouW' for little sister. It binges open and locks abut with a handle for carrying it over to a play- mate'• house. Five play people and _11 pieces off urniture, movable staircue and cloaet, a doorbell that rinp, ·and &'•rare door that 1lide&---all come packed in a "movinr van" carton. for llttle brother, the combination ''Tool Box Work Bench" can help de- velop mechanical skills. It features a rugged area for pounding. Giant screws can be turned with the tools that come with the aet. The viee baa a aaf ety feature., so no matter how hard the younpter turna, it cannot harm a little finger. Among the other play-part.a (acaled to 2~-~year-old skills) are ecrewdriver, claw hammer, wrench, and aaw. "Shuffles," a plastic table-top ver- sion of shuffleboard. is this year's entry frotl\ Aurora, a oompany which specialiZes in taking lara'e l'&met and scaling them down t-0 "'apartment siu." It retails for about $10. · Another miniaturization is "Flash- back.'' a nonstop, higb-epeed model-car racing set powered by an air-pressure hand-controJ. The set includes two cars, six feet of two-lane plastic race track.a, tw~peed control. a simulated Ideal ToJ''• Jlitd-Jlotonfie Srwi•t Race Ila d~rola for-.el tlmer. grandstand, and a pit atop. Sunested retail price, $12. Aurora a1eo puts out a line of build- it-younelf miniature N-cauge train1 called 'TostapStampTrain&"Even the moat extensive la.youta can be con- tained on a table top. Dune bunies are "in" with the eea- and-1urf set--and now, in smaller venions, with the kiddie set. A beach jeep by Tonka ia 1bown on our conr. An elaborate version of the dune bu&TY is from Kenner, which u.ya it is the first model that can be u.eed outdoon u well u in the houae. The child riding it can maneuver it around fumitura and drive it in revene. For safety, a Jong-taatm. eeaJed alkaline battery and recharger are provided. It is powend by a 6-volt electrical sys- tem with an armature-type motor. Re- tail, about $69, including battery and recharger . .._. raclll1 is growing popolar in adult and children's worlds, too. Strom~cker, for in1tance, offers "Can-Am Home Road Racing Sets.'' , inspired by the Canadian-American Challenge Cup Series. It nrta.ila for under $40. The 24-foot racing circuit contains two steeply banked Monu- type turns, two-lane changing tracb; highly detailed cars; plug-in control- lers with built-in dynamic brakes; starting track with plug-in termi- nals; nonanag fence; U.L. approved power pack. A scale of 1/48 is used for a build- Gti"' (~ft), a tltiflkgatM, eombiMJ tic- ta.c-toe 1in&f)licit71 with chu11trateg71. Roundup for Christmas 1969 young and old Mott•l'• D••cutri•a i• a real prit11a boUmflUJ, a .. V111iwg.e11erw pontiow. it--yoaneJf Apollo Lunar Spacecraft. The bobby kit from Revell includes cement, painta, paintbrush, and mov- ina-and detachable parts. Suggested retail price: $11. New this year i.a a battery-operated electronic musical toy from Ohio Arts called "Sketch a Tune." The child fol- loWB one of 24 illustrated numbered tune cardl-or be can tap out his own sonp with a special pencil that acti- vates the muaical notes. 0.. l9y which has stood the teet of chana"iq times since 1913 is the Erector Set. It and the Ran'edY Ann doll vie for bonora u the finrt com- merciall,y made toys in AmericL Ac- cording to an Erector Set spokemnan. .. In every pnention tbe kida have found their own desfsm, so only a few inatrudiona are packed in the kit. In yea.rs put. they built bridpa and der- ricb. Todq, with tbe lldded motors, puJleya, and electrical devicee, they build apace atatiom." ' Two new offbeat games come from Parker Brothen, Inc. "Som.a," ntail- ina-for about $2.26, i.a a brain~ game. It eouiata of eeven i.rregularty shaped plutic pieces, which. when put to,etber, form a perlect cube. The mental cbalJenp ia to tab the cube apart and try to restore it, m ini one of the million poaibilitiee deviled by the Dani.ah inventor, mathemetician Piet Hein. "DeeJie Bobbera," on the other hand, will calm the frauled brain. Jt'a ju.t plain old doodling-but in the third dimension. The 10 colorful plu- tic-notcbed wbeelll join to create what-- FortMfWe- •cAool1ri, tlc l'ulurr-Price ~l' .. ilw Bouelaiaou opn-4 loda1bl. Tlli1 i• Steil/'• Te.Uw /or 1919-10. ner forms yoo want, repreaentative or abstract. No instructions are needed; ju.at do your own tllina-. The "now" pme from E. S. Lowe i.a "Gorn." Alao a think pme, it i.a a contemporary adaptation of one of tbe world'• oldest ram-, GO, eombinO.. the simplicity of tic-tac-toe with the strategy of chess. The object of Guru is to maneuver 40 colored playiDS' pieces so that fhe are poeitioned in a row. •••• • •r mcic mates the Ken- ner ''LiS'bt 'N Go Puppy" move. When the child focuaes the liPt beam hid- den in hia '"Lipt 'N Go Bone" (which is lldually a flubliS'ht with a switch b~ enouS'h for smalJ f"a.qen) t.o a certain spot on the doe'• collar, the d~ will heel. stop, circle. or ecamper away. Most mqic of aD, it the electri- cal poppy's switch ill left on in tbe sunlight, he will romp "aD by him- self." No plq-in, no wine. The "Betty Crocker F!uy Bake Kn•w'• Ligltt 'N Go Pwwf dff. law trieb 101lew llu bowe-ligllt di,. ... Oven" alilo comea from Kenner. It operates on two U..ht balbe to cook deuerta with miniature mixtures for cakes, brownies, and frostinp. Aa a eaf ety measure. the aluminum bakinS' pam elide throuS'h a coolini chamber before eag'er band• can 1Tab the goody bot from the OftD. Remco has a prtent on a tranaiator- md control circuit built by AT•T. It worb on a principle similar to that which maba a prase door open while a driver is stiD aittinS' in bia car. Thia sophisticated mechanism i.a featured in sound-activated toys for pre- acboolen called ~c whistle toya." The "Tricky Bwiy School Bus," for in.stance, will cio.e ita door and drive off in the direction of the child blow- ini the "m.aaic whistle." then make a stop and open ita door. No wiree or other connections. Comee complete with pauenpn and bua driver; you buy the two "D" batteries. The mqic whistle that comee with A JliJtoa B~ bod~ OO•t, Lm&o ug•, u •R7 tltu ,..,.. Tl&u ,_,,, Bot Wuell frOJH Mattel toke e•r11 .. tiia a Swper-Cltarger. "Baby Bonny," an IS.inch .Remco doll who aita in a lwinl', can also be worn u a locket. The whiat)e makes the swing atop or ro or the baby wriggle around "al) by henelf." She can alao be activated by ca.reesing-or nmply telling her to swing or atop awinging. Uaes three "I>" batteries, not included. And then there is a farm foll of Remco whistle toya: Tricky Doodle Duck, Tricky Peter Penquin, Tricky Tommy Turtle. At the command of the whiatle. they stop and ,-o. quack. waddle, squeak. roll They alao do it (Coamnaed °" pa~ 8) Pmtest!-Heritage of die PilgritM? Soipua bold our police at bay. Sit-ins make authority a farce. Violence shakes citie1 as the cry "Protest!" becomes a about. The attitude grow11 J( you dUolc the law is wrong-break it! What's yo11r stand? Our coun- try was founded oo rebellion- on the right to protest. But can open defiance be defended? Is this a "right" ... or a national outrage? Many dissenters justify the.ir stands on the i11ue of peraonal creed. "The Vietnam war is im· moral!' .. is their cry. This dual loyalty to state and conYktions has been a dilemma for centuries. But how often are men governed by emotion or human opinion- instead of spiritual /11c/sJ What are thete facts? Our booklet "The Christian and His Counuy" discusses the current ferment from a Christian point of Tiew. It offers yardsticks for measuring unquestioned loyalty -and nlid dissent. h .reminds citizens in this Thanksgiving aeuon that to keep our freedoms, our Yety right to protest-they MUST act to create laws with;,, which they can lin. Send for it! WHY NO-i- FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF? LUTHERAN LAYMEN'S LEAGUE, Otpl-37 2115 Hampton Avenue, SL Louis, Mluouri 63139 Pl .... aend-wlthout cost or obllp tlon -•copy of th• boo.._..t: THE CHRISTIAN ANO HIS COUNTRY. NAME.~---------- AOORESS~--------- CITY __________ _ STAT.._ ______ ,ZIP __ _ We're the people who broedcaat The Luthet'en hour-each Sunday. w. ....................... ,..... ....................... 1,,...,.. .. A;,~·-~~--. Toy Roundup <c°"*"e.i from. pG9C 1 > Ttoo ccar• nu back CltWI f ortll °"II-foot track'- A "f"Ot"G' • Flollbaek. at the command of clappinr handa. Not a sound-activated toy, but somewhat magic anyway, is the Rem- co "Tru-Smoke Diesel Truck." The smoke which puffs from the diesel exhaust stack is harmleaa (nothing is burning) and long-luting. There are three battery-powered body styles in the fleet: dump truck, cement mixer, twin-boom wrecker. New this year ia the Rem co "Voice Control Astronaut Base." According to a spokesman for the firm, "This is the first year apace toys were this popular. It's because of the moon shot. For the first t ime, every television station covered it, so the kids couldn't f ind any cartoon program on. If they free Toy lnfonnatloft Through a ?ae10, ezclu1i11e ur11ice, Familr W eelelr rHder• fflCIV obtai" the Mmea of local 1tor11 mad deahr• that carrv any of tM tor• ducribed i" thia i.,ue. J..ut call 01'r rperial toU. free telepho"' fl Umber from ""•- where i" tM U"ited St4tu, from "°'° until Chriltmaa. Dial: loo-553-9550 (If r ou live in /Q10a, "" thia number: $19-!4!-1867.) Remco'• Voice Ctmtrol A1trOM9't Bau actuallr latnaelu roct.t "'~· were to watch television at all, it would have to be the moonahot. "The old-type military toys, how- ever, seem to be at the end of their present fad because there are few tv combat shows now. It is mainly the af f1uent, nonmilitariatic-minded sO: cietiee, incidentally, which even have war t oys. Israel, under constant threat from neighboring nations, does not produce any military toys, nor doea Rusaia." Ttt. Astronaut Base includes an electro-phone headset to pick up the actual recordings of simulated launching, in-flight operations, rea- cue attempts, and for launching a spring-loaded rocket miaaile. The set also includes rescue helicopter, rocket carrier, security van, detailed opera- tions, and realistic figuree. Mr. Saul Robbina, former president of the Toy Manufacturers of Amer- ica, Inc., and chairman of Remco, aaya : "Our children have fewer play opportunities than our generation had, s o the parent should ask his child's preference. The child will nat- urally select the right toy for his per- sonality. Today's kids have picked up some of the same problems of their parents and really need a distraction from preaaurea and tenaiona." + Key to Toys on Our Cover 1. Castfe by Lego Building Toy 2. Mattel's Super-Eyes Optic Set 3. Hasbro's Astrolite Kit 4 . Ideal's Betty 8ig Girl 5. Kenner's Real Sound Movie Projector 6. Milton lrodley's Go IO the Head of the Clan 7. Lionel Trains 8. Suzy Home- maker Soda fountain 9. fisher-Price's Creotive Coaster 10. Porker Brothers' Ava- lanche 11. Revell's Apollo lunar Spacecraft Kit 12. Strombecker's Can-Am Racing Set 13. Remco's Tru·Smoke Cement Mixer 14. Tonka's Dune Buggy '5. Aurora's Shufftes I F amil11 WHkl11, N ovtmber 1$, 1969 Atiz- Yumo , Donlels Jewelry Co. Collfomlo Bokerslleld1 Bye's of 8oketsfield Glendo le, B·S f ine Mdse. Co Dohnken Inc. of S. Col. Ho..,word, Devon, Inc. • C/0 J. C. Penney Co. Hollywood. E. H. Gold Jewelefl Merced 1 Besco Enterprise1 Newport Beach, Costom ESA ABC Premiums Socromento, Glaser Bros. Son fernondo, Henderson's Son luis Obispo. Besco Enterprises M. Knilok & Co. Modonno Inn Son Moteo1 Steiners Jewelery Sonlo Monico, King Jewelers Son to Roso, Jewel Box Torronce1 Swander C(>SI. Jewelry ColonHfo Colorado Springs: S.M .&lt -Jewelry Dept. Pueblo, Gibson Co. ldoho Boise1 Weisfleld's, Inc. Id oho Falls 1 Jensen Jewelers Lewiston, Great Western Dist Co. Pocorello, Gem Stole Dist. Note Morgon Jewelers Twin Folts: Jensen Jewelers N.bfotko Beotrice, Gibson Co. Ne YO do las Vegos1 Bosco Jewelen, Inc. Dohnken of los Vegas North Dakoto Grand Forks: Munn's Jewelry Oregon Coos Boy, Weislields, Inc l(lomoth Falls: Weislields, Inc. Medford, John Nuich Jewelers Roseburg, Weislield's Inc. Solem, Dohn~en of Solem South Ookoto Rapid City• S.M.&R.-Jewelry Dept. Texo1 Austin: ICniger Jewelry Co. fr. Worth: Gordon Jewelers Edison Jewelers Freeport, Gordons Jewelry luflcln1 Gibion Co. M idland 1 Kruger Jewelry Co. Plolnview1 Gibson Co. Port Arthur, Gordon Jewelry Son Antonio, Jaclyn JoweleN Texor.ono: Gordon Jewelry Tyler: Gordon Jewelry Uloh Ogden: Nore Morgon Jewelers Provo: Nore Morgon Jewelers Woshinglon Aberdeen1 Welsfield'l Jewelers Bellingham, Weislield's Jewelers Posco, Weisfield's Jewelen Wallo Wallo· Weisfield's Jewelers Wenatchee: Weisfield's Jewelers W yoMlng Cos~r , Gibson Co. JulesJnrgensen. reasons -whyit should be}Ullr nextlWtch. A lot of watches tell the time (for awhile). But they don't tell the truth. And the truth is that unless a timepiece is made like a Jules Jurgensen, it's not really made to last. We've been makers of fine watches and chronometers since 17 40. Our Swiss artisans would rather turn in their eyepieces than turn out a movement without jeweled hearings. Every part is triple-checked before it goes into the case. And double-checked after it's in. We spend a lot of time with our watches. So you can spend a lot of time with them. That's all we've been thinking about for 240 years. Which, as we time it, comes to seven billion, two hundred and fifty eight million, two hundred and four thousand and eight hundred seconds. Jules Jiirgensen doy-dote outomotlc, the Rivoli. 17 jewels, 18 korot gold, olllgotor strop. About $325. See the Jules Jiirgensen collection of men's ond lodies" watches frOfl'I S80 to SI0,000 ot fine stores everywhere Write for on illustrated brochure ond name of your n~ed dealer to, Jutes Jurgensen Corp., 352 Pork Avenue South, New York. E:mbroider GIANT All-Time Favorite Samplers Theae beautiea will brighten and decorate any American Rome -(Modern or Period) O ne of our favorite '8QDlplera (top left) ia copied from an old one in the Peter Cooper Muteum collection. It dates back to the days when young girls demonstrated their lkill aa needlewomen by counting thread.a on a piece of linen from a chart for the design. You get similar reaulta with Ina effort, for thia deaiqn ia atamped ready to crou-atitch. The pine-finished wood frame ia 20 by 25% inch~. Sampler Kit 61004, price $3.00. Frame 61005, price $7.98. Our home sampler ia shown at upper right. A delightful charmer •tamped on white 100 per· cent linen, 20 by 26 inches, thia was adapted from one in the famous Whitman collection. The frame ia aleo available. It is hand-finished dull black wood copied from a typical 18th-century molding. All kits include thread and complete instructions. Kit 61006. price $3.98. Frame 61007, price $8.98. Here's a real treasure from Williamsburg's diatinctive needlework collection (bottom left), one of the most beautiful samplers we have ever offered. Its intricacy requiree more time for em· broidery than the others shown. Stamped on white 100 percent linen, size 16'12 by24 Y2 inches. Frame is hand-finished dull black wood copied from an 18th-century molding. Sampler Kit 61008, price $6.98. Frame 61009, price $10.00. No collection would be complete without a child's sampler, so here (bottom right) is a most enchanting version of the familiar bedtime prayer, with mother animals and their young. Crou-stitch delliqn is stamped on creamy white 100 percent ·linen, 14 by 17 inches. Sampler Kit 61015, price $2.00. <o1or mr • ~au.r "' ail "1 ., • • fa;J11l·J -1•"4 f\11.•1111, 1,, nt~lr I: I Uf"~ ..£. lovr.t!JA l111d• 1''11 -1 ..Ji. ip 111 r 1 •·•U doo11 • Ena111Jf1 I• hll ;i 11~"""'1,...111 ........ *··~ ......... ~ .. ~.,... \'II .; Uill" " . ;t Qt.J l LrtY f'lE oa~m TD il££f' I Pr.1w THE LoRo, ,~1m1~ ... -1Tl v ;;nuL t o t1E£P: I r I ~HDl.ILD fllE BtfoRE I \t.iR tl.t . F'P.ftl/ THE LoRl' r"llJ :OtJL TO Ttit<..t. r----------------------------------------------1 I CREATIVE STITCHERY, Dept. 1645, 4500 N.W. 135th St., Mi•mi, Fl•. 33054 I : bltt me ttllma ~below. I .,,..,._Ml If I'm not~ utlded with any ltem,1 c.n retum It I I In 10 ders for • full ,..,.,... t efldoee $ for lt.m(•) c:hecMd betow. I I -61004-Ner Cooper Museum S.mpler,@ $3.00 I I -61005-fntme for ebove,@ $7 .98 I I -61006-Wtlitmen S.mpler, @ $3.98 NAME I -61007 _,,..,,. b ebow,ft $8.98 I -61008-WtlNenbu~~·-$6.98 ADOR I I -61009-'"reme b ,@$10.00 I I -61015-Chlld's S.,,,.,._r,.$2.00 1t1I I -61014-e.tatac of othef" eveilable ldb 2!W cnv ~I I ,...._end HandN111 e 25' •· Kit. ~I I (Kits lndude embraldefy .... cob' dNlft.) STATE IP. ;1 L----------------------------------------------J Europe Was Our Classroom Two young students tell about their experiences -educational and personal-attending programs sponsored by the American Institute for Foreign Study Editors' Note: Accompanied by teacher-chaperons, 73,000 U.S. high- school students last summer tToveled to Europe, AJia, and Africa sight-seeing and working at "<> different schools and universities. The American Institute for Foreign Study, founded in 1964 to encourave the undets1onding of foreign countries by young Americans, sponsored the six- weelt progrmns. AIFS is staffed by peo- ple from many nations and presently reaches into 10 countries. What the teen-agers enjoyed most and how much they gleaned from their summer Yenture are reflected here in the recollections of both Anne Gray of MetP.. dian, Miu., and Michael V. Seeley of Lansing, Mich., just two of the many thousands. By Anne Gray (Anne, 17, is the daughter of an Episcopal priest in Meridian, Mias.) My English teacher, Mrs. Anne Sanford, became interested in AIFS three years ago. Our 20-member group Jut summer was her third. I never had been abroad before and never expected to be able to go that time. My older brother (J also have a younger one and a younger sister ) should have had the first chance, but he wu nice about it and said he'd rather go by himself later. Then there wu the problem of money (including extras, the coat would come to about $1,000) and whether I was old enough to get the maximum benefit from aoch a trip. But my parents decided that this would be a legitimate use for some of the aavinp they had put aside for our education. And anyhow, I would re- ceive credit in an elective at school. Since each chaperoned AlFS group bad its choice of itinerary or foreign "campua," u it wu called, we cboee the Contemporary Europe Campua- two weeb each in London, Paris, and Rome, including weekend trips to other places. With a couple of hundred other students, my group flew to London in July by chartered jet. At our desti- nation, Westfield College, London, we took morning courses and epent the afternoona in such extracurricular ac- tivities as field trips, bicycle rides, and discussion groupe. We had the evenings to ounelves. Our lecllre topics in London and later in Paris were: comparative government, the modern arte and lit- erature, sociology, economics, and foreign policy. We were divided into groupe of about 80 and uaually at- tended four lectures each weekday. After clua we bad time to ask ques- tiom. Our profeaors were natives of the country; we had guest speakers, moet were government dficials. I enjoyed all that. but, of course, the thinp I remembel' beat were the littl~ individual incidents. One eve- ning, for instance, a friend and I went to service at the church down the street from the college. Not only did the vicar greet ua at the door and tallc to us, but later from the pulpit, he invited us and everyone else to tea. The whole evening made my stay In London more meaningful because I had made personal contact with some "natives" on my own. In Psis, a girl friend, Mary, and I made the mi.stake of being too nice to a couple of boys at a cafe. When they met ua later at the Eiffel Tower. one of them asked Mary if she would be No. 6 on his list of foreigners whom be had kissed. Till then he had kiaeed Italian girls, Portuguese, British, Spanish, and French-but, he com- plained, no Anl'-i;icana. He really gave her no choice. After he had gone, an elderly French couple, who bad found the situation very amuainl', asked Kary in broken Eng- lish, "Didn't the French kiaa good T" I enjoyed the ltali&IUI moet of all. They were fuD of life and happineu. .- AJFS dude11t-a Aear lectv.re °" art AS.t~ afld Jtalia11 i• 1'illr P'"'oio, Jtalr. Our ovel'Ilight guide to Naples enter- tained us with Italian sonp. And our bus driver would break into tean whenever our guide sang aentimentaJ sonp. When we asked the guide to sing "Sorrento" on o!lr way there, the driver became eo carried away that be miaeed the tum to Sorrento. I think it wu better to see Europe for the first time aa a student than u a tourist. Thia way I got a taste of each country' a personality and learned many thinp about it. By Michael V.Seeley (Hi.a father worb for the Eaton, Mich., farm bureau. Be baa two brothers and two sisters.) Our group was organized by Jin. Belen Bovia, who teaches art at the Eaton Rapid high school, where I went before going on to Community College in Lansing. There wen 14 of ua, nine girla and five boys. To collect money for the trip, the other students 90Jd stationery and had cake aalee and dances. I paid my way by working aa a grocery clerk. We picked the art history and ItaJ- ian-languftke courae. Thia meant that, except for a couple of da.ys in London and Paris, we spent moet of our time in billy Perugia, Italy, where we had morning studies at the University for Strangers. Thia used to be a palace, whose Etruacan arch was built in the f itth- centory B.C. The girls stayed in a Catholic residence; the bo71 with pri· vate families, all selected by AIFS. At the Univenity, we met some students from Germany, Swed~ and Greece. I didn't get to know them very well, but it waa interesting to find that the habits of teen-agers in Europe are 1imUar to ours. Meatln1 atutlanta from all over the U.S. wu rewarding and a reaJ experience. You learned bow they felt about different queetioru1 and the way things are done in their cities. The high point of the trip for me wu our visit to Siena for the Polio, a hone race without saddle. It tut. three minute.. Polio is held twice a year in a square in the center of the city. The track ia a brick road, covered with packed earth. Bones, repneentinr 10 of the 17 different organiutiona in the city, compete . Before the race, membera of the organization, dreaed in tradi- tional costumes. parade. After the race is over, the winner is bletaed at the cathedral. Then a celebration begins, with the winning hone the celebrity. Some other obeervationa: People in moet of the countries we visited are friendly, except in France, where, I thourht, they are very snobbish. All the people of Italy seem to work, no matter what age; some sweep the streets daily with long, tough-bristled broom.a. European drivers are brave--1 would never drive the way they do. • Al'5 lnfonnatloft For more iftform4tiota Ott AIFS 1aimmer-acllool progrom1 i1t E11rope for h.igll~1dool Gtltl colleo• 1tvdnt ... write to: Tl&e America" Jutitiite for Forfto-St1'4r. Dept. FW, 101 G'f'en,- wicl& Ave., Grenwid, C01t1t. 018,0. J .· .: . . . OWN . YOUR OWN • ,. • .-4 • • ' . BUSINESS • little King Sandwich Restaurants are one of the fastest growing chains of fas1 foods restaurants in the country. Currently, there are 73 little Kings either open or in the process of being opened. All this growth has happened in the last six months! The rea- son, the excellent return-on-investment to the owner. Before you buy a Little King Franchise, you see actual Little Kings in operation. You review actual statements of the operating stores; we invite you to bring your accountant, attorney-anyone who's coun- sel you value-when you make your decision on a little King. After you purchase a Little Kin~. you receive profes- sional site selection assistance, complete training both in a Little King and in the classroom, opening of your store by our trained crew to get you off to a highly profitable start, and the continued assistance of our experts who are constantly working with you. Little King Restaurants offer a Turnkey franchise for $24,500. With a Little King working for you, you can expect to have your investment back within 18 months to two years! "'"' AJ,JA TIIE WAY TO THE-BANK ... AltbouPi It'• aafalr, There u no way to beat lti 1'wo daya lo prepue, A balf-laoar to eel IL --Beuy suu,, QUIPS AND QUOTES A parrot's beak had grown to the point where its end.I over- lapped, and it wu difftcult for the bird to do whatever it is a parrot does with its beak. So the owner took it to a pet shop. "It's simple," said the proprietor. "It's juat a matter of ftlin~ the beak down." "But doesn't it hurt?" "No more than when you file your fingernails, but it just takes a longer time," said the expert. The next day the pet-shop own- er received an irate call from the bird's owner. "What do you mean telling me it wouldn't hurt my parrot?'' he demanded angrily. "He screamed all the time I had him in the vise!" -Dan Bennett One 11ouft.{ltter to another at a. 1oide-acreen movie: "Let me know if Clnything exciting hanm• on your Bide." -DorotheCl Kent A woman happened to walk by the dock just u a ti.sberman hauled in his big catch of bass. "Oh,'' she scolded, "how can you hurt those poor fish?" The sportsman silenced her with a glance and said coldly, "Remem- ber, lady, if they'd kept tbeiT mouths shut, they wouldn't have gotten into trouble." -Al Roberta P911ckologiatB who admae par- etatB to apMld. more time with. their children a.re just tt"fling to dntm up f utttre btuitUaa. -Lucille J . Good11Mr A man wu playing in a cheaa tournament, and he took hie four- year-old eon with him to watch the matches. At a crucial point in the final championship match againet the expert who had won it the year be!ore, the father reached out to move a knight. His four-year-old tugged urgently at his sleeve and whispered, "Daddy, don't move the horse." The father then reconsidered his move, having realized that his contemplated move would cost him the match. He reoriented hie strat- egy and finally won the match. On the way home, he gazed proudly at his son and asked : "What made you wam me not to move the horse?" The child explained simply; "He looked so tired!" -Ben Cuaell Educ•tlon•I Survey The things that children Uke moet about school, We learned from• reeenl aurvey, Are ft<'eM, Saturdays, and Sundaye- Attd every holiday. ~orgeBifwW "Quick! Get me the White House!" 12 Famil11 Weekl11, November 13, J9U r- ir in 18 e e 1t r <> d d e d s n l t 4Glorious Gifts for readers (JI. 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Keep all 4 full· length volumes even II you buy nothing/ Think of having ao many besl·loved books that have thrilled countless genera· tlona or boys and glr11t In one FREE t>ook, you meet JOHANNA SP't'Rl'S enchanting HEIDI ... a hlgh-aplrlled orphan child banished to live In the mountains atone with her hermit grandfether. Hia only com· pany are grazing goats. But surprise of eurprlaea. Heidi blonoms Into the moat endearing heroine you've ever knownl MotO..holl -IM 4 Q JfCJ to K-. Alf.El In your second FREE book, you meet DANIEL DEFOE'S Immortal, picturesque ROBINSON CRUSOE -the moat dertng adventurer of all lime. Shipwrecked on a lonely Island ... a ptac. he would call home for 24 yearat He lames wild animals ... outwita ferocious cannibal• ... tume his cave Into e rock fortreaa against enemy forces and becomes ruler of the island! No childhood Is complete without this exciting tale ol bravery and heroism. In your third FREE book, you enter the topey·turvey world of ALICE IN WONDER· ~ND. Attend Mad Heller's strange tea pertyl Play croquet with mallets that are five fleminf10 birds/ Sit at a court trial pre- elded over by the snooty King and Queen of Hearts! Something new, funny and blurre on every one of 266 lhrllllng pegea. In your fourth FREE t>ook, you ... rch for QOfd burled somewhere on ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S strange TREASURE IS· LAND. When pirates discover their cabin boy, Jim Hawklna, ha• the treuure map ... the chase /s on/ In the scramble for the gold, there ere ewaahbuckllng duela, pl· racy et aea, jungle combat, thrills galore. ...... LowM a.. ....... .. iR FttM Color Ma1c ... loft eo.er.t Imagine ... without apendlng one cent -your child can receive HEIDI, ROBIN· SON CRUSOE, ALJCE IN WONDERLAND and TREASURE ISLAND -al/ Four Vol· umes -entirely FREE to keep forever! 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Truly the must books _,, """"¥;';,' ;•""td otve hi• ohlld. 1,111 MUI t tne Yeas Ya11n11' rl What a wo of enthralling m1glc -and sheer fun/ Y r child salla the high seas on a dange mlaalon In Kidnapped/ Leama how to rvlve with ca1tawaya, Swlu Family Rob/ on/ Rejolcea with Tiny Tim as Scrooge ame generosity In A Chrlstm.s Caroll Shares thrllllng 1dYen· turea with BJa Bautyl Goel with Doro· thy, Scarecrow and The Tin Woodman down the yellow road to The Wizard of Oz/ And there'• more -ao much morel More lunl More entert1lnmentl More rich re-werdal The growing up teen-yura of Little Women/ The rollicking times of Rebecca ol Sunnybrook Farm/ The breve acta of hero-11m of Hans Brinker/ The amulng travels of Pinocchio/ The ml1chlevou1 doings of Tom Sewyer/ And 11111 there's more ... Uncle Tom's Cabin, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Lorna Doane, Storlea of King Arthur ... They are all here .-the gre1tea1 Novela, Short Stories, Poems. Epict, Legends, Bl· ogrephle1, Fantulee, Myateriea, Myths. 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This wonder-wallet holds up to 32 credit cards. plm money, busineu carda. liceotee. etc. Yet look bow slim! Hand- 10111Cly lined too ... and a terrific barp.in at tbia )(,...price. # 1939 CltEDIT CARD #2504 • .•. with all hi richly aeuc>ned p-ain.Daigned and madt for us by exp«t craftlmm. SUper-cttea&th fibreboard constructi<Ja. with a stroQ&, inner steel frame. Complete doublo-drawcr file is 22• x 18,. x 13", with two wooden drawer palls. P•MIENs Great for the executive who bas bis office at home. W'ill bold an his sales recocdl. ftla, atationcry, policies, stocb and bonds io one ready-to-pt-at orpnizer. For WOMEN: Use a double-drawer fDo in your kitchen or den, to bold all your home records, correspondence, shopping lists, recipes. school and club notica. "• STUDBNTS: Adds the risht touch to a teem.Fr'• room, and gives pJeoty of __ / -· -____ .._ __ WALLET ......... $600 A,.... .. FILE CABINET .... $695 storaaie apace in two roomy drawers to bold boob, m:ords, files, homework. papen, mapzinoes, games, etc. Creates neatness in sec:oodl. - c .. .. _...,....,._ 1'6·. ,. ........... _ .....-a..-~h .. -, ..... a .... c ..... ,_ .... .. _ ... ~ ........... New Instant Oxygen ia • ,_, ... •i•' twe lile • So small you can keep .. AIR-ADY' always tucked in your pocket. Slim tube is only.,. .. high. Available for everyone ... everywhere ... at home. at work. at play. Ideal for quiet relief of motion 11ck:DC11S. No mast or prescription needed. Consult your physician about the benefits of oxygen for respiratory difficulties. Weighs ooly a few ounces. Rcfillable in KCOOCll. lnhaler. and cartridae (3 quarts of U.S.P. oxyttD). $595 #6095 INST ANT OXYGEN .... #6326 R.c:fill Cartrid.-, a-ct of 3 ... -.... ····-··············· $295 P.e._ Original English JI'~· Jet Rod Flame Gun ~ ' f· MeMI Im md s.owt DlsWeedl • This is the original Jet Rod Gun. manufactured in Enaland of the finest steel. with typical British cn.fts.. mansbip--not to be confueed with Inferior Japeneee imitations. Just fill Jet llod with low-<Olt ker08Coe. Its unique jet action safely shoots searing flame from the ftOZ2le. Destro)" weeds, stenlizes aoi.I by ~iminating weed powtb.. ICeelJS. ,,.its and steps free of ice and snow io winter' r without shoveling. chopping oc laing barm.fu] wts. Than froaa pipel. Ends clrudlCll'Y all year long! I 00" safe to me .... newr beats up along the baDdle. 38 iocbm Iona. -m.-under S lb&. Completely telf~taioed ... requires no electricity. Precision-made of electricaJly-weklcd steel tubing, witb built-in bnl88 compreeaioa pump. lnstroctiom im:Juded. #398 JIITllODFLAMl!GUN ....... $1795 lleg.Ut.'5 #1939 $6.89 ,,_ $11.00 .,_ $15.08 #1619 MUSICAL SNOWlllEE Automatic Calculator .... is the perfect amwer for the entire family. Completely accurate, and gives you instantaneous answers. The Tree Tums The Snow Falls Tiie Mac Bos ...,. "JimdeBeal" • Fucinating to watch ..• lovely to loot at and listen to. Wind up the music box; then watch the tree tum. 1111 snow is brought to the top and c:n'!1~~ constantly ciTcula- ting. This Cbristmu this will be ane of your fam:ilY• . favorite omamenb ... it ew:n has a Santa OD the top. 9w· hilfi. s5ss A Stunning New Decoration For Your Home ZODIAC WALL PLAQUE #2406 ZODIAC WALL PLAQUB $298 • Here are all the tinw:las mystery and excitement of the Zodiac ... captuRid in one exotic plaqoe. Tbe twelve Signs of the Zodiac radiate from the Sun in this richly gold-antiqued objet d'art you will traaarc. As a focal poiat this fuciaating dccorator"s plaque creatc:s perfect bannooy and an aura of beauty. Ima~! Tbe badaome orifinai coat bUDdreds of dollan. Our copy loots expc:mrve, too •.. yet we offer it to you foe oaly $2.98. Junior Cheerleader's Kit It adds. subtracts, and multiples. Totals up to 99,989.99. Great for cbecking bank statements, bills, preparing taxes, bonw:wort. etc. Compact size. .5~" x .S" x 4", and fits desk drawer or brief cue easily. Sturdily comtructcd, and mechanically perfect. s595 .#293.5 AtrrOMATICCALCULATOR .... Irish Toast Mug • Yoo don't have to be lrisb to enjoy the verse, "May you be io heaven a half hour bef<n the Devil knows you're dead." Lovely imported eartheoware mus. with easy-to-grip handle, is S inches tall. And colorful ... egpbell back- ground with t.oocbes of red. arcen. brown, ydlow. Decorative, and useful as kitchen aid, desk orpnimr, brio-a-brae. and SU'* what?. . . -----a drinking mug! #2423 IR~~~-~l 98 #82423 Twofor U.51 Replate Worn Silverware As You Polish • Sll. VEll ~~US deposits new, po.re silver where the onginal plating bas wom down to the .copper. brass or brooze undemeatb. It polishes at the same time, and be ls-maintain enduring silver beauty. F.asy to '*-. leava bands clean. your silver beauty-brigbt. Lar• ~ bottle lam a long time. #668 SU. VER PLUS ........... -.................. . s200 '· Hear "Lara's Theme" Make-Up Glasses from Dr. Zhivago neMWtoSeeW..M1 ne.t • 15", hll-Llt IAmtdl • '5tJG, Vlrslm Wool • l5tJG, N,._ • 3t" Orloa • 1bele soc.b are the IDOlt convenient. moat comfortable you've ever seen. Tiny battery fita into a pooch strapped around the top of each aoct .•• make1 them more comfortable, easier to wear. They keep fOU uug and warm in any wuaher1 Specially-desiped beatma element gives steady, constant beat. Socb are beavy-weiabt ... warm in themselves! Battery can be discoonecwd - instantly when you don't need beatina; ia euily removed for wuhina. #1168-Small, #1169-Medium. #tt70-Lar,e AV AJLASLE llOll LADIBS, TOOl I.adJa electric IOCb, color white. LADIES BLECTIUC SOCKS .......... Sl.15 #5102--Small, #SlOl-Mediam. #SJ04-Latto SPACE AGE • .•. when you open the top of thls musical jewel box. A silvery beauty that will be your very favorite becawie it plays the beautiful. bauntinJ .. Lara's Theme". Lift the lid, and inside is a transparent cover that lets you tee the imported mechanism work. Fascinating to watch. The piano-style bo~ is lavishly done and always so elepot. Lined in red plush. Just enouab room for your most favorite rin~1 canfup or other piece of jewelry; 4~" ll 3Y.l "'ll 2Y.t". • Maanifying slus makes it easy to apply make-up pedectly, abape eyo- browa without squintins and strain- ing. You can me make-up tools BE- HIND the leosea, or swina each frame up sepantely for your &lamour treat- ment. Marvelous for removing cin- ders, taking out splinters. • Comb~.two ar~ scientific &c~ievemedtsl Ytnt. a ELECTRIC spaco.qe luuna wbic:h. alone, provides warmth never bet~ possible! Second, the special electric heating system. VE ST Places beat at nerve center of lower back, warm. circulat- ina blood to keep you comfortable. And it operates from two batteries concealed in the left pocket! Vest llnina ia a remarkable new material .,. one of the ~wonder-products of tho space aae ... reflects 809& of boQy beat back to the body. Keeps you comfortably warm, even in sub-zero temperature ... wind, snow, rain. sleet cannot penetrate it. Yet. is 10 liabt. to thin you hardly know it's there. Combined with electric heat, it's unbeat- able. Vost iuelf ii Nylon. Hu full lensth nylon zipper, weip only 7 ou. Available in Small, Medium, Laree, and X-Largc. State color: lled.,.Loden peca, Camoullap. #1736 MUSJC BOX ···-······· $695 #661 MAKE-UP O~ES ........ -.. Multi-hued Menagerie •What could be more deligbtfUI for a tiny tot's bedroom that thele colorful ~ts of a gr-een elephant, a wide-eyed titer, a grinning lion, a bear licking a luscious lollipop? Whimsical pamtinp mounted in plastic frames, ready to hang. Pour prints, each 10\1.t'" ll 8W". #920 SETOPNURSBR.Y PRINTS ··························· $l 98 Print U p To 100 Copies In S Colors On Any Paper . • ... with this amazing giant Hecto- grapb Copier. Uses no chemicals or electricity. Children love it-play with ietor boon on end. And you c:an duplicate postcards, letten. announce- ments, invitations, menus. signs. You can ~rite, type, or draw whatever you wish to COpY, without IDe&9 or fuss-- and reproduce up to l 00 copies. Send out notices of your next meeting ... invite guests for your next party. Doctors can send notices to patients, or billing information for monthly statements. #1S48 ~~~.~ .. $3 49 New Cat Villa • ... is your cat's own playboule to romp or rest in. Her private Cat Villa will amuse kitty, and soon become her favorite spot. Measures a BIG 1 S .. x t s•:x 22-; made of extra-sturdy fibreboard that stands up under rougbeet feline frolicking. Sets up in secoods with no puts to put together. Comes complete with catnip wall-to-wall car- petinal #861 CATVILLA $198 $595 r ------------------~ ~ -- ----~ ~- A NY-CA RD CORPORATION I UY°" do not wh6 to dlMae, J °""" "'-1111 send died or wy order. ORDER FORM H S..dl ... AY• ........ , v.,.... Hew Yerll 1n11 Pie-8Cftd the mc:I09ed order to the o._ ~ 8ddras be'°"". I llftdenlalld that I may ret11111 any ~I'll for foJI credit or refund II I am not Nlll6d. Ship to: H:UlllL----------------------------------~ STOCK NO. QTY. POSTAGE CHARGES: IF YOUR ORDER AMOUNTS TO: Up to SUI edd 40<:: S2.50 to S3M edd IOc; 14.00 lo W.lt edd too; I0.00 to St.• lidd 71c; 110 Of 11*9 edd St.00. THESE MOOEST l'08TAOE CHA.AGES pey Oftty • -.II j)Oftlon. We 1191 lie dHfer-. ..,. amvel of your Ofdef It -urea. Sony, NO C.0.0. INITlAL;S.J._ llZI'., COLUW TOTAL H.Y. stete l"Mldenta edd •ppropt!ete tax POSTAGE TOTAL ' TMa ..... wW Mil ......... ~ ,_r a.tat aN _.....,. T .. wtt .... WU...._..F~AaJ;Ce.rd ~·doe : · As a ..-rtaJ reimwntalloa mct for lllc purpo1e ol obtalnJo1 credit. l bcreb1 •ate lhllt I am authoriziod 10 ime I.be ucdlt c:srd deslenated hereill. Al the praent U-I hew no dellnqucal aecouno and the information I heft bcrewltb stvm 11 corttCt end cvrrent. I qree to pay the aboft total when billed. In the eftlll ol delinquency, I •sree 10 pay a 1ervke clulrte ot I~ 'II> per ~th, on tbe unpaid belan~us all collcaloll COltt ud a reUOlla~ eltOrM)I'• fee, In I.be e¥ienl o1 suJt. M the lndMdual ueer tflb aectlJ card, I aaree 10 be respooslble jointly Uld 1C¥1erally on any charen made by me lo a corporate or company n-. CU11tomer'1 Sltileture X------------------ (PIUM Print) C.1'4 B.W.rto Na---------------------Tele ..... Ne. Btre.t AMl'eM -------------CltJ -------State ---Zip CMe --- Bu• ... B•Pl.F•at N••• --------------------------------........... , .. -------------------------------- C~lt c. .. r ..... a,----------------Cn41t Canl Na•~r -------- lbplraU.. Data -------------------------·--~--:-::---- Minimum charge purchase, $10.00. Maximum charge $50.00. ---------------------------~---J .. I I f For the first time, science now olfel'8 a unique p1utic cream that ho1da false teeth-both "uppers'' and "lowers" -aa they've never Nin held before. It forms an elastic membrane that octlUJllw AoU. dnt.- tura l-0 1'M>ldA a"'1 pm nrf a eta I It's FlxooENT -a revolutionary dis<iovery for daily home me. So different it's protected by U. S. Patent /3,003,988. FIXODE.NT not only holds den- t.urea firmer, but it holds them more comfortably, too. It's so YOU llAY HAYE Pll-WORIS AND NOT kllOW IT , Jamohleepaada tonnent.- are often telltale tPflll of orma . . • uc.ly parultee that medkaJ experta eay lnfeet l out ot every 8 pel'90Meitamined. End re fam-ilies may be victims and not know It. 'tTif:J rid ot Pbl-W orma, they mWJt be In the 1arae intestine where they Ii ve and multiply. That 'a euctly what Jayne'• P-W tablet. do ..• and here'• how they do it: Flrat-a edentific coat.lnc came. the tablets into the bowla before they d1-olve. Then-Jayne's mod- em. mNJcaU,y .. pproved ln(l"edJent SOM rl1ht to wortc-ldlla Pi.o-Worma qWc:klY, eully ....... '°'" ~,..,_,.,_ Doa't take chances with danpr- ......._ hisbly cootqioua Pi.o-Wonna which Infect entire lamilies. Get ,eo- ulne Jayne'• P-W Vennifure .•• amall, euy-to-talce tablet.a ... apecial ai11ea for children and adulta. ~. Italian Balm for dry, r ough h•nds No better solution for soothing and softtning 5'.:in. Rich, concentra- ted, economical. A drop or two is tnough for both hands. At all toiletry counters. I COMPUTER MATE IS NOT I A DATING GAME Wiil 5'1ccesslully find J>ir1nets for I m1trimonv and compatible trlendshoos. 1 All AG(S -ENTIRE U.S.A. Absolutely confidential (&tve aee> Writ. 104' lree brochure and questionnaire. Ow ..._tic "tNMty• ..ico-yeti. I COMPUTER MATE I 1E.aS142 St. NewYO<k N.Y.10017 Dept. 131 W~e1 Y11 O~er ..,ly M1il Fro• f 1•ilJ Weekly • • • "'"tot 1llow u11 lo '°"' •tttt lo. dtli-ftfy. Tiit Ids -pl~ lly ~llblt ~"'"· Tiit iltmS and CAIPY Ut tl!K:Ud lor ~II· 1bi1tq. ~ F1m••1 Wttltly, too. JI )'OU'>t •nr qurttlOll lbolll mail Ortltr, )llSI w·ltt: SfntU Dttiartlllflll, f1111lly Wtttcly, b41 lta1"91on A~ JM,. Y0tk, N.Y. 10022. Helps Solve 3 Biggest FALSE TEETH Worries a•d Problems A little PAB'lUlB aprlnk.led on yOUI' dentuftll doe a ll t11u: fl) Belpe bold bOt.b uppers and lowen cnner I~ f2) Holda \bem mon oomfortab . (S) t.et'ayou bite hard-er eat t . Pamoua PASTDTR Powder 11 alkaline-not acid. Won't sour. No sum.my SQOeJ. put1 wie. DentW'M that ftt are euenua1 to health. See your denUst Nt'\llatly. "GetPABTIX'IB ataUdruacou.ntera. elutic you may bite harder, chew better, eat more naturally. You may even eat and enjoy apples, steak, and corn-on-tbe-<:c>b acain. The special pencil-point dispenser lets you put FtXODBNT exactly wbete ifs needed. Resists ooEing over and raaing. Just one application may last round-the-clock. Dentures that fit are essential to healtib. See your dentist regularly. Get easy-to-use FtXODBNT Denture Adhesive Cream at all drug countel"i.I. - VIOBIN ~~:~r Oil gives Vigor More Stamina Endurance Less Heart Stress , Don •1 belier• it 1 You WILL w hen you read FRH Bulletin # 1 S 18 years 'eHarch World hiMrt Physical Fitness RlFUSI SUISTITUTH -Only Violin Oil proved effective. \llOBIN, 'i""' ·· • ' ·. · ( Rip Van Winkle Couldn't Sleep • Nagging Backache Na.ainc b&eltaA:h«. b-dache and mua-eular ache and .,.Jn.w m.,. llOIDe with mer--.xertion. e:notlonal up...u, or ev-~1'1d9.>' an-and •train. 11 thla nas- ir1ns t.clr:ache, with raUtu. elMJ>1-ntcbta. la '"earin• 70u out, maltin• you mlwrable and IM'ltablc!, dn11't wait. l.J'7 Do.n'• POie -&1l anal~k. a pain re-Jlewr. Doan'• paln-~lltovlnl" artlon on eantnc btackacti. l8 otlen tbe anewer. Get Do&n'a Pilla -not a hablt.-formln• drus but a well-known eundard rem-..ty UMd ~fully b) m11llont1 for OYft 70 ~ 8ft ii thq don'l bri ... you the aame wr~ "'lid. For eon- ven~. alwan bay Do.o's larn am. PHOTO CREDITS Cover: l'hil P99ler. Po~ 2: AIC; Bell S)"tem. P099 4: F.A.0. Schworta. Po~ 18: flto\A for OPI. FAMILY WllKLY COODOOK A Casserole with Two Desserts! MILANll DI PROPT Food Bcllt.or Tiu uat of fru1' ~ ia 4 .,.,,,..,,...,.11 ta.af• n,.,,..U• of tllW GownMt T.-ad ArtieAou Caaerole. Gourmet Tuna and Artichoke Cuaerole J eau (I Y, to 7 oa. eadl) dna ... -style tau Oli.-e oil % cup chopped l"'ff• onioae 'h cup daopped celery 1 teupoo••1aaae. 1 teupooa MUOW aalt % e11p replar all·pupoee loor 1 n p eooled eh.kb• brot.la J cupa light creaa 1 tablapooa grated leaoa peel 1 tableepooa le•• Jllice 2 eana (5 OL) •ater clte.taau. clraiD~ rimed, ...t aUced 8 ~ freeb maalarGOaa, sliced 1 pk1. (I os.) frosea artichoke hearta.cooked,followinr pkg.direc:tiou 1 Y, cu pa u11eooked riee (cooked aceorclh•r to pk1. d.irectiou) S tableepoou butter or ••r1ariDe Yi cup nipped panley 1. Drain and reserve oil from tuna. Mea- sure tuna oil; add oliv~ oil to make % cup. Heat in a large skillet. 2. Add onion and celery and cook until crisp-tender. Stir in soy sauce, salt, and flour until blended. Slowly add chicken broth, stirring constantly. Adding slowly, blend in cream. Cook, stirring until mix- ture begins to thicken. Boil 1 min. 3. Stir in lemon peel and juice. Add water chestnuts, mushrooms, and tuna . Mix gently and transfer to a 1 ¥.a qt. casserole; arrange artichoke hearts around edge. 4. Heat in 850°F. oven about 20 min. 5. Blend cooked rice. butter, and parsley, and serve with the hot casserole. 6 to 8 BenJinga Petite Lemon Soumes 4 en yolb (about % cup) % cup batter or margarine, aoftened ~ capnrar Few grains ult 1 % teaapoona grated Jemon peel % cup lemon juice 4 e~g whites (about Yi cap) ~ cap aarar 1. Put the egg yolks, butter or margarine. 1/.& cup sugar, salt, lemon peel, and juice into top of a double boiler; mix well. Cook over simmering water, stirring conatantly until thickened, 8 to 10 min. Remove dou- ble boiler top from water and set aside J6 Family Weeklv, No11emberf3, 1909 to cool. stirring occasionall)t. 2. Beat the egg whites until frothy. ally add % cup sugar, continuing to beat until stiff peaks are formed. Using a wire whisk, gently blend the egg yolk mixture into egg whites. 3. Spoon mixture into six 6-oz. hea~re­ sistant glass custard cu ps. Set in a shal- low baking pan, place on oven rack, and pour hot water into pan .to a lh-in. deJ>th. 4. Bake at S50°F . about 25 min., or until tops are lightly browned. Serve immedi- ately. 6 individu4l a<>Uffe~6 Maraschino Date-Nut Cake 2 cupa eift.ed regular all-parpoee loar 2 teupoou baldag powcder ~ teaapooa .. it 1 teupooa groaJld aU.piee 1 teupoo. CTOaad cianamoa 1 ~ cape drained aarucltino cherries, elittd 1 cap (abotlt 7 OL) dates, eat ia pieces % cups coareely chopped am ~ cup replar aJl-parpoee loor % cap batter or margariue % teupooe ... m. utrad 2 cupe aagar 4 egp (about 1 cup) 2 en. (% 1q.) anaweete.ed dtoeolate, irated 1 cup unaeuoned muhed potatoetl, cooled Yi cup milk 1. Sift the first five ingredien~ together; blend well. Set aside. 2. Mix fruits, nut.8, and the % c up flour. 3. Cream the butter or margarine and ex- tract. Add sugar gradually, creaming un- til tluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition . 4. Mix in grated chocolate and cooled mashed potatoes. 5. Beating only until blended after each addition, alternately add dry ingredients in thirds and milk in halves to creamed mixture. Blend in fruit-nut mixture. 6. Turn batter into a greased (bottom only) 13x9x.2-in. pan and spread evenly. 7. Bake at 300°F. about 11h hrs. or until cake tests done. Remove from oven to wire rack and cool completely in pan. Lightly sift vanilla-flavored confection- ers' sugar over top of cake, or frost with a caramel icing. Cut into squares to serve. One 13x9-in. cake Power Sweep By JOSEPH FARRIS Give your family a full measure of financial seqnity. When it comes to financial security, millions of people look to us to supply the basic ingredient: life insurance. You see, a New York Life policy can provide the funds your family would need if they had to get by without you. Your New York Life Agent will help you to determine what they would need. And then come up with the plan that guarantees they'll have it. We've had a lot of experience protecting families like yours. 125yearsofit. In that time we've paid a lot of dividends, too. Dividends used by millions of policyowners to reduce the cost of their life insurance. IncidentaJly, this year our dividends are at a record high. Ask your New York Life Agent about guaranteeing a full measure of financial security for your fami ly. You'll find him brimming with ideas. New York Life Insurance 51 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 Life, Group and Health Insurance Annuities, Pension Plans. II Our 125th year ... Why You Fall in _Love .. i\ noted psychiatrist analyzes the mystery You FALL in love. It is a wonderful moment in your existence. You don't st.op to examine it-no more than you dissect a dazzling wild- flower you've unexpectedly come aCl'OSS. ""'8tiD. in a moment of objectirity, we aD have uked ounetvee-how did I fall in love? And wh1 wilb thi.a eer- tain IOIDebodJ (who lllaJ wen be quite contrary to our fantui•)? n... la • pattern in our love. I don't beline this tu. the romance out of love. U anyt.hia«, it enhancee it, ~vi.DI' it a .ubltanee beyond a poet's Jiove)y wonla. It indicate. that our intuitivenea ia bued on real bu- ~ needs. So who do we fall in love with! Usualb' a person who ia tbe total of our thoucbta, ideal., and emotiona- tecbnicaJJy speakinr, the epitome of our conacioua or unconacioua ideal. someone whose penonality comple- menta our own. Thia bl why f allinl' in love gine ua a f~linc of bein&' new-born. We are Oftrcome by a power that mU.. us happy and driYeS ua on to higher aiml. We have a eenM of fulfillment. With tbe aenaation of fallin« in 1oTe SOM a feeliq of familiarity. "I feel u tbourh I have ahra.Js known him," a girl mq 8a.J'. Or a man may nmark of hJa adored oae that she mabll him feel ao much at home-u t~h theJ' bl Vo"1l 111> toptber. Thi.a dynamic attnction ill baecl upon deep P8J'Cbolocical and bioloc- ical delliree of which the individual ill aeldom aware. They so far beck ~ childhood memori• of 101DeODe ~~ the child iclMliaed. A -._.. at a strl. She loob bllCk. A shock almost like an electrical c~ PMM9 between them. They meet. date. admit they are in loft. This bl '1cwe at fint sight." But tnathfaOy ia th.ia not a portrait en- shrined in the locket of hi.I mi~a depiction of his mother, a faTI>rite ailter, teacher, or friend? She ma.y confide that she lovea him becaUM be ia tall. entert.ainiq, and dependable. Cbanca are, thoQ~b, abe bl de9Crlblq a fipre out of her PMt: of one of life's deepest experiences By DAVID ABRAHAMSEN, M.D. ~el"'Rlefo•1tl P•C-..elY-QllJ .... .... .. ..... . •• "Ow Vw..t S.0..,-' a brother, or her father, who showed her special attention. In an)' cue, the child identified with some }luman who bl pleaaant polritive etf ecta on him in an euV atap of deftlopment. Tbe conadoua remnant. appear in qualities found attnctive in another: physical ~ pearance., ecent, touch. intellipnce. n.... ....... are buically leX1l&I in nature becaute they appeal to the semee. And this ill what wta the &tap for what we call Jove. True love ia a mixtun of the aemal and ego-preaervinl' instincts and shows itaelf in a JJQ'Cbic bond between two people. Senal relatiou Pla.T an important part bot by no means a total role. The preoccupation with the beloved ~ become complete. Dr. Siplund Freud deecribed love u a mild psy- choeia-eo much ao that a Yoa:DI' man or woman may pus by the home of tbe beloved at nil'ht and 8tudy the windowa of the loved one's room and experience a feetin« of ecataay. But love can be painful, too. The philoeopber Friedrich Niet.:he Mid, "Loft is like having a fner ... When a man ii in love, be enduna more than at other times; be submits to every- thing." Thia reaction ma;, be all right if the beloYed U. of pod chancter and emotionall,r nonnal But what if tbe loved one bl not 1 Sli•.W ..t. an attraction occur, tbe pe:non bl svff erins from unreal- is.ed wishes for self-torture (mu- ocbiam) and uoconecioua),y aeeb out a aadiatic type, one who wiD hurt him. As an unhappily married brilliant sea captain. who had fallen in loft with a mercenary, nonintellectaaJ shrew, once put it : "'llake 8llft your matewill be aaailand not.an anchor!" Psycbolocically be bl married hia mother. who wu aiw..,.. bopia« some rich relative would leave her a for- tune. She also looked bu her future daupter-in-law. But she was cold- natvftd: often saying, •'What ia Jove? I never loved anYone. •• Thia bl an example of Ion baaed on mcient memories. It ia fine to many that eomeone wbo rinp the bells of our uncon- aeioua, ii be or abe deeervee our love. But linking with an unhappy put may be disastrous. Why do you fall in love? It bl usu- ally a lllJSt.erJ' to yoo.. But it happen.a when you are phJ'11ically. emotionally, and mentally 1"ead7. Your drive. ambition, penonality, aecret hopes, and deeirea wiil deter- mine whether you:r life will be filled with joy or unhappinea. If the romantical),y involved could est.abliah a bond off riendahip, u well u of aex. the pl'OSpecta for future happiness would be better. Sexual pauion may aJt.eT with the puaing yean; a profound friendsbipmdara. .. 11II1-who ia truly in love ahoulcl ahow respect. reepon.aibility, and the deeift to eee the other person develop. Understanding, affection, compaaaion mu.t all be part of the p.cbge. So havin« fallen in love and eetablillbed that there bl a basic com- patibility of character, taste, emotion, interests, and intellectual level, the couple can hopefully face life together. Why do 101De people have romance all through their lives and otben do not? Some lack confidence in their charm and desirability. They woWd like to fall in love, bot their emotional natures have been crippled, perbaJ>e by lack of chiJdbood love and/or ma- ternal deprivation. They seem doomed unleea aided by psychoanal7abl. Youth ia eepeciall;y aaaeeptible to blind love. They are totaOJ p:reoe-- cupied with themle~ idealistic. and aelfleea. They want to reform com- pletely to make tbemaelna more de- sirable. They want to provide every- tbiftK the beloved wanta, even to the limita of self-eacrifice. While such extreme feelinp con- note emotional immaturity, they UC> m-.y be present in well-adjusted per- sons, too. The latter, however, will not remain long in thia euphoric state. ••e•lmlm9 fllelr bala......, they are able to wei«b whether they have icleal- illed their love object became of an immature need; whether they are try- ing to reform themselves into some- thing they cannot and do not want to be; and whether they are making sacrifices that they are able and will- ing to make. They may either dis' them8elves out of the situation before too much time baa ~ or if they f°md their emotional attachment is eound, will bring the relationship to fulfiilment. I cannot atnu too much the im- portance of being aware of the fllC- ton that make up a healthy personal- ity. Let aa say that an individo.al wbo bu a healthy make-up will have plenty to give and still have enoucb left for himaelf. An emotionally healthy penon s hould be concerned neither with fame nor fortune, bot with liviq bis life in accc>rdance with his own ideals and ideas. Why you fall in love ia bued on the sum total of your life experience up to tbe time you do fall in love. How you handle the situation should be based on f eelinp and intelligence.• --~-------~-------------~----------- I ~LI 1·T.ED 29 DAY OFFER FOR READERS OF· FAMllY WEEKtY MACiAZllE .... ,,.. •. ,,.., NOW ••• even less than European Fadory Pricel Q.OSEOUT OF ALL 1969 LIFT-OVER STOCK HB.D IN U.S. GOV'T BONDED WAREHOUSE. llltlet•Ulll•llsllr1PltC11 111n•••lf-•1lntcw lnt ...... llllis. .._ olered to foreip CGUlltries. fl) lllo C.0.0. or pt-. orders. If ordered by Ni~ Mid • for spe.. ci11 ,.UW llld postace. CTotll 5.50>. Cl l.E: °"" °"' nJ binocul• per ruder at cut iwice .• All binDc:llWs ....... ·-..... ia orllinll factDrJ ••· Site delivery ,_.llltled. CE Oler Oii our llllMt llltl Sfltlll to readers at tllis pllblatiolt tor a ..,. ...,. ~ 011otJ Coupon 11111 be pu1senttd OI tuiltd. But •II 1111il orders must be postmlftled • llW a. 11:11 ., ....,. ................. Now .you can own a pair of genuine PANO&AKIC BINOCULA.JlS for a mere fraction of the regular price. Yes -the latest 1969 model can be yoUJ"8 for even less than the factory's price in Western Europe! But please don't let this low, reduced price confuse you! Thie optical instrument is rom- pleU.ly dif!erent from those low power .JapaneBe opera glasses good only for very close range. These int.ernationally famous 1969 PANO&A.11IC8 &Fe built with · real quality components by skilled European craftsmen. They're loaded with AKA.ZING POWER and they give you unbelievable LONG RANGE! 111USA1mS SDI.I • All • STATES TllS YUi-AT MICH ... PllCES! Thia put year -right "P to a /ew dara ago -thouaanda of American 1portamen cheerfully paid dollars qiore for thlll MMe binocular! But at thlll time of year we are forced to eell out all left.over ltoc:k tDith- cnd delar. Thia Ui abeolutely neeeuary to ~ crediton' demands, warebowie ren- tala, ~d long unf.aid U.S. Government import taxe1. That 1 why we have reduced the priee all the way down to .C.!M -com- plete with a heavy duty carrying cue, four lem coven and handy carryinc · strapa. Imagine it . . • thia new 1969 i"'proved PANOllAMlC can actually be youn for LESS MONEY than ii you boasht it direct from the European faetory it-aelf t But., in order to be fair to every ..-de1', we have placed a •triot It.it of onl)' ONE to a buyer at thlll i»riee. NOTICE: Thia offer to readen of thil publication ia valid for only 29 bu.line.a clay1. Read detaila below. Miil IT a.wfM CUF1SEI PANOllAJOC Binoculan are produced with great care by Old World craft.amen in a famou.. faetory in Western Europe. eo.t- ly high-impact materiala and precUio7l 1'WM:AUwd M4tal parta are uaed. In fact tha 1969 PAN011.A111c Ui now ao rugged that it'• alMOat tatbr.akabu! Bot. thanb to Space ~ material• and technology, they weich vwcln one pound! UCll • ODY -TESTD • 1WES Not jut lpot checb ... b1tt 38 Hpaniu ad clucitut, ec:ientiftc t.eata to guard acaiHt bad performance! Each and eYel'J' one must meet hich quality stan- d&* k/on lhipment abroad. That'• why UU. qulit)' m.tnunent eella in over !O coontries I ee.t of all you can own a pair for much i.. than f8Ctory'1 price to eon- 1umen! LIMIT: ONE TO A READER PIUS• 9 ml Wll1IS! You11 never forwet the thrill you ~ the ftl'J ftnt time you look through theee binoclllars ! Thia ia the reuon why: The Wm&-Vmw nonpriamatic lemea brift&' in far-away . .cene. without diatortion or fading. The lenees are of gn•w optioal ~·tal •.. each and every one carefully ground out, polished and HAND CALl- UATll> to over lOOOth of an ineh! Of couree thlll eocta much more to do. But you11 really SEE the BIG clilferenee with ONE look! ·-----P.urouauc civea .you BIG cloee-upe of bueball, car and hone racing, football hunting, far away animala. people. A.;;d rememner: PAHOIL\JUC NONPlll8MATJC Binoculan are terriftc for Merel detective work became you can obeerve distant happenings witholJt beinc 9eeD ! TUE IT • flEE ta! No riak or oblisationl Yes ••• me it on PUZ ftlAL for 1porta, theatre, nature viewing, etc. Full priee blM:k quick jf JOU are not pleuecl and utided. YoK dott'C riek 1~. But pleue remer::ber: A.II mail orden mlllt be po9tmarked oft or BE- FORE npinltiott dau lhown in eoapon. So pleue act promptly! Made in Europe/ Thia limited offer Ui bued on a .trict J111rbC Qa&oto S••t.4& Readers of thia newspaper have exactly 29 buinea. day1 to beneftt from thlll reduced diacount price. AU mail orden IUed promptly. Endoee 4.94 plu 66 cent.a lhipping COit. IKPORTANT: A.II orderw from readers of thia publication mut be postmarked on or before 11:59 P.K. of expiration dat.e lhown in coupon. No phone or C~. orders. In f aime111 to all reader-. we can make DO ..... ~ to tbele condition&. Awtd dU.;;;;f,.l-~. Kail Special Quo- ta Coupon below-toda)'I Orden re- eeived too laU will be pro•,,U• murned to 8enden. fDSTEl·TIEIT lie., 311Pest111111, p~,t. 924-llA, larc••11t, I . Y. 11531 P.-----------------------------~ • Fo8ter--Tre.._ ti I 311 Ptst 111111. DtJt. 924·11A, larc••11t, II•• Yerk 11531 I I ma: PWSE IUD I •1 ~~'~r~~~""':.:e~ • •1 nonprislnatic model -at reduced w•eflouse price I ot $4.14 .-• ~· _, posbile costs. I I Tlllt: 5.M. GIVEN Wltll binocu~: Neel Str-.>. 4 -.... 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Of course, at this price meals and transportation could not be included, but all the privileges and provisions of this remarkable offer are axplained in the gift certificate you'll receive when you send in the coupon below. You'll have up to a year to use the certificate, and if for any reason you feel this offer was misrepresented, simply return the certificate within 30 days, and we'll send your money back. We know many families will want to vacation with their children, so add $2.50 for each child you're taking along with you. Once you're there, and ren:iember that this choice is definitely yours, you may extend your stay at the hotel, subject to availability, and pay no more than the prevailing rates. Whether JOU use it u a vacation trip . . . as a gift to someone . . . or part of a business trip or combine both, act now and get In on the vacation fun. •1n Miami Beech or Palm BMch, If~ chooM to UM your VllCatlon c:ertlfat8 durtna the winW "tea0n' (Dec. 15th thFOUlf't April 15th) there wtll be a charp of $7.!50 per nllht per person. In NevecM. to 8vokt the crowds on .,.1k1nda and hol~ your Gift c.ttlftc.tta Is aclullvety for check·ln on Sunday, Monday or Tu.day. Durtnt the Nevada "Mason" (July, Aulust end ~r) a hotef chlll'llt of $3.!50 per nllht per person will be nl9de. In New Ortaens there.,.. no utra ~for any~. The holder whOM name appaara on Certfflcm must be married end eccompenied ~ IPO'IM end owr 24 or undar 65. TWo unman1ed persona In the Mme ... tncMt and Mme sex, occupytn1 same room are effljbte. Miami Beech Vac:Mions, Inc., and the certlflcate dl9trtbutln1 asent ...uma no responsibility for any dam..-to any person, or property, resultlna from the use In any manner what.Yer of thl9 Holiday Gift Certtflc:Me. • This offet Is limited to one certlflcet• per family. Durtns XmH, Enter, July 4 and nMional holidays. It may be neceuary to Mlect altemete data RESIDENTS OF CALfORNIA RECEIVE 3 DAYS • 2 NICHTS Ill NEVADA. 4 DAYS· 3 NICHTS AT ANY OTHER RESORT. Photos by GAF Corporation, U.s.A. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK ~· ., . •.-.-:..~-~. ~ lt> .r.-;11.-1~ ;:&. .; .: --~~ .• ~t'I~t.1 :Ce ·---.. ·--------· .......... '911119 .............. ...... Cnft,........,....._..,....,~ I 1 1• .... --, ... , .... Ytll1911 I °"=ts' .., P9Y far a tto1• Gitt I I for two actutts .,... chlldrw\. 1enc1 me.,,. I I c.rtlflcn. far.,,. '°'lowiflt city. I I 0 lat Veps 0 Miami a..ch I 0 Reno/Tahoe O Palm Beach I I o New arteans I I NWM: I 1 ~~: I I Ctty. I I State: ~ • I FW ------------! ROBERT CULP ENTERTAINMENT An Actor Who Fights for Causes ROBERT CULP is like a number of Hollywood actors today-he adopts causes. In Hollywood, this has become as fashionable as owning a Ferrari or an odd-shaped swimming pool Bot Bob ii different. He put.a hie money and hi.a time where hie ideals are. Example: after attending the funeral of DT. Martin Luther King, be and his wife France Nuyen toured with the Rev. Jeeae Jacbon, a King aide, and lived in some of the moet eocially depreued areas of the country. He aleo aperit three weeb living-in Resurrection City, during poverty demonstrations in Washington, D.C. Example: from hi.I experiences, Culp wrote. directed. and narnted hie own documentary of Chicago eluma. where the Southern Cbri&- tian Leadership Conference self- belp program has been most 11uc- ceeeful. It waa called "Operation Breadbasket" and examined the SCLC project. He sold the fihn to ABC-TV, but it kept him unem- ployed almoet two years and nearly wiped out his savi~s. "At.._. I had my eay," be phi- losophises. ·~1 did what I could." He went back to work in the modem marriage satire. "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice," but, ~ icaJJy, acting ian'tenougb to occupy him fully. He's now writing a movie script (one of hie acripta foT hie tv series, "I Spy," won an Emmy nomination}. and he ma.y direct and act in it. Bob's theater experience began when be wu H. ")(om shoved me into it." Bob told me. "J WU im- poesible u a kid. 1 wu an only child. and I wu lonely. I alway& had great flights of fantasy. I drove my mother wild. So she got me started in a little theat.er group in Oakland. Calif." o..-.._, Bob was booked, and he acted bis way through achoo!, to New York. and back to Califomia---thia ti.me, of course, to Holtywood. He encountered trouble there not because of any acting de- f iciencie&-but becauae of physical characteristics. I remembered a studio official commenting on bja walk, and I mentioned it to him. '"That walk of mine!" Bob exploded. "It nearly C06t me my job! They told me it wu effeminate. It's 11imply the way 1 move. I hold my bead a little forward, too. And I squint a lot be- cauae rm near~irhted." Bob admits that bis two-year marriage to actreM France Nuyen, who was born in France of a Chi- nese f atber and French mother, bu it.a upe and downs. "It's just great when we a.re both working or off on location. The hard part is when one of us is left behind." He ..,. he isn't easy to live with and has a quick tempel', but in11iata, "I am very patient with France. At leaart, I think I am .. .'' He paused a moment, then added, "I'm not so 11ure she thinb so." The couple. along with France's five-year-old daughter Fleur, live in a 45-year-old, caatlelike home near Hollywood. Wheft I asked Bob whether he and France would like a child of their own, he replied. "Ob, yea." Then he stopped abort and moaned, .. )(y God, what am I thinking of? After talkin« about the overpopu- lation problem, I say that-.and I am father to five kids!" (Four by bis second wife, actreas Nancy Asch.) While Bob's "Operation Bread- basket" was accompliebed the hard way, it gave him a s ubstantial know~e of his craft and better aelf-understanding. Now, with act- ing, directing, writing, and p~ ducing credit.a, be should have no problem as a professional or aa a concerned citizen. But should there be a conflict between the two, Robert Culp ia likely to do a dangerous, ooura- reou11 thing-anti a rare one: risk his prof eufonal standing on behalf of a cauae be believes in. -PEER J. OPPENllF..IKEa nr C11Y Of'FDtl acnne. 'JO.UlrTM PIUCU of only 79c to $2..00 . . . price thlt ~I to~ nwn Ind res>1.-nt ,.., qu1lit;y Ind Vllue. TIE Cf1'n hl.ll9 ~poww,direct I~ Porti11i of flibrics Ind sckl- live desianlnt ..... thele low pril* paalble. . . . . . . . . . : tie cin·: ~ . . . . . . . . . 111811••~11 ..... . ttemy , ••• mlll•ll '8U JUST MUD TllE Ami. TIM Ind fot9silht 110 be ~ own bcJ9 and be willlnt to llt ~st..... of this $500,000,000 tie busiMSL WtWi lQI q&alify, lQI mlY tie in on _. inw.st· ment of .. little .. $40.000 for •n .,.. Distribulorship or $16,750 for .... lndividwl *"- PROFITS returnln1 •t once. OntJ IOl>d chlnc;W, • will to succeed, Md qu1llfled reter- lflCel .. requff'9d .. r--------------------• TIE CITY Cerl*ati9n I •• 19 bit s-111 .... ~ flft a..111 ....... fll. .... •• Gena. C b I -' c.-..... ,.,... I.Chi•-• ID Cflende• .... I ffnenma. I -Id fll•• •II IN detalft on yo11< IHOll'Wll -I O DtllWl•UTOlt O IMDfYIDUAl I ... . ... 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Cuts calorie intake. 17-day supply, $6 ; 34-day, $9; 61-day, $18; 64-<iay, $16.60. Bellido Proda., Dept. FW-4, 414 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018. Weeknd Shopper itl'fltll 4re NOT od- 11f'rt'4ri11g. If 'P'f'Odtcel1< atY 1tot Qt,'(lil. "' lltore11, order fro,,. •otcf'('f'lt liat«L Slaopping. Guide N0Wthe81ngle Ingredient mo.t effective tor ASTRONAUTS T..., 11t the Hwy School of ANtlorl Medk::ine ...inst 5 odw .... knowr'I motion sk:k· ............ the lnarNient In TRIPTOHE wa found to b9 the "most eftectM" slnirte I~ The spece ._. TRIPTONE for. mula prwta ........, dlzzi· ,_ Md atomec:h upset for howl Md It'• lill1tle ......, far• 6 ~ a'd. e.fof9 }QI or )IOUf' ,..ly tallll • trip. t.119 TRIPTOHE. wellable without ..-crtlltion. trlptona· For every home THE FAMILY B'/BLE ........ 11,. ....... F eatures: • Beloved King James Version • 8-page Family Record on durable parchment paper • 54 color photographs of the Holy Land as it is today • 70 magnificent color paint· ings by world-famous artists • 1 O mapS of the Holy Land • Words of Christ printed in red letters • Gold stamping..,1 on cover: gold page edoes • 294-page index • 25 Bible stories for children • Gulde for Christian Wort<ers and Daily Bible Reading Schedule • Over 100,000 center· column references • Many other Bible study helps Onler .... ,..., .... tor ,.., ..... lodlif. 0111J ... (Delum Edition In ..... ........ ,. .... -..., ....... out .... ~ _, Piii .._ p111-91.• on ..._, ........ ,.. ........... ca .. .., _...., ,..,_ .. For .... ..... lllnd•• I .... uk of $LOO eech 8IMI • ............... of..., '3,00. For .... de-................................. of SIMeech 8IMI •ftMI,..,..... of...,._• ta.00. TheN .. no eatra....,... 8IMI no ......... or...._..cMl'11 ------- -----MALTltlSCOUPOMTOOAY -- - - - --- -PWtt9-- Y-. -"' -.. F_,,, 8lltle cltedted OOMINION FAMILY BIBLE below: P. 0 . BOX 601 • NASHVILLE, TENN. 37202 0 8lect blndlrtf S2t.'5. I "'"' ,_, a.. I understand that there are no extra charges and no in- PNflll• 11.15 on dellnlJ ltltd lfle NI· terest or finance charges. ence M I .....,, ,_r11ub ol SS.00 NAME ~ .... ,,,,.,,.., .... of -..... ------------------0 De#ff9.Ed#loa M ., ... Pf.-. I di ADORES,...._ _____________ _ ,.., .. """"'' ,, .. -.,,. .. , ... .. •••ce"' I ..artlllj ,..,._,. o1 CITY ________ STATE _____ 1p ___ , ISM ~ Md • ftltal ,.., • ..,. ol fMlr PHONE ._ $1..00. ------- ~ ~ r ,K'lft &. JMJ. l t-::i ~di. 'll°ANrMd -i ~ - HEARING AIDS 2 /3 OFF CEAcH :, I f'~ ICE:; LARGEST aeL•CTION IN U .S . Wiiy pay bi& dultf and salesmen's c:ommis· slons? Sm 65% by orderin1 difed finest q""ity. 20 days free trial. Monty bad 111¥111· tte. Elsy terms 111d no interest. Betlind·tM·Ur Aids. Eye Glm Aids. All·in-ttit-Ear. Body Aids. S24.95 to $149. FREE Ear Molds. Write tor tree litetat.ite. No salesman will call. uam c... Open It ....... you're .... In the"*1ngtwenllea. 1122 MONTGOMERY WARD CATALOGUE A complete 704 peee reprint A peno<wne of lhe -rydey - faetllone. '**· r.nci-. ,.. end ~of,,_. llmM A.._, of --tot brow•· en. reedenl. end •-rchera. 704 ,,..._., delu ... gold etllmped herd ooYer bll\dlng w It II tull colOr duetlecket. Reg.Ma.ee HOUOAY l ... C.AL'9~ tllmec#ele Shlpmettl WILDA SALES Dept. FW-1 G.P.O. BOX2721, N.Y.C. 10001 o.,tfWf 9059thSt .. Rodtord,lllinois 61108 L-••--------------------------- Save with these fin e Christmas Gifts for your Dog! Ptene your pet witn Suson Spend·utions! Don him (M her) In • delichtful •nd comforteble Doqle Drum Sweeter mede of lon1·l•stin1 ec:rytic. ColOfful red end white, it comes in Smell, Medium, °' LAf18. Oomi• Drum Sweeter .. ... . @ $1.98 Deluxe Sweater, Jecquerd stytlna (not shown) . . . . ..... . @ $3.98 DOG CHRISTMAS STOCKING. H•na this colOfful 6- piece esaortment of vinyl toys on your mantel or holiday bbte. Just Wlltch your q IO for these edor8bte fun to)'5. et ,.mily lift time! Dos Christmas Stocklna . . .@ $2 .. 98 UUJILAllD STUDIOS, 1847 Gr•....., ....... Millml, Fla. 3J054 """" ,,,.,. d•/41 .. l•hlonebl• "HALF FRAME" Reading Glasses TMv ...... (,.,., ..... Urlf t1H1ft lrf a tlfffKI Ill I• '"''"' '-t li'tttt ti ,.._., ._.,, ""'*"'• rt< Wt-• ,, ........ ,., Mlf(\ ... "'" ..,-.itll t•t•Ofll Wt\lfil;~ 1-------------- llWt ~., ... ••ac:ll •• ,. tit..., , ... Mf ...... ,,,. BACKACHE & e ... ~~:.•:-...!:.'7~~ ~!:':.:~-'5??. '"OPTICAL. ffft778 IM''"~ ... , llY 11, llY TENSION SICC*OAIY TO llMIY llllTATION ID~$~~~00if V@B!U~ FLUSHES UP ~· · ··· ·· to ~r or septic unk ~ ..... .- no dl&'cin• up floors · • ' .. WllTl .•• McP'HEIUOM, INC. ~:· IOX lSl" TAMPA. FLA ll614. '. ;; Common Kidney or Bladder Irrlte· tlollJI make ma.ny men and women leel ten11e a.nd nervoua from frequent. burning or Itching urination night and day. SecxJndarlly, you !DAY la. alHp and have Headache, Backacht> a.nd feel old.!!) tired. dep'"9ed. Ill such e&tN, ~i:STEX ,.ueua1.ly brlnp relaxlnc oomron by CW'blna lrrltet· Inc cerm• tn add urine a.nd" quJckly eulnit paJn.GetCYSTEX at druggll&a, - BLONDIE, TMERE'S A GREAT INTRODUCTORY OFFER IN TODAY'S COMIC SECTION. IT SAYS RIGHT MERE, TME WORLDS LARGEST FILM DtSTR.IBUTOR 15 GIVING A FRal! ROLL OF COLOR FILM. ' Hf ( ... 0 .. 1 ft ()I MAIL THIS VALUABLE COUPON TO GET F'REE COLOR .FILM FOR YOUR KODAK OR OTHER CAMERA Miii to: FAMOUS BRAND, Dept. 453 P.O. lox 7620, PtlffMelphia, Pl. 11101 D 121 Ceftrtdp PINM send me a free roll of color film In the size I hive checked. (fib Kodak lnstal'Nllc camern> It fits any 8 or 12 ••pbsure camera. I understand I have no obli· ption to buy anythinc. I enclose 25-for posta .. and hlndllnc. Name ____________ _ (l'l.IAI£ ""'"T> Address ____________ _ City _____________ _ THAT'S WONDERFUL! CAN I MELP YOU FILL OUT TME COUPON? -----COST A MESA HUNTINGTON IEACH NEWPORT IEACH FOUNTAIN VAU.EY LAGUNA IEACH SAOOLEIACK till HOLDER ., DldWU.. WIL80N FORD Bu--Beaell Honesty is the best policy. A mid-western minister couldn't help but smile when be read the answers to the following ques- tlonnalre malled out by hls cburcb. A. How far do you live from church? and B. How long does it take you to get to church? The answers on the questionnaire were: A. About· four blocks and B. About three months. A parking sign at a clf- ferent church read: "No Park- ing Except Sundays. Violators wtl be given sermon.a." After church, you and your family might visit our Ford agency here in Huntington Beach. We have what many experts think la the finest line ol automobUes ever offered by one compaay .In any one model year ... the great new F«d line for 1970. For ex- ample, there'• unsurpaaed con- venience for T h u n d et b I r 4 drivers and paaaengers with the new control COlllOle, located tn the front 1eat armrest. 'lbe er windows, PQWer door leeks, windows, power door locks, power seats and the left-band outside mirror. Redesigned for 1970, the Flncertlp Speed Con- trol, optional on Thunderbird models, retains its convenient operation on the steering wheel with new rellabWty, cl~r regulation and simplllied design. Comfort's in vogue now that all bucket seats on Fords are ol hlgh~k design, incorporating bead restraints. L a r g e r registers in the Seled.Alre air coodltlonlng system give better dlrect1onal air flow and hllber atr volume while chanps in the Flow-'lbru ventilation system make for better drculation and quieter windows-up driving. And for the outdoor lovers, 'lbun- derbird again olfen ID optional unroof which ope1"8tes elect- rically. If you can find a better looking car than our fabulous u70 Thunderbird, bring It by our dealership here at 11255 Beach Blvd.. we would like to see it THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. NOVDIBER 22, 1111 DICK WILSON'S ---WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BtYD., .HUNnNGTON BEACH FOF~D ·~-----4 as aaa .. scsau .. ssss .. 11111111ssssssiss11111111111111111111111!1111 . See all the g--- -newest ones for 1'.0RINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP TEST·DRIVE· J'HE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2· MILES SOUTH OF . THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEA.CH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALIS HP1. ' ...... 10. , ... 7 .,.,. SIRWICI ONN ,.., ................ , .. . ...!'I., ....... ', .•. 592-5511 J J J J J I 1· TV !PORT! HllJHlllJHT! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 9:30 AM B Notre O.• Football (C) Taped game with the Air Force Acildemy Falcons. NFL Tod•y (C) S.F. 49ers at New Orleans Saints. 10:30 I NFL Tod•y (C) Baltimore Colts at Chicago Bears. I 00 AFL Football (C) Cincinnati at New York. 12:30 NFL Today (C) Dallas at Los Angeles. 1:00 (I) AFL Football (C) Oakland Raiders vs. Kansas City hie at Kansas City. 1:30 m USC Football (C) USC Trojans vs. UCLA Bruins. Taped. 4:00 8 UCLA Football (C) UCLA Bruins vs. USC Trojans. Taped. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 6:00 II Lakera Basketball (C) L.A. Lakers at Milwaukee Bucks. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 9:00 I a (I) NFL Today (C) Minn. Vikings at Detroit Lions. 1~30 · @ @ AFL Football (C) Denver Broncos vs. Kansas City hlefs at Kansas City. 11:30 O @ (I) NCAA Football (C) Texas Tech at Arkansas. 1:00 II fD 00 AFL Football (e) San Diego Chargers vs. Houston Oilers at Houston. 3:0019 (I) NFL Tod•y (C) S.F. 49ers at Dallas Cowboys. 5:00 Kr~ Hockey (C) L.A. Kings at Detroit Redwings. 8:30 11 141 Championship Boxlnc (C) Lightweight champion· ship fight between Mando Ramos and Yoshiaki Numata. Also filmed on October 4 was the Indian Red Lopez vs. Hedgeman • Lewis bout. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 1:15 NCAA Football (C) l>enn State vs. N. Carolina State. 10:00 AM!~ (3) NCAA Football (C) Army vs. Navy. 4:00 8 Kodak's All·American Team (C) Filmed highlights and Interviews with the 22 best collegiate players of 1969. 8:00 m Football (C} Cal State Long Beach vs. San Diego State. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 9:00 O (ill (I) (C) "A Hl&h Wind In J•m•lc•" is a tale of adventure on the high seas. Five children are captured by pirates after leaving Jamaica on a schooner bound for England. Anthony Quinn, James Coburn star. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 8:30 O (ill (I) (C) "In N•me Only" is a comedy of marital mlxups starring Michael Callan and Ann Prentiss. Two marriage con· sultants attempt to correct illegal marriages performed by a phony minister. 9:00 0 @@ (C) "Rosie." Rosalind Russell stars as a madcap mllllonarress whose daughters think she should be committed. Sandra Dee, James Farentino, Leslie Nielsen, Brian Aherne and Audrey Meadows co-star. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 9:00 O (ill (I) (C) "Be8Ch Bl•nket Bingo" is a teenage musical, in which a beach gang, intrigued with sky diving, become involved with a kidnapping. Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello, Deborah Walley star. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27 9:00119 Ci) (C) "Rio Conchos." Four men are sent by the U.S. Cavalry to recover 2,000 stolen rifles. Richard Boone, Stuart Whitman, Tony Franciosa. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 9:00 II S Ci) (C) "PleHe Don't Ea\ the Daisies" stars Doris Day and David Niven in a comedy about a drama critic and his wife and children who move from the city to the country. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 9:00 0 @ (6) (C) "Journey to Shiloh," a western drama starring James Caan, Brenda Scott and Mlch:tel Sarntzin, tells of young Texans who Join Confederate forces to fight the Civll War. Yes! 95 INCLUDIS: T•tt.t al .._ -C.._ ,_., •d eo11trok - Al .. c...-y ocAfustme.ts -D .......... -Color scr... setup -Static COllHf'ters. CO!\Wl.t:Tt:I. l c;l 'AltA~TEF.O SERVlt:E ON COLOR & B/W ALI. BRA~O~ F ROM AD '\11 RAL TO ZENITtl "TODAYS SERVICE WITH TOMORROW'S /CHOW-HOW" 18931/i Par~ Ave. Costa Mesa ~··v•o WITHl Wlfte, dlleett, MIN. Mil .. ,_. ...... ....._.. ef rlle N\' p .u met of sole cbJckea ldev top alrlotn veal cordon bleu fllet mJ on tall O.lly ...... ,.. beef brocbette1 w11t1 •1c• ,.,..., $3.U $4.t5 loblter tail .,. fUet mignon buccaneer •IKtt .....,. leef ••cll!Nfffy WINE & BEER ·\(o lltre "·" 1 titre f.2.Jt ·v. ,,,,.. ll.M llW•efl •. 75 •IMf'Vetleft• ,.,...,_. Phone 67~2051 Open 5 :30 • 11 :00 440 HELITROPE A VE. CORONA DEL MAR Beh ... .. , S ATURDAY ' . . 1 • • • I APGU.O Ill lllSSIOll All Kll1dl1N ,,.,,.. .. ., ....... led ......... , ......... .. ~ et ... llllllllftc .... et ............. _. ......... .. Mt .... 1:03 ,.. ......,, ... ..... u. m Mtwie: "Odd .... Chit" (drama) '47-James Muon. Robert N1wtoa. I ...... c.111 (C) (30) ~ 1'lltrt (60) °" ..... llld (C) (60) .... • E:llr'lllt l:lO Gt Ci) .., ... tea (C) (30) stlw and Barbara 1r1 merrild de- l l tut-minute confulioft. 1~1=:.<~ {60) A t.ribute to Thanb1Mn£ m...., ....., (C) <&0> ,., Bombers vs.. Midwest PionMB. t:OO. 9 Ci)...... aa.. (C) (30) All of Hootertlllt Ind Pbd11 """ to conspire to pment Ollvtr from rec:elvin& a ~l•l·dtllvery ltttlr. 1:001 ~ News (C) (60) D 9 {l) ID NIC llblfdlJ ...,_ ~ Cl) m H..atJ-lriOllJ (C) It (C).........,.. (IUaptnM-drlm.t) II COMEDY ROUTINES IN '67-stanley Bellar, Joanna Pitt.It I Herll Opera (60) * PUB ATMOSPHERE fl• Specie! (C) (Z hr) TONIGHT'S HEADLINER: t:lO Qt()) Plttk:Nt J•cllDll (C) IRWIN C. WATSON (30) Betty Jo and Steve Elliott dt· D o..1 Mu sai.. (C) (30) Comic cldt to move out of the Shady Rest Irwin C. W1l1on st.rs. Hotel. O @(])G> Aiwm ,.,..._. D @(])&l Ntllywood hllce (C) (30) Dldt Clartc hosts. (C) (60) Milton Berle hosts. stew B ... Cttr (C) (30) Sam Riddle. Allen~ Martha Rayt: Irvin& BenlOft, m lalt»lra McNM (C) (60) Connie Stevens; Hines. Hines 1nd Martha Raye Rich llttle Steve Dad; and The Younploods iutst Rosal 1nd Skippy White, ~nd The B PMIM!t's ....,.. (C) (90). Join Buraundy Street Sinaan pal Rlftrs. Bob Barker, 1nd psychiatrist U) Allluls, AdiN 11141 Adwt9twt Dr. lorleM Chase 1uest. (C) (30) "Rhino Hunt" 10:00l;'(j)°':::J.C> (~) (60) The m 1V • ...,... Dlllll (30) t>.aut1ful iec:retary to • recently 5;30 0 MIC ..... CHftrtM:t (C) (30) deceased private eye claims tome- Former Vice-President Hubert H. one is tryini to km htr, but sht Humphrey aunts. doun't know who or why. IJ TEX WIUIAMS GUESTS Nen (C) (30) * With Melodv Ranch IW a.... (C) (30) , bwllide ...... (60) Gang few Hr. of 1u • MWce (90) Country-Western Fun! 10:20 Laltrs W,.Up (C) 1J MtledJ Randi (C) (60) Tex 10:30 fhn (C) (30) Williams stars. Ntw1 (C) (30) Bill Bonds. D R..., Sritr SMw (C) (30) Joe ,,_ (C) (2 hr) Gisele MacKenzie la specl1I 1ue.st. 10ttJ Wells (C) (30) Ru• for Yt111 LH1 (C) (60) Pmport to TrMI (30) Dr. HlldlOll't Stcrtt Jounial (30) 11:00 D m G> ..... (C) : The P'rtlidtftt's M1t1 198 (C) Mewit: "Two Y11rs ltfort Ute • Edp of E ... ttr (C) (30) Mat" (dram.t) '46 -Alan Ladd, Sltl rro• UNCLE (C) (60) Brian Donlevy. CBS EwHlal News (C) (30) 0 T1M Movit C1• (C) (30) Mil· I #He@ I How Y1 8onDI llMp ton Belie, Sally Ann Howes, Bany • • . ? (C) (30) Oou1 McClure Sullivan, Barbare Rush auest. fs host for a look at the lives of U) HIWt Cun, WIR TrMI two farm boys-raised Just 15 miles fil) TIM llJ 1'1llt Cr1W Up: "An apart ind neYer knew one 1nother Hour With Chariie Ch1plln." until the filmln1. One boy plans to 11:15 II falMllea SZ: (C) "T11is Ed stay on the farm, the other plans It MIH" (drama) '5~ock Hud· to move to the city. IDft, Jean Simmons. Dorothy Mc· I Anftiwtrsary 5•• (C) (30) Guire, Claude Rains. Kent Smith. Death Val'11 Deys (C) (30) D Satllnlly Nipt Morie: (C) I #He@ I Tll•bcfwl•& Witll tlM "H•inrar's Adwtm.ts If • Kini fl•ilJ (C) (60) Yount Man" (adventure) '62 -fE S.llllt Tr1llt (60) Richard Seymer, Diane Baker, Co· fll) NET Journal (C) (60) "Guns rinne Calvet, Fred Clark. Dan Dalley. Before Bread.'' (R) 11:30 8 tE ..... (C) De-Rt-Ml (30) • Mevlt: '111e W• lowtr" (dra· • Rlt htrol (C) (30) ma) '62-SteYe McQueen, Rot>.rt 7:10 9~ Jldlt liltaton (C) (60) Wainer, Shirley Anne Aeld. • @ 6 tE Andy Wllllau (C) Ii) Nns (C) Zant rey T1teetn (30) 11:45 m Movie: "Pride of tht M1t111t1" Dltln& Cunt (C) (30) (drama) '45-John Garfield. • Million $ Movie: (C) ''TIM Jour· 12:00 0 tE Johnny Carton (C) nlY'' (adventure) '59-Yul Brynner, 12:30 m Men in Crisis Deborah Kerr. 1:00 tJ Movie: ''The Wor1d Wa Hft I Wo.ndera of the World (C) (30) Jury" (drama) '53-Edmond O'Brl· lot Caudlllos (30) en. Mona Freeman. 7:55 Lalttrs Wann-Up (C) 1J Movlt: "Ewa" (drama) '65 - l.'00 D laktrs lalltball (C) (21/t hr) Jeanne Moreau. Vim• Lisi. LA. lakers 1t S.F. Warriors.. m All·Nlpt SMw: (C) "Honey· D @ (])a> Ntwfywed Ga• (C) chile," (C) "ReYenge of the Gladi· (30) Bob Eubanks host. ators" 1nd (C) ''The Hunt." THIE DAILY PILOT, 1V WEEK, NOVEMBER 22, 1969 SUNDAY NOVE'9BER 23 MORNING All stations reserve the right to change program· ming without advance no- tice. 6:15 'he Cllrlstophen (C) 6:30 Tit• Bibi• Anlwen 6:55 Cive Us Tltil DIJ (C) 7:00 To• Incl .ltfry (C) S•ct., Fannin (C) Public S.rvlct/Hymna 7:30 a.tftl1n (C) MonDOn Tabemldt Choir (C) TV Worsbip of tbt Wat (C) Slued Hurt (C) APOUO 111 MISSION TocllJ's prooammlnc is sabject to chanp without no&. fer news reports on Hie Apollo XII fllpt. 7:451 The Cllrlstopl9tt1 (C) DMJ 1nd 8011.U. (C) 8:00 W@ limp Unto My Fett (C) Chanaes 1n theology are empha· sized on "Festival and Fantasy," filmed at a masquerade party held in the Botolph Art Gallery In Bos- ton. I m Thi CMltophtrs (C) C1t~ra1 of Tomonow (C) D11 of Discovery (C) Wondera•a (C) I Allen Rtvlnl Hour (C) (I) hul HamJ (C) Ci) 8ocl Is the AMWtf .) 1:30 Look Up and Live (C) ,.r Sense of Be:onglng." Contemporary pla1 on what it means to-be a Jew. I This Is Ule Ufe (C) Cllmblnc Hip (C) Movie: (C) "Tiit Boy fro• Ok· llboma" (western) '54-Wlll Roaers Jr.. Nancy Olson. I Katltrya Kublm1n (C) · Rtviv1I flr• (C) fE F1lll 8oapel Rtviwll (C) TN~ (C) 9:00 Ca•ra Titr• (C) My Favorltl S.nHn (C) Rev. Richard Anderson, Sierra Madre Conareaational Church, guests. 0., of Dilcowery (C) ea .. ,.,. Profile Gospel MutJc (C) ~ A. A. Alllft Katlwyft hllllaan (C) · To• ind Jerry (C) • Nueva Cita • Tltil Is tltt Lift (C) · A(riallturt Report 9:30 Tod.,.a Rtlliiotl (C) m The Etarnal Lipt (C) "A Field of Buttercups." The true story of Or. Janus Korczak's devotion to his home for Jewish orphans dur- ln& the time of the holocaust in the Warsaw ghetto. 0 Notre Da11t1 football (C) Taped aame with the Falcons of the AJr force Academ1. UndseJ Nelson rt· ports. I ~ 00 Q) Dudley Do-Rlcltt (C) 6 Oral Roberts (C) Bibian (C) Mano a Mano Rndl«O 10:001 llllide foetbaJI (C) 1l•li&tlt (C) • A&ricalture USA (C) 12:30 Cent AlltrJ @ CI> a> hot,. of Junate Orll Rotlerta (C) • Movie: (C) ~ ToQ9" Ci) Nfl TodlJ (C) Dallas at L.A. (drama) '57-Robert Wagntf', Joan • · httem for Lfvina Collins. 1:00 D 9 @ m Afl Feolhlt1 <C> Pmport t. Profit (C) Oakland Raiders vs. Kansu Cib 00 F1nt l1ptist Cllurcll (C) Chiefs at Kan111 CitJ. (j) y._ Hall Mttt1111 (C) IJ Movie: "I W111tld Winp" (dra· Cllflltiu 8uzM1n ma) '41 -Ray Milland, William • RttltJ Rtvltw (C) Holden, Veronica Like. 10:15 Ho•ntucl (C) D @ CI>lm Directions (C) '1he 10:30 NFL TodlJ (C) Baltimore Cotta Wilderness of Walden." vi. Chic~ Bears at Chicago. I Sllertodl Hoh•• D 0 CtJ m Afl Footblll (C) TIM 111 Attldl Cincinnati at New York. ltwlval Flm (C) I @@&) fututic four (C) 1:30 0 @(I)&) laaun and Answers faittl for TocllJ (C) (~ S.U•t Street . (C) A five-hour m USC footblll (C) USC TroJans replaJ of last weelt s daytime show. vs.. UCLA Bruins. Taped yesterday. QI Ci) NFL Today (C) S.F. 49ers m Voice of Camry (C) vs. New Orleans Saint. 2 00 -i--'d /0....,'d (C) Th b · @CI> a> lullwtnklt (C) lems of prejudice within the Nearo 11 :00 I HolMbuytn' Quldt (C) : ~ ·-., ..... If e pro • Movie: "lJdl•" (romance) '41 communitJ, as related to akin tone. -Merle Oberon, Joseph Cotten. Is discusse~. Guests. ar~ Or. Hi•· m Church in t11e Ho1at (C) watha Harns. Psychiatrist of the 11:30 D ([/) (j) a> Dllcovery (C) '1he Central CitJ Mental Health Center. Stranaest Mammals of All." Oiscov-and a group of Los Anaeles resl· ery visits the Brookfie~d Zoo, in dents. Illinois, where there are over 2,000 I Prus Conference (C) animals. Bum Ow111s Sllow (C) fJ Movie: (C) "His Malnt1 Ci) Sund11 Matlntt: "The O'Keeft" (adventure) '54-Burt Lan· ouse That Roared." Peter Sellers.. caster, Joan Rice, Andre Morell. Im ca.uc:M El Roto aJ F•ture (C) /\IT I RNOON 12:00 D Movie: "Tile Man froia T1a11" (wutern) '47-James Craig. I htttlleent Partt1t (C) Cil Coll•re Feotball 1969 (C) Cl111 111 Su Casa 2:30 II RETURN lletlef (C) A protes· tant television discussJon series fea· turina outstandina citizens of the Southern California community. Or. Clifton Moore hosts. TodaJ'S guest ls Mary Dorr, National President (Continued) Where can you get S 3,000 cash ... with the lowest monthly payments? UNION HOME LOANS $45.00* Monthly payment on I )( year Home. owner Loan -and your ellalble whether your home Is P1ld for or not! ''Borrow Sl,000 to SI0,000 or more-by phone!'' HOMEOWNERS-compare Union's new reduced payments with any bank ... any loan company. See why thousa nds of homeowners call Union Home Loans when they need cash for any reason. PAY ALL YOUR BILLS with a homeowner loan from Union. You'll probably cut your present monthly payments in half, or better ... and have more money left out of every paycheck! •UNION'S lllOUCED PAYMlNT Includes both .PrlnclP1I a Interest -rt· pays loan In full In 88 months. NO IAllOON PA'fMtNTSI Annual per. ctntace rate Is $14.80 fln1r1ce ch1r1e per year per $100 of unP1ld balance and 1mount financed Is $2,SSO. Total ot payments over period of I)( ye1rs at $45.00 1 month $4,410. Shorter & lonaer term loans 1v1ll1bl1 ..• because AT UNION1. YOU .. ( TllE IOSS -YOU CAN "Cll THE PAYlllEllTS THAT FIT YOUR luOIETI CALL NOW -GET YOUR LOAN APPROVED ON THE PHONE! OR UNION'S UNDERSTANDING LOAN MANAGER WILL COME TO YOUR HOME, IF YOU PREFER, SO YOU GET MONEY FAST! PHONE DAY OR NIGHT LOS ANGELES OFFICE . . . GARDEN GROVE OFFICE . . HUNTINGTON PARK OFFICE TORRANCE OFP'ICE . . Mr. Newton . . Mr. Jennings . Mr. Stev ens . Mr. Edwards DU 5-4141 539-2122 589-8711 542·3545 787-1424 698-1185 VAN NUYS OFFICE ..... WHITTIER OFFICE , , . . . . Mr. Gomez • . M r . McDowell.· COLOR STARRING GENE KELLY DEBBIE REYNOLDS DONALD O'CONNOR CYD CHARISSE .. SUNDAY 5 D'CbOCH ~~· )· .... mDUIE •'.1,'' : ' . ., ... ,... ' SUNDAY (Continued) of Americ.an Women In Radio and Televlaion. D MIN: .. .., P.a la" (dnm•· comldY) '52-Ridlard Wldm•"-Jo. 1n111 Dni. 0 .... $ lllwil: (C) "flit &All H..t" (1dventure) '56--Robert T1)1o lor, Stew1rt Granier. llJIHl~(C) Q) E.sbtl~ en . •11.i (C) 3:00 11 IOIXT NIP.3 Sped.a (C) The candidates and bsues In the apt· clal election in the 6th Council Dfl. trict of Los Anplu .,, lfttarvlewtd by host 1nd reporter Bill Ames. Th• candidates ire 1n:hltec:t Rldl· 1rd F. 01vidson; re1I estate brolllf Mrs. M1hri1 L Dedier; civic lff1l11 c:o111utt1nt Mrs. Pat Russell; edu- cator-1uthor Gust Sl1mls; and city council deputy Frank Small. ms-.. <C> G> Upbeat (C) 3:JO II Uftllne tll ToMrrow (C) A film presented by the Kidney Founde· tlon of Southern Califoml1. I :::S· ........... (C) J:45 (il) (I),............, Tr..,_ (C) 4:001J I IH<W In. rri.c. stt..t ,..,.,., ltd. (C) ''The Emperor's New Clothes" is the first of four consecutive hour-lone musical ape- cl1ls for children. Tod1y's show Is an orillntl adaptation of the d.-C Hans Christiln Andersen story of the Emperor whose vanity leads him to purchase an invisible ward· robe. Futured .,, Will B. Able IS th• Emperor, M1n:il Strfnpr IS his befuddled wife, Fred Grades 11 Chester the Jester, ind Bob 0.1· ney as the Emperor's tvll 11dt, Sinister the Prime Minister. (R) Do. ea.,. (C) "Touchdown!" An inside look at the stretea ot footb11t. Loyola University football coach Jim Brownfield explains his favorite plays. 1J SEE BIG DECIDER! * WHO GETS BOWL BID, BRUINS OR TROJANS? 0 UCU f..eta.I (C) UCU Bnilns vs. USC Trojans. Taped yesterday It the LA. Coliseum. mc:..i. Foetbalt 1• <C> I l.owt Liiey Mcttale's N., ® ~::-Roo• (C) : ~1r1 New? (R) Cl) f'll• F11hn (C) CnelllOS S,W Specbcullr (C) 4:30 I QOM Up (C) stlpn nt M..stm Yoke of tllt Moir Ci) Fil• Fllbrt (C) "Green Years." fZl) Advenblrr. ''The Pos.ssed." An i toration of Ball. Cl) face the Natloe (C) Mllsfca J P1t1br1S n. Rffletn1n 5:00 I Faa th• Nltion (C) Spell! Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts. fJ .. SINGIN' IN THE * RAIN"--OENE KELLY, DEBBIE REYNOLDS-Cir. D Movie: <C> ''Sntcl11' 111 t11t Rah1" (musical) '52 -Gene Kelly Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds, THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. NOVEMBER 22, 1969 Burbank's Lightning started on the ground ancl went up! "Ralph Story's Los Angeles" will prove it, tonight at 6:30 pm. CBSS2 5:30 Jean Hlpn, CJd Chaltsse. Two ,.rtMR In a veudtvflle aonc·•nd· duct act •rthe in Hollywood. D saikteJ T~ Tllelbt: "Poor little Rich Gitt. ' Wltfl Allee F119, JKk Har~. Michael Whafan. 6• f,... UNCU (C) ..... (C) CJ)..... Alta n.tr-t: ''Flvt Hours... Cyd CNrisse. .... Te Many a M--.. @ .., Wectd (C) ..... INt (C) ?.l:-· nw.. (C) . ..... c.-... Start ('C) •• lor , .. , Lie (C) II HUBERT HUMPHREY ON * "NEWSMAKERS" Today! 8 Newt•_..,. (C) Gutlt Hubert H. Humphrey ls lnttfViewtd. I u..-.nc.n c.ti.ae Sllew (C) c-...•1 lliand (C) s.Mt Trdt @lhhld T._,.. (C) fl'tlldl a..f: Julia Child Pf• par. F11ndl Crapes, a C1J Fillt f.... <C> ! V ! NIN(; 6:00 mT ..... (C) (30) U @ 8' Meet ttM Prns (C) ..... ,., .. (C) (60) DMtari (C) (60) Millals, Actioll end Adwntwe ( (30) "SJly People." : Spec:ltlatien (C) (60) "Campus Unrat-Whet NextT' S. I. Haya- kawa and Art Seldtnbaum cueit. 0) Man Fra UNCLE (C) (60) &:30 11...,. S'*1 (C) (30) The fa· bled uretr of the famed P-38. II QJ @ @D S.E. Celltp lewf (e) (30) I Da Vaa 1¥• (30) •• ,., ,.., Lift (C) (30) ~ TIMetrt (60) Ci) SlllppJ (C) 7:il0 II Qt Ci) Llllit (C) (30) In tilt aftermath of a plunae into an Icy Colo,..do river in an attempt to save a trapped crow, Lassie fiatrts tor survival with the lovina htlp of U.S. forest Ranaer Bob Ericson and the prayers of young NHka Chalmers. o 9 oo m w11c1 ... ,.... cc> (30) "Wildlife: Part I." Mar1in Ptr· kins and stan B~ witness one of nature's most awesome slatit.-- 1 forest fire ra1in1 out of control. I n. ... (C) (60) (i7J (]) Q) LalNI of die 5'allta {60) "The Clones." Two &iant scientists, uslna tilt principle of "clones," succeed In duplicatlna the Earthllnp.. fJ Jot Na•atll Slllow (C) (30) Howard Cossell and Jerry Kramer auest m lllewte: "Odd Man Out" (dra· ma) '47-James Ma'°"· fE) TIM Adwocsta (C) (60) "Should lnw:untery Commitment on the Grounds of Mental Illness Be Abol· 1st1tdr' @I) CoMleol 1 C1ndtnts (30) 7:30 II Qt CJ) Te ... Wittl Ltwt CC) (30) Alison Is so tucinattd by the c1refrttt life of a hippie Ameri· can 1irf, her father reluct1ntly lets her ao off with her vaaabond friend for a weekend. Darlene Carr 11•est1. ~from DISNEY e• '•• -go uaaaaam-tc1 * Mystery and intripe ti11-tc> (30) DOlll ~. \ e TH~ CATHEDRAL OF conceal "The Secrets De s,n Ste tc> (30) * TOMORROW~N COlORI of the Pirate's IM" C 1 lw 1 c '*" t11 (30) with Rex Humbard, Maude a uooe••......,('C) <60> i .. aaw-....: 1 •rn•r ('C) Aimee & Musical St.aft! "Stcttb ot Pirates 1.... Part 1 o1 <IC> a.. ...,....,_ and Ma&acM I caa1 • • ti T-.w (C) two Plfb. Ed BeateY portrays a nvo. tU1S1 I• an IMF plot i.. n. .... C.. (C) . Minoa retired lrisll .. captain llillo .a woMftl clouibla alNI .......... .._ 8tft1. S-''1 AM ..._ BM1 sw. his siitlts oe tht buried tr.swu wb PIN ill fM cllfftMt role$ livu. Bart.a Rlltlh ptll. of Jetn Lafrtta. alNI Jim Ptte:ps "'"""' mqician.. m 121SJM.I C11 •••• .. BM ... $ "-":: (C) -Jiit BQJCiHDn. leW 0.. ('C) ...,. ._ (C) (60) Wulli...-iitdi ti a. lllasy ..,... (ad-(flO) MA s.att Step fOf Man.." Or. ..ws • ...,_ RoWINI &au ••· veahn) ·~iy Ooo,et, (:l\arf. Ttid Sblart risb his lift In en U · .._, Mrs. Meir, a ......., MU. ton Heston. o.nd offlcef ol fbltt-periment aimed 1t lltlpina 111 astro-•u• achoal tMctw wi.o iS now dtrina and daertad thip finda him· Mut abtcMn wtousty ill wt'llle prime mlnistlr ol 1....r . alf acamd of neclil9ftCL oftliti11 tM moon. Y11t Summers. @CJ) U Ci) GI Cl) ..._ (C) m,...... .. Trwll ('C) (30) Terry Carter •nd Ttid H•rtit1 r..t 11:15 a llllllte: (C) "'Cal ........... "Mealoo M11nif1C10:" as tM drdinc astronauts. (maical) 'S3 -llhtf Mttmtn. I ..._ 0,.. (60) II • -('C) (30) Donald O'CoMof. Yera ()left. t. C11••11 (30) fJ Liii .. TaA. Te , •• (C) (60) @CJ) Tllit Is a. L .. (C) 1:00 Of. Mu Raff.-ty and Debblt Ora• ll:lO 11 llltllfle: (C) '1111ilttr c.r.t" D Rolling Stones & Ella auest. (d,..ma) '57-Tony CUrtt:s.. Kathryn *ED SULLIVAN Tonite! :=. ~(C) (30) I 16r1n~, ...._ (C) II QI({) £jl ~ (C) <60> ti) IE f...., (C) ''Thutrw • ..... F. l4dlef <C> Ella fi~ld. Edd.. Al1ltrt. Ed '"--'-·· T · f ..... Li."' .. (R) a... ~ -''taru-Ames. Clttnna Valenta and The ............ no °' .,.. mftC. 1 • ~ '"'' •• ,, Rollin& Stonn suest. E "-T..n (60) c;j Ci) lllllM ('C) II Roller Games-l.ive! (C) lO:JO~~~H!~ ('C) (30) 11.-0011 hltln: "Merry Go-Round." * T-BIRDS vs. TEXAS ID DOUT De .._. W...W _, £jl Actms Miidred Ounnodl stirs 111 a 0 Wltf ea .. (C) (2 hr) T·BinSs Ider (10) An Informational format :•lfi!:ur==ion of the fl&llt vs. Teus Outlaws. comblnlna music and discussion. tfj · U FORD MOTOR COMPANY and hilfllilfltin1 Tht ~ of Ubef· lZ:.JO !t!:~~,....,. ('C) Guest Is * presents THE FBI t;y, a . .v.n-man mUllCll ITIMI!>-c. Klein. dnctor of com· 8 ~(i)aJ1" Bl (C) (60) comp":-! of 1 ~· an Indian. munlcations for tflt Nbton Admln-•'ftMi Scapeaoat" ErskiM finds wi· an ~tal, an lritl!man. ' Jtw. istration. denee in Ille death of a firt on a in ltlhan ..i a Muic.an. II . 10Vernme11t ~rvation Unlllnc the QJ KATHRYN KUHLMAN l:OO em)~:-"'= = ts,st.; ta• to a similar one in which a * AND GUESTS IN COLOR Cumminp.. ' man had bHn sentenced to prison. Michael Burns. Nan Martin, Arthur G) ldrJa ........ (C) (30) 1:30 0 "'-(C) Franz end Brenda Vaccaro &\le$l 1------------------------m Calf's W.W (C) (30) "T al· wan: China's Reflection." fE) TIM hnJtt Sip (60) "lnclitn Summer of a forsyte." Irene aoes to live by herself . @I) c.rr...t Maka• (60) 1:30 D QJ CiH~ 1111 CHbJ .. (C} "Brotherly Lovt." Chet Kine.id's brother (lee Wtntr) arrives to stay, alter a marital ~~uc:h · to Chet's discomfiture. m rr-. (C) <30> mw.w y...,._ <30> t:OO R Qi@. U. Uaam (C) (60) Mitch Miller, Bobby Goldlbonl and Sammy Short cutst. D U (i) m ltullD (C) (60) ·'A Dar11er Shadow." The sudden ancl myiterious disappearance of a bank employee sends little Joe on the trail of a lonftimt friend IC· custd of steallna bank funds. GrefO(Y Walcott. Sandra Smith and Dabney Coleman auest. 0 ~ (])(8 AIC Snday Mowtt: (C} A Hi,tl Wllld Ill Jlaaica" (adventure) '65 -AnlhOllJ Quinn, James Coburn, Lila lttdron, Gert Frobt. Adapted rrom tflt nowt by Richard Hu&hts Is story of frvt chlld11n captured by pirates. m I IHCW I M TMllp lr1&M alld '"irtifll (C) (60) Greatest balladeer of the century, Buri Ives, stars in tllls Th1nkscivin1 family special. Also featured are Uonel Hempton. R1ndy Sparks incl His Baci Porch Majority, Kennie A1na- 1an and Barry Shelr. ID c..au. et 1Mb <C> (30) fBlntiWt ...... (60) fD He•IWMd (C) (60) (R) FIRE SCREEN SPECIALISTS CUSTOM MADE SCREENS -S DAY SERVICE 8Hutiful decoretive c~lors in m•ny finiahes. Wide selection of GAS LOGS. FREE E1tim1te1 given. (Since 1920) SOTA AU TEIT .... AWIHN8 co. 2202 S. MAIN -545-0491 SANTA ANA ..... 1 SUZ4NNI 4ND t;f()ff IDW41<DS THE HIS AnD HER OFIT J:J().g AM VAIL,, l\,<\13C-TV Pap I THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI<, NOVEMBER 22, 1969 DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY MORNING THANUCIYINQ DAY PllO&RAMS fGr ,.. convtttlance. Tlllnllaalv· In& 0., ldlJlmt 119 wttll lM TllundlJ MlllAI lo&. Ustlnp .,.. low ire fw Mondq, TutedlJ, Wtdlltldly and FrldlJ uly. I Ci) SunllJ TodlJ (C) 10:15 ,.. ... ,.. 10:30 (]) l.Alft of life (C) @m Hollywood Squtrts ( ) 'uests are Arte Johnson, Alan Sun, Jacqueline Susann, Alejandro Rey and KatJ!l ~rver. l~C.VW SMoktJ (C) Fri. 11:00 W1we tile Htart Is (C) • 6 if:' JeopardJ (C) Tiie alloplnc lourllltt (C) 6:25 · EdllCltlon Elldl1n1e (C) 11:30 6:001 SU.rile StlHSllr (C) @ 00 a> lulhrinkla (C) Fri. 18mptf Room (C) ~([)Starch for Toinonow (C) 6:30 ~ (C) Pl'ofect Know--AJnerican lit«· ... ,. Arter tile Civil Wtr 7:00 CIS Ntn (C) Joseph Bent! I fAlllCltlontl ""°"""' ~-Tiit hdtJ Sllow ( ; Wlilo Cites? (C) Fri. EMfdM Wltlll &lorta (C) Mr. Wllltbone (C) Ftlll tile Cat (C) C..Mdltr/Stoct Report . Sia• Sltaet (C) 7:30 Fore4p Leclonnalre • Rtlifjen (C). I Woftdn111 '(C) a.,. (C) C1J CIS Ntn (C) 7:35 0 T1le His tnd Har Of It (C) 1:00 I Qj (I) Capblln 1<Jn11roo (C) Undt W11do C1rtoon1 (C) • Dtplane's C1rtDon Cntla (C) 8••br (C) Naws/Stod Marlcat 1:15@ CJ) Yldel Dlpst (C) Rocket Robin Hood (C) 1:30 I Tiit Fllfltstones (C) (]) Rody and His Friainds (C) APOl1.0 •H MISSION Moncta11 Nev. 24, 1 :08 PM, Is set ror aplullclown of the 111 .... m•n uew Ind tllafr rlCOftfJ from Ille hcific Oceln. All proarammin1 la Albfect to dlanp on this datl. 1:.45 Yoar MontJ's Worth (C) Wed. : Sdlool Pntaram• 9:00 9 Cl) 1't Lucy Sllow (C) Q)@ 6D It Takes Two (C) love Tllat Bob: Bob Cummings. Movie: See Daytime Movies. Debbie Drab Dancerclze (C) (ill CI) J1dl la Linne (C) Yellow Sllppen (C) Friday. Unclefdoc (C) 9:301 Qi Ci) Btvtrly Hi:lbUllas 9 00 m Concentration (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. • Westem St.Ir Thettre Mtvie: See Daytime Movies. Gu•by (C) I Guidepost; Public Strvtce Filin, Tues. {j1J Cl) H1yd111'1 Htpptnlna (C); Sinbld Sptci1I (C) Fri. only. 10:00 I Andy &rlffltll (C) . ®) (j) m Siie of the Cantury I J•. ck Ke!!l_ hosta. @ (]) W Dudley (C) Fri. Movie: See Daytime Movies. Movie: Friday. f.aence of Judalarn, Tues. News/Stock Mtrket @ 00 6D Ntme Droppers (C) Jolanny &rtnt (C) Tiie Annivntfy 811111 (C) @CI> aJ Qulllvtr (C) Friday, Ta•po (C) Baxter Ward hosts. SIMriff Jolin (C) Trmf films (C); htspectlvt/ td ind Sew (C) Wed. only. fl!) S..me street (C) (R) 11:55 0 QI @HD NIC Mews (C) A f T F P ~J 0 0 ,~ 12:00 II lolltlque (C) Or. Edward Stain· brook, Chief Psychiatrist of the L.A. USC Medical Center, discusses obesity cind fatigue on Tuesday and Thursday. 0 @ 00 6D Apollo XII Special (C} Monday. Splashdown coverage. The reentry maneuver is scheduled fer cipproximately 12:35 PM. with sp t sh down at l :08 PM In the Pacific Ocean. B Movie: See Daytime Movies. @oo m aew1tc11tc1 <c>: eat· tanooe• Cats (C) Friday only. I News (C) Bill Johns. Stock Man.t Close (j) Andy Griffith (C) 12:30 ~Ci) Apollo XII Spacl1I (C) Mon. Live coverage of the splash· down and recovery. I I~ As the World Turns (C) 6 m Dip of Our lives 3 Q) Apollo XII Speci.t (C) Reentry, splashdown and recov· ery of the three·man crew. 8 @ 00 That Girl (C) ~ ln&ftwood HolldlJ Parade (C) Friday, Bob Dornan and Baby Daphne co-host. Grand Mar· shall is Regis Philbin. I News (C) Jack Latham. Dl1'.ln1 far Doll1rs (C) stock Mtrket An1lysis 1:00 Q!) 00 love Is 1 M1ny Splen· c1orec1 Thln1S> 811(6) • The Doctors (C) (}) • Dream House (C); Hot els (C) F rl. I Puswonl (C) Office of the President The 81l'°9in1 Gourmet (C) 1:15 fll) School Proar1ms 1 :30 I§ Cil The &uidin1 llpt (C) · (i) m Another World (C} atller Knows Bast; Cooking (C) Wed. only. 0 @@ &) let's Mike a Deal (C) The Hudy Bop (C) Fri. m Truth or Consequences (C) tE Tachnietl Corner 1:55 m faslllons In s.tnr (C) 2:00 a~ Secret •• <C> Q:i 6 m •riltlt p,..1ae <C> OW ulla Mlldt (C) (f1) Ci) m NtwlJwM C.e (C) I Lowe luq Human Jun.it CoiamoditJ/Mutuat fund 2:30 I Ci) Tiie £dtt of Ntpt (C) 00 m L..u.n .. Lup.ln Q I Talk (C) (f1) 00 Q) D1t1n1 8Hte (C) &olden Sbot Movie Hazel (C) stock Martet Su11UfJ'i New Horizons, Friday. 3:00 R ~ Cl) '-•r r,te (C); At die ~Id Tums (C) Mon. only. I It's YOUf lkt (C) "~''Patrol (fi') (I) 6) 8Meral HllpHal (C) MlahtJ MOUle (C) Bozo's 111 Top Show (C) . Mr. Ind MrL Nortll; Tiit P'itrrt Show, Wed. 9 @ Matlnet: Don Rodewald. m Matinet: Don Wilson. 3:30 I Lucky Pair (C) · Miu Douitas (C) om. Ind Harritt (j}) (i)G) Ont LW. To Live (C) Hobo Ktlly (C) TV Rtadars' Dia-st; Stodc Mir· ket SumrDary, Friday. ~ 00 Popeye Cartoons (C) 4:001 Sta Hunt; Movie, Tu8$day. The Ntllld Trvttl (C) @ CI> G) Dart Slltdows (C) My favorite Martian Peter 811nn 4:15 : The Friendly altnt 4:301 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Divorce Court (C) News (C) Bill Bonds. • The Grocery Show (C) Robert W. Morgan hosts. Bill Deal and The Rhondells guest on Wednesday. The Flintstones (C) The Munsters 1 00 Perry Mason Horse 0ptr1 : Stslme S1iett (C) (R) 00 The FlintsfDnes (C) Future 5:001 KNBC Newservlce (C) News (C) Tom Reddin. "The Poisoned Pill." A dramatic look at the pill-popping problem, providing information on "uppers," "down· ers," "reds.'' yellows,'' and "rain· bows," what they are, and the ef. feet they can have on the human body. News (C) George Putnam. 81tm1n (C) I FlipPff (C) 00 Jimmy Thomnon (C) 00 Mcff1le'1 Nny Qilllpn's Island <C) 5:30 (il) (3) (9 ABC News (C) • Ctndlir C.111•1 &llli11n's Island (C) SunMt Trtils Ci) This DIJ 1969 (C) : Mlstlrol'fl' Naipbortlood (C) ([) Newa (C) Frank Tracy. • Town Tallc (C) 19 ) ' • KING SOLOMON'S MINES DEBORAH KEBB STEWART GRANGER MONDAY IN COLOR KABC·TV MONDAY NOVEMBER 24 For morninc and afternoon listings, please Jee DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D .,..,..... Dolptrin S1r..r' Part I (drama) '48 -Lana Turner, Van Heflin, Donna Reed. 9:30 B "A W•a.,1 V111aunct" (mys- tery) '48-Chartes Boytf, Ann Blyth . m "Clllna Cata" (1dventure) '57- Gene Barry, Nat "Kina Cole, An1ie Oidlinson. 10:00 II "Hip Siena" (ac!Wnture) '41 -Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bo1art. 12;00 U..,.,,,.. (comedy) '3&--W. C. Attd1, Rodltlle HUdlOn. Z.:30 D "'SallMt Hours" (drama) '42 -James Caaney, Dennis Weaver. 4:30 8 (C) "TIM Lady Takes a Aytr" (drtma) '58 -Lana Turner, Jeff Chandler. fVfNINC 5:00 IJ ARE YOUR KIDS TAKING * "THE POISONED PILLS?" FIND OUT WHAT TOM REDDIN HAS TO SAY! 6:00 II lie Mtws (C} (60) Jeny Dunphy. o m "•....,.lrinkltr cc> <30> IJ JOEY BISHOP ANO * BUDDY HACKETT JOIN STEVE FOR HILARITY AND HIGH-JINX!! 1J 5'lwt Allen Sllow (C) (90) Guests are Joey BW!op, John Bar· bour and Dian Hart. 9 SU O'Clock Movie; (C) "lh11 SOie110tt'1 Mllltl" (adventure) '50 -Deborah Kerr, Stewart Granier, Richard Carlson, Hu10 Haas. A dar- ln1 safari Into the African wilds. Didi Van DyU (30) hyton PIMll (30) Stir Tm (C) (60) (]) Miu Deiit!aa (C) (90) : W11ars New? (30) Ci) CIS Ntn (C) (30) 'fli•po de Ptrdon (30) · News (C) (60) Jack White. 6:30 IJ MIC Newsemce (C) (60) • 1llt C1• C1•e (C) (30) Chad Everett, Dyan cannon and Joanie Sommers 1uest. m To Tell Ille Trutll (C) (30) Bill Cullen, Pat Carroll, Orson Bean and Pew Cass 1uest El) Office of tile President (30) @ Cil Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) (Continued) Brighter, sharper color. Sony's system uses one gun tc ,hoot the three bHms. One gun gives us space for one big lens. A lens more thet twice es big es anyone else's. W it!; our ler9er lens, we can get a sharper, brighter picture. 30 91. more color beams reach the screen through the verticel strips on our "aperture grille." • New one-gun system • All-solid-stet• system • 3 5 degrees cooler • Big twelve-inch screen ( meesured d ie9on•lly l SEE IT FOR YOURSELF 411 E. 17tll Street Costa Meta T•L•Vl810N•AptptLtANC•a CALL 646-1684 MONDAY (Continued) D cm Cl)U)"' ...... (C) • Twi1 cn:e HeMlllle (C) (30) (60)tracy tells Jeff th1t Philip is C Mllftlteri (30) not hia r1t11er. 1......... (30) J4 (C) (60) • llewl (C) (30) Black Jew1al (C) (60) 7:00 CIS &.Int Nen (C) (30) Lu Elhlla J Ustld (30) • Wlttt'a .., u .. 1 (C) (30) 9:30 I L.e LUO> II TONIGHT'S BEST BET! =•~/M.._!~ :: (30) *THE DORIS DAY SHOW! @ ......, .. (C) (90) 119 Cl) Daria .,., (C) (30) "Str1nae Bedfellows." Doria la In a momentary .Ute ot I AM,. (30) lhock when a handaome, debonair ,Cl) Tratlt or Co ....... nces (C) French movie stu Invites her to ~. Wertd (C) (30) premiere of his new motion pic- FUtllre (30) lure. Jacques Beraerac auests. 7:30 ta Cl) hna•oke (C) (60) I llewl (C) (30) Baxter Ward. Festus and a frontier teacher are He SaW. Siie Slid (C) (30) held 1'i*>ner. ....... ......, (60) D m MJ Wertd 11N1 W*-' tit ltwlsbl M.ucal (30) It (C) (30) "Mild In Connecticutt." 10:00 B QI CJ) c.91 1....et SMw (C) John Monroe Is left with a m1id (60) Lucille Ball ind Georae Clr11n who won't use modern appliances auest. :~~' :i;::fe'a vacation. Queenie D TENN. ERNIE FORD 11 ACTIONS SPEAK * IN A VERY SPECIAL * LOUDER THAN WORDS SPECIAL from LONDON on Mike Stokey's Star D ~@ m I IHcf I llle re. Stumping Game Show! ,ldlei In PkadillJ <:>: (60) Ten· O sta•p tile Stars (C) (30) Guests neme Ernie Ford mita London. ere Stefani1nn1 Christopherson Will Guests are Divy Jones. Harry Sec· . • ombe and Terry·Thomas. Nonnan 1Hut~@n$R~rt ~:.ic Scene Wisdom makes a cameo appHrance. (45) David Stelnber& hosts. 0 REDS, YELLOWS & RAIN - MH'IH $ Mewie: "'Sanut le• * BOWS! LET TOM REDDIN ._.,,. (~rama) 'SO-William Hol· TELL YOU HOW TO SAVE den. Glona Swanson. A&lna silent YOUR KIDS FROM THEM' screen star becomes attached to • I Portunistic youna screen writer. !JGJ .._. (C) (60) Trulli or Conaequences (C) (30) (11) (])IE!) Lon, A•erlcan Judd ftr ttle Deftnae (C) (60) (C) (60) "Love and the Bil Ted111lc1I Cemer (30) Leap,'" "Love and the Good Detl," f.atlrn Wildt• (30) "Love and the Former Marrla1t.'' Clllldlt el Roto (30) Carl Betz, Dena Wynter, Slcye Au- 1:00 m Luclt-1• (C) (30) Guest brey. Rich Little, H1n1 Conteid, is Sammy Dtvis Jr. Dennis Day and Jessica Walter. 0 OSCAR LEVANT TALKS 0 Delta! (C) (60) Tonr Bennett. * JACK INTO SEEING A IRlch ~le Mauest. (60) DOCTOR! FUN COMEDY . Fklna ua.:"<t> 0 Jack lenny (30) Oscar Levant • Carc:el de Muferea (30) iuuts. .... I O-• r.r 1 Day (C) (30) 10:30 _, Cristina laun (30) Sllck Man.t S.•ury (30) 11:00 In D m..... (C) Wer'd ma (C) (60) Tit liaterMn . Hit ,a,.. (C) (90) • Mowit 11.. (C) Jrm Backus. 1:15 01) (I) tl) llle New ,_,.. (C) Susan Oliver, Ross Martin, and ( ) "A Bride In Basic Black: The Shelley Mormon auest. Courtship." Susan Is friahtened I o.t. UMltl when Ben Geary Insists that she 1 CI> 0 (]) tB CI> News (C) will share his new cabin. m GD Jiitwl (C) 1:30 ti 9 Cf) ...,.., Lucy (C) (30) 11 :30 I ll Cl) MetV lrifflft (C) Lucy finds moonll&htln& can be 1 Cl) m JeillnJ C.... (C) d•naerous occupation. rk uitas and Debbie Reynolds II UCLA COACH REVIEWS ere scheduled auesta. * BRUIN-TROJAN GAME O A TALK SHOW WHERE WHAT WENT RIGHT & * GUESTS REALLY HAVE WHAT WENT WRONG? SOMETHING TO SAY! I lruina In Action (C) (30) IRV KUPCINET HOSTS! David Frost SMw (C) (90) n.. 111 ValleJ (C) (60) II hp'a sa.. (C) (90) Columnist Mlfllon $ fonaala fer SucClll Irv Kupcinet hosts. Scheduled ) Rodney Burreson discusses auests ere author Herold Robbins land Investment. and economist Eliot Janeway. t:OO I ~ Cl) M F D fJ (J1) (j)&J Jo., • ...., <C) • IQ/ "'*'1 R. • • (C) fJ Mewle: (C) "\.ewe la a Many ( 0) A wealthy ••·Mayberry woman Splendored Tltlnt' (romance) 'SS-- Invites Sam, his family and friends Wiiiiam Holden. Jennifer Jones. to vacation at her_ desert estate In II) Movie: "Cat and M ..... (mys. Palm Spnnas. Caltfoml1. Ruth Mc· ~ ) '60-lee Pltteraon An Seara. ~au~ ~ , n au oo m 11H<W: 1 1 • ~ 12.-00 a» Mewie: .. A•• Mii a Stra11,.- ""' SMw (C) (60) Bob Hope (drama) '54-Jeln Simmons, Y'tdor plaJI host to Danny Thomas. Vim• M1ture. Lisi, Steve Lawrence, f..Ydle Gonne. l:OOB Movie: "Cetwtdld" (drama D """ C:... tlte StlB (C) (60) ·~1enn Ford, Broderick Craw· Joey Bishop auests. ford, Dorothy Malone. hplO THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 22, 1969 ~4=11p•Caa ;g TUESDAY NOVEMBER 25 For mornlna and afternoon llstinp, please see DAY. TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for yow convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the rilht to chanp proeramming with· out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES 9:008...._ ................. Part II (drlma) '48 -Vin Htflin., lane Turner, Donne Reed. ,..30 U '"T__.. (watem} '41-Gllftn Ford, Wlllllm Holden, Cl1lre Trwor. GI "'011t ef Ille hit' (drame) '47 -«Jrt Douata. Jene Grw. 10:00 a (C) "F-_..,.. (romence) •{14Jndl Dlrnell, Comtl Wildt, Rich1rd &,..... 12:00 a "Hold T1llt ,....,. (comedy) ·~1e Br1dlln, Veronica lake, Albert DekUr. 2:JO B "YlllClt." A boYt musiC studies drfve him 1nd his friends to arut heilhb. 4:0011 -,:,.. .... • D1nttr"' Cdrs· 1111) '54-lurt Lancaster, Debor•h Kerr, Frsnk SinatJa, MontaomerJ Clift, Donne Reed. · I \ I '• •• ' . 5:00 8 TOM REDDIN AND * PSYCHIATRIST SEEK TEEN Pill ,.KICK" DRIVES. 6:00 I lit """ (C) (60) Jtny Dunphy. er:') K....,......, (C) (30) 8 STEVE IS THE LITTLE '* OLD WINE MAKER IN BUBBLY SKIT! TASTE THE DIFFERENCE! ......... (C) (90) GUiits 1rt AJbtrt Brooks, The New York Red Ind Roll Ensembi., The Tim• Square Two ind Bunny Mil· llnston. · D Six O'C!em Mewit: (C) "Tiie 11• MKillne" (ICl·fl) '60 -Rod Taylor, Alan Youns. Yvette Mimleux. Sebastien Cabot An Enallsh tcitn· tilt Invents 1 machine th1t takes him Into the future. • Diel Yu .,,._ (30) ,.,... PllC9 (30) ._ TNk (C) (60) CJ) MIM DNclas (C) (90) : ..... ..., (30) (I) CIS Ntw1 (C) (30) TTellpo ... hrdon (30) ..._ (C) (60) Jlclt White. &:JOI QllC .. _rice (C) (60) • Tiie a... a... (C) (30) Te Tll tlle Trd (C) (30) Office ef .... Pr11i.111t (30) (I) Hmtltr·lri.U., (C) (30) : Crllia If Mldenl MH (30) (Continued) THE TIME MACHINE BODTAYLOB YVETTE •INIEUZ TUESDAY IX ~OLOB KABC·TV Tennessee Ernie Ford- Ambassador to Britain BY DIGBY WOLFE Produeer, 'The ....... In Plcc1__.. (McN...,. 10 ..... Nee) A couple of years back, after a spectacufar orbital fliaht by two of our astronauts, Ernie Ford said to me: ''How about that? Two Ameri- cans going all around the world . . . without gettina insulted! .. Then more recendy, after watching two men walk on the surface of the moon, Ernie re· marked: "It sure does your heart good to see Americans pickina up rocks instead of duck.in& 'em!" l)iat did il Hete, we decided, was the kind of ambassador America needed. We would do a spedal with Ernie, shot in a foreign location, which would purge the im.,e of The U gty American by brinaing a r~ Ameri· can into focus. We would do it by using that most international of all languages: music. Music, plus Errue•s special brand of humor. Simple, honest and u American as apple pie. Titled "The Pea· picker in Picadilly," it ain Monday, November 24, 10 PM, NBC. Ernie was as eothusiutic as we were. He, too, felt the need to break the mold of his earlier shows, to broaden their scope with- out losing their grassroots ftavor. He was still the ole Peapicker. · but it was time to be more peripatetic. "Yeah," said Ernie with a twinkle. "And if there's one place for a Peapicker to be peripatetic in, it's Piccadilly." So it was decided. Less than a month later, The Peapicker was in Piccadilly, along- side our British guests: Harry Secombe, who plays Mr. Bumble in the Oscar-winning film "Oliver!," Davy Jones of 'vrbe Mookees," and Terry-Thomas ... as British as boiled beef and carroa. There were the inevitable rude rcmarb about the Enslish dimate . . . but I assured them ail that we could expect a typical Bnsliah summer. "Sure," said Ernie. ··we had one the lat time I wu hen. It was a Thursday!" Wherever be went in the next throe weeks, l!mie made fricoda. People, ordinary people, have a habit of ;-. waWaa up and shaking his band. Mosdy, they were Britiaben . , . Orlneya, Scots.- men, Cavalry-types with bowler batl and furled umbrellaa . . . but when we put him on top of a 1911 bus there were two neiahbon of his from Tennessee who just couldn't believe their eyes! I hope their cameras were in good working order . . . or nobody ebe will believe it either. 1be bus took Ernie and his guests on a once-in-a-lifetime ride through London. We passed Nelson's column in TrafaJaar Square, the King's Road in Chelsea, and Buckingham Palace. All this created the most monumental traffic jam London's ever seen ... but nobody cared, oot even the police, who gave us the "V" aian all along the way. Pedestrians waved, kids shouted, motorists booted and office workers leaned out of windows to talk to Ernie in his front seat on the open-topped bus. It came easy ... be was their kind of people. Which, after all, is what an ambassador should be. ..... 11 CURTIS C MATHES LIMITED TIM.E ONLY! WE OVERSTOCKED ON THESE HIGH-PRICED MODELS BUY NOW AND SA VE $200 1970 CURTIS MATHES COLOR COMBINATION · • L1rge1t Screen in Color TV (295 Square Inch Picture) • Lift-Lid DHign With 81l1nce Spring HingM • Instant Entert1inment • Automatic Deg1u11ing • 25,000 Volt Picture Power • Full 63 Inch Cabinet e 4 Big Speakers • Diamond Needle, 11 Inch Turntable • I Yeu WM'ranty on Picture Tube; 2 Y ••rs 100%, 6 Y Hrs Prorated Also available with doors at slightly higher prices Your Choice of Walnut, Maple or Oak Shown Below 8921 ADAMS HART HUNTINGTON BEACH (Next to Albertson's) 1599 With Trade MODEL Jt69M263 762-3.384 Train for an exciting, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT New, Exclusive Clnsroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy 1raduates enjoy 1ood·payin1. rewardin1 positions (full and part-time) In these prestiae fields. You c.n train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationafly.reco1nized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beautiful. modem laboratorv school ... located ri1ht here in L.A. Tuhlon Aee1919nc• AvelleOle. A..,.._..,.__ ~...-.ttonOt T ..... T ..... W'ulL .. .WtN ............. 11Udy eo..nda R•tum~ .. or CALL 484-9291 I ~CAREER ACADEMY I ' 7090 Hollywood Blvd. Dept. AAAJO Loe Antitlea, Cellfomle ~ I ,..._ •M •>' trM boo& ,"SpoOilbt Oo Voll'. I 1 '""'=•,..-~~~~~~-..=~~-t Hones, Hile••• 9et -..hya..aA And, no one k.nowa iutt why. A Chr.ist.oa S.01 '""°"eel research. at UC. Davis is atvdy•ne the c.ase and PfOl'•SS of eaphys..a in the hone. His rffults .oy leod to bettw treot.ent of-... pl.ya.-. in 90ft. Meany otMr "itol ..dicol i1"'est¥- tions .. t..i,. CGnied on in Colifcwnio with the help of 'fOVI Chria11H$ Seol contritM.tiCl!ft.. ...... .. .. - SAVll M/Y ••llKTt M.JAcques -··••'Am M*P...cl S «» woars.-r._. M PSI I aM9 ... wca a.. ..... THE DAILY ptLOT, lV WEEK. NOVEMBER 2.2, 1969 TUESDAY (Continued). fD'llltlfbce (C) (30) "Holotn· Cl) Tiie ......... (30) phy." A look at "lenslesa photolJI· liiitidere J4 (C) (60) phy," • visually •citln1 phenome- ._ (C) (30) non which produces 1 th,..dlmtn· C1S ~ ..._ (C) (30) sionll effect. """' MJ U.t (C) (30) t:OO D ~ C6l m NIC T....., ...._ I lMe 1.11CJ (30) Ir. ~ -.....,.. (comedy) '67 - lelt tl9I Cllcl (C) (30) Roulind RUSttll, Sandra Oet, Brian C.•••.,./M ..... F• (30) Aheme, Audrey M..-., James Cl) .._.. (C) (30) Farentino. A recentty widowed mac1. Aiiral (30) e.ap millioMlr.. decides lift la Cl) Tl'9tll ., c.11,111c. (C) there to be lived and bttina to ( really enioJ htrltlf until htr two I I ... la tl9I s.. (C) (30) daulfrters try to have htr com· 11llt lift (C) (30) mitted. * LY 2 HRS. Till 8 SPECIAL CONCERT! TRINI TIME ON 5 * TRINI LOPEZ WITH 7:JO 8 IB Cl) t....r (C) (60) Wound· NANCY AMES AND td In a shootout with an outlaw, THE VENTURES Johnny Lancer b aJwitn mu1• °" IN UP·TEMPO HOUR! 1 nearby farm. Aines Moorehead, iutntln Dean Ind Bruee Dern (uesl a ••cw 5 (C) (60) "Trinl ~ (1) m I Dr.-tf JtM11it Lopez." Nancy Ames and the Ven· {JO) ''Uncles 1-0.o-Go." A visit tum 1uetl by two of Jeannie's unct• cause ~:ia~~I (C) (60) Ballet hlvoc for NASA u they compete for the riJht ot final 1ppnwal al E Her (30) r:..1 :l:::1':1:::.. Ronlld ;'GOVERNOR & J. J. 9 Will HUTCHINS, * HIT OF THE SEASON * ROBERT CLARY ! ttl, Cl) nt ........, _. J. J. ON THE STUMP! Ina ~n:smte1'1"nR't:. ~:~ I n~ s:: ~~ (60) ....,.s 1'*"'°" .-. "The Oeatll ol W"dd Bil HMM-I "' S.W. a. Seid (C) (30) ~" ... Ii . ... ........... (60) ~ ."' e ,._, as• ... ,... •• a.tit Alllwt (C) (30} n wayside iM as the squad iftws· tiptes the duttt of n fldi111 coun-11:.9 B tit Cl) IO M-... iC) try siftler. Mumy Mad..tod. r1111 U REDDIN'S REPORT O'IWUy, TJM Olly Ind Stieb Wooley * ON Pill-POPPING ;st-... ., LA t ..... (C) '"TM KIDS Will SHOCK rn.-(drama) '63-hui NewNn. YOU INTO ACTION ! [it.rd 6. Robinson. [lb Somnw. 1· ...... (C) (60) Diane Bak•. StDry of sil Nobel @ (])GJ Maraa ...,, 11.D. Prin wiWB in SlodMl111., includ· (60) "Homecomlna." Dr. Wei· Ina 1 clsiJlusiontd American writer by's pfan to hospiU:i:ze Scott Behr· who becomes i!NllMd in 1 plot to man. sufferin1 frqm recurrences of kidntp reflllN scleatist wiMer LSD "add flash'', is opposed by the I Tnill w c.11 ,11_ (C) (30) JOUlll man's father .. Robert Upton _.. "' lit ...,_ (C) (60) and Nehemiah Persoff pest. ,....., c:... (30) , ,.., ..... (60) n. °" Wdr:Mrs (C) (60) · HI•••• (C) (60) a.tit .... (30) c..al ........ (30) l:tl ~ m ...... ..,.... (C) lt:lS D ...... (C) Blx11f' Ward. (~) "'You 8!t YOUI W-';fe." Dltlbie lltll D Dlla! (Cl (60) Louis Nye, Ytc nlista._., winds up with Bob iit-Damofte ruest. st9ecl al Jim as her l*1Mf oa a E Criltiu •-(30) television quiz show. U:tll 8 8 II) ...... (C) 0 W .._, {30) Barbara lf'ldl-nt Wllla:wl ob~ O...u.111 I.._"'•.., tc> <30> I CI>~@fBCIJ """ (C) ll"s 1 ...... lit (30) ..... ,,_ CMJ.we . • a I ... {60) I ms-(C) ~ S ... .... . (C) (60) 11:ll11 tlj Merv Crlftll (C) w.n. er.nan 111d IKISical .,,,.,, °' ....__ ,._ (C) Slllitlt pest. 6 ~ _, --D ~ (i) II) J1111 (Cl (30) "net ~ Burns. Georie Gobel ind Gius ls Sol'M'tiMes GAentf." Julia : Carron are KMduled C061iders • ,... jotl IUlti sbe ~ • ..... .,....... .. ,.,... = =-=-= "'-posjtioa. (.cfwntur.comedy) 'SS -atire U • .. • Siiia (C) (30)1 Bloome. Claude Dlupllifl. Kt,e 8llafd nd ,_ 1.1* auest. 8 ~CI) EB JMr ...., (C) 11 ID CI>tB • ... tf • · llifti: '°bll'ri••lt i1n TtMI" .....: (IC) .,. .._ ...,.. (c:oia-~dram1) ·~-Glenn Font, lie Rem· eey) '9 -MicMlf ~ Ami id. St.t.ntt Powers. flttMiss. [ft Ardl" IMh Bwzi. II) .... ; ...,.... ~ (ldwtn.. ~ C'olllwt-'Y. Bill ~. tur~) '57-Rocl Camt111ft. 1 Canoll EJhlor. ~ ,,.,, Ford, Eba Naish. Mary CastJt. l.wllinltlt. Two -nae. consatt· U:tOm !llcMe: .,.. .. .._ c 111 ,.. uts ......., cb:oftr tMt thlft (dram1) '46 -Ru Ham.. LUii marriqes tbly lfTWl8'ld an ilepl. Pllmtf. I ._.. f'9Jl (C) ('90) l:tO B .._.: "T1le ......_~ (dra· n. .. ..., tc> (60) ma) ·47 -aart Gable. Deborah Sic L ... 1'1llh (fill) Ken. An Glrdlltf . \ ( 1 t s ~ s t t c l c t I \ s \ s l I [ t A 'Room' Full of Love • • e Pushing aside a stack of reviews on Room 222, ABC's half-hour comedy-drama set in an integrated high school, executive pro- ducer Gene Reynolds remarked quietly: 'Tm very happy at the way the series has been r«eived-that people appreciate it and that the actors have come off so well." The series stars Lloyd Haynes as Ameri- can History teacher Pete Dixon, Denise Nicholas as guidance counselor Uz Mcin- tyre and Pete's love interest, Michael Con- stantine as Walt Whitman Higb's principal Seymour Kaufman, and Karen Valentine as student teacher Alice Johnson. "Their caring helps," said Reynolds of the stars and their concern over the direc- tion of the series. "It makes this job more demanding but not really more difficult un- less we want the easy way out" To Haynes, "the most important aspect of this series is that it is entertainment. It tells it like it should be instead of like it is. Basically. it is the story of four people working together and trying to find positive solutions to problems." Smiling, be added, "I think part of what viewers have responded to is the relation- ships of members of the cast. There's an awful lot of love on this set." THE STAFF ... Michael Conatontlne, Lloyd Hoynes, Denhe Nicholoa, Koren Volentine. Constantine, bis friend of several years, concurred. "If this show carries a message it is one of love, that while there are problems, some- how it's going to be all right. It's about people who care for others." Off-screen, Constantine, Haynes and ~ nise Nicholas traveled to Santa Rosa in northern California to attend the Novem- ber 8 wedding. of Karen Valentine during a week's production hiatus. Karen was married to actor Carl B. (Mac) McLaughlin, Jr., to whom she be- Howord R!t• THE CLASS ... came engaged during filming of the Room 222 pilot. Denise, who had taken the couple and Haynes to a performance by the touring Negro Ensemble Company to which she formerly belonged in New York City, said of the wedding party, "all that was missing were our Room 222 kids." The kids are Howard Rice, who co-stars as Richie Lane, Hesbimu, featured as Jason Allen, Judy Strangis as Helen Loomis and Pandrant Netherty as Al. .. Fourteen-year-old Howard, an c;igbth- grader at John Muir Junior Hifb School prior to being signed for the senes, began performing with bands when be was five years old. The youngest of three children of Alfred J. Rice, a bus driver for Hughes Aircraft. and Annie M. Rice, the youngster last year won a radio competition with his group's recording of "I ..Got the Feelin '." The Soul Lifters, Howard and four other boys ranging in age from 11 to 1 S, re- hearse at the Rico home as Howard's sched- ule permits. . Howard, whose acting experience was limited to school and church plays and an educational film for television before a family friend, actress Gloria Lord. brought him to the attention of Gene Reynolds, is a high B average student. "I like math, English, horseback riding, shooting pool, roller skating and tumbling," said Howard, adding the afterthought, "My other htibbies include eating tacos and ham- burgers, and looking after my German shepherd, Queenie." Lively Howard is getting over his one disappointment with bis series role. "When we made the pilot, I was wearing real glasses. Afterwards, I got contact lenses. But they wanted glasses for the se- ries so now I have to wear plain glasses over the contacts, but I'm used to it by now," he said cheerfully. Of Howard, who takes every opportunity to tease when he comes on the set, Rey- nolds the producer said, "I wish I had that going with everyone. He is extremely easy going and has a serenity that only comes to the good. He is a loving individual and I enjoy kidding with hlm whenever I can." Teenage Judy Strangis also started in show business at age five, "by accident" The daughter of Sam and Cannel Stran- gis and sister of Sam Straogis, production Judy Strangia Heatlimu head of new projects at Paramount Studios, Judy, with scores of prestigious credits, said of her start, "My sister Candy Malone had an audition for the Colgate Comedy Hour and the baby sitter didn't show up, so my mother took me along. We were a little early and Bill Miller, the producer, talked with us and asked if I could sing and dance. I told him I knew the song that Candy was to sing· for the audition. He listened to it and decided to use us as a sister act." Heshimu, 19, who glowers as big Jason in the back row of Room 222, bas deep pride in his role. "Lots ot cats come along and say 'That's the truth' about the way Jason acts. Blacks, period, is what he is concerned about. I know he is not just a dumb character by the things he says and the way he acts. He's from a different neighborhood than the other students. When he asks some- thing the way be does, it is not to be funny, but to check things out. He bas some mili- tant thoughts, like when he gets mad at Richie although he digs him." Heshimu, formerly Arlington Banks. was given the Swahili name meaning respected young warrior by fellow members of the Performing Arts Society of Los Angeles. "Jason has dignity," he stated, "a com- munal kind of dignity is what he has and he is proud of being called black." One of seven children, Heshimu. a grad- uate of Washington High School, lives with his mother, Lesley Williams. A serious actpr, who used his first series. pa. y check to fl?uy a tape recorder to help refine his delivery of lines, he revealed, "I'm shy sometimes, but not on stage and that's why l llke it. Acting is my thing. It is a chance to see what J really can do and to be some- one else.'' With humor. he added, "I took at people down the street and try to imitate them." Soft-spoken Pandrant Netherly graduated last June from Locke High School. One o( eleven children. he became interested in drama from ninth grade on and attended ditf erent community workshops. Pandrant was working with Peggy Fury at Actors and Directors Lab until he joined the series and was also a scholarship student with Carlton Johnson. "This is my first professional acting as- signment," he said, "and I am enjoying every minute of it." ,.,. 15 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 22, 1969 A· T • T-E-N-T -1..C).N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES Will NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT vou·ve Al. WAYS WANTED• 11UUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Alw•y• •••rve Mlectlon of new •nd used c•rs. FRITZ W ARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 711 E. First St., SA 547-0764 THINK I~ S.. MCI Drive them Dvrlne our Model C ... rMCe Sele -on NOWl D FID.AlllD 1J7SI INch aw., Wmstr. 537-6124 ORANGE COUNTrS ITIOllY(OITI~ IOll LEWIS .alTS ,. llllW, C.I. 545-9313 .. 11 HEAD9UAR111S ............. _ .... ----· ....... .,....._tr a --..y. OPE LS GALORE! ....... , .... , ...... . ..... ~ .. ,..... .... , ..... , TERRY IUICK _, W•lnut, H.L SJMSll 1-.IZ IMPORTS f 1° Elf I ....... 0 .... ....... COMPLITI FOUIGN CAtl SHVICE 410 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche O..ler In the @ Horbor Aroo = Home of the Love But~ Specl•lc· 445 L C.-Hwy. .. ..,.. ........ N.I. '7J.Mtl 54t-JIJ1 -·SJ -· ....... SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports Is Your kind of place. Your Authorized • Alllff• America L•rve stock of used Porsche• Jep, MG'1, Austin HNleys, etc. .P-rtuµo1 L :import~' 1• W. C..st Hwy., N.8 .a.tm,S.-17'4 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26 For morni ng and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· t ions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO 0 "loll!1 ._.,.. (dr1m1) '58- Mo:ly Btt, Alen Reed Jr. t:JO n "f'lltllturlll'' (dr1m1) '42 - JOiin Weynt, M'al1tne Dittrich. m "Rl11p Oft ti« flnpn'' (COM· e(fy) '42___..enry Fonda, Gene Tier· 10:00 d0 "Mlldred '*"" (dr1m1) '45 -Joan Crawford, Ann Blyth, Zach· ~Scott. ll!OO U '1\t M1plflcant fr111d" (dra· me) '39-l..loyd Nolen, Akim Tami· roff. 2:30 0 "Qarp of Ult Ucht lrlclde" (adventure) '3r-&rol Flynn, David Niven, Ollvl1 de Hevi111nd. 4:30 II (C) "n. o-..r (WHtem) 'Sj....:.Jolln Derek, Join Davia. • '•' l "-14 I ",. {' 5:00 U WHY DO PEOPLE * POP PILLS? TOM REDDIN EX· PLORES PROBLEM ! 6:001 ~ News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · a;, Huntl.,·lrln•ley (C) (30) Liars l11Mt111ll (C) (2Vz hr) L . l1kers vs. Milwaukee Buels et Milwaukee. 0 Sia O'Clock Movlt: (C) "ler-cJM of Evil" (adventure) '54-G1ry Cooper, Susan Hayward, Cameron Mitchell, Richard Widmark, Hueti Marlowe. In Mexico durine the fold rush days of 1850, three stranded adventurers escort en American women throuch hostllt territory to rescue her husband. I Diet Ven DJ'-(30) ,.,... ,._. (30) b Trtl (C) (60) CJ) MIU Deup (C) (90) ftar1 NW'? (30) "AdVentures In Dinol1nd." Ci) CIS Ntn (C) (30) nt.pe cit P•don (30) • Ntw1 (C) (60) Jeck White. 6:30 llNIC NtwM!Vlet (C) (60) • Tiie 81• 1 ... (C) (30) Te Ttll IM T~ (C) (30) Offlet of die JlttSldtnt (30) (6) HuntlfJ·l rlnkttJ (C) (30) : Cutn T11 (30) Cl) Tiie Munsttq (30) . iiitldefo 34 (C) (60) • Ntw1 (C) (30) 7:00 CIS Evlftlna News (C) (30) • W.1t'1 MJ Lint? (C) (30) I Lon luq (30) Int t1M Clock (C) (30) Co•lltOdltJ/Mlblal fund (30) (6) AMricll (C) (30) : Aliert! (30) Ci) Trvtll or Cottu1!11et1e. (C) I W•ncltttUlt (C) (30) Dlcklnaon, Paul Lynde end Marien ntt Slr1 (C) (30) Men:er. 7:JO 9 (j) 81111 Cl•pben (C) (60) II Wrt9tll•1 (C) (60) Pepe Lopez F1 p Wilson, J1ckl1 OeShannon end Is ft1tured. Glen Campbell's parents Mr. and O @CilO> AIC w......, Mrs. Wes Campbell of Delleht. filevlt: ('> "Lida ll1abt llaao" AlklASN join Glen for 1 special (comedy) ·~rankle Avalon, An· Thankteivlna show. nett• Funicello, Dtborlh Walley, II @ @ lli) Tlll Vkptlla <C) Hervey Lembtcl. The beech 11ne (10) "Home to Methusellh." An meets slnrer Suaer Kine after she old sheriff tricks the Vircinl1n Into parachutes into the sur1-.a pub· htlpin1 him tradl down the list llclty stunt-end they huny to of a e•n& of dtsptndoa. John An· enroll In • ~ivlne xhool. dtt'10n end Anthony Cell euest. m lo• Doler's Wd (60) A price· fJ @ CI>&» 11le flJlq NIM (C) l1belln1 e•periment beine uti lzed (30) "Bertrille •nd the Silent by two W1shlncton D.C. Safeway Flicks.'' Sister Bertrille hopes to Supermarkets (namely, listlne the relM money for the convent by price per pound of •II pecked eoods screenine 1n old movie sterrine the end deteretnts, Which elves the order's mother eenerel. Miriam lhopper 1n opportunity to compare H09klns 1uests as the former coats) Is studied, screen queen. I srtvll J Enrique (60) fJ MllllN $ Movie: (C) "lluplo-9:30 • ~i~I (30) Baxter Ward. dy" (musicel·drem1) '54-Eliz1beth Sent. Cl1U1 Puldt Taylor, Vittorio G1ssm1n. Lonely I' ( ) (30) heiress. spurned by a violinist, mer· Ht Seid, SIM Seid '(C) (30) ries a pi.no student. Rawtaldt ltotlncllP (60) m i IHc!A\ I lltll Annul Sllltl 10:00 t8 Ci) H1W1ll fh..o (C) (60) tli111 Line Plrlde (C) (2 hr) Biii cGerrett is 11ked to build • case Welsh, executive director of special 1e1inst ex·r1cketeer Mike Finney events, is on hand to brine this for the po'ltlcel benefit of Ctier1es stlr·studdtd processlon. with Its Irwin, heed of • state lnvesile1t1n1 more then 5,000 ptrticlpents, lo committee. James Greeory, J1son KTlV viewers. Evers end L~t Bett1er cuest. II) i IH~mt Senti Clea LIM 8 @@ m TMn C.•t lnlw11 hraclt ( 02 hr) Hobo Kelly and (C} (60) "Two Percent of Nothlne." Biii Burrud tum up to co-host Bronton becomes embroiled in a this year's n1tlon11:y famous per-near destitute wlldutte(s obstSSion ade. to brine In en old strike. Steve lhn· fE Ttdllcal Comtf (30) et end P1tricl1 Quinn euest. m .._ a.... Cotb <3o> "Eu Foo Yune." U TOM REDDIN HAS a> Qtdlo t1 Rot. (30) * NEWS THAT MAKES 1.-000 @CI>a> ni. C.urtllllp ot YOU THINK ! GET £.ddie's Fetlltr CC> (30) "An 'F' for INVOLVED NOW! Mrs. L" Eddie keeps en eye on Mrs. Llvlneston, afraid she will 0 m Ntws (C) (60) commit "beri beri" (hare· kiri) over 0 Delle! (C) (60) Louis Nye, falline 111 En1lish exam. Geor1e Raft, Jaye P. Morean guest. I stock M1r'ket S.1111Hry (30) I "tnJ M•ton (60) Tiie F'.,,,tl Sip (60) (R) R1wllldt Roundup (60) l•Pldm Mulk.a'.ts (30) : Speculation (C) (60) "A Con· 1:20 LlbB Wr1P-UP (C) · verutlon With Norman Cousins." l :JO a (I) Tiie ltnrlJ HlllbQll• • C1rul dt Mujtrtl (30) ( ) (30) Shorty (Shue Asher) sells 10:30 Ctlsline Quz1111n (30) his property In SilVer Dollar City 11:00 11 fJ CB News (C) end comes west to visit Jed end 1lie Wtlttnltrl Granny. Mtvlt 81• (C) Sonny Fox. U All THE BIG PLAYS : = =I (CL(R) * FROM EXCITING (I) U (i) Qt (I) News (C) RAMS-COWBOY GAME! ma>,.._ (C) ORI• Hlllallptl (C) (30) Taped ll:JO B~Ci)Mtn Srffffft (C) hichtlahts of Sunday's 11me be· • (i) 8' Jt1111111 C... (C) tween the Rams end the 011111 Joi are1lol1 Is substitute host. ~ n Movlt: "11le PriloMr" (dram•) 0 (17) (I) ti!) RoM 222 (C) (30) '~c Guinness. Jack H1wtlins. "Aiict in Blundef1and." With the I cm Cl)G> Joey lilllop (C) supervisor of student teachers com. • Movie: "illly llldd'' (classic) Inf, Alice feels she Is a failure end '6 -Robert Ryen, Peter Ustinov, decides to quit the profession. Terence Stamp, Melvyn Doualas. Marjorie Bennett ruests. llJ Movlt: "&duntM V1!1"" (dra· I Slllbf'ullt TllMtre (60) ma) '48 -Alan Curtis. Anne Sonriul (30) Gwynne. 9:00 Qt CJ) MtdiCll Cttttar (C) (60) 12:00 m Movtt: "A ltttlr t. 1llrtt A student's unprcwoked 1tteck on ~ (drama) '49-Jeanne Crain. a psycholoa profe$SO< end his een· Lindi 01rnell Kirk Dou1tas erally unpredictable beh1viof leads 1•00 -Movlt· (C) "ll•ck T;,,menr• Dr. Joe Gannon to believe that the • ai • • boy's troubles may have 1 physJ. (horror • suspensa) 64 -John Tur. eel cause. Lloyd Bochner and Ml· a':~~ 5{:)s. chief Bums guest ID COuntry Miiiie Tl•• (C) D KRAFT MUSIC HALL 1:3011 Co•ununltJ lullttln Bo1nt cc> * Alan King, Paul Lynde, 1:'5 m Atf.lllpt Sllow: "One Minute to Angie Dickinson ZtJo,'' "Hue and Cry." "Bush Coun· II@@ a;, llrlft Male Hell <C> try Adventure." (60) Alen Kine is host to Anal• 2:30 fJ Ntw1 (C) W·A·NTED IOYS & GIRLS "AGES 3 TO 19 to Audition on c:OHCI Circuit Televlalon ·~ QueUfy for HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL lltANDOH CRUZ Brandon Crut joined the talent pool, and five montl,s later sign.d 1 five year contract with M-G-M. Now he c1n be seen each week .t 8:00 Wednesday eve- nings on "Courtship of Eddie's Father.'' CAN YOUR CHILD GUAUFY? ""'n-.r ON-CAMlltA ACIDITION CALL (714) 547-6251 Talent s..,ch hlng ConducMcl bv TAKE 1 PRODUalO'NS HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. ..... 17 THURSDAY NOVEMBER %7 ',1 I) r~ '~ I N L 6:2S D Edocatioe bclu11p (C) &:JO D rro1ect ""°" "'"'1can Lltltr· i•t After tile Clvtl Wlf m C.ftffflltltnal S,.nilll 1:55 I lift U. n.ls Day (C) UIC N ...... 1ce (C) 7:00 B IB Cl) CIS ,.... (C) Joseph Btntl. I@@ m Tiie Today Sllow (C) Elttdu W-ltll Clorla (C) Mr.~ (C) ftlbi tM c.t (C) Seu•• Strttt (C) A special proarem for pruchoolers. •led 3 to 5, utlllzlna animated cartoons. llve·1ctlon film, The Muppets Pup- pets end 1uest stus. 7:ZS 0 C.•••n"1 luJlttin lolnl (C) 7:30 II tB (I) I lflciA I cas n.nu. clwU.1 D1J P'mclt of P'1rades (C) Pert I Hi&hll&hts of four 1r11t par· adts. June Lockhart and Mike Doua· 111 narrate the Macy's Parade In New York; Bob Barker and Marilyn Van Dtrbur ducribe the Gimbel Puad1 In Philadelphia; Sebastian Cabot and Kathy Garver will host the J, l. Hudson Parade In Detroit; end Meredith McRae and Jack Llnk- lttter will dewibe the Eaton's San· ta Claus Parade in Toronto. Cov· er111 will continue at 12:30 PM. , THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER Z2. 1969 D 9@ m Pre · TilullaCIWi11 fill Tiie Fo..,i. Sip (R) 4:151 Tiie FtiMdlJ llalt 0., Parldt {t) Jot GaraaJo11 covers 9:30 M_. F....-. (C) the festivities In front of Macy's 11 REPLAY BY REQUEST! 4:30 Ntwa CC> Tom Reddin. Department *>rt. * HALLOWEEN PARADE ""' (C) Biii Bonds. l ~="'~uh FROM ANAHEIM Mtft W. lilofP• .._CC> ....... cc> n 1 •si!L An•ltt•• "'' ..... n ni. F1latlt9nt1 <C> 1eio (C) r..11 1 (R) Tiie 111-*" Cl) Yanue Do P Wtltem Stat Tlltttr.: "Olvera." CJ) hnY M..a Rory Calhoun hosts. • Sal• Sbttt (C) (R) 7:35 D Tiie His Ind "" of It (C) Su· m Mnit: ""' '" Dlvomt'' El °"" de An11r zanne •nd Geoff Edwards host. \musicll·comedy) •34 _ Fred As· Ft1tur11 8:001 Uncle Walde C.rt.ona (C) talre, Glnier Roaers. . 5:00 I ""IC NtwlttYlce (C) t .. by (C) •.45 ftdtrll EMmlwt loll'd (C) Detroit Rtdwinp at Detroit. • D1plant's C.11Do• Calle (C) I MlleritJ C..•11t1ltJ (C) ltlnp HocbJ (C) L.A. Klnp va. 10:00 . • Mowle: (C) "Lola ef Innocence" I Flipper (C) 1:15@ Cil Video. INpst (C) dram1) '61-«tnneth Mora, Dani· Newt (C) Geor1e Putn1m. 1:30 D ~m ' ''!J!' I Meq's ~le Darrleux, Susan111h York. lltll•• (C) l'lian t 0., h (C) Betty ~.......... Ci) JI_, ntuson (C) White, orne Greene and Joe Gara&!· (3) H.,._'s H.,,..111 • Oil Cantl de Mako ola host the 43rd 1nnu1I holiday 10:30 @(i)m Afl f..tball (~ 5·30w~ NIWI (C) 1ped1cle in New Y~ City. Cov· Denver lroncos vs. Kansas City • • eraae Includes the parade itself and Chiefs at Kansas City. ( ) A~= 11~./.A.0. the special show performed In 0) Woftd of Wo11n (C) " IR ""1 y, immy- f ront of Macfs Department Store. 11:00 D Tiii t1lltpln1 h•r..t (C) Ora· 0, Is treated to ~ fantasy musical I Tiii fllnhtt .. (C) hem Kerr. tour of the wor1d s most unusual RocUt Robin Heod (C) ! --~ .... '(C) toy store when 1 rroup of stuffed Cl) lttdly lftd Hla Frllndl (C) 11:30 @ OJ NCAA F•tt.U (C) ~lls, ~\ayed by "The Serendlp"1 exu Tee vi. Arklnsas at All S1na•rs. e:0mes to life. t:OO 119 (iJ Nfl. Tocllr (C) Minne. Ir..,. (C) Buter Wud holb. I Cllllpn'• lallnd (C) tpta .Vikinrs vs. Detroit Lions •l .....,, Jeill (C) Ci) Tiiis hr 1969 (C) Detroit. Trlftl (C) "Bev1ria and the : iiltinren' Ntl&MttrMod (C) U llHc!A I Wt CltW Tt.... s." Ci) Ntw1 (C) Fr1nk Tracy. (C} half·hour of holiday music f'D Seu• StrMt (C) (R) Pro· ti) iWvta J Cepmlu performed. by the Mormon Taber· aram tor pmchooltr&. m Cltllp11's lallad (C) nacle Choir. f\ F 1 ! fl l'4 0 ( 1 N O Mowit: Hl001 Allbiln NI_....,. (cartoon-lantuy) '00-Mr. Maaoo. Voices of Jim Backus. Kathryn Grant Dwayne Hickman and H1n1 12:001 lotftiq• (C) Conrled. Mnit: "nltt I Mlpt SW' (rt· I Dlbbit Dru. DallClfdn (C) I 1ious-dr1m1) '53-Raymond Burr, @ .(}) Jldl LI LI•• (C) Re.iii Toomey, Richard Hale, Ruth Ulldtrdo& (C) Huasey. 12:30 9 CIS l11111U.. ! VI N I ~!, 6:00 I ~ NtwS (C) (45) m H1ftUtr-lr1n..., (C) (60) Six O'Ctta Mtwlt: (C) '"Mr. M• ,..., fawtrite ...,..... (cartoon) I .-------. di • I News (C) Biii Johns. (l)~•rtMftl (C) 11 DIJ Ide ef hradtl (C) Part II. m News (Cl JICk Llth1m. 0) Dillin& for Dollars (C) '65. Mr. M1100 has a lfUt Ume as he ranaes throu(h the WOl1dl of f1<:t and fiction to PortraY his favorite heroes indudins Wlnl1m Tell, Guna• Din. Paul Revere and ,..,_ Piii» (30) Stir Trek (C) (60) I. Van Winkle. I I I I ' .... 1. ,• ' Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterpress , '~ •' t a' : a... • ... ____ _ "A Complete Printin9 Service" Free Estimates PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. Balboe Blvd. -Newport S..ch I I I I I 1:00 D 9 (i) m AR. r .. tban cc> San Dltro Char1ers vs. Houston Oilers at Houston. I lJ8cW1 Wt l•tMr T•ptlMf Mormon T1b1macle Choir. I 18c!A I lltll Annul Santa • LIDt hrl4t (C) l:JO l'I Fltllltr btws lest 1:so m ,...,. "' s..1111 <C> 2:00 I a (J) fKNt ..,.. (C) ......... (C) " .......... 2:30 I ta Ci) Tiit Edp •• Nlpt (C) lit fill (C) • WdN a.t Movie: ''TM P'rlnct 111d tM ,...,... (cl11slc) '37-Er· rol Flynn. Q1ud1 Rain&. 3:00fJ18 Ci) NF\. T-S., (C) San Francisco 49trs ~ Dallas Cow· boys at D1i11s. l n'm"-:::.1 ....... <C> Mi&tltJ ...._ (C) hre's Ila T., a.. 3:30 I Oatt IN H1rrt.t @(l)&)n.t Qlr1 (C) ... --w, (C) 3:45 II) M•ndo M1rnill•• de Nlnot (C) 4~ D Ml.. Douctu (C) Liza Minnelll CO•hostl. I ~~Tar~! M1 .. 1 Dtll Monty Hill hosts. ~ F...,. Martin (I] 11 ..... : Don Rodew11d. Mltilltt: "Crash Dive." Ml.. Dotl&fU (C) (90) il1l's New? (30) "Adventures In Dlnoland." 4t) Cl) CIS ..... (C) @I) flt.po de hrdon (30) &) News (C) Jack White. 6:15 QI Ci) Newt (C) Frenk Tracy. 6:30 D IOllC ,.,.,..tic:e <C> (60) a "' e... ,, .. CC> <30> tD Tt Tell tM Trdl (C) (30) QJ@ Hutt.,-lrla..., (C) (30) fill Tiie PrtUdtnt's M .. , 19'9 (C) 6 Ci) Tiie Mu"*t (30) Ill NotldR S4 (C) (60) mNIWI (C) (30) 1:45 IJ CIS Ent1ln1 Ntws (C) 7:00 IJ I UiCIQI I It's 1 Nice Pl.ct •.• {C) ( ) Relph Story Is aukle incl reporter for the praentatlon of 1n unusual look at the fabled Hurst Castle at San Simeon and the It&· endary man who built It. falMd publlshina tyu>on Wiiiiam R1ndolptl Hearst. (R) I n.rs "'' u .. 1 (C) (30) I LM Lucy (30) Belt n.t Cleek (C) (30) 00 Wt lllMf T• Co•gir' 1n11t1ivin1 Show. Alltrl (30) (J) Trdl " C1111qu•c• (C) rn. Mwemt .. (C) (30) l1llt llrt (C) (JO) 7:15 fl) M.tulf fM ~ r rs. .0. ty· :al ... td ity ... 1n) 'Ill Ida hls 1m nd res ind Ill 1r1t .,. ied lph r. ,., (C) 1:JO a CJ!BIAIJ ....,. O'lriu ..... m N£T ,..,..._ <C> <90> ''The· ~) ktinc competition 1trt Amlrlca: Story n...t,..." The 1mon1 the thr• best studtnt 1c. Yale Repertory The1t,.. Compe11J ton ind actresses ttlec:ttd by tht prOductlon of five of Grimm'• fairy feeulty of the Tht1tr. Arts Dept. tala stapd fot ldultl by P1ul GI UCLA. Eidt contatant will prt-Siiis. lllrrinc Mildr.d Ounnock ind ant 1 dremltlc ICtftt, wtilch witl Alvin r,steln. bt Judatd by a panel. Huati O'Bri-l:Cl8 9 9 (I) CIS 1'lllrtdlf MMr. Ill will host tnd prlltftt cull (C) '"lie Cenciiw' (western) '64- IWtrds to the wlnntra. Ridl•nl Boone. Stuart Whitman. 0 (I! CJ) tf> Tiit 811111 111d Mrs. Toey Frenciosa, J1mn Brown, Ed· Mlir (C) (30) ''The Spirit of tht mond O'Brien, four IMfl 1rt aent Law." C.rolyn ends up In jell when on 1 mialon by tht U.S. C.V1lry tht County attampts to lnmll hleh to rteoftf 2,000 stolen rifles. tension towtrS on Gull Cotter• lend. 0 (f7) (J)&J T• .._ (C) (60) 0 ....... $ MMe: (C) "'Tiie lit Ciludrnt lonflt, Llttlt Rich1rd, Act ii_..,. (~·ldvtnturt) '61-Trucidn1 Company 1uest. Tom Jones stephen Boyd, Juliette Greco. Ad-IOIS Botart In "M1rralcesh," 1 venture and fun In the wilds of mini-movie takeoff on "Cuabl1nca." Africa II In Irishmen, his ,ouna fB MMe: ..,._..,. (drema) '31 i>rlde ind meek bank cleft cousin --Conw1y Ttarle, C.rmel Mytrt, lltll their fortune on the Ivory Roscoe Karns. Cout. '-ExltMMtro (30) I T,_ or CeftMlllltlKlll (C) (30) 9'.30 9 {I) fm Drapet (C) (30) Jlllld. ftr tlle Dtftftlt (C) (60) ' 1ro~ee." Set Friday ind Officer Ttdnial C... (30) Gannon irmstl11te a 14-yur-old IB CJ) Dtttltl ..... (C) (60) "A crime committed by 1 Colorado 8'e<iiln for Jemie Blue." priton convict. fll) n..tr. lut (C) (30) ''Weit , ..... (C) (30) Buter W1rd. Until Dirk." Frederick Knott's play Ht Said, 5119 Slid (C) (30) ptrfOf'med by the Kentwood P1•Y· Mlllkal 0..rt (30) ers. 10:00 9 (I) fm Dt111 Mlftln (C) 9 (() Tl111111qjwf1tl DaJ Mowit: ( ) OUn's auests Ire Yietor Borat, '1he Otvil's Disciple.'' Joey Heatherton, SUun Cowalll. @I) ........,.. (C) (90) "la Viole-Bobbi M1rtin ind Don Rice Ill. tere.'' Pert 1. Sara Montiel, Rafael II REDDIN SAYS AID V•!~ Sttttn 60 * FOR PILL·TAKERS 8:oolaCI>~ C1tMlna v.. IS AVAILABLE! i.ta F,..~ CC> (60) LEARN HOW TONITE! Aimed In HekSelbera. Gennany, thit I, ..... (C) (60) musical special f11tures Miss V•· CJ)&> It Ti• 1 lllltf 1ente perfonnlnr many of her most ( )-( ) "ATriend In Deed.'' Guido ~puler son1a. Her talented brother, Clderenzl, Alexander Mundy's aooct Silvio Francesco, and the late chore-friend, names Al as the thief who oarapher ind dancer Nick Castle stole the Sorcean file which con- are 1mo.!!l the auest:s. talns the names of the drudtd PK. @Th(Vt IU)Glr1~!._!..ln .~C>D130> Brothtrflood. Henry s1:va, Fr1nlde tSS I • """"u~. .....ore Av1lon, Thomas Gomez and John Don CIA diicuss I Job offer that Russell cuest. would kHP him I~ Paris fo< 18 0 o.·111 (C) (60) Louis Nye, Junt months, Ann Marie ht1f1 Jerry Vnlli, Woyne Cochran and the C.C. Baum1n's version. Merk Miiier Riders auest guests. Pq M11t1t (60) m o... ,., • .,., cc> <Jo> : 111e Advocates <C> <&0> <R> fl) I W= I "llllt I MIJ See." Ceral dt Matem (30) A ThankS n1 Day pro1r1m. 10-.30 Cristi1a CUZ11t1n (30) m Watlllncton WIM In Rlwtew (C) 11 ·00 D 0 Q) Ntw1 (C) (30) Behind the headlines an1lysls • 11le westerners of Capitol Hiiis by Nell MacNell, • NFL C.Mt ef Ult Wiit (C) Peter Us11or and Ch1r1u Corddry. Odw U•ltl I ftfldaN! (C) (30) (I) @ (i) 9 (J) ..... (C) 8:20 lht11 W~tJp (C) AMcttn AHir Talk (30) 8:30 9 (6) • lronsldt (C) <60) • 1m Ntwt (C) "Five Mlles Ip." A 1rend Jury u ·30 Mm 8rtffln (C) witness 1bo1rd an airliner must be ' , fm Joel1tftJ Cll"Mtl (C) pr~tected a11lnst 1 potential killer. Joe 1math is substitute host. Milton Se'm , frank Aletter and 11 Mowtl; "o.a,er.tl MMeftf' Norman Ctane auest. (actventure-dram1) '53 -Dirk Be>- 0 TITLE FIGHT! FIRST ~1•rd@ ~~~'a1111op (C) * TIME ON TV! . Movtt: ~ ''The lest of Ent· MANDO RAMOS vs. "' (comedy-drema) '62-Davld YOSHIAKI NUMATA Niven. Alberto Sordl, Michael Wiid· O ! IHcttti I Cil••plonlltlp a.inf Inc. (C) (90) lfhtwtl1ht ~tmplonship Q) Mtwlt: "'law tnd Dltonttf' fipt between M1ndo Ramos and (drama) '58 -Mieh11I Red1me, Yoshi1ki Numata. Also shown is the Robert Mot.ey. lopez·lewls bout. BoU'I fights were 12:00 ID Movie: "P1nlc In tlle Sbettl" taped lest October. (drama) 'SG-Rlchard Wldmar1c. Q (j1J (])IC!) hwttdltd (C) (30) 1 :00 1J Movie: "lad .. n•s Ttrrttory" "D11Tlii, the Warlock.'' Slmantht (western) '46-Rindolph Scott. worries It Darrin bellns to •ntoY I 0 ..... ( .. C) n C) the w1rlock PoWI'* 11vtn him by c..trJ II • ( his f1ther-ln·l1w. Maurlct Evans 1:15 C..~ luhethl ltlrd (C) plays Sim's father. 1:45 All·Nipt SM: "A Run for ID DIVld fmt (C) (90) Your Money," "The Vampire's GJ TM lie Valley (C) (60) Ghost," "The Maeic Bow." DEAN'S LITTLE GUEST Little Susan Cowsill leaves the rest of the family to be a "solo" guest with Dean Martin, Thursday at 10 PM (NBC) on The Dean Martin Show. The history of The Cowsills' rise from family singaJon& to nationally acclaimed phenomenon in the world of pop music bu been well documented, fraught as it was with narrative "color"- Halidon Hall, the run-down 22-room mansion in Newport, Rhode Island; no money. little furniture; the mere fact that a talented tribe of seven children. a mother, a father could make a dent in the hard business of hard rock. But The Cowsills-Bob, Paul, John, Barry, and Susan, and parents Barbara and Bud-don't consider themselves twentieth century Cinderellas. It wasn't grim. And therefore success hasn't made a bit of difference personally. Those were the days. June, 1967, marked the explosion of The Cowsills into the national musical consciousness with their ftnt MOM album, "The Cowsills," which contained group's first million- seller, "The Rain, The Park, and Other Things," among other things. MGM Records embarked on a heavy-hype campaign on the product, affronting probable disbelief on the part of the Ameri- can public. With a name like Cowsill they bad to be good. They are, which explains in the simplest terms the survival of a family group named The Cowsills pitted against the established image of what pop groups should be, The Beatles and The Rollins Stones. · Bob started in on the guitar at 7. JOi nmg older brother Bill, and they performed as a duo; Barry reached seven and reached for the bongos, later switching to bass guitar. having taught John a sinate drum beat which sparked him to become the best (and younge~t) drummer in the U.S. today. Paul only recently switched from the backstage to performing aspect of Cowsill life, debuting as key- board man on The Cowsill's second million-seller, "Hair." Barbara found herself conned into joining her p rogeny for ''The Rain, The Park. and Other Things"; and Susan convinced "the boys" to accept her as one of The Cowsills io time for the "We ran Fly" album. They don't stand still. though. The Cowsills. Dill and Bob cut their teeth as record producers on the "We Can s:'J y" single and album, and Bob solo'd in that capacity for the finil time on ''The Prophecy of Daniel and John the Divine." The Cowsills. constantly on the move, recently made a bia move, from Halidon H all in Newport, Rhode Island, to a sprawlina Spanish-'ityle houi;c in Snma Monica, California. where they are now homc.brhed ..... 11 TELEVISION'S YOUNGEST ST AR Kimberly Doscher, now a two-year-old young lady who made her television debut in the 3M Special, "How Life Begins," in March, 1968, will be seen again in the color rebroadcast Friday on ABC at 7:30 PM. Her initial appearance set a record for the youngest person ever seen on the tube. She was filmed during her birth at the Flower .L Klm/Hrly, 11ow two, plays with hu mothu. Linda Doschtr, at home whilt thty awair thud ttltcasr o/ tht JM classic. "How Lift Btgins.'' Fifth Avenue Hospital in New York City by Executive Producer Jules Power and his crew. "We wanted the birth of a baby on television," Power explained. "So we were looking for a young couple who were expecting a child and who would be cooperative and would believe with us that it was important that we present this kind of subject with beauty and taste." Power said he contacted officials of the hospital who put him in touch with a prominent physician who had a patient scheduled to deliver in about six weeks. He explained that they wished to use the young couple in some pre-birth scenes walking along a beach to illustrate man's emer· gence from the primeval sea through this young couple who were about to have their first child. Covering the birth required that a film crew staod by for five or six days as predicting the exact moment of delivery is at best, unlikely. "The morning of the actual fill'l)ing was really a very amusing scene," Power recalled with a chuckle. "Everyone in the delivery room had to wear the long green gowns, the masks and sort of a napkin type of thing tied over their heads. "This was the first time any of us had ever seen a film crew. the camerman. the sound man and our director all running around looking like doctors and at the same time peering through cameras, ledses and view finders." Power said that the parents of the little girl are very bright, attractive people and if Kimberly turns out to be even somewhat like her parents she should grow into quite a young lady. He said that in addition to a gift to be used for the baby's education the family had been presented with their own color print of the show. "Perhaps 20 years from now. should the young lady be interested in how she first came into the world. she will have a photographic record of her birth and her debut as a tele- vision star." Power concluded. The award-winning JM Special has since become a television classic. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 22. 1969 FRIDAY · wura MJ line? (C) (30) I LM lUCJ (30) 7:00,CIS &enlq ..._ (C) (30) ltlt U1e CloQ ~C) (30) NOVEMBER 28 c:o..oditJ/Mltul rttnd (30) @ CiMel Sllowcate (C) {90) " lumn South." Audie Murphy, Robert Sterlin(. For morning and afternoon listings, please ~ee DAY - TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVJES 9:00 D (C) ..,,lntld Hllll'' (adventure) '5I-Lassie. Bruce Cawlina. Gary Gray. 9:30 II "All MJ Sons'' (drama) '48- Edward G. Robinson, Burt lane.as· ter, Howard Duff. 10:00 fJ "Secret Btyoocl tilt Doof' (mys- tery) '4~.Joan Bennett, Michael Redgra~e. m "11lt Ma11 W1lo Could WOfll ihdes" (comedy) '37 -Roland Young, Joan Gardner, Sir Ralph Richardson. lZ:OO 11 "lllt Qi.st of Franktnst.tin" (horror) '42-lon Chaney Jr., Evelyn Ankers. 2:30 B (C) "Daoce Uttlt laclf' (mu· sical) '55 -Mal Zetterlin&, Guy Rolfe. 4:30 ti (C) "Danpron Diie" (adven· lure) ·~uis Jordan. f V f NI N (, 5:00 II TOM REDDIN HAS THE * NEWS BEHIND THE NEWS! PLUS TELE· COPTER REPORTS! I 6:00 IJ l ie News <C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m HAtlef ·lkt•kltJ (C) (30) D CLIFF ARQUETTE & * SUE RANEY WATCH STEVE ON $150,000 ONE-INCH TV SET! II Sfftt Allen Show (C) (90) Cliff Arquette, Sue Raney, Fred Smoot and Simon Atgevltch. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) ••1Mt, IMt, MJ Derllnt' (suspense) '65 -Tallulah Bankhead, Stefanie Pow· ers, Peter Vaugtlan, Maurice Kauf. man. In Entfand, a young girl about to be married visits the mother of her former flance who was killed In automobile crash, and the fanatic woman Imprisons her. 0 Didi Yin Orb (30) i ""'" Place (30) Sbr Trtt (C) (60) 00 Miiie Dou(ln (C) (90) 00 CIS Ntds (C) (30) I!) Tlttllpo dt hnlon (30) &) News (C) (60) Jack White. 6:301 KNIC N....mc. (C) (30) • Tiie Q11M 811111 (C) (30) To Tiii tM Trutll (C) (30) Offke of tilt Prtlidtnt (30) 9@ HunU.,..Brinklty (C) (30) fil) looll hit (30) "The Seven Min· utes.'' Author Is Irvine Wallace. ~ (j) Tiit Munsttrs (30) fl) Notidtro 34 (C) (60) m News (C) (30) 7:30 I Mori! (30) (I) Trull Of Coaeq11t11C:e1 (C) American West (C) (30) Ft1tvfe (30) II GET SMART * TV'S FUNNIEST SHOW 1J f3 (I) Set s..rt (C) (30) With only a bunch of banana peels as clues. the Smarts set out to find the ape-like creature thlt has been depletin1 the eof'ps of CON· TROL apnts. Maury Wil'8 cuests. 0 m Hip Cllapaml (C) (60) ''The le1acy." Blue falls In love with an attractive guest at Chap· parral. John Dehner and Pamela Dunlap 1uest. II SHADES OF CHARADES! *WATCH STOKEY'S STARS GET STUMPED! B ;-oo~ Ti!.:~d3~ Uf• lqlns (C) (60) This is the third showing for this award·winnln& pro· 1ram that examine.s the miracle and mystery of birth. Eddie Albert narrates. (R) B Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "Marines Let's Co" (comedy) '61-Tom Try· on. David Hedison. Marines on R·and·R in Japan tum the town UP· aide down before retumin& to the front lines. I Trutll or CollMqtMnca (C) (30) Judd for tht Deftnte (C) (30) Techniul Corner (30) TIM Frtnd1 Cllef (30) ,,_mitre! (C) (90) "La Viol• tera." Part II. Sara Montiel, Rafael Vallone. 1:00 1J 9 (j) The Good '"" (C) (30) Richard Deacon 1uests IS a fussy customer who 1ets involved in a messy search of the diner for one of Claudia's contact lenses-that Rufus dropped in a creem pie. II BOBBY GOLDSBORO! * 1910 FRUIT GUM CO. THE RHONDELLS! ALL IN HOUR OF NOW GENERATION MUSIC! D..... 5 (C) (60) Bobby Goldsboro stars. I Qllffft for a DaJ (C) (30) st.cit Marat S.11111ary (30) Interface (C) (30) 1:30 IJ tB) CJ) Hopn's Htroa (C) (30) A alamorous underground agent fives Hogan assianment to get de· fectina enemy field marshal t.o Ena· land. IJ ~ (i) @E N11H Of Ule liHll (C) (90) "The Civilized Man." Dan Farrell (Robert Staci\) travels to a huae cattle ranch In Florida to In· vestl1ate modern-day cattle rus· tling. Jack Kelly, Jill Sl John. Rod Cameron guest. D @ (]) tl) Mr. Dteds a .. to 1"n (C) (30) "The Improbable Mr. Deeds." Ar1ene Golonka fuests IS Charlotte, a Greenwich Vlllaae artist, who believes Deeds Is a neurotic with 1 hangup about bt1n1 ooor. (Continued) I) 90) '"'· (C) 30) iels to llS IN· '- iO) we IP· ela .. , ). Ht ird fO· :le ert ltl ry· on IP· he 0) 0) e- 1el 0) sy a 11 .at lY lt n a I· I· d 0 !. s I, c I WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT • STEAM IT CLEAN I No shamp00, brushing or soaking -1 -s5c1i01r'Wm:t ... ---........ -••• ...... ,, ••"' -I Cell t. • ,,_ llti ...... TM.yl L.. --~IS_!D _ _. STEAM MASTER CARPET CLEANERS PH. 645-1313 ilnttqutss -11 .. --W.e Buy, Sell for You or Trade 432 felt 179' Cemi M•• 0 ...... Dicll c.-... ASPHALT SIALINS & PATCHIN• • .._... •• IMl!t • c.Mc'I Complete reasonable service Currently engaged by City of C.M. for street restoration. Service• Repa. •General Repair Automatic transmissions. too! ,....,. Sdl.._.,.., Cerilf'"'d Mutw Medltltk 2073 H•rbor Cott• M ... M2-6l73 On the set of Universal Television's new hit series, "Marcus Welby, M.D., '' one man stands quietly during the filming, concentrating completely whenever the ac· tion involves medical prac· tices or equipment. His name is Dr. Brom Vanderstock and his official title is consultant. He is a tranquil man, but his own life has been far more exciting than any ad- venture story ever filmed. CARPET • FURNITURE CLEANING For 1 I>iy Service and Quality Work . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-1520 ~ DIAMOND \ .. / C•rpet Clqnlnt • "Champion" Method! • Soil retardent • Shampoes deep • Ex.pert and guaranle?ed Fr• .. tlm•t• MS-tl17 ~ 1116HTll SIDI ~ CLI ANIN6 llHIC~ CAa P•TI & P'URMITU•• CL•ANIN•. e Deep pile 4' soil retardent method. Reas priced . Free eet c ... 141 .. 114 DO YOU MAVI DIRTY CA•Pl'Tff During World War II. Vander- stock, a native of Holland, was interred in a German prisoner of war camp. He managed, against immeasur· able odds, to escape not once but four times. The papers he used during his journey across Germany to reach his home in Amsterdam were, of • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPERTS LISTED BELOW! SPANISH CARVID DOORS Mirrored Wardrobe Doon Stock Replacement Doon Spanish Hardware MILLWORK INSTALLATION 475 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 67M12' SPllDY PLUMllNG Furnace Repair A Cleaning Quality work-Free estimates 24 hn It Weekend work 546-2"7 ... M0-7217 Plant Nutrition Corrective Decor lndustrial-ResldenUal By AgJiculturalbt REASONABLE C.11 642-1417 Hytlme for old Items in your garage, will store, and/or move. Let a small businessman pay atten- tion to your needs. C•ll Jehn 5J6-6126 course, forged. But they were forged by hand! Always in· terested in art, his printing skill came to the fore and the documents, legal looking in every respect, were never questioned. The idea of hand printing a document 'hat looks typewritten is mind LIARN TO TY'I Revolutionary 5-week Chilcoat Tvolmr Course FREE OF.MONSTRATIONS every Wf'd. eve at 7 P.M. INTIRNATIONAL ACAD•MY OP RAPID LIAllNING 44S E. 17th St, Suite H CiOlta Mea 548-0440 HELP WITH CHRISTMAS IDEAS 645-14'0 'Jl''Tlle TY & ,..._. M•'' I,/ '\ 'I earn my money ... and your confidence" TV Repalrs IN YOUR HOME ....._ MZ-1432 boggling, but Vanderstock's patience pa id off handsome· ly. He reached home safely, was immediately flown to England where he rejoined the Dutch Air Force in Exile. "Marcus Welby, M.D.'' starring Robert Young in the title role, James Brolin as his associate and Elena Verdugo as thei r nurse, airs Tuesday evenings on the ABC Tele· vision Network. ,... 21 Sylvania I:* 1V M ODEL CE26 -Big family size NOW ONLY 227 square inch screen roll-$ about c~lor TV. Has the famous 3 7 915 Sylvania color bright 85?. picture tube and Deluxe Color Bonus chassis. Roll-about stand opt ional M ODEL CE29-Has AFC NOW ONIY (~utomatic fin e tunin~ control)' s3 991s gives you a perfect picture at the push of a button. Includes all CE26 features and a wood composition Walnut vinyl fi nish. Roll-about stand optional. TV RF.CEPTION S IM ULATED doot settle for~ s=fa! ,... 22 646-1684 Daffy,_, Sat.'"" TlfE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEX. NOVEMBER 22. 1969 NmiAY (C ?! 1) I .... fMI (Q (90) I I .... !!i.::30) • Ill ..., (C) (iO) ~Cl) ...... ,,. 'ut • ""'*-(iO) ..... ~ tc> (iO) c.. ...... a.a (lO) ca..1 Doll Ho. llefie HalPf'd -Corllett ................................ llnltiom tar . 2 • hJ lllllipol fJ 1111! CQ (60) l.Ollb ..,._ Y1n1 ~ ... ,,...... ... ,.. SlaalC pest. ....... ..,...,, ,._...._1 l""'-(60) I t:ll 11 tB Cll cas "*' ... tc>t C.Clll • ••• (30) ....... ...., (It .. .....1 .... -Crillllil .... (30) (Cllllldf) '60 -Daris Day Dlvid ftiJ ...._ ..,. ....._ Daris. a ..,,,11• •1•-~ -. ·--"'-"•.... -....... ., ........... , ..... ..., .. (C) .. Iller .._ o1tit ..... is ..... u.111 .... ,...... .., I IM8-dlasi"ll W UOO B (f)-CC> r...,.., .. .... CC> (60) • ....,.. -(R) .a.ct E. Leoutd. r.., ......,. Bil em-<C> Colby, l..iMI Can, • .AMiii W"lllilms. ll:JOIJ~ ....... (C) C.-11.eo~ ud,... 6 -~ C:.-(Q -. ord is IUbttitute ..... ~Cl)&> H lft Ce•• th 8 llMI: (C) ""'9 ~ Wiit' ...... ~ (&1} .,.... £,a of Loe-(nMMllCe) '41--81nJ CnlilbJ . .. Bob ... Alt .aped ClllMd ea,. I ~ (I) m..., ...., (C) --~ . lilllli: (C) ............. ..... ...... (C) (2 lw) (mpt.efy) '54 -eu.o. llitcftefl, -. Clll ....., (30) let J. Cobb, Anne S.llCl'llft. ,__. -(C) (30) Batlw W1rd.. 11J 1111* (C) ""'9 Wllriln" (ad· • Slil, .. Sllill (C) (30) venture) '55-&rull Flynn . .............. (60) QICI) ..... ... PL j W (30) lz.. GI .... : ""C11,111M Cilf" (Id· l.. U (j) ID • ...,.. W.W (C) Wtuture) '65--CIVid Niven, M1rtln (iO) ..,__ Dul." A bil Hoity. a.tum, Ben Gm.Ira. wood --torca ~ IC.twin l:tO. ..... ('C) "'f:. .. EMii .. Gt'Mt <'* HaWI) ID ICa9l his lit ....... (sc:Hi) '58 -Jcmph ~ dMlcM« as tilt fe-Cotten Geora• Slnders, Debra mlle lead in 1 movie. Tim O'Con-P1pt.' 110r Ind Shelley Fabara ruest. D D .._. (C) • LEARN THE NEWS mc.ntrJ .... n. (C) * BEHIND THE NEWS 1:301JC........, ...... INnl (C) FROM TOM REDDIN ~=::rand ~.~,~~;!o:! HE'S GOT THE FACTS ! and "Dunieon' of H1rrow." Tom Frandsen, popular Los Angeles television personality, a.JSll~s new ~hind-tM-scenes duties as Director of Com- m unity A0airs for KHJ. Chan~/ 9. Long active in civic and charitabk cau.ses, Frandsen will act as liaison between Los Angel.es 9 and its viewing community. CalldH• J Miiiea ,.,Ice" (ICMnture) '40 -Gary t:JO I Dlltn) & MltlleJ (C) Cooper. Mldtltlne Carroll. ,15 ..... _.... <C> 12:•1J1())•• .... <C> I l1le H1n1J ..,. (C) Mil' aid WIW (C) I Mewle: "CorMrld" (adYtnture) ~ f llltlrTll • lck Powell, Watter Slezak. 10:00 GI~....,. Pltdlp <C> I! tllla USA (C) (17) I , m llCM ,..... (C) 1:00 • ()) Slplnua (C) vs. :IV'I. SltllrdlJ ....... , ...... : (C) 1:00 u Cl) ID llldde 1 Jeddt (C) D 11t:11t: (C) -. ......., fw et Fire" (dnma) '67-(H) (I)&> c..., (C) ODllMo• (westem)--Cart Mof'lntr, Suzanne Pllllletta, James FarenUno. Mr W....... (C) Topsy Collins. ..... lldel Tall (westem) '64-0an Fllbr t111a Cit (C) m Mewle: "lllt Ill ....... ,,_. Duryea, Tony Yount- 7:%5 .... Us nil .,., (C) (drama) •st-Jarome Thor. Dorothy a Mewle: '11111 Side " "' LW' 7:30 Snrilt S.•lllr (C) Pl'O'llne. (drama) '5G--Ylveca Lindfors. Kent tl7'~Ss.Mertlltlw(C) 10:10•:.:"~ Africa" (Id· !! ........... T,..,. I .._.. :::-z. ':!.:(ti Wd a} '66 -Clyde Beatty. EJ1lne (C) ..... al. ~ (C) Shepard. I Clral ......... ,.U IDHtre Ct•ts tll lO:J01·1tEsc1:(C)(C) 1:15 n:w.Jn FMMI (C) I~ G> eattaaeep cm (C) Mewlr. .fl MMI Docter" (mJI· Penn state vs. North C.rollna stlte. Kf..bl (C) tery) '41 -Basil Rathbone, Ellen l:JO IR (I) .IMllJ Cl...t (C) T• ti Weill F... Drew. ......i.1 (C) I••~ t. 11:0011 tlj n. Arcllit SllMr (C) • Seep••• (C) &:30 ... 1a.,/1Nd .._ ' -n. Fllalllli•• (C) 2:00 sa.,. tit L.walll1 (C) 1.T .A., a IO'I _, new readlna system In which let· I.., =oo<C}.. PIH ,_..., (C) l1:30 I !2.J f.!~ <nit· ~!~:.:nf.d'blned Into 111unds. Is ei'~ ~ .. (C) em) '4t-Guy MadllOll, ROfY C.I· I Tmel ai w.w f6., 11-#fllr'll • a Spree" houn, Carole Mathews. 2:JO ......., Ill ~ (C) (comedy) '61-Jlclt Wrtllna. Carole m Mew1e: "'IMlt ef .._. • • .... T,.: (C) Lesley, Ren" Houstlon. (d111ma) '59-Sttpehn Boyd, Ann1 Mer I ~ .. lid Gaylor, .limes Roberbon Justice. n. ~ (C) -· IHln tltocl (C) · t:OO ta (6) ID H. R. ........., (C) 3:001 lltw SedelJ (C) P1ul Udell. ~ "'PICiftc ........ (dlll· Dr ....... ma) '42 -Robert Preston, Eva s. ... (C) Gabor. 12:001 • ...... (C) .... Pldlr9 (C) I (ffj (I) aJ Not "":.:J> Wl9t C...1 (C) (R) Titlape de ,.._ iiliwii: "Hudl• H (ad· · ~ (C) 3:301..,_.· llt (C) Jere Witter hOlta. venture) '55 -Rod Cameron, Ben Tlltre Fa .. llr "-hlllt Cooper, Julie Bishop. • 1111 fltltt Sllew (C) ..._ m .... 'rt ....., (C) 12:15 ....... : (C) ""lllCaawt ....... 4:00. Mewle: (C) ....... (adventure) SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21 MORN!~\. Old Fulia•d 1 ... '56 -Gtot11 Montaomery, Mona f l'ltlftl". 1c..#..:=:""A.t. aa ~ ~Fiimed hllhl1"'tl and 1nt1rv1tw1 '-""' tht best c:onect1tt lklllle'I ...., Ellllcl O'T .... lpla!~F! 1::::· 4:30 YMtll IM tllt Pllce (C) "law EnfotetrMnt Ind the Crowded Ctty." Collt11 students from Occ:idtntll, C.I State and Redl1nds talk wtth L.A.. Ctty Councilman Thomn Bnd· 111. 1 rtdred member of ttl• LA. Pollet department. r·fA, \ T.!! ""'"":: ... (C) 5:00 D Ifs AcMlelalc (C) Competf n1 hlih IChools .. ,.. Bishop Montaom· ery (Torrance), Chlmlnadt Prep (C.no11 Park) 1nd Bishop Amtt (La Puente). Tiiis Wtlll la Prt FMtMll (C) (HJ Cl) m ,...., <C> ~r(C) ..... (C) ,..... .... • J.,ceQeaCMb FlltMIS1car 5:30 = 11NJ (C) (R) ........ (C) @(l)GJ FlatllllcYtNt (C) lllllprta ltllM (C) llr. 1114 Mrs. ....U. YMrDtlWaw.tll(R) Acrialbft USA (C) .. Karen Valeadoe, the petty youog star of 20th Century-Fox Television's Room 222, is a modern girl with old-fashioned ideas. SICARD POOL TABLES "I love the clothes, the music and the casual hair styles of to- 'day, but for somethina more pemianent I think difterently,'' said the star of the half-hour comedy which airs Wednesdays at 8:30 PM over ·ABC. The "more permanent" that Karen refers to is her weddina to Carl B. McLauablin, Jr. and the new home they just bought. ••1 always dreamed of an old- fashioned church wedding with family and friends there, the Iona white wedding aown, 'Something old, SOQletbina new, somethina borrowed and some- thina blue,· " sbe said. On November S, 1969, Kar- en's dreams came true. Her Vic- torian-stylod wedding gown bad short puffed sleeves, a fitted bo- dice and a ftowina skirt. Her head dress was a lace baby bonnet. The Somethina Old, Some- thing Bornwied, wu her aunt's antique aoJd c:roa, Somethin• New WU her white satin slip- pers and for the SometbiDa Blue-enotber aunt m.cte her a IC•nn V•nlW. 111 frwUlll tHCll• •r AIJcc lolttUOlt, au lwr claa-'°"'" cool wlw11 11w ,.,,,,., o IU~ fMrvllor II comlfll to clwck lwr old In "Alb In BllUttkrlaNI" on ABC'1 Room 222, W.Jrwlday al 8:10 PM. • blue peter. Completina her dreams, Kar- en and her new husband took poaeaioo of their ~armina boUIC just outside the city Of Loa Anaeles. Their deciaioo to buy the boUle WU influenced by the old wood-bumina ft.re- place in the liviq room. • ' I SLATE TABLES · -.$295 25 STYUS TO CHOOSE KIJllSWICK IRPOl1' .... Sltt9 Tlble Complete 1111 Rtt11m & Counters IXQUSM CUSTOM SLAn TAil.i WITH IACK-A-MATIC. DOIS NOT WEAi OUT FB.T. RACK WY AND FAST. 9 OI 15 IAW SECARD POOL USE OUR CHRISTMAS LA.YA.WAY PLAN a2a •• MAIN "· • o.ANOI • 112·1"2 ..... 21 • STEREO DEMO SALE! SAVE 30°/o TO 70°/o ON LIKE-NEW DEMONSTRATOR MODELS OF FAMOUS BRANDS! HEIE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES <SOME LATE MODEL TRADE-INS ALSO AVAILABLE AT llG SAYINGS) FISHER· SONY • DUAL • GARRARD • CITATION ·ZENITH· ETC. lft'~I ;."{:.~~.!¥ .... ~· ... ~ ..... I i,. 5 ' I ---. . PRICES START AS LOW AS s49so • t!:J.1''