HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-24 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• .
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. Midair. Crash·: .. l(ills Taro ·
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• ' • ( 1
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·PilOt: ~o~e· V'Dder Way ·
-. . . . . ' ~ . • ..
\ •
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·:History Sails In ·
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* * * . . •
MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOV~BER 24,' '1969 ,,.. ' ' ' •
. . •
, ..
I ~
'tif e or= Deatll' · ...... '-'Y'. .• ) · ~ 1 ' rf ,...~ ~~~~.~de .
.. fiinkee Clippe.r Heads . -OP.tiered'
' , . . . ' ' , ~r·,. ,. . ' ID· Ma8sae•·e · t 1 I J JT . . ' . ,. ' ' . Fot "Pacific Reunion ·
The Monte Crlsto,•138-foot'replica of 18th Century square rigger,
doi:ked ai Sea· Sci>ut if" N,wpdrt Beach waterfront during the
weekend to ·take QD ea.,l\one,ld C. C,raig's sj>ip, built in Van-
couver, British Col\IS · is .headed soutli, with San Diego, Mexico,
Hawaii on its itinerary. I pper JeU:Berry.will take ship, appraised at
J425,000, on to Austra}la ·Iy nexi year for .Capt. Cook Bicentennial.
\ . ,
p~mposedBody Found
ln La. Habra Car Trunk . .
( -~ • I . ' , Investigation Into th!!' death of aJJ.a
H1tbra· man wh<r..e bad.Jy decornpoRd
bddy 'fas found Sunday in the trunk of· a
stOlen car centered ~ay on an autopsy
~ by brange County co,roner's
Invmigators hope lhat pathology tests
carried out on the remains or P.1i.ch:iel A.
Femandei, 11, may help them In the!r in-
qulriet. Working with them are · ~s
Angeles police who have the aj:ilcle 1n·
wblch Fernandez'• body was, f~d 011
lhelr stolen cat tally. • , .
' Femindea: carefully wi-apped' In a blue
bedoprUd, Officers ""1d • tbe body WU
surrotmded by papers, most of them
'bulfno;ss documents> In which Fernandez
was named, and involving tranaactlOM to
whic& he wa~. a ·party.
Also under invesUgatlon were a duffle
· bag and some of Fernandez personal ef-
fect! which were round on the rear. se,t
of the car.
In estljaf,ors sa!d the car containing
Fernande:J's body Jf&S listed as !lolen by ~ East Los Angeles dlvlslOO 'ol lhe Los
Ange1!s GouMy sheriff'i offiCe. , ·, '
I\' ASl!lljGT9N !QP.l) . ...:, T!1' · !lrmY '.t,o-
day ordel'f4 a "life O/' .dea\h'~> ~
martial for lst U. W)juam.i., c.Jley Jr.
on· cl!arges or mw;derjng 109 Sou\h Viet·
namese clvllians "of vatious ages . and sexes." -•. · . ' . .. . qne or the specifications against the 26-
year~td .Calley, lFSder or .an American
platoon ·at Ille' Um~.ol -The alleged
massacre, charged'he.shot a 2--year·old
There were five olhtr specifications,
one of them charging him with
premeditate<! murder of "not less than 70
Oriental bwnan beings."
The court martia1 Waa ordered by Maj.
Gen. Orwin C. Talbott. commanding
j:!'.eDeral of Ft."Benning, Ga. He directed
that lbe proceedings be conducted on a
"capllal" basts. Calley Is now stationed
1t Fort Benning.
A Pentagon spokesman said Talbott's
dlrictive meant that the death penalty
could be Imposed, and that if Calley were
convicted, tlle penalty Could not be Jess-
tha11 life imprisonment.
The announ«ment of the court martial
trial came about an hour after the Army
diacl09ed that a new, special investigation
had been ordered of the incident to
detennfne H It was hushed up al the
Lt. Gen. Wllllarii R. Pffl'S was aJ>
pointed lo head tJte inquicy,. .
1be mlUtary trial of the Waynesville,
N.C., lieutenant will be held at Ft. Ben-
ning. A spokesman sald It would be at
least a month -possibly longer -before
it begins.
The s~iflcatlons against Calley ac-
cused Calley hirnsell of shooting the vie·
Ums in each case , lJ1!iicall~ lhat a , cs.e MAssAcu; Pqe 11 ··· ·
Former~•'• Sforl#
' SPACE ~ENTER, HOwlon (UPI) -
Apollo It's .moon .pilots 'nudged their
'Yankee Clipper squarely, down the path
fOt l Sotith Pacific homei:omlng ,today in
the finale of man '• fir,lt decade of space
exPloral~n. tr
· Charla "Pete" Conrad, 39, tUchard F.
Goi'don, 40, and Alan L. ~an, 37, sel
(heir sights on: a splashdown In moderate
zeu .. , 12·:51 p.m. PST. The veteran
rccov'ery carrier Horntt stood · by to
·retrieve them «15 miles southeast: of
Pago Pago.
A· final tive-secood bunt {ram the com·
mend ship's control rocket at 9:44 a.m.
lined up the astronauts' course for a
meteoric, but safe entry into Earth's at·
"This has got · to be ~e most spee-
tilcular sight of the whole flight," Bean
~aid as the ship; 1coelerated q~ck]y
·toward the pinks, blues and violets of ~
sun-lit lct.yer of air blaQke\ing ~,globe.
Still ahead for the spacei;nen are · t&
days of moon bug quarantine, first in a
trailer aboard the Hornet and then back
at the more ·comfortable ~ crew
isolation quarters at the Houston Space
Center. , 1 "lf you've rem~rii~i'ed yOur_ lava-lav~
<Polynesian cloUilng), It 'shoulc; be a love-
ly day ln'the SoUtli Paclf1c,"' groatid ·com-
municator Don11Jd L: lJnd radioed the
soacemen el::ht hours be!ore their Jan·
ding. •
"Thank yoo, Doa, 1011nds real good.and
we'll ,be hippy to see the land of lav ...
lavas," replied Conrad. ·
The to.day,, mlllion-IJ!lle miss.ion was
the nation'a·lut in the decade.of manned
spflcefligbt.1 Vtat opened wh~1t Ruula's
\"url Ga1arin and Americas Alan B.
Three leehq.r boys made .the gr1Sly
discovery Sunday and called police frOm
a S\lpermarket parking lot In La Habra.
The boys tokl officers tha\ the lave~ar-
colored ttiO c.dillac had <been· par.Ired on ' ~l~~m5:~twfeh'f!~8Jl::. ~;.~ 'E. veryt. li. ing. Wiped,.' o,·' u_t •.•• ntliCed an odor coming from the tnck. .,
;rtie-t;oy,'found the trunk unlocked and • v' • 1 1 , •
t1leY a1ao: bmd lhe decaying body of Fft. Wlft Sinlcaa : 1 naUvu dlstortell tbe lncldeal allar lalJ<. dll Kat all. Wbtn If wu all over, they
t · ~ . ~·~r ~oniK.<UMu .. Uill• Ing to repartera who visited lhem. wen atmoot ~ck.'' ..i.". · tto 8-,,.,, ·ii..i "' •· _ li~ 11M·•M'1lli"Vlh-0 "Y.aybe tbe 1oca1 -1< hope 1o 111e Armr tia c:hlrpl 111 u. wut1am nudou .ess MU namese village of Song My u an enemy n<elV10 some Indemnification fnin the •L. Calley Jr., ... of'W-Ule, N.C ..
• stroaaboldinlllll!-andclld. Amerl~~yhave~,1 wldl•"Uol ,...,_,.1_-of>I• To Br.i tish Hps oital :r.-, ... ~~ """'..-Md1,\'t" ·'"'"' ·.,~ 61 · • . ,:,.. . , 1 "~ J l'I a .~ ·:_r...., .,r• · 1 .. .-., ~ f ! : l _.-, .. ' uu~'' .. dlimW~'G'ftl~r.·-. Nta 11n .O""J;" '-'Dliln'tttr'tlf·t>e • ue • • S/SIL o.v1c1 MlectleD. •, o1 St. rr.. ~ERLIN (AP) -Rudotr n ... , once lerview· Sunday. "Miil, women ..• chll· 11le United. Slalts poys clvlllans far clsvtllt, IA .. a -of Cafle1'1 ,._
deputy fuehr<r of Nut Germ811)1, was dn!n .•. Only lhe cblciitlJI were left 'Clllllllles and -... cauaecl by loc"1,'hao --.... wtlb-11 wtlll
fDltved from tbe Spandau war l'flme• alive." • American .-In lloul1i Vietnam. lnletll lo· -a mlnllr.
priaon .loday lo tbe , Brillsh rilllllory In -todq, Ille -•mter of The ldlllnp '"' Mardi II, 1•. have led Soealdnl , of tbe IM lqddenl. GMer,
ho@ltal' In West Berlln. _, • --la, t111 live lo charps that there wao a m ... cre of .. id: -
1 waa lhe flnl Ume that Hm, 'IS, had llOl'ilMWlill _-, U. Gell. H-etvtltw. Grwar said he WH 18\jJ!ted • "In lhe Jul-at IO, "'d fall -~ mov.1 lrom ~u In tbe U yoon ll1lln i.o. MN vm.,. wllo had told of that lonll M7 -U.S. lllllltary code name half our com..,; lo llllpen ... mine :
hew11lmprilonedihereollerbeln& :11111 lo eJ ---WODllO and Plnkvtllt-wai·-·wtth aoldleil of llelds, and the l1'Y1 ... ,. !NII)' llNd QP'.
.,iu1 aenlellee by tbe N111nbers chllmlt -bellli stain In lhe Incident tbe North Vie-regular army, but when ,.. llarted the alllCk. M we en-
1 ditmes Tribunal. Hen was moved lo may haft dellberlltol7 ~....,..led the added: · , lared, we drew Ore from tome of Iha
the hospital for naminallon and X.niys loll. . "We'd never been ord,red lo wl~ out hull,· and lhtn 1 lot or CUY• tort of went
COllnected with stomach pains. • ~ The general said ii. bellevecl the ....,.body be!ore .. M01l of the flUY• dlclll'L crazy." ·
' ,·
• ..
' . . SPACE CENTEI!< f!l!Ullon•.,("I')," -
• "l'llttell you.one thln1i",Pete~W11·
Shepard llrsl ventured tnto·tht @lrllosllh .saflng. "It took evei"y ,bil of,~
1961. Since then, 23 Amerlc1ns 81¥1· JO _ had 1to g~t th'!:t babf ~ ,._, 1Di.
Russians haye iloWI) in space. right pla~. That·.Wfil;S<DO ~ ~··
Apo:ll612's a~troi;iauts aw&kene.d.at 2:'lJ · Conrad, Alan r,.. Bean ljid, ~,p,
1a.m. atter· sleej)ing 8~ hours and began Gordqn ·Jr. were holdla1 Ute 1fir1t,-.
lhe final preparations for sptlahdoWn. ~<11qfere~ f~ space: JJtr;Ktai ..... ,
Tht!y ate breakfast, cbeeXed tlieir course was recalling how be brOU&ht the. ~
'l\'ilh star sightings and foWld time to play landerclntrep1d .In. 1 .,. V
some co~try and western music on a ::it ~oo~ ev~ ,1 Hid to pt·tbat ~
spae:·ecraft tape player. down m ~piece, Corira~ aald, "1 thlft•
we got some things to wort.out oa that"
Probe Launched
After Toro Pilot . '.
Killed in Crash
A full scale lnvestlgatlon Into &· mld·air
collision which claimed the lift .of an El
Toro-based Marine pilot over the
weekend was .still under way today at
Miramar NaVal Air Station In San Diego.
Navy and Marine Q!:lcers said a result
of their findings will not be available
before Tuesday.
Capt: Wllllar'n i.C. Sauer, 28, o! Tustil1,
died in the ct1llision Saturday when hlt-F-
Phantom jet from· El Toro collided with a
~avy interceptor some J0,000 feet above
desertcllunlry'nelr Blrriio Springs.
Capt. Sauer's compaiilon, lilt Lt.
William Wilkening, 26, also of Tustin,
par"chu~ to aarety ,as1 did the· pilot of
the Navy jeti Both men ftre unhurt and
were picked up by helicopter.
Navy oCflc.ers ldenUQecl their reacued
pilot as Ct. Cmdr. John .S. Hellman, 32, of
Miramar. Cmdr. Heitman was alone lo
hli: Nhv.Y C!il&adei-. j ~ ' I ' • 'l)
•Marine o!!k:•n ·!Odar said ·(lrilllmlmrr
rtl"!rll lndl~afc . lha.t,!"!PI-~· • .,
se'10usjy lnJi\ffil, or llllJ<G al ~.lbne ti
lm"'ct llM\ ~4< I'° ati.npe. to -.n, ~ ,oJ~t.feii ·;..,;t c1ow• ii. n~ · · ~~~~· vv-. ~-=.
'San DiFan CoUJity ~=-;;~ ~1 qutcklY dllnc\lfibod lbt . tJreak. }. It • '• '· . . '
CHP Offi cer Slain;
Apallo 12 .wu on tbe ).,i Jes 'al 'Ill
voyage of 953,000 mila ,.., IM ......
agency.pwed up q1111Uor -~-II" newsmen_ '
The aslronaut.. said lb<y woold be ''14
Ing Jo ,launch again ID '°" , Ir.Ind of .hundF'storm that mar..,i ,tbefr ~ Nov, l~. recommended. lmprbv~ ii
tooit1and carrier hap and reR<Jdeil dlf·
.flculty in sleeping Oh the moon .. , .New~eh aSked ,w~ Ponfa~:a t z·
.rularat1o:n a.1 lhe moon might. tia,ve been
. catifed by 110 '·'c;iVPIJ lilih1 •· a st1te -Ci euphpria that soiriltlri1~ QCC;urs wbtn an
,astrona1,1t ~ath¢s pure p:iygen. ,
"fwas very happy," said Conr1d, "bu,1
I w.1sn't On .an oxygen high." .
lq lhe ntst 10, minutes of a n\Oonwalt,
Bun said, "Yoo find-that I( ls..Qol p
hard as you think it is got.1g to 'be to
!11ove ar~~d you a.re pr~ happJ
about that .. , . l was In 'good humor II
start with; seetn1 "" had' lli\ded -II the Surveyor. 'lbal llaJ1od the thing Ott
right." ' ,
1'ean .. described difficulties in • Jdtn-
uryln,' rocb and soil tlrll w1y: • '!
"This second' day we went Clllt, th
same thing tl)at looked gray to ua '8
first day started lookint -at least to JM
(See' ASTRONAIJTS, ha< II ' . " ' ..
Oraage , 1 C:oue ~ '
~· i· ,
' •
' ' .
:.,~~DA.:..:.:ll_Y_Pl_L_OT ____ s ____ M•'-''-d".:;•_N.c·•-="'c.mb<:..:'_, ;;.2~:;_' -'-196"-~·
fCity Hall Sale ASked
i. ·. Better Than Lease Plan, Newport Told
., IOllN V.\LTUJA ... _.,... ... .,, . '
Btacb's city hall, doomed to
In aboUI, throe yws, shoold I>! Iii' aballt •n.ooo, city-hired con-
....,..meOOecl todq. llelearcll "-lates (ERA) '_..,_;i the aale idea "'°'""" variaU-lllid tanned it •'=='el three "'!ilch would be
. 'ftl tMi -pri>polals --I shoi\. ei1n'Jeue; the other a 25-year leue-op-
).ion plan -wouldn't work, ERA siid,
~because ot the lack of potentiaJ tenantl.
1 Conceding that under a lease, the city (Mn coold only be used by ot.t(er public
~gencies, the consultant said there are no
otbtra ln· the area whith would netd the
The 14-page ERA report C9Vered t"o
major areas dealing with the city's new
civic ceolet plans.
ERA studied the disposal queation in·
volvlng the pment clty ball, . thOll ex·
amiMd poaolblliUU ol ottrocllni other
public .... ol J>W ol the new :ZO.acre civic ·center wbicb 'will be bullt in
Newport Center.,,
· ERA rte0mmellde& thlt the city a<·
lively pursue other pµbllc agencies,
utlllUes and organiu.Uons to see if they
wanl to relocate in the new civic center.
The consultants contacted the Harbor
Judicial District, the Newport.Mesa Uni-
fied sChool District: the POsl Oflice, the
I ~elwolnaata Top .fliker
. : ·.Jog-ger Marches to . Win .. ' J ••
~In 50-mile Marathon .
l .. Fame -maybe a bit limiled -waited
£n the future along with health, when
~hool administrator Clllford W. "Scotty''.
tfepburn took up jogging three year~ ago
!to cure an ailing back. ' t The Fountain Valley educator paced
''1ipuel£ to victory over 98 other entrants
ta:turday in Sevenltt Annual SO.Mlle
)>residential Walk sponsored by Explorer
fkoul Post 717 of Laguna~ Beach. .
I Hepburn, of 2302 Redlands Dr1ye.
tiewport Beach! hiked from the ~a~1ng
J>Oint over the inlands bills and in eight
hours and 25 minutes, but failed to break
Byron Overton's 1968 record of se~en
hours flat. Tlie allistant principal for curriculum
lnsti-uction at Fountain Valley tUa:h
School bepn jogging three yeara ago for
hia back ·anc1 ii now an enthusiasfic
backpack hiker as well :
!Uklng on the siith anniversary of the
asaaulnltion of President John F. Ken-
.....Sy ~ who popularized the gruellln.g
..rGFdeal -the field of 99 dwindled to 51 at
~-#lei finish· line. .i~J,.aguna Beach High School cross coun·
try aquad runner Dave Wilson captured
liecond place with eight 1hours, 33
lilinul.el, while three Garden Grove High
ilchool students tied for third,
... Scott ePterson, Joe Rust and Mark
Shilling all crossed the finish point -·~~.started between eight ~
-in the morning -'In elghl boori and 4f .. minutes.
4,l•'J'he trek began at Andrus Plumbing
,.cdrnpany, 885 Glenneyre St., south on
Cout Higbway, east on Crown Valley
Partway through Laguna Niguel and on
to the Santa Ana Freeway.
Turning off on the freeway frontage
roac;I, tht hlket1 made their way to El
Toro Road, then swetched to Laguna Can·
)'~ Road and beat a path back up Glen-
neyre Street to µte finish line. Only the finish' line at the first crossing
w11 merely halfway, because hikers had to JJJ•ke the circuit twice to total 50
mllol. The eventual winner was 47lh to
regiater Saturday and Cini.shed his first
From Page 1
-1 sort of brown, dark brown or a lan·
nish brown, and it was really one of the
most interesting things of the lunar
BUrf1ce opecaUons . . . how much that
coJor can change just with a 1 degree or
so sun angle change."
The derelict Surveyor spacecraft they
Inspected aDd removed pieces from look-
ed brown, Bean said, but "I wouldn't be a
bit surprilted that when we get all those
parts back to Houston, they don't tu rn out
to be -under the earth light and light of
the laboratory -kind of dark gray
OAIL Y ,ILOT Stiff Pllt1e
SO-Mil• Hik1r Hepburn
Jap ln • phenomenal ' thrt~ hours, 27
minutes, slowing appreciably on Lap
Unlike love, that circuit isn't better the
secand lime around.
"I Lhink I did that well because I'm one
of those morning joggers," said Hepburn,
"I always run three or four fniles every
day ."
He ran almClllt all of both laps, but lhe
second consumed four hours, 58 minutes,
almost 90 minutes over the first.
Scouts from Post 717 patrolled the hike
route In cars with mobile . radios,
d.lstributlng water. candy for energy, or a
ride for those who were beyond such
What provoked the winner to try the 50
"l guess it was like a moUntain being
there. 1 had to climb it. l read about the
hike in Friday's paper, and here I am "
said Hepburn . "Considering the distanc~.
1 don 't feel too bad, either."
The longest time for the 50 miles was
chalked up by three boys from Orange,
Uan King, Roland Zamarrida, and Dale
Holland, all with a time of 17 hours 50
minutes. They began at 7:20 Saturday
morning and returned at 1 :30 Sunday
morning ..
A luncheon will be held for the tough
souls that completed the so miles, ~c·
co rding to Post 717 adviser Milton Moore.
All of those who completed the walk will
receive the Amos Alonzo Stagg Award of
physical fitness -and after 50 miles,
they deserve it.
Newport Harbor Chamber of ComrDeree,
art all(l culture groups · and Ulret major
JtubUc utilities' for· their, k11m". ,• ~
. "The t"Q.ajOrUf.. of . the5': ~a~nlzati,ons,
eiprened keen inte~ ln the dt~elo~
ment of th4I: .new civic center, indicating
their deaire to develop new facilities ln
· tiie center w1th1 certain conditions," coo·
8Ultants said.
T)l condiUop relatt primarily , to
•vailabillty of ,developmeot, tulds.
· Present plans for the hilltop civic
center Include a city hall, police depart·
ruent and ma\n library. The land has
b<eo purch~. · _ •
Other ideas include buildings to Mose
th~ school di.strjct, the chamber of com-
nleJ:.Ce and the public utilities.
Ideas to include a fine arts and Cultural
center and conventloo lilll haVe won
favor In the community aho .
The consultants reminded the city lh•t
lhe Irvine Company has agreed i;O donate
JI acres near the pro~civic 1 cenler
for a cultural center complex. '.~ ·
ERA consultants sa'id about 1 the only
way such fa.cilities get built is ,lhrough
privately donated funds. ·
A time delay of about ·tO years between
conception of a community center and
actual construction is the norm. the con·
sultants said.
Elaborating on the problem of dispos-
ing of the present city hall in old
Newport, E~ consulta11-ts recommended
that the best and moat economical plan
should include disposal or the main fire
The station, which now uses parkin~
and tninor serqice on the city hall
grounds, should be relocated to a nearby
location instead or remaining where it is.
Sale or lease of the city hall would
eliminate the service and parking areas
which the station needs.
In addition to the immediate cash pro-
ceeds gained by sale of the city hall , the
c:lty would realize a tax revenue boost of
$2.250 a year if the city hall were In
private hands.
Other taxing agencies would share
about $13,000 in new tax money, ERA
said. Under a lease arrangement the total
expected annual income -if a tenant
could be found -would be Jbout $47,000.
In •its searching for a potential, tenant
under a lease arrangement consultants
drew a co1nplete blank, they said .
1''rom P qgc 1
. large number of other alleged murders
were under investigatlon.
The Army announced last weekend that
i;. other solliers and ex-soldiers were
under investiJZation In connection with the
case. One of them, S Sgt. David Mitchell,
now at Ft. Hood, Tex .. has been charged
with assault with intent lo commit
murder. The Anny said all of the alleged
murders occurred "on or about March 16,
1968 at My Lai in Quang Ngai Province."
Peers, chief of reserves on the Anny
general staff. was ordered to "explore
the nature and the scope of the original
Anny lnvesUgation of the S<Kalled My
Lal incident norttieast of Quang Ngai City
in Vietnam on March 16, 1968."
The original investigation was con-
ducted by, the U.S. 11th Infantry Brigade.
The conclusion then was that there was
no reason for further examination of the
details and no cause for disciplinary ac-
The new Investigation was announced
jointly by Anny Secretary Stanley R.
Resor and Gen. William C.
Westmoreland, Army chief of staff.
, Both emphasized that their action did
not necessarily mean that they felt the
original investigation and teview were in-
adeq\}ate, but said this would be
Cos1uo~ Satellite
MOSCOW (lJPl) -The Soviet Union
today launched an unmanned earth
satellite, Cosmos 311, the Tass News
Agency announced.
.....,... ... "' ............. ---·-c--CAUPOINIA
Spade Re~alled
OllAHGI (Oill,ll fiUk llMING (OM~o.ll•
l11Ntt H. W••tl
-~'""'""'~' , J,,, It Cvrley
YIC:t ,,.....,. -"'-' .. tM"'"'
Tli-•1 IC1111il ....
T1!1"''' A. M•..,lli111 Mel'HI .. , .... -c. .. Mtl4: no""' .. Y ''""' ........... teecti: 1'11 """ ..... ...., ...... L ...... lelelll m_ ~I A-"'91<""'1•+ .......... ......
Tlianked County for Booking
Of "" Dtl11 '"" ... ,,
One of the last things Spade Cooley
ever said was "thank you," according to
today's news dispatches. He thanked the
AJamtd.a County Deputy Sherills Assocla·
tlon for allowing him to be "free for
&while" to play at their benefit in
And that's the w&y a tew of us around
Ora.nae County would like to remember
him. Because that's the way he was the
last time he worktd here. tScc story,
page 5)
.tie was at the tail end, really, of a high·
flying decade Jn which he had become a
featured movie performer an oft-viewed
televislonj>ersonallty and his billing had
become "King of.Western Swing."
He wasn't flying so high in the mid·
1950s. But he was still an important
enough personage in Los Angeles
lelevlsion clrcle1 to command his own
full hour of TV Ume weekly on one of the
independent ataUons.
And there was no doubt that he had his
tollowlng -large and loyal -out there
In "Televl&ionland." He graciously hosttd
each year·a new crop of beauty con·
testants who tried for the queen title al
the Orange County Fair.
He generously gave his air time to
them and the phone calls and fan mail in-
dicated that televiewers enjoyed seeing
the girls on his show year after year.
All that had a bearing on his being
booked as the "free'' shOw in the ~
fairgrounds amphitheater for what was
to be his last in·person appearance in
Orange County. He was supposed to open
the county "fair with a flourish. It turned
· out to be more or a flop.
But the opening nt1ht show -alt.ended
by Spade, hll band. a handful of fair of·
nclala and a hall an audience -had
hardly ended before he was in the front
office with his JO-gallon hat literally in
his hand . He apologized to the fair
management for not having pulled a bi&·
ger crowd. And ht thanked them for
booking him. •
II v.·as one of the most humble (and ap.
parently sincere) actnes this reponer has
ever seen any "show b!J" personality
play Jn real life.
That time, Spade "died" onstqe and
then said ''thank you."
Sunday, hes aid hlhank you" onstage
and then died after the Sho\v,
. '
AfJove and Begond Duty
Three Army 1ergeanu today received the· Medal of
Horior from 'Pi:_esidenl Nixon for heroism in Viet-
nam. From left ari!:.Nicky b. Bacon, 23, Caraway,
Ark. i Pau1 R. Lambers, Holland, Mich .. and Web-
ster Anderson) 36, Winnsboro, S.C. :• "
Corkv Carroll
Surf Winner
In Santa Cruz
Special te the DAILY PILOT
SANTA CRUZ -~thern California
competitors led by Dana Point's Corky
Carroll, who jockeyed his board over 10·
rooters, swept the prize money in the
Pro-Am International Su rfing Cham-
pionships here Sunday.
Carroll, 22, formerly of Surfside, took
$1,500 in first place winnings during the
three-day event sponsored by Smirnoff
Vodka, richest in su~ng history. ·
Finishing behind the current U.S.
Surfboard Championship defender were
Dru Harrison, Hennosa Beach, $800;
D•vid Nuuhiwa, Huntington ~ch, $500;
Greg Tucker, Huntington Beach. $300,
and Alf Lewis, Hermosa Beach, $200 or a
The only Northern California surfers to
place among the field of 60 participants
were the boy-girl team of Kath,Y Bailey
and Ron Hall of Santa Cruz. ·
They placed second in the pro tandem
event won by Hal Sachs of San Clemente
and Pattie Young, of GlendaJe. .
, St.eve' Bohene, Hennosa Beach, and
Barrie Algaw, Santa Monica, placed thJrd
in the tandem category, which calls for
acrobatic stunts perfonned a b o a r d
outsize su rfboards.
Carroll's unorthodox surfing style -
riding wilh his left loot trailing instead of
his right -easily outclassed all other
surfers in what compares to auto racing's
Indianapolis 500 in wealth.
The three-day surfing contest was held
off Steamer Lane · Beach · and was
highlighted by top quality waves.
Egyptians Attack
Israelis Over Suez
TEL AVIV CAP) -Egyptian planes
roared across the Suei C"anal today in an
attack on Israeli positions dug in along
the waterway, the military command an-
nounced. .
The Israelis said "a number of Egyp.
tian planes" attacked between El Qant·
ara and Balusa in the northern canal sec-
tor and wounded one Israeli civilian in a
strafing run at a quarry. The planes also
hit two civilian trucks, causing minor
Huntington WomanNear
Death After Mesa W reek
A Huntington .Beach woman Is near
death today with injuries auffered Sunday
night when a car collided wllh her
husband's auto at a Costa Mesa in-
Mrs. Judith V.cQuaid, 21, of 9322
Velardo Lane, is in extremely critical
condition at Costa Mesa Memorial
Hospital, following surgery ·for multiple
Her husband Thomas D. McQuaid, 23,
is in fair condition at the same hospital
with injuries suffered In the broadside
smashup on Newport Boulevard at Fair
Drive. ·
Their car and one driven by Larry W.
Lilly, 25, of 2017 Parsons St., COsta Mesa,
cartened out of the roadway and knocked
over a traffic-signal &11d street sign in the
11 :10 p.m. crash.
Workmen for the State Division of
Highways were still repa1r1ng the
damage today, as nurses kept a vigil over
Mrs. McQuaid, who suffered a con·
cussion, plus multiple cuts and bruises.·
Investigation continues into the &C·
cident today, since neither McQuald, nor
Lilly, who was taken to the same hospital
complaining of pains, could remember
moments just prior to the crash.
Officer Charles Hamilton said Lilly's
car slammed into the right side of the
Y.c:Quaid vehicle and the injured woman
sitting on that side absorbed the brunt of
the impact.
The McQuaid vehicle was hit so barC
that it apparently rolled up and over the
Ully aulo, clipping the traffic signal at
the southwest corner of the intersection.
A dog riding with Lilly was taken to the
Orange County Animal Shelter lor care
after the accident.
Viet Cong Murdered 2,900
During Capture of Hue·
SAIGON (AP) -Enemy troops who
seized Hue durin1 their 1981 Tet offr.uive
eliminated nearly 2,900 Vietnamese, ac·
cording lo a captured enemy document
made public today.
Disclosure of the document by official
sources here came as the U.S. Anny con-
tinued its investigation into an alleged
massacre of between 100 and ' 567
villagers by American troops on March
16, 1968.
One U.S. source ca.1ceded cynics would
see the sudden disclosure <if the docu-
ment as an effort to offset continuing
North Vietnamese and Viet C-Ong pro-
paganda accusing American troops of
mass murder.
But he said the document -unnoticed
In U.S. military files for about 19 months
-wasn't discovered u.1Ul last week y,•hen
a v.•rlter compiling a book about Hue ask·
ed to see captured enemy documents on
the subject.
"I know it sounds incredible, but that's
the truth," he said.
He said the document was captured
near Hue by U.S. 1st Air cavalry Division
troops on April 25, 1968, in the aftermath
of the bloody fighting In the old hnperial
capital that began Jan. 30.
U.S. and South Vletnamese otftclal!
have estimated Viet Ca.ig and North
Vietnaniese troops massacred more than
3,0CIO persons in the Hue a·rea during Tet,
19811. So far, the bodies of 2,737 victims
have been found in . sand dunes and
stream beds around Hue and ln the city
The captured enemy document called
the attack on Hue a complete success and
said, "Hue was the place where reac-
tionary spirlt had exis ted for over 10
year~. Hoy,•ever. it oaly look us a short
lime to drain It lo its root .''
Strike Shu ts School
city's 26,IJOO..pupil public school system
was shut down today by a strike of the
Providence Teachers' Union. The issue
was a new contract.
Psychiatrist on Dut y
One of our more normal customers, a prominent psychia~
trist, contributed this message: ''The most difficult secret
for a man to keep is the opJn1on he has of himself." Now suppose you don't care for yourself (unlikely). We
guarantee that no one 'vill ever know if you're wearing one
of our flattering suits.
Or perhaps you're naturally modest but secretly suspect
you're terrific. Hotv better to confirm your suspicion than to
be fitted at 3467 Via Lido.
The whole dears more difficult if you think it's obvious that
you are outstanding. But 've urge you not to confuse your
friends wtth two different personalities.
Outstand with jack Bidwell. What's an old secret anyway?
Jack Bidwell
Parking for as many cars as you own
3~7 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach
Opeo Frldoy evenings untll 9 p.m.
• I
I ,I
' I
' '
. -•
. . . ' VOL 62, NO. 281, 3 SECTIO~S. 46 PAIPES {'' ,. \'. _, ·,. •
I ,. '
J!OtJ~e ll""'fi~
• •
---.. ,... ..
. .
::c 'ollege Stude::nt ·
,'.~'llarged ·with ·
Extortion Try
lnvestJgato'rs disclosed today that a
colrege itudtnt studying elemental)' edu-
caUQD }\as betn charged with attempUng
!0-..iort 15.0CIO from Dr. Ralph 'Bauer,
tnJ5iee of: two sChobl district., In return
fO{ hia ..life. • r · · Tiie bizzarr.e case was han!Ued on a ~re( basis while the Uriion Oil Company ,,elfoiewn chemist cooperated with'pollce,
~to' an a'rres( last Friday: : ~ Y. Tsao, 23, or Z20 12th St.,
tt !":. •
Probe Launched ... ' '.
After Toro Pilot
Kill~d in Crash . -....
A fU1J scale inve1Ugatk>n Into a mid-air
coln;toii 'llllich dalmod' the .Ille ol 111 El
Toi'o.buod Marine fllol , o'I#, !ho .
wetAad >wu stll Wldlr way hldaY at
• val Air ~· in san.Diqo.
1lirlao ""' • ·-1 ti. ftndktp wi ~ be available
bfl'oft TueodaY • ,
Capt. William C. 'Sauer. 36, of Tustin,
di.,i .. in ihe'oo1Usi<l11 ~tuz:<!ay whe~ his F4
~·Jet from El Toro collided with a
Natt'.fnterceptor 50me 10,000 feet above
-twftlry .Mai' Borrego Sprinp.
Capt. 8auer'S co~on, lit Lt;
WillWn Wilkening, 21, ·'also of Tustin,
parac;huted to safety as did the pilot of
tl\e.'.NAvy jet. Both men were Unhurt and
wri picked up by helicoptei;.
Navy officers. identified theJr rescued
piloL.u LL Cmdr. John S. Hellman, 32, of
Ml.dmar. Cmdr. Hellman was alone in
tiis Na Vy 1cnisac1er.
Marine officers today said preliminary
reports indicate that Capt.. Sauer was
aerlausly injured or killed at the time of imP.-Pt ancfni~ no attempt to leave.the
Both jets Wel)t down in flames .and
sparked a brush fire over nearly two
acres ol arid desert terrain in the east
San Diego County· area. State Forestry
pei"sonnel quickly extinguished the out·
Tavern Bandits
' Get $450 Cash
' ' .
ll'w• Bl""""• relieved the. till . ol a
J>C1pular Weslmiu•ter bar ol f!50 in 1casll
aft'J:45 a.m, Saturday morning and elcM*f Into the nlghl. IJ'he 'men <nl<ted tile VIP Room at
J~·!kacl\·~levard about Ii minutes
birorW" clodlg time and demanded the.
nj0ney, irh1le one of th"ll· held an objecl
iD his pocketlvhlcft he said was a pistol ..
· ~titater Po.lice lnvcstil:atlng the
ime iaid It wls probably just a finger , ·'' .
Huntington Beach, was booked Into city
jail and today faces a charge of at.tempt·
ed extortion,· accordlng to detectives.
Police etuef Earle Robitaille revealed
the *5,000 figure, but said he haa no idea
what the motive for the ca.se Involving
the Cal St.ite Fullerton student mJght be.
Full details are belng withheld pendlnc
prosecution of Tsao, b u t detecUves
Charge that be sent Dr. Bauer a letter
last Wedne84;i.y threatening his life If
lhe cash was not delivered.
Dr. Baiter, pr~sident or the Ocean
View School District board of trustees
and a member ol the Huntington Beach
Union High Schoo} Dimrict board, im-
mediately notified authorities.
The note . attributed to i?sao ordered
that the inoney be delivered to a spot
as yet unrevealed and detectives worked
through Friday aeU1n1~up, lhe arrest.
Tsao ii held In lleu of Sl2,fl00 be.ii, with
arraignment expected Tuelday In ~Weit
Or~ C<>Joly . Jn~l.cia~trlct Co!lfl. lolloWblJ llluU.. of • •jalal! him ·
· AUutoritiet at Cal state ~ ~ ~ today to confirm 'liial ,._la ;u elellltlllary edocallon 'majcr,
bot k 11111-uol been eslllbllibetl holi Dr.
Baulr wit singled oul lh ' !ho · ane,.d
Marine Reserves
Eject Safely
Two unidentified Marine reservists
parachuted to safety from their· twln-
engine craft above Hemet Sunday during
a training flight from the Los ·AlamJtos
Naval Air Station.
Spokesmen at the air station today
refused to g!Vt any detllls of \he ejection
and cr~h incident. citing "errbneous"" in·
form8tlon 'given out. on It Sunday.
One report said the plane, a propener-
driven aircraft, stistaimRI an explosion In
Reports said the two fliers were ta.ken
to the base hospital at Camp Pendleton
for observation. ·
The crash and ejection was under in·
vesligation, sources said.
"Until we get the facts straight we are
forbidden to give out Information," a sta·
lion sergeant said today.·
CIJP Officer Slain; ,
' ~u8i}ect Captured
.,_ I t•• . ,
RIVERSIDE (Oi>J) -A CalilOl'lll•
Hichway Patrol o(flcer died in Riverside
General Hospital early today hours after
he was shot in the head at point-blank
range by a man he stopped for speeding.
A ilu!peol in tlle.falal 1ho<illng of rootle
officer An'den Shewmaker, 28, of
Yucaipa, was being held 'by Riverside
sheriff's deputies. ,.
Southeest of' Pego'Pego, YenkH Clipper Merkt First O.C.cle Of Menn.cf 5..-c• EXplor•tlOn . . . ' ' .
Cjvic Cente:r; Site Eyed -
No Action Expected Soon OfJ. Ne·w Proposfl], . ·-
• I I '
By JACJt BROBACll ' 911'<,,,...flll'-.
A proposed ~w Huntington 'Beach civic
~Ille .... disc>~ in:ll )"°""""' i'!udy aesilon of tfl! ,i;ily \>IJlindl.lhll
momlog wilb lndicatio"' Iba! no.declaioa
wtil be ma11e soon'. • ' · ·
Presenle<I for o.onsJckraUon by a city
admJnistiaUon action committee wal a
17-acre sJte between Lake and HuOtJOcton
streets, south of Atlanta Avenue.
. Proposed for the site was, an 11-story
city hall, and two.story buildings for
the police de~ent and c I v l c
auditorium and convention center.
Urgency was inserted intD th e
discussion Inasmuch as the city council
must make a decision within three weeks
~n tbe previously adopted site on upper
Ml)ln Streel opposlle lhe HU11llngton
Beach High School.
Under the agreement with the Hun-
tington Beach Coinpany, the Option to
purchase the upper Main Street lite must
be e:ii:erclsed. Cost of the property ii
$360,000 (or 13 acres.
The proposed new site is also Hun·
lington Beach Company property and is
part of the pro~ extension of the
Parking Authority inland of Pacific Coast
Highway .
The third site under consideration is 27
acres on the southwest corner of Beach
Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue.
The adminlstratiOn committee site at
Lake and Atlanta would cost $1.8 million
for development, It was estimated.
This compares with a $ 6 5 7 , 7 a o
esti mat-:!d development cost for a portion
of the s'ame site.of 7 acres; St.96 .mllllon
for the Beach-Atlanta site, and '801,800
for \Ix. Upper Mair Street property.
Mayor Jack Green .90inted out that if
the Late-Atlanta ' site'<la :pelt¢ed tht
owners of the Beach-.4.Uaata atte woold
develope it into a trailer park. Thia would
result in the ciViC ~ being sur.
rounded on three sldm by trailer parks,
he asserted.
Representitlg the Huntington Beach
Company, William Foster, vice pAsldenl
and general manager voiced opposition to
the proposed new site, u he had
Decomposed Body Found
In La Habra Car Trun·k
lnvoili,etlon lnlo !ho dealb of a La whip. ht· was a plrly ..
Kabra. man• "bble badly decom~ A&o under ~liloa were a dufOe
body WU fOUncl S.unday in the truok. of i bag arid some of Fernande! peraonal ef.
fect1 which were roUnd on the rear seat stolen car ~red today on an autopsy
nd .. ~~ b Or Coun , of the car. co U\,.~ Y ange.., ty coroner s Jnvestigator1 11id 'the car contalnlng
officers. Fernandez'• ~1. wu li.ted·.as stolen by
Investlgator1 hope that pathology tests ~...the East Los Angeles dtvlslon of the Los
carried out on the remain• ol Michael A. Angeles COurKy &heril(): office.
Fernandez, 21; may help them in their in·
qulries. Working with them are Los
Angeles police Who· have the vehicle in
' Ethics S~ndard
'vhich Fernan<\fz'a body was found 0.11
their stolen car tall;v. ' J R • d
Three leenaget boys made the grisly E!Sli.,e ~~ ·
discovery Stlnday and called police from ,
a supermarket porldog 19! in La Habra. Bv. ... '.~n· , Pe~cy The boys told ·offlceri lhiaf"the lavendar-J
colored lllllO Cadillac bid been parked on .
the lot for !ho put 1wci ~· ~ , WASJll'NQTON •{UPI) • -Mll!lonllre
lnvelllgators &aid the . ers were Sen. Charles K .• Percy Ol·ffi. , NJd'.today
playing Inside the vebldt bei1 !hey he Wll N•u .. ; llJj';... holdings fu 1 noticed an odor COll!intI from lbe truck. · • ..,..., • """ ,
The boys found tlie trunk ~ and "blibd,~'· ~ and · ur1«1 Congrtll8 to
they alao found !ho d8caYl!ll· liodJ. of:• adopt . kw tt>slf the same alllk:al stan-
Fernandei carefully wr~' ln-a blue dank K ipplled in rejectln1· Judie Cl"
bedspread. OffJcefJ saJd the ,~Y !'II ment jr, HaJl'isworlh'I Supreme 1 Court surrounded by papers, mnst of lhtp> . •
business documenls In which Fmlllldu nornl"l'llon. •
was named and involving ~to E~~ 'qr1ed paSYge of a bill,
---------'·~· ,;:.--sponsored by 20 atnaton, Iha! wwld re
,. quire ,public dlsclOIUJ'e of flnancl1l ~:t:.J!t holdinp by all lawmalen, candldalea for
federal offle<· mid lholr·tep aides.
In • Senale sP',och1 Percy Aid:
._,_., • ...,.,.,_.~•-"-"•c ...
. ' •r ·-. ' .
' .. ., "
~pQII~ 12
' '.f rip . En.els
SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI). -
Apollo 12's moon pilots splashed down In
the· ·Sooth Paciric today I.be nnele of
man's ·n~s{ decade ·Of SJ>ilce exploration.
ChgrJes "Pe(e" Conr8d, 39, Richard F.
Gordon, 40, ild Alan L. Bean, 37, splash-
ed into Earth's alm()Jpher&illke a me~
.and r1ill their Yankee' Cl'l'I"t to a Ian·
ding southeast of Pago Pago.
The USS Hornet sailed in the warm
moderate seas to recover Arperiea'1 se-. . ' C<lnd set of moon explore1 ... Tbe Hornet
retrleyed Apollo 11·1 lunar pioneers four
motbS ago to the day.
A final five-second burst ~rom t~e <=am·
1~and ~hip's control ri>cket at tt:44 a.m.
lined up the iisf.ronauts' cOUfse for a
meteoric, but sa!r entry into Earth's at-
"This has aot to be the most spec.
tacular sl~ of the who1'' llighl," Bean
~aid as 'the ship aceele'rated quickly
toward,the ~Inks, blues and vi9lets ol tbe
sun-lit layer Of air blanl<eting the globe. sun ahead for th~ spacemen are 11
days or mooq. bq quarantine, first in ft!
tr~ile1'1ijloird the l:{o'Y't .a.ad, then'_.bac~
at dM more comfonible moon crew . i1"WI,.. quartaia. et !ho HOl!llon Space c.m. ..
''q yoll've rtm!mbered your lavi-la•a•
(PJ_lfneslan clothini), it shoultl be a kn'e-
ly·dfY io lhe&qth P.acinc,'"'IJUID(l com..
m'1Jlicalor Don11Jd1 L. Lind ndloed the
spaceihen elgtit bOw's .before ttbelr Jan.
ding.. · · . .~ •
,;"l'bank yQll,,Dnn, s9uhda ~al good and we~I ,be happy. to see .trnr ~and of lava-
lavas," repUed' Conrad. , Thei IO:<lay, million.mile mlssionct w_,
ths naUop's last, in .the decade of manned
B;paceflight that opened when Rubla.'1
'lurl Gagarin and America's Alan B. Shepa~ first ventured l°ito ~e cosmOI tn
1961 .. Since then ,· 23 Americans and 20
RuSsians ha\'e ilown In space.
Apolld 12's astronauts awakened at 2:%7
a.m. ai:ter sltieplng i Yl hours and bqan
the linal ph:parationS 'for splaahdown.
They ate breakfast, chec~ed lheif course
with star sightings and found time to play
some country and western mU!lc on a
spacecraft tape player ..
PANIC Meeting
Slated Tollight '
Tonight's scheduled meetlflg or PANIC
(Parents Against Na.rcotlcs) h8s been
switched fiom a Fountain Valley home to
a store in Santa Ana.
Air parents Interested In joining the
battle ·against narco,lc.s ln •school"have
tieen invited, to attend \he oCianlzational
~Ung!at 8,p.m., 211 N. Broadway, San·
ta Ana.
The group will discuss possible tactics
f9r alertln&. ~ *G the ,n.;cot1c11 pro-
blem. saidrMn!. ~lion ·~ Including
paying taxes (b prote'st. ·Rtting up a
narcotic! information 1 Ci!nter. picketing
the schools .and wrhaps withdrawing
more youngsten from local achools.
For more information residenls may
call A1r!. Hinz at 839-7297.
Orange Coast
Weather ,. ' '1.C/\C Loses ,.Meeting Place
' -~ """' • ' I • ' ' . ~ ,..~ ' I P'
"II would ~ Ironic ·u the ethical
,..rnlil1Pfll,af1* Ju•~bffn train.i' 111
lbe lll)ni,drO· llliqiloallon Wirt fo be
Piii olil -taot lllt-;11 cloteil.:'.;~.<, · 111 edclld;.i"_...,je haft"" a::-.-i•.i '
diffftil . ..... I« Jlidia. .iii ' ... lllil)l!lra~ llllir wi ... ~ .leplaps
TDat desert air Is on its way to-
ward lb< coast qaln, wllll Santa
Ana winds boo,tlng the tempera·
lures Into the 'JU's here and up to
a3 inland.
1 .. ~ IJ;_ TARY. COVILLE ''Orange County never wanted to admit "l've done a lot.·Of fighting for the
• ~ • ~ '1111.,.,, . . . it bu poverty," declared Mrs. Medina, Chicanos In Hqnt.matOft. Beach, and I've
AJ fJl Dee.' la, \M COmmun1ty Actton lland UUs ii JU!1 a"move to shove Us out. 11 done it alone ,. declaHd . y;, Medina rtPrdliir tllelr --~ -..... ·-.... -ollll m.'j ~ Camdl (CAC) will no longer 9'rve th< A opokesman for the Hunllncton Beach " , ' • ., •
Mexicin.!Atnericans of Hwitln~ BeaCh COmpany sikl the· a<.'tkm was taken after now I m worn out and r plan to real
and al .... one of them Is hopping mad a series ol talks wilb high level CAC ol· The CAC Is not ~-f~ In
aboul . flcials and general agreement·wa!I' reacJI.. H.untlngton Bea.ch forever, only unUI Df't. •
uUlil. ~ • l, .• ·or' •
.\ .. ::::-~~~ ·-:-~,,.In~ ..; ~::.-~ .. -~to 'The ll1IJY one b Mn. Ahce Medina. ed lbal tile Proballon Department pro-quarters are ftJW\d . S.t tile Iota) •
llie CAC'• eoontlnalor for this area and gram Would beltei; . ..,,,. !he.needs o1 Uie coordlnalor doobla I( anything ·wlll,ll+P-1 !
no atf,.,er to ftghti . For tbe pul year ... ·area..... • ..... • • • ~ ... • ' P..erJ very guickiy. \
sbe hll~ _,ollng the HunUnglon Mrs. Mediu, whose work baa bt<n "Right now we're lolnc to d<Jnale the ·
Beith ~COmmunJty Center In an old t'Oncet1Lraled amoDI tbe poor ramlllu, center'• funrlture to needy famlUes and
liilldlns al,, Ille comer ol Main and doeth\ ..,.._ "Tbla wllole area .round sa~e off!Ct equiplnenl bt _,\re do find dothllii Slfolels. • Gotlwd 'Street needa help. We were II•· a MW ·home," said Mrs. M'!lina1 "lb• I
) IUt M Dec. 15 the ctnter will have to fn1 It.." ' plan to title a vacatton." .
10a .. et Ille "'!ueal of !ho Huntlnglon llho'a bee!> workins in Hdhlinglon CAC otnctab In Santa ,\!la were not
BeechCompany,ownerofthebulldlng. Belcb011herownandfortheCACfor available for comment, •but one . 1 .,,.,,~ ... · ..... Y~
'Jlla.Ofo,,.. County probelion dtporlm<nl ti .. >tan and aay11 "I wu coordlaallng spokesman 111d lhal new facllltles wO\Jld ' ,' • .· " .....,,,..;. • •
piam to upend IU fac!Uties lo use lb< aetlvllles beforo I •new what U.. wonl probably be 60Ujh\ lot !he H~·J · · ; • ~i~K.,,...."J•~· ,.-
.ntl!t blildlng. mea'!I or CAC l\'IS born." fSe< MEDINA, Pie I)', . f ..,~aw·~:..;~ ~ . . ·~ . . . . ::.---...:::...--"' -; -.
• • ' ' ~ • • j
1 .: st.elf' ...Uarkec
, ~7i,:: . .:.-.;;~"""· •• \. ;-r l,•''r~ ~ ..... f .... 'tt. • ......... ), .,. .• ... s ,,,.1
.j '\ I o " , .. , . ... ... .
•.( \,pi •
•• • ' ~,;.
' ~ . ' _.., ..
./.. ,.J ,_, ,. ... • '" • ".
'' • I ' • • . .. . .... • •
" I
• Rtoding, 1DTltlng and relioiO~
are tht Jhrel!! Rt tor ont <t1ti 6f
et1t'rY 20 Orange Coe.at s&udenta
who attends a pczrocltial 1clloot.
See Page 3.
• • • • l •
Es-G~:C•• • i
., ' •I
' ~~ !f~oops Orde_red ,
t':,". -+ ... t ..i
T o_ Ruin ViJl.g~_
·~ ·'
• -Win SorYicol ~cOilli . ...-A former GI Says U.S .
~-91'dtred, to wipe out the Viet· ifillMe oC Sfa"I My as an enemy
~ did . (Related P.• •. -.
•" and ewerybody wu wtped " Ch8'ltr Of'Ul'er, 24, ta.id lo ID ln-i!ri.t.·;,. SUoda,y. "Men. women •.. dill·
• , , 1 Only the cbickena were left
• Amerloao actlonl In Soulh Vielnam .
The ~llln1• on March 16, 11161. have led
to cliatst, that there waa a massacre of
civOia. Gruver said be was satisfied
ti\ol a.., My -U.S. military code nlm<
iinkvWt -was infested •ith IOklie~ of
the North Vietnamese recular.l,tny, but
added: '-' "
"We'd never been ordered to wlpe out · '
everybody before, Most of lhe'iuys didn 't
dig it al all . When it was all over, they
were almost sick."
The Anny has· charged Jst Lt. \Yilliam
OAIL Y l"ILOT Stefl l"llflt
, ..
On Moon
• .. ..11 -.. ~ t
'No .Snap
SPACE CENTER, Houston . (AP)
"I'll tell you one thing," Pete Conrad was
saying. "It took every bit of knowledge I
had to get that baby dow.n there In the
right place~ That was no pitct ol!cike .. ,
Conrad, Alan L Bean an4 Richvd F.
bordon Jr. were holding th,F.:. ftnt 'news
conference from space SU'.1daY and be
was recalllng how he brought the lunar
lander Intrepid in .
"It took everything I had lo get that LM
down in one piece/' Conrad said. "I think
we got aome things to 'llJOl'k out on that."
• ln V:ietnam today, the commander o(
South Vietnamese Cortes in the !Ive
northttninost provinces, U . Gen. Huong
Xuan Lam, said villagers who had told ot
300 to IDO peraons -men, women and
children -being slaln fn the incident
may have deliberately exaggerated the
L. Calley Jr., 26, of Waynesville, N.C ..
with "the premeditated murder ol 109
Vietnamese d\rlllans."
S/Sjl. David MllcbtU, 21, ol Sl. Fran-
cisvllle. La., a member of Calley's pla·
toc:lli, baa been charced with aaaault with
inteat to commit murder.
Wife Of VW Driver In Very Critlc •I Condition with Concussion, Cuts
Apollo 12 was on "the last lei of Its
voyage of .953,000 miles wbemtbe space.
,agency .. ~ up questio'n.s. su~ml'tted by
:iew~men. The general sal4 he believed the ~atlves diltorUcl tlle .incldat ilfter talk·
fug to reporters who vilited them.
"A'..aybe the local people hope lo
r~ive some indemnHication from the
4rftericarui, '° they have exaggerated the
number ol boUsa burned down and lhe
number of persons killed." ~ said.
The U,nit.ed States pays clviliao11 for
u.suaJties and damage caused by
Spuklne' of the l• 1ncident, Gruver· said:.
"In tbe laat week or ao, we'd lost about
haY' oar compmiy to 1Qiper1 and mine
fiekta, and the,~• wert ~Uy fired up
when ~e •tarted ,the .attack. Al we en-
tereq, we d"°'w fire from some of the
huts, and then a lot "'-guys sort of went crazy."
' • Erom Page 1
Beach progfam. •
Mra. Medina charged that the Hun·
tlngton Beach Company took' the action
because It would' receive higher rent and
a lease from the Probation Department.
:Yiet ·Cong Murdere~ 2,9.00
r,During Capture of ~ue
Bill Wren, speaking for the Huntington
Beach Company, said the rent would re-
main the same for probation officials and
a one year lease probably wolild be sign-
ed. ''But we offered the CAC a two-year
lease last March and they took no action
on It,'' he added.
Meanwhile, acUyity at the center
grinds to a halt. ~ pfogram, said Mrs.
Medina, wu jUlt getting under way. It
included Youn& ¢ult dances, citizenship
classes, English classes, Spanish classes,
rummage sales, sewing clasaes, a job
referral service and general counseling.
-: .. ·'
SAIGON 1AP) -Enemy troops who
.1ttsed Hue durin1 thelr 1911 Tet Off«istve
...umtnattd ntarly 1,900 Vietumese, ac·
"'"Cording _to at captured enemy document
~de public today. .1 ~ Oilcf08IU'f: or the document by official
sourtu her~ came as the U.S. Army con-
~. , .,
:Citizen.s Ready
.'For Ne w Fight .. ~On Bond Plans
·~ t' Citizen furor over a tt.$ million bond
Jilec:tioa. for the constrocUon of another l!ChoOl in the Huntington Beach Union Hi&h School District is expected to C0.(1-
'b)ue Tuelday when district trusteE:s
moet 'pt 7:30 p.m. al d!sjricl hnd·
111uiru:n , 11112 17th Sl. ' ~ 1'he aeaion will primarily be devoted
to dl!Clllalon and JlO!Slble •P!ll"V•I of
tlecUon plans and ballot argument! for
the Feb. 10 bond vote.
Vetbal pyrotechnics, a regular feature
of recent board meetings, are expected
from bond opponents, which include
TNlt.ee Joseph Rlbal and Westminster
relldtnt Robtrl Gordon.
Botti contend adequate classroom space
could be provided by increasing the use
ol existing achoo!• throogh flexible
llCMdulin& and extended school days.
Members of lhe ·district administration
5llft have rebutted Gordoo's and Rlbal'a
aJ"IUll*lla on lhe grounds that their pro-
poHd alternatives cannot b e Im·
plemtnted under current Jawr; and that
lhtlr suggestions are t e c h n i c ~ 11 y
unworkable .
.Rudolf Hess Moved
BERLIN (AP) -Rudolf Hess, once
deputy fuehrer of Nati Gennany, was
moved from the Spandau war crimes
prtson today to the British military
hospital in West BerUn.
It wls the first time that Hess. 75, had
been moved from Spandau in the 23 years
since he was imprisoned there after being
ii\·en a life sentence by the Nuernberg
War Crimes Tribunal. Hess was moved to
the hospital for examinatioa and X-rays
connected with stomach palns.
OAll Y Pl! 01
ltek1t N. W••'
l!rttiltltfll ....i ~llll1Nr
Ji.Ir Jt, Curley
Vl<e ,.ffllftnl .,.. (j-111 M•~•ltr
Th•111•1 Ktt•il El1!11r
Tllt"1t1 A. Mu•F1lli"1
~"1tln1 Et1111r
.Allt11t w. 11+1 1
M-lt!t Eli..,
H111tl.,..._ hecti Offict
JOt Stll S1•11t
Mtili ~t .A.dd111u P.O. 111 1t 0, t26~1
Otliltt Ofncn
Ht-I ht<"' 1)11 Wiii ltlriet l ot11lt\lt rll
(n it Mew! JM l'lttl Ill l!<'ftt l~ It.ti<: ll'I "•'" .tvt~~t
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' \
llnued Us 1nv .. t1plJoa lhto an ,all •1ed
maaucre • of between 100 and 567
vlllager1 by American troops on March
16. 11191.
One U.S. source ca.lceded cynics would
see the •udden disclosure c.( the docu~
ment as an effort lo offset continuing
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong pro-
paganda accusing American troops or
mass murder .
But he sitd 'lhe docun)Cnt -unnoticed
In U.S. miUta ry files (of about 19 months
-wasn 't discovered 1.r.1til last week when
a writer compiling a book about Hue ask-
ed to see captured enemy documents on
the subject.
"I know it sounds Incredible, but that 's the truth," he said.
He aaid the document was captured
near Hae by, U.S .. Ill Air cavaJry DI vision
troops on April U, 1968, in the arttrmalh
o( the bloody CJ1hting in the old Imperial
capital that began Jan. 30.
U.S. and South Vietnamese officials
have estimated Yiet Ca.1g and North
Vlelnamese itroopa: nullflacred more lhan
3,000 persons in the Hue area durlni Tet,
19&8. So far, the bodies or 2,737 victims
have been found In sand dunes and
str.eam beds around Hue and in the city
The captured enemy document called
the atlack on Hue a complete success and
said, "Hue was the plact where reac-
tionary spirit had existed for over 10
years. However, it only took us a short
time to drain ii tq its root ."
Out of the Past
Mrs. Medina estimated that between 50
and 70 persons came to lhe cent.er each
week. It was open to all people, but used
primarily by the city's M e-x I can·
American population.
"We had a lot more planned." she said .
"now we won ·t even ha ve our normal
Christmas functions."
\•ren said his company originally had
gi ven the CAC until Jan. I. but that CAC
offi cials dec ided on the Dec . 15 date.
"They are on a month-to-month lease.''
he said .
"\Vhy didn't .anyone ask me ,'' asked
to.trs. Medina , ;,I know Huntington Beach
anti its needs, but they ignored me."
"~ter I rest I'll probably continue rtry
own work, with 1or wlthOOt pay," said
Mrs. Medina, "but with no building ther("
Is no CAC In H1:1ntlngton Beach."
Rus~ia Launches Ne"'
Cosn10~ Satellite
tl10SCOW {UPI) -The Soviet Union
today launched an unmanned earth
satellite, Cosmos 31 1, the Tass News
Agency announced.
Western experts believe !his type of
research sate!Ute is a six-foot-long
cylinder which has a life of several
months before it is destroyed on plunging
back into th ee.arth's atmosphere.
The Monte Cristo. 13$-foot replica of 18th Century square riager.
docked at S~a Scout Base on Ne wport Beach waterfront during the
weekend to lake on supplies. Ronald C. Craig's ship. bu ilt in Van·
couver British Columbia, Is headed south, with San Diego, Mex ico.
Hawalf on Its It inerary. Skipper Jeff Berry wtll take ship, appraised al
$425,000 , on to Au stralia early next year ror Ca pt. CooJ< Bicentennial.
Huntington WoJJWnNear
• •
Death After Mesa W reek
A Huntington Beach woman ls near
deatb today wilh injuries suffered Sunday
night when a car collided with her
husband's auto at a Costa Mesa in-
Mn. Judith W.cQuaid, 21 , of 9322
Velardo Lane, is in extremely critical
condition at Costa M~a Memorial
Hospital, following sur1ery for multiple
injuries. ,
Her husband Thomas 0 . McQuaid, 23,
ls Jn fair condition at the same hospital
with Injuries suffered In the broadside
smashup on Newport Boulevard at Fair
Drive. ·
Their car and one driven by Larry W.
Lilly, ZS, of 2017 Parsons St., Costa l\1esa .
careened out or the roadway and knocked
over a traffic signal and street sign in the
11:10 p.m. crash.
Workmen Jor the Stale Division of
Highways were sUll repairing the
damage today, as nurses kept a vigil over
tt1rs. McQuaid, who suffered a co n-
cussion. plus multiple cuts and bruises.
Investigation continues into the ac·
cident today, since neither McQuaid , nor
Lilly, who was taken to the same hospital
complaining of pains, could remember
moments just prior to the crash.
Officer Charlea Hamilton said Lilly 's
car slammed into the right side of the
V.cQuaid vehicle and the injured woman
sitting on that side absorbed the brunt of
thP. impact.
The McQuald vehicle was hit so hard
that it apparently rolled up and over the
Lilly auto, clipping the traffic signal at
the southwest comer of the intersection.
A dog riding with Lilly was taken to the
Orange County Animal Shelter for care
after the accident.
Spade Be~alled
Thanked County for Booking
Of llt Otlly l"li.t Si.ff
One of the last th ings Spade Cooley
ever said was "thank you." according to
tdd~y·s news di~atChes .. He thanked t~,e
Alameda County, Deputy Sheriffs Associa-
tion for allowing him to be "free for
awhile" to play at their benefit in
And that's the way a few of us around
Orange County would like to remember
him . Because that's the way he was the
last time he worked here. (See story,
page 5)
He was al the tail end, really, of a high.
fly ing decade in which he had become a
featured movie performer an oft-viewed
television personality and his billing had
become "King of Western Swing."
He wasn't flying so high in the mid·
1950s. But he was still an important
enough personage in Los Angeles
television circles to command his 0"'"
Strike Shuts Schoo l
city's 20,QOO..pupll public school system
\Yas shu t down today by a strike of the
Providence Teachers' Union. The issue
.... ·as a new conlract.
fu ll hour of TV time weekly on one or the
independent staUons.
And there was no doubt that he had his
following -large and Joyal ,...., out there
,ln "l'elevisiQnl8ind.~'.He ir••ly boeted
each year's ,new crop of beauty. con-
testants who tried for the queen title at
the Orange County Fair.
He generously gave his air lime to
them and the phone calls and fan mail in-
dicated that televlewers enjoyed seeing
the girls on ~is show· year after year.
All that had a bearing on his being
booked as the "free" show in the
fairgrounds amphitheater for what was
to be his last in-person appearance in
Orange County. He "'as supposed to open
the county fair with a flourish. It turned
out to be more of a flop.
But the opening night show -attended
by Spade, his band, a handful of fair of-
ricials and a half an audience -had
hardly ended before he was in the front
o~fice with his 10-gallqn hat lilerally in
his hand. He apologlied to lhe fair
management for not having pulled a big·
ger crowd. And he thanked them !or
booking him .
It was one of the most humble (and ap-
parently sincere l scenes this reporter has
ever seen any "show biz " personality
play in rea l life.
That lhne, Spade "died" onstage and
then said ... !hank you ...
Sunday, hes aid •·thank you" onstage
and then died after the show .
The astronauts said they would be will-
ing to launch again in the kind of
thunderstorm that mamd the.ir blastoff
Nov. If. recommended improvements in
tools and carrier bags and reported dif-
ficulty in sleeping on the moon.
r"'ewsmen asked whether Conrad's ex-
hilaration a.1 the moon might havt been
caused by an "oxygen ~igb," a atate ol
euphoria that sametimes occurs when an
astronaut breathes pure oxygen.
.. I was very happy," said Conrad. "bu~
I wasn•t on an oxygen high."
In the first 10 minutes of a moonwalk.
Bean said, "You find that it Is not as
hard as you think it is got1g to be to
n1ove around, and you are pretty happy
about that .... I was in a good humor to
start with, seeing we had landed ne1t to
the Surveyor. That started the thing off
Bean described difficulties in iden-
tifying rocks and soil this way:
"This secopd day we went out, tht:.
same thing that looked gray to us tbc
finl day staru:d looting -at least to II\!
- a sort of brown, dark brown or a tan-
nish brown, and it was really one of Uw.
n1ost interesting things of the lunar
surface operations . . . how much thaf
color can change jusl with a 7 degree or
i;o sun angle change."
The derelict Surveyor spacecraft they
Inspected and removed pieces from look-
ed brown, Bean said, but "I wouldn't be ,.
bit surprlsed that when we get all thos~~
parts back to Houston. they don't turn Oil{
to be -under the earth light and ll&ht o!
lhe laboratory -kind of dark. l!'a) again."
Bea ch Officer
Awardeil ·Medal
One of the highest military decorations,
the Silver Star 1'-1edal, has been awarded
po~thumously to 2nd Lt. Theodore R.
Vivilacqua of Hu:1tington Beach, who was
k;Ued in Vietnam last May .
The medal was presented Thursday to
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stffl,
of 17610 Cancron St., by BriJadler
General Henry H. Wise, commandini
.general of the Marine Corps Air SaUon,
El Toro.
Vivilacqua perished ~1ay 11 while
i<':1ding his platoon in a search and
des troy mission in the Qua ng Nam pro-
v ~nce in Vietna1n .
As a result of his acµon 13 enemy
soldiers were killed and a fortified enemy
vi llage captured.
He was attached to the "H" Company.
2nd Battalion. 5th Marines. prior to his
det1 lh.
Psyc hiatrist op Duty
One of our more normal customers, a prominent psychia-
trist, contributed this messa*e: "The most difficult secret
for a man to keep is the opinion he has of himself."
No\v suppose you don't care for yourself (un1ikel ,v). \Ve
guarantee that no one \\'ill ever know if you 're \vear1ng one
of our flattering suits. •
Or perhap~ .You ·re naturall y modest but secretly suspect
you're terr1f1c. Ho\v better to confirm your suspicion th an to
be fitted at 3467 Via Lido.
The whole deal's more difficult If you thillk it's obvious tha t
y~u are .outstapdlng. But we urge you 1101 to confuse your
friends \Ylth tlvo di(ferenl personalitles.
Outstand \vlth Jack Bidwell. \Vhat's au ol d secret a nywa y?
Jack Bidwell
Parking for as many cars as you own
3467 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Buch
Open Friday evenings unW 9 p.m.
Reading ;, Writing· and ReJ.igi On 'Lile or Death'
Trj~l Orderro t~ . ~--··1· ' . ,. I i •
One Co as t Child in· 20 Goes to Catholic School In Massacre
Of .. l>Mr ..... ,...
Rudin(, writing, 'rilllmatle and Ole
fourth R ls religion.
Not unlike public school education in
most respects, Catholic schools add a
moral dimension. 'Mlere Is a time each
day for religious instruction and religious
people art doing the teaching of secular
lt is for this that Catholic parents are
willing to pay twice -public school laxes
and parochial school tuiUon,
That extra financial burden has been
assumed by parents of 3,619 . youngsten
enroll~ in nine Catholic elementary
ichools along the Orange Coast.
Each of the schools bas a waiting Ust or
others who want to get in. But there just
isn't room.
Thls parochial system, familiar to
Catholics, is somethlnR: most non·
Catholics probably know little about. An
«casianal view of achool·age children in
uniform is the only acquaintance with it
for many.
'M>e system just doesn't seem to touch
the non-Catholic: Nobody ever bothen
him to vote for its school bonds, its
gcwemlng board ts way o!f in Los
Angeles, and, perhaps because of this,
the local newspapers largely ignore it.
Still, along this coast one in 20 school
children throu~h eighth grade goes to a
Catholic school.
In Costa Mesa they attend St. Joachim
or St. John the Baptist. ln ·Newport
Beach they go to Our Lady Queen of the
Angels. Huntington Beach has St.
Bonaventure and St. Francis of Assisi.
Jt's St. Catherine of Siena in Laguna
Other local schools are Old Mission
School in San Juan Capistrano, Our Lady
of Fatima in San Clemente, Blessed
Sacrament in Westminster.
These nine ate' among Tl7 elementary
schools in the Los Angeles Arct-1iocese.
Father John Mihan, superintendent !or
the Archdiocese's elementary schools,
says the local schools are heall.i'ly.
"There is no question of consolidating
e>r closing a school in your area," be said.
••The demand is quite high."
Nevertheless, at St. Catherine in
Laguna Beach a drive for pledges had to
be mounted among the ch u r c h
parishioners to open the school this fall.
Other parishes are having to dig deep to
keep the schools running.
'11le reason is familiar.
"Education is very expensive business.
Look at the public school bond issue
fail ures," sais Sister Michael Ellen, Our
Lady Queen of the Ange ls principal.
But she says. "Catholics will continue
to suppOrt catholic schobls even at
greater sacrifice."
~y lbavc:,done ~o, ltithout even , so
mucb u an mcome ·tax-bn:ak for saving
public school costs by keeping the
Catholic schools handling part of the stu·
dent load. •
Tuition, book rental, milk money 1nd
sale of supplies is charged to students'
p,arents. But it alone does not pay the
way for Catholic schools -providing on-
ly half to two-thirds of the needed funds .
The remainder comes out of the spon-
toring church's collections.
ThP pinch for money -and historically
It's always been that way -explains a
couple of things about Catholic schools.
For one thing class sizes are larger
than in public schools. Forty to forty.five
1tudents per teacer is the rule compared
to 25 to 35 per teacher In the public
achool s.
Also, instructors In Calholie schools
receive nowhere near comparable the
salaries paid public school teachers.
A nucleus of each teaching staff in·
duding the principal ls nuns -sisters.
They have taken vows of "chastity,
poverty and obedience to the Church''
and li ve on a stipend that ts only about 20
percent what public school teachers
The rest of the Catholic school teachers
-called lay teachers -are paid about
60 percent of the salary of their public
school counterparts, according to Father
The salary scaJe begins at $5,000 per
yea"" with a top of fl,11& for teachers with
a masters degree or a 6achelors degree
plus a Califomia·ieaching credential
This does not mean that Catholic
schools cannot attract highly competent
"The wMle parochial syslem operates
on a concept of service," said Father
Lay teachers are religious persom: In-·
terested in imparting the tenets of
Catholicism to the young. Their belid in
Catholic education means more to them
than money.
Sister Annunciata, principal of St. John
the Baptist in Costa Mesa, said one
nearby school had about 100 applications
for one position. "They like to come down
here near the beach, I think . For
somebody oldei-It is more restful."
More restful with 40 and 45 students In
a class?
Well, perhaps ·yes. lt could be a matter
ol clamoom di>clplbje .
And c$scipline seerm to come easier ror
the Catholic teacher. A crucial difference
ls that stu®nb are attending the school
becaU!fe lhelr parents want them to.
••we really have the advantage of
parents having ctmen thJs school," said
Sister Michael Ellen. "The parents and
school both believe t~ same thing. The
child ls receiving consJstent motivation
and ts not able to play one against the
"Be<a... or the united philosophy,
discipline comes much easier," said
Slster Loretta Vieck, principal of St.
Franc.I! o( Asslsl In Huntington Beach.
"So many people have the Idea we makt
them •alk two by two. We try to stress au dltelpline."
.. "We'ri just strict enough lo be orduly,
not too strict to turn off anybody," said
Sister Annunciata. "The teacher1 in
public schools are doing their best, but
DAILY f'ILDT f'""'9 h' L" f'•Ylllt
WM!PNGTON (UPI) -The Army to-
day ordered a "life or death'" court
martial £or tst U. Wiiiiam L. Calley Jr.
on chirges of mufder:lng 109 South Viet-
namese clvlilans "of various ages and
One of the specifications aJainsl .\he 26-
yeaM>ld c.lley, ltader of an American
platoon at the time of the alleged
massacre, charged he 1hot a 2-year old
There were five other speciflcatlon:ir ,
one of them chnr1:ing him with
premeditated murder of "not less than 70
Oriental human beinp."
· The court martial was ordered by Maj.
Gen. Orwin C. Talbott, commanding
f?eneral of Ft. Benning, Ga. He directed
that the proceedings be conducted on a
"c'apital" basis. Callty Is no• stationed
at Fort Benning.
A Pentagon spokesman said Ta lbott's
directive meant that the death penalty
could be Imposed, and that If Calley were
convicted, the penalty could not be less
than life Imprisonment.
The announcement of the court martial
trial came about an hour after the Army
disclosed that a new, :irpecial investigation
had been ordered of the incident to
determine ff it \Vas hushed up at the
Lt. Gen. William R. Peers was a~
pointed to head the Inquiry.
The military tri:il of the Waynesville,
N.C .. lieutenant will be held at Ft. Ben·
ning. A spokesman said it would be at
least a month -possibly longer -before
It begins.
For Or•nv• Coast Cathollc Sdlools, Waiting Lista Despite Extr• Financial Burdens for Parents
The specifica tions against Calley ac·
cused Calley himself of shooting the vie·
tim:ir in each case -Indicating that a
large number or other alleged murder!'!
y,·ere under investigation.
they haven't the same power we have.
The parents are behind us. The children
come from stricter homes, I imagine."
The stSters at each school come from a
particular order: For instance, at St.
Francis of Assisi they are from the
Benedictine Order, at St. Catherine they
are from Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet, at St. Bonaventure they are
from Siste~ of the Presentation.
The training does not vary much from
order to order and is comparable to the
training received by public school
teachers. The sisters, usually out-
numbered by lay teachers because they
are In such short supply, live together in
The principal invariably comes from
among the sisters. Catholic brothers
usually staff only high &c:bools.
'l'fle ""1'est catholic high schools are
Mater Del in Santa Ana, Marywood and
St. Michael's Preparatory in Orange,
Servile and Cornella Connelly I n
~.pi.stance and the fact that Catholic
paris°fies generally just can't aUord
school 'buses largely explains why only 47
percent of 335 eighth grade graduates:
along the coast last June went to Catholic
high schools.
"There's Interest in a Catholic high
school for the coastal Orange County
a era," Father Mihan said. "The problem
is we can't supply the teachers.··
He said the elementary schools in the
area are lop notch academically.
"I would say there are probably in the
80th and 90th percentiles compared with
national figures. (Catholic and public
schools). We administer the 1owa Test of
Basic Skills, one of the widest used in the
"Recently we've had quite a bit of talk
about how good are Catholic schools,"
said Sister Michael Ellen. "Some people
have fell we have not advanced enough.
"I think we're really good for the
school system of the United States. We
are free r -not controllf<t. by a school
board. We can look into educational
She pointed out that Catholic schools
often are ahead of publlc schools. New
mathematics books that will be used by
Callornla public schools beginning ~
Sep&tmber are being used this year by
. Ca!ilDllc 1ehools.
To--;'considerable degree textbooks· are
the aame In Catholic and public l!Chools.
The subject studied and Ume devoted to
them do not dil'fer markedly.
But the school day for the child in
Catholic elementary school generally Is a
half hour to 40 minutes longer. It is dur-
ing this additional time that religion is
Religion for Catholic children nowadays
doesn't mean just the catechism. Sister
Michael Ellen said it is "a compilation or
scripture and Christian doctrine with ap-
plication to present day social situs·
A report by the Carnegie Corporation
of New York found that Catholics who
attend Catholic schools tend to be more
orthodox In willingness to acknowledge
the authority of the church, but a casual
effect 1'U not shown.
The same report found Utlle difference
In Catholic ind Protestant on most public
issues except birth control laws.
As Sister Adele Marie, St. Joachim ln
Costa Mesa principal, points out, Catholic
attitudes on birth control and divorce
usually aren't discussed until high school.
What about all the Catholic school-age
youngsters who attend public school?
They don't get their religion there or In
Sunday l!Chools -they go to Mass Sun-
day wtlll thelrpmnts.
For U:»ete children there are eon.
frat.emlty of Chrlatlan Doclrine (CCD)
cltsaes. Sister Vieck of St. Francis of
Aasisl teaches: CX:::D clas1t1, but !or the most part they art taught separate from
the scllool by tile parl!h.
"The percentagt, who take it Is very
high and their attendance Is regular,"
saJd Sister Vleck.
Nationwide it is estimated about 60 per·
cent of Catholic school-age children are
attending public schools. There are no
figures, but the percent.age may be
higher on the Orange Coast where 520
students are enrolled in St. Bonaventure
School and 1,200 students In the parish of
the same ages are attending CCD
One of ij>e Catholic school~' greatest
resources ls pareot volunteel'!. At St.
John the Baptist 'they serve hot lunches,
teach remedial reading and staff the
Catholic schools don't have paid
clerical help. Parent auxiliaries are
therefore essential. .
As Father Mlhan said, the whole
system is based on service.
Most of the schools in the area are
modern, built within tbe lut, 10 year1.
But instructional equipment generally is
scarce by public school standards.
"We make good use of what we
have. The teacher is more Important
really," says Sister Annunt·iatJ.
Children at all the local Catholic
schools 'llt'ear uniforms. It saves the
parents money and as Sister Annunciata
put It: "It sets a certain standard.
Nobody sticks out like a ~ore thumb."
And so v.•hy do pnrcnts send their
children to Catholic schools?
"The ones l have spoke n to say It Is
because they believe In the philosophy or
the Cathollc school system," said Sister
Stephanie Hardy, principal of St.
Catherine of Siena in La i;iun.1 Beach.
Said Sister Michael Ellen, "The
simplest wa y I could put it is these are
people concerned wit'l their children
being educated for thl1 life and life
So in the pluralistic United States the
Catholics, no longer a separate minority
in tel"Jils of ~rsonal frieQClships, are J.4e
ones \vho are gtting muth tn ' tl.ihe •M
money to run an Independent school
system -the world's largest private
school system.
opening :
The Army announced last Y."eekend that
25 other solfiers and ex.soldiers were
under inve:;;ti~alion in C(lnnection with the
case. One of them . S Sgt. David Mitchell.
nO\Y at Ft. llood, Tex .. ha s been charged
with assault with intent to commit
murd er.
The Army said all of the alleged
murd er:ir occurred "on or about March 16,
1968 at My Lai in Quang Ngai Province."
Peers, chief of reserves on the Army
general staff, was ordered to "explore
the nature and the scope of the or iginal
Army investigation of the so-called My
Lai incident northeast of QuanJil Ngai Ci ty
in Vietnam on March 16, 1968."
The orlRinal Investigation was con-
ducted by the U.S. 11th Infantry Brigade.
The conclusion then was that there was
no rea90n for further examination of the
details and oo cause !or disciplinary ac·
The new investigaUon was announced
jointly by Army Secretary Stanley R.
Rcsor and Gen. William C.
We~tmorel:inrl, Army rhief of staff.
wednesday, november 26th
easy-care active wear
men and boys
S1 'S fc1 S")·~ (Cl ~ _,CJ~v=J~l.5
J... ,.
81nkAmoricerd ·-Mis~ Char91 . '
SO.Mile Hiker Hepburn
Educator Jogs
To Victory ·in:
Laguna Hike
Fame -maybe .a bit limited -wait~
In ·t~c future along wi,!h beat~. w~n
r;chool administrator Clifford W. "Scotty"
Hepburn toOk up jogging three years ago
to rure an ailing back.
The Fountain Valley educator pa<*d
himself to victory over 98 other entratits
Saturday in Seventh Annual 50-Mlle
Presidential \Valk sponsored by Explorer
Scout Post 717 of Laguna Beach.
Hepburn, of 2302 Redlands Drive,
Newport Beach, hiked from the 'startbw
point over the inlands llllls 1Dd in eipt
hours and 25 minutes. but failed to bruk
Byron Overton's 1968 record of 1eye:n
hours flat.
The assistant principal for curriculum
Instruction at· Fountain Valley BlCb
School began jogging three years ago ,,..
his ·back and ls now ·an entbuilulc
backpack hiker as well. ·
Hiking on the sixth anniversary of ~
assassination of President John F. KSt-
ncdy -who popularized the gruelling
ordeal -the field of 99 dwindled to St ft
the finish line.
Laguna Beach High School cross coun-
try squad runner Dive WllSOll captured
second place with eight hours, J3
roi..nutes, while three Garden Grove ff1ti ~hool students tied for third.
Scott epterson, Joe Rust IDd Mart
Shilling all crossed the lin!Jh point·.._
where they started between eight ud
nine in the morning - in eight hours and
41 minutes.
' I
~-., --,.. "''"
A yellowed letter turned up amid
some other obacure doc:umenll re-
cently ID the Greensville Couoty
clerk'• office at Emporia, Va.,
turned out to be of more t b a n av·
erage blltorlcal significance. Mrt. a:. E. E•M•, who discovered t h e
letter in a cataloguing operation,
said 11 was from tbe headquarjers
of Northern Virginia, and sought
to requisition "12 able-bodied male
free Negroes •.. to work on t h e
fortifications of this department.••
Dated March 13. 1963, it was sign-
ed: Gen. Robert E. LH. • The Labor Department's man·
Moodlr, -24, 1'169
Crlnee MO-ting
Fearful Future
Forecast for .U.S.
' (
WASIUNGTON (UPI),.... A P•'l'"ent
commllllon uy1 tm1e1f Amertca/llkea
dr..Uc anUcrime· .........,, the I nation • wW tum into an armed camp; 1where
cltiJeoa wW not dare walk the t&rtets at
night Ind lamltiel will liv. tn "fded
cella."' · .
The National Comm1uldrl on the
Cuusea and PrevenUon of vtoltnce said
crlmea of violence Ind the ,.;wt1ng pall
of fear will continue. to lncrelle In this
country unless immediate tteit are taken
lo upgrade the •)'Siem o!'Jiullce IJ1d to
r<duce the Incentive lo commit crlmel.
'n1e commllllon sold tba~ "lacking ef·
fecUve public action," thia la: bleak futur e
for Amertcan cl.Ues:
~tral bullneu diltrictl will be
"partially pratected'' during the daytime
by heavy police patrols when substantial
numbers af people are ou the ltreeta and
shopping. But they will be largely
deaerted at night except for police
-Siuma ;.10 be "pieces of terrOr with
wldtSpread crime, per,,_pa enUri)y out of
f.OUce control during nt1httim~ haura.11
Armed guards wlll protect all 'liubllc
faciliUe.S such as schools and plafgrouod1
in tbs area& ·
Iin'mMlate UUerlme action ia needed,
the commission Aid, lncludln1 • doublina
of the nation's commitment &o.lbl l)'ltem
of criminal ju.stlce.. •
Already, the naUon is tJ>e: •:clear
leader" among the modern 1tatnt nation&
bf Lhe world in,tbe number o(.hoinlddel.
rapes, ro!>berles ·and asaaullo .\;<'llUllltt.d
compared to populaUon. , ·
U.S., Russia
Both ~µtify
. ' .
Nuclear Pact ,
power magazine has told about a
man who sought help in the Biloxi,
Miss., office of the Mississippi Em·
ployment Service. The man s a i d
Hurricane Betsy wrecked his home
in tbe early 1960s ; He moved to
Minnesota and his home was de-
stroyed by a tornado; and in Aug-
ust llurricane Camille demolished
his third home. His name: EdHI
. -UPI T ..........
Carl Harris, 20, (canter} and Ronalkf Roper, 20, Escaped From G•lve1ton, Tix. Jell.
-Upper·middle and high income fam·
!lies living In prime' loc;aU~ :within
cities will exist in "fortfied cella" tn high
rise apartments and residential com·
pounds protected by private guards and
security devices.
States and the Soviet Union compld.ed
raUrication today of the nuclear non·
prolileration treaty.
-· •
Mri. Kitti< Bonham Harwv. 109, of !f1ii ... polil, holdl holloro111 baeh<IOr
~ artt Mgrtt ahe just receioed from
Weat.ern Co~Qt for Women, O:tford.
Qhio. Poor health forced her to quit
I 'y*''", 1878. ~ li•lclto~ arrived at 5
o'clock one morning last week at
olfices of tbe Automobile Club
Mii:higan so be could be first in
14 bUy li cense plates. When the .ei opened four hours later,
Ii,er was tbe first to be turned
Y.l.'.l'bis year, the state requires
t plate,buyers bring their car ti-
iritb 1hem. Hatcher didn't. ... •
TM S 4 n Joaql&in Co unty Re-
cord.tr we. 'omewhat 'tortLed
Thursday when Mr. and M r'·
Ky~ Rayfield came in to regis·
ter the birth of their ntto son:
Rickv Franklin VW Rayfield.
R4yfitld explaintd the origin of
VW: Rick11 was born in th.e back
seat of a Volkswaoen and when
he matkit to the hospital, 11urs·
t s lm.naMidtely #fclmamed him
"VW." He liked the nickname
and d«ided to make U ptrma-nent. 1 '
Leader 'a Madman'
Jail Breakers Nabbed --
After Killing Comrade
Ainesworlh stares at his captors and
q....Uonen with halll, unblinking eyes.
"I got caughl,'l.bt·aay. from the .back
seat of a police car' tiklng him ~k to
jail. '1'11.at's the only regret I got.••
Butch, 25, and two companions were
captured Saturday. Today they are in
maximum security cell& charged with
murder and assault to murder. They still
f~ce charges of 1~ ro~~ J. bureJary, .
-·car theft and "U:. kttti'1Plll(' of ·~'.
persons during a twb:day escipe daring
which they killed one man and yrounded
another. ,
Five men wert in..Olved ln the pfedawn
jailbreak Friday, but one was captured in
the first five hours. Butch was in jail on a
murder charp. With him were Ronnie •
Roper, 20. charged with beating a man to
death with a baseball bat, Carl Bruce •
Harris, 20, who is condemned to dle for
Kidnaper Tries
To Drown Boy;
Suspect Nabbed
HAMMOND, ind.· ilJPl) -A Ham •
mond mari was charged today wi th kid·
naping a 6-yeaT-old Chicago boy wh.J
""'asn't scared" although his abductor
tried to drown him, the FBI announced.
The FBI office in Indianapolis said
John E. Walr ath, 30, was arrested at his
home early today, about 12 hours after a
group of hunters came upon a man trying
to drown Timothy Martin in chilly Lake
Michigan Sunday afternoon. The man
Walrath was to be .arraigned todaj .
before the U.S. comm.Jss.ioner in Ham·
mond. according to Hammond police.
They would release DO further details
ol Walrath's arrest •
killing hia mother and atmt, and William
McMahon, 18, charged with robbery.
McMahon was killed by the athers when
he wanted to give up.
Alnesworth, Roper and Harris sur-
rendered Saturday in the oak mesquite
IJ'tt:s of South Texas, giving up their last
three hostages unharmed as police closed
Roper and Harris said Ainesworth
pist.ol wh.ipped them when they wanted to
"Butch is a madman," Raper said.
~,._: insane. He shot the deputy and
then he la Ugh ed. Butch don't like
U.S. Denies Red
CJ aim It Won't
Meet in Secret
11ouse said today the United States ha!
been and Is now willing to negotiate
secretly with North Vietnam an ways to
end the war.
President Nixon 's press secretary,
Ronald L. Ziegler, said the only matter
the U.S . .,~1ould not discuss with North
Vietnam is binding po 11 t I c a·1 ar·
rangements on the future of South Viet-
nam .
The White House statement strongly
backed Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge,
the returning American representative to
the Paris peace talks, who today refuted
allegations by the chief North Viet-
namese negotiator Xuan Thuy. that the
United States had refused to enter secret
Ziegler said President Nixon has stated
many ti mes that the United States is will-
ing to discuss any matter with the Com-
munist negotiators "except the right of
the South Vietnamese people t o
detennine their form or government
without out.side interference."
Ziegler said that 11 private meetings
Mid between U.S. and North Vietnamese
negotiators "were al) our initlatives."
Mild Weather Covers U.S.
Sno1.v Spreads lnla.11.d From Pacific Northwest Coast
Seufhtm (tllfotftl1 WI$ WI"" bul
WI,..,., ....., fol._lnt t Period of
~ ~flt 1-lllV!"dt'f. T1!1 "'lnoh,
wl'tldl ~ ""'' th• Wffkel'lll. w'r1 tse>Kltlll' ll"t\llltnt ht mo11nl1lri Ind
Cl"nill 1,..1,
SOUTHlllN CAL1,.()RMIA -Svnnr
MerlMr 11'111 'fvetdlr. Loul ""''"' -11tM.t wlnd1 mo11n!1ln1 tnd blt-
0111 C1M1t1I ''""°"'· A 11n11 w1r1Mr -9 el W9SI -tloft Tveldl,,
.... •!'Ill lllftdl,, l«ll ..,,1, •''"'' ~ !I'll -. Low Monet.' n!,.,.t
41. Hr.h Mot!dl'f 7L A llttt1 Wl '1Tltr T-.
~Diil -lltfll VlrllOfto w'lndl I"
111• Ind mertlll'lt hel/'1 blcaml"'
-"" wttltrl'I' 1·12 """' ... .,,. •• llOOfl9 Morldtr t!'ld T""'°'r' Pllel'IV
..,. '""' MUffl eot1t .. ,ty ff! , .... "'°'1'1fflt eftlltwlll l\firr ""'""'"-Mon. dt'I tlld Tuttdl,. $/llllllY .,,,,,,.,,
~t:_7· 1-<IOUTHIAN NIVA.Dio\-Mol!1'1 lllnn'I' _, T11eMl1'1'. Lin .. cfllMI Ill
~1h1r1. Ltw ,,.,.,_.., nltht a '-
~ -~~ Mofodi'I' IO le n. I <oAITAl AHO IHTEIOllllOIATE
lll~ MottiMV tnd l~· • Owl'Y -i ..... , ~ _, 11111
Nltfll Mondtr 7a 10 P, A
WI""" Tllfldt\o, lflllOUHTA tH Alt~ .....,..,
~1.,, {;WfT "°""'"st wlltdt
'_, ~ ""' ....... Ill
'I'. A lfttle ""'-''"'' cflentt. TlltlOlt AHO Oe'SEllT lll•IONS M°"*"f •lld TW;,...,, Mot
~ tlll"" 111 '-t!U,..._ llWf \~ r11tM '° I& n v•r van1n ..,. U flt 4 lowtr ••llm . Hit~ 4J
flt n "°"' ~111tYt •nd n flt u lowtf "'-
CCHltt .i
Motill'f t\IMI' but flW N khl1 H ll'Y
fl'IOfnlltll fM, lllrlt v1mw. Wlftdl tlt'com"" wnterr, 7 to IJ llllO!t ff! lllt t~ todt'I 11'111 T\lltol.,. Nltllt
todlY n.
C0t1t11 ~111/rfl r1"" lrwn 41
10 ti. l"lt""' ftorn..,1lllr1' ''"" ,,,,,,,
4t IO 71. Wt"tr "'°""111111"1 61.
Suu, /llonn. T ide•
$~ 111e11 lt·U o.m. J •
S.cond '°'"' . , a . .a 11./1'\, O.I TUIJ()AY
Pini 1111~ .. . I S4 • m. f.r
,,,.I io... ........... ':ID 1.l'lt. 7.J
5".ono:I l'lil h ........ 11 :1111.m J i 5Kond low •••• , ..... •:24 11.m. O.S
t~R II/Ml f:'4 • "'· '•" 4.S) II.ti\, MtM allft S.07 o.m. Ith l:U 1 ""'
M!ld,. dl"t' Wi¥111tt COVer'tlf IMlt ef
ll>e "lllofl lodll', wltl\ 1"""111 1v.11tn11
Ill !ht E .. 1 Ind tiotll'l~I llfO\lldlllt
1191'11 11recl11lt1llon.
5nowers tJtltftdtd from l"t W1•h·
111910" 1nd 0r.._ co11tt1 l"IO 1,,.
tnGollllt lns Of ftOrthl•n Idaho tnd _,,,
''" Morolt!'ll, wllfl -lft l\lll'llf" 1ltv1Uons.
'" tri. Ettl, rtl" ltll toom Tllft-
... Ind K9"11\!dl' l"le HIW IEMlllMll
11 I COil! I ...... ~ -1111 "-
lt(llllM. ,_ tell '" ftO'I""" New
York Ind Ntw fl!tltnd. w!th 111r·
11.,.ton, Vt., 1ddlllll 1ri 1>1<.11 '° 111 ancrw cover.
A llW tl\vn111•11\00ilrt tlt/l'\~fll
fl'lt IOllll\trri Ttlll trtl 1no llthl '"°"' 1111.,ltt wtrt 1c1n1r..i t tro"
ffl• v-r eor.1 Ltkq 111111.
Albu11u1 .... u1
llkto 11111t
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Okltloo!nl City
°"""' P11m s .. 1,..1
PISO ltOtlln
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ll:td l hlll ·-SK•-•o Silt Lt~e CltJ'
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" " .. " ,, 4! " ~ !I It .21
SI n .%1 " " ....
South Vietnamese
Reinforced by
U.S. Soldiers
SAIGON (UPI) -The \!.S. Military
Command disclosed today it h a a
dispatched American troops to reinforce
South Vietnamese· soldiers who had been·
eolng it alone against a Communist
tllreat along the Cambodian border. .
'The disclosure came in· an an-
noun«ment that U.S. 4th Infantry
Oi\ision troops had fought a I>lrilnutt
battle Sunday In the hJghlands region
where until now anly government sOldiers
had been used against the S,000.man
guerrilla threat.
Eight Americans were wounded~in the
brief .attack .agaiq)t lhelr camp 13 miles
northeast of Ban Me Thuot and 175 mUes.
northeast af Saigan. Spokesmen said the
al.~ eacaped without a loss. '" lw,.nrnct~ "'"°n wu given 1oc morillg :~U.S. aohllers Into the area. nie South
ytetnamese 23rd Division had been to-
trusted with the enUre allied ·ccun.
terthrust In a major test of Its ability to
go it alone.
-In the suburbs, ownership of guns
be "almost universal" and homes "will
be fortified by an array of devices from
window grills to elecctronlc surveillance
equipment.'' Jn close-In suburbs, armed
citizen volunteers will sup~lement police
-"Extreme left-wing and right-wing
groups will have tremendous armories of
weapons which could be brought into play
with ar without any provocaUon."
-High speed patrolled expressways
will be "sanitized corridor• connecting
gafe areas." Armed guards will "ride
shotgun" on public transportation.
Poll Gives Nixon
Highest Marks
poll indicates President Nixon's populari·
ty was at a record high after his Nov. 3
Vietnam war speech and the Nov. 13·15
ailUWar demonstrations. ·
'I'he poll, .released Sunday, was con-
.. ucted Nov. li-17. Ol ,lho-~Je(a~<iJll lnterview<d in 300
ocat.liril unugoout the nation, 68 per-~t npreued approval oI the way Nixon
wu handlina his overall job. Nineteen
percent disapproved and 13 percent did
not expreu an opinion.
President Nixon, flanked by Secretary
of Slate William P. Rogers and Defense
Secretary Melvi n R. Laird. signed the
treaty for the United St.ates In his office
at 8:07 a.m. PST. In a statement Nixon
said :
"It ts my earnest hope that ratification
of the treaty by the necessary number af
additional states will soon occur so that it
may enter into force at any early time.
"This administration seeks equitable
and meaningful agreements to limit
armaments and to resolve the dangerous
conflicts that threaten peace and securi-
ty. In this act of ratification today, Uili!
commitment is demoristrated anew ...
The Soviet Supreme Presidium held a
similar ceremony in Moscow.
The ceremonies today were the final
step in ratification by the two big nuclear
powers of the treaty, which was approved
by the Senate March 13 after Iona
negotiations between the United States,
Russia, and numerous other nations.
Red China did not agree to the treaty.
'The West Gennans have had reserva.·
lions about the treaty but are expected to
sign it soon.
To date, 91 countries have signed the
treaty but only 22 have completed formal
raLification procedures -not includin~
the United States and Russia which must
now file their papers.
The prime non-signers besides West
Germany -among nations considered
most capable of making nuclear weapom
-are Japan, India and Israel.
POii, CTHI •tllll:I PI LIU$1S WAYNI 19Ulll
LlllOLI IHtlHHIL . au~m . llllHY •llHAI
. ,;::
. .
y~ 6~,,.NO. 281 , ·l 5E<;T[ONS, 46 PA6JiS . . . • NDAv;"NbY!MIE!l •2-4, 196' ~ ,,. ' . -TEN CENTS
_,. ,,
~ ---
··-i . " '
• •
•, t -~· ·-. ·-..
·s·~ J/ •
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' •
.... ..... .
..: .. ~ ..
~:.. .".:/ t
' r.r ·~·r•1 -·
..,, .• i ~,....,,
! -
-~ .. . .. ..
;; , .. ·~~
•• • .. ~ .j.o .......
. . -
' ..... . MMlve .Vnknown
... ,C~IJege Stude·nt ~p~ll~.12
. ~· .
Trip · Ends · ... ·":(:barged With
:Extortion Try
' ' .
Apollo 12's moon pilots apla!hed doWn Jn
lht'S...th PacUlc lOO.)"ln ·the finale e:
' ,. ~~·~ Qrit1t1eeaae10f space eiltk>i:au~ •. ~ Cfiaf-les "PJ le" COnrad, 39, Richard r.
Gordon, 40, a1d Alan L. Bean, 371 :iplash-
e~ lntO Eafth!s atmosphere like a meteor
,anc1 'I'd!' theif Y1111kee Cllpper~o a 1 ...
dtn} IOlltheast of Pago Pago. Invt1~1ator1 disclosed today that a
cbnege Student studying elementary . ~u
e1tkrl .baa been charged with attempting
to ext.Ort $SOOO from Dr. ltalph Bauer, ~ oi t~o school districts, in return
for his 'life. · ·. the: bizzam: 'Caie was handled on a
ltCret. basis while the Union 011 Company pel<Olewn ctiemlsl cooperated irtth police. ~ to an arrest last Friday. ~Victor Y .. Tsao, 13, of 220 12th St.,
" Probe Launched ...
Alie r Toro Pilot
Killed in Crash
A tun scale investigation into a mid-air
~ wbic~ cjalmed the Ufe of an, E_I
~~."'~ ·~J over1 the
. ~... 1UU under · .;,, teday at
~~:·~~ .-Ii.ft. IIodlnP wlD nol be a.allable ...... ,....,. . . . Sjp. Wm1anf C. Sauer. ZI, of Tustio.
dJl(tn U., cotUa1on S.turday when his F4
l'llolllom 'jel from El Ti.ro collided with a
Nlvy mi:rcept.or ·some 10,000 feet above
'deiert CQUlllrY ·near Borrego Springs.
a.pt. sauer•s companion, tst Lt.
WYiam Wllkening, 26, also of Tustin.
:paictiMd to s,afelY 81 did the pilot of
tbe.Navy_ jet. Both men were unhurt and
were pk:ked up by helicopter.
·Navy officers ldenuned their rescued
p11ot·u Lt. Cmdr. JolurS. Hellman, 32, of
Miramar. Cmclr. Hellman was alone in
his Navy Crusader. . Marine officers today said preliminary
repar\11 indlcate that Capt. Sauer was
sertoasl)' Injured or killed at lbe Ume of tm~ and made no attempt to leave the
aircrl.fL B9t.l,l jets went down in names and
1psfked a bMJh fire over nearly two
acres · of ·arid desert terrain in the east
San Diego County area.. State Forestry
puaonnel -quickly extinguished the out-
break •.
Tavern Bandits
Get $450 Cash . . . .
~ 'llllllM!I ~Yid the. !iii ·of 'I pOPulir weaiawd.r bar of 1450 in cash
al 1:-•·.~m. Saturday morning and
.sc.,,.i Into· the nllbl. 'tn.e' men ent'1etl the VI .. Room at
1im Belch Boulevard about 15 minutes
W<*1! cloSl8' time and demanded the-
rft~~ whUe one of lherh held an object bf hfi·pc.c::ket which ,he said was a pistol.
•Watmlailer •PoUce inveaUgating the
c}ime llkt·lt w•·Jlrobably juSt a finger. ·.
Huntington Beach, was boOked Into city
jail and today faces a charge of attempt·
ed extortion, according \o detectives.
Police Chief Earle Rob.itallle revealed
the $5,00> ligutt, ·but said-he has no Idea
what the motive for the case involving
the Cal Siate Fullerton -.fudent mlght be. • FWI delail& are being withheld pending
prosecution of Tsao, bu t detectives
charge that be sent Dr. Bauer a letter
last Wednesday threatening his life if
the cash was not delivered.
Dr. Bauer, president of the 9cean
View School District board of trustees
and a member of the Huntington Beach
Union High School Distri ct board, im-
mediately-notified authoriUes.
The note attributed to Tsao ordered
that the money be delivered to a spot
as yet unrevealed and detectives worked
through Friday setµng' up the arrest.
Tsao is held In Heu or S12,500 bail, with
arraignment e~ Tuuday in West
Orange Coqnty Judicial jllllrlct Court. folio , isaoance of a . _ _,olM •••"' ..
Wllll . _ • ..,... .. -.--, . ,
¥ ' •• " ' ., • ~ -Alltbuillies 11 C•t llllle Ful~ checked. ,_, lodlJ to Conflmi Illat
Tsao 'is an·_elementar; edueatl<m m1jaf,
but' ~ !Iii ·not baen malllllhod holf br.
Bauer -llnCl<il out In tbe ...., plol.
Mar ine Reserves
Eject Safely
Two unidenttlied Marine reservists
paracbuied to Safety from their twin·
engine craft above Hemet Sunday durlilg
a ·training flight from the Los AlamJtos
Naval Air Station. '
Spokesft\'n at the air station today
refused to giv'e any delails of the ejectkm
and crash incident, filing ".erroneous'' ln-
fonnafion given out on It Sunday.
One report said the plane, a propeller·
driven aircraft, sustained an exp!Ollion In
Reports said the two fllers were taken
to the base hospital at Camp Pendleton
for observaUon.
The crash and ejection was under in-
vestigation, sources said.
"Until we get the f~ straight we are
forbidden to give out information," a sta-
tion sergeant said today.
CHP Office r Slain;
Suspect Ca ptured · . ,
RIVERSIDE (UPI) -A Callfomla
Highwcy Patrol officer died In Rlvuslde
General Hospital early t!)<tay hours after
he was shot in the head at polnt-blank
range by a man he slopped for speeding.
A suspect in the fatal shooting ol rookie
offiett Anders Shewmaker, 28, of
Yucaipa, '1¥81 bein& held by Riverside
sheriff's deputies.
UJil T~
TE•i.(OF CQNRAD, GORl)()N AND BE.•N MAKES.A SPLASH IN THE PACIFIC •. ~lh .. it,of .P"9o Pogo, YankH C\lppor ,.rlcs Flt1t Da .. do of MonMd Spo .. l!~Ploratt!n
.• ...
C~vi~ Center Site ·Eyed
-) . The US.S Hornet sailed in the warm
'moderate seas to J'eeilver America'• se-
col)Cl ,.et of moon explore1:.. 'n.e Hornet ret.ri~ved Apoll~ \l's ,lunar ~oneers four
mo~.agp lo thfida,y. · ,, ...
A final live-tecond bur'st ~ the com-
mand sbi~'I coalrol toclt~, at ,,44 a.m. Jin~ ;µp the ~stroiiaUU: ~ for a
meteoric, hilt sa!r. entty Into Earth's at·
';Th~ has got to be the m09t ·~ ta~ular Sigh{ of the , wl'Ml1e dt&bt," Bean
said as · the ship accelerated quickly
toward, the plnk5, blues and violets of the
sun-lit laye'r of air blanletlng the' globe'
No 4 ctio1i Expe,t;t.ed Soon on New Proposal Still ahead for . the spacemen are 0
days of moon ,bug quarantine, first in i:
• · lrailer •bolrd lhe Hornet and then bacl
• 1 ' • \ • , • , at the more comrortable moon crew
Bl; J~CK BROBACK previoul,·to its uae. as part of lhe ex· Q>ul'llnien ~ M!!Crackeb· and lsolMl90 quarlen at the lfouston Space ,.._,r'"' , .. ' (IAl)<lell·Plll'klni Authorily. " , -· · Doitallf i!Mtd:'fll'"I-~ oa.-lal CeDlllJ'. ,
A ~pro-~-"· Jfew~bil.,..aclt tjvic : . a ·lltll$,'jloq> ~.. .• ' . ,J.'J! fO!l:ve ~· red ybur ~·liv' -~·-· W ID ~"q, .. : ' ----~', -.~ .. ~ I~ J, 11 sboWo be a...::.
llW!)I ·.a.ion ol~t ·1y "°"""'~' !"' l'!iOl!llMlnl · ':;Ir· · , " . l,jlqllilhe.Sottth acific,"~eon.. """'""with indl Iha•"'!, " ... ,.,,. '~ ...... ~. -. . : ,~~ • ,, "· i.;.,i" lll)Wdttlor 0one14. L. i,lnd .ridloed Ibo
wl!). ~made soon. . • : •'!' ' ~--• 11 ~ ".. -~ *DF l~..U etcbt'hours before thtlr Jan.
.d\llfuiltr.11.n acttorl Ooinmllte< W":I """"' · Ilii • ·Jl!!I · Mli~''*' . , . . · •. .,,.·na, !JOii, ~ ioiI ..,..i and Pl'nEalid ''"' conllderatlort 'l>J ~ ~ !': • ID 111 .. iba lllo I * ·
ll·aett olte botwetn Lake and Hunllliston purd-, . lhen ~ .~.,Dilil doClaloti then . flrilDdlI d ,' , 1' • b w~'tt be hal'PY to .0. Iii; land of la• ..
streets, south o( AUanta Avenue. on 1 ~ .. ,Uer•litit~ "i • , ci!velOped. , • , 1 Jalr'a.s,''~plled ~nrad., ,
Proposed for the site was an 11-Jlory ,. ' . • , , -· , ' The )~Y1 mµJl~n-mlle ~lssjon. 'Ill
city hall,, and two-story buiklinp for . , • . ' •. • '. , ' IKl . , • ' ·1 ·d. th!.natlon's las! In.tile ~~de dim~
the potlce departmenl and clv'lc ·D .. 0 ..,.. ~Jl')'dB v -·u·n · ·~P.l,that 9peneil Wh"-' 11ua11a.
auditorium and convecuon cenler. · e~ . ,.,.,_p~~'"'' ·, ,·., _ ~·1!1 . ~.· ', •• • ~.~i:r .. ~~,,~~~:.~~s~
Urgency was inserted Into t h e J ' t96• s h 2S Am J discussion inasmuch as the city couiicll • · · • ' • ~1· ince t en; · er cans and SO
. k d -'th' -~ k •. H Tl ~ ; Iha have nm In spjlce. must ma e a ec1sion WI 1n t1a1;1; wee s l L . b c · . _ k A • 1JO 12'i 'astronauh awlkened al 2:27
on the previously ad<ipled site on upper n a . a ra ar run u n. ¢'1<r,•ieeplhg 8\1 hours' atid begau "lain s1ree1 oppoBlt. the HunUngton lM ftcal f!!~rrauons for ~hdon.
Beach High Sohool. ' · They •* b ut, clleCked thefr course
Under lhe agreemenl with the Hun· with star qhtlni! aiid found tlnie to play
tington Beach 'Compa'ny, the opUon to lnvnUcaUon into the death of a La which he was 1 ,party. • Some ~ and western mwlc on 1
purcha.se the upper M&in Strett site must Habra man who'"~ hiMll,Y decomposed Allo'tUKler lnv11U1NM1n Wert a duffle spa· ceci-Aft tano pl>yer .
be exercl.led. Cost of the property i• body WU found Sanda;bi the lrurik of. • bq and ll6me of Fen\uidez jle(1\ocal.ef. ~ ' . '
'360,000 for 13 acres. feds wblch were round on'the rUr ae.at ' ' • 1 ,_ •• stolen cu centete<t today on an autopsy
The proposed new ' site is also Hun-conducted ~-Oran-county coroner'• of the car. · · · "' llngtou Beach Company property and lJ ., e~ lnvuUgat.on Slid 1 the ~ ~
part of the proposed extension of tM olrtcers.~ Fernandei's body wu Ulled u stolen by
Parking Authority inland of' Pacific C08it lnvesUcltil'l-bope that pathology tests 'the East Los Anp:lu dJvlaion al tht Los
Hlshway. carried out cm the ftmalns of Michael A. Angeles County aberiff'a office.
The third site under consideration Is 27 Femandtz, ~. rpa; ~Ip them in their in-
acres on the southwest coiner of Beach qulries. wor~ with UM!m are Los Boulelr'ard and Atlanta Aven.ue. l The adminlstrlition Committee site at Angeles pol Cfe who have the vehicle in
Lake and Atlanta would cost $1.8 million which Femandei!a. body was found on
Ethics Standard
PANIC Meeting
Sl.,t~~-~ T~njg~~
Ti>olght's llCheduled itieetlni'of PANIC
cParents Asatnrt Narcoitci5 iir· been swltc~ ffom a 'J'."ounw'ri Valley ~oh>e to
a.store' In Santai Al)a. · 1 • for development, tt was estimated. tlleir stolen car tally.
This compares with a $ 8 5 7, 7 8 O Three teenftger boY•f made the grisly e11timat~ development. cost for a portion discovery Sunday ~ C&qed police from
ot the same site1<1C 7 acres; Sl.98 milllan a supermarket parkJng Jot in La Habra.
for the Beach-Atlanta site, and $Wl7 ,llOO The boys told office.rs that the laVendar·
f<>< th<. Upper Mair lilreet .property. colored tlll!O Cadillac had bola parked on
I ssue Raised . -. --
~l'y , ~n: Perc y
WAsHINGTON .(UPI) -Mitllonalre
Sen, QlarleJ H. Percy fR-tg.>, said today
he • ., .J>Ullll!• bla 0... ,holdlnp· ln a
"blind ~!' .and, ~ ! concreu to
•dofll lw •lbilf' the. wne ,ithlCal .....
All, parents; tntueBled In jofnlngt the'
battle· a.pl~ ~afcptle! In; flpq1 have
been lpV!ted to aU.nd lhe or1anizaUonal
m;eetln& u .. a.p.m., 311iN) Brpad,.ay, s ....
Mayor Jack Green ppinted out that If the lot for the pist •lwo Wee.~· •
the ' Lake-Atlanta.,· site · ii_ selected the lnvestlgaton said the J9UDOle.rs, were
owners of ll}_e Beach-AUanta: site would playing ioslde the vebklt. 'r'hen· tbey
develope it into a tralllr .,perk. Thia woold noticed an odor corrtlnc from ~ truck .
result-in the civic center being sur· The boya found the trunk untoaed and
rounded on three sides by trailer parks, they also forrild the deca)'i'1i body ·Of
he asserted. Fernande~ cattfullJ w~ in a blUe
Repre,.nting the Hunl\ngtoo Beach bedspread. Olflcera said the bod)< wu
Company , William Foster~ vice president surrounded tJY ~pen. most of ~l!l
and general manager vokf.d' opposition tO business documents in which hrnJndie%
lhe proposed new site, aS he had was named and involvin1 tramactiom to
' dards It 11pplied fr. ~rC°~ rodle Cle-
ment ii'. Ha..!DN~!i, SUi?renle "t;:oUrt
nom.~. • ._,
P!rcr Ul'i«l -of • bill, ~ . .
ta Ana. ...._,..... ·-• · ·
The" group-wlll dlsCtl" posslbl< lactks
fyr alert!n1 ~ ,to '9 ~tle5 pro-
blem, said lln. Cafllon Him., lncludln1
paying taxel "1n ~. ..!11ag up a
narcotics information1 ~tern picketing
the schools . and. ~~P.I • wlthdrawtnc
more youngat.era from local &ehools.
For !"Ore information residents mar
~all MI'S. Hinz at 831-7297. ·
{ ....... i ... tor Bopping /tlad
•pol~ bY at ......... lhal' .... ld "'
quire pubUc . dlactooure of fmanclal
hold)np by llll.l>wmaten, eandldalei•lot
federal JJIDce.pl ll!<IHop aldeli.
, ., ' Jn a 5'Mt'e ~.Percy 'aakl :
Orange ·
) . -OAC Losf!.s Meeting ;l>lace
. , ,
' .
CM J" OlltJ "'91 ti.n ,
NJ of'Dec. 15, the 1C<mmunity Action
Ootmc1L' (~ will no tooger ..,.. the Malcen-~ of Htmtlnaton Beach .MI at lull one of them 11 hopping mad
.a'bput. ' 'Ille allll'J' -,II Mn. Alice Medina,
the CAC'• Coardll\ator for thb area and no ....... to apu. ror the put year
llf1o hu .... _.u,. the Hunlfllglon
U..Ch Commanlly ~ ln an old
bltlldinl' al the comtf ol Main and
Golllard Slree\S, •
. Jut on Dec. 15 the center wlll have to
!em il the .._t·~ Iha Hdnllnglon
8'ach Company, -of lhe bulldlns. ,;a Oran&<~ probltlon department
plb to upend Ila faclllllet to Ute the
entire bul141Ai·
"Orange County never wanted to admit ''.I've d~e ~ IO:·. ~ ~ina for the
It has poverty," declared fl.\rs. Medina, Ch1cHino6 1n Hunling"'1~Beacll. and l'Ve
"alKI Uds is just a move to shove us out." done it alone, •1 declared. Mrs. Medina, A l!poke1man for the Hunlington Bf'"* Company sa~ the acOon was taken after "now I'm worn out and I plan to rtst."
a seriea of ta1ks with high level CAC of· The CAC is not ~Y finished In
flciilt and general •l!'ttJTlent was reach· Huntington Beach fore\ter. t.nJy until oew
ed that the Probation Department ~ quarters are fouDd. Bat the local
gram would bolter wve the needs of the coordinator doubla II anything will ba1>
area. pen very.qlllckly.
Mrs. Medina, whose wort bas ~n "Risht now we're roh1I to donate the
r.oocenlrited amoitg the poor families. center's fumlture to neecty Camllles and
doesn't agree. '';Thit whole area around save office equipment In ca• we do find
GoUw<I Street needs Mlp. We were sl•· a new home," said Mn. M«!ina, "lllon I
tng il" plll'l'I to ta~ 1 vaclUoa:"
'She's -· ,.,..~ la Hunlllilon CAC oJliclall la s.rta· Ana w~ nol ' Beach on her' Own lncf fQr the cAOlw available fol'• -ment, but.' J...~i!' 1 < fl•• ~ Ind -'.\[.was~.. •~an "1( that new focjHIJel :I"""'!
acllvltlel ;ii.Ion" I -· w~l tlie:'W.,ij. • · '1"(\ ioalibf f,.. the ~ t .. meantorCAC.wis·born.·• _ .. ~ .. _ ¥. Slt.MllaNA;.hlal) •. ~";4 t~'';~.
' ''II' wPa1ct be lronlc If lbe elhlcal ..archlllht tbtt hM Jllll -. lraJned on I tbt · rarill 'o nllrplhalloo were• to be
. put ··""" tbtl llloPf' la j:loood."
·• Hli adMJ!I; ~F"" .tim a tota11y llllf ~ c..tliW" jUdpt ad ....
• ~ ........ fir,~· ~-a•eill .... ~· fuitmlntr Ind' tbllr tlillp"·,'; iw;, ' a*'d.. • -, ' ~ '
·u~·-..,r=lo'" -~ ............ -acWl!ettl II.IM ....... ~--... -.1o ·"'~..... .·
\ , •
' • w •L ' · · , ea ... er · , . " . . )
, That detert air l! on its way to-
ward the coast again, with Santa
Ana winds txxi,ltlng the tempera· 1
tures Into the 70's here and up to 1 13 Inland.
INSnti! '.'toDA Y
Reading, wrltil'IQ' and reTigfo)i 1 r.·.
are the .three Rs /or ont out of : ,. fvttl 20 Orange 000.& atwdentl
Who at~nda a parochial 1chodl.
Set Page 3.
,_ *'4' °'"'" ~ -! c.-. ,.. •wtM ,...._ , Ji J
,::.. i:nc.. ;: ~ --~ ........ ':=' • ;;;...... lit • ' btliMla: JI T"""'' • t '· .::,. ·:: ~ ~
.... -11 .... ... ( ...... ...,..--,. . .......... ..... ,,..
.............. ... i' .· ,.-1 . ' , . .
I OlflY l'!LIT • ..
k.fiJ.£i.lttt• ..
i: -~r~ops Qr~erecl
Q ·nut~· .. Vittag,-:
• , • I
.. : _;..;.. -lllnlcol ~<*la.-A lonner GI says U.S. ~ -or-liJ wipe owl Ille Viet· ~p.o! Soni My as an en<111y
hi tliJ...Ond did. (ft<loted
~· 111'1 ~y WU wiped ~-,;·~ G~ver, Z4, aaid in an ln-,
,...,., lblday. Men. •en ... dlll·
... r • • Only the chickens were left
.. ve.'"
American actions hi SoUlh Vitia.am,
The killln&a on March II, IBM, have led
to charses that there was a massacre of
civ~llans.. Gruver said he was satisfied'
that Sona: My -U.S. military code name
Pl.nkvllle -was infested wllh toldien ol
the North Vietnamese rtlUlar army, but
"We'd never been ordered to wipe out
everybody before. Mo.sl of the guys didn't
dig It at all. When It was all over, they
were almost sick."
Landing ·-
•• • •
On Moon
~. 4 •"f
No S.nap J •
SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) -
"I'll tell you one thJng," Pete Conrad was
sayinJ. "It took every bit of tnowled1e I
had to get that baby down there in the
right place'. That was no piece of ·c;ake."
Conrad, Alon L. Bean and RJ'chard F.
• Gordon Jr. were holding the 'flnt news ' conference from space Swdly and be
was recalling how he broU&)l\ the IU!lir
lander Intrepid Jn.
"It took everything I had to gel that LM
down in one pi~e." Conrad said. "I think
w' got some t.hings lO work out on that.11
:: tn Vittllam today, the commander of
Sriilh Vietnamese forces in the five
nortbermnost provinces, Lt. Gen. Hoong
XOln Lam, said villqen who bad told oC
~ to l'JO petlORI r ·men. wmen ~
chil<Jren -being slain in the lncldent
may have deliberately exaggerated the
toll .
The Army has charged Isl Lt. William
L. Calley Jr., 21, of Waynesville, N.C.,
wilb *'the pmntdit.lied murder ot 109
Vletn.ame.e cMll.ana." ' .'t ' OAll't .. ILOT ltt ff ""'" AFTERMA:TH OF A COLllSION; OEBllU1, OISTRUCTION AND MAYBE DEATH
. Wife of VW Driver In V•ry Crltlc•I Cond1tl• with Concussion, Cuts
Apollo 12 was on the last leg ol It&
voyaae of ~.ooo miles, when the 1pace
aaency passed up questions submitted by
~1cwsmen. The general said he believed the
,natives diltorted the i®ldent after tJlk-AN to reporter! who v15Ued them.
"V.aybe the local people hope to
receive some indemnification from the
Aznericang, 'so they have exauerated the
lijolber o! -burned down .. d the oumber of persons killed," he said.
The United Stales pays civilians for
~altiea and damqe caused by . ' '
S/sit. 'l>avld Mitchell, :II, of St. Fran·
ciavtlfe, La., a member of Calley's pla·
tom, bu been charged with assault with
intent to commit murder.
SpeatiJ!I of the ttsl incident, Gruver
"ln the lut week or so, we'd klst about
half our company to snipers and mine
riekll, and the PY• were really fired up
•• we st.lrt.ed the attack. Aa we en·
tered, we drew fire from some of the
huts, a'tld then a' lot of guys sort or went
_f"rom r .. e 1
~ I t t ,\
MEDl'NA ....
• •
Beach progrim. ~
Mca. M+ charged th~l.lhe Hon· tin~ Be,ach Company ~~ ·~ act.Ion
becauae it would receive higher .rtnt and
a lease from the Prob1Uon Department.
:,Viet Cong Murdered 2,90,0
• •
Bill Wren, Jpeating for the Huntington
Beach 'Compi!D',..aald the rent would re·
main the same-for propatton offlclals and
a one year lease problbly'Would be sign·
ed . "But we offered the-cAC a two-year
lease las't March and thef took no action
on ll," he added.
.Puring Capture of· Hue Meanwhile, aclivity at the center
grinds to a halt. The program, said Mrs.
Medina. wa.s just getting under way. It
included yoUng ad~lt dances. c!Uzenship
clasaes, English: classes, Spanish classes.
rummage sales, sewing claues, a job
referral service and general counseling.
~ "'5AlGON tAP) -Enemy troops who
aeized Hue durin1 their 1911 Tel offe.uive
~ted marly 2,900 Vietnamese, ac-
:~ to a captured enemy document
·lud• poblic today.
1 • Dtlclosure of the ctocu:ment by official
'IOUrcts htrt came aa the U.S. Army con·
Citizens Ready
For New Fight
" Vn Bond Plans
•i&Cltlzen futtlr over a $9.S million bond
.'lllectioft for the CQnstrucUon of another
"Ebool.. in the HunUncton Bc;ach Union f!l"1 School Dllllrlct II e1pedtd to con-
tfnue Tuesday when district trustees
meet at 7:90 p.m. at district h~ad
qu1rlt,1"1. 1902 17th SL \~·TM rienlon will primarily be devoted 1o· dltcuiaion and possible approval of
election plans and ballot arguments for
the Feb. 10 bond vote.
Verbal pyrotechnics, a regular feature
cl recent board mett.lnas. are expected
from bond opponents, which include
Truatee Joeeph Ribal and Westminster
rooidont Robert Gordon.
Both contend adequate clusroom 11pace
oould be prov~ by incrwlng th• use
ol nillliia llChools thrOUlh neilbl•
llditdullq and eXlelldtd llChool ~ay1.
Members ci the diltrict adminilt.ratlon
M.aff have rebutted Gordon'• and Rlbal 's artumenta on the ground• Ulat their pro.
pond altemaUvea cannot b e Im·
plemented under current laws and that
thtir suggestions are t e c h n i c a I I '!'
Rudolf Hess Moved
BERLIN (APJ -Rudolf Hess, once
deputy fuebttr of Nazi Gennany, was
mOved from the Spandau war crimes
prison today to the British military
hospital In West Berlin.
It was tht first time that Hess, 75, had
been moved from Spandau in ~ 23 years
11ince be \tU imprisoned there after being
given a life tentence by the Nuemberg
War Crimea Tribunal. Hw was moved to
the hospital for examination and X-rays
connected with stmnach paJns.
l1~1rl N W1•4
""'''""' .,.. l'ultlllltlu
Jtt~ lit. C11rl•7 V~I la-rtllfMI 111<1 ~It Ml"l*tl
Th111111 K11¥il
TJ.eff!t 1 A. M111r.hl"1 ~ltlftt EGI ti
,llh.ttt W. l1t11
i.H9Clt'9 ••11t1r
Othl1 otncn
!•It"'"" l"Cll ' Ult Wnl ltlkt l oultvt •tl <.tU• Mtu : l>O Weit •• , SttHI
l•""111 ··~~. JlJ 1<~1• '""""'
OAJl. 't ~!LOT, *'"' •fll<fl It conit•nef tP\t
.. _,.,..,. II ~·-<lt~t •M"I k n· ~r ill ""''''' ldlt11!11 IOI' H1111ll!oerltft lkloCll. , .... ,.111 VtlMJ, c .. i. Mna, N••
..... llMCJI .,... uv-•Mth. '""' """ I .. '"""'-' d illflls. 0.t• (M5I "Wlltll-irlt '-' pollltW., p1en1t -.i 2211 w .. 1
atltajl a1~• Nt•tc•I Srtd\. -»I -.·1t1 11.,. &lrn t, (tM• Mt11, f";:t••• 17141 642-4JJI ,,._ ..,.Jattft C•ll 140·1 111 a ... 1.w ... ,..,, •• .,,, •• ,.,.,,
(M'll!ltflt, .... °'"'" <.0111 .. llltlltll .....
:-,,, "" -,,,, i11. ~lllll•tl ....
.. lllfitl """~1-" t d'fftl1-fttt .... , ....
""'"' , ... M\IC .. •lll'llut IMt"'I ,.,fl\INi.,. .. t•l•lltlll ........ ,
l lU .. Cllfl ~l"f'Gt .. ti fl N!!•"rf ttf(ll
••Cl CUit Mell, (t tllc.fft" '-1.l lU•t t!U' t.f '"''otl "ot "'lllllll'f, 11 _ .. 1.'" ,..., ... ..,,
111•"'-'f •W .... !lf<olo llllt _If'> ...
tinued Its lnvutlgaUon Into an alle1ed
massacre d., between JOO a~ 567
vlllag'rs by American troops on March
J8. 1988.
One U.S. source cu.1c.eded cynics would
see the sudden disclosure (>f the docu·
mtnt as an effort to offset continuing
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong pro-
paganda accusing American troops of
mass murder .
But he said the document -unnoticed
ln U.S. military files for about 19 months
-wasn't discovered ll'.ltil last week when
a wriler compiling a book about Hue ask·
ed to see captured enemy documents on
the subject.
"I know it sounds incredible, but that 's
the truth," he said.
He said the document was captured
near Hue by U.S. Isl Air cavalry Dlvhrion
troops on April 25, 1988, in the allermalh
of U\e bloody !lghtlnj in the old Imperial
capital that began JaJL.30. ··
U.S. and South Vietn~1e qf!iciab
have estimated Viel co:1g and North Vlet~mese J.roo~ massacred more than
3,000 p!rsona In the Hue area during Tel,
1988. So far, the bodies ot 2,737 victims
have been round In sand dunes and
stream beds around Hue and in the city
The captured enemy document called
the attack on Hue a complete success and
said, 1'Hue wu the place where reac-
tionary spirit had existed for over JO
years. Ho~ver, it a.1ly took us a short
time to drain it to its root."
Out of the Past
Mrs. Medina estimated that belween $0
and 70 persons came to the center each
week. It was OP,tn to all people, but used
primarily by the city's Me JI can·
American population.
"We had a lot more planned." she said,
•·now v.·e won't even have our normal
Christmas functions ."
\Yren said his company originally had
gf\•en the CAC until Jan. I, but that CAC
officials decided on the Dec. 15 date.
"They are on a month-tG-month lease."
he said.
"Why didn't anyone ask me,'' asked
Mrs. ri.1edina, ··1 know Huntington Beach
anrl its needs, but they ignored me ."
"After I rest I'll probably continue my
own work, with or without pay," said
Mrs. Medina, ''but with no building there
is no CAC in Huntington Beach."
Ru~sia Latmches New
Cosmos $a telli.tc
MOSCO\Y (UPI) -The Soviel Union
today launched an unmanned earth
satellite. Cosmos 311, the Tass News
Agency announced.
Western experts believe this typr: or
research satellite is a six-toot-long
cylinder which has a life of several
months berore it is destroyed on plunging
back into th eearlh's atmosphere.
The Monte Cristo, 1$3-foot replica of 18th Century gquare' rigger,
docked al Sea Seou l Base on Newport Beach waterfront during the
weekend to take on supplies. Rona ld C. Craig's ship, built in 'Van·
couver, British Columbia , is headed south, with San Diego, Mexico,
Hawaii on lls Itinerary. Skipf,er Jeri Berry will lake ship, appraised al
$425,000, on to t\ustralia ear y next year for CaJSt. Cook Bicentennial.
Hu ·ntington W o·manN~r
Deaih Aftei: Mesa W reek . . '
A Hun Ungto!J ~h woman Is near
.death today with injuries suffered SWJday
night when a car collided with her
husband's auto at a Costa Mesa in·
Mrs. Judith W.-cQl!ald, 21, o( 9322
Velardo Lane, is in extremely critical
coudltlon at Costa Meaa Memorial
Hospital, following surgery for multiple
injuries. ·
Her huaband Thomas O. McQuaid, 23,
ls in fair condi'tion at the same hospital
with injuries suffered in the broadside
smashup on Newport Boulevard at Fair
Their car and one driven by Larry W.
Lilly, 25, ·of 2017 Parsons St., Costa ti1esa.
careened out of the roadway and knocked
over, a traffic signal and street sign in the
11 :10 p.m. crash.
\Vorkmen for the SI.ate Division or
Highways were still repairing the
damage today, as nurses kept a vigil over
lt1rs. McQuaid, who sutlertd .. a con-
cussion, plus .muW.ple. cuts and bruises.
Investigation conUnues into the ac·
cident today, since neither McQuald, nor
Lilly, who was ta ken to the same hospital
complaining of pains, could remember
moments just prior to the crash,
Officer Charles Hamilton said Lilly's
car slammed into the right side of the
N.cQuaid vehicle and the injured woman
sitting on that side absorbed the brunt of
the impact.
The McQuaid vehicle was hft so hard
that it apparently rolled up and over the
Lilly auto, clipping the traffic signal at
the southwest comer of the Intersection.
A dog riding with Lilly was tuen to the
Orange County Animal Shelter for care
after the accident.
Spade Re~alled
T1ianked County for Booking
Of !flt 0.llY Pillf lltH
One of the la.st things Spade Cooley
ever said was "thank you.'' according to
today'll news dispatches. He thanked the
Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs Awx:ia·
lion for allowlng him to be "free for
awhile" to play al lheir benefit in
And that's the way a few of us around
Orange County would like to remember
him. Because that's the way he was the
last time he worked here. <See story,
page S)
He was at the ta.ii end, really, of a high-
flying decade in which be had become a
featured movie performer an ort-viev.'ed
television perso nality and his billing had
become "King of Western Swing."
Ile wun't Hying so high ln the mid-
19S0s. But he was still an important
enough personage in Los Angeles
television circles to command his own
St1·ike Shuts School
city's 28,000.pupil public school system
was shut down today by a strike of the
Providence Teachers' Union. The issue
was a new contract.
full hour of 1'V time weekly on one of the
independent stations.
And there wu no doubt that be had his
following -ilU'ge and Joyal -out there
in "T~levi.&ionland." He graciously hosted
each year's °'w crop ol beauty1 coo·
testafjts wpo tried for the queen title ·at
the Orange County Fair.
He generously gave his air lime to
thein and the phone calls and fan mail in-
dicated lhat televiewers enjoyed seeing
the girls on his show year after year.
All that had a bearing on his being
booked as the "free" show in the
fairerounds amphitheater for what was
to be his last in-pe rson appearance in
Orange County. He was supposed to open
the county fair with a flourish. It turned
out to be more of a flop.
But the opening night show -attended
by Spade, his band, a handful of fair of·
flcials and a half an audience -had
hardly ended before he was in the front
office wllh his HI-gallon hat literally in
hi! hand. He apologlie!.I to the fair
nianagement ror not having pulled a big-
ger crowd. And he thanked them for
booking him.
It was one of the most hu1nble land ap-
pare.ntly sincere) scenes this reporter has
ever seen any "show biz" personality
play in real life.
That time, Spade "died " onstage and
then said "thank you."
Sunday, hes aid "thank you'' onstage
and then died a!ler the show.
Psychiatrist on Duty
The astronauts said they would be will·
Ing to launch again in the kind , of
thundentorm that marred their bWtoff
Nov. 14, recommended improvements: In
tools and carrier bags and reported dif·
ficulty in sleeping on the moon.
Newsmen asked whether Conrad's e1·
t:ilaration 0.1 the moon mlJhl have beer.
caused by an "oxygen hi&h.'' a state ol
euphoria that sometltJlea occurs when an
astronaut breathes pure ox)'gen.
"I was very happy," satd Conrad, "bu:
I wasn't on an oxygen high ."
In the first IO minutes of a moonwalk,
Btan said, "You fjnd that it is not &s
hard as you think it is goi·Jg to be to
n1ove around. and you are pretty happy
about that .... I was in a good humor to
start with, suing we had landed next to
the Surveyor. That started the thing of:'
right. ..
Bean described difficulties in Iden-
tifying rocks and soil this way :
"This second day we went out, th:..
same thing that looked gray to us the
first day started looking -at least to me
-a sort of brown, dark brown or a tan-
nish brown, and it was really one of the
most interesting things of the lunar
surface operations ... how much that
color can change just with a 7 degree or
1>0 sun angle change."
The derelict Surveyor spacecraft they
Inspected and removed pieces from look·
ed brown. Bean said, but "I wouldn't be o
bit surprlsed that when \\'e get all thov.
parts back to Houston, they don't turn out
lo be -under the earth light and light ~
the laboratory -kind of dark era)
Beach Officer
Awarded Medal
Ont of the highest mllit.ary decorations,
the Silver Star Medal, has been awarded
po~lhumously to 1nd Lt. Theodore R.
Vivilacqua of Hu:1tington Beach. wbo was
killed in Vietnam last May.
The medal was presented Thursday to
his parents, Mr. and Mr.s. Richard Steel,
ol 17810 Cancron St, by Brigadier
Gtneral Henry H. Wise, commanding
'general of the Marine Corps Air Sation,
El Toro.
Vivilacqua perished fl.fay I I while -
l;01tdlng his platoon in a search and
destroy mission in the Quang Nam p~
v!nce in Vietnam.
As a result of his action 13 enemy
!Oldiers were killed and a fortified enemy
,·illage captured.
He was attached to the "H" Company.
2nd Battalion. 5th ~Iarines. prior to bis
O~e of our more normal customers, a prominent psychia·
tr 1st, contributed thi s message : "The most difficult secret
for a man to keep is the opinion he has of himself."
No"'. suppose you don't care for yourself (unlikely). \Ve
guarantee that no one will ever know if you're \Veering one
of our flattering suits.
. "
Or perhaps you're naturally modest but secretly suspect
you 're terrific. How better to confirm your suspicion than to
be fitted at 3467 Via Lido.
The \Vhole deal's more difficult if you think it's obvious that
you are outstanding. But we urge you no·t to confuse yoii r
friends with t\vo different personalities.
Outstand \vit-h Jack Bid\\'ell. What's an old secret any,vay?
Jack Bidwell
Parking for as many car:; as you own
3467 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach
Open Friday evenings unW 9 p.m.
l •
• \
••I -* * '
vot ~z. J. 211 : 1 SECTIONS, 46 PAG~s ' . . ' " . ·~ . " . • , . • •
(Jpnr~d Says
SPACI. C&ii'l!fli. -(AP) -
"l'D tell~ -llllq{· .Poto~ wwi ..,.,., ;II Ill*.._, 1111 ol, lmooiledle I
had to -'11111 .bll>y down, Ulen la the
ript pla:e:,11111-no pi.o. er·-." °""'"" Alon L.-Be•itllld Rlcbanl r-GGldoa Jr .. were holding the first news
conference from space &r.1day and he
was recalling how he brought the lunar
lander ~ la .. . ' . ' ' * *·* As·tronauts , •
SPACE'..CENTER. Hooston {UP/) -
Atx>Uo 12's moon pilots nudged :their
Yank~ Cllppe)' _..iu.,r•ly down the ·~alb
fof a South Paciuc horitecomlng today in
~·fi)iale or man's first· decade of space
eipfol'.'at)on. ·
piarles "Pde" Coor~.,39,,!Uchard F.
Gpr<lon·, 40, and A1l1i L. ,11-..an, 37. set
t¥,ir.'li&llts on 11plashdown in.moderate
~ at 12:51 p,.m. PST. The veteran
recovuy carrier Hornet stood by to
rewieve lh,n1 495 miles southeast of
Pgo P.ago. , ' . A 't!nal flve·seC<Jnd burst ~rom U1e com-
\ 1lnllili1 ship's control rocket at 9:44 a.m.
linea up the astronaull' course for a
meteoric. but sa!r. entry into E.artb's at-
~s has got to be the most spec-
tacular-Jlgbt of the whole flight," Bean
llid 1u the ahip accelerated quickly "'°'"' !ht ~blueo .ani1,v1o1.ia "' '"" ' --ffD-lllliH''' ·~~pi.{ .. ' •' 11111"""""· for 'the• ..,..,.._,·II' IS _. . .im. ill "'°""-llq -~ flrit Ii' a
' "8er ....,-111e -~ th.JI bOcl: II 'tl!J .... ci>ml'"1fbll .J1IOOll erri ~lodioa, 4'J&t10ril II the .!lo'"'"' Sj;ICe ~nt~. , 'I ='-"U you've retn~m~ ym,ir lava-lavas
ll'q~"°lan clotl)lng)1 It •h!>UI• Ile~ love-li. "fl' /!' the Squib Pacific," gi:ound com·
n:iinUcator. Donbld L. Lind radioed the
apacemen , eight hours be.fore their Jan-
."Thank .you, Dqn, sounds real good and
we'll be happy ta see the land of lava-
lavas'," replied Conrad.
The' lo.day, million-mile mlsSioit was
the nation's last In. the decade of manned
11pacefllght that opened when Russia's
Yuri Gagarin and America's Alan B.
Shepard first ventured into the cosmos in
IMI. Since then, 2.1· Americana ,.and 20
Rmslali hav& no.wn in space.
ApoU0;11'1 astronauts awakened at 2:27
a.m •• after sleeping 8\l hours and began
the final prepsrations for splashdown.
They ate breakfast, checked their course
with star sightings and found time to play
some country and western music ~n a
1pacecrafl tape player.
CHP Officer Slain;
Suspect Captured
RIVJiilsIDE (UPI) -. A California
HJP,..ay Patrol officer died in Riversi~
Genir&I "Hospital early today .hours .after .
he· wo shot In the head at point-blantl:
rand by a man he llopped for IPftdllil.
Ar suspect in the fatal lhootlng of lookle
o£fli!er Andera Sh,wmaker, 2r, of
Yucaipa, was being held by Rivel'!ide
1beriff'1 d<puU'f. ,
• . .
I HOUllS; U MINUT,15. -let Hiker Hepburn
. '
Lights Festival
' ' Goes ·on Friday
For Lagun.ans
Illumination of four 20-l~ stained
glass -windows F~iday, .will c1iCk on 1 the
Yuletide Festival of Lights ,in Lagu111a Beach. · . ., ,
The windows at• the city's,; entr~
and a 40-foot Christm~ tree at -lbe ft# of.
Broadway will be illuminated ali 11 p.m.
Santa Claus will jlold cOurt (or
youngsters in the Santa's house next to
the tree. Downtown merchants will hOit
hospitality night at their stores.
Laguna Beach Jaycees are conducting
both commercial and home decoration
competition which will be jUdged next
Stoel.-,Uarket '
, NEW YORK, (AP)-Tbe stock mark<!
sank steadily late· todaY 1 tn one or" its ¥eOpeot ·~tl>acks _In many week!. (See qu-. Poses :l&-37).
Tl'ldlilg moved -.•tJ& nioderately acUv~
~'-as pri~ drifted r dowriward ttom
the ~start. , I
Spade Re~alled . . '
Thanked County for Booking
' ' . Ill' rl!OMAI ~lcCANN or ,i. D91tr ,. • ., 11ett •
Qne of the list things Spade Cooley
ever &aid Was "lhank you,'' according to • ~y'a news ·dispatches. He thanked the
Alemeda Coanty Deputy Sherirrs Asaocia· uoli for allo-.111( him to be "lree for
awhile" to pliy at their benefit in
Oakland. I
And · lhlt 's tbl ny a f'1'! of us around
Orange COUnty 1woukl like lo remember
him. Became_tha\'1 the ••Y he WU lhe
lall time he worked here. (See story,
page 5)
He ftl at the tau end, really, of a high·
flflng decOde in which be had beOome I
featured movie1performer ·an oft-viewed
teltV!llon .,.,....uty and liia l!llilng bad
be«1me ''Kini of Wntem Swtll(."
lie WUll'l fiytq IO hi&h in the mld·
19'0'. But he WIS still on Important
eriouJh .......... In Loo fAnlelts
leleYtllOli circles to command 1lil own !Jiil boar ol TV time -1111' Oii one of the
I•peodenl ll&Uooa. ¥<! there wu no doubt that be had his
lol1""1ng -11t1e and loyal -out· Uiere
!n J'Ttleviltonlllld." He cracloul\r bolited
each .Yt&r'• new croo or beauty con·
'. '
testants. who.ttied 1for . the ,queen title at
the ,Orange County Fair. ,
He generously ga"lfe' hi~ air time . to
them and Ille phone calls ,and fa{I mail Jn.
dicated th'at televlewtrt-e~jbyed seeing
the gtrts ' on his show yi!ai after year.
Al_l lhat ·had ·a ·beiirh:ig on' his be1ng
'booked as the 1 "free" show• In the
£airgrourids amphitheater for Whal was
to be bis lut in..peflOn appearance In
Oraog• County. He wu supposed to open
lhe <OW>Jytfalr with a fiourbh. It turned
CMtl to be more of a flop, • • But the opening night !how -attended
by,~. liia, band, a handful, ol fair of·
flcli.fs and a haU an ~1 -had
han1ly <Med before he wa In ule front
office with liia 1._.,110n liat lllu~ In
his -band, He apoliltjucl to the fair
. maD11ement for not havtftl pulltd a bl1·
ger crowd. And he ·thanked them for
bool<lng him. '
It wu oni of the moot humble (and ap-
panmtly llnctre) -Uds report1r,b11
ever 1ee11 aar "ibow bla11, penonality
play In mt 1lfe. . · ' That limo,· Spade "died" onstqe and
then said "thank YOlL"
5\lndar. hes lid "!hfnk you'" oJISla1e
and then died alter the show.
. •• • ·1
" •
Educato~ Jog$
To ·victory in ·
Laguna _Hike
~ "" Fame -maybe a bit limited -waited
in the future along with 'health, \\:he~.
scl;lool administrator Clifford W. "Scotty"
Hepburn took up jogging three years ago
to cure an ailing back .
The Fountain VS.Hey educator pactd
himself to viCtory over 98 other entrants
Saturday in Seventh Annual SG-Mlle
Preslden\tal Walk spo....-.d by Explortt
Scout Poot 7I7 of 41oM BOa.cli.
•Hepburn.. of ~ Rodla!ldl 'llrl••. =r:....... ~ ~-~~~ '~~~ a..":' flat. -~ > ' ' , ·~,
"!rho' ~111181 ~,... ~
Inotnicll• • Iii f'ltuttalil( Vllly • .... •
5cbo01 bepii' JoiMlp, thi'ee yift 110 "" his back and Ja ·now an ·enthualuttc
backi)ack)i,lker al 'weil.
~liking on the sixth' anniversary or the
Bssassfnatlon of 'Preaident John F. ken.
nedy -who populirtz.Od the gruelling
ordeal -the field of 99 dwindled to 51 at
the finish une. ·
Laguna Beach High School Cl'08I coun·
try squad ninner Dav~ Wilson cat>tur!d
seco!'ld place . "'WIUi eight houn, '3
minutes, while three Garden Grove Hl1h
School students tied fpr third.
., '
... ~.
' . '.
_,.,.._ . _.,
t •I!' J r~ ....... ~c . \ tl. il.j ~ ' J 1:-~:.'
~:., o·;_ :t?o,~·, :~.:.:
I •,.. It 1'' _I ' J :;;', • J f'!' I
'.l\ • I •• 11· '""~.J..:...L -' . . -. .. ' . '"'I!;~ ft(' '1 '• :..f I • '-:-;"-t_' ~ "') • ·l
(•.:. ... -lt"'i·1r.'··;':'1" "f'' ~ • ; . ... · .,.. . t• r, ,,,..,: . .;.-...
•' ·~ •"'1 M•n
' " . '.' Scott el'terson, Joe, Riis! and ' Mark
Shilling .all' -.ed the 'f1nlsh' point ~ w-ljiey start<d· l><l•e<ll eight and,
nine m. the momJnc -ii> eight hours .and
41 minutes.
·I • ' . , , ,, ~ . . . . :: . . ' .. ma~~ 11.~&:..J . m ·P~·~1a·i/;."
I ' ,. ';: 1"1(, '•.f f"t ! r.1' I • 11 ~~1., /•,, · The trek · liegin at -An<IM .Plwnblog
company, 1115· Glenneyre -St., south on
Cotst Highway, eut on Crown Valley
Parkway through Laguna Nigoel and on
to the .Santa Ana Fr~way. ·
tunilhg off on the fr'eeway frontaee
road, the hiken madt their way to El
Toro Road, the.n swetched to Laguna Can-
yon JWad and beat a path back up Glen-
nevre Street to the finish line. ·
Only the finlsli line at the first crossing
was merely· halfway. because h1ker1 had
to make the circUlt twice to total 50 nlfles. · -·
The eventual winner was 471h to
register Saturday and fin ished hil first
hi,P in a phenomenal three hou!'I, fl
mln,utes, slowing 'appreeiably on Lap
Unllke love, that clreult bn'l better 'the
i;fcond Ume arounil. " ·"
''I th1n.k I dkl th.at well becausit I'm one
of those morning joggers," said Hepburn,
"I alwiy11 r_un three or four miles every
day." 1 '·
He rai1 almoat all· ol both laps, but the
!e<:Ond consumed .four hours, 51 minutes,
. almo&t to ·minutes over the first. Scouts In>m Pi>st 7l7 pottolled.the hike
route in cars' with 'mObUe radios,
diArlbuting"water~ ~for ~IY. or a
ride for tbolie 'wno were lilyond IUch Usistaiict. · 1 • . • •
•.. :"~:. -· .... , ... ,., • .,.r B. i ··Rd:.··. 'li·.··r·~i ;:.:":: ,;_R~"·1, ··,~ ·-• ....... , .. . o · ·-' '., ·"Qs~· 4t . · iearing
, .... , 1·, •.• , ... ! -~.':
Canyon Road· Colll-JAA -..:. · . ,
'· '
' : ' ' . . . . . .
S:ix·~·.Injured :· in.::,Smashup ·.
·'. ' ' ,-:.-• . ..... "\
• • "' ---~
' •. t ' ' ' '!·· ...... . '
:Pro~~ ,SeJ,,·
. '
'./.\., ',:air~d · '' un lfll air
' ''
: . '. : .• i '' )
:€oUisiQil,' :· . ~
Three 'Hippies'
5,teal Laguna
Woman's Stove ' . '
2j-~~aguna Beach woman told pollct
,,....,. lhat three male "hippie" 1yp11
made off with her new, SW gas atov•
after she had collected only $20 of. Utt sale ·pttce. • -\ r ~
Anna Carini of 2442 S. Coast HlghwaJ
t!:iJJlain~ ',sl;le ha(f 'advertised the M•
fo:r sale' and · apparently "sold" it to •
mtddle-al!d.couple ;who gav11 het ·a f;* ·de~it last 'lb\lnclay anj wd the]
-:ou)d return to pick. up. the stove and J>ll
the ~alance of fl05.
J7Alliffld 110on on 'Friday' Mrs. Carln
said 'she ruw the 1brN' strange mes
pushing lier Volbwapn ,out ol thl
carport when tbe.·lleve waa stored.
A&1he prote1ted loadly, 1he trio bockel
lheir own flatbe ,d~t. ~p to the carpan_
loaded the,iolle,, ~ 1i securely Obi
drove off. Victim".of lbe bOld lheft AU
she SCfJ!~ )qudly anCI even tried u
step in front of the truck.' but the Ii>
vad<rs simply •dtsreprded her.
or .. ge
. 'Weadler ' ..
• I •
That "-! l,!r 11 on Its, way to-
1.ald the ~'~~· with Sonia Ana wincb ...,. .... the temper1-
tum Into the 70'1 bece. aod •i>. to
13 inland. I
IN8ilnl TODA:Y ' . ~ ' ..
·-.... -. ·~ 1• :.=:iw. , .............. . 'i5:i:,;' ·~·" . " ,.. .,.
..... -J • ....... , ...... 4-1
\ --.. --. =-ll:ll ·-.. -. ii':::: A ............. " ..
I D~ tfie
i' Mis~io1:t .
-~· . ,
{ Trail •
I ~Capo T1·ustees
i Weigh Override .·
1 CAPISTllANO VALLEY -Trusleet ol
) thl clpjsti-ino Unified ~ool District
']•Will mett. fu a special session tonight to
act.. Oii: a ~mmendatioq (or a tax over·
/ride election.in June ..
) _.The request came from Ule Citizens
' Advbary Commit~ which has been stu·
• d)'lni boqelary problems laced by the
\ difti1ft. ' : ·The cominilttt stated that if meuure
•r papes, the override should not be in ef·
· feel for longer th.an one year, A specific
j figure was not suggested but i~ the board
1 vptes for: the election the committee will
• present a figure sometbpe In February.
( e _-f.01&th Gap St.1&dled 1
f MISSION • VIEJO -Paul Keenan,
I special community \ relations1 consultant
for Roumoor CotpOratlon, will attempt
;an explanation of the generation gap for
\Mission Viejo Republican Woman's Club,
tFederated, Tuesday.at 11 :30 a.m. in Du(-
~ fy's restaurant,-Mission Viejo. ! "Keenan will share observations on
communicat.iog with the segment of
youth that doesn 't !peak the same
la,.nguaae as we do,"· said a spokesman
for the Republican group.
~. Reservations and . transportation ar·
frlngements may be made by calling Mrs.
yUrsula Spencer, 837·2844 or Mrs. Pat
1 Heuneman, 837-8693. · .. e Ca11dle Cla•• S~t
decorating workshop is scheduled for to-
day and Dec. 1. ·
The class will be taught from 7 to 10
p.m. by Mrs. Rita Davis. For location
contact' Mrs. Doris Swanson at 837·3143.
The cla.!ls is 111pansortd by the Mission
Viejo Association of Artists a n d
:• ;ldeH11ea Recr1&itlHIJ
.•-\'ieJo's chapter of Uie Sweet Adellnes in·
vita any woman residing in the Sad·
·~•back Valley lo join thtnj Tuesday at
.;!;30 f>.in.'il Dqwney S,+lngl and Loan In ---r.iisS~on Viejo. ·1 ' • • 11
-;'.'.'The group specializes in barber shop
harmony. For Iurther information ~·
J ict Mr1. Keith L. OISl!n al 830-1630. '
;~ irtirff•• #1111~' sljlud
;., .w.ISSION VIEJO " Senior hl(h
students will be celebr1tlna: ThankagJv.
Ing eve with a dance.
The Wednesday event will feature live
musk: from a to 11 p.m. Jn the recreation
center. Admission fees will be 50 cents
for members and $1 for nonmembers.
Any resident of Mission Viejo is
welcome. Non-residents must be a guest
of a recreation center member.
e Capo Folder Vl~ced
brochure on San Juan Capistrano will be
displayed to members of the Chamber of
Commerce at their breakfast meeting
Other business will include election of
the board of directors for the coming
Guest speakers will be Gene Kite of
Inca Plastics and Gus Vanialis of Vanson
Diveraifled Inc. ~'ho will describe their
plant operations. The meeting will take
place at 7:30 a.m. at Pete and Clara 's
Strike Shuts School
Pl\OVIDENCE. ft.I. (API -This
city's 26,000.pupil public school system
was shut down today by .a strike of the
Providence Teachers' Union. The issue
was a new contract.
Gtill ¥ flfl 01
O•A~ C0411 l'V•l iattt._ COM,...,NT
A•Htt N. Weel '"'*"' ......... .,
.... t •. C.rl.., V!u ,, ............. -4 Mlllltt'
Tiit••• k"rll ....
Tll•111•t A. Mtr,hi111
,,,,. .... "'9 !fifer
Alth•tl r. Nill
Llllll'MI IH<fl c11r lf!fw" ._ ..... _
tit ,.,,,,, ... ¥ ••
Me!l1Rt A44•tllt P.O. I•• •••• 92611 ..... -.
Ctlll Miu; tat ... I .. , ,.,_,, H-ft l t•lll nn >YHI ,,..., ,..,lfl'ltt
M""'lntlt<'I htui: M"" Slrtti
• . ' '
WASHINCTO!lo (U~l) -The i.raiy ""
day ordered a "life or dtath" court
martial for 1st Lt. Wllllam L. Calley Jr.
on charges or mutdertna lOI South Viet.
namne civlilans "of vartoua a1es aod sexes:• ' •
One of the apecilliat.ian1 against the 26--
year-old Calley. leadtr of an American
platoon at the lime of the alleged
massac;re, charged ?>e .ahot a 2·year old child. 1 , '
There were flvt 'other apecµi~tions.
Corky Carroll
Surf Winner
In Santa Cruz
..,. .ol them ch.,.i.;: hillL wiUi
pr.,,eilitatfld murder of 1',not less than "JO
Orltntal ~uman 'beings." _ · • •
-~ coud martial was ordmd.J>y Maj.
Gtft, Orwin €. T!!~comml!1dil>B
a_.al of Ft Btnllln(: Oa. lie dl>'ect.d· •
l!>at' the proceedlnp biH:onduci.d on a
••capital" basi1. Callly ls notf ttatloned
~ Fort Benning.
A Pentagon spokesman said Talbott's
d\rtstive meant that the ·death pen..alty
could be impo~. and Uiat Jr Calley wt!'•
convicted. the penaJtY' could not be ·leas
than life itnprilOnrri.ent.
The announcement of the court martial
trial came •?Ju~ an Mor 8.fter the Army
disClolecf:tbat a new, special lDvestii;aUon
had Jiein ordered of the incident ,lo'
determine if it "'as' husheit up at th" timt. ' T\
Lt. ,Gen: Wiiiiam R. Peers was ap-
pointed tO head .lhe inquiry.
'The military trial of the Waynaville,
N.G .. Ututtnint will be beld at Ft:· Ben·
, ning. A_ JPO'khman said. it 'lfoyld be at
Special to Ille ~AILY ~JLOT: least a month -possibly longer -·belort
SANTA CRUZ -.t.iulhem:C.Ufomia it h<lln•·
competitors Jed by Dana Pflnt'1 Cork)' The ~ificalions agaft!,!t~ Calley ac·
Carroll, who jockeyed his board over HI· cused Calley himself of shooting the vie--
footers, swept the prize money In the tims in each case -indicating that a
f'ro..Am International Surfing Cham· large number of other alleged murders
pionships here Sunday. \Vere under Investigation.
Carroll, 22, formerly of Surfside, took The Army announced last weekend that
$1,500 in first place ~·innings during the ZS Other solflers and ex.soldiers were
three-day event sponsored by Smirnoff under investie:ation in connection with the
Vodka, richest in .!IUrflng hiatory. case. One of them, S Sgt. David Mitchell.
Finishing behind the current U.S. no"'. at Ft. Hood, Tex .. has been char5ed
Surfboard Championship def~nder were with assault , with intent to commit
Dru Harrl900, Herinosa Stach, $800: murder.
Oav¥f Nuuhiw' Huntincton Beach, $500; The Army said aD of the alleaed
Greg Tucker,~unttngton Beach, . $300, murders 0:CcWTed "on or about March· is.
and AJf Lew.b, qonnou Btacli, poo or 1 1961 at My l,.ai 1n Quang Ngai Province."
scholarsbip. • , ~ . -· , , ' , Peers, chief of reserves on the Army
Tbe only Northern californ.la ~rfen to gene~al ataff, was ordered to "explore
ptaee amoo1 !be. field of to partielpanta the Jl!llur• aod lfle SCl>Pt Of the original
were the 11oy.,ir1 tpm of Kathy Balley Army lnvutlgatlon ol the »called My
an4 Ron Hatl of Santa Crui. Lai Jnoldent northea.!lt Of Quana Ngai City
They plattd·teeOOd ln the pro tandem in Vletoam oo March 111 1961.'1
event won by Hll Sachs of San Clemente The fi!rlginal lnvesUgaUon • was con-
and ·P.atue Y1111111, JJI Glendale. / ducted'by 11ie U.S. 11th lnlailtry Brigade
Steve Bobene, Hermosa Beach, and The conclusion then was•thlt there wa!
Barrle.Algaw, Santa Monica, plated third no rt:aton for 'further eXamlnaOon of the
in_ the tan• category, which calls for detall.!I and no cause for 4isclplinary .ac·
acrobltlc-slunta performed a ti o a r d tion. • •
oulalie suilboards. The ,new, lnv~_tlg(ltJon was, Announced
Carroll's unorthodox surfin& style -Jointlr by Arllly Secretary Stanier R.
ridlni wllli h1' ijlt loot trailing Instead of RM« · ·ll!d Gen. )V 1111 • .m' C.
hil rllht -· euJ!y,outcluaed. all o(her Wt1tmoreland, Army chlel of ¥tall.
surfers In 'l~ coin~ lo auto rac1n&'• ••• BoI!>, empha!lJad ihat tlielt actl!in did I~::-AY~~~ ~~h•ict 1Wrl~Wr1a'I':' ~~t ~
oll Sleln!er Line Bucb .,,.. wu adequate, bur· aald thlf ..0..ld' be
hllhll&hl4d by lop quall(1 waves. delennlned. ,. ·
•• :!'j, ! , • I ' .. -~ •1 4 f1 • , 1~ .-I . r 1 'tf"• I Motilton~Nlglfel·Dfstrict
• ' ' Approves Sewer Pipe ~Ian
Directors of the Moulton·Niguel Water
Dis trict have approved a propoMd agree-
ment with the Santa Margarita' Water
District to build a 3,900-foot pipeline from
Rancho Viejo Road to the San Juan
Capistrano city llmtl.!I to carry sewage
from a new Mlaskm Viejo development to
the San Juan treatment facility.
The tw0::year plan, general manager
Carl Kymla told directors, would reeult
in a saving of to'"' · nately t44 ,000 a
Hill Planning
Concepts Topic
For Planners
New concepts in hlllside plaMln& will
be examined by Laguna Beach planning
commissioners In a study session
tonight. Developer Mark Gumbiner and
architect Peter Ostrander are seeking the
views of the PlaMlng Comml11ion on a
prot>05ed 118-acre development adjacent
to Morningside Drive.
The innovative plan, calling for Z8
Acret of greenbelt, with cluster housing
and contour roads delilJ*I for minimum
disturbance of the terrain, i1 aimed at
preservation of the natural hlllakies and
ellrfllnatlon of the cut and ftll procedure
thllt has resulted in Oood problems .
Second item up for study la a smaller
request by Geoffrey Riker. wbo .eeks to
re-divide six small Jots near the top or
Alta Vista Way into four building sites.
Because the new lot arrangement
~·ould result in sideyards of less than the
siz.e required by city building codes. plan·
ner.s will study the whole concept for the
project • before makin& their rec~m·
mendaUon. ' ... '
Only 400 Troops
Shy of Deadline
SAIGON (UPI) -The Unll<d Slal•I
!'flUst remove only fOO addlUonal lrOOpa rrom VN!tnam to meet Ute Nl1on ad·
mln!JltaUon'• 1oa1 of r:fducin1 American
forces here to 494,000 men by Dec. 15. the
U.S. Mllllary Command 1ald today.
Spokesmen aaid another 4,800 U.S.
11ervlcemen were J'fldeployed from Viet-
riam last week and aa of laat Thunday
thtrt wert '84 ,tOO American! in the war
zone. ll la the 1owest troop 1tren1Lh
figure slncc December, 111117.
>:ear and give Moulton-Niguel additional
time to carry out planned construction of
new facllilies .
The Moulton-Niguel board agreed to
foot the $54,QOO cost of constructing the
pipeline and Installing a metering device,
with the understandinc -that Santa
MarcarJta wlU repay the full amount and
take over the line in July, 1972.
Kymla said the San Juan cily treat·
ment plant can handle an average of
500,000 aallons a day ~sufficient for a
population of 5,000) with a peak load of l
million gallons.
The Santa Maragarita District. ~·hich
covers a 7 ,000-acre Mission Viejo planned
community adjacent to the existing
Mission Viejo development, will pay
$30,000 a year for use of the pipeline and
the San Juan facilittles.
The project lnilially will serve 300
Coronado homes now under construction,
or already occupied.
The homes now are being served by a
badly overloaded MLssion Viejo treatment
plant, Kymla said, with tht! resulting
treated water used to irrigate the Mission
Viejo golf course.
"We need to move fa st on this,'' Kymla
said. "We don't "'ant to hold ~1t!slon Vic·
jo up on setting the homes occupied.,;
He empha.!llzed the need to "buy" time
until funds are available to proceed with
construcUon of an estimated $523,000
worth of facilltle..s needed to keep up with
the ,rowth of Mission Viejo.
Board chairman Ivar Hanson said he
felt the proposed agreement would
benefit everyone concerned and could be
signed at the December meetins If all
olher parties were In accord.
f'rom Pnge J
view lhat the district mis ht have dif.
flculty selling bond s in the future if "a
Mlckey Mouse deal like this" should ta'ke
Kymla was instructed to attend the
hearlnc and aeek a continuance if a more
11Ult'actory plan could not be aa:rood upon.
Entire bonde~ indebtedne11 or the
-Moulton-Nltuel Water District, Kymla
aald later; 11 111,171,9!0 from now unlll
J"6 when the last existing bonds will be
retired. The Great Lakes CarbOn pro-
ptri)' rtpretentt about t~·o petceot of the
district'• total asre&aed valuation, Kymla
He aaid that five separate studies had
betn made In an attempl to establlah the
pnsent value or projected future taxes on
the property, based on estimated growth.
Results varltd fro1n $68,000 to •121,000 in
annual tue.s, KymJa said •
. UP'IT ......
Above and Beyond Duty
' Three Army sergeants today received the Medal o(
Honor Crom President Nixon for heroism in Viel·
nam. From le!t are Nicky D. Bacon, 23, Caraway,
Ark.: Paul R. Lambers, Holland, Mich ., an d Weir
stcr Anderson , 36, Winnsboro, s.c.
<:ity Council to Study.
Laguna's Tennis Needs
Laguna's tenni.:; needs will bounce back
before city councilmt:n early next year.
Councilmen called for an early 1970
study session on the matter -possibly a
joint discussion with school trustees -
after con.siderll:ic a report from the
Laguna Beach Tepnis Association .
1t had called for acquisition of at least
three acres of Oat laod suitable for con·
11otrtlction of 10 tennis courts in the future.
Citing National Recreation and Park
Association standards, the repo rt stated
that Laguna should have now seven
public courts to serve its 14,000 persons.
There are two c'.~y tennis courts and six:
school dis trict courts , two of thein
Mayor Glenn \'edder .!laid Los Angeles
-mentioned in the s tu d y -has one
public court for each 22,000 persons. He
said Newport Beach yith a population or
about 47,000 has t~·o city tennis courts.
It has many school or private courts. he
"The statement of one tennis court for
each 2,000, persons is nice to shoot for but
we do better than N,ewport Beach or th e
City of Los Angeles," Vedder said.
The mayor said, "1 agree ii you arc
aoing to have fthrtla activity. you netd
quite a few courta in one Spot. This is
quite logjcal." ' He said the council and planning com-
mission have been looking for places t?
pul tenni.!I courts for 10 years. He men·
lioned a· 1966 proposal that five courts be
atop a Glenneyre parking structure. He
mentioned another study proposing
courts above Irvine Bowl by massive
hillside cut and fill operations.
Councilman Charlton Boyd suggested
the matter be put on a 1970-71 project list
Rudolf Hes~ Moved
To British Hospital
BERLIN (AP) -RudoU Hess, once
deputy fuehrer of Nail Germany. was
moved from the Spandau war crimes
prison today to the British military
hospital in \Vest Berlin.
It was the first time that Hess, 75, had
been moved from Spandau in the 23 years
since he was imprisoned there after being
given a life sentence by the Nuernberg
War Crimes Tribunal. Hess was moved to
the hospita l for examinalion and X-rays
connected with stomach pains.
and that the city recreation department
bring in recommendations. •
Councilman Roy Holm suggested a
join! discuuion with the · school board.
boys' club and tennl.!I assOCflaUon. He
noted lhat a large part of t~e ~nity
not living In the ·city use local tennis
Holm aleo said that courts n'ar the
new Boys' Club facility would be
Vedder said tennis interest J~ probaby
greater per Capita amoilg young persons.
~le said there might be a way to expand
lhe tennis area at the hl&h .!IChool.
Trailer Court
Appeal Befo1·e
Council in Capo
A public hearing appealing the planning
comnUssion's denial of a land use permit
for a mobile home park w111 ·come1btfore
the San Juan Capiatrano City Council
The park had been planned for pro-
perty located off Del Obispo Street .near
the Baptist Church.
The request was denied because the
commission believed the property would
be difficult to develop so that adequate
drainage could be provided and because
of the current moratorium on mobile
home Park applications in the city, ac·
cording to city engineer Jack Kubota .
Councilmen also \vill be considering a
request by H. L. Gutch regarding pro-
perty being developed outside or the city
limits. The request will pertain to the
availability of th"e city 's main sewer line
which traverses the area.
A mobile home park is being developed
on the property which is south of Del
Obispo Street and ,i.•esterly of Alipaz. The
area falls into the Capistrano Beach
Sa nitary District and developers are fac-
ed with constructing an 8,()()0.foot sewer
line to the sewer facility.
If the city decides to allow the park to
use the city !ewer line, the use may be
contingent on the city'! later annexation
of the property. Complicating the matter
is the city's moratorium on mobile home
park applications.
Psychiat1·ist on Duty
17,000 Eligible
For Scliool Bond
~lection Tuesday
Nearly 17.000 registered voters are
eligible to go to the polls Tuesday to
decide whether or not the school bond in·
terest rate will be raised from 5 to 7 per·
cent in the San Joaquin Elementary
School District.
Polling places which will be open from
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. are University Park
School, Irvine School, La Pa 1
lntennediate School. Olivewood School,
O'Neill Schoof and Gates School with two
polls in each or the two clubhouses in
Leisure World, Laguna Hills and one in
the. home of ~njamln Halperin in
University Park.
Two-thirds ot the vote cast must be In
favor of the measure in order for it to
Rex Nerison. bu.!llness manager for the
district, said that be was very hopeful
that the measure would pass.
"All we're doing Is raising the interest
rate. We're not passing any more bonds.
There is no reason for a person to vote no
unless he doesn't Uke kids or schools.''
said Neri.Ion.
He explained that no agency will
purchase the nearly •. 1.& million in bonds
the: district bas aj.ready accumulated but
a new la\!!.,. siinfld , by the governor
perm,lts dJstricts to raise the interest rate
if two thirds of the voters agree. ,
"Although 7 percent will be the ap.
proved .interest rate this doesn't mean
they have to sell at that rate," said
Ner}son. "Some agencies are willing to
buy bond& at six p_:ercent and J feel sure
we could sell ours for that rate."
He staled that the increased Interest
rates v.•ould not· hurt the taxpayers'
pocketbook. He explained that an owner
of a $30,000 house for example would pay
only $1.5()_ total more in taxes per year.
"We are very hard pressed to ac-
commodate the children in this dlstrlct,"
said Nerison. "\Ve're hoping to get some
relief when Aliso and Valencia schools
open after tbe first of the year. Br
special arrangement we haVe two more
schools about to begin construction but
this is the extent of our building unle1s
the measure passes.''
He said the di strict needs three or four
new schools besides those planned:
Cos1uos Satellite
MOSCOW IUPI) -The Soviet Union
today launched an unmanned earth
satellite. Cosmos 311, the Tass News
Agency announced .
O~e or our. more n~rmal customers, a prominent psychia·
tr1st, contributed this message: "The most difficult secret
for a man to keep is the opinion he has of himself."
Now suppose you don't care for yourself (unlikely). We
guarantee that no one \\'ill ever knO\V if you're wearing one
o( our nattering suits.
Or perhaps you're naturally modest but secretly suspect
you're terrific. Ho\v better to confirrn your suspicion than to
be fitted al 3467 Via Lido.
The whole dears more difficult if you think it's obvious that
you are outstandin~. But we urge fQU not to confuse your
friends \vith two dif1erent personalities .
Outstand '"ith Jack Bidwell. What's an old secret anyway ?
Jack Bidwell
Parking for as many cars as .Y_Ou own
3467 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Stach
Open Friday eveninas until 9 p.m.
! ,
, .... -. . ~
Beaei.:=-.. .
. .
' ~o~. 62, NO. 28 r. 3 SECTlONS, 46"P~GES •• ORANGE 'COUNTY, CALIFORNIA
MQNDAY, NOVEMl~'24, 1969 . . . . ,. " ' -' .. . ,. f. • •
' .. . ' • • t : ,
~~ 1 • , ·' J. , I
SPACI CENTER, H...-(AP) -"jll"'tevtrJ:lblnilli04lolil'tliat"µI t!iimder.....,. tllal --;~=toff
"!'It tell~ .... thing," Pete Coorad... _,bl ... piece''. Caiind ""-., *' Nov. H, -In
saying.' It tool< every bit ol knowledfe I \ we IOI --to__. aal ,..·~· -...i carrier bop.· 4-"<I d\f·
had ta pt that baby down ~ .. In the ·-·~ --.... -fl<Ully·ln ......... tlle -· ;
rishl ploct. Tbot was no piece ol cake." , ..,..... I.I -JI" tho lut. lq o! Ila -Ne own --·Conrod'• ex-COorad. Alu.L. llean a!!d Rtcbanl F. •·l'O)'alt,ol lill1~-m!1es ..... the._ hllarauolim the-·-ha .. been Gocdori Jr. were holding the fifst news attnCf passed up questions ·sutim.itted by cauaed ·by an "oxygen high," a .state of
c;Qriference · from space Str.iday and be newsmen. _ ~ .,.. e\IJ>horia thlt sometiJtles occurs when an
was recalling how he brought the lunar The astronauts said tltey would be Will· aairtnlut breaU. pure oxygen. ,
lander Intrepid In. Ing to launCh again in the kind ol ."I Was-very,happy," s&id Conrad, 0 but . . . . " ' ' l · . . : : . : . ' .
* * * Astronauts
' .
Head for·
. :. !
.SPACj!: CENTER, HQUston (UP!l -·
Apollo 12's moon pil ots nudged ·their
Yilnkee Clipper squarely down the path
fQr a South Pacific homecoming today· in
&be finale of man's first decade·of _space
·ChirJts "'Pete'; Con{ad, 39, R!Chard F.
Gordon, 40, and Alan L. Bean, 37, set·
tllelr .slgbts on'a spl aShdown In moderate
seas at 12:58 p.m. PST. The veteran
r~very carrier Hornet ·stood by to
retrieve them 405 miles So\itheast of
Pago Pago.
'A final five-second burst ~rom the com-
mand ship's control rocket at 9:44 a.m.
Jined up the astronauta' course for a
meteoric, but safe entry into 'Earth's at-
• : ''This has got Lo be the most spec-
taculfir sight of the whole flight," Bean
said as tbe ship accelerated quickly
toward the etnks, blues and violt\I of the
-lPol Jlt ~lllll .2.cJol>e. 8111;-·flJii' tllo ..... IC .so,.·,; -bq quarmtilll, !Int tn a
-...... ~·Jlomel and u,.. back
.. lht .... ~ -· "'""' ,,.,_ .....,,. Ille -space
CJater.:J ... I
·•"If ~'Ve remimbtred ;Our 1avatlavu '(~nfiian cli>thing)·, it lhou.lli be a lov~
It diy 'in the Soath.Plclfic," ground cOm-
murucator DonMld L. Liyd radioed the
apacem!ln eight hours befor'\ their lan-
ding. .
''Thank you. Don, sound s real good and
we'll f\e happy to see the land of· lava-
lavai," replied Conrad.
Tbe I(klay, million-mile mission was
tbe 'n8tion's last in the dtcade of-manned
apacefl,ight that opened when Russia's
Yurl Gagarin and America's Alan B.
Shepard first ventured into the cosmos In
1961. Since tmo: Z3 Americans and · 20
Russians have flown in space.
APoho U's istriinauts1 aw~kened al 2:%7
a.m. after sleeping ~'h hours and be_gan
the f~l. preparaUom for 1splashd0Wn.
They ate breakfast, checked their course
with star sightings and found lime to play
some country and western music on a
spac.«ra!t tape player.
CHP Officer · Slain;
Suspect Captured
• '
Lig,hts Fes~vfl
Goes on Fr.id 4y
F ~r LagunaQ~ 1
ulwiunatlon of !our 20-foot s~ned
gtlsS windows Friday wl,11 clkk _91! the
Yuletide Festival of IJgl)b in La)una ~~~w~ :at ~.~;ty's entr~s
and a tJ..'90\ Cllr131mas.tret at the foOI of
Broadway·w1111le ,ilh1m1n8~ at 6 p.m1
Santa . Claus will hold · court (or
youngsters tn the Santa's house next' to
the lree. Downtown mert hantS will host
hospitality night .al their stores.
Laguna Beach Jaycees are conducting
both commercial and home decoration
CO{Tlpetitiorl which will be judged next
month. " '
- -
RIVERSIDE (UPI) -A CalUornia Stoek-Jtlarf<e t
HighW&y Palrol officer died in Riverside ------. -------
General Hospital early. today ~OQl'S after NEW YORK (AP)-'l'he stock market
he wu shot in the head at point-blank aant steadll)' la~ todaf in one of tb
rahit by a man he ltopped for .1:peeding .... steepest liltbacki Jn,many Weeks. (5ee
A suspect in the fatal llhootlng of rooJde .-quotaUOM,. Pap' N ) ..
officer Anderl Shewmaker, 28, ol ·, "Tracfin&Jft()ved •at a moderately active
Yucaipa:, was bting held by Riverside ' pace ,is. P.Jicts drifted i:lownward from
&beriff'I deputies. the start. r I
Sp~de Be~alled
Thanked' County for Booking
By THOMAS McCANN Of .. .,..., ,, ....... te,Stants. who tri.ed for the quten title ••
Uie brange County Fair. .,
C I • I
~ducator .J "gs
To · Yit:tiiry in
Lagu'fl.a ·Hik~
. • t . ... ..
' Fame -maybe a lit limited -waited
In the future along· with ' health, ,when
school admin istrator Clifford W. "Scotty'"
Hepburn took up 10ggin'g three years 'ago
to cure an ailing baclt.
The Fountain Valley educator paced
himself to -victory' over'911 -oth€r entrants
Saturday in Sevenlh • Annual 56-Milli
Presidential Walk sponoored by 'Expl-
Scout Poot 7t 7 ol Lqun& Belch.
' Hepburn, Of Z3QZ ·ltedl&nda llrtye,
~~~-r:~-.e,,~!:"~'1'~j ..
.boars Oat. ' • · • .i-"•
':.rhe 1&1i1Wlt Drtndiil~-' lnatructlon II ~
School bqon .joUJng -~ ... his back and Ii now an 'l6UDiutia
backpack hiker' u well. •
Hlkln& on the sixth anniversary' ol OW
assaSsiJfatlon of Pr"5ldent John F. 'Keo-·
nedy -'who popularlztd the grueljlnl
ordeal -the field of 99 dwln<lled 1to 51 at
the finish line.
Lagun·a Beach Hjgh School eroil:s coun-:
try squad runner Dav! Wilson ca~ &eco!'d place with ·eight houfa, 33
minutes, •hlle three Garden Grove ·HJgh
School students tied for third.
SCott, ePtenon, Joe Rust and Mart
Shil!lng all croued the linllh point -
where they start.cl between eight ml
nine In Ibo morning -In eigi111toun ·and 41 minutes. ·
The trek 1>eg'tll • at Andrus Plumblng
company, 88D C»eMeYre St., south on
Cout ffighway, east on Crown Valley
Parkway through Laguna Niguel and on
to the Santa Ana Freeway.
fuming off on · the freeway fron~e
road, the hikers made their way to El
Toro Road, then swetched to Laguna Can-.
yon. Road and ~t a path back up Glen-
ne.vre Street to·the finish line.
(>nly the finish line at the flrst•crosslng
was merely halfway, becauie hikers had
to make the circuit twice to total 50
miles ..
The eventual winner 'was 47th to
register Saturdav aoct finished hit "first
lap 1n a phencimenal three hours, Z7 ·
minutes, &lowing appreciably on Lap
Two. ·I
Unlike love, thalcitcuit ll.sn'f belt.er tbe secood ~lime ~.
"I think I dkf that well because I'm one or those mornin1 joggers,~' said Hepburn,
''I alwlys run three or four miles every
He ran almost all of both laps, but (he
second consmned four hours, 51 minutui
tJmost 90 minutes over the fint.
Seoul! from .Poot 717 potrolled the hl~e
route in can wtUi moblle radios,
dlatrlbuUng water, caridy for enerp, or, a
ride ror ·those who were beyond such
J ~aaa'l~·in ~geq.hf&hf" .... · '\ Bean · e1escribed 'dlffkilluf.i ti Jdea..
111,tlle Unt· 10. mlnutea of. a m-alk, tllylng roclls, and '1'111; tjl!I !R>'i . '
Beln1&aid; 1•you ·find that"tt is 1tit 11 •'Thi;' &eCond day ••.went out, the
hard u you t1iint It if fiobl to ·be to same thine· that ioQud "'I to ·us the
movi ir:Ouiid, ind Yoo ate pii\ty Tiom first di¥ ~ l!ioiili'I-~ al iWt U. me ~ that". . ,_'. 1 wu In a goo<!·~ to -• m o1 brolm, dar~ -., ;,;. • tan.
start wttb, seetng we had l&ndied' nm to niJh brown, and It wu re.Uy one· of the
th!! !lurveyor. 'nlat' slart"1 the tbfut off mO!t lnteresUnf thlnn •. "' the l~r rJoht." .' 1 1 ~ ' ' ~,.J •I~ ~bo., b •• I .,, ,ow11C1 ~oper8NU1•2 , ..,. w muc _..a
' . .; r " ... . ..
I ' ' .: .', : >. . '1 . '"' .' ti .,,\ , ... ,. .. "'•'\ ·' .... ·, .. ,; ..
-s· ''l.
" ; 'r ' . ' ' . " I . . . ' ' , ~ •r , .. , ' ~" •. r . . ~· >i.·.-'!r .,
..... , ' ''-I''••'~,,,.'.\ J.r J• . -' -.; . ,, .
:.~';,. !,,.•7'• I
,, ,'1 r' ·r. ~,I ;, .~., .... 6•11.v ''l°' it,. .,,,r.;·~,
' Loneli-1-li .S.cMllO> -Cf"'I Coun rry . , ', .
' ' .
Bond loss at Hearing
Dlrector1 of the Moulton7Nlguel Water
District .ha.ve ina:~cted ,their 'genera{
fll&nqer, Cart Kymla, ·to attend· a Nov.
~ hearing on lran1fer of 520 acres of
Laiµha CanJon ProPertY :~ the 'Liguna
Beach County· Water ,District to forestall
possJble loss of eltistlng boodS.
the· LQcal Agericy FOnTI.atlOn CoQt·
mf8110fl (t:AJi'C)'ls ,schid~I~ I; tji!e·on a
proposal lo de·r.M,x . th~ .. Gre;t\t· ~~kes
Carbon holdlnf' fr<>rh the l<!"'!ilon·ljtguel
Water District and &Mei , it rto the Laiuna district lo -flcllitate future~ water
I ' . serv ce. , 1 The acreaee ak>;rig Laguna Canyon
Road1 between , El Toro Road and1 the
rreew1y .Was annexed to ~be city of
Lagµna Beach some Ume ago. Plans to
develop Jt as a residential estate CQin-
mwUty, to .tie known u S~caID:ore Hills.
have since been droPPed· r
Kfmla IO_ld cur.cton ' Tl\ursc\&Y ', be
µqderslo!!d the LAFC .Wf. planned . ta
'reCommend, Uiat a ~~ ~'1\t, OP, ,ex· ·
lstln&.Moulton-Nlau<I water boildl on the
• . ' . . . .. ' ~
property_ tie-friad:?' tf"the' move were ap-
proved, or that bonded indebtedness be
dropped. • , • i> 1 • !. • -1
"We .can't let· our btmdnoklen down
llke •that," said chalmlan Ivar Hanaon.
"We can't sell ~ ~n.. later cut .olf
the base for the·bondl~ It's one thl'ng for
a lot or two, but thil ls a subatantlal
piece· of'lllld' and ft Would-llJ.ve an ~P@.ct
on the tax plctunrl~the wh61e district:''
Attorney Alex Bowle 'said it Is not up'to
lite water dlstrict to fix the tenns 'of tbJ
lrRiiifd.' Thia: ·1s use ... province of the LAFC: ~·
"W~ could only state the position of the
board.'' Bowle 'said. "We Cou!tl seek a
conUquanc:e or try to come up with: an-other plan." • • -
Dropping the bond• would place an nn-dut' butderi ·On' other fnPeyers in the
dl&lrict, l!Won'lald. ·"we don' want ·to
lnjllre th<'mt of our wpayers. We have
a .. lllCll'll • obllption • to ellbluof ·au
p:ia:slbllltiea:, '1·he·ltrtaed.
Director R. L~ Remmen1exPrened the
'.I ll!ee ,WATBR·llOAllD, PIP.II" . .
One of the last thlnp Spade Co<\i~y
ever said was "thank you," accordln& to
today's news dispatthes. He than~ ~
Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs Asaocla·
lion for a}lowlng him lo be "free for
awhile'' lo play at their benefit in
He gene.rqusly gave his alf\ Ume to
them and tht phone calls and faft man In-· JI"( Road' 11'1 Ill f dicated that televlewers enjoyed ,..Ing ,.,,QQ"ota ,._o ,., On _, ..
Oakland. '
And that'• the way a rew of u1 around
Orm1ge County would Uke to remember
him. Becauae that'& the way he was the
last · time he worked here. (Seo story', page 5) •
He wu at the tail end, really, of a high·
flying decade In which he had become 1
featured .movie performer 'an oft.viewed
televlalon ~Uty ...r hit l!lfll"' bad
become "King Of Wiiiem "Swt., ...
He ,.,..·1 flying '° high. In the mid·
llllOs. But he WU 1Ull .. hnporllllt
enougb peroonqe In Los Angeles
teJevlsion clrtles. to command llll own
f 1111 hO!Jr ol 1V time wee~y 111 ":!' of the
Independent 9lltlOOI. ,
And there wu no doubt that ht)lad hi1
lollowtnr -lar(e i nd loyll -out the,..
In "Televblonland." He gr•cloU!ly hosted
each year's new crop or beaUty con·
the girls on his show year aft.er year. • All that had a bearing on hli being
booked as the "free" shoW bl the s • • I • d • s h ~~~~:1'1.:.m~~1~::: :~~:;:."~ ix, .. · n1ure 111 .. -_mas "·up.
Orange County. He W&f supposed to open
the low>ly lair with 1 nourish. It tllftllll • • . . , · , , , • • ,
out to Ito more o1 1 Oop. !I. •. i~·-'o1 thr --• ,_ ~·-· ~ -~--· ~ · , .:...._._ 1~ . ,, , barn' • •.' • 8utthe"OpenJn8night lhOw-attended roor v ~us •---~-~·f!"•-. ~--.,•·,~·-· JQ_,.;. ••<....,.• per_COlllml
by Spade, hi• band, L•andlut of fair. ,f: .Ucuna Canyon ~ '~ •"""1!'11 ·!! I:< ·* ift. -~ tor, J...,it rllbl .1\-""·" 1111 "'""""'·lllo ~
lklats-aild a hlll m·lllldlence-Mfl 111t11act<>r1 . t~@., .:::r~~~-...: "°"-·Jlw<lf<!!"lnl 'pinl~
hardly ended before 11o .wu tn tt.1'111 .. , ,_,,,....~ .-litirt~:;{ o1.t -~ -·t11ecen1er1t11e--. of~tll ~-1:~i.t to~~l ··~ -::i. · ,.... llli. drtnn~ ( ~ ·ia, flP'~ ~~~f·:~urld :!\t ~ 'clllle tnto-_~' ol IIOlil'';
mamgemmt for not ha~pulled a bla· ,...... Jilw )telv& ._ . , " . ,
l er Cl'OIJd. And he them far -to. the ~~· , 'Wjllle ir"..a-.Jr .. 11,,..· 1oe 31111 Sl, · 'rhe 'lll!nl dilyll' ·111 lllli, mylttple .ctab. bootinl. him. TWo ol the poaenprs Wtft Tfleued Newport Beach driftr• of '!qi ~ Dqn/11 '!I. Aym, II, J MO Blaebtid ~
It ., .. one of the -btJmble (ind II>-Iller tnollmenl for .ie-inluriel. car: llUflered ' ~ '!raclul'e!I : iliOilder, Y9" Roltl. l<iguno '8Ucll. ilid sh< liod
ponoUy 1incere) -1111o ..,.n.r hu C.IUomll lfllhRy P1trol,olfi<en slt4 ~ qlltcllll saJd. ·HI•. t WO l~!\ DOioed I w Int"' aOut1\bound ·'-
• .., .., ay "allow •btJ" penonaltty-Ille 7;46 ,p.m. occtde\)1 -~n El Tor, • pas•......, relealed .ofter 't!Mrgtncy wheli 1~.~W' 111 b(l&lil ol'1nge lluh"
play tn ru1 Die. • Jlold· iftlf the Sin t>toP ,._, •p-trea~"'nt, were !>ou(lH o. '<!Obti;11; IJlil anit the ~ ·~ """11 IM tn fronfof
Thll Ume. SPldt "dled" on11ap and porelitly w11 co-·-i!ar Randl1!. M. Hosu•. II, "boili • OI Loni her 1m1fl cdnv,trtlbfi!. Unable to ovoid then sald.\'ilwik 1""" • traveling wlthoql 1 •~lcb• ! ~ ' ' · ' '11tr1klng ll Mlsl Ayre1',.loo w11 liken to
Sundat. hea aid, "ihlnk you" OOllqt 1tr1yed over the cenlolil '.Mnt, .. l' 11111h'r'1oid 11\e cllP he 'flrst sh the tioopltaf wh<r• ;,., ICJll!ld to have· IU!·
and then dled alter the lhotol. c:h ihln.i head<>n Into a IOllthboUad ·vehl· Conroy vehtclo when Ills own headllshtt lered a !ractored '-·
\ ··. .. '' .·~\~·.··
..... \1~V'. "• .. ~.. "'' ' •
' .
I TEN CE!'"!
of Cak·e . ! 1 , .. ,
.l • \ • •, color can cl11nl' jusl with 1 7 d•l"ee or .. !!'!\"'!Ill• chljlte." The derelict Sar\oeyor ._.11 they
lnsp«led lliKI removed ptectt'" fn1ni look-
ed brpwn, Bean salft, but 111 wouldn't be a
bit Surprised that when: we get all tbost
warjs bad to HaUston1 they don't turn out
· to be -, lll)der the earth' light arid Hght oi
· the lobor1tory -tdpd of dark 1"•1
again."' .
Probe Set •
On Midair . ' . '
A full scale.tnvestlgatton Into 1 mid-eh
colllsioh which claimed the. life ol aa ICI
Toro-based Mirlne· pilot over th~
weekend was sOU under · way today' ll
Miramar Naval Air Statton In-San Dtego..
N,._vy and Marine of.ficera: said a result
of ,.their findings w1H not be available
before. Tuesdly.
,Capt. WUliam C. Sauer, IS, of Tult"1
dlod-1n !he<olttsion satumy ~11en hi• r ; ~ jet from El Toro collided wlllJ a l!•'Y 'lnterl:itptor "!'@It li"9 (OOI lbov• ..... ~ !"" BOrT'f> ~
'C!!ill· = .... ,:· lit Lt
---• Q( 'l'llltJn. ·PoJ'lld>!tled J4 laltlJ. .... 11111 llft P!lol o! 1111 No\oy jet. llatll lMil wwe ailhurt and
T.J1c.=I ~ mcuee
billlt is Lt. l:mdr. Jollll 8. llellman; D, 0: Miramar.' Cmdr .. rffelllnan 1Waa alone in
hil Navy cntaader.. • .
Marine offtctn today uld preliminary
report!! Indicate that. Capt. Sauer wa!I l\Ofloully injur<d or kliltd at Ille .time ol
lmP.Act and made-no attempt lo leave the
Botl;l., jets went down in names anC
sparked J brush rlre ova nearly tMi
acres or arid desert terrain in the eui.
San Diego County area. Stale Farestry
persopnel quickly extln(ulahed the our-
~hr~ 'Hippies'
Steal Laguna
Woman's Stove
A/ Laguna Beach wom an told pollcfo
Friday that three male "hippie'' types
made off with her new, $125 gas atoVt
after .,,. l)ad collected ooly !20 of 'tilt
sale price.
, AMa Caril)I of 2442 S. Cout Hl&hway 'explain~ ·she · had advertised · ,I.he stove
for. sale and apparently "sold" It to 1
middle-aged coup!~ who gaV(.t her a $30
ctrposlt last Thursday an:t saJd they
would return to pick up the stove and pay
the "'lance .of 11115. . AroUnd ~loon on Friday Mrs. Carini
said she uw the tbrei at.range men
pushing her Voltin-out of the
carport where the stove -llored,
& she prot~ loudly, the tr1o backed
their own Oatbe dtruck up·to the carpcrt,
loaded the stove, futened ti IOCUl'tly and
drove off. Victim of the bold theft lllid
sbe 6Cl"WDed loudly and even tried to
•te:r. In front ol Ille truck, but the 111-
va rs 1hnply dtll'e1ordod her. _
· Oraage Ceaat
Weadter , .
, That desert alr 11 on Ua way to.
ward Ibo coat qaln, with Santo
Ana wlDds ~ the tempera·
tlll'OI Into the 'l9'1 hen and up to ·
13 Inland.
Rtadino, !Drltlod ...s ,.u111cm
an tM three a. for ont ONl of
ev<111 20 °"'1111• Coaot 11udml1
IDho •tle1tdl o pGTochlol 1doool. s .. Page 3.
" . " " . ll
' '
l :J DAll.V l'llOT ~,NM•lrM.JMt
I I 'I-~
' Down tlie
i Trail
~ ~Capo Trustees
} Weigh Override
';the Capistrano Unified School District • • will meet in a special session tonight to
~·act on a recommendation for a tax over·
,.•ride election in June. ~ The. request came from Ult CJUzens
Aarilory Committee which has been stu-
(dY~ bucl&elary problems faced by the
dmric\. . . · ~ 'The committee stated that i( measure
·~~the override should not be in eJ.
: feet ror longer than one year. A specific
~ fil'Jre was not suggested but if the board
votes for the election the committee will
• present a figure sometime ln February;
I • Yo•th Gap Sttullell .
( MIBSfON VIEJO -Paul Kee .. n.
·tsPectal community relationa consultant
~for Roumoor Corporation, will attempt
•an explanation of the 1eneration gap for
/Mission Viejo Republican Woman's Club,
'".Federated, Tuesday at II :30 a.m. in Buf-
! fy 's restaurant, Mission Viejo.
{~ "Keenan will share observations on
communicating with the segment of
Jyouth that doesn't speak the same
: lan1uage as we do," said a spokesman
j lor the Republican group.
\ Reservations and transportation ar·
f rangements may be made by calling Mrs.
.Ursula Spencer, &17·2844 or Mrs. Pat
(Heuneman, 837f'3.
'9 Candle Cla• Set
decorating worklbop is scheduled for tir
day and Dec. I.
The class will be taught from 7 to JO
p.m. by Mrs. Rita Davis. For location
contact ·Mn. Doris Swanson at 837-3143.
The elm is spon-sored by the Miss.Ion
Viejo Association of Artists a n d
'Ufe or~••'
Trial O.rder ·a·
' • • • ' .. .. over ·" ·Massac~e
WASHlNG'roN (UPI) -Tht Anny t<>
day ordered a .. life or death" court
martial for Isl Lt. William).. Calley Jr.
on charges of murdering 109 South Viet·
namt.e civillan.e "o( varklus ages and
sexes." •
One df the ipecilic1Uon1 against the 26-
year~ld Calley, lffder of an American
platoon at the Ume of the alleged
massacre, charged he shot a 2-year old chlld. 1
There were Jive. other specltic1lions.
Corky 'Carroll
Surf Winner
In Santa Cruz
OM · ol lhem char1int him with
premeditated murder of "not less than 70
Od~nijal .human beings."
T~ court martial was ordered by Ma}.
Geo. Orwin re. Talbott, oommaNUng
iener1l of Ft. 18elih.ing, Ga. He dJrecttd
that the proceedin1s be· conducted on 1
"capital" basis. Calley is now stationed
at Fort Benning.
A Pentagoo spokesman .said Talbott's
directive meint that the death penally
coold be linposed, and tbat if Calley were
convicttd, the penalty could not be less
than·life lmprlsoornent.
The announcemeht of the court martial
trial came about an hour atter the Armt
disclosed Uiat a new, special lrivestlg,tjon
had been ordered of the incident to ~etermine if it was · hushed · up· ai the
Lt. Gen. William R. Peers was ap-
pointed to head the inquiry.
The m:tUtary trial of the Wayneffllle,.
N.C., lieutenant lvill be held at-i;'t:;. Beri-
nlng. A spokesman saMJ il would be at
Special to tbt DAILY PII.OI' least a month -possiblY •longer-befort
SANTA CRUZ ....... Psrouthern CaUfornia it begins. ,
competitors lid by Dana Point's Corky The specifications against CalJe)t ac.'
Carroll, who jockeyed his board over t~ cused Calley himself of shooting the vie~.•
footers, swept the prize money in the tilns in each case -indicating that a
Pro-Am International Surfing Cham· large number of other alleged murders
pionships here Sunday. were under investigation.
Carroll, 22, ~rmerly of Surfside, took The Army announced last weekend that
$1,500 in first place winnings during the 25 other solflers and ex-soldiers were
three-day event sponsored by Smirnoff und er invesli2atiOn in connection with the
Vodka. richest in surfing history. case. One of them, S Sgt. David Mitchell.
Finishing behind the current U.S. now at Ft. Hood, Tex., has been charged
Surfboard ChampionsbJp dere_nder were with asaiult with intent to commit
Dru Harrison, Hennou Beach, $*>0; murder.
David Nuuhiwa, HunlbJaton Beach,. $500; The Anny said all of the alleged
Greg Tucker, Huntln&ton Beach, '300, murders occurred "on or about March 16.
and AH 1'ewis, Hermou Buch, $200 or 1 1968 at 14Y Lal In Quang Ncai Province."
scholli1hlp. ' , · P~rs, chief of reaervea on the Anny
The oa.ty ~ort.blrn California surfen to general staff, was ordered to 0 nplore
place among the fteld of eo parUclpants the niture and the-scope of the~ or~nal
were the boJ·lltl team of Kathy Balley Army investigation o! the so-ealltd My
and Ron Hall of Santa erui. Lal incident northeast of Quang N1ai City
'Ibey placed secood in the pro tandem in Vietnam, op. March J6, 1988."
event won by Hal Sachs of San Clemente The original investigation wa1 con·
and Pattie YOUA&, of Glendale. ducted by the U.S. 11th ·Jnfantry .Brigade.
Steve Bohene, Jle!!nosa Beach, and The conclusion then was that jhere was
Barrie Algatr, S,Oll Monica, placed'tbJrd no reason for further examination of the
in the tandem....category, which calls for. details and no cause for disciplinary ac·
acrobatic ' stunts• performed ab o a r,d rt!on. ' ( ~
oubqi suriboll'U. The new investigation waS announced
Carroll's unorthodo1 surfiin: styl~ -jointly by Army Secretary Staoley R. ri~ with hll lell fool trailing instead ol n..... and Gen. W f 111 a>m C.
hia rjpt -psi!Y .outclassed all other Westnioreland, Ar:m'i chief ol stall.
surfers in whit ~pares to auto raclnc'~ 1 Both em~ that.their actiOIJ did
lndleopolla,IOll ID irtallh. I ' ~r,1111;tly mean Iba! they felt the
n;e -• ilirflill.-.. "a' beld ; """~ 1~11on and~lillrw.,. lti: '<>ff BtNmtr Line Belch and was adequate, but aald this W«ild •be
hl&hlighted by top quality waves. · detmnlned. · ·-
AlJ0ve and Beflond Duty
Three Army sergeantS today received the Medal of
Honor from President Nixon for heroism in Viet·
nam1 From -left are Nicky D. Bacon, 23, Caraway,
Ark .; Paul R. Lambers, Holland, Mich., and Web-
ster Anderson, 36, Winnsboro, S.C.
' '
City Council to Study /
L(lgUJJa' s Tennis · Needs /
Laguna's tenni3 needs will bounct back
before city councilmen early next year.
Councilmen called tor Sn early 1970
study session on the matter -possibly a
joint discussion with school trustees -
after considering a report from the
Laguna Beach Tennis Association.
It had callf/9 for acq uisition of at least
three acres of Oat land suitable for con·
strucllon of 10 te'nnls courts Jn the future.
Citing National Recreation and Park
Association standards, the report stated
that Laguna should have now seven
public courts to serve its 14,,000 persons.
There are two c;ty tennis courts and six
school di strict courts, two of them
Mayor Glenn Vedder said Los Angeles
-mentioned in the s t u d y -has one
public court for each 22,000 persons. He
said Newport Beach' yith a population of
about 4.7 ,000 has lwo city tennis courts.
It has many school or private courts, he
an.d t~at the city rec~eation del/8rtment bring 1n recommendations.
Councilman Roy Holffi S1.1gested a
join! discussion "1th the school board,
boys' club .llnd tennis assoclaUon. He
noted that a large part of·1he community
not living in the city use loCal. .tennis
courts. · ,
Holm also said that courts near the
new 1 Boys' Club facillty would be
Vedder sald tennis Interest 1.s probaby
greater per capita among young persons.
He said there might be a way to expand
the tennis area at the high school.
Trailer Com·t
Appeal Before
Council in Capo '·The statement of .one .tennis. court for
each, 2,000 persons is nice to shoot for but
we do better than Newport Beach or the A public hearing appealing the planning
17,000 Eligible
For School Bond
Election Tuesday
Nearly 17,000 registered voters are
eligible to go to the polls Tuesday to
decide whether or not the school bond in·
terest rate will be raised from 5 to 7 per·
cent in the San Joaquin Elementary
School Distri ct. ·
Polling places which will be open from
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. are University Park
School; Irvine School, La P a z
Intennediate School, Olivewood. School,
O'Neill Sch6ol and Gates School with two
polls in each of the two clubhouses in
Leisure World , Laguna Hills and one in
the home of Benjamin Halperin in
University Park.
Two-thirds or the vole cast must be in
ravor of the measure in order for it to
pass. .
Rex Nerison, business manager for the
district, said that he was very hopeful
that the measure would pass.
"All we 're doing is raising the interest
rate. We're not pas.sing any more bonds.
There is no reason for a person to vote no "
unless he doesn't like kids or schools."
said Nerison.
, • ,\dellne• Reerultb19
.·VJejo's chapter of the Sweet Adelines in-
vites any woman residina: in the Sad·
"dltback Valley to join them Tuesday at
l'1:30 p.m. ~t·llowney SaYinp 'and Loan in
tMlssiOn Viejo. ,, ''
'• The group specializes in barber shop
harmony. For further information con·
tad Mrs. Keith L. Olsen at 830-1830.
"f • '~'I • l I• •1 • t I 'l"' t '
'• Tarlc~fl ·p;. Sl•••d '1 ·~• "\ 1·1•· ' ·~ ' " 'l n! I I'
City of Los Angeles,'' Vedder said. commission's denial of a land u1e permit
fhe mar,or said, "I 1;gree if ybu are for a mobile home park will C(Jme before
going to. hiave ttnnis activity, you need the San Juan Capistrano City Council
He explained that no agency will
purchase tbe nearly ·$3.5 milliOD in bonds
the district has already accumulated but
a new . law signeci,11by the governor
permits districts to ral1e the in~ereat rate
if two thirds of the voten;agree.
:;\:1ss101'1 VIEJO 'L ' 'nlor"Tij~ 'Mo--~lt' on-~1··01.1e uistr1"ct sludenls wlf( be cefebr1111!1 Thanklglv-' ' ' ·"-' . 1,,, e ..... ' ' quilt a feW cow-ts in ooe spot. 'J'liis is tonight.
quite logical." .. The park had been planned for pro-
He said the council atJ:d planning com· perty located off Del Obispo Street near
"Although 7 percent will be the ap.
proved interest rate this doesn't mean
they have to sell at that rate," said
Neri.son. "Some agencies are willing to
buy bonds at, six percent and I feel sure
we could sell ours for that rate.''
ing eve with a dance. · , ~ • nli!sion have been looking for places to the Baptist Church. The Wednesday event will feature live •
music from 8 to 11 p.m. in the recreation A ., s · p• Pl ~:m~~~r11fr.::.~~~~rscents pproves· ewer 1pe ' an
put tennis court.s for JO years. He men-The request v.'as denied because the
tioned a 1966 proposal that live courts be commission believed the property would
atoj:i a Glenneyre parking structure. He be difficult to develop so that adequate
mentioned another study proposing drainage could be provided and because
He stated that the increased interest
rates would not hurt the taxpayers'
pocketbook. He explained that an owner
of a $30,000 house for example would pay
only $1.50 total more in taxes per year.
Any resident of Mission Viejo Is
welcome . Non-residents must be a guest
or a recreation center member.
e Capo Foldet< Viewed
brochure on San Juan Capistrano will be
displayed to members of the Chamber of
Commerce at their breakfast meeting
Other bu siness will include election of
the board of directors for the coming
Guest speakers will be Gene Kite of
tnca Plaslics and Gus Vangalis of Vanson
Diversified Inc. who will describe their
plant operations. The meeting \Vil\ take
place at 7:30 a.m. at Pete and C~ra ·s
Strike Shuts School
city's 28,000.pupll public school system
was shut down today by a strike of the
Providenc;e Teachers' Union. The issue
was a new contract.
ltU.rt N. W•-4 .., ........ *" l"WH...,
J•U a. c.,1.,, 'lb .............. O-•.i Mt111,.,
Till-•• ll:Hl'll ....
Th'"''' A. M,,,h;,,,
Me-Irle (ti"'
Aichtr4 P, NtlC .. _ .... ,,
cu,, l!flltf
L......, .... Of ....
1!2 F•rt1f Avt,
Mt!li"t .Y4•tllt P.O. IH 666, f265l ...... _
Ce.it Mttt: HI .,,.,1 6t¥ 1'""'
"'-" •t~t~· ,,,, """' .............. ~ .. Mlllll"'91911 kt<I!. M Jffl l'"9t
Directors or the Moulton-Niguel Waler
District have approved a proposed agree-
ment with the Santa Margarita Water
District to build a 3,900-foot pipeline from
Rancho Viejo Road to the San Juan
Capistrano city llinil.s to carry sewage
from a new Mi&alon Viejo development to
the San Juan treatment fa cility.
The two.year plan, general manager
Carl Kymla told dlrector5. would reiult
in a saving of a.-·-,1ately $44,000 a
Hill Planning
Concepts Topic
For Planners
New concepts in hillside planrilng wil'
be examlne<f by Laguna Beach planninii:
commissioners in a study session
tonight. Developer f\.1ark Gumbiner a n d
architect Peter Ostrander are seeldna: the
views of the Planning Commission on a
proJ)O.'ed 118-acre development adjactnl
to Morninfside Di"ive.
The innovative plan, calling for 28
acres of (l'eenbelt. with cluster. housing
and contour roads desla:ned for minimum
disturbance or the terrain. is aimed at
preservation of the natural hillsides and
elimination of the cut and fill procedure
that has resulted in flood problem1 .
Second item up for study is a smaller
request by Geoffrey Riker, who seeks to
re-divide six small lots near the top of
Alta Vista \Vay into four building sites.
B~ause the new lot arrangement
\\'ould result in sideyards of less than the
size req uired by city building codes, plan·
ners will study the whole concept for the
proje<:t before making Uiclr reco1n·
Only 400 Tl'oops
Shy of Deadline
SAIGON IUPll -The United Stal"
fJ'IUSt rtmove only 400 addJUonal troops
from \'it:tnam to meet the Nixon 1d·
ministration,.'1 pl of rCducin& American
forces here to 414,000 men by Dee. 15, the
U.S. Military Command said today.
Spoktamen aald another 4,lllO U.S.
&ervicemen wert redeployed from Viet-
nam la1t week and a1 ol last '11lurld1y
there were fM,400 Americans Jn the war '°"'· ll lo the toweat troop 1tren1th
figure since Decemb'er, 19G7.
courts above Ir vine Bowl by m;i.ssive of the current moratorium on mobile
year and give Moulton·Niguel additional hillside cut and fill operations. home park applicalions in the city. ac~
time to carry out planned construction of Councilman Charlton Boyd suggested Cord ing to city engineer Jack Kubota.
new facilities. the matter be put on a 1970..71 project list Councilmen also will be considering a
The Moulton-Niguel board agreed to request by H. L. Gutch regarding pro.
foot the 154,000 cost of constructing the H.udolf H.ess Moved pc'tY being de,.loped outside of the city
pipeline and installing a metering device, limits. The request will perlain to the
wlth the understanding that Santa ) availability of the city's main sewer line
Margarita will repay the full amount and T () Brili~II Hospita which traverses the area.
take over the line in July, J972. A mobile home park is being developed
Kymla said the San Juan city treat· BERLIN CAP) -Rudolf Hess, once on the property which is soutll or Del
1nent plant can handle an average of deputy fuehrer of Nazi Germany. was Obispo Street and westerly of Allpaz. The
500,000 gallons a day (sufficient for 1 moved from the Spandau war crimes area falls into the Capistrano Beach
population of 5,000) with a peak load of 1 prison today to the British military Sanitary District and developers are fac·
million gallons. hospital in West Berlin. eel with constructing an 8,000-(oot sewer
The Santa Maragarita District, "'hich It was the first lime that Hess, 75, had line to the sewer facility.
covers a 7,000-acre Mission Viejo planned been moved from Spandau in the 23 years If the city decides to allow the park lo
"We are very hard pressed to ac·
commodate the cl)ildren in this district,"
said Nerison. ''We're hoping to get some
relief when Aliso and Valencia schools
open after the first of the year. BJ
special arrangement we ha ve two more
schools about to . begin construction but
this is the ex tent of our building unless
the measure passes."
He said the district needs three or four
new schools besides those planned.
Cos n10~ ~atellitc
co!11~unity .adjacent to the existing since be was imprisoned there after being use the city sewer line, the use may be
Mission VieJo development, will pay given a life sentence by the Nuemberg contingent on the city's later annexation MOSCOW {UP I) -The Soviet Union
S30,000 a year for use of the pipeline and \Var Crimes Tribunal. Hes,, was moved to of the property. Complicating the matter today launched an unmanned earth
the San Juan facilitties. the hospital for examination and x.rayS is the city 's moratorium on mobile homt satellite, Cosmos 31 t, the Tass News
The project initially will serve
300 l!~co~nn~ec~t~e~dFtw~it~hms~lo~m~a~ch~p~a~ln~s.~~~~jp~ar~k~a~p~p~li~ca~t~io~ns~.ij~~~iiiiA~g~en~c~y~a~n~n~ouiin~cedi.~~~i~~~ Coronado homes now under construction,
or already occupied .
The honies no"· are being served by a
badly overloaded Mission Viejo treatment
plant, Kymla said, with the resu!Ung
trealed water used to irrigate the Mission
Viejo golf course. ·:we need to move fast on this," Kymla
s1ud. "We don 't want to hold Mi ssion Vie·
jo up on getting the homes occupied."
He emphasized the need to "buy" Ume
until fund s are available to proceed with
construction or an estimated $523,000
\\'Orth of facilities needed to keep up with
the growth of Mission Vlejo.
Board chairman Ivar Hanson said he
relt the proposed agreement would
benefit everyone com:erned and could be
signed at the December meeting if all
other parties were i"\ accord.
f'rom Page J
view that the district might have dif·
ficulty selling .bonds in the future If "a.
Mickey Mouse deal like this" should take
Kymla was instructed to attend the
hearing and seek a continuance if a more
satisfactory plan could not be agreed
EnUre bonded Indebtedness or the
h-foulton-Niguel Water District. KymLI
said later. is •11 ,674,950 from now until
1996 when lhe last exl11ting bonds will be
retired. Tht Great Lakes Carbon pro-
ptrty repr.:esents about two pcrctnt of the
district'• total assessed valuation. Kymla
lie aaid that five separate studies had
bttn m.adt in an attempt to establish the pre.sent value or projected tuturt taxes on
the property. based on estimated growth .
Results varied from $68.000 to $127,000 In
annual taxe.s, 1\yrnla said.
Psychiatrist on Dut'y
One of our more nor111al customers, a prominent psychia·
trist, contributed this n1essa~e : "The most difficult secret
for a man to keep is the opinion h~ has of himself."
Nolv suppose you don't Care for yourself (unlikely). \Ve
guarantee that no one \\'ill ever kno'v if you 're 'veariilg one
of our fl attering suiti;.
Or perhaps you're naturally modest but secretly suspect
you 're terrific. !~ow better to confirtn your suspicion than to
be fitted at 3467 Via Lido.
The \Vhole clears more difficult if you thmk it's obvious that
you are outstanding. But \Ve urge yo u not to confuse your
friends \vith two difierent personalities.
Outstand \vith J ack Bidwell. \Vhat's an old secret anyway?
Jack Bidwell
Parking for as many cars as you own
3467 Via Lldo al Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach
Open Friday evenings until 9 p.m.
~~[ Sites Set
• }.Fo~ CIF
Grid Tiffs
: • .Rolling Hills High School In-
• : vades Orange CountY for the
aecood straight year to do bat-
tle ht CIF AAA quarter!inals
action with a Cres tview
'• League c:!wnplon. ; t. Last year the Titaps dispos..
::: tel ol Laguna Beach.42-14, and r . Ibis lime the .Foothill Knights
·.: proVi,de the.opposition at Sanla
'•. Ana Bowl, Boljl teams sport ~ 10-0records.
...... other ciF football playoff
~· games involving Orange Coun· 5' ty teams are Ana·belm
-.' (AMA) and Redlands ht their
' rematch at Anaheim Stadium,
~ Fullerton (AAA) vs South
• Pasadena at Arcadia High
School and Los Alamitos (AA)
hosting Riverside Poly at
Western High.
The pairings and sites: ....
BllhoP Am•I VS fl Rllldlo II c .... rllOJ corr'" ,,:;l~lm VI Rrdi.llds It Aiiahelm
Blair VI Slflll Motllcl M Roae Bowl Wtllttlw Yf Llkewoocl •I \ltltr1nt 11-.:11\1!'1\. ..... ;' .... ~t :r':t.ao.n' VII ,Fullerton It
'· Fl~~rphy VI l11Wnc11le •I Sentlnet
A~1ol~1 Hiiia n Foolf'!UI 11 S.nt1
Boni II . Yf GlenclDill 11 , Cltru1 JC
h llf• Pau~ 1t 81ritow Hloh Loa Al1mlrot v1 Rlv1rafde 11 Wnl ... n
A !!ii. 8on1ve!'ltu,.. 1! S.nt1 Yr1e1 Hloh HtMel 11 P11m Sprln11 Hlah
Smelt Sdlooll Yue~ V1llev vs P1r1el1t1 11 A~ teio.. v111ev eo11-
8aror1 11 lm~rl1I Hieb
!f' Polo :Plal . , . ,
I ' I ! ' ' l<;o.r~n:a., .Newport
If. • . • ' ' • •
Face Ster·n Tests " '
' Corona del Mil' and New·
port Harbor -two well
known namea: lo the role ot
CIF water pOlo playoU com-
petition -will be facing stern
tests Tuesday afternoon for
the right to e«1iti.nue towards
the semifinals.
No. I oeeded Corona del Mar
ls up againSt Charmel League
champion Oxnard High at
Long Beach Millikan (3 p.m.)
whUe Newport Qarbor faces
Garden Grove (19-1) a t
Lakewood following t fl e
Downey-Anaheim fracas at 3.
Oxnard presents a 12-3 outfit
with ils most notable ac·
complishrnent the recent ~1
win over tough Mira Costa.
The Yellowjacket.s are a
se:tlor dominated team with a
balanced scoring punch and
good teain speed,
Garden Grove, meanwhile,
boasts one of the CIF's ·best
overall marks -a 19-1 record
that is only blemished by a 5-3
defeat at the hands of top
rated Corona del Mar.
The Argonauts, under coach
Lynn Rodney are working on a
13 game wiMing streak and
have not been held to less than
a two point margin in any of
their 19 victories.
Junior Rod cade Is the faates\ or the Argos. and
usually is employed on the
last.break oflenae.
He bas help from seniors
Steve Casey, Terry Ricl&e and
Steve Shortt!d.<e.
Bu\ it's the. overall
teamwork that RodQey is
counting , on to dispose of
NeWPOrl Harbor's S u 'iJ a e t
League champions.
'l'be Sailors, Who' have won
the CIF cbamploilshlp tile past
two years, bad a field day ln
secqnd rotind competition Fri·
day, blasting Sµl}oy Hills, 10-6.
C.Orona del Mar also had a
relatively easy time of it in se-
cond. round action, turning
Upland High back, 11·5.
•AIDIN OIOVI It-I t W1tlrnlnst1r
1 Slrvlll 20wtsi.m
f An1helm .... .-
4 CO$l1 MtSI • ,
3 eor-dll Mir 1 M1rln1
f WUlmlMllll'
6 Trov
7 1'01111'1111
12 E1l111Cl1
I T~v
• kenl'IMIY t P1Cltlc1
11 L• Oulnll
'$81111-.0 10 Jl1ncllo Al1mltotl
1 Bol11 Gr1nda
IOLISel'l>I ---
OKNAltD 1114)
J l-Beach Poly
5 ~ 8ffCh POl'i'
12 Jledondo llMdl
.. .
Six Monarchs Honored
On All-Angelus Teams
1 Senti Monlcl 1 Ml,. Co1l1
5 Mornlnpldl
lt Nordoft
21 Htrv1rd
' V1<1!Url s .,,,.. ...
12 llu-
• ·-4 Dos Pueblol a Mire Conl1 ,,
Mater Dei High gridders
picked up six spots on the AIJ..
Angelus League football team
of 1969 as selected by the
circuit coaches.
Leading the Monarchs OJ.
the of(ense were tight end Jim
Blackburn, gua;:d Ron Dickson
and halfback Mark Dunn.
Defensively, Monarchs Tom
Grzecka, Bill Appleton and
Bob Haupert were named.
Dunn was leading rusher for
Mater Dei, carrying the ball
for 738 yards a.1141 carries for
a S.2 aver age and 1 1
touchdowns overall.
He was named to the All·
Orange County first team by
the Orange County
Sportswriters Association and
,,. was select.ed as the Orange
Coast area back of the year by
Quarterback Pat Haden, a
Junior, a1ong with split end
John McKay of champion
Bishop Amat led the first
team offense.
Haden was named moat
vaulable player of the circuit.
l'.'l all, the Lancers tiulled
down seven first team berths
while runnerup St. P au I
garne red six places.
haltloit Na-Wt{9'1t CllU
SE-McK1v. 81shop Amit 170 Sr.
TE-8l1ckburn, Mllll" De{ ltS Sr.
T-81ln, SI. PIUI 205 Sr.
T-811sch, 81!.hoP Amit 20$ Sr.
G--Fr...,denbll'll, SI. Paul 190 Sr,
G--DlckllOn, Miter 0.1 165 Sr.
C-Ponsoll9, SI. P1ul 205 Sr.
QEl-H&Oen, Bishop Amat no Jr.
QB-$ummerlelt. SI. AnlhonV 190 Jr.
H8-Dllnn, Miter 0.1 11$ Sr,
H8-E1tr1d1, 8l1holl Amil 16$ Sr,
Fa-McP1rtl1nd, SI. P111I US Sr.
..... M
E--H1ncod(, SI. PIUI
E-Cornell, BlshoP Amit
T--81rrell, Servlt1
T-Gr:tdc1, Mater Del
MG--Gi'rcll. 81M'!PP Amal
LB-Kelly. SI. Paul
L8-Zlmm1rm1n. 5'r'vlt1
L8-Al'Pl•!on, Mlllr 0.1
H8--Loll11, Servll1
HB--WH, Blll'H:lll, Amil
$-0\lnn, Servi!•
5--HIUPll"I, Mlltr 0.1
21D Sr.
li'O Sr.
l~S Sr.
1110 Sr.
21J Sr.
200 Sr.
175 Jr.
170 Sr.
16S Sr,
165 Sr.
170 Sr.
HO Jr.
gym. 8:30 p.m.
Dec. I
Fountain Valley -Fall
sports awards dinner (a11) at
school cafeteria. 6:30 p.m.
Huntington Beach -Fall
sports awards dinner (all) at
school cafeteria. 8:30 p.m.
Mission Viejo -Fall sports
awards dinner (a11) at school
cafeteria. 7:30 p.m.
Newport HarbOr -Sports
awards dinner (varsity foot.
ball only) at Balboa Bay Club.
6:30 p.m.
San Clemente -Fall sports
awards dinner (all) at school
cafeteria. 6:30 p.m.
Pro Grid Standings
Grid Scores
"'L 1!•1""'9 C:Onl.,_.
CM lurY Dl'Yltleft W L T .-ct. f'tl. 0,
Clevfl•nd 1 2 1 .n1 762 m
s1. I.oil!• 1 ' 1 .3l3 2n 2511 New York l 7 o .300 1Sl' 2A1
Pl!!&blirell 1 9 O .TOO 160 29f
C1plto1 Dlvlllllt
Dall•• W1!11ll!lllOn
Ntw Orie..ns
120.aoo m1n s J 2 .ru 233 232 ' s I .Ao!' 211 276
3 7 0 .lllO 227 290
WHlen CO!lhnnce
W•lftl'll Division
Mlnnesol1 t l o .llOCI 3'19 103
o.1ro11 1 3 o .700 194 lll
Gl'ffll BIY 5 5 0 .soo 17& ua
Cllkl90 I 9 O .100 159 221
CNllll DIYllloll
LM Ant}elu 10 0 0 1.000 716 169
81111~ ' 4 0 .MIO 226 211
At11nll 3 1 0 ,:JOO 1 .. 232
S.n P:r1ndsco 2 1 1 ,m li'O 251
Suftdlt't ltttUtt.
WtVll~ 27, All1nt1 :I'll
811tlmor1 24, Chle.110 21
Lon ArtPitl 24, 081111 2l
Detroit 16, Glft'n BIY 10
Cl-lend 2L New Yol'tl 17
Phll1ci.tlphl1 )I, St, Loul1 XI
Mlnl'lesol1 52, Plllsburvh l•
New Orltens O, Stn Fr1nclKll 3'
Tllvnd1Y'J Scllldul1
Ml,_.llC" If 0.tn:llt
S11'1 'fl'11>c:tsco 11 011111
' , lkl11lll.,.1 Sclledul1
Al!1nt1 II B11tlmore
Clevetllld 11 Chle100
lea Antelll II W1$hln11on
N~ York "L GrHn ll1y, 11 Miio
W811kff .
Phlledelphl• 1t New Orle1n•
Pllt&bu'llh If SI. L.ou!1
"L l'llft(ft Pl•i•IOfl
I; ... v .. "_ ... . ' '!:,.. lkiff•lo .... llollott
'• Ml1rnl
W l T l"d ... ti. 0 ..
1 J o .n1 v1 201
J • 0 .27J 112 219
l • 0 .21l 117 "' 2 • ' .200 17, 243
WHtwll Dlvl111ft
Kllllff Cll'i' Sin Dleto
f 1 I .900 Jl3
t 2 0 .11• 291
S60..W 2l5
461..400 :W217
461 229210 su...u.,.. It
llOSIOn 3!, B11tt1lo 21
San Ole90 '5, D1111ver 24
Houston :n, Miami 1
New Yarit «I. Clnclnn1!1 1
O!lkland ?7, K111H1 Clt'i' 24
TllUl'tdlv'• kllldull
Denver If K1nu1 CllY
Siii D!t!IO 11 HOllS!on
C!ncl11n1tl et 8utt110
Boston VI. Ml1ml, 11 T1mpa, Fii.
0•kl9nd 1t Nl'W York
USC 14. UCLA 12
Sin JOH SI. 15, Pec:iflc 12 Ol'HOtl SI. 10, OfellOn 1
Wnhln~on ». W1t.hlnoton SI, 'n
Sl1nlord 7', C1llfvr'11l1 29
S.Cr1menta Stell lfl, Puoet Sound 7~
Cal SI. (LBJ ~1, S.n Fr1nc:lsai SI. 10
Whllfllr 15, RldllndS U
C1I Wnllrn 61. C~'1 Guard ' Cel SI. (H1YW1rd) 2$, V1ller Slll9 17
Sen Diego s11i. Q , M. Tl~ll SI. ,,
"" P111n St. 27 Pllllburllh 7 W~I Vlr9!nf1 13, SVrlCl.IH 10
Prlnc:ll'totl l5. Olrll!'lllUlb 7
VIII 7, HlrYll'd 0
Corllll!ll 11, P9t111 l'
Columbl1 II, llrow11 I
lloston u. 21. Ternt)le J
Rul"ri 48. Co1111!1 12
Buffllo 2,, Vlnl!ICIVI 1•
Ltohlllh 316, l1l1v1tlt' If
Mleti!11n 2-4, Ohio Stei. 12
Purdue "'· Ind!•,.. 21 Mktll111n SI. )t, Norlhwntern 1
1'11iOY Missouri I'• K1115l1 7l
Cross country _ Oril!N Coll-Notre 011ne ll Air Force I
lnvll1!1on11 Ul. CIF Flnlb, IOWI ot(I, 11uno(1 0 8askelbell -1111 scrlmmaonl Cost1 Mlnnnot1 l5, Wl$CO!'l1l11 10
Mell II Covl,.., MlHlon Vlelo I F~ Nebr11k1 '°'• Olcl1homl 1( t1ln ValleY, LO$ All'llllO! 11 l&eiln1 .... ,, __ '' •• , '' o Beach (I ll II 3:15), Coron• dill Mir II ........... -..... DWI ' Jort11n. FoclhlH " E 1 1. n ('I. Colorldo -'l, K1nu1 Sl1te l2
Wetlmlnster 11 Ranct!o A11mlloa (Ill 11 SOUTH J). TenntUH 31, Kenluckv 26
W~IY Sol.Ith C1rolln1 27, CletMOll lJ
Baskt'lbell -1111 Krlrnm191!1 l 1 M1rvl1nd 17, Vlr1lnl1 13 H1br1 at Hunllnt!on BfKlh Tuslln 11 Florldl 51111 ». N.C, Sllll 22
EdlMlll (both 11 ll. Oukl 17, North C1ralln1 U
FrllllY V111derl>llt 63. 01vldson I
W1l1r f>tllo -UC lrvlnt 11 NCAA 111 LSU 27, Tul1nt 0 Lono BeoKll. Richmond 21, w11111m I. Miry 11 Baskelblll1 -E1 Cimino II Or1ng1 HWE•• Cots!, Golden W~•f 11 Mt. San Ji~lnl'O SOUT lbalh al I), Seddllbldl: 11 Sin Dll90 SMU 12, B1vlor 6
Mtta 171. Coronl del Mir el Morn-TCU 21, Rka 17 ln9S!de 0 0 1.rn, IC'l'lmm-J. Etl1nc:l1 Houllon 41 , Wvomlnt 14
al Western 13 p m. Krlmm'"l' VIiii ltOCKllS Pert. 11 Mir ne (6:30 11.m. 1erlmm1"I' Ullh ,,, &YU 6 S1tw111r
Cron COllntrv -St11ti JC f1n1b. et i;;;;;";;";;';;';;";;";;';;';;"';;'";;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Fruno. B1~etbllt -Goldlll Wnt 11 °''"" COii! (I), s.ddleback JC II Gros-ti (7),
Wiii!' F'l:llo -UC lvrl"' mt NCAA tournemerit In ~ BeKll.
''TEED ~
'I; ••
s.f,i;o will h1n•f1r yo11r fil1 to
our off1c1 1t no ch1NJ•·
Noth!J19 ch111911 •11c1pt th1 p•r·
101111 1tt1ntion whieh 'i'OU c111
now r•e•lvel
• ' A Public CourM with • Country Club Atmo1phere,
Tht Huntington Stacllff Championship Golf
Course and Unp1r1ll1IH ClubhouN F1cllltl11
1f70 MIN"I AND LA.Did •ou ot•ANIZATION
1"10 SMOI"
l"ll:ACTIC::t: Oll:t:t:NS
HY~!~~JON )ll SH~~I~
JJ6-11'4 ....... 11-. 11a..1111
Dlt'llClllM h Ci.. 1111 D• 11"1• t. ....... W .. ilivt .. """' '9 ,,IM ,..,.,
rltfll II Chi...._ ., llltllk C .. lf Mwy, It ....... Wftll _. 11 ''""'
"'' ti CltltMftl,
Bob Paley
Ind Aloocf11ft
Pho .. 642-6500 ..
54'>-3205 from
North Orange County
474 IE. 17th St,
Monday, Novtmbtr 24, 196~ DAILY PILOT ,35
Pro Cage . S~t.urda1'• Prellmlnarie• .·
• . .
Standings Al·ea Rurmers Shine in CIF Meet ...
...... Dl1fftlln
Ntw Y-orlt
Phll111elP1'111 qetroll
·~ ..
Wiii '-"f l"ct. 01 )Ol .t51-
14 ' .700 $lit 11 f .5.50 IVs
• n .n1 11
6 11 .1$3 11
6 ,, .316 11
Wt1ttr11 Ofvllilll
Afl•~'· ~I Al!NllS
Cfttc••o $811 Fr~!\e:lt«I
'" -·-· Sllllfl
13 ' .614
11 • .ll1t '
10 ' .5'• l
I N ·"" ·~.,. 1 11 .>It Sl'J
1 13 .3$0 6!11 s 1a m ,..,
lu.....,'• lttwllt
Clt1Cll'lnlll 117, l'tlolfllll 1U
81lt11¥ior1 Ut, Los Allllln t7
lollt'Ofl 125. ie111Je 116 T .... .,..~
Clnc:lnfllll II Mllw•ukM
SUttl1 11 Sin OlllO
N""' Yortl
l'lllll'I! DlVISl9t1
Wt11 lfff l"CI. G•
J~ 2 .175
11 5 .706 2V.
• • .500 6
I t .411 61'1
• 12 .333 •
5 ll .211 10
WHl•n OlvltJon
New Ol'!e1n1 11 7 .611
Los At11Ml11 10 t .516 I
0.1111 10 10 .lOO 2
W•'1'•1"9ton f 11 .(50 J
OlnVet' 6 13 .)16 5\1.1
sund.y•s 11:-lh
K.,tuckv 111, Lon Anteln 11$
,New Yort. no. Plllaburtll 106
Cltll1a lJI, W111\l"9lot1 117
TldlY'IG ...
0.llal II New Orlll~
Westminster, 5an Cleme.1te
an4 Mater Dei took another
step l'UrUrer Jn th&r quest of
ClF cross country titles Satur·
day in acuon at Long Beach
The three schools will now
enter the finals this Saturday
which again will be staged on
the Long Beach campus. The
first race starts at 10 a.m.
Westminster trailed Mira
Costa in race two. Don Diston
was the Jirst Lio.1 finisher,
coming in second in 9:30.
Other Lions and their times
were Steve Varga, 9 : 5 O,
\Vayne Akiyama, 10:02, Steve
Lassegard, 10:13, Ken Hurst,
10:15, Ted 1.tauter, 10:19 and
John Nichols, 10:26.
Newport ran in race one of
the AAA division but did no.t
qualify. Chris Bentley was the
first . Tar, to crOss · th'e finish
line, coming in 32nd Jn 10 :08 .
Follbwing Bentley were Rick
Flemµig, 10:13 .. Sid Comroo.1,
10 :32, John 'Holcomb, 10:39
8nd Steve Alward, UJ:43 •
Costa Mesa also tailed to.
win a 'berth in the finals dur·
Ing the AM heat. Satesian, Rancho Alamitos and
Ric.hard Preist Jed the Roland also qualified tor the 111ustang harriers and was
trailed by Doug MacLean. finals.
Following this duo was Steve Bob Llneback was I.he top
Oendlnger, John an<\ Tom finisher for San Clemente
Olswang, Tom Stovall and Bob coming ln second ;.1 9:37.
Gollnick. Craig Sterling was seventh in
Jack McQuown of Htr.l· 9:50, Brad Winton, ninth in
tington Beach just. missed 9:51, Gary Brashears, 13th in
quail.tying, winding up sixth in 9:57 and Bill Ayer, 17th in
race one in 9:45. 10:01.
Westminster ls rated an ex· . I~ the A di vision, Mater Dei
cellent contender for the AA f1n1shed third In the first race
to land a spot t1 the finals .
San Marino captured first in
the ~eat with St. Bernard'• st·
cond, Mlraleste fourth and
Walnut fifth.
Rick Jennings was the
highest finisher for t b e
Monarchs winding up · I n
seventh place. Mark Collins
hit the tape 11th for . Mater
Del, Steve Horestmeyer 14th,
.Bob LeAnza 16th &1d Toby
Clearley 44th.
·crown. Its main competitioq -
Saturday will come from
Upland, wla.1crs of race one,
Mira Costa, South Torrance
and Burbank. '
Tires Cost Less
San. Clemente and E I
Modena, the 'hvo Crestview
League AA entrants, won their
El Modena picked up · 48
points in race one to runner.up '
Lom,poc 's 96. oth.er qulilitying
teams were Cl aremont,
Coachella Valley and Los
lh race two, san Clemente's
Tri~ons · ~assed .40 _points to
secorid place Palos Verdes'. 71.
' .
Cornpl1t1 l i111 of
Fib1r9l111 81lt1tl Tir11 Av1il1bl1.
Pl'Jc• St.t • $21.tl ,1. F.l.T.
'f ib1r9l111 Wid1 Ov1I• -Sup1r •Pr.miurn -
R1di1I -Sporh -S•nd 8u99y -
& ill Si111 Tru~k Tir11 "°'
'141E.17th St:· CostQ t,tflCI • 645-2010
l1nkArn1rie1rd lo,,o.tt9 lotit INt loyl M•tt•r Ch•rj,
2001WIST17111, IANTA AN-'-141·6"4
SEARS Has Everything ...
Sunday Hours :
12 Noon to 5 P.l\l
Snn and rhe Uken will conduct rheir
FREE Nskedxll cJin;c ll the Forum.
5-urJay, Novembc-r 29 at IO:~O A.M.
Fr~ clinic wailable to n"eryone 1ttend0
in& aod, e1eh youngncr I 6 rttn of 13e
.nd under •ill receive a coup<>n eulid.
iog him t0 2 tickea t0 a (urutt Llker
pme. B\'Cfl'ooe anendins will rccei.e
1 coupon entitliQS: them ro a free ~si
Cola rom1>limenu of Pepsi Cole Bot.
tlin8 ComJ*!f·
Ask About Sears
Convenient Credit Plan•
Prices Effective
Today, Nov. 23rd
thru Tues., Nov. 25th Sears-
6.95x14 'fuheless Blackwall
P1a11 1.96 Fed. E::ii:~. Tax &.ch
And 2 Old Tireti
Tubeless Blackwall
2/25.00 1.96
2/29.00 1.79
2/28.00 2.07
2/32.00 2.20
2/36.00 2.36
2/25.00 1.76
2/36.00 2.21
2/36.00 2.08
Tul)ele.!!8 Whitewall
2/3 1.00 .1.96,
2/35.00 1.79
2/34.00 2.07
2/38.00 2.20
2/42.0o 2.36
2/46.00 2.57
2/31.00 1.76
-----------~------------------------------------, .... ,_TA M«IO, 5J1·45JO ll .-tN Ol 1->tll lore lf....cK Hr S·Oltl l'IC:O wt MUJ WllA "'* l(l 7.)l71 -• '41'1511 I "'"°'°" '* i..o.ou1 01tNM1.t °' s.1ooi, a .... 11 oi'nll't • '°'° AN a.s21 1 """°"" l!O 2.1141, NA t .s1•1. YU 1o11s1 W«A ''"'"" f.t4 •11 ~ *'"'
I ClllWfaMNI "2911, .. ,.J7.I W.UT'fl'009 HO f.Jf41 01AHOC U7•2100 "'"'"~VI •·1111 'Ml"'° J. .... I, ttll..na ~ -.otll 1NG11WOOO Cl •2)21 ff.SADINA 111.J2110 Stl,.;11 llOUllt COA$1 l'WA SofO.lm ._.,,.ft .. lflt ,_______________________ -------------------
............ ""'!"'._,""...._ .......... _ .. _ ... ,... •• ... "Sathlacllon0u•"'!'todtr'.llow~
L Momtay, Nowmbtr 24, 1964J
.p Jaris Move
Modular . UOUling. Inc,, the
e.lcht-mool.h.old m1aulacturer
· of Monterey Mobile &mtS,
has purch8'ed and Jeated a
total or 10.4 acres and wU1 move to larger quarters within
the Irvine Jndustrial·Complex
!Jlts !nil.
Formed in Janu11ry, the
firm has 30 employes ln tem·
porary quarters at 176~
Armstrong Ave., San~ Ana.
Its new location, at 1922 Bar~
ranca Road, is sjx blocks
north of th~ temporary plant .•
ConstruClion is y,·eU under
v.·ay on the new site with an
October ei>mpletion date ex-
ptcted. according to Dodds.
Initially, the plant wUI h!\V&
72,000 square '1:et and 125
employes. but there is room to
,.~,. triple both the plant and lhll
. 1 • ce11T~:'~~tT~~u~" "~1:t"ess work for ce to 218,000 square
.. -T~ 11Mer11'"" 11ou ,,.11t¥ t.e t• c..... feet and 375 employes. ''"ox""' 1 111.rtll'H' 11 10'll Sin lltfl'IOl----,.,,,,,--,,-,,.,-==:---I ·~ L"Vflot lt1cll, Clllfornlol • ..,.,,.,.., LEGAL NOTICE ·~ "llctlliovt llrrn name of SEALAND
'!<OM,ANY IMl'OltT -EXPOllT "'° ftll•i----'---:---:-----1 I ll t. tomPOS..t o• IM follllwlM MOTICiE OF SA'-1 ·~"-":.-1 ...me 111 lull 111d PIKI of Nolle• Is r-.trlOf -'""" Pl/,.,.,,, ,.
1 'ltltd-.1 I• 11 follllwl'L-··-~t 2'>l Siii HC!lol'i• JOn 11\0--~ or !llr (hrl! Cock
" L...m IE. C11rnl1'"'"""' • or 11111 '''" Of C1lllor11!1 ""'· vn<M•·
' D•vld P•l•gyl
BofA Plans
Ne'v Office
Ai Niguel
tt'"'8 Oil"'I, l lfllM l1Kll.. Cil, 11,n911, O.rlltlif F01'1l111 Cir G1r1 ..
•. Ofltd M(IWfl'I~• 11• lNI. win ·"" 11 ... blk: •uttlon. 1'°°1 HOU.,, • new Bank oI America " Llltll E Czt•nl1d10W11!.\ Hu11t1111f1111 aMCfl, Ctlltomi., 11 .. 1.m. " .. !111t "' c.11~11. Or•n°• cour;t~: Oft wtc1n1H1.,, "'' :iro 1111 o1 0tetn1-branch to serve the Lasuna
. • 0n Novfl'!'lbll' 1 '°· ~,...., ~·::r11 "S~t1~~ 1111r, "''· •h• 1011ow1,,. 0e:ic:r1bed prop.
• ~,.,,. Public " 1 do L~ll e ''''· ''"'""' Niguel area will open for ')~"' 1 I' I>' 1 '1 tit be 1ne Y11r Mt~• ID No. Llct1i.t
• ,cr••fll•d•oMlll ~-" lo me '" of of "'· ' bus1·ness 'I o n d a y , Dec. I, • ~181! ,..._.. """' l• ,.,.b$C1lbtd !g • • " • ,.1 ~ w ecllilow1..st.td ht cir cir ,,',~!~"'' eglo I 1·c r stdent H II • •• •-• ,. ,..,., ,,.. A!f•r-4 1~1 "¥• r na ·v e p e ,• ,
lfft-,,XP.lCla J •---d • (Of'ftCIAL Sll"A!JI ltM sv.-; . El'ltlM IC~• &Mounce • • """"" w' $0\,l It .... ·-· Mot1rr l"\llllk.C..l11otnll llffm .. M!Jft'IW Located at 31062 Crown °'""' Caiflt'I' :I01'1Q Mv ~'»'°" E11~1rn 1eoc1v T'" C.llfDmll Valley Parkway Road ':'lear
Seel. 15. 1m ASP~D»-11 116* HAK•t\O
lllfflll"'" °''"" coe11 01llY (lint, sild Ml• h tot th• PUl'SIOM of "'!If¥· N~el Road, the new bank
lol-"tt 2~ ll'lf Otufllller I, U, 1r!9 llllll •of 11\t UfllltraJgfllf+fOI' ii-•, L , rq b' · 'Jn a temporary
"" 11""' arid 111H1n totethw •1111 •" "'•11; m oe OUleO
v1rllil1!11 '"" •~Pll'I-ol ule. " structure until a proposed Otlod 1~11 1~1~ dav ol November, INf I ·
1tooer1 "· Htvi.,. permanent bu lding IS com-
G1rlle1d Foreign Cl " pJeted nearby.
Pub1t1....a Oran~• coitl O.llv Pilot, The manager will .. _ Dav1'd Novtmber ]I, 1'6f 21'1-69 •JC J. Palagyi, a four-year bank
veteran who has been assis-
tant manager of the Corona
del Mar branch for th:e past
year. ·He live.! in Huntington
Beach "'Ith his wife and two
Tim Mltschele, operations
officer, joined Bank o f
, America in 1968 and has since
been assigned to a manage-
ment training program. He
and his wife live in Mission
The·pl8'.1ned permanent
building for the branch ls
scheduled ! 0 r COn!ltuctlon
early next year.
Route Won
' " ~ By An· Cal
Air California was granted
permission to provide pas-
senger air service belwetn
Palm Springs and the San
Francisco Bay area.
The State Public UliUlles
Commission decision requires
that the airline rnusl provide a
minimum of one round-trip
flight daily between Palm
Springs_ and San Jose, Oakland
or San Francisco "'ilh each of
the Bily Area airports being
eilher a terminal or In·
tennediate stop ..
Air California is prohibited r r o m carrying passengers
solely betv•ecn Palm Springs
and Orange County. Ontario or
Hollywood, although the new
flights may stop at those
airports .
The application said the air
coach fare for the trip would
be $20; ""hich wa.; described as
23 percent lowir than the fare
charged by Western Alrllnes.
the only other carrier now
flying the route.
New Co1 nputer
Syste1n Offered
\VALTHA~f. Mass. (UPl }-
Jnteraclive Data Corp. has an-
nounced a new on-line shared
time computer system called
XPort to provide quick ap-
praisals of 4,500 stock issues
for portfolio assessment. The
company said 18 or the 20
largest banks in the · nation
and many mutual funds and
brokerage houses are being
supplled with the new auto-
mated porllolio appraisal sys-
14.90 PEA
-Jlb =:.:1: IUIEAU
543-2222 • omen TO llftVE
• -· ltl~!'!1/'*•· Worth ': · ~~~p1etLN~~-. . ' .,, . . .
York . Stock List . . . ;
Pl~ Your! Estate . ). •. -. ...... ..., I""' • 'Mtr l~v:ill:fJrliw~~1&e<t?''*" -., .. ._...,. c•QI. ....,, MIM ,... '"¥~Mi.
. Wt. ·' ....... , ... co::'. 1·m 'i I • ~ II~-... ·~ •M' ''-" ll I u~. r :i:! '15-/. . "t""", .. 11!! ~ -= i:r l1 .~, ·, • ·U: ~ ~~ ~i ;. ffG ~.~~ ' .
.To Af~ F.aipily. ~l ·'.'n1· it·: ~: ~ ~~~ ~;~~tl ·~ -~ ~ ~;g !i::!!.~ ! oo' l ~ ;; ~Ii,~ t. " • ~-~ !'~ IL"',l:'r,:n~.':ijll l , ! lt " "f ~ ~1 ii B SYLVIA PORTER t H ,__ ":f:l:tu ~-t ~ \Ii ,1, 11~.;.; 1 + I " l· " ~ l'i +~I Y . • ow cu yoa P-)'OUl'A•~ ,,a : I l4 i4 =i .~'\1~'1,0 Jl I ,, , '*'1 1 ;,.,• •· . ll ~ =:• The quesUons women have estate ta ~r &o mlldmlu ~ ~ ·h: 1 \~ -~l· 1 . .0 ~1l -1 !' 1 a '"" 1~
•agkeG about estale& and tMIJ!ts ·~Mt:-•:: Y,::I :.: 'j.'. t~:lf~:.'fl '1
jj := , t ll il:i:•~'i5 ii · a j!~ · ;.a -::',r. 'do; " ff ~ .. ll\l t~
atlheannuatsemlnanhelt1by exptrteactd?' ::g;~": 1 I t~ "tt~5 ~.: ... 'll. l ff~ j~=!~ =.1.1~ i' g~ ~ n~~'.::
the Chue Manhattan Bank or Th!J, to me, Is one oC the Al:m . I -1t. ,, ff 1 • ~. -\I ='S Jll w. -'•
New Yori can be divided Into ~ J 'r"i. · 11 ~ \1ll 11\\ +'~:
10 well defined c•tecorles. because any or ua who'• •re :u~ . ~· ~ •• 1.j 111 -~ r.fl'r.J. J J !.l" ~\l 1'l = ~ They are tundanitntal. are or honest wltb ounelves when we ~lllfM~ .. ·' ' • ' .,. _" J: t.i? 4: -l •f'AI =1U 'ltnf • l. ... ~,.." .....
vttal lmpartance and surely lry to plan ahead must admit A11!rr,11 • ~l C ri. ::·~ oi11~ r•·.l ft:~ ti: ·r~ +,..~ T•~'1f11J~. ~ · ~ ~" ~ .::·~:
they will be or IS much in· that we .can't be positive now ::1:=V' o\ • 1fo ~ H" tt\4 ~·'4 :lo"rrrr:' 'j7. 3!1141h · ..... 4&"""-~ ~:11 .Al· 1ul \IU \~~t Wt t. !t
terest lo you aa: to the women v.•hat will be be.st for our ~~'°c::',,, 1~ ~ •• tJl\I 1'1'U =:; :l~ f;::~ 4 ~~ '~" ~" \~,.· ~,. ~~-;-:,, 1 l!~ 'i ~·l ! ~ who have attended the Chase's children In the future . ~ia.!!'f.o " 611,, 1"1\6 ,..,, -"' tit 111 .,, '' 1 SJ".-1'4' iN ,._:1 Tlr• _., 11 , ;r ~ 10 _, sessions. Ofcou. l'lt,it'ssitnplejustto A,r.~,1 ••••• , ... ·4 'l'\ n l'";"'-·~ ''1'"' "'1JO ~ ,. !! , •. +« co,,.. !!; ~+·~ ... IC 41 1:~ it\! ,,. -=-~ 8 ~fl 11 •ll ;gJl #l':-1 1111• Ir Lid ~ ~ n -\• friday-'~ C 0 t U·m n Sum-)eave your assets· outright to ~"'1/.£1 'i6'0 1~ ;~ ~j ~ =l)t =~~frl ~·'° , I 1 Jf14 u~ ffrt_ =ja 1"''1-':':l..1 ~ .v.· :: ;;1'''
mtrized the anawers to Six; your beneliciarits -but there 5~; Dfi .. 4°-J~ 7o~ ~:t ~~ -1 ·~ oi= I~ J r~ JI JI•• -1 1~ :111· ·'t ft~'; M\~ It~ =.r:: bert are the remitlning lour. :may be v.alld _reasons ,for you A,•,Ar:',1r;. ·~ 1-.: ~~ " ~ -~· "',C 1 . .t0 is ,..., 111·.• _,,,.. "' l. i 1' ~ ~i• 1':~ ...
7. Why do~· ..-A a will? to hesitate to do this. A.:.:~·Noi!'~ .~ ;;~ 1 ., 1•11o + .. COii\ v "'° .. w• '11• 1m-~ tttyOU ·* ~ . m i~·1h11 =1:i ,,_ e-· If th. ey are young and I"-~~ .. a:_., .. ,.·,.? , 111 :S"' ~;,, ~· ~~ e=::""/',..f:l: ?t. ~~ !~ ~i~ +·u o~ :g"l. , .. ,, 10\' ·~" -·~ The Wiilri · Uon or some or ,,. .,,.,.,.... .-11 ,,~ J"'-v.i :+,. -pr1 ft ,fi 1-. 1 """ -v. Gr11ir111 J:1n .., ,.,,., tti\ ·~ _ '·
YO<lr a"'•· alter your death expert··~ m· man a g Ing A.., c .. ~ '·"" 1fltl ~1-. .,.,\ :..iv. ... omeu Sc '1' ,. .. ""' + ~I' L•w ""° :tt 1No 11 1 11 ! ~ ,..,.,_~ 4C1n Of 1.7t ~I H '''l ,.,~ -,. I 111 U"I) 5t'o\ n -114 lleltl 1 . .0 20f An. "'llo C'-41 t • may be slmple : for Instance, a~u or If they lack the ablll· :c.~1: ... 1.; ·:~ 1 • ..., ,,. ,,,~ -•1 -1>1!H• ' , 1-e! u ' lS\• -11o mi.e 11t 1 st "l'I .. ~, ..irt, -•• yoor instructions are bnllt tnto ty to Judge what constitutes a 1 ... , .. ,.,11 .... 1J ;;;~ ~ ~ =,... ~~~0 1.# ·,,: ~~ n;:· ~~ = ~ l:.111~' ,, tr" 1ra ,ti .:.:·.,
your insurance policies and good inVeslment Or if they are :~$1;; :.; ?.: :;:~ re~ ~~1:! c::E'~*: Jlft l1l ::: lflJ :ri: .=l:: ~ ... ~a" 1': jl14 1~' u,, =l~:
retire t be fl" 'If . mob'onal m•llible etc etc v•n '·'~ .,.._ ,...., ,.;az " -._ '/ "° '1 " " . . . . oed'rkll f n l i. :n•i. ~ ~ -'~ men ne . you e , .-, ., ., A ... "'•!111 1 . , n 71 ,, on 1.1 11 fi'\ ••114 ·~1t -~ ~•tr .as JJI ,.~, \lo 1tt'O + "'
have either of these, you un· they might -!000 lose the prop-:~;"y~ :~ 1~ ~'\ ~~ ~~ ::1;~ ::i~.i:t, A WI" 11ri' 'ti ='v. gr:GordJ1~: 1J: JI J:"' 111o lf"" +;:
doubledl · a 4 ~· rty · h .....,.. , • ..1.ld 1·upporl "°'"' ~' """ ,, t•v. ., 1• -.. 1111 LN•lllO l.lJ f~ o -+1o r~eco 1,50 ue ?!..\;' '"'--,',•
benelieilries nwh':n e you t;~ !nd ~~~ec~>t'he~~ is an oft-:ffi;:"J~;! 1i~ ~:! ~ ;: :: ~ Eli~,,if! ,JD lf" J~. ~·~at~!~'·:;; fl lm ~~ i~ + :::
out the insurance or became a told tale indeed. ",i.,','"••• •.~~' '""" :::), ~·v. "''It_, •. ~ °"~" ,,,,fi 1ua !l F: 'l +1 r1n11r1 1.40 '' 1;>J ~ c-•• " ~· 51 ':U~ 1"'\ ,,°'I "-'~ OlllAlrL ,$41 71 llo I -llo •&lljW 1.<0 -i " · -1:. participant in your reUremen& On the other hsnd,: you '-Gr!]" on-•o l" ..,,. :fl'" Ml4· + "' 11111 Can t.70 '° ~i. ' 74'1• +Zi r•~ " l·'s U\\ ' -.·.'.·· . -" ""' Oitt 70 . ,4 u t•\i ,, ~ .. lllCOH .121 3' ion It' 1014 -... r1.,Dl'1 ·" ~ plan. might no& want to m ... e I A me 1 «t 1n .vo\ •1 ..," + •• ont c11 2 'I ~tt .g" ..., +1~ ~t A&P 1 jf !f Ifft ,,. ·~ _ ,, But any property which ls rigid, restrictive arr"'"'etnent ~:~0°1,,! ·1,? •"~ •~ ,. -'" 1 5' fllA.2.JI • M n~ ljllo • " r•Holr I~ .u lf 1 Va 1 + •1 _ . . n ,,.., l"'4o , .... on Nita 1~:a lt I! 441.ii .,~ ,... IM<IP•~ l,H k sm Sf JI ·-•• not passed on by ....... ----,_...I_,,. .-i .. l.• make it tm· ... ,~!~.·. '.-1l ,. u 11'~ !!11 ... , .. on!M f .I ' IN Im lf'I T \I Ci/ NOi' 11:., ) ,. w . ~ " -·~· -1;11 ,...,.,.. WIU~'ll "''-'6''• """ ~· ,,. ,.,,\ ,.., .. ,. . .,. -,.. on! ~I 1 ~ff 11 Miit :Ml\ •• Gt Wt•I 1"11'11 4'4 ' ff 7l'l -1~ tractual arr•noement.8 mUJt nnci•lble to adjwt future plans -., .. •,JL-. ~.'II, ,,., u·~ ·""'• ~1 -•• ~""' df .. , ""' J7111 ~,~ .:::., "" ntWnu1111 Jo o " JI + •. --., ,,_ .., ,. ,. .,, ,,,1 ll•'\ .,,,. ''"' -•• on!' t 1 1 31 ll ll ' GWU"· .tl.U S n.llo \~-fii be ••-~ec1 to Its future to '"· van·ed --·•· ol your ""' MM"'' 11 ,~ ... 1M., -•· ""' e1 .12 ,,, nl'I 1-. h t'<:::,., G1w11hln .so ' ,,,, '"' j :.:.-.~ UUC\:~ 1-1n::; lK:CWI ""'"'"l<'.\•1 t HI ~ Jt•~ Y' -'4 ConlT Dltlr "1 \12 I f 11040 -ll GrttnGlll .• I I 311,\ Jl I -\' owner. If you~ not • Jtave , ,chUd'ten. . ' 1..,'""~1~~2 ''' ,,., 19141 u 1., -1~ cno.r PU~ rl2D 11 St ~• -1 Gr11t1S11 1111 11 tt\I 21v. 1' -1•'.
V.lld Will •• ,.,. w•ere . A••~' might provi"e .]ust '-• •. ····/·'", .. ~206 7'1-l " 1• -1 . conwoc1 t.to. ' 'u ... u1~ :M''o -i,G•tvhound 1 i.105 t1'4 l' 11 +'A ~ ~ 11 "'wit Q " -~ 1~ ?:,~ r: ?!.~ -1 · COOll U11lt ,}I t6 q Ju, ::19•1 -W. _Qrolitt .90 lt J2V. l\'o .ll\.'/ •.
YOU want these asset.I lo go, the right balance between COO· ~"\~~·!~ ·1".'o0 "11~ ''"' )ti>" l"•l :: ;,, ~='"T~·'~ ·'ti ~~~ t~ t~,, f 1,,. ~)iU(i't7'0"ii' ~ ~ i\1' ~~ ml =1~1
the decision will be made for trol and flexibility . Look Into it ~5$%' 1 ·10 · :~ ~:: ~ I::t =l~ 1::i1i:= ·~ J !iU uv. iltt = U Sl~{i'°S112·ft .,.~ ~1' ~\\ ~ = ~~
You by State law t • Jene. 4"'S'd Of4 1\ If'? 1/11 1\\1 10.01\ -11~ Ol)WIS!I (70 3"1 l''l m'l{j 11Vl l!ulf ll:IP'Cf\ '9 1:H\ ""' 1~ + 11 . a your conv n . Am$tu11 '.1• 1• 3J. J11-. 1ni -1•~ or11111ta 309 .s1 •• ~• 1~V. '.f'l•Gutllln o1.M l 11 11v. llll + .. And it's not just a matter or 10 Nnw that you· are alone, A Sugfr 1.60 l) 1' \ 'I ,, -.... (.Of'GWI, 'so.. '151 1 •;, 1SJ'l'I + \'o ~lflle1 Dll.:JO • ,..,. 1\lll .... ~' • • • • ,. A"'JI• pf >II . I ''l " t i\ ' cor-'" .22 1, )I ~-,.., -&o G111fStpUI •• IG 'J1C\ -'. leaving mstrucUons as l<> wha& mJP t happea If you Am T&T 1.&D 9t!1 ''' 52 '110 -v, cowte1 21 ir:u n..., 11 v. 11~ -1~ ou11su po:oe ·i1 g ti"' -1Vi
which o: yotir assets are lo go bkame jU or dlaabltd •nd :Ww~' 1:lt 11\ l1'~ l~ I,~ ~ ~ ~~~8:"n<~1 1.:lf 1!j• f 1 ,ttl'> ~it = i: ~ul:l~ ::::#: 1f:O ff ~" ~!... .:.:1, ~
to which be.neflciariea:. Only cOuldl't loot afkr your qn :~:~n<:·~., ~n lcl~: m: ·;:t~ =1:: t~:;".~~·· 1 H.~ /lt'1• tfoA: :;::J: ~lre'",n~ 25f ~ Im ffit = ~
throunh a.will can you ex-affairs?· ~!!,".~",.:in ,,., 1n-. ''" ''"'-u crOU'JIHlnd-l 1 jjih "131\-4' lfW Pll.11 • \~so ~-1> 6" ,..,. ""' lo\ Sl!oio s11.1, 3• +1~ CroWCOI l'.01f . 11 !\ 1• ~ -"' ulfW PU.IS ~ t'o 'lVi 'l'~ -1 erciR your right to select the :nihr problem worries !'!\In~ AmH• Co•• 1~ " .(I'• " +11... own ear1r. 20 1n1o il"" 11W + ti Gwlllft Ind " •tto ,, 1 -••
.'-·tor l'bo ~u1 ••~ out people' -and not only '"--, =::,'r' .. u'·"° JS'• :w\li 31 -"' ·-~ i°' t ·1 1 •5 ' '" + ~· --H-1-·
..,.... n -·~ UlUJ 1~ ~t ~ ""·=~ ::-z Pl .# '@1
' lf ~': l:~"z:j~Htct;.,)at t111 '\.™-~lo n'•4 3'1•-•· the administraUon of your who are older. Again, a living ~ '-.: 1 .a .q , .q -u ts eorl .., I!" 1 11 -v. ~'""'' 1.• im-" I t · t of[ _,_, .. th AroCOl-fflSv 1 10 21 1014 ~ -"' \ld1hJ 0 . Vi \ • 'l -li 1mt1u11 11~ 11• l'I t\ -i-. ea a e. trus can er .,.-..., e """ ci.v 1.l'O , «ilA '°'~ .a1i • C\ldllJ J111.U 1 1N 1 •• -v. 1111w11 ,_ ., '"' ~.,.. 1'1-••
.... -•v ~I 'I' _....., ,.. U"'i 151' S~-Voi Ull'lmln.... '31 -~Mtrnmftd .Ml . )t W.lo \ -1.t 8. Wbat advl-, ... •-ak p-tectlon and ·-·"ty •OU ,A!!~tC ....... l'O 11 "71'1 "-' 111, ..::·" C\11!111n .H 10 2J V. ll 11~ -lt 1mm Pt• 1 ' • N r.-"
s1ve yoa to H ip yoa plao for are seeking. ~fl flttnl" ~f 1tR~ ,tm 11:k + :t ~O~v.'rf701 ll U.~ i~ i~l = U ~1:'i;zt,. 'j;'ft 1~1~ ~ l'I =ti )'OUr flaalClal fU tart! The . trustee will mana~e Arc~O•~c (60 II Jt1' y Sf\\ + .. Uri Wr A I ~\!t 'IJ ~lot . ,. ·. H•-Cll 10 1"41 11 1114 .... ·o--·d ··• I f ·be· I ArlrPSvc 1 O• 11 "" 11'\ ?I~_ \~ C111lu H 1.70 1• j~ 1 -\\ H1nn•M I ,." "• JS >l -+'•• '-"MRll er Wh.u your awyer a your assets or your ~ t Ar1a111 os :~ ..ii 't" 1~1• n·~ CvcloPI 1.110 1 114 \ -It H1reovr1 1 w 56 tt!t
reVOC8.bJe living trull Ir• and Will;pay your medical and ~=~I 1~~60 ln ~t· !!:.:. . ~~ ±.'~ Cfpru&M
41 ~~ Af\i: """ -\\ ~:;~l £~ l ~ 1rr:: nl~ ,'rJ :.:
rangement. This wUI enable household bllls directly from :~~IC': 'its 111 ~ •• ~Iii ~~ -"~·1111:~v ... ~ "j *no. ll'• 13,, + l~ ~:~~ :i•1:18 ,. ll'o .. 1:-ii.
YOU to.benefit most f.uliy ff'om the ttul,t'S income sho!JJd the A.,~'.~·o"l.·.11 1210 "'~ 51 Sol :_; ()1l'MI ~ I .l'I] u;~ :12\i t JVt + o !:j•I Cf P ·• " :n~ 3frt !'~ .'..:.;'' """'°"';,.,. ... ¥
1, ll~ '•'", ??~ -v. R;l 11"'° ' t · 11 ITT 3 ~·11 = ~ ~:;'~~ l~.lf · jl it'4 ,,v. '°" -tt )'<>Ur IQCOmf:.p,....,WW.1'6 prop. Dted anse.. ~~J Cor.:i -~ 31 16' ti~ ~~ ·· _. o,...COC• J 14 :l ,,.,,, !SI\ f,'--·~ H1:tHIM 1' 1S¥J 1$4'o -••
erty. Yoo iwill be able to NaturallY, the amwers to A!oll.0 (111 1.10 " ,, 11,, ii••='" 0,i~ ·~ ~ ~I~, ~1 1~ 1l1" = U t!:f~ ./11 J1 Jf.!lt f.'{, J~~ =,:~ amend the trust, add or the IO quesliOJll' are somewhat Als.11 8''"' • 71 .. ..., ,,.,, •Jll'o + 1~ on1nP'l. 1.60 ll n•1 21v. 1"' . H•1tnt curl u 1:r1 1 U\.11 + •• , A1~ DG 1.10 17 4•h 41~ 41\lo -st Dter1 Co 1 :ttll '7\lo 'V. '7\lio ¥ 1~ a•fl Cfll IO 7' tl ~ t l~ \v:lthdraw assets or even slanted in favor of a bank -~-~,5"' 1.iv ,.. 3114 1' ~, -~ 0t1m1rP 1.11 1• 201.o tt111o '° +.,. el .... m:..o '•'• ,'" •. ', ,• • •,~,,' _ ... ,, .. ..., ran .llG '° Ul• l't4i I 'lo . Dtl Mnl• 111 ~· tt l ift 711--~-t mt Pds I I' ~ terminate it entirely during for they come from 8 bani:. :1llriEI l-1130 '7 :: lJ 'l1 -11 °"lttAJI' Ail 2Sf lll~ ~ 33 -1<0 HttmrhP ,20 31 11'.0 II 17 -ti ~·r 11·ret•-e ~e tru t t -· d n t dtmi-•-• '"elr •-1~,r' · " -1~ 0e11ec int .ct uv. 1" uu -\Ii Htll'\l•l'h 8• ijo !!' •'·\ ''" .....
tit '"' '·I I I'd'ty thou h 1...1 •" ' .&.!! lclllld ! 1.,. •~'' ' t'l'I -t•~ Olflf\Mf1 ~ 1 1 71 1 1 · Hertln !.:!DD ...... ,. J".. .. ... 111 s aso 1111S oes o 111M1 \u •• Pf• ·~ '1'~ 'j'I U•1 -•;otr1nMt1 -.60 ts 21 \~ !5\1-~iHtn'lllnc .6Jt 'ff .. ~,•,~ r,'"-"•t
w oon .... n provu; ons. or va 1 1 , g . IUN u1e nuun A1111ci. 1111.1 1100 Jll• sr .. !Jh + ""trero11y1t11 -" " 1:m ""' 22,,. ;;·1.:. ~••lhFd 1.10 ,n~ 21 I -' dl·strlbuting •• p ty t Int · that In .. .,. ·--I •tt 11.1c11 P' 3 u 1'2 1'°"' 11' -! °"'~" 1 '°' 1J "'' (fu ., n~ •~bltln .10 .u • 'II ' + ·~ u1e roper a po JS u 1 \nv .. v • 41111:<11 p11.10 'J -~·to l"IJ "''' -~ oenll:Gr i.to l lll'I 1 lJ'' =Yi WoPIClc. .20 190 100% " "~ -to your death. umns you have a11Idance ~114• °'c''" I ,u 2J 12'~ 221\ -to Oereco pl... , 57 ... 5 JI Vo -\Ii H h v.u,.. .. nv• J1"o 'I--+ ... e-1111 Ol'D lSJ 5\i «lo ..,_ ... Dtr@Co pf 8 l.S U~ ""°' ~ -"'H1 tonHDll I '6 31"' ir'o •\'a -{~ With a trust" plan, you can which can tum out to be ~f :10".f.:C ~ii~ ~ ~1~ lJ.~ ~ ..... ':i ~ R·~~"t ·'° ,,. tti. ""' g,. .!, ~ ~C:rt1f 20 '~t 4 .i;_ ,ll :f .?
cut much of lhe delay and rtd. tmn~ous vatue to you 1n ~~:~•n'l::. .,~~ \i .... 111t u~ +:~ o:lst~,~~ 1J ff~ r~ ri'' =S ~:r"ll:~,r" .ts ~ ~\~ n~ !: :? tape in settlement or an terms Of peace of mind as well .. "« cft t111 , .. 1•o;, ,,.., t•· -"" ~*' J4 ,. M1' ~ .. »i'\ _ ~• Hotr.,.,i:... -~ 1o.i !l , tAo '2 -t:.
.''lat•. •• mone· y . ' • ...,vco PU.3'(1 :10 S~• "'" !'Jtk ... •I, 111.IFloan ,Siii l1 111. 11-. Ill') -"HolldA l.1Db J !-~·· .,,,. -_ ~~ ..,., • • J veryPll n.:IO i .JP' 111.11 111• -~ \•"'Intl 1.t0 u m, ~11'1 f2 -~ ::~sS 1.70 ,,. ..., •• ~ Av11t11nc ,llG 111 "" u~ "", 1s111 ... /A> 1u 20.1 114 20\4 _ l.!o Homn 1 ,llG 'I tt" 20 • -·~ ~;to;t "811 1.~ t1 1r1\, 't;:.. 'l!~:-~: 8\:f' .r'D1'1• J m:. ,'\ l1~ = tt l:!~ 11 1jC 11 1~ 1fili '.B: = :! . -B-Olct•ot11111 .4• 4, U"' "\" 21 -"" 5f1 1m1 il/. " .m\ U " -,., Gwc Offers 4. Talks 81bc:M w 1.:Jli 115 nr. 77\, ~ -•;, 8lt'f:..~ro ~ ~f 2J~ 11"•• tfi:. :1: .. ~ Holltll\~ .M IT JI}! l ~ l"'r.• ~.'• bllrOHT A~· 4' f.lli 1'lto -&0 0 1111"""'" ,.0 16 Vo\ 2 14 ]}\~ .•. Houe Miff .IO 11 *\\ 2 ~ JI.lo -•; B1ltGE 1.10 •5 JI lO\li lO • ->I Dl11n9 pl 8 2 1 !1\11 51\• S~ -''> H,~-, ',,• .• ID :it U llh 0 ¥1 + '1
81IG p!84.SO rliO t.,I\~ 65 t5 -'ti Dl11onCo .,S6b S 11 tt\11 16\:1 -\Ir OU' I · 6 Ill \tt'l IJI t! • B~!!G plO\ 1!D !I 51 51 ., Dln~rClutl .50 llll 11"• U 11 -~I l4ou1tL Lil 1'1 • •i Jtl «IV, -1'1o
• . • !llntPun1 ~ 11,,• 11'i 11~ 11'.I -\' ~/""' .:!Ob 11H ""' 1/1~ ll•l'i +1-tt E~~~GJ1 J: 6 '''' "''i d '/:i -'h On Stock lnv.estmen.ts 11,':-:"'°r','•,•,'~>'.•.",~·· 61''1 m~ 11111 -"t ve.,IM .lf 111 W:" il" 17 -1 't ~ f~l ~~,.~,,:.:,·,,., u J1•; ~ · il"' -I'll •P•,.wr .. to 3 1 4 ~ \'I ffYI -v. ~.::!."1• n .;. 4 'f -~ u•·· ,. _ ,, 51 u•~ "' + \~ OomeMln .IO. 11 \\ '911 -\r, v~... ·•• ·• ,. l 15·~ 1 ,. sv, _ \\ g:::Fd 1 1a 1 1 •1 "'' ·n•i _ ~~ Hudsn• l ,<IO• 1 11 .o -1•• ::~: t(,J·~ J!j 1'.,\~ ~llo ,~·~ .:~~ OCW"itl~~··:ii ~ J1'1~ ~,'>\ ~\'t :..:..'~ rau1t~:' 1:: i: u11;~ ~!;'~ lf~ = l'!
Four public lectures offered
by Golden West College are
likely to answer most ques-
tions the _ordinary ciUzen
might have about Investments
and the stock market.
They wlli be ·offered at 7;30
p.m. each Tuesday night in the
College Cenler from Nov. 25 to
Dec. 16. There Ls no admission
c~arse. ·
Oinic Slated
On Bu ying
Prospective I r a n c h l s e
buyers in Oran1e County will
have an opportunity to learn
the advantages and dlsad-
vanlages in purchasing a fran-
chise through a. new program
announced by Ge:rald Sokoloff.
chalnnan of the franchise
clinic committee or t h e
Fullerton Chamber of Com-
The clinic Is lor those con·
templating a new franchise or
the purchase of an established
one, atcording to Sokoloff.
Six major topla will be
discussed including search and
purchase procedures, legal
ispects of 'franchi s e
agreements ind dual ad·
vant.aces and di11dvant.agss qf
franchises. Experts C r o m
government, industry and the
legal profession will 5peak. A
que1lion and ans"'er period
follows each speaker.
The clinic Is schcdueld for
three suctelSl.ve M o n d a y
evtntna:s lrom 7 t.o 10 p.m .•
Dec. I, Dec. I and Dec. ti.
It will be held In Bar:-clays
Bank or camorin~ 1L 221
North Euclid ve, Fullerton.
All Mak-.t.ll Model1
"Wh,,. St!"l'ict
M•kt• fti• Dlff1r111c1"
°''""° ~ U1' CN!Wt Dr.
H'9,..-t acJI, 1710 Mf·)ttS
ll4 A111tM H• L WtSllll'lt
u1i1 111-i.11
·Patn'ck 'Bo 1 . · • • ..:... 1 e~1~1 Mr p1 ' • u • _ 10 0orr 011...... . 1• ~ 1 ~ 1~ _.,, IB-'' s111c 1 to 1 u. 11\l 1na + 111
•• a1•L and' 1111/n ot2 <o 1 JJ Jf 51 _, W(IYn f,.O J( 111, ...... MV. -t:llo \' Ctol I.I• 1131 !'" :Ill'' 31141 + •\ ye, 1'lVe5w.:n i!11~ 1n11 · •o 11-. »if ''"' _" ~,.,.. c •. 1• 11 " 44 •• •.• d11111 Pu.n 1 n 1J +1
e1eaitive 'wlu1 W awn schlb .io l2 1•~ 1111o 710/J -JV• •Yoe• 1.o1t 10 Je \a """ m.t. -"•• •, 11 c1111 PllJO •l\ '~ 11·~ "v' -YI
Com an S ta Ana __ l 61•trlall 10 ~' 11\li 17'4 19\0 +I tnh'llf I.AG _,5 1'l\ Ullo '' -1' llowlr I 1 ll'\ UI\ .11'1 +1 p y, an , ana Bnul<Ckl :50 tJ 11 JIU 10\0 -v, es1r P11~70 •1'1 3.J!\i Iii;, .»l\ t \t lft Pw a·ll 1100 l2 l )\.'/ )1\.'/ ->1 I-er [acuity m--•·r ol II••""'" 1 11 •• .a • . trrftir o1112· •' till vt ,.,,., -"'" ,.... .n Ila !'"' J1YI !'I') +n., v>,.• CUlil'lll B .. t Fds l W lll~ m\ ]1\l -1"1 Drtvt.,.CD lb " :llli ,..., 11'.' -1 Ill f"w .M J1IO I ]~ 1'l-Ut Cornell uru·versity l''"aca Bl'Clr.t>IMI 50 M 11•• JOI\ 51'' -\:. DlllltPw 1 . .io 11 ,,.. n• il: + " I"'' c. ""' n u•\ 1~ 1• + 1~ • w ' lf(t Die~ . )& ", l'I .Y\' \t1.i -"'DlllleP OH 7J t 102\\ 102 1 -~ ...... (jl ,,. JU 141, JJ~\ ),j -•• New York, Will be the lee· tt<hA• .i,b 1t II&\ ••i· t ,, DvnBrd i.16' 1 ""' J.14• JS\\+ i~ ln<:Oli'if c1,11 10 14vt u u -'-"
tu-r 1•kO Pt! .50 S1 11'11 U\\ "'' ... \0 Dliolan Co II f4tio n " -lG lndlMt Hd ,60 It 1S 2'111 ,.u -\ .. '" • '"'""" . .ob •5 1t II~ ~--. d111'Dnl S.2.5D 2:1t 1 Hio 10t'~ 110 _,,. lnd__pltPL 1.50 SI un 2• 2'\' -\•
His top. ~11 • th I I'" How 60 1l lo'" ~ •..1 -1(.) uPanr p1,.50 t '' "" ~ -'-~ l11E1Mu .U~ J I ii ' 1cs w1 cover e un· 111 •n"rcOn· 1 ' \l -'• auPan• o1.2150 j 'l'' s2io ,,,~ -v.. 1nc1&1J1C11 .ao 1 '1\i 1t ""' ;;-., damental and t e c h n I c a I •,•,~J,•, '•'.•' ,1 '' 1J , l' + v, OU<'.1 LI 1.N ~• ' ·~ 11•\ ""' -"II 111etr11.1ml' 2 n .o ;. 1\ .ieit -~ "" 50 3,v, :it•• ''~ -•l Do t,ISDl'2.07 v100 ,.,.., H'" ttvt -"' "!"a pl1,J5 ' :w "'IJ """ _ \.'/ analysis of securities Nov 2.1· Be11c11" "'· 1 , "' '' 14 t ,,. Oualt 1~ ' ''"" 'n. 21•11 27'' + ') In •net sn 2 71J 11 211.i. ""' -''" . l ! • • Bcne!Fln 1.60 113 ~1• it1A !!..., -I Do l.7So!1.17 1'110 jSV.. '' 'Jt -• tnmontcp ,7, I' 11 l4!i. 161.\ -.''o economic considerations af. e~n!IF 011.10 u 1• " -1-;, Do 2.11>1>12.10 ¥j! rt• '''"' 11 ' -·~ !ml1'0 .1'11> ,, 2111 ?J u.. _ ••
I tin th k . 8enF Jpt2.so 'l'IO Hi u1~ 11i~ t ~. Dv"'-'"" .•11 \In u 11\\ -"1lo rule p1A1 2J I JI !l 2s _ ,, ec g ~mar et, _Dec. 2; tn-l:~~l '" •f~ H~ l1'4o ,,, ... 0vr11 ""' .IO· \• nio 111'1 -Vo 111ptr c10 '11 1 JV• •t 3J1t _ ,., vestment strateay, Dec. 9: et.-P11o _,11 .o 11 ll~ {r~ ····~ -E·t--tnt•re1 1 -" HVt 1t>• 11" -'" nd 1..,,hni •f 1\. • btrmtc C:oro JOI '' Ill '~: lt E!IQltPch .IO lj :Id)~ :It"• ?''~ -1 1~'.,.\'~11 l .IO ~1f ,jg" :J!t: uI{: =s~-! a ,,..... ques or •. ue in· ee1h su 1.ao 157 1t 'lllt ,.,... -aw 1s«1 co .to 1 tt .. n•~ 21 ...• niFitl'r '°" 11 60 st\• 1~ _ ·~ vestor. Dec . 16. :1~~~~ ·.·1! 113' 20·~ It !,\ lf'IJ -.. ••I Al• .l1D '10J 11\i f11'i llh _, hit HI ... i IO 25' 11•,• 'I\\ HI\ -'"
Des ign Pact
l'""''~,.,20 n .rno •l n -•i E11t,GF .121. ~19~ 211.1 in'i ?I + '''"'Hol~ J i0t s 11 ,, 1 ,~ llV.-I\ A 15 15 7''~ 14<t -1 El•I Uti1 l.«I 1t Jt'' :10 fft? + °" 1111 lnclu1i 106 f ~'> ,,\It fl'llo _ 1, a~:~Jfl:ug· 1 2: J:,~ ~la i~~ = ~ ~ri:.~:~1 ~ ~ tl ~ ~ .. ~! .g~ =·"' ,l~J.\P1111_,•,1.]! 11 J(\'t J.:1'0 SI -'• llodl Hll .1• 1' 1?'1o S1 J11\ + Vo E(hlk\Mf _'jf .M tJ 21 1~ -~ 1~1;_1~f, ... ~ HI H\\ UI\ l:M\ -'• !:!!111~ ·'·~:.rr lt 13' ,u i~ =!...., ~~.':."'~~os~ "* Jr" §I• ~ ... t }f '"' Mn! . ._ a1 ~::: ::<: 00 ~:{ le B'lr.1 11 ltl.l lf• '!'It -l EG&G .11 Uf h~' 1t'~ 71 Vi -.>;, lnl Nie 1.10 705 421~ •Vt Mio + h
otlnt 1.1'<1 31 n\' 3 ~lV. EIMuik ·= " "l f~ I~ -\~ lnl P10 1.50 rn n\t lr W' -1 ft::.'51~1rf5' 321 11u fi1•:t ,r4 =1~ ~:~r ...'~ J 1:1. ,t,, 1Jv. .:.;·;i 11~l1 ':t~.rr 4 1,j)I) ts1~ 1"' ,,~ :...· .. ·.-~
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Macco Corp. haJ awarded a ~,,,'Mt•"••'"'.•A 21 ,,~ )41Jo •li -11-. 1!11•• on .ci 1111 2 ,.., ,,., 1'lt ., •• lntTloT PllCt J4 ! 'l" Ill.\.:.::.-; " -111°' 1H'o 111' ll"" -\', Em•• EltC t JI .Ml• '''lo lAI~ .,. !\ lnTT' olL S.st t160 7
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_, l 11 , ulf~ ll~ ll~=~l l~!J,~1:'\:20 ,,~ s:i IJ~ n~~ ... 1:111GE 1:J1 ll ttl\ 21•11lll +~, and interior decors in thne l;w:n5::" .i~ 1•• 1 •1 n1.1 11'h -\ i8''i11e ·111 ' " ,. :u•o -s, •o...•PLt 1.1a , " 1J•i1 ""' -.,
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ment.Jocated near O'Neill l~~~·~,.,.:o ,2~ n~, M:l ~1 =~~~~'1,,f~ lt u 1: :: :.:··j=~=~'if'"e!·U 'l ~::: :,·~ l:~-·~
Park 1n Trabu~o Cany?n. l~~rnd-'J·: ~ :r ~ :: = t ~::~~erii60tl 1:; ~ ~~' f~ ~ ~: 1:::P f'~ J ir11'1 1':1 ~t ~'.;~ The ·$$ mllhon proJect In· !urn11y .iO s n'~ t.114 "" -11 E•ct110 1.1s SJ "l' 7»4 u11 -1 J•"" '"' ~ " 4 • Milt
elude' lour 11,hlng lak's·, a ~!'',"·' ,.~.. .115 IJO' l!]''p ,. ... \, +1 ... ft1t.e\-ot .IO Jl :Ml\ ,.,, ~' ! .. JtffnPHoi .to ,. " :: t{ ... uc .i I H Jttl 70 . , ,. F1clor ,. .51 . S ,_... I,,. ""' "lo ltr111t~ ,Kl ' ~1 20•io lo -~ ·~home residential village --C-"•1rcnc ,,. ir: • ~ •1 n ~ 1rcPl Pl • 'f SI~ 56 w -,""'" · ; F1lrdl HUltlr n 111'1 n•• 11'1-.,. •-1 co 1 '° , • j!; ~·~ ,,.... _' riding atablu and arena; trap !'•'", •,,,',•,,·'° •71 1111 11 1, 2111o -¥i F11rmori1 ' u1' ,.,,, 11t~ 1r.o -!;\ J[m w111 :4 l 1•1 :u1, 111\ -11• .. ,...... ..-. .,., -~ FllS1tfl •• .. llV, n • .. llllo -•• J mW "'"'° I :It"' 'l -1 IJodnd Skeeht ran1e; hunting c!!..1111,.~ ·."••'· 36 -, 14'' 1th -1'111' Fin I''° i ••> r'"' ll~r' -~ JllftW llfl.li!a " .. " -Pl
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neis: duck pond and other ?3:~:,w,n'-1: :1:1 11\ :· -:-."~1~·r:'1~ a J:.111~ ilv.:-:1~.i:i:::l~"!f .1f It .,...-~ ::::t
recreational fJ;c\UUes. The Egp,:-;",1: f 1:r.··. UH.~ c~ -~ :::=: 11. IJI fl~, ;m lllt =1u. J,~\0:11 L.~ . n t~ ~ r~. ~-VIiiage will also include a C1n111td i.10 ,,,s 1J1.1 · · ftectPec 11:'11<: " "" 11 'I -l~ {<!,.entn T.• f ~ '' '' .... , C~• C lldc!tt .,'r'I ll\1 -s F Ptc p/1.1, ,, 1111\ l l -1 ,~··.~, .. ~,. l. f 3411-'-CJUbbOUSe, g u e. t cott:pes, CtrbNn 1,411 ,, -~ • + Fe<IP•••• , ~ "" ~' 2N -" 11'1' • ' " • 341• • ~ I I lull Ca•ll•" .60 ll U•l H'\ 14111 -ft P~P r.'·IS I ~"" 1\'i 21'4 +" O(•IMr ,ll 11• • " " 3~ -I\ eqUtStr an aC CS an 3 Ciro C&Oll $ 110 61*' M,\lo 611l + FfdSltn AO t !illo 71\11-·~ ICllt illlf4,7S ! nl.t T1 -11.t shopping ctnt~r. $•,•,,',~! 11.,..12 1J 31" i 1 11'~ -1t. fteo:toeoi ,,. 1 ~-. 111 , .. , -"' .. ~"!' ~ • .,.., .. , 1 , 1111 ~ '' "" '" Cl 1''-lll!! l!Jl -1 Ft<I Mlt '.'II ~ l 14 10\'1 .. , 11 lotlo14,I,> 4\~ ' ,, -~ FoodF llI'I ' I 1· !~"·••Co'"' '!*'l ~ •••-< , 1•' ~4 "••••al(.' jµ ~,,_-ii ac • e5 con r11c 1n-,,,On i.:iff '· .ioi "' = 14 ,/~.wt1>rl JO 11G ,,. ,, "" ::. •• '<1t1 ,_ .1~ '' '"' 'l '~ _ volves furnlshlni of t ll e 1r11rw ·'°' 110 i.. ,... " -1o1" kk!M 1.«1 s ,.,~ ,..., ~·-\• l(i nC PwLt , " :11~ ~ru it\\-11
I IH J I lQ\ ll" lf\j, 1' l.1.-\ol F llni_I t t )Ji\ lJlO 33'1o-\' k tchen, dining room and 11• Pl Al:u ... ""' 71'4 -u. ft ,, F.ot,••n i1j 10 .. 10 101 .. --~
I r t•• ~ 000 C1i111tCMt 60 ~" J'l'lo -\lo Flreilne 1.IG ll SI'' 5>1\ .Ul' -V. OU',ige o ire '" square c11trTr 1.ff '" .,.. :tt'• 3':\ -"'F11 C!lrl 1.m '' 111t .,,,. •• -4• root Club de Caza Clubhouse. o::,,' ,", '!..:!.! ... '" ~ ·~ -14 F1INCl!V l.IO Ill ~ .,lll ll"' -.•,, CC "' l 17 1? 11 -11'1 F•INt 151r 10 •6 .-M ,..
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' Cf" 1111.t 4'.fi .Lf. f1\ 14 tl'~ -\lllo l"JI E ~I j1. M~ \\ ffi' -t~ Ttlt ""'""" 11 1 ... ft.,.,... .. usit
Plant Planned ~dl\r.a'j;q ",· i'• ~ tt,. ~1
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PARSIPPANY, N.J. (UPI) 1~ "Y....i" jl' ~ lit ~~ = tl il:"f•~ lo ~'~ ffil ifJ ='. .'i:-""::031, "r~~
-lnterpace Corp. aal d Ill ~~~J~to 11 ~ tl'tt ttlt = ~ F:!~:i?·'~ J g ff~ j~~l: ~:;~ :U-~'r..,.''~ .• .. 1~~~~ Carey Salt Dlvlslon has ex· >:::-~:t ·~ )II ~t u"' ~~ -~ '-00!1 ~ ·•• , ~l U\\ 2 -., ~:sr.· °""~IJ.; ....... ercised an Option to b1.17 land ~~lJ:!. ·~-'-1~ 11.11i 1~. ,, = ~ ~~.tf'I~'° 1i !C! ~l:t I:-:." ._ .. 11i':'f. ,..: ~-.; 11t ci:~
and buildlnrs for a aalt p1'I> ~~~:,·,.~"} 1~ !;t ;[', :S'il; ~ ~:t.t~. '11 :l: ~ ii' j~ ! ~ :$)!~~· .L~. ~mM
ceasl.ng plant adjoining New ,.::m:" ,/: , , ~"l '""' '"' _ " ~:S.tt-. . .n~11 ;t ~' l~l ~· .. '' "' ;:..i-.; ~ "" · -Orle1na' public bulk temUnal r,;::;:.:;•ft, , ... ". " f.i r~ 1""' _, "'asrwl: I ~ . l ,\ lt\\ ... ~ 'lf'lfF'ff Mo l9il " If
I y .. ., ... _, .... llD'I' , l.t rn im·-.. '9tfld -... "' on tile MluiHi"..i ftJ I chan-r~ ·""" .,,, ' 111~ 1u1 -~ ,, • .,t s•r • I.'! •1111 1t«-. ...... ~ n •lfoell I')'+ i"lln 11 .. 1 ,co l '' '' ~i . k,_~111 1)0 I , _.t .. 11irl"lt l"'-· .. h ,,.,,.. • b> nel. tnte.rptoe w I al.so roWt .'""''° ·• Y71 Jiu. s••• .., ·~~ 1'.lll ,,, " "4 "'4 _ ,. ;rvlftood ~ .1r"4!1s ,,.... -'-~ establish 1 distribution ctntcr ~~;_~M11' )): ~ r,ft "'"" -._ Fuw• in ~,, '' ~, Jr\11 ~ -" 'llllli11111t ,,,,_,
for its dln"'-rware dJvlslan on ,.l!IJ,'~••il' ,.. ~ ~? ~~ ~~ ...;·~ -G-•-'-• "'"''L
the site. The sue w111 be ~?~t.!:.~,1 ,r ,.. ·•
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Corp. for about It mllllon. ,r~1,•,/,,"'."• ' 1·,~. /I'-' 1~ -'' Mm'.,"&:: 1• ·1 ~ ~ + l\ wftftt dl.trflMM, ...._"""""' lb\IH. Ml"' ,,.,.. ~ .U l\io -I' .t.mOll .6Cb 1-i J"I ' i., \l -\i '"...(1111 .. u-1• f l?ll>lltl, ••rt-••
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St~k ExeWmge Lis~ £. ..
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' . •
. -. .
NY Tlieater Finds New Honte1
-classic Reftor1t "
'Stop the W orl·d'
Brilliant in Mesa
Of tM O.Oy .. Ii.I SIMf
How do you iniprove on
pufecUon! Is it possible, or
1euible, to add new depth and
dimension to a show already
rqarded as a local classic in
community theater?
This was the challellie
awaiting Thor Nielsen at the
Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse
last weekend as he restaged
that magnificent m u s i c a I
"Stop the World -J Want to
l•STOI' THa WOlllLD-
1 WANT TO GIT 01'1'"
•A mu1lt•I. b't' Anlhon't' HtwlfY 11111 Lullt BrlC1.1u.. Cllrtdtd bY ' Thor Mlel-
W!\o mu1ictl <Ur..:;lor •nd c"9r-r111t1v
llf Anlll GrH""11n. 1taee m1n11er
Vic Kul'lkt1t, lltllductlon rMn1w LOii
Wlt&Ofl, hi COMlrvc:llon b• Chuck ll1Hc~. CUI-bf Sdl(rle, Lou r,.
!er •ncl El11t SlmFn01'1, lllll'ltlnt -II
bY W1rrltft Clllldt 1nc1 P1u1 Grtctv,
orchnlrt J•r>t Kul\kle, o.nn11 W""ltr
Incl A:on l'rl.O, .... a.enlN llv lht (Ot!I
Met• Civic P'lafllo!Jse Frldfy1 •nf
Stlurdlft !1\l'Ol.l911 De<. •·1! the COll'I·
Tn:"c!~';!9rF:;',::!:~~. an 11-Or-
Lllil9thtP ..• 1 ••••••••••••• TllOr NlelMn
EVIi ...................... J1w. Htfl\11 lilt cNllOl'llert.... ... . . RU1 Slrnll'IOllt
• MtrlOll Tr1lnor
T1'11 no.. boy.. • .. . . . • JI"""" ~CV
Tl'lt 1lrl1 .Oen1'&rown, Rhor.dl Ch .. s1,
Ntl'CV Ju!er. Mtl'Y M.cv.
Vicky MIYDe•rv, Ptlr!c!•
P•Nlt!, Schlrltf Liii< Tfler,
P'1 Wtrrter
Get Off." And Nielsen answers
It with a resounding pro-
duction that eclipses anything
tnounted on an Orange County
ftage this yea r.
! The words are "brilliant''
ipd "out.standing," adjectives
employed sparingly in local
theatei:-, but which hardly suf-
fice for the Costa Mesa
vei'slon of "Stop the World ."
Here on Costa Mesa's ex-
panded proscenium are un-
veiled technical efforts and
c h o r e ographic excellence
which were limited by the
small horseshoe stage of the
Anaheim Playhouse four years
But beyond the surface glow
of the current production.
there radiates an expanded
and pronounced depth of
characwr development -not
only in Nielsen as Llttlechap,
but throughout the entire com-
pany. The brightly garbed
chorus li ne functions not only
a s a p r e c i sion-cbarged
backdrop unit, but as in-
dividual punctuation marks
for Anthony Newley's vibran t
and often hilarious satire or
The key word is movement
-and director Niel.sen drives
actor Nielsen and the re st of
the cast at a breathless• pace,
up and down high risers,
around a music hall ramp and
occasionally even into the au-
dience. lt Is an exhausting
production and a tribute to the
stamina o( everyone involved.
Nielsen's Littlechap is a
masterful performance, re-
taining the intimacy of his
earlier character in expanded
surroundings and building into
it a fresh insight with the pin·
tomimlc wizardry of a
Marceau. As he c limb s,
recklessly and opp-Ortunistic,
up the ladder of success,
every rung is clearly defined,
and \';hen ·at last he finds
himself elderly and alone, sad:·
ly reflecting on his superficial
life . it is a beautifully poignant
It is this scene which sets
the stage Jor the outstanding
number in a songbook brim-
ming with excellence -"What
Kind of Fool Am l?" This is
one of the towering peaks of
the muaical theater, and
Nie l sen scales it
a melodic and care f ully
crunoarapbed chorus, Wtll
drilled by musical director
Anita. Grossman.
Gr•ce Ret11rn1
Bespect&cled Princess
Grace of Monaco, the
former Oscar-winning
movie actres~. attends
a'n off Br0adway thea-
ter prodUction of. "Ad~
Bptation-NeX:t" in Man-
magnificently, emoting lhe .F========;:::; lyrics with. dramatic fervqr.
In !he demanding role of
Evie, Littlechap's wife, and
doubling as the international
objects of his extramarital af·
fection. the Costa M e s a
production offers an . added
bonus. Jayne Hamil, a strik-
ingly statuesqu e beauty who
only recently turned 18, has,
mGved up to the role from I
understudy status In just two
weeks' time and turns in an
exce llent performance.
Miss Ham i l is the
p e r s o n l fication of pro-
fessionialism in ·community
theater, handling the quadru-
ple role of English, Ru ssian,
German and American
stereotypes with eiceptibnal
aplomb for one so young. Her
timing is flawless and her
singing makes up in sub!tance
what It lacks in pure power.
Rita Simmons and Marion
Trainor as the daughters and
young Jimmy Macy as the lit·
tle boy complete a well-round-
ed cast, backed to the hilt by
e NOW-l111h T•ffft'(
-N, Y. Fil"' Criti't
f••·Fllle4 C1°FMtur1
* tlllO MOSTIL *
"M e, '-'
ru'Kf a
Top Sports Coverage
in The Do ily Pi~ot
CDfftllllON San Ottco F,.....y at Br'9tol • 5416-2712
~-·, OPEN 6:45-SHOWTIME • 7 P.M.
,. +'"t J4 .,
Countess and Colonel
Whllt Our Astronauts
Are G"oln9 to tll1 Moon,
"JOURNEY <with us)
Virna Lisi stars as the ·countMs of Santa P asta with TO THE
: medium cool I I ® ttc~;cob"/c1 PMernw'!tpictu11 I
• I 2nd BIG HIT
-lwo111.,-•ANAlllfDMf!STS fUM ~··Giiiriiiem I
3ACADIMY ......
They Lived AThundering Adventure That Rocked Two Nations! ...
"'<'~ ... ~ ....
TONY AGUILA~ ~~ .... 1 ......,,.,,. .... t.Aroo ut ..c""'L'~'
"'l".,. Oo\I,. "'l!'"-' -all.IC! '~llO! i(tl JCH<~•
-""KlllH I ~0:~•<• ... ~Wf ..... l.IGl/t'l -"""~JNM.S lit .. ,~11
-·---•MUGO ""°""!NfGeo '"'"MSION" COIOt .. OflVl'.t
Channel 4, in a "Bob Hope Speciaf." Other guests ~·::I FAR SIDE OF THE SUN"
been made P.oasible by con-
tributions of a large number of
sponsors from art an d
business clTcles.
Ida K-amlnska, a c t,r e s ~ •
founder~ of the Jewish State
Theater ot Poland, has of-
ficlaUy transferffii her ac-
vittes 'to New York and is
setting up 'the Jewish~ Reper.
tory Theilter in East 17Ut
Street. · W.me. Kaminska· left Poland
last year. Two sealions ago she
and her Polish company ap-
pea.red on Broadway In two
plays of their repertoii'e.
The new theater ~ete wUJ' be
opened ·with a production . of
"The Trees Die Standing" by
a well-known Spanish
playwright, Alexander ~na.
·aew 7111 can SD
aa:rtlllllJ 1•• Willi
COLOR by Dtl11~e Un111ll Arh1ls
John WIYl'I R<Kk H~-
OrltOrt ,.Kk """' HtrwtM "THI CHAlltMAN" (/,\)
M1•lmll1l•11 ~lltll Ol~M llktr
"KllAKATOA" 101 Plws
"ltlJrtG et 8RIOHT WATlllt"
Arlt Oi.111,,i.
• "ALICE'S ll &STAUllANT" !Ill
J1c•11111111 1 111.i
Al'M Glil!hrie
''ALICE'S ltllTAUltA"'T" (ltl
JHllUllllM llJHI
Westward Ho-World's l.crgut
Mott!-1,000 Room1 Between
clicii'CiPi s
-J\lidu•etle Sptci•lf Now Low1st Wi11Jer Rdlesl
Comp111• ot $16-204 ....wnt .,.°"' d011bl1 b.d, ftt1 TV
YOU PAY ONLY SI ~•cit, $1.IO for Z "'''' Compore ol $11-2 dovble beds, only $10.90 two pnple
F,i. Sat. & Holldtt1, add $2
600 Otbtr 'iionu A1 .. iJtt6l1 tti $2 Atltlitio,..J OCP-1112-
ft<I> A ... lt Couprt fen•~u ,,.. •o""' l'ftk•ge ol '"" lncllll#ifl/ flll C4SHI 1111 Dl lMKSI Sl'fCIAL MlAl.S! fltll •lfTll SOUV Mlllll
lltll CHll'lf fill l'HOTOJI CHAMl'AGMI l'Al'fTI A full D1y ef fll!OI f
Q;,.., • • G1l·A«1"°i"1td 1n•lt•!ion to Ito V .... '"''-... ,. ell )Olt wlnl To~ .,, ...i-d "' "Gu"' af tho Ha., .. ·• 11 '"' 10 '"""""'' hei.11 ....,
'11tb1 hr ...... '"' '"":L o<ll•il;.1.
*J·111M11J1 ·1'11•111•1&1 'i11•1iil'4111i11&1*11UM1' SEMO NO MONEY NOW •. OlDlll: IY MA IL OR PHONEI
s....i lhi• " with ,.,,.,.. .......... ,;.,, """.''· ... '"""" ....... ;n ........ 1 •• "'°''""· l'IOll Ahffd, Drl•• in lodey, ..,. mo~1 ''"'"""""' l•t o '"'"" .J•Y· c.,,1,n "' or yo~• lrov1I OglO\I.
DIAL FREE (800) 641-6898 AnYtime
Bob Hope as Colonel Schwein. tonight at 9 p.m. on f{tiil =DIOI •··
'a·n0clude DTahnnyc Tbo1mash.,Sdteve La~11~ence. and E1 dye N[Wl'OllT •E~cM • o1t.l-&3sb -......... ·.• .. " .. • .•. •.•.•l nne. e oun ess 1 es a mi 1on pizza s rom .. 1" P•lm Sprl"''• An•ther w .. , • .-. H• to s.,.. You •.•
~lh~c~G~e:ri:m:aaii:n~t~r~oo~p~s~in~th~i~s_:s~e!g~m~e!lln~t~o~l~t~h!_•_:s~h~o~w::_. __ .!:::=:=:=:=:=:=:==::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=='.J~====================t'~·,~-~'...;"~.~~·-~"~::;_~<·:;:::~!~':-.:_~~:.-:~:1~~~!.-.-••
C stereo103FM
the sounds of the harbor
~dS~~youve never hearditsogood
. I
. .
VC -
•xi sol1
E Ofii ...
!he .r,
Hi. C.1 c:iu
( ..
""' wit :)
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~ \ I ..._.,· .t,~e~ra:
• ' ' VO)., ·~2. NO .. 281-, 3. ~IONS, o46 eA'iE5' ORANG! COUNfY, CALillolNIA MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1969 -•.
. • • • , ...-• "A • r . . ... .• .... . '~_.
, Of ..... Dlltr '"t-1 Meff
Newpoi:t ~·1 cit~ haU, doOmed to
ertioctioo in abou\ three years, should b;e
sold for about 1875,0Q\i, clty;hl'!'! Cl>l\-sultantr ....,.,,~ncl<"' lj)day. . •
EoonOniic' Re~h Associllell (ERA)
Offii!illy -~\ tile Ule lilea\
over two lease v9rialions ,~ termed lb
the in11 ~·~th\" lrbl<h wquld'be
of 111~ ~01. • , 1. , , ,
. ~;~·~f lf Pl?'N' ;-I on~ a short:
•• --~
,. -... -. .. ' ' ' .
I 1 •', • .. ; ,, ' . ,. . . ' . • .,. • • ·' ... t .. I 'I
terii> ~,Jl>O -· 25-7'1< leue®' volvlq the presonl ctt7 ball. then ex-Newport Harbor Chamber al Olmmerce, centw indi.de a cllY baU,•p>Uce· l!tpOn.
tloa plan ..,.~1 -ii; ERA aald" lll1lfDed poasilillllles of lltraclinl other or1·.anc1 cullur< """1'11 ood ~ mojor menl .aild miln flbrlT)'. The lal\d hH
beCause of the l!4 if'Potantlll tenant" publlo -of parla of the new JO.acre public utllitles IOI U!eir Ideas. • · -Oeen purtbased. · : • ~that tinder •leue, the city civic center which will be built in •in. majori&y of these orianlu.tlons . OU!er klUs rlr)tlude btJildlngs 1lo boUle
hall ""!Id · 1!1'11 be, ued -by other public Newport Center. erprusod teen Interest Ill ,the .develop-the i;chool dlaltlct, the dlamber gt,com-
agencies, ~ CllDl\IJ&ant Uid there are· no Eft!. :~ Ulat tl1' city ao-m~~o1. the .new cl Yi~ ~ter, ~icaUng mm:e· lqd the. piblk: UtlllU•.
others in the area whieb wou.l~ need ·the tlv~ly i\ltJUt 1._,~r publif g~ 4 Ul6U ,desire to1devel0p new facilities in Ideas to iochlde a•flne artl and Calbiral
complex. uUUUes and orgaotzatlons to: see if ~>' the center w'tth certain coo.diti.ons;" coo-'ctnter Ud convention hall have' won
The 14-pege.. ERA report covered two want to relocate Jn the new civic ceiiter. sultants Aid. ' favo.r in the commu.nlty allo. .: · '·
major area; dellin1 with the city's new The con5ultanla ·contacted the Harbor . The -~lion nlale prtmarfly to 111e COlilllltanla ,reminded· !he ~ ~I.
ci1ic center plans. . Judlclab l;>Jalrlct. the'Npport-Meaa Uni-avlfloblllcy al !level-ent.111ncb. the /rvlna Compon7 bas •greed lo>donate
ERA llllfilll_lhi cl!si>oioJ. ~ut~ Ill-fild •Self°' ~~ ~-Poll OfDco~~ Presen~ ~~-for lhe hilltor. ~vie 16 ~es ~ tile proplled cl~~~.~
• • : I _. 1 • ~· t :j'
'.> T••• ···.
' '
" •
M-.j.,-~~lltg; '<;1&a,ffle
~ J • , . . . . . • t
Irvine ~ to · :Allow
' . ' . . "
Land Purchase . ' '
' Har~r Area homeowners now leasing
their !Olli from the Irvine Comiiany. will
be invited to buy their land 1.11der a major
Polley, change announced by raitch 'o!·
Oclals today. '
started on converUrw the •• .early 31000
leases held by thi,~ev~loper1 in 44 tracts.
Each lessee will be contacted in coming
months. Community-associations also will
receive · correspondence', Irvine aides ~id. -~ '
N.Y. It.eh
TEN CENTS .. ,,.
for a cultural center complex.
· ERA C011111ltants -said obout the "'1Y
way such facUHl!il' get ballt II Uroacfa
pr1ta1e1y donaleJ fuilda. ·
A Ume delay el aboul IO yem betwMn
conception of a community cebter ud
actual constructio:n is the llOJ1'l• the c.on-lultanls said. • .
ElabOrall!>g:oo the prnblem •al dlBp
Ing of the•p.....,,t clly hall Ill •kl
)'iewport. ERA consultanla re<O\llmeoded
(SM CITY BAU., l'qe.Jf
~·..I --t~ ·.'!
S·uccessf ti.l
Apollo .-1:2. . . . .
Tr~p Ends_
' SPACE CENTER. Houslnn (UPJl -
ApPl{o 12'a moon pilots spluhed dowft In
the sOuih. Pac,lflc . loda~ fn fl'° finale ti
man's first decade oI space ~loraUon.
Charlec "Pete" Coorad~ 31; ,Richard P.
Gordon, 48, IDd Alan L. Bean.:.37, aplul>
ed lhtO'Earth's alnlolpba:e·uu a -.,,
and rode their YaDkee CUpper to '••Jait.
dint aoutheoil al Pqo Pqo.
Irvine director~ 'have approv~ the
pollcy change .,,,lilcb would ·•Pi>lf ~ all H1fb0r,:~ea, . d~veiopniet>la.!~. \for ~ ~r~.~··
·Olintrt L Iii 'in oOib develop-
.... will JQOq l"IClive ~ cfe.
The two Corona del ~ developmen ts
•ill II'! ~~~ ll!Oi<"'l'!ll oald..l>e, tt:iJ:. <a.tho "1r.mt: ~
.~ -'poljcy wW , ___ .. ....,. = let lheJlrm'•. new, develof>m;:'~ ~~~~lboql
Tbl 11116 ~· ...... 111 . tllo ·-inoiidie •'~~ ~ .• -..
_ qnd ~t ol ~ explorer .. , Tbt Hornet
, "*td AIOI" u;i~ JllOftl!'I roar
-•io l! tile :i· . \ !Crl~~ e·1o liiJ: iloii(' with on W lbO Jii-
di ·~1. ' ~ lfl1 "M"'ft aaid.i < •
Preliminary paperwork air~ has '
. -. ' NEW .YO!\)( (APl-}'ht s!o\:k market
sank Steadllt 'late today in one of its
at.eepest'.-aetti~ck,.Jn tnllllY weeks. (See qu~Uons. Pages 36-37), •• •
I. " --·· Ollf 9-t ,~ rflii ·~
'nie'r~ b•hlnd the poUC, clia~e. a ~n ~' w1s to ac-Conimndale• ~ owners who prefer
to .own their ' own land mstead ol leasing
it on a 1lonj-term t,ul!. ·
"Some people slmP.ly like to say they
own the lot," one spOkesman llald.
The price of the lot will be determined
by' .Irvine appraisers.
A lease-purchase option also will be
offered. ·
'The MO!lt• Cristo, 131.1001 ropllcii of · 1111! Century-square rigaer,
• .tnclced it Sea Scout BaM Cl!' l'(ewport BleCb waterfrent during Ille
-weekend' lo take cm suppli~. Ronald C: Graig's ship, built. in Van-
..,,, .. , British Columbia. ls .beaded 1!0111h, with San Diego, Mexico.
Hawaii oil Its Itinerary. Skipper JefJ Bef,y.wm take ship, appraised al . ··~s.000, \on to Australia early next,yeac.lor tapl. Cook Bfcenleni\Jal .. •
. '
' '
Gillette Razor
Founder Wido'\v
Dies ,on Biiitl1da y
AtheiSt Loses 1st Round
Mr3~ M~~et .Jos~hine GWette,
widow of the l~er of. the· huge razor, ' , blad~ ,manulacturil1g fimJ, ,and a. Balbua
resJd!nt 'ror. the ~t0 ta .years,, d!e({~Sat·
urday, her !0th •birthday, al Hoag Me.
mortal HO.pita!..
_ Jn ·Space Praye·r Fight
Mrs. Gillette. who lived quietly .at her
Pen!nsula ,,hon)e, 1596 S)'!via LaAe, wa~
the wl8ow Of Kini G. · G1n'11e·, who died
in 195.5.
The couple, whd had been married for
25 year&, made their home in Balboa
and Palm Sprinv.
The late Mr. GilleUe was the inventor or the safety razor and _founder of the·
country's largest razor blade manufac·
turirrg firm .
Services for Mrs. Gillett~ will be heJd
WedneS<f!iY noon at the Little Church of
lhe Flowers, F~ Llwn. Glendale.
Mr1. Gillette, .... California re.!ident ·lot
the past 50 years, leavea Ii cwaln, Mrs.
i.~1orence. Bal Belz ol Hemet. '
Burial will be in Forfst'Lawn ·Memor·
!al Park.
Lido Burglary
~tat $5,000
Ausiilf, Tex: (UPI) -11,odal).i> M,111'
ray·O'Halr loot Iler first .roond Jn fed<ral
court today .Jn a auit io ,protpb!t ,prayer1 .
, by U.S. a,stronaula f'°"' belngibroac!casl
around the wtrld.
·Mrs . O'Halr, an Austin housewlle, led a
llim11ar fight six years ago that-resulted
in the -u.s. Sapreme'COurt 'ban on com-
Southland Air
Problems Told . '
At State Meet ·
Specl•I t1 De •AU.i' PILOI' .
SAN FRANC15CO _;;,.,1.o, Anielea '
already laoh llUlflcfent,.ii'.10r!ltr pop-
ulation and their-acUvlUa, envJronmen.
tal ~llfllneetlnl pnilmor llofi Ellasiea
of Stanford aald Mendly. 1·
' In baekfroujld popera preparld and
circulated on ttit U.S. NaUODll Conuni&-
slon for UNaco'• eonfermce on "Mail
and Hi1 EnvlrOnment," meeting here, be ,
suggestld that "Water may be the key
to populaUon control ln speclfic areas
where .It Is a limiting re&OUrce, as in Weekend burilars used unlocked doorg Southern Callfomll." .
to enter a Lido :isle home' and then stole I1111tead of bulldJn& an ntensive· aod
nearly JS,000 in . jewelry and cash, cxpen&tve· systern to import water from
N , northern CaUfornla to 1upPort rpore J.n-ewport Beach police reported today. du1trie11 In the Loa· An1elea, ba1in, he
Robert ·S. Callendar,• an investor who 1 suagested, "a more :rational appr:Oech to
lives at 544 Via Lido Nord. called poll:;.;: planning ror living' In a limited ·air eh.
to report the theft Sunday r1)0f'Tlln&, vlroiltnent would hive betn to restrict lbe
'Callendar told officers-.be ,00 his wife fb:: ·=-=uc:~-· 1Upplia and
left their home ,at 7 p.m. Saturday. night 0 Wllo would have U.. ~ to do
and retur~ at 1 a.m, Sunday and this?" he uked. I' • '
dlaawered their draslng room an<i Ellaaen ldvDCllod ~ .,..lion al ma~-bed--_____ .._... w11a1t new cftiet 1way from curnnt
-• '~" Tanoac..,>. . ~ -jo ~ ,fw
. Officers said the loot Jnclud~ .... ,.,. j ~· llO'lrtb."!11!-could , .. ~
rmgs valued at about !900 apiece· al.Ii~ ' It\ -81 wllkl ..,.._,..,..i _,and.
with lwn <!!•mood and ROid br~·j I ~i~; ·all.al -wMl-lio
Tfff • oet•w.-.~ .....;. f ' .r I ~ l*!lilpd. , ._, 'l -'i.
any --· ' \ '· 'Jn~ -,priporid ror.o lht-Only • lllUIJI atnount· of cash. Iv · con(~. lilo!olY ~.Paul tafr.
laken. • Uch repealed his au,.e.i1.;. • thll ~
Callendar Hid lib valuoble ci>llectlon of tar laws be reYfsed lo l!Umlnate aq •
rines Wll not touched by lhe burglars. I ~ctiona for chUdrtft. •
Traces of. sand .• the top of a ~ "Luxury taxt3· Mould be plaCed ··on
masonary (ence 11tcrin other areaa of the diapers, bib)' bol'llh, and blby food1," ,..,,dence gave indlcalloos thal the Elir~ch ~· '1· mull •be ".maila clear
1>ur11ars may hiva walked a'91lfl ,l!)e 1o ·our.popullljon ,jhol ~It .,.,..l\i Ir·
beach. • • ~ i r.,ponalblt to •J!aV.,_11!'8' fainJ,ll'J.' •• ' .
pulsory prayer Ill pubUc ochoola. ·
Today, .rie chaUeni~ lhe'rtaht of three
federal ·udllts · •• ."-~·-~"-' IW• Sult J ....,, ·~ 'IJll:f • •
against .u,e. Nati~) ,A~aulk:s ' and
Space Admint11tratim. ;·. · ,
U.S. District Judge H0111Jr Thornberry
overruled her motion 1aldng,tht Judie• to
disqualify thtmsetva on the:~ the
coort was"'llle1aUy conslllutecl" ~
atheists · are" e•cluded .cfrom ' the federal
judiciary •Yltem' .., -'
The Jud&e overniled Mr1. OIHtilr
without k011UQ~t.' He aJtO rejected 1 mo-
tion to poatpone the cue.
Before the court ope~. Mrs. O'llalr
complalned•that' the tinUJ\g or the hating
was unfair to her becauSe-It •ned on
"splash dpp'• day • for tile· AJiolJO 12
aatronanla me ..... dlD'lnj Thantagtv-
lng day week. . . .
Mari~ Thomp~n.
Funeral Held ' . .
OFF .THURSDAY . ' CJty trash collection crewa In Newport
Beach will lake the day off Thanksclv-lni <lay. • ••
• C~y olil<a ..ia ',,. ~oily temd
'~n,<J'hursday1 wm11>1<~ on Friday.· . . ' '
. .A 6iaf n .. oicP bqrit !raal l!J.O _.
mand ablp'o~rockel al-9:48 a.m.
lined \Ip' the altron.i~' coane lor a
mrieor:lc_, b.ut Uff! entr)'~lntq Eartll's at,.. m .. ,... ,
"Thia has tot to be the· moet ""'°' lacutar •lghl of the whol•· Ollbt.'"' Boon
Hid .. the ship accel.,aled qutclily
toward ·tbe-plnks, blues and ·vJol"'8 of. the
sun·Ul layer of aJr blanke(~ (he P,be.
Still ahead fd~ ·the', Sp&ce~ are It
days of moOn bug quaranUne, ·fi'rst in a
trailer aQoard '1Jt Hornet and then bacll:
at the more , comfortable mopn crew lsola~oo quartirs II the Houlton Space Cenltt. .
"If you've ~e~ ~ lan.-Javu
(Polynestan cl.otlllJitU , It lboUlci. be a lcJve.
Jy da)' In the SoUtb Pacific," ~ coin.
inunicator Don~kl L. LIJ>(I ~ ndiOld the
sp8cemea ef&ht hours befOre their lmJ..
ding. ·
''Tbank you, Don, &OUDdS' real 19od ml
we'll be happy to see the land.of lav•·
Javas," replied 'Conrad.'
'The lo.day, mllllon-rrille 'mjssion wu
-the natlon'1 last Ill the deCA4le pf !llonned
spacenlghl that opened wheil Ruaolll'o
Yuri ·Gagar:la and Ameriea~• Alan a.
Shepard first ventu~' into.tfi.t,~ In
1961. Since then, 23 Americans 11nd 20
Russians hav~·ilownin space. · ·.
Apollo 12's utro114µts awa~eoed at ~:27
a.m. ,afterialeeping I,\! houn and bqan
t.he .finel -j>nparaUons for ,apluhdqwn;
Tbey ote brUkfast, checkld thtlr ...,,,.
wtth star slgbtlllp and lolUld time to play
some. country and western music on a
spacecrafl taee player.
1 • ' • ' .
f:gxptiajis . ~tJ11~k
·TEL AVIV, CAr,l •• :-~ plees roared across the: 8lm C tod8y. la Iii
allack oo Ilrae11 poalllona tn 1long
the waterway tbe:mllltar): ·command •
nounced. • ·
Weatlier "' ' "
That desert 1lr ll on U.. w1y to.
ward' lht coaat ogob>, with> Santa
Ana windl ~ -the· tefDpera-'
lures into the, 70'• here and up lo ·
13 inland.
. .W·.Q, torlling-ond re,Ugion
are, tile ·tAre111 Rt Joi-oew °"'' of ,..,, JO'.b-g. eo,.t ·iltultht.t ' who oltmlfl a porochiol schooL
Set Paoi 3,
°'""' _.c-tt ,, '""'~-..
-l!ll ¥'II --. .:• ·---.. . " .......... ...
' '
. 2 DAILY ftllDT N
~' }'rtlop~ o~~t;l'ed
::; ~o Ruin ·Viltage ·
,, ' ' ' ...! ~ '
i,nm_,11'.)ro ,&mk:el
TULSA, Ok!.._., A former Gt says U.S.
r~ 1'tt't orttered to wipe out the Viel· :'5Ulap '8 ~ 1'1y 11 an enemy Ill d did. (Related
~) ..
I and eYerybody was wiped 1 t,t• Charies Gruver, 24. said in an ln-
irv~w Sunday. ''Men, women ... chil·
• . • Only the chlckeru were lefl ' ve.. ~
• 'la ¥~ to<tlf. the commander of
:.&,utb Vtetn.ameae forces in the five
northernmost pl"O\'lnce!, Lt. Gen .. Huong
Xuan Lam, utd villagers who bad Wld of
300 to 600 peuons -men, women and
children -being slain in the Incident
may h4ve deliberately exaggerated the
toll. ..
The , general said lie ,beUeved the
™-lives distorted tbt incident after talk·
ing to reporters who 'viaited them. 1
"W.aybe the local people hope to
receive some indemnification from the
Americans, so they have exaggerated the
nwnber of tiouses burned down and the
number of persons killed," he said.
The United States pays civilians for
casualties and · damage ' camed by
American acUons In South Vietnam.
On Moon .
y-·~ I ' No $iuip
SPACE CENTER. Houston l.\P)
"I'll tell you one thing,'' Pete Conrad was
saying. "It took every bit of kno~ledge I
had to get that baby down there in 1he
ritJtt 'Place. That was no piect of cake."
eohrad, 'Alan 11. Bean and 'Richard F.
. Gordon Jr. were holding the first news
conference from space Sll.1day ~nd he
W3ll rE!"calling how he brought the lunar
lander Intrepid in.
"It took eVerythi.ng l had lo 1et that LM
down in one plece," Conrad said. "I think
we got some thlng1 1o work out on that."
So viet Spy
·Ship Causes
:N!lvy Ch~nge '
The kUlingi on Mareh 18, 1161, have led
to charges that there w11 • ·massacre of
civilians. Gruver said he was satisfied
that Song My -·U.S. military code name
Pinkville -wa1 infested" wtth soldiers or
the North Vietnamese regular anny, but
0.t.ILl' 'l\.Of IMfl .......
Yflf• of VW Driver In Very Crltlc•I Concfition wltft 'Concu11lon, Cuts ~~~~~-"--~~-
Apollo IZ was on the last leg of Its
voyage of 953.000 mlles when the spaCe
agency passed up questions submitted by
114N DIEGO (,\I') -The Navfsal~ t°'
dlf It wu forced to delay 'i missile.firing
uerclse becaUH of a Soviet spy lhlp
• _close to California's coast. .
• . The Sarychev, a 2,500--ton hydrographu:
\,essel, was last positioned 120 miles west
Of Sa,n Diego but last week was reported
' 30 mile. off short.
Since Nov. 5, lhe tst Fleet said, the
H Soviet naval vessel has been cruising off
Lhe U.S. West Coast with electronic
• nionitoring equipment at work. .
Two San Diea:~based ships. the guided
'"missile fria'at.e Home and the nuclear·
powered fri1ate Bainbrld~e. called off
"firing or the mid-range terrier surface·t~
air misslles Thursday becnuse . of the
-Lrawler the Navy's spokesman said. ~ The ilf1ng took place Saturday, final
• day of Navy wat games. .
... The Soviet ship's presence, he said. 'has
"fouled" the Pacific Missile Test Range
··Which extends out to open sea from Point
"·Mugu. ... Al least one U.S. destroyer and two
tnineswetpers 'have kept a close watch on
the Sarychev, and pilots have reporte.d ~C'hqe1 In locaUon. In October 1968. it
WU active o!f the California coa1t during
.. .;. »ship war game but didn't enter the
>e1ercise ana.
:;Probe Launched
:After Toro filot
:Kille.d in Crash
A full scale Investigation into a mid·alr
collision which claimed the life of an El
Toro-baaed Marine pilot over the
weekend was still under way today at
Miramar Naval Air Slalion in San Diego.
Navy and Marine officers said a result
of I.heir findings will not be available
btfore Tuesday .
Capt. William C. s•er, 26, of Tu!tin,
ditd in the collislon Saturday when hi$ F4
Phantom jet lrom El Toro collided with a
Navy interceptor some 10,000 feet above
desert country near Borrego Sprtngs.
Capl. ·sauer'a companion, tst I;-t.
WWI.am Wilkening, 28, e.tso of Tustin,
panchuled to ufety as did the pilot or
the Navy jet. Both iften were unhurt and
were picked up by helicopter.
Navy officer• id,ntifled their rescued
pilot as Lt. Gmdr. John S. Hellman, 32, ~f
J\.11ramar. Cmdr. Hellman was alone 1n
his Navy Crusader.
Marine officers today said preliminary
reports indicate that Capt. Saue: was
seriou1ly Injured or killed at the lime of
impact and made no attempt to leave the
Bath jets went down in names and
sparked a brush fire over nearly two
acrts of arid desert terrain in the east
Sin Diego County area. State Forestry
peraonncl quickly extinguished the out·
Oil ..... C0.11 "Ull llHllltG ((IMllAN'r
•elttrl H. Wt t4 ,.,.*"f ... ,.,...,...,
Jt1.lt I . Ctrlty
lllCll li't•"""' N o..... .. ¥tflt ..
flttMA' ····if ....
T!r>111-1 A M•r,"'111• tM!lltllllll 1;,1ier J,,..., F. Cellt111
.,....,, •tldl
<11¥ ........ _ ............
U I I W.st l•I~•• kliol111•1r4
M1ili111 Attl ••tti ,.0 .... 1111, •J66J ---c .... ,...., -'#tll ......... , L•-9Mellt m ,._,...A-...,..,.._ ...oi .. -"".......,
' "'We'd never been ordered to wipe out
everybody before. MOlil of the guys didn 't
dig it at all. When it was all over, they
were almost sick."
17,000 Eligible
For Scl1ool Bo11d
Election Tues da y
Nearly 17 ,000 registered voters are
eligible to go to the polls Tuesday to
de<:.ide whether or not the school bond in·
t.ettst ,.rate will be ralsied from 5 to 7 per·
cent m the Saµ Joaquin Elementary
~OOol District.
Polling places which will be open rrom
7 a:m. ~ I p.m. are University Park
Sct>ool, ' Irvine School, La P a z
lnt.ennedlate School, OUvewood School,
O'NelU"School and Gates School with two
polls ln each of the tWo-clubhouses in
Leisure World, Laguna Hills and one in
the home of Benjamin Halperin in
University Park.
'Two-thirds of the vote cast must be Jn
favor of the measure in order for It to
pass. /
Rex Neri.son, bwiiness manager for the
district, said that he wu ve'ry hopeful
that the mea~ur-e. would pass.
"All we're doing ia raising. the Interest
rate. We're not pusin1 any more bohds.
There Is no reuon for a penon to vote no
unless he doein' · Uke kida or schools.·•
said Neri.on. 1• • I ·
He explatned •'lhat I~ agency will
purchaae the rte.1rJy $3.5' million in bonds
the district has already accumulated but
a new Jaw signed by the governor
permits districts le ra1-c the interest rate
it two th.irda of U>e votera 11ree.
"Although 7 percent wl\I be the ap-
proved interest rate this doesn't mean
they have to sell at that rate.'' said
Nerison. "Some agencies are wllling '°
buy bonds al six percent and I 'feel sure
we could sell ours for tbat rate.''
He stated that the , increased Interest
rates would not hurt the taxpayers'
pocketbook. He explained that an owner
or a $30,000 house for example "'ould pay
only $1.50 total more in taxes per year.
"We are very hard pressed to a('·
comtnodate the children in this district,·•
said Nerison. "We're hoping to get some
relief when Aliso and Valencia schools
open after the first of the ye ar. By
special arrangement we have two more
schools about to begin construction but
this is the ~xtent of our building unlei;s
the measure passes."
He said the district needs three or four
new schools besides those planned.
F rom · P•ge 1
that the best and most ecQnomical plan
should include disposal °' the main fire
The station, which now ·use1 parking
and 1ninor serl>'ice on the city hji.ll,;
grounds, should be relocated to a nearby
lor:tlion instead oI remaining where it ·1s.
Sale or \eaSP. of the city hall would
elimina te the service and parking areas
\\'hich the stalio'l needs.
In additiOn to t~e immesi iate cash pr~
ceeds gained by sale or the city hall, the
city would realize a tax revenue boost of
S?,250 a year il the city ~ll were in
private h*and1.
Other taxing agencies would share
about $13,000 in new-lat money, ERA
Under 1 lease ar.rangemen "'lhe total
expeCt.ed annual inc<ime -, if a tenant
cou)d be found -"'ould be •bou\"47,llbo.
In its searching for a potential tenant
unde r a lease arTangement conaultants
drew a complete blank, they sald .
Tidelands Fees
Decision Set
Orange County Harbor Commissioner.~
will meet in special session Wednesday at
11 a.m. to decide their position on lt:vylng
tidelands t1!t fees for county areas.
The meeUn1 ~as called to evaluate
data :forthcoming from County Aae190r
Andrew Hinshiw who will show d.Jf.
ferences in tax payments between
bayside properly ownen with pier rights
and homeowners without the rights.
Th us far two commissioner• have
shown disfavor with imposing tideland.a
The commission will decide on its
recomrn.endation on the issue which will
be decided by county supervisors.
The meeting open to the public. will bt
held in Harbor District offices, 1901
Bayside Drive, Newport Beach.
R u~~iu Launches New
Cosn1 0~ Sa tellite
~10SCOW IUPI) -The Soviet Union
today launched an unmanned earth
satellite. Cosmos 311, the Tass News
Agency annoWlced.
Western experts believe this type of
research satellite is a six-foot-long
cylinder \\rhich has a life of several
months before it Is destroyed on plunging
back into th eearth's atmosphere.
, OAIL Y l"llOf l"llttf .., ltklllrll l(Hf!ltr
Broadway Burglat•y
Newport Beach Police Detective Scotty ?l'fcGregor dusts for finger·
pMnts a1nong glass shard11 on Ooor of Broadway Auto Center at Fash·
Ion Island where burglars hit Frid•Y night or early Salurday morn-
ing, making off with $187 in auto stereo. equip~1ent. T~ieves ,passed
up unlocked cash register with full! days receipts. police said.
~I ~I
Hunting·ton WomanNear
Death Alt.er· Mesa W -,:eck . .
" A Huntington Beach woman 18 n~
death today wilh injuries suffered Sunday
night v.•hen a car collided with her
husband's auto at a Costa Mesa in·
Mrs. Judith W.cQuald, 21 . of 9322
Velardo Lane, is in extremely critical
condition al Costa Mesa Memorial
Hospital, following surgery for multiple
injuries. 1
Her husband Thomas D. McQuaid, 23.
Is in fair condition at the same hospital
wlth injuries suffered in the broadside
smashup on Newport Boulevard at Fair
Their car and one driven by Larry W.
' Highways f'U'fl 1lu1 rcpah1DI the
damai;e todaf, as nurse! kept a vtgn over
Mrs. McQuaid, who suffered a COO·
cussion, plus multiple cuts and bruises .
Investigation continues into the ac-
cident today, since neither McQuaid. nor
Lilly, who was taken to the same hospita l
complaining of pains, could remember
moments just prior to the crash .
Officer Charles Hamilton said Lilly's
car slammed into the right side of the
N:cQuaid vehicle and the injured woman
sitting on that side ab!Orbed the brunt of
the impact.
The McQuaid vehicle was hit so hard
that it apparently rolled up and over the
Lilly auto, clipping the traffic signal at
the southwest corner of the intersection.
Lilly, 25, ol 2017 Parsons St, Costa Mesa,
careened out ot the roadway and knocked
over a traffic signal and street sign in Ole
J t : 10 p.m. crash.
A dog riding with Lilly was taken to the
Orange County Animal Sheller for care
or after the accident. Workmen for the State Division
Spade Re~alled
Thanked County for Booking
Of ... Dallr ..... '""
One of the last things Spade C.OOley
ever said waa "thank you," according to
today·s news diJpat.ches. He thanked lhe
Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs Associa·
tioo for allowing him lo be "free for
awhile" to play at their benefit in
And that's the way a few of us around
Orange County would like lo remember
him. Because that's the way he was the
last time he ''orked here. (See st.ory,
page S)
He was at the tail end , really, of a high·
rlylng decade In which he had become a
fe atured movie performer an oft-~iewed
television personality and his billing had
become "King of Western Swing."
He wasn't fl ying so high in the mid·
1950s. But he was still an important
enough personage in Los Angeles
television circles lo command his own
Strike Shuts School
city's 26,000.pupil public school system
was shut down today by a strike of the
Providence Teachers' Union. The issue
was a new contract.
full hour of TV lime weellly on one or the
independent slaUons.
And there was no doubt that he hid hia
following -large and loyaJ -out there
in "Televlslonland." He gracioWlly hosted
e,ach year's new crop of beauty con·
testanla who tried for the queen titlt at
the Orange County Fair.
He generously a:ave his air time to
them and the phone calls and fan mail In-
dicated that !eleviewers enjoyed seeing
the girls on his show year after year.
All thet had a bearing on ~s being
booked 'as the "free '' show in the
fairground s amphitheater for what was
lo be his last Jn-person appearance in
Orange County. He was supposed to open
the county fair with a flourish . It turned
out lo be more of a flop.
But the openin1 night sho1v -attended
by Spade, his band, a handful of fair of·
fielals and a half an audience -had
hardly ended before he waa in the front
office with his IO-gallon hat literally in
his hand. He apologized to the fair
management for not having pulled a big·
ger crowd. And he thanked them for
booking him.
It was one of the most humble (and ap..
parently sincere) scenes this reporter has
ever seen any "show biz" personality
play In real Dfe.
That time, Spade "died" onstage and
then said "thank You."
Sunday, hes ald "thank you" onstage
and then died after the show.
The astronauts said they would be will·
Ing to launch again in the kind of
thunderstorm that marred their blistoff
Nov. 14, recQmmended improvements in
tools and carrier bags and reported dif·
ficulty in sleeping on the moon.
Newsmen asked whether Coo,rad's ex-
llil1fation 0',1 the moon might have been
caused by an "01ygen high," a state or
euphoria that somelimes occurs when an ' . astronaut breathes pure oxygen .
"I was very happy," said Conrad. "but
I wasn't on an oxygen high."
In the first 10 minutes of a moonwalk.
&an 'aid. "You find that it is not as
hard as you think it 'is got.1g to be to
move around, and you are p retty happy
about that .... I was in a good humor to
start with, seeing we had landed next tn
the Surveyor. That started the thing off
Bean described difficulties in Iden·
lifying rocks and soil this way :
"This second day we went out, the
same thing that looked gray to us the
first day started looking -at least to me
-a sort of brown, dark brown or a tan·
nish brown, and it \\'as really one of the
most ·tnteresting things of the lunar
surface Operations ... how much that
color can change just with • r degree or
i;o sun angle change."
The derelict Su rveyor spacecraft they
Inspected and removed pieces from look·
ed brown. Bean said, but "I wouldn't be a
bit surprised that ""·hen we get alt those
parts back to Houston , they don't turn out
to be -under tile earth llght and ll&ht of
the laboratory -kind ol dark craY
Senate Launches
Debate Over 1
I Reform of Taxes '
opened debate today on the most com·
prehensive tax reform proposal in the na·
tion's history with a Republican leader
invoking the threat of a presidenlial veto
If Congress cuts taxes too deeply.
Acting Reooblican leader Robert P.
Griffin ol Michigan said a proposaJ to
boost the present $600 personal ex·
emption to $1 ,000 was a "political
shenani1an" that probably would ~~
President NiJ:on to veto the whole bill if
conmss accepted it.
"It'• very appealing but unrealistic,"
Grlffin told reporters concerning the pnr
posal of Sen. Albert Gore (0-Tenn .) "It
would kill the bill.''
Griffin took over the m l n o r I t y
leadership while Republican leader Hugh
Scott of Pennsylvania vacationed.
Psychiatrist on Duty
One of our more normal customers, a prominent psycbia~
trist, contributed this messa~e: "The moat "diUicult secret
for a man to keep is the opinion he bas 'of himself."
Now su ppose you don't care for yourself (unlikely). We
guarantee that no one will ever know if you're wearmg one
of our flattering suits.
Or perhaps you're naturally modest but secretly suspect
you're terrific. How better to confirm your suspicion than to
be fitted at 3467 Via Lido.
The \\1hole deal's more diffi cult if you think It's obvious that
you are outstanding. But \Ve urge you not to confuse your
frie nds with two different personalities. ~
Outstand 'vith Jack Bidwell. What's an old sec ret any\vay?
Jack Bidwell
Parking for as many cars as you own
3467 Via Lido at Newport Boulevard, Newport Bea~h
Open Friday evenings unUI t p.m.
\'01:. 62, N0 ,,2,8J, l .SECTIONS, 46 .PA9ES
,_ .
• f, r ., . ,_ ,, 1 .i' '.
" . I •
•·· . , . . •• -.
* * * * * ·.'*"
• I.
' f • • • -' . . . ' . ~ 'No P•e~e of .Cake ·
I \. )', l'"'
· ·Conr ad Talks of Lunar 1Landing . .
~AcE CENTER. Houston (AP) -t•t was veey.)\appy/'.sild Conrad, 1'bu(
"l'U '·U "'· .. r t · r. r d I wasn't on .an OlliYstP blah." 1 . w YOU one uwig, e e """" a· was 'tn fhe 'nrsttto mlnuta ii vm6obwalk,
·11yln1. "It took every bit of knowledge I Bean stld, "You find that It ii nOt as
baa ·to · get that baby down there in the hard u you thlnk It 11 tom1 to be to
rl,h{ pl~e. That wis no piece of ca~e.'' mOve around, •nd Y.Otl 1ri prttty happy
Conrad, Alin \.. Bean and Richard F. abou\ that •.• : I wU in a good l;wmOr to
Gordon, JJ. were holding the first news s~ with, seeing ,we had landed next to
conference from space Su.iday and he the Surveyor. 'lbal sL!fled tbe thin& off
wU recalling bow he brought the lwi.ar right."
landet Iplrepld in. Bean de!Cribed dlf)1culties in Iden-
. "It took everythilfg I had to gel that U.! tifying rocks and soil thli way: d<lwn. in:one piece,'' eon.rad Said. "I thlnk "'Ihls second day we ·went out, lhe w~ 'got some thli1gs to work out on that." same thing that looked iray to us the ' ~Jl91lo t; 'V{as ·,o,n ·the~ last leg of Jts first day.started looking -1t leut to me
voYqe or 953,ooo iniles when .ttie· space ,_a iort of brown, dark brown or a tan·
1itnCy passed up questions submJ,tted by nish· brown, and It was· ttally·one of the
oew.amen. . · most ·lntereSting things· Of the -Jlfnlr
'ftle astronallts said they would be will· surface· operations •.. how much· that ·IN to' launch again in the kind of color can change just with· a 7 degree or
tbundtrstonn that ,marred their blastoff 80 sun angle. chanie.'"
NoV; J4, recommerlded improvements in The derelict Surveyor spacecraft they
tools and carrier bags and reported dif· Inspected and removed· pieces from look·
ficulty in sleeping on the moon . ed brown, Bean said. but ''f wouJdu't be a
-N!wmlen asked whether Conrad's ex-bit surprised that wtien we get all those
fillaration ro the moon might have been parts back to Houston, P.tty don't turn out
caliled by an "oxygen high," a state of to be ~ under the earth light e.nd light of
euphoria that sometimes occurs when an the laboratory -kind of dark gray
islrenaut breathes pure oxygen. again."
• UP'I T~
Southea1t -of Paeo .Pato, Yankff Clipper Marks ''"t ~of MatvMd Space Exploration .
Ice Cream Parlor .iudges Challenged
. Plans Get New
P.rohe Under Way in Cr~&~ Airing T9night
Atheist Loses 1st Roqnd
~·!~ Space ,Praye.r ,K~ih.t~i Th~ K.ilJed El lorQ ·,RUo~
. ..
A fWl-ICaJe ia_nati;aUon Imo a mid.air col-•blch d•imed the lire al Ill Bl ,.......,. Marne pilot -Om' the
wtikeM was 5ttu under way today at
Mihmir Naval Air Station in Sa'n Diego.
Na'Y)' ·aM Marine officers said a resud
of1 their findings will not. be available
befori Tuesday. Ciu~t. William C.· Sauer, 26, of Tustin.
diedifn the collision Saturday whtn his F4
Phantom jet from El.Toro collided with a
Navy interceptor some 10,000 feet above
dtaert country ~ Borreg9 Springs.
Capt. .Sauer's companion, lst Lt.
William Wilkening. 26, also of Tustin.
parachuted to safety as did the pilot of
the Navy jel Both men Wtfe unhurt and
were picked up by helicopter.
Navy officers identified their rescu ed
pilbt as Lt. Cmdr.'John s. Hellman, 32, of
Miramar. Cmdr. Hellman was alone in
hit Na"fy ar:Qsader:. I " .
Marine officers today. said preliminary
reparti indicate that Capl Sauer was
Gillette · Razor
Founder Widow
Dies on Birt!iday
Mrs. -Margaret_ Josephine Gillette,
wldoW"of the founder 'or the huge.razor
bllde manufacturing firm. and a Balboa
resident for the pist JI years, died Saf.
ui;<f>y, her 'llllh birtJ.,.iay, at Hoag Me·
morial .Hospital. .
Mrs. Gillette, who· lived quletly at her
PfnU,SUla hOme, 150t _S}rlvla Lane, was
tlie' ~ldow of King G. GijlFtte, who died
iri 1865. · ·,,.e .couple,. Wbo hail ~e'n nlarried f~
25 1)ftirs, made ' tOOr home in , Balboa
I ' and Palm Sprinp.
The lati Mr. Gillette was the inventOr
or the. safety razor and founder of the
oiuntty11MlaJ"l'lt razor · blade manufa c-
turinc flrnl. ·
'4ii'j911aly' Jnjuttd1cr kllleij at tho time~! r .1-... and made io atlelilpt to leave ' ~ . I
'Bot1I ]eta went down · fn .nam~ and
sparked a brush fire over near'ly tw6
acrts of arid desert terrain in the east
San Diego County lll'tl. Sta~ Forestry
personnel quickly extinguished the out.
Motorist Hurt
In Crmli Loses
Fig lit for Life
A criUcally injured Whittier man's ~J.
di}' fight foi life' er¥led Sunday in Martin
LU:ther HosPital, Anaheim.
Raul Vasquez. 32. succumbed to in-
juries he suffered Nov. I when his car
went off the Santa ~ Fr~a.Y near
Orangelhorpe Avenue and smashed into a
It took firemen and California High\\'ay
patrolmen nearly one hQUr to extricate
the unconScious Vasqutz from the
wreckage, Officers belle\'e Vasquez fell
asleep at the wheel shortly before his
autp left the hlghway.
COroner"1 officers have added jbe name
ol Bobby Keruiec. 16. of Anaheim to the'
ll10W)llng ·list of Orange CoW1ty traffic
fataliUei. '
Youna; Kennec ·Wed Friday of injuries
.suff~ ave di.ya earlier · when 1
motorcycle on which he was ridillf pillion
smashed into i car 1t an Anaheim ln-
le(l.OCtlon. ·
.. ( t-year-old boy 'seriously Injured when
he rode Illa, bicycle ITito .the side of a
truck Frida)' remained orf the criUcal list
today at Orange County Medical Center.
A hollpltal spokesman ·llld tiler< had
been "a v~ slight imprdvement" in the
condition of Todd Alexander Markle, 9, of
Orange. The boy w&, lidmlt~ . to the
coanty facility with 5efious injories suf·
fered late Friday.
Plaris for an Ice cream parlor will be
di~·&'~t'a. 7i;o m .. tin• of the -~-111,.t r.....,..,~mifti!o. . .
'Ibo applican~ A·M food 8"rvka ·Of
Garden an...,.,.........-~ ...,. op-
poaltion !tom ne~ .....,...,., wbin
ftl'request lo.-u.; ~-··1111
Irvine Ave. wetit before tbe.dty ·council
Ott. ~-The. council approved zone
change for the property from sincle-fami·
Ty residenUAI to commercial.
· However, detailed plans for the facility
and its operauon still f1ce scrutiny. by
planners, who will make a recom·
mendalion to the city council.
AlSo to be COMidered are plans for an
18-unlt apartment complex at 203S
Fullerton Ave . Chaprrwt Homes, Inc. or
Cost.a Mesa is requesting a zone ex-
cepUon· tQ..build the unJtl In an area zoned
for comrpercial and hlgh-denslty reslden-
Ual Us'e.
Ethics Standard
Issue Raised
By Se1i .. P ercy
' WASHlNGTON (UPll -~1illionaire
Sen. Charles H. Jl:ercy (R-lll.). said today
he was putting his own holdings in a
"blipd lrust''. and urged Congress to
adopt for it.self the same ethical stan·
dards it applied in· rejecting Judie Cle-
m~t F. Haynsworth's Supreme Court
.Pmj. urged ~· ,of a b!Q.[
sponsored by 20 ·r,ion, tliat•would re,
quire public, diaehtsanp-... ot ftnancl1I·
holdings bj·~ Jl~~~l c~is forl
federal office and .their top aides.
Jn a Senat~ speech, Percy ~Id: '~ j
"It .would ht ironlc lf the ethical
seai.chllght lhatlba•-Just '~ trl'lned on
the Haynswo~ nomination were to be
put out now Iha~ the CIR If clOled." 1 He adde<j; "ShOOid .., have) totalJ,y,
different code for jUdga ,aod Id·
.minlwaton than we 1Jave for lqtllators
reP,rding lh!ir ·associations. their com-
mibnents and their obligaOons, '' Percy
asked. ·
'services for Mrs. GiUel\e will be held Ill-,,_ at the LltUe'Chutch of ' . the Flowers, Forest Lawn, Glendale.
·Mrs. Glllette. a C'1tf0mia resklent for
For11aer GI'•. Story · • '
~ ~usTni. Tn. (UPI) :... ·Madafyti MUl'· rarO'llU' Joot.h<r first TOllllll·ln lederal coart'\Oday in a suit to prohibit prayers bf U.S. utroniUts from beinl broadcast _.,...tho•wl4.
, Mn.· O'Hair. an Austin houaewife, led a
similar filht six )'W's ago that resulted
iii the U.S. Supreme court ban on com·
pulsory prayer m public :schools.
Today, she challenged the Tight of three
f'!deral Judles to consider her suit
against the Natlpnal Aeronautics and
SJ"¥!< Administration.
U.S. District Jlidge }lomer Thornberry
ovem1led hlr motion uldni the j,.,..._to
dtsqqolll)<· u.em .. 1 ... on the "°"""''!ht
cow1 was .. illegllb' const.ltut.ed" because
atb<IN . are exchided from the fi;deral judicr.r, syltem~ ,
The judge , overruled Mrs. O'Halr
without comment. He also, rejected a mo-
tion to po!tpone lhe case~
Jlefore 'the court. !lpened. Mrs. O'Halr
complained that the tlnilng Of the hearJng
was unfair to her because it opened on
"splash down" day for the, Apollo 12
astrooauts and came durlni ThanksgiY·
ing day week.
Decomposed Body Found
ln La Habra Car Trunk ,
Jnvestf&ation into the death of a La
ltabra man whole badly decomposed
body was found Swlday In the trunk of a
~tolen car entered today on an autopsy
conducted by Or_ange County coroner's
Investigators hope that pathology tests
carried out on the remalM of Michael A.
Fernandez, 21, may help them in their in·
quiries. Working with them are Los
Angeles police who have the vehicle In
which Fernandez's body was found on
their stolen car lilly.
Three teenqer boys ·ttilde ttJe grisly
. discovery ~ay and c1lled poUce Jrom
: a aupermarket parking: lot fn LI Habra •
The boys told olflcefs that the 'lavender·
colored JtoO Cadlll1c had been ~ed on
the lot for lhe1 past two we;eka.
lnvestl.piors aald the yoUna;sten. Were
playlng ins.Ide the . vehli:le w~ they
rioticed an odor COl1\U1I from the ttud:.
The 'boys found the, trunk ~ ud
they ailo !ound the itecoYing body cf
Ftmanda care.fully wrapped in a blue
bedspread. Officers said the body wu
surrounded by papers, most of them ·
buslneal documents In which Fernandez
Wu named.and Involving transactions to .
which he was a party. ,
Also under investigation were a duffle
bag Ind some of Fernandez personal ef-
fects which were found on the rear seat
of the oai'. I~vesligators said the car conlalnlng
Fernandez's body was listed as stolen by
the Ea.st Los Angeles division of the Los
Angeles County sheriff's office.
Senate . Launches
Debate Over .
Reform of Taxes
opened 'debate today on the most com·
prehenatve tax reform propoMl ln tM na.
tlOf1's hflltm'y with a Republican leader
lnvoklnt the threat of a presklenllal veto
lf Coneress cuts taxes too deeply'.
Aeling Republican leader RObert. P.
GrUfln of Mlchlaan said a proposal to
boost the • preserit $600 ·personal ex·
tmpt:lon to: tt,OOG was 1 "political
llhtnani1an" Iha! probably WOllld prom
Pmi.i..t l'iizol\ fo veto the whole· bill If I 1 ~ ' the pts&. St years, )eaves 1 cowin, Mrs.
n.....C. Bal Belz of Hemet.
BUr11l wlll be in Forest La-«·n l\temor-
ial Pan. · Wip~d ·Out ... ' " Conlftt!·~ II. " • •·rva fel'J' _.,..bul lmraiJl\li;"
Griffin told N11J1r1«1 eott<ei nq t1le in.-
poal ill lea. Alfieri 0oro (D-T-). "It
-ti ' • •-oald ·llUJ the bill!" -· ; ' •
Mesa Youth Hurt
In Au~o Accident
A Cotta V.eu youth suffered fact and
ocalp.,.. Sunda,y night when his car sud-
dia.ty llftl"Yed on P1actnt'8 A venue north
ol lltll Street llld miasbed into a parked
cor. • WUllam A. Grimes, :111, ill mo Lon-_.,,>' St., Wal treated It Hoag
Nimorial Hospital' and. rtleated to con-
vllaoi at home after tho l :Si p.m. col·
From wir.. Servkes
TULSA. ~a. -A lonner GI says U.S.
troops were erde.rtd to wipe out:the Viet-
namese vill11t of Sorig My as an enemy
stronghold in I-did. (Rellted story Pqe S).
:'E""Ythini Biii everytlody wu wiped
out," Cbarlio Gnt•er. JI, .. Id ID a ii>
tervtew &onday. "Men, -••• chi~
-•• -• Ool7 the dickw ...... 1<11 alive." • ~ · ·
In vtttnam todly, the ·commander ti.
• ~ Vietnamese fol'f.'el in the fi\'e
I • •
northerM1011t provioces, ,Lt. Gen. Huong
Xuan Lam, P.id vUlagen who had told Of·
300 to 500 persons -men,1 women and
children -beJng slain' ill lhe lncldene
may &vt dellbera\ely u111ertte(I the ton.-•
The general ~id he bellt•ed \he na~-dwrt .. rlh< tncld• alter talk' mi to rtportera wbo vlllt<d them.
"l'Uybe tho local -le hope to.
receive aome lndemnHlcaUon from the
Americant, IO thq havt euaerated tbe
lllOlber of -burned doWn ... tho
number of pt?'IORS.killed.'' he aald.
• . Tbe United ·Stites pays cl9illans lot
caSualties and dam1ge caul(d by
American actl\>nt In Soolh Vietnam. The JdUlnp on March JI, JIM, have led
to ~es that there was a massa.c:re of
civiliulst Gl'\IV!r 11td he wu satisfied
. ~ , Grlllln tool< orit' Ibo m I n o r I t y
leado,nhlp wbile ~ 1-r llUCb
Scott If PlilDJjlflltlf¥11Cationad.
' that Soni My -U.S. military code name '-,
Pinkville -was inrested with soldien of NEW YORK' (AP )-1·ne, ltock m1rket
the North Vlebla,.... rtgula"lrmy, but sank lleadily ·Ill~ loday Jn ooe ,of Ila
added: ' " · · f steepest oeihecl<a'in· many weekl. (See
"yte'd neyer been ordered lo Wipe out quota Uon11 P..aga 537). ·~ ,
everybody befora. ~lilt cf the IUY• didn't Trad Inf moved at,,. moderatlly acUve
dlg1Jt 'at all. Wf)en It was all over, they pace as pricta drl(tfiid.' dOwn~ird from
were almost lllck." the start.
\ l
S.ucces sful
Apollo 12
Trip· Ends
SPACE· CENTE~. Houstoa HIP!) -
Apol:t. JJ's moon pllOtl lan4tc1 ••rtatit on
the money'' in the Sooth Pacific today bl
a spectacular fq.ale ol man's•firlt dec:9lk' m space expk>raUon: .
Char.Jes ·•Pete" Coni'ad, 39, l\Jchard F.
Gordon, 40, and Alan L. Bean. ~ •
splashdown 1down at 12·:51 p.m.· ~ in
full view:.of' ~levision came~ mounted
on the ·r.e<:oVery, ~C!lrrler 'Hoi'ut. 'll>e
spacecraft flipped over after pnpact and
inflaijon ball' turned it upriJl!>I.
The astronfutl 'tli'ere 1in, clear radio~
tac\ most of the way down. Conrad
reported "}t's right on tbe .mc:iney" 'aft.et
Apollo 12 emerged from lta ~fChlnl re-
entry and, the astronaut. reporied they
v.·ere, !'in , great shape" 11 lhree ._J>W
parachutes lowered U>em into the Ka.
The USS Horiiel· ailed in the warm
1J1oderate sees to recover America's se.-
ccnd set of moon exploret ... '{he Hornet
retrieved Apollo Jl'1 iu'nar·p1oneers four
moths aao to the day. · "
A final five-sec:ond bw'.st !rom the COID!
mand ship's control rocket at 9:44 ~
lined 'ap t.be 1stronauta' coune for a -c. but .... atlry into Wrlll'• 11-
'".ibfS hq pl to bl tho mist apeo. la~ •ll!il"" tho .. ~r· .. ~ liid •• .... iltlp I<~ !qblj:ldJ
towanj the pinkl, blues ancf.\1i>leti el'tllt
Eun-lit Jayer of air blanketJns the J)obe. -sun .ahel~ fo·r the spacemen are 11
IW• pf maon bug ~uarantlne. flnl ID .a IHlltr aboitd the RCl!!lll Ud Iliad Net
1t the mote comfortable 'moo., cmt
IJolalloa qiiarter1 al the -Spaill c.nttr. , · -J . , l
"If you've reinembertd ¥OUr lava-1~
<Po1YneSI1n CJothiiig ), It shoUl~·be,a Jc:rve.
ly day in Iha Sooth Paalnc," gtOlmd com-
mllllicator llon•lil L. l.Jnd : radioed tho
spacem~n ell:ht hours before their WJ. ding. ·
"Thank· you, Don, IOW'ldl real ~·ind
't\'e11 be happy 10 set the land Of i., ...
lavas;" replied Conrad. '
The 10-day, million-mile mission WM
tM nahon's lut In the decide of mmmed
spa,eefiight that opened when Rzissil"1
1·ur1 Gagarin and America'• Alan B.
Shepard. first ventured Into tbe cosinoa in
1161. Since .thoh, 23 Americana and' lO
Russlana: have flown In spa~.
Ap011o 12'5 aslron.ailtli awlk~ at 2:2'1
a.:n. after 11leeping .8"2 boun ind1biJ!pn
the flrial preparations for' aplulidoWn.
They ate breakfast, checked lbelr courae
with •tar sightlnfl and f'IUJl(f time to play
some country anrl wutern music On · a
spacecraft tape player.
Girls to View
Aut umn Colors
Everybody Is rioting these days -even
the colors ln autunin leaves at· lrvioe
Park -and1'that's where girls a· through
14 WUL ao Saturday. on a hike sponsored
by the Cosl! Mesa RecreaUon DepaB:
TransportaUon "ill ·be ~ded !ronl
the civic Ctr1ter to the mountain park,
with departure at 10. a.m .. and retum at 4
p.m .• according to Toni Popovlts, who
6ays to bring lunch ind 1 sweater.
Fee for the /ourney. Is Sl.50 and girls
may register a I thls week from a a.m. to
Srp.m. at Boom 305 in the civic center.
·Orange Ce u t
'I' ,· I t
Weadler . .
That deteri air 11 on its w1y t~
1 "·aro the .cOast~lcafu. with Sani.
.c Ana winds. booltlna: the tempera·
turea Into the 78'1 heR and up \o
• 83 inland. \
INSm E· TeDAY " . Rtodilig. writl11g end reUgfof\ 4 are the 11'ree Rt for 0111 ou& o/
• twr11 20 Orat> Coait ''Mtnti 1 who attend• " parochial achooL
See Page 3.
c-....... J.,., ,_ .
c ......... u ~ "'""" It , ........ , ,... ' .............. . 'INlln ..,, ,_,.... II
Allll . ......,.. It =.. ..... :
or ... c-r. " .,.....,.. ,,.: =MM! ...... ·-. -. -. ·-.. -. » --.. --....
' :. . .. I .
Hlrbw ANo.llo!uo!mv1 •l10W J6ulng
i lOll liom UM !Nino Company will
lied fl>,bey ibeir land under• major · dmnit ~ by ranch of.
. ;rvloa~-""" approved the
' ...... •llldt -•!>Pb' to all j\lJla driool-11 except.-(or ft:l.ra.-~ l!lpi.nds in ~11 or homu ln. at! ot~er develop-~ will soon receive information de·
ICJ'ibinc the offtred option to buy ak>ng
with infOrmation on appraisal of the in·
dlvidua,\ property, Irvine spokesmen
1aid. . Pr0limln1r7 paperwork already baa
started on· converting the •• early 3,000
leues held bJ the developer in 44 tracts.
Soviet Spy
Ship Cau8es
[Vavy Change
IU :
~.JAN D.D:GO (AP) -The Navy said to-
fliy it was Jorced to delay a missile-firing
w;t:rclle btcall!e of a Soviet spy ship
Ckise to·eautomia's CO&!t.
The Sarychev, a 2,500-ton hydrographlc
Wslef, wu last positioned 120 miles west
If Sin Dlela but Jut week was reported
II miles off lhor<. ~Since Nov. 5, the 1st Fleet said, thf: Soviet naval vessel has been cruiling off
the U.S. West Coast with electronic
11enitortn1 equipment at work.
.-Two Son Die10-baoed llhlpa, the 111ided ~le frigate Home and the nuclear·
Jtowered frigate Bainbridge, called off firina r1. the mld·range terrier surface-to-
ilr mislliles Th ursday because of the
trawler, the Navy's spokesman said.
•":The firing took place Saturday, final
~of Navy war ca mes.
•.• The Soviet ship's presence. he said. has
.,.oultd" the Pacific Missile Teat Range
which extends out to open sea from Point
JllUIU . ~At leut one. U.S. destroyer and two
)7Unesweepers have kept a cloae watch on
the Sarychev, and .pilols have rtported
chaqn in location. In October 1988, it
""active .off the California coast 4urin&
i>3tMii, -11111< but didn't enttr the sercUe area .
~O !·Trash Pickµp
~n Thanksgiving
There will bt no tra.ah pickup in Costa
Mesa on Tbank1giving Day, Nov. fl.
Instead. all truh will be picked up on
either Wednesday or Friday.
The areas that will be picktd up on
Wedn~y are COIJt1e Park, Clearbrook
Lane on the east side of FairView Road :
the 1Dey be.tween Peppertree Lane and
Harbor Boulevard in the Mesa Verde
are.a, and the area east or Fairview Road
north of Baker Street.
On Friday, the entire Mesa Verde area
soulh fJf Gisler Avenue will bt picked up,
with the except.Ion of the alley between
Peppertree Lant and Harbor Boulevard.
tw.idents should put their trash out
early, as the ertWJ will not be able to
make return trip! for more trash.
Russia Launches New
Cosmos Satellite
~IOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union
today launched an unmanned earth
satellite, Cosmos 311, the Tass News
Aeency announced.
Wester11 aper\! believe this type of
research satellite is a six-foot-long
cylinder which has a life of several
montha be.fort it is destroyed on plun1ing
bick into th ee.arth's atmosphert.
ll J\ll 1 Pl\Ol
OU.NOi <QM1· •Ull •MINI COMt AH"r
••~'* N, W114 '""lft!ot .... ,....,.
J 11k l . Cllrlt y
vie. f''9t!tl!lt l "f Otfltl'~ M .. tfrt
n. ...... , IC,, .. n
··~ n.,,.,,, A M•tJl'hl~1
~r.i• ._ __
lll Wttt lty l frttl
M1m~1 A44f-•11: ,,0 .11• IS6CI, tl6t 6 --~ IO;ICI'. HI I-«•• ..... a....e.,, .. ~ '-"' m ,_, •-
HWlllMfWI lff!Cll: -Ml ..... I
' •
Eich ltuee will be contacted In comlnt
month,s. "Community as,ociations alsO will
rtceive correspondence, Irvine aides
said .
The two Corona de.I Mar developments
will not be affected, spGkeameo uld, IJr&.
cau.st the Irvine Compr11y no Jonctr.holds
the leues on the two subdlvialons.
The new policy will follow «tt imposed
rtteilt.ly for the firm 's new developments
Jn which buyers may purchase: both land
and house.
c;iy flail .
Sale Urged . ' . • , • I
011 Newport
Of Jlle D•llJ 1'111rt Si.ft
Ntwport Beach's city hall, doomed to
e:xtinetion in about three years, should be
sold for about $675.000, city-hired con·
ault.i.nts recommen4ed today. -
~nomic Resell!ch Associate. CERA )
officially rtcommended the salt idea
over two lease variations and termed tt
the only proposal or thrc'! \l•hich would be
of much ~efit.
The reasoning b e hi n d the policy
change, a spoimnan said, wae to ac·
commodate: property owners who. prefer
to own their own land instead of lea:iing
it on a lon&·&enn baalr. ·
WU. ~ yw Drlvor In Vory Crltlc,I C_,ltlon wltt. Cl.nc usslon, Cuts . ·
The two other proposals -one a short·
term lease; the other a 25-year lease-op-
tion pl.an -wouldn't work, ERA said,
because of the lack of potential tenants.
"s'Ome people 1imply like to say they
own tbt Jot," one spokesman aaid.
-----~-----~~ .. ' .. Conceding that Under 1 lease •. the city
ha ll could only be ' used by other public
l'tgencies, the consultant said there are no
othert in the arta which would need the
1be .lll'ke of the lot will be detumiried
by lrrlne •ppraJsen.
A Jeue--purchase oplion also will be olleroll.
2 Danger Spots
To Be Studied
By Traffic Group
CrO!swalka and traffic light controls
for two specific interll!Ction1 m on the
agenda for the Colta Mesa Traffic Com·
mission whJch meets: Wedouday.
The public hwin&s on tbt two pro.
posals will ~ at 10 a.m. in the flfth floor
conference room at.the Coat& Mesa Civic
The crosawalk propo&al is for Fairiviev,.
Road _in a quite heavily traveled sectlon
between Fair Drive and West Wil.son
Street, which serves several nearby
Traffic lighting controls under con·
sideration would reduce speed and
regu1ate traffic congestion on Paularino
A~enue be.tween Fairview Road and Bear
Street, near one school.
Anyone with special interest in the pro.
po'8la is invited to attend and address
the panel, which me.els onct each month
to make re:c1)mmendaliol\S to the Costa
Mesa City Council.
'Guest~' Oean
Out Mesa,J\f otel
Two· vagabonds who checked lnto tht
Vaaabond Motor Hotel In Costa Me.u ~turday nJght are IOUlhl today, along
With hS3 worth of room furnishinas,
including the television set.
Waltu L. Davis, manager of the motel
at 3151 Harbor Blvd., said the pair then
left for beer, but 1till hadn't returned
when he retired early Sunday.
Davis told police ~ arose and round
the room rented by· the two men stripped
of linens. towtls and the tube.
Out of the Past
--' Southland . Air :: · . ~ •.
Problems Told f
At State Meet.
' . Special to the DAILY PILOT
already lacks sufficient air fw its pop-
ulation and their actlvitles, environmen·
tal engineering protP..sSQr Rolf ~tlassen
of Stanford said Mooday.
In background papers prepared and
circulated on the U.S. Natlonal Conunis·
sion for UNESCO's conferen'ct on "Man
and His Environment," meetlng: here, he
suagested that "Water may be the key
to population control in specific areas
where it is a limiting nsource, as in
Southern California."
Instead or bulld in& an extensive and
expemive system to import water from
northern California to support more in·
dustries in the Los Angeles buin, he
suggested. "a more rational approach lo
planning for living in a limited air en·
vironment would have bctn to restrict the
development or new water supplie.s and
th us restrict population.
··who would ha ve the courage to rto
lhis?" he asked.
Eliassen advocated the creation of
"'hole new cities away from current
metropolitan centers to provide for pop-
ulation growth. ihese could bt located
in areas with• adtquate air, water and
other resources. all of which would be
strictly managed.
In another paper prepared for the
conferenct, biology profeSllOf Paul Ehr·
lich repeated his suggestion that income
tax laws be revised to eliminate all
deductions for children.
hLuxury taxes should be placed on
diapers, baby bottles, and baby foods ,''
Ehrlich added. "I must be made clear
to our population that it is socially ir-
responsible to have large families."
The Monte Cristo. 138-loot repli ca of 18th Century square rigger,
docked at Sea Scout Base on Newport Beach waterfront during the
weekend to toke on sup plies. Ronald C. Craig's sh ip, built In Van·
couver BrlUsh Columbta , is headed south, with San Diego. Mexico,
Hawaii on Its Itinerary. Skipper Jeff Berry wit! take ship, apprais ed et
$4:!5,000. on to Auslrillia early ncxr year ror Capt: Cook Blcentcnn1nl.
Huntington W omanNear
Death After· Mesa Wreck
A Huntinston BeiCh woman ·Is near
death today wit.ti injuries suffered.'Suq?y
oifht _when 1 car collided .. wlth ·lier
husband's auto at a Costa Mesa in·
tersectlon. .~ 1
MrS. Judith Y.'cQUaid, 21, of 9322
Vtlardo Lane, is in e:xtremtly q-itical
condition at Cotta Meaa Memorial
Hospital, following surgery for multiple
Her hwband Thomas O. McQuaid, 23.
is in fair cond ition at the same hO!pit.al
with injuries suffered in the broadside
smashup on Newport Boulevard at Fair
Their car aDd one driven by Larry W.
Lilly, .25. of 2017 Parsons St., Costa Mesa.
caretned out of the road"'•ay and knocked
over a traffic signal aad street sign in tht
I I: JO p.m. crash.
Workmen for the State .Division of
Hi1hways were . atlll repjil.iring the
damage toi:fay, u nurses kept a vigil over
Mrs. M~aid. who suffered a con·
<'ussion, plus multipl et cul! and bruises.
Investigation conlfnues into the ac·
cide:nt today, since neither McQuaid, nor
Lllly, who wa.1 taken to the same hoapit.al
complaining of pains, could remember
moments: just prior to the cruh.
Officer Charles Hamilton said Lilly's
car sJamme:d into the right side of the
W:cQuaid vehicle: and the injured woman
sitling on that side absorbed the brunt of
the impact.
The r<.1cQuaid vehicle was h.it so hard
that it apparently rolled up and DVe:r the
Lilly auto, clipping the traffic signal at
the southwest comer of the lnterseetion.
A dog riding with Lilly was taken to the
Orange County Animal Shelter for care
after the accident.
Spade Re~a~led
Thanked County for Booking
Of llllt DlllJ l'llM Stiff
One of the last things Spade Cool~;'
ever said was "thank you," according to
today's news dlapatchea. Ht thanked the
Alameda County Deputy Sherlfls Associa·
lion for allowing him to be "free for
awhile"' to play at their benefit in
And that ·.s the way a few of us around
Orangt C<lunty would like to remember
him. Because that's the way he was the
last time he worked here. (Set story,
page 5)
He was at the tail end, really, of a high-
flying decade in which he had become a
fea tured movie performer an oft.viewed
television personality and his billing had
become "King of Western Swing."
He wasn't flying so high in the mid-
1950s. But he was still an important
enough personage in Los Angeles
television circles lo command his own
Strike Shuts Sc hool
city's 26,000-pupil public school system
\.\'as sh ut down today by a strike of the
Pro\•idence Teachers' Union. The issue
was a new contrac.t.
full hQur of TV lime weekly on one of the
independent st.ati9ns .
And there was no doubt that he had his
rollowi11g -large and loyal -out the:rt
in ''T~levisionland .'' He iraciously hosted
each year's )ne\v crop of be1uty 1.Con·
test.ants who tried for the queen title at
the Orange County Fair.
He generously gave his air time to
them and tht phone calls and fan mail in·
dlcated that televlewers enjoyed seeing
the girls on his show year after year.
All that had a bearing on his being
booked as the '"free" show in the
fairgrounds amphitheater for what was
to be his lasr in -person appearance in
Orange County. He was su pposed to open
the county fair with a flourish. It turned
out to be more of a flop.
But the opening night show -attended
by Spade. his band, a handful of fair of·
ficials and a half an audience -had
hardly ended before he was in the front
office ~·ith his 10.gal\on hat literally in
his hand. He apologized to the fair
management for not having pulled a big·
ger crowd. And he thanked them for
booking him.
Il lli'as one of the most humble (and ap.
parcntly sincert f scenes this reporter has
ever seen any '·show bit'' personality
play in real life.
That time. Spade "died" onstage and
lhen eaid '"thank you ."
Sunday, he said, "thank you'' onstage
and then died aner the show.
Psychiatrist on Duty
The 14-page ERA report covered two
major areas dealing with the city's new
civicMnter plans.
ERA studied the dispcsal question ln·
volving the present city hall, then n·
amined possibUities of attracting other
public uses of parts of the new 21)..acr.11
civic center which will be built in
Ne1vport Center .
ERA recommended that the city ac.
lively pursue other public agencies,
utililies and organizations to see if they '
\\'ant to relocate in the new civic center.
The consultants contacted the Harbor
Judicial District, the Newport-Mesa Uni·
fied School District, the Post Office, the
Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce,
art and culture groups and three major
public utilities for their ideas.
"Tbe majority or these organiz.ailon!
expressed keen interest in the develop-
ment or the new civic ,.center, indicating
their desire to develop new facilities ift
the center with certain conditions," con-
sultants said.
The condition relate primarily In
availability of development funds .
Present plans for the hillt.op civic
center include a city hall, police depart·
ment and main library. The land has
been purchased .
Other ideas iil< lude buildings to houst
!ht school dist rict, the chamber of com-
merce and the public utilities.
Ideas to includt! a fine arts and cultural
center and convention hall have won
favor in the community also.
l 'he CQnsultants reminded the city that
the Irvioe Company has agreed to donate
16 acrts near the propoged civic center
for a cultural center complex.
ERA consultants said about the only
way such facilities get built is through.
ptiv,ate*' donaleJ funds1, ,
A time delay _or about 10 years between
conception of a CQmmunity center and
ac tual construction is the norm. the con·
sultants said.
Elaborating on the problein of dispos.-
ing or the present city hall in old
Newport. ERA consultants recommended
lh~t the . best and most economical plan
should include disposal of the main firt
Burglars Loot
Two Mesa Oubs
Burglars looted both a bar and a
reh abilitation club fo r r e r o rm e d
alcoholics over the weekend. Costa Mesa
po Hee said today .
The manager of the Alano Club, 2&10
Placentia Ave .. sad $230 was ta ken dur·
ing business hours Sunday.
Investigators said $45 was taken by
v.·hoeve:r broke into the King's Inn, 720
Randolph St., but additional coins are
n1issing from vending machines "''hich
\.l'ert pried open .
One o( our more normal customers. a prominent psychia·
trist. contributed this messa~e: "The most difficult secret
for a man to keep is the opinion he has of himself."
No'v suppose you don't care for yourself (unlikely). \Ve
guarantee that no one "'ill ever know if }-OU're \veering one
or our flattering suits.
Or perhaps you 're naturally modest but secretly suspect
you're terrific. Ho\Y better to confirm your suspicion than to
be fitted at 3467 Via Lido.
The \vhole dears more difficult il you think it's obvious that
you are outstanding. But \Ve urge you not to confuse your
friends \Vith two different personalities.
Qutstand with Jack Bidwell. What's an old secret anyway?
Jack Bidwell
Parking for as many cars as you own
3.W7 Via Udo at Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach
Open Friday evenings unUJ i p.m.
Mond11, Novtmbtl' 241 1969 s DAILY PILOT ':J
Re~ding, Writing and Religion ' I
One Coast Child in 20 Goe$ to CatJwlic School
What's in School Name? By THOMAS FORTUNE •
Of .. Dlltr .... -..... ~·
Reading, writing, ·rl1haatie and the
!oorth R I.I rdlpon.
Nol unlike public school education In
ftlOll ~ C.thC>llc oc:J>ool.I add a
-.I .dliileuloo. :n1~ It •·llo>e eocb
dayf<r rellglousJnslrodjon and rtllgjous
~ :.,, ·~111ie teaching " '9'CUl.lr
dljocto. •
lt 111 f~ ~ t!'3t .ca~llc parents are
wtlllng to pay twtee -~blie sChool taxes
and pOraclllal school bliUon.
Tbat '-eitra tmanciat btirden bu been
asswped ]1y parem,, of ~.Ill yoinigs)ets
enrolled ln nine Calhol.Jc elementary ochoob-alon~. lhe 0.1nge ~-
Each o! !lie schools !\as ' walUng list of
others Wllo· want to gel In. But there just
isn't room.
This parochial system, familiar to
Catholics, is somelhinp: most non-
Catholics probably kno wliltle about. An
occasional view of school-age children in
uniform Is the only acquaintance with it
for many.
'Ibe system just doesn't seem to touch
the non..CathoJlc: Nobody ever bothers
him to vole for Its school bonds, Its
governing board is way off in tm
Angeles, arxl, perhaps because of this,
the local newspapers largely Ignore It.
Still, along this coast one in 20 school
children through eighth grade goes to a
Catholic school.
In Costa Mesa they attend St. Joachim
or St. John the Baptist. In Newport
Beach they go to Our Lady Queen of the
Angels. Huntington Beach has St.
Bonaventure and St. Francis of Assisi.
It's St. Catherine of Siena in Laguna
other local schools are Old Mission
School in San Juan capistrano, Our Lady
of Fatima in San Clemente, Blessed
Sacrament ln Westminster.
These nine are among 2n elementary
schools in the U:ts Angeles Archdiocese.
Father John Mihan, superintendent for
the Archdiocese's elementary schools,
eays the local schools are healtby.
"There is no quest.ion of consolidating
or closing a school in your area," he said.
"The demand is quite high."
Nevertheless, at St. Catherine In
Laguna Beach a drive for pledges had to
be mounted among the c h u r c h
parishioners to open the school this fall.
Other parishes are having to dig deep to
keep the schools ruMing.
The reason ls familiar.
. "Education is very expensive business.
Look at the public school bond issue
failures," sais Sister Michael Ellen, Our
Lady Queen of the Angels principal.
But she says, "Catholics will conUnue
to support Catholic schools even at
greater sacrlflce." '
They have done so, wilhout even so
much as an income tax break for saving
public school costs by keeping the
Catholic schools handling part of the stu·
dent load.
Tuition, book rental, milk money and
sale of supplies is charged to students'
parents. But it alone does not pay the
way for Catholic schools -providing on-
ly half to two-thirds of the needed funds.
The remainder comes out of the spon.
soring church's collections.
The pinch for money -and historically
It's always been that way -explains a
couple of things about Catholic schools.
For one thing class sizes are larger
than in public schools. Forty to forty-five
students per teacer ls the ru1e compared
to 25 to 35 per teacher In the public
AJso, instructors in Catholic school.!1
receive nowhere near comparable the
salaries paid public school teachers.
A nucleus of each teaching staff in-
cluding the principal Is nuns -sisters.
They have taken vows of "chastity,
poverty and obedience to the Church"
and live on a stipend that is on) yabout 20
percent what public school teachers
The rest of the Catholic school teachers
-called lay teachers -are paid about
60 percent of the salary of their public
school counterpart.!, according to Father
The salary scale ~ns at $5,000 per
J'eSr with a top of $7,116i 'for teachers with
a masters degree or a bachelors degree
plus a California teaching credential.
This does not mean that Catholic
schools cannot attract highly competent
"The whole parochial system operates
on a concept of service," said Father
Lay teachers are religiou,, persons in-
terested in imparting the tenets of
Catholicism to the young. Their belief in
Catholic education means more to them
th an money.
Sister Annunclata, principal of St. John
the Baptist in Costa Mesa, said one
nearby school had about JOO applications
for one position. "They like to come down
here near the beach, I think. For
somebody older it Is more restful."
More restful with 40 and 45 students in
• class?
Well, perhaps yes. It could be a matter
of classroom discipline.
And discipline seems to come easier for
the Catholic teacher. A crucial difference
Is that students are attending the school
bec.11t1se their parents want them to .
"We really have the advantage of
parents having chogen this school," said
Sister Michael Ellen. "The parents and
9Chool both believe the same thing. The
child Is receiving consistent motivation
and is not able to play one against the
"Becauae ol lbe united phllophy,
dlsclpUnc co mes much easier," said
Sister Loretta Vleck, principal of St.
Francis of Assisi in HUntington Beach.
"So many people have the ldu we make
them walk two by two. We try to strtss
aeU dbcipllne."
"We'r! Just strict enough to be orderly,
not too strict to turn off anybody," said
Sister Annunclata. "The teachers In
pubtlc schools are doing their best, but
Good Bit of Wrangling
Of .. Oii~ f'IW Sl.tf
Have you ever wondered how schoolB get names?
ldembera of the C.plalrano UnUled School Dlslrlct showed how 1 heavy
task can be accomplilhed lightly at 11 recent meeUng. •'
Here's bow the dllcusalon went between Fred Newhart Jr., Stan Kelley,·
Bob Hurst. Robert Beasley, Nolle Famul.sro, Tom w;,,. •
get and district Superlnlendenl Truman Benedict.
Beasley : hThe first one to be named ia the Missioo ·
Viejo Elementary School. Do I have any nominationa?"
Kelley: "How about Mission Viejo ElementarJ
School?" .
Benedict: "There's already a Mission Viejo High:
School." . I
Kelley: "How about naming It after a landmark or r
an historical name?''
Newhart: "There's a goU course there/'
KeUJey: "T lout. IL9 Mission Viejo', too."
Beasley: "Oso Creek is nearby, isn't it? What does that mean-bear?"
Benedict: "A bear of a school, huh."
Winget: "How about Viejo School."
Benedict: "Old School?"
Beasley: "Is that what it means?"
Famularo; "Let's pass."
Beasley: "We'll skip It and go on to Laguna Niguel Elementary."
Hurst: "It's on Hlgbland Street so we can call It that."
Winget: "That'11 too logical."
Newhart : "Moulton Elementary would be appropriate because all that
land used to be Moulton Ranch. J move Jt be called Moulton Elementary."
The action was approved.
Beasley : "'I.'hls_ brinp ua to Del Obispo Elementary in Capistrano."
Famularo: "I move that ft be called Del Obispo Elementary."
The action was approved.
The board selected the name Shorecliff Junior High School for tbe school '
in that atta.
For Orange Coast Catholic Schools, Waiting Lists Despite Extra Financial Burd..,s for Parents
nten the boar4 got back to the first school, finally deciding on the name
Viejo Elementary School.
Said a wag In the audience, "It'll be an oldie, but goodie."
they haven't the same power we have.
The parents are behind us. The children
come from stricter homes, I imagine."
The sisters at each school come Crom a
particular order. For instance, at St.
Francis or Assisi they are from the
Benedictine Order, at St. Catherine they
are from Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet, at St . Bonaventure they are
from Sisters of the Presentation.
The training does not vary much from
order to order and is comparable to the
training received by public school
teachers. The sisters, usually out-
nwnbered by lay teachers because they
are in such short supply, live togelhtr in
The principal invariably comes from
among the sisters. Catholic brothers
usually staff only high schools. l
The nearest Catholic high schools are
Mater Dei in Santa Ana, Marywood and
St. Michael's Preparatory in Orange,
Servile and Cornelia Connelly i n
The distance and the fact that Catholic
parWJes generally just can't afford
school buses largely explains why only 47
percent of 335 eighth grade graduates
along the coast last June went to Catholic
high schools.
"There's interest in a Catholic hlgh
school for the coastal Orange County
aera," Father Mihan said. "The problem
is we can't supply the teachers."
He said the elementary schools in the
area are top notch academically.
"I would say they are proabbly in the
80th and 90th percentiles compared with
national figures. (Catholic and public
schools). We administer the lowa Test of
Basic Skills, one or the widest used in the
"Recently we've had quite a bit of talk
about how good are Cathollc schools "
said Sisler Michael Ellen. "Some peop1le
have felt we have not advanced enough.
"I think we're really good for the
school syste m of the United States. We
are freer -not c()ntrolled by a school
board. We can look into educational research .''
She pointed out that Catholic schools
often are ahead of public schools .. New
ma~m.atics ~ks that will be used by
Cal1fom1a public schools beginning next
September are being used this year by
Catholic schools.
To considerable degree tertbooks are
the same in Catholic and public schools
The subject studied and Ume devoted t~ them do not differ markedly.
But the school day for th~ child In
Catholic elementary school generally is a
hall hour to 40 minutes longer. It is dur.
ing this additionaJ time that reli5ion is
Religion for Catholic chi ldren nowadays
doesn't mean just the catechism Sister
Michael Ellen said it is "a compil~tion of
sc.rtpture and Christian doctrine with ap-
plication to present day social situa-tions."
A report by the Carngcie Corporation
of New York found that Catholics who
attend Catholic schools tend to be more
orthodox in willingness to acknowledge
the authority of the church, but a casual
effect was not shown.
The same report found little difference
In Catholic and Protestant on most public
issues except birth control laws.
As Sister Adele Marie, St. Joachim ln
Costa Mesa principal, points out, Catholic
attitudes on blrth control and divorce
usually aren't discussed until high school.
What about all the Catholic school-age
youngsters who attend public school?
They don't get their religion there or In
Sunday schools -they go to Mass Sun·
day with their parents.
For these children there are Con·
fraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
clMSCi. Sister Vieck of St. Francis of
Assisi teache1 CCD claws, but for the
most part they are taught separate from
lbe school by the parish.
"The percentage who take It Is very
high and lhelr attendance ii; regular,"
said Sister Vieck.
Nationwide It ls estimated about 60 per-
cent of Catholic school-age children are
attending public schools. There are no
figures, but the percentage may ~
higher on the Orange Coast where 520
students are enrolled in St. Bonaventure
School and 1,200 students in the parish of
the same ages are attending CCD
One of the Catholic schools' greatest
resources is parent volunteers. At St.
John the Baptist they serve hot lunches,
teach remedial reading and staff the
Catholic schools don't have paid
clerical help. Parent auJ.iliaries are
therefore essential.
As Father Mihan said, the whole
system Is based on service.
Most of the llCboola; In the area ate
modem, built within the laat 10 years.
But Instructional equipment generally is
scarce by pubic school standards.
"We make good me of what we
have . 'The teacher is more important
really," says Sister Annunclat<i.
Children at all the local Catholic
schools wear unifonns . It saves the
parents money and as Sister Annunclata
put it: "It sets a certain standard.
Nobody sticks out like a sore thumb."
And so why do parcnls sent their
children to Catholic schools?
"The ones J have spoken to say it Is
because they believe in the philosophy of
the Catholic school syste m," said Sister
Stephanie Hardy, principal of St.
Catherine of Siena in Laguna Beach.
Post Office Not Jolly;
Yule Mail Mounting Up
Said Sister Michael Ellen, "The
simplest way I could put it is these are
people concethed wlt'i theft children
being educated for Lhis lire and life
So in the pluralistic United States the
Cat.holJcs, no longer a separate minority
in terms of personal fri endships, are the
ones who are giving much In time and
money to nm an Independent school
system -the world's largest private
school system.
Santa's helper-the U.S. Post Office
Department-probably cringes as the
season to be joDy approaches .
There are literally mouilta!ns of
Christmas mall lo move and never
enough time to move k.
But Jack Bryant, officer In charge of
the Laguna Beach Post Office, baa a
plan. He's going to ask the tids~bel .
The postal Christmas problem ml .
be broken into two categories, a ng
to Bryant:
-Those who mail late In the month.
-Those who mail late In the day.
Bryant hos secured Laguna Beach
wednesday, november 26th
easy-care active wear
men and boys
B1nkAmeric1rd • Mast•r Charge
I '
Unified School District cooperation IJlC!
will place mall boxes at each of tlW:
three elementary schools and al Tburatcti
Jntermedlate School. There's already one
al the high ocbool.
U the younplua drop tho mall Jn· Ille
box when they get to school, Brylllt lllol,
It can be picked up between 9 and t :JO
a.m. weekdays and processed ftnmedj..
ately. ·" , •; Ke tstlm1h111 this will give w l'DCll'D-
lng mailer about a one day jump oa tbolt
(most) who mail late in the day. Mq
small buslneues, said Bryant, bave ·the
secretary drop the mail on her way boJDe
from work.
·' .l~---
----------- --· .. -
~ · D.\ll Y PllOT
lc.i.N• ., ... .,.., ,.... '""'
A yellowed letter turned up amid
some Other obscure documents re-
l cenUy in the Greensville County·
clerk's office at Emporia, Va.,
turned out to be of more t h a n av·
erage historical significance. MrL
E. E. E•n••· who discovered l he
Jetter in a cataloguing operation,
said it was from the headquarters
of Northern Virginia, and sought
to requisition "12 able-bodied male
free Negroes ••• to work on th e
fortifications of this department.••
Dated March 13, 1963, It was sign-
ed : Gen. Robert E. LH. • The Labor Department's man·
Fearful Future
Forecast for U.S.
WASHINGTON (UPI) -A ......... nt
commluion IAYI 1Weu Amert~ tit.es
diut1c aoticibne meuui:u. th§ M!l'n
will turn Inf<> III armed CllDP wt.ere
cttlzens ,.UJ not dare walk the llrtets at
nlghl and families will Uve id f'fortllled
cells." ' ~ '
The National Cominlaalon' ·on the
Casuses and Prevention Of Violence said
crimes of violence and the resulting pall
of fear will continue IA> Increue In th~
country unless immedi.ate-atepe are taken
· lo upgrade the symm of jusltce and IA>
reduce the Incentive to commit crimes.
The commi&Sion said that, "'lacking er.
fective public action," this is bleak future
for American cities:
~entral business districts INill be
"partially protecied" dW'lng the daytime
by heavy police patrola when substantial
numbers of people are on the streets and
shopping. Bui they will be largely
deserted at night excepl for police
-Upper·mldd!e and high Income lam·
tiles living in prime locations within
-stutnl· will be •1placea of I.mot wtUl
wid~d crtme1 perbape enllrelj ~I of
· p<>UCe:':"·control dli'ing nighttime ~··" . Armed . guards wilt proleCI au lj>ilblic
facilities such as schools and playgroyndii
in ~-areas. ' . ('. .
Im6lediale'illlittlme .. action Is needed,
the commtsalon Aid, Inelud!ng af(oubling
of the nation's conunitmeot.to the system
of crlmlnal justice, . -:-• .
Already, the nation is th9 "clear
leader" among the medern stab~ n&uon1
·of the world In the number of bomlctdes,
ra~ robberieii ah(!. assaults committed
compared to population.
U.S., Russia
Both Ratify
. . .
Nuclear Pact
power magazine has told about a
man who sought help in the Bilox~,
Miss., office of the Mississippi Em-
ployment Service. The•man •a 1 d
Hurricane Betsy wrecked his home
in the early 1960s; He moved to
Minnesota and his home was de--
strond by a tornado; and In Aug-
ust Hurricane· Camille demolished
bis third home. His name: Edsel
C•rl H•rri1, 20, (center) •nd Ron•lld Roper, 20, E1c•ped From G•lv11ton, Tex. J•ll.
cities wilt exist In "fortfied cells'' In high WASHING TON (UPI) -The United
rise apartments and residenUal com-States and the Soviet Union completed
pounds protected by private guards and ratification today of the nuclear non·
• • Mri. Kittle Bonhllm Hamy, 109, of
lllli•n,.po!ia, holda honorary ba<htlor.
KT" arta degree ahe juit received f1om
We.stern CoUege for Women, O:rford.
Cjhio. Poor health forced her to qui t r:l878.
• • •
. Hatc:hor arrived at 5
o'clock one morning last week at
offices of the Automobile Club
ichigan so he could be first in • ti> buy license plates. When the ~es opened four hours Jater,
ticer was the first to be turned
Yr This year, the state requires
plate buyers bring their car ti·
With them, Hatcher didn'L ,· •
The San Joaquin County Re·
corder was somewhat st.artLed
Thursday whe-n. Mr. dnd M r s.
Kyle kaYfieLd came in to regis·
ter the birth of their .new son:
Rickfi Franklin VW . Rayfield.
Ra11fie ld e.zplained tht: origin of
VW: Ricley waa born in the back
seat of a Volkswagen and when
he made it to the hospital, nurs·
es immediately nicknamed him
.. VW /' He liked :the t1ickname
and decided to make it perma·
Leader 'a Madman'
Jail Breakers Nabbed
After Killing Comrade
GALVESTON, Tex. (UPI) -Butch
Ainesworth It.ares al hls captors and
quntioneri.wM hard, unblinking eyes.
uI got caught;'' h~ says from the back
seat of a police car 'taking him back to
jail. ''That's the only regret I got.''.
Butch, 25, and two companions were
captured Saturday. TodaYi they are in
maximwn aecurity cells Charged with
murder and assault to inurder. They still
face chafges of~ ~bery, burglaryr
car theft and lhe kfdnaplng of eighl
perlOlll durjn( a IWO<f!'T-during
wblch they killed one man anl'wounded
Five men were involved in the predawn
ja!Jbrerak Friday, but one was captured in
the ~int five hours. But.ch was in jail on a
nwrder cliarge. With him were Ronnie
Roper, :ZO, charged with beating a man to
death wlUJ a basebaJI bat, Carl Bruce
Harris, 20, who is condemned to die for
K.idnaper Tries
To Drown Boy;
Suspect N ahbed
HAMMOND, Ind, (UPI) - A Ham.
mond man was charged today with kid·
naping a 6-year-old Chicago boy who
"wasn't scared" although his abductor
tried to drown him, the FBI announced.
The FBI office in Indianapolis said
John E. Walrath, 30, was arrested at his
home early today, about 12 hours after a
group of hunters came upon a man trying
to drown Timothy Martin in chilly Lake
Michigan Sunday afternoon. The man
Walrath was to be arraigned today
before the U.S. commissioner in Ham-
mond, according to H&mmond police.
They would release no further .details
of Walrath's arrest.
killing his mother and aunt, and Willimn
McMahon, 18, charged with robbery.
McMahon was killed by the others when
he wanted to give up.
Ainesworth, Roper and Harris sur.
rendered Saturday in the oak mesquite
trees of South Texas, giving up their last
. three hostages unharmed as police closed
Roper and Harris said Ainesworth
pistol whlpped them when they wanted to
"But.ch is a madman," Roper said.
"He's Insane. He shot the deputy and
then he laughed. Butch don't like
poUcemen. ''
U.S. Denies Red
Claim It Won't
Meet in Secret
House said today the United Slates has
been and ls now willing to negotiate
secretly with North Vietnam on ways to
end the war.
President Nixon'! press secretary,
Ronald L. Ziegler, said the only matter
the U.S. would not discuss with North
Vietnam is binding po 1illca1 ar-
rangements on the fu ture of South Viet-
nam .
The While House statement strongly
backed Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge,
the returning American representative to
the Paris peace talks, who today refuted
allegations by the chief North Viet-
namese negotiator Xuan Thuy, that the
United Slates had refused to enter secret
Ziegler said President Nixon has stated
many times that the United Stateii is will·
ing to discuss any matter with the Com-
munist negotiators "except the right of
the South Vietnamese people t o
determine their fonn of government
without outalde interference,"
Ziegler said that 11 private meetings
held between U.S. and North Vietnamese
negotiators "were a)J our initiatives."
Mild ·weather Covers U.S.
Srww Spreads Inland From Pacific Northwest Coast
c .. ,,.,.,a1.
soutNrti .(:ellfoml1 Wl f w•rl'll b\11
wln'lllr ,_, '9llowl111 1 Mrlod of
dlft .. COlfi.f loll kNrdlY. Tiie Wlrld•,
Wllldl *" Wtr 11'11 wttltend, _...
IM>Klalfy illfl'llllftl lft ll'IOUl!llln •flCI (\I"'°" 1""-'
$0\fTH!llN CALIFOllHl:.0 -Sv1111v
Mofldly •ncl Tllltdty, loc.11 tVllY
l'IOrlttltJf wl....i• 1110U11l11!11 11!d bitlow
thl CHll1I Clfrl'OM. A llttll WI""*° mOlt of _, POHlon Tu...claY.
''' 111d T11'9dev. Lotll 11111Y wlr>e11 lltlOW 1111 Clll'o'Ofll, Low Moncllv nltlll
4'. H~ Mol!Olr 11. A llttt1 W1rm1r
llOllDl"ll -L)ll'il 'lrl1bl1 wll'ld1 ,,.
"""' llld IT!Ol'l'll"' "°""" blc.Ol'rllllf IMllllY wnterlr 7•12 """' in •lllf·
flOOtlt M-.r 111d T""41r. '""'"' fl:lf l iON MIJtll COllf Hr1Y Ill IM "'°"'lfit ....,WIM Mtr 111111111111 MOl'I-*'' -Tlilltdey. SUtlhltr Wl rll'Mr ~Ht!llN NIVAM-MolllY Wl'M'l'I' Ind Tlilftell'I', I.Ifft. ell.,,.. ln l\lr.. Low Mo!lder nttM :at to Nlfl'lt MoltdtY .. to 7J, STAL ~D INTlltMl01AT£
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,..,_,. T"""'1v.
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South Vietnamese
Reinforced by
U.S. Soldiers
security devices. proliferation treaty.
-In the suburbs, ownership of guns President Nlxon, flanked by Se<:retary
be "almost universal" and homes "will of State William P . Rogers and Defense
be fortified by an array of devices from Secretary Melvin R. Laird, signed the
window grUls to elecctronic surveillance treaty for the United States In his office
equipment." In close-in l!IUburb.s, armed at 8:07 a.m. PST. Jn a statement Nilon
citizen volunteers will supplement police said:
patrols. "It ls my earnest hope that ratification
·-"Extreme left-wing and right-wing of the treaty by th.e itecessary number of
groups will have tremendous armories of additional states will soon occur so that it
weapons which c9uld be brought into play may enter into force at any early time.
SAIGON (UPI) -The· U.S. Milit.ary with'or without any provocation." "This administration' seeks equitable
Command disclosed today it h a 1 -High speed patrolled expressways and meaningful agreWlents to limit
d. tched Am rt will be "sanitized corridors connecting armaments and to resolve the dangerous JSpa e can troops to reinforce confli'cts that threaten peace and secwi-... th VI t Id safe areas." Armed guards will "ride .,.,..1 e namese so iers who had been ty. In this act of ratification today, thi~ shotgun" on public transportation. going ft alone against a Communist comrrtitment is demonstrated anew."
threat along the Cambodian border. The Soviet Supreme Presidium held a
The disclosure came in an an-Poll G1'ves Nix' on similar ceremony in Moscow. The ceremonies today were the ftnal nou ncement that U.S. 4th Infantry step ln ratification by the two big nucleai
Division troops had · fough t a l~minute powers of the treaty, which waii approved
battle Sunday ln the highlands region ·Highest Marks by the Senate March 13 after 1on11
where until now only government soldiers negotiations between the United Slates,
had been used against the 5,000-man PRINCETON, N.J. (AP} _ A Gallup Russia. and numerouii other naliQnS. 'Ila th t Red China did not agree to the treaty. guerr1 rea . poll indicates President Nixon's populari-The West Gennans ha ve had reserva·
Eight Americanii were wounded in the ty was at a record high after his Nov. 3 lions about the treaty but are expected to
brier attack -against their camp 13 miles Vietnam war speech and the Nov. 13-15 sign it soon.
northeast of ~an Me Thuot and 175 miles antiwar demonstration s. To date, 91 countries have signed the ~'8st of Saigon. Spokesmen said the The poll, released Sunday, was con· treaty but only 22 have comp let~ formal '~ etCaped without a loss. ducted 'NoV. 14-17. ratification procedures -not tncludini:;
. ,No.Official reason was given for moving ·Of.. the i,'465 adults Interviewed in 300 the United States and Russia which must
the U.S. 10ldlers into the area. The South locations throughout the nation, 68 per-now file their papers.
Vietnamese 23rd Division had been en-cent expressed approval of the way .Nixon The prime non-signers besides Wnt
trusted with the tnUre allied coun-Was handling his overall job. Nineteen Germany -among nations considued
terthrust in a majot test of itii ability to percettt disapproved and 13 percent did most capable or making nuclear weapons
go it alone. not express an opinion. -are Japan, India and Israel.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ......
LIHHR IOllTIWEHM • l&ISm• llllllY•ltllll
I ,\ '
!'Thia pl&oe hu been a zoo today.'1
Spade Cooley Dies .
After Performance
OAKLAND (UPI) -Donnell
·•s pade" Cooley, one -time
"king or western swing,'' died
at a benefit show Sunday while
on 72-hour leave from a
White House
Gets Bigger
Workmen excavating for a
new press room al the White
House have discovered two
buried, subterranean rooms
believed used as part of the
basement when Thomas Jef·
ferson was president.
The rooms were filled with
dirt but workmen were able to
rind their outline when they
uncovered the top of the v.•alls
which were made of flat rocks
piled one atop the othe r.
The chambers were found
beneath the west wf.1g swim·
ming pool which is being torn
up to make room · for a new
press headquarters.
Curator James Ketchum
went back to the history books
after the discovery was made.
He theorized the rooms may
have had a utilitarian purpose
such as the sorting of coal or
medical wison where he was
serving a life term for the
murder of 'his wife.
Cooley, 59, colla psed du rr,1g
an intermission after receiving
a standing ovation for his
performance on a violin. He
had just thanked the sponsor-
ing Alameda · Co.unty Deputy
Sheriff's Association "for the
chance to be free for awhile.''
The co unt y-wes t ern
bandleader. ~·ho had a lu.1g
history of heart disease. was
. sentenced to the Callfomia
State Prison system's medical
facility at Vacaville in 1961
and would have been eligible
for parole on Feb. 2.
He was granted the 72-hour
leave from Vacaville, 40 miles
northeast of Oakland, to join
other \1•estem stars in the
benefit sho~'.
Cooley, a one .fourth
Cherokee Indian, was bor.1 in
Oklahoma and moved to
Oregon with his family v.•h1le
still an infant. He received
formal musical training with
the ·cello but began playing
western music in high school.
He picked up the nickname
"Spade" during a poker game
Yt'hile playing with a band call-
ed the Southern Stars i'.1
Oregon. The name sluck after
he won several straight hands
with spade flushes.
Gene Isolated~ Biit
Doctors Not Ilappy
BOSTON (AP) -The gene.
\vhlch transmils heredilary
characteristics, has b e e n
isolated for the first time -
and two scientists who helped
do it have voiced fears or
possible manipulation 0 r
human traits.
"J feel the bad far OUh\'Cighs
the good in this particular
work ." said Or. Jonathan
Bird Book Goes
For 8216,1)()0
LONDON {AP ) -Chicago
dealer Kenneth Ncbenzahl to.
day paid $216,000 for a first
edition of John J a m e s
Audubon's "Birds of Amcri·
ca." He sal dit was the "best
copy in existence." and Soth.
cby's said it v.·as a record
auction bid for a printed book.
tive Deatl1 E11ds
Quadraplegic N ev'er Griped
Nearly lhree years a g o ,
Shirley and Ralph Huter, both
quadrapleg.ic polio victims,
were marrled in Liberty·
Loomis Hospital. On Saturday
Ralph Huter died at the age of :n in the hospital that had
been their home• since they
were wed.
Ralph, who like his wife had
little use of his arms or legs
and slePt in a respirator at
night. worked rrom his hospt-
tal bed for seYen years to
complete high school. He
taught hiniself to write stories
• with a special pen and sold
two of thcn1 to n1agaiines.
Ralph was not a complainer.
'·As far as complaints go,
everyone h a s complalnt.s,
some more than others," he
had said. "Instead o( sittine
around and talking about
1.hem, why not do something.
A doctor at the hosital used
Jtalph's attitude lo bOosl his
patients' morale. "\\'hen I
have patients who th.ink lhey
are bad off, 1 say, 'go and talk
to Ralph,' " the doctor said.
·'And after they spoke to
Ralph they n9 longer com·
"l don 't think there "oold
~ave been many people who
would have accepted his lot In
life with as much courage,"
said hl11 moU1cr, ttfn . Clinton
shop Mey Co., Costa Mesa, every Sunday 'ti! Christmas, nooJI' 'ti! 5 pm
' Save 30% ·to. 44% Qn Dervnark's
Famous Rya. R~gs
ExceptiQri'41 values •.•• yours •.• on our outstondinq new area . .
rugs fr?m Donm0rk 's fomou s Egetoepper Mills. We'vp speciolly
purchased an exciting collection of. these thick wo.ol woven rug!
•.. three distinctly different styles tho t copt ure the bold Scon·
dinovion feeling. Contemporary d~sicjns with free-spirited col-
o~tions •.. combinotions so beau tiful thot thess luxurious
woven Ryo area rugs con eve n be used 0 $ woll hangings. Snef-
nug. Drypsten, an d Mexican pot terns with, red , blue eod -green,
orange ,or brown predominating. Hurry in ond sa ve.
140.00 comp. whtt '4'711x6'1"
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300.00 comp. 'falue 6'7"'x9' Io~•
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Monday, Nowmbff 24, !%9
10: •••
410.00 comp ... iu. '11 '2'', 11 'o"
~· j
l 40.00 -4l0.00 v1lue
may co
79 99 TO 259 .99 •
.i .: •.
south coast pl111 , san die90 fwy. al bristol, ~osta mese;
shop monday th ru saturday 10 1.m. lo 9:30 p.m.
' .
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•• " t • ' 1
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' .
MAVCc::;> ·-·· -
The Haynsworth Case
The U.S. Senate's narrow (55-45) rejection of Judge
Clement F. Haynsworth, Jr. to be an auociate justice
of the Supreme Court bas both its unhappy and II.! en-
couraging aspec,ts.,
It represents P,resldent Nixon's first major setback
by the Dtmocratic-conlrolled Congress -but only a
spilt In Republican ranks brought !(about,
The rejection may a1so mean that a Judie suddenly
honored by the prestigious noJDiri&tion may now ju.st
as suddenly feel so dlsbonorad that bis judicial career
will come to an abrupt end. '
On the encouraging slde, lhe reJ~lon may have es-
tahllshed a new hl~h standardftr 'flie entire federal ju-
diciary, from .the district an4 appeals levels to the Su·
preme Court.
While highly questionable charges of anti-labor and
anti-desegregation viewpoints in some of Judge Hayns·
worth's decisions \\•ere leveled by organized labor a n d
some Negro groups, no actual misdeeds more serious
than a certain insensitivity to the subtleties of judicial
ethics \Vere assessed against him.
Jn an earlier time, Judg~ H8ynsworth 's private fl·
nancial affairs \vo uJd have been no bar to his accep-
tance by the Senate -which itsell is Car from lily \Vhitc
on conflict of interest.
But conflict of interest issues involvinJ!'. Justice Abe
Fortas, Bobby Baker. House Speaker McCormack's of·
fice staff and Sen. Thomas Dodd have created ·a ne\v
sensitivity at the Capitol.
Add to the Fortas embarrassment the indiscretions
of Justice William 0 . Douglas and 11.'s easy to under·
stand why a majority of senators on a bi·partisan ba-
sis is responding to the need to lift the Supreme Court's
prestige -and public confidence in its total impartial·
lty -lo a higher level.
The Senate has also correctly assessed the public
mood for such an uplift. \Vhether this will carry forward
now tn a.n attempt to lmptia~h Jusli~e Douglas either on
the men~s or as a vindictive reprlSal for the Hayns..
\VOrth rejection remains to be seen. Impeachment is
far more dillicult than mere rejection of a nomination.
One message from the Haynsworth episode should
come through clearly to the Nixon Administration 'In-
cluding c•peciaJ1y Attorney General Mitchell. Truit ls
that. the next nominee· for the nation's highest court
must have a spotless and unchallengeable record both
as an ,objec;tive legal mind and in his priv'ate affairs.
It s a rugged order, for judges are human, too. But
!his talent-loaded. nation has more than a few men on
its judicial benches who can qualify. It's up to tbe Nixon
team to find precisely the rl~ht one to Ill the changed
mood or Congress and the nation.
Iron y in Santa Ana
~alilornla's requirement that school bond proposals
receive a tw~thirds a!finnative vote to pass has long
given the uno'' voters two votes to each one tor the
"yes" voters.
As a. ~esult, the ll}ajority has been·defeated repeal· ~y. puttmg the public school system in a serious-bind
ID Its efforts to keep ur \Vith population growth. •
The Supreme Court s one man, one vote decision has
caused the two-Otirds rule to be challenged in the coUrts
of northern California and el sewhere. Now the s a 1n e
court challenge is being made in, of au places Santa
Ana. '
The irony is that the county seat has long been nol· ~d for. its regr~ssiveness in meeting municipal needs,
1nclud1ng es~1ally those of its pubUc schools .
A court victory for Santa Ana wouJd benefit eve ry
community and school district in Orange County in their
struggles to cope with the needs of rapid urbanization .
·questioning TV News Objectiv it11 A ir Traffic
Co1 itrollers
In Trouble
A Bold and Calculated Move
WASHINGTON -The Agnew waves
are nmnin& through the mass med.IL lt
wUl tab a while but there wnl be results.
Some say 1he results already have eomt
with the low key television coverage or
the anU-war demon s trat i on in
This Is likely, however, to be only a
beginning because the mass media feels
vlbratlona and wav es. \Vhen its editorial
product becomes sufficiently ineffective,
objectionable or questionable )leads are
likely to roll. Mass resignatioru aht.nd
such crises of editorial management.
Ntw editors. producers. w r i t e r s ,
reporters, and commeat.aton lake Ofer
and another beglMing 1s mad~. The
ronnat or tone of the editorial medium is on.. changed.
sometimes these editorial changes
come becawe of compeUtlve factOtl and
economic decline. This has b e e n
noticeable lately in tht masa circulation
maeuinu.' ~gea In these magazlnel,
hawtver1 have moved tow'rd the new
thlng -:-ltrioul attention to bizarre ~Veness lri tbougbt, art. drama,
mOm, ~,.I~ ~ a more ad·
vanced polltlcal orlei!taUoo well beyond
the left of center, viz. Time. Newswee~,
L<d: 'arid with LUt *1Tlng for some new tempO and lt;rlde tt cannot quite reach.
"' THE 'UVERSE Plll!llSURl!S have
been brallhl to bear on rsdio-TV by the
combinld et'fortJ of the White ·House
alabllllm>"1l as upresoed by Vi<e
President 'A 1 n e w , Communications
Dlrtctor Herbert G. Kltln and other
'\'hlte Hwse usistJrits.
This bu been a bold and calculated
move which can only be aeen In its true
perspective 11 a part of President Ni:s.:-
00'1 atte:rnpt to hokl pu.bUc opinion to his
mea~ couru of liquidating the Viet-
nam War at hil own pace and then p~
ceedlng with broa<t 1 Over nm en ta I
domestic reforms and bis own rwlectJon
in 1972.
The move Is bokt and calculated beyond
anything previously dared by a Presi-
dent. The benchmark 1rom whlcll this
present effort riltS wU a mOstly forgot-
ten blppealrls at tllo Republican Natlooal
Cooventlon ol JN4.
'cfresstng tRe RepUbllcan del~lates whom
everyone knew would nOmlnale Barry
Goldwater for Preaident, called upon
Republicans to scorn those who would
s~ divtslYeness, "lncludlng sensation
seekln1 columnists and commentators."
The G.O.P. convention burst into ap-
plause with some delegates booing and
shatfn1 the.lr fls1' at newsmen coveting
the convtntion. There were other' in-
cidents at the convention involving TV
commentltora and It cannot be denied
that there,. wal uncovered a reservoir of
diltnlst and everl hatred for familiar TV
facts and voicea deemed to have blacken-
ed the name of Goldwaler and all con-
servative Republicans.
Lyndon Johnson could look upon this
mantfu:tauon of distrust with conrident
detachment, but il wu not Iona before
he, too, wu beglnoing to grurpble , and in
more secluded momenta:, to roar over his
own treatment by knowing and lordly
princes of the -.Ir waves passing final
judgment on the lord and master. But
President John!Dn dkl not dare take the
final step of Vice Pretklenl Agne\v,
presumably because he dkl not think it
was expedient and th.at he might better
accomplish h11 purpose by direct and In·
timate contact with hi.s harassers.
by-passed lntJmat~ contact with those
who write and speak to carry its case
directly to those who watch, listen to and
read them.
The moment was regarded as right
because there had been a gratifying
response to Nixon's Vietnam speech in
con trast to some un!avor11ble analytical
comment by commentators foll owing it.
This seemed to afford a provable ex·
ample that TV comment was not reflec.
, •tµlg majority public opinion but was in·
itead an inllueoce for an unfavorable
'Jbe te.'lponse of the heads of the TV
network• waa not conv incing. They
Unifonnly took the poaltlon thal the
government was invading the right of
free speech by bringing pressu re on a
medium which can only operate by
government license. There Is no im-
mediate or prospective threat of denial of
a govenunent license for reasons of
political or cultural orientation, although
there could be, it ia I.rue.
THE WEAKNESS of the position of the
TV network heads waa that the Nixon
AdminlstraUoo .had correctly sensed the
right moment to bring into 'IUestion the
detachment and fairness of TV coverage,
on grounds of both. its pictorial techniques
and the tone of Its commentary, This
distrusl had been growing and expanding
into new areas at least since 1964, and it
presently focuses on the choice of that
Y>hich is photographed , the emphasis
given and the general atmosphere
created. Pictures can lie when a crowd of
100 can be made to look like an un-
controllable mob of thousands.
The prt!ent generaUon of com·
mental.ors, producers and reporters pro-
bably h11-s more to fear from the reac-
tions they have induced among their
listeners than from g o v e r n m e n t
Okinawa Release Resisted
WASHINGTON -President Nixon is
on forceful ooUoe tha( there is srong
congressional oJ)pOl)Uon to the· U.S.' re-
Unquishina: Its sb"•te&ic mllitary hue on
This blunt warn1ng v.·as voiced shorllJ
before Prime Mlnister Sato arrived In
\Vashlngton to press Japan's demand for
the return of the island.
The stem congressional dissent came
from two influential House Jeader~Rep.
Robert Sikes, Florida Democrat and
chalrmm· GI the Miiitary Approprlatlool
Subc:ornmlu.e, and Rep. H. R o .....
Towa ReplbUcan and a ranking member
or the loreip Affain Committee.
They .... out during the House's
consi~ of the fl.4S billion mlUtat)'
t."Onstructlon bill-which was ovenvhelm-
ina:ly •PJrOved. Their remarks we nt un-
Monday, November 24, 1969
Tht edieorlat page o/ the Doil11
Pitot uekt to tnform and f(itll-
-........,. br l>mndl1fl ·11111 'ftfWIPdPIT'• oplniOfll and com· ....rtor!I Oii IOJ)ka 'of lntere1t
ond slgnlflcllnu, 1>J , pt'Ollidfng a
f M1'm · ftlf' th• ....,,,...ion of
011r readcrt' opinloni, mid bv prumtl~ Che cUHrt~ tilew-
point.s ot 111/ormtd ob1erwrs
and 1polum1eu on topla of tht
RObert N. Weed, Publisher
repotted, and as far as the public is
concerned-both In Ute" U.S. and JapaD-
thls highly slpificant Incident i!1 un.
.. on lbe Whitt House and State Oepart-
mtDL Partlcularly it was not lost on their
colleapa In the House-where there
was much approving comment.
What Grou and Sikes said agaln~t the
U.S. 1tvln1 , up Its great military base on Oltln1wa clearly struck a strongly
respons1ve chord among JJouse mtmbers.
FoUowing •rt hlahlights of thii exeep-
Uonally meanin1ruf discussion:
Rep. Gron ra[sed the Okinawa queatlon
by utlng Site. whether the mlUtary
COMtrucUon bUI included money for the
U.S. beae. Grot1 uplalned he a11ked Lhe
que&U~ because ol. "propaganda to aban·
don Okinawa and tlan It back to the
"I am absolutety opposed to :iurrcn-
derfn& Okinawa." the veteran leclslator
declaitd, "as Ion& as 1t is deemed·oects-
11ary to maintain a bastion in the Pacific.
It \\-'Ol.lld cost an twMold amount or money
to.build another comparable base some·
where in lhe far Pacific."
SIKES R&PlJED lbe peodJng mtasure
contalned no funds for construction on
Okinawa , and that he heartily agreed
~·Jlh Gross' opposition to giving It up.
"Not only \'iOUld !he C°'1t to replace
Okina\\•n run into hundreds or mlllions,
passlbly billlon5. '' said Sikes. ··but there
LS not iIIOthtr 11te that would be as good
ror the purpose of defen se MS Okinawa ...
Three decisive reasons were cited by
Rep. Sikes on why Okinawa must be
retai~ "as a milltary bastion for our
ft ls crucial "for the security of our
forces in the Western Pacific": lhe heavy
loss or American Uves In \Vorld War II
in ca.pturlng Okinawa, and there is no
other "forward base as well located for
the maintenance of a defense capability
for the Western Pacific.''
"I shall be very disappointed,'' de·
clared Sikes, "If our government fo110W$
a weak Policy In defending the interests
of U.S. forces on Okinawa. I eamesUy
hope we stay there because that is cru-
cial lo our security and defense. Jn facl,
not OQly do I fed w~ must slay there,
but \\'e shoukl in6h1t on the right to store
and use whatever weapons may be re·
quired for lhe securily of our forces and
the common defense or the area."
By Robert S. Allta
a.r John A. Goldamtt•
VJetna1n -Lo\·c ll or leave ll
T~h lffhirt 'ffltCn ''""''' vitwt. /ttt ftt<tiwrlt.-IMH ., lft• ft • ..,,.,...... Stftf
""" ,., ,.. ... It c'""'' OM,, Otllr l"fJtl,
Our crowded airlanes are the subject of
constant scrutiny by commercial car·
rJera, federal agencle$, and to a lesser
extent, people active Jn general (private)
aviation. There Is oo 1ln1le solution to the
mJd-alr eolUsion problem. In llNlll there
_.. II infilgbt accidents. In September
U persons died when an Allegheny DC-9
airliner and a private aircraft collided
near Indianapolis.
·Today the skies are so crowded that air
controllers -the dedicated men wOO act
more or less as traffic cops fo r aJr
dMvers -are ca!Ung for help. Part of the
ar.sweo is automaUon .
CONGESTION 1N the air may be
reduced by lhe new jumbo jets. Airline
officials poinl out that two or the new
Boeinz giant 747s, scheduled to fly com·
merciaJly in mid·December, can carry
the load or li\'e of the largeSl jets now in
Even so, it Is now predicted that air
traffic will be tripled by 1980. And even
nor1, ever·greater demands are made on
air traffic controllers. Many controllers
must ~·ork six days a week every week in
facilities that are dllapldated and in·
adequate. Almost 500 controllers called in
"sick" Instead of reporting to work last
June 18-20.
. Without enough conlrollers on the job
tn New York and other metropolitan
areas. takeoffs \\'ere delayed as much as
rou.-hours and airlines were forced into
wholesale cancellal)ons. On one occasion
&t John F. Kennedy Alrport in New York,
a p:lot confes_sed that he \\'as simply giv.
Ing up an assignment for a Paris flight as
impossible and going home to bed. A
similar Ueup occurred in the summer of
A l\tfD.AIR COLLISION O\'er tile
Grand Canyon in l!IM sUmulated interest
In a colllslon avoidance system (CAS)
an:! encoura ged airlines In their research
and de~eolpment. The Air Transport
Assoclat1on last year commissioned a
night lest and evalu ation of special CAS
hardware at a cost of $1.8 million. The
test was to be completed by Dec. 31 , 1969.
Hut CAS will require e x p e n s i ,, e
sophisticated eq uipmcnl, and at be.st will
only supple1nent a good ground-ba sed
control system.
About 7,500 of 14,000 air controllers are
represented by the ProfessionaJ Air Traf-
fic Controllers Organization (PATCO ).
The organization lhis summer announced
!hat 11 had 4.000 resignations of con-
trollers ready to turn In if the Federal
A vlati9n Administration cracked do~·n on
the members who called Jn sick. Joh.n F'.
J\tpher. PATCO's natlonal coordinator,
itnnou r.ced on Aug. 18 lhat the threat o[ a
mass resignation had become moot
because the FAA was beginning to lake
steps toward meeting complaints or the
TllE NIXON Administration on June 16
had disclosed a $5 bllllon program of
alrporl and air"•ays de v e I o pm en 1 ,
Ho~'ever. the proposal did not recon1·
mend Increased salaries or a lower
retirement age for controllers. At
on1ertd reported by the House Com-
, merce Committee, the bill would employ
new user taxes to expand and mcxlemlic
airport, and alnvays. Wholly lndeptndenl
or the 1dmlnistt1tlon bill, the FAA plans
to h.IN? 2,900 more Ctlfltro.Jlen In fi!(al
Tdrally, a comp I e t e antl<elllslon
sy.:;tl'1n rcquirts a nlCsh or aJr.to-air and
i;round-to·alr communications. The pro-
liptct of doubled or tripled traffic In 10
Years makes the mesh lmi>eraUve.
'How Do Y 9u Do,
Mr. Grumph'
There ought to be a more practical way
of introducing people at parties. The way
It's done these days, I haven't begun to
sort out the names and !:ices before H's
lime to go home.
Sometimes it is the hostes:s. poor rl~stered thing, \vho is responsible· for
thts awkward state o! affairs. She rush~s
you around the room, intrcxluciug you to
a dozen new people in a kind of speed.up
process, so that you're still saying. "How
do you do, Atr. Grumph," when you are
shaking hands \Vilh Mrs. Plsssyssl, three
people later.
THEN, TOO, IT seems lo me that mar·
ricd couples ought lo be handcuf!ed
together at parties until all the guests
have arTived and been introduced.
If. Mr .. a.nd ~frs. A are si tting on op...
pos1te i.1des of the room , it often takes
half the evening to hook them together in
your mind; and If, like me, you are gi ven
to such gaucheries as "Who's the funn y-
looking man wilh lhe blg nose and ooW
tie?" it helps to know that you're not ask·
it,g his wife the q~stion.
1 he speed·up hos less. however, i.sn 't
quite as bad as the Parker. She parks you
in a corner with some man, or a couple,
hoph1g vaguely I.hat you'll drift about and
1nect people by yourself.
NOTHING ELSE make11 a guest feel
so trapped on a destrt isle, especially
since it's almost impossible to get away
fro1 n the person. or couple. you have
been parked with . f\1y favorite dev ice i.s
to 1:rctcnd to make a long·dlsta nr.!
telephone call, anli later to slip into
~no~hcr JI.ink cf the party "·ilh a bright.
fixed smile on my face.
Even "'orse than being introduced solo
is beng introduced along with some othe r
guest, or guests, who have happened to
arri\'e at the !ame time.
Th is procession, which resernbles a
group of beaten convicts r trudging up
Dea1h Row. is lcC by the hostess around
the room. and at lhc end of the dreary
circuit nobody is quite sure whether you
are Mr. Hrnnmph or Mr. Brimimim -
anli somtimes yuu have to look hastily at
your driver 's license to confinn your own
identity. ·
LIKE ALL CO;\IPLEX social problems,
lhcre is no easy solution ta the impasse
of ir.lrodu ctions. Large convention·like
1t11gs on all the guests might simplify
;natters -perhaps supplen1ented by t
fe\v l:ey words such as "Republica n,"
"Yale '36," "League of \Vomen Voters."
or "Takes Colored ti1ovies of Family.''
Al <'ny rate. J hope this explains why 1
rarely remember people until I've met
them l\\'O or three times. Except for tha t
funny.looking fellow over there, "'ith the
big nose and bow ti e.
'Writers and Issues'
The appearance of a paperbound book.
"\\'riters and Issues" (Signet: $1.25), is
evidence enough thal some of the besl
and mos t stimulating American \Vriling
these days is appearing in the periodicals,
The American Scholar to Playboy.
"\\lriters and Issues"' Is a collection of
"'hal one might labe l high -lon e d
journalism, but '"'hat lhc editor, Theodore
Solotaroff. prefers I() call "'topical
essays ." Topical nleans the 1960s, the
most "cataclysmic decade" since that or
the Civil \\1ar. ''Topical" also means lhat
~·~ are entering a ne1v age of ml"kind
;ipparent in Apollo flights and in all walks
of life. Ho'"' has it all been ''covered," or
interpreted by the nation's writers:
TH,IS SCORE OF essays draws on a
variely of lalcnts to present a vltnl
''profile·· or a "quinl essentially modern
decade." as So\otaroff sees it. in '''hich
''"'e rind the motion of change has been
less like that of a journey than of a
\•ohirl"•lnd .
The book opens. as U1e decade did. with
the Oe1nocraUc convention, and Normnn
~tailer (In Esquire) considering John F'.
Kennedy as lhe Existenlial Hero in his
cssa)'. "Supennan Comes to I h c
SuJ)fr1narket. '' tn the areas of politics.
l)()Ciety. tho arts, the decade found n1ore
and more \vritcrs (along with student11.
militants and house\vlves) presst'd Into
se•'\·lct as personal joun1a\ists. descrlb·
ing. interpreting and argulng about our
dnys and ways.
THERE WAS, as n result, almosl too
heavy a now or lnformallon and In·
ttrpretation -the generation gap. lhe
urban crisis. dru~s. the mass man,
"Ren11an country, ' the Beatlts, im·
perlallsm, pornography. This is an in·
tell igent sampling, a judicious bringi ng
Into focus of ideas and Issues. A long,
though tful book review by I. P. Stone, for
t~flmple. "111e Piigrimage o( Malcolm
X:" Phlllp Roth on "Writing AmerlcAn
Fiction :" Ernest Caltenbach on the
n~\·le lnduslrY and fUm culture: Viet-
r -
The Booktuau
nam. the student revoluUon :ind so on.
IDEAS FLASlt : anger and irony bubble
over in lhese personal views of A1ne rica
by American!! -Ralph Ellison. Saul
Bello~', William St,vron and others. Oil·
fer~nt styles. different techniques. a
variety of tones. But. ;is 'Mleodore
Solotaroff tmphasizes in lhe "·onder!ully
turbulent collection, "the common factor
is .a live, pressing relation bet ween the
\\'titer and U1e issue. "'heh makes him as
~uch a witness of ii as a con1mentator." ~cep your eye out for this one .
Notes on lbe filargin
A doc~mentary report on. und l){)Sition
pape~s 111 the Norman i\-lailer-J'immy
Bres.hn _compalgn for 0 em o c r a t I c
riom1natton for the 1'1ayoralty or New
':ork .and the Prrsitlency of the City
Council appe11rs as "Running Again8l lhe ~tschine'' (Doubleday; $6.95: paper-
bound. $3.501 .
\\'llJl<im Hogan
1111 6eorge ---.
D<!ar George:
l_'n1 a 22·yBDr-old secretary In an
office where lots of girls work. Our
boss is always pulling his arm
around us and hugging us a bit too
cozily, if you know Vt'hat I mean.
When I C.11lcd him down (or this. he
said ii was just a ner\'ous hnbiL
What can "'e do?
Dear Peach:
Ask him If you w3nt him to isug·
gtst to his wife that a gl11s of
warm milk before bedtime ill good
for the nerves . That ought to shake
hin1 loost !ro1n tha t nervous hab't.
• •
When Widowers
' ' ' ~ . ~. .
Tend to Remarry :
manied again, I gather. Al
•bout what age on tho
average? A. At 44.
Q. 11HOW MUCH t'-the
papulation can claim to have
decent credit?" A. es percent.
, .Q. ''ARE ANY of the coun-
tries tn Europe 'Dry'?" A. Not
arcymore. S\veden was tbe last
to legalize liquor. A ~
PO Urged:
Honoi· Bird
With Stamp
PITl'SBUllGH (AP) -The
Post Office ~ hu
been asked to ilsue a com-
memoraUve stamp honoring
the homing pigeon, a bird Otto
Meyer of Pittsburgh credits·
with saving thousands of livea
during wartime.
"The homing pigeon ls one
or the m01t reliable means of
communicaUon ever devlsed.
and that inclcdes all the
sophisticated means we have
today." said Meyer, a mernbet
of the InternaUonal Federa.
tion of American Homing
Pigeon Fanciers.
Meyer was the C{)mmander
ol 3,000 plgoooeen and 54,000
pl1eons in the Army Pigeon
Service as a major during
World War Il.
"During combat, 99 per cent
ol all mesaag., aenl by pigeon
were received," Meyer Aid.
"It's a delivery record that's
never been exceeded. It's not
the most expeditious means,
but it's the most secure.
There's no known method of
interception and no erfeclive
Hey, Rover,
Stop Now!
Patrolman Armand W.
Robinlon'a: dog war.i't too
upset early Sunday when
bur&lan looted the RobllllOJI
But RobllllOl! had to lock the
dog up later to keep him from
attacking detectives in-
vestigaUng the burglary.
Roblnson'a gun belt, service
revolver, chemical mace and
handcuffs were among about
$500 worth of items taken.
The patrolmr.1 said he found
no evidence that hb dog, Lobo,
had Btruggied with t h e
years ago. .
woonded durin& World War D,
WllS be not! -did be pt bit?" A. Anzl>.
Q. ''WHAT'S tbe cmlDOl.t
thing -p.,. lbem-witb?" A. A!pkin.
Q. "ISN'T SOCCER irti11 the
world's most popular game?"
A. Solar.
Q. ''WHAT STATE Is leut
apt to get a ten.do?" A. It's
a three-way tie. A I a a t 1 ,
Nevada and Rhode Isiana eadl
have ooly had one tornado lo
the last 50 years.
Q. uWHAT JS the average
age of service men killed' 1n
action?" A. 24.
Q. "WHERE'D we get the
wwd 'hurray'?" A. Fram the
O>lsack. II.Hu. Raj" qieamnc
~"WiilcB have tho .-
cblldreo, ma.....,.-~
or tall men?'' A. .Till men.
About 15 _.t more, ...
cording to the statisticians.
Q. "WHAT ARE my cha.ncea
of bein& hit by lightning?" A. •
Almost eucily one in a
the most wild animals?" A. •
Oeotal ca~es. T h a t ' l!I
carnivorous animtlls.
pointl ever scored by a
basketball team in a sincJe
came?" A. 173. Bolton did it
Q. "TEEN·AGEllB do moot
ol the li>opllltln(, r1ght!" A. •
Rlghl There are mono 11-
yoar-old female ollopllllen
then any other kind.
Q. ''IF A SONGBIRD If"" up in a IDUl1d.proof cace
without ever bearing another
songbird sing, will it leam ~
sing aDyway?" A. Indeed it
determined the moot popular
juke box record ol all time!"
A. It's lald to be Artie Sbllwt1
does 11 happen U.I a wlle
outlives a husband who's 10
years older than lbe la?" A. In
four m.,.,_ out ol five.
Q. "WHAT BREED ol dog Is
ll10ll apl to attacJc other
dop?" A. Tmiers.
Q. 1118 THERE ANY law
thot lllY• a_,,..""' 1o tau
her husband's name when abe
marries?" A. Know of none,
Your que&tiont and com-
ments are welcomed and
will be used toherever poa-
sible in "Checking Up • .,
Address mo.it to L. M. Bovd,
in core of DAILY . PILOT,
Bo• 1875, N<WpOrl Beach,
Cali/., 92663.
Oar Siie Cory 'Select' penna .. llt for
style holding body. 12.50
Ot'tflttf•lr (#II«
'"" floor, 111 .oa
HllffTlffeTOff 11.t.CJ4 NIWPOllT eUCM
HimlflOIOll '"""' f'etllllfl .......
~ n.r. m-nn 1l'ld ""'• ..u.ms
' ;
" '
.......,, ... ,., .. 24, 196t llAll.Y N.ff 7
' •
Fashion Manor towel sale,
through Saturday!
lath'°'"" 1 37 Reg, L75, NOW e , .
Hond towel, lq. 95c, NOW
Waahcloth, Reg. 55C, NOW
. .
'SOPHlmCATION',DlopjlWll-. .... __
ton iaa..n..,. s..-.. ............ .,_ .... ., ... _ .
'INFATU~. lli-;aA k_n • 11•• --..t-
cprd .... 6'9c1 .................... ., ....
'SAIRINA1• ~ 11•M .. W. fnFlllll-. on"-"'-...,.1aa1r, .,_. ,W..
'FAME'. J ...... lcllod did color ce11a1toa11• 111 •
pGttomod tOWlla. >oallable In ..... .,_ ......... or..-
'ROSE MIST', 8-lflll m11111""'._.•11 lll • h~io-d ........ ,...,.,. ..........
. '.
,\ . ' \
.. _ ..
.. 1:
-· .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. '
' ' • • .. .
' • ' ; •
• • .. .. . -·
ll ' • '"
. •
' ~ MOndiJ, 'Nowl1W ,24, 1969 ... __ ,.
Series of LA B:la_zes
Causes Heavy Loss
~ t
Harassmg -.
Of ~e~~
Ch~ed . ,· . . ' LOS ANGELF;S' (AP) -The;
cbalrmao o1 • t11e u-c t w
phlloooP,lly department !'1' ·
. Unlnrlily·o! e,alllornl.!<
regents1 are· hll'Ualng av1DWf14 ..
Communlal· Angtla Dlvil tiy
asking l<lf .an early evaluatlb:I <i~~~~=.-., Oiurch.Gives
said, bet work wookl i;e ' 1
reviewed after llhe ba<l C'OID• t c~ t
p1e1..i one quarter o( teaCbini • o!78DC nary
-in Ill< spr!111. • ' But regenis Friday orderod LOS•ANGELES (AP) -The
UCLA chancellor qwles E. FintiUnltarian:Chufch was a
Young to set up a faculty1co~ -.. Anctuary today for a young mittee to probe charges . · against Miss Davi!. The Marbe who.,sald he had orde~s
charges are saJd to include ~.· for Vietnam. _
·Alcatraz :1 -rnli.ans
' Get Needed Goat:h
. ~ ' . ~ . .
SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) ' bot detOrmlned lncllana
Instead or a -'of U.S. encamped.
J1\Al'1lhalS. badly nee<lod ·food "I'm 100 perc<nt wt I b
and med!cal l!llpplies· arrive<I tl1eoif Dodsoa •lld. "'lbese
oa Alcatraz Sunday fOf 120 In-are ,ltoedrriut ~e. "·
dlans demanding the former Federal ollldala withdrew a
pri9CKI island as a cultural and Sullllay a11emoon -·I«
e<lucaUooal center. ...n:...i.. of the Island by the
, One of-present at the iJ\dlanl, who 'bad . vowe<I IO ·
dock to greet Ille "freedom lllde lnm U.S. manhall In the
boet" was island custodian .u-acr-e maze ·<i old bulldlngll ' Glen Dodson. He and a group and cevt.a.
. ol the Indians, who. have oc-The ·olfldalS. -wiio denied
cupied the land since Thur tl1oy; .bad ever. laaued an
day, loaded the parcels oo Ultimatum -said tl1ere would
D 0 d •on ' 1 weatherbeaten be no aUempt to rec1pture the
pickup truck and drove up a illand untll after Interior
~ roadway IO the crumb~ Secretary Walter H I c k e I
ed. "Prison w~ the peaceful reviews the Indians' demands.
cess abs enteeism, i~ Marine t~ say 20-
doclrlnatln* her r. clals "1!,h year,old · P.vl) • liooig r t. . lr--1.7"";""_5-,..,,. •&"'u.""r.i"';..-,..---,,:-'-..-------..
polltkal P!"P"I.,.. ahd ~ . FrinChfuo: <J I ~o ·is a "" m fi / Ing ~lory ,pub J.l·c. ldl!Rrter;: ,, ' . ' CANYON ' tCormick
slatem<nts. Francblna ·aald Sunday a ROAD ·
"It Is clear Illa! members of, VlelOam• Moratorium rally LAGUNA BEACH
the Board of Rqenbl wllo\ Nov. Ill In llac4rthur Park 111
wtte intire.ted bi removtng · coftvlnced.., hlJ:n to 1 e e t
Mlss •Davis from the 1""1ly ' ""1ICll!OrY: ''Thert_I.reallle4 MORTUARY by their Illegal policies. and you don't disagroe w It h
failed. are going to attempt by something, then go ahead and •
other means," Kalish said do it." 494-9415
series of five major fires and
a bomb blast in the Los
Angeles area Sunday Jell eight
persons injured, one seriously,
and caused more than $1EO,OOO
Saturday. Church, trustees voted 9-1 to
5,f.,f119 Tite E11ti,. SOath Coe1t Ar•• • her face when a fire broke out Miss Davis, 25, teaches harbor Francbina, the first!
in her room at the Mayflower Re c u r r i n g Philosophical serviceman to seek SClctuary
Hotel. The names were con-'Themes in Black Uterature. in the church.
fined to the woman's room,_....:::::::::..::.;:;::::_=:::::.::._::::~::::__ ___ __;!::;:=================================
Firemen said Mrs. Alice
Holland, 69, suffe~ burru; on
oil j)rlnmg.
• •
and only minor damage was
done. ·
The early morning bomb es-
ploslon blew in the glass doors
of a mattress store in West
Covina and ,caused more than
110,000 dam"8". but there
were no injuries. Police iden-
tified the cause of the ex-
plosioo. as!\a' ~I black
powder bomti, WhlCb· was ptac.
ed in front of the doors.
,. , A $50,000 blaze damaged the ~· · m:rni Agam Gold Desk "' Sale eo. in Ille • · .a.· "'r-downtown area. Three flt'eJ11en !;i SANTA 1141\BARA (AP) _. were bume!i by hot:tar, ooe
' An oil wen drllling plat!orm fell throughoa· collapoing roof
that ru,._, fD!lsY-lurvy oil the and anolller !Ulfertd a cut S~ _ was rais-ban~. None of the lnjUrles was
' -'~a-~ k consjdered .serious. . ed on it• l!I,_ ~ wor me.n All thlee OOon .of' a· st.rue:.
Slln!1ay, but tt flipped over ture in the little Tokyo area.
again la~ in the day. . seve ral blocks from the desk
Sun O~ Co-, workmen. tipped company fire s u s t a i n e d
the ~ertical rig OV~ Friday to damage from a $i5,000 blaze.
get II IO float borizon!Bl!y 00 It occurreif wilhhi an hour of
air ~-In !il"l:~J.' the tr111 . firt. Araon In-But tam~'-' wen~ •'Yl"1 ClllU ..-vestjgatirwta wese untler way
It lllpped compl<lely ...,., 1or 'ix;r ' '
Company officials would not A fourth blaze did , ·an
comm<nt. esli!naled $40,0IJO,\laDUli• lo a
Tbl_llaµcinn ~-.,~<(rom ,Wife ~-lli'm. One the~. I"!' _which, ii •!&. In-finman .wastrealed'for.nilnor ~. ·Officials deCUned lo injuries at the scene. Firemen
say wlten .turtber •~pta said inve~aton found' at
woold be )'Dade to raiM ttle least two places where tDe fire ~ rig. lloati~ IOp _towards_ Ille had been dellllerately set,
oceaa bottbm. possibly to cover a burglary.
,. ..
M~. cruising nearby The fifth blaze dest,..Ye<I Ille
the rig :were a group oC pro-worJdqg . area · of -the Nupla
· testn."""'1 Gtt ·Oil Oul M-acturlng Corp a ~ (GOO) who ~ve vowed to re-fiberglass plant m' Hollfv;ooo,
main at the site to prevent -and ca~ $75i{IOO damage . bodUY <If ft\!C<Stary -Ille The cause <i the fin WU not
erec:lip( <i !be plailorm. · · Immediately , dete~.
Holiday Shoppers
use ·our .. r-noney-
andsave! .· .
TrMt yo-to a hippier llofld8j,iwfth.extra
money from Morill Pllil. You rilll)' bQrrow from
$100 to $5.000 tor holiday ·o11c:ipp1ng, bill clean-
up, a winter Yael!lion, any gooll reuon. Just
phone or come In and 1811 lis what you naed.
We'll tell you what your loan wtll cost and
schedule the payments to flt your lncoma.
Compare our services with other lending
compMI-. Chances era you'll oa.,.. at
Morris Plan
111:µ1 Bid .-~700 NIWpCl1 Blvd.
Thru Sat. Only
dishwasher sal -e! . ' . :
. "'" ~ •'
Reg. 209.95 ••• NOW
• 17 tablt loadlng capocity • Use as a •roll.
away now ••• as a btiilt·in later • Laminated
moplo cutting boord top • . Rinse ogent and
dual detergent dispemers • 3 level wosh sys-
tem with adjustable upper spray • Glide out
random loading racks •.White, coppertone,
GYOCOdo or harvest gold •• , .color costs no
mora at Penneys
Lay-away now for Christmas! Don't be
caught in the last minute rush, shop early.
REG. 169.95 ... NOW
• · U table setting capocily • Built-in soft food
waste disposer • lift-up top rack brings glass
ra~ up to a convenient loading level • Tri ..
lavel wash assures hygienically clean dishes
• Rinse agent dispenser gives spotless dish ..
washing • In white
U11 Ponnoys Tlmt Payment Plan
c.tf•s. Cos,. MIM't Finest Mn's store, tnnt close i . . , , I • ' I
Its .._ "'""°'· duo to ttie ponlot. ef' Mr. c.tMtt.
I ' . . . ' '
Wo.1111t .... al. -Hoo stodi ,of J!Clt~,od•«·.
thod....,. , •. .,~ .• ciotwot. lflOl'IC<M1li; alacb;·...i ' ' . , ' . . . .
Ill Hoo lwolslilots ef .Wm. 1w1aton • kalti. I~ onlor
1o ........ .w .fin, .. ,_ .i .,.;. ~ ""• b... l
...,hod·-tlcelly from 30'/o to 70°~. c:.mo prepared
... ! • ., • .
lo lllj,. 111!1 .. ~· C:O..ty'• blttat-111"'9 ... ., ' « I . Hslnels late. · l · ·, .J
I '
o.; .... $iis.oo
'$ '
NOW 29
' ' '
' ~ ..... i.., ,,,,oo
549 .
MllS• C:AILTON • ' ... " ,. .
.. ' . 1 • . ~ '* ... ?t.00 '
NO~ $39
' ' o ... let' $150.00
NOW $89 __ ..... ___ ... , ''
o. ia,.. $4' .oti
o... ..... $69.00
~o•ts ~ ·~~--'42
Penn. _Pr~s
Nat. Adv.
Nat. Adv.
Our Reg. $16.00
Nat. Adv.
Short Sleeve
·i .. ,. ' . . " Our .la9· $59.00
N~W $35
Oor .... $95.00 ",' ·Ml'-'• NOW 59
Veil. to $16.00 ,8 00
Hand Tailor
VaL to $35.00
Not. Adv.
Long Slteve
Nat. Adv.
Suede Front
Re9. $Z8.00 '2100 NOW
270 E. 17th ST., HILGREN SQ.
OPEN DAILY 10-9-SAT. 10·6
12 lo 5
. . .
I :
I • • • '
l , .. , . .., " n
·J· · St.alin · ffis .. µues
' ' " .
MOSCOW (UPI). _:.j'On/.tt ·pbs.ible to · leave the (Stalin)
!'r.;~mler,.· N~kJJ4• · s., -.cqlfin 1'ith ,hll.~.jn.lhe V;
• Jlh'UsheJRv'l'c'-IUP"lin'aillnst I: Ltjn ll'!'iui•leum .. ' ' . · .the lite 'dtdltor ~Joe : SlaJin ~· 1r.ets iUwt 48 :houri ·tater ·
' •' C&l/l< to.a ~,l(qv, I, 19!U, '\lo.kin~ loO£ Stalin'a· body .
,. with.'the ~1· Of Sf;'.alµt'i• ·rrom' the ~ m&rble crjpt a~
1 body•from itl pllce1belli:ii=: % ['lNt~ 1t 111 ,a :conventiOnal
J, I.£nin 1n Red .SQ\NU'e gfave .at · 'the· foot of the ' ! Mausoleum. Kremlin wall. · I
.1 ·• •
• • •
' .
' • ·! ;
l ..
• .
' 1 •
• • • • .
5 • • • • • .
. :
1 •
• .
. .
' I !
I ..
. ' • • I •
• "
, .. .. .. . • • .
• ' l
' . • .
I 1 • . • •
• • • I '
l ' ' ' • " ., ..
r . . . · e ··1 enn .. ~
\ ..
THESE . ..
P;;ENN.E Y. ST()RES :~i
~ Wi LL BE -OPE.·N ·'
r ·, • ~ ' , .,
• 1 . }SUNE)AY ·
'"1:'. '• l ~FrERNOONS
12 TO 5 ·P.M.
• BUENA PARi< • •
. ------~--~----~-....
DMV moll IJ.
Smugglers Sti"ll W att;,~d
" . ..
Reg , 8.59,
I. . NOW 7.5,9 SQ. YD .
' '·. t:ompl .. ly.indtllled oyer ,50J.r.11ubbeti1edJu1e·c....,hio11.
! • • . •PENTHOUSF .._DuPont so1 •nylon high-low
loop random sh_eore.d pile in decorator solidi.
Avocado, Ming gold, antique green, jewel gold,
bronze gold, nutricr bei~e.
Reg. 13.10,
NOW 11.59 SQ. YD.
Completely instotlf!d owr 50 o:r:. Rubberized J~ C1ishion.
'BALLET -Zefkrome • ocrylic/Verel• mod·
acrylic random .sheared pile in filigree gold,
Downey gold, nugget gold, willow green, ova·
cOdo green, torrid red, linden gold, dune beige,
nomod green, Spanish copper.
Reg. 12.59,
Now10~·59 SQ. YD.
Complttefy itutOIJed O¥er 50 o:r. Rubberized Jute Cushion.
'SHAGTASTIC' ~ J OO~o poly"5 ter s~g pile.
Solidii in· Venetia n blue, gold leaf, liifte, orange
rulil, ice pink, zinni~, green tweed, lemon gokl,
Azt~c green, dove bt-ige-. ....
Reg •. 10.59,
NOW 9~59 SQ.' YD. Complei.r!~ l~stolled owir 50 oi Ru~ized Jute C115hion. ' . . 'FORECAST' -Ac rilon • · ocry lic level loop
pile, T ,;.,eeds .in peocOClc, Curry, bronze, gold,
ovocodo, shomroclc, bwrgundy. cht.1tney.
. For shop at. Home convenience, Phone the
store in your local area
• We britlg samples.
• Free estimate.
• free conwltation.
• No obligation.
(63+7000) (833-0783)
(869...j541J (892·ml) (62 1-3111 ., 915-7217) (642-1_~
' .
. I\.,.!~·
'' . . . . . . · EXC:ITING·
. .
11.88 :·· ';
Come eorly and seli ct
1 ~~al ~nt~l~c .I~~
and styles ... give your home a WbOle neW loOk
a t tre~us Sa vings on this, gr~ 9f stylized
swag light fixtures. Enhance your $ut~ings
. with sof!'r. fiJJer.~ li ght ! . t •
44~ • Cool weather ohead ... replace !ht.tilter on your
.u;nace' now! Sizes: 16"X2Q"X1'•, ·T6"X 25~X1 ",
20"X20"X1 ", 14'X25'Y.!'.
l fOllS OPIN
1.111'9 S P,M. '
.. ..
lt IWl.Y mor
For the
Birt las
MOUITAL -· Mt. •l'lf M,... Pllltl" A. L1bor Jr .. ,.,. •11rw UM. W•IMIMltr,
'"' IT. IOSIPll ltOSPITAL. ·-· Mr. •nf Mr•. Lvlt G. ltke. Uom Glw*' Dr1¥t. Mtulorl vi.lo. t !rt. ·-· Mr • ...i Mrt.. Paul £, Due.Ille. llm .. mw. Wntmlnltet, t lrL -· Mr. fflll Mrt. Atttlut C. Oat1lellt11. 17'11 ,....,. , ... l.lnt. ,,...,,,, lblrt. -· Mr, •"'4 ~ Johll £. Htbttf, 2521T Eutllrt ltoM, l.ltUM HUI&. 1JrL
,.._.., 11
Ml. 1"'11 M~ wnnem 11:. PMllll$, 2.,,1
C1stlll9,, Mlulon Vlelo, bot', _,,
Mt. 11'1111' Mra. P~ E. Gn:incll"' MU
Lt btre!IA. Founfffn V1llfl¥, bcw.
L-IS Edw1rll AtlTISI,_, AH 77, .,
lot Hflrttorcl A ..... H11"Unoten ISucll.
0.11 et ONll'I, Nevlmber 71. Slln11ved
bv wlh!, 1!!111 sons, L-ls 8. Ar..,.
tll"Otll encl Ltst..-L. Kln61r1 1111191\.
hr. Mr._ Eclnt S1"11-trt: brothtr,
Er""h 1l1t1r, Mr.. Flori l!111lem1n;
end 1il 1r1rwktllldrtn. ClllDl'I llt'lkt
.... Int-I Tllel6fiv. n ""-' Wttl•
mlrwl•r """'°'lal Ptl'tt Morllll" 11'111
,_.,.N'll .. lk~ wtrf IUIJMI In l.01
Allft l .. COo.ln!Y lo IM followlfltl ts ol
Nof, •: CLAllKl!-KE~ -Wtfftff' •·• 71, L. A.. .r!1111 L.,....IM, It, M S. lllY
FrOlll, .. ._. 11 .....
GlllPFITK-WESTEllEP<tO -llobert E.,
:ll. 10011 T_,. Cln;lt, Hvflll""I°" kadl. 11'4 ktTY L , lf, .. llfiow9r.
WAflo.cAllRON -F.....,lcll R,. 1'.
21U1 Lochltt l n., ·Hwntl119ton &e•"'-
1nd J•nk.e A., 30, O.tOtnl, FISHEll~UINN -Sltnlt'I ft4 IL of ltl'M ll~ H\lllft1111'IMI INCl'I.
~ Keren L, 20. LaktwOOCI.
10, USN, end Ttrnt M., II, 1211
G11llcler. Dr .. Hllllllnlll .. l•ldl· CHAVEt·MONTANO -J11u1 J •• 15,
el'ld Nff C •• 31. tiolll m W. Wf11on. Cotti MMe,
PAIGl!.OOllFMAN -Sle911~ I,, 3(1,
m1 Fir Dr., H11n1111tton llNdl, end
S!Mnlft. ,., I.. A.
GOOO.WAIUUOll -Mkflatl 5., 1t, W. COYlne, end Gell A., 11, 1'"2 Cti.nnel
l.n,, Hlll'ltlftlll'Dn lltlch.,
Hl!lr\' S. Mc.G,_. A9e U. ol 11U w. 8e¥, ,...._, 8"dl. Dllt "'
0.1111 NOYMl'lblr 20. Survived bV wl .. , E'mmei brothtr. L11U1 K.. Df 1111,
C1UI. Slrvlc•s Wirt ht lll $11nd1v. l
PM, 8111 lro.clw•V C1'11"1' with Riv.
Ler.ri Fllddnvtr cffklelln11. Enlemb-
menr, F1lrl'llVl<I Mtmorl•I P1rt. 8111
8roeclw1v Mortu.rv. Olrectorl.
•neart of To111orrow!'
Actor Narratef! OC Hospiud Film
ANAHEIM -An analysis or
~· future medical needs of
dP'ange Counliana is being
captured on film this week as
11.'artin Luther H o s p I t a I ,
Anaheim. continuet wort oo a
26-mlnute sound and color ~
tion picture, ''Heart oC Tomor·
Narrating the documentary
film is John Gavin, motion
picture and television star
whose family home ls in
Corona del Mar. Others in the
cast are employes and pa-
tients of Martin Luther
Hospital and 0ranp Coonly Into bulldln( ouch a majGr
r<1ldents. medlool camples," Gavin ..id.
la ooojun<:Uon with tho ne" 11ie film di..cled by J-
$25 million hoapltal a n d Bnaner and wrlllan by V•a
medical center to be oon-• !foudyahtll, Is belnc procluoed
lllruded 0000 on llomneya by Foeu1 '85, a Jl-membor
Drive, 1he film dies projected boopllal ldvilory orpn!zallon.
populallon increase, ooulloued Premiere dale bu bem HI
growth of Orange CoWlly and for Vllenl1ne'1 lley, Jl'ellnw:y
e<rrespoad1ng needa for Im· 1 t, 11711. ·
proved bospllal and medlclll'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill care as vital reasons for tbe II
new facWty.
"Worldng In this film has
cert.aioly, been an insight into
the-tmnendous amount ot
planning and detail that goe.s
Court · Escapee Held
On 4 More Charges
or ••• QUIT, and
Learn how. FREE consult-
8UDn and details. Spon· sored by NatMul Anti·
Smokl"I (WMll.
SANTA AN A -An Azusa
man whose bid lo escape from
Harbor D i st r i c t municipal
court was thwarted by a depu·
ty llherllrs well llmed bullet
has been ordered to face
Superior Court trial Feb. t on
charges of burglary, assault
with a deadly weapon, forgery
can for appointment
'42-41•1 .,. '75-5127
Guaranteett to he1p )'Du
quit within 10 days! No
OW World
Spaalsla E•ralture
Items as folows: Gof9eous custom quilted sof1· with Hpar1t1 pillows
witli hHvy oak trim clocor and matchiO<J lo¥I ...t; 3 matchiO<J oak -
c1sion1I t1blo1, 58" t1R decorator la,..p, MO<Jing chain 1w19 lamp, an
8-pioce ki119 size mister b9J"'°"' suite, paneled Modaerr1n11n :style
with . top quality 15 years w1rr1nly king slzo m1tross ind box springs.
Spanish dini119 HI, etc.
COMPLETE HOUSEFUL :".:. .... ~, $1528.00
1111 l'111·11il111·(•
18~~ Newport Blvd , Co 1ta M L >o I only I
AT HARBOR Boulevard
. ' •,
TILL 1970
llabtrl t . Oiunn. AH .14, of H11nlln1·
Ion 8Hdi. SUrvlwd bY wf11, M11~1·
•ltlt lhrw clllld...,, DOfl, P11tl tnd
51«iflll'I· of tl'lt lleme: metfltr, Mir.
.. ...., COUf'll'l'I bf'Gltlet', J1111n Cour· stv. boll! ol ~rv!1ncl. Prl'll1te ..,,...
left, Smlll'll CMPlfl. lnltnMft!, Wnf·
mlntMr M-'il P1rk. Sml!ll Mer•
tvt,..., D~.
GrK• I. Mull-. All ti, of 60f Or·
lntt, HYn!lft\llClll ISHCll. Service,,
TutsdtV, 1 PM, Smlltll (1'111>11. lnle•·
mtnf, Wntmln1t1r M1morlal Per~.
Stnlll>I Mort111rv. Dirttlor1. Oemente
and felony escape. !~~~~~~~~~~~~=============================!!!~ James W. Needs, 29, added l:
Cl1r1nc. llw Dlnhlrt. AN "· ot 15?1 s11N1¥d Aw .. Seit!• An1. o.tt or
clltffl. NoV. n . SllrvlVld tw ""'e• le<"lllct"r clllltflltr. Mr.. Alice M.
WetYll'. Sttlfl Mil 1e111, HMllW L.
Qotnlllrt, Pkwlcl•. Strvk:n 'lrill bl
i..111 ICldlP, Mondl't. ' PM. 11111 8rw<J.
WIV Cl\lptl, wJth llltV. Kt"""" Joh,..
son olllcltl!M. lnMnMnl will be 1Wld
1" Concord Mttlledlll CllTltlt..,, P111,..
syly111l1. 8ett 8rNdw1v Mort111ry,
Elden L Ftlldl. '2' 8 AYlllldl C•r·
.-.el, LH11M Hllll. O.te ol clutti,
"""'· n. "'"'-' "" wth. ,.,,,., ol !ht llornl/ 1on, C\ll'ford L F11tcti,
An:Hle 1 d1\l9llt1r, 8trvl Dllno1n, SClltllcllle, ""'-1 111111', fll'?I LIW•
lion. ltn Dlmn1 •nd fol.Ir' 1rell(tdlll-~ PrlYlt. Ml"lkft, Tuetcllv. J PM, i-ectnc: Vllw CNMI. l~temltfll, Pl·
dflc Vltw Mtinorill Pert. F1mllv
--'-,,,_ ...,. wltrl ....., rntk•
aintrtlll/tlllM to fllt(r flYe<llt dltrlty.
PIClllC View M111'1111rv, 01f'IC!e0,
Cucllw W. Fll'Cft. AM tt. ol 531 I cm.rlnl st .. Lfflll\I 8tKI\, D1t1 of cltMll. ...., • .,._ 20 , .. , nskllnt of
UWM ...,._ Sfn'lca. Hellywooof
Clll'Mtel'T Cll-" ._,. Slnl1 ""°"ICI
lllYcl., I.Gt A-'"' Tbftdlv, J PM,
Sl'ltlfar U.Ul\I 8udl Mortv1rv, Dl-
PitUI A. Mvr1n. 13:1 W. Wiison, Cosl1
Mew. 0.1• of ._fll. NOY. n . survi...cl
b'f wlh, Mr1. W1ttlne Myr1n. M ..
morl1I _...kn, T~v. 1 PM. 81111:
Clllpel, 17•1 Sll"rlor'. Co1l1 M1s.1.
81111: Mort111rv, DINctor1.
'Gives All'
To Chamber
Allefl M. ~. A .. U . of 752$ E'.
1tlh sr .• N..._.i BeKll. 0.11 "' San Clemente City Council re-
-"'· NOY. •· su,...1¥td by w111. versed its stand on comrnun1·1y
DONthYI two -' 0.~ld W .. of LI• 0111111 cr1i.. N-pOH 1111cti1 twe advertising and agreed Wed-
c1au11111er1. Mrs. Chrl1tlne Rlclllrd1on, nesday night to Jet the Cham-St nll AA•1 Mrs. K1tf\rvn An11r. Loi
Altos; 15 or11'1dchllt!r9'1/ , are•!· ber of Commerce have the full
grl ncktllldrln. G...V.1i<M Mrvlces wert $8,500 advertising allocation ,., lltld ~.,, II AM. PKlllc Vltw
M..,_i., P1rk. 11111 11roec1we., Mor· originally requested •
1111rv. DrrKtor11. Councilmen earlier had dis-
SUNDSTRAND put.eel, and finally rejected the
DorolhV lr1n1 sundstrend. Att 30. al Chamber pronncaJ to spend
'"' M!rlll' 51., Coste Mts1. Dllt Df r"' ~'"' ....... 2,. surv"'-1 bv 11u1band, 58,500 from bed tax revenue
Ll,,.,.n1 llOll. 8 1• C•r"I'· o1 Gltnd1••1 to promote San Clemente toor-io.ren11. Mr. Md M'1. lew Mllll.
cn11 Mt111 end fllrM .,.,llddilldrlft. ist trade.
Gr•~••ldt M<Vkw wltt bt hlld Wtd-M . l . . lh t I k r d .... ..u..,, , PM, fl-Hltl• ceme1try. a1n aJn1ng a ac o a •
1111 8rotdw•v MomNrv, D1rtclor1. vertising had resul ted in a
THOMAS summer tourist slowdown, the
w11111m Ltrw 1'llo!M1. Aw .n. of Chamber then asked the coun-'° c_,,_ st .. eo.1. MtM. D•tt cit to match its own contri-
01 llHftt, J'OY. tt. ~tv.<f W Wlf-.
JIC'lluel'tlll tfWe -Wlllltm Jr,. bution of $2,744 to finance a
Robert •nll •ruce, en« CCIII• Mua1 limited winter advertising pr .. bron11r, --.nr. ef Huntlnftllft ... eh1
the escape count to his dossier
last June 'r1 as he was waiting
his arraignment in the Costa
Mesa court. An officer's bullet
hit him in the hip as he was
neeing the building and drop-
ped him in a rear alley.
Needs was involved in a
scufne nine days earlier when
he allegedly pulled a gun on
security guards and a cashier
at Sears Roebuck's South
Coast Plaza department store.
Jt was alleged that Needs
drew 'the gun when a cashier
refUsed to cash sales checks
and was wrestled to the
ground and disarmed by
guards and an onlooker.
Tour Slated
At Library
11111r .. ~· Smlll'I, coe11 Mt111 gram. Gll..J...ETrE ~1r1on ""'' •nd Flork • T .. tteD. botl'I After pondering the matter IRVINE -A new addition
Ml•••••' J. G11lel~. Widow rlf !ht OI Los AnMln ; •• ~,. Lhltrmort. f rth ·1 ted t th UC I . rb
1111 Klno G. Gllle~. Slr'lkt a. 12 Huntlnoton 8HCl'l1 mother, Mrs. e1111 u er, <.'i>l.lnCl men vo un-0 e rvlne I ra ry,
"'-wec1nttcS1v. L1tt11 c"""'c11 t1 t1w Thllrnls. CCIII• Mew. S.rvk•s. Tun-animously to auth<>rized the roughly doubling the size of ~ .• • c11v. ' PM. ••II e..n., CN..el. Flowerl. F-t Li..,...c;,_, ... oriir w1111 llw. l . v. T-eff1c11uno. full $8.500 amoont. the 335,000-volume faci lily,
Li wn ,,.,.,.,...,.... 1111.....nt, "-"*' fl•t Memorl11 'I) be _,. f bll HARTMAN Pert. ,,_11.., ~ "'"' wl~fno llotel, motel and apartmenl WI .... apen or pu C tour
M1rv v. "''"'"'"" _.. .. ,.P. of mo ,,,..., CMtrlllM • .,. .._ ll-rdl owners had pointed out that betW"een 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
,.,....., si,, coe•• Miit. SUrvhed w Pd D.t.v. Offlu. HDH"'Mtm0ri.1 rv•blicity about lhe western Dec 4. hl.tt.~nd. J1d11 !WI dev9Jl"n, JITIWI H-11•1 Ill "*"°"" ti Wlllllm l. ,..~ '
s .... Mrtr.,., 1t11"e' 11111 LVM 1i:1t Ttiem11. a.it aroMww Mortv1rv. White House, ins tead of boost· Tour sponsors will be the
O.Yl1. H11111Jnt1M loeRfl. s.v1cn D1rtc1er1. Jng· tourist trad., had frighten· ............. "" of the UCl Libra'"", a .aldln• •' s...1tti. MortNrY. -.-.... N ' • ...,.. ., LOGAN •~iftl ed away visitors who were u11-:su.pp,>rt·orgalliiatioo that has
1.., ,., L011•11o AN .,,, °' es .Stwt Mar1t ,., ~ '°' w. Bel.bot. der the impression no accomo-contributed gi!l.5, books and
H1rtlor ltoM. Newport IJMdl. Sllr> Hl'llllP«I 8HCtl..DB• ef dMtht'Nev. " d ,. Id b ., bl • viv.o w ""tr.' Ntlllti son, IC-"'< ''"r°" 1oc1w, NoonMY, Fort Re-a ions wou e avaJ a e money exceeding $200,000 ln
beltl 111 .,.........,. lleKl'l1 1111.,., Mr1, <••n• N1t1en11 C11Mt1rv. s1" 01-. during the stay of the Presi-value since the library opened
• SO • -·I •I I 1111!1 Morh11,..., Celle M111, Dir~ ll ... Mer.. • ...... s .... umr' dential entourage. in 1965
nlnt et'lflddllldnn. 11'111 -.... ,. •-'~-·-----------------=-C....----~---·--------1 w9"dld'llld. Privet• __.let• -. Mkl r-
tioefV, ,.,,..,....,, 11 AM. a1n flf'NCI.
wn °*'41, wllll Dr. fl1vmand I .
• ....,.nu o:ifflcletl... lntwment, Pl·
clfk vi.. .M«Mrill P•rt. 8111 8 roa4'
wer Mlrtlltry, Olr«lor1.
L ....... UM~lo. A .. n, ti nu
~. torte Mtffi, Dllt of ONlll, ....... tl. $llrvlwd bV M r.,.,11, Mr.
Ind Mn. ..... J, l.oMlftlol brolhtr,
o.nfttl l'n lkftn. ~r\on Ind L•U••• •ll el lllt llomt1 tl'lftdl'•lllw, Mr. Ptle
l o M .. LID. C_,t M .... 1l011rv, teni.M,
MoncMy, I PM. •"'1ltrri Miii• T11ti-
ll1y, lt AM. ._ et $1. JeM !ht
9"11tf C..tllollc Chllrch. lnt1rm1nt,
Good lhftil'llrd Cl!Mltrr. 11111 8rotd·
.,.., """"9i"f', DI~
Ellr!Mt Mtc llltvre. "" 1r, el m Jrd St.. Hunll......., ... ell. Surv1vtcl
bv husblnd, Jdln, •llcl son. J.,,,n,
boll! o1 Hllllllnolofl 811c11 i foll•
t•1nckhlldrll\, S«"fk:H end lnllrment
will bt l'leld In 01kl1wn. lll!nols,
S...111'11 Mortllt,.,., forw1rlllno lllrrc· ....
S/Stt. llDtltrl J. Mc.AVt"I, Jr,, tJ .S.
Amw, Dtt1 of dffll'I, NoY. 15, In Gtr•
"'fnV. S11rwtvecl bV Wiit, M1,..1rel;
i.on,, Jlot>trl Pllrldt end T!mol!IV
Todd; Ptr111l1, Mr. end Mrs. Robert
J, Mc.A~IY, $r., COU1 Mn11 brolllw,
P~iHlo; 111'1'111111 .. Mr1. P1trldt IN;-
Key, CCIII MeNJ Mrs. Lit SllW.
t!Orlt, We"""'1oolJ Mr.. Ul'ldl SM-
""'· Cotti Mist; 1r11\dperlf!l1, Mr.
11'1d Mr1. Cleudl V11tl1r, Of'ffOtl, R ..
QUle<fl M11 .. t'rldlv, 11 AM, Mlr!n1 c-Air FKIHIV Ollt111I. 51nl1 Atlf.
PKitlc Vllw Mer!ve,..., O!r.ctDrl.
Wettcllfl l\tortaary
4%7 E. 17th St .. Colla Mesa
Corona del l\tar OR H'5I
Costa l\ten ao MCIC ..._, • BELL BROADWAY
UD &udwaJ, Celtl M"'
lllll~llM. "•lllCIOo-111-mt • PACIFIC VIEW
MDIOlllAL PAlllt
Cta1l 1 r1 • Mortur1
lilt P~ llrlYI
Newport -. Calllonla -• PEEK FAMILY
COLONIAL FUNERAL -':Wl ... AYe. wa• 1 1 a m.m.s • fillEl'FER MORTUARY ..__ 4M-1Al
s.aneste .,.,. • SMITHS' MOllTU.UY rn-s.. 11' .. u.,..._ -
Tire Saver Special!
ONLY 8.88
• Front end alignment
e 4 w•Hls balanced
e 5 tires rotated
e Brake adjustment
BUENA PARK(~:.z::=•J
21 month guarantee with
I .
11 month free replacement •
l'lus Federal tax and old tire
Black tubeless
• Strong, full 4 ply nylon cord is moisture
resistant lo withstond road impoct ond
protect against blowouts
• Wrap-around tread extends from shoul·
der-to-shoulder for betl9r traction
e Supple polybuladiene rubber adds
extra mileage lo every Reliant tire
12 to 5 P.M.
• '
Teachers Bugged
In Their Lounge
(UPl) -Teachers at Car-
rollton Junior Hlgh are really
bugged, not by their stupenis
but by thr~e electronic-listen-
ing devices they dlscovered in
the teachers' lounge.
One of the devices was
located in a panel behind a
heating duct and was con-
nected to the office or Supt.
Charles titurphy with 983 feet
derstalement. says A I b e r t
t(oftman, a spokesman ror the
As for school officials. they
know who did the bugging but
aren't saying ·until they com·
plete an lnvesligation and
make a report.
of wire. Millll
Tv"o others were found
secured beneath a sink next to! lo!~~
the lounge and led to a s~h ·llWa
corr~tion room; thrqh a
trap door. into a crawl space
under the floor and then COSTA MUA-2211 H•rffr 11,4,
several hundred fee t to the of-
fice of Assistant Principal
-fAontfat, Novtl'lbet 24, 1it6fJ DA!!.V '1lDT J J :~ __________________ ...
' " ' • '
Gerald L. Rittersdorf. !=========:[ The teachers were using the Adverth•"*"
ll·I a y Co fireside sets for
decorative Chri stmas ideas DAii. Y Pll.OT Sllll l'llelf
Volleyball Chanaps
lounge as a caucus room dur-1
: 1-Ia~r School Team, winner of Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation Depar t1nent's
-"B' Volleyball Champio nship, po ses for photographer foll owing win.' Harper,
Southern Division champ, defeated Nor thern Division's Balearic School to take
city title. Team members include (front tO\V fron1 left) Lynn Reynolds, Deb-
bie Champlin, Barbara Pascoe and Karen Tripp. In second row (from left) are
Roberta Capalbo. Lynn Williams, Laur-i Cotte n, Harl a \Vood and Kristi Kirk-
patrick, Coach Debby Tro.trer. Linda Sturdy and Patricia ?\1 iller.
ing negotialions for a new con-MoreComfortW.aring
fract which they slill don 't rALSE TEETH have almost tv10 month s after rM.
the opening of .school.
To say they \\'ere surprised
when some pri va te con-
versations were r c p e a t e d
"ahnost word for word" by
school board negotiators at
contract talks is an un-
To help relieve diaooalfort wb1n d~nturM II.If. down &nd CQDle IOOM,
Ja11 1prtrr.lt 1 FA8Tl:tl'R on your plal.M. FASTEl:TH hold• dmtUNI Armer lon11r. You ct.n bite bt.nl.er,
e•t f&1ter. reel more oomforitbl1.
FASTBrl'H 11 alk&lln-won't IOUf. Den tur1111 th•t ftt are e1111:ntW to health. see :rour dentllt resuJ1rlJ.
Oet FA8TEETU ·~·n aru1 OOUlltln.
7.00-13 7.35-14 7.35-15
6.85-15 5.60-15
TvlHlen. P1111
1.16 lo 2.ot E•. Tt•
"'' lltt 11111 lrtd .. fft,
l l?EI
7.75·1• 7.7~·15
1.15-14 1.25-IS
Torlltlfls. l"IV! 1.21 tt 2,46 E•. Tt•
,..r fire MHI frl<l ... ft .
T110flt•L Pllll
1.61 le 1.lt E•. Tl•
ptr Ure •lld tr1d .. lft.
of ·BFG Custom Long Miiers.
Our biggest selling 4-ply nylon cord tire.
2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Bay!
PHON E 540 -'4343 or 646 -4421
DAILY 8 am · 6 pm • Sat. Tit 5 pm
l. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire
PHONE 89 3-5572
DAILY 8 am· 7 pm • Sat. TII 5 pm
lmlmicm / •
\ B.F.Goodrirh
' ' ,. ,,
a. fou r piece tool set : brush, poker, jhovel, stand.
l O" high polished brass model 9.99
b. 31 !j1" hi,;h "'l)()d accent model 22.99
r. Fred ?-.IC'yer polished brass free standinJ
screen adjusts to fi t 26" to .i ~" high openings.
Rrass hood. lhain, bl:itll: mesh Krec:n. 54.00
d. Fred .i\l<'yer 4 piC"l.:'e tool set in black with
classic v.·alnUt finish hard\\·ood knife handle
design. 29.00. e. i\ia.ti.:hing "'oodba.sktt, 16.00
f. 7 piCl.e :.i.nticiue polished brass ensemble at $1V-
in~s. A gral ious foc:d point for holiday _ rooms.
The set includej a 38" by J I" .ie:rctn w1th pull
lhain ... 4 piC"(e tool set includes: poker, brush,
•. -hovel. s1and _ . _ a.nd two m:.i.tching andirons.
rf,s. Opt:'ll sr0<.·k 01.00 35.00
ma y co fireji<l<' 5hops 87
Shop Sund•ys from now 'Iii Christmas.
Every merchand ise department and the rt1taur1nt
will be open to make your 9ift shopping easier.
will be open Sundey from noon 'Iii 5 p.m.
j •
.. . . '.
'. " . ' . '
II D'ILY PILOT Monday, Novembtt 24, 1%q
Me xican-A111erican
W ru· Deatl1 s P1·obed
Mexican A1nerlcans a r e
over-represe.nled in Vietnam
fatality reports and under·
represented in c o I J e g e
graduating classes. according
to a report by Ralph Guzinfln,
Acting associate pro(esso~ of
politics and c o nt m u '.11 t y
studies, 1.1errill College, UC
Santa Cruz.
Jn a detailed study .. , P.1cx-
ican A1nerican fata''.:ies in
Vie tnam. Guzman found that
''a disproportionate number of
young n1en \\'ilh distinctive
Spanish S\lrna1nes do not
return fro1n the Southeast
Asia theatre of war," and that
"a subst:r.1tia1 nuinbcr bf them
are in\'Olved in high-risk
branches of the service."
He based his statistical
survey on reports from the
U.S. Bureau of the Census and
from the Office of the Assis-
tant Secretary of Defenst>.
According to Census figur1.>s,
1.1exican America ns comp rise
13.1 percent or the military-
age ma le population in the
South west, while 19.0 percPnl
of the Vi etnam fatalities fronl
the Southwest b e I \\' c r n
December, 1967 and l\1arch,
1969 v.·ere perso.1s with
distinctive Spanish surnames,
Guzman said.
This trend is particularly
apparent in the 1'1arinc Corps,
he noted. JWit over 23 percent
of the Vietnam fatalities
among 1'1arine Corps person-
nel from the Southv.·cst \vere
persons with S p a n i s h
"This niay be due to the
facls that 1'1exican Arncric<r.1s
arc O\'Cr-reprcsentcd :unong
both those who are drafted
and those who volunteer for
military service," fl.tr. Gui-
1nan said. ·•and also that so
fe\\' ·qualify' for non-combat
·· HisloricaUy, ?i.1 e x I c a n
Arnericans have bt.>en a
suspect. ·fo reign' niinorily."
he said . ··They have been
under great pressure to prove
loyally to the United St~tes.
Other reasons \\'hy Mexican
America1s join the military
include the desire for status
that military life offe rs, the
need to help their families
with their service allotments,
and the desire to prove their
"On the other h.11nd ,''
Guzman continued. ·'only a
relative-ly small nun1be r of
Atexican Americans have been
able to circumvent obligatory
military service by attending
college. Student deferments
for residents o( southv.·estern
bario.s are scarce. The reason ,
of c our se. is the un-
derrepresentation or h1exican
Ainericans in institutions of
higher learning. At t he
University or California. for
l'::an1 ple, Mexican American
students •.1umber just over one
and one-half percent of the
total student popuJalion or
97.000," said ?i.1r. Guzman.
Se veral liCSC stu d ent s
worked with Guzman this
summer in the preparation of
the report.
Copies of the study , '"Alex·
ican American Casualties in
Vietnam," arc available on re·
quest from Guzman's office in
Room JO, Merrili College, u=.
College Staff Honor s
Lihraria11-· With Drake
The newest acquisition at
the Denison Library Sc1ipts
College, Claremont. has black,
shining feathers v.•ith v.·hite
spots, webbed feet, a husky
beak and savors garden snails
o\·er all other foods.
He is D. Afuscovy Drake, a
fully gro w n , domesticated
Muscovy drake from a
Riverside duck fann, and he
became a part of Denison
Library last week.
Scripps College h o n o r e d
Dorothy M. Drake, Denison
librarian since 1938. o n
founder's day by officially
na1ning the library \vi ng for
her. Since that day. tudcnts
have capitalized on l he
'·Dorothy M. Drake \Ving"
with such comments as ··1 •n1
going to the Drake's wing.''
and "T\\'O wings are belier
tha n one."
The. commenls climaxed at
lhc last library staff meeting
v•hen Scripps senior Susan
Roby of Austin. Texas, student
s l a r f chairman, presented
W.iS!'I Drake with a wooden
crate coolaininq; the drake and
a h<111dprinted scroll. The
scroll read, "To Miss Dorothy
11t Drake in fond recogniti1Jn
of her lime. effort and pa.
ticoc-e of \vhich we arc all
grateful recipients. signed stu-
dent staff of 1 969-7~."
ltcgula BL'fler. Hcfcrcncc
1.ibrarian at Denison. hud
hc ;\rd .about the drake> tJn
KPFl\ H.adio. His fornicr
011·ner. a lliverside duck
farn1cr, had offered the drake
to KPFK for their rund-ra ising
~1iss Bencr and the 35 stu-
dent staff n1en1bcrs decided lo
obl;iin Uic dnike for Mi~s
Drake i!nd "'enl to U1c
Ri verside fann to collect hin1 .
Although domesticated. D.
T\1uscovy Drake does not enjoy
human hands aqd led the girls
on a merry chase in the pour-
ing rain before they managed
to contain him in his crate.
However, D. Muscovt really
had nothing to fear. Miss
Drake, \\'il h the aid of a
Scripps custodian , has now
provided a comfortable home
for him. ,
The patio off Miss Drake's
office has been partially \vired
to provide space for D.
T\fuscovy. He has l)egonia and
camellia bushes to provide
greens to accompany his feed,
water and snails, and he
seen1s to be perfectly conte nt
in his ne\V surroundings.
Park Gets
New Zoo
The Orange County Parks
Department has completed a
new zoo area at Irvine Park.
The facility replaces the old
area known as the deer pen,
which was destroyed by la.st
winter's floods.
It consists of a 6-foot high
chain link fenrc surrounding a
pond co1nplete \1•ilh an island.
'fhe pa.1d is used by numerous
duck.~. as v.·ell as a recently
donated pai r of Canadian
honkC'r'S. It is hoped that a
pair o( .sv.·ans will soon be ad·
Also \Vilhin the facility arc
chickens. peacocks. and a
group of seven deer, including
a fa\vn .
lr\·inc Park is loca ted on
East Chaptnan Avenue. ap-
proximately four miles cast of
the Newport Free11•ay.
f voiiii''iioi'iiM': ................ l
! Yeu want f9 •II some item f ! thet 'yov no 1-r need bvt i; . 1-· ....... -"" i t NOT OYER $50 i ! ?????? i
You ull THE DAILY PILOT, Olk for I
Clnolllod Adwwtiolnt. •nd ploce •
: AT OUR SPECIAL LOW It.Alt i • • ! 3. UlllS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS i
642 -5G7 8
.... "* .. . ,Wt***'"**"*"""** I" .... ******'**** ••• * • ** :t .. ~
t ~
~ ~ •• a' •• ..
" PILOT·ADVfRTISf R Monda.r. Novtmbf'r 24, 1%~ ~"!.....:..:.::::.:.:.:=:.::::=;:_ _____ --0-------;;~.··'''
~ .. ~~~~«.~~-~~·~.,
»Y'~ • I
.. ' \
"Wee" Wheelers
';W~eeler'' -Stu1dy frame with.1;4" tubular
steel backbone. Red finish with lfhite trim.
"W•111" -Slurdy, yellow sleel body wi~ curl·
td edges, chrome plated handle. Whitewall tires.
"Shrink" Machine
1'Sc1ot1r" -Sturdy steel
frame, chrome plated handle-
bar & stem. Red with white
\Vatch fantastic shrinking'process.. Solid min·
iature products create:if be-7 69 lore your eyes. Plac·e item
in machine aod watch it wig-
gle down in size. 1
Chinese Checkers
STEVIN'S-Delu>e, all melal, 2 sided playing
bnard. One side for regular 1 98.
checkers. features plastic '1'._ _ _.
drawers fo r storage of mar-
bles and checkers. 1
3 Dime11si111al Cr1ssw1rd Gime .•• Object
ol the game is to hum hori-4 9 zontal and vertical words by 8
placing letter blocks in
crosswo1d fashion. 1
"I . t " MAnn·s niec or
featuri ar "T~e Wester1 W1rld".,, fu,n
machifle that brings back the Wild west
o.1. ~talking . Apaches, 13 49 ridm , runnm' cow-
pokes and prancing
jX)nies. •
12 Chord "Organ"
MAGNUS -Plus 37 trebl e keys. Anyone can
pla1, in just 60 second~
... without lessons.
Walnut finish w/match-
ing henth and music
books. 39.·88
"Musical" PLUSH
T1MELY-Colorful,adorable 2 98 li ttle animals in a~std. 1Xl!ii-
!1orx. Each on~ is decorated
with colorful bow. ea. •
"Password" GAME
BRADLEY -Gam~ of wit &
rnterta1nm0nt 1virh the tl!-1 89 l1c1al "\'lord~ lbb" sell!c\ed
by tile treaters of "TV" !av-•
orite word game.
"Big Ben" PUULES
BRAOLEY -All new colorful
scenes. r.ar.h puule contains
over 1.000 interlocking pieces.
When complete, each picture is
Orange Slices4~1 00
1 lb. S.1 • •
. .... -
18" Dartlloanl
fun and skUI for all ••• z sid·
ed lloard made I• England,
C.me rules included ..
i:.~:r.·. 3 . 49
TOPPll "Je•n•y"
like real dliiing! The dasb-
lloard lhal puls lloys in aK !lie
,race:: tbey dream about
Rea/ . .worifng pafis.
'.'Tin M~n" Robot
RIMC0-21" high, he's
shiny and funny. His arms
swinf as he walks forward
and i he bumps in lo a wall
he goes backwards.
7,, "TY" SONY Portable
Black & wmle sol in coolemp-
"'llf'f stylin1. Up fionl speokor. :!~~109 95 #71•• •
·carry-Corder '1 50'
Ctr-less Tape . Rectrder , •.
Record, playback up to 2 hours per
cassette.Mike,.c~-49 95 sette aod carrying
.case included. •
i'li1h "~\1ck·(ln" lab$. .: '-~ Dessert Mints BRACHS-Cool.rnhe>h· 53c in~ pure sugdr mints 1n
~ .-~~~~~;~~SI~. he 69C
Kills rnoL~s. eggs .. larvae .•• 49c pleasantly deodor1zeJ.
Re1.i!c •
~or tedsol1dcolors.
in package.
Pack 60c ,1115 .,.
.,J / ~ l'ghl~1,111e<.1Jor.c ..
"Hot" Cashewl
f "fl('~ whole ca~hews 00
IB bulk. I I-. •
\, \
"S he " as ea 11110N
Choose from assorted IKIH· 1 93 day colors ill rolls of ~ ...
J: 300 II. II. •
Wrappia2 Paper
Gilt "Tars " · ·.
Pak ti 41 -37 "'Ill· 4Jt ~litk" lags, 3 aold !tar • fold~rs.
Heavy brown paper 111 JO" x 40 ft roll for m•1hng.
• •
•• '
~ • .
! I
Monday, HOYtmbtr 24, 196•
Baked Potato Rack :
Holds up to 8 ooratoes will> ""'!' tilat con· &&c duct heat into
Turkey "Lacersl'
Onion Chopper
2 cup glass with
stainless steel 99c blades. Ass't col·
or tops.
Egg Beater -
-IUDSTllL "Roasters"
Choose from two sizts in
oval shape with "built·in"
J"'Y well that collects
1uices from the meat Cover
witil llarulle.
11' Siii 11" Sizt
1.09 1.79
Dinner NiDlins ·
W~lt1·a C1l1rt flk 1110
"D. I" IG Dtodoront
Bath & Beauty Soap · lit~ Sire Bars ·
., "Nt·Sew" ••• 4¥2" stain·
re.ss •teel 0ios 27c with cord.
Stainless steel double blades :!llua1111m11n1aH11u111n1DA11Htnuat1111
Set 111 ~;~'.1:·i::~ 99c ·i elssell ~
urex" SUPER
BLEACH Thermometer
ftr Mu~· Poullry •••
complete instruc-7gc lions oo card. As-
sured accuracy.
Can Opener
1'Swlq:·A-.W1J" ••• opens
all size cans, 1 59 llandy bol111
opener, too. •
Cab hell lrmistillJ WHITE!
... 63 kl NI (
wltl MORE Wblttoi•l Power
t Galin 49c
. '· "\,e;}
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
Ral11ses ~lsi1f1ctant with e.1c'
fl1s,inr .•. llt111tic1lly.
IRbNING NEEDS •rWUMAID 12" Spiral Candles
Pad & Caver SIT
"!1fla1" aialed cot!on ·1 29 rover, bias bo""' f01 perlect
fiL Resilient foam ""ter. •
lruni111 Board Cover
"Tefla1• coated mi~ght
mttoo. Relnforced"'teras·
""" extrJ slrtllcJI w!lere it counts.
• lmiag Caver · nmnws -assures
wrinkle-free; •""th tifht fiL Will ,.t te.r. Sal a 4
Golf Baus ·
"Opal" Bakeware ~ £1111, nit• calar ir "1Ctical sins.
·~ 8\l'Aavorsa .. rPiePlateo lV.
QL Opea Baker • Z Qt. Oblong
Ass't designs
sign per.boK. ' ' with ooe de· 2 2 00
2.00 Bt!af 25 ~ •
7x5" Cards
Ass't designs including unusual
3-dimensional 2 , 3 50 embossed. o
3.508111125 l • .
8x5" Cards
Exquisite looking cards In as·
~i~~~;d de· 2 g 5 00
Boxes 11 25 • •
UIBEY Glas·sware
l2V. oz. lleavy base ~assware
with assolted""°lorM designs.
"""'-="' • Su Garin • Bl1Sst11S
• S111iawer
• Cad11
• ar.1r
• Uc11i1
•e1. 2.19
• 111111 s,,.,
SE! afl
~ltd by lfnEY
12 $2 $2 $2 12
Featuring 2-Tone 22 K
Gold Leaves on a field
of frost croWfted with
a Gold Rim.
t -t1r.ltlFASKIOHll
I -11 1t. IMUC[
I -14 11. COOi.El
8.79 ~·
ON 11111 PWI -SlYE I.II
Cha ice 99~.
Hat Water Battle
, ·~oll111tl' IJ FAULTEESS
~1105'~0~:~: SPRAY ~ ............. -M•~1 ~
wit~ "Ml111' ••• it holds i I l:' · and holds. Choose from Reg· ii'r.1! i 9
red, Z QL capacf'l 29· with embossetl s r •
face. 111. US •
Feminine Syringe
Slllll\ discmt pu~e 1 29 size with carryinl
ular, Hard to Hold, Sprny for 1 39 u!J1 I Grel and Super. m ~·
.. _i._• _,_. _ .. _. -... • '~
~...-.-----·e I iii ii ••••• ummmmnm11111111111mn11nm11rm11mwm1
"Broxodent" AUTOMATIC J
cas~ lei. 1.1 •
"Glad Hand"
loaalafj llem 1J FAULTUSS
•• ; lined, waterproof vinyl with
·ex11a long cuffs. · 69C ladles' sizes ht col·
ors. 111. Uc
"0•nco Speedshaver 35 't
•ifll 'Pa"'" Trl•••r ••• by 111 the fastest shaver on wh.,ls -3
"f!01tia1 beads"
"'"" to ~l th• 22 88 sllaoo of"" lace. ·#llP 1112 •
Lady "Pana"
CanflSI amr -Desiined !or
the Ii~ on the go! Works on ona
"D" balt!ry (ocludedl. 8 95 Choose from "Pop"
colotS. #ES·fl •
ACTION BRUSH far TEETH 11j SUM ,1 .... · IJ SQUIBB ... quic~ gentle
up and down action gets
teeth really clean aM leaves
your mouth ~eas01tly ting·13 88 ling. Recommended hy den-
tist• Standard Model •
HUNTINGTON BEACH I .,... -' lfMlli•nt
I 020 IMIM, lll WntcHff rt ...
S,rt~ ... 1111...,
MoMly, No.,mbtr 24, 1969 DAIL V PILOT J ,'I
Many Opportu11itfes
Plas~ic Enginee1·
Nothing Synthetic
"Mr -wfll bf dlKfltl"lfd ftom !ht M•rlnet llOClfl •!Id r•T11rn to ~1.,..
H• 1w. '-'• thlnklno ttovl' bt<Gll'lfn9
• Pi1illet 91\0I~. ~I It tfltl el(KI·
I~. •lld Whit lrl ll'lt OrNP«!I 10( •
lll••llu fl'lll-r?"
A. -Ideally a plastics
engineer is a synthesis ol
chemist, cheCnical engineer,
mechanical engineer and elec-
trical engineer. But Utere's
nothing synthet~c about the
man-made opportunJUes on
the road paved with plastics.
As research executive Bill
1'.1cDonald of U.S. lndustrial
Chemical Co., says: ''Today
there are 20,000 jobs in the
plastics industry looking for
people and the demand for
manpower is likely lo continue
for some time. The young
engineer or chemist simply
couldn't find a better field to
enter. This ill one where rapid
advancement is possible in a
still relative ly y o u n g in·
Plastics is certainly one of the
growth meteors of o u 1'
economy. "J\fodem Plastics''
magazine made a survey last
year and reparts that this in-
dustry has been expanding at
an annual rate of between 12
and 14 percent eompared to a
rate of about 4.5 percent for
all manufacturing.
That publication a ts o
predicted, based on product.ion
statistics of a related study,
that within the next 20 years
niore products will be made
out of plastics than out of any
other material.
l\1ENT economists and
the plastics Industry itself
also foresee a greater need for
plastics scientists, engineers
and techniCians as more
en1phasi.s is placed on new
product development. T h e
trend toward the use 'of
plastics in a ppl ica lions
formerly 'serv~ by such
materials as wood, glass and
metal is expected to continue.
(This is not lo suggest that
these materials are obsolete
but rather that their uses are
shilling.· For example, more
metal than ever is being con·
swned, bul it goes into dif·
ferent product.a -1nold11,
tools, machlnes, etc.)
really cuts across all other in.
dustrles. The chemical and oil
companies supply the basic
raw materials and a large por-
tion or the research and
manufacture is done by this
group, Fabrication of plastic11
is done by many small and
medium-sized comparlles who
do only this, and by divisions
Of large chemical, paper or
steel companies, to name a rew. Suppliers of plastics
machinery 'and molds
represent another 'gr o·u p
needlng plastics expertise, as
do Industries consuming
plastics, such as automotive
and packaging. And inany
companies produce finis'1ed
plastics products for the
ultimate consumer. S iJJ c e
plastics Js so meshed with all
Industry, a pla stics
background offers m a n y
EARNINGS. I couldn't
locate any salary inlonnation
fo r plastics engineers alQne,
but as a yardstick, the latest
Engineering Manpower Com.
mission survey shows the
hypothetical ••me dian ' '
enl!'.ineer makes $14.800 •
EDUCATION. The plastics
engineer is trained broadly
with emphasis on e i t h e r
polymer Chemistl'y or
engineering. (A polymer is the
result of the chemical bonding
of two or mo~ moleC\lles.)
Primarily, Ui~ on t h e
materials side of the business
al"e chemists and chemical
engineers, and those on the
machinery side are
mechanical and electrical
engineers. Most p I a s t i c s
engineers are graduates who
have majored in one of the
four disciplines just men·
tioned, although one in·
stit ution, the Lowell
Technological Institute i n
Lowell, Mass., offers a n
undergraduate degree i n
plastics technology.
Society of Plastics Engi neers
has a free pamphlet, "Pia.sties
As an Engineerlng Career."
You may have a copy by sen-
ding a stamped, s e 1 f. ad·
dressed, long white envelope
to me at this newspaper.
on your outside envelope.
(c) 1Mt McNaugbt Syrtcltcate,
Inc. All rlgbls reserved.
Being a Quitter OK
When It's Smoking
By Peter J, ·stelncrohn, MD
Dear Dr. Steincrohn : In a
recent column I read that one
of your readers figured that
after 20 years or smoking the
damage was already done .
Why stop now? And you ex·
plained that any time is a
good Lime to quit.
l have asthmatic bronchitis
which developed two years
ago. I've smoked over 25
years. l coughed a:id coughed
and worried about m y
allergies, lung cancer, T.B.,
but kept right on smoking.
ONE DAY while I was in a
ba.d coughing spell my IS.year·
old son said, "Mother, if you
really wanted to quit smoking,
you would quit." (Jn other
words, mother, you keep tell·
ing me you hope 1 never start
to smoke, so put up or shut -
I took a good, long look at
myself and iny four young
sons, and so I quit right then
a'.1d there. I admit I became
crabby and irritated for a fow
weeks, but I'd chew gum and
be thankful that my cough was
much better and my kids were
happy. (So would my husband
be if he were alive.)
Even today, months later, it
would be nice to relax with a
cigarette; but my mind hauls
out the scales lplCl . balances
the good against.the bad, and
t put smoking right out of my
mind. ..
YOU MlGH't say th at takes
quit.a a btt or will power for a
gal who has been smoking
over two packs a day !or so.,
many years. N t at an. If
every smoker could find a.\
honest.to:.goodncss real reason
tor quitting, not a cigarette or
pipe or cigar would be lit in
this entire country.
What l'm saying Is that rln.
dlng a "reason" ls more im-
portant than just making
"resolutions" to quit -Ml't. v:
COMMENT: Honest mollva·
lion _. that'' the secret. Ifs
lhe key that locks the door
agat.1st tobacco. lo the case of
Mrs. V., I believe her motiva·
lion was the mother instinct to
protect her young, fol' she
ends her letter with this
postscript: "And for anyone
this letter encourages -when
the temptation comes to keep
00 smoking -think about 8
boy who cared about his
mother, and count me in as
caring, too, about you."
MEqlCALLE1TES (Replies
to Readers)
Dear Dr. Steincrotr.1 : I
understand some forms of
epilepsy are caused by Injury
to the head, others not. If mine was a result of a bump
on the head - I was a
paratrooper -would another
bump cure il? l fell down .a
flight Of stairs the other day
and have two or three more
lumps now. I guess the only
way to find out is to stop "tak·
ing my pills. -Mr. F.
CO!\fMENT : Try not to get
any more bumps, I know 0( no
scentific reaso,1 lo -~pee~ that b4mps on the. head will
cure epilepsy. Bht ~ 111 s
prescribed by your doctor Uri"
doubtedly will help in lessenii
ing the frequency and severity
of attacks. So better not stop
taking your · pills unless your
doctor says so.
Here's a UF. for your readers
who compain of brittle
fingernails, Aftei all other
treatmenl! falle<1, 1 got the
idea that perhaps dete"rgents
damaged my nails. 1 got a
pair of rubUer &loves. 1 wore
them for cleanlng &1d washing
dishes and clothes. After a few
weeks my fin.gernajb got
strong and htalthy again. 1"11
never be without rubber
gloves! -Mrs. B.
After my attack of
mononucleosis, I've felt tired
and sleepy. Even after 10
hours sleep I have no pep. J'm
only 17. Our famUy doctor
says this isn't uncommon and
wHI go away. l-le tells me to
get rest, eat a full dJtl with
vltamt.1s, and in a few weeks
or 1nonths I'll probably fet.1
like nlyseU again. Do you
agree? -~tiss O.
COMMENT : tloclo"
aomeLlmes Wsaaree i not \hlt
Untc. 1 agree.
• '
. . . ... ·-·--,;r-· • I
' -----...... ~· --"\-\.-~-;-;-,··;-•. ------""'" --·-c c ~,.---;.-cc-----~ ·-·
MOftdat, No"'mb.. 2~ l'lt.t
Survives Without· Traditional Income
property lax dollar In Monte county sherilf and $5,000 to However, a firm dedication Cooncll felt l'/.50 too much for Olly 11>11, a modest but at-A blllldlll/I contractor who
Sereno. County governmenl purchase health, building in-to eConomy in all phases of lunch. tractive building constructed bid lOll& admired the city's ef·
gets 20 percent, and county spectlon and ot her Pf!>. government ls the real key to When the senior Inglis In lNl for '51700, Js equipped fort.a at ~Y olfered free
fire, library, a an it at J.o n. feaaional services from the Monte Sereno's financial sue-testified at a State Assembly with a ltCOhd-hand safe, labor and'htlP to save money
cemetery and other special county and neighborln& ciUes. ctss. hearing on municipal affirs t.,1 duplicating machine • n d
districts get the other 13 per· That leaves the city with The city declined to send a San Francisco, his expense typewriter. on bulleting materials. When
cent. nearly $18,000 to add to its delegate to a recent League of voucher listed a round.trip bus In fact, the story of City the 800-square-foot bu.tiding
The smcJdllr Probl<a • Devastating!
rector of National AnU· Smoking Council wW Jtoc.. ture & discuss this prQb..
Jem & advise on behalf
of any civic group, church, c I u b, orpnlzation or functionl at NO COIT!
H.r, la•• LIY•I Call 642-4163 or 67U127
Thirteen years ago this city
was bc<>rporated to keep out
big 1 t r e e t s , supermarket.ii,
churches, schools and other
trappings of "progress." It
How has it survived without
such tradiUonal sources o f
revenue as taxes on businesses
and industry.
'l'be city maintains streets bani. accounts thla year out of California ClUes I u n he on licket, $2.50, and Junch, 42 Hab la the story of Mrute wu completed, somebody ask-
and provides pollce protecth:r.il:~a~t~olal~~bud~ge~t~of~ll~l~,500~. ==~meetln~~~g~bec~a~us~e~the~=C~i~ty~~ce~n~t•~· ========~S.~reno~~·s~IJnancial~~·~su~cce~ss~:~=~ed~a~bou~t~a~n~agpo~~le~.===~~~~~~~~~~ and the usual planning, hHlth
and inspection services.
~·You mlght say our pro-
perty tax: is more symbolic
than it is a source of money/'
Monte Sereno c i t y ad-
ministrator Thomas B. Inglis
Jr. explained.
0 Actually we eould get by
without any property tax,"
bud'et director Thomas 8.
lnghs Sr. said. "We might
even declare a dividend." -
'lbe ecmments of the father·
SOD· city team might sound
outrageous anywhere else, but
this exclusively residential
community of 2,400 persons 45
miles south or San Francisco
is not an ordinary city.
Jt was formed under the
senior Inglis' leadership, to
keep out business and in-
dustry. Since then it has bee.:l
dedicated to the goals ol
preserving its low taxes and
rural atmosphere.
The combined clty-county-
scbools property tax on a
home appraised at $23,000 is
about $527 this year, but of
that total only $5 a year goes
to run the city.
In nearby San Jose, a home
with the same appraised value
would pay about $25 less in
county and school taxes, but
the city would get $98 - a
total bill of $600. Jn San Fran·
cisco the total would be.$615.
Area-wide college, h i g h
school and e1eme':ltary school
districts get 66 percent of the
But with Its modest tax,
Monte Sereno h a a ac.
cumulated cash reservts of
PIS,558 over 13 years -four
times its annual operating
Today the c:ity gets nearly
twice as much income from
interest on its savings u it
does from the property tax.
Street work is the city's blg-
ge~ e~se. but eve:i that is
profitable. 'lbat's because the
State of Calilornla distributes
most gasoline tax revenue to
cities and counties on a per
capita basls to support 1treet
But Monte Serene's
residents don't want
superhighwiys. One reason
they incorporated was that
they preferred llHO·lS-foot·
wide country lanes to the 40-
foot streets of neigbborbg
Narrow roads discourage
traffic from other com..
munities and help preserve the
rural atmosphere. That also
means a big surplus every
year. The current budget
shows $40,000 in gasoline and
auto registration tees from the
&tate and $27,000 in street pro-
Licenses, permits and utility
franchise fees are the other
major sources of income.
City expenses are about
$20,000 for salaries a.:ld re-
tainers, about $9,000 for police
protection purchased from the
Crosswor d P uzzle
AC ROZ .. 45 lllaJM
l Otflnable
fi sh lag
area of land C ollOtll
' Notwegiafl 49 llild oath .... 50 High-warp ~· '"' -taptstly 4Belllan 51 Bes•tar ......... 53 fltastd ... ., 57 Dtwokl ol 115 Trade.Mt::: .......
In-5, ....... y:
a··~ Z words 7 A Post M Being: a.a Rttall Latin establlst.M '1 Vital
211 Prodaced statlsUcs
21 GtllS\oM u ..
2Z -ftma '2 c;~" U ~cnts: Ind.
kilonlal '3 lnll of
!55--It IO Obtaill fll• """"" ..... -... of OSG* t 9 Facial ....... ...... n 1cmta11 00'11 .,.,.
12 Plaet whm: lPr-
candles ate 2 E1t1opca• ....
17 Pt•
3 GrHdy
!8 Fifes high 4 Obs«vt a
'' TftMlb.._ holiday ...... 5 Stni•
!":.''" ·--_, •I ·~: ....... Z words
toree: 7 Tltlt •-ds I Slckneoss
42 Chmleal 9 l •Mler's
c~pownd COMtttl
41 Bridge ios-1r featart what s o .... rtqe1ired
S....,.s PW?zlt Sofwd:
D F .. 111 k 35 Trani i.
...,. Sla9fS a •chic~
U-llMM. ''River to ..
Ind. •«tlli Set
13 Enaot .... 31 Tcw.ik to caart -fa<• 41 Dh-• MdbH .....
11 Resist C2 Boat ·-· ...... .., n Moose-, 44 Talk
SastaktK• loc.....ilr
24 u.tt of 45 klfut• 11 •
kongtlli .mlilla
25 L~s: 4' Un t••lr slant shaped 26 "l onseMef" 47 Retw• fllloa t7 l<Nntaia= dtath to We COfl'lb. for• 48 Jury list
28 StatlOMl'S 49 Powdery
•nit 51 Obllplie111
Z9 Alluring 52 lhert
tfait Bott1a '5
30 Llkt nans 54 Pilate's qlltSI.
3Z FM•I SSFnlftille
33 Site ,. ...
of ArM!t. 56·Hlgb-
R tvO ltltfoa 51 Spanish
baU1t , article
34 G.B. Shaw s 59 Zoo llomtland an lntal
• Short of timer Give this
Omega 11.u:klmatlc Sea.
m...., In ,.now &d<I $90.
or an Accutron. $45. aJ-
w&ys pltnt)' o( time.
e You need that babbling
brook atmosphere in your
yard. , .here is a watt r
tounWn, Jet your creative.
ness flow.
• Not -fl/ to kt lhe
tan fade in tht winter •••
peop tt up for Soaks with a
sun lamp for $30 .•• Palm
~ aubltitutc.
oG'===~· D
c 9
Down Payment
Can make you a partner
• 1na
~~~~~~~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~~--o;:;;;;;;:;;;=~~=9 -~~--
Proposed Limited Partnership To Purchase 373 Acres
Adjacent to Thousand Oaks in Burgeoning Vent ura Cowzty.
announces the opportunity to join a limited partnership
now being formed to purchase 373 acres located
overcrowd ed San Fernando yalley.
just tw9 miles from Thousand Oaks on a major new
freeway interchange.
Driving time to downtown Los Angeles is approx imately
45 minutes and just IS from the San Fernando Valley.
or extreme interest is the fact that the property is priced
below current market value and is presently zoned (or
agriculture. The County Master Plan for the planning
area, however, indicates multiple-'and single-family use.
The property is·unusual in that it bas 31824-foot frontage
on a major highway and lies close to a development
and one of the most active "~pillover" areas from the
The apprceiation potential is superb in this locale, one of
the fastest-growing areas in the United States today.
This income-shelter inve5tment opportunity comes at a
time when taxes will soon claim investors' money which
has been left idle at year's end.
Pre-Builder Land Management Corporation, an affiliate
o[ Pre-Builder Land Corporation, is acting as general
partner for the proposed partnersh ip. Pre-Builder Land
Corporation is an intemational land-research and
·investment advisory and consulting organization.
The offering will consist of 400 Limited Partnership
Units at Sl,100 per unit, with the minimum purchase
four units.
NOVEMBER 25, 1969
7:30 P.M.
9m Wiishire BouW..rd
Beverly Hills, California 90212
(213) 278· 1866
Tblt o«erlft& is made only by tho authorlted invutment clrcul1r. copies of •hieb may bl obtalatd from
P,...Buitde.r Land ·Corporation. This 0Cfcrin1 ia restricted to bona·fldt c.urornia rcal dents.
lnvcston must bo able lo mttl lhc qualifications as dtfilltd by the California Department of Corporations.
' '
e n ce p ~ a i o 4i'.•pb, whlcli
records them on l char:t. TbiS
is a complicated gj'ocedure,
'and normally can be fpllowed
only for short perlodS.' ·
Bickford has invented I
small analog computet for
measuring brain waves'which.
he said , simplifies the pro-
cedure. Linked to the patient
Professor Believes
Life Exists in Space
"I do nol believe in flying
saucers, but 1 definitely do
believe there are people in
space. However, I don't· think
they're silly t'.1ougt\ to try and
contact us bys a ucer·a , ''
Stanley Klein, assistant pro-
fessor of physics at Claremont
Men's, Pitzer and Scripps
Colleges, told members of the
Scripps Parents C o u n c i I
recently. .
Klein enumerated t be
reasons for his belief in life on
other planets. He said scien-
tists haVe found planets quite
commro; the nearest star, one
light yur away, was found to
wiggle by astronomers.
"They concluded the star
lviggled because or a planet's
affect on it. Just six months
ago, the a6tronomers found
the star's wiggle was ir·
regular, and they now feel
there are two planets acting
on it," he said.
"We should discover a great
deal about the origin of our
solar system when scientists
finish analyilng the samples of
soil aid rock from our moon
cxploraUons," he said.
"Bio-chemists now can
create organic molecules and
are very close to creating li fe.
Which poses the question, how
Jong does it take to create life
through random forces? This
is something we should learn
more about when we visit
Mars. If we find some form of
life dillerent from our own
that would imply that life
elsewhere would be quite lik~
ly," he continued.
Klein said space may be the
ultimate hope for mank.t1d.
Bike Test
Helps Spot
Weak Hearts
An endurance test perform·
ed on a stationary bicycle is
helping to diagnose congenital
heart defects and to evaluate
response to c orr ective
Dr. Stanley J, Goldberg of
UCLA's Marion Davies
Chil dren 's Clinic has
developed a test w h i c 'h
measures the amount or work
that a patient is capable of
performt.:ig prlor t o ex·
The instrument used in the
test is known as a bicycle
ergometer. The resistance of
the pedallq device can be set
to establish various·workloads.
\Vorkloads are calibrated from
mathematical formulas in-
volving slze, sex, and age of
the patient.
After a one-minute "warm·
up'' period to become ac-
quainted with the stationary
de, pa~enls pedal two ..... ..-... too . .. .. ·-...-m ' Jllllol!llC 'lflHlllllf. I potlentl .... conrtutly
monitored by a pbyslclan who observu their telemetered
Asking "ls there going to be
a future for the human race
and its technological society in
1000 years?''he Pointed out the
numerous pitlalls to prevent
our survival -nuclear and
chemical wars, overpopula-
tion, instability of technology
and pl~asure drugs.
"Perhaps a drug .v.·i\l . be
developei:! 'ta mak'e everyone
super happy," he said. "'It's
possible that this has hap-
pened on other plimets and the
inhabitants are so · content to
sit at home with th &l r
whatever that they have no
desire to contact us."
KJein said he felt space
travel would soon b e
economically feasible and in
the not too distant future
a t o m • powered spaceships
holding 1000 passengers could
venture out into the wlmown .
"We could colonize the
celestial bodies and thu! in·
sure immortality. We could
have our pollution producing
firms based in outtr space and
put wastes there to save our
own earth. We could use space •
colonies as new frontiers for
the pioneering individuals who
can no longer fi'.1d new lands
here. It would be ideal to
develop model cities and
societies, for our own are too
big and set to really change.
Those who live 9!' olhF
planets will naturally evolve
according to the new en·
vironment; they may dfvelop
lar1er brains because Qi.ey
won't need as much skull for
Klei'.1 concluded that space
was opening new paths for the
human race and its survi'val.
is COMING to
Nov. 28th
Fteturlng Superb
4-6 P.M.
Wffkd1y1 Only
-ilao· f1mous -
Choice Steak5--
We will be 0 PE N tor
\Veekday Luncheon
t l a.m. starin g
h1onday, Dec. 1st.
WINU • 1111 • (00Clf.1:1f~Nql
·42l l 1llf 5T.-,
::,:: . --
$]" Value.
'name I
.l .. 1ters
' , -\'-4 ~~~.t:::;"'~ $)44 clraa enamc:I. G~t I
fot lb. holidl1 bird!
Hold. 7 IO 9 Pound Fa.L
II ft ti U . Op.. ........... ttc
, •1 4• to •1" ·,
~; .Aluminum
Jtlki.~g Pa'91 -. .
MOl'ldaJ, Ncmmbtr 24, 1969
694 ea. Melmac
2:9f. . .
j) ... • Gift .... ..
DAI\)' ~It.QT, J if
·Ea•Y Off
Oven Cl . r ..... , ...... ' . '
6 Pc. Set of
Steak Knives
in Wood Block
$3" Enamel
Te!I Kettle
79' Value!
1 O ,b. Ro11ter
•749 Rote Jroll '0tart
Ceoker Pryer icit~hen let• I htergent .. 1t11e •aa d •
edf;e bl1drj. .... , ...... $3''
Hoitdwood ban~· u.. r.tt.inlge ch,. Hilathoaltfr Jift .......
Pop11lar J ci111n:
Ji.Ir. Hea..., 11eel. Choi~ of yeU11•
or Oflllfl:'. Mad<;
1a srU fa1 mlKll
~rr:»,~t! 49c poub!e Df tttllo
1blr. Na mw1
• ll>UIH la clNll !
$ 68
Hut1 e'tftllr. · ,
-'211 12 Quart
Enamel Pots
DISCOUNY $111 Plllll
Bd:ft!.on enwrl ti11-
i1h.. Glwnin,11 •·hi1r
.-iih black trim. Ptr· · fttt for com ar JJ>I· 1htri,
Polarofd · 108Co or Film
'3" Cory Gltiu
·e;~ Coffee Maker
"'"' fM '"' ~1Qt11tr Mt1atlft
llM: • W•ltt rr1111 k
koclacolor film
o .. olo~ed & Printed $2tr
11 '-" .. I~ MM r:-"' .. ............. , " .. "" 111 ....
... ,. ..... "'Mllti ... •" ":·:· ... ====
J, w. Do11t'1
014 Styfe Whl1lcty
Flftti O.llH
' .
....... , .i ..
hrcol1tor bfC"l'J J1"t coff~. Guum~ •11iD1t bruiiol"
urnltt norm1I ""'"
12 to 2 Cvp
Empire Porty Pt
DllCOUNt $.if •llflD
.,77 ~1:~ •3~· 1 .. !?' .
Slices and dim 11 f1Jt
u 1n tli:ctri~ m.ichint!
Pro1h><es !lO taauta
1lircs, 700 fn:ndl frin
in I miol>le.
,_Miii! lltmtc
NIRll Mia"
"-ill1tllUNt ••• 7.
PllCIO "
l '.L. approved. Thu111b lip ~
cAnU"GL Suitt rlr<tar. Luse full·
miir beo.tm. Built·in mlxi111 ch;11t.
I Push lutton
Warl119 ll1t11Hr
PllCID •21··
I ~h butt0n 'f>ttds. ' Np al• j1r. Cord llon.,tr. Ha~1 ·4uty
.ll:IOfOf. Cook book lndudfd,
, ...... _
Ttlltlo Whles ........ SJH
' t
• '
. , ••;'\'.".~.._ ..,._. '' • 'I .,.,~~ .•-" _,_.,.., ________ ...... -~ .... --... ,.--;~. -,,. , .
' r
• 0
•. : ... , ...
.. I STAl i ftCIAU .. WA . ' -~·.:. ~ \ . .U.VINOS -· POSSllU IY
l srKt• fti acMsl t'f;OM THI j
' ,~fACTUla'I ..,_ tiiAS9 ON . . ' . ' ·.'J JO'Y~·'·•_'f• ."\-.
OAILY: 10 A.M. ,_ t :bo P.M.
, SA1. & SUN.101('!0A.M:--!e 1100.P.M.
Electric KNIFE
1.79 122
.. :
, ..
' '
, ,,
' .. '
:-. M'""•I'. NMmi..;'24, 1'6• N ")f •P)):OT·AOVUTJSE•
' 4
• • r
'CAl.NID ,QAMS LS.~N ·,1· ....... -,1 ·,· ,, .
" '89 ' '.
~:~~:::~L ... L~'-rv· ' .. fl . US~A Ci-!oi,q, q R FAD "TEN?ERf UL" • BO~ELESS ROAST·~ ' ~,~u~ BEEF 49·• s· ··HOUL' 'DER · ' ". ' .,.,, .c· · ;· i~~ii•i;d ~<Jl r. · CLO" 1D. · 'o".nN· 8 . . \ · ~· ... • .~ J TENDER I .~ "lo)J-~ {:H~,l:C& Oil_ FAD '.. • : ' I .. ' . .....
I "Tindtrlul;: °"'" Ttt1d•r 79* ... USDA CHOl~f. qR FAD ';TENDERF\:llf' e FULL CUT· 1 :,' u . aulP·noAsr . •• iU " . . . ,
i ) ''• '" •••TUl~<tJALtTV . ~ I.; : RO' ' ND :c F,..1)1 • Whol1 °" Hall .,,, . •
·.-...,, PORJ_LEG ·,;J··'" .•. ,ll!AU ·· .. ·.· .·',·.
F,;,l'IMl:l'I JOHN ~-
SKINLl!SS]e.t .oz. PKG. 33¢ .j_ I r': . \ '· Liii SAUSAGE. .'F"iP . FIRST1 ~UAllTY. lEAN & MEATY •·l·LB, PACKAGE .:SUl-D ·
. lb.
BJlJQN .a ·
·T-80NEor ' USDA CHOICE Of!; FAD. ciiuci"sniic~"T 49r. c-.ua USDA CHOICE 01' FAD iloiiiii"ii0Air0
' T HE 1~~
' •
\ ~· lb •
. \ . \. . .
REG .. & BUl TERM ll K 1·3 BROWI ,& SAVI • ' • c , , 6c . _ •
QUART • SAVE 12c ::: ~~~,, 4 7 c
HEINZ• 24-0UNCE JAR• SAVE 10. , :
SVIEET ·49: c
BOB'S . a.oz. BOTTlE . BLE4 CH~~sE
•·fll . 53c '""' . .
" . '
I ..
" •
·-------·--. --~ --.
3' . .
• . '
,, ~ •• 1, . -~ •. , . ... < ...
. ,
' .
... • • Ji
t. .. ·$\_ ·') 1~ c·· . .t
-;1 ' I !tJ .. ,-'11 . · .. t''t ,/: • . (\ ·, . .! ...
:i •• ·' ' /. 't
~· . •'' .";,., . :· ' f • .' t5eemSasifhru'~ :~ .i.,~ ...:·~'°.JJ1;1'·'· . . • . . m,e"*l'g •.l.""""1
ing on almost al theliJPF tliJ~~¥Th . .
ut when the holidays ~"w~.idl:: .·
~111 to revert to tradition. And why ·
-it's part; of the spirit of the sea-
• H~~.~entheiiXisthallowW
Jral:li'1tions lerui't46JI!selV'es genero~y, '
0 a new idel!.'~r. treabnent that· idc!s .
parj<le .and interest to our favorites .
. . .~ .. .. . . . ·~ . ' . ... . . .. -
~.. '
l ~ . .,. ~··~1",),;" pol.de~.c~~ned d~:hes ffcfull: ' '. ' !
aliforrua ·lit~ fa.sf! • g a ti:adi-'•
·on when served With'meatorpoultry.
~w sn,c~i~~$~D combined ..
l " •
. • -..... ~
• • i • .. •
' ••••·~~~ee1'9'i1li ... eeteei'•••••ffttte~e!~~·.··~······~~··•~ffetfftetttllM~M;,• tlt~9~fft;ltl..,
Ifl€it~~t liiiifrave. . ...
r:i· ~~.,-., ~~-rr· '" hetraditiZi.itp~gpuddingjust /'
ks that way. ActuaJly, while it fs
ame<l lll! mos~h11Ji#~y puddings are. .... ; .. '· .
,1 : ! '
~-,: ~~~--0 .• G WHOLE· tU,fl:E~ . " } .~-' I ~w.~· ' :" ' ~.. ' ' --?;1 I ' .... • ' ,• '; ic ' . . . . .. ,. . . ... , • 11~' ,. "···.. • fl. ~fril:J.~_:i ,, , . ) . • . ",, ·.·;.-,...,.? ... ii z u -"' -r ~ll..t1 ;lOfO~ -.,.., ~ . . . .... . j .....
,. ' ' '
'. . . 16~0'-0JIClfl'IM ; I' '.: ~/4f0~2'lioln,. ' .. ' 3'$''
i",-'1 , I µ~ ,,. ".ApJiim.u••• ,, •:I»"
" · Indiridual~erkm cJll&.far,tm~t«te41a&llllll·~flllt•,"'do1'1!hmlllllt.·Fclrihlla · •·~""·llldh)s:llDl:·m:1nmt,.--i;........._...t.. l/i Jionf Janipl.· . · ,
. teacl ~t a heavy., rlcl:i dessert our
pecial ri;qliday-Pdddftig tuins out tb , . '":
light ~'~.onlyJ.i,Phness is in tlle'' ·• ·
'i'• •. ~· ,,.., .. " 1'· . . ..~' # ' , • • ~ ' .>:.. • • •• • • .. 'I; f' • • • . • . ,~· ................. ..,~···l·~·····'~····'···· .... ········"·········--.1 ···········~ ........ ~ ........ . . ! . '
ddition of hardsauce i£ you care to
lerve it. Lusc\ous, moist California
rune s' are tlie ~nderingredient.~
. new pitted -prunes maybe·used
You choose..:Tiist prepare according
· paclcaged directions, using the cran-
julce for liquid.
veryon~·.wilj.;;askfor ~eeonds.~f the
lfwcieit Pol'litp' ~op. Such a delicious
;fay to ~rve Yanis or swciit potatoes.
The mushroom crowns add a delight-il textu:e tr~at.
J.t!ade alfol!d ,fruit salad molds give a
l!'ght and refreshing touch to the menu.
, .
. ,.
. ' ••
Cranberty temOh Frltlt Mbld ·
I l~·crVmha . l •---'-' ,, ,,.,.,,,,,_, • i . \ CllJ"otliW#iilglll',._. !? '",' •,. V· '.~. ' "\ • ' egg , . , .
,1 '
• I ,II ' '·
~ . \.. l am (1 lb,1.4-0z.):fnilt·
~'" ... ·"
l enoe1o)le "'*' gelatin
I/8·1«apam• aalt ,
,z CUfJ fjfnger•ala "•I
.. -· " l -Btilt.. .. .. ' inllk . "" .. ... . . ·.~.r-:.--":"t• •;! ••. ·~ ' • ,., ' ·"·~, .. ' i·,···· li~ tea8pooll ~ lmirM rillll
3 .tab~ lemon iulcJI
G'~ .tenm'Ulgor
CtllpSalatl GruM .. ·"; .... · ''J..1 ·1•.:;,.:.t.-.......id11J ,•.~ ·' :·: ... «,. :iWJt · ,,,,Ji1....,,1Je~ '~M. ""'!"' ........ • " • 'l ' ' " i!lllfJ?"tltll#' ... · · ·-· -:z:.r~~ .. , ., . , . · 8li6rlim//lg· -.r<1 • .. ·~. ' .. qi/# -,_:':''\P''lf$"'~." ~' "·' 'il·,....,.:rl;..:1~:· "-'"-Lamm Layer ,• ,'I • /~ .·· : , -.•· • ,:_ ... ~f' , , ·~.,,...,-y ~ , • \ '-'&~}'
. ' . . ' . ~ ' • i
'' ~. •• ,•.-• • \ .. • ... , • . ; " ? • ..... t-. ..,, • . .... . . ... ., ' ~ ·: . .... Com~prunes andcrmbenyjuke~ ~~.lilid ~.,. l can (1 lb.) fe71ieil Cfan.berrg 8/4 cqp fDIIter , .
10 m101Jte!, CoQL Halve ~,)'lt prµnes, dice ewiiiiili ;to.~·l cup; lllllli:e ' · · ·I/"' t•,,.,,,,,,n.-•··'1 .·.,.,. .,;-1
Saveien\ai!ljng ~j(,!' .. rnisb.Sift~wo·.a:~boWI • . , "' •-r.·--.,-=•4e111w .... na wllb,efa!t.1sil\!~·Jm;,;...~· '*ff=bs . brmliii~gar.lleat " l enoel<lpeplaingelat1tl '" 3.tablMpooMl~{ulce
egg,'i with nfilJq sHr:<1b\b" if! " alongiiV! . ·. ' . gt diced ·.' · · . ·
prunes :ind alm?hds. Pour atterfnl:o w:•ll·* .. ' Ji .~/'f.: ~ ~i!llddiiJlt,'· ·Drain fruit cocktail reservin" l cup syrup. Soften gelatin.iii l'/3 ,..,.. mold-(if mold 1s not covered.use alummom· ~·'.Pl~· a.~ or I~"'" ! " .. . '· . . . -..-h<it' W,.ier'fi!M;:~ tije"Ji~" mqld; Bake ' lu ~ (hot) '. '!yrup, 'lL;,at remainmg S)'JUP to boUmg. Dissolve gelatm m ~of~p • .oven ].:haiir ot~acie on raCJi'fu,~ :filled With · · ~ ID mJf A1l'd. I~ rind. ~ml,fui<;e and ~I;. C\)1/1. 4dif; gjnger ale and ·!ilifil witil
i ' ,
f lorful fruit cocktail adds the high-
ht here. ··
\. ..
! ~ ' . ,.
the height of mold, ~ver and steam l hour0Serve. ' " ·'li{lt1a bird . mirtm:e:thic~ slid-mounds on a spoon. Fold' In drained,frWf;.Tum
'· ~Makes 8 seajligs. . . . . ;:/~~-t-i) · · fDl:o 8 (t~z.) !ndividualmo~ lllliug each 3/4 £n!L Cblllui1t4finn •.
. ':' "'{: 1; f '.t ,'; : · .r.f.'iif\.~; ;·:· Tutn <;tailberry'LE:inon lay~ Into molcls 011 top of fruit'layerJChill . d then there's the bird.·Tn.ditional,
s. But with the convenie!Jal of pack-
ed stuffiJlg, 'llnd the iadditlon of
opped prunes and grated o~ange
r nd, here again you have something
s ecial. " · · _, .
aybe the most speci,al thing about
t e wholg ,Jn9flU is the fact that eveiy-
ing included can be pnt together
e ther ah'eacf l:>f time, with l:onvenlence
f ods o~ )Yith !he minimum of last min-
e elfor.t.. So that one of the most
• i " l. • cial things of all can be a relaxed,
urried hostess at the holiday er!" -.... · · · · · · · ··
. .. " ,
' ' •
" ' :~1. .. , ' · '. · ~.I ~ ," "-n> ' Id -'""' · -'·"""" ,,_ k ; • '.. ,. _,_ 1,,: •. .uuu. u~ OD ¥w.r ~ilUK.l,~eeDI .""' ~P· ,., .
' . ' . .. ,; ·~~ .. '
PrQnei ~r'13~~~essitl ~~
2 hl1i,•(61/Z.Oz.)'CiimB;e'IJ 1{4 cup~epeel
\ Stuffing Mu · · · · z s·~ . , · , Cllp W:.;•er
.1 ~up:dioppf!fl~f1{~f · i: i, · ;1 cu,. :r · · brotl• . " . "'"(
Combine tUessing mix~~· mng& neef.J:t;gbot!er. Stir.Jn
water _gradually, BLmd:llgl!f'y. Mareseniia&\ ck , • for 11.to•lS
lb.tm&y. -"':' ( .. ~,·-. . .,-.:' . ·-~: ,,
:It' ·I .~\ ·~ l1.;
'hi" '
' I I
.,,,-----~----fl ~·· I .. ' .~. \.,. ,. .... , ~;'..:':.: ....
. •. II DAil y PILOT . f
Indignant Son ·L.eads Protest Movement Into Dad's · Bedroo·m
, ..
. • ...
. .
.. ..
.. . .
~ . . • . . .
< . ' -~ . ,
, , .
• . . ,
• '
• . . .
t. ..
' .
BIG IMPRESSION ...:., Dinner guests ·ar e sure to be impressed if the:t are served
Poacb~d Salmon with Chantilly Sauce, as demonstrated by Mrs .. P.at" Mogan
and Miss Eileen Goyne during the final iession of the Otange Coast Coll ege
Cooking School. Miss Susanna McClarty of Westminster, OCC student, Serves
OCC professor· Richard Reynolds.
Libra : Be Available
li1 1iYDNEY O~R
_ ,,, pU!q W..1 ·
ott lbt market.place. Gtmlni
l.Ddlvidull1 are mott likely to
11ec:eed ia tldl area toclay.
ARIES (March 21·Aprll 191:
Take initiative. Utilize innate
sense or origtlality. 1'1any will
make numerous re q u es l s .
Don't panic. Tall:e one thing at
a Ume. And do things your
WI)'. Put )'OU' foot down.
TAURUS (April ZO.May 201:
Money factor continues to be
important. But you are able to
put finishing touches on pro-
ject which enhances prestige.
Now you will be t.1 a bclter
tape. Key for today ls pro-
gress. There Is 'room at tbc·
top. 1itake your way. You ai-e
given favorable ":loticc. Oe,l
with matters which advance
LIBRA (Sepl. 23-0cl. 22):
Creative desi res come to fore.
You can create favorable
c~JURes. Accent on what yoo
write, say and distribute. P~
pie want to communicate with
you . Be open and 1vallable.
SCORPIO (Ocl: 23-Nov .. 21~:
~foney' fo r household items
can be obtained. But yoor ap-
proach should be m1lure and
di plomatic. You get very little
if you attempt to force your
views. Explain in reasonable
ma•,1ner .
• . po.sllion to get backinf.
GEMINI (May 21.June 20): c:onunue 1o take init11Uve. But
liaten to sugp81ioal ..,..
cemiq mode of drea, prtsen·
SAGITfAfUUS !Nov. 22·
Dec. 21 ): See persons, sit ua-
tions as they actually exist.
Roalhe thal today your role
should bl lhat of ob.!erver.
Absorb knowledge. 0 e t e c t
1R1bUe nuances . Play Yl'<lni:
.. lltlon. Hll!hlllbt pel'IGllallly.
Show that You boW when you
want to go -and-why.· '
CANCER (June 21.July 22):
Your t.ltWtlon appears to work
overUme:. You seem able to-
dly to tense why people act
tbe way thtY do. Thi• cen be a
b•11ndoot advantago. Uoe "·
CAPRIC.ORN (Dee. 22.Jan. I
LliO (Jul)' 23-Aug. 22): Ac·
ctllt eonU.-Of1 Im. you llAL ADISCMR
relalt to frltnds, Knciw that H• A •ING AIDS mlsUll -.U with plea1ure """'
l""'•" m1y not be wise. There '''""" ,._. ""'""k'''"' ~ HO \"L~~ll'I
trt cltlllls which you lond lo 3409 E. COAST HWY.
OY<rlook. Find oul the why or CORONA DEL MAR
C\."COls. ht A,,.lflf-..t
VIRGO <Aug. 23-SepJ. 22): 675-3933 You con bruk ll1rou&b red ... _______ _
. '
WAlCHERS. • r· Some f1!kil'IQI, 1omt lis tening ind
• proaram thtt works. '"'
Fm llOC!Mf-CAU Pl·llOl
• ·~
. ..
H·tnts·,, ·tp .
• . -. ,_.
Road Acci 2teris
NEW YORK (UPI) -To AAA clubs In vario .. 'l,.reu
·'"" a lilo ar "*" an btjury, lhroupoujrllle ~~r cllp thll Item E1CI pul II wilh 'the com olopn • a
your 'party plaoning things. l'riend . ~o a t. At holiday tline and every , Of cwne, the -• bos.t
other party time you are, of Includes the ~ · r atr,
""""'• Interested In making wh ... llfiid 'Is ii ~~. Uy certain It endl safely for thOH ove~ and guldea &UC·
who come by car. 'I't1at's what cessful ~y? '
this ls aU al\'!UI. And, wilo, excep!~ I• It began four years ago smart lnuugh to -ff age
w.b e n t b e A m er i c 1 a moderaUon wilhoot a
AutomoblleAisoclatlon'1 part.)'1MJOPer' . ~
Fou!Jdallon for Trame: Safely · The AAA key JO lh1 aar ..
asked the S.lely Research.. home party ~ food; pieltly ol
Projed 1t Teacher& College, tt,_ temptingly cUsptamt and
• Columbia Unlv....Uy, to find a ge-ly. oerved f!O!$ lhe
way to reduce after-party very begirr.1ing or ~~party •
drivt.1g accidents cau.se4 . by Don'.t 'put out only drlialJ first
immoderate 1unpling of·· the and -food later. • ~..-.i
cup that cheer&. . Stt up your buffet.. plan a
Convinced that hosts tradl· pretty table and make It con-
tionally tend to pttSI drinks venient to all. Remember you:
on . guests, the professors ifL aim is to get lots ol &ood bear-
out to prove to party.givers ·1y food that mocfer1tei.
lhat true concern for guests Here are more ideas for the
should hlle oul thoughtless party geared lo the ex·
hoe:pilality in d ls pens i q g pressway •ie: _
alcoholic beverages. -After serving ijte fi rst
Since Ill Inception, the pro-drink, let the guests dtlfrmine
gram has been promoted by when they want a refiJI. Don't
foi'ce additional driliks, nor
Brea.k Up
spend the evenlni: "fr:eshenini
up" the drinllS in guesta'
· -Have a good sel~ion fi
nonalcoholic beverage s
-Bring on coffee, ~d plen-
ty of it, at least an '~our or.
more before your gu~ts wiU
be 1eavbg. Coffee . ii not a
cUre for over-indulgence, but
when drinklt11 coffee; guest.I
are not taking On more alcohol. ·
-· If somehow," one of the
guest! docs get uncfer the
weatbtr, yoy should see that
he Is "driven home by 1· nonim-
blber. Ji ~ good plai\i,ing to
make arrangements f6f. such a
car·pool t1 advance. :-:
Or -there's-al~s the
!ocal ~xi compJJ1y. TJie cost
is modest compared \fUh even
a dente9 fender, \0 1ay
nothing of a more sert9us ac-cident. -.
league Arfisl
Exh ibits Work
. -· . OF YOUR success:
~he·lmPoriont'ato-for the'l~t years. ·
, 'eome .iect one ol our 8liplrtily ~
. cut m~ecea styled into en ·ollg1nt ring. 'f
· She'll Cheriah its meaning forewr,
Priced from $1000.
J,.,,,1,,. Sl11c• lt17
o,_. MHHy, frltfey •llffl t 1JI ''"''
.. "'I .1~
. ·"l' \a
. -
. '
•• 'h ~
ti • . :s
.. atricia .Ann Whittington
~·'.i'Now Mrs. Stephen Walsh
MRS. STEPHEN C. WALSH o.._ Wadding
:Krewe Raises Toast
Gold candlos and bakoets of
autumn now.... decorated the
Valley Community
J>rosbyertan C h a r c h ol
P<nland, Ore., for t he
marriage of Palrlcla Ann
WhtttJngton and Stephen
Ow:les Wabib. 11le Rev.
-Davis olDciat..i.
The bride, daughter ol tile
Leslie W. Whittinglonl of
Newport Beach, wore a
metallic brocade gown reatur.
Ing a high neckline and short
sleeves trimmed tn mink. A
Juliette cap held her shoulder
length veil.
Bridal attendants, dressed in
gold velvet · and carrying
autumn bouquets, w e r e
matron ol honor Mrs. Rlcbard
Snyders and bridesmal<ls Mn.
Gregcry Harold, Mn. John
Taylor and Miss MarlaMe
'lbe: bridegroom's nieces, the
Mboes Elizabeth Ind Manha
Fergison, served as junior
bridesmaids. ·
The bridegroom, tiOn of Mr.
and Mrs. MJcheel J. Walsh or
Portland, choee Greg0<y Reed
as best man. Robert Whit·
tingtoo, the bride's brother,
John Snyder. and Robert
Judson ushered guests.
A reception for ISO guests
followed in the Por tland
Garden Club.
The new Mrs. Walsh was graduat..i from Areadi.a Hlgh
School and the University o!
Crept where she was af •
!lllaled with Pl Bets Phi. Her
lwsband I! a graduate of Jel·
ferson High School and the U
or o and wu: a member of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Following a wedding trip up
the Or'egon roast, the couple
wll make their home in
New po rt Ritts
Vows Recited
MondlJ, ......... 2'4, 1969
, 'Weddings, Troths
Pilot's Deadlines
To .. avoid cllsappo1ntment, prospect! ..
brides are reminded to have their wedding
1f<>rles wttb black and whita lloslY pboto-
graphl to ,the DAILY PILOT Society Depart-
ment prior to or within one week altar Ibo
wedding. For engafement annouacementl tt ls
suggested tha the story, also oecompanled
by a black and whtta glossy picture, be
1ubmttted early. U tbe betrolbal announce-
ment and weodi.ng date are six weeks or le11
apart, only the wedding photo will be ac-
To help fill requlrementa on both wed-
ding and engage'ment stories, forms are avail·
able in all of the DAILY PILOT olfices.
Further questions will be answered by Social
Notes staff members al ."'2-4'21 or ~--
Viejo Club
To Banquet
A banquet, instead of their
regular monthly meeting, will
be enjoyed by ll.1ssloo. Viejo
Women's Club members and
guests Tuesday, Dec. t, in the
Towers restaurant, Laguna
'lbe &Oda! hour will becin at
7 p.m., and dinner will be
11erved at I ·at the gathering
which will offer prlzes and
Music Hath
Youth Value
Musical therapy u 11 nlalel
I<> cblldren will be topic of a
speech delivered I<> the
Eutbluff Philharmonic
Associates o n Weilneeday,
Nov. 215, al 11 a.m.
R I c h a r d K111ftudatl. tn-
s1ructor at Estancia 11111>
School and lonuer muatcal
therapl!I at Fairview State
Hospital, will addrul the
wunan'a' commtttee ol the
Orange eoum, Phllbmnoolc
Society la tho J<im 1-
A candlelight service tn St. Lorentzen. was dressed 1n a entertainment by Mn. Jim
Andrew's Presb~ian Church white organdy gown over coral McBride, a vocalist with Loi
united Sara Jane Laraway, crepe. Altar boys were Paul Angeles Master Chorale, ac-companied by Mrs. D o D
llolta for a lnnelleon lolJaw.
Ing tho~ wJll be the
-Ill' R. Re!IJ. CaMn Sielle, Jolin Artus and David
Dull. daughter of the Ch a r I es Lorentzen and Mark Smith. FMsel.
Lanways of Balboa Island, Steve Knauer was best man JUservaUons may be ob--
and Robert Bruce Nealy, son for the benedict. Ushers were tained by calling Mrs. John
of the Byroo Nealys or Sedooa, Bill Leach. Dennis Hurwitz. Mittrlck, 837-5309, O< Mrs. Beach . Babes
Ariz. Randy Howatt and Larry Thomas -R. Murphy, 137-3047,
'lbe Newport B e a c h Broering. by Tuesday, Dec. z. Every w-., at T p.m.
cei enony was performed by A reception and dancing for In addiUon to re a: u la r memben d TOPS Beach
Ch the Rev. Cecil 0. Eanes. 200 guests followed the meetings. the"'"'"" are busy Babes con•-la Huntlngtoo
Mystick Krewe of Komus on a rity Ga me The bride wore a candlelight ceremony in the Balboa Bay with programs. Non. Donald -Hl&h School for II<"
:To Mardi Gras Days
DAJlY P'll.01' J9
Small Dishes
Maki ng Eating
Fu n fo r Tots
AltrlCllve, colarlUI, dllJd. atze-help I<> !Dike meals
Sliver alao lhauld be cblld-
atze and euy tom~
Dishes thlt' do DOI upoot flt
break ..,.... Ibo dllld and
1amJJ1 fnlm --
C.el"' .,,.1e ............ 111 _M_tln_
New'°" a-i.
., Mardi Gns &eason will be
launcbed In royal style by the Saturday, Dec. 6, as members peau de soie gown with a c 1 u b . The bride• s Martinez, sunshine chairman, crams.
pre;ent a Twelftb Night Ball Taxes Best bodice appliqued with lace and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. is keeping lnfonned on the IJ.l,=;.=======::.I(
called Dayg of Wine and set with seed pearls. An u.. Paul Moorhead oC Tustin, lnesses, births, . and deaths L YIYIAMI WOODAii 'd lusion veil with lace appllque assisted at the reception. amoog Deane homeownen In DINERS rlll'l 'N TDIYEL --:;:?;COSrM::m=cs=---' Kay Nelson
Pla ns to Wed
· Joel Wagher
. .Kay Teresa Nelson will
. · marry Joel Charles Wagber in
• j\pril. · · · News of the forthcoming
" • o!ym bu been announced by
'her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurlce F. NeJ.oo ol Hun-
tiiigton Beach. Miss Nelson Is
a senior at Marina High
' · · Her fiance. son ot Mn:.
George M. HeIT of Santa Ana,
is a Marina High School
graduate and attends Santa
~Junior College.
Rooes. Bri ge Buffs trim !ell from a pillbox cape. 'lbe bride was gradualed Mission Viejo and ub all ruaMI IM .:_'l;-;.,,..--...--
Invtations of gold and red Attendant:'!, gowned in long, from University of California, residents.in the area to notify •XTltA 1e11:v1cl! '" ~
151.amped with the official crest Bridge players from more coral brocade dresses and car· Santa Barbara, where she was her with any infonnailon at l!V!:ltY AS~!CT OI'
th 200 .. . h·~ I U'li ·~1903, ' TltAVll l'OR "LM-T will summon guests to an Clties in the United rymg wTJCane amp cand.Jes a 1 ated with Alpha Phi. She _,.. .. .,.
S '-and -·-·-•~ by al fl U · kl """-.,,...."' -'"'"' .,1 ___ ,_. A Cl.HTUltY. fmtivttHs tn the Yorba Linda ta~a Canada will com-DWiuw-=u car owers, CUlT'ltrl y 15 wor ng toward a .auc ... -r ,_,...,. QUll•i.eu
pete tn an annaal charity were maJd of honor, Miss teaching credent I a 1 at $50 to the Donald Bondi fund. ~ of~qu! bridge game 00 Frida•, Nov. Janet Parkhouse; matron of California Stale College 11t ' horllr, Mrs. Gary Sell, and Long Beach. The bridegroom p Pi c__ and royal court h1 reigning 28. bridesmaids, the Misses Pam b a graduate of ucr, where be enny lnt:Mr
fll•Wf'OltT llACM. CAUi'. ,..
queen Mrs. Michael Trujillo In Costa Meu, the Balboa Pinell, Toby Moston and Pally Is attendlng graduate school. Ads Tum Sense
and king Albert Federman. Voll! of American Contract Kauoen. The newlyweds will hooey· Into Do~... PHONE: 644 .... 600·
Elaborate table decorations Bridge League will 1et up1 _.:.F_:low::_:er'..._;gir~·'..'.1,:.....'.M'.'.'Jss~..'.Ka~ren~..'.m~oon~~in~Ari~·..,.~~· ___ _.!:========:d..k======·==~~~~~~~~~~ will be in gold and red sur~ tables In the Woman's C!ub1-
roonding a gliliedng cham-with a regiaration deadllne ol
pagne bucket I<> toast the 8 p.m.
royal courL Gourmet dinner All bridge players are In-
will be 5er'Ved at 9 p.m. vited to compete, playing lden-
A cocktail party at 7 p.m. tical hands, with master point
will p-ectde the ball in the awards given to overall win-
Brea residence oC Mr. and ners and runner&up locally, as
Mrs. Jack Pina. well as prize awards to
Hosts fer the evening are district and national wtum'a.
Mr. and Mrs. Thom as John Killian of Newport
Sullivan. TweUth Night eocorls Beach, director, will give eacb
are John Corrin, R o bert player a se.a:led f o recas t
Smith, LeRoy Flacy, Harry analysis of probable results of
Mako a Sharp
Tracie; Use
Dime-A-Lines .,':;:=========-.:.Phillips::':::!:' :and:::.:Louls::::':Lellrun.:=:.:::___~ea:cb::_::h::an::d_::ro~ll::;:"""':·:!g!.;p!:!!a:;Y'.:_·_.I
Sears EnJoT. the Iuary Of Soft Water :witli an
Alrtomatic Water Softener
Sean Au1omatic TUes tlie W ori Oa'f of Softening Water
·~:i~I T11Saftt.y I ~~= I T11 Wert1Al nn:--· ~s....
I ~ thinp doom! f!f without e:tt '
eliminates bath :\l
rlD!l' I
!Sears) ___ ...
.... --(lw; 2 7 .... -
So. Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St.
Phane 5'0-Sl33
'('lb l>lltll>mot
NEWPORT BEACH ......... flVULY ........ COYINAo .......... -·· ................ .
430 PACIFIC COAST HWY. 64J...Ua ••ACM. Jll....,.T llACM. lifOl:TN HCK.1.YWOOD, otnA•to. PAIADUA, .. •
(2 lloctt E11t of 1.11:>o. •·v Cl11~I ANA. IMTA IAlttAllA. IUNUNa, TAUAMA. WMmlll. .. _ -.. , •• ,.. .. MC ~
1141 w. '7" 111m ........ , SANTA ANA ...,. ... IUJHfYVAL.I. W.U.UT aan. 'lrOfd I ,tol&f
"-............................................................................................................... .;. ... ..ij;ono.1 ,l'(ab
• •
. • • • -.. .. • :·
! ,
Ga _mbling .. i11 Kitchen Pays Off fo r Wi nn ing A~tres's
Jlt'-llUNN th<pori<on~;,.."hlr• -berwlnnln1w.,.r --at ""Dini um. !or I plaa to llart· my Fnl!cb Sault onion In butler until
111E1J ~ '-,Wblle Ille Dy.. Cannon said, pulllnl paid off In spadtl when .... lion oa1J la ttpt tllo candles. c1-wbin I l'ltunl la Los tr>nsparent: o!t aside. Beat c~iel fl Om&rll: Park ba~ the llon'1 mane h&tr that elected to teat for the ro1e or · "In a.utblra Callfcwnia we Anpla." eggs .until light. Add cream,
£~ 1111 otralns ol a t'oocOded belOw hit -*"· Alice la "Bob 6 C.rol I< Ted 6 ..rterta1n mud! m.n ill our ll«ipea !or Dy111'• quiche: powdered ·"1d Dijon muotard,
tied band, . th e "Eieryt weeli. netda It be Alice" rttber lllaa ltke the homet than New Yorllen do. .., """1'· llttclly ..,.m1bo, · ..i~ nutmeg. .. hit. pepper (or
of dlldml at play, spool In lbla pr-•opot,''. . feminine Jud· la another Ulm U 1 livtd In New Yorlr. fd be tliOtly . Chinese la O~vor, cayenlle!, bacdn grwe ind o/ a awroachlng Dyan lllld, Oii an Indian ...,.._I "1mli· with• a five-year .,,... ciut every ni<t trylne the follow: • all but I tablesj>oons of
an b0r1tback and mer day sbe hid 11Iectec1 to be ttact. "J pm bled on the test mtauranta:. ft seems 1Jke 'DY AN CANNONll Pannell an di~. Mix w..111. ftll6l& aitJ of a nearby Interviewed al fresco rather becallle l · thtilibt Allee would there ue 90 many new .. QUICHE LOR.RAIHI rut remaltiing Pannesan
Good. Humor vendor -a prtl· lhan in her nearby, hotel aulte. be IO&~. and l'm de.lighted reataurants on every block, -.. 1 h '·'ed 1 •• 11 cheese on bottom ol partially '*' ........... blonde rated Dyan'.& ~lnlUncta l dkl," ahe said. with Jncredlbly px1 food." nc unUQ. pe iaue. baked crust toS> with onion. •~., tlopl O\'erlooking lbe. llave.,suided her in r carttt IJT'CHEN GAMI~ She doa not impose htr Cbop:iemlde, or use a half the bacon bits Gruyere
bolt beute. •nd ill the kitchen. "I'm very lo the a •·-..._ In ·lb~ v-etari111 •·-oo her '4¢e1'u<dpound. '-~b mix) (or SwlsS) ~-Pou r "Tbltplace brings bad at~ hof'leraeet. I In-, ..,..i-.~e "'Y· ~ ~ aoon rd ·"G-•-• "th evttably 10 !or the hotM wttb kltd>eol' Al>IOlute_ly, 1nythb',' guata." I mah· matvelous 1 Clllta over -~·-·"' mllDCl'itl of hot cheltnuts, the IO!Slelt tan." lbe Mid, and. everything j,I ID the pot, I Pa re r I b • . ,. Just take ~~= ~n ' rem~ b9c01J bits and a ni!P!~lel. ~y~ ... ~~ tl~ laughing she said. ·~ have been everything JOI.I ha•e In the kilo-1 teupoon bt:tler gra g of nutmeg. Bake in 375
-"6" hrdua: · time8 "'be.n people have tum-chen that's sUcty and atiee.y · degree F, oven until filling is _...c._;_..:.-~---~----.,.-.----~1wa1.Uke-aJftheBmovits and put it in the uuce,. 2eggs,plusoneeitrayolk golden artd pu!Jy (Or until a
y Breasts
' .
you've Rtn, shocked at. what whether H's muatard ~honey 2 t'Uf>8 light crmn knife iruerted in the center
they've bad to fat. But there or brown sugar or any'kJnd ot i.i teaspoon dry mustatd . comes out clean.) ·
have bffn other •tmes when barbet"Ue sauce." l .heaplrig teaspoon DI Jon Slice to serve, whether hot,
I've had great triumphs in the Jenni/er Grant (her lather is mustard at room temperalure or cold.
kitchen/' Dyan dec.lartd. actor Cary Grant) pre!era a " teaspoon gait serve a.s hor d'oeuvres or
"When J was married, I did diet JU..t. in m,eat cootent, her 'Ai teaspoon ground nutmeg luncheon-supper main dish.
kl N I h ... 1ii teaspoon white pepper (ol' "arves ••!or m·'n --·. more coo nc. ow, ave a mother said. "Jennifer will try cay~e) ~ -... ...,......,
.woman at home who cooU the anythlng, and she seems to in cup freJhly g r a t e. d
m:eaJs ucept when I want 10 ua.. spic" ~·-•• mo-lhan f ~ · • -k-• 1 k" UAe • uuu.,.. • ~ P#'mesan Can::ese . dev'ote a wee ontu o coo 1ng, do." It wu obvi""•• that ( I --I'll t t v-~2 pound grated Gruyere or wh'lch ·do. J1n::11 ge OU Dyan's favorlle conversation Swiss) cheese
all the gounnet cookbooks (by topic wu her 3'n-year~ld Une deep 9-inch pie plale Vincent Price a~ Dionne dau""ttr. Lucas, among others) and try 6" with the short pastry: prick
something "t'J':· More orten "Jennifer was IUPPoaed ~ several times, Partially bake.
than not. 1the food turns out come on this trip, buf plans in• preheated 400 degrees F.
quite well. My rhother's a fan· changed at the last Jl'\inute, oven 10 minute~ (or unlil shell
tasUc cook." Dyan was botn in Besid~, slle's now in nu.nery begins to brown.)
Tacoma and sr.ew up In Seat· school. and that's imPortant Cook bacon slowly until
11e the daugbtu of Ben and for she's being. taught crisp and brown; drain bacon
Clara Friesen. languages. She's evtn teaching on a absorbent paper; break
"My best effort Is a qui che me French. I'll be darned i( I . into bits. Strain baton grease
Lorraine With· peet crram woa't teep up with her. so I relainJng v, cup. Cool.
4 pounds spareribs, cut into
serving portions
2 scallions (white part only)
2 clove.!i garlic, pressed
-4 tablespoons chlli sauce
2 tablespoons to m a t o
3 table.spoorui soy sauce.
3 Lablespoons brown sugar
11; cup honey (or com
Syrup) .
and nutmeg which t really en·
joy making. I pour the bacon
grease right back in the
cuotatd alter lr)'illl Ibo bacon
all crisp ·.oo brmyn. And J'll
UM two O(' lnOC'e lJndl of
cl*'9I -: G'fU)'.'ef'e or Swiss
and ~ .frlably IJ'•ted Panneean ._.. I alWay•
look for the blue windmill at sel
throw ID -blil·m.d p1ec .. , too," she uJd .
Doe! lhO qtilc11e , come up
puffy like a-? . "Yee, and it·. aplodtt the
next dlf In JOU? ltomlch ! "
she gfa}ed, "UkJ all thole
diet pilll that ,.nd Uttle things popptnc and !lytni. I only eat a bit or two of the. quiche,
though, bec:auit l'm reallf not
a bacon eater." Dyan la flllt:D-
til.lly a vegetarian.
~i cup plnuPple (or Othtr
f'Weet«Klr lrutl) juict '
2 .,.upoons lemon juice (or
Vi"'Clr la taale)
Jill .._ freollly ground
black popper
th teupoon po wder•d
I h<1pln1 leupoon Dijon
'I• tt1spoon pordered glnwer, opUona!
Prei-re m.,.rtnade by
heatinl all the i~entl (ex-
cept the 1pareriba) In sauce
pan to bolling. Pour over
spareribs in fat deep glass
h~atproof baklng dl.sh. Cover
tightly, refrigerate. marinate
overnight, turning s e v er a I
Bake in preheated 3 2 5
degree F. oven, and bake
11pare.rlba: for about 2 houn (or
until tender). Run under
broiler lo brown and crisp. Do
not put ribs too close .to name
or they will bum. Serves 6.
A f terthoughll: Following
Dyan's cook.ing premises of
adding extra bits and 1nat·
ches, she auggesUI, "If you're
In a hurry, use a good bottled
barbecue sauce and improvise
by adding, at will, such
10odie1 as minced preserved
Cointreau), splca (from
ginger to mace). thin allcea of .
lemon or orange. -·
"I've never beert hun1 up on
the prot<ln tlilJic except when
l'm overtired. 'I11en I eat an
extra amount of eqa and
cheese. It'1 f~ but everyone automa thinks
vetttarlans ate Vf!l"1 eellhy.
t have a t re mendo ua
carbohydrate Intake and I
have a ttrtible awe.et tooth. t love starchtl and adote
candy and all the things that
are suppoe:ed to be cavity and
plmpte-m1king. 'Ibey normal.
ly don't seem lo bother me,"
sbe said. She was looking very
healthy in red. while and blue
pants, navy veal and white
• --·-······ H •••• • ···---
-·-Special Prices, Mon.-Sun., Nov. 24-30
•• "
I "•, .. " " ,.
I t
is an the dlffereni:e t.1 the
world in juiciness and ten-
derness, well worth the slight-
ly higher price I pay.
Now when you do mealy
turkey parts -such as
breasts and thigh!·-the tim-
ing ii enUrely dilferent. For
theae the Peultry and Egg Na-
tional Board recommends Lhe
wne JU temperature but ups
the time to ipproxtmately 45
mJnuteS" lift' pound or -lf you
are. using a me.Rt thermometer
-an i1terior temperature of
18S .to I~. lf the pieces are
already boned, they may take
1Uglltly longer. Be Vtr)' sure your oven
thermostat la not of( kilter.
You ' cin Jlretty well check
th~ turkey breasts ju!.1 by
looking at them as they rook. Doing two $-pound brea!il! at
once would make little if any,
difference. Just don't cr°""d
thenl t.oo clOH together.
DEA.ft. NAN: How do you
remove Ute brown skin on
BralJ -for that BruU Seu._ c:Ut? I don't llli;e
tMt bron .. my cake ... lttRS.
You can do the same thing
called for in blan chlnc
almonds. Pour boiling water
over the &helled nuts. let them
stand for five mlnutes. Then
drain and att if the skin
doean' come off. Bran null can be very
stubborn though, every which
way. their ikina ire more cJ.
clbllY than atmonda 10 )'OU mlifit have t.o take more
drastic mea~1. TrJ a few
this lint way Ont.
If that -··1 work then covtr them with cold water.
1low1Y brin1 to a boll ind strn.
mer for 1boUt thret mlnutu:.
Th1t should do It. N\11' trtated
this way· are easier to lilict,
loo. if you do it while lhey're
ltlll warm and moist.
Of cOurse, for the cake you
mention, the idea is to leave
them as whole ll.'i poslble. Ttu:.
"I love fresh vegetables and
big 5'lldl,. fresh fruils and
~ of cheese. We drov~
around MIDhaUan yesterday
and I found a at.ore that had
G ou rman dise {kirsch
flavored) and It w1s so good,"
she Aid, 11 thrilled as if she'd
won tn Oscar. Sile promptly
forgot the 111me of the chetse
.$op, 1aytn1, 11It'1 aomcwhere
nu\ to tht candy ltore where
I ""I a three-poulid box of
candyt" Her ·Vt(t't.arl111tsm began a!i
a child. "I just didn't like
mtlt and puahed lt away.
Even now, I nrtl)' eat mea t
or fish and when I do, il's
ahrimp or maybe 1 piece of
chicken once a year."
Entert.ainlnl emalt groups ol
111 or elcht people at dinner In
her home in Los Angeles ii
her favorite formula for a
pleasant eventn1. .
"l rent a lltUe houae With a
lltUe 'Plrk a block away, whicb
la wondtrlul for my dauihler.
It'a a perfect ~ae for en-
tertalntn1: It hll beamed cell-
lnp. plenty of dark wood and
1 flreplace. Outdoon lhere'11 a
pool and a patio area. It's
terit1'' art on a par with mint
-I'm the ortlinl! Aboant-
mlnded Annie -I'U npeol
my "'f?•al hint. Brull mrta
are a lot eaaler to abeD if
you'll freeze them, at lettt
over n!iht, ertck them whUt
they're attll troit.n. It's llill a
time cliooumlna job ao I dM~·
tht out crac~-oo Into two or three n t TV ....i0111
while I'm re . or COlll'IO
I'm •Pl to find Ill o! atray
T1Utshells way Net under the
loo ... u Lota .. -....
Don't rn.155 getting your hoH-
day nmembranct from Nan.
She bu printed a leaOat for
her !rknds, "My Cbrtltinaa
Gift to Y~.'' Qf her mlpes
for lUICklUs p1rty .. type ...,ua.. 6tnd a stamped, .. 11.
adclrtssed envelope With your
r<qUtat to 1'1111 Wiley In cue
of th< DAIL)' PILOT.
1'11<1 Wiley regrets tha t ohe
cannot prov1de p e r 1 o n 1 I
aniwers to )'OU? ooo«in1 qutl-
Uons, but qu~UoN of general
tntert5t will be answered in
her column . Address your
q1,te1Uons to Nin Wiley la c1re or thl• ne .. p•oer. ''forget-.,..,,. .N ,,.._ tfMIUtt
Tbaalrtpvina im't Thaakspvlnc without Van de Kamp'•
Pumpkin er Mince l'lea
Th anksgiving dinner calls for special pies.
Ven de Kamp'• Pumpkin Pies ond Mince Pies are
very special. A gontto bfon0 ing of pumpkin, egg~
cinnamon, nutmeg and 9ing1r creates a velvety
pump~n pit. Apples, currGn~ citron, raisins end .
a special aelectlon of spices guarantees a piquarit
mince pie.
[Res. 79cJ
L11ht er Dttrk Pruit C•k•
Thanbglvlng doesn't get !)lo holiday 1eason off
to a good start without a Van do Kamp'a Fruit
Cakol lots ond lots of colorful rod ond green
glaco chorrios, spicy citron, frosh plnooppfo chunk>,
crunchy walnuia and fat pecans nestle ·in a fresh
egg frutt cake lio!tar. Your choice'
(R11. $2.79)
(R11. $1.491
A,..e ffe 8 111. , • , ••• , • , .• , , , . , •••.. (R1;. 79c) 69'
Chocoloto Chip CMklo1 Pkg.,,,,,,, flog . 4~<) 39c
Celle O'Menth-CMM Ye11 llle 2-loy.rt.,,,
fre•c• Y•111llle lc• Cf'M•
'h Ool. ••••••••••••••••••• (Rt;. SI .29}
Pint •• ,,,,,,,,,,•,••,,,.,, •• (11:19. 39c)
11.1 9
1.-1c1.a.1, frltl•y.lund•y, Now. 21.;10 OftlfLY
fre•ch luHerCre•M C•k• 2.tayer1(ll:eg. $1.35) 11.19
Quillty! Variety!
Van dt K1nlp's Holiday Speclalties. •vallable Nowl
fine AIMrtM c•ecel•t.. s 4 1.SOi. ••••• 1 •• , .......... (Reg. l..59) ]. 9
JOOr ............. : ........ (log. 2.9t) 12.79
Dol•ko Pr•ll Coko 2-lb.,,,,,,,. (Rtg. $2.89) 12.69
We bake th e way you would. If you had t!le time.
Pr•11•r•d Poultry Dre11ln1
Thanksgiving time IS ·Turkey time! For your majestic
entree-Von de Komp'& hos prepared en excep·
tionol poultry dre"ing. Just odd ths amount of
liquid you want for a moist or dry dressing.
Von de Komp'a combination of specially selected
herbs end spices assures you of flavor end lightness.
14-oz. 7~-1!.
49c 29c
!Rec. 59c l [Rec. 35cl
luttorfly Coffee Cakot
Thanksgiving breakfast deserves an extra special
touc hr l ike hom'e.-style fresk egg 5Weet dougk
swirled around o cinnamon.raisin filling and driz·
zled with fioney icing. l ike fresh-from.the-oven in
a heotoble foi l pon. like fluffy butterfly.,haped
Coffee Cckes. l ike in a breokfost that's extra special!
Fronch lutter Roll•
Thonksgtvlng dinner reolfy makes it with fragrant
fre$h.from-the-oven rolls. l ika Van de Ko mp'• French
Butter Ro lls: layers and layers of floldnes.s; c wealth
of fre5h eggs and butter; plus pure Von de Kemp's
core make them extra sp«ial for your famlfy and
friends. a.'.~ .. i~ ..
Van de Kamp's. ~
A. 01Vt$10N 0t G!NEt.t.l HOST COtf'
•• The magic of ready to
pop into the. oven and bake
• . The Deli's good old
fash1oned aage dresaina le
here to st.ay. Every year.
the line-up ol. ready stuffed
turkeys gets 1onger and
longer , • You girll Jife lhll
easy and good f(l(_.surt WIY
of doing your turkey. You
Ilk• th< Iltlle buckell o!
ready made gravy that 10
along side. Yoo like to pick
up a little carton of the
Deli's fresh cranberr y
orange relish, all done"UP
with nuts and other good
Ulings to go in your fanciest
cut glass dish. You know
you could find your whole
'nw\ksglvlng diMer nest.led
In the hot prepared foods
from the Dell 's bounteous
steam tables •• Little tiny
whole butlered onions or
creamed onions .. Lusciowl
sweet candied yama or HOli·
day salad , . a gelatine
thing all chttry ·-w it h
cranberries celery a n d
walnuts ... The bulk bar-
rel mincemeat bal· just ar·
rived . . one whiff and
you'll \\·ant to start ~aking . ..
i.. .. What fun to have Spire
: Jslinds ,...·hole cinnamon
slicks to swizzle in mulled
i'Wlnes:, hot rums, ciders and
chocolate d r i n k s
Pumpkin Pie spice contains
cinnamon . ginger, nutmeg,
allspice, mace, and cloves
an .wrapped up in one .•.
But also g.ive it a whirl on
lnael f~ ca:kes, walll~s or
French toast. P'o u·l t r y
Seasoning sagefully C(lm-
b\nea 'Thyme, cele:Y aced,
onion. and majoram •••
but betides being out in
dressing it lqans itself
delighlfully to cornbl'!ad,
iucchlni, or tomatOeJ .
From Beaumont 11)11 In
Harrodsbur,g. Kentucky
hall• Kentucky Bourbon
~lard Si:iuce. While 'the
t.radltlonal thing to s~zle
over plum puddings and
fruit cakes, Jn tbe Biau·
mont lnn they ice te;,
cookies, gingerbread, fruit
pies and otherwise plain
cakes eleganlly to come up
with. a winner. So it goes
with Bourbon Sauce Su·
preme • , , liquidly a n d
luscioue: to glaze a ham or
pork roast, why not give a
new dime1U1lon to baked ap.
pies, sweet potatoes, car-
rots or even ice cream.
. . Mild onion Hu!b Puppy
Snacks, a very detp soulh
trad!Uon, come fronf\Flor·
Ida. They found their name
from coolul µ1rowing fried
blob11 of batter lo the dogs
lo 11hush them. These are
made with rye flour and
have a very different taste.
~fore rye navor wlth 'Finn
Crisps from Finland • . .
How different could a crac-
ker be when ll's flavored
wtth caraway. And would
be a wondrous thing IL.they
just happened to find some
(ancy cherry wood smoked
haby clan1s. Pop thern all
l.ogether under the broiler
and Jlsten to the silence as
lhe nibbling goes on.
What fun .. some cberSf!
'vheela weigh up to 500
pounds, but Borden ha,;
come out with a pint sized
-S pounder, perfect lor at
·home cheese board s.,
About 6 inches across, t.o
each his own, can c~ his
chet1e appetite size .•
Borden's Pippin ls an agl!d,
tlingy sh11rp cheddar. TIM!
rhcdda r nomer tells you it
alsn melts beauteously for
La Vache Qui Ruit has
IOM blg dlddy. Yoo tr.ow
tile Uny II Inch f\ibbable
cubea ot lndivldually wrap.
ped Emmentaler cheese
from F'l'ance. Now conws in
nice flmity alte '"edgts~ dip-
ped In "'"° pips •'hlch do divine things In It.
llere al RJchar~·a, U.
People Store, u•hel't' 'lft!\!e.
gone dlpptna In lh11Dell for
dtllc1cre1, and you should
I ry on llMl other 1 :'I
depertmtnll ror di1COveries
arourxt the world. 1
' • ..
• •
' "
Mondar. Nowmbtr 24, 1%'1 DAILY PILOT 2}
e~'JZ. '"""~ r.· (7"
ORANGE JUICE 16 oz. 59c
APPLE PIE 9" Pll 59c
PUMPKIN PIE , .. '''" 59c
49~ COOL WHIP 9 oz.
6 CT.
6 CT.
Coffee Cake 12V2 OZ.
SQUASH ,, oz. ·2 ,,.29c
ONIONS WI........... • oz. 3 ,.,$1
BIROS EYE FRENCH BEANS with 1lmonds 9 oz. 3 FO~ $1
MACARONI & CHEESE ,. oz. 79c
Chicken & Dumplings 11 oz. 129
Avocado .Dip ,~ •·· 49¢
Serenad e
For Your
Bernie• Fay
Th• turlcey with the "Tend1r-tim1r" that pop1 up whe n it's done.
U.S.D.A. GRADE A NORBEST, with pop-up liefer HEN TURKEYS Perfect fo r the smell f1mlly.
South Dakota Geese 98cLI. PORK SAUSAGE 59cLI.
Easter'! Capons , .. • 1" •••. 9kLI.
BACON w1tti .,_••Ht, '"'•k•d "'"'' 79CL1.
RICHARD 'S FINEST · Roastin9 Chickens •·• .... ,.59cLI. LEAN GROUND BEEF 53¢LI .
Cerp•nfer Squabs, Smo~ed Turkeys, Fresh Turkey Perts, Turkey Rolls bO -f. White ~O Y. Derk, Pheas1 nf1,
Corn ish Game Hens, All Wh it e Meet Turkey Rolls.
A Complete Selec:tion Of Exotic Se afood, Fresh Lobsters, Dunge ness Crabs,· King Crab Meaf , Smo\ed
Albac:ore, Reinbow Trout, Abalone Stea ks, Eastern or Western Oysters, Plus Our Famous
U.S.O.A. Prime Beef
Philadelphia Cream Cheese G•"' ...... , oz. 35c
Pillsbury Butterflake Dinner Rolls '"'oz. 3 ,,.51 ("""\..
ARDEN SOUR CREAM ""' 49c ~ )
LOW FAT YOGURT I oz. 5 ,.,$1
. ~L<:M'S
Flekf, pwff ,..tfy twlrtecl wltll chffdor
cltene. II lt't IWI tie Meeiy ti werfll,
Clrec•l•tn ce•ared whti 11th
e11d ether y11111111I• 75c ...
Yellow, brown or white, lot1 of bud1 for
holiday color. ~" pots.
59~ E~CH
·./~ . . ~Mdaei!Jr ,~-·-""'· 11:
Cranberries 3 ',;.~~ $1
Artichokes S FOR $1
CANDIED YA MS. A Th1nk19ivin 9 Dinn•r Spec:i11ty.
YAMS 6 L~S. $1
. ~~&t~
1 LI. 69¢
2 LI. 1.37
"' 83¢
'oz. 49¢
MARSHMALLOWS ""'oz. 2 ,,,39c
POWDERED SUGAR 1 Ll.2 ,..29¢
Light or Dark Brown Sugar 2 ,.,29c
ALUMINUM FOIL 11"•25' 49c ' M.J.B.
LonCJ Grain & Wild Rice, oz. 59¢
SPICED PEACHES 21/i 3,., •1
CHERRIES I OZ. 3 lw 11
CHERRIES With Stems , oz. 3 ,.. 11
WHOLE ONIONS ,., 3 ,., 1l
J(f/di.,.,,,. r.-~ .i·~
l ollom Minte, Top ,11111pki11 11~ Whipfletf Crt •ll'I
DOZ. 61C
6 '" 72c
-7 .,., l PPF!llWIJFSlaSF&a &FCS¥11JSFSFPSW¥7hlJIJ¥77Sf!rlOtA sn aw sc cu
"£;c.l .. wt-MARKET
OPEN OAILY 9.7, SUN. 9-6
OPEN DAILY •• 6 OPEN DAI LY 9·6, SUN. 10.3 DAILY 9,5,30, SAl . 0.5 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OAILY 9,30.6, SAT. 9,30.5
-. -.. •
1 Home News and ,Vie.w.f ' . . ' , . . .
; Cos~ Standpoi~t~L~rge .. _f.r:q+e ; :,::r ~-~-
.. l • •1' ~ • ".
• ~From . ·~est Buy
~ By DORofHY WEliCI poisoning' -etpedally U the peralure for If I011C Umo Is roosting 'J<mperalur~ of SIS , .a Jl!elbod of ......W1 lurirlf!i'' ~fl wrap\l<d ht !«! « beat 'eooldnll: ,....,. o f tracjlve lnoklng. The Jut 30
: -.---turkey Ji stufle.I. rM thli low idul !or the ,growth of food ;i,grees Lr safer and mulli"Jn 'i ·vecy·bot oven. How 11 ,~· .. 1111t 1n•'ciftn>d roao1er.Mllcb roaatllr (dry lllia11. The cnok-, mllfJles ot cooking time the ! F a tft 11 y • decision.makers t~ It taies loo long pol.aonlne bacteria wbicD could a dellcious, juicy. haoCisonw done?' ' ' ' ~lds "fn "1ie , &leant.: Strictly in1' time ii ~ CO()-; f'oll is oPCl'\ld or router cover
for'tbe.,JDSicle of lhe turkey to be pmenl In the inslde_ol the turkey. A.' An oven lemperaJure of .. ~·lb"! ~·-Id lic!erabl)',.,,.,,.~ jl~ remov..i·io allow the Jurby In
liave lots of de('.lskms to make get hot. A lutewann tern· turkey or in the dreu1ng. A Q. Somewhere I read a~ut 4<lO to fSO degrees la uRd. "l'he ' be"1 • • billalil, · g (m01lt arid ~~!bat, . ~\ 81 ' at--brown. . :COncernln~ the choice of ·thn -=---~---------------------"------=---------"'-'-'·--::-..:_,_..,_....,_ ___ =_:=..._~-------'-----
:Thantsrivlng turkey. Should it 1 •
M fresh ot <lroten! Trm Of
hen? ~tt or small! Stuffed
Or wturred?
Some or the factors that will '
determine your choice will ' be
the cost. time available,
number or persoos to be..sfrv-
ed and family pref~.
From a stra;pt Cost Stand-
point, the best buy it a large
frozen Tom turkey. Its-per
pqund is usually the ' }qwest., ·
aod it has I.be' most,nieat in
proportion to ~e.
; But if you're serving few
e or il your family
't care much for turkey
Jeftowrs, then a bl& Jurkey
lftjgbt be a poor CMice for
. j<u.
':t~·However, if you h &..."'. e
:treezer spact,. yQU coald .ask ·itie butcher to saw the turkey Jti half and you could cook
l)alf for Thank&Jiving and
the other haU J--. -for
cbrtstmas perhap.i. Or you
could. go halves en a large
tur~ with anothertfafuily.
Tom turkeys are just as
navorlul. tender and juicy as
hens. Hens are slightly
broader breasted, bot the only
big difference between hens
apd Toms is size. Hens usually
.•re no larger than 13 to 15 1. pounds, • whHe TomS can be
.t;over 20 pounds. He.lS usually S iost at least 10 cents a pound ~Ore 1lian Toms. ' ., . ··-,_ ~ :.Since·neu:11·a1"1: smaller, they
!:.will take a shorter time
'~lo thaw and to cook.
·~For real convenience, the ;t,t.roun stuffed turkey is· the
.;.lf's.wtr. · However, y0u pay
Ederably more for .it. The
stu!fed turkey must not
:, fn:ie&ed before cooking -~ you save the thawing_.step ~~ cooking tau. looger. ·:'~You also Can eliminate· the ~wing step by buying a fresh ~&key, inst~ of a frozen 'i!iDO. bot it will cost more -10
?l.'firits per poUnd erlra and up. ~avor~ex~,capnot tell '3 ••
:~ lurkey f\'ani' !!II< thot'is :400l frozen, but·~own opt;liop ~ tha~ . the tie~ turkey . · <
~~re JUICy.
~;;.Fresh turkeys must be ~died for market. a very ~~ time before they will be
. They can be held
a few days under
-· • ge tion. They are quite
~JK}ble to spoilage. So a
fresh lurkey should be bought ~y 'a day or two before
ThanUgiving, and kept
refrigerated at 38 degrees or
lowu uotil cooked.
· With a frozen turkey ,
fr+,'Rrrx and quaJity• are ca~
luted at their pejt, Handling coS& ~ lowered and this is
the cost ii Jess.
' :However, eve;i though the {ft:or.<n Jurkey luyes the proc-
1. easing "jUiit In peak con-
dition, -..oing along the J..ay -apecial!y 100 hlgh a
.• tl!rnperatutt or nuctuating 1,.,,,......,. In shippin~ or
.: storage -could result 1n a
'(.decreue In quality. The length /of tila ill frtt.U'I' storage also
~•ffedl quality. Avoid frozen
turkeys with any sig.1 of
' , freeaei" burn or ice crystal! OD
,. the thlide or the pact.are ... !f Wilh the frozen turkey you
.lha.ve the problem of thawing. ~We do not recommend thaw-
~inc: a turkey at room tem-
Waltft. The oollide m the dean get too warm while
~ ipside still is tbawin,. This
Id cause food ~Jung. m.iwing' in the r~frlgerator
·treally best, but this takes
-days: A .speedier. but
I safe method is to put the
rkef -sUJI in its plastic
ap -in a large double
r bag. Close the e:id . of
; bag and ·aJJ~~the turkey ,n.w. at room tem perature
10 to 18 boors depending on
.~'lhe ~provides enough
-\lOftl tO keep the outside
fbe turkey safely cool. Ollt'C
,turt.ey 1' d efro sted. It ·until cooking •• • _ most convenient 'forms
;m turke.f'-boneless frozen
·:'turkey rolls and sUced turkey
,:i.t gi:af)'-are very ei:pensive :r4'1mpued In bllylng th~ whole
1rd. Bat they are lime
l!f'~· and for the !mall anily with no great fondness
or turkey leftovers, lhey may
a ped choice. Another less
1~ve cl!Olce would be
~ turkey parts such as
tilJ.aJt., hindquarter a n d
-lf yw prefer dark
hlndq~arters and
(OOd boy$.
~U,!"STIONS WE ARE ~II do you Jhink </f th• ilfw' Offn method of rouUng
Wkey?...My ntlgbbor says ihs
routt her turkey all ni&ht at m c1esr ....
A. We advise •sar.1st thia
method of cookins .turkey
becaua It could resull in fOOlf •
. ThurSllqy •
18 to 24
llllDS 4z~
BONELESS HAM='.C:.."'.:.-1° TURKEYROA-St =-:=-....ti:i .. .-1" PORK lOlfil l{OA~T ........... 69+
HEN TURKEYS ::.~, .... -..S3t PORK SAUSAGE , __ ,..... 63t PORK SPARERIBS-~.,.. .. 79t
HEN TURKlYS.,_ ..._ ........... 394 RIB PORK CHOPS C.:..c.o-·-·""8~t SLlcE~'-l(O,Nc-... ,_,.._,3~
TURKEY ROA-ST =:-...t:t;::. 3" LOIN .P.ORK:CHOPS c-c.,......98~-PORK·LINK·SAUSAGE~.:::'.89~ . . • '' . , ' ' ~c _411..,,
~~ou ·
: .:~·: In -Store Bakery
.>' ~ ~ :
, l"N>S.i.11 .,~-'300T
'·~ .
2-1/2TIN'--·-.. •-· If e
STUFRNG MIX ~~~BISON'S1 30Z.. ... 49~
·CA-~ MIXES 8£TTYCROctCU' 32~ ~ LAYER ........... -... -. EA.
' ' .
PA •. T.PAK 50DA"'~6/I.
BROCCOLI .............. _._ .• _ ... 19t
MIXED NUTS -----.. 394
, ORANGES ...,_°""""' -·-·8 .... 1.
'SPANISH PEANUTS.:;:..""::t48
r l"""NswC.. AVOCADOS =:':" .••....... _ 4/1.
... EA.
. Frozen Food Specials
Panty Hose ·--·-... II•
Dental Cr"•~'.!o':!::r_ 63•
Mouth Wash '-... "• l"
Shampoo ;';f °"'"""'"'·-· 1"
' ~ . ~ . * .
Baked ,to Perfection"
.. 5···.·9 DEEPS INCH · C
•ma 21'
aLdlllllfdf.41' ... "' NABISCO
Huntington leach -15511 So. Edwards
Laguna Beach-700 So. Coast Hwy.
Fountain Valley -16042 Magnolia Huntington leach -8911 Adams
C:arona del Mar -3049 Coast Hwy.
... ._ ......................................... _.._ ........ .-.... --------~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~--·--··-
. .
.· ·: .. . •
• . •
!_ll;O_T·_•o_VE_RT_1s_u~1"'"1 _N ___ M_ood.1_1._NMm_bet_24_, l_'H>? Monday, NMmbff 24, 1969 OAILV !II.OT .,
' ••• .a.A. -··-.
·CAKE Ml••• All bapt ""9•1 ,_. ;:.33c
IEU'S GEM • ,..
GOlDEN Cl!Mf CUlllSON"s All PUll'l:lSi!'°' CORN llEAD
. lftn & s.r-• STUFFING MIX
·12"' 33• oiiicsi"tu1a
'cO-fuL 39c . ·~ ~ .-.·~··29c
13-0Z. 49c "6•0Z. ·CAii IOX , • ...--. -.-~.-iiiiiiiii---....
2•-rr. 59c IOLL
32-0Z. 49c IT~
l·L•. CTll. '
MlllOY ... , •• •er LUS CHPCD '
. ··---L ll'lllTI . '6~L1 IALF
. l!OINa IOOM CAUfOINIA s 168 ·CllWAllE ..,.
• WHm: • PfNI • COlD Duct (CAii 12PfPiHl111.1.ft
.. A.M l'-AU
12 .. ··49c · • jar
.~, •.
.... L .. CAll
U.l.l.L OIOICI ..., mu
•••••••••••• ::~nmmmnmrm
' . , . . lllDSEYE
-. .
·.· .·
.. ..
·, .
• l'f~ W/CIUn' • GllEN HAS
3 H0.'1' PICGS. •
7-0Z. ,39c, : PKG.
--~~~~~~~~~~ ........ ~~
llUtltU'I', IAS"tU'I', MAPU CIWNCH IARA LU RlfllGI '!:67~:
· STDWSIBlll ':;;'.· 29c::
CHOPPiD ONIONI •:;· 23c::.
· iiicii •••AD "~;'.'" 53t,::
... ClltP ··wn . . ·NUTS · NECTAISWHT,HAWAllAN,(lo'I••;••) ··~; ·==~ ::~~~ PINEAPPLE2f!.
Hb. con .•..... nc 2~b. con ..... $1.53
INSTAlfT 8-0L·P' .•.•. $1.25
II IB-· • flOM HOUSE Of sm1 , ••. ,
HOULlol 2 · •1 H~ la.es.
8onlen'1 Danish Margarine, l~b. Dko. ........................... 37c
Royal Gelatin, Asird Flown 3-oL Jll<gs........ 3 for 29t ·
Hondi-Wrop, 100-fr. roll ........................................... 29c
s-theort Soop. Ass I'd or limf, pkg. of 4 both size ......... 49c
Brion Pre-Sook, Incl. Hie off, 25-0L Pk!I. ................ : ....... 65c ~Coffel Rich, 16-oL ctn. .... "'i', .................. _ ........ fc F ·s lnstont-POtotoes, 4,oL pkg .................. 9c
kt. CIA. 1 kt. Cf!\. 23c 39c
, .
CllS,, OAID!N FIESH 19 C CELDY ::.t. oa.
Fleischmonn's Morgorine, Hb. ek9· ............................. 37<
Hum'• Spaghetti Souef, Assl'd, 16-oi con ..................... #le
Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, 13-oL pkg ....................... L.67c
Sunshine Vanilla Wafers, 12-oz. pkg. ............ ~ ............... tile
Rosarito Beef or Cheese Enchilada Dinner, 12-oL pkg ......• 1Slc
Ro50rita Mexican or' Combination Dinner.12-oz. pkg ......... Slc
Rosorito Coektoil Tacos. 5\'J.oL pkg ........................... '.37c
swtn, uonc fLAl/Ott' I A c ; ,...... -..:.·
,• •
2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa
' -=-·J
I ' .
. .
'---""•·.' ~· .. tlo ...... ~ •• .... t ......... ' .......... .
/l's the Berries ..
.Cran-apple Dish .. ~-.
Is Not Ordinary ..
~llvtnc ~ l1n't
'lbinbglving wlthoul cran-~-But here's a new way to: jirepare tMm u 1 dessert
~·· really "&be berrlet."
Start by maldJlg the cru•I.
Wilt a minute. Thll ts no
~ pastry. A 1ener11U1
helplnl of Cheddar cbee!e Is
the fllvor secret here. -and
Wilt a taste dllference it -nc· you're ready for the
!Utdqua llllinl ••. allced juicy cool<inl 1pples and bright red
crllliberri<• spiced just right
with cinnamon. Turn Into ci:ult and It's re1dy for bak-411. -_:rht hard port ta in th•
While slUl hot from the
oven, sprlnkle your creation
wttb more shredded Cheddar
d>tese. Serve as 1 fancy
deNert, or a sweet treat for
· 1 I 9149
Ly 11f ,..i ... 1Tf,....,.. ...
li!iiett hall .. izel recoentu IN!o!ttlJ lbe sure flattery of lhli • p)Tllllld shape. The
unfaterrupted line makes you
)oM taUtt and narrower.
l!rinted P1uem 9149; Hall
st .. 1111, Ill\, 11\1, 2011, ui.. >111. ·91ze 1&. ,_ :m
IMlf'l'll ymla ~Inch.
caliil.for eocb pattmi -1dd
11 oeola for e1eb ,pattml !or
IJnki.l !'lllilinl and sped1I
111'"'1hi&: otherw!ic thlrd-clw
,,._, w!H· teke three weeka
or .,.... Send to Marian
MJ.'ii, the ·DAILY PILOT,
441 Pollenl Depl.. :Ill W"t
lltli St., Ntw York, N. Y.
1eop. Print NAME, AP.
DaEllS with ZIP, SIZE and
the lftemoon bridge club.
Pastry for double crust pie
II cup shredded Cheddar
Ft11lnc s cupo pared, .Uced rooking
2 cups cranberries
1 ~ cups sugar
1/3 cup regular all-purpose
t teaspoon cinnamon
'' cup 8hredded Cheddar
To prepare crust, add 'ii cup
cheese to dry ingredients. Roll
dough into 11 z: 15-inch rec-
tangle. Place ln 1 \2-quart
shallow baking dish; fold ex-
tra dough over and build up on
edge of dls.h; flute edge.
To prepare filling, combine
apples, cranberrie1, sugar,
flour and cinnamon in a large
bowl; tum into crwL
Bake in a .. preheated 400
degree oven 40 minutes or un-
til done; remove from oven
and sprinkle '' cup cheese on top. Yield : B servings.
South Seas
Score Hit
Pancakes from a mix get a
glamorous topping.
1 can (13V• ouocea) pinea~
pie Udblts
1 can (11 ounces) mandarin
1 U.blespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon minced candled
ginger .
Buckwheat panCakes, see
Melted butter
Toasted coconut
Drain pineapple ind
oranges, reserving ayrup. Add
enough of the orqe syrup to
t.he pineapple syrup to make 1
tn a medium saucepan
gradually stir together the
cornstarch and 1 cup fruit
syrup, keepln1 smooth.
SUrrtng e<>ostanUy, bring to
a boil. Add &inae.r. Simmer over mediunl l>e1t for S
minutes, stirring a few limes.
Add drained fruit and heal.
Brush pancakes wilh melted
butter; top each servirig wUh
the warm lrull topping and
sprinkle with touted coconut.
Baclcwlliui Paacatn
Combine 1 cup buckwheat
p111cake mix, I cup milk, 1
egg and 1 tablespoon salad
(not olive) oil.
SUr ligbUy until batter ls
fairly smooth. For each pan-
cake pour 1bout 14 cup bitter
onto hot lightly gr!ased a'rld·
die; tum when tops are
covered wilh bubbles and
edi"~ look cooked. Makes I.
t ,
• ,
--ti, 4 PILOT ·AOVEATIS£R t1onday, Nottmbtt 24, 1969 Mond --
Thanksgiving is America's greatest feas tiW4
.the f?erli finest ••• and NO ONE ca m m . -•
• ••
, • . POUM» ... Fresh Sausage ...... ; ................................ 59 ·
El Rancho'• own lean country o!yle! · . w ftu ' ' 10 llllNCE 89' estem v1Sters ....... " .......................... .
Plump • , • !or a mi1hty ia,ty otulfing !
Ea$tem Ojsters ............. ~:'.'~ ............ ~1.09
For the turkq dreulnr prefer~ so often 1
Look to El Ra.n.Cho for all the fiz i:n'•
w.ou.'Jl"want for ti fabulous feMt! Va.,....
e't'j·1ha.t'• almoat limitlus ... and quaZ..
it11 that1a.10 ... ~et'71 r~wa.rding/
EI Rancho Festive Specials!
S& W Cranberry Sauce .......... 4 ~ SJ Johnston's Pies ............................ St
Thanksgiving is a time when you want to 11erve the begt! Whole or strained
••• No. 300 •••• and a label you're proud to gervel
Apple, Mince or Pumpkin ••• your choice of holiday favorites! Bi&' 9
inch size. ••• flaky crusts, plump with delicious filling!
Yu ban Coffee ....................................... 69~
Sen.•e the coffee that's demonstrably superior in flavor and aroma! T\vo lb.
can ..• $1.37. Savor the difference in Yuban ••• and the difference at El
Rancho. You'll be glad you didl
Birds Eve VEGETABLE 3 ro• s1
French Beans wifimon£?~!~~A~9~~.~·~~~~::·~~-i~ed Vegetabl.,
with O~ion Sauce, Rice Peas and Mushrooms, Vegetable Jubilee, Peas
and Celery, Peu and Cream Sauce.
Glorietta Peaches ............... 39' Glorietta Pears .................... 39'-Glorietta Apricots ................ 39'
Ripe Elberta ••• sliced or halves .•• No. 2v, Bartletts ••• s'veet and finn ••• No. 2~ cans. Whole peeled ••. golden ripe ••• No. 2~
Darigold Butter ................... 79~ Wild and White Rice ........... 69' Stuffed Olives ...................... 49'
Creamery fresh! Grade AA quality! Uncle Ben's ••• for a fine .dreasinr! 6 oz:. pkg. Los Olivos Manzan.illas .•• 7% oz. jar.
Sara Lee Rolls ....... :.· ............. 49' Mince Meat .......................... 59' Spiced Peaches .............. 3 ,,, '1
Choose your fa vorites at this price! ••• Frozen S&\V ••• 28 oz. jar ••• flavor won't bake outt S&W , •• firm and flavorful ••• No. 2~ oize.
Cucumber Pickles ................ 39' Wishbone Dressings ..... 3 :,~ $1 Avocado Dip ............. : ........... 49'-
S&\V ••• crisp slices: in 22 ounce jar. French, Italian, Onion, Green Goddess caiavo ••• complet.e the picture! Frozen. 7 oz.
Ripe Pitted Olives .......... 3 "' '1 Small Whole Onions ............ 39' Royal Host lee Cream ......... 79'
Li ndsay ••• extra large ••• No. 300 can. S&\V ••• round out the menu! No. 303 Catering quaµty · ••. all flavors .•. I/a pllon.
Mixed Nuts ........................... 79'
Laura Scudder's Party Ji.fix ••• 13 oi.
Small Whole Yams ............... 39' Cool Whip ............................. 59'
Top your piea easily, perfectly! Qt. ••• Frozen S&. W ••• s'veet, smooth texture! ••• No. 303
Yams & Pineapple ,
Red Velvet ••. s"«•eet &'Olden meat, •• Riponed In the fields and flown fresh
1Broccoli -
60 smooth and
buttery I S.rve
baked or can-
died, dotted
with marah-·
mallows I
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Garden frosh .,. mild flavor that proves so popular 1
to El 8-licho I
Serve IU1Cioua,
naturally rip.
ened, pintap.
pie this weok I
19~ Mixed Nuts ..... 49~
What would the holid&Y. be without the nut bowl, filled with favorileal
Y-l&Y .
:i ~GR
· for :
at cl
· Zacl
iiU 01
St1 .. V1 .)I\ '
. El . ; .,, El •/
··! Bo
. " l • • J C1
r' I .. K1
-------------------------------,..-------,.,.--~--. . . . . . .. ---. --....
Mooday, N..-r 24, 1%9
d4y/ .You ''ll ,-lvant to 0e sure . you 8erve ..
m~tch El .Rancho's qua.lity and -flavor!
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• '
TENDER· TIMER! ...... •'• ................... .
Compare the quality ••• and see that El Rancho offers the finest value for your food dollar! Norbeet .•. a name you know and trust ..• plump tender
turkeys .•. at the same price you'd expect to pay for lesser quality! And ... you get the iAutomatic Tender· Timer in ea~ turkey ••. your rua.ranteed
y;ay t.o a turkey that's roasted to perfection! Your best.bu)' in a frozen turkey ••• anywhere!~
il GRADE "A" ·.
. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
·you'll never find a finer turkey ! Selected from San Fernando flocks, where they're grolvn to our specifications .•• processed and packed exclusively
-for El Rancho Super-Shoppers. Rushed to us, fr!l•h daily in motinWns of ice to insure freshness. Satisfaction guaranteed!! Sure, you'll find turkeys
· at cheaper prices (we have 1em, too. take a look) ••• but this is the superior bird your f4Jllily, relati ves and friends deserve for Thanksgiving, 1969.
I '.~Roasting Chickens ... 59~
. · Zacky Fanns: .... California Grolvn.! 5 lb. avg.
Bar '1M" and \Vilson Festival Tavern Hams also
available at $t.49 per Pound !
, ·~ Salad Dresslag . ,. .. ,. ••• •• •• •• ..... 3 IH $1
Van de Kamp's ••• c~oice of 39c varieties '.
Feast Favorites
t·: Ballantlne's Scotch .......... ~14.98 . ~ . . '
Serve it with pride I ••• and soda ! ••• 1/2 gal, ' .
1iL Old Crow ........................... ~11.49
Straight Bourbon ••• 'h gal •••. you _save $1 .40 !
,, ~ Vodka or Gin ···:· ................. '8.88
El Rancho's great mixera! ••• Y, 11allon.
:~ El Rancho Scotch .............. '5.79
· ·' Bottled tor us ••• in Scotl~nd l Fifth .
•',} Creme De Menthe ............. !4.39
Hir.,.. WAiker ••• white or green I Filth.
• r. Korbel Champagne ............ '4.'98
_ Brull, •• !ermented iii the botilel F ilth.
Maple Leaf Ducks .... 69~
Fresh water ducks , •• so plump and so tasty I
P•ul Motton Vin Rose .•.•.......••. $1.59
Make the meal a complete success ! ••• Fifth.
The ham so special that ea~h is
registered! Jt~ully cooked •••
boneless ••• and so ten-
der and flavorful I
at the Delicatessen ·1
Cream Cheese ........................... 35•
!\:raft's famoµs "Philadelphia"! •• , 8 ounce.
DlfChl . ps or ps ...................... 3 , .. 51
Pen and Quill holiday favorites! Reg. 39c
Cooked Shrimp .......... s1 11?
Begin the meal lvith shrimp cocktail!.
Paul Motton Rh lneco1tle .•• , .••••••• $t.7t
Light and dry •. delirl>tful with turkey ! Fifth.
For Fixin the Feast!
Poultry Seasoning ........... 19'
Schilling'.!! .•• 'Vs ouuce tin.
Water Chestnuts . . . . . . . . . 4 ... '1
Sona ... fo r dressi nr! 8 oz. tin.
Cubbison's Dressin~ ........ .49¢
~Ielba Toast or Corn Bread .•. 13 oz.
Roasting Pan ................ '2.19
Bluestone ••• 12 to 15 lb. capacity!
Roasting Rack ................ 69'
Adjustable ••• chrome plated !
Meat Thermometer ......... '1.95
Your turkey \viii be perfect!
Alcoa Foil ...................... 59'
lieavy duty ••. 26 ft. roll.
El Rancho Markets wlll close Thanksgiving Day
I f rices in.effect Mon., Tues., lVed.
Nov. 24, 251 26. No Bales to· dealers. · .
9pen dailv 9 to 9. Closed Thanl:1giving Dav. ' .
Ask the manager about our convenient Charge Account.Service
HUNTINPTON HARBOUR:· Warner Ave. & Algonq'uin St.
NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd . • 255 5 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Villags Center) . . .
Also conveniently locatecl stores In Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena
, ,
Monday, N"'mbtr 24, 1%9
Beans Prove ·
Gastronomical \
. Hot or cold, soup starts the
meal , complements the meal,
oflen Is the meal. Andt when
you learn a rich, full·bodled
aoup with plump and tender
beans, you have the basis for
a lot. ol compliments from the
replete diner.
Five different beans, wllh
nve carefully chosen soups,
can take you on a gastronomi-
cal tour of the world.
Start in the northeut comer
or the United Stat.es with the
pairing of oven baked beans
and tomato soup.
Then travel through the
desert oasis regions with
garbanio beans and celery
soup -on to Italy for an
almost-minestrone, made of
red (or white) k14ney beans
and vegetable beef soup -
away lo lhe land of the bull
ring with a chili bean and
cheddar cheese soup blend -
and end the joumeY with a
candellt dinner for two. on the
pallo , with barbecue beans In
consomme, aspic.
Try one -try them all -
have a souply won~erful time!
I 16 oz. can (approx. 2 cups)
oven baked beans
1 IOYi oz. can tomato soup
1 fresh tomato, cut inlo
small pieces
Combine beans, soup and
tomatoes in r;aucepan. Heat
mixture thoroughly, stirring
gentl y so as not to break
beans. Serve piping h o t •
Serves approx. 4-6.
Variation : Pour over rice
and lop wllh crisp baC-On
a trips.
I t5•Ar: oz. can (approx. 1:;1
cups) garbanzo be a n s.
drained and rinsed In cold
1 101Ar:· oz. can celery soup
J 11~ t.sp. brand y
dash of cayenne
Combine beans. aoup, bran-
dy and cayenne in saucepa n.
Heat mixture thoroughly, stir-
ring gently so as not to break
the bean1. Serve piping hot.
Serves approx. 4-6.
Variation : Serve over rice.
1 IS!h oz. can (approx. J3,11
cups) kidney beans, drai n·
ed and rinsed in cold
1 101/1 oz. can vegetable-beef
IOOP (condenseQ)
1 Tbap. red port wine
I/a tap. oregano
Combine beans, soup, wine
and oregano.in saucepan. Heat
mixture thoroughly, stirring
genUy ao as not to bteak the
beans. Serve piping h o t .
Serves approx. 4-6.
Variation: serve over your
ravorlte paste.
J 15"2 OZ. can ·(approx. I~~
cupo) chin beana
t 10.\\ oi. can cheddar
cheete soup (condensed )
t canned chilies, chopped
I 2 oz, jar sliced pimientos
Combine beans, soup, chilies
and pimientos in saucepan.
H .. t mixture thoroofhly; stir·
rln& 1enlly so u not to break
the beaM. Serve piping hat.
Serves approx. 4.f.
Variation: serve o'V e r
tortWu or com chips.
1 e~~e~=~~~ g:~!:; . }
1 101k oz. can co1110mme ...
soup (condensed)
I 151h oz. can {approx. 1~
cups) barbecue beans I
Sprinkle gelatine over half · ·
lhe can of consomme in
sauctpan. Stir over low heat
unUI dissolved. Add remaining
Pour into shallow pan and
chill until thick.
Stir In beans. Return to
refrigerator until. firm. Cut in·
to cubes and serve. Makes ap.
prox. 2 cups
Smart Covers
Save dollars! Give living or
playroom a· bright, new ·look
ll'ith smart slipcovers. ·
' '·
?\1ake an old chair or sofa
look NE\V, fresh with easy-
se'N slipcovers . Send for $~p. :
by:Step Instructions 7294 for .. ~.
basic slipcover, 6 variations. l
Fllo'TY CENTS (coins) for
each pattern -add JS cents
for each pattern for first-class
maillhg and specia l handling :
ot.11erwise third-class delivery
\\·Ill take three weeks or more.
Send to Alice Brooks The DAI4
LY PILOT. 105 Needlecraft
Dept., Box: 163, Old Chelsea
Station; New York. N.Y. 10011.
Print Name, Addtts1, Zip,
Patttrn Number.
B!I} lt'1 0 Needlecrart
Catalog -40 pages, over 200
designs, 3 free patterns! K111t,
crochet Instants, a r g y I e
sweater, hats, dresses, swim
!Ult. Quilt, embroider, :-reave,
Make toys, gifts, gay afihans.
Send 50 cents.
SO INSTANT Gilli. Make to-
day -give tomorrow. 50
"11 Jlf(y Rup" lo knit,
croc het, weave, sew, hook. SO
Book of IZ Prtie Afbaas. 50
Book of 1! Prlre Af1ll1n1. 50
beautiful patterns. 50 cents.
Museum QUiit Booll; z -pvt·
tt m1 for 12 5Uperb quilts. 50 cent..
Book 3. 1'Qultt1 for Today'•
Llvtn1". IS patterns. 00 cen~.
' ··l
. ;1•
• ·''· ' .. ..
" . .•.
di~ .. ~
••• •\:.•
'i• " ·'I • f1t{
·V I
~ .................. ~ .._ . ' ; :ass : .:so LL
H DAllV '1LOT Monday, Nomnbtr 24, lM
1; Tips for Cut Ups
Holiday ·Diners Given Bird
Are you toln& to spend your preparation. Complement thl& new-!tyle, t tables~ chopped
T11lnllS,Mn& day at a football To carry throllp "" a turkey wltll tr • ~ I t Io " a I pa,.ley
ttadtwn rooting tor the borne carefree note, make me you pumpkin pie-atore-bought or Place turkey parts In
team? Or do )'OU hope•to be ha ve a can of deJicious and homemade. . shallow baking dish (f3dx2"),
anywhere e1.cept in the k1t· convenient giblet graYy on BAKED nrllUY PARTS skin-side . down; brusb with
chen teo.idin& a r o as t l n g hand. Ble(ld parsley and white Wini GIBL8'1' GRAVY butter and sage. ·Bake at 350
turkey? 1£ to, this new recipe wine 'Yilh this s mooth, 6 poonds turk'1', cut up into degrees F. for 311 nllnutel.
for baked ll\fkey parts is versatile saut'e and pour the parts • Turn parts; brush with butter
des~ to set you free. velvety mixture over the 2 tablespoons melted butter' and sage again. Bake 30
nus year idect a small turkey for the last 30 minutes or margarine minutes more.. •
\li'hole turkey cut lnlo parts ... or baking -just enough time Sage ' Combine grafJ, wine . and
Then, when Thanksgiving day for the flavors to mingle in a 1 can (IOY~ ounces) giblet ~parsley. Pour over1 turkey
dawns, seek 1our pleasure or glorious treat. Your turke'11 gravy \ • \parts. Bake,, miautet more.
give thanks u you please. couldn't be better dressed. 2 tablespoons white wine Makel I servi.J!CI. Justli~astringaroundyour,~~~~~~~~~~~~__;~~~~~~~~~~.....:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......:..::..:.......:......:......:.::..:..:...:.......:...:.:.......:...:..::....:....:_~~~~~~~~~~~~
finger as a reminder to pop
the turkey parts into the .oven
an hour and a halt before d.b-
ner is to be served.
Brush with butter and sage,
and, after the £irst 30 minutes,
turn the pieces and brush
again. You still have tradl·
tional Tom turkey without
spending Jong hours 1 n
For Bird
What to do with thal leftover
holiday turkey?
One good use is to pul il in a
cass erole with fresh
mushrooms, noodles and a
sauce made with broth and
light cream. The mushrooms
add delightful flavor.
I! relatives and close friends
are on hand after the holiday,
you'll find this casserole
makes a good main dish to
feed to eight of them.
Nothing more than a salad
and perhaps a loaf or garUc
bread are needed to serve
with the dish. Dessert can be
fresh fruit and holiday cake or
cookies. '
'4 cup ( ~ PQUnd) butter
I pound fresh mushrooms,
3 tablespoons flour
l cups fat-free chicken broth
. (homemade or canned)
'~ cup light cream
2 tablespoons chopped pi-
'~ cup medium-dry sherry
:i.4 cup grated Parmesan
4 cups cubed (I-inch pieces
lightly packed) leftover
roast turkey
Salt and pepper to taste
I paekage (12 ounces)
medium egg nood lcs.
cooked according l o
package directions and
Jn a IO-inch skillet melt 1,'4
cup of the butter: add the
mushrooms : cook over rather
high heat, stirring often. until
wilted -about 5 minutes ; set
In a large saucepan (about 3
quarts), over low heat. melt
the remaining 1,4 cup butter:
st ir in the flour.
Remove from heal.
Gradually slir in the chicken
broth, keeping smooth; add
the cream. Over moderately
low heat, cook and stir con·
stanUy until thickened.
Off heat, stir in pimiento,
sherry and ~~ cup of the
Parmesan : mix in
mushrooms, turkey, salt and
Arrange noodles and
mushroom-turkey mixture in
layers in a buttered 4-quart
casserole, havfng sauce as last
layer. Sprinkle with remaining
~. cup Pannesan.
Cover tightly and
refrigerate -overnight if you
like. Bake, covered, in a 350-
degree oven unt.il bubbly-hot
-1 to 11,1: hours. Makes 8
Recipe Nole
ff you want to use chicken
rather than leftover roast
turkey in the Holiday
Casserole. you may cook the
chicken thi s \vay:
Place a 3V. to 4 pound
roasting chicken with the
giblets (but omitting liver ) in
a Dutch oven or other
saucepan into which the whole
chicken fits.
Add enough cold water
almost to cover. Add a
medium onion (s li ced).
Several ribs of celery (s liced)
and 2 tea.spoons salt.. Bring to
a boil: simmer, covered, unlll
chicken is tender -45 to 60
Remove chickep and cool :
re.move bones and skin; cover
and refrigerate. Before using
in Holiday Casserole, cut into
about t~incb cubes to make 4
cupt lightly packed.
St.rain broth i refrigerate in
OOftrfd jar; before using,
remove any fat that has
hardmed on lop. To use in
lfollda.y Ca58erole, measure
the amount called for in 'l'tCipe
(! cups); rtfrigerate leftover
broth for other UM:.
~hange Pepper
Ute white instead of black1 pepper In crtam soups and
l!auces to eliminate the black 1
•pecks .-h1cb rruiy •Pi><O'I un~ttr1dive.
Prite5 or• DiKounted EJ.tept o"
Fair-Traded and Go.,.e rnm•nl
control)ed Items. !
IMllllOfl l llAUTT •••••••••••••ll•
U.U.i. '1'81A 111$11 lllfQS I
nllOll & "UW-WllOUIOOf ... LI.
1.t.IU llMOVll -ltKlf .... II
Ill IL.t¥0fl I TIDlll lU ..... , .. ll.
BABY FOOD r~~z:~~~.'.~ ................. ac
BABY JUICE ~~·~"::.1,~:.~~~~ .............. 8'
S.M.A. LIQUID::::.·~ ............... 26'
BUTTERNUT ~:~~1<••····· 73'
BUTTERNUT ~:~:.1c•1 ..... 1•1
FOLGERS ~r::.1ca1 .......... 73'
FOLGERS ~r::.1ca1 ........... 1•1
FOLGERS ~:~:.'<•• ........... 2°'
MAXIM flHHHU•llUoUIT 1" tOfrH-4 Ot. Jll ... ..
UPTON TEA BAGS ...................... 59'
NESTEA INSTANT TEA .... , ......... 87'
HARVEST DAY PEARS •oLm ..... 33'
ELBERTA PEACHES ::~/.'!!: ........... 27'
SLICED PINEAPPLE m::.:: ......... 24'
FRUIT COCKTAIL 1~~':.':':i ... , .......... 25'
FRUIT FOR SALAD:~":~ .............. 24'
SPICED PEACHES :::::•., ............... 29'
PINEAPPLE JUICE :t:':~:::~.'. .......... 29'
JUICE !!~1~1:.~~.~~~.~~~.'.'.~.·~ ............ 43 '
Mon·s APPLE JUICE , .............. 37 '
llOWM 'N SllYI
MAI VISl OAT 33( s.;~~~~~ .
.... PRINCElLA YAMS ........... 27'
B&M BAKED BEANS ,,.,,., ......... 39•
VEG .. ALL n~':.:l:~~~~~ ..................... 23'
TOMATO JUICE :::-;~~:~~ ............ 21~
CUT GREEN BEANS ::'.~:: .......... 25'
~ONIONS :::~=.~~ ................... 29•
LIBBY'S PUMPKIN .................. 21 •
POTATO BUDS :r.i.~~~ .......... 69'
CHUNK TUNA :rn"C::~ .............. 32'
SOLID PACK TUNA :~~ ............ 38'
.,.. OYSTERS :~'.'!'.:~~ ................ 35'
LUCKYFliTUllS if URKEYS ' Ill !1i~ .
U.S.J.A.' -
t TO 13 ilS. • LB.
17 TD 21 LBS • LB.
SWIFT.PREMIUM·~:.· 49c •:.:• 47c aunERBALL ........ ~.~~:J:... ,.. ~:..':r... ... . ~ ' '
SELF BAS11NG YOUNG .... , 49c HEN or TOM TURKEYS ....... ~~:it ....... "·
WE NA'll A <°"'Pltfl UNI Of All TOUI fAYotlfl llOl.IDAT NU\TIT 1.T LOW DtK0uwt Pl te:&
120UN(I ' 2oc , ..
;\ lt•t·~~'f!i~
CORNED BEEF HASH l':~~\.c ........ 45'
SPAM ~r.<1~~~~~~ .............................. 58'
MIRACLE WHIP ::';':, ................. 78'
KRAFT DRESSING :o:.·~ ............ 38'
HEINZ KETCHUP •lt L NMU .......... 24'
CAullFlow•R t•llFotlllAllff 1111 34' .. 11 11.1•• ................... .
JnL .. o DESSERl :.~:.·~:. .................. 20'
~ BROWNIE MIX. ;:\'t:~~:O'I ........ 39'
S&W MINCE MEAT UOUH .......... 59'
.,.. MARSHMAllOW'"" ,..,.,.,. 21 ' lfl.\OI.IA,, .. .,
SHELLED WALNUTS :~.~ .......... 88' .... PEANUTS l'U.ITll'J •• , toAlf 74' 'fT • 1JOLli l ,,.,,.,,.,.,,,, • .,,
MINCE MEAT :r,:~;: .................... 53'
LIPTON SOUP MIX l:.'tl ............ 36'
GRAVY QUllC ~~l~'. .................. 16'
GOLD MED.Al FL DUR ; ............. 58'
VANILLA EXTRACT r:::~ .......... 45'
INUM FOIL ~~~~.':~.~.~~~ .. 45'
PAMPERS DIAPERS :;>:;~:::'. ...... 75'
VIVA NAPKINS ~~.-:::'.~~~: ........ 36'
SCOTT TOWELS rll~~~::, ................ 33'
CHEER DETERGENT M .............. 82'
,DRIFT DmRGENT ... , ............. 82'
IOLD DmRGENT '"" "' ........... 82'
IVORY LIQUID lr:l.~':r ................. 83'
EUCTRA SOL ~-................ 58'
B~lllO SOAP PADS ""·"' ........ 29'
CAMAY SOAP ......................... 15'
COMET ClEANSElt ............... 25' .
' • fllll IUAUTT
SLICED BEEf ~=~~.'.". ........ 43'
JOHNSTON PIES l'i'~'.c~~ 69'
STUFFED POTATO ::::,t.~~.~ ... 34•
GREEN PEPPERS ~::.~~.~~~~751
APPLE PIE :::.·,~:~.~~~~ ............ 1•1
GINO'S PIZZA ~~·:~~~.~.~~~~~·-· 71'
~ARLIC BREAD rt.::0:. ................... 34'
BREADED SHRIMP :':ti:~ ....... 75'
FISHSTICKS ~~~'::•::~ ...................... 65'
COFFEE RICH :~:?. ........................ 27•
ORANGE JUICE ~:.:: ................. 24'
BEEF STROGANOFF :~':1.0:: .. : ...... 73'
BIRDSEYE PEAS i:lt',1":" ............ 20<
MEAT PIES :~~.1~.~~.~.~~~:~~~ 18'
ONION RINGS !~ti/~ ................. 39'
TREESWUT llMOHADE ""'""· 21 '
REAL WHIP TOPPING ;::~ ...... 51'
Y••'ll hlTI I• Sii lhtst ,.111111 I• .,,,.ciltt
t•1 lrtUlffn Hiii. fllty lrt tllllct, HltttM
sins . , . 1d t••r n •tsctut ,-k., •••
, • ., •• l•iltJ •. '
100% CHIQUITA ananas .=..10c RIPE
IUllClllS ll.
Talk Tzzrkey!
BELTSVILLE YOUNS :~:n:~. 59c FRYER SIZE 'TURKEYS ..... .:.~:;............ IL
RIB STEAK ............................ 89'
RUMP ROAST ........... ; ......... u. 79'
CROS,S Rll RO~ST~ •••• u.77'
CHUCK ROAST"""'"""'"" ,...47•
ll.ADI CUT , U.
SWiil TltfDll
KRISPY CllACKERS:l~ ............ 35'
TREATS CRACKERS ::~ ............. 38'
BURRY COOKIES :-;'o~~:i~~~.~~.49-
STUFFING BREAD l':'ol.".l:.'.-........ 25'
LEMON COOLERS ::::. ................ 45'
' . .... ,..,_, ' . ' . . ,.
LADY LEE TOPPING ~~.: ......... 43'
FOREMOST SOUR CREAM •r., .... ,49•
LADY LEE ICE CREAM .... , ......... 59'
tf'~!~,~.~~~~~ ......... 20c
~1E!!_~!!ru~.~~.' .............. 68'
GOLD SEAL GIN 299 ........... """······••"•·····
.. PIOOf, ~-IOTTU •••• ·•••••••••••
FRESH OYSTERS .............. '"L"' 79'
Rll ROAST := ............. , .... u.89'
BONELESS HAM:=:"..:.: ........ 'I'"
SAUSAGE ::,:~U:.~ .. 1u..-as•
. ~M~~.~~~~ ..... ~ '68c
IATI 01 JW'lff , • ., .. , ...... -., 1 ·II. Pit .
llJ(lT SUCIO •IOC:IH llDMftl UT (
W•ArPIO WC.II,,, .... , .•.... IJ..OL~ll,
Miii 'll'IKOllSllt MIOllM IUI, tlllltil ....... 1Ml. Pff.
llKll c.ono a111 MA<111•t11 ••• a.oL na.
2!.CA!~r!'.:!~~!t,.. 52c
l llU'f l&Kll ll(.1IO•Ht,...HllM9,,._.,s.oz.Ht.
.... I tin C1111V. 1• ..... 1&41.IH
~!~.~.~~~~.~.~~~~.~~.~l~OLJil 89C
~!!~!!.~!.~.~~~ ........ 1-11.,... 41c
:..i.~~f.!'N.E~ ~A~ ............. $429
RKIO ••..•••.. ,,,,,,,., ....... S.OL P'ft.
ISIJUO (OlllO IW J.OL ,.. .. Mo)
22 OUNCI 49c "'
ll'llH lflH •.. an ms~ wi" Crest, ,,_'H
fir 11fe!tiY1 Cll ilJ ,rlYUliH Hd
1 tut1 IH n.11 la•ilY 11111. --IC Ill lllll lll Ml'ltlf "fC[ 66c
!ti? ltctUlit1, 2 ~•ltn. •tn l 1r1111.
SYRUP SEIYO .. , • .. • $ J f 7
SUIAR SERVER .. : .. .. $ J 4I
•-. ... L'lt.11•11•• ........ ,. ... ,,.
l \ '
"'!!!" _____ .._,. ______ .,._. ___ ,....... ___ ~----------~·~·.....-·~--~--. . . -...
t . ., " • '
~ . '. ~ 'Pnlmnl ~
}. I ~, ,i 'lel41f • 1 :,
: :fFrozen .Pies
. ' . 1 I' I
,., :· .............. : ., Asso~d
Clgaretlei ·
c' _ -·== :=i $ 06 . · Popular Fl• c vors. c~ Smooth In IX· ...
.. ,
Super SofJ
.White Bread:
. c
·Cilll1~ ' = . :.111' '
. • .. --6 1""•1 . -·· • ·. CiOW'Jkulll .... . lirfe llA1'' l9p ~a ':"U'
Sow Crta111 ~·~.:.. "r.. :;, 4fl
Wlippln9 Crta111 ~· ~321
~ .•• a. ...... =;:= ....
..... 11111 lull• = :: 111
· '""' 111.u a::-..= :.w " . a. .... .. -·7' nmll• TIMllllll ....
Oran91 Juice :=J:: '.:21'
Btl-alr Pea ~ ":. ':t:20'
Btl·alr Com ==. o:. •=-331
Ill-air Sproats "~ "::"3fl
Btl-alr Spe1rl. "/: ':l;."39'
~ un..:.. _ ... _ f
...... ..--."" ... 1"
... l .... son -•'1"
....... Dry ':.'!.".."' ... 11"
Al•1d1n Mt. -.... 1111
liuicerROll -.":=•• .... 13"
.J11t Pina Rolls ~ =-69'
Eal Rolls .. ~ =-731
Hydrox Cookl11 '"£' ':;"4fl
Sharp Chet•:'== ~ 911
fl''= '" bn. Low Price! .....
~nide. •-~~. ~vt. ••,.Ctlcl . ~· .:'. IUIKE.YI:.·" _
1tone.t f ouna NORllST: · ·
:· Grade. A "Hens YJ!JJ:I . ._
T-..rn-. 39 T~-..... ., . . · .·~°: .,· C . ,~~:.!'uuu ll
. .
~~ Mano.. House Safeway Brand · Turkeys Self -Basting
-(Wy""""" a.lint --T· ' II .• c-. ...... lid Bird$..Md T1ltJ',,,. ... ..., I • ur ia• _,,, ... , ___ .,._l ..... : .
~i~ 39· c Ltfs 1t 4t~· -.
a,,. Wt. i.. . 491er !!:,• .. 4fl
Hens "~ :-,:::. ,. 43'. ~nno.ur ~· ,;.· 55i'
. Preah Turkeys ' 'Turkey Roast
=-:= "'49c ~ .. ~ : '219
IMTltiaus And 0er~i1111S. Idell To
Boil, fry Oi for Malllrc. ·
Red' Velvet
.. ':"'_ 'I" --.
Papayas ... i:,~r.;'rn,111
hem The ""''"' blo .. i.
-BUSY BAIER 10-Dozen Bananas ..
3"' •1°0
.. 11·
Po.a.toes .:.·.:-.. ~., 10 .. 4ftc Box Cookies
• Chocolote Chip
•Walnut fudge
•Sugar Caaki ..
-Vmtl~t Yttetlblt ToOt .. ... 7 •
· Apples Gr.apefruit t!.';."~· 5 ~ "
~:...!lW:: 5 ... · 89, . Persimmo"s ~~ 2 ~· 29'
·Avocados ~~::"...!''f: ... 3 ..... •1•
Oranges Yellow Onions .~~. 3 ~ 29'
. : . ~~~ 8:;:99.~ .,Cr&p CP,~ts .'.~ ~~ 29'
' ~ -' • ' ' • ' I • •' . r ' ' '
, .... ,..
PIR. Rich~ ..
bust FIMr.' .. . ,
Mrs. Wrf9ht11
Ch~ce Of
Or I-IL Swet)mllk cu
· All Safeway Stores .....
tun And FIMrlol. For ,,...... Mtlt I.ams,
Or Etc. lDlr lo Prlcol
Crali~erry Sauce
Gold . Medal Flour En~~
Betty Crocker
Quality Product · ·· Bis·quick Mix
Pixie Dandy Yams z ~as•
. Lucerne Egg · log ~~, t 49'
May~nnaise M~r~~~ :; 58•
Dressing Mix t1t~~,,sttt~ 1::-45'
....... , ....... , .• ,.._. ...... , .....
· ... -• 1000 Baysill 0r .. ; NewP,811 .._ .... · 24 Monarcb 8IY p~~ So. · utuna • .136 N. • Ccllst .Hwy., Latuna Beach "i "
e · santa 1
' Ana Freeway· at La · 'Pai, Mis~on Viejo • · Wilson & Failllew, Com Mesa · • '
• Mondi)', Now~blt 24,1969 .. t' • H DAILY PILOT (~_-Expansion .-of i s·uper Ma fkets AiCl .... O~l y a P~w Consumers i NEW YORK '(UPI) _ Brand loyalty -t<peat or "spln-ofrs!' offs" from tiie v~rlety that r<' plain." . suSrn,arlcet aervice come CUBiomers th..;ght they we..;.
,; America's mobile society is purchases of one manW• The first tenn describes a quire cooldna, ·and dJet dessert He said a feW flavored .more slowly than new pro-belni: ciPped," 'he idded. ;! turer's producb -la·a ·vidtm compeUlive · erodoct for mixes, "spin.offs'' from in· calsupa sUJ1 ·are around but ducts and oo a &mallet scale. LePage said lhat computer
price and the name of an Item,
rings it up on a register and
even keeps an inven\.Qry for
the market manager's COD·
venience in reordering. . changing the appearance of of the new products puab. w..t somethlnl alrt'&dy in dlstribu· stant puddingt. onion and ~ flavored ',. LtPage said an aulon)aUc
'· supermarkets by1 accepting year alone, about 1,000 ·lms. tloq. "Spin-offs" are ,Van. .~•se Aid some ne\(' iJl:fO-•.• o.nes were Wlttid111wa by one unloader te-11ted for !bopping checkouts are coming. He
:: new dei>artmenfs and dem!in-mostly food . were' iniroduced Uodl on estabHabed products, dUcta, #K:ludlng good~ fall . mMnufacturer after (IG)y test carts was dtOJJP"' · because it ~,to esUl!tate their ar· ;1 ding expansion of some older in supermarkets. • such as packagtd J>l!:ddings because they're, ov.erpriCed Qr marketing, and three others didn't 11ve " time iit the riwJ Ute 'but ,wd at,,least. one
• LeP"8e said customers In
~;nputerlzed markets will
leave thek carts on line and
wait com!ortably .in a
departure lounge for their
ba,ged purch-to arrl ...
:i About 20 percent surviv~. that were introduCed after the becaUse mailufacturen don't from another corppany also checkout ciluDter. But too fut ~ manufacturer hu a compu~er,
;\ ones. said LePage, and ~t that s~ or packated flavored know their ma~et. • were wWldrawn because of is u-bad 11 too alow. that will work on merchandlae :l But these alterations have did are food. He added that gelatin mis11. · ~ "TbQ' forget that ldtllf~ut UnUted acceptance. •l'fe· (tried an adding codedwitbspeclallnk.
.• 1ess impact on some families' many are •jme, ~" product.5 Instant puddings are "spin-catsup ~ the kids want it New de v e Io p m e n t s in ma~i _.\b&~ workeil. '°· fut An eleclrlc eye piclu: up the
:1 shopping habits than you ~ •• • .. . . :; might expect.
:! One big supennarKet chain
:: has doubled its allocation of :! froien food space in the past
: : rive years. Some stores that
:1 had a 20-foot freezer 10 years
: : ago now have a 200-!oot one.
:~ Yet surveys show 80 percent
: : or all frozen foods are bought ~ t by only 25 percent o f
American families. and 40
. : percent never buy frozen food
at all, says Edward LePage.
execuUve vice president of the
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea
Co. (A & P).
"People who budget buy
canned instead of frozen
food ." LePage added in an In·
terview. "Frozen food doesn't
sell as well in rural areas (as
it does in urban and suburban
ones). And younger families
·buy canned instead of froze n
LePage said delicatesse n
'· departments are being in·
troduced in his chain· in
smaller cities, such as Detroit,
:: Indianapolis and Louisville, to
·· help meet consumer demand
for pre-prepared food -
·. especially in neighborhoods
with many apartment houses, '• Un til a few years ago, in-
dependent delicatessens and
"deli" departments were
. : largely New York phenomena
· · that s~ialized in ready-to-eat
: and fancy packaged, canned
; • and processed foods.
: · In th es e cash-and-carry
: : times, you can win new
; customers with new products
: and departments and Ct1m·
; petitive prices, but retaining
· them isn't easy, LePage in-
. dicated..
"One In 10 housewives
changes her source of food
;. : supply every week," he said.
.. ... .. .
Whale Mascot
Surprise a tot or teenager
u·ith this smiling whale!
BIG whale -big enough to
seat. a child. Use colorful pri'.1t
?lid solid scraps to for1n back
·and front (both the sa1ne).
Add fins . Pattern 7046: pattern
FIFTY CENTS (coinsl for
each patlem -add 15 cenls
·for each patterp for first-class
mailing and special handling;
otherwise third-class delivery
·\viii take three weeks or n1ore.
Send lo Alice Brooks, The
·Needlecraft ~pt., Box 163.
. Old Chelsea Station, New
: "York, N. Y. 10011. Print
· .Name. Address, Zip, Patt.cm
: ~umber. BIG 1111 Needle<:rafl
: 'Cataloa -40 pages. over 200
: :designs, 3 free patterns! K:1it.
: J"rochet Instant. a r g y I e
: i'iWe.ater, hats. dresses, swim
: ~uit. Quilt, embroider, weave.
.. ~1ake ioys. gifts, gay afghans.
· .send SO cents.
: . 11 INSfANT Gifts . Ma~e t ..
: day -give tomorrow. SO
. 'cento. : "t• Jiffy Raas'' to knit,
: _crochet, weave, sew, hook. 50
• cenU. .
: -ol 11 Prl,. A/gban1. fill
· cents
: Barg•tn! Qallt Book I has J6
• beautiful patterns. SO cenLs.
Mwww Qodk -Z -pet· l terns for II ouperb quilu. 50
: cents.
• -!. ''Qolllt for Todey'a
• Uflq:". 1$ patt~rns. 00 c~.1ts. • .
Zi pper Trick
Ctlfd.I',_ J .. 22 ~ ... .,.. wt. • • •
• , rJ(iJL'f!J !XTRA SAVINOI' c.,,,.,·
AIL l'OUlt H()!DAY fA'fORllESAT vONs' 1ow PRICES!
Mtstle'I MtrHls lt.QL "°' .1111 • 60l. M •••• 21' Jll'ltflllhl """ OUMM.1.1.LtJM, ,,,.,., lr
5""'4 Mma ... °""' ............ "" ....... °' 111111 •• , .................. 231
"M1111ICllMflictMNt,.... ............... W llsllllhlll• -... --........... :!If
Rice--A.aoni 'WILOltCf .w•.1•or. l'ltC>. ............... 6k
Cho,. <*rf Pot Cl11C1ner ;.K. •• ; ................ 33c
L~on Plied1• 1.ot UH ........................... 79c
CoffM Mote 1i.otJ•• ... 11.1•· Mx.1 ........... 49c
' FRESH ECi(i NOCi . ,: 49 ' REDD I WHIP . 49 ' ---~---.. __ ,_ -' -Kil Kn Cit FHis
~crt, 1111 O'\t..., lih O'Kidnty, lilt 2 t 3"" O'ti..~,litt-O'T-U-.6'01.Co11 l ;JI '
:;.~· :.°'.'~:.~~.~·.~~:.............. Z/33'
Cliillo••"""•"'IG"'."'...-., 2/""'
"" O' -· 1:1,,, -· "°'" (Ml ........... "' ·;...._;;..;."".;..i'
.... M ... 11 11m ..., "'" .... , .. , ......... ZI•
8tlsM Wllw Qe.111111 -.""' ..... 2/ftl
SpicN ,_... h1«H P~f. ~CAM ............ 2'
IWs Eye A---............... W .... s..c.~,~..00. .............. .
"-....... (toll & IUICl'WW.1'4D. ......... ,
TURKUS ~ Oii '°"' uAHo ~ OuJii.."i w . 10.J( 1L .... WI. •••
/V/O/N/S/ PQu~\~,;'
2 ~ '1 " 3 :.:; '1" '0::-
. "
Kraft Marshmallows ,~\:25'
Smuckers Preserves :¥£ 59'
Vons Aluminum Foil ":.~"45'
Imperial Margarine r~:~ 35'
Liquid Detergent ·~E: 32 ~f. 43'
1--. Moll., T ..... Wet!., l<fo¥. 24, 23, 26
~~~~~~~~--'~~~~~-.~~~~~~~--;~::::-::::---:-::---.:-:--:-:----.~""'.'.'"'~~~~--~ ,.._~--·-·••C1111. .......... M ... 11., ....... ,,,,o..1111,...,, ................. J MW-. ... tto. ..... -..... -M .... -............. 0 I ,.,.. I ·--I ~°""""a.-...--. ....... 11., ........ -........ ,-.. ,,. ..... .,. '-•~~ .... -................ JI• .._,.,.,..,a..-...._,..,_ .... 2'11 ....,.w,..--............................... 3){ CleonMr ""-Qv'·t. ~Clll!Mr---~ ........... ,,. ..._....,._.,.o,.-... ...;,.._,..~·::,., c... .., .. ,-4"", 1•CM1 .................... 2/llol JIU.I. , ..... -.. .. -.-.............. _,.,.. Wti.t,....."" c...i.................... Vl'avy '""' ... ........._ -____ 1,., -, __ ._
2m °"*"'a.ft......... t!J. .:. l<-OI. 2135• '--r"' O .......,.,.JIOCOM •••••••••"••h••"••••oJ5( =·=~-Olf;4.k1U«.CMI. Jh ...... ,.....,.., .... ,,,.,..,,,.,,.,.,,.,,.,,.,.,: -~~""".!; $1M $1.0f """ ::::::-19' ....... ~---IOQ.-.,.1.J1 ...__.._,~--...... ,.,,., .. tt • .... ............ , • .,,,.,.,.,, • .,,, -·-·•••••H••••• f _w ,,,..c.r. ... ,,,,. -c--., .. 4\t --~ *'-O..•Qll-.-,.,,,, ..... , ... M ..... ., .... ,f$c ........ c.ffM l .. ,UI0 ••• ,,,,.~,\.0,0000,.,,0,, •• ,7)r
Sewing Up -before •fit· 1011 Adams Ave. at Brookhurs• Hunti....t•n Beach chbig In a irpper, u se 1 't 115w 5922 Edi111er Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Yaney
21 082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach -.<~llophane t•pc ins•ead of P1"'j 34081 Doheny Pal'X Drive Capi'strano Beach ·~. io attach ll to the material. 1 '
' ~
-------------------~--~-------------,-.,---:---· . ---~---. -....-· ---. . ·----. -. ---
< PllOT·ADV!lmSU 9 N Maodq, N"""blt 24, 1969 • ~V PILOT D . ' ---------. · ~~~= Tlianksgi:vi.ng Din~'~r.·; Speeials ,::::y ·
NOV. 23 thru NOV. 30 . ' . ~.r.::: "iUiilYI c~. GROWN-RIVERSIDE 'BRAND '
TOMI --·--11.12 LIS'. WITH COllM.OiL ' ·~ ~:.... ......
4 5 FOl ~UAlANTUO 1trMI loaitl•t c.. TENOl~.ss .,. ··~c.111t
• a fLAYQR • 1••1!1 °Meht 6 Ttft~.-4 -~ .. ~.: ~~:. ~-~~~~. -~-,T.t\S'IY . ' 49 • ·• •Sl~Hh14 -"• · • -" ' . c lllOWlflltOflll e ~C..u.t ,•• •••-· ""'• • . , . ~-.
' -' lb "°!cf't!t ' l::t.=o· . • . • i-OMI L..-=.....;::_..,...._...::_.....:.:' ;::::;:~_·:;·, =:;:;! . , .•• ,2 . w ..
. , FROJJ!.'N ..OD I ' .. ' H1t11..,.uckle ~ t 41t. 131f
TUlll'f IOAIT,, •• l ·•i.'Slie . , ~ , H•11il!Y1uckl• sn.-4 ~~ 39'. ~ '
tUujll' w/6UV'f • •••flt~. • ~
•' M,._.Frld•y'1 6 eurmt,t 1 .... • •• ''IUARI ·IMllMP • ~•~,'bi· ~ ... ~ • . ~ .
• ~· '• f.ruii::rlclt y'•. IY,J~ "$2 1f: '
C , HU.Ill IHllMr ••• o.Plif.1•
' ,··: <\ R"iMrtFnM • 12 .... 79' ~"um ..... : .. ;.
·~ ...... .. ..... ,,,
,, (1 filD SCAUOfl • • • • • •• ~ ..
I.'·",-'' • ' . I 39' ,, ~D 1;;11111tlo11 · "' ·•L· • TIN , "'"' men .. , ........ ,,. C1~1tlH J·I~ ••••
fllH JllAll '· •••••••• P\t. .>
Gerio1t I·•· 49• fllH Cll~ •• , • , ... , . ,~,. .....
• w • •
• oaAN·-$PRAY · · ' • · • • · CRAUBERRY 'Breelda.t Speel•l• 1'YI ~ llA~ AYA,11. ..... ,; ;• ··
. •111 ' wu .. ,.,e.i.,;;to. ,:II. 61• -SWIFT'S IUTTERIALL. ARMOURlS '" '
NUTS SAUCE ~::J:h~-....... ':: 29' liOLOEN STAR AND HONJYS~CK_~~ T~~EY/-'
w; .. 67' "•• 2 100 39c ~::.t IAUSA•I ....... •::; 51' ''ftNDIR·Ul61 QUALITY-· .., .---GRADE ''A" FRISH---.
-OYlnll l , ,,, , , ,, ,,, , • ,,,, · • · · ~ ·• • • , . . · ~•"'"'"'''""Cool"'"'~ 'I"· 1 • •• ., :~·--SHANK HALF · • CALIF. GROWN -POPULAR BRANDS fl' , 1 LOISTll l .. U ••••• wt.1--. ~-.~, .· r1
• •
' ·ALL DELICiOU$. FLAVORS . 1?,~~~;,;;··~.~~ 1',°: . C TOMS
SHllMr , • ••, •• , •• ,, Tr111y ..,, • ... .
18·22 LBS .. ·
10.14 LBS ..
c REAL MeCOY 49~53~·
' .
SLICED I .READ .. . .. . .. .
lltowN suoia 2i 29'
~~~ c .
' lb •
... '.I ,. ·~ BOURBON $
' · HAW AllAN 3 5 C ;:HILLllYll llNTUCilY
• 99 PIGGY'S Ami PINEAPPLll • • • • • • • • • • . .. . WHIS·KI¥ ,·.
: ,C:IDIR :·avouios ........... 35! iiiv olN .. : ,, 99c i RED EMP,P.OR • 15~ JANOY • ~~LC, ! GRAPU ••••••••••• ~ • • VODKA • I , ' • O t o o ,
' . ~. '
. I I \
;.. .. u ...... .:.;;~.=Y...:.,P.,;:IL,_OT __ ----''"""'....;l("""''---"''--N--"-~ _2c_,1%9 . ' . .; r. . ~ ......
'• •
j :: " ·~
" -: '• t •• t } ,.
~ r -• r • ~ . . •
• • • • • •
.: ti <· " ~ "-1 •\ • . • ~· .,·, I !i . . . ·1 ...... . ' ;:\ . :: : \
·I ~ .,
' •, ..
' •.
~··~-~~----~--.. -~-.,._... ...... ....._. . ' '\ .... -..... ---., .... -........
YOUNG 39~. YOUNG ~3~
· TOMS ... HENS... "·
--·-···•---. MA'fflll ILIE llllOI 01 IS.D.l. CHOICE
CHUCK · •· ,
SLICED BACON· :E:'t.wi " .• tl 79'
BREAKFAST SAUSAGE ~1::.~·~~·~ 49'
MIYflll ILUE llllOI 01 UJ.DJ. CHOICE e
SAUCE o:'J~~~o OCEAN SPRAY NO. 300 CAN ............................ ..
BROWN & SERVE PKG ..................... - ...... _ ..
. ·,\ UJfQWWJ'~Wlm-
KIAFT wcm unn CHEESE --·--•oou••.$1.19 SllllllP COCKTAIL nwuRE ,...... .oz..,.39<
ma_gfair Liquors ··----
·.: ¥:CHAMPAGNE ?!'RlJ:~s 119 11..-WHITE; PlNK:S,Al!Kllfllt Bl/RCUND'f flfll l ANOCOLDDUCKCASE Of l2FlfTHS .$1t,lJ -
• j eb9r~!!!!~!~!. s36•
SOLOOR WHITE ll).f'll)Of ----
R0YAL 0CCASl0M SC0fCH s459
I· YEARS Ol.1186-PllOOF -BUJ0£D JN S~D.-flflH
J.ivl~~ .. o.~~~~9~ BOU~BO!!_.., ... s499
IMPORTED WINES ro1111 at01tt ggc 8EAUJ01.AISi uqf AAllMllCH, OR CfflNfTI MK
Se11r1m'17Crown (SMU~•6'l 11.39
ElrlyTi-Botlrlloo (SMU~•"'-11.79
Roy1I OCClaiotl Bmodr {Soft.7~."" I.It
M1ttin1l1111d Moore ~ 6al Ut
Roy1I 0-ion R.. (Sm.!~• Gaf, 1.41
CuttyS1rkScolch ----(SmL76)•C.L1 i.41
INSTAMATIC FILM ex I 25-12" G.E. FLASHCUBES .. '"'""'' & SI.DI
m~fair Froztn. Food
. " t VandeKamps
Niii.iTS CORI 3 F s 1
. 9tl!!,Jil~.~CE ·--4i$1
J..' •
' '
M11 • .Sun, Nn. 24.311
Pumpkin or && Mince Pies ....... ,,.. .,-
Prepared 49c
Poulliy Dresslng1eoc
ButllrflJ 3ae Coll11 Cakes .~ 111 .,.
'"_, ~•·ll ,,..~.,, ~~1'~1 • 41;,• DtWty SpWats!. . ¥' SOUR CREAM llALF25c , • P>i ARDEN PINTSIIE 49' PINT
'· : · • "~~ J ARDEN EGG NOG 49c ,
BUffER S!,!~.,!OPPING 1<>t sim 39c =AA u.83C Lgr~!,~M__,,,,,,_llA!fGAJ. 69C
SUNDAY, NOV. 23rd thru
WED •• NOV. 26 •h ,
!Dressing ··
' Fits Fish ' ' I B...., 11111flng ii· polf!ctl1
dtllcloqa wtth.lllJI: .•' '
STIJ1nll nm l'IAlltlll
V. poundJ I lllctl butler
I 12 cups (l modloau) c:bop'
pedonlai '
12 cup'djced celery • '
. . EElERY .
~ 1.. .
• • •
3 Cll1" ... _ -
•tulllni (from .. .._ FRESH ~::=~--Id oUv• .~ ' v. cup ~ dill pteldo
112 pound wtiole, flll> (lllCb ' .. ..-1; llGolld Paprika ' -
ID I llMncb NjlJet ilUte the
-In Ille -· Md matnlng ~ •. !IU'l!t
Ille ftlh, 1114 mbiwell ' • '
stu11 1q1o. bodJ oil llilir ..w
up or -cloled.'11111 ~
of ftlh' wttll oil On<! IPriMlt
with psprlb. ' ' '
Bake <11.ollad foil In 1&.Uow routinlr, J>111 In a rnlleoild
400 degree oven until llllh II opaque throu&!i -to w 16
mlnut.s. NaUi 5 *"lnp., · 1,---' ~ '
Defines Waist
' 9331 ...
10~ " : ) '
CRANllRltY . 15 F .. $1 SAilCI-303 TIN : 0 .
Whole .,. Jollied R Rot. 29c N . •
I Vwlotlo1
Rog. 27• Yoluo
Mf. Sklloluo
' . '
) .
•TIN _I '
(. . ' ~ r, . .
. -... tf
l ~
l., .. •
• ' i
' .
.... BACON .
. . .• l . • • ' ' • • •
LIBBY'S :'-..
46 OZ. nN
....... ·-
• ..
2 ''
· US.•FOR .
. : . "'.AND
1 l\ .,
···-ONIONS . ' . .
:lit• , ·J ·BUNCH~
• .. t ' -
t ; a t i
i (., \ ~· , ~I ,
We".Ffttawe ,,,.,,, TM But
? , '
:. fi./~resla. ri\rJcerl• P~
, To Flt Your ...... ~tZ
FROZEN LA YER CAKES ~· ·:79¢' , IA. , " " •
' .
. . '
" ALL 49 l(~RllTJ•S , ,. _. 3 _ ··1 · •. MOTHER~S COOKIES POii ' ' ~ ••v147c ... •\ ~··· ..,,,. ............................ : .. .
' ' . . . ·wa: vn~. •• :cLO ..
~IVINO · DAY! :.
WI RISIRVI THI RIGHT TP LIMIT \ • . ·.:.t,. .. •
""ONI 67JOl310-H1m1: f AM to 6 • •
I' '
•• l' .
r bnE
----· ..... --.... -------. •
". ··-' • OOll'l!'J••llCMIJ.T!!l!!I! ...... "' • IDllDU'S IOIE aua.llUM MllDEllEAT ., .,
.,_ .... ' 4' ·-· '· /r' k:
---.. ~ --. --· ----..,..._ -· ....-------·-···...---.. .._....,,..,~~~,----~------·· .
• ., . . ' " .
®rm·v ~ -~ 2.~·
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l4T .... 1UK.lt1'ill.toJ·llMf
•• .\ .
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·COSTA MDA Ill L IM It. -'°"~ ........ . -..... •ai,-•-.. .1!14" ... fOllllTAIM fMW'....,. -IOITM I.AMINA 'lll:D,S. C......,
U. ...... !M.u..--..m.. C... le ...... llW.._, ..... ~ ... ,., ......
. ' ..
' .... .....
' ' ~ • I. t ., ' . ' " . . ~"-·· 1•Nl¥'1 LOI U.'OIWIR °" CllUNTY ., .. ~ IJll,' r
' '
• • 1
' ' • '
. . .. ... .·up_~ets·· Pu.:~·:·usc~
•• ...J,, • ••• ,,. . . ,
M~c~i~~ri ·::1~~ Qowl
87 'l1li!: ASSOcL\T!il PJl!;i, . ' uniay. "But when I~ tNnkinc'a1tou1 ·
For the •UCLA aod· Slari!onl loolbill lt reallott.:.illy, I know wo biio three
. le1nt1 in ··the P.adllc>4, Jt·wu'lhil )'Ur DMn -to go Ind the bls-
that •mlght have·been. · . · ii 11111 aheadr too."
For University of .Southern Call!., Tlte."bli-" lo t1jt Dec. IT,,_
It IS the,yiar that b. since the TniJins will Arltll\IU clult wblch could dOcide the '
go to the Rose Bowl for an.unptecejlenttd top team of the rerutar -· fourlb straiaht tlrne. Joe Paterno, whose founh-ra.Qked Penn
F.or lhe othen, ii b wait until nrit State team beat Pitt 27·7, iald Ohio
)'ear. State's defeat "give. 1.11 1nothef,sbot 1t
Two upsei.s 5aturdlY,° one .major-and being No. I. U Ohio State hada't betit
one nol·.0 m!'51' lm'itpiet; th!Vlf the Tro-beaten It would have -tougil. But I
J-1 againlt ¥1chtpn )'> the Jin. l think we have ·the cradOnttail."
~ " • l • There was no word lr*ra Frank Broyles
lftcbiga'n upld. NO: 1 ObJo Stlte"M-12 of thJrd-ranted Artansu, a1ao idle Satur-
• and UliC. ~'UCLA, 14-11 .. althooaJi dl,y. Broyles probably WU too busy plot-
tbe ~ •ere·illgbtly favored. . Ung an ambolb for Te'Xas wben th&
. And the Tr<llP ivabbed t!iePaclftc-8 Longhorns lnoade Fayetteville. •
similar to t1ie >tay they stayed un-DOlplte the and of Ill 22-game wlnnlni
defeated in the invklus Ultee contests -streak, Ohio State must feel a Utile bit of
wllh a !Ina! peHOd ·rally bi.( ore more than prtde at tbO ~·-o! Bo
90,ooo In the Los Anceles eouseuin. /i<hembelcller; ~·· Ont -year
So, the kine 11 dead. . Coach. Schembeelller received • mut.er'a
But Ohio State's ...,,._ 11 kin& of ~ IA ecb;olloo !rom Ohio State In
the-cciltere !oothall -Id ...,,•the knov(n 195Z and' oa;ved ii Woody Hay.,• lino ~
1111UJ .all the ~ In ,The ~led c0ach !rom JllMI., '
Press po!laz:e to and.COWi~ tonight. He atao'playf14 UOdar Hayes at Miami.•·
. • fll" ~ · · u'"t'h~ -~ ·-•• ' 'I ~
There 1s· no llhortare .of catidldatOI lo ' of Olilo ..,r spent many hours at the
the walle 61 r.lichtpD•, ll!wtlng ufll'I '111 Hayes --t talkln1 rootbal~ .
Boston Patfifl(S' running back Carl. Garrett. goes . head over he~ls,
aftet Ca~g a JS.ya.rd pass from. q_~~er:back .Mike Taliaferro ip
an AFL game with the suuaio SW..'•Tl'yinalto wrest ball.from Gar.-
·rett ·is Pete !11chlirdsot1. Garrett Is locked· a battle with Buffalo's
O. J. sirlip;Off•fof'i:ookie·Jiooors i111he·· :H~ helped the Patrlots
defeat the Bills, 35-21. • . ·
. t1ie titlaJity Bucteyeo, who bad -et' • The-iarpat croWd ever to see a collare
t1ie top ot:the r,aoklnis an· .. -tong. . JOottiall - -1111,111-watched IJth-
.UCLA, whldl fltiiaI;M 1+1.. ~ raitbd ll1ddlao rally frcJln M and a.1 '
more than a U. to go lo the 1lole llaWI dellcltl, ud biUle Ila · way to the Role
since USC'• Ue in 1 M-1 record had come Jklwl qanst f1ftb..nnked Sou i be r n
qalnat a -erenoe oPP\nent, NO!rt ~ •.. ·
Dame. . ., . . . Wit . . · I : :
•J• . . '
' ' ~ . For. th"t reucm, the Bruinl , t · fqr • · , · .
Dennf5'-No · Men·aee -:• l'i:!:r~:;;:. *i:'b.': !-:'~ n obbled · Lakers lead with three inlnutel left ln the pme: ~Al , · , 0...11. y PeL.Qf ...... " ,., O'.-...~
Dummi(;lt All Anywa,-,
Jimmy Jones, who had compl'eted only
... pass 1n hit! first 10 attempts; moved Awai"t Grm· der· !110 ~ia!" u yardJ and Urno ,a 1.3-i'u:ct •
pasa to 'Sam Dickerson tor the. Wliinlria --· •
score with 1:3Z left. Kni ks k
' • • ' '4 I ' ' • ' I ' ., • •
ljEJIT STOP, ROSE BOWL .,...Jimmy Jones, USC, qullclerback,.gell':·
set to thf<!w a pass a• the ,Trojans defeated the:UOM.-Brulns Satur.-.
day to gam·the coveted-bid, 14-12. USC wUI face· Michigan· on N.1';:
Year's Day fn .Pasadena. In foreground o1 picture is Terry DeKrnt:~
(19)_.wllb C~arlle Ev~• (23) moving .In from the right. Unidentifieil".'
Brum lmeman bas h1S hand In the. aJr In !root ol Jones. in at!_. Trojai:i,$. in Rose Bowl .,...11::(11 k'ffi/';rn': the ~Ve~"::. c , Bue s
terference by UCLA's Danny.Graham 1t
the UCLA 3Z on I fourth-down~lO
aib,latlon. LOS ANGELES (API -The Los
Angeles Liters, pro basketball's version
of Genenl HOllpltal, hobble olf to New
York and Milwaukee thiJ week after a
to deflect the ball. · ~' . . .
Don't be suJllrised 11 )'OU ,see Dennis
Dummit and ·his L'CLA coach, Tonuny
Prothro, sharing seats of honor on a
Rose Parade float this coming New
Year's Day ... the University of South-
ern California's float, that is.
'Ibey earned some such graUbl!le from
the Trojans as a r'5Ult of USC's 14 -12
win over UCLA ln,Satu'rday's game which
decided JJ!O. ~~ of Ole Pacific
8 and Jl;o a... l!Owl•bld. Denhl.l.was
hardly a m~:~ un'less it was ~ his
own teem wbene~ he passec1· Of' at,..
tempted to.\lir"'· . ~-~t w_at: U~sgreatest weaPon as "!: :~ ;!Iva ~ptlons and, was . . ., } .. ' • • . ' .. ••••••''''''f'''''"
ly tas&tlm UCLA bad1e wllliclil wu
sported hy various aAdonedol. De
bilstg:e rud: 11-on ~ Wiid Beeb.••
* * *
Tooting your own hot:n section: This
column projected early last week that
Michigan would upset Olllo State and it
had forecast Michigan would be in tbe .... Rose Bowl. back in September.
* * *
The. Trojans won lhe game on the nei:t
play. '
v1•m nervous as 1 . ~~ over the
, possibility we could wine! up No. l In the
nation," s&ld Dam11 Royal, whole sec.
ond ranked Teus' team djd not pjay. 84~ . . . .
break-even weekend. .
The Natk>nal Basketball Association
club, reduced from'the league limit of 12
.P~yen to elchi. --IOme of them llsted as
uWil~ wounded" -are idle today.
Bu! Tueoday night · they'll I t n d
Pilots Tab Bristol . ~~~ :.r:~~",1~?;
· '· runaway: leader1, the .New Yl'l'k Knlcks.
and Lew Alclnd<>r: Los Angel" 11 0-2
NFL flound,.e '
:viking~ .. M:a;nia;n ... t~~d,
' ' I \ •
f ~ce L.ions Thanksgiving
' ' ' I I ! 0 As. New· Ski.·p. per. The OH! eVe.nlng .tltey'JI villt the .BUd•
Steve Ctlflesb, formrr Cotta Mesa -, .Brlst·' ol qMlainst the ~kl and 1-0 'a'g81nsi BJ ASSOCIATED PRESS QM of .the game's .most uitUAUal;.:... ~ <>race ea.st eout,e-·type; c·npt SEA'ITLE (AP) -Dave , was lwiiukee th\e year. Gafy Cuozzo camei bounding off the cid 'ts in th lhir,. d •!""
a toiacbde!'n rPD• In da:t la1.i 13 tecoadl, named manager of the Seattle Pilotl [O. Jerry West'1 40 points on Saturday bench 'to nre two touctQ>wn paues and en ,came ~ e. period wl)ea,
te, lepd Whlttltt Collere to a 15 --If ·ver-·day, succeeding Joe Schultz 'who W'5 night b009ted the Laftn past the War· set up tWo' more. as the ~lnnaota Ylklng.s with i the Vikings leading . 24-14, qfirllii
did uver Redlands. . fii'ed after leading the Ari\Uican .League rlori1 tOMe:' Saturday night In San Fran-ran their record to ~1 and maintained a Weat took a ·Steeler kickoff on hiJ lf ~
W.-pve ColOet .• -• llJ' 1 ,..· •-• ..._ baseball .expansion club lti: lts"flm sea-mco. :Bu. t hit!. 38 pointa Sunday night raiced down the sldellnel. The ball m· ' • ... -., _ ~ uooi: h two-game edge over·Detrpl\.\':,n the Cen-ou~ of his bands at Q:ae Viki•• .-,} •
SCIAC ~--.._Id .,__ pla"'-1 son. . we~~ enoug to prevent the Baltimore 1 al Di •-1 • of the NFL Vikln .. . ·~ -~..-.. p. AIW 1-• or General manager M~ Mllkes an-Bulle from IMln r · v ... on · · ' gs Mlnqesota's John Beasley didn't ..va.. Whittler are GreciSbalrm, Ra11 Pmtell,' , ts • g l2M7. 1 won over Steelers, 5S-14 !:teak str1·de ln snaring the' · ball In-•~'.:.: Rick M DOUnl'td Bristo1'1 set . at a nen Los Angelet trailed San Francisco by -.._ . Viki aod ,., t •--• . u~ OCC f=J:!. Craig AUn -an el-conference ,and said he hid beeil' ttir.d 1~ points midway in the third period ,,;~:i. . ..iyt np ., J.INns mee •Jl;:.llU~D lnd rambling, lhe final 80 yards. ·•
to a ·multi year conlract ,1t an undJI-"'fore roaring back to move •head to ........ ng, . gh ·1 Pittsburgh 's Don MCCall returned a
• • • cloSed ~-' ' stay at 98-91. Mel Counts 1hovfled in 21 Minnelota thundered ~J>:Ul PiUsbur ' kickOff :101• yards for,:'a TD and PRI The 35-yellHld Bristo!. ~••••ed the !12-ll, Baltimore squee..ed past Chicago Kra I th Vl"·-FuJI~-"' ch E ol H-point.a to aJd the Laker e&UH.. 24-21 'on ·aome ·late herokl by veteran ~ use o e .... 'Ii .. ran back an ·tn-<>ranP~~Co~ge h.~~p~ os::r~ ~~!ct~ ~~=al Hi:·:: .. :r'"*:••,, T LOS AN•:L•: T Johnny Unitaa, Cleve.land clipped, New terctpUon ..ri yardl·to' 9COl'e ·i?J tbe-'Ant ~"' all team1n the Southern Cal jaycee water fifed at the ~of the 1llt IUIOl1 after Mot!lie 11 •7 Jt ~rr.tt J • ,,. 12 Yor.k2'-17. Wuhlngton topped A,tlanta127-: hall.. ,J
--ed· for 66 yatdllin tosses to ,neutral~ polO championships · last weekend with the club, finished uut1i' In bie Western ~;!t, ~ t~ ;: :'~ ' 1
: ::: • 3: 20,' Detroit beat Qreen Bay 11;10, · : Unl!as lounged around ~ sldellnel -.,_. · '-'--gh .~.. I ·three rcturru·ng all-•ta•---•• some out· Di •-. Merin • >J 11 H"ltt • , 1.2 1 Philadelphia <Whipped St. Louis Sf-30 and marking the £1rst time alnce 1958 ·\hat~h.. ... _ --·.ihi. ... ·~ INIPlll nU t mlllJK.I o • -.. K>I,. lllll.I vuiion. JoM1ar1 1 2.1 11 Cout111 11 1.1 21 1.. .... _ ... _ bac" h .... 11~ .r -
M.C, -..q ..... -& u• ~ ' standing newcomeni from the prep ranks. The choices flt 1 manacer" for the koTt 1 1.2 1' McC1!1W "· 1-2 21 New· Orleans ·subdued San Fraocl&c!o w-v~...., an ' quiu-u::r . "• -ln ,.._. .. q ·~"'° teOlb'i.!Jy. · l th' But. he says OCC was still b ..... i.; .... in Pilots hid n11TOWed dori to Bri.ROI· Ind ce,,.,. ' .. • L......,, 1 .. a 3l · didon, dJdn'~ start for. the Colts -.....
And Prothro deael'ftS an :i: n LS last year's state title glory -~~by 1Jilly' Martin, who led the Mlmesota ~'"' ~ :,:: : . C~. who ~ed for 130.'yards,;J' . watc~ Chicago in~ercept two .~artiJfOi.
department .. .,.. it w• is chotheice II wtll ha ch . def d ~ '· "' ' J..__ Hende-•n wltb a 28-yarder . rall , pas.sea i· and turn. • • tlteiU .1 "'l.·O to' leave Duminit iii Ute game. Oo , not ve a ance to en jts Twins to the cbampJonahlp al. the Amer-Tot111 .if iwo 11' Tot•ll • 11." .,, .... n, • ..., tou hd
sklellnes was Jbn,Nader, ao untrled,leld · stil(.e •crown. Fullerton and LOng, Beic~ lean League.Welt 'tlds yeir Ind then got • r;.111:;191 ~ :: C g : = 1r, ~ touedta stx-yarder to Oscar Reed 'ln the • c OWl'll. '. 1 • • ~:·
general. And the Wiy thirip w~e 1otng wUl represent the Southland in the state U>e axe. Both were interviewed ~y ...,...rc, -""'°'· metcb rmarked. by, some martthon .r~, · Finally, with just 7:40'leff and the Cills ror UCLA umer Tummit's dirfdlon, tourney. Milke. here lllt week. 'f'::!T' =~ --H4::i1Jrr10A •· w ""°"": '!· tu.rm and bizarre plays. , trailing 21-14, the old maestro gdt Uae_.U
even Zenon Andru,syabyn at quarterback . · ' • -and promptly directed a 17·yanl .m ~~nr~~~~I: R .d. D ' "Ch. f' w·th s ·T·h f~4-~ ~~~t~~:::;::.:=
servetowln.Whonyouarel"lllJoftwo al · ers · OWD( . . te S .. 1· .· -" .. · .. : . e ~ ·,hen.alterJ.rr;Log.nlnte~~ nagrant ~ i!ltelfemtCe tnlracllon1, ' , · .-. • . · . . . • • . . . ,. , Bobby !)ougl.,. )lii.l'and returned 11\to
fumble once ind throw rive intercept.ions ... the Bear 40, Unitas cttot/e the Colts=
you merit only ·one thing -defeat. ground to set up Lou lllchaels' 17
Actuaily, ltwas USC that (lt1lbably did By ASSOCIATED PREflll ihou1d have thrown beltlrioo." nve yard ·run and Dawsoa throw a 31· r.{elnwblle, J .. Nam.U. threw two winning field goal with just IJ
UCLA_ and th.-nation ~ a !avor by Quarterback Leo Daw-has seen hit! In other AFL -· Gie Eutern yard IGuchdown' -to Olli Ti)'lor, touchdowit -to Geor1e Sauer,dlabe lelt. ... ;.
eaminJ Ille Ji711 Role Bowl bid tom~ mates cm the Kansas City Chiefs lllvlllon-leadlng New' Yort. Jill, 9-3, Oatland·caught 111 flrat toucJtdoWn .\rhen Partlll hit Pete l.iunmona.irllh a~-' I.er.or· Kolly, showlnc ,,.... o1 ~
Michigan. defealtv.r team mate u many Jo,.•Jn. drubbed ClllclnttaU, f:t,1;'40-Tf:s-, 3-Georp All<ln101irelllmid ... lntaceptlao llrlke,.Blll Malhls rat) 11 yarda::tor a bHIHanee Ouhecf.for dlrft ~ ~. It saves UCLA the embarrassmeot of lerct!ptloot In a game. But !No lime It · I, topped Bulla\>, 3", lHt:.San·lllqo, 5-D yards. touchdown ml Jim Turner klcl<ed ,_ and plck;.i up rn yUds ., c;g
IOBing. • WU the Oakland Raiden who'otote that •• -Denver, .. 1, 6-14, and Jan St<nmtcl'o field pal put Klnw field aoato;-o! IO Y":"'· 'cir ~·Jeta,. ' !hackled the Glanls ond all but ' ••
I. It '8Vt! the i.tevillon viewers and many Pl"" --, thrown by Houltoo, 5+1, trounced Miami, l+l, 31-City, In ""'1fl7·1G. but qutand tied it at ~~ ~t yam to BoiTrum· the Century DiVlslon champlonshlp. -~·
1111,0llll lw -11 be at the game the Dawson. 7. · the hall on Daryle Lamonica'• 31-yard PY for ctnc:lnbaU 1 touchdown In the It was the 19th Ume ln his c:l
dispteiauN tJf watching and listening to Two of the intercepUons Sunday were One of Oekllnd'1 lnt.ercepUons wu ICorfng pass to Warren Wells, George fourth period. , , K~ll)· -who st"'ked lbe Browns to ~
thole nauelllng howls, or whatever returned for touchdowns 11 the Raiders ~ 75 yards by llneblcker Dan Con-Blanda'• second field pl ol the 11me Jim Ne.nee acored from two-yards out leid before New YOrk' scored in ~
0-IOllllds _.meant to be, that were edged Chiefs 27-21 and moved back toto nm '!or II ,_..,, that aave the put the Raiden ahead and then CoM<n to snap I 21-11 U. for Boeton aplnst Bui· hoU -has paSsecl the 100.yanl
utteml bJ ,a Bntla ytU 1-der, • -•· ··Ont place In the American Football Ra1derl a IM7 lead at KIJllU Clly. The clinched It. faio and Miu Talla!erro tlftw three the !lrst thne thb year. _. •
U ,...;.,. *sit llli9o ""'* 1* 1 League's Western Dlvt•lon wttlo a t-f.I atef1 cio10C1'10,w\thln ,l'l·fl. ljl the focp;th B111Wa•1 ,t\nt llOlcl f041 wu set up touchtlowtl ,_. for th\ P~. . , Charlie tia.rraw.i' ra111bled a
rootbtS -.-.. ,_Ille ........ le .-n1 compared to -.Cl\f'I "2. CflllrW-, to""~F bul~~ icorJ'! whe!( Ed~lft· ,._,led the ~ Jaelt KllDp •COimecled on "'°' o:orln~ the onlf1ouihctoWtl ~the secoil<I '. tlte i., or .. C.U-m, ,.. ..., .... 'IOUr def-had dcme K aplnst oome r... -w~ -ltlctQll. """""'-alli>lambled aaoO!ilana -lo«llul!llo. ·,' lift II~ from Jlihliid opt
Dlled tliliia ,.., "Tlta '11111-~ otlter-le,"aaidtheveteronDawlOll, two-. · plcbdall!nlllellnal oonfwltht:aloll , laltlllqo rot lifllmvtr·u ·-vtetory .OTer Atl-The
Tabo Nt !-<• . '· " -coodd· not TeCal ~ n ... Ii>-two nt1nt/t.. -111 tilt O..laM dPt.-r T1ie )ill dol_.. llllul l'lf c;tnCtftnOU'o -~bacl ,_.., -puooil ,far m..,..i to dl'I .. pt11 ill' Wi At.......,, M was a -por'"" .,. terceptlons in • pmo be lore. on! lin<-. , runnl!Js ,..,., clonotlod --·G"I ""' tooct'1own,hll. ftnt In tlOI APL.' 111'1 • -late In the ..mt. bat C11e a.Dee. "There really Is no excuse. The Traillng 14-3 In the second period after Cook for loaea tour ti~•. forced him to ran for lwo more and Dick .,ost ran for was halted by a· Pa\I Glpson rf\dfihle, 1111
However, ti wu prompted by u eq•al-Oakland rush waa 1 hard one,, bul t the Chleft' Warren McVea ICOJ'fld on 1 fumble Ind pk:ted off one of his passel. three. the Skins held on downs the other~~
. ,
·: . :•
' . ' .•
•r-""' --..,...---,,..,,'""'---,------------· ---• ------------~---..... ~ ---------------------------------·-----------------------.
Gauchos . A wait • State Play(>f f .;
!.•Jr BJ ROGEl;l CARLSON Of ,.. 09ll't ,.... ,...,
i-•u ~. Usually, in any team's drive
$~ tor a championship there is al
, ~~" ieut. one really close call dur-
in& lh< campaign.
, .. ~. That was the case Saturday
. -, night at Hemet Hlgh School
:, : When Saddleback c o 11 e g e
• ·.•J.'"C&me bac~ '"with I? fourth
-.• • ..-ner punts lO skim by a ·;, ·~daftltr'Ous Mt. San Jacinto
, ; r.,itlnen, 17-8, to wra p up the
•• Duen Conference football ti.
-lle with an unbeaten record. fl--For coach George Hartman
I ~ and his Gauchos it was the t eighth victory in a row and the
~ Wrd-won decision e a r n e d
; them the right to meet
I l Reedley Junior College at 88'.l-
l ta Ana Stadium Saturday
rllgbt in the opening salvo aim-1 j .
ed at the state c:haJllpionsbip,
It was closer -m~~ closer -than the nnal tabulation
Hartman's crew had to fight
off 1he adversities of five lost
fumbles, an !nter.ceJ>Uon, I 1
penalties tolalint; 125 y~rds
and a welrd spread formation
of the Eagl'es · that turned the·
hosts' offe1se into a threat at
eve~ snap. FOr three .qua.tttrs and
several anxious moments in .
the founh period It fppeared
the Gaucho express, that had
run roughlh<id over the 01>
position tor the past tv.·o
months, was going to come to
the end of Its line.
Mt. San Jacinto led H and
was threate:ning again before
Chris Hector· put the skids to
an EaJle drl'<!e with an b-~ dlda'i li°me easy, ~v~r.: ~ ...... nATtsncs
terception OJ'l the G~fly" ' Stewaat ·qtiued hil fli'lt. it· ,.,_, .._ ,~ 1
1: ':''
reThitu~ng It to
• ' • temPt tiut was granted apother :e!! ::' =:::. • •
rteen p ay1 ater, 10--try four yards shorter after the To111 ""' -.,"' J; 1:
eluding a t>yard penalty, the red~lad Eagles were offsides. v1..-tv"""" at 1u
Wumera pot up · their first Tue final tally waa only ~:~: =-1: lf:
score of the night o n fros Ung on tne cake u trt.t Y•rn MJ(lld • w ·
quarterback,·Rod Gtaves• .tlx· Hartman's team, behind the '"""''"..,....,_ diet•"'• .uu.t t121.1 '"-hltt/Yfl ~lr911 ll/1U t/O yard keeper. There 'Was 7:il aoli.4 running of tailback Toby Fum1:11e11..-_... io.1 • •1• &'I
to go when JOhn Stewart ad,-Whipple 2.)d Grava mattbed . •.osM••
ded the extra point to make,il S2 yards In 10 pLay1 with .w.11•1•
n 1. Graves go'"" over from lhc • TC• v• YI.' .... ~ .... ..'O W!ll,.it ,, '" ' , .... The Eagles "'ere to 'ban41e tfiree. Grim 1' 111 • 1.1
the ball only two more times But ~ important, the ~ ; : ,; .;;~
before the fi.1al score was• drive consumed moat of the · Toi111 ss • 11 1.1
pOsted. , · .-. ~ remain.ing time beea111e when ~ •· ,.., ':''":1 •
Hector recovered a fumJ>!e Stewart added the 17th point h\*I 1' '' •
on the Eagles' 34 and that ''P ~re were 30 seCODdl feft. = ~ ·1: ':
the final blow Hartman's crew Ml San Jacinto scored three Toi.11 c 1n 1•
neated. times ~On the talented toe of l"AHtMe
Eight plays later they added Bob ~;too; who booted field 1':!1*'.:cca '""' .,.. I'd.
a 21-yard .field goal to make it 1oals.pteuuring 20, 32 and 42 Gr•.,.. tr 1i 1 1" ...,
10-9 with •:16, remaining. ft . yards. "°'*" ""· s-25 ~a 1u .~ ,
Hartman '• -' ! ;-
Had a Few
, Butterflies ...... ,:,
Coach Gt:orge Hartman of
Saddlebaci College presents a
i'alher coot figure even in
del]>m'ate situations but after
the Gauchos' nerve 1plitting
17·9 decision over Mi. San
Jacinto Saturday night, even
llartman; proved somewhat
"I have to admit I had a few
bl!tterlllts ln my stomach
torught.'J WU 11artma.n•S fUC•
tiOn to the cloSe call. ~ •
I'll San Jacinto" bad opened
up with an unuaUal .sbotlun . , <1.• • 1
spread with two bACb lined up SPA~K.ED COMEBACK -Cbru Hector dn 'WIJile) of Saddleback College
far ilgbt, a cebter and an end comes through Wiib anolher. key <lrielt•ive plaY,.•Ka!hst Mt. San J.acinto. It was
side by side and four linemen Hector's interception at the Saddleback .4,ve that launched an ~yard scoring
· an .end and a Jone back.on th~ d!ive as bis mates rallfed for, i 17:e ~u mph. ,Here he __ /!efet\ds aiiainst Kerry
other side of the neld wilh Summers. ' . , .,. • ~ ., \; -"--'·-·-------
quarterback Jerry HObba: sta· • ' '": .!
~ DAil Y rtlOt rMMI ., lit Pat>M
i:EY MOMENT -The Saddleback College • bench • title decider. Saddieback \Vent on to win, 17-9, and
:5iomes to life in the late moments of hostilities Sa'l· meets Reedley Saturday night at Santa Ana Bowl in
ay ni&ht when the Gauchos· take a 10-9 lead over·· , the first round of the state playoffs. •
t. San Jacinto College in the Desert Co~erence .
qstlers Look to '70. Season Kicl{ers
~!f SI . 'C 35 0 Smother r ter ammmg ypress, • L-:;-. oop Foes
%By HOWARD L. HANDY position by position until he yards for a mark of 930. -
:;. Of 1111 °'111 '"1"' 51111 has a chance to check out Parkman scored the first The Coast Rangers and their
.r It's all over for the Golden possibl~·returnees. touchdown Saturday on a 25 reserve team take a break ;l!est College football team of The Golden West defensive y~rd pass from Jim "."albuena from the Pacific Soccer . . . . with Buckland scoring the. 1J?69 and desp~le w1nn1ng ~ore unit will be hardest hit. Mmt next two on runs of 60 yards League wars this weekend
:.;.mes than 1n any previous or the starters this season and 3 yards. after splattering a pair of foes
Season,, the Rustlers finished were seoond year players and Sam Wurtzbacher added two Sunday. ~o games behind Southern Saturday night they did an out· points on a safety when he Coach Brian McCaughey's
lilomla Conference winner. standing job against Cypress charged throuji'h on a beci Rangers shredded lndependen-
Harbor. center pass to block a kick in· · f L Pu hi ~~Golden .\V~t e<1_ncludecl the to held them to minus 66 yards to the end zone just before ciao a ente, 7·2, w le the
;teason with. 1ts sixth vlct?ry rushing. ha lftime. This brought the reserve forces were rolling to
:~turday night by defeating Included in the liat of those score to 22..o at intermission. a 10-1 triump h over Universal
.s:ypress, 35-0, at Orange Coast whO did an outstanding 1'ob on B J of Paramount in a pair of road ·r,.u s di 0:1 ones rom ped three
'Y" ege ta um. defense Saturday· were Tom yards midway through the ventures. :~;For coach Ray Shackleford eo~ w -h f h The Rangers Jell behind, 1-0. '.)uKI his staff the time has Allanson, ..,..m urtzbac er . ourt stantA as reserves
:come to start building for next Mike Childers, Mike Jones, sco red the last two llowever, Br I a •.1 Gallagher
·'ear. Buddy Moen, Tom Coleman touchdown s. Mike Pe~an tnok pumped in a pair of a>yard
· II d G H a 14 v. ard 11eri11l from Ted goals to make It 2-1 and the , "You never know ~·ho wi an reg enry. victors were never headed. ~ · · · J I Of thl -· J d Hamilton wlth 56 seconds re· ·1-urn in 1un1or co e g e s •'"'"'p, ones an Everyone got Into the scor· '-k " h 'So f th M ·-d ye ) m11lninr. for the final score. rran s. e says. · me o e oen are -.. on at Payers. jna act including McCaughey >-I I h s t··~ n1'ght's g f d Bes.ct kicked the first. secontl ·-e rYS we p an on rea eavy a u.iuay ame oun and fullback Eric Smith. Other
·th'oP out of school for one Bob Bess concluding h Is anrl fifth extra points with scorers we.re Leif Wemeid, :(eason and another every perfect year of conversion holder \.rel! Henrv attemntlng Alfredo Maran and Hans Rcu-
:,.ar. kicking. Bess }lit three for passes the other two times. ther.
;~~~e~n:r:i~;i~h~:~et: ::~ ~~~~eg t~0
29 b;~~gh~i~it~~~ tf fl * co~d~~~;~J5tib sf:~1~Ji'~
:~ team next season if most miss. Gwc cv Ford had a pair while Jim ~ the boys come back." he The Rustlers brough t their ::~: =:: :~~:~: '! ~ Morrison and Orega Gusta££.
!bys. season total rushing yardage F1n 1 c1ovwt1 Pfm•ttln o ' son had one apiece.
J:-Roaer Parkman Is the loot figure lo 2.009, well ahead of ~!~'J,~1~~· 1;t .;
Qfecoiid year man in the the previous high set in 1967 at "''"' "~'"n' •1 ,,. :~':ling backfield that in-1,645. ~::-:~~~ ,11* ,:;. 1~
udcs Tony Bonwell, Charlie Buckland scored a pair of· P1111••1.t.v1•••• oi•'~"~' 11:1e.• '"'·'
'kland and Re' Snyder. touchdowns to bring his season "''11111'''Yo1 """trtct 11;11"1S lOI,. ,~mblei/F••"'"''" k'"' .,, '" The Golden West mentor , point total to 80 for the year Sc•,. w ou1111n
to go down lhe roster and in addition gained 165 r.o1ot11 Wrs1 u ' o U -JJ (l'prf" 0 0 0 0-0
e~ckl•n4 ·-· V1tl111tP1e
Olldtft Wal
TCI Yll Yl A~.
XI 16l f l,J ""''·· lllfJ,)
I 2• J1 ·'·' l I f J.I
Pro ·Hockey
Ntw YO!' ..
"'""' 0ttro11 •
"'"""'' ........ 1111 OMllM W l f l"tl .,. OA ,,,,,,,..,.
!017'17S•7 ,,,,, .. !I,
llo~:,1 ~l ~~ fi"~med to . . • . ~ , ' '' •' -• 't 'LA V$ 'Jf.JN S fi::""h.~:~·1 s;:~~ms lo Pirates Defeat~tl-Twiee;"-OVE·il~ ROCHE
especia1ly '\'Ith no huddles to -' WEMBLEY, E~giand _ Rod ~~:a~e: :: GWC Poloists Downed ~~~edof A~~[::iia·sde1T o~a~
made a.' few Individual ad-Roche, 6-4, 6-1, 6-3 iii the
justmentl at half Ume to By STEVE AND!\EWS G<>lden West with Don Lip.. men's finals of ·the British
cop.Dteract l h e ~sional Of 1i. 0.11' rffll 111ff poldt and Kris Swell.500 adding Indoor Open Tennia Cham.
Eagle spread 81Jd It proved ef-one each. " pionshlps and Mrs. Ann Jones
l·J've. Orange Coast and Golden o! England beat Mrs. "Blllie n:u Dave Griffiths was praised J But two Held goals rame as West were eliminated from ean King of Long Beach, 9-11, .,. for his work in the Rustler "2 9 7 t iak lh ' " a result or the spread •in the further water polo action in v-' • 0 e e women s w· nets. ' lie first half and for a while, with 1969 as they each dropped ·
fumbl«:s ,plaguing Hartman's crucials in the So uth e r n
outfit, It appeared Mt. JAC Ca Ii f omia championships •
bad rolled the right numbers. . Saturday at Cerritos.
HoWever Saddleback was The Pirates finished third in
equal to the task in the final the two-da y tourney even
quarter and Hartman credited though they lost to Fullerton,
his team's pride and d~&lre as M and Long Beach 7-4.
the key factors to the startling Golden \Vest was knocked comeback. "Our kids showed a lot of out early Saturday by Long
pride and desire. It was a Beach, 7·4.
tremendOl.IS team effort. The Orange Coast's defense sag·
fourth quarter really showed ged in the game w i t h
it," smiled Hartman. Fullerton. The Pirates fell
Things weren't made any behind in the second half and
too easy by the revelation that lost all chances of defending
end Marc Hardy was out oC their stale championship.
t/le game -and the season -In their final game against
with a leg injury. Long Beach they were belted
Despite the effectiveness of hard with penalties. Orange
the surprise spread by Mt. Coast was whistled S3 times
JAC, Hartman seemed unlm-for fouls to its opponent's 27.
pressed with the effort. Five of the seven Long "When you have to reeoq to Be h I I mickey mouse stuff you're ac goa s came on pena ty
grabbing for straws,.. stated throws ·with goalie Doug
Hartman. Schaumburg blOCking o n e
Tailback Toby Whipple and other·
quarterbQck Rod Graves were ri.tike Allbright led Priate
ettremely effective in the scoring with four .
rushing game with the two ac-Orange Coast mentor Jack
counting for 30~ yards, but Fullerton lauded St t v e
they spent most of the first Wagner and Schaumburg for
half fumbling the ball away their play lhroughout the
before they were able to get tourney.
rolling in the decisive final Golden West played evenly
quarter. with eventual champion Leng
Beach except for the secund
Impalas Roll
In Playoff
The HunUngton 8 e 1 c b
Impalas scored 22 second hair
points to overtake t h e
Newport-Mesa Caballos 28-16
for the championship <Of the
Orange County midget dlvilloo
of Junior All-American foot-
ball Saturday. night at
Newport Harbor High.
Brian Edwards, G r t 1
Nllikowski and Joh.1 . Valde1
"°'ed second half -hdowna
to atve the Impalas the cham-
Bill Rul,herfOrd and Tom
period when the wiluters took
a 4-1 lead.
Long Beach Jed 5-2 going In·
to the final period and Harry
Noah tried to gel the Rustlers bac~~ in lo the game with two
goals, however the Vikings-
matched hi1 scoring.
Noah was the top scorer fur
' • • •
J •
range Coast Schools
et to Honor Athletes
Ctrt\Ulrt .......
l!I, J-5 H1..,UIOfl
1J ' '·' J 0 '·' ' 1' t ).I SI 11$ $1 "1
Chk1" T-"
••11''''' t6J lt•f l l
,.3l7 $t~
Wt1! Ol\'llMll
SI. Lovlt t r ' 10 ''
Baker added two-pOint con-
:;-versions for Huntington
n Bfiach. · Ml-11 1 I 2 16 ..
l"ltttb!H'lll s 10 ) ll ,,
lot Orange Coaat area
bill teams wil! be busy
1warda blnqueta Dec. 3
4 wlllt ._t of th< school• boaor6nc their. water pokt croea country team1.
llltt'1 Ill< ICl!ldule for lh<i -: Doc. J
C..-del Mar -Sptelal
•w•rdl cles~rt (football only)
ail school ca!eteria. 7 p.m.
Costa Mesa -Awards din·
ncr (football only) at school
ca feteria. t :30 p.m.
Estancia -Fall 11ports
award.I dinner (all) at school
cafeteria. &:30 p.m. Speaker -
Ernie Johnson, assistant coach
at Cal Slate !Long Beach).
Laguna Beach -~all sports
av,.ards dinner (all) at girls'
(Ste AWARDS1 Page 2$)
C•!lwWit 10 ll n 1.1
M1tll11tl 11 31 100 --...1
M1c0tun1I ~ 71 O J.1
MCGU>C~lft J 1 0 J.J
Guultltl ' ' 0 t .J t11m• 1 I 41 ·H.J
T1!111t .IC! II Ito •l,1
•lltct .. , .. , '"""' ctn!tr. ltlt ,...
tutled In IMO<~'!CI IMlftl !or tl!l/~.
'°""''" V1lllu1111
H•mll!o~ T&ttll
... ftfl Wtsl
l"A fl< l"MI YO l"ct,
ll tJ M .•jJ ,,,,s .uo
I 1 0 If l.OOll
16 ' I tJ .obt
ll / ) "' .»-i
01ki.llll 5 11 , 11 "
Plllltdelltl'lll l 1 6 lt l4
LO. Alltlll• 111 1 7 J7 Situlftr'• ll:t"'lh ""°",,."I 4. o.~11M 2
TOl'9"1o i. 0.11'1111 0
ff.., YCll'll S, SI, ltllll t
'"'"~ s. l"flllfftlfllll ~ Ml~• " l '9 ..,,..1 .. 1 , .................
Ntw Yotk t, Ollklll'ICll t '
Toro.r> .. ), l"hit•Otllll!O. t
CM"'"° I, Ptl'l'ltlut ... ' .Monltttl t. &ottorl t. 119 , ... ,., 011Mt
No ttmts lClltcklllf. T_.,,, ........
NO tt""'I ~ultd.
:= Valdez: JIUl the lmpalu on
St lop In the flr1t quarter with 1
touchdown but HunUnaton
couldn't hold on 11 Newport·
Meu'1 Pa~ul Delnet ran for
two ""'111 piriod lll'Orel.
Gavin Hedl1ct addid both
Caballol exlra pol\11.
Huntington Beach advances
lo the SoCal Federation
scmifll\811 this weekend ~t
: . , ,
l I
: ~ l • . , .
" " , . ..
; ~ I
~: 1 .. ' " . , ' , , .. , . ... .. , ,
; ; 1' . , " . . ,
" ..
: I • i • . ~ ·'
l •
~-., •• . ,
---~,..;•••"'~**'"""**..,,...O-..,~·•..,,,..,~,•••s;"'"""'~''~"~""""•''"'*'""•s.,.~~n~o~-~•r•~.-·~••••¥s~o•o"""'""•""'~"*""'"""~'~'-~'~~""'""-rl&U•WW-••••••aa-044ac:.s~•••n•~•~-••un•~~-·-•~•-.o••••~•~•..,..,..~,~-~~~~~"............... .....,..,.....,~ .. -~._ .. _.,_,_ .. , .• _.44,_.,~ .... ~--~---•""1rl
.;l Sites Set ~ .. :
~.For CIF
:: G "d Tiff .. r1 s •
« Rolllng HUis High School In-
! vade! Orange County for lhe
1 second straight year to do bat-
tle In ClF AAA quartert1nals l action with a Cres t view I League champion.
1 Last year the Titans dispos-
ed ol Laguna Beach, 42-14, and
this Ume the Foothill Knights
provide the opposition at Santa
• Ana Bowl. Both teams sport
I ~ JQ • ·o reeofd.s.
; : Other CIF football playoff
' : 1ames involving Orange Cowl-
: : ty teams are Anaheim
; ; (AAAA) and Redlands in their
! : rematch at Anaheim Stadium,
! : Fullerton (AAA) vs South
: : Pasadena at Arcadia High
• School and Los Alamitos (AA) ! : hosting Riverside Poly at
' Western High.
; · The pairings and sites: •
~Polo Play
I Corona, Newport
Face Stern Tests
Corona de! Mar and N.,..
port H.--two well
known names in the role or
ClF water polo playoff com·
peUtion -will be facing stern
testl niesday afternoon for
lhe right to C«ltinue towardl
the semifmals.
No. I ..eded Corona del Mar
ls up against Oiannel League
champion Oxnard High at
Long Beicb Millikan (! p.m.)
while Newport Harbor facea
Garden Grove (19-1) at
Lakewood following t h e
Downey.Anaheim fracas at 3.
Oxnard presents a 12-3 ouUit
with its mon notable ac·
comp1ishment the recent S-1
win over tough Mira Costa.
Junior Rod Cade'. fJ the
futeat of the ,Arp, and
usually is eiµployed on the
last brea)c offense. .
He has help 'frorn seniors
Steve Cuey, Terl)o Ridge and
Steve Shortridge.
But it's the o verall
teamwork that Rodney iJ
counting on \o ctisPose of
Newport Harbor's Sunset
League charripions •.
The Sailors, w~o . have won
the CIF ~P the past
two years,, had a .field day In
second round compeUtion Fri·
day, b1"sting Su6ny Hills, IM.
Corona del Mar also had a
relatively easy ~ ol it in 11e-
cond round action, turning
Upland High bad<, If~ .
Pro Cage
Standings. ...
• ....,..Ol'll*"
Ntw Vortt
Mii~" C!ntlfwwtH
Pllli.delOfl!I ...... .....
w.. L..t l"ct. o•
ilG I .W -
u • ·'°' 5\t
11 • .JJO '"' a n .n1 11
1 12 .JiU t?
' 11 ~ n ' 1) .JU 11 , , W .. lffll Ol'l'lllH t:ill:,...._ i? : := '
Chk:.f'OO · 10 f .SU S 511'11 Fr1nc:J-t lt ."4 tVt
Sift D'-1 11 .Mt 5V. "'-ihi: 1 11 .JJO •Vii
Mtlll• 5 11 .111 JV,
. SllllUV'I lllM!lh
Clntlnntll 111, l'tlotnhr llJ
9~1--12t, L.o. .......... '1
.. ,.. us. Sfftt .. "' T•'l"tO.mn
C:lnclnnt11 11 Ml1wtuk"
S..tt .. 11 Sin Di.to
Saturda11'• Preliminaries
Ai·ea Runners Shine in CIF Meet •
Westmlnster, San Cleme.1te lng the AAA heat.
, and Mater Del toQI another Richard Preist Jed the
step !\llther In theil quest of Mustang harriers and was
CIF cross country UUt!! Satur· trailed by Doug MacLean.
day in acUon at Long Beach Following tbls duo was Steve
State. Dendinger, John an<\ Tom
The three schools will now Olswang, Tom Stovall and Bob
enter the finals this Saturday Gollnick.
which again will be, staged on Jack McQuown ot HU':l·
the Long Beach campus, The Ungton Beach jtm missed
first race starts at 10 a.m. quallfying, winding up slllh in
Westminster trailed Mira race one 1n 9:ts.
Saleslan, Rancho Alamitos and
Roland also qualllled for the
Bob Lineback was the top
finisher ror San Clemente
coming In lleCOnd t:t 9:37,
Craig SterUng )¥as 5eventh in
9:50, Brad Winton, ninth In
9:51, Gary Brashean, 13th in
9:57 and Bill Ayer, 17th in
In the A division, Mater Del Costa in race two. Don Diston Westminster is rated an e1.
was the first Lia.1 finisher, ceUeni contender for the AA finished third 1n the first race
COmiilg in second in 9:~. crown. Its main compeUtion -
Other Lions and thelr times Saturday will come from
were Steve Varga, . 9 : 5.0, Upland, wht1el'll of Tace one,
to land a spot tJ the finals .
San Marino coptured first In
Lhe heat with St. Bemard'1 se.
cond, Mlraleste rourth and
Walnut fillh .
Rick J ennlngs was the
highest finisher for t h e
Monarchs winding up t n
seventh place. Mark Collins
hit the tape 11th for Mater
Del, Steve Horestmeyer 14th.
Bob LeAnia 16th aid Toby
Clearley 44th.
"'" Wayne Akiyama, 10:02, Steve Mira Costa, South Torrance
Tires Cost Less
•••'-01.111111 Lassegard, 10:13, Ken Hurst, and Burbank. ~"' L,'11.~'f· •• 10 :15, Ted Mauler, 10: 19 and San Clemente and E 1 Compl•t• lih• of n s .106 21'1 John.Nichols, 10:26: Modena, t~e two Crestview Flb•r9l1t1 1.1t.d Tl1•1 A••il1Ll1, : : ::i !.,., ~ewport ran In race one of League AA entrants, won their Prlc• Sten 11t SJl,tl pl• f.LT.
' 12 .w • the AAA division but did not races. f ib1r9l111 Wld1 0 .... 1, -S11p1r Pr1mi11m -
W-.2.•J_' .271 '0 .nualify: Chris Bentley wa. s t.he El Modena picked up 48 Radiil -5F0rh -Sill<! lu99y -...,., .. ""~' -_..,, l •ti Sii11 Truck Tir"' 4 N-0r1e1"' 11 1 .a11 ~~l 'J)r -to cross the finish point$ in race ooe to runner.up ' •
;t AA.AA r1:.l.~M~ vs El II:~ .t c.r.
•• ~ .. -.. 11.11111"*'*' ., Anlhekn
The Yellowjackets are a
se.itor dominated team with a
balanced scoring punch and
good team speed.
uaOEH 0110\I• 1 .. 1 t WntmW.lwr
::..:"""'" :: .: :: : tine,.comlngin32ndin 10,111. Lompoc'• 96. Other qua!Uying BERG'S DELTA TIRES'
, Wnhlfttr°" ' i1 .4$ s FoUowing.BenUey were Rick teams were CI are mo n t,
, ..,_ • " ,,. •~· Flemini, 10 ,13, Sid CommiJ.1, Coachella Valley· and Los 141 E. 17111 St •• Costa M-, 64S.201 ft 1 Stnlltt ; lf(llum
ll&lr YI Salll• Monka .t JIOM low! • Wllt!ffff n laktwOllll •I Velw-~' $11dlum. Garden Grove, meanwhile,
boasts one of the ClF'1 be11t
overall marks - a 19-1 record · that is only blemished by a 5-3
defeat at the 'han~a of top
rated Corona del Mar.
20 WHt.m
t Anlhtlm . ._..__ : Kenl\Kll ... S:~r! "...:, 115 10:32, John Holcomb, 10:39 AtanUros. . . ,.
2 Npw YD'11 no. Pltt'P'l"fh 1°' and·Steve Alwar~ 10:43. In race two, San Clemente's ••nkA1111ricercl 10,,..a.....,. .. leyl M•1t.r Chirp ..... • ..... , "•Mdelle llf; Fulkrton 1t .. re • Hlth i \ Fr'trpfW YI lawndflle " Stnllnel
lour,,. HLll1 "'' FoolhlM •I S.nl• An• 8owl
4 Colt• Mesi s c~ 1111 !Mr 1 Merlft1
f Wftln!IMltr .. _ i: -~.,~·~··'.!"~';~::.,,.~•:M~1'"'~..,...~M~"-'~~_:~~C~o~s~ta~·~M~es~a~,Ja~l.So~~lalJ~e~d~t~o~.~Tr~it~on~s~·am~as~sed~~40~po~l~nts~t~o~========='='"='==W=~=''::'':"'::SA::MT:;:A:A:N:A::.::14!!!:1~::"'::::::=z::! ,
0.111• •• Htw or1""' win a.:b:erol in the finals dur· · second place PaJos Verdes' .11..
•onlll vs Glenc:lo!'I •• Citrus JC
AM llnll P111l1 •I ll1r1tow High
LOI At.mlm "' Rht•lllcN ., Wftlwrt
A SI, 8-vefltu ... itl SMll YMZ H.,._
"'""" 11 Pllm S9r!flft Hltll -·-Yl,l(C. V•llW 'IS PMadtte •I Att> 1"°" \11lieY Coli.te loron .. 1"-a.1 Hlll'I
The Argonauts, under coach
Lynn Rodney are working on a
13 game winning streak and
have not been held to lea than
a two polni margin io any of
their 19 victories.
7 Foolhlll 12 E1t1nc:L1 ,,_ ··--' P.c:llla 11 LI Oulntl
1 Sanll..o te a1lldlt Ailmltos
7•9olN Grtftclt ... ""'"
OXMAllD llt41
S l-llMdl PolY '
S Lon<! Btteh l'Ny
1? Rtdol'I05 ... di
' • ' • • s • ' ' '
Six Monarchs Honored
On All-Angelus Teams
1 Sanle Monk.I
1 Mir• Coll•
5 Momln111de
lt Nontoff
21 twnr•rd
4 Ventur• .......
12 au-•·-• DOI f'WblOI a Mlr1 COii.
Mater Dei High gridders
picked up sil: spots on the Alt.
Angelus League football team
of 1969 as selected by the
circuit coaches.
Leading the Monarchs OCl
the offense were tight end Jim
Blackburn, gua;·d Ron Dickson
and halfback Mark Dunn.
Defensively, Monarchs Tom
Grzecka, Bill Appleton and
Bob Haupert were named.
Dunn was leading rusher for
Mater Dei, carrying the ball
for 738 yards m 141 canies for
a 5.2 average and 1 1
touchdowns overall.
He was named to the All·
Orange County first team by
the Orange Cou n ty
Sportswriters Association ilnd
Wall selected as the Orange
Coast are.a back of the year by
Quarterback Pat Haden, a
Junior, aJong with split end
John McKay of champion
Bishop Amat led the firs t
team offense.
Haden was named most
vaulable player of the circuit.
111 all, the Lancers pulled
down seven first team berths
while rnnnerup SL P a u 1
garnered six places.
Ol'l'•NS• htlt.... fllant9 Wlflllf CltM
SE-Mcl(1y, Bl1hoo AINI 11' St.
TE-llitd.bunl. IMt« Otl ltJ Sr.
T-81111. SI. p...,1 20J Sr.
T-Buldl, Bflllop M\11 21H Sr,
G-F~. St. P.ul 190 SI'.
G-Dld<IOrl, MiJ!i'I' Otl 1'5 Sr,
C-Ponao1i.. sr. P.u1 :!Di Sr.
0~11Hft, lll1holl AINI 171 Jr.
Qll-Summertell, SI. Mlhorll' no Jr.
Hll-DuM, M111r p.1 115 Sr.
Hll-l!!llriJdl, Bf1hi:oP ... "'111 1'5 SI°,
FB-M~P•rlliJnd, $1. Paul 195 Sr. °""M E-H1ncock, SI. P•ul
E-C:orntll, llli.holl A,,,.t
T-B•rrtll, 5«'1'1t.
T-Grtldl•• Mill.,. Dl'I
M~rci., 81111op Amit
Lll-Ktlf'(, SI. P1411
LB-ZlrrlrMr'lnlflo Slrtll•
L&-APP!tklft. Miter Ol'I
Hll-Lolltt. Stnol.. •
Hll-WN, llllho!I. Amlf
S-OUM, $tnltt
S-H1uptrt, Mil.,. t»I
210 Sr.
1'0 Sr. 1t5 Sr.
llO Sr.
215 Sr. :aoo Sr. 17.f Jr,
110 St. 1,s sr:
1'5 Sr.
110 Sr.
UD Jr.
',·• ... ·~ ... J.,~--
gy m. &:30 p.m.
Dec. 4 Foontain Valley -Fall
sports awards dinner (all) at
school cafeteria. 6::.t p.m.
Huntington Beach -Fall
sports awards dinner (all) at
school cafeteria. 6:31 p.m.
Mission Viejo -Fall sports
awards dinner (all) at school
cafeteria. 7:30 p.m.
Newport Harbor -Sports
awards dinner (varsity foot·
ball only) at Balboa Bay Club.
6:30 p.m.
San Clemente -Fall sports
awards dinner (all) at school
cafeteria. 6:30 p.m.
Pro Grid Standings
Grid Scores
"" E111tn1 Cenfl,_
Cenl!,I,., CllYltloll
St. L111.1l1
W L T I'd. '""" 01' 721 .771242221
l ' ' .3l3 21' 2$1 'l 7 0 .JOO 15) ,41
1 ' 0 .100 uo 1'9 CiJpltol OIYlslon
Oall•• W11hl1>11IOfl
New Or!H "'
I 2 0 ,IOO :nt 172 s l 2 .615 '" 1» 4 S I .44'4 211 17,
3 7 0 .JOO 221 290
Wtlllnl ConflAIKI
Wt1ttrn Ol'l'lllol!
Mlnn.eMlll 9 I 0 .llOO 31' lOl
Oetralt 1 ' 0 .100 '" 1'1 Grftfl B•Y $ S 0 .SOI! 11' 1'0 Chicago I 9 o .100 15' m
Cttlltl Ol'l'llklll
LOI Anttltl 10 O 0 1.000 276 16t
ll•ltlmore ' • a AOO 726 211 Alllnl1 l 1 o .lOO 1111 m
Sin Fr«tdsco 2 1 1 .222 190 251 ,.,..., •• llt1Ulls
Walhlntton 11, jlllt nl• 10
&.ltlmar• ,._ Clllcno 21
Lot Anttlts 2 .. Dll!ll '1J
Oelroll 16, Grffft BIY 10
Clr11!1nd 21. Nt w York 17
Phll.O.lahl1 3A, St. Louf1 30
MlnntK>lt Sl, Pltt1burgh 14
New Orl11n1 4l, San Fr1ncl1cg 3'
Thl.ltM11y•1 Sdltdult
MlnntKlll II Oth'all sin Fr-ncl~ •! 0.1111 ,.,,...,., k htdull
Al11nt1 •t 81lllmor1
ci.v.11nd •I Chlcttt
Ult """'" a1 W1sll1Mlorl Nirw Yorti: vs. Gretn ll•Y• 11 Mii· WiJUkN
Phlll<:lt lplil1 11 Ntw Orle1n1
Pllltblrt1i! •t St. lwl1
"' l!lllwrn Ol'l'lllOll
W t, T Pct. Pit. OP
• 3 0 .727 271 207
s ' 2 ·"' 20I 201 1 1 o .211 1n 2n
2 • 1 ,:ioo 17• JQ
O.k1•ncl k•-City
S.n DI"° CIM!fl!lltl
t 1 1 .toll XIJ 205
• 2 a .111 2t1 n1
s ' a -"' '" ns 4 61.«ICIH4217
4 ' 1 A 22t 2111
S1f'M't"I lltwtl1
eosi.,n U. 11ir1111o 21
S.n Oleto .u, o.tlYtr 24
H111.11ron .12, Ml1ml 1
N-Yori!; «>, Cl1tclnn1ll r
O•kl•nd 27. K•nw1 Clly 24
OlnYer 11 KIMMI Cl!y
San Dleoo ti Hou1ron
S.Ufadlr'J Sclltdui.
Clnd nn1t1 11 llull•lo
BOiton "''· Ml•ml, 1t T1mp.1, fli, 0.kllnd 11 Nirw Yor1t
Sin JoH SI. 15, P.c:lflc 12
OrlllClll 51. \II, 0rt90ft 1
W1shlntfon 30, Wlll>IMton SI. 11
Stanlanl 2t, Cllltornll 2t
Slcr1""nlo St1te M, Pupe1 Sound 24
Cal St. tLlll ll, San Franc1.ais1. 10
Wtllltitr 15, Redl1ndl U
C•l Wnt1rn 61, Coa11 Gu•rd '
C•I $1. (HIYWlrdJ 25, V•l•v 51111 17
San oi.eoo s1111 n, N. Ttx11 s1. 24
Penn Sl. 27 PUtsbur!lll 7
Wt1t V!r1lnf1 13, S'(l'ICUle 10
Prlnc"°" 3$. Oartmout~ J
VIit 7, H1rv1'1'd 0
Cornell 21, P11111 U
Columbl• lL 8f'Own S
Bolton U. 2), TflOlllle S
11u111n .c&. Col11t1 12
11\ltlllo 1.C, \/'ln11'10'l'a J(
Lel!l.tl :N, L9f1n1t1 If
Mldtl1an :U, Ofllo 51119 12
Purd,_ "'· lndllM 21
MICl'>ltt" St. lt, Nortllwtllen! 7
T""*'r Mls'°"rl ''' K1n1•1 71 Cr0t1 country -Oritll!ll Colle11• Nof•t Dtrnt ll, Air Force 6
lnvltallonal ll), CIF Finell. low1 46, Ullnol1 0
ll1&kl!IMll1 -(t U sc:rlmm~t) Centi MlnneK>ll 3.!, Wl1C0<11ln 10 ,...,M et Ccwlnl, Ml15lon Vlt!o 11 F~ Nebrnkit "4, Okll~ 14
lain Valley, Los Amlvos 11 Lagun1 Oklahc,... st. 3$, IGW• St. O leech (11! •I 3:1JJ. Coron1 tkl Mir al co ... lda 45, Kem1s Sl•I• Jl Jorclen1 Foothill 11 E1t1nc11 . "" Wntm niter ,, ll•ndlo Allmltol (Ill II SOUTH
J). TtnMU" fl, Kll'lllUCkY '' w_, 5ovl!I C1roll111 %7, Clamson 13
llllkttbloll -Cell scrlmm~tll Lt M1ry!1ncl 17, \llr1lnl1 1J
Hlt>r• ti Hunllngtori BtKll, T111llrt 11 J'lorlda Slit. J1, N.C. Slttl 72
Ealion (bolt! 91 3}. Dvk1 17, Hortll ClraUl'lt 13
J'r!Qy \111\derblll 6l. O.vldi.on I
W•ltr l'fllo -UC lrr11111 •I NCAA lh LIU 27. Tiii..,. 0
l D"ll BeKl'I. Richmond n . Wlllllm .. Ml,., 17 ll1K1tbelt -El Cwn!r. al Or-• IT CNS!, Galdfn We.I .t Ml. $111 JKl"lo IOUTKWI lboltl 11 I), Slddlebld: it! S... DI-SMU 12, 8itYlor ' Mt'sa (1l, CorOftl llel Mir •I Morn-TCU 21, RICI 17
lnriide (10 1.m. Krltnmlllltl, E111nci. Ho1111on ''· WYomlnt 14
11 We1tern \l P m. scrlmm1911), \11111 llOCkllS
Plrfl; 11 Mir M !':XI P.m. w lmm111). Ullh 1,, BYU ' llhH'41Y
Croll Count,., -Sii .. JC lln1ll 11 ;;;;;;;;"';;";;';;';;' ';;";;';;";;";;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Fr~1no. Ditskttb911 -Galclen Wnl 11 Or1""1 Co11I Cll, Sacldlebldl JC .t Gra1in-.ll (I).
W1t.r Polo -UC IYrlne 11 NCAA
tournemtnl lrt ~ llffdl.
s.f,co will fr•n1f•r your 111. to
our offic1 ot 110 ch1r9t .
N1thi119 ch1nte• •tc•pt th• P•r·
1011•1 .tt.,.tio11 which you c•n
now r1 c1i'l'1!
A Public CourH with • Country Club Atmosphere,
The Hunli"llton S.ocllff Chomplonlhip Golf
Course •ncf UnJNrafleled ClubhouM Facilities
l'lfO IMO,.
Olf'fctllolll It Clrilll Siii Olflt f...,, " ...... Witt A-e., ...... ,. Pllftll Al'lt rltll! tt C...,.._ w 1"-clflc CMff Hwy. It ..... '#Hll _... ti 1'111n, lift It CllltltlwM.
Bob Paley
and Aaoc:lolft
Phono 642-6500
546-3205 from
Nor th Orange County
474 E. 17th St.
SEARS Has Everything ...
S1111dav l-lrn1r .-:
I 2 '.'loon lo :1 l'.:VI.
Se.n and i:he laken will condUC1 1bcir
FR.EE baskcrb.11 clinic 11 the Forum, ,s.turd•r. NOYembcr 29 llf IO:}IJ A.M.··
Prtt c lioic nail able to CTtryonc 1t1end·
ing Mid, cxh J"OU1181lef 16 rein cl IF
111:1d under will rr«i.e a coupoa eo1i1l.
ing him co 2 rickets ro 1 fu1uie LrJ.:er
game. E~ •1tendin~ will receite
a coupot1. ertlitlin& 1bem 10 • frtt PeJ»-i
c.ola cnmplimenu cl Pepti Cola B<M~
Ask About Sean
Conveni ent Credit Plaru
Prices Effective
Today, Nov. 23rd
thru Tues., Nov. 25th Sears
6.95x14 1'uheless Blackwall
Plaa 1.96 Fed. Exe. Tax Each
And 2 Old TI.-..
Tubeless Blackwa ll
2/25.00 1.96
2/29.00 l.79
2/28.00 2.07
2/32.00 2.20
2/36.00I 2.36
2/25.00 1.76
2/36.00 2.21
2/36.00 2.08
Tub eless Whitewall
2/31.00 .J.96,
2/35.00 1.79
2/34.00 2.07
2/38.00 2.20
2/42.00 2.36
,------------------------------------~----------, ....,. HllCTA M«IO, IJt .. JJf A.,... Cl' :1-stlt IOll8 It.Ml! HI J.0171 fl«' wt ~1 """'J' AMA 1111·3)11 tOllWC' J.42·1511 I c.-.-~• D1e&11U ot 1.1004, a "4611 al'WIC ' tofO 1oN a.s111 ~ m :1·11'1.""" f.s1a1. YU .,.,JI SAHl'A ff.IN«K ,. • .,11 ~ ,.,.,.,,
(.Oll'l'ClllHI •JJll, HI :1·'1•1 f!GUl'lll'OI» IC f.Jf41 OUHOC •>1·2100 WfrA -.C... lll 4.'111 ....... , PO 1·1161 , fN•ty9
CO"WN ""4111 .-.rwoo9 Cl WJJI · '~ 611·3211, Jll-4111 ICIUlll COM!' "AJA J.40.lJSl -" f.1111 ,_______________________ -------------------1 --
__ F ____ _ •I .. • '•' • --.. ---· ... ' ..
Mod ular
Plans Move
~1odular llous.ing, lnc.1 the
eight-month-old ~a~rurer,
of Atontt rey Mobllo Homes,
has purchased and leued a·
total or J0.4 acres and will
move 10 largtP quarters within
the Irvine Industrial complex
this fall.
F'or1ned in January, the
firm has 30 cmployes in teni·,
porary quarters at 17672
Armstrong Ave., Santa Ana.
Its new location, at um Bar·
rlncil Road, is sl.1 blocks
north of the temporary plllnt.
Conslructlon is well under
\vay on the new site with an
October completion date ex-
pected, according to Dodds.
Initi ally. the plant will have
72,000 sq uare feet and 125
employcs. but there is room to
P·U<l:lf triple both the plant and the CillTIPICATI OI' •USINISS work force lo 218,000 square PIC:TITIOUI HAME TM u~~19...cl ~ ctr11'1; toe Is ton· (ect and 375 empJoyes,
1,0C.llM • !Mlt•~· ,, !'071 S.Oft Jl:Hl\01---~=.,.,....,.,==o---rrw Liii-llffdl, ceiifotfl!•• un<1et LEG" NOTICE i11:ttt1ov1 nrm narno' of SEAL.ANO -.., OMPANY tMPOltT · EJ;P<lltT trod ttlall--------~---'°' """ i. ~po&H o1 Ille fOlll7wl1't NOTICE Ofl' SALE
11111, .,_ name "" lull •rod plf(e of 1Mrlc1 11 .,_,-.., 11...en -tu•nl te
tdefltt i. " ltottews: Ntllonl •11 trod JOn ot lht Civil Code Ltdl 'E. Crerni.(!IOW1olcl. 207t $In Of 1111 Sl•11 ot C1Uforni. IM lil'd ... 1:-f)l"tyt, LtlUM &eld'I, (ii. •llnecl, Gtrl!tld l'i..-.19n Car Glr1H
D•ltd N_tMI, 11. tfft. wfll H!I I I Pll!lllc •lKliOl'I, 1!'002 Hollr. LK~ E. Ctttnltc~l<I Hu11tll'Oa!on BMCll. C..!llomra. ,, 10 I.Ill. •It.,! C1llfOfTlll , Ot1Mt C1111rrh'~ ..i W~t11id1y, lht lrd (Ny of O« ..... Oft HOlllmW 20. ""· btlor~ ";~,,· ber, Ifft, Ille foll-1"9 dlKrlbft prOP-ot1rr Public Ill incl tw " h e' ertv, 111.,.11 : '
n -llr t II P 1 1 t Id L~ bl! tr.l" YHr Miki ID Ho. lkfllM ltl'flltc-tl\l kl!OWn 111 111t •v I NI ,_ wn.,. Mml 11 ~crlb@d '" IM 11 1 (S1tf.1
1111111 k!llMl'tflt Ind •dtMWledttd hi 1~r A(l;:r-4 14'Jl0ollt CaJJloNIJI '=1.T" s~"t'i • lJft-l'XP·IOO °"*"" W. $0olle 1JSI ~ ErttlM
Nottrv P\lbllc-Ct llfornll *"'-4 Nuntbff" Of".,,,. Coutll1' JC1141CJ M'f C-lulOll EMllrn 1•on T't'N C•llloml• s.t. 1S. ltn . AS .. llDUll 1 ... ~K·,10
PuMhf*I Or-~ 0.11-t Pile!, :r.tld Ille 11 for 11M "1~ of NllllY.
............... 2• encl Otamtle• 1, •• u . I"' It.ft of fM und«11t!Md .., $1or"I
t 21~ ind 111-lr• totether wUl'I cotlt ot tdo
LEGAL NOTICE ,.,1111nt Afld '1!"111.el of .. 1 •• Dated thll ?41h <NV of Nowtntlllt, lfff Rot>er1 M;. Herlroti ' oru:• OP PU•LIC H•AlltNGI •E· Gtrtltkl For11v11 C1rs l'Oll• TH• PU.NN IHCi COMMISSION Publlllltd OJtnH Coe1I 01llr PllC1, 01' THI CITY OF l'OUNTAIN VAi.-Novimbtr 14, 196f 2lll04t ,.,
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEltEllY ll•ll<l the! "" tdMld•'f· DKtmbtr l. 196t It 1:30 .M.. 111 ""' (OUIKll CIHomber, Cllv H•l1, -----,T~.7 ... ~,-----SLllff A"'1'Vft Fwntlln Villff, SUl'l"lt!Olt COUJIT OF THE 1r1tomi.. the PllMlnt Commlsslori Wiii STATE 0, CALIPOllNIA FOii: Id llllOllc. hffl'lnt on the followlnt u-THI COUNTY OF OllANGIE llcttkwls: 111 .. A4<Mn (11 UN VII":-• co!:,~· 7' Aflflio!,~':' NOTICI! or: HEAlllNG 01' Pl!TITION subml"fd ll"f' • w "· ~ I w...d r:Olll l'ltOIAT8 01' WILL AND r:olt reque1tlnt fltlbllsl\mfft1 ' Ll!TTt:llS TESTAMl"HTAllY storm ,,rd on ~wrl'I' ~!.!!..!' .. '"' Esltlf of Jl:OIERT M. 5HERW000, MIUlhe•tl comff '" •<M< ""~""" =~Jt!:.~,'1:=.!~~1~E:i;:c1:: ;~J!~ s~~R~~~~VI ~1\~E~!re1~·~
c;_,, H. lrll'l'lhlll, II fppllc.i~ r:i:. :'" l;;::~.;~n-:~r:r: :: k:~"" ondll.:• ff~t ':: :' .: .. nollt S:1111ontr. rer..-111e• to whldl It rntde for Strtfl ......... fflt Sen oi.oo FrMWIY "'...,.._ Nrt1CU\I~ Ind ,,.., fflt time end I •rid ff.. 0c .. n View FIDod Control 11le1 or hUrlrli fflt 111M "-s bltn '*' ClllNltl from Al Genertl A1rkultvrt1 for o.:.mblr 11, !Hf,•' 9:30 '·""·• 111 ": Olllf"lct l'O Cl ~·I •~1-Dbfrlct coutlrwm °' DeP¥tmtnl "',· l of w~t , w l'l'IOf'9 rafrtd1¥1 dlrtrkf, Pr«lw caw!, 11 ?llO Civic c ... ~ r 'It •
1 Pltft No. 1'-1 lllld 111 W'llUllC!loll wl111 (fomlffh' Wnl Elol'lll'I ltrltf) Ill IM Cll1' lhl1 -di..... of ""'• An•. C.llfol"l'lll . Tiet ll'lllttB ..,. bf.Int ll!"tcl1olfd 0.ltd ~ 20, JM. !Wini to Ille Pltnnl119 LIWI ol !hi W. t:. $T JOHN, teunt)' Clttlt. ~Ill of C..lllor11le C"""'1. CDdt U.GDO ~ HUCiH J. ltlTCHlt: I ..,.i flle Foun!lll'O V1lllV Munk:lPll :ml Wllllllfl atwt..,--S<llM tot o6t Tllil' ti TM -(htftfe wlll i,.. L" Afttlln. C111f . ....,
f>J,v; In 1riWnci!Nflt to SI ct I 11 n I I T1I: UIJI M1•Ull l"r'ld MtP lt-!-10. The Zllf11119 Codi, All9rM' +tr Pitltl-0•11'1' Piiot, 1111 Mif>I. l'lol Pl1n1 1114 Prtclll Pirblll~ Oftlllll C011I .ff 18n1 tre on !!le 111 fflt Pl1nnll'lll Deo1 rt-Nov•mller J2, 2A, 2'. Ifft 21U
'"' •rod .... 1v11i.b1t fOr publk: In· LEGAL NOTICE !Ion Ind tJll'l'llMflon, . Tl'IOM t1ttlrl111 la tn11fV 111 t1YOI" or fn, , ___ .::::=.::,_c~,;,..~-:---1
Ilion to lhQf re<111e1b tnd p.-.11 HOTIC.I 01' TRUSTll'$. S~ll u 111 11ven '" _.:irtunll'f' l'O 6o so. n Mt. n-5'1 r l"l!Wr ltrformtllon 11 dtslred, VOi.i ll"llY On Dtc:otmblr 11, tfff, 1t ll:flO AM., !Kl lilt Pl•"'"'fltl OINrll'l'llftt 11 "1· SHOSHONE SEltVICE COllPORAT~. I
124 1r>d rtf.r 10 UM VwlllOCt No. 11, C.Ufon1l1 -r•tloft. ti Cllll'f tpPOlnltd
-Clw"" 1119. 211 ..cl Prtelw Pi.n Tn.i1!ft ""*r Ind ~II t. Ottd of
0 l.W. Trwt tlttH December t. l'N5. n.IC!Md . PU.H NINC:. COMMl5510N bl" JAMES v. GILL atld PATlllCtA E. OF THE CITY OF GILL, hllibtond 11111 Wiit , tnd rKMdtd FOUNT,.IN VALLEY DKMlbe!" 70, lti.S. H IM!r. NII. l•m. In St•nlev R. M•n1lltld book 7771, Nit 391, ol Olfi(lll Rec:or•:fi ln Pltnnlroti Dl~tot 1ht ofHct ol the CounfV Rttorcler ol
•rid SKre!trt 111 Or11111e ((ll,llll'f, C•IHornlt, WILL SELL ll>e F011ftf1Ln V•lk'Y AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Pl•Ml.W [-Inion llOOER l'OR CASH (p1y1bl( II limt ol Publltlwd Ortl!tt CO.II Dllh' Pllol. $111 111 ttowtul mllllt'f DI' IM UF11ted 51a1Ml ovtmller 74, Ifft '1~' •I l'lJ North llro1otw11. $411111 ,.111, C•lllor11l1 111 rloht, lltle ind tnlernt (Oii· Vl'ftd la nnd nQW fleld by 11 under ~aid Deed of Tru" In lhl pr-rtv 11tu1!td 11>
the Co\lftlv ct °'""'' 511te ol C111lornl1,
P·JSOI dncrlbtCI •1: (l!llTl•ICATE OP •USINESS LOI 59 Tttcl Hiil. ·~ "' MIP rtto•d· •ICTITIOUS NAME td In l ook 16]. o~I 13 1nd 14 O! TM undtra!1Md cirrl"1ed •hal ht b M!i.ctllef'IOUI Maas, rttord• of .O•a"llt llflf I butll'ltU ., I'll wut ltlh COUftl1' C11!tornit
rfll, Cost• Me$1. C•ll!orFllf, under 1~ !olld ~le wilt ~ mol<le, but wl!llOUI t1floul nrm M"'!' ct Vi~t1 Druvs 111<1 covrnnl!I or wirrinlv, e~prn• ~Implied. rlfol'/' Ind 11'111 $lid llrm " comPO~ ol rt1tinll"" !Irle, Pl>Utt•lon, or ..,.. folkrwl"' PffM!ft, w~ l'IMM In lull cvmbrtncn. to Pl 'I" lllf r!m•ll'lf"ll prlft· PLtc• ol rtlldentt l• II follows: clNI $Ul'l'I of fM "°'' stturM bv 11ld LIW>'l'ftC• w. lt1IM, ·~ Fullerton ~ "' Trvst. -II: 1J.187.~. wllh ,.,.. ,.,....,.,._ N•~ lltl(h, C~!•I. lt!"nl lrom Ftbn111Y 1, 1961, •s In ui!d ,DATED: N~'llM• lt, 19tt, l\Ole t'l!Vlded, t<h•IKn. II 1nv. \Ind••'"' /11 L1wr.nct W. R1ln1 !trmi cf •aid D'ed of TrY1!, tee1. chM9ti AT'E OF CALIFORNIA lflll fKl>tf'StS of t~t Tru1!ff alld of !hf UNTY OF ORANGE !ru1t5 c"t1Pd by •aid De-td of Tru•!. Oft Nove"'"'' 1t, 1069. ~to•~ mt . 8 Tht Mnfllciorv undtr !lid Ottd ot
nllrv Public In ""' IM 11ld Stile. lruit. by ''''°" of 1 breach of cMif1ul! !11
r1on1ll'I" eP~~·~ L~wrer.ct W. lleln1 !he obll•illon• -ured I ht r f b 'I". lo ... ~ lo be !ht Pt•l<>~ wl\o" l!trt!olO" e•ecu!ed and d•livt•Pd to th~ I' •u~crlbed lo '"t wo1h1ro In-unc11,.11nec1 1 wrlllfll Otcl•r1 t!on 111
t 111d &eknowtf'<lled ht f"Kuted Dtleull i nd Dl""fftd tor Sele. Ind written
fl'lf. nonce ct brttc.h •rid ol t ltdi"" la uusr
/If llrtf'dl l . G•V '"'" undtnl11ned to 1tll 1111d lll'l>Pt!•lv ID Nol••v Public ••lhfv s1ld obll111tlon1, end lhertetl!r, on
Tt, HUllWITl & ltEMEJI Juhl 7], 1t6t, !hf undtri;ltined <fused $1ld
1 nollct ol bre1ch 111<1 ol tlttllon to be tttlt $!rffl rtc:Ol"oed In book f021, p-tl'O. ct 11ld 111cl!, C1llltrt1i1 OHlcl•I Records. ?l:L (1111 f1J·ttl1 O.!td• Nov•mhtr 11. lfft ) Publlthed Ort"!I• Cot•! 0•\lv P!lol. 5H05HONE SERVICE l ov""'btr 1~ •rid Orcember 1, I. lJ, CORPO RATION t~• 116'.f• ~. 1~ld Tru.ir•.
I !Iv C::h1tltnt Giit, LEGAL NOTICE ~tcrtttrv ' SPS 1111' l'ubll1h,d Dr1n1e C<M1il 011lv PllCt, "'ovembe• 17, 1•, 1nO D1c1m~r 1. 1,., ll0t-6f
• •
David Pa l•I Yi
BofA Plans
New Office
At Nig uel
A new Bank of America
branch to serve the Laguna
Niguel area will open for
business Mon d fly. Dec. I,
regional vice president H. H.
Jackaon announced.
Located at 31062 Crown
Valley Parkway Road ~ear
Niguel Road, the new bank
will be housed in a temporary
structure until a proposed
permanent building is com·
pleted nearby.
The manager will be David
I. Palagyi, a four.year bank
veteran who has been assis--
tant manager of the Corona
del .Mar branch for the past
year. He lives in Hµntington
Beach with his wife and two
Tim ~1itschele, operations
office r, joined Bank o f
America in 1968 and bas since
been assigned ta a manage-
ment training program. He
and his wife live in Mission
. Thepla.1nedpe rm anent
building ror the branch is
scheduled f o r construction
early next yw.
Springs -SF
Route Won
' By Air Cal
Air California was granted
permission to provide pas·
senger air service between
Palm Springs and the San
Francisco Bay area.
The State Public UtUlties
Commission dectslon requires
that the airline must provide a
minimum or one round.trip
fl ight daily between Pa1m
Sprin gs and San Jose, Oakland
or San Francisco with each of
the Bay Area airpo rts being
either a tenninat or in·
termediate stop.
Air California is prohibited
fr o m carrying passengers
solely belween Palm Springs
and Orange County, Ontario or
Hollywood. al though the new
flights ma y stop at those
The application said the air
coach fare for the trip would
be $20, which wa; descrit>W as
23 percent lower than the fare
charged by Western Airlines.
lh c only other carrier now
flying the route.
New Co1npute1·
System Offered
WALTHAM, Mass. (UPl )-
lnteractive Data Corp. has an·
nounced a new on·line shared
tlme computer system called
Xport to pro vide quick ap-
praisals of 4,500 stock issues
for portfolio assessment. The
company said 18 of the 20
largest banks in the nation
and many mutual funds and
brokerage houses are being
su pplied with the new aute>-
mated portfolio appraisal sys-
tem. ··------.
-&=: IUIW
I omen TO 81!..W
ltlonefl'• Worth
Plan Your Estate
To Aid Famil y " NEW YORK (UPI) -Th<
Federal Reserve Sy1tem tight·
The.· questions women h•ve
asked about estates and trusts
at the alinual seminars held by
tile Chase Manhattan Bank or
New York can be divided into
10 well defined categories.
They are fundamental, are of
vital imPortance and surely
they will be of as much In·
terest to you as 10 the women
who have attended the Chase's
Friday's c o I u m n sum·
marized the answers to si.x;
here are the remaining rOur.
7. Wiiy do yoa need 1 wlll!
The distribution of some of
your assets alter your death
may be llimple: for instance,
yoor instructions are built into
your insurance policies and
reUrement benefit... if you
have either of these, you Un·
doubtedly n am e d your
beneflclaries when you took
out the insurance or became a
participant in your retirement
But any property which Is
not passed on by such con-
tractu-1 anangementa U\uSt
be dlrecUd to its future owner. If you do not leave
valid will to indicate where
you want these assets to ga,
the decision will be made for
you by state law.
And It's not just a matter of
leaving instructions as to
which of your assets are to go
to wfllch beneficiaries. Only
through a will can you ex.
erclse your right to select the
executor who will carry out
the adminiatration of your
8. Wlllat advice en a bi:nt
give you to beJp )'OD plan for
your flDacfal fulQre?
Consider with your lawyer a
revocable living truat ar~
rangement. '11lis will enable
you to benefit most fully from
your income.producine prop..
erty. You iwill be able to
amend the trust. add or
withdraw assets or even
terminate it entirely during
your lifetime. The truat alao
will contain 'provisJons ror
distributing the property at
your dealh.
With a tnist .plan, .you can:
cul much ol llie dei"1 llld nd
tape m •• u1<mtn1 o1 ..
estate. •
, ened the credit screw1 again
9. HO• cu ,..a· plu )'!Mir this wetk. Dally averafe ~et '
estate 11 order to mbllmlte borrbwed reserves of m mber
Ule dlfflcultua for Y 0 I t banks incrtued to a mblus cllUdttD -aow )'OWi( and in· experleaced? n~ of •t.07 billlon ·f~ a
This, to me, ls one of the mrreeted mlnua dally average
most basic of the questions ' 'flgurt of $862 millioo last
because any of us who are week.
honest with ounelves when we
try to plan ahead must admit UNION, N.J.,(UPl)-Breeze
that we can't be positive now Corp. filed 1ult In New Jersey
what wlll be best for our superior c o tJ r t at Trenton
children in the future. charging Federal Sign 4i; ~lg·
Of course, It's simple just to nal Co. or Blue I.1land, .II.,
leave your assets outright to with breach of a merilcr agree-
your beneficiaries -but there ment. No. speqiflc amount of
may be. valid reasons for you damages it .a.skeet but the sult
to hesilate Lo do thilJ. . aUeces that the Federal Sign
lf they are young Ind. m-management breached the con-
e.iperlenctd in ma n a 11 ~ g tract by failing to live up to
asRts. or if they lack Uie a tit Ii-· an agreement to use its best
ty to .Judge what co~tltutes a efforts to consummate the good investment or if they are
emotional, gullible, etc., etc., merger.
lhey might soon IOSe the prop-
erty you hoped would support
and protect them, is an oft.
told tale indeed.
On the other hand, you rnIOit not want to make a
rigid, ttalricUve arrangement
which mJgbt mate it im·
possible to adjust future plans
to lhe varied needa of ycur
A trust might provide just
lh• right balance belwffn con-
trol and Detibillly. Look into it
at your convemence.
JO. Now t.llat )'GU •rt aJoae,
wbal mfpl bappeD H Y"'
became W or disabled and
couldn't loot after your owa
This problem worria; many
people -and not only lhose
who are older. Again, a living
trust can offer precisely the
protection and security you
are seeking.
The trustee will manage
your usets for yoor benefit
and will pay your medical and
household bW1 dlrocUy from
the trust's income should the
need arbt.
Naturally, the annrers to
the IO questlonl art somewhat
slanted in favor of a bank -
for they come Crom a bank.
This does not diminish their
validity, lhoofh. And lhe main
point is that 1n Utese two col·
umm: you have guldance
"*1lch can ·lurri oul ta be of
tmneodous value to yeu in
tmns.of peace or mind .. well
as money.
(UPI) --Mansfield Tire &
Rubber Co. of Mansfield, Ohio,
has announced it will apend $1
million to expand' the plant
of its First NatiOlllll Fibrlt DI·
vision here, which makes
molded wood fiber products
for the automotive and· "Other
NEW YORK (UPl)-Build-
ing construction c o n t r a c t ·
awards turned down again in
September, F. W. Dodge
Corp . reports. The month's to-
tal was $5.14 billion, bringing
the seasonally adjusted index
to the year's low of 173 com·
pared with August's spurt to
216. But compared witb Sep-
tember, 1968, the lotal awards
were down ·onJy I percent.
profit sque~re definitely is
under way for many cor.
porations, George W. McKin·
ney Jr., a senior vice presi·
dent of ltving Trust Co., told
the Jnnual convention of the
Bank AdminlstraUon ln!titute
in Cleveland. He said Irving
Trust had ·made a tabula Hon
of third quarter earnings!·
reports so far and found them I
largely unchanged from se·
cond quarter earnings. Such a
trend would normally forecast
a drop of 10 to 20 percent in
earnings on an annual basis.
be said.
G WC Offers 4 Talks
Modem Data Techniques, Inc .•
has formed a joint venture
\Vith ·Nation·Wlde Auto Aue·
tion, Ltd ., of New York to
franchise a ch a in of
automotive diagnostic centers.
The electronic diagnosti c
facilities will be supplied by a
subsidiary of modern data
wh ile nation·wide auto auction
will set up the diagnostic
enters at its used car auction
On Stock Investments
Four public lectures offered
by Golden West College are
likely to answer most ques·
lions the ordinary cillzen
might have about investments
and the stock market.
They will be offered at 7:30
p.m. each TUesday night in the
College Center from Nov. 25 to
Dec. 16. There is no admission
Clinic Slated
On' Buying
Prospective f r a n c h I s e
buyers in Orange County will
have an opportunlty to learn
the advantages and disad·
vantages in purchasing a fran-
chise through a new program
announced by Gerald Sokoloff.
chairman of the franchise
clinic commitlee of t h e
Fullerton Chamber of Com-
The clinic is for those con·
templating a new franchise or
the purchase of an established
one, according to Sokoloff.
Si.I major topics will be
discussed lncluding search and
purchase procedures, le&al
aspects of franchise
agreements and dual ad-
vantages and disadvantagss of
franchises. Experts f r o m
government, industry and the
legal profession will speak. A
question and answ!:r period
follows each speaker.
The clinic is schedueld for
three successive M on d a y
eveninas from 1 to IO p.m. •
Dec. 1. Dec. 8 and Dec. t5.
Jt will be held ln B1rclay1'
Bank of Call!orina at 222
North Euclid Ave, Fullerton.
All M1k~ll Moclal1
A.r!lllllMM -Tr.th
"'Whttt S.nlce
M1•t1 the Difftr en11"
Ot•1111 C•""" .,,, c.rn,.. Dr.
HIW!llr1 •tit. 11141 t ••U Ln ,_..,.,.. ... S. Wt1ltn1,
1t1H JJS.1'1'
Patrick Boyle, investment
executive with Walston and
Company, Santa Ana, and
fonner faculty member of
Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York, will be the lec-
His topics will ct1ver the fun·
damental and technical
analysis of securities, Nov. 25:
economic ct1nsiderations af.
feeling the market, Dec. 2; in-
vestment strategy, Dec. 9:
and techniques for the In-
vestor, Dec. 16.
Design Pact
Aw arded
Macco Corp. bas awarded a
contract to Food FacllltJes
Equ1pment & Desirn of Santa
Ana to design, supply and In·
stall operational ~uipment
and interior decors in three
dini'.1g facilities on Its 5,000.
acre Coto de Caza develop-
ment located near O'Neil l
Park In Trabuco Canyon.
The $5 million project in·
eludes four fishing lakes ; a
4QG.home residential village;
riding stables and arena ; trap
and skeet range; hunting
lodge ; pheasant ~.is; ken·
nels: duck pond and other
recreational facilities. The
Village will also include a
clubhouse, g u e s t coUages,
equestrian facilities and a
shopping center.
Food Facilities' contract In·
volves furni shing of t h e
ldtchen, dining room and
1011.ige of the 27,000 11quere
foot Club de Caza Clubhouse.
Salt Prolessiug
P lant Planned
-Inlel'])ace Corp. 1aid Jts
Carey Salt Olvlslon has ex.
erc.i;;ed an opUon to buy land
and bulldinp: for a salt pf't)o
ctSSing plan~ adjoinlng New
Orlta05' public bulk terminal
on tht fl,1i&sisalppl gulf chan--
nf!I. Interpace will a 11 o
t stabUsh 1 distribution ctnter
for lts dinnerware division on
the site. The !!ilt1 \\'Ill be
bought frnm Georgia.Pacific::
Corp. for about $1 milllon .
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
announced that the first hotel
built by Occidental and Holi·1 day Inns of Memphis has
opened at Marrakesh, Moroc·
co. Other Holiday Inns are
being built under the ven ture
at Casa blanca, Fez a n d
Tangiers. They represent a
tot al investment of $20 million,
with the !\foroccan gov ern· .
ment providing most of the
C. ~furphy Co.. the large
variety store chain, which in
the past has shuMed debt
fina ncing, annoonced Wed·
ncsday it is see.king $30 million
in three-year bank financ ing
for a large expansion pro-
The \Vest Indies Oil Company
has anndltnced a program or
re fin ery expansion that will in-
crease capacity of Its Antigua,
\Vest Indies plant from 10,000
to 15,500 barrels daily.
Chandl er Ide, b o a r d
chairman of the company,
said Wednesday that plans
have started for expansion of
the company's market outlets
in the Carlbbean and Eas tern
\Yest Indies Oil Is a wholly·
owned subsidiary of t h e
Natomas Company.
LOS GATOS, Calif. (UPI )
-A machine that sells airllne
I ickets wu demonstrated Wed·
nesday by lBM Corporalion,
American Airlines and Ameri·
can Express company.
The device was developed at
18!\f'a laboratory here to hel p
the airlines speed travellers
on their way by ellmloatlng
waiting llnes at ticket count·
!!!rs. With a credit. card and
advance reservations, you can
buy a ticket from the ma-
chine in a hall minute.
The machine will al so stll
tickets to a limited number of
destlnallons wlthmit advance
reservations. It tells the buy·
er the Ume of the next av111ll·
ablt:! fight and offers him a
choice Of coach ar first class,
on~·way or round-lrfp.
.... ,
And thr ma: n who
know.1 ;Ult how to tu"'
tM phra11 to oei ~
most out of th1 barb U
DAILY PlLOT colum.n-
iat S!l(lnt11 Harm. H1'
ha& Oen c;:aUed thl
mode"' • doll H 1n111
Mencken , J/ ~ov'rt
1cad11 for h!a mt of tht
ocid .4dj1ctioe and
th 0u11 "' • proookfn.g prose to Qive uou the
needli .•. If you 100nt
tt;> find 1om.ethfn11 . 1o
think GbOUt fn ID~ UOq
read ••. if vou have o
Jtml of humor, uou
b cl on o with reader!
who deUaht bl teUina
othtr1 what "S¢. safd" m one of the -nation'•
mo!t • quoted cotumn1.
Some Sample Barbs
Recently Thrown
By Sydney Harris:
"Ona of the hlghut paid l•bo In A.,,.rlca
contlata ef tt•ndfng up In front of a mlc.
r•hone, 11per1tlng the good records
from t he INd on• -and pl1yl ng the
bid onn."
"lt'• nd but true that wblle alcoholics
are t..l;le best argument for abstinence, 10
many abstainers are equally effective ar·
.r;ument for a little drink now and then."
"Meat of the tM•lled 'lncomp1tlbillty' In
m1rri1ge 1prln91 from the fact that to
moat men, .. x la •n 1ct; whlle to 111
woman, It is an emotion. And thla dlfftr·
enc• in attitud1 can be brid9ed only by
"'The sole difference between a 'dedica-
ted cru1ader' and a 'nosy reformer' con·
1ists in our agreement or disagreement
\1:ith his objectives."
"Tht most explo•lve com~lnatlon In the
world consist• of 1inc1rlty added t•
11\Vhenever I am the recipient or an e1-
cessively hearty handshake, l auspect
1'1r. ltfuscles Is trying to sell 1omethinc,
hide fiOmethinc, or prove 1omethin1-"
Check The Editorial Page
For This Signature
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The It'll Help You Find
Latest Quotables Created By
'The Needler' For His Col-
A Regular Feature of
Your Hometown Dally Ntw1p1ptr
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Classic R e '""°"
'Stop the World'
Brilliant • Ill Mesa
01 N Dall'f f'llel Sl•ff
How do you improve on
perfecUon! Is it possible, or
feasible. to add new depth and
dimension to a show already
regarded as a local classic in
communily theater?
This was the challenge
awaiting Thor Nielsen at the
Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse
last weekend as he restaged
that magnificent m u s i c a'I
"Stop the World -I Wan t to
0: I WANT TO Ol!T 01'1'"
A mu1k1I br Anll•o•w New11J •!'Id
lnlle llflNIH, directed bot ,..., Hl••·
Ht\, mu1lctl dlrKl<lt t M ~''""' b' Anlll GrMSINlfl, l!ltte ..,.na"r
VI!: KMnkW, otodu<llOl'I IN-• L611
WllWn, 111 COl'lllr\IC!kln ll'f Cflwocil
ill1Uch, costumn bl' Sdolfley lw Tr·
ler 1nd Ellie Slln!'r'IOl\1, 119'111nf SPOii
br W1rnt1 COFl<h •old f'1ul Gr1cev,
orcl!Hlr1 J-ltllflltt., C.n11l1 Wllffler
1nd Ron Fried, Prftlllt.d tw !ht Cotll
Mell Clvk PllVl'IOl.lll Frldlv1 11\d
SllUrdlVI lh._ti Die. 6 11 the Com-
munity C...ter audttwlum on lllt Or·
11111 CoulllY F•ITiil'Oll""'I·
, TMll c An Uttl«/lep •.. , ., ......... TIW!r Nl-1 .. 11
E°'t'lt. ..... .. J1v,.. H1mll
lilt deuthlera ..... RI!• Slmmon1
M•rlon Tr1lnor
T~e lltl!t bov ••.••••••• Jlfl'lmV MICV T~ t iTl1 .o.n. Brown, RllOnd• Chi•••·
N1nc:v Jul1r, Miry Mt<v,
Vlcllv M.lvblrry, P11r1c11
Pr11Ultt, ktllrlrf' Lou tvi.r.
Pit Wll'f\er
Get Off." And Nielsen answers
it with a resounding pro-
duction that eclipses anything
mounted on an Orange County
stage UUs year.
' The words are "brilliant" aoo "outstanding," adjectives
employed sparingly in local
theater, but which hardly suf-
fice for the Costa Mesa
version of "Stop the World."
Here on Costa Me!a's ex-
panded proscenium are un-
veiled technical efforts and
c ho r e ographic ezcellence
which were limited by the
small boneshoe staae. of the
Anaheim Playhouse four years
~ul beyond the surface glow
of the current production,
there radiates an expanded
and pronounced depth of
charact.!r development -not
only in Nielsen u Llttlechap,
but throughout the entire com-
pany. The brightly garbed
chorus Jine functions not only .
a s. a p r e c I sion-char1ed
backdrop . unit, but as iP.
dividual punctuation marks
for Anthony New1ey's vibrant
and often hilarious satlre ~or
The key word is movement
-and director Nielsen drives
actor Nielsen and the rest of
the cast at a breathless pace,
up and down hi&h risers.
around a music ball ramp and
occasionally even into the au·
dience. It Is an exhausting
a melodic and carefully
' choreoara'phed chorus, .well
drilled by inusical director
Anita Groaaman.
Musically, "Stop the World"
ls a treat tor the eye and ear. l •
Aaidt from the show-stopping
"Fool." it boa!lts a completely GI" ace R et11rna
singable score which its au-Bespectacled Princess dience! will long be humming -such as "I Wanna Be Grace of Monaco, the
Rich,"' "Lumbered ," ''Gonna former Oscar-wihning
Build a Mountain" and "Once movie actress, attends
in a Lifetime." It Is, in fact, an off Broadway th ea~
one of the most vocally satis· t~r production of "Ad-
fying musicals ever'staaed. aptation-Next'' in Man-The costumes by Scbirley
Lou Tyler -streamlined and ~hlartt;a~n=. :;=::=;::::;:;:::;:;;;, production and a tribute to the glamCl'ized in varying bright
stamina of everyone involved. colors -are exceptional. And
Nielsen's Littlechap is a the demanding follow spot
masterful perfOrmance, re. work, uUlized throughout thel
taining the intimacy or his show rather than on musical
earlier character in expanded numbers only, . is performed
surroundings and bUllding into extremely Well by Warren
·1 f -~ · · ht Ith the Conde and Paul Gracey. 1 a r<ai• irung w pan-There are voluminous verbal tomimlc wizardry of a Marceau. A3 he c I i m b s , paeans which can be paid to
recklesily and opportunistic. ;1Stop the World," but
up the ladder of success, playgoers in Friday 's opening
ev-ery rung Js clearly defined, night audience at the Civic
and \"1hen at last he finds Playhouse expressed it best.
himseU elderly and alone , sad-They accorded Nielsen and his
Jy reflecting on his superficial company that rarity of rarities 1_======
Ufe, it is a beautifully poignant in community theater, a stan-
moment. ding ovation. And such it deserves, for Uie It is this scene which sets rebirth of one of Orange Coun-
tbe stage for the outstanding ty's most ezclting moments is
number in a sonabook brim· cau11e for celebration. The
ming with excellence -"What show continues this weekend
Kind or Fool Am l?" This is and neit at the Community
one of the towering peaks of Center auditorium on the
the musical theater, and Ora nge County Fairgrounds in I iiiiiiir:;;,;;~;o.;iioii Nielsen sc ales it Costa Mesa.
magnificently, emoting the _-;===========;II lyrics 'With dramatic fervor .
In !he demanding role of
Evie, LitUechap's wife, and
doubling as the international
objects ol his extramarital af.
fection, tqe Colla M e s.a
producUon offers an added
bo11U1. Jayne Hamil, a strik·
ingly statuesque beauty who
only· recently turned 18, has,
ni.oved up to the role from 1
understudy status in ju.st two
weeks' time and turns in an
excellent performance.
Miss H amil Is the
p e r s o n i ftcatlon of pro-
fessionialism \ in community
theater, handling the qylldnJ.
pie role of Enalish, Ruulan.
Girman and Am eric a n
~tereotypes with exceptional
aplomb for one so young. Her
timing is flawless and her
singing makes up in substance
what it lacks in pure power.
Rita Simmons and Marion
Trainor as the daughters and
young Jimmy Macy as the lit·
tle boy complete P. well-round-
ed cast, backed to the hilt by
ULIO~ 67M041 -f :41 "''·-..... .... -
-N. Y. Fiim Crifict
311CAFIMI' .......
Fu11°RllM Co-fHture
"Me, 0' Natalie ,,.
;ob-bl' o.i-.
Sports Coverage
m The Dail y Pi'ot
ctm'OllAllCIW San Oie10 r,eewa)' at Bristol • 546-2712
OPEN 6:45 -SHOWTIME. 7 P .M.
Countess a1ad Colonel
While Our Astronouts
Are Going to the Moon,
"JOURNEY (with us)
TO THE Virna Lisi stars as the Countess of Santa Pasta \Vith
Bob Hope a s Colonel Schvw'ein. tonight at 9 p.m. on
Channel 4, in a "Bob Hope Speciaf." Other guests
include Danny Thomas. Steve Law rence and Edyc
Gonne. The Co untess hides a million pizzas fro1n
the German troops in th is segment of the shO\\'.
NY Theat er Finds
Iii-••UtllJC\\*Cllllllllll(, .. ............. l!DaOt"
A ..
3rd WEEk • Ends Tues.
bqond the 1g1: of ionoccncc ...
into tht 19C of-tw«Cnl:SJ
medium ·cool
® ~driwlo/f•P«•mou'ltpic:tu-1
WINNER I 311eulMI' awe•z1
I , faelt I001IARINE '
'"''"'""" _,._ ~ •. ~
They lived A Thundering Adventure That Rocked Two Nations! •
,..~ ''"'"''' '°' ..._ ..
......... u ....
TONY AGUILAR ~"":"°'" .. lf1........,.""c"oc.o11t>J€_, ...
••lit"' Ol!o!N Ulll»A -U\IC! C.Jo.KH l!N ~
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ltidllnl Culton. H11p Hu&. A 1111· I.; 11f1rl Into thi Alriciin wffdl. ,. ...
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I!) Ntn (C) {60) Jtck Whitt.
1 .......... UOI.: _l_.,......
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aam-.., ttJ t'" Doris Is Ii • 111111n1ntary st.It 1111
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F1tlldl _.. ltat' 1nritlS Mr It
Dllllllin ., hil .... fl'lltioft Ii>
ture. ~ kJnc IUllb.
11-(t) (!IJ) Bulw Wo<d.
• .. ..... ... Wd (t) (30) •
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P9111 Cul' rwtt. rud.
.. °""\I .... -(311) uw11 .. .,....., (C) c30l
l!i!I ""' .... -(Cl (311) ra rn n. 1..-.n <Jo> e-0 M (t) (!OJ
·-(t) (JO)
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·--.. I.Joo! (C) (lO) 'CDI ,_..., ~O)
....... -(C) (lO)
g C1••Mttf/Mstul flllll (lO)
ID II)--(Cl (90J Olftnap Wiiiows. ..
·-(30) lltllJT ... • --(C) Ill'-" """ (t) (lO)
··-(30) . I
7:•88(1.)1111t•t~1 CC) (60)
r~ lfllll •tfrDllfier h1elllf •r• ""'-· oOltr w.w., w ........
tt (C) (30) •Mild In Conl'lltllcutt.~
JoM Monfat • Wt witll • 1'1\114
N wori't .. 8I06tm 11111llancts --. Ml wlf1'11 nutlon. Quetnit ---· 9 ..... Sin (C) (JO) GuitSb
DID ClJ Ill ll!li:mJ no"'" ~ .. .....,. ~(IO) , ..
.._ flM htd 'rilill ........
Guuts .,. 0.., Jona, H«rr Slc-
ombl •nd f1n7'ThDllH, Jilor1Mll
Wlldonl m1• l U1MO .,,..,..
a ·ID-'(t) (ID)
D 'ID> (I) .•. Lt•1, A11ttlc,11
llj(o (C) llO) .. ,... ... ... ·~ letp,• '1.oN Pd ....... Diii,
"Low tnd tlll fortMt Nlfl'illt. •
Car1 Betz. 01111 Wrntw. SllJrl Aa· b~. Rich Littfe, HIN Colrt!d,
Dennis Diy tnd JeM.I W11ter.
llJ 1111! CC) (IO) Tony B111nett.
R1dl Uttlt 11J9St.
m""' -tlO) 1111 r..,. u. ltl
., ....... ·-(lO)
1111 SW1nlaMI CllristoplllflOll, "ill
Hllfdll111 Ind Rotitrt Cluy. 10:30 llt Cristl9I 1 ... 1 (30)
D !DI Cll QI no Mn< ""'
(C) (45} DIYid Slelnber1 holls. 11 ·0D -A a ID""'* (C) Groucho Mm Is 1unt hG!l · -u
Cl .... ' MIN: •SilftMt leM· ....,.. 'C'ra*)' '50-WllllMI Hol· *"• ·tfoN Sw1111Dft. Acinr ailent
kMli atar ~ •ttlched to
oppcwtuftbtk J'Ollftl Krtllt wrftt1'.
IJ lnllll • c..i-(C) {30)
Ill"" lor .. -(t) (!OJ
DT--1311) ··-(JO)
·-.... (311)
l:Ol D II,_,, ICI 130) G"ul
.. S.mmy Dl'l'ta Ir.
B Jiil ..., (!Cl) Olctr lMnl -·-lor I ... (C) (30)
·-- -.. ~ (311)
··--\Cl 1ioJ e 111 ,.,.. ICI (901
enow-e ....... (C) JIM BlelNI,
S1t111 Oliwf, it.a M1rtln, 11111
ShelltJ Non111!1 ,..._ .. ..... ,_
ll7l Cll lllHIJ 9 Ill -ICl
l:lO 81111 (I} Hin'• L~ (t) (lO) l :IO R M~•I•: "Ctmcw"' (d11m1 Lucy flnii lllOOlll!~fll tlft bf I •1i0-G1t1111 Ford, lrodlrit~ er ..
dlftfWOUI occuPttliMt. toJI, Dofo!llJ M1lont.
.... (t) --1--1
'47---UftM Dlollll. C«Mf WMt.
RkhtJC c;,_.,
1~•·-..... -·(-) DAmME MOVIES ,..._,.. • .,_, ,,,_ w., --· ,,.._ -.... "" " t*'-) '41 -VII ttenJn. UN %:30 D .., __ • A ..,,., 111t1c on.
r ... , DlilMt ...._ .... ,.. ... hit frllld• "' .,...
' -ua-i-111 ·11--
1n, -""""Qoloo T'""' , •• ._ Jin It -. (D
ID "Ill of Ill ,... \lltil'W'I' -pl_ ... ,..,.
"" 14-fft "-· -II.,\ f~* •SI-M_.,
Clift, -.....
WWI! /•er 'IJIAT Ml~r.t! t001' A f PA11>,TOO.
Mond11, Nowrnbtr 24, 1969 D~ILY "lOT :J;'
ly Tom K. Ryan SAU Y IANANAS
\ •
""·-AcTLIALLY we WANT A 8/itl11SI< <;Jl'/L. ..
-~~ 'T0 1'~E ri. BUSINESS.
"lb ~E AL.L •
AROUND FilMILV J '-,,_-,,;:
' (// -~ .. ,1 .... "" -··( .... -. . r:,·.
'( I .
, By Frank llqlnskl
By John Mllei
•• • • ~ ...... : ~
Pl!ANUTS . ~ By Charles M. S.liull
A5 l.006 A5 NE LIVED,
By Harold La Doux Cosmic Press J-
"e• wss ,,.... "1M1ue·s ,._. Meet Held ··.·j OC(llPIEo, AllEY~ IU. REAP'Y ~RRIEl7, , ,
LA.TH~ AS A MATTER P'ROIAILY NfEU A 11.-----------------'I:
OF Mer. $HE'S GOIWG PS1tJ<r.msr 100' By CYNTHIA LOWRY ~ .. ~=~~ NEW YORK (AP) -There is something new·.·
under U1e sun: the cosmic press con!erence. The;;·
homeward bound astronauts, huddled in front of. the--·
Yankee Clipper's television camera Sunday ru~ht ,·
and ans\vered newsmen's questions from a point-... :
97 1000 miles in space. "'
By Ferd Johnson
l 'THINK you•Rt=
Rl<;H T !
-~ ,l~,;N
By Al S111ith
Gus Arrlola
ONLY ABC among the three ma/·or networks· '
cho se to carry the spaace r,rogram ive. It pre-··
empted the second half of ' Land of Giants" wltllt '
CBS and NBC continued on with regular program·1•
ming, "To Rome, With Love" and the Disney Hour!"''
The gum-chewing astronauts answered about a1•
dozen questions submitted by reporters during a:·
half hour. They de scribed their emotions during tht'·:'
1110011-landing -"I was having a ball," said com.:·:
mander Charles Conrad Jr. -and told in detail' . .'
some or their experiences. ·
The program was not an unqualified success''.'
~ince the transmission of their voices occasionally':'
was mushy and their words indistinct. ·,
Conrad confessed that because o! a tight !lttlng .
space suit he slept P.""rly on the Intrepid, and Alan·.
Bean said he d.idn t sleep so well either. Neither . man had any dreams they could remember. ,,
CONRAD SEEMED restless durinn the Inter·:·
view, occasionally movinJ up and Ooating past the
camera and then resummg his seal. A camera
seemed suspended in front of him. Once something ,,.
resembling a notebook floated into view and was .~
pulled down by Bean. ::
There probably w·as more. ABC's science report-.._
er JuJes Bergman broke lrrto the inerview to say the .~.
program would be "back after this message.' But~~
after some ·commercials and a station break, ABC;·
too , returned to regular programmin~.
"The File on Devlin," the first ' Hall of Fame"~.
special of the season was broadcast on NBC Friday.~
It was a change of pace for the series and a'big dis~
appointment. The 90 minutes was a silly and obvious~
melodrama of international intrigue that used every~
hoary device of the grade .C movie, inclUding a~:
secret passa~e in a Swlu villa. .,.:,:'
THE STORY was about efforts of Russian.s
agents to kidnap the widow of an eminent Ameri,,~
can \vriter so she could be exchanged. for a. distin-S:
guished Russian woman who bad defected.. ... •
An excellent cast -Judith Anderson, David ,
Mccallum and Elizabeth Ashley -took it all ser·
iously but couldn't do a thing about getting It ore th& r
ground. · ·;
The origlnal comedy that followed It, 1 1Mi rror.§.
Mirror. OU the Wall ," ·was the sort of !antasy tha~
actors of the caliber of George C. Scott and Maureen ~
Stapleton must enjoy. .:t ...
SCOTT PLAYED a dedicated, stormy writer or§
serious books who, in what seemed a gesture of d~
~nee, ·ripped of( under a ·pen name a sexy piece;$ or tre•h J!iat turned into a best seller. Suddenly hisJ;:
alter e~o. also played ~y Scott, turned up to taunt::.
and be4e~ hill}. ·~ 1 ~~
.. ------· ~ ----· ··""---.---~~ ---~-Mw::;:>' ;:;sapee 3¥ A NO Si#•J!$bl i4f¢44i 4\$¢c:;o•••••; 4 •• =t<•+• 4 $ $' • • ·--· .... _ •• '"'·
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Big 4 0 l s 0 N New llotlng with . GI OR FHA . home. Bitni. eood c:ond. Pvi ~I . cl Ing friendl.y II. a:pectaculat ocean view Wltlt a b•i play yard near ;: ::: :,!:ie ~ : ere 11 a earn · l.n ~clu.s.lw Cameo Shore~ llCboola &: walk to 'lhoppine,
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with be:auWul ol:tw ereen
deluxe cpt. 2 laree
bathrooms and a roomy
livifq: room and .den. See
it today al $2.t.!m tun
· It Is!
ExcepUonal 3 bedroom, 2
ba~ 'Holhe located in
·best C:O.ta Mesa area.
Deluxe atwa carpeting
1hroughout, richly paneled
.in walnut. big mvered
pad!> with professklnal
'landscaptnr, water fa I I
and a;arden 11,ghia:. All
built in kitchen. f~ air
heat. It'a one of a klnd at
ARll 2 !-l Baths
to perfectlon. 4 bedrooms, 2 $89,500 iiy. loc. · ow~r will help finance WE SELL A HOME CORBIN MA T full bath.1. Built-ins. Double LI.sled excl111ively with EVERY 31 M}NUTES • R IN pr&&e. Pride o1 ownership, REALTORS
s.u.. -""'wont"""'· W·alker & Lee 615'1662 5o"7-9'l!I;.,.... He bu to!! You name the ~ E. C.OUt Hwy., ~ WATERFRONT Lr.ax. Apt, 91'.l
t VA FHA •-.. d Tum Bock Tho Clock INPLUENTIAL a. -Now 2 "*•' % e!"n'll. • . , .,... own. 27911 Harbor Blvd. at Adams LG. 4 bdrm 2 i.. AllwMb&e
-----------------ltll "°'"' Dr. NB SU!to U1 ~ --t
Cilrono.dol Mor
Crab )'OW' cbecktxlok and l-;;;i;56-0t65;;i;;;;;;Open;;.;;;;;;'il;;i;9;;P;;;Mi;;;~l ·Jow lnt lo& 2339 Colgaf!e To Pre
• 'IV dl.Y!. Sunken f . b;tnns. Aslwnabie 5*.% a...-pool; IM,_,.... 80at hurry on this! Call ~ I• Dr. For information call. · 'frplc. conVet'$1.tlon area. 1 VA -loan ~ SUI per llipe avaD. ~ Balboa,
Colesworlhy & Co. 645-0303 3-u· NITS' PERRON RLTY 642-lm martini tor v.d, can ...... monlh met--. uoo ~!!.,······Rd, <1i14> troduee family • get togetho 111 ft., uae4 brick flrepb.~. ,.,~ . , . . .
at Hartor Center emess, to "hear it u lt 'ia:." pa .buUt-ina, carPets. drap. , .Fl .. ER RENTAL$
"Agent" "For A Wise Buy" ';;;iimo~'ii'orboiiiii.'ii"ii'viid.i;, iic.i."ii'-. $29,950 Newport B..ch....;.;.;_._l;.:;200.:: One of ~-~res pret-es. Block· wall fence, lai>d·. Bay&ont 3 a: deft.·Pter,'tlooit.
642·17'17 I• FIXER UPPE~ Bring your tiest homes. $18,59!1 -With seaped. Ini ' "~ • . ' .
POOL HOUSE -c 11 p k En•t•ld, eo.ta Meta, Span. paint brush. ' ·-3 bdrm gonerou• '"''"· . . . u.~:.... monlh.
Cape Cod 2 BR. w/open
beam ceiling, stone front,
&hake roof, )&'e. sunny patio
w/room to add on. Pliv.
beach & boat storqe. $35,500
0 ege ar lsh 1u, roof, ...,,1a15 on 1a,.. -•· • ~ ' ...... w..=t • 'bdnn., < "'th • home with country-Hal Plnchln Ii Aoooc. lf'-M11\111! ' view .0..e. $1,000 mo.
T1xl50' lot. Income $385 kl h all b 11 · 3900 E ""·· ---_.-FANTASTIC WI.th Pool "•n, " '•-.~·· . ~"Hwy, •75-4392 -John ....... ..,= month, Our best income re-, _ _. 1· ·
turn In area. OV9flii=u iving room, 2 -IL--· · ' ' ; roWNHOUm·s Br,·~ BA,
Exclu.ivo ·w ith "'"" & heavy "'8ke root. Bo -Ponlnou!o , 1300 5 An .._. . 1630, ~ •• -tJo. pool 2 .., 1.,,-You must see this beau-$26 .. 950 BARGAIN PRICED AT •nta a • ..... ~bl=._ -:. :..-_I x.Be
ty to beUeve it Out-$27,950' owner aays, bring O.ve'°"r's Duplex , *II '•CRE • n.1-,,_.,, _ ua-o; :"'l"A_vall_l2~"
standin& Mesa Verde 4 bdrm 2 bath.on Fordham NeWIM"'t otter. Call -MS-Sm SOlllb Thtte-bedl'Oom. ~per two ,A •, u..i .. ., ... ....,., ~per mo. tJ..
location, 3 iarge bdrms, Drive. This ls B~ POOL Ccut Real'Estate bedroom.lower, In wry good healed pool. ~. room 171-88U . . er SC.249'1'
dlnlng _ room, rumpus HOME BUY IN AREA. at ER 3 BR rental area. Now fUliy )Ha. fDr hones. Owner. 545-690 W l NT E R R.µfi'AL • 'TU
room + family I'OQITl· Exclull'la Wtth ·-·Victoria Bi'A.~-~ =~. dmk! ed. GOOd ·growth •potentl&L L 8eKh 1705 Jone.;. 'Mil. BIUUL !'Br,
Inviting pool in main-N 646-8111 rm, fireplace, shake roof. $49,500. ..una --'.;..;.; den, crpta. . Jlrpa. fr1i. 2
· · .. """"" ''" ba<kyanr. owport l•nytlmol carpelod, drapes, built-Im. BURR' WHm HANDYMAN'S patios. pools. 115-1491 "'
Lu sh laod8C8plng & o1t large patio, fenced yard, REALTOR Specla.I! 4 ~i:ne Ullib 120 :'"'°"'===~· -,-"7.--,·
J. Oarloon
bqat pte ln front yard. Newport Beach. Ford Rd 'at 2901 NeWpOrt Blvd .. N.B. ydL to beach. PatlOI decks BAYCRESI'. Fam.· Home. f C.WWelL lmker' (e. S38,950. Victoria MacArthur. Move forces ST"~ gc.2253 Eves. w/ocean view. Nels.' paint. Br. 2·Ba. Fenotd yd, Oilld,
550 Newport Conlor Dr. •• C04TS 646-llll GOV'T REPO oat•. $39,9i0. 6444950 etc.' Should•""'• $9,000 yr, pei,. OK. $350. 616-'1513
Newport' BoOch,_ Collf. & OCEANVIEW ESTA TEL ·;;;ldo;;;;;.l;;;tl;;;o;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;135~1 Pr. $69,900. Consider trada. ~700 ' 644-2430 WALLACI Large< bdrm 2 balh .-tom· Secl'l"ed 5 BR. home. Lush. • MISSION REALTY ""'O'!ll 11.·;=z:::::::;:::::::;=:i::::::::;•mcl REALTORS .11y room near """°" A land1C1ping. Spae. nunpua t9'1(E~ P!llCE : e Dlm\ESSSALE e 2 BDRM~-.. t !(\kth, I I , · 546 4141-shopping in excellent Costa rm., 2 frplcs. + view bal· Home on ·IJOO •. 2 Br, .1 ba. Ooeanvi~ bolpe: LcrN down l!'K playruom, big ,.ro. DOYER SHOllES (()pM fvonl"l'I WHA f A GIFT! Meoo area. $ISOO down, k> °"""'· $45,000 Sb'eet-to-atreot lot. to .... ume xlnt loan. 5 yr. 0ceup Jan. L $225 mo. 111
Dramatic home with exotic ....__ . 1 tai monthly payment $219 PROPERTIES WEST $§2,500 old 3 BR.1%. b!i· home. Fullerton A.vt. '
lm::=====:l '-'"i.&tmas IS com ng a: you inc. taxes. Oean &: fresh, 1M 67"1 . Reduced to •At,500 . atrium. 4 BedroomJ. 3 ~n be Santa of the century. ready to move'into. Act fist 675-4 .., .,. 642 LID'? R-EA~ T.Y INC. pr -"CE REALTY"" 49f.'..9'10f.3 ~~BR.=--,~BA~. -. ~D~.R~.-. ~ .... -~,1
b&thll & powder room Mr p• •NORA MIC VI Give your. family this beau-on th;· 'one. CALL "'"llSI "bLUFFS" 2 Bcbm, 50' deck 3.377 Via Lit.ID ' 613-7300 -, • · , _ . , trplc,1 qlts, dtps. mJ.-q. fl. · • Mn ... lh Jn muter ,· ut•·.' "" EW tUul , bd ~-~ -/ · Bay v I < BR• tam""room 2 BAfL -Qui t ·-·1-.,. "' spac1Gus .. nn ... ..,r-HorltageRealEstat Copen w pnme · e w. .., ":I . • . , ..,, .. mo.' ets ........ _. Huge new po&I with Jacuz. of Newport H•rbor wood Estates home. Bonus e $39,500. Call 6'44-2259 107 VIA EBOLI Near new.· View.• Eu)' ·
zi. Electric bi,ackout 'dr&Pea. ~ut. shake roof. single sty features incl: luxurious shag eves) eves/wknds. 4000 .SQ. FT. Terms. ~.500. 497•1642 C:orOfte HI .Mar ,-32$0
in lamllt room. fenced" 3 BR. 4. BA watertront home. cpting, Roman bath, lush OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX 4 BR, 3% BA. 3 car garage:
paved area' for badminton Froots on xlnt swimming landscaping & 8% FINANC. Mes• Verde C•mbridp 4 BR. + 2 Br. unit. Walk to Crpts, drps, unusual featur-Dana POlnt ' 1730 i BR.·UNP'l.JRN ••• .$165 mo
or vOlley ball. Home newly bea c h. Newly redeca.-. 1NG &. IMMEDIATE 0CCU N r +1.... ·th 1...... Bl ir'>l'I 500 es, Built 1967. Owner C. R. · · · 2 BR. UNl"URN ,, ••• ·$275 mo
• ·-'·"-"" d ted -' cw lSuug Wl .,..ee ue shops. .,.,.., . Agent G , ~· / ""'IOI $17,950! Small, clean 3 Br, 1 l'BR ·~·RN ·'t •""
.... LQ ..... .....,. ecora • $180,0CO. PANCT. llaven pool, dressing room, 642-3850 angi. ".., "'"""' : evea ba, no Kill'· Nr Harbor. $3900 · ~ r;u ................ mo
$$,000. can for app't. , $39,000 toz'mal. dining· room & 3 D~LX.,.,,_. ~Co~ndo~.~,~B~R=-=2-=BAc--, fp!~, I 213 /~.Open. dn. 34032 C.Opper· Lantem. 3 BR. .:ti·&·~ mo john macnab OPEN HOUSE good ...... bdrm•. Really view ol pool. $21,500. H. Wont N•w Boyfront? 642-4905 3'35 E., Coest ""'· Cdll (714) '42-123S a ireat home for the money. McKenzie Realtor 646-0'732 We have plans. 5 Bel. 4% ba. RENTALS &75-'1225
901. Dover Drive, SUite 120 Tues. 12. 5 Stt It today, you'll be pleas-deluxe. Pier/slip. 31~11· Lot: HouHa.Furnilhed
Newport Beach antly •UJ11ri&ed. Newport ShOres 1220 ;135,0CO or choose your bldr -===..:.:c;.;c=;;._ W 1!i ~%:a-=g ll:::=::::::=:=:::::::;=:=mE &S4l·SUO & move in 1970. Generaf . 2000 II 2001 Bayside Drive, NB .-cm..~ 3 BDRM Lower 3 Bdrm Up-R. C. GREER Realty l!lpace, Adults. '$285.. mo.
HAPPY FUTURe * 642-1771 Anytime * -GE .. R~U per Dupt.,., not ...... hold. 3355 Via Lido 613-9300 ft45. 'l BR. a>ltage. F•need, ,,,cm="<>""""".,.....,,,,.,...==-..,
ta: predicted for yoo in this Linda Isle Dtvelopmint $55,950 Frank Manball Rlty yard. Garage. ht o.k. Blue C'ORONA liiCHtANDi 2
""' ottnc Income proper-Biii Grundy 67s.321.D $U,~Jf1~L tiRICE i"!!!!!!!!'"'l!'!'!~~!!!!!,,..1 ,:.,.._:=:,===== H"!lflnglon .Booch 1400 Beacon. 645--0lll ~~I ~~~van
ty.Thbuapropertytoran wilh$l,200downtoanyquali· $26,950 Dover Sho,.1 1227 No Down GI Niwport Booch 2200 quJ..'.i.UJJ ; or
'"""m•nt"""""' -· WESTCUFF lied i.u,., ... poymon" EDRM only 2 yean old. nu. er. Buy laundromat inciod. LOW DOWN LESS THAN REl'IT at LO\V 5 I tflrreplaceable Vie\v* Extremely sharp 3 BR + FIREPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2 3 B~ ~2 ~~
home ls a houtewUe's fixtures and equip. Get rent 7%% annual Interest! 3 big + POOL lay & Mountains! separate 19x:4 recreation ba., patio, adults. Bayside 3 2 'o .1-~1,. -"'
dream, beautifully a~ frorn 2 other wilts to pay Only $6(00 down and you can bedrooms &: 2 bath , c rm. Quality crpl'g & drps Villap. Until July lat. $200. 1 B • .., ~ ..... a---
pointed ISiand, llled bills on loan. Good leases. live 2 blocks from back s. ar· 3 baths, full dining room. Regal "Old World" Contem· thru-out. 2 Frplcs + loads Cnll (213) r12-4309 or 673-5419. 3 BR. 3 BA Luxury.apt. $325.
kitchen all rooms are Total prl-17,· 000 .. y~! 4 bedroom 3 balh exe-·PEets .... ~1 .. ~~r' ~ lnkcltooheed! Rich-wood paneling • hand-porary picturesque home w/ of extras, CI appraisal University lttalty. 673-6510 "" ' · _ .. ,v, f• il ho ,..____ ve1:1 ...... '6 s a--v, 1 c n, 0>m• b-akfast bar. Area unobstructed view -most oYersir.ed -2000 sq. ft. In ... vu ' m Y me • .vw1ia-living room yard tTees and r ,.. I rooms. 4 Br's, 4~2 Ba + $32,9'50.B ~:;•l::bo:;•::_ ___ .....:2::300;:; 4 Bk. 21,ii· Ba. duplex.
all, -A Muter Bedroom wilt b·ade for . a smaller VALUE ' ~1 '1 ~r o most con v e n enc e. m11d1 qtrs. Ideal for enter-Sq, ft. Bltinl, :dishwasher.
suite fit for a Kine and horn · Costa M · · · 1 ove n ""'ore 540-1721) . ~ SPACIOUS -2 story, 3 bdr. 2 !rpl. _.....Mo. \eue. 540-1573 e in esa. area. -Christmas,'' TAR BE. LL 2955 H bo taining. Easy maint. Immed [~-1-""'""-=~?"'====I Queen.. expensive Palo. Fi:w chances to live in w~-WE. sEi.."L A HOME . ar r · tlUIU ba. Bayview. Fam 11·y.
Verde stone ~lace, cliff so euUy. For $53,200. EVERY 31 MINUTES ASSUME '::s~~e ~~1:~ . .$1r!':S , ~ Winte_r-Yriy. Kl 6-9514 Lflo fali ' ' . 3351
heavy shake roOL If you 11J93 Baker, C.M. 5i6-5440 How can you i:::o wrong? L, M R.:NTALS =:nu."':. 1rocutive ll!E!"oJoy!""!!tbe!"!'luxucy""'""'or""'coun""'try""I 546-2311 Walker & Lee 51>% LOAN Un1v ... 1ty Park 1237 "J I rte at H-Unlumiahed '':""'i!! •:o:.i~ 2 ri;'.
$123.00 -Month
tt's a 3 bed.roolfl ~me In
eosta Mesa, there's no
qUalifyin& to anume the
exlstin& VA Loan with an
annual pen:e:ntaire rate ol
6%. Full price ts $2:1,950 -
,Best Bu,y Am.ind!
Can Yau
Anm' This
living just 10 minutn: from 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams Owner translerred, anxlous.1 ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; General 3000 I=-===· =or=~~-==13===
Orange County, 2o x 38 56-!Ng\ Open til 9 PM will look at all oUe~ on thl1 1 LONG BLOCK . , • 17007 l\1agnolla, FV
POOL wllh •lid• ond Jou of . •BR pool hom•. Will carry From "boo!. ;, th• ln>moc. 545-0458 FOR RENT Huntl~gton Beech 3400
decking! 378' deep lot "i th 1 ...... _,..,.._,.,..,;;i.I CONTENTMENT large 2nd 4 Br. l\S ba. Owner trans. --~~~~~-· BARN Ind aJRIW.. Sharp DAVIDSON Realty Hla Jou your gain. $34,T',O GI RESALE $235/Mo. for ...,,. ' Bed-3 BR. """' be ovail for
Sroomhomeneetledamnno A D lfy 10 5 BEGINS HER~! . 5-t6-5460 Eves.544-1833 • d h I room,2 Bath,Built-lru.Wall-showina:b)'realtors.Vacant, ri!ant shade trfts. AIL;; Upet! a • Room for everyone m this,1 .......................... 1 • I 4 bdrms 2 ba on corner lot. ed yanf, d ··hie prage. $1751 mo. tW) AT 'f.53Sf.
just $26,500 with VA no 1120 Dolphin, lrvlne Terr. loveb' 3 bedroom home close EASTSIDE C.M. re I Walk to elem &: SL Francia WE SELL A HOME ' Bi 2 BA. bi '
OOWN or· F.H.A. Low Formal dining room, 3 bdrm to Harbc>r HJ. Buttercup yel· SEE THIS 3 BR. 2 '· lVW Parochial School. No quail EVERY 31..MINUTES .-... !rpl tnl, crpts. 2 ba brHldut a.rea, family low on the outside, neat a.s ..... lying _ submit on cash doYln w 1 k & L u•yo. c, 2 car tar. fDcd
DOWN! room overlooking patk>, a pin iMlde. $26,500 takes floors, frpl. Dbl. ear gar, REALTY to low lnt.erest G~ loan. Full a er ee yrd. $XIO mo. 962-1191
WE SELL A HOME~ built . tirepl 2500 It all on alley, Try $23,<XXI. Univ. Park Center. Irvine price only $24,000. t LARGE BR, 2 BA. frple.
EVERY 31 MINUTES ft. ofm~doue ~~ing ar:· ~ Greham Rlty 646-2414 Call Anytime~ Paul Jones Realty 20U WestcliU Dr. new cpts 4 <lrPs. dbl pr, Walker & Lee ~c 11•11111 Ne .. · Nowpmt • .,,, om.. 8'!·1266 Ev•. 536-6J58 __ ....:646-:.::..::Tlll:=___ fened bod< yd. $215 • ...._ =3il11 3 BR 2 bath home, corner El Toro 1244 SACRIF1CE s:·io.2 ~-du~!~ Yi:!: fountiln Val'9y 3410
2<»3 Westclitt Dr. -• ----lot 130x180 • add · 5 more LAKE FOREST R•nch· 3 bdrm 2 ha, hdwd firs., 14 Children & pet welcome.'---------
646-rn.1 1093 Baker, CoM. 5-16-5440 units. Dti"ve by l M5 Santa Style beauty, 3 mos month old 22x36' heated & Bkr. ~ 3 BDR.' 2 Ba. Fence'.d yd. EASTSIDE 1860 Newport Blvd., CM Ana Ave. then call old & lust a block· or so Wtered
pooJ. $171 per month $l25. 2 BR, dbl ear, fencd deck, ,fireplace, carpel,
REMODELED CALL646-391!8E-.614-16"6 $34,500 'llanla lttalty from tho yocht & .... TPIYh R~. IE yanf. Oilldren ..... drapea, bit-~. Wahr.
3 Bedrooms, on a ~ Jot ''F•mlly Gatherings" 642.:&560 ni1 clubs (membership e e~7_,s5t3•1te Mart ~~l~e. Avail now. Bkr. ~~prde. ~r .,aid.
Spacious screened ln patio. 21=========-Incl). Bought • larpr ~;iov :._a1 .. 1e~t.'1"'ndgarag1 _;~l~ ~Uul. 25 ft. llv~ room, 2 Cosio .... ,. 1100 home~ mutt tell this 5 BDRMSI $175. Large 2 Br. &: patio 3 BR, 2 BA, 8.mo. oldb. Igo ·~· ••=~ "~ EI-'-'-kit_.__ n. h 3 I BR' 2 fam rm, crpi._,.1 ...... , lt-tns, with built-ina. Tbe rOot is Ul >O".,.aces. ~""" ull;'.'11,0---------one; ~s rg t, +FAMILY ROOM Garage. Blue Beacon. ... .,..
new _ ~.950. 6% % loen dish~·asber. Biggest yard in STUCCO 2 BR BA's & fam rm w/ PreSUge area. Lovely home ===='646--0==lll=== ~mo. ~ 213: NE
may be assumed. prestige area. Fenced-frtli1 $17,950 frplc. $33,900 w/ 10-/. with many, many extras. 646-7171 tret's. 540.1720. Newly decorated, lrg rooms dn. Buy from owner & Most JtOpular floor plan. Cotta Mesa 3100 f BR SPANISH ·'J'OWNHSE,
TARBELL 2955 Harbor tbru-out. Dining rm. Hrdwd $ 227'2 C t "rY POOL I: REC. l260. NEAR
A Priv•t• Glimpse ftn & earpet.s, Low VA-FllA •1~. alo.6147 ot a HAFFOAL REAL FOR Leaae: Avail. Dee. l , 3 r,a:w, 962-746
Into thilJ exciting world of terms. Em. 545-7013 ======== OWN ' boam«ait. ~'le" .... ~~· .. ~~bit. ' d2bt bL ===·= .. ""·:"'~====-==-.I
the mo&t exclusive resident-nu: KESSEL CO. Realtors Corona del Mar 1250 ...... • ..... ....t'.., u.o-•ll'IS, gar. Laguna _,. .,.,..
U tnttrnl rain are blih \al i;ection on the BaCk Bay 1916 s. Flower, SA -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, camper or a.II three. Thia Pool " clbbae, Wtr pd. $215 -"--------
and money tor bou:sing ii In Dover Shoreii. 3 .brand ~1 • unbelievable Jot wil l bold a mo lat & last mo. + LEASE Or rent exect1tl\lt 4
hard lo Ket. how can you, Big 5¥4¥• GI LHn ne\v models. 4 bdnns, 3\.t SPECTACULAR VIEW ONE Of A KIND them all. fleavy duty gate secur11). depOs. Adult sec-BR. de:n, 2 BA,,\l~w bome.
"-.. 1:s i-ATERS
u a buyft-, obtain a Joan to take over. No increase ln palio. Great 3 BR Seahaven tlons. No pets. 54G-9491 C.Oveml patio, dbl p.r,
of owr. 90% of ltlarket . N bath.~. Sparkling, pool. Roy Spaciow;, lu.11:ury home with w/concrete "i;torage slab, CONOOMlN"~. 3 BR. 2 erp_ts. drape" dishwasher.
mterestl eat 4 BR on cot· $24,950 J . \Val'd 1430 Galaxy Dr. 180' view of Back Bay, 3 7 BEDROOMSl,I, 0· v ·~500 Rex L. •u•q ..,, f94..'8961 krnd af Value at a rate of&~ per ner w/fully equipped A~ ,. ~ pa o. ac. -· BA, 2 car pr, swimming ... :>. "" •or I
yea.r, lll% lea than thony Pool. Extra bonus • Mesa Verde &lu-lSSO Bdrms ' ('xquisile decorat-Unique, l\lodem, Beautiful! Hodges. Rl~. 847-2525 pool &: rec. facilities. $210 8
)'OU've been Jl9Ylng on jwit about 4 blcks to Pacitlc ing; rww carpels & drapes. FamUy rm. + den. On Jarg. TRAGEDY STRIKES mo. 540-1667 or 557.Q29 aft "LARG="'.E"'.-.,-. -wJ"'y-"'""'=-,-:--1 .. '=°Br.·
)'OUr car every year, If Ocean! Askingt $3f,9;SO but 4 Bdrm. + Den Investment Income Open Sun. 4!.S, "32 Gold~nrod e&t panoramic harbor View ltlus t sell 3 1a-BR 1 %. ba. 6. duplex. Ocean view, Adults, ·-' v -n --" Harbor Vll'.'w Jtlll:1 SSl.500 .... "15 t :1..,.. rt a e ., .. )'Ol.I ""hat's "your" price? 'Null Please ho1ne with modern lot! Just listed exclusively d' · Adult led 2 Br. N•w crpt• ·•w •-. no pets,.,.. mo. )"ftr Y·
... 100~ l t 1 UNITS . l•-e lot ................ PROPERTIES WEST ining room. oceup ... '"' .... .,.. MU _.. can a 1• oan a sakl! built ln kitchen. Cbvt!red pa-~.. ..,.. ... .JO-U at only $89,500. only Low down to p--nt lnt•"·r -~1y •-. n~ 1 PLACE REAL. !IY ~·~ "'tt~ -~ ,.. t room to 'ooud 5 mo·•. -ooo· 675*4. 130 67r 1642 · """'" •·iv '"'" """ ......... •n..,., .... pu one ~···lllO tion. Large rttreation room. • ...,.,. r DON V. FRANKLIN fin&neing . $21950 child ok no peta, 1043 W. f BR, 2 BA., Ww, Xlnt c:ond.
dUne dOwn ... If )'OU on't ,_.._...,.. 54().17'10. OwiierwiU carry 1st TD. 3 BR 8' den. 11,2 BA, cpts, REALTOR BRASHEAR' REALTY W11aon 642-l.S74, 60-8213, I )Tl okL $285. mo. Call ~~ =~ ~-: Gl:R~ TARBELL 2955 Har bor Wella-McCardi., RltrL drps. bit-ins. Halecrest. Lg e 67$-2221 e 16952 Beach mvd., H.B. 96S-215& 491-160
•-_,, ASSUME VA L~'N· 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. c oncre l e patio with •!!!!""'""'""'~~!!!!!!! 847-8507 Eves. 43l-37G9 ==::;:======-1 IP"' U.t BOW ii the time _.. 54&-Tm 64+o6S4 eves. wateriall. Ex lg kit, 135 ft • .-Iv 0 VACANT. 3 bdrm home with Ml Ion Viti• Utl
.. ,,.,.. 111========13 BR, Pool, Frpl, $24,!}SO. "'!~~~~~l!!"!~" defp. Fruit lree!I. Ftcsh Exclusiv .. , un FOR RENT bll·U.,.firep~ace.lareefenc-___ .. '-'-_ _.._._ _ _. ..... I
Wt HAllOI an.
~··:I IS Ill ....
BAYCREST LOT · Good area: 1" ba. NEWPORT BEACH pa.int inside &. out. $26,500. 2 Bedroom and den. 2 baths . ed yard, $210 I mo. FAM· 3 BEDROOM, 2 tlrtplace, Ira:
M& Dami!, D1 Charnting l BR. w / Jarge,,_:°''°'"""-'-=""'=28'""°!~=--quality custom built Mme DESK SPACE -\Vlll partition IUES ONLY, ,Art. 5*-4141 fncd.ln yrd, Alt/Conti.,~ Prime area. Priced to sell -
S26.95o. Build now or later,
but buy at today'a prices.
lllJ Ant.iqua.
Op('n Sit-Sun l.S 1. on Marigold plus • 1 Bed-lo suit _""---• m·~. •--• 2 BR E-side, cpll, .1-....... ,-==""=--====== j ~---" Ex-'--n...-.-lncd. yr, cov. patio, lldwd. TRI • P LEX, 2 BR each, ...__ , Ull:'a<.: •u ....... ,.. ..._ .-• , ... rUJU "'"' .. ~.,. ,,_ 1 bl kl Bedrm' · room garage apa.,UJ<;n... oge , Sign spa-. fned 'yrd, $175 Ise. Avail ... 9569 ·-•• 19 Eve ....... frp ., tn. tch. Nr. 1 upstairs. Income ,,._ Be ~ nd ~ -•· Clol 4 Z1 -~ · h •-· 500 ~to aw•' •~· .• BRASHEAR REALTY now. '"""'222 '""'wlmd.I. -• YMnh • •
ASSUME 511l % LOAN school' c urch & shopa . ...,,;. 16, d". Price Ownor will"'"" IBt TD.
14 Owner w/finaooe, fl7,000 $35,00'.l. North 01. By 673-USO 847-8507 Eves. 963-U78 * COTTAGE 1 Bdr. stove, 2 BR extra room oU
! Walker Rlty. •7S.S200 o\\.ner. 53f..3561 aft 5 PM. MOVIHQ..Must .eU! AMume ttfrlg. ~tJl pcl. $140. No pr1;1e, Neu blach. Jiu a.rett Rully 4 BR w/pool, fam rm, I~ 3366 Via Lido, NB Operi Sun. OLDER 2 BR hou5e, 2 car Lo FHA loan on elepnt f Peta. 545-Q!M, 551~. pool. ll; BA. crpts, dl'JI' A
b&. Near ICboolJ.a, So. ai.d OCEANFRONT. gaz:. Lrg kit -aultable for Bdrm, 3 Ba. condo. Swim MESA Del ·r.rar, f Br, 2 Ba. stove.
llal WNm.BclllJ. Dr. .. _ Piua. In>•••<!.·-· Small 5 BEDROOMS build! ... 515-<Dlt pool, tennis crt. Walk to pre!<"" Ind, $295 mo. BILL WILL1AMS REA1.n
'{-down. ldHI LOC11tlon HUGE 9 room + rue1t house schools .l &bops. S min to Leue. 54&-3651 J39'Dtlmar, S. C. a.1115
--Coll Mtrtln Rltr. .... ooo· & pool. °""''· 238.950. IRVINE TERRACE freeway • heoch-Total 3 BR. 2 ••• ..,.,~ nn. TIMI FOR -.... ._ ..,,.., ••-~ Outstanding Corona del Mar pri ..., ~ 96&.il"' uno 'Y ll •'!!':!!"!'!!!'!''l!!'!'!!'!"!!~• I-"---~~~·--Gffrnt Williamson ~2544 * 548-8333 • ce ...... :. vo. h'plcs. bltnt. S2.10 mo/he. .. home • priv. mid. 11rea. 3 -Mt.. ""UICK e &SH llACH DUPLIX 3 lJR, 2 BA. flmlly room, REALTOR PLANNING to mover Yoil'll Bd1m., 219 ·baths, fanl. & DON'T JUST "WISH for No pet! u•_.... • "
2 BR Ir: l BR. aood \ncOl:ne. prof dtc0r. 1~ yr old-xlnt 67J...43SO Eves. 673-l564 find an an1u:lng number of din. rm•. Rrn. ror poOI, som(thing to lihni!h )'OUr CONDOMINIUM, 3 BR. "2'9 THROU5H A
Lee Ptl'fyda Reial Estate cond. $32,500. 213S2 F1etit la Your Ad in 0 u r homes In today's Classified s;;1,roo. OOme ••• find great lKu's ln Ba. 2 Car pr. r o o I A DAIL y PILOT
499-1990 or 4~ Lane, Ha. OwM.r &16-t.128 . ctudHedst ~ w{ll be Ada. Cheek them mw. R. C. GR&ER Realty today's Ousl(led Ads. Facilil lel tt95 mo. 5404.310
CTVE u~ "United Way" DAJLY PILOT WANT ADS! looklAK for It. Dial 642-5618 ONE gift -m11ny Wonders ~ Via Lido 6734100 UNITED Fund time ONE Gift Helpt l\lany WANT AD "'--'---:....C"----''--
'. ,-,
' !·
. ..
' ,,
. ..
'· • .
' • i·
• . '
• ,.
• I .
' I
f4 "l~T-ADVUTISU •Monday, N°"'""'r24, 1'169 Moodq, N-24, l"" DAllT "10T F-====:::::::::".:::':'~:l~=~--.,,.-.,...,.•'"t UNTAU UNTAU UNTAU llNTALI ilW,UTAti ~liill IMI I Mtt1t ... a'mr ,._. "* ... 'r t1l •t-.1r1 ltia , ....... • ;te. '-'!w.I -A-. • .,......... A,111. ........... ~l!•~"!!•!!:ol!_ _____ , Pl.,..CIAI. Piii•• Are, O,• 1:00 ....... ~ ,.... • a;"" C8ili:m JI' Huntln•• ..... ~ c.io-. •••• ~---'"-'-"" _____ , ..... w .... "!! i,.. 0;, '"".....,..,
9 to N n S.1Wd1y -Glosod s-l1y VAL ·D1SERE · ™ 6 l aa --.-DSLUXI • e ,,_ ~-. • ftllll • llOI' V111D111G •
DIAL DIRECT ••• 642-5678 Slndeo1 ""2 Ir·-. ri:i 't-.~.~ ·===':i°~1f:.~2 'r!: 1% '".,.:-:,.,~dln:r~.,~-="~'~.....,~~1.,;~~~~~i:i ....,......
S.WMI. Ad'y Jtm, BW'8rdl <W..t ol Beach nr Sa'"). 84 with air eond. ('Omo rm. :*'dbl. ~· • Tbt nation'• &arsflll "i:::j WESTMINSTER & lljORTH COUNTY DIAL. FREE 540-1220 ~:,!.~pool, 8llQo rUl!NISHED i BR, ple>ety eound..-cl, .U -opener a..U. Po,i a 11-f<or Ion! 599' -!Ion bu• ~~~~~·,,..,~~ mwnmwa Hnta Bch, ~ clea.ntrw OYeM. wood cell· rec. area. Nr. Cttbolk LARGE ~ buuti.fUlly :in:.. of~ ~"lton IMcht ~1220 Latuna IMch: 4M""4•6 HOLIDAY PLAZA Main at.,,536-7396 lnp, dllhwuhers. I Uth Qimc:h. Adults. no pet1. tum. Newly redfe, Ptlv. en-or woma~ to pt lmD 8:;
DEUJXE. apa~ 1 Bdrm. ),. Br. Condo. Completely landlCliplJ11 with slreu'l\I 4 e ONLY $2'5 e tr. A: hL few l quiet adult. field tba the Hours.....,-Reguletion1-Deedline1 Furn apt llll. plus utll. ....._ Prlv&;.. 1105 , mo. watm.111, •l<v•-BllQ•• 1115 A-Wey, N.B. Call· SCM983. 1 Y -d>o J , Healed pool. ampie parklns. Call mat !m-6li8l clubhoute, aaunu. jacuzd A inott. 1Uoui ~ ...,., ~k tWr ... ..atr anrll ,.,..,, ...._. .. ,.., """ No childttn-m pets. or swim poo1, priT/ pr. w/ NEW D» 14 ft S ';'R 6 Sam LOVELY Roam In private
., ~ THIHaAILY PILOT ,._....., ,_....,.,....,.. 196.5 Pomona. c.til. BAOIELOR Unlt-lumlihed. atorqe. Ew:l)'tbt" n•,w. nn7,,..,. ,.s_BA. Owna'W !,.1:_,_aPI borne •• ~ ;sent. We need an antbllioua Ind!-
.. tile Uf9nt ., ,.....,..,. the .. ..,........, urnrily w time. · $80. l BR tower, util pd, New Walk to beach I. town. $15 Startlnc at> $1to, Ad\lltl ... A ... tgiol ~-••-546--tns·wnm..., eve. vld.ual Who wOOJcl Jlkit en
DIADLINI Pot COPY AND klLLl1 lt)I P.M. .,_ ••r WW. ,uMkatltft. uce,t w/w. Ptt O.K. Bkr. utU paid. 536-3501 pleue. Juat East of 2600 C-•.dol "·r 5250 $1S WK Ir; Up w/ kltchel'I, reap the rewards of ~ fer w.-..... Matt.n anti ,._.., MCffeM .._ dellnt tlllM II l:M P.M. 53M8llO On C 4600 Harbor Blvd, next to Nabers ... ...,_ .,.. $35. wk itudlo apt. 2376 ever • la111.-J"eCl'ftUon exl
I PrlAy. Hit , bn /W .-1.-"II ouftty CadWac at 425 .l4en'lD:lac Ne)lrPOl't Blvd •• 9155. plosion -a ptrtanl whoo Ji
..,.. 1 • -. 1 aa... w , -..... cen-Way MS-6300 / uplrl111f to eamtrp ftU ov1
YOU lijtUfT NAVI KIL~ NUM1q1 Whn kHlll" an .... ._..,.. el -le ,_ltt. tnUy loc. Avail now. Bkr. SINGLE .Adults, luxury • ' • PJ..EAS4HT QUUiitn for er $1,@perJIOntl&.
· ..... ~ ...... • ,..,. ., tt. .11:111 ....... ,.._ ,_ .., ,_.. ai1 taker u SM-«190 pn1en apt1, wlfull ftefta· ASK AIO"T OUR. ~v esnplo)'ld adult ~e. Pvt
""lflatlM fJll,..... alL &;;4-iii &:i 1acillt.lff &: complete ~ ~ utr. ~
._., -1s -·to •m ., ,.,.... 1 -°' ...., hn -...,..., 11v1 we..,.. to -' 41 privacy. South s.y oub DISCOUNT PLAN -• .;;_-. '
Mt, ........... t. ff • URtll tha .. Mt .,,..,_, -1n ttMi ,...... ' Apt&. m So. Brookhunt, Spac, i Br, 2 Ba apt. New ON ttN AOtES Mot.ft. Trlr. Crts. 5997
Anaheim CTlf) 712-4500 · 1 A 2 BR. Furn A Onturn -DIM..,..LI;!.:-• are strlctlr cash In affanct lty mall ., at .,.,. .,.. fJ11 eur effk• drape•, new sh&&: crptmg Fireplaces / priv patlol / WEEKLY rates Su Lark
MO .,...._ hnlen Gntve 4610 thnlout. 1% ml N, of So. Pools. TtnnU .ConbirtBkf.st. Idotel. 2301 ·Newport Blvd., You need at least Sl,&f7.S0to
TM DAILY PILOT ....-v• ft. ..._, t. clMl!fy, ... It. ,_ .. -,:t.'. ... -;;..:;=.:....;.;.=~--"''-"I Cout Plaza. $UlJ. 2101 S. !IOO. S.a Lu>, OtM ~ Coata MHa .., 5-t'l..,.. H .,. ·--SINGLE Adults Luxury Pacltic. ""'' . ...., cuh to lt&rt. """""· Hiii te c ....... lb r•tet .anrll ....,..ttw wftheut ,,_. GRAND OPENING (MacArthur nr t 0.~st ff:yl Mite, leri. t• , S999
u.1,· ... I • .... 117', New-n -h, •··-2217 Harbor Wlbo prden apts with country • -Wrt .. , siYitw ...... number, ~ ~ a ._. -nMl'' "-club atn~ and com· ,THE YICt()ftr~~ ~ 1 br, So. skle ot WAN'IJD: r .... -to ~ to: •
O •.... "°" ... ~che .... :;_·,ta$121)only pldeprlvacy. sex.rm.BAYN .. •·-2BR,1""' ~-11 ~ -elk .-~· ''!lo
CU.SSU'llO .COUNTIU .,. S.C.ttll u t.Hewtt *""" ,...,."" ..... e .,.QA.~ "'1• --... ....., aun ; for ltOf9p C.M QI' NB. ""llltta
e Na peta. Adj to,_..., ~ =. ~~ Moltsanq .. ~. priv, Jn -over pr. $180 .,.L (:all.,:,...,..; • $portlot Goodo C.. ~ _ ~-..pr! pr w/ ma-+ llOOdopaL •'21\llN, c••~• -P,0. lloi !SDepL.
$35 oo Wk u 1,-========-I ~· ~ ..i··1'"""' OIM. 675--0633. * im•c11..... ..,. Lake ""·Utah 14111
• .....: •. 1 Br Ap·;,, p L-. -· 4705 Wat.r pd. """"""v·~rSt. OOl!OL!DO AP:'S. ' &. * -* ;; ... ;;;;.,1a;;;1e:-"'""""""-..:;;..;.;;~1 talned .. 6111 ......... IA~r Jevel1 &ludloa pent. ·--i :=se~:C~ DELUXE ~klr 'apt, N. 63MllO house, Frpl~ .. pooi, dhl.lltCCNM' Pr•,lrtf 6000 ·CANDY SUPPLY
( ' Dairy Pilot Cle_uified -. -------
• Maid "'"'""' incl. end, w or, ~e'!tr, deck, carports, patios. nao . ~. .. ROUTE iew 1 blk bch/ehopplfW 613-3378 CQSrA MESA home .ti 9 (No allbw bn-oiwdy •Day week &: Month v ' · • _ S Bit l'A.· bltb·$150/mo., nits pl bid Ex lk 2316 N~wport Blv'd. ,MS-97SS Adult $145 mo. ........ . 2 BR., So. of Hwy. yrly, u UI room to . ce nt tncome for ~ HOUSIS fOllt SALE RENTALS .. Cl!MINT, C..-... CHILD C.Alll, L.lal9'I .. It
HouM1 Fuml1htd
oeNlllAL lllMTAll TO tNAlll COSTA MISA MISA OIL MA• MISA v1a1;11 COLLIO• ;Allk NIW,OllT llACM MIWP,OllT f48TI. lflWPOllT SHOR.IS tAYSMOlllS DOVlll StlOl:lll w•tTCLI,, UNIVIUm ,Alli l•VIN• &ACk UY l .. T 8LU,f' II,_ lllVUtl TlllUCI COllOMA DIL MAil IAL.aOA UY ISLANDS
... .... ...
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AplL Fumis Id •ueu.L ' COSTA Ml:IA • MllA v••DI N•W .. OllT •••CN lll&Wf'OllT ... IONTI NIWf'OllT SMNllS WllTCLl•JI UNl'nllStTT 'Allk UC:kU.Y IAIT &LU•'° COllOfllA OIL MAil ...... •AT ISL.ANDI LIOO llLI IAL&OA ISLAND MUNTINOTON aa.t.CN l'OUNTAIN VAUIT
Sil.Al 81ACM
4111 -a" -.... ... -"" ---"" ... -.... -... -.... ... ~ .. ... --"" -.... LACWNA llACN LA.UNA NtGUIL MWtoN Vll.IO
, .. ., SAM CLaMlllT•
DMK PCMMT un t•JH.lx. Ilk.
-'"' u .. --
•• ··ADIL Unfvntlshod ,_ .... ,.AL . \ .....
1.it' ••JA Vl•ff 1 • Slit 1"' Nftf'OllT a'UC" ' fttl 1419. NIWf'OltT NI....,... . ' ftN ,.. NIWf'OllT SMOlt~ h2I
,,. '1¥11T'CLl,fl ""' -
: U'(1Y1•11TY '"•r no IACk IAY ' Qtl
1611 IAU IUH'~ * ... '"' Q)llOMA OIJ. M4• . ....... . .. . ... .... Us& IAY tSLANOI • '* I,;~ d&.a • 11" NUMTIMOTDN"IA(M ,. 179 ·-"" -.... '"' l'OUtn'AtN VALLIT •H.MA llLAlfO ,,. Ill\. 81Actl > > u·a Lt»tO BUCH
nu ... .... "" It• OllANGa COUHTT
l7" GAllDIN 81tO'i9
17n WS:ITllllllSTl:lt "" MIDWAY cm.
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Tllll'L.l!X. ttc.. '"' CONOOM1NIUM ' flSf llaNTAU WANTlD Sttt
llOOM• ,Oll.lllllT '"' llOOM • f0All0 . "'4 MDTILI, 'rllAlt.•• cou•n SH? GUl!ST HDMll ffN MISC, lllNTAU lfH l#ICOMI l"ll:OPl!llTY ... 8U$1Ml!SS PllOf'l!lln 6l!lf Tll .. JLI• PAllkS HU auSINISS lllNTAL "" OF'l'ICI lllNTAL ff1t llllOUSTlllAL ,llOf'lllTY Hitt COMMlllCIAL ""I INOUSTlllAL llSNTAl Htt
LOTS '1• llANCffl'S '1541 CtTllUS OltOVaS '175 AClll!AGli Ull LAI:• llSINOllll' '111 lll!SGllT .PllOPlllT'Y '"" Oll•ffGI! CO. PllOPEITT •ltP
OllT OP ITATI "llD". '* MOUNTAIN • Dl!llllT •UI suaD1v1110N LAND •111 •l!AL l!STATI s1•v1c1 &l1S It.I . IXCNANGI! ,,,. rt. I. WAMTID •Mt
... ....
"" 6Sll ... ... ...
"" ...
CONTU.C:TOllS "" C.t.at,IT CLIAMINO MU CAllPIT LAYllllO & lll,Alll .. h oaa,.•t•• .._ HMOLltH*' 6'JI o••"""• dlV1Ct "" IUICTltc.AL MM •ctUtrMINT l•NT&U MM , ... ctito ..., .._ -llUllNM:e lll,•llll. •tc. MN 'U•Ntrvta llllTOl:tll• .. .,.,,..,..,,.. ..,.
&U:O•NI.. ... OIM•llAL t•JtVJCll ... eltADIM& DllCINO U. •LASS UM Ol:•IM TMUMI &79 OUM SNOf' &nt NIALTN CLU•I Int MAUL IMO •nt NOUSICLaAtrllllle AJ1I INn .... DICOltATINO •rn IMCOAM' TAX •r• lllON, Or-. dll •'-' ,,_ ,....... •JU
rffSl.ILATINO ., .. INIUllANC• 171'
INVISTtcUTtlffli. ....... '"' )A .. mtl:IAL '"' JIWIL•Y •• ,Allt, It&. MM LAMDSCAf'INO Mii LOCklMITM 'OI MUOfllllT, flllCk tQI MOVINO 8 ITOIAll ... f'AIHTINO, ,_I •1111 '91 ,AINTI.... .... ..
$135 •. month. Deluxe Mobile $45.00 WllKLY · • Well..McC1rdle, Rltfs. ~~::: ~r,i;;.d. ?\~}·~ =i 113% dn. Owner ~~~=· :~.:::
home comp. furn. Heated Luxury, fllmished apla. M.a1d UlO Newport Blvd., C.M. Bkr ~ collecting money from coin
pool, adults, no pets~ 4 ~rvice, ~=-541-mt ~ eves. SMA~ 1 BR. -View· s. of lualMll lentil 6060 operated dispensers In Or-
Seasons Mob, Est 2359 New. · • " ange Co. &nd surroundins
,poi1·s.J8.633,2 RENTALS " Hwy. Ne~ c.arpetl I: A'l.TR.Commert~bldc.1200 area. We elte.blilh route,
LOVELY Lge, 1 Br trll' + Al*-Unfurnlelierl( r.&.llJ lao Apts drapes. $1t!O. fn5.Q5f, iiq. ft Picture1qne old New· (Handle1 name: brand candy ..... 1125-' & lrlr r. ... LARGE New 2 s~: 2 BA ..... hear Lida la!•. Ideal for and snada), 11575.00 <• ..
ca $100. Gen.rel 5000 plus den. Opts. cQ., blp..' fecorators. antknJel;, crafts. ,.quired, For pereonaJ. inter.
:.,: 16th St., C.?\t. Near Onnp Co .Airport A View. mmsT-• i , e~l'. Adequa~ partrn1. view in Orange Co. UM,
V N OME UCL AdQlts only. 20122 ========rl owner/qt. 67S-f747 tend name. address and
$155 -ATI'RACTIVE, 1 bdr., E D s,nta Ana Ave. MO-Z196 lalbore 5300 • -Jlll:ine nO:mber to MULTI~
pool, util paid, gard~n liv· I ---,.,=,,.-==---1:::;:;:-;:--;;-:<-:z--:::. Have )'OUr busineu It living lrATE Disr INC
ing, adults, no pets. 1800 IMMAt'ULATB APTSI 1' NIW APTS. BACH Bayfl, aoh.tii$1, patiO quarter! In' this 1-Br. house, Broad'-'·ay, kabe~:w.c::
Wallace A\'e,, C.?i-1. ADULT 6'' FAMILY $1511 $17,5 l yd, w/w crpl, u~.l>d, Sl25. } blks.{{om Lklo• ISW.·$135 fomia 92802. (TI4) 7'18-50I).,
NICE l BDR. DUPLEX, SECI'lONS AVAILABLE 1 lc 2 bdr., 2 swim. poob. All Prof penon only 113-67'5 ,.._~month' --7 Aaoc ParWr
ADULTS. CJou t. ........,...., P•rk atll. pd. A.dill. cdy, m pell, vw...,r/qent .. ,5-4 4.7 · * * * $100 * * * * SpacloUI 3 Br'a, 2 Ba Turn. if desired. IC-3535' HuntlrttfOn a.ch, BEAt.mFUL Studio for
Phone -M9-08.'ll * 2 Bedrooml .m Awe.do st.. CM LOVELY untum l BR. "t •BA Vok:e,. Gultar, Piarn fteu. AUTOMOTIVE
DEALER -:i inc. util. Small rui:i apt. : ~7 1=-~~.. VILLA MISA APTS apt. Crpta I: drps. w/bltn •RtnL ~ Si~le man. ~ear 15th & IMS Anahllrn Ave. 2 BR mdlarn. prl 111.tk.;.btd ' dlhwhl', pa atove &: oven,1:::.---,,--..==="""' Aetiw wtth $25,000 to hrMt.:
Newport. 6-U-5583 COSTA MEM IG..aM peal, t'c:ar encl'd car. (.'hll. garba,&e dlipl; Call eve1 aft 600 sq. ft. at 1129 w.~19th '8t., ~ County excl
LOVELY Quiet tuz;n. 1 BR1'!!~~!!'!''!!!!!!!'!'!.!!!!.'!'!..,!I dren we~, no Pet• 6, SG-Sm. CJL Avail Dec. l!t. Ttp in field, ~ YJ'I Na
Duplex. ?i.falure Adltl. Reis. I" HARBOR GDrrllf iHue1~$160. Abo furn $185. 2 BR newly decorated. . * M&-l7G8 * allJ, ExtreJMly hl&h re~
$125. CaU S4&-8J07 ftlUt• n1 W. WlllOn. 6*1251 Refrig & blt-ina, cptl/drps, RETAIL or olfice 11pa<.~, 900 plus excellent aalary, Prfn.! VAL~ adtdt couple only, 2 ocean view. $155/ per gq ft + roxss• front lot. 470 cipal .elected ·must ba
BR, no pets. Drps, cpl!, imo~n~lh~. ~A~d:ul~l•~--~;::~·~J~N~•wpot:~''~Bl=vd~.~-=='~~ J manaaerlal back:around, Au.
,ATIOI "'9
PMotouA,NT ..,. Newport Beach 42ii0 BACHELOR unfu~ i r om =~~:.::e. 'lkli •-1r :: I 'U""ewpo=~rt'°"Be~aoc~h,-----1 $110. Also avail 1 • 2 6' J diahwhr, hid pool, quiet. Tradewinds ~ty · lf'f-&111 tomotlve ~Jenee not
Sl.35. 2295 Pacific Ave. BEACHILU.Fii APTS Office Rental 6070 necessary, wpi train, Yoizr
!148-6878 or 642-4429 New 2 It 3 BR, 2 BA. I' .A., 1 AGUNA BE •cH inve1tlgation welcomed. Call
2 Bdrm -~ for appt. ,for this once 1n ' carpets, drapes, dishwshrs, patios, pool. .air COftdlt'-·• I Small _,. --lletin1e, exceptional o =e.I f fe~~ Y~· e 847-3!67 e ON FOREST AVENUE tunity. Keo ClUtord (U.f.)
.. •· '!40acamoaon;. • ., ~~~ ts.1 ° l\lODERN 2 Ilg. Deak ~ avaiLlble In n4-7000,
''" " · ~ No pets. $135 Month. newat otrice M1i1A1..... at om::;:-"------,! __,...,. A!t\Hate
ATI'RACTIVL<lean 2 BR. 2616 Ena:Ww:I St. 96S-3089 pnne location in downtown CANDY VENDING
up!!, drpl. bltns, carport. l BR. kneed Yard $100 mo Lquna Beach, Air cordl· SPARE Tle-!"ULL n
=L•1~J~• ::! GRAND OPENING Bdrm. Heated pools. crllld NW•• ... ,,,... "" IMMEDIATE care center, adJ to sboppin&:. ,.,M, •••v•c• ..,. occup•ucy N<> ...... llOOF'IJllO "" ~ ....,,,, p l W llADIO. ••"" nc. ff• Luxury garden apartments ••uu e cnon ay ll:l!MDOILINe 8 81,.Alll ff4I Costa Mesa 546-0370 ~~aL-INO. «ITtltlllll IHI"" oUering q>mplete privacy,1--,.~-,R=E~NT=,.--.=---· beautiful land$caplng & un-nwu'° •ttl --" 1~ ••WI ... MACN1111• ••PA1•s ff.r. p .... -.....e ~ recreational facil· 3 Rooms Furniture ;:r~.t:•t...._, ••&. !.~ llif! in a country club al· $l9•95 & UP
Tl!llMITI CONTIOL .. n mosphere. Now leasing ln
Ttll. c..-ff1' Newport Beach. Adul t.!!, oo pets. $!35. • ...... , __ 1 _,....;, ' tioaed, carpe:ed, beautiful J:ontb-T~Month Rentals ~o ~ .... • ... ·~ ..... ~ o-~ ~-+•-EXCEPTIONAU.YHIOH .......,,.,., /Ca!! 962--1961 en ....... c.: . """'.._.. on TILE. ,.,..._ a MWtilll ffJI Furnished or unfumilbed Tllll:I SlllVIC• '"' TaUVlllOlll, ....... "" INS Models open 10 am to 8 pm
VPMOUTllllY "" Rents from Sl55 to $310. Wll.011110 fflJ
w1111oow neAN1110 , "" OAKWOOD
WIDE SELECTION 1028 El Camino Drl\'e Foresl Ave., rear leads to CXlME refilllrt& local routl
NO DEPOSIT 0.A.C. . Deluxe J BR, 2 BA apt Orpl. 2 BR. crpts, drps. stove, Munclpa,1 parktnJ. leta:;..._$50 o( neo.v candy vendizw m•'
HFRC Furititure 1\ent8h: / ts 548-3481 laundry.,._ facll . No pell. per month f~ ll*e; DeM chines. No Sl!llil)C ~
517 W.·Utn.•CM · 5'8-34R1 ~t54cp . or siro. * S162·3f86 • and chatn-evallable for $5, MOD&s'I' 1NVEsrMENT
$155 3 BR. Crpt.s. Drp&, Bil· 2 Bdnn-Townhoule, l~ bath, ·Buslneu houri U~ starts yoa l:n )'OUf own bu&f.
lns.Otildr@nl.pftsOK.Blue SPLIT-le'Vel 2;,BR. Crpts, w/d, retr crpta. drpa, '165. service avallabk lot .$10 •. nt'"-Profits buln immedl-
Beacon, 645-0lll drps, RIO. t,, BA; $150. mo 962-riM All utWtlea paJd except alely, For full details from JOI WANTI O. Miii
Adults. no pets. 28SS 1-fen-' telephone the NATIONAL l.EADER
,.,. l7lij 16th Street $135 2 Br. New crpa, bit-in doz:a Or. 545-54.21 2 & 3 BDttMS, 2 BA, pvt. oAfi.y Ptwr OF THE JNOUSl'RY, send
:;: D4: 642-8170 range I oven, Fenced. Gar-2 BR garage apt. Refrig, patio, heaied Pool, wuher 222 FOREST AVENUE name, addreu, &: phone
"" SlNGLE Adults Luxury age. Blue Beacon. 645-0UI. stove, cpts. Couple only. hook up, 1162-8994 LAGUNA BEACH' number to METRO.VENDA,
MERCHANDISE FOR garden apts with country $130. 2 BR duplex. Yd, patio, $150 mo. 64641226 S... Juin G+!W66 P.O. Box SlSJ, Oakl&ndj
SALE AND TRADE club atmosphere and comp. bltns, refrlg. Children & pet iBRduplex, garage, Adults. Calif. !H60,;
l"UllNl7Ull• GFFICa "UllNITUlll OFl'ICI lGUlf'MllllT STOlla 1001,MINT
!U.1'1 & STllllO TAPO ll•COllOllll CAMl!llAI a IOUll'Ml!M1
~:::-:i.S:"~~. •INOC:VLAlll. SCOf'l1 MIKILLUllOUS MISC. WAllT•O MACHINlllY, lie. LUMSlll STOil A Gi IUILDtlllG MATl&l•ll SWAf'I
-lele privacy. SOUTH BAY O.K. Bkr. 534-6980 Caplstr1no 57251000 c.,
......., ...... ,.·-· fXCEPTIONAL EARN. Mlt CLUB APTS. Irvine at 16th, No pets. $100. mo. ~...,...,.. ,....... ::~ Newport Beach. Costa Mna 5100 •548-6954* , 1 BEDROOM furn apt, refrig, OfflCB flMM.' lyail lNGS. Part • time snac •u (D4) 645-0550 2 Bft, crpts, drps, 11tove, no ~II,!,~~~· dlapoaal. ~., : . • :!e1. AvaU in m:,ny ~u..
;; LOnewVEL. Fumy '. ~2 blkapt.loA~~ Ne~A2 :~.L~!!~!:~.. ~~dults only $130 mo. REAL ESTA.Ti 3Cli 17!~Ls~i;:lt, H.B. anack or.;;~i: & r:~
-·· 711 ""'"""' -money (days or eves). NO em .ti bay. 1005 w. Balboa Blvd. drapes, dl!hwuher. Enclo• -2 BR, $155. Crpts, drpg. Gener1I SEWNG _ WE FURNISH :~: Sun. OR 3-9209, Wkdays ed garage. $154J.il55. See at bltna. Pvt patio, encl gar. l---·-----5-990-BAY UDO BLDG LOCATIONS. $!01 req'd r,: (213) 795--0661 760 W. Wila:>n 548-6T.l1 Adults. 5494133 Rentllt WanNd 3700 Newport, N.B. part-time rou~. full Ume
11>1 OCEAN FRONT 1 BR. Spe.c BRANO Ne \V 1 & 2 BR. 1 BDRM unturn cottage. Otllces available. Rm 301. routes also avail. ACT NOW = Kil .ti !iv rm Nk:ely tum W/W cpts, all bltns incl. Quiet. refined lady only. No 675-2464 or Ml-5032 FOR CHOICE LOCATIONS
1211 Shag crpl Bachelor only: sell cleaning oven. Patios, peta. 145 Mesa Drive, 0.1 R-=NTAL FINDERS Sl'ORE. office & desk •pace In Orange County. Vend!~
1n1 Sl3ll mo, incl util.--' (213) garages. Adulfs. SiS-2108. ,.. 1842 Newport Blvd., CM Div. 1001 Avenue of the
:: 698-3617 377 W. Wll!Jon. Mell Verde 5110 ,_ T• L 11 • 54&-0588 S!an, Suite 585, Cenlul'}' = SPlCJOUS : Qne ~. 2 BR, priv patio, closed -----411 w. '""'c.... ,.._ City, Ca.I. 90067. In 0ranp IMI !Awer, clean, sunny. Patio garage, bltnl, newly decor. 2 Bil Cpts, drps, elec, bltns. ~'!~~~·•ICSlM•fl• ~·N~~ c:i:t~r Co. call (114) 645-2f93
:;!: and Parking. No pets. $150 A221d~ll8 onlRuY·1 ..... $130 Dm'>. =·or~~~ m pets. ~ ·-11
Nmut $75. 646-2544, 548-8333 High Profit Potentl11
•.,,,n• mo yearly. 673-9125 .,A,, ..-.,..19• • '6 .. n r · , f'rancltise Opportunlly with ~ N B h RENTALS WANTED C I I ~•5 Goodway, a 40 -ar old na. ..... SAIL Inn Motel. wkly from _ewport HC 5200 • HOMES ommerc I -,~
mt $37.50. Spe:cjat low monthly LGE. 2 &. 3 Br. Cpts., drps, * DUPLEXES llonal printing: company.
PETS and LIVESTOCK ra!es. £75-1841 (cor. 2Bth St. ~I. Kida &: arr.-11 pets SINGLE Matuttd Lady For * GUE~ JIOUSES Prime Commercial Property Proven concept. experience
-& Newport Blvd), ~·~2S08·1998 Maple Apt, 3 • quh!t Newport Island, 2 br. 132'x280', C2, Beach Blvd., not nece1sary. You may l"l!T!L GINlllAL ,.,.,
00 .. MOJlllll Ll¥11T0CI(
_ •· d I 1•uo • ...i.. * APARTMENTS HuntinKton Beach. $12,750 work in Center or be an ab-..,. t BLK b'O crpw, ri>!J, 11 ove • .wu 3•v· IBEE SERVICE = y~od. 3 Br, ~ ~oa:~s~;~: 2 BDR. Carpots, drapes, bit· Call -675--0tlS. GOLDEN WEST RENTALS ~sl~ ~~=;b~i:;t 't!~ ::,e: i!:.ve=~':iiari=7ne th~
... furn. or partly furn.109 34th Ina, renccd p~llo. enclo. gar. 3 BR., 2 Ba., SPACIOUS, 53().6£00 Realonomlca Corp. 615--filOO area at $29,750, financln1
CALIFORNIA LIVING SL, NB. 675:3315 . . ~~·~area. $1to. Call Crpts, drps., firepl., bit-ins. MATIJRE resp cpl, no available. Reply to: Robert ~,X~,,:~~~·,oou "" WATERFRONT w I boat . 1 b~. 10 beach. $250. children or pets, wishes 2 br Industrial Rental 6090 Loew, Regional Director, 670
PATIOS :: dock. !Avely 2 BR. patio. 2 Br. cpts, drps, bl!·1n1,. $135 646-4. I. unf hse or apt, 2 ba &: rar South Vermont Avenue, IA•
HouMI Unfurnl1hed
lllAL ISTATE l.eANS MOllTG .... 11. TIWt Olllft MONIY. WANTaO •~u
AWloNOI tnt Yrly Jse. 673o.J.I060 0 r or $155, Ad.Its. No pe!J, Near NICE 2 br. Pool, patio. gar. by 12/15, C.M. area. To NEW BUILDING Angeles, Caillomla, or call v..ut~Mt mt 697-591& Shopping. 548-6357 blt·ln1, cptl, drps, adlts. No $175. Wally Bolt, 290 N. 3rd 1260 Logan Ave., Cbsta Mesa 213 • 383-1391. l)f!NllUL COSTA MllA MlllA OIL MAil ~llA VllllDI COLLIOll 'AlllC NIWPOttT tlACM NaWPMT NOTS. M•WNl:T SMOllU IAYINOltlS OOVlll SffOHS l '#llTCLIFI' UNIVlltll'T)' 'Alli lllVIN• &ACK IAT
1"6T 11.U,.,. ,,_
LOlfO IUCN Oll.IMI COUNTY ...,. ......
WllTMIMSTIW MID'#AT Cl:rT SANTA ......... ....,.
OAU '°"" ' c...,.. .. ,.,. ........ -
:: ANNOUNCEMENTS 11• and NOTICES "" JTU l'OUlllO IP: ... Albl
:: ~SONAU mt AllNOUIKIMINn nu a11tTNS m1 •UMllllAL.S g ,AIO OAITUAllY HIP l'UlllSllAL Dllll!CTOlll llLOllllTI :: CAllD 01' TffANQ IN MIMO•IAM JIU CIMITlll'f' LOn :: CIMl!TllY CllT,TI S7H Cll lMATOl llS Ml!MOlllAL "All(S = AIKTIONI tUI AVIATIOtt 11avte• TllAV•L s:~ •Ill TllANlf'OttT~TIO!f ,_ AUTO Til:Alllf'Oll:TAT'MH' LlOAL NOTICl!I
-.... -.... ....
"" .... ••• 6411 ... .. ,
"" .... ... .... ... -... .... .... ·--
TRANSPORTATION 1 BR large. Near ocean. IMMAC, quiet 2 BR. N.ew 1 ,,_"'~'='·"$155~~ma~. 6<~...00~~'~·-,--St, El Cajon, ca. <n4J Each unit 1725 sq ti 2 oll· $100,000 PER YEAR ;:it~O:nTACMTt = Vps14irs, $150 Yrly. Utll pd. crptg, drps, blb'IS. Adults f BR. 2% BA. Dishwhr. 4#-2596. lees, 2 rest rooms, ll0/220 Minimum JnromJ for rood
l"OWlll c•uis1•1 MM-Sundeck:. 673-08 only. $140. M6--5386 Stlkho apt. 1 blk from e LANDLORDS e electric. Ample parking. man to pmklpete In hli••·· l,1!10-SIU aOATI be •h •~ yrly 6"" 'IA=>:. '"'# aoAT T1tAn.t:lls ..,. BE:AOON Bay 2,Br, Jrpl, pvt. GIVE Now -United Fund a .. • 'f-JUV· • ,,,_........., FREE RENTAL SERVICE C. Robert Nattreu Realtor profitable realty invl!ltment :g:~ ~u'::~::c• = pier • doCk'. $225 mo. l=""'='=be=ll======:.l.===CHAR==G=E=IT=!===!..:==B:roke=~' =-=====J""'=='•=M:""=:::;====W.=1:4115:;. operation. Plll&h red carpet M.l.llllfl 1•v1f'. ... 673-00!H offices on Newport Ba.YJ Ar:-=~ :~::v:'" :; 1 BR turn apt. No chlldrl!n or General 2000Gener1I 2000General 2000 AcrHge 6200 Uve or inactive! lnvesbnent
sOAT 1tl!NTAU ,._ Call _ required! WW train quail. .OAT CNAar•• ,.. pctg. 2405% lfith St, N.B. 40 Acres, So. f, _.. fled party! '4>l5?4 day or
"'ININO •0-11 "" 646-4fi6.t DOWN, $25. PER MONTH,
BOAT MOVINO .... s~ \\c!l~ l/,"Bf/is· 12 ·-FU" PRICE L •OAT STOIA•• .... 2 Br. Apt. Exclusive -,'t'JJ, ...... • • ao .. n WANTID ,.. •B&yfioont W/bellC'b. Yrly. Shewfell, 326 w. Third SL,
Al•cllAf'T '1" n-.. -.... bl•. Call • -•1••. I s· .. s b .... 'Ill'--1'1...-.. L.A. Phone: (213\623-5101 P:LTtll• LltlONt "" iu:.......... 0 •o1-0 .... .o vc Cl imp cream ~ "'""' ruu for a Chacklc ::;~': =~· = forOne dil Mir 4~Jti OWNER Sacrifice -11' price. aK:TCLas '"' Ql:IOl'range ._,,..,,. of fhe Sell or trade 1~20 acres aL1cr1t1c c;.us nJt 2 BR CdM, So oi h""'. f .. ~ __ .._,_ ............. _ level land nr Lovelock,
MIMI ant•• ,,.,. Ad-'ta " ..,.... :~ ' our ..... -. ........,.. -N--..11 --~ ........ MOTOllCTCLll '* ... . no pe • ·--mo. ~1 '°" to *°"" four llmple 'fl'Otdt. i;vm:i .... .,_.__.
COIN laundrles.-Frig!dalre.
From $6,500 to $42.500.
Anaheim, Costa l\olesa,'
Buena Park, Fullerton ,
G.rden Grove, Huntlng:ton
f!oach, --Tul!ln. La Mirada.
MOTO•,coore•t nJt S-I I SERVICE DIRECTORY AUTO SlllYfCIS & ,A.Tl ,... • '12-7898 * I A y 11 T AUTO TOOL.I a IQUI,, "" • •
= Ollll'Mlt & TUTO&lllll ... ... .. R.E.Wontod 6240 Call Charlie -. .. ... ... ... .... ... "" .. v• "" "" -=
ACCOUNTHtO "" TllAILllt. TllAVIL t4U I I I I' I I' ANsw1•1No st•vic• "" r•A1Ltlt. u""" ..w B lboe 4300 A"PLl .. #11''1! lllf'Allll. f'lftf ''" TllUCkt tHlt •
Al'l'ltA•tlNI an Jl!l"t n 1t CLEAN S.cbdor Apls. ASPH•l T, Oh &Ut CAMl'lllll tSJI AllCNITICTU•M. •••V1c• AN CMft• IJMTAU "" All util 'ind $85 lip
AUIO .... A •• , "" ou•• •ilM••• tm 315 t. Balboa Blvd • AUTO. S.8' kltt. ,.., l tc. IMI IMP'OATID ~TOI fMll • .. IAaTStTTIMG ... 'wot:T ,(All .. ,. BALBOA S'B-9945 IOAT MAINTaN•,.ct .US AlfTICMll:t. CUSllCI Mil llllCIC, MA$0Mll'f', ., &ut llACI CAlll, 8001 "" IUllNlll SlllVtCIS $t AUTO IVINH .. tt
IUILDl!•S "11 AUTot w•in•o "" CATllll,.. '"9 .... Ual .... CA&llMT .... ll"'9 ,_ auto UAMl9 "''
Yrty .. $12> a mo. Call -
67J.-5342 or 536-3101
ua....,.a.. -"'90 au ,,. Lfdo Isle 4351
. I I I r I
I I' I I
llTICE . '"~~ °""°'· 6310
' · ' l'ANTASTIC
II you .... a 3 or 4 bedroom lltlAL TY PROJECT
home for sale or for rent. $500,(Q) profit return wllhl11
call ut tod~. We reprelfnt to d&YI. fp.tilo caah need-
the ~· Qt a lam fd. ~1572 day or eve • nnn movlnc to the Harbor -ArM and the:r must have FOR. Sale by ownirr. I
boutlns! AtrculaJf deaiftd. Pacillc ;View otmt'f!ry Jota. ~ "'"""· -Call """"ircl llCl-W3 1-~~--~~-~--~~~~------~~-~ 1 BR. utU pd, ~. l adult, no
..... $1611-yr!y. 613-001 ..... Ir-------., P, H ..... flUSINESS -
Bolbeo l>llfld 4355
BA Yrn0NT 1 Br. view apt,
Acllts. \Vntr. laland Realty,
498 Park Ave. 673--1.DJ
81\ YFRONT: 3 BR. 2 ba.
lower duplex yellJ'ly,
SaJlsbur:r Realty 67u:900
VllHIT I II 2 .. ....... .,..,,..,,,--,,.....,...., ...... , -t 0 '-lele ... -:.-Ir, fill ....... __ .... -, .......... ,-.
• i"f.u~i"'sll~~~E~m us r r r r I' r I' I
D ~i'f~~LfTTIUI I I I • ,. , .,
l'INANEIAL 21~ TD Loa Bua. °'' 1rttlftfflM ....
MOSf POPULAR '42-2ln 5G-Mll
For Sale -Phone 6f2..0!I05 St:rvlrw Harbor arta 20 yn.
"5.000 iW ""'""""": 111111 Sottler Morll..-c.. or lady. Local bu&lneu ,_~336-_E_. ~171h __ s....,~--
estab 23 yn. Call 9 to 5, UNTTED FUND -HIV•
142-Tlill You Contrlbutedf
But People Keep
Asking Me ·why -
' • •• ""·
'Tis The Season
Here are 5 good rea.sons
for $hopping early:
Watch For Special Sections Filled
With Early Christmas Goodies in
The Thanksgiving Day Edition of
• • . But What's The Rea·son?·
1. Stretching out the Christmas shopping season gives retailers a chance to
function more efficiently. When clerks are less harried, shopping is more
pleasant for everyone.
2. Many retailers offer their rea//y special "specials" early in the season to
encourage the public to shop early and to help a//eviafe the last-minute
"panic" buying.
3. Just in case your favorite Christmas.gift merchant has underestimated your
enthusiasm for the season, a longer period of shopping gives him a chance
to re-order popular items so he doesn't have to disappoint shoppers later
in the season .
4. When you take more days to shop you can do the job more thoroughly,
visit more stores, compare prices and quality and be more satisfied with
the gifts you fina//y decide to buy.
5. And there's no secret about if, the Christmas shopping season is the biggest
sales period of the year for most retailers. Support local merchants now and
you'll help them make enough profit to keep their prices reasonable all year
long .
{I' his meaaag e presented ma Public Service 011 behaJf of orir friend& and yours,
the retail 1nerchant8 of the Orange Coast Area, by the
.. -..
______ ..., ______ \ ____ _
............ , 2" 1969
* .. ... * :; *
When You
Want it done
right ••.
Whlddy1 Want? Whltlcty1 Gel?
Spodol Raio
Call one of
the experts
listed below/I
SIRVICI DIRICTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SIRVICI DIRECTORY -·--· ~I, Olio 6520 !=_•!pol CIHnlnt 6625 1_ro_n_1n_, _____ 6_75_5 5 Llnet -5 11--5 lludc1
I •ui.•• -..0 MUIT 1tta.uOE
._...... """' M¥t .. .,... ........... ""' ""' Ill ...... ~ .,_,.oua ..... ~ ......... ....... .... ., .._...., SEALING Is PATCHING CARPET Is Furn. clet.nin&: IRONING-BRING OWN
R.l!!aldcotlal • Indus • C.Omc'l for l day le'l'Vtc9 • quality HANGERS.
...... otMINO POR U.LI!! -TRA01$ 0"1.YI CDmpl reu ae"', Currently work, Call • Sterlinc for · 64&-79'3
PHONE 642-$671 l!!npaed by City o( OJ. Jor btlgbtneu.1 &U-8520
To Place Your Tr1der'1 ParacllM U 1trett mitoraUon. CARPET A upkllstery 1team hnhorial
C·t Comm, Blda:. lge pa.Yed
lot net.r Newport It Briltol
Blvd .. Value $26,500t W!int
view i>ome, Leon Vibert
RealtDl-. ~ anytime
Nl!!w • BR. 3 Ba view home,
Lquna PortofinO, for units.
School, >Long Beach, for
Jarp ~ lhl1 area. The Hwitimah. "96.1268. ~ -
ru ss. Lovely home +
free food, drink & gall all
ta.'C free. Posh Pauma Val.
Jey, Submit acre&&:e or ?
Oloice 3 BR eastlllde home
near Back Bay. Trade $9000
equity for a MW 21-30' traY.
I trailer & a new truck or
! ~ Call 64&-f649
J?auett Hou nd Pups, AKC
rel. tri-colored. \Vlll trade
lot pwer la1Vn vac., Fine
IUl'fl. \\'1terforg crystal or
1 54().8638 eves.
Lovely 2 Br cabin near
Snow Valley Ski Lod&t·
Furn & crptd $16,500, Ex·
chan&e $600) eqty for house
ln Orange Co. 53&6936
4 UNITS • Laguna. 1 Wock
10 beach. Income $1260 a
year, (Price S65M clearl
Take Small home. Roy J .
Arntson, Rltr. 494·Tlti0,
Beautiful 41 ' Norwei&;an
sailing: yacht. Lovlnaly car-
ed for & equipped. $1~,000 1
eciulty for home, TD, car or
?•1 644-4265
* *
10 Acres, R-1, Oxnard. 13 Gl!!n 'l Contracton: 6.l3-Sl18
Units, Burbank. Exchange
cleaned, a1lo .carpet in-1---------
atallaUon. Results a:uat'· For DU'l'CH Ma.int Strv, crpt
free ett, mil ~ clng, fir waxing, window
washlnl:. Bury van Beynen
RENTAL READIER '31-1511i u no a:. cal! all 3
540-392.f SPARKLE Janitorial .k Win-
lor waterlront ~or u.nlta labyslttlng 6550
f.tr. ConrMI Rivil!!ra Realty ~-------
4!&-2800 49&-1330 ~ UCENSED child care, my
Downtown Laguna acrom home, qes 2 • 5, Aton thru
from ~ach; 13 unita, 2 Fri. Fl!!nced yard. Lwlcha Carpet L11ylftl &.
shops, Eq. $64-M, Trade tor &. snack. So. c.o.at Plaza. hplllr 6"26
dow cleanini:; SUV. WI~
dows, relid., camel, const.
Cleanup. Frft l!!St. 968-2691
T.D., duplox -oobmlt aroa. Sjl>-4038 FOR CARPETING
\Yarren. Broker 494-3568 BABYSITI'ING, My home. OR CARPET LAYING Landscaping
Oceanfront Laguna condo. Costa Meaa area, fenced c A. ,,.;.. 642-3J10
3 Br, 2 Ba, pool, conv Joc. yard, hot meala. · ·-e IJC'D Japanese .landscape
Alao Balboa duplex, 2 Bt, References. 64~1863 Electrical 6640 contractor. Lawns, 1prldn,
&d income. By owner. Trade BABYSJTIU./G M,y Home, patioi, etc.~
for land or 1 4M-2213 ' day or ni&ht. Wann food, ELECTRICAL service &. 6'30
HAVE: Sailboat 38', race Nice yard. lnfanta OK. repair. 24 hrs. 7 days. No MI __ .. _n_ry._._B_ri_c_k_~
or cruise (value $16,000). ~. job too Small. Re-model & D AWN
Will TRADE t 0 ;· Roal UCN'D Doy ea... AM-4'!0 addition., It It'• olectrical, RIC HAR
Estate. weekl y, h ot meal•,t ="=U=""=1=,.....=="'=== Custom & Spiinllh
>I Call IJ'l3.{fjl1 ~. 5*-15.19 Floor• 6665 MHonry A Spocloltyl
NG ~f., Block, Brick, Concrete R.E. contracts. Secured. BABYSITrl , ·~ borne, Free Est. '3~2343
Seu. 10% Int, Last pay-$lS week. CARPET VINYL TILE
ment due Apr 'TI. Dbc. 968-1156 Free nt. Uc. contr. ~7262.
Multipln of $2200. Trd for BA8YSI1TING, DAYS OR ~
boat. Box 1433 NB, Allan NITES. REASONABLE. I=========
66-2714 MS-1943 Gllrtlening . 66IO --------* PAINTING, tnt &: ext. JIA VE: Commercial lot. BABYSITI'ING, my home Back from Vietnam. Back
clear, SlS.000, Lake Am>w-C.M. {17th & ~).NEW lawns re-1eedlna:. in bu.sln6s apin. Free
head no,000 clear. WANT Lunch I: lge yard. Mon-Frt. Complete lawn care. Oean estimates. Will rubcontract.
airplane or income proper-64~2754 up by job or month. Free 645-1089
ty. Broker (1) 689-8801. BABYSITTING ...,., c d f,f estlmatl!!!!I. For lnfo. call ====-.,,.=== -'"" 346--0932 SUBURBAN Paintina:/Dec 712 St. James Pl, NB. 3 home, companion for mine. ~-------Expert Guar.nteed Work
Br, 2 Ba, ocean view. Own-2-5 yr. dally/wkly, 6'15-7993 GARDENlNG & landscaping. Free esl No job too larg•
er says submit income or HAULING, ~anup, lots etc. l:i yrs ex p . CI ea n - u p, or too small. 494-3100
land for S30M ecrt>"· M~ Handyman anytime you call sprinklers inst'd & repaired. ·u~"ou'°"'D"A'°'Y"'s"'P"'E"'C'°'JAL,:;--;:lo:;t.-o•
Les, Rltr. MS-T'Jll +\ * * 642-3398 * * 673-llf.6 . Ext paintin&". Uc & il'llurd.
Trade ~p • house with bacll CHILD Catt. lunches &: fetx> AL'S Garoenlni &: Lawn F'ree ests. local reld. Call
bay View a~ ~, ~ ed yard, wk1y. Vic Sprlna; fifl.intenance. Commercial, Chuck 645-0809
A"!!·• for vacant at { to l!JO 6 Wamer 846-<W!39. industrial I-re1ddential. PAINTING
units. Aa:ent 6f'"~ ~or ' * 646-3629 * EXTERJOR-JN'l'ERlOR 673-0823 alt 6 pm, 1 BABYSITI'ING My Home, CLEAN·UP SPECIALIST aps 3 &: over. Hot lunche1. • 646-mS •
CdM area. Call -673-1862 Mowing, edfing, odd jobs. Be P . •·· I t Reuonable. ~955 For tter ain..... n er-
ior &: exterior, acousUc cel-
lrick, Mllsonry, etc. JIM 'S Gardening &_ lawn lings. 640-4011, S41-350l
8USINISS •ncl 6560 malnto.....,. Ro. & Com-RENTAL READIE R
PfNANCIAL ;;.;.;.;;..;.;..:..c;,:;=..;.....:....-, I -------"'-'-morcia!. * ......sa7. T' . .1.•.1.A n----6405 BUlLO, Remodel, repair TREE SERVICE gen'I ya.rd S4Q.3924 .-1 E1taN Lo11m-~al1 Brick, block, co nc r e te , cleanup. SPRiNKLER •PAINTINGJnterior/Exter.
~-~ntry, no job too small~ REPAI.RS. 646-584S klr. Local reference1. ln1-
1NvEsn1ENT gn,up has PALMISTRY &. Lie. Contr. 962-69-1a ==~~-~,--,-med. acNice. 646-3657 H's for trust deeds. we CARD READINGS EXPER. Japanese GardeneT.
make ht & 2nd &: buy ex-Bring Your Proltlem1 te lualMM Service 6562 Complete Yd. Servict>. Free
l• Wiii I y ---------Estimates. Call 540-1332 ~ ~;. Bkr. 5G-338l ~.;-rl.om. Hap .., SMILEY'S
General Services 6612
CA;; :=~~ 1oF~e:ad:.::: i~~tt;: Business Services 2 COLLEGE Men wrn no
All~ type1. Free estimate
Call 541)."825 * !)B..2866 * sbip, man'iqe, divorce. bus. Small Tree & Rock int'ss transactions of all Taxes, C.P.A. bookkeeping. Removal. Yard Clean-up & Plumbing 6190
Money Wanted 6350
8.4 to 10% on your inve1I·
ment. We can place your
funcb direct 10 the borroY:er
on title Ina. ieal estate loaM
@ no e"xtra cost to the lend·
er, Stop in or call, 1323 N.
Broadway, SA (parking on
our property) M3-8381 day
or l!!.\/f!S.
Found (FrH Adil 6400
SCH\VINN Bicycle. adults.
Continental, yellow, comb.
lock under seal Poor oond.
CALICO Kltten 2-3 mot.
black, yellow. wht. Found
Wl9. MS-0104 or 548-2837
SIAMESE Cat. BllK! eye1.
Beire & bm. Vic. of Slater
& Newland. 842--6148
Lott 6401
small gray dog, Bluebird
Cnyn Dr, Lag Sch. Reward.
BLACK Labrador. male, 1\-I
yrs. old. name "Ben."
Newpt Peninsula. Reward.
615-1100 .
HUGE black altered male
cat, yellow le pink collar.
Victoria St. 642·2783
l Insurance:. Mulual funds le .-~~----kinds. Reu.n te the separ-flaullna;. Call 5J&.3MO aft -.
ated, cau.se speedy and bap. Real.Estate investmenl. 6PM. Estimates will be PLUMBING Rcpai:lng k
Py ma~..,, 0,.-, ri. Notacy. 646-9666, 642-27.ll 1 Remodellni:. Electric sewer
••• • .... v .. , gven. c·ea ni n ·. :\II wurk vals, lovers quarrels, evil '"' l hablti, stumbling blocb of C1re-nNrln9 6.590 RAir1 Gutters I n st a I e d . gUlll'Rnteed. 64l-65S3
all kinds. There it no heart ==C'-A-'R._P'-E-"N-T_R_Y ___ l Rainy season Is here! Free PLUMBING REPAIR
so bad or bonlf! so dreary ealln, Reuonbl. 968-220S No job too ~mo.ll
that r canriot bring sllnlhlne' MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Experienced BARTENDERS e 642-3123 e
I Too Small. Cabintt In pr-RIVing all Orange County. into it. n fact, no matter qea 6 0 th e r cablneta.
what may ~ your bo~ se.sl'l5. u 00 ll1lA'ft' leave ~63S-i=;2'Zl3='=======
fear or ambition, . mi&' at 646-2.172. H. o. -
PALMISTRY READER _,.... __ -=-----YARD/Gu. cleanup I will tell you ju.at what you CARPENTRY, Cabinets want to know. Remod. No job too small, $10 /I o ad. Salvageable1
ual k ""l ·~ •15 free! Remove trees, ivy, Ava.tl. for parties q v.>0r • ......, ~..., a:rade 962-874;;
\Yitb Thi! Card and $3.00 REPAIR, Partltiool. Small 1.:~:....c...,.;-'-,--,~-.-
Rtteive ss.oo Readinr Remodel etc. Nlte or day. Cleen Up and Haul
Open Daily 10 AM to 10 PM Heu! Call KEN MG-4679 llO a lood. 646-2528
Hau Ung 6730
...,,..,.,. CABINET. Ally slle joll. Anything· trash to furn. $8
210 W. Whittier Blvd., 25 yn. eXJ)l!!r. 54M113 load + mlg. 494-1003
Pool S.nice . 6910
FRED & Al'a Pool Serv.
Compl pool maintenance.
SaUatact k>n ruarantced. F'or
rrtt info k e1tlmate1
M6-0932 ext 4.
Remodel, Repair, 6MO
ROO~f Additions & !'~model
ing. Xlnt Flnanclna:. Ham-
mer Corultructlon. 54~7363.
La Habra
Cement, Concrete 6600
CEMENT WORK, no job too
small, rea30nabte. Free
estim. H. Stu.nick SU-8615
PATIOS • Driveways •
Planten • mock fences •
LITE Haulin1 • cleanup
$1J a load.
+ s.w1., 6960
Room additions. 642-9852
I 11·ant 10 women who are 10 * CONCRETE F'LOCRS,
pounds or more overwel&bt patios, etc. Reaaonable, Call
to take pa.rt in group wel&ht Don, 642-8514
Joss program o( 1peclallzed ========
reduclnr. All lnqu.lrie1 con-Child ca,. 6610
fidential. Ask for Mr. Ken---------nedy 531·5412.
•962--0161 *
Hou .. 11:le1nlnt 6735 * HOLIDAY SPECIAL
Comr,l•te lite & he11vy
clean ng. Maid S.rvlce.
All work gu1ranfMd.
S yr 1 In er••·
Call Cle11nco 642 .. 5164
• Dreumaking: • Alten.tlona
SpeclaJ on coat hems ..........
Neat, accurate, 20 ~7'3. exp.
TILE,_ Ceram ic 6974
* Verne, The Tile Miii*
Cusl wurk. lnatall & ttpalrs.
No job too small. Plaster
patch. Leaking s how I! r
repair. 841-1967/8f6.-(r.9j
* HARBOR CRUISE * Daily 2 PM, Flm Zone Bc:».t
Co .. Balboa * 6'J3.0240
LICENSED child care, my CARPETS. Windows, fin,
honlt', age 2-5. ?\Ion thN etc. Res OI' Comc'I. X1nt TrH Servin 6910
~ r·--· y--' • ........... , work Reu! Reftl. 54Mlll • ,,_ •uru an.o • .....,,, ...... ,, TREES pruned, Io pp e d,
Peraonalt 6405 Personals ==;.;.;... ___ _;.;. Ir. anack. So. Clut Plua CARPETS, Windows, Ors, removed. 26 yn cxper.
area.54M038 etc. Res or Comc'I. Xlnl Aerlaltowereq u ip . 6405 .=i::======= work Reu! Reta.' 548-(lll 493.5t05, 638-nl4
Call ua if you 1UU believe ln
cave style datin&.
2.t lfr reconllna
Spiritual Readings, advice·
on all mattel"I. 312 N. El
Camino Real, San Clemenlt
<192-9136, 492-0016
ATIRACTIVE 1lrl to model
a rew hours a v.ftk,
generous pay. Slrtctly for
f\Ln, no exp nettllllJ'Y,
Pt'eler o .. 'tr 21 . Reply Box
715, Santa Ana.
SINGLES O&ncf: e~.
8: 30 to U. Jo'ox Trut, Wal ti,
Swinr l IAtln. f.leadowlark
OrtJ'y Oub, llB. 3 ml W. ol
Beach, ofl Warner. Admi~ $2. 1
Pbont M).T21t Cl&' wrtll' "
P.O. Box 12:ZI ()Jlt:e Meta.
rrs &ach boue ttme. Blc-
~st sclec:Uon tvtr! Set the
DAlL Y PU.OT' ClaaWed
setUOn NOW!
GIVE Now -and l1tr.r
' I
end the lest
Turkey ind Pl••
Call ende rs
353 E. 171h SI.
c ... -M2.oa2
ContrKten 6620
Bulldlnc Contnctar
Fam. nna, bdnns, patios
Licen91!!d--Fl'te estimates
HOUMCINnlnt 6735 GENE'S TREE SERV: ----~---Tren, shrubbery ~ .. nmed,
6~1 " 549-2170
C•re!t Cleenlng 6625
• Diamond• att meuu.rtd
by QUJ.lity, '° are we!
a..EANERS 615-1117 ..,.Imo
GIVE Now -and later
BAY It Beach Janitorlal
Serv. Cpts, windows, Doors,
l!!tc. Res & Commc 'I .
FM esl 15 years exp.
Johnny Dunn &U-236t
Fut a: thorouah 642-8164
Wru.JAMS CJeanlng Suv.
Needa Your Doli.rs
&/or removed. 549-1359
u,hol1tery 6990
CZYKOSKl 'S Cult.m . Uphol.
European Cnirt1n1anshlp
100% tin! 642-14&1
1831 Newport Blv, Cltf;__
W~)!!l~g 6995
WELDING shop I portablt.
Ornamental Iron.
incl NOTIC.11
Joi> Wonted, Mon 7000 Jobe Mon, Wom. 7100
~ts '4IQ MAN -nitired. \Vant part ·-· ---
SEN5JTIVITY TRAlNING Um• employmeot. Capablo. Accountants 121
WORK SllOP Dependable. 6"4199
A ,,....,.m ot 1nt .. 1>••100al ========
Ottc!Mll for mMlll •If·
·-........ MlolmaJ clw1J9 call " 2 -111 0 ltJAM-Snf
Job Want.cl,
w-n 7020
woMA:I~ dellm sen. ottlce
wor1c. lite type, phone ' -c._...., _L~ coll...;..._..;;64..;...;11 darloal. Lei· Beh. Yk. -•1417
ron sale by OWl'lf:r. fl 11 ,-.m-.-Ca~,.-.,-.-11.-...... ~~,~111-
Paelllc v~w cemettry lolll. e Alljed Nur1e1 A Akles e
CaU mornl,.s 60--1323 Of o.c. Nunes Registry
Tl's "FAl.R SHARE" Tlme 2m \Y, Llngan Laoo, S.A.
" • I
TO $15,000
Land Devdopment<onatnJc.
tion backp'Ou.nd. ElcepUm-
al manapmtnt OJ1111>rtW1-
4661 Mac-Arthur Blvd, Ste 201
N.B. ~TO
GIVE Now -and l11ll~r
Proud to be' an
' Am . m erican ...
Glad you're a
Join up w llh u1 ll I
Red, White &
t emporary 11rvict •
Mor chlna 1long w ith
We're recruiting
NOW for:
N•wport leach
& 1111 .0 renge County
& Be1ch Cities.
"Master" Stenos
to fl.,000. Finl local m&nu-
tacturtrw Ol, General a
COIL 0ocroo ,..ulred. Call
Bob, S*MlO
Emplo)'mf'ot Acency
m7 So. Main:, Santa Ana
Advcrtblrc Dia...,
l mpley"""t
A member ol
-• 5nol1Jrc '"'· mo. Harbor B~ CM -!t&rbor Blvd. at Mimi
COCKTAD. waltl'fll, l!!XP
nee. Fri A Sat niW, Omar'1
411 e y Dlsoothequf, San
Clemente. \Vlll pay top
wo,zca, 496-D& 4 49)..3692:
i.arae. oatknll.-y, ,., CONSTRUCTION
_..., 1n o..iwe Cow>'>, SUPERINTENDENT has created mw oiienlncs,
tor mitlo & t•mitlo, IO -• { Ofhlght)
part II.me evenlna:L No ex. One ot Southf!m Cal.Uomla'1
perlence neceuary 11 v.'f!I la~1t land developers hall
train, an immediate openlni for
High IChool diploma alld one an OftJla:ht SUpl!!rlntendent.
year reskttnce required. ~rlenctd in larp Y91·
C1ll for appt. wni uactin&: operationa. Tha n4-7251 J)Olltion offetl: challenst,
Ad\fertaiq A&tney tut~. rtJOd worldn&" condi-
Sh11r p S.C'9t1ry f o r tionl. ~ com.mensunte
f11t • pKff Newport with exPerJence. ~nd re. Be.ach Agtnc TvD 1ume to OaiJ,y Pilot Box
'5-70. Shorth:.;.. r:. M·13.
o rg1nizo l I o II o w llc!!OO~K~S!""!I!!!!!!! ..... .,
th r u . U n de r 35. Dinner Houa ... Exp'd. Lunch
Phone: '42-l910. 425 Is dinoer shiftl. Inte"'lew1
N. Newport Blvd. 10-5, atartln.r fl!ov. 19th.
penon only, Huntl n&ton -t2S E. 17th St .. CM
Beach Conv a l escl!!nt (formerly AnUa:os) •
H0t;pltal, lb'792 Delaware, COUPLE. Aparlml!!nt house
HWlt. Sch. maJUllft'I for new, 'medium
AIDES, Ntlnlng. Ex per, sired! deluxe apartments, 1
Pref'd, Apply in penon via Hunt1ncton Beach are a .
PH: nf-494-8075 Please larwud b rief
resume ol experience CIO ~YSITl'ER/Housekeeper, Oe.lly Pilot Box l\1 358
hve In or out. Min hn 8-6. CIVIL SERVICE
Mon-Frf, Girl 5. boy 3, Sal. W/SEAL BEAQI
ary open. 842-5792 days., 6t2.582J aft 6. Opening for Meter Rl!!ader
$.526-$638. Req. completion of
11th arade A: 1 yr. e."<per w/
mec:hanleal devices, Phone
(213) 431·2527, ex.t. 51 for
Application, Olmplete & re-
BABYSITl'ER Needed, 011
home. 6 Al\t-3PM. fiton.
Tuel. Thurs. Ir t"ri, (1) 9
BABYSITI'ER wanted, near turn by Sat. 12/6/69 Mail.
Fount.a_ln Valley Drive.in. t'OFTEE Shop WaitrtMes,
Our hbme. Mon Uuu Fri. experienced. Call B iii
962--1874 Johnson 776-1910,
BARMAID. """· Apply att • DENT AL OFFICES pn1, ?\t;\VERICK. ins New.
port Blvd., CM. e A!slstants
BARMAID Brltlah, to wurk • lnslll'8.~ce Girls
In an English Pu.b. cau • Rccept1onlats
646-9000. aft 5 pm. • Inrormatlon a:lrl (Eve)
==;;;--.;:;-;;.,--,,,;= Pre~ resume, must have BEAUTY SALON SPACE two yn dental exper Day
available in flnl!lt hotel & ew. hn. All unkln,bene-
complex. Laguna Beach. fits. SaJary $3.44 per hr. Call
Booth rental or commlukln. for appointment: 633-1S74.
-DENTAL s.a.1u> · Recep-BOAT CAltPENTBRS t1ooi.t. A&< ""'°· Call Experienced. Top pay. I,,.arrt 546.-3000
custom yachts. Willard Boa.111,o.="t -,5,,,10------
Wo...,, 1296 llaJcor, C..la p 0HOUSEWIVES
BOOKKEEPER CAREER GIRLS ~ ~sta Ml!!u Manufac. J Earn Xtn. Aloney for
Junng firm of 20 omp1.,.... CHRISTMAS needs l!!Xptt. bookkeeper to
lst do ~ A taxes, 2nd Enjoy an o:dtin& 11!!uon In
handJe accts receivable .t a ~autllu.J. atore. Jmmed.J.
bank depos. 3rd type letten ate liberal dlsoount. Full
.l reports. Salary $450 to and part Ume 1chedu.J.es.
$650 dP.pf!ndlng on f!X]>f!r · days and eve1.
Send complete re8ume to APPLY PERSONNEL
P.O. Box 514M, Daily Pilot 10 TO 4 P.M.
Fuhion Illand Full Charge -M11le Newport Beach
ConAh'UC!lon experience: fa·1n;:::;::::--:;==,-;=,.,,--mlliar wl construction cost Dilple.y Tralneea • MALE
accountin1; escrow closlnga; ' IMMIDIA TE
dep....,":lloo schodulOI; b&Ok HEU' WANTED reconcihattona; year-end ac-
oounttna" philosophles. \VW ~A~~~N
pay salary commenaurate
wl experience & ability. Po-IN
sltkln immediately available. ORANGE OOUNTY 'F' Cl " T • .a... Call 541-6378. Pmvide1 immediate employ. 1rst llSS yp1 s1~ ment for resldenta o! the
"Priva t e" Sectys.
'Renk & File" Clork1
needs YOU
Call our L.A. Offlco
Colloct, for
11 ppolntmtnt 11t ovr
new Newport Bli1ch
ll~BOO~KKEEP~~~E:!R"'!!!THR!'!!!:U~T!!';/B!!l area, Experience Isn't neces-
646-3931 sary u company trainlnj
for appointment ill lurnbhed.
BOYS 1D • 14 AT
Curitr Routt• Open $4IO PER MONTH ror JI quallfled and acctptl!!d, iO
t..;:u.na Beacb, So. Lquna on payroll this week.
"2-4.121 AGES 20 TO 40
BUS Girls &: Bus Boys, 16 I:
owr. Call Bill Johnson
Busboys & Dl1hw111her1
Exp'd -Lunch & dinner
ahllts. lnteiviewa 1().5, 1tart·
inc Nov. 19th.
428 E. 11th St., Cl\f
(fonnerly Aml(05)
CALL Mun. or Tue1.
Apply in person
S930 Paclrlc Coaat J-lW)'.
Newport Beach $700.00
MW!ary compietod, P"t" DRIVERS ( 12)
10me collection op. IOlTle Full A P1rt Time
collere, call Ann, Merchant• to $576 Mo. + Tips
Penonnel A _ en c y, 2043 Xlnt opportunities w:lth 2 ma.-
Weslclllf Dr., N.B. 645-2170 Jor Co's, 21 pl1111, iOOd drlv· * CA,ETERIA * In1 "'°"'· Part or full Ume. RMERA EMPLOYMENT
Call: 8334iQJ Ext. 2036 after AGENCY, INC.
2 PM. 4661 MacArthu:-Blvd, Ste 201
==-::-~=c-::-::-=c lN.B. 540-6.170 OULD care 2:30 to 6 p.m.1--,..-====~-,..-
wkdayL My homo or Y!c. * DRIVERS *
40"' st., N.s . 61>-5920 No E-'• ce
Women te!cphonlna: fr b M Neceuaryl
your home. Sl.00 per hr + Must hltve cltM Callfomta
bonua. drlvlrw rtt'Of'd. AJtP]y
Only 1lrls who have a smll· 1ll E. l fllb St. Ina voice, aa:e no barrier. a.ta Mna
Call 5'6-9511 for appt/U)'· Drlver-O:iauff~
time. t hrs, 5-da)· .,.k.
Cmcal Call 142--0900
SPECIALIZING· bli>e ""'' -lo -tN ~ area. AaJc tor non 54M373. l~~c;;;~~.!.~ ,.,....,. C11r Mechanics
-Good 00, banoftq, Incl pUl
1'1931 Bttcb Blvd .• 1-m vacation, IJ'OQP lna. urd.
847..$617 formt: ftlmJahed free. Good
1012 W. 17th St., s.A. comm.J M ~Utt"!! tor 517-6481 oe oorw ....... ....,.. ''"· * CLilutAL *. rEMALE -Over 21 p/Umo,
OPENINGS .,...,.. lllldwlcheo •Pim.
Located In Oltta f.fH&, Call • fB.191)1 ,
Expcr\t!nct prtftn'e<I, TIIE SUN NEVER SETS on
Se.l1ry open. DlAL dlttct ~ o.r,e:
~ C!t.11 Beve1iy Davtd, )IOI.Ir ad, tlw:n sit back &nd
(n4) ~ listen kl the phone ring!
s.,, .... ,,..""
+ comtniuion + car Ii: e.~
penae1. CWhol~aaJe
furnitun:l 2 yn of collep.
Rts.ident or _o.c. 5 >1'1-
Good aale1 back&round.
• yra of ~ese • del!'ff, 2
yrs woridn& w /publ lc
Train to be district
maQQet tor Jar&e Co.
w.. ........ 11$1,000 -·+-+ .. _ •••
3 yrs enalneerin& collep,
or dea:ree in mechanical,
chemical, or electrical 2
yn, aelllng tech n lcal
equipment to ena:lneera.
Ac.-1"' Poyrol S..
,.,.,.... 11 $11,000 ...
Dtgree ln accou.nUna, ablt
ID do COl!t.
11 $4.IO
All sbitts. Mmt know •
setupa aJ)d mawwl.
M-lcol 0,..11.,_
$l.SO ...
2 yn college or 3 )Tl boud
MH"""'col'"I .... "-$UOO...
3 yn Calif work aper.
St. IWor·fllttor
$4.Jt ...
J\lust read BP. .·
Chotltt "-HOO
l.tust h11.ve desrte In
chemlall)' or l!!qulvalent
Lob T ocll $410
Should have mechanlcaJ
Electronic Technlcl•n
from $3.50 up/hr.
3 yn: exper. ln repairs A:·
troub l e~ah o o t l n 1 of
ampll!len, controla '=
audio equipment
Fork Lift Moch1nle
frem $3 +/hr.
Must have thorous h
imow1edae of fork litt and
hydraulic l)'Jttma:. Own
hand tool.a:.
2 yrs experience ln eleo-
~mechanlcal auembb'.
.... ..., T .. 1 .. n ,_
$2.00 hr.
lKapt. ff40
Very sharp 1ront-0Uloe.
loc1ptlool11 $400
Shal'p front otflct, aecuJ'o
ate typing. Cood with Uc·
ht'avy board.
Cloril Typist $172
ate type, able to work
1 )T. work eiper. Accur-
c.ltlar II $500
Front Office, SDDd with d&-
tall. ~ EK!, lite bkkps.
and P.R.
•t:PP'-Em~r P9¥S fte,
Fee jobs alao available,
rv • .,. s..., ,,,.,
DAILY PILOT Mo.do!', N-24, 1'69 ·-JUA & J.,.. & I MPLOYMIHT -------1·--i. J1•1 Mon. Wom. 7100 Jobo Mon, wom. 7100 Jobi Mo'";., w-_ 7100
I ~Ell"'-ADU:S-.,1--------• • Ol!lD';Jt sruoENT. . MAINT ENANCE MAN t l\altr Bnmh, the )1trf~t •pl M\11t hi~ IOme know I~
~ time job, ha• a choice 1oc or p!wnbirY., electrl.!, etc;
~ a..U now. 6'12·1403 but mostly prdening, Xlnt i G1111ral Office ..,.,,, "' ~.r.-·
~ Full I P•rt Ti me MGR. Tl!AINEE
: Newport & Cost• Men to n.cm. ruture unlimited,
" S'Mt $2.50 hr, m1&1t type. p~htr 80fTIC college, mar-! RIVIER.A EMPLOYJ.fENT ried. All benefits. Call John
' 2661 .?itacArttwt Bl\l'd, Ste 201 JASON BEST 1 N.8. 54(1.6370 Employment Agency I Gt nerel Labor $2 hr. ,..,, So. M&in, Sant. Aoa
.. Experienced. Top J>a¥. Larae
\ ~:~ wanted part cuslDm yachts, Willard Boat
~ time Will train. ARPHY'S Works, 129.l Baker, Costa
l O>Utt Shop. 3all·B Harbor -"~.,.-·-------
!• Blvd., C.M. MEDICAL olllce help,
pIRL FRIDAY lentale. 1'Tonl office in-
: ci.G-' Ph a;uraru lonns. Experienced ' 9 am lo noon. .,. ..... "' ,., Good f ri••t ! 60..7430 for interview. 0"v· pay or .,, penon. 541}..4,573. -10 A.M.
• HOSTESSES MEN Wanted ror Early
, Exp'd. Dinner House. Atti'8.c· Morning Newspa.per ·Dellv.
tlve, over 21, sizes up to 12. To Jtomes. Appro.-.:. 2~ hrs.
fnterviews 10 · 5, starting per mornl,ng. Gd. &i.pplmntJ
Nov. 19th. Income. h1ust reside West of
PRIME RIB lNN Harbor' Blvd. 847-8979
' ·J ~
newport .
833 opvER ORM
NEWPORT BEACH • -.ro . ,.
~ AJ!P<1J"1'MtNT
"'91.., .. _ ..
to Ut.-.. IPJ•
Background In stationery,
housewaret:, hardware, or
related. h1BA desired,
preferable In marke~.
to $19,000 EPP
MBA tax specialist, all
Flold Salol M-ot
$15,000 lll'F*
&ipervtse inside &"oul!lde
sales staff. BA ?ttarketirl[.
Experienced in stationery
or related. 428 E. lllh St, o.t ti!EDJCAL Transcriber.
(formerly Amigos) Exp 'd, only. Prel. ACcouhlnt
HOUSEKEEPER fUU time, orthopedic bkgmd. pver 50. to $141000 UF*
live in, permanent. Clean-Salal')' open. ~9'll2 St.all acoountant, tax plan-
ing. cooking, child earn. oiiiiiiiO..O..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiq nlng con.cepts: Corporate,
Newport Peninsula $285/nlO. state, FICA, Fed er a I,
References necessary, Write m l local, alcohol & property. Suite 304, 3333 W. Co a a t •
Highway, Ne~1>0rt Beach t.d.1 XeC Letal Sec. $550 1/2El'F*
92660 Mu.st 'have litigation ex-
• e HO USEKEEPER: , A gency for perienCe. Accurate. rapid
Apply in person only, Hun. C•reer Girls typing. SH 100. Calif expcr
tlngton Beach Convalesotnt prclcrred. ·
HospltaJ, 18792 Delaware,
Hunt. Sch.
charge, must cook, not
live-in. $40 \Yk. to start
1 YOUNG Man -p/time Y..'Ork,
my home, ~ts. yard ,&
etc. $2 per hr. Reply BOx
51.5r.1, Daily ?Uot
Electronic ·
Varian Data Machines locat·
~ in the Irvine IndustrlaJ
C.Omplex, has an immediate
opening for a Electro f..1c·
chanlcal Inspector.
Requirementa. ind ode 3 to 6
months experience in elec·
tro mechanical assembly or
tn5pection, and fan1iliarily
with the e~nic color
code, componentg and as-
sembly drav.ings.
F/C lookli•epor
fllale only. Construction e:<·
per. Cost a ccounting:,
e&Cl'Ow closlr.g, interim
consl:nlctlon financing, also
depreciation schedules.
to Medical Research Doc·
tor. Typina: 60, SH 100.
Chemistry or Biology
backaroond good but not
AufttMt looltk•ep•
to Accountant. To trial
balance. f.!U&t have ex·
Must have litigation cXper.
Top skill!;, leading legal
group .• ~ SK.
Marltetl,!;, salrui exper.
Top skllll, must be able to
make travel arrangement&.
GOOd potential.
Soc to $550 EPF*
SH 100, aceurale typing.
hfedical, chemical. or
related background hclplul.
Worl< lor PH.D. in
Gonotol,Olllc• to $425.
Type 50 accurate. General
office bacl<Xround. Exper
in life Ol' disability in-
surance will meaii more $$.
Congenial g1'0Up.
Frelden Aatomatlc: Type.
wrlttr Operator $400
Bright girl with a n y
automatic typev.Titer cx-
per. Will train on Frelden.
Secretory to $550 El'F*
Sharp girl, SH 100, good
typing. \York in exciting
oon1puter fjeJd. Busy,
demanding position.
l kkpr. tlirou9h T.I. to
$525 CRF*
, M°"""t• Nu:116d 24, lM r PllOT 0 ADY011Stll ' J ~
JOIS A IMPlOYMINT JOG & lllll'LOY!!H! MllCMAlllDlll fOll MUCtWIDlll ~ ,.ft ,.....
. Joh ;,,. w... n• SAU AND TUlll~ #ti> 'J!AD!I SALi AND TAME SALE AND TltADE
Jobo -· w-7100 " • • Pumlture ~!'lllra too, Go•• hie • 11122 ~II•-t60I
C-tlf•~•-to $550 • -~ ---· ' ' P L A 5 T I CS ,.... -'-·-'· -POOL TABLES ton Moldl Sew.rel opcau1p lo beach CAR.AG£ Salt _ Olabes.
lnJ«:\ ~ art• for Yoq pl& wllh 1 chtl• ot drawen,. am. Secant Pool
Exprrlenchf! or tralntu (fe. good itkW.. call l«alnt: • I I [ ~ bkraa, TV' ......... J,O ca.I BllUNSWJCK .. .utr • mtlle) over 25, for day-&hlrt, M .. __ p Custom Slate T.w.
A "' l I M ....... ff'Cnant& enlOMel Azen-aquar. com.pl. -f X'traa. · -~ .... Y 10 p.m., on-.. ,,, cy, 20L1 Wutdtlt Dr., N.B. MllC.. aoodlea-. _.lnt J'rom S289 ~·Y· 61»170 -.... -100% F-~~ ~~t~ Sow;o9 M••h. Opor•lon •OfOUll.,.. 1111 .'!!':!!~ ~ CdM. Sat. • Sun. * ~~ *
Good pay, boout p5ece"wk. I UIXllY ..,..._~?-""·• UDO ~-'·nd G•--.,_,_ 323 s. 1.Ialn St ~
ResWuont • sloady work, ale''"""'· La s, ...... , Mii= •·-,., -----
Fle.ota -~9~ O,.wor, ;ooi ' -'" -····-Pool Table • .,lid •late, POOL tu~~~yt Birch, N.B. fNev OC Air. IU.I. $400. 4 dlnlnc chain~ ea ..
Apply In pcr50n
port It S.D. \"?:·)" •·P:C.• Mediterr•n••• Bedroom Suite In P•c.•n 1 Brlap.Stn.tton ~ owcr TABLES
SERVICE .Stalloli a~•ndants. IR19. '149.001 -..... L .... -...... NOW •1'1.'00 mo""'· MO.~
full &; part time. New Enco, 6or1uu1 s,,.ntsh 'Custom lutlt Sof• with
Brookhunt • E~lnser, m~tching IAve s •• ti--.:ehoic• of beeutiful ~ Appll1nces 1100 Oirl!tma• Sptcial $27$ UP. ~ouben E. l ee F.V. Call -f•b.k1., I.Rot. '419.961 .... -..... NOW SJJI."'!, CHUCK'S
151 E. Cout Hwy., N.B: SERVICE Station PeDOnnel, S,.n11h Oinrn~ S.ts ··--··:····-·---·-·-·--·75.00 Refriaeratort •••• from $38. 3150 Harbor at Adams, .Ot
SAC£s, l300 w ... In wig Comm .• Salary. All Shlltl. SoNUd Oak· En Tabios ••d c.11 .. T ab laL.$1'.IO c,~ Portable Color TV, '"' * AUCTION *
fashion field. Need S Union OU . OR s.3320. T • O.cor•tor T •bl• l•m"" .. e nu · • • · • • · •• • • •• •• • =-====-"'"''°"""== IR ••9 r · Frirk:lalre clcc dry.er $.59.9.) U Y9U wll;l aell or bul "'""''"o'"; pot•nttal • SILYER·IRAZER "11· ,.... .951 ................... -....... NOW $11.00 CE 2 Dr. R•fril: ........ 198 •Ive Wnxly a try
unllinitevd . can r.tn.. Sp•ni1h H•n9 lng Sw•9 ;.•mp1 Whirlpool aulo' ,vasher $50 Auctions Friday 1':30 p.m.
Robinson MZ-4449 lR•9. '49.95 ) ............... _ ........... NOW $22.50 GE wa1her/drycr .... $100 W ind'f'sAuction Barh
Sale1 Experience rtquired A decorator dream house on display --. S DUNLAP'S 20~ Newpol\ or 646-868ti i ESCROW' c:ooa opportunity rootn_s Of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was 1815 NeWJ)Ort Blvd., c.r.-t Behind Tony'• Bk%:. Mat'I.
OFFICER ClA·YAL CO. reg. $1.295. ' 54a.7711
n.·tstand1-omrtunlty :Jor SACRIFICE $398 KENMORE Auto washer, 2 G~: ~~yr~= ~'d. ~~ escrow officer 17th & Pluentia I ' • • • • • • apd, 3 cycle, xlnt cond. $45. worn, coat $3800, .&tCrlfioe-
to work in our new MiWon C t Men CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONl!Y DOWti 546-8612 or 847-8115 Pm. 1968 . Font .Mu.tana:
Viejo, Savlnp 1r; Loan otHce. 0S..:.2201 1st PAYMENT NOT DUE 'TIL 1'70 NORG~ Auto washer, cop-w/air, 10 urea, 5 brand new
!:!!:c:-:O~~~~ nm RJRNITU ·R·E ~~84~-'iii~'izc· 1~tco~:~.=iles,1
al loans, Xlnl workiJW 001)(1. Equal oppotj~ty emplo)'er m ' YELLOW nauphyde hide-a·
&: opportunity for &rowth. I o.=,,.--,=-,,,--~~ 11.-;. Antiques 1110 bed, Truetone coiiaole 8tct'l?tl
eon1ae1 SHELL s."'. s1a ...... 1844 Newport Blvd <•t ....,., •... .,. •• 1 .. d~. Danilb'
DOWNEY SAVINGS & exP'd. pump Isl and · •Harbor Blvd.) P•t Michnls Antiques modern sofa & chair, Defd .
LOAN ASSOClAlJON salesmen. Top pay. Corona c t M 0 1 C.Ould you be looking for? clng, ye:llow modern aofa,
837-4911 • del Mar Sholl 2!01 E. c.. OS a esa n y Armol"'• at 1175. Roll top .... "'""· .~1·, &bwtim Hwy a.t C'.n!Henrod. App in Desk $195. Bentwood Hal bike, 110, 4!H-9924 · I Sales To $1,000.00 petaon ,-E
OHlce sUPPIY co. must beq--.==,.,· =.,..,===-Yer y Night 'Tll t -Wecl., S.at. & Sun. 'TU 6 Racks SGS. E~'Op Hutches KIRBY VACUUM , n,..,,, •• .'
ad srATJ'.iTJCAL TYPisr I'!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!! & Servers $150 & up. 2 'th 1 t h :.-::--: exp, pre(er a ma.n .alre )' Typ'-o~ \V lght Cl '·-. 1150 w1 a a c m e n t a ·t employed who wants better ... t/.~Uonist ~ front JOIS a EMPLOY Mt"' I ~ oc ..... runntng,. . polisher. Take oVer amall
deal, co. ttlrn!Jurses fee, call office for Public Account Fumlture IOOO Wicker Desks ~· D1~ng payments or pay oft balance I
Ann, Merchant.I Personnel Neat apPe~. 548-9544 Schoola-lnstrvctlon 7600 -· rm table & chairs, china ot $36 40 Qedit Dept A~-. 20t3 w .. tetlft>Dr., SUPERVISOR, SACRIFICE SALEI "'""'" & MUCH MORE!! 535-7289. · ·
N··s·.·;:.mo . Pr l-'"-II! A MAN • 468 E. 17th St., CM ~2rr6\,e==~·=~~--
v-o.r" •••-_,.. GE.T A MAN'S JOI EAUTIFUL hand paiated SALESLADY (OUset) & mailroom, lmmed. OPERATING MUsr A-IOVE .NOW! Sawing Machin" 1120 on. portrait of you or )'OUr
openlna:. $565.-$721. mo. Exp. HEAVY EQUIPMENT KING size velvet ensemble children !ron1 a photogri.ph.
Curtains, Draperies 8'. Gilli.
Home Furnishing$
South Coast Pl•1•
e Sales Manager 'for new
dreu shop Laguna Beach.
Mwst ·have previOO& sales &
managtrial experience.
Jtefercnccs. 213: 728-0144
Savings & Loan •
req"d, Personnel Dept. Rm. Train NOW -to operate bdbd, boneh., 1,._ad, '"'to~ 1969 SINGER w/beaut wal A wonderful. id.ea for 't1ia1 SU Clly H-" 77 F · D earth·movlng BULLDOZ· ... ~ .......ig1 Chrl~~-· I I ' ,· "'"'· air r., ERS, BACK HOES, GRAD-quilled. One onJy! A Real console & zig-ug. f.!ak9 S~· llUHO.O i . t.
_Ci .. ·1yc'.·o1,,..eo..,s1a=M"•"u"'.=~~1 ERS, DRAG UNES, CLAM DECORATOR ITEM! button bolrs, overcasts. 5 "'641>.1629==~·=~-~~-1 e SUPERVISORS e SHELLS and SCRAPERS. Reg, $460 ...... Now $250.00 Year guar. Full price ~.24 flREWOOD for saJ.e..cut to
Experieoced, to supervise TM Ctnstr'Kflon Industry KING size washable velvet or $5.26 mo. 52S-6616 yo u r apecificatiom: 1RU
tetephone llOllciton working la hemlngl You can eam ensemble, hdbtl, sprd, bench, &ea80nf!d. Deliv I: .ltck'd
from home. No selling. :n°:vir:~fcu~':i ~h1:.cia:J cust quilted. Color choice. Muslcal ln,t. 112$ ftte. $21.50 J,: C, ¢.so C.
Wrtte: P.O. Box 60'20, L.A. field! 'Keep present Job Reg. S330 •.••.. Now $'2&1.50 Call coUect (n4) 68&445.
TEACHER-Director needed
for co-op nursery forming
in El TOl'O area. For in-
tcrvle\v·conlact Lynn Bates
TELLER -Nole & CoUec-
tion. can Exper.-- Newport
National Bank, Mr. Carter.
Service Exp'd pref.
Call 54t)..2052
and tra1n at home in your FULL size e'l'JSCmble, soft roll, FENDER Mustang e I e c FOR SALE: FamUy 'Mem.
spare time followed by cu.st quilled._headbd, sp~ad. RUiliv & deluxe reverb amp. hers.hip • Newport Beach
Resident Training in the bench, o~ only? Avocado. $20Q tlrm. 540-1412 Tennis Club. $500 plU! Mns-!!~~h1 m~~tion °~1 h:e~~ Reg. $269.00 ····Now $179.50 , , .. \ b _i, fer fee or beat oiler. ~1288
Und · J •, eqd"tlp 1 e Matt.resaol-Bo .Springs e Piii~& r'1ans .1130 evett1ng,orwttkends. er pro ec con 1 ona a King Set $OO 95 Queen $89 g-_ _.__,,._~·~·..;.__;., .. ,.. __ 1,=,.;.,,:;;,~~-.;;:;--
our schoo owned facilities Full Set $54 9s Twin $44·~ FlCTORY COLLIER'S Encyclopedla:s near MIAMI, FLORIDA.._ · · e' ARA I XI n t coi:id. + ~hildren'~
Nationwide omployment SIESTA SLE£P SHOP Cl NCE books llllO. Call •15-2&07 a11 I assistance. For FREE in· , Facll?IY ofdcn: clearance of 5 I
formation fill out coupon aD owrqe demonitrators, _. --------and mail today! 19Z7 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa ~Door -models, atudio"'k r& • *' * + '*-· , · . e stS-2760 e tunted i-.Plllnot .t: ~. FA1'.1ILY Membenhlp I nl For prompt reply \vrile to: Daily 10.9 Sat lo.6 Sun 12·5 Real savings up .ta 309'. Irvine Cou Country Qub
UNIVERSAL HEAVY 17 Pc. KlllCJ Size Everyth1iia: a:~aranteed ~ torsalc.Pvt.pty:~ I
CONSTRUCTION I d--new. Sale limited to speclf1c CARPET Jnstall~r haa one
; Go<XI starting rate plus excel-
lent company bcnctils in·
eluding 12 days vacation
: during first year of employ.
-ment plus an 1annual holi·
day vacation from Otrist-
t.lin. 1 yr exper. 5().ijQ
1111m, Strictly !eletype, top
manufacturing Co. Good
Through triaJ balance. 2
yn exper. Acenb payable
& receivable. No payroll.
Beautiful oUices on bay.
For corporalc offices.
l(no11·ledgc of machinl', 10
key, calculator A: accurate
Ac:coutl1MJ Clerk
to $565 Al'F*
E:\p'd • Savings & Loan
Enjoy a rewarding career
and join a highly successful
Savings & Loan Association
in lhe Newport Beach area.
This position e'ntails chal-
lenging duties and is ,dapt-
cd for an individual \vith
iinaglnatlve a n d creative
abilities. Excellent fringe
bcncfls. Call Mt·. Hansley
1213) 869-051:!.
Newport area. 631·3010
Property M•nagement
Son1e exper w/slaple gun
preferred. Apply in person
Johansen & Christensen, 898
\Y. 16U1 St., N.B. Corner
16th & l\lonrovia.
Costa Mesa's smart new Dffi..
ner House. Over 21, sizeli up
to 12. Lu.ich & dinner shifts
avail. Interviews 105. start.
ing Nov. 19th.
~~~ INC. 8 room stock • so bUrry! No money roil, a~ eywn carpeJ, i
P.O. Box 476 . do':"'n OAI;, 5 years to pay. double jute·be.ektd. Will ft:ll
El Toro, Calif. 92tiJO La1-ge 9 dra.~er dresser, m1r. Th11 a:real sale only al: II.II or pai1 $3/yard. 541)..72:t5i
ror, 2 bt'dslde stands, kina WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO . j
Nan1c ...................................... 11le headboard, !ntme, quilt. 1819 Newport, C.li-1. 642-&'84 MOVING. M~ple. f_urn. ~vel
ed mattress, sheets, blank-()pen Every Nile 8 gal aquanunl W~D&h ~~ lll Age ........................................ ctJI, etc. &: &Jnday Afternoon access. l\lany ml.SC'!J Uiems,!
Choice or Sparush AppllanceL 93) Arbol'. C.M.I Ad.dress ................................. .
mas to f.londay follov.·in~
New Years.
varian data
2122 Micheison orl.ve '
1 block S. of h1ichclsor'I Dr.}
ISan Diego Frwy to
Jamboree off ramp)
Employer M&:P
INSURANCE -Commercial
Flre Rate Oerk. exp'd. Sal.
, ary open. Empire Insurance
Co., 1502 N. Broadway, San·
ta Ana 547.7005
642--2666 N.B. -Allie r.tae.
I ·Janitors & Cpls
I Pt.ti.me e\'8 clean 0Wce1
1 Ne"'POrt & C.M. Apply 12J l N. Olive, Orange 3-6 pm.
Good skUIJI, beautiful of.
fices. Dotie• diversified. A
fun J'.>Ol)jion &. public con·
tact. ' ·
410'W. C-t Hwy.
Nowport ·-~
hlOTEl. DESK Ct.ERK, 4
pm to midnight. Expcr.
NCR 4200. Laguna Beach
area. Send resume inc.
phone no. to Box M-100 Dai·
ly Pilot
h10TE1. f..tAlD
Part Time
.... 9436
NEED Child Care & lite
hskpg., noon to 6 P~t.
f.1on/fli Edinger & Bolsa
Chica area. H.B. Own
transp. Aft 7 p.m. 846--0082
NURSES Registered • even.
JANITOR & STOCK WORK. Ing & night shifts. Ex.
I No exp. nee. Apply to r.tr. benefits. Apply Personnel
\YUliams, SILVERWOODS, Director. So. Coast Com-45 Fashion Island, N.B. munity Hosp .. 31872 Coast H\vy., So. Laguna. 499--lJU
LADIES (3), XTRA ext. 356
Christmas help. Cashier,
I \\Tapping & gen. helpers. ornCE Coordinator, lntcl-
9:15 to 5:30. Apply * li1cnt organized mature DES~!OND'S, No. 3 Fashion v.·ornan. Tasks l n cl u de coordinating recelvableg, Island, N.B. t I l ... iiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I payables, paper ow ,
customer machine records,
inventol'Y records, ty~inC.
transcribing &. rctall·typc
commission sales. MO-tl234
OFFICE girl 9-3. light office
\\.'Ork. typing. 1-larbor Neon
, Sign Co., 29:18 Rarxk>lph St.,
C.t\1 . ~16-5655
lab Tech to $4 hr
• Xlnt Co. 1 yr college ol' mil·
ltary electronics, Top hen·
ellts, Call Bob M&-5410
Empleyment Agent")'
2207 So. Mirln, Sant• Ana
$773 to $939 Por Month
, LEGAL Secretary. Exper
req. Full ct" p/time. Good
• • '"'"" Call --°'
One of three proJesslonRI
positions ;n the Person·
ncl Ofnce. the persontlt'I
analyst ls generall1t In
nature. It ttquires • col·
leie de&ree in public or
business administration
or a closely retar~ ma-
jor, and cne year or re-
cent professional person-
nel eicperltncc including
any or all of the follow-tnc: job analysis, re-
cruitment and tcstirc,
clauUlcaOon and pay,
~ployee relatiom.
·-I Manufacturin;
has open-EXPLORER
1,..1or-' i * 5 • Finish 1nc:n
l * 1 • Welder * l. Mtchank: /Auto * l • Plumber
i f
i '
* 1 • MID tlWI
Appllc•tion a.nd n:1ume must
be Wed before S p.m .. f'ri.
day, December U. 1.009 to
P\ll'8()nncl OfJi(.-e, 3300 New.
port Blvd .. Newpo1,, Beach, c.1u., 1n<1 ei;t;63.l.
AIP, AIR. Payroll, light
typing, but accurate. Abili-
ty to • \\'Ork \\'ilh public.
Xlnt bcnclits.
F/C lookkooper
to $600 EPF*
Cortsthli:tlon background.
Heavy. accounts payable.
Xlnl Co.
Soc. $550 El'F'
Altraclive young, must
have Xlnt skills.
Soc. $525. El'!"
\York for P/R man,
Beautllul offices. Finance
background helpful.
• EPF, employer
poyt f•e
• APF, applicant ""'' , .. .. ERF, COMpo•y
reimbu?ts fee
A?.1·5 PM SAT. & SUN .• S2
HR. REPLY Box ?.1·516
Daily Pilot.
\YoTQcn \YOrll: for plastics
molding plant. Eve shift.
TO $550
AUracllvc, good skills, youna
g'\"OUp, Newport Beach.
~667 h1acA11hur Blvd, Sle 201
N.B. 5-10·6310
\Ve have an immediate ne~
for a bria:ht ambitious stock
clerk with a minimum of 1
year responsible stockroom
exp('1ience. Knowledge of
electronic component parta
is essential and a H i g h
·School degree is .prele1,'ed.
Must have the ability to get
along 1vith people.
The n1ain 1'C&ponsibility \\'ill
be to store, maintain and
issue our electronic stock·
room supplies,
Good starting ralc plus ex·
cellent company benefits in-
cluding 12 days vacation dur-
ing lh'St year of employment
plus an annual holiday va-
cation from Ci1ristn1a1 to
r.-t on d a y following New
varian data
212<1 Michelson Drive
I rvlne, Calif. 9266·1
(San Diego Frv.--y to
Jamboree oU ramp
I block S. or li-llchelson Dr.)
An Equal Opportunity
Employer l\l&F
SUPPORT your United f'uid
Jobi-Mon. Wom. 7100 Jobi-Mon, Wom. 7100 --
Nee~ed . immediat~ly. High school plus 5
years experlenc~ m layout, loftmg, fabr1p
cation, 1 and assembly of sheet metal parts
and ass~mblies in bo~t building or rela~~
field. Must have basic knowledge of mllll·
mum bend radii and bend a11Qwances and
ol material specifications used in sheet met·
al work. Can layout, plan, form work from
templates. Adept in the use of power shears,
pO\Yer brakes, Coot presses, squeascrs, and
all othe·r machinery and equipment used in
sheet metal work.
Ca ll or •pply et employment office
3333 H•rbor Blvd., Co•I• Mt"
1714) -·
tD Atlantic Research
~ Corporation
"28 E. 11th St, CM
(fonnerly Amigos)
Apply i.n person
5930 P••· Cd. Hwy.
Newport Beech
WAITRESSES wanted. Eve
& eraveyard. Apply in
person Odie's Restaurant,
1400 \V. Coast H\vy., N.B.
ApPly In person
Personnel OUice
Fashk>n Island, N.B .
or l\1odem Style . FREE EARLY Amer. Oir. m. All For $249 ' re~ ""'· 110. era;..., "'•
P Sx8 , $8. Sm'. area rgs. $11 rogrammed ca. 5"18-7494 I
JOIN TilFl FIELD Rhythm UN IT c.--1 wrn-1 A FUTURE! WELK'S WAREHO 1vlth every new or used OR· ...... .-t layer has Hi Lb
Age/education no bfo_'Tier! USE GAN sold bchveen no\v & nylons $1.99 yd. Shap i
Let Us help you ~Uali!y, Olristmas . from $3.50 up + my labbt, I
INNKEEPERS lNSr!TUTE 600 W. Ith St., Santa An• DON'T WAIT I I '°' "'' yanl. 968-691JI
INTERNATIONAL 0P'n Dally 9-9 '" • Slate bed POOl. TABt:Es.
MottlYHOtel/Apt..Mgmt Sehl Sat. 9-6 Sun, 11-6 No payme:its 'tll 19iO Mlg's Cl0&e-Oull. All ' lic·I
'A DIVISION OF l\!UST crlfi °'°°5e trom: cessorles incl. 100% finan..l
ANTHO 00 sa ~ complete e Conn e Wurlitzer e Allen ,.ing av•'I. «• ~·2 • NY SCH ~.S houseful of Mediterranean .. "" .,.._....,.. '
ln7 S. BROOKHURfT fW't1: sola, love seal, 2 com· • f'lammonci • Baldivin 121hx13' \VlUTE Ny1,;n: ANA~lEIM, CAIJFORNIA mode lamp tables, coffee • Others carpet, pad $4-0. Ulfx12'1
Casses form every week table, lampii, color TV, din GOULD MUSIC green cotton aha&. pad '$30 ..
PHONE FOR APPJ'. set, refrig, stereo. king size 2Q.ti> N. Main. SA 5-17-0iSl 548-5241 I
Ask for Betty 716-5800 bdrm set, Queen bdrm set. MAN 'S Omega Auto .I
l'A~Kf..H ANDISE FOR n size bedrm set, s11•ag PIANOS&: UHGANS Seainaster yellow g old!'
SALE AND TRADE lamp. plctures. washc•· & NE\Y &: USED watch $90. Also Accutron. ---------·I dryer. Misc. 894-5875 • Yan1aha Pianos & Organs $4S. 644~4 ·
Fumitura 1000 SCRAM LE •Thomas Organs . , . --------TS e Kimball Pianos PkINTING. Equipment: 1250;
3 ROOMS of MED ITT · • •Kohler & campbell multi, camera, light table.I
No do\vn Pmts. only S!l n10.
City ................ State ........... .
Zip ................ Phone .......... ..
Equal opportunity ~mployer • 8' Divan + Love scat
WOMEN -Full or p/time • 5 Pieee dining too1n lltt
for housecleaning. Ca 11 • 5 Piece Bedroom set
615-1351. alter 6 PM. FULL ~RICE $388 .:,:c.....c;.c._~-=-,,-1 Use our store chfil'ie plan! Young Fry Cook Approvod Fornitur•
2159 l~arbor, CM 5'18-9660
ANSWERS COAST MUSIC plato maker. ""'plW.. ;i.,-,
. NEWPORT & HARBOR {Zl3l 944-Sm eves. 1
Costa ~·lesa * &&2-2851 45X8 House tnfiltt 2 Bdnn,
Artery -Pro!iy -lotassy -Open 10;6 Fri 10-9 Sun 12-5 only $2500. UDdenvood . Sui
Thieve -TUEY SAY H.Aw.fON typewriter $10 '410 snotgbnJ The biggest liar in the ll'orld ha . D • S.letn~ay "1 Ya· SX 371 Superi~r NB. , i Is THEY SAY ma · n~w · uso:u p anos • . ,
Kitchen Troinee
Pern1aoent, full tinle job.
Ove1· 18, Neat appearanc-t.
Chanct! for advanceinent.
Bob'• Bl1 Boy
1~ ,E , 17111 Street
Costa l'l1esa
School1-ln1tructlon 7600
Classes stal't :«>an.
Pilot progrant offering the
finest equipment and fa.ell·
JU ca available! Real-time
computer pt'Ogrammlni:.
7 PC SPANISH living room
set $189.95 ( 1 sofa, l Jove
scat. 3 table,;, 2 lampsi I
large S pc Spanish dining
room sci S79.9:i. The 1-'ac·
lory, 1885 flarbor, s.ID-6842
I • S PC Antique white
pedpstal dining room s e t
ss:J.!15. Assorted dining room
chairs $4 .95 each. Assorted
occasional chairs $14 each.
The Factory, l88i> Harbor
)'ou mp.y find it at Anterlca's
la~sl. n1ost unusUal un-
finished furni!ure store. Cor.
Redhill & Santa Ana F\vy,
Tuatin. 1 ml So. ot Ne\vpot•t
F\vy. Open 362 days per yr.
;-;;;;==""":::'.· --,..,.-~ of. all m~eL Beil buys In. FIRE\\i'OOD for Sale. , pry/
1 -CORNER group \V/ table So. CaJU. rl,:bt here.. Eucalyptus. Delivered· •1:1
$69. 1 avocado 3 door SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., stacked. S.10-9887 < I
credenza $34.95. 1 set 01 an-1901 N. Main, .
Uquc ,vhite 2 end. I cocktail Santa Ana NE\VPORT Be~h Tenrhsi
tabl6 $29.9,j The Factory Oub lolembersh1p $400 ;-1
188i> Harbor, ·~2 ' FREE ~RGAN CLASSES trnnsfcr fee . Call 644-1848: I
Monday n1te1 7:3(1. 8:30 pm Qual'ly kin; bed-quilted, I DANISH ?.todcrn blue/green GOULD MUSIC CO. 1 •
!IGfa & .• chair $49.95 1 set 2045 N hlain S \ 5-17-0681 complett'-unused $1Da, worpi,
Danish, 2 end, I cocktail · ' " · $25(1, Aft 5 I.: wknds 842-6536'
tables $14.9.:i, 2 matching PRIVATE PARTY \\i'AN'J'S NORGE Refrig. $1%5. SilVC'r
Danish J'\!odern lamps, both C~:UY PIANO F0~2-604· plated lea & coffee servlOI!'.'
for $19.90. The Factory, 1885 · a $50. Sun lamp. $30. 546-28la •
Harbor, 540-6842 PIANO for . sale -Wurlitzer For Sale. Firev.·ood.!
~2 .. ROUND, 'WTOUght iron, t.fnple Spinet, $550. 116A Orange & Eucalyptua ; I
glaSl!I top, ycllo\v dinifl&' Mth SI., N.B. 67$.-1932 aft 6 83IH61tl : !
room table $60., 5' Antique • -·
white & orange coHee table Telev1aJon 1205 Misc. Wan.ted 161~
$23. Ph: 833-nn RCA Home Entertainment . '
QUEEN size box springs & Center. 25" Color TV • ...r WANTED
matt., .f nlOS old $50. A?.1·Fr.f-stereo radio i.. ......-
Avocado green sofa $15. record player. New in April. Good used , fumlture, appll
642--8321 $695 646--5935 aft 5 PM anc~: antiques, color TV·~.
8• sor relnc s. stoves, washers "I A. never used, qUllted Lease Color TV or Black dcyers, etc. I pc or hOllteful
Ooral, Scotchguarde<l $125, & \\Thltc. Option to buy. 24 hr service, Call 842..3921
hlo.tching I o v e seat S75. Free se1v ice. No d<'posit
(1! 776-0a91 A-Active TV Rental Co. \Vantcd-Roll!op desk
Quall!y king bed.quilled. tl) 522-115.1 Needed before Ouistrn.u
Complete-unused Sl05. worth 549-0449
$2j(I. Aft s .r. wknds 842-6536 Tape Recorders t220 NEED bricks one to l(Q),
NOW's THE t~========IGREAT siueo -"Sony 260" muonabt)' pricM. 64f..R7 C?'fke &pl~ IOtt Tape. Amp., Speaker Stor• tns
4 De8b $95 t9Ch, 2 walnut System. hfik~, etc. Sl.50 --'go"'-----..::;_ TIME FOR desks S!Z ft.ch. 6 leather 645--0131. SPACE: Boat& & Campen.
swivel chni ~each. l clec --:-SlO ~ mo. 526 Center St.,
1rype1vrlter $95. J manual Sporting Goods 1500 C.M. 642.-7990 or 54&-0400. -·( QUICK CASH typewriters $35 each. 2 I •t•nd• !IO ••<h. Dupl~•tor KITE No. 251 1" good con. FREE TO YOU \\'/Stand $75. Plus other dlUon, $650. Pr. Head .stan·
THROUGH A items. All xtnt cond . dard ~is, $45. Boots Sllll! a.1-----·-----
Thc A,~, 61;...4044 11" 61~ SEAUTIFUl>•mect;um btetd'
~ TYPEWRITER. Adding SURFBOARDS male Cocktt-mix l >T cf1l~....,-· m DAILY PILOT m"hl"'· c:akulator . ..,,,. llOA .... -............ 1o,.. ""'"""" Q:lll--reuonabie. Xlnt cond . ========ol had shots. Free to :ct home 892-2~23 Mlac•lla neoua 16oo w/fencd }'I'd. 83>2929 oi
-11/?'. Unl•n knk 511...a,.. WANT AD 1=0=.=,=.,=,=s=,",.====I01=2 BEAUT. maple h?lch, xlnl NEED good home w/fenoed
hvth r..... quality m Minolta 16 yrd, lovable blk/wh1 rcmah
Suite 4D \VATER fountaln, \•a l $150: <'A-n~ra Sll.50-. ~I mixed breed 30 pounds 9
"lran1., c.allt., t26U 642 5678 1cll SIM, aaa !!lovl', fish RELAXACISOR, ·Vt'T)' rood nJM. old Kood wntclldo;: I:
A Dfv. •f Thi l ua111uehlinn• C:•t,_ C•ll 547·'411 •
1unkll, ml~ S742 Nordlrui L'OndlUon. like nc••. 2{f.r.J ho11M!pct. Cood w-chtldrtn
l ___ A;,;n~•;"";;';;.'.;•,;PP<>;;,;;''.;;";.'";."~'.;';;m;;p;.lay~cr;.;.M;./r,;.. __ -'' !!•!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!•!!!·· Or .• 11a 84&-0211 \Vnlh1,'t, C.1\1. 543--7011 0\'Cr 10. 8JG..4~9J 111!.l ~~~~~~~ ·-~~~~~~-. -
' \ •
' ·------
• • (
-~·. flllOT·~D'l!llTISH M~, -24, lM , , .~MWll'~!·~N~M~•=• .. ~'~24:·~1~'6~9~.--==~DAR.~Y~Pll.~OT~~-1(1 FREE ro"yol:J I fPlilPOllTATIClll f!ANSNl!P,TION' r·~~TIOH TIWISl'OllTATIOl.J ~ATION ,TllAHSPOITATION TDNIPOITAf!ON riWil~fAriOii
.IUE 'to . ""'1' h•"'• W& Y~ tDD11
~!cY~' ~ .;!~ ~· ,., 1-....:ftid~. ;"!IO~!!'!,'_!= ....... MISU ... Coro "°° UMll Con itoo UoM Con ..
"_,_ ...... b ..... •.,.•Jr~,;_ U' electric ··7 HCJNDA DATsl!N ' MA '17 MOl8AN 4 ! CHIVROLIT CORVllll l'LYMOtnJt
•1111w•t 0:1We1~ "nuoN-• 305-~-L.\... ~,...Top. ... lnkll. Ea.
lllb. ~,... okl • ..,.,,. ··• ~ * ' ·• · ...,-r ~-''l'htWoiidsBt•t$2((IOCV '85 ull oaa.tco1'dltlon.11*.l--------
111 ~ .._ I004 •·•~--·-. -10' .. # ' ' ''.1 • ~\• Ill " lp.l!M Ut.,I PM . .. ~ ..... •h-n .. -.., ' .,, • . • . e . .,,, . ... ii! ~--l ~ .,,.__ , , •'. _ _ 4 /IDd, wlz$ ~ dlr, x1nt A"* w....i att 1 pm • • 11-M !L: ' '· .a -•r1C1 OQad. Top JUOll'; EUue bOOtt ='-.,,..:;;..;;;1
iUt • -" om;;an ' lilllllEST 30 . '"'"· Must ""'8<e S\1115. ~PAT ' . • • SblpM'.rd; • % Dobtnnan "Lader in The Bead\ CU lea" CU ttni: priv, prtr.• PDM· .; ..
ZIMM.llMAN ""'"""''~ IUinl q\. Nl>IOllnd.llel11<lhonoew. ' 2195 HARIOlt'ILVD . • ' ~· · • • '-lll2I 11000 """" "'" ' • 5tCM410 ' PORSCHE .., -..,. " "-""' LOV~ GIW1 1triped Hollend Y.~ MMllt .. ,1 ~ •' call• for,.... ..etmate.
l.IKE new '89 CorvtU•
Futback.. Amtrtcu map.
7'lOQ mi. ~ aft 5. --DODGI · ~ ''""" ~-old . """ O!!ANGNOI c.oul ,NTY'S PORSCHE '59 c "'" i>. . ,._, QIYROl£l -· .;..,.,: '26' FllER&• •s L-f6' !\49-3411.-..... '6 °' 67 . ""'"'-' lllRlln
' Yid. --·s. 1111 -· • e6ai2 , 1110 ~!.!!'v!>. DAnuN DE.lLIR • '.n:;-:::· v~,., ''""· 1U85 .. ·11 -"°•pr. -PONTIA:C ~·~-DOT DA...,'N • -.,. . .,..--.. $f8.31l!1Ex .a1o.....,Goodcond.lazl 1---·----fliVAJ11Z' ~· -NP 21' -· -'" HOlldO c:i.\to 1au ll2U _,., a..s. I,•,.: 67 -' '81 GTO -11ti. "'""4
._ ...
,......a ...... mix. I,_ WladJ. ~ Dlrecl. 'Gotoil C:.ndllhih • 111135 Boadl Blvd. RENAULT ' HdDIQIOo -1910 Jl~."'°· '61 "Ca.r o! Ylll'" wbt./""
....., aobd -. ~'111<cd 11795 Call ...n • J300.'" . 54,:\ia; """""""° !!<acb j'1 Nill ~, ~-· -•· . FORD 1nt.. -~ .,,, , !'Id. --5 n,15 . CAL 20 #')·112 " • Id-mi"'"'°""" '81 ltl0/u,., r/h, ..., ml, WE pay WH • ~-.,Im-Conv., • .. • p.~/b. AM/FM. rad I Al ~Y? Talllll 11'1 ~ QWNll * m.'."nto Y~itt ~66~~ '69 Datsun DXI Rdstrr. Lo = $1100. l owner. A $295. Good ~Uon. '64 GALAXJE XL, 4 dt:,., r Urea. nnec\i care $2111.
female, W•WI Corsi, _. mi $2700. Phone f3S-ll8B · · Clll 642-<lei•. A·h. buektt aeall, nr •hilt. an .. 1115 ~ -. ., .. , ....... c ilM . tnD .......i.e ... --!or!ln1h«ln!o. FOR YOUR w m l96Sed CHEVY lmpolu, elepnl..., lnl .... ""'· -;L'"'i!"'A"\IT.1"'il"G'"'A"'R"'E"'A,..-
•d"1Li. 60-1984 ll·ll r "' " utO . ---TOY.OTA load • Priced "" qWck Xl•l concl. !860. 3093 Yukon, MU8T SELL • l!Q lianoe-
1 Lonjlh&md kll•N, l .; .. ,, MUST Sell! ITll' n;;;a;;;; A & p 5:;;1* ' '1 '400 ENGUSH FORD CONNIU ' ule! IJB50. -C.11. Jl49.ISS8 ville, tally equip. Mako oU·
1 female~ 8 weeka ·old. Ir-inboard. Very seaWOJ'\bY. I JOJOJA CHEVROLET 'ii Impala SS. air, p/b, p/s. '66 COUNTRY SQlllRE .10 er. Xln't terms. Call •
ville O:lve. 4!M-283S U/24 Ex:. cond. 1181) or btlt of. New Urea MAKE OFFER. P&SI auto, fact air, p/a, 644-1387 .
• , .H ..... ..,.,, oa<;;i 'for fir. m-t36J ORANGI COUNTY'S SPICTACULAR 2828 -mvd. B4!-5lOO p/b, '"' ncl<, ~ ........ '65""-'~G=ro~.~.-.-.... ~.-.... ~.
· · breeders. Not for 'pets. BEACH VOl,,UME ENGLISH YEAR END ·SALE Coata W. .. :WS.1200 'SS Impala. l dr, 283 en(. Lo mJa. Must aee! 673-3743 AP.t/F?at. 1 Owner 33,000
: 846·04aO. MS Sud[ Boat Tr1Hers 9032 A S I FORD 'DEALER ALL MOOE LS Wlll luy New trans, lo mlr, a/c, xlnt '" F\_lcon fC'uture mi. Call. ~2005 after 6
.C.M. Un< 'lf' Plywood Hull u,to Upp y SALES -SERVICE YOURBESTDEALS • • cond.Lobook. .. S-1!52 Nly!ac...,equlppod,Jll<, PM.
COWE4abtador JJUPP'-• 9 Wlftbtt&lau. Trailer has '89NODELS .i Afl.£.SI'1LL1'f YourV~orPonchl '61 Chevy Conv. Stick ahUt. Phtmt.~-.~ ro=NT=IA"C"'°"'ii!~G"ro".-Ram=--...,-.."I . '7c:·~:4~::;~ =th ·~mm;;elys:~: ::1:~~:. ~e:-~7N DEAN } LEWIS ~-=-~~Paidtor ·~~nd .. $245.Callowner. '64hrd~~. ~u~~~-=::
, ttall . ll·ll ~ • Compl"e Machloc Shop TI-. i9so Harbor, C.111. "6-9303 . • l1MIOO CHRYSLER 4 d•" w ... MUil '17 LE MANS ale p/1, vinyl
t.<BRADOR, '" year old Mitt SPEED EQUIPMENT ROllNS FORD '19 RED To)Qla. Xln! con. WI! PA'I! TOP .. u. Loaded. 815-<l3l iw. wh!N wheell. llCO .,., . ~· t;1 ~!>, h-· . "°-~f'lp. 903S REBUILT ENGINES .2060 -mvd. Mu>t .,u, mo•IUI EouL DOLLAR 1~7 c· h I '61 FORO Galaxle. PIS. blue-book. 675-291,6
•' ~ .......... 0-"'?'SCyldieltlena.3tolreduc-]125VictoriaQ6.1 54S.a:JO 0.taMea MJ..00]0 Best Oller. 495·5325,foraood,deanusedcan. "' ryitr P/B.Fac.alr.MutRll.•54&:TJ.LINA,Xl..ttT-nm-
. . _ ~ tJQn unll Fresh wa~r 1336l Beacb Bl~d. HB 847-0091 675--4320. an makes. See George n., Ntw Yorktr Going in serVtce. 645-0157. nlrc. con4. $775lbtlt oµtr
; ~ Lona:--halrd kitW!s, fmala, cooled. ~ new, still m * OPEN 'l DAYS * TOYOTA 19671. RAH Good Theodore Robins Ford ~tom 4 Dr Sedan, a.Ir con. 198!1 Ford Country Sedan, &'15--7fr2 . ~ feqiale, 8 wkl old. lrY1ne crate. l'aciDry cost. 673-2910 FBIARI tires. Xlnt CO~.' s1toO. . 2060 Harbor Blvd. dl~oning, automatic trans-station wag, loaded . Priced 'GS FlRE'BDW &!Cl, hdtp.
: Cove Laguna ~IM--2Ut 11/M ~ 4 PM. cau • &44-l451! C.M. ' 642-0010 mission, ~wer steering & for qulc~ sale. $2!J!l0 534-5290 w/auto. PIS. air, land&11,
FREE. Husky. Duf(y ~. '· -Tr1l1tr, Travel 9425 FIRR.ARI IMPORTS \\'ANI'ED brakes, radio, heatt!r, tilt & '64 Ford 4 dr hardtop, n.Ouo ml. S275o. st0-7154.
all sholl. °""' yard. hot-YKhl Newport lmporto Lid. 0.. TRIUMPH ~--n.m"-''''""'''' wh .. 1 speed & hit /ttd 1 I . --Ch rten 9039 --------..... _... un cruise control. New ptem· w e w nenor. PONTIAC CTO 1911.
644-0378 11125 -~•--,-----1969 19~' AL.JO, fully self ante Count)"• cnl1 author-TOP $ BUYER lum tires Absolutely like $550. Call ~g..1973. PS/PB. air, console. Xlnt
DAR.UNG Crtam 'colored BARE BOAT CHARTER contained, caoopy, used on-i2a:I dealn. '63 TRIUl\-IPH TR-4, clean, BILI:.-~ .. mrovd.YOTA new. ' BEAUT. '68 Country Squire. thruoul. Pvt pty, 540--0182 tortoise kitten, I wb, •old.'lo e 27' Aux ·•-p ~. sail, SALES·SERVICE-PARTS ~ ~ All I lo I FM/AM -• ~ ly 3 times. Sac • .,,.,...,, .'3100 W Coast Hwy runs good. $895 or best of· IL ,,. __ ..._ -. ... -$2199 P"-T, a r, m · '67 Gran Prlx-••arpl . \krvinc botne. 9G-81Dl 111X lleep1 4. heed A: galley. $50 83G-2650 'P'IUV\I • Newtiort Beach • fer. Call· 548-30l -.. -. ra. .. 1......, GOOD SELECTION stereo. Make otr 673-3823 Loaded! Sl.995. ::&.u115
·• sPAYED, arey female· Tab-a day. $100 tor fllll weekend. 64.2·9'05 540-1764 WANTED: 1969 CADILLAC,
by ca~ btaullful, wi'ro • :II' Bolboa Day Saller 125 Trollers, Utility 9450 Autloorized Furt.rl Dealer VOLKSWAGEN h'om private party Call alt. _ _.u~. 968-.36«1: • 11-JS \.day + lawicb fee. Insur-______ ,,___ ,,, 6 p.m., 546-8757
, .. WANTED' '°"' home r.ir 5 once avail. Doy1 642-. Tuo utility <railcn, JAGUAR YW BUGS
l · ·'if. old·Cocktr sr-mei, m. . ..,nellwklxls 660062 4 x ~. SUS and $85. Auto Lt111no
·~ ..... f;Chdoc. 646-6541 l 11J2.t 'MObll• Homet 9200 • 83&-7440 •
MALE beqle, l yr. old k>vts Trucks 9500
'# ehUdttn, free to pxl borne. IUT Ji'" NIW '-'"'-'------
' 847-4945 SILL '"' USlD LONG BED
'65 JAGUAR XKE Cpe, wire
shls. Gd. Cond. $2500fofier.
Al, 675-4529 or 639-4571
FOR Sale -Jaquar Cit.We.
1955 XK-140. $950.
'68 l\WSTANG, I cyl. Excf;t.
concl. New tune-u.p. Take
over pymnts + $50, 2544. No.
3 Newport Blvd., CM
' ~6 ~.~male kit· C~ .. r 1970 G.111.C. CS1500 P ickup.
• ...... part Si......,, 7 weeks TRAIL'iii.srA--:L&S Se,: # "'2303 Call -673-6047. DELIVERY :W~31l!l Ext ti6 or 61
Ambassador 990, air, dlr '61 l\1ustang, 3 11pd. stick loaded. o n e owner. wlil
lhltl, lime Sold: Xln't cond. take older nr in trade.
$1495 642--4178 PDW138LB. Ca 11 Ken,
'6G •MUSfANG. 6 cyl, stick, 494-9773 01· 5(5.0034,
old.,-1338 ,·•... f . ,. $2695
., . . 1RVY rom I man UNIVERSITY . 'lJOUBLE Bed Spnng. Call ... who 11.,. in wl"
-"' 2850 Harbor Blvd. '• Free triaky fluffy puppy a1=i .. l'JHAT ~ -sF.l.L! 1 • .., 'l Cotta M.,.
... ,. 6#-0378 ~So. l!ubdt, *°"'_A1'a 54<>9640 " ,Ifs and LIVESTOCK l,Bl<k So. °' Bi>la&: ,'l!·l'"6 oo FORO ECONOLINE .~~MY HARBOR heavy dty. auper vazi. ~
C:Ontinenlal, full pwr, dlr. air.
Small dn. Low pymlli. LPJ-
747LB, Call Phil 49-1-9773 or
All popular makes. Ford 1910 HARBOR BLVD.
C °"
authorlxed leasing gyatem. OOSfA MESA l., Get Our Competitive Ra.lea .
"'' ~ Rom'NtfoRD ·-CONTINENTAL D. -..J,.-~ CONTINENTAL ·, -~.. Costa'':'.!"'"" Rlv~o Loaded~E~.~ co"". ·sss:! :i,~t!T~. '66 T·llRD
R/H. 1 owner. $995. ~.62.-,Ram=7bl'""c-:Cl;;-au=1c-,-,,....,drc1
546-7)47 6$n. ex runnlna """'$100. -OLDSfll'OBILE T0llRD
&49. 3031 Ext. 66 or 67 LEASE ANY MAKES $1950. Call • 5f6.7843 Ori& o~t. Excepdqnal: 2 Dr. lrJ', ~ pW?, &lr, dlr,
1970 HARBOR Bl.VD. OR MODEL 11050. * 613-1232 pwr ...... .,..,..,, ~-
COSTA MESA Let our 1,.,. .,.._,... ohow CORVAIR '61 Delmont 81, 4 dr. Air. 81!'0 Book ~-SAc;J\I·
·~•ts, 0.neral 1800 Mltbla. Heme Sales w. 17th st. CM. 5&3343 "1.;,.--------Cua · Loma •RoD· • Awv · a AM. 5 PM. ======== -WOT'S NU? Sheraton Maoor. Homette •
·. Santa Claus s~ials at Kit • Pre•ti&e • SUara '65 FORD * T PlckUp. XJnt
:· 'TIS TROPICAL FISH ALL SIZES cond. Must acrifice lor -. ·soao EdiPger {at Magnolia}' NOW ON DISPLAY quick sale! 646-8703
_.,'?.f.;,V:,. ==*=*==842=:=-45311':"'.l 1425 Baker 91., Colt& Me• ~ -· 9520 ~~ % block Eut ot Harbor Blvd. "'-"m~pe_ ... _____ _
1125 Coat& Mesa Cn4) 54().N70 BARGAIN Ca m p I n 1 rua.
1.:...---"----MODEL SALE! 7>a"'lall 4 whl d,, air,
'-QIRT......._• • ~ IS NEAR ! de I u x e '66 model + ..,.,~ NOW TO DEC. lJt , ·* Re1erve, your choice, * SMOG TREE * aintream lrlr 24' 1954.
· Gteat Dane Puppy early! 'Everythina' ~u working
Win love for you'tll GrHnlt•f,Pirk order. S3000 or wW sell
• Christmas. Cropped & shoUI, One mlle from Octiln separately ~1338 O:>!ta Mesa/Nwpt Harbor
Jop lines. • · 17So Whittier, CM 642-1350 NEW ' MARTINCREST KENNELS 1969 Chevy Camper, 5CXX1 ml * * 5t&.:o9S!I * * MOBILE Home.Far Sale -Call. 545-8176 aft -4.
. DARlJNG lli» 1ay -"· ;:lf\'1:<1 i;llghl!Y ~-,; Llk• ' 'AKC White IPf'ia:>t ' new. 1tx40'. rofa!d SU' Dunt Buggies 9525
1965 K1ini1nn Ghia
2-door Coupe, Xlnt Cond.
Immaculate inside and out!
One owner, Sec at 4&l Broad.
way, C.M.
01 ·IP''J·-' Cvvn'y ~
L-ir Cl"\' 5l'lo:c •ion
N,.,,.,. & LJ,, d
f./'"'''·d•~ c.111
Jim Si emen s Imps.
W .11ner & Main St
1968 VOLK SW AGE N . YoU tbe beat plan for yoor ~ PS. needs '. t!"lfne work F[CE $1883. or .forel&n cat
Chrome rims, wood steering personal ~a wltb>ut 0~1 ---------S1695. Private Pty, ~7873 In trade. NPVl.32. Call P¥J
wheel + xtras? Best oUer. ption. '62 CORVAIR. needs minor 494-9113 or M.>-0634. Alt '''°· 613-4!06 UNIVERSITY "'"'' -would make '°"' PLYMOUTH '57 PORTHOLE T·Blrd, xlnt
'63 vw 45,000 miles only 1500 OLDSMOBILE Dune Bugy Chassil, $100. ----· cond. Nu' inter. & peJtit.
Eng. $650. New paint. ~ Harbor ·Blvd. 53Ml958 1965 BAfUU.CUDA. $2(t} Ull-• Reblt enatne. caD 838-76f5
615-2916 Coe.ta Mqa, '62 CORVAIR ·Sta. Waa;., A·1 der whist. Total prict ST25. '5r8 2 dr T·Bln:I, l owner,
'64 VW CAMPER. Fully 546-9640 ccnd. $275. '61 l\tonza. !OJ, Good cond. Call Sfl.,2683 rr.tr roocf, nttds ptjnt, 11!,al
equlp'd, canopy. . fl' LEASE fjlll "'1145. call 546--1.85.l ONE Gilt Helps Many ovrs. Beat offer. 494·9!n4
Sl250 * * 548-0ll3 1970 FORD Torino GT, air, Used C1n 9900 UMd C1rt 9900~ Can. 9900
'69 VW sunroof. Oirome PCl"'tr brakes & steering, ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiljiJ wbla. M~ny Xtru:. Fact. radio, wide oval WIW, 351. ll
WBIT'. Sl.n t cond. 673-2529. 4 V engine, $99.50, 24 mo1,
'63 VW VAN. New rebuilt 1969 FORD LTl>, air, power
engine & transrniulon. steerini', radio, luxury him.
$600. 673-9427 199,50 ham Wm bold for beat. air cond."·Adlllt Park,
, ·~5='' $50. I.: up , Nwpt. Bch. A Beauty for DUNE B~ Builders! 63 """"'===-=--,==-.J46..2405 $5300. Call -646-0'l'l:>2 V\V chasSlS, 6.5 VW trans '67 MERCEDES Benz 230 SL
MOVING to Northern C&llf. with Alpine gean. Complete Cpe, PS, AM/F~I, 4 spd,
lOxOO Paramount mobile setup for engine $275 or 44,00J ml. Mint cond. l
home. Expanded Uv rm, make oiler. 536-8698 aft 8: 30 owner $4!0l (1) 52!>-8976;
Bdrm, center kit., awnings, DUNE BUGGY, good rubber, work 871-3232 Ex 5552
S<1nla An.i 546 4114 1003 vw Sqb&ck, 1675. 1962 59'JTH COAST
Sunbeam Alpine, f100. Call · CAR LEASING
-546-8697. 300 \V. Olt Hwy, NB 645-2182
piltlo, Adu1t park 1973 Nwpt excellent condition. $695
Blvd. 646-0643 642-7788
oo· Completely Furn. Incl
Color TV. Retort Loe. Oir ~'"'...::.Po;.;r_tect __ A_.,_1os __ 9_600_
pos. Afarina. $6500. See.
92'702 . Del Obispo, Sp. 75,
Dana Pt. 988-585CI
•tl..ECTRIC cart, good con·
dltion $300. TALLANT, 1940-
B Pomona, C.M.
, 15' wood boat hull comp. Motorcycl• 9300
with trailer " e1au.1n1 --~----
-,nateriall $100. 920 Arbor, TRIUMPH 1968 -l\Unt Cone!.
' C.M. 250cc, 3,500 miles. 5465.
1961 Oiris Craft mi'. All Call -~7811
':'. Glaaa. Twin 1.a& HP ena's. 1969 YAMAHA 125
.. l'ly Bridp. Head A: Gallty. Street Bike. Like
"· '$8SOO. Call M&-ml New. $425. 84fr2674
Sales, Service, Parts
Immediate Delivery
All l\-fodels
J~rtupn t i
J\111 01 (,,
3.100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B.
&G-M«i 54()..1764
Authorized l\-1G Dealer
'67 ALFA
4 Door Sedan, dlr, lmmacu·
late. Will take older car in
trade, HRZ868LB. call Ken
494-9773 or ti4S-0)34,
Sales, Servic..?, Paris
Immediate Delivery,
All "'"""' J1rtuport
.illl1PL11'( 5
3100 W. c.out Hwy. N.B.
SC.94mi M0..1764
Authorited MG Dealer
'55 AfG ROADSTER, TF 1500
Comp. rcbll eng, rear end,
new brake,, clulch, etc. Lo
mil. cau days 547·3&1W: pm
& wkends 642--5239 ask for
Mr. J. Jo~s.
'&I h1G Sedan 1100 Gd. cond.
Was asking $800. take $700
or best oUcr. 642-i.186 Pvt
'61 VW. Radio, new tires, ij;;d Cars 9900 nice. $595.
., -494-4925 <I BUICK '6.1 VW BUS
* Gi~S * * '64 SKYLARK, 2 Dr, =.,--c.-===""=I Hdtp, good tires. 54,000 19 6 4 V 0 L K S \V AG EN miles, fr.D, Call 963-8331
Squareback, x~nt cond . ·~9 Buick Invicta. White. 4
$1000. Call 962-2596 dr. Power brakes & 1teer-
'S6 VW -Good Cond. $325 or inj'. $ISO.~
best offer. C&ll 642-SS.i7 or FOR Sale '69 BWck Skylark 548-054 ' ·=-=-,,==,...,,=-=~/ CHEAP. air-cond, vinyl top.
'66 vw. Must sell. Top oond.1 _ea=ll~61:;:5-3058~===== RfH. Sunroof. $1050/best 1;;
offer. 673-3074, 67'".>-'l71i6
...alOl '8!i CAD Sedan De Ville, a/c,
'69 VW bus, low mlleare. b.lk vinyl top, tilt steering
coooa. mats, R/H. Xlnt whl, vacuum door lock, elec
cond. $2700 llrm. 830-1749 w\ndows, 8 way sea I, -----VOLVO
142. 144. 145 • IM
Ar..t/Fl'tl radio, xlnt concl.
$2395. 213: 865-2752
Loaded. Sttreo, leather,
30,000 ml. $3690 Finn. Days
837·2970. Eves. 494-4390
THE LOWE!rr PRICES CHEVRO' LET YOUR BEST DEALS * '65 P.IGB * .>\RE STII.1. AT -48'~u~· ~~iUon. DEAN LEWIS e.i,~lr~4'::·v!~~:t~ G"'IVE=~N~,-.--~u~ru.,,·led"'""'"'""=-.,-· I 1966 Ha.~r. c.ri.t. 616-!303 RtbWlt 283 enctne, new ttres. J=========''=========J new trans .. power steertna.
9600 lmporttd Autos 9600 power brakes. auto trana,
llUI lllAQI II.VD., HUNT. llAClt .........................
111\I, ilw!fl "Ml D• ""f·
'Ml. '-'111 el f'Kffk C.lt H'Wt· Ml 191d! lllHI,
Murt aee to JJ)preclate:, Rea-
90Mbly priced at Sfi>.
CaU HJ-7187
'65 Nova SS. bkt eeats, auto
b'llbl, p/s, r/h, economy S,
new tires, ~nt tune-up
xlnt cond. tly ownet $9115.
137-5312 dayo; 673·45&8
"""· 'Ill CHEVY Van, paneled,
tape deCk, btd " carpeted.
Clean looklna ,. ntM!rc-
Call " 49M85.1.
1962 CkEVY Jmpala, 2 dr.
Xlnt cond. $450. * &t&-2231 *
'62 OlE.VY Impal11. , 4-dr
ledan. $1.P'.l CD.ah Erw nda
Work. 673-2f05
JIM lnlMMm
I s4395 :
'67 C:ONTINlllTAL s3395 4 or. Sid. a.ullflll Huron ltll1t me1tmc ,
llnllh wltll mal~hfl!ll ttel!ltr lnlt11or.
llla(k ltflNV roof, fU!fy l\l!rl,W'jl tQUlppW Ind
llctory 1lr cOndl!Jor'llnf, M ·,.M rtdlO, J!trlO
1•"9 dta. OM-ctr, ... 111111111,.
mtlrlhllned. TIHO:IO. '
eonwrtlltlt "911tllul oc .. n T11~IM
flnl1h will\ mtldll"' l!lltrlor 1rlll '!Jfllll9
1011. ~IY llll!V•Y tc1ulflP'd, flllt
llf)Wtr, AM•,.M rMllO, !fCIOf'Y tlr, Ill ~ tie. 4 l'ltW llrll. UOAIM. •
Gold l'ft1Jj' 1".ttlllc flllltfl Wiit! lj«k 1 '67. PONT. •TO 2•DI. tt.T: s2295 ·
Mlitf •"' ,.,., ~ ..... , ............. .
JiOWW' tlttflllf, IKIWy tlr, ftMlllNI • .-i11on. TJtJ JO> , •
''7 MUSTAN• 2 DR. it.T. l 51795 lrlllill '9C"'4 1rhft tlllltll Wflt/<ldl _.tt . ...... .,. VI .,...,.,, -"'• ,..., lllr .. ,_,_ 11ro,. pwr. 11r11 ... ..,.., rr-. •k. ~
TWY flt
UlllLI etm•lllJ•L • UK.II'.• llllllf •llllll
1 Mil• Sotlth of the
S.11 Dleto Fl'Hway
> '
. ---------·· -.-----------------------------------------------•
· DAILY t0:10
' SVNDA'Y 1~7
Holds 15 lb. Bird
1 Add ·to:~ur· collection-or buy_ several for Christ· ma~· gifting, Compare elsewhere at 77C. ~ 1.67
I Sturd; Porcelain-include .. bullt·ln gravy well, tall lid,
convenient lifting handles.
~ ~----'""""""'""m?Z"'"""'""""' ..... -" .. ~----------.i
JR. BOYS "' . , .. " .. -
1~% cotton. Sizes
~~:t:~~ 4-6-8.
• •
·~ . •· c:" ... ~ -'.,"I.. !ti'--t
Ol~~· Jr~,·~~
Gillon Size ·
Limit· 2· per
El :8' ·gc ¢
. "
' .
' . . '
: • !
. ~ .
6.8.8 ' -~-=~-i:!""""'~¢"'""'"1 I SUBM·ARINE · SAN,DWICHES
• . MotorizeCl.,.,batWy operated. 6 trucks in one! Buy
, early and save!
2 for s5
li0%·polyester, 50% rayon. Lightweight warmth
for-l!ie cold nights ahead.
GO-GO ·'
A $5.00 ,value: Vinyl
boots -iii white or ·i
beige. Warm, comfort·
able and popular with
all! ' ..
ask about Kmart
200 count facial tisSues .in assorted colors. Stock
up at this low· low pric;e. '
R~: 9·2¢.' 1.~7
• Assorted colors In iturdy plutic with removable
tray & fold-aw1y..b1ndle. Similar lo illustration. . .
3 kinds of meat, cheese. lettuce, tomato, onion
& pepper-all on a large "submarine" size
16x25xl-10x20x1-20x25xl. 3
Save on h~ting bills-Change ·
filters often! for
-Shoulder Bag • In Assorted Colors
Black Pa~nl
Your , &&~ Choice
lllllllW .. lllllHi-ttlllt
"' ' . 3i88~
HAii SPRAY . , -
13 .oz. size. " "'qUI ~~t· ' .· • ·.1-9· ."
Regular end
h1rd ~~Id.
Llmll S Jltf c"""'*'
-200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA
It l, I