HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-28 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 • en ~ • " I J • •· ~1ver ,s .. .......... ' ' . • • ·8-t~ • • • • • • • • • " . ' • • • • ' MO~A'.'C·AF.rERNOON, DECEMBER"2f, ]970 NOL a, NO,,,lllr l ACTIONS. •~PA•ll , . ' • • • • • •• '• .. 3 · I{id~ttP Slaying Canada Nabs • Ill -· ··Me ndel ·-Riv e,-rs Dies · in Alah.ama BIRllllllGBAM, Ala. (UPI) -Rep. L. Mendel Riven, the colorful a n d conlrnftfllal chairman of the Hausa Armed Services C.Ommtttee, died today 17 days , alter be bod under.... open bea,.rt lm1WJf-Re\waSl5.- The '!hllHllted Sooth C a•r o 11 n a Democrat died at the Universny of Alabam'a MedicaI'Center, where a leaky mltral valve in his heart was replaced with one made Of plMti< Dec. 11. Doctor> aaid he would bave become an invalid bad be nol undergone· the surgery. Tbe holpllal in a one-se·ntence statement slid, "Congressman Mendel Rivets died at l :iO a.m.. (CST), Monday, Dec. 28, of continuing heart fallurt." Doctors had said Sunday he was making "slow progress." He had sliffered heart ttoppages Dec. 20 Qnd Sunday. His ailment apparently stemmed from a bout with.\ rheumatic fever du,rlng b i I cbildhOO!I. Riven as the1 hawkish chairman of the powerful congressional committee was a hero to servicemen everywhere and a recurring thorn in the fiesb of their ~vUlan boues. He toot the ll!l'Viceman's aide ln most Pentqon battle and igravated presidents and d e f e n 1 e 111!1CJ'ttaries alike with his lnai5t.ence that ~ had a .constituUonal right to mike major decislOOA aUeCting the lllilltary. With bil death, the cbalrmansblp of the commit~ under tradltlonal seniority C.ut, \feat•er Warmer dayt and cooler nights are tbe we1thtr trend 'tbts' week, with Tuelday's daYUme temps lncbln& IOP to 61 along the Orange Cou( I' INSIDE TODAY Tht DAILY PILOT today giv" awar the first of-90 pair1 of ·tickets to the 6th Annual Sport.a, Vacation and Recreational Vehi· cle Show to be Mld Jan. Z through 10 at Anaheim C_oiwen· tion Center. Chtck claul.f"d ads to 1ee if 11ou'r1 4 ~nMr. • -' -..... __ .. Or-c.tf1 II lri.19 """" ..: '""'~ *"41 -" T"""""" ... , -.. -. .....,..,, Ml'#t U·)' ·-. --.. ·ral<s, pated ttmporarily to Rep. Pbillp J . Phil& (D-Mass_), But because Pbllbln was defeated for reelection in November, the permanent chairman will be 11ep_ F. Edward Hebert (f>.LL), who will tab· Iha job In January. The committee'• pro-military - will not l>e affeclecttd by Iha sblll Hebort, It, a fotimer New Orleana ......paperman, came to eon,,.... with IUnri In !Mt. R!Vers ~ad ·held tho chmlrmlmlblp since 1965. Riven wa christened Lucius Mendel on Sept. 21, 1906, at Gumvllle, S.C., near Hell Hole Swamp. And with a name like that be probably w,. fattd to spelM( half his life fighting, which he did_ He started pietty close to the J>ottom of the heap, but with hard work and not little help from the congressional seniority aystem, climbed pretty close to lhe top. Along t1le way he wu praised by Presidents and privates, decorated by just about every military and patriotic group in the country, assailed by Pravda and most reeenUy promoted to six-star general by a bunch of Gl's for whom he helped arrange bargain fl ights home on Cristmas leave from Vietnam. He also was denounced by ·crlUar as a (Stt RIVERS, Page I) , . Huntington Man Becomes · Torch, Dies on Beach A 25-year-old Huntington Beach man ~ himaelf to death over the weekend by dousing ·his body with gasoline and ignitinc jt with a match. William J"03epb McCabe, a resident of 407 B CIWomia St:, wu pronowced dea4 at Oi-•nc• <Jounty Medical Center at 12:45 arn..SUndly, oearty two boun after. he bad set ~ ablue. J . Physicians ' at the hospital aald he suffered aecond and thlrd degree bUrns over 99 percent of his body but waa still alive>whcn admitted: • , • McCabe, HWttingtoa lleld1 Police officers aald, lpllac! ..-if In the patio of Jack'• ..,,._urut, an oceanfront cafe about 9 p.m. Sotunlay. ·Michael Stuart, an 1ttendant 1t a . oervb otallon ~It the -an~ uld McClbe lild purchued -wwlh ol 1uo1mo..m1nuteo before IM death. , McCabe reportedJy carried 4way the flammable liquid In 1 small container ' afttr telling the atttndant that be needed It to otart a fire on the beach • "He bad a far away look in bb: eYea" Stuart told .offlcen' inv..ilp~ tii. case. { -. ·. . " ,_ . , ., . -· DAtLT·PILOT"""' ...... ,........ ··•1 1 ..... Arrests End , ' ' ' . . \) 1J \ IJ ', I , .\, ~~~ii~·-;c . . ... " '1-}.r~ I • • I I o. ' ' • lf ' In Nation ' . ' . MONTREAL (UPI) . .;:. Tbl'ee prllne ouspects in .. tbe tldnap slaying of Qoebec Labor MUUter Plerie LaPorte . m arf.etted todaf eridtnl tbe most 1Dtemive , manhunt in Candian' history. Qutbec pall«, spi>tting a li&bl In a ouppc>aedly empty f~ moved 'In tarly t!)d'ay and arrested' Pal and' Jacques Rose and Francis Simard. Provincial JUltlce · · Minilter Jerome Choquette said he ,now espactA.t a "return to the normal course· of justice." ~any civil rl&hll ha•e .been ~ since the kidnap emergebcy, tbe JWorst cr~is<ln modem C8nffi.in lllsto,Y, bqan in October. , .. -Police llld the ~ were twn Into custody in a raid on 'a farmhouse at St. Luc, about :ll miles llOOth of l\i.ontreal. : 'Jbe ~ taid I WU' the • second lioce Christin.as' Day when the house" wU 'inspected but •J>POaricl t!mp_ty. · HOLIDAY HAPPENING FOLKS P.REPARE TO BOARD BUS l'OR 'TRIP OUT OF CANYON l · · By Oawn'• E•rl~ Light, Yloltoro to Laguna Chrlalmjlo Fntl .. I Took Flight ·• ' Police "'raided the house' once-JMta when Uiey saw a·llght in an' upper fkior window." They quickly uncovered. a l'peeially constructe(I hideaway udder the basement floor and arrested the , three ljjlpects. CitY,, Of fici.a~ Lose 'Chfisfj6_as To 'Happening' • 111 keep Wnktn1 about that atory of 'The Gr!Dch Who Stole Chriltmaa,' " llld Laguna Beach CHy Clerk Dornlhy MIJl!tH u lhe reinnM!! to her pool at Iha "happenlnc" lnformatkm center ate a.m. today, alter another few boun ol 1leep. For Mn. Musfelt and many others on ~ the city ·staff, j t had indeed been a Christmas to remember-· not happily. ea SUnday. afternoon. two day• after QUistmas Day; a weary' pollce matron wondered. 1Gee1 I wonder. if I'm ever aotng to ;et to wrap my~Chrlstmu gifta." U Mayor Richard Goldberg bU anything to aay about tf/"there won"t be another Chrillmaa Uk• th~ one. ":rhll will 'not be the lint annual happeni111f In Lasuna Beach," he aald firmly Sunday niibl "It will be Iha lasl" Though generally pr o c I a I m e d t•beauUful" by thousands of youthful paiUclpanta. the Chriltmu rock fesUval at S)'Clrnort Hilla wu more like a llill>lnWe for many. Apflrilad that aUendance might mount tnto thousands, poUc:e went onto 12-bour ahifil a -k before Cllriltmas and tried to urge the )'Ollthful organizers to plan for llUCh needs aa food, water and sanlt..ation. City olflclall, afraid the IM(#Oltlpta affair mllbt erupt on the Main ~ ...i _. !See LOST, P....,) . ' ' . " A news cont~rtoce waa expected to be held later today, probobly by Qutbec 20,,000 .youths : Depart · ~=-~±~n=i: · . ·, • . '. ' ' -· "·. 4 ;· · ::·~ ;., :-1 --.1 : ·.r.. .-o::: c. •1it»e ·.Laporte cue might have 'been La. · A-f 'F _,. • l' '"-liegon lNring tbJ wealu!od>-gUna.. ter.: estl'm · · :"~t~,:t~ ::"~ PoUce said 1be ttitee~ detained were noi By llARBXRA KREIBICB or .,.. 0.-11, ,111t •• .., . Peace returned to Laguna et.Ch today as. the wt of aome lll,000 YDW>I people • who atttnded the Chrlstmu rod< festival at Sycamore HI!~ tramped oot of !.aguna , Canyon, luqing bedroll• and blankets and app&renUy agreeing, generally, that the festival was 0 beauUful." ' ' Only.about 1,500 remained at ihe Lquna· · cariym • Ille at daWn today. 'lhq ..... been med to ltave by I a.in. A 1""arlJtc • belkopter from 1be Colla!_ Meaa Polkle Del>lrtmen~ repeated the requetl In tha .early momtnc boars and at 7:05 l'.m. an "unliwtubMlelnbly" order wu 1sl1led. ·The ,Oi-anp. County Sheriff'•' Department EacJe taclical squad wu on- band to' eblorce 1he order, but tlltre w.tt ' no confrtlDtatiOM. The r e m 'l n I n r celebranls moved out _quietly, some ' ·~<ting ·tow.rd tM San Diego Freeway, others walking doWn throuib Lqana to , Cou1 lllCbny. ' The -tl1ded four days ol -for lie Att Colony and a _, ·bl-of ,Laguni Canyon Road, wblch flnally 'wu opened to normal trafllc al I a.rn, today. · .. Attendance at the .,cornlnr tocetber," benlded fw 111C11lhl In tho '""""*'-pms, ,...lied and waned lhroq-tho weekend, peakinC io..-e1Umated 30,000 r • • ' prime -In'' the· but ybulhs on Friday· aftd Slturday' . .lid lpeclllallon eontinilid lhat at·= .... oi dimln1'blng durinfl the clllJl lllClita. , them might be called to ·testify at tho Inquest into Laporte'• death, due to 1 On Sunday, dtJ ' olflciall, · who had ' reopen next week. · · ·} maintained 'a ..._ pellcy ~I •cHeirlngs. -of Iha' Inquest Ivve been tl)e ~v01it. <!<l'ldod !Ill! j>Ull', wu ovJir, • poo\poned twice 'since mid-December, on sta•......,,,li, ,.., . u .... · luc • -ril the .......... "•I ,_.,_,,..,,......, -'"•t Go~;:1.ci.'.Cltt {,>I.:,~ 1.a.i:.......< . ~·-·~i. ,,..,..., '"'_,.,_......,' Roa' liiiwa Iha~ -,.;z::;'I .LJ. ' . n.:;:;;:: . J<Opardke pollce Inv"~' : ' ., . ,,.,,.,-..... •--., Laporte wai ~ Oct:. 10,fmn Ills .,,.._._.. cold. willlf>ir, lack ,ol,water llome ·tn ·suburbin·st.'Lanbert, Jtlltflva "1"1.-... '.flllljll:eG(name'bJijdl · cjays _alter· the tldnapln( ol Brltllh 14 .,....... · • • · , · : ~at, Ja""! Qou, The mayor '.aPCll98lzed.to lhe ~of , : The labor-minliteo waa found dead, hla ~ for the lnconvenltnce nauied by ......._ · roodblOcka, which Included birrlcadea on .,..., stuffed Into tho trunk .of a car Coast HighWo)" hr u boun on abal)dooed DeF· the St. H)>b<r\ Airport, " Chrlatmu Day ,. .... the couni of .,.... Oct.· 17, the ~Y. fo,Uo~ in~ol entering !\le clty·rud•UWrjali0¥i', • • ; ~ W~ ~ ~ct. The cinyon ""*' wa-dooid lo~'liut . ·All tWtoiioJ,riOCrl.ib°"a'n"11ad lioel" pedestrt_an traflic throughout the fesllval lllraqJe4 .'!Jth , Ille• chain of a "1lg!OWJ and ··Jilt 'Suno!af' -oner-•:e.v en , mtefal be wore lroundl>il neck. , ~ were •turned back.' s.... One piime • sbsl>ect in the ·Lapom pr9'ldld ;, by 1 -the • dfy p'r· o v l d e d ' kidnaping • .m1 murder, 8erDlrd Lortit,. tl'Mlpbrtltk>n :to1 OW eodl Of the Caayon : was arrested NOY. f lR 1 raid oo a QlMID for U-lllll on tlie road anll 1w a0 wt1o · Mary Road aportment. wlallid !Ii !Hie t!!e feotlYal. • T<!s(JfyJni befcn the lnqueot llllo In an offidalr. llatemeni; • MaJot Laporte'• death, Lorlle q u I c k I y G?ldberi said lhl't the Great tote tmpllcaUd, blnllelf, Iha -Jlrotben Propertle1, owner of the flO.acre and &imird In the kldnaplq, bit •Id Sycamore Hill! triangle had dedded tho that ,neither ha nor Paul -<OOld have lahd "-had -on Jone enoush. miirdered Laporte u Ibey both loll tho Or1anlzera of Iha ftstlval · earlier ' sUburban St. llUbert banp!Ow 'llllert Ill lllee FSl'IVAL, Pap .J> wu held•\i<ior to lhe 1lay1ng. , I I 1. · • ; ~~~~------:-. ---::-----00:---:---:------,-----=------ ' -I OAJLY Pll OT s Monday, DKtmbtf 28, 1970 •• ' -·End?' Counti.an Posts -.Sweep~Ur.kes Win LOS ANGELES (UPI) -am1.. ftreto follow wllh their final argument A Stanton resldent, J.C. Dillman, won Manson may have tholiltit +he had ,liatlng.the remainder o! th\s Wef'k. $120,000 ~1n lbe'trlsb Sweepstakes. immunity from murder chargta because With ·lhe four defendanb "':'.' Manaon Dallman, Wbo Jives at 7545 Katella he did not actually kill any of the Tate-SU.san Atkins, Patrlcia Krenwinkel an• Ave., aTong. with six other' AmerJcans LaBlanca yictims b11t he 'is equalJy_~ty LeaUe Van Hout.en -•c•in a~t frQ.rr · ' --· · ·held Ud<fti ·on-.P-War, •lmMr •I bee-use he led the Con.p1ra~.' , !Wotile the courtr""M, Buguo.i'·explained In IN -II)>·~ llWOH ''11i bilbw11 wu dolled wUll lmlpoack· FrltdtnllW, IO,A>I Slnte Barbaro. "MAn, today'• race lo Ireland. ~; " -· If .. ..., "" ,.., cu:r)'tD& teenaaen. ~~Who .noted that thing V(ould have gooe on through Ridden by John Uttley, tbe s:.4 favorite -charged-today. Jl.!tY that Manson could be found guilty a 'Why Did It Youths Claim H.ippie Festival Successful • 11 ii WUna'a Qu1.tmu comtna tepthlr 'to bow ,What tbNbnat WU llb ~the New Year'&. We just had a great time up ra~ to an easy vi~r.y in.~ two-mile Deputy District Attomer. Vincent . · j . ~~-•~WM•ll!-l..,,.llfll!l!.Jl~n1<114.11~"""'a~!!l!Ql!IJ!l!LdU""'~monilnl"'!<~.!J&.-'!'R~oJ<d~~~~~c~~~OG'!--l'bad~o~Ql)!'!<'.to~1~!v~e~1wr~lde,.__.lli~~~~~:~·,.,,,,-==::::;::-:--::::-;;:::--:::::.--;o=~~h1~1~~i~e~r~a~ce':::-:l~oo~•~~usM~~i1~.JiL2i2&~lLA•h~o~l--lBB1ugJglJliMosllJf1in'n~l&hedlled~b~l~•:IWl>ID&tku>.-illUiba-__;all!!!.cse~ven!'!!...m~ur~d~~~s~un~der~lli~e:_"~v ~ca~r~10~W~~-l-~- u · Jaw Olfloen cleatfKl the ftaUvaJ llte, to SOmt btken to bear their story. illS two ·companlona: on the road -i Roy . finis~ teeond, (ollowed tiy JDiahmuri. sll·l'nOOlh-old trial and def~ attorn~y• UabiUty rule, of crimiilal conspiracy." ---~ )U•th1 toJ ac!l!c O>aat . "If WU ,JlllLtltJ.u_UfJll...=._._wby did,. it J)av,id.son..J.7-,-QLSIO-P.tdro-and..Geor.ge. ., lfllbw•Y encl told lhllll to movt oa. bave to tnil!" ubd a coelllllli Gtorgo Kelsch , 20, of Seal Beach -U>ld bow it .• • ; la TV latervlew 2 American POW Pilots •'- Ask End to Vietnam War , NEW YORK CAP) -Two American pllota prisonen of war 1n North Vietnam aald 1n-a cWo"'1 Interview fllmed 1 thr1atmu Day that the war abould be ended .now. A U.S. Defense Department op>liesman called the televised lnf«V!ew proicram an uentmy propaganda film. ' '!be two prlsooen, bolh of whom ippeartd physically flt, also telked 1bout .their dally routifte and mail privileges In 'the interview conducted under the 'supervision of the North Vietnamest and Mesan Arrested Mter Leading , . ·Chase on Bike A Costa Mesan who allegedly refused to pay for pie and coffee, then raced -away on a red bicyC:le was arrested Saturday night. '.he law caught up with the man in a ft .-fledged red lights.and-siren police pursuit. Patrolman Ron Veach said he was cruising near Sully's Coffee Shop, 2273 'Harbor Blvd., about 6· p.m., when he heard a radio broadcast for a suspect who Oed the cafe wllhout paying his 50 cent tab/' One minute later, aceonting to Officer Veach's · report he spotted the swpect navigatin~ up West Wilson Street at l!'.Ounteln Way, apparently pedaling hbmeward. , The !U1JJOC1 -who allegedly apoke loud'1 lmd 1111klndly In a waitrus ood mnashed a coffee cup on the cafe Door - IJ>OUed Veach at the same.-t,lme. P1trolman Veach said the suapecl was so ilarmed 1le fell over with the bicycle, but "" up _., Ille penmlnt ood. ~Ill "'"",;::. ,,__, · the two wtMelec! • --.. Cll17111J -• . conveyance. · Switching on h!I rod l!Jhb and alren, the officer gave chase and managed to curb the fugitive. He said the suspect was terribly ancordlal to him In his remarks. The man was arrested and booked on auspicion of ·defrauding an innkeeper and being drunk in public. He was later releaaed on 1315 bail. Disney Award Deadline Nears Deadline for completing applications for ~ annual Disneyland Community Service Awards is midnight, Thursday. Dr. John L Davis, awards committee chairman, said more tba'h 300 Orange County organizations have fl1ed noUces of intent. "All must complete t be i r applications and place tbem in the ·mall by Thursday if they intend to participate," he said A total of 26 casb awards worth.S35,000 are available this year. Awards wiU be· made at a luncheon in February "for outstanding c o m m u n j t y service accompllsbments." DAILY PILOT .....,... .............. .... ........... .. ....... .., C..."-s.a...... OIWIGI COAIT PUILISHl8G CIJM,AHV leltert • WeH ---Je rley Viet ,.,. el IMllllll" I TI! ICllW~vil Tflernt A. Mu~hine MIMOl~ MllW tllcheN! P. Hel SOI.Ill! °"* (.ouftly "'*' -C.le "-8: UO Wnt .., ltrllt . NIWPO'f IMd'I: 2211 W•t .............. U.-a.di: 2?2 ,.,..., Avenvt Mllllt!""°" 8'1d'I! 1711S ltldl ..._,,. W Clttiwlll; 10S NIWlll El Cini .. lllM& t.IevllOd Sunday night. Five othet POWa were Mtn at clOH '""" in the !Um but only U.S. Navy pilotl Walter E. Wilber, 40, of Columbia er.roads, Pa., and Robert J • Schweitzer, 38, o( Lemoore, Calif., both· commanders, were allowed Jo answer preaubmitted questions. W J v ea of the two men confirmed .their identification but 'declined to clmment ·on the antiwar views they expressed . Schweitzer's father, Fred Schweitzer of Oreland, Pa., commented, "If I wen! over there I'd do anything to get out." The interviews were filmed by Michael MacLear, a newsman for Canadian Broadcasting Crop. -f o 11 ow i n g a conversation with North V I e t n a m 's Premier Pham Van Dong whom he quoted u saying, "I swear to you these men are Well treated." MacLear said that when he questioned the premier about U.S. suspicions that the North Vietnamese hold more than the 339 Americans . wflose names they released in Paris last week, Dong react.ed angrily. , -- "The Nixon people are scoundr~;. scoundrels to talk like this," he quoted Dong as saying. "It's they who have no humanitarian feelings by talking like this." Macl..ear said Dong told him the list, which also included 20 POW1 the North Vietnamese said had died and nine who were released, was "a full one and complete." _ The location of the camp was not disclosed but the ~ York Times reported a U.S. official in Washin1t.on 11ld it was the "Hanoi Hilton" - a . ahowplace camp where other journalists have been allowed controlled vliits. Jerry Frledhelm, a deputy usistant delenae aecrttery, said: "We would of o::>W'le have no comment on a cenaored edited enemy propaganda !ihlt allOwini onlt1 a bandlul ol knowo ptUi)nm. JI Ii one 11191< OJOl!lPle ol the ref\llal•of.North Vleblam In conduct itaeU aa a dvilized ilgnatcry of the Geneva .Convention. Were that co rt v e n ti on adhered to, there would be impartial inipecUon and contact direct with the POWs, rather ·than censored film!. In addition, we conUnue to be concerned for the prisoners and the missing, not just in North Vietnam, but also South Vietnam and Laos." · In addition to"Wllber and Schweitzer, the five POWi pictured at cl~ range were Jdentifled ast 1st Lt. Paul . Gordon Brown, Newton, Mass.; Maj. Roger D. Jngvalson, Sanford, Maine, and It. Col. Ediaon W. Miller, Santa Ana, Calif., all Marines; and Lt. M. L. Gartley, Dunedin, Fla., and U . William J. Mayhew, New Manchester, W. Va.,,both of the Navy, Newport Police Probe Three Big Holiday Thefts Newport Beach pollct today are investigating three holiday burglaries which netted thelves more than $14,500 in office equipment, antique furnishings and photo and stereo equipment, The largest haul of the three came from Pierre A. Poisson Design, 2853 East Coast Hig~way where two suspects took $6,400 worth of interior furnishings . The business offi ces of Frank H. Ayres and Son, 6000 West Coast Highway was , hit for $4.000 in typewriters and calculators and Robert B. Bell . 25. of 117~ E. Balboa Boulevard, reported the Joss <lf • $4,300 in . photo and stereo equipment. The Ayres burglary is the third time bilslhess machines have been stolen from the real est.ate offices durlng the year, poiiCe said. 1 PoiS&On, an Interior derorator. told police he went to hi• &tore Christmas night to do tome work and saw a man dressed in a trenQll coat leaving the shop. Police speculate the burglars broke Into the store by· breaking the window next to the door e11d reaching through the openliii In UJ>locl< the door. all came to an end this morning. "This police helicopter came over early this morning, screeching that weird siren, waiting us up" .Kelsch said. "Then they called over a loudspeaker that · it was some kind of unlawful assembly and we Nd · to move oul Anybody who didn't would be arrested for failure to disperse or someth4tg. "Then when we looked up we saw the hllltidet were ringed with cOps. I mean, they were standing there silhouetted with their shotguns out, pointed to the sky. Man, it was just like the settlers looking up at the Indians in the movies, you know? It WU just weird." After a while, the police moved down. 'They weren't rough-they dJdD't beat us or anytbing,'1 said Friedenthal. ~·sut Ibey kept calling us pies, sayinl tbere was trub all over the place. But they wouldn't let us clear it up. We had wort parties organized to remoye the rubbl.ah, tiut how did we know they're 1omg bust us out this morning? Another couple or guys had an American Flag, but the cops took it away from them." At blockades set up by the police, the long.haired youths were given cursory searChes. "All they did was tap our pockets," Davldso11; explained. "Asked us if we had any knives or anything. They weren't busting anybody :for drugs . We could have had a knapaa~ full of dope . "In fact. there were some guys sitting smoking the last of 'their grass ,1tI,Un 50 feet of lhe cops but they didn't do anythirig.' '. All the youths agreed that the festival was a success for them. "Really, t.11e police didn't hassle us or anything.," said Kelsch. "They let us do our thing during the festival. lt was a real moving experience.. for us all. like a coming together of the Jong -haired philosophy." "It was a community up there -a city of love, a city just living on love and peace." Frlendenthal explaihed." "Six babies were born. Every time one was born, it wa~ announced over the PA and we all sang." "We had plenty of food and water -we could have lasted for day1. There wei:e no sanitation facilities -the cops wouldn't let some chemical toilets through. But we were plannning to dig latrines, anyway." None of the hikers could understand why the police sealed off the canyon road. "Thousands more wanted to come but they wouldn't lei the cars In and tliili they wouldn't even let 'people Walk in," Kelsch said. "A lot of_ band.I catne down but tbe police wouldn't lei U.•ir lrucU by."' • 111ere's the next feaUval? "I don't know, Needles or somewhere in Arizona, I think,'' said Kelsch. "I'd hike anywhere to one of these. They're beautlful." From Pqe I LOST ••• all .over the downtown area, hopelessly clogging traffic, huddled with officials of Great Lakes Properties, owner of the Sycamore Hills site selected for the coming together and persuaded them to look the other way as the giant tre!pass began. All members of city departments were put on 2._hour standby, a police command post was set up at the high ·'school and an infonnaUon ceoter established in a conference•room at the Surf and Satid Towers to hatidle queries that began pouring in from across the country as word of the happening spread. AU requests for Information reaching the police department were cha~led. to the information center where writer Jtm Van Rensselaer headed a rotating staff of city employes. They ranged from calls from New York neYispapers to youngsters who wanted to know about the / mu.slc program and families planning Chrlstmas visits who wanted to know about road closures. {{ {{ f'ro11t P ... ., I FESTIVAL .. maintained lhey ha.d perrl\ission to use the land, but this was denied by lhe company. However, after consultation with city officials, who feared I.he festlVal might move into the downtown area, Great Lakes officials agreed not to seek an immediate eviction of the trespwers. There was fear that aome of the celebrants would refuse to leave the lite this morning and heavy contingent.a ot police with riot gear were on hand, but the remaining youths left peaceably. flAW..T ''LOT· "1111 "-"tell " _....., "" Frelll P•ae J Throu"""ut the festival, the Art Colony ....,..,,.... ~ ·"*"'"'*" 111•1tr ~ ._ -zr &""' r e<1 •• '" _,.,e,. a11no.. w .......,.. ._... • took on the air o 1n arm camp. :::;r..,. ~.~:-~..;... ":1:': RIVERS California Highway Patrol o ff i c e r • ,....,., ~ °'9111 c..1 ~"" . e • e manned the rpadblocks. Orange County mi:!"~.:r-..::_ !:..12l:. = MarWll and poUce rqtllntained a Mr '""' c-fll -.. drunk. a teCUTity risk, a patsy for the r command poat at A.agun~ Beac)l High tel•••-«7141 '4MJJ1 brass, a racillt, and an outstanding ~School to handle communlc.Uons. a--.. A4•1W., '414'71 eumple of why Congre11 oua:ht to find Laguna·a 4S..member police force had s-a.:1 ••e An O.,a1 , • some bull other Ulan aenlority for been on IZ..hour duty throughout th Tel.,.._ 4'2"'9. . .. _ uslanlna 14 po1Jtlon1 of power. preceding week. Over the wreltend they ~ tf1Q, or11111 . ~ As usual Jn auch caSf:11 the f1cta about ~·tre aupported by units from more than =7· ~~,.... "';' ,;::-"*'-.,$?, Mendel Rivers -as a youth delivering 11 dozen county commun!Ues, lncludi11g ::= ... •.,'=::' .;::.";" ,.,. t papers, mllkina )cows, 1Weafjng in the Anaheim, Fullerton, B~ea, Orange, ...,,. tit• """""'" .... ......, ..,. 1 asbestos mill-lend more or less support Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, YEAR END SOME ARE "ONE ONL y•i ' ·SO BE HERE EARLY FOR TREMENDOUS SAYINGS MON. THRU THURS. DEC. 28·31 . BIG SAVINGS NOW ON FRIGIDAIRE ' MATCHIN'G WASHER-DRYER 2 speed wesher, deep action egitetor, 2 jet-eway rintes. Metching electric dryer. 2 pair only, Hurry! 29995 THE PAIR ,. SUPER·SURGE WASHING ACTIONI Exceptional cleaning poWer for aanillzed tll>IN11e. Na hand rinsing required, Qu iet operation with 3 1ound·de1den\ng 111tur1L 14 t•ble 1e1ting eap1clly (NEMA) foc lamlly loMH. 11 P'RlGIDAIRE D-Alltlll SALE 4 'DAYS ONLY! '• SAVE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SIDE BY SIDE Frigicl1ire. side by 1ide fits where mo5t older refrigar•tors 90. Fully frost-proof I You'll never defrost 19einl New low priced I 41995 LIMITED QUANTITIES! FRIGIDAIRE FROS'l·P~OOF 2·DOOR REF1llGERATOR Big f•mily size -30" wide. Fro1f,proof. De1p door shtlf for c1d.on1, cans, bot· tl•s. Now et bi9 s1vln9s. 25888 AMl'IX MIC~O 24 lottery AC PorNllla c;ASSEm TAPI l'fayer /Recorder NOW ""9'S ONLY I I AMPBX I lnelud•1 remote control 111i•e, L+.....::· ::::::::::::::::;=::_· _ _J.e•rphon1, c.11e, tt1d C·60 ce1· 11tt1. !i)ISCONTINUED LINES! AMPEX 14 Battery AC Portable CAssmE TAPE Player /Recorder NOW $6395 ONLY ln•luclt1 r1mote control inlke, 11rphone, C-60 ,1n1tt1, c111.L_.:l:A=M==P=E=X=::'..' PRICES S'LASHED! <~~~~....;;.~~~~~~~-,--~~~--' AMPEX 90 AutoMtlc Sttrff . '. C:ASSITTI! T Al'I Player Deck NOW $103'5 ONLY PORTABLE STEREO-TV P....nte Sfh'nle 1tet•o,, dtt9Chdle ab •11•pemlo11 lft"kers. s 11 a• • W• S14t.tl NOW ........... : , , ••• , ••••.•... , , • MANT MORI STIREOS. TAILI Ton -COMPONINTS, TAH RICOlDllS, nc. AT TllMINDOUS SAYINCJS. aCA ,.,._bl• TY l /W. Ne• Grntfy reducM -ICSY• -$79.95 BIG FREEZER SAVINGS! FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER Big 15.2 cu. ft, siit. All th• •xtr• fretter space you w•nt. Juice ~c•n holder' on c!oor, 4 door shel•es keeps frozen foods •t your fingtrtip1. 28995 lntegrlt11 , and DepeitdaMHt11 slnee J 9.41 COSTA MESA 411 I. Snootelfttli St. IL TORO LAGUNA HILLS PLAZA • U7·111o-.leltf 11°6-M .... M. 10·f er.111 ce.11 M•-. te1!flrft ... •llMcflM• w ·I to both achools of thoo1ht. There have Cypress, Buena Park, Newp:irt Beach. :rii:Y ai.:,:z1 U'1. ~r:.ll'IWltllft'' been flw mort coatrovuslll tip.res ln Cotta Mesa and San Clemente, aloog with 1. , • '----------Cocarw· the Sherlll'1 depuUu ·------------.. ------------------lioli dally 9.9 Sit. 9-6 137·~'30 Hlly 10-6 . Moo. Fri. 10.t r • I • •• , 1 I I 1' I ' I • . . • 1'.Y. lt1±• Y.Ot:. 63, N(): 3 II , 3 SECTIONS, 50·1'/. ES ' . -- ·F"ilm Of POW s. Bla$t~d a$ 'E,nenly PrOp_agand~' NEW YORK (AP) -TWo American piloll p-ol war In Nor111 Vietnam said m a cemored interview filmed Cbrlltinal Day that tbe war should be ended·-· A U.S. Defenae ~t ,P.kesnw> ~ tbe IA!kvlled Interview program ID ••enemy propaa:anda fllm." '!'be two prilonen, botb of whom oppeored pbylically fit, also talked about their dally routlae and ·mail privile&es in tbe interview conducted under the IUP<'V~ ol tbe North Vietnam.,. and telev!Jed Sunday nlghl. Five other POW1 were seen at clo. • range In tbe f(lm but only U.S. Navy pilots Walla' E. Wilbe<, 40, ol Columbia ·Croaroldl, Pa., and 'Robert J • SchweU.zer, 38. Of Lemoore, Calli., 'both commanders, were allowed to ~ pmulxnltted qllestlons. w Iv es of tbe two men confirmed their iden'.Uficatfon but declined to cimment on the antiwar views they e-:r.pres1ed·. Scliwitzer"1 father, Fred ·Schweitzer of Oreland, fa., 'Happening' Ends Polic~ Order Hipp~ Out of Canyon.· By BARBARA ltREIBICB or 1111 o.ur ,...., ll•H Peace retum<d lo Laguna Beach today .. tbe lut <I IOIDe 20;000 young people who attended the C2ristmas rock' festival at Sycimcn Rills tramped out of Laguna Canyon, lugging bedrolls and blankets and appattnily agreeing, generally, that • the festivaJ wu "beauUful." • , Only about 1,500 remained at the Laguna Canyon 1lte at dawn today. They had been asked to leave by I a.m. A hovering belif9Pler from the Costa Mesa Police Deplrlmeot repea!A!d tbe request In the . . Mendel Rivers, ' -' . eatly·momtng"bours and at '1:05 a.m. ·an "unlawful assembly" order was lssued. :'lbe · Orange County S h er If f '1 Department Eagle tactical squad was on haDd to enforce the order, but ttiere were no confrontations. The re m a I n l n g celebrants moved out quieUy, some heading toward the San Diego Freeway, others walking down through Laguna to Coast HJgbWay. 1be eiodus ended four days of tension for the Art Colony and a three-day blockade of Laguna Canyon Roa4, which finally was opened to normal trafnc at 9 ' ' a.m.·today. --~ Attenaance at the. :'comi111 togetQer;'' heralded for moatbs In. tbe under.,..,Gnd press, awelled and waned throughout the weeend, peiktilg. lo ari'e.tlniated• 20,000 youths .... :F<Jday and ,Satw:day and dinitnlahlng during the.chill nJclits. On Swlday, ·city' offlclalt, who bad malnlalned a band&-off policy throog!iout the evelit, declded. the party w .. ·.-cmr: Slatemeill! frmi Major R I eh I r d Goldberg and CltJ lhnai , Li~ Roll llOled that -~ ........ (loo l!'l!llnV .U., l'ap1I ): ' auq~~~on. ~"I I, I 65, Suceumbs - ' .. -... ..-""'. ·Man. Se~· $eU On·-~·Di~ In AISltama · ..i BIRMJNGHAM, AIL (UPI) -Rep. L. Mendel ' Rivera, the cOlorful • n d controversial chairman of the HOUR Armed Services b;mmittee, died today 17 days alter he bad undergone opeD heart 1urglry. He Wa& 65. The white.haired South Caro 11 n I Democrat died at Jhe University ol Alabama Medical Center, where a leaky mitral valve in bis heart w11 ~laced Jfith one made of plastic Dec. 11. Doctors said he would have become an Invalid bad be not undergone-the surgery. The hospital in a o ne-sentence stalA!ment ,sakl, "~ M-1 . Riven died ·at' 1:40 a:m.. (CST), MoDday, Dec. 28, of continuing heart failure.'' Doctors bad said Sunday he was making "slow progress." He had suffered heart 1toppages ·Dec. 20 and Sunday. His aHmeJJt aPpare'nUy stemmed from a bout with rheumatic fever during b i 1 • childhood. • Rivers as the hawkish chairman of the powerful congreMional committee was a hero to servicemen everywhere and a Tecurring thorn in the flesh of their civilian bosaes. He took the aerviceman'a 1kie in · most Penta1on.i battle and aggravated presidenlll: and def e.n 1 e RCTetaries alike with bis insistence that Congress bad a constitutional right to make major deci!.ions affecting the military. With his death,"the chalrman.shlp Of the committee, un!ier traditional seniority (See RIVERS, Pap I) Services Slated For Mrs. Lake, ·Lengthy Resident Since 1910 Annie Lake bad kept a spark ol English tradition alive in Huntington , Beach with her afternoon tea. -She gathered friends around her not because abe was a public ltlder, but limply a 'charllable woman, says tht Rev: Thomu W. Overton. At 11 a.m., Tuesday, t1'e Finl Chrlsilae Cllurch putor will uy a few words to Annie'• frl(nds and prai1e her Ufe. Mrs. Lake died the da)r_ before Chrillnw: at tbe :age of 8&• · Mrs. Lake came lo Huntlqton Beich In 1110 Jl'ilh her late ~ Albert Lal<e, her brother Fred Lock, tbt late BUJ Gallienne, famous for his UOwmanmlp u m1n1gy o( the cammerot, and 14. otber frieri<IJ from ·Ibo &!llilll llland of Guernsey. The family she luves behind includes one daughier, five IORI, • grandchildren, 15 grea~grandchildren and lier brother Fred, still a local mident. ,I ServiceJ wlll be conducted at 11 a.m. in Smith'a Funeral Otapel. a7 Main St, with turial followinc Jn W•tmlnster Memarlal Park. Mra. Lake had lived at 1011 Eogland Ave, ' . ' ,., ~ ' A 15,yei<Old. Hmiip ~ - butmd-t.o·daalll ovv Iba_..... . . ' by -.. 1111 • bod1 ·wf!h. 1aaollnt iiDll llftltlne It .-. 'a.matdl. Wiiliam J~ Kccabe •• 1'11idoat;of 1111 B callloiYa Sl, wu · pr<nmiced dead al Or ............ Mlidlcal cm.r:at _,_, U:41~m. SlmdiJ,mti, two~ alt<r be bad.ae\ liinioeHiablUe. PhysldaDI al. Ibo l11oop1tal laid ha 1uflere•i' ..caid and, ~ d'l"et burn• over It \>enionl ol illl 11ixty but wu 'otJu alive 1!ben a~• ·, Mccibe, ~ Beach police olflceni. sa1.i, .l&D!~· blmoeu 1n ·Ill< J>&!lo of Jaek's Restauran~ an ocahlroot Cite LONG CAREER ENOS aJ;>out 9 p.m. Sa~y. __ cont __ ra_a_sm_•n_M_and_o_l_R_l_v_or_•_ • Michael Stuart, an attendant at a Prosecutor Says 'No Immunity' For Cult Lemkr . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Clurles Manson may have thought be had Immunity from murder charges becauae he cHd not actually kill any of the Tate. LaBJanca victim! but be Is equally guilty because he led the conspiracy, the 1tate charged loday. - llej>uty District . Attorney Vux:ent BugUosi finished his summation in the lil·mooth--Old trial and deferute attorneyl were to follow with their final argumentl .. lasting the remainder of this week. Wttb the four defendants -Ma?llOO., SUSan -Alkins, Patricia K.renwinkel and Leslie Van Houten -again absent from the courtroom, Bugliosl eiplalned to the jury lb.at Manson could-be found guilty"of all eeven murders under the "vicarloua liabWty rule, of criminal conspiracy." "t'hM~ ~amon may .J}ave ~ht that U he never kiUed anyone but seftt QUt others to do tbe killlnp •for him he bad some immunity from responsibility," B111llosl said. , "It's not quite that easy and I want you ladlu and ... -lo ..... bock wttb a mUlc\ ml teD blln lt'a DOI qWle tbat ea.y.·· ' ,'!'be ~ said tbat tbe Tate and LaBlanca ttDen bad scrawled aucb wen. u "pie,~' "hitter skelter," and .. ~ .. on the wtlla al both murder sites. "They nilgbt just u well have printed the name -Qw-1es Manson," Buglloai 11id. "What was the family in the last analysis?" Bugllosl asked. "It wu a vq:abond. band of robotl alavlthly obeying tl><lr leader, tbeir master, their god, Charlie '"MIIllOn." • aervice atalion opposite the J'tltaura.nt, said McCabe ·bad purcllued 2k<nl! worUt -of guoiine .mluutes "before his death.. I '; McCabe reportedly ·carried:otny the flammable liquid in a smd'"'-eontalner af!A!r telling tbe ati.ndanl, ll'a\ 'JO needed It lo start a fire on the boadi. · "He bad a fm' away loot In hiJ eyes,'' Stuart lold i>lfleen Jnv..tlgatlnc Ibo ..... wi-.. who·were .. ·lb. beach at the Ume, said McCabe ~ for lieip· tlltee -ati.r hll ~ iodY' fell 1o th. ·ground. They nulled .... to Ille -- and called on Stuart for help who tben quenched the names t-wtf.b a ore extinguisher, Officen1Aid. 1 Aft.r the 0.-wft out, McCabe, I.old the attendant, 1'I'm ~-I.cai't feel anything. I just hurt ~lnDde." • • When <foc!on' q~ him al'tbe boopltal about why be bad -lo immolate -;--RPl!<!il. •"It Jmt .....i uu llletblntl 1o do.'• • His brother John McCabe, c:ootlctiil·bj> police olflcera, :Aid 1111 'b<otber bad' a prevloui 'history of atleinpled au1cJ<1oo and "'I" ·trJed lo 11111 blmotlt by sluJ!fn& hilwrl!I! .. Civic f.entei; .. ' H· . .Slated ~ ·. ,_v.u.,:. i:llJ coaodlmrn· ~ beld ·an 1111anna1 _, ..-a1 r:• p.JI!., _, lo,"111aaa llJl&llll)oa ol!tba dric ClllW. 1&, • l1lt cfly lo cobtidertnr lncreulnl 1ht "" of hi polloo cJap,rlment, ctlY ball, and corporation Yon! ·u well ii liUlldln( amtber commllnllJ1c:ent<r. tlty Manapr Jamea Nftl uld the e11y bu cloae lo fl nilllloo avatlablt !Cir !ho cl vie center expansion.. • ....... ~ • No action will be t.tkm ·~. Councilman want lo jlilcm prlorljMi !or tbe expanalon, 1lle otucly oetlloo lo open to Ille public. prlaonm, It la D mare •• ., ... at.the refusal of North V1alwn lo--lloell u • ctvUlMd .....,.. of Illa -· Convenlkn. Were tts.l eon•en &l on -lo, tbere -be llllporllal lnspectJon and. -dlr9'l .... ... POW1, rather than ..-. -In ad!fltton. ... -lo liO--for tbe pri-& and Ibo mllll•, 11111.lo*'ln (loo riUIONEM. 1'111 ll ., , .. M ILY l'ILOf """ ~ ·~KMMlt'· ... ', :.R,OCK . F,ISTIVAL"FANS t EilVi! t •GUNA CANYON r,t "'OST CciNVEN iENT M!E.A!"S •. .• ~11,Affor .Thla ,P.l)o!O w .. T~k..,, ~lc,ara .Ex~al.,.. Vldjlea Of Wal~lng .to 'J11~ l!Hy 1R~r• '. . l -' ~ PiJ.lke Capiµ·r.e Thr~e , lJi,.Caniidii Murder Cme I ' ' • ~ l\{ONTRE,U. (\)Pl) -111teO . prime IUspecti ·1n tbe kl<lnq slaymg·ol'QUebec Labor M~!Or Pl~rre La~e 'were Jrftsted tcidBy em:ung tht most. intensive mal)lltmt in Can(lian hislor)'. Quebec polite, spotting a "ligbt in a aupPosedly empty farmhouie,, nloved in early today ana irrested Paul and Jacques Rose and Francis Simi.rd. Prov.incial Jmtice Minister 'Jerome Choquette said he now• espected a ''return .to the normal courae •of jUltlct." M1ny civil rights have• been suspended 1lnce the kidnap emergency, the worst crilil ln modem Canadian bi.story, began Jn October .. Police 1aid the SUtpeCts were taken Into ~-in a .._1d·on a-f~ at St.,Lqc, •!><NI 1!1·.mll<I' 19UU1.Qf1MQ11keal. .Tbe raid was the leCODd since Cllriotmu ' noy when 'tile lioUlitt ""' lnipecl.d bat appeared elll)lty: ~'·raided -the bcNM· once -more wbea1tbey ·.aw a Ught in1an upper floor' -· · They qulciily, , W1C9Vered a -lallY'CQOstruc!ed hideaway, nn4er tl)e ~-t fioqr and ahested lbe · thr~ llJ!P,Oc!I. . . . ~atlon thal Jmporl!nt witnesses In tbe: • i,.,octe '. ~ue nilgbt have been ll'l'dted'bepn during th l . we.iekend when ~police look · 12 persou Into ~·but -later relealed 111 ~t~thfee~ ~~_.llid1 the three,deta~ were not ·p~;~: ,Jn ·the we, but ~Uon continued that.at least one ot , tb<in ii.lilit ·be ,called· to tmlfy at Ille lriq-• ialo Lapot1e'a death, due lo ~:mi:t Week. I 1i1artJW1, ol ·!lie lnqum have been· pottponed,twJce aince mk1-December, on1 • tbe Jl'1lUllllf tbat, fJD1her testlm90)' mlght. Jappardile JIOl)Jle;lnv .. Uga\lons. • . · ,ta)IOde'-'.l:ldl•ped Q<t,, 10 'from hlsl hOmO In'-. SI. Lambert. just fin' dire • att.r ., • kldriapmg o1 · ..-. 'Dij>lclnat J-•Q>oll. . , ~ ll't.~ w~1f~ dead,:llll' body stuffed Into the trunk-of ..... car abandoned near the St. Hubert Airport, Oct1 ·17, the day following lnvo<atton of the War Meuures• Ac1. An autopsy report showed he .had been "strangled' with the Chain of -ttligious medal he wore around his lleCk. bne prime s~ in the Laporte lddnaplng and murder, Bernard Lortie, w,as arrested Nov. 8 tn a raid on a Queen Mary Road apartment. Testifying before the inquest into Laporte''s death, Lcirtii q ult t 1 y, implicat¢' hlmaelf, the Rose Brotlierl and Simard in the· kldnapln&, but Aid ihat" neither he nor Paul Rose could have' niurderid Laporn as they both 1e11 th• suburban St,Alubert buligalOW whttt be was held prf&r to the slaying. Valle y . w Stud y Desalimzatwn : " Plant Pr.oj'ect . . ' • Dliecton of tbe orange Cciunty wsi.r District areri't !BW"tl when , they mlcht •tart' pumping • diet ol. ialf free ocean wilte~ Into the ground •nder HUflllngton Beach•and Fount.tin Valley. • '!'be dlJtrlct bas been lnvffed to join w{tb the fideril loveiriment In bUlldlng a 112,fnlllto;,.wa!A!r ~lnhatlon· plant on either a JMcte el!O In l'tJantaln Valley or a 12-acni' ittO at tM ..-of tbe Sanla Ana J!iver /'! u~ Beocb. • · "We 'lai\>'!'1••~1 build a "9ajtlnt plan! Olll! .diy, but Our d!n.;tols 0baVtll'l 1lven the !mil okiy /or ll'1a )>lrlleutar project." Nefl Cllni!, ialNnt ~of Ibo district, explilned ~y: . . . . . A .final .deClslon will be rilalle bf the dlll!c!<Jn fu early Januaiy, Cline added .. ' U. t)\e )ocal dlx~ agrees !O ,the • ' • '· federal plant It WOUid chip In abQilt 12.1 3, XU.craft Do'ivned inlltton or' local luo\iey for ·n. F~er•I . fldlda would amount to abciut 19.s iiilllloo. Tpll:vo (UPI)· -Commuolst !Grctl In • 1lle plant would be capable qi jlu!"Jllni 1-abof down three II.$. aln:l'alt ~""'4 !hf,. inlDlon g~llOnl ol' de!alled earlier ,>h'l i monlll, acconlin• te, th~ waler lnlo the ~·dall1. Tbe;l>ainped ofllClal newa ag"1CY of the 'Pllbel, cao. • 1'•1« ,WJ>U!d , act ·u • 'l>arrler1 ,keepln~ ' Tbe "'"' agency, In a 'bn>adcut 1&lt)I ocean wat,er lroin 11\lxlnl wltb tbe 111011ltored 00., ldentlfle~ the alrcralt •• underl'OU1)d fresh waler supplies. · • ·• 117, and FIHa dn an Ft Tbey ware It WW!d bra pllot projlct for, ... rtet llbot Dec. IS, 17 and 21. deoallnlzaUon plaol!. · • . • ' I • { . ' ' • • Htlntingtpn ~ts · . . . Ftinds for Thtee ' . New City Schools Sta:ta• o/flc!als have reloued l:U million to build three schools in tile Huntington Beach City (ell?mentary) Sclioor 01str1c1.alic1ng lhl' hut ·~•rr. · School Superintendent S. /o. Molfe~ said the state l\.elp was · verbally f:9nJirmed before .Chris~as. tbougb official · written word has· not t>een received. ' n-, One or . the new &cboola ~ill · niplace Dwyer llitermedla!A! School. It was built In 1935 an<Ha 'the· oldest building Jn•fbe district.' The new junior rugh will be built Oil 10 •c:res off lndl89apolil Street to house 8'0 .student.,:. Two elementary schools, each . serving 82S·ltud"l\ll· ·~ :""I plann<d f • the south Himtington BNCb area. -. . "lt,~ea ·about· one · year to'~bu.UrLa adloo1" MOffett' ~ .. ined. 0 W;.U 1°t I • ,"'•tr • pa ~ out lo, bjd ". ';', ~ 'as we ban wntten approval. ,, · 1 , · All· three · schools could be ready· by .. September 11172, hO I.Iii; · · 0r .... • ' . DAILY ,ILOT Sll ff Pllett l~OUNA CHRISTMAS HAPPE!llNG CROWD SPREADS OUT OVER SYCAMORE FLATS • On Sunday, the Onlj Way fo Gal lo L11una Canyon Siio Was by P arachuta •Lost Christmas!' Officiah Tell of Y rile Nightmare From P .. e J FESTI VAL •. beca\!R of cota wea~. Jack of water and sanitation and failure of name bands to appear. "I bop think!,. about that story of ~ Grtncb Who.Stole Cbriltmu,' '' Ald Lquna -City Cl«k Dorothy Mudelt u lhe fttumed to her pool at the "hlpperllna" lnfonmitlon center at s a.m. •today, Iller a!M>lher i.w boun'of &le<p. For -· Mlllfell 1111! many others on ' the city Ital!, it had Indeed been a Cbrlltmu to romember -not happily. On Sunday afternoon, two days alter ~, Day, a weory police malloil .wondered. 'Gee;-I wonder if I'm evtt ...., to pt to wrap my Cbrlltmu llfu." . u Ma,.. lllclianl Goldber( haa ~ to aay lhout l~ theft -·~ be -Qlriltmu like this one. . "Thll wlll not be the um a1111uat .._la( Jn Lquna Beacb," he aald IJrmly Sunday nJcbt. '1t wlll be the lul." \: Thouch amerally proclaimed .._. by -of yau1hlul • ,, . Telephone Rafe InCre&se Okayed By State P UC A rall -ti f7.I mJlllon &11111111iy, about hall what the firm requeatecl, baa been &ranted to the Generll Telepbooe Company by the C~ornla Public UtilitJe1 COmmlssion. P'lnll cledsloo oo ao omall flU million graduated rate lncrtue la pendinf. The oompany serving a portion of the Orane• Cout bad Uked for fL!.5 million ia immediate lnterim relief. General Telephone Company w i 11 acquirt the added -au111 funds u a 1.91 percent addition to telephone bllllnp 1olely within Cllifomla boundaries. Tbe PUC rejected the' firm 's original . proposals to increase ·intrl!tate mesu11 tolls and unit& for buic exchange rate1, 1aylng they wanted to avt1id a rile in other California phone utilities and a subsequent great difference in rates ~pared to tbe Paci.tic Telephone Compaoy. Chairman J. P. Vublin Jr. noted in aMounclng ij)e PUC increase v:ote thtt General Telephone Company is rapldJy growtna: and plans to idcf more than aoe million in new installaUona this 7ear. Huntington Beach . .,._ and Lquna Beach teltpbone 15Ub&cribtn are ltrved by lbe utWty company. DAILY PILOT 011..AHQa COMT•f'UIL.llftlllKt COMl'AMY "'"" H, w .... -.. -J••lt ll. Curl.,. Vitt ,ml&IW !WI o..9' Mwfll' ,....,,.,,JC.ml ..... T~n A. M...,til'• M-stinl h!IW Ale11 Did.i" W.t or.,.. Olurlf't etnw Al~•rt W. l•tn _ ..... "---, 17175 ... di ...... " "''"'"' "'''•Ht P.O .... no, tJ ... I °'"'-L"""" '-di: 121,.,... .. ._..... CNM M ... : n1"""""' a.y 1'"9f ,...,.,, •Hell> "11 W ........ ........... &lft OtnwlMI: al ...,_ IJ CM11111t ... , partlclpanll, the Christmas rock fe1tival at Sycamore Hills "u more like a lllibtmare for maoy. Apprised that alt<ndance might mount into lhousanda, poike went ooto 12-bow' lhlfll a week befOft Cbr-.. and tried to ur1e the youthful or&anlurs to plan for aucb needa al food, water and aanlta Uoo. City officllll; afrlld the Impromptu affllr mllht erupt oo the Main Baich and 111. over, tltJ: downtown area, hopelessly clolllllll tralfic, buddied with offici.alJ ol Great Lakea Propertlel, owner of the S:jPlllOl't Hilll alte ae1ected for the comln( toeether 1111! perauaded them to look the other way as the glint trespua ....... All memberl of city departmenll wera put, . on . ~ 1tpdby, , a pallce command ,pool wu ,. up, at the high acbool and an information center eltlbliahed in a conference room at tht SUrf and Sand Tow\on to blJIC!e querl,. !ll&t beeao pourll!J in f~ aCJQlll the blimtrj • Wli'd ol lhe bapp!nlnj'aPrffd. All requetta for informaUoi> mcblng the poike &!PFJment ..... clwmeied to the information cent• where writer Jlm Van Rensselaer balded a rotating staff of city empJoyes. .___, 'J'hey·r~ged from calls from New York newspapers to youna:sters who wanted to know about the music program and families planninr Chrl.stmu visits who wanted to mow about road clesu.. ~ • • Dorothy Musrelt attached herself to a special phone in the Information center Thursday morning. She was still there at 2 a.m. Chrutmas morning. After a quick trip home to open gifts with her daughter and get a change of ctothJng, she was back at 10 a.m. And so it went until this morning when the .. crisis" officially ended. Secretaries from the city manag'er's office and the public works department spelled her for a few hours sleep at intervals. Other1 city officials worked similar schedules. For City Manager Lawrence Rose it was a painful introduction to a brand new job. Public Works Director Joseph Sweany was constanUy on band. City councilmen met hurriedly at frequent intervals. Surf and Sand owner Merrill Johnson, Jlbo provided the temporary headquarters said, "They did a n abeolutely fantastic job. I've never seen .. ything like it. I hope the town wW give them full credit'' From Pqe J RIVERS •.. The mayor apologized to the people of Laguna for the inconvenience caused by roadblocb, which included barricades 'on Cout lllgilway fer allc hours on Ouistmu Dey when the count of cars enterlni the city mcbed 500 an bow'. The Canyon rOad WU cklled to all but -pedestrian traffic throughout the fesUvat and late Sunday' afternoon e v e n pedestrians were turned blclr:. BU.!es provided by the city p r o v I d e d transportation to the ends of the Canyon for tho.se still on the road.and tor all who wlsheq to leave the feattval. ~ In an official statement, Mayor Goldberg alld that Ille Great Lake Properties, owner. of , the 450-acre Sycamon HllJs triangle bad decided the land trespua had gone on long enough. . Organlzen of the festival earlier maintained they hid permission to use the land, but this wu denied by the oompany. . Judge Indicts Seal Beach Man In Murder Try A Seal Beach real estate broker arrested last Nov. 30 after he allegedly ahot and wounded a Huntington Harbour a ccou ntant has been indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury on chargea of assault with intent to 0>mmit murder and assault with a deadly weapo_n. Joseph· Francis Bolduc, 50, of 241 Seal Beach Blvd., had been scheduled lo appear Jan. 20 in West ._Orange County ~u~lclpal court on iden4CaJ .charges. The indictment moves p~cut1on action to Superior Court and it is expected that he will be arraigned later today . Bolduc Is accused of shooting certified public accountant Gerald D. Byrd, 34, during a bwiness discussion held at the home of Mrs. Eleaoor Sarnoff, 16028 Mariner Drive, Huntington Harbour. Officers said Bolduc ended a n argument between the two men by going into Mrs. Sarnoff's bedroom a n d returning with a revolver. One or the two shots allegedly fired by the angry rtaltor struck Byrd in the chest. Byrd was treated for his wounds at a nearby hospital. Officials stated today he Js recovering satisfactorily. F rona Pqe J PRI SONERS . •• North Vietnam, bat· a1ao South Vltlnam and Laos." · In addition to Wilber and Schweitzer, the fivf! POWa pictured at cloae range rules, passed tempoiarily to Rep. Philip were identlfied ast 1st Lt. Paul Gordon J. Phildin (0.Masa.). But because Philbin Brown, Newton, Mass.: Maj. Roger 0 . was defeated for reelection in November, Ingvalson, Sanford, Maine, and It. Col . the permanent chairman will be Rep. F. Edison W. Miller. Santa Ana. C&llf., all Edward Hebert (0.LI.), wbo will take Marines;' and Lt. M. L. Gartley, Dunedin, the job in January. Fla., and Lt. William J.• Mayhew, New The committee'• pro-military stance Manchester. W. Va., both;of the Navy: will not be affectected by the shift. In t~·interview, Wllbtr and Schweitzer Hebert, 69, a former New Orleans said they had read a number of books bf newspaperman, cl.me to Congress with Americans about the war, had visited Rivers ia 19'1. Rivera bad beld tbe various museums In Hanoi and had chairmanship since 19&5. dlscwsed the war with other prisoners. Rivers wu christened Lucius Mendel "I know I've had the deepest on Sept. za, 1905, at Gumville, S.C., near discussions I've ever had ln my life with Htll Hole Swamp. And 'frith a name like my fellow prisoflers here," said Wilber, that be probably wu fated to spend ~f "and we've had to really fO to the very bis life fi&hUnr. which ht did. He started core of our feelings on a number of things pretty close to the bottom of the btap, · -loyalty. wbat is U? Where does It lie? but wltb bard work and not little btlp ·And morality. legality, a number or from the congnuional aen!Orlty system, lhlnp that In oor allluen~ ru•hed life, I cl1mbed pretty clou. to the top. suppose', in our country we don't Along the way he wu pr ailed by normally give too deep~a thought about." Presidents and prlvaltl, decorated by "I think the answer of course Is lhe just abouL every military and patriotic war must be ended, and It mustf be eroup in tbe country, usalltd by Pravda stopped now. We've just got to 11top\:thls and most rectnUy promottd to alx-slar thing. We've got to admit the fa ct.s as general by a bunch ot Gl'a for whom he they lie, and sUlp the war, and of course helped arran&e bar&aln fll&bll home on we mwt withdraw our troops to stop· the Qistmas leave from Vietnam. ' war. That's the position we have to face. He also was denounced by ctitics as a Once we do that, the Vietnamese can dnJnk, a security risk/ a pal.Sy for the sclve their own . problems. I'm confident brass, a racist. and an outatanding of that. If we'll stop the war and get our e1ample of w~y Congress ought to find troops out. That's what we have to do, aome bails other than Hnlorlty for and that's what the bl& job ls," 18.id uJi&niDI Ill po1IU°"' of power. , Schwtit;er. ~ . • ' POW Intervi~ew 'Staged~ . 117 no -Sled Pren 'tni.rvlewed'by a Omadlan ~ ~ar. statemibll ))y wo American Corp. correspondent on-ctu18tmu1>tr .. ~ 1 • my Jmp'rtsskm of h1s life . : • I'm ceitah It was siaged,'.-Gwen Sc.hweltur Aid o her husband after the talecut. p~ in a tUvlled, intenl .. · from Tbe film, which showed fi .. oU'1 U.S. North Vlolnam ""'11 lla .. beeA .stapd, priaooara who ...... ao1-~ wu _.,. to lhilr -. 1n111e ualted-bnliilcul liililay 11lifii" ,cm"Nlli::'fV liill --• -CBS-.l'Y.. • • 11a9J Cmdr. Ro1mi J. SchweiluJ, ,!I, --e Schwellzer1 al)d Wilber criUd><d the ~ Lemoore, ealif.,~Md a f~w :Navy w~r and called klr an Arqerican troop Of ·~ ----•a''INllll, hiL wife Jeanne alld: "I don't koow hil trw feelings" oa that .subject. At Jeast r kno"' he's fine. 1 couldn't have received a nlctl · girt." Sunday was the eouple'a 18th wedding anniveraary. pilot, g~ot,. emctr. Walter E-. Wilber, 40, . withdrawal as the flnt step to ena It. of C1J hia er. floadl1 • Pa., were "He looks great on film, but that-. not . I , SOME ARE "ONE ONL y•• SQ BE HERE . EARLY FOR TREMENDOUS SAVINGS MON. THRU THURS. DEC. 28·31 ' BIG SAVINGS NOW ON FRIGIDAIRE MATCHING WASHER-DRYER 2 speed washer, deep action 19it1tor, 2 j1t-1w1y rinses, Matching 1l1ctric drytr. 2 pair only, Hurryl 29995 THE PAIR SUPER-SURGE WASHING ACTION! Ex09ptional c-*'o ~ ror ..n111zed WJ-.... Na hand rinsing 1aq•lr•d. Quiet op«doe wttlt a aQUlllklMdelq .......... 1' Wbl111W.O Ollflull;f ~-....., ..... ll~!3IDAIRE: --• SALE 4 DAYS ONLY! SAVE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SIDE BY SIDE LIMITED QUANTITIES! FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR 8i9 fam ily 1it• :--30" widt. Fro1t-proof. 258'' Dttp cloor 1h•lf for c•rton1, c•n1, bot• tlt1. Now at bi9 ltYingi. AMl'IX MIC RO 24 lattlf'f AC P ...... le CASSITTI TAPI • Ploryot /locordot NOW •79ts ONLY I AMPE X j lndud11 r1fllol1 c:onlrol ml~• L_...::=;:==:;:: _ _J 11rphon1, c111, ind ' C-60 c11: •• tt •• DISCONTINUED LINES! AMPEX 14 lattlf'f AC PortGbl1 CASSmt TAPE Piayot /Rtconlot NOW '63'5 ONLY lndud11 r1rnot1 control mikt, PRICES SLASHED! AMPEX 90 Automatic Stereo C.USmt TAPI rloryot Dade NOW $103'5 ONLY PORT ABLE STEREO-TV P.rt.,_ s,t..i• ,,.,.., '""11.W• .. , , .. ,.,, ... .-.rs. 1118" -W• S14t.tl NOW ••••••••••••••• ,,, ........... . MANT MO•l STlllOS. TAIL( TOtt -COMPONINTS, TAPI llCOlDflS, n c. AT T•fMlNDOUS SAYINGS. lCA ,.rtetll• TY l /W. H .. 6...ty rff11eM -S••• -$79.95 B!G FREEZER SAVINGS! . FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER Big 15.2 cu. ft •. sii•. All the •ll:ft• fr••t•r •p•c• you w•nt. Juice c•n holdir on 2899,5 door, 4 door 1h•IY•1 keeps froi•n foods •t your fin9ertip1. I ntegrity a nd DeJ1f!t1tlaMllt1 since 1947 411 I . Sn ... -St. doily 9,9 Sat. 9-4 117-JUO EL TORO LAGUNA HILLS P1.W aaJ.JIJo.--Hlly IW-MM., Frt.l\.t fflly 10-6 Moo. M. 10-9 • • L \ \ I ' I I I .. • ._, -28, 1970 H DAILY r!UT 3 It's All Over • ID Laguna; Leave l • JUST BEFORE DAWN, TACTICAL POLICE GATHER AT LAGUNA HIGH'S GUYER FIELD Gridiron Becomes Command Post for Authorities Witching Over Canyon Rock F11tlv1I Near Tragedy Of Apollo 13 Top U.S. Story .NEW YORK (AP) -The abortive flight of Apollo 13 has been chosen as the top news story of 1970 by editors of Associated' Press member newspapers and radio and TV stations. The editors' choices for the other nine top slories of the year, in order of nev.·s impact, were : 2. Shooting at Kent State and Jackson State universities. 3. Vietnam war spreads to Cambodia. 4. Terrorism spreads across: the United States. 5. Arab guerrillas hijack four. jetliners and hold hostages. 6. November U.S. elections. 7. Recession and inflation in the U.S. economy. 8. Senate rejects Supreme Court appointment o! G. Harrold Cat:swell. 9. Growing concern over pollution. Teenagers Hit H_ighways At Close of 'Happening' By ALAN DiltKIN Of 1111 DllllY 1'1191 l!ioff Laguna's Christmas coming together was turned into a road show th is morning as law officers cleared the festival site, bused the youths to Pacific Coast Highway and told them to move on. ,. The highway y,•as dotted with knapsack· carrying teenagers. Anybody who wanted to know what Christmas was like in the sealed-off canyon had only to give a ride to some hikers to hear their sto ry. "It y:as just beautiful -why did it have to end?" asked a confused George Friedenthal, 20, of Santa Barbara. ''Man, that thing _v•ould have gone on through New Year's. We just had a great time up there." His two companions on the road -Roy Davidson . 17, or San Pedro and George Kelsch, 20, of Seal Beach -told how it all came to an end th is mor~ng. Holiday Weekend "This police helicopter came over early this morning, screeching that. weird siren, waking us up" KelSfh said, ''Then they called over a loudSpeaker that it was some kind of unlawful assembly and we had to move out. Anybody who didn't would be arrested for failure to disi:terse or something. , "Then when we looked up we saw the hillsides were ringed with cops. T mean, they were standing there silhouetted with their shotguns out, pointed to the sky. Man. it was just like the settlers looking up at the Indians in the movies, you know? It was just weird." After a while. the police moved down. 'The y weren't rough -they didn't beat us or anyth ing,'' said Friedenthal. "But they kept calling us pigs, saying Uiere was trash all over the place. Bu~ they y,•ou ldn't let us clear it up. We had wor-k parties organized to remove the rubbish, but how did we know they're going bust us out this morning? Another couple · o( guys had an American Flag, but 'the cops took it away from them." 10. Terrorjsts kidnap and kill in Ca eda. . Accidents Kill Two in County The alarm from space ca me aL 1q;• p.m. EST April 13 when an explosion all • but crippled the moon-bound space vehicle with astronauts James A. Lovell Jr .• Fred W. liaise Jr. and J ohn L- Swigert Jr. aboard. Al blockades~ set up by the police, the long-haired youths were given cursory searches. "All they did was tap tur pockets," Davidson e1pl1iDed. ''Asked ·w: if we had any knives or anythlng, They weren't busting 'anybody for drugs. We could have had a knapsack full of dope. As oxygen supplies ran low, the three men took up stations in the moon Iandnng vehicle. The flight was two days from the moon. The astronauts nursed their crippled spacecraft around the moon, headed back to earth and four days later splashed down safely in the Pacific. Campus shootings : At Kent State University In Ohio on May 4, following sever! days of demonstrations and the burning of the ROTC building by students protesting the Cambidian incursion. the Ohio National Guard was ordered in by Gov. James A. Rhodes. Jn a tense confrontation t h e guardsmen, fired 61 shots. Four student.s y,•ere killed and nin e wounded . J , . . c • ~ • • i , -·r I i • • 1 • Two persons lost their li ves in Christmas weekend traffic in Orange County. Rex Ardron, 17, of l\1ontebello, was killed Sunday night in Stanlon when his car collided wi th anolhe r, went off the road .and smaShed into a tree at Beach Boulevard and Orange Avenue. Ea rly Saturday morning, f..1arine lst Lt. George W. Serviss, 24, Tacoma , \Vash., died instantly when h is southbowid car went oul of control on the· Santa Ana Freeway near Eucli d Street in Anaheim and crashed into a concrete reta'ining wall. · Lt. Serviss, who had recently returned from South Vietnam was stationed at Cam p Pendleton. "In fact. there were some guys sitting smoking the: last of their grass within 50 feet of the cops but they didn't do anything." All the youths agreed that the festival was a success for l,hern. "Really, the police didn't hassle us or anything," said Kelsch. "They let us do our thing during the festival . lt was a real moving experien~ for us all, like a coming together or the long • haired philosophy." "It 'was a community up there -a city of love. a city just living on love and peace." Friendenthal explained." "Six babi es y,•ere born. Every time one wls born. it was announced over the PA and · \Ve all sang." DAILY l'ILOT PMl't .-r , ........ ~I HOLIDAY HAPPENING FOLKS PREPARE TO BO~D BUS FOR TRIP OUT OF CANYON By D•wn'• E•rly Light, Vlsltort to L•gun11 Chrlstm•• Festiv•I Took Flioht Pilot Introduces Streamlined Ads For Classified Streamlined classification breakdowns and a new, visual style of headings will be introduced in the Classified ' Advertisin g Section of the DAILY PILOT for 1971. ln fact, the DAILY PILOT's classiOed 'ads get to start the new year early because they actually will be "dressed" in the new look starting Wednesday. An easy·lo-rtad index !~ting the neW ca~egories and using the new visual headings will be published from time to time in the Classified Advertising Section. ' Watch for It, use it and clip It out for future referen~ until you get acquainted with the new quick-and-easy fonnat. The visual aid type headings being introduced in the section use an art style wbieh is approaching acceptance as a kind of international "sign language." The artwork is similar to that now being used on highway signs and on signs appearing in public buildings, such as airport te rminals . One thing won't change, however. You can stlll reach the "new" Classlfie& Advertising Department V·ia its old direct-line telephone number, 642-5678. 1,300 Soldiers Leave Vietnam SAIGON !UPIJ -U.S. milifMy strength in Vietnam fell another 1,300 men as of Christmas Eve, American spokesmen repOrted today, but it was the smallest weekly drop in more than three months. The U.S. command said there were 337,900 American Soldiers. sailors and ai rmen stationed on South Vietnamese S!)iJ as of Dec. 24, lowest number since Oct. 22, 1966. The number was down from 339,200 men es of Dec. 17. MeJrWry of 'Happening' W'ill Live On in Laguna By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of tlle Dlllf ,1 .. 1 Iliff To the thousands who attended the Christmas weekend "happening" in Lllguna Beach, which ended peacefully early today lhe memory lives on. For three days, the crowd camped on the Sycamore Hills portion of Laguna canyon, and . despite shortages of food, water, . medical aid, blankets, and sanitation facilities, they all seemed happy they came. Many spoke of the "brotherhood", the ••spiritualism," and the "beauty" of the "coming together," which attracted long- haired youths from all over the United States. · Some came to the Festival after hearing that big name rock groups would perform. But all the music waa provided by local bands. Jt came u no surprise, at one point Saturday night, when the stage announ~r appealed for anyone with musical instruments to come to the stage and play. One fesU val organiU:r, looking over tht scene, commented: 0 It's really beautiful. We've got our own city out here." They did. Seven babies were delivered during the festival, a small security force was set up to monitor the crowd, large bill! were provided to handle the trash, and food lines made sure that no one went hungry. "The food l! delicious," conimented David Gardner, 23, of Santa Ana. "The rice is good, so are the cooked vegetables, and the bread and honey." Cardner's only complaint was "It sure was cold last night." Temperatures dipped to the high 30's during the night hours. Many persons built fires at the camps, tending them throughout the night to keep warm . At night at the site, the smell of smoke was heavy In the air. Nol all the smoke was from the many fires. Hundreds of persons freely passed marijuana. Others consumed gallons of wine. Some used I.SD and otber psychedelic drugs. Some of the drugs, however, turned out to contain poisons such as strychnine, and were taken wikn9wingly by several persons. Eight cases of ·violent reactions to the powerful drug were reported at the medical tent. Others went into coma:·like states from a drug known as PCP, a bone tranquilizer. Others found the marijuaha: extract, THC, to contain harmful ingredients. Stage announcers warned people of the bad drugs. Medical personnel helped treat the "bad trips" and worked to get those wh> "overdosed" to local hospitals. They also treated fractured bones, cuts, stomach upsets and a rattlesnake bite working with limited supplies that were able to move in throqgh the police roadblocks. Yet, with its problems, the festival bad some interesUng moments. * * * Laguna H oMing Leftover lt,ems From Happening Tents, trailers, vehicles and other; salvageable materials left · at t b ~ Sycamore Hills site of the Christmas rock festival will be stockpiled in a nearbf enclosure on Laguna Canyon Road where . owners may claim them, Public Works Director Joseph Sweany said today. Items not claimed within 72 hours wlll be disposed of, he added. The clean-up got Under way tht1 morning, soon after the last of the festival participants had hiked off down the road. The Big M is big enough to protect your interest w,ith the nation's highest rate on insured savings -you can choose from 4 insured guaranteed-to-grow savings plans. o But equally important-cares enough to give you very personal service. o Why not open an account today ... and meet the people who care ~ MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Corona dol M11 onJ<o: 2H7 E11J Coltt Hlghw11/11wo10 Other omces In Cov ina, West ArcadlL Puadena and Gltndall ' .. •' I I ---------- • ' ' f 0-, Y PllOT .. I -Lebanoa· Raided Israel ·Returning To Peace Talks .. . . I lty Uil.l ted Pm1 IDtllrnatlcuf -Sa<tat""-Uid-alter--:lsrael surrenders _The t11raell cabtn_et voted today t~-1•every inch" of captured territory Eaypt J' return to the Middle Eut peace tilb. 1 will reCognlze Israel'• ri5hll as an lUlblY pl1ctd nfflrlil aource uld In indtpendtnt 1ta,te; he said the UARb _____ • .._/ Jerusalem. The decillon wu taken in the prepare<! ~irJtlltrtmer-tr-a· --ia·ce~or warnings the· talks would be Jong frequently lilted several areas if says It and dlificult with no usurancts they will will never give ~p including Arab aucceed. Jerusale.m and parta of the Gclan Hel&hta l'he official source aid much of the from which Syrian gunner• often lhelled 'He'• baay. writing hia memoinl' five-hour cabinet aeuton was taken up Israeli setUementa in the valleys below. with questiorui of procedure In the lllD to be held under auspkel of United Nations mediator Guhnar v. JarrinJ:. Last,, But '" Not Least · While the cabinet met, military spoteswn disclosed a bellcopler-borne Iaruli tuk force flew 11% miles into Lebanon ond destroyed lour boulel the Israelis a.Jd !'ere headquarters for guerrilla raidt tnto Israel.. There were casualties on both sides in the villa1e of Vat.er and Israel said it had captured quantities of bazooka!, machine guns and automatic rifles. By DICK WEST WAS Kl NG T 0 N -Plckinl !he 10 blll:ll:est news stories of 1970 ii fairly easy. Picking the IO smallest 11torles Is another matter.twas only able to pick nine: 1. Clods. N.H. -As Mrs. Noods was feeding her chickens today one of the roo&lers Oew the coop and ran acrou road. ' At that vtrt moment, Uble Fetch. 10. came down the road on his bicycle and, as usual, wasn'l looking where he wu going. Ubie hlt the rooeter broadside and then ran into the ditch. Neither was hurt. 2. BuUermilk Fall!, Wis. -The annual Buttermilk Falls Clabber Festival was canceled todaf owing to the fact that the milk failed to curdle in Ume. Mrs. Fermus Whacker, the. program chairman, said there muat have been 10mething about tht weather that CIU!ed the mUk to stay fresh longer than usual . 3. Harmony Pond, Md. -Grtlchen Gittle, 1-year.()]d daughter ol Mr. an d Mn. Ancel Gittle, went to Spreadville Tuesday night to participate in her Aunt '.Ramona's piano recital al the Spreadvillt Community Auditorium. Gretchen, who ii taking rii1no lessons herself, turned the pages of the mualc. Her mnlher said ahe did re.al 1ood. •· Hooriee, Tex. -Deck Rankle took 1 time off from his job et the gravel pit Friday afternoon to enter the goat ropinJ contest at the Posthole County Fair. He wou]d have had a good ahot at third place U his rope hadn't came unraveled. However, Deck said he bad a good time anyway. 5, Hearthstring, S.C. -S a m Latch picked nearly lfi pounds of collard greens out of his garden south of the to11.n last Saturday afternoon. He gave most of them awa y. e1p\alning that collards d1dn't seem lo agree with him any more. 6. Frozen Neck, N.Y. -Sarah Windsocket celebrated her ri7th birthday today by going for a ride with her nephew, Neander Hatchley, on a railroad handcar. Sbe 11ald It wa11 BOmething ahe had always wanted ta do. 7. Gnarled Tree, N.M. -Abbis O'Mallett, a local well d1gger, broke a ~procket on his drilling rig today and had to go all the way to Sandburr City to get It fixed. 8. Upshot Sound, Ore. -Fletcher McNever caught a five-pound grumper today the first time he baited hls hoot. 9. Washington -Congress met this year. -UPI Mendel Rivers Dead Rep. Mendel Rivers, 65 died today, 17 days after undergoing open heart surgery. He is ii;hown in 1967 wilh Gen. Bradley (Cl and Adm. Radford . Rivers was known as a friend to servicemen took their side in most Pentagon batUes. and Crew Rescued From Tanker In Atlantic NEW YORK {UPI) -All 31 crewmen of a Finnish tanker wbo spent the night on the stem part after the vessel split in hall were rescued today in the stcrmy Atlantic 600 miles east or Cape May, N.J. Slz othu1 were unaccounted for bul believed to be in the bow section. A crewman from an American freighter who capsized in a lifeboat also was missing. The ·31 men taken from the stern were aboard the Coast Guard cutter Escanaba. Both sections of the tanker Ragny were afloat, but the Coast Guard search and rescue center here was UMble to say how long they might remain afloat. The bow bad overturned. '!be tanker, the ~root.Ra111y. spilt In two Sundy in heavy seas. The frelgbter, the 807-foot Platte, arrived on the 1eene after nightfall about slz and one-half houn. afttr the Ragny issued ill first distress call. One' crewman of the Platte disappeared alter a small boat was put into the water in a rescue attempt and overturned ln the ~ heavy seas. Two other crewmen, their conditions unknown, were recovered. Aircraft from the Naval Air Sl.3tion at Elizabeth City. N.C., took off to join the" search at dawn. Two other ships were standing by near the Ragny. The miMing Ragny crewmen included the master, chief mate and chief engineer. Panama Freighter Reported Sin king ELIZABETH CITY , N.C. (APl - A Panamanian freighter was reported sinking today 270 miles southwesl of Bermuda. The Coast Guard at Elizabeth City said a plane was diverted from another rescue mission -for 31 crewmen on the stricke~sh vessel Ragny -to fly over the site where the freighter Chryssie was reporteO in troub];. Soviets Saye Sexy: Sirens For 'Under Cover' Action WASHJNGTON (AP )-A former Soviet secret police agent ha11 told the Senate of a Russian Mata Harl-type scheme designed to compromise f o r e l g n diplomata by aupplying them and their wives with a stream ot attractive bed partners. Jn testimony released Sunday, Yuri Krotkov, wbo appeared under the name of George Karlin, said "there is a col06sal Institute cf co-opted Soviet Reds lnfilterate Cambodia Lines, Using Password ROKAKONG, Cambodia (AP) -Fout hundred Communist·led troops fought hand to hand for seven hours with Cambodian forces after Nor t h Vietnamese infiltrators penetrated government lines by using the official password. The fighting began Sunday night at this Mekong River village on Phnom Penh's outer defense perimeter 22 miles frm the capital and ended today when enemy forces v.·ithdrew. Cambodian field reports said four Cambodian troops were killed and 2 wounded. Enemy casualties were put at 10 killed and 2S wounded. Officers said an advance ;iarty of 15 North Vietnamese used the official government password. which is changed daily. to enter three Cambodian positions in !he center or the village. They-were not recog nized as enemy troops, the officers said until some Cambodian soldiers heard t h e m whispering in Vietnamese. Shol.s were then exchanged and the Communist command sent in reinforcements that engaged Cambodian troops in close combat until dawn. Cambodian officials said they could not call in air strikes without a I s o endangering govttnment troops. girls'' kept for diplomats, as well as handsome Russian men used to form romantic liaisons with women attached to embassies In Moscow, including the wives or ambassadors. He named some highly p I a c e d diplomats and their wi ves as he told of love affairs, seductions and attempted seductions. Karlin said he kne.J of some incidents first hand, but other 1 hearsay. All the same, he told the Senate investigators, such operations often failed - in establishing blackmail opportunities becuase the diplomata knew what to expect. He said a typical KGB-Soviet Secret police -joke was a remark attributed to an American d1plomat in Moscow that "I.he KGB supplies us each week with another blonde girl, like they change the sheets in the hotel each week." The use or winsome women for espionage and blackmail is nothing new in affairs of state, with famous incidents popping up all through history. Perhaps the most notorious Involved Mata Harl, a Dutch-born dancer used by the Germans In World War I to pry secrets from Allied agents. She was caught and executed by the French in 1917. Karlin said in his testimony he was a Soviet playwright. screen writer and radio correspondent until he defected ta London in 1963. He ii;aid he was 'co- opted," or recruited, by the KGB in 1946 while a correspondent for Moscow Radio. He testified a former F r e n c h ambaMador tO Russia. Maurice Dejean, had sexual relations wilh several Russ ian women he had provided. He said he had no official knowledge of the result. but added one of his superiors said, "Our operation with the French ambassador was one of the greatest in the history of KGB 's inside operations." Karlin testified behind closed doors nine days before the Senate internal security subcommittee. Some of the information contained in the three volumes of testimony pfeviously has been published in a magazine article. U.S. Cold, and Mostly Dry The former Russian agent .!aid the KGB is neither brilliant nor idiotic. but it ls powerful. And he said that, "when you are coming tq_the U.S.S.R .. you must control eich of your moves, each of your action!.'' Pacific Northwest Memiures Onl y Rainfall Southern Europe Shivering U11der Storm's Ass ault Callfartd• S T UNITIO l'ltl lS INTllJll4TIOHAL ,.,,.,.. w1' ''"'' 1,,·tt.t 1ullurllil lodtY llul by "'ld"'ll'"I"' !llt t:lllll I nd low " ,. :::~.1"1::v1!:'1''::uvc1~="~1 1:1:! wltl! 1 JU11111v "'''""' 1f!lrt-tlltn illftd1v. ~ Tll9 ,...,.,...11ur•1 '* 1 ftw ,...,_ tMtlMI I" Let ,....,,," 1\M Wllll lllr alt191 lt(_-1,,. tt'oe WI'"'' ... ,..,..., ,.... •rl!ll<twd lllell '°"IY WI\ '1 w1"' I I\ e~HCll!I -rnltlll low .,_ .. 11 tl'll chtk otnter. OVllYlfll ""'-~ "'!"""""' ._ltuP'ft In "" _,. JOt 'fllltll -,,.., fotf!"" "" llW!'ll. ,... ~ """" """" """' .. ,_. but tllofh "" uetl•1 .,... ,_t1lfl _.. 1 .... 1 r-1'111 -.... eftd ._ f.llluft -.Id! ~ " ,,,. -"-• 1'1'1111""""' Mlfot. -lli..I ,.,,,,. "" ~ hl<ll I,... .eufllwlr11 Wfll'I --.tur. 1111r 60. Tiit lllt'll 1t ttw ,.._, i.-.1 -• -••llv In ...... ni.,,.,.hwt '"' 111-1 ... 11..,, , ... -•tlll"I' •I~ '""' .,.,. !11'1 ~ tM 4i0'1 '" fM .........,. lft'YllleN INI W.llY IVM" NIM, "'"'"""-· ~1rttt cllun tldrt .. LltM """I~ ..,,,. llltl'll 11'11111 _.,i,.. '*'" bf(- '"• -'"'"' ... 1J kllO~ 111 lfllrllOeM fOlllY 11"11 Tlltd1Y. Mltll IOdlY J,I. (<Miiii '-•1!\lt'ft 'I"" ...... 41 •o Jf. 11111t1t .__lllJl'ft '"'" ,......, •S te U. Wt'" lfl'!'INfl tll•t J1. Su", "'oo", Tides lri!ONOAY 11.S. Su111mar11 Cold but ...,.,1111' 111• -""' $Mtia!I ICf'flt\ mflll ef .... PllllOll •und•v 1nd •••Iv t!ld•v. Mll"'I ._led •-•1•u••1 lti Ille ilOI lftll fnONll"t ...., ""'"'"' ~ ........ 1etMCI rtl4llM1 I~ 11'!1 lOs tor t t~ CO<!Mtullvt fl..,. Temperature• Tfl'!'IWl lur" "Id .,.llC!.it.ttlllll for 1'111 J~r wJM n 1,,. 11 4 1 ..... ,llfloVo1>1r11v• Al1tft!I 81k1r11!1!d A<1m1rdl Aol~e &o!lo" Brow"'"ll!t (~lclto (l"Cllltllll o.n~1r .. ..,.._ Detroit .... w .... ·~~ ""-lndltntHllt ~·•(llY LIIV-• .., L.,. Aft .. 19' , Mllml M-b H .. C)f{MN _ .... Nerttl "l•ltfl Ollo:llnd • Ol!lt"Oml (Ill> ...... l'1lm S1rlftt1 1111e lll'>ll1•t l'"'°""IJ Pllt1bur11' POff11NI ll~ld Cl!V "" •11111 Hl9'1 Ltw l'nc.. .. " ., n ,. " " .. . " .. ~ ~ .. 21 11 SI 11 . " " " .. " .. " .... " .. ll 11 " " " n .. " .... u "l! .... .. " .... ... . " " .. .. .. " •• " " " •• " .. " » " ., ... LONOON (AP) -Scluthern Europe .02 slipped and shivered today through wintry storms thal sank a Greek freighter in Naples and s l randed .l!t hundreds of motorists in France and Spain. The 1torm1 headed north toward m Britain, where Christma! w e e k e n d weather had eovtred more than 150,000 mlla of rDldll with ice and'snow. Temperatures hovered near freezing over T aouthem Ena:land and more anow wu predicted . Hundreds · of thousands of British ·'° workers, frnm Welsh aial miners to Landon stockbrokers, stayed home and eased the load on commuter services 1UU .1e struggling back to norm11l. The .&J absenteeism, some with employerg' .u permission and some without , wa1 .eJ expected since lhe natlonsl Boxing D•Y The way for Israel's return to the peace talks was cleared Sunday when the small but influential Religious party voted its · approval. The party is a member of Premie~ Golda Meir's coalition cabinet and was the last holdout. The Religious party acted after she had reassured cabinet members Israel had received necessary assurances from the Unlted .States as to the balance of power in the Middle East. These assurances were not spelled out but Israel walked out of the talks. after one day last Sept. 6 because or a buildup of Russian-made missiles in Egypt. Mrs. Meir, in a speech during the weekend, cautioned that the peace talks would be long and difficult. Her vie_wpoint was stre111tbened by a statement by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat that Egypt will recognize Israel's rights as an independent nation only if the Jewish state surrenl:lers all territory It captured in the sir day war o1 196'1. Sadat's remarks came in an interview \Vith James Reston. New York Times vice president and columnlst, and the 'Times Cairo correspondent Raymond H. Anderson. Elephant Ride 'Perfect Gift' BlRMlNGHAM, Mich. (AP) - ''My husband asked me wtJat l wanted for Christmas and I told him I wanted a ride on an elephant,'' recalled f\.1rs. Carl Pfiffer. "I told him be didn't have to buy me a whole ele)lhant, just a ride 011 one. I never thought he'd do It." But the day after Christmas, a big truck from King Animal Land pulled up to th~ Pfeiffer house and out came Queenie, a 20-year-old female pachyderm. "My wife loves anlmal11 ,'' explained Pfeiffer, an executive vice presid$1t of an auto supply firm. "She has been bugging me for a long time about a ride on 11n elephant. .. It was supposed to come Friday.afternoon so she aiuld ride it on Christmas, but the truck broke down." The weather was cold and ii;nowy, and Queenie could only stand the HJ-degree temperature for about 10 minutes at a time. So the elephant spent most of the afternoon in the Pfeiffer garage. Neighborhood children wat ched In amazement. Six_, Basques ' Face Spain Executions BURGOS, Spain (AP) -A military court today handed down death sentences for six persons in the Burgos trill of 18 Ba1que ertremists. The sentences will Francisco Franco to confirmed. now go to Gen. be commuted or Three or the &-ix were sentenced to death · by firing squad -twice. The unusual measure indicated the reaction of the court to the last day of trial when the 16 artlse in mass and tried to attack court-martial members. There was no immediate indication when Franco would act on the sentences. 'The three receiving two death 11entencu each were Francisco Javier Izco, 29: . Eduardo Uriate, 25, and J a o q u i n Gorostidi, 2fi_, v.·ho led the charge a1ainlt the court. The prosecutio11 had asked for siz death sentences and more than 700 years in prison for all 16. The sentenc~. if carried out, were expected to inflame leftist and student groups and labor groups across Spaln. The others sentenced to death were Mario Onaindia, 22, a ·m ec ha nl c; Francisco Javier Larena. 25, student, and Jose Maria Dorronsoro,'29, teacher. Five of the six testified they were f\.1arxist-Leninists. The sixth, Iico. wag silenci!d by the court before he could reply. * * * Further Russian Trials Expected MOSCOW (AP ) -The Sovi e t gove rnment is reported plannlni to try nine more J~ws in connection with the Leningrad hijacking case, but the worldwide outcry resulting from the first trial is not likely to make things any easire for any of the defendants. Realiable sources say the next trial wtll begin Jan. 6 in Leningrad , where a aiurt on Christmas Eve convicted nine Jews and two Gentiles of plotting to hijack an airplane to flee the Soviet Union. Two of the Jews were ~nlenced to death by firing squad, and thB other defendants 1ol labo r camp sentence1 ranging from 4 to 15 years. The informants said about a dGZen other Jews also face trials in Riga and the Moldavian town of Kishinev, but no dates have been set. The sources slid they did not know the charges against these defendants, but presumably they are accused of involvement in the same unsuccessful hijack attempt in June. ;~ "'J ltlt•l'fllt MltM lundlV l 'ld I I r t t: f I I "'l'lotf!W\1'1'11 IOlllJ' l!ll:lt!Hdi TVISOAY t 4)•m J7 '"'··"'· ·1 1 Tl'lt Olllt lfllw-ltll l'l<tH 1111 tt"ftll 111dlll!IN! lr>e:hf-1 Ill snow Sur>Cll W •1111 r11t1 111t1t1ttd 1~ '~• P1c•nc Ne"'"""" Elt«Wf\ttt. II ""'' tt~t•lllY (llflr le ~·•Hv (IO\.M!IY ,,,. lllndtV ll'ICI 11rlv fr1111v. Tl'ITIM•1tur1t •••I• i(M!I Y Tl,,..., ''°"' " btlow r.,e 11 ~1,,0. N o., 1e 1~ 11 ••&Wtit•\111. le• ·-SK•l"'fl'lle 5th Ll~t Cttv " •• " " ,, " ~ M " " » holid11y -Dec. 28 -fell on a Saturday :: lhl1 year. In the ltallan port nf Naples, the t.100- :: ton 'Greek freighter Tropeoftros sank .~ 11fter waves had battered it against a wbarr. Fcuiale Pipe Suiokcr ~ '"'" "">· 111111 M.oillU 9H(I, ~fllr Jt.tJ. Ml, WllMll -..i, l'1llftd1 .. »4J, ltl'fttlte. ·"'"'· l'llffl .,..'"91 •WI. lllr•'lftild #••, "" DI'" lt-40, knl1 •1rt>tr1 S1.J&. l rMI ""'"-'"' •1'1111 knt1 Ml '141. '''" 1111PI •·· I. 11 I "'· ~I ''"' tow ,,... ...... 11 Sl«llWI 1111~ .• lO·!l 1 m, 11 StcOl'f I""" S:CJ I""· ·1,4 .Sun a1,.. •·11 •·"'· S•I•' 511.m. ... • ... 1iJ1 •• 11'1. 140 J:1' ,Jl'I, Oftlv #It ,_,Ill( NDr!~wt•I 11111 -''-Of Nornitrft (111tor~l1 !'tllO•ttd l ft'I' rt lft. lomt •-llwn1~, ""!tlef lro"' ,,,. 0•11t Ltli:t1 t"I°" to "'' A~111c~11ftt, 11 .. whl rl 1-1 .. Wlrl ft lr, ''" 0 19" $1ft "'l l'Klteit SN ttt1 Sll(llr.1,.. Thlnl'lt l W1W1l~tltfl I " n .. " .. .. u Should a gentleman offer 11 lady a cla:ar'! tn Mal Loe . South Vietnam. a tobacco pouch might be more in order for this young lady who puffs on pipe in northern provinces. • I ~ • ' ' . I I· l I ' I I I I I I I I I • - .Fo1111iaiu ... -- .. -'<01:. ~3; NO. 31 !', 3 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES • • -Fil'm of ·POW s . NEW YORK (AP) -Two Amerlcln pilots prtsooers.o( war in NOrtb Vietnam ujd In a cemorecl Interview fiJmed Cb(i.stmas Day that ~pie wai: abould be ended now. A U.S. Defenae .Department spokesman called the televised interVtew program an "enemy propaganda film." The two prisoners, both of whom appeared physically fit, also talked about tbe.lr daily routine and matl·privileges in · the interview conducted under ' the aupervislon of the North Vietnam& and televised Sunday nigh~ Five other POW1 were· seen at close range In the film . but only U.S. Navy pilots. Waltu E. Wilber, 40, ~ Columbia Crossroads, Pa., and Robert J". -Schweitzer, 38, al Lemoore,i Calif., both commanders, were allowed to answer s;resubmitted qµesuons. W J v e 1 ol the two men confirmed their ldentiflcation· but declined to cimment on the antiwar views they e x pr e s s e d • Schweitzer'i father, Frtd Schweitzer of Oreland, Pa., 'Happening' -. En·ds Police Order Hippies Out of Canyon I I )' By BARBARA KREIBICR °' .. o.llY '"" llltf Peace returned to Laguna Beach today u the lut, of some 1.0,000 young people who attend~ the Christmas rock festival at Sycamore Hills tr.-ped out of Laguna Canyon, lugging bedrolls and blankets and apparently agreeing, generally, that the festival was "beautiful." Only about 1,500 remained at the Laguna Canyon site at dawn today. 1bey had ~n asked to leave by 6 a.m. A hovering helicopter from the Costa Mesa· Police Department repeated the request in the • l "Mendel Rivers, . 65, S:uccumhs • ' In Alabama I BIRMI?iGHAM, Ala. (UPI) -Rt,p. ti Mendel Rivers, the colorful a n d controversial chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, died today · 17 days after he had undergone open heart surgery. He wu '5. . . early morning hours and at 7 :~ a.m. an "unlawful assembly" order waa issued. 1be Orange ColDlty Sher 1ff 11 Department Eagle tacUcal squad was on hand to enforce the order, bot 'tbert were no confrontations. The rem a In Ing celebrants moved out quleUy, some heading toward the San Diego Free'faY1 others waUdng down through Lag~ to Coast Highway. nie exodus ended four days of tension for the Art Colony and a three-day blockade of Laguna Canyon Road, which finally was opened to normal traffic 1t I ' . The whi~ Sputb. Carolina . Democrat died at the University of • Alabama Medical Center, where a l~aky lnltral valve in his heart was replaced with one made of plutic Dec. 11. DoctOrs said he would have become an invalid had he not undergone tbe aurgery. 'nle hospital 1n a one-sentence statement said, "Qmcressman Mendel Rivers died at 1:40 a.m. (CST), Monday' Dee. 2'· of continuing heart failiri.' Doctors had said Sunday he was making "slow progress." He (baci 5uffered heart stoppages Dec. 20 and Sunday. His ailment appaitntly stemmed ftom a bout with fheumatic fever · during b i 1 childhood. Rivers as the hawkish chairman of the powerful congression1l committee was a hero to servicemen everywhere-and .a recurTlng thorn in the flesh of their civilian bosses. He took the servii=eman's aide in most Pentagon battle and aggravated presidents and d e f e n s e secretaries alike with his insistence that Congress bad a constitutional right to make major deciaions affecting the military. With his death, the chairmanabip of the committee, under tradi.Uonal seniority (Se< RIVERS, Pap %) • Services Slated For Mrs. Lake, Lengthy Resident Since 1910 Annie Lake had kept a spark of English tradition alive In ' Huntington Beach with her afternoon lea. She gathered fr~nds around her not because she was a public leader, but simply a charitable womin, says the Rev. Thomu 'f. Overton. At 11 a.m., Tuesday, the Flrst Ouistlan Church pastor will say a few word! to Annie's friends and praise her life. Mrs. Lake died the day before Christmas at Uie age of 88. Mrs. Lake came to Huntington Beach In 1910 with her lite husband, Albert Lake, her brother Fnd Lock, the late Bill GallleMe , .(amous for ·his showmanship U' manager of the. commerce, and 14 other friends from the Eqliab laland ol oµemsey. The family she leaves behind includes one daughter, five sons, 40 grandchildren, 1$ great-grandchildren and her brother Fred, sUU a local resident. Services will be conducted at 111.m. In Smith's Funeral Chapel, 627 Main St., wtq, burial following In Westminster Memorial Park. Mro. Lake had lived 1t 1011 England Ave . " . LONG CAREER ENDS ConF.fl•men Mendel Ri~!IW•1 Prosecutor Says 'No Imm unity' For,..Cult Leader LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Cb:irles Manson may have thought be bad immunity from murder charges because be did not actually kill any of the Tate. LaBianca victims but he Is equally guilty because he led the conspiracy, the atate charged today. Deputy D~trict Attorney Vincent Bugllosi finished his summation Jn the lix-month-old trial and defense attorneys were to follow 'A'ith their fi~l arguments lasUng the remainder of this'' week. With the four defendants -MaMOn, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten -again ablient from the .courtroom, Bugllosi explained to the jury that Man90n could be found gµllty Of all seven murders· under the "vicarious !!ability nile of ctlmlnal conspiracy." "Charles Manson iqay have thought that if he nevtr killed 8D,llD! but Mnt out others to do the ldlllnp for him he l!ad 10me immunity from reapon!ibWty," Bugllosl said. 1"It's not quite that easy and I want you ladles and gmtlemen to come b!ict wUh • verdict and toll him It'• no! qulte thiot easy." The -tor laid that lhe Tate and Lalliaoca ldllm had acnwled' lllCll words u "pie,'" 0 htlter aelter'!"' and "rite" on the walls ai both murder sites .. "They might just as well have printed the name -Charles MaDIOll," Buglk>sl said. "Whal was the family in the last analysis?'' Bugtioal a\ked. "It WU a vqaboncl band or robot.I slavilhly obeying their leader, their muter, their 1od1 OW-lie Manaon." •• 1.m. today. AUendance at the "comln& topther," heralded Ior ,,...1111 IU ~ undqround preu, ....nod and waned~ the weekend, peaking lo .n· Ut!n\ali!d'21,QOO youths ... Frlday -llM ·Satunlall: and dlmlnilhlng during t)!e cliID nights: On S1lnda city olliclali .. who bad y, I ' malntalnod a handH!f 1'1.l!"Y ~ the event, decided the pafty'~~· aver: Statements from Mayor ·.,Rf.ha r d Goldberg aod City Mana1er La"""!f" Rosa noted that interest WU '~ (See FI!STJY .U,. P"• I) . ... --. Huntingtf»n t · -Mqp-~·SeJ I . • ~~. .. es . . '. ' . ' ' A ~'llio~.'..,.,,.,. bur...t ldmMll to dlltll.-tbl-MI by cioalma bll bod71wlth ..-Del lpltllll lt wUb a mlldl. . • ~ WlJllalii Jooepli ~be, a· 10ll!l'Dr f' 407 B·Cilllornla St., /WU ~ dead ll!oran(t Cou"'1 aMdlcaJ c.ni.f at 12,45 a:m. Sundly,"aOarly two boun alter he bad 1!111 hlmlell ab!"!e· Pllyticlana. at tlii"· lloop1ta1 aald ~ be IUffeiod -aml tbll)l dqrM, ........ liv<r II ~ al lifa;body but wU itm alive when admlttea. 1 1 . . -. ~Beach polce olllcen laid •~» ·hlmlell •·.!lie .:;.;.. • ·~ J u ... •r-:t- ol Jaot'1-. ... oowilroftl·<lfe about 9 p.m. Sabaday. · Michael Stuart, . an attendant' at·. a service station opposite the restaurant, said McCabe had pur<hued lkets worth. of. guoline· minu\el: before biJ death. · · ' ~cCabe reportedly caq,\td1,lway q»e flammable liquid in i ~ .cqntalmr after telling the attendanl that bo•niedlid ft to start alire.on llie biacb'. . 0 He'bad a fa'r .away.lo0t·1n hia eye;,"· Stuart told offlcen lnvatfPthll' Ibo .. ' ' : : •• ,.. I . . PoliCe' Capi~re Three ln ·.caiUlda Murder Case . . . i,IONTREAL ,(IJ'.l'I) -Three 'Ji'rlple' llUlpeClt In' the lddnap sla1ing1 ol·~bec Labor "~.r Pierre Laport; ,...,., aJ11!suld •todli.Y.. erid.ing' tht: z:qost· irittnslve miilhunt .ih1 Clndiln., history. ' Qu<iiec ',poll~, spotting· a light In ,a· supPQsedly .tmpty 'farmbOuse,. moved m. e~Jy t9day aod , .treated Paul and J~~~ ~~Francis ~im~ · ' ProvJncial · Juatice · Minister: Jerome CbiJquette · .&id he • ..,. '!IPOCted a "return.lo the nonn-1"''""' '!!Juatice.'' ~y clYU rights have •bee•· •!!11¥Dded· aince the kidnap e~enq'. the rwo~st, ct~ls In modern Canadian history, begao jn •October·~ . . .Police. said the· smpects were taken Into' custody.-in a raid-on· a farmhouse at· SI. !Al.~. !boll\ IO ,miles aoutll Of ,l\{oob)!ll •. 'Tbe raid was the secohl since ChrlllillJ•i l)oy '•l!elt 1lje ~ .... llllpected but appeared empty.-• . .P.U.. ·raided the ~ ,once more wbin.Jhey yw a· liibl In an•t4>J>er floor, wibdowr They qWckly uncovered. ' a ~y·conitiucted.hidtaway under. the ~t. ~r and arrUt.d \be ' thrM ~4orr.~l.tmP,Oitant ,wiioetSes in t11<• l,aPCJrle· Cll!O ~ ,heY< tieen• ~'bt1Jn .during th~ .~od·wben, provinCl,11 ' police • took 12 persetis ' Into "111l!CIY but later released .a11 .~~ee •. PoU~,~~the .~ee detain~1 were.not' pt'lme • suspe'ct.s in the case. . but. spe(:ulatJOn continued that at JeaJ:t one of thim njlght he called to ·wtify at the triqueat Into Laporte'• . death, due to ~nut week.. , , . "Heirlnp • of the Inquest have • been , pooqloned .'twice •Ince mJd.llec<mber, on , the '""8idl that .further testimoOjl mllfll . Jeqf>INbe police lnva\llat1ona: .Laporte.W.. lddnaI(ed oCt.10Irun illl 1-In -..., SI. Lambert. just live. daia alter Ille lddnlplng Ii -. J)jplomal .J ...... a-.. . ·The lablrll)lnlotet wu·lound dead, bll' ~ • • .' • I , body stuffed lnlo the -tnmk• Ii• a ·ca• abandoned ntar the S,I. Hubert Airport, Oct. 17, the day following invocation of1 the War Measures Act... . An aut~sy report showed he had been. strangled wfth the· 'cbaln •of i , religious medal he were around bis neck.. . 1 One · prime· 1111pect li1 ' the 'Laporte ikiniiplng and mllrder ,· Bernard 1Lortie,~ was·arreSted Nov. 81in a 'riJd on a Queen· Mary ' Road apartment. .Testifying before the Jnquest tnto· r..apclrte',i. death, Loi-tie cru tc t -1 y iJDpllcated · tifmself; the Rose Brothersr ind SJm&rd in 'the .kldnaplng, but said: that heither h'e nor Pau! Role c0qld have· ni.urdttel:I Lap0rte as tfley both left the suburban St. Hubert bungalow where he' was held prior to the slaying. Valle y ,i,,· Study D~sali'nization Plan t Project ~ . . ' ' • Dlrecton•of the Oi'ange County, Water Diltrict aren 't sure when thex 1Jligh~· start pumping a·diet ot ult.free ocean water into tbe1 ground under Huntina:tonr BeacH and Fountain Valley. The dl1trict ha> been Invited to join, wtth the federal aov-Mn huildli>I a 112 mllllo!I water dallli!llllUon ·plant oo. either 1 •acre lite in F.ountain Vallex or a 12-acre site at the mouth of tbe.:'Sinta' Ana River In HIDltl"ilon Beach: , "'We mow wo'll bOlld a desalting·plant· one day, but®?' dtreCton haven't given the final okay for thil partlallar project," Nell ctlne, aalatsnt manqer ol• thO dlatrlct, aplalned today. ' A final decltklo will be ma4o . by the'. d~ 111 earty Jahaary, CUne added. . ' u the Iol:a!' dlttrlcC -to' the ftderll plant 11 wOOld chip In -IZ.~ lhlllklo qi 'Tocll iqoney 1"' It Fedtral llPldo wwld a1il!unt to about II.I m'llllon. The pl1nt would/be capobh! ol pwnplnr lbcll4 three ml!Uon 11lklnl of • detailed wate~ Into the gJOlllld dal)y. The pwnped< l!Bler ~ act H ·a berri<;.' keeplnf ~ ocean w~r f!om lnl•1ng '!Ith. the ...... .,..,.., lnoill ••ter supptjet. -i!\..wd "' .. ~' pil>jlct ht <larpr ~11ai,-.· . . . ,, . ' ..... "11. . -, .. ... ' ' • 1 ' . .J : } \1f \h· Hnntington ·a~.%· ' 1 r.1 .. ~ Funds for Three''~~ New·Gty Sch~~~ · . . . . ~!·. f..1(• ~ ·State--. oUiciall · J:mve, r•~·,~ . ..t mllllon to huud -· acboDI.-. ," Huntlngtoo Beltih .Cl~ '1ei•u.1)1..J.i· : , •~'-1 '-•· .J 'd'·-'lh' n • .: . ' ~1 ' • • v· .F".f: ' •. ~~ U!Smct w-[u£ llealyW'·.',"·; ·~ . ScbOOI Sup0rlnienii~' s: '~ ~ .: said the· sj.ate .bek> 1 "'.ltJ ! Ytthlib5 ::· confirmed before Christmas~ ,;tboucl.:.' OffiCiai 'wtitteri Woid.'.ha"s r nqt ·'Wn ... j '' ) i ' • received. • , r . • ~ One of .the new . khoo11 will rep1~..J .. . ' '~-1 DYfYer Intermediate. School. It wa, ~ ~ ~ in 1935 arid is Jthe 1oldelt t>ullding In W dl!trict. · · '" I f • I .. The new junior '11gli•wtll 'b0 ~t'cm•'.li acres off Indianapolis.Street to house. 84f. students. Two elemetlWJ ICboO'ts, eli~r oervlng 825 -~. alao are planned It the south Huntlqton Beach area. , "I~ ~es. about ,one ,year. to ·builil ~ 1 school,"' Moffett ' eJ:p~ried. "We'll P'4i them out to bid n soon as we ba.-At written approVal" · 1 All three schools c'ould be ready ~ September 1972, he laid. . • ' . . Weiltlier ' 1 ·warmer diys a~ cooler·ni,titl' are f.he weather ' trend pits . weet, j ~lb Tuetday's ' dflytlme temRll \ ~hln& up, to 13 aloq the ar.nge Coast. INSIDE TOD-'Y ' , I Th~DAILY !'ILOT lociqM gioe1 O!"'Jll Utt -/ifsf of ~. poir1 ·O/ tickets to the 6th AttnuoJ S~, Yacadon a..4 R<cri allooal VeJU. de. Shoto to be ll<Jd Jene. 2 th'°"gh JO at Anolitim c ........ lion Ct11fft. C!itc~~~/llll!"!s ' ,. to set if !IW'r<: q ..i..,,.. · · 1 • . ' ' ...... •t1•ltl .._f r '! i l I c.....,. ' ..,.... ~l .. ' QMll:lll VII • 1 M.-..S ,._ •J.I , ~ .... "'--c.tr ;.1 1 ... c-... .. ·~..... ' o-wf .. ....,., • Dlefll """"' 11 I , ......... 'e.oit DI--. 11 1 T....,._ ' • 1 ·~ , ... •1,..... ... ~ ..... , ............ t..... . ' ...... ·~· ~ ....... 1 """'-,, .......... • ·, 14 i ' .... "9liin ,. .... -.. • ' ' r CZM3£ su:e a :s "' ""' "' Q -0 a • OAll.V ,II.OT Stiff ,llf .. LAGUNA CHRISTMAS HAPPENING CROWD SPREADS OUT OVER SYCAMORE FLATS On Sundoy, tile Only Woy to Get to L11una C1nyon Sito W11 by Porochutt --. •Losi Chrisimas' Officiah Tell of Y rile Nightmare "I teap tblnldng about that story of , partlcfpanll, the Cbrlstmu rock fesUval "Iha Grtacb Who Stole Cbriltmu,' " aald • at Sycamore Hills wu more like a Lquna Beach City Clerk Dorothy Mlllfelt u llbe returned to ber poet at the nil)l!mare for many. "bappenln&" lnformaUon center at 1 a.m. Apprised ,that attendance might mount lodty, after another few boun of oleep. Into thousands, police ""'t onto u.bour For Mn. Mlllfell and many others on ahlfll a week before Cbriltmaa and tried tile city' llall. It had Indeed been\ a to urge the youtbful oritnlzus io plan Cbrlltmaa to remember -not happily. On SuadaJ afternoon, two days after for auch needa as food, water &Dd Ouiatmu Day, a weary police matroq aanltation. ,wondered, 'Gee, I wonder if I'm ever City official!, afraid the impromptu pq to 1et to wrap l!lY'Cbrlltmaa gifts." affair might erupt on the Main Beach and U Ila,..-Richard Goidberl bu all over tile downtown area, bopeiwly ,:=c ~ ~i.1., 1lbi.tbe:.. won' ba clouJng traffic, buddied with officllls of 1"1bia wUl not 1Se the first annual Great Lakes Pr0pertiea, ownef Of the ·)wppenfng in Lacuna Beach,'' he aald Sycamore Hills alte selected for the &miy Sunday nll)IL "It will be tile Jut." coming to1etber and per11111ded them to Though 1erierall~ p r o c I 1 i m e d look the other way a1 the lfant trespau ~" by tboilllnda al 1outhful began. All memben of cily depattmenll were :relephone Rate Increase Okayed By State PUC A rate inmue ol f/ .I million annually. about btlf what the firm requested, bu been Rranted to tile General Telephone Company by the California Public UliltUes commlsaion. JPina1 dec:lliOn on an overall SM.! million graduated rate increa5e is pendin«. Tbe ctimpany serving a portion of tile Orange Coast had asked for $13.I million in immediate interim relief. Qeneral Telephone Company w i 11 acqu1re the added operating funds a.s a 1.96 percent addition to telephone billings sqlely within California boundaries. ·nie PUC rejected the firm's original propma.ls to increase: lctrutate meSsage tolla and units for basic exchange rates, aaying they wanted to avoid a rise in other Callfonlla phone utililles and a 111bsequent great difference in rates compared to the Pacific Telephone Company. ~an J. P. Vui:asin Jr. noted in announcing the. PUC increase vote that General Telepbooe Company is rapidly growing and plans to add more than $200 million in new infllllaUons this year. Huntington Beach area tnd Laguna Beach telephone tubscriben art served by Ille utility company. DAILY PILOT ORA~O! COAST PUILllHtlillO COMl"AllY IRoHrt N. WM ,,.. ... t.,........,... Jtck R. Cvrley \/kt f'nslNnt.,. __.., ~ 1\o11111 KM"l'i.I EtlllW TJi•m•t A. M11t,ll.fH "'-tllnl 1!1111" Al•11 Dir•il• w.t °"'* C-.ly llflllr Alb...t W. '"'•' --............... OMM 1717' lttdi 1ff1.,.1N M11li111 AA4re•11 ,,0. lu: 7to, t2MI .....,_ u,.. 9'9dl: m ,._, ,._ CO.le IMM: Jll W.I lly $trwt If""°'! IMcfl: :DU W•t l 11t1H ~ .... ~ as Hwttt ai c.ntlnl 1'111 put, oo 24-bollr ot&odby, a police command. l""I wu tel up at the hlgb ICbool and u 1 WormaUOO center eatabUabed in a axiference room at the Surf and Sand Towers to handle queriea that began pourinJ in from acrou the counliy u -"Iba happtnlng·-d. All l'lljueall for lnfonnatlon reachfllC tile police department wer< c!Jannei<d to the Jnformatlon center where writer Jim Van -laer beaded a rotating staff ol city employes. · 'Ibey ranged, from calls from New York newspapers to youngsters who wanted to know about the music program. and families planning Christmas visits who wanted to know about road closures. Dorothy Musfelt attached herself to a special phone In lbe information center Thurs4iy morning. She was sun there at 2 a.m. 'thrislmas morning, After a qU.ick trip home to open gills with her daughter and get a change of clothing, she was back at 10 a.m. And so it went until Ulis morning wben the "crisis" officially ended. Secretaries from the city manager's office. and the public works department spelled her for a few hours sleep at Intervals. Other city officials worked similar schedules. For City Manager Lawrence Rose it was a painful introduction to a brand new job. Public Works Director Joseph Sweany wu constanUy on hand. City councilmen met hurr iedly at frequent intervals. Surf and Sand owner Merrill Johnson, who provided lhe temporary headquarters said, "They did a n absolutely fant.utic job. I've never seen anything like It. l hope the town will give them full crtdi.L" From Poge l RIVERS , ... rules, passed temporarily to Rep . Philip ~ J. Phildin (0.MaS3.). But because Philbin was defeated for reelection in November, the permanent.cJiairman will be Rep. F. Edward Hebert (0-La.), who will take the job in January. . The committee's pro-military stance will not be affectected by the sblf1. Hebert, P . a former New Orleans newspaperman, came to Congrus with Rivers in 1941. Rivers bad held the chairmanship since 1965. Rivers was christened Lucius Mendel on Sept. 28, 1905, • GumvUle, S.C., near Hell Hole Swamp. And with a name llke that be probably was fated to spend half bis IUe fll)>Ung, which be did. He started pretty clote to tbe bottom of the beap, but with hard work and not Utile help from lbe congre&1lonal seDlorlty system, cllmbed pretty clo,. to tile top . Alone the way he wu prllsed by Presldenta and privates, decorated by juat aboqt every millt.aey and pltriollc croop in the ()(JWltry, walled by Pravda and m01t recentb' promoted to aix-Jtar general by a bunch of GJ's for whom he helped arrange bargain Oigbta borne on Crislmu luve from Vietnam. He alao was denounced by critics as a drunk, • aecurlty risk, ' patsy for the bra.as, a racist. and an out.s:t.a!ldlng ex1mple of •hY eon,reu ougbt to find some ba!ls otber than senlorily for uat&nin& it.t: poslUons of power. From P .. e 1 FESTIVAi. •. becauae of cold weather, lack of wa\eJ' and sanitation and failure of name hand$ to appear. · The mayor apologized to tile people of Lquna tor tile inconvenleoce cauaed by roadblocka, whlch Included halricadea on Cout Highway for iii &or. on Chriatmas Day when the count or cars entering tile city reached l!tlO an hour. The Canyon road wu cloaed to all but pedestrian traffic throughout the festival and late Sunday .afternoon e V e n pedestrians were tumtd back. Buaes provided by the city P r o v 1 d e d transportation to the eilds of the Canyon for those .still OD the road and for all who wished to leave the festlvaJ. In an officlaJ statement, Mayor Goldberg aald that the Great Late Properties, owner of the 4~acre Sycamore Hills triangle bad decided the land trespujl had gone on long enough. Organ.ii.en I of the festival earlier maintained they had pmnluion to use tile Jand. but tbil WU denied by the company. Judge Indicts Seal Beach Man In Mnrder Try A Seal Beach rut eitate broker arrested lut Nov. 30 after he aJlegedly shot and wounded a Hunlington Harbour accountant his been indJcted by the <>ranee County Grand Jury on charges of assault with intent to commit mW'de.r and assault with a deadly weapon. Joseph Francis Bolduc, 50, of 241 Seal Beach Blvd., had been scheduled to appear Jan. 20 in West Orange County municipal court on identical charges. Tbe indictment moves prosecution action to ·Superior Court and it is expeeted that be will be arraigned later today. Bolduc is accusl!d of shooting certified public accountant Gerald D. Byrd, 34, during a business discussion held at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Sarnoff, 16028 Mariner Drive, Huntington Harbour. Officers said Bolduc ended · a n argument between the two men by going into Mrs. Sarnoff's bedroom a n d returning with a revolver. One of the two shots allegedly fired by the angry realtor struck Byrd in the chest. Byrd was treated for bis wounds at a nearby hospital. Officials stated today he is recovering satisfactorily. From Poge l PRISONERS. • • North Vietnam, but abo South Vietnam and Laos." In addition to Wilber and Schweltur, the flve POWs pictured at close range were Identified ast lat 'Lt. Paul Gordon Brown, Newton, Mass.; Maj. Roger o. Ingva\son, Stinford, Mahle, and It. Col. Edison W. Miller, Santa A,na. Calif., all Marines: and Lt. M. L. GarUey, Dunedin, Fla., and Ll. William J, Mayhew. New Manchester, W. Va., both of the Navy. In the interview. Wilber and Schweitzer said they had read a niimber of books by Americans about the war, had visited various museums in Hanoi and had discussed the war with other prisoners. "I know I've had the deepest discussions I've ever had in my life with my fellow prisoners. here," said Wilber, "and we've hid to really go to the very core of our feelings on a number of things -loyalty. what iJ It? Where does it lie?. And morality, le1allty, a number of things that in our aWuent, rushed life, I suppose, in our country we don 't normally give too deep a thought about." "I think the answer of course Is \he war must be ended, and it must be stopped now. We've just got to stop this thine. We've got to ad'71-it the facts as they lie, and stop the war. and of course v.·e must withdraw our troops to stop the v.·ar. That's the position we have to face. Once we do that, the Vietnamese can solve their own problems. rm con!ldent of that. 1f we'll stop the war and get our troops out. Thafs whit we have tq_ do, and tb•t'• what tile bll job II," said Schweitzer. • • __ pow Inter~iew 'Staged~ .. • . .,,..._ .......... AO~•ar •ti'•• ~ l>fo Aa1~n prt-.. In • -illlomtw 'lrqm Norlli Vlellwn -baft l>oin aleod, --ii tbolr _,...._ le tllo Unltod -·-r-:-. ·tnte!Wnl by a Canadl,.\i Bn>adcutlnj Corp. '°"""pondent on CIWtmu Day, n, film, which 1ho'ftdlfive other U.S. prljopers 1'ho were DOI ~iew~1 WU --lklDdl .o..U'411i NJIC.TV aM _, ..... my lmpreuton ot his lift. ••• I'm' ctrtah lt WU 5'1Qtil," Gwen Schweitzer 1ai4 o her husband after the telecaat.. Of WUber11 111tlwar r:tateinut., hil ..u. JUllll eald: '7 doll\ ...... hJI, mi. ! .. lings on that ..... )lcl. At..lelll I iaio• he's fine. I couldn 't hive ~ived a n!<;e1 a:lfl." Sunday was ··the couple's 18th CN-TV. hfrt Cindi-. Rdller\ J. Schweitzer, :ie, r el~~ CIMf,, ~ a fellow Navy pllol, pllGI, ~. Walter E. Wllber, 40, of ,<;ol~b~ ~ R .. cq, f .. , ~re Schweitw and Wllt;er crlac&ed lhe • ·war and called,._ tor an Amertcan troOp withdrawal as .the flnt sle:p to end it. "He looks great on film, but tbat's not weddina anniversary. . . ~ .. ' YEAR . EN ':D SOME ARE · "ONE ONLY" SO BE HERE EARLY FOR TREMENDOUS SAVINGS MON. THRU THURS. DEC. 28·31 llG SAVINGS NOW ON flUGIDAIRE MATCHING WASHER·DRYER 2 1pttd w11her, dttp ection agitetor, 2 jet.awty rin1e1, M1tching electric dryer. 2 p1ir only, Hurryl 29995 THE PAIR SUPER.SURGE WASHING ACTIONI E&ctplloNI ..... "'"" lot...ilwl tablsa•L No h•nd r1nslflg r9quirtd. Qult1 op«atloe wMh I ......., __ 14 ltlbM ..m.g ..,.., ~-...,. .... &FRIGIDAIRE -- SALE 4 . DAYS ONLY! SAVE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SIDE BY SIDE Frig ide ire aide by 1ide fits whtr• most • • older rtfrigtr1for1 go. Fu lly frost-proof! 41995 You 'll never dtfro1t egtinl New low priced I LIMITE9 QUANTITIES! FRIGIDAIRE FROST·l'ROOF 2·DOOR REi:.IGERATOR AMPIX MICRO 24 latt"'f AC Portable CASSmE TAPI Player/RKorder ~:: $79'5 I AMPEX J lndudt1 rtmol• conl•o l mike, L_.=.:::::;::=:::: _ _J 11rphon1, ''''• •nd C-60 c11· 11tt1. DISCONTINUED LINES! AMPIX 14 11.tttt f AC Portable CASSETTI TAPI Play or /ltc«der NOW $6395 ONLY PRICES SLASHED!· . AMPEX 90 .. . Automatic Sterlci CASSmE TAPE l'layor Dtek NOW $103'5 ONLY PORTABLE STEREO-TV r.miw. .,..._1. •'-"· _ ....... ,_, ...... ~ '118" W• $149.91 NOW ••••••.••••••• , •• ,, •••• , •••••• MAN'{ MOii.i STIREOS. TA.Ill TO..S -COMPDHINTS, TAPI RECOllDIRS, ITC. AT TRIMINDOUS SAVINGS. RCA ,.,.WI• TY l /W. N- 5rwtly rHMed -...... -$79.95 BIG FREEZER SAVINGS! FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER ' l ig 15 .2 cu. ft. 1izt. All fht 1xfrt fr••ttr . Big ftmily 1it1 -JO" wide. Frost-proof. 25888 Ottp door 1htlf for c1rton1, c1n1, bot•: tits. NoW at big s1vin91. ' sp•ct you werit. Juice c•n holder on 28995 Goor, 4 door 1htlvt1 kttp1 'fret.en foods at your fingertips. . -~ 646-1614 lntegrlt11 and Dependal»Hlttt tlnee 1947 COSTA MESA 4T1 I . SnMtttflthfst. dolly 9-9 EL TO~O · LAGUNA HILLS PLAZA IJ7·JIJo--4elly 10·.,_M.,.., Mt 10·9 Sot. 9-6 IJ7-JUO MilY 10-6 M ... Fri. 10-9 l .,~ ': _, -~--------.:....' --=----_;__ __ __;_ ___ ___. __ _L " • . , • . . • • rt .Beaeh . -... ' ' ED I Tl 0 N voi:..~1 •. NO. 311, 3 SECTIONS, so PAGES . . . . . ~ . ~ . ORANGE-COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . . .. •• I ' .~ \._'?~'l .j •. ._.,1••1 ' • • • I •• TEN-CENT$ . . . . ' ., ' ' ' . . ~-) I r 1 • • ~ > Film 6f POW s Blasted as 'Eiiefuy Pi-op8.iand8:·~ .... ~ ' . 1, .• NEW YORK .(AP) -Two AmeiJcan pUota prLsoners. of war i.q North Vietnam nld · jn, a censored interview filmed CJlrlltmu Day. that the "ar abould be ended now .. A'. U.S; Defense Department 1pokeaman called the televised interview program an "enemy propaganda film." 1be two prisoners, both of · Whom appear<d physically fit, also tau..d about their dally rootj!>e md mail prlvileg>s In the interview .. conducted Wider the aupervlalon oflhe North Vietname,.at; and televbtd Sunday night. Five:,ther. POWJ were seen at dose range· t.he 1lil4'..but only U.S. Navy · p~oiJ alter E. W,ilbet, 40, GI' Columbia Crossn><ds, Pa., md Robert J • Schwellzer, 38, ol Lemoore, Calif., both corninaiiiers, were allowed · to aluiwer presubmitted questlom. W l v e s of the two men confirmed their identification but declined to cimment on the antiwar views they e x pre s 11 e d . Schweitzer's father, Fred Schweitzer or Oreland, Pa., 'Happening' ' . . commented, "If I wtre over there I'd do anything to get out." The inter.views were filmed by Michael Mac.Lear, a newsman. for Canadian Broadcasting Crop. ' f o 11 o W i n g a conversaUon with North VI et n a·m' s Premier : Pham. Van Dong whom he quoted as saying, "I 11wear to you these men are well treated." MacLear said 'that when he questioned the prmi.ler about' U.S. suspicions that the North Vietnamese bold more than the . . Ends · . '• ~ ' 831 . Amtrlc:a1111 . whose . ..,,... they ~i..-. • : releued In PariJ Jut we<k, DoJll~ ll1le 'li<illili. Gl1 the ' c:a/np -·':~ •llli'~f.. • J. . . ~ "IN!' the lltW, .Y~1'1mes "Tbe Nixon people• are . llCOlllldr.-,, ~ "-'u.S. olllcW. ID7'1Ulliqiton scoundrels to tali like thia/'· he 'qUoted • aaJd 1t .,.. tbe ''Rliol ,HUlllD.!'; _:. a Dong u ,.y1ng, "It's they.who • liaV< no lhowplaq CU1P 'lillln -ICJUn>llll\s humanitarian feelings by ta1iJns like ba>e-.uo.ld -now vllita. , thia." . ' -Jerry ,,...._, a dopal1 - MacLear said Dong told him tbe !ill, ~ _,,....,., lald; -· . - whi& allo lncluded IO POW1 the Ncrth r 11Wt wOtilrtd count ban .DO ~uqent ~ Vietnameee aakl bl11 died and nine who -·orM· --'Id edited:..-., PftlPUIOda were ~Jeieed, Waa1"a full one arid fllti~4in!rA liiDdlUl ci;miwn .. 1. •.• ' ·~ '·~ • ..; Po.lice Order Hippies Out of .Canyon 1(·- -By BARBARA KKEIBICH . Of tllt Dllltr '"" lllff Peace..-·lo Lquna B<ach today• u the Jul cl ...,. :ao,ooo young people who aUmded the Cuiltm.as rock festival at Sy~ llill.s tramped out of Laguna Canyon, I bigging bedrolls and blankets and apparently agreeing, generally, that the .festivll was-''beautiful.'' Only about 1,500 remained at the Laguna qnyon site at dawn today. 'n.ey_had been asked to leave by 6 a.m. A hovering belicq>ter from the Costa Mesa Police Department repeat..! the request In the • Mendel Rivers,' 6S,. Suocmnbs . ,. . :rn Atab . atia ,. ~ .... BIRMINGHAM, .Ala. <UPI) -Rep. i.. Meodd Riven:, the colorful a n d controvmial chairman of the Hausa Armed Services Committee, died today J.7 dlys after be had under1one open heart sur1ety. He wu as. The White-haired South C a r o 11 n 1 Deihocrat died at tbe University of Alabama Medical Center, when a leaky mit.ral valve in his heart wu replaced with one IJllde of plas~c Dec. 11. Doct«s 1ald be wWld bave become an invalid bad he not undera:one the aursery. The hoapital in a one ·sentence statement 11aid, "Congressman' Me&lei Rivers died at 1:40 a.m. (CST), Monday1. · Dec. 28, of continuing heart failure .' Doctors bad said Sunday be was milking "slow progreu." He bad suffered heart ato'jlpages rDec .. 20 and Sunday. His ailment apparently stemmed from a bout with rheumatic ft:ver during b i s childhood. RJvers ai the hawkish chairman of the powerful 'cOnkJ"essional committee was a hero to ~aervicemen everywhere and a recurrini thorn in the flesh of their clvtUan bosses. He took the service.man's side in most Pentaeon battle and auravated. presidents and d e f e n s e aecretaries alike with his lnsistence that Cc:mgress had a consUtutional right to make major decisions aUectiug the military. With hiJ death, the chairmansl!ip of the committee, under traditional ,Jen.iority . rules, passed temporarily to Rep. Plllllp J. Phfldin CD-Mass.). But beeallse Philbin wu defeated for reelection in November, the permanent cbaJrman will be Rep. F. l':dward Hebert (f>.La.), who will take (See RIVERS, Pap I) Oru11e We•t•er r Warmer days and cooler nights are the weather trend this week, 'with • Tuelday's daytime temps Inching up to 63 along the Orange Coast ' INSIDE TODA.Y The DAILY PILOT today giV<I d1DQJI t~ first of 90 pain of tickets to tht 6th Annvol Spam, Vacation and JUcrettti(>Ml Vehi· cle Show to ti• hetd Jon. 2 through JO at Anaheim Cortveft. tion Ctnter. Check cla.lrifj.cd odl to see if vou're a winntr. -. -..... __ .. or.... C""'1 • ti .,.... """" ' . -..... ... ,...,.... ...., ·-.. -..... ·-. ._,,....,. U44 ·-. WlfM ..... .., early morning hours and at 7:05 a.m. an "unlawful assembly" order was -issued. The Orange C.ounty S b e r I f f ' s Departinent Eagle tactical 11qUad was on hand to enforce the order, but there were no confrorit.atlons. The r e ma I n l n g celebrants · mov~ out quietly, some beading toward the San Diego Freeway, others walking down through Laguna to Coast Highway. The exodus ended four days of tension for the Art C.Olony and a thre.Hlay blockade of Laguna canyon Road, which finally was· opened to normal traffic at I LONG CAREER ENDS Congr111man Mendel Rivers Newport Police Probe Three Big Holiday Thefts Newport Beach police today are inveatigaUng three holiday burglaries which netted thieves more than $14,500 in Office equipment, antique furnishings and pboUI and stereo equipment. The .Mrgest haul of the three came from Pierre A. Poisson Design, 28$3 East ·Coast Highway where two sus1*ts took '6,400 worth of interior furnishings. The business offices of Frank H. Ayres and Son, 6000 West Coast Highway was hJt foi-$4,000 in typewriters and ca1cu1atcn and Robert B. Bell, 25, of 117'12 E. Balboa Boulevard . reported the loss of $4,300 in photo and stereo equiprlient. 'I'he Ayres burglary is the third time business machines have been stolen from the real est.ate offices during the year. police said. PoWon, an interior d!!C«ator. told police he went to hill 11t«e Chri!tmas night to do abrpe work and saw a man dressed in a trench coat ltaving the shop. Police 1pecullte the burglars broke into the 11tore by breaking the 1window nut lo Ille door and ruchlng throogh the· openlng to ~ the door. ' 200 ,Feared Drowned Iµ Ferry Capaizil,tg. _ N1':W DELID (UPl) -The ~ Times sakt today 200 persons, mosUy women nd--ehlldren are feared drowned w ferry capsized Saturday in the Br J)'4tra~ Northern Assam t 500 iiiifes Dortheast of Calcutta. The Press ·Trust of India ~PT!), however, 11ald ·only six persons were conllrmed de1d. a.m. today. Attendance at the •"coming together," heralded for months hi tbe underifOUnCf press, swelled and waned througbout the weekend, peaking to an estlmated 20,000 youths on Friday and Saturday and diminishing during the chJll nights. On Sunday, city officials, who had maintained a hand>-Off policy throughout the event , deeided the party was over. Statements from Mayor R I c h a r d Goldberg and City Manager Lawrence Ross noted that interest was waning (See Fmt\'AL,' Pa1e I) • Huntington _ Man Seas Self . on :fjre, Dies A ~)'W'Gld Huntington B<ach man burned hiniaelf to death over the weekend by dousing bl.I bod)' with ga!Ollne md jgnitln,I it with.a m1tch. . · I · .. ' , • , : • '; ',·Nn.YlP.t.,_,._ .... ...,,...., · · R~K FESTplAL FANS LE.,VI!. ~AGUNA' CANYON BY 'j'OST CONVENi't NT MEAHt ' . ; William Joseph Mccabe, a resident fl. 407 B cautomia St., was pronounced dead at Orange County Medical Center at 12:45 a.m. Sunday, pearly two hours. after be had set bimsell ablaze. 'M°"'ent~ Aft'( Th i• Pltoto Woa, Ta_IM,:.OH1~1r1 EJc pl1fned ·yir;tu11.,jf W.,l~ln, io. ~;&aly ,'~ra . Physicians . at the hospital said be suffered second and third degree bur111 over 99 percent of bil body but was itill alive when admitted. Police Capture Three . . ' . . . McCabe, Huntington B<ach poUco officers said, lgniltd bimsell In the patio of Jack'11 Restaurant, an oceanfront cafe about 9 p.m. Saturday. In Canada Murdet CU$e Michael Stuart, an attendant at a service station opposite the restaurant, said McCabe had purchased 25--cents worth of gasoline minutes before his death. McCabe reportedly carried away the nammable liquid in a small conta~er after telling the attendant that he.needed it to start a fire on the beach. "He had a far away look in hi11 eyes," Stuart told officers lnvestlgating the case. 'Witnesses who were on the beach at the time, said McCabe yelled for help three times after his flaming body fell to the ground. They rushed over to the service station and called oo Stuart for help who then quenched the flames with a flre extinguisher, officen said. After the flamet: were out, McCabe told the attendant, 0 I'm S01TJ. I can't 'feel anything. 1 just hurt inside." When doctors questioned him at the hospital about why he bad chosen to immolate himself, McCabe replied, "lt just se<med like the thing to do." Paul A. Palmer D~ughter Dies Christmas Day Funeral services were held todly for Elaine Palmer Eastman, 4'ugbter GI Udo Isle developer Paul A.·Palmer. · ,Mrs. Eastman died in her Udo late MONffiEAL (UPI) Three prime, suspec~ iD the kidnap slaying of Quebec Labor Minillter· Pierre Laporte ·were arrested today, ending l.hl. most.inten.sive manhunt in Candian history. · · Quebec police, spotting a light in a. supposedly empty farmhouse, moved· in earlY. today and · arrested · Paul , and· Jacques Rose and Francis Simard, Provincial Justice Minister Jerome Choquette said he . now expected · *' "return to the normal course of·Justice.", Many civil rights have been suspended since the kidnap emergency, .f.be worst" crisis in modern Canadian history, began in October. Police said the suspects were taken Into custody in a raid on a farrhhouse at St. Luc, about 20 miles south of Montreal. The raid was the second since Christmas Day wheft the ~ Wat iniJpeeted but'appeared empty . Police raided the house once more when they saw a lighf in an upPer floor window. They quickly Uncovered a specially constructed hideaway under the' basement floor and arrested the three SU9pects. Speculation that Important witnesses In the Laporte case might ' have been artested began during th~ wttkeod when pro\ilOOat pollce took 12 perSons Into custody. but later relea~ all but three. Police said the three detained were not prime ·suspects in the c34e1 but Ne~ortMan - Fined by Court home Olriltmas day at the age GI 67. Her A L<>s Angel" federal court Ji,d'p has father, a prominent Newport Beach fined a Newport Beach resident '7,500 re11ldent, was a founder of the former and placed hlm pn probation for three Newport.Balboa SaYina:s and Lo an years following his conviction on charges Association. of evading 'parroeht of tncoml!· tax. U.S.' ·DistrlC!t Court Judge E. Avery Mrs. Eestman liad lived In the Hubor 'Cr"!! pl)lliounced that sentence on Olin' area for lQ.years and was a member ofJ H. S~pp, 113, of Bal~ Bay Club,, tlle <Alllletanee ~GI Newporl Harbor Newport Beac!h, •f!<r staff pleaded guilty' and the Flrlt Olurch GI QirlJUan SC!eooe to cbal)les contained In a federal grand of Ne~Beacb. ' ju,Y tndlctment. . ' '1 StaP!I wu Indicted last Nov. 4 on In add! on to her parents, Mrs. charges that he evaded payment of an Eastman leaves her hwband, Spa:1dihg esUmated $1s;ooo during the year 1985. Elst"!"n : three daughters, J.udY Bailey, Stapp. \s lde~Uned In court documents u SUsan Eastman and EliiaDeUt Eastrnaa. prutdtnt 'ot • Air Vent Alummum Awning and two grandchildren. all of Newport ' sai,a, Co.n>P8<1Y and Air Vent Alomlnum !teach. • ' Aw\llili ~. -, . -£ 1peculation continued thal 'at leut one or them mlghf be ealJi,d 1o, tMify at the. Inquest Into ·Laporte's death, due to reopen next week. Hearinja . of fhe lnq•est have been poatponed twice since nlld·December, on the groonds that fur!ber letllmony might j.eopardize P,Olit;t investlgationll. · . · · Laporte was lddnaped Oct. 10 from ,hb: home in .suburban St. Lambert. just. five days after ttie kidnaplng of Brllillh, Qipl~mat .,-an)~ Qrosa., The labor minister was found dead, hi!, body· stuffed . into ~the. trunk . oJ .a. c,r l!IJandoned near. the St. Hubert< Airport,· Oct. 17, the day folfowing invocaUon of the War M1uures Act. . , An autoj>sy ~e,poft showed be had been 11trangled with. the chain of a religi~. medal he wore around his neck. · One prime sµapeot in the Laporte kldnaping and muider, .Bernard .Lortie, was arrested Nov. f tn-. raid on a Queen Mary Road apartment. . . City : Clarifies ~ Building Excise Tax Procedures Despite 'I resoluUon~to the city' council that says so, Newport Beach ii riot loin&· to' cut Ill bullilli>i nclae'tloni In hall. The molution,'delim:od;lo the COWl<ii' with their ·meeting .,.,. la ttitended merely · u ' ID • amendment lmiertinl · ~ refund procedam,' but -d· etatei that the oo· feel will be ~ atab~.. _ •. llellnil O'Neil, aabtant city. attorney, Uldtbewbolethlngllanem!r. ·' , He said the •oot.of..tala Ileum were accidentally lnwted In the rqulaUOftll by a typlo! who copied the··maJn ~ of the Onllnan<e froin Olt"ajleolete dty cocJe book. ' .. ' Tfie city now dmgea tbree' cenll. Pe<- -iuate root . of '"'floor uu. for new· lnduotrlaJ and -.1a1 bulldlnp atld' bet ..... fllO ... , llOO for linlle-famllJ residential unlll. • Tiii ralu, u · m~ In the rellO!uUon, w..ild liave ott half the cominortial Ito .ii· a flll tm ralldentlal lea.· ... ,, Spotter Plane . . . Finds 'Mming Yacli4 :3 Aboard · . . ' A wlde-ranil~I aerial ieaich of Mexf· cln w1ter1 endet! tOday when· i S:fOot s~lbolt wl~ f:1iree peraoN, inCluding in Orange CoUhty•yt>uth, aboard was foun:I' by a 1U.S.•Coii1t ·Guard' IJP!Plter•plafiei. · ·Nothing •Was' amiss on · the . Mika! -t except ·for an iooperative radio:--wbenl the four engine Plane · made contact at 11: 15 a:m., 52 miles· soutbtut oC Mag ... dalena Bay. · . . , . . , . Coast Guard ~h.ml ·llelcue au~ Illes In Lang ~ch plotted the i!>Catlon. ~t 620 mlles .IOUtheut . of San Djego Jn announcing , the succeas:ful coriclualorir of'. the hwit. . . . . . . . John Buchwalter, 17, La Rabrl, liil btother Ray and aister·JA.law, of TuCIO!I,, Ariz., had been IOUiht within a 34,000... square-mile vu Dee tli Makai was re- porled missing last Tu~y. They were TeJIOrt.ed uftder.11ll amt ~ ceeding routinely on vo.Y91'.e -f(Oln G\l•Y·• mas, Baja CaWornla; ~na to reach La Paz in two days, Coast dU'1lrd spokes- inen said. . , . . . , . ~ Portable 'radlo, w~s drop~ to °"' skipper, allowln.-Jilm lo establish con. tact with Coasl•Guird fliers who combed the seu off the ruaed peninlula u well as the Inner Gulf :of·. Callfornia. Meanwhile, search for two other v• eels reported m.1lslQI over the weekend was halted w&en 'if-••S dl~Vered. A family of four from Aniheim, re-- ported-ml!!lng on an II-foot Power boat, on a fishing !rlp •Olll of•Newport 'Beich, didn't go fl1htn1 at•all .but 1lepj ln·thdr boal at a private dCfk .. Tt>e family was , identified by the Coaat1Gutrd as Mr. and I Mrr:Mi~e Walkor md tlieir two cbildren, 11ed te'9en and ·five A as.lbot cabin ml!.... reported mJD. t tng en a trip frorn'Sln Diego to Ensmada was foand ,SOCked 1t 1 Sin Diego Marina. Engine tro11ble pra,...ted etart of, the cruise. On ba.rd·WIN~Ronald WhJtman, ti. GI lrVJne and. bl.I hro· '!JOI, Ilooald 22 and Monty I, I. . ' Elvis Gir es : Car . As · Cliiistmas ·'Gift, MEr,w'HIS •. TJi.." \AP)' .:: • F~ SbefJlf Wililam N:, Morril Jr. ..,. entertainer Elvli ~ '1ave hlm a ".000 forallll'made car for Chrllbnu. '"·rve enjOyed Elv'Io' fraJndshlp for Jbout, 12 )'ffrl, 1 pell, II Mbrril, nGW" head of a rilanapnlcnt C<INUltlni nm.' · IO!d Sunday. 1 "M1 Wife gradUtod with hlm lroill Humu Hl&h SChool In JIN." ' \ j ·1 I ...__;_I ____ ',.·-~·~-·~~·-----~------~~·. ___________ : ___ ' __ -----~·--1-_-_' ___ . ___ ~··-·~----·-·-· -~·.Jp__i ___ ~-'-~!.-~----------L--·-'I'----' Ir= IJ!!-.• f / -• ¥ I " " Students Roll i Qp · Sleev.~ POW Interviewi 'Staged'·.: · Esta'IJ(ia ~,cA<iiifPriHIUc_ .. ~$,:S-elb Own'lliiii4i,worli Alluw!' .1"..:::;.:r:i.;~.,rcan . Z':i,~~.:.=::J:' ~~':"::~.~:i~i:~~i:, =~ prl.Mntn le • ~ lntemtW !from ' The lllm, wbicb showed five otbaf U.S. her husband efler the telecast IJGIGNI~ ' . ,,. ... ,,._, ... _ '9 of tlie,,..~IA~ SC\qol -wbo IW lnclllOlrial wclusa OY«'J ,..,, Cllie ol lll<lr cl.,... ollera a d= up'°'* a! Ibo ~alp- . :'11ii"lflrilriiii, wtlich pw out of Ibo ~!\'J!O.l"Mesa ldlool dlltrlct't HoUdaa ~ It a ....,,. ol brtq1ll( daiHr meanlnc to wood wortln 1 . ~. • platUcs ind metal obop ~IOIY. Gimm !!berr7.' drafting fmtract«, bratilltcwmed '"mau productiaD" U I leMnlng tool t11ree yeara 11'o. Ed c;onw.y, head o( the lndualrlal arts ~~ at Ealancia, he t~d -Bi thO projOct "' openlnf • ' 'and fladJol admlniltratlve 111ptlort llDallY , i.cf to ·1161 ldel.I fundlq for :::"~ equlpmen~ auppllea and • ~ p'osrim lovolm all first period i:Wieo ,ln ,clraftmi, wood, plastl04 and ...,at lboPI In the eomplete proca•r of ~·product. . I ftlle,feacben ..,ip ,a pn>duct to bo midi:; ot>idanta lllUll detJ&n l~ prtpara wortinl ·drawtnp·for prod u c'tJ on, research and develop p r o d u c t f o n techniques, nrme it. crtat.e a prototype Version, make the tools for mus proclucq, complete the • pniduction nm and linally morltet the prnduct . Tb.it year, the class produced 50 fine, teat ~ trayg with cuttln& board o! tolald loalt endcrala blocb. "At I! ajfecti, the clats cou1cl have aold 100, deJ:nand for 1bem WU IO IZ'Ul.'" Conway ll1d. Another dulP project led to p...ructlcn ol a wood bloclt desk calendar --fl_ and pencil lrll)'. Two blocks with 1llt· • -.creenect aumeralt may be rotated to change the day:o da!.. A tJim.llcle paper punch proved to bo the most dllllcult and chall'Jlll!!i assign-! of. any attempted by studenlt tlllce Ille ..... pniducilon clall •tarted. , Comnuuileatlona between the cluaes ... lrfbutlnl to the flnltlied product Is a by to mcCes. of the niau producUon cama Por nample, the paper punch lnv°"94 toollnc for metal parts as well • Ibo wood baae and bandle. Dratting !IOdeala lllUll talk to both wood and From P .. e I PRISONERS • •• North V1etuam. but alao South Vietnam lad'-·" . . ID ,...Ilka to Wllbot and Scbweltw, "8 ~:.POW• ~ at clooe .nnge Wert ldentllled ul Ill Ll Paul G«don lln>wD, Newton, Ma4!·: Maj. &(er D. Inpalaon. Son!an!, Maine, and ll Col. f.dllOD "··· Mlllir~~ Ana. ~x Marlnil; a •Lt. M,.L. Gulley, Fla., and LI. Vl!lllam J. Mayh<w; New Mandl<Ster, VI. V•., both ol the NHy. , ID the interview, Wilber and Schwtttur aid they bad read a number of boots by Amlricanl about the war, had vl!ltt.d niriow: mweunu: in Hano:i and had cfilamed the war with other prilonera. "I !mow I've had the deepest Qw:smiml I've ever hid in my Jife witb "'1 fdllnr pr!Joaen 'here," tald Wilber, ·mi ..... bad to ....Uy go to Iha very an d car fetlinp on a number of thing• -Joral:r, what ii it? Where does it Ile? Aod cxnlily, lepllty, a munber ol eqs tlil1 la our alllutnt, nulled life, l lll1;9Clt. iD our o:iuntry we don't ~ gjft too dttp • tboogbt tbout." 1 thmi. the anner ol COW'le. ii the ...-!:llZlt be mded.i and it must be ~ ms. 'tfe'v-e just eot to stop this bi&. .......... "' -the W:ta u :it,' ht. ed. aap the war, and of courae wt =m: wifrdraw our troops lo stop tht ll'&T. Thr.'1 th! position .. e have to face. Ox:t. ·~ de that. tbt Vietnamese can aol\"e their" owu problems. I'm confident of that.. U •t11 gtop tbe war and gel our troops out That'J what we have to do, an<! lhlt'I what the big job iJ," oa1d Sc.hv;eitur. DAILY PILOT Cll.lHGI: fOAST P~ILISl+IHG C.l:JMPAHY Roitert N. Wetcl Tho111•• KttYll 'Edlltr '"'°""'' A. M11rph int M.,....1111 EdllOr 1... Ptftr Krit g News-rt 8 .. dl C!tl" fdl111• M..,_ .._, Office 2211 W11t len•o• loul1w1r4 Meilint Adclr11u P.0 .1111 1111, t2661 ...... -COlf9 M-: :llO Wtl! It\' Slrt91 L.....,.. llM(tl: m l'ornt A- H1111IJnl'IWI a.cf\: 17'11 1...:11 .... ,.,, .... """ Cle!Mllt.1 IDS Norltl El C.""lfto •ttt COORDINATES EFFORT Estencl• Instructor Shtrry -' metal aboP clutes in order to rtvise their drawln1s. · t · Another project, metaJ.frimed atadium ...11 with bacu-1. inv<llved home economics clwt1. ·Jhe llrli llWed the canvas backs and ·Clllblon coven on whJch ·the.. school's · insignia w a 1 silkscreeoed'. Wood Bop .,students made the oeat hue and metal lboP •tu4e•ll deviled the welded frame. . Since all eight of the lnduslr)al aria teachers ,at Estancia have so m e backiJ'owld In Industry, they llbare their experience Wiilie giving studenls realistic help with their projeclt, Coowiy notes. 'Mlls doesn't mean, however, that the teachers 10lve deslp ptoblems for the 1tudents. ' Beyond the llWI production coune, the lndustrtal aria department teaChes 3$ other section• of otudenlt Including cluael in electron!cs snd car mechanie1, Ille later bel!!c • mis of iuto tbop Ind Coast Students Set to Attend ~,tale .Mee~g .. Eleven hiib school •ludenll Imm three Newport.Me~ Unified School District schools will attend a session of the stall l.ollli•lule • In January to follow the pnlgnu of an auto rtptlr llcenslnl measure. . The trip has been arranged by the Orange Coast YMCA's Youth and Government program advised by Les Doak, Mrs. Bruce Broker and Robert Polls, deputy California attorney general. Those partk:ipating will be Gari Stevens, Jr., David Boller, Stln Gjrdiner, Robert Morrilon, Marilyn Waterman, Steve Winnett and Kathy Hildenbrand, from Estancia High. Corona de! Mar representatives will be Diana Mellott and Solveig Store. Steve Allen and Dennis Fox will represent Newport Harbor High. Rites Conducted For Harry Hart Services were held Saturday for Corona del Mat res:ldent Harry Hart who died Dec. 22. . · Mr. Hirt,, who was Bl years old, had lived at 247 Driftwood Road (or 12 years. He was the owner of the Hart Conatruction Co. Mr. Hart was a member of the Elks Lod1e of Glendale, the lrvlne Coast Country Club and the Balboa Bay Club. He leaves his wife, Helen E. Hart, of the family home ; a ton, Rlchard M. Hart. and five srandclilldrtn. Cat Burglar Hits in Newport A cat burglar crept into one 'Newport Beach home and stale an array of gifts from bentath the Christmas tree:_. In one o( two cases with more than $1,000 in losses. 1'.irs. Margaret Sine1 of Ul! Patrice Road, told police of the sad incident t1onday night, listing jewelry, clothing, footwear and children's toys among the missing items. t\rs. Grace Pa1ton, of 2001 Tahuna Terrace , also told police P.1onday that a burglar entered her home via the open garage and stole a M25 mink coat, plUs a few dollars in cash. Pollet earlier this season issued a set ()f guidelines designed to h e I p homeowners and shoppers prevent such thefts, both from reslden~s and parked cars. 3 Aircraft Downed TOKYO (UP I) -Communist forces in Laos shot down three U.S. aircraft earlier th i 1 monlh, accordin.R to t h e oftlctal news agency ot the Pathct Lao. Th.e news asency. in a broadcast monitored here. Identified the aircraft a~ a 847, l Dd F4Ha dn an F4, They v•cre shot Dec. 13, 17 and 21. -...... ........, =.:~ ~ lllve beeo Ill.led. p~rs.wbo were not inttcvlewiil. .wu , Of' Wllllor'• uil•u''"M-••, hi! -r-r-· 'folllolr-lntbolllilad ·~ .. .....,-. .. NBC;\l ...i _,.......,._ 'Ibo lallar too dflclplf/l!!l lllft iiot;il. 111,tfOt: ;• CBll?V~ -·• { iWle s.._ uld: "I d!ln't !mow bl&JJut ~ ~'""-"'· , .... _. ~and· NIVJ Cll\ll: .. llollert 1: Schwell%er, :ie,. Schweilzer ancl Wilber crlUJied th< 'feelings on 'that ,IUllJei!!. Ai least l know ~-•·--of,Leznc:lord. Cdf,, ud • feUow N1vy war and called ' for 1h Ame1lean troopt 'be'sflne.ICouldn'l_Mvereceived 1nl«r dlHkulty of meratnc their ecawwork pilot, pilot, Cmclr. Walter E. Wilber, 41. withdrawal as the drst step to tod it gilt." Sunday '!I'll·' the coUple'a lltb requU;ements with tbe ol.ber clasaea. of Coluin~la ~ Roads, Pa., were "He looks great on film, but that's not. weddjng anpivers.ary, "U teachers in there other areu can ' ---,-,.,.,.~""""-------------=----'=--------=---'...:;-"""";_-,.:__ eoine up with a product to be bull~ there 11 no rtuon why they can't joln the mus production course," Conway noted. In all, students taking indU1trial arts dURS •Ptnd five hout1 weetly ror each cour11e they '-.ke. ~f. studenll in m.,. pniduction have completed one or two years in ine or more of the regu1ar classes. Students who have taken a year of drafttna and a year of WOOdshop are even men valuable to the mass production class, because they have aome Idea of what goes· in in each and. are aware of the demands of the other discipline. In the past, Conway note.I, "a kid might take a year of metal shop and had no Idea ,of ~ relation of metalworking, to other processes." With the maJ1 prodUctkln class, atudenta from at leaat four areu get a fuller understanding of how their efforts fit Into the production process . Contributing to the SUCCt!SS Of the students' indWJtry are donations 'of scrap materials from area fimll, Conway nites. The Columbia Yjcht Corp. of Costa Mesa gives the school its scrap teack whJch studen ts worked Into the tray project. Cadillac Gage Co., also of Co.la Mesa, provides jigs and futures thfy no longer use. Studentl "cannibalize" these for the tooling parts Ibey need to create new jig patteJ'.lll. While the program at Estancia has proven popular c:onw1y notes that it is not. a "panacea" for making industrial · arts education meanfn&ful. He feels the program works at Eltanclll only beca111e of the dedicaUon or the tea.cben Involved in it. He 11ld Sh<rry coordinates the efforts of the the other teachers: Ken Rouse, woodwhop; Bob Sehuremsn, plaaUcs; and Dale Waters, metal shop. Then too, the 1tudenta who elect. to take the advanced program contribute to its 1ucteaa by their interest in m1ktng the whole idea work, Conway Aid. From Pqe l FESTIVAL •. because of cold weather, lack of water and aariltaUon and failure of name bands to 1ppear. rile ma)'O!' awtoglsed to tbe people of . Laguna for the lnconvenience cauaed by roadblocks, which included barrica~1 on Cout HJghway for 1lx hours on Olristmd: Day wbtn the count of cars ~terinl the city reaclted 500 e hour. ·•The t&nyon road wU closed to all but pedestrian traffic throu1bout the festival and •late Sunday afternoon even pedestrians were turned back. Buses provided by the city p r o v i d e d transportation to the end! of the Canyon for those still on.I.he road and for 111 who wished ta leave the festival. In an official statement, ' Mayor Goldberg said that the Great Lake Properties, owner of the 4~iere Sycamore Hills triangle had decided the land trespass had gone on long enough. Organizers of the festival earlier maintained they had permission to UJe the land , but this was denied by the company. However. after consultation with city officiaJs, who feared the festival .might move Into the downtown area, Great Lakes officials agreed not to seek an immediate eviction of the trespassers. There was fear that some of the celebrants would refuse to leave the site this morning and heavy contlngenU of police with riot gear were on hand, but the remaining youths Jen peaceably. Throughout the fesUval , the Art Colony took on the air of an armed camp. California Hig hway Palrol off Ice rs manned the roadblocks. Orange County Marshals and police maintained a command post at Laguna Beach High School to handle communications. From Pqe l RIVERS ••. the job in January. The commlttee 'a pro-m11itary stance will not be affectected by the shift. • Hebert, 89, a former New Orleans newspaperman, came to Congress wttb Riven in 1~1 . Rlvm bad held the chairmanship since IMS. Rivera was christened Lucius Mendel on sept. 28, 1905, at Gumvllle, S.C .. near HeU Hole Swamp. And with a n1me like that be probably wu f1ted to spend half his life fighting, which he did. He &tarted pretty close to the bottom of the heap, but with hard work and not little help from the congreulon1J seniority system, climbed pretty close to the top. ' SOME ARE "ONE I FOR TREMENDOUS SAVI BIG SAVINGS NOW ON FRIGIDAIRE • MATCHING WASHER-DRYER 2 speed w•sh•r, detp •ction •gitator, 2 jet-•way rin1a1, Matching .. iectric drytr. 2 pa ir only, Hurry! 29995 THE PAil SUPER-SURGE WASHING ACTION! Excepllonel daning power fot&Mllblld lalll LHo /land rlMfrlg reqitlr•d. Ouklt OP9r•tloa .-Ith • ~'*'lfMbWa. 14 lab!• Hltklg CllPacltJ ----llFRIGmAmE --" SALii 4 DAYS ONL YF SAVE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SIDE BY SIDE Frigida ire tide by 1id1 f its where mott oldtr r1frigtrator1 90. Fully frost·proofl 41995 You'll ntver dtfrost ag1 inl New low priced! ., LIMITED QUANTITIES! FRIGIDAIRE FROST·PROOF 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR ' • HERE EARLY AMPEX MICIO 24 lottery AC Portoble CASSETTE TAPll Plcry.. /lecner NOW '79" O~LY I AMPEX J l11tlud11 rtmole control mi~•. L--=====-.J ••fpllon•, C•1•, t11d C·60 •••· ••tt•. DISCONTINUED LINES! AMl'EX 14 lottery AC Portable CASSITTI TAPE Ploy•/lec0<der NOW '63'5 ONLY l11d~ol11 ••mol1 co111tol 111i~•. 11rpllo11t , C·60 c•u•tl•, 1111. I AMPEX I PRICES SLASHED! AMPEX 90 AutomallcS- C.t.S~mE· TAPE Play" Deck NOW '103'5 ONLY PORTABLE STEREO-TY PerMMt 1y1._1. 1Nt"eo, 4etctehlllli. •If , .. ,._1e1t .... en. '118" W• S14t.tl NOW •.••• , , •••••• ,, ,, ........ , , •• , MAHT MOii STlllOS. TAILI TOPS -COM'°HIHTS, TAN: llCOIDllS, nc. AT TllMINDOUS SAYINGS. ICA pert.a.le TY l /W. Hew GtHtlr rMIKM -S..e -$79.95 BIG FREEZER SAYINGS! FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER /~ . • . . •• Along the way 'he was praised. by Presldenu and privates, detorated by just about every military and p1trlotlc group in the country, a1111ltd by Pr1vdl aild most recently promottd to 1l1·sllr general by a bunch of Gl'1 for whom be helped arrange ba.r1atn nt1bt1 home oo crtslmu leave from Vietnam, 8i9 f•mily 1i1t -JO" widt, Fro1t·proof. 0.•p deor 1h•lf for c1rtons, cans, bot- tl•s. Now •t big 11vin91, 25888 Big I S.2 cu. ft. slit. All tht t xfr1 fretztr 1p1ct you want. Juic• ctn holder on Coor, 1 door sht lYtl kttps fro11n food1 at yoUr fingtrtip1. 28995 ••• He 1lso was denounct4 by crJtJc:a u a drunk, a security riJk, a patay for the brasa, 1 racist, ind 1n outtt.andtnc example of why Conarea1 oulflt to find some basl.t otber than seniority for aaslgnina 11' positions of powtr. As usual,ln such c1se1, the f1et1 about f..fendel RJ\ters -as a youth dellverlni papers, milking cows, sweatlnc In \l!_e asb6tos mlll -le.nd mort: or lw suppoil to both schools 'ol thought. Thtrl8 ha ve been few more controver1i1l fl&UrH In Congress. ~1614 411 I. s .. •nt• .. th St. daily 9.9 $••· 9-4 1n.;uo EL TORO LAGUNA HILLS PLAZA 1!7°JIJo-4tllr 104-M .... M. 1D·f 41elly I 04 M ... ffl. I 0.9 ' ' . . ' • . ' ;. -. ., - . ,.. ---• ~osta ~Mesa EDI J.I ON • ., • T._y;,., PINd ·: .. . ~_..,· N"" •. F". S~--·. ' # l : ' • " ' -' Estancia "Students Turn to ·'Mas:s·· Production:_ . . - \ By GEORGI!! LEIDAL 01 Ille DlllY "ltJ Stiff For 70 of the 900 Estancia High School \ students who take industrial arts classes every year, one ,of their classes offers a close-up look at the Jndustrial process. 1be program, which grew out of the Newport-Mesa school district's 'Hot Idea experiment, is a means of bringing deeper meaning to w o o d'w o·r k t n g , drafting, plastics and metal shop leclinology. GleM Shtrry, drafting ln!tructor, . brainstormed "mass· production" u a learning tool three years ago. F..d Conway, head of the industrial arts department at· Estancia, h e I p e d eocaurage the, project by opening doors ·and finding administrative support that finilly led to Hot Ideas funding for speciallied equipment, supplies and materials. The program tnvolves all firSt perlod clssses in draftlq, wood, plastics and metal shops in the complete process of manufacturinc a pNMiuct. While teachers assign a product to be made, students must design it, prepare working •drawings fur pr 0 duct j 0 n. research and develop p r o d u c t i o Q tectiruques, refine it. create a prototype version, ma~e ~· tools for mass producing, complete the production run . and 1finally market the product. 11iis year, the class produced 50 fine, teak cheese trays with cutting board of inlaid luk endgrlln blocb. "At •1 apiec~, tb~.class c6uld have sold 100,. ·deJnand for ~em waa so Brea~" Conway h id. ' . -~ther deslgn project led t o prOduction of a wood block desk calendar and pencil tray. T,wo blocks with silk· sc~ned :num~rals. may ~· rota led to ciWlge the day's, date . , A tbree-'bole 'P&per punch pro~vec( t9 be !be • ~niOll dUficult and challenging ~nl o/ any attempted by otudeiits . . ' ' ' .. ..-< ·-- ·' since the mus production clul atsrtaci ·eominUnications between ibe cl1$1U co~triliull"8-. to \he flnlslled product b a key to SUccet8 of the , mass producUon course. Fof exan\Ple, u.e 'pape:r p\mch i{!volved toolhig for mebJ rpa~· aj weJJ as the' wood base anfh!ndle. Drafting students must talk to bOth wood and metal shop classes' tn order to· ·rnisre tMir draw~. · . Another project, mef'J!fi'amed ttacnum· 1eat.s with, backs, involVed home . . economics claues. The girls 1 llwe4 the caqv.is backs an(t Clllblon' cbterl on . . ' which the School's lnlflitla ,. w a 1 sllkscreened.'·Wood ·lhop ~ti lilade the seat base aod· metal abop - devised .the welded frame. • ' · Since all eight of the tncfultrtal · mta teachers at Estancia :baVe 1 o-me. baCkg,ound in lnduatty, l!ieY llhare' thjlr e.p.mnc. while' Jlvil!I )1t~ri\u'ealllljc CS.. _ANCIA; ..... I) ' . . . 'Happening' Ends Police Order H'ippies Out of Canyon By BARBARA KREIBICB Of ... Dellr l"ll•t fleff Pleilct returned to Laguna Beach today u the Jut of. some 20,000 young people who attended the Christmas rock fesUVa.I at Sycamore Hills tramped out of Lagun!. Canyon, lugging bedrolls and blankets and apparently agreeing,, generally, that the·festfval was "beauti!uI." • Only about 1,500 remained at the Laguna Canyon site at daWn today. They had been asked to leave by 6 a.m. A hovering heUCopter from the Costa Mesa Police Department repeated the request in the Mendel Rivers, 65, Succumbs A r· • · M •• ' '{ .. •q·... ... "" hi AJai.~a .., BIRMINGllAll, Ala, (UPI) -Rep. L. Meod~l Rivers, . the colorlul· a D d controversial chairman · of the · House Armed services Committee, died today 17 days after be had undergone open heart surgery. He was &5. The white-haired South C a r o 1 i n a Democrat died at the University of Alabama Medical Center, where a leaky nlltral valve in hls heart was replaced :with one made of plastic Dec. 11. Doctors• ' said he Would have become an lnv alid bad he not uDdergone the surgery. The hospital 1q a one -sentence statement said, ''Congressman Mendel Rivers died at 1:40 a.m. (CST), Monday, Dec. 28. of continuing heart failure.'' Doctors had said Sunday he was making "slaw progress." He haci suffered heart 1toppages ·Dec: 20 and Sunday. His ailment appartntly stemmed from a bout with rheumatic fever during bi s childhood. Rivers as the hawkish chairman of the powerful ' congressional committee was a hero to servicemen everywhere and a recurring . thorn in the flesh of their civilian bosses. He took the serviceman's 1ide in most Pentagon battle and aggravated presidents and d e f e n s e secretaries alike with hi.! insistence that Congress had a constituUorial right to make major decisions affecting the military. With his death, the chairmanship of the corrunittee, under traditional serllority rules, passed temporarily to Rep. Philip J . Phildin (J>.Mass.~. But because Phllbin was defeated for reelection in November, the permanent chairman will ~ ~p. "F. Edward Hebert (0.La.), who will takt the job in January. Orpge Ceaat Weather Warmer days and cooler nights are the weather .trend thi.s week, with Tuesday's daytime temps lncbing up to 63 along the Orange Q)ast. INSmE TODAY The DAILY PILOT today give& away the first of 90 pairs of tickets to the 6th Annual Spo1'ts, Vacation and Recreational Vehl· cle show to be held Jan. 2 through 10 at Anaheim Conven- tion Center. Check cla3sified ads to see if uou're a winner. ... 11.. 11•11 Mil.. ' c~•· 1 • ~ a.u Cllttlllllt UJ " 7 Nlfi.illl N.,... 4·1 CltHllllC U>4t Ott11M C-ty It CIMk• 4f Sr1.,i. '"""'° 4t c,......... 4f ,,.,.... »-# DMrl'I lfttlu1 It I*" Mn• *41 DIWl'Clt It T1lllll• 4:2 ••1ttt1•• '"' ' """'" 41.(J •llttrttM"*" 42.U W...,._, 4 ,llleMe *41 Wf!Mft'' HNI f?•M ...,......., 11 ....... , ' AM ~ ,. ..,... I,,_. ... I early morning hours .and at 7:05 a.m. an ''unlawful assembly" order was issued. The Orange County SherJff's Depart.men~ Eag~ tactical squad was on hand to enforce Uie order, b\Jt there were no confrontations. The rem a i-n I n g celebrants moved out quieUy, some heading toward the San Diego ,Freeway, others walklng down through Laguna to Coast Highway. The exodus ended four days of tension - for the Art Colony and a three-day blockade of,Lquna Canyon Road,-which finally .was opened to normal traffic at I a.m. today. Attendanct at the "comlng together,'' heralded for month,, in tbt underground press, swelled and waned throughout the weekend, peaking to' an estlmated 20,000 youths on Friday and ·Saturday and diminishing during the chill nights. On Sunday, cify Officials, Who had maintained a hands-off policy througboqt the event, decided the party wu over: Statements from Mayor R i ch a r d Goldberg and City Manager Lawrence Ross noted that interest wu· waning (See Fl!F!IVAL, P11• I) ' Mesan Killed On L_eai?ing : . . Lugµ'(la Fete An IS.year.old Coala Me•a JtlU(h wu killed early tllil morning leaving the Christmal rock festival. at S)'camorf; mu. when he drove bis motorcycle into a SO.foot ravine. •' ) ' •• • •. 1 • ~ I N,jL'f ..... .,~ ..... . ' • • ' ' • I • ( 'r • # ·,, ROCK FESTIVAL FANS LEAV·E LAGU"-'CANYON,.llY•MOnlCONYl!WIENT·Ml!ANS . M..,,.;,ta:Alt•r Thia. Photo WH. T1koft, Officer• Explolnod Vlr!U-1· al W1lkl119 ·to ,,.h_ .1!1ay , Riders ~::::::::::::::=::::~:;::;.:.;:~_::..:::.;.:.;::::;;.::...:""•:.L:C:...::~.:,;.~·;;..,.~-~ .. ,;;,;;,:,...;,...;~,...;~·~~~~·~-'-;""""~~, " Jndentiflcation of the youth was being withheld by the Orlnge County coroner'• ' office pending notification, of next of kin. A spokesman for the California Highway Patrol said the cyclist was leaving the festival af About 1 a.m. via an overland route. He was traveling north acros11 private propUty near El Toro Road, just west ·of Lei.sure World. Polite Capture Three . In Canada Murder Case , LONG CAREER ENDS Confressman M....UI Rivers Mesan Arrested After Leading Chase on Bike A Costa Mesan who allegedly refused to pay for pi e and coffee, then raced away on a red bicycle was arrested Saturday night. The Jaw caught up wiiQ the man in a full-fledged red lights-and-siren police pursuit. The spokesman said the y o u t b apparently did not see the 'deep ravine Md drove his motorcycle into it. The body was not discovered .,11ntil about' a a.m. this morni'ng when police offictrs were patroling the area in conjunction with the rock festival. Elvis Gives Car As Christmas Gift . ftfEMPlDS, Tenn. (AP ) -Former Sheriff William N. Morris Jr. aaya entertainer Elvis Presley gave him a $9,000 foreign-made car for Christmas. "I've enjoyed Elvis' freindship .for about 12 year1, I guea," Morris, now head of 1 a \irianagement comulting firm, said Sunday. "My wife graduated 'w1th him ,from Humes Jfigh School in 1953," MONTREAL (UPI) -Three prime sukpects in the kidnap slaying Of Quebec ' Labor Minister Pier,re ·LaPorte '!'ere arrested today ending tbt most·intensive manhunt.in Candian history. Quebec poltce, spotting ·a light in a suppoSedly empty farmhouse: rnove4 In early today and arrested Paul · and Jacques Rose and FraDcis Simard. · Pro\tincial Justice Minister· Jerome Choquette said be riow expeCted a "return to the normal course of justice." · Many civil rights have been suspended since the kidnap emergency, the woi:st crisis in modern Canadiail history, began in October. • . Police sald the suspects were taken into custody in a raid OD a farmhouse at st. Luc, about 2o miles south of Montreal. The raid was the second since Christmas ,.Day when the house WU inspected but appeared empty. Police · rilded the house once. more when the.y saw· a lfght in an upper Door window. They quickly uncovered a specially constructed 'hideaway under· tbe basement ·noor and srrtlted ·the ·three · stispects. .SpeculaU~n. that hnpot1int witn~S!es in · tbe 4porte case might have . ~n· arrested began duril)g th ~ weekend .when provinCial police took 12 persons into cust<M:ly ~ut later released all but ·three. POiice ·said the thret detained were· not prime suspects in the case, blit spe~ulati9n continued t,hat at least one of them might be called, to . testify at the inquest · into Laporte's death, due to . reopen next week. - Hearings of the inque•t have bef:n PQBt~ twice since. mid-~bet, O!l the grounds that. further testimony might jeowdize police investigations. J..aporle was lddnaped Oct. 10 from his home lq suburban St. Lambert, ·just five days after the kjdnaplng ,of · BritiJb Diplomat James Cro~. Patrolman Ron Veach said he was cruls.i.ng near Sully 's Colfee Shop, 2273 Hatbor Blvd., about 6 p.m., when he beard a radio broadcast for a suspect who fled the cafe without paying his 50 cent tab. One minute later, according tO Officer Veach's report, he spotted· the suspect navigating up West Wilson Street at F,ountai.n Way, apparently pedaling homeward . POW Interview Televised • ' ' II ' ' The suspect -·whi> alleged1y spoke loud1y and unkindly to a waitre11s and am.ashed a coffee cup on the cafe Door - spotted Veach at the same time. Pair Ask f~r En.Q, of War; Film Seen as 'St.qged'' Patrolman Veach s~ld the suspect was so alanned he fell over with the bicycle, but got up from the pavi'rn~ and began rttMing. carrying the two wheeled conveyance. Swit_clting on .hiJ red light! and siren, the officer gave· chase and minaged to curb the fugtltve. NEW YORK (AP) -Two American anything to get oul" pilots prisoners of war in North Vietnam The intervieW! were filmed by Michael said in a censored interview .filmed Ma'cLear, a newsman for Canadian Christmas Day that the war should be , Broadcasting Crop. f o 110 w l n g a ended now. A U.S. Defense Der-.,artment conversaUon with North Vt et n am• a spokesman called the televisedi lntervtew Premier Pham Vani Dong whom be program an "enemy propaganaa film." quoted u saying, "I swear to roti tbeae The two prisoners, both of whom men are well treate·d." .: appea'red physically lit, also talked about MacLear llld that when he queaUoned . their dally routine and mall privileges in the promter about U.S. suspicions that the interview conducted under the the North Vietnamese bold more than tbe dlscloaed but the New York Tlmea re'port<d a U.S. o/fl~ in Wuhington said it. WU . the "Hanoi Hilton". - a stiowl>iace camp wbe"' otjier ·journallsls hive Deen allowed controlled visits. ~erry FHedhelin, a ,deputy wlitant delenlle oecre!arY, llld: "We wOuld of courie have no comment on a, Censored edited enemy Jitopaganda He aaid the Mllpecl was terribly uncordlal to him in hia remark.s. supervision of the, Nortb Vfelnamest: and m Americins whose names they · televised Sunday nlgltt, relealed in Paris Jut week, °"!>J. reacted , film sbowliig only ·a handful o/ mown prlSoners. It is ooe more exan)ple of the refusal of No,rth Vietnam to c!ondu!:l Ijsell u 1 ··~\'11!Jed •slgna{ory of tha Geneva Convention. Wire ·lbat con Ve 'n t,J 'O n Five other POWs were seen at cloee angrily 200 Feared ·lliowu,ed raqp•:lo . the film lilt only u.s. Navy . "The . Nixon people are scounclrolo, , pllots Walter E:wul!m', to, ol Columbia 1COW1drels. in talk like thil," he quotod Nl!!W DELHI (UPO -'Ille ffindustan " crouroa~, Pa., lild lloberl J , Dong 11 oaylng. "It's they who have ao Times said today 200 'persons, mosUy Schweitzer, 38, of Lemoore, Calif., both }\urDanltarlan feellngs by t.alklng like women and children are feared drowned commanden, were ·allowed to answer this." when a ferry capsized Saturday in the 'presubmltted que(tlons. Wives of the MacLear said Dong tbld htm the list, Brahmaputra River in Northern Assam two men confirmed their identlfication which also Included· 20 POWa the North about 500 miles northeast of Calcutta. · but declined to clmment on the antiwar Vietnaqiese said had died and nine who The Press Tru$J. ,of India (PTI), views theyexpr es 1ed .Sdrwettze:r'1 . were .released, was "a full ~e and· however, said only alx peraons were fat.her, Fred SchweltHrof Orelandl''Pt..~ .. ~mp~~· conflnned dead. commented, "U I wen1 over there ·~·do 'The Jocauon of tha ·camp' was not ' I ' • ,4 ' .. , I ,.> I adbmd to, there Would be lmpartlil · inlpectton and contac1 direct with· tilt POW1, rather than ctrllOl'ed filml. tn addition, we cooUnue to be concetned for ' the prr-n and the nliJslng, not lDlt in Mirth ,Vietnam, but alao South Vfttnam Af!d J.aol .. " •. In lddltlOll to Wllber and Scb,..lllor, tha five P:OW• Rlctll(ed 11 clole rang• ...,. idenU"ed U1 )sl ,l;I: ·P4ul QtrdOll. \See PRISONkRS, .... I) .. ' I ... Plea. to Re()pen Tavern in 'Mesa . . L()om~ Tonight Revival of ·a·nfiht club. ~t h~il: rocked tb the.rhythm Of·swlngers. on either al~ oJ ·tJie gener_atfun gap ,ls ·on 'tbe Costa Mesa ~Janning ComiriissiOn qenda tonight. ·' · · Donald ?.>Bull, lS'8 W..tmlnster Ave., Js asking J.he city ,to red1¥1e t\LS• oo•ile. parking requirements by 53 spaces. He would .offer patrons of 'Dte Outer Umtts, at 178 ·and·78i w.1l9th 'st., lea'seid parking · !"'ea oh nearby 'Wallilce 11nd Placentia avenues. · However, Pl'aMing d e partment techniclaiis .reco,mmend denial of Bull1~ reque.rt to continue operating ,wh;at wu once a Dixieland jazz showcaae; The ' Honeybucket. Inadequate parking is the · stated basis for theit Stand. The 300-plus residents of the nearby Bethel ToWera retirement akyscrapei a)so are expected to 'false ~jectlons. · complaints were. generated over qolse when ·the ta Vern, builf 1n · 195' With a 17&- person occ~pan~Y. : l6ad, · '."as--most l'eCef!Uy in business_ as The.Happening. ' Rock bands· will 1 be featured if city olllclab· grant Bull pennlssion to continue, on specified ·w!ek·nigbts as well as Fridays and Saturdays. The question of. Ute entertaifunent wu rhiaed earlier. ' "We will not In any way be'conductint that which falls .under the interpretation of this. division," Bull assured , city officials m:a le'tter refe'rring to State tlwa governing such' attractions. Under its 'current ·size and atr,ucturat design, The Outer Linµta: bas a maximum of Jiit occupants, lollo.wl111 remodeling by building owner_Edward Bechtel. • Parltlng requlremen~ would be 'IJ spaces, while Bull Is offering lo provide 70, with 20 on4i~ and ~'to ~ leased (~ P~RB, P,1P 11 Chain Lock Didn't ' Stop· Vehicle· Theft ' ~ • 1 .. • A COtta Mesa man, wary tit anevery, filWOd h coald thwart· mini-bike birglars by chaining hia lltlle ~ehlcle Io tlie grill ol hia car parked In the 1•rage. Ralph Centolella, of ·301 Avocado St., complained to police Saturilay that someone almply pried aport tha chrome !rim and took the 1210 mlnl·blllt, .:oiriplete "1th lls prolec\ive chain. - • . • • :t .o.lll, Y PILOT· C ,.,.._ P .. e J FESTIVAL •• ~--_;boco::,·~"': al cold weather, lack of water -. -·~-J!ic! 11111ii:M1 ...... .-to lppemr.; w, 1 ·, • •• - ' ' 'Ille llll3't apoloclzed lo the people of Jlle.Jilocm-,~.by,. .......... t 1lln1ctdil .. . .Jar • ""'" Cll y -the count of cart enterfoe ll>t city 1'.0lched 500 an hour. 'Ille ~ l1>H ·WU cJojed lo all bUI ~ trafftc tlu<Mlghout the fesllvaJ Ud, J.11t9 SUndly afternoon e v e Q ~.were turned back, lluae• provided by the city p r o v I d e d trailijjOitiUOn !Othe eoos"bf the canyon lbr thoae still on the 101!f and for all who ' wtsbed to lelve. the festlvll. In an offtclal alatanen~ Mayor Gold!>er1 Aid that the Great Lake PrOpei'Ues'. Owni!r Of the CSO.acf& 'Syc11t1ono HUis trianal• had decided the land treapau had gone on long enouch. LOrganir.trl of the festival earlier • ~ they had permlaaiOD lo UM :lbt: .land, bUt thta. WU . !itnled by the .... ilany. . : • HoweVtr, iftet consultation with city· ~; who lilred !be· fesllvaJ mlgbl .move Into the downtown area, Grut 'Laba· officlaJs N<eed DOI ,to uek an )mmadjaJa evicUon•ol the l{eaplrlerl. · There waa 1ear tha* iOme of the qelebrants ·....id ·r.ru. to· leave the lite. 'um mOfllinl -~•heavy -.contlnfenll of ·police with riot gear were on hand, but the r<mllnlna youths lett peaceably. Throughout the fesllvaJ, the Ari Colony toot on .the air of an armed camp. California Highway Patrol o ff I c e r 1 DllMed the roadblocu. Oranae County Manhals and police malntalned a command post at Lquna lleacb · lllch School to handle commUDicatlona. ~ . Spotter Plane Finds Missing Yacht,·3 :·Aboard ~A wide-rlDlln& aerial. oearch, of Moxl· ?JI waters ended todly wben a .•foot Jlilboot "1th three peraons, Including an ~ange COunty youth, aboard was found ur a U.S. Cout Guard spotter plane. Nothint waa amlss on the Makai -bcept for an 1noperailve radJo -when itie. lout engine plane made contact at 11:15 a.m., 52 miles aoutheast of Mae· daltna'Bay. ·· Coast Guard Search and Rescue author. 1u .. hi Lona !leach plotted the location it ao miles" toutheut 'of San Diego in ~ the aucceuful conchuion of Ille hlmt ~r.Joblr Buchwalter, 17, La Habra, hls -lt'3' and llater·lrl-law, of Tucaon, Am., had ·-IOUlltt within • 34,000. ~ .... alnce the MakaJ wu re-Jlrted Mine laat ~ ' . They_..~ wider iai1 and'~ eeedJnc foullnel)> on V<i)iqe !tom Guay· mas, Baja CallfOrnla, e:rpecting to rucb La Pu in two days,.Colat G\lll'd spok• men said. A ptljallle nd!0 .... 11 ~ tijtllt lklpj>er., •ll""1AI ,]lln) to •lfbllah' ..... tact with Coait Gua1'I Illus who combod the Seu. off the ruaed· 'peninsula .. wetl as the Inner Gulf of Callfomis. 'j Meanwhile, ~arch for two other vu. aels reported missing over the weekend was halted when it was dlscovered. .,A family of four from Anaheim,-re- pPrted mlsslng on an 18-foot power boat ~ a fishing trlP. out of ·Newport Beach, didn't go fishing at all but slept in their boat at a private dock. The family WIS" identified b~ the Coast Guard as Mr. abd Mrs. Mike Walker and their two children, aged seven and five. A 36-foot cabin cruiser reported miss- ing on a trip from San Diego to Ensenada was found docked at a San Diego Marina. Engine trouble prevented start of the crui!le. On board were Ronald Whitman. 44, of Irvlne and bis two sons, Donald 22 and Monty 13. 3 Aircraft Downed TOKYO (UPI) -Communist forcea In Laos shot down three , U.S. aircraft earlier t b i s month, accordinit to the ol!icial news agency of the Pathet Lao. Tbe news ·agency, in a broadcast monitored here, identlOed the aircraft as a B47, and F4Ha dn an Ff. They were shot De<. 13, 17 and %1. ' DAILY PILOT OltANOI COAST P'UILlllUMG COM,AMY Reffrt N. W ... ,, ....... , Miii Plllll .... J•ck It. Cuti.., Vkit l'NWWll Miii 0...1 IMMtlr" n. ... " Ke.ril "'"' n.-., A. M•rphlne MIMl"'8 It!*" CW. M-0Ms. JlO w .. t I~ SW..t ' ' M1lft11t A44ren: P.O .... II", tJ'26 _.._ Newpwt h9cll: 2111 w.t ..... ....._., UtriN '-di: m ~ • ...,. .....,.,.... '-di: 111t'J ~ """""' In ~; aJ NOffll 11 C.ll'lb. A•I I DAILY ,ILOT Steff '"'le COORDINATES EF~ORT Est•ncl1 Instructor Sherry Huntington Man Seis Self On Fire, Dies . A ~ye&Mld Huntlngtoo !leach man burned himself to death over the weekend by dousing b1' body with gasoline 81)d lgnltlna It with a match. William Joaeph McCabe, a resident of fl11 B California St., WU pronounced de'ad at Orange County ·Medlcal Center at 12~45 a.m. Sunday, nearly two hours after be had "t himaeU ablaze. Physicians al the hospital slid he suffered second and third degree burns over 99 percent of his body but wu still alive when admltted. , McCabe, Huntincton B~h police offlcen said, ignited himself in the patio of Jack's Restaurant, an oceanfront cafe about e p.m. Saturdl!y. Michael Stuart, an attendant at a service ataUon opposite the restaurant, said McCabe had purchased ·~ents worth of gasoline mtnuteSbefore bia death. McCabe reportedly carried away the "'flammable liquid ln a small container after telling the attel\dant that he needed it to start a fire on the beach. "He bad a far away look in his eyes," Stuart told . officers Jnvestigating the ..... Wltneue1 who were on the beach at the time, tald McCabe.Yelled for help three :=d~ter b1' .~ body ~oil to, th: ~Y rushed over to the service station and called on Stuui for help who then quenched the flames with I a fire eatlniUllhir. officen said. Af~ the' flames were out, McCabe toJd U:e attel'!dant, "I'm sorry. l can't feel anythinc. I just hurt inside." When doctors questioned him at the ho.sl>ital about why he had chosen to immolate himself, McCabe replied, "lt just seemed like the thing to do." Thieves Strike HoJlles, ShQps In Costa Mesa ' Thleves looted Costa Mesa homes and businesses of ·nearly $2,000 in valuables over the weekend. Ooe motel lost color television sets on consecutive days. Lucille Warren. manager of Sunny Acres Motel , 2376 Newport Blvd .. told Officer Phil Donohue a $350 set was taken from a vacant room Saturday by a b\ll'glar. Maid Judy Gosvener discovered a $425 set had Vanished from a second occupied uiilt Sunday, while the tenant was out of town, according to Officer Rudy fdalik. ·A burglar who apparently took advantage of a door left open for three puppies' entries and exits also stole $400 in stereo sound equipment early today. from 273 E. 20th St .. while tenant David Lonie was out for a snack. Household appliances and tools valued at $400 were taken from Daniel L. Pecotte's home at 645 Victoria' St., by a burglar who broke a window to gain entry Sunday. f're~ Page l P.LANNERS. •• nearby for use from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m., city studies show. . The off-site parking would be leased from industrial firms not using them at night, so \he.re is ·no conflict on that point, clty officials agfee. But they predict the distance - a minimum of 2!JO feet from the bar to the first available space -makes Bull's soluUon unsatlsfac~ory. Increased parking demand would also be detrimental to other surrounding properUes, they allege, pointing out that three ot them are vac-'nt now, due to lack ol customer parking space. Past h.latory aJ90 shows other own ers ""'ere unable to provide satisfactory control of the off.-slte parking area used, tile f.lanning Deparunent stall charges. The report concludes .tha t continued operation of The Outer Limits would not be in the best interests of the community. A total of 13 other publi c hearings and one item schedu led for final action by commissioners are on the ltgenda for the 7:30 p.m. meeting, but not all will be aot~ upon tonight. ·- ..... P ... J ESTANCIA· •.. • 4 .. help' Wiii ~~-IAnlll)' -· Tbls ... Jt mean. however, that the tachln iolvt dtJlp Jirobl•ma for th• -1'.' llol"'ftd the .... ...--· !ht ~~· ~ ·:t~ cllllli bi •1-.. lllld ... -• ter bel!ig a mis ol auto sboj> and pow Chanlcs. - · The latt two disciplines have not ·yet 1 been work to the mass ctton curriculum bee cs dUficulty ef merging their coursework requirements with the other classes. "If teachers in there other areas can come up with a" product to be built, tf!ere is no reason why they can't join the mass production course," Conway noted . In alt, students taking industrial arts classes spend five hours wetltly-for each course !,bey take. Generally, students in mass production have completed one or two years in ine or more of the regular classes. Students who haye taken a year of drafting and a year of woodshop a.re even more valua.b1e to the mass production class, because they have some idea of what goes in in each and are aware of the demands of the other dlaclpllne. Jn the past. Conway notes, "a kid might take a year of metal 'hop and had no idea of the relation of metalworking to other processes." Wipi the mass production class, 11tudents from at least fliur ateu get a fuller understanding of how their eflorta fit into the production process. Contributing to the succtss of the studenta' industry are donations of scrap materials from area flrms , C.Onway rutes. The C.01umbla Yacht Corp. of Costa Mesa gives the school its scrap teack which students worked into tht tray project. Cadillac Gqo Co., aJao of Com Meu, provides jigs and fixtures thty no longer use. Students ''cannibalize'' these for the tooling parb: they need to create new jig pattern!. . While the program et Estancia has proven popular Conw1y notes that it la not a "panacea" for making industrial arts education meaningful. He feels tbe program works at Estancia only becauae of the dedication of the teachers involved in it. He aaJd Sherry coordinates the efforts of the the other teachers: Ken Rouse, woodwhop; Bob Schureman, plastics; and Dale Waters, metal shop. Then too, the studenta who elect to take the idvanced program contribute to its success by their interest in making the whole id~ work, Conway aald. PRISONERS. . ' ~ . . • • Brown, Newton, Mua.; Maj. Rogor D. Ingvalaon, Sanlord, Maino, and It. Col. Ediaon W. Miller, Santa Ana, CallC., all ~; and· Lt M. L.,<;arUoy, Dunedlo, Fla., and Lt. William J. Ma,Yhew, New Manchester, W. Va .. both of the Navy. In the interview, Wilber and Schweitzer said they had read a number of books by Americans about the war, had visited various museums in Hanoi and had discussed the war, with of.her prisoners. "I know I've had the deepest discussions I've ever had In my life with my fellow pri.soners here," said Wilber, "and we've had to really go to the very core of our feelings on a number of things -loyalty, what is it? Where does it lie? And morality, legality, a number of thlngs that in our affluent, rushed life, I suppose, ,in our country we don't normally give too deep a thought about." "I think the answer or course is the war must be ended, and it must be stopped now, We've just got to stop this thing. We've got to admit the facts as they lie , and stop the war, and of course we must withdraw our troops to stop the war. That's the position we have to face . Once we do that. the Vielnamese can solve their own problems. I'm confident of that. If we'll stop the war and get our troops out. That 's what we have to do, and that's what the big job is," said Schweitzer. ' . For gotten Stash Not Good Excuse Possession is nine tenths of the Jaw, according to one oJd saying. Costa Mesa police applied It to a 14- year-0ld boy stopped for questioning at 19th Street and Harbor Boulevard, while hitchhiking to Laguna Beach's Christmas Day ha ppening. He just happened to· have some marijuana, presumably for the merry. making, according to oftlcers Steven Nash and Pat Rodgers. He told the m he gave up pot-smoking '"hen he became a Christian two months earlier and just forgot about the supply in his jacket pocket in the joy of his new· found faith. He went to Orange County Juvenile Hall anyway. Bob Hope Performs Two Shows in Korea SEOUL <UPI) -Bob Hope and his troupe today gave their second and last show for American servicemen In Korea at Osan Air Base, 30 miles south of Seoul: The group, comprlsin1 over 7 o en tertainers and officials, arrived in Korea Sunday and gave Its first pe rformance later in the day at a recreation cen ter in the 2nd U.S. lnfantry Divi5ion area About 30 mlles north of Seoul. Following today's show at Osan Air Base, the group will leave for Alaska on its trip back home. • POW Intel!v.iew 'Staged' ....... .~ .,Ln& t?I 1taled Pre11 ~war -statemmtl. by two Amtrl~n' pr~ Jn a teiriUed interview lrom ·-Vllltllltl may 11 .. 1 bitii atlled. aeeordfa( It ditlr nlOUVM bi Ille Uilltod bitel'.Vle..a 'by • eanadlan-ll~ .C.Orp.,oorfespondent on.-Chtistmu Day. 1The fDm, "'bich abowed five other U.S. tiooon•wbo .... ••temewed."-llloda; 111C111 -.·NBC-TY llUI my· lmp(U1IOll-of"bls.ll!.o.:.~.rtllln Jt was s\Qed," Gwen Schweltter stid of her husband after the telecast. ,-()( Wiililf't antiwar J,tlattrpeata:,~ his Ml• Juan. sa$d: "l don't bow bta tru, f.telings on tbat subJfct. At least I know he's fine. I couldn't have received a nicer gUi." Sund~y was the couple's .18th wedding anniversary. SlliWI. . . I ~lvjl, Qndr, llo"9rl J. Schweitzer. It, o( umoort, .Cllf:. •. "1d a fellow Navy pilot, .pilot, Cmdr. Walter E. Wj\ber. 40, of Cohq:nb11 , ~ Soads,• Pa., were Schweitzer and Wilber criticlzed tbe war and called for an American troop withdrawal as the first step to end it. ''He looks great on film . but that'~ not SOME ARE '10NE ONi. Y" sq IE HERE EARL y FOR TREMENDOUS SAYINGS MON. THRU THURS. DEC. 28·31 BIG SAVINGS NOW ,ON FRIGIDAIRE MATCHING WASHER-DRYER 2 speed w•sher, dttp •ction •git•for, 2 jet·ew•y rin1e1. Melching electric dryer. 2 peir only, Hurry! 29995 THI PAIR SUPER-SURGE WASHING ACTION! El:ctpGoalll dllmllill ,_. tor~MI •t.No hand rintng reqelrff. QNt openltoll dtt a «!Und-d••• * u ....... 1-4tlblt ......... ·----8FRIGIDAIRE -- SALE 4 DAYS ONLY! SAVE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SIDE BY SIDE Frigideire iid• by 1id• fits wher• most old1r rt'fri9er•for1 90. Fully frost .proof! 419'5 You'll nev•r defrost 1911 inl N•w low pri ced! LIMITED QUANTITIES! ' ' FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF 2·DOOR REFRIGERATOR l i9 f1mily size -30" wide. Frosf·proof. 2ss•• Deep door shelf for c1rton1, cens, bol· ties. Now 1t big 1•ving1, AMPEX MICRO 24 lattirf AC P"!!"°I• CASSmE -IArli Ploy or /Reconlor ' NO)t s79ts ONLY I AMPEX I lnel11dt1 rtmolt control mi~•• L-~·====:'....-.J 1trphon1, c.111, ind C·•O Ctl.• ••tt1. DISCONTINUED LINES! AMPEX 14 lattory AC Portable CASSITTI TAPI Play or /R-d• NOW $63'5 ONLY lncl ... d•1 t111"1olt •o~!rol mi~•. ••rplrtont, C·•O c:1111H1, c:111. L~l=A=:M:::P:::E=X=::'.J' PRICES SLASHED! ' AMPEX 90 Alltomcltlc Steno C.USITTI TAPI PlcrJor" Qeck NOW '103'5 ONLY PORTABLE STEREO-TV P....W. Sf11J•I• rtereo, detecll.itte .,, ...,...1.11 .......... s11a•• W• S14t.tl NOW ........................... , , • MANY MORE STIRIOS. TAILI T0'5 -COMPONINTS, TA.Pl lllCORDIRS, ITC. AT TRIMINDOUS SAYIN•S. RCA pe...-1• TV l /W. N .. Glfftfr redffM -kr1 -$79.95 BIG FREEZER SAVINGS! FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER 819 15.2 cu. ft. 1i1•. All the ••tre fr1e1er spice you w•nt. Juice c1n holdet on 289'5 door, 4 door shelves ketpl frozen foods •f your fin9ertip1. lntegrlt" anti Depe1ulal»Hlt1' alnee 1941 646-1684 COSTA MESA ,41"1 I. Stvt11teen"-St. dally 9.9 Sat. t-6 117-JllO IL TORO LAGUNA HILU Pl.llA .aJ7·111t-fflly t0.6-MH., M. 1D•f ' lially 10·6 M ... Fri. 10·9 ' " ,_ • • • . ·-. . · -~atlillehaek ,, " -. . ----J~ . ....--1'~'1". StMk•- . . . 1. \10~. 63, NO. 311 , 3 SECTIONS, 50 PAGES '-. ~ ....... .._--~__..~------------------------·_d_RAN,S--·_e_c_o_u_.mv __ ._.CA~·~.t~ __ RN,.....IA_. ____ . __ ,.........,. __ MO~,_N_o_~_~_oil>_ECEM ___ BER_._·_2•_1._'"° ..... ..,.,.----..,,..---\----J'E--N_·CENTS--~ ~~ ~ I\.. Film of P9W s Blasted a~'Enemy Pto}>aganda' 'liEW YORK (AP) -. ~Amedcan piloll ]Jriloners of --flrNortb Vieblallf · ... u1d 1 in a ceuored intemnr ftlmed Cbr-.S Day that the war lbouljl be endejl. "°"· A U.S. illfeme Depomnent spo~ called, the &elevised interview program an "enemy propaganda film." The · two prisoners, both of whom appeared physically II~ allo. talked about their.daily [OUUn~ and mail privileges in the lnteMew conducted under the supervision Of the North Vietnamest and ' ., tele)'!ied ~ nJghl. Five otbir P.ow1 :twere 11ter1 at close • , .... in the 'fllm tiut only U.S. Navy pilola· Wal~.E. Wilber, 40, of Col-la erour-. Po., and Roberl J • Schweitzer, 38, of Lemoore, Calif., both cOmrDanders, were allow~ to answer presubmittea questions. W i v e s of the two men confirmed, their identification but declined to cimment on the antiwar yie~ they e x pr ~ f s e d . Schweitzer's father, Fred Schweitzer of Oreland, Pa., s ' Mendel .Rivers Dies· in Alabama . ' ... 'LONG CAREER ENDS . C"'9r••m•n Mendel Rivers 5 Youths Held In Cycle Thefts San Clemente police have recovered lhree motorcycles and arrested five Capistf1PKI Beatjl j11vfnileS who · tbey allege ·stole the bikes weeks ago fr&m a loc~ shack of the Seabreeze Motorcycle Park. The thefts, wbicb occurred about a month ago at the closing cycle attraction, involved three upenaive cycles ind some short-wave radJo equipment. · 'the arrests took place early this. week after: recovery of the rm of. the three cyclel,in Santa Ana'. The youths, all boY> in their mid -. will face juvenile charges of burgill'}'. 1\'e•tlter Warmer days and cooler nights are ' the weather trend Uiis week. with • Tue'sdly 's daytime temps inching up to 83 along the Orange Coos!. INSIDE TODAY The DAILY PILOT today gives awoy the firtl ot 90 pairs of ticket: to the 6th Ann\lal Spam, Vacation and RecreBtiQMl l\t'.'thf.. cl< Show !<> b• 'ii.Id, Jan: 2 through 10 al A!IGMilll 'c;~...,.. tion Center. Chtck clluifi,td adl to iee if you're a tomner. ' -' _ ....... ................. o.--e-tY 1• I'll* ,_,.. • -"" • IMdl M""" ... , T....,11._ 41 -.... -. .,_.., Min 1144 --' --.. -'------·-----· Yul.e Decoration Prizes A warded commented, 11tI wve •oftl'·tbere rd do .• 339 · AmericaDe wboee • nainea. ·1tbey anytbing to get cut.'~. releoied'in Paris lUt Qelc,J)q reacted· 'lbe-inRrviews were filmed by Michael anarDY' _.... ' ' " M I f ' r •• di ' ............ , ui--n 'are acoaDdrek, 1c nr, ..,.., ne~ or 1 ..... .ua an .. .., 11 ... 1111 Broadl:aslln( Crop. •following a scoundrell'lo ·IJD·thls," J!e ~quoted CQRVE;I"sation wlib North V re t n a m • s Dong as Aytng: "It'• they1wbo have no . Premier ~ Pham van· Dong whom he bwi>aJllllrlan fMllnla' by !alkinl jib quoted as .aymg, "I swear to you these thil." · -i-.. • > men•are weiMr .. ted." M~cLear ·aald DoOi told l\im lbeJil~ MacLear said that when lie questioned wbld! alJo inChided ·ll 1'9!1'1 U..•Norlb th.e wemier about JI.S. suspi_cions \bit v~ aald bod dlic( llMI l!ine wliO the North Vietnamese bold m0rt than the were releued, ,wu ••1· lull ·• a ad ' _eav·e comglete... , , ,. 'Ibo locaUon of the . camp. wp l)Ol dilclom but the New Yorll Tinieo. ~· a , u.11. of!iclil •,b). WaahlnpOli said lt. was tbe · ''Hlnol ·Hilton~' -a showplace camp whn other. .IO\lrDiiiSla ba,,e,been allowed controUed v1a1l;4-.. ". Jmy Frledbeillf, • deputy uoialanl derense teerei,.ry, slid: , "We would of CIQUl'M have :no ~ClDl~mm~.N ... ~'I on a censored ·edited uemy·. lJfOPlllanda film' "'°Wini only • bandlu1 ol. ~ 1 I prisooen. It ii'"'° more ODlllpk cf Ille reluaal of Nor1h V!Otnam lo coaduCt ii..)! 11 • civlllz.id 111pa1ory of '!be .~· Convention. Were thlt co'nent,lon adhered to, then ....id' be• bnputial 1-tloo and COl)tacl. -with tllO POWs, ;atber than' wed flbnl. Ia addition, we continue to 6e ~ for the prisoners• and, the miulng, llOI' Jut la · Nortb Vletoam, bul all<! SOUth V- apd ~~· 'Happening' Cut Short ByPq~ce r BJ BARB,UU DEllllCB t Of .. °""'' ........ • _, _ __.___ ______ ----·-· . _____ ~ 4---~· -"· .L... .. ~·~·...,w=· -""'·-·'--'•~··----A-'----·-· -·-"'"'-'·&.""·-·-· '-""~· --· •~·----·-· -----·-·~--·~· -~-- f ' • •• . ' I . ' DAILY PILOT PllCllol by •k~•1'11 Kffllltr ROCK FISTIVAL FANS LEAVE LAGUNA CANYON BY MOST CONVENIENT MIANS Moment• After Tlti• Photo Waa Taken, Officers ExPle tned Vlrtuu of Walking to Thne l••y Riders . . " ,JUST BIFORI DAWN, TACTICAL Po,Ll~I OATfll~ AT LAOUN~ ~llJH'S O,~YIR "ILD · Orlcllron -.. Command Poot for Auth~lllH W1tdllnt Over Ceny111 Reck 1'11llv•I . , , I • .... ·~-~~~~~~~~~~~ l '· . ' Teenager Killed In Cycle Wreck Leaving Laguna An ta.-year-0ld Costa Mesa youth wu kllled early this morning leaving tht Chrlstmu rock festival at Sycamore · Hlllt when he drove hil motorcycle into a ~foot ravine. lndenUficaUon of the youlh was being withheld by the Oranie County Coroner's of lice pending notification of next of kin. A spokesman for the California lllghway Patrol said the cyclist was leaving the festival at about 1 a.m. via an overland route. He was traveling north across private property near El Toro Road, just west of Leisure World. The spokesman said the y o u t h apparently did not see the deep ravine and drove hla motorcycle into it. The f,x>dy was not discovered unUl about 8 a.m. this mornlni when police officers were patrollng the Jrea In conjuncUon with the rock festival . DAILY PILOT Hew,•rt l•x la H•llltlllffN ..... L9ftiM .... la h 111Ni11 Y.0., CMN Mn• S. a-. ... OltANGE COAST .. UaL\SHIMG CCMl'AMY Ro .. •tt N. W ee4 Pruldtnl er.d P11r.!Wltr J1ck 'R. Curley Vici Ptts1Gml l r.d Genlrll MllWIOtr 1\oin•• K11Yil ldllOr 7holl'llt A. Marplll11.e MllWll!nJ lldttor fUcher4 P. H 1U Soulh Or1r1111 Counlr Editor • " Off/ .. Colli MIMl )» W11t l,Y Str'Mf H~ l tlc!I: 2fl1 W•t ltlllo1 hu!M~ • ll/lllllll lllC!I! tn l'INtl AYfnllt HY1111"1'IOl'I l11ch; Ul1J l11ch ltu111111'4 kn Cltllltfllt : JOJ North 11 Clll'llM llNI Teenagers Hit Highways . At Close of 'Happening' By ALAN DIRKJN ot ~ !nl" Plllt t11/I Lagu.na's Christmas coming toielher '\'as turned into a road show thl.s monting as law officers cleared the festival site, bused the youths to Pacific Coast Highway and told them to move on. The highway was dotted With knapsack- carrying teenagers. Anybody who wanted to know what Christmas was like in the sealed-off tfui.Yon had only to give a ride to some hikers to hear their story. 1'It was just beautiful -why did it have to end?" asked a confused George Friedenthal, 20, or Santa Barbara. "Man, that thlng would have gone on through New Year's. We just had a great time up there." His two companions on the road -Roy Davidson, 17, of San Pedro and George Kelsch, 20, of Seal Beach -told how it all came to an end this morning. "Th1s police helicopter came over early this morning, screeching that weird siren, waking UJ up" Kelsch said. "Then they called over a loudspeake r that it was some kind or unlawful aSlembly and we had to move out. Anytiody who didn't Would be arrested for failure to disperse or 90methlng. "Then when we looked 'up we saw the hillsides were rlnied with cops. I mean, they were standing there silhouetted with their shotguns out, pointed to the sky. f..fan, it was just like the ;;ettlers looking uP at the Indians in the movies, ' you know? It was just weird." "Really, the police didn't hassle us or anything," said Kelsch. "They let qs do our lhini during the festival. It waa a real movlng experience for ua all, like a coming together of the Jong. haired philosophy." "It was a community up there -a city of love, a city just livil}g on love and peace." Friendenthal explained." "Six babies we re born. Every time one was born, it was announced over the PA and we all sang." "We had plenty of food and water -we could have lasted for days. There were no sanitation faclllt!es -the cops wouldn't let some chemical, toilets through . But we were plannnlng to dig latrines, anyway .'' None of the hJkers could 'understand why the police sealed off the canyon road. · "Thousands more wanted to come but they wouldn't let .the cars in and then they wouldn't even let people walk ln," Kelsch said. "fl lot of bands came· down but the police wouldn't let their trucks by." Where's the 'next festival? "I don't know. Needles or somewhere In Arizona, 1 think." said Kelsch. "I'd bike anywhere to one of these. They're beautiful." * * * Laguna Canyon Residents Told La,vs ttit Futile '" After a while, the police moved down. 'They wer-en't rough"'-they didn't beat us or anything,'' sald Friedenthal. "But they kept calling us pigs, saying there was trash all over the place. But they wouldn't let us clear It up. We had worl parties organized to remove the rubbish. but how did we know they're going bust us out this morning ? Another couple or guys had an American -Flag, but the cops took it away from them." Laguna Canyon residents who have been lhinklng about suing the city I because they were ker,t from thelr homes during the canyon b ocbde toward dle end of the Christmas rock ft!!tlvsl may At blockadea set up by the police, the Jong-haired yVJths were given cursory searches. ''All they did was tap our pockets," Davidson explained. "AskJ us if we had any knives or anything. They weren't busting anybody for drugs. We could have had a knapsack full of dope . "In fact. there were some guys sitting smoking the last of their grass within 60 feet of the cops but they dldn·t do anythlr\g." All the youths egrted that the festi val waa a success for them. as well forget it. · This is the opinion of Mrs. Tommie Gunn, chalnnan of the Laguna chapter of the American CivU Liberties Union ACLU, who said today she had rtctlved numerOus calls from Ii-ate resident! dur-' ing and after the blockade. "I've tried to explain lO them that the city Is wlthln lta right to blockade any road during an emerg ency like a fiood. a 1 rire or a dangerous traffic situation," she said. ''Thl9: was such a blockad~ and I don't think anyone would get very far I filing 1 1ult over lL •• • Canada Nabs 3 • Ill . Slaying . ' . -' MONTREAL (UPI) -Three prime suspocll ID the kl*llp slaying of Quebec Labor Mlnlater PSetre Laporte were arrtotod lodq llldllla the moo•la-v• Oloquettt IOld hO now espectod 1 "rtturn to the normal course of justl!!f!. '' M•ny civil r1Cht1 have been &uspended Tbe raid • was the Rcond Iii.nee Christmas Day when ~(" house was iD'>pec:led but appeared empty. --,)rc.iice rl!ded lhe boule once m•e )'hon they saw 1 Ugh! In 1n -r Door w.lndow. They ·.quickly uncovered a mmmt in <:n4•n btltorJ.. ' . . llDce U., kldnlp -· Ibo P'°"I crilil In lloodera Culldl1n 11111o.,, lepn Queblo pollol, IPOlll~ I lliht• fll I • aippoeedl7 em,ty .farmhouse, nioved in •·¥fly today Ind\ arrested Paul and Jacques Rose and Frantls Slmard.- Provillclll .J1,11Uce Mlnater . Jerome in October. • , Police said the wpects . were taken Into cus tody In a raid on a farmhouse at st. Luc, about 20 miles soulh of Montreal. -·specially constructeethldeaway under the basement _floor and arrested the three su.SpecU; · ..• Y·EAR ·END . - SOME ARE "ONE ONLY" SO BE HERE EARLY FOR TREMINDOUS SAVINGS MON. THRU THURS. DEC. 28-31 BIG SAVINGS NOW ON~RIGIDAIRE . MATCtt'ING WASHER-DRYER 2 apeecl wather, deep ection a9l.tator, 2 Jet•eway ,1n1et, Metchlng 1ltctric dry1r. 2 pe ir only, Hurryl 299'5 THE PAIR SUPER·SURGE WASHING ACTION! Exc9J1tlon&I cteanlng PoW« tor nnlUzed labl•are. Mo hi nd rln1ln1J r1qulr1d. Qwl•I op•r•tlon •llll I 90llftd-d•ad9nlnt tM111r1a. 14 tabl11atllng cap1c11y (NIMA)f«-- .F.RicnDAIRE D.-itlll ~ALI 4 DAYS. ONLY! SAVE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SID~ BY SIDE ·f Frigidaire sid• by side fits wh•re most older refr lgerafor1 go. Fully frost-proof! 419'5 You'll never d•fro1t again! Ntw low priced I LIMITED QUANTITIES! FRl,GIDAIRE FROST-PROOF . 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR ' 8ig f•mily ti:r.e -30" wld •. Fro •f-proof. 258'' D•ep door she lf for cartons, can•, bot- tles. NoW-;t b4g 11vin91, COSTA MISA . AMPEX MICRO 24 latt..y AC P ....... 11 CASSETll! T API l'lay,ot{llconlor NOW $79'5 ONLY I AMPEX ) lncl~d11 remote control mike, L-....'.:====:__J .~rphone , c111, •11d C·l)D c11- 11tte. DISCONTINUED LINES! AMl'q 14 .... "'Y AC P-1• ' CASSETTI TAH Play or /Reconler NOW '63'5 ONLY . . . ' PRICES SLASHED! AMPIX to AutotHtlc SterM CASSETTI TAl'I l'layer Dldt NOW 'I 03" ONLY -· PORT ABLE STEREO-TV ,.,,... lyt-1• • ._.., -·-"' ._... .......... '118'' W• $149.fJ NOW ••••••••• , ••••• •••• .......... • MANY MOii I TIRIOI. TAILE TOPS -COMPONINTI, lfAPI llCOlDIRI, ITC. AT TI EMEMDOUS SAYINGS. ;. ICA '9tt•bl1 TV l /W. Nc.w Greetfy rffKH -SH. -$79.95 BIG FREEZER SAVINGS! FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER Big 15.2 cu . ft. 1i:r.1. All the erlr• frieeter 1pec1 you went. Juice can hold•r on c!oor, 4 cloor shelves k1ep1 fr'O:r.en foods et your fingertips. 1 • IL JORO 289'5 646-1614 411 r. s .... ,_11o st. dilly 9.9 Sit. t-6 IJ7·lHO LAGUNA HILLS PLAZA l lT·ll J°"'"'"4oll"l 10-t-Me111., ,,.. 10·• . dolly 10·6 MDft. Fr i. 10-t ' ' ' ... • . . . ' • • ~aguna Mayor · Lquna Buch·Ma,or RIC'-·ar 0 d Golcller& today bsued the ·following lllltoment regarding the Christmu ?Qik festij al at)iyWmre Hills : .• .. When 1SS posters advertising an event 1n ~IWli• Beach on Cbriatmaa Day are malled to 'all parts of the nation; when tuU-P.,e adl appear in the .'underground' preli: an~ broadcuts art conUnuously • put out over radio and teltvislon, people by the thousands are going lo rospond. "'Ibere UI no· conceivable way to prevent il-When, further, the event is fictitious, no identifiable organizers can be found and the promised entertainment, food and accommodations are obvlously ()Qt going to be available, ytiU are f.ced witll the elementa of a natural .dlauter. That is 11reclsely what j' • . dLiFO!l~IA; . ~... ·~ o ice .w -ee - **-ti *** •Lost Christin as~ 'Officials Tell of Yide Nightmare 111 keep th1nk1ng about that story of 'The Grincb Who Stole Christmas,' " said Laguna Beach City Clerk Dorollly Mulfelt aa she returned to her post al the "happeplni" information center at 6 a.m. l\fendel Rivers, 65; Succumbs today, after another few.hours of sleep. For Mrs. Mwife!J and many others on the city staff, it had .indeed been a Christmaa to remember -not happily., On Sunday afternoon , two days after Christmas Day,. a weary police matron wondered, 'Gee, I wonder H I'm ever going to get to wrap my Christmas gifts." li Jdayor Richard Goldberg bas anything to say about it, •there won't be another Christmas like this one. · '1_'his will mt be the first annual bappeolng in Laguna ~ch," be said T~ ,A) ,, ~. firmly8unday night. "1t wm be the 1 .. 1. .. A'4 ,~ma . "::::&-·:r~· !;' ;~j • . .. . -- . .. . ~ 11.v~-s•••·· • . "(Jg lllllUllllloo. tile ·-11 .,,_ BeiCb iboald lm!lw ""° ior-w .n were. In· tbe warda Of. CDt •JC I' sQwal --... u ·~Jn tbll,IJpo" altuattoo. YOll elthef did ~ ...,. or were very vsy JuckJ. • · "Speaktnc lor myaoll I nut to 117 tlJll will not be the Oral annual'._. ID Laguna Beacb,"but tile Jut." . . , 20,0()0 Quit 'HapP:e~ing' Mier Order. 111 BAlllABA llJIEllllCll °''"."' DellP ....... Peace rebu:J>ed to ·Lquna BeadJ today u tho"laat ol, ..... 111,0llO -· ~ 'Jlbo ·--Iba a.natmaa ..a lol!lwl at Sycamon-llllll lralllped oat al 1- ~ ....... bodrolla .... -- d ----._.ay, tlJal .. r.uv.i .... '1'tautlfaL.. ..... ·""' ,-.1,111'_, .. al Illa~ ~ Illa at dawn tod&J. 'l'bef ba4 J •. . . puticiplnta. Ute Christmas rock festival t• r•••--CWO-j'if:f • ., ?•• 111111 ..... more um-.-~~ Ille colarlul I ...,,...,.,, lor 111111)'. -&lbd la .loa. .. liJ I LID. A bo .. ln& =-""" u:.i <:~ t"': ~ ~C.,1oct •I 7;11 a.m. 111 · ' -.. • 11. Ille -ApprlMd iliM ltleodance m t moant ·iei-~~ jllfd ifCla1 ,' .bllo llio 11 • llOIJie weiit oo'f: IZ..bour , 17 4'111· ~ tlJo· ~ a)ll!ir,.,. open oNhl a-.t.W... Ouisbnu and tried ~ lillliilllll)" wi m llaoied. belrt IUrpl'f. i.t ·Was ·es, j to "urge, the )'OUChfu1 organizers to plan 'ltie wbUe-hllred South c a r o!l l n 1 for1 IUcb needs as food, water and DeiDocrat ditd ·It 'the · Uiilftfsity of 11ntt.aUon. Ali'llU.oa Medical Center, where a leaky C~ officials, afraid the Jmpromptu ndtril valve In hi' heart was replaced affair might erupt on· the Main Beach and wtUi one made oi.plutic Dec. 11. Dactors au• ovtr the ·.downtown area, hopelessly Alf) he ,..id bne• become •D frivalid .,ologgtng traffic, huddled with officialJ or hid he not tmderaone the all'l4!D'· 'Great Lakes Propettl~. owner of the 'lbe bolpilll ta 1 0 n e. 1 e a t en ·c e Syc~more Hills aite ~lected for the otatomeat qld, ''Cqreumlo ··-· comini together andl*IWlded lllem lo Rtvlira dltcl it t:•·•.m. (CST),~. look tho, oilier way as Ill! giant lrespaa DeC. 21; of. _1'i!.., biari !~" began. • Doct«i bad aJd lllDdar be -matmg All memben ol city departments were "slow p~" Re bad idffwtd heart put on 24-bour standby, a police 1toppqes Dec.. m aild Sundly. Hls comman4 poll was set up at the high ailment apparently aterimied fnmi a liout ICbool , and an information pnter with. rheumatic fever during bis established in • conference room at the chllilx>od. Surf and Sand Towers: to handle queries mven as the hawkish chairman of the that began pouring ln from across the powtrful congressional committee · was a country u wor~ of the happening spread. hero to aer;vlcemeo every.where and a All requests for lnfonnatlon reaching recurring tbom in the nesh of their the, Police de.partment were chan.nel ed . to civilian bosses. He took the serviceman's the information center where writer Jun 11~ in most Pentagon batUe and Van Rensselaer headed a rotating staff of anr\V1ttd1 Pre!ldents and d e f e n s e city employes. secritar1es 811.ke· wlth his insistence that They ranged from calls from New York Coricress had a constltuUonal right to newspapers to youngsters who wanted to make major decisfuns aff«:Ung tbe know about the m\Jslc program and mUltary. • . families ·planning Christmas visits who With his death, the chairmanship Of the wanted to know about road closures. com.mlttee, under traditional seniority Dorothy Musfelt attached herself to a rules paned temporarily to Rep. Philip special phone in the lnfonnation center J. Phildln (D-Mau.). But because Philbin Thursday morning. She was still there at wu defeated for reelectJon in November, 2 a.m. Christmas morning. the-pennanent chairman will be Rep. F. After a quick trip home to open gifts Edward Hebert ([).La.), who will lake with her daughter and get a chan&e of the "job in January. clothing, she was ~k at 10 a.m. And so Tbe committee's pro-military rtanct . it went untU this morning when the will not be affectected by the abift. "Crisis" officially ended. Hebert, 88, a former New Orleans Secretaries from the city manager's ne~rman, came to 1eon,ress wiUJ office ;and the public works department Rlvtrs in 19tt. Riven bad held tbt apeUed her for a few hours sleep at chairmanship since 1965. ,intervals. ' Other city officials worked aiptllar \ we.tiler Warmer days and cooler nights art the weather trend this week, 'itlll Tuuday's daytime temps tpehing up 'to 13 along the 9range Owl. ~ules. For CltY Manager Lawrence Role it was a painful introduction to a brand new job. Public Works DI.rector Joseph Sftany was constantly on hand. CJty councilmen met hurriedly at freqoent intervals. . • Surf and Sand owner Merrill Jotipson. who provided the temporar y headquarters 11aid, "They did a n ab9olutely fantastic job. I've never seen anytbinf Hite it. I hope the town wlll give them full c:redJt ... L,iguna Students Aid Greenbelt 1-Beach HJalJ 'School IW<lentS. feeling the Cirtitmu oplrlt, , ""'" donated !LIO to the LaJUlla Gl'ffJlbelt Committee. "It is a wonderful lhtng, •• commented James Dilley, chairman cf l•h e committee. "The Greenbelt $mittee deeply appreciates lhlJ &ifL" This Is Ille ltCOnd time the high school has donated money to the group. Last spring, ltudent1 alao presented Dilley wllll llSO from "-"""iated SJudent Body c:oUen. ' · '1 · 1 '! , ·, , · • t• . ,; · . • 'l'liir Oi'&Kti'"llliltilf s ti"e'r I II '1 "" · ·l. ' 1 ' 1 1 J ~ ' :' :t.7 .... ;r 11 •, '· t:i.:. .... 1 ~ ,. ,,.t. J;>epirbnentllcJe·tact1ca11qG1dwuoa HOUDAY1HAPll'EHINO P'O~KS'PnP'Jt.RI"~•• .~;·11a1 .. TRl~';OUT !?!! 'WI"' .•' ; ll&Jld toenl.llJl-order, but there ...... , . ly ,Do~'.a•l1rly L19'Jt,.~lt*a '°'Loiuilfi ~""'"1'fiel11f ,t"ik•l!1,..,fl: ·~·-~·,v•." · no ~ta!lo!IJ:,'.'lbl r'illla'lnln•I ' • j 'l\_,,,,~\ ..... t.., .. ~ -i ·+t:.t,.. ~.) .. ~.,\.• ··~J «\....;:· ......... ' .celibranta mov~ out QWet]y, ,amt • • I I • \ ~ • \. , . 1 be1dln( toward the ~o !'noway, Two POW Pilots !"l~:nmo·ry iti.·'u.a·ppen;ng~ ==;dO~ ·~'° i·rJ'o . I • .-"~·''""' U r1 • Iii The uodua ended four daya ol. tenalon " "k End' ·~o War . . . : . , "" . . . .. . . ' ·. . '"" tho Ari c.1onv llf<I a ~ n.l'l 'L • • . · blocUdi orLquna'canyon.Rooil; wblcli I , >• WU.I E • · . , ' • L Onally wu opened .to normal trllflc at t .. j iv ... ·n : ·"'n in a· .nuna .. m. today. · • In TV Interview _ .. · .... :~:.!\·.; .. . . ~!: .. ~.-··· a..;::j~ il~W . YORK ol(Al\) -In .. Twortho American , lsy , rBEi!i!l!icK llCllQtM!:Bt ' ..,. : elirld 'mr . to : c:oiJ~ hlmilul --· ~ .. to on ettlnialad 111;000 P ·~ prlSOl!ell -~· N V1 ..___ • • ' .. -·-· ---· '~· .., .. , ' • ".., I y" ., ' -···· Oil ,'"""'-·· and ··~·y· and ..... ~' ; ,. -· • ~· •· , '~ .s••N! 'llidOabcen" wained $"~·-.,.,,_r """wi:u. said In a cenoored interview lllmed , To the tlioUJal>dJ .,hl>, ~~, · iie6Jit•'lof:~ • ,..;. , · : · · · , ~ dilrlng the cblll nJgtlta. Cu-tstrnas Day lllat' the wJ "alioul<!. be ..:...~. · "~d · ''h'-'-"-''"'' · "tn" .~. o -~~,dross. · 0n· ,' o..~y,· dty of•-'·'~. ~ •·•. ~·• -"'~ , weeam , . _ • ..,.,..... ' . M,.,cal · P<noMll heljle~ treat . the ~ .._..... w--· ended now: A·.U.S. Def..,. Department i,.lw;a= Beacli, 'whlCh .emae.r: j>eiceluA)o , "had. ti,.;." lhd ;.~to ae\ t!IOs< wlio ' maintained a·!Jqcls-oll policy tl>roagboul sp0kesmancalledlhtielevlsed.intervlew 1. 'lodi ' ~ , ... , ·· "· .. -r . :r,,. .,. . ~ .. , . lheev~ •. decl\tedtbepartY..WUO'!'er. proirani an ~ene:m; prO~gini:I_" .& ritin.'", '. early r meinory' bvea. ort.. . . . "overdosea" 'to'locat 'h~ltals. 'I'Jt~Y also statement. from: MaJQr .R l c Ii a r·d ,. For"IM*'d1Y,,'-the, crowd·dmpOd __ "<n· trea\"1 Ir~"""_-....,., c:Uu,' <(ol.C.. ~-'"'~-ond Clty1 "'•.•••er Cawrenoo The two prisonets, both ·of '. 'whom • ... , ""''~.:Ji 1 11~' 'UVP4U<>lfi ~ appeared · physJCally fit, ·•130 talted•ibotit lhe ·Sycamore "Hllll 'poitkii fof ·tagtpia' 1 upieti arid a 1 rattleinate bite Workllig Roa noted that r interest wu: wl(lltta their dally routine and mail prlvil~gei in Canyon, and ·~esplte ~J:io~iei ~f ·10'.od; wi~ limited suPplle~ ~t . We"'' abie 'to · beci.use of cold w_eatber, la~ of water water. medical aid, blanktlf~ amf move ln'lhrouah the lice mdli!Ocb". ' and oanltallon and lall11n1 ol ~ l>anda :e!!:i~w the co;;:~lt=~: -.fti~Uoil faci~ltle11 •tbi1 r8!J'. ·~ : Yet,'.~ Its prob!~~ ~.fe811vai ~d to:.:;.~ apolotized to the ~1e 'or televised Sunday nigll\. happy they .came. . ·· . · some Jnt.eresttn1 momenta.· ·A J9an, Laauna for ·the inconVen\enee cauaed1by Five olher POWs were seen at close Ml.ny spo~e. of ·lhe·"~q~~,' the . dligusted ithat he coUtd li9t ·get' .ihroJ&h roadblocks, which lncludeCllbantlcadea on "splrltualimn·, ' .. and, the "tta1Ut)'1'.".of1 the the police' roadbIOcks on. Lagwwi· Ca:n~ Coast ffllhway for. ail ~· Oil range In the film but· only U.S. Navy .. _1 ..... ,,_~., hich ..,,.__._ .._.. ~ · Christma11 Day when the count ol can pilots Walter E •. • wittier •. 40, o1 Columbia .... -.. ,..... ' w · · ...... ~ ~ .. • · · R•ad., Faracblll<\f. In;,,!""!! 7,qoo .Jeet entertng·the dty mche<l IOO n 1-. •1 haSta~ youtbl from all over the Uni~ , SUJlday ·al~.-QI) -~' ~Oii The Canyon road wu .-1o all but Crossroads, Pa., ahd .Robert J • ...,. , 1 Ille •'-·~ ·~ ~··11 Sch ·1.ze 31 o1 •--~-"' both Som~ c~ ,lo •.llle ', o ... u.:.::1 ,."!I wu·.dtopped .O¥tr the_ cnnr, d1 ~1 :~ pedestrian trt .. ~~·u-= ,_... ... wet r, • ......:::uwun::, ~·· -··,.. "' ... t1..:• 1 la ! and late Simdly atterDoon even com~, were allo~ ta answer belrina:·thllt~lgDl:Jlleroqk,~. . 1 f!' ~· ~·"strl.~~":·~··~ befd . ans .were t~ back. Buae1 IJ"'Ubmhted iqueattons; W w 'e • of.the . perlOf'l'-1!111·•11 \!JO: mµ!ic ·'.l'~.Jl'OY!dad on the,~e-~turdlY, iiflb!, . . . . . · = by the' 'city pr o"v Id e'd two men confirmed their tdentillcaUon by-loco)·~ ltWM'&lf!O:~,tal On$uaday,.!1trieiaf."ll~.llii,'\·a . tr~lon lo !lie endl ol llle.Caqyon but declined "to ctmment on the anUwar one point Saturday niCfl~ when atace · Sooilhejii C'aluomia' ;,;,,}' cr"1C · ''ilJo !or thooe still on the road and !or" all who vie ... they e z,p re a .. d ' &:!Jwett..r'1 ~~~ r:,;;. ~·=-. a~ ·&:c:l>mk: mJlii.ry, aani: ,JOl,:.d itiie wllhed'to leave. the l..Uvo,I.' ' ' lather, Fred .. ·~e1~-of ~'·nd·. P1., and play . , , •.• , ,. . . lllllval,, n1ockJJiJ :u.e <n!lllfagf . WiiDe Jn an offldal lllllam<nt Mayor -.u" '"'l ~ · . ", , .. · . . · ~ · · ·'. , Goldberg uid . Uiat. the-Great Late cximmented, "111 were ovu there I'd dO One festival "''"'.~' ~°"' J1'8 · daildhc 1n¢ Pual!iJ , out "'l~~ Propertle1, owner of' the , 4SO>acre anything to get oul" see~, commented: It•~ be~utlfUI. ll~rabp'e.. ~ j • Sycamore Hilla trilncle had declded the The interviews .were filmed by Michael We ve got our ""' cl!Y ."!'t ~-'Ibey Bui ~ .!lllJl!q llle'·cold, the lood land ~ had gone on long enough. tdheid.l~alba~~e'.":~ty !or during I llnfs, ll;i •IMit,or IJli .n4m, -·~,the Oij•nlUn of '•tl)e 'l~lv11. earlier MacLear, ~ DeWllDlrt for C8nadl1n nuV , l a1nau ~1 ct WU . • .. -..,..., mii.ntafned they ~d 1l'lfll'Qll~ion to Ull Broadcasting crop. t o'll ow In ·a a Ml up lo monitor .Ille cro)r~, large bllll poor llnltatlon, mO<t were •l'fldy (9.cllfl the land but qits will· denied, by Ille convenaUon "1th ,Notth-·V I et n am • 1 were ~lded to •handJe ,the triab, ancf, . Jt qulta· when word 'lfu gjvfn &mda)' company' · Premier Pham V•n Dong ~·m 1..-fdOd ~ mide sure that no one Went eftnliia ·that·tlwr festlval would end .bf Howev~r ar•· .. ci>nsu1tltton wt.th· cl,_. ~nu i"' hungry , . J ~.J . . .,. quoted as saying, "I nru to you the.. "The. food' la d r 'ioui. • ,.. MoodJf1 at dawn. o!Qclllls, who lelf'!d U,, fesljval ,mllhl I e 1c , commen,..... mriv. into tbe -...-n aru, Great men 8" ""'treated." 15avid Gantner, 23, of Santa AnL ''The -tT -tT ,-tl Like; o!lldils qrwct' not to -u MacLear uld that wbep he quesU~ rice IJ good, so· are the cooked immediate' eviction of the rilpeaen the premier ahou\:u.s. 'luspldOlll' that Vegtlable~ and the bread aDd'.~.··· . ~· -'m·na Ho1.Ji'ng There .... !ear thlt some ol .the the North vtetnamili'liold niQi:o ihin the Gardner 1 ooly c:ompl~t "" It ..,. .IA!o -, ."'; . celebrants w<iuld relUM to leave the stta 339 Americans --:COkl •)all • nlgbt,; c Temperatuo;M · · · · ' , this morninjt and WY)' C"'1tlnpnta of -namea they dlFRed to tbO ·bJCb,JO'•·""""<ll!e l!IP.I ·Le.La l.--1£1..1. • poHce with riot...,. were on band l>ul relealed In Paris !alt-. Done rad.,i hcfqn •• M.,,·.-b!JUt• llrea al the , ~wvt:r Ae~ ·.. ' the refnllnlna )'l>uthl !<ft pead\abl;:° ~Y· C&mfl!l,! ~ them ,~ .S.· • • ' · ' , · , · ' 1 ' 1tnuilJout the foltly~ the fet'Colony 'The Nboo: peopit ... ...,, IODCIDch•, I 'n~~ ~IJ1q. At--qapt" at _...., ' I:': r t "i : 'lit 4 • ' • •' \ 1 took on the ~ air of u.' armed CllDp. l!dl\Jndnls lo talk.Jib llia, be quGted I . ollmObwabeayy in·lhaWr•Y ·.,.I' rnm .. aDl'M!RJ:RD' ro•"-ia lllillwoY•Pal"OI o~l.I CUI 'Doq u ~ "R'• llib wbcl!~v'e no • au the·~''IU -~---' r.~ I~ •. ,r;,r:;, -. (!)• _,...,., I iOidblocb:'~ --~ ··-~1 ·l&Wol'Uke l\(to,:~, .. ,,,._;,~~·-·, -~·~;~--=Jollie and pollce\,·mallltalned°":"*! 11*.' " • ~ ~ oo.n,._....i puom Gr •lalftll41118 'dt<l!Wo'"ldt al ·tbo command post al'LaJUlll Boadi !Dp MacLoar said DoJ!1 \Oki him list, wlna. S.,.. , """ · I.SD''-..i . other .~ HUia at1'1ol Iba~ roclc Scliool to handla commilnlcatloal. which alao Include! I!! POWs North psy<hedellc "drqp. . _j ; ~-wm. be ~.·ln ·•'Diatfif i;q,.,,.·, 4S'liltmber ·polico fOrco W Vietnamese sald.IM!d d_l;d ,ond nine who -9ome of Ille ....... bonvei:. °'""'! -. on LajJlo'a c.,,;n "Road~ ~ on 12-bour duty .~t tho were re~~oed. WU "a ,fuU one and out<lOcontalnpoillJ\ltllCIJU~ CJ1'Ml'rm&y•dolm•tbem, Publta!'Wdib prOcedlni-· OVef the-Mntl 1'JCy complete. • t • alld Ml'! taken -~ 1>y omral Director JOOllll l!waan)' said lo\lay: • welo IUpported by 1111lla rr.m me.. than · The location ol ~.camp '!II. ·not penoM. Ellh\.CMI ol •lolent ~ Item. 1\0l·cloltlled. -71 boun will a doRn· c:ountV 'communlltn, 'lncllldlnc disclosed but the New YO<~ 'l'flma to the~-dnll...,. np>rlod al Ille, be lljpooed 16, lie lljldad> · , ' : Anlhelm FllilertCm. 11,.., ar.,.., ::r;tr',:.,u~ #'~!\. .. ~' "":..1':.~i;.:.;,a~~.~~,. ~-~.J:r ·1:°1!h-;nt·i: ~":.~uo::Ctin.':'~ = showplace camp • olk' ~Ille'; •I W .fJ!i>lill ai 'PCP, ·• ,_ ·=~had ·lillood oil-Coala-·andSana.-,a1oos- ha" been allowed <Oatrolled •11111. ' tr&nqll~. Olhora found ·the marljuanl !Ila ~ . Iha a.ti!'• dip&tla. ·~ , .· • • 11,r ' • ' t I ~· ROCK FESTIVAL FANS LEAVE LAGUNA CANYON BY MOST CONVENIENT MEANS Momenta After Thli Photo W•• Taken, Offictr1 Explained Virtues -' Walking to ThHe Easy Ridtr1 . . JUST BEFORE D_~ytN, TACTICAL PO~!fl f.AT~ER, ~T L~G~NA ~~GH'S GUYER fl ELD ~ OrMl""l '-'I'-• ~mand Post !Or Autli'orril.. Watchlftl O.or'ClftYMI Rock f1stlv1I Teenager Killed I • In Cycle Wre~k Leaving Laguna An U.year~ld Costa Mesa youth was killed early this morning leaving the Christmu rock festival at Sycamore Hilla when he drove hLs motorcycle into a 11)..foot ravine. l IhdenUftcaUon of the youth "as being withheld by the Orange County Coroner's office pendini noUfication of next of kin. · A spokesman for the California Btghway Patrol said the cyclist was le.avtng the festival at about 1 a.m. via an overland route. He wu: traveling north tcr0a private property near El Toro Road. Just west of Leisure World. The spokesman said the y o·u th appwently did not see the deep ravine and drove his motorcycle into Jt. The body was not dl.scoverecf until about 8 1.m. this morning when pol.ice · officers were patroling the llU in conjunction with the rock festival. DAILY PILOT 11..,.,. .... H ............. LairiN .. di ,...,.,. ,..,, C.... MtH S.. Cl1•1 .. OllAHGI' COAST PUILISHINCJ COMPAHY Roli•rl N. W,M 1Pr1tlftnt WAI l"llM....., J•clr: R. Curlty Vice ,.,.lcMn, ml ~·· Ml ..... The111at l(ffl'll Edltw 7ho111a1 A. Murphh11 Marwigll\f Editor Rlch11d r, Hal Sllltll Oranp County 1~rrw Otfl"' C.la MtM: :U0 W•l llV Sl....t "...,.,.' .. di: m1 Wat t1111c11 eouiw,,... L"""9 l•clli m l"or.st .-.~.,.u. HwnTI""°" a.1e11: 1111.s lffdl aov1evarC a.ri Cltfl'ltntl; * Norlll Ill C1'!1'ftt II.Ml Teenagers Hit Highways At Close of 'Happening' By ALAN DIRKIN Of "'-Dlllr Plitt llllt Laguna's Christmas coming together was turned into a road show lhl.s morning as law officers cleared the festival site, bused the youths to Pacilic Coast Highway and told thim to move on. The highway was dotted with knapsack· carrying teenagers. Anybody who wanted to know what Christmas was like in the sealed-off canyon had only to give a ride to ~me hikers to hear their story. "It was just beautiful -why did It have i.o end?" asked a confused George Friedenthal, 20, of Santa Barbara. "Man, that thing would have gone on through. · NeW ·vear's. We just had a great time up there." His two cmTipanions on the road -Roy DaVidson, 17, of San Pedro and George Kelsch, 20, of Seal Beach -told how It all came to an end this morning. "This police helicopter came over early this mcniing, screeching that wetid siren, waiting us up" Kelsch said. ''Then they ca11ed •over a loudspeaker that it waS some kind of unlawful assembly . and we had to move out. Anybody who didn't would be arrested for failure to disperse or something. "J'hen when .we looked up we saw the hillsides were rirfged with cops. l mean, they were standing there silhouetted wit~ their shotguns out. pointed to the sky. , ?i.fan, it was just like the aettlers looking up at the Indians in the movies, you know? It was just weird." After a while~ the police moved dOwn . 'They werea't rough. ... they didn't beat us or anything," said Friedenthal . "But ·they kept calling us pigs, saying the.re was lrash all over the place. But they wouldn't let us clear it up. We had work parties organized to remove the rubbish, but how did we knoW they 're going bust us out this morning? Anothet couple of guys hed an American Flag, but the ct>pS took it away from them." At blockades .set up by the pollce, the long·Q,aired youths v;ere given cursory searches. "All U,ey did was tap our pockets,'' Davidsot\ explained. "Asked us if we had any knives or anything. They wertn't busting anybody for drugs. We could have had a knapsack full of dope. "In fact. tht.re were some guys sitting smoking the last of their gta'ss Wlthln 60 feet of the cops but they didn't do anything." I AU the )'outha asreed that lhe festival was a succcis for ltiem. ,. "Rea1ly, the police didn't hassle us or anything," said Kelsch ... They let us do our thing during the festival. It was a real moving experien~ for us all, like a coming together of the Jong. haired philosophy." ''Il was a commwtity up there -a city of love, a city just Uving on love and peace." Friendt.nthal explained.'' ''Si1. babies were born. Every time one was born, it was aMounced over the PA and we all sang." '"We had plenty of food and water -we could have lasted for days. There were no sanitation facilities -the cops wouldn't let some chemical toilets through . But we were plannning to dig latrines, anyway." None of the hikers could understand why the police sealed off the canyon road . . "Thousands more wanted to come but they wouldn't let the car's tn. arid then they wouldn't even let people walk irr;" Kelsch said. "A lot or bands came down but the police wouldn't let their trucks by." Where's the next festival? '1 don't know, Needles ()I' somewhere ln Arizona, I think ," said Kelsch. "I'd hike anywhere to One of these. They're beautltul." * * *' Laguna Canyon Residents Told Lawsuit Futile Laguna Canyon residents 1 have been thinking about SUinl e city because they were kept from th · homes during the Canyon blockade toward the I ' end of the Christmas rock· festival mlY. as well forget it. ~ -' This is the opinion of Mrs. Tommie ' GuM, chairman of the Laguna chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU. 9o'"ho said today 1he had received l numerow calls from irate residents dur-1 ing and after the blockade. ''I've tried to explain to them that I.he clly Is within Its right to blockade any road during an emtrgency like a Oood, a fire or a dangerous traffic sltuaUon," she said. "This was such a blockade and 1 j don 'l think anyone would pt very far fi ling a suit over it." Slaying l . • : "' I Canada Nabs 3 • Ill • ' MONTR!oo. (UPI) -Three pilme--i1iiiquetle-siid 11• "'w e'iji<did i -'!lle'~"rald wis <1lle •IOCOOd line. 5USplCt.a 1n the ki*mp slaying of Qu!~ "return to the normal course of jusUce." Christmas Oaf when the house w1s Labor MJWl<r Pierre Lapone. ,..,. Many civil rl&bt& bavo been suspendOd IMpected but appeared emoty. . ..-toda,y eadllll tbe --.. . ' ........ In CMdlM blltory.. llllCO ~ tldup ,...,.enc)', tbe wont Pollce raided. Ille boolie OGCI mere . ~ poUoe, ....w. a llJhl tn 1 cmll In "'°""1 Clnliion hlllor)', befon when U..y uw i llclll In an upper.Door IUDDoleidlY ~ f~, moved ln in October. willciow-, -!J'bey qWCtly uncovered_a eeily tOday _, 'll'ttSted Paul and Police said the IUlpectJ were taken specially eonstructeCI hideaway under the Jacques Roae and rtancls Simard. Into custody in a raid on a farmhouse at basement floor and arrested the three Provincial J~t\i;e ltfilµster , ,Jer'Ome St. Luc, about 20 miles south of Mc,ntre.al. ·s,r.pec~1 ' ' "' , YEAR END ·' SOM~ ARE . "ONE ONLY" SO BE HERE EARLY FOR TREMENDOUS SAVINGS MON. THRU THURS. DEC. 28·31 llG SAVIN~S NOW ON FRIGIDAIRE MATCHING 'WASHER-DRYER 2 tp11d wash1r, deep •cfion egit1for, 29995 2 • Jef-1wey rinses. M1tchin9 electric ciryer. 2 p1ir only, Hurry! • THI PAii SUPER-SURGE WASHING ACTION! Exeepllonlll ci.nlnQ: polMt' for MllUlad ......._ Ha hand rllt1ln9 requlr•d, Oul•t op1ratlon wllh I ~•Mltinlng fM111rM. 1-' bbll Mltktf C9PKl11 _ ... __ 8FRIGIDAIRE --· SAVE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SIDE BY SIDE Fri9id1ir• 1id1 by 1id1 fits wh•t• most old1r r•fri91r1tor1 go. Milly frost-proof! 41995 You'll n•v•r d1fro1t •91inl New low pric•dl LIMITED QUANTITIES! FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF 2·DOOR REF111GERATOR ! 8i9 f1mily 1i11 -30" wid1. Frost-proof. Diep door 1h1ff for c1rtons, c1ns, bot· ti••· Now •t bi9 11vin91. 25888 COSTA MESA I 411 I. s.. .. 1-St. AMPEX MICIO 24 ' ... ory AC P~o CASSITTE TAPI Ploy .. /l-dor NOW $79'5 ONLY J AMPEX I l11eh1d11 remolt control mi.,1, L_..=:==::=:'.:'. _ _J 111phon1, e111, and C-60 tal· 11tf1, DISCONTINUED LINES! I I AMPEX 14 lottery AC P ...... le CA5Sml TAPE Ptcryor /1-dor NOW $63'5 ONLY . ' l~dud'11 remolt co"trol m i~1. 1arphon1, C·60 cau1tt1, c111. L_::I :A=M==P=E=X==''.J PRICES SLASHED! AMPEX to l '1 AllhlfMtlc St•• CAssmli TAl'I Ploy .. DKk 'NOW $10395 ONLY PORTABLE STEREO-TV · , ...... .,....... """· .... • ....., .ir _,,.a. • ..-&ien. '118° W•S149.tJNOW •••••.•••••••••• , •• ,, .. ,, •• ,,. MANY MORI m11os. TA.Ill T0"5 -COMPONINrs. TA.Pl •ICOIDIU, ITC. AT TllMINDOUS SAYINGS. lCA ,.rt11t11 TY l/W. No• .,..,., NdHetl -Sft9 -$79.95 I BIG FREEZER SAVINGS! FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER Big 15.2 cu, ft. sit•. All th• •xfr• fr••I1r sp•ce you w1nt. Juic• cin hold1r on 289'5 c!oor, 4>door sh11.,.,, kt1ps froz1n foOd1 1t your fin91riips. ·' EL TORO LA6UNA HIUS PLAZA 117·Jlto-fflty IM-MM., M 10·9 • ' dilly 9.9 Sit. t-6 137-USO dolly 10·6 M ... Jlri. 10.t I ' ,l ' t I '. .. ' . ,. ~ V.Ot:. 6J, NO. l IJ . l .SECTIONS, 50 PAGES j ,.; T' ' ~ J ' ' ..... , , • • • ' ti.19NDA\Y!, D~· 2S,· t97.0 . . • • • ,.,. •• 7' ...... 1'.Y.:s,.,.,:w , I •• • TIN •CENl'S J?ilm of POWs ·BI;.st~d '~~ 'Enemy Pr9pagalida' 'l NEW YORK (AP) ...: Two 1-.., teley!led·Sunday night. plldl prlloners ol"rir i\lJ'iorlh Vlelnam ~ o11ier POW• -.. -at clooe Aid l In • -............. -·-In tile ,mm but only U.S. Na~ Cbriltmu Day ll!oi ~·.,~ be ~ Walter.E, Wilber, 40, of Cojurol>i~ ~=·~l~JSU..~~: 0-oacb, Pa , and Robert J , :!:!!"llD on "enemy --"•••"""'"'"'·'" Sdnveitur, 38, of Ltm'101'•· Calli., both )"'.,.., .,.. .. .......-· u .. p coinm•nders. were .aUOwed to answer ~ two pri10ners, both of Whom pr~bm.itted quatlons. W I v e s Of the appaired phyatcally 111.,alte talbd aboql two men confirmed their , ld<nllflcalioo their dally ,routine 1,nd mall privileges 'In but declined to clmmenti'·oo the anUwar the fn~~w OQtlduct,ed _uajel'. ~ view• they exp r,e a 1 eld. Schweitzer's .,;111o~ ~of the. N~ Vie~~ f~tbeJ:; Fr~ Schwei~ ~f Ore.land, Pa.1 • ' .. . . . OU. s . ' ' ' lieart Failure • . Mendel · Rivers Dies • Ill 5 'Youths Held In Cycle Thefts • San Clemente police have recoveted three mototcjclu ·.and ~ ,arrested-five Cap,1-tt•no Beach. JuY~Qtt~ who 1.bey allege stole lhe bikes weeks ago from a l'!'l<ed shack of the Seabrette Motorcycle P.aM. . '!be thefts, wbicb occurred abput a moath ago at the cik1'inl cycle attradion, lnv'!l"ed three ezpemlve cycl" ond ,.,.. 1bott-wave radio equipment The arrests took place early this week after· recovery of the first ot the three cycles in Santa Ana. :nte youths, all boys in their mid teens, will (ace juvedlle charges of burglary. • ' • • (lout , We•tlte., / 1 Wariner days al'Mi. cooler n1ghts are the weather trepd tijll week, Wlth·•Tueaday'1 da)'1!in.e .'. teml" lnchlnc "P· to 13 alone' tlie Orlnp Ooul. • INSIDE TODAY The DAILY PILOT t~v giw• away tM first of 90 pairs of tickt U to the 6th Annual Spon.s, Vacatiop and Rtcrtational Vtki· CU Show to bt htld Jon. '2 throuQh 10 at Anaheim Con1'tn- tion Ce11ter. Check clonj/i4d adl to' see if you're a urinMT. ....... ll·ll -' Call...... 1 ...,... ..a o..a• "' 1 ....... ~ ... CtllllftM 4Mt Of-~ lt C4Mla .. ''""...... • c,..... ....... ..,. DMfll. ..... 1•' .... """"" .... °""""' " ,.....,.. .. .......,, ... ' """'" .... ................ 4-U ._...., 4 ,....._ 4MI _ .... _ _., ,....,1~ --.-ti ... LlillMn" 11 ...... ,..... ... Alab.ama ' BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) -Jlep. L. Mendel Rivers, the colorful a n d cootrwersial chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, ,died today 17 days after ht had undergone open heart surgUy. He WU 65. "1be wbjte-baired South C a r o 11 n a DeDiocrat died at te Univenity of . +Jab11Da Medical t;entior: where a leaky '"'""'' .~ i,. \iiiot""-rt waa replac04 ' ~0ne 'midl.ipl~Dec. !I. Docton •. ~ :WW)d• have beco~ . an !"-valid -~ undergooe the IW'l<'Y· The bolPilal in a o-n e • • e1n ten c e llatemenl· lllid.· ''Congreaaman Mendel ' . Rivel• died at 1:40 a.m. (CST), MoOOay, . nee.-~. ~r ... ~tinuin& heart failure.'' l>octQl'I had said ~y be was making . "slow •profreu." He bad suffered ,heart 'otoppages Dec. II and Sunday. HI• aibiieat. apparenUy stemmed from a bout with rbeqmatic fever during h i a ~ . JJMP~'.1¥: hawkish chairman of the poWedUl 1~1onal committee was a hero W 'wricernen everywhere, and a ~-tllom• In the flesh of their ctviUU boaes. He took the serviceman'• side" in inOst' Pentagon battle and aggrn1ted presidents and de f e n s e secretaries alike with his insistence that Congress had a constltuUonal right to make major decisions aUecting the military. With his death, the chairmanship of the cominittee, under traditional seniority rules, passed temporarlly lo Rep. Ftitlip J. P.blldin ([).Mes.) . .BUt because Philbin wu defeated for reeletjjon in November, the.permanent chairman Will be Rep. F. Edward Hebert (l).La.), who will take the job in January. ' -Yule Decoration Prizes Awai:ded For Capistrano "Christmal in Mexico" h o 11 d a Y decoration awards have been preaented by the San Juan Clpi.slrano Chamber of Commerce in a festive Plnata Party. The grand prize was won by Mn. Rita Lobo, 31800 Ramos, San Juan for a tableau o( life-size Mexican figures. Mn. Lobo'• scene was the first-place winner in the resklenUal category. The · aecond-plact residence was the Russ Waters hon'le at 31352 Don Juan Avenue. lfhe unit -or block pri1.e went to Capiltrano Valley Mobile Home Estates at 26000 Avenlda Aerwuerto. Silver plaques were ·presented lo all wtnnen by Gep Dutenberger, chairman of · the Sen Julll Beautlful Committee, judges « the conteit In-both the ,.._tial and .........,;lal areaa of Son Juan. r Business dtTlilon top winner ll El Peon, the shop ol Qlamber pr..tclen~ elect Mjlle Dlnold. -la '"" But-~ -tjom ... Clpittr- Trtasurel, NardO'I Restaurant and Goodie's Boutique-L l Pinata Party Chalnnlll Mary Jane Fonter wu assisted by Maurine Mitchell, Claude Jam,. Minnie Surla, ) 111,Yan Slued;' and Dive H~ITillein In plallllln( the' porty-•a atlended "1 115 yuunpters and 70 .adults with colorM pinatu .ad re!rellunents. I " ClOll'Unented, "U I were-'overtbert rd do anytblftg to gel oUt ·~ ~ j ''lbe,Jnlervlen"w 'fwMd'by Michael ·Ma~. "' .,.....,....~for Canadian Broadcasting Crop. f 0;11 o w' l n g a.~ . ~v~tllll'.I 'iJd.th Nartb V 1 e l n a m '1 Pre~ , l'!llzp Vu , llc)ng whom he quoted as 11)'.ing, 111·~ to you these men are· well treafltd. ·~ M'~ lllid'lha\ Wlien lie queationed lhe -=1et-abouL U,ll,. l!llPlcl""' that the Nonh v~ bold more lhan·lhe eav··_ .. · . ._e,.· .. -· . . . , -', -, ~ .... San .J·oa:~ TrruiiOOs OK ... Visit0r Policy ' '' . . . . ' ·, ,_ . ~teu of the San 1.J.9 ,.~u.i,n Elem'entary. SchOol DistriCt ha've adopted . ' . . a polii:y to temporary VliitOrs · 1rom abroad to attend school in their Clislricl. The unusual re~ came · from a ~upie in the cP~.~J' '.s c h o o I attendance·area·in Mission·Vlejo·who are attempting to bring_,.. over_,the .wife's children (by a former· marriage) from Iran. In granting entry to the children, the !nuniiralion· and NaJUrallaallon Servlee impoled a condition that· a formal peUtion of approval be granted by the school the children will atte~ "It wW be like a studeat visa for elementary children,'' uid1 Aasil!tant Superintendent William Stocb. "We've never bad a requat W.. tbla·be(ore." ) . ' Lighting Wtrict ~ To ,Be ReplaF San C1em7trite'1 · flve-year~Jd municipal lighUng district Y(ill die a legal !loath ~ext April 17, but city ~fficial• alreai!y have begun to create a IUCCtDOr .• Postings calllng fw a· J au .. 20. pµbll~ hi!artng on the fl>rmation of a 5-year~ld district went up lhn>ughoot the city lhla week,~ weed abatement notices. 'lb•~rict;whk;b ii a. ieparate taxing Item, bU been created each five years since 1tS1 to Pl1' for tjt)r, street lights. The ,.opoaed ,_• dlslrict will be euedillly tbe, same • preyto\Js ones, but will be made, a bil larger In Include anneutlom within ' the last five yean, city .......... Aid. Taxes m ~vied on the land only within the . dlsttict Al payment for the -I Ughtln& .com. 1'te 'etl:sting district'• tax levies started In 195>'58 at •t.25 per $100 of aut-.ec! valuluon.-1,Through the five-year life tpar\ ,thj rotoA!h dropped lo !S ....ms per-•teo. The propoeed new district taxes woukt con •t about the aame low rate. •I; . ·,' '. .. ' . . '' .. 1 r 1 \ \ • ' l ' • 1 • ' ' • • ' ~ ' " ' ,; ' 1 M~rl,wry 6.f,'·~lJU:ppening~ • , ' • i t • , I Wil,;, Live on . in Laguna 'Happening' I Cut Short · By ;p~lice I • I , BJ BAllllAJIA DIEllllB .-,..f~ ,,.., .... Peai:e ra\umecr In Lqma· -·today ... .,,. lut of·-.... ,..,,.,people I"'° allendad the~ nJck -.i . el~ Hiiis tramped oul ot ~ CalQ!ia. luglng -and blan .... ' 'al -Uy~. _.or, tliot ' tlii feltlval wu "'beauWW:" ' ()lily about l,lllO -IDed a~U.1- Cinyoo lilte at • dlwn todaY.. 'llllJ bit lleen'llkld'.lo·lea ... by'I LalA-- heUrmter from the Coo11 M• l'IJlb J.~ = ...... ~the dr'fY ~ :'.:.:'La. ID '"-~" ..a:.i " . • 1-..1 W-WUll ..... *"""' < -- "'9 ~~SSIJ .a.IHl~lff',0 ~ _,. -oqud -• " hand l9 enforce tbe,order, but tbert Wer9 ,, no ~ta.~_,. 'Jbe, r.1m•I1t t.n C . ~ta -ed· out~-; ~adtng toward the Son ' , ; olhert. WawDI .ill\wn llJI' LlilniO . In : Coaat Highway.. , • ' The exodus ended fOUf"t days Of tension · . for the .Art' Colony . l!ld a _, blockade 'of LIJIU'"i ClnYon •llood, 'Which llnaJlf WIS opeiied lo nonriaJ ·trilflc ltf a.in. today. : · . Atfendance ·Jlt-the ''00minl ~,,. beTalcled·lor monlha In 1he ..-.....,., pr8s, Relied and 1waned ·Uriucboat' the -ken<!. peaiqng lo .. eatlmaled 11,000 yoblha • Oil • Friday . ond ' Satprilay iu!cl dlinlnlablng diirtog the chlll nlgbla. Oil Sunday; city ofllclal!, . who bad maintained 'a handa-oll'pollcY ~ the f:Verlt, dedded the P,Ut)' wu·over. Statements ·1rom ~ ·a le ha r 4 . ,, . . . . . GOidberg and City Managi;r La -. · By ·J'llEDERICK SCBOEMEHL · to,lhe.powerlul.clrugwerereporledal·lha RO.. ·noted that lntereit wu Z: · · ot ,._ o.ttr P'lr.t "'". ' -.:..1• 1 t t -• o1 To the thousands who attended the utelUCB . en · · , ' . ; ~,of cold Wea.~; ia~ ,wi.ter Chriltmu weekend . ·"happening" in ~~ 1'tni ~.to. coma-like N~ (rom and. sa'nltaUon and falll,lre of.name bands Laguna Beach, whlch .,ended peacefully . a dhJg known , as, PCP, ·a , hprse to .appear. · · · ' 1 • early toda,Y. the memory lives on. . tranqull!ie_r· Others ·found the ·~a~ljuarta The ;ril~Or apologized to 1tbe people ,of F lhr d • th. · d · ped . extract, . THC, to eolllaln , hilnnlul Laguna fpr tiie lilc0m>enlence Cluaed "1 or ~ ays •. e crow cam on. ingredients. ,stage .announcers ·w•rned ro8dblocka, which 'lncli:&declblb1cidelpn the i6ycamore Hills port~n <If _ Laguna pe91>le of'.lhe bcid drugs.' · ~ HighWAy fcir sli: .bOurl, ,on Can)'on, and 'desplte shortagea of'food, · _j • . · " Cbr' bn D be""· count~---water · medical aid blankeUI · and Mealcal personnel he!Ped treat • U>e 1B as ay w n LUIC "" ....... sanltailon raclUties, 0they aU 1 ~mtd ::~d ~lps':,and worked to get ,tti~ ·who en~~~~1~r::1 = ~ but happy thpy came. ' . Qveritoeed ~o,loca~l\o!pil;als: 'rh'1Y. • --i...strtan tr,'a•nc ~.· . ',tM\feJUVll ~ Many '1.0ke of the "brotherhood",. the ~ated 1fracture~ bOnes, a,Jts, ,s ~~. ,..-::;,,.,, ft""°'"' <r ts d tll -• bite 1.in.. aid late S .. _, artiet:l100ri e v en "splrltulllsm," and the "beauty" of the u~se an . ·a. ra ~-e ~~~r .... 16 pedestrians Were twned back. B~ ''com1n·1 together," which a.itracied !Ong-wilh ijmlted !JUPPli'~ lhat ~ able • to provided by the · city p r 6·v Id e d hatred ·yoµtha from all over lhe United move }n.throu&b .~pollce~~.. trlnspOrta\JOn'to the ends of\tl1e•Canybn State.: · Y•~·'ltlth Iii. ~bl~.,,. ll)e !'lll•al bid . !Qr -·atlll on the road and for aJ1 who Some .came to the Festival. after SM;le ·lntereat!N:· morpenta.I ··A rrnan. wished' to leave tlie ftstiVal.' · • bearing fhal big namer<kt KrouP' ..Wd · dimY!:'! = cguld no! 11'!1 .lhroulll Jn on official · . .Utamenl, Mayor per(onn. Bui aJ1 the mum W'!' provided, ~ po lc;e • oc;ka·'OO ~ Cluyon · 091dberg Aid jbat Jbe Great Lalla by'loc8l ,band1. It came • nO surpr •• at R~~. parachuted in ftom 7;o,MI .' ·"'t l>rt>perti~s oirner ·of the 45o-1cre one point 'Saturdsy night, when the sta1e Sunday af~moon. On [riday, (lOwen Stcamore 1HU1i .t.tjangJe· had decided the announcer appealed for any.one with wel'e· ~over ~cr:elfd ffOlll ·t;rt land trespass h8d'gooe.on 'Jon& enough. rilusi cartnstruments to come.tq the stage airylane. A. strip-tease ...., ~ be1'I · organizers ,of· the . .,feaUval earlier a'nd play. Olli. the stqe Satur;¥y night, maintained they hid permiulon to Ul9 One festival organ izer, looking over the • · the land, but 1h1s . wil denied W the scene, commented: "It's re8lly beaut!~ '/• company. · ·•' We've got our own clly oot here.'' They Study o.f Police. "· ·.. However, lfler eormultallon with city did. Seven babies were deliyered.durlng _ offlci~ll. Whp fe8red .U. teltfvat1 ~ the fefltlval, a small · security force-wu · · i .. ' : · move ~nto the dow11town area, G~t .. 1 up 1o monitor the crbwd, large bins For 1:1.tp' c:-stran' 0 UJ. ... cilnc1a1• qreed .mt 1n -· ... were provided to haodle tbe trub1 and ' . '-'ii . 'J., . · inunediate eviction of the tmpuaen. food lines .made 1t1rt that no one~'Weat · . · 1 • There wu fear that IOl'DI ·of the hungry · · · P -~ C &L ·ck · celebrants would reru.e to letve the lite "The. fOO<j Is dellcioua," ~ai· '7ell" ' UW8 this morning an,d heavy contlngenb of 'Da vid Gardner, 23, of'Sonll Au:,; · . : . r · 1 police with riot ..... were on bond, 11111 rice I• goo<!, '° are \II" ·""* " ~ ~.Clt*lrano'o l!Ollce study""· lhe remaining yoolha left pel<'OObty.· vegetables, ond the. bread atil -·': '·. , a1-. ·lhol do'OD al the Jut. City 'rhroogbout the i,stlval, the Art ~ Gardnet'• only eo~t wai :·~·"'I"', CowJctl ~.. · '. '>· • , toOit · .. the air 'of an onned -P. was cold last nlgfti." TemperaluttJ., llagllng over wbelhe• 0< oo1:1o grant Cllifwnl• lllgh•llY Patrol o t f,I c •rs d;pped lo ,the hlRb ,lq'•·~ln& lheo"!lbl ' ID•<Jtanoimi fOI; the , cpmplelJon of the Jl1IMed the iOadl>locU. 0ronp °""111 ~. ManY ~.bull! fires I\ lha " ~ from., Jan. ·2 Id •Mardi 15, lha · Manbals and · police matntalnad '• cairlpo, tending them'. thlouehout '11ie COlllld1 .voted 1o rno<llly the .utenalon lo coromond ·pool e1 ,1q11na 8eoch High nigltt In keep warm.',A( rjaht at the site,, Mare!! I and t>eep the, llutly. · School to handle communt.cationl. , the amell of amoke w11 heavy In t1ie •~. Rldlar~ C, Gra,ce, ~tan! I~ police LaJIUl1jl'• 41-member pollca ""'"· .,.. Not all the lliloke "" from !lit mlny ac!eqoe and criminal juatlce,Ja prep'1'.iril been on ' IS.\IOUr duty ~t the fires, Hundreds qf penoos frffl,y piased. thO ~ lo de.Jennine II, I> -Id\.be , preceding -· Om the ~ tbay marijuin&. Olhen """"raed pllona of · , llllli!IO for the cl\y·lo 'flnplemanl,lll·own· wtre svpported by units from mon then wtqe, Sjlrqe uMd' LSD and oUw police,Md pnMoc!H!n·...,,l(oo. 1; ' do1.el) county, communllleo.'lncludlnl psyi:hedellc drugs. , · , TbJ •tucly,waa to Wte 2' ~ng d1)'1 ' Ai)fbelm, Fuller1on,' ·BM, O!intt, ~ of the. dru.11, however, turned· . but c!Ollyt In' lilnlni llie qre,einent • Hontlngtooi Belch, roontltn van.,, O.t to 'li<olll• po)IOOI .Uc& aa,1teychnln0, , lie~ jlrace· l\>cl U>e city• prevenltd . Cypreu, Blien,a l',•rk, ·Newpor:t ·~ L • I nd' were taken unknO..ll)lly ~·•9tr'al • Gra,ce from beglnnjn1 11>t. IJ1!41 .!n t(lpe . cq.ta Mesa'ancl san Clemmie, l'lofta \rilll penons. EJ1~1 cases of vlolaitl rai<lloiis lo llnlab by Jao. 1 lilt Shariff'• dlpulles. • ' I , .. J '{ I \I ' I ' OAILY l'ILOT l'IMl01 '' RkltlNl IC..riler ROCK FESTIVAL FANS LEAV'E L"OUNA 'CANYON BY MOST CONVENIENT MEANS Momenta Aft.r This Photo ,W•1 Taken, Offlcert Explained Virtue• of Walking to Thffe Ee1y Rld1r1 • JUST BEFO.RI! DAWN~ TACTICAL POLICE GATHER AT,LAd UNA H11GH'S GUYER FIELD • Orldlron Becomes Commend Pott for Autllorl!IH Witching Over Conyon Rodt FHllvol Teenager Killed In Cycle Wreck Leaving Laguna An 18-year-old Costa Mesa youth was killed early this morning leaving tha Christmas rock festival at Sycamore Hilb when he drove his motorcycle into a 50-foot ravine. IndenUficaUon of the youth was being withheld by the Orange County Coroner's office pending notification of next of kin. A spokesman for the ca!ifornia Highway Patrol said the cyclist was leaving the festival at about 1 a.m . via an overland route. He was traveling north across private property ne.ar El Toro Road, just west of Lei.sure World. The spokesman said the y o u t h apparently did not see the deep ravine and drove his motorcycle into it. The body was not discovered until about 8 a.m. this morning when police officers were patroling the area in conjuncUon with the rock festival . DAILY PILOl Hntl ......... .. Ill,..,....., S.Clnieiit9 Oll:ANOE COAST J'UILISHIHO COMPANY RoD1rt N. W114 l'rnldtrit 1rA ,~llll'llr J 1c\: R. Curl1y Vici P1'91:.0fftl er.d G""'"'' Mllltfll' Thorn11 Ketwil Ellllof 111111111 A. M1rphln1 M..-.slll'll fdflor Ridi1r4 r. Hill ""'1~ Or•nra COU!llY £dllo!' Offl .. Colle M"': UI Wqt lrt Slf"' NIWPOl'I lt•th: tt11 Wftl 11111o1 tollltwl"lfl• LQ""' 11tdl: m l"ornt A_u,. •• H11n!111t10n l11cl'I: 1717J 1 11c11 l111111Y1nt S.n Cltmt!ltt: llU N"11'1 f l Camille ll:MI DAILY ~11.0t, Wlfll ..,,,lcJI II combined' 1M ._.,.,..,., h. ~1111"'111 dilly •tllll '- • ., lrt ..,. ... 1. «llt'IOl'll ..., "'°""' lt.:dl. ".-port IHdl, <C.lt M .. , HVlllll'lll..,_ .,.ell w "*'""' v.n..,, •feril w1111 t-.o rfllotl•I ldltktl'lt. ar..,.. Ctt11 l"llttllllll"f Cofntlollll'' •ll'lltnt pltfllt lfl •f 2111 WHI 1111111 tMll., NfWllOt'I lhldl, 11111 »O '#hi .. , '''"'· eo.~ Miit. T...,..• 171 •> 14Zo4Jl t Cl.,... ....,.;,.., .. , .. 1-1111 s. ci...r. Air '"*'""'' 111., .... 4tZ-4•Jt ~. ""' Or•• Qtsl ~ Cini,_.,. Ne -t"'11t,. MllMft ll•nt• .. llltlll ,,...,., ... l(Mrt...,..11 ....... ,,.., Ill ,....,._" ... ~ ..... , ,.... ..,... ti' '"""""' ....,.,.,. JS.WW. Cil.M !'Ml ... Hid 1t !ftwWt ltldt I~ C0.11 Mt;., CtllfOl"ll •• IVllllK•l,11111 W u rrler IJJI IT!OlltlllYI w !Mii U .1J """111/yl '"11111,., 11ttr1M110nt. u.n "*""'"· . . ' . · Teenagers Hit Highways I At Close of 'Happening' I . By ALAN DJRKIN Ol "'-0.llY ,ilol llllt Laguna's Christmas coming together was turned into a road show this morning as law officers cleared the festival site, bused the youths to Pacific Coast Highway and told them to mor,re on. The highway was dotted with knapsack· carrying teenagers. Anybody who wanted to know what Christmas was like in the sealed-off canyon had only to give a ride to some hikers to hear their story. "'It was just beautiful -why did it have to end?" asked a confused George Friedenthal, 20, of Santa Barbara. "Man, that thing would have gone on through New Year's. We just had a great time up there." His two companions on the road -Roy Davidson, 17, of San Pedro and George Kelsch, 20, of Seal Beach -told how It all came to an end this morning. "Thi!; pollce Tlelicopter came over early this morning, screeching that weird siren, waking us up" Kelsch said. "Then they called over a loudspeaker that it was some kind of unlawful assembly and we had to move out. Anybody v.·ho didn't would be arrested for failure to disperse or something. "Then when we looked up we saw the hillsides were ringed· with cops. J mean, they v.'ere slanding there silhouetted with their shotguns out. pointed lo the sky. Man, it was just like the settlers looking up at the Jndians in the movies, you know? It was Just weird." After a while, the police moved down . 'They ...,•eren't rough-they didn't beat us or anything," said Friedenthal. "But they kept calling us pigs, saying there was trash all over the place. But they wouldn't Jet us clear it up. We had work parties organized to remove the rubbish, but how did 'We know they're going bust us out this morning? Another couple o( guys had an American Flag, but the cops took it away Crom them ." At blockades set up by the police, the long-balred . youths were given cursory searchel. "All they did was tap our pockets,·• Davidson explained. "Asked us if we had any knives or anything. They \\'ere!'l't busting anybody for drugs. We could have had a knapsack full of dope. "In fact. there were some gbys sitting smoking the last of their grass within 50 feet of the cops but they didn't do anything." All the youths agreed that the festival wa1 a. success for them. ''Really, the police didn't hassle us or .anything," said Kelsch. "They let us do our thing during the festival. It was a real moving experience for us all, like a coming together of the long • hair~ philosophy." "It was a community up there -a city of love, a city just Jiving on love and peace." Friendenthal explained.'' ;'Six babies '"'ere born. Every time one was born, it was announced over the PA and we a11 sang.'' ''We had plenty o' food and water -we could have lasted for days. There were no sanitation facilities -the cops wouldn't let some cherhlcal toilets through. But r:e were p\annning to dig latrines, anyway. ' None of the hikers could understand ""hY the police sealed off the canyon road. ''Thousands more wanted to come but they \vouldn't let the cars ln and then they wouldn't even let people walk In," Kelsch said. "A kit of bands came down but the pollce wouldn't l~t their trucks by." . Where's the next festival? "I don't know, Needles or somewhere in Arizona , I think," said Kelsch. "I'd hike anywhere to one of these. They're beautiful." -tr -tr -tr . La~una Canyon Residents Told Lawsuit Futile Laguna Canyon residents who have been thinking about suing lhe city because they were kept from their homes during the Canyon blockade toward the end of the Christmas rock restival may as well forget It. This is the opinion or Mrs. Tommie Gunn, chairman of the Laguna chapter of the American Civil Uberties Union ACLU, who said today she had received I numerous calls from Irate resideni. dur- ing and after the blockade. ..l've ~ied to explain to them that the city Is lthln its right to blockade any road dur ng an emergency like a fiood , JI fire or a dangerous traffic situation," she sal<f.. "This was such a blockade and I don't think anyone would get vety far j filing a suit over IL" , .. ( " Canada Nabs 3 in: Slayi.ng • I • -MONTR&AL (UPI) -Three prime IUl]lO<ll In lbe -ll1yln1 or Queboc IA.bor Mlnister / ..PleiTe Laporte were . ' ' Cboquetl< said be "?'!' expected 1 1ht raid wa1 the second ~ 91nce Chtlatmu Day when the house was ' =~:.:~~~" ~bee pollee, ....-• light In .• ~ empty fatmbOuse, moved In early todly Ind arrested Paul and Jacques Roile and Francis Simard. "return to the normal COUl'M of jutUce." MM)' civil fi&bls have been llllpended 1lnce tbe kidnap emerpney, the Wcint erl1l11n modern Clnadian bl.story, began Jn October. ID<pccted but appeared <OIP\Y· P{lffct raJded tW. house onct more Wtin I.hey saw 1 light In •n upper noor window. They qui~y uncovered 1 15peciaJly constructed hideaway under the basemeat noor and arrested the three ProvinclaJ Ju1t.iee Minister . Jerome Police said the upects were taken tnto custody in a raid on a farmhouse at St. Luc, about 20 mUes south ol Montreal. suspects. SOME ARE . "ONE ONLY" SO BE HERE 'EARLY FOR TREMENDOUS SAVINGS MON. THRU THURS. DEC. 28·31 BIG SAYINGS NOW ON FRIGIDAIRE MATCHING WASHER-DRYER 2 spttd w1sh•r, d11p action 19it1tor, 2 j1t·1w1y rin•••· M1tchin9 1l1c:tric clry•r. 2 ptir only, Hurry! 29995 THE PAIR SUPER.SURGE WASHING ACTION I ExClplloMI cielllino pOW9I" tor I Wllllnd tabi.wtfe. Ho 111nd rlnt lng rt qulr1d. 01111t op11at!on wllll S toOnd·dtldl nln; M l11111. 14 11bl• 11ulng c1p1c:11r (HEMA) I« tlrnlly loD. RFRIGIDAIRE DIMfWAIHEN SALE 4 DAYS ONLY! , I SAYE NOW ON 32" WIDE FROSTPROOF SIDE BY SIDE ' Frigld•irt side by sid1 fit1 whir• most oldt r r1frig1r1tor1 go. Fully fro st-proof! 419'5 You'll nt vtr d1fro1t •g•in! N1w low pric:•dl LIMITED \QUANTITIES! I FRIGIDAIRE FROST·PROOF • 2·DOOR REFRIGERATOR 8i9 ftmlly 1111 -30" widt. Frost-proof. 2ss•• 01tp door shtlf for ct rtons, c:1n1 , bot- tl11. Now 1t big s•win91. AMPEX MICRO 24 Battery AC: Po<tablo C:ASSmE TAPE Pt.yer /Recorcler NOW s79's ONLY I AMPEX ) lnclud11 r11110!1 tonlrol 111i\1, L _ _:· ====~-_j 1t rphon1, c111, tnd C-60 ctl· 11tl1, DISCONTINUED LINES! AMPEX 14 Battery AC: P-blo C:AHllTTI TAPI Play,. /Record" NOW '63'5 ONLY lndud11 r1111ol1 control 111i~1,' 11rphon1, C-60 c1111tt1, C•••· L _:I :A=M==P=E=X=:'.J' PRICES SLASHED! AMPEX 90 · Automatic Sttr" C:ASSffiE TAPI l'iay• Dock 1-i NOW '103+1 ONLY . L-~=:=:::==:;;:__.,J witli h111d1om11 w1lnul 1111. PORT ABLE STEREO-TY ,.,..,. s,1 ...... """· -·-~ .. -~· _..... '118" W• S14t .t l NOW ••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••••• MANT MOii STlllOS. TAlll TOPS -COMrONINn, TAPI llCOIDllS, ITC, AT Tll MINDOUS SAYINGS. ICA ,.rt.It TY l /W. Now Af'Mfty ,.;11eed -..... -$79.95 B!G FREEZER SAVINGS! FRIGIDAIRE UPRIGHT FREEZER Big I S.2 cu. ff. 1i1•. All tht ••tr• fr1111r 1p1c1 you ~i nt. Juict c1n ~oldtr 1bn c:ioor, 4 doorl sh1lvt1 ~••ps fro:i:•n food1 et your fingtrtips. " 289'5 IKtegrlt11 aKll De'"'9'tlaf>Ult11 llnce 1947 646-1614 COSTA MISA 411 I. 5..,..,_,. St . dilly ,,, .. • EL TORO LAGUNA HILU PLAZA IJ7•Jllo--..klly 11-1--M•• .. M. IO·f Sit. 9-6 117°JIJO Hfly 10·6 M ... Fri. 10·9 < ' . I I I r / I I I I ' J I ' -DAILY PILDT JjJ La~e Gl~ves Off Time for Change Doctors',Jests In hating Nervous Tension Headaches Federal Trade Co1n1nission Now Active Congress Fights • • WASINGTON (AP) -Afttr 0h111t 1 century es "lhe lltUc old lady of PeMsylv1nia Avenue," the FederaJ Trade Commission is taking off the -Ordered di vestiture by two l11rge corporations of smaller companies acquired in what the FIC 11id were moves to f oreclose comoctitlon.· 11boli1hed. Whlle K.lrkP1trick is quick lo remind ihat th! study !'t!COgnlzed ~ agency's good points as ... well as its shortcomings, the ABA report President Power Now Made Public Non-Narcotic Tablet That Needs No Prescription Proves Just As Effective As The Expensive, leading Pain-Rel ief Prescription Of Doctors. j r l f you're one of fhc nlany \ol•ho 1ct te nse, nervous headaches, 11\ese latest tests by doclors •hould be o( the grcalcst im· portancc. .. In re«nt medical tests doc- 'on proved a famoul tablet that needs no prescription gi\'es the 1amt cotnplttt headache rtlir/ as the expensive, lcadin& prc- •cription of docton. 4 These doctors' tests proved, beyond a doubt, that Anacin is just ru f!btctivt lo relieve ten· &ion headaches, yet Anacin GPEN DAILY 9-9 . SATURDAY 9 'tll 6 SUNDAY 10 'tll 5 needs no pres~rir.tion and is riir more cconom1ca . \\'it h. Anacin, headache pain llnd its ncn·ous tension vanish in n1inutes. Despite its ilrcnalh, Anacin is not narcotic. You can take it withou1 acn.ina dizzy or an upset stomach. Next time take powerfu l, fa51- ac1 ing Anacin•. Anacin Tablets give the same complete head- ache pai n relief as the leading prescription product for which doctors wrote 21 million pre- sc ript.ions last year._ , lace gloves. • • Within the past year the regulatory agency. often criticized forJack of initiative, has: -Attacked advertising of some o( the country's largest firms as "false. misleading and dettptive," telling them In effed. to put up or shut up. -Proposed that firms thlJ! lied in . advertising t h e i r products take !,he unusual step of telling the public, In future ad vertising, that they lied. -Taken steps that could re11ult in 11 ban on s11les of an antifreeze and a br11nd of toothbrush. * TENNIS RACKETS * "We are getlin11: somewhat of a new spirit around h(:re." said Miles W. Kirkpatrick, the under spoken Philadelphia lawyer who three months ag<> became ch11innan of the five- member commisllon. But there was nothing underspoken about Kirkpatrick when. a year before he was sworn in. he summed up an American Bar Associ11tion panel's study of lhe FTC. , Jnefficlenl and prl'OCCupied with irrelevant ma t t er s, Kirkpatrick s<1ld, the . Fi'C should be reformed or IERKUY 420 WAS GTON (UPI) buttressed a s c a t h i n g Congress putting on 11 appraisRI of the FTC by dlsmal perfor ance for liberal consumer advocate Ra I Ph admirers who t k It is time Nader. for the leg\slallve branch to "Those reports 'A'l're the greRlest thing that coold have replace t;tic President I n ever happened to us," said national leadership. Basil . Mezlnes, a 30-year Christmas tree bills. mini veteran of the FTC who now and maxi filibusters, budget holds its top staff posili-0n." decisions m-0nths after the "You can't underestimate--------~--start of a fiscal year -these the effect cf that criticism." are part of the annual ht said. "It's sprung some or with publicity · given the adjournment disorde r. the lslent Ideal! around here agency's recent perrnrm11.nre, From the start of the 20th and brought · them to the is 11n increase in job century, there has been an surface." a pp l l cations from top almost continuous growth in One unex~terl benefit of .t graduates of t~ nation's law the pcwer of the presidency. the criticism, when coupled schools, Mezines said. And conse rvatives looked fo II ---- PLENTY OF FREE .,PARKING IN OUR NEW LOTI The Famous Fred Sear INSTANT ARCHERY SET Set Includes 60'' bow, 1rrow guide rest, re1r string sight, finge r grips, (4) t1rget arrows, extr1 lon9 i '"" gu1rd, t•rJ•f ind much morel Reg. $27.95 1= Regularly $1488 - 527.95 l·- GRIEN BEAR ARCHERY SET 1 T 'lec:e Set 25 Lb. low $888 * B"OWNING ARCHERY * NOMAD II low, Sl ·lb., 60'' ••••... $57.50 COBRA I low, SO.lb., so·· ......... $69.SO GRANT'S '1.AS A COM,LETI ARCHERY Dl~ARTMENT WITH AL\. OF THl ACClSSORllS FOR HUNTING OR TARGIT SHOOTING I ' """ "SWING ICING" •••• ,, •••• , e~t~~INT" •••• , •• ,, •,,,, $1995 SPINNING REEL l'IORSllONAL WlllON KllAM(ll rtlOHT. , , , • , • , , , l TENNIS BALLS IT H-ST~VAHI• • V~CUUM l'ACIClO s 1 •• •CAN or a (Whit•) CAN or, (T•ll•w) ••.•.. SI.fl famou1 Northwe1tern ST ARTER GOLF SETS· • 2·Woo4•'. $3411 • 5·1rons 110. $49.95 , .. WILSON 'S K·21 GOLF BALLS PKG. of 3-R!G. $3.60 ., ... lncludt1 (l) 1pool1 ol lln1, ·-=----T1fl1r dr11, 6·lb., lO·lb.. s11 •s ____ 11.11a. \ ~ GARCIA 622 REEL . ' for tht S.ltw1!1r fi1h1r· '"'"· r., 111u1lltr bill· M1rl11t rttl wlll t1k1 400 Tlfdl of JG.lb, lln1. c~temontj ' NEW! DELUXE BACK PICK & FRAME ...... 'l•tt1 ,,,, ... -"~ "' C•I•-·· '" ... 4,1 ..... c ••• 4 s39,5 lvhltH. Sain, •""""· 11..,, ••• 1rlr1 llffl frt•H. c .. 1i.t.' .• , •• , Tit. Grtril 1111 11 "Scouter" Ht•'-vtrl1r1. Compltlt llno •f 1c1uti111 equlpmtnl Mw In rfMkJ I s1o•s BENCH PRESS SKIP ROl'ES RIG. $39.95 • $2988 All w1ltl1d conUrucllon , .. ••u•r• 1t1tl tublnt .. , lotm p1dd1d Unch, lick 1dju•t1 to 5 po1itlon1. M1roon btktll tn1m1I flnisll. ................ $2.98 HAND GRIPS .• , •••.•.....•• $2.98 CHEST PULLERS •••. , .. , ..•••. $5.95 FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! SEE ALL OF THE NEW 1971 CAMPING GEAR Featu~ing , IiJJR at Grant's! COLlllU.tf. llNOll • 1 o•• M•N1Ll.lAN1(1~ Mo41I 200 .•.•.•• ,,,. ,.MJtJolll lfO'tl •1 1,, MM•! .::;-1,S-- 1.., $14.IJ ......... . COllMAH C•t•Ll'TIC •21 •• Ml4111, 1.000 tn-1 ... 117.ff ......... . Gr1nt's His Tht Gre1test Selection And Lowest Prices, Tool SLEEPING BAGS 3.11. DACIOM s 17aa lilt'-1 , .. _ .... Jtl .tf 4-11. DACION $2411 lttt4•112S-•tt• 17•.•S tl!;~~~~~ .. 52188 GOOSE DOWN BAGS Moikl #lS1 , 2.111. Dtwt1. ••t· $19.95 ......• $79 .9S Modtl #600, l ·llt. Dtn, lti. $110.9S •••••• , $99 .9S COLIMAN'S "FAMILY TENT" NEW WHITI TOI' lto1111ttt elf httl 111cl 1111 i11 111•rt li1ht. l it picture whulow, 2·w•v Dutch door providtt pltnty tf Yt11lilt • 11111. Sl•r"' llt p 111d nylon 1tr1111, S.YI H All of Your C1101pl•1 GHr ot IUNT'll ,,_. s.,.. $1 .... ' i..i ... CAM,ll:'S COMIO ttl'lltl t•111plft1 with 11 ,000 ITU 1t1¥t, ltnltrn, ,ire,1114 llettl1, YtlTt 1114 r1111l1ter. NOW ONLY STOVE & BOTTLE ........ $49.95 • usr $6.9~ - OIJAtrrr fCLIPSr - ~CLAY v!!~~~ usr 14.sD $ J 99 • RID Dor • G!!IN Dor * HERCULES GUN POWDER 3-ll Ult l·tl.' ""'••, Sii.To IAtf IJ •LI '' • • • • 12•.2.s St . .so • • ••••• 14,. •o s ''·to -. '''·fO • '"'""OlON1,.n11rs SHOTGUN SHELLS '°'' ~00;( o, 2J' lllT SJ./.'1 SJ ff auc, te•es lllT 14 00 '2" 1'"''""0roH AA IOAos ru'~!~!~ ;,,; ... • 24• '4•.001 UH YOUI CRIDIT .. GUllT'SI I, I Congress to prevent what they viewed a~ selzurt or power by the executive branch. Those conservatives have now bee.n joined by liberal org11nb.alions calling for a rearrangement cf national prioriUes and fo r a mOre rapid disengagement in Vielnam. "The U.S. can no longer afford a complacent Congress deferring to an exttutlve leadership that is e i t h e r ambiguous or absent ," the national committee for an effective Congress says. "The time has come for Congres.s to step out in front" This and other l i ber al groups, like Americal\3 for · Democratic Action, now seek CongreS11ional he lp fflr their causes because o( dislike of "''hal they say in the White }louse I Of Lyndon B. Johnson or Richard M. Ni xon . Yet their senior and middle.aged 111embcrs were once admirers of "'strong" presidents such as Woo<lrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1884 when CongreSll was at the crest of its pcwer after the Civil War, Wilson wroLe : "It is impossible to discover ant unity or method in the dls<;onnected and therefore unsystematic, confused and desultory acli-0n of the Hoose' or any ccmmon purpose in the measures w hich lt1 committees from lime to time reccmmend.'' And in 1908. Wilson wrote ol lhe President : "If he rightl y inlerprets lhtt national thought and boldly Insists upon it, h! I 1 irresistible." 'I'he libera ls who want Congr ess 10 assume national leadership. or course, want it to reform itself with special allention for erasing the evils cf the seniority system. ' Congress iLsoelf now seems in urgent need of leadership. John W. McCormack, the retiring speaker, has learned much about the exercise of legislative power but has looked like a pale CflPY of his predeceSS-Or, the late Sam Rayburn . whp also sometimes found the Muse unmanage- able. · Jn the Senate, the election Of !he respected nice guy, Mike Mansfield, as lmaj-Ority leader was a natural reaction to the driving leadership er Lyndon Johnson . M11nsfield abandoned tht' hammerlock, the bull whip and the torrent of words poured into the ear of a reluctant senator in h i l!I management of the Senate. f'or this or other reaMns the Stn at e has be,come unman11geable. From the visito rs' galleries, members appe ar lo be unqua lified upstarl-5 compared with past giants who5e size ls magnified by the number of years since d e at n or retirement. Congres11 needs to d o some th i n g about ita operations. But if it seems stalemated by divisions within snd between the House and Senate. it may mirror tke mood of the counlry. Executive Course Set At UC Irvine 1 Help for the har r ied business executive mi1ht be found In a cou rse being planned by the UC Irvine 'Graduate School of Business Administration and l he University Elltension, I n cooperall<>n with UCI Industrial Associates. Built around the major roleJ which must be performed by the modern executive, the format is intended to help each participant relate new concepts to his own org11nizlltion11I experience. Candid.ates ror the program are nominated and spoMOrtd by thei r resp ecti v e organir.11tions, Dr. New ton Pt1argulle$, dlrt~tor said. 'I'he proa:ram Involved 20 se1sloM mettl.ng--trom 3 to 9 p.m; on Wednesdays from Feb. 3 tn June 2S In the Faeully Club, Irvine Towft Cent('r, Who Carts? NI' other newspape~ In the wnrld cares ~bout your com- munity like your cnmmu1\lty dnlly newspaper does. tt'1 Ille DAILY PILOT . • I ~li4'--'.0_~_LY~"-L_OT~·~~~~----'s~c~~rM_ond---'•7~·-°"'~m-bfr~2~~-l~~o f'AMILl' CIRCVS f>v BU Keene 1'1 guess I didn 't grow os muc h os Grondmo thought I d id." 40,000 Letters Hospital Apologizes For Abortion Ads NEW YORK tAP) Widespread coocem over the e l b i c s of "advertising" abortion facilities has caused one New York hospital to mail cp,ooo letters of apok>gy and a handful of county medical 1«ieties to take a closer loOk at local iractitioners. So far, the concern has focused on groups a n d indi.Wduals in New York . and California, where Jiber.alj.zed abortidn laws are in effeCt. '·outright cross solicitation" -, a procedure strictly forbidden : in the code of medical ethics. ' Jn response to tbe protests against Park East and a number of other g r o up s announcements, tbe judicial : cooncil ef the AMA last 1 September condemned the 1 "commercialization and buck- sterism." Several weeks later, the New York Medical Society i adopted th AMA statement. I I ts Board or Censors wrote to Park East, askling it to atop.its I mailings. Park East complied 1 im mediately and sent out letters of regret to everyone on the original mailing list. "I was a bsolutel y dumbfounded," said Rooa1d V. Shaw, executive director ef 1 Park East. He said be intended the origin a·I letter-which he signed to ~ infor:mation~I. ' " I I I I • SAVE 55°/o king-size permanent press sheets in a garden-variety of floral prints 5 9 9 if perfect 13.50 1OB"x11.5" e flat tops only Our January While Sale is up and away. Taking of! with a saving of 7.50 a sheetl Lavish no-iron king aize sheets that 1ake the work out of bed-keeping. Flat tops only-l 08"xl 15"-a pretty varlety of flower pdnts·in bold California colo<s. All blended of 50% polyester, 50% cotton. Tiny weaving flaNS·WOa't affect wear. Pink.. blue or gold. budget-do-ics803 - OIDlt IOAID ort:H TOMOlllOW, l,:IO oUil. TO 6;00 ,.M. MAT CO I UDGff llOllS DOWNSTAllS. .. & Hill. l.A. f0014 ~1 "'" l""l '~m 1-c~1-• .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C.ity ""'*- D c.11 0 C.0.0. D°"""""'--""'----------1 ........ c;..., .......... .,,.,,. ......... ,... J% ........ H -1'"9 ....W. la 6-IM C-.,.,,.. olilwl<otl <"-..,._.. ""'"" ....... ._.. -· ,,. ..................... '" ........ c.o.o ...... .,._ .......... 13.0D. Last summer, when New York made abortion largely a matter between, a woman and her physician, Park East Hospital in Manhattan sent 40,000 copies of a "Dear Doctor" letter to physicians all over the country. The.letter announced that lbe 200-room hospital would p e r f o r m abortions on patients up to 12 weeks pregnant, at a package cost of $575. "One wasn 't advertising ,..------------------.. -------------------•-------------------. publicly. Jt was from one Scores of doctors w h • received the letters as far away as Texas and Arizona became embittered over what ene American M e d i c a I Association official c a I I e ~ Computer Plans Trips SACRAMENTO -Orange County residents p I a 11 n i n g camping trips may reserve IP8ce5 at state campgrounds and park s t hr o u gh computerized ticket agencies in seven cities. Ticketron outlets will begin the service Jan. 4 at a $1.50 reservation fee plus additional costs depending on location. degree of development and time desired . State Parks and Recrealion Director William Penn Mott Jr. said the computerized camping system promises lo be swift and efficient. Ticketron has been taking reservations for tours of Hearst Castle at San ,Simeon since Nov. 2.3, while another firm that later went defunct proved the campground reservation s y s t e m is workable last year. ' • professional body to another," he said. As for the apology letters, he said they got ''a fantastic response-stacks and stacks of mail from physic ians who didn't find the first Jetter effensive at all." 1 In California, the L • s Angeles County M e d i c a I Association is looking into complaints about letten from ont. obstetrician--gynecologist in private practice and two ~'::!~~ af:;;i~~. set up to Some doctors resented the a n noun<:i!ment-tYJ>e letten· similar in form to th e announcement of a n e w practice that physicians send to their n·eighborJng (colleagues-because they felt the letters we nt beyond the boundaries of good taste either by includ!ng fees $463 for ene doctor-or by extending far beyond the Los Angel es community-in one case, 1 throughout the entire United States. ''The fact that a physician or a group set.-3 themselves up as specialists in abortion has to be recognized as a specialized part of medicine,,., said Don Rosenthal, assistant to the executive director of the Los Angeles County Medical Association. "But to promote and advertise in a wide area is highly unethical." flat-style mattress ' pads with polyester 2 for 5 00 ii;.S:::Ct • 3.99 each E11ery manress pad is puff~uilted with quality polyester. Covered in strong cot- ton that's box..stitched for longer wear. Twi 'ze, Rot style, at a Jonuoi;v Whrte plush sheared terry Calvert bath towels -~~'f-....~s5ca;f1,. saving In May ea 8udge1 Stores. 1 • 9 9 both size regularly 2.•9 Take your choice, A rich arroy of solid color> •.• yellow, gold, royal blue, pink. sh0<.king pink, orange or moss green. Or a striking iacquard floro1 In royal, shocking pink, gold, orange or moss. 1.49 hand towel 1.29 69c wash dclh ~9c Screaming je\ engines rule out the spoken word. so ground crewrrien talk with their hands. usinR; more than two d02en Federal Aviation AJ(en cy-approved signals. This '1s one or the la st that pilots for Air \Yest and other lint!s landing at Orange County Air· POrl see. The man sa.vs : Slop the AlrcralL 4.99 if perlect full size 2/7.00 budg• ~.(fomewit• aoo- may co south coe1t pl1u, .. n dlego fwy at brl1tol, cost• meu; 546-9321 ' . m1y co buen11 JNrk, la p1lm1 1t dale; 127..4000 shop monday thru wednesday 10 am to 9:30 pm, thurtd1y, 10 am to 6 pm; cloHd frld1y; Hturday 10 am to 9:30 pm I I l Calvert bath rugs come in great cqlors 2 • 99 regularly 3.49 Size 21 "'x34" or 21 "x'l.7" contour. Lortg· on·weor nylon pile in pink, yellow, moss, gold, pumpkin, royol,...,hocking pink, pur- ple. Non-slip bocks lo keep them in place . Reg. 5.49 27x48" 4.99 Reg. 1.79 lid 1.59 Reg. 4.99 2-pc. set 4.49 budij'i ...... lioea6 831 - ) • , I MAY CO BUDGET ' I STORES '• '• '• ~ .. ., ' I .. ,. " • I • •' _,, -• ,._, ' Pro Cage, Hockev • Standings ... ••t1-C011ftn11« Atl.Ml"c Of'llti., WM Lott ~ ... Vor~ ..... Pllllilld9IPlllL 911ff110 ~ " '"''· 09 .m 21 ,, n " " ~ Ctnlrtl D1w11i.11 ... ·"' .ns ' "' '" l!ltltlmort 'ZO " .51' ~llwittl 16 '' .451 t\lt Altltnt• 11 1$ .114 1\1 ~ J l7 .lit II W"ten1c ... ~,, M~t Dfvltl• M ltwtuk" 17 ' o.trolt 14 , • ClilcaH 23 " ,,_hf 72 1t P'aclfk DlvlJI011 Lo. .t.1199!" n 14 ~ Frtnc1Ko 11 11 se" OltlilO 11 ,, .s.911.. 17 » "9rTl1nd 1 n Stl11r..,.1 •1i.u.1t1 ClM<eltnd l'ZO, Bltfltlil 1'1 Detrnit 117, Ch1taoo 11• .Ill . m Sl't .6:!2 ' ..,, . .... ••• '" ·"' ... • "' • 11 ·~ M!1111t!M.M lll. S.n ''r1ncl1eo 111 ClnclMell uoJ AU1nr. 111 P't!oenl• 115, Pllrlllnd 103 S..llJt IU, Bo•loa 117 Only ltafT\111 ICIMldUllJd SllftdfY'I •-Ill , C....,_leftd 114.. P.llllfidelohlt )OJ CMca;o no, S.n ~ 111 Los Anffln 128, P,_I• 110 Pwtltnd 1)5", 8oslon 12.J N-York 110, Bt!tlmort lO! Only 116mfl Khedulld To111ttil"'t o-San FrM>Cbco ti Atl.,1!1 Clnc.,,....11 Vs. MUwt\lkH t i Madilon ... Ettl Dl'i'llloll Wo11 l01t .. d . •• Vl~il ' " .676 l( ... tvdiY ,. " . .. ' N.W York " " ,111 "' ll'l(lrloi•~ " " ,I ll •• Pltsbutll! " " "' in; C1rllll"" " " ··' "" w ••• 01 ... 111 ... Vlah 1• ti Mil lnd\ilna 11 u .611 7''1 MemPlllS 19 11 .sn S'~ Oenve<" 13 11 .Jn 11 Teu1 11 f3 .361 ll'h S•tltrcil'f'I RHUlll llldi..,. 115, Fl«ldl1n1 '7 tcenlud;'f \16, T•X11 11'2 N..,. York 10•. C1rolln11 91 Vlrtlnlfl•ltl'. Dtonv1r 110 Only l l mft K l'leOule<I SUllU'f'I Rtw llt U!1ll llS, Virginia Ht New Yor11 114, Kenluclr\I lot Texas 114, PHtsbur11h 1" 1 Meml>ll!I 109, lndll "" 10& Carolfn. U?, Florldl1n1 JU T ... ltltt'I GlmH Pl"&burvh 11 Florldl1ns Memphis at J(..,1uck'f OnlY t•m••. achedultd ""' E11t Oivll \illl w ' T "h GF ·~,.., " • ' " '" N .... Y«k. " ' • " "' Mantrnt " " ' " "' T-• " " ' " '" v l f\COU\ltt " ~ ' " •oo Oe!n:oil " " ' " ·~ 11utt110 ' " • " " •• .. " n "' '" '" '" (hkl9tl St. Loul1 Mll"lf'lesol1 Pll!l1dtlphl1 Pllhburth Los Anl!elH (tlllomll Wttl Dlvl1len 2J65 Sllll 7J lS t 11 41 U t? IJ1J 6J"115 tl n 16 s 19 11 " 9 1'10Htt lOS 10 '' s 25 91 111 11 XI 1 14 10 113 S..Jltf'd•'f'~ •-lh Detroit 7, New Yori: 4 Plttsbu'9h 4, Boston 7. (lllc10D '· Vancou,,.r 1 Toronh> t, Ptlll-lphl1 I St. Louis 1. MlnMsot• 1 0111 MonlnN11 '· 11un11o ' 11111 L111 """'" t, Ctl!lornl1 J Sund1Y'1 llHVHI N-York. '· St. LOUii 4 Ult ) Mo<llre11 '' Phlladeli>h\1 2 l!lvllalo 5. o.tl'oll 2 Onl'f t lmH idMdu!td T ... lttlt's Gtlnft No 1Nme1 achedvlld ·Refs Sought For Soccer The S ou t h e rn California Soccer Football Association is 111 the market for qualified referees. The associalion is offering a Cree, crash cou rse on rules of the sport and i n te re s ted parties are urged to contact Diogenes Cordero at 13043 Glasgow Place (Phone: 213 679-5902) in H,awt horne. In the Pacifi c S o cc er Lea gue's youth d i v i s Ion , meanwhile, area teams seem to be raring well. The Coast Rangers are in second (3-J~f) and third (5-3 ) places in the prep and pee wee division standings while the H u ntington Beach-Fountain Valley entry leads the pee wee slandings with a 5-4-1 mark. SEASONS GR EETfNGS and Best Wishe' to our many fritnd1 and clients. ~ BAFECD INSURANCE BOB PALEY 474 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA 642-6500 I Sears u •• Sear1 Revolvi.nc Charge Expert I n slallation Available ' Allstate Spark P lu111 1,'recisioo-~ 47,C Im: depcodlb1l. irp.Lowpriced! · EaU 1 2-ln. JaclStand Sc<U"S srurdr 12-199 inchj:rl.with3 h'ights. #1266 lloo111ler Cable Por sis o r rwcl ~e vo l! 99 ··~n.lml•priccd C #71;2 Sci11sor Axle Jaclu RI.is~ from :5-499 · •n. to l4 W-ins. For lighr c1n, ~mii.11 uucl.:i. Quick-Fit Sturdy Seat Coven Rf'('lll;rr 12').'1) Pinen WQYCll puffed fabric. n"· inforced nylon tricor trim i• hi~ b.own, black. #74'101 •' I SAVE '2! Li fetime Guarantee Heavy-Duty Shock Absorbers Regular '7.99 99 Each • Rugged sintered iro n piston and chrome rod e Heavy duty ..• long wearing H'•'"'Y Duly Shock Abao~r Lif11:time Gaannlff If 1-lcsvy .Duty Shock Absorber f:lib Jue 10 fau.lry IDlltrriah .00 workmao- ~hip or we:u-ouc while ori1:inal. pur• chaser awns the-at, ic wiU be tt- pllttd upon rerurn. £ree of cblU'g , ot cbe p1U'Cba$C price will be re- £uodrd.. If the defccriYe •bock 1b- ,;orber wa.t i11Stalled by Sean, we will irunall new ibock tbtorber with no cbu ge for labor. • HIAVY DUTY IOTO• Oii 39e Qa. Uea''Y Duty Oil """""'-4 °'·99• deposits 10 c.. C'fOid nccs- tive ...eu. SAVE $2! SS.99 Crease .Gun Nonie fi11 by-399 draulic or Zeck tirrinp. Spring priroed pi1ron. #495:5 89.99 Batlery-Charger Autom11ic re- i e c circu i t breaker. 6-fc. (Ord. #7167 ===~ 124.99 Dwell Tach Pow.,<d br 1899 &WK!a.rd mc-r- cury ba.«ery(1n- cluded~ #l l!!R SAVE $1 ! 14. 99 Seat Coven N ylon 1rrerch. fabric. bonded 399 pol,foillll b.:k- ins. 1 7~27 lfeavy Duly Fille r Filcers out 166 ~lucigt', din ~ fore it retehes engioc. Carburetor Filrcr 199 l lf.i: Ton Hydraulic Jack 2-pc, li f1i og 888 handle. Builr-io rrlea.se-valvc. #1 12:5 SAJl'E $3! " 1 10.99 Extinpi11ht:r UL Lt~ and 799 Cou1 Guard•?- pro•ed. Ou1- \~iri..1MJ,! #t..458 I Ask Abo.ut Sears Convenient Credit Plans. IUlHA PAi i IA l ·4100, 1'1·4110 .Iii tL MOMTI GI .1-Jt ll .. • Monday, Dtcembtr 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT :11 --· • SAVE ~'. .. ! Sears Battery Guaranlee Free replacement within 90 days of purchase if OOnery proves defective. After 90 days, we replace the battery. if defecrive, and charge you only for the period of ownership, based on the regular price less a-a.de-in at the tGle of rerurn, prorated over cbe oumbtt of months of the gmn.ntee. I SAVE •30! I 21/2-HP Mini-Bike Regular Sl29.95 9988 • 4 cycle engine, 7 /8:in. tubular srecl frame, fork and handlebars •Twist grip throttle, foo c operated. rear wheel brake, rewind started. #80702 A.:I 38~: Wheelfl 1:::r l11c:lurl .. d All Americ an Car•: ¥'I~ and Adjugt P1rl.:- in1 B"'!.e ¥' llonfl,.d l.ininp l11!1t1llerl on4 Wheeli ¥' 01.,..,1 All Linet tnd Adil ~lu id ¥' Kehuild AJI Whu l Cylin- dm ¥' lri•f)flt l ~f~!ler Cy lindrr ¥' Af"t Grind Br1ke Sh~ ¥'l""'"c:1Gre-M1li 1 { ¥' ReJ1111:k F'ro111 Wbe!!I BM,.. ing. ¥' Rn urf1c:e All ( Bnlr.e l)ni1111 .,. l111pect Bnike ff<PIH ¥' Jn,pect All Bnilr.e lftro. ··~ ..-f''"" Adj11~rnen1 rM Lira <1rU11inp ¥' Ro•d Teti ror 8r1!.11 R..,. ll1hili1y *Ch~ producu h1Y1n,i;: 6 wheel cylindm 1nd c1111 whh d1.'ll. bnke1 and sci£ tdjustcr higher. Anr tddiciorual p.ru ar>d l•bot aTl.ilabk " Scus k>w prite. Un<kr no condirion will Snrs do kw rhan • HFinl: Qw.liry Brtke Job:' 25,000 MILE BllAKE UNINC CUAllANTEE If the Br1ke Lining in11alled by ua wean Out with· in 25,000 ,mil t a, we will furni1h replice1nent lin· ings at no charge. l rutollation co1t will be pro-rated on tbe percentage of gu1ra nteed mile1 actually received. ,. ,~ • Regular~l9.99 Trade-In Price ' ' , ,, r;, ~ -l ..... .. - < ~ 99 Nos. 4316, 4393, ·• 4309, 4332, 4399, 4355, 4362; 4388. ; ' FREE BA'ITERY INSTALLATION '~ • 8-naF.etwnd for lop pu(on. •nee. Complete ~;ap-to fil ~ roUowiltll J96Q..6.I F'onl F•'-". Ec:onol.ioe •nd Merc:tilry Comel ("'144 ClF") e 196().(i6 Plym011lh. Ytli1n1, Dodce, 0.n. Lancer, Dodge Vin r'170 CID"') • 19fi0.66Cbe9y ll. I Chevrolet Vm C-10 r194 Cll1"'l. . t • ' • ~"• ~ l During This Sale SAVE ~75! On Rem•nuCaelared Complele En,inM tn.1alled for other makM •nd model1. Heavy Duty Mufflers e l:11~r•ntl'<'!d f<l'I' '' lollJ .. ,011 nwn )·ourc:ar • f.ntl Ctllf o·tlmpe:d <1vrr ,,. . ., ~11'111 l1y1:1'f • Zinc: pl11t.d 10 rt:11IJ1 n u l • IJ p i. II.I 1l1k ker 11uge •lttl than •U'l•I 111nd1nl eq11ipm11"I mu(- "'" ... ·• ... -:, ..... . I • • ... ~ .. • • --------•::.. Pl(Q WI 1-41•1, ' IMOUta,. o••• ,.,._.. ... • ' I (AHQGI "Alll .IU'~t1 OUNOAU <H 1•1004, Cl .... II LtlNO llAC.M Ml .S.0111 OL,MJftC. & IOTO AN l ·.Sl11 OllANOf •l:l'-1100 IANfA ANA Ill 'l'-l.IJI ro•tANCI MJ·llll Llf'Uf9 •••·I''' -· ' • (0MrfON HI ._,Sit, HI J -SJ'•t MOU,WOO• MO ... t .. I COVINA 9H·0•11 INOUWOO• OB lolJ11 Shop Niaht1 Mon, thrv Sot. 9:30 A.M. fo :30 P.M., Sunday 12 Na•n t• J P.M. } l'AtAOINA ••1°1111, 111-4111 KlllllONA HA 9-11•1 IANIA fl IN.IMOI Ml-WI 1 IANI• llOMCA II 4·AJ'l I touna 'oa1r PU.IA .sao.»a.1 ' - YAWY fO .1-M•I, , ... ,,_ 'ttlMONT Pl .. 1f ll 1 •• • ~---~-~------==-==------..,..-~=="'-----·-··· • tf GAil Y PILOT SC .. , LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 11 More Jh1tiu Dr. Charles F. Kenney, . superintendent of the Santa Ana Unified School District and (he Rancho Santiago Com· munity College District getil one more job. 'He bu Just been elected Orange County Chair- man of the CaJifornia Association ol School .Adrninislrators. Mesa Banker Appointed Manager Douglu Hill, manqer of the Costa Mesa branch.' of the First National Bank ol Orqe County, bu littn liamed an assistant vl:ce p r e 1 i d e n t according to .c a r I E. Schrotder, president. An Orange County naUve, Hill was graduated from Orange High School a n d earned bis A. A. degree 1n busines.1 and economics •from Orange Coa!t College, completing bia upper graduate work at California S ta t e College, Fullerton. ln addition. he bas completed a number of couraes offered by the American Institute o! Banking. Following his graduation from Orange Coast CoUege, Hill served a four year tour of duty in the Air Force after which he entered the finance busines5, Jn February, 1960, HUI joined the ~year-old Fi~t National Bank ol Orange County. He was named manager of the Costa Mesa branch, locai.d<at Adams and M ..... Ven!~ ~venite, iii the Spr!nl.•I 1910. ~·to tbat,1.he WU assist.ant manager :of the Santa Ana branch, 17th Street and TUnl.n A venue. Hill and biJ wlle;-Dlane, have two daughters, Laurie, 15, and Tammy, 13, both of whom attend Cerro Villa Junior High School. Santa Anita / Earnings Told Santa Anita Coll!olidated, Jnc. will pay a regular quarterly dividend of 50 centa per ahare on January 15, 1971 to shareholders of record December 21, 1970. The dividend declared by the board of directors is for the first quarter of the com· pany '• current fiscal year. Santa Anita operates on a fis. cal year ending October 31. LEGAL NOTICE Money's Worth Y ear EndBon uses :!wvWr.J:'~~~.,..,. ' t Migh t Be Smalle r ~i.r. ai~J -m::11. By S~VIA PORTER If you· do 1et • yeal'<l\d bomil or other 'form of eatra cornpensaUon from your einpioyer th1s ytar -aod there's a ·real J>OSSi.blllty you won't -it well may be for a sm1ller amowlt than In 1969. And there 's more than a possibility that the o n 1 y Christmu bonus yoo'U l't• today wlll be tbe tradltlooal verbal &ml1nll: Ttie explanaUoo is obvious: U I rerult Of the protracted rec:epion of 1et-'70 company after company bas reduced or· eliminated its custom 1 r y yearly bonus. This is, 1 readily ldmit, hardly the most cheerful flnanclal column I could have chostn for Christmas eve. But this is hardly the' most cheerfu1 financial s e 1 s o n you've ever e :1 per i enc e d eltbtr. To be realistic Ind get on wil.h It, here are the key trends in 1970 ye1r-end boa!Jlel -from 1 new survey of 22S U.S. companies In 25 different industries j u s t completed by Fry Colll!lultants, Inc., in Qilcago, and other sources: -Brokerage houses, caught in one of the most dilastrous financl1l plnches in history, have cut bonuses way down or out. The New York Stock Exdwlge announctd a bonus cutback in late November from 10 percent of employes' yearly aalary to ti; per<ent. However, even 7~ percent is oot a bonus to sniff at; for a $10,000 a year employe, it adds up to $750 -or nearly a mooth's pay. -Many companies have narrowed the number and lypes of employes eligible for bonuses -in some cases favoring middle and upper management and in other cases favoring those at the lower levels of the pay scale. -Uniom, increasingly, are insisting, under__ the Talt- HarUey Act. oo b e i n g inlormed or any management plans to change policies on traditional bonus handout!! - and increasingly are including policies covering b o n u s ::rn"Uoa u .• bargllnlni ~mT..=.~~.:= -"Hidden banuHI" appur :;:::.. ;'!:,. on the incttue -lhcludlni ,. ~-··-In '~ fo -' A ~ !,It ~ ~ rm Vl :e~·llr company mercblnd.J1e, &ift A , .» certificatea, utn m e r t t ~~";'~ 1 •. ~ salary incttases. VPder the A,..,,., .» A.II" C• .:z!M new General Moton contract A1i.oi.1111 '·"° Allfflud pf J with the United Auto Worbn, Wln• Po•t Alllt<il Pw 1.» '-"'-II.I. Allied CPI 1,20 woraers get a "boom ~y" A11c1 !Min AO of an extr1 dl.Y'• pa7 this :~l':111-d7r. th ~~· J John E. Murphy, pres!-'"""" ~, mon • "'IAPI" ""' CIDUTle, dent of the Irvine Indu&-Anrtcistr 1·"° amounts to• year-eod bonus. trial Complea, has been :11lf.~".,'.r·1.~ -Profit ahariJ:ia tw:}'ouf.s AlirJetAul .~ .-elected western regional :="f.IO• are becomlng a rn a Jo r vice president of the Na· Am11sut1 1"' altunaUve to year·end tional Association o! In· =Al,f~ bonuaes, although t be I e dustrial Parks. ::::.':i":u:so p1yment1 are not nectlSlrily ------------J.V.lrFUtr ,10 made at year-end. Eastman :: :~1~1:' Koci A l!lmds 1.10 at, for ezample, plans to Am8dt•t i.20 dlstrtbu of I Arn C•n 2.20 te a ~US nearly nsu rance .-, Call Pll.7S $100 million In MIJ'Cb 11o Its :'"c~~ 11r emp!OyC!s. Nearly ooe-.third of :~~~'a 11.: the companies surveyed by F • G :mT!~1111..o! Fry Consultants offered a irms et :~,fiu~i:..'! yearly bonus through a profi t A111E1Pw 1.n -··-N H :"'~r111•.i;g ;;;-ajorl1n~/!!"t::.1nP~~i:! ew 01n es :m•ar..r'.:' profit sbarlng ~yment was to : ~= ~'t be deferred to 7 Jater date. Balboa anc! M e·r it D la n ~::l ~~f., :1: • '" A ~1(.11 .12 -However -and most Insurance Companies next ~ "'~111or',.­ significant - a lull 20 percent week will oecupy new quarters ~::i,·~r0 2:12 of the companlea offering in the 15-!Jlory, $10 milli()n :!"~:.~,., some type of y e a r. en d ,,,,., si.1p .tot1 compensation gave it In the ~vco Financial Center ti,5~~ '::# Conn of a Christmas gilt · building Jn Newport Beach. ~s111:1l 15 Am 1 ... 1i ,ola instead of cash. What's mere, Charles W. F e.r g us on , f!.,&~&'f f.llO a fascinating new (although pres:idfnt of the two insurance :w :.:;')it sUll limited) trend is toward company subsidia ries of Avco:= •zV::C 1·0 giving shares of company AiT>tron .60 atock ln!ter.d of cash. To the Fin~cial Services, said both ~~ ~,: employe, this could mean will be ;•open for business" on !.Z:~.c 1':io: ,jl getting 1 bonus' venus no December 28. =:,~ bonua thit year. And if the This begins the move-in iS-·~: company's stock price ill Andi Hoct. 1 depressed, and if It can be process for Avco Financial Antorf. svc 1 ezpected to S"''.... back in S e r v i c e s • new world ~' 1lf ,_., h Arc4 2.MI future year11, such a bonu!I e a d quarters. Eventually :Pt ~orl • coold end up qulle a financial more than 600 AFS employes ~c~.!~1 ~°' bonanza. (To the employer, of from Los Angeles_ a n d ~~··J1.f1 1 course, a stock payment Cleveland, Ohio will move to ::l!n:ti• 1J: pennits the conservation ot Or e Co nty Armca.s 1.60 ang u • A""" pf/·" valuable cash at this time of Avco Financial Services., :~~:.i .. 1'f severely pinched prOflts.) ArlMt Ck • To end on a cheerful note with assets nearing $1.5 :~'u1.SJs b·11· t d ij Aro CorP ,. anyway: II your year-end 1 ion. was crea e ear er "'"'in irte1 '• bonus is down or out thls ye11, this year by Avco Coi"poration !s~0 f~W·~ the odds are it will be either as the single operating entity ~s~.~ ~led ~--·• w•-we AsOT••n !11.P ~ or '"'"""''cu ._, for two wholl y-ow ned A•Mot11t lnO get bact on the flCOnomic . . . :::C'~~11iil'2 track. Or, It will turn up in the subsidiaries -Se aboard AU Re~ P1J.?s F. Com f Lo All Rlt11 pf l O'ni-<A. """fit sharing or a 1nance pany <l s At1 Rt11 ptJ.IO e~ rv AtlMC....,. 1 Christmas gift or a pay raise Angeles and A v c o • D e l t a Att•1 carp Al1•1CP pf lk or a clutch of corporate stock Corporation of Cleveland. ~~°or!ncP;:i shares. So Merry Christmas. Top officers of Avco ::1n°~::. Top Business Stories Revealed From 1970 Financial Services are A. E. :=: E: ~ Weidman, cbaimJan of the :vco P~d~20 board; H. W. Merryman, ::Ef •:n:~ president ; and Ross M. Hett, :::i p°J l.ie executive vie~ president and AJke on nt chief operating officer. s1bckw "'° Site <lf the new world ::~~'l 1:tl headquarters, said Merryman, 1=~ ~ :,'f. was determined aftef an i:::'&?.~~ extensive survey of a 11 B11rl' a1 ~~·~ available areas in Southern l!r'to1'2lit6 California. l~tc~nc ~l: NEW YORK (l!Pll Brvwstng through li!es and jogging memories in an attempt to came up with the i{>P ten business stortes of s\ibject to Immediate mayhem; here's how it looked from qne vantage point: -The Pellll Central Bankruptcy. -Stagnant ~nomy. -Inflation, unusual and nagging. -Failure of many old line brokerage houses. -Wall Street bottoms out in May and starts climbing in the fall. -RedUction of interest rates, helping r e s to re corporate liquidity, sparks the market upswing. Ecology and consumerism become major corporate concerns. -Economy hits trillion doU1r GNP in mid·Dectmber. -President Robert Haack of the New York Stock Exchange, rocks \Vall Street by coming out in favor of negotiated commissions. -Airlines and aerospace <;:oal Mining Machine Built P!TI'SBURGll (UPI) \Vlth coal being burned in record quantltieJ by power plants to generate electrical energy, mine operators are turning more and more: to tlme-!aving and cost·reduclng machinery. One conllnuous m I n I n g machine recently developed by Joy Manufacturing Company Is capable of cutting and col· lecllng up to 12 tons or coal a mmule, a quantity equal to the per man output for three 'ull working days In the industry's pic.k and shovel era. The machine Is operated by one man. 1,0WS OP OIL PAIHTIN•S WHOL.IULI WAllHOUSI OHM TO THI PUI UC $5 and up \Ill I. •OIMOlll, IAllfT4 AllA. rHOM• UMMI Ou.Ll•S WANl'l"D J have dlsastroua yean, getting caught in re!leal'Cb, war and expense cutbacb, bllgbting areas like Seattle and Lo!! Angeles. Overall1 the wobbly economy probably was a more slgnilicant story. But the Penn Central der1ilment on June 21 came ~ suddenly a n d uneipectedly that it sent cold fear through financial cenlerll. Many whO had been through the depression of the thirties thought "here we go again !" Even though everyone knew the Perui Central was in trouble. along with most other rallroada, few believed this rall giant could topple. It had a billion or 10 dollan in real estate alone. When the road petitioned for bankruptcy, b 1nt1 and government. agencies raIUed 'rouod to llablllu t h • situation. If they hadn't, other operaUona cauaht 1n the credit crunch mlgbt have gone the same route. In fld, Ouysler almost dld until Chairman Lynn. Townsend and a rescue crew blitzed through Canadian and New York financial centers and came up with enough credit to restore public confidenc:e. The economy.,..., a strange mixture or unemployment and sliding corporate profits and cost-push lnllaUon. The first was according to the "game plan" for COciung olf the economy, 1'le ,ii' f I a t Io n certainly wasn't considered in the plan Nixon and his aides devised some two.yean ago. Prices wenl up In a sagging economy' because w a. g e setllemerit.s went up faster than the productivity involved (the amounl of man houn needed In produce • unit of gondJ). · When coot exceed> productivity, there are two possible results. 'l'bt company eventua.UY goes out of bwlines3 or it raiH:s pricel to cover the productivit)' lag. The General Moton 1ettlement , for IJ\lltlnCe, showed 1 13 perctnt tncrtase In the flnt year. Signlficantly, new inodei can average oul about $200 per unit over last yea.ti prices. All in all, •r year of mOltly drdry, depresslna news • but one. with gffmmera of hope, too. " Boring, who coordinated the I!~::&''"' 1 new b u 11 d t n g construction l::l:r~ t"~J: program, also helped in the l:rttr. i~ moving of all personnel from 1~'1.f• 1"' Los Angeles. Leaning, who ::..1c'11;,,.:~ .JO assisted in the move of ft~r.D~ :n Cleveland. personnel, a l so F.fe: 1.ifb found the company an interim 1:11 "B.tl..., ·~ headquarters facility in tile •II 1'ra'r~ f:mlt ~o Al Santa Ana lndustrict. B=~ Pi~ The company's m o v I n g r'.::\':il.: policy covered every possible lf1n!:u.'r' 2·'° contingency raced by the l:'fut' J~ employee including selling his lt:"1~~·~'° home , purchase ~f a new ft\~J~ ·~ home and the physical move. B11s1 L•ur;i 1 BjOCkHR ·;\i Designed by Welton Becket l~1~ei~~. and Associates, Architects, on t:i~:~m• Irvine master-planned land, t=.J.;, ·.,.21 the Avco Financial Center ::oe" 1f.. rises 240 feet from blu'lf sri."'!~ 'JJS overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I: ~:1•.,.:U n-necti . d I Bourns Inc ne ve Win OW g I S S 1lr111f Air .50 k th hi h . ' t llrl19St 2.«>• ma es e g -nse ower an Br111 MY 1.20 I n t e g r a I part ot Its :~lr"t!t ~ surroundings. ti.!" .. ':i:.°i' C. L. Peck Contractor is In =~~·~1p." charge o( construction, with g~:::"v~01·j!:l Ketchum, Peck & Toole:y, :~:l.':!: .i'f Investment Builders, serving I~ {:~tf as consulting developers. B::=F c:J'~60 Leasing of tile A v c o =~ '" ·~ Financial Center is being R~:'r:tl.;::, directed by Coldwell, Banker ~~~r~nlt~JG and Co Burl No ' 15-• Bu•INor pi.s.s 11 ..... nd~ .10 I U1T11ll1 .61 NAA Treasurer !':I"' .. ~:,,~ •fTIJIRLll • .S •ll•hn 1111'19 St . pt ~'"''' ays ID OS '~'\"I, ~.!Et ~ SANTA ANA -Richard :r:-~dk!f. Kopel, treasurer or Case :nrJ." .le~ Swayne Foods Company, has r,:c·~I~ been reelected as Secretary of :~1.l :ti the National AMOCls.tlon of :~. ~ Accountants for the 197~1971 !" , f.ff chapter year. ~I n Kopel. aside from h I s ~~·~'°, a<:Uvlty In the NAA, Is also e1•n ~rA•.I involved In severaf c Iv I c Ef°"fi · groups. Presently he Is vice W11riL1 l::S president of Orange County ::i11117:i"l~!O Civic Center Authority; ls a :ll'~' l.: direc!Qr ol the Santa Ana ' I:!·?° Chamber of C-Ommerce, and a a•1v.-- member or the Santa Ana :r,~. ·'°' Lions Club "' 111 ·'°" • Mdl)r~ Inc f. grnduate of the State ='s"'i.io• Unlverslty of tow a wil.h a BSC 11 • H{ .i degree, he resides with his 1 ~ ~~ wtle, IA!rna, and t w o ~' :241 daughters, It rn ltart S\. ,,.,,,N~J;.· Oran gt. l:Wg,,~': l ' ' l 1 .. ' \ I I ... l I I I ... MOl!dq, De::c;; ... 28. 1970 Monday's aoSmg Prices CA.mplete New . Yorli Stock ExclUmge List • SC DAILY mor 1~ • 41 DAR.Y PILOT j •••• --·-•11'1 • '..1 C N 0 /\ l' ' ~.:11•• M,....,., -211. ~970 Marlo 'Free' HOU.YWOOD (UPO Marlo 'lllomu COlllP.leled her 11n11 epllode of· "'lllal Glrr' and will -feotwo rums, theater rolt1 IDCI television guest llhots for the comhll ,...., m1mcw1 ....... ' CQ <tO> A cMklNll't tptdel 1bout tttt I• •.Wtlw ,.,., ... Pl.,.n ... tukll JDllllrslWI thlOllP 1 ,..., , I U.. • tlM Ulto\Y o1 wolutloll. ..... " -(IO) ·-·-(C)(IO) l:GS IB A411 '"' ,,.., <211 .. ·-llM ICI (60) JmJ Duo". ~IO e Ill! Cll-• .... ICI (IO) llEW YPl\K \UPI) -Cloe of Broa~W,11''.l IOO(esi.t>umlng brtgbt UgbtS' oo longer was ablning •toct.)r • 11Doll)'" bad goJie away apln, ending the longest . musical run o n Broadway. A capict'ty' audience. at the St. Jamei Tbeai.t SUnday cheered and applaudecl Ethel Merman and other members of the cast.repeatedly Uu'ough the 2,1441h . and lut ~rformance of "Hello Dolly!" ·Miss ·Merman. the firat- chosen and last-Call of a succession of at.art wbo have I ...... ,.., (C) (tO) -·-a;: ..... l.tutt : =:a--...:. ~ If Trtlltoft who 1 to ~!Mii. ftlOMJ The ''1IHper of the . - flf" (-.. .... ; 111 tM 1r11 t qmq but lutY ye1rl ''Delightful ,,.,_.,, t9-ltulttt• m11t1bl Hat'IJ'• Interest Ill '* fOr ente.rt1inment • rec:om--~ John ...... ·-~ .... ,_,. s c...,, ._.. 8'"· ~ " ~-D il!HIJ 111111 -F=-(Q mon-.:... Cll tripe:in th1 time of th• Boratu. (IO) ''1111 --irtor.•r A .,.u. .. "All smooth & ~rlskly ••·••.,.. <90> '*"DA. ~i:'. mtnlbW d or PfCed'~-Newsweek • n. ,...... (C) ,_ • 11hautlful Blick: ... ,,,. (C) (fiO) \""/ p!Mnd allllt, l'lllll 1'M" """* " OlHil ,_ (C) <"""'L """ ho -· ' Comody" • • • played the mllllCll's UUe role over its run of nearly seven years, r«elved a Nnding ovation from many or the audience on bet first entranc. and alter elch cil lier m"'ical numbers. 'lbe final curtain, with press a n d . tqevisiOll' · camenpnen c!'Owdill(" down the alslet, brought the eatlre audienee to Its feel 1be ovaUon continued through ~a dor.ell, company curtain calls. ' ' Miu Merman' stepped forward on the ! tmal call, immedlstely "'l'lllng I h •· volume, of the applause,. but she took no solo calls' a11d she did not make a curtain speech. Aller the show curtain had ccime down for the last time, the applause and cheering. continued until the asbestos curtain started down and someone on stage stock his hand under the curtain and waved 'a sign readlrig "closed." · "I feel sad and happy,'! Miss Merman Said in her dressing room later. l'1lt'1 I bUteriwtet ending • , • This baa ' been a wonderful company to work with, very hien~y a n d cooperative. n•s iad to see jt 1break up." carol Channing, the lint 'Dolly, got to the CIO!'lng performance in Ume to see tbe last few minutes . Miss Channing •aid she bad beard the audience in the St. James cheering in t b e Broadhurst Theater across tbe street, where she w a s appearing in a preview of Speelal on TV ..... . ~· ····-· "WH(ltf'S "°''"'• W.-.,.. ... ui.10.10,;..,.. IATUltDAY lo SU~y 1 PM,- "··-·---·-·"-··--... -~-. ~ ... -. CO.Hff AT HWY 39 Ott. Y "1Hf MAG.: Ct«ISTIAH" tO '°" Offk• °"""'' .M5 jl.M, 5ftow :S•"t1 G! 6d0 """· .5 PM) Blue.Otlf amlc. IDDiwN frM ... <C> (IO),Jlr· • tw..,. ... Lldll (C) (lJ) " lAwlt, Yves lllofttlnd, Cottl-Gn- 1 Cll !IS .. <tl.(30) , • .... "" ............. ....... ,... ,...,.(30) G11lnm JUISt, -.. <'> <ID) m -,. """" <30> ANGELA LA~SBURY ~~SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE" 'POWTalksLabeledPhony e..,. " ,.,.N tc> (30) em...., ,.,.. si.. (30) ... -,_ .. -l:tO. Ill! (I)*""" is.a. (Q (IO) QI ............ (C) ,(SO) ..... llas • pnlbl1111 Whl11 '"' 1:» a c... ca .. (30) """"" ,.... 1o "*"' d,.... 11 ··-.. (CJ QO) .... "~......... ' U 31!';.'1'* (C) (30) DU Cll 1111 lllC - -.. "' ...... .., ....... " ... ,...,. (dfltftl) 'U- (C) (30) A desc:riJtiW partnya1 of SidllfJ' Poitier, Ull SblL M fJ·(U · how U11 LA. eoc.!y Otparbant ef Mlps a ll'OUP ef 1'111111 builll I Public Soc:Uil s.mc.a ......., to· dl•Ptl in the barM Arizona """- ptAer person$ 111 Mtd aM ,.,_ II DI hlllll (C) <to> wt.o car.. 8 (!!CJ) ffJ I IHtwl 1't a.. lllJ Ci) lly ,_ ·-(30) --(CJ (2 h<) "°"'" I C!J ladll .._., (C) (30) 1111ntatw Ff'lllk RaJllOJds aamlna In Color-Rited "R" By CYNTIUA LOWRY supervision or the North NEW YORK (AP) -CBS Vietnamese by a Canadian and NBC took care Sunday Broadcasting Corp. night to point out the source correspondent and a three- and circumstances of filmed man Japanese fiilm crew. interviews with two U.S. Navy Still, ·the broadcasts were pilots held prisoner in North interesting. Seven Americans Vletf\am. · Were shown and identified and tor more than a quarter hour. ' mn. Dlllrt llllpwt (C) <30) rn1 ny "ttll bait ~riCln .~11111 J GI 1'i ~ (30) u tM net1on a,pnllCll• 1ts m; l~ii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ED.WC ·Elllill ,._ (C) (30) annlvlrury. .. . m--tc1<60)- Edwin 'Newman of NBC and Cmdrs. Walter E. Wilber and Charles Collingwood of CBS , Robert J . Schweitzer were aald there could be, no doubt interviewed in the Program tpat it w~ pn;ipaganda. They broadcast on short notice with said It was filmed under scheduled programs delayed A> the lights o( a Christmas tree blinked in' the background the two. men spoke, almost casuiilly of three meals a day, exercise periods, bOOks to read. movies to see, trips to ! chrucbell and museums in Hanoi. 1bere. were shots of their. prison J'QOIDS, decorated with family Pl(\tures. Even so it was higHI)t; unconvincing prop1ganda, even for the uninlµ&ted. , ' 1:U1t~ [It. Nikki GiMnllf mtervltn Lina l:IO fl Iii ·--(C) (30) •..J.: -'"' "" m• ol "' ""' De 11K ..._., ,.... CC> <~ a. WDflllll ii diSMlld bJ a ,.1111 ti llJ ...,, lly UNI (C) (30) .....,, m 1 .... ..., (30) m • ·-<'> <30> • .... .. -(C) (30) ., .., (30) @ CIJ .... (C) (30) Iii) -(60) I lllfl1zi'1t111 <C> <&Ol (R) "Oncl l".JOBat())o.na DaJ cq (30) u. UJOn • Story Theatrt." This JIO-wtnl AndrtWS 1111kll a IUlll: .,. ,,_ ftltllr11 llJIP(IWtutioftl If JNrlflCt aa Tocll)"a World -- memberJ el tM catt ar Colollll Fallbllni, wholl ..... IB C1J ll'ltll • C•••--(C) Mll'tin pvta • t11t )lot tllt ,.._ f!) QrW: ~ Urill& .wn CC) (30) ft launcbn 1W OWl'I· ..... e...,. (38) •• 1.... e1rwp1lp .,.INt .,, poOlltlol, em•••••••• ~ (55) o 1u1itr wn ,.... <C> (SO) 111--(C) (30) lil ·-' l:IOBlll!Cll•-(Q <&Ol Ill-• -(IO) Deputy ..... , O'Bl11ft b atrl#ld .. D ,...,, ... cl his btdrt aft« rtluaina; a ll:Oll B B Cl) CINI ...... • -CC> dlnpro11S outlaw, t.ucas Prftchl~. (60) Roblft Goullt. ltich UtHt. ... rfntm Jllil lrrlo the ltrwt ,,, Dodp Pat C.noll --City ti Ult eplmdl "Jtnny.'" •- •AMERICA'S GREATEST ·-1 "-(Q (ti)) -* RED SKELTON """"'""" ""'11. Wflh WALTER BRENNAN S'.="::'(,::..,•Mlotlll:-•••ll DU Cil ill"' -(Q <IOJ Em1 """ °""' ., •-<R> Wilt• Brenruin llltsb. Cltsalc tale fl Shnoocl FOfllt. 11 e ,.,. · PAT BOONE'S "' """ * lWO M.ILUPN DQLIAR ....... _ 11M <t> <IOJ Ans-to Prayer m""" """ (Q <!Ol .,..,. WHERE 'ARE YOU, GOD! BOtilh "'""'"" -Will•• a 1 mc141 hi...., si.w (C) F. Bucklef Jr ... C!Mltl ·are Jo1tn (~ ''Wberl Alt You, God?" Gueatl Pllmer, Janlthu Shell alld DtrM 111 Vondl Kay Y•n &Jke llld Nldf ll!lkolm. · · Cruz. 11!1 ~ (C) (30) omni. '-• ....,.. <t> tm1..a. ••• Artlatill a hl1 (&O) .. ,, There a Good SlfNl1. llt".JD., LI' , .... (30) llll l1rtlle Ho111e?'' Almn SllvlnMn defends an intn 111M tor iso.ooo. 11:00 8 ta (J) II ._ <C> Ill••$ -(CJ -DUCIJG"-tcJ ~!-"'*" (l4henl11re) '61-stew ecaa , .. llf 1'h1' (C) . Raina, Yaltrie Lapenp. BS .... CC> ~ !!!'"" .. .__ (C) <30l m-..,., 11c -• llt'llHC!A l .... lowt-llrend· v1rrtu11) '49 -MiebJ R , ..., f/f Tkll All (C) (30) Thi Thom1s Mildltl\ Mlchltl hldory d Ille Rose Bowl. Ill• Wiii .... (C) {30) e.....,_ .... 1CJ <10> llll Cil ""' - fl)Na Chi ea IN Ht.br• (30) ll:JOll 9(()Merw·ltlfri-(C) Rubia r:IS IJ!) c.611 da ..._.. tarwin, Hank Grtnt, .Im 11CD1 and Vtmon Stott. tlOG@Cili!l,.,,..4, (Q <'<>> BU Cil ll.l--(Q Willilm F. Buckley Jr. 1ua1S. Johnny Brown alld Ell witlech 8 WlrP.11 CniU• ._ (C) (60) fllUt G!lfllts lrt loh111111 and 81rkle)', 9 aiwit ••• (C) Sh1ni W1llls afld S.nator Berry DID Dk11 Cawtt (C) GoldWlller Sr. 8 lllllle: "'rM lls n,.orr (fllJI' ml• T .. tlla lmll (C) (30) tlf}') '55 -Rlch1nl Conta. GI I lfltiM I II.Cray FeoW c ... <C> (3 ti!) The 33rd c11sh o1 1z.• a..,.~ ..... ".,...... lrtda" collt&i111 all-st.11 from bottl t'IOrth (comedy) •4'---011¥11 de Hawllllfld. Ind toUlh, pl.,.cl at Montl(O!Mry, llJJ (J} Diet CMtt (C) ....... 1!2l(])I l.m i.q (t) (30) r , I Clnier ltottrs. Midla•I Rlnl):lt. l:IOllJ"I-... ,.., ilW' I (mlllical) '45-41111 Heyworth. I Ql(Q -" ..... ..... PAmM~ MOVIES <-•l ............ """"!. . 1:t11m.,., __ <""· , ............. -(-) ..,, .. ,........, '""'· .... ·~ '37 ...,. J1tk 8'1ny, Ide Lwplno. 2:00 0 (C) "l'lll&M Wt Slllt' (Pllllll· "l'erloe1 HllWaf" (ICMnturl} '46 al)·~ l'llva. An111 llncnitt • .,..t,tt O'Brien, Al111 Hal.. 4:18 II "J:ll ti ,_. {...urtl) '57 • .,. ......... (dllflll) '$1 -411ft• r.rd, ¥111 HllllL \ . e J9B PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Quillty Printing ind Deptndtble Service fof m~re ihan ·aquartar of a cel\tury PIL O T PRINTING ~· . \ Ult WIST IALIOA ILYD.. MIWPOIT llACH -MMJ21 ' ' Peace Finl Time · In Huntington Beach PIZZA HUT SMORGASBORD Every Monday Night, S:30 • 9:00 All THE PIZZA . YOU CAN EAT Adults $1.25 Children 65c IUNDll 111 I P09'ULAI 'YAllftlU AYAILAIU SERVING. MORE THAN. 70,000 PIZZAS· COAST-TO.COAST DAILY ' :.19071 BROOKHURST ' \962-1333 THE POPPYgFAMILY 00~--­ MICHIEL NESMITH amr Die f llST IATIOUL 8110 c·· : Inn Pmlles I f ''; The RhJUlnr Rebelllon " LOUIE BELLSOI aild his OIHESTRI Plu• I un11mn111 u~!~!. ~~~!'!~~~ am,cuons fireworks • Favora • Noisemakera • and a Special Midnight Specta cular O;, .... !,J \ •••••••••••• • • • 0 PRICE Oft DECEMBER 31 110!»!: • 11,plsntyllnd 801 O!fitt only • • • •••••••••••• 1 THE PERFEa CHRISTMAS PROGRAM NOW PLA Yl"G. CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 12:00 NOON AT EACH OF THESE 3 EDWARDS CINEMAS! , CINEMA VIEJO SAN DIEGO FIEEWAT·IA PAZ TURN·OFF MISSION VIEJ0-830-6990 ............... • HARBOR TWll(INEMAS HARBOR AT W!LS0.11-SOUTH OF S.D. FWY. COSTA MESA·646-0573 GRA•D OPllllllGI CllllMA I IN TtlE WESTMINSTER CENTER RATED"G" "ITS FOR EVERYBODY" • .. "• CINEMA WEST I WESTMINSTER AND GOLDEN WEST 892:04493 • . ..-7. ' ' • . . . . ' . '• .. '. ) BERLIOZ-TOUtOIJSE-MARIE TECHNICOLOR® • . ' . ' . ROQUEFORT ~:LING Of!IENTAL CAT vorce HOllOWAY PAUL WINCHnL ' AND 11011..e" autNA VISTA l)tf.tr)~l• Ct~ lllC •• 01170 Wt!I DillltJ' ,l'M.CllOM 'lTL.lr WALT DISNEY praductlans P"''"" J.1.IUU, t1uJ O?p/lanElephant ' ' • ·-' -----------___________________ Jo.I .. -1 USMC WIFE OF YEAR Carole Hanson and Son Near Tragedy :Of Apollo 13 I Top U.S. Story NEW YORK (AP) -The abortive fl ight of Apollo 13 has been chosen as the top ne"''s story of 1970 by editors of AS!OCiated Press member newspapers and radio and TV stations. The editors' choi ces for the other nine top stories of the year, in order of news -'impact, were: 2. Shooting at Kent State and Jackson St.ate universities. 3. Vietnam .war spreads to Gambodia. 4. Terrorism spreads across the United States. 5. Arab guerrillas hijack four jetliners and hold hOstages. 6. November U.S. elections. 7. Recession and intlation in the U.S. economy. 8. Senate rejects .SJ.Jpreme Court appointment of G. Harrold Carswell. 9. Growing concern over pollution. 10. Terrorist& kidnap and kill in Can- ada. n Wife of '70 . '4 Bravely campaigning for a husband .she tirmly believes is alive -and some Jt,'000 mlssing men like him -Mrs. Stephen P. Hanson Js El Toro Marine Co~ AJr Station's 1970 Military Wife of· the Year. Carole Lynn Hanson, 3Z, is Director or the National League of Families ot American Prisoners. Her husband, Marine Corps · Capt. Stephen P: Hanson has bttn missing and presumed among them {or 3'12 years now. Still mainlaining the home at 24112 Birdrock Drive, El Toro, with son Todd, who bas never seen his father. Capt. Hanson was shot down P'1er Southeast Asia in June, 1967, but his w\fe believes she saw him in a live telecast or American prisoners being p a r a d e d through Hanoi. The attractive former teacher in the San Joaquin Elementary School District has traveled · far and wide with other POW wives in behalf of their husbands, sons and fathers. Their mission has been to secure more humane treatment for the prisoners, plus opening up channels of communicaUon with their families. 1 She has Jogged more than 100,000 miles In the last year, including a trip to Laos, where she talked to North Vietnamese and B;athet leaders. The annual search for the Military Wife of the Year is sponsored by a worldwide marketing firm and Is sanctioned by the Defense Department. 1'.frs. Hanson and nominees from other commands will be considered when a wife is chosen next February to represent the entire Marine Corp! in the all service competition. Local judges were Mrs. Dean Wnker, Mrs. Lucille Beam, Sergeant Major L. P. Wadleigh, Lieutenant, Commander R. l. Mayou and Mrs. Schenburger. The women are officials of wives clubs at El Toro and Santa Ana. \Vad.leigh is sergeant major of the Santa Ana helicopter station and Mayou Santa Ana helicopter station and Mayor is assistant chaplain at El Toro. The alarm from space came at 10:08 p.rn. EST April 13 wh<n an explosion all Holiday weekend but crippled the moon.bound space vehicle wilh astronauts James A. Love~ Jr., Fred w. Haise· Jr. and John !$' ~ccidents Kill Swigert Jr. aboard. _ 1 ·, As oxygen supplies ran low, the three men·took up sta,tions in the moon landnng vehicle. The flight was two days from the moon. The astronauts nursed their criJWled spacec"raft around the moon, heailed back to earth and four days later spl~shed down safely in t~e Pacific. Campus shootings: At Kent State University in Ohio on May 4, following severl days of demonstrations and the burning of the RCYI'C building by student! protesting the Cambidian incursion, the Ohio National Guard was ordered in by Gov. James A. Rhodes. In a tense confrontation t h e guardsmen. fired 61 shots. F'our students were killed and nine wounded. On May 15, at Jackson State College in Pl-lississippi,. police opened fire on a student dormitory after p r o I o n g e d campus turmoil. Two youths died and ll were wOWlded. J • 6 • i • ;i i I ! ;; I ' Twr ' in County Tv.·o persons lost their lives in Christmas weekend traffic in Orange County. Rex Ardron, 17, of 1--fontebello, was killed Sunday night in Stanton when his car collided with another, went off the road and 1mashed into a tree at Beach Boulevard and Orange Avenue. Early Saturday morning, Marine 1st Lt. George W. Serviss. 24, Tacoma, Wash.. died instantly when his southbound car went out of control on the Sania Ana Freeway near Euclid Street in Anaheim and crashed into a concrete retaining wall. LL Serviss, who bad recenUy returned from South Vietnam was stationed at Camp Pendleton. Sign of the Tinaes \Yelder attaches latch to protective gate. one of many being installed at the new Uni versity High School being readied for opening Jan. 4 at Culver road and Campus drive near UC Irvine. Desks, lockers and shot> equipment already have been moved into the nearly complete buildings. Double sessions at Mission Viejo Hi~h ended with the be- ginning of Christmas vacation. Ah·plane Barely Misses Towe1· at Cou11ty Airport A Newport Beach businessman narrowly escaped serious injury and flight controllers at Orange County After 6 Years Site's a Talker AUCKLAND, N.Z. (AP) Gladys Clifton just can't slop talking -and her farmer husband Ian doesn't mind I bit She only started Sunday. In eight months of marriage, she had never uttered a word before. Mrs. Clifton lost her voice suddenly -and inexplicably -in 1964 when she was a nurse. Then on Sunday, while she was cutting a hedge at home, she breathed in deeply and "somehow ~ueezed out a noise -just a mutt.er." It was "the end of a nightmare,'' Mrs. Clitton says. \. "I was so thrilled, I ju.st wandered around the garden for a while. Then I went into see Ian and said 'hello.' " "He Io o k e d astounded, then a big grin shot across his face . I just cried for joy." Since then. telephone calls and a stream of friends and relatives have kept lltrs. Clifton talking nonstop -and enjoying every syllable of it. Airport fled for their lives when his disabled craft narrowly missed the control tower Saturday. Pilot Henry ~1 . Kanegae. 53, of 1801 Buttonshell Lane, a food packing executive experienced engine trouble shortly after take off from the airstrip and made a low level circle attempting to return. Tower watch commander Don Meir along with flight controllers Paul Elson and Larry Frazier ran down five flight.! of stairs as the disabled craft beaded directly for the twoer. Witnesses said it missed the tower by about JS feet before crash landing across the airport about 300 feet from the tennlnal building. Kanegae suffered only facial cuts and broken teeth when thrown into the "'indshield of the twin.engine Piper Con1anche. The plane was severely damaged . Kanegae Is manager of American Foods Inc. of Anaheim, a produce packing firm. He was en route to Texas on a business trip at the time of the axident. Byrd Vies for Post WASHINGTON <UPI) -S.n. Robert C. Byrd (O·W.Va . ), apparently believes he might be able to muster the strength to ~"·ing enough uncommitted Democrats lo :rupport him in a bid for whip in the 92nd Congress. Sen. Edward ~'. Kennedy o f 1--tassachusetts now bas the post. - Pilot Introduces Strea1nlined Ads For Classified Streamlined classification breakdowns and a new, visual style of headings will be introduced in the Classified Advedtifing Section of the DAILY PILOT' for 1m1. tn fact. the DAILY PILOT's classified ads get to start" the new year tar\y because they actilally will be "dressed'' in the ne\v look starting Wednesday. An easy-to-read index listing the new categories and using the new visual headings ~·ill be published from lime to lime in the Classified Advertising Section . Watch for II, use It and clip It out for future reference until you get acquainted with the new qui ck-and.easy format The visual aid type headings being Introduced ln the section use 111 art style which ls approaching acceptance as a kind of international "sign language." The artwork is, similar to that now being u~d on highway signs and on signs appearing Iii public buildings, such as airport terminals. 1 One thing won't change, however. You can still reach the "new" Classified Advertising Department via Its old direct-line telephone number, 642-5678. Brick from Overpass Kills Wo1nan Driver ' WtClilTA , Kan. (AP) -Gladys \Villman, a 22-year-old recent bride, was killed by a brick that crashed through the windshield of a car as she drove along the Kansas Turnpike. Mrs. Willman was hit In the face by the brick Saturday and died Sunday. The Big Mis big enough' to protect your interest with the nation 's highest rate .on insured ,savings-you can choose from 4 insured guaranteed-to-grow savings pl~ns. o But equally important-cares enough to give you very personal service. o Why nor open an account today ... and meet the people who care. MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION I " I DAILY PllDT f Lower Draft Call Seen Next Year WASIUNGTON (AP) -Socretary ol De(enae Melvin R. La~d today predic:lcd lower draft calls next year. He warned, however, that the size of the draft and achievement of •n •ll· vohmteer fcne by mld-197! will depend on congmsional approval ol military poY, boosta and other measures. In 1 news conference round1nc out 1'10, Laird said he is "confident our efkirtl" in moving toward an all·volunt~ [orce 0 will mean we will have lower draft calls next year.11 He refused to forecast how far the 1971 draft calls will fall below this year's 163,500. 1be call for January, totaling 17,000 men for tbe Anny, is the highest since last spring, but this renects seasonal nuctuatlonJ in the draft pattern wbich normally f a 11 s oU in . t h e CbristmU period.· Laird stuck to his goal or an aD· volunteer force by mld-1973 and said achievement of th.is goal fs "of course dependent on certain Wngs takine place." Among other things, he said thl9 involves congressional approval of a 20 percent pay increase for lower ranked enlisted men. and money for bettering living condJtions and educaUon for servicemen. "The pay situation is moat Important," Laird said. He voiced confidence that "we ~ support a military force of two mllUon to 2.4 million on a wlunta.ry bas!J." The force stands now 1t •bout t .t million. Aerial Search Continues for Missing Boat A wide sweeping aerial search was continued today for a 36-foot sailboat with th~ persons aboard missing since lut Tuesday on a reported cruise from Guaymas, Baja California. On board the craft were John Buchwalter, 17, of La Habra, his brother Ray of Tucson and the litter's wile. The Cout G~ llld a """4111JMi plane was searching a U..000 squmw mii. area both inside lhe Gulf ol CllJfonia and tbe. ocean as far IOllth u Cabo Saa Wcas 1t the tip of Baja California. Althoagh Gliaymaa Is l!lllde tbll ·gu11, the Coast Guard said it was extendJng tta search as far as SO miles to sea in tbl Pacific ocean. Meanwhile, search for two other vessels reported missing · ov,r the weekend was halted when It wu discovered: A family of four from Anaheim, reported missing on an ta.root ))Olftr boat on a fishing trip out of Newport Beach. didn't go fishlng at all but slept oo their boat at a private dock. The family wu identified by the Coast Guard as Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walker and their two children. aged seven and five. A 36-foot cabin cruJser reported missing on a trip from San Diego to Ensenada wa~ found docked at a San Diego Marina. Engine trouble prevented start of the cruise. On board were Ron.a14 Whitman, ff, of Irvine and bil two IODI,· Donald 22 and Monty 13. C«ona c!01 Mar otrlco: 2117 Eul Cout Hlghw1y / 11wo10 Olher oUlces In Covina, WHI ArcadlL PU1dtna and Qian~ • • I 0.. v P'ILOT I .~ 'He', bruy. writing hi1 m11111oir1/' Last, But Not Least !y DICK WEST ·WASHINGTON-Plcklnl! the 10 biaest news 11torie1 of 1'70 is faJrly eaty. Picktnc the 10 1mallell stories U another matter. I wu only 1ble to pick nine: 1. Clodl, N.H. -At Mrs. Nood• wa1 leedln& bet chick"" today "" of the f'OOltera flew the coop and ran aCl"'Oll road. At that very moment, Uble Fetch, tD, came down tM road on hia bicycle and, as usual, wasn't looking where he was 1oing. Uble hit the l"OOller broad.aide and then ran into the ditch. Neither wu hurt. 2. Buttermilk Falls, Wis. -The annual Buttermilk Falls Clabber Festival wa1 Mendel Rivers Dead Rep. Mendel Rivers. ~ died today. 17 days alter undergoing open heart surgery. He is shown in 1967 with Gen. Bradley (C) and Adm . Radford. . Crew Rescuecl Rivers was known as a friend to servicemen and took their side in most Pentagon battles. canceltd today owing to the fact that the F · T k mi!kfalledtocurdteln\ime. rom , an Aer Mrs. Fermua Whacker, the proeram chairman, nid there muat have been · f Soviets Save Sexy Sirens For 'Under Cover' Action something about the weather that caused J A la • the milk to Illy fr .. h !001er than uaual. n t ntic 3. Harmony Pond, Md. -Gretchen Gitlle, 1-year~ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ancel GitUe, went to Spreadville Tueeday nl&l!I to participate In ti... Aunt NEW YORK (UPI) -All 31 crewmen of a Finnish tanker who spent the night on the stern part after the vessel split ln half were rescued today in the stormy girls'' kept for diplomats, as well as llandsome Rus.!ilan men used to form romantic liaison! with women atlached to embassies in Moscow, including the wives of ambassadors. .{ 1• _AUanUc 800 milt& east of Cape May, N.J. ~ Si• otbt.r• were unaccounted for but 1 believed to be in the bow lsection. A crewman from an American freighter who capsized in a lifeboat also wu miulng. WASHINGTON(AP)-A former Soviet secret Police agent bas t.old the Senate o( a Russian Mata Harl-type schtme designed to compromise for e i g n diplomats by supplying them and their wives with a stream of attracUve bed partners. In testimony re.leased Sunday, Yuri Krolkov, who appeared under the name of George Karlin, said ''there' ls a coloasal institute of CO-Opted Soviet He named 50ITle highly p l 11 c e d diplomats and their wives as he told of love affairs. seductions and attempted AeducUOlll. Karlin 1aid he knew of some incident! first hand. but othe rs !lamona'a piano rtcital-at the Spreadvill• Community Auditorium. Gretchen, wbG ii takln& ptaM leaons heroe!{, Wnled 1lle paaes of the muaic. Her mother Nld oho did rut good. 4. HOOpee. Tex. -Deck Rankle took time oif from his job at the gravel pit Friday afternoon to enter the 1oat roping contest at the Po!t.bole County Falr. He weuld have had a good.shot.at third pltO! if his rope l\&dn't came unravtled. Henvef, Deck aald be bad a good time anyw1f. 5. HearthatrlnJ'. S.C. -~ a m Latch pkkod neorly H poundJ of collard gr"n' OJt of h1I garden south of the town last Saturday afternoon. He aave most of them awa y. upl&lnlng that c:ollardt didn't aeem to agree with blm any more. a. Frozen Neck. N.Y. -Sarah WlnUocket celebr1ted her 871h birthday today by coin& for a ride with her nephew. Neander Hatchley, on a railroad handcar. , She said tt was something she had always wanted to do. 7. Gnarled Tree. N.M. -Abbis O'Mallett. a local well dl&a:er. broke a sprocket on his drillinl rta today and had to go all the way to Sandburr City to get it fi1ed. !. U!l'hot Sound, Ore. -Fletche" 1t1cNever caua:ht a five-pound arumper today the first lime be baited hJJ hoe>k. 9. Washington -Congreu met tbll year. -UPI The 31 men ta.ken from lhe ste rn were aboard the Coet Guard cutler E!can.aba. Both sect.tom of the tanker Ragny "'ere afloat, but the Coast Guard search and 'rescue ctnter here was unable to say how lone they ml&)'lt remain anoat. The bow had overturned. Tbe tanker, the MO-foot Ragny, split in two Sundy in heavy seas. The fretghltr, the tl0'1·foot Platte, arrbved on the scene alter nightfall about isix and one-half hours after the RaJnY issued its fir1t distress call. One crewman of the Platte disappeared after a smaJI boat was put into the water in a rescue attempt and overturned in the heavy seas. Two other crewmen . their c:onditions unknown, were recovered. Aircraft from the Naval Air Station al Eli:tabeth City, N.C., took off to join the search at dawn. Two othe r ships were standing by near the Ragny. The m1asin1 Ragny crewmen included the master, cruet mate and chief engineer. Panama Freighter Reported Sinking ELIZABETH CfTY, N.C. (APl -A Panamanian freighter was reported sinking today 270 mil es southwest of Bermuda. The Goast Guard at Elizabeth City said a plane was diverted from another rescue mi3aion -for 31 crewmen on the 1tricken Finnish vessel Ragny -lo fly over the site where the freighter Ghryssie wu reported in trouble . Reds Infilterate (;amhodia Lines, r Using Password ROKAKONG. Cambodia (AP) -Four hundred Communist-led troops fought hand to hand for aeven hours with Cambodian forces after Nor t h Vietnamese infiltrators p e n e t r ate d government lines by using the offlcial password. -... The fighling began Sunday night at this Mekong River village on Phnom Penh's nuter defense perimeter 22 miles frm the capital and ended today when enemy forces withdrew. Cambodian field reports said four Cambodian troops were killed and 2 wounded. Enemy casualties were put at 10 killed and 2S wounded. _Officers said an advance party of 15 NorU1 Vietnamese used the official government password. "'hich Is changed daily, to enter three Cambodian positions in the center of the village. They were not recognized a~ enemy troops. the officers said until some Cambodian soldiers heard them whispering in Vietnamese. Shots were then exchanged and the Communist command sent in reinforcements that engaged Cair.bodian troops in close combat until dawn. Cambodian officials said they could not call in air strikes without a Is o endangering government troops. he;~lsa~\ same. he told the Senate Investigators. such operations often failed in establishing blac kmaU opportunities becu1se the diplomata knew what to <xJ1.eCl. He said a typical KGB-Soviet Secret pollct -joke was a remark attributed to all' American diplomat in Moscow that "the KGB supplies us each week with another blonde girl, like they change the sheets in the hotel each week." The use of winsome women f!'lr espionage and blackmail is nothing new in affairs of slate, with famous Incidents popping up all through history. Perhaps the most notorious involved Mat.a Hari , a Outcll-born dancer used by the Germans in World War J to pry secrets from Allied agents. She was caught and executed by the French in 1917. Karlin said in his testimony he was a Soviet playwright. screen wr iter and radio correspondent until he defected fo London in 1963. He said he was 'oo- opted," or recruited . by the KGB in 1946 while a correspondent for Moscow Radio. He testified a forrner French ambassador to Russia. Maurice Dejean, had sexual relations with several Russian women he had provided. He said he had no official knowledge of the result. bul added one of his superiors said, "Our operation v.'ith the French ambassador was one of the greatest in the history or KGB's Inside operations." Karlin testified behind closed doors nine days before the Senate int€rnal secur ity subcommittee. Some of the information contained in the three volumes of testimony previously has been published in a magazine article. U.S. Cold, and Mostly Dry The fonner Russian agent said the KGB is neither brilliant nor idiotic. but it is po\\·erful. And he sald that, "when you are coming lo the U.S.S.R .. you must control each of your moves. each of your actions." Pacific Northwest Measures Only Rainfall ' Southern E"!ope Shivering Under Storm's Assault Cellfol'lll• •Y UNtT•O .. 111111 INTllllATIONAL TM,. Wll rre11 In "'' 1vbllrbt lcmlY b.Jt by mlll'M!'nl,. n.. cl\111 1N!I IN cltlo.••h f!Y .. S.Ut.,...11 C1lll'lltnl1 119' d M rwd. 1i11vln1 !NlltlV IUllll'I' ... I .. ""'"' • 1u1n11v .,.,,,.,., 1l•t•-tl'ltn '"""'"' 'i: " .. T ... ,...,.,...,,.,... •!IM t ttw ..,_ IUI .. ........ ,,. 111 I..• ""''It• t !M '"II~ t1!• tkltt • 1<:c...,.lfl~ln1 !tlf w1rml11t li"tf141, 1'111 ••f'dltfM ~ltfl llldtV Wt • '1 Wiii\ lfl •••t<tl'<I ovttnltflt low el M 11 tl'lt 0uu.,1,,. ""IO!lt rtacrtld ll'll"'""""" "-•lllNa If! tl\t -D Wlltl -lnltl dott\M Fllt lt'fl'!'ll.. 'TIMI Dtft.hn INtH l\llvt -.,. .,,._,.. 1M Mtfl tl'lt c•lltl t .W ""°""'''" ~ .,.. ,...,.. t.Omt ,.. 11111 IN ( .... Wllld'I llfttol Ill' tl'lt 91~. ,lrtlll tlHlllT lk)9s INIVlllN ~ ""' ~ ... klCI\ ......... "' .. "' wlltl """'"''l\lf'M _, ... """ flltM 11 tl\e ,..-, llWI Wft .-i'lllY !ft ...... TII"°""*" lflf ~I v11i.,, '"' ~ ,,.,... I,.,,, I"'° WI IO !Ill WI •I lllt ltwt< tlt•ttlolll t lld 111Htl1 _., llllel. HltoM l.uftdt• t fld t t, t t I t l fl'l•Kl"'lllJ'I ~n' fl'lt!ufff· ev'-,:',.•~,:'.,\'."'·Mt:n'•w't.:,.IU ~·. J111rno.1e JWJ, IUvtrtlde "6.JI, 1>11,,, ,.,..... .....,. ltktflfl~lll ,..... $a11 .. ...Ot .. o • ..,., s.111• ltrbl•• JI.Ji, ,,,. Al\IP!tlm 1111 Jtntl Nit tt.Q. "' ,,,,.,, ,.,..... ,.....,, lltllf .... ~·"'' ""1 .... """' .,.. ~..,. ,..,..,. btccono- 1,,. ~a Ill IS k11tt1 l!o t llttlltON !Ollt y 1M T ....... t Y. Hltl'I IOOl1 JI. e11111111 ~•!\I'" rtlltl ,,..... 11 " "· lfllt'ld """"'•llH• , ...... flo9l'ft IS 19 "· Wtll' ttm.Nl'tl'urt JI. Su11, Moon, Tlde1 MOH DAY TUISOAY • ,,,,.,, l t IN•'"· •1 J l"l'lt 111111 I II 1,m •I ,lr1t lfw !j..1•<11. JI !lcW l'l!t~ I~' 11 •.111.. JI Stcor'lf ICI"' J 0 .,,,,, ·I • Su" .,_.,' U I "' llh •·JI •"' ,,_. lllt .. 7,27 4.m. S1!1•11•11 "'· 11.S. Summar11 Ctlf Wt Mfltl'lll'I' ltlr .,..tt>tr .. ,ltd K l'9SI moil II tl\t PllllOfl kt~V I nd t1rtw lllOIY Ml1ml ,_l«I 1...,,,_,,lu•H Ill Ille '°' 1'1111 -"'"" ..... '*'"''"' JllOtlolt iltttlll l'tM!r.eJ 111 1M Jilt fot I Me6l'llf ~l/f!"lflV, Tiit Ofolt $1>&w e111 t ltktd lie .. Wrt l Ho11!10f11I lnt1'01 of •-S1111C11v t l'NI •11~ ttr1l1!H !11 !flt '•tl'k Norll\-JI ll1twr1trt, II ""'' •-•tl!v tllt • to Pt•lly tfOiltlv lfl!t $u....,1-, l "d tlflV ttl!I••· T--•111•11 flrlY lldtY •l"lfd """' U tool-l•rt1 It ltr10. N 0 , le IC t t l 'o"''""lllt, ,,, O!llY lf>t l 1tll•( N&ftft•r1t 1"11 1t1rlltt11 et "'"''~•~ C•ll!itrfllt l'tfle•tM t nv r1l11 I-'"'"' llu"lfl H •l!"td 1~11' '"' G•11t ~l~f\ •H •Oll IO l~I APPlltcMl"I llltwll.,1 1•rt1 •tft !1lr. Tempereture1 T'°"'-'"'"" 11'111 1rtcl1J11llOll 1'11t ..... 2•-l'IW• "'"" fl'ldlr.e ,, • '·""· ,t,.\Mu•"llll Atllll!t Stkff'ffllld e 11m1-ck ll!<ol•~ Bo!!~ S•!)W"'vll!1 Clllcttll (llltl""'" ~ve• ~~Molnn 0.t~I! l'Cft WOl'fll F rt t"fl ~ti- lrodil"\•Mlll Ktl\ftJ Cl"" l t J Vdtl Les"""''' Mlt"'l Mi•t1'1"'"111 N-0.INM NtwYOl'tl Hort!l "11"' Otkltlld Oklt"O!M (11'¥ ...... ''"" l~llltl ,,.., lllolll•s p~·· ,.,,......,,.. .. 'ertl•lllf l11kt City ltfllll111t \, ·-I l1c•1m1f!IO ~II! l lkf CllY S1t1Cl .. o S111 ''•"Cl•« S11111• $~.,,. TlltH\1111 Wt ..,lflt!Oll Hiii\ Llw ,.l'M, 4 " • " .. " "' .. " " • c • " " " " • " ,, .. • .. • " .. • ,, .. " " " • .. " ~ •• H .. " •• .. ~ • " • .. • • " " .. .. • • " II ;J 4 ,, ., ~ ,, ~ .. " " " .. " •• " ff " " " .. » • • ~ ~ tt u ... LONDON . (AP) -Southern Europe .ot aUpped and shiv~red today through wintry storm~ tl'rat sank a Greek frelihter In Naples and str anded ·01 hundreds of molorists tn France and Spain. The storms headed north loward .ot Britain, where Christmas w e e k e n d weather had covered more than 150.000 miles of ro1d1 with lee and snow. Ttmperatytp hovered near frtt:rang over aouthem En&land and more snow was predicted . ' Hundnds of thoulandJ of British ,20 workers, Crom \Velsh coal miners to London stockbroker&, 1t.ayed home and eased the load on commuter services 1UU ·'' struggling back to normal. T h e &1 absenteeism, some with emplo'yers' .11 permlislon and some without, war .el expected since the nation31 &icing Day holiday -Dec. 2S -fell on a Saturday :~ thts yt~r. In the llallan port Of Naples, lhe 1.100-;~! ton Greek frel1hter Tropeoftros sank .~J 11fter v.·•ves had battered it against I wharf. Lebanon Raided -lsrae-Utetu:rning- To Peace Talks By Uolted PreH ID,.rudoul The laraell cabinet vottd tod1y to return to the Middle Ea1t peace talks, A highly placed official source said ln Jerusalem. The deci1lon waa taktn in the face of warninaa the lalks would be long and difficult with no assuran~ thty will aucceed. The o!flcial source aald much or the fivt-bour cabinet 1easion wu taken up with quesUona of procedure in the t.alka to be held under auspices of United Nations mediator GuMar V. Jarring. While the cabinet met , military spokesmen disclosed a helicopter-borne Israeli task force flew 1ix miles into Lebanon and destroyed four houses the Jsraelis said were headquarters for guerrilla raids into Israel. There were casualties on both sides in the village of Yater and Isr•el said it h•d captured quantities ol bazookas, machine guns and automatic rifles. The way for Tsrael's return to the peace talks was cleared Sunday when the 1mall but in!loentlal Re:U1ioua party voted ill approv&l. Ti1e party is a member or Premier Gold.a Meir's coaliUon cabinet and was the tut holdout. The Religious party acted after she had reassured cabinet members Israel bad received necessary assurances from the United States as to the balance of power in the Middle East. These assurances were not spelled out but Israel walked out of the talks after one day last Sept 6 because of a buildup of Russian-made missiles in Egypt. Mrs. Meir. In a speech during the weekend, cautioned that the peace lalks would be long and difficult. Her viewpoint was strengthened by a statement by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat that Egypt will recognize Israel's rights aa an Independent nation only If the Jewish state 1urrender1 all territory it captured in the six day war of 1967. Sadat's remarka came in an interview with James Reaton, New York Times vice president and columnist, and the Times cairo correapondent Raymond H. Anderson. Elephant Ride 'Perfect Gift' BIRMfNGHAM, Mich. (AP! ''My husband asked me what I WA!].ted for Christmas and I told him 1 wanted a ride on an elephant," recalled Mrs. Carl Pfiffer. "I told him he didn't have to buy me a whole elephant, juat a ride on one. I never thought he'd do it." But the day after Christmas, a big truck from King Animal Land pulled up to the Pfeiffer house and out came Queenie, a 20-year-old !em&le pachyderm . "My wife. loves an im als,'' explained Pfeiffer, an executlve vi ce president o! an auto supply firm . "She has betn bugging me for a Joni time 11bout a ride on an elephant. . .lt was supposed to come Friday afternoon so she could ride lt on Christmas, but the truck broke down." The weather was cold and snowy, and Queenie could only stMd the llklegree temperature for about 10 minutes at a time. So the elephant spent most of the afternoon in the Pfeiffer garage. Neighborhood children watched In ama:tement. Sadat said after 11r1el 1urrtndus "Ivery Inch" of copturod territory El)'pl will reco&nlze Iar1el '1 rlthta u an Independent 1tate; he 111d the \JAi\ Is prep11ed to ne10U1te Israel h a 1 frequenUy Hated several aieu It 11y1 It will never give up lncludln& Arab Jeruaalem and parta of the Gol111Jl•tlhts from which Syrian sunnrr1 often Melltd Israell eetUementl ln the valleys .below. Six Basques Face Spain Executions BURGOS, Spain (AP) -A m!lltary court today handed down death sentences for sir personJ 1n the Burgoa trial of. 16 Basque extremists. The sentences will now 10 t.o Gen. Franclsco Franco to be commuted or confirmed. Three of the six were sentenctd lo death by firing squad -twice. The unusual measure indicated the reaction of the ct>url to the last day of trial v.·he n the 15 arose in mass and trled to attack court-martial members . There y,·as no immediate Indication when Franco would act on the sentencet. The three receiving two death sentences each were Francisco Javier Izeo, 29; Eduardo Urlale, 25, and J a o qui n Gorostidi, 26, who led the charge against the court. The prosecution had asked for six death sentences and more than 700 years In prison for all 16. The sentences, ii carried out, were expected to inflame leftist and 11tudent groups and labor groupa across Spain. The others sentenced to death were Mario Onaindia, 22. R me ch an Jc ; Francisco Javier Larena. 25. student, and Jose Maria Dorronsoro, 29, teacher. Five of the six testified they were Marxist-Leninist!. The sixth, lzc.o. was silenced by the court before he could reply. * * * Further Russian Trials Expected MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet government la repcrted planning to try nine more Jews in connection with the Leningrad hijacking case, but the worldwide outcry resulting from the first trial is not likely to make things any easire for any of the defendants. Realiable sources say the next trial will begin Jan. 6 in Leningrad, where a court on Christmas Eve convicted nine Jews and two Gentiles of plotting to hijack an airpl ane to flee the Soviet Union . Tv.'o of the Jews were sentenced to death by firing squad, and the other defendants got labor camp senttncf!:S ranging from 4 to 15 years. The informants said about a do:ten other Jews also face trials in Riga and the Moldavian town of Kishinev, but nG dates have been set. The sources said they did not know the charges against these defendants, but presumably they are accused of involvement in the same unsuccessful hijack attempt in June. Fe111aM Pipe Snaoker Should • aenLleman offer a lady a clrar? In Ma l Loe. South Vrelnam. a tobacco Pouch might. be more in order !or this y6un& lady "'ho pu!!s on pipe in northern provinces. I ' t n • I .t b ' d •• ,, 0 • n n k n '· • ,, n 11 h n • 1t • d • • t "Y " • 1t 1y JI rt " ~ ,, ,; 10 . d ;t y ,, --------- ------------------------- - - - -----. . ------~ --,-..... •..,:,· .. ' I I /·'1 ,,, "f,.J UPJ ltl .. hOltl JANET STEVENS, 15, FOUND STRANGLED Girl on Way to Grandmother's With Gifts 'Riding Hood' Slaying Spurs London Manhunt LONDON (UPI) -Police began a nationwide hunt to- day ror a young Scots Guards trooper who could furnish a clue to the "Little Red Riding Hood" Christmas Eve mur- der of a 15-year-old school girl. , A police spokesman in Pirbright, Surrey, said the Guardsman, "about 19, thin, clean-shaven and pleasant looking," had· been seen with the victim, Janet Stevens, several times during the past-three months. Janet was last seen as she set out from home shortly after 2:30 p.m. Thursday carrying a red sack full or gifts for her 80-year-old grandmother half a mile away . The body of the pretty. black-haired schoolgirl wa.s found the following day lying in snow<0vered bushes on an Army firing range near her flame. She had been strangled. Her turquoise jacket and slacks were I~ disarray. But the girl had not been sexually assauJted, police said. One of her friends, telephone ~itchboard operator Janet Bowler, said she had seen the murdered girl twice with lhe Guardsman. Police said heavy snowfall throughout southern England from Christmas Eve through the weekend hampered early eff.orts to find clues or pick up a trail in the wocxiland surrounding the firing range. "We are praying for a thaw now," a spokesman said Sunday. He said the object used to strangle Jane had been found but be gave no details . Secrecy Surrounding Cigarette Advertising NEW YORK (AP -With only days remaining before cigarette commercials are banned from the airwaves, the question is still what will the cigarette manufacturers do with the $226 million they previously spent on radio and television. Secrecy surrounds t h e companies' plans for diverting that money into o t h e r advertising and promotional schemes after the prohibition goes into effect Jan. 2. Because a primary purpose of advertising is to ·induce smokers to switch brands, the manufacturers are taking care to see that their competitors doo't learn their promotion plane. "Obviously, we're not going te divulge our plans lo the opposition/' says D a 11 a & Kersey of Philip Morris. "The rompetilion wants to know what we're going to do . We want to know what the competition is going to do. There are still many options open, but we haven't fully decided on where w e ' r e going." A portion of the money wnl go into newspapers a n d magazines. But how much is uncertain, mostly because the manufactlirei:s aren't talking. Some of lt will go into oUtdoor advertising, s a I e s force promotion, new ro upon plans, various promotional programs and p r o d u.c t diversification. A good bit of it may not be spent at all 4I1d be turned back into profit. 'Tl' Footb1;1ll Too' Medical Proof: Love Can Break Your Heart LONDON (UPI) -A British doctor <1ffered today as medical fact what women always have taken for granted: Love can break a person's heart. ' But so can watching a Western or a £ootball game on television. said Dr. Harvey Williams, director-general of Hritain's Chest and Heart Association. It's not heartbreak in the romantic sense of the word, Williams wrote in a booklet published today, but Angina pectoris, a searing pain in the heart or surrounding areas signalling the body's need f.or more blOOd. The next step can be a fatal stroke . The booklet, "Learning to Live with Angina," says anxiety aod emotional stress can be prime contributors to angina. But any state ot heightened excitement will do it. Williams' prescriptions for avoiding angina : -If you make Jove, do it with your SP'>tJSe. Illicit rtla· tionships cause anxlety and lead to attacks. -Shun arguments with lralic cops, moter maids, bridge partners, spouses, and employers. -"Don't get involved in sports events, Westerns or thrillers on television. -Heat chilly beds before retiring at night. Cold sheets can bring on seizures. -Forget running far buses, heavy gardening, t1r ttlllng cumbersome pnckage1. "In short," said Williams, "Relax." Mondly, O«:tmbtt 28, iq10 DAILY PILOT 5 Senators ~J o_UEEN1E--~----~-a'~~-"-'-nte-d_~-d~1 484 Lost Lives in Christnas Traf fie .. -Resume Impasse WASIUNGTON !AP) -The senate ended its Christmas receM today, its leaders still looking for a way out of its SST quandary so the 91st congress can adjourn for good, perhaps by New Year's Eve. The House, with most of Its business finjsbed, re t u r n s Tuesday to wait for the Senate to break the deadlock over the $210 million superso nic transport' plane appropriation, the major barrier to a congressional windup, It was considered possible the Senate would act today to overeome another impasse, the $66.6 billion d e f e n s e appropriation biU. IJ!!:::..::=.::=,::;;.:;:::;.:::,:::;.;;:;;;;.::;: That measure had been ttyou want a good laugh? rve got a list of the reea- snagged because or a , lutiona YoU made laat year." provision, fought by Sen. J, W. --------------------1 Fulbright (D·Ar k.), authorizing President Nixon to use U.S. troops in Southeast Asia bas he deems necessary to insure orderly withdrawal of American forces from South Vietnam. Jn an effort to break the SST deadlock, the Senate's leaders, Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.), and Hugh Scott, (R·Pa.), have proposed a resolution seeking a compromise that would continue SST spending until Marett 30. Rare Reptile Freezes JACKS 0 NVILLE, Fla. (UPI) -A rare East Indian crocodile valued at more than $1,000 died from exposure to s u b -freezing temperatures Sunday when Jt was stolen from its heated pit at the Jacksonville Zoo. Zoo offic ials said the reptile, r called a ''False Gavial," was taken by two "hippie types" who dropped it under 50me brush and fled when a zoo guard spotted them. A peace symbol had been painted on the crocodile's back and its long snout and its legs were bound. By Tlae A.MOC1ate4 Prtss Automobile accidents oo the nation's streets and hl&hwaya claimed 484 lives over the three-day Christmas holiday weekend, but the total was lower than predicted. • Although icy rain and snow hampered driving over much of the naUon during the first hours Of the weekend, dry , cold weather in the last two days improved road cooditions. • . Go ahead. Dream about taking the vacation you've always wanted" to take. Driving the car you've always wanted to drive. Living where you 've always wanted to live. I But while you 're dreaming about spending money you don't have, think about saving the money you do have. In a Security Pacific Bank Savings Account. (We have several plans to choose from, depending on how much you want to save and how long you'll be sav'ing it.) Before you know -it, you'll be having a much better time. I • SECURITY PACIFIC BANK L f ~i\l.lonal Safety Council had~ated that from 650 to 650 persons would die tn traffic crashes during the 7S hours. The traffic count began at 6 p.m. local time Thursday and ended at midnight Sunday. h ' ; -----------~~ -------------- • • DAD.y PU..OT EDITORIAL PAGE Politics vs. In all criminal prosccution1. the accwtd shall eniou the right to a &(>ltdy and public trial ••• Sixth A.n1tndment, Con$tl&'lition of the U11ited Staies This Slxlb Amendment right has become meaning- less in many ~uarters as the. accused in many courts across the nation have been forced to wait one, two and three years for trial. At state and municipal court 1.evel s, legislatures have, by authorizing more courts.and jud~es, sought to keep up with case loads spiraling alon2 with population and the crime rate. So bas the Congress at the federal level. But it has been a· losing battle in the face of poll- tickinR: -the one element least desirable in the shap- ing of an impartial judicial system. Fortunately for us in Orange Couilty, the overload situation has -~for the most part -been met. The fastw est-2rowing county in the nation has met its obligation and with few exceptions preserved the right to a speedy trial. It bas cosl taxpayers• money, but both at the Municipal Court and the Superior Court levels, trials are not entangled in delays that thwart the meaning of justice. At the federal level, things are different. And poli- tics has been at the root of the problem. For instance. only 31 .of the 61 new federal judg~ ships created by Congress more than six months ago have been filled . The federal courts are moving so slowly in bringing criminal suspects to trial that Chief Justice Warren Burger of the Supreme Court was moved to remark that ''any deterrent effect in punishing lawbreakers has virtually vanished." • Fair Trials Liberal Republican Senators Charles Goodell and Jacob Javits worked out recommendatJons to ·fill six federal district court seats in New York which have scone unfilled for months. They are all on the busy dis-- trlct courts headquartered in Manhattan and Brooklyn, where it takes 33 and 28 months, respectively, for a civil case lo come to trial. Goodell has lost his Senate seat since the recom .. mendations we re submitted. Even if the Nixon adminis- tration chooses to honor the nominations, conservative Sen.-elect James Buckley could Invoke senatorial cour· tesy to block them. While some congressmen urge removal of appoint .. ments from the category of pure party politics, others in government say that "when the courts cease being an instrument for political change, then maybe the judges will stop beinst politically selected." , The American Bar Association has a committee on the federal judiciary. President Nixon has P.ledged never to nominate a candidate deemed unqualified by the 12 members of this committee. But even that approach -intended to eXclude poJf .. tical hacks without judicial quali!ications -has its de .. tractors. One Senator, for example, asserts that "all this procedure does is &ubstitute bar association poli- tics fof Senatorial polltiCs ." Turning the courts conservative, as Nixon has vow- ed to do, is obviously not a simple matter .•. at least so long as such block s as "senatorial courtesy" continue. Examples of ho\v political pulling and hauling has produced this justice-debilitating situation abound. One will serve to illustrate the problem's complexity: The need to fill the vacancies with competent jurists grows more urgent. every day. At some point, politics will have to be put aside in favor of clearing court cal· endars and restoring the accused's right to a speedy trial. President Nixon might well look to his home county for some J?uidelines. 'Mr. Collll4lly. Would you care to comment on tM speculalion as le why you were named Treasury Secretary? What Are TV's Effects On Young? Hayalqiwa ' Impact o( television is due in part to the natutt of the medium, in part to the facl thal American television i s commercially sponsored. This last fact is of tremendous importance d e s p i t e Marshall McLuhao's famou.s dictum, .. The medium is tht message." I hasten to acknowledge the Upportant point that Professor McLuhan makes about television's infJuenre in shaping our sense of the world through shaping our perpetual habits and our Ume-sense. But to accept his pro- nouncement is to say that programming doesn't matter - that bad programs have tJie same effect as good. Can this be true~ McLuhan also says that television has taught the young to apprehend reality in a kind of fotal, multi- 5en50ry involvement, in a way quite dif· ferent from the detached. analytics, 'Jin· ear' grasp of life that characterize their book reading elders. Television is tac.· tile, says f\.1cLuhan. TIDS IS A ST ATEl\IENT I never have been able to understand, since I always thought of making Jo,•e as the most intensely tactile of experiences. not at all comparable to walching t e I e v i s i o n . McLuhan must enjoy television a lot more than I do! What are the effects of television in r;haping the minds of the young? Do they really perceive and think differently from the generation of their elders? And is this difference due to television? In the past I ha\'e argued that campus radicals are not di sillusioned '"ith the tedious processes of de.mocracy but are 15imply unacquainted Ydth them. since they are seldom shown on television. J have also argued that young people leam from television that there is a simple, instant solution to all problems. With the right tablet you can banish acid Indigestion. With the right deodorant you need never fear social ostracism or unpopularity. With the new model sports car you can lose your feelings of sexual Inadequacy. Why then isn't there an instant solution for war, racism and po¥t!rty? l\tANY ''OlJNG PEOPLE -a small Quotes f\taJ.~Gen. Glean C. A.mes. Calif. Nill. Guanl -.. This is a fine generation land) we must listen to them . But ~·e should have equal lime for taxpayers, for the 94 perttnt of our student boclv that ~·anls an education , for I.host adn1lnistralors aind profrssor" v.·ho btllevc lhat an education can best be obtained In an atmosphtre of true academic rretdom," Police Commlsstoaer Patrick V. Marphy ol New York City -The com- mon lngffillenl of thii'i latest strles of gun balllts betwetn the police a n d desperados haJ betn U'tt i I I e g a l possession of lethal "'tapon., by those engage ln crime. New York stflte, which hu strong conlrols. cannot by Jtstlf reduct thfl volume of illegally owned •eapons. We must have ronlrol on a na· Uonal tcale of llW! manufActure, im-- portallon and dlstrlbuUon ol lwldi1Jns. I Dear Gloomy Gus: Listening to the TV coinmercials, I wonder when the Federal Drug Administration will put tobacco on the dangerous drugs list -A. J. D. Tiii• f11lvr. rltllMt. ,.....,... vim. Ml NCHMtll'I ltleM tf !tie ~r. itllll '"' Ht ,..,... M • ..,.., ...,.,. CNlllt' Plllf. percentage. actually but still a n impressive number -have renounced our "materialistic" satiety to join radical political movemen~ or d r o p • o u l comrilunes. la this a nvoJt against American society as such, or a revolt agaln.tt that socil!:ty as depicted by television? There wu once, and there still may be, a program called _ "Super Market Sweepstakes" in which couples raced through a super•market1 to fill their carts with as much merchandise as possible within a limited time. It was looting institutionalized, with additional prizes going to the most successful looter. In anothe r program I saw a woman win in rapid succesion a dishwasher, waU.tcr wall carpeting for her home, a freezer and finally a new automobile . As each prize was announced she became more and more excited until at !he end, when she won the car, she practically had an orgasm. Total ecstasy, suc h programs seem to say, is an unlimited supply of brand·name merchandise. IF THE.SE PROGRAMS really reflect the aspirations of average Americans, the young who reject America can hardly be blamed. But why do they think television gives the true picture of America? Don't they go to church or school? Don't they read books? Which brings up another question. \Vhich has the most innuence in shaping young peoples· minds? Parents. school, church, television? Many would say television. since its impact begins in early childhood. at which lime many parents willingly turn over lhe whole problem of educating and entertaining their children to the television sel. The problems raised here deeply involve teachers. psychologists and especially parents. Does e x t e n s I v e viewing of television result in ~r study ilabits. alienation. fantasy-living? Whal models of conduct does present-ch11y programming hold up for the young to emulate? What vlsioris of I u tu re achievement or success" does it generate in boys and girls? What dreams do they dream as !hey sit there. drugged and enchanted by the electronic sorcerer? 1 HAVE OFTEN SCARED myself with such questions." and while I still think they are important, 1 must confess I am less alarmed than I used to be. Ifs not only that television ha11 been Improving. It's also th.at the lro\lblcs at San Francisco State have receded In history so that I have been ablt to locus atteotion on the thoughl(ul. sludlous and ;esponslble young men and women who have been there all along but were lost lo 11ttention because of the uproar caused by the violence-prone minotUy. As T talk with this responsible majority, l wondtr 1bout the ~alltd generation gap. Yt'here is il? While I don"t al•·ays enjoy their musk or their c::lothe.s, I find no evkSence that te~v\slon has altered their 1.tnsibllltJts or destroyed their capacity for reason 1nd logic. Perhaps there Is a ~If-corrective mechanism at work ·in all of u~ that rejects manipulat1011 and over . indoctrination, even whrn pracllced by experts. By S. t. ll111y1k11wa Prtskte.nl Saa franel$t<O State COllt&e Christmas Money Lost; Florist lndiffere1at People's Insensitivity Concerns Her To the Editor: The difference between living in a barbarian country and a civilized one is the concern people have for others: even strangers. This is what happened to me. and I would like to. share my thoughts of society around this Christmas time: I went to a florist Dec. 15 to order flowers for a friend. J inadvertently left my leather pencil pouch full of red and black peocils, pens. paper clips - paraphernalia of a school tea~ - containing $ta:I, which was all of my Christmas shopping monty for this year. I didii't notice the missing pouch until about 20 minutes later in ' another shop when I started to pay cash for a gift. It really never occurred to me that I would not get the money back.. t telephoned the florist, saying J would be back to pick it up. The owner disclaimed knowing anything about it,.saying·aeveral people had been in the shop since. WHAT BOTHERS me Is his attitudl!: At the time he was so noncha lant about it and didn't seem to be perturbed at all to think 1 had Jost that much money in his slore. His only comml!:nt when 1 went back to the shop was that with cash there was no way of tracing it. He has not called or attempled to help in any way. I cannot believe bis apparent insensitivily. , x··--·.: ' Letter.s from readers are welcome. Normo.U11 writers should convey their mes1ages in JOO words or les.s. The. right to condeme letters to fit space or eliminate libel is Teserved. AU Let· ters must include .signature and mail· ing address. but name.s may be with.- held on -request if sufficient Tea.son Ls apparent Poetr11 will ?tOt be pub-- lished. The next day at school I asked my pupils what they would do if tbfy. found a pencil case. A rough estimate indicated 50 percent would keep it. One boy with a sense of humor said he would return the pencil case. My pupils . are bright, wonderful young people, froni~obviously ''good" families. ·1 SO, ALTHOUGH I feel bad about losing my money for gifts and church , I feel worse to think that civilized (?) people think it is all right to pick up $180 that someone has obviously lost and keep it. Several of my pupils said they would return it because they knew the person who lost that much would not have a very happy Christmas. J am not poor, and we will have a Christmas. What l am concerned about is the lack of caring for another's problem, the insensitivity displayed by people in lhis episode. My children are home for Christmas: a girl who has just completed a year in VISTA and a boy who studies hard at college but still finds time to volunteer as a playground helper in a po0r section of Portland. I am very proud ol them. WE HAVE OUR health, and we are happy. My husband said maybe the person who found the money needed it. The person, l think, who kept my money needs compaSlllon. Don't we all need more love and consideration for others than we do money -especially money that isn't ours? When fpeople stop being concerned about other people -whether they know them or not -then our society is beginning to deteriorate. Treating others as we would like lhem Lo treat us is the key to a •1civilized" community, isn't it? MRS. ALICE J. WEST If no genuint effort to find tht ow11er wa.s made by the ptrson who took posstssion of Reader \Vesl.'s po"cl1. that person can be fott11d giiil· tu of tlleft with fint and/or jail sen· tence t/1e penalty. It was pointed out in "Law i'n. Actio1t" on this page Dec. 7, that "the findeT of lost property has a valid claim to tht same agaimt all the world, e:rcept the true owner.'" -Editor No l1t1provetnenf To the Editor: The emotional and lengthy "praise for Joplin Ranch" written by ··Name Withheld" (Dec. 15), may mislead some readers who did not see the 1970 Grand Jury report which "Name Withheld" severely criticires. That report folloYt'ed the report or the 1969 Grand Jury which also reported a Jack of interest by Mr. Stripe in the educational area of the program, and emphasized the need for adequate and safe. buildings, better learning tools, and cooperation with the teaching staf(. The current Grand Jury report indicates that no improvement has been made. This situation should have corrective action soon. Jt is important that the public be a\vare of the distinction between Japlin's work program and its educational program , both of which are essential for lasting rehabilitation. MRS. BEATRICE C. RUSSELL ~!ember, 1969 Grand Jury Campaign Idiocy--a Way .Out of It That excellent British j o u r n a 1 I s t • Alastair Cooke, was speaking to one of his more respected American colleagues shortly before last summer"s British elections. The American spoke of the "raging apathy'' of the British voter only a week before election, and asked how to explain ii. '"\Veil,"' said Cooke. "they"re 'allowed on- ly three weeks for the whole campaign, ro lhey don't have lime Lo get hyped up with so much pub- licity. and they are not allol'.'ed by law to spend a million poUnds, if they have it, on giving the people an.emotional fix.·• ··vou mean lhere"s a limil on how much a candidate can spend on his campaign?" •·You bet."' said Cooke, "and ifs about, T think. $2500." The astonished American, "And the same ror everyone?" "Right." "HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN that?" Cooke replied, drily. "Well, you 6Ce, England's a democracy.'' How far away all that sl!ems from our v.·ay here, and Jess Unruh's immorl1I, "Money is the mother':i milk of poUtlcs ... In th.is country anybody v.·ho ii'i not a cretin ran buy f,blic office, and a few cretins have ma e it. One. of ·the best ways lo buy public office surfaced in this country durini; the hist political bloodbath -the 3Q..sccond commercial. One of these numbers can cost '8.000 and more in prime TV time. FOr this sum the candidate: is assured he's reaching at least 1 mlllion voter~. Just how much truth, and justice and 811 Georgie --Dear George: Why don't you wrl1r more zippy stx problems like the other col- umnists do? S. E. Ornr S. E.: Bt<"ause editor$ evidently don 't lhlnk lt'r ladyHke for • man to ~·rite 1Jbout sex problem1. ( 01arles McCabe dignity and equality can you put into 30 seconds of TV time? HEAR ONE OF THE producers in the medium. talking to a reporte:-. '"Nobody can be straightforward. You don"t have time to be. You have to get there with the most compelling, provocative statement for your client. You know your audience. They are not very bright. and they succumb to a sensational new word." A country where you can buy office for millions is obviOusly no longer a democracy. When Tammany gave away two bucks lo a voter the organization was still working within the framework of a democracy. i Take lhe Ohio primary in which astronaut John Glenn, a man known to 95 percent of the voters. was licked by an unknown businessman with a funny name. Howard f\1etzenbaum had a bankroll, though. He spent $.100,000 to win and won. while Glenn. whose campaign was noted for lack of commercials, lost. THERE'S A WAY OUT of all this Idiocy. though we could ne\>·er get to the British pattern. The way was pointed reeently in a sptteh by F C C Commissioner Nicholas Johnson, v.·ho Slow Driver's Hostility Tbougbta at Large: There"s a lot of unconscious hostility In the motorist ahead who drives with infuriating slowne.58 ; if you'll notice, ht .!J.1\lally manages to glide through a 1itoplight on the yellow 1 leaving you nc1illly stranded on the reo . • • • Voters are smarter than most politi· cians give them cre- dit for being -in last month"s eltt· tlons, the only real (8 n d heartening) "lrend" dlsctrnible Is that lh< people g~erally voted for personalities who ap- pealed to them. ig· norlng p1rty labels and phony lssues In favor of the man. • • • TI1e only ~·ay to turn a bitter quarrel Info a constructive argument is 10 be \\'illlng to listen with the same degree of Intensity you shout. • • " The distinction made by the straight public bct10.•een the "user" and the "pusher" of narcotics is a false one. based on ignorance : for most ustrs become pushers if that Is the only way they can raise funds for their expensive addiction. • • • When A l'.'&itres:s hands r.ie a dirty menu, ifs hard to convince me Ulat the restaurant takes any more pride in the cleanliness of Jts rood or its utensils. • • • "Glob" is a perfect word for \\"hat It connotes. • • • I don"t know why so many JM!Ople rese nt "'!!ncbs." "''hen I find them the lt!:&!lt offen!Jive or peQple: for. as.- F°aulkn('r once sensibly said . '"fl snob has lo spend ~o much lime being a snob !hat h(' has Jillie time left to meddJe with you." \ recommended about television a n d political campaigns: -The medium should be made available free to all candidates. -The time should be equally apportioned a1nong all major party candidates, and made available to others according to the votes received in prior eleclions or the number of signatures on petitions. -The purchase or any addltion1111 political time on television should be prohibited. CANDIDATES SHOULD be forbidden to use time in less than five-- minute segments . -When political propaganda fllms and advertising techniques are used. such presentations should be f o 11 o w e d immediately by time during which the; candidate Is shown in a setting over which he has no control, stl(:h as a de;bate, press con.ference or news interview. We all know that money talktl, even shouts. It has talked rar too many of u~ out of voting for the best man for the olflce, through tne .m.afllc cf television at $8,000 fof half 11 minute. Something else, like maybe ideas or tacts, sbouJd b• pennitted to talk. ---WWW- Monday, December 28. 1970 The tditorlal page of the Daily Pilot aeeks to inform and stim- ulott readers bv pre1e11tina tlih: newspaptr'1 apinfonJ and com- mentary on &opic.s o/ inttrt.st and 1ignifico.nce, bt1 providing o for iim for the exprttslon. of our readers' oph1fons. ond b11 prcse11Una t,ie diverae. viaw- poi11!.$ of irifor1ned observers and spQkesqie11 on topic.s Q/... the I day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher --------=·----- '"' ''· ·ty "' r • lor ror Tie ne nd d"' .be a :he .nd .nd nd ort ~en ,,. ant ion its ~e LL iry •d• Uy rty ~rs ior on ial be o e , .. • nd och ed lh• 1er a ws •en "' lbe ,, se. bo J ~.~~---~~----==·~· --~---~--------. --..: --" CHECKING •UP• Blondes Appear · • Slimmest on TV Legal Aid to Poor U.S. to Nix Reagan Veto? DAILY PILOT £ Angela Sees Her Family, 2 Attorneys •SAN RAFAEL (UPI) - SACRAMENOO (AP) OVenidlng or the veto would CRLA attorneys in vetoing the The RepubUcan governor, Black militant Angela Davis. Gov. ~"'"""in'• veto of a $1.8 lurthu 1traln relatlona federal-ant. who has fought with CRLA being held on charges of ...... •· f murder, kidnap i ng and mluton antipoverty proll'am between the White House and The charges were called since he took o flee four years conspiracy, was visited in her of legal aid to the poor was ln Reagen, who hu been an .. 0 u tr 8 g e 0 us" by Cruz ago this week, said the small cell Sunday by her the hands of the Nlxon outspoken crit!.; .of President Reynolso or San Francla<:o, nonprofit agency of 4 0 mother and sister and two admlnla:trallon today. Nixon's welfare ref or rn attorneys had "failed in its New York attorneys. Reagsn's rejection of the program. ~~ectc;;1: f~31 1fu~~d !: mandated pu.rpoge of serving After a 45-minut.e conference 1971 federal grant f o r Carlucci had no comment on thepoor.!"'' e civil needs of the with the former U C LA provide civil legal help for California Rural ' Le g a I the veto, saying he had not yet poor and illiterate r u r a l philosophy i n s t r u c tor , AN ACTRESS who switch.es her hair color from Ume to, time invariably a p p e a r a slimmer on the screen when she's blonde, says a television cameraman , .. ''NOT EVEN the best of sales men ,'' contends one of same, "ever closed fJ. dea l with a prospect who kept his arms folded across his ci1est while he listened to the pitch ." . , • A SOCIAL SECURITY EXECUTIVE who purports to know claims the average man holds down 12 fulltime jobs before retirement. Assistance Inc. (CRLA) can received the veto message Californians most I y He said It spent too much administration soon w o u Id attorneys John J. Abt and be overriden by F r a n k f r o m th e R e a g a n farmworkers. many of whom lime harrassing and suing announce a privately finan~ Margaret Burnham denied opposed lo only 94 about ears, Carluc.ci, director of the U.S. administrati9n, which cited can't read and write Engliih state and local government program so that "lhe trve rumors that former U.S. ea about lips and 31 about o ( (I c e of E co no m f c "gross and d e I i be r a t e and who find the law 1 agencies. needs of the poor can t)e attorney Cecil Poole had been nose,,. He further counted 62: Opportunity. violations" of federal rules by mystery to them. Re a g an s a Id b Is served.'' asked to represent Miss Davis, admiring references to girls' -=~::.:::::::.:._ ______ .:._ ____ .:._.:._.:._::_.:._~.:_:.:._.:._.:._ ___ _,,...._---=---------------------'------ WHAT FASCINATES the· :... poets most about a woman's face is the look of her eye.!I. What interests them most · about her figure is her 1 busUine. No, this i s n ' t : guesswork. Our Love and War man studie<t_ a c<lmpendium of ; the world'! most popular : poetry. Therein he cou.nted 334 lines abo·ut girls' eyes as ' Search Ends For Quim1, Three Girls SAN FRANCISCO (AJ1) - The Coast Guard h a s abandoned the search for a yacht skippered by Lee Quinn, famed fot sailing the seas with all-girl crews. The Coast Guard said Sundy it had dropped a four-Oay aerial search over a cast area of the North Pacific route being sailed by Quinri and three women crew aboard his 48-foot Neophyte Too. They are more than a month overdue on a voyage from AbW'at.subo, Japan, which they left Oct. 11, for Vancouver, BiC. When Quinn, 43, began sailing with girl c r e w members in 1962, he said he ·was doing it to dispel a isailors' legend that women at sea are bad luck. The former Los Gatos, Calif., steeplejack has Jogged more than 40,000 miles in the Pacific with. women crews, including 83 girls of 2.1 nation· alities. His present crew con· sisted of Pat Seeds man, 27. Qf Australia, and Jaruko Kume 29, and Saeki Yonko, 19 both of Japan. The Coast Guard said It would continue to hroadcast search bulletins to ships and planes passing over Qu inn's planned route. bustlines as opposed to only four about hips and three about waists. Don't forget this. young lady. ll you're going out with a poet, certainly devote sufficient time to lhe makeup of your eyes, and as for the bustline, just do whatever you think is fair. A.M.O.N.G T .0 .0 .S.E professional a t h I e t e s in television c<lmmercials, who''s more con v i.n-cJ n g lhan Chicago's mlddleback Dick Butkus? Nobody, Butkus talks to w as though we were carrying the ball. That's appreciated. Most of those actors talk to us as though we were wearing the bear getup. CUSTOMER SERVICE -Q. ''Have they started turning out t,elephopes with no let~rs. · on their dials?" A. In Sweden and Ne w Zealand they have, but nowhere else yet .•. Q. ''Is it true the Gallo boys of California have purple feet"!" A. Come on, honey, do you want me to get sued clear into the middle of ne:tt year? Certainly not , .. Q. "Why do those Indochina farmers flood their rice paddies"!" A. Tu keep the weeds down, that's -all. WHAT THE MEDICAL MEN are trying to figure out why the chance of miscarr. iage considerably greater in that pregnancy which. begins in the spring. Most mysteri- ous. But statistics indicate such to be the case ... THE ACTRESS Marilyn Monroe was described as the possessor or "a fe:Y charm." What's a "fey"? Whimsical? ·Quaint? Coy? Maybe. But if you look in the dictionaiy, says o u r Language man, you'll find its first definWon is "doomed to die.'' IS YOUR Christmas tree still up? Can you take a minute to count the ornaments on it? Are their 32? Tha t's average .•• IT'S WRIT in Latin that the young men of ancient Britain dyed their long droopy mustaches blue. green and orange. Expect a recurrence .. , IT'S ALSO a statistical fact that high school teachers nationwide don't put in as many hours u grade school teachers. Yo ur ouesUO'ns and com- ments art welcomed and will be used in CHECKING UP wherever possible. Please address your letters to L. M. Boud. P.O. Box 1875, Ne1vport Beach, Calif. Beauty Bulletin from Penneys: Start the new year with a new look. 1 A fashion cut by one of our expert stylists only 224 Special holiday retouch only see l\nne~1 beauty Nk>n l'ULLIATOtll HUN'flNOTo.I 91.ACM NPPOltT (lf!f,CM (lr ...... 11' C..-MUfl""911111 Cll!ttr ~""IOt! l\l•r'ld IN ,....,.., ln-4G 1l'ld ""'°"' "'·'"' :IN llell!", ~t•m, °""""' ''TN CffY"' .,..,,.. We have the coat to match. We have the jacket to match. With prices to match. Men's rancher Jacket of 100% cotton corduroy. Polyester/acrylic pile lining with polyester back. Pecan or pine in sizes S-M·L·XL OrJg.19.98 Now 1499 Boys' shirt jacket of reprocessed wool/wool/ nylon. Pile lined with Orlon• acrylic/cotton backed. Blue, green plaids. S-M·L·XL Orlg.14.98 Now 1099 Men·s plaid shirt jacket of reprocessed wool/wool/ nylon. Lined with warm acrylic pile, cotton backed. S-M-l·XL Orlg.18.95 Now 1399 Boys· nylon parka with reflector sleeve stripes. Cotton backed acrylic pile tining. Green, navy, brown, fl.18. Orlg.12.98 Now 999 Girls' Orlon• acrylic pile Jacket; quilted linjng. In assorted colors. S1-WX.Orlg.f13, Now Now 1088 81-7·14, Orig. f 17, Now 1388 Pre-school boys' safety reflector stripe Jacket of water·reslstant coated Antron • nylon. Pile lined with acrylic, cotton backed, Green. navy, brown, 3-7. OrJg.11.98 . 899 Now Women's wool Shetland double breasted Jacket Back belt style In assorted colors, 8-16. Orlg •• 27 Now2388 Preps' rancher Jacket of wide ware cotton corduroy. Pile lined with cotton backed Orlon• acrylic. PUe llned couar end poeketa.14to 20. Orlg.18.98 Now 1299 Value. It still means something at Penneys Women's acryllc heather pile double breasted Jacket with tie belt. Asaorted co1011, In aiZ8I fl.18. O~g.•23 Now 19 88 Boys' cotton corduroy parka, pile lined with cotton backed acrylic. Zip.off ltood. Graen or bronze,fl.14. Orlg.13.98 Now gee ,_ CHARGE TH~SE VALUES AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE I I .. ., 8 DAILY PILOT Mo,qd11. Dtcerobfr 28, 1970 I , • . ' . . It happe."s·every January. Penneys -fame»us sheets go on sale. • ~· -· ~---·--. ! ~ Special buy! Fitte.d mattress pads Add smooth'"61eeping comfort. keep beC:!m8:kfnO · · easy with snug fitting elastic edge skirt. Sahforized* cotton cover quilted over polyester fill. Fuo 488 QuMn 744 ·-. Tw,.3 88 King 844 ' ' ' - ..... ------------------------· Alt=' FASHION,. I S.HE·ETS Bl SA~ Our firs1 Penney Choose f ro-r1 ' ! ~pe-rcales in ~• co·lors·, ·print stripes ... You'll fin~ fitted, supe1 Made to specifis1 Nation-wide· 9 bleached ssxi 72 X 108 or twin .fll .81 X 108 flat and full flttei 42 X 36 pillow cases. Reg., '-----------------------1 Value. It still means is CHARGE THESE VALUES AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY: STORE I ' --I llfndoy, DK.mb!r .28, 197P . DAILY PILOT f • , . ' . • , . ' . e. ·fantastic sheet$. Fantastic values. Don't be .caught·napping. - ~?·OUR N:i-•·AN01R. BEDUC,EO. __ •• llE! ·st -quall.ty 1Y::t1 ·heets. >~r.a~· musli1n·s or . ·.~9reat ~taa_hie1-1 118·, deeptC>ne • even whi-te. ind flat or • • 1er !~ sizes, too. o Penneys -. isation,s. t"· · tton muslin edsheets. ~ Reg. 1.99 S3 X 08, rln 11 ed. NOW fitted. Reg. 2.29 NOW 1.68 Reg. for 1.09 2 for 85C ·· 43 ·u ----1 ' .. ' .. . . r • I 1 '. W,arm up with theje electric blankets! Dial all night wannth as you· like, no """"'-the wN!her. 45% polyaster/35% rayon/211%.cotton bl;nd.t1111'1Juot right · Twlll .iz s 1 0 for Califomi.a. In ·moos, gold, pink Ind peecOck, T..., advantego slnGte .....:.,. . of this spacial now! · -. . .. FuH •lz• Fua 1lz• Queen11lz• King alz• •Intl• control Duel control DUal control Duel control s11 s13 s20 s30 . . ' ' ' . ' I . ~ - r ' . . -. . ' .~ 'fl . CHARGE THESE VALUES AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE I I 10 DAIL V PILOT Mond<1y, Otctmbtt' 28, 1970 For the Record . Dissolutions Death J\'otlre• Of Marriage l'lltl ii+r.-w 11 Gou, ot L1k1wo«1 tour .S.utMff•· Mfl. W•-'0!'11>17!! JNn Mtrlr tnd LN M. 0. Wtlv.,., LD,,_ f1l•nG1 Mfl. H11th H, \llnc:tn!' M"ntirlc, Jr,. Stnl• Al\lll Mn. lloMrt &11k1, TOtll ll1vr tnd L1wr11>1:t Vlvu•. Ntw J.,.wy; Mr" C. H. 0 11!1. wel>!•tr N1w Vof"ll ; 16 trttw:lchlldr..,,; 1 t •tt!· G•~"tr!!o, ,_.or, M1Y lNI L1w,.nce 1r1nckMlar1n. Strvlc11, WtdMod1v, I! Morrv AM, P•clllc V!tw Cll1pel. ln!lrmen!, &yrorn, 81'1'41•1 Lvnn t nd Clltl1!0t>ll•r Ptclflc \II..., M....ar!tl P1rk. P1clllc LH View Mort111,..., D!re<;tor-1, O'M1r1, (lrol Jttn 1NI Jo•tt h Jolln MOlll! MOiii' Jr. l>\A•T 'TlltCUtl!. JOV p ,,.a L111•1nc1 G. Htrrv Htrl. 111•1"'" llUiblnd of Mr1, Big Brothers Urg~ Charity Gifts A rree brochure containing adjusted gross income 1n any advantage of the n e w fees, u opposed to Investment 1helter Invest In lhe life of 1 lnforrnatlM on the tax year, but a new provision provisions on their 1970 tax ~and to 50 percent ln boy." Clatworthy said persons advantage of making 8 allows the donor to choose lO returns. 1972. Thus many persons with I t ted · t ·b 1· •· charitable contribution to Big n eres in con r1 u 1ng w Brothers of Orange County, or bypass the 30 per c en l A further incentive for some late• amounta: Qf earned Big Brothers ol or an 1 e to other "public chariUes" 11 lln1italion and brtng the 50 persons to complete I &lft this Jn com• will find lt County or to any ''public being offered by Big Brothers percent llmJlltlon Into play. year, aald Clatworthy, is the advant11eous to contribute charity" ~re welcome '° of Orange County. Gifts must be made during change in the mulum ta1 this year. request the lnform1\ion. ''Information we hive Is tbe'.year for which tbty art to rate on "earned Income." The Big ,B~ihe,rt of Oranae Interested ptraona may 'T1vtrn1. Pt!tr N. "'" J11llt M. Htltn E, Htr!J lt!llV ot Jtlch11d M. Fl!(ll, Bt!IV Jo tnd DCNld A. H1rl. AIM 111rv!'ffll 1w flvt t•tnc:klll!drtn. Frl11'11. Mtrlt LOii "'" Tl'oeodOrt PrlV-11 ltrlvc~ Wtrl 11•111 S.hirdtY. DK. that recent changes tn the be deducted on the donor's las highest federal 11.x rate for county, which m • t ch e 1 obtain the brochure by calling federal income tax Jaw make return. Clltworlhy noted. Only 1970 la '10 percent. In 1971 this volunteer men with fathcrleu o r visiting Big Brot.bert of a year-end aJSts.vnent or how thi rest of December remalns wlU drop to 60 percent for boy1, ta encouraainc donora Oran1e County, 150 :Yorba and when to make charitable for donor• wishln'g to take earned lncom....Waries and wttb the sloaan, Meed ji tu Street. Tulttn, $&4-7773. contributions vitally imPortantl--------'--------------------'--'--------'-'---'----------------- G11111v l,, Forest Ltwn Hollywood Hllll. Forttl Sinter. M"IOtl H •nd Cl1vl011 C. L•wn Mortutrv. B•lff'llO, l•tlM'I A, t nd Jll\1$ V. HENSHAW kfrll.t .. NI, Wld• (Iva. l f>CI GeMY• Cllt•IH 0, Henoll•w. A'' II, ol 11' Lemt Mlll'Otutll L1nr , S.... c1_..1,, Survived llY w1t1. t:i.1oco11, lelfY 1ut i nd Cll••'•• lff Fffnl "°"' C. Ooull11 Hfflf.lltw, ol 1111-.;, Clltrvl Ann INI Wllttr Ori~, Ct llf.: ~1,191\ler, Mr1. Annetfl p1,..,,,, i.:11tY. Houuon: """ ,,.,,.klllldre.1. MIOtld, Gltlrl1 II •M lltmo<I l . M......,..l•I >enokf!I. MonotY, J PM, ktmblt. Doi\~ 1f\Oll Jone1i. v MCCormlcll. L1911r11 lt1<11 cro1oe1. wllll Lr Meur, Oon"' 1111111 tnd Glrn WHI" Rw. Httel W. Ven 0\111<\"' U11lty ClwHdl J• ol LtfUfte l•.cl'I ollkl•llnt. McCormick EP'ICKll,, J.,.n M1rl1 tnG Jolln Ridltrd LtlllNI IHCft Mortu1,,., DlrKlort. O!Kl•lf, E""1 LH fNI Mtflln II. HU91l•T Gr..,ni1fld, GllOI t nd D•vltl WIYnt Helllt L. Hubbert. Alt ti, of lU Oct1n Cunollell, Jt~ Arllu" t f\Oll L111re.1 AM Avt., H11n11..,.1on l!lttch. S"'vlvtd bY Clltl\Olllrr, Lt V••M L. 1NI D1nltl R. d1uthler1, Mrs. Alltn NtllO'I tnd M'1, Hullmtn, (1rDI A. tnd llolN•I JtolNrl H, Wtlll Mr,. Gordoll ModMI Skowror\1.11.I, Mlcllttl Cf11rlM 1M Eddlt! IOl'll, P1~I J,, Wtller M., R•rt L. l1vonrw Hubbert; 11 vr1n6CllllOr..,; )I '"''' Allc11t, IC""" Join Ind H1!fl1n lloberl tftndclllldrtn: -lftl l1rt1l11r1ndc:Mld, Holltv. Sl'ldr1 J. tnd J-11 P. $trvlCK. Wtdntlod1y, 1 PM, Hllltldt W1lll,tr, Mtrv Ind Robtrt W. Cflurc/I, RON Hlllt ~!ti Ptr'-Rtoc•ffd ii+r."'"lltr 1• w111111...-, Smlllll Mof11l1rv. Dlrt<:1or1. Rl"l!o. Llborlt 1nd 11:11111 A, JA(l(SON McL1ll111, ll lclltrd U. t nd M1r11r.t Wl1H G. J1cll.ton, lH PrlllCMN Avt., Sin Mtllt C~tnlt, O•lf ol 0111!1, DK. 15. McMIYrt. lloblrl A. tnd Htltn M. Survlvtd by wife, f"'-1; '°"' Arthur, of G1ll1g/lff, $/>lfOll LH INI Robtrl Etrl Clltltwortfll dtutll!et', V!tlorf1 Wllklnton, Sc1nlon, Lllll1n G. tNI Jouph I!. TorOlllo; lllrM ,r1tw:1clllldrtftl th! •r••'· k•kow1kl. l!uttnt ll lcn1nl Jr. 11'1<1 •••l'Klcnllclrtn, Strvruo. T111M11y, 1 PN, lltn .. 8. Ptc!llc VllW Cl'ltPll, Enlorntmtn, J11clflc Lc,1n11r, l!i>llr.m llo!N•I '"" 0 0tothy V!tw MM>or!1I Ptrk, P1clllc Vltw Allee Morlu1rv. DlrKlor,. "~"@rt. Vlt1lnlt C. trod Jollr"IV L, ., LAkll kln1, C1H11!1 11. '"" Lt•rv II. Annlt l1k1. 101' Ent11M .Ii v t ,, Doti.,,,, 8t11t 1NI OOt11ld Alfrld Huntl119""' 811cll. S11rvh•"' bv ooru, Scon, C1rolvn Sut 1nd Glftld W, Jtmes, WlldrM, Glof9t, llnlnt ld 11'1<1 Wo!l1o Mt,., M. tnd Rol:lerl II. IC-th l•kt: dtuth .. r, J1ckl1 PlltPOln!, L..,., 11!'11"1 J. 1no Ellwood H. ~""-'" FrM Loctt; .0 trlin6dlllcl~. Rttb. Ou.nt •l<Mnl l'KI 1.IN!t LN s.rvlc11, Tuttdly, 11 AM, SmlllU ClllPll Jtllt•Y, Elltr LM 111<1 .Hlvlllr LH wlltl Mr, T"""'" W. 0¥1rtoll offkl1tlnt. $oHt, [)olorn M, ,..., Anni-'""""'*''· Wntml111tw MtmO<l•I Ptrt. Oullln, Helin t nd w11n.,.. ••r imllfl1 _,..,, Dl•Klw1. GtrcJ1, CMl1h' Let ind JllN• Olvld LUGO -------------JC1rlDI A. Luco. ,JU Sandltlotf' Dr., Catt Death J\'otlre• MHI, 01t1 of det"', DK. ll. lklrvlV«t lw r wllt, Pn,111" <ll Ulfllff, llote Mt rlt "'""I tour t rtndd'lllllrtn. 111 of C<t1t1 -------------IMtu. ll011rv, '°"19111, Mondlv, 7:)1) PM. A.Doi.MS Rl<IUltm Ma11, T111M11Y, 10 AM. Ciotti ti NI ... P, A.4 ...... llnldlflt of C•Pltl•tf>CI SI. Jotu> ""' 1111!1! Ctll>ollc cnurch. euc11. Ott• of -th. Dt<. ts. s.. ... 1 .. eo 1w ,,,,.,.,,_,, Good s"""''' c-'"'"' foll• ._, Jtoblrt T-y, Menlo Ptrk; l11tr Cootl Meu MOl'IUlfY, OlrK1or1. Edw1rd T.......,, S.U1,....l1; l' .. llCll MAGAZIN r-... 91k.,..lltld1 IC1M411!1 r..,,..,, Ftm MH1rJn, Sl1' s. Court Ave .• COlll C1•l11r1,.,. IMdll two dtUIMtrs. GtYle Miii, Diii of fMlfl, OK. 1,, $1/f'Yh' ... lw w11n111, Coll• ""'"'' EdYI... L-•· "'"' Wllll1m J ., ol Wtlnlll Cr"'! Vitnrur1; btOl!ltr, Co•• l•rntft, Mlnourl1 <11utfllff, Edltl'I Wllktt, Newport INd'H " grinc:klllldritn; 1 '"''"'"ncknlld'ln. brotllt<'1. Elmff Slmmon1. L 11I1 r Sf>•vlcn . ""''· _,,, 10:30 AM, 8tll Simmon•, lllY Sf"""'°"', 111 of lndl....,I l•-wl1 C ... NI. lnll<'mtnl, Ptc!lk: lour t rtnd...,,1; 1" 1r-HU9M1r1. View Mtinorltl fl•rk. ''" 8roll:IWIY s.ervlc11, TlleldtY. DK. 1t, Ptcllk: View Mor1u1rv, OlreclDrt. ClltPll. 11 AM. lnl•rmitn! II Ml, Ollv1 IAJINIS ,Mtrnorlt l Ptrk, Co•I• MtH. Ptclllc View M1cl1 8•rM1. :IOI Sorlntfl•ld, Hunl!119lon Mor111l•Y Olr1C1ot1. Be•cll. $11rv!vHI by hu11Hn<I, J11mt11 MASTJIO cltv•M••• M... (-It s 1 11 n d 1 r 1 , AU•HI M•1!ro. R1Jldl'fll of H11ntln;IOll Hunllnt1I011 lttcll: brelllet', (. L. M1rlln1 ltld'I. 0.lt of OQ!h, DK. 2S. SYry!vlo' 1l1T1r. M,._ Mlbll McCormtdti ont by wlft, l11ti.U1: wn, T1rrv; d.UVhler, •••ncKlllld. StrYICtJ. Tl>ffllty, 1 PM, MlrY JOI( C.rmlcl'l11h •I• •••Nld•lldrtn. $mlll11 C/11091, 1n1..,.,1n1. Ptclttc View ll:1111rv. tonight, Moncl1Y. 7;:111 PM. Olld1v Memor!ll Pir•. Sm!ltii M 0 r I u 1 r 1 , l•orller1 Cll1otl. Re<iulem M111, TueM11v, Dlrec!ori. f AM, S$ Simon & Judi Ctlllollc (hurcn. •AllTZ lnterml"I, Good Sllft>llf•d C1m1•1rv. Dll- J1ne 81rh. BlS Bluebird (1nvon Drive, d.IY 8ro!llet1 Mortu1rv, U2·7n !, Ol•K- Lttunt Bite~. Ot!e of 11t1tn, Dec. ?6. 1ar1. 16. Survived bY b•otrot•. John H. 8tfft, l'AGI! Wl1con1ln1 lllrtt 1l1!tr" Mrt. Flortnc• &tlle P1;e. S.rvlcK _,,.lnt ti Nell M1lfor\, WIKDllll~; Mrt. Luclllt J•ck10n. BraedwtY Mbrlu1rv, $111 Oleto; Mrl, M1r11rtl Jt1mn, PAJISONI Pl•ct rvl!lt. llOlfN, !Otlltfll, Mond1y, 7:JO EO<J•• E_ p,,...,..., $11 \lfcforlt . CO'!IA PM1 Slll'lltr L1g11t11 lffc.1'1 Cl'llPIL MK.I. Ot!t ol Otllll, DK. H. Survived by R~ulern M1n. Tutldty, 1 AM. St. Huthttr, Mrt. Vlr1!11l1 P, W1rmlnt1!1H>, Ctlllfflnn C'111olic Cllurd't. lnl.,mtn!, Hewootl 8e1cro; lour 9r1nckMl<1r'11; lour AK~ Cemtltrv. $/lelltr 'L19u"' 9ru r11r1ndclllldrtt1. $ervlc•• wfrt hfld lttcb ,,..,,.,.....,. Olrtcforl. --· Mon0.9y, II AM. P1clll' View •aNGl!L Clltotl. lnle<'fT'lfnl, PKllk: VI..., Mtrnorltl Pt!et' Wlltl1m 9-L 1ttt Clubhouw Rd., Pitt.. PKlllc View Morlu1rv, Olrtelor1, CCIII MIH. Dllt (Ill dttlll, OK. M. PENTON Survfyf([ bY .ant. Hj...,. J. I-ti. Jol'ln (, p_,fCll. AN '6. of t }t 0 C1llt l lYOnlt, Mk:h~1n.1 ErnHI .E. lltNtl, Ar-. LIVIH'll Hiiis. Survived lw wlf1, CCIII MIM; II• 111ndcl'llldrl<'n onl "".,,_ Aori ....... "' """ """"· "°"'"'· IOOtY, •r•tld(:hlld. s ... 1cn, Tllftd•Y. ' AM. Mond1y, ' PM, McCormklt Llto11n1 !ltltll Ptdllc VllW (11-1. V!•lllllon, IOlllthl, a....;.t. ""'ullm Mf.lt..T.....r.v, 10 AM, Monc11y, 7 1-t PM, I' 1 t111 c Vlftl &I. ~ Ctlllolk-C,,,,,..,., L1911na Mortuery, Dlrtetor1. 1 1'11111. ~-l811""' e • 1 c ll •••I!• Mortu.ry, Director•. - G111l1v1 0, ........ fOJ w, !1111 SI., CCIII IA9AlrrE for many taxpayers this year," explained Fred P. Clatworthy, executive director of the local Big Brothen agency. "We are offering this brochure to explain these changes, which were enacted by , Congress to encourage charitable giftJ." ' The most important change, Clatworthy said, was tbe increase of I.he muimum gift limitation to 50 percent of a d onor 's adjusted gross income. The provision 1pplles to cash, ordinary Income property, or short-term c apital g a I n property. GlftJ o{ tong-term capital gain property are limited to 30 percent of the donor 's Vaccination Scheduled Countywide SANTA ANA -Acceptance or a state grant of $15,000 to conduct a countywide one-day Rubella vaccination drive has been approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. County Health Officer Dr. John R. Philip said the campaign will be held on January 31 Jn 40 schools in the county. Children from ages one to 12 will be vaccinated to curb the disease. also known a s German measles. Rubella is known lo c11use birth defects If suffered by a w oman during pregnancy. Children are innoculated to prevent their carr ying· the d isease h om e. Dr. Philp said 150 physicians. 400 nurse!! and 1000 citizens have volunteered their ser vices for the one-day drive. The volun teer!! are being organized by lhe March of Dimes and the county Parent· Teachers Associations. Mfi.,I, DI'-of dH"'' DK. ?~. Survived llV G_.,. R1beltlt. ?S~ N1s141u. COlll MPll. wife, A!lct F, 9......,1 i littr. Jtrtnt Otll of •••fl, Otc. ?l. Survived lw wife. H l 1 G Otlnls. of COl11 MIU. (ryp11J6t NrYk n Mfl. lllllW Rtbllt"°; son. lllcll1rd1 ea t •t ro·up tod1,, Mond1y, J PM, P1cltlc \lltw brotr.tr, Mtrlc; 1l1t1r, Vert J1cque1, lo , Memorl.i P1rk. P1clllc View Morlu1ry, Sou!l>!lflt. Re<rulem M111 w•• held lcou v. Dl•Klor1. Mon<11y, 10 AM, $1, J""n lht 81D1hl OK D l d EASTMAN C1!11allc Church. lnlerrntnl, (1lvt•Y e aye Elt TM Pt1rntr E111m1n. 105 \/It H~v,e. Cemettrv.,W1~!cll!I Ch1otl Mcrlu•rv, 6"16· NtWPOrl 811cll. 511rvlvtd by llu1b1rHI, 4U, D!rK!ort. $1•ldlnt1 10n. su111v s. E111m1n1 th•H SNVDl'R SANTA ANA -Poss ible dtu•Mtfl. Judy Bi!liv: S<Jttn tnd O.nnv 0, Snv$•. lei! 5n1mrcck l-n•. d f •-E llrtbl!I~ E11lm1n, I ll ol Nf_, Bttcn; Co•ll MtU. SurvlYtd t... Pl•tnh, Mr. &nd en Orsement 0 lut: COntinuing ~ e••ndclllldren. P1r1nrs, Mr. '""' M,.. Mfl. ll:obe•' snvoer ; """·Flo•• 8""h1"'1 program of the Oranae County Pt ul A Ptlmff' Servlctl were l'ofld M'I. lrtne 5~Y<ltr. Ft mUv 1uQgH!I fllHI r> lodtv. Mo..o.v, 1; H 0 0 n, Ptdllc Vltw wl1hlnv lo m11kt mt<TK1rl11 con!rll>ull""•· C 0 m p r e h e n S i Ve Health cniae!. lnurnrn.,,1, Picltlc v 1 1 .. 111Hll c011trll>ut1 lo !ht Unltod Ctftbr1I Planru·ng A•·-i· 1· ha •·-M-ltl Ptrlo. P1dflc View Mort111ry, Ptls, AslOCllllM. Stnlt An1. G••vf:lldt .,_,.,, 8 IOn S Llt:t:n Direciori.. 11rv1c1s, tadly, Mondi,, n :u AM. Good delayed for 30 days at the .. tlMAN Sl'llOlltrd CtmtltrY. l'etk ftmlfY CclOllltl 1. of Arlhllf' F. Ei1m1n. !ti Alber! Pltct, COlll Fu...r11 Heme, Directors. !iug&es IOn county Health Mell. survlwed 1w d1.,.ni.r, tor1111 w111GHT . Officer Dr. John R . Philp. NICl\Olotl, 8,,.,.. Ptrt; brolhtr, Wlllltm. Cht rlllll,• ,•,. INrlt/11, ?SIU Al1cl1 Or., n... Ph J 11t C01!• Miu: tour 11111,1, Mrt. ve1m1 D1n1 o1 • Ottt of de1tn, OK. n. ..,, · i p told supervisors P1!tt •Jan; M~ Liiv Jot>n•t""' M••. Jtuth su ... lvtd "" 1111er, Mf1. L-• Hont, that the association had Coi rl1n. 111 of (Mii MK.I; Mrt. Dina Point; """""w. J!1y It. HOM, Jr., E111111f!~ Drl kf, S1anl0111 t our Otn• Po!nl. Prlva!1 Hrvlttt W.tt "9111 Certain Organizational and •••ndchlldr"' servlcn . Wtdnt.a•'· lO:XI •odiv, Mond•v. Et Toro Olitrlct structural problems wh1.ch AM, 81!1 Br<>MIWIY ( ... pel, tnH!<'mt n!, Ctmtl•fY. Sr.tiler L11un1 I t • e II s11nnv•l11• c ..... 11...,. e111 s rotc1w1v Mor111•rv. Dl•Klo... musl be worked out before he Mort111ry, Dlrt«D<t. YANT 'II d h llNOUJI TllPOdett L Ytnl. 1741 Po•lolt Dr .. (1111• Wl en orse t e program. l "" G E-.1. Rttldenl of E l1!~0tt. D•le Mtll. S11•vlvtd bv "'111• INblll: two '°"" The health officer and 01 n••"'· Ote. 1~. SV!'vlvold bY wl!t. Robfrl •nd Tl'lomt u dtV.h!er. MIH Oo•ls: '°"'' I.ton. Cot!• Mf!l•t ._ Dt•I-'Ytn!; brc1111r, RotoPrt w. V1n11 County Administrative Officer bro1n'''· """"r, o1 o'"°"' ea Enolll, of •ltltr, M". 8'"' Snyder; mollltr. Mrt. Robert Thomas were ordered W11hlntlon: '11 t." Mr1. Jt1n G!tnn, Flo•• loN>tm, G•I VHldl: NtVtcn wtrt e 111nor11 '"'° •••IKldlllclttn: rou• '"'''·"•Id locl••· Mon<l•v, 11 AM, Good to work with the CHPA to iron trlndc~lldron. SlrYl(ts Mrl lltld lod•Y• Slleollerd Ctme!trv. Peek FtmHy COIOlllll OUt the d1.ffl.CU]!l.CS. Mondt" l·JO PM, 1111 8rPldw1' (fl&Pll.,_, ____ .. _,_~_•_, -"-"K-'M-'-·----------------- Enloml>m•nl. we1lmln1ll<' M t mo r 1 t I P1•k, 8111 8r11M1w1v MortUtfl', DlrK'lo'1. l'UNARO l'••~k Fun&,c. ?Gt 811tlrnor1, Hunllnt!on lltacn. ll:!lit•v, 7~:JO PM, Wtdnt.atv. 5..,11~. '"•011, ..... u..., MtH, Tllurld• 9 AM. 5S Simon tnd Juc:lt Ctlhtl C~11•<"· ln•e•,,_t, Good s n • p 111 r,d Ctmt!trv. Sml!~1 Mo•tv1fY, Olrectort. OATIS Y..I01l1m A, Gtln. t•Ul Htwtll L 1 n 1, Hu"tlnQlcn !tten. Swrvlvlo' bY w!lt, Mtrlt : hvr d1Y11ll1tr1, Mn. Jtntl lluutll, Mr> Rull! P11l<'IO'I, Mn. l 1rbfr1 WHditn. Mro, Lori 5 m I' n. Mfl. GIY P11••·. 11 •••IKld'tl!drtni -1rNI· •••ndcnlld s.trvla1, W.,,,,..,,,,, t AM, Pttlr. f •mlly ColOlllt l Funtr1I Homl. .... Edllh I GOI> llHlditnl ot khotl1rl1,• N"' York! fDrmerly ot Co1l1 Miu. Dtlt el ARBUCKLE A SON Wtstclllt Mort111ry 4%7 E. 17tb St, Colla Me11 -• BALTZ MORTUARIE.~ Coron• dtl l\tar •••. OR 3-9450 Co$ta l\le1a ........ mi 6-%424 • BELL BROADWAY J\.tORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa l\lesa LI 3.3433 • J\.1cCOR.\11CK LAGUNA REACH ~IORTUARY 1715 Laguna Canyon Rod. 41,·!1415 • PAClrlC VIEW tilE~10RIAL PARK Ctmetery l\1ortuary Ch1ptl 3500 P1clflc Vltw Drive ?1-'l!•'port Beach , Calllom\a 644-!'iOG --. PEER F A~llLY COLONIAi. FUNERAL HOME 7111 Bolsa A\'t. We1tmln1ter-• , • UJ-35t5 • SMfTllS' MORTUARY :•o•v•o•o•· FIRESIDE ACCOUNTS 111 Mala SL lluntlnicton Be1ch l3M5lt COSTA MESA • 2200 BOR LVD. \ If there is a befter value than the Penncrest® color T.V., it's the Penncrest® color T. V. on sale! COLOR J ,... ploWre tube p•rnlH -Penneys provkSM: home Mrvfc• on any Penncrest • TV (ln·store service on portlbl• TV) tor defect• In m1tertal• or woncmanshlp •PJ>Mrlng within IO days of purch1111; W11 repl•ce your picture tube (uilng • rebuilt picture tube} tf defective w ithin 3 Jfffl on color lV. W• provide replacement !or 11ny pert II der.c-. tll/9 within 1 yur. L•bor I• extra arter 90 dllys. Cont.cl P••llfY9 tcw 1uthorl1ed eenlc:e Wider g1.11f9ntee. Sale $259 Save 30.95 Reg. 289.95 Penncrest® portable color TV with 15" screen measured diagonally Is feature-packed for great color TV viewing. Automatic fine tuning, built-In automatic color purifier to' minimize color disturbance, high Impact plastic cabinet. ·-·· 1tore1: Sale s299 Save 30.95 _Reg. 329.95 Penn'i-rest® "Contemporery" style table model color TV wilh 18 inch screen measured diagonally. Walnut finish over hardwood cabinet. Also available Early American maple, and Mediterranean (not shown). P1nney1 t im• p1ym1nt pl1ft FASHION ISLAND, Nowport Contor, HUNT!j:IGTON CENTER, u .. e.1cli ~ .. • --~-·~----.-;;-..,,,.. --.-······--·----·.· New 12-meter Style 1973 Cup Trial Yachts Made of Aluminum ""~ ......... ... --- "Wondet why Santa always hangs the candy canes up high. 11 GOING ABOARD -Sea Explorers walk the pier and ramp to board a vessel at the Newport Sea Explorer Base for some first hand experience in small boat handlin g. Send Hanoi Ransom Note LEARNING SEA SKILLS -Sea Explorers become proficient in the use of all kinds of electrbnic navigational equipment including radar, radio, radio direction finder and depth sounqers. Mesa Corporation Venture Catamaran New on Boat Front There's a new ''cat'' catamarans, the Venture uses prowling the waters o f hull shape father 't ·h a n New port Harbor and other centerboards to provide the yachtlng centers. lift necessary to enable the IL is the IS.fool Venture cataniaran, newest addition to boat to sail close to the wind. the family of s a i Ibo at s Depth of the rudders can be produced by ~1acGregor Yacht controlled by raising and Corp. of Costa Mesa. lowering the tillers. This MacGregor produced the provides easy beaching or Venture Cat as compelition to sailing in shallow water. Even !he Hobie Cat. designed by at high speed. the rudders will Hobie Alter and produced by pivot upward on conlact with Coast Catamaran Co. of an any obstacle, according to Clemente. The new Venture Roger MacGregor president of Cat is sloop-rigged to compete the fi rm. with Hobie's JG-footer which The Venture tacks quickly has reCently come on the · and easily and balances well market. ' on all points of sail. It is fast, Designed for high speed controll~b\e and easy to sail. sailing and surfing, the The racing crew can be from Venture has a speed potential ~ne to three pe:sons. ~ltho~gh or 20 miles per hour. With 1t can be sailed with five everythin g flying the boat adults aboard. carries 170 square feet of sail The hulls are fiberglass with to provide high performance heavy layup to w.ithstand in light airs. rough surfing. Foam flotation A roller furling system fnr is incorporated in each water the jib allows the sail area to ti~ht hull, f!!a~1ng the boat be quickly reduced while virtually un sinkable. under sail to cope with almost 1• Spars and rudders are or any kind of wind condition. anodized aluminum. Fittings Like most other modern are of stainless steel. LIGHT AIR SPEEDSTER -The new Venture Cal by Macgregor Yachts of Costa Mesa shows it& light air ability as it prowls Newport Harbor with aaUa r~nected In glassy surface. Boat Doners Get Award From Scouts The Sea Explorers of the Boy Scouts of America have announced the establishment of a "King Neptune Award to be given to individuals who donate a vessel to the Sea Expl9rers in Newport Beach. Recipients of the award will receive a beautiful certificate suitable f~r displaying in den or office. In addition the donor's name is inscribed on a permanent and ,prominent display at the Sea Explorer Base on Coast Highway. Donations of any type vessel are acceptable, according to Dennis A. Ward. district . executive of the 0 r a n g e Empire Area Council 39. Ward pointed out that such donations are tax deductible. For some donors it wouldn't cost a penny to give their boat to the Sea Scouts. Others could even make money by such a donation, depending on the value of the gift and the donor's tai: bracla!t. Orange O:JUnty ·}la.! one of the best Sea Scout bases in existence'. A few of the courses offered include waterl safety, seamanship. o c e a nography, navigation, lifesaving, swimming. boat handling and search and rescue. During World War II many Orange County Sea Scouts and leaders entered the Coast Guard and U.S. Navy, and because of their Sea Scout training were assigned to operate various c r a f t , including PT boats. Donations of vessels to the Sea Scouts hr not without precedence. Jim Arness of TV 's "Gun Smoke" donated his 58-(oot catamaran Sea Smoke tG the Sea Scouts several years ago. The scouts use it as a training vessel and have even taken it in several Jong distance races. For the most part. vessels donatea 'to·the Sea Scouts are used for au kinds of marine trainin'g. Manila Chief Asks for Peace MANILA (AP) -President Ferdinand Marcos appealed for peace today among the warring Christians. Moslems and minority groups i n Cotabato Province. Marcos left for Q"Ubato, 560 miles south of Manila, with his family on Christmas morning aboard the presidenUal yacht. He announced. that he would use ·the army If necessary to bring peace to the province. Cup Sought For 1973 By British LONOON (AP) -British yachtsmen have sent a new challenge to the United States .for the America's Cup, the trophy Britain has been trying tQ win for 120 years. The challenge was sent over the weekend by the Roya~ Thames Yachts Club to t.he New York Yacht Cub, whlcb holds the cup. A spokesman for the British club said a syndicate had agreed to put up $600,00> to build a 12-meter yacht for a bid in 1973. He declined to give the members' names. Tony Boyden, who made Britain's I as t unsuccessful challenge in Sovereign in 1964, is a member of the RTYC. But be told newsmen: "This new venture bas nothing to do with me." The British challenge has been acknowledged, but J>Ot yet accepted. The Briti sh club 's spokesrpan said: t'llj is-_ up to the New York Club to decide whether to accept the ~hallenge. We hope they do." He added that member s are considering have a boat built of aluminum. The United States has held the cup ever since the first series in 1851, when the yacht America crossed the Atlantic and won it off the British coasts. The trophy has b e e n defended in the United States ever since. Britain was always the traditional challenger until an Australian, Sir Frank Packer. made an unsuccessful . bid in Gretel II this year. The British c lub 's spokesman said the British boat may take part in an elimination series a g a i n st French. Australian and Canadian opponents to decide which yacht races against the Americans. Choose One of the Many Coast & Southern Federal Offices to Serve You: *MAIN OFFICE: 9th a Hiii, Loi AnoM • 123-1351 Wll.IHIR! mt GRAMERCY PLAC1:39S3 Wllthlre Btv,d .. L.A. •388-1265 LA. CIVIC CENTER: 2nd l Broadway• 8~1102 ti HUNTINGTON IEACH: It Huntington Center• (714) 887~1047 SANTA ANA LOAH SERVICE AGENCY: 1905 N. Main St.. (714) 547-9257 'tr SANTA MONICA: 718 WUihll'I Blvd.• 383-0748 1t SAN PIDRO: 10th & Pacific • 13t..z:M 1 1rWllT COVINA: Eudand Shopping Ctr.• 331-2201 1rPAHORAllA cm: 8S18 Van Nup Blvd.. tn-1171 1tTARZ.UIA: 11751Vlfttln~•34Wlt4 <A-LONG HACH: 3f'd & t.ocult • 411'·7411 ~Opon s.t.doys-9"' to I "" Dilly Hon-9 "'to 4 "" ASSETS OVER $800 MILLION PIANO and ORGAN { CLEARANCE SALE .dJ Fantastic Savings! Prices in effect until Thurs., Dec. 31 OVER 100 TO CHOOSE FROM Famous National Brand Consolettes in Walnut. Reg . $750.00 IOW s595oo • GRAND PIANOS Choose from STEINWAY, BALDWIN, MASON & HAMLIN, WURLITZER, YAMAHA . All refinished and rebuilt. •ORGANS New and Used Huge discounts on most floor models. fro111 Priced $39500 from Trade-Ins Welcome I Bank Terms Free Delivery OPIN TODAY, SUNDAY 12·S ,lANCHlllD DIAlll POI: •YIMoH PitoM1 & Orto•• • KIMHll • ThHI•• 0r, ... ....... ,c..,..11 • c ... o,. ••• DAILY 10·6, FRIDAY 'TIL 9 1839 Newport Blvd. at Harbor, Costa Mesa Call .•. 642·2851 "WE HAVE A STOCK FROM BACH _!0 -ROCKI" Art Linkletter Shows You a New Way to Beat Inflation .•. Just Join &M I Ide Oub VVi th a $2,500 balance in your aa"Yings account, you are ellglble IO become 1 member. Subatanlial aavlnga are avallablt when purchasing 1111ny Hema Including 1u10mobilft, tumlture, appll.._J-ry)PIUI many tree Ml'Yleet-money orders, .. ,. depollt box ... etc. .. . . COAST l· AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ ----------~ Coast & Southern Federal Offers You These Highest Prevailing Rates: COMftOUNOID DALY AND PAID QUMTIM.Y.• 5.00o/•-5.13"'- Pa11book; No Minimum. 5.25 o/o.5.39°/o Thre•Month Certificate; No Minimum. 5. 7 5 o/o-5.92 °/o o.,..Year Ctrtlflcate; $1,000 Minimum . 6.00°/o-6.18o/o Two-YHr Certlflc:af9; $5,000 Minimum. •Ett.cflN Anrtu•t Earning• • . INSURANCE TO $20,000 •• I . . J! DAILY PILOT Mond'1, -28, 1970 CUP ••• 'Eeononay Deviee' Contl.nucd. form Pqe 11 design an ah1minum U.mettr fo'"r 1973." Pre&9ed as to what lhe new aluminum 12-meters would to the edsting wooden boats, Big U.S. Cities Cutting the Payroll Stephens said: 1 • -· ~ ~ bud d r· · ''For all practice.I purposes, By Anoe a1ed Prfts '""s a PfOJC\..~ get e 1c1t the change to aluminum will De I r o i t . Philadelphia, of $300 million and the cut- mean 8 fresh start. tf Lloyd's Bahimore-, New York and backs , along with tighter reins follows a criterion of strength other financially s trapped on merit raises, au t o rather than weight, it will cities around the nation are purchases and low priority mean a fresh start and the old turnlng anew to an old services, are expected to save boats will essentially be non-economy device<"uttlng t be the city $8.4 million. competitive." payroll. nelroit Mayor Ro m a n All of the designers agreed ,'lbty are among a dozen Gribbs announced that 110 that an aluminum 12-meter cities which reoenUy have a.n-Department ol Public Works •v:ould be cheaper and feter to nounced layoffs of municipal employes will be fired Moo. build. employer, put a fretze on new day, four days be f o r e ··'fhe techniques of handling hiring in order to shrink the Thanksgiving. a I u m i n u m are more payroll by attrtUon, or are The new layoffs bring to 600 ""idespread now than the contemplating such actions. the number of city workers techniques or handling wood," G ibbs k f said Stephens. "This has been New York's Mayor John V. dropped since r too o • a rather recent development, Lindsay joined the parade this fice in January and will save but ii is much easier to get an week, announcing that 500 ex-the city $1 million. aluminum boat built today ecutive and clerical employes The workers, Gtibbs said , than a good wooden boat." not covered by ci vil service were mainly in jobs like alley cleaning, financed mainly With temporary federal funds which have not been reriewed. An immediate hirtng freeze was imposed in BalUmore, hopefully to build up a surplus In the budget there. No firings are planned but the dty's financial J>clure depends 00 bow much the legislature ap- propriates far the city nes:t year. -Philadelphia has had a hir· ing freeie since June in response to a fiscal crisis. Since then 517 jobs have been left unfilled, bringing total vacancies to 1,135. The 1,135 vacancies, 5 per- cent of the city's nonuniform- ed work force, will save the cl- ty $11 million, Finance Direc-H. J. Tate hu aald the freeze tor Romam.is J . Buckley said. wtll continue indefinitely. The riscal problems resutted Portland, Ore., also was from summer emergencies forced Into a payroll cut by at· which cost police overtime, triUon because of a pallce pay C05tly wage settlements with increue. Tulsa, Okla., has bad city workers and renovation of • a freeu on noocr1Uca1 hirings a penitentiary. Mayor James for severll months, and Countian Gets Award A Santa Ana man whose cost-cutting concepts will save his employer $190,000 per year has received a top McDonnell Douglas Corporation honor. Two other Orange Coast men join Walter F. Shugbart, of 1730 W. Hall St., on the Douglas Very Important Person (VIP) list fOr awards. They are Clliton C. Keith , of 19531 Canberra Lane, Huntington Beach, and Wiiiiam R. Doyle, ol 301 Jasmine Ave., Corona de.l Mar. Omaha's mayor , E u g en e Leahy, klcked off his austerity program in September by fir· ing an as.!lstant and a secretary 1n hls own office. In the year since Pe~er Flaherty won the mayor'• of· nee in Pittsburgh on a cam- paign of economy and 8U8lerl- ty, 300 city employes have been fired. Now he says more firings are Ukely to balance the 1971 budge!. Pittsburgh, like most of the cities, Is not speeding any money on retr alning the laid off workers. In the r.d for 20 yean, lfl. dlcate they may be forced to lay off workers soon. SeatUe has no plans for layoffs, but the city council is studying a budget that calls for a 2 percent municipal pay -· If the Seattle municipal employe unions demand 6 or 7 percent, there will be "substanUal layoffs'" Council Finance Chairman Ted Best saJd. On the other hand, Richard J. Daley, mayor of Chicago, submitted a budget message this week that announced he Is adding 500 policemen to the force. Cha nce said he welcomed woukt be dropped. New York repair, rat control and street theadventof aluminuminl~ ~~~~~:..:_~~~~~~'---'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nashville, Tenn., facing a Police pay dispute, and East st. Louis, ru., which has been meters after his experience in altering Intrepid last season. "I think one of the principle advantages of aluminum will be that it will be possible to torch off existing parts of the structure and subsequently v.·eld into place new sub- assemblies that were prepared in advance and which can alter the boat very radically in shape during the course of the racing season -if It is des ired. "One might even prepare two or three alterbod.ies and try them ahead of time," Chance said. Chance added thal a n ·alumnium 12-meter could be bu il t in three months after lofting which is a great improvemen t over the seven or so ' months it takes to build of wood. McCurdy said aluminum construction would result in a lighter and more unif~rm yacht. "When you o rd e r aluminum you know that Its ftltength and stiffness are .standard . This is definitely not true with wood. which is a "natural mate rial." He rre s h o ff not onJy ·welcomed the advent o f aluminum but expressed the hope that the ru le could be further changed to aUow a greater variation in the design or the boats. "CertainJy, the 12. ·meter rule has been suceessful since the revival of the C u p competition in 1958, and Jt ls a wonderful thing that It started on that basis. "However, now that Jt has gotten m reestablished and is going so well and there is so much interest, I think that instead of just continuing with the 12.-meter rule. it would be a great thing to liberalize a lot of the rules. This would restore the element o f engineering to i~ true role future or the compeUUoo." Herreshoff added that the America's Cup competition ia mt j~t for the sailors -as is the Olympict -"not just in the design of the boats, but a lso in that detail of the design which is often so Important - the engineering." Stephens said the New York Yacht Club, holders of the America's Cup for 120 years, approved the switch to aluminum. The North American Yacht Racing Union, at the request of the NYYC flag officers and Cup committee, requested the change to the International Yacht Racing Unlon which passed it on to Lloyd's of London. "It is simply up to Lloyd"s now to bring about lhese rules,'' Stephens said. Fog Hides Australian Boat Racers HOBART (APJ -A blanket or clouds reaching almost to sea level hid contestants in the Sydney-Hobart yacht r a c e lrom o b se r v er s ~&long Tasmania's east coast Monday for the first time in at least 10 years. Visibility at best was only a few hundred yards. Radio reports indicated New ZeaJand's 73-foot cutter buccaneer was less th an 170 miles from the fin ish line by Monday evening. Buccaneer. 47 miles ahead of the Sydney sloop Pacha and due In Hobart late Tuesday . seemed almoc;t certain to gain line honors. The 33-root American sloop Spirit withdrew from the 630- mlle race Sunday. The yacht was believed to have rudder trouble. THE BEST R•1d111hip pollt pro•• "'"••· 1111h" It ont of th1 world't ono1! popvl•r com1111 1lrfp1. R11tl it dilly ;,. th1 DAILY PILOT. ' ( OPEN DAILY 9-9 SATURDAY 9 'Ill 6 SUNDAY 10 'Ill 5 llG. Sll.00 $12°0 SKI SWEATIRI ...• llG. $29.tJ $2All0 -"'·. . ALPACA swunas . u- ''THE CHARGER'' ''°"" w4n1P1tOOJ •, 1 • • .................. -·· $22so .... Am ...... plle,., ··-,,. ............. ,... c.i. .., ................... 11, wllll ....... M ..... ..,._ .... PACIPIC • ~ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN OUR NEW LOTI Grant's Has The Greatest Selection for flit ulti1111to bt 1tyf1 ••• comf.rt ••• ~utlity tM , •• r-11 jutt un'I h•t HHa,,.. ltn"I ladles ''Ha .. ·Tw' TOPS lly Cltarl•y'• Olrl• .. , •••• -1• .. --,,.,..1-• 7so .tt4 tu. 1 Ill.It$ TIM "' ... t.rHt'1 U1 • .. 1 UP Exclusive at lhe'Granl Boys DENIM CPO SHIRTS ''The Salty Daw9'' ......... ,,i.. ••• ~Mt ....... ,IMW , ......... .. u • ._,_, n.,.. 1xdtl"1 colon •• _ 111 c.tt.n CPO 1hlrt1 In lirv1h1d Hnhn. Ft.Ill lh11tl toll1r. S-M·l·XL . -~~~V:NICK PULLOVIU , $]000 ~ 110. Sii.iS $781 ''Famous Maker'' "THE RANGER" CPO SHIRTS -ORLON V•NICK •••• •20 1-4 •• •--1 CPO WATCH CAPS .. 91" Sii IOOrs .... s595 91 Gl0V1S-, •• SIU HATS ....... c MITIEllS '""· ..... WAllt 'It WU.l SIRNI •I ••I.,_ .... 1-4 •rtt. cNIH wl!' lllfflflH •mt.I~• 1.,..,..r-Kt11, ftlly U•H •llh ttlt< <-4lt1IH 1<rll1t .,,, 1111. J&.4a. IHW STOCI el 1111 t ll-flM '"" $995 -"• fw ct .. 14 wl•IH w1ttl 1r.,lftl 1111rt1 "' .n '' '"-.... ... W. -4 NH• Ctltn. l llH S. IM.~L. XL $10.95 FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! Over 40,000 Pair Levi's® In Stock! NEW "MR. LEVI'S®" . * EVERY STYLE for th• Matur• Mani "'Mt. l ... , .......... 1•1'1 ..... ....... 11•1·• 1•0 111.,·••h• lttli: ' -.... ,., .,1, .. 1 ..... c- tt1t1•1t. lt•-Prnt "••lillr 1t." IOI Sti., II", ,,._ 1ft• '""'· SllH J• It •2. Tr1"'tl1111I ltylltt .. 11• ••n 111,.. DENIM FLARES , by UVl'S® LEVI'S 1tyltd lon1 ind l11n with 1 "flirt" for f11hion. Pr .. shrvnlr: ••. luy your IKICI 1i11. • AT $8 GRANT'S * EVERY COLOR *EVERY SIZE LEVI'S ® CORDS Ullntll Ctr4t"Y "11 1l•1J1 tNk1 t•HI .KIHt l!'I lt¥1' .. , ,Ilk fltt /1"'<11t <111H 1! t.1•. 11111, Chtctltlt lff.,., OllH, ,111 ., ltftl llt1, Nl"f, Dorio 1 .. -. SIZES 26-38 $698 BOYS' CORDS SIZES 4 to 12 USE YOUI CREDIT at GllAllT'S aatl SAYE MORI TOOi LEVI'S® XX DENIMS ... LEVI'S® for Gals! SU,UI • TOUGH J11n1 • • • World'1 tou9h11t dt11lrn, rtln. lorctd with ctpptr rlvtl$ ind 11l1chtd to 1t1y. A new p1lr hff If they rip. '6'' Boy'• Siu• (~ 12) $6.00 ...., GIANT'S HAS All THI STYLES GAL'S ILUE JEAN FlARlS tftOO LIVl'S COIO-STRAIGHTS $J J 00 ~11 •ltH IN•lf1 ll T"'J tit ... ,,,,...,._,tllllftl ,., ... .,.. ...... $1 MO GAiS" •srovt~IPU" 11400 Nl"f, c .. 1 .. 11, (ltrt!, .. 11 u--II"""' IM•, ltMl!H ou••••sr11Plco1os ,1100 •-m·-co•.•-•w-u $JQ.$)) 1'""''"""·•••••"u1 , r ... n.. • .,..., w...,,. CLASSIC CAR COAT Tht look ro11 loYt. Poih rtr-toit ti p/uile proof''"' ce crua11. pile th1t I po/rtit,.. .. b '" ..... ,,,,,, ... ., D rrtr •••hiltf ou6/1 •• , •• ., d • ''''"' m1t1r 1 ' "''" •Htch14 ••et ~tto"'• Chilltid" •It. Ch )' 11 " linillf 0011 from J · t•111u1 colors 1· ftr. ,, 16. • 1111 • PAc1"1c .i11a s. PACIFIC TRAIL'S "P • ~- Nri.. . arrscene" frotn 4 colon. Sl.rts a to~;~ ,,,,,, ,~,;.: ·=~~:::h 1ttlfh $3 0 USE YOUI CllDIT .. IUNT'SI ~ I or jg Us ay >al ,7 •• ~ii ost rd io. ge is he ---· - - -·-·------- - - - ------ r1ot1day, Decernbt'r 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT 13 The M2§! Exciti!.19 Headache News In Yearal Doctors'. Tests In Treating Nervous Tension Headaches La~e Gloves Off Time for Change Federal Trade Comniission Now Active Congress Fights ~ Now Made Public Non-Narcotic Tablet That Needs No Prescription Proves Just As Effective As The Expensive, ,Leading Pain-Relief Prescription Of Doctors., l f you're one of the many who set tense, nervow headaches, these latest tests by doctors 1hould be of lhc greatest im· portancc. In recent medical tests doc- tors proved a famom tablet that needs no prescriplion gives the 1ame complttt headache rt/it/ as the expensive, leading pre· 1cription of doctors. • 1 These doctors' tesls proved, beyond a doubt, that An1u:in is just as eOtcti'llt to relieve ten- 1ion headaches, yet Anacin OPEN DAILY 9-9 . SATURDAY 9 'Ill 6 SUNDAY 10 'Iii 5 needs no prcs~ftion and is t.ir more cconom1ca , With Anacin, headache pain and its ncrvoUJ tension vanish in minutes. Despite its stren1th, Anaci n is not narcotic. You cin take it without gcning dizzy or an upset stomach. Next time take powerful, fast• acting Anacin•. Anaci n Tablets giv~ the same complete head- ache pain relief as the leading prescriptio n product for which doctors wrote 21 million pre- scriptions last ;rear., famou1 Name lrand WASJNGTON (AP) -Alter hatr a century as "the little old lady ot Pennsylvania Avenue,'' the Federal Trade Commission is taking off the lace gloves. Within the past year the regu latory agency, often criticized for lack of Initiative, has : -Attacked advertising of some of the country 's largest firms as "false, misleading s..nd de.::eptlve," telling thtm In e!fect to put up or shut up. -Proposed that firms that lied ' tn advertising their products take the unusual step of telling the public, in future advertising, that they lied. -Taken steps that could result in a ban on sales of an antifreeze and a brand of toothbrush. * TENNIS RACKETS * · -Ordered dive~tlture by two large corporations of smaller rompanies acquired in what !he FTC !iaid v.·ere m ove s to foreclose competition. "We at~ getUnc somewhat of a new spirit around here.'' gald Miles W. Klrkpalrick, the u n de r 5poken Philadelphia lawyer who three months ago became chainnan of the five-- member commission. But there was nothing underspoken about Kirkpatrick when, a year before he was sworn in, he summed up an American Bar Association panel's study of the FTC. Inefficient and preoccupied with irrelevant matt e r s, Kirkpatrick said. th e FTC should be reformed o r lllllKLIY 420 abolished . While Kirkpatric!< lll quick to remind that the s t u d y reoogni.zed the agency's good paints as well as i t s shortcomings, the ADA report buttreS.!led a acathlng apprais al of the FTC by consumer advocate. Ra I p h President Power Nader. "Those reports were the greatest thing that could have ever happened to us," said Basil • Mezlnes, a 30-year veteran of the FTC who now holds Its top staff position." "You can't underestlmate ----------- the effect of that criticism," ht said. "It's sprung soriie or the latent ideas around here and brought them to the surface." One unexpected benefit Of the criticism, when coupled with publicity given th e agency's recent performan ce, is an Increase in j o b applications from top graduates of tht nation 's law 1 schools, !\1ezincs said. WASHINGTON (UPI) Congress . is putting on a dismal performance for liberal admirers who think It ls time for the legislative branch lo replace the President j n national leadership. Christmas tree bills, mini and maxi filibusters, budget decisions months after th e start of a fiscal year -these are part of the annual adjournment disorder. From the start ot the 20th cen tury, there has been an almost continuous growth In the power of the presidency. And conservatives looked to PLENTY OF FREE PARKING IN OUR NEW LOTI The famous Fred Bear INSTANT ARCHERY SET. ·stt lnclud11 60" bow, arrow 9uld1 rt1t, ''"' 1trln9 1!9ht, flng1r grlp1, (4) t1rg•t arrow•, txlr• long •rm gu1rcl, t1rg•t ind m\Kh mortl ••t· $27.95 Regularly 527.95 s14•• GREEN BEAR ARCHERY SET 11 'lee• let 25 Lb. low Arm1111rll 1nll m11ch l'l'llfl sa•• * BROWNING ARCHERY * NOMAD II kw, 51~b .. 60" ....... $57.50 COIU I low, 50.lb., 50" ......... $69.50 ORANT'I HAI A COMPLITI ARCHIRY DIPARTMINT WITH ALL or THI ACClllORJll POI HUNTING OR TARCHT IHOOTJNO \ Conaress to prevenl what they viewed aa seizure of pawer by the executive branch. Those conservatives ha ve now been Joined by liberal oraaniutions calling for a rearrangement of national prlorltlea and for a more rapid dlsenga1ement In Vietnam. ''The U.S. can no longer afford a complacent Congress deferring to an executive leadenhlp that is e i t h e r ambi1uoua or absent," the national committee for an effective Conare1s says. "The time has comt for Congresa to step out Jn tront." This and other lib e l'a l groups, like Americans for Democratic Act.ion, now seek Congressional help for their causes because of dislike 0£ what they say In the White House of Lyndon 8. Johnson or Ric.bard M. Nixon. Yet their senior and middle-aged members were once admirers of "strong" pretldents such as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1884 when Congress was at the creM or Its power after the Civil War, Wilson wrote : "It is impossible to discover any unity or method in the disconnected and therefore unsys tematic, confused and desultory action of the House or any common purpose in the measures wh ic h It s commiilees from time to titr\e recommend." And In 1908, Wilson wrote of the President : "If he rightly Interprets the national thought and boldly insists upon it , he i 1 irresistible." The liberals who want Congress to assume natlonal leadership, of course, want it to reform itself with special attention for erasing the evils of the seniority system. .... •6•• SPINNING REEL NOPUSIOllAl Congress itBelf no1v seems in urgent need or leadership. John W, McCormack, the retiring speaker, has learned much about the exercise of legislative power but has looked like a pale copy of hi! predecessor, the late Sam Rayburn, who also sometimes found the house unmanage- able. WILION KIAMllt PUGHT, • ••• , • , •• l TENNIS BALLS l'f ,INH•'flVANIA •VACUUM ,ACKID • 1 •• • CAN or 3 (WhlT•) CAN o' 3 tY1ll1w} •. •••,fl.ti famous Northwe1tern STARTER GOLF SETS • 2·Woods • S·lrons REG. $49.95 s34aa WILSON'S K-28 GOLF BALLS PKG. of 3-REG. $3.6D lnclud11 (3) 1poel1 1f lln1, 1 IS 1-"----''""· dn1, "'~ .• "'"·· $ 1 --..,--17•111. -S-: GARCIA 622 REEL Fir th1 S1ltw1ttr fllh1r- m1n. Top qu1llty lltU· r.11rlnt r11I wltl t1k1 400 Jtrdt tf 20·111. llM, DELUXE BACK PACK & FRAME Tht Gr111t Boys 11 "Stouter" H11dq111rl1r1, Compltlt li111 ti 1co11ting 1quipm111t now in uockJ SJO'' FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! SEE ALL OF THE NEW 1971 CAMPING GEAR Featuring f ;;rFl'//f at Grant's! COllMAN llNOLl $ I o•• MAN1ll LAN11RN McMl•I :xlO ••• ,., •• , , , 2·MlllNlll SlOVI $ I 1 •• Mollel =t 1J-ll ... $14.IJ .••• ,, •••• COLIMAN CATALTTIC $21 •• llfATU , S.000 l lU-1 ... $27.tS.,,.,,,,., Grant's Has The Greatest Selection And lowest Prices, Tool SLEEPING BAGS COLEMAN'S "FAMILY TENT" NEW WHITE TOP bount11 oH h111 tnd ltll 111 mort light. l lt pfct11 r1 window, 2·Wl'f Dutch door providtl pltntJ of vtntlla· tion. Storm flap and nylol'I 1crt1t1, S.vt on All of Your C111plot hor at ORAllT'll llsr $6,95 - BENCH PRESS REG. $39.95 $2911 All wtldtd conllructlon . • • 1q111r1 11111 tubln1 , • , f11m p1dd1d ~nch. Bick 1di11~t1 to S po1l!lo111. M1roo11 b1k1d 1n1mtl finlJh, SKIP ROPES ................ $2.98 HAND GRIPS ••••• , .••.• , , •• $2.98 CHEST PULLERS .......•...... $5.95 -.. ~ !:.~;, ,!~!.~~s s 17aa 4-LI. DACION $2488 QUALITY fCLfPSf - Mtftl 131-•tt. $2t.tS, 4-11. INSUION s2as8 Mtftl 710-•tt· 5)1.tS. GOOSE DOWN BAGS Modtl #SS1, 2·1b. Down, •••. ""'' ........ 17t:ti-Mtdtl # 600, 3·1'1, DtWll:, •tt.t110.ts .•.••.• $tt.ts PTopant Super StoYt I la11ttrn (.AMPER'S COM BO tomtt complttt wilh 11,000 ITU itovt, l1nt1rn, proptnt bottl1, v1lv1 end r191.1l1lot. NOW ONLY STOVE & BOTTLE •.•••••. $49.95 ---·---· --------·-· --~------- CLAY BIRDS USE YOUR . CREDIT at GRANT'S! j . ~ I ~ Ii ' 11 i ' . In the Senate, the election of th~ respected nice guy, -Mike Mansfield, as majority leader was a natural reaction lo the driving leAdership of Lyndon • Johnson. Mansfield abandoned .,. the hammerlock, the bull whip and the torrent of words poured into the ear of a rel uctant senator in h I s management of the Senate. for this or olher reasons the Senate has beco me unmanageable. rrom the visitors' gal\erles. men1bcrs appear lo be unqualified upsta rts compared with past gian ts whose size is magnified by the number of years si nce d eat h or retirement. Congress needs to d o someth i ng about its operations. But If it seems stalemated by divisions within and Detween the House and Senate, ll may mirror the mood of the country. Executive Course Set At UC Irvine Hel p for the har r i ed business executive might be fou nd in a course being planned by the UC Irvine Graduate School or Business Administrati on <tnd the University Extension, In coopera t ion with UCI Industrial Associates. Built around the major roles \vhich mu st be performed by !he modern executive, the formal is intended to help each parlicipant relate new con c c p t s lo his own organizational experience. Candidates for the program are nominated and sponsored by their respec live organi iations, Dr. N c wt o n MArgulies. director said. The progrAm involved 20 sessions meeting from 3 tn 9 p.n1. -0n Wednesdays fttrn Feb. 3 to June 23 in the faC'ulty Club, lrvine Town Center. Who C•res? No other newspape r In lhe world carell about your com• munJty Ukc your community dnily new~paper d°'$. lt'a Illa DAILY PILOT. • r • -· A.MONG THE G·REAT , Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old .. friend. The DAILY PILOT looks as much at home on this international newspaper rack as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch with what's hap- pening at city hall. Whether it's news from around the world or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you. And the simple fact is that, because the DAILY PILOT emphasizes local coverage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can 't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international news rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great- est one in the world (for local news). \ ' ONES DAILY PILOT r - • • ST ARTS TOMORROW AT 9 A.M. AT ALL STORES .anuar big savings on towels, linens, ' ; bath rugs a.nd sheets in a colorful array. Surety electric blanket guaranteed two years Thermostat control 'keep' you cozy all night Mach ine washable polyester , cotton rayon blend . l year guarantee by May Co. on me· chanical operation nt blanket or control or ree- turn, May ·Co 'will replace Gold moss, blue pink twin reg. 16.00 ' 1 3 , 9 9 full size single control reg . 18.0C• full size dual conll61 reg. l2.UO king size dual cd!ltrol reg. j7 50 15.99 19.99 14.99 Springmard 1acquard, solid velour towels Two cotton velour towel s that reverse to con· ventional terry a. Mexicali: jacquard in gold aqua. pink b. Radiance: solid with dobby hem in pagar. pink sunset orange lime green gold forsy. thia, peacock black, red chestnut or purple bath towel reg. 4.00 2.99 hand towel wash cloth ."'"':-- reg. l.30 reg . qoc ' . 1.89 69c \ • sheet sale no-rron striped sheets by famous maker Wamsutta Regent stripe .. bold, colorful two-tone stripes. Spirited. Enlivening. Made of Celanese® Fortrel®, polyester and cotton muslin. Machine launder and dry. Blue and red, black and gold, green and blue with stunning so lid color hem . twin top, fitted bottom reg. 4.25 3 • 4 9 full top or fitted bottom reg. 5.25 king top or fitted bottom reg. 11.00 standard pillow case reg. pr. 3.50 king pillowcase reg. pr. t.OO FOIWI •Is• rt&bl!l'ed lnldM11rk of Tenl'leliet Eastman. 4.49 8.99 2.99 3.49 Surety snow white no-iron sheeu. Permanent press polyester and cotton percale. Wash, dry and use. twin top or bottom reg. 3.80 3.39 full top or bottom res: 4.60 3.99 42 x 36 standard case 'reg. pr. 2.80 2.39 may co sheets 34, domestics 41 . towels 30 m.iy co 1C111ih cout pllla, san diego fwy at. bristol, costa me&ai 546-9321 shop saturday 9 am to 9:30 pm, sunday noon 'tll S pm · 'I I .. -,, l MAVCO ' Monday, Dtctmbfr 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT JJ 2 T11pes of A·X These are two different artist's concepts of pro· posed A·X specialized. closed air support aircraft. Top photo is Northrop Corporation's proposed ver· sion and bottom is Fairchild·Hiller Corporation'• design. Money Cuts Floored NASA During 1970 CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) - Th~ U.S. Space Agency discovered in 1970 that after re1ching the pinnacle o f success, there's no way to go but down. It hopes to rebound In 1971 . During the past 12 months, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was stung by the failure of its most Important maMed and unmanned missions. And It was hit so hard by money cuts that it decided to scrap $340 million worth of moonshlps to save the cost of nying them. Thousand! of engineers and technicians who made possible 1951'1 moon landing succeaes were laJd off in 1'10. Morale fell to such a low that the next moonllight crew felt i t neceSllJ')' to publicly state their concern. But .despite the setbacks. NASA's leaders have not given up hope for the (~lure, They are countl.ng on a revoluUonary rocket plane called the space shuttle to give the nation an economical way of getting men and machines to and from earth. The shuttle now is wel !along In the preliminary design phase, and its funding has survived a critical test in Congress. But to move it from the drawing boards toward reality, NASA needs more money for it next year. The agency's spending plan for fiscal 1972 is now at the White House. The fate of NASA's fortunes for the rest of the decade may be known by the time the agency's 19n budget emerges from the paring knives of the administration and Congress. There have been reports that the President's budget ofiice has warned NASA to reduce its money requests to Magazine that two Apollo moon expeditions w e r e cancelled Jn September to save money. he said, "the savings from such cancellations are mlnJmal and the impact on the return from the investment in Apollo is catastrophic." ~ASA officials also have started to speak out against what Edgar M. Cortright, director of te Langley Research Center, called a ''Veritable run on the bank.'' "Tbe withdrawal slips carry such catch t e r m s u relevancy, poverty, pollution and housing, and are designed to shame u.s into 911crificing our apace prosram a n d national technology In the name of humanity," Cortright told the National Press Club in Wash.lngton. "Like most t.h I n kl n g Americans I have worried a lot about humanlty. My first reaction was to retrench as , gracefully as paulble 8Jfd to make do with less. But I don't feel obliged to sit passively by and see progress of a decade of dedicated naUonal effort squandered for some worthy but nebulous goal! which are yet to be translated into hard programs." George M. Low, w he became a c t I n g NASA administrator when Thomu Paine resigned in September, told a House subcommittee recently that this ls now a crillcal time Jn the 13 year history of the space program. He said the sharp reductions ln America 's aerospace efforts Jn the past few years "have seriously diminished national capabilities. Unless the l(end is reversed, our leadership position cannot be maintained in the years ahead." below 13 billion. This would be ;=========::; at least mo million below the "rock bottom" level of the current 1971 spending plan. Today's budget climate is so poor as far as NASA is concerned, said scientist - astronaut Anthony W. England, that the s p a c e agency may be for ced to eliminate one or more of the four remaining Apollo flights to the moon. A NAS A spokesman, however. said this was not considered likely. England noted in a letter published recelltly in Science FOR ADVERTISING in tho WEEKENDER OUT 'N' ABOUT SECTION Phone NORM STANLEY 642~321 I See by Today's Want Ads e OWNER MOVING! J\.fust rid houseful <lf expensive furnHurl? for a very "LOW PRICE." Better check lhls out before ''' SANTA GETS THERE! CK 8022 e AMBITIOUS Y 0 U N G MAN , . . . NEEDS WORK! Wiii do lite hauL ing &: yard clean·UP. He's very reasonable, too! So now yOU don't have to wait for the football games to end on Wffkencts , ... & tl")I to do tht! yard by c1n. dle. Just rive him a call "ANYTIME." CK 873() • The Dally Piiot ClauWed wants to w!Ah )'OU a ''VERY fl.JERRY CHRIST· hfAS & A HAPPY NE\V fEAR," I Jf DAILY PILDf Monday, Dtctmbft' 28,' 1970 ' OPEN DAILY 10.10; SUNDAY 10.7 .. Clearance! JUNIORS' AND MISSES' COATS; JACKETS •• ,. 6.44 .. 24.96 Coats and jackets fashionably de- 1igned in wee look vinyl, cotron <orduroy, new "crinkle" vinyl, !fake fu r fabrics, and wool blends i ncluding cweeds, snappy plaids, bright solids. ' .22 CAL. SHELLS Reg.1.67 4Days J57 H ighest velocity long rifle shells make your .22 shoot like a magnum. iOO shells in holder. DYNAMIST ELECTRIC VAPORIZER/HUMIDIFIER 4 Days Only_ 77 7 C~a•ge Ill Restores moisture to parched air, cuts Ile.at bills. Vaporizes 10 rcliC\'C chesr<old (ongestion. Aerodynarnic styl ing, coo l/ hot steam, I-gal. con1aincr. Sea led-lube motor. Save! In ln/dr1ts' Drpr. GIRLS' -FASHION'· :1 WISE DRESS ;•.BUYS! OFF % Reg. 3.96-7.96 conon blends, aceta',JS, and bonded fabrics, fashionably styled in dress and jumper ensembles colored brigbl S:nd priced ac fantastic saving prices. Girls' 4-6x; 7-14.Save! "C" OR "D" BA TIERIES Reg.12c2 lie 4 Da ys FOR Flashlight batrcrics "·ith sea(. ed-in siecl con5cruc1 ion, as· sure longer life. S.lf. s.tn!Jll , .... ..,t •I MONDAJ, .TU~SDAY, WEDNE.SD~Y, THURSDAY You 're Sale When You Save At Kmart Cleaiucel 25%-40%0fFON .OUR BEST DRESSES! SIZES FOR ALL! Holiday bright and pastel dresses de • signed in the season's latest styles. Of Orlon"' acrylics, lacy-laces and acetate knits, nylar* polyester mecal- · 1ics. Some are bonded to acetate rri- cot. Jr. Petite 3-11; Jr. 7-15; 10-20; 14Y,-24Y,. •Dlh1tTJL YOUR CHOICE Develop 20-exposure 35MM Develop 2o:exposure 126 cartridge Develop SMM, Super 8 Kodachrome' Couoa Oanoe-Rtl• J.47 ' lt'lt•lir1tod <'.()(100 corduroy. l Pock. 99c t'U.}-7. . ' ' •s COAT SWEAT.US 600. I ~ofr, ,...,.. Orio•• ocryfic ""• '""' Ctt'~ oti•ch co•l rwfften. S.roiPt fro« ,.;u, .Nie • ..,... v1..;d '°"'"'Si-S-M-J,.Xl. • 0... ............ GOLF SLACKS 00 No-11'0" font•I• Polru .. r/<oi1-,.,.,u -·honl;M .,...,..,.,.., -. ..... G<iold, '""l""i.c, hl1><, J«<a, <hu<r><1, yoHow. lll·•l. e f;bor Ind. f~K '"' Kodachrome' Processing WOMEN'S, TEENS' CANVAS SNEAKER OurReg.1.49 93c 4Days0nly Blue, white or black cotton canvas. sneakers wjrb cushion insoles., PVC• soles. Sizes 5-10. Qualiry u bi,g savings-get at least 2 prs.! .,..,.,..,. bllri6! ORLON" STRETCH SOCKS FOR MEN 4 Days Only 68 C Pr. Shaggy-rib 80% Orlon• acrylic/ 20% stretch nylon crew socks fi e sizes 10-13. Black, brown, charc~ navy, 11.mber, gold, blue, olive . • ..,..,,....1.111. ·-~· .. SLIDES SLIDES MOVIES FASHION ·PLATE PHOTO ALBUMS Comb. album and insert BLACK and WHITE FILM SPECIAL 266 Elmburl, antique map, brocade, cobra, mushroom or bop design album with snap-in insem for 3'1.2x3Y,", 3!1.ix4!1.1" or 3'1.2x5" Developing and Printing: I 2-exposure 126 cartridge 12-exposure 1 27 roll 12-exposure 620 roll KODACOLOR~ FILM SPECIAL . 12-exposure 126 cartridge 12-exposure 1 27 roll 12-exposur' 620 roll "PltUuilre .... ,ittUW. filllll Ill fllll .... 2as· DOUBLE PACK AGl-B FLASHBULBS 4 Days Only n;g 24-bulb doubl•·P<Ck Amplcx ltt flashbulbs, performance tested, ready for all your holiday.photos. Get them at savings! 194 . . ' p1ccures. POWOID COLOR FILM TYPE 108 40ay•Onlyl 35 7 8 rspntun: Pol.col- or fil m provide1 3l4ll4l'4wprinn. Savel 4 Ooys Only! '°' •II foou" 74 c ctrrrid8e <•m· eru. Stvc-at K """' Your 1noney has more buying power when you stop and:save at Kmart! ' . ' A 01w1'''" of S.S fll rt,t• (o ... 111t Stor•' i!'I the ''-~~~""_"_ .• _._ .. _ .. _ .. _,_··~1 ·_·_ .• _ .• _._ .. _._ ... _._ •• _._'"_'·-·~~~>........:.:........:....:~~-"'~~~---~~~./\.~.::::;.::.;::::;.::.:::.:::.~""-~....:~....:;;;;.;~~"-~..:...~~~~~"-~~~~.j.-~--''--~...;.:;::..:;::.:;.;;;:_~-" • ,......-------------..-.... --.................. ----------------·------·-,,------------------...-------....------------~ . YEAR WELCOMED ROYALLY 1 '.Crowns Finale Wb~n the hands o! the clock point to midnight on New Year's eve, it's time to begin the fest.ivities in earnest and ,time for a scrumptious buffet. Something unusual-and edible-6hould set the stage tor the merrim'ent, such as a holiday pate made to look like the face of the clock. ; .. Surround It with oval·shaped tiny bread ~ces and a party hit 13 a sure thing.r ;: A New Year's eve buffet al.!o calls for an elegant spread of bite-sized delicacies ·~the hostess ~n prepare before the 1p&rly1 allowing her to ming~e among the cuelfla and enjoy the merriment. 'Fl"QU!l patty shells, a few e1fra Ingredients and a stock of canned coc~il franks will allow any J:tostess to tie the "mostest" with a.. m{nlmum of elfcrt. • Try this molded pate fdr a starter. T9 mold it, use an 8-inch round cake pan. Trace around the bottom of the pan on a firm sheet of paper. Draw in the face of the clock on the paper and cut out the numerals and hand3 to make a stencil. . ~~fter unmolding the pate, Place the sten~I on top and carefully shake paprika OYtr the cut out sections. This may be covered with plastic wrap a n d reh'igerated until party time. HOLIDAY PATE 2 4%-ounce cans liverwurst spread 1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened ]'teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 4 tablespoons bacon flavored bits 21,i teaspoons plain gelatin :IA cup cold water 'Ai teaspoon instant beer bouillon · MJ:r together liverwurst spre8:d and cream cheese. Add Worcestershire sauce and.bacon flavored bits. Soften gelatin in cold water and dissolve over hot water along .with beef bouillon. Adsl-to liverwurst spread mixture. Pour Into an oiled I x 1 \2 inch round pan. Chill till firln. Uhmold. Serve with party rye and pumpernl~I slices. CHICKEN SPREAD PATE 2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin 1 13~-ounce can chicken broth 1 ..a...,. pmictage cream cheese, cut ia £\lbes . 2 4%-<1Unce cans chJcken spread ~ leupoon grated lemon rind V.t teaspoon dill weed 0 Soften gelatin in ~ cup of the chicken Droth. Heat the remainder of the broth until it boil!, and dissolve the gelatin mixture in it. Place the cubes of cream cheese and chicken spread in the blender and blend on high speed until both ingredients are combined. Add the gelatin broth miJ:ture and blend ingredlents together. Add lemon rind and dill weed and mix. Place in an oiled 8 x l~ inch round pan. Chill ~UI firm.Remove from pan and serve Ith miniature party bread slices. DEVILED HAM PATE 1\2 teupoons unflavored gelatin v. cup cold water ,, 2 4~e cans deviled ham 1 cup sour cream 3 tablespoons chili sauce 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce Son.en gelatin in coid water, dissol ve over bolling water, then cool slightly. Combine remaining Ingredients, blend well with cooled gelatin. Pour into a well oiled 8 x l 1Ai Inch round ' pan, and Chill until firm. Unrnold and serve with miniature party bread slices. Frozen patty shells are a versatile tool for hostesses who wish to create airy, elegant but inexpensive hors d'oeuvres. The patty shells should be defrosted overnight in the refrigerator. They should not be rolled into a ball as pie dough and should not be brought to r o o m temperature while shaping. lf they do, they should be put back in the refrigerator a few minutes before baking. Tbe dough may be prepared then refrozen for baking the night of the party, directly from the freezer. SEASONED TRIANGLES 1 package (10 ounces) frozen patty shells, thawed Seasoned salt On a floured board or pastry cloth roll out patty shells, one at a time, into a MORSELS MELT IN MOUTH \ - CLOCK HANDS POINT TO TIME FOR UNUSUAL TREAT square. Tum dough over and trim to 6x8 inches. Brush with cold water and sprin- kle with seasoned salt. Cut into I 1h -inch squares using a sharp knife or pastry wheel. Cut each square in half diagonally to form a triangle. Place an inch apart on ungreased bak.ing sheet. Chill 10 minutes. Repeat with remaining shells. Bake in a 400 degree F oven 10 to 12 minutes or until golden. Serve warm. Note : One patty shell makes 32 triangles. A package makes nearly 200. Dough may also be cut into squares, circles, strips or crescents. Other toppi ngs may include mixture.! of grated cheese, curry powder, red pepper, chili powder and /or garlic salt. CHEESE TWISTS 1 pa ckage (10 ounces ) frozen patty shells, thawed 1/" cup grated Parmesan cheese 1h teaspoon paprika -% teaspoon cayenne i,s teaspoon salt On a floured board or pastry cloth slack and press together two patty ~Us. Roll into a rectangle. Turn dough over and trim to 8 x 10 inches. Brush with water. Combine remaining l n g r e d i e n ts . Sprinkle half of rectangle with 4 teaspoons of the cheese mixture, leaving an IM-inch margin around the outside edges. Fold over remaining half to form a 4 :r 10.inch rectangle, Press together lightly with rolling pin. Cut rectangle into strips lf.i x 4 inches. Grasping strips at each end, twist in opposite directions about three times to form a spiral. Place l inch apart on an ungreased baking sheet, pressing the ends down to prevent them from unwinding. Chill 10 minutes. Repeat With remaining shells. Bake in a 400 degree F. oven about 10 minutes or until well browned. Serve warm . Makes 5 dOzen. COCKTAIL FRANKS I package (10 ounces ) frozen patty shells, thawed 4 to 5 dozen cocktail franks On a floured board or pastry cl oth, roll out patty shells, one at a time, Into a rectangle. Turn dough over and trim to 5 :1 6 inches. Divide into two 2\.ii 1: 6-ineh .strips. Cut stri)M crosswise about in inch shorter than length or frank . Roll rank in pastry strip, allowing at least 'f4·lnch overlap. Moisten end of dough and press to seal. Place seam .side down, one inch apart, on an ungreased baking sheet. Chill 15 minutes. Repeat with remainjng shells. Bake In a 400 degree F oven 12 to 15 minutes or until golden. Serve hot on a toothpick. Pass mnstard if desired. One pattY shell make! 8 to 12 cocktails, depending on site. One package maku 4 lo 5 dozen . Frankly Speaking What could be easier for party Serving than miniature franks in a jar? Good for kabobs with cheese cubes, olives and pickles dunk- ed In fondue. or wrapped in dough for appetizers, they're good to have in reserve for unexpected entertaining. • L 1 BEA ANDERSON, Editor • . • ...... ..,,~ .. 1'11 '•1tl1 Home News Sna ck Sales Beefed Up With · Jerky By DOROTHY WENCK °'""" c-" HMW ~ What food is dry and leathery, unappetlring in appearance, tough al'Kf rubbery to chew, smoky or salty taslitll and ls so popular that it sells like hot cakes? It's beef jerky--0ne of the naUon'a fastest growing snack foods . We learned about jerky ln elementary school. It was the food the lndlans made by jerking !trips al meat off buffa1o carcasses and preaervlng by salting ahd drying since they had no mean.s 'o( refrigeration. The early cowboys adop~d jerky as a staple food-since' it was light wej&)lt, compact and nourishing-to carry with them through the wide open spaces. But as the machine age arrived with Improved methods of rdrigeraUng meat, the need for this kind of food diJappeared. So did the jerky-almost. Then In the West a new fad developed-jerky as a snack food which was sold in bars and specialty shops and eventually in all food 1tores and eveo vending machines. It remained a strictly We!tem food until recently when several f o o d companies with national dia:trlbutlon have expanded the market to I n c I u d t practically everyone. You may no longer be able to amaze yoor Eastern friend! by treating them to a true Western ''delicacy." Jerky is stmply dried meat -usually, beef -that bu been cund and smoked.. Most of it is made from beef round steak, stripped of fat and gristle, cut Lato strips roughly six inches long, an incll wide and abnolt paper thin. It'• sailed, flavored and dried In ovens. .Reading the label lhows that. besidel ' beef, jerky contalnf salt, 1 u II a r, flavorings, a flavor encbancer and a color. stabillur. Except for modern pro<Ollliq, today's jerky is about lhe .same u t.qe original. The coat seems high for the wtight of food you get. But remember, jerky is much more concentrated than frtah meat because moet of the water lw beeD rtmoved. Some fans say It'• a litUe me chewinl plastic. Some non-fans ay it remindl them of ahoe leather or nlbber lira (U U they had eaten ejther). One indultfy spokesman sa)'I It ii like -Wnc Ibo· saddle rather than the bone. But aalel are booming. If you'd like to try your hand It makillt: your own jerky a new 4-H food preservation book llJUeall thil reclpe:.i pounds very lean boneless beef (round st.al<, flank steak, •~loin Up-you can 11- so usi venison); 2 tablespooos water,~ teaopoon liquid amoke , salt, pepper ~ de!lred. . Remove an the fat with a sharp knife, Thia is very important u fat can become rancid. Slice meat into long strips that · are '1S to IA Jnch thick. For uniform thickness, flatten with band or rolling pin. Combine water and liquid smoke, and· brush 1hll mi:rture on each piece, theli 1pr1nkle with salt. Place strips, layer on laytt, in a large bowl. Cover with a plate and pit a weight on top. RA!lrlgerale overnight or for at least I hours. Remove meat from bowl and dry with pa~ towell. • Wash and dry ovtn racks, then stret~ meat strips acroa racks allowing edgt1 to touch but not overlap. Strips that are too small can be fastened together wit.ti wooden toothpicb. Do not cover entire rack -allow room for air clrculaUon iJt oven. Put rack!: in oven leaving at least 4 Jncbes at tbe top and at lhe bottom. Set oven temperature at the iowest ,.ttlng (150 degrtos) and let the meat cir)' about 11 houra or until rather chewY. and britUe. U there is u:cessive ~ catch it in aluminum foll on a rack near the bottom of the oven.I Open the dooP occasionally to cool off the oven ancf aDow steam to escape. After cooling the meat, atore it In an"' airtight container In a cool dry pla~: O>eck occasionally to be sure no mold ti forming. U11e within a year. .... ' 1 QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED : Q. Why don't the labelt on delorgenla tell .. bow mud! phoophate ii llled ""' that consumers can choole lower, phoophate products It they wan: In! A. Soon all leading brlJld.name detergent producta will be labeled u to- thelr phoaphate content, according to the Soap and Detergent "-latlon. Companl .. who m members ol this · uaoclalion have agreed to J a be 1: deter11<11t packagee acconllng to th&- percent phoophorowl In the lonnula and abo Iii equlvaknt In 1111111 per. recommended use level. According In the UIOCl1tlon, thll actlon has been taken to correct the largely erroneous Jpfonnatlon about phoapata content of producll which 1ppeara ln the many !lots dl!ulbllted by v1rloua organizations and pubtiutiona t e consumers. • ! j ' flt DAILY PILOT Monday, Dtctmber 28, 1970 Modern~day Liberal Disagrees With Centuries-old Advice ' ·pEAR ANN LANDERS: I have bten u;i>der !l-'Ycltlatric care ror a year and il's y1>ur fault. You bralnwashed me. Your al:tvlce on premarital sex ii unrealisUc • and harmful to young people. The ANN LANDERS ~ -lavender,and lace platitudes you've been dishing out may have been OK in yolU' day but your day has passed. . Sex Ls not evil. Sex is normal. Sex is fun . Sex Is beautiful. This goes for sex bt.fore marriage as well as after. A few words by a priest, minister, rabbi or j111dge will not suddenly liberate a girl ftom lifelong restraints against her own nbrmal biological drives. later la from the Dark Ages. Husbands who love their wives and men who Jove their sweethearts will love t h e m regardless. Print this letter If you have the guts. It might help other guilt.ridden females who, like me, were kooked up by your outdated advice. -SOUTHFIELD DEAR ANN LANDERS : II I had lht nerve I'd take an overdose. Here's my story: Johnny and I went together for three months. I was just plain nutty about hlm. He felt the same about me. I was 19 -he was 22. We were IO perfect together. We laughed at the same things, enjoyed the same movies, art, mua.lc, moonlight swims, cookouts. .'.'fhe notion that a sweetheart or a husband will "throw it up to the girl" DEAR S: Here's a letter from the Dark Ages. Tbe J*lal 1ervlce was very poor In tbose days. Tbe letter arrived thJI monW11: One night Johnny said he wanted to marry me and since we were both 1n love -Your Horoscope Tomo'rrow c ·apricorn: Look to Future l TUESDAY DECEMBER 29 I By SYDNEY OMARR !. Pride Is l~portut for t.bt Aries man, more so than for Ult average lncllvklual. Tbese tmen wanl to lead, to form '"policy, 10 ploaeer ud create &reocb. Make •• Ariel man thiak: an Idea ls bis on -a.ad you will ret )'OClf way. Othenriat, look tltewbtre. AllytbiDg tbat injllttl . the pride ol tllis 1n11n 11 regarded !fl ullf'livable. Some famoos 'men bora udu Aries include Tennessee. Wllllamt, MarlH QIO'Udo and Grqor')' Peck. ARID (March 21 -April 19 ): Accent on communicating with one in position of authority. Outline goals. Let others know you are capable. Handle added responsibility. There .is discussion of possible promotion. TAURUS (A pril 20-May 20): Smooth differences that mJght exist within family circle. Some a r e supersensitiVi!. Know this and be diplomatic. Display fact that you do understand. Accent maturity and sympathy. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Some who make money promises are talking nonsense. Know this and protect assets. Children Invited Film Series Shown In an effort to improve community stand· ;-· ards for children's theater-2oing, the Foun· tain Valley Woman's Club iS sponsorin,it the second in a series of children's Movie Ma ti· nees on Wednesday, Dec. 20. ·• Two showings will take place from 10 to 11 :45 a.m. and from 1 to 2:45 p.m. in the Fountain Valley Civic Center. A color. full-length feature film and two Road Runner cartoons will be shown. Pop- corn and candy will be sold. Tickets are 50 cents and will be available at the door. All proceeds ·will benefit the group's philanthropy fund, according to Mrs. Will Romine, waya and means chairman. You require cooperation of mate, business partner. Time Is on yoor side. No ~ to act on impulse. CANCER (June 21.July 22 ): Lie low. Obtain hint from GemlAi message. Don't press luck. Play wailing game. Listen and observe. Let others set pace. Indirect approach gets best resuJts. LEO (July ~Aug. 22): Measure statements, actions. Be wary of one who wants to appear self·sacrificing. Some will pounce on opportunity to quote you out of context. Protect your interests. VIRGO (Aug_ 23 -Sepl. 22): Young persons provide st i mu I a tlon. Intellectual dispute can help clear air. Be willing to ente r into exchange of · thought. New contacts, ideas provide added spice to your life. LIBRA (Sepl. 23 -Ocl. 22): Past may seem to blend with present. Means what was forgolt~n surfaces: you must deal with situation you thought was buried. Hunch, intuition may be your great allies. SCORPIO (Ocl. ~Nov. 21): Stress on ideas, how you utiliie them. Social activity ill highlighted. Best to leave details to others ; you tend now to be somew hat careless. Short journey is on agenda . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. ZZ. Dec. 21): Ideas become profitable. You make oontact. Your statement• are meaningful. Your judgment Is apt to be correct. This is an .especially good time f o r finding bargain. T r u a t yourself. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Cycle high ; you make the most of material at hand. Stress the new: look to the future. U!t the past be; aim toward a d d e d accomplish- ment. Unusual, creative per- son enters your life. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Inner development is emphasized. De g r e e o( seclusion would be beneficial. Being quiet within provides answer to dilemma. Shake off groundless fear. You will emerge a stronger person. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Social relationshipa a r e intensified. You are able to see through pretense. You discover real friends a s distinguished from f a l r ~ weather variety. Accept truth. IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTIIDAY you are intuitive, intense, constanUy searching for an ideal. A home is necessary to ultimate happiness. And It Is a home of your own which may be upcoming in a matter of months. You emerge from maz.e of obstacles lo gain greater freedom -aod love. To find out wllo'!.,. ludl¥ for Tau 111 Ck"l:1:~s:::. "'Hin~ $1;-"M~~~ w-.H i•!>ll blrltld•'-•l'HI so cir• 'to Om•rr llrol:r-Stcrti.. the DA v, "\OT 9oJ' «I. Grtlld Ctntr1 Sit !on. Ntw YO(, N.Y. 10011, Lake Forest Guild Wins Decorating Award David Youn~ of Laguna Beach, project manager of )he ~ke Forest development In El Toro. presents ~rs. Rlch•rd Steed th e lop prize in a recent home decorntinR: contest. ~!rs. Steed. chairman of the Lake Forest \'olunteer Guild. supervised trimmings in the a\.l·ard-\vlnning ~larthside model home. It llUlde no 1t111e l<> wllhhold onythlng. He said sex was designed in heaven for people wbo were in love. Jt all sounded ao right. He had a way of putUng words together ao they made MMe. I 1ave myaeH l<> him that night I l<>ld Johnny Ill aa hooeot a way as I could. His reacUon nearly killed me. He called me a tramp -said I had misrepresented myself, acting so pure end vir1ina.1. He took back bis ring. That was the last Ume I saw him. , few yer1 ago. -TOO LATE FOR ~· DEAR T.L.: You 1,>ID -IA fad )1111 5aw ma.ay lettus like It, but you weren't tuned l.D. Now you mut torcet about tbo past aod look lo tbe fuhQ'e. For Lord's sake don't consider yourself ••ruhted" or unwortby of a first-rate guy. It's wbat you ere today that matters. Aad IJae tb:log Is certain. You are wiser. For the nnt few days he was cool and distant. I aSked why. He finally told me he bad always believed I wu a vlr1ln. Now he had some doubts. When he asked the qualion oultlghl I !<>Id him the ltulh. Tbere had been someone,elae -when I was 17. A lifeguard at a summer rt10rt. I waa a dumb kJd, dying to learn what life wu all about. He was experienced and wiWne to teach me. I knew it was wrong from the be&ln.nini. I never even wrote to h1m after tbe vacauon was over. ·A week has puaed and the hurt is no better. Wlll I ever be able to trust a man •lain! I can't believe Johnny cared THAT much about a Uteguard who meant nothing to me. I think he was just using it a1 an excuse. He got what he wanted and now he'll move on and look for a new challenge. I hope every g~I whoae boyfriend Is trying to tall: her into premarital stx will clip th.is letter and keep it where she can reread it. J wlah I bad aeen a letter like it How will you know when the real thing comes along? Ask Ann Landers. Send kir her booklet ''Love or Sex and How to Tell the Difference." Send 35 cents in coin and a long. self.addressed, stamped envelope with your request in care of the DAILY PU.OT. Students Recall American Heritage Harbor Area students, grades fifth through eighth are competing i.r1 an essay contest, the Constitution of the United Stites and Its Signers, sponsored by the Col. William Cabell Chapter of DAR. Entries. to be judged on neatness, accuracy and originality, TLC From Green Thumb are due into the schools on Afonday, Jan. 11. Brush· ing up on the facts are (left to right) Ellen Eltelson, Judy Prendergast and Stephen Corea,. all of St. John the Baptist School, Costa Mesa. Fantasy Seed Sown By ERMA DOMBECK Everytlme I get together with the wife of the editor of the Fort Worth Slar-Telegram, J go back on my nerve pills. Recently, when I was there for a speech, we got Off on raising house plants. She said in order to have any .success with greenery, you must treat them as people; establish a rapport with them. When we reached my hotel room, there were three pols of flowers. "Say something to them," she 1ald nudging me in the ribs. "HI, fellas," I s a i d awkwardly. I felt like a fool. Later, I co mered her in the lobby and said, "Wanta bear something that will jar you? l was trying to make Brownie point.. with the big, red plant AT WIT'S END on the night stand and ynu wanta know something? It's plastic! I felt like a traveling salseman who had just invited a girl , up to his room to &ee his wallpaper samples." "Are you sure It's plastic?" she asked. "By the dust on the leaves, I would guess it was left over from Harry Reasoner a year ago last April. And here's the zap. It trad a sign on it that said, 'WATER ME. l 'M Newport Beach Setting Elizabeth Cox Marries Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church. N e w p o r t Beach was the setting for the double ring nuptials linking , Elizabeth Jane Cox a 11 d fJ" Michael Bennett Wade. _, t 1 The Re v. Raymond Saplis • performed the ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Austin Cox of Corona del Mar and the son of Mrs. Jack Freeman of Sant a Monica and Bennett Victor Wade of Pacific Palisades. Given in marriage by her father. the bride asked her sister, Mis.s Frances Anne Cox lo be her maid of honor. Bridesmaids were M I s s " Victoria Lynn Cox, another 'I. sister and Miss Joanne Marie 1 l Freeman. -James Kainz served as best MRS. M. 8. WADE man, while ushering guests to their seats were Mark Payson Wade, the bridegroom 's brother: Ma thew Austin Cox Jr., the bride's brother. Roy J ohnson and Warren Greene. The bride Is a graduate of Corona del Mar High School Rec ites Vows and Mount St. Mary's College. Her husband Is a graduate of St. Monica High School and Loyola University. They wtll reside ill Los Angeles. THIRSTY.'' Bo I h of us laughed until we a I m o s t fainted. That night in bed I thought I heard the plastic plant cough. (l've had parsley tum brown on my chicken, but never have I had a plastic plant die on me). I ~ot up and pinched off one of the leaves. It was for real. "I'm sorry," I said aloud. But it was too late. I had fallen into the plant's disfavor. The last thing I did before I left Fort Worth was to leave it in the custody of Bev. This week. I heard [rom her. 1•1 must tell you about our plastic look.oalike friend , On the night you abandoned him, I put him on a oomer step table, played a Perry Como record, told hlm I loved him and said good night. He seemed docile and quite calm. "However, the darkness and neglect during the n I g h t brought out the beast in him .. , how insecure he must have felt. He assaulted my Unv poodle (the one with two full sets of teeth, both upper and lower) and although they didn't wake us, from the sight of the Jiving room there must have been ooe large struggle. "I salvaged four leaves, eome still dusty, and made what I thought to be a poetic arrangement of them in a freeze.dried coffee jar and took them to my sister-In-law. "Enns, right off she called him by his lati n name and transferred him into a 'just right' vase: and the two of them hi t it off right away. No personality clash or anything. They have a W<rlderful future together and I am .so happy for the both of them." I wouldn 't have belle .. ·ed this story had I not seen It happen. Two full-grown women talking to a potbound plastic looking houseplant. What really bums me ls that I called the crummy thing twice during the holidays and It didn't even return my call. ...,, .. '""' REBECCA MARR Engaged July Rite In Offing Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wagoner of Ballx>a ha ve announced the engagement of her daughter, Rebecca Marr to Larry W. Bradbury, son of Mrs. Donald Bradbury, Costa Mesa. • • · The couple is plaMing a July 10 wedding in St, Andrew 's Presb y terian Church. Miss Marr is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended Orange Coast Colle11:e. H~r fiance, also a graduate of NHHS, plans to attend OCC after his discharge from the Navy. Woman Profiled A survey on con.sumer attitudes came up with thJa profile of tl)e wo"'8n who buys fine jewelry : She Is contemporary in her outlook, attractive In her appearance, dlslncllned to bo tr oub led b y minor distractions, in tell lgent and perctptive in her persond expenditures. ' .. • 't • .. < .. e g • II d e { Mond>y, Oec•mbt< 28, 1q70 DAILY "LOT Jl Stu .dents Win War ·But Battle Still Rages • Dianne Craft • _ wllh a total or 11,000 stu-student-councils to continue end to social discrlmlnaUon in the support of the DarUah N• By PATRICIA CLOSE running of Uleir unlverslbts -hi"'"' -• atlo I ~ k U I Unlo of S'·"-nta The with ti.. ..... e elected then fillln1 ...... r euuc n n &,lllll:nmar ona n UN111 • Becomes Bride COPENllAGEN (UPJ)-Da-finance, curricula, research, dent s. The Education Minis· '~ where very few students come Civil Service Cradu.ates Unlon'T nlsh students of ficially have administration. try wants dlrt<:t democracy . the places on lhe governing from poor homes. Even our among them most unlverslt..y, won the right to democracy at It was the first such advance lhat Is all students and stair bodle& from their own ranks. right wing agrees on this. We staff. Officially baa k~t ou"' Floyd Joseph Craft o f thelr universities but the battle t1 t Copenhagen Univusity IMU.Ally to vote their repre-"As in all politics it's a ques· have demonstrated with young of tht controversy, as bav' Jlwitington Beach and the son has not slopped there, Every. since the 15th century. se.tatives directly to the uni-tion of power," :said Er11st workers and we like to COD· most university heada:. '" SU. Simon and J u d e Catholic Chu rch, Huntington Beach v.·as the selling for the 'double ring ceremony linking" Dianne Elaine Craft or liuntlngton Beach and James 1'"rank Record of Concord. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard J , one seems to have a different But Instead of pleasing verslty tenate and to their own Goldschmidt, an of(k:lal of the nect this with the ministers Slude11t elections are IChed= Record of Long Beach. idea o{ what ls meant by everyone, the law satisfied faculties, research and work· Education Ministry, "The well wanUng to get rid or us." uled for later this year.~ Given in marriage by her democracy. very few and touched off a lng committees. established student councils Klemmeusen said the stu-hagen Rector Mogena .roe deJ· The Rev. Paul Nour i e. performed the nuptials for the daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. father the bride asked her On June 4. the Danish controversy between the stu-~ Jaw '1ives the students want to maintain their posi4 dent,, felt university business ferred "It is a very campli• sister,' Miss MichelJe Elizabeth Folketi~ (Parliament) passed dents and Education Minister one-third of the seats on each Uons and take JU the student also should include is&ues such cated 'question, but Jt is be-• Craft to be her maid of honor. a law on university govern· Helge Larsen that a publlc de. of these governing bodies. The seats. So they're against rep-as Vietnam and other political twee.n the students and the ' Bridesmaids were t be meat that one member o! the bate, quesU01s in parliament teachers get two-thirds. resentativcs from outside the questk>ns. mlnistry. I have no c:omment1 Misses Judllb Rae Brown of legislature described as one of and arbitration have failed to Students at Copenhagen and cooocils." Odeme Univenlty has vated no opinion. l 1m pusive •nd Kansas City, Mo., Marianne the most advaiteed in Europe. resolve. Aarhus reject direct dem.oc-Boerge Klemmensen, chair· to accept the education minis-mute. 1 cannot .aay bow tbe• and Teresa Craft, sisters of For the first Ume students Denmark (population 4.t mil-racy as an attempt to bypass maa ol the Copenhagen Uni· lry proposal. aituaUon •W develop Wt 1 · the bride, and t.irs. Gene H. and non.professorial teacb.ing lion) bas three unJversities -the student councils. They versity Student Council , CilM· But the disseating Copenhaa· will take a poaitiOll when the Record. 1 h e bridegroom's ,_•ta1iiiir;;;w;;;e;;;r;;;';;;8;;;iv;;;e;;;n;;;aiiiisai0yiiiiiniiiilheiiiii0CoiiiipeiOnhiiiiaiig;;;en;;;,iiiiAi0ar;;;hlliiiis,iiiiOdeiiiinoeiiiiiiiiwi0ai0ni0t ;;;'°;;;lin;;;. ;;;g;;;f;;;o;;;r;;;p;;;la;;;c;;;esiiiioniiiilheiiiiiiiirniOeiOniOtediiii, ,.·,.·w,.eiiiis,.ta;;;n;;;diiii£oi0riiiilhi0eiiiii0eniiiiandiiiiAi0ai0ri0husiiiiini0soiU;;;"lui.;;tiiloni;si;;i;;bai;;v~eiiiiei.;;l;;;ecUiiOionsi;;i;;;;;";;;e;;;o;;;v;;;er;;;.;;;"iiiiiiii_.; sister-in·law. • Cristina Craft, a n o t h e r --------------.-,,"",.- sister of the bride. was the ngwer girl and Todd Record, .the bridegroom's nephew, was the ring bearer. MRS. J. F. RECORD Concord Home Serving his brolher as best man was Jack L. Record, while ushers were another brother Gene Record and the bride's brothers, James, John and Patrick Craf.t. The bride is a graduate or St. Anthony's High School, Long Beach a nd t h e University vf Missouri. Her husband is a graduate of Poly High School, Uing Beach and Fort Be I v o i r Engineering School in Virginia. The newt..y.weds will establish their first home in Concord, Ceremony Performed In Newport Church Belmont Shores will be borne for Robert Ell Wilson and his bride, the former Susan Marie Stanton, who o:changed their wedding vows in Our Lady Queen of the Angels Catholic C h u r c h , Newport Beach. Directing the early afternoon ceremony was the Rev. Raymond Saplis. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Stanton Jr. of Corona del Mar', was attended by her cousin, Mrs. DaVid Munhall as matron o{ honor, and bride s maid s included the Misses Sheila and Jln@t stantoo, her sisters. I LIVING ROOM Special group of choil'I prie~ from . 5•1Ciel1 $200.00 NOW WAS Morge Corson 1 ft. Sofa· cover Heather Persimmon pattern •... Morge Corson 5 fr, Sofa· matching cover Heather Pe rsimmon pattern Col Cuslom Tuxedo onn, k>o&e pi~ low bock 8 ft •• cover willow •••.• 8 Ft. Striped velvet sofo-olive, looM pi1IO'N bock • , •••••••••••••••• 100"' Sofa, Velvet, gold pattern • , Col Custom. Tuxedo· 8 ft,.loo•e pillow bock, decorative tell tu red fabric .................•.• , • 8 ft. low arm loose plllow back-col· or chompogne ......•...•.... 8 Ft. loose pillow bock.Olive Green & Blv" pott"rn ......••...•.•. 8 Ft. loose pillow bock • s triped ccwer in blue & g reen .•••.••..• 8 ff. loose pillow bock sofa •Tulle· do . cover lime •••..•••••••••• $459.00 379.00 369.00 439.00 339.00 439.00 379.00 519.00 395.00 369.00 I $99.00 NOW $359.00 295.00 319.00 359.00 259.00 359.00 289.00 349.00 299.00 295.00 The benedict, aon o( Mr. J.fld Mrs. Frank L. Wilson of Costa Mesa, asked his brother. Lee Wilson of Ames, Jowa to be best man. Guests were seated by Gordon Miller and J effrey Powers. Slnlltl' ..... ._ 2 smart decorative(.hoir• In lim• green textured •..•••••• , ••••• 165.00 139.00 ... The new Mrs. Wilson is a senior al California Stale MRS. ROBERT WILSON Belmont Shores Home College al Long Beach and her husband attended UCLA. Corona del Mar Rites Judith Weber Wed Los Angeles will be home for Russell Ke ith Wilson and his bride, tile fonner Judith Anne Weber who honeymooned in Aspen after their vow ex· change in the Lutheran Church of the ~faster, Corona de! Mar. Reading the late afternoon rites were the Rev. Ira B. \Vll son. father or t be bridegroom, and the Rev. Dr. William R. Eller. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Richard A. Weber of Balboa Island and the late Mr. Weber was escorted to tM altar by her brother·in-la\v, Dr. Gordon J\tedaris. 8 ft. Tul!edo arm, button bock, cover atamedo onyx •••••••... S ft. velvet loose pillow bock luxe-- do, souterne ......... -...... . 5 Ft. love Seo!. cul velvet cham- pag ne rolled arm -Save S 100.00 • B Ft. loose pillow . spring d own construction, quilt , . , •••• , , ..• , 7 ft. Tuxedo ·loose pillow• down feotherbock0 celery , .. , .•..•. 90" l oose pillow bock• textured stripe in Wedgewood ••••.•..•. loose pillow bock choir -blue pot. tern •........ · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · 9(1' loose pillow bock· Vectro fob· tic ·lime ................... . 8 fl. Morge Corson· Tuxedo arm, loose pillow bock, prin t mislletoe nugget .... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2 • Marge Corson· loose pillow bock. cover alive domo1k ..•... 8 fl. loose pillow bock • conlempo- tory. copper & gold print ...••.. 1 Wing bock chair, print-blue g, greens ...................•• 339.00 249.00 295.00 189.00 299.00 199.00 559.00 459.00 525.00 439.00 495.00 395.00 219.00 149.00 569.00 399.00 499.00 395.00 234.00 159.00 429.00 369.00 359.00 199.00 225.00 139.00 I DIN1NG ROOM Credenza 74" block front • "Spanish" dark finish . , .• , , , . , , 1·5 pc. Dining Set -1.44•• Ociogo- nal table, 2 fi lls, 4 1ide choirs •..• 1.7 pc. Heritage Dining Se!, 1 Sen· ior Oval Tobie, 2 fills, 4 side choirt. 2 arm chair• ••••••••••••••••• 1-5 pc. Set 1""'4" Octagonal table. 1 flll, .C 1ide choirs gold v.lvet aeot cushion• •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Drexel • 5 pc. set, I.JI!" Round to· hie, 2-18'" fills. "' 1id• choi~ gotd v~ aeot cushion •••••• , , •••• 1 pc. Dining Se t, Italian styling, sen- ior oval table, 2 fills "' side choirs, 2 orm choirs. up holstered baclr; ••• Motching china , , ..•• , , ..•••• WAS 499.00 355.00 1,003.00 395.00 519.00 644.00 . "'·oo Some As-ls •One Of A Kind. ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. • DREXEL. 6 pc. Dining Set 4 'AO" round table, 2-1 B" fills, 4 s ide choirs, Chino •.......•.••..•. OREXEl-WEUINGTON PARK -Se~ lor Oval Table (7 4" x "''") 2· 18 '' fills.' side c.hoir1, 2 arm choirs •• Drexel • W•llington Pork • 44•• Round Tobie, 2-18" fills 4 side choirs, 2 arm choir1 .••....•.•. OrexeJ..Velero. 8 pc. Dining Set,'"'" Round Tobie, 2· 18" fills 4 side choirs. 2 arm choirs and credenza 7 Pc. Dining set-toble, 4 side choirs, 2 orm chairs . , •.•.•••• , .•.••• 1,201.0D 197.DO 973.00 1,496.00 414.00 These Mark Downs Are A Small Portion Of The Values Offered. Some Marked As I.ow As 50%0FF I BEDROOM Henredon. 5 pc. orienlCll 1Jed1oom se1, 72" dr•'l1er, mirror l(ing siz e WAS 1,091 ,00 I NOW 395.00 279.00 795.00 269.00 379.00 529.00 379.00 995.00 693.00 769.00 1,162.00 349.00 I NOW 895.00 I BEDROOM American anliq1.te grHn, 6 Pc. sef, 2 mirrors, 76" dresser, 2 nit• stands &king H/6 .................• S Pc. 1 Mediterranean set, dre•ser, mirror, 2 nit• stands & king H/6 .. 5 Pc. Cont•mporary Walnut s•t. dr•sser, mirror, 2 nite stands & King H/B·or-•·•••·•••••········· ft.111 tize bed WO'f • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • "' Pc. French, antique white •et. dre11er. mirror, iull 1lz• head· board, 1 nite stand •••••.•.• -• · Americ~n ltolion 5 Pc. 1et, dresser, mi rror, 2 nite 1tonds and king heodboord·Of'· -············· Fu11 size bed way ••••• • • • • • • • • uo.oo 520.00 516.00 676.00 605.00 I 495.00 399.00 399.00 379.00 495.00 495.00 439.00 Clo1e out an 4 Youth Groups · 1oving from . .25%to 35% American Sponi1h 6 Pc. set, 76" dresser, 2 mirrors, 2 nite stci nds and king H/8 ••••••••••.••••• 736.to 595.00 I OCCASIONAL PIECES I Drexel Eslotodo cocktoil tobl• 30"x60" • • • • . • • • • • . • . • • • • • • • .I Drexel Hex Commode .••.••••. Drexel OoorCommod• , , •.•••.. Weiman Co°C:.kto il ta bl• 22"x60" Save $100.00 .... , •..•••••••• Henredon Cocktail to ble ••••• , • Heritage Grand Tour Hex Com· mode •..•.••••••••••••••••• Heritage Cocktail toble • : • , •••• Heriloge Oval Cocktail table, fruit- wood top, antique white base ••• American grilled door bookcose, 28" wide, gloss shelves, with light Henredon bookcase .••••••.... Century bookcose .••••.••••.• Century Italian Cocktail table ., •. He nredon Round Commode, mor· ble top •••.•••.•.••.••••••.. Drexel De Moda Cocktail table •• Door Chest, antique white/gold •• H•nredon • I Pr. pedestol lomp ~~-····•·•················ Henredon oval cocklail 29x57 ... Heritage decoroted ho11 consol• 12"x30" .•.............••••. Heritoge hall piec e. red Chirio'i1erie ' Etogere, ontique green & white, WAS 119.00 23'.00 19'.DO 19'.00 17'.00 21S.OO 159.00 17'.00 349.00 415.00 129.00 125.00 225.00 145.00 119.00 145.00 1'9.00 219.00 2'9.DO -' NOW 159.00 169.00> 149.00 99.00 99.00 199.00 79.00 119.1 11t.04fi 229.~ 179.ot; 79.00 119.00 79.00 59.00 69.00 99.00 239..00 229.00 99.00 J\lrs. Bertram T. Harvey served as her sistcr·s matron or honor and Morris Dean \Vi lson wah his brother's best man. Ushers "·ere Ira anti J onathan Wilson, brothers of the bridegroom. 1 Morge Corso n, armless · decoro- la rs choir, wood ba se. velvet · cos hew color ......•......... 1 Mo rg e Corson · loose pill ow bock, armless, down bock cushion I seat cushion • moire stripe ·gold H/B, 2 nit• 1tond1 .••... , ..... . gla111helve1 with light ••• , •• , .• Htnrlldon hall piece, antiqu• green H•riloge small curio, antique cher· 119.00 239.00 - The new Mrs. Wilson is a graduate of the University or Southern California where she was affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Her husband, son of the MRS. RUSSELL WILSON Aspen Honeymoon:. Rev. and Mrs. Wilson of ?\.ft. Carmel, Ill., is a graduate of North Central College, Ill. 1 -100" Tufted bock· tuxedo arm -1ofo -silk gold velvet •••••••••• 1 National choir, ~ose pillow bock paisley print. castors ' •.....•... 1 Morge Corson, loose pil!ow bock choif .olivegreen •..•.•.•.•.• 769.00 199.00 315.00 234.00 659.00 599.00 169.00 129.00 OCC Students Wed I DINING ROOM I ._ ___ _ 5 pc. Dining Set. I tablet "' aid• chairs ••••...•• , ••..•••••• , , In Newport Rites 5 pc. Dining Se t• 1 table, 4 aide choirs •••••••••• , ••••••••••• ~a Lee Webb became the br1lk, of Thomas Lynn Metcalf during double ring rites read in Christ Church by lhe Sea, Newport Beach. by the Rev. Ray Gary. Parents of the bridal couple art Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Tciwnsend Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Metcalf, all of Co~ta ~iesa. Miss Joyce H aCf ek a mp served as m aid of honor and bridesmaid was ~1rs. Patti Brown . School, was graduated from Matching server • • • • 4 • ••• : • • •. Addison Trail Higb School, Jll . American 45H toble & 4 choirgome and attends Orange Coast •el · • • • · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · • • · • • · College. majoring in art. Heritage Tronscept Dini ng Set· Her husband is an al umnus square table 44H.4 arm chairs .. - or Estancia High School and is Amerlcan-6 pc. set, \ table, 4 aide majoring in music at OCC. cha irs. Chino & table pad1 .• , , , , They will reside in Costa A . 8 et 1 10 ble 6 mencon• pc. s , , r.11?Sa. chairs. senior oval table (66" x 44") '-l 4 side choir•, 2 a rm chair•, 5"'" Mesa Auxiliary American Legion lfall in Costa Mesa is the setting for the meetings of the Au xiliary to Barracks 1249, Veterans of World War I. 'T'he f irst china • • •• ,. , ••••••••••• , •••• 365.00 431.00 239.00 335.00 159.00 259.00 349.00 195.00 279.00 495.00 799.00 U9.00 Heritage, contemporary 5 pc. tel, 76" dresser, mirror,·2 nil• 1tonds and l(ing H/6 •••••••.••••.•• • Heritoge,·Com•o 5 pc.••'· 74" dress•r, mirror, 2 nite stands & King H/& ...................... .. · 6 Pc. Bedroom set, 2 mirrors, 80" dresser, 2 nile 1tands a nd King H/6 Dre11el, Estorodo 5 pc. set, 10·· dre1s•r, mirror, king headboard and 2 nit• stands .•••.• , , ..... 6 Pc. Bedroom Mt, parchment fin- ith, 78" drHler, mirror, chest 2 nit• Century. S pc. s•t, antique white, 75" df'ftMr, minor, 2 nit. 1tonds and king H/8 ••• , ••••• , •••••• .l!'I•., Mondoy, lu•wioy ol'ld Wed,.,.tdoy9t)O ano to 9:00 pm ~ llovrtdoy t i30-'° S::30 P"' """"-*lit 1'71 1,145.00 1,135.00 716.DO 916.DO .tlC.00 1,051 .00 895.00 845.00 629.00 615.00 595.00 795.00 ry •••··•·•··••··•····•••••• Henr•don French cocktciil tobl• 67"x27" fruitwood top, antiqu• white & gold base ..•••..••••• Tobi.• desk. walnut 28"x60°' •••.. Heritoge Grond Tour #2, 36" x 72", Cdcktoil !obi•, vintage antique top, block & gold boa• ••.•..••••.. 369.00 ·459.00 25'.00 559.00 LAMPS •PICTURES Decorative Accessories !0%T060%0FP THE STORE OF FAMOUS NAMES 139.00 239.ot 35,9.~ 139.oiJ 449~ •• ' • ·i -s ., •• • -• David W. Metcalf was hi.s brolhcr's best man and ushers \\'Cl1! Doug And crsot1, Ray Adams, Todd Larson, Kevin \Vallon And Richard A. \Vebb. brother of the bride. Tuesday of cacti m o n t h members galhcr for al .. -------------------------.... --~---~~~~---~~--=~------::-------":'':'"-~~----, ~~1":':: ::'J0,;.~~~,g.:m~ 1514 No. Main St. • Santa Ana, CalHornia e Customer Parkin9 on Sycamore StrHt The new Mrs. htetcalf auended Costa P.1esa High ).. .J social and potluck al 6 p.m. IL:...:..;..;_.:...:..:.;..;.:..:.:.:;:;__:.:.;...;::._.:...:..:..:..:...:.---.;..------------------------.;..-------------J • • ff DAILY ,ILDT Monday, Dtetmbtr 28, 1970 Helping Hand Gives Zonta Project a Boost •' A boost from the Irvine Foundation has enabled the Zonta Club of Newport Harbor to attain its goal of ~xpansion of its Senior Citizens Recreation Center in Newport Beach. its main project. More than 300 genior citizens enjoy the facilities each week. Re- r . f: Vows Read · ~ ' ' ,. ~In Chapel ~:. The Chapel in the Oanyon, ;t<;anoaa Park, was the setting !$!o r the nupllal rites lh'ikin"g ~Janice Ela ine Gaydon' and ;.. Steven Allen Scott. Reading decorating the center are (left to right) the Mmes. Stelle Marks. Senior Citizens president: R. L. Ba- con. Zonta Club building committee chajrmen, and Doris J ones, Jrvine Found ation secretary. April Date Couple Plans Wedding The enga1ement of Kathleen Michelle Albade and Dennis Al1n Olson, son of Mr. •nd Mrs. Obert 8. Olson ol Emerald Bay, wu announced durin1 a family party ln the home of the brlde-eleet's parents, Mr. and Mr1. John P. Al bade of Emerald Bay . Miu Alb.a.de ls a graduate of Alverno Heights Academy in Sierra Madre, a t t e n d e d Dominican College of San Rafael &Qd was gr aduated from th! University o f C1Iifomla at San Dle10. She apent a year abroad at the Universit y ol Bord~ux In France and 11 workln.t toward elementary teachini crtdtn· tlals at lfCI. The brlde11room-eltt't 11 a graduate of S11>n M1rlno High School and St11inford University. He 111 tend rd gradua te tchool at UCLA and ls employed 11 an aea1un111nt with a Newport 8 1 a c h development company . The couple wlll bt wed on April 17 in St . Catherine's EpisoopaJ Church In t.aaun• Beach. St. Andrew's Rites Students Say Vows St. Andrew 's Presbyteri1n Church, N-ewport Beach was the setting for the single ring ritell llnklna Doualas Grant R1chardaon and J a n i c e Elliabelh Searles. The evening vow exchange was directed by the Rev. Dr. Charle! Dierenfiekl. The bride, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert 8. Searles of Balboa , wss atttnded by Miss Frances Rlchard90n as ma.id of honor. The benedict, son ol Dr. ind Mrs. 0. Roderick Richardson of Huntington Harbour. asked Carl Bohn to be bell man. A graduate of New port Harbor High School, the new Mrs. Richardson is a senior at the University of California, Santa Barbara, majoring In phy.!lical education . H e r husband also is a senior at UCSB, majoring in urban land development. Cl-IMMH P'M19 MRS. RICHARDSON B•lbo• Bride •• ly1idriff Look Tops ,4~ .-!!.' 72ll0 jadtllt 72410 pants u Irene Gilbert 1'High rise'' is the midrifl look that tops these straight legged pants, (with side zipper). Irene Gil· bert adds the designer detail of a tab in center front. And a darlin,g short jacket with bias stand-up collar tops this dashin~ outfit. Try it in denim, synthetic blends, knits, raw silk. lame, flannel , li~htwei~ht wool. 72390 and 72410 cut in Misses Sizes 8·16. Size 12, 72390 jacket, requires approximately 1 3/8 yards or 54" fabric. Size 12, 72410 pants, requires approximately 1 1/2 yards of 54" fabric. These precut preperforat- ed Spadea Designer Palterns produce a better fit. Order 72390, jacket; give size. name, address and zip. $1.25 postpaid. Order 72410, pants; give size, name, address and zip. $l.25 postpaid. Combinatio n offe r BOTH patterns for $2. Ad· dress SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX·l5, Milford, N.J . 08848. Pattern Books by CtassiJica tion -Sew Speedy's $1 postpaid. ·--~""'-·~-~!ttJM~-c.r::D ;:;;;======================~ Somebody Fights City Hall Peering Around ' •t·the arternoon ceremony was .... """""'*mm Who fights city hall? The DAILY PILOT does. That's who. And where else can you find cogent commentary on your cornmunlty? Check the editorial page of YOUR commun- ity's dally newspaper, the DAILY PILOT, of course. the Rev. Dr. Lawrence White. · ,.. The bride, daughter ol Mrs. 1.1ildred Shawver of Co1tl . ~fesa, wu given In marrlqe ; by her Drother, George E. t-Caydon 111 and attended by J;ra. Gaydon. The bridegroom, son of Mr. nd Mrs. H. A. Scott of ' Huntington Beach, a s k e d ~Michael Dale Brow n to be belt man. ..,; A graduate of Corona del ~j.1:ar High School, the new ?:'Mrs. Scott attends Orange ~Coast College whe re she i! a ·.'.theater arts major. _ ,.-Her husband, an alumnus o( .)ames Monroe High School, : attended OCC and Cal!fornla State College at Fullerton. He •11 1ffVing in the U.S. Co 1st ;Guard in San Francisco. f Handbags , 'Glittering ~· Handbag desia:ner H i Ide 1'Walborg believes In sending .off evening dre1ses in a blaze, • and she has created a group of l 1littering bags to do just that. ,. A cylinder. both small and • 1arge, is completely paved in rhinestones and has a lift-up ... lid that is a d e Ii ca t e f;txpre.'l!ion or openwork meta!. A pouch, also rhine.!ltone ~paved. ha.!l a lift-up frame for tt.asy interior access and a ~rowided fluid appearance. 1 Look Layered Sweater, sportshirt an 11 1l1clu: are standard school uniforms. says the Men's Fashion Assoclatloo. They suggest a skinny ribbed pullover worn over a . 1weater shirt ror the layered look . Pants are button·1ront end fl1red. " in the wann Arizona sun for a few days ha ve been Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whited of Costa Me!a. They visited Del Webb's resort community in Sun City. Niguel, Merrill's sister, Mrs . Amalia Campbell and Ma yor and Mrs. Richard Goldberg. · UAYTlfUL CLOTHIS ••• Only SllqllUJ U1ed er ••It ""'° Clft'I llelr IO IM , ... twlc1 ln Ill• 11mt drn1. T~elr Loll -YOU!' Gtln WHAT ABOUT 1971 ? ll1n tllt N-YNt rt1llH l rl"t 111 1111 mtllfJ )'tit rtcllltM fer C~r'-'"''" .,,.. lllKI .... ..,,..,.. • •111tH"t INclllM, Yeti:H IN "'' ~HI -•tl llll _...,_,, "' 1t11r tMl•t "' -'"' ••f• -1• '"' Ctmt 111 lfr 1 lf11Mrntrt1..,,11 The KNIT WIT SOME 70 old and dear THI SICOND TIMI AllOUND Se1ttt c ... t Pl-. 1.0W•lt MALL CAtr1tl 1,..1"1 W .. twgrtll'1l friends revived the spirit of ... •· un. st., c.,,. M••• auld Jang syne as they l~~~-~~·~1 1 ' 1 - 641 .. ,.. COSTA Ml!SA P'll. $lS·21U gathered In the Tower s1;: apartment of Mrs. Embree Blrd for cocktails and ho rs d'oeuvres. The hostess is setting up temporary residence at the hotel while maki ng the move from Seeley Lake, Mo., to Laguna Beach. First on the TAKING NOTES -Mrs. J. Oliver Pyle a'ii.d Mr s. William Bruiz.e:cre (left to right) make plans for a February Home and Garden Tour Y.•hlch they \Viii head. The tour will be conducted throu.e:h outstandinJ? homes from Irvine Cove to Monarch Bay. list, she greeted her many fr iends from the Art Colony and .Los Angeles area before l looking for a pennanenl home. FAMILY with a capital 'F'I made Christmas merry for 1nembers of the M e r r i I I Johnson family. f or the first News Told Opera Leaders time in five years. the complete family gathered in the JohnllOn's Surf and Sand penthouse in Laguna Beach on Dec. 25. Keith Johnson who hall been stationed in Washington. D.C. with the U.S. Navy for the At Party I During a ChrisUnas E" p an Home Tour past two years joined his sister Gayle from El Caminnl College and Su nny Johnson '111 daughter and hu~band, Mr .' party in their Anahe im home, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. The wheels are in motion ror E~·ing announ c ed the the Laguna Beach Opera League Home and Garden Tour, one of the outstanding events of the Winter Festival. engagement of their daughter, Deborah Ann E~·ing to James D. Leverett, son of l\1r. and Y..trs. E. W. Leverett of Cosla Mesa. Miss Ewing: i.!l a graduate of l\tater Dei High School and attended Fullerton J uni or Colelge. Her flanee Is 1 Costa Mesa Hlg:h School graduate . No dste bas been ael for the woddlng. Mrs. J. Oth·er Pyle and Mrs. \\'illia m Brugge re ha ve been named to co-chair the <:vent at a re c e n t organi zational meeting. The tour will be conducted from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 21 , with visils to homes from lrvine Cove to Mona rch Bay. He11dln1 other committees are the Mmes. C. Sidney 1-1nri ~1rs. David Ek from La Johnston , Frederi ck J\.1. Oliver Grande, Ore. and John C. N i ch o 1 s , Also In the group were promotion, and st a n 1 e y Sunny's 83-year-o!d father. E' h dt R be 1 f C II Tony Conk of Laguna Beach. ic stae ' o r I. rowc her sister and husband, Mr. anti. Florence Berks o n, an d Mrs. Tim Foley and transportation. _daughter Bonnie _or Laguna j Hostesses at the homes willJP. ____ ._..O..Oiiiiiiii;;, be members of the league wilh lf:?I"_ volunteers chnlrman, th e ~ rifmes. Bruggere, Nichols and E. E, Smith as co-chairmt'n. I Heading the art committee is Mrs. B. Dewayne Hurst with assl~tance from Mrs. Ross McClure Jlnd M r s . Oliver. Mrs. E. R. Tamblyn is in charge of tickets. DTERY I IHOl:S Po• WOMIN a (M ILOllflrl tu t . 1lttl II. I I I PICKWICK'S • ANNUAL WINTER CLEARANCE OUR ENTIRE WINTER STOCK SUBSTANTIALLY RIDUCID "' 10 50% 0 " DRESSES PANTS COATS SKIRTS SWEATERS BLOUSES PANTSUITS I ALL ROBES I ALL COCKTAIL DRESSES 112 OFF I Use Y 011r Pickwick Char9• or ALL SALES FINAL Credit Cardi • FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH ALSO FASHION SQ, SANTA ANA music - I ' -- ----·-------~~~--·------------·---·-·-~· ~-· --~---~·~- 1 . • . ,• . ' ' . .. • . . . . . . . . . ~ . 1 . . . . . Montfay, December 28, l <170 DAILY PILOT 2J 1...-- !~~~,$13~ VONS Grtell Slirillp Party FoOd Favorites in the Meat Department cocktail Alaska• Wliole Alaskan · Turkey Shrlllp Crab l.tgs ta•sten · Crab Meat Riast -=-9.8~ .~ 1 '! !t~':'I &9~ ::;, 1 '! ~~: 79-. M ~3" Mc(ey Bilk Pastrlllli ~.=1 ~ * Mcc.y c....i Bett ::-.':<"~ ... 98~ '/ • ~ .. VONS IS YOUR HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY HEADQUAiTERS ••• SEE US FIRST FOR All YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS. WE FEATURE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF WINES, SPIRITS AND MIXES • RYGIN . ROYAL VELVO J. Distilled ~ Save 40c London Dry QUART . 90-PROOf , -------------~ iia -IMPORTED f SCOTCH KENTUCKY . .. WHISKEY ROY Al VELVET Bl.ENDED SO.PR. • • • • • EAR1Y TlMES, Stroi;ht Kentucky brbon, 86 Pr ••.. ~•YI 1.t 1 J 1.98 ,. OLD TAYLOR, Straight K.ntucky Bourbon, 86 Pr ..•. Mvt 1.• 11.59 OLD Cl!OW, Straight Kentucky loufbon, 86 Pr •... Mw.·1..-tl.A9 • OlD CHARTER, Straight Kentucky brbon. 86 Pr •. SAYI LtD 12.95 TEN HIGH, A Stroight loufbon, 80 Pr • .-................ Mw to. 9.85 CIOWN l!U&sE Vda, 80 Pr ..................... SAVI,, .. 8.88 ' ij KAMCHATKA VODKA. 80 Pr •••.... _ ............... Mn '1• 8.88 • Cum SARK, l!Tlp0i1ed Scokh. 86 Pr ............ Mn't.7• 16.49 1 J&l, Imported Scotch, 86 Pr ........................ IA'll ''' 16;.50 1111 1 LAUDER'S, Imported Scokh, 86 Pr ............... 1.1.n ... 11.99 ti IACAlfDI, Puerto Rk:an Rum; 80 Pr •....••••••••• :u.n 1.00 10:85. ~· CHRISTIAN BROS. ColW. "°"dy, BO p,_ .......... ,, •• 1 i .97 ~ ~ 10 °o Disrount on Notional Brands . . • • • • • COMPLETE LINE OF CALlfORNIA BRANDS • *Paul Masson ::'i~: .. """ 47s. DOI llilUEl *leD • "'"'"""' 2" Champasne oma1ne °' COlD ""'' .... """ . . Ed R ............. 2 .. ·= $)79 * H 0( OllCWWClt ••••• ,;.r1m And _.,,....., 1" * re Olt(Ol6Dl.IC.ft ................. ,."" COtD DUCJr: .5TH . WiiJfJJEJ BEVERAGES BEVERAGE MIX Assorted h!o ... '"" 0..,i.I, 29-28 or. '°'' "'"90oh "'""-1 T.i, lllTURI 1'9t .... -0 .. c ...... IOTTlf • PRINTING & • DEVELOPING • Polaroid Color Pk. II ANYOOU "" CMTl!OGf Of COi.Ci PllM' U "*Yi a DEYO.IP Vons Rye Bread ~~.:.~ W>!:" 39' Imperial Margarine ~;~; 3~ I 10111 ·Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach 34081 Doheny Park Drive, Capistrano Beach ANN ED Sandwich Style FRANKs47c Duhuqw, w.i.on, S..ifl or t o1h 12.oz. All Meot 'KG. '.W .• • J • ... ·iJ· ' !fI·< . . c;.<?<C· ~?. ~~. ····· . .• . . • .• . .. . . ' . ·, ~mroEJ HEALTH, BEAUTY AIDS GLEEM II TOOTHPASTE I I New Fluoride • 66C ~ Formula 1Mct 10< oFF BAN DEODOUNT I BUFFDIN lOO's lOTIOM, IYI OZ 68( TWICE .... s fA$T $101 fXTIA lAIGE SIZE A$ A5'111N I Special Purchase! WHILE QUANTITIES LAST ••• Panty Hose. •CINNAMON 77 , / •BEIGE , c • COFFEE I $J.19 Value j; ,_ICES emcnvE MON: THRU THURS., DEC. 28·31 VOMS ·All Your Favorite festive Food of Vons Slim Prices! Mixed Deviled V"11nna Stuffed Pitted Nuts Ham Sausage Obves Olives ,;:"'_ 791 .~;';';';'.491 .-:~:. 29' ·-49i 1.ol. OIL •. 291 ..:o::-t- Corned Beef Spread :::"~"::::' 49' * Morehtuse Mustard TIDE DOER GENT INCL·IO<Off @ YU BAN .-. COFFE·E \.LI. CAN V·8 1 VEGETABLE JUICE COCKTAIL The 8-Julce RelreJher 46 oz. cu JOc Oii on Voni; 8-0 z. Cup ,0111 Qt .. Sour Cream Dips pv;G. WIJH COU'ON 0" '~Cl ORANGE I 1ussn • s: .. 7z:'] ,~ . ' ! . .; . ..·. =-, . _. !',i ,1 ... f " .!/:.. '.' : .,.,.. . ; ' ~ .#.Vl."q.,j . ' "''"I'-.. i i' .ti :". -~::" .. :· '>'.;: . • ..... ~~~.o=;;;;...~~~ .... ~ For y.., Hllitl.1 Sllllis Swett Pickles :~ 59' ---1Hll. 291 "' ( IEDlmU C , I :.., ou::::; J 0~ • Fresh Pineapple :::::: 49! Fancy Papayas ':::' 39! ~ Cucumbers ~:;> 10:.. Orange Jule• . '"::...'"':.~ 39!.. ~Utllltb!ll.Wl!lllUltlll!11•11-11u .. 11111+t1.WUl11.!lllll111111.~11111ut11i.Mut1Ml.IWU .... t"JllUill1!J;M.1,1tt1llll1!UOll~IJ~ 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, ffuntington Beach Laguna Hills Plaza, El Toro 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Vallay ' • • • l %1 DAIL V PILOT Mi>nday, 0Ktmbtr 28, 1970 ,. • • • • • VIVA PAPER TOWELS ~'1 COLORS AND DICORATID APPLES CRIS P DELICIOUS ORANGES 5/49¢ POTATOES U.S. NO. 11' 0 L 39¢ ( RUSSET B s AVOCADOS BUTTERY 2 F 25¢ RIPE 0 F ONIONS MILD 4 L 25¢ SPANISH ~ HAPPY . NEW YEAR . 6 BIG SALE DAYS -FRO·M MON. DEC. 28 THRU SUN. JAN. 3RD CLOSED NEW YEARS DAY POTATO CHIPS R&G. 73,i 12 oz. BAG EXTRA PALMOLIVE LARGE LIQUID 1. FRESH GRADE AA DETERGENT EGGS FULL QT. HOLLYWOOD SAFFLOWIElt 3/Sl LlllY'S GlllEIN 6/$1 MARGARINE LIMA BEANS WI~~·;~;:~ sor>.srllAD MAIGAllHI 43' 43' IMPERIAL I LI. DIET IMPERIAL 1 LI . fOJtlMOST-PINT CAITON Nabisco Snack Crackers cH"o':~: SOUR 45' e WHEAT THINS 1.,.,,., 4tc 39'1ACH CREAM e IA.CON THINS l•J:h e ONION THINS e SOCIAILIS SODA POP MIXES QT. BOTTLES F 0 R LIQUOR DEPT . ROUBELOF VODKA FULL QUART KENTUCKY BEAU KENTUCKY STRAIGHT -- BOURBON Fl~~~ROOF SILVER PESOS TEQUILA FIFTH MILSHIRE GIN FULL QUART CHARCOAL FILTERED ISLANDER ' ~- . I I 4~9 4~ IMPORTED VIRGIN ISLAND FUll 3ee 9UAIT RUM • LIGHT OR • DARK lllDS IYI 41s1 e CrMINlll Splnch-f •t. pkt. e r .. wftti O~•n-10 "· P<t· • PMS• PetetMS 111 CrHiw s ... -1 ... n,. lllDS IYI COOl 'N CllAMY 29' PUDDINGS 11 11, OZ. IN PLASTIC IOWL SPllNGFllLD 3/51 ORANGE JUICE 116 12 0%. CANS ISLAND INN DAQUIRI MIX 25' 6 OZ. CAN BARGAIN BASKET BETTER BEEF STEAK AND CHOP SALE EASTERN GRAIN FED WHOLE OR HALF EASTERN GRAIN FED FARMER STYLE EASTERN GRAIN FED . CENTER CUT RIB ' ·. PORK LOIN PORK SPARERIBS PORK CHOPS . OSCAll ..... ,,. FULL, 5 .a 2 a. 9 •o , Ro AS y 1 LEAN·N·MEATY "TOSLIS. LI. ---------------------------- ~OHILISS ;r A VERN HAMS --------------u.s.o .A. CHOICE "STEAK SALE " FOR YOUR NEW YEAR 'S PARTY FRESH SLICED BAR M LUNCHEON MEATS KNUDSENS BULK SALADS PRICES EFFECTIVE MONDAY tllnl SUNDAY .EASTERN GRAIN FED FRESH LEG 01PORK .WHOLE OR HALF • . HILLS BROS. ~~~~~NE 59( With tlllt CODllllClll, llD "''";"'""' p11•th•1• ••q11••1d. l·"'" I C•" I ' ... CDllll•" -On. co~p•n p•• cv•'•"'''· Yo·d •"•• s~ndt ~. J t llMl l'I' ). , T-BONE STEAKS ............. _ $1.39 lb. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS ........ $1.49 lb. BOLOGNA .................... 69¢ lb. Dec. 28 to Jan. 3 CLOSED NEW TEAR'S DAT, JAN. lST Prl<ill Jultjut to Stock •n H•nll BONELESS TOP SIRLt>IN STEAK $1 .69 lb. COTTO SALAMI ................ 79¢ lb. WE ACCEPT U.S.D .A. FOOD COUPONS • FILET MIGNON STEAKS ........ _ 2.49 lb. U.S.D.A. CHOICE MEAT ONL Y GIA.DE A LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS HOIMIL 12 OZ. ALL Ml.AT WIENERS IA.II M IULll' STYLf SLICED BACON !ASTtlN PQRK CHOPS CINTl ll CUT LOIN 69' .. 49' ... 79' .. 89' .. .. PEPPER LOAF .....•............ B9¢ lb. DUTCH LOAF .................. 89¢ lb • BAR·B·Cj) LOAF ................. 89¢ lb. HEAD CH&ESE ................. 89¢ lb. SPICED LUNCHEON MEAT ..•.... 89¢ lb. SLICED TO ORDER I IASTllN PORK CHOPS Ll.1111 LOIN 79' u. WE GIVE ILUE CHIP STA,MPS 89' .... ~~~~~A OSCAll MA'l'lll LITTLE WIENERS 11 OZ. PICG. WE GIV.E BLUE CHIP STAMPS, 19th ;ind Placentia 710 w. Chapman ' ) ' • I i p I " •• • ,. ;!~ •·. . • ' . { ' ' , • ' • ' ' ' • • • . • . • • i • ' \ . . '. " . . ' B~~ at CHRISTMAS AN IRISH BLESSING FDR JOY ANO LUCK THROUGH THE NEW YEAR May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be al- ways at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your fa ce . The rains !all soft upon your fields. And until we me et again, May God hold you in the, 'Palm of His hand . As the dawn of 1971 approaches to li ght up th e win d up of our 23rd year on l\1arch 17, St. Patrick's Da:Y, we \Vant you to know our heart is humble and we are fill~ ed with love !or you. No Blarney! The Luck of the Jrish didn't have a thing to do with our being your People Store for 23 years. You did, yourselves. Thank you . . . every one . Thank you for coming, liking what you see, an~ buying \vhat you like. We know, without you. all you wonderful people, Richard's cofildn't be. I . . PHONE 673-'>360 FOR HOME DELIVERY IN OUR DELIVERY AREA PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 29, 30, 31 CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY ~;.J.~ct· 2~ LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD.AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE 01"91n Seron1dos for your ple1sure bY, Bernice Fay WHETHER YOU RING IN THE NEW .YEAR WITH A GALA PARTY, OR A cozy BRUNCH WATCHING THE ROSE PARADE AND BOWL GAMES, FOOD IS PART OF THE FUNI AND ONLY RICHARD'S HAS THE FANTASTIC ARRAY PLUS OLD-FASHIONED SERVICE, ' TOO. llle:<!lf I • WE'VE GOT LOTS OF DELICIOUS IDEAS FO R YOU R BUFFET TABLE FROM OUR FINE SELECTION! COCKTAIL MEAT BALLS MAKE A HIT WITH THE MEN! LEAN GROUND BEEF We're famous for it! WHY NOT CORNED BEEF ON RYE FOR THE PARTY1 Corned BEEF BRISKETS Che rry Red, spices added 1.19 LB . HOW ABOUT HAMBURGERS WHILE YOU WATCH THE BOWL GAMES1 2 LB. BOX Frozen HAMBURGER PATTIES s PATTIES PER POUND 1.39 BOX COLD MEAT LOAF WITH CHILI SAUCE OR DIJON MUSTARD MAKES A HEARTY SANDWICH! Richard's own MEAT LOAF Oven re1dy in its own foil pan Smoked Albacore Finnan Haddie Fresh Rainbow Trout 2.49LB. Cocktail Sh~i~p cooked & PHl•d 2. 98 LB. Dungeness Crab 98~LB. Cornish Game Hens1~11·d with 1.39EA. wild rice Fancy KEBOBS R .. dy ot b,oiJ lo 98 PKG. Ca.rpenter Squabs 2.79EA. AGED PRIME RIBS A ND SPENCER ROASTS AND USDA PRIME BEEF! Eeilie:rg HAVE YOUR GUESTS MAKE THEIR OWN PARTY SANDWICHES Buffet RYE BREAD 39¢ Dutch Crunch Bread 41¢ Rum Custard Pie 1.39 HOLIDAY SPECIALTY BOURBON BALLS DOZ. 1.20 BE READY FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS! '!12 PRICE SALE ON ALL CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE • If You 're Havin g a Party, or Going to One-Remember Flowers! ... SERVE 'EM IN YOUR FAVORITE BARBECUE SAUCE OSCAR MAYER Little Wieners or Smokies soz 49¢ KNUDSEN 'S HAMPSHIRE SO UR CREAM 55¢ • MAKE SALAME CORNICOPEAS, & Fill with Flavored Cream Chee1e. GALLO 1TALI AN DRY SLICED SALAME 'OL 79¢ b SPECIAL FLAVORS:-Pim iento, Salmon, Onion, Catalina, Bacon n' Hor1eradi\h and plain-KRAFT 4-ol:. Whipped Cream Cheese 3 FOR $1 BORDEN'S GREEN CHILI, BLUE CHEESE ., CLA M PARTY DIPS 1 oz. 39¢ OAK SLICED DANISH CQOKED HAM • oz. 55¢ BRANDYWINE Mushroom-Cocktail Nibbles 'oz. 98¢ NEWI BRANDYWINE COCKTAIL NIBBLES BEETNIK & YAM -YUMS 2 oz. 89¢ NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL! RICHARD'S FAMOUS BARB·ECUED LOIN RIBS 1.89Ls. Mon61y, Otctmbtr 28, 1JJ70 TO MARINATE, STUFF or serve raw with dipi FRESH BROWN MUSHROOMS 'Ii LI. 39¢ FILL THEM WITH TUNA SALAD FOR A SAVORY HORS D'OEUVRESI Cherry Tomatoes Box 29¢ FOR CANAPES, FOR DIPS FRESH, LONG, GREEN CUCUMBERS 2 FOR 25¢ FOR HOLIDAY PUNCHES! DAISY FRESH EXOTIC JUICES oT. 59¢ Gu•v•, Pepaye, Strewb•rry, Boysenberry, Cherry, Coc:o.Pineeppl•, Pome9r•ni+., Mingo, Pession Fniit. ffre<M~ FOLGER'S COFFEE l LB. 87¢ FOLGER'S COFFEE FOLGER'S COFFEE ARDEN AA BUITER KNUDSEN 2 LI. J LI. I LI. 1.73 2.59 83¢ Real Oranae Juice .. oz. 69¢ AMERICAN BEAUTY EGG NOODLES " Ol. 29¢ POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL I Ol. 49¢ PLANTERS Dry Roast Peanuts 13oz. 69¢ SPENCER STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES 10 Ol. 89¢ SPENCER STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES 11 oz. 89¢ GREAT FOR NON -DRINKERS! TOMATO COCKTAIL SNAP-E-TOM 10 oz. 6 FOR $1 NABISCO TRISCUIT WAFERS ,I/, oz. 43¢ CHUN KING WATER CHESTNUTS 1 •/1 oz. 3for$1 KING OSCAR CROSS PACK ., BRISLING SARDINES JV. oz. 3 for $1 LIPTON ONION SOUP MIX 2 Pit. 3 for Sl HIDDEN VALLEY PARTY DIP MIX 1 Ol. 29¢ 24 PK. PLASSES 10 Oz. Plastic Tumblers 69¢ frr01e:Pl V00<k MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. s FOR $1 MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE 12 OL 39¢ MINUTE MAID GRAPEFRUIT JUICE •oz. 4for$1 MINUTE MAID ..... LIMEADE i OL 8 for $1 ~SKIMO PIE THIN MINTS I CT. 59¢ ORE IDA TATER TOTS 1 LI . 4 for $1 P~9~ ISLAND INN Daiquiri Mix 6 oz. 4 FDR s1 ISLAND INN MARGf.RIT A MIX •oz. 4 for $1 SHANGHAI EGG ROLLS '01, 39¢ CA LAVO AVOCADO DIP 7¥· oz . 49¢ JOHN'S Cheese & Sausage PIZZA 11 OL 69¢ JOHN'S CHEESE PIZZA 11 OL 69¢ ' JOHN'S PEPPERONI PIZZA 14 oz. 69¢ 1?,;.J. •• .....t-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP . CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9-6 OPEN DAILY, 9-6 DAILY 9-5:30, SAT. 9-5 OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY l :J0-6, SAT. l :JO-S I 11 I I I I' t I ' I r I • I ·' ,. !4 DAILY PILOT Monday, Dtc:embet' 28, 1970 Sherry Apple .-Pie Gives Nip to Traditi0n · 0.. lracf;Uon has joined another In the dessert world, and lhe result is a new apple pie that Is completely con- temporary. It's been a custo1n for cen- turies, in the dining rooms of the world, to end a notable -""' dinner with apples, cheese and ~J Port, And everybody knows ' ,., ,, , ~1· that apple ple b'u been an American favortte throughout the hlstory or our·country. The met.bod as weU as the ingredients for m a k I n g Harvest Apple Pie depart from tradition just enough to insure a juicy, flavorful dessert. The fresh apples are poached in sherry and cider ' "I along with the usuaJ splC1!s plus one . unusual addition, a bay lea!. To serve this pie in its special way, bring it to the table uncut to show orr its lovely color and its pastry decorations. On a separate tray, bring in I h e ac- FAVORITE TREAT AS FANTASTIC AS EVER companiments that will en- hance it so greatly-a bottle or cream port with small des· sert wine glasses. and a crock or bowl ol poled cheese. Tben cut the pie. pour the Port and serve a spoon rul of the cheese on top of, or alongside each piece o( pie. It's a traditional thing to do. HARVEST APPLE PIE 6 large tart cooking apples ~ cup Sherry (Dry, Golden or Sweet) 213 cup apple cider ~ cup sugar 1,1 teaspoon salt l teaspoon cinnamon y, teaspoon mace 1;, leaspoon ginger I small bay·teaf 2 tabl espoons butter I Y.t tablespoons cornstarch 11Ai tablespoons lemon juice Pastry for double crust pie 1'-1elted butter and sugar for top Ported cheese Pare and core apples. Cut into eighttis (you should hav e 6 cups ; if less, use another ap. pie). Combine Sherry, cider, sugar, salt. spices and bay leaf. Pour over a;pple wedges in a large saucepan. Cover and cook over moderate heat, about 10 minutes, until apples are partially tender. Remove and discard bay leaf. Drain and measure liquid. U less than J l/, cups. add Sh!!rry to make this amounl Stir in butter and Cornstarch blended with lemon · ju.ice. Cook and stir until thickened. Combine with apples and 'tum into unbaked 9-inch pie shell. Cover with top crust. Seal by fol ding extra edge of top crust under edge of bottom crust; flute rim. Prick top (or cut small slits) to allow steam to escape during baking. Brush top with melted butter and sprinkle lightly ,with sugar. Bake, below oven center, in hot oven (425 degrees F.) 25 to 35 minutes until pastry is crisp and golden brown . Serve, warm or {'()()}, with Ported Cheese. Makes 1 (9-inch) pie. Pastry: Resift 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour and 1 tea- spoon salt into mixing bowl. Cut in =% cup shortening. Gradually add 4 to 5 table· spoons cold milk, mixing lighty to stiff dough. Gather dough together. pressing into a ball. Divide about in half. Roll slightly smaller half to 9 1~ inch circle. Fit into 9-inch pie pan. trimming any edges even wit h pan. • King With Punch Swings in New Year . , ' • ' The New Year's Eve party is the high social point of the year . • • and every hostess wants hers to be the most '" swinging. ·; Ring in the New Year with ' • glorious citrus punch and a King of the Bean Twelfth German-style Night Cake. The King of Bean tradition adds li veli1 to just about llflY New Year·~ Eve occasion. Since most people really en· joy the delectable flavor or orange juice. it's a sure-lire hit as a base for punch. And fo r · the non-drinkers in the crowd, or for a teen party, Ring-in-the-New-Year Punch will be equally successful. The Twelfth Night Cake turns up a little early but "'elcome none the less. It's a fine rich cake, very light in Bacon Bits Top Salad .. .. A salad from G e rm a n cuisine. POTATO SALAD 2 pounds (6 med i u m potatoes) 113 cup finely chopped scallion (green onion ), green top included 2 ribs celery. thinly sliced 6 slices bacon Honey-blended Batter Strikes Home-run Hit A blend of S\\'eelenings helps give delicious flavor. • HONEY-MOLASSES COOKIES I cup unsi(ted regular flou r ~:. teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg 1~ cup butter or margarine 1i cup sugar i_, cup honey 11 cup dark molasses I egg 1i cup finely chopped walnuts On wai: paper thoroughly stir together the r I o u r . cinnamon and nutme g. Cream butter. sugar. 'honey and molasses: beat in egg. Stir in flour mixture and walnuls. Onto greased and floured cookie sheets, several inche'.'i apart. drop baller by level tablespoonfuls. Bake in a 350- degrce oven ror about 12 minutes. Let stand 30 to 60 minutes before practically scraping off with long narrow spatula . Cool on wire rack: store tightly covered. Makes about 311J dozen. l tablespoon cornstarch 1~ cup cider vinegar 1]. cup cold water 2 tablespoons sugar '-': teaspoon salt 1.'J teaspoon papr.ika 12 teaspoon dry mustard 1: teaspoon pepper I tablespoon minced parsley In boiling water in covered saucepan, cook potatoes in their jackets until tender ; peel and thinly slice ; sprinkle with scallion and celery. In a 10.inch skillet cook bacon over low heat until crisp : drain , crumble and add to potatoes. Stir cornstarch 1nto bacon fat in skillet ; do not brown. Stir in vinegar, \\'<Her. sugar and seasonings. S i m m e r , stirring often. until slightly thickened -8 lo 10 minutes : pour over potatoes and toss gently. Sprinkle \Vi\h parsley. Let stand at room temperature I hour, to blend flavors. before serving. 11akes 6 servings. texture, flavored with orange juice concentrate and grated orange rind. 11·s lavish with eggs, too. and perfec tion as an ac· companiment to the punch . To cbscrve the ancient King of the Bean tradition. bake a bean in the cake and alert your gue sts that the one who gets it will be king or queen for the 11ighl ... and guests have to do as royalty bids. And there you have the rna kings of New Year 's Eve cheer guaranteed to keep the party lively. Just add guest s and serve. llAPPY NEW YEAR PUNCll 2 qua rts orange juice I cu p Grand Mamlcr l quart strawberry or cher· ry socla lee Combine orange Juice and Grand i\Iarnier in large punch bo\1•l. Slowly at.ld strawberry ><><la . Add a block of ice or ice cubes to punch before serving. Ga~nish with orange slices and maraschino cherries. YIELD : 24 to U servings. Rl~G-L\1-THE-NEW-YEAR PUNCH 5 cups orange juice 21: cups maraschino chrr· ry syrup S cups lemon SOlfa or spark!· ing water Combine orange juice and cherry syrup in large punch bowls. Slowly add lemon soda. Add a block or ice or ice cubes to punch before serving. Garnish with orange slices and cherries. YIELD: 24 to 26 servings. TWELTH NIGHT CAKE I cup butter or margarine 3 tablespoons frozen orange juice c0ncentrate, thawed, undiluted 2 teaspoons grated Florida orange rind 1h teaspoon vanilla 1·~ teaspoon salt 4 whole eggs, at room tem- perature ~ egg yolks. at room temper- ature I cup sugar 1 ~ cups sifted all-purpose flour v~ cup sifted cornstarch Grease one 9-inch tube pan. ln small saucepan , combine bulter, undiluted orange con· centrate. rind vanilla and salt; stir oyer low heat until butter is melted. Remove from heat; let cool lo lukewarm. In large warm bowl, beat eggs, egg yolks and suger until triple in bulk. Gen- tly sprinkle flour and com· starch over eggs, add orange- butter mixture and very gen~ ly fold in until there is no tra~ of butter. Pour into pan . Bake in 350GF oven about 50 n1inutcs, or un- til cake starts to come away from sides or pan. To serve sprinkle top or cake with con- fectioners' sugar and garnish the sides with orange slices if desired yield. About 12 servings. Roll remaining pastry for top crust to U)-Jnch circle. If desired, roll any trimmings and cut into small fancy shapes. Brush one side of these cut..oota with watl!:r Ind arrange on top of crust before baking. Ported Cheese: Beat I cup soft cheddar cheese spread (or fi~ly grat.ed cheddar), 1A cup • crwhbled blue cheese and ! to 4 tablespoons Cream Port together untl! well blended. Cover and refrigerate several hol.irs or longer to mellow. Makes about 1 V4 cups. t•ffon hHyY flvfy cookie sheet libbey ''tawny'' stemware 158 197 4-pol of 6-1 /2 -0r. w ine, No~ problem, enn w11h mocotoond Woit't bi.ic:kle in the 0"'1 tith~. I oa:,champogn•, 9-1 /2-oa:. •rt rhe r oc:lrs or 11 oa:. goblet The >hope ;, n«i-donic, the cok>r towny, the ,1yl1, a politive eJ1prMlion of the "oow'' vie~ point ..• cool .•. rl'loJ1ed ••. informal! ofumin:_::-~~~~ ice tray Tepid drinli:1? Ne,,., .•• wh.., 1 thwe ore pleiity of ite cub.51 .12 OI. brandy snifter 72~ COntloiueun prefer~>---/ bell·>hoped M1iher for W¥0rin9 the bovqu1t and the tto._.. of ti1>e brandy. pltg. ol I _..,ut'il c.iors pla1tic hang.,1 ....... 63t .12 gol. rovnd or t quore plastic trash can On the ~ore or in the round, these rugged col-3 47 lector> do their work quietly! No bong$! ,.me,.,., ...... .,_., ................ 2" Christmas Clearance 50~ off on .. Chris,_ or-enbandtrim4· tree iletN, •• Almost weiohtle!s, but SO worm! Sohora stripC11 in wcrr,. Of cool tolors; fully wcrshobi.. 72 Jr 90 "•-#luff 97 ....... ·-····-·········6 • ll ~l......Jf-~=--.,~:··K6t8Pt1 ~=~:: I/ \7. glassware ,.,,,49~ ,.,., 59~ 18 8·01. 12·01. / • fewer .pilh, few~ br&olu, more fun for ever ~one! Shom bot!om> re>i>l lipping • bulky· knit sweaters Tht iridii,~})M member of Ofrf ""°"'°"'' winll'r' wardrobe ... m1:1rty new~ o~ colon; oll size-r.. 5as stirrup pants 244 Tht P.OfllS with th1 beoutiful lit ••• wl!h ~•inup Wap to keep them neatly in ploce ••• ond in propoffloned :Mus to match every Night beautifully. Greol colon! flannel p.j.'s and gowns --244 Wormth, comfort ot>d style ot a tenSotionol price! loads of styles, wide color dio;ce, in cotton flom>el P/sondbrW!ed~ baby carrier 569 #21J1 ~180$ securefy to bock fender; hos $olety strop ond safety foot rHI; folds flat tor Jloroge. ,,., .... clirome 2GHcbrome-trimmecl speedometer kclll'~, easy to r90d • , . both wol1rproot ond shock-proof, indicotf's speed and tecof'l:k m1le- ~ ttoveUed. butterfly handlebars Orns up o bike ond make it ecrsy to \le~. 167 directional signal with switch A~~, .. for ofter-dcn-l i 161 I $Clfetyl Easy to ins toll .• , hog 7 8 ~ remote-<Ontrol swikh. 20 x 1.75 black tire ................... 1 57 20 lt 1.75 butyl i"net tvbe..: .. _,,97 ~ 411 I . b" • 297 aqua uni com 1nat1on unitrol 72's..-_3 39 aquavac 100'~--········2 39 279 ayd• 1-1 /2 lb•····-······ Av ••••u '' 111»t 111C11 tlS<Ollll a11n1• saddle & brace 311 A 11teol way to give on older bike o new look! RiJgged and hondr.ome; o real buy! 76101 (IUPM A'i'•>I 'J~ .. Ni< 1' ,.!WPO~T~lf •111\T 'U\flli N~1;111~ ,. 'IJRIN\!N Wl!i l lrJ~ llOl~fUCllD GARDING~OVI lA ~l~AD~ \l!QPf1 N1, (f~Tf> 'l 'il~ II 1' t~"' '~O,\ WM1!11!~ 1)011 ~P~I NGO~il Wf\I MINll{R ll01Q •llL•NOll~ k!VD N 1 ~1'i. '~ 81\ N•I Wli(ill r.'llJNH klliO 90SI AllAr.HA llUNll'IGION61~(H stereo103FM • • • • music music music music good music • I I .... .:.--· ·; .. ... ~~ .. .· • Mond1r. Otctmbe, 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT 25 Recipes See Hostess Through Party Season Nobody. but nobody, needs of recipes to set you thtoogb be reminded ~t the winter the te1son . And, what tlappler season is a time or way to entertain and use those celebrations, new recipes than with an open Between Santa's first dip house? Into his bag of treats and Our favorite open house Springtime bridal showers, buffet speciality is this gala Hospitality Wreath. It's an are a myriad of holidays that arr1ngemen t of pet I t e bear c e I e brat In I and sandwiches made with party remembering. rye and pumpernickel breads To be hostess-ready for I.hi! and meaty spreads. 111hetever occasion you are celebraling. Simply arrange the little sandwiches In the shape of a New Year's clock, a Valentine heart. George Washington hatchet or St. Pat's shamrock. whirl of party eoing and Best of all . this edible • 8E HOSTESS.READY WITH THIS HOLIDAY WREATH giving, you'll ne<d a coll..:tion """h is adaptable to :.~~~~~~-,-...--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'-~~ But first things first. To make the wreath, spread half the party ry e and pumpernickel bread s 11 c' es with softened butter and meaty mi1tures, then top with the remaining slices. Select a large round platter and arrange the sandwlche:11, on edge, on the platter to form a wtelith. Decorate with a bow or garnish of holly or parsley and fresh cranberries. Over- wrap the platter with plastic wrap and refrigerate until serving time. Mighty tasty! Mighty e~sy! :· • .. • •, '• . . ,• ,. . ·. . . • : . .· . :· . :· • • • :-:· · '. :~· I .t..JROZEN ·FOOD$_:,.( ~ CREAM PIES t:~~~'~' .............. 27c FRENCH TOAST :,o:::~~:~ ...... 45c ORANGE JiJICE ~;~r~r:~ ........ 49' TANGERINE JUICE :~~ii:".~ ... 25' MIXED FRUIT ~!•::~~,.~~.~~~~ .... 41' BABY LIMAS ~~·::~':, ............. 2ac ·--K&rlktf.'---. HAW,~~.~~.!.~NCH 99c J2.011•c11onL1 FOADHOOK LIMAS t~·::r.', ...... 281 FISHSTICKS ~1::.•:::~11 ............. : 47c PACIFIC COD ~~~';:':::~ ........... 79c CHILI & BEANS !':i~:r:. ........... 27c SIRLOIN TIPS ~~~~:t ........... •1 11 ISLANO INN MIXES i::.. ........ 28' l.lll lll lOIMAll AllTA BEEF TACOS IOSAllfl ll tt.) 52' IJOLPll. "'"''"'"" ,.. ----K&r&t! V DR!,~,~!~.~""" 59c 1 .. ou•C1 IOTTll Pric:ts in Discounlld Empt on Folr-Tradld ond Gowrm.nt Controlled hims. ~~~ .. c!!°~!...~ ........... 55~ CROSS RIB ROAST 8l• ._. ... Ledy............................ .. ~~.!!!!~ ............... 99~ ~~!~ .. 0!!.~~· ................ 98~ r..~!T!~.~~ ~!~~ ....... $1 ~! RIB ROAST ~To: , lHkf,., .... ,,, .......................... 98 ... PACKA8£1'.f0 WHEAT CHEX ::~~ ........... 51' orlSPAGHETTI ~~.'.~~ .. 39' BROWNIE MIX lrn.':.~~ ........ 67' r M.J.B. RICE mo::~ ....... 59' CORN CHIPS Wot\':~.':'.~ ........ 57' ~POP UPS Tnr:1 ............. 31' POTATO CHIP.S l:.".:=tr:L .. , 49' r FAMILY FLOUR llr:l":': ... 53' RITZ CRACKERS ,.,. .. , 45' ... 1:4r&tt.-- VILLA r.~~TES 59c 100 COllMT Pll 'DAiil PRODUCT$ SOUR CREAM \!~'~rn ............ 49c O"""CREMORA ~=!o't".,,. .... 67• COTTAGE CHEESE \:~\.'ll.. •...• 33' ICE CREAM W.:r.l.~ ........ 79' ,-" ft.,, LD'N DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES € BEAUTY AIDS PLASTIC ASSORTMENT lD~• \'OUf ~ilk frOllO M• llMU ~Mm ii •<tll!'ttll toill's Ill -~ .. ffl LIW rntTIAI 111U 39!. wi!lo row dt<or. DISNEY ON PARADE FORK OR SPOON ~ ~"""""' "'"""""'"' ..... ~dmlt-• '' ws. .. ,111(1~ • .-llilnl IJICft Ml ... """'"'i'IN~. 68C U.utlUSIUI. ~\ ffllO'WlYllT'NiTl'IKI PLASTIC STtP STOOL • ,.,......,, •• INtt tit'...., Ka<• .. lllf "°""I Oort~ ti""* eri chth .••. ~­'~" i101tool IHl~ty ltr '"'~; ... ~.,~ ~-151\#dy. ASSOITID COLOIS $396 HI IOWMIYIAI 111ct FDS BATH OIL BEADS ~,.....,,,, Jl'9gl'lll! ....... ~ 5nc lNMI t.niMil 6'odorwll. ..., - GIUmE BLADES Dt11lt l•1• t S's "" ... lllMI wilt! ....... .,. ctft ewftl tft ,, t1Yt yw hit • doo.t~ .......... ' We resolve to keep being the LEADER WITH LOW DISCOUNT PRICING IN d}!;_ DEPARTMENTS-EVERY DAY .•. LUCKYWILL CONTINUE TO OF.FER YOU TRUE DISCOUNT PRICING, THUS ASSURING YOU GREATER SAV- INGS ON YOUR DAILY SUPERMARKET NEEDS FOR THE COMING YEAR. FULLY COOKED -FARMER JO~N 5 8 HAM FULLSHANK c HALF lb HOCK llMOYID , " FRESH FRYERS '""····· · W•Ol.INIT (111(1 .. BONELESS HAMS ...... '.~.~::.'..'....:::';':.$H~ 291t. ~~E!A~ ............... _. 68~ !:.~~~~ ............... $12.! ~~~!!!..~·:.:: ............... 98t ~~~!~~~~~~ ..... ,; ... 38' COTTAGE BUTTS $1os • ...-.-i.., ............ ,,.,............ II., . PEELED SHRIMP 97' .......... ,.1\. ........................ . ~SNAP E TOM tr:t't.f".' ...... 19'· ~DRESSING ~Jl/11~ ........ 43' WHEAT GERM \:':ll:I" ........... 47' r CATSUP ;',~,[' ............... 29' ORANGlS ri' .. Tm~~~.~ ......... 29' O" A-1 MEAT SAUCE lit~ ..... 63' CRABAPPUS !IWl~ ........... 33' r TAMALES !IWl.11 ............. 25' FRUIT FOR SALAD :r.~ .... 45' orlSYIUP ~r,::_ ................ 87' PLUMS 11\\°t.~1·.~ ................... 31' O""'-RIPE OLIVES t::.1,'llW.': .... 33' PICKLED BEETS fl',mt·~~ ... 31 ' ~ !'!~!.!!~~~m1 110.,c ...... 19< WHOLE CARROTS fl':i0c'!!' ...... 29 • rPICKLES ';W1~~:r .............. 51 ' luMft ( .. '-tit IH .... Hh, roll .. Ith) Our LOW E"'r)<lay Price! SLICED PINEAPPLE SUMMll tsll it.ou•c• <A• 29c PEAS W/ONIONS tri'l'c~':~ ..... 27c POTATOES :1,TJ'11".'~.~~1.~~1~.. .... 231 ~TANG ffAltfl·'''"'... ..... •1•* Y -IJ·OJ l.11 ....... ,., FRENCH MUSTARD l:~t~, .... 43' DEVILED HAM ::~:~':' .........• 49' SHRIMP OHl.l.wtCO(ITAll 49' l\lo OI C.111 ••••• ,.,,..,.,,., .. BEVERAGE llAIWHTOI• 9' 121tL(l ll .............. , •• , Our LOW Evi:t\day Price! LADY LEE EGG NOG i1.011•c1 CAITO• 47c BANANAS 100% CHIQUITA :::"' 9 c ''"'"" Taln1m lb. llALIT1' U.S. NO. 1 GUDI RUSSET POTATOES 10 '"" 39c c.11 .... LUClT flATUllS oumn CAUFOI· MIA AVOCADOS FOi YOUI NIW YIAl'S DIPS AT LOW IYRYDAY DIS. COUNTPllCU. !e~,!1~~.K...:~ ............ 79~ ~1::.~!.!~~s ................. 33~ KING CRAB LEGS $ " .....~11............................ 1 ... GROUND BEEF 1 ••• , ....... ,., ...... • .......... . EXTRA llAfll GROUND IEEF-IOUND QUALITY .••••.......•.• LUCKY BACON Jlk o<ll ..... ,.."-.................... . RATH BACON l'tr: •• .... fer. TWc• Uk-' ..................... . 53~ 79~ 49• 58' ~~~~~~Y!~~~~ .......... 69< Discou,,I Prictd Dtli lttms ..-Our LOW Evcr)<layPrice!- 3-LB. CANNED HAMS DUIUQUllOTAllUfrtT OVAl 01 SANDWICN snLI $2'' CHEESE ~~~u~~:·iw 69c w 1.w..11y ....,,.., olltH •••• , • 11.0L , ... 37c PARTY DIPS ":::"'" w.,Ltt ..... -.1 ...... Ynkfloi •····•••• CREA~ CHEESE •lllUMUMAMl•••oo•••••• .. ln. ..... 38c ~TUMBLERS CU••tlJ.JllCltDI 45' ..,---\J(f,,.,, ........ .. PLACE MA'S ~1tr~:, .............. 45c NUT CUPS :!W.1:~~· ................ 2ic ~PUREX BLEACH ::r~'•l•n. .. 49c ROYALE TOWELS ;::~;..tu ..... 34c BEADS 0 BLEACH ::'ll~""·· ... 69' rLUX LIQUID fr~:.G •• ,~, ......... 6~ LADY LH FACIAL l:.'11 ... , ..... 22' LOW SUDS ~~~L::-.'.1.•.'.1.~~ ........ •1• ~GLAD WRAP ;~1,~.<.M'~ ...... 27c LUCKY RINSE ~~~0,l ,,t. .......... 78' - STANDING I RIB ,ROAST 79l CHUCK ROAST KING SIZE FRAllKS 65c ... ,. ............. , .......... ~ ... 5-LB. CANNED HAMS $4'' ....... ""'" .... ~ ............. . ·GALLO ITALIAN SALAME 49c c-o..i ..... ~ .................... .... SALAME or PRO.YOLDNE 59c ........ ~ ............ •111•"9. GALLO MORTADELLA 59c ............................ ,..., ... LEO'S COOKED HAM 59c ...................................... ..... tlN ,_ ..... , ......... ,.,.. • ..m .. "' "'" ........................... , I••• 41•M•t,rk11 ii...,. t.rr" •tlllckJ. .. ':iflil'l':f-" .,. < ~ B't . ~~~ ... CAT FOOD r.r,r.~.~ ........... 21' DOG FOOD ~~'ttf:.~~ .... 251 CALO DOG FOOD ll:'.~ ......... 17' DOG FOOD :~~ ................ '1'' ... CHIC-E-ALL l:'.'l"JI'~ .... 11' Our LOW E"'f)day Price! JOHN'S PIZZA CNllSL PIPPll°"I 01 SAUSAll·•Hla 1 .. 0HCIPlf, ·-;;;\ T;;.\'-, --FE-ST-IVE-N-EW_Y_EA .. R'-S P-A-RTY_B_EV-ER-AG-E-S!~ ~~.~~2~~-!..~~-~~~~······ 111n 53''= .. 5769 ~.~~~!,.~.~ .. ~~!2~ ........... nm $411 .. ,.,s511 2~~~ .. s·~-~~.~.°.~-~~---·· ........... 5366 !'.tr .. s711 ~~.~~.~£-~~.~~.°.!~.~ ......... ""' 5491 :1tr .. 5CJ" ~~~~-~E.~~-~.~~ ................. "'" 5366:::: .. s711 CANADIAN WHISKY Pl•OLlTO•IOPlo0f •••••••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••"'m LUCKY RUM . , • .., I ~. .\~ A'N'Diii'cif AM.ii6Ni ...................... ""' \ S)99 •• .; Pl•l.INUlALSOLO OUCI ................................... nnK ·"' LUCKY DINNER WINES •Alf YI• l11t, Pl•• (1Mia.111t hrtMfr• ( ..... 1 .. *'',.. • • • · · · • · • • • • · • I AUOJI 5)09 ~~~~!~.~~-°-~-~-~.~-~~ ........................... $299 l•y 1 t.11 Cllf .t 12 ... rtt, 12 Flftltt ti-6 Nelf ttll•t 114 ...... ... •44itl1•1I 10% ,,.,. tlilnt prlctL (lttr l•ctfft4 (A,,.i/11ift•I •II l.MltySlt-1 W1'1i f.H•., Df>IJ Partner the pretty wreath with a selection of finger sa ndv.'iches and relishes plus a fruit punch or spiced tea . As a finale. bake frozen patt1 shells, fill with lemon .custard and ton with a dollop of cherry pie filling. These. plus some da :nty packaged cookies will end each party in perfect ta1te. HOSPITALITY SANDWICH WREATH Deviled Spread l can (414 ounces) deviled h•m v. cup rinely chopped celer y 1h: teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 20 party pumpernickel slices Softened butter or margarine Chicken Apple Spread 1 can (4o/.i. ounCes) chicken spread Jf4 cup chopped apple 1 tablespoon dairy 1our cream 20 party rye bread slices Softened butter or margarine Nippy Pate Spread 1 can (4o/4 ouncea ) liverwurst spread 1,4 cup diced green pepper l tablespoon mayonnaise 20 party pumpernickel slices Softened butter flr margarine Combi n e first thr ee Ingredients o( each recipe. Spread bread with softened butter or margarine. Spread half of the bread slices with meat spread mixtures : close sandwiche.s with remaining slices. Each recipe makes 1 I) sandwiches. To form wrea th. arrange sandwiches. on edge, on a large round platter to form a circle. Decorate with a ribbon bow or ·garnish wi th holly or parsley and raw cranberries. Wreath contains 30 small sandwiches. CELEBRATION TARTS 2 packages (IO ounces, each) frozen patty shells 1 package ~3~4 ounces) lemon pudding and pie filling YJ cup dairy sour cre~m I can 12 cups) cherry pie filling Bake paUy shells a s directed on package. Cool. Prepare lemon pudding and pie filling as dlrected ; cool. Fold in sour cream . Spoon lemo~ mixture into patty shells and top with cherry pie filling. Makes 12. • Chicken Barbecued Individual servings of spicy chicken are baked in in· di vidual brown paper bags. BARBECUED CHICKEN 1/4 cups 11.i.i slick) corn oil margar ine 1h cup chopped on ion I large clove garlic, minced I teaspoon chili powder 1 cup catchup cup firmly packed light brown sugar 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish 1 tablespoon cider vinegar '1'a teaspoon dry mustard 3 pounds chicken parts 1/3 cup flour S brown paper bags (No. S) Mell margarine in medium saucepan. Add onion, garlic and chll\ powder ; cook until on ion is tender . Add catchup, brown 1;ugar, pickle relish, vinegar and mustard. Bring to a boil, stir· rlns : reduce heat and simmer 5 ml.flutes. ' Drtdle chicken with nour; roll plect! lrt barbtcue sauce, coating gtneroOsly. Place one serving in e1ch paper bag: turn down top to close. Place In shallow baking pan. Bake in a preheated 400-degree oven until tender -about ti minutes. Makc.s 5 servlnJI. I • •• .. ff DAILY PILOT Mondi!, Otttmbtr 28, 1970 Stout-hearted Food ' Now Warm Attraction For tht 1ft.er-.ski or skate ~wd this winter, be prepared with stout-hearted food. '"1e spoUi&ht goes to our warm and warming attraction -a foot and a half Jone sand· wlch loaf chuck full of &round beef and lots of good Hunt's ketchup. .A great idea to whip up. at the sign of the gang coming in ·off the slopt.S or in rrom lhe rink. Heap half of the flavorful ketchup 'n beef filling - sparked with green pepper, onion •nd dry mustard -into the bottom half of an 1S.inch long bollowed out French loaf. To create a tunnel of cheese in . . the center of the loaf when aat, ....... _ stleu of processed cheeietnellondOYettlle meat. 'Dien slmP)y C09'U" with the ..... lnlnl IU!ior and the t<lo half.of the Joa!. Half.u houf•i bake in· the ovm will heat up tbt en\ire eruUoa aQd melt the clieele. "Now.your adventure m.eat.- ln1 ii on! One loaf WI make 1n1Clts for about 12 to 15 peo- ple, btit if ·YoU'~ pl1Dnlng on mere tbe ncipe is an· euy, ooe \o double. " Ideal to IUVe in front of a roarlnl fire with mugs of bot apple cldtt, keep thll idu handy for• variety+ of winter actlvltilo., Flags Hoisted ·. For Rum B.uns : DEAR NAN: Jut 11 YMI havt, Goarmet Macuile ball ae many reqae1ll (i.Jdadil.1 mine) for nm bani •• served at the Fla&1hip ~taurant i• WuhlDI""', D.C. they prlotecl it in their "You A1ked For 11" colama back in 1M7. 1 doa't remember railiDt bl the ont1 I at.e at tbt restaurant nor did mlae tun oat quHe Uke tbtin but Hre is the recipe. ALICE FROST. SHAWNEE MISSION, KANSAS ' At last we have room for all this! Several kind readers sent in clippings from t h e magazine as well as the Washington Star. Still others, LETS ASK THE COOK by tun Wley including Congressman John J . Duncan of NashviUe, Tenn. sent i.n a recipe as il appear11 on Flagship Re st aurant slalioriery. Thal one differed in severa1 respects but it wou1d be difficult for home cooks to follow. It specifies a shortening product seldom available to anyone outside the trade. The Flagship retjpe adds grated lemon rind to their dough, uses brown sugar for the filling. ,. ' NAN'S Nl1l'llB' K.o ,., f-· la! I Jal ..._..,, ctam eYea a. lltee4\'tl'."_,, ll OH ..... L .. 1 , ' ')1le ..-al 1111 f-11 • • tJM: cboecUW ,..._ 1 ~~ y ..... er Ht, 1t1a:\'1t lll t~I tllnop eolfqe, lfe wild •bolt it Md ft ~es •~ Grtadma '!Pl enjey eYt11 If de doea't ._ve a ~ t. Jlir IMad. · "But what do you use for dllllkilll?" II the COl\llant question. ''SUreJy not the F'lench bread you .,. foe cheese!" That bas been done but I like aqeJ foOd cake cut ;n l·lllcll «1w.a. dqlmutl or ladyfingers cut in chunks, or marshmalJows. Jl'ru1t pieces are marvelou.s for dunklnc in chotolate. Whole 1tr1wberries, banana or· jliDe.apPle chunks, well drained ....,. or tan&erloe slicel, eyen apples. Tbe last named ari! the I t a I t ezpensne, aome11>1n1 lo keep ID-mllid when the 70WW ·Ila&< a f°"'*" 'party IDd plates empty f~ Doo 'I peel the appl,. but core them, cut each one in holl .lenathwlse, then in· tJUn slieff. A platter Of varied fnaita 1s cotorful, a perfect -;iim..t to a b;g plati.r ti lhl cake thlnp . al. the oilier end _ef the taNe. A aim.pie foadae ctlls for juSt 10 ·ounces of Jl\llk dlocolale '......., into pieces and p'ut In tho ,_,. Pol wi1h II cup Ughl crum over low be•l Stir · u1itll melted and rmeoth, keep warm ner the same low but ' TllNNEL OF CHEESE LOAF I loaf 1Wliced French bread II Inches IOl\f I pouncb grow>d heel chuck I larg.e onion, chopped 1 green ptpper, chopped 1 tablesPoon dry mustard l"' teaspoons salt "' teaspoon garlic powder "' teui>oon pepper I cup ketchup 1 (1-ouoce)•package proces· sed American cheese, cut into 4 equaJ length w i s-e pieces Split bread lengthwise and hollow out top and b o t t o m onion and green ·pepper until meat loaes redness ; drain fal SUr in seasonings and Hunt's kelchup. Spoon half of meat mixture into bottom half of loaf. Place cheese pieces end to end down center over meaL Spoon rtmaining meat mix· tun evenly aver cheese. Cover with \op of loaf. Wrap securely in foll: Bab at 350 degree:s l> to 35 minutes. (Cheeae will looe shap If loaf ;, hWd too long.) CUt Into aUces. MdeJ·tJ to 15 s«Vings. .. Boneless Tavern ' CHE'ESE LOAF MADE FOR'Wlf>ITER SNACKING, RJUY COOKED · READY TO EAT • "NOWASlC EAS'f TO CARVE • END CUTS 3 LBS. or 1maller LI. FRESJ.;I GROUND BEEF BO NElESS CORNID TONGUE SMOKED TONGUE PASTRAMI . • ... Jllf(~ nAT "" 1usm CORN DOGS .:xiiouOfllAlllel LINK SAUSAGE :;:;•,;-;. • c .93' .1.09 .1.09 ·l9' t>s• The magazine version did not. I like lhe brown sugar. l will note where I made changes to incorporate some of the details from the recipe an the restaurant stationery. You may do as you like. In a bowl combine I cup milk (scalded), v, cup sugar. 1,4 cup shortening and 11,. teasp. salt. Cool to lukewarm. Stir in 1 envelope granulated yeast or I cake C{)mpressed yeast Beat with rotary beater until ·smooth. Stir in l well be.a ten egg and 1;) teaspoon rum extract. (I added 2 scant teaSpQons grated lemon riod. J Add I Yi cups plus 2 tablespoons silted flour. Beat until smooth. For adult groups there ii a more soplri,lticl~ touch ~ lbe · addlUon of about 2 tablespoons of Cognac, kirsch or Cointreau blended in. Or you can 1da 1 te•spoon· of the best grade instant collee fOr still 1.Dother fl.av.or. Tobler bars, imperted from Switzerland, are ideal for chocolate fondues. The y con,tain ·honey, almonds ID~ various 11a.vo.riag1. My favbrttt is tbe o r a n I e flavored.' 'lhtn then is a "'cb<Jcolate crancb" bar by an ts:cellent · American b r 1 n d name. Once · you catch en you'Jl be dreaming up your own ir1n9vatlons. Wliole oi' Haff Tner• ~a• 97~ Ill. Ctlttr Cit T ntna Ha11 1.19 llt. FllHSTICICS H•at •n oat COOKED SHRIMP smoll sbo lb. 43. ~lb. 89• Then add another I 'fl cups plus 2 tablespoons· flour. Beat smooth. Cover bowl with towel aod let rise in a wann place (80-35 ) until double in bulk, about 3 hours. (Mine doubled in I hours so keep an eye on lbe dough.) · On a llghlly floured board roll out dough into two strips, each about U x 4 x ~ inch thick. (Flagship rolls their dough 1-inch thick which could make for 'the puffier roll the original query described. Of course rectangles would not be as large). Brush tops with melted butter. sprinkle each strip with y, cup each of sugar and <:bopped raisins. tl used brown sugar, increased both sugar and raisins to li2 cup per striJ>. The recipe on restaurant stationery does not use melted butltr. just brushes rolled out dough with brown sugar wlth a UUle wate:r added to make ll syrupy .1 Roll up as for jelly roll. (N ote: rolling from 12 inch side. As you roll, pull out lo about 15 iocbes, keeping edges even ). CUt Into ~~ inch ctOISWise dices. 1 J cut mine in l·lnch alices.) Plat>e sllct1 in well greased muffin tins (lar1e slu) c.over wilh towel, let rise in wann place untU double. Bake in tOO oven for 1~20 minutes. Remove from oven. bMh tops lmmedial<ly wllh icing made by blending 1 cup sifted confectioners sugar with 2 tablerpoonl bot waler and 1 twpooos rom extract. When it comes to cbeeit fondues it's a good idea ·to cube the French bread a few hours ahead, putting it in .i paper sack'unUl needed. MOsf times the · bread Is Ml· !Oft textured, even with the ·· crust e1;ch cube should have; it has 1 tendency to fall off tbe fondue .fork. when dunked. If Cheese . fondues ~rt made -up too fir ahead or 'ltne. er yob try te hold them .for late C{)iTiers; thty can •let. ltrinQ ar too thick although you' c1h thin them again with a little warmed wine the recipe cal)f for. · A fr:iand gave me this "Speedy O>et!le F 1 t1 du e '., recipe \bat woWd be ideal for the no9lce who needs to get the "feel" tf the pOt. Combine l c111 ol CbHdar cheese soup. an I ounce pacbge of Swiss cbetle slices: cut in pie'ces arid a medium sized garlic clove minced. Heat until the cheese melts. stirring occaslonalty. Now a PoPular brand of city onion soup mil features 1 fondue recipe on ode ef the envelopes in the box. Thi' ene mei tomat.t juk:ie, p rec e 1 1 e d American cheese and the mlt to sea.son. Fondues are bett to stayt "Glalll(lllf Easy Allpl 'fl'Ood Deuert.I" &Ives you MYeral dlffettnt w171 to 1e"' ansel food. For ywr copy -10 centl and a IOI\(, atamped, Hlf •addroned envellll>+, with your ~ for ll It N1n Wiiey ID .. ,. ol the DAILY PILOT. \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZU NAPKINS 60 CJ. PKGS. 41»GOLDIN PREMIUM ICE .. ·7.9· c CREAM . . . CHIC-I-PET DINNERS 10° • ALL .STAR fllUIT DRIN~S =-~ '6 oz. 27c GIAl'E-O«ANGl' CANS 1'0f'tCAl l'UHC!f PERCH, or SOU: I ~ .... 72!1.!:i.051 FROZEN PIES _........_ .-....--..a --..... 99~ 6 OZ. PKGS. ll•ftAVORS GtOl!ltnA ftlftlAo PEACHES ~ O.Ollllmol. WHOlf APRICGTS " cc. --·-DRESSING .. "" FRUIT COUWIS Cit( S(MM-N'IU-l'UC" "'...,,...., ........ SNACK TRAYS J&I0'5 N?A cm MEQCMt """"' . coa<TAll. TACOS Fl10all• n lie GP ~l.2SOZ. TACO otft, 5.15 OZ. Ofl'ESE ~CJll1t 525 OZ. SWEDISH 39c .39c .59c ........ 1 ggc •·>~-89° ,.. __ 4t =29c -~-.,.,,.. y "' UEAO, 160Z.. . ClllAMOI ~.. 35• ICED DONUTS":" 35• I I . LARY!' OLIVES UNDSY4JTTED, RIPf 6oOL CANS 35• SALVO DEnltGENi' lAIUTS -46-0Z. P'l!:GS. 73• ORANGE JUIQ Fl~ Ott Swmte NXlED OLD SOUTH GB1gc DRISTAI ~.'ti""' 1.09 CUT GREEN BEANS FRENCH Cl/T OR REGULAR FRESH PACT-FROzm Ml MEAT Ct IEf1-«0U«> C11 ...... """""'-><>< rtO:ll & l'WENTC>-40l.. ,,[IA lON-+Ol. cono SALAMI • s ox. 19~ 90Z. Pkq~ SALADS-YOll CHOICE 04 OZ. POTATO· MAC.ARON( 33c OR COlE SlAW DRISTAN CAPSU\fS-6'5 '" '11P DIPS-YOUR CHOICE CIRCUS IUTS-YOll CHOICE ~~ 35c GIEtN otU-Al1 • oz. CA~OZ. St ~~~~·"'or. uscca m• COOITAL 4ar. ii' MIXED-NO~ 5l~ oz. 49fGG llllU\ 491 fOAN. l'ltLOW'S--GUA-.vflffO.... 99-ltVQ CIUAR'f ~~~INT~~,,...., ... ·291 '8PIOQ ROG nGALLON 69' 100 PWN ENVELOPt:S TOOt citooc:r fl9ALl MEAT fllANKS 1-LI. .59(: 6"119" l'A&l.ETS-PlAIN Oii ll:Ul.ED 29c --., ~ 60: .. TIASH CAN with lid-20Gol. 1.49 ~·u IEEF FRANKS PKGS. ... PLASTIC COATED Sll:IDGE CAll:DS 19c flactEAM otllSE "°",...., 33c PlASTIC COArtDllOICEICAlOS 19c GAUO $UCED SALAMI MllL 43c .a. At PAMPERS .. ITll ....... --1.59 O\llltlliltl' ..... __ .19 DANOlA DAfofSH COOICEb SLICED HAM ~ 59• CASCADE 10t AUTOllV.TIC.ofSHW~5·0t. FICOS. er• 67' r ...... Alll-L""'E""l"'CA"",S''l.ti"Zf.~.s'l.q!'lf"'4!J!f!'!(!!l'GIP..•A(!'l4\'!Ji!'\l'''!!tA-az.,;4;,!!1'@4"""'"''''-'*"''·+'<!".tl'~'l'.044,!'l'R'"° ___ ,,.,,.,...,.,_.,_.,,_,.,,....,,_,, ....... -.. ,----.. o ..,..-.<-....,r---,,.--..,-..,-...--,..--~,~,.-.,,-----.---~~-~·-· .. ,.......,.. ,_.1,.., __ ._.,. • ·--, • OAILV PILOT J7 ' for ,Qne 1·,. Pot POT ROAST A LA FOIL .California Grown -One day fresh FRYER ' . Bq .JOUN BUNN you cook when you lived on NEW YORK _ Kenneth West Eighty-Ninth S t r e e t , Nels0n•1 ·a JUY who made it. (wllere he had. a room with a big jn kl~hen gadgetry clrcles ,, sink and~ ~h1.~.)" ,. in Macy's Basement ·~ "I had to beeaUSt. I Wfl so Kreu' dime store before he hungry and really ~~ Jt made It big on Broactway. "I that point. I had a bud&et ol 30 was ~rrific as a demonstrator cents a day: It waS one, no of vegetable pee1era and made· two chocolate bars 1 day . I a hell o{ a kit of money at made a big mess ·o( oatmeal that," be said slyly in his with raisins and that was like midtown penthouse apartment my big meal. There waJ a hog ·one early winter artemoon. dog 'st.and on the corner of "I started in the Bronx _ if Eighty-nlneth and Broad~aY, . you were good, they senl ypu -and that was like dinner. downtown to Fifth Avenue ~ "I'm not a parUcularly good and IcUdn't even know where ; cook. And I haven't eaten the Bronx was," the North oatmeal in years! I cook Carolina-born, Texu-r a i s e d things that can all be coOked actor said. together. If I'm having people The actor joklncly recalled lo dinner, not a c~role leaner days fn, show blx : .. 1 · necessarily, but stuff that's didn't have any special spiel " cooked all at one time so I can he Malled. "There I w a' s go sit in ttie ·tiring room and .Joo~ing '.buttoned-down' and drink w,ith my guests rathe'r scrubbed, selling .those than have to be ln th~ kitchen. gadgets. The whole contrast of "l make pot roast in foil, what I was selling ·from what I and it is very good! I got the looked like, was so mlnd recipe from an old actress bog~ing, plus r h~ a kind of friend, BobO Lewis. She gave boyish appeal which I was me the recipe via long using like crazy on those old dls'tance. I called her up with ladies." a plea ol SOS when I foolishly "Are ' you dangerow in the invited some people to dinner!. kitchen?" he was asked. "Did "J'bave another recipe for a . . ' ~ ...a , -' r•~\tt ---~~~~~{i\~~~1 . .. ~· 1 U. CAN %1 c :~. m;o .. LGER, S c ~: ·= I ; {;;;;, I; :f§ ;COFFEE t!:i ~·. r · •• 1 ne ~=-===------~~~~CE-~~~o~-~!r~ u.:.. ,~(\\\i1\\1\\\\1111~~1'i'\ti\\\~ s.-· 1.1\\\\\\\\i111ii111\\ '~$. ~ARTS THl~H~RuM.5r1CKs RYER 55' FRYER ·3nc BACKS BREASTS 11. WHIS '1;..,N~S '' ' "'- 4D0ENUINE O.CK CORNISH FARM STYLE ·C ' GAME HENS • • MIN. WEIGHT 20-0Z. JENO'S PIZZA ROLLS ROYAL CROWN C()LA-6PK. Qt£ESEBURGER-SHRIMP & CHEESE l'fPl'BIONI & C!il'ESE . SAUSAGE & OfEESE , FIOZEN &5c .. r k6~i-$ ®59c 160Z. ans. '01 ~ARTMJNt , .................... ~~ ... .::l::•'1~ .• ~.'.?,'~!:!~i2:~ CHATEAU =PAGNE =-axo JlUCI( FFnis 1.89 LE JON CHAMPAGNE :~Fimt$2 49 COU> DUCK • JACQUES BONET :::LV.R CHAMPAGNE COID JlUCI( FIFTHS 1.99 flFTllS 2.97 Fl~1.99 FIFTl!S 3.99 LE \DOMAINE CHAMPAGNE ANDRE COLD DUCk. REGU\Al PINK CHRISTIAN SANDRA VODKA ii1RE OR · BROTHERS CHAMPAGNE PINK REGUIAR 89 iouiioi :;~~ 399 ROYAL REGIMENT QUARTS SCOTCH ,. ~"° 479 TIDE DmllGINT ~ PKGS. 10c Off TOP JOB UQIJODQW<lll 20c Off SOL ITI.S. • · TUNA CHICllN Of 1"E SEA lJGlfT OiUNIC 40?. CANS 6~l. CANS 914.0Z. CANS 71' 49' 28' 37' 51' !I CHIPS . :~ I I g>I EA. I < ~1\)\1\hl" ~ , \\\\\i\\~~\1\,~I ·-------~-- HANOI-WRAP PWTOCWIAP 100 fl. ROUS 33' ~ fllDtAN RMI!: RED &. WI-UTE GRAPEFRUIT Ant FIBGKJEl>-.fRfS &. PICKED RIPER HAWAIAH PINEAPPLE . -· swm'MlDllOWN ONIONS c IA. c " .... c u . c u. HA npy Hr~~ : '.".' .. ,·~-·s t: ~ ' ..... . '4\ ... • quick dessert, a 'g e I a..t i n ·mousse, but It's really a big cheat!. You make that out or Jello,,but lt"s very good. I got tile recipe oul of a blender cookbook," he added. Ken makes a strawberry mou.ue us.Ing .wild s\rawberry flavored gelalln CQmbined with Jresh or frozeo strawberries, whipped cream. spiked with a hint of Creme de Fraises (strawberry cordial ) .. ·,,.Do you still want to grow vegetables!" "Not vegetables necessarily. I ' like to grow things, but I haven't had a garden since I Was ·a kid. "I used to grow all kinds of things is a n'litter of ract. ~ut I had iome champion amaryllis and cockscomb. And I was a whiz at z.inneas. It's not that I was really all that good, but I ~ust like growlilg thlngs. And t sUll do, but it's very difficult for me here in New York." Ken plans to make a g~rden on his "tar beach" (a Whole roof gardeii, Bccessibl~ t.o his apartment up a narrow flight of stairs from his pad ). ,"It:s· a pretty expensive proposition. And I haven't really had the time because- onee yoU 'get 8 thing like thal going. and yoo go off on tour, then it's all going to waste. So if ,fue ·plays a success and I'm Certa,in it will be, then I'll have some time here to make a lltfle Jafdeo! • ' • 'o'' KENNETH NELSON'S POT 'ROAST 'N VEGETABLF.'I 1 3 or 4 pounds boneless chuck (or· round) roast of beef 2 tablespoons bottled steak sauce 1 enYelope fJY, ounce) beef navor-mushroom mix 1 JOY, ounce can cream of mushroom soup 8 small potatoes, scrubbed, left. in sltins 12 to 14 small carrots, scrapped 10 to 12 pearl onions, peeled Trim excess fat from roast. Place ·1ong sheetiof heavy-duty aluminum foil In a shallow baking' pan: Place roast in centtr, rub 11.ealc sauce on all aides of roast *1th the hands. Sprinkle beef-mushroom mix Over meat. Spread soup on roast. Arr&Qge pot atoes , carrots, onions around meat. Bring two ends of foil up over meat, seal with Ught dobble fold. Tum up othtr ends, teal In same way. Bake In preheated 300 degrees oven for 3~ hours. When done, open one end of package, pour juices into saucepan, skim off excess fat, reheat lo serve as broth (or thicken with flour-water mixture). Serve with crilp tossed green salad (Bibb or Boston lettuce, snipped fresh parsley, cherry tomatoes, canned drained a r t I ch o k e hearts, green pepper rings, garlic-flavored croutons or capers with lemon-oil French dressing.) Serves 6 to 8. VARIATIONS : T om.ato- Green Pepper Roast: Follow basic recipe but substitute onk>n soup mix and a I pbUnd Can drained. chopped tomatoes for beef-mushroom mix and mushroom soup. For vegetables. use 1h: pound sli~ fresh mushrooms, one small green pepper sliced, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, pinch dried oregano, salt and freshly ground pepper. Cook in package as directed. G a r 1 I c -C offee Braised Roast: Omit steak sauce, rub roast with garlic and well- seasoned Oour. Center roast on large sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil; brown under broiler, turning . Pour off excess fat. Omit beef-mushroom mix an d mushroom soup : use ;--, cup coffee (or undiluted caMed beef broth) pOur over roast with vegetables; season well with salt, freshly ground pepper. Cook in pouch as directed. • • AFTERTHOUGHTS: Dinner in a package is only.-· the begiMing of a series of hearty, economicaJ m e a Is prepared with marinalions (dry red wine or wine vinegar, · onion, thyme, bay leaf or basil), seasonings (from fresh • herbs to packaged dried salad and or soup mixes) and a' potpourri of vegetables (fresh tomatoes, parsnips, :s w e e t potatoes, etc.) cooked with 1 roast (or in separate packets). STAR OF BROAOWAY Kenneth Nelson Mon-pleasing ·Dish Rib Steak Seasoned A sure way to please the man of the house is with an extra thick rib steak. Add a crowning touch with se:asOned roquefor( butter to bl'ing out the beSt navor of this bearty beef ateak. NIOther time make a different. butter uslng garlic and parsley. anchovy paste, or mUMard and-, hlekory smoke salt. All kinds of combinations are possible, and you'll have fun making your own. Today California beef is bell.fr. The biggest cash commodity l D agriculture, Callforrtla's· number one lndustry, is beef production . R 0 QUEFORT BIJTIEBEO CHOICE-Rm STEAK 4 California beef rib or club steaks, cut thick Salt and pepper l (4-ounce ) packa1e roquefort cheese l tablespoon butter Juice of 'ii lemon 2 tablespoons sherry 'ft teaspoon Worcestershirl sauce 2 teaspoons chopped chives Score fat on edge of steaks. Broil about 3 inches from heat to desired degree of <loneness. Sall and pepper lo las\e. Blend softened cheese Ind butter with lemon julce, sbe:rry1 Worcestershire 1 a u c e ant1 chives: serve with ateaka. .. , • ' ' • ' l " 211 DAIL V PILOT ENGLISH . MUFFINS t fA.=29~· ALKA SIL TIER,.f f~ ~CT. 49~1 ', HOFFMAN FUU Y COOICll> SMOKED HAMS SHA* HALF \ j , ~· MIA TY, LOIN END PORK LOIN ROAST WEUTllMMED ~ RIB END PORK CHOPS LEAN~T'IOfOPS -- COUNTRY STnE SPARERIBS EXCELLENT fOR THE BAii~ ............. _ GREENLAND I TURBOT 'MIOLEO!I Cl'NTH CUT SLICED 45c .. IY THE "ECE - WILSON CRISPRITE SLICED BACON 11.' lb. IUTIPOITIOIUMOKEDHIM-65'. 1 ' LOii POIK CHOPS "~' ~.1'< SWEET SMOKED FLAVOR 1-LB ..... -.. -. POU SAUSAGE WlLSON'S ML .39< POii Ull SAUSASI >afMAN • ~ 2"' --HOUDA Y PARTY FIXIN'S -- READY TO EAT SIACIS ~ 29' ~l%A1,1\llm _39 mA!'~ft~i6~49 !!ll'l!Pc.!!~ __ 35' l!l'Um,_ 79 50o/o OFF ON All CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING WHILE THEY LAST POTATOES U.S. NO. 1 RUSSET l?m.aM.~--. 4i31C I L~~~,!,~I ~~A.P _ 2.i 35c ~.~~fHA•~-~~~!. . ... 2i 43c rn!,{Hf ________ 73c !~M~,~~lT,£.ll PAC __ 31 c M,~~~1~! __ _ __ 43c ~!!~~~~~--___ 41 c ~~.~i\~[~,J ;,l1,._llD .... 37c j. MILLS BROS. 2'111. $1 77 '11' COff££l lb.·St sacan -• FLORIDA s GRAPEFRUIT for SWEET, RUBY RED OR WHITE ........... -~ s FUERTE AVOCADOS for LARGE CALIFORNIA ................................... CARROTS SPANISH ONIONS t)< U.S. h,K). 1 ........................ -....... ~ ............... lb. . CllSP TllDll TOPS Off 3125' ~!JE~rrA~K~~.~~!. .................. EA. 1 O< !!Yi~~~~~-~~~-~ 8 .i:;; 89' . ·' www~mww Van de Kamp's HOLIDAY SPECIALS · Mo~ Tlll Sun., Die. -3 Dita Nut 6gc Lua! ............. 11 .., .... 111 Butterfly 3gc Coffee Cakes ... Pk•' ••1.11. Blueberry ~ 3gc Mutlins .......... l'IJ.' •c. u. WWWW\11\llW WATER SOFTENER ._79' ARDEN DAIRY SPECIALS C TIACiE CHEESE ARDEN llG. OMMED Pl'IT SIZI 33~1 MAYFAIR FROZEN FOODS JUG'S PIZZA RAYS ASSTD 7'h oz. sam ea~ ADYllTISID PltCIS EFHCTIYI MON·DIC.11""" WB>. JAN. 6 175EAST17th STREET, COSTA MESA • matAir VALUABLE COUPON CHA TEAU LA RIENE , COLD DUCK $ 79 t CAS10fl2 ' 51111. $1L9' FIFTH PUAMPAGNE CRAruu LA Rim s339 1111 PAR!Y SIZE MAGNUM .•••• JAQUES BONNET COLO oucx o~ . s199 Cl!AMPAGNE ._ Ith CHAMPAGNE ~~ :=aiC: out1t , 1th s249 • PRAVDA VODKA OIAICIOAL Fil-, IO l'llOOF ~-·~~7.29 !!.'t~W1 N ···-·-·· --"' s299. ~!JY!!;;'~L!,PORIED _ .. _,,.S]99 !:~!.~Jv~J.~tl, ." .. -···$9'S ~J~!.9!-~cx!OUR~~~--·-· HAV GAC s9 79 KODAeOLOR FILM ~:.. • S 119 cx1u.12trG'w4Anc .a.a.PACK-EA. " h·' •, I . ' I• r· Alpha Beta's Man ·in Blue '' says: BILLPITINO STORE MANAGER SOUTH LAGUNA • PAPAYAS ='" 3 "' 1 1" .CARROTS """" • '""'"' OR RUTAIACAS 10:.. 10~. PINEAPPLES ::O::, 49:.. CABBAGE :1~'':."~.. 7~. RADISHES ::r,.':"" I Ok LETTU"E """"'""'"""" 10' 'f' • llf.D 1.1A1 • EftOl'IE -. GRAPEFRUIT 1.1.'i".l'"' 8 "" 'I" FRESH CORll 11:.. JUICE ORAIGES 10:0. SQUASH :=::...~. BELL.PEPPERS . VEGETABLES -· APPLES :IBa... 10 ~' 97c, ORANGES "''" 10 ~ 97c PINACH • COUMO •MALE • MU$TAltD RUSSETS 20 ih 97c CELERY ~:~ 19:.. ...... ' - • 1 ! "'' ! I l ~ ' ~I ~ I 2 OUICE liOTTLE IOME ALPHA llTA STOllEI DISCOlnff C:IWIGE PlllCE , JRECI HAIR oiY 1, 80 COLORlilG y '7-0Z. SIZE DRY • NORMAL• 00.T IS.OZ. SlZE: . ORY • NOllMAL •Oft.Y µr "' ,!.i! 1.41 ---------. l'itGULAR • EX'l'RA HOLD • UNSCENTED WHITE RAlll HAIR SPRAY•= JJY 111 -·----------.~--~ 11.oz. SJZC,.\EROSQLCAN • .RE:Gut.AR • SUIF ••MENTHOL • LEMON-LIME: '" ·GILLETTE FOAMY 9 .. 31 SHAVE CREAM JI" MURiNEEYEDRDPS sat571 1111~· 1.·~~ll'j !ri J-. t 'l ' I A I ,..oz. ·PIG .• suem !UM OR ~ANDWJCH BttF DANOLA MEATS 3-0Z. PACKAGE ' · Gallo Sllced S1l1me J9C 631 .56'E 491 6-0Z. PACV.GE: ft lie F~r~~r ~~!:~"wieners )5c' 681 At,11• 1£111 • WITH EOG • ~CZ. 37' POTATO SALAD ""VALUE :Z..LB. CONTAINER • r.&o VALUE ts. @oiai&t:~uicE Ja! 671 IO-OZ. BAG • T'W'im. mcxs • r.Eif'(iTEE '"" 291 ... PRETZELS ...... , 9/18-0IZ SPRAY 7 I 1',--.ii=----,....,' SPEllrEASY . 98t 8 ~12y,gz.PECANCOf'FUCA1't • <> -•"\.-L" r' 12-0Z. POUND CAXE • TROZEN • 1 ,._.. • """" ----------------· 14-0Z BANANA CAICE -· sclllcl''1'Roli:ciiRDME1i• c SARA LEE CAIES.88C 751 • RAZOR BLADES pr •';,'li~• b1!1C- ------~------------------BOTTLE or !it AIACIN TABLETS Sat' 791 DOUBLE DISCOUNTS ••• 0t• extra IG\l ingt mode possible bv. ttmporory purcho• oUowonc.n from the monufoctul"9n, OYer & above our Sow di!COU"lt prkts.. a.oz. PEAS WJCREAM SAUCE• IC..OZ. W/ONIONS • 8-0'%. W/POTATOts lfR'DSiiE''PiA's.* 301 10-0%. Gl.AZID CAMOn .. .. lllP'KI 1£TA ... Y!.2'AL • FAMILT Pll 631 ICE CREA• ... YAWll .&9f 591 12-COUNT• FROZEN CAROUSEL BARS ·-----·------------. VOt.1 ALPHA BETA Neiohborhi:iod ~ IThe Mon In the Red Apron) Proudly Offen BUTCHEn'S PllDE MEATS Qualify ond Satisfaction Guaranteed M.U.T$ YOU'LL 11 PROUD TQ SllVI ' --HTlllrl ntu ,,w BARBECUED 68C CNICIEI , Ht COlllEDBEEFa7c BlllSIET lb USDA GRADE A • WHOlE BOOY • LUER • 8 Ot PACKAGE FRESH 2ac FRYERS lb SlllLESS 24C LINKS 0""'11: ""YPI 12 ,.,, PKC. SWlft'S • l'lTTIO or llfl!S • l4l. N;.111' SMDliE uiu-•• , lftDW• I ' IHYE llUlllE • TH£SE MEAUlllCIS EIHCTl\li 111110UGll TIIJRSOAY DICOIBER 31 IOT~l UISCUdHf\ f ~ l 1>~ ' ~' SOMf AlPMl IUA STOHS DllCOOffT CIMIGt ,.,Cf ¥1PINTCONTA1NER•29cVAwt 27' AlPHR .IETR SOUR CllfAll 1-PINT CONTAINEI •Mc VALUE 'k @ AS6oJITBD COLORS ~ fRl.NTS_ 12S-COUHT •II-• Bi:M.ttlE'-!.I)~ FACIAL TISSUE ;po 6 ·1 '. tLtcTIV.-PERC • 14.B CAN . 1 11£011LAR •DRIP • OR MAlWBJ. HOUSE 061 COFFEE Mi:H' REGULAR OR ELl."'CTRA-P!RC 1.5' a.LB, CAN ;.Ml g.oz. IAR MAXWElL HOUSE IJISTAJCT 10-0Z. JAR 1..15' 111 (i9 . 1.41 rs.:tiz. C).N • W!TH BEANS CHI CHILi'CON CARNE GREEN' GIANT • 7C'I.. CAN 18' NIBLETS WHOlE KERMn CORN '86 •· e.oz. • PEAS )Ko Jh 81/i.OZ. • LE SU£UR EARLY PEAS ;Jfc a. @~:a~i~;~:iA~ J3{&8' C'h·OI?, CAN • llEVIW) 37' SPAM SPREAD 1f{ ~CE!!TI-'ruSl!•0"4•Si<.W.' £61 ~ DMlllED SHRIMP ..Vo IHI' TENO'S • l:Z.COUtfT • PJIOZEN SAUSAGE OR PD'PERONI 11!fM llllA ROLLS .-1111· 1YJ·OZ., SNACK '!'MY Jiiii: lie f'.:C\o.o<. IAO•a!OC. comm 41' ~QmCAWlns jld QUALITY BAKERY AT DISCOUNT PRICE li'OTOAN · Slt[ET HEAD fltiMl IEJt • 1·LAYI:ll CHOCOLAlt FUDGE CAKE PJ.l.ERMO • 5-PACK SAJIDWICH ROLLS f'.:C\IL"'I IOA • 1).02, • TWllf PA.Cl" '=1JORTIL1A CHIPS v:1:in: 48¢ ITOflliE HOUltl: MON, dml PAI, 10 AM• l'M SAT. tnd SUN. 10 NI. 'to 7 PM IU/A. D~~L:OU NI ) fVlllY OtlY DO:\ BUJBLE·UP @ 1-PACl' • IM)Z. CANS I ....... Decembot 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT 2f USDA GR,>.DE A 20.oz. MINIMUM ARMOUR ST AR . ' { GAME HENS c EA. ) Al1HA IETA IV!CBBl'I l'llDE lllF Al DISCDllllTI FRESH !CONl)f'~-oo 53c · GROUND BEEF · lb :t " !. ' T-iONl STEAKS @TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ROUND STEA~ Rill CUT ~FAMILY STEAK QIUCK ROAST WOE CUT ' 2' 1,., 1st "· .,. 98:.. 57• ., Jet 7911 lOl~l U!1COU Nl '.:I l~[flY DAY 4fl.OUNCE' CANS •GRAPE• CHERRT • ORANGE • FRUIT PVNCH • WU.O l!ltllRY • CITIIUS COOUJI 33' H~C DRINKS pc 16-02. BOTTI£ • CONCENTM TE 11&- HAWAllAN PUNCH 51t UU QUART BOTTU: IA!' .. .BATH SIU' • AQUA • GOLD • Dit.'So~::"' )al! 21 1 REGtJU.11 SJZE •OOLD Ofl PJNt Pt l:k ~%-OZ. DE1S&V· '!!'.:::::Y BOWi. CLEANER ~ 32-0tmCE Pm, 861 '!!'.:::::Y PIO.IDN IUJllNE )18( H ' 3-0Z, • f'tVt FLAVORS 9' ROYAL GElATINE Jk ' ~ 7-0UNCE BOX • ClltAMETT£S 12¢ '!!'.:::::Y El10 MACARONI .)5C' @ ~·PArc'AKE SYRUP )fC 121 @ MANZANIUA • LOS OLIVOS 71/J-OZ. JAR •THROWN PAC~ Jltk STUfFtD OLIVES JI< ... c f'.:C\UNOSAY •,.,CAN •M'29t ~MEDIUM OLIYES -• UNDSAY • Sl4.oz. CAN • PIITtD • SPICY 281 5REDI DU'l£S AK fB~~~D ~t~sc•NS Ja..131 ~ 41ft-OZ. CAN • MINCED .lie l3e 21/,.0Z. CAN• SUCED .2(li: 1'- AUNT IAN~'S •~-OZ. !AR POLISH • KOSHER ~ NO OARUC 631 ICEIE" STIX .lat' @::;> f~~ 'sfuc't" · · J8c 81 I r..B'i:;:rJir Pll'S rm .tk 471 ~ 14-0Z. JAR JOit ~ ~AlmTJANE~• .. OZ.IAR 61' ~KOSHER DILLS -"' ~AUNT JANE~ • IO.OZ. IAR 41 f ~SWEET PICKLE STIX .5ac llA.NCN STYLE • Dl CAN "'BC LUCKY ALL YEAR" BLACK-EYED PEAS VAN CAMP • XO CAN' 17, POU AND BEANS Jtc · ~l-01CAN 12 ~GEBHARDT BDN DIP .J.fc" I l'.:C\ "'1.Ell~ • EllVtLOP< 61 ~ONION SOUP lllX .Jlc'" •• CREMY BOWL• II-OZ, flit MARASCHINO 65I CHERRIES .a: S"TlSfACTION GU ... R ... NTtfC Oii; YOUR MONl1' REFUNDED • SALES TAX COLLlCTID ON ALL·TAXABLE ITEMS• wt RESEii.VE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SALES TO CO/ii\MfRCIAL OfALUS. COITA M'IA-241 I. 17tlli It. HUNTINGTOfit llACH-fOQ Mlma HUNTl,NOTON llACH-11611 ~. M•ln It. POUNTAIN VALLIY-Utl WerMr LA.UNA HILLs--4U41 Celt. tie ~ LulM lllVINl-11Mt C':•t.er, Unl .... l'llty Perk SOUTH LAOVNA-M122 I. c .. 1t Hlw.y \ ·-· l I " ' . • I ·n D~l y PILOT MOftday, Dtcrmbtr 28, 1970 • • • ' . • • ·l • ' ~ . Chills C~a~ed Away By Warming Welcome • ' Nert t1me you ope.n yuur -lo ohlvulng guests, grttt U!em with • bright ...i drink tlult'c guaranteed to chase the chills away. Everyone welcomm t h e reviving power of a hot drink ,. on a cold, cold day. And smart bosteaes everywhere are dis<o1'riol that traditlonal hot drinb. atCb ~ coffee, tea and cider, take on a special lute appeal w~ the tangy red juice of the cranberry is added. 11>0ll who are most invent1ve are cruting enUrely new w i n t e r picker-uppers bued on cnuiberry juice. Even the yoongest guests will delight in the taste and coffee cupa. Sel'\le with sugar c u be a • Suggested gamtab: cinnamon sUcks. CRANAPPLE TODDY , (Seniff I) I cupa 011 quarts) Ocean S p r a y cranberr741>ple drink 1 tea>poon 8"'0ftd ---1 teaspoon gl"Otllld n\lllneg 2 ~bourbon Strip or orange PINI -6 inches long Combine all ingredients and simmer until bubbly. Remove orange peel. Poor ·into large mugs. SPICY CRANBERRY GLOW !Serves 4) point. Lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove clnnamoo. sticks and cloYes. Serve hot In large mugs. MUUED CRANBERRY CServn jJ ' l cups (I quart) Ocean Spray cranberry j u i c e cccktail 2 cups apple juice 2 cups orange juke v.t cup maple flavored syrup l teaspoon ground cinnamon 1h teaspoon ground nutmeg ~ teaspoon ground cloves Combine all Ingredients; heat just to boiling point Pour into mugs and serve hot. : sparkle or hot cranberry drinks. (And mothers will ap.. predate the bonus of vitamin C that cranberry juice «fers.) Teenagers -always eager to try somelhlng new a n d dUferent -will think Spicy Cranberry Glow, stirred with a cinnamon stick, is really "out-<>f·sight." For a du 1 t parties, nothing breaks the lee Ji.ke steaming mugs o f Clanapple Toddy. Suggeste d garnish: marshmallows or lemon slices r;tudded with cloves. 4cups(Iquart) Ocean HOTDRI ..i. Spray cranberry ju i c ,,1-----------------"'-----C..:..:C.:...:=::.N::.K:;:S;._W:.;.:E,:LC,:O:;M::;:E_C:;O:;L:;D::._:W:;E::A:;T:,:H:,:E::R:_:G::;:U:_:c::S;_TS::..._ ___________ _ cocktail I Try one or an of these hot cranberry drinks. We think yoa will make them a part "- your w i n t e r entertaining tradition. CAFE AU CRANBERRY Ciorm II 2 cups U 111110 O..an Spr•1 cranbe~llict oocktaU 2 cups ft(fee tr espresso · ~ l tablespoon · on Julee Slrip of orange peel -4 inchesloog Combine cranberry juice and corree; add lemon juice and orange peel Bring to a boU and simmer 2 minutes. Remove orange peel an<! pour liquid into after-Oinner 1/3 cup granulated sugar Juke of I lemon 3 whole cloves 2 cinnamon sticks 2 teaspoons brandy extract or 1h cup brandy Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil: lower heat and simmer 5 minutes. Remove spices and serve hot in large mugs, Suggested garnish: spiced apple rings, or cinnamon stick wrapped with lemon peel: CRANBERRY GLIMMER ($ervff JO) 4 CUJI (I quart) Qcean SpP<y cranberry l ~ I c e coo~ll I can (I l!O~nd) a~tjcot halvet and lhel.t ]ti.Ice, eievecl ~ cup raspberry ~rup Juice oC I lemon 4 cups water 2 cinnamon sticks 4 whole cloves Combine all tngredierits in a saucepan. Heat to the boiling NEW ENGLAND FAVORITE New England Cla ssic Stew Flavorful A favorite seafood i s flavorful oyster stew. The stew, like many another American classic, originated in New England. An old recipe began, i•Take fifty oysters and equal quantities of flounders, Wte and eels." That was Great Grandmoth- er'.! way, !;J.ut lhings have changed a bit since this 1890 recipe was published. Oyster stew turna up on menus th e country over and fine oysters are avall11ible fror.en and can· ned as well as fresh .•. Jn effect, oysters are always Jn season. A quart or oysters an d milk make the easy base for today's version, and that's all you need in addition to seasoning. Taba lCO pepper sauce offers invaluable (Javor for oyster stew ••. or any other kind of creamed soup as w e 11 • Because It's a liquid, Tabasco permtates the pan and dlst;lbutes evenly. And with Ta1'tc01 you eliminate the black necks of pepper that make pale dishes a e e m 1"111aJ>Uy. cream of Spinach Soup is anothtr winner and it's a snap to mab. too. 'Ibe soup is baled on frozen chopped oplnach, pureed, and combin- ed wtth canned cream of eel · ..., toup, mJ1lt, 111d ,..,oolng. Here apin Tabuco turns up to lend aplrltecl flavor. Try ooe IOllp, try them both . • • thly'n splendid modem .. versions o r old·lashioned favorites, OYSTER STEW t quart oysters wilh liquid l teaspoon celery salt ~ teaspoon paprika J quart milk Jh teaspoon Tabasco pepper sauce Butter Put oyslers and liquid In saucepan with celery salt and , paprika; heat unUI edges or oysters curl. Add milk; heat to serving temperature. Remove from heat; stir in Tabasco. Put 1 tablespoon butter-in each soup plate ; ladle In stew. Serve with soup crackers. Yield: •to 6 servings. CREAM OF SPINACH SOUP 2 packages (1 ounces each) frozen chopped spinach 1 can (10~ ounc es) condensed cream or celery soup 3 soup-cans milk I{, teaspoon TabUco pepper sauce 1 teaspoon salt ;4 teaspoon nutme1 Cook spinach according to package directions. Drain and puree in food mill or electric blender. Put spinach in saucepan with (unpureed Portion if food mill is used ). Blend in remaining ingredient!. Heat to serving tempereture, stirring occasionally • Yltld: 6 to hcrvlllp . " •• -· 5 $1 ruvon 111111£11 n.az. LARGE EXTRA FANCY· ••••• •\"' &19 U5DACHOklOlt $TAT9 USDAOIOICIOltSTAT9 llOLc&IWWWW; llOS.CMIWWW- 75~. 45~. 1-STTHRUS-THllB LLll' llOUllDBOllEIOAST .. ., SLICED PORK BACON LINKS T .......... t~P•CXAGI SUN GLO • AS50R I B> llG. 49c SIZE SNAC,K CHIPS_ ilPiOiiv1s_3 ~:~ 51 LlllY'S TOMATO 4 QUARTs1 ' JUICE -BOTTLES SUNSHINE. SNACIC CIACICER CHE·EZ-IT -········-··-·-1::t 49c c"i:i c ·KERS_ ....... __ 1::G~ 3 9c .. ,.._ UTIUTYIAGS 73 BAGGIES ______________ s::J.· c ifiERGENT ___ ~~~~~ 5194 iizQPRE-SOAK0~~~T59c •AllCHllAID CIAUPCf MIXED EGG • I , ' "TENDER-LEE '' FINE QUALITY FULLY COOKID SHANK HALF AMS 3:. IUTT 63, HAM $J 1t WHOlE 65 < POITION ...... I~. SllCIS.......... llt. HAMS.......... Uio. FULLY COOKED BONILISS HALF HAMS WILSON'S TENDERMADE $129 or HORMEL'S CURE '81 ' • . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~ •. fll.CSID[ Snax Crackers ... • ... ,, .. 25c , ... 41c lflllltAND Frenchie1 ..... Wl,ll'S 39c Brown 'n Serve Roll1 .. ,,ci. JANE ANDEi.SON Sliced Bread !I' lllTllA DllCOUNT .,.o~;!ii , WIECSTWEOOCDRAELL AMFLAVORS -,,i'i>O>,j .,... . .. ,.._,.. 59! )..•·· ~C HALF . A''IANWAYlfGULAl · Piasa Mix...... . .. . . . "'h •L39c ~ GAL IA. PKG. 48c Ol~~·A!~tlfS OF2S 73c YOUI CHOICE OF YRAMlllS mn:1t tlStMI COMPARE ·····-···--···-·-·················· """ "'" On .. A·Day _, ...... ---·-···-·· ttG'• ,,_,. $2.35 : Oft .. A•hYM•--........ _,,, .. 1110\ till $2.74' Checks c11 ... •I• -.:.:.:.:·· .. ······-11111' '*-" $2.7S i , ... kl, ....... --··--... "~ $1 .ttl Plh•hl•H -·-··-··-·-·~' "" $2.791 Pll•l1t---········-·---···-,.., ..... $2.ff c1rAMtnfs llbow Mac•ronl ............ ,,,.39c ' HUNT'S Manwich. .. . ......... .>eon. 35c llA.N CAM''S • 27 Pork & 8ean1 ............ ·····""' c ..,UTllA.DllCOUNT ~--:,._f, FRISKIES-BUF.FET .,o•'*'~·" \' CAT FOOD _, .. ;i~~' All:A•IETIES 1'4C 6Vz.OZ. I~ NEW ZEALAND SPllNG LEG 0' LAMI -. . . . .. . . . . ... . ...... DAILY PILOT 31 RK ST •••••• 5.~ . RIB END Wal1r thin 89 PORK CHOPS CH.Pl'........ it. C•nl•• Cwt loin or 5 .5c ~'.~,CHOPS ... 791t ll. iiORil' ROAST 55,t. CMIPO•NIA Giff rJCNIC PACK OR Hot Olardlnera . .11 v..c33c CAU,Ollf\llA orn HOT C.t.UUflOWlt Ot Salad Ollve1 ..... . ......... 11 v..L 33c ii";ii;;.. Pearl Onlons"''"c33c .-~.llXftA DISCOUNT GREENWOOD-SLICED PICKLID BIDS 16-0Z. 25-~~ fll[TWOOO 69C Paper lllate1 ...................... 1ooc. IDfAlPWTtC-2,CT. 2 C Spoon1°Pork1°Knlve1,. .. 5 WOl.lO'S fAll HOU D'OluvtfS-1,0 CT. ·M!Ylllcolor Toothpicks ... 13c Jrobutt ilrpartment FiiimAY0CAD0$ 25.~. CALIFORNIA GROWN GRAPEFRUIT IASYnn 'A(!llEllUllES .. .. .. . • I 51~. WOI HIADS-CIU.0.WIA' CAULIFLOWEI ....... 39.~. nn1W1n-HAJJ' OAUOM OlAlllE JUICE •.•••• 7 5 ~- s.couNT CIU.O IAO . LIMES ................ 15 :.. SALTlO ., PWN-12.0Z, CILLO IAO • PEANUTS •••••••••••• 3 • .~. OR NAVEL ORANGES ~ur c::1ce7ftc CELLO BAGS ~A. 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNriR, HUNTINGTON BEACH • 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ) 3.f DAILY PILOT Irresis tible ,, 9447 10~~ "" ' In, 1ff ,..i..., 1ff r...'1' ... How timely! What more could you want -a pattern for the popular crocheted vest plus its own slimming dress. Printed Pattern 9393: NEW Misses' Sizes JO, 12, 14, 16, 18. NEW Half Sil.es 12'h. 14'h, l6Y.r, 18~4l. 20'h. 221f.i:. Croche t directions included. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each pattern -add 25 cents for each pattern for Air Mail and Special Handling. Send to Marian Martin , the DAILY PILOT 442 Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, ADDl\E.55 with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. NEW Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. 114 dynamic designs. Free Pattern Coupon. 50 cents. INSTANT FASHION BOOK -sew today, wear tomorrow. II. INSTANT SEW I NG BOOK What-to-wear answers, accessory, figure tips! OoJy $!. Old-time Dessert Updated A. modern way to make an o Id -t i m e coffelXake-type bread. SALLY LUNN 3'11: cups to 4 cups unsifted !lour 6 tablespoons sugar 114 teaspoons salt l package active dry yeast II cup milk If.a cup water 1h cup (V4·pound stick) but- ler 3 large eggs, at room temperature In a large mixing bowl thoroughly stir together l y, cups of the nour, the sugar, ii:a1t and undissolved yeast. Jn a saucepan combine the milk, water and butter; using low heat, heat until liquid is warm -butter does nol have to melt. Gradually add to dry in· gredients and beat 2 minutes at medium speed or electric mil.er scraping bowl several limes. Add eggs and 1 cup flour, or enough Oc:ir to make a Utick batter. Beat at high speed for 2 minutes, scraping bowl a few times. Stir in enough ad· dilional flour to make a stiff batter. Cover; let rise in warm' 'draft free place until doubled -about 1 hour. Stir down batter and beat well -about 1t.i: minute. Turn jnto a well-greased and floured 9-inch tube pan. Cover; let r ise as previously -about I hour. Bake in a preheated 325- degree oven 45 lo 50 minutes. Turn out of pan and serve v:arm or reheat. Corn Cokes Nutritious f\.take bacon-peanut corn meal ~p. Sin together 1 cup of enriched com meal, J4 cup of sifted all-purpose nour, t tablespoon o( sugar, t tea. spoon ea.ch o( sail and baking powder into a bowl. Add Y.i cup each of chopped peanuts and CMJmbled cooked bacon. For each cake pour about \~ cup of batter ..,.. hot, Ughtly greased griddle. Bake about 4 minutes on each alde. Serve with ampJe..blend«f syrup or oi»!o buttar. IW:• I ukes. ' r ' ..• Mondi7, Dtctmbtr 28, 1970 CLOSED .llEJr YEARS • IJGUIAI HOllS DAY lllWRAISEVf • Wllli ..... COuN• DOUBLE llL• CRIP --STWS (IAN TINDIR 'aONl·IN ROUND STEAK JOODOIAlfT SILP·•AITING ClllnR CUT DO•ILISS HAM ROAST PULLY COOKID 98~~; IXIRA LAROI ALKA-SELTIEI EFFEIPOO PLUS Denture Cleanser -Oll'S VICKS IAIYLOTION COUGH DROPS I SAYl20•I I SAYI 10•1 ?95c ~d~ TYSON'S .TURKEYS· Tiff ftMEST-ntllttYYOU CAN IUV. ~ TfNOt:R, JUICY AND flAVCWUl. GAME HENS u.s.D.A. 'A' OIUUNI ll·OZ.69! .... "''· .... POINT CUT ICIRIRG CAllfOIHIA'S FINEST lAIGE LETTUCE AYOCAHS SWEET llPE lAIGE HAWAll1'N CRllP 19.c PINEAPPLES SOUD LAltGE BROWN STEAK lllADS -. MUSHROOMS j<,.J~. 29.~. 49.~. 39c fRISHIASnRN PORK PIC•IC CUT SHOULDER ROAST 39: LIQUOR SPICIALS SAVE 10% OFF YOUR FAYHITE NATIOllAL HANDS ASSORTED IN CASI Of . 12 FIFTllS OR 12 ADS OR MOii· RASNOFF CHARCOAL HUDD 1'00% HA .. ~UL SPllm VODKA ~·349 ~ _ QUART $2'' ·~ IMPORIED FROM FRANCE ROSI' D'AN.IOU WINE ~~s 9 ·9! ... 6:119 · DA•OLA 'SLICID DAiii HAM •oz.59c IMPORnD PKG. AUSTRIAN ALPS SWISS CHEESE SLICID IMPORnD 6oOL PKG. 49c LUIRQUALITY CANNED HAM SANDWICH STYLI 3·LR. $329 TIN· PIPING HOT BAKERY GARLIC CHEESE BREAD 45c iosTON CREAM PIE $) l 0 COFFEEGCAKE 59c .-- fOfl Job Household Cleon!r X«.tiC., .................... 7Sc Biz laundry ~Sook 2S.Oi ,~ ........................... 69t P\onters Ory Roast Co~ Ot" Mil'.rd Nuls 1i. oi. ..... 89c Plonllf1 Mi.Ktd Nuts with Peonuts 13"'-................ 8Sc P\ontm Nut5·0rv Rooit Redskins lllttr..~69c> 1J.ei..89c Von de Komp's froz«i FrMl'.h Fnedt+olrbvt .._~ ,.89c R«ilemon l.f'TIOft Juice 1"°1 1'11. .................. ., ...... 53c Del ~ Cotsvp 20oei.""""'·-·-· ................ .3Jc Stor Throw Plxk Stuffed Monz. Olivtt tow. ........••. 89c Nutoo Morgorine W:ColD. l·•--·; ............. 31 c RoYOI Gtlolin. All Flovors.~~~:~ .......... 2 for 35c Soran Wrop.~ni1 ...................... -.................. :l9c Banquet flllzen Creom Pii!$ lslond IM Daiquiri or Morgorito Mix.~; ............ , .. 31 c ( ... ,...~~ ... , ... _ ............... 4for$1 Chicken of the Sta Green Lobel Chunk Light Tim~"'"S7c Pmsbutf Swnt M'lk ortllftlft'IT!i!k Biscuits .. e:. 3 for31 c •Sunnies.I froztn Oal"91 Ori11k Concentra1t 11.n. c.,. 2 7c Sunninl frottn Of~ Drink Conctfllrole •kt. 7 fOf $1 Dole Pintopple, Chunk, Cni1hed Of Tidbits no. 21' Ct:!• •• 29c fR,OZfN BANQUET ~f~~ w..,.,...,,'"" ~ ... ..,. & klli>'""1511cll _..or.._ · Ooo.l"~ .. -2'd fosy.Off Olten Cleontr T6or. ............................ $18.199 -A~ Woy PiuaMi.K 12~ai.n .......................... Sc Dolt Piniopple, Sliced "" l Mi -. .................... " for $1 ... . Safrg1.1C1rd Dtodoront Soofl b:i•~ b:ir ............... 2 for "3c .... s. ... {hi!:~&~ 2M Toilet Tissue, Assor1ed .i ro11p1o1 ................. : .... -45c Chou & Sanborn Coffee 1 ......... -.................... c 2300 llarhor Blvd. at Wilson St- ' \ llarhor· Slao!.•:.~fn,!f Center_ Costa Mesa f . ''" 99' pkg. r -----~-~ •• '!". "'."'. ~ •. -----::--:7--~~-~----:---------.......----·---.,--------.-------·--·---·---·--,,_ •• lo --~ ••• ., AU STOllS , CLOSED FRIDAY JAN. Isl GUDE ''AA" EGGS c CREAM O' THE CROP Large Eggs tPOTATO CHIPS'\ PARTY PRIDE TWIN PACK Cllsp, Fr~ Ntw Pad-Ctlolct of Re1u1v Or For Olp. 1 O'h·0t. pkg. · fl TOMATO JUICE c TOWN HOUSE ( BRAND Sq11ttzed from Red· RiPt Tom1t0tL Grut to Chin and Serw. 46-or.can COTIAGE CHEESE LUCERNE PINT CTN.· Egg Nog Luctrlt Cf.... 41• "'" ....... c ADDITIONAL MEAT BUYS! Sliced Bacon • Slgmcin'1 Hickory Smok1d 1.1~.49c • Dubuque Miu Iowa • Wilion Com King pt,. Armour Mira Care ~ •:1:-591 Bird Farm Saasage : ~·~~. :~~ 791 S • Mc<:oy1 Bttf l11r l·I•, 391 IUSlll •Rath 8.'Wfast Pork l:MM• "" "-··r Mayer '"""' Lio.. .. ... 791 URI S.noned Jusl Rilhtl ,q. • Ri1g Bolopa = ~":' ·~-:-991 Braaschweiger ''::',';,';.~:t ~-:~ 431 Cooked Ham ........ ,_.. ••• 591 .4i7 Size Pld ,.,. Cooked P I · •r '" '°" 1111 IS fllll IYz To 2·Lb. Sires '" Kosher Chubs ''.~~ 11:· 1111 •SalMlll • rr..u • It Luncheo1 Meats .~J:~:;. ~;~ 371 .......... ....,. ........... ,___.,_, ...... i..11 ..... 1""' .. - Firm And c · " ~ Golden Ripe ·., f v I 'I ··DISCOUIT PRICED lb. Avocados La•g.e s;,. 4 I $)00 Fuertes or Red ApplesR~::~1:.. 8 ~ 98' Oranges ~~~~:.~:ncy 6 "" $)00 SwHt Navels IARE ROOT. ROSE BUSHES ~~:! 91c '!.-./ ~ ' .,.,_ Y..jt~ IMfJ' ti "-ti llC~ •-H 1a1...-,.. ''"-"""' ' .. IHI ... Clil6ttl & 9'sNt ti. Pllller Ill I 111111 "'i!':. ~ .. Crapefr1it ,i;:: ,•:t., I ~ 911 Yellow O.io1s .'!. ... , 3 i':i ZI' Ora1ge J1ice ii::• ~ 771 Larp Celery Stalks .... ZZ' Lett •&om ,..,..·•-11M ICI ""' ....., .. .. .. .. .. .. '"' v· . ,, ·I TV DINNERS SWANSON c ASSOlnD rritd Chlcktn. Ti.-· k11. Chopped Sirloin Of MtxkM Stylt 11-or. pkg. fl TORTILLA CHIPS PARTY PRIDE C ASSORTED YOUf Chaiti of T1co, BlriMcued, Onion, Co!'n, l Re1. F11¥0ft. Pkg ......... . DISCOUNT DAIRY -DELI. ~ ·3r ,,,., 821 ti•, •.•• 141 ,.,. . •'· 491 ., .. ,.,. 291 ~ .. 1 • SAFEWAY SUPER SAVERS a Tang l1sta1t Oraqe ':.;: 891 8 Hawaiian P11ch r.= ~ 521 a Royale Tissue :;-,:;::, ~=:' 251 a Onioa Soup Mix 'Jr.,"' ::•; 341 DISCOUNT SUGAR CEREAL Whole Body Plump And Meaty Too! =~;~ .. 351 lb. Boneless Gourmet Ham,_ I WllHlll Tenclltmlde Br.rid ·~ $139 • Slfmlfl Hk.kofy Smobd • l111r's Mini • rlflllll JoM TMftl Hormel Cure 81 Hams •Ost. .. MlllM '"' $149 • Mllffell Chlf ''''" • Nluqul Ropl Bufftt "· 5-lb. Canned Hams • OUbuQue Royal lufftt .~:~. $429 • Sllllft f'rtmlum tnnd • lWt a...llty 8.<llld .... Rib Steaks IL 98' l.M1t Mtoly Cutt- USDA Ci'oico Gndo l!ftf Top Slrlolns ,~. $J59 Bontlns Ste,1ks-' USDA Choicl Gl1dt lift! . ... . . -- Mond11, December 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT 33 tt· LIGHT BEER ,, llOWN c DOIY StKk" .... tt1l1 peat • .,. Mtliftf flYtflttl 612 .... -· ... I ORANGE JU.ICE m.a 1 i;{·f!t:• Ifs Conctntr11td·Ridl In 'fltamln C I Othe1 Cssentlel Mlntllls. 6-oz. c• ... c (11 ........................ 41•) DISCOUNT FROZEN FOODS a L1cerue S•1net = !. 291 A Bel-air Strawhrries ·::..· 251 a Bel-air Co• Col'll =. ::~ 431 a Fre1eh Fries ~'C:::..~'C~~ :~~ ·251 8 Reddi-Whip Toppi•& •:;:• 391 A Bel-air Crea11 Pies \:-271 DISCOUNT BAKERY BUYS! I CIGARETIES = $ 15 Choice of Mt* • II' Klnf Sia n•1t• eta. PJ1> "" CARtON .... ,,. 8 BEVERAGES CRAGMONT ( fUU QUARTS ·- DISCOUNT NON -FOODS • Jerp1's LotiOI "'..:' ...... 79' Vick's lly~1il ~~ 1111 Vick's c!.';;"' ..:. •:;:L 99' Schilk Kro11 Chrome1t:' ::~ '1° Bayer A1Jiri1 C.::.. ~':: 211 Croo• & Clea1 .:."'.:',:' ... ~ ~ '1 14 • DISCOUNT COFFEE BUYS Party Rye ,Bread ltf ·~-:.· 351 Edwaiis Coffee ~T.:: :!' 12- Rye Bread 'JI.~ t: ,~~~ 351 Y1u1 Coffee 1~~\"'A"' ~~ 931 • A1cel Food Riag %:!:~ ·~.:· 391 a Cianimo1 ·Rolls ~::, .... 331 SAFEWAY LIQUOR BUYS! DISCOUNT HOUSEHOLD Cold Brook Whiskey .::; ••. 18° 01• Calho11 Boarllo• ~ ......... 'lf' ... i1 1 Sta1to1's .Gia ~~= ,., .. 1811 ·:.-:." 111 .Maclair's Scotc• = ..... 1111 .... 151. . T aria• Royal Scotch ,.'!. ,... 1411 Saf911ar•·.SOap ':.":' Duh lehrp1t ~ Zest Bar Solp ~ Comet Cleai•r 'l::.' · Bold Detergent Blade Cuts USDA Choice Grade Beef •::L 181 Old Calho11 Bo1rllo1_ .!. .... 1511 ·::..· 82~ Kavlaaa Vodka~~~:·~~ ...... 1411 C FannerJohn Or Luer's hDSll•k1191f Beef Rib Roast :~:h::~89' Ground Beef t.:~~~::;l::ck1 ~53c Rib Pork Chops ;,;t; .. 79' Boneless Steab ~.c:.·::,. 98' Pork Spareribs t!::J;. ,. 89' Spencer Steab J:"C.:::11 •. '1" Boneless Roast =.~:= ... 99- P ..... lftMtltt llH.t Mlrt T~""' .... II .. ,. II Al llMIJ IMIHM ...... t 1000 Bayside Or., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna • 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna B~ch • 801 El ~no Real San Clemente • Santa Ana Freeway at ~ Paz, Mission V"rejo • Wilsen & Fairview, Costa Mesa • 1101 Pacific C~ast Hwy. at ~ _Dr. 1 I I • I I I ..--......-----------------, .. Ad values good through January · 3 .•. _ 6 ool·ue days! • C00£R CUT HAM SLICES .......................... $L09 lb. BlicetL thin, for break/rust, or. t~iok, for broiling/ . . -FULL SffANX HALF · . c El R h H ' 59 anc o am.................... lb Ideal main coune for a buffet or a sit-down qinnerl Al\d you know you'll be serving lean tenderness! Whole Ham ............................. 65~ Butt ·Portion ............................ 6f~ El Rancho 's owu, enough for the hnngry horde! So Jean ... so much good eating at amQdest pricel Canned Hams .... ~~:::.5~~8;~~~·!···$439 .Famous Black Hawk quality ... hickory smoked ••• bon~I ...... to ottet more value for yourpleaaure ! Borden's Dips ........................... 35' Gallo Sliced Salami .. 3 ouru ru. .. 49' Delicious, ready to ~erva •• choice of 5 kinda! 8 oz. Party favorite •• San Francisco flavor l 10 Oz. l9c Knudsen Salads ....................... 39' Salami and Provolone ............ 65' lleady for your party l ••• ·variety, tool ••• 16 oz. Danolif Cooked Ham ............... 65' Imported ••• lean slices ••• finer flavor! 4 oz. Delightful combfuation from Gallol 4~ oz. pkg, 0$car Mayer Variety Pak ..... :98' Assortinent of favorite sliced meats! 12 oz. pkg. Super Holiday Liquor Specials • Champagne or . Cold Duck YOUR CHOICE! A bit of the bubbly makes a party really swing! JACQUES BOJtEJ; •••••••••• $1!! Toast the New Year -in •.• with the traditional \Vine l LE OOllAHCE •••• •••••• ••• $'2!! Canadian Whisky STH '4.ff Lime Juice .. ROS!.'S •• 1201..83' El I\ancho's, smooth, light! Qmi1 $~99 You'll use it in so many drinkred pes! Gin or Vodka··* GAL •• '8.88 Bloody Mary Mix .. STH. 99¢ •· El Rancho's ••• :save at this price·! Mr. & Mrs •. T's, delicious j ust as it is! Royal Crest BlendSTH'4.69 RDyal Crest Mix ........ 79' " A rum & brandy mixture t.mira $2.39 fluttered rum or tom & jerry •• , btl. ~aura _Scudd~r Potato Chips ....... ~~.~~:.~~· ....... 4r F ill the bowl with crunchy cru;p Scudder' a chips, & offer a variety of tempting dips l That's hospitality! Lind~ay's 'Ripe Pitted Olives .. ~~-~-~~~~ ....... 3 FOR S1 On the relish tray you'll want these, plus crisp celery sticks, carrot sticks •• and others from El Rancho! L'bby's Wild Tomato Juice ........... ~~~-~~~~ ........... 4r DelJghtful flavor surprise, Tomato J uice with Celery, Lemon, or Spiced, serve chilled! 5% oz. cans. Minced or Chopped Clams .............. 39• S & Yf Apple Sauce ................... 3 ,,. •1 S & W •.. No. Y, cans .•• chowder is traditional l Nabisco Snack Crackers ................ : 43• Great during Bowl Games ! Reg. 49c kinds! Calavo Avocado Dip ...................... 49 • .Fl'ozen .•. 7o/.J. oz .• -. . from the avocado people r" Scudder's Party Mix Huts ............... 79• The k·ind you can't stOp eating! 13 oz. tin. lslllld IM Mixes ...................... 4 ,,. 'I Daiquiri or Margarita ••• frozen ••• 6 oz. cans. lflwallan Punch ............................ 39• Par ty drink to please eve1'fone, 46 oz., all flavors. folger's Coffee ............................ 87~ Two lb. can ••. $1.73 Thl'ee lb. can , ; • $2.49 , Serve chilled, with ham! 25 oun ce jars. Mandarin Oranges ..................... 4 ,,. '1 Offer a colorful salad! S & W ••• 11 oz. cans. S & Yf Tumbler Packs .................... 43 • Olives, Pickles, etc., your choice, in glass tumblers. Gino's Pizza ....•••. ~~~~-~~ .•. ~ ..••......• 79 • Sausai e, Pepperoni, Combin ation ••. Ch..,. .•• 69c Plumrose DevUed Ham .................... 39•' Delicious meat spread for canapes! 6 oz. can. ' Scott's Place Mats ........................ 35 • Informal ... but so appropriate! ••• pkg. of 24. Kleenex Dinner Napkins : ................. 25 • rii .1 ..... and so soft •• colors fr white .• 50 ct. F1ll DP th• punch howl,,. get the hors d'oeuvres resdy ••• hsve-plenty of it:!' _cubes on hand ••• and throw ·open the<loor to welcome your frlenda .... and the New .Year) It's.a· fine time to be in a festive mood ' ' • , • and wli,"~ bet)er to begin than at El Rancho! IBW 'ltlrk '·i·.... /! Diners' delight! ••• Chatesu Briand ••• so tender, so delicious!;.·. or New '.York Strip ••• superb 1&tiafaction l ••• Usher in the New Year with El Rancho's U.S.D{I.. Choice -naturally aged -,beef! Nothing f iner! · - Steaks ••• !or a memorable New Year's feast! ••• an<! whst stesks! Butter-y tender and juicy ••• ana trimmed to offer you the most food value !or your money! Compare quality .,. and choose E I Rancho! Jones' Sausage ....... s1.091b. Fresh Pork Legs ........... 19t. Little iinks for breakfast ••• eastern flavor! Whole or shank half ••• delicious roast! Wingens or Rumaki ........ 98c Tasty hors d'oeuvres from Elwell F8rms.G&me Hens ••• heat and ·serve ••• and smile aa you collect the compliments! (Wingens ••• 10 oz. pkg. , •• Rumaki ••• SY. oz. pkg.) Game Hens .... ~.~~.~:~ ... ~'1.29 Game Hens .... ~!!l!.~~-~!~ ... $1.19 El II F dyt 10 •# E lwell F arms ••• deliciously seasoned! 10 oz • we arms ••• oven·rea • • • • oz. p..,.. ling Hle/JB ... ;;. .... f'! Big ••• and so meaty! Serve these, and make it a holiday your guests will long remember! King Crab Meat .................. '2.49 lb. Cocktail Shrimp ................. '1.89 lb. Flaky sweet meat ••• delicious in cocktails! Delicious way to introduce dinner! Eastern Oysters \! PL . '1.09 Large Cooked Shrimp ....... ,$2.89 lb. Serve fr ied ••• or a stew! WHlern Orstm. JO oz. 19< For a holiday salad ••• or a casserole? Super Produce Specials ! Grapefruit ... : .... ~~Y.~ ........ 10 i $1 Sw<10t pink meat ••• :.Vhat could be niore tempting to wake up appetites !or New Year's breakfast! Radishes or Green Onions 2 ,., 19~ Romaine Lettuce ..................... 10' Colorful, and !nappy flaVOJ'., your choice ! Bunch. Big Jeaf-y heads ••• crisp and r eally fresh! We WDI Close at 7 P.M;New Year's Eve ••• Closed New Year's Day I Prioes in effe ct for the full week ••• Dec. 28 tkro11gk Jan. 3 ••• No sales to dealers. Open dailv 9 to 9 ••• SuntLay 9:30 to 6:30. Ask the manager.about our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.'• 255 5 Eas tbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stor's In Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ...~----~---~ ' • d , > ! l I ""--------------------------------------~--...... --~-------------------·--·--------·---- .President To Enforce . . . H9usingf " By Al11i9Lo 8. SA~ WASffiNGTON !UFJ) '- President Nixon says-hls admlnistra!Jon is going tO enforce 'the open housing laWs' but is not going to fore~ Integration on the suburbs. That sounds like another loud argument getting ready to happen. Just as he did in the case of school desegregation, Ni.J:on said he would apply ·the 1ette of the law to the even more emotional field of housing. He said that forbids federaJ housing or urban renewal aid to communities that practice discrimination and show ·no sign of changing. All clear so far. But then the Pr1!kient moved Into the area ol.·!Jte spirit of the la:w, and gave what he interprtta it not to·~mean. It dOesri 't..-mean,' he said ~'f9rced in\egration of the su6Urbs.1' Thal•s where the hatchet hits the rock. . First, "forced inteeration" is ooe ()f those phrues like "free choice" or "right to work." Who would be in favor of the picture ''forced integration" evokes -the massive power of a pitiless federal government crushing the will of decent citizens whose only sin is seeking a quiet safe neighborhood where they can rear their children and raise flowers in peace and sa1e1r • . Ex~pt that th~e are ·people who don:t, get that image. They see a picture of the racist or selfish middle and upper classes setting themselves up in subu'rban comfort and privileg£, wh_ile using every device inl.iginable to keep bl8.cks and poor peopte locked in the rundown inner cities. They see use of "forced Integration" as an attempt to make enforcement or a long- deJayed civil right sound tyr8Mical, or ridiculous, as a~ limits might if called "forced slow driving" laws. The second source o f controversy ls more legalistic. The President obviously is :right ~ ~inS ~ will enforce the law "ii1d po more. But while the President certainly ha! to have an understanding of what the law provides, his opinioo in that regard Is not final. The same Constitution that tells him to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed" reserves to the courts final judgm~nt of exactly what the Jaw requires BDd forbids. · lf the Nixon de.claration should; mean that th e ad,mirilstraUon intends to give a ~ft . lh1erpretaUon to lb;? open housing laws, t b e President ahould not count on everyone placktly accepting his word that a matter of "forced Int e g r at ion' ' is Involved. Those who believe no one should get a penny of federal benefit if they practice illegal discrimination w i 11 object and fight, hopefully in the courts. And it must be remembered that Judges have corrected more than one President of the United States. This is of some note becaUse the open howiing issue is moving into a new phase. With the law flatl y forbidding owners, landlords and real estate operators from denying housl'ng to anyone because of their race, religion or national origin, overt discrimination has started to fade. But open housing advocates say the effort to k e e p minori ties and poor people out of the suburbs now is using the back door. They point to suddenly enacted zoning laws forbidding construction o f apartment-type housing for large, relatively poor families as constituting instruments of di scri m i nation just a.s effective as a "white only" sign on the lawn. The legal battles in this area already have begun. The posltioo taken by the Nixon Administration in th e s e disputes aod its performance when they are decided will provide the standard against which the President" latest pronouncement w J 11 be measured. KIDS LIKE UNCLE L EN I :YE. A. )) · E· N·D TIR-E· Pr~:d~~~:h~ve .I."-Tuesday, Dec." 29 1• . , • • • ' t . ' , ' ' • • ' • ,. ' ' Dynagfass Belted Tire~ are Sold Only al Sears WIDE GUARD TIRE 36 Months Guarantee 11. ... i.r s.1 .. Size Tndo-la T....i.,.111 F.E.T. ..... , .... Tubeles1 Bl•ckwall 6.50xl3/C7S.13 %11.95 :!1.71 2.00 7.35sl4/E7B-14 30.95 :?l..21 2.JS 7.7Sxl4/F'73,14 "-" 24.111 ~" 8.25xl4/G73-14 35.95 ,.,. '67 7.7Sxl5/F73-15 3%.95 !?·I. 71 2.61 Tobeleu Whi1ewall 33.95 25.46 :?.35 35.95 26.96 O"" -·~ 38.95 29.21 :!.67 41.9.'> ll.46 2.93 44.Qj 33.71 :!.88 37.9:1 28.46 2.61 8.2Sxl G7S.15 40.95 30.71 >71 8.55,;.l 73-IS 42.95 32.21 2.98 8.85xl5/J7S.)S 45.95 34.46 J.08 6.50xl3/Cil!-ll Tubt!l(:li'Bi~ck~'ill J>lu5Sl ~·.E.T. And Old 'fire ALISfATE PASSENGER T IRE GUARANTEE Guaranteed Aca.in11: AIL tire failures or dcrecU in mllcrial or workmall5bip. }'or Jlow Lona: For the life oC throriAinal ueaJ. Wh•t Se•n Wlll Doi Jn exchallje fm-die tire, rcpl11ee it chargil\8 lor the proporrioo o( current scUing price plllS Fcden.1 &citC Tu-tbat ttpttienu und u.sed. R~air n•il puncwres at no char~. Gu•r•nlced A1•in1t: Tread 'Wf ilf-OUf. For How l>0 nlll'.• The number or rnon1hs ~pecificd. Wh•l Sc•rs Will Do: To n · cha1111e [Of" 1hc 1itt". re-place it ch&rgin.g the current :sellin1t price plus federal Exci.e Tax leio1 th•• followingalloMncc. a,1onthly Cu•r•nlte 181024 27 1039 . 40 I Allow•nc• JO% .20% 2~% Monday, Oe<:embtr 28, 1970 - • • DAILY PILOT ,j. .. A•kAbout Sear11 C:onvenient l:redit Plant Full 4-Ply NYLON CRUSADER Full 4-Ply Nylon ID-WAY SPECIAL •New contour, broad ahoUlt.l er for great.er safely , • New tread deis ign for all-weather traction ~New 6/10..inch 'while kidewall1oma1ch the width Or the while isidewalls of'm~ny new-car.1 -j • ~ f CJbcl rl'ls Rla,kwal l~ Y "ur ( ho1c1· si.. · }'.E.T. ' ' 6.95Jtl4 1.9415 95 7..35•14 .... 7.1Sxl4 2.17 E h l.%Sx14 2.13 .. Plu1F.E.T. 7.75Jtl 5 !.19 . Aftd-Old Tiry Whilewalls Only $3 J\fote Per Tire 6.50x13 Tubcleu Blackwall PJU11.i8 F.E.T. And Old Tire St'i.trs IUINA PAllC tA ..... oo. 121 -•s:io ll MONTI GI :J.:Jf11 CAMOOA PAIK :J40·0Hl GUNDAU CM S·lOCM, Cl 4•4411 COMPTON Nr •·2Slt, NI 2·S1•1 l«>U1'WOQO MO f .tf41 ltFAllS. llOllUCIC ANOf:O. COVINA t44·041 I tNOUWOOO QI l •tlll Shop Nl9h11 Mo". thru Sat. 9:30 A.M. te 9:30 P.M., Sund•112 Hoon to l r.M. r T•odo.•11 Size ,.,;,~ ,.~i. .. Rl .. Oo!I ti.S0.1:i 14.95 6.IJ;ixl4 J;i.9~~ 7.l5xl4 li.9.'.i 1.75•1' 19.95 8.2511:1.\ 21.93 5.601:15 16.95 7.7Sx15 IR.9.'.i S.:S:r.15 21.95 • . ' ' 1'c•h Ht rn•·• T .. 1 .. 1 ... ,, h11<••" I i~ .__JIL9:i :..'0.9.i :z.9.:; ~;; 20.~:; n.9.: z,;.95 F.E.T. ._!~I!_ 1.94 !!.O ~ :?.IT 2.3.l 1.1:; 2.19 l.33 "co wr t-4U"J IANlA ANA •• 1".J)7t SANTA fl tPlllHGl 1f44.101 I IANfA MONICA IX 4•471 t IOUTM COAlf PLAZA l.0.U)) 95 6.50xl3 Tubeleu Black~·all Plus J.78 F.E.T. And Old T ire fMOUSA .. OAKS 4tJ'o4166 lot!IAMCI Ml·IS1l u,., ........ ,,,,. VAUIY 1IO :J·•••I• "4oHlt VtlMOMf n. .. ltll . .. .. • ; ., •1 1 • • I I I f Mondi)', OKtmbtt 28. 1970 PsychOlogy Did It for 49ers VIKING S' JIM MARSHALL (70) PULLS DOWN 49ERS' KEN WILLARD. Vlke Post-mortem Didn't Play as Well As Could or Can~-Grant -°"INNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL (AP) - 1nnet0ta's defending National Football 'aiue champions were knocked out of per Bowl contenUon Sunday by the San _"Francisco 49en and, ICOOrdlng lo Vlkmg .-ch Bud ·Grant, a "lot of couJd-have-.. ?riie Vikings, who lost to the 'Kanua ty Oiiefa 23-7 in the last Super Bowl. ere eliminated in the rtnt round of the "NFL. playoffs this time. . ,.,"You don't mind going down so much tn a naming batUe, but to be a victim of ~ur errors ... " Grant said softly in the ~ers' dressing room. ... :.;.~·'Jbtre were a lot of could·have-beens,'' ;~rant said. "We had as many ' • tunltles as we had in many garnts. we just didn't play as well as m _ or can." · ·~ Grant refused to criUclze the passing of : iking quarterback Gary OJ.oz:zo, saylng: threw lhe ball out in the flat." In the general location of a 49er back but away from the defense. Grant concluded : "ft's an abrupt end. It's kind of hard to swallow." kn P'rM11CIK9 .,.r1 Mltwl.ote \llli.Lo91 ,,,,_,, 1 0 0 \-u NllM. -Kr-• llllfllll• r11\1r11 72 ftox. klCk I SF -Wlkllef" 24 Pill lrom lrod'9 !Ool.Hll '"'' SI" -l"G Oo11ttt 411 SF -lf'OCllt 1 run (Oou•tl •let! Minn, -Wt1lllnlllotl 21 Piii rrom CllOUO (Co• kk k) 111.1111\lng -Sin Fr111cl1ca, Wm1ro """'J1 Ml11n· "°'a. Jonn ls-60, 01bo•11 n .11. Atctl~lfllll -$111 Fr1ncl1ca, Tuck1r .....,, W••l'l-lnOIOl'I 2.-5, Kw1lkk ).4J, Wiich..-... .u. Wiii••• 1·11; MlnnHOl1, HtndlflGn ~to, Grim 2·l7, W11ll· Lo!llOn 1·21. '°'"'°" -S.n P'r1111;l1co, l rodl1 1"3'2.0, :IOI }'111111 MlnMIOll (\IOUO f.,21.J, 1.i y1r01. Alttndl MI -4',Ql4. Sports in Brief MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL (AP) -The San Francisco 49ers are headed ror a National Football Conference champlonahlp game against the Dallas Cowboys-and It'• just posalble the road was cleared by a lltUe psychology that kept them from btowln& their cool In th• cold. Whether coach Dick Nolan's pregame training plan and quarterback John Brodie's short-sleeved game jeraey were aU part or a planned ploy to divert attention from the frigid cold that has become an ally of the Minnesota Vikings probably will never be known. What is known is that Nolan did not UCI Tackles Chapman Five Tonight at 9 UC Irvine will face Chapman College in the first day finale of the fourth annual UCI·Kiwani.s tnvitaUonal b a s k e t b a I I tournament tonight In Crawford Hall (9). The Irvine-Chapman game will follow a batUe between San Fernando Valley State College and Cal Poly (Pomona) thal begins at 7 to get the evening session wider way. Northern Arizona met Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) and Occidental faced Cal State (Fullerton) in afternoon games. Tournament action C(lntlnue1 through 'Vednesday night with consolation games Tuesday afterooon and championship encowiters Tue5day night. Irvine, always a bridesmaid but never a bride in its own tournament , boasts the strongest record of the eight teams goin g into the tournament at 5-1. Paced by Phil Rhyne in the scoring rolumns with a 21 .8 average in six games, coach Tim Tift's squad is one of the pr~ tourney favorites. Injuries have cut the squad to 10 players for the tournament with Garrick Barr out with broken ribs and Steve Parker remaining idle lhl1 seuon with a knee injury that has been stow to heal. Joining Rhyne in the starting lineup will be second leading scorer Bill Moore (14.5 ), Richard Clark (8.0), Gary Fox (10.01 and Troy Rolph (6.0). Big Ed Burlingham, the sixth man on the squad this seuon, Is averaging 7 .5 and will see early action along with guards Phil Mathews and Brad Baker. Qiapman's record this~son ls U but 1 three of the defeats came in a tOW'llament in Virginia by narrow margins. Leading the Panther scoring parade Js Ollie Martin with a 17.9 average while leading rebounder on the squad is Harlan . Anderson with 12.3 per game. Coach David WeatherUI is one of those who reels Irvine Is the team to beat for the championship. "They are the toughest team in there on paper and we have to win against them before figuri~ In any other games. We haven t looked beyond tonight's game," be says. ':'"We dropped a lot or balls." Cuouc.. , '·ho did not complete a pass in the ~cond half unUI Minnesota'! touchdown ·vein the cloalng seconds. sakl : -• ~ "They were a little better than WI!: •ere. Other than that, I've got nothing to sa:-o. Ex-Rose Bowl Ace Hurt; Cuozzo paused a few moments, then added : "They had a good defense -there are a Jot of good defenses •• , We just plain lost it." Grant fell the nine-degree temperaturt had little effect and said there were cornplaints about cold hands from his pla,ve rs. •·\Ve have to give U1cir def ense a lot of c:rcdil." Grant went on. He noted the \'ik1ngs v•cre able to gain on the ground in the early goi ng. "but you can't run on c\·ery play. We dropped a Jot of balls and there were some fumbles." The turnovers hurt the Vikings, Grant said, because "we have to control the ff11. We're not a one-play team. We don't _tlPpect to gain 50 or. l!O yards on oneipl1y. ''Yoo can't make mistakes like that c a last a good team.'' !fC(;~.tit praised 49ers quarterback John ' "Flo's bard to get to. The on1y time \\'e I tO hlm '"'as a play action pass and he tSCJi'back to the tackle." or~ \\'as dumped only eight tlmts rcijg,·!Pe 14-game regular season. G;tGl:·said Brodie was particularly e~:)\ throwlng the ball away in the ce -,,f a heavy rush. "When he saw tile ru sh coming, he 6.00-0 TURN OUT TO GREET 49ERS SAN ",FRAl\'CISCO (AP) -Whooping 2nd hot'ering happily, more lhan 8,000 ecstatic!. San Francisco 49er& fans ahowtd up at the airport. Sunday nig ht to w'lcome home the mtn who beat the &llnnesott Viking!. The rooters. many holding up an index finger to 1Mw who 's No. I, jammed the United Air Llne9 hanger at San Pranci.~ Jnta'D.alion.al Airport. to grtet the c:ooq ......... 'i\'t iovt yoo .' fte:n," 111id IQme si gns Jr\d alo!'t for tl)f' •lhlttH who beat the \ 1i'~ ti·lt w ~ a crack at D1ll8S Jlll. r ~) Wt N1tion1I Conference d14'l~· Blue-Gray Grune on TV CHICAGO -Fred Custardo, Illinois quarterback In the 1964 Rose Bowl, was in critical condition in Mercy Hospital Sunday after falling from his third floor apartment In suburban Forest Park. ~ Police said CuStardo was locked out hiii apartment when he returned home early Christmas Day. He slipped while climbing around the partition of a balcony trying to gain entrance and fell to the concrete apron or a swimming pool. Hospital attendants said he was In in· tensive care ofter brain surgery. He also suffered a fractured back. • ti.10fl.'TGOMERY. Ala. -Fifty-four C(lllege seniors representing schools In the North and South akills tonight In the first Blue-Gray football game ever pla yed under the lights. Channel 13 will televise the game to the southland at 8 p.m. The emphasis on passi ng In pregamc workouts by Blue and Gray coaches alike pointed to a wldHpen scramble with the chance of a touchdown bomb on almost any play. • PASADENA -.John Ralston borrowed a bit or Woody Ha)'es' slrategy Sunday, barring Ohio State writers from .11. heavy Stanford workout th::it included !!Orne acrlmmaging. The Stanford coach. whose Paclflc-8 ldngs are II-point underdogs aga inst 1he Big Ten champions in the RO!e Bowl t'ri- da y, said he would close practices lo Buckeye writer1 the rest of the way. "We'll practice Monda . Tuesday and Wednesday but they ""·ill be of a secluded nature," Ralston said. "You will have trouble finding us." • .... l)Al.LAS -Tht Oall::is r o\\bo)'S announced Sunday th at Usht tnd Ptttls Norman ond <1ffrnsh·r t11cklc Ra}'flcld \\'right '"·ere inj urrd 1n Saturday'll 5-0 victory o\·cr Detroit. Norm an "'"'' listed a~ quesllonable for the NFC cha1nplon1ihip game ln Snn f-rancisc::o nexl Sunday with a spr:ilned ,. teft foot. 'I'he foot was to be X-raycd Monday morning. Wright, listed as possible, suffered a spra ined left knee. • LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles Lakers are pressing their opponenta and coach Joe J\.fullaney promises an even stickler full-court defense in games to come. • The Lakers imposed a harassing deftnse at both ends of the court Sunday night on the Phoenix Suns and ran away with a 128-110 National Basket ball Association victory. It boosted their lead over second-place San Francisco to three games in the Pacific Division. "The press is something \YC\•e used Infrequently in spots," h1ullancy saifl . "We ha ven't done it enough and I want to use it more. But for it lo be effective. \YC have to surprise lhe other team. They can't know it'a coming. We can't tip our hand . \\'est scored a game high 35 point s, Chan1berlain added 28 and Happy Hairston contributed 22 fo r Los Angeles. idle until Tuesday night when Chicago comes to the Forum. • LOS ANGELES -Larry Regan, lhr Los Angeles Kings' c o ac h ·ge n era 1 manager, said, "I don 't think you can judge a player on one game ,'' but h<> conceded that rookie Jean Potvin made a stunning debut The 21-year-old Polvin, called up from the Kings' Springfield farm team, broke Into the National Hockey Le a g u r Saturday night by scoring once, adding two a!l sists and playing a supl."rb dcfcn.~ivt J:amc as the Kin gs routed the now ctllar-dwelling California Seals 9·3. It \\'R1i the highest point total O( lht :-icason f<lr the Kings. "ll v.·as a hell uva perfonn::incc," admitted Regan of his y ou n J: dcfcnstman, Pot vin. "lie was e.specit1lty good on defense." ' subject the 49ers to the cold of pro football's most northern outpast until absolutely n e c e s s a r y , that the shortsleeved Brodie passed for one touchdown and scored another. And that the 49ers defeated the Vikl.ngs 17·14 Sunday ln an NFC playoff. But, in the deliriously happy San Francisco dressing room Sunday, the suspicion grew Ulat psychology had become part of strategy. "Cold will affect you if yoo think about it," Nolan acknowledged. 0 'lbere was a lot written about it." So, unlike the Los An&eles Rama who came ln here last year early In the week aod. IOlt a playoff came, Nolan didn't expcllfl the 4.9ers to the oold or the writing remaining on the West Coast for workouts. That obviously pleased Brodie, who pointed out: · • \ ••J'd ra~ freeze for three hours than four da,y1'. ' • Kllo,ing he would oc\ly be oul in the nin&degi-ee weather tor that short period, Brodie· donned hls short-sleeved shirt, kept his troops from losing their cool over five fumble! attributed to the chilling cold and dlrected them to within one victory ol their first championship io the 49ers 25-year history. Then, when he was asked aboUt his warm-weather uniform, he turned aside the amateur psychologist trying to analyze the significance by pointing around the dressing room and saying: "There isn't a guy in the house thal's cold right now.'' Despite completing 16 of 32 passes for 231 yards, combining with Dick Witcher on a 24-yard pass that made lt 7.7 and scoring on a quarterback sneak to make It 17-7, Brodie disdained the hero's role that the statistics pointed his way, "()Jr de'fense outplayed their's that's all it was," said lhe 14-year veteian. Raiders Fight Back, Edge Stubborn Miami, 21-14 OAKLAND CAP) -Don.Shula, a fellow who should kriow , foresees a rugged battle all the way when the Oakland Raiders cOllide with Baltimore's Colts next Sunday in lhe American Football Confere nce championship game. Sh ula left the head coaching job at Baltimore this year to take over lhe Miami Dolphins, and It was that team which fell 21-14 Sunday to Oakland in a National Football League opener. "Oakland has a great all·round football team,'' Shul!'I commented. "They run and pass. Baltimore hasn't shown much of a runn!ng game wilil this week. But they have a lot of weapons, a lot of blg-play guys. Baltimore's defense is good, and their linebackers arl!i exceptional" Oak.land guard Gene Upshaw put It • little differently when he s a i d , "Baltimore is going to be tougher playing at home. They're Uke us, they 've been in championship games before and they know what it's all about. We're going to have to be more con!lstent. We can't 1ive Baltlqiore th6se fumbles like we gave Mlamt." The young Dolphins, who reached the playoffs In 1970 after a la.st place finish in 1969, scored first before the 54,401 in Oakland's Coliseum . Paul Warfield took a !&-yard touchdown pass from Bob Griese on the second play after Charlie Smith fumbled and Bill Stanrill recovered at the Oakland 19 in the second period. The Raiders tied it up shortly before haUtlme on a 22-yard pass from Daryle Lamonica to Fred Bilentikorr. Defensive back \V illie Brown sent the Raiders ahead to stay in the third period with a SO.yard touchdown runback of Griese's only Intercepted pass. "l had dropped back into a zone defense. and saw the ball,'°ming directly at me," Brown related. ···1 had no idea l could go all the way." , Lamonica unloaded an 82 .yard bomb lo Rod Sherman In th~ fina l quarter. and eVen tough the Dolphins did collect anolher toll::hdown. on a seven-yard pass from Griese to Willie Richardson , it came loo late. A!ter ... that touchdown, Miami almost got away with an onside kick. but the ball slithered out of bounds and offlclals awarded it to Oakland. Lamonica and Brown each were presented game balls by 1 h e i r teammates, who now look ahead to their fourth title game In as many years. The past three ""·ere for the old American Football League or d I v I s i o n a 1 championship. Raider coach Jtthn ~1adden said his club used a "prei,:ent" defense more than usual in the suC~11sful effort to keep Griese and the Dolphins from exploding for long touchdowns. Jn the prevent, only three men line up on the front with four linebackers and four others in the secondary. Asked I( he would do the same against Balti.vJore, J\.1adden replied, ''apparently the Colts and Dolphins play some similarly because of the Shula influerce. But we'll be deallng with different personnel so I can'I say we'll do the same things." Said Shula, •·our season C(lffies lo .11. screeching hal t right now. It'll be slrangc having nothing to do on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm proud of the way our guys batUed all the way." The Raiders' Sherman had a telephone call in the locker room -from California Gov. Ronald Reagan. \Vi th h I s congratulations came the governor's hope that two California teams would be In the Super Bowl. And, some of the Raiders adm it ted they had a prtgame boost on hearing that cross-bay rival San Francisco had beaten .,.1innesota In !he National Conference layoffs -thus building the possibility of California clubs meeting In lhe big finale Jan. 17. MIAMI'S BILL STANFILL (14) POUNCES ON RAIDER FUMBLE IN PLAYOF F. OAKLAND WON, 21-14. .. Oakland's Next Opponent Baltimore Praises Raiders Bl\tTIMORE (AP) -The Baltimore Colts have nothing but respect for the Oakland H.aiders, their opponent! in nexl Sunday's American Football Conference championship game. Spea king mostly in platitudes, the Colts nevertheless praised the Raiders afler vieY.'ing thei r televised 21-14 victory over the ~tiami Dolphins in Sunday·s playoff semifinal s. The Colts, who \\'ill have the advantage or playing the title game at home, reached the champio nship round a day earlier by blanking the Cincinnati Bengals, 17-0. Don McCafferty, in his rookie season as Baltimore coach, had his entire starf 1t his home to watch the '-1iami-Oakland game after reviewing films of the Clnc!Mali rontesl. "We had a lot of respect for Oakland over the years," McCafferty said. ''They have a veteran team with a flne pcr1i0nnel." O:ikland and Daltlmore. in dUrerent leagut's until this season, have met only in exhtblllon gamel! 11nd lhe Colt!! ha vti won all three -by 2. 4 and 12-polnl 1nnrgins. "1'hey don't count," i\fcCarterty said. "This ye ar, ror Instance, \\'C played the !?alders In our first preseason game and . • had only one week to get ready after the players' strike ended." ''Thi!: Raiders have good linebackers, so they may be hard to run against,'' said orrensive tackle Bob Vogel. "And, with their good secondary, ,,.e·ve got to block well so John Unilas will ho ve time to pass." Conversely, Ba\tlniore safety J erry Logan praised the Oakland offense directed by quarterback D a r y I e Lamonica. "Lamonica Is an established veteran who passts out ~f the pocket and mixes his plays well," Logan said. "Oakland has a well-rounded, 110lid teem." The Baltimore cttrense. at top stnngth aaaln \flth end Bubba Smith and tackle Fred Miller recovered from leg Injuries. manhandled the Bengals -limiting them to 139 total yards and seven first downs Title Fight al Garden NEW \'ORK -A Phllatlelphla la\\'YCr sa)'I a Muha n1mad AH-Joe Frailer heavy weight chan1plo11shlpJJght ls set for Madison Sque1·e (;ardctr. utthouRh 11 spok!'.!smnn for the arena calli the statement "premature.'' as Cincinnall crossed midfield only twice. On offense, 37-year-old quarterback ,John Unitas tossed a 4>yard touchdown pass to Roy Jerferson in the first period and another for 53 yards to Eddie Hinton in lhc final quarter. Rookie Jim O'Brien booted a 44-yard field goal In the second ~ri~. . . Unitas completed only 6 OT 17 passes, and instead of the usual 50-50 ratio called 47 running plays as Baltimore played ball C(lntrol. Baltimore's Easltm Division champ,, now 12-2·1 for the year. were described by Cincinnati coach Paul Brown as a "fine, mature team,'' wtth the best defense the Bengals had faced th is sea~n. Mi.ml OOlllhlnl Otkl•nd ll11dtrs •1•1 -14 1111-21 ll11,1'l11a -M<~mo, 1(11(\ 116,, C•!!~~• 11).71, Mnrr;, 1·1'. 0~•1•nO, l<yOIMr!I 11.)1, i111lt1' t )I, PJKO'l •·ll llt<:~l .. nq -MIA"'I W••!!t!d, •"'1. K l.c~ •·U, Pk1'1•0t011 2·30. "'~"I• l'·ll. Twrnt., I UI 0~~1#110, llllllnl~·ofl )• ... C1'h ltr 1·•1, ~""""~" I 11, P•ttlno -Ml1ml, C•I••• u.11.1, '" Y'""' Otli.IA0\11. 1..1.,,..,ICt • 1'·0, 111 y4r111. At1-tn'' -~<&;W. --..---------------------------------------·---·---~·-·--·-·----·---·----• 0 n p g y r c ,, • • • d r c a • e c d ,, n • If e .. k n d n n d '· d II '· d • ;t • • • • • • '· " ,, '· " GRANT GELK ER Newport Harbor BOB HAUPERT Mater Dei STEVE KEMPER Mater Dti GARTH WISE Huntington Beiich STEVE MONAHAN M1rin• Six Coast Area Gridders Accorded AAAA Honors Newport Harbor Hlgh's one- two offensive and defensive punch in the line was named to the All..CIF AAAA football teams as selecte.f! by 34th annua l All-Southern California Board of Football selection committee. Leading the v.•ay f 0 r team berth on U1e coveted squad. The Sailor duo led a contingent of eight Orange County players on the lhree teams and included in that list are four others from the Orange Coast area. A pair of l\1ater Dei standouts made the second team. Leading coach Bob \Voods' Monarchs to a 7·2 seas on record was quarterback Bob Haupert and tackle Steve Kemper. Haupert v.•as instrumental wilh his strong rwuting game and clutch pass plays while Kemper has been compared with former fl.tater Dei line greats Eric Patton (now at Notre Dame) and Kevin Grady (now at Oklahoma) by Woods. Tu·o other backfield aces came in for p\audils from the Orange Coasl area . Third team berths were garnered by Huntington Beach Newport's Sunset League co- champions on the United Savings-Helm~ A I h I e t i c Foundation team is Grant Gelker. a 215-pound senior who ~'ent both ways fo r coach Ernie Johnson 's eleven. GelkeT was a unanimous -tT -tT -tT -tT -tT -tT c1i~:~~,;;;;~t~.~,~~~~1970 All-CIF AAA A Teams Ron Tripp, secured a third Checking Out Coast Basketball By ASSOCIATED PRESS While Stanlord and Ohio State prepare for their New Y~ar's Day football clash at Pasadena's Rose Bowl, the Indians and Buckeyes clash tonight on the basketball court in a first-round game of the Far West Classic in Portland. Another first round game or the tournament, which got under wa,..saturday night, pits Oregon State against Harvard. Washington State's Cougars stunned 11th ranked Indiana 83-«I, in the tourney opener and Oregon followed with its sixth victory in seven starts, 79-65, over San Jose State. The Cougars, 8-1 and tied for 17th in the AP poll, Jed all the way to hand the Hoosi~rs their second defeat -0r the season. But Indiana cul the gap to 81· 80 when Rick Ford hi t a pair of free lhrows vl'ith 45 seconds left. Dennis Hogg paced WSU with 28 points while Jim Harris pumped in 24 for Indiana. Stan Love, de£ ending Pacific-8 scoring champion. led Oregon with 25 pcints v.•hilc Pat Hamm was high for the 2-3 Spart.ans with 14. Oregon is see king its third cons:cutive Far \\'est Classic litle in the tourney which e-0ntinues through Y.'ednesday night. Firt t Team Pos Player, School Weigh t Cl••• E John McKay, Bishop Amat 170 .sr. E Rick Gillies, Lakewood 163 Sr. T Grant Gelker, Newport Harbor 215 Sr. T Joe Willis. Lakewood 210 Sr. G Dominic Mumolo, St. Francis 190 Sr. G Art Fry, Loara 205 Sr. c Bob Hansen, \Vest Torrance 191 Sr. LB -Forrie Martin, Blair 220 Sr. LB-Gus Menendez. El Rancho 185 Sr. LB-Ralph Buron, Bishop Amat 185 Sr. B Pat Haden, Bishop Amat 165 Sr. B Dave Dykstra. Redlands 175 Sr. B Mike Owens, Lakewood 175 Sr. B Duane :f\.1attbews. El Rancho 170 Sr. B Alton Hayes, Santa Barbara 175 ·Sr. K George Panla~es, El Rancho 175 Jr. Second Team E Pat McNally, Redlands 185 < '"'.r. E Norm Andersen, Anaheim 161 Sr. T Sean McGourty. St. Paul 210 Sr. T Steve Kemper. Mater Dei 209 .sr. G Dave Boice. Mira Costa 202 Sr. G Spencer Tidd. Santa Barbara 185 Sr. c Scott Alden, Riverside Poly 196 Sr. LB-Larry Allen, Chaffey 205 Sr. LB-Mike Criscione, S. Francis 185 .sr. B Scott Laidlaw. Hawthorne 187 Sr. B Carlos McCall, Centennial 180 Sr. B Ruben Elizalde, Pioneer 180 Jr. B Paul Samples. Buena 166 Sr. B Charles Phillips. Blair 180 Sr. 'B Bob Haupert, Mater Dci 170 Sr. K Jose Aguirre. Bishop Amat 170 Sr. Third Team E Louis Garcia, Pioneer 165 Sr. E John Grijalva. Pasadena 197 Sr. T Van Day, Arcadia 220 Sr. T Greg Beard, Sierra 220 Sr. T Bob Loya . Burroughs 218 Sr. G Ron Tripp, Newport Harbor 175 Sr. G Herschel Ramsey. Pasadena 192 Sr. LB John l\1cCourt. \Varren 140 Sr. LB l<it Okamuro, San Gabriel 180 Sr. B Martin l\1edina, St. Paul 200 .Jr. B Steve Monahan, Marina 175 Sr. B Neil Rasmussen, Arcadia 175 Sr. B Tom Sain, Mira Costa 150 Sr. B Garth Wise, Huntin~ton Beach 165 Sr. B Recardo McCan. Santa Monica 155 Sr. K Tyson Dillard, Buena 190 Sr. Coast Area Prep Fives In Final Loop Tuneups The West's top nationally ranked teams, No. t UCLA With the start of the prep Alamitos this afternoon in an and Southern Califomia. No. 6, basketball league season just opening round tilt while San retum to · action with their around the corner, most of the Clemente and Huntington unblemished marks Tuesday Orange Coast area teams arc Beach clashed at 5. University night. involved in tournaments this was scheduled to tangle wJth The Bruins meet \Villiam & \\'eek . Tustin at 7. T\1arv in the Steel Bowl classic In the 10th annual Newport Estancia was the lone area at Pittsburgh and the Trojans 1·1 arbor Ch r i s t m a s school competing in the play 6-1 Michigan State in the tournan1ent. Coslit 1'-1esa was Orange tourney today. The Trojan Invitational. slated to begin first round Eagles had a 5 o'clock "I think our tournament has action tonight against Leis meeting with tough La Habra. the strongest four-team field Vegas Clark al 7. And Three other area teams had of any in the country," said Newport faces Oceanside at afternoon games to d a y • h Bob B d 8·45 Laguna faced Lawndale in the USC coac 0 Y • · F~ur area teams a r e Brethren Classic. M i s s i o n Tennessfi!. 6-0, plays Houston. competing for honors In the Viejo clashed wiU1 Servite in fi-2, in the opener at the Sports Rancho Alamitos t o u r n e y • the Brea tourney and Marina Arena. beginning today. met Arcadia in the second In o l h c r post-Christmas f\-1ater Oei tangled with Los round of the Covina affair . games. rebuilding Santa Clara,-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~iio;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiOiiO;.; lost to Duke, 86-80. anl ll Ca lifornia whipped Cincinnati, 82·76. Saturday night VW BRAKE SPECIAL The Goklen Bears made it six victories in eight starts . tl:.tlne 4 Wheel• M.chlne 4 l>rum• Oftrhaul 4 WhM4 Cylln4•'1 »..-Miit u ..... 11i.u1 0..Mlt.t lftOT Plto-1.ATIDI $39.95 Tonight 's schedule includes Seattle Pacific lit Washi ngton. Long Beach State against Tulsa and Indiana S t ate against UN Las Vegas at the Las Vegas toumamhcntt.and l!tsCI I VW SHOCKS ••........•....• $7.tS lttstaUtd Santa Barbara os 1ng 1 l&M~l1i1t11u.A; 100.coo mile i::1111ranteed <not riro-nitedl. Wlnl~r Classic . I 1 \VE DO ALL FOrtEIGN CAfl~ F\r5t.round acUon at Santa: 1 e 015c llAlll 5P1CIAlllT e B11rbara sends f\1empl'lis Slate ~ ogfllnst Columbia and Idaho, · COSTA MESA. STORE ONLY h h I Jiii H«W .... State against t c o s 1 1 '4t·40.12" Mt·ltlt Gauchos. ;..... _________________ _ High's Garth Wise and Marina's Steve Mon~n. It was Monahan who led ' Marina to its first ever winning season (f>-4) with his running, passing and kicking. In all ~1onahan ran for 475 yards and a 4.2 average while scoring 59 points and passed for l.U40 yards, on 5 8 completions. ,. RON TRIPP Wise. meanwhile, was the Newport Harbor one-man effort at liuntington ----'-------! Beach. The l~pound s e n i o r chalked up eight touchdowns while ru shing for 893 yards in 174 carries and a 5.1 average. Two other Orange CoW1ty selections were Art Fry of Loara (first team guard) and Norm Andersen of Anaheim (second team end). Player of the year tflnors were split up with the ramed Bishop Amat pass-catch duo of Pat Haden and John Mc~ay picking up the offensive marbles. Blair's Forrie Martih was named the defensive MVP. GIANT 49er s, Colts Are Favored LAS VEGAS -The San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore cons~ ate slight b e t t l n g favorites for Sunday's National Football League C on e r e n c e championship games. The 49ers are favored by four points and the Colts by one. ' SKI SALE Youth Ski Parka's Assorted Colors •nd Sizes 6-8, 10.12, 14·16 We{. $15.99 .............. NOW $8,88 Youth Skis ·•:,::!:" bindings, pole• includ•d From 12.99 • 24.95 All reduced 33 % S.va Now. Nylon Turtlenecks Men end Women's S • M • L & XL ld11I For Tod•y'• F11hion Look Wore $10.00 .............. NOW $4,49 After Ski .Boots FIH ced Lined -Men & Women's Rev. $5.99 ............... NOW $3.99 Ski Boots Sites 8 through 12 r-· Rev. $76.00 ............ NOW $50,00 COMPLm RENTAL PROGRAM Includes Adult and Junior Si n s METAL SllS, BOOTS .. POLES •;::,"' $9 10% DISCOUNT TO SKI CLUB MEMBERS ! Full Rental ma y be applied to Ski Purche11 mff• wi thin IS davsl I. !Sea rs] l&AU. llODUClt »ID co. • SOUTH COAS T PLAZA 3333 BR ISTOL STREET COSTA MESA 54t-3333 Just S1y Ch1r9e It A\ Seer• , . DAILY PILOl ~1 tl Olympian Opens Saturday .. ' . Laver, Emerso . Defeated .. , By Cancer MUNICH, Germany (UPI) -Br!Ush Olympic star Liiiian Board fought cancer w1th the same indomitable courage that won her acclaim as Britain's Golden Girl of athletics. In Rich Tour1'~Y Her battle ended Saturday in Munich 's University Hospital with her parents at her bedside. Her t~·ln sister, Irene, and sweetheart Dav.id Emery, who had broken their vigil at her bedside to catch a few hours sleep, arrived too late to be with her at her death. The 22-year~ld blonde, a victim of intenstinal cancer and stricken ln her final hours by a brain hem or rh age, slipped into a e-0ma Christmas Eve from whicb she only once awakened. During that brief period of consciousness late on Christmas Eve she o n 1 y momentarily recognized her loved ones. , In a track career that 11panned little more than four years on the international level, she won an Olympic silver medal at Mexico in the 400 meters run. NEW YORK (APJ -Corona del Mar's Rod Laver and Ken Rosewall will launch the 1971 TeMls Champions classic with a $ I 0, 0 0 0 winner-take-all match In Madison Square Gardea Saturday. It is the first match in the coast-to-coast classic series that has a total of $210,000 up for grab.s and offers the possibility of one man winning as much as $170,000 -or nothing. The format is unique and simple for the nioe-man field that also includes Wimbledon champion John Newcombe, U.S. professional champ Tony Roche, Newport Beach's Roy Emerson. Arthur Ashe. Tom Okker, Pancho Gonzalez and Roger Taylor. There are a series of fivc- set, sudden death matches with $10,000 to the winner, nothing for the loser. The winner advances to the next match. If a player goes through 12 such test5, he would have $120,000 with $15,000 up for a semifinal victory. .. ' A win th~e and ,.4,s a shot at the $35,000 firlt p(ize. Each f!r~t-Ume lo~ri has one more chance to~e ck. They· are ~paired ag ach otJter in elfminaUon tra bet in which n<1 money " odefed. A second defeat 1l'tl !man out, but a victory gl • him another shot ln a ,000 match and anoU;er for a spot in the semifln_als> ~. - The first round acoemUt has the Laver-Rosewall .. winner playing NewcocD.t.e in Rochester, N.Y., Jan.t~~ The winner there'":.'faces Roche in Boston Jan. it.1 'Ibc Boston winner goes against Emerson in Philadelphia , Jan. 16, with that winner going against Ashe in New York Jan. 21. The Dutch star, Okke~ will play the winner of the ..]Jew York match in Detroit Jah. 23 and from that match · will cQme Gonzalez' opponent in New York Jan. 28. The winner of that one will play Taylor Jan. 30. at a site to· be announced. 44 (3P Sin Fed.lax C78-14-... -----...2.'17 ~-15 1.75 Size Fed. tax E78-14.«---·-·---<2C<2'55 F7S.14 44 f78.15 40 Sin Fed.. lox G7S.14---·-··---2.60 G7S.15 2.60 Sin Fed. tax H7S.14 2 80 H7S.1~---~--..-Ci80 1aaa· .............. Fotemost0 'El Tigre' 12 volt battery --aolld nibber ..... Engln-for heavy electrical demands. Larger plates than High Volt line. ·-- S..,_ld any Fort--a Tler-'"'~f .. (llOl- .., dlsc111ro•> •1111111 15 ---,,_ .. llalsol ,.,.. ettn.. Nt11m • '° ,.,_,_ ..., ft .. bl Nplklld "" Of di•,._ Alw Ii MOflll'lt but .,...,, to lltM explr111o11 d11• d ... glllllllll ... ~.c. ,.,,,,., Co. will f91)!Ue Ille b.t!M)' -.1w11V11111' Oft!y lo• I"'" period oil ow...nillop, b••"' on tlM l>ll•t911C P<I'' •I UM• tl"'e OI n111n1. pro riled ow•r lh• .. mda<i _ _...... Penneys Service 3 Day Tune-up Special 1744 2044 2344 2644 1788 IVW•l 21 88(s cyt.) 25" (a cyt.) -· . ' • I . fnctudea MW plugs. polra. rotor, condenw Ind dlalrtbvtor cap· 9dfuatrnent of~&.~ nf Clfburetor. ' ._ _______ --_ .. ;.;;.''"';.;;. _________ ..:-::..::·-::.-=;:-: ___ J . •. ., Yn, you c1n •hop 12 to S Sund1ys, too, at any ol ttlaae Pennfly AUlo Center1: BUENA PARK• CANOGA PARK CARLSBAD CHUI.A VISTA DOWNEY FASHION VALLEY-SAN DIEGO FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCtAI A NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE "TME crTY'" RIVERStoe VENTURA Drlvt '"' Charge It •o ... ,..°"""'v...(c..........._. ' , ,., . . ' J ' I •••• t i . . ••• 38 DAILY PILOT l\.nigl1ts RIVERSIDE -With its worst sbooling performanct of the season out of the "'ay. Golden.._ West College's basketblll team vdll face the San~o City Col I eg e Kni~ Jn the second round of the ,Jt.brerslde tourney of cha~s 1\Jesday night al 8:4%:" Monday, Drcfmber 28, 1970 ·OPEN STANCE ON SAND SHOTS ' C _ :bick Strick I l n '~ Gol4lil:·West Rustlers. hit al only.;a:JZ pereent clip from the fletf~rday night, but held en tq ctifeat host RiW:rside. M· 73. ln:tbe opening round. I suggest that .you hit your normal shots from San Diego, a team that lost san d with a slightly opened stance, In this stance lo the Rustlers. 93-48, in the your .forwcird foot will be pulled back a bit farther ?iloorpark tourney . stunned than your rear foot from the target line (see illus. Long Beach City College, 97-tration). 94 , in tbe other first round This stance causes your clubhead to move i;ame. through the strikl iig area on a $1igl1tly o.utside·to- Tonighl F\lllerton f a cc s inside path and, therefore, to take a shallower Jmperial \'alley at 7 and cut of sand than would be normal if the clubhead Pasadena dueJs Palomar al moved straight along the target line. ~~~. in other opening round By taking a shallower cut of sand you will find Jn Saturday nigbt"s game that the clubhead moves more readily throuch it "·ilh ru,·crsidc. the Rustlers without slowing down too rriuch. You will le1ve out.scored the Tiien.. 17-'. in fewer shots than normal in the sand or short of tbe last eight rnirates to !um the flagstick. · .a close game m10 .a rout. The The open 'stance, however~ applies only on shots 11ro teams ""eft' tied. fii..fil. from a normal lie in .the sand. When the ball is '1i·he!:i Rh-ersidt .-ent cold somewhat buried, yoo will need a square stance A pair of clutch shots by so that the clubhead will cut deep enough to riiov' Rustlt>r forward Brian under the ball. &O 1mM4tt.1Wr.~~ ,\mb!'Otkh. t~o frtt ~-s ---------------------<'ad! by Olris Thompson and J im A.nderson and a bucket and Wee charity tosses by fuc-.k Barnes keyed the Rustler SCTJring attack in the closing eight minu1es of play. Goldl!:n West jumped out to a 21·10 lead in lhe early part of the game. but v.·hen Ambroiich was benched with three fouls, RiversJde spurted to a 37-36 advantage late in the first half. But a three-point play by center ~lark Dekker, follo\\·ed by Anderson's two free throws and a 20-foot jumper gave the RusUers a 44-41 halftime lead. Riverside stayed within four points of the RusUers in the first 12 minutes of the second half and finally lied the game (67-67) on Craig Anderson's baseline jumper from the corner. 'n\Ompson led Golden West with ~ points while Anderson hit ·sz, Ambrozlcb had 13 and De~er followed with 12. Gotden West hit ~ of 7R sho_tt from the field and ca~ 28 of 32 from the charity stripe . ,• Oolffl!Wnl .• , " " ,, " ,lm~ • ' • " ,llllkl'tClfl ' ' ' " -~ • • ' ,, "Thom11ton • ' • ~ .,_ ' ' ' ' Gt1~m ' • ' ' ·~~ • ' ' ' "Tot11t n " " • '"''"'" CUI " • " " ....... ' ' ' • ·-' ' ' " ,_ • • ' M ~••rl9 ' • ' • 8Ullt!' ' • ' • ...... " ' ' • " llt!dl1rd ' • ' • Rwn<h ' • ' • T0111"1 v • M " H1111lm1: Golcllfl Wtll I~, ltl•t"•de " Tourney Moved; A rtists Upended B~· HOWARD HANDY Of lfMI 01Ur l"lllt $1111 Two regular starters were missing from the Llguna Beach lineup Saturda! when the Artists battled Victor Valley for seventh place in the transplanted inaugural Laguna Beach Rotary basketball tournament and lost, 75-49. The two missing starters weren·t in attendance at the Laguna Canyon rock festival, however, that drew nationwide attention and forced the final day of action out of town. The San Clemente High gym was the scene of the final day's games. Highways lead ing i n to Laguna Beach had been closed Chrlstma$ day and tourney director-basketball coa c h Jerry Fair was asked to abandon or move tfie tourney at 10 o'clock Sa tu rd a y morning by concerned city officials and the p o I i c e department. "'We spent 3'12 hours on lhe telephone getting the word out to the nine other teams, game officials &nd others involved \li'llh the tournament ," Fair said. Fans or visiting teams. not kllO\\'ing of the switch, arrived late al San Clemente for most of the games after going first to Laguna Beach lligh (via the Pacific Coast Highway). With all the problems of making the switch, Jo~air's day was upset further when Bart Tabor and Nick Glllespie were unable to suit up because of strep throats. Mike Neiswender and Brent Jamison stepped into the breach and the Artists moved to a 29-26 halftime advantage. 'Ille second half was a different etory. The Jackrabbits from Victor Valley scored 16 pointa In the third period to eight for Laguna to take a 42-37 edge, then blasted the netting in the final period for 33 points to 12 for the Artists and a close game turned into a shambles for Laguna. Laguna opened action in the Brethren H i g h eli;ht~eam tournament t h i s afternoon against Lawndale. In other games Saturday. Vikings Breeze Past Rosemead Five, 79-48 Corona defeated Br el hr en High of Paramount for the championship. 67-65 in t'A:o O\'erlimes: Apple Va 11 e y topJX!d Rubidoux for third place, 72.0I : B<'llflo\\'cr halted Palm Sprin gs for firth place, 79-57 and El Dorado v.·on the r·onsolation lille over Damien , 84·71. L11un1 COl " " " Whl1nth ' • • Net1wen<11r ' • ., Ccrwln • ' ' H ~rbold ' • • COVINA -l\tar.ina High 1no\•ed back into aclion this afternoon against Arcadia in second round play of tlic nation"s l a r g c s t prep baskelball tournament I n C<Jylna. Coach Jim Sttphens" squad toppled Rosemead in easy fashion Sat.urday, 79-48, to advance to the second round of the c h ampio nship competition. The victory wa~ lhe sixth against three defeats for Maril'ia this season and it found the Vikings out.scoring Rosemead in every quarter including a 14-3 blitz In !he inilial liame. "The kids played a good Jl'.:lme on defense. They lim ited Ro5'em<':id to just IJ field so;i.ls during 1he game v.·hich i.~ real good," Strphens said afterwards. ..) . ' :' -.. - Mfrt"" '"' " " " " f!uto , ' ' ' :,,.,,,,,, • • ' • .... d • ' " ·~-' ' ' ' N>tGultf • ' ' • w-' • ' • N:Hlet ' ' • " -·· • • ' " ........ , ' ' , ' ~111'1 • • ' • tor111 ti • " " "-·· ,., " " •• " •... , ' ' ' ·~· ' ' ' • .. _ ... • ' ' • M .. • ' • ' v • ' • " l.'..-lt.ot• ' ' ' ' "" • ' l ' ""'''" ' • • &•.oMcwl • • ' ,.....,.,, ' ' ' ' l .. l'f•• • • ' • .... _, • • ' • ' " H " • kin a. Ov1r"" .iMrlfl.t " " " ·-· -' " ,, 11-.. .. , lhoughl they h a d improved over our last fc1v g:i1ncs even th ough they \\'ere ii ;Ju le.stale from the holidays. Arcadia "'iii be a stiff test." The Co\"ina tourname nt has 32 teams co1npeting in action that lasb through New \'car·s E:\•e. Kipp Baird paced t h c ~larina scoring attack v.·ith 14 followed by Dean Bogd11n wit h 12 and Bruce ~Hiier \1·ith JI. After movi ng to a 14-3 edge at the quarter. it was 38-17 at halftin1e snd 57-30 going into the final period of play as Stephens subslltutcd freely. Nld'IOll ' ~ 111111 ' JAml\cn • Ne11cn • Ki\Hlbl ch • $wffflt• • TC11li " Calendar ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ~ Basketball Scores (Ot.~EGll l'•r Well (ll lflf Firs! ltO\IMI W~\h.•QIM $1 tJ, l""l•n1 fO Or._ 7t. ~n Jost S•. ~J lt•1~bo .. (l111Jt F!r•1 ""'"' '-' •rno.,A ~·. 111onc,1 h tCAC Htlllll• Fittlt..1t, N1w 'l'O<k f lt11 ""'" ~°"'"' C1rolou I ). Cor,,.n 60 SI John'1, N Y. IS, HOI• Cnin 14, OYt Hl..,,1 wn•.,n """'"(~, IOI. ~1. fltter•1, N J, ti <Iv•~·· ,,, ••• 1"11111. •ont ltovnll U•1n &!, A"'"v }6 "'""I), s~··c ... •• 11. O<fM l•"'-T•..,~r-!IA. !r l'•tnt+I, "'· 1J W.t M. \In•• (1111 11(1 Oue111 C•IY Ttutfllmtnl ,lotl ""''"' N,111t• 11, MortM1d 11. '' Of1~.t 11 C1nlll•1 71 AlhC:llltH Tovr .... Mo<111n1 $1. I?, ()<l~"'l!"nl t.<h ti lit IHt M Ko~••• t6, Mon o.itr U ll•1di•¥ 111, Y1t1 11 W•n.....,O!I 11. ll•I"''"" fl H1o;11 SCllOOI. LltYnl I Htll ln~U1ticlrl1I ((lllfl\1119111111• l 'Coron1 ''· a ... 1~ru• ~!I~ Oltl !l ~f•f Pf1co A1111i.t V•ll•• ft, ltltfli(tou• t i El t>otMO, O.m ..., n Cllltrn ~'•<•> ltlt!!OW•• 7', P1lm S...rlntJ SI c ... 1n1 TtU"'lll'IHI !lllril ••wlMll 11 CO•ln1 Monfl)Vlt 71, .1.111 t.01T11 lt Gltnclort d, Oorl'llnt1101 t1 .l.rtt dlt 7t. Lonv Btt c" Jorcltn lt t.1~t"'ooo H. Mu!, llO t-ltll• 71, S1tr1 II NO!r• o ........ Pow1v ... Cov1n1 IJ, S.OU•n P111dt nt •t Al NO<lltwlt• P111dtnt JI, Covlt11 No. J JI Cf\tnnlt h ll"ll tJ, Bell 01rdtl'll $l E~ 11. Booca T""C:lt. ,. 11.rtoV'O ll, C•n!.,•11 Sl w,,t Covlfljl 11. (lllltdr1I '' MOtl!e!lfll6 It. 5•n G•lll'ltl '1 I «'II •~•en A.'llll~•n !IA, 1'111!.,!0ft t i NM!""'~"' t~ l.t~lllt u Hllft l owrn1in1nl S1nt1 AnA \IA"-¥ 61, G~·~n C.ro .. ~1 JUNIQI COLI.IOI! !1:1v1•,ld1 lnw!tlll.,.•1 (l'lnl ltMrOlldl Stn Dot 11!1 (C fl. l ;.na R•t<ll t i i1111 ltrr, Tt11rn1tn1nt (llitll ltulMI) loJ .lrn91lt1 CC ,I, St~ Rtrn1'cl'~ tt L .1.. '°"''""'"' 11. Cl (tmlno &t Clrt •IOI ti. Wiii LOI An•tlt\ )t G!enclt!e M, t.Ol ,lnttlt l Vtl!rt 11 fOTl No11.l111rn1111..,1 (11t111 IOJ, !4n11 ,l111 IOJ 1.ouiee of O.trt tJ, Gtm.o•on 1J ' ' I • Brooks Top Area Scorer Trout Plant Off In Southland HunUnaton Beach Hiab"• Steve Brook• leads the lnlUal release or Orange Cout area prep basketball ataUatlcs both In total point! and 1n average. 'Ille 6-3 senior post man for the Oilers has S<lOl"ed at a 23.3 rate In eight games. Last year he was a reserve guard on the Huntington junior v a r s l t y i.am. '"""''" ,,.., • " ti ,, .... I fi 1 ·~ 'l:I 1lt1 •• :1 .!!Ill:! ""'"""' ... "' cs.n c-111 ""' Olllil•I• Whllflll'I N.tswendtr Hlrtlold J1rnlta11 l'lttll• ••• Hk:hot1 ,_, ··-l<l1Mllltt.l'I ··- I It ft 19 ..... lt iO ll 1)1 HJ 11 .. JO IH II.I l!JlUtGl.2 H JO ,, 17 7., 11 '' ,. 7, '·' 1127UJl:rt.1 6 11 S21 •.t s2 1 n2.• • ' t 10 2.S 7 1 s ' l.J 16 122.0 1 0 I I 1.0 I 0 I I 1.0 I f 1 1 1.t M1rl1111 f .. U t f9 rt I• IVI 81lrd t •i 71 107 IJA McGuire 1 :tt u tt 11.s Due to the recent storm !~~Z lj ~ fi 19 iol:I and high waters t h • •u-1 1 If 20 SI .I Department or Fish and Game iJ:Kr11. f t i 'f :g does not plan on planting ~=lr~n 1 ! \ \ i:g Rainbow Trout In a n Y P••~•ra1•t I 1 3 s 2.1 Southern California waters M1SS10N v11>0 1 .. i! except Piru Lake in Ventur!. 'Mt.1!••11n f .1 ff~ ~fs 11~~1 county . Pr~ P. • 1~ U.O :====~======~ ·~~.n~ . , I' .. t J:1' !Ira 6• ••· Z1'r · 9 lt • ll t:r 1 11 1ip ~= 1 i ' i 1:g HIWPOIT MAllOI (t·ll Second to Brooks ln average is Estancia Hl&b's G a r y Orgill, who has tallied at a 23.l clip in seven games. Lean1r11 ·~· 808-din t :IO 11 7t 1.7 YOl.lllO Tllurm t tt 11 76 '·' ~·i! f llf~'ffi .ni"n Complete statistics on the area's 14 prep contingents : co•ONA OEL IM•.r·~ , '-•v•. ~~ ;r ~· ~i ·~ :i1·1, e-1\{'i : M.c~ll!Mf • 1 0 ' w"r. '\!'!· llOtl'IO I 2 ,0 COSTA MllA 41·1~ ·--(~" M.cL11n ff 1 ·~oru1or1.111 , ff i' •ldllq s ' Md 6 11 • Al•n ' 11 > ~{"' ,• ! l!~"• j I Cf:n IOllOJ.3 U·~ T • • 'f •••. !iliilson 7 11 1 11.S ''"' ' 'I f '!:1 Ill ' ' ' 'JI !~ ! 1i ·,l ~ 111· ScR!~ ~ t lj 1: ~ii.,. 1i 2 ~1 s 1 .. S.ndtr1 t tt 11 H 1.1 Mllltl' t Jt U tt l .J ~! cknncw, Wt"°"M' t II 1 •1 •·• t !lne HUNTINGTON 1 11 'l 51 7.! s •. , 17 l.1 81111 ' u 11 ll 1.1 r.o•!...,,_ Rewoldt t Ii l Ji J.t f~$ "' j \ 18) ! 1:,1 Smith I 1 • l.G !.11,.., I 3 6 t. 81dow1kl I I 0 2 2.0 Oenan1u-.~ 1 0•11.0 M,lTll• OEI ll·l) SAN CLEMENTE 15-4) '1/"'••v•. Jg 56 ;t I~ U:: JCs Meet Top Foes Ora ng e Coaat and the first round or the Desert Saddleback colleges race tough tournament at Palm Desert. obstacles in the opening rowid Other Desert pa iring s or a pair of basketball tourna-include : Palo Verde vs. Mt. ments tonight. San Jacinto: Porterville vs. Coach Herb Livsey's Orange Coast crew tangles wilh Santa LA Trade Tech : and Barstow Monica in the opening salvo of vs. Citrus. the Santa Monica tournament Other Santa Monica tourney al 9 while Roy Stevens' games feature Laney against Saddleback Gauchos m e e t Pierce, East LA vs. De · AJU.a College of the Desert. at 8:4!i in and Compton vs. LA llarbor. I lg II 'k 1v1. ••• \ 25 1 l ll. 1 : r.1 rs 1, 'i: 9 ~ Ii if l: 91•1S•l l. IU6 36 •.S '/6123.G S I • 1.! J 1 G I 1. UNIVElt51TT ft-61 :f lt ~: ' ii " ' " 10 1 1 • • • ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' Wl'.STMINSTllt U""'l ( It II ho l vg. Mtl1tnllelmer S\ 36 I.fol lt.2 ~rhi:itk n 1~ ~i ::: MOHOW I 2j '! U 9.1 !lti~eltv I 1 l 46 5.7 t•r-• s ' 16 1.0 ••min • • t 11 3.S ml!h.on ,• l 01 11 1.1 r-10 2.2 2'~ 11~:i·~ Hitt 3 l 3 S 1.6 Slemtn1 3 0 t 2 0.6 ..................................•..•.•..••••••••....................... , GOOD/'YEAR i • I D ·CHROME ' WHEELS 951A AND UP REVERSED SLIGHTLY HIGHER SPEEDWAY WIDE TREADS BLACK·RID STRIPE-WHIT! STRIPE lAISID WH ITE LETTERS SIZEF70-15 2495 FIU Comtte. Je911s nd Pickups. Plu1 2.69fl.T. 775x1S P/C XNWPffi BLEM ORIGINAL 4~ 1000 EQUIPMENT R Pl~• f.tl. 8.16!.el CAMPER SPECIAL 50%SAVINGS 00 IOPLY TUBELESS REG. 81" l'lo.ll 18? F.Ll. GOODYEAR POLYGLAS Ass't Sizes Blems ~-BLACKS OR WHITE 95 MAG WHEELS FROM F.E.T. FROM 2.15 YEAR END SAVINGS NOW THAU DEC. 31 • Dflcontinllied deslp.1 e Oddt and nd1 • New c,ar chang1e>v1ra • Uaed tire• • WhltewailJ &nd Blackwall•·• Tubele• or Tube-type • O~er 2,000 ta cboo11 from SOM! SIZES · LIMITIO STOCK fllSY COMl·flRST SIRVID WHITEWALL-BLACKWALL RETREADS F 0 R 00 PLUS EST. TAI UP. from 21 lo 46' AND RECAPAB.LE TIRl ANT SIZE II S!OCI SPOKE & DISH 2895 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT BUICK RIVIERA SIZE 855x15 3 WHITE ·BLEMS 2495 Plui 2.A7 f.E.T, 1----0R---- 855x15 BLACK FIRSTS 4~80°0 "~ 9.Ba f .( T. Set · PICK UP TIRES AT HUGE SAVINGS HI MILER RANCH AND COMMERCIAL 670x15 6 PLY REG. 28.97 1997 l'lu1 2.10 f.LT. OTHl•SIZISAT COMPA•A•LI SAYINOS IZI USE YOUR DINERS CLUB• • AMERICAN EXPRESS • CARTE BLANCHE GOODYEAR-THE ONLY MAKER OF POLYOLAS" TIRES GOODYEAR BATIERIES·• All SIZES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AT COSTA MESA LOCATION YOUNG and LANE TUSTIN 305 El Camino Real 544-1650 COSTA MESA 1596 Newport Blvd. 548-9383 LAGUNA 482 Ocean Ave 494-6666 I • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' Pro Cage, Hockey Stan clings "' li1.r1r.1 Conl,r.nct •r11nli< 01v111011 N•w York 8o•lnn PMl1dtll'hl1 Burt•lo Wtn l.o.r PU, Ga :JO !I .111 71 1a .w 1 11 11 .HO 1'~ II l'I .115 U Y, Ctnlr1I D!vl1lo11 81ttimor1 70 16 SS6 ClncfnMll 1a '' .•~1 A tt1n11 n '5 .Y/4 Cl-ltnd } 31 .llt WK'-'11 (1111-ct Min.ti DIVltllM Mflw111kee 11 , .Ill '" ••• " o.trolt ,. 11 (1'11cKO 23 14 P""'"!• 12 lt .6J1 J\.J ,,n ' .w ' PKltlc DIVlllM Loe; AftMlft 11 u Sen Fr111el-JI lt ..... DlelO 11 '' s..1111 ,, 2t l'orflwll;f I 2" S1h1r111r'1 Rtsul'h C'*veUilld 1211, llulftfo 101 ~!roll 111, Cl'lk190 ,,. -·"' -~· ..,. ·"' ' ·~ ' "" Mllw.u~M UT, 5.11n l"r1rcl1ee HI Clnd..,t!I UO, Ati.nt• Iii J>lootfll .. 115. Por1t111Cf lOl Sfttllt 121, Bosio!! 111 Only .. mes KhtdUled ' S1111d1r •1 Rttullt tt1v .. 111d 11.t, Phlledet111'li1 101 Ch!Q9o 110, 5111 OIHO 101 lOI Anoefes 1'11, Pl!oenbt 110 Pwtl11'111 13S, Boston 113 New Yortr. HO, 81J1rm,,..1 105 Of\1'1' llllml!I K'iledUllod Tonl1llt'1 Gtmtt S.n l"r11t1eb" 111 Alltnlt Clnci11111U VI. MllWtvktt t i M1dlson \11ralnl1 IC""tuck'I' "ffw York l"lorldlll'll Pltsburtlh C.rDl'"9 Ut1h l"Cl!.flll M1m11hl1 D•w~ TPIS '" l!tU Olvl1lon Won Loll . " ,. 13 16 11 IS 11 u ?• " u WHI Oh1l1lofl 14 11 " " lt 11 " " " " S1turffv'1 Rtwlh lrldiM11 115, Flori11i1n1 91 ICftlluckY 1' .. lt•tS 121 N..., Y0<k 10l, Carolin• '/II Vlr11!nl1 121, Denvfr no Orlly lllmt• SCl'leo!tulr<;I SundtY'S J!Hulh U!1h US, Vlr11lnl1 119 ~ti. GB .611 ,Ut I .•11 ,,., ·"' ·\~ .3611 ""' .361 11V. ,., , .• " llV. ! N-Ycrti: l1l, ICenlV<:kY IClt l t••S 114, Pl!lsbur11ll 11~ Mom11hls 109, l>ldl1na 106 C1rollnt 111, Flar!d!1n1 !14 Tonll'hl'I GlmH P!tt1bvr11h 11 l'lorkll1n:i Mll!fnphl$ ti KtnlllCkY Orilv 111mn 1cllecluled '"' 1"111 DIYlllDll w ' T Pl1 GI' """'" " • ' " '" New Ycr11; " ' • " "' Met1lrt1! .. " ' n '" TMCtl!a u .. ' " "' V•ncouwet " ~ ' n '°' Detroit " " • " '"' Bu!lalo ' " • ~ " Wtsl Div11ioft •• " .. ~ ·~ m •n "' (hlClllO sr. Louis Mlr>nt10t• Phll..ot!111\i1 P l!!SDUr11h L1>1i Mvtlet (1Ulomi• ?3 • 5 51 131 l J 15 I 11 •I I• 11 lJ 1S ' J? 1J 91 111,J'97'11 9 17 10 11 " 105 10 17 5 ?S 97 HI 11 20 ? 1• 10 llJ 511'olnl1v't Jtts.11111 e>.-1n111 1, New York ' Plll""'1r11h •. 81>11!on 2 (lllc.tllO l, \'MKOUYK 2 Tontnto f , Pl!!!edtlphl1 I SI. Louis 1, MlnMtGll 1 fl!t J Montrul l . Bull1lo • (tie\ lot An11tlt5 '· Cllllornl1 J ltlnHY't Rl!Mllh New York •, sr. Louis • ~1!1) Mon!•tll I , PMlad•llOl\lt l !luH1l1> J, Detr11ll 1 Only 111,,.,.1 1cl\edul.-d Tonlll\1'1 Gtmtt Na 111mu tehteluled Refs Sought For Soccer The Sou the rn California Soccer Football Association is in the market for qualified refe rees. The association is offering a rree. crash cours'!': on rules of the sport and i nter es ted parties are urged to contacl Diogenes Cordero at 13041 Glasgow Place (Phone : 213 679-5902 ) in Hawthorne. Jn the Pacific Socce r League's youth d i v is Ion , mcan~~1hile, area teams seem to be faring well. The Coast Rangers arc in second (J-1·1) and third (5·3) places in the prep and pee wee division standings while the H 11 ntington Bcach·F'oun1ain Valley entry !cads the pee wee i;t andings with a 5-4-1 mark . SEAS01\'S 6REETll\'6S a nd Best Wishes to our many friend s and client s. ~ SAFECO JN SUR~NCE BOB PALEY 474 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA 642·6SOO ' Sears u •• ,,~· "'S.., ,.. . . ~ ' ' 1::xperl lo11ta.Uation Available •• . .\&tale Spark Plug11 PrecisioD-mA<k-4 7.C tOr depeodahil- uy. Low priced! · l:kll 12-ln. Jack SI.and Sears srurdr 12- iocb jW!: •illl} hcighu. #1 266 Booster Cable For sis or 199 CArs. Lowpriced C twel ve volt 99 111 ;~ Scifi110r Axle Jach Ra.i~ from )· 499 rn. 10 14Y..-ios., for ligh! ("atS, ~mall truch. Quick-Fit S1urdy Scat Coven 2499 Finest 'WO"CD puff~ fabric, rc-- 1nfon:ed nvlnn tncor trim 10 blue, brown, bl11:k. #7.Cl 01 SAVE .*2! Lifetime Guarantee Heavy-Duty Shock Absorbers Regular '7.99 99 Each • Rugged sintered iron pi ston and chrome rod •Heavy du<y ... long wearing Be&YY Duty Shock AJ.o~ Lifetime C.-•t~ If HcaVJ Dlll"J' Shock Absoc-ber faib due ro faulty mau:rials md M>rkmao- ship or wtac-OUt while origiiW put· chaser owns 1be cu, i1 will be -- pl.ar:ed upon relUrn. free of charge, or the pll.lt"hue price wi U be ~ funded. If the defective diock ah- ~rber 'l'U im.Wled by Sean._. will in5ull new sbock ab5orbtt wi1h no chaigoe for Jabot. • HEAVY oun •0101 Oil 39c Qt. Heavy Duly Oil ........... 4°' 99• deposits to ~ POid nt~ •i~wev. SAVE $2! 15.99 Grease Gun Noule fits 'hy-399 draulic or Zeck f1ttins"o Spring primed piston. #49)' S9.99 Ba11eryCharger /iu1orruu.ic re· ~ec circui t hrcaJ.:er. 6·ft. [Ord. #7167 799 ~:.?4. 99 Dwe ll Tach Powered by 1899 1taodacd iner· ~"b'm"o~ eluded). #2188 SAVE $1 1 S4.99 Seat Cove" Nylon srrerc.h 3 f1bnc. bonded 99 polyfoam htck- 1ng. 17"27 lle.avy Duly Filter f ih e r1 " OUI 166 •lud&e. din be- fore ill: rai:bn eq!oc. Carburetor Filter }99 I ~ Ton Hydraulic Jack 2·pc. li(ring 888 h;1.ndlc.Buil!-in rcle.ue Wvc, 11225 829.99 'finting Light for 6 and 121999 SAVE $3! SI 0.99 Extinguisher UL Llired md 799 Goa.ii Guard .p. pt0¥ed. 0UI• ~tandi11&bur! #64~8 Ask A bout Sears Convenient Credit Plans. IL MONlt GI l ·)t1 I Monday , Dtcrmbtr 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT :J9 Sears Batter y Guara11lee Free replacement within 90 days of purchase if b:iucry proves J cfectivc. After 90 days, we replace the battery, if defccti\IC, 1V1d char~ you only fur the pc:riod of ownership, based on the regular pri ce ll·ss tr:ide·in :u: the tflle uf rel um, prorated over the number of months of the guaranrec. SAVJ;; •.'JO! 21/2 -HP Mini-Bike Regular 5129.95 9988 • 4 cycle e ngiae, 7 /8-in. tubular steel frame, fork and handlebars •Twi st grip throttle, foot operated rear wheel brake, rewind started. #80702 All 38~: Wheels Labor lncluJrd AU American Cars: ""'l n~p,c:I •nd Adj11$I r~rl... In' Brakr t11' llnn1lr1 I l.ininga Jn~lalli::•l ""·~\\'he,. I• ""'111111:1! All tinr' 1n1I Add Flni•I ""' ft,.build AU Whrel C,.lin• de" tll' Inert-et 111•s1er Cylinder 11" 1\re Grind Drake Shor.• 11" l n~~d Gru!!f' S!-11.• ' 11" RrJl•rk Front Wh,.,.I Br•r- in•' tll' Jle~u rr111:f .\II -t Brake Jlru1n~ ""'l11!'11rcl Ur;okr li<JM'~ ""'ln~pr.1t 1\H llta!.."1 lf11rrl· ..... ,11 ""'t·r~,. Adju~onetol for Lil'e ~fUnin~' l-' Road Tel for Br1k11 R,.. li1bilily ·c1uy>ler product' hilYini;:: 6 wheel cylinde1' •nd car1 ., uh 111-<" br.i.kes md self wl1u,1cr h•,dlt'r. · Anr KHl1lionl.l pans ind labor 1va1W>lt ar Sc .. rs low rt1ce. Under no condnion w11l l'.ie•1t$ do 1~5 1ha11 a "l'1nr Qu•l111• Br11kc Joh:· 25,000 MILE BRAKE LI NI NG GUA RA NTEF: 1£ 1l1e Brake Lining in~ta lled by us wears oul ""'ilh· in 25,000 miles, we will furn i~h rr.placcn1rnl lin- ing« 11t no chanz;e. lnstalla1jon cost wi ll he pro-rn tc-d on 1he rercentage of l{Uaranteed n1ile1 aclually received. ========== l'ICO WI l.fl l l SAVE , • 99 Nos. 4316, 4393, 4309, ol332, ol399, 4355, ol362, 4388. FREE BATTERY INSTALLATION • RemmufttcTtJl"Pd fur IO() perform- 1•11:,.. Ctlmplc1e Enitine-ln fil th,. fnllowini: lQ00.6'( F<1rd F1kon. t: •. o,...,li11r. 111J 1\1,.iv;ury f:om,.I t .. 144 CIF'"J e 1%0-ft6 Ply nu11:11h, Vali1n1. ll<od11~. Dart. Laneer, Uodge \·an 1"170 CID .. ) . • • 1960-MChr.'V)'Jl, • Chrvrolct Ven G-10 (''J'J.l Cl Di . ' . i Ouri11•~ .. Thi• Sale Un Rcn1an11 raclu.red. Con1ple1"' t:n1tine1 lntolallf'd forollif'r n1akf'll an1J model,.. · Heavy Dnty Mufflers 1 Se~trs IUIHo\ '"llt l& l ·lf400. J l l ·ifllO Co\HOO& llo\llt l •O.O••I OUNDALI Cl, J•IDCM. Cl 4•4&11 lOHO tlACN Ht S·Olll OL'M,IC & IOlO AN l ·Jlll OI ANOI &JT-1100 '""'" ""'" .. , 1·lJ71 fMOt,11AHlt Ot\ltl itt7-45ff TOllAN(I s•l·l •tl Ul'LANO tll·lf lT ("QMnON NI &-lJll, NI ).J7&1 HOUTWOOlt MO f •lf41 '1 1••.~nt~llCJ>ANllt,O, COVINA 961.06 11 1N0LfWOOe 0 1 1·1121 Shop Night• M~n, thru Sot. 9:~• A.M. to 9:30 ,,M., Sundoy 12 Noon L• J ,.M. l'AJAOINA •tl-Jlll. Jtl·•ll • l'OMONA HA t •ll•l I IANTo\ If l,l1N01 t l it.101 I SAN TA M0""1'A f.J. 4·171 I IOUIM <OAlt "-AlA 14D•llll I VAUIT PO l ·l411, f M ·lllO VllMO"fl" f .lflt ' • . ' ' I • ,, 4f1 DAil Y PILOT S M~J. Drctmbtr 28, 1'170 LEGAL NOTICE 1'1oney's Worth HOTICt 0, TltVlT•n $.t.L• llfUI•• 0110 Oil TltUtT TO .... LOAll .... VA IW1• ...,.. ... "' Year End Bonuses ~ I• ,_,..., ,...._ NI W!STllOI TITl.E (OM,AHY, A Lim!,.. Nt'l!Wr.lill9 II ~ ot ~ trv.IM, 91' .... lt!Mf tl'W* ~ ........... ol tn111 ....,.,... trr llAl.'H C. 'L.t:IHllt AJolO SH.AltOH \,.. p;LEIEHEll. HUUlloHD AHO Wll"I Md ,._.... Hft. 1, IHI If! "* '111. -ML "' omc;i.1 lt-dt lft • • '711 olfic. ti' 1M c-ty ltt(Oflllft et Of.nee C_.,., C1Uf0r11l1, and _ _. to tM Notice ti Otl..,lf 1N'M1 Elt<tlofl tro StO l'l'ltf'ev!Mltl' l'tCOf'dtct "''· 1f,, 1t1t 111 baoll. t"1 Pff9 1n of Mid 0111(111 ltKOrdl. wHI .. 11, Gii Jtnllt.., lt, lt11 •I lliOO •.m .. 11 tilt Horlll lronl .,.1r1nn 11 the Or.,, .. C_,., C1111MhDuM loc1tld 11 1111 Clvk Ctnl.,. Orlwt w.,.1, tormtllY Wtll 1111 SI,...!, $11111 AIWI, Ctllhlrt\11, 11 "\lblk: I UC'lioll, to tM hl1M1! bldMr !Or CIM l~•blt ,, tllf time ot ule In i.wtvt "'*"" or tht Unll.cl 111111> 111 •lthl, lltlt, 11'11 lntff'nt, ,.......,.., 10 - -ht-Id b'f' II IHIMf Hid de.cl 111 '"' Pt'9er'Y 111\lalt Ill Mid (oun,., lllCI 51•11 delc:rlbed •• lol~: Might Be Smnlkr Lot 21 Tr~ 2111, 111 the Cltv o1 (0111 Mew, c~ of °'"'""· Stile ol C.llton!W. ........ -· ·-dell "' llDollr. ....... '2 11'111 U of.,....._ 111 lhe llffkt of .._ C-'V RKordllf' of Mid Countt. A.K.A. 17• Wiiton $tr"I, Cotl1 Mft41, C1tlfonll1 Saki Wilt wrn bf m..,., b;it w!lllOvt C'OllY1M11t or w1rP•11IV, •~Pl'•U or 1111-Plllld, r.Nl'dlntl TlfNI, -"'''°" « .nc:vmllrln«J, to Nfl•I\' tn. lndff!Mt!na .cu.....i by Mid Dltel, lnctUlll.,. ftte IH lrw:I l)(ll'Wltft fl/I 1M tnnlM •nd ol !tie lrutll Crteltd l)y Mid 0..0. 1d\llr>e11 ll\lrWUflCll1, Wllll 11111 .... t 11 1>rovldH ll\tl'el11, W IM llllPekl prlnc .. 11-ol lllt noll *'11'H by Mlcl ""31 I-It lllAff.11 Wllll fllNf'ltl """-rrom AMII 1, 1t'1'D 11 -ldlod Ill Nici llOl1, WES-rSIDf: TIT\.E (OMPAN'I' Is 1uch Trvllft , ... Wtlllff'll Dtlfd Can10•1U011 ay W1Yfll H. Mll'Mwl AulhOrlMd Oftlclff' 011td : Dei:embtr 21. 1t10 IPS lmf PubU1~td Otl not COid 01fly ,llol 0"'911'1btr ,,, 1'10 I nd Jll\1111')' i, 11, 1ff1 2:190-70 LEGAL NOTICE ....... C~ltTll'tCAT• 01' aut;lll•ll l'ICtTIOUS NAM• TM 110'IMr1ltl\ld do clff'Tlf\I IM'f 1rt cond11C1lrt11 I Dlitl-II P. 0. au inl ""° I. $UlllVM). s.1111 AM, C•llla•nlt. l>t>(ler llM flctltlou!i firm 1111n1 ol P & L COMPANY and "'9t uld fl•m 11 com- P<Ked of IM talloWl1111 --f. wlloH n1mn 111 11111 Ind Pllus (Ill mkllncff 1r1 I I tollowli Lerll't' E. Corru, 1920 s. S11!1111111 St,, 511111 An1, C11!fornl1 '21'0ol l!r1ncn H. Corre•, 19'° S. Sull1111n 51 .. S..1111 Ant, C1!ltor11l1 '21'0ol Oiled November 21, 1910 Leroy 'E. Oorr•• Fr1nc" H, Catrtl ll1lt o1 C1llloml1, Or11101 County: 011 NPV""'bfr 11, lf/O, Mfore ,..., I MDIII')' P11bUc In 111d for wld $t1t1, l>f<M1111lty 1ppr1red Fr111c:es H, C«••• 1t>d Le•o'I' E. CorrH ts.wn 10 me !O be ""' pfrM1111 whoH """'" wDKrl-IO ffll wllllln l"'trumwil and .anDwledVff lllft' tXK ... ll'CI flWi -, IOFFICIAL SEAL) ~urHn P. Al-No11..,. Pllbltc-Celllomlt Pr111Cl11.i on1c1 lri Ct111ntv ol or1not MV Commls1!0tt, !:xplrn A11r!I 1l, 1.,1 Publlllled or..-... (011t Dlllt flllol, DKnnbtf' 7, 1•, Jt, tL \f10 2190-10 LEGAL NOTIC.: NOTICE OP TltUST9a'S SAL• NI. "7FC More Dutifl• Dr. Charles F. Kenney,. superintendent of the Santa Ana Unified School District and the Rancho Santiago Com· munity College District gets one more job. He has just been elected Orange County Chair· man of the California Association of School Administrators. Mesa Banker Appointed Manager By SYLVIA PORTER li you do get a year~nd bonus or other form of extra compensaUon from y o u r employer this year -and there's a real possibility you won 't -it well may be for a smaller amount th an in 1969. And there's more th an a possibility that the o n l y Christmas bonus yoo'll get today .will be the traditional Verbal greeting. The explanaUon is obvious: as a result of the protracted recession of '69--'70 company after company has reduced or el1mlnated its customary yearly bonus. This is, I readily admit, hardly the most cheerful financial column I could have chosen for Christmas eve. But this Is hardly the most cheerful financial s e a s o n you've ever exp e rl ence d either. To be realisUc and get on with it. here are the key trends in 1970 yea r·end bonuses -from a new survey of 225 U.S. companies in 25 different industries j u s t completed by Fry Consultants, Inc., in Chicago, and other Douglas Htn, manager of the sources: c.osta Mesa branch of the -Brokerage houses, caught First National Bank of Orange in one of the most disastrous County, has: been named an financial plnches in history, have cut bOnuses way down or assistant vice r resident out. nie New York Stock according to C a r I E, Exchange annwnced a bonus Schroeder, president cutback in late November An Orange County native, from 10 percent of employes' }!ill was graduated from yearly salary to 711.z percent. orange High School a n d However, even 7~ percent is . . . not a bonus to sniff at; for a earned hls A. A. degree in $10,000 a year employe, it adds business and economics from up to $750 -or nearly a Orange Coast Co I I e g e, mooth's pay. completing his upper graduate -Many · companies have work at California St ate narrowed the number and College, Fullerton. In addition, types of employes eligible for he has completed a number of bonuses -in some cases courses offered by t he favoring middle and upper Amlrican I n s t i t u t e of management and in other Banking. cases favoring those at the Following his graduation lower levels of the p'ay sea~. trom Orange Coast College, -Unions, increasingly, are Hill served a four year tour or insisting, under the Taft. duiy in lhe .Air Force afler Hartley Act, on being whrch he entered the finance informed of any management business. 1n February, 1960, plans to change policies on llill joined the &+year-<tld tradiUonal bonus handouts - First National Bank of Orange and increasingly are including County. policies covering bonus He was named manager of compensaUoc a.s a bargaining' point. -"Hidden bonuses" appear on the increase -including bonuses in the form of company merchandise, gift certificates, ertra m e r I t salary increases. Under the new General Motors contract with the Unlled Auto Workers, WitlS Post workers get a "bonwi holiday" of an extra day'• pay this John E. ,11urphy. presi4 month, whlch, of course, dent of the Irvine Indus· amounts to a year-end bonus. trial Complex, has been -Profit aharlng payouts elected western regional are beoomlog a ma j c r vice president of the Na4 alternative to yea r ·end tional Association of In· bonuses. although these dustrial P a rks. payments are not necessarily -'-'-'---'-"'"""------ made at year-llld. Easlman Insurance Firnis Get New Hoines ,- Kodak, for example, plans to dlstrib!Jte a bonus or nearly $100 mUllon in March t.o its employes. Nearly one·third of the companJes surveyed by Fry Consultants offered a yearly bonus through a profit sharing plan, and in the great majority of these plans, the profit sharing payment was to be deferred to a later date. ~ Balboa and M e r i t p I a n -However -and most lnsurance Compan ies next significant -a full 20 percent week will occupy n1!w quarters of the companies oUering in the IS-story, $10 million some type of ye ar·end compensation gave It in the Avco Financial Cen ter fonn ·of a Christmas gift building in Newport Beach. lnste~d of cash. What's more, Charles W. Ferguson, a fascinating new (although president of the two insurance still limited) trend Is toward giving shares of company company subsidiaries of Avco stock instead of cash. To the Finan cial Serv ices, said both employe. this could mean will be "open for business" on gelllng a banus versus no December 28. bonus th.is year. And if the This begins the move-in company's stock priet is . . depressed, and if it can be proces~ for , Avco Financial expected to spurt back in . S e r v 1 c e s new world future years, such a bonus h e a d q uarters. Eventually could end up quite a financial more than 600 AFS employes bonanza. (To the employer. of from Los Angeles a nd course, a stock payment Cleveland Ohio will move to pennit.5 the conservation of Orange ~unty. valuable cash at this time of . . . severely pinched profits.) _Avco Financial Services., To end on a cheerful note y,·1th asset! nearing $1.5 anyway: If your year-end billion, was created earlier bonus Is down or out this year, this year by Avco Corpora tion the odds ere it will be either as the single ope.rating en tity ~t~c~r ~st~~=~;;~ for two wholly·owned track. Or, It will turn up in the subsidiaries -Se aboard guise of profit sharing or a Finance Company of Los Christmas gift or a pay raise Angeles and A v c o ~ D e l l a or a clutch of corporate stock Corporation of Cleveland. shares. So Merry Christmas.. Top officers of A v c o Financial Services are A. E. 011 J1nu1..,. '-lf71, •I 12:00 N-. ti ....,.111 Iron! tfllrln<e" to Orenee C.Gllnf\I C01Jrl1VK1it" 1fiO CfYl( c ... fer Orl\11 forll'll!rly W. 111'1 Sf., Clly of s1nl1 A .... C•llfornl1. 1MP£1t1AL MORTGAGE COit· POAATION, IJ Tr<n!H l>l\Ofr t"9 c:tllfd ol tr111t m1de b'f' JOHN C, FULTON AND ELISA9ErH A. FULTON, Ind fKO,,,.., f· 17 ... f. In 9ook f'OH; P.1tt m, o1 Offlclel Rrcorll1 of Ora11ae C01.111ty, C1llfornlt, ,1.e11 10 secure an lr\dtDttdnHI Iii l•'I« ol Cl.AAA WINOCUR AND MO JI It 11 WINOCUlt now -"" Incl l'leld DY Ct.olAA WINOC:UR AND MOAJllS WIN· OC U It l>'I' ...,,.,., et the tlfffcll Of c1n1111 obllt•lloM te<'\ll'td thrrftl'I, natl« of w!lkh WIS ncot'o.I t-lJ..10. In Book 9&1, P-221, ol ulcl Off!NI ltecordl. IMPERIAL MOATG,AGE COAP, Wiii .. ti •f llUDlk 111/Cflon '° .... "'"'*I ·lllddtl' tor Cl .,h ,.. .... ~ ill ilWf\l4 ...-V tf Ille Unlftd Sr.1ft 11 fht flttM "' ult, wl1"tllf w1rr111!\I 11 to 11t11, --""' «" _. curnDr•n«f. Ille fnftrffl coiwertd to ttWI now Mid by Hid Tl'VltM lll'ldtf' .. Id Olold of Tn11t, 111 1t>d to lflt lolkrwf119 dell:rllwd pr-'¥', lo-wll: Loi 7 of Tl'ICI No. ltD' Conlllll Hll'!ll1nc:t1, 11 il\oWll Oii I lntP •-c:tl'CI In book _.., 1111111 IJ lolld 20 ol Mii mlllll, rKorcltd Ill r~ flf Or-Collflfy, the Costa Mesa 'b r ancb, located at Adams and Mesa Verde Avenue, in the Spring of 1970. Prior to that, he was assistant manager of the Santa Ana branch, 17lh Street and Tustin A venue. Top Business Stories Revealed From 1970 Weidman, chairman of the board : H. W. Merryman, president ; and Ross M. Hett. executive vice president and chief operating officer. Sile of the ·new world headquarters, said Merryman, was determined afl er an extensive survey of a 11 available areas in So uthern California. C1llf, · C-1'1' Ir-I\ •t Q1 111-d Ad .. C«Ollt Oft MM, Cllllfw111!1. for lflt PVl1IOH of N'tlnl cOllMflaM .i;..:ureo bv uld DHd lnclucll11t Itel, ~ ... I Incl UPef'IHS ol Ille Tr .... IH encl ef wle. '°'1.i.H oJ!IHlc:t .,.l1n«. Pkll 10 Pl'f'Ctnl lnt~I all IJl'IPl.lc:t bll1nct lrom ._ ')'t.l'O IO cl.lie PIY off, ,..,. f Nl'U'lll llorllll on lllllllld ti.I-, ~UJ trullH ,_ 1ortclosur1 costt. ldvtl!Cft II •11~ end tic. D1ted: ll·D-70 IMPERIAL. MOllTGAGE CORPORATION Trust" 8y Alfred S"lllll ..... PubU1hed N....-1 H•rbo• News flr1u comDIM<I will! Dlll'I' Piiot, N-1 e~1ch, C1llfomle Dtcetnbtr If. 21, ti, 19111 2! ... 70 LEGAL NOTICE . .,.,., CEltTIFICA1' 01'1 •USINass "lCTITIOUS HAM• Tiie una1r1lened does ctn11V M I• CO<ld...cllnt I l>IJtlllHI .t 200D NewJll>M e1vo .. Cotti Met1, c1111or1111. vndlr tllt llc!l!Olll firm ntml of WINDWAltD CUSTOM SAILS tlld ll'lll 11!0 firm 11 composed of lhe tallowl1111 p1r1011, w!>olt 11&mf In 11111 Incl p!1ct of rt1llltnet 11 •• toUOWI: Jo~n c. comer, NJ N. Or•net St., Oran91". C1lllornl1 Dlleel Orctmbl!• 11, 1910 JOlln C. Co111er Hill and his wife, Diane~ have two daughters, Laurie, 15, and Tammy, 13, both of whom attend Cerro Villa Junior High School. S~nta Anita ' Earnings Told Santa Aruta Consolidated, Jnc. will pay a regular quarterly dividend of 50 cents per share on January 15, 1971 to shareholders of record December 21, 1971>. 1be dividend declared by the board of directors is for the first quarter of the com· pany's current fiscal yea r. Santa Anita operates on a fis· cat year ending October 31. LEGAL NOTICE 5t1!e of C1lllo•11l1. Or1no1 C°""'ty: o .. DKtmtter \9, ln!I. bl!fOtf me. 1 1---~--------1 Nalano P11b1ic In anc:t tar 11kl St11,, \ T ... sn1 ppf1,Q1Ylly 1<111Nrtd JD!ln C. COl'IH• SUPE4IOA COUllT OF THE ._11cro¥11 ta me lo '-!flt PfrlOll Wl!Mt STATE 01' CALll'OltNIA FOR nlmt !1 11111Kf'lllf(I 1Q !ht wlthl11 THE COUNTY Of' OltANGI l111trumt11I Ind tdl-ltd9to he tirtcull<I NI. A"'ntl "" ume. NOTICI Of' HEAlttNO Of' PETITION 40FFIC1At. SEAL) POil PltOIArll! OF WILL ANO l'Olt M11')' K. Hl\fl.., t.•TTll!ltS Tll!ITAM•NrAllY Nal1rv P11Dllc<ell1or11!1 E1tll1 o1 DIWITT CL I N T O N Prlm:ll>tl Office In PRESCOTI, 1l10 kncrwn ti 0. CLINTON Ortrlllf Coulltv PRESCOTI, Otcflllll, MY commhtlOl'I E.ulr" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lh•I NOtl, 2'-1,n lltENE PltESCOTr hi• flied 111rtln I P11btl lhtd Orar111e Coa1I 011tv P11o1 ~lllan tor 11rol>flt ol wl!l encl tor °"'trnbtr 21, 28, lf10 l'lld J111u1..,. ~. 11, 111111.-.ce ol Leltu 1 Tnllmt11l&<Y lo t~ U 71 2:MJ.70 pf!lll-• reterenct to which I• mlllt tor ------------1•11rlher 1>1•t!01l1t1, Ind 1111111>911 ..... 1NI LEGAL NOTICE 11ltce OI hell1nt !flt wrnt 11•1 bf't'n It! tor J111\1Jl"I' I, Ifft, 11 t :)O t .m .. 111 1111 cnurlroom of ~''"""' Na. l or u ld ------------lcoun, 11 700 Civic Ctr111r D<lvt W111. In LECAL NOTIC• tfll Cllv of S.1111 AM, C1!1loml•, NEWl'OltT-Ml!U. Detld Dtctrni.r 11, ltlt UNl,110 SCHOOL. OllTlt.CT W. E. ST JOHN, Mtllu 1~"111111 alft County Cltr- NEW YORK (UPI) Browsing through files and jogging memories in a n attempt to come up wjth the top ten business stories of subject to im med iate mayhem, here's how it looked from oae vantage point: -The PeM Cen tral Bankruptcy, -Stagnant economy. -Jnflation, unusual and nagging. -Failure or many old line brokerage houses. -Wall Street bottoms out in May and starts climbing in the fall. -Reduction or interest rates, helping r e s lore corporate liquidity, sparks the market upswing. Ecology and consumerism become major corporate concerns. -Economy hits trillion dolla r GNP in mld·D~mber. -President Robert Haack of the New York Stock Exchange, rocks Wall Street by coming out in favor of negotiated commissions. -Airlines and aerospace Coal Mining l\fachine Built MOTICE IS HE1tl!9Y GIVEN llltl lhe MtKl!NNA a PITTINO~ Botrd of Ellu<allon ol 11\t Ntwpprl-Me,1 ''' Orvllll W. MtC1rr1lt Unified SdloOI 01,!rlcf of Ortntit COl.lllf'f', ttlM El T-AtH, S•lrt A C11llor11l1 will rect1Yt Hllld bllll Ill> to I.HUM Hllls. e111ton111 '2611 11:• A.M. on mt 11th oey ol J111u1..,. An-n fOll'i Miii-· Pl'ITSBURGll ''" et trit ollkl o1 11111 :sc11oo1 Olttf'lcl, PuDt11!1ec:t Ortntt Cotti Pll1f fl 11d (UPI) loclled II 11$1 PIK..,!lt Ave1111e, Call• Oecln'<IW 2'2. 23. ti, 1910 2MJ·JO \Vith coal being burned in M.w, Ctl11ot"11l•. ti Wiik.fi flrnt llkl bl01 w111 bf p\lbllel•-"'" _, rHC1 tar: LEGAL NOTICE record quantities by pov.'er A·V 5UPPL1E$ ANO EQUlf'M£NT plants to generate electrical All l);cl1 ere ~ be 111 KContll\Cf wllll .... 7 can11n10ns, 1111 t•11 c1 10 111 , 11111 MoTtc•Ol' •NT•Noll!o energy, mine operators are s.Klllc1Uont. wl'licll 11'9 -Dtl Ille 11'1 TltAM51'Ell ANO L~AIEIA(.K tum;no mo... and l IM oll kt et ttlf Purc1111!nt .._...,. 111 ••kl Nttltt 11 ....,tbY 11v.., ""' ~ Dout!ii -oe mere 0 sc!IOGI 01urkt. 11s1 Pl1c:tm11 A........,., Mel fklt 0 0 s Tr11,.1,r0t °' 301 lime-sa ving and cost·reducing Co1ll• MtM. Cll1!0tnl1, ' Pl1ct11ll~ A...e..-~: City of N..-n ltlCh, h EKll tlldoHr mu\! >ubl'lll! I Did ftllotll Cllllorllll lni.t!CIJ to Mii certit~ --1 maC inery. '" ttit tor m o1 1 c••tllled or cell'l1t•'1 ••-rt't' · "' t.N-ul• corw111011. A One conlinuoos m I n i n g c""'<I Ot I bid Dotwl f<IUll to Uw. Pt•ttfll CiUI. Corp, Ill!"'°" Tri1111' ... H.ttlOrl, u,1 "' '"' 1m0u111 of ''"' l>!tl. mldt 01 n.;1 Wlllhl"-soui.~1rc1. cit.. r1 machine rece ntly developed by lll '•l'Jlf to ""' oratr ol ,,.. N-•l-Mn1 8..,.,1y YOtls. cil!forlll11 1nd l!ltl ••111 J o M f l I Co un1n..i setooo• 01i111c1. A Ptrlarm•nct 1,,1tl!Oed tri,,sttrH tt.eitorl. Lti .... ui, Y anu ac ur ng mpany "°"" ........ 111 rtolllrH 11 ttw ctlK•ttlOn o1 cA-11ron. 111,..,,,, 1o """~e-1o u1c1 Is capable of •ultlng and -I lht OIJ1tlcl. 111 llM .....,, of 1•1111rt lo 1.:""0'~111 Mc8rlcle, 0.0.S. Trin,ler ar .. "u • ~''' Into 1udl con1r1e1. 1,... ••itcl't'd• of EL•u"•· 11,, ,11d 1>1rMin•I •nwt"Y· • Jec•Jng up to 12 tons of coal a ...,. cM<.lt wt11 '-torttnec:t. or 111 ce1e al • t-rit C11K•it11o11 of wlot<!I •• •• 1onow1, fl';ilJUlC, a q""'lllly equal to the llollcl, !ht lull 1um tllfrfOf will be 1-ll· ...., '°'''rt• 10 s.11d kl!Ool D111r1c1 01 0r-.11t• ot..1a1 _,_,, oflk1 M11l11111"''· per man output for three full '-'!; 1vm1111,. elld 1111urn N1 "'"*' ,,..., wltt>0r1w 1111 bid '°" • 1nc1 IO(.et.ct 11 301 flltcffltli Av_.., c1w working days in the industry's -'°" o1 """"rve <41 "'' •11•r 1"" of N-' llttdl c111tom11 •nc:t 11111 pick and shovel •·a. The •••• Ml for ,.,. -1111 "*'°'· ' ' ... Tiit ._, ., l[dllClllOll ff IM NtWllOl'I· Wld Hit Ind IN .. blel lr11111Clloo! 1, lfl machine is on.rated by - Mt1.1 U11111111 kNo1 011111<1 .._wrvt1 111t be te11Wll'll'l'llllll Oii ,.,. 11111 d1" of r-Vin. 1191\I f9 ~ -tr 111 Mc:tl. 11111 11111 Jt-1')'. lt71,Plf 11 t,rn,. II fllf el'flct of JlWl. Noc_, Ur l((llPI Ille '-1 ""'' IN to LN""""'1D COr1>orll!Oft. ti fll>I Wll.,.lrt lifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil w•I"' llW llll°""'lllV tr tN""11lt•llr Ir! lllu1f\11td, (Uy of 8tWl'lv ltl!lt. ,,.., 11111 r1al....,. C,,llt0t11!1. Dllld Otc""""' ,4. 1'11 Dt1t11 11111 llllt c:ter of~.'''°· 1,tor. OP OIL PAIHTINOS hlEWPOttT-M(SA. Lt1tM~•• CPr,.r11111ri. WHO' -•11 W I IJNIF l[D KHOO&. D1$11UCr A C1Ulw111P C:Ot-•llon ....._ ... IHOUSI ti OfitnM Ctl/!il'Y, C111FW1111 Iv -'11"' L Wtlnwr1.., onN TO THI PUILIC OorOM H"'Vf't' ,lllher LIA IEOlllP COIP, P11rdll~ A''"' ,,., '#lll~l•t •1w.i. $5 G'1d up ~Ill• lf...,lf Mlll1, C:tlll. ~llM·•'* Or-Cott! DI! .... P!kr! OK. Pl,lbtl~ 0•111tt C.OI\! Ctll, Plloll un •• IPINOl l . iA••T• •N• 21. 1tN lfllll Jtll\ll'Y •· /ti! ttf)-1' Olttt'l'llbr• 11. IJl't 1lt1·1' "«9">.. PHOMI IH-4t0t ''I D•At.llll WANl•D \ have disastrous years, getting caught in research, war and expense cutbacks, blighting areas like SeatUe and Los Angeles. Overall, the w ob b l y economy probably was a more signilicant story. But the Penn Central derailment on Juae 21 came so suddenly a n d unexpectedly that it sent cold fear through financial centers. ~{any who had been through the depression of the thirUes thought "here we go again!'' Even though everyone knew the Penn Central was in trouble, along with most other railroads, few believed this rail giant could topple. It had a billion or so dollars in real estate alone . When the road petitioned for bankruptcy, banks and government agencies rallied 'round to stabilize t h e situation. If they hadn't, other operations caught In the credit crunch might have gone the l!ame route. In fact, Chrysler ,.ilmost did until Chairman Lynn Townsend and a rescue crew blitzed through Canadian and New York financial centers and came up with enough credit to restore public COJ1fidence. The economy was 1 strange mixture of unemployment and sliding corporate profits and cost-push inflation. The firSt was according to the "game plan" for cooling olt the economy. The inllation certainly w~'t considered in the plan Nixon and bis aides devised some two years ago. Prices went up In a n gging economy becall.$e w a g e setllemcnb v.•cnt up faster than the productivity Involved (the amount Clf man hours needed to produce a unit or goods). When cost excetds productivi ty, there are tv.·o possible results. The company eventually goes out of bmlness or it raises prlcu to cover the productJv lty lag. The Genera l Motors aettlement , for instance, showed 1 13 percent lncrea1e In the first year. Significantly, new model cars average out about $200 per unit over last year's prices. All In all, n yea r or mos tly dreary, depressing ne ws ••• but one wllh glimmers l'lf hope, too. Boring, who coordinated the new b u i I d I n g construction program, also helped in the moving of all personne l from Los Angeles. Leaning, who assisted in the move of Cleveland personnel, a 1 s o found the compnny an interim headquarters facility in the Santa Ana Industrict. The company's m o v i n g policy covered every possible conlingtncy faced by the employee in cluding selling his home, purchase of a new llome and the physical mov1!. Designed by \Velton Becket and Associates, Architects. on 1rvine master-planned land, the Avco Financial Center rises 240 feet from bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Reflective window g I a s s makes the high-rise to~·er an i nt e gral part of its surroundings, C. L. Pec k Contractor is in charge of construction , with Ketchum, Peck & Too ley , Investment Builders, serving as C(!n.!Ultlng devtlopers. Leasing of the A v c o Financial Center is being directed by Coldwell, Banker and Co. NAA Treasurer Stays in Post SANTA ANA -Richard , Koptl , treasurer ol Case Swayne Foods Company. has been reelected as Secre tary of the National Association Of Accountants for the 1970.1971 chap1er year Kopel. aside from h i s acli vity in the NAA, is also involved in several c 1v1 c groups. Presently he Is vice president of Orange County Civic Center Authority: is e director at the Santa Ana Ch::imber of Commerce, and a member of the St1nta Ana Lions Club. A graduate of the State Universlly of Iowa with a BSC degree, he resides with his wife. I .omn. and t \V o dau ghters, at 977 lfarl St. Orange. Financ{i Briefs NEW YORK (UPI) -'!be action of the Civil Aeronautics Board In approving a one.year trial of eeonomy air rreigbt rates on four test routes should produce an immediate increase of 15 percent ln traffic, an offlclal of American Airlines said Tuesday. Richard F. Lambert, American's vice president for frcight service, said the action could spur a major shift of cargo from ground transport to th e airways. MrLWAUKEE (UPI) - Autotrol Corp. has obtained a contract to design and build a waste treatment plant to test the new Bio-disc process for the Passaic Valley Sewage Commission at Newark Bay, N.J. capacity of the plant will be 250 milli~n gallons a day, drawn from 28 commwiities. The plant will cost about $500,0QO. NEWPORT BEACH (UPI) -Avaland Development Co., a member of the Avoo group, sald it will build a 404-acre l,900-unit mobile home park in the Palm Springs area. It will be called Palm Desert Greens and will be about one mile from the Eisenhower Medical Center now being built. NEW YORK (UPI ) -first General Resources Co. said it sold its 45 percent interest in the South Manche s t e r Louisiana gas field to a subsidiary of t.O.S. ventu~ fund for $10.3 million of First General Resources notes fonnerly held by 1.0.S. First General Resources a I s o canceled a contract to buy a group of properties i n Montreal from Crown HolcUngs, Inc. The two deals reduced the company's debt by Sl6 mUllon. CHICAGO (UPI) -Federal Judge Sam Pe!Ty Tuesday re versed his ruling of ~1onday and dec ided to permit the me rger of North American Car Co. into Flying Tiger Corp. to proceed. He did this after President W a y n e Hoffman of Flying Tiger said the company is prepared to pay any damages growing out of the merger to shareholders the co ur t may find appropriate. CHARLOTIE, N.C. (UPI ) -Celanese Fibers Co. said it wUI build a testing: laboratory at Princeton , W. Va., to test tobacco substitutes .an d .additives designed to reduce tar and nicotine in cigarettes. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Jlughes Aircraft Corp, has obtained a $22 million contract from the Natiooal Aeronautics and Space Admini.!ltration to build a nciw series of small orbiting solar spacecraft. PEORIA, ILL. (UPI) - Caterpillar Tractor Co. has obtained a $14.8 mi 11 ion defense contract to supply m 1 Inc., maker of bu sine s s· heavy duty tractors. CULVER CITY (UPI) Hughes Aircraft Corp. has obtained a $1.5 million Armyl contract to provlde a solid computer system to direct the gunfire of the MGOAI tank. Sixl prototypes are to be delivered to the Frankford arsenal at Phlladelphla. ATLANTA (UP l) Southern Railroads h a v e petitioned the Int er s ta t e! Commerce Commission for freight rate increases of 6 to1 15 percent effective next ' ?ifarch l. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - far \\'est Financial Corp. says 1t has repaid $20 million in borro"·ings from the Federal I J1ome Loan Bank Board and intends to make a further payment of $8 mllllon by the 1 end of the year. 'The $20 million repayment reduces I lndebtednf.$S to the Home Loan Bank Board to less than 25 percent of its savings deposits. PARIS (UPI) -Air France told the French S e n a t e Wednesday It will spend $G2 t million next year on ne~ ai.rcraft. ~lost of the mone)' \\'111 go 10 BO<'lng Co. or Scaltle down paymrnl on five 747 superllners . WOR CES T E R , MASS. (UPJ) -Norton Co. has licensed Nlppan Insulators ! Ltd., to make Its crystolon 63 silicon carbld@: refractory line for the Japanese market. MELVILLE, N.Y. (Ul'l) _ Dynell r:Jectronlcs Corp. has obtained a $1.6 million Novy contract to pr.,vlde radar components. J • Who Listens To Landers? ' SINCE SHE'S ONE OF THE TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA • •• • • • About ... Everyone Does That's Who You Can 'Listen' to Ann Landers Da ily ·~ The DAILY PILOT ' WHAT'S YOUR HANGUP? • r ,r . . a-.~ ... ....,,.t lo .......... . . ' .... " /-. ',, ) .,,,~,.,. ' ' If mountain climbing is your thing, we can't help you much. But if your real "hangup" is looking forabroad view of the news that in- cludes a good, hard look at what's happening at home, the DAILY PILOT has the line you should grab. we· give you a broader view of the world than you can get even 12,000 feet above Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc, over there in the background, is the highest peak in Europe, which reminds us •••• • Our local coverage is hard to top. When it comes to piling up infor- mation about local schools, spor ts, social events, entertainment or crime and calamity, we're king of the mountain. We're your home-. town newspaper. We make keeping up with the world, the nation, the state, and the county, your town and your school a lot easier than climbing a mountain. Just grab our line. No more hangup. The DAILY PILOT will take you where you can see the view from the top. DAILY PILOT " , ' ' I • ,4~1t....:·~~=L~V~P~IL~O~T~~~~~~M~°""=::~~·-""'"'""m~M~r~2~8,~l~n~o ,)- Goodbye, • . . • "T • ....... .,Km • MONDAY Marlo 'Free' HOLLYWOOD (UPO Marlo Thomas completed her final episode of 11That Glrl" and will seek feature films, theater roles and television guest shots for the coming year. NEW YORK (UPI) -One or Broadway's longest..bumlng bright lights no longer was shlnlDi today. "Dolly" had gone away again, ending the loogest musical nm o n Broadway . A capacity audience at the St. James Theab:r Sunday- cheered and applauded Ethel Merman and other members of the cast repeatedly through the-2 ,844th and last performance of "Hello Dolly!" Miss Merman, tbe first· chosen and last-cast cf a &ucces.sion cf. stars who have Tho "•l-r of tho yoarl "D•Ughtful entertainment • recom- mended'' -CBS •All smooth A briskly p1ced" -Newsweek "Iloautlful Black Comedy" ••• ,, .... Crist played the muslcaJ.11 Utle role over It.a run or nearly JeVtft years, received a standing ovation from many of the audience on her first entrance and after each of her musical number!. The final curtain, witb press a n d television cameramen crowding down the aisles, brought the entire audience to its feel The ovation continued through half a dozen company curtain calls. Miss Merman stepped forward on the final call, immediateJy s welling th e volume of the applause, t>ut she took no solo calls and she dld not make a curtain opeech. After the abo1' curtain bad come down for the last Ume, the applaU!e and cheering conUnued unW the asbestos curtain started down and someone on stage atuclc hls hand under the curtain and waved a sign readlnr "closed." "I feel 11d and happy," Mill Merman aald ID her dressing room later. "It's a bittersweet ending • • • This has been a wonderful company to work with, very friendly a n d cooperative. n11 u d to lee it break up." Carol Oiannlng, the first 'Dolly, got lo the cloolog performance ID Ume lo aee lhe fut few mlnqtes. Miss Olannln( uJd Ille bad heard the audience 1n the St. Jam., chttrlng ID I he Broadhurst 'lbeater 1<:rNS the street, where abe W I I appeario& ID a pmleW of Speelal on TV Gone Away A gain ' - 11Four on a Garde." The musical cpened Jan. lS, Broadway during the musical 1964: run were Ginger Rogers, "In lhe early day" I would 1n' .addiUon to the Missea Martha Raye, .BeUy Grable, never have bet on 'Dolly' Channing and Merman, stars Pearl Bailey and Phyllis setting a Broadway redord," who played the part on Diller, in that order. said Mias O>anning. ' , ...:~.,;~i;iiiiii;;i;,,;ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii\ "It was a flop when we lried EXCLUSIVE ENGAG EMENT itoot in Detroit, you tnow. We SHOWING NOW ll had people walking out before the 'Dolly' number (early in tbe second half). "But Mr. (David ) Merrick (lhe producer) '!'<l (dlreclor) Gower Champion and (com p o s r ~lyricist) Jerry Herman kept changing things right up lo opening night. IJl New York, it worked." Dolly Gallagher Levi has gone away from Broadway lwloe belare boil each time abt bu come haclc atronatr than tbeUme-Jme Cowl originated .the part ln 1931, . ID Thomlon Wilder's play, ''The Merchant of Yonkers," which didn't last five ...W. Rulli Gordoo revived it Jn 18 In a revised vmloo ol lhe play titled "The Matchmaker."' whlcb ran for men than a year. ANGELA LANSBURY "SOMOHING FOR EVERYONE" POWTalksLabeledfhony TUESDA Y I Cinpr ROll/1. Midletl Rln11ll. UO ll'J "I-.. ""1 -/ (musical) '-4~Ait1 H1yworth, I mcC>......,.",.. """" nomME MOVIES (1dvenh1t'I) 'M--Clorrl' M1rdltl. ~ ''oo m"lk M111bl -(U>m· 1:008 .. Artilh 11111 Modtlt" (comedy) tdJ) '42-lfenr)' fonda..t.rnn Bari, '37 -.II<:-Btnny, tda Lupino, 2:00 0 (C) .,....... 'WI 1111" (!!ml· "'Ptriltlt KolWIJ'" (1dvtntu11) '46 ca l) '5J-[zlo l'hlt1, Anne ltllCrd't. -tat O'Brien, Alan Hilt, 4:l0 IJ "'l:lf It YllM" (western) '57 • .,....,. ltbtl" (dra!l'll) '56 --'ltna fri V•' HlftilL e JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Quailty Printing and Oependablt Sel"tice for mort than • quarter of e century PILO T PRINTING ""'' WIST uUCM an. NIWPOIT llACH -642-4J21 P,.ag /or Peace PIZZA HUT SMORGASBORD Every Monday Night, 5:30 • 9:00 All THE elZZA YOU CAN EAT Adults $1.25 Children 65c CAllY OUT OIDllS AYAILAIU AT lie UL.Al PllCD CUNHI 111 I POPULAI YAlllTIU AYAILAIU SERVING MORE THAN 70.000 PIZZAS COAST·To.cDAST DAILY 19071 BROOKHURST 962-1333 Starring THE POPPY FAMILY Or'\·--- ; \__)o .' ,MICHIEl NESMITH and lhe flRST NITIONIL BOD . · Inn Peebles c· ·~ ' I The Rh~hm Rebmllon LOUIE BELLSON and his OIHESTRI \ Plus Unllmllell 088 er an DISDBYllllll llll'ICllOOS (•kc•pt shootrn1 1•ll•rl••l Fi,reworl<s • Favors• Noisemakers • and a Special Midnig ht Spectacular ci~ ,.14" •••••••••••• • • • ADVMCE SALE PlllCE • 9~9 0 PlllCE ON DECEMBER Jt •10P!: al OisneJl.tnd Soi Oftlce only • • •••••••••••• THE PERFEa CHRISTMAS PROGRAM NOW PLAYING. CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM '12:00 NOON AT EACH OF THESE 3 EDWARDS CINEMAS! 5t!~rMl!~d9ff MISSION VIEJG-830-6990 ............. HARBOR TW.IN CINEMAS NAHOI AT WILSON-SOUTH Of S.D. fWT. COSTA MESA-646-0573 O•AllD OltllllllOI CllllMA 1 IN THE WES~MINSTER CENTER CINEMA WEST I WESTMINSTER AND GOLDEN WEST 892-"93 RATED "G" "ITS FOR EVERYBODY" • .. • J -.: . ... .. . .. DUCHESS-• voice EVA GABOR D1M LLEY- • .I . ' . . " r.:;'1-.i.-- l!!l -- voice PHll HARRIS· 1'0ice STERLING ORIENTAi. CAT TECH N ICOLOR-" HOLLOWAY p~~: WINCHELL -••ltHH •1 llltMA VISTA Ol1lrl~utlon to .. tnc, • i;tl910 win lll1nt1 ''°"~11oni AND;---==----'--.._ 'lLJr WALT DISNEY productions P'""" l1.IUD, the 01.'pltanEJ.epkant 1 TICHNICOLOR• ,,.,,i.,,,,,_.., MM¥lil~ g11no1tt1K111 ,• .• 111t. • ~rtftw1no.111t1 r.11.11 .... o.[gj ........... -· ·-....... ~- Monday, Otcember 28, 1C'J70 DAJLY PILOT 43 JACK ~ NICHOISON ~ nvr 'Arnie'. Star Des ponde n t HOLL YWOOO (UPI) • -,.,,.. ... ~~ No More ~udie8 For Her Divorce Paining Bernardi Gene llackman and Karen • ---Black will ~rtar at Columbia f -------------------------· By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -It's too early to ll&bt a trend, but heft'• ... -ol the "now" movie& who declines to strip on the BCl"ffn any more. She is Brenda Vaccaro, the darkly beautiful Braodway- trained actress who h a s appeared CJ!lllOllle D u s ti n Hollman, EIUol Gould, Jon VolCht and i4lcliafil Doualas. Her most noted perfonnance SUFFERING STAR Hertehel Bernardi IO far wu u tbe kinky doll of--------- "Midnight Cowboy" w h 0 entertained Voight in a fox stole. 'Ihat'1 all. plctures in "Dealer.'' To overcome the regrets be .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. By VERNON SCOTT hurls himself Into his worrc:lr ~ ... HOU.YWOOD (UPI) with ferocity . Because he is iD w· ,1, .. 2.of (Gl For Everyone Henchel Bernardi is "Arn.le" almost every acene in t.ne 1 in the new CBS family comedy series he worb rrom 8 a.m. ...... SHOW TIM series, but off-screen there ts until 1:30 p.m., after which be •• ES no resemblance between the pores over his scripts until t0• 11111 ceu1 Hwy, actor and tbe happily married exhaustion lakes over. ¢:::.!. co•oHA oii.. llllAk 7:00 and 9:30 character he plays, He is barely aware of his Bernardi, in fact. Is sur roundings In the despondent over a recent apartment. Bernardi does no divorce. cooking, choosing instead to HJs former ,.lfe and his eat at a variety or restaurants three chlldren Uve In the east Withi n a three or four block while Bernardi oceuples a walk ol his bead~uarters. furnished a p a r t m e n t in When' he lived on New Westwood village near 20th York's Fire Island Bernardi's Century-Fo;i where the series hobby was marine aquarium "I've had it with the nudity bit," said Brelda, who speaks in a rapkl, persuasive style that indicates h e r Brootlyn-ltallao background. today 's film market. Among U filmed. life. He cannot follow th is her recent roles was as Elliot On holidays his offspring. inlerest in Westwood because Gould's spouse 1·n "I Love My Ad•m 13· Be•yl 9· and he believes it is necessary to ,. I I I I h Wife." Robin, 7, visit him in ave Immediate access to the • fascinating film ... J~ """''"'•-" ·' full of style, emoti on, ?°J.t 1 ~ reason and intell igence , ~~ that define·the wo rk ~~. "STRAWllUY I STATIMlllT" (I WALf ·•utl · ID1ll IHPn'f ...... Mllt 'AllSTOU.n •1111\111"' IN "I've done It twice in pictures -ooce In 'Midnight C.Owboy' and o n c e in 'Swnmertree,' I've tried it and I don't Uke it. I'm just no~ comfortable. It's too unnerving. Instead ot belng concerned with yolD' dla'logue, you end up worrying where the obeet ia and wbetber one of your breasts Is erpoled." It's doubUul if Ml s s Vaecaro11 antinude stand will blight her career. She ia well establlabed u a versatile performer who ...,.. ldul ... ung with the .. -of . . t U<Jll Jl :-1" .... . . '. . ~ .... . AL•ll.T Plfllflll Y "SCIOHI" ... "'AN ILIPHANT CAWD SLOW\.\"" She Is the Same actress who Callfoml1. sea to preserve m a r i n e came to Hollywood in 1961 and When be visits New York on biology. wu told she , would never business he stops by lo see Bernardi agrees his is not make it in fUms. them. 'But the broken family is an ideal life. But he is an NOTICE: M•rcha•ts FREE CH RISTM AS SHOW, W~ffldcry oH D11ttclcry, Dec. 2J a11d 24, 1 :00 p.111. "CAnAIN HEM O altd UN Dllll WATER CITY ." CaU PORT THlATIE far eddl· tlallal l11fann11tlo11. After the Hollywood rebuff, a source of great pain to actor working at his craft and Brenda returned to the stage, Bernardi who is a sensitive searching for peace or mind. which was her p r i n c i p a I• _:a~n~d ~·m~o~U~on~a~I m~an:_. __ _:~Th!J'•'_'l:'.'.w.'.'.o ~dnn~'t~ol~te~n_<id~ov~el~a':il·Jl~:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;~ interest anyway. She was!· nominated for a Tony in °Cactus Flower,'' pl.aying the role that won Goldie Hawn her Qocar. Then came "How Now Dow Jones," another Tony nomination. One nlght Garson Kan1n and Ruth. G 0 rd on brouiht British dJrector John Schlesinger to see the show. He sent for Brenda to try out for a rol~ In .. Midnight Cowboy." "I knew about the role because some or my lrlends had tried out for it," she said. "Some or my other friends had refused, because they knew the role had to be played in a g-ctrln&. II NOW PLAYING • ·EDWARDS HUNTINGTON CINEMA PACIFIC'S HARBOR DRIVE-IN Behind w,erY"succes5ful" man Is an und8rstanding woman ••• ELLIOTT GOULD * "• LoviLMv::~wiii=E" ~ ·-,. BRENDA VACCARO ·ANGEL TOMPKINS ...... flOl8n' MUNAM. one .... ., Mn STUART ._.,.., STAN MAMluutS. ~ .......... DAVID l WOlPEll A UNIVERSAL PICTURE ·TECHNICOLOR• [jl-,,;:.~i!:::: ·• ""'· ..... s-. 11• '·"" .. >I NATIONAL GENERAL THEATRES Continuous Dall •ROSS 11/JtTEI -AIR PD RT -BURT DW UllCASTEI • IAITII JEAN$EIUI . • JACOUWNE llSSET GEORGE KENNEDY HELEN HAYES I ALSO "Anne •lflilYI IUJOLD I alNI PAPAS c..t1 .... hltr --.. .. ,._ 1t 1rtf.6:00.11141 ~- "HILA ·-.~O!J!. OR/&/llAL,, $do -·- GEORGE SEGAL RUTH GORDON HOL. SAT. & SUN. OPEN 12:45 SHOW TI MES-FllD~Y-SATUl;AY-SUNDAY ' 1-2:5G-4 :4~:Jt-lsl0-10110 I Wlll DATS OPIN 6111 T.XCLUSI VE I NOW PLAYING S PRESUl!i Ali Mac&raw • Ryan O'Neal Pacific's Buena Park Dri11 la & Idla~s •nporl Cinema 1111 Year's #1 Bal Seller . A HOWARD G. MINSKY -ARTHUR HIL~oduction john Marley Ii Ray Milland f'jijCH sEGAL l:R'rnuR HILLER HOWARD s. MINSKY DiD wEH rnNCis lAl I Pl&tJ•OOll .= !Al ('°""°11At11 ••AWiU1.tC11 rM.uo.w!mca l ~..:!.=.='': • ~ ' CO·HIT-+ 211111 KAlUlllAT 8'1ENA PAllKONl Y "HOINIT'S NEST" (GP) "IOV! ~·Shown Al 8'30 P .M. "HORN(l'S NISl" Sl1own af 6,!0 & 10,30 P .M. It!! OM:• ai... "'5 I'M. Shtw Sin et .. JO PM. PA~~'$ BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN ·1 LINCOLN AVE. • 1 ILOCKI WEST OP' IEACH ll\'D. (A~ttfftlnt lh<I LIHCOUI OllllVE·IN) ~l ... N UNDllll 12 ,.,,, nllPHONI 7141121 -40'0 . -------. ------·· ------ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • AND fOl SHOW-YALUI P1.U8 ! ~ .. :.:..:::-_-_-;;:::::----:.===:_-,;_ •••. "Tell Them Wiiiie Boy Is Htrl!" "'I I.ewe My Wife" Show• At 1:30 P .M. "'Willi• ley" Show• At 61001.10115 P.M. .. ll Offlc•O,•t l 1llt P.M.& SU• Stsrtt At 6!00 P.M. * * BEACH BLVD. AT ELLIS * * HUNTINGTON BEACH * 847•9608 IXCLUllYI INOAOIMINT • • • • • • • • ~A~M\OUN ~ICIU~£5 ROBERT MICHAEll REDFORD POU.ARD U11le Fauss cnl BIGHAlSY Al ALIDT S. IUOOT PIOOUCTIOI CO-HIT D ffATURE AT llNCOlN OllYI Ill ONl y .. "LITTllFAU SS & BIG HALSY" SHOWN AT 9100 P.M. "PAINT YOUR WAGON" SHOWN AT 6130 P.M. l < j • IS THE MOST MOVING, MOST · INTELLIGENT, THE MOST HU- MANE-OH, TO HELL WITH IT! -IT'S THE BEST AMERICAN FILM l'VE SEEN THIS YEAR I'' 1 -Vincent C1nby, N. Y. Tl,,,.. f -AIDS llAl lOI TWIM (IMllMAS HA••OR CINIMA 2 JIAnOI ATWIUON ·COSTA MISA t MIW SO.OF SAN DllGO flllWAY Giiiiiiiiii:iiimiii':ii46 057 I CO.HIT AT ANAHEIM ONl.Y "THf AO.YINTUlll S" ~ "CATCH 22" AT 9,30 P.M •• "ADVENTURERS" AT 6'00 P.M. I I OX OFFIU OPENS 5130 P.M.o SHOW STAITS 6100 P.M. ' I .. ;... .. :fJ DAILY PILOT DICK TRACY TUMBLEWEEDS MUTT AND JEFF IS HE H AVING 61\IEIJ Ml5 SEC ~ETA~ 01<'.DERS TO AF:l<'AWGE Pl.AME l'fSErNATION5 ~ex! RMO. VI( T IZEMAIJE PLA.CES A c.All TO 1.1.EXlCO CITY: PLAIN JANE Monday, Dtc.tmbff 28, l q10 .-..... -~--.-.::-r----, 0EENTAUM NOTTO Bl'G AT 11<• iA6t..~? I DAILY CROSSWORD ••• by R • POWER) AC ROSS SO "Kiss Saturday's Puzzlr Solv,d: 1 G~r~rn oesl 5 "Gbne W1\\i the l'l 1rlll" 1ion1e q Ew.11arieous Me,····" i PP l( ~"''s •11 51 1'.'all Pl A I l~l~Rllt~ membrrs s etts 54 Quick 111volur11ary spasm • mal\t1s 14 Tht ·---: Cont1ovCf!.1~I !"ed1tm~ 58 Enl 1vtns t.2 Phorir 1T'CSS.J9rs 15 To -·•· (vcryonc 2 word'> I l b s~1al! ho~t 17 0·.~I 2 wo1ds 1q s~u\,1 --·· 20 <:tosr hv 21 H 11~b,1mb 'OfW IVP!i. 23 Pent C'I thr loot' 2:5 00ZP'> Zti Boni': Comb. lo1m 28 Hil\f' ' 32 E1st11how'r "'" R1.1shmo1t J1 Musltf 38 More thiln lrequently 34! UCLA foolb a11er '4 l F Jmilv membf'r ~l Jtwtlrd corontl '4 5 lnspne with sp•n' '48 Rema11"n9 peop1 t I • " " 20 J " " " " t.J VfS\mro!S b4 lrJd111q fOm!C 2 words bb Order bl Zod:~c '>19 11 b8 TrJnS+t: Abbi 12/28/70 13 C11 i11a and •3 Ad111irt Irish-··· ~4 Ta len!ed 18 Kind ol peoplt b~ PPflll !IS ll'f' fe r paymeut 70B•rds il R'ddtsh brown uuarl r ;ic<oiu1t •ti City in 22 Foo t. Prth~ Ntw Yor k 24 Usr ~ 47 Withd raw1 as cow ~ da!)9tr a statem,nt 27 Ce Valt 1A's '44! California's (011111/y S ig ··----- 1 S1~ .• 11 2't r.!1ss 52 Tr ench m~•ll•f' 1 1~11 LA1lChfSIPf 53 Buildin~ 2 Cli11b1n9 30 Hit hard for rt tail pla nt JI E119hsh busintss '.l 0fll'll iort 1<vrr 55 Girl 's name 4 TV's J2 Mr ..... : Jol111 5/i Ptrtaininr;i Jatk +e ------· P ~tirQ11aud to a bont 5 SJ,!or n•1rrt1vt ~7 -···----Q's: o Oro rnta 1 )J ··w11~1 .. -·!": 2 words '"ors " 2 'll'ord~ 58 Rtlrigrr a•ll i Rev~ np. ilS JG SlJ(P 54! Kncb a ~101or 35 Con•r11t bO Rolalt 8 Solly JOll\I wom~11 (!U!Ckly 'f Goqt11t klv lb U11dt1 lht bl Strtlch 10 Card gJm" wta..l.!_ltr .Jcross II Sonc!e lh1n9 '4 0 Man lo b5 Air g1111 12 Pan1c!r !ht 81bl• pe lle ts ' • ·~ IO> ·~ .. 2 ,, " H , " • • .. • ' ' " ;~ " ~ ,. • • " 12 ' " .. • ,. .. " - " '"' 28 " " JI '- " " " .. .. • .. ~ •. ;', ' '-" .. :l'j 'l,. " . • • " ... -I " ., " • II r .. •. ,. I" ~ ·- IA' -· I 2 " 1-r " " " " .. 1 " ' .. .. " .. • -. . ,. 1 w '' I PERKINS ...• ,,... --""~· _l ....... ~~ J rn.a.. MISS PEACH STEVE ROPER PEANUTS • By Tom K. Ryan coo~ WAT SP"{ TPJ.K, Rll'S! P!'OPl.E SUSPECT l'M A MUM'S 1HE: SPY AND ll'LL WORD !'LOW 1Hf WHOLE 131T! By Frank Baginski I MAI~ illE 'T!llR16LE FEEUN6 i\1AT, AS I GROW OLDER, IT'S ~ 601N6 TO f£T AN~ EA51ER -------- U'L ABNER ·---... -..... ._ SALLY BANA~AS GORDO MOON MULLINS ANIMAL CRACKERS 600Dill<>llr ! l<EIZE's AA AmCLE Aeoor /\ !'OBI.IC ClFACJAI- ~ AcalSS>OI' BeliJ<;; '"1/a.YED 111 Sl-IADQ PEALS I - 1 rr SAl.J!! HE HAS IM""-MlWONS llQ~A)G court>.e:-rs m M lJUDa<lllOtl.D Fl~ Of WHICH, llf 15 PAf!:f' OWME~ ! By John Ml~ 0 By MeH Vfl'-Y FEW L.UN04ES Wll.1. PASS ~ AT9 IN THE' MORNING- By Charles M. Schulz 15 'THERE AN'llHIN6 f CAii DO 10 PROTECT M'(Sa}'? . 7R't WEARING A HELMET,. FIVE CENTS, PLEASE! By Charles Barsotti BSCAUSJ; FOi> CNS 'THING, THS GOVERNMEl'IT OWNS Pi>INTING PRESSES •HAT PRINT MONEY! Tt4E STlANGI Wotu. -MR.MUM -- By Gus Arriola By Ferd Johnson By Roger Bollen o! I " ' ,. ij Ii DENNIS THE MENACE I i i 'l CANT FINO MY RECO!roS, OR MY Lf1m AAOIO az MY YAZZOO HOibJ .01' ., ... • ' .. ' . ~ I • -• " , ,, 'f ~-· ,· j', '· •t r ' I . t, . L~. ~. ; " " : ~ - ,•,t . ' . . ·, :I I. ii . ' J I: • • • t~~ l ~. I( " .. I ( I-I . \. v i~-­ ! • • l : ~· ' -.. • • • 1~· t-· ' I \~:-c· I' -I .. I;."' -----r-. . ..--. HIS MATTERHORN . ' .. • IS NO DISNEYLAND Yes, you're right. There's nothing really funny about a fractured leg. Bu -pardon the pun -it does give our friend, here, at least one break. He has time to thoroughly enjoy the DAILY PILOT as he takes a lei ely meal at the outdoor restaurant in Zermatt, Switzer- land, in th shadow of the real Matterhorn. • But you don't have to break a leg, go to the Matterhorn -or even to Disneyland, for that matter -to share our friend's enjoyment. We're happy to deliver the Orange Coasfs finest hometown daily newspaper to thousands of homes full of whole·limbed readers every day. If it turns out this season you're not as great a ski whiz as you thought you were, turn a bad break into a good break. Take time to get even better acquainted with the •.. • DAILY PILOT '· \ 1, ' I I I 46 DAI LY PILVt lllonday, Dtctn1~r 28, llJ~ HOUSES-FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS I RENTALS Hous•s Furni1h1d ~~!!...~nfurnl1hed Generil 1000 Gtn•nl 1000 0.Mrat 1000 General 1000 Gen•r•I 1000 General 1000 Eastbluff 1242 Newport BHdl 2200 I COf'<HI• dol Mor tilp * * * * * TAYLOR CO. * ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ OLLEGE & A HAPPY GO-LUCKY REALTY NEW ,YEAR DOV~R SHORES -VIEWI A home for an executive in prime area. Looks like model horne, having 4 bdrms .. farn. r1n .. forrnal DR & 3'h baths. E legant carpets & drapes. Ci ty lights view. $124,500. IT'S MAGNIFICENT OUIET CUL-DE-SAC This new listing on the ~oil course·sucb a beautifully kept cus tom tr1-level just wai ting for the right di scriminating family to enjoy its spaciousness. And Such a View.Lush green by day. sparkling incandescence by night. Bedrooms galore, study or den. huge activity & dining rooms, wet bar & 3 car garage-you get the Ideal ~tam1noth liv. r1n., isolated master suite. 3 bdrm., DR. Yard has room for pool. $69,950 "Our 25th Y•1r'' 3040 Java Rd., Me11 Verde · By Appt WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO., Realtors 1s00Ad•ms•IH•rbor,Cosl•M.,. 2111 San Joaquin Hills Road (nur Cinema Theat•r) 546--5880 NEWPORT CENTER ~tlD * * * * * *Gonerol 1000 G•neral lODO lODO l~-~-~-1 ;;;;;::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;:::;;; ------1 DISTINCTIVE 1000 Gener1I G•neral START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT! In your l)u-n homr. Thi> fnl· lou·1n.1: art! M'lert. VACA1'1 propt'rhe,.. a\"11lahlt for QlilCK OCCUPA~Cr. choice terrns~ 675-3000 EXECUTIVE 22 Years of HOME Real Estate Service In The Harbor Are• • 3i00 SCI. fl. of CHARi\1~ ~ HUNTINGTON * i\1al{ntlicent ".iew ot the Harhor BEACH • Loaded ""'ith special J~a. 21902 Oc:ean Vie.,.,· Lant', dri\·r turcs by. call for app't. Like ne1\· -Buill-in vacuum system 4 BR. 21~ ba. homf'. Family -aPCtronic o\•en rm. v:/frplc .• profess. Ind--fnlC'T'COffi r<pd. Priu just reduffi:l ov--Pnce incltKIC's washf>r rr SJ,000. Now S~9.200 Lo-+· dryer, ttfrigerator. ra!M just S blks. lrom fnezrr beach. Owne-r trans., make -Electrir .i:;ar11gr door TRAILER PARK 2() Spa.ct>s recently completed in a new 10 a.ere park. Build out the rest & make n1any $$$$ Located neer Rancho Cali!orni;1 . Full Price S155,000 PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES 26 Linda Isle Drive Corp. o\vned. 5 Br. 5 bath home facing Har· bor Island. Jacuzzi & sauna. Comp. furn. !or immed. occupancy. \V/dock .... $200,000 For complete information on 111 homes & lots, pl•••• call : Bill GRUNDY, REAL TOR 133 Dover Dr., Suite 3, N.8. 642..t420 NEW DUPLEXES CORONA DEL MAR JUsr completed and ready lor your occupancy_ Two l'IPllt'ioos and modern du. plexes each featuring 3 Bed,. room, 2~ Bath owners unit and a 2 Bedroom 2 Bath rental. Top quality design and ronstnJclion through- out AND special tax advan- tag.!!I for being 1he first owner • (Ch<>cl< with your accountant) COME TAKE A LOOK at" Sill & 503 Mar- guerite. Call 67:Hl550. lODO 3 BR CONDOMINIUM In choice section ol Monticd- lo, ro be completely redec. orated including new car. pets Priced below market, Act fast on this one, $20,SOO CUSTOM 2 BEDROOM & GUEST COTTAGE Excellent Eas!side Jocation, com pl e t ely redeeorat- ed. Heavy shake rool & many bltn fealllre!, Refrig & washer included. Perfect for the adult family and lli- laws, lmmed occupancy. BLUFFS 4 BEDROOM A ,..... 11nd, a 4 bedroom, 3 balh "C" pl.an In tht "Bluttl" with open bto.ms •nd • ba1cony for )'OUt J• Ue1 and pallo for Romeo and nearby pool lor everybody. J\lak, )'t"lurx.ell 1111rt of the t'nrerree IJfli in the Blurfs. $16,800. Cull 673..&J:'ll'l . TOWNHOUSE • beaut nlOd· llARSOR View Hilb, gctiap ~. 3 br, ~ ba, trpic, pa-view, 3 BR, lam~ tiO, !*I. 2-ai.r ta.rare. all $350/mo. 8.18-3791, ~ bllns, crptg, drps. Lease LRG 3 Br, 2 Ba, betil area. :s32S I mo. ~1r, Ruppert, frplc, bltn.~. cpt1/drpa. S325/ 523-4710 or 846-5991 eves or mo. 673-6904 1--'-------wknds. BALBOA Coves 11·arerfront. Dr>l"Oraled. 3 BR. 2 Baths. l\fonlh lo monlh. $350. Bill Grundy Rltr. 642-4620 lido Isle 3351 3 Br, t•rptJJ. dqill. blrns, rrplc. Adult,.. $300. 673-17&8; 111:1 Via Undint>. 6·12.3970 ' Corona del Mar 2250 Balboa Island 335~ Corona del Mar 1250 VIEW • VIEW~ VIEW 3 BR, 2 BA, b!t11JJ stove Of thf> ocean lron1 this beaut, rtftig dls hwasticr. FA heat, crpts & drps, garage.. etc .. 3 BR. 2 Ba. furn. horn<'. Yearly S20ti. 6'13--::431. FIXER UPPER Special! S Bdrm., 2 ba!h; l blk. to the bel'lch. Needs Jo!s of work! Juat reduced $5,000 Owner &ailing around the 'A:Urid &. wanla actionl $44,9;,o. Delancy Real E1tate 2828 E. Coast Hwy., CdA( 644-7'70 2 Brand new unita • unique lrg deluxe dupltx. Beat area. By O'A'nl':r. 673-6904. Lido Isle llll ON STRATA CENTRO 4 Bedrooms, 3%. Baths 35 Ft. + Lot Street to Strata :ST2.f00 LIDO REALTY INC. 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 Avail. Jan. lst. thru June 1 --~------:-, 151h. Huntington B•ach ~ Call: 673-3fi63 675-8886 E\"es. :::l:. associated BROI< ERS-REAL TORS ZOZS W flolboo 67l·l66J Lagune Stach 2705 * RENTALS * LAGUNA BEACH fA.) 2 bdnn. furn, unit, J~. tree shaded patla, 150 yds. 10 beach. Lease @ $165 Mo. (8.l 2 bdrm., 2 bath, view, close lo beach & everything. Fireplace, charm. Older place w/ wood panelling. Lease @ $250 Mo. t.tOVE In now i\linl t.'Olld~ BR, lam &: din'p; r•. Mered i th homes ' ~ BIUJkhur:st & Adams. $29.'.i per mo, lse. 8~l-452G. 2 BR. 2 BA mobile ho111", Driftwood Park st lhe beach. Adul ts anly. Tradewinds Rlty !W7-8;>ll I Fountain Valley 3418 4 BR, 2 ba, lrplc, muintsinal pool, pets ok, lease S:l7J n10, avail Jan 10. 8~-2QJ7, 536-3216. ; Laguna B•ach 3715 * lmmarulall' :! brorooms. nru• sha~ carpeung. new p;unt 1n Rnd out. $23,9::.0. * 3 bedrooms. 2 ha~hs. FOFL\IAl. dinin$: roor11. FIREPLACE. NE\\' shag carpeting. Price AZ\D V, A. appraisal ls $26.500! oner! • Spacious bcrlrooms • Unique, Tri-level-Con· N•wport ~O 'THEREAL \'"'\.. ESTATERS CC.) 3 bdrm. older home, 3 BR. 2 Balh, small. N~ar close in location. Firepla~. beach & ~hop'g, crpl~I. h Kitchen w/range &. refrig. frplc, patio. Refs. $225/'illV, ·~ntington Beac 1400 Dishwshr. Lease@ $300 Mo. Call 644-1615, L •, • '/ * Sharp EASTSIDE, -4 family room. 2 halhs, built· ins. t-IREPLACE. S3I,9j(), V. A.< or r .H.A. IS OK. temporary design ._ * Price -Unbelievable - 167.000 •t Fairvl1w 646-8811 (anytime) 642-1171 Anytime HELP lit.TSSlON REALTY I ~=~~,..,.-..,.,-=71 4 SEO + 2 STORY 98.5 S C.oa H 2 BR, l~!. BA. 1 yr old. ViN, EQUALS A STEAL P~ne 4:.i-0.,;('' beamed ceil, ~hag crpts, S.i&.2313 LEAVING THE Room to run in lh!s 1600 sq. ==~===---1 bit-ins $225 mo. 1 D9j ft. Cape. Cod cottage with REAL ESTATE Oro/494.5073/49+8200. * HUGE 5 bedromru;. 3 bath. beamed CAntEDRAL N!il1ngs in PlanTl('d Com· munity. Spectacular \"a.lue! V.A. appraisal S39.CXXI! 2-107 E Coe.st H'A')'., Cd¥ * * * KENNETH MEINKEN \-0' THE REAL \'"'\.. ESTATERS Model home with all the ex· mu. Spa.riding '4 bcdrm, 2 story home with formal din- . i.ng , family and 2600 5(1. ft. ~1~ be sold immediately- $6000 under The market at $39,950, Call 545-8424. COUNTRY lov.•, low $144 payments or , _..;G..;•c.no"'-r•;;.I ____ _ FHA and VA lenns avaiJ.1 · OCEAN Canyon View: 2.i8ft: '" ( . ·. . . .. MOST UNUSUAL Save No...,·~ Fantastic Terms! Assurne low interest 5\4 'Y. loan or buy FHA or VA . lt's an extremely 'veil kept 4 bedroon1, 2 bath home in Costa ~iesa. \\'alk to all schools and s hopping. $27,9:-;o 546.2313 I ......, ooo Generit 3000 den. frpl c. ""/w crp!!I, &.PPl ab t. •.<1;1. ! avail. $250/ma. 494-5625.1 Walker & Lee 116 CALLE MENDOZA liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiii sAN CLEMENTE BEST BUY at You a"' th< w;,~, of 2 licktts to the POOL HOME rnleresting floor plant Wi lh room:\ galore in the heart of Ne"'JXlrt Heights with de- luxe pool 5 bedrooms, fam. ily room with fireplace and barbeque. DelUXe kilchen wHh built-in freezer, refrig- erator and blender. Let us Walker & Lee t .. ~~~L ~<!~sEN! 1"0:..:•::.:.n•:....:..P•"'in'-'1 ___ 31_4Cl_1 Rcalloni Rrl!llrnr~ Southern Californi• $26,950 7682 Edinger Beach. Garage. t'enced !or 2 BR, 2 ba. frplc / rrpts ,/ (714• S.l241jj or 540.5140 kid~ & JK'l. drps/bl!n.~. Small geJf C;if'C 2043 \\'f'SIClilf Ori\'!' 646-7711 Open '!11 9:00 P:\T COURT DEMANDS IMMEDIATE SALE!! Sport1,. Va1;ation & Recreational Vlhicle Show \'ep: The ht-st of '70 and probably ~'On't last unlit '71, 4 Large bedrooms, fam· lly room, fireplace & elcc bJtn~ too! frlA or VA lcrma available. or t1Ssumr ~1~% annual IJC'roentage rate loa.n with $173 TOTAL ?-10N1liLY INVEST1'1ENT. BLUE BEACON yd. $200. Adults. 496-2002 $18,500 Full Price * 645 0111 * 3 ll«lroom. 2 balh, ''" blto ~---·----RENTALS I :.,·, at the oTHEREAL '~EsrATE~S range, oven,-prbage dis-3 BDRM. + family rm., full Apts. Furnl1hed ANAllEIM CONVENTION . Suburbia show this mosl interesting Assume 5V4"• VA Loan home, you'U be glad you Spacious 2431 sq It, 5 bed· did. Phone 646-71TI and room, 3 bath, Family Room. only $39.fOO. Fonnal Dining room, large posal, fort'E'tf air heat. 60x dining rm., built-ins., brk . JOO Feneed lot, wall 10 wall $390 a month. NO FEE, General Probale court sale. A chance CENTER -.R"'E"'P=o"ss"'E"'s"'s"1"o"N"S,--1 carpets, drapes, large dble Newport, 540-1720. garage. landscaped, see to-~, ~B"D~RM=""F~-il~' '---~k * * DENNIS BUSH for your bid. Large 4 bed· J anuary 2nd ttiru 10th Sparkling clean homes, some d ·• am Y rm., par newly painted & carpeted. 2, ay. like yard. Costa Mesa. Kids 33821 GRANADA ' : I DANA POINT ·' room. Corner lot. Ntar Pll~ase call 642·5678, ext. 3t-4 beach. Sunken formal living between 9 and 1 pm lo claim rm. Step-up dining for far-your tickets. (North C.OUnty ma/ occasions. Separate. toll·free number is 540--12201 massh·e family nn. with * * * • . COAT~ " . WALLACE ~-0' THE REAL \'"'\.. ESTATERS nia.'\ter Bedroom, 2 tire.. places, brick patio, concrete . driveway with room for boat & trailer, f'xcellent 3, 4 & 5 bdrms. Some with If OK, brk., $200 a month. NO pools, FllA-VA conv. terms, FEE. 540-1120. You 11.re the winner of trum 111,000 to S40,oot. HZ-44711::::1546-tlDl * FIREPLACE * C-ollins & \Vatts Inc. REPOSSESSION · $!~HARMING 3 BR. 2 BA 2 Hcket.oi to the . 1 Southern Californi• ·• ~ Sports, Vacation " ' '• ·.. . '• rozy fireplace. Purni.shingii: also for sale Vacant and ready to go, ·huny and be first! Call (714) 962·5585. HOME ZONED FOR BUSINESS REALTORS -546-4141- """"E"A ... S"T"'a"L"u"F"Fiiio"' I :::~=is."' s:C;~:~;~ 8843 Adams Ave. 962-5523 Assume VA loan, anyone Bltns, crpts, drps, garage: & Recreational V•hicle Show $42,!XXI. Call now. $46-2313 Costa Mesa 1100 qualifies. Your tenns, 3 children welcome. . (~n Evenings) Family home on !<pacious corner lo! ll«lnn. lll ba, !<pk, ~"'" BLUE BEACON I crp847 ~;,,., ...... V A C A N T. * 645.0111 * RI the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER FOREST l OLSON Sharp 2 Bedroom w/separate $19,500 -I Bedrooms, 21,1 baths Family room with Fireplace Formal dining area Nice Yard Reduced to $46,950 :.a' THE REAL '~ESTATERS 5 HOUSES ~· loc. ~alt()r.I" garage~+ attached room in WHAT A LOW DOWN 19131 Brookhunt Avt . thri\'1ng business district. !or this gorgeot.11 3 bedroom, ' . ' On 00 X 305 lot. Eastside ··~ill!!l"l,,~!11~• YOUR FIRST ;;:,,,";, ~~:m~ rn:liSi'f.lt liunlington Beach Vicinity of 17th & MW Build-2 bath doll house. Lots of EAST.LUFF en Emporium Full Price Tender Loving Care here. HOME? "'·"'°· -•• S25.000. Call ,;,w Im" appt. Dttp pii. """'' ·with CALL '-"-• 646·1414 WOW/$25 9SDI deed, for we have for you d'411L GI/FHA Terml 1llen you are fortunate I~ 91\:1' • BIG 5 to see. matching drapes. Tim~ Room for lots ol kub, \fe 6-t&-1171 saver kilch!n, d()Uble gar. have 5 IJP.droomi; and thrt'f' age. 'Yard completely fenc. the "lit lie honeymoon col-R:A\: TY Lg kitchen, family rm. hniwd 1age .. in Corona dC"I JI.far. Ntir Ntwport P••I orfice floors, crpts, drps, covered baths. \\'ant ro 5.,..·im '?' \Ve ed includinp; fron1 for lhe havf' a beautiful pool . \Vanl kids. tor. down will hand.le! So many dream ol and 110 GOOD S BR hsc 0 n patlo. Hurry! Realtors few find . Plenty of room !or Londonberry in No. C.!\f. HAFFDAL REAL TY to buy a boat? \\'e hat•e CALL room 10 park off the street. Walker & Lee '"'Our 25th Year expansk:>n on thi!I s00th-0f. Assume existing FHA Joan ,_~~-84~2·~44~0~5=~~- ln The H.rbor Ar •• '' lhehighway R-2 1otanrlonly 1 S2S7"" 1· t 11• WALK TO BEACH Wa"1 a ,wi"g "'" \Vo ""' OiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOI room for 1hat 100. Want a BLUFFS 10% DOWN. NO 2nd T.D. • o approx J, "" w in eres 673-4400 NO PREPAYMENT PEN-at anly £%. $2500 down 9282 Moicihana Dr. RcaUoni I "'""""""""""""""""~1 ALTY AND NO LOAN FEE paymnt. Chas. C. ~iartin Price Slashed By Owner fine gchool di strict? Ke...,·· CONDOMINIUM port.Costa l\1esa. \Vania fair ptice!·;s2,ooo. Phone 646·TI71 Z790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams FHA because the owner will car· I =Rl='='·=,,...,,==='=0 ='=>1&-=ll95== 1Assun1e large a% '1. VA loan, Charming four bedroom, two 5-15-9491 Open 'ti! 9 Pi\1 $15,800 • • • ry a 90% loan. or zero down GI, for this 3 story home on charming ANYONE qualiflfl; subject lo ONLY •'li:,soo .. Metil Verde 1110 br 2 ba. home, Located on •-,•-1t N•a• pool 1'.l""Y SUPER SWAP lo FHA Loan .,..·ith 6~~ an-.,..... 1-o'THEREAL \'"'\.. ESTATERS .LL "" L • ~ ..... Don"t Dclny cau Today nicely Jndscped corner loL 1,1pgraded feature~. Priced 4 BR + DR + FR r1ua! pC'rtcnlage ra!e. Tola! G13-8550 * For Sale By (hvll('r * 9fi3.0271 . 10 sell at $45,000, 'A'llh terms. pa:vmC"nt Sl48 pl'"r m()fllh . Csrelrer Condo. Exclusive 1-'""C:,..:,:..,.~~~-~-BOAT SLIP Sh<irJl 3 twrtroom hon1r c:lis· LOVELY 3 Br., 2'.~ ba. Mt"r-', •f '• ·, " .,.,. f\lesa Verde, Chr is lma s d" 14 M• h•n1111:: II ith HARD\\"()OD f'd!th. t •orm In rm. X.w 01vnrr "1JI tradf' all lhl!<. for FLOORS. 2 lusuriuLls halhi;, hou!'t'. rNl rarpet lreatmrnt, panel ed fam rm ii·ffrplc. MUST SELL!! r...u....n,Banker GOOD I'll (1r Land. Br:.nri niOOC"rn hn ill-in kilt·hen. gold & red draprs. Frplr., f\iainl Ir!'(' lighted bck yd. ""9"WW1lfRI' new .... ·;i1rrfron1 homr 11·i1h all b11-in kilch. 3 BR. 2'~ Ownr 962-0l76. --J6 ·--I v·cANT I Jtra11y for immeriialC' 0('(11-3 BEDRM BEACH bo, Pool. Spanish 1lesi'"· • • 1JU1tl s 1{1. " · m· panl·y. <_;J buyC"rs 11.·elcome. Owner ha~ hough\ ar101her merliale poSS<'Ssinn possible. CAU.! $l 9,950 Lovely groun<ls. Perfect honie so lhls ·I hedroom, 2 I Valued at $82,j()Q. Brin~ a1tull Jiving. Call · ~!)....()977 ,,,,.,. hou" '"""'d '"'"-833-0100 644-2430 Whal ,.... ,.,_ .• .,. ,,L, Walker & Lee FANTAST1c 1200 Occupancy available aflC"r l i==:i~=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i=I trBde, HURRY ! \\'r <ilmost didn't belic\'c it Newport Beach January 5th. Ideal location, DIAL 645-0303 Realtors ourselves: Only 6 years 1---------- close 10 tolcmentary i;chool. FOREST E. OLSON 2m !!arbor Blvd. at Adams )"OUng and loaded "'Ith FHA-VA tenns. S32,500. 5<15--0'165 0JX'n 'ti! 9 PJ\T REALTORS chann. 3 large bedrooms. 2 COATS Realty Company 2299 HARBOR, C.1\f. ''CATCH THE h11ths.Alllate~tdcluxebuilt. & . LOVE IN JOY'• in.~. Beautiful pa1io. Pro· WALLACE , for a fa mily that lovC"s 1o· Vacation Year lcssion111!y Jandscaprrl. $166 REAL TORS 1 J:e!her. do ll il-1rdilerrancan Around Of 1lv1ng in lovely Nf'wporl mo. p11ys all, f'11n111st1c year style 1n this comC"ly 4 t>cd-:;jhorr!', 'rrrat you ri;r[f to f'tld tmrga1n . non'! delay! Open Evenings room horne and pool. Come 4 hcdrooms. ope"n llf'am 1't'il· 1hi..: 1·oml0Mahlr :i hC'drl')Om, Cflll now 9fi2.ri585 e 962-4454 e ~rr this l!Hle cornr r of in"s b<1l!:<iny l()vely pa1io 2 ha1h ho1nr 1~·i1h new car. FOREST E. OLSON !'pa!n in Newport Beach. orb ihe grec·,; hrlt, nearby pr!s an<I pa1n1. Enj<Jy men1. NO DOWN $6!1 .. iOO. (1001 and Jl\ltl ing grepn. A hrrship in tllf' communi ty Closing Costs Only i::.pac1ous homr in a twau. ;u1d 1ntal 1,1sc of all of irs Nrut tJJ111C' on ror1wr lo! tilully maintaifK'd carcfrrr f;iril11il'~. 1C"nni5 rourt, pool In('. Rr11Jtor.1 l!Jl:ll Brookhurst Avr lluntin1,.'1Qn BC'lll'.h ""i!h room for h10 :u!d11lon-642·8235 675-3210 8('1tinp; in lhc Bluffs on ly and rluhhnust>. \'ou owr ii al un11~. Thf' r~1~!111i:: homr .,,""""""""""""""~I $46,800, \'ollr nun1ber lo call 111 yo11~U. Onl:v $31,800. EST ATE SALE \5 in l"'xreltcr\1 rc11Kl1tion and = ro bf' libtorall'd 10 1hc easy Cati GlG-7171 has !all!;!' L11·in~ Rm. roomy I Harbor View life 673-8.'i50. 236 Via Mentone Kl!. with 111nlni:: coun1er, In Corona del Mar 0 H Tu·n bf>drms .. ~oo 1"flncrr1c ·I Bedrooms Jamily ,.oo-,.; -pen puse BALBOA COVES WATERFRONT Prime Joe. 3 BR. Z ba. sini:;:lr i;lory. NPwly decor. FC"ncrd yrl Slip for 30 ft. boal. Only S79,500 Bill Grundy, Realtor l!:l.1 Dovrr Dr .• N.B. 6424620 BEACH COTTAGE !'lar! the New Year right! Buy !his 2 BR. beach ('(II· tagr & C"njoy it, Sleps lo rhe" "'a1er. Room to ~xpal'Ml. Under SJ0.000. MORGAN REAL TY 673-6642 675-6-459 Newport Heighh 1210 f'OC]oS<'d patio. Df'lsc;hC'ri gn rd••n k1°1rhc•n on f'Xlra 81>auti lul µdo Isip Homf', 4 Dbl gara(."t'·ple~ly or mom l~e 101. Luxury hath ""itb bNlroom + Jormal dining.1---------for ho.Ill Qr tra1lf'r lllor~r. ,.unki•u iub ·l--many ('Xtra!!.l-'======~-· 1 EASTSIOE SLEEPER ComplC'tely modem built-in BY OWNER: 4 Br. 2 ba, AN E>;CELLENT BUY AT $43.000. ,·ou Q11o·n U1c land, BUCCOLO BUILT -Thn>f' ki!chC"n and breakfast bnr. frplc, bltru. l\lany xtras, ONLY s21.ooo "-"ilh low Phone 64s.7171 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Bdr111. Two Ba th homf'.' wUh IArge sundrck. rowrrd pa. \Valk to 3 ~hls, \Vould con- F'.H.A. paymPn1~. BIN Kil, Dini)? art>n ttntl till, 2 r ;ir i:arngC" + large I ='=''="='='="='co' 54=8-5.106==·=== M. M. LA BORDE, Rltr. C 1 "It hiri::<' laniil~· Rni. 'vilh usrd s!orni::r room or olfiN'. Cor. U • • p k 6-16-0:.» 642.7138 nrfl4'1.~. r rnpr~, pn110, "1 C' hrlck lil'l'placc.. _Thi" rnmh-tlt'r l<ll • slrrrl to lovf'.'ly n1vers1ty ar i;:111·11i::r. ]nri::r frnrrrl Yltrd l!n~ rrdw•JOd s1d1n~ 110111<' i•Stl"adn A hu ii! Sfili,000. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;; · * FIRST TIME _,,========! w 1•ooi11 fnr lx11t1 ,t-.-nnirirr. 1\'llh h<'111·y sh11l;:.e 1'1111 1~ 1?' For insiH·c1ion Ycnll : It ADVERTISED Sell or lease/option t'tC. :SZl.7JO. Ea51~idf', c.r-.·1, 1·nlrd 111 f!I}(' ()f. C:o~•a l\IC'~a .s JEAN SMITH RL TR. LOWER INTEREST I BR , 21~ ha .. frptc. 2 Car llnr~t rc~1<lt'nt1al Al't'11q·11r11:-. ·-' Ratc:t are available! We can * SZ7,!l:i0 i.:ur. 3 Yrs. old. 2200 Ni . r·t. * Slrrr'f'r · 2 l101l1"<: "" 11 !(/·hoob ;ind 11hoppln~. ~·r"11h· &1n.3'2J.l 400 E .. l7th St., C?tl now offer low intctt5t & Jow * illl'sa 0.-1 ,\1(11" J\.l Co111t. \'acant quick pos-r(')rnf'r I n I 1n Nr,vJ'lllr! ly pnlnlf"•t 1n & nut • fully SEST SUV! (!O\Vn p.1.y1nt.~. on all of our • F.11 .A . .,.. V /\. Trrn1s ~··~~. Citll today! J·lrh?hl~ S2!1.7.l0. r nr!)f'ted and r!rapr<l. (;0111 • :'I B<rrm~ .. 1 1~ baths. Cuslom houses & townhouses. Buy + 3 Rrd1"')[Jnls 'l lln!h~ I e Bill Haven, Rltr. WelJs.McCa rdle, Rltr1, plrlf'ly fpneed • \1·('11 lrinrl· h111l t. l~l<:rd to iicll at NO\V !Jelnre price!; go up! * Slli\RP 21!1 ,.;, Coast, C<L'I 673-3211 1810 Nc11·1KJrl 1311·11., <.:.:<.!. ~1·11JA'rl yn rd!>, A i\IUST !-if>:F: $24,000 \Ve have rmm 21() 4 bdr1n~. 1237 Fountain Vall•v 1410 BY 01vner, rnd ol cu1-0r-AAc on pvt park, pool & clubhse racil. 5 BR. 3-car gar, sac $38.000. 962-~23 Laguna Beach 1705 Sl 6,950 01vn your o'\'n apartmen1 in North Lagun11. Walki ng rils. 111ncC" 10 beach. shoppini:, churc:hes & fl<'islcr Park. Bui!l-in kl1ct1rn. ~ri:icious hrdroom. Loads of l·losct &. s1orai;:-r s~CC'. Vacant & a~·a1lablc now: Call - .AO tan REAL ESTATE 11!1() Glenneyre St. 49-l.!H73 ~9.001£ EMERALD BAY Just listed! Attr. traditional 3 BR, 3 Ba., sep. !iv, rm., din. r m. & fam. nn. n6 En1crald Bl.1y $75,000 ShO\\'n by 11pp't. Bill Grundy, Realtor 833 Dover Dr., NB 6'12-4620 Mi1slon Viejo 1708 9\' 0\VNER, 4 Bit h1n1 rm, 2 ba. View. S34.900 firn1. 6% loa 11. 8.17-78.'>4. Condominium 1950 ----'O 'THE REAG "-ESTATERS 1t Call j.1&231~ 54S.7729 nl $211,000 \V~1h J-'HA ·VA CORBIN-pri<"'CI from $25.000 lo BEACH DUPLEX 'T"ER:\1$. s-r1.0(Xl .•• CALL TODAY! 2 Furnished Units BUILDER'S REPO'S. S.IB-O~'i.l E1·e~: fi.16~1::.7'9 TIBURON TO\VNlIOUSE Rt'· MARTIN i). d h•11 ~lf', l BC'drm, 2 ba!h. one ' •'• '< 'I''"" Xlnt location! Your l'hnirc ;l or 4 ~drm .· .· re I !!;!Ory, Cllfll!'lll. dn'IJlC!>, love. $28,000 :11lri l.imily. NC'1'' Jl a 1 n I, HAPPY IY privalr p:11lo, dble gar .. ...._., D .1 l 5 George Williamson i·q1lt. nn rtn1111 1111y1111·n1, no HOLIDAYS' REAL TORS 644-7662 elr conditiont'd, Take over -r-" GI Y • Realtor cl0!11ni.: l't"IS1 In l'~tcmni V@· • SPECIAL FEATURES RPaHy Cl 10011 'A'llh only $2450 ce.sh •1 Ali.to Ave & 20th 1 1 673-4350 64S.1564 Eves. can1 ·move in no11 • Sc>\·eral PETE BARRITT Riiy Ponl. pall!' ti splrndld Dover Uni\'_ P3rk t:entf'r. Irvine ; low clo.~lnp; cosls. Custom bWJt, lotml!ll dining lo t:hno!;.c lrosn, 1-·or drtails SIMlr!"~ V1t':1\', Jvnr Wrll~ Cal l Anylime 833-0820 larwin Realty, Inc. room. l bednn. 2 bl, MOP OWNER WILL PA y <'llll 5'IO·l.l:il. llerlt~~ Real· Jlu11t ~ bt·drm, 3 ha1h, 1111tlr I"'""""'""'""'""'""'""'"" ,62-6988 Anytime lfvtnl nn., flnoplo~. family for f .H.A. or V.A. T,.nns "" toni. 642-5200 rnon1 110111!"!. 4:: din 1m, fem NOW'S THE ~R~E"-N"T"°A~l~S~-'----:··:~.:l~A 8~1• ~~ th ill t;hoice Mc!!a DI'! ~tar I "'""""""""""""""""~I ~~\\:~~~~·,,~~~ ';;:~!'~ House5 Furnished _,_ f bolll/lrl hon1r. 3 lanze ~l'lll'llTII. 2 l BR CONDOMINIUM $27,950 !,,.._ 61&.l.l.XJ o,,,.n Daily. TIME FOR u"""' pr,. rTfl or r. lush ba1hi;. Corn<"r lot ""tlh In rt10k,. 11('(:11fln Qf :ilontief!L ~UICK CASH General 20DO La(henmyer Rlty larg• ""'"" '""'" Room lo. I• ,,,. <'Ompkloly .,,1,,. 4 Bd. + Family Rm. CUSTOM FOURPLEX 'f' Call 6463928 Ellf:I! 54Ui69 for bOll1 or lr.llll'r. CaJJ for Orittf'd lnclndu1i;: l\l'W t':il r· l.llrg(' hon1r. , l\\1n flilf"d lH'd• Choi~ NeiVJlOrl 81'rA, 3 BR THROUGH A * $100 w/Util * PARK LIDO 4-PLEX $15,000 Ne"'f11>t1 Bl!ach Good Income. Zl3/981·T039 ' J~pretion ~6--2.lll fl!'1 j . Prirf'd lirlllll' market. mni;(. hn~r ramlly rm., ,.n. $, 2 BR 11nJt~. ldrtil o"·~cr DAILY PILOT LARGE 1 RR_ Nt<11r .,ION'~. 1\r.t fa~t 1)n 1111~ 'lne 11·;.-hall, 011·nf'r df'J1J)l"'rnt,., ricr upit"d &. 111x ihrltt•r prop-Sn111 ll pet ok. AV/\~\\.'! $20,500 N" r)'l"'" tf'rn1s Open till l"rly. $9.120 11!1.'0lltr. $12.000 WANT AD BLUE BEACUl'r' PERRON 642·1771 O·l'<I PM ;IQ.mo "''""· Sl:O.OOO. 642-5678 * 645·0111 * I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!! 2955 Hubo• TAR BE l l P_E_R_R_O_N ___ 64_2·_17_71_ -------- ! I ,, Costa Mesa 3100 3 BEDR!\f. 1% Ba. Montice.Uo Condo. Crpts, drps, bltn!I, auto gar door. immed poss., S225. mo. Call !lfr. H0t>gee, 54;)....8.124 South Coast Rltrs. \\'HERE ELSE can you grl 3 BR, 2 BA, dbie gar. for $200 January 2nd lhru 1011\ Please call 642-5678. ext; '!!14 between 9 and 1 pm to claim your tickets. 1 North County toll-free number ls 541)..Jztli * • " COSTS LESS month to month? Families Complete ] BR. Furn. onJy. Call agent 546-4141 as low a~ $22 per rMI.".' •. NOW' I 00 ~. PURCHASE - 3 BR. 3 BA + ran1ily rm ., OPTION ·I crpts, drps. bltns, 3 'car Ind. item 11Clcction gar .• avail. now. SJOO mo. V: hr. dely_ Month to Mo.: Call 545-842-1, South C~ CUSTOM Rcaltol'll. • Furniture Rental LG 4 BR/2 ha. l'Oe1A·ly decor, 517 \V. l!Jth, C!\I. ~1&.l481 I~ yrd 'A'fplayhsr. Pet OK. Anaheim ••••.....••• 774-2800 WAik lo ~hl"s & prk. La.Habra ........... 694.37G'f' $290/mo. ;,.';7-6.S!IS. Just for Single Adults 2 RR. Dupll'x. Gar. No pr1~. SOUTH BAY CLUB· 1 Adult~. $141/mo. 773 'v. APARTMENTS \\'ilson. 54&-2802. Newport Beach I BR. near 20th & Orange 880 Jn;ne Ave. $145 I Patio. Carpor1 (Irvine and l6!h) 675-"'80. 646-9155 (714) 645-0550 2 BR. Unlurn Duplex. Crpt~.1 --.................. .... rlrps. Elderly cpl. Days 548-5390. eves 548--0-122. 2 BR. l ba, new cpl & drps. fncd yard, $175. 2515 Elden Ave., 5-l.J..J6j7. Mesa Verde ' 3110 '----NE\V Spani~b duples-deluxr 3 br, 2 ba & 2 br. 1~ ha. All hllns. Corner, ?,()95 Cassia. Re~: 21.' / 3~4-9-106. Bus: TI4/871-930IJ f'XI 32. Roy PALM MESA APTS._- J BR FURN. $14!1.!"in' " Bachelars 1'·urnished trom $140. 2 BR apts s11:; mo. n10./ma. OK e POOL e SAUNA e JACUZZl 1561 1-lesa Dr. Costa i\fesa Phon• 546-9860 RENTALS HOLIDAY PLAZA 1 __ H_o_u_se_s_U_n_fu_r_n_is_h_ed __ ,DELUXE Spacious 1 BR U • • p k 3237 furn apt $13j. Heated pooT, I ;;;;n;;•Y;;e;;';;";;ty~,;;•;;';;:;;:;;:; I Ample parking. No ch~! I' ren • no pets. 1965 Pomona 4 BR., Fan1. Rm. & din. rm. Cl>f. 21,~ ba. Turtle Rock •• $365 1..:=--------I 3 BR, D.R., 2 ba ....... $325 Co1ta M•sa 4100 3 BR, Fam Rm, 21Ai ba ... $300 B F $l55 • BR f l 2" •. * 2 R. urn. • . amiyrm .• n lli:I. ~~ <• F .. ...r.: POOL. Bltns, <.TPts, <lrPf'I, no -..u ~1. 1, ............... ::. \VE !~VE OTHERS! children, no pet~. 32'";i.J E. l71h Pl, Ci\I. 5'1~2738 'llol i'l 1rllil. ---'llrollor $25 P•r Week & Up rt BAOIELOR & l BR. 1V & maid serv avail. 4:1() Victoria. C,l\1, "SINCE 1946" FREE rl'nlal·shnrr. Ir - ls! \VPslern Bank Bldg. heaut. home. cxrl'.!ptlon11l oprt)' for 2 girl friends lrilo. UniVt'l'llity Park Days 83~101 Nights 1 =c'"~' ~D-•w~. _&1.'t-00 __ 38~·~~·• $30 '\'k-1 per, "-'/kit na; 1\fald M?r, linens, TV & lt1e. DON'T DELAYI Real.ark 1\totel 2301 Nf't CALL US TODAY! Blvd. &lfr74~5. 2 Bit. 2 ba1hs ...... ,. $Zia I BR. furn. apt. Hea ted PQOl. 4 BR. 2 ba. El Toro • ·•• $275 Na J)('Lll. Children t1k. Stt 111 Elrganl 3 Br 2~i ba .. $42:) 126 :\lon1e Vt!lllt, CM . 4 BP.. 21i bath$ ·• ····" S.t'iO e BEAUT. Bach. & I Br. 3 BR., mn. lo mo. • · · · • · S.\iO npt..~. lJ.""i.00 \\'kl:v ~ np. 3 RR. 211 ~lhs •··· $300-$325 }-'urn., Incl titll. 5'1&-fll51. 3 BR. 2 Ba. lnhouse •••• S340 IQ°"U"'l'°'ET;--, -c,c-;,-,,-1,-,fo-..,.-.-,1rg-~ll .. _'. red h·111 BK. Ad"lt" $145. 2";>ii! REALTY Univ, Pnrk CA!n1er, lnine Call Anytimt' 83.).()S2o Oranv 318-4360 ' DUPLEX, l Bit f'-n., Adulrs, quirt. No dogs. Nr. Sl?Jppirn;. rHS-27'...'0 l Bit. Adulb. Pool. Ideal fl'\r b11chelors. !'°:PAClOU!'. $12.). TllE "Yellow Pa1tei1.. of l!l!I:: Church. 5-l~!lli..'\:'l. cla~!.llled ... Daily p f I 0 I $8j i· Ur. NICE 1 ,,,, 2 HR ~rvl<'~ D1rrc!ory. Chttk u I ·rr:iUrr~. ,\dulli<, nn pr1:\ for thf' .crvlcc )'OU need. IS3 t.:. 16!h ~L. C:\I 641-12¢\ I ~ -NTALS RENTALS r.loMlf, °""""" 23, 1970 OAILV PILOT . 4J. SERVICe DIRECTORY · Apta.. Furnished Apt1. Furnfshecl ' RENTALS RENTALS Apts. Unfurnished Apts. Unfutftllhecl I ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS end NOTICES * * * * ! """""""" S..... -Huntington....,, 4400 Costa Mesa 5100 Huntl'!f~ Bt•ch 5400 A.nnounc.rn.,,t1 6410 Announcement• 6'10 1t1LLA MESA APTs. Huntill(lon Granada 1 ~~~~-;;;;;~~iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii] ff74 * Vernt The 'Tile ~fan * Cu!!. Work. lnst.All & repi!N.. NG job too 8ml. Pluler patching. Leaking: shower repair, 847·19'111846.-0206. • l }~·Casual estate living. Enter La Quinta Her· Toosa's lush green atmosphere & stroll tree- 1lined walk ways to your apt. . '· All \JTILITIES INCLUDED 1 BR. Uni. $150 -Furn. $180 2 BR, Prl\/ J)ltio. lltd pool, WANTED 2 a1.r encJ'd gar, Children 1 BR . From $135 ...,-elco~ no pe11 please! 2 BR. 2 b.A. From $15.J '"' mo. 719 w. wu,.,. "'' FAMILY SECTION "" OVERWEIGHT/LADIES 64G-l2!il children ur.der 5. .;"ust South of Warnt'r Quiet Adult Llvinv on Golden Weir. H.B. For \Veight reducing program to establish t S· 2 BR. Shag cpts, blln~. (714) 847·1055 statislics for rapid permanent weight loss, Trader's Paradise CERAMIC e~t. No 53fr2-126 Topsolt T!le "''Ork. FJTt job 100 Smull. "" . 2 BR. Uni. $175 -Furn. $210 , :_l:S Spac. flr. plans, de<:o:-. furnishings: I ive , . within romantic setting w/fun or privacy. ! 1r ,Terraced pool, pri. sunken gas BBQ's w/ · •,secu!ded seating compl. w/Ramada & Foun- beaut lndACpct SOO & $170 --C d if d h · I · t incl au utJ1. Adulls anJy no ASA del SOL con ucted by qual" ie p ys1cal cu tur1s s. pet!'. Must be a minimum of 20 pounds ove!'4 241 Avocado St. 64&-0979 Charruing, cuual, new apts weight have transportation and not current· at the beach. ly under doctor's care. All inquiries contplet&-3 Units NWJJI & or 3 units lines times dollars HIGH DESERT !or HeaUh \'VANT O!Jil·Nev. 2-l M elev. HAVE Cl ror. OOx U7 2 bldga. $08,000 eq • Top Soil, Sandy Lob.111 LYMAN LANDSCAPING 63.l-7636 JOBS I. EMPLOYMENT Job W•nted, tain. HARBOR GREENS 1 BR. From 11<5 ly confidential. c. Mo .. '"' 3-1' wd~ ,~, GARDEN & STUDIO APTS 2 DR, From $215 o. C.r.tcsa, Cartien Gr, or Women 7020 &.i Co/or co-ord. kit w/ indi re ct lightinq . i1'. D•luxe r1n9e & ov•ns * Plu1h shtg crptg. *:1 lonu1 stor1ge spice * Cov. carport Bach. l, 2. 3 BR's. lrom $110. 21661 Brookhurst St HB ASK FOR MISS POWELL _ 537.541 0 Anaheln1. Ask for Al King ~e1enon u•a,y, c.At.l-;.,;C(7:,1c.:4.:.1_;96c:;:2-66.,;..:5"3"°·...,,-l ~![!!!!!J!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!IJ!~~!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j'~o~""~'~n~1~1yicij1"'~".~N~'B~.i.'~7J.~6'~10 2 Bdnns 2 Bath RENTALS REA Es TE CAPISTRANO C ZONED S42,000 Inc. lol4ii ino. Own-1----------1 !'r. C:'ll ~-AIDES • For convalescence, *' Sculptur1d merble pullm•n le tile bafhs * Elegent recre1tion room. NEW TOWNHOUSE , • L l 'A ~ + acres, free & clear. Apt1. Unfurnished Generel $130,000. TRADE !''OR In· elderly care or family catt. TRADE $6000 Eq. largt Homemakel'!I, 547...m!l. lnke front lot. Clear Lake, 1:::;;;;:;:=::===1 Calif. !>~or small house £11. Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Local or L\ Count)'. " FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY. 2 \Veeka F'ree Ren1 $150 ~IONTH • POOL Rooms for Rent S 1--------~corn" or'!''!'? 599 lndu1trl•I Rental 6090 REALTOR j.18·7711 Blk from Huntington Center, San 'Diego , l'rwy .. Goldenwes t ColleE?"e. , San Diego Frwy. to Beach Blvd., So. on . ·.·Beach 3 blks. to Holt; \V. on Holt to ... 2 BR, 112 &. & 2 BR. Crptg, drps, liClf l'lc-:inin~ J::as ov. t>n, end gar. Patios. s.J8.J60~1 377 \\'. \Vilson. l ncl cpt/drp•. kids OK 26~ Delaware. H.B. * 5 k I Owru~r w\IJ trade 25:\t equity $1. PER wee • U P NE\\', Bid{:. 1728 to 2300 sq. in 65~1 £.'\:ecuth·e 3 BR, 1 ~7869 BA 8 Y SJ'ITERtllskpr. :Z· ---------· -642·2'221; after 3 p.m 536-1816 w/kitchens. $21.50 per It. Nr. Baker and FairvJe1v, BA home in Arcadia for \\'~k-up Apt!, MOTEL. 548. l lT lease. Su 11 iv an, beach or Orange Co. units. children ii, 7, Lh·~ in, Eng \Vhat do you have to trade! Llat it hero -in Orange I •'it"'•'•'ii··,.";,· 1,.·•,.· iiS9ii3-ii7i0892iiiiliiiiii LeQuinte Hermosa 714: 847-5-441 :t it' NE\V 2 & 3 BR. Shag . "'"· ••nh•. •"· 0 "1' ' Sublease On Beach neighbors 111 your Blda:. 9755 MG-4429. 213-355· 7l12 collect. County's largest read trad. tn.i: post.6!2-5678 4100 RENTAL~ Apts. Unfumi1hed Child ok, Nr. S. Coast Plaza. 540-1973 or 545--2321 L,.. 1 BR. Only $200 i-M_l•_c_. _R_e_n1_._1, ___ sm_ lots 6100 * * * * * * 2Br, 2Ba, Oruy $225 -~:::_ _____ _:_:.:.:::J!!!!J!!!'!!!!l'!!!!'!!!!'J!!!!!J!'!!!~'!!!!!!!!!~!!\!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!""~ •)• . -CASA de ORO Gen11ral it' DELUXE 1 & :J BR 2 Br w/OC"ean vlew & GARAGE $25 PER t.tO -5000 Gai:len Apts. Blt·ins, prlv. 484 sq' priv deck. Only S300 E-iide Costa Mesa, 161 & OCEAN front 10 Coast H"''Y SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY paUo, heated pool, lrplc. Furnitor• a"'a•'labl• I oo R 3 12 IJOO d 5163 ~ ~ .-ai:;t in advan«. 642-4~9. · property, ~pprox. • B11bvsltting 6550 Hauling 6730 CASUAr~ Calif. Living in fl • * * A ulls. $1•l:> mo. 546-Huntington Pacific REAL ESTATE S(J, ft . Xlnt business Or home1 -------- $11:m Mcdite_rranean atmos-MRS PEER BREMS LRG mot!, 2 Br. Bltns, crpts, General possibility. So. Laguna, r.tOTHER ,1.iu babysi1, my phere SpaclOUs color C.'O · 24511 . BE dr·ps, dl.~pl. Nr. K-:\'h1.rt & $110,000. {2131 244·1197. home, fetll:ed yard. J-lot '6k1'1!11itt>d apts. dt·si,.nr11 & LGREEN PL. Ha••·-· Sl<>p'g. Clo!Wd "ar APARTMENTS I bl • I El TORO ~. ' 71 "-" Income Property 6000 n1t•a s, an} hour, l'easona c fum)shed for 1tyle & C'Om· • prkg. Adults only, Call 1 V\,;ean Avr-., H . .;.. rates. :H8-0l66. foi-t'e Heated pool e Klich. You 11.~·e the wiMC'I' ol 6"16-69l9 536-1487 BUSINESS end en w/ indirect lichtin.i: e 2 tickets lo tht' J\1anagt'd by * * '* FINANCIAL LlC'D day care, toddler. 7 ·0e1wee RIO. Adults only, No Scxithern California :l Lg bdmls/:! ba, new crpts/ \Villiam \'laltel'S Co, KENT DU DREAR _;..;.;..:;_:c;.;.;;..;;:____ am-5:30 pn1 ...,•kly. Hot S t V t. drrs. No pets. Chldm .OK.1-=~~=~==~-981:f LA AMAPOLA Business m~als. Jiarbor/Baker. . pt"lg, por s, aca ion Avail Jan. lat. ll65/n10. WALK TO OCEAN O-rtun1't1'es 6300 ""l539. • ea h lo 11<-1 & R 1· J FOUNTAIN VALLEY -' c e r. a urn. ecre• 1ona 545-7245 1 BR. Crpt.s, drps, ao~ w/ :--;-;--------·I========== TRASH & Garage clean-up, 7 1 BR.-U75 furn. Vehicle Show frplc ~ 1>11.tiOs. $120·$150 per Yoo are the winner 01 AAA 65 . d11ys. $10 a load. Free est JUNK Wanted. Free metal pick up & garage cleanups. liaullng. Ed Stone, 543-8913 . LITIES INCLUDED at lhe Newport Bt•ch 5200 mo. Adults. Sou:h:~~e~a':it:r~i•. C•ndy & Snack Supply Bol.t Meinten•nce 55 Anytime, ~8-SOll. · Wilaon M2·1!17l ANAHEIM LINDBORG CO. 536-:1579 Wa Establish All Routes GULL ~1arir1e Servlc"• will CONVENTION Sports, Vacation " H I 735 Bia.utilul 1 & 2 BR fum I PARK NE\VPOP.T • catt * FRESH AIR & Recre•tional CNO SELLING INVOLVED) give free e1ti1natr on ousec e•nlno 6 orunfw"n apts. OFFERING: CENTER fn-e livg overlkg 1he ...,'HIM'. , , CASI{ REQUIRED p a i nti ng-va r n I 1h ing --,--------1 itk. clean. ovens, D/\V tin January 2nd thru 101h 7 pools, 7 tf'nnis cis $750,000 Be \\alk b~ b~k.s8~ Beach .. 1 Vehicle Show Plan one ............ $975.00 liberglas repairs, haul-out s, llOUSE OF CLEAN Belly Bruce mi~d Gxec Agenc'I CARRIER BOYS WANTED 2-Br), displs, shag crp11, Please call 6.J2.j678. ext. 31~ Spa, fo~rum $ I ; 5 10 au\. lg apt. "' w at !hf' I Pinn f\\'O .......... $1R25.00 bottom painting. cleaning Complete ]-louse Cleanlng for the dfes. Jacuzzi & Sauna bath. hel wf'cn 9 and l pn1 10 t'!laim >.J50-B ·h 1 ., 8 Al ., crpts, drps, bltns C'XCl'Pt ANAHEIM I Plan rhi·et" ........ ,. S3250.00 insirle/ou1. Contact t\1 r . 642·682.f DAILY PILOT H I 0 Ou T • . I c. IN h c ' ac · or -r. so · rt!fr1g $225 No P<ts ;;36.-1711 CONVENTION °-· -7 607 3 ~-ll.gc Poe. F R A L :s }our t c"""ts. ' o_n ounty :-il u Toii·nho"'"'··· Eltt. kt. · · · · . I Excellent lncom" for a lew .,._,_,rr J J -. .i:.~·es ~1 ~ "' II [no be 540-1220 ~ ' CENTER 67a...!:.G7 "csa ..... caning &-rviC'r-Dana Point, ~n Juan QJlu ... to · e num r is. 1 lll'I. pal or bal Subtrn parkg, 2 Br, dbl bath, pvl paho, · hour~ 11•eekly v.·ork. (Days · Ct1rpets, wlndov.'!I, floors etc. Capistrano and MERRIMAC WOODS • • • opt maid ser L'Ptl, drps Jus1 dshwhr, .pool. A?u.lts .. Qui;t Ji1.nuary 2nd lhru lO!h & Eveningsl. Refilli~ nnd Res I: C.Ommc'I. 548-4lll Capistrano Beach. 425 l\lerrlmac Way N. or Fashion Isl 81 & beautiful. $~ mes util. Pleas!' call 642-5678, <'Xt . :!14 collecting money from coin Carpentering 6590 __ _ 1'1ef-Costa Mesa VEN DOME .Jaml.ioree & San Joaquin 17676 Cameron. HB. betwr-en 9 and I pn1 to cla im operated dispensers wi!hlri Painting, DCoAnta<IL-tYM<.PS.ILayO nTt iii:• • • • • • • I }~ills Od. 644.j!l()() J o r•-""""';::=;"::l.:,,.-~7.'-:7,..,.-,,,--your tickets. (North C.Oun!y a qualified atta. IHandl~ CARPENTRY 6150 k IMMACULATE APTS! 1;: .. Go Toll·frt'e number is 54{)..12201 namP brantl candv and MINOR REPAIRS_ . No Job P•perhenglng San Clement, ottl-Sf? nite up $27.50 w up ADULT •"d lea1;:in~ info. NE\\I .6 Br Id l\'ledflllion ,, T S all C b 1 -. ~m10 •~ 1 BR A t •• A ' G fl d bl!' * • * snacks) For porsonal in· 00 m · ll IMt n gar----------305 N. El Camino Real "'~uu "" p 11 FAMILY Seclion SEACLIFF l\·lanor AP I I. p · ar, yr • ins, ' & th bi ts • Color TV, phone ser\·, pool Cl h p k Spec. holiday discount + drps, sha;R'. crpt. No pets ref. tervlt'w send name, addrt'S!'J ~g~175 ° e r i::a ne · DO It younelt. You do trlni. 49244~ • Lfilens, maid serv a\'ail. ose to s opping, ar nionthly disc. $14.>-$160. 1 & rl'<J. Ava.II 1/15. ~ • EaStSide 5·PleX • and phone nuinh<'r to ituHI. 1 a u no ans\\·cr leave Avg. 3 Br. house. Extero =~1~1L~O~c~ .. --,-. ~E,'-a'-,-,~,~1-,~1~1·. I Social clubroom.billiards, elc * Spa..:ious 3 BR's, 2 ba dr 2 B C 1 Slate Distributing. inc., 1681 nag at 646-2.ln. H.. 0. 1tucco $1;,Q, Incl mat'I & Aftt•r school 2 . 5. morri ''l"'e '''h••·· 1._ f'"" ,·,,•. *Swim pool, put /green 2 BR, 114 BA, crp!f, P'1• "· 1 rpts. t ri1is . $ S \\'est Broaclwav, Anaheim. Anderson labor. All \\'Ork .i:uar . ... • "' nc "" F 1_,. / 1 .1 patio, pool, ch ildren 11e • ln1m11cu ate. Laundr)' 11r . B ,000 , I:::::::::::::::::::::::= •• 7 l<'l 7: 3 0-8: 3 O. Own car. '2316 f'Jc"''Pllrt Blvd. ~IS.!li~iS * rpt, ""1" lnclry ac s C'OlllC'. 1525 p I a cc n ti a, No !)('ts. 1 child ok. $12i Ca. 92802. 17l4} 778-5060. 1· -~---'~·~~----64.J.-06&5. • • • • • • • • • I 1845 Anaheim A¥e. ::'IS.~"". :i6l-JSS{) 356 E. 20th Street Carpentering '590 No \Va.s1lnt! ---------cn~'TA i\IESA 642-2.824 .r """" Cost• Mes• J\lAIL Order business. *WALLPAPER * COASTAL AGENCY l.gc l &: 2 Br apts. LGE BACllELOR A r1 t, e NE\V 2 BR a PU ~ 642 .... 905 '.'ITa.keS you $ mo!'l(l'y~ RE'.'110DELING & Repair \Vhen you ca11 "Mac" A 111en1bl>r of furnished or unfurnished overlooking uppcor b ay , from Sll:i. Cpts, drps. bltns. $J93 secured. 64:i-2'·10 Specialist. Comm'!, resldtn· ~l'IS.!4« 64&-1711 Snelling & Snelling: In c. From $1'J4/mo. $1i9,j(}, lrl(.'l: elec/ap1•l, Family section. Mfr7277. -1ial. PalK'ling, c ab inets, ·"°~:::':=-=·=,.,-'C:,;::': The World's Largest Pay now far J an. shag crp1/drps. sauna bath.":::::=::::::::::::::::= I Investment , 6310 marllte, lormica. 64~7598. INT/£.'\:ter pa1nung. Free 1 Professional I • bill rd U II-,.10 Business Rental 6060 _ _:~!'.~~·~.~~1~··~~-~'.:'.';~ji:F:TQ;:S,;;;;i;<;>ij:-R;;pa;r: e•t •··al -1· Ll•'d " , •• & get lhe rest ol gym, poo · R 5• t Founta in Valley ~ ·"""' ... 1· " "' '""· Employment Service Dec's rent Free pd. If intPre111ed, ca 1 J STORE . 82G W. J9th St .. Ci'\!. LET~ Swede do it. Repair, Accoustica.l Celling!!. Call 279U Harbor BJ C~t f>I0·60:i5 Call 642-8690 645.011 T 641--613~. ALL NE\V Avail. 12/9. Shopping Center Site remodPI I: patios. Chuck, 64f>-0809. Harbor Blvd: at Adams 4nw.n,..c .... M-1 * BAYFRONT * VALLEY PARK $ll5/mo. * "18-1768 5 ACRES '7»4l7. 494"853 PAPERHANGING-Fro• ACAPULCO Apts attractive, I Prime location w/se?'\/ice sta· --est., satia!actlon guaran-DENTAL RECEPTIONIST • ~l•'-·,I"~. AUdtiJ't•.~~~.,G.'2''s'R" ======= Furnished & Unfur-For FA,.11LIES ivith pre· Office Rant•I 6070 t1on on cortlt'r Partners Cement, Concrete 6600 teed, Dan Schwa r l z • Desk on1y, Exp'd. Proilclent •· . .., .., "" "" Costa Mt•• 5100 nished from $295. ;c~I ~~ildl"'l'dn 2°~~ S d' splil1ng. Subol"di;ation to gd. MORE Concrelc 'pa~;-f;;; S-17-5846. "'ilh lMura.nce. Aflernoon 10 SlQ • 1 BR Sl43· lSOO ---------i1 642·2202 & an . tu JO SUPER-DELUXE QUALITY buyer. SACRIFICE! TI4 / les.!I money. Artl1tlc setting. l~IN~T~/~Ex~t~e-,~P~a~i,~ti-,g-.~,~ .... -,· J eve hrs. (l·S or 9 pm), some \\'allace Ave., C.?.1. e UE e $160 to $215 1 2 3 3 000 546-1.266 0 E Sal's. Salary oJ>('n, binge r ~R , .. _ •Pl. b•'g Y"'"'d. MARTINIQ N\VPT Height~. 2 Br, l'.rpl, 17256 Sou1h Euclid. FV · · room, up lo · t;q, ay~ or ves. Uc., call Max al 644-0687 esl. Rel's, lmmed. Service. benefits. Ph: anvtlnio fl-l.3. 0 ... " .... d t E cl >160 fl. office suites. Im med. CIC· 646--0210 $42..-3014 " \'l'l'Y pV!, $123 incl util. Park-Like Surroundings ~is96. ;. ovc. n ' gar. · (Ju~t 1 South of \Varneri C'Jpl!ncy. Orange C n 1 Y. INVESTOR \\'/$15,000 t 0 f~REEh E 1 • 1 t. Sawingk • 1 bred ak· . · areal 8 am·9 pin. 8~6-3540. 642-79&8 DELUXE 1·2 & 3 BR APTS, J ( 7 4) 540-4785 Ai-•t •-.,·., Con,m•••. tak.: over 50".C intc-rest in 1ng, au ng &. s Ip oa Ing, PAINTING • Ext-Int, 18 yri. ·•~ uv.. "" Se i & IH 54M668 I LI ~ t DRIVER for Con1pany Also FURN. BACHELOR Con•i>l•x, adj. ,,.,._,.,,, prin\e 6~, acre R2. 830-6040. rv ce QI.Ill y, · exper. ns. c. r .-.::e es . . Newport Beach 4200 A.New Way Tp Live in Newport Beach OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS Cil. 161.b Slr@el btwn • .. Irvine and Dover Dr • • '(7141 642-8170 ~TNSULA POINT-I Br. G"'Ar•gc, Completely lut"llished. $150/mo. Call 6i~990. 1 BR,, pool, block 10 ocean, sillf.(le adull. $135. SJJ-lili <>r 644-0637 eve~. OCEANFRONT 2 Br. lrpl. ,titi"1.J175 winter. Also 2 Br., ,ia'j\ -$165 "'inter. 673-8088. ~ewport Hgh. 4210 ! J sR Apt. r·urnishrd. no kitchen. $83 monthly . • 646-3106 • 'Corona dal Mar 4250 ~ BR l·Blk to Ocean , '7 Cati Alt 1; 544-45.iS J\'l. bach. rm & ba, ~icely furn'd. No 1,.. cooking. 67l-6904 4300 .:t.!S \\'k: -OCEANFRONT. ~'(tlY Bachelors, !·Bdrm. !~ service. Pool. Util. : : ~ • 675·!i40 • l .BR. 2 BA, furn. apt. 'Oct-an1ront Bfllboa. Call 494-t:.34 I · 5238 5 '"" C 126 passl'ngcr cnr. Full lime. Prv patios * Htd Pools rv1ne anta Ana 5620 Hotel & Restaurant. banks, CEMENT \YORK, no job too Acoo1.u1r. e!Ungs, 968-9 Call J\1r. Cole: 968.5621 Nr shop'g • Adults onJy Sou1 Diego & N'pt F\vys . Money to Loan 6320 small, naJOna.ble. F:ree PA .. -ITING: Honest gua.rnn. 1111 Santa Ana Ave, CM VILLA MARSEILLES UNCRO\VDED PARKING Estim. H. Stulllck, 548-8615. te~l ...,'Ork. L!c'd. L0caJ ret's EARN As 1nuch as $3.0a hr 0 •&. 2 NOW LEASINGI · in car v.·ax business, OC &: Mgr. •rt 113 • .. "'"' . BRAND NEw LOWEST RATES lst TD Loan •• coNcRETE. Fl"""· """ •»5740 '" s. ~---/ n-DuP ID . .,_ N.B. &14-5392. N"w. Iamily and adults unit~ SPACIOUS vwiJt;r mgr, ·~ on r., patios. Any slt.e job. n.cas. BRAND NEW Eastside 1 I: 2 Rm 8 N Be h c 11 Do 64u;;14 Pl t I p ch Exper Medical Recept BR. l &. 2 baths. $15.> to ~·1th to~al recreation club T & 2 Bdrm. Apts. . , e"''POrt ac 7~~ INTEREST "==a=="===·===I ••tr ng, et , and ....... AChool. 1. 2. & 3 Adult llvt"ng 833-3223 Courtesy lo Brokers . 1. Re-Ir "80 for busy G.P.'s office, i:ood $195. Crp!s, drps, dsh1vhr, ,..~-2 d TD L C I "20 ~ I p' t 64"'M3 sell clean gas oven, all wtr ~ from $150. Nr. shop-Furn. & Unfurn. DESK SPACE n oa n ::::•::•::•.:•::ct::•::•:.• ___ ::-:::: 1-:-::-:=::-=-====--.:.':.."=· c.:,-:.;,;...,==-- & gas pd. Htd pool. 32-1 E. ping, golf, school!. Jusl DI~hwasher. color coordinat-22 i: "' MY Way, quality home it' PATCH PLASTERING **FRY COOK 20th s t. 641)..9148. sout11 ol San Dle.i:o Fwy. on ed appliances . plush shag 2 . orest Avenu~ . erms based on equity. repair Walls celling floors All types. Free eltfmates !'.IUST BE EXPERIENCED \\'ILSON GARDENS APTS Culver Dr., Irvine. m 3733. carpet • choiee of 2 color Legun e Beech 642·2171 .54.s..o611 etc. No Job too 'sn1all. Call 540-6825 AND OVER :Zl. 2 BR Unfum. Ne .... ·Jy dee. PARK WEST 11chemes • 2 baths • sta.il Serving Harbor area 21 yrs, 543-1494, 24 hr ans. 11erv. Apply In J>l'nlOn only Neiv cpts & drps. Spac APARTMENTS shov.-ers . riirro'."'l!d ward· ----'-"'------Settler ~rt9•9e Co. LIC'D C.Ontr. Remodeling, Plumblng. ____ 6lo:_.90_ Surf & Sirloin. 5930 \V. Coast vounds. Adults. no pets. Owned and 1.lanaged by robe doors . indirect light· DESK SPACE 336 ~. 171h Streel add.-ons, roofing, Pfl,lnllng & -~'~'"'..:;."·'=N~•w_.:Pcc':,.· _:.Bc_:.l_.:'·---1 $1~0 mo. 1283 Fountain \Vay The Irvine .:ompany Ing in kitchen • break!asl repairs. 54 0-18 5 8 or .PLU~IBINC REPAIR f1JLLER Brush sales & .se1"V. E !Harbor, turn \V, on ~~~~~~~~~! bar • huge private fenced 305 No. El C•mino Re•I Money Wenttd 63.50 5'0-7664. No job too sinall N. B. area $2.6.l hr to .sL \\'ilsun). 5242 patio . pl ush landsc11ping . S;1n Cl•ment• • 642-3128 e 83Ul:,..i8, East Bluff <tD<J •• ..,. CO'."IERCIAL STABLES Addit ions. 1t Remode. linr --------THE GABLES • ---------, brick Bar-B-Q's ·large heat. .,,......,~ ""' . Gerwick & Son, Lie HOUSEKEEPER, I 1 v e. in. TI~E SEVILLE o\vn('l··s home api 3 er 3 erl pools & lanai. CORONA DEL MAR Cons1 ruct1an &. pcrmantnt 673-60.ft * 549-2.170 _R_.,oof..;...l.;.n::gc._ ___ __;6_95;...0 CdM. I:.Tiglish 11 peak l n g . 2 Br. 11; Ba, \VJ gar. Adlt8, a,. den. 1.,,1, en•:I dhl 0'nr 3101 So. Bristol St. 2 1 ~ financing ne-Med. $35,000.1-;.=_-00-,.,1,-. -...--.,-,"""--BEFORE y b 1 T clean thoroughly, Good " trn suilc, pv1 b<1, pvl cntr. Owno• 673 ...... ~". zwm e ing * Additions ou uy, cal . h'ld 80 crpts, drp5, range. fncd yd. 2500 sq. r1. $400/mo. 6Ta-5033 (%ML N, of So. Coa.."· Plaza) • M"-"' KARL E. KENDALL w/c 1 ren, $1 mo sl.aJ'\. patio. Santa An• Prkg, crpt/drp, util pd, Guy Roofing Co. ReC'OVt'r 67.;...2790_ 21'"G orann, Av.. $1li 'IWnhoust". 2 BR, 21,~ BA. PHONE·. 557 •200 S14:./mo. Owner. 673.6757 ANNOUNCEMENTS Licensed-Bonded 548-1537 spec I al i1 t. 64 5-2780, ~ • • Bl r I I dbl · ~ 1nd NOTICES ., • ., O<.Qf\ HSKPRS E1nplyr pays fee. 2619. ·E· .0 -,to A"~ five "15.i tns, ii> 1 '. enc. gai · ri=~==~===~ * NE\\.-PORT BEACJ.i Civic .,_....,.,.,,,, '"'' '"" ~ ,,_,. · \I' s~ 0~•3 CarDOI Cleenln "25 George Allen Bylend Agen· L). An11goi; ny. ,,,..,JV ... · Centc!' 300 ft lo JOOO ft. 1:.1:.... i:.;. 9 - GOLD MEDALLION -;rr;-;· CAN'T BE BEAT An~w & secretarial 675-l60l. Found {Free Ads) --Stwlng '960 l'Y 10&-B E. 16\h, S.A. ~lod<'rn 2 Br. Iii Ba . rmtio, Corona del Mar 5250 ---'----'-'--1 Clean Cleaner Cleanest! 547.039j, crpts, drps, GE kii: Encl. • XLN1' · OFTICE Space MAN'S high school ring, Kurt \\o'agner Carpet &. Alterations -642-5145 DIAL direct 642-5678. Charge gar. ill any luxury r'l:tra~! SINGLE STORY No1v Avail. LIDO HLDG, 19 71 , 64 6-6 5 8 0 vi r!. UphOlstery Clcanera. S9 Neat, accurate, 20 years exp, )'OUt ad, then sit b&ek and Nr. bus. $155. Adults 120 £. South Sea Atmosphere 3ll:J Via Lido, NB. 67~501 Huntington Beach Pier 12. average rm. 534·5305, JOBS A. EMPLOYMENT listen to the phone ring! 20!h ~ ... -2 BR .. 2 BATH 1670 SANTA ANA AVE, CM l ;i';';''ppcv-;;;:;,,;;:;:;::;:;-<.;J~63l-~>64::::2::._·,..,,._..,,.-.c-o=--,,..,,.-:.::::::..::_:::;:_.::;;.:;;:::.:;_,======="'==I * NE\v LUXURY 1 ._ 2 B• -Cll rpets & dr~ 35c sq. foot PUPPY, pa.rt Shepherd , tan Diamond Carpet Cleanln" Jobs Men, Wom. 7100Jobl-Men, Wom. 7100 ~ • "'' . ...... 67'>..."·~· 0" •.• •• ~32 & blk ,....,. h t .. dwhr, shag crpt, garngt>~. Air Conditioned ...-M'IU"t • ,,... "" w~.lte on c es · New Year Special? Pool & Rec. Quiet adult ON TEN ACRES Private Patios 30().60().121Jo sq, ft, 548-til55 Free ~tioor Repairing living 642-4470. l rl l BR. Furn .i: UllfW"ll HEATED POOL OffiCES. $60-$90-S180, IB"L~K~&~W~h~I 71,-m-a71o_c_a_l._"1~c-:I With Cleaning 400' $20. 1 & 2 BR. unfurn. Pool. Elec Ftreplacu / priv. pattc. / Plt'nty of la wn Costa Mesa. 646--2130 Victoria St, & ~f ye r , Fr~ e1t, 64!>-1311 Carport & Storago 7 o N [~64~>-;3~1~80>_ __ ""',...:""'_['.;;::=;.:;::===~;=;; & wtr pd. Adults, no pets. Pooh. TerWs. Contnt"l Bld11, 3 00 NEWPORT BLV , B l\fESA l\IANOR, 241 \\I . 900 Sea Lant. CdM 644-2b-U llJODEN VILLAG E ON 'Jl-IE BAY FOUND· young Calico, flea G•rdenlng 6'IO •7•0• CARDEN APTS . 67" "'°' 32 l'-V' ' · San """ \'ill!!On f\vc , Cl\!. 54.,._ ·• ;, {MacArthur It:" Cout Hwy) 2500 South Salta .,._,,.. or 541·50 co ~r. 1cin1ty ta n .. a AL'S GARDENING NR n"w 2 Br. 113 Ba, Sa 546-1525 LYKE To trader Our Hei&hti. 540-0611. for Gardening & ama.11 land. rp!fdrps, 11t1Pfdsll\vhr. gar. CORONA DEL MAR nta Ana Cl Tradl'r's Paradise column is 6401 acaplng service• call 540-SJ.98 Avl OO\\', 766 \V, \Vilson. Deluxe 2 BR. 2 ha. UP!lain'I ~'!!"!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~I for you! 5 Linea, 5 Days lor _L_o_11 ________ 1 Serving Newport, CdM, eoa. 642-7~ I · al W I: :~C,,,.----~ apt.'" pr1v. sundcck, I I· PLA.NNfNG lo mo\/e1 You'll S5. Call loday ... 642-5678. LOST Turquoi~e s i I Vt r ta Mesa, Dover Sbore'- ANNOUNCING ANOTHER Exciting Cocoj AND SPACJO\.IS Jlt"'lY red~ 2 br. ins. cptd .. drapctl. ln1med . find Ma.mat.Ing number or RENTALS Indian bracelet. l\1onda)I Westcllll, liuntington Se•di 4400 J ~ ha studio. Nr smps &. occupancy. $225 Pe.r l\1o., homt11 tn today's Classified Apts. Unfurnished Dec. 21~t. Sea Ho~e & Sea l--~STO=RM~~RE=P-Af~R-- . ----.~chis. S16j, ~6-l'ij3 •. yciir lcasi· :,;:_;:0:=::==:=:;:~_:.::E'.!:_~~~'.!!!!._ Shan!y 11. r ca . Reward . '!'rte work, 11ur&ery, bracln& BEAUTIFUL FURN . APTS.2 o-:B""R~l2~B~A~l~m-m-a~c-d"el"u""x"'e: '75·6050 Fountain Valley 5410 Fount1fn V•lley 5410 544-2817. prune, Landscp ma Wit $1.JO-$lli5 Quiet, prlv, 11atlo, 2 bltln•, 1.,,1,. Ad•lll. 1 Job Ti rd •'-I I d-,.·•"g LOST Sheltle·, marki""'I Ilk" C eanup •· me open, \i·a. ro""~· rp c, "" " $11ll/nl0. 5S7-9916 I -11C. • .,. " P f G·-• l'{ll, lockf'd sep. aar. Pool. IAIUllllll U., l..assie, 1 ·mo, fem. Vic: ro .ess iu"enu. Georae Sauna.. Rec rn1. 2 BR . Fre-shly pa1n1ed, hltnii, 1----------1 'JJ New hop c ·Edinger. FV.1.,.,64..,6-58,,.-93~ . ...,--.,.--,:-.,-,.-., L~JOI Keelson 1.n. Cl blk \V. nu cpt~. gar. Patio. Child NEW DUPLEX ~ n.c-ward 83S-5168, 839-3837 AL'S 1.andscaplna;. Tree 111 Rl'ach Blvd. on Slaler). ok. $14j. No pets. r,.!s-63:17 Priv. patio. Enclosed .i:aro.ge. SILVER Mlnlature poodle. removal Yard remodeJJ~. *· 842-7848. 2 BR, crpt/drps, refrtg & Carpeted & drapcJ, Comp. e male, AKC registered. Sun. Trash haullne, lot cleanup . :oi!i;W 1 br, s 135-$1 ~O, slove ffyrd, gar. Adlts -No huill·lns. lmmllC. J;i ndscap-12120. Vic. &Isa & Repair J1pHnkler1 61S-U66. lwrn/unrurn. I Blk lo bch. J'M"tli, S140/n10. fi.12-5531. In~! 3 BR. 3 ba, Price re. ~ Edwards, 11.B. 897·7305. Trees &: Shrubs removed. ducc-d to $300 >H!r monlh. Pvt pat io. 202 A 1 hh. H B. CLEAN, Kicely crptd J BR. LOST: \Vh!te f em iloi:: llaullng-La\lo'l\ ?o1aln!. ~l319. rans:e /rcfr. gllli & 111r pd. 675-6050 ~ t ' • ._.. ,(' ...,•fblk spots fDalmali11.n ) f'ret' EsUmate1 66-3433 I.CE _l_ BR., 2 bl~ trorn l .Adulls. $140. 518--2407. IAl•IWWtlllfTU .. rMC. J ount.at1"'1 Vic: Edinger & MIIJn SA, f.:Xper.J11.paneseGan:lener, bf-ach, Avail J e.n l~t. * $180 2 BR, 2 ba st1.1dio. llediterraneen Styl• Lu.iu-548-883.2. COmpltte )'d service. Neat }3!-7U6 or 642··0CHO. rt'dl!c, cpl /rl rps, adj shOp'c. -• J ol Relia. frt'fl es1, 642-4389 I B.R Medallion Condo: All :-,.CR--$301 . 2131592-5227 * COROLIDO APTS * P•r1on•l1 '405 EUROPEAN LANDSCAPER ncJ lo 2 BR Studio. Un!um. All 1 & 2 Bedrooms -1 Batha 0 T S b\1111$, relrig, e /pal . 2 BR, l'~ bt1. bltm, new cpts, ek-c, d.thwlu", ilbl carporl & f"ULl..Y LICENSED * ean up. l'f't urp_ry potii. Qul4-1. Sl30. 67;,-5034 drps, No pe1~. 1 child ok. Ira Po<>l .flOO &: 1.11>. 673-l'l7S AdnJt IJvlna Renowned HlndJ Spiritualist Reuonable. Evt1. <t96-33S3 $150 mo. 5".>-2486 FunUahed & Ua.tarmlbed Ad\/lce on all matters. EXPER. Hawa.lian Gardener "a• n •·ach 4705 EXECUTtVE 4 Br, 2i~ Ba, t c I 1 G d I '" •u • '" LRG 2 BR apl, patio, drpg, Love, Marriq:e, Bui ne11 om Jl e • • r t n n I $30 WK LUXURY cpts, util rm for wnM!ft & ~ 5j·~~ .Frpli' 1: ~l~ns, ~~r.j • '-' Rcadlnp alvtn 7 day• a Service. Kan'UU&nl, 646--4676. d'""l':t, •11r, $155 up. 546-8688 • Ollll••lw 1 "-eek. 16 Am· lO pm. Complete Y•rd C1rel s., UJ>, &chelora, slna:l~s. t 'J 1"'Go=",,,'".,"".,,,".,!J68..8658-;,--:-;-,-,:1 • -'~ ,.,.,.., 312 N. El Cllmlno Real. JL'I 540-483'1 f!clrm. slcp11 to heh, all utll, *2 BR, I ba.. i\.I E SA BRAND fK'"''• lge .• unfqul" 3 e Prf""" ,edcN Slln Cltmtnlr b1d pool, llnem, roe nn. VEROt. Nu tjit, drp~; aar. BR, 2'\ BA. Best area, S32J • CloNlf c.,.,,., 492-9136, '<192--0076 Generil Strvlcas 6612 tt:11lai11·a.nt coc:ktall.t, danc-no pets. S\50. 557·8400. mo. 673--690-1 • S-mH Ceai•p SWlNGER Orana~ Co .-------- '11g. • 171 "R=R~. U"P-1"'-,.~,-,,,-.., c=-,-~:--,~-. d7•'.'."l~-.· I ~2~B"R". ·"'F"'r"',1-,.~5-,,-,~.,-,-.-,.,·I 9365 Slater Avenue Gulde. J~ info OCS(i P. RAIN Cutters In 11 a I I,. d . V11ln<>e lnn llotel AplS bl1n11. \\ nlght·ll!:h! viC"W. ~hll c11l rncl ""· $1!1:)/"""· 0, Box 2111, Anaheim, Qunllly \lo'Ork, Reason•ble. -"'F I'" D~•·· ilr.tw•1 • ,oq.a.!M~ G11r. No pets. 646-Gllli aft :1. No ""''· 673-1109. ~ 'i""'' took-9~. 539-9081. Free esL 968-220S. ,~ 1>11n rf!tt" !.I•!:,.• l•ft 911 LAftpE SllJrllo, Oldrr 211 BR. 111 BA, encl pa!lo, N°E\V 2 bt, 1 ba, Jrplc, 11bag • 11111 ~"""''· ALCOJIOL1C$ Anonyn1ou•. IT'S Be.11ch h0u1e time. Bl&· ~mployrd i>e:Nion. Utll!llt• pool, "':tll/dl'y, ~Iv/rt/, cptll, erpt drll!. po.tto, 111,JX!ry Phone S42--7jl7 or "'Tiie to attl stlecdon nut S,. tht pa.Id\ i1Jj ma. 499-1440. drp!!, ~s okl SlBO. ~~AA86. l•cif. $200/mo. 675--S71%. P.O. Ber" 1213 Co5la ?lleM. -""'-'-'°-"-""-•_1 ____ _ ------------·--- We wlll •cc•pt •pplic•fions for - • WAITRESSl!S • BUS BOYS • DISHWASHERS • HOSTESSES •COOKS • BAl\TENDERS • COCKTAIL WAITRESSES St•rting December 19 9:0M:OO Delly Apply In Per~n 14001 A.venld1 de la Carlota L•9un1 . H il ls Santa Atta or San Diego Frwy. lo El Toro Rd. -Corner or El Toro Rd. and Avenida de la Carlota. Owned by Far West Scr\1lces, Inc. Operators of Snack Shops. Coco's Reuben's , Reuben E. Lee, The Whaler.;lsadore's ' • .flJ DAILY PILOT Monday, Dttfrnbfr 28, 1970 '*****************************1 FinCl -YourName . ' • ·: • • See The .. Big Show FREE • If your name 11 ll1ted 'in 1 i pecial ad-it could 1ppa1r under a ny cle11iffc1· t lon, so look at th1m 111-Phon• 642..5678, Ex tension 3 1.t._b.twffn 9 a.m. a nd 1 p.m. to m1k1 1 rr1n91menti to pick up your 2 fr•• 1how tickets at any con- v•nlent QAILY PILOT offic• • ****************************** • CATCH 'DI • ! TROUT FISHIMI • ~ CAMPINl·IW • o :m ~~ •~ : Be The Guest of the DAILY · PILOT1 ~ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Joi..:-Men. Wom. 7100 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FDR SALE AND ,TRADE :,, ~ TAClll DISPLAY /l/,tffjf VAC~~i~ll~EAS J TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION Furniture IOOO Furniture ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Trucks 9500 Trucks 9500 lmport.d C.lrs • 9600 !RVINE PERSONNEL SEf{YJCEs•AGENCY 4S8 E. fi1h fa! Irvine) C.M. 642-1470 1\1ANUFACTUll.JNG Engineer or Tl'chnician t· d!'velop Jigs, fL\"lu~s. aJ;~mbly pro- cl.'durrs, J-lacGregor Yachl Corp. 1631 Placentia, Co:;la !llt·s11. Loan Processor Salary Open_ Fen1ale. exper_ Fl·IA/VA , Spot, single fam- ily residence (l-4 un itsl. Package on tracls. Lovely nc1v ofc of estab fir m. 011 r.tonclay 12/28 j 13 Month Sale I FURNITURE RIOT 31 Sal• D•ys ,cramm.d into 3 bi9 s•lling days! \Ve're out to do a month's business bet\veen Christm as & New Years. \Ve've put ex tra .RED·HOT prices on 453 lten1s. They're priced to 1nove-SIZZLI NG HOT! J Lamps . . . . ......... ~~.~. ~-r;c~5 Sal• :r~ce 1 ~lat tress & box springs ...... $ 69 Davanos & chairs ............ $111 Chest of drawers ............. S 69 Occasional chairs .....•...... $ 87 Davenports ........ , .......... $249 TV, waln ut console ......... . • • • ' ~!!E~i-10 .~ WEEKENDS 12 NOON MON. l TUES. 4 Pll WED ., THUR., fRI . 2 Pll PRICES ADULTS!l.90 KIDS $1.00 G. M. C. TRUCK CENTER CALL 546 -67 5 0 24 hr. Phon• SERVICE UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE SALES • 2850 H1rbor Blvd., Costa Mew Motorcycles 9300 Imported Cars 9600 n.l"U'U'V1 THINK HONDA SU "FRIEDLANDER" 111'• IU.at lllWY. •1 537-6824 • 893.7566 NEW-USED-SE RV. ~ Trailers, Utility 94.50 • • CHARLES MOON 2006 SHIPWAY LN. NEWPORT BEACH You arf: the \\•inner of 2 lickeL'I to the Southern Califo!'nia Sports, Vaca tion & R•crea tiona l "Vehicle Show at the ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER • Call Be1ween 9 AJ'.t & 11 A'.\I Newport Per5onnel Agency 833 Dover Or., N.B. 642-3870 King 1natt. & box springs .... $179 Occasional tables ............ S 25 $25 $48 $22 $10 $89 $19 $59 s 4 $19 l!,.:---------------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;======:.---J114' Tandem Trailer, all steel, January 7nd thru 10th \l.'t'lded construction. ~" Please call 642-5678, Pxt, 31 4 MERCHANDISE FOR t PETS 1nd LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Deck plating. 54;,.4361 or between 9 and 1 pm to claim :\1ACHINE OPE"R~S-. -sirlglc I needle for s po r tswear. J::xp'd only. Gd. pay. 5 pc. dinette sets ............. S 73 SALE AND TRADE 642-5845. Will trade on Pick your tickets. (North Countv Dogs 8825 Mobile Homes 9200 Up. toll-free number is 540-12201 6 dra\1•cr dressers ... , ........ $ 75 $25 * 642-3~72 * ~EE O a sharp gal 11•1th o"-n "'"'" " "'"'" , '" THE USED FURNITURE FACTORY. ccrlificaies to new hon1r l600 • • DENNIS MARTIN * CHOCOLATE brnv,,n n11ni 10y poodlPs, meh~. Al\C. * 962-0j:>J * owners & • n1akt.> appoint· 548 9457 1nents tor ll oft 11·aicr • You are the winner of EXPERT grooniing $7.50. service <."<>. NO SELLING. 7 tickets to the Poodle puppies, most colors. 4341 SANDBURG WAY IRVINE 1 ~~:::'====="";;:;11 ~·~=""=;·~====~·~1 Trucks 9500 :ll:t?111l?i:l•I•lll).-J ----=1'AUSTIN AMERICA '66 Ford 1'2-Ton P.U. AUSTIN AMERICA Finest Adult Park In So. Calif. surrounded by Jrvine Orange Groves YEAR END VS. 3 speed. r.i.dio, heater, easy-lift tail ga1e. f4S908CJ Sa.1~1. Service, Pa rts Immediate Delit1ery All Models Gd. pay lo rig ht gal. Ph: 1885 Harbor Blvd., Cost• Mei• Southern California S50 up. l\1onkeys $35. Speclal 645--1188 N.B., ask for :\!r. 1 Sports, Vacation ~7_:~1. birds. 547-38Sl or DQUBL£-WIO£ Broi\'n. ""!!!'!!!!!'!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''!!!!'!'!!''!"'!~!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!! I & Recreational $1399 BARWICK Jl\1PORTS INC. DATSUN I --· ---.--V :\JUST SAC. Aust Schp pups. OVERSEAS .F_u_rn_i_'"_'_' ____ e_ooo_ 1 Music•I ehicle Show Re~. Blue Merles. shots. 1 SPECIAL _ Instruments lltS ANA.tHIEh< 1 ,M Com<' see & make ofr . I 998 S. Cs1. H1 1'Y'. LB '1!J.1-97TI J1rl.Uport 11111µ Ol't5 DATSUN ~,· . ' DOT DATSUN OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS 18.il:i Cea1.h Blvd. Hunttna:ton Ile11.ch 342-m i or jo'()..(M42 FERRARt.;' FERRARI Newport lmporta Ltd.~· Or- ange County's on!,)' au r- lzed denier. -1 SALES-SERVICE·PAnTS 3100 \V. Coast Hwy · Newport Beach · 647.g.l()j 54!}.176~ Authorized Fc.rr:ii;i Oejlrr FIAT _____ _,___I ~ "THINK" 1 !!Yrt!f $2795 ... ' "FRIEDLANDE..Jt~ 13750 l lACH I LYD. fHwy. 391 '. 893-7566 • 537-6874 NEW-USED-SERV~ UVV'l.rQ r1nsil 11. ' : ze . 71 j -.l •WORK •1 • • KEN ALLEN 2620 COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR * 6-12-6400. 1-6 pm. 6-1-1-8160 I 7 bedroom, t bath. completr 1961 FORD FIOO ~.U. fl.J-~W. Coll!! Hwy.,~~764 CONN CORONET. very gd. • CO~~~~ET~ON TRANSPORTATION ll'ilh carpci, dr-c1pes, and all VS ~NftLYll 4!t,000d l\llLE~" -I mnd. Appraised S75. Bst olr r ler. 11ppliances + ~· patio I · ~c SI es \\'llh lo\\-DATSUN takes &1:>-247j. I January 2nd tllru 101h a11·n. + ruu earrV"l11 own. + boy alum1nun1 locka.blo. "'·I NOW ON DISPLAY uut<J sport ltd You arr rhe \1 inner ol 7 liekCll! 1n lhf' ---Please call &I" ~1s <xi "14 I Boats & Ya chts 9000 ·-/ SI d d 1 ' ----------F d B G •t I v"" . , ·• skir1s, and :z:i· porch. (Ser. f.r. a_n ar ransmi ... !11on_, en e rr ass . UI •r lx'C\\"el'n 9 aild 1 pm to cla1n1 * 1 71691 O\"l'rrlnve. hl"a1rr RadMl 1967 DATSUN 510 ONE O\VNER 17.000 i\JL All 11k11l!' & prokis1onas $125 Southern Ca lifornia Sports, Va ca t ion NE\\. * 646·3738 1ycur tickers. 1Nor1h Coon1) * * • ROTH Coronel $75, Noblet toll-fl'{'e numtwr is :">i0--1220• I ALAN CURNOW Complet I Clarinet $120. Artlty l'lutc • • * l 8121 WENLOCK CIR. De liver e e Pa ckage d & Se t Up TOTAL FEE CALL & Recreational Veh icl• Show Sl25. :>t:>-l!HI. SILVER Tea M'rvtr, ii-~\ HUNTINGTON BEACH DEC l Sf't, appraised S700. niusl You are the winner of NINE D ' 23-31 AYS ONLY 714 /956-2251 REAL ESTATE SALES a! 1he 1 P ianos & Orsi•ni 1130 sell $500 or best otr. Also 2 tickets lo 1he $ ANAHEIM antique glasswan>. Inqu ire Souther n California CONVENTION Clearance Sale !nl Sea Ln, No. !I, Cd~1 Sports, Vacation Tax g, L Join a i;iou1i: organization & CENTER anylimc. & Rec reational 14851 JEF .o.1art the new year right ! .Januarv 2nd thru 10th Pianos & OrcJans CARPET layPr~. have shag Vehicle Show in Bea Bonus coninussion P 1a ."·1 P!e;1sc c11il 6~2-567!1, exr . 314 Huge Discounts crpts deal direct, exp in· al the 5 ~Ii. South Ont~ 7 opening~. C~ll for 111• hr1\\·cen 9 and 1 pm to claim on most floor models stall. can fin . 539-8327. ANAHEIM ',., lll i. S. of '101rv1~w, Bud Corbin· Paul your 1iekcL'>. rNonh County / 827-8740 CONVENTION 12 m1. Nor I' Sale slart11 promptly Hr n. tnll-lrct• nun11M>r is 5-I0-17201 I CENTE >' CORBIN-MARTIN 1 • * • So rurday, [)(>e. 261h. IOA~1 LAOlES ~ Pc. D r a n1 R REAL TORS 644-7662 C0!\1E EARLY \Vl'ddin::: Sc1 Un u ~ u a I January 2nd thn1 10th 83 '.\10\'l.'\t ;, i'l1•:,:a 11! furniture 1'"0R BEST SELECTION custom an!iq design. $·17:1 or I Pl'-'ase call t>42-:-i6i8, ext. 31·1 CHAP &\LES PEOPLE wanted to 60'; <llf. Color TV s1creo. Sil!. 10·6 * Sun. 17-:J ofr. 67:hl!OO I. 1 IK'twr'-'_n 9 11ru.I I pn1 rn c!airn YEAR EN ~:~~ ~!~a~ .. ~~81~~1~; ;:· j ~:i~,.s1t;;·~ir,~~~iJ~~I~~ ca°A~~ l~r~~IC 9;~ !~~b!\;:~~:.l·~s'·l\i;~1~i~~ i ;:i~~;~~ckr~~~l l~~o;.~h~~~~~ I O~i,,i~.~~ SERVICE STATION AT-_ s2:..o: i•uiiipl Wrni & ll\"\n:;: NE\\'PORT & HARBOR relrig. 673-6728. • * CSOti l3) •••. 9214 ic, (Dir. TR 193) FREY RD, Llt!fu! lrvill(' of Tus!in. and Sant<1 Ana f-"1..,vy_ th of San Diego rwy.l 2-8585 MAN'S D SPECIALS s & Sharp! 11NGO 24X60 .......... $11.700 I Dri\·cn only ~l.OCMI. I\ lust Set' GI6846 S77j_ JOHNSO'.'l AlR COND. & SON. 2626 Harbor Blvd., Bt'aulilul Sage gyttn fin is C.M. 540-5630. "-'ith Blond beii:c buckrl '64 El Camino. 327. sears, .Eq11ipped 11ilh aut 4 speed. 4 Anscn l'lfairs. ma tic transmission, radio, XLNT COND. 673·6986 healer, Factory Air Condi- Uon This attractive car muSt be seen & drivrn to Jeepi 9110 appreciatl' hO\V carefully 4 \VHE:EL Drive jl!Cp utility maintained & like 11C"-". w11gon, V-8 o/drive. ZSE 226 SliOO. Johnson & /lCV.' upl10I. NC'll' paint. Musi sell Son, 2626 Harbor, C.i\t, in1mcd . Xlra nicf' $1·19:.i. '68 DATSUN PICKUP 1976 Orange. C.i\1. i'.>48-733.l -. Campers 9520 Radio. heater, ulr., -I spcoC"d. (WPP 767) Will take car in 67 DATSUN YiAGDN FALL CAMPER trade or finance prh•ate par. CLEARANCE ty_ 546.S736 01" 494-6811. ' .. Authoriied I SALES e SERVICE ' e PARTS 002.i Garden Ci"O\"C 8 11"0. 537-7m Call Col~ '68 FIAT 850 SPYDER : I RD~TR. ~ed. w!1h black :in- terior. Like new. YQYSJol $999 CHICK IVERSON vw ~it!l-:1131 Ext. 66 or 67 l970 JIARBOR BLVD. COSTA i\'IESA * "69 1''JAT SPYDER, good I t-ond, $300 .t Take ot1cr pym nts . ca11 847-13.:i8 • Xlnt Condition TENDANT all shifts open. rni set~. 67:I-l-i09 Costa J\le!i.!1. * 642-2851 ' YACHT STEWART I Apply in person, "678 Cam-* CUSf0'.\1-FURNITURE .68 BUG-R/Ji. nu brakes. . • F"LAl\llNGO 2·1X60 I Over a dozen br.uid new 8 D •· "·h FINAL tires 79,000 Tni. Xln! Cond. Exp. n1a~ l~r corporaJion I (S05.'!7t .............. SJ 2,700 II. lo 11 ft <am--""'' pus r., •~e"-"PI 0<: • I RF.:'\TAL. St'<' ad class yoo hl > 6 · ~,. YEAR END Sac. ·197-1231, 67:>-7867 · ore1gn "-'atrrs e FL!\:'111NGO 2DX57 .slashed 10 I 1969 Fiat 8.:iO Spider • 5-tS--0919 • AutomaLic, dlr. Radio, hc!a'.. ==========I SERVICE Sta. AUl.'ndant, pl 1 -1000. Call ~8-3~81 ~=========! monlhs annually_ Perman· (S00i4• ................ ~I hn1r. Nrat ln ap11. 2;)90 UNDESCRIBABLY c.LEAR OUT M isc. Wanted 8610 ~ position. ;-,45.7446 I • STAR 21X43 er, special "-'heels. (VOE. 9.jJ) \\'ill trade or finance privalc party. Full price Sl099, JAGUAR JAGUAR ;\t.'\1port Blvd. C:\I UNIQUE TABLF: °ti.lot P1ano1 & Organ1 , 1$6967) ................ SS1!N ! ):f.RV. cstah. F uller Brush .c.·i0 * * * G7_>_i6:i: I \~'A~i.;~~~~~~r J~~j~ PLEASE HELP! I Sailboats 9010 e UNIVERSAL 74X6.1 rtr .. Sl:!~~11~··'.17'4~· to st., also STOVE, Apt s1z,. ~as $~9 ) llll9 Nc\\·pon Blvd tf.t7-8·1S4 2 Youni; girls. just starling I 17~6291 .............. SIJ,30() OWElt ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE Pos11ivcly no added dealer charges! Every unit ready for im1ncdiate installalion on your truck or a r:t'\V 1971! BARWICK HEADQUARTERS p! 111111' .. t.,-J .> dbl ' FL IPP".lt,C•1n"l"ln • COSillOPOLJT,\N 24X55 TEMPORARY GAL ron1pl. 67~3180. an1mond, S t ei n\l.·a y, rd ar1. Need fret• furnirurc. pi•rfect. blue. NC\\' sail: IS21.'l31 ·············· Sl7.500 ----11·ttradl.' or buy bed 1-11 ---ou1 . mo\•illJ;: 1n10 unfu rnish-"' u ,, • • ).\!PORTS INC. DATSUN 'rhr only authorized JAGU+n dealt-r in the entire 1-larbor Yamaha. New & used pianos 1niisl & boom. S350 or he.~\ ~,Jl-~1 0.i * 213• 800-5210 '-~I telcphonr \'011·c. Busy --o' most mekt~. Be.~\ buv11 In 111 goo.! l"Url(I, Pleasr c.:sll : ofr. 6-16-310~. 1206 No . Harbor, :5.A. drsk !or pcrS(lnnrl pla r1'-Office Furniture 8010 So. Calif. al Schmidt i\i:ul\ic !~Ui-6972 "" ;1(h•r fi pn1 : ----------r ·:ui 2930 n1cnt SCl'VH:r. Irvine lnd\I~· Co., 1907 N. i\1ain, Sanl11 ll9J.:i~S2, \~"rsr1nin~k·r. I SUN1''1Sll \\'ith triu!cr, s:i00. 1·•1·•1 Bu ,). "s1' ,. ~===-~-~-=--:=-=-= Like Nr11· ~." each vd ., u .t.;. trial Complex. 1 An;i. -American Girl 1 Hcl111'd 34x60 wood desks, cc='"=--------Lumber 8750 • * li7J-liOJ • • Adults Only :.l li2 Dupon1 Dr. NB SJ!l.50 e Refin"d \t'Ood arm :rARF'ISA dbl kc y ho a r d MOVE IN TODAY THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA l>1ESA (;42-0010 998 So. Cst . H\.\.·y, LB 4!14-9771 '68 1600 Roadster Excellent condition. Lo w n1ileage. f\VEZilOJ $300 llll· der Blur Boole Area. ' Comp let..: SALES SERVICE PARTS BAUER BUICK IN • Sui!r 12 rn1ary chairs. $79.50 e We combo organ SJ7\ Xln! lj(), 2" x ~": 7' ~" long :GI: I Marini Equip. 9035 1 \\'alking distance lo Kno!t"s ., * TRUCI\ URIVE hll\"e the largest selection <:ond. 96S--157J f'tich. .d.>-236.i/at 2 1 O Bcrrv F;irm & shnp~. R· of used office furn in this Amherst Rd. C.:-01 . 1 llP SEAGULL oulhoo.rd. CU~J(L\'I 74x;13 CRUSADER E;-.;p'd. on diesel ·-10· sen1 i areca. Television 1205 Xlnt ~hupt>. S7J. trailer. r.tust be o"blc to pass I ~le ~lahan Desk FREE TO YOU 675-7-100 f#S·20jJ) Dishwasher. Con1- '64 Ford Camper Van I Complclcly equipped 111i!h ' pop top. ice bo.11. sto\·c, dlr. Radial tires. I 011·ncr. IUED- 11).ll \\'Ill take car in lrarte or finance. 5<16-SiJG or il!l-i-6811. $1395 BARWICK COSTA MESA ICC physical & driving test. 1800 Newport Bl\'d. COLOR TV, 1967, 25 ... In --· ho 11·ashr1 & drycr, A11•nings, Clas!'! I hcrnse rt'<fd. 1'0-Cont~mp. \1·aln ut cabinet, Boat Slip Mooring 9036 Skirts, Porrh g. :I delu:\ olh'-'rs need apply. 171~! 642-M50 SI2:i Or \\'ill lradl', G42-D~4. PUPPIES, 2 ino's old. ~teps. L.u1dsrapcd. 516-TI72 I l\"hitc & 1 hrown wlblk IY-30' .~lips avail for .-.n1ver $12,995 Terms '69 COLOR-TV--1=-I "'2 "0 t' 2 ~ ' .~ YACHT STEWART " ~--~--~-·., l /..,. IJont s. Bayside Vill age, JOO ror ap""intn1(•n1 t'llll Sewing Machines 1120 Sl ZJ 642 r.12,j '"' N '71 D ,,. 1 J , ·-> YEAR. old f'-'m_ ale _Siamese 1 _E. Coast l'i"'Y, N.8. * 714/531}.2930 * eW GtsUn .:.'l:p. m11n or l.-orporation 1 fll'ffi I ·-yachl. l'ortli:n "·atel'll 6 Sporting Goods ISOO 5 lOnlc :..10-0~8~1 --COSTA-MESA--/161X.OHC, Pickupwifhcamp. Ready logo! dlr. (\VEZ710l n1onthll anually. Perman. SINGER PETS and LIVESTOCK ~Charter 9039 , ca~ual ~loblle Estarc Liv'g l.'r'. ~1~ Pr'.ce S2099 dlr. \Viii take trade or finance cnt position. 5'1:J-i446 "Goldin Touch & Sew" CUSTM Gonlle ~urfboard Pets, Generel ••-Chri.stmas \\"c~k Charier I ~i: 12, 20 ~ 2.J "'.idr f.lodels I (# 459-1:>1) \\Ill lake car in private party. 546-8736 or . ! Repossessed. Sa\·C' •ht S242 $125 & belly board $2j. ~ 32 Tu•ln-ICN'"-' Chris No\1" tin flispla\' in 5 Star lradc. \Viii finance private 4!H~l l.. Schools·lnstruct1on 7600 1.lhat 1vas paid on this i•cry Hobie surfboard S25. Ad11lt YOUNG raccoon , .i;:ood v.·/ ;ivail. •• :~tS-2434, GREENLEAF PARK ~;;1'&11 Call 546-8736 or l1 ·A~N~Y~D~.,,~,-,-1h-,-e=E=sr=-,,-y-to 11\IPORTS INC. DATSUN 998 s. c~t. H"·y, LB 4~-9nl '68 1600HOADSTER .. Zlol E . 171.h Sltl!el" 5'18-7765 . G N I ~SI Singer A1non1rir u~ Sew· 011'ncd loy~. ne.w cond. child1"t"n. S60 or reasonablc 1 -1 17~J(}\Vhit1ierAvcnuc642-1350 run an ad~ Don't Discover • . r1at •w ing i\iachinc. \\'di disrounl Eves: :>W--0730. offer. ~S-2G38 ..-Mobile Homes thoo _ DAlLY P ILOT DIME - A I delay .. call today, 6-12-i678 ~=== Ca re er With Th• rt'niaining balance f\lr cash: SPORTERIZED :O:pnngl\cltl -----"-----Motorcyclei 9:J0o -. LINES COsl you just pi!n-i1en1s 11·ith ease, use Daily or payments can now be 30.06 Rillc 11•ith \\'eavcr K-4 Dogs 8825 1 Triple Wide Cornell I n1ei;. a day. P ilot Classified . 642-567S AIRLINES rcdu<..>ed lo $8/mo. Also avail· i;cope. $7j, IUZ.-6;1()9. 111\lcrcst e 1'~la1nin~o R e. a '"' res.•ma er. L T:i lt!ll, Brunswick '"' I bl 1-o "D k "I POO b * * • Pan1n1011nt • Univ'"'". ,,1 ' I i\Jodel Zig-Zog Mach ine ,, SC'9.9.:, ,, iip. Chii"·",· 8 0,,1_ JOYCE MURPHY Ba rring1on e Bro11dn1oor ' llhlUrll l or young people ~-.. 1 "1 1 N C it " ~ wlJU want cxcitenient plus~, 1l'llh 11 balancti payable of ing & Billlanh1. 2750 llarbor 00 COAST HWY. ,..~nii.iontiU " Star ~~·~~,·~~.,~l~tS.,:._s:._~'1=-'A~ByCLARYl., ~LLAA:NZER:1<¥. I only S47. Both fully Guar· Blvd., ~~f. 54~7""1 LAGUNA B E ACH ....:ncrnl e Hiiicrest • .,_ Tiekc t Agent~ Air Freight? """ Sta.lion a .i:c. n 11 Rescrva. ante~!. For llome Trial· Ph: POOL bl la • ...:.~ You 1111• the 11·!11n~·r of CHAPMAN ~ N LllAA 5'~425 or 499-3828. NlY· la ~." te,.,.,""&up. 2 tlckc1s to !hr MOBILE HOMES M.-'~·1' ...,-Y-lJ<J!/y .AdiwityG1'iO. N Sin.21@i 1iorui~ Ramp or travrl j 11 p 1_ J A JO~ discount on a.II acces. S th C l'f l233l Bca"I> 81,d. G.G. "''· '' Accord1119 lo Jfoe Slon. Y • 11gent? \Vr'll 1r11ln )'OU for 1 ~. "" gency 110rle1 tll Dee. 3h1t, Beach ou e rn a 1 ornie " 17.71 To develop message for.Tuesdoy, oc,r. 21 these and mof'f', day or nitc. RECONDITIONED -Billiard, 5.f1-0933, Sports, Vaca t ion * 714 '530-2930' * Sf-6.U.).to reod'#Ofdsccne4>o'd ing tQIU'l"lbtrs '-:: \\'e Jncludt: placcn1ent 1i;.. 1V'S & APPLIANCES & Recr ea t ional I \\'ant To J.i\'e In ofyoi.rZcx:liocbiithsign. . FI NAL CLOSE OUT s· YATER surtboArrl, good V h ' I Sh COSTA M ESA 1 taot JI"" 41 Crmt~ wtancc, • rond $40. Brand new Sea e IC e ow t"ln all 1970 floor samples $1.ilt, full lt'ngth $20 Ne"' s:z;; :11 chc ~I spa<.'C':<J l\vailnlJlc nov .. ~ ~~-~~~.... ~I~i.11 Ei!t 11 Yf'J. Apf'INJl'l"fl lnr \'eteran,, Eligihlf" 1ns111utiQn undtr lhe lederl'lll)' 11\SUJetl 11Udenl lo.in proa-nun, \\'t' drlh.'t'r, serviCl' .l racks for St:>. 540-328J ANAHEIM 11 you are 11crlou!! ftbotll huy. ~~ ~;~""'°°".,.., :~:~"v i:uarantrt'. CONVENT ION lnp n n1o"ille hOme, No1v·1 'You l6Tomt.s 66 1--.-i"'°!.JdL.1' DUNLAP Misc•llaneous 8600 CENTER I tllf' lin1c to SC'f' • . ~~;..r ~~..::'-.toe: ~~e\t. APPL IANCE Janutu'Y 7twt 1hru 1n1h BAY HARBOR tcondt1 ... 1 J110.. &9 A 181~1 1'1'\\"p()rl 81\'d •. c.~I. >'OR &Ille: Used 4' nooh!I· Plea.St'.' call 64:2 .. ";fi7il, t'X1 31 1 MOBILE HOMES I~~ ~~~::!:: ... ts??~.,... e 541-7781 e ctnt [htl11rcs, $5 each, a1 l1. bef"--een 9 and \ pn1 to cln!rn 14:l5 B.1kcr )'it. (Ill llnrborl 12 ~ ~iv-12s.,,p.1.,..., ' l ' • • :' • " •, " :· ;. • I· I • ' l • A irlin. Schools P•cific 610 E . 17th, Sa nta An• 543-659' \\1~1RLPOOL El« dryl.'r SZO Contact i\lr. Laney or l\lrs. your tic kets, I North Count> Cmta. ~lest. MO--!H70 CAHtl#. ~!~ :!~ ~!~1o1 Kenn1ore gas dryer m'. ~,~1"::!~·"'-DatllyMPilol, 330 loll-tree nllmbcr ii !i-W.U20) T r iple W ide Cornell '69 lfonda :t50 CB. 2.500 mi. W .JU'!,f ll }~~ ~i~ ?!~•1 •I t.EARN Piano at hOmf! from Older machines b11t in good 8 ·~·...us • eu '* * * Conllncntal e Paramoun1 Ttc:1t cle11n. ~-Call Gene t/t'fjJULY 11 ~ •7 p;p., 77 MettM 1 j -rcuk>Ml -tor, $10 cond. ~72. 847-81:5. 2 SCH"1NN Stingray 3>" 2iAlaJc poodle puppit"..;, sllvt'r &ttlngton • Universal 111 &12,..71rn troln g to 4: al! !12~~~ 110o1_.. -'8Md 11....__ "• bl I C 63-7"7'9 19 Cor\ <19 Uol't 79 It "°"""--"'4 ' 1 ~L<;:;"';:;;"·c,;,m~m;~·~·'""'""'""_1 • LARGE CLEAN cyce1. omple t ~ly mlntalul'f!,8wk!old.Used Flan11nr:o e GcneraJ 1 -i.ais-c..'"'°-·-·-----20 ~ 50w1it1 llOGord r-~· •MERCHANDISE FOR REFRIGERATOR rebuill. S30 & $35, Ctll lo chOdrnn, no pripers:, $40 broadn1oor e Siar Y A~tAllA 1~ 'l'rllil !olluiiCr 21 Oor9" 'I Wo.M a1 In J i SALE AND TRADE !--~l"~;~·~*:....!&1~ .. ~-~·8~>l'---l i'&lttl-ci"l""=;"r;;;;;:"""-;:::;::--::::; r l\. Sla....4110 before 4:30. llWcresl e Cambrldif:e 2300 111r11• like ne'v + ~tras. Il~:-... l~~~ ~~ , ~· I T\''0 singlr ht'ds, ogod 2 DARLING blk nuppit'~. CHAPMAN I S22J. $--!G--4i37, ---· 24St11noi ~Ptm1t" B•SK,.., ~ BUSIE -ndl . I 0 •. M E -25 S.ll.i'llon 55 Sm-. IS W1111r1g ~ fur niture 8000 .,, tnatkrtplact' ln l'O !Jon 1 ~nch. Cock-11-poo !la th~r 1~ OBIL HOMES '70 YAMAHA-LO Ml """""'°Ll 2.svou·11 S6"NJ s.s""""' • 1:..:::..:;:::::::;c ____ .::;:;;;_ tr11.·1:. The DAILY PILOT 5'!0--3283 poodle!. I ninlf', 1 reni., 7 1200 N. ll"rhor, S.A. 21a. s1c;., t1r11.....i• f, LO Y So ...... j ""'~·····-· ,_ s Sl{'(i, • :.~s-riss1 ?A.""'' 28To~.. ~Sort>e US...0111 .. VEL fa, nevrr Um.-u, ,,,._.1 1,.., 5C<'lrun. ~ve 1HF; "Yt'l!IJw PagtA" of \\'k~. &lol.iiQS * 71 .V~l.SI0.·1 • fk/iA,..,~ 2'9Moy !o9You• 89~.1,.111 ' (fUlltcd flora, tiCOlchguarded I money, Ume k t'tlort by rb1.11sllicd. • • Dally p t Io I sr-BE.RNA HO Pu1is t\KC. IS.ts.; 1J1ft1fiiifbnu~ Rclrii:. \\',\~TF:D· Aroy year ~ or 1~11 JO~ ~H~ ~~·;~~ I f1 2S. J\!11.tchln&: lot1eie1&t $75. S ho PP Ina: from your Strvlce Directory. C~k II Gd llnrj,. \\'i•anc:-d end of air. Jn Nlct Prk. 1 20~ /hlnda Sciainblcr. not :71-M-116 1,. \$/Good \8)AdTCne u Neutt'I : ' ~1. ,. _arm __ .,,_*_·-----for 11 service you need. Jan. flG.\.-9611. Sl 'm.'I. • * !tlO.~ running: ~l)..IC90. 1--'''-'------------'•---------:._ __ .J...;..! Cl· nd In• 1600 I TS 176-t "" l"I : r I 1·~ • • • Id 4. ~ct ~ ' ,in· " ... 1vcr - - is ·~ ... , • • • • • '• : ' .. .. :· • :· • • }o . , l ,. ! ! I • • • • ~ . • . : • . _.,_. ~--. .-.-,• • TRANSPORTATION I mporttd Autos 9600 TRANSPORTATION Imported Aulot 9600 TOY01'A ,.,. ... . -. -· .. .1.' ••• . ... . ' ' . " .. ~ ... .. . .. ....... .,. ,. -~·'-... .,. Mon<!ay. °"'mbtr 28, 1970 DAll.V 'ILOT 49 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRA SPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ---------1-----·-lmperttd Cara HOO Imparted Autos 9600 UNd C1r1 9900 UMCI C1r1 9900 U19d C1r1 '900 U1td C1r1 9900 U1itd Cars '900 TRANSPORTATION VOIJ(SWAGEN VOLVO SPECIAL •--C-HEY-RO_LET__ COUGAR LINCOLN OLDSMOBILE *JOHN M;INTOSH * --,6-8-YW---l--0--Y-0_L_V_0_ DISCOUNT : .• .. 1;·~------­ CHEV, '10 MONTE CARLO '69 COUGAR 1969 LINCOLN 1967 OLDS • 4 .t'1 MG : ·-Z11.". Stllcs, Service, Parl.$ Imml'diale Dcli\'Cry, All Pilodels 201 EVENING CYN RD S9UARE8ACK An 71'1 Aro Hor• SALE S.S. t54 LUXURY SfOltT IF YOU AR.E FUSSY Cutlass Supr1me ONLY 11,600 MILES Beautlf\U ArcUc wtsJtt tll'\l.ah 4 Door s.dan, Luackxu, like SPORTY A:: PRACTICAL . • i ~ l ' ' CORONA DEL MAR $l 575 .00 Savlnp Up To You are !hr winMr or $466 2 tlckels to the RadlCI I: Jie-atrr .Southern c;alifornia XEV 457 on remalnlfli 10'1 (#8782) HydramaUc, pov."er ttterltlf with black landau roof with new, Jeather lnttrlor, Ult 2 door Hard top, Pri~ for MONTH OF DEC. -dlJc brtku -\\·indowa, matchlna interior, automaUc wheel, 24,«Q aclutl mllet, quick sale. Con d It Io n (Grandkid• need new thoet) AM/f'M multlpivc, alrtto trana.mlulon, powv 1teer-one owner, NI thll ~ throu1hout reOecta good SO CARS bu cket seats, f'WJ 1auie1, tnc, alt condltionlnl, radio, car. YCI,3"9, JohrtlOn •Son, cue. Attractive yellow tln- ~ .... ~ J1rtuµort 3hnpor1·-, Sports, Vacation Over Staa Del. Spec. To choose from. No down on !Ut "'hetl, factory air cond., hoatl!r, completely 1ervtced 2626 Harlx>r, Cotta Mesa, I.sh, BlaC'k ~Ucket stals & & Recreational Vehicle Show Harbour V.W. approved crcdll. C'l\rome aport wheels. wide It read.)' for dell very. Bal· Sil.0-MlO ~ landa1.1 r o o f • Automatic " ••• [111n:• ..,., ltM_J __ . track bel ted tires, auto load ance of warJ"anly available. tranamWk>n., radio, heater, . ·~· ~ "100 W, Caul llwy,, N.8 . v 642-940S 540-1764 ~ , · (.fib THINl : ·: & "'!" \'FRIEDLANDER" ,,,,. •••ell 111WY. •• . -• 893-7566 • 537-6824 ,. ,,NEW·USEO.SERV. -~ ·• . PORSCHE at 100 ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER January 2nd thru 10th Please Cflli 64.2-5678, ex!. 314 between 9 11.nd 1 pm to claim your tickets. CNorth County toll-lree number ts 540-12201 • • • TRIUMPH WR t.WIO ,MNIW4 · '"""'°"' le\"elcr, etc., etc, Balance of $2550 Uc. XWS 707 Johnson MERCURY Power St~rtne, Power 18711 BEACH BL. 8U-+tM IMPORTS • 2100 Harbor ffivd. &l5-0466 factol')' warranty. This ls an l sOn, 2G26 llarbor Blvd., Brakes, tactory air, etc. HUNTINGTON BEACH I============= I abeolulely aorreous automo-C.M. 540-5630. ------~-New car tnde ln, Drlve 6 '" vw 19611 Harbo<, C.M, 648-930! BUICK bUe. You'U have to ... to ======== lf70 MERCURY• e,,,. today, UOF "'' $1400. Green with contruting lnter. appreciate. £944.BEM) DODGE Colony P1rk St1. Wig, JOHNSON Ir SON, XIJ Har. ior, tuned exhaust, run, like Autot W1nted 9700 $3999 1liE FINAL STEP UP bor, C.M. 5f0..56.10. . new. S'J'L.184 WI PAY TOP BUICK 1968 RIVIERA • NABERS • '66 DODGE SporWnan Bua: If you are ready for the final '65 OU>s SUPER SPORT $"9 CASH 1'~actory a 1 r condltlo.nln&;, CADILLAC J\.iark IV Air, auto, v8, step up In Luxury Station 442, vwr atrerlnc, alr, 1poke C HICKYWIYERSON vinyl top. TUt A: teltscoplc Fact. Alllhorized Cadill1c Dir t r I r f h t t ch , ca mp er \Vaaona. Thi1 one 11 for )'OU. whee It. Good tires, black ln- 1teerln1, stereo, full pov;er. • HARBOR BL., windows. M&-9518. Fully Powered equlpp@d, alr terM>r with lt't.Y exterlor. IXDl.584), OOSTA MF.SA =========I condltlonlnr, AM/FM Stereo Good condition, $t1JO. Call 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 6'l 1970 HARBOR BLVD, for ued can • trudtl '-tit call u. for tree s tlmate, S2999 540.9100 Open Sunday FALCON Radio, ~nter facing ltd 495.5696 after 5 pm or • NABERS • I OUPE "'" & 0.IW< roof rack. wkend•. 961 CAMARO C ---------1 011.·ned .nnd carefully mnln. ==;======I CADILLAC GOOD HANDLING '61 FALCON Stn \V,n, 6 eyl, lalned by Johnson & Son Fact. Authorized Cadillac Dlr A: SPORTY auto trans, $125. M!t-0922. &ince new. 5 year _ 5000 PLYMOUTH COSTA MESA TR J '59. Very good 0011-,_~---~-~~1 d1t1on. "'"''" & ,.,. '69 YW SEDAN GROTH CHEVROLET Alk tor Sales ~ 2600 HARBOR BL., If )'OU think ycung and are 302j Sanioa Pl., C.M. rnlle extended warranty In· ---------1 · 1821l Beach Blvd. COST A MESA looking for • well cared for cll.ldNt. Sc.-e ,\ drive thi1 out· '69 ROADRUNNER Huntlnatoa Beach ~9100 Open Sunday low mllea.rt, &OOd handlin~ FORD itandlnc Va1u~ to appreciate. ~~~· s;is 0 ' ""' 011 '" $1595.00 '68 TR 250 Tr i um p h , AutomaUc Stick Shill overdrivl'. !\lust sell, T.0 .P. Radkl & Heater Sf1-«187 KI g.m]. '66 ELECTRA, Loaded, Xlnt sporty car, equlppro with 443 AOE Jo!in!ll'ln A Son, 383 \18, automatic, Po'ftl' '66 PORSCHE WE PAY CASH oond, 11450 dopondablo 327 VI. regulu TOP DOLLAR "l<l "'"°" C..t& M.,., ,...,.1 .. , dlr, Exctlllftt t:Ot> CoUJ>c 912. 5 spt.-ed, bro\\'n •846-6236• fuel tfl&lfl(', automatic trar\s-540-~0 dltlon. Low mHes. (UED1'3) VOLKSWAGEN mission, Radio. heater, Pow-!or --------1 Will take '"' In -•, or 1 548-j358 aft 3 pm. ZSR 939 with black in1crior. Brand U CAR s I r · '69 MERCURY C lo -hew Pl'rrl'lt! tirc.s. XYJ-17·1 FOR YO R CADILLAC l"r !C'C'r ng. t1ctory nu-. CLEAN USED CARS 0 ny finance prtvate party, !'\il1 '65 VW Bug etc. Cheock this une beforeo Park price SlS99. $3299 18711 BEACH BL. !42"'435 you buy. ZUM 140 Clearan~ S.. A"'1y """"'' TilE FINAL STEP UP B RWlCK -HICK IVERSON HUNT!NGroN BEACH CONNELL ~ ~ ~ s1~ J "··· ' THEODORE A -1 ...,..,...,-..,,=~----,:-I CAD. !965 SEO, DE VlLLE o:u c-1 •Ccu ~-o,,._,n • This beautiful 9 passenger VW AM/Fl\f. ~ aptt'd. lNN KOOO; '66 VW Sunroof CHEVROLET Factory a ir l;Ollditionfng, Son, 2626 Harbor Blvd ., C.f'.1. ROBINS FORD 11tati0n w11gon is perf~t for Ii\iPORTS JNC. t'WI pnce Immaculate condition, Yellow vinyl top, full leather inter. 540-5630, 2060 Harbor Blvd. the aro1\·ing family. F.quip. DATSUN ~~~~~;~~~B~Rli6B~V;~ $799 with p"1 strlppln&, new tires C.: ~~ : .. ~ lor, Every dlx . option. (NEX. "'575°"CH=EV=2"••""· 1""1.°"T."":t02=,cc,,"T"in. Costa MeM ped wl1h all the lux,u_ry !l98 s. Cst. Hwy., LB CH..rrrt BARWICK & enalne IUAJ'&lllced for 90'1-,======-=-I 033), 350 lijgh prof cam. 5000 mi 642-00lO Items, auto. trans .• ra io, COSTA f\1ESA WE PAY TOP DOLLAR $1799 on cng. New battery, new heater, factory air cond., '64 Olds convly, New tln1. _ 'li7 911, 5 • spd, Wcbers, nu li\tPORTS INC. d&YI. Lic.$YlD99PT905. FOR TOP USED CARS e NA. BERS e 3:57 rear f'nd. Hunit 3 spd. 2 Looking for a car? po1\ler 1leering, pov.·er brak-Good oond. $400. 64s..5639 ot .; ~ s, 48.000 mi's, $3950. DATSUN It )'Otlr car 1s extra clean, chrome whls . Che a te r EASY es, power windows, unbl?Jiev-~'.:.:13.:.:-5:;.11:;9.:.:al::;lc,;6:,,_ ____ , JD5 dny11, ask ror Greg. 99t s. Cst. Hv."-', LB 494-9771 CHICK IYERSON l6t ua flnt. F A CADIL~~ sllcU. Stuart \Varner Call Auto RclerraJ free ot ably priced at $3,~.1. IYCN· • ·~ OLDS Station Waion ===::=:::;:==:=,I ::;.,;~:;,:;::.;':;;;::;;:; I YW BAUER BUICK act. uthorizcd <.4dlllac Dir 1auge9. Radio, 2 apkn. charge. \\'e have SC'llen 272),.JOHNSON &: ~N, 2638 Gd. Trani. Pvt. Pt)t. $295. ~ \.:::?• TOYOTA '62 YW SEDAN 2M E. 17th SL 2600 HARBOR BL., Body nttds lots ol work. \\'ailing:. AU types &: prices. Harbor, C.M, 5'40-5630, 54&-31J'T'Aft 3:30 $ 00 5-19-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 Costa :P.lesa 518-7765 CQgfA MESA -Musi sell, Moving. Besl Sclle111 also "''elcome. ~.6;;7;:,Mo~r.:c:::U::.ry~Mon;.=:;:tt'"r-.-y-l '===========I 699. 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Il\fPORTS t\'ANTED 5-10-9100 Open Sunday oUer over $300. See al Greg 642.4431 PONTIAC: Radio & Ht't1tC'r COSTA MESA Orang<i CounUea '68 CADILLAC (ONV. Auto Shop, 1525 E. 1st St.. Auto Referral Service 4 Dr. llT. This attractive Zx\y -SPORT LUXURY f··n1, Mo. ••7-49~, beJore car offers the buyers safely, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;I -•0 • WANTED TOP; BUYER ,,.. "" '6.l , CTRY Squlc• "· wgn, I -"' th ·--• I •70 GTO B Ir II II lOA!\1 o•· aft 8:30 P~I com o., a.-u ou .......... 11 o I'll pay top dolls-!or your BILL MAXEY TOYOTA eoaut lll canary Yl' ov.' n. Hfll, P/B, PIS, 9 p11ss. unused miles, auto. u·ans., "0' C"M"AGE-· tod•Y. c-" 18881 Beach Blvd. -bh V.'i1 h hlack lenlhC'r inrer. 1961 Ch1·veltc 1'1alihu SS llf'IV 1rans. gtl tires ;s25. dlo .. _ ..... 455 cu. in. Ram Air, " ~·" ~" "" -ior ,V.,,bla"k"""'f.t'ully«1";p. II 6''-38,... re. , ucatcr, po\\·er s..... clOM ratlo Npeed, and ask for Ron Pinchot 11-Beach. Ph. &17-8555 ,_ '"" wnvL ;!iOO or btost tJ r r. ~-•• power brk1, alt cond, drlvtn pee: including A ~l / Fi\1 * Call 968-7064 * h.., hood t&ch, Ride A Handl'I ·· .~~UST ARRIVED! "'·' ALL 1971 TOYOTAS ' • Corollas -Coronas ~ 'M•rk 11 -Pickups Harbour V.W. lSTil BEACH BL. 842-4435 549-3031 Ext. fi&..6'1'. 673--0900. 9110 s!erro radio, lele Ult whee l. ========~ 1 "ffi COUNTRY Squ ire-429.. only 38,000 ml. VC own. Pkc, PIS, P/DIB. Ra4'o '61 YW BUG Auto Leasing Lie. VZA12J. Johnson $, Son, CONTINENTAL Loaded. air, Rll Xlrllll. S586S e:r. Own today 1 y nm. ' beater, New l'1reltone New-$4300 NtJw, SJ2.-2548, (UUN 234). JOHNSON Ir Wide ovall. "ALL BLACK'' vw LEASING Xlnt. cond, Good transport&. LEASE 1-:;"::."::1::"::.'::""::"::c=.M=·="="=""='°=·=1 1m~;.;~M.;;;ii1 544-1393. SON, 26311 Harbor Blvd., Make otter or trade fot' . -~-Land Cruisers ~ ___ Ready For Delivery HUNTINGTON BEACH ... ~ e Tax 6 Lie, Down tlon. A NE\V 1971 I· 1970 Cl•11ic M1rk Ill XI.NT 2nd Car. '6f Wagon. C.M. 540-5630. latt model Ford lrUclc.. • $50.81 per month $499 PINTO CAMARO PRESTIGE CAR New trans, tlrcs, 11uto Ir '69 MONTEOO MX IM8-46IS • 3b month '"'" .,,. lo"" CHICK IVERSON $50.00 mo. '--------1 OF TilE ERA al•. Only $650. 54&-0306. 2 Do" Hard Top, Land•• ~!!!:!!!~!!!!!!!!!!I 1971 VW B I•• ) • -Equipped w1th all !ht finer I ~====....,--,..,== ..... A = • ug VW "" mo. '67 CAJ\1ARO 350 RS, air, luxury featuft'.'s_ Like new "64 COUNTRY Sedan Wqon: root, ........ , like new, uto. !!166 Harbor, C.tir. 646.9.JXJ AT. OJ>Cn ~'\d \\'i~ \\'hl rims , t o11.·nr, vtnyl thru out, chance to o11."n for Air, ps/pb, r/h, & w/w. maUe tranarnlts\on, radio, ~ '69 TOYOTA CHICK IYERSON S49-303l E.~r. 66 or 67 RENT lop, $1300/bet ofr. 67>2787 rl $62:1. ** 673-3958 heater, power afHrtna, pow----------• 1970 HARBOR BLVD. Ai"NE\V 1971 low P ce. r-.1ust sec to ap-er brakei, (XUi479) $2050. '63 CLASSIC 4 DR.. C•rolla St1tlon Wagon VW COSTA fli1':SA PINTO preClate. INo phone e11lls J .___ So 2G26H bor AUTO/TRANS. VERY eoJt Le.on.. IMPORTS RAMBLER ~Vhltc w/black Interior, Like I 1!170 JIARBOR BLVD. NOW'S THE pleate.) Johnson & Son, 2626 LINCOLN o,,....,n & n, ar • r"· '69 VW BUG $4 DAY C.M. '40.!5630 CLEAN h \'"L"$i~~"' • vcowsrn-7 MES A B AND T E FOR 1=",,",,"'='·=c=.M"'.====l --19_69_L_IN_C_O_l_N __ ========llOOO *** , CHICK IVERSON 60 pass. us Radto, h""" •TURl>J ) '~-4• MILE IM CORYETIE MUST SELL MUSTANG ~o'·-~·~ win ... Orli 1°"'1• $2395 00 '" Th,., ,,,·,. L;n ...... ln "-·pe, ----------1 •0:1u1 1vt, w pa n , YW Must sac! \\'iU take older ---------1 ._,_ '"" '-"" 1•-•~ <1' ~· • PUT A LfITLE QUICK CASH Loaded with extnu, lnclud· '69 M\alana Sport Cpl! Auto, ovtrsz ,...,,, ..,...,. .....-o•.n f..iS-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 ltadio & Hf'atcr car or finance. 546-8736 or KICKLJl~E", OUR '67 VETIE Ing leather interior-, Landau PIS, P/B, radio, lo ml'a, '65 RAMBLER 2·DR. ' 19"70 HARBOR BLVD, AV'M 281 4!H-Qll. .r Fastback • "427". 4-apeed, roof, AM/FM, air condition. Clean. Reuonable. 6'12-7899. BEST OFTER. 54().6837 COSTA MESA '69 VW t'111 bck, good cond, THEODORE THROUGH A AM/FM radio. New poly-Ina:, A!klng $3800, Tcrm11 '65 Muitang convt. Au to., V8. !:f .r.lust sell lmml?d. ROBINS FORD glu1 tire! .• Excellent con-OK. YPT830. Johnson & Good cond. Movlnr. froO or 'iJJLL MAXEY 18711 BEACH BL. S·-12-4435 '6.l V\V B~~:3~ ~ng, good 2060 =~~VD., DAILY PILOT dition. Dri$28s0asy. ~:26 llarbor, C.M. c, ~~~~=·~~·7~=2-<=E-993~i~L~E~PHANT==s" IT IOIYIOITIAIA HUNTINGTON BEACH tires, ;S50. Xlnt rond. 642-0'.llO Ask for Mr. Grannis 54&-8640 oAN=Y~Day~~b"°'lho~B~EST="'•-ay~to ovemJMing your house? '• Per 1-::::=::<<:ii:;:0:.;::--1 ==-'*~64':'1:'.'4~01:,_l-'*'....~ TI.P.ED of that old turnlture? WANT AD ntE SUN NEVER SETS on nin an ad! D o n 't "Cash" .. sell them ~ VAUANT '65 Valiant 2 door, Peppy 6 econon1lcal JJttle car. Good a>ndition tb.rous bout . 673-8103. 1881 BEACH BL~. Lar9e Selection '68 W.': 29,000 mi, nc\v paint u·s really not lhat h&rd Pilot Chwilled delll}' •. call today, 642-5678 Daily Pilot aiwillcd > Of VW Campen & rsdio. XJnt oond. ~Jay . nt. Beach 147 SS 1 take older V\V in trade. New Cira 9800 New C1r1 91ott New C1r1 9to0New Ctn 9800N1w C1r1 9IOO N•w C1n 9800 " " I ml"· ol"'"" ""'·on""' Vans, Kombls, .. 646-1249, &l>--0350 =::...:='-----'-',;;.;,.."'-"'"'-=.;_ __ ....;.=--""::.;;.=:..:...---;.;;;,.;.;.;,;c.;;..=.;_--....:.==.::...=.:.---....:.=--='---_,;.;.;;; .I . '69 CORONA Buses, New & Used '64 VIV, 1'8vln .. ssoo or b•I rrardlop. Vinyl roof, 4 speet::, Immediate Dellviry ofr. Rear opening windows. Gd concl. 673-3634 immaculalc, Sky Blue. Sae-CHICK IVERSON 1.,,:~='"""'-""-~--tiflce. \\'Ill take trpde or 1969 VW Wt'stfalia Camper. finance pvt. fl4.Y. Call-Sid, VW Auxla:as heattr, oil cooler, fl lr. SID-3100 or 49-l-T:IOO aJt. M9-l0Jl Ext. 68 or 61 Radial, AM/F).f. Xlnt. Cond. l XTS ' 3 ** 213/592-1651 ** 0 a.m. ..1 · 1970 HARBOR BLVD, '71 COROLLA COST A MESA e '68 VW CONVRT e 1960 vw BUG $1095RIH. REBLT E~ R:id10, heAter, disc braki"S, -f:telory a ir, JO\\", Jov.· miles! Take older ca r. or 11mall down. limier lacl. v.·arranty. !J J\laury dl r. aft 10 11.m M0-3100 or 4!\-1-7506. 037327. 131 TOYOTA CORONA 4 dr, R/H. auto. Nl!w t1rl'.'s, points & plugs. l owner. Pvl Ply: !\lake Ofr. 968-1821 TfRED or that old furniture! It's really not that ha.rd 10 replace. Just watch the furniture & miscellafl('O"JS columns In the Classified 1 ciion. Red , v.1th mag wheelt, wide ovlll tires nC\V engine guar- anteed to~ 90 days, llTl.74 $799 CHICK IVERSON YW fi49-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 llARBO R BLVD. COST<\ MESA 1968 VW Bug_ Radio, rear seat speakers. Sl37S. prl. pt)". &f.:...1687 after 6 pm. THE f'astcst draw ln the \\'est. .. a. Daily P 11 o t Cla!sllied Ad. 64i..5678 VOLVO uvuvu THINl 'VOLVO' .. "FRIEDLANDER" 1Jl'M a1Aci. (HWY, 8) 893-7566 • 537-68'M NEW·USEO.SERV. ~ Imported· Autos 9600 Imported Cari 96001mported Auto• YEAR END . . • CLEARANCE $995 '66 PORSCHE 912 $3595 Colo• lo •hit• IRCW 5611. ,q,7 DATSUN door led1n. UON 20S. '---------,---'67 RENAULT $795 '62 VW $695 4 Door S1d1n . Tll1 c11or ;, .:.'"c.:9_· '-'-"-·---------1o>llit1. !VZT 1•21. ·~. ~~V:.oof, r11I ni'' $1 09 5 ~:,=~.",~'°'!~~'-'~",f",:°".D-'·~~~=-.. -,-, --$~_-1_4_9_5_ c.•r. XEW •tl. IYCT 119). '69 OPEL $2395 '68 o'"'PE'°"L--so--'1 •• ""w"".-90-n -$,_1_0_,9-5 G.T. Cp1. Sllw1r m1itllic, • 1p••d. •ir c:ondilionl"9• YSY ••S. IVHK 1581. '69 TOYOTA $)795 '69 124 Sport Cpo. $2195 4 door t1d1n. I ow111r low • 1p1•d. N1w p1i11t. A mil••t•· Autom1tic., fi ef.,;,_ b11utyl IXLW 2Jl l. '69 VOLVO $ J 895 '67 SPRITE $895 1<12 Cp1. AulOllltlic frtn1. Cletn •t •pin. A •••I nfc1 fYPW 12 11. Ctr! lll tl SXJ. ,63 vw•.;...c..----$ 795 ·s9Po:-=R~sc""H~e ~1600~-=$-A_V_E .1 Norm1! ,ilw•r m•l•lllc. Bug. t.000 ttconu cir. Cl11n tll1uowlt 0111 of • .~";Yo,E ;,';,:".;"c.------.::-::=-:::" I kind . I HOCJO' I. '68 GT-6 Cpo. $1795 -.-66~T=R--4A----$--11~n,,. rtcin9 rid. low 1195 mil••CJ•· fXlM•l"I. Ro1d1t1r, l tl+J,11 r1ci119 ":;,:_~==-~--9•11n, fXR00061, '67 1600 ROADSTER $) 695 l',6:..::9:;::T-'R"'IU::..:Mc:.:PHc.:.... __ $ __ _ Ntw p•inl , Conw1,f, 1295 !XJ l.251. Sp!Hlrt . l 11r91nd'!'. #1'7J, DON BURNS' PRESTIGE PORSCHE· AUDI LTD 13631 HARBOR Bl VO,. GARDEN G~OVE 636-2333 The Summit of Sport Car Luxury NEW 1971 COUGAR 2 Door Hardtop. Big 351 VB, power steering, power front disc brakes, AM raqio, tinted gl.ass, complete, F70x 14 white side wall tires, smog control, etc. # IF91 H527620 +TX & LIC. 10-11.nson. son. • LINCOLN CONTINENTAL e MARK Ill e MERCURY e COUGAR 2626 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 540·5630 ----------- r DAILY,P)LOT MOfldlt, Dtc,mbot 28,. 1970 J OPIN DAILY 10-10, ~UN. 10-7 ·oornm Color TV Model 11446 ' • .. • PllCll lfflCTIVI DIC. 2·1th, 29th, 30th, 31H MON., TUES., WED., THUR. THE CELEBRITY ENSEMBLE COLOR TV 4 Days Only! ' A Di•i•ion of S.I •• ..,.. Ce., wtt• 'ltete• J• tho Unltelll ltatff, Ce_., • ..,,. Rice, AltttreU• You're Sole W hen You Sow-e At K m art THE TRIMITTE 18'' TV MNtl»IU 4 Days Only Sund iocluded. ComputerdesigneQ high performance picture rube. New Vista 21,500 volt chassis, with plug in circuiuy module io sound system. 2 color demodulators, auto matic chroma control and color purifier. One set VHF fine tunic& stay set .__-.na=S!Ml=.;;11-.'"'=";;;• _ _. column control. Trim in price Ind ponability-bis jo viewiq pleasure. Super power grid 4-circuii VHf' rune r. reliab1e solid swe UHF runer. Aucomaric stabilizer cimtlts lock the piaure, in place. ROii • SHARP PORTABLE TELEVISION ,._,._.....,, r .. r lall 111 f1t lit r• LUGGAGE-nPE19"*PORT. N ~ 4 D•JJ Only DiswMnl Prir~ COLOR TABLE PORTABLE TV Mode l AP·l94·W 40.ysOnly 18"* DIAG. TABlE MODEL COLOR'lV Handiome wood.graiOC'd fio. 4 Dttys Only- Di.scount Pri(t Euy to cury ..• easr on the eye, tbi1 lwld- wnne 12'' (Di~ J.l eu.) lightweight com-6 700 plemcnts any room of the house. Nt'l'er keeps you waiti11& cithu. Just cwn it on lhe Shmp's nchni•e "Splic-SttnDd Smn" 4 D1111 Onl7- Disc11111t Prill !~~:r~~rr:!:1::r:::.~~:iJ s219 cabinet. Picmre and 10Uftd att off co a split tttond l!al't. Picture pcnttt ii 20,000 YOlts. W/frtt stand. ilh, lu.gage·t)'pc: baodlc.block- eu co wrap powtt coni. CJ:tend· c:d range duo-cone speaker gives exception.al por1able TV souiid. Built·in VHf' and UHF .anrennu. Save now at K nun! '184 ... J •• ,..-~.,..,. ... $12477 JnJtant Play -No waiting for $ 2 74 sound or vivid colorpiccutts. Pre-' cision·Cmfu:d ColorChw i1. '"Su- ~' &ope' VHF/UHF TW>iaa. Prtl"l'idc1 inst111t picture • , . iom.n1 10U1Mi. ~ i I I ' ' Attractive in White With Natural Woodgrain Trim ~10X7-FT. STORAGE SHED • Structural Steel Construction • Stael i1 Weather•re1l1tant • Louvered Pe ak For Ventilation • ln1lde·Approximately 112xl0x72" • Door opening is 53'' Wide •Stores lawn 'n Garde n Equipme nt, likes, Orlll1 and So Much Mo rel Ust )'our K nu1rl C/J11rgt! 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