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1969-11-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
, - -·---· ' . . . . ;. •. - - .. • t • . . • Ir * • ~. -*' . * . ' • • • • - *. '* ' . -~-* . * •• • • . ' ... • . . . -· . . . . .... rove. .. . • • t;_ -• . .. --~ . * ~ ~-l Senators Aeeuse Military • ()_f_ Whitewashing Deaths •• • •• ' ' ' ~ .. Acc oµiitafil' · I • . . . , • I L o • • t' .. ll.Y!P&OT ....... ~1""'9-....., 1:• .r I , · .!~ .w.oulojrt'\ I?!' bard .~·~·~·· what \he ,pareltts of Rohnie Brqwn; 4; ' 'arul' Anne-Kendrick., 3; ~re. th~bklul !or this "l'h!!nksgiving" Day. The ~yqungsters ·attend ·Jumping~Jeck PrerSchool in.,9<>sta .Mesa: ' . GI ·fl osses in Vi .einam I J ' . ' . Pu.sh ed. Over. 9 ,000 Ma r k . . " . . . : SA:IGON (UPI) -U.S. headquar11j[S, Amerl~os . WOJJ.nded--came. oul as\ a f8id~ today 130 American:; were, k_~lled in group of ne¥rly 100 U.S. medical corps- Vieb:lam .lnst week, a lf).we~ . High, ~Ito mel\i bigan a•tThanksgiving Day fast: in push lhe number of Gls ·siitm ·1n action • . . . this ~r past th~ 9,000 mark. .~ P-l,e1ku Jn P,J'Olflit , against the Vietnam . T}! .same upsurge in fiJhfut ihaJ Wif. • ~ U.S. losses ~eSulle;9 J~ ~ hea11: '\YIU can:t ,believe 'how much suffer. lest weekly casuaities for SOU:th V'let· ing there Js until you see It " said one IJl!'liese' troops Jn 15 montlls-067 kllled · 1 •u,. lo •• 1 s · h• ·~d 'l,421 wourided. , Q ·-r. P t~ers,. pee. 4 Ricard How~s, Militarx spokesmen put Viet ICang .aJJ .. ~. Of E;asj, f;ov1dence, R.I., whose JOb ~~ Vietnamese losses at 3,021 dead, it is to treat wounded Gls. theit heaviest Jn three .m?~lhs. The Amer~an deaths last week pushed Ttie weekly report-list.ing another 6S3 lthe U.S. toll for the year to 9,0'l9 dead. l .At the same ·point last year, 13,540 Gls -. Count y StaD.as . f'. ' . \ ~~dy to ~~ht Q~acl1 CriseS' _ _ Jenge County's Flood Control Diil.riCt r;La~s ready to respond immedi~?' t.o·. aby Pemei'gency rtuatioo !adng Coat'1 cimmuriiti~, coon.Y ·superv~ af .. finned Wednesday. • · ~ only~dif(erdnoe. rrorrii now on, •. ~ni. no~. js 'l~t its re!Jef w~·1 ~ ... Jplil'ICd .,.. paper ,._ su~..iully· · t t!fuUgh. ligisliWOl'I When U-was1iloted had been killed. U.S. dead for the war . ' .... to~led Ml,572, the report said. 11lanksgivfug dawned clear across most , ot tbe War 10Jle, with light combat re- pol"Jed. .Kelfcopters carried hot turkey' ~nners to troops in the fieJd . , .... Headq4A11ers said three clashes were reported from along the Cambodian border 59 to 69 miles northwest of Sah gon Wednesday, with 30.gUen:lllas slain against U.'S. losses of one hadl aA<11 ~e wounded. · .~ .. . I Faces $1,600 Theft Charge By RICHARD p, NALL 01 tf!I Dalh" Plllt Steff A trusted Laguna Leisure. World ac. countant who · assertedly stole quarters from pay washing machines and took them to Las Vegas Is to be arr~iined In mWlicipal court Frid8y. Nick Merli nus Schaar, 39. of 1682 Iowa St., is charged with one couol of grand theft which Orange C.OUOty sheriff's of- ficers said involves money and checks worth about $1,600. He hi:id also been· abscoOOing with quarters ror'a long time, said Sheriff's •clpL James Broadbelt. Broadbelt Said SheMff's officers had been working on the Laguna Hills case fer about three months. He said officials of Leisure World Corporalion's medical center had known something was wrong several months before that. Pay washer1 Ind dryers weren't making a profit. Broadbelt said the medical center has since placed coin counten on the wubers and dryers to determine how much has been ~posited. Schaar reportedly had a keY~·to open ·the machines but onjy took part of the qiwtera each lhne. · Broadbelt iilerted the accountant had al.0 taken about ''IGO hi cub aQlf checks froRJ<' the offlct where be ~orkid. The sAcriff's captain uid the total· amount mislhlg haa nOt --· 'l)>e in· vesUPtion involved M'ftll1ance and pi:o- cess of ellm1Mtion, the officer f&id. ' He allepq Scttaar took ~ quarten to Las Ve.gas where their elchange woold not seem unusual. · · f Officers ~ &Mar lasl week. He t free oo IUIO'bill. . .' !' JIF:oi•''r Flool! Control, Act dld ,• rid< fiir' """"~ !"d 10 cities Jn<. ai\41beach •htn 5.lluations. Cb!tt'F.ojl~!ll. G. Osborn~ a:s--~. d' / A drasUcaDy ame6decf, ieOOnd pha1e• ID!reclor Forest Dickason and Airport the ~rd that his disttid has a"ays '"'Of Orqe Couat~Y.'•\ ~Ian oC 'air 'M'ana1er Robert Bresnahan back to the beeh1 a~ r,efnalns "tead)" to aid any tr11M1XJriitioA y became airborne pdtawtng l>oard for a much more modeat ~,ctt)r~ at a mOment's .notice. • WedDelday but t wa1 a sh~ takeoff l1lppr1iaal of Orange County's future ·:But ii.,~ .. 1 pl_ty1\. ~_<omm,_. ented, (tba_t that 'mly jult survived aeirch:mg ques-JlviaUon needs and demands. Uonir11 by .cocurty •atpel;Vbors.• • · They ·goe. it In the form of a six-page the ~ncy. I~~·~ • ...-..,. A ltir~man· com)n!rlee's re,,art .. got 'summaUon which will come back to the mitbµgbf' of in f early• nours bf·' the the nod from the board atter a two-hOur board on Jan, 28 after anal-11 O( the n1on\ilig." .. .. inqui!'J that mted ·with, supervil9f's proposal trom Jan. t throo,h"n. Those Flood Control aid to beleaguered beach erpresslng determJnatlon to revlew the stx paaea were. hacked, revised and re- citie& has come In the form of men and further 'JH'OCl'ell of the master plan's vlatd again before an obvk>usly coo- eqilipnleot for sand hauling and anU·i~ second stage with tb6 committee. and cerned board was prepared to acctpl the. undauon work. And Osborne i ~· the consultants u oflinJaa possible. bulk of the. commitltt:'• reconunenda-~!e.ar that the coMt¥ ha~~. · ~ .,• The same board ~ff.weeks ago deter• tiOlll. ~-'"' ~ ..-. "' •rnlnedl1, cDpped' the wings ol a much Scheduted. for ~l<w by the committee it. has dispal.I~ .qn sUl!tr: , •. more amtiiUoua lecdnd phase as en vis-and the Pereira group Is the future rolt "OUr-work~-. . at· agest ·by consultants Williim Pereira and :.i or Orange County AlrPort as a metroport temp(s al; . )....., .----~UllJ Tltet' tent '-tty Admi~..-, and te.neral 1vl1Uon center, the ponfble cessrul, '' he tokt 1su i s. tratJve. OUl:Ctr Robert Tttomrui, Planning civilian use of mllltary alrflelds at EJ I . ' .,. .. ·i J r •• • .. • 1:11-· . \, ' " .. ' , I I . ~ \ .Y Qu~~.l(e.le1. f!il.y G~f .. ff~r; ,G,9Qse ' ' r \ ! I ' ' I By u.uijA~ 11,111>,iJU!lil; ' bej,~u~ ~e'g\foSe ~in-~k~ eij9ii,~url'tii Of"" D9ltr,.... st~ . '! defrost aild 1 my frlefids fro\no RJvetstde A white-haired'. ladf fmM Laguna• will be' here at I o'cJci:ck for ~nK&giVlng Beach ls havirll a happy 'I'hant!r;ivlng dinner and l can't disappaint theht.' because a 19-yur-old youth 1h'om Costa "After 30 minutes the bus approached tr.esa doesn't recognize thef. generaUon the lntcrse¥llon, stopped for the red light gap. and prepared to turn the corner where I Anna Stoddard, of 209 Cypress Drive Is was waiting. I signalled, but the dri~cr 7l.· She tells how her new-found friend,. ju~t haprienOO to look 'the olher way. He Jolin Whytock, helped her get tlle h011<1ay kept right on driving! 1008:' safely home for today's feut with •·1 cried oUt, 'Oh, no!' iritnds: .. ..._ "l had ordered a ~ goose "A youngJJOy who had driven up In his from North Oako(a at. RJchinl11 Lido Volkswagen and' gone into a music store nick a few minutes before, heard me as he Market in Newport Beach, to be r· ed returned to his car and asked what was u~.'This Involved a problem, but J was · the matter· sure it could be solved. I waited for the "I told him my gooife story, bus to Newport for'half an h01Jr· at Aste r · ''He said, '.Come on, get in aild I'll take Street and'Coaat Highway, lhea·walked to you to the market.' the downtoWn. bus station wbere ·it finally "We laughed and talked all the way to arrived. ... • · Richard's. By then I was beginning to see "The coorteous driver gaVe· me direc-lhc funny side of my problem. My friend lions (Or getting the B8Jb0a )>us across caffie In and carried the fro~n goose out the busy highway. There ,.-u a seat at lo ' the car and drove me to the the corner·so I was sure the bus· would Grey hound bus Station at the Arches to stoi), but It teemed to be a iOng wait. check oo 'their schedule. "When the bus didn't come,:•, I said "While I inquired, my friend asked If I quietly 'God; --you have to take ·care· o( would like a doughnut. He bOughl two and this. I mwt get to Richard 's Marke~ asked ii J prererred cinnamon or glazed. l a:;ked which f\e liked best :vid he said cinnamon. We were both satisfied C II. n· • I· t? because l really like the gtazed best. -0 IDS a tp 9~na • "It would be 30 minutes befi;ire the next • . • bus to Laguna. My friend said, 'Come on, ~ASHINGTON _(UPU -Air torce Col. ;. I'll take you!' and away we went, t.Uchael r.olllns, who p1'o~ the ~P?llo I l laughing. We found many things lo talk t:ommaod ~wle on mans fir1t vistt,!0 about, includin8'"some serious things. the moon, may JOOn be titting behina a "My friend told nie his name and said desk a~ the State Departm~t. • .. -... · he was 19 and Worked In a music store at Olficlal so~~ said lh,e 39-Y.ear-old Buena Park giving gult.ar lessons. He astronfUt will be named 8Ssistant said he was free till 3 o'cloCk, Then •he seci,etary of state for public aUaJrs had to referee the sixth grade football yilhln the next two days. game at St. John's. " . Toro and Santa Ana. and the compiling of a master.plan oltme\roports, regional airports and air potkl throughout \he county. Pereira'• tJI0,000 study ls .e1pected to provkle answers ln tenm of the county'• aviation nttdl through lilli and adapta· Uon of esllting aites to cope. with huge lncreasn: ln pauencer Lralfic. • One pcrtlon ol !hal appearod 10 be shol down before the1board lOOk action on the formula when Marine Corps Col. 'Ken;peth T. Dyku ~ Ionian! 10 repeal \he statement be bu offered on stVeral occuions In the hearlnc room; "If you make 1ny fur!hlr study ol our military airfields with a view to joint use or your taking over then you're wast{ng your time !Set AIRl'ORT, P1ge II "He carried the goose into my apart· ment and enjo)'ed my painting's for a while: Thell he said he had to go. I of. fered to pay him. He looked at me and smllep mid said, 0 ll's Thanksgiving.'.' . . ONE GOBB'LER • • j ESC.1-PES 'f 4BLt' WEST PALM •B8ACH, 'rta: (AP)' - •There'• one turkey who .won't cdne to a drumstlcks-u'P tlillil! today. A local varl,ty store has paraacd a healthy bird In Its display wiodows for days. Customers were asked to gu~s I~ weight, the cloteSl esUmate winning U'le turkey. EmpJoyes of lhe store became attached to their new feathered trieod. Con· demntng Wm to a hot oven was more than they could bear. Brother Tom will live In the 0 peltlng sccUon" or Lion Country Safari, a Wtli~ Pahn Beach tourist allracUon. " iµy ~i r.,n .-· May Hit 100, . . Says Y~img. WASHiNGTON (AP\'-Two ""''ton charge mllltary . officers tn VJetnam ' ' . deliberately covered up Ute alleged ?'If Lal massacre and one says the ultimate count may be 300 to 700 deai:f. The senators, members of the Anned Services Committee,-m,ade their charges after Army Secretary Stanley R. Resor gave committees of both houses the most definitive ofrlclal account l<! date of the M~rch 1968 incident. Sen. Ri chard S. Schweiker CR-Pa.), said after the closed-door 'session he ill convinced there was a "premeditated: cove rup of . th.is Incident." He adde<i, hov.·ever, lhat he thought .~ coveru p doesn't go to the ultimate ~op leadership in Vi~tnam . It does go fairly high ~up in the chain of com.mand in the field tstruc· lure. 11 • Sen. Stephen Young (D-Ohto), said of· fic~rs in Vietnam told men of the 11th Infantry Bi:t11ade who wert fin the My Lal area not lo write to their coniresstnen. The senator said officers t'whJteWashed It.'' but that "murder on such a huge scale, 300 to 700 civilians, cannot be whitewashed." ~ep. WllUam L. llicki-(R·Ala .), saia Resor and his aida'lDlsi House Arm- ed Service ,Committee me.rn~rs that. between 150 and 300 Vietnamese wert kitted 11,MY Lai. . Rcsor said the ~l'ply ., is still In· vcstigaling "the 1 extent to which the . members of Cotilpany C 'were acting pul'8llaAt to orden rrom thelr1 aompany commander or higher ~adquarters when !See MY LAI, Page ZI ' .-range c: ... , . . Variable high c Io u d s through Friday but mostly sunn}I days. • INSW li!' TGD.\Y Oranoe Coa&& area retailcra • officiaU11 open the ChrUtmat 11topplno sea.ion to ct a 11 with tome reol(y $~Cial • "specfaI,," advertised in ief¢io111 Inserted in thU Tl101lksglving edition a/ lhe , Dl\ILY PILOT. l r • • ' ~ DAll.T .llLOf 'Blackball' • -. . . . Syswm Set Fqr. Surfers . - • :N~ Beach'• !Miera have won a !\ill ~ '"' good bel!avlor .lhia w•k ~ ttif ._, i,cat slalfbeclns ,lo lftlJO" a . eamtoatlhg lhO ts "" Ud -dening '""1lar -'II . . ... i'l1\' ........ gimrcl(tlle c~ al'- ""':e.ry.r this """"'°"' won mlld1.JIUt < ~uar c<mmeodltii;ln fnm Marine ![ioli:tY llirectot 1lnberl E. Reed Md Police O\W ~amel Glava1 who appeared before City Councllmen Monday. ' Botll Reed and Glavu said the coun- cir s trial broadening of the hours and afeas restrictions last aunmer warted ""11 ad led•!"• airlen '8• a .......,t 1jiee! --who caased till ...... _. .... -yeon •So which sparked restrlcUons. ·Councllmen .....i 11111Dilhouo1y to ask City All«ney 'l'llllJ Seymour to draft the proper ordlna.-eliminating the license f~ Indefinitely and mating permanent S\Jrflng under the "blackball system." J!'ormal councft action will come next lhonth • . :Under that system, lifeguards will detennlne where and when surfing ls safe ~ If conditions waJTant, surfers will ' ijtive to lnve the water if guards hoist a i;1..-Dag with a bloct dot in Ille ctoter. f.Reed Hid that free syatem begin this · mldsumm~r IM alt« the lint three worked well. ._ k-, tho Initial few days. -ad"' aea. a~few probl«ns arose became of. ll!usual weather ccadlUona. , ''Warm, balmy, -aft'"'°""" and etteninp fwnd swlrnmen still crowding ttie water al dusk, causing guards to 1-iist the blackball well beyond 5 p.m .. ~ usual starting time far stJ!fers. tMte unusual probleq! has not. recurred •s far, Reed said. ~early a hundred surfers have ap-: ~red in a group before the council in Acent months to ask for more liberal otirrtrols. : OriginaJJy the surf en had asked for an. -0-day open surfing area upcotast from · J!Mport Pier near McFadden Square, bdt city staff and council agreed that the rttluest was impossible to grant because d /summer crowds. • • "COunei!men Don Mcinnis and Howard Rogers then launched an idea to open up the city beaches under the blackball .,...... with ..... ui>efa1 hours aqc1 ~w the 3-year·olcl'llcen.e 1 ... Starting· time under the new code (in \Vhile you were flat on your back on the living room ... couch watching instant replays afte:r wolfing down several .bimdred calories wotth of T!ilinksgiving 'diruiir lhU Yoolil adventurer was challenging the surf off Huntingt9n Beach. He lost this round. But then, how many places are" there in the U.S. where a surfer can surf on Thanksgiving Day? That's something.U.'·be thonklul f6r. 6Ummer only: in winter surfers can use ~ t11;~~~.r.:,:i~~11il~ .. )1::i\'•a1 meri"' '-' 1 Ch i,J.1 t· -sp u ' i.;. Newport Pier parl<lng lot 8 am. Instead _f ·I ens Of f f,S ' e1iu of 7:30; 'Ille area from 19th to 30t.b We& -1"i'1' •,P.t:r J!l!IO!I[ ...... :-:. -'?:, --;.~ ,, -.,,. ~"-~· ~-~~ 5anta Ana lllQr jetty ·l :ll a.,.;.1o --; -'"' ' '· if• -·~ area north If.Ifie pift ~lot t..-:.,111o:;-~· :-"kS-~ '-. ;;.":,.,"'. nooo and I p.m. lo ..-: All aurling . : . . n· UI: I/ J ng areas would be undtr-~tball control. : . . ~: • . ~ .. ':~ ~IO &be ~AIL~ piJw~ ~· ~qttl~t the ~t .. Tein'.p1J Asse mbly or Gypsy W JJgon Makes Last Stop At Auto Museum · ,., -:. ..... idt~ · . God flock Sunday night; quietly in- .. ~~•&v ·-Five mtm*1's or · flltradng bflore arlsihg 'With' a mighty ~ mtntUt, onetime T~s for ..chrlst . ahouL · • ' · aeet OllC!"' beadq~red in ffl:ai\_µngton ..-"6ne membet , let out. ·a · wanvhoop, ~acb a.re spending Thllnksglv.ing here, , siwfing·I chorul of denunciation of the J101 I<> ~!'II?• Christmas an<! probably · hypOcn.y, of. argaill..,a rtligion," related St. Valentlne s Day. one utonl.sbed congregation member. 11le sell-styled Ch r I s.t I an revolu· The Rev Clyde A Henson said several lionaries began serving terms of 40 to 80 of the ~ed mterlopm in the pen- days in Sacrame~to ~nty Jail Wed· t.ecostal sanctuary suddenly leapt out nesday after ·ple~dtng gwlty to dlarupting from behind the pulpit platform waving a place of worship last Sunday. banners decrying idol worship. ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ;.From. Pqe 1. MY J.,AI ,; . • Uie.y destroytd My 'Lal'~ , tiufictmP and fired upoll its unresisting inhabitants." The secretary said the q1.1esti!>Jt cf orders was one (){ the "critical iSsi..ies'' remaining to be resolved. Resor said it may be several months .before all the allej:atlons in the incident are evaluated. He said seven Anny in· vestigat.ors are ai work in the probe bQth in Vietnam and the United Slates and that 75 witnesses have been interviewed. includifli 26 st.Ill in the Army. Lt. Gen." Williain R. Peeis is seeking to detenninc "t~ adequacy ~ both the original investigation· and its subsequent review," Resor said . Nett' Std9 Seqlat 1 .Pier . Own.ers Get '· . . :¥~~/~·,R.~R~~~. , \;,• . . l ]' ,..'i ' , i • 'iiy JOHN v.u,n:lliA ' ~ .• 1oit: ~ir !Ji/ru••;.;i sUll ·1mportaijl, J. I I• (Of .. '~ ,lllt If.tr • ...:ttr• J1lltaer." .i .., ' t... . • • ,.i • •• ( .. -.J . sb:I aireed 'Ille plilllblllly ol lide~} ... tlir 75 :·-1:~: IJll·cil)»i~i' .... Ne~tlel'i"pif ... ~overCQUQ\]! IO ·blw!,Ji,mi ......,... .<Cl!!"'. Udelli!df-~.mofeildoeplalo~ mlisloi!Ol'.iJJ·" ·~ ,,....1 fu~(J'iedfll!ldl1.by ~~ ~, Illa! '-,n · .~la comi!IU Hafbar '~l:aM!ia ~ ~· i ..,~ I amf _,, .,, t ..,,_,_l:0· •• ;:;:t:;:;,. , ~ ......,.,..;,: . ~ "I sit 'f#•eilf ;l.....iim.., fl: a ....,._ -~ ·'"'"'.' • --. , mee11nt·•ear11er .this -1111<1 111 1111 philosoplUes ol chargru.g. for private use beginning of·the meeting the issue seem· ol public tldelaod.s in Newport Harbor, ed simple, but as I got into tbe city's fee the commi.ssion called for a long-range, ordinance I became more and more con. comprehensive· study by county oUlces fused . and tbe city of. Newport Beach• into the -, "l (loo't thin,k 'Ye should make a . mistake draltfit&. a confusing system ot1 whole quesuon. fees until we have explored every fact The conqnission action will talle the and philosophy completely," he said. form of advice to county supervilora, The nport, Grubb and Mead agreed, who must make the ultimate decision on ·could have an impact on Upjler Newpqrt the matter. Bay in the future , 00 matt.er what plan is elllfl<d 111er aelU.ment of lbe dlapule Com.mJsslonen , heafd ftoin represtn· · over tbilbay exehanj:e. taUv_ea of the coUntY ~ents of real '• properly auvlcea, the chi e I 'ad·. :, ~ mloialra~·· .• m"" and the county. 1):~1-Cavett COWlltl m the ~pt .ol ne.w fees. • ,.....,~ · . Originally, lhe1 intinl ·of lh!\ ,llarbor •:' . .. · . Dilltrlct staff' ~too favoring T' , ·T k . o • ne\V leea WIS fu ,plac< the coonly poniODI 0 a e ver of lhe harh\Jr-UdOlands into a parallel ,' , . ' • basis with the city-adm1nlslered bayfront ~ ·. .. ar:· ~one .. ; .u11 ~ncemect "Bishop Show over tht,_·.c:onfl.lclln&. phllolophies,· have • . _ been aWng for mori infonnalioo OD tho issue.··~ ... , · ' Tbe controtenlal city tideland!, fee me~ in vol VIM a flat flO registration fee a]p:ng wilh a' fonbula for added uSe fees in 'certain cue~.'seems Certain to pass the council's final action Dec. 15. TO augment one concept behind the fees tha commission relied on In· formaUoh Wednesday-from C o u D t y AsSll!:SS!>r Andrew J . Hinshaw. Pier owners complain that the fees are unreaaonabll, tieca~ they are already co~~ting for lheir private use or pub!JC• lldelands through hllher prqperty taxes. · •, The Hinshaw information indeed ahowa that the bayfront dwellen pay more tax- es, but draws no corlC:lualons as to whether the increased taxes should be ~ te.rpreted as tidelands use fees . A $94,500 bayfront home with pier generates ft,891 in property taxes. That sum, Hinshaw &ajd, ia "'48 more than a bayfront ho&me v1lued at market value of $82,500 which hasn't pier rill:hta. The plan which the commlssion ls seek· Ing would specify a complete, general policy on the concept of use f~ for public tidelandl and would~eumine clotely~the i""•· al teailng county land to quasi1'Ub- lic groups a•· totell(fees. The pollcjf therefore, would include the Sea Scout Baae and Orange Coast College's sailing and rowing center, which sit sid&-by·side on 400 feet of coun- ty bayfront property. The rent per year on each of those facilities is $1. Strong concern over the equity of so small amount for so expensive a piece or land has gcen spearheaded by Com, missioner Frank Mead. Mead's motion introduced th e com- prehensive study plan. Kenneth Sampson, county director of hartx>rs, beaches and parkS, conceded thal the Invitation to the city to join in the study "will probably be after the fact, HOLL'WIOOD CAP) -Dick Cavitt, onegme gag writer for and close friend of 'olw\Y C&rson, I. lbe American Broad- casting Co. 's chOl.ce to succeed Joey ~on its·late-night talk show. The show -originating from New Ycirk instead or Hollywood -wilt com· · pete with Carson's NBC·TV program. 1be selection of Cavett was announced Wednesday by Elton H. Rule, president of Aoc. The new show, to premiere Dec. 29, also will compete against the Merv Grit· fin Show op CBS. Bishop left the show Tuesday night while tapirtg a program telecast Wed· nesday i\ight. ' It had been announced 'tarlier in the day that the Bishop show, begun In Apiil 1967, would end in late December beeallll of a drop in ratings. ABC sald guest hosts will take · over until the Cavett show begins. eav'ett's hwnor leans toward the m. tellect:Ual vein but ·he is equally capable ol the homespun variety. Some of his most eno&ina routines deal with his experiences as a native of Gibbi>il, Neb., caught up In .tlle !Vy League traditions of Yale University. He was a comedy writer for Jaek Paar and others before becoming a comedian himself about four years ago. Cavett, 3.1, first appeared on the ABC network in two specials, "Where It's At" and "What's In." Jn 1968 he began regular morning ap. pea ranees in "This Morning," a talk pro- gram later retitled "The Dick Cavett Show." The show was later canceled and last May CaveU began a summer run with a talk program in prime evening time on 1'1ondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Cavett also has served as guest host on the Carson show. A gypsy wagon that earned bands of proud nomads through Europe and the far East and a showman's caravan that toured the United States as part of a traveling circus have been acquired ~y the Briggs ~ngbam Automotive 1t1useum In Costa Mesa .. . They crea!ed such a tumult~ denun· "Everyone wu very disturbed ," said c1aUon of idol worship, siringlng up the Rev. Heneon. . / r---------------------------------------among the congregation al Beth~l The cltqyman~conceded the lightning Tempie Assembly of God Church• demonstration was weU-executed from For The Holidays at Garrett's The gypsy wagon dates -back lo 187&. while the showman's caravan was built in 1900. • ' The gypsy wagon was home to a fami- ly. JU colbrf.ul eltertor'bas with!taod the ravages ol 't!me, and it& intertor rs being restored to show musewn..goers how lhe gypsies Uwd a~ traveled. ~ The C(lravan '(waBOJ!) was part of a train or ·other wagont, all drawn across the country by a steam ltac*"1 engine. It remained ln use unUI last yeaf. The In- terior is walled 'With mirrors, and cut- glass and etc.bed designs adorn 1he doors and windoWa. DA i~\ '"LO I ............ p u,, ..... --· ·--c..-c••fiP,l•A OIWllOI! COU1 ............. COlllMJft ReMr1' N. W..4 ---J•c• IL Cwt.., vir.........,.. ... GtMr• ,,.,... n-. ic .. w-a .... Tii.111•• A. Merphlnt -·--c.te ~ -..,, '"Strttt ....,, "9dl112'11 ..... I ............. "'-""' lllcll1 nt,.... ·-tit Aar ltDt••-- After~low Service at 9:30 p.m., that one the tactlCal standpoint, but he was plainly worshiper collapsed. against SU.chlcarryings-on in the name of w ff . SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ~i::::;::r~r~~n~:1t~~ :::~~~~"~:"~~r·~= ·e are o er1ng on many listec:t m ser!OIL'i condition.. Eisser11tr' ~need judgi::nent· on the DINING ROOM GROUPS Jaded, while 15 other Chil,dren·of Israel Children of Israel in s a er r a in en to -as they are now called escaped -Municipal COurt ~ were James Ballister, 21, "Happy" "But· here ~r boys ar·~ beJ.ng torn d GAME SETS WoUla, 21, and Ralph Ahern, 2.1, plus two apart by Commie gunf~ in Vletr\am to an others. whose names were not available. give us r.rtedon1 ol wor#hJ.p llld then Ballister aod Ahem are wanted along right hen we allow somet.lUng like; this " with a dozen others who face sentences he lamen~ -· . ' stemming from convictions followifig a "l just cU't stand ito" he~ded. Costa Mesa school demonstraUon early this year. The n e w 1 y proclaimed Children ol Israel marshaled a totally new strategy From Page 1 AIRPORT .• • and the taxpayers' money." Col. Dykes told the board that the Marine Corps is •itself pressed ror space at both terminals and recently switched some ol Its training programs ,to Yuma, Ariz. "We're going to be here for a long. Jong time," he said. "and if we wer~·t we'd r~ject your proposal on the grounds that military and civilian 1:1se of one air· fleJd is absolutely indompatible with our requiremtnts." · · . Su,pervison: left the joint use section in Ille study ptogram, 'SET MORATOIUIJM' Dan Emory of Newport· }teach urged ·lhe aupervlaors to 11'.;'hibll w furille< exi:w nslorf d Oranae County .4.hjort ~ ill aervice1 unut the board makp Its final decilion ... 111< • proposed m16lu plan: ·~ · Coast Re8idents To Attend Meet Of Ju~rs Group Seven Orange Coast residents are among committee members of t.ht Or· ange County Grand Jurors Association scheduled to attend the recently formed .organization's first annual meeting De<:. 4 at the Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim. Among those electing officers and adopting by~laws at the noon meeUng will be farmer grand juro~s Jim Ber~re, Donald Colegrove, David Ring, Leslie Steffensen, Gerald L. Wefner .and Mrs. Thomas . We~er of Ne~ 9'ach and Mrs. lk1en Keeley of Laillna Beach. Richard Vii Basse, rorenan of the 1968 Grand Jury •. has been named lemparary chalrmU' 0( Ult ,roup. Tht.organizaUon wa1 formed and named lut May 11 when 38 former grand jurors atlempted an ,inaugufal metling in Orange County Superior ' Court. .!l .. . ' Immediate Delivery •·1 urp ~ to ~tare 1 moratorium now on Orange County AJrport servicet," the noist abatement advocate . said. "Freeze thb county with regard to the airport. operation so that when .lhe stud,y is complefd It will still be vaHd. "This ls a politically expk>slve decision and It lhoukt be made by thJs board," Emory said, warning supervltor1 th•t Orange: County will be attracttng 2SO mllUon pauengers by 1985 on the basis of 11ucttes which lndlc11te thlt county facilities will be handling only 150 mlt. lion persons. The group bu extended invitations I<> Superior Court Judgts Samuel Dreizen and Wllliam Speirs of Newport Beach; Supervisor William Hirstein, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supe!'- vi!Ol'S and Mayt>r Calvin Pebley o( Anaheim. • Basse said the organitation la "prim~ lly almed 'at· giving conUnul\y .and i&sl&t· ance to grand jurors and to promote the education -or the public and ornce hold<" ers In the function and purpoae of thtt grand jury system." H.J.GAl\l\FfT fURNfJURE • • 1PllQFIS$t6k>.L IHTllllOI OUIGNllS • , 2211 t-IAlllOll. l lVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF. ..... 0111 • Cliff Robert...,, lhe Academy Awa rd·winni.ng actor, has called on Americans lo donate $9 million for the Starving children of Biafra. Robertson announced the cam- paign Tuesday at a New York con- ference \Vhere ·he presented. $25,000 already raised to the Joint Church Aid, a relief organization running a clandestine food airlift to Biafra. • Three·year-oLd Lori Jean Bowen of Columbus, Ohio, visits with Greg ltlorris, star of "J\Iissio1& Impossible," o,jter the National Easter Seal Socie- ty nomed the littl.e blue-eyed, blonde 1.he National Easter Seal Child fo r 1970. • For $7.50 you can get a Thanks- giving dinoer in Ne\v York City. No fish, fowl and flesh are on the menu but there will be plenty of fruits and vegetables. At least 100 persons are expected to attend the Vegetarian Society of New York's Thanksgiving dinner. • "'.Yery qiscrirninating" is ho w As1emblymi1n Hi1rvt y Johnson descri.bes the burglar who entered his Sacramento ap.ari.meqt. He n o t e s that only his best posses He notes only his best possession s were taken -and a large number of narrow ties were left behind, the kind nat in style these days. • ~ -~ ~rit~~~fi1:is~r-f~r cu~t:re.-." ~ l\1rs. Je nnie Lee ·wps the guest r o/ honor opening ·night of Sus- ' sex University's new arts cent· er, but slie arrived half an hour .! late. l\lrs. Lee was showri the , tlieater's new regulation1 wh ich 1 ruled that no one could be seat-~ 'j ed d1tring the action of the play. t 1 J She woite~ ~notlie~ ~our in the i foyer u11td ud.erm1ss1on. . ·-_J._. r r '• ' 'l • Schroeder \\•as in paradise Tues· day night. A caricature of the ''Pei1nuts" cartoon serial 'v a s perched atop a 2,200-pound cake in San Francisco, banging at his · pl· ano and looking up at a four-sided pictures or hi s hero. Schroeder's creator Chi1rl•s Schulti cut l.h e cake at the event sponiored by "The Committee to Celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Ludwig Van Beethoven." IJeiri'..venlJe• . -' ~ • Laguna· Gets ·~~~~· " " Woman Officer By BARBARA KREIBICH Of "" Dtltr ""' ,..., A former borne economics major whose interest in people and their problems was piqued by a college psycboiog)'0 course has joined \he Laguna Beacb Police Department as it.8 first woman offl-:er. · Carlene Ambrose, 29, liad scarcely given pollei! wOrk a passing thought when she was graduated from La Puente High School and enrolled at Mount San Antonio College as a home ec major. A required course in psychology turned the: tide. After a year at 1'1oont SAC, Carlene moved to Glendale, landed ·a job as a bookkeeper and launched her new career by enrolling as a police science major in' night classes at Glendale City College, '4'ilh psychology as a minor. The next move was to switch the daytime job to the communi cations desk at the Glendale Police Depart- ment. Carlene held lhis post for 17 months, geUing plenty Of practical ex· perience to supplement her studies. HA VE PROBLEMS Talking to the many juveniles brought intc> the station by Glendale offi<:ers, usually runaways or youngsters en- tangled in the drug scene, Carlene found that the cooversalion usually led to "problems al home." While the juveniles usually blamed !act or parental interest or connlcls with parents ror their troubles, many ad· mitled, she said, that the real "problem" that Jed them into drug experimenls was too much free time and not enough in- teresting things to do with it. "You'd be surprised how many did they started using drugs in that rouple or hours they had to spend alone at bomC, or visiting friends, between the lime school let out and their parents got home from work." Most of the drug users, she noted, seemed to be youngs'ters who had failed to develop any outside hobbies or in· lerests to hold their atlention in this free time. GLAMOUR ON ,ORCE CarleM Ml:trote, 2t munity's JOOlh will help ,brlclae.,lh<: 1ap between 6tudents and la)Y enfotcemeiit officers. : · "They have inviled us tO attend tome of thelr student govermnent meettnp," said the new officer, "~ wt' }:ios>e to be I able to accept &JY Invitations .we.aet to talk with -.. studenl group<!' · · · 1 • One of the flrsl questJoos ttie .wdents asked. Carlene said, was "Will you wear a uniform?" "I'U have a·tmifonn," she tok1 them, "but I don't expect.to wear it Vf!tY much. J prefer dresses." . • The name and addrm of botli tho sender and addttssee should be enciotetl In each 1Jfl pal'eel lo Jl<{mll · f<!•~rtl tlon in cUe,ot..damqe or Jou of Ille • atde label.s1 the ~tmasten: $aid. . 541~•· arriveJ at . . ~~~~ION :) ISLA~D center mall :toMORRow · -· FRIDAY 1'0 a-.m .. • ' I: • \ . . . "I know it really Is hard for parenls to keep a home going without both work· ing," she said, "but it seems lo be also extremely important that they are in- terested in what their children are doing. It's very sad to hear the kids say, ap- parently quite truthfully. 'My folks don 't care v.·hat I do.' J guess we all need 50me encooragement and appreciation.'' Employment of 1ht new poUcewoman and expansion of the juvenile program is VCf'Y much ln line with tlle views of Laguna's new police dUet AU ·58 $lORES OPIN 6 NIGHTS I . Carlene's new. job in Laguna will find her working '4'ilh juveniles and with v:omen V.'ho become involved in police · matters, either as vicUms of crimes or as law violators. In the juvenile field she will work with deflective Alex Jiminez, who has carried the load in this department almost single- handed for the past 15 months. for the time beh1g, her college studies \viii have to be suspended. The first re- riuirement of her probationary period as a swom police ofricer is a 10-week course of study In basic police procedures at the Police Academy established at Rio Hondo College. This course will begin in mid· December. Ne~t yea r. she will attend the Delin-. quency Control Institute at the University of Southern California, oo a scholarship provided by the United Churchwomen of Laguna Beach. Jimenez will be attending tile iDStilute in January on a similar scholarship. When the preliminaries are completed, Carlene will resume her night school· col- lege studies to attain her degree in police sctence and administration. Meanwhile both .she and Jlmtnez are taking the first step!! in what Chief Ken- neth Huck hopes will be a steadily ex- panding program in juvenile crime prevention in the community. They have appeared at s p e c I a I aossemblies at Thurston lntennediate Scl'lool to explain the new plan under V.'hiCh one o{ the juvenile officers will visit the school grounds at regular, pre- announced intervals, to get acquainted witlt the ·students and discuss whatever problems they may choose to bring up. It is their hope that establishment o{ a more personaJ relationship with the com- "\\'e urgently need ·8Clrtlething to offer these youngsters, especially first of. fenders, Jn place of a trip to Juvenile Hall," says Huck. "U they 'continue to violate the law, the Hall ·is always there, but it's.much be\ter to exhaust other methods of helping them:" Huck is an enthusiasUc supporter of youth counseling programs that can be conducted outside .the law euforcement area. "Let's face tt, we~e the.~ guys," .he grins. "We're ~ to improve that pic- ture, but I'd certainly like le> see more support" filr (J!'OflTa{!IS Ute the one al the Assistance League and the one at St. Mary 's Church. Thil ia where you really can reach the kids and their families." 23 School Groups To Sing Carols On Plaza Mall Carols sung by 23 different school d>aral groups in Orange County wUl ring through South Coast Plaza beginning Dec. 6. Performances wi ll· be given twice nigptly on .-the shopping center's mall every evening except Sunday. The Dec. 6 performance of the "Singing Ou'lstmas Tree" by the choir from Western · High ·Schc>ol, Aniheim. Is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. All other perfonnan~s will be given at 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Below la a list of the high .schools and colleges particpatlng: I Pi1clflc Co11t Hlghw1y betwHn J1mborH & MacArthur · L----~••••••••••••••••••••-.••••••••••.--~--~ . ' H_olid.ay Glitter From The Chri1tmas .. Plac-e ~ . '• . . Ifs time to pt 1l1tttrln1 wjlh 11111 ol llna jewelry from P.1nnl)'L Ruf holiday nlu11 with sp1rkl•· to "'"'' A. lvlm AemrDft.-Jt rimr lllffl wlndlna! -StZS.00 I. 2 diamonds! 17 }lwtl1 •lt111111tdri111 DrlCfo ltt ;y a111m.-s u.oo C. Cmvtllt •rf.., dlttr wllfl npalUIOfl bind. S 21.n· I. 141 lolrat brtctltt wfUI "Dllt To I""""° bet"' cbtmi. _;__ 24.U. L 14ll -tonl .... a.kt of "'11S.-.$ 4.11 '· '""~ didt "" In iJamlllfl 1()1( .. ~.-·1 ti.• I, DI.,,.;,, llld ..,, .llillll rintl In IOI( plL ..4 tUI . .,,. . .•·1 ''·- ., .. r) { . ,. ... ; . " ·.' r . ' ... I • ' Gas Tax for Roads Only? Dec. 6, Western High School~ Anaheim; Dec. ·a, Saddleback and Costa Mesa ffigh Schools; Dec. 9, Pacifica Hiih School, Garden Grove, and. Orange Coast College; Dec. 10, Valley Hl1h SChool, Santa Ana;, Dec. II, Maignolla High School, Anaheim and Bayview Elemen· tary, Santa Ana; Dec. 12, Loara High School,• Anaheim; Dec. 13, Los Amla:os ijigh ·~i Fatmtain Valley and·Corona de! Mar High Schoof. I. lusttm C\llturtd ptlrl rint tl'lth ·Ketnt '11mllld. _,.$8 .IO I. 12-411. dlMtr rinf. Thi sift lht'1drNIMd oll $110M I. Boldly llMdsOl!ll di1mond rinJ lii14K eold.-$t:is.ia I. JCK brldll ltt with 2 flel)' df1rnondL _SJJS.00 L Dl1mond Ibid •rrinP. Thi perfect lloOUf ' Supervisors Not So Sure A mc>ve to gel Orange County's en dorsement of a statewide resolutim which urges that California gils lax revenues be clcVoted le> highwaj: CO• .struction and maintenance this wetl!: tan into a solid road block vigorously manAed by at least two Orange Cob rl t y supervisors. ~ . The issue survived for f u r t.b e r discussion by the board on Dec. 2. But it seemed certain Tuesday that if the ~on goes to a vote the Automobile Club of Southern California will not get the unanimous backing it looked for before the meeting. Both Supervisors David Baker and Robert Battin condemned the auto club's move for support. from Southland coun· ties and both branded the action as being dtpigned to line up county governments apinst factlom seeking to u!ie the road f\VKfs for antl·smog measures and-a5 BaWn suggested -for development o{ m111 rapid traMlt. Baker rejected the auto ctub;s argu- ment that divers.ic>n of the: gas tax revenue ,woyld amount to "misuse of motortslS't' money" and w11rncd the board lhat It faced "a far differtnt slluallon today than when this measure was a~ proved IO years ago.'' The act commllUng ga.s lax l'<Yef'\lei lo highway coostruction and maintenance through the California Fr:eewa)I and Ex· pressway System was passed' Jn 1959. ·1t was defended : Tii..aa~ .. 11y the "'"°'club as still effective tn a resolutkln whidl noted that tess than .m percent of the aims outlined at the meaM's passage pad nol been fulfilled lO!lay. · "The time has come !or tis le> take a broader loot at thil issue," Baker said. "We have these lleri"lendoul problems created by lhe autdrooblJe and ty"e have the means. lhrqh (hese fundil, to poiisJbly'cofrect some if nOt au of UJem. "This is lhe laraesf.. $in&le ,.IOW'Ce of revenue and it's the bett source tf we'ce going &a.apply these funds to related pro- blems," Baker said. "I can't see how we can possibly go along with Ibis resoJu. lion." Supuvitor William Hir1teln deferred the matter for one week to enable ·the board to get the conunents of Roa4 Com· mlssklner Al Koch on the auto ~lub ~ ,,....1. "We shooJd hear Mr. Koch on this t>e- fore we take any action," he said. "We need to hear some technical backgrGUnd on this partlcular lifiue." He &ot a parting shot from Baker: "Why conllnue It? I auuest that we table. ll." ·Dec.. l~Bolsa Grande, -Garden Grove and' N6'i*rt Harbor High School: Dec. 11 •. Sanbi Ana Hi Ch ,sdiOol ll!d Orange High _School; Dec. 17, Pacifica High SChool. (l~en Grave and El N.'odena High .Sc1!<Jol, Orange; Dec. 11, Magnolia H!Ch Scho61, Anaheim and Westminster High 'Scbo\>I: Dec. II, SL Barbara's Catholic Church adult choh:; Dec. 20, Santiago High School, Garden Grove; Dec. Z1. El Modena lllih School, Orange. Mesa Golf Club Claims $85,000 Fire Damages Damages totaling more than '86,000 are beinj: asked by the Costa. Mesa Golf and Country Club In a Soperlor Court lawmlt filed this week. Named as defendanll tn lhe·-=tlon are the South Coast OOn:ltructloO Compony, Jim Lee Inc., and the Parker Wat« H<1ttt Company. JJ, Ali,.~.:'.;~~~.:-':~ Ulation equipment at the munic ipally owned club, 1101 GoU Cow'lle Drive. · The club blames defecUve OC!ulpment and lnttallaUon for a fire which calJlfd extensive damage to the· prtmlta Nov. 28, 1167, only 1 short time lfi.r k ..,.,,..,, 'IHI• STOlllS OPEN SUNDAY TOO.l 121DSP.M. • llftl • tlOJt .. Munitkfllt ditmaMI' iOtlftlrt· ... . ' 14" pi. ~ ·"" ·$'11. ·~ct tndude• Olll ttOl'lt. AdditlClllll lll&M ntl'I •tdt. LAT AWAT HOW POii CHlllTMAS . ,CANOGA PARK S,e t I Tr-. .. ft. Die: ..... .._... ei: ... w.tMt, .. __ • DOWNEY F,ULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH • LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ,j ' .. J ' • l I • ., • • l I ! ' I i I ! . ( I ! i • J Operation O.J. -; Wiv~s Jog and Quaff Orang f! ~uice~ ~ Operation 0 . J. (£or ocean jogging and ~an&e juice) Is trot.Ung Jnto lta third healthful week on Laguna's Main Beach. with' an enthuaialtic enrolla:>em of 20 Laguna housewives, up to •dozen of their pre.school children and one baby sitter. The brainchild of 1he city's new Re<ireaUon Department, 0. J. swings Into action at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdayir, Offering :M> minutes oC w a r m up caU!thenlcs, joggln1 and/or walking for a mile or two' .up. .am . down the Main Beach and a hearty aet¥1ni or orange juice.· 1 "It's freshly squeezed -. no 1u11r!" emphasize• instructor Sindy Betta. For the· real dlehardS, there's also fJin add!Uooal ses&ion of voJleyball on the Main Beach courts outside th~ old Boys• Club whlch serves as headquarters fot the joggers. The lady Joa:gers ranae in aae from youthfully slim to comfortably mld- dleaged. All agree the program hu made ·them ftel much better. "It's great for this area right here," explains Miss Betts, a UCLA recreation . ' graduote, btdlclliq her ollapely hip<. > The Jopen ooivld ont nialor -le problem by chipping In for• a jolnl ~by sitter, who witcbM their yourtgsten nqr the beech play .,.. whJle tlie mamas. job. ~ CUddllt>I her 1oun"sl charl•. 1-montli-; old Dun Ledltr, litter. Chri8\ln• Gran-~· dulky, a 11-year-oi&LasuniBeacb Ills School student, aaya cheerfully, "It' really quiet tqda~~ I ,onty bav~ sevenj Some. days I get 1.1rand jt's pretty ~llq, wMn they all Co f#l. tn diffettnt. direc~ tlons ••• " Grabblng .tlie baby, obJ light,f oul atter·a Z.yeaR>id bent on cbaslng ~ seagull into tqe waV.. . Chtistine's best cu11torner Is Mrs. Wllllom "l>ed&er who, In add~lon 'to ~bY, Dean, brings sons Clark, 4, and Grant, 3,\ to the jogging sessions. M06t of the time the youngsters J'liy happily in the sand, biit once In a while a· toddler decides he can't bear to 1te' mama disappearing over the horizon. ' If that happens, he's invited to jog along. Usually one round trip is enOugh to convince the junior jogger that U's smorta'. to say witli tlie baby sitter_. Cage at Pirate's Cove ·Called 'Glating Eyesore' A Balboa Island man told the city the steel cage closing off a clve in Pirate's Cove resembles "a rush COnstruction to confine some weird creature that had ~n crawling out every night and deivouring people.'' this y.ear to seal the caverns off com· pletely. Finally, a c<irnpromise was worked out · ljfwhich iron grids with gates would be built. The cages will be opt111!4 during the summer daylight hours~ LAGl/NA'S JOGGl!'<IG MAT.RONS KEEP PACE WITH HECTICURBAN LIFE BY APPLYING THE 0 . J. PRINCIPLE ' . J.W. Parks. 1504 S. B'ay froot, told the City Council the caae. erected earlier this fall lo k«P lawbreakers from ta.king ad- vantage of the· darkness and seclusion, was a "glaring eyesore." The police department ha& the ktf. Parks suggests scrapping the iron cage and using natural rocks and mortar to seal up the small entrance completely, ' UCI Library to Keep ·' on Growing "Not only Is it an eye&Cf'e, but It is completely unnece11sary," Parks added. New ·Wing Doubles Capacity But in 2 Years More Space Will Be Needed "The nighbnare of an iron cage can on- ly represent the workings of an addled or corrupt bureaucracy. "T<1 make matters worse," he 11ald, "someone has decided that the cage should be painted with the result that unsightly paint has bttn splattered all ovtr the rocks in. and around the caae." Handel's Messiah Slated 011 Dec. 7 The Santa Ana Collea:e singers will presen t a free perfonnance or Handel's Messiah Sunday, Dec. 7, in Phillips Hall lor the third consecutive year. The UC Irvine J.Abrary, geared to serve as a primary intellectual resource for the community as wtll ' ai a basic campus library, ia expected to outgrow ita newly compieted wing within -two years. Librarian John Smith indicated today. Construct.ion completed lhls fall neai'ly doubled tlie copaclty of•tlie Ortgina! wing by addil'I& a "Siamese twin." The east facade wu removed from the original wing, tht new ~ture~ add~, 8!'11 the facade wu ~~ dutitlg the tl.7 million colllWcllon projtct. However, Che building is 11Wt used -in part to hoUle the campus administrative offices oo ,. the flrst and fifth floors. AdmfulitraUve twx:tlona have expended into these ltvell in he new wing. The sec· and, thltd and fourth floors in both wings house the library. Public tours ol the new addition to the UCI TOUllS SLATED Public tours of the new addition to the UCl library will be offered at an open b6use Thursday, Dec. 4, from 3 to 6 p.m. The event is spon110red by the Friends of the UCI Library to mark completion of the new library wing which virtually doubles the building capacity. Some or the collections contributed to the Library by the Friends will be on display. Included will be memorabilia o( Oranae County's famous early-day resi· dent., Madame lttodjeska, the Polish ac· tress who butlt a home in Santiago Can· yon of the Santa Ana Mountains. AccordJng to Eric Strutt of Newport Beach, president of the Friends, new ap· plicaUOftl for membership will be taken during tlie open bo.,.. Library growth plans. Smith pointed out, call for the library to take over the first and fifth floors in two years. H()ftver, plans for construction of a stpatate administration building for the camjJl.is are unce.rtain because of the statewide tighlening structlon fu nds. TOP PRIORl'l\Y of Uni versity con· _The librarlln noted that accelerated growth cir Uit library Is a top priority recommendation by two accreditation t~ams· which have r~ently visited tile campUs. AddltionaL1ibrary sj>ace eventuall y will. be Provided with the constructiol) of j' b,!OomedlcaLUbrarY,~Vlni tlie .blolo~al scleilcts and the medical school..f"alid a physical sciences library serving the phyatcaJ sciences and enainet'rlng. These needs preaently are accommodJted in three temporary faciliUes around the campus. The UCI *library book coileCtlon ,now number · 3f(l,OOO volumes with almost 60,0QO neW book acquisilions during the last fiscal year. However, Smith said, the library still falls short of its assignment to support the broad variety and number of graduate sludies and research programs which are being con· ducted. Doctoral candidates. professors and others still must reach to UCLA and Berkeley lo find the breath and depth of library resources they need. VITAL ROLE "The library is playing an essential and vital role in the academic program, both for instruction and research,'' Smith said . ''but for the variety and scope of graduate programs J.rvine has, we should now have about 1.5 million volume.s." The pressure for constantly expanding the library collections comes fron1 several directions. increased enrollmeni -currently expanding at a rate of about 211 per cent a year -and additional pro- grams of study and research are not the whole story. The rapidly growing fund of information in all disciplines both in America and abroad -sometimes described as the -"lmowledge explosion" -must be taken into acccount. Ca•la, Merclaan(l,ise Wo11 Journals. a main means of keeping abreast of current research, are in· creasi ng in nun1ber and cost each year. The Irvine library now is budgetlna a~t $160.000 a year for approximately 7',SOO journa~. But Smith points out that UC Uttktley receives 50,000 joUrnals an · nually .' SPENDS $500,000 The UCI library spends mi;ore than $500,000 annually for boek acquisitions ani:t another $Ul0,000 for the medical library. "Not all of this ls spent on current publishing. \Ve have to fill in retrospec· Uve gaps -classically important books and journal backflles which we have not yet obtained," Smith noted. Yet, even conJidering its shortcomings as an academic resource, the UCI library is nol only central to the campus in· tellectual life, it has become one of the mosl valuable of assets to the intellectual life of the region . In add ition t.o the use given the library by studt"nls and faculty, meinbers of the comn1unity who are not directly con· nected with UCI as students or emp\oyes now acCOUflt for nearly 20 per· cent of the book circulation. Teachers and other professionals use the library extensively. OU-campua b o r r o w i n &: pri vileges are extended through me1n· bership in ttie communltY 'aupport group. th e Friends o[ the UCI Llbnry, with a membership fee of $10 annually, or by a direct fee of $8. (Smith' preters mem· btrshlp in the Friends becauae of the rlirect assist.a.nee this group Can provide to the library.) High school students are e1tt!T1dtd rree borrowitig prlvileaes, if the.Ir hlJh school librarians certlly they are In need of material not avaJJable in their own school Pigskin Picking Pays Off _ V~!t Is certainly a household word in 50me homes in the Orange Coast area. Tl\~se houses belong to lhe winning-est contestants of the1n all in U1e DAILY PILOT Pigskin PICKEROO, those .who made the top 10 In the plck·lhe·winner football contest twice in 10 weeks. These winners took home dual prizes · contributed by the W. J. Voit Rubber Corp. for their pilskln picking prowess. Altogether, the contest doled out StOO in cash and ft,116.90 in Voit merchandise to winners. No contestant took first place more than once dW'ln& the IO.week contest, but 6tVttal made the top IO twice. Clycli' Slililtilw of 19302 Bethel Cln:le, Hunlincton Beach, look the top prize in the seventh week of the contest by pick· lni It oat ol IO winners. Ria brotlitr, Tooh. made it inlo IOtli pike. the .ame week with 17 winners. Thtn Ci)'de ttpeated In the ninth week wltli a set of picks which earn'<! him flflh pl1ct. Other "top 10" players who won twlce durir\a the contttt included : Nonn Borucki, 463 Los Robles, L•i;un11 Buch: Stephen Boice, 3MlO East Coast Httbway, Cotona del ~tar; Sidney L. cavanouih, 24621 La Vida, Laguna Niguel; Robert Figelra, 24631 La Vi~;i, Lag.una Niguel; and Gregg f\'1iller, 2:156 Ca rob St., Newport Beach. Roberta Nev.·combe, 2047 Calvert Ave., Costa Mesa, was the only v.·ornan lo \Vin first place but several fen1ale han· dlcappers made the top 10 during the contest. June M. Johnson of Costa Mesa shared in a four-way top place tie In the aiJth week. First place winners for each of the 10 weeks of the contest were: Rocky Di1'on, 4'0 Cabrlllo, Costa 1t1esa; Allen W. Jones. 2311 Westminster Ave .. Costa W.esa ; Tom Casey, 2007 Kewanee, Co:ooa del Ma.r: Bill Cuey, 7812 Rhine Dnve, Hunttnaton Beach; Btett \Vhlte, 8392 Giford Circle, Huntington Beach; Gerald \Valton. 3130 Cork Lane~ Costa Mesa, June M. Johnlon, 706 Joann St., CO.Sta Mesa, Mark Johnaon. 706 JoaJU) St .. Costa Mesa. and Stephen Boice, 211~ Sherlngton Place, Newport Beach -all four in a four-way tie for first in sixth v.·eek -Clyde Shin.taku . Jt'l302 Bethel Cir· cle. Jlu ntlngton Beach, Robert a New· comb<-. 2047 Calvert Ava .. Costa J\,esa ; Ste"e Ryan, 2020 Kornat Drlvt. Ct)~la 1"tesa : and R. 0. \\1yal\, 1697 Lllbrador Drive. Costa ~1ts8 . Ent ries canle rrorn lhroughoul lhc Oralise Coast area . 11n~ contest pea}ied in lhe ninl h \Yeek when 482 players entered; ~n average of 343.8 p\ayer5 per week tried for the prizes. Here's 111 complete list of \Vinnrrs. broken down by cities, for lhe entire PICKEROO suson: libraries .. Smith is quick to point out the intertsl taken by citizens of . the ~mmunity, particularly throush the Friends. This support group, now one or the largest of its kind in the stale with a membership of 700, has contributed substantially since its organization in 1964. Its initial gift in 1965 was -a check for •10,000. Since then, contributions in money and books have been In eicess of $200,000. not counting the many hours of volunteer work v.·ltb special projects and programs. The cage In question covers the small cavo opening in the rocks which leads into the cave's main chamber and out the huge cavern mouth facing bayward on The 2:30 p.m. C<10Cert featuring more 11lan 100 voices under direction of James S. Vall, SAC music department chairman will include soloists and group song. -.lhe . litUe .beach. Police, citing alannfng tncreaseS in rates of en-ests and Investigations for narcotics ahuse and sex crimes in the cavern, uraed city councilmen earlier The SAC evening chorus. choir and e<1n· cert chorale will be supported by a 27• piece orch8stra directed b y Con· cettmaster J0&eph Nardulli. Aceompanist will be Mary K. Vai1, \\'ith Jack Miller assisting aa the organ. IT'S ALL FOR KIDS • A.ND IT STAR!S TOMORROW , , • , , IN THE MALL AT . HUNTINGTON CENTER *************' MARINE CORPS CHRISTMAS U.S. MILE-HIGH DEDICATES TREE TO TOYS FOR TOT5i OPflClAl TRll LIGHTING CIRIMONT AND INTllTAINMINT 7 TO I PM PllDAY, NOY. 28 MITCHELL MARIONETTE CHRISTMAS SHow- ITUTI nlDAY, NOYIM81R 21 THRU DIC. 16 SHOW TIMES: MON. thru FRI. 11 AM-1 PM-3 PM-7 PM SAT. 11 AM· l PM· 2 PM· 3 PM SUN. 11 AM· l • 3 PM INCLOllD MALL IHOPPINe COMPORT WITH llALL Y GRIAT HOUDAY Gin llLICTIONI h111 55 FINE MERCHANTS INCLUDING ,INNIY'S, ,THI .. OADWAY I MONTOOMilY WA~D OPEN SUNDAY 12•·5 ' AN!:! DAILY MONDAY THl!J SATURDAY 10 TO 10 •••••••••••••• llAQt It.VD. (HWT, at) I ~ll. AT THI SAN DllOO PWr. I •• ~ " • -----------____________ _.L.__ DAILY 'ILOT I • sy·P~tl lriti rlandl May Co, Costa Mesa wiU ~ qpen Sundays noon 'til 5 p.m. Shop Sundays from now 'fil Christmas. i Every mercbandiSe de~ent-and the restaurant will be open to make your gift shopping easier! ~a.tch it, Harry-you're a.bout t?, e&t the remQte- control gadget ••• CHECKING •UP• Backaches F ou11d Among Jobless BY L. M. BOYD the Soviet Union. she is kno,vn COMMONEFT AILl\IEN'f as Baboushka. 1 among men looking ror work THl\T CATS have two sets is lhe backache ... Al\f ASK· of vocal cords is '.10t widely ED WHAT a.circus lion eats. known. One set they use ror About 30 pounds or horsemeat meowing, the othe r for growl· daily •.• THE YOUNGE{\ the child when tested, th e higher ing ... JUST AMAZING· how the I.Q .... AVERAGE D IN-many people can't tell you COl\tE of the lop t,000 ex· v.•hether the green or the red ecutives natla.1wide is $87.000 is al the top of the traffic light a l'ear · · • \\'OMEN WHO , •• AS TO WHICll continent GEn' headaches outnumber men who gel headaches by three to one ... WllA r ·s the only state over y,·hich a fore ign flag has never floy,'n? That's Idaho. I DON'T KNO\V l h e significance or this, but It's mighty odd. When a man scratches his forehead. It's almost a scientific certainty the scratch strokes made by his fingernails will be nlne- lenths or ir.1 inch long. Dr. Theodore Cornbleet discovered th is peculiarity in his studies at th e Illinois College or Medicine. Expect f u r t h e r r eports on Dr. Cornbleel's discoveries as lhey break upon the news scene. · CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. -"Who invented catsup?" A. -Some Chinese fellow, but y,·as formed first. am now ad· vised the oldest rocks known 011 earth were found in South Africa. Your questions and com- ments are welco1ned and wiU be used wherever pos· sible in "Checking Up." .Addre.!s rrtail to L. ltf. Boyd, (n care of DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calij., 92663. Quarantine May Be Cut Next Time .. his name escapes me. The word catsup comes rrom the SPACE CENTER, ltouston Ch. k lh t Q (AP) -1£ the Apollo 12 1nese, now a . . . . -"HOW MA N y CATTLE astronauts are foWld to be were in those Old \Vest drives free of alien organisms, future from Abilene to Dodge City?" moon explorers may be ex- A. -One maybe two maybe cused from the thrte·week three thousa',1d . . . A. _ quarantine now in .force. ''WHY DON 'T CON-Nolunarbugscroppcd upin TRACTORS build houses with the men of Apollo 11 or the unattached garages material they brought back anymore?" A. -Now lhere fron1 lhe Sea of Tranqullilf. you have me. Will inquire. The Apollo 12 moon landers MANY A TOAST has been sent doY.'Tl 800 miles away, In offered to honor the genius the . Ocea!l of Storms, aod who was firsl to put a sugar space scienllsts say there is a coating on pills. But rarely ·do far-felclled possibility a weird you hear his name. It was f-orm of life might exist in the William R. Warner, a different environment. Philadelphia druggist. The They don't expect to find significant event occurred in any, but they're taking no 1356. Here's lo Mr. Warner -chances. clink? A CL J ENT INQUIRES, ''With idenUcar negative ln- HWho invented kissi'.ig?" This Jormation from two missions, is not the fir st time the ques-we might propose relieving the lion has come up. Here's what crew quarantine after Apollo the Old f(l.rmer's Almanac 12," Dr. A. D. Catterson, a reported on the m at t er : l\fanned Spaceflight Center ''When we dwell on the Ups of surgeon. said Jn an interview. the girl we adore •.. What 1 .. ·But It depends how th lngi pleasure in nature Is missing? go on 12." ••• May his soul be in hea.v'n This night's 21~ay quaran- -he deserves it. I'm sure . . . I be I Th sd Who was first the inventor of l ne gan ast ur ay when Charles A. Conrad Jr. and kiMlng? · · · Master Adam, I Alan L. Bean blasted away verily think, was the man . . . from the moon's Ocean of Whose discove ry can ·.1e'er be •urpast . . . 1'hen since the Stonns and jojped Richard R. Cordon Jr. in the command sweet gan1e with creation ship Yankee Clipper. beian ••• To the end of the world may it last." Like Apollo 11 astronauts ·IN SOt.1E PLACES, you Neil A. Armstrong; Edwin E. may be surprised to learn, Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collins, Santa Claus Is a woman. At the Apollo 1% crew will gq least the tracllllonal bringer of direcUy from the sJ)ashdown Christmas presents Is. In Ila-to a quarantine trailer on the ly, she is called L.a Basana. In aircraft carrier USS Hornet. ******************* MERCURY SAVINGS and loan associatioo NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 10A.M·.-4 PM. Open llall.·Jllln. 9 a.n1.~p.m.; Fri. 9 l .IL-6 PA IUINA 'ARK !9UlllT11118TD• llACN llerCUIJ S...ings Bldr. " Mert"'l S...lnp 81df. Vallq V"ltW at lin<~n ~. Edin1tr 11 BolCll ********* ******* . , ' . famous make butane . lighters in silver or goldtorie Gleaming bright silvertone or goldtone metal, executed in a series of stunning designs: Shaped tall and slim, the lighter is lit easily by the side mechanism. Comes in velvet box. values 11.50-13.50 4.99 may co men'• fumishings 80 famed make cuff links with semi-precious stones Choose from jade, onyx, sodalite and others. Or, you ·might prefer gleaming gold-tone or silver·tone .melal designs. Each set comes in an impressive velvet s.ift box. va lues 7.50· 10.00 2.99 m~y co men's fumi~hings 80 ... distinctive leather wallets by a famous designer Make you r gift shoppi ng e~sy. Look at all the gifts you can buy here in one quick .stqp. And • •~• look at the ·sav- ings! You can choose from a vast .se~lion of superb qual ity card wallets, coal·pocket wallets, billfolds, pocket secretaries and key cases. All are trim, .slim styles in your choice of handsom~ black or brown grai ned leather: values 7.50·15 .00 3.9·9-5.99 may Ct> men's furnishings 80 may co south coast plaza , ... aiego fwy at bristol, cosla mesa: 546-9321 shop monday thru salurday 10 am lo 9:30 pm I I I ' I, l ' ,; . • •. .. ; I , : ·' .. ,; ·, • • I ! MAVCO l ----:-;:--------,..------------------------------------. ------· --- • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE News for Turkey Day In this day and age. it's not uncommon to bear the plaintive cry Crom readers and editors alike that there just doesn't seem to be any ne.wa except bad news. Jn.. deed,. some days the headlines do seem rife with de- struction, death, tragedy and violence. Yet here we are on Thanksgiving Day. This should be a time of happiness; of family reunions, of good old times revisited, of turkey and dressing and all lbe trim- mings and a feeling that there are pleasant things now and lben on our old troubled planet. So today, we would like to consider some items in the news that are light, perhaps frivolous, maybe worth a grin or chuckle and sometimes even that rare belly· laugh -(which, we are told , is good for your digestion -and ours!) Here are some sampl~s from recent pages ol lbe DAILY PILOT: -Tom·tom beating Indians, who recenUy captured the old prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco· Bay as their own because it is "surplus federal land," were quick to offer a helping hand to lbeir paleface brolbers. They immediately established on the island a "Bureau of Caucasian Affairs." -The 32nd District Agricultural Association, which governs the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, conceded that it was no use for them to operate a "cour· tesy bar" on the 11th floor of Disneyland Hotel during the upcoming Western Fairs Association convention. Last year, the !air djrectora recalled, nobody would climb lbat high just to get a free drink. -Mr. and Mrs. Kyle l\ayfleld somewhat startled lbe San Joaquin County Recorder when Ibey registered their new son's name as Ricky Franklin VW Rayfield. Ricky was born in the back seat of their small foreign sedan and lbe Ra~lds allowed as how Ibey ·j;ut liked lbe ring of lbose initials. -Workers remodeling a lower section of the White House in Washington unearthed two old underground rooms and were evidenUy prepared to find the worst. Nothing ·I Mvitabw'· About Suicide Tbe thing about a pendulum ls that it's unhappy resting In the middle; Its nature ts to swing, and the slightest push sends if gliding from one end ol. its arc to the otiler. As we know, there are "pendulums" In thought as well as in the physical world, Perhaps the most famous elBJDple Is the "heredity versus envirorunen1." arru· ment., which OVf!r the centuriet bu swung violenUy from one extreme to the otiler. We are now living in a highly "en. viroomental" period, thanks mostly to • Freud and other researchers, who have d-.ted how em-Olional and 90Clal C<l!ldllioning can deeply alter a penon's whole pattern of living. 'This was a necessary and wholeeome r e a ct I on against the "heredity" viewpoint, which 1 wu too biological and fatalistic to fit the facts of hwnan interaction. Birr NOW THE pendulum has swung so far to the other Bide that we tend to deny the existence, or profound influence, of constitutional factors affecting the course of our behavior. This modern viewpoint, I believe, is just as absurd and one-cided as its predecessor. Last spring t wrote a paragraph sug- gesting that, for the most part, suicides Dear Gloomy Gus: Found a great new investment - putting all my money In tua be- cause it's the only thing sure to go up. __..,. ...... -.... _.,.,.,, ""' ,_ --............. o.!Pr "'"'· are born, not made; that circumstances may triQer off the act of suicide, but a constituUonal predispoliUon mull have been thero from the beglnnlnc In onler to precipitste .. act .. contrary to ...... I recelftd muy letten " objection to this remark -aJmoot all ill U>em poin- ting out that aevere depresaion la the tyP.cal cause of IU!cld•, and !hat this 11 i psicboloclcll, not a biological, ortalD of the'ICI. OF COURSE, TBA T II perfectly true, but It bas no beart111 upon the staitmenl I made. I would be the Jut penon to deny the vast imporlance of envin>nmenl, and interptrlol1al relaUontblps, In driv- ing 80Dl8 people to aulcl<le; but the cru- cuil question 11: why do some neurotics and psychotics take thia way out, and others .(faced with the same bleak Ufe- atW.tloo) find different ·ways of coping? Just 11 we are born wtth differing in· tellectual and physical capacities, so we are born wlth dlfferlng abilities to adapt to atreas. Some innate constitution.. are stronger, « more fle:Dble, than others ; as we can clearly see with children, some penonalltles are crushed by adversity, and others are challenged by it. 11>ere is nothing "inevitable" about suicide, but the latent weakness must be there. Policies for Teaching To the Editor. After being In our educatirn system for the pasl 11 years, I have some sug gestions as to a possible shift in policies in the teaching of elementary stud~ts. I feel that th.is proposed policy change, H nationwide, would yield few yippies and hoodlums who are walking the streets to- day. My propooal dea1s with the teaching of the three systems of government: democracy, communism and fascism. One of our gravest errors has been that YoU take each of them to the fullest ex· t.remes of good and bad. For 11 years I have been steadily indoctrinated alocig the lines that democracy Is lUy-white good, communism is a ~ile black, and I was never taught anything about fascism until last year. WHAT 15 THE RESULT of sucn in- doctrination? I learn all of the strengths, but none or the weaknesses of our syatem. I develop, unless I'm 3'.1 tnisually ldealiSlic child, 1 sort of paranoid rear of communism which tends to warp sltuatiOM way out o( s}Jape. The final Tesull, and probably the most dangerous, is that I know absolutely nothing about the insidious system lurk· lng ln the shadows: fascism. Another result Is that of disillusionment wtth our system. To heaT educators Lalk, the United States is a utopia where everythlng Js good and there is nothing bad anywbtre. When a chOd hears this ud !lllOlly ICC<!p\a It, Ind then Ubl I Joot at our &hettos, Appalachia, polluUon and a bolt Of. o\her problems, all results of the ftrY human traits or lfMd, pride and prejudice, what ls he goln1 to think? t . KNOW OF TWO main ructions whlch rtatll from-this di.Sillm:lonment: apatl>J or rad!Wllln. Either the ·child Jun -.on't cart (ts long as nobody bocben him he'• happy) or he'll bccou1u udlappy with our 1y11tn1 and look •llrwbtre ror tomethtna better, possibly 111 his era:. communism. He figures if -..re ii so much bad in lily.white Atntrlca, m1ybe lhtre ls a lot of unseen llO'd in vi~ comnu,mism which is being hpl from him. The results are hoodlum -- Ma.ilhox , .., ,, .,, ~·-"'""'--·~:,;,;..,_,,,_.. . ) llh11'1 '""" rffdln -wtlcome. Mormtlf'f writ· '" &houkf tonveY lheit mtu11tt In lOO -fh or leH. Tiie rllhf lo ~M ~rt to fl! -e• or !'llmln1t1 libel It r.nrvtd. AH letMn m111t lnc:llldt t i9neture •rd m1111.., lddr11~. but Mmft mt'f bf Willll'>tkl on ,,.,,,." II *""lcltfll re1aon 11 11t11tr11nt, gangs like SOS and the yippies. Of course, this radicall!m comes b varying degrees. I consider myself a member .of lbat group in a vasUy more middle.of-the-road sense. THE FINAL l\ESULT is a · constant threat or an Insidious fascist takeover. Knowing nothing whatsoever a b o u l fascism or its stealthy melbods of aneak- ing up on our government, the child, when he grows up. has no defense agat.lsl it. George Wallace proved that last November. Every vote cast for hi!! ''law and order" is documented proof that we have no prottcU011. lte operated on the pure Ignorance of the people and got an unsettling percentage of the vote. For the last 600 words or so I have tom down our methods of teaching govern· me:it. You may ask, "What do you pro- po!e to do about It?" I'll tell you. QUITE SIMPLY, wi!al l .propooe Is that you giVe an t.hrte l)'ltemt "equ•I t.lme" throughout the child 's tducatlonal career. Compare and contrast all three systems and let the child choose for himself. I'm c011fident that, If taught hones Uy and intelligently. 99.9 percent ol those children will embrace our system, with open arms. Nol only will they thank God for being In America but they will see the problems we are raclng, and tutead of Utrowing up their arms ln despair and not caring anymore, or trytng to t~ar do~'n everything, they will be tqulpped lo face ~ problems Intelligently and mature- ly. DA VlD COWNI E But Ibey happily reported not a single skeleton, political or otherwise, was found beneath the chief executive's manaion. Just some old crockery down there from the days of President Franklin Pierce. ~In Laguna Beach, the. onc•infamous Barefoot Bar, where wicked, wicked ways were alleged ·to pre-- vail along the beachfront Boardwalk, is up for a new lease on life. It will be converted into a Teen Center. -New York art dealer Stephen Hahn selected a poor tune to meet with other art sellers on the problem of thievery in galleries. While they huddled to make strategy to combat crime, thieves walked off with $500,· 000 worth of Hahn's artworks. -In this day Of the nudie movies and "X" ratings all over town, one motion picture of a dlfferent ilk has been retired after making $112.4 million at lbe gate and $50 million in profits. ; It iJ lhe heallby, happy, "Sound of Music." The Sound will be reissued for more non·x rating profits in 1972. -California's Stai, Department of Unemployment Is grapplinB witb a new problem under its rule !bat says folks drawmg checks need only seek ,work in their cbo&· en field. · • . Now what do they do wJlh nudie taV8rn dancers whose chosen field has been ouuawed by local law- makers? -And linally, we bave Huntington Beach policeman Darrell Klopp, who got locked ou! of his patrol car by the very fugitive he was pursuing. The escapee was Charlie Ibo raccoon, wanted by the SPCA. Charlie locked out lbe law by pushing down lbe doorlock button. .But even this one has a happy ending. -When linally recaptured, Charlie gave officer Klopp a loving nip on lbe ear. Happy Thanksgiving! 'We hear ·that :you have the ridii:ulnus idea that freedom of tlw• press includes the richl to criticize our adminiatration. • Groping for N~ Directio11s Challenges for the 1970 Decade By HOYT GIMLIN WASHINGTON -America enten the 19708 groping for new directions but still · bearing the burdens of the previous decade. Trouble at home and abl'Old in th~ SiJUes shattered many ol the ctr· talnUes with which the decade began. No period since the Depression Thirties has so undermined the country's seU-con· fidence or been so hard on prophets and problem.solvers. ''The Sixties posed problems, but the solutions to them were left up in the air," Michael Harrington bas observed. "The Seventies will deal with them, or else." Americans hear almost dally that time ts running out -to save the country from racial strife and the passions aroused by an unpopular war in Vietnam ; to save the cities from crime and decay: to save themselves from the dehumanizing ills of an advancing age of technology. VET TllEV SEE prosperity all a.rounj! t b e m and share in It more than ever before. ··we have heard nothing but despair and seen nothing but progress." Thomas Bablngton Macaulay wrote in 19th century England. His words apply today but with this difference : "Progress'' in 1969 has often meant a jet- port which its neighbon did not want or an unneeded freewa y through a park they tried to save. The most spectacular engineering triumph of the 1960s, and perhaps of all time, the maMed moon landln1, had Its detractors. They asked why the billions spent on the space race were not applied to social problems on earth. The put decade was, in short, a Ume of change, dissent and upheaval. SOME SOCIAL CRITICS professed to see in the 1960s a return to the cultural protest or the TwenUea:, with its short· skirted flappers and gin drinkers, and to the political protest of the TblrUq. Proleat withered in World War U and failed to revive in the "silent FiftJes." When it did revive, they say, there wu a flood Ude of pent-up anger. The several currents of dissent., protest and radicalism ID the 19&05 tended to reinforce one another. Two main streams can be 1dentified as youth unrest and the Negro revolution. Both were exacerbated by campus opposition to the war and the draft. By the middle of the decade, the "old" civil rights movement ot sit-ins and non- violence yielded to "black power" and its base-shifted from the rural South to the urban ghettos of the North. Lerone Ben- neti Jr., a senior editor of Ebony magazine and professor of Black Studies at Northwestern University, maintains that the "black power" phase is passing and that a new and ltill undefined phase is in the malting. THE DIJtEtTION of student diasent is equally uncertain an~ foreboding. The latest student-organized antiwar rally in Washington, on Nov. 15, was the largest to date. But administration officials claitr. it left no Impact upon g1>vernment policy makers. Alide from peace and racial equality, the aimJ of American protest have been d1mly staled or understood. The target of attack ls often a vaguely defined EstabliJhment. Both church and state have suffered a "crisis of authority." The Protestut world has been chun1ed by a radical turn of theologic31 debate in which the very existence of God has been auestloned. Catholicism has been buf- feted by cumnts of reform unleashed by Vatican II. Priests left the church by the S('(Jre to marry. Those who remained challenged the autocratic controls of the bishop's office, and bishops in tum asserted a right to be heard in Rome. A RECEN'n.Y published study of the Lyndon Johnson years 1965"68 noted that whil~ extremists challenged t.radltional governmtht processes, the great ma· jority in the center felt uneasy over the NATIONAL GROWTH, 1960-80 "' • 1960-1970 INC•lASES -1970.19io PROJICTIONS ., m r·,..., • • • • • • • • • " POf'ULATION LA801 FOICI G.N.P. COLllGI INIOUMlNT • .. • ' • ., • • • ' ' ' ' '• ·-• .. --: .. • "' : SlllOUS CRIMI!• ' • ' • ' • • ' ,...,...., ...... ., ti c.,.,,.,., .... ,_ "' t. ... Ste!0.1;... "'"'""'" "..,"Int •'91 INOIX Of SIYIN Ao--.i.~. htleuol ,.,._ti 1Mre11ie-ti... llADING CllMIS, apparent impotence of those processes. "E1cessive faith in the national govem· meat may have been the tragic flaw" of the Johnson presidency, Congressional Quarterly's Congress and the Nation (Vol. JI ) states. "The reins or authority that appeared to be slipping from Washington's hand may never have been there." Jn keeping with Republican philosophy, and perhaps his own national pulse tak- ing, President Nixon has s p o k e n repeatedly of returning to the states, cities and communities the decision·mak· ing powers that are "rightfully theirs." Plans such as revenue-sharing are sure to be heard more fully in the 1970s. Yet, most of the nation's problems seem to re- '''°"'' quire solution on a national scale, if in· deed solution is possible. POLLUTION OFTEN recognizes ao slate or even national boundaries. Mau's ability to save his environment may become the utmost challenge of tbe Seventies. A chorus of scientific opinion hold$ that in the coming decade the growing population on earth must cwt> its propensity for despoiling the land, alr and water with Industrial and body wastes -or else it will be too late. If history can be categorlted at 10-year lnttrvals, the Sixties may well be labeled the Decade of Dissent. And the Seventies are likely to become known aa the Decade of Decision. Leftist Prattle About 'Freedom' One of the habits of the latter-day Bolsheviks is to spea k in riddles. l"reedom in the United States isn't really freedom, Professor Marcuse ponUficates to the wotld from his well-endowed and cloistered sinecure at the University of California at San Oie10. It's slavery. Beware of bourgeois society's tolerance, he warns, it's "repressive tolerance." This brand of Orwellian newspeak Is ef· fluent from the minds of a cult of brazen cultists whose view of freedom Is a col- lectivist state with themselves In charge. A REPRESENTA11VE ol thb clique, Thomas Forcade or the Underground Pren Syndicate, spoke last week in San Diego at the convenUon of Sigma n-.J:a Chi, national journalistic society. JI~ .,_, attempting to promote the absurdlt,\ ~ •. :1t there IJ "damn Bttlt'' prea hedom Jn the United States, while compounding the lie by trying to portray the Soviet Union as the bastion of liberty for the editors and reporters of our time, a bit of In- telligence he acctpll unquesllooinaly B11 George ---, CONFIDENTIAL TO T 0 M JONES : Change the name and get something disUncl.lve -you'll n1>ver get anywhere in show busln~s.s like that. (Sorry I couldn't nnswcr soontrj l"m a bit behind in my m~U.) from a professor at the University of Moscow. ln a saner time, it would be un- necessary to respond to such pitlf11lly in- accurate nonsense. That kind of drivel ordinarily would be attributed to someone with a slight impairment of his mental faculties. Today, unfortunately, there are some naive and uninformed people eager to believe the worst about their own country and to accept whatever some pseudo-intellectual charlatan f r e e I y spews from mouth or pen In this "enslaved" society. THE FLOURlSHINO "underground press" in this coontry, with all its lurid and vicl ou!i criliclsm of "the establish- ment," Is a crowning refutation of ~fr. Forcade's preposterous argume11t. we dare Mr. Forcade to go to the Soviet Union and call the finit militiaman he meets a "fascist pig." We dart him on that an.me visit to sneak his printing press into the country and publish the Soviet version of the. San Diego Free Press or The Door. Soviet cltb:ens guilty or far less serious offenses are in Siberian prison camps because they had an idea they Wllnted to ~-.:press Ideas \\'hlch dl!ferro from the • ---------- doctrines espoused by the Communist Party leaders in the Kremlin. What glorious "'freedom of the press" did they have? LISTEN TO TIDS account of Siberian prison life described by one 0£ the of. fending V.Tilcrs in an ''open letter" smug· gled out of the Soviet Union, not publish· ed there: "Our food Is lnediblt. monotonous and contains almost no vitamins • , • "We the undersigned have been In prison for a tOtal of over twenty-two years, yet during all that Ume, not one of us b a s ever received even 011e • • • package. ··The people in the camps fight the cold wi th any conceivable means at their disposal : all or our warm things were taken away from us-sweaters, jackets, etc." Worse indignltie!i could be cited. OH, WHAT A JOY It must_ be to prac· lice journalism in the Soviet UnlOll where cltiiens with something to aay scribble their notes on toilet paper if necuury and se.rui them by courleT to Western pr~scs for publication. Sniveling agitators and carping pro- fe~rs who say and write anything they please In this. the most pennlsslve socle· ty In the world, and then congeT up these lnct'i!dible fa ntasies about I.he tack of freedom, are attempting to dcmoralb:e the American people eo they Cin push lhelr ow n rejected nostrums ooto the gullible. If the.re Is such an abundance of free- dom in the Soviet Unloo, and such a paucity of it heTe, one can only woMer why Mr. Forcade. a Canadian, clx>M to pracUce his proression in the United States, and why Professor Marcuse, when he fled his nat.lve Germany, selected this eitadel of slavery for refuge rather than that bastion of freedom, the Soviet Union, which was so much eloser. 11le Dally Calllonla El Cajlo ----- Thursday, November 27, 1969 Tht editorial J><19• of thf· lloilp• Pilot seeks to inform encl rCfm.. • iaau rtodcra br pr11mting thU 'MUISJ)Gf)fr't opintonJ CJ1ld Com.. mtnia.ry on top(u of ittttrea& ,1 and signifitance, bu p!'OVfdlng • fOfUm for U.. •"1"•-of our reader11 opinfon.t, and bf pre1enting iht diOffle vitto- pohlit of in/orrnf.d ob11rvtt1 and ipokennen on topici of Oat ®u. Robert N. Weed, Publisher •i " • J ' ,, ThtndlJ', Nawmbtt 27, 19" DAILY "l;GY 7 Seientists to Proteet· · Seaweed ' . SMOKERS lobster. tbey~e atill there,'' says weeh to adjlllt to anything new In their envlronmenl Special ·Notice "Whenever the urchlns ad- jtlll to the kelp and begin to PALOS VERDES (AP) - Eqineen . whole company f~c:med the A1:19Do moooshot hardware are volunteering 1helr 11ystems expertise to j ' make the sea sat" f o r --~. •. 1llelr p!IJll! . ~ •artlfklal Then -.nobody knows why Ccnstantln Laclddea, one of -the water. heated by a few the TRW SystetnJ engineers degrees. The kelp withered planning a kelp renaissance. away and fell victim to its He and other aerospace voracious enemy, the spiny englneefs pooled the$!' thinking sea ureb.ln. as the TRW Sea Divers Club. NOw the urd:dns have Point •'Tbe •first.s{ep was to devise that eventully fllh a n d lobster will be '*"ptod to make their bmies in the cran- nies," Lackidea sakl. 0 We'll plant the kelp oo the n>cks In such a way that the spores (aeeda) will fall inllde the cir- cle, eventually lll'>Winc Into a giant kelp forest." Nelllng WU! help protOc\ budding kelp from theurd>lna. feed co it, we'll pull the kelp The NaUonal Anti S~C out of there by dragging the Council guarantees to help chains to another locillcn In you stop smoking wllhln ten ~ !! ii .l I ~,: USIA Turns Center Into Coffee House \ti!:NNA '(AP) -The U.S. InfOnnatiorf Agency is reviv~ Inc ·~ by_turnlng part of Its Amerika Haus into a Vienna coffee house. In postwar Vl"'"8 the ccllee house became more func- tional, a place to drink a quick cup of coffee, One after another made room f o r espresso bars. 'Mle new coffee house at the Amerika Haus seeks to be a meeting place in the old tradition. Other at- tractions will be ,exhibits, a not ·aOO,I · inov8lile ,uDdenea pnlen lo give kelP I chance to ncabi lts'~•Place In nature'& balance~' Kelp !Jourlshed In giant, writhina: underwater: fOrests off the aoothern Loi Angeles CJciiuntY coast until a (ew years ,-A&'O -a borne for Countless '1ea creatures like fish and Vtcetll• Cove virfually to . 1 habitat w!iicli would reautt In themaelves, other creatures the syrtematlc ~evelopment of having departed u t he tr/ a.kelp garden," Lacldde111ald. homes were eaten away. Club volllrrteers are building Why do the orch1na remain a 1$-foot wide circle on the and pro 11 fe r at e?· Some cove · floor made of specially biokltl;iat.s believe th!l live on cast concrete bklcks. garbage and other pollutants. "We've designed It oo the "That's the only p.lauaible blocks will have caviUes fae> theory we've heard W h y Ing ttie outside ol the circle, so What kelp CIJl1 be proi.cted hy neltlq wlll be •11ved by mcllillty, Lac~ea I I yo , achieved hy allachlni kelp clustera to •· cha.in. . Thia strategy dependJ on the urd>lna' laking I\ leul three The O.ristmas -ollldolly begins right hn 1tM1au-. the ·cow," · said Utctidea. da S. · - '"lben lhrae weekl later we'll y be back qatn." . If you tried to break the The clrele la IO be !lnilhed habit before and couldn't early hext year and the Let us show you how euy prdentn1 wtll go :,,, unlil the and •imple It can be -Call kelp forest la big enough to 642-4163 or 6711-5127 for free wtlhlland urcilln depradaUcn. consultation. Do it now thll But thll'• not the end cl the could save your life. club'• syltematlzlna. AU. STOl£S a'EN 6·NIGHTS A WEBC FOR 'WOtJR SHOPPING CXlNVEN&ICEI To ma"9 ii easier far you we..,. loadocl the .-with grwat .. ""J' ..... glllll BIG DAYS TO SAVE AT PENNEYS, THE CHRISTMAS PLACE 'Ibe coffee house once was a culturaLceQt;er in this Danube city. Franz: Schubert and other famous composers wrote music tn such places. The waltz began its triumphant tour of the world from the "concert ctfes" which dotted Imperial Vienna. leoture-«>neerthall,alibraey ~ ............................................. ~ ..... ..:...~ ............... ~~...-.......... ~~~~...-...-...-.......... ~~ ..... ~~...-~~~~~~--·~~~~ and a room where youngsters can sit down on the floor and discuss things. THESE PENNEY STORES WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS . . . . 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SAN FERNANDO e SANTA MONICA . ' •TORRANCE e VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA •WHITIWOOD • WHlmER DOWNS Pennc1rest® stereo · sale! Great Ch~istmas Buys! THRU SATURDAY ONLY SAVE $50! "Spanish Mediterranean• style stereo console with'sliding dOMS NOW$31 ·9 REG.f369 • Sorod -amplifier • 6 speaker system • Garrard changer • S eosy·fCMl58 controls • Ver1ical record storage • Handrub- bed aak ven-on hardwoods • 51" lon9,24V."high, 19" deep • SAVE'100! "Spanish Medit.,...1an~ styl\I ...... __..with ..... to ..... ~ .. NOWs3 99 REG. ~99 •So~ -..;;.,im.r • 6 opealcw .,-• Garimd cJ....., • 6 controla • 3 .,,...i -tape cled: • locludn micn>phane. tape and -reel • Handrvbbed pecan wneer on hard-m • Ill' '-71" high, 19" deep . USE PENN!YS TIME PA'YMINT Pl.AN .,,.,..... MOOBH'"' .......... _.. .... ...a .. _...,._., ..... s.m •...... NOW$19t BUENA PARK BURBANK CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA COLI.EGE GROVE CoMPTON CULVER CITY DOWNEY FULLERTON GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON PARK INGLEW'ooo LAKEWOOD LONGB.EACH LOS ALTOS MClKI'~ ~ VANNUY8 VENTURA WESTCH'"ES"'ll'l!JI• WEST COVINA \\ 19 Mut Sign Other Obstacles ln_Awm Control UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. Ind France -each with (AP) -Despite, U.S. and nuclear we&PoDI -mnilin Soviet ratiflcaUon of the trea.. outs.ldt Ule pact and that a ~c1:UU::.~. -S:: a:! dozen nations with nuclear other obstacles to overcome potential are delaybg ratifica· before it can become fully ef· tion. lective. U lllls situation cootlnues It . . 1be least. perhaps, 111 get· · could seriously linpair the ef· linJ 19 addlUonal nations lo fecUveneu• of the treaty by ratify the pact, thereby fumu. pel'lilltUng · addltlooal coun- i~ requirements for brlngmg tries to acquire n u c I e a r Jl mto force. weapons. The action by Washington CANADA SIGNS and Moscow Is expected to • give the necessary push to So far Can.ada Is the only COU':ltries that ha}'\ been one of the nations with nuclear holding back unUI t.6ey made potential to adhere. Sweden iure the two leading 31clear may follow 90CT.l and West ould ••-~ 'to the Germany Is commitled In ~~rs w 8~"· rlnclple to ratiflcaUon. but y. . -_,_ -- ' c~ t:o work out aome pro- BRITAIN APPROVES ... • blema with its allies i11 The pact could not Mve Western Europe. entered into force anyway un-Japan has an election com· t.il it was ratified, by. the Ing up and public opinion i.5 United S~, ~ 0. 'Soviet divided, which may cause an Union ancf.; Britain. 1.Briiain Jndefbiite delay. India and gave its flDll :~'-°me Paklitan are riot happy about time ago. '# · : : _, ' the guarantees promised by Uf'IT ....... Daily Life Must ~o .On . . .-1 PEPPERDINe COL~EGE ,. .... announces that ' THE PEPPERDINE SCHOOL OF LAW (fot1111rly Or,•nto U11i.,..nlty) IS NOW RECEIVING APPLICATIONS FOR THE SP,{UNG TERM BEGINNING January 26 For lnfornUtion contact THE OFFICE.. OF THE . DEAN THE PEPPERDNE SCHOOL CF LAW I ' , 12-3'45 Westminster Santa Ana, California 92703 (71'4) 531-8581 AppllcaUons should be on Ille before December 20 It .-hil i4 "of the 43, the United Stales, the Soviet ratifications needed 1t1d ~ Union and ·Britain for he1p in bably will get the-.others the eVent of 8 nuclear attack. Business goes on as usual despite the fact the driver Jo~t ~ontrol of bis car. He was charged with reckless within months.. Some like~the 'Ibere ts another difficulty in of this car plowed through a plate·glass window of dr1vmg. There were no injuries. · Read the Stars With.Omq.rr Soviet Ukr~ -~ . tbe Middle East. With tension __ d_ru..:g:...s_to_re_in_CI_ev_e_l_an_d_._P_•o_lic_e_s_&_.d__.:.W:...ill::iam=:...C:...rock.:..:...::•:...r_ 1 , __________________ _.!. ______ c__ ____ :.._ ____ ;:....~ russia are 1o,:-act al a-high pitch between Israel quickly. '1~f~~~· an:d Its Arab neighbora, most 1be big probl*ni:. aN the countries in that area are sit· !act that ~i-China ti:lg tigbt. ., An Is r a e II r-====='·~~=;;;;;;J BPOkelm.ll) Mid, ''We are· stUl • ..J .todytng ll'< problem." An.ti' Turkeys Go on Table Be_cause of Stupidity ASK ~ I' '" • diplomats say no addltorial ·' 1' ratifications by their DOCTOlf....;.c._ _.,m,..i.,_ be expected FOR A DOcTOR under present circumstances. PACE SL-OW ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) -Dr. Howard Zindel , .. TlllY GIANT, I.Ph Your ph1r1n1ci•f 11 • 1p1ci1l0 ht In cli1,.r11l119 medic.int•. H1 h11 th1 k11owlecl91 required to 11f1ly fill 111y pr11cripti11n your phys,ici111 "''Y c:1U for. W1 c:1rry • con1pl1t1 1lock of meclici1111 11141 h11lth 1ld1. Yoor f1mily phy1icia11 1ho11d bto th1 vtory first penOfl \'ff' bin. lo for 111y q1111fitu11 1boirt,,.., 1w11 or your family'• h .. lth, ·~ 1a1111 h1 is an 111pert on .,.. 10,,.tlll h1tlth Cltl, hi ii ht ... M1t po1ifio11 to 1cl¥i11 you wt. .. t the 111"Yic11 of 1 1peci11i1t in 1111 p1rtic11l1r 1r11 lftlY be ti•, quired. v,,., eft.11 •11 llln••• 1ymptom hi on• p•tt of th• bo:' dy lll•Y indic•f• • probl•m 1h•t , i• •ch.i•11y •'••wh•r•. 1 YOU OR YOUR DOCTO• I CAN ,HONE US wh•11 yoa n..d • d•liv•ry. W• will d,liv•t pto111ptly without •rlr• ch•tt•· A gr••t 1111ny p•opl• ,.ly •ll · vs for th•ir h1•lth 1MH1. w, I w1lcorrt• t•qu••h for d•llv•ry I ••ro•ice •rid ch1r11• •ccou11h, PAIK LIDO PHARMACY U1 H..,Jtail lloH H•port a.ch 6'2·1580 ,,.. DllllVWJ In vt..,. of tbe· fact tltat 90 An expert _on ·the history of the countriea algned tbe trealy AmerJcan· · Indian says the when lt was appnwed by the tiirkey probably ~came the U.N. General Assembly 18 tr a J 1 t ionai Thanksgiving months ago. the pace of chairman or poultry sclenCe at Michi gan State University, ' . . said It is probably true that a turkey is not as bright as a chicken. raUficaUons has been 111rprb-centerpiece be<;ause it was too bgly slow. StUpid to run aw11,1:"8nd was However. he added, the Only two Latin American easy to catch turk~y of Pl1-im days had en-countries -MexJco a n d ' · ' ag~ Ecuador _ have ratified the Also, said Gertrude Kurath, countered too few men to have treaty and not a single Asian the ·1ndians, "who worshiped built. up a Jear pt them, and country unless you coont New animals in &·wa-J, didn't seem the more experienced modern Zealand. Iraq and Syria are to have too much respect for day wild turkey is quite wary. the only adherents in the Mid-the turkey." Dr. Zindel postulated that die East. From a m on g Africa's •t countries, four Mrs. Kurath,. who has writ· the first Thanksgiving: turkeys have ratified. Bot s w a n a. ten several boob' on Indian were .~uit.e bony and weighed · Cameroon, Mauritius a n d CU8ioml> &nd;iiatory • said the around JO powtds including the NlleriL I~~ provided the Five Soviet bloc countries birds fcif \be -first Pilgrim feathers -a far cry from the ~ edhered to tbe pact bmft the 1'Mmblfvln.g ttlebration, a plump ones whicb com'e out of loylel' Untmi oCfo4. Tbey are ~ aflalr wbidl be(ao the store ~p(°freezers these . P~land, Bulgarta, '.Dec. 11,.1821. dayo. ' CJediaolovjllda, Hqary aao -:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~~~-;:_-:_-:.,-f Mmigol!a. Wesfml European .- adhei<nta 1 are Austria, Den· ft mark, Fiilland. Norway and Iceland. I . Altboup ·France refuses to · Join the pact, It baa made It : enna.•1 c-" it Wtll abide by ils b1r.1 . ~-., on . tlJe ,dlsaemlnatton . of ALWAYS_..QUA\JJV nuclear .,..poni to oonnuclear • · :t-:~u:.~ : , ~·come. in now, any .,,.. control measures. +bafort 'tile rush, and save! HAPPY H••• • h •pp y we•k•MI. Start if by re1clin9 the WEEK· ENDER h1 tt.1 DAILY PILOT. C,;:iKt:t:l ll'lb From "Our F1mily" To Youn. At Thanlc19ivin9 time we pause to give thinks for the m•~Y ble11in91 we have ra,eived. M1y we also t1k• thi1 1ppropriate time to thenk you very much for your confidence and friendship, and to wish you • bountiful and pl1111nt future. • From th•-lteff of ChVt.. H. Barr Jawel1rs ';:. Mirr ol\4 O.uck l1rr :Juli• w.u ••• n Don11• ll•c•m•n J••nl• W1n9•l•t Jo•11 W•lah Tony Switt• Tn.rdy M•.Connlck M•rY Sh•d•t Ev•l'fll l•u•tlll•l•t•r ''lilli•" 6wynn ••bin l•wt1nco .. tty litchi• J ••• w1111.m1ori -. I •. .._ j ) ,. ' /fir '¥-' ..:*•zr ••""" ·· ---- HOLIDAY SPECIAL! Beautiful 11x14" Christmas Portrait of Your Family ••• the gilt that'lcHpc on 9lvin9 • 695 ONLY · . Now'• the tflH trO INfnt,lft the ·cMI•• ._.a flne MHy po.trait. Yoo'I boat tM ........ end tM cold ""'"" ... aad ..... °"""' ""' big Hotidoy s,... dal YIM' dlft..,..,_ one; two,. tt.. ,.. fow mentben of.,_ foontly to <11>19, """Mfut 11 x t < -n for JUii 6.9l. Rtm•btt, you~ dtOf9t It~ PentM)''tl •uu.••TOfll -"""' MUMTIMOTON l l!!ACM HllrltlntlOn Clollll' W '"°''" IH-m'I ff lWl"Otl:T llACM '""'°" ltllllf ..... floor. "'-#11 '• • • Ail STORES OPEN 6 NI~ AWEEK FOR'YOUl!,SHOPPING COllMNIENCS " CARPETING SALE-!, THIS WEEK ONLY.! AND WE'LL INSTALL :IT BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Reg. 8.59, NOW 7.59 SQ. YD. Completely iri~tted over SO oz. Rubberized Ju1&CMio11. 1PENTHOUSF -DuPont so1 • nylon high·lcw loop random sheare.d pile in decorator solids. Avocado, Ming gold, antique green,~ gold, ' bronze gold, nV!ria bei\:lt. Reg. 13.10, NOW 11.59 SQ. YD. Completely inslolled a-' SO oz. tubbefizod Jute CW!ion. 1BALLEr -Ze-fl<rome• aayric/Verel• mod· oaylic random aheared pile in filigree gokl, Downey gokl, nugget.gold, willow gfffft, avo- cado green, torrid red, linden gold, dune beige, nomad green_ Spanish ~r. Reg. 12.59, NOW 10.59 SQ. YD. Completely i11S101led o.-50oz. Rubberized Jute CU$hiolt. 'SHAGTASTIC' -100% poly"''" •hov pie. Solids in Venetion blue, gold leaf, lime, orange llllt, ice pink. 2.innia, green tweed, lemon uold. Aztec green, dove beige. Reg. 10.59, Now9.59 SQ. YD. Co1n9le'9ly instolled owr 50oi. Rubbec'ind J1119 Cushiotl. 'FORECAST' -Acrilon• acrylic level Joo, pile. Tweeds irt peacock, .curry, brOnz•, gold, avocado, shamr~ burgundy~ c.hufney. DECOIAR FOl TKE HOLIDAYS • • , USl PINNIYS TIME PAYMENT PLAN. ~ . For Shop at Home-convenience, Phone the store in your local area • Wo bring samples. • ffff ...,..ltation. • frH estimate. • No. obllgalion. • CANOGA 'ARK FULLERTON lAKE\'l'QPO NEWPORT BEACH (~) (871-4343) (63UOOO) (833-0713) DOWNEY HUNTINGTON lfACll MONTCIAll V!NTUIA (869-4541) 1m-m1) (621-3111'., fU.721~ 16G-l'~2l ' • \ -----""''· -·-• -;:c 0 • • ~--.. . ·-···-·------·------ . . l! '. I • .~ I' -.. . . . • ~J • • .' ~ f • • ' .. .. e·nne 1 ALWAYS FIRST GUAUY. . • , ...·. • • -'t ·, -. . . , -· ~ . " . . • ··-~-·-····· ' . "'"""' .. --27; 1%9 ' ~..!> _ _..""'--'-"'::::..::C.:.··'""' .. _ -"·--~~~' .,..r ··- · ~ s~ OP.EN 6 NIGHTS A WES ';' fOR Yd.I'~ ~ENal • ~· ., "· ~ • ... lo~ ,. -f • • . ' • . ' The Christmas 11C11011 ofliclally begins right ""9 tomorrow! • ~.,.' t .. • .. . , ~L· ; .:; To mab it easier. for~you we've ~eel tht store w~th grlClf monq~lng l!_i~I • • ' • I ~' • • .. I ' ' . ~ • " { 1·10DAYS1o·~·SAVE . .-... ·· .. e. ·AT PENN 'EYS,-THE GH·RISTMas "PLACE . . ' . . . Sale on Fash.ion Manor recliners.·· - .... FORIMOST POOL.TAILI OU.uAHTll Within 3 (thrM) YOC\11 of purchme, wt wlll repair or replace, as we find n.ec- _ry, any part of your Foramast .~I Tablo.,thaf , ls .W.ctive.ln malaria! or ~ ,' -~lp..AJI ;~, j ' : ~ ·~.~"':"lfor~~ .Ji"';. wntocl us service. ... ' ,j ' ', I : ' • ) • , •• t A THESI , STORES OPIN SUNDAY TOOi 12 Ill 5 P.M. CANOGA PARK . LAKEWOOD • THRU .SATU.RDAY ONLY · i. 'Mo~.,,.~ .wiv.i ..i...:.. Wilnut groined .vl.nyl sides and · back with bleclc vtriyl Mhlons. Ctushecf polyur.thane foam -t and beck. Hard- wood frame. R11. 109.95 NOW $95 Malchinl --~-bg. $U NOW $31 L 'Spinllh' otyle ...... -S.ml-attached poly- uretl)ane foam seat and· bode cushions. 'Mediter· ranean' styl• finislied wood trim. Black or green • .... 139.95 NOW $119 C. 'Tl'ldllanlr lfyle -"" ncllner-Hardwood frome. No ug spring base end back construction, Polyurethane foam ... t and back cushions. Black, green or beigj' vinyl. bg. 109.95 NOW $95 D. 'Sp1nl1h' atyl• rockor recliner-Hardwood frame. Black or gqld vinyl Distressed dark finlsn on •llPQ.ied WO\)d. '. '• •, .... 149.95 NOW $129 . ~ . L 'Mld11il "7l!t .wtv.I ...._..,.. WelnU! finished wood trim. PolyumjieM foam ~nd Decron• poly- ester ... t end cuihlons. Bled< or a\IOCldo vinyl • ..... 129.95 NOw $114 ~ allOmln R.,. $50 NOW $45 F. 'Jrldlllonll' llyl9 ...ni.-Hardwood frame. No Si!ll spring beae end bock c:onslrucllon. Vinyl flbrlc In loll! or oxblood. Rq. 149.95 NOW $129 G. 'larly Amorlcln' style swlnl rocker-Black vinyl, or 1 lielge rayon linen print. R.,. 139.95 NOW $119 Matchlntl ollomln _____ bg. $60 NOW $55 . . ~ ' . .. ' ' " • .. ~ 1 -; . ' ~ . ; . ' ~ .r. (THIUSATUIDAY) Sale! Playroom game tables · ' ~" DOWNEY • SAVE •JOI Roll-away playback table teMis table NOW 39.99 ,REG.49.99 ' •Ii" tMck U.S. l'lywood No1""1• top • iN!dt far lodlYldual, .... ., ...... play ...... 4\i • 5 foot -lodi logelhor to '""" alfl. clol ala table SAVI '551 Fol'8lllOlt Custom 8 ,ft. deluxe pool table, 3 year guarantee NOW '344 REG. '3~ •211"-l Ninloniod hone)conib ployfteldwlllo 100% wool ploJfleld -• w-""' 1-ble leg l<Yelers •Wedge.lode Clllhloll,far t.t NI -• W-ftnllh my! laminalOcl cabinet ...i .., .. 111 • lndudoo ... sr _,, Ml "' leltloll balla, litongle aod cha• SA VI •ss I fonmolt prof ... ional 8 ft. pool table NOW '444 REG. '499. • 2W' ....... ,. .... ,....;.... ploJileld with 100. -ployRold ......... ~ , .... ·-·, ......... .., ..... laid with cl1omaod lhaped-...:. ....,1wosr-... ., ..... .....,...-....,.1t,-.- ... ""' Mok • i ,.. ....... '· i . • ' " ., . . . . , FULLERTON HUi-.JTlNGTON:eel\CH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT .BEACH VENTURA " • ' • • ' ' ·. " ' ·1 ; ; ' I I I • ' I ' ' ' •I .• 1 ·= •• . , ., ,, •;'\! , . , ' ·' • . , " " ' I --· P"'--~-:'.--:''.':':'.:::'.':::::~;:::;;::::;;;:::::;;::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;==:;:-:=:-:::-:---::-::;:::=::=:-:::::=====:::::======:-~ -~-,.-~~~---------· ------.. ... . ·---. .. -·--·--·-----... -·-· ... . . . ' . ,._ ·--... .. . ...... ' • - Th~, November tr, 1969 ' ' . ---· en-11e ·_: . ~ FIRST lliJ'Al.llV~ 1 • . ·' . -.. .. ' ,--. • • ' • '• • -.. L. t • • . ' ' . Women's . . bulky ·. cardigan sweaters ••. 5.99 . Super-soft l'I0¥9lty cardi· gans af bulky acrylic lcnit. All fully fashioned in cableil'or-plain knit pat• !ems. In white, light blue, · light pjnk and yellow. S,M, L.' • Men's pullover and cardigan sweaters .... Orlon• acryt.c cardigan in sl)ICll't links stitch. light stone gold, light bay blue, willow green or oyster. ·s. M, L,·XL -.. ~ ~88 ' t- r- : 100% Orlon• acrylic v-neck pullover In ivy green, medium blue, whiskey and brown. S, M, l, XL. 3.C)9 , . • r -; --· • AtL. STORES OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK . FOR YOUR SHOPP-ING CONVENIENCE ' . . " . • ' I . ' • , ·-... , I '. I • ' l ' . ' •• -.Al • Towel Sale! I Thro,Ugh Saturday Only! UKE IT ••• . -1.- ... T~ Tc w , • '· ?• ' -· I , I · CHARGE IT! ' - r I '"ll . l f I ' • • Boy's Banlon~. mock turtle knit shirts 1.99 2-7 1~ lOOo/o Blue "C" nylon, short sleeve mack turtle neck knlt ,shirts in assortid 'stripes anil so~. 6-18. , Hand towel, 'Rilg. 95c, NOW 77c Washclo~h, ~eg. 55c, NOW 47c • • '· I ' . '.INFATUATION' ·Elegant tone-on-tone ~ cation jacquard' with; fringed ! ends. In orange, gold, green and red. · ·' 'FAME' J,wr9_1·~-solid color cotton to 1coordinate with' pallefned. t~ls: Gold,_ green, orange, white or rose. Bath towel 1 37 Reg. 1.75, NOW e ' 'ROSE Ml~ Beautiful cot!On ·terry ·towel ensemble with fringed encl.. In colors yellow, pink and ~Jue. ' . 'SABRINA' Maxi-flowers printed in lush tropical ~olors on >heared cotton terry. Teak, graen or pink. 'SOPHISTICATION' Deep jewel tones 181 this_, cotton jacquard apart. See them In gold, ~· green, black or ro>e. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE .. ~ . . ,,. \ -. ·--· -· aAtL v mor JJ . I I " . . ' • ./ . .. • • -" Th~ Christmas s.~son ··offida lly begins 'he.re. ·to morrow !···· ::_ To .ma~e if vio ttb _your .JNhile· '.. . , · -. · _,. ··~ '. · . '."· ,: \·· ~~ , we've loaded th e store with great money-sqving gifts!. • . • •• . ' . ' . ' • .\,;" T • l'. ( ~ • • ' ·-·r -~-~· I • , . . -. ' ., I ~ ~ • Speti'~ 1 ·Ptircti'ci·•e~-·.-' ~ ., .. . -· • ,_ . ! " I .. ~ ·' l ' , I•'• . ' .. I l'' \ I -q • "' ~J ·< " ~ ,... " ,R·obe " .. ·' .. ' ' -. r . . . S I. 1 I ~· a e. ~;. t • . . , ·Thro"gh · ·1 Satu rday Only!·. . .. • . . . . •• '' "r-~!-. . . ... , . f • .. ;[ b '• I ... 1rl s liylon q1J:ilt robes ;.~·· greatbuyf 4e44 .. .. These f<nhionable styled r.obes ore mac:hine wasfi- ~ble,_ 'Ava il.a ble in a n ' qssortmen t· of colors. ~izes 4 to 14 . . • • ' • • .-J. - Infant's , 2 pc . . . ~otton .:.4cnlt ~l,epers. ~·. ' 100% cotton kn it .ma· c)li ne w; .. a.sh.!'ble with gripper wcjist and bac lo. Assorted soUds, 1-4. . - ' 1.22 .. . . • < Machi ne w.a sh,able 100 %. cqtton. knii i pc. sleeper with ,baxer waist. Assorted solids, 3-8. 1.33 ~- -·----.. -·--··· . -... ' .. '(· , .. I .... , . ,~ ~ ' .. I ' \. '· l ·-·· "-· I . , . ' ·; . .. _.-)' -. ..: " .. ,. . . • .. '¥ '" . . • ... . ,. ... • specia1 ··Purchase! --·- .. Warm up,Christmas witl). the•e-.long and .. } ,.. ' "1 IQ;ve.ly ,,ozy ro.bes from the Christmas ,~la..~'-.. · ~ ;1•~.· I' :.•. '' ; . I Quil_ted 38-44, l eg. $14, NOW 11.99 •.. . .. , .. 10 g.9 ... ,!• Suede 38-44, ~'eg. $15, NOW 12.99 Qu ilted or suede 10-18 Reg. $T3, NOW . ' • !'1 . ~ .... . . ' long, lovely drifts of quilted ny1on tric:Ot ... lush Arnel• triacetote I nylon suede. lu xurious gift ing for ony lalfy on ypur ... list, and sonie pretty smart savings for a would-po Sonia! The nylon tricot robes are quilt~ 10· KOdel• polx~ster · · liberfill-qnd lirie<!-with acetate tricot. The '•uede' robes neve r need ironing eecau;e 'they're· Penn-Prest~ ASsorted sotids. Come in today and save! Girl's · · -- long style.: • -+' -.. ,, gowns''a nd · · culottes · ;i, 2.11 ,_ . . .. Ma <l''lfi-n'e wa·sha'bie'· E~ron• atet at•/~ylon;·"' Fine : steepw•a• froh; ' Penneys'. Availa ble'. in ass.orted colors, sizes 4-14. . -... -r-· .. . -~ •. . AVAI LABLE AT Y OUR LOCAL ·PENNEY.:srGR'E I' :· ~ ... ' . ~ ,. ,. . " I . .-- ·---.. ~ .... -· -~· ............ . • •••• -· ..-4.,. ••• -·~-----""'' ' ••• .. . . Jlays Up. to $250 U.S. Helps Burial of Vets \ YP to $uo for1the ~ial ex-A4CUst 4, 1914, but he added headstoqe or grave marker for -ol on el~le doceo,.i · lhlt -""1• as. wtll u dec<ued· ve1er1111 buried In ~ WiiJ,be pald•by JM ~ veter1111 ""'ellllble ~private ploll. Ve~eran1 ,.AdmlnlatraUOn for burial m:&ny natloo&l • "1atonbuon and ass1Jtance / Wlthoilt ftf~wj>elher \bO cOiri.iery 11\11 hlo, available will be •Jumhhed by efVA ' lnto'tmmt :"Ii,,,.)' national apate. The c>llly requlnmonl Is olllce,Jie sald. '• cemeier,.. or a;pqvate burial, tb8t-their l~t ~riod. of ~ve ... ~~ /'" for . -Oie b u r 11·1 place, accordlil lo Mart, dyll( most U\io ~ 111\ll;an alloylDCt may, be flied with Webster, Manaafr of VA's honorable dltcbarge. Th I s · the VA within two yM after Soot.hem Calltomia Regional benefit includes grave site and the veteran's burial or crema- Offtce. . interment in the national tion. The clalm may be flled Weblter said 'Ille allowance ~ry inducllJW opening, by the Wlderlolw,. H be bu Is J>Ollable In \be cue .ol • .cl...,I and -klq lhe not been .Jilld, oro)y the porty . ur1T....,.... Cheerleaders Take Time Out A circle of friends gathered here to help Memphis Stat~ Univer~ity cheerleader J anie Crane search for the co~ct lens she lost dunng an impromptu pep ralJy on the practice field. 'Young Bob' Top Politician In His Own Right in Ohio CINCINNATI (AP) -U.S. p~ withdrawal of U.S. His first wife died in June Rep. Robert Tait Jr. is S2 and ·troolJtl may be the only way to 1988 of cancer. They had four a strong political figure in his brlng about a negotiated set· children, Robert A. Taft II, 27, own right but many Ohioans U!ment of the war. an aide to Gov. Richard B. refer to hlm as "Young Bob" "l believe the North Viet-Agilvie of Illinois, Mrs. Sarah Taft. namese are trying to salvage Jooes, 25, who lives in New "Old Bob" Taft, of course, what they can salvage," he York, Deborah, 23, studying in was his father, the tale U.S. declared. Paris, and Jonathan, 13, a stu- Sen. Robert A. Taft who He reiterated . previously dent. became knowtj as ' • M r . declared support of a lottery Last August he married Republican" and twice was a system !or Selecllve Service Katherine P. Perry, the widow candiate for ttte Republican but said he hoped ·there ·soon of John H. Perry, an executive nomination ror J>resident. can be a return to a volunteer of the Proctor & Gamble Co. "Young Bob" .had President Army. She also was the widow ol William Howard Taft as a Taft first ran for office in David C. Taft, a cousin or grandfather. But • • y 0 u n g 1982 when he was elected con-Robert Taft. David Taft died Bob" stands on his own feet. 'gressman..at-large from Ohio. in 1962. That was shown last week Two years later he lost a close Bob's brother Lloyd once when he announ ced his can-electk>n to Young for the told why Bob is Robert Taft didacy for the Republican Senate seat. Then he defeated Jr. and not Robert A. Taft Jr.: nomination for senator from Gilligan in 19116 for the lst "My father said he would Ohio. It thrtw him Into 8 bat.. ·District House seal He was never wish the name or tie with party colleague Gov •. -l'H-:lect::ed:::· t_w_o.;.y_ear_s-:ago~. :::::A:lphoo~· :'°;;°";;;·/U1Y;;;°":;;e;;.":----I James A. lUlodes, a powerl'uJ I vote-getter. I n cumben t Democrat Stephen M. Young . ~ is not seeking re-election. Many Republican leaders had hoped that Taft would Sttk the GOP nomination for governor to set up a Rhodes- Ta!t ticket. But Taft often has indicated a preference for the legislative side of government, at least for the Ume being. Following in his father's footsteps Is "not surprising," he said in an interview'. "I went into l1w and worked with my father and I just grew up In politics." Tn ClncinnaU the Tafts sometimes have been called aloof. But Taft often bas been anything but that. During his service in Congress, he has conducted regultr community and house-to-houte meetings. "J think they have been tremendously Valuable," he said. Taft Is solt spoken. lie smiles easily. In his 1966 congressional campaign, in which h e defeated incumbent Democrat John J, Gilligan, be onct ap- proached two men on the street, stuck ou~ his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Bob Taft. How are you? I'm juSt doing a little campaigning thls morning. I woukl ap'preciate any help you can give me." One of the men pulled out a "Volunteer for Gilligan" card but they all had a congenial chat Al to the current issues, Taft speaks up plainly. He said he is backing the Nixon administration on ltl Vietnam policy. He added that he believed a Life Insurance Ove rpriced? WASHINGTOM (UPI) America".1 consumers a r e o~chargged $250 million • year on credit life lnsurance, according to Stn. William Proxmire (D-Wis.), Proxmire, saying he would press for leglslaUon "curblni exce.sslve chargu" for the in- surance, said lhe insurance 1"" dustry pays out only 44 pU· cent of the premiums it col· lects. Credit life insurance pays off the bairn owed on a loan U the person dies. I I l 1 More Beatles: 5.98 wartime vetlranl, lnclud1Dg gnive. ·'. ... 'WhO paid 'the; Unde:rtibf, thoee who have served af\11! Alto furnllhed t 1 • a Webster said. -~ . . . ' enne111 ~WfOC•~ll . ' WHmWAUS ONLY 12 MOREi DRIVE IN ••• CHARGE m I ' Heads Museum -1 BUENA PARKCo'::I:."=") CANOGA l'AllK (ilMJ~J CHULA VISTA DOWNEY THESli BUENA PARK (~:i::~·) CANOGA PARK tCl.OSED SUNDo\YSI. • J ~ • •• • • • ••••• '• .. - 1 2 oaL~ sat£·_, J NJ. STORES OPEN 6 NIGHTS A wm: FCllt YOUR SHOl'PING ~ . ' . . r ti. . ' , .~ l"-, .. •'i~ ;~ . ' '50-11-w.aw.i ~ '"" 1.19 hd ........ ol4 to BlackiNall tubet ... : ' PIUCE no. TAX 700-13 •••••••• 14.95 •••••••• "1.9.( dPS.1' ......... l.f.95 •••••••• 1.96 735-1'' •••••••• 15.95 ••• , , ••• 2.W 77.S.1.( •••••••• 16.95 •••••••• 2.20 125-1.( •••••••• 18.95 ~ ••·••••• 2.36 ·~·" •••••••• 20.95 ·····~··,2.51 1~1 5 •••• · •••• 15.9.! •••••••• '1j6 685-15 •••••••• 15.95 • -'• ••••• l.89 735-15 •••••••• 15.95 ......... 2.08 775-15 •••••••• 16.95 •••••• :. 2.21 .815-15 •••••••• 18.95 ., •••••• : 2.38 8"'5-15 •••••••• 20.95 ••••••• .-·2.Sl . ' : ' ... -GUARANTE E AGAINST FAil.URi If• f'IPl•01l tM tsrw cturtna tM tr.dJrct1 m.,t Plffod, u.,. Is no-w,.., If .. ~ the tlN .,ltr tM ftff<ft~nl !*too. J'CMI Pl>' SM. or 29" las than tM Clll'Nftt .... I'll prtoe d tM tlrw ineludlnC f ..... Daile Ta. 'COMMEACW. USE 11111 ........... Is void ..... pe I --•r• \IRlll on trucks, med for ~ • •"-' ww 30.qDO mtl• "' one ,...,, H•re'• how your Sl'fCll'anfM 119 Aiilt falluN W9l'b: -......... period ..• 24- , .... reploc1n18'11I period, .1-12 inonths 50% off period ....... 12-18- 2.1% otl pel1od ....... 19-24-•• Sale!. THRU $ATURDAY Cftil.Y 'El Tigre' 11)f ni bik~ ... wh~t a set ' of wheel st Reg. 189.95 NOW $175 Tho 'Mmoratl' of tho minb Is rwduced th""'Oh Satvrdayl M all chrome frame glYM a d..if. ish big biko look. Tho eng ine ls a power- pod<od -4 HP job by Briggs and Stratton pointed a conlrcuflng block. Front and re« chrome fend«t, front and rear suspenslan. 'Mini b!k• "!1 not lntoildod for racing or for "" on highways, sidewalks or streets. A F /X ••t111et.-........... 1 f;ea . .. CHULA VISTA DOWNEY NEW YORK IAP I - C. Dou8lal Dlllon, an Investment banker who wu secretary o(l the Treuury ln lhe Kennedy admlnlstraUon, takes over as pr..ident ol lhe Melropolilan Museum or Art Jan. 1. i STORU OPIN SUNPAT TOOi 12 .. J , ... j FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTClAIR NEW!'Of!T BEACH VENTURA STORES OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 to S P.M. FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA I ., :· " '• ·. •, :· ----- BliY NO\V'. .. • • B~ Wool Knlt Sweaters 5'.an Gitt Value! Full·fa shioncd cardigans 89 7 .nd pullovers in fasbiOa styles, Juacio•s co·Jors .. Misses" sizes 54 thru: C :• .. • • •• , • n 1 ?-. •• sc:,.:.;1Jt!SZ ..... . ,,,... . .. • • • . • · . • • • • • . . • • • • • • .. •• • • • • • . .. • .. ' • • .. .. • ' ' • . . . . . . • • • DAILY "11.0f. Sunday Houri~ 12 Noon to s P.M • • • • . ' I •• •• •. •• OJ!.e.S~ Panty Hose .Resat...11.29 One size fi es all. Molds to your 1h•pe for better fic-bctterwtar • Bare beige. suruct, mocha and fa,.,hion shades. . Horitf? CJ.tpt. • $1~ • • :.V. ·'1' • • ;· . .. . ' Nylon. Q.nilted Gift Rohe8 Re.ul•r Sl3 Caprolon• t;1uQced •nylon, KQ9el• polyc1ccr fiberfi ll. Short lehgr:h. 10-18. $15 XL size ·Shore Robe .. ., Jl.99 $161.oo&J\o!>.:, 10·1812.99 . . ~~-:-'-·~·*~···;.,..._-··~·~----~~ '* Use Sean· Revolving Charge . I ' .. •• • •' 1 .. . ' .. Girls' Stretch Nylon Pant Set11 Scars Low Price . Solid pants. Striped tur· ·t1eneck tops. Sizes 1 to 14 397 J11fan.ts' .. Chi!Jrtn'1--Girl1' Dtpt . • . . .... .' . ·, *· · . ; .,.... : . . . \ ·-- ~-------------------------------------------------, I IUENA PARK El MONTE LONG IEACH PICO at Rlmpau P.OMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS . VALLEY I COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA ears SANTA MONICA • VERMONT at Slauson ,_________________________ --------.~----------' sliop.Nlghta Monclar throygh SoturdDJ 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P .M., SundaJ 12 Naon to s P.M. .....,..,.,__.,. "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" ...... • • ·--------------------------------·---~----- ,·ILOT -! o·.···. T11twWiJ, Nowmber 2T, 196~ DAILY PILOT SEARS Has Eve • Including SUNDAY SHOPPING .Sundiay Hount 12 Noon t9 S P.M. ears SA\tE .) I Boys' "Rancher" Jackets ;.• . ' . . I - .. • . . • 'I.~-•. r • • '~ . . . ~ . ~· \ . '¥ . . •• • • • • • . . • I SA\f, 2' Men's Acrylic Knit Shirts Re1ular 115.99 . 1297 Couoo corduroy shett, polyester pile co1Tat and lining. Bronze, olive, clay. Sizes 6 to l :?. Resulor S5.99 397 Short sleeves, mock tur1le ~Hyles. Sizes S-XL ~18.99 Students' 1izos 3~ to 4Z 15.97 Boys' ~·t1u/111tJ' Dt~t. • -:.~ .. . .. ... . .. . . .. .. . .. . tr ............... ,.i ···# ... • '9.99 Meu "s Cardigan Sweaters Orlon* acrylic full cut sweaters. Fall 697 colors. S-XL • . .. . .. ,,,, . ~ ·~ . • . • • ' . ' - .. • • • . . . · . Men's Perms.Prest• Jackets . Replar $22.95 Dacron• polye1ter<otton shell, Dacron• polyester pile li ning. GQ!d, green_ navy, ,an, bro•·n. s.xL 1688 "{tn i D"'J Clothing • . . . . Corner Stereo Group SAV£,150I $299 ..... ll•t.95 ScatS 6, sleeps 2. Scotchprd.• ueated. noral print cover. Walnut fi nish corner table with l'ldio-stereo-tpbooo. P•nrit•ri Dtpt • . ' .. , .... ~ ..... . . " • • ' . . Use Sears Revolving Charge SAVE ·201 Nylon Pile 'Kismet' Carpet Replar$79.99 6x9-fL onl size. Knoned fringe rrim. Choice of 10 color com. bioations. Other si?es at sim· ilar savings. .(\. 59~ ,------------------~-.. ·-----------___________ _..., .::.-___ , IUENA PAIK El MONTE LONG BEACH . CANOGA PAllC GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO PICO at Rimpau· POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA SANTA ANA TORRANCE I I 1 COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA , ________________________ _ Sears SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson -----·--------------, Shop Nights Menday thro119h Saturday 9:30 A.M. lo 9:30 P.M., Sunday 12 Noon lo 5 P.M. "Satisfactian GuarantHd or Your Money Back" ' I • I ,. SEARS Has Everything. • • Including SUNDAY SHOPPING Sunday Houri: 12 Noon to 5 P.M • ~' ears . . : ·~~(.,.: : °1t~ : ~-:::; • • . • • .f · _, . ~ ' ~' • • • t \ • :.: ·~· . ' •• .. • . " . \ ... ' • ·~·· . . • • • • ' ·" • • .. SAVE '21' ~! ..... ---------. :~ · Revolutionary New Design F i11 l11t1.>. Ti~ht Ar~• t:uu •l•rd 10 Dv P•1ter1n f lnJt"ip C.ntnl • • • '34.95 Deluxe Blenders Buy Now! 2488 ... 7-spc!eds. Pushbutron con-: '' trol p'1!el. Solid state cir-• , cuirry. '5.cup capacity glass · container. White, aold col- or, avocado. ... . ' . 'retfo:ri 6-Pc. Cookware RegularS24.95 1988 • Set include1 l ;.2-quart,3-.. quart covered saucepans, - 9-inch cOYettd skillet. In $'4.9S IO.pc. Set Avocado, yellow or or•nMt· 34_88 H111JN•rt1 Drpt. . ~· . . . . . -· ~ . . . . Multi-Speed Sabre Saw Regular $59.99 4997 Contoured swivel knob ro-. ~ tiltes saw bar 360• for fancy scroll cuts, "U" cuts, square .. ..v: l UlS. #'!.675 :'f I /ardu,'•ft Dtpt . • . .· . .. . • .. Use Sears Revolving Charge . . ~-----------------------------------------~-------, I BUENA PARK El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO al Rimpau POMONA SOUTH COAST PlAZA I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE I COMPTON HOLLYWOOO OllANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I . COVINA INGlEWOOD PASADENA ear·s SANTA MONICA VERMONT at SlauMlt '--------------~--------~-___________________ , Shop N'9hh Mondoy lhrough Satunloy 9:30'A.M.,. 9:30 P.M., Suncloy 12 Noon lo 5 P.M. SIAM, &OllUIX AND C.O. "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Maney,lodt" I I I ------~----~--~~-----·--------------,;-----";'""-----------,=...,..---------------- • • ' " Thursd.y, N"'mbtr 27, 1969 DAILY PILOT ' . SEARS Has Everything ... Including SUNDAY SHOPRJNG . . . . . - ears. Doll H ... 1ut ~ ·11 ~ ~· Sing.ing .;~ ~ .J • • Gift " • • :t · ' ;r .. . . . . •• .t' . ' · . : '\ , . • Mattel'sBahy-Sing-A-Song · .. Mini~Car Auto Transport . ' • Use Sears RevolVing Charge Super 8 Movie Camera • . • . . . ' .. •' • " . ' ' . ... •• • ' ' ' . Sunday Houri: 12 Noon to 5 P.M.. I I Astronomical Telescope Holiday Gift'Value! Doll ·sing.\ 10 different song.~ at random. when talking ring is pUJ.lcd. She :;tands 16!.1-in. tall. 999 Sears Low Price Banery operaced rem o1c lOn· trol. Automatic trailer hi1ch, car ramp .and 1ailgare. Holds 14 mini-cu s. 991 RegularSl39.9;j 11988 :. Regular$26:99 2199 6X power 2:ooming. Reflex: • · Magn1f1es 75 times. Very po~- viewing and focusing. Electric ~ erfu l telesco~: Others from eye exposure con trol. Slow $99.99 co $199.99. now 79.')9 motion switch. #'9125 to 169.99 ·. Camtra Dept. Jeu:tlry Dept. . •. '• ,:.it' .. -.,.. . . ... ~ . . ... ~··· . . .. . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . :·· ..... , ... . .~ . . . . . , ,-~-------------------------~--• BUENA PARK EC MONTE LO~ BEACH PICO at Rimpau --------------~--·-, POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I CANOGA PAIK· GLENDALE OLHIC & SOTO 1 ·c~oN HOLLYWOOD ORANGE S COVINA . . INGLEWOOD PASADENA ears '~~~·-~-~-----~--~------~-. . ._ ___ ..._ _ _. Sho111 Nights Monday llnugh•Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P .M., Sunday 12 Noon to S ~.M. ,.,.,, aoo•uc• ••• '°' • I \ I • SANTA ANA TORRANCE SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I SANTA MONICA VERMONT al Slauson ___________________ , "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Yaur Money Back" . ~Apollo 12 Best lJ.S. . ' Litte1· .Bug SPACE CENTER, ll11111ton (AP) -APollo· 12 adds more then 117 mllllen wwth or j••k tG the 1rowlnt amount of I tter marking mr.1's Jnterest in the moon. > t' ..... 1 •• NoTopKi~k8 Ar1ny ' Short of Ser~ants WASIUNGTON (AP) -The the Anny 1boot 4 years ago · Army ii short of d r i 11 Marted 1 .rpeclal program for 1 atr.eants 1 -• t h ·o s e non-~sslOMd officers• with producing drill 'er1eants and toustl; reputaUons Who have establlahed a fba.d&e of office, the jol).of trinsformlng"'cf'Vll· the·w1de bMm cami)algn hat, lans int.O soldiers. . A survey ~cted last · · l\eaioN: for t~ shortai:e in· year/' howeVer, showed that clude ·loog working .hours, nbt the job "does, no( 'i carry . cnoogh pny and too Uttle eoolip prestlp,'' A r in y 'I prestige. • • perMvleJ official.I said. > • -The Anny is· tryjn~ to cure Drllf StfgCi'nfs ~et certain Old World Medfterrane••• Spanbla Fu .... iture OVER $100,000 INVENTORY TO CHOOSE • FROM DECORATORS CANCILLATION and RETURNS l'RDM MODEL HOMIS DECORATORS DREAM HOUSE ON DISPLAY ' . Items ,as follows: Gorgeous custom quilted sofa with seportlt plllows , 'l'tle Ai!Olfo 11 ,(\0nli, which range in ·tlze fttln.irrt'ill.Jttcb. pins up to the two-ton descent• staie of P.'e lunar module ' Intrepid, ( ; join a similar '"~"°'.,.,. junkyard c:flated by Apollo J 1 ' and a number , of unminQed .. the situation, including $30 a. benef~ now, including a S.'Wl p ) ··~month more lo ~ten the' ·month --"superior · perform- $: pot. 1 ~ anceu ·payment, 'exlra uni! with htovy otk lrim .dtcor and' mtlchin9 IOvt seol, 3 molching ook oc• •,t1io~1I ltble1, 58" toll deco11tor lamp, han~ing chain swtg lamp, tn ' 8·pi•c• •ing site master beef room •1uit1, paneled Mediterr1n11n style wilh lop quolity 15 yeors wtrranly king size malrtss and box .1prlng1. , Spanish dining set, etc. spact:craft Iert on the moon earlier 1.1 the decade. 1'he debris or 12 unmanned Amerlc'° spacecraft is wastlnf .~ the moon. .l'he Sovto(l,!ilj90 hu cra!hed eight spacectalt Oii• the 11\00tl. Space ti9 ptfl by Apollo II COit a total at '67,104.t!I. Intrepid itself cost the space a1ency $41 million. ~vnu11:e Apollo 11, the first manned . . Ttihing It Easy A recent circular appealing r forms and free laundry. for volunteers reported tM · •The , Anny wanta to double Anny Was short more than the monthly special pay. 2,500 drill sergeants.· That'a Anny a u t ho r I t I e 1 cm- ncarly one-third of the total phaUcally denf. their sergeant.a re<iulrement or some l ,OQO. use routh atu,f ln shaplng re- "Short.age has f or c e d crulta durinl basic training. greater work loads on those lnve1t11aton k>ok~ into 19 currently performing this du-clatms of brutality since last uP'1 T•••.....,. tY'I" the Anny's personnel of-January and found lhal only 5 flee said. Involved drill lnstruc~. COMPLETE HOUSEFUL ~~~ .... ,, $1528.00 ; ANY PllCE CAN BE PURCHASED MUST SACRIFICE IN DIVIDUALLY At EQUAL SAVINGS ' moon i...1der, both •tfies· or American GI uses a. rQdlo ~Antenna as a '1;1eck the Apollo 12 craft will'"!btf.up scratcher and f1ag pole as he lt8ridS atop an armor- on the moon. The lower stage 'ed I rri d ri b k · h Traditionally. drill ser~eants ~en who elect lo berome have been saddled with the dr1U sergeant1 are put through image of tough, blue-jowled R n1g_ged si~-week roursc. The ogres. attrlllon rate run between 35 NO MONIY DOWNeNO PAYM~MT TtL( 1'7D will stay where It landed. The personne ca er· u nc a rea in a searc • ,and-destroy mission ~.ere, at· Cit C.hl. But Army officers say thal's and 40 ~rcent. , nol the' way it works in their . Author1Ue1 said . U1erc 1s no upper stage will be crashed -<1-----'--'----'-=· =:::...=c.:;;;:::... _____ _ nearby. Eagle, the Apollo 11 se rvice. ~peclal psychological scrcen- lan~er, \Vas cast off into s~ce. 1 • ScienUfic ln1trument11 powered by an atomic tltment ~t a total of '25 mUllon. but thty wUI continue to pay for themselves. An atomic gener1tor ls~ex· pected to keep the t.utrum•nts opereUng and sending data back ror about a year. The at.omic element itselr ls ex· pect~d to continue JXJtUng out Ill 1,400 deereea of heat for 1 century after the generator die•. An Amtrlctn fla1 ar,d staff Chari ts Conrad Jr. and Allan L. Jean placed on the surface cost the space agt'1cy $380. The special flag is kept un-furled by wires. The breathing units they wore while they explored the airless surface cost $390,000 each. ntey were dl.scarded front Intrepid to cut down It.a lllkt.Off w.lght. Two pair of lunar surface boots, left al the foGt of lntrepid·s ladder, cost $4,000 each. More than $70,000 worth of c1meru were discarded by lhe mo0n walking pair after film was removed from them. A lunar surfact: · close up camera, used lo document rocks, cost $50,000 and two 70n1m general p u r p o 1 t cameras cost $11,178 each. Cheapest lndivtdual lttm left on the moon was a pair of bolt c1Jtters. The space_ agency boueht them at a Housla.;1 department store and made anly mlnor cbanaes in-the han- dle. Total c01t. fSO. Olher Apollo lJ tools weren't nearly so lnfX~slve. The scoops, tongs, ham· mers, sample bags and other items the astronauts used to gather rocks cost a total of 115,000. Crew comfort cost an ad· dilio~I $3,400, the. price the space agency paid to add· t}'o hammocks to lntrtpld'i cabi.1. Apollo 11 's Junkyont In the Sea of Tranquil lity Is idenUc•I to Apollo l2's txctpt for the experiments and a few minor items. HAVING A"PAITY? Outdoor. of .In.!.,. MOUll OP PAnl "Will ••Ip liv•11 thi11g1 up! ...... '1 .. ,. KARLS TOYS so Feshlon lllend Newport 8"ch '44<0tt1 FLYING FUN! by WAYMI CHASE 1, It "'''f' Ji~11lt lo l11r11 to fl.,1 You l'lll'f' h1Y• h1•r4 . th1t 1!'1 '' 111y •I J;l•iflt• ... t"h st1l•111•11t coul4 1:,. 10-~h1t lftl1l•1iili19, It 111lght 1111k1 'f'•ll tlii11\ v•u h1•• lo dri"'· Ac· t111Uy, v•11 4•11'! h1•• lo lutew ho"W fo J riYI , y,11 Clll fly If pl•n• wi thout •11owl11g 1fty· thi119 •lti•ut clf1. r,. 1••· th• ,111!'1 joli i1 b1to111i119 iM;lltl .. ly ••1l1r. '"''r•••d 1lr•r•ft '''rl' "''•"' th• 111111•• •••l•r • h1tttll•. a.t11r •ct•ip111111t 1Jm. Jllll t& tho pll•l'1 1•11 •IWI 111iht1 It 11f1r. AJWI lmprowttl l111lrOctio1t1I +.u11l~t1 lurft out thttfr pll•tt. You •"•utJ 11111 f11•1 •••d I tcltool ""Ith \lfl111 llfl1cl l1ulrttc• Application Due Soon "The drill sergeant develops lm:g:. ;:=:~::::::::::;:;\! a i;ort of fatJier image for our I recruits. and sometimes he has to be•around fCJr perit0nal conversations, about problems having nothing lo do with the Army," one. officer said. MAGNIFICENT SOUND LONG BEACH' -Those who wish to ·attend Cal State Long Bt1ch in the Fall of 1970 slllluld beein applying now, Clarence R. Ber1land 1 auoclate dtan of AdmiaaJoM and Records said today. "Though the o If I cl a I deldune for applJcaUon to the college Is_ set at July I," Btr1land explained, ''we often flt! all vacancies seveta1 months Qr)iar." Last year, for. example, It was necessary lo stop accepUng applications in Miy for the aemesler heglnntng In S.pl•mb<r. Counting such p e r 1 o n a I touches and the training routine ltaelt, officers Sf.id, often mean.;· a, 14 lo 18 bow' work day for drill sera:e8nta.' · Copying ·the Marine CQrps, . WE INVITE AL:L , LUXURY CAR OWNERS .- I AND THO$E WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE TO A 10 MILE TEST DRIVE IN THESE OUTSTANDJNG 1970 LINCOLN CONTINENTALS. BELIEVE US ••• NOTHING El.SE COMPARES! WE KNOW IT, .AND YOU WILL TOO . . . MARK Ill CONTINENTAL SEDAN PLEASE ASK FOR • • • . ' . brings you both' the look s119eo and sound of excellence, only Stereo Ph onograph Sy1t1m-prec1sion Au1omat1c Player /Arnplifier (with dust cover) provides undl1to1ted mu1ic pow1Jr .output and banishes discernible record 11nd Diamond Stylus weer. Now-your tacotds can lest a Ufetime I Four extended· range speakers-two In each matching enclosure. With complote .A~dio Con1rol functions and many more quality f111ures, model 9261 is just one of several beauti • fully encased Magnavox compact solid· state systems ide1lly su ited for use on tablas, shelves. or bookcases. No co1tly ln111l1ation either; jusl co nnect to etcll other and play. With Magnavox, it costs 10 little to fill your home with beautiful mU1ic. Plfll fTHI •11111 PILIUSIS IOI MANGAN WAYNI $9Ulll • l ~· ~- WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR TIMI ELEMENT JOb.D80D•SOD LIHILI unt&IHIL. au;m ............. u ' . 540°5630 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MllA Huntington Beach Office: , ' Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining·the San Diego Freeway, 1n Huntington Beach Wl\.IMllll ... tCt1 ~nl Wlletilrt l!Yd. • Jll.!'66 ~.A. OIVIC ClllTIJI: Jl!tl ' lrtMw11 • Nt-110I 'WUA: 1tr11 Vllltura lhod. • $41-Mlf ,.,,,,, .09110.t.; 7tt WllMl rt 11¥4. • HrHT•t .... '''""'' 10th ~''°'"•."'·'~' Wltf COVIWAr lilllllM lfloopi"t Ctf, • Jil.)lOI TOVATT!'S Magnavox Hom• Entertainment Center Direct Factory Dealer IROOKHURST lo WARNER 401 MAIN ST. · Foufttoln VaPey Dowt1town H•ntl,..._ lerHh TONY TOYA.TT '6Z·Z45' 53'·7~'1 IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Huntington Beach Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is IAFI • CONVENllNT• AVAILABLE • ' -· . Ma rkel n~1ualfon1 don't worry Co111t ''"" &Oulh111m 11wrs ••• lht lf capital II ..... ,. t1•ll'lf In v .. lut. Al'ld JOU'" I U'9 of 1n1 hlghnt aarnlnga cOnslStent with ulaty whtn You aavt at COul and SOUlhtrn. 'oremoet 111ur1nca of th111 btntfitl 11 th• oul1t1ndlng flntncltl strength m1lnt1lned through 11'11 ye1r1 by the min· ag1m1n1 ol co .. t end Southtm F1dtr1I S1Vlng1. ,IMSUR.\11,CE TO $11,000/llSOU!CIS OYER IGO MllllON 'AWOflAMA CIT'f'r tl11 VIII N111t al\Jd, • ltl•l 1'1 ~-llAtM: HIOHl!ST PREVAILING RATES ~:~'~'~ I e~.:!.~~v ~.:~,..~" DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL COAST aN I 1Ac11t1 • •31·1•11 AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS .... .. • l War Hero No Longer Ex-ann}' Private Alvin \Villiams 0£ Detroit has three Purple Heart medals, a \vile and two small children. But he has no right arm, can't find a job and has just about given up trying. \Villiams lost his arm in Vietnam. He says that when he went to the Veterans Administration to apply for money to pay back rent, he was told to go on welfare. Socialites Boycotting Some Fm·s SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A group of socially prominent Bay Area women has an· nounced a boycott of fur coats made from the pelts of wild foxes, leopards. cheetahs and other animals racing ex· Unction . Leopard, sealskin and other exotic furs will no longer be purchased by Mrs. John Fell ~tevenson and a group of the Bay Area's fashion set, they declared Tuesday. The daughter-in-law of the late Adlai St.evenson said at a news conference boycotters would continue wearing less exotic mink, rabbit and other domestically cu I li v a ted species. Another member or the Bay Area group. W.rs. William Jfam1n, said support would be \\·elcome r r 0 m Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, whom Mrs. llamm described as a world fashion leader. "I doubt that she would be lnteresled," Mrs. H"amm said, however. "She buys six or seven or eight fur coats a season." Mrs. Stevenson commented: "It cannot be said there is more warmth in a cheetah coal than in a v.·ool one. And, is it that much more enticing to look at"?" The boycott. sponsored by the Friends of the Earth con- servation group, has secured written pledges of 35 women . including the wives or aull1or Barnaby Conrad and \Villiam r-.t. Roth, former U.S. trade negotiator. 1\-lrs. Stevenson and l\-1rs. Jlamm. v.·ife of a prominent businessman. said many of the world 's fur-bearing animals are being wiped out due to a worldwide demand for their i;kins. Signers of the boycott pledge have ag reed not to purchase the skin, pelts or feathers of animals or birds endangered by extinction, particularly by poachers in African game reserves motivated by at- tractive prices on the high· fashion market. . ''I for one," Mrs. Stevenson !laid. "want my children to see these animals In their natural habitat, nol only on peoples' v.·alls, fl oors and backs." .. , Modest Man Gathers Huge A rt Collection DETROIT (AP) -For years Robert Hudson Tan- nahill quietly gathered a col- lection of the muterpieces of the world's great painters. They were h u n g un- pretentiously in his mod est four-bedroo m home on the outskirts of Detroit, largely unguarded, insured for far less than v<ilue and seen by only a few persons. tury artists. Tannah ill purchased Cezan· ne's portrait of his wi fe for un- der $30,000 in the 1930s. Some art critics say It would no\v bring at leasl $750,000 oo auc· ti on. Tannahill's 1nothcr was a sister to Mrs. William Clay, the mother or ~1rs. Edsel Ford of the Ford auto family. He was also related to J. L. Hudson, founder of Detroit's major department store. Only the closest friends of the 76-year-old bachelor art lover ever sa w -his prizes -,---~----- Picassos, Renoirs, Van Goghs and GRugins, among others. h At lhe time of his death 'llTa:rs OiW Sept. 25, the shy relative of ff"- two of . Detroit's wealthiest aJ E families had the collection in-Re stat sure<! for $1.5 1nillion. For A ti n years it had been uninsured. l-"'"""':U"""C __ 0,.;,,,--1 Only ;, recent years has there 32 OceBD View been a bu rglar alarm at the Tannahill home. Under the provisions of Tan-Residential Lois nahill's will, the collection was deeded Tuesday to the Detroit Institute of Arts. LAGUNA BEACH The institute·s di r cc tor, t . \Villis F. Woods, said the col-CALIFORNIA Jeclion should have been in· Atl FUUY JMPROVtD sured for "considerably more All TO BE OFFER[D IJODIYI PUALLY THIS tS YOUR OPPORTUNITY than $10 million -COO· TO SUY A HOMESIT£ AT AUC· bl n TION PRICES! These Iola" ,,. sidera y more. 1oc11ecs 10 t n• La111.1n• Hiiis •P· The bequest stipulates that pro.11. one mil e £1s1 of th• Co1st the some 450 \VOrk s of art ~~~~h_'>' tn th• Cit)' of. leaun• ;fcv::m~1.so1d or disposed or1 1-.:;;:::l"'T'"."'2"5'"A=c=a"E=s"'o'"F ... -1 1 Woods said the collection in· Rfl!ID[llTIAl LAND eludes two of Pierre Augu ste •m Renoir's finest works, "Seated Ovtrlookin& the Pacili( Ocean Bather" and "\Vhite Clown." in the Rimrock Canyon Area Other artists represented LAGUlll BEACH. CAl. are Cezanne, Degas, r.1onet. 1111 Modigliani and scores of other outstanding 19th and 20th cen· LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have new netghboni · or know ar anyone moving to our area. please tell us so that we may extend a friendly welcome and help them to become acquainted ln their new surroundings. So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 494-9368 Harbor Visitor I SEE BY TODAY'S WANT ADS e Don't envy !ht-easlesl rid· er, O\\"l\ one! Beauliful Ka. 'vasaki, 350 .\venger, like llt'W, top condition 196.'1. e On your ~lod Chrlslmas list ? New groovy hand made sheepgkln embroid. t-red v e a I a, croche!ed dre11ses. leather goods, etc. • OuUi~ the horse & bu~ C)' •• .l92i Model T Coupe, C'Otllple~ tt&tored ~n tz:ame up, SJ.850. All uli!ili•s ••• ldf. to property. Pre1e1tt zoning is rllsidentoaf ... 111> t hl! M11t1r Pl1n 1lloc<oli~ both R·2 ind R·3 zonlnc for future land use. .. LAGUNA BEACH • DIRECTIONS TO THE LOTS! f'rorn th• lntlrMCtlon of 8road-"'•Y U.•1un.11 Canyon Rd.l drfv• South on Co1sl Hwy. appro•. or>• mlle to Cre\s St, North on Cra\• St. to &uebln:I Cyn, Rd. •r>d on to lots. Lot$ ..., 61uabin:I Canyon fl;o1d, Regatta ~d •11d Mor11lq\lde Drl""· t>IRECTIO Ns.ofo ACREAGE:: F"rom Bluebird Cyn, Rd. (.Oll!lnue lflll •PPl'Olf. % mile to Rancl>o L•1un1 Ro3d. Cor>tlnu• on to Mornlnplde Dr. approx, ~ mlla to La....idar la11a and pn>perty. AUCTION TO TA Kt PLACE AT SURF AND SAND HOTEL {Ninth fJOO<) 1555 S. Coast Hwy. IAGUNA BEACH, CAL. FRI •• DEC. 12 at 1 P.M. lllilll• Pmicrr•TIO" lllCOUUGfD '·"~' Wershow .. ii AVCTIQH[[JtS • l'l[M..lOllS IOl!i'O!ll~ nll MELJOSr, lOSINCELIS, !OQl6 (ll~ 93»5<1 UI Oll60 tOOfl'll OlrtQ; 1012 $.Hill Clctf11Jide, C.111. 92054 01() 722·1J06 CAI.I fOJI Al!Cl!Oll BllOCHUIU I ---~--~·-----.. ·-·---·-· --· --;·-....,--,-,...-------:-.----------------·--- $4() Million Eslitt,e .Prooes Headq,che REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (AP) -George Whlttell le!t $40 million to animals and a mllllonalre-sile headache lo San Mateo county Superior Court. ' proxlmatoly $40 million -of an estate· estimated• ·at fSO million to 1100 m1llloit -to be divided amoog uDeftnden of Wildlife, the, SOc:loty I o.r Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, local ,or.natloOaJ, and the National Au<Iubon Society, or any affiUated 'cblpter or brandl, etc." . , pear<d 1hls ...Ot· to make "I'm not against the money clalmt ·on beh1U ,of· various being left to them. 1 may anlmal groupt 8crog the na-leave some myself. I haven't lion. ~ James O'Keele decided yet." ldleduled. a htaring Jan. $. In the early 1931Js, Whittell Wbltten's wido..r Ella said acquired thousandis of acres 1be ~~ Wlderitand the , _aklng II mllea pf Lake Tahoe <Ialms by oo many lfOllps, shorell(le and pmerved It In 0althouah•llhe ii DOI OflPOsed to lu natural· state -filled with their retelvlng part ol the wildlife. ICICWK Some 20, animal protection groups are clamoring for pieces of Whitelr11 fortune . left in a vaguely written will that he penned before h.is death April 17. Whltte11 apparently w a s unaware that no national l1IO!IOY-il!,lJ widow' said they kept "I ihlnk he made Jt clear ln cbeetlhl, liolll and other ht. will. He• hadn't d!ICuised It ~ ·g-,al their foothills 1wlth ,me, exactly,", ahe &aid. eitate in Harby Woodside. ' " ~~ 247 Broadway • • Wh.ittell, an 87-year-old real estate investor, willed ap- SPCA exists. 1 Thirty-four I a w y.~r 1 ap. ...... ,. a..•-4t.4.f1 J~ I~ Houri: n ..,;,, to 10 p.~ .\ ALL STORES CLOSED TODAY,: THANKSGIVING-SALE. STARTS. TOMORROW, 10 A.M. SHARP! keeps the ~'.Jiu.gie'' in . . ' . Christmas SAVE 1 70 ORTilo•s newest, ultra luxurious: KING • • . ~ Ortho kef!Ps the ,..JJ. J "Jingle'' tn your bank account too! · Tremendous holiday savings are all yours~ •• on all of our fine mattresses ••. at all of our stores. Merry Christmas a,id Happy New Dreamr! The Value Kin~ SAVE •30 · li! --~~~~~lfji~ ~ The "Empress" Q~een :J ~if SAVE 5 50 . ~· '\'!•;,: Tho most majestic value of alt •. Qualtty Queen · ~ Size with decorator·chosen. diamond-quilted ~\J ticking. Budljlet priced for Christmas! 1 ~$i9995 i· ~ .,, ;.a~ . i'' ~]~~ Cloucl-llO!t 1plendotl 42 1q;•11. of .quality. mlled.mollmlwlth booutilut qulltod"°'"' and motchlnl box 1prin11. Your boot Ch-buy1 Reg.· $319:95 .$24995 * Ffeldcntst no-iron King or Queen Siza sheet * Fieldcrest n&>llOn·Klnl or QtMen srz. fitted bottom sheet* 2 Kine or Qu.n 'Sile bolster pillows* 2 SNnow c.ses *Kina or Queen Size Mettms' P9d *Kl I'll or Queen sae metal tr.me with uay-rollln1 casters* Ill Ot IOUIU IOIUS: KIJW or Ouetn Sia '""lted -...i ~Kl,.or °""S'" beadbolrd <not IS 1llustntldl wittl JN° ... Purcttm of 111J l!¥( er Quua Sim Sleep Seti JUERRY CHRISTMAS AND TO ALL A GOODNIGHT Remember: You can only buy ORTHO Mattresses at ORTHO Stores ••. ' Rec. $6~~: $ 58 l'ltCI'. llCUJtU IOlllU IOMUI Pl•Uk: headboard (lllflt •• flMt.-.tlld) •l'Hf lt'lat•I ,,_,.. wltft OUll,._ j. (' .-.-.1 " T HE NATION '.$ LARGEST CHAIN OF MATTRESS SPECIALISTS FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16131 Harbor Blvd. (Next to Zody's) Phone: 839·4570 LAKEWOOD .4433 Candlewood Dr. (Across from L•kewoocl Center) Phone: 634-4134 ANAHEIM 1811 W. Lincoln Blvd, (Just East of FldMarl) Phone: n6-2590 OPEN DAILY 10-9 ·SAT. 10-6 ·SUN. 12-6 ·IMMEDIATE DE LIVE RV · EASY CREDIT TERMS· BANKAMERICARO -MASTER CHARGE " Hu.shand Killer Lucille Miller Finds .. ,. .. . . ' . Prison Bleak I ' . I . ,. ·FRONTERA~ C 1 ).\AP) -, "The worst.thing ~that this ill not like llv.lng -ydu can't go out an,YwKere, 'r like to a rtstauranf.'•1 • l .!~l ' California 1 Institution r o _t Women -the jail· where she b1UI lived fcir live years wlille lawyers appeal her conviction and life sentence for mufder.- ing her husband. Lucille MOier, '39; ·~other or four, w~ spea~ng' ,' ol the Fingering a gold wedding· . . IN$TALLED .CHAIN-LINK . ' ' ''' . -~i f~~~~~ . OPEN $UNoAYS • LAY-AWAY NOW! f 1 I r 1.00 HOLDS ANY It EM .YILL lilC. 23NI . . . SILLY · SCULl'TS "Gre:e:tln91 thot lau forever" You'll call theln fa11tost~ 32 chdracters tochOo. "·?ts~. .· MULTI COLORED SCRATCH PADS 3 Sins t1 Ck11se Ir•• Small .... 98' EXECUTIVE WASTE · BASKE'{BALL f ile your •wost e paper like o !P.Ort· 495 ~OCK & SEA ' . C1eo1e yoUr own oct<lll 495 ilorms. An ideol gift fo.r .,nydn• ordtn, CANYOI) OPEN In OPEN NITES . BATH AND KITCHEN SET eeautiful!y podoged In moll'( style& • ca&. on..'llCIDflOM 2~~ SPRINGBOK : ~UULES · If you like ehollenging jig sow puulei try one of these. Mony dif· ferent pattern•. .. 3~~' ElDDN DESK ACCESSORIES & CANDLES m 1m1N1 YOO N[ED FOi 111£ HOllDAY SEASGll CANISTER SETS Gro~orOronge o-.;gn. v~ Co!orfvl. CHESS SETS 99c lro~tl ctlnt Cit fin• A95 '>iflHlt. j , ~ ' , I •aoM.' : "IJ . . ' ' FR Et GIFT WRAP ... 11.00 hohl' •llY•ltm 11111U Dco. 2J • "Artistry in · Moving" . ' . . ' . I .. • for the BEST MOVE ot YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 . ·~ .. ) . , ,\ ~~ ·' ·~~1 '1 . • ·THE: ·uNF,OR~EITABLE • ~~ ~uff Blooming Cameffiaj . LQADED WITH .BUDS D.EP GREEN GLOSSY FOLIAGE SQME FULL GROWN- E,CELLENT PLANTS Gift Rememberance for Many Years 2 .~ 95 ID 39 ·95 CHRISTMAS TREES . "For those who enjoy eating!" J,. THE FINEST SELECTION ' ~~ •vER OF FOREST -FRESH ...,;;' • CHRISTMAS TREES. ~ " ~,;c~.. SHORT ONES, ~-i'~·.: FAT ONES,J '-'W• ,• _.,_ • SKINNY ONES, KAMADO COOKERS WORLD'S FINEST OUTDOOR COOKERS l'OR ••• BROILING & BAKING , FRYING & ROASTING . SMOKING & BAR·8-CUEING .;/,"'· · . ., . Even Tall Ones. I , Up To 20 Ft!/ All are beautiful ".: 39'5 3 SizES FROM ••• • and reasonably priced. ARRIVING AFTER DEC. ht .• EFFECTIVELY AND INDIVIDUAL!.Y . DESIGNED WREATHS FOR INDQOit OR OUTDoQ.R DECORATING. Made of Everlasting Materials For Use Year After Y ~ar. Outstandingly O riginal CHRISTMAS CENTERPIECES!! SEASONAL CLOSEOUT FOR HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES ··~Sp~~ " ~ Flowering Bulbs Y2 PRICE . . ~ -f u J, ~ For Your Merriest Christma.s . . . We will be open Every Night till Anemones- Dafodils-Fret;sias- -and many more. Be Complete with Fresh: Flowers from HOLLISTER~ I 11~ast, Careful. Prompt, Free , D,elivery. 9 p.m. MONDAY -FRIDAY ' H~s , .. , ........ , .. ·~· '"~' . ft I . ' . 2640 Harbor Blvd. CGSTA MESA CALL 546-5525 .. • I I ••. ..;.......... ."(hursday, Novembff 27, 1%CJ "D~cemher, Extension Classes Listed ' .. BIBLE THOUGHTS The10Uowing public lectures . wtll .be•pme.iled, by UC Irvine Extension duting 'the month or December : j Moeday, ~mber ·I • •;Yaurs Mint and Ours " Ruth 8. Mlchaelson; Ph.I>., c'o- director, the Northrldge 1',ami- i,_Coonaetlng•center. 'part·o( the UCI Extension series on "Divorce and Remarriage." Room UM, Phy1ical Sciences Bldg., UC Irvine campus, 7:()(). · 1:30 p.m. Admission $4. Hurry . "lqst Days! Christmas -Q~/iv~ry is Guaranteed[ ' • I CHRISTMAS GIFT I PORTRAIT.S OF AS ~ANY AS THREE. PEOPLE . . . . 0 ONLY 995 one BxlO, two ~xl and six wallets .of one, two or tliree people! -'Ta,ke·advanta~e of our "3pectacuJar«holiday savings nO\V! You'll thrill 9 folks you really care about'this Christmas with the gift of lov~ .. ~ fine profes- sional portrait of· your family. HuJ'ry, bring· the! chlJdron now wh.ile Ch~islmas delivery is guaran- teed ! , Huntington Bea ch Phono 192-lll 1 Photogrt,ph Stutlio, I sf Floor SEE T.HE STARS. ltl lht 1ltr1 9uid1 you. Sy4n•y Omtrr, on• of th• world'• lnrt• 1no1t 11frol09tr>. ... ,;,,, th1 d•flr hor11copt eolum11 ft11ur•4 J11 lh1 OAll.Y PILOT. 2666 HARBOR IJLV~ 546·7080 COSTA MESA . • . J ·WDkbAYS 9-t• 9 SATU.IDAY . 9 .. 5:30 SUNDAY · 10 te 5:00 O l f111•p1n1i•• tilt id11 for your f1,.orit1 f11nag1r, 0 Porf1bl1, tr••I for. "'''tion trip• or coll~g1, [J 0111 inc.lud1• th1·bvlb1. 3•• TAPE TOOL D You 90H1 b1 quidr on the dr1w th111 d1y1 to 91t 'book1 ind •1c.onh b1ck. 0 { Som1 l'v1 li11rcl I wouldn't w1nt b1c.k.l Q .. Te pe tool comet wi01 t roll of f•P•, ctn b• r1filled with 'I•, 'Ii.. or % inch l•p• · · 0 Adj111h from htrd 1crub 1pr•v lo 1011 wtrm rin11. , .. 0 AH11che1 to ·01diniry 1how•r ind1ll•lion. 0 If '\IOU 911 your h1ir w•I, I•• WI fo r • 9r11t h1ir drv1r. , 1•• . JOASTMASftR HEATER 0 H•••'• • h••l1r wi01 , me1119e; low, m1dl11m, hi9h. D H11 thermo1ltl ind ftn for more •"en circultlion of wtfm 1lr, 1249 SHEPHERD TYPE CASTIRS 0 Ct1l1r your 1y11 111 tti..1• ~f<v~:r>1 for 1orn ethin9 1l•t•11!. · '.'::: 'a Choic• of •11t•ci•• copp1r or bt111. 0 .lnp1ct1d by No, )41 (which m11n1 • lot in tht trtdt .I ·HAVE A '· -- i l ; i ! ' " . I ' WALLPAPER SALE ~~~e. 0 Gr•1I for lh• b•9iJ1nin9 ". woodworlcir, D E11y one hind control · 'for lini1hin9·winr•on 111 met•ri1'1. BLACK & DECKER JIGSAW D H ••••• I llW th1! C•n r••ll\I ltk• it, D Comp1cl modtl m•~•I 11t1i9ht, curvtd, or jrre9ul1r cuh in tny m1t1ri1I. GARDEN CART . ~ ... D All li••I c1nsfr11cilo11, '"'mlM fl11 iSh'. • 0 Built for y1tr1 of good 1trvict. 0 Gr••f for ttrrvin9 111 th1 1tuff for outdoor b1tb•c1111 too. l t '· ST,UGE ~CH'' · 10Y' •ox · ,-,_ "!' . "\ . ' 0 Nicilo t iff for th• kid who ht1 ••rvtJi~ ... 0 'TI!i1'll 9i¥1 him 1om•lhin9 to puf''rt~n., a ·H. Cln .a Ofl ft 0 whilt co11Mi1t9 hi• .!.ot .. ' { .. . . D Unfini1hod, r11dy to 1fti11 or ,1il11t Jt1 t th• color of your choic1. ' . ' ;\.. . ; RUIY 'Wk4 i_'' SWAG: LAMP • ~-,Thi1 011•11 delic•t• e11a,,t.' for th• moil f1rnini111 ~ btdroom. ' . 1fJ Qr •l191nt 1no119h for, • ,111or1 fom•I d!ninf. ~ o,r liwin9 ,,.,,, 1fJ 111 ruby, tt••ri, or .m~ 1 with chtin, hook1, in-line switch. · , , 8, •... ': ... ' .. ' KING SIZE T.V. TRAY D 111 P•11•rn1 1114 btitlit colon. 0 Stick n111tly for •••II 1tor•91. 4•• . UPHOLSTJRED COLONIAL CRICKO STOOL 0 lilr• G•or9e W11hin9lfl n mi9ht h•~• htcl if he eovl4 h•v1 found our itore. 0 Nie• for th .. fir1pl11ce or US• ifll th1 worl ihop, th1 kids till 1il 011 ii i nd wttdo you build 9r•1t things. 0 lik• 1noth1r crick•! 110011 2'9 .. • -I ,: I ,, , • . - . I , • .. ' f . • ; l , . ••• -· ;., .. ~1 ,~. ' ·- ' . , ... 11 A ' Nation • • , Bows Head • On a bleak day in 16201 a small band of English Puritans lalided on a desolalc N e w England coast. 1'hese were nO ordinary people: they were men, women ·and children willing to endure the hardships of ;·new World and separation 'ffOm ~iarrVIY 8nd friends in exchange for what they held more de.ar,. ,. . freedopi. ·A' lpng, ha'rd \vinter £allowed. One hall the srrlaJJ Col 6n.x wits dead before spring oC 1621 arrived wi'ffi the first sproutings of a prom- ised 'harvest and new hope for the S"ettlei's: . . -·· -. . .... W-ilh ~UtUO.n-c«Me harvesi~f. ihe crops. Thti. jubllant1 settlers proclaim~ a. Week of . .f~asting ,aQd,1 .togetber with Chier Massasoit .; · · !lod· his 1rib,,, hun'ted wild · ~tlrkeys, gees~. : · Quck and ,dJ?:eF fqr a royal feitst bo.Jstered by ,, corn, squash, nuts 1 wild b~rries ·and ji:>urney cake, a combina(ion ·or cofn.' 15tead and nuts. '~ '. . ' . .. . Indians ·a.n~Pt~gfJtns Sat side by side at large o.u.tdoo~tables ; the spirit of brother· hood replaced·•lhoughts of the painful winter pa.!ii. All bc;iW~ their heads and offered pray- ers of thailk11 : · , Ob Jilly ;30, '1623, Gov. Wil liam .Bradford decreed a th·ree-day feast in honor ·of the first : Th'an.k_Sg{\llng. ·The remembrance was ~x , · · )>&ruled nationally on Nov. Z6, 1789, when . . Pi:e.si~e(nr 'f..as,h!ngton proclaimed 8 national · . "~y . ot ttiallli. a. holiday not aden,ted by all ·states. · .' · ~, ,. . ' . , Orie hundred six years ago, as a result or more than two decades of effort by Mrs. Sar- ah Josepha Hale, ,persistent editor of a la- dies' publication,'President Lincoln proclaim· ed the final !hli'r$daj-in November a "day ot thanksg iving nnd praise to our beneficient father." • ' Today .we bo\V our h~ads and give thanks for the blessings ·or a free nation, for a legacy Jell by lhc Pilgrims. OAll.'t.'ILOT P'M19 "' lllcllartl IC..tliW THANKSGIVING PRAYER -LitUe Pil· grims Michelle Elmore and Stacey P a tty share blessings with Indian Dorin Larman belor~ sharing-the holiday !east. To ~ ,Bad Friend Didf:'.l.'t .Make ·~t-, .. 1t:O · t·he Church on Time · 'DEAR ANN LANDERS: My '"'°ailed "bl:s\ bite.rid" .accef>ted an invit.atit.it lo 'my son 'S weddlng :"1!.lch bappenedld be the S8me day as tltt !wedding of. 'her niece. She told me. she would be unable 10 attend Ute church ~rvices l>ul would come 'to the rcce plion, • ANN LANDERS We)J, Ann, this woman arrived drun k as a·skuRk and al so brought along tv.·o st.rangers. Th ey also "''ere crocked. She :Was loud and obn0Xio\1s, and gave., the bride and groom ~c tndeliratr. ~\ ~ c ibroogh the mlcrophoor>, t o c~p,.it .. •·1J- max she handed them an l"mpty cn1! 1"7". I no lortger want this slob as:11~ ~nd. How sh~U l let her k"now? . . -P6s'f NUPTIAL )\'OE DEAR POST: Slleat.-e can be more elo· q41'nl lll•a words. I recommend It. OEAli AN~ ,LANDERS : Arnold and I hl've. r.·,-n l1"nv11y n1:irrled for 25 years. l!r ""ntly he aC'r)uircd ll hab'l th3.l ls drJv. ir1 1 ::: cr:i zy. Ir h~ har : ns lO bi s!tl"ng arC"Jl'.l In l·ls U" 'crsit"r:., anti uncxp-:cleJ coml~<!ny drop!n in, he tl1inks il is pcrfc.clly 1111 r;~i1L tu i;ll Jil;c li1at since It Is "his home" and he "believes In being com- ------ .. .. forla ble." Vcsteiday !i01ne new. neighbors came Q\'er. I had Invited them to have a "get' a"~uainted" tlrink. Arnoltt walked in from another room ·Whtn he heiird their ,·niccs. He was wearlnR polka-dot un- tlerrhorls, a!~. <1 ... hapPY. s~Jle. ,Not!ii~g more. T~ guc sll . were • -YlBlbly startled and I was embarrassed to 'death. After lhey tell I told Arnold be should have put , • on h\11 panti;. 11e insisted (a·galn} that he dldn1t reV'eal anything more than if he ii1'1 ·"l>een \.\tearing swimming trunks. T~hnlcally he is right, but I reel •&omethlng is radically · wrong with his reBBOrling. I don't.know how to put it into wor~s. Qo you? Help me, pltase. - MPLS. CHAGRIN • DEAit MlN: U you hud "'orn 11; bra nnrl a panty lirdle y0t1'd have sho\\'n lc5s thnn b>ld you worn • hlklnl, but there's n1ort ln,·olvcd here lban ex!)OSu re -nf'1l'l"ly. gOod bstt. A, -perM>tt wron l)td In a b"th towel 1 does a'\ show 11nylhrnA. but he houldn't go 10 churtb that y;av. · A 'nlan Wh0 : eiitert;lni · gUe~l11 In his under11horts demonstrates no rtspect (Or hl1 guc1la, his wife or for blmell. DEAR ANN LANDERS' I'll be 20 Sun· day. I had my nose redone three ye Hr I ago. I st ill wear braces and I see a dermatologist once a week for remo\•al of faclal hair. <He use1 electric current.) The other evcninR my mother had some or her frl6flds over. I was havi ng coffee and dessert with them and the conversation turned to ··• ife If !n)- provrmen t" and how rar should a perl!OO go. All the women there have known me since I was a Ullle girl so they Wen? awnre of my nose operation. My braces ore perrectty ~viol.is -no stcrel Uiert. I did nicntlon -l~.._eleclrolysls:. however, anti rny F"nothcr'1~faco f"ll a fbot. .~f. Aller the women left, all hell broke loose. She said 1 had no business teUlng them such "personal business." We RQt into ... terrible argunlt'nt. Some hard words were exchanged and the tem- perature in our house is below aero. Please tell me it I was wrong,. and if , so, why.-lRISH EV~. DEAR IRISH : U your motber wu Uv- log lbe tlec~ysll aid )'QQ hd Mid &be • womea about hl:r .. \Hre_w8'11d lkD be some Jusuncatloa for btr crlt~am. 8'9ct yoo were leU'111 o.e-m 860Ut ,..nerr. ho"·ever, I see H valld rtasoe for ytut mo\ber11 111,tr. la fact, I ldm.Jre your candor. Ann Landers will be .glad to help you with yrur problems. Send them to her la earl! ot the OAlLV PILOT, et1"'°5lng .a selr·addressed, stamped envelope. I I I ) I Horoscope Virgo: Wait for Eac;:fs FRIDAY NOVEMBER 28 By SY!>AEY OMARR MENIJ TIP: W1lll -In Loo, ........ dnmallc salad wbl9 -th. Loo 8pludl .... -Salad: 1-fl'tlll gtlaadl, wubed ud eat .. llllHhe plec:a; ' aVlpo _,,......__ Wtepr; ~ &eupolll npr; J,fl tee1p1a• miltard ud ~a. --.Placespiudlla cWl&ed brnrl. Cat -lata -Ill aod fry aatil clear, bat ... everdtne. P-.nan bat • ....... _. <ltllo-ra&.Add •- . -.. -....... Ille ..pr, mu&anl'faM pepper. lli1ll ta • boll -1tlntq ..... ,_,Wldle_ - Uw .,a..cli. T• ud ten'e. nea yoo'D be -.. wltlt uln!OIY. ARIES (Mll'Cb 21·April It): You leel revltaJJ.zed. You ~ able to aet IOlna: (IQ creative projecll. Emotlooll life is stimulated. Vacuwn II tilled. Could be exciting, productive day. · T~UBUI (Aprll »lllly IO): Be prepared fer 10D1e delayL TrYJna to IJlllb IC!'Oll ...... 'gram, viewa, could prove ~ 1y. Take time to piece tOfelher a puzzle. See pattern ar a whole. GEMINI (May 21.,June): A<- ctnt on shcrt journeys, bumOr, situations Wlllch bring out your versatility. ,You may be rettlm. But it ii bac EFlll')' to. cover delalla. Check faA:ta apd have-av~' CANCD (Jai\e 11..JuJl' 11): AccmtOD luoaey, ~······· COmmUldcale vfewL Yoq 8"I what you need Jf odlert are .,.,. ol -nqu!remenu. Weddi.ngs~ Troth's Pilot's Deadlines Know tbil, and act IC- cordhlgJy. Fh>ancl1l slluatioa will bnjlrvve. LEO (Jul)' ZS.Aug. II): Cy· cle hl&b; clreumltaDca t'"1I Jn your favor. ~ at home become more harmollioul. You a ch I eve greal« · "'"" of tmotlooaJ balance. 'lbll ls good. V11W9 (Aug. 13-Sept. II): ActJvlly c:mnecled w I I h orgalisallon, special poup u accent<d. Much.OC<Ul:i beblnd the ICenet. You do not have complete sJ«Y, Wlil for ad· dltlanal facts. LIBRA (S<pl. 23-0cl. II): -. of your desires CID be fullllled. -·i-and wbbel·art aeceoted. You 1tt needed backing. -.... p:eciatlon. Do your. bell to live up to potential Can be a most plUSIJ'lt day. ! SCORf!O (Oct. ZS.N ... 11): Streu on. amblµon., career. Make --""younelf It tlJ6 •• top. FlnUh project. DllClrd outmoded concepts. YOU • a~ tract Individual With prab- tenu. Be a l!lympatheUc ~er. . SAGmARIUS . (Nov. ZS. Dec. 21): Good lunar aspect coincides with j ourney s, re a din g wr i ting and To avoid disappointment, prospective publiJhing. Your vlew1 get across to others. You work FESTIVAL'S FINERY -Showing oil some o! the holiday gilts to be offered in the Gypsy Boutique Festiva1 Dec. 7 are (left to right) Mrs. Emil Pesek, New- port Unity Women president and Mrs. Isobel Seip. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. in the Senior Citizens Recreation Center. brides are reminded to have their wedding with 1c....a.. · stofies with black and white glossy photo-~~u~ay ~,...... m- grapbs tn the DAILY PILOT Society Depart,. CAPRICORN (Dec. JI.Jan. ment prior to or within one week after the 19): MoneY ~ with wedding. mate, partner seems iJD.. Seattle Base M i s s Judith Harlan,· dau£hter of Mrs. Helen Harlan of Cos ta Mesa, is a new hostess for Continental Airlines. Based out of Sea ttle, Miss Hlirlan is a gradu· ate of • Santa Monica High School an<l"attend· ed Orange' Coast Col- Jege. Lagunans Organize New Club Mrs. Jon E. Bethke is the first president of the brand new Laguna Toastmistress Club which has r ecen t ly received a charter from lbe national organiiatlan aner a successful membersbip drive. For engagement announcements it i! perat.ive. Dig deep for ~ital in. Gypsies , Troubadours On Hand for Festival suggested that the story, also accompanied lonnatlon. Refuse Jo b e by a black and wblte glossy plcture, be satialled with auwficial in- submitted early. If the belrothal announce. · dicaUons. ... ment and weading date are six weeks or less AQUARIUS (Jan. ZO.Feb. apart, only the wedding photo will be ac-JI): Cycle bas been higher In cepted. past. Now is Ume to review, t6 To help fill requirements on both wed· wait and observe. Senae of ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· humor can be of tremendoua Gy psies in colorful costumes and strolling troubadours will add to the excitement of the The ·Tee • Tattler IEdltor'i Nol•: A <;al..,,,,n af WOll'lttl'I '"' IOlf -Ylrll1 •-r N dl Wftl< In 1"9 DAILY Ni.OT. To t-' KOrltl lot" Ille week, OINH FMll""'" lo P.O. 8o)( 1560. Tt..v must be received bl' Mon- able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. lid. llon't ru'11 or force Jmle1. Gypsy Boutique Festival stag-Further questions will be answered by Social Play waiting game. · ed by Newport Unity Women Notes staff members at 1142-4321 or 4M-9400. PISCES (Feb.111-Marcb:ll): on Sunday, Dec. 7, from 3 to 7 .............. ,.. .... ..,, .... ., ...... ., ~ 1,.1' e a ter equilibrium. p.m. in the Senior Citizens · -Mati6.in steady pace. Obtain Recreatio:i Center. ~t Crom Aqa .... mea,age. Booths will house wines and Remember raollllic:m coo- cheeaea, pies, fruit cakes, West Covina Rites c:eliling diet, health. si-ap. dou ghnuts, rortune t e 11 e r s , preciation to those w b o candles, costume' j e w e I r y , perform special servicts. aprons, wastebaskets a n d S l Wed IF TODAY IS Y o u B Christmas decorations. ue ivi ngston BIRTHDAY you a re in- Hungarian goulash along dependerit in thought, action. with salad, dessert and drinks Your original ideas malte you will be served bu!ret style Making their home in \\'est peau de soie gown with a a fa s c I n a t i n g c o n- from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tickets ror Covina after.honeymooning Jn beaded bodice and cathedral venationallst. Project started dinner will be $2 ror adults Hawaii are the new Mr. and train. A tiered veil and bou· this year will bear fruit. Seed&' and $1 for children. The public Mn. Alec Paul Berkman, who quet of white roees and baby's planted are beginning to is welcome. breath c om p I e t e d her bbsom. R t. be d were married in the First enaemble. To r1nc1 out _,. "*" "°""'" .,... eserva tons may ma e •strolollbea:!Wf ~..,. 0m.,.,.1 • "'""c"° s•N .10aou1N by telephonf.1g Mrs. Emil Baptist Church, West Covina. Matrcn of honor wu l\Irs. = ...... ~ blr!llNteT=r !II~! ACI! DAY -A Fiith!, tht MmH. Pesek at 548-94-09 or Mrs. The afternoon rites for, )Ile Guy <;olbert ' and bridesmaids to Om•rr lloolti.t, ,,.. DAILY PI LOT, dtY.I Lffw•vrw Thom•!. John G1tlrltl, '2, ~ :12•1. Gt:•nd Ctntr1I '*'""" •-law .,_1 GOrOOl'I 1m1er, c. F. Isobel Seip, ~84. daughter and son cl. Mr. and .. were the Misses JeralyM Yort, N.T. ioo11. 11r111a1omew, 11, 111w ~· L•nd$1oid Mrs. William R. u.n .. ...,ton o( Gerhard, Gretchen Pai'r and Jonn. Riv H1blrn1lter. l.1, low Pllllll ....... • FJ!gl'lt 1. IM Mmt1. Ph111P Jonnslon, Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Wyant. Flower girl ,$, low 1rou1 w.i1er ThotMi G. H. s·1 s "d 'I I . B km of w st Sberry LI I I ot1triie1n. 1s. 1ow ,..,; Grlbl!n 111!, 1 ver en s i• e v1n er an e waa: v n g s o n , J1mes .:~r. 111 Robert Llvlnu11on, Covina were read by Judge sbter of the bride. ]Ill, li:lW """" Flklhl c, t~ M!nfi. Th 1· nd ••••• ~·esd ohn I D v Pu ·--1 w1111,,.. $UfPn, 1111, iow uro1111 W•rren e 1rst a wurU 1 u ays J M. A ex. ave an ersem was ~ w11111, n. 1ow ne11 Orrin. Wrklh!. Joi.n at 8 p.m. members . of Silver For the single ring rites, the man and ushers were Lynn Sc:hwell•. 35. low pulh; Flklht o, the MmH. TI1om11 &oust. ioi. 1ow uron1 Sands 286, Native Daughters bride chose an organza over and John lJvlngston, brothers Woodrow U <Vtt•· 71• 1ow neti Rldl••d of the Golden West gather for of the~· .. Larry Mill-and ltutWlltr, 31, low 111/lh. VI 11,1 .,.. TIH w H11TLf: -Ftklht .... "" m e.e t i n gs. Lake Park Jay Contreras. MmH. JOl'lft, 341; ~brltl, ~ber"'!ltr, Clubhouse In Hun t I n g t . n TOPS "erma"1ds The r-... Sue M .. .i, u .. "lO; Flllh! I, tM Mmef., Jol'IMlon. lS/ JYI ""'uu IOl l H11tn Hod-. :01 P1,,.. 0.11<11, Fr•Nt Beach is the meeting place for lngton Is a graduate of Covina Alklruon. 2'; Flight c. tl>t Mmn. th 1· . 'I J k TOPS M . M "d .... ~-·-1 H h b--· Hirvey a1111111er, :M; s.xton. :m: e 1rst sesston. i• rs. ac ergmg erma1 s Hleo· ~IUU . er us .. uu was Pti111p com-11, 7ti F1'9tit D, the Wilson, 543-1479, will furnish meet at 7:30 p.m. every graduated: from CHS and the Mmn. Ll(kntr, H•rttY McClurt. 2'1 Le11tw11H, Joe w11nw.11, a. location inrormation on these· ThursdaY. In Woodland School, Uni versity of Sou t be r n MESA VER.Of. cood meeting date. Costa Mesa. California. HAPPY TBANKSGIVING VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N STITCH JJ J'4 E. COAST HWY". Coron1 clel Mer OA VE COl'l'lll TOU•HAMENT-A 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiliiiiiiiiO<iiiiiiiiiiii~iliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiUiUiiii0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0iiOiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii:ili Fll1lll, Groii .... Mmes. F•lnlt Pld· NI ......... ____ ~-----------------------..... ., OOdl. :151; oan OoUilles, 1n; Ntt, • • , . . .. ll-i Shlrle1, 21'; Wlllllm 0.WIOl'I. S n5; J. It. Ml!rrl1m, RtK Dertr¥, Merit " c111mbfflln. m : Robtrt ltlndtr. 237; II I Fll1ht, Groll. ltie Mm•. l1n Mummt, 2"; Jlma MM!onrf, m: N~I. Ille Mltltl. Wiibert M•llk, m : Wllll•m COlltn. 22'1 ltt i.11 Ti!)plno, 231/ J1mn S suttail, 2321 l(eflll Nt1!, ?ll; l<tward lit C.lcourel, 2I01 C. Fll9hl, Gr0$• !he ti Mmel. Oeen Qh,M, 311 ; Ktfl, Le15ur1, Ill!; 11•1 Het, Ills -· R. E. Johmlon, I 21'; ~ K1~ller. 239; H•rold SolomOli. 10 1 Jim MCD1nltl, 2431 JOl'ln !IE lrw\11, w11111m Acl1m,, 245. M "This ou t standing en· thusiasm by so many of this area's most prominent business womeB ror mem· bership indicates this was tru-rr ly a long felt need'." com- mented the new president HB Aux iliary I Amer ica n Legion Auxiliary I or i1unun1ton aeach gathers I in the American Legion HaU I at 1 :30 p.m. the first Thursday Assisting Mrs. Bethke will be Mrs. Andrew J. Wood, vice pre s id en t : Miss Irene N:cClure, secreta ry : !\trs. H. W. Shomaker, treasurer, and 1.frs. Em ily Str i c ke r, representati ve. or each month. On the fourth · Thursday members may call Mrs . Arne Jensen, 536-2777, for I location information. .I fashion yardage • "f'or T hal Hollda11 Gow11" SO" l l OCADIS .... ......... $3.75, •. 45'" 119UIN CLOTH v~. st.ts.... $6.00vo. Many Othl'rs f rom S2.SI Te $2.5.M V~h·atq Co1'Cluroy . .. .. ... . ..... Val $2.79 ........ $1.t l y4. Pmft. Prf'D Co1·duroy . . ... -V11.I, 2.79 .. ,-l.t s y4. Hi·Ldw \VJdr \Va.Jr Corduroy . .. Val. :l.29 ..... 1At yll. Jiuge 5411ccuon \Yoo11-\Vool Blends and Ctikmere .............. Values to $)9.50.~.• .$2.JO te MM yd. International Yar~age 2750 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA IN THE COCLEOE SHOPPING CENTER I I i I ·I i • I i I ' • Santa arrives at FASHION .:llSLAND center mall TOMORROW 10 a.m. FRIDAY i ANNUAi: •. Nov. 28th thru Dec 10th Only! "MIRACLE" WIGS W61t! 'tn'I & wt1r '""• crtllt Yollr twn 11Yle from tblll 100'!9 Ktntit1lon llbtr wigs. TM 11tmo1t In convenltnCe for tr~Yfl. llM!lntl - IWhef• "'' 'fOU r....i 1n "lr1111nt' hllr ._ Rog. 24.95 CASCADES I ... .. llllt "lptci.I EYMlnll" -WMr • gltmor· -·*"' twrnln ... Ir ~ -a. IOol( trvly '"91'11 TllfY',.. so ¥.netlll, ,.;11 l1nd 1 mul- ntudt If .u .. IDM tlf -r • CllKM!f, •••.••• Alf llh•~ Rog. 17.9,$ 1296' . - I HµMAN HAIR WIGS J11li•tt• H•nd Finish•cl Wi91 -th• tr11• ly fin• n1mt in wi91. Pr•Holicl•y 11v0 ln11 mt1n up to 50 % off r•gul•r pric· "' Dai:~ Shades :;:; ... Blonde/~ .... $111.H $54.00 $57.00 &osted & Platinum,'\":; ... $62.00 ' . ouhl•ndi119 11l1ction. Demi Falls ~ ., ........ •ow $22. 95 18" to 20" Falls~ ., Now$32.95 Wig Falls :No "' ............ $42.95 Long Falls ~ .. "' .... , ....... $52. 95 ----- ----- WIGL~TS Compli mtnl your Coifl•ur with I •f1bulou1 wiglet! In 101idt1 p1 pp1ri, & froilt d t~•d••· . . . "TOPPERS I ~~ .. ~ .. ·.·........ $3.50 "The WIGGLE" -• ... ,..,, t ••••••• , SALi "The MAXIE"-• ... "'·" ( .••.••..•• SALi $5.95 $7.95 HIGM FASHION WIGLET CASES IC11p your wigl•h I c11c.1d11 n••t & c.l1•n & 1lw •y1 r••dy for w11r wi th one of tli1s• (.1111! I 0 Wig Stylists to serve you •t ..•.• . /JI). ' allie .1 WIG oncl BEAUTY SALON i ·· Costa Mesa IN HILUltN S9UARI Phone 548-3446 Dal~ 'Ill 5:30, Thurs., Fri. 'Ill I U.NU.Ml llCARD MASTll CHAl •I --~---- ----------~---------------------~----~...-,-------.-.~------~~-------· -----~--·-------~ ' . DAILY PILOT ~ June ·-P,/ans 'White House' Anno~nced In NY Features Decorative Elegance At : P9rty " Baby Record . \ Make baby's firsL ·accessory U1is charming sanl~er stOry. See how French kJOtS Create dotted Swiss ef(ect on bassinet -mom will love itt Framed by lazy-daisy, ri~ border. Pattern 7122: transfer of sa1npler JI x 14 inches. fo'lFTY CENTS tcoins) for each pattern -add· 15 cents for each patter.1 for fi rst-class mailin~ and special handling : otherwise third-class delivery will take thr:ee wee~ or more. Send to Alice Brooks, the DAILY PILOT, 101 , Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Address, Zip, Pat l e r n Number. l \ BIG 1970 N t t d l~t c·r a I l \. Catalog -40 pages ove'r 200 t designs, 3 free tterns! Knit, crochet Instants. argyle sweater. hats, dresses, swim su it. Quilt, embroide r. weave . Make tO,Ys. gifts, gay afghans. Send 50 cents. 50 INST ANT Glfls. Make today ' -give tomorrow. 50 cents "16 Jiffy Rugs" !o knit, crochet, wea ve. sew, hook. 50 cents. Book of l.Z Prii t Afghans. 50 cents. Bargatn! Quilt Book I has 18 beautiful patterns. 50 cents Aluseum Quilt Book Z -pat- 'terns for 12 superb quilts. 50 cents Book 3. "Quilts for Today's Living". 15 patterns. 50 cents Me•a Auxiliary American Legion 11all in Costa Mesa is the setting for the meetings of the Auxiliafy to Barracks 1249, Veterans of \\1orld \Var I. The first Tues· day of each month men1bers gather for a business session at 7:30 p.m. and the third Tuesday for a social and potluck at 6 p.m. , I ' 1-. r " -~~ U--;· ;;J •, ~ './ .-..:.;.l....;l._ . .....,,,. -·r [ 1 .. ;..\.,·~: • . I • "---'......./ 1 LIKE WOW! Modern Go-Go w r It I watc:M s. Wide ~lectiOl"l. froM s9aa MOTHER'S RING •As lo~!ing O• yOtJr love • Severo/ styl~ • ·' from SJ 995 CULTURED PEARL RINGS 10 Korot white or yellow gold. Several styles. 7 PC. MUG TREE W1ought hon tree and 6 mugs. hom 3 PC. DIAMOND RING SET • Dion'IOl"ld eooagement ring and Motching Wedding Bond •Men's SJ 2491 * LAY·AWAY TODAY t'OR CHRISTMAS * ASK ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT CREDI!" TER~Ui BANkAMERICARD • MASTER CHARGE . STORE HOURS: Mon., Thurs., Fri. 10 o.m.·9 p.m. Tues., Wed., Sit. 10 1.m.-6 p.m. KEY CHAINS by Anoon • Greot gift 0 1 well os a greot key protec:tor, 5 PC. INTERNATIONAL SALAD BOWL SET s39s 10" flu ted crystol solod bowl ond ~ouce bowl, 3 ~ilvcrploted strving pieces. Completo $J99 14 KARAT CHRISTMAS CHARMS • Lorge selection. CUFF LINKS . Complete ~eltctlOl"l of modern fo~ion~ 1 I t I ~~----kondsomely gift bo1<ed. i SJ9S • • .. , .. _ •. ,. ·~··· ~-C·. ' . ' ~ ........... ~ ......... ,. .. ·················~ --~ ----· ---.-;.. ..... -~· .,. CHARM BRACELETS • Cholc1 of 14 Kor111 gold, gold filled 0111 st1rllno silver. I .. ' ' ·F ,BEE ' ' ' 26-pc. PUNCH 'IOWL S.ET With Purch••• of $29.00 or. More FIREBIRD BUTANE GAS LIGHTERS .,, Coli.,ri Attroc:tive !eotherette to • e, c:hoice of ~ c:olor~ • 3 yr. guor· ontee • Positi"• octlon, Ckoo~ from : • Overlond Stoge Cooch NOVELTY TRANSISTOR RADIOS • Ari•ique Spanish Conrll:ln •Antique Car Skope • ArlCient Kn ight Helmet Shope (2 from our coll«llonl SJ 995 CULTURED PEARL EARRINGS • Silverploted • Gift boiced 50 PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 "CORDOVA" •ot I I 4 011ly I• 'I $599 l<l Karot while or yrllow gold ~vtrol ~lylei to choo!.e from. Solld ~tolnless strtL Extra heavy quality, periactly fro• S600 88 ·~~ 00 ++ Kti:1fo ~ PIERCED ~~EARRINGS botonced ond graded. 4 PC. TEA SERVICE J<l Karat, ottroclive!y styl.d to malch any mood. T rtmendous selection. Heovily 1ilver plated footed Ito pot, ~ugor bowl, cr.omer and troy. I ' SITH THOMAS DECORATOR WALL CLOCKS DIAMOND PENDANTS (8ollery optroltdl !A) BEN FRANKLIN ..... ,$25.00 (8) STARLIGHT ···········-·u•.oo (Cl ~CASTER ............ $:17.SO • While ond yellow 14 Korol gold • Choic:• of stylts ' s19•s •[Doings ta match ov0Hobl1 ,..---·~·--'"\_ ' Th• Stor. That Con&denc:• IWlt JEWELERS FOR 42 YEA!l• HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER 2300 H•rbor Blvd., Cost• Me11 545-941.5 HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH 192-llOI ' • i .. l l t • 24 DAil Y I'll.OT I· l. j • • • • I • Joan Michele Hamilton Weds in NB Woddln& pledges and rings were exchanged in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church when the Rev. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfleld per- formed the ceremony for Joan Michele Hamilton and Hugh Eric Barker. Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keith Hamil· ton of Linda Isle and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Barker of Roanoke, Va. The bride, given in marriage by her father, selected a white silk tafieta gown appllqued with embroidered alencon lace and a watteau chapel length train. A cap of silk, la.ce and .!'•od pearls caught her cathedral length veiling and she carried a cascade of white butterfly roses, stephanotis and pompons. Mrs. W. Drew Ostnian, the bride's sister, \Vas matron of honor in a eold velvet and crepe gown. She held a nosegay of gold and bronze pompons. Dressed identically in gowns of green were Miss Marge Taylor. Airs. David Lane, Miss Dotma Roy and Mrs. Jean Rasor of Hawaii, bridesmaids. Miss Tracy Ostman, the bride's niece, was junior brides· maid. Kristin Ostman, niece of the bride, was flower girl jn an old· fashioned frock of gold velveteen with a white eyelef embroidered pinafore and matching bonnet. Carrying the rings were Karen and Laurie Ostman, the brides' nieces. The benedicl asked his father to stand as be st man. Ushering guests to their seats were John Hamilton, the bride's brother, David Grant, Alexander Marti,n and Ostman. The Balboa Bay Club was the reception setting where 250 friends and relatives congratulated the newlyweds. Amon~ the special guests was D'Alton V. Hamilton of New York City, the bnde's grandfather. The new Mrs. Barker is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and is attending Oruge Coas t College. Dellyn Lane Marries James C. Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs . W. M. Blnawange( .of Newport Bead> hive amounced the marriage oC her daughter, DeUyn Lane to James C. Jorgensen, son of Mrs. Marianne Garlc o [ Newport Beach and E. C. Jorgensen of San Lorenzo. The couple were married by tbe Rev. James H. Lamberth. in Christ Church by the Sea. For the double ring nuptials the bride selected a satin semi-empire gown with train le:igth veiling and carried white carnations. Miss Unda Campbell was maid of b-Onor and Miss Sandy Mc:Connid: and Miss Sue Caldwell ~ bridesmaids. Lorainne Grlffilbs, the bride's cousin wu flower girl. Phil Peterson was-best man and ushers were David A. Grant, Geort Strand, Dean Hansen, Walter Binsw&'lger, the bride's brother and Eric Jorgensen, t h e benedlci's brother. Following a church recep- tion, relatives and c i o s e friends congratulated the cou- ple at a party in the home of the Bin!wangers. The new Mrs . Jorgensen is a graduate of Newport Harbor Hi&h School and atte'Jded Call!ornia Western UniVf.rsity. She is a 1968 South Coast Otild Guidance debutante. Her husband was graduated from the same high school and Orange Coast College. Presently he is completing his studies at UCLA. Club Has New Sale Woman's ('lub of San Juu Capistrano is presenting )ts first annual Antique and Gift Sale in Woman's Clubhouse of San Juan Ca.pi.strano from 1 to 4 p.m. Tudday, Dec. 2. Exhibitu-s will be antique dealers and member& of arts and crans sections within women's .clubs in the South Coast area. All those interested In purchasing antiques and art work niay attend this show. Tickets are $1, said Mrs. R06$ Walku and Mrs. Peter McKenr.ie, co-chairmen. Peo- ple who wish to display warea may obtain further in- formation by contacting Mrs. lifcK.eniie of San Clemente, 496-lllQI!, by nen Saturday. Let TV WEEK Turn You On Torana League · C'.ont.emporary art in the form of animated filma will be shown at the Wednesday, Dtc. 3, meeUng of Toraha Art League. 'Ilte meeting will feature John D. Wilson or Fine Arts Film Production Inc. at 7:30 p.m. in Bowers Museum, Santa Ana. Following a honeymoon in l=jiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Aspen the newlyweds are at II home in Los Angeles. Examples or films to be screened are ''Flying Man," a hand painted color film ; ''The Present," French ; ' ' A I p h a Omega," Italian and "Do Be S ecre tarie s e NOTICE e The Smoking Problem ii Devastating! DR. M. FREIDLAND. Di- rector of National Anti .. Smoking Council will Jee .. ture & discuss this prob. !em & advise on behalf of any civic group, church, c I u b, organization or !unctions at NO COSTI H•lp Sav• LIVHI Call 642-410.., 67J.5127 Her husband attended the University of Virginia and ls enrolled at Santa Ana College and is attached to the Marine Air Wing, Marine Corps Air Facility, Santa Ana • MRS. HUGH ERIC BARKER Honeymooninsi on Virgin lsland1 At 6:30 p.m. every second Thursday women or Bahia Chapter of National Secretaries' As s o c I at Ion International assemble in dif- ferent locations to attend meetings. Mrs. Lloyd Fleming at 673-63M may be telephoned for additional information. ' Careful Boys," English. SEW YOUR OWN THING! Following a honeymoon on lfb.e Virgin Islands, the couple ~·ill make their home in Costa Mesa. Primack-Miller Rites Dana Point New Home -.,,.,,.~•II Faces Redden With New Use of Rouge Community Recreation· Center at Orange County Fairgrounds is the scene of act.lvity when Cosla Mesa Senior Citizens meet at 11 a.m. every Tuesday. This Gilt Keeps on Giving THE N·E·W LQQK I malhej I HAIRSTYLING by the area's TOP STYLISTS ! * * I • Complimentary Mlk•upa • Facials MMtlcu rn .... Pedlcuret .,,___, -woo•Alt -mes ma!A.~ WICJ lo lllAUTY SALON 541144• ,...._,,,,,_ HIU.Sl9' SQOARE COSTA fl411A ! Here's a package familiar to discerning shoppers along the Orange Coast. It has everything • . . a gift fo r anyone of any age. And it keeps on giving all year round, not just at Christmas time. ' In fact, we hope you don't wait till Christmas to open it. This package is filled with ads, photos, features and the freshest news we could find to help you enjoy the holiday season. SIGNATURE PRINTS WASH 'N WEAR e NO IRON e COTION Mini design on dress weight cotton valun from 79c to 89c yd. ll" wide CJ"°'· washable 68~ YO. SLINKY KNIT PRINTS Bold mod designs, splashy hot colors On sinuous arnel triacetate knit jersey. ' Coordinate solids fo r pants and tops or Holiday gl amour dresses. solid colors $1.29 44"/45" wide this fabric Is rated "X"! Sf98 YO. Hi-Pile Rayon Velvets Printed Cotton Velveteen Twill Back Cotton Velveteen Gl itter "Tosca " Brocade "Elegance" Brocade Satins Christmas colors galore, plus pastels, dark and brig ht. Acetete, rayons, cottons, blends. 36" to 48" widths Sf 98 to YO. s4oa YO. Woolens Gifta ble for robes, jackets, suits and pants! TWEEDS! PLAIDS! NOVELTIES! SOLIDS! A posh selection of colors and weaves to choose 54" to 60" wi dths s2oa and YO. s3os YO • Ql,'f\F'l R1l ~J South Coest Pla:ta -Costa Mesa Huntington C.,,ttr -Hvntlngton Beadl lfitt91 trt s. ., ... fwy. 1•1·111• 11111~ ........ ,... 1974011 Opt" Mo11. tti,. Fri .10 'tll f p.111.-S.1. 'til' O'"" SufNI_,. 12·1 t1w11 D•-1* CJ1eck Y 01tr Horoscope I Rea d the Stars Wi tb Oma1·r ,...._ __ ~~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~~~~-' I ------ -----------------------------------~--..... --~ ............ ______ __... ........... __ ..---~-------.. .. , .... .............-.. --...... ~··· .... --~p ..... • TUMBLEWEEDS I H ~ R ' : : '( -27 .,.. ... -"' (45) e CJ .,.., ••at•r (C) (60 0 COLOR! "MR. MAGOO'S * FAVORITE HEROES"! D • Ktect lllM: (C) "llt. M• ,_.. FMritll ...._.. (t1rtoon) '65. fllr. Mill» lw I 1Jllt timt " Ill rancn tfwouO the worlds " l«t llld tic:lilM .. """' llis f...rt• llen111 lndudlftl Willll l ... CilJllll Din. P1lll R ..... Ind 1fi91 Yu Winkle. ·--(JO) ... , ... (CJ (6()) 9 Wlllt't Ntw? (30) "Advthlures hi Di11D11nd." • ._ .. _(30) Q) ..... (C) .lid: Whitt. •=•a me ".....,... <C> t&O) •• '-• ... (C) (30) tD Tt Tiil U.. tr.a (C) (30) fD Tiii f'nlldllrt'1 MM, 19'! IC) Sec. of stat. Willll11t P. RQ1t1S -.,_ .. (CJ (!O) m-(CJ <30! 1:'5 9 CIS EVM!nc ..... (C) 7:DO a r mcw 1 1r. • • P11ct ••• (C) (60) Rtl" 5'Dry Is lllid! Ind nporttf !of tfNI prewtltltioft of ID 1111usual look ti 1111 llblld HMrd Cestlt ilt Sin Simeon •nd the ltf· llldlqMHwllobuiltlt. a-· ., ,.., (CJ <30! m1i-... (JO) m"" "" -(CJ "" fBC•••••~ ID...., (30> • m ,,.. Mtwls: CC) (30) ci ""' .. "' (10) .. llDlllCllBI •-!Cl 160l ''rift Mils Hip." A IQlld )\liy wllnt11 aboard 111 alrflw 11111.!t bt prottcttd a11inst a potllltlal klll1r. ! I IHC$ I CM•,hndlf lulnt (tO) Liatrtweilht Champlonatilp ti t llltwMll Nando RalllOI Ind YMhlt..i Null\l'la. Abo tlhowtl IS tM LOPM-llWis bout Both flftlls Wlf1 ll9ld !alt Ottotltr. IJ (ft CJ) a> "'•"'''°' ,., I (C) (30) ND"1rJ!ii, • th1 Warloct." SIM1nth1 MMTits ,, Dtrrin btiins to tnioJ th• wa1loct pow.i 1iwn hlm bJ his ltlhtr-in·ltw. N1ulict Evins plays Sim's father. GI Dnilll fltl( (C) (901 • nt Iii Y111ef (t) (60) • NlT ....,...._ (C) (90) ''Tht- •lrt Mlwicl: StorJ Tht1trt." Tht Ytlt 11tPtr10rJ Thtltrt Coln'*" productioll of fi\Jt. ti Crl111111'a f1iry tllM llttld IOI tdul!J bJ Ptuf sms, st1n1nt Mlldrtd DuMIOCt alld AMII (Jsttin. ... D JIM BROWN :j, STUART WHITMAN "RIO CONCHOS" CBS THURSDAY MOVIE tlJ tit (j) CIS Tl..... _, iti "Rio ~ (west.nil '64- Richatd Boone, Stuart Whitman. Ton.r frallcioM, 1lmll 8IWR, Ed- mond O'Bntlt. ftut "'" 1r1 11111 ci11 • raillioft bJ tM U.S. Cawlky lo rtcOWr 2,000 stolMI rifl• O lilHilGIT,. -(Cl (!O) C11uiifnt TottPt. littit Rlchlfd, Act Tructlnt f.ernPlnr ptlt. Tom Jona p1e1 llol•rt in "lll1r111i:ah," • mini-ll'IOlfit takloff on "'Ctubl1nc1." fl) MIN: ......_.,, (d11m1) 'Jt -eonw., Turlt, Carmel MJ'trl. llMCOt Kama.. 11)-(!0) ~" D 9 00 ID ........ ICJ !30) ''Piroltt." Srt. fridly Ind Officer G1nflOll irwtSti(N • 14,J91r..W cril!ll committtd by • Colcndl prison tol'Nict Q ,._ (C) (30) But. Wri. ID Ht Slill, Slit SN (C) (30) t' Ill•--(!O) "1Sf.ll-, ... _ IO:ciD 9 {j) m 0.11 11111111 (C) (60) Ot1n's tutSb ITI ViclDf Blqe,. Joey Htatlw!rtM. Suan eo..ut, bbl M1rtin Ind OClfi Rici 11L ~ .. Dlllm!D._ ....... _ ~ ktl111 competition •monc the ttv• btst stlldlnt 1e- tors tnd 9CIJ'lalS -.cttd bJ the f1e11Jtp " the Thelitr• Arts Dept. of ua.A. f.ldl COfttlltlM wlll pre. tent • ..IWltic ..... wllldl will be fldtllll bJ I llellll Hqft O'Brl- 111 will flosl: and prmnt ash 1nnb to th• trinMts. U IUHDGI"" '"" "' Mn. Muir (C) (30) '1llt Sj)l1il i:f lllt U REDDIN SAYS AID * FOR PILL-TAKERS IS AVAllABLE ! LEARN HOW TONITEI •m-(CJ <IO> l••." C.rolyn enda up In jail when tM County attempts to 111$UH lll&h tllllioa tow•s on Gull Cott111 land. t 0 IHHIJ8il It ,,.. • """ (C) ('°> "A fritnd in Dttd." Guido ~lrtnzl, Altunder Mund'(s rood lrlend, names Al 11 1111 lhitf who stol• lh•' Sortean filt which con- lli•s lh• n1mn of Utt dre1ckd 8rllhtrllood. (;J Min• $ lhwir. (C) "Tiii l i1 c..w.-(c:o...dJ·ldwnturt) '61- St.,i. eo,d. Jullltte Grtco. Ad- vtntur1 aid fun !ft h wildt ol Africa u t11 lrllflfntl\ llis JOC1n1 bridl and mlft bt1* dirt cousin -thtif flwt'lnl " llt !wiry Cont. m Trllll • C IC 111 (C) (30) O Dtllt! (C) (60) Louil Nye, Junt V1ll, W1J111 Codlr111 Incl tilt C.C. Ridm 1U1St. ID""' -(6()) ID"" -ICJ <IO> <•> II> c..i ........ (30) QJ .... flf ftlt 0..... (C) {60) 10:30 @II Crilli nt 511111111 (3 0) flt Ttdlliial C.. (30) m-.., (CJ t30> ., "-ilre! (t) (90) "'l• Vll)le- tera.'" f'•rt 1. ID 11o -. (6()) ''"ID Ill! Cll 1 lj£j£~ _._ '" ltd frm I d q (C) (60) 11:00 II 0 Q m "'" (CJ an.....,.., OJIFL , ... tf ...... (C) mo• li•lb: • ......_ Mw Tiit (lO) 11> llH!l -<C> filllltd • Ktldtlbtrt. Gtrnl•llJ. this musk.ti IJllClal f11mr. lllisl \';1.ll:JG8Ql (I) ............ (C) tent• P«formhic 1111111 ., her mos! o 9 t"i'l m J11tawJ c... (CJ popul1r 1onp. Hw llltl'lt9d brather, · Jot Himlfh is subttitut1 llOst. Sllrio fl'll'ICMCO, end the 11\1 chore· OlflPher ind d111C11r Niel Ctstl1 ara llllOlll tht ll*fs, DAmME MOVIES .......... -(-)' ~ I. bltlNo!t, lwt La!ICU- ter, Mornr4 Duft. ..... __ ........ (.,. IJ M0¥1r. "DH' 11dt MtMt!lt" (1dwnturt-dr11111) '5l -Dirk a. 111dc, MM Ztttlrilftf, D lrlHil tll"" ,..., (CJ 0 .. (C) .,.. .... If c... ...... (eomedy-dr11t11) '62--0..W fti'l'tl\ Alb«tD Sordl m M..ir.: .,_.. an• DbdM" (dftlN) '51 -Mich1tl RtdlfM, 1:4S•M-Rli&lll ,...: .. ,, R:llR For tilit lllonfl,"' '11MI Yam1'1t1'1 Cllolt." ''Thi M1rtc Bow." ttrr) '49-lolfl 81t1Mft. Mitllttf lltdlJ'I ... • .,., ... .... CtlW ... MndW' (com~) '.17 -Rt.11nd You111. Mil C1tdflff, Sir R1I~ ~ldl1rdloft. ''" 0 (CJ "11o Metso... ..,. (lrllM) 'SS--Ala11 l .... Jul'll .,,,. ton, 1111111 wtlltmoft. l :I0 8(C) --(-........... Jotd111. - JUDGE PARKER STEVE ROPER MUTT AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH I I I I By Tom K. Ryan 'TIS UICJCY IU Ji!lt IS io::r.1411! SAU Y BANANAS 1·, t" I JI I r.l 1 By Harold La_ Doux_ ~ .. -"'°5~-,-N6--I_TOl __ P_IOl=_:,,,-A"T"' NE:~ IEEN MIRIY A1 I.EAST srr TIME:S .. OM TWO OCCASIONS HE MADIEP ~ILE LE:6AUY WB.L, LET" ME ASK PAUL Y01 THl5 QllESTlON! TOLD ME m or k»OWU'P6f. HE WAS MAHIEP MAn!S> 10 OIHH-Ell- OEl.IEVE ME, ~55 J~r ,.I WQIUll'I" Llf AllOIT OOME· TMIN6 LlkE lMAT! ly Saunders and Overgard ! SAVI )t)IJRE Jr«)T" LISTl!NfNG/ THAT WOULD r -'-NDYOU LOOKLIKf'IOU'D JAR ME, KID/ ... f JUST READ THAT )"()IJR • BUT MAYBE THIS ) FAVORITE QUARTERBACI( IS WORSE .' HAD 8ROKIN HI P.4SSINGi - AR'M' ..... -.! ...... "~-.. MO COU.Oll'T MN RID TIE DIP·STIC~ Ill HIS CNl !-SO HE C»IT LNlEll- ST~ \111-fY 1 GET SlfCH A 'HARGli OUT OF ~l.G0!1'""1ol!S! .• - 11 -n By Al Smith ANYO~ER QUE6TIONS?1 By Gus Arriola Thursdlf, NO'l'tmbtr '17, 1'6t DAllV I'll.OJ II By Chartfl Barsotti I , . .,...U. "" .....,_ "-... .t.u.t c-. .t.t.-.t ""' ,,..,.. ,,,_.. . PEANUTS ly C•les M. Schull ..--.---....:., TELEVISION VIEWS Western Star Keeps Busy lly VERNON SCOTT .. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Buck Taylor, lbe rug· Jed gunsmith on 11Gunsmoke," could have survived lll the Old West with bis skills as a hunter and fish· ennan. When Taylor isn't playing the role of Newly O'Brian on the CBS.TV aeries, he can be found with his camper and family in Mexico or utah parked near a stream. TAYLOR and his wife Judy are the parents ol Tiffany, 71 and. Adam, 3, both of whom have learned to wel a line in streams and lakes on trips with their fa ther. The family lives in Calabasas, a suburb of Los Angeles and a half·hour drive to Cinema Center Films where "Gunsmoke" is filmed. The Taylor home is a modern California Spanish-ranch with four bedrooms and a spacious swlmmlng pool. Buck does the gardening and pool maintenance himself, a fact of life that doesn't please him, HE 15 PROUD that he is a second generation Hollywood actor. His father is Dub Taylor who once played sidekick to Bill Elliott and Tex Riller, Now ·raylor the elder ~ets top character roles, in movies, iricluding "Boan1e and Clyde" and "The Wild Bunch." "I never wanted to be an actor as a child," Taylor says, "but I grew up around studios and-they always fascmated me.1' TAYLOR ll!GAN in the business as a ltunt man, but injured a shoulder falling from a horse and turned to acting 10 years ago. Taylor appean in about half the 0 Gunsmoke" episodes and js the central character 1n three or four segments a season. Became his appearance• on the show vary, he i\ never certain about his work week. ONE WEEK he may be called upon five days running· from 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. or later, Then again he·may have two weeks off, or work only a day or two. This regimen suits the actor. It ~ves him time to pursue another hobby, shopping Junk yarda for bits and pieces of furniture for his home. He and Judy favor ancient artifacts from early California settlers which they clean up and use to decorate the house and garden. JUDY ALSO shops by catalogue and once a week a delivery truck stops by with assorted pack- ages containing kitchen appliances, recipe books and other oddments. Buck barbecues in good weather, which ls about J 80 ~of the time, while Judy is at home on the I ldtcl!en range with fancy dishes of all kinds the rest f of the yoor. .). THE TAYLORS seldom entertain and when they ;. do It is with rodeo friends who live nearby. Because .f he was brought up around horses, Buck feels most~' comfortable in blue denims and an open shirt. He owns one tult and wears a necktie only when it is unavoidable. ' ui,ie thing to remember about working In Holly· t wood Is to g~ away from it as olten as you can· to i maintain your sanity," Taylor says. "That's why J our family hits 'the·road every chance we get." ~ ' Detatai• the lfleta~e ? 1'tff- . --~--····----------,,,..-------------------~~~--:------------------ .. U.S.D.A.,CHOICE OR STATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF LB. • U.S.D.A.atOIQOISTATRllOS.IONIL.ISS 87' ROUND STEAK : .. ,, .......... LI. . . . _BEEF . ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE OISTATIRllOS. C&tiflB»'llllF ROUN •• c BONE ' LB. GROUND BEEF FIESH-LEAH DRICIOUS GROUND HOUIL Y · U.S.D.A. QIOICE OI STATIR llOS. tRTlfllDW U.S.D.A. QIOICE. .&:Jlts~ 77~ 79!. CUBE -SLICED STEAK BACON MOllllU YOIKSHllE ' 1.L1. llGULAI U.$.D.A. CHOICE OI STA Ta llOS. CllTIRID IElf Ol 2-LI. THICK ··~·· 65~ . U.SJl.A.0-.0ISTATBllOS.Cill--, $.I '-'19 '-BONE STEAK....... .. LB. '· U.S.D.A.CHOICEORSTATER -BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF iio1iiiiftious1.TIAllL•.• 1 23 fAIMRJOHN1•Ll.PACKAGE 59 WIENERS A.LLMIAT •.•.. ~ ..... t LI. c I ' ' ~ea(d. & g'~ -4J.J. t .. PERTUSSIJI · . ~ ............ -. L-'il'!Ued COUCH SYRUP IUFFERll PllSTEEll "'""'" ,!ce~!EJ.~. DEODORAllT CEPACOL 89 7 . ,...,,...,.,.,.., MOUTHWASH ( 7 Dl.t.l PACX4G1 •·oz. __ ·· c StlS 88 ~;::~~tt_;~~;;-J.:2.:>·~0~z.;Jl•~·:.=.il~4-~' o::z.~~-~-(~;j PEITUSSlll ' 8-HR. FORMULA FASTEETH IA. ER DEVI · .. lED HAM PLUM,OSE ............ ·-•·O' 39' """"-POWDER A STYU 94 OENru•EADHfs.v1 aonuo!~~ HAllSPi:AY .. _ , ll•·OZ.49< .s....,.a· , BREAKF .AST:.'s~\\'.1ii':l''. .............. ; '" o'' 72', KltCHEN BOUQUET >·OZ. 29' -"OZ 53' ,RALSTON RICE CHEX ................. •oz 39' CHOICE • .FIG --BARS ....... 2-Le.PKG~49c. ' [iiTYiiifnNC: ' , . ~~; s· . ORN ............................. ScANS I CRISCO SHORTENING ... : ......... "" 85' 13-0Z. DINTY MOORE ' BEEF STEW ...................... 24-0Z .CAN 49.; . ii'OEGIDFl.Qjl~KEN. LIVER~~=~ 8 TA:~ s . · 10 OOD FED ........ ........... CANS I· * '1"41" 'Joo;t 11"'-4! ~ I05Aln A ASSOITIO • ' MEXICAN Dll!l_I _____ ;::._39c -· -BEEf TACOS --·-·-· ., .• , 39' MORTON MUFFINS . ,...39' ~ ·-HONEYBUNS ---1···29' CRABMtAT-•.ozllU 10.0lilNCf •OUllllll· MORTON DONUTS ...... 39' CHIU I BEANS-A ,..._11 MIS.RllDAr~OL'"·• •. 7'h: GOURMET SltRIMP'~~'.' I 59 IU)l,Oll•T IOUllllt i{li\EiR~ELEANSER .... .... . ....... c~s 2 9c . . ~~G DEAL PACKAGE •PPL ES AJAX DETERGENT ............. c;,!~~.1 6 8 c SMALL FANCY BEEF STEW .......... •·•• 39' IOUl.T"-OL CREAMED CHICKEN --··· 45' s....,.•-•·Ol. KOLD KIST CHICKEN .. -. 55' SLICED BEEF ........... •.ot 45' lOUIUST BEEF ST ROGAN OFF .... 55' ·-TIPTOPDRINKs .10 ..... 11 BABY SHIRTS VINYL PANTS •IP#UOHI ' OH-BOY PIZZA ·---·-... oz.69c RED DELICIOUS GEllEI PULl·OM. IElt 71c EA. GElilEI PULL.ON. IEG . .et i:A. PIUf:DU1,.GT.PAO:AGl 0 -·-·· c PRE:Sd"AKou.l.. ... G. --s 04 STARCH .... 59 AXION :,t.· 1 SWUTHWT SOAP :::',t~~-hlis 11' SWEETHEART SOAP :i:m: :_ . ~~ICE$ ~-~tf;CTIVE.7-FULL DAYS, THURS. lhru WEDS .• NOV. 27th-DEC.3rd ANAHEIM COST A MESA SANTA ANA 3430 W. LINCOLN AVENUE 2180 NEWPORT BOULEV.'\ht. 2630 EOIN"E'R AVENUE· 2564 WEST BROADWAY 707 WEST 19TH STREET 1.. u .• 1175 BAKER STREET 2603wEST 17TH STREET GARDEN GROVE HUNTINGTON BEACH • I ~~~T:.l~s.J,~~nR BLVD 888 CHAPMAN AVENUE 686 2 EDINGER AVE. WHITIIER-14212 MINES AVI. 4 U~'S 49' I 1, ' ----. .. ;._ -- I ' . Thll'ldl1, NMmMr 21, 1%9 DAil V PILOT 17 MAYERESH • ENGLISH MUFFINS 1 I I Gnla•s4Y.•OI. JAR BABY FOOD ·S'IUINID PIUm l VIOi. s CARNATION & $1 !Y.!!·_M_l_L_K ___ ....... -for HILU BROS. 1 1.lB. & a~ ~C!$~!~cm"·"-CA-N·----·-, GIANT DASH - 1 . 1 ~. DDERGENT r:::'iiiiiii:G~IANT~-~Z!DUJ.~P>U.~~----- -:. I . • WITH . I ' I ·~ I. I I ' ______ .,. __ _ ~_yf~ Frozui Frid.---.;. ORANGE ·J.UICE ~ MINUTE MAID 16-0I. CAN '. ' ' . ~ ' 'ITSNEWSIZE' ~":.~ YillfSH EGGS ~~!!!'ii GRA __ PE_FRV_IT_DR_ll_K __ 29' :,~_:---_· _ 00z.s,, !!!!!!.n~!!~·"· li~·1 "c.=--·41•m•m·l4~·· DoillY Spt.elekr . .... GltifADE .... ::::::·:: ,·~1~1!'a.MARGAR!IE . 5i$1 ' INSTANT PORK CHOPS RllEND UAN EASnRN PORK •• SWE JUla°FILlED COAOIB1A VAWY • 691~ SLICED ~'""S!!f 1 .... Pllr. 79~ FARMFIESH TUllllPS, SPIUCll MUSTAID, IRTS SWISSCIAID OICOLWD • .. , " ~-YOUIOIOICI • llMCH 10~ :i IESTU'S QUIK ~~~~:--............... 79' . DOG' CAT FOOD ~5?..u ·--·-6i$1 APPUSAUa ~~~" ______ 3is 1 JllCllS LOTIOI . DftlDHDUl-' 83< SKIN LOTIOftJOZ.Sllt- ,BREAKFAST : ~/. " ' ARDEN ICE CREAM 59' HIGH QUAIJlY HAif GAUOH --mmifair Dtfietiksstn.---.. .LUNCHEON MEATS MAYFRESH6°0Z.PltG. :15· iJ. A.UMIATIOLOGNA , -Y° PICKULOAITASnLOAJI · OUVILOAI • - YO..CHCICl'--··· .. IAOI FRANKS """~ ... ----· 12-0LPKG.49~ I .. ___ _.,.....,..,_ __ ....,..._ ....... ~ ........ ----------........................ --...---;----~--~----·_,_---,-~---·---,------.----· . --' . - 11· DA!LY1 l!IL'Oll Thilnila1 'H-'27; 1969 ' ' . ' ·-··· ·--·l--- " , I ., , ......... .. . , BONELE_SS · STEAK · • '• ,~--· 49 . , y.s.D.A. .... CHOICI Ulf ., j I ... ~ MTHIOOM ... SIX :VAlllETIES . · ,: Lady Scoff. PITUNA CAT -FOOD 106\12.0Z. $1 1'· CANS ' -. . . . . . . ''TISSUE VITA-PAK UNSWEETENED G•APEFRUIT .IUICE QUART 35c BOTTLE . ' . 1 2·ROLL PKG. . 23c. "-,, INSTANT.COCOA ... NEITLi'S MAGIC CHEF INSTANT POTATOES IJ;OZ. 39c PKG. QUIK ' PERFORM 'CONCENTRATED _2·L•·79 PKO.' FABRIC SOFTENER 'DETERGENT (INCL 6c .Qf.f)1 • ,' • DISHWASHER ALL 0G~~~N ·6tC PLASTIC I 20-oz.···39c· PKG •• , .. • LIQUOR SPECIALS OLDI INGLISH "600'' MALT ,·u..-oa ~':'"·£· ~~. ·1· 25 '!t•' : v c .... ' . ' . . ""SELF OPENING CANS . . . DELICATESSEN POOD OIAllT WISCO•SI• LONG.HORN -c••••• 79.c . CHllSI · · llt. ' POODOIAllTSUCID BOLOGNA ALL ··6 ·9.C MIAT : l1t. 12-0Z. 49c PKG. . NIBLETS· CORN 1fc GRll• OIA•T 12 OZ. CA• MAYONNAISE .. 39c MAGIC C•lf QUART JAR FROS·T·DOGS . FIOZEN -29 IMITATION' ICE MILK C , ......... , .... , ...... Pkg. of 6 CABBAGE' . . . . I ,,.OARD• ..... I C I . SOUD •IADS I . . ... ' .. I SWANION' MEAT ..... 5 •C•ICKI• •TVllKR AUNT JEM1MA-9·0Z. rKG. WAFFLE SARA LEE CINNAMON ROLLS 9·0Z. Pkg . •Wlliotrr DElERGENT LAUNOl!Y DET!RGENT UQUID ALL LIQUID WISK POWDEREO DETERGENT POWDERED CLEANER TOILH SOAP -le SALE CASHMERE BOUQUET lAUNDR:f PRE-SOAK ~:'!: !· 83 ~ -_ ' ~~ $1 37 tw.I. 1:1'°' bil.' l 2c off COLD WATER ALL 49·oL 6 7c Incl. ~kd. l St off ACT·ION BLEACH 22-oz. 7·9c pkg. • . LIQUID AJAX AXION ~().oz_' ... plost~ 79c Incl, bJI. 20t off 4 ~;,-39c . ' 25-oz. 59c incl. · pkg. l Ot off ' .. DISH IES , ..... .... •. ' •Sc OH &OY ~HIUI PIZZA 16·"· 69 1 "•· c ' '" Cl pok . IONS , . ' . . . 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wilson· St... Harbor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa ' I • • 1 • l1 I' --l . • . ! ' ~ ~--.... ~. ... .. -~---~- ' ' . . . , .. -, .. ' . . '' . . .. ,. ' ' . ''! . ' ' ::in.··:,this ·,3r1~, -i~~lodiog ·_2,9_.:UQUBlf: .bl$.COUtiTS, _. ' . ' ' I \·· ! ' \' • ' o ' µ o' 1 'I ' -.. sav&~vou -.-13~9-t'!;~.~~~:.~~.1~ · · · ' ' SAT ... IUM.11.WIOJPli I •follll llVilWI II .......... .....-i ....... '111 i-'woold N ncb·hl&W l 1llllt a~ u111Ap'wu1 ~ l. I -="""m' .,_ ,.iq __ • ' WlENE! ~a'if.~:nm.uu · · . · liihl'~Yirililm l5c tr. ... l.U.:..PACUGl•WMll.T •• ' r ,.• (lk, .•:Al.Ult ' ,, j ILPIHI IJUA WEll!EIS · ,. • ' --, W!llJllTl .'-Nil GAU.ON ... MTATIDlfillU Ilk vm.i& ._... . . . - l·LB. CAN • JIEGUUl'I Q1U1U) HUUlllS YOUN~ • . 77, , · llDCHA JAYA corm no ' . -. -,, .• ' ...... ~'t"iii:l"Mh'1." ~-41 • @~wif m n11s 31cft# @ 12 011NC1! JAR RAS .. E!<RY-ORANOE -31• Kl~ llEl.LY JAii .,. _@L4l'foi ~L 11c M• j @'~ll0ruGlfiN~·~ I' Ge::)f#'M~\Wl'" '=~ • I .J~-··, ..... • • 1 ,j ~Ill •ALL PUf!POsE RUSSET 110 "' . ~ , .. av""* _ · 3 l 25· Mill mSff ~-. .. . i ~ w-• ~ Yil.LOW . I 1QUSHf' : ITAWI -~-AND lllC'l~-WctJ,jlE " .•• rd-. lrUoUPURS ~ 1 <R?··,1) AJAX ! , CWISER • ., "' "WISE '11111'1 IN fCOHOM'f ,_ • .._, 9•7 -_,,- ~ •• l 1MLUI ij ' ~ o IAYIL P' " OUllll ,! MWCU'•l~lLUI ... • , ZANlll DATii --, . . f Y ... A Noilhbolflold·-1' • ILAINIY lllAND l!M lo! -,,..., _ _., ~FAi? • llllJ\ICIUI aii IVT I 1'1%DI 111111 'C,OIJNID'' "iiiA!i, -11P10uorouM'' . -"=='"'':~ ,,. ~sLICID " BACON .. .. ...., I , , · . 01scolllli,...,.., . EF •QUALITY I iAfiifACT!ON Gll.IRMfll!D , ,.. •U.S. CllVl!INMm IMPECTID BRISiD' ·-. ;,, ... ' ~. ' '.J ' ' LOW -• .om ' tow : : c · 1/llCE . IL -. . JI •1 UCON =~-11;. . ' . ' . I ' ' " ' ' I ' .... ••• . ' ·J • I ~ 1 . ff •DAILY PILOT ' H I d D . G 1 · Fun Glasses p N • E : · . o i ay .l~ess1ng 1tters .fliay 1nterfe ~e at rxes xtravagan-ce • " ···with :vision . By BELEN THOMAS Nau.al Remopbllla Foun-ed to Ila~ business law lo lla!lll so-11111ir oa llolldu ill 'ii II .. ,....,.. -.!, bat doo'l let the pb ma-··-f11r ljle boI\doJ •· • WASlllNGTON (UPI) dation pooler boy. adults bdln Wblttler. y,.n.)I as 1"il .-.. -eel 1" Im Illa -\'!!* lql ,..i JG" In the -11111 -· .. -. -Ofllt; •· -·the d 1 IJ a r·• n c e -· The White Houle aireaey "I bave!i't ...,. beaV]I oa thla holiday -Wnp Iabrl<l ·lbll.,111_mil_ -, -·-\Ille bl&b ololtlli1 la--...,._ =Elul .-, and Firs! Lady Pat Nlxro denies ,had labeled the 119,000 report clothes Iift'<," Mrs. Nixon yourself wi~' a ta'of•..,..... 11111 jrlml Iba! ~ 1 -of Iooldnl !dive 11f Ci• boil< lilln ...S Ille a llflly , all1ctal she Is a walldng fashion plate "lnlccurate and lncorrecl." said. "1 hfoen'\ )la§ lime to go as well .., ~,. -s1f1a I So maDJ Cllllei' !a•""" • 'tJI up -own hol*1 , ......,., balll Illa -..,io. ' for Sevenlh Avenue, and when Aaked whether her bua-· sl>ooplng.' , ' lnlcyle. ' , '"' lia'oslllleimcJd!l!•'t -for a~ao ,of the tyand'lhe-l)'lllllt~. ter,N"' Yori Salay llcomftlowardrobelhopplng ~beronac1,.,jbudpl,' ,s&ellidlllfl""!lwearbg ' ' ' • ,..... • lep 1rtt •. ,1!111 K\lllO.:u.t ~are wtr1' •r~u ·-tho' fun-'---••• •-Mn.,Nlaon im!led anil llid> ,....,1 Qf.Iail ~.i;., dressu 7 • HOLIOA'j'•OLOW -The woman who-~ herself in • bright holiday ·niood for a Above, a glamour knit shines with opalescent and below a shining satin .is trimmed with lilT8l'1 bugl e beacis and a diamond collar. TUil# IALk -Blazinf plnlc cotton velvet shapes p_._. a tunic for holiday wear. Silver braid IC· cetii:·' tunic, which can be worn by itself as a rn1ntfVllllD&.drcss. The ensemble can be made f o r Jess tUn '2$) Including the trim. l ................. r~ ,91" ~·· "-' ... •. M 1m· of~ :-.1111• ~husband ~I ''He doesn't kt on 'u.. He 0 w1Uch ;eopr • .lbaten't seen • ........ ,.of -61...tte\ _. far .jOblmnW .apd' ~ °'e-<MA .andllatid ~ Che• •_.,.auve" and ·'-• boir -•alive 1 aroundpu." -, ....... , ' , ......... \ ·• 11 r ~~~~"TbllJhPeriO '1cblalQ'."" I' bi." ... • Mn!. ~·al1c{'denled that ~· r'•~ ...i ':.:J •.• . .L.. ... . -~~ %d~~ :tr.,: .,,:;.0o..J,1~· :.1~.~jj ... = e ... .... ~~li.T"'.::.~1:,· ~ .:! are lo .,..llliU: -la me111 eegue clmmlcb·" reporten queried 11.r ; ;JJ'i, :! stant11 buying ciolhes. 1fl!lt...., l&ote, IDd &be &tit. And the shape usually in-reports she bu .... · ti.• ti ' "Julie's wearing skirts she ~ ...... Uft prudactd La ·Lecbe Leacue meeta the terferes with perlpberaJ vision. on her ytardrobe .1111 , dlJI ''-M ' •ore in the sixth grade,'' said -of :..i lrio!HJ· aicaatl' Tuelda7 at. 7:30 p.m, augnratton. · \ • ) mwe • 1111111111 (MI · M~. Nixon. She said !hat ...... .. 11111. the I ' ... 5....-&.. "'-·· Tbe reporters .. m~) ... I= Jillie, a senior at Smith -· Ml'L B. W. ·MoaJ'I. -· ,rop, ""': '.0 .....,..,, 19a bow much, tlhe -I *. 11 1 ~-'lege, has simply hemmed fllldaal :JIU wUl amwer q a e a t J .. Ii 1 -...-• """ v ... .., Ibo p . lilt of --''"" location, in The Diily Pilot They bad ·:: ... Mid she ......, up her old skirts for the new !-~'~....,==..i::.:::.::i:.,;:::.::_::·..-:!::;::::!-.o..::::=::.:.,,...._ __ _;::_:.:::.,..::::!_:,:::__JP~ictu!!!re-!:!:.!!ta~ti~ngL.; • 11ecau1e sbe..., 11111ri look. . ) • , ' . 'ffr,anksg~ving may be over, but you still1 ' .~ve tr,·.eat1 ElRancho can help· , you . feed your fam ·ily and still ' M1alsinMinlltBll· . ' ' . Macaroni' & Cheese,,.".,, Stouf!er'a • , , 12 ounce paW... Steak ·and Fries ...... " ...... Saliabury •teak from 8wamOn ! , , Cflun King Dinners,, ... Five cO\Ulel ••. four varieties. Pa Ho Dinners ............ ,,. Maican favorites ••• four kinda. Slrioln Tips ............. ,,. Kold Klat. , , 6 ounce packap. " • Jlay~ud , ; , Baby Edam or Gouda , , , for cooking, for eatin1 I 7 oz. Rath lunch Meats .................. 3 rOR$1 • Bandwlch favorlte.s.,. All Meat Bolorna,'Pickle, Tuty or Olive Loaf! 6 oz. Horseradish Sauce ........................ 39' Fishenne1t'1 Wharf ••• delieioua companfoli for Corned Beef,,, 8 oz . .r.e. El Rancho Liquor Speciais Early Times ..................... ~~~~ ............. : ....... ~11.79 Kentuclq Straifht Bourbon" .•. bu'ilt in pourer aavee: 1pil11 ! GllbeJ's Gin ...................... ~~~~ ........... -........ !9.95 London Dry, • , 90 proof. , , mlxeo well, ntaino ill cjiaracter. Harvej s Scotch ................. ~.~ .................. 511.99 Ated and blended in Scotland., .100% Scotch Whiskies. Alka Seltzer . .' .......... ~ ...... .., ... 59' • I Carn Helf ... ~'!!. 78; The whole piece, or Point end at lbla prica I , , , fl&t end • , • 89c lb. Meat Loaf ............ 79L Halibut :steak ...... 89~ Delicious blend ••• oven rudy I C1ntt? cut ••. a welcome change! Pastrami .. ,, ..................... ~.~~.~~~ ..... f •• : .. .. .. • .... • .. 98~ Chicago 1tyle , , , perf1ctly opicld and cund I Sllcld , , , $1.29 lb. Spencer Roast ......... ,, ...... ~::~~.~~~~ ........... ,, ... !1.98i.. Boneles.s ! ... The eye of the rib for an Incomparably tender succulent hearty beef roast I Chateau ··enand .... ~~:~~.~~~~~ ... s22! The ultimaU. in dining delilht I Flitt Jlllnon , , • •Z.49 lb. Cabbag1 ............. s:; Solid heads.,. cri!p 1eavea that wilt' cook up tenderly deliciollS with your Corned Beef I Artichokes .... ~~~ .................. ,, ....... 5 FOR S1 Bir ~auties: .• each tender tipped petal inviting you to enjoy the flavor of this favorite! • Comice Pears ...... ~~~ ..................... Slll S1 The russet color is your clue to finer flavor in!this favorite winter fniitt Price8 in effect F·ri., ScU., Sun.., Nov, !8, !9, 30. No sal<a to <k41<n. Open daily 9 to 9.,, S1'ndaV 9:30to1:30 ARCADIA: Sunset & Huntington Dr. (El Rancho Center) ., P-ASAl!ENA: 320 West Colorado Blvd. • SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont & Huntington 0rJ HU~Tlll.STOll BEACH: Warner and. Algonquin (Just 'East of Huntington HarbOur)) .llEIPOIT 8fACff: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr, (Easlbluff Village Cenleft~ ' • • f PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY th ru • • TUESDAY NOV. 28 thru DEC. 2 f • ·~ ' FEATURING FAD EVERYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES FARMER JOHN o EASTERN·QUAUTY o SllCED. PO~K LOIN 79c CHOPS! F~f~~y ' lb'. USDA CHOICE OR FAD "TENDERFUL • • BEEF L1t~~~D 37c SHORT RIBS 1b. • USDA CHOICE OR FAD ''TENDERFUL" o EYE OF ROUND 139 ROAST ·.':.':.~;· 1b. ' . UIQA CHOICE 01 fl>l> ' ' . > < "llNDEIPIJl • • llONaESS llOAST SHOULD!··s 7.c Plll.S8UIY e REGULAR OR IUTTERM1U::: BISCUITS ~i.Zi CLOD TENDE\ • •• t ' ,. • . t ~ ~-. . . . . .. .. ! BETTY CROCKER e 11 y, -OUNCE IO~S . cil<i~"iixu ' 29° 4-SPEED BLENDER RIVAl, PUSHBUTTON 32· 1299 OUNCE 8tENDING CAPACITY lURB-O·MATIC BLENDING ACTION. MOO. 911. REG. 21.98 ~~ .... LIFE LIKE ARTIFICIAL • CHRISTMAS TREES 7' SCOlcH PINE ........... 14.99 3' DOUGLAS FIR ............ 2,99 4' DOUGLAS FIR ............ 5.99 ' 6' DOUGLAS FIR ............ 9.99 '· 7' DOUGLAS FIR ........... 14.99 THE IUUSTRATED Columlilil lncyclopetlla VOL &9c ONE Volurnl 11-ffow Av1llable VOi.. 2·22 • , , 1.tt EA. I RJOGfORO • 3-lOAVES e FROZEN BRUD . GOLC>-MEDAl e 5·~8, I AG FLQUR -.. . . SAVE 1 o, .SAVE 9, FAD ·e IEGOtAltOt>SOUlt DOUGH ENGLISH ,,..,,, MUFFINS ~G' . ' DIAL DEOl;>OR~NT ANTl-PERSPIRANT 5-0UNQ: AERCn>Ol CA!f INCLUDES 12c OFF. REG. 1.09 BRYLCREEM HAllt GROOM KING S!ZE lU8E INCLUDES 9c OFF. ltEG. 1.29 MICRIN MOUTHWASH 18·0UNCE BOTilE --INCLUDES l 2c OFF. REG. 1.•9 MIC!llN SCRABBLE STANDARD EDITION. fON fa> fOR THE WHOt.E FAM.IL Y llEGUlAR •.99 GALLON •SAVE 1 lc PUREX BLEACH SPRINGflELO e 9·0?. FROZEN FRENCH FRIES s~~1 SPRINGflElO e 7 '/,·OZ. IOX Mac. & Cheese DINNER 5~1 MTH SIZE t s,t.VI k PALMOLIVE BAR SOAP 75° 96' 101 2" 29' .. ------~~~-.. -~-· .. - ' • DAILY PILOT II ' . , .1,1,SDA GRAt;>E A • COUNTRY.FRESH • WHOtE BODY ·FRYING ·2 CHI.CK ENS . ' LEAN • DEPENDABLE QUALITY • FRESH ·GROUND BEEF GROU ND FRESH HOURLY FAD• FIRST QUALIT)"·• LEAN AND MEATY : SLICED· 1-LS. BACON PKG. " RA~MER JOHN • EASTERN QUALITY, WESTERN FLAVOR c lb. c lb: c PORK PICNI~ ·47 c ROAST STYLE ,I lb. . '· .. ;;" USDA' CHOICE OR FAD·"TENDERFUL" • OVEN TENDER RUMP .. 7c ROAST 1b. . . FARM~R JOHN • SKINLESS • BREAKFAST FAVORITE 8-0UNCE PACKAGE LINK SAUSAGE Pla111t,'Chrillnl11 DEOORATIOllS CHRISTMAS WREAT H STEM FLOWERS o PINE BRANCH o POINSETIIAS HOLLY SPRAY o BUtlBU BLOSSOMS o ARRANGEMENTS c I h .... -------~-,.----------· ·--- 31 DAil V PILOT Thursdl.1, Novtmbtr 27, 1969 . . .sopratao Magtalfteent 'Pierrot .Lli!laire' Delightful at UCI Clowaing ArOtlnd Thor Nielsen· draws the affection{ ol his "daughters" Marion Trainet: (left) and ruta Simmons in the Costa Mesa C vie Playhouse production of "stop the World -I Want to Get Off," reswning Friday at the fairgrounds ·Community Center AuditoriUJll. MuseleJDan Wants to Aet 'Silent' Peter Lupus Gets More Lines HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The smiling giant removed a plastic bag containing exactly 50 capsules and tablets rrom his pockcl5, lifted a glass of water and di spatched the pills in three gulps. A \vaiter in lhc Bro\\'O Derby flinched at the sight. Raquel \Velch . Al 220 pounds and 6 feet, 4 inches, he is a forme r Mr. Indianapoli1, Mr. Indiana, Mr. Hercules and f..lr. lnlcrnalional Health. One may conclude he is a health nut. His only movie to date is - ntaturally -"Muscle Beach Party." An astounded Geller hired Peler for lhe role or Willy. But he fa iled to tell Lupus that Willy was a silent part and that his principa1 talent lay with his brawn. '·Nobody told me until the end of the first season that Willy was supposed lo be silent," Lupus said without ranair. "When I found out l got upset, wanted to give the character more dimension. lly 'rOM BA'llLEY 01 tlte !Molly 1'1191 llt K our OrwllO Cwt -., ..... ". ilt .,_"' .. have It .. '* lQillY ll\lll I "'~"' .......... deli ··-..... night wtll liill \o ftl')' ftitt<fi' with us next spring when we take our annu.11.I backward glance at what the season had to olfer. One item on that program justified the complex , ar· rangements we were com· pelled to negoUate to insure our attendance at UC Irvine in this music-filled weekend : Arnold Schoenberg's "Pierrot Lunaire," that Io c red i b I y beautiful setting of Albert Giraud's 21 Jrnpresslons of T1·avel Filn1. Show Slated In Anaheim A travel film festival, ~ sponsored by Sunset Magazine and H. Werner B u c k Enterprises, will be held Jan. 3 through Jan. 11 at the Anaheim ConvenUon Center. The event Ls an added featu,re to Buck's fifth annual Southern California Sports, VacaUon & Recreational Vehi· cle Show on the same dates. A deluxe Sunset Magazine trophy, plus $500 cash from lhe publishers, will ' go to the film entry judged best in all categories. In addition to this grand prize, the producer will be awarded a plaque. Plaques also will go to category win- ' . . /1l 1/1 JI ···~;.:-, fllST lUN Dt•th Dtfll111 l•Y Dl•lftl ....~ ..• , "THI OY'5Y MOTHl• plu1 ''MARLOWE'' .-;1:._ • Conti""""• n1.1rt. 1111 """" .. "Vitamins and food sup- plements," explained actor Peter Lupus, who plays the strongest man in the world ill "Mission: Impossible." But Lupus aspires to higher things than bulging biceps, although it 1\'as his physique that led him to his role In the CBS-TV series. "Luclly, I have three or four fan clubs and the mail has come in ravorable to Willy. I had so rew Jines in the first three years or the series my rans counted U1e number of words I had in each show. On some of them J didn't speak a line. ners. ·~-== An additional $250 will be'-"I lake SO pills three limes a day after meals," he said. ''That's what keeps m e healthy. Except for that big horse pill you saw me take. One time it got caught sideways going down and 1 almost strangled ." Lupus has impressive credentials lo the title of male ~,P.1;f ~ 2'05 f115t C•a1t HJthway CoNaa Hf Mar-ph. 67l·6260 Jiow 7011 cu SEE an7thla& 7•• WIDI J\iim RESTAVRANT" ...... ARLO 1lUTHRIE COLOft t:IJ. Deluxr U11111d i\rt1ats ~ '"I"'•~ "The producer, Bru c e Geller, c<il/ed me in to ask 1£ it was possible for a n1an to lift 400 pounds," Lupus explained. "I told him it '''as not only possible, that J had lifted 425 pounds \Vith my arms and hands, and 915 pounds wilh my !Jack." 2nd BIG WEEK Cell 673-6260 For Information Also Playing -"THE FIRST TIME'' "This season my fan club will have more words to count. I've been taldng dram atic l~ssons. I mean, th ere isn't much future in just plain bulk. Those muscle pictures are (inished." Quick to grasp the hn· plications in the end of a trend, Lupua he reduced his gymnasium workouts a n d Weight lifting. ';When I was at my peak I weighed 252 pounds," Lupus said. "Now I've cut do wn to 216 pounds. "But 1 believe a physical training program should be a part of every actor's life. Most stars age loo fast because they don't take care of themselves or gel enough ex· ercise. "You'd be surprised how much!\hey could prolong their careers by staying younger and looking younger. And it wouldn't hurt any to take these vilamlns and food sup· plements." As long as .one of those big horse pills doesn·t stick in your epiglottis. given to the producer of the best film in each of the follow- ing categories : state or pro: vince, travel pr o m o l I o, n association (other than stale or province), foreign country, corrunercial company engaged In travel or vacations. and travel rilm made especially rot trade showings. Huntington Tryouts Set Auditions for ''The Impos- sible Years," a comedy dea l- ing with the generation gap, will be held Sunday evening al the Huntington Beach Play- house. llH-t JJMl.l'f IWllllCI PflODUCftOll MITJIOCDlOI 2001:a ... ody1My CINERAMA """" CIN.FIJ( )l\fF ~ ~ r-1.1 A cast of 15 characters is required -five adult men, one adult "·oman, one teen- age girl and eight young pc& pie of both sexes. Randy Keene, who hasliz~~~~·~~a~IJ~icn~Eii staged two children's produc- tions for the playhouse. is Ir~~:=~ l~=~iil direcling the Bob Fisher-.. 11 ~I ( <I> • ' ', • • " ' • " '• • Arthur li1arx comedy. Tryouts are scheduled for 7 p.m. on Sunday only. "The In1possible Years',' \\'ill open Jan. 30 for a five- "'eekend run at the playhouse, 2110 fl.1ain St., J-luntington Beach. M•~lmllll•11 kflt ll DllM lltktr "l<llAl<ATOA" 401 Plu• "IUNO M lltlGHT WATER" This Glh Keeps on Giving Art. Gulhrl• '"ALICE'$ Jll!ITAUlt.l.NT,. 11111 Tiit l1tlln ''THE YELLOW SUIMAll.INE'" ' Here's a packap fllllilar to discerlft shoppers alo11 th• Orange Coast. It has everything . . • a gttt for anyone of any age. And it keeps on giving all year round, not just at Christmas titne. In faet, we hope J1"I don't waft till Christmas to open It This pack .. 1 b llllld With a1; •tta, ... lures 1nd the freshest news we cquld find ta llllp yeu enjoy '9 llllllQ season. Jthn Wtynt Rick HllCl»n ..,.HE UKOlill'EATEO" 1'1111.,. hffl9r INnnt Slllmk111 "THI LOST MAH" •ITll!UL Fiii-SOUTH COAST "'""' PLAZA THIEATRS CORPOllATIOtl San Dlq:o ,,....., It lriltol • 546-2711 Box * ACRES OF FREE PARKING * Office Open 6:45 -Showtime •.• 7 P.M. '"Tt-IE C()MIC .. -· DICK VANDYK~ MIO*lf LEE MICKEY ! ROONEY ~.I*~i!MlllC~~~~~~l4ill.wwlM-i.:~111t""~llW~..-,,_ra;1111~~~~l~~~~::::~~~==::~~:....---~....:'.~~~I \ ' e "9'W-IMM TUftlAT "IVllYflfff, MmlY IPllUlll llVI. I 7~,H.1 .... ! '• -• l -Also-- .. , ' ., 1 in-~ -AND-e ~ .- . . rt~ .... tf .. Jiii's •It lltllOF• .. jwflnnNctS, Liu ...... , .... , as .1 •ajar actti11 tllntr' -t11ar111 eui.pfl .. U. T._ -.... _,,..., . ·~ . l ~ .' CONTINUOUS THURS .. ERi., SAT. SUN. FROM 2 PM. IOIAICJOOA. USTCIFJDJI. I!]@ TECHNICOLoit !11 I AND PIOM THI STAIS Of "IOIN Fiil" COMIS "RING OF BRIGHT WATER" STARTS CHRISTMAS DAT B1rb1r• Streiund Om1r Sharif "FUNNY ~IRL" I ! I I I ' 1 ' ]( 1' ll II lJ I& 11 21 i.; "' 2• " 2' l: 1: ;. 1' . ,. .. c: .• ,, • 5 --~ ----------------------------------~~~~---·--- Thursday, NO¥ember 27, 1%9 DAILY "LOT n 'No Medium for Drama' Don't Look for Widmark on the Tube JI!' VERNON SCO'IT ROIL YW()()o (UPI) -"I doR'i Ulce televil!OQ. I doa'I uu,1o work in lhe medium and l don't like to waicb It." OUtspoken R I c h a r d Wkf.. mark wu unemoUoul 1n hll ~ of the eledroolc medium.· oa which be>Ua ap- jeared only once -as a guest years ago on the Lucille Ball show. 1'Televlsim ls not meant for drama,v be continued. "It's all right for newa, spcrta and documentaries. But that's It. "Worst ol all are the talk showS-I've never done one. The self-revelatk>n of the in- dividuals who appear on them is ridiculous. Who cares? There is~such -a thing as' the dignity "-man, and the talk shOWI ~ guests to give up too much of tllat." To WJdmark'a chagrin , moet of the 50 or so motk>n pictures in whlch he bas t larred have been aired on tel~vlsion. NO TV FAN Ric:h•rd Widm•rk "It's a vicious medium for the performer,'' he said, "like throwing yourself Into a bop- Small Time Thief ·Frankie Avalon plays Guido, a sma11 time thief in tonight's episode of "It Talces a Thief" on Channel 7 at 10. Suspected of stealing a file of identification information on the Brotherhood, Guido blames it on Robert Wagner. I Kate Hepburn Plans Film SYDNEY (UPl) - J<atharine Hepburn and Sir Robert Helpmann plan to inake a film in Australia bas- ed on the life of Daisy Bates, lfelpmann said today. ' Sir Robert and Mi ss •lep- bum have bought the fihn rights to a book on the life of the English pioneer a n d journalist who spent Jll08t of her life worklng w i t h aborigines in the northern ter· ritory of Australia. Helpmann, who returned to Sydney from New York today, said Miss Hepburn will make the film in Australia and he will co-direct it. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 51 Power supplied 1 Tooth to a 6 Dance machine movement 58 Having been ID Biblical passed kingdom &3 European I• lri solitary &•Related 15 JmpUlse b5 Falt prey 16 Recess to wirid 17 Studies ;1nd rain 18 Symbol of && Grant redness &7 "···-We 19 Say some -Forget" 1 thing 111 fk;n &8 Narratives 2:0 Now 1nd then b9 Age11t: Suffix Z2 Famed 70 Sad cry amateur 71 Ne gative golfer contraction Z3 Scene 2,.4 Dry DOWN 26 -·· 111atter of lac!: 2 words 29 [Jtrtmely 31 Obsolete 'Z Come • together ~4 Prepared ~ the soll ,8 Good-by, in • England '' Atterilion 41 Bog 4Z Dl sbursr s 45 Pe1iod1cal ~8 Letter 49 --recorder 50 Cloth me1sure 'l Ignore J an order ~S Breaches 1 Witt god 2 ~.ar11arine ) Kind of soil 4 Import ant mounta in range 5 Uritasr fo Im merse 7 Pulp and paper source IS Cast out II Darli119 10 Slew;ud 11 lllost golf lourn 1111en ts lZ Bal1rice sheet lte111 ll Miss Ross 21 Road of ari clrnl Eu1ope 21 Gfrl in a nursery rhyme 25 Pl ane journey lb New Te stament boot 27 Hous ehold rieces sily Z! Before: Prelit 30 Bak ing ingredient 33 P1cil ic Coast port 35 Ingred ient of sofl!e sauces 3&0fwil11t- port.ant Utne period 3 7 Valley 40 Co mp ound I used In chemistry analysis 1V 27/&9 •3 Treasurer's concerri 44 Bishop's seat 4& Armadillo 47 Groups of seven 51 Records 52 ftatet body 53 l111ple111ent 54 Unsoph lsti· cated chap 5& Feminine nJ111e 59 Frequtnt travet requirt•ml &O Nut Ill Blblical place &Z Kind of ho111 e , .... 11od1: 2 words per. U you're tn a series you are aean over and over.wgaln. Nobody's tlllt aood or ln- t""'41n1. 0 Acticn llke Lorne Greene and Jim Arness are the ex· ceptkna." ~ cumnUy II atar- ring in "The Moonshlne W Rr," a violent story of tbe laat days of Prohibition. Television· violence ta dlr- lerenl becaUJe H 11 constant In news program1 and it was Jn dramatic and acUon shows. It became so commooplace the public became inured t o violence. "But this is a vkilent world and the public ls entranced by tt: Since the earliest Greek of BB 1W1J and sllngohota when lt came to weaponJ. Now televllloo 1>11 taugh• Uiom to -USlnl M·l rtnes and bowitzm.'1 Widmark'• oblervaUons on movies are opUmiatic. "The idea that pJctures afe an art form, a cultural,.forc:e, a.s well u entertainment Is a big step fcrward," he said. "We are 1t1ina: through a, period of gretdy little en· treprmeurs making sea: and nudity pictures. This business attracts the fringe g u y s because of the money in· valved. llul it's oaly a phase. "And we always bear that films are being made s1rlctly for young people. But we can't slant all movies at what we drama, violence'has been part think kids want. There's a of the human condition. That's whole lost audience watchlng all right when you see it once · the tube at borne a lot of In a while In movies, but it them tuned tn to ~Id motion becomes so constant on TV It pictures. ca~ repercussions. "l think it's fatal to try to. "Kids used to think in terms be fa shionable by making films for a single audience. Tryouts Set For 'March'· It's pandering of the worst kind. "Maybe pay televlilon is the answer for motloo pictures, but that brings WI back to what J said originally . Television is not a medium for Open readings for the ne.xt drama." production of the Westmiru:ter lr=========;I Community Theater, "Invita- tion to ·a March," will be held Sunday at 18'."ld 7:30 p.rn. Jo Scott, an award-winning actree with the Westminster group, will direct the comedy, whlcb calls for a cast of eight. There are roles for three women· and a man in thelr early 40's, two men In their early 20's, a girl in her late teens and a 10-12 year-old boy. Tryouts will be conducted in the PTA building on the east side of Hoover Street south of Westrnbster Avenue. Produc- Uon Is scbedult?d for February. COSTA MllA CIVIC l'1A YHOUSI presents Thor Nl•IMn ..... ~N..-,M.aul "STOP THI WOUD- 1 WANT TO GIT Off" Nov. 21-2' Dec. M l :JO P.M. Comm .. lty Recreatioe C•ter Wnt Oehl Orange Cevftty Faltwreuntls' Admlul.,._.2.00 RIHrvetlon•: IM-SJOi Fo"°"'.-SouTHCOAST iA. PLAZA TH-TllE · ... DllD , ___ • 546-2711 MATINEES ONLY FRIDAY, NOY. 28 12:30 ·2:30 SATURDAY, NOY. 29 12:30 • 2:30 SUNDAY, NOV. 30 12:30 ONLY climaxing our first-month ih Costa Mesa Quarterback Sports & Leisure store's GRAND SWEEPSTAKES OF PRIZES! OVER 50 FOR LUCKY WINNERS GRAND PR IZE: A 6260 SOOpping-Spree-at· Quarterback OTHER PRIZES: Ski boots. Arnold Palmer sweaters, sport& togs end gear g1IOfe. Over 50 1werds FREE glfta for the klct. too, on NEW KllD OF STORE Featurir.g 1 total range of selections f()f" Voll m sports gear end fashions. !Of men and women. So you'll look your best, while you're doing your best, in your favOfite fun-time J>llllUit. THE IEST IN SPORT GEAR Featuring hand -picked 1efec1ions from the top purveyors in sponing goods-Nevect1 "Grand Prix". Salo- mon, Marker, Nordica. Aaichle, Northland, Wilson. Spalding, Rawl · ings, McGregor and many others. Grand Opening Day THE BEST IN SPOATS WEAR BE SURE TO REGISTER I Including tomorrow·s 'P'"'rel from -no purchase necessary .,.... ,_ _________ _. Sport.caster, Obermeyer. Edelweiu, Profit, Robert Bruce, Arnold Palmer, Eaton, Munsingweer-ell tho11 who lead the peck. THE MOST IN SPORT HELP Because PR OFESSIONALS serve you. Every Quarterback sales person is a qualified "Pfo" in knowledge of sports-able to counsel. give in- formed advice, on equ ipment or clothing. GRAND OPENING WEEK MON. thrv SAT./NOV.24-H GRAND OPENING SALE! SKI PACKAGE ldMlcomllo .... h NCtNtionll ltler: FIBERGLASS s•os • NORDICA FM·IUCICU IOOT • SALOMON COMll -S.9'" HUL . . SALOMON TOE • ALUMINUM P'OUS • SAFm LfASlt A lt.ndout YIM • Ill Qua wt • F••turt prictl of 189.95-but I flel·Olll grabb« u ow Grand ()pelw WM Spedal It •74es THIS WtlK OM.YI SEE KEZV CELEBRITIES Broedeeotingfrom our store Sat., Nov. 21 .... 1:D0-3:00P.M. La.ding ~ P9190Ntitiaa .... heftl to 111'911t 'fOU. NEW IDEAS IN FUN I LEISURE Because w• $f>8Ci1Hze in •II the •tds for actioo that make your leisure time come alive. If it's e:icciting, droll, leprechaun or minibomb, you're apt to find it here-fit1t. COftllt jolll lfMI fun I QUARTER&\CK SPOIUS f;JEISURE ''The Profffllona l SPort• Store for EWI 'f'One• Sou1h Coa11 P1ua SltOpping c.m.r, Cm11 MW1 Ma,t•r Ch.fVll 1nd ~ ICC:""'9d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~~,,.., ~ ~ ' $21,228 Worth of Men's Fashion Clothing ~ ~ . DOORS I 1: OHN » I: » ~ ~m I !! 9:30 ...... to 9:30 ....... » « SATURDAY I I 9:30 1.m. to 9:30 p.m. » I: w~ I ~ 12:00 to 5:00 ,..... » ,I; A. LIOIAID IOlllllS, PlllS. ..,. ~ "'"'" R...,,., R ... ,._)/, 01/ ••• • " ~ » and I s1'£C\A\. GIVE• AWAY I i u.t\.'f •'•" No Special Purchase Merchandise LOOK at the NAMESI I-""''"" ~ "" a.so,__ EVERYTHING FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK ,,so 10 ' Gift il)aPf.ltl I f\\ll ::.::---- c Original Price Tags Ate Slill On YOUR PRICE IS HALFI • EXCHANOIS • LE IAROll • PlTllO<JUI • llATllEI •CACTUS CASUAlS • SANSAlllT • IAllCll • LEVIS • DAMOll • A-1 • SWANK • HAlllS • COllllN • COLLIGf HAU • JAllTDN • GANT • STANLEY BLACKER • N£HllUS • FLAm and MAHY, MANY MOltll YES WIACCIPT ••• Mastw Cllar .. lankA .......... Just Uk• Calll re Ill .., Alt.rorioft1 on Clorhl"g Edra ;1=.~: CARAT'S COSTA MESA STORE, 3333. Bristol In South Coast Pl1u, Bristol 1t the San Diego fmway 1lll1ll ~~~~w~~~~~'l?~~~~~~~~~'li~'lltm~'\?~~~'\?~~~w~~~~~~~~~~~ww~"W~'li~tm~'\?~.n~ " \~ ), -------, ---------~-------------.-~ -----------· -. ' Thur!day, November 27. 1%9 .·"T · ::: w11~~19.s, ""stang: ·~· ., · · N igb·s!•Plli If' Straw· • beey:fiial ·Plimises 11 ·13 49 . ' captivale'.tlie heart of . every young wrangler. • • ....... -..A,,.-PQgo-Pony 11\ATTEL "Swingy" Doll ·Sensational 20" dancini s~n8~r! She-moves,her 12 98 . arms & turns her head ' as she walk.s. • · llOUL0£1 PIOD. .. l:oes f3'lor·slow, , moves··"With the action of a real live hors_e and -lly leaYes tie ground! Sklttle--Bowl AUR.ORA -Ten pin action and scores like bowling. The whole famil1 plays ••• ~ids do it best! Doll Pram COLECO -Molded body with full tubular frame, shopping bag and plated bl!dY rail. 22.88 6.99 3.98 6.69 Race Set , ••• , , .. k , ELDON-Speid -Action ' 12 B"B More than 40 pieces and an over~and·under track , • layout. Chubby Cub FISHEi PfllCE -co~rt~ "Roll-Alon g" Bear that makes delightful chime sounds, unbreakable plastic -non-toxic. I TOPPER .. l! r:;-r Baby .C-atch-A~Ball I IGiil - 11" -ThlOW the ball to her -she catches it and tosses it back to you. 10 99 i Amaze-"A"-Matics • ii 'bf HASIRO -Chrysler, 11,, , the. fantastic car with a • I Buick or Ch~vrolet-c~ose 5 BB .. · brain. You program it & ~ decide the attion. • i<. C.hriSbnas Decorations '1G!fTID Santa ·Claus 17\\'' high ol 100lded 2 1 'pl~stic • • • comRlete. • 9 with approved cord and • • ' bulb. •• Ofessed in "Santa'' jacket 2 59 and hat. ~proved cord and bulb. . • Mdsical Rocker KEDSTRGM -All· wood 9· 49 .conslruttion with maple fin- ish. Seat is 9" from the lloor. • . "Aggravation" GAMI CD-5 -It's fast ••• if~ fun ••• unique combination ·1 · 59 · of strategy and $Aili. fun . for all ages. 1 Carrom Board IJ CMUM -Redesigned and mtyled, it gives more 6 66 actiOfl and excitement than ever before. • • , Ker Piunk IJ IDEM. -A tantalizing game ot· nerve and skill! 3 39 Wit~ ~' ri!hl kind of pull evsyboly wms. • I • Electro Shot Arcade I MARX -Action! F~n ! A. If whole amu5'rr<nl pa~. all 13 BB I housed in one hi-impact . plastic case. . • "Freight Train" Set I MARX -Remote conllOI 5 ~ unit plastic traili powered by 16 BB If 110 volt-50 watt U.L ap-I pr"ed IIanstormer. # 15270 • • ~J-~~~~~~- Tea Set I llWIN -~ave your o'" 2 69 1 liftle party! 32 piece serv-· · ice lor 4 in hutc~style bo~ • '. · 1 I Spirograph I KENNEi -A simple .,d 2 98 II fascinating way to DRAW a ·I mitlion marvelous patterns. 1 I ----,....---1 18" Dart Board TOWll l COUNTRY -Fun! S~ll! Oeluxe doub~ sided 4· 98 board with six brass ha1- anced liPiJed darts. #0.20 • "Ping Pong" Set TOWN l CHNTRY -Ac· tiOn" game! A Pla1e( Set 3 49 with rubber lace Paddles, net and balls. # 315 • .. Ass't Plush ----- I w Wtdnes(ay, Novtmber 26, 19(i~ 8 P!{OT·ADVERTISER Paper or F o ii 4 ROll BOX ••. hl·style paper io rolls of 119 30"i8 ft. 6", !i shion foil with colorful designs in rolls of 30"x2 Ft 6". Ya ur C~oice, Bir • Paper or Foil 7·'ROLL BOX •• .' assorted rolls of colorful paper 1 71 in lengths of 3·1t 7" x 30", decorated and solid color foil' in 30" x 2 It 4" rolls. 801 • • • ' . ~ · "Dei:orette" Ribbon Single rolls in 7/8" x 100 fl. size. 79 Choose •from many bright holiDay C colors. 11. · Paper or Foil "D tt " ecofe e •1•.-oN 4 ROL~ IDX , ; • luxurious 7/P"'' 15 ft. rolls 11 solid colors_ including · green. stripe on red. 79c Parcel Post Twine· St10ng lie in 250 ~ length Express, Twi111 .. 23c Twisted twillf in 125 ft . Ieng!! fllLOT·ADVER·'JISER 9 Wtdnrsday, Nowmbtr 26, 196• "Tabu" • Spray Clllogne Apri I Showers Spray Mist Celope by DANA Also AHilallt I• • Mt~nll ·f' ·· • 21 emu • Pl1ti11 ' • E111lr ~. Al11 i•· :(. • lllp1t. •PmlH LllK A deliglitfvl all °"' splash of sparl<ling fragrance. ~chly lilt boxed. 2 ll. S II EACH 1.00 ~· ,."""'~ . .....,. TUSSY Announces 3 Satura Algene with !RISH MOSS -in a ct1mplete beauty pr1Jgram i.· that helps recapture the youthful appearanct~f.your skin. • ' C1U iti11iq: Cl11ls1r C t .... IZ. Ir Ski• Frtllltllf ~; In. 3 .00· II. • C11llti11l11 Faco era. 2 •L Moisllrizer Fresllller 5.00 '41L 3. 75 llL 1. 75 .• with NnON ~ Coals your nails with a super ' strong, smootil lilm that helps ; l'llake.solt nails hard and chip 1 00 .~ resistant. ChOose from ass1Jrt- ~l ed shades. 11. • -t~ .. Cll•• ..... JISERT ftoWER ·~ ..... . -· 5-Pc. Gift Set Hanrl & Body lDlion 8 oz., Dustin1- Powder 7 oz., Colllgne Mist 2 oz., After . -I'· ' Bath lDtion 8 oz., 1 0 00 M1Jisl11rizing Skin sachet 2-5/8 oz. • , •91ri•••ia " ... .. . ~··'-'•• ...... ~ CllOCf< loll of fi111 nots and tho finest of lrults •• , witil rum aol brlndy llMr. ' 1 II. 5gc r! ~i 98C ,.._..,., ••~...--.F•WWaWa:l'"l iii;.-:-~•>tlC¥¥W,<""-•-;"~-.~-~~·-.~, ~-~. ----~,...-.. ---·-·~- • f!JN~BlJRLEY Aft1r Sh11 Colop• fir lit• :~ 2.00 :~ 2.50 DELUXE Scotch 'Pine · ;t~~ 17.49 Douglas Fir "FLoc1Eo" Aluminum 11111 STAND C F11t Siz1 I Foot Sill ll?FL 17 .98 6.98 10.98 Tree Slllll 21?" Orment Ail meat in rot & JSC 1 HOO"S . green with adjust· • able trunk "'r la '.' 11 coio~ Wheel 11· 23c POIE!UY-ll' wheel of heat-resis'. fant polystyrene in ass'.t co~rs. ea.. 4 89 · in whtte will! si~O' spatter desil\i!; 150 watt bulb included. #t:WP/I. a .--.. DOUBLE Gl; "Icicles" lightweight, llTigbt fiamelroof foil. 49c ... ,, 125 Metalized silver in 18" lenfth!. 7nc .... 11101 \r Th"('doY. N"'l'btr 27, !969 ~I SnO-FIOk' I llT For Cllrl1t .. 1 1111 ... ,.t~ ~ AM maoy oiler O>lidaY> decatatOIS. "1w' '°" "" get ' "pio. '2 39 fmioul" flocking joll ' with ease. • RIMING TOI " Lektro Blade 7 CORD/CORDLISS Shonr Super-sharp replaceable blades shave incredibly clou! Dial 26 88 "trim" fllr sideburns. #LS.! a ' • I ..... = ................ .,....._,.,...,..,,=· =""· ,,.,. '"'""• L...--.. ~·--~~---"""'"""-·'·"'·""·~,-:-:: • ' .. ,.-.:;f\Y.,.._•,,.._ '·*. ~·• .. "..",, .. • .. ;t . • • • • .. .• • ••.• •• ' -' --. ~ .. "' . ' -·--. I . , , .. . . , ' .. • ' • 1. ••• . .. " ,. ' .. FILM SPECIAL ... ,. ,,. " -' Polaroid ~rand bfltc!S and while pack'tilm. . . . . TYPE 108 COLOR 'FILM . , •.••••.•. $3.67 TYPE 1-0~ c~)W FILM .. .' ••••.•••• $1.96 . ' WE ·HAVE THE NEW • ,) ~ . ' POLAROID " I• . •' ,, FQ;DING .-PACK CAMERAS! ~ ... . . . -. EVEK -LESS , WITH TRADE! ~-. MODEL 3.30 NOW 64.88 . .. . ._ 'MODEL 340--· ~' :. . ' ' . ' NOW .• ' , MODEL 350 .NOW · 109:&& EVEN LESS WITH TRADE! • ... ' ' . "' ,_ f '. • FREE · Demonstration · '. ' ' . : ' ~· ..... . ' ' The New . . " ~ . . . \ :· · Polaroid Color Pack· Cameras. The Poleroid Camera -Girl will be here ·to demon- strate the whole new line of fully · euloi'neli~ . Color ' · Pac:k Cf mera's. Come in . and st i 'rt enjo'fing the most fun in photogrephy: color picture1 .in' a mioute, black & whites . in siConds. · Meet The Polaroid Camel'~ Girl In Our" Store Nov. 28th & 2'th . ' ' 1 pm)O:fpm_ 6 pmtoipm 1 I ~ • • ta take your plct!!ff ·· . FREEl-.· .. • " '. .. ·' • ! • • • • + • . _I.~· " ,, . ' , .1' '. . ·COSTA ,~ESA --SJ . ,. . l ·, ; : : ~ • I . . I , ·• ', . . EYen LESS· with TRADE of :any olcl -P~laroicl Camera in wor~lng coni!iti9ni' ' · , · , ' ' . . ' . . • • • ~ I' I r-. ·• ... ' ' Even LESS· with TRAOE of eny 014 Poleroid in working condition!, •, ..• -., . I .U.Kl .OOlOI , • 3.1;,14y, PUNTS · J\llLf-IN FLASH CO UN "i " " , • NEW POLAROID~-· 360.-· ... ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' - ' ' ' .,.., .... ·+ , ... ~ ~'1 ·~:·3 '6·6' ,~·· -. . • . i~ ·•t -'' . Even LESS with Tredo of 1ny old Poleroid in wor~ing condition! • . . ' • , ' . ' . ..... • ' • " r-' • . .WITH fLEc:tRONlc· FLASH ' •• . I •• 2 200 H ARBOR _ BL V D . Corner of W ilson and Har!5or COST A MESA --:1.---• . ---- j ' ' ) • • • • . • . • • • • ' . • , . I . \ r I ' j •• " ' ' ~ . \ 'J'.1 ·t 'f •• . ' \._ ,J>· ., •' . ' . , . Free Basketball Clinic Stars ind 1he tA.eni will conducr rhcrr FJlEE b;ukt!tball clicfic • 1hr Fon.im, Sar. .ardar, No\·cmbtr 29 11 10:30 A~L Free clinic 1v1i1.1l!le 10 e\el~'Onc 11tcnd1ng ind, •IC'.h 10un1Het l61cu1of1gr 111d under· Yill receive 1 coll,pon entiding him ID l tickets ro 1 fu1wr Uk.er ,game. E~ .ittndin, will rKC'i•-e 1 coupon n tidi"J · tMni IO 1 frre ~si Cola romplimcnn ol Pepsi Coli Boulin1 Compilnf. ·~:-· -· .. . . "' ' • .. . • - . ' .. ·' • • I t "; .. •; "l)r,over" Mini~ Bike . , -•(, I SAVE20.9S:J!$}39" ilopln,.$159.951 . . . • 31h: hp~ Fleshr 1ret!p tubulaNteel frame and fe-.1.en and e..,..._eerm, high rise baidleban of chrome • plated lleel • "" '. • Contoured blick 'finyl40wered afllll .... and re1r aboekt mean smoother · ' ' • I' \, .. ·~" ' . . . . . ,. .. • . . '' ) ... ,. ' T . .... ..-. S '''·~rt, teroo · . Ta F.f ... I . ,!.rf . ' -. ·:rwyers. , ,. e;~ . .uniyersal un~~sh model!. Enjoy · "inUaic'WiJ.}i no anrl~y.i.ng}ii:-tcrrup~ons .·~·F0.~·1•ul~ boatS, c~.ril~.en and tra\lcrs x'' .. • Searo'Stereo Cartri!llie 'Tape• . ~ ' " 4-Traclor~ .. · 1',99. _.+'frlek 2,99 • Hun~ to chooa~,fro.;. . , . . ' . • Feafuring ·many:poputar tun .. and artists ' ' ' I: • ridin1 . .' , ¥ ' • •Hefty 4, eycle en~n·e dcliven op to •. · "· 100 nUles per pllon of pt. Rewind Sav<> I JO! Timing Lite 1999 S a ve ~! ! .. . ' ~ " . 4-Pc. Telling Kit \ 1l1rter., kno'bby-treed r.uhber tires front aDd rear,·ehrome plated chain .. , gaar.., lick m.nd . . . ' . ·' ,.i,.~ .. ~ t~ ..... ~ ... ... Regular $2~.99 RegularS14.99 flu ih-in light plugs ir1to ci,Uttte liabtcr, ,,, " fi. cord, crevice rool. Removable, e&1y to ~lr•n bJ8, pcrmu1cnr .0:1&netlllO«l(. Terrific! R~l ar SIO.•J<I 999 P1J!Ol ,gnp f~t"I t~·~ .~DllflnlOt ~ 1esrer, W~UU/JI furl Plltrlp ..,., And remow ll&rlCt S"'if'Ch.: j'~ .· . . ~. ~ r···, :'!' ................................................................. '.".·~, ........... "'"'I .... ..- "· -. ' • ... • • • ' • , • ., :...; ·r ,..\. ' I ( I CRUSADER . ..~y: .'. ... ' '.·;;··,· ,\\,." • ~ .. 1 1·, ·iQ·,· ,._.· ,. 4~Ply~YLO:~· T~:·; '" .. r I • $.· . . . .. . . for • .'. ' J ... ~ ! 1. 6.so'; i 3 Tub.i ... l:IJac.l<w~I u• 1.79 F.E'.1;. Eoc~( A~ 2 _0ICI . . -... ,· . ., .... ~ . : 11 • • . . . .. . ' ; . l • \ ' . ' f • ~ ~ ,~-. l\ • .,'-:; -•' I ~ cf'·•~' ~ ~ J • • w ':: . . , . ' .. •New ~ontour, br~a.d •boulder for grea!er,•il'ety . e New fi.ead design ·for all-weather traction e New 6/10-inch white oidewall to match the width "of the white •idewall of many new cars ' •• .• . • • t. . I • ' ..... ,. '' > omER s·in:s .-. : .. .. • i .. : ' •• • f~IH.len Bla~k~allo SIZE.• F.E.T •. -- I, 'l' for,-~:~~:!! . , ~:~~·. . . $.2 s.· ·.i. s · 2si 111-• ., ,.z ~6 ' [ i · · " Pluo F.E.T. E.ich 7. 75xli' • ' .2':2.)' And 2 Old Tiret 6.95X:l4 l.96 WHITEWALLS ONLY 13 &IORE PER TIRE , ... _ _.__..., ____ 11111111_~.;..1 _____ ~--------,--- - -------·-----·•tm.--, IUIHA rAill.A: :~oo,'521 -4530 a MONTI GI' 3.3911 . ' '°"" IEACH HE 5-0UI PICO W! 8·4262 •. SANTA ·-kl 7.337j .-.. 10....C 5-42-lsH . fc'!:"'GA!M"<~4Q-066 · .. • GUN...U01.5°1004,Q4·"6111 OIYMPIC ... SOIDAH.'8-5211 OOMONAfD2,1145,N,t,9-5161,YU6·67ll SANIAf!SPllNG&944-8Dll ',• .,._915-jm: •• I COWTONNf ·6-2581,,N! 2-5761 HOLLY.WOOD HO 9.5941 OIANGE 637-2100 SANIA MONICA fX 4·6711 • v.\11£r "l'0'3:1461, 914-2220 • ~'~~ :'c,.· ., , .!N.GLEWOOO~ 1:2 21·, , P-•.H1-l211, 351·421 \ >' .. : , " .5?.Ul°!,.C'!~lll~ ~Q-33!3 . -pt f."lf!I . ' ' ' • jjj ~--~i·.,. - - --- --·-- ----- - - --\-- - - - - -...... -_.ijj --·illll • ~ -_.,I I " .. ~ ~-~ 9:30 ~'.Mo 1«9~31> r .M.,.Suncfay 1~ ,No•n. ~·l<~.M.' ...... .....,,... ~"" (o. .• !' ~ I '"Sqti•f,p,ction duprajat,~~ o.f Yeu.r MOn•Y~~·! . ; , -~J .. • ~ .. ;-.. 1 ~·· ~ .. T,. •I ---· . ·-· ------- ... · · -··· ,~--··· • -'fllundtr. N"'~btf V, lM . --;::.-.;;;c.-·-, -,~,-....,.-. •• ;o,1-.,1 ...... '°'·'""··"•"'"''"''"ll"<\,.< .,,,,\r;,;"''":',>".,.-,1'10•"""·TO """''"'°"""'·'-Clr•·~.~ .. ~.~-~.~~o ~l>' ;-· ·· .--. -·--. £9 Pirates: H,~no:red _.on All-conference Team " :· ,,4 .l,\ .... ,..-1 ~ _, .<::o • • .. ' ' KeY,~me1 on T~p ,, . ., ' '" One ~urk~:y ... :P~i~ a .. ~~~y For _.-· P~a ··~:~®.ttiallt ... Forces ' ' ;.' : By ASSQCJATED Pill!$ t Thanksgiving Dty will be a holiday for )ome pro foot~U teams ~ qol fqr the 1 KllNiaS City Chid1, who have Denver on lheir menu. They'll be out to carve up p_.e-Broncos in ordef to stay in ,the thick of the Ameilcan F~ League's Western Division race. · - • In other Turkey D.ay 1a~ San Diqo will be at Houston 1n the IJL and San Francisco faces Dallas · and Minnesota plays ·Deiroit in the National Football League. The Chiefs, 9-2., will be out to avenge Sunday's 27-24 defeat by" division leadf:r Oakland; 9-1·1 against the Broncos, .who ~ave faded lo 4+1 after a strong start. With only two iamill lett-alter .. tod.IY'S contest, Kan§U City must. win to stay within o~f game of Oakland, whom the Chie!I face in a possible showdown for the,division title on Dec. 13, the last fegular' seuon, l aa;le for both teams. :. Kanaas ¢!ty, !<11 by tho pual'!li of Len ~weon and running: of Robert Holmes, Mike Garrett. and Warren'McVea will be (tying . to take their fnll\rlllonl of the . " 6akland. loss out on the ~-plagued • Broncos. Who wllt" have seven ltirters u probable$. including quarterba.ck Steve Tensi, the league's second lelding· rusher Floyd Little and Ai Denaon, the AFl/s toP receiver. -- San Diego, wjth rookie Marty Domres at tbe throttle, will try to stymie the Oilers chance for clinching a playoff spot Jn the AFL East. Domres, making onJy his secOnd start Sunday, scored two touchdowns and pan· ed for another in the Chargers' fi.24 vic-- ti>ry over the Broncot. Houlton, 5+"'2, se· cond behind the New .York Jell, 1-3, has tb (end off botl1 Boston and Buff11l9, M , 'for the second spot and a playoff against the first-place team in the West Div~. • The Lions, who have a tradition of \ieing tough on Thanksgiving, will try to ipak~ the NFL Century Division go do~n Italian Flash Keeps Hubby In Business MIAMI {AP) -Angle Belville Is a daullng brunette who keepe: her_ husband g*t· in circ:ies. He'• a jockey· and sbe'r his agent._ Known as the "Italian Flash," Angie picked up her agent's license Monday at Tropical Park where her husband, E. MlQlel "Butch" Belville Us riding. Angie, a dark-haired girl from Philadelphia, met htr husband two years .go on a blind date and married him four months later. She became his agent last ~ar: .'1&teh didn't like the idea at first," said.Angie, 25, "but he wasn't doing any good .the way things were. Now, he wouldn't want anyone else to take his book becaue we're doing so good." Angie stays busy getting horses for her husband but admits all is not always sweetness and light. "Sometimel. he complains about the horses l put 'him on,", she says. "Like, he'Jl ·tell me, ~;Don't you ever put.ri'le.J>n ¢at horse ag~ •. be's a nut.' But it has lo be .a real ·crazy horse 1before ·he'll gripe." ' Angie said she and Bµtch were particularly successful at the reoent meeting at Sportsman Park. She said she put her husband on J3 winners, including • Sl0,000 handicap race. "Being an asent isn't really tough,'' 'Angie says. "The hardest thing Is that people promise you things and don't keep their word. You have to be persistent and keep bugging·people all the time." Angie said · she got a hard time from male agents for a while. But said sbe won the men's respect when she didn't fold after the first few weeks. However, bustling her husband ls not Iler idea of a carett. "I don't knaw how Jong l'li ·1eep being an agent," abe said. ''for a while anyway. What I .really "'ant is to be t hair stylist and have my own sbop." VC I DRAWS STIFF TO URNEY TESTS UC Irvine draws lhe toughest end ot the pairiligs for the NCAA water polo championahips which open Friday at Bel· mont Plaza pool in Long Beach. The Anteaters Of coach Ed Newland draw poterit cat (Ber)eley) ln a 2:90 p.m. tilt and If I.boy -the lleon thty'll come ba<:k at a to meet the victor of the UC Sant.a Barbora-Colorado Slate Ulf. fl VCI to..1 it plays at 9,30, UCSB, twice 1 winner over the .-nt'*'• ii a tolld favorite to knock olf CSU. ~t -••.,,·~~1·•. ,. to tbe"wire:. a v~~Ver .the YD: .. lh6'capltoJ Diviaioo croWn •l'h a victory · wbO bav nine ...... a...... ~ •OVlr'• the Gers, Who will be .without -·-... .,.. .. ' " . Del!;t>ilo 7,,,r,:·wlll\ 'four vlctoria In a deleii>lie end Stau)lli>dma,n."\J>lured in row, ... rr ,,.,.... II!>.! will\ ·-llil-year l!IF. 41l'ri 13-a l<>M1ll: New:ortean.. sun- .algnal-caUer ,Greg Llndty,, who bu, led· itlyl'l· · • i, 1 ..... tho·LlOos,~·if•·.!'JUllq)lll'b1 '!<"!1 g-, D~~Jlieb IOit ( 14-13 d<cision last son<e' bOfnt ~·II a atarter wbtle '. "°''to uie ,LoC >\llJilei Rams and leads ~·v~~ 9-1, l!ill~ttll:l'.Joe-~pp.wi~: w~. W.i,_ilr.~lr"dlvi.Uon .race Gary l'Uciizo walling ln'tlil· wings,. . ~Y i11 garnq.\mllht b!ve to play without ~ Vit!np .won la .Min~,on·Oct, . u,e ~111eadlng ~~~Calvin Hill, 26, 24-10 le the only IOll I.he tlofts have \ who wu bijured In the 1Rams loss. suffered with Landry at the controls.. · .. Quarterback Cralj M;rioo U also below The Cowboys, 8-2, can vlrtu&Uy clinch .· par with ·a aore: r~gbi Sbouider. Can't Look f\lieatl · Top-1'iinked._Longlwrns, Arkansas Tabbed Today lly AJioclated Pre11 While the rest of the Couritry zeroes in on the Dec. 6 college football ,:howdown between to~ranked Texas· and No. 2 Arkansas, the two· coaches involved have olher things on their minds -Like tradi· tional Thanksgiving dates with Texas A&M· and Te1as Tech today. Darral Royal, co4ch of the Longhorns, has beeh burned often enough by A&M to know hia club will have a tough game on lhe.ir hinds Thursday. ·And Frank Broyles of Arkanaas is running .just as scared for the ~.ainle. Royal remembers that each of the last three '11mts hta club has had to play on A&M's Kyle Field, the Loni:horns ha ve had to -come--from . behind' in the second haU. ; "We just never have gone out from tbe first and been sharp,'' says Royal. "Maybe we'Ve been choking. I don't know what it is, but r .know this ; we haven't played well in the first hall. . ''ThtY get over there ·and get. ~Ii that· wood piled up for the bonfire and plly the Aggie War Hymn and those tears get to streanµDg. " Tbe ,Agies will need plenty of emotion to ove:rCome the power·packed Longi19rns. Texas is 8-0 and has averaged 50 . points per game against five Southwest Conference opponents. Broyles,· like Royal, bas to keep his club from looking ahead ·lo the Dec, 6 1ame. • ' •· --·-· ·-- "We know from experience thal we can't take Tech 1ightly,'' says the Arkailsas boss. "They spiled a fµie season for us three years ago. TM Texas game doesn't mean nearly as much to us. if we don't find a way to get past Tech." RegardlesS of what happens and, for that matter. In their showdown game a week later, both Arkansas and Texas are set for post-season· bowl games. The win· ner of the Dec. 6 game goes against Notre Dame in the Cotton Bowl on Ne\v Ye~r's .Day while the loaer goes to the Sugar Bc>wl against Mi'8lssippi_. ote Miss will be In.action Thursday Jn another traditional garDe with Mlasissippi State providing the opposition. Then: are two other Turkey Day games scheduled with Loullville taking on Tulsa and Virginia Tech facing Virginia Military. In SatUrday's major games, lhird ran~· ed Penn State battles North Carolina State, Tennessee, ranked JOth, meets Vanderbilt, Auburn. No. 12, faces Alabama, Miami, No. 17, takes on Florida, 18th-ranked Houston meets Florida State, and Anny batUes Navy. Penn State Ace Falling Short Of '69 Goals UNNERSfTY PARK, Pa. (AP ) - "There crunes a time in everybody's life when he has to gjve UP. something," say's Penn State's Charlie Pittmann . · Talking was the man whO gained over 500 yards as a sophomore and set a school record for touchdowns with Jf as a junior. Pittman has scored only li i x touchdowns this season and has gained 508 yards after eight games, 63 yards less than sophomore Lydell Mitchell. After last season's ~at performance Pittman set three goals for himself : to become an AU-American , to score more loochdowns than he did last year, and to gain over 1,000 yards. The 193-pound Pittman wu bothered for awhile that his gOalS appeared to be fading, but then he reali!ed he had a neW role. · , "Sure it's great to be compar~ with the great backs of the country," he said. "but you can help the team in another way just as much. That is just as im~ portant:" "It bothered me for a;vhile," ~e said, "[ keP.t asking myself what's wrong with Charlie. I looked at filw. I found ~t was the same old Charlie. I was running the - sarrie. ~ 1 decided just to go out there and run the beat I can." Coach Joe Paterno has said aO aloilg that Pittman is the man who is making Mitchell and another sopbom.ore, Franco Harris, so successful. • Instant R e play i 1a Hospital Bed DAILY Ptl.OT l!Mf l"!Mlt ' MOST VA LUABL E LINEMAN -Finch Sterling, outstanding line- backer for the Orange Coast College football team, ·Was named as the top lineman in the South Coast Conference by a vote of area sports· \vriters. -... Traveling Mu sic for UCI; Varsity in 103-67 Breeze s, HOWARD L. HANDY Ol tllt 0.llJ Pllet 511tf A little traveling music maestro, please . Coach Tim Tift unveiled his UC Irvine varsity baskttb'all J,eam W~day night in a family outing again.st the Ant· eater freshman squad. Pre-game music added a crescendo to the festivities as several places -on.the 10-m8n traveling squad ·were cpen before the action. After the varsity had posted a 103-67 victqcy, Tift named nine of the players who willieave·Sun,rlay ·for N~r~ka ~nd ColQrado to. face the two Big-8 Con- ference t~s in opening 1969-70 inter· collegiate Competition Monday and Wed- nesday. "All 0th lnjured ,players did well and will make the trip," the Anteater coach said following the game. He was referring to star forward Jeff Cunningham and guards Mike Barnes and Sieve Sabins. All three 'had missed a lot of practice in · recent days and none of the. trio had participated in S('rimmage sessions before the Wednes· day night outing. CunniQ&ham played about half of the · ('Ontest and was high scorer for the varsity with 24. Freshman Tom Han· son from Long Beoch Poly hit 26. Bamts, his nose protected by a guard, played a' good share of the contest and at one .juncture made the play of the game as he Was sprawled on the floor ancl shuttled an accurate pass to Joh'n Farwell under the basket for a score. Sabins showed little signs or further trouble · with -.n ankle sprain. "We weren't as sharp as we should be," the Anteater mentor added. "I tried to play all of the kids about the 11me amount of time and in such a situaUon, you will look more ragged." A total of 55 fouls were called during the action, 30 on the varsity and 25 on the frosh . UCI VA•S1TY n1n ft" ,11. Bean '4 '• CYnnln1h1m I I 1 u Geot111 J 4 ' 10 81mes '15f S1blns l 1 5 ' FOii '011 F1rwe11 '0312 Moo.. 11 16 Gl1vlnavit~ 1 O O 1 &.Bit.or 1116 8urll1t11~•"1 1 I J 5 WIHRrmon l l O 5 S1oel'lorn O • I ' UCI '"'°'" ('11 "" .. ~ ' J ' lJ ' I J H ' 5 5 lJ 0 • l • 0 0 2 • G l l f l 0 3 1 a o 1 o I ' 0 ' G 0 I 0 0 0 2 • .. ,, H111~n 81•ck Fo'Nler llWl'l'k $mllll MYrrll>' P1ulien 5umnlcht Che11tt J. ll1k1r Tottif 38 n :io 1u to1•1• 1' :it 15 '' t11lfllmt: UCI \'tnllJ oM, VCI l"tolll IS. · OCC's Sterling ., Top· Lineman For Circllit Finch Sl<rling, outstanding l~ker with the Oran(• c.ast College lo(Jlboll team of 1969, was named Lineman at the Year and Marv Owen! of Fullerton's championship Hornets was selected Dack of the year by Orange County Sports Writers. Fullerton and Orange Coast dominated the selections that saw 1he writers pttk first and second teams on offense and defen se. Fullerton had-a total of" 10 men on the four teams with Orange eoist placing nine. \ Fullerton placed three men on the fiPSl t~in on offense and defense. Cerri~ had thrtt on .lhe first team offensive-unit while the· Pirati!s had three on the fir.st team defensive squad. Guard Marshall Johnson and centtr Robert Purnell were Select'ed to thi fifl!t team on offense with split end R.Obert Castillo on the second team. ,., In addition to Sterling m the · firSt. ·defensive unit, tackle George Follett and -li;a1fbact ~ Curiy were also natntd. ~ team choices included end R\ck While, linebacker George Berg and inid· die guard Kurt Clemens. , Or~ge Coast players r e c e I v I n.g honorable mentioo included quarterl>Kk Mike Tamiyaau, running backs Ramiin Ricardo and Coe Meyer and defeDitve tackle John Noutary . • 'Ille complele selectiOMo FlltST TEAM OFFENSE POI. Name and ScbooJ E--Conley. Fullerton E-West. San Diego Mesa T-Adams, San Diego T-Hunt, San Diego Mesa G-Johnson, orange Coast G-Wersching, Cerritos C-PurneU, Orance Coast QB-Owem, FuJiirton RB-Baca, Cerritos RB-Roprs, Fullerton FL-Brick, Cerritos WL CIOs 225 . So. 215 So. 280 Fi. 235 So. 230 So. 215 Fr. 225 $o, 195 • &o· 160 F!r, 195 Sil. UIO So. SECOND TEAM OFFENSE ',. E-CasUUo, Orange ~ 180 So. E--SUva, Santa Ana 175 ~. T-Hayes, Mt. SAC 242 So. T-Tyranan, Fullenoo 225 So. G--Coleman, Fullerton 197 So. G-Marquis, Santa Ana 215 Fr. C....Jordan, San Diego • ~,S.. QB-Ottombrino, S.D. Mesa · liw-Fr. RB-Burke, Mt. SAC 20Q So. RB-Tadman; Santa Ana · 135\J<'r, Fl,--McDanlel; s.o:·M ... :·. -180' So. Honora~e Mention: Cerritos .. · - Hamilton. Fullerton -Baker. Mt.' San Antonio -Thomas, Alley, Gr:ay, 'ttn!; Orange Coast -Tamiyasu, . Rica~ ~feyer. San Diego -Dey. Sin 01~ Mesa -Langley, "nlrub, Johnlon. S: Ana -Hays. ~ FIRST TEAM DEFENSE · ... , Pos. Name and Scltool Wt. Clui E-Bixler, San Diego 195 {'ti E-Dagley, Fullerton 195' · So; T-Follett, Orange Coast 235 So. T-Primrose, Santa Ana 138·· Ff. MG-Fitzpatrick, Fullerton 215 Pn LB-Sterling, Orange Coast ta5 so; LB--Scheel, Santa Ana IW F'.ri Llhfohnson, Fullerton 18S SO: S-Curry, Orange Coasl 160 ·~ 1 S-Smuts, cerrito! 165 ~SQ.:,:. S-Scbeld, Fullerton lllO ~ •• :> E-White, Orange Coast 220 ~ -4> ~ ~-.Mt. SAC 215 ""• T ~""':,. -Fellc<, S.D. Mesa 220 T-McClanaban, Ml SAC 235 Sd;.,, MG-,Clemons, Orange·coast 216 Ft.: .. LB-Berg, Orange Goast 215 Fn'=: LB-Hinda, Cerritos· 205 ~ I:.B-Campbell, San Diego 240 ~"too S-Hlll, Santa Ana 115 , J!/1.' S-Radoridl; S:D. Mesa tlb· &i!: S-Vlce, Fullerton . 155 SO.:• 5-Secondary on defense. -::. SECOND TEAM DEFENSE ~~~~ the Year -Marv Owens._~ Coach of the Year -Tom Carter, Salt_._.. Diego Mesa. ...;_ •• ·~ .. -~- LA Can't Buck Bl!Cks; ':. '• .... ':• . •• u,, l'•lttllltM .... Knicks Equal Record .. .. ,~ I '" .•. • :: MfLWAUKEE (AP) -The Mllwauk .. Bucks burst to a 10041 victory over Los Angeles Wednesday night alter the already-bobbled Lakers lost t h e services of their third super &tar, Jerry West. West, the National Basketball Anocla· tion's leading acorer, auflered an inlury to hb left 8l'kJe in the opening period and sot out moll ol lbe eecond quarter and all ol the -nd haU with an Ice pack Oil the ankle. • Mel Counts and· Diet Gantt kepi the Lakers in tht game through the flral hall, with 14 and 11 point.. 'Ille Bucb bod a 4'"45 lead at tbe intermission. Counts finished with 31 points and Gar· rett had 17. Milwaukee was led by Lew Alclndor, with 29 points and guard Jon McGlocklln, who had 21. West had Uve for the Lakm before he Injured his ankle on a comer jwnp &hot that knotted the scon at IS.IS. ~. ,. An.ANTA (AP) -·watt Fruler ancr :~ Wlllil Reed poured in 33 ~ llCh Wed-~ nuday nipt as the New York Knicb it tied a National BaaketblU Association,_:111' record with their 17th straiiht victory, a :: 138-108 conquest of the AUauta Hawks. .., In 1 match between the NBA'1 division·?; leaders, the streaking Knickl, :i.t for th8, ';.• ·' year, broke tho game ._ in the third • • quarter when they limited AUanta to only ~~ 11 points while pulling oul to a 33-point i: lead. They led by only aeven point., 6Ht, :• hallU •• at me. ...,.. The 17 consecutive victories equals the :-: NBA record 1et by Wl&hington in IHI :., and Ued by the Boston Celtics in 1959. :_'!: New York will aet I shot at the record i-' Friday nilbt qalnlt ClocillnaU ia • : Cleveland. ;., AUanta reoervtt hit well In the IOlll'th ·; period to pub the Hiwkl over tbe IOG : : mark, only the elchth Ume UU. ye1r the •. KnJcks have hid 100 or men ICOl'td on : : thtm. •• C.I his li .. ten VCI, H llU. yur. Jn the upper bracket, tap.seeded UCLA (lf.01 dnws USC al 1.0 a.rn. while cal State (Long ·Beadll duels Yale 0111 ,30. New York Jets flanker Don Maynard. who suffered • bone fracture Jn hls:right leg.in a game wi th Cin· cinnati , holds up a photo of the injury-causing play. Maynard Ii pictured in a New York hospital as he lies witlrlhe leg propped up, holding the photo. West rtturned from the dressing room and re-entered the game in the ·second quarter. when the Lakers' lead had drop- ped to 26-25. But be was limping badlY 11nd •as benched moments later wlth6Ut scoring. Froder, who Is from Atlanta, t•ameti-: 1¥ilh Bill Bradley In a ball•lliil-• hibitlon durlrlg ~ Knicks' third.quarter gpurt. ' I I ( • i.{: ''I! ·;)- , "'<<!ti ~ .• 4 -~: .. ... . .:n, , . .,, ... ~ ., "' ... ~ 1olf .;:. ,:.-,_ ,, :• ... ., ' •• f•.t ·l . .. •• . • • • • • • • • • • • • " • • • • • • • • • ~ Thursdar. -'£/, 1969 DAii. V l'IUIT ,,, • Gauclios .E2rtd in:State OCC's Rival Middies El Camino Lacks Have No £1dl£ NOriCiiJ L!'XIAL ·NOTJCI: LEGAL NOTICE ,...,, ~~-1-~--::---;~~-~-.. -~~~-1-~--======-.::.::.:.:.:::__~- J Grid Poll ......... COUit W Cl..,..tCAT9 OP Mlt•UI ...... Oii ML• 'te'TITMMll ._ _,,_..., tTATW CALI Tflt •••== .... ·ftf11f'to•llc.. • ...u. ...... Mtlftl • .. ml W. c-t "°"' NOTIC! ll klllllY OIYl::e ...... ---. ..... ~. _ ... :Fn ~toM ...., tflt ~ """ -et WHIT• .-wtnf lo IM lfW Of .... Nfl MAN MANAGlMINT COMJl'ANY ... ~ llNl•l'tl.,.._ Wiii ""4 ft ..-lie .... llf I• T9 AMS UY tfwl Mid """' ............ of ... ..,...,_ .. "1kto If ,...... AIJrC""' et er- f111te fll ANNA LEAH INlllNHOOO. 1111 --..... -111 fl.IN Ind plea COll!I~. AJ!_,.,, ,"'::.'• .,""-· Ctl""": d Le ~ tf tftio...c. It 11 fol-.; It I, .--• y, L MOTtCf q; HIUU!aY elYtN 'f1191 ••"*'1111 ~ wtil!JMI. 9110S ~ 0.Y_ fll DloJlmW• 1Hf, fM flDnoWtM .. V Pia an gs HINllY W. GllffNHOOO '* lltld ,t,.,.., "-' hldl. C•llfornll c191cr11Md ~. !Mltt1 -te an Yers ,.,..... i'.'Mtttbl tor .,._Ill ., w!M .. DlllM ~ It, 1Mf All llNllYW. -"Ill l\lll e r ' • > • .. --.. L-,_..,. ,. "'"""" M. .,.,_ -" M,, '°" .. _, M ... IM .......,, ~ ti ~ a. ,,._ &tile o1 Cllltwllll Uf"ftfll Alru.ft ~--M ....... , .... f!';.A.neb' • IV-U•--L!S Md ('D) •MIMI' ....... ~-~-llltlt\IM o ...... (OCMIY One (1) It,,., (4) P'llm c.-..."' .... ~ aCk Co!Iege retained ·• • -n.i,1,1WV • • n..r ..,. 11._ ., '*""' *" -w. ....,. °" a.w, 11, ~,., • ....,.,. -· , ~ ll"'-"''''°" Nll!'fltlw ""1• M, ..,,,._.. Ila aecood place r--w-D' In lhe · • ,..J... • Navy hun" been 11.1-to de-Mt frw ~ lt, 1Nt. 11t ti• •·"'·· 111 ~k 1n _, tw .. Id 1t1i., "...,.."' "' • 11t11 .,.._ ....., c1....,... L .. CUUWI" U ... 1-t. ...i• • we Ille COUl'f'rOOl'fl "' ~·"""'' Ne. I ol ..... l(ftMrloil M, Wlll""-n k-tio for ·~ ... ......_ tit T..W weekly Junior college 1thleilc El Camino opened ~.J.Be&. ~ uiQ wee.e."".I u.i-.i~Rt ound g me .-11 court. ,, 7Df c1 .. 1e c .. "' 0rrw me ,., bl .._ ...,._ ~ ne"" " Atrvttt '"'-· b""'",I ......... -"·gs for 6t basketball season \nUr a ~·of .. am.., ,,..,, Pirates• ._... a ~~ gr a w .. 1. (fol'met!V W•t fl9!'tfll StJMll In 111-.Crtllld lo .... wlltiln llottl'lllMolt Ind S.IO NII .. fol'""--" Nfttf'YIM 'l""I' ~uy-:--1 {14111 ;. ·~ :"".'r -.. ao far this oeason and coach flll'Cltt• s.~t• ,.,.., c1llfonllt; • .._llc!Md 1111 u-c111M it. .. me. 11tri o1 t11t ~It* w 11111own ,.._, •mall acllOOis, ~ced to-wln over Orange 't,; 0 .,-1" e ~s scl1eduted\1.uUflo Oet911 No ........ 2', lW. \ -(Oll'P ICIAL IEALl ....,,..,. wltlt..,. II llM'11•"-'"and .. day. College. Du~ the~of-tbt .dlf'and Fridiay,~. 4 and S RiCt Formno Isn't expecting ,.._ ... l ~·~,~~_ii1. " =~K;.:,11~11 ~"~,.. ,,.., ., Ree<tley,ldlelaslweek,con... ~theWil'riorRciuldvoulf.;1 as ·pl}'t f"\a..:r deuDJe11eader at ahy miracle in SatUJ:day'a iii...:;-~..... ~=:"C.:-"' ,.~J:...,0~1.:•"c= o.1., '""· tlnued atop the ratings' while win . three ~ lllfne&: lft.._ &an.ta AU COiiege. / contest with Army ln Phlla· .... .....,.~ ,... ~ M" c-1 .. i.n e:i.h'n N_._. Ko 11, a ,, ~~ 1. «-"1~--· -pleted , • • eluding the ·Tait me. r ~ tOn· Fr""",·~. 4, coaco T•h 1t111 1D4'1U NOY. u. 1tn Li..: .s. '·Tm flt1.4f ililOQ ~ "v"' v-v ~ u-dfJMl ..,,..,..., fW ""'"""-' PlltlllthMI °"'"" CMtt O.llY Pllol, NOTJ-\ I ""-,· rt ConftreDCe season with OCC ag~~ the-sluon rb Livser'a team meet.I. rL . Mi hi P~"'*' °""" eo..1 0111y P11o1, Novernblr n. 20, n w Dklfrlblt ... LEGAL ..,m; dr" >lctory DVOI'. Ml San ~~t~!J;:"'~~y :~ ~:..::,·~~· :~f .1:;: :~.r.:m~ c _g~ r~ H~~no.: '"'I LEGAL NOTICE 21~ tu'r.W:.~mtw ;~·· .. t!to~es Harbor moved And, allbougb ·~ ~l lbey ·face .~Uiem Califpmla whlelti'to. rat Navy's hopes B L ds 1','Stl•ll• eoU TM• ClllTtP1CA;:: .u11Ht1 •.::~'c:#r::-"..'!'•\11 • . to the top ~t among f~e hopes to improve Cit dS ..-nl ·(:Otleef! at 7, ,__, .~. that ouJd ,., oss atI • .. TS Okc.t.l.I Jolt PtcTIT.OUS NA•I .... A..-r ~).; ' • ""r'" -& record (I( a year ... > the. 'War.·.' . '. "' " .. '· ........ J'. w _... 1'111 COllllillTY Ofll OllAIMI Thi ll!MllnltNd ... (tf1ff'Y,. .. CM-Eal•lw " SHlltMAN ALWYN SMAW1 ...;~..._,,1s, replacing Pasadena. -.ut thi ..... I dl ""'A"4m Mt.,,. • 11v11-11 P, o . .._ tK. OHMMd . . . . -~SaddiebaA .. bas i'umped ... lo riors have only one r8tumtng • , I) ~ vqr110me....... rom • s-IWftc• ~··· Ofl' PlfTIT!ON COIW *' M9r. c.11tom1 ... lltldlr Ille ft(:. HCTICI! IS Hl!lll!'•V 81YIN .., lhl 0 ~ )e(tennaJl from the uatf ·oc· c 1f: . na&( l!BS(ln in Which the Mid-,ioei P flt# Wl\,L ANO '" NtlMn fl""' M"" of INOl!'ICAP ..cl 111•1 Wfdl"°"' fll rM ...._ Mlfllll '*"°'"' • itn 11th place Ue in lhe latest gs p• LnT•lll 1.,...MTA1t'f .. "' 11rrn 11 eon..111 "' "" to11oW1,.. ""' 111 ......... ,..""'-, ........ .,.""'"" .·.· .. ·.c. Gn'd·'!ll-n a\1' 0 n al season. ,? I a J..ia ,b&Ye won one game and 1erson ... , ... Ml~ •• C~LlY, ~ ..... -. ---In fllll 9tld •laee fll Mid dladWlt ·-,..,,,.., ,. ""'""""'· • " H " Art N al ~ "l · . ~~I ~. . ,.ldotllat 11 "fllllowl: w~ MW~~ 11t ti. oll'ic. . ~u"-released lnday e Q og es, a .,. J -~ • NOTICI! IS Nl!lt£1Y GIVEN Tiii! lloe.rl L~lool. .... Tr.Nnt fll 1111 din fll lhl ...... nmM avrl, • ;.:.Tia '"e"' A • forward who prep~ .... .( :·Own MT ' . ¥we know It and they know • .,,,..Ol'lll" o..111 ~ N• tM ""--u..i c-0.1 Mii'. i. .,_. --. ..,.. "" ~ ~ The Gauchos, 16th in the poll Do High le _. -· eet lt,. -·-· loltl -"'·· I ' •= tor PNltl• -.. Wlfl ~ "< • ~e tt. ,.., ~. "' ,... ~-"" "" ""'-'~last week, are a.irrently Jn. a rsey a coup ! !IJ're&1! . • • ~VIMlll\J .~ ...... --a a ~·ARBOR Mich (AP).,.. ' If L.nlf•· T....,,_... .. • LN'"9tlon of .COOOlY, SCHUIMCHlll, COi.~ ··,,-i.·,e wllh Chabot and Reedley ago. Nogales was a patt.tbnie•..:L • • • · a luncheon Wednesday. n~ a..a.£ ':"'·:1. i.r. ..,1 .. ., tii , ~ • wtildi 1t,..... ..., ., 1111, MAH. MONAllO • •HOWAllD, A '-'U ·-r • .ov au111:mDeCD1er, !TUC.... for M1Mr' ""'lo.I""'-1111111 111et "" tlft °""'" c-t¥: lorllfn 11 lAw, 155 Town & Counlr'f 'tolleg.,.. Saddleback meets starter last season. Orange Coast College .cap-"We ,haven't eslablished a football coach calls a .. -,,,., p1_. q1 111er1<1s "" M"" .._ be.it °" NOYerftbw 'It, ,,., ...,_ -· • llMCt, °"'""' c.1n .. .,..., •kh i. * The other starters i""'lude 1 · ·-.._,...1 altack and we're not • _,, ,.. ---,, '"' 11 t •11 un. ,...,,., Pllblk In w "" .. ., st1t1, '"" °' w.ir.. o1111e ll!lllst'sltnM:I 111 .. 1Reedley ia the fint round of_ • ~ 1tuted ' its loth annua 1n-&'""'""' Pierson 11.1e 0( the most hard-:!' 111e ,,,_::;;;;, .; ~ .,.. j __.11y _,.. 1to11trt LIYI,..._. ..,...,. ""'1n1111 ,. u.. ... .,. "' ':: -ifr1bt ~ state playq(fs S.turdSY cards John Sweeney ,and vltatiooal cross country meet goi,d to =~ on~ ali.i:: ~ pWers he bu.ever seen ~ .Mid. C:.,,, .•t,J'OO ~'~~-= = : :%.c,111~ ::-C':i'1111:"': =1 ·..;:;~11of ";, ::=a ....,, ~at.Santa Ana Bowl. (.'"'~velyWenurmd cen' lteorwa, Ji'rdm JJoeJTYnes. TUesday, chalking up a low a su en ow • • -Md ~Cl!M! who tPelllii wUh Iii"""" "''"" ChY I" ., l • ''""""" ..., ~lldtld 111 uK\lfld ~-~ 1, 1"' . N~•-O • 1 h -.... lnts 'doean't mean we are not . .,..... ' u.-. s1:..t I ·b ' k I'd 1..· 1111· • ~ """· Marti SMw " 11!' viwsc:Mtern 11. a om a S · • • I h score w w po · .a~ wR:: lnaen& ve ac wou uave O•tld Nowmber '4, ltff IOPFIClAl 11:AL) Mmlnlltr•tor D'f,,.. ••t.t. .;1 · weeney is a .,.,. res man ing to ..... to run. Utile doubt lhat 1, true w. e. ST JOHN. "'''" K. H..,,., IM l!loe'l'9 fHllMll ll9ndff!I -A&M and.Arbol)l Wtnern re--frOm Dorsey while Snavely Chaffey followed . with 54. " ""3 , • eoimtv c~nc. Nol•rv Pubt1c.c1111«nl• coooav. SCNUMACM•tt. COLtMAN • ,.,~aifted ID.the number ofte and pl••ed 'b••• school '·ll-.at Then came San. D.1ego Ci.lY We aren t i .olng to PIJl the "Offenae it thrilling but voUMe, '1taNNlll· • MllWI Prtnc1N1 orr1a 111 MIN'l'AllD a. MOWAllD • .-. 1•-Th -v ~· • n.~ ball in the air 80 times But • • ·• 1u wett TMr. stntt or1"" COlllltv 1u T"" a c-tn llllll 1 -ttf' .... J>OI w:u-•S. e two teams LaWnda.Je' a year ago. He College (74), Riverside (n) . · you can't lake any of your ani:· s.r'.:.!.:· ~ t11fl MY c-1111on e:oim °'""' c.1t.,..,. .. ~ .• lash f)iday n!gbt In Savan-,.. __ ., .... -3• · •, and ~.;..aleback (91). we will ha_ve to pass, m;id we iety out on any"""y" Pierson T• 1 1n•J st1..w1 New. )4 1tn T•h '"~' M74111 ~ h .... ~ ;:i..,.,.iu.a ,,.. ~ will i·ust hope tbet Mi'-is on · ,t· """" • • · · AtlwlM'rl i.: '"""'"-· P"bt1.i..i Dr•• CIN.t c111y 111"', A"'""" .., ........ ,,.., ,, 1:1Ja .Ga.{t11:wn:J(JC/LAcbam-Jones is allo s...s and at-Saddleback came up with ,, u:: said artier being named 'Ibe ,P11blWtM Or• .... ico.t=~Jio;: No¥wlOlll' n. to. 21 •nd Otc..nt.r." PUO!llhlld 0r..-c-t Dlt~.·ltflllt. ~ .fionshtpr· ; · ~-' 1 tended North Torrince last the individual ch am p i o n , target. As90Ciated Press college foo\. :=""""' v. 241 " nowt 1"' 11ci:wt NoYftrlllll' lJ. 20, 21, w ~~ i f.Ii • ,~·~ year. Wurm (~)··is· a ho~ver, as l.aJT>: Mann Navy has been woeful on ~ ballBackofthe\feek. LEGAL NOnCE LEGALNDnCE 1"' LEG NOTICE ~· LA ...,_,. · '".., sofbomore who won a letter at covered, the course in meet ~~~ '"d:~' ~ngi up on~ "On defense yoo c1:1 get ,....... · 1u~•.O: J,ou-; :P 1."J AL : .. ~: ~~ley f:::1l E Camino a bouple of years record time of 20 :27. ing ~ anlea~.'~~:e ru:a,; dirty Boo hit a ·rew Jieople," ' c111T1PtcATI op =."ns · \T:. JuNTVL1:P110:.:~No1 ..Ortc•'to~eno•• i:'k"-ll•k•~ld ( ... 1-0l H' !tended 'Blsho Lead! g fi'-'·•ers for n.... .... e ...., he dded PICTITIOUS .... A-"Wr tttP'•ll .... caivit1' OP nt• ~ .. ,. futlerb'! rl-l-01 ago. e a p n uu:iu "' .... '6 giving up z 787 yards. a • The uno:t.l"lltMd dOef urtllY Ill •• -NOTICI Of Nl!AlllNO OP PITITION tTATl~LwoaNIA POil • • .,._ Ctl•bot 1•1~1 M,....."omery u1 .. " School. Coa6t included 'Dan Mooney '.. The 21 year .. ld Wolverine MH111 • Ml-•' 111,. .. _" ..... ,.. '°" PllotAT• °" WILL ••o POft TM• °" 01tA•• 'f F (w,Q) '""'e "-""&" Skird (ftb. • Hvllltftlton le.di. C1llfol'11 • LITTllll TltTAMINTAllY CaGND ... · 11 1: G~ 11.,:.1 Orange Coast also has a (3rd, 20:56); Fred _ e •· " , standout, who was a quarter.~ firm -°' ~~1 :! WA1v1D1 e-... "WALTl!a ll. sr••Y, ~ ·~..!· ~1~:..""~ :;:;::: home game scheduled Satur-21~; HTim N°"""' (ll]Olh,Jlh : c1'y · G·..d'~ Score back at St. Ignace LaSalle ~.~·~ --Ml Mii tl=l(Y~ ... ~r.:·~~:1! .NoltcE II HOl!:lt OIVl!'N .. flll ~H-nbllo """tloll: cer,11o1 u-21. day night agailflt Golden-21~"<,; arry oonan • ..,,,..\' H igh School In MlchJgan'1 up. ..C..« ... Idelle* 11 • fllltows111~ Ali t•-*' Mii •• ~'"' J. ll:oblNon. _......" 1111 ..,_.,,.. ~ Gf&r:lt~:::::~.:t'i~~ West. Both gatnes wilt -If\ 2_1:4'){ ~lph Dean (J4th. per penWula, was switched l.l~~~~=·e .. c11 •• 'Dm;s1~i! IS Nt!llllY CIYl!N """'=:::.:-~~~~ ~~1'. Ort,,_ Cont 1"2·11, El C.111lne 1 ... ...:unde=:'cc.Wca!._aCtCC.8.CC._.:.._' _:_,_'_2 7 1C:54,.:.)_. ,,-----------Lak __ ewood ___ 33_,_WhiT_.ltl_e_r __ l3_1 to def-•• la'-h'• f~i.-&~ Dttld N~ lt, '"' o-.ii.i L.1-*t "" fllld 1111"1111 1 ~ Wiii t111 _.,~In ti. ol9ld LACC ) Go101n .. ,_., !.C "" ~~•tuou ltt'tl'llOl'd F. O'IYr1 !Ion tor .... " fll wlll •n.d tor 1111.1~ of fll rM tllrk tif ftW ........ ..m... -'•"" 3 " 1w~ su:-111 cwi. .· year at ~M mid ha.s.enjoyed It .,. of c.11torni. L"'.n TlllwMllt•,., to P9t1ti-lknd .. "-" --. "'"' !Mi _...,, , .... , 11-1.0) 11-1 .. 1 11-1-0) , ... , 11·1-0) II-Ml 17-?.01 , ... , .... ·.--,,. m "' >n "' '" '" ,,. rn "' "' "' n• "' m "' "' "' "' "' "' ·~ Rustlers ;!' . :on All-Loop ''' . I -Ellht t;olilen West College 'j!' ' r pOloists earned AJl-•i· them Cal conference . ' · rs with five Rustlers on ·~Jbf: first team and three on the iieond. · • David Griffiths, Don Up- pold~ llarq Noah, Ray Buell • ,ll)d Kris Sw'bson were on the •Ji'.nt unit. Lance Norris, Gary '~Orombacher and Al Rojas 1'ere on the second. , (.Coach Tom Hermstad's ,J_ustk:rs won t.be conference With an unbeaten record then .Lt two of tbtte starts in the f.'ou the r n California cham- _.,:~p tourney. • " ;r , ·' • ., .. Once more· we pause to give thanks for l. • ;tj. ~ . all our many bl~ings G"" • ~ . ••• ~ ~ . ~-• . . I ' . ~ '! ~ , .. ~ , ·"'. I , STEREO SENSATION! . Tlie colorful'sounlll of Ora119e County Music . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From fashion Island, Newport Beach •• .. Jmn Hart • sl ' 0rl1'191 C-'Y: WtlWd), ~ ft wl'lkft JI IMdl lor1 ~ 9' ll'le IW'V&IJ 1111 tPll ""-nee, Oft Howmber lt, '"''. __. ..,., I f!.11'11111' ... rttcvlll't. ln.d llltt ti.. fWN ....... • COOIClll!'f, llHUMACHl!ll, COlS. Alihoogh he was not a rean ... Nol•,., P11blk "' '"' .,,.. ""' .. ~· , ... GI' llMriM "" -'''" bMrl Mt """14, MINYAllO & HOWMIO, ..... OR Plll'-llY ...-rid R•~ f . ,..,. !tor DlftmlMr n. 1Nt, .. t :JO 1.m .. In 11'11 ..,_, •t laws 155 Town • '-"'! Jar until th.ia aeason, the l'li-k-" -1o • tM --.... ~, cvurttDMI 11 o-""*" Ho. 1 o1 Mid llo.ci. Dr8f11it. c.~ .,..., wllkfl 11 tN. nd I ed lo nerne 11 llJlll,cl'lbld 1111 IPll Whmn II-court, •I 711 CIVk Clni.r Orlw Wat, In p,l.a cf b!nl-o1 it. UllOll"I..._, In •' pou Se':l or prov every· 1.,.11"*"1 •nd •c:tMW""'" tie .. Kulm ni. c1w cf 11<111 An.1,,c.111orn11. tMttln .,.r11111111, ta ..,. •let. .t ~ one that the twitch WU worth-ltM .. -. DI!«! ,.,,_,.,., '°'-"!Mt ~I. wlll'lln fOU!' """"""' 9""' ttt While especially last S.lur (O FFICIAL SEAL) W. I. IT JONN Hr1t 111Jbtlcllloll of this llolk&, ' -• Jpn L JobJt • CowolY Clerk 0111d NDYl'l'flber 7, lM day Nol•,., Publlc-Clllfoml• J,l,Mll L llUllL. Jll. Allll• Mle CrlWforil ' . · Prlnei.,.I Ofllce Ill >4U VII o--te E..cutrfll qi 1tM Wiii rlf Pierson was the most out· or•"" coumv ._, 1Hc1t, C•llfwrll• ""' ""' • .,,,... ...... clftldfrll "' .landlng .... r!o""'"' ln 'an over-M'f C-IUltll llXPlre• Teh 0141 .,, ... .,2 COM:S.V. SCMUMACNllll,, COLI.MAN ..... • i•y-' M•rtll 2, 1tn A"""'9f' .... Petltl-MIN'fAllD & MDWAllO all game for Michigan as the Publlshed 0r1no• Coa1t 0.1.., "1~· P11b11t11ec1 or1Me C1N1! 0111y P11a1, '" T-a c-tl'Y llllll 11 Wolverines .,,..,_.,...;.1 the ·~n No"1'9mblr 20. 27 .rid OlcSllZler ,t,,..H N,,..1mlllr tt. 71 •nod 0tc1mber 1 • .,_ C.Jlf., ,,... ,. ... !"..,.." I.II~ lMt 1Nt 2lts4t Tl'I> fn() Mf.•111 •' top.rated Ohio ;state •· 24-11, '.LEGAL NOTICE " LEGAL NOTICE A......,.."'._,,... . s. gaining a tie for the Big Ten ·-,.:;m. ,..... ~~t~~21C:: :.:.!!"'c title and a trip to the Rose ClllTl,ICATI 0, •UllNISS Clll:TtPICATI OP •USINISt '"' t~ Bowl to~ Southern Cal . . ,,CT1T1ou1 MAM• p1cT1T1ou1 NAM• LEGAL NOO'ICE . .....,.~ ' Tiii ~..,.. Cllf'tl!'r'"'" '"" T11111ncMR""'° doll cer111'1',.. 11 QM-'-----o.;;;w-----: P1ereon, a &ix-footer, Inter· COlldllcfl"' • 111111-"' m 11111 s1., fuc!IM • 111111,... ,, lfl1 Nrwport 111w1 .. 1 · ••• n• •• led lh and ~.--9"ct1, Cllllol'T\1•, ~t ~ tie-Cf>llt ••-· ,,.,, ..... tllomlt, 111'1def n.. HO•>C• -C••o-ot cep reepas1t1 .• s .... ll" n''-"""!WM" 11•1sToL PASHION tktttkllll ....... ttrm .;;;.... of "-'L'H's iuP1:1ttoll 'C'oullT Oio"me " ed a J)Ltll 60 yards to set up IOAT & YACHT CLEANING Sl!llVICI! fUll:NITUlll! 11111 lhJt Mid Hrm II com-ITATI Ofl' CALl,OllMIA POil ll touchd i lhe vj t •n.d fMI "Id firm II ~ of tlll -.eel, tif ll'it followt119 Mrwn.. wtlo$I TNI COUNTY OP 01.ANOI one °"!n n c OJ')'. tollowkot .. ,.,,.... wtme "'""' In tun MIM In fUl1 ""' p,IKI"' rnldln.CI b II .... .......,,, "Personally I would have 11111 p,llcft of t•llllM• •• , •• lotkl'n: fo/ID'Oli : ' EH•" ol F.°"" !'. HIOCOX o.c--c. h :.... d 1 ~ .. we ........ 131 Jtlh St .. ~ ltldltrd It. Mtrllll. IOUt Cutty s.r-. ...... , ,. ·····-.......... . rat er made 1,41\;Nes an no •••di, c.111orn1a. ~ 911e11. c.111orn1. ""'7, ~1 "s"" •""""'' ....,_ .:;-....,. miss any than intercept pass--ltN Frye. 2W Alt. D. Dlltw¥9 ,,., Dllld, ,.,._....,. 11, ,,.,, That •11 "-lll't'lnt cl•I-... 1M1 IM' ., h 'd el . to H1111lfftl1oll klcll. Cltllomlt. llldllr• ll. M9rtln Mid dtadlnt 1,1 ,._1,.. 1111 ni. """"' es, e Sill , r emng a Dlted NOY9111bet 12. 1,.,, ""'~~-..... .on"" count.,: .,"'"" _,., WlldllTt. 111 n.. """9 8r1Cf F,,.. Net.,., P'Wllc fl'I l'lld tor uld SI•'-• 19 _, '*"' -1111 !Ill couple of tacldes he said be ~ wuwr °" bW 11• tHt. lwlor'I me, • tif tM ciert. o1 111e 1i.w. "''"1111 ..:-:4 should have made but didn'l s111w o1 c.u1or1111, Or•"" C-IY: ""'°"'!"' _,_ 111e111nr 11. M•rtffl _....._ ,., ""• 1 .... .,.. Th'· pr---""--bJ... on .....,._ 12. ,,.,, ~ -. • "'-to "" to bl "" _._ wi-°' 11r. Altorllen McOW1E'i. a Gll:l!'EM • 11!1 llealOn ~ OUll Wiili ,.,,..,., Publk In Ind lof' ..... Sl1te, -•• wblcrlbed lo "" Wllllln In-.. ~ o-C.ltfwnl• wllkll II tercepted ttven ~ been """"'"' ·-•ed o.o,.. w •• _. •nd 1tnitM111 1n11 •dnowledled 111 ••tclrtld the ,110:." ...._ ·., 1111 ~ '" in on l'l 'lackJe!, retu"1ed 20 !::."~"'== =:.i·lo~ ~~~~L Sll!AL! , ~ll«t~,:ln;:,to,:::.:i•~-=- PU'nts for 292 yardJ and a TD 1n1ttvm1nt _, •c:knowllOled """ •• Mery I(, HlftrY 11n1 IOUbib"9i! of 11111 IOOfke, ' KU!ld ti. -· Not1rv P'vbttc.('1llfornl• Dlfed ~ 1 lfft ,. and three kickoffs for 65 cqFFICl•l sl!AL) Prtnc:~11 Office In And•-G. H'ckml ., rd' ' Mt,., 111111 Morton Or-1 COl/fll'I E•KUfof' o1 1119 Wiii of ya • Nol•,., P111tlle.C1n1orn!• M'f Comm1,.lon E""lrQ 1tlf! ;-. n1med dlc:ldff!t Schembechler called Pier· PrlnclNI ortke In No ... ''· im McOW•H a oitl!IH • ' I s tu d .. r lhe o •• ,... COlll'll'I P11bH1111d Or1119f Coa1t D•ltr Piiot, , •• c ........ 11 I son a p ay a r ay one o M~ C9'Tlml111on E••lr"' Navernber u, 20, 21 ''"' Ottemblr l, 0r.M.. C.lllonll• greatest p,erlonnances I've Pu1t1i.=11 ~,~:. coait D•!!Y ,.11a1, '"' 20fl.ft I~' :i~'!m.r ever seen. N~. 13. 20. n 1111111 DK1t11ber l, LEGAL NOTICE P'ubll•hed 0,;,,.. c:OMt O•tl'f '""'· If it wasn't for the three rtne 1Nt '",,.., T...ws N9¥1mber 13. 20, t7 end DlcrM!blr 1. T Cu~·-h 'had I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI TO (ll!'DITOlll 1Ht • ..,..,. years om , ..._ as ' n !tr•l!!lt!Olt COUllT OP THI r the same de£ensive backfield, P454U STAT• OP c•L1Po11••• P011 LEGAL NOTICE ~ Pierson could very well have Cl!1tT,'~1?,,',.'u•,•,•,u,:,1•111 TNI co~:.'1~011AN01 •A11 "" i ,.. , ..... 6<. NOTIC• TO Cll•DIT'OllS' been pushed for All·American n.. llllderaltNd ...... otl'lll'i' !Mt ,,.. ll!lll!w cl, OONA.LO K. WASHIUllM, IUPl!lt~ll COUll:T OP TH• eoNfl/Cflne • llutlneH al "1lr Mt. lllft Otc!efo11d, ITATI OP CALIP'OllNIA ll'Olt honors this sea!On. Clrclt, FOlll!lw1n V•llrf '1JOll Clllrarnl•, NOTICE IS HEllE9Y GIVEN to 11'11 TNI COUJfTT OP OIU.Ne ,1 "I doubt .if J'd have a chance 111111er "" nc1111o11s firm nNM " ~ of "" ,,_. n1tn..:t decedent ... .......,. All Ame " h -Al.I f"OllMCUT INOUITll:IES Mid th1! uld 11191 •II ...,._.. lltvt,_ C1til1'11 , .. IMI 11111 l!lftlw 111 110..ALO W I MST 0 N' for • rlcan, e -.... firm 11 cornPOMll of "" follllwlfll f'l"Oll'. .. 111 ~ .,. '"''rid to file !Nm, sPttNCFlt ~ . " nonchalantly "You have to whclll 111,,... In tun •nll 'Lie .. ol with IM '*"'8"" vtlUdle ... hi ""ol'lk• NOTICE' IS HE•!•v GIVEN .. """ • retlo.nc• •r• 11 lollowl' Cl'f Ille c:tMi: et Ille •lllM 1111tUl!rd cvurt, or Cl'ldllont of the •bOYt _,., dK9lfwA play three years and do a great JoMSlll Del..Keir. 1mt MontPe:ni.r, to -r """" wu11 t11t _"",.,, 11111 ,11 __ llwlftll cw.1 .... "'lftl' ""' job ch " to d that S.ntt Alli C•llfoml• ¥OUC:l'Wn, "' 1111 lll\denlflled •I 11\t office Id ~ ,.. -h'M ta flll """"'• ea ume eserve • Jollll s. 'Nlfel. 100 ~ L11111. Cl'f MUNG!'lt, T 0 l L l! 1. HILLS .. :111 "" ~:,., ¥0UC:M .... In Ille olflcil . I don't think I 'm AU-American H•rbor Clt'I', c111ttrn!1. 1t rcicl!:1tSNAUSl!1t, •ttwne\'ls '°' '"""' .,. ""cl!Ttl 111 ~ ...,,.,._ en1111111 -i,,.. I rial ,, 01tld NCIWft'lbtr 11. lHf. HI" ltl"lll, Lo. "-In. Clllfornl1 90014 1111 ...-.-i !Pllnt, W'llfl ttw '*-""• ma e . ...._ DeL.cey wflldt 11 "" •••.:t o1 ""'*-of "" ~ "' 1111 urWnr.n..t "' "" offlcill •. 1'J'm not that outstanding 1' Jolln L Nllltt 11Ntt11t1Md In Ill lllltf..n -lllh'llnt ..... cooicsl!Y, SCHUMACHI!•. COL•·. , 'j b'u Stwlt of C•Ufor~I•, L0t AnMlel C-IYI lllt nltll DI Mid decidelll, within ft!llr MAN MINVAllD & HOWAllO ,t,t. be added. 1 just do my o • °" Nowmbtr 11. 1Nt, bffor• ,PM. • "'°""'' 1ner tM flnl 111/bllcetlon o1 thl• ~ 11 1.aw iss T-a d.untrY. ;;.:-"-,..,,.io;;;;;;;;;..,C.-'--1 Not.rv J>ubtk r... tn.d ~ MW II.it. /lllflao, .Did or._ ~llt ftf1111 W'llldl 11 !M" LEGAL NOTICE l'll"IOlllll'I' •-red J ...... 0.Leay 1n.d DllM N11Wmber ,., lt6f. PllC .. at bl/th*• cf di. 11'*"5'9Md "' •ll ----"'"'-iiio:;;;;;------1Jolw! I. Nitti k-lo "'I ta lie 1111 Gftllll• M, W•1hbu"' "'ltlett ltlrtilnlll9 to ti.. Mlllw 111 Nld'I. 1All"1"4 ...,._ WllOM n-1rt lllbtcrrtlold lo Ellttlllrlx Ill tM wm d~n!. wltl'lln four tl'IOl'lllls tfllf' llW ' .u•,o1T,",.'• •,•00<,•,romi•,•., ttM wlllll~ ll'llfn,ll'Mllf tnd ldlnowlldled cf 1111,1....,.. nemecl dtcldtnl f1rt.l·IOVbl1cetlon of thll nonu ..,,. thn-~ !ht ....... MUMOllt, J'&LL•I. O led N ber 7 lftt ' &TATI OP CALl,OllMIA PCll !OF,ICIAL Sl!:ALl -HILLS" •IC10!1t1N•ust:ll • ~ M'•rfl 5"n«r THI COUNTY 0, Oll:ANOI LI Vlf'IHI McWl1ll1"'1 llOf Jeutl't Niil llrwl r• ... (II i. _. ""· Ad7' Not1,., 'ubl!c . C1111ornl1 Ln Allfelle. Ctlll. "91f Mmr" r• of ~ • .., Elltll of VICKI J. STUAllT 1~1 V£11:1E' Prlnci...1 otllcl '" T .. 1 11111 •H-lffl OOkSl!Y #It 1~c':"" Cdec=M J. SCHULTZ t~I VlCICI! SCHULTZ Ind LOOJ Angtl" CounlY Allorll1Y1 fer txKVtrtx C • ICNUll!lt Ill, 0L " Ill• VEllE J. WACHITETTl!R. Olc••Nd. My COl'l'll!lllollooo e ... 1re1 Publl•hed 0r ..... (Ollll Ol!!'f P'!!Of, ~.;'\Y~D. ~==~:.. · NOTICl! IS HEREBY GIVEN ID ltlt Sll>tembtr 21, 1,71 N(Wtmblr it, 27 •nd Otcember '· ll, Or-Clllf ., ... Cf9d ltot1 of lllt ·•bo91 .. med decedent Puttllsl'lld Or111111 Col!ll 01ltr Pilot, Ifft 21$Ut Tel ITIO Mi'.lln ,,. tNt en Pfi"Mlll 111 .. 1111 i:i.1m1 "''"'' 1111 ~ber 2CI. t1 111d 0tc1mb1r 4 11, LEGAL NOTICE -~ • Mrllhlldrlflr ( Mid~'"' r=11rM i.,tlfl tlllmi !!!!.._ ·11'5-M P1tbll'lllotd Or11"11M Coalf 0111\' ,llof11 "'"' 111' ~ ' llil "" lfflclt LEGAL NOTICE P'-lft71 November 13. 20.. 21 1fllf O«ernber A."H tf ltM dlfk :1' ""·11! trr!llllll cou'1, I( • ClllTIP'ICATI O' IUllNlll, 1Nt totMt..,, ~ .. ~U:..:.'7'.,,J*11 ::no:k"! ""'217' • i J:: 1 ' ' I IJICTITIOUS NAMI .,. CAYl.011 s ltfi60,""'"""' at uw, IUP'lltlOll COUllT ·OP • 1 .!frl... ~llld Oot. clrtttv Ill Is~ LEGAL NOTTCE "' :!$0 E. 17tlt• Mu C•• ,,..,,..., dl111ar111... ITATI OP CALIPOlltUA'. OI: diiCfi"9 I butillltn II tao! I!.'"' SI,, S.n-NOTICI TO Cll:IDITOlll llltlld! II tht p,!Ke at bull-" t111 TMI ~NT'I' OP OllANel II Al\1, C1llfoml1, UflCltor Ii. lk:llllOVI IUPPlllOlt COi.HiT OP TM• llMlfMllld 111 1H ll'•lltr• ""'""'IM'to .... ...... ' -.l """ -11111tOVALT'I' l!NGINl:ElttNC ITITl OP (ALl,Oll:NIA Po• .......... of tild 11ecnnf 'Wllllln ...,.. NOTICI 0, lllAllllM OP PllTrnoN • O!VILOf'MENr co .. OF OU.NGE TM• COUNTY OP OltA,... "' ._.,.. lfflt' -fll"lt ~llln tif 11111 Ofl PllOIATS Oii WILL ANO COOICIL COUNTY ..,.. lflll alllif """ It com-..._ A ""'1 ""'"-·....-AND,,.. LllTTlll TSITAMliNTAllV "'911 tif fM flDllDwlnl "'"°"'' WfloM Elf•ll of LAUllA MAll:le' SHAW,~~ 0.tld Nawmber u , lHJ. l•ONO WAIVIDI • ""'9 "' 11111 1111111 llllCe "' mldlnc1 ~~~. • ,, 1.-ichMI !'i'llt khW!ll l!:lltft of SIDNl!V'-H. Jl!:Nl(INI. .... .....,,_,: NOTIC!!' 11 H!:lll!IY CIVl!N .. W.. · Admlnlttrflor CTA 11 tlll esl•lw =..: SIDNEY "A•TMAJol Jl!lf!UNI. l!lllotl T. Plldlln, tm H1nlbroolr. enodl .... -Ifie .....,. llMJlld dK-*"' ol 1t11 1blive rwmlO clKedtnt MOTICf IS HElll:IY GIVEN T1let O!'l'W,{Hwitlrottotl .. ~ C1lttornl1. llMrl 11! l'll"IOlll ... v .... cl9llJI* n•lnsl tl\rl, . CAYlotl • llllD L.milM _,._ ""*""-llet II"" ,.,... 1 011111 NOYllnber ,, I..,, Mid decldenl ere ,_lrM to Ille fMll'I.• • •· '""·''· 1i.. 111 "'"tkwl ror ~ of wm _.. C:O.kn ' ll!llllfl T. P'lkMnl w1111 ... ~ ~ 111 u.. olftcll<U Cllf• ,,....,. c.11111n111 nw . "' ,.. ........ __ ,~ Ltltef'I ,.,_....,. o1 C1111Gr?t11. o,.,... tountir: 111"" clet'll"' ""1111ow .,.,ltllld _.i, w ,. Tet· cnt1......,,. ' ... _.. ... °" HoottrnllW ·s.· .,,.,, blfw9 1111. • 1o ..._.. "-'-""" "" _,,, J ......... fir Ml'llliillltntw ti> Pt!ltllnW, lloM W 11 ¥ 1 II I• """"' !'Wik In llld fol' uld Sitt., 'f'OUd'>tn. to t111 ~ .... 11 'fie off!~ ,...,., °"'"" Coest ·Otrlw: """·,,.,...__Ill wMdt .. onM.•W..,,..., _,"' .....,.., Elllolt T. Pl~nl' If ..... •ttamen. "11t! & .--. _...1i.: ttD'YWfl'iltr Jt, 27 Ind Dtcll'l'lblf'' 4, 11, -'klllln.. ,._. lft:ll 1111."""' Ml •!Me a-1111 IN to. M tM ""'°" .._ CimMO Drtw, Sl.ltt. •7, ,......,. Midi, \Hf t1JWt ~lt'lt::"':t·~-"""·t;! ::-. fl IU*tfbM 19 Ille Wlt~lfl ~ (elllomll ftMO. wtlklli .. ~ ..... " . courtrwn of o.p;'1mellj ..!.i• fl ...,. ::v:::· "'° ~ M ~ l!Utlnnl of' 1P11 11ocMllt11W1 lft' .. !Mt-'.: LEGAL NOTICE covrt. •I l'Dll Ct..tc:'Ctntor DrM W•t, fft l°''ICIAL ,ll:ALt i.... llerl•ln"'9 lo ltM •11'-If Mid ' -----;c::;-;;;;-,----·1"9 Cll'I of Sllll• ,,,,,., Clllfonlle. • M1fY IC. HMrf ' !Meld"11, within 4 ..-1111 '"""'fie flnf "' IAll tU1 0111d -21. 1"' Nof•l"I: Plllltk!oC1rnortrt1 llllblk•llOll of 11111 llolkll. NOTICI TO CllDITOlll I . ·~wrt~ St JOHN. Prtllcl!iel Olfk9 ~ Dlltd Octoblr '· '"'· SUP•1t10ll COUll:T OP TNI C-1¥ c'1't'tl. o,.,.. C'1ll\f'f L-v. O.ll!Wldrt, ExKVh'l11 ITATI 0111 CALllllOll.IA POil WfTTMAN ANO SCHMIDT, MJ COiftml11ieil hftlrn ''.tf Ille ...... tf flt I "" TMI COUMT'r 0, OIAHI l•I Wlfk"" DftW, HOYll\'I .... 24, lfn ...... MIMf -..nf "' ~ Ht. A ... nt • .......,. .._. CMifwllll P11ltlr.llid Ot111111 CINI! Diii'( Pllllt ,UTT a aa1rt1ll 1:"919 et AVIS O. Olll!ON, 0.ChMd. Ttlt (rtll '*'"11 ~ 4-11. .. 2')', 1.., ~ ... _C-,~.::-.. ., NOTICE 11 Hl!llllY OIVIN' II IPll A""""" rtr ,....._., • · -. ...._ ,_ crfdfton of flll 11teow ""'*' dtcMlnl Pllllllllled on"" Collt °'"'"""'· LECAL NOTICE ""-• 1n41,...,.... t -.11~m~"::J.!:"•HttfttlltM ......... It. V <W ~-!: ' ...... A-.,..l'Wl!...ef11 .._ Niii 1re ti IHI 1111M. !!!____ ,,_ Cl P!Jbllthld Or11111 CO.I OlllY P'llot, ~":.. ~ ~:, i:...,~ ~AL NOTiCil ·111=i'f:tt1:.u:~o~~~. ;:"""' 11. "" 21 ""' 01a11~ !:....=."t.; .. -. wltl'I f111 ~ ,.. CiiJiiT OP Tii ,STATS Ofl CALll"OllMIA P'Olt 'f .,,.AL NOTI""° itM'iTOii,: •,:!_~~ J lb r .~ _CA~NIA,'°"-. Tffl cou:x.:91HAIMI ~ ,_... r~~ ~.w.t,•..nrr. -/Tlllf, __,,,. .. ...... blllfl fll OE~OI KUONo\LL 000:: ,.._ Mt. Cllllomll, '2711, wftldl It ti.. ,lecof Ill, ..._ FlllY .ttto Jc-" OIOllGE H. GOO· CllTIPICATI OP' aUS'INlll • • , "lt\llllltll cf Ille ~"' .n met-JtOTtcl OP' .......... Oii' PWTIT'°" F11av DleMMd PICTITIOUI IMMI: Mn -1tlnlnt lo tPll ftl.tt of Mid~ llOtt PllO.ATI Oii Wll.C AND POii NOTiCE II Hf:lt!IY CIVEN to 11111 Tiii ll!dll__. Ml Cfl"IH'r fie h -., • din.I, Wlllllll l\ltW mont111 lftw lhl lltll L•TTltl TUTAMINTAllY I N 0 Erldllart ff ti.. ~ ~ dtcedftll _..... , MIMM II JU •· llMcll •Ivel •• , • J>Wlltltloll of tlltt l'IOllu, M>NDI 11111 .. 1 __, llrlll'll cletm1 -11111 1111 ~ e. ........ , ""°9f' #II llctllleut 0.tld OC'fober JI, 1N9. l1t1i.' ef •ll!TH I. HAllWOOO, NMI dtcldlrll ,,.. ,_ir..:t to Ille "*"· """ -If AlotAHllM WI I 1 C CHEST£11 1111.CO 0.C.~Mtl. wltll IPll -r'I' \fWCllll't. hi 11111 olfki: P'HAitlMCY end lflll Mid """ IA -Aitmlnll!P'ltOf' CTA tif IM·Wlll NOTICE 11 t4llt!'IY OIYIN Tlllt ef IPll citrt. o111111 ,.,,,... ff!lltled c-t." HM! ti tllt lollOwW --..._ tif Ille ._.. 11«M11 ..... Dinn.II W, Ht~ 119 "lfll ...,. I .. ,.,....,,. """' wlltl Ille -..rt -In fl.Ill W llMe GI' tft'""°9 b H . M~TC U.HAllT&allKO """'" "',:,J,,b~TI !f:!tll •.• ,-;,11> ~,!'IM..._.lfMd .. tPll.inc.. '°"'!"L ·--·,,.1 -w., '" A .. 1..N , ; -II ... f l llitf. : ~-~O A"'"""' ~ ... --' ,~ • -A-. CllfW"9t""' II""">"-~-.......... ....._ ......................... 111 "::W~~c:::. ~· ..... .,., !?!.!' c..t'Dl1...... !:Ar.!."'~~:..~·:..w;~.... ..:.~ =~.... . ... Tlh tn4 __, .,,. 111 for ,,__. ft,.-, d ~--"""' 19 ifle -It If 'llold PWll<r" II! .... "' .... "'" ,..,_111 -. 'A""""'9 flll Aa11l•11lw 1-. .,_ tPll .......... f//f ---.i • .-twr _.,,.... lflllr fM _ _. o.,. A DN¥fV1 -.. ...,. ,.,....... Cl!'911N C6llf' ~If Pel: No. I 9f Nlif' .... lt·M CIYtt" rtNI _.ledlll el 111111 "911te. " ..... ,..._ ... -11 ....... 11 • ~ 4-1J. "" rr. '"' * °' ... w..t, 11 .. c"" .. ...., om" """""""' 1. "" ., i. 1111 trt111111 "''"""""' ..,. .... ~-n tW ==:.t.r~• "'l"""'••e•M--tN.-. Who C.m?' No ollltr newspaper In tht world urts 1bo\lt 1our communllJ Ilk• ,our community dilly newspaptf' dots. It's tht DAILY PILOT • .... W.l.lf"°"'9 t offllllWlleflf "" 10',IC~MAI.~ " c-i., Clelit; .... .-... .II-'~ ~ "'"''" ~·•lflmll • ' MAllWOOD. IOOIH A .. D AOICIMIOll MILL•ll ANO MACDIHIALD Prlncl .. I D1fq 111 P. 0, 111 1"1 A""""' .. Lew Ort"" Cwnty .. ""-' C... Dftw , .. aHt C•-A-OltY A °""""" ....,.,. hlc'll. CtlfWMt ""' ,,....._ Ctllllfwll ftfJI MY Corfttnlllltll •llM,_ 'rtll -cn•I IMl>Ul. Tilt ITI4) ...... Jllf'>t '" 1m AtMrMn fllr P....._, A'"""" fW ...... ....,,..., P11bn1P1H Or1"" O.tt Dlfl'r ftM PIAll\"'9f Ol'tnM Col1t 0.11" ,,kit, P'lltlJelltif 0rlllft CINtl O•HY 'tlol. ,.IWM!lllr' "" II 1~ ~ 4 II Nowt!!btr' 1fj, 17 W Otc""""' t, ~ IL a 11 Mf OtClmltlr 4 1Nt 1.., ..... IHf 11"4; '1'1.ff r--• • • .. ,J I DAILY PIUIT PresUie •wat¢ronl Homes Shown by Appotntm1nt 1 Lindt ..... l?I'· Beautlfully d~r. 4 BR. 5 BA home in final 1tagea ot comoletion. Palot Verde~ atone entry • (rplcs. famlly !I & billlal'd """' $1l\'.OOO. , ~ 16 Lindi 1111 l)r. , I ExqulliUly deeor. 5 1JR. S ~A new bome.w/ Up&talrt view of Corona del Mar hills. 3 frplcs I BBQ.. Cant!Jev· erect patio deck. Priced w/ dock at ,:1 $145,000. :W . 57 Lindt Isla Dr. :a Must ltt 4 BR, 4 BA home w/ P"Uo 1 d~k. 1Jlting rm & frpt c lni ma1tel,' BR 1ulte. Family rm has 1Unken cOnJ veraUoo pit and trplc. $162,000. 90 t ind• Isla Dr. Btaut.lful 4 J;lR, 4 BA home w/ extra Jrs llvlna:' rm ·• muter BR. Carpets &: drps. Jndscpd. Boal 11lp. Nr. tennis ~ & dubbouse. · $135,000. ,. ' • I l ·Tfie .P.etled Plate. ' .. .. . T~e a Tip Fro~ ~ .. ' '' ST .. ·NICI\. -·For a Gift Thpt • Will Click, ,. - •• . P..t,. B~tt. p re6ftil6 .._. -t..mN. °""'""'' & bl 11ttlld by Chrl•-.., LIDO 1-'YFRONT -~,~r"1. 2 t>atli homf near ...,..o Club hou·se. Pier I< slip. Priced to sell at $155,000 IAYCRIST -4 bdnns, dlll1 family room I< formal din- ing r q.o JJ\· Lovely PoOI a: loads of room for enfertam. ing. Immaculate -ready to mo~e Into f74,000 LIDO SANDS - Quiet streel 3 blocks to beach, 3 bdrms, o p e n b ea m e d ceilings. Vacant -well priced at $26,000 LINDA ISLE DEVELOPMENT 'IOIO ll•Y>lde ·0r., NII Give . Your Faniily a. Home! LOOK AT THE VALUES ON THl't PAGiS Enjoy The Holid(zy Pletu,ure1 In Your Own Home! ' OHJ•• ()pol! S.t. & s .... , PETE BARRITT "EALfy; ' ' ' • ' J,.: " 1•·w .. lcl,llf or,:, H.1.; 't.. ~ .. 1211a . . Bill Grundy 675-3210 ,~-;;::_"";-;:;"•.,.Ut!I•--. ··~~~;;-·A·R .. ~·--.--, ... ------·--, •-d·y-Str-1'k ,.._ ~ so that our slaff may enjoy LowHt Price In the ArNI LAGUl!A-$52.500 rage es ~ the Holiday with thei.P-Families Thia lP.fMACULATE, 2 bdrm Tov.-n· Octanaide at hwy .. view. Olde world ?i.iu1t sell 3 lara:e BR 1% be,-dlnlna and pause to give house bi an outstanding buy &t 124,-c~: t.Jconiet., tlo~en. vines, room. Adult oceupled only. Lcnv I "Thanks .for the Ble11int1 of 500. Flrtplace. Built-in ranse. oven trtts. Scclud~ patio; rm .. for ,pool. down to present financing • $24.9.50. , Lit. we all enjoy a: dishwasher. EXCEi.LENT TERMS 3 B1t, 2% ba. 3 P'plca. Beair\ cie1L :i In this ·FRIE. COUNTRY!" I • Imm«!. poa. avail 5%0/o ,,...,,. __ , 'r;l "l'I•-•' -·· 1,'>i!J' ! •f1 I ___,....,.,. ____ ~,. -- EMERA LP IA Y Prlv. community, reereatlon A secur· Jty. Steps tO beach. t.ie. famlly home w/fonnal dfrh r,n. Huge tam. nn. ad· join. comp. kitchen w/bJt-ln BBQ. Master sWte w/frpJ. Gue1t bdrm.. cblldreq's dorm. $110,000. MOVE IN OEC&MllR 15th ~. . IN TIMI FOR CHRISTMAS II t Brend New IMERALO IAY -$14.SOO I 3 bdrms A: Iarce di.nine room. Sunk-· FH' t 3 BR 23~3' f £) 'w' .... ~f -. • en llvinK room: 2 bl.t.bl, fi~· 6 ~Ucf· eutl:1 tiome: rraclous llv. n o as1ume. • """ am. -We ntry dln B kl t rm. 2 \.t balhl, electric kitchen. IM· built-Ina. Priced BELOW LA.CE-...... e • · rm. r I· nn.-.... _.,...," _.T" S b It d · ~ MENT COST at $34.~ INC..1.JDING -3 !fe. ~ .. 3 tialhl; huae den. •• ..._v_. LI u m own. i THE .LAND! · ,: We also have several rentals avail at 1 1 LOWEST PRICE , 11lluff1" 3 Bedrooms + ' Beams and adobe plus e)!panle J gla.u overlook1n1 ,reen belt. 2'it: bt.ths &: extra room tor maid. Con' venient 1ocatk>n. Right pr~ $31,l50i LoW Down. -I • ""'tint<. ,.. AWN, Realtor BRASHEAR REALTY JI • ••TAT• ; llOI PETTIT & ASSOC. 1085 North Coast l!W)', t.aauna I ( • . Ii Riddle & Ross Realtc!rs : 2121 E. Coast Hlw1y, CdM Ex~ Helen V~~~1~rralne Nevens 494-7578 16f52 S.1ch Blvd., .H.B. nl N. Coast H1way, Laguna Beach i 3535 I. Coast HJthw.Y ·-: 673-3770 642-0207 67....,.. 147 .. 507 431-3769 968'117' 494-·7511 I Coron• dtl Ma r • 615-7225 ; ~--:-0:-;:--··!;..., .. ";.:;7;;;;~-1~~·------· ......... -:::.~·-. _ _.._,._ .. ~..,:-·s"'':0-s'"'··::;---1-A·oA:v";;---•• i Ch•i>tmu la comlng • Yoll can be A UTTLE 307 POINSITTIA AVI; • ii. •'7\l!U • '.:~ THE HOLIDAYS I ~:"\"w~'l::!u~R!F!~\::"l".=; l'RIYA11 KINGDOM c.rona'"' ftllr po' o· 1 _ i GIVING THANKS\ l!I II Shetwood ,,. ..... home. Jlonlll ,... With wa!l.d '"""' courlytlrd. 3 Bel· Enjoy a pleuant Tbanksiivinc ~ I ·• · DOVER SHORES tu .... Incl: luxudo111...., cp~ Ro-nns. 2 ~lbs, di-rm. plus lamily day witll your family· I< frteiids EXCELL!..,. 1: Ua:ht, bright 4 bdnn1., 3 baths, plus FINmt1n,Nb<CINth,Gl"!°1M~&c occu"~. rm. openJ.nc onto reat decld.,.,. for "' ~i \J 1 !"' · r ~ 111 i.. .1 --~t.;-,' At: . •• •ari!•n orlented family nn. Jmmedl. A • ~-TE ·~ OPIN HOUI .. FLOQR P'LAN • . ·, r .... · 1 l, .. l . . : au po1RNlon! -PANCY. . $39,000 ~u-;:ain,.:;, F= .... ~ .. )'tlnl.-20%1-· 1 FRI., SAT. & SUN. 1·5 * 4 BIOROOMS ! . 1.?'Jt"' • ~ ' , '~J ·:1 PANORAMIC Vl~W CAPE COD · CUSTOM plum~• """"" i&.ii, iocated ";;; · We're aslt1ntl )39,500 * 1 ~ BATHS ·, ! ! · "'I' -: · l • of oaan from thil 3 BR. Corona del Exqulllt.e home tn prestige arta of Newport Hei(hta. 549,ooo. oo·ner/broker * IMMIDIATE POSS,· I ; · .~' l P Mar "~auty." Famlll rm .. din. rm., Nt'WJ)Ol't Helctlts. Fet.turln& 4 tara:e ! . 2 ~ btl~~;;:~!~~i· ~r;:~.r;ti.~~~rear :l:~ 3366 ~~~!R R::~:nd1y a.,lllf &GSoECIL 1 MARTIN ~fll~c~~ ; 75 5 0 Anytl-3411 E11t C011t Hwy. REALTOR C -" : 6 ' 93 . 675,5200 ' . · C~n• d1I Mor 675·3745 548-6332 J! 2~0• Mo•~= Or., M : . ::~------lll••••1-iu!l-•---------""'"'-----------~1"----------Jlfi------------r----------....-,. : THANKSGIVING SEASONS GREETINGS * LOCATION I '• l'ool Table • • • wa1•1n• di"'"" to Gold•• w .. 1 NEW HOME I Mesa Del Mar .. GREmNGS FROM College & Zodys. Excellent fam· ,, :1 For Christmas 7 1~E"RMS" IMMl!QIA TE MOYE IN s bdnns, a""""· 111n1n• ,..,.n,. w111<~ =1 AND BALBOA BAY PROP. * I fag distance from Kind•rprten ·~ " We have~ exact spot for It! SH ~ ~belt~~din~tto'! 4 IDRMS, 11/2 IAfiHS M College. $38,500. '.! • AN INVITATION to the dl1tttmlnat-NIWPORT ISLAND d 1 · lll ' ing to inspect this choice CONDO on the bonus room in thli 3 BR. 2 ba. 2 Bedroom home, can add unltl. * PQ'$$E~'$jc)N 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH i ·I "I the green belt across from POOL. De· I I t I 8! : iigned for the ultimate In mlnlmum tOwnhouae. You can BE IN IT BY $39,~l lk'fore Santa comes. nves m·en ncom ,1 ,, care and lh1lng. Beautiful 3 bedroom, CHRISTMAS! $35,a(). * SIZI $20 990 '' 2% baths, like new, corn•r locaUoq IAYFRONT 2 5tory wlth formal dining room, I 7 UNITS, Jarae lot 13~': room tf: • -BLUFFS BEST BUY-$36,500. Pier 1. float. 3-Stoey home. Only family room, 3 bdrms. 3 baths, · build 5 more. $99,000. Owner wUI; :, • red hi' II $116,0001 .. ..,.. .. ""''"' po«h & tmmac-I """" 1't TD. .. ·;1 "C" THOMAS, REALTOR ulato landocaplng. .. [~ 224W.C011t Hwy. RIAL TY BALBOA BAY PROP, * ~.~~~Dththlshome,need HUNTINGTON BEACH W£LLS·McCARDLE, Rl.TRS.~! ; N•wport 11t11ch University P•rk.Cont•r, lrvlno TRADEWINDS REALTY ! Call Now 962 '.135~ 1110 Nowport llvd., C.M. :: • 541-5527 En. 545·S643 C1ll Anytl-IS3-0120 673-7420 ANYTIME a 4 7 . a 5 11 ! 541.7729 644~~ Eves.;! '' --··---••••1-1111!••--~-----··""'""''".,.,...,.,.. .. ,. ....... -••••• ,.________.,.,. ... 1,.,..,.,..,.,. .•• ,... ___...,. .. Jlll!I ....... . . ' :1 "BIG" 5 BDRMS Move In Looking For Room? OCEAN VIEW Ex9uisiTE college :2a6rt<,5";1"' "~ '!I BETTER THAN NEWI Before Christmas Wehlve1o1a o1 111n tht•b1a•bdrm DRIVE lY ! WAHRFRON! HOMES •.bdnn 2 bath .•~ Tontham Dr!..; '! 2 story home on a quiet strfft. AJ10 . 4 BEDROOM, J BATH ~~ BEST pOOL HO.ME BUY l1fi ·:. ca,pe~~.:~~·nced. OWNER TRANSFlltRED ~~~~.1a.:,.,i.;:,'m'll~~ 712 St. James Plac;e ~~J;:,~·~.:.~ ... ~'."~!i~~· 3 Un!Js $29,950 :; ':,·1" CONDll10N -.. thl• 3% ,..., old NEWPORT 1·EACH •bit-In klL $44,S® !Alo d!""'. . EuUide Coo ta Meaa. Spanish tll• Sh 2 atory 3 bdrm 21.i bl.th Orr home a real plQ.Sure to 1tt. $33,950 · 1 -~kN 1 ~ arp , for 2000 iq f t TTT Call ••e •1•1 3 llEOROOM, 3 BATH root, ~ on arse ',x....., ot. In I COOL POOLS corner lot. Carpets/ drapes, all bullt• RIGHT AWAY! "" ..._. .. come month. Our best incom • ''11! . Ins. Fonnal dlnlll&' room, 1ervlce 'Clo5e In Harbor Hl&h arta. 3 bed-In Hant. Harbouf, Archltect-deall'Md return In -area. • • •·th 11 1 trl custom home. Fam nn. all elect kit, BOTH EXCLUSIVE w· ITH " :W 2-Sharp 3 bdrm homes e.p~~:nfui:;,· Assume 6% GI .. COATS ~c::··~ttb.' F~e •,u::p~~o~~~~~~ !'::C~~·&:&~tw:i~cs;1,e8Q'.erlooklng :: ;• I-Sharp 4 bdrm home .~ & WALLACE hold. '•II ~ REALTORS :i HAFFDAL REALTY PAUL JOllES REALTY _ 546. 4141 _ Call MARK LES, Realtor :r 842 • 4405 147-1266 lvo. 147..,1' <Opan 1._1.,.1 548 • 7711 anytime ~·,·---------··--•1J•••-!!lllll ____ , _____ t..l!m ___ , ________ ., __ ,.. __ _ • " • • " • NEW VIEW IA YSHORE t.ove11 1 .. ,, •.ooo .,.. 11. 1>ome with . LISTING oulatandln< view ol th .. ontlre hu- Cape Cod 2 BR. w .. oPfn beam ceWnc. 1lone front. shake roof, Jee:. sunny : pstlo w/room to add on. Prtv. beach bor. Thia 1pacioU1 home can either be a 6 bedroom or • bedroom with 1tu· dlo • pla,yrootn·f&mlly room. CUstom built by owner, with electronic oven, 3 fireplace1, etepnt K'artatan carpet.- In&. Walled front terrace encl01t1 cu1tom awtmmlng PooL A1klna •W.· 000. Call for appointment. 6 boat storage. $35,500. J. Clarkson ~ ·w ...,..,,., i] Celdw.U. W11 & Co. john macnab :.1·. . 5~_.N•wport C•nlor Dr. 1714) 64MUI' rwwport BHch, Calif. 901 Dovv Drtve, Suite 120 IU-0700 644-2~ Newport Beach NEW VIEW HOME laytrest In DOYl!R SHORES Ivan Weill 6 Sona have just completed 3 brand new homes, read¥ for tm• mediate OCC\lf*DC7. 4 bdrm&, 3 bt.lhs plus powder room. Panelled tamUy room w/tlttpl&ce. .Formal dhdnc room•kilchen b~•kfa1t artL Lwrurioualy carpeted. Landlcap@d courtyard pools. From $106,000. IVAN WEI.LS & $.CNS . 1430 O.l••Y Drive (0,.n Dill jl ' 646-1550 ! Ntlwport .. n 1t Victorl1 '1 Call Belle Partch at ii.l:I ( •nytlmt) ;: JAY W. YEATS CO. I 646-8811 " 371 Newport Blvd, NI 64>1070 I :: ------------!----.-~·----~ Unqualified .Beauty 4 """m' 111 """"· bl_t-1~. '""'· 11v-1ng & fam rm. New paint JOO lnslda I NJ;WPORT.Hl!IGHTS " & out, completely carpeted. Dblc gat.: · It'• plush! Nothing ~· t>:een spared Shake roof plus heatt'd pool sur~ In maldn& this a show place. 4 bd· rounded by beautiful garden .&etUnt I for entertaining. ·~ rm1, formal din rm a: Ir tam rm, nr .1 new carpets thruout,' krrlflc skle· I IRVINE TERRACE :: 'formal dining room. 3 BJlls 2 bit~ )'ll"d tor boat or trlr. Priced at $44,· I huge Jlvlna room with tlr""eplace plu• 500 ln beautiful Mesa·Verde. family room overlookinl larp patio: • 2500 sq fl llvlna area. : .. r;.ac-I' \I I • \\ ; 11 I I ~·\I!"\ \!I\\ [ac he nmyer Rt• d1v1 I I I! I < " " " 1 18&0 Newport Blvd .. 0( 546-5440 & C11l ~ •: IOU l1k1r, C.M. :~------,·-------------··-· I """-644·1655 643-2290 8Cl•Ioo$ :;i,,&,,_,_ ....... ,.. ________ , ... ______ ... ,... :: ••• Let • • Help You ' • •• PROVEN RESULT.S i.. I h " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-~ . . 1· • I, \ I • 1 ' I ' ' • ll"r~=·~,~-~:::~::~~~::~:i-~:::~~::~~ .. ~~-=::::i .. i:::~==~~i::~~="~==:::-.. --:~-=::~~~~11~~!!!~!.!!..~~r~h'="=d~~,~N~ ... ~·k!r~2~7~,!Q~~~:::::!~!!!!!:~·~·~ILjY~P~IL~OTt:4:tJI . ~ HOUSES FOR SALi HOUS I S FOR SlLI HOUlll l'OR Ull ' 1 DAILY PILOT WANT Aos ~norol IOGOOeMrol ••9-r•I •4[ ' ~ . . •u ~ i• TQE J!IGGES'l' SINGLE ltJARKETP~CE ON 'l'BE ORANGE CO AS'l' -cAJ.t DlllEC'l' 64%~561• . Paul· White-Carnahan , I PAUL .• ;;_ • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! '.':14;.;;0..;U.c.SE':-S'-11-0_R""-'-SA-L-:E:::-:il;.;;O.oU.:;.SE":'S:...F:...O:.:R.:..S:.:A::.L:.:E":-:-· I ,:.H:::O:::U:::;SE::;S:..F:.;O:.;R:..S:::A::L::E:__,.:H::O::U;:S::;ES:_F:_::O:::R!.SA::::!:!L~ I ~:iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~~;ii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ I ~GoiiiiiM~rliiiiil iiiiiiiiiiiii1ii000iiiiiGeiiiiiino~r~e~I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I 000;,i Gen•!~.!___-1 OOO Gentr •I --1.000 .. ; O....nl 1oao G•nerel 1oao .:,, ~ c:~w;: Realty Co • 546-5440 OUR 24th YEAR M rt '1 • ' ,. •• ·~ ,. :. • " ~ ~ ~ d ,, • .. " -< ,_ .• ., ·' • .. ' I . .•. Newport Heights 4 bdt·n1s 1" baths, blt• ins, frplc, living &: fani rm. New pa.Jnt job In· side & out. completely carpeted. Obie garage, Shake 1· o o f + heated pool surrounded by beautiful garden setting tor entertaining. Ten Houses Choice Eastside location close to s h o p s. Each home separated by 'gar- age & patio for privacy. Low interest -assumable loan. No vacancy. Near Harbor Hi 2 homes on 1 lot each have 2 bdl'ms & 1 bath + large living room. Lachenmyer Rf'.1!101 Irvine Terrace · Formal dining room. J BRs, 2 baths, huge living room "'ith !!replace + family room overlooking large patio. 2500 sq fl Ii vlng &l'i!ll, Near Shopping 3 bdtm, 2 bath honie completely redecorated. Elecu·ic built-ins. Large living roon1 \Vlth fire· place a I s o recreation roo1n beautifully panell- ed. Garage d oors buil t for camper. E:i1tra 20 :oo: 20' bldg. R-2 Jot -can convert to duplex. Horse Ronch Z BR, I bath home & dcublc gara ge. 10% down -Only $23,500 . 1860 Newport Blvd., C~f CALL 646-3928 ~44-1655 646·2290 642-1085 • IQOO I Gen•r•I IOGO MESA . VERDE· $25,950 BAYCREST '.;; With a little loving care you 'll save U$$'s! Spacious bed- roonis, large ram!ly room, built-in kitchen, firepl11.C<!. .. Open Sunday 2·5 2Q48 Commodore Road Beautiful high bean1ed ceil· ing living room; formal din· ing 1wn1, 3 bdrms 3 baths & huge sepal'ate rumpus roon1 with fireplace & bath. PLUS goreous pool. fntmaculate .cone!. "-PrE"S.tiae area. 5-W-172tl " TARBELL 2955 Harbor EASTSIDE C.M. ...., SEE THlS 3 BR. 2 ba. H/\V ~ Coors, (rpl, Dbl. car gar. on alley. Try ~23;000. JEAN SMITH REALTOR 646-3255 ~ Groham Riiy 646-2414 $: Near Newport Post OUit.-e .. • 1 Gener•I 1000 General . . ... ·" .. • '• ·;.. •, ., '• .,. • '• ,. ~ " .. ,, .. ,, ,. ~ " -,. .. I• ~ " ' ;., " " . .. • • • .· ., • . ', ' .. ' .' .. ' • " • ' ., .. • • . ; T ' • •• .. " • ' \ . . Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: LIDO ISLE $79,500 Live near the beach and enjoy a new \vay of life in this 5 bedroom. 3 bath ho1ne. Enormous living room and lanai. So. patio. On 60 fl. lot. • l\iary Lou l\1arion DOVER SHORES -VIEW Terrific huy at $69,500. 4 BR's. & ram. rm., lrge. din. area. Swimming pool. Existing Joan avail . at 6~%. O\vner transferred . lmn~ediate occupancy! Cathryn Tennille WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE TO BEACH This 3 bdrm. 2 bath home recently pain t- ed, P.lus new drapes & carpets. Plans for family room & entry. 2nd Story could be added for panoramic vie\v of ocean. $65.000. Kathryn Raulston WATERFRONT TOUCHER-UPPER \Vith slip for large boat. 3 Bedrooms. 3 b.aths. 3 Car garage with elec. openers. Open beam ceilings. Sandy beach. Re- du ced to $63,500 \vith good loan. Walte r tiaase SEE THE SEA OPEN SAT. 1-5 219 POPPY. Corona del Mar. 4 BR. Span· ish with tile roof, large studio·bedroom has North light & separate entrance. Le1non tree in beautiful brick patio . $59,500. Carol Tatum GREAT VIEW -LUSK Ha rbor Vie\Y Hills;· 4 BR. 2 Ba., 3 Car gar. Combo kit·fam. rm. Landscaping prof. done. "Sparkling" Clean. $59,000. Al Fink SHORECLIFFS \Vilh some remodeling o( this 2 bdr1n. 2 bath home, you could have a n1ost attrac· tive res idence. in prime area. Liv. rm. v..r/ beamed ceilings, pegged floors & frplc . & lovely wood paneling. $55,500 Kathryn Raulston LUSK HVH OPEN HOUSE Near new. im mac. 3 BR. & fam. rm. Open Sun. 1·5. 3430 Seabreeze in new excl. Har- bor View Hills. Best buy in area. $49,850. Joe Clarkson HOME OF DISTINCTION . Refreshing 3 bedroon1 . family room, 2 bath home. Family room \Vith lush gar· den vie\v : 2 fireplaces. Professionally dee· orated. Choice location. S46,500. Mary Lou. Marion TOWNHOUSE FOR LEASE T\vo bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, double 1tarage. Entry court & rear patio. Beauli· lul carpets & draperies. $250 Month in- cludes nse of pool s, tennis courts & other recreation. Carol Tatum COLDWELL, BANKER & CO • 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 644-2430 FINER HOMES • BAYFRONT Ready for\immedlate occupancy. Large 2- story Bayftont home \Vith 4 spacious bed· rooms, 1 a r g e living room , formal dining room; paneled den '"ith wet bar. Master suite withtsitting room , fireplace & ex tra large dressing rqom. Pier & float for large power or sai\boal See thl~ exciting buy. $175,000. Open daily: 513 Baysi.de 'Drive. WIDA ISLE BAYFRONT A fantastic bayf.ront buy. 3 large bedroon1s, 3 baths; separate dining room: 55 'ft. of bay· lront with pier & slip. Asking $105.0QO. Open Saturday ·&-Sunday. 106 Linda Isle Drive. . i>:OVER SHORES Beautiful 3 bed room home with den; large living room . dining arc a, 3 baths: cedar closets & room !or ·a pool. $87 ,500. Call !or appointment. ._ GOLD COAST Over 4,000 sq. ft. of luxury Jiving with a pan· oramic view. 4 Bedrooms, huge Jiving room , breakfast area; pa neled family room with fireplace . Like new. Priced $145,000 . Open Sat. & Sun. 1330 Gala xy Drive. DOVER SHORES VIEW BeautifuUy landsc aped courtyard leads to this magnificent home. Bright, sunny living roo m with view of entire back bay; den, 4 large bedrooms, 4 spacious baths. all electric kitchen; dining room , marble fireplace. Over 3200 sq. ft. $89,500. Open Sunday 1·5: 1130 Santiago Drive: john mac:!'ab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr .. Suite I '20 642-8235 1000 Gereral 1000 Con you answer this question? VACANT LAND E. Bolsa Ave. in W11t Santa Ana Carlsbad Lagoon Property 1 ~~ Acre + Luxurious Home (featured in L.A. Times). Zoned (or units or molel. Near Freeway + Clear Ocea n View. All utilities in ne\v street. Could develop luxury units now or hold for capital gai n. Owner (714) 7"l9-307'l General 1000 Generel 1000 3 bedrooms and Den. $131 .00 Month Total Pmt. and anyane can assun111: the FHA loan \\•ith an annual pet'l.-entage r11le of 5!-\ ~f. without qualifying, Jn mbd~l home condition \\·ith beau- tiful olive green dclu.xe cpt. 2 'large bathrooms and a 1'00my living room and den. Set" it today at S24,::.00 full p1ice. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 54~640 OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 MOVE IN TOMORROW HALE CREST Enter ·upon beauliful ~ carpeting into a large liv· ing room with PALOS VER· DE STONE FIREPLACE. DiJ1ing: roon1 \\•Ith ~liding glass doors to a huge patio. KHi.:hen has built-ins, dis. posal, di~h,vashcr, and dish· master. Three bed1wmS, hvo ·pullman baths, one 1viU1 stall shower. Large enclosed yard 1vilh 1"0Ck l\'tlleMaU, fi·uit lrct's and alumlnurn tool house. Thi5 elegant ho1ne can be your! for ON- L y s2-i,!Jj(l. Pool, I ('.luhhouse and l'('('l'Cation !acilities availabl~. In11nedia.te possession ro a qualified buyer. 3 St>d1wms, E\:t nlngs Call 548-3265 large Jot with alley enlr1u1cc I .............................. 11 foi· boot 0' u·ailcc + , ,.,. CAPE COD CUSTOM glll"&ge. l • Block lron1 Ir· \·ine ,\vc. Cha1ming Eas1 . side Costa Mesa. Hop, skip and a jun1p fron1 \Ves1cliU shQpping. -$26,9;;0, Let's LaJk terms. 646-7171 1-Q THE REAL \~ ESTATLRS ~ '', I • ',' -. BEACH DUPLEX '.! BR & 1 BR, good incornc. Lee Pereyda Real Estate WE SELL 100 HOMES PER MONTH · Let yours be next -c:all now and start pac:klng -eur extensive advertising and multlple · ustlng servlc:e will do the work for you. Over 850 sales people who meet buyers in all areas. We have waiting ·buy• ers now! CALL FOR A MARKET APPRAISAL. G.t.'s 1"0 OILl•A110NJ KOOL·KOMFY· KLASSY CONTINTMENT llGlNS HIHI .. I I . SHORT ON CASH \VeU, no need to v.·rrrry llerc. Approximately $100 is the total cost to buy this lovely home, if you're a G.I. Jma,ine a cut~ J BR + 1eparate dinin1 area. Newly pa inted, drapeJ, beKutltuJ rocky n1ountain stone lircplaee In L.R. Payment.s lc:;s Relax! This aractoua pool hom~ in tropical setting almost takes care or ttsel!? Fea!Ul"es l + con. vertlblc den + rn + tv.·o balhl. Oodles of extras in- cluding plush carpetln;:, 1>nack bar, storage a:alorc. Great pool area \vith all the tri.rnn1ing in n1os1 desired area o( !\lcso. \rcrl:lc, only $38,950. ROOm for everyone in thts • 1 lovely l bcdroon1 home ' do~e to Harbor Hi. But• • ' . ' tercup yellow on the ' ' outside, heat aa a pin ln· side. $26,500 takes ft · ' \all. Sl64!40 than rent . F'uil pl' ice $28,000 / J.16-51·10 :>1&-;;.t.SO A LOYf AFFAIR ·-•11111 ..., ...... FOR LIASI U in terest rates are high anrl money for housing is hard to get, how can you as a buy· er. ob tain a loan of over M'~ of :\larket Value at a rate of so;~ Pl'!' year. 10~~ less than you've been pay. ing on your car evrry year. Ir you're a Veteran and you CM ~ta 100';(. loan at 7~~<1h and not put one dime do~'l'I -Jr )'OU can't answer this question {and )'OU can't) then you must agt·ee that haw is the Lime to buy. =~'"~·~"~"·~·~4~9~4-5~"'~==~~~~~~~~~11 This well located property ..; FORCED SAUi GOOD INYfSTMINT! Death in family causes sale of this comn1erciaJ nioney maker. 3 stories laundramat, beer lavern & TV t·epair s ho p , everything goe' w i l h laundramat, other 2 storea leased~ Priced •t , only $75,000. 546-5440 l.c!\·ely 2 bdrm home \11 Bay shores. N twp or t Beach home features FA heat, nice conttn1porary char1n, large mas I er bdrm, fireplace Ir. L.R. lmmed. occupi..ncy. Lease lhru June 15, 1970. C.Omplctely turnl!ht'd. Call no1v for furthtr ln· ronualion. 546-5-HO is inevitable when you : mee.t this loveable three , bedroo1n home w i th : fonnal ~dining room. Bltin • c:aa appliance. Lara: o · l.'OVered patio looks out on bcautiM landscaped yard which includes lighta and \\'aterfRll tor ~cvc.ninr en. ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. -0 OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 OVER 115 FEET ON THE BAY Palatial baytront home in e:oo:clusive Bayshores. Large pier & &lip. 3 Bedrooms & maid's. Spacious living room. F'abulous bayside kitchen. Lovely, well kept grounds. $345,000 Lhted exclw;ively wilh F 0 U R BEDR00i11S, large living room, family room and built-in kitchen. Mash!r bedroom oH to itself with its own pdvate bath. Recently professionally repaint~ in· l!kle and out. Fully carpeted and draped. C.Overed patio. and fenced yard. ASSUME LARGE LOW fNTERESf LOAN. P1iced to sell at only $29,500. On charmina CHU Dr, in Newport Height~. -3 Bed· rooms, dining room. deluxe Built ln kitchen and a tre· n1endo1111 basc1nent rumpus roont. * $39,900 * J UST A LITTLE H>e,~ 00\VN 646-7171 1-Q THE RF.AL ·~ r:sTATCRS $23,950 "EASY TO BUY" King sized bedroona, 2 baU1s, builtln kltchim ••• 4 phone .Picks, colored T-V en- l~nna. Saft "'!titer, patio. Jleavy atiake J1>0f, Low down payment. •io-rr.o TARBELL 295.1 Harbor is i;ituared at 4717 E. Bolsa Ave., 1 mi . wes1 of Harbor Blvd., in the city of Sa.nta Ana, All utilities available. lt1any' ioning uses possible: Convalescent hon1e, apa11· ments, commt'rcial, and re- lated uses. Inheritance ta.'< paid on appraised valllt'.' or $60,000. Selling price S63.600, Phone 542-953.l or 546-1898 Courtesy to Brokers 4 Bedroom ond 2112 baths Only Z years o!d. This home is a housewifes drcan1, beautifully appointed lsland, tiled kitchen. All 1wn1s are ove1'SIZed -:?000 sq. rt. Jn all. -A ~·Jaster Bcd1wn1 suite fil for a Kini; and Queen, C'lpensive P a I o s Verde .stone fireplace, heavy 'shake 'roof. I! you want a real executive hon1c -Th.ls Is II. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD . 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 VIEW Lovely large -1.000 :;q. ft. home \Vith outstanding vie\V of the entire harbor. Thill spacious home can either be a 6 bed1w m or 4 bedroom \\'ith 11tudio 't playroon1 • family room. Custom built by O\\'ner. "'ith electronic oven, :: llreplaces. elegant Karlslan carpeting. \Valle• front terrace encloses cus· ton1 11"-·lmm in;:; pool. AsltinJ $15:>.ooo. cau for app'1, john macnab (714 ) 642-8235 001 Dove1· Olive, Sui1e 120 Newport Beach 1f'i!·ii'41 WAN TEO 4 bdrms Republic aiflum home. We have. a buyel'. .. '. l' . 1·1· <1 i·r•··' · • · '· ' ,, . ' 54 6-5990 $23,950 MESA VERD E 3 Jf/nerous bedrooms, 2 !efl- erate baths. Countt'Y 11.lted modern kilchrn. Double ga. raat. Near schools & •hOt> pinit. 5~Jno TARBELL 2955 H•rbor $25,900 . 4 BR. w/pool. ran1 rn1, 1~ ba. Near schools & So. COasl PIM.la.. Immcd.' poss. Sma.U duwn, -c.n Mornr Rl1r. SIM332 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND IHI' 'hit h•ndy dlriN,•rr wlHI r•• 11111 WM!te11d n r •• I• ho...,.h1111ttl"'. A.II ~ locetl•1tt llttod Mlow .,. ttncrlltfll 111 tr'Hf•r -...n by oclftrti1I .. •""" wkf• In 'ott•r'• DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. , .. ,..,. tlrlowl ... ,... hoon tor HI• ., ,. r•"' •r• •rtH te lit' 1ucll l11foun.tlo1 i1 tltl1 col•m• "'" Frldcly. (3 Bedroom) *401 Begonia, Corona del ti.tar 642-9190 (Fri & Sat 1·5) . 3811 Topside Lane, Corona del Mar 675-5930 Sat & Sun 1-5) 2101' Vista Entrada, Ne\v port Beach 615-5975 (Sat & Sun) **106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat. & Sun) (3 Bedroo m & Family o; Den) 504 Avenida Lucia (Bluffs) NB 675-1225 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *1906 Holiday (Baycrcsl) NB 615-4600 (Sat & Sun 1-4) 2300 Heather Lanc1 Ne\vport Beach 646-6317 (l'ri. Sa t & Sun 10-5) *·2049 Commodore (Baycresl) NB 646-3255 . (Sun 2·5) 2298 Waterman Way, East Cos ta Mesa 645-2000 !Sun 1·5) 1606 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB . 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 1845 Pitcairn Drive (f\,!esa Verde ) Cl\1 540-1120 (Fri. Sat & Sun) 3430, Seabreeze (1-larbor View I-til ls) CdM 644-2430:833-0700 !Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) *2001 Commodore Road (Baycrest) NB 546-5460:544-1833 (Sun 1-5) 4615 Cortland (Cameo Hi ghlandsl CdM 642-9190 (Sun 1-5) 219 Poppy, Corona del Mar 833-0700 : 644-2430 (Sa t 1-5) (4 Bedroom & Fam ily or Den) 2157 Mandarin Dr ive (Mesa Verdel CM 545-8424 (Sat 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Da ily) 1406 Lincoln Lane (Dover Shores) NB 675-5930 • . (Sat & Sun 12-4:30) *2005 Balearic Drive (Mesa Verqe) CM 540-7573 (Sat & Sun) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1130 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sun) **515 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) **333 Morning Star L an e (Dove r Shore s) NB !Sat & Sun ) 642-8235 (S Bedroom) ** 14 Linda Isle Drive. Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sal. & Sun.) DUPLEXES **3506 Marcus Avenue . Newport Beach 540-7383 (Sat,-& Sun 1·5) * P••I * • W.,1rfre11t •••,......, w...m.... joyme nt too. NO\Y SZ.1.900. 546-5440 STEP UP TO SUCCESS JOIN THE ACTION!! E-X-P-A·N-D-1 -N -G AGAIN! Open ings Now In Our Costa Mose Olfiu EYE CATCHING AND so livable Is this lovely 3 bdrm & faniily room ~ ~1esa Verde. 6 roont home hu many nice feature!. All e l ectric dishwasher, loads of cup- boards, 2 baths, stall shower, 15xZ2' living room \Vilh brick tirepllll't. New 1v/w carpets. Lov~ly yat'd fenced \vilh covered p!ltio. Only $27,9;'il EZ ternts, 546-5110 WODDST SETTING Roon1y 4 Bedroom home nestled beneath lovely shade trees. Nice family site kitchen. Fonnal din- ing room. Near Habor Hi. Priced at $16,000 546--S.HG PRISTIGI AREA Newport Beach, nice 3 BR hon1e in beautifu l \\lestcliU. \\'rought iron fenced for court yard en· trance, bara;e L a n a i , Spacioua rooms . lln· maculate throua:hout. Im· mediate po11ae1aion 1 avall&bl~. Priced belo1v market at $45,000 $.J6...5440 11• HOUSE- SMALL PRICE ' bdnn charmer. Entertainer'! livirtt room ceilill&' hlih fireplace. l.arie master bdrm, al l bit-in wife-save r kHchen. Desirable r.tesa Del Mar loc. \Valk lo all schools. Hurry its too sharp to last at $33,500-5-16-51:10 CONDOMINIUM Nice Townhouse overlook• the quad. Walk to Hi School & CoUe~e. ? Heated pools, plus wadlnr pool only $2t,9oo. &164140 LOWIR THY RENT By ownlna 11'11~ fine du· plex, Sho\\'I pride of own· crshlp. Sale short walk to be•oh. Carpets, drape1, built·ins, ntrlierator in both unltll. A bariain at $49,000 in Nt\\'J)Ort Beach. Never a. vacancy -.olid income. S-J6..M40 VA-FHA IUYIRS Call us now! \Ve have lh1-ec brand new· 4 BR and FR homes in &:ood loca- tion of Coata ~tesa for on· ly $29,175 now Included at no extra cost are w/w cpfi. &: drapes. Rear le!"" cing, front landacapini & sprinklers. Plus a 11 blt-ln11. Bu,Ycr can have possession. THOUGHTFULL T DISIGNID Th.ia unusually 11harp 3 BR and rn home in Mesa Verde is so warm, lriend- ly and informal. A large frnHio tree llvfng room with quaJUy w/w cpt and drapes. As1ume exisUna loans of approximately $26,000. Pool Is deaigned for small c h i ld r en. Thou&ht! and mor e thought has bten given ,vcrywhere. MG-5+10 A TELEPHONE call from you will brl;tc these ~suits: Highest valuation of your property, Kood financing, l'dvertLsina: that '"ill get 4ulck action. "'You'll like the way we do bu.sinus" 546-5440 PAUL • WHITE · CARNAHAN .R eaUtr Ce. 1093 l~KER STREIT, COSTA MESA 546-5440 ,/ HOUSIS l'OR SAi.i HOUSI S l'OR SALi HOUSIS f Dlt SALi HOUSI S l'OR SAL i HOUS'liS FOR SALi ~I -nl 1000 o.n.rol 1000 0-rol I• C ...... Po,. HIS Nowport H•lthh 1211 HUfttl~ ~ 140GH ... t ... ton llMdl 1• .1===;;;;1;;.:;-;-_::1;~.;;;;;;;~~i =;;;3~uN;;l;;ISF a-R.-m.• HOUSI S FOil SALi SAn Juan 1 C.pi.trono 1720 I / I FOREST E. SPACIOUS 4 BIJRU 21 1't. Uv, tTDl ii. b&thl. llASTllDE 0 L s 0 N Ill" Cplf, d.,,., ...... Lp. lo! COST• ME••1 $29 950 w/-.... , tlorart. T .. loc. CUFFHAVEN CHAIMEll NIW HOME IMMEDIATE MOVE IN 4 IDllMS 11/2 IATHS 1/41 MILE FltOM IEACH ' olvoru::m. kuat loll. •st, 2 ba. 'yn. -· $1""1 do< J.atT.D.-- ~ -Uttl Ut:llllr • CORlllj-MARTIN Bl FIRST !o ,.. dWo SIC. Optn Sund•y 1·S P.M. IWWft •UIU'. EulJlcle O:itti Mtsa. SpaD. REALTORS NAL ROA~ beaury! Utmolt RENTALS , ~ Waterman W~. 'Q)rntr lnc. RuJtors !Jh W. root, rnt&ll on 1artt 675-.1862 M7-t5115 Ewa. pri\tJct la provided by the or 23rd. jU$l ~t ol santa Thil lovtb' Mtaa v~r· 7bl:l50' lot. JncoMe $X5 303& E. CoPt Hlfy., OlM IP&dou• tot •nd mature HOUMI l'urnlthotl Nil•!'!" ...... 2200 FDW'LACE. l'Ottl, 2 btlr. I b&.; patlf. adUIU. ~ Vlllqe. Until Juq ltt. -c ll (2Ul 222-4300 or f73.5Clt An• A\1cnuo. three bed· di!: C1mbrklte Is rtady month. Our belt incomt re-.,,;=."°";;._;:;;:;;;, shade trtts, 1.tuatve BRICK 1'00!11s. dl!ll, dinlnc room, CUSTOM for your move-ln, Com· tW'n ·ID arra. • FIREPLACE. cwered patio, s20.990 nkc kitc.iK>n, l'Ove.red patio. NEW ENGLAND pltttl1 cu,>ttfd It drap. Exclus ive With Newport Beach IHO !arie bedrooml. see 11 to 1 Owner v.'W aettPt low dO\m ed. 2 cowred patk>s, ·--------belll!Ye tt at Jlllt SJ!l,CO!I! payn1ent rr o m quallned 'FA RM new dilhwuher + WE SELL A HOMI'. Duyer. Price. $3t,500. Ava.II· Al fabuloua NeWl)Ort Beach. cUahlon linoleum ill Newport FLASH 1 1 EV I HUNTINGTON IEACH Col Now 962-1353 ~i,w tor occupancy. • muter aize bedrooma. :! kitchen le family room. at DR. IQ sAv$ ERV 31 M&NUTES &l.>:ltlOO Evt .. -lull ba .... F-"'1c .. n -°"" 13Moo. • ...,,., v1c1w1. c1 ...... , o"""" 121.000 & Walker lee HOW ABOUT pantry -deluxe bullt·lrus. W\11 CUT)' 2Dd TD. Le:·1 tldp. the cue of Man ban -------·----------- r TRADING? Huge 35 F1, New England go see It. ......11 le YoU'b ,et the 1reat-!1t 204.l Weatclltt Dr. : C::1"0Yo•ll\K family needs llll'f~r family room with tom of old ,.,,,.an l•nytlnw) little 2 BR. 2 Ba. 11pt.·lev. -===i646-:i:imt""'=== Lindo 1110 , .home, CoQ' two bldmom br ick tirl'!plact, Wlndint • ~ Blutfl oondo on the marktt .... • l\ow;e • We 1 t Newport. i;talrcase 10 unique. heavy • & C ean u a pin • 110me OCt'&n , , anview • steps to Bea.ch. beam~ stlfdlo or -Huge WALLACI Poolf-Poolt-Poolil view ·you don't have to be Biycrttt .. \VUI trade for three or four 5rh btdtoom. 5%%_ u nua.J • ltlALTOQ • + famJl.y loom with GI a quiz kid to spot a rea.11--------- 1223 . 90 Lindo Isl' Dr. Exquialtely decor. ,4 BR, 4 BA homt, Qpt'd le draped, landlcaped. Bo a t slip. 1m.ooo $6(1, Incl. 1JW_ MU' beach. Any ~ female. Blue with 14.000 total down PIY· BeaCon. MS-O'lll : ~J>edroo1n home • Newport ';~ TJte loan available, Un-546 4141-loan ot $2%,200 at Sl.9l lncl. VALUE!! EXQUISITE 3 BR. I& ldl la • Heights aaoea. Price -539.500. equal~ at $38,950, Dial Now! (Open henlnp) all • or lovely Mesa Verde EA.SnLUFF ~n. pool. $7',500. Frank ment for this 6%· eruiual =========I G.l. I.o&n' 1J $152 ••. no J>ld. Mou Doi Mor 210S . ....iooo Ew•. 67~1355 •l;.o:J()3 3 + •-"" din! REALTY Manhall Rlty, 61>-ltlOO • ' BAY • BEACH .... m...., • na rooms- REALTY, INC . Cambridge S<rl•s. Lindo lalo Donlopmonl Biii Gnmdy 675-H.lD den ~ts. Qean 3 bedroom -------- ttady for occupancy •. Two iora:eous bathl. Carpeu & Drai>ts throughout. Double Garq:e, Two Patios. Close to IChool le shopplnc, Seelna; is bellevln11 ! • Bedrm, 2 ba, saran lne: ·SM mo. 1st A Jut mo. A"!i $100 d@p. Vac. 15 Dec. w ,$_,,, Qalr, 546-3574 I -901DovvJ;:~ .. ,,.NB •• '.!:2~~.. College Park ~,_s:.,,.~ : · """.-...... C.M. • With Pool 1 OiE..:!~~LY Call ua for other Blul15 Dov•r Shores ftcluatve Uatit111. 2414 Vtata Del Oro 1227 Lido Isle 1151 NEWPORT BEACH HOME FOR ' ------......;- . . WHY RENT? LOVE $123.00 Month. · • lnclllcles ' $26,950 4 bdrm 2 bath on Fordham Drive. Thi& \a BES'l' POOL flOME BUY JN AREA. $26,950 5 IEDltM + l'OOL 644.1111 THE HOLIDf YS IA YFRONT NO WAITING fn move.In cond. 4 Bdrm.I. Near new i Br. &: 4~', '·tb 3 ba., a "tennia •ntm,..•• lot ..,. For the bath Saturday nlatt -v--home. pjer & 1llp, or ..... ---•-wltb bath size. lmmed. J.-05Seu. •1~.- WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee c.;.. .. · dol Mor 2259 . ' • BEAUTIFUL corn• bornie, comp tum. View. 2 BR'.. J BA; conv den. I m4 or '*"*· · SJ:iO, No petal ,, everythinCJ . rts' a 3 bedroom home in ' C.ost.a. l\lesa, there'i no qual- ifying lo RSSUITM! lhct exist· .)Jig VA loan with an annual ~percentage rate or 6%. Jo)lll prlcl' ig; $21.950 -Best Buy """""' -r-a r ,-~ ..;,.- •• RANGE COUNTY'S . :. LARGEST MESA VERDE Beautifully kept -qulet - saJe -1.tesa Verde neigh- borhood. Walk to library ai'ld 5Chool. Squeak)' aean 3 bed- room 2 bath home. l...atge master auite stJ)al'ale from the other bedrooms, Low ma.inle:na.nce, large yard. Ready tor you 11.t $29,950 with easy terms. 546-2313 O THC Rf.AL' "'-E:STAT!.!<S Exclu1lve With Newport •I Victori• (onytlmo) . -----=-""~ -·,, ........ .,,, a °f: Sot/Sun 12 •.·IO • ... ~ '°' •acli bdrm. n,,,. .,.. 41 ~ LIDO REAL TY INC. Plus • view from Abalo.De 406 Lincoln Lane 33n Vi• Lkle '7~7300 3 baU.., foll dining room. pt.b'· to Catalina, 3Fittplacet ~OEYCoD RtEllAL!Y~.. -lD7·VIA EBOLI Rich wood paneling • )land· "'nd with fre&h paint for -· aa wy., "-'W1'1 aom~ breakfast bar. Area extra charm. Widow wW '75-StlO 4000 SQ. FT. ot most con v e n I e n c e. trade down • $5500 handles 4 BR. 3~~ BA, 3 car garage . ~1120 H•L Plnchln & Astoe.' UriJvers{ty P•rk 1237 Ctpta, drps, urnaual teatur. TARBi!:LL 2955 H•rbor' >3SOO~~E~. ~Coa~at~H~wyi.~•§1~>-4392~!1;;;;:~;:=::;=::~~1 es. Bl.lllt 1961. Owner C, R. : . WESTCLIPF SELL YOU~ CARI c.,..i. 213 / """lOl; ••" DellahttUl 3 Br. 2 ba + tam. Wa1k 2 blocks ro shopplna 213 / 246-0100, Open'. 3 BR 2 bath J'lome, corntr lot 130xl80 • add 5 mlft units. Drive by 1545 Santa Ana Ave. then call Banta &taltg rtn., au'tflft kitch. M'etl-h'Om this "aqUtaky". clean WANT A TRl·PLEX? culoua . lndtePS. ~Ud~ 3 Br. 2 ba. tnh.se, In xtnt Udo Ille l~tton • walk to strttt:, $44,0XI. cond. ntt.900. • shops • steps to tcnnil court. 768? Edi-r ~ I ~··-==-=--,,.,--':""'....,....,.• 842-44M Open 'tU 9 PM CUTE l Bdr.; ....... ., ••••••••• ,_ Yrty.Adl U.No l'<tL HAl'PY I =llSl;:·:::mo.=ean=-m.====I THANKSGIVING .. -2IOO SPACJOOS 2 atory, 3 btlr. l lf@l_il!I!• 1-.,,. ... =,.-=,_· _._r_._"'_11_,,.1 ~~- 1 _Winter.Yrty. KI IJ..957• ••••••••• lll=S UnfvrnllhMI , • ?,629 HARBOR BLVD. ''iii-iiiiOiiiiilii-- ' ' 546 1640 I ' 5 hdrms. 3 baths, dinln&: Mesa Del Mar PROPERTIES WIEST • d h•11 Bly view. ~2 ll<lnn ...uu + 67• ·1-re I guest nnlba. SJQ5..M. ~ -6!5-1642 , R. C. GREE.R RHlty OCEANFRONT HARBOR HIGHLANDS . Via Lido 613-9300 5 BEDROOMS Believe u, tbeae homes are REALTY / SlUlt/O Downtown Hunlfntton BEAOf. Fine 3 BR home for lets than $25,00D. Famll,y room, huae gara.a;e Oll tho! alley A a tine rear yard for great outdoor llvlna. FOR RENT , ~PEN EVES TILL 1:30 UDO ISLE mom, Wall<inrdi•tance trorn ' : WHAT A GIFT! 3 =: ~~~e ~~ri:arten to College. lck•I Loc•tion hard to find. Brlch.t. clean, Univ. Parle Center, Irvine Hunti-'-Buch 1400 $54,000 3 bdrm 2 bath home with Call Anytime 8.13-0820 ....... $23S/Vo .... aharp 4 -room. 2 s.&.. BuilMns. w~ ed yard, double saraze- WE SELL A HOMI EVERY JI MINUTES . tmaa ,, ooming • you on , .. Eut '"" Investment lm:ome -can be Santa or the ce.ntury, of exclulve Lido Isle. ''' George Wllliam1on cozy fireplace, patio & mce-1i:=======m Rex L. Hodges, Rltr1. 847-2525 REALTOR ly landtca .... Walktnrl• DOLL HOUSE 67Mli0 Evei. 673-IS64 distance to Marlneni ScOOol. THAT NEW LOOK \VOW G.J., super special Give your family this beau· Small yard, Price $23,500. Call 54s-8424 and truly adorable. Only 2 Pretty •s a picture. Lovely Extra large 3 ~room 2 1 UNITS, Jara:e lot 132'r300': BAYCR£SJ SPECIAL (open eves) South Coast Br. but spacious. Quality 2 Bdnn. home_ Jn pride of baths. Choice area n~ar Walker & lee • tlful spat'ious 4 bdrm Shir-attached &&rlit!, room to build 5 more . .$90,000 Real Estate. thruout & top location. 'Thia ownenhip nelghborhood. On.. Dou,g!u. Owner leavin& area 2063 WestcllU Dr • Eslalrs honle. Bonus a real &!m ~:.M-~c~':di.~RT~·,, 4 bdrm + fr;mat dinins + SPECTACULAR VIEW one hu value-+! m ,003 ~831~16•500• Set: lhls one to-His loss • YoUr gam. 'I'bil" 646-nu . 'f"tu"" '""'' ·~'"'""" •••• $54,950 epting. Roman bath, lush Lialed excllL!lively \Vilh 1810 Ne\vport Blvd., C.M. pool Move-in condition. Call SpackMu luxury home Ith • d h•11 · \\-'On't laat. 846-0604 BKR. 1---,c-=:-c=-===-I .... ,.,,. 6'4""84 ..... us today. 180' .,.;. of BaY. 3 ~... re I . D. -•. [...,.._ MDVING·MU'1 "'"' ......... 4 BR & FAMILY .landscaping & 8% FlNANC- l NG & IMMEDIATE OCCU· ~PANCY. Open F rl/S•t/Sun 1°5 · 1542 Archer Cir., HB $39,000 ... -PERRON Jl " ~-........ 642·1771 Anyfimo * CORSICAN HOMES WI TH INCOME ew deluxe 4-plext's, All bit, lnir, shag c111t, drps & land. aping, 71,17<> (annual rate) loans ava il. e 3 BR·2 BA·rrplc .• plus e 2 BR-2 BA·patios e 1 BR·l BA.deluxe 1lnale SUNFLO\VER AVE. • Bf\\'11 S. f.1ai n &: Bristol loca!C'd IA. mile E. ot South Coast Plaza Shopping Center ' Call 540°1973 LOW DOWN TerTilic 3 BR home in Costa .t.lesa. $20,j()O, Nicely l&l'ld· scaped with large ~ar yard -f o1· small chlldttn lo play. Larxiscaped lor easy care. Cose to shopping, schools. f antastic starter hOme far )'oung people., • "ii=::==:::=::==~! DAVIDSON Re•lty eicqulsite decoratiJI&; new ~ DUil l.l' FHA loan on elegant 4 • Sl6-M6() Eves. 544-lSJJ carpets .1: drapes, REALTY _ It m ~ Bdrm, 3 Ba. condo. Swim Carpet1, drapes. Gardener & Golfera-T•k• Notel $81500 ·e 'Uj pool, tennis crt. Walk fQ. :water tumiabed. .$200/mO \Ve have new ·llltinp ol aev-Cost• Mtu _ 1100 PROPERTi ES WEST Univ. Pm C.enter, Jnrine , achoola & shops. 5 mln to ~Mse. Avail Dec. 1. era! large Cu1tom • BuUt . •7J..4J30 67.S..1'42 Call Anytime~ freeway & beach. Total PERRON REALTY -;::=::==::=::==::=ti ~m::a:t~f ::~·~:! ASSUME GI ~~E~S~~~. T:~N ba't orone del Mir 1250 1§4§:045·8 FV :.:t:~~.:l&~.1410 $US. 2 Br :~~Yan1, RIO.I iii Country Club. Up to 3650 aq W{W drp W "-~-· NEW LOAN with low low interest. home Great area for child p · • s. 45,..,. ....... ,,er It & 6 """""· Cali now f0< 3 bdrm 2 bath home. Prlcod "'" b.c..,. ot the ,,..,,: DUPLEXES RESTIGE ELEGANT MANSION hool<-11p. °'"""" w•tcome. BA JS HORE further det&ilil. at $23,500 • · $171/mo pays teruW, clubhou.e. All for \\'e have at this time avail· % srory Ex~tive Special, 4 4 bdrms 3 bath5, 2800 Ill tt, BKR. 5M-'6980 ' Us ~ $818 all. Aak for Dan Lee 540-1151 $34,950! able an out.t&ndtnc stlec--lat1e Bdrm'a, 2 Baths + Roman design swbnmlJW LARGE ta m I 1 y Mme' TING • .,.., Heritage Real Estate (open Gr•h.m Rlty. '46-2414 .tion ln Corona del Mar unit!! family room, Only $33,499. pool wit~ heater & tilter, Baycrest. 4 bdrm, ram.~ Cape Cod 2 BR. w/ope:n 11 REAL!! ewa) Nea.r Newport Post OUlco? ranging from dUplexee at &.lbmit on tmnL AMume -ionnal di.nlng room, panel-din.Ina: rm, den &: pool. Avd beam celling, stone front, ~-OLDER 2 BR howJe, 2 car OCEANVIEW ESTATE $47,500to6-pl~xesat s;i~.cro. 5%% IBA. :c:~':t~":~~r:~ 642--5200 t ~~n~:~ l~ecids~~-y ~~o. gar. Lrg lot -suitable flJI' Secluded 5 BR ho Luah Even some smgle residences f,,!· f_.,;., cupboards, JUst repainted t. LARG~ 2 story 3 or 4 BR.I $21,950 buildi"I[ 54!'>-6001 ,R _ _.__ h... 8· me, on R2 k>t.s st&rUna at $31,SOO. t,11.AW-~ d•-nll"' . .,1,~ •••. ,, ali. 13x21 rumpus room, blt-ina.· beach & boat storage. $35.500 BEAMED CEILINGS ' ...... .......,ap.... pee .. rumpus Most.ol these propertie1 are m ...... cu .., "JU i...... 1 ,__ ' J. Qarkson -TRI • PLEX, 2 BR each, rm., 2 trplcs. + VleW ha.!-Real Estater Exclmivea and • new Y ua»l"ated. $270/mo. Lovely "U" ahaped home Bedrm's up&lain . Inrome coniei>. S<l.i,OCK> are not on the general mar-L, C llJL 1 difiEr'J 962--0302 built around attractive at-$485. $6,500 dn. Prl.;:e PROPERTIES WEST ket.Ifyou arelnthemarkel "J -, .f:!fW1KF $&.J. Small house. UW P<l. rium. Brick BBQ· cascading $35,000. North CM. By 67S-41JQ 67S..1'42 Jor income property in Cot-17097S4Mq:nolla'., FV G.l. RESALE 4 Bdrm., 2 ha., ~ amall pet OK. BKR!, '-'i··ell •·-'-& (o. wator!ali. CoveM patio. 3 own<<. '14-3561alt5 PM. BEST BUY• VACANT ona do! Mar • J"'t Call 5-0458 room kr trailer and/or umnt , -• bedrooms. 30 Jt. hobby $33,0Q) • POOL 673-1550 boat. bea.utlfuI ya.n:h clme $200=.-. 4.,.Br:-,-=new=.'"'M"any=°"m.a="'1 550 Newport Center Dr. room. ' Electlic ldtchen. Me•• Verde 1110 Bluffs, $42.. mo. assn fee 3 l\.IODEL HOME??? It aure k> schools, $7.000 'down, Chlldrtn & pet& wel~ Newport 8e1ch, C•llf. 540-1720. FANTASTIC REPU Br. 232J Ea.II Blutt Dr. looks like tt. Absolutely 6~% loan. 839-6Cll. ll.882 BKR. 534-6980 IU-0700 644-2430 TARBELL 29S5 Harbor home In abaolute .... ~e!.;1 i 67S-(;(N.4 gorgeous 4 bdrm·(3 & den) Wisteria F.V. $180. 3 Br, Ip fenced~, r~ condominium in at most ...:;='=;:;,,~c;-.,---~ I HAR.OR HIGH LOWEST PRICE aparl<Ung a>ndltlon. 4 '""' BY Owner 3 B" 3 Ba, tam unbeH~vablo condltlon. 5 BR, 211 BA, tam rm w/ ChHd,... & -OK. A bdrrns, 3 balh!!, formal din-rm, 2 frpl. Exec. home on NO TURKEY Owner lransferred _ prloed wet bar, drpg.· crpts, lie 12-L Bim. 534-6980 ' rs just.:? blocks from this ''Bluffs'' 3 + BR's Ing J"?Offi· separate family Cul-de-Sac, fenced yard, 1 This is Coton;,. del l\.lar'a for Immediate aa.Je at pat Io. Close to schools. $250. 3 Br &: -fa.m nn, 2 Ba:. l'onvenJenUy localed CUS. room & huge master bdrm. blk to bay $45,000. 646-6317 Bes! Buy in a FOUR bed-$26,950. Call 54~4 Copen Many extras. Assume GJ. Near ta.ck bay -vacant. TO~t HO l\I E. Gleaming Beams & adobe plus expanae Popular model with 3 car WATERFRONT d 1 with room VIEW home with a eves) South Coast R.l!al 1?538 Live Oak, F . V. Blue Beacon -645"-0111 llARDWOOD FLOORS, built-ot &lass overlooking areen ga1·age. Priced Jor i?'1· float & pier, ~c!;tlonal heated and filtered large .Estate 968-7136 $175. Townhse, 2 Br & den. in kitchen cozy FIRE· ~It, 2% bath &: extra iwm mediate u.Je at $46,950. terms 3506 l\.f"-·• A POOL, two full baths, a din. Cpt> bltl Bl Pl.ACE, 2 Baths. Extra for maid. Convenient loca-CALL 545-8424 (open eves) · ...... u ve, Ing room a housewUe's NEGLECTED -Santa Ana Hgt1. 1630 • ns, gar. ue sharp and TOP LOCATION tlon. Ri&ht price $.'11,950. Soulh Coast Real Estate NB. 540-7383 DREMI Kfrcm:N overlook-BUT p-eat potential. Older 2 Beacon 645--0llL at $32,000! RLowlddlodow,.n.R 67'7225 4 BR, 2 BA Jm rm exec BBLAUFFlS •Condo,. 3 BR, 2% ing !he pool, a tv•o-way flr'I!· bdnnbdrm ~~hedor dupltalex + r..nl *~.t~dCR~. 11:.!~..'. ~me, LEASE 5 Br, 3 Ba, liv ml. WE SELL A HOME Oii ~ home. Bltns.' eoorl co~. Pvt . • yr od, h~ place and the FULL PRICE •w•..., ren on ,,,; ~'"'""" '""' din rm, fam rm. elee ktL EVERY 31 MINUTES walled frnt patio. I hid hved-in. (7l3) 469-7835 or ls $55.000. Owner transfer-R·l lot. Consider down PAY· for hones. Owner. 545-6948 2600&q ft. ~ln3 W I k & l A Private Glimp•• swim pool w/sllde 8:; div C7I4) 644-5975 ~d Ea.st. See this today! ment_ as ~w 45 $1800 to car-Liguna Bea ch a er ee Into thi1 excitlna \VOrid of btd. Prol landscpng. lo OCEAN ·VJEWDUPLEX VogdC.2667E.CoastHwy, ry fman~:; 2~locka to 1705 Cost1Meu 3100 the moat exclU$\ve resident.. malnt. Xlnt nieighborbd. 4 BR. 2 Br, unit. \Valk to CdM. 673-2020 ToceanReaify • ~~:S BEAUTIFUL J .;;;;;;;:;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~! 2043 \V~tcliU Dr. la~ aeetion on the Back Bay $43,950. ~7S73 shops. .$39,500 Art 642-3850 HOW ABOUT erry BEACH HOME LARGE Clean 3 bdrm w!Uri 646.ml in Dover Shores. 3 brand f BR, 2 BA, rm rm, exec URGENTI..Y need 2-4 unltJ; 180 DEGREE VIE\V Owner Tran1fer red in lovely Laguna condo. com-12x27' family room, new ,~ OPEN DAIL y l·S ::~ ~e1:k114 bim~s, ;0; home. BJtns, good coml Pvt beach area. Have buyers! 3 BEDROOMS S:t': ~ stOl'Y 3 lobd~ .. ::.1 munlty; frontin& on magnlf-carpeta •,drapes. Excellent 1cro Baker, C.&.i. a-17-5440 5• pa ng poo · walled frnt patio, Is:e hid 642-2752 Anytime, Bkr. DINING ROOM • COmt'!r t. "'""'Y" ictnt heated pool, 100 ste)ll Eutalde location. $235/mo. I'\! f..\\11111 '/f::1' t 111 \ I II \\ J.I. I \ I T \ ' " 1.,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,...,. ! 1220 Dolphin Terr, CdM J, \Va.rd 1430 Galaxy Dr. swim pool w/slide & dlv BREAKF.Asr Roor-.1 eta/drapes, all bullt-lns. For. trom priv. bch., trnnis eta. 'I'o 1tt call 540-1151 Heritqe: y t d R d Fonnal dining room, 3 BRa: &-1~l550 brd. Prof landscpng, lo Newport Heights 1210 DREAMY ~ mal din~ room, service etc. Comp. attractive tum.1 ~Re~al~E~•~l4;te~:;=:~~=i . acan an ea Y 2 baths, huge livina: room NEWPORT BEACH maln t. $43.950. 5-1~7573 1 YEAR NE\V .~·family room. Assume include v.·/w carpt'g, drps .. . ~n \:mcbetoS:l~~s:~::u~ ""ith fireplace: + family Channing 3 BR. '"I large BEAUTIFUL <& Bedroom, 3 New ~~.11:~Ht~ .. 2 OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 6 'P,~~11Jo..;.:~IR Sf.·900• kgsz master bed; location 3drpB~ co~~l.2 ~1aptso .. · room overiooking I•-pa bath bi-level. 1 --family ..... 31111 TOPSIDE LANE Cd!-.1 ea Y decor. 2 BRs, 2 BAs, sep . .bedroom, 1% baths. built-in . . . ·a~ • fncd. yr, cov. patio. Hdwd. ....,5" baths + excltin• family nn. BO • S.17-129i Eve 847.8919 I · clubhouse facil. Teenaf"' uo 2500 sq ft living ·-a N rm, separate din rm. N•xt YD REAL TY · v., dm. nns: laun, v.ith w/d, kitchen. Fenced yard, 2 car · ..... · Ors., irpl., bltn. kilch. r. & kltch. combo, Great for $ ok. Leue $210 per mo. Ia;t a arage. $l7.900 aMJets talk schools, church &: ahopa. to Country Oub. Owner. f Uy Ort1 $35500. 3629 E. Coast thvy, CdM 24,950 stor,, 2-car gar. lower lev-last. Refl ttq'd. 5f0..9491 Owner w/f'lnance, $21,000 $45.500. 546-5745, 54&-95.59 am 'CAJ. NOW! 675-5930 M'UST SELL 3 lara:e BR 1 ~._ t1. See to appreciate. Shown Lachenmyer lenns. I 1 5200 ba d" 1 by owner. call tor app'L 2 Br. New crpts, new drps. ;Colesworthy & Co. Wa lker R ty. 6 5-c II p k Scenic Properties 67>S726 VJE\V • You <M'n the land. ' m ng room. Adu1t ()Coo '499-2152 or 837-0791. Interior newly dee. $160 l 3366VlaUdo,NB0penSUn-. O '!le •r 11 15 BUSIEST markerplace In POOL. 4 bdrms, din !'J'I, 3 cupied only. Low down 10 .;;.'-'C;=;..;,;,:=~c.:;=-ehl1d ok no peti IOU w,. • 1•,\gent" "For A Wisc Buy" .. ~1117 100' x 300' R-4 uilding site for 8 tti 10 units · ~n County Baclr Bay area. 2 111mall renta l unita at the • ]>resent. $35,00). , la_~:~cl~~~-~NB ~ ' 642·5200 ~ .... $22,500 • S'/4 •_.b LOAN ' $%?:. annual percenta1e loan ~ ftOW on property with rent like: P•ymenta • Oversized 'living room. fln"plact". Cozy • ·r.tudy. Channlni; hOme • near betch. TARBELL 142·6691 TURKE Y TIME ·ror little more H1.11n ren1. ),,u can prepare your Xmas turkl'Y in this new 3 BR. & amlJy homt within walldna •dl11tance to the beach, an:1 OWN tho i.nd. Cali to. :.1ay, we'U Jtad lhc wq! Hal Plnchln & AJ1oc. ;,oo E. CloMI Hwy. m<J92 OWNER MOVING Price reduced !O m.no on 3 bdnn11 1~ bat.bl: c10IC to -·· DAVIDSON RHlly S.i&-~ £\-u . .att-1058 3 HR, 2 BA, family room, LG. 4 bdrm 2 b&. Assumable town. The DAILY PILOT baths. Corona Highlands, present financing. Quick po15. HANDYMAN'S Wlison &U·lSi4, 642-8213, 18611 Newport Blvd., CM prof decor. 1~~ yr old-xl nt low Int loan. 2:U9 Cols:ate Classified section. Save JEAN SMITH BRASHEAR REAL TY ~~ial! 4 Income uniU 120 968-2158 RP.1lln1 CAW.. &16-3928 Eves. 644-1&;)5 cond. $32,500, 213..."2 f1eet Dr. }~or information call . mone time & U rt Look 16952 Beach Blvd ., H.B. .J ... s. !o beach. Patios, decks I ~=~~-~=~~1 La ••n .-.....-& 646--432S PERRON RLTY S42-lm now?!~· e 0 • Rea~or 847-8507 431-376'9 968-1178 w/ocean view. Nds. paint, NEWLY decor. 4 BR, 2 BA.. ne~ nQ. vwn.::r WE UI etc, Should gross $9.000 yr, built-.ina, dahwhr, crpfll. Gov'T REPO 400 E~ .. ~731h25S5t., Oil w cooperate with other Pr. •-,900..Co•·ld•• trad•a. --dbl I ' Generel 1000General 10000.nerif 1000 __.. brokers here btt.ause lhe -.... • .. ·pa......, pr, poo' l.a'l'll! 4 bdnn 2 bath In ~la li1esa for $20,000 full price on bii co~r lot. With $1300 down totAl paymut ii\ $In/mo. Including taxe•. Available for no11-veta or vets. Vacant • :see loday. CALL 54()..1151 Heritage Real Estate (open evesl ".:::::;;~----'c:.o;;;;;:::.:=----.;:.~:.;:;:::.:::_ ___ ...:;:::;..1-;o;oe.,.::-:::,:-T=ro='=n::si'.fo::r::red,-owner wants acUon. AND MISSION REALTY 494-0731 NO PE'T'S. Call 83M976 'I I rd 3 D 2 THE OWNER WllL PAY BY OWNER: WOOO.CLASS ·VACAlfl'. 3 bdrm home wt~ "ove-n ° er. B • ~J ba, POINTS M> FHA or VA House deslgnW by Chris blt-lns, tirep'ace, Jarre fen<> lam Ii: din nns. Brklst an!a In elec Bl kit. ~r Great tc:nns are OK. Fine West-Able. 2 BR, 2 BA, bltns. ed yard. $210 I mo. FAM· mont home $25,250. Rex L. trplc. VIEW. $41,500. OPEN lLIES ONLY. Alt. 546-4141 ~~C.~~EER.l.:.'~~y Hodcea, Rltn. 847-2525 HOUSE Sat A SUn 1().5, 9.14 A'ITRAcnvE 3 BR, fam 335.1 Via Lido 6'13-9300 SACRIRCE Mlrama<. Laguna BeaclL rm, ""'" "'w cptr. Eul- CA.i,IEO SJ:IORES-1..arge cor- ner lo! lVfvlew. 4 BR's, 2~i BA, frplc, crpts, <!fPt. $&1,5CXI. Would c.o n a Ider lease w/option, Fin-Ible lttms. By Owner. 673--5"8 . 494-3066 1ide. $235. 549--3532 or 3 bclnn 2 ba, h<.lwd nrs .. 14 e DISTRESS SALE e SU-.727t $22,500 LOV!:LY POOL HOME •·-· ...... of ... IOU'!' 9Qtl111bltd word• be-low to fOf'l'll lour lllllP'-WOJ'di. INEIRA T I month old 2b36' ~ated "-Oct:anview borne. Low down ~===_,..=-,~-/ filtered pool. nn P"r month to assume xlnt J.c.r\. S yr, * OOTrAGE 1 Bdr. stove, pay1 All. old 3 BR. 17' ba. ho1ne. notrig. Utll pd. S-140. No • 1 11111 . The Rt•I E1t•tt M•rt Reduced to $41.500 ~ll. 545-6294, 5ST-MOO. 147-1531 PLACE REALTY ..,._ 3 BR. 2 BA. """"' rm. Bolboo Ponln1ulo 1300 Exqul~l• 15 • >; II. pool. I IC A RT s I frplca,. bltns. SD) mollae. "Better Than New" L•9•n• Nl9ua1 1101 No .,is m.m3 =ra.=-Q:Ot"r.'"'T'"....-=--=3'=BR"°""211 ea.. f'ool..Rec. Fae. 2 car 1ar. Cpta, llrp<, SJ9ti. $40S310 Lood• or d<cldng. CoveM . . 0.YOlopor't Duploir . LARGE S BDRM patio, Gcnt'l'OlLS kdrooms, I I j I' ThJQ bedroom upper two ...._~ 2 bt!hs, electric buUt·lns, _ _ bedroom lower, In very good "'""'l"'ted. drapes, fe~. Full dinl"1l: room . rental area, Now tully Jeas-Prestige are.a. 846 0604 TARBELL IL I TOP 1 I Ramombor tho VoOd old ~.,:;,,"°" arowth potonilal. HAFFD~EAL TY OWNER FINAN CED I I I' doyo botoo-. crodlt cords, you IURR WHITE OWNER °'""'"' v'"'·"" 2 Homn In Corona del l'tllr "::·=~·='.::·::::'.·='..·~didn't have to waif till the 3 bedroom. 2 bath. J..euc LIM nrw 4 BR.. wftb ocean r end of the month to find our REAL'Jt>R w:ltb 0 pt I 0 n to buy! vlrw A ntw ce."Ptl, at 11 1CN0 I 'If you wt',. -. 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. Plymtnta lea than rmt. SG.000, 2 BR. 3~ ha. Poot I I I I* I' 0 Coinp!.te tM chucli. «ilded 67!>-4630 60--2'253 E'vet. Near , .:hools .t: shoppq. ~1 A: octan view. To see: _ • . • • • by fill1:1 lft tN m1t117 'MIC'4 1306. Call now M6-06(M BKR. Call Mary Graham 642-9190 you ...._lop rOlll np No. brtlow.L _l_ncl_o_l_1_lo ___ ..;.;..;,;; 4 BDRM, l~ balh. 2 )'n old. ,.,.., W•lb r RHftor S PRINT N\JMIEUD LETIEIS IN I' r I~ ,. I~ I 57 Lfnd• l1le Drive Bltna. fl'plc. pat'°-Nr IChll DUl'l i X I AITTID E THESE SQUAlfS _ _ _ • _ • ?i1'ust SH. 4 BR. 4 BA home le 1hop'1. ttntt r. ASliumc 2 bdrms each. Hardwood A UNSCIAMBlf A&OVE lETtEtS 1 1 1 1 1 1 w/ pallo deek, gl ltln1 nn & 6% CJ loan. Ca.II owner. Qoan. Fittplace. S."9.500 V JI'} QrT AN~• . ---. -tQllo: to ~Ill" BR auite. M?--082.-1 I! 642-4422 ' ;"am nn n.. stiriftn. ""'lt'tV'!•· ; =.,,~~-=:>'ll'llc=. =Cl=.-1rano--t.-m-111-, [ 1190 Npt Blvd, CJ\tl •---.......,....._,...._ N tlon pit I frplc. i162,000 sen l BR + den 2 ba trplc ............. , SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 8600 Lind• Ill• D•v•lopmont •11,,., w/w crP'•· ~!i oi ::;!!!::_::! • -----------------------J...::B:::ill:...G::.run=d:.Y:...::::67..:11-3..:2::1::...0 loan. 12>.SOO 111~ LAGUNA Niguel Tenace. By owner 3 Br, 2 Ba. fam rm, PoOI, aome view. 499-1860 M111lon Vltio 1708 4 BR & Den. ~ mo. Feno. ed yard. ., -., ELDORADO 3 BR, frplc. cpU, d..,, 2 car HOME ,.,...., 12Q8 mo •. No pe1a. 2 story home, perfect house Ml-2813, 5of0.6975. for &rowlne famlty, 2'C8l sq :.lllllh1="BR.=-:tam-...,U""°y-rm-,°"2°"BA.,,_I ft, green shag Cll.fPC!t t.ftru.. * "5-1921 * out, 3 run balh1. 1and1e1oe<t =========I front with sprinklers. $32.900. Men Verde 3110 Aawne fliA loan. * * * * 3 BEDROOM $225. Alandrn 3 Br. tan11ly room, 2980 Jacarand~ vltw Jot. carpetln;: thruou t. l..--;=.;;"c;n~ . .;;•~..:.,..::--,,d s:n.ooo. AMume fllA low In. 's y 0 u R AD IN te.re1t loan. Jmmed. OCCU· CLASSlFIED? Someone will pancy. OU1 Nf'l Shulct1 be look:lnc for tt. Dial 642. 837-9500 or 83Q..280B' bkr. 5671 • • " .. • .. " • • • 'No Matter What It Is YOU CAN SELL IT WITH 'Ii. DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 CHARGE IT! Thllf~l1• Ntnembtr '£7, 1%9 D.\ILV PILOT 4.1 , • ..,.AlS RENTALt RENTALS RENTALS K••""L> REN ALS , Ho1M11 Unlwnllhod Apts. P'umllhod Apia. fumllhod Apia. P'umllhod Ap!L Unfuml•hod Apll. Unfumllhod I llNTAU H-UftlurohhN Now,..looch 3200 founhln Volley 3410 Coote -4lOO lolboo 4300 N-rt Booth 5200 N_rt__ Bllch 52119 11«>. LOVELY 2 11r mobll Coote -4100 SPACIOUS AND CONVENIENT 'I RANCHO M~a 1 yr old, 3 home w/exp1ndo. Bachelor CLEAfif 8&cht.lar APta. New 2 and 3 bedroom, 2 baths. Shag carpets, I I/I Br, 2 Bo. tam rm. din nn, •pt 117.50. U2 W. Wllaon, HARBOR ~~wBll~l linen drapes, tile kitchens with bullt·IDL ' TOWNHOUSE .,,,., ..,,,. ~ -CM. IU-l2l5 BALBOA 613-119jS Generoua storage space plus deck or pallo •. 1 3 Bdmu. 211 """"-Adulla 3 BDR. 2 Ba. ..,,.. • -BEAtJTIJ'ULLY FURN Pool, recreation bldg .• next lo shopping. 1240· onL1 F~• pool S1l'5 Mo blt.W:, Leue • $.D'.I mo. + 2 BR. Pool. Adu.Its, no pet.. TOWNHOUSE lklo Isle 4351 per month. Adults who like privacy. Furn .. \ j ial. & i.ach ' depooll Clll -$1411 + ut!I. 2212 Mople St. !shed model by Beals. B01poyer"~·,J,.~;.. .. 12t •.:Ls:~== 1~7 e1ec bltno. cl-~'~: .. w:,n oi::;oo~?br.!:t'.su MARINER SQUARE APARTMENTS ,.,.2000 .. ., -NEW. 1162-n16 Pl'll•· Quiet. 1125. lo Cl HoaO!d pool. Adult. only cl!<-"'° mo. Incl util 1244 lrvlne Ave., Newport Beach-64il-02S2 , • v.&. ·-m ~~-!::.!~blo~.!P~I>~· ~Ad~ol:":· :"°:i~•'!N~o!g:~t.t~·~AdJ!i!i!~'•~•iihooo~lii""i ~ aft 5 _ Ju.st north of Westcliff Drive I &FINER kENTALS L-• -II. '7ll5 !!,'"· Rd•. -· --' -13•-Pler.llolt. ELEGANT 0.:.111 Vw. $155-ATl'RACTIVE, l bdr., $35.00 Wk. Up H!~tlntton ... di -~ C..lo-. 5100 COiia-., 51od tmmac. $1.IJO month. Homr, Lie. or Option, $325 pool, utU paid, p.rdcn Uv· •Studio & 1 Br Apts. AVAIL. 1 4 2 Bdr. Spac. Mqnit.lcent f bdrin., • bl.th a mo. 3 bdr. l.qunl. Bch. tng, adu!tl, no peta. 1800 e Klteben A: TV Incl. pool, btt.tna. Enjoy the beh.1--------- . view home. $1,000 mo.. Dt.y11, 831-2970, ev~s. Wallace Aw., C.M. •Phone Senrlce & Pool AdJLI im +. 219 151)\ St., NEVER John Macnab MU235 4.tl-4390 1 A 2 BR tum A unfunt 3l20 • M•ld service Incl. .H.B. CONDOMINIUM, 3 BR, f BA, 2 car gar. IWlmml~ pool &: rec. facllitie9. in mo. 540--1667 or 557~ •• WATERFRONT LUx. Apt. on LARGE, new!¥ redec. 1-Br. Fullerton SL, C.M. Mp-on • Dt.y, v.ttk &: ~tonth ;,BA'--OIELO:C,,~~R~~-l~B~R~furn-1 BEFORE the Penln. New 2 bdr., 2 duplex. Ocean view. Multa.. prt!mlaes. 2376 Newport Blvd. MS-9'7'SS $140 up. AdWts, no iwll'. ' .... pool. Loo. ldullL -"' ..... $!TS mo. ,.arty. FURNISHED I BR apt, 11'0. $25 Per Wk & Up 0 ITJtJI -!.n. 142-1848 2 BR + ••• + 111 Bl. Crpt., lllps avail. Cuibe JWboa, PLACE REALTY 49t-97D4 Furn atudk> apt $110. 2135 • • (\Vest or Beach nr Slater), lived in. ~rand n _e ~ .•.Pl dtpe:, bltns. wuher I diyet 310 Fe J' nan do Rd:, (n4) Elden, C.M. See P.1ir apt 6. Bachelor & 1 BR, htd pool, homes. Pri\late patio living. nr shops It bch. Peta oki 67S-3003. S.n Clemente 3710 mald service. Kitchena & 2 BR & bachel~ aptlll. Near beach & shopp(n&, All $18S. 54~7747 , , ===-=-==,,...~I---"-------l Br tum •P.1 $lal mo incl. TV avaU. "50 Victoria (Nr Reated pool. Ulil paid. w/w carpe~, drapes, pd ~-WIN T·E R RENTAL • 'TQ 2 BA + extra room 0 ff ~~J;1: chi1drtn or pell. Harbor). Viceroy Apt1, 1014 G@Of'l{a vate liviJ'e. 1 BR unturn cottaae: garapt June • The mutts. S Bt, pn.p. Nnr beach. Hu $135 month Deluxe P.tobile St, Apt A, H.B. 536-2914 e 3 BR-2 BA-frplc., plus Quiet. n:flned lady, DO pets: dtn, crpta, drJl9. frpl, 2 pool. 1~ BA. crpta., drpl I: FURN. J Bdt. Garden Apt. ho,;,e comP. fUm. Heated NEW QUIET l BR, nr ocean. e 2 BR·2 BA-patios 14S t.lesa Dr, C.M. • ~pools. 6'lSo4491 Ol' stow. Cle&n, quiet, a.dlb. Refer. pooJ, adultl!I, no ~lS. 4 $145 prt deck or patio. • l BR·l BA-deluxe single Meu Ver~ 511G BILL \VIW.UtS R!:ALTY Call -548-8001. Seasons f.lob est 23.59 New. Singles or cpl• only. 202 Corsican Apt. Homes ;j FOR lNM S210;. t Br, 2 Ba. 239 Delmar, S. C. 492-6175 W·SlDE 1 Bdrm furnished port S.18-6332, . 14th. 9>-1319; 613-1184 SUNFLOWER AVE 2 BR. Cpts, drps, elec. bltns.; Wt~ M~'I· A.Vail Condominium 3950 lower, parklne area, $135 1 BR Medallion condo, all Btwn S, Msin & Bristol Ga.rap. Adults, no pets; · mo. 673-5729 Newport Beach 4200 bll·in, refrig, encl. patio, Located 1,1 mile E ot South 646-42fiO or 55!:!400 ___ " I BAYCREST. Fam. Home, 4 z Bdr. 2 Ba. Pool. blt·ins, AVAIL now, 2 BR furn apts., N rt Be h pool, qUlet. $140. 675-0034 Coa!t Plaza ~hoppi~g Centeor Newport le•ch 5200 Br. 2 Ba. Fenced :yd. Oilld, crpts & drpt. $200 a mo. adult llvt~:. htd pool, rec eci'RANoaOPENING FURNISHED 2 BR. C•ll 540.1973 :"i pets. OK. $350. ~13· Call ·'64&-9683. A&tnt. room, &ood Joe. 646--5824 IMMEDIATE downtown Hnts Bch, 5261 ""i&ii0iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_,.,ISTUOIO, 4 BR. 2',i BAi ~::ii=~.:. B~~.$325 •••••••• OCCUPANCY Moln St., 53&-T396 MERRIMAC WOOOS :~:~·"'~ 1 m~~y;'!;l * 67s.tiM4 * Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 Luxury prden apartments Orange County 4600 .lust co.mpleted, l or 2 BR. 2 673-245:5. ! ========: 12 BDR. Duplex. Nu drps, offering complete privacy, :1~~1;1~:Pi:~. co~f 3 BR., 2 Ba .• SPACIOUS! Newport Helghtt 3210 crpta. Gar. Adlts. No ~ts. beautiful landscaping & un-SINGLE Adulta, I u x u r y cleaning ovens, ~'OOd cell· Crptll, drps., flrepl., bll.tn~ -~---"-----1 $175. 2:01 2nd St., CdM. paralleled r@Cteational facU· ranlen apta, w/tull recrea· 1 blk to beach. .r?!Otl OOIAC 3 BR, 2 BA, trplc. Open SUn. U Ali! · 4 PM !ties ln a country club at· tion facilities & cqmplete ing!:, dishwashers, I u ah · ._ landscapifl&" with stream& I. 646-4391. t New hid pool. Nr. schools. AL:t mosphere. Now leasing ln privacy. South Bay Club waterfalls, e.le\-ators, BBQs, FOR 1.eue 3 BR. 2 BA. Cptlf $280. (213) 421·1634 A~ fuma-L.-..11 Newport Beach. Aptl!i. 277 So. Brookhunit, bl " lk ~ ,..,_ s..--.-Furnished or unfurnished Anaheim CT14l m.4500 clubhouse, u.unaa. jacuu:i & drps, tns. 711 b to 1 3 BR. 2 BA, D.R., den, 2 f\fod 1 10 8 5Wlm pools, priv. gar, w/ $275. 108 Grant, co j frplc, cpls, drpL 2000 sq. ft. Gener.sf 4000 e ll open am to pm Eve-.. "'-Se&Bho Dr See Sat & SUn $275 mo. Quiet st. ~149'.I Rents from S155 lo $310. Garden Grove 4610 storage. .,, ....... new. re . LOVELY APTS. OAKWOOD Starting it 1140. Adults SINGl..E Mallln>d Lady Foi U I V , __ -· ra•-1~--• SINGLE Adults Luxury please. Just East cf 2600 quiet Ne..-Island, 2 l.r• nvenlty Parlt 3237 "" --~ -·· ~~ GARDEN with •-H borBI d ttoN ~--~· ' for a~es er married cpl garden aptl ccun ... ,, ar v , nex a_..,, crpts, drpa. stow $1SO yrly club abnoriphel"e and com· Cad.iliac at 425 Merrimac Call • 675--0llS. ' 2 BR. 2 ba. tnJ>oiue .... $250 3 BR. 2 ha. hcule avail. CD 6 Comp! linen., laundromat, APARTMENTS SOU1H BAY w -j TV, htd. pool, iteps to beach. l7Q) 16th Stl'eet ~~p:~u100 Chapman ay. CONTEMPORARY Apt. Nr: Ph. anytime 494-9436 La· i14: 64UJ.70 Aw. ·Garden Grove {714) NEW APTS Bch. 2 bdr • .l den. 2 ba. blt~ sun•. NOW'S THE ~ ins. Lri pe.Uo. Arllts Lse Febr'Qary lst ••••••••••• $400 ~ GORGEOUS N~ SINGLE Adults Luxury .=========I $275 per mo. Owner 64 3 BR. & tamlly rm .. furn. VAL D'ISERE garden apts \l.ith country 4705 3 BDRM 2 BATH 11toc1 lea..e .............. $325 3 BR. 2 ba. home avail. Avail, Dec. Uhh ....... $425 , club atmosphere and com· Laqunl t..lch 5150 & $l 75 411-...1-~ •Red Hill Realty ~ Sirele·l br-2 br. Furn .• unf. TIME FOR plete privacy, SOUTIJ BAY OCEAN front suest apt on Carpet.a, drapes, ....... ..,-."'I'., 4 Bdrms &. ram rm, lmmac. Sawia, Act'y Rm, Billiards CLUB APTS. Irvine at 16th, pvt beach. 2 rooms, 2 bas, UTILITIES PAID $215/mo. 642-4387, 642-«i98.I ccnd. $350/mo. Immed occup. Therapy &. 45' pool, BBQ• Newport Beach. patio, garage. $225 lnc. ut11. 1 &: 2 Bdrm, 2 awim pools. 4 BR, 2'1S BA. Dlahwhr. Bob Pettit & A11oc. 20.~ !~~";:yRdPu.zA 642-8610 QUICK CASH 2 aA~141~~L~. Nr 14~~68cc:~:~~: =~~~: nr ~d~~~~~~2~tli. Furn ~~~ ~.'yr~. ~~24~ , 83J.0101 DELUXE. spacious l Bdrm. ocean. $150 yrly, nu cpts, beach. fireplace, U50 lse. 301 Avocado St, C.M. . 2 DR. unfum apt. $150. Pa.ti .:"'=~='=· =~==·==°'=613-6004==== J ~ted a:.,f.!,:i~ ~'. THROUGH A ~.A~~>-46~St. !;ci; 4~ alt 4:30 See Mgr on pmnl&tr f~~~:·. drpa & bl1s. Corona ., Mir 3250 No childre-n-no pets. ~1921 Dan• Point 4740 GRAND OPENING E I Bl ff 524 · 1960 Pomona, C.M. DAILY PILOT LOVELY 2 b' apt AJ .... t ;;.;;.";.:..;;.;.":....----'! 3 :~R.f~~~ ~"'7 mo0 $160. l er, RIO, W/W, drps: new. Furn. i,t blk tc ocean A'ITRACTIVE Ira: 1 BR apt THE VICTORIAN e NEW DELUXE e : ~ ,, .. .,,,,, .,., 2'1nln to fwy. Oilldren & pet & ~· 1905 \V, Balboa Bl\•d. w/pool. on Bluffs overlook· New far& 2 BR l~i: BA SISO , Br 21' ha t for lea.M 2 BR, den, trplc. PX! \l.~lccme. BKR 534-6980 Sun. OR 3-9209, \Vkdays tng harbor. l yrs lea&e $155 • e ' bl. · · iJ •P · 3 BR. 3 BA Ut:rury apt $325 WANT AD (2tl) 79:>-066l 495-5489 496-2409 Adults only. Crp~rps· tna. Incl. 1pac. mai tr. IU!te, . TIME FOR mo. ' Sound proofed, pn gar w/ rm. A: dbl. gara.ge, auto Univtt'Sity Realty 673-6510 OCEAN Frt. Bachelor, 1 RENTALS storq:e. Fenced yd w/patio. door opener avail, Pool CUTE 3 bd. 1!t ba. home. QUICK ·CASH 642 5678 edit. $95 a mo. Yrly. Ulil. At>fl. U"furnlshtd \Valer pd. Gardener main. rec. area. Nr. Cat Lctl of :Yard A: parkinc THROUGH A • Pd. quiet, adlts, Refer, talned. 661 Victoria St. Oiurch, Adults, no pe1L _ apace. Adults. P8$. mo. Call ~127. Gen.ral 5000 636-4120 e ONLY $245 e (2!3) 25l-M38 DAILY PILOT TRAIL.ER, I ldult. poo:, wa. • RENT e 865 AmJg,,. Way, N.B. CORONA HIGHLANDS. 2 WANT AD •••••.•••• '" & ""paid. S.ni" clllze" NEW 2100 sq ft 3 BR • BR. 1% Ba Duplex. Avall I~=---~~~--"'""'""'_...=""'-"'-"-"\\ SHIO mo. LI S.872-1 t i' 3 Rooms Furnltur• 3 BR 1~ bath $150/mo. rm, 3 BA. Owner's tux ap °"'(~") ~,'; .~· ..._2290 ar Ml 6-<25.5 $19.95 & UP TS2 Amlgoo Way. 675-5033. "w .,..........,..., Well .. McCardle, Rltr1. 14 BLK from ocean, yrly, :r '.onfu.To.l\fonth Rentals 1810 N t Bl"• c M DUPLEX • 2200 tq, ft. 4 BR. ~lod. 3 Br, 2 Ba. downstairs, \YIDE SELECTION ewpor vu., , , ~ 8Ai1 bltnsMo-~: Gar. furn. or partly furn. 109 34lh NO DEPOSIT O.A.C. 548-1'129 6#068.i eves., iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil mo se. St., N.B. 675-3315 HFRC Fumlture Rentals Lido lolo 3351 WRITER 'S hideaway ~ Br for lease or Ale. 213: Ms.-6621 er 845-8173 WATERFRONT w/boat SIT IV. 19th, CM '48-3481 Falrwav Villa Apts dock. lovely 2 BR. patio. I 6~~181se. 673-0060 or VENDOME Neat Orange Co Airport & & UCI. Adclts only. 201%1 eed l BR furn apt. No children or IMMADf;,C?"AT •~ TEF,.'j""ILYS! Santa Ana Ave. 540-Z796 pets. 2405~ 16th St, N.B. v.. .. ~" HuntlntfGn Bloch 3400 ......... SECTIONS AVAILABl.E RARE Op-.,Uty! L.. BEACON Bly 2·11r. fq>I, pvt Cloto to ohoppl09, Park VILLA MESA APTS f\feredith hJn, Nr. Adami 4'; ie d pier & dock. $225.mo. *Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba 2 BR unturn, prl patios, htd Brookh t. 3 br ta ni · el e 613-5094 • 2 Bedrooms pool. 2 car.encl'd gar. Chil· ba. S3EJJ m: mo tnd g~~ 0 1nr? $150 1 BR furn apt. Crpts, * Swim Pool. PuVll'ffn dren "1!lcome, no p e I s Call • 84.)...WS drps. blln!I. Pool. 1525 * Frpl, Indtv/Jndry fac'll ~:aae! $160. Also turn $185, Placentia 1145 An•helm Ave. ·~ W. Wilaon. 646-1251 4 BR, 1% BA. tie living nn CO 642-2824 v.ith trplc, kit/lam nn ll-l~BR~l..-.-,-.~N~..,-......,,--. ST.\ MESA VALUE, adult couple onl:y, 2 combo, only 2 )Tl old. Nice-Vpataln , S150 Yrly. Util pd. HARBOR GREENS f.hw=. ~1~' i!f.· q~:: l,y landlcpd. Avail Dec. 10. Sundeck. 673-IDIS $13.S. 2295 Pacific Ave. $D1 per mo. 962--4642 LEASE $275 per mo. 2 1tory Corona d•I Mar 4250 BACHELOR unfurn t r om S48-687!I or 6424429 3 BR. 2~ BA, Shorecreet $110. Also avail l • 2 & 3 NEW 2 BR, l BA, shag crpt. tract. H.B. Call MM905 aft 1 .;.. LARGE. Private, view Bdrm. Heated pools, chOd Drps, dll!.hwhsr, patio, beam 6 or wknds. See i·~,... bachelor. So. of hhvay. care center, adj to shopplna;. ceUlng, trplc, gar, Adults, s Relrig & hp only. $115. No Pf!la. no pela $165. 2650 Elden, 4 BEDROOMS, 2 batha. $22.l t d r:: ··':}' 673-&JO.l 2700 Petel'!On Way 537--0062 after 7 pm & Sun. a month. Wan 8 :: .. k~1 I BR nicely furn apt. Ground Costa Melill 546·0370 LARGE 2 BR. crpf!, drp&, Bier. 846-a;ol }ji' Door. l or 2 adults only. NEW Deluxe Exec. Type 3 cnrport & pool. Kids ok. 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA, trplc, Classifications.· r·.,.~ 675-1180 Bdr. Apt. i2.l0. Frplace, 2214 Collea:e., Apt No. 2. new cpta 4'; drpl. dbl a:ar. , "i° SltJDIO APT nr heh. SUS Jocked gar, Nr. Freeway & 646-7095 fencd back yd, $250. 962-8994 mo Includes ulil. Call days shopng. Adlts. 546-4016 1'a~RAN=~o~N-e_w_l_&_2~B~R. 3 BDR, 2 BA, Comp!. fenced, 6500-6900 642-4710, eves 5-l;>-258J $ll5. 2 Br lower. Patio, R/0, W/W cpts, all bltns incl. blt-ina. Vacant • SUS mo. W/W, drps. Redec. Child seU cleaning oven. PaUos., CaD (213) AT f-S384 Balboa 4300 welcome. Bkr 53U980 garage1, Adults. 6'5-2108. 4 BA, 2 BA, frple, drpi. S%50. i ft the I BR near bay, frpl, prefer ~:155. 2 Br, UtU pd. gar, 377 W. Wilson. per mo. (213) 839-UTS er single ti;oman Sill mo yrly, stow.. Children OK. Avail 2 BR Mesa Verde, crplJI, eves <TI4) 846-0ZU util pd. 673-1178 now. BKR 534-6980 drin, bltna, gar .. upstairs. BUSIEST marketplaee in Adults, no pets $135. town. The DAILY PILOI' Huntington &.•ch 4400 Huntington &aach 44001,54S-<l35===T =~~~~~ 0"'~"" "'!lo". s' •• F 0 R EXPERT H,E LP llp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IATl'RACTIVt>cl•an 2 BR. ~-~~~ ON TEN ACRES l62BR.Furn•U Fireplaces I pr1v, patios I Pools. Tennl.t • Contnfl B 900 Sea Lane, CdM &t4- (MacArt.hur nr. Cotat Hwy NEW DUPLEX 1 UNIT LEfTI 2 BR. 2 Ba. ($Zi0). Prtv. pa. tio, cov. K~. cptd., drap- ed. C.Omp, bltna. Best loc. 707~ ORCHID '' '754050 0 _ .. ;, ...... COROUDO AP7S. 2 Br.· Lower Jevel1, studios. pent. house, Frplcs., pool, dbl. carports, patio.II, $180 • $220., 673-3378 • SHARP 2 br, So. :side c( Hwy. Orps, crpts, 6Ull dk; priv. In rear over gar. $180 mo + SIOO depos, 421 \9 J.ri.s,, CdM. 675-0633 ' 2 BR., So. of Hwy. Yrb" Utll'L fum'd. $195. rDo • Ref's. req'd. :!\Ir. Fomei Bkr. 540-3862 ~=~~~~~~· LARGE New 2 BR, 2 BA plus den. CrpL!, drps, bltns' View. Trl-0367, 535-3864 C 8374177. I mcM)', time A; ettort. Look ,. I crpta, drps. bltna, carport. ~no=w,,'='=' ======.:.i.--~-------==-====~· THE NEW Adulhl, no peta. $135. Balboa S ~--ol -~---rol . 40000.noral 4000 HUNTINGTON CAPRI APARTMENTS ..._.,., -I ,, --,;;.;.'"-.;..;..--===-==~=============-:----11 -.,,1028=E=1"ea..-m~ino~Drl~,.-BACH Bayft. llOl&bed, pa.UO FOR SINGLE ADULTS • • • D<hru 3 BR. 2 BA apt Drps. yd, w/w ""'· utl! pd ~ C.f?i-0 Jl, ,C fl-C bQ.• w/"'11 cpls. 543-348.1 or Prof person only 6T3--6765 ~, ~11.t J.'Qt.1 ~,.-'la pq•>:J ••. WHERE UVING IS FUN! 540--0151 'SolvcoSlmplcSennnblcd Won!PunlcforoChuckle CUSTOM I, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS, 2 BR •""'•' •Pt. R<lrlg, Huntington ... ch 5409 '1 ;;.;.;.====------"----'1t1ov50•m· ocp .• ~ ~·1• ..... 2 BDRMS. • 2 BATH :I Furnl•had Model• Open Sat.· Nov. 29th 1969. ~~ .. ·--"""""'"'" four 1UOl!lbled worcft ht-FROM $l40. NEW, Extra l&rJ:e 2 BR. 2 $150/Mo. HEATED POOL j \ aow to 1°"" four llmpM wordt. FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED Ba., upper In 4-plex on fnod, cpt/drps, Kida OK 1 110 N Ix I quiet cul..<f~. MS-2321 DELAWARE SnJDIO Apt.a.I P (A1 low as •ss. Furn. If Shared by 2 Friend•) • '""E 1 BR ~ ,. d I II I I I II ~ . ~'P' , '1.P. 2620 D<l&wan, H.B. SOUNDPROOFED PRIVACY POR "· 'tov '· rolrli•t"ato,, 642-2221 811Ytime 536-l!lf \ RILAXING OR ENTERTAINING AND Adull.1, no pell. ll20'4•.t!ST9 2 BR newly deooratedi I Oyuo I SHOPPING WITHIN Y, BLOCK. PLUS 2 BR,"""' ...... "'°"'·"' R<lt'i& 6 blt-tn.. cpWdrpoj T FUN & GAMES TO MATCH ANY MOOD. pet., ldolt. only l1Jtl mo. °""" view. llOotpat j I' I ( ,.. '~VE'YnewlBR.bl~.nr .;:~ui~_; . . . lnloy a fut H f of Tennis, a pme of Volley. v..1 .. ..... 'V ~ ball or lllllard1. Sh a p 1 up In ..,. of tho So Cout Plua. potto. '""°· BEACHBLUFF APT'-\ I Gymn"1tlum1 or ralax In • S.una -the pvt play atta. 5t6-6976 New 2 & 3 BR. 2 BA, F .A.1 Ir Men people or11 collopafng Jnunl or In the sun •round the Pool. 2 BR. mo. Crpts, tlriw, d!Jbwahrl, r>a!Sol.t pool, ! . . fn pwfect heofth than ...,,,, bltna. Pvt patio, eDCI a:ar. • 847..1951 • I bolero, Thcnb to --. YoOr Social Dlroctor will orrango partl11 In Adol~. "9-0433 NEW QUIET 1 BR. nr .......! I I I llAJOUA I 11·11 lho f1bulouo Copt'I Room & those fun trlpo IMMAC. qulet 2 BR. New 1125 prt deck or Pl~ 11,;.;.;.I ;.;;I.;.' "ilr-"I ""Tl-I 8 c-tot. the c!Mt<I. ""*' to Mammoth, V1111 or ? ""''· drp<, bltno. Adult. Singles • cp15 """'· :m 1'°' hv rn11.,. " "'° ""-.n onty. 1140. -5.16-Ut9. m-111< . "°" -._ ... No. 3 bolow. SEE THI HUNTINGTON CAPRI AT 1133. DELUXE 2 Br. 1 s., NICE 2 A s bt1n. Crpted • 1 • ~~~ur=~•rl•S r \r r r r r r I 6200 !dlnger Atte., Huntlnaton leach ~-=:..:nr!m. loc., ~-.,!"'~ ~/:bl b:t 1 1 e \;7~'s lmtu '0 I I I I I I I I ii.=.!,':',:.';:".~~":.~ ~n. ~ir-~ :;::"~~;·";,: money, time f, tffcrt. Look Some w/pool. $13W145 md • ...... --... PHONE 1714) 846-0619 O..•llled IM!Ctlon. , ... Kid• OK. 8'2°'llm. """ SCltAM·LIT> ANSWll IN CLASSIFICATION 96011 .., .... 111 84"1594. • • -------- ' ...... . . '". •"""-t·-' -,. . ---.. -. . ' . ., . 'fit\" • "" . --· ~» ·~ ;..:.--- ! "" ... ! . ._ ·. . •. · ..... #,_-~··"~ ~ r ' . .J . . . I "• '' •, I > -. - ·-.... .•' .c• I.• • • .. . ;''··.-.-.~--·--·:· ~,·~'r ,. ···" J • • , I ' ': " .. " 3· LINES -·· ·2 TIMES '. ,• . '• ,. ~ . .. .... ' .. <Aiiy "ltiift.;frf~d .sso Or-Less> . : : • ·K .. ~ .. , " ' ' I .. " \ . r . ::J'ip~h Your·self A Pile Of Pennies .. - ,.,_, (Or Even Dollars) Penny P.inchers Dial Direct for Details . 642-5678 '. ) . . ' Pile .OP Profits . I • . • • : .• . . . ' J ··, " North County, 540-1220, Toll Free ' ' -. • DAILY PILOT .. • ' ' ::PENNY PlNCHER WANT ADS ; -. - l • I 1· I I r · . :':~·Ar-e You:.:L-etting ·~6sh ' ' f•t\ • ' t•, • • I ••• • . ' . .• .. • '\'' t•' ; .~lip· Thro~~.~. Y'.ou'r.,.f,i~~~rs '' ,. . J ·. 'J 11· I ,. • . ,. . .., ' ' , ' ... ... ' . . . '·· '. ..· J •• .. .. . , . ·, .. Ste .If. Y~u .;Have ·411y ... ~ · · · . . t .: •• ! . ' . • Of ·These Things A . . . DA•L¥ .. PILCl>T WANT·A·E>· ' ... . . WiU.JSelr Fastl I. Stove 2 •• G~llor I. t lby Crib 4. llactric Saw s.~ .. f.: Wothor . . . . . '·~-r : •. ~:S.t .: ·,. cOuctt · ·• · ~ 2'. al cycle ··· 57. lle<trlc tnln 30. T.,_rlter · ·sa. .Kil .... 31 .° Bar SMl1 Sf. Claulc· A~ . 22. En~la 60. ·coffM. 1'1~1· · 33. Vacuvrn· Cleaner » 61 : f¥i..cysi.· 3 ... Ti:oi>fcal Fi1h . . ,61., Ac-Ion SS., Hot RM louipm~ . 6J, Skf1· · ·· 3f. fHo Cabinet . .·64: TV Sot • 37. GOlfCIUbt 65. Worlcbo!lch Io: ~lartnal • •• .. 11 •. •of.rt~'!fot' -. n: lif&up!Trvck. ; 1.1.• Sfttnt Mtchlno 14. ·1µ;11>o1rd . , 31.; *9111"' ·SllYOr · ff. Dlarnond;Wmh ..-39. """-r!On' Mirror ' 67. Go-Kart· '""' ~ ~.,.. . . . . ... ~ Wtoem·wr 61. lroMr . : '41. ·sndo ,,.,_r "· i:onlpl"f: Troll« 42. l;1wn · Mower 70. 'Artt5qU.:. 1'ur11ttur1 1 Si .Mechlne T ooft 16. DlthwHhar 17. Pu,..¥ .11. Callin (rv!Mr 1•. Golf ca.:t 20. ..,.,,..,.,. !t. St1mp Collectlo" , 22. Dinatta Sal 23. Play Pon ~·· -nng Btll ·25, Weier Sk it ·~6. F-rM19r 27. ·SuifCIM :21. Cleek ·4'· PO.I Tobie 71. To119 ilecoidor 44. Tiro•• .72. ·S&il- 45. l'lon• n . s...,.. 'cir 44. fur Coot 74. Mitt,_, lox s,,.. 47. D'ropos 75. lnboord S~ 41. (inont 76. Shot,un 49. Hor.. 77. Wd!e SO. Alrpl1na ''· Dart Garno 5). o,,an 79. ,...., ... , .... ,., $2. Ex1rcycl1 ao. l•by. Cirri. 53. Ra re looks 11. Drums 54. Ski 11oott 11. Rifle 55. Hl•h Choir 13. Dotie 5'. Coin• 14. SCUBA Gaar . ' . . These or any other extra things · 11rounil the Jiouse may ' . ' be tvmtd into casll with a ! I • DAILY Pii.OT w ·ANT•~D so . .,. ·Don't J.ust ·Sit ·There! I . ........ !'7 .-.• ' ... • .DIAL 1DIRICI~,-·'. .· ' ' j ' . ! • . ' . ..... ,, ; . ~" ·1'. •. , ·' .. " . ' . ' ' ;.. .' ' . . . . • • . . ' • I , .. ~ . 67 . .. :· , ... . , . ' •• J •. ' • (YOUR CREDIT ·as -~D,J .. ; • .. ' l I I C I r ~ ~ ,1 '• 'i!l 11' {~~~~~~~~-~~ ,. \ ' ------~---·-·--· .-·--- • L9lt 1 .... Opjz1rfun ........ :;;;::~--'----= -..--"""--"'· ..,....,. . J r • llAMESE Cal, dark tirwn LGE l 111-. lilfJiio, re.tile. $lH, ..... Y•AA .. tp,'l>lue '"" Oto oolW. ·carqe. 2 blkt from ,beach. "-u ttripl on back ~ oo~ 531-3462 i MWmwa -....,. for Sood • ear. Harbor =----~·1...... . ....... ~ ........ --•. ~ :---r ,-~ .. -·-prolJtabli r..itV!:~, nii:O'Ot'=""'.:=~ .ltUdutroqd.-....,...OK. °"''"ill!L 11.°f ... ;,up.i'' Fomalo l! .. t • ~ ta-1961 ottM:et .. ,...,... • ...,, .t. _,.. Vic. Mua, V 1 -il 3··sous. 2 VA, pvt. )llve~~! lnwtbnent 0*'9tl heartbio .M1t.·f!ieoloit "°"" .... -. . -uiiodl -~ __ .. M'WI .. ,..... ....... 1 ... • ---~~ ·-i:;.q"' I ' . i! ; . . (,,lied -I -... "f .... Pel Torlol••" C" - : -· ~ -... .. •ve ~ ~·u--ui-• ·-· ,..,~ 5'30 '' '; _, " •. ;• ,J ' • ,, . •• ' !ll':!'"" ' '"' .. ......... ~"!... ··'' w"°4111io;g · °""' .1.:&IN'.~. ·-· ,13-1~ '/\iil'a~rl01rta.f15: ',. ·Si'l.CiAl ·C jp From 16 iO' U•.~lO 11\liOOfPii)tv1cs.n~ 'lldl.llt'.pre1et'1«1.~m-ll.85 '.NA'i'ulA ' ~lift. .. °"f&"' M,,. •. Ave ,1:1 ,Pallladn sim·s [ .,.,= ... ======! L N ~ IY..,..10 .-} '\BMN.-Patii. .F•J.lert o •~ <C.nter. can ~M25 .Ji_ I DoL. I.it.I.•! . S-740 I ' " . . • .... ' • . • • C..... r.~,o, 'lloirifliiirton ="":;z...;.;~;.o""'---~ S.L---1"--S"""'· eekh.•~·Aho!Tliitin, ,., ..... lo I -i NEW S, ~ 2~' Bath ·~-.• ~ ·_: ·~'?'.:~ "-...,'t!e.~,!. · ... · .. ,,.. I r.a 1!_~ . . l'·LMIST·v & • r Cahieta. ~pes. r.efr lc. ~'ou•'"*-..-.r.;...,...:, ...... ~lw.~M...,,..uw C.U~ "'', :,52>11133 "' " · i .,,_. cbbiibr. ·-Call · ...-"''° -.. ,. _.,., • ., ·~" · ' _ , CARD lll ADINOS , , m l iiMac>.tts · ·, • l'HOlll '4U671 /tllnay'to».._• ~ lrlnt v .... ,~'°""'"; ll~L lifATi . : r ... 1'1ffo''\'1Ur Tt t<IV• l'arHIM M f .I T Ma -1.w111 .._Ip """' .. ·ChnOf'i!-· • • .~ • ~.~:.:· =, :~~. r: .. "~.:':"'~th~! n. . D · Lotn ~: !!!":,;,,, a11,...i.... ttint~11 ~W,1~ SttO 1~. ~lP,rlC9 1J .. -cl!&rl ,\v~ .• for vaC&n.t of·4 to,100 Prompt, eOnJ;idential !llltl"ri4!f ,:ol Ilk, 1ui:h ,, love,:El ·""""c;;.,.,.;;:;;;;.;.i;......;:;·;.o:1TUe1 ~au. ~ ,Ro_y J, unit•. Aa"e.nt · sf~ or 6f2·2171 $45.111.1 ~Ip, DJ~rrlaae. divarce . 1-l Amtlon, Rltr.i ~1260. 113.Q8~<6pm. St:rvioirHUborareii.20yni, ~~ ~ns ... -tll . Bti:uttfuJ · 41' r\orweigan Want 4 BR il ~·BR "Octtn-Satt'9r Merit• Ce. klrids. Reunite (bt:1 ~~, lll'ENTAL .flNOEtlt sailin& ?_'.~ht! l..o\:intly ur.' ah-e'' dupleX'. ,Haw clear . '336 E'.. 11ta~Stm1 · ated, .ta.Wle ,»Pl!fdy ind.U~ ,,.. f• l '• 'ed for l'-'ecP!iP~ .. S16,000 P\JQ!Verd~oceanviewlol . . PY marrlaa;ea,. ove~rt. • •· """w.. .._ !CfultY for hrlm~. ~. c&r o'r • 1 • Art'\cliVIM~ <al'Olter IRYMli@ ... Opper." 6310 ~~1• 10'"" ~~~i MM111 ?·'! ~) . • 1 p fn.7'21 . .._ts. at.urn ...... b .. ..,_.•~1.11: ' • · · le · · 1 It' • ' · ·· ' l f ANTAST·IC • . all klnds. There ii DO · _ ,.._.,. ~ Octanfr'\)rit. l,o ¢ : Octauo •'f'rd.tf!'PO ~In Newport 30 AIAL'TY · fl!R0JECT so. w , er home .IO .d Beafh• 311x\Of, · ~nt-· > Saill:IOl.tdColhi' r;ace'~utp, $500 _, Protit ~ within tbtt.t I cannot ~ ~ , ·;..~~ WANl'i:p i P1smo.Be~~·d~•k ' AUto'~JlllqL ·i'~-,tn.vtl 90 ~a ~.IXIC).cuh need-inlD it .. In fact, no.~-- . nO~ . 11.tate ~· w.~ ~aJ· camper I ~~: .. Qtar I• ed.~ 645-isn da,y or eve. . v.:hat 11\1¥ . be .)'OUt • filpi. ',"'.DUPLEXES , , Trade I ~st~·. ~urines. ~ua.J.,~~7 , ' •• · fear or amblUon, * ,Gl.1,EST·IIOL"ZES", . 673-4.W lH\VE cliar'l"Jofth Lq;una Rnl lit• L ftl 6i40 · · ~E T,HE :•! ·*,~AR~ · Rltta Twu;dinino.oot, oil f llR: ... h'\~'+ \l'.ba. . : . F,,. ' PAl.MJSTRY REAQ!l* 1 ·dow~EE ·SERyICEt .. J*?!t1nr, c:WW-~•t. 'illltfq \VM.(T tie" ··~. • . INV!:SnlENT .pwp • bat I will tell you jusi whlP.,t-a ; . . ~VESI' JU;NTALS deik, P.rov; (able. Wai>f cieii ~ 1 · m..m· ·$1'1 tor · tnllf: deeds. \Ve want to knoW... · ~.. I ' . 5Jl).6'00 ' IUfn, '.fur ma· t\IP, · bh~ call inYfiln~.·'i!f'Okl!!r ~~e lllt I: 2nd' l: buy l!!X· Ava.II. for PIU1il!!s ~ : BURNEO.o1JT,1.mily.w'1 3· or!~ . ' 10 A~R!l,'Oxnans. tstina TDI. Bkr. 543-8311 \Yith 'lbia ·Card anct;;-: .cl~n desperately nttda 2 Beaut: ocean view lot. s~t , E.xctaanie for de.Y or l!!vee. ., • Receive $5.(Q Jte,.'dtftl; • larse or _3. Bit~~! _CM. to 1tftet, ·So.. La&una .. WAl\t .. ,.:00 ~ uail!J. CA~·HAi9ESI'Y Open Daib' 10 .A..VI. to 1.0..P up to $133 mo. 54N7~ aft 4 income units. lltr. Coru,.d :fllviera. Realt)-Foi' ~ . Fully LictMed ·~ iNGLE eari.!i .... •.-w>iiM 1..tt' P.ere•..t .. Real E!!.t.ate -~-. • ... a.LLuo Eves. * .IS'iS-2llE '* • Ott. (2µ) 697.9272 .,. · --~ -· -··-mw~~~ .woman N!JIAI .room or 498-191111 ' ,4N-~ 'Utllll;y traUtr ·4.~ fully en· ii .. ~ .. -··-· . 'i:a·n er 't.~ ~~ •hatt apt. in vie: 17th FA?.!ILY Membtrshlp.in;Ir. cloied, ntw',t1rea,' SlOO vaJ. m9f ... V' WtfJtM · '350 . abi... . •II Ii:~· Qill.548·;ll6 vine O>ut Country · Club. . Marlcom ?lL1.ine ·DF l'l.dlo, 1.4. to 10% on )'OW: irl"91t· L"SE · ;j i •··LANDl;OltDI ei No tranWr ·fee. 1"ade for SlOO..vaJ. Tra~/ri/le or sllot ment. We can "place your 'U ' · rnEE RENTAL SER.VICE TD or submit Valuatian pn of. ecit.vU. 11M303 furids dlttct to the bOrr\)~er ' i Broker ~-t982 S2:JOO. Pvt P~. 613-91Sl 11166. lSLANDER 21 Sloop. on tlfl:e Ins. ttal !!!Stale·~ .. E · ~·~ ' wXNi'ED~'torent,for Fullfamllymembensbl pfr. $.1100 .Yllue: (Leased llill @no 6~COSflothtlend· w IGH· ..... l •tor"ap. Costa ?lfeu. or vlne Coast Country Cub. a\'.ail .rn". Balboa Pavilion). er. Stop 111 or call, 1323 N. .. Newpt Bch. 675-lUl: Room 5. Exchanie for late model Trade for; listed sdcurities. Brol.dwa.r. SA fparktnz on ~ e Free Rental Sf-rv\ce e car or ?! 6e1314 · or · '13-4303 our .property) SC3-8381 ·day I 1''ant lo•wOmtn who=· Brokers / Men. ( OY.•nen ~144 let:• talk. ' Lovely home I: !'> m pool or eve1. pound1 or more· ove:rw Properties West 67>1&&2 1932 aievroJtt 'Pic~p, ·331 k family 'ac)tle ca!e Chelp ANNOUNCIMINTS to take part in crouP . Cadillac !!!hliJ?e, Y.·lth bttfed run).1 Next to Solt courfle. IM NOTICl l Joa proai-am ol ~ b,emt fer RMt '"' hydro. h'f!.ns. ror mo!Ol'-Neai· Vall~y Cent~r. Trade FeuM CF,.. Alls) '400 ==· :! :,u:.s )tf.i; PIUV•TE . __ •·th cycle. . for acre~I!!: ~r 6#-1721 .-1.. • ., .. 1...... , .. , A . "'".,"""'' l'!f,.,.. , 6(!.~ "'•,.T W Ol'lU ·flle'l Only. $45 mo. Call 6 Ac.~"'11~1 beh~il ~afu GRAY/ttriped Pl!!r8ian cat, RETIRED JUDGl: ,·~,. betore noop. 548-3896• _: I 2-BR ams.: blt-irui, near k Elsinq~. cir. l:Zl.~ ,or a n 1 e noa1e, .red collar. TRIA1. ATTORNEY •lit: · · . E. 11..th St. shoppi.r\:. Ex. \Vant Oen vw. hm or u111ts, S}.IAU. blklwht cal ILl'ld Id be : 1 ed'::·~ ~GE . ?~. room• chanze fltuity up or down. l.quna-Ofl..f. ~. ntral. Rlty. , PURE \VHJTE lonr. ~. · Jo"°:"" with !2,.'resto \..,.~ ~man Qllly~ Fordn Realtcir 6-12..{;{)l)O P 0 Box 25S8 RI rrside C I I ... ..... -~ *li*-7504* •. 11m.•·\"o••J-Dr .• N.B. ' . ' v • . ca W: &~n ~yes. All VIC. of action (1''lthout ra n~' · · "" ·~ ....,_, S..utuul 15Cbd50' lot, in · Ea~Li. · ~ Sehl. 2267 which \\'OUkl btnefit ~ f'!!RN SleepU, ·rm •• prt BA. Tra~,wp'::". ~ii! ,v1ih'b&Ck rro""1n( YLlCCa Valley aa Placentia C?it health,. educa!lon l welfr9 PJ;i ent. StiO mo .. 2135 Elden, bq ;~\ite,V at 2363 ,Irvine do...,·n ; ..... clra,n 3 bdr. ''.! ha TOY Doxy, S.7 lb11. tent re(i. or our fellow man. cA~ C~I. See Mar, ~pt 6· ' : Ave!: lot' {,.can( or 4 lo 100 home In ,Co,ta Neu .. SUI>-dlsh·brown. Needs nwdica-c~nlally, nduq aefPJ $15 WK ·" up ·WI ICitchtn. unl.11.' • A,pnt '6T'""6252 : or mlt oUera to P.O. Box 686, Hon, Ansv.·ers to "Gret. t&xaUon). Write Dr. Lt;.oF. $35. wk •IJ.lrJ~ apt._ 2376 673423 ·.aft i ·Pm. · Tustin. , . chen''. Family brokenheart· Parker, 333 Grand C§al; .)(e\yp()rt BlVd .. i548-~.1 • Fat!llniok· tar · peninsula. , Wh , . ed. NB near Cst H.wy, Balboa Island, Ca.lit., oQit.11 ·--T I ·c....... c-1 Adobe·3 ~r. 2 Ba, J.2 acres! at do Y°':' h~ve to trad1t 1' 642-3569, ~24.lo, 772-04&! <n4) 684-;K)49 """ It.~~~ tack rm, stablei: i:ame rin, l..i.::it it; ~· -in Orazwe WEIMARANER Or Yiu.la * I SANDY'S 1'RAJi.D( COURT 2 frpt. Call OC 547~1 or County I l&rxHt read tracf. puppy vie GOidenrod &: Cit A oRa'I Spaees av&il now. Max 26'. 128-1714 ~ud Coulter In; post -&M make• deal HW)-., 001 on llf!.4. Ca1J I~ Call 6IS-S681 · 'i . 1\'. . * * . '* * &13-6211 : . YES IT'S YOU~ WEEKLY "rates Sea Lark . fa SCHWINN Bicycle, adults. ldotd, 2301 N•wport m•d .• RIAL Ulli•t1· Rl:.~.~ttATI COntine•"-1.·»•llow, mmb. FAULT · ~ Q!eta Mesa ' · .. · al ., lqek Jlnder treat. Poor t."Olld. For recorded melJSllle .'»at · · General Identtty 548-5494 wut chanie your life ·c,a». Mite. Renfal.1 . ·59". L k 1111 6202 SM. Shaw blk fe male P"P. ORANGE CO. ~1• • e Mr• • 2i· hour recotdJ.nr ""' py .. tan Jernr, \\'ht 1pot ori I ;;;;0j· ~;;~;;;;~~~' HdoSIE{\S Trailer Court, Office llefttal . 6070 J' A~O,INING hi·l lslile cheftt. Vic F.~v. HJlh Sehl. I' Wis•• ¥• 1f';ij., S2S Fabiax Dr., C.M. Aalt 1-....;.--. ______ lkkeview ·lota, near ~ ~76 · .fte.8-'e call and uy~ · Park in heart of too'fl. 2 1 •cH ... ooo ~ -·,~,., up to jg• . ..._2370 L~UNA I ~ ~. · NAVY m .... ..,., .double HAl'PY -~ ~ Alf Coo\llftlaliad -· ..,.,.te<tbluor. About"· 6. Sl'OJlACE -.. · $45 . .,. ·ON ro1u:s1"AVENUE ' ACRES 40-mu.,"""'., Fo,nd B'&yoh·o•"· ANNIYEltSAllY m<lflth.··~o· 4 hi&hj· ~a:IE spaC!' an_ilable m Reno near Honey Lake at ftobl.lulms'la.tiel Soi&-rus to .:· 8C.bwonJ' .tn;l8M ._ ·ol(iceJ ~ at toot of Siems. Level,~. CllJHU •~" b , Joan & 1111 ....il-.i. • " , . n 000 536!2449 • IV'l"'A -a o \I GARA~E FOR RENT l pnmc ~HOri in "~condl· ..,, " · Novembtr .15. ,be"'-'.~ Clty S46-Jtn · - $2). MO. CDM Lqutla ~. ~ S WIYJei.~L rkl. '2lt and &each. ,l d e ntif)' •• •: :w\i}ru . * 613-2918 * tlolod; ~· bea"tlbll U I "'-2616 ' · · ' -" ·-- ' • · •, eritrlkti:t1:, '1.f'rbntaae on ' '' · ' '< • • TI . * o· 'd""" f'Utl.Y·Encl~·~e. Pl F'ort.t :A~ fear·ltids to 35,ACRES -.Lquna Beach, SIAMESE . cat ·toUl)d Cdl\I. on . per mo.·Col~1.lesa..' Mu~pU"klril Jott,;$5(1 O cea'-n ,Vw •. ~ •. in ~U!&·~ar. · . : a , · * ~2921. * · ptr rnontJI for a:pace, Duk ~table Jot ~uater ~?"· , 673-1862 . ._, , · -·am·cbausa'Allabletor$$. A~.ot-TA.llclt;yutU.SbmeVJC.·Santa Ana&: Esther C.1l•W1ifyou1ti11bela:'tt. t.ac-,, ,....., '8PO Bmioeu: ,hours a.np.•erfnt tubOrdlnatien. · S6500 p er ·Sta.· SWnt9e emt: Call after cave 1tyJe dattnir. . .,. • '!' aervlce '&vall.abte for SlO. acre: '*1tral 1 Ralt;y, P..O. 3 pm .. , ... _u... ...... ........ # •• 24 Hr record.in< , " · Box 258S,· JUVtl'Side Cal.it. • _ .. ......, . .-... • • AU utWbes . paid except fi82-7440 . ' . LOST 2 cata. 1 ·0f&llie tom l ORANGE CO. 547~ . IN' SMOG 1'"-EE talephone. · · py .. tnpe'd toift 'Yith ~I-COUPLE, 3U 11, no .™ft. P.•ma .Valley' 'QAILY P1Wf • I w-·~, , ••• tan. IJ•aftbrok>b. !°>36-3941 To ""'t .,,....,. ...._, l!J 222 FOREST AVENUE -:.......:;.,:~.!!!.;.: .._ · other cpl. call S.7 pm. ·1\e. LAGU?iA BEACH Mft'TIC[ 1 WHITE MU~KOOEE DUCK, or Wed. ~ LoW1y home 1: 111vim pool '94-9466 , nv very tame. ~, of Newport . 'LICl!NSID next ·to ·9 hole eoU coune. • • l:'HolplW.Rd. ~5 . ' • Ahlo an wiusutl family style 1000 lciiare' feet If )'tiu 11aVe.& S pr f ~ll)o NOV. 2a ·'"&nYith cat With Spuitual a.adings, •<Mk rstawut,-with pepper ITff , ho'me tdr. ~ or· for Nnt. orane:e stn:al::; . on . nose. ~ ~i;a 3~· ~ PAtio.. completely equipped lffEI ·fftV• A¥al call u..tOday. we· repre:•,. IU--5736 uk1'1l' G"'tchen A_ 91 ..; .!_,,_, m , 4 In operatLon. Barns for ~ the ~ ol a 1arst ,;rr .i., ._.,,.,,,9 • t-.orsea. AU or. 5 ,beauWully 000 17th Street, H.B. ~ ~ to' the .HartiOr HALF ,Oro,wn Sea.lpoiht tnale .10 AM • 10 PM ..., landscaped aqes. NMill • Ana aiid: tbe1 mll!t bav. • ~~· .Vk:. ~· E. 20th HAVING a auutmu ~ IY OWNE~ '44-1n1 · hOOaioa! AU~cuh·if ·dellnd. ~ .. CM. M:-1* We have the taclllUes. ~ f ... 1', • Mooµm 1 loom sulb!:, CID Farrow. 5*8IMl)c ro~ND:· catlL -Lie plate, Dec. :dates •Ull open.. Call cpts., .m coni:I,' Jaiiltor &er. IUS~NI .,.. N4f'· 1tth,on 1~. SI. C.M. 5f9.{l377 for Wor. MrtSll 4 HOUSES. $33 958 vice~ ample:.parkin:. , ,, • b\L callatt3:30.~· Vmle Country Club ·.., . I So. cam.,.. N<1 .. Bk Bldr. ~. ' SC!l.NAU,ZER. ~·""'· ATTRACl'JVE 11rt .. ~ ~ta $3fff"•/· mo .. $.W,000 230; ~. 1~ Street , _ ~ ~.ltl• 6300 A.H. 846-1415 . . 1 a fe1v hours a 'IWk. eqlJity • wint t.o trade UJ1 Costa l\IC!f& 642-1485 Mloif."~ , r , , .. All'OUa pay. ~, for units:, bol1Je o~ e~. SUb-3lO ~ 1000 SQ, l•T: Newport ·• f : . ..,, ,.,...... Mii · iln. '"° . eQ' • mit._. M'3,add ... ~b. Smiley Beach , ctvic ~ .. 'area. mtctMOTtv.1 Prellr OWi' ~ ReN •l 1U!;t~~:,tc:222J\ Sttretartal ·ll!l'Vlces. ~ Dtlfltt '~flJ,.. .. ' .. -71.$,..,_,Ana:. . COSfAi M& hom.e Ii I Newport ,J1.lvd., N .B • . ALCOHOUCS ~ un1t. Pl• room t.o bid. aT>l60L ActiW: wtih.'su.t!OO-to tn'wat. Phone 50-721T • ~" == .31~ dn. Owner (..,.,.,.,., tol5 Oranae Qiurl.bt exclusive. ~.o. Box rm a.ta..._ .:;;;;:~===;,:;==1Pli;;;;;:'111:~:-;Com~:;:me~rcial:;:. ::-;;Pl';:ope:::;~ ~.~':!:Ji:;~::: ·.~ . AMewn--., Mtl IUllMa lentaf" 6"0 m'x2801, C'2, Beach Blwl., Phi.s ,e~nt salary, Prll> 'sErfsrrrlrl'Y ~ SaJtiaa•Main IntuRction HuntiJwtgn Beach._ $12,750 dPal. •lected"· mut: .haw H: ' / WON< SHOP ·• Bldr to bo .re..-led, 4000 Cuh down, Own" wtllcar-mwprlal baclrlround, Au. Oppy A ~m of int"ot'...., sq ft all or part. oft slrfft ey 15 year l.lt-trust dffd. . totDOtive ~enoe · p,o 1 • · , , . exerclll!!t for amiD "11· ··""'-··-. •Vail. Biia! 11n1oOom1<o .• t:~ nl>Qoo ............ ..,m · ...... Yo"' T.ho n L .. ·sg ,··vi'ng ........, -· Mlaioiat ---~ ' '. ' • .._ ....... ._. Call )\ -call '42·11':18 !f°'IY . '""&r.1411-= ·ilil--fpr: OU.·•noe In • lWJ-Ol'M ' .., ..... II. •l Cll'W. Utll.SI;, ~ i . . UjotUtw; ~pttOn;J. ..... . a..i ilio ... , :. C.M. ~Dtccloh t NEW :IUIUlt,I tlinlly. ~ aurord· (1!4) -Turk,~ ...... i.. _c~_Lota ... i'" * MS;-1• '* . Ull:~~O.:taff'-~· I ) I O ' :z:;.;.;u. ROOM ,... .. ,.. ""rttt '"""· Each •ll>it 111ll ... it. 2 of· ric.i:r:nO!jAJ. , 'EARN· From FOK. .... "1 •....e,:'l • men'• shop.~ ladin ·lhost,: ictso'2•irit ~ ... 110~ INQ,S. ~._snack I .. PttWc'Vlew mne•ry .,. . Can,JJm~. mt"!' .-.p..· ,.._P"'~""l!· . -... ""a11 \!!Iii&!'> u;eu. Morie eau ....,,..., .... = • ~ ;,.! od(ce; ~t C. .Robert. Natl"" Realtor • Meo °' ·••"lfn':!!I· ""°"" .iOiS=;.;' &;;.;:l;;;M.:;l'.:;L.:;0.:;Y.;:;MQT_;;;;;"'- tq 'fl'+ -, ~ 1"1·' . t;oata M ... .' , • 142:''!6 .... k ~ 1. collect Ca lleiK!e r.s -- Ko.,,.,ortJB1v.. • .-...w 1 · ~ 6idi With(plv~ pai1d..: mo~1 l4Qa er ewe·). NO • _,., •-~ j · 60):o Sl15 mo. :W Mo ... J\IJlll; ~!t ~~I~ ~I •, !1fft ~t.' Ymeti IWl'ffl ~ -...V•1 · r j lo · ~·· • ::; h CMt• MM• Home ava . · 'IJ6Y •IJllO 'BUXI ' f • '' ". .. ) ~=· ~ NQ1V • MwfD : e AJllod N-4"'°A;c1W'!C. i!ilf 3*I N~ N.~ ·\ l~!I! · · ~ · 621/D f'tM~CJi!U?;;LocmoN~ .1 • :. ~~·= ~. Olllon a-ble. Jtm 311. 1411 .,,,;./ s.: CalJf. sa. 111 0niwa Oowity. v~ -· .. ~ DOWH;a na~. •DW.-.. Jl!il' ... _ ... the H OUSECLEAN !!~~ i1i' Nllitiii, Clf! Ii .,,. rvu. -&.. ~ ·~le-·!'!» ~ -. only,' fi.c.! • 2 .,,~ • ~ sa :w. '"""' ..._ ettj., c.i. lllOl1. "' o $1.!0 .., 1ir ... 111-1 - ll'!r,.Sl!s. !le.-... ' i.A.' """'°'. <mlGWJot . ,C, ... !fill ·~" ~111~~~-~~~~:a~ I obfi W1tfl . .,.....,.,,. 10 • ~IME. Neu ' . REllTAUIW<T 0 u n : G. -·""""""for hnl , .1a1p,1a1oe~S211'o:mo. ·MOii' ~ • perial)<Od. °'"' 111,c.n, .. St. tup111n> c.11. ,cau m•1 18!z!1'3. • !r~ar~8ale~-~"!:!""=·~"!!.._~~l='=='!"'===~i-~:::..:;Ml:..:;'41:;1;.;.. __ .. ....,' , I I . i 'I I t Jou• 11i1KoYM1Nr JOii' CIMl'L ·nMPi: , 10n-a 1MPt."OYMIN'tf. JOiis-a w lltlOVliM Jo.. Mo<. w..,., 71• Jui Mon, Wom. 71M Ji i. ~n. Wom. 7100 Jus-Men, Wom. 7111 Joi. Mon, w .... 7100 SchMl .. lnatructleft 7aa '.~oia~~,AOENCY anerai 11 " n l (,._ PRESS OPERATORS TtLSPHONE ..,,.,;,m, Ti.. Nowl'lrl' Pr1f111-.. * * \\'omen Y>'otk for pla1tlca &wviol. ln.'it Jftf. Schoel Of lu1M.W' • ' • , moktina pl&nt_ ~ &blft. ~-·~~ ••uip\ii i 1"' -HousewlVes and Mothers 511-3310 TjiA1N11 57,51111,-. t:'"'~' """"' .. --~-.!;:~... , •· I• ..'.,~ . ;_ . , l'Ul~IC RIL~TIONS ~vtl. ~..,;.;..;..~ ~,:I•,~"°'~-'"'~ = '"'"'!.'i\.A• ~;.'.,, • rn Ol m: ,,,_, ~• • At:rut!ve, we 11 1?09med c;;r~~~ ~ , . ..,.. , w , •• ~ ~ ,_ -~·:r-c '* CllllSTMAS *'· i::~=n·2t.!,.~ ..... ~ciii.An;:;"~ ~· ooriiE ., l&ANAGEl'l -• ' ' .-' •• ::1:e~-~.nt~~-~ ~~-~Wei~ ;J"~ Dov~~· N.B. I !pit'• Oftly1"s.it.J1.'5 ••k, \ _., U"""''W~·~ -- , -""""'· U pm <IOlly. TlfE ' Ji·~-· oiil' .~ ,;; 1' •. ..-v'4oq al•nilVe """' u~~" CHANDISI POI twrAOE OOFJ'EE 611oP -• • ~ ·renney "-OMINl"f 1 , C'...t: ~=•: ~~ii.I> 7~ ' IALI ANO Tw• SlllVICE DlltlCTOllY SlllYICI DIUCTOltY SEltVICt·D ltY ~ W . ., 91,;CM. l'•al:lon Ill• -Nowport ...... "-blond•'·-Jnto~ Johan.en A~ • 1--------I "-;;;;;;;;;; :.:.:::::.:_ wFFEE Sbop wa1....... H .. pllltlo:u -In -. .. ,.Jnu.on ..,. or tho w. ""' st, N.B. c.r-f ur::lm. .. · Accounlin9 '500 C~~ C'°!I"'"' H ~11!~ B 111 . 'C: . ~· E'°'I """"'°"' yachta 11th A M.,..v\r.. 1---..----- Rl:MINGTON wm,mutet, A..OK 11hampoo Chrlstmu CARPETS, w~ nr., co Mp AM 1 o N 1c lite • * Sales · '' ' -' ~ ~rN~ p(,.er open;:, :: ·~ SAClflC£ SAi.£! ... 1d¢d 810 Trap. used only 6 ipecla1 $7.50 rm-lea b' etc. Re1 or Comt'l. Xlnt hou$eworit ~ daya week. Ace , S:chedulta tnclud.iu ~noons, eveninp and · PORTUNITYI l6lill d~ Experience n •.ce-1•ar1. _... ~ B-0532 balls t ic. Abo comp ~k Rtt.1! Refs. 5'l-411l ncr-buiritt. -.m combination o1 ~1 .. • O!' ~. v.t. ;t• ' 536-ltiOI , MUST MOVE NOW! · boulecln'a: 12T..J112 KING tize wilvet ensemble, '1'.;..:. •• 1 • 6790 Fino~ condltlooa -Top supervision -Ez. _...., . , W a ,..ISS hdbd, be..., -·•· ,_ =•II, 0111 .,_ CARPET ~ """· clea•ms: onitorial CONSTRUCTION cellent benef!ta includln1 discount privileJe. Ex"',.,'.~" qu111o1. One ..,,, A Rill SEALING ~ PATCHING lor 1 day .....ic. a ...... SPARKLE Janitorial A Win-* ..,., ... Now * * llAY '*' -DECORATOlt ITEM! 11o11c1eniltl -Indus-eon1c·1 =:; ... ~ ~rllna "" .to.. el•-...... , )Vin-SUPERINTENDENT 11 ., IUUOYS A.,.iy In .,..._ llef. !4111 .,:,..Now Sli0.001 Cempl rou ""'· eurronu, . don, "'""·· come!,·-· IOfhltlltl A.M. to 9 P.M., Mo::doy !loru Frldoy r SUl(f Ii SIRLOIN ,JgNG 11ze· -ble ve!wt , :..i ... ~~n~ c.>1. 1or RENTA~ADllR Cleanup • ....., est. ""4111 °"" 01 ... u,;,. calilom1&'• ';Ji .C, Penn f y Compariy , •Apply In penon . mt ,. .. _ Cit. t.twy. :::':.t~"t"~~ NATO CORP. ~ 1r1c1r 6UO ..,..., land develo,.,.. bu ·· 11 #!4 r lhlon 1 1 nd '·Rfubon E. ~ .. · ' ' · Noolport llHch Res. pit ...... Now~ G4n'l Oontradan """'' torpat L•Y,f .. li llCH:•D &LLIN' ::: :;~~"i:i:. . • . •• £. WArft1t-B u1boy Com· rou.-..-•to,aolt1'tl, 1.,.1, 6'tU .... ,_., . Exptrl;~~ in larlt WI-Newpert 8Mcti, Cellfernla 151 · Cooaat .HW)'., N.B. blDatioil ~ tor new ex-CUJt IPdlW.-~adbd, .-,, lol>yollll"I 6550 -,-0-R-_-C_A_lt;;:l':;,l;;:T;.;IN.;G;.;;o; Cullom Ii ...... lah ...,. ......... .,.,.11ons. Ths -* n ' _.i:_ llESTAURANT All upkb e!l!nr ltestaunnt. Apply In bench, 90. ;"'1J.yt A-. I LICENSED child catt, my Oft CARPET LAYING MeMnry A l;.cl•tf:Yll p0gition oUen:, thallelWt. 11J1 11 Ji •• 11) ~ pl ftltU!nnt work tor a perion. 333 sly.ide Dr., Rq. 121t.so.t .~. New Stnloj home, ace• 2 • 5, Mon thru c. A. Pace oo.:mo ·~ lrlclr, Cwrett future, sood worldni conill-' IWirllin& M'IY ni~( club.' 333 N.B. ' • ~1~~S:-,l°n:~:·) Fri. Fenced yard. Lunches ''"Est. m..na tions. Salary commensuratP. Jelle Men Wtm. 7100 . · Bqiide D!·• Newpol'!· Far WAITRESSES wanted. Eve _N~ $5U5' I;J;,,uus &; snack. So. Coast Plaa Electrlut 6640 -.,,;th experience. Send re. ' · Jells-Men. 'Wom. 7100 West ServlCea &; craveyard. Apply in .,. .. ,.,,._ Movln1, Ster... 6'40 ·•um• to Daily Pilot Box GAL • ,,,...,,, ~"-"'' "" RESERVATIONS CLERK ·""""' Odi•'• 11<.taunnt, SIESJ~ st££P Slllf iXBYSrITlNG. Ute lhkpg:. ELEC'IRICA.L service a: M-13. tail u.I . tlque TO $541 .00 FULL &-PAR'r TI~fE. 1400 \V: Coatlt Hwy., N.B. repair. 24 hn. 7 days. No MOVING· HA~LINO re ei m Bou 9AM..sJ>M. S2 HR. Reply WAITRESS _ experienced. ~~~t~ve in or {)Qt. ~ddlb :-~ ~~.,,-el&--'~~ '~ ton Van. Reas. ~ C.0 .0. MESSENGERS :;~. ~M_:e~ ~~ aalaty, 11/S Grad. ... ~~-~ 5161.1, Daily Pllot.t Apply Swiss Oalet. 4i4 N. • Call • 642-0l32 • a;1o11...., p r:. y M •-G ERAL ment tr&Lnei:; must. bf wW· . Newport Bl¥4. N.B. \\'e fix lt! 646-4'm a •ftll"t oun& ?Mn. uat -neat, . EN Office c l erk, in: 10 rtJocate ~pd., See~ 8n>ce at '·' s -WIG STYLIST iiiiYSITI'ING, My home ,. ntlftt _ 6150 ·responsible Ii: have aood nzn. fOOd with tliures. App!y call AM, Aletthantl:r.eraon. m ~ lonch 1urnllhed &. yard. Floor& "'S ' nine car. Alake up to pa per Alc:Grepr Yacht r-.., 1631 Apply ln person ~ -, -.., nel ~ney. 2043 iestcllft .,,, p I Off' ..,. I!!.= ~ thru Fri. 646-0776 * PAINTING, int l: ext. day. AppJ,y 230 W. \Varner, Plac.ntia, C.M. Dr NB • • ,' I .., IJC enonne tee 1 1 • , " "'· NP ~•ftft-VINYL TILE ft ••• --vie•---ft-~ su•--s A ·• · · 6'>21'TO, • ~ J w It-INION Mm> "" I CHILD care Tiil' home, inJa.nt ~Li u.:a ........ w..ui. ~ """ ..,..,, . -lieneraJ .u.aRINE MICuTulC AJmey far career-Glrb . • • v• ,.,;e_. -r•v IChc:d. . Free eel. Lie. contr. Si)..7262. in binJnqs . qain. Free *COOK-Apply ~ ""'" .ao w Cout }f N.8 -Futuon filand, H.B. ~ ~·~ ..... tr pre-· Lie 85St. 54&-4411 utimata Will rubcontnct. The Fifi~ Butler NIOUIL '1-l'tSONNIL Experienced. Top pay. Lu# Sy appoint "'>'·• 646-a93s Equal opportunity emplojer chair -2'ebd'ta~ I: d ~1712 645-1089 &13:--0mN.8. AOINCY customyachts.WillardBoat . . G. . leet&hlf...i2.lilirq,..,-cf.r9b ql!ILD Catt. r..-. • '~"" G:ihlonin1 . "80. SUBURllAN Paln"--/Deo Worl<s, 1205 Baku, C..t& SALES'· !300 week tn· ·'" WOMEN l IRLS er-"""""_; b•0Dean1- 1. .. ya.rd, w!Qy.._ Vic Spnni;· __ GuaranteedW'ork COOK. houlekeeper. exp'd. ...kkHP1r f /C Mesa. Jaahlon ti'eld N-1 "S Pleasant' telephone work ,qiµJ.ted box ~~ mitt. dale-f:Wuner,'M&-0839. NE\Vlawns're-a eedi ns . ..,,.,._. 'forv.idow.U\-ti.11$250. ,.._..._, ... ,_.-.bel••"~.1 '~ · r""T fl'om9Urallioenocxp.nec )'ell-5~ -· Free est. No·jtb too~ 673-181'9 VU<••u~...,., .... ,. tM-""" MEDICAL offict hf:lp~ saletpUso~., 1 0.teatlal : · ~ -• · · • 'Complete lawn CUT. Clean or too mtalt dl-3190 not necelBl.l')'. female. Front oUice in-un I irpi t-141. ~An r'fllrt. Full .or part ume. i;, to S5 M~Jil·back chain. lrlck, Maaonry, •c. ; up by job or month. Froe DENT AL OFACES-* * • aurance forms. Experienced Robinson~~ "1° hr.WW. \Vu.r>!f, Suite ~~ AT $7d.15 "', . · •560 =~es. r·or info. call H~LID~,:.~, ~ e Assistants Sefe Depe11t G irl ' only. Good pay tor ri.&:ht SALESAIAN 'NEEDED 21:6, S.A. $39' Blftw, Remodel, l'Cpair GARDENING & , Free eata. Local rest. Ca.11 e Insurance Girls FIC, must have savin(s le penon. 540.-4573, 10 A.l\r. . _ :rAN 111 WOMEN,·Ml or part time N.A:i"hnta only $11 • Brick block, con c re t e · !andscapma:. Otuck 660809 e Receptioniats l0&n or. bankina: exp. MEN (2) needed to allSi!it Salesman ft>r 'New Atlantic needed Jm.med. for: ~ild nu.n 4· WAREHOUI orpe~tl')'. no job too sma!L 4 yrs e ~ p .• c I ea n-_u p' EXTERIOR·INTEIUOR • lnlonnat\on atrl tEvel * * . * manqer, and or de r ~lchfield Sef'viot ~ on Care, Aides c;"" Com:paruons. • Uc. Contr. 962-6945 ~J:S inst d & repaired. ~ PtfAINTENANCE Prepare resume, must have . TtUer vetifieatton. S2.25 per hr to Harbor Blvd. at SUI Di~ Ates 21 to &;. 642-3274 600 W. 4th St, Santa AN • '46-3185 • ·two yrs dental e~r. Da)' SaVJn~s> & loan exp. ~c. start pill! bonuses & rapid Frffway. run, p/time-, & We Sit S.tter, Inc. ()pm Daily N ~!•¥nt 6Sfl ~lain·~ • ..':.~ .... ~-~~ I: eve. hrs. AU uplon bent-raises. A:!k for Dave . ;n.veyard Posit. Avai l . South Chut A&ency Sat. M &lJ\ 1U to;.; .. u: ..... ...,., ...................... For Better Palntinf, Inter-fits. salary $3.4' per hr. Call 27635 Forbes Road 642-1532 Phone 673--3344 after 6 PM WOMEN -Full or p/time 17 • Kl se· , ., CAllPINTllY industrial a: ntidentiaL ior 6' eXterlor, acoustic eel~ for appolntrnent: m.7ftoL ..Laauna Nlfuel 831-tcn Men ...... , .... ,. SALESMAN ,_ Sllai')'. + f1or ~~. a 11 , r-J.t: __.~ . 11't MINOR REPAIRS. No Jolt * 646-3&29 • linaa:". M&--40Tl, SU-3502 DENTAL 8ec:fttary _ Rece~ GIRL FRIDAY. General ot-* O~~ Oimm. ·+ br· ~nee. 11i-"lSSr; .. J.,P.M", t -•lli"liJ'm =-~t~~= ~~t~~toN~~e; ftlNTA~~llll ~ Aa:e 25-«>. Call r:,1~~~~v~~~ Csll::tty~·ni;n4-~0 Pbone$:-W··~y:'7749 ~-~1=::~·~', •5f6.111S, U no anawer leave Costa Me111.. ~l928. Ana. Sll--3374 ' ."' LA.11 " · ' M-,.&_.. -.... _,. M at 646-2172. H. O. * PAINTING lnterlor/Exter. OEN TA L Ex ecu t a ry ~fOLDERS •""I: ,~boud, frame, 4111 .. ~tlOn CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST ior. Local nterences. Jin. Newport. Xlnt poeltton t~ GIRL FRIDAY Young, anrcssive Aluminum CUrtai~ Draperies I: CUU. cd mattn!lss, sheets, i:una.· iCARPENTR Y, Cabinets ... bmod. No job too 1mall. Jlual Y.'Ol'k. C'.all 646-2.)76 RiPAIR, Pa.nltioM, Small lttmodel, etc. Nite or day. fteu! Call KEN a40-4679 'J!EPAlRS, ALTERATIONS ' CABINET. Any size job, ?.lowin(, edgmi:, odd jobs. med. service. &lG-3657 mature woman w/dtntal 9 am tu noon. Sharp! Ph &: ~lapelium foundry ,bu UDOP:f'S' ets. etc.· Reasonable. ~ e.qi. Send qU&llftcations, etc 842-7430 tor interview. , present openin&:t tor exp'd. HttiM! furni1hin11 tboice ol Spam~ Jlbt'S Cardenina: &: lawn Platterint, lt_,lr 6"0 to Daily Pilot Box tl-14. HAIR STYUsr w/followin&:. SAND Ii:~ Wtl( CHit 'IU• or .Modem Styk maintenance. Res. &: Coar-•PATCH PLA::n'E'RJNG 09ntal Alaiit•nt Good location -busy shop. PER..:\tAN"ENT MOLDERS e Sales flf&nlier for new AU-Por $249 mercial. * 540-4837. All types. Free estl?Mte Chair-aide. Lovely c 0 1 1 1 t.lale pref. 613-5342 N .8 . Paid holldaya & vacations:. dl'CS! shop Lapna. Beach. No down PmtJ. only $9 mo. TREE SERVICE, gen'! yard Call 5'IMi825 lliesa office. Some eXper. re-........ H 0 USE KE £PER: Sunny Arizona. Submit AfWlt have previous sales & WELK'.t WARDIOU$(. cleanup. SPRINKLER quired. Under 30 yrs. Salary Apply in pel'llOn only, H~ resu!11e to: PAt.tCO, 2820 E. fl": an ager i a I exptrience. y REPAIRS. 646--5843 PlurnMnt 6itO open. tinzj:on Beaeh Convaleacent I~in1, Phoenix, Ar I z on a References. 213: 128-01'4 600 W ~fth St., Santa Ana EXPER. Jspant~ Gardener. -. . Newpert Hospital, 18193 Delawatt, 85CMO or call (602) 268-02S8 SECUJilTY GUARDS Ope Complete Yd. 'Service. Free PLUMBING J\,eplirj.rw . le Peraenntl A9ency Hunl Bch. f.IOTEL ots:K CLERK, 4 NewPort area. f31-3dt"O Ll ;<S n D&JJy 9-9 nt, Ceri~rete 6600 Estim•tes. Call ~13!2 Remodelln&. Eleclric sewer HOW'S: M HOUSEKEEPER & chll4 pm to midnl&ht. Exper. --SECRETARY Sa ,;;M Sun, 111 c ·ea n In: . :\ll work 83l Dovtr Dr., NB carf:, 5% da. wk, S50 wk. + NCR QJO. LQuna ~~h EP irusr Mcrtfiee compl-. 0 ~---1 •--•~ ··-suaranlMd. fK2...6M3 6 ..... o70 ,,~.,_ 27... •-....... ,., ··'d arta. Send resume: 1 inc. to S650 r •. i tust be sharp, Ml!N & WOMEN I houseful or AfedlttrraneU • 2S yn. exper. 5'IU7l.3 W RIC. no job too _,_, _....,.,_ .,.... PLUMiiNG llEPADt D;;;.AL Aaa1s. ~; ~ml ....,. · c vac. lypltonePilonot . to Box M-709 D&i-attndivt. & )'(JUlli w/sut-COMPUTER PROGRA~I-furn: iOfa. love 111tat, 2 COl'to-~· ~ Free Experienced BARTENDERS N ~ too __ ,. ticitnt sophistication IC meet MING IS THE KEY TO mode lamp tables. coaM ~wn. H. Stunick 5'8-8615 · 0 l'IV alll&LI 23 + Yl'I. 2 Yl'I vcper. Repb YOUNG ?i1an -p/time work, dlcnttanes .... "Ctl. i\1ust haw: table, ?amps, color lV, di> P~TIOS _ Driveways • :.._~ .. all ~ County. • Mi-3121 e Box Sl7·Af, Daily Pilot. hom boa yard a: NCR JtS O,.r•t9f rapid skills & dl~ .... k-.. YOUR PROFITABLE di .,...,..........., my e, ta, Assistant Bookkeeper to' bill .. .._..~ YUTURE~ aiet, refrla. .Un!U, kine .. .,-,.anters • Block fences • 6950 DISHWASHER etc. S2 per hr. Reply Box bai Xlnt r.. . Fuhl abilities. Applicant pay fee bdrJn a(t. Queen bdrm 1tt, -.. additions. 642-0832.. 1t .. fln9 o,· ........ Ho·--. Exp'd only. SUf.I, Dally ?Uof ance.• -Y· 111 on LJ.. -•--U bl c1 .... ~ 0 ... .._ ...__._ ·1 .;.;.;.;..;..;..;_._ __ ..;...__ "''""' ......_ , Island, "to $SEO. Employer ,,..,..,., ...,,., ava a e. -e.s start soon, -.,.-.•fl se, . awaa t CX>NCRETE n1XiRf H1ulln1 6730 ALL TYPES: roe~·WOOd I: Eves. Premium wain. HOSTESS pays fee. Applicant pay jobs Newport Pilot proir8.n'f offering the 1':DP· piCtures, washer A ~. etc. Rusonable, Call y ARD / G ai • e 1 ea nu p asphalt shin&les. LEAKS Appfy in pen.on Dinner. House. Eves. Mature also available. 19er sonnel A.,.ncy fl.nest =ent and {l:dl~ di).'f:r. hf,llc. 89.f..5815 ~ I:kJn, 642-3514. S 11,110 ad . Salvqeables REPAIRED. Work l:Ull'· DlllllY woman. Exp desirable, not Newr,rt 333 Dover Dr, NB . , IUes a hie! Real-time F"URNITtJRE ......,, ......... , 1nn cl 147-1136 RESTAURANT 642-3870 549-. 2743 computer proi;ramntina:. ~ .1:-1.... ~~~-,·-"!. 11 free! Remove ~. ivy, nee. P•r•enne A9ency ....,......,. .rudloe, m·odtl r II Care 6610 rrade ™745 1'62 P&ll•de! Apply in penion 333 Dover Dr, NB SECRETARY The & ...... .1-., homet1! deco~t:on. ~ FORMER nursel'y school HAULING. Ha\·e '6T P/U ~1!1 '"° Santa Ana Dlft8Y. 642-3870 54~2743 to SMQ.00 sever.al it1 beach ,...,....,. • ., tt~. ~Ith l M~ -, I ' llc'd day ca"'-in nome. loand + m11. 494-1003 Spedll on eott Jiemt Expet'ienced Ul3 Palisades Apply: 2705 Ha'rbor Blvd. Loraine, Merchants Peraon-• ~ RD •FURNITURE 2 tr•ch<r wUh I child offoriog Anyihlng -truh .. rum. SI. --Alt ... ticms DISHWASHEI RllTAUltANT • MOTEL MAID* area, with .... ,JdJls, "" ... c.i-... m ... •IC.. ' ' -lzes ·~. playroom, fenced HAULING, Cleanup, lots etc. * "6;6'44 * Santa Ana Costa ?.IeSa. nel ~ncy. 20-U WCBtclitt ,....,, ' 1144.ffiwport &IYcl.,CM, ifi, many activities. 642-5308 Handyman anytime you ca.11. Alter1tlenl442•SM5 Apr>J¥ In _person I~~erit ~~~~ MOTEL MAIO Dr., N.B. S45-2'770 lt\lttY nicht ;11119 lJ5tNsED child care, my *•642-339&** Neat, &~rate, 20 yrs. Cl.it. SURft & SlllLOIN ln Part Ti.me, •.•.. u Over 30 SERVICE l:>'tanon Personnel. Unl•'l111k 1"4Mr• \Ved.,. Sat. i r &in, 'tll I Imme, q:e 2-5. Mon thru Cl••n Up and Hiul 5830 Paeltic Cooast Hwy. ary open. Empitti ~ .. ~ Cohuri. °" Salary. All Shitta. hut._ Tewtr l RiWIS J"sp'=15Ji ~ F•·-• -~ L n he TILE C I 6t74 N • ft. h C.O., lim N, Broadway. Sin-. Union Oil -OR 3-3320: I ,,. 40 -.,.... "' "" ""· •11.-= y....... u c s $10 a Hlad. 646-2521 , er•m c . ewpo1 • .oc:ac ta Ana 547.1005 . MOTHER'S HELPER, 3 ors • •A• Divan +Lave aieat • ~ inack. So. eour Plaza --=:..=.=:.:_:.::.=:....1 *Verne The Tile Aflll'* ORIVIR days y,·k. ~lwit have own SHELL Serv. Sta. seekll ?r111 ... C1ltf., "'" • 5 Piece dininz l'90l'f'I let ~a.349-4038 6735 Cust.won::1nstall&ttpa1r1. TOUllOUIDE ··•-It Ir C-t. trans. Hnta H1r b our. exp 'd. pump lslan_d C•ll 547·'471 e a~Bednionl-.-tt r _H_o_u_aa_c_l•_•_n_ln.;1:___ No• job too Bma.11. Plaster Drivtt/NaITatot of mini-bus vallrOft t"• ~9268 aaJesmen. Top pay. Corona FULL .""'!Ua! S38B J tr1cten 6620 BAY & Beach Janitorial patch. Lealrina: ahower s\a:hl!eeinaan:iundNe\\-port, Pt-time eves, clean 0Ulce1 NURSES ~stered. even-del Mar Shell 2801 E. Cst It Use our ·swre .. charilt,Jllt;n! Ser\/. Cpts. IVindOl\"S, noon, rtpair. 147-1157~ itust know h&rbo1' are•. can Ne.,.,,Ort £: C.Af, Apply 123 ini: & nli:;hl 11hitts. Ex. Hwy at Goldenrod. App ltl ·rhc t'IRST .,,,.,, ... FurnltU.t• JUSf completed, all :e tc.., Res .c,; c 0 mm c • 1 , _ &l.&-4183 stter 6 Pi\f. N. Olive; Oranp U Pin. benefits. Apply Personnel peraon 2159 Hlrbor, C'l!f 5*~ eltt:. 4 BR home f~r Mi-14.01 Tr M Service 6910 DISHWASHED lull Oire<:lor, So. Coast Com-Shipplnv/Receivin9 & ONLY KING BR R/ffip1'c-~;. ?-.fis s ion Vie)O -•.-.. exper, t ~., "· T l ble Co ' tlm Apply '" pe·-son LEGAL Seeretary. Exper munity Hosp., 31172 Coast o .,.... '" · op, s a · franchised h; ........ , nlte a•· .... • ~ • Ranch. 21811 Pleno, • WlNOO\V.3 DlR1Y? TREES p-·-~. topp<d, '· , • · Good d ... ~ ........ .,, ..... _ i b Rd r . t all Free Clll 15 )'eitn eXp •u•;-Benton s CoUee Shop req . .EUil or p/time. Good H\\')'., So. La;una. 499-1311, a vancement oppor-y,·aJnut 1~ pl'Ov •. -Colt ~-=-. or tn o t· Johnny DUnn 642-23st ~~;Jed,·, tow eY!"'e q~"jp •· ,133 s. Coast Hwy, lAc Bch skill!I. ~I -536-8078 or ei.:1. 3j6 •,un..,11y~ •• :1:_op Uenefits. Call S·T-R-E-T-C-H $995. new, ~~ '. S3 1•. ~ 83&-6460 •NURSES AIDES * Exp·d. n ,,_.,,4io SE Abliolutely like new! Aii;6 *APT CLEANING* 49l-5405, 633-1234 Driver-Chauffeur All H ,,~.. . JASON BEST & W (T.M.) v.·alnut-Ii.lln.' pnw ~--t t:l.rpet Cle1nl"1 '625 Fut I; thorouah 642-1164 GENE'S TREE SERV: I hn, 5-da) .,it. AfAID, e:q>er pref. Apply shifts. un ... '6ton Valley E lo Ai Stott-of Orange Count)' .. ~ :f _:-ET _,_ 1 e \VULJAMS Cluninr Strv. Tree• •hnlb .... -· tri----1 Call 642-0900 Vista t>.totor Hotel Comvalescent Hosp, 8382 mp yme:nt ency Coit $593, sac: $3:)0. ~ ~ & u.,. ..... tery 11team ... ---~ uu1~ llVllS 535 s. Coast, l..agUna Bch Newman Ave., Hunt. Bch. 1207 So. fltain , Santa Ana CHRJSf\\l >\S SHOP DON'T GIVE U'9 -~,eaned, alao carpet in-RENTAL RE~OllR . It/or remo\led. 5$-U59 * D * t>.faintenance 842-5551 STATISTICAL TYPIST THE EASY \VAY!! YoumayfindltatAmerica'a 4A11atJon. Results suu. For 540-3924 U ha'....... "90 Ne lxfttrluc·t J W ROBINSON • • NtTRSES AIDES 12 to 8 Typlst/Rtteptlonlst -front lqe~t. most unusual ""° he est. call f46:69T1 BUSIEST marbtplace in P ···-r N · I • ' an1 i;hilt. Appb in penion oUice tor Public Account. Learn to sew on "knit fat>-finished fUmlture itore. Qr. IJ!AL direct 64.2-567&. Charle: to\vn. The DAILY PILOT CZVKOSKl'S Cusllfl. U)hol. KlllClry KAS OPENING FOR only, Huntinitlon BC!"ach Con. Neat appe:arance. 54Pr!l.>M rica". 1.lake stretch pants Redhill & Santa Ana Fwy, ~ad, then ail back aDd Classified .ection. Save European Craftsmanlhlp \\lu st hav• clean ~1& .__.. .. INTEN•NCE valescent Ho.spit.a.I, 18i9'.? SOCIAL DIRECTOR in l hr, a be.thin&: ¥Uit for TusUn.1 mi So. or Ne.,.,port ,lit.en to the phone rinc! ·money, time l effort. Look 100~ fin! SU..1454 d:rivhla: record. Apply '""" "" Dcla\\·arc, HWlt. Bch. A-lature ""-oman· aa aocial dl. $5.00 ~even a JlnUe:r' 1m-.f\vJ", Open 362 days per yr. 8 ow? noy,•!!l 1831 N~ •v.' OJ. YILLOW (JAi CO. MECHANIC PART TI\\IE lite housekeep-rector for new Hunt~ton a(ine -T·1hlrt1 tc;r th<! 5-14-5470 USE. 18th St t-:xperience PrefCl'l'td. B h A lex •-......... 1 .. -i1.. ~o;,;,-=,.,.-,,--~-1 • ini: l: messenaer duties for eac pt, comp ·. """ .. , ...... ,.,...,...,.: ., LGE CE Reliia/trtr, 4 )ft c.ta Mesa me-diClll clinic. i\lust have range parties, trips, a,_thletic LESSO old $1fl5. AnH~ round--" ..... APPLY PERSONNEL t>vents. Afternoons and even-NS: \\lorn, afternoon: w.t ..._ - JOIS&IMPLOYMINT EXPERT typlllt needed . Jf,\SHION ISLAND car. 11 a.m .. 3:30 p.ni .. i .... s l or 4 d•vs a wttk. oli.ev~es· 60" $45. 9;.;12 td1at Spe,n, ;;,;;;~=;:;;.:;..:;;:.;.::.:;::;.;.'-I "'ork st home from NEWPORTIE•CH l\Ton.thnlF'ri.Sl.~perhr. .... ....-~ • iOld carpe1 $25. Aft s. S~notT~ tape s. Cor-"" + Kas & frlllie benfftts. Good salary. PfMlne 346-aIOl _;'nf E. Katella, ~ GT.J..2526 Jobs.-Men, Wern. 7100 Jolll Men. Wem. 7100 respondcllC(' ror mh'!'l' fi:!'p. An Eq~al ~por_tulllty &ol9--0386 lor appt. Bet.;,·ee:n 5 and 6 P.~r. '33-2142 ._,, D;;;RE;;;;;SS;,,;,ER;;.--m"'1-,-,-0 ,-.-,SI &l&-6041 mp yer RECEPTIONIST Ti'LLER -Note & Collec-r matching nitestands ~ t,Vtttialnc A&tncy APT MANAGER * BOOIQCEEPER *' part Ferel9n Cir Mechanics MALE, ov U, eves. S..00.00 tor the mature a:al lion. Call Exper. -Ne\\'J>Ort i\rEN -\VO?tlEN Baby crib Sl5. Hilhcllair $l •rp Secretary f • r t.tatu~ couple u assistant tlrne; Post P91 llot.rd a c-Good co. benefits, lncl paid FEMALE, 11-2 days App "·ho \\·ants to \1-ork in beach National Bank, JI.Ir. Q.rter-. BECOME AN 342--WlS •t • pececl Newport mana.g:cr and maintenance cou.ntins 1y1 t em for vacation. ~roup .Ins. uni. aft. 3 PM TASTEE area. call Lol'a.ine. titer-~z-JW lin0.1'-v"IERA""~ior=a-.:bed.,.,-.-i0i4"' 7 •0.ch ShorA .. thncoynd, Type 0 tuperlntendent for new llunt. wholeu.le I. retail bl&llness. forms furn ished ftee. Good FREEZE. 2966 Bristol. Cl\t chants P<'r~onnel Actncy, TEL.EPHONt ans"'"rin& ser· ANNOUNCER cond. $40: 8eij:e s of a , Ito. lflilon lki.ch apt. complex, Re1ponslble tor oricinal en· comm. schedule. Ask for DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! 2Cl3 \\'estcliJ'! 01·., N.8. vice operator, 3-11 & \\'k-h1·ced. good <.'ttnd: $46. enlq & f e 1 1 ow Prefer \\'Oman \\i th some try thnJ• T/B. Call ?.Ir Joe Jl.loott: Ph. 540-176'. SOCK rr Tc. 'E.'I! 6~2770 ends, Lag Bch, 4!»-1420 6'12-1574 r u . Uncle r U . oUiceand typlnsexperlence. Nile:s. FASHION MlMOR & ---"LEARN" 1=-,.,,=~-----·1 , 64Wflt. 425 Frtt apa..unon: plus ,...i CORP~;.<08! Joi. Mor;. w-. 7100Jus-Men, Wom. 7111 Jobo Mon. w-. 71"DO~• -· Wim: 7100 ~ ::\":"'.,:1 :".!::..':: 'n!r,~·~~"":: Newport 11-.d. ~;~ :~;, Mi-5107 Be-IOYS ll • 14 \\"Ortdl\I broadcisten.. Mat~ lo v,. .eat $11. ~~\~H NG llELL MAN Can1er '::'°' O,.• • * EXEC,· ;SECRETARY * * PERSONNEL * F.,. compl<~",,;t" analy•~ ~~=Pl. 2 ....iuc~ 1 SUPERVISORY '-"' &aell, So. L4""1I THE INSTITUTE OF 135 • $10, BBQ SlAI. • ABILITY Sheraton l•ach DAIL~PllD'I' Musi be able lo lake shorthana •I IOIHIO. GEN I RAL AUTOMATION llROA:DCAST ARTS =' jW<•bo• 115 1· .......... , manar<mon' lnll * IUSIO s E t l th u I I in h . p I D rl !IOI II. Brlaiol. S.A. ...,.,,,..--,.,.,,,....~---&et ., HostCN, Caatder, y wpm. xper ence 1 e execu ve eve a s &A opening In its ersonne epa • 772.JIOO UiitiE tablt " 6 matcf\lna . M&T. on nlcht 8"1111. l:s now ·aceeptini; 1ppJI· Experienced. ToP 111.11..i'Y· a sales or matkeUnc a'cUvlty preferred. ment, reporting directly lo the EmploymenL Plattment 11t:rvl<.'t" chalra. wood. i r • i ned t be rtspon:sibie pcnon, .:.'ariont for the position ol Di.Y lh1f'l onb avail, . Will aleo handle phones' Ir: lravel a rranae-Sur,rvJsor. education l0t.n. formlca. Good cond. Seat1 I : ..,..,, 10 qualll;e.i ,.,. "'" m1n. P/W.. • n. irutlal duties will ,Involve . llC?ell•inl appll-11--;;;;;,;,:;;;:;..;;,,--,1 ·f8o. 83W2i1· .,..,. ~.• advancement Po-lime-, J.t pm-7 am shltt. PRIME Rm INN ments. Ezcellent opportunity. Salary com· canls, typtng corrupoodence, b1ndlfn1 tele-J~"nlE l'IELD l -,=-,,,....,.,.~~---1 :e""! ~ In -. ""' ~• .:, 1..~· c.M. · mensurata with backll'Olllld. phone inquiries and ~ill& travel ...-.na• -<a>~~~ ~ "1,1,..u:.i, j PllDIZ RIB !llN ..,.=::::::'":::.·~-=:..-Bch=::..· __ --.,--,.,.:;-::::;:;:...,,__.11 PIHat •pply In ptraon or call Mr. Kuechler menls. Stcretarl~ 1Ws, lacludlng ohort· i,-. oa 1111p,.. qoioWy. ~ Alt 5 ~ -•al E. t.l1h St, C.M. llOAT CARFENTERS CUhf;r . ii0fito11 .Jor appolntmtol, aMll)4. hand woul d be hellllul.. , : IllXKJIZPOl ·lllS!'lll1'IS • •'icnf' ~ "' ...-Exptrltnc.a. ~ PIY· Larp Thia is an excellent opporttin.ity ~with .~ INTl:RHATIOfc'At. Ji NEW lemon Y t 11 0 • iiiriif1ER wanted. ne11 ~·1acht1. WWard Boat Neat appeu-ance, over 1', GENE' IAL AUTOMATION growln& company. Apply 1n pt:rson. Mc~ottVApt M1mt Sehl ·=~ b~~l~om ~ Vallty Drive-In. Wodrl, Ul5 Biker, Cotta full timt. Ap~. in ~~· A OMSJON OF h:Jme, Mon thrv Fri. hfna, C.W. I I C GENERAL AUTOMATION ANTHONY SCHOO'.S EARLY knttlcan »Ota ,.,. ,J BUS GllU l Bui Bo~ 16 l IOl'S llG IOY *II . HISTNUT ST., SANTA ANA int s; BROOKH""'T '5><'6 maplo droploal tablt ., .• ,. CIIl 8111 John.,,, WI E. tlth. C.\I. An ·Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 14111 E. CHESTNUT, SANTA ANA ANAliEIM, CALIFORJ<lh i:•. pads µ. Ml-alll Your Ad in nur jiulll6ict1T SoulleOllll will be -... "" It. Dia! -· 77s.79to ' THE SUlf NEVER SETS on Will be moving lo Irvine complex 1'70 An Equal Opportunity En1ployer Ou.9es fo rm t1very v.·ec.k BRAND neiv rr. Prov. S tr While effpbant.! DlmM-tint DAn.Y mm \VANT ADS! .. -., • , • PHONE FOR APPT, bedlin tel for Ale. ca.I I ' Alt: tor Betl)I .,. ~ J'i&.SSIXI 'UP). l\1lU.._..aCruiCA Q1t ~· .,,.... • • ·-. . ' ' ' If You Are Thlnkin9 Of Giving Mens or Womens .SP .. ORTSWEAR . • • • GIVE US A. LOOK I Fr11 Gift Wr•pping No Large Crowds • • • You will be helped with your shoppin9. UNU.MlllCAID -MASTll. CHAt•I THE BAY DEPARTMENl STDRE IAUOA PINUtSULA " . -' OHM ~UNDAYI -11 •. J ~· ' ' THI 4Nd'"N Hiii· TAal DlctlONAIT 0' THI IN.ilSH LAN· auAet. ,,. ........ $7.tl . n ..... ......,. ... ltf .. $1.tli. , : hlue ellttl• s1z.st. Tlli1 br•n4 11ow.collt91 ll iclio111ry t l•tl lttljtlul 9uill1 n't •11 contro•1ri i11 ..,,,; u••t• b11M •11 th1 'on1on1u1 of 100 l0Mlin 9 wrilt n , 1ll!to11, 1,11k1r1. Tho 150,000 ontritt 011 •'comjt•lli•ll by m•1• th 111 J,poo illu1tr•lion1 ., , • ~ _ . . 01111 6,000 41u•loli•n1 fr9m lit.r1t1r•.··s·orn. f•1tr.1r•1 ,,,~ii,, 11i1141u• .,.,.IMlir ,f In• ll•·E•r•ftf•n w1rt1 r••ft, cornpl•lt ,..,,,, llht1rit1 , 10,000 'i•tttll'liicol I t••tttpllicol •nfri11, 200 m1p1, •11fon1i•• ,,,,,, • ..,, of tci•ntifi c a t1ch11icol t1mu .. ---~~~'!!'~; THI IU.TLI$ ILLUSTltAT· ~ II LTllCS •r .U.. Alllrl4f• SS.ts Tho only m1jor 101lt cti•n •f th, l11tlt1 lyric1 in b••• f•rm. Th• 1uychocl1I· le •••'911 111cl f•rmt l tt · fl t,f tho olmo1phtr• th t y f;,.. in, anti th1t of 1 wholt 91 ntrolio11 I cu l· fur• ih•y h,,,. inll1o nc1cl. Autobiogrophic1I com• ,-. 111t11h I 111u•lt1 •t• inlt r· '"''"Ill ''"6111 l11t.rpr1f1. lion of th• ly1ic1 r.v !ht l1otl1 1 tht 111 11l•11. L1•i1lt full·color iltu1 lroti~111 by •uch 1rthh 11 'ic1 110, Charell •. l •mi Unttrt r, •le., i ncl 1poci1lly commiu ionod ,Hl•totrt plt1 1clll n1w ''"'•~1ion '' th• t"!l11t int w•rlll ,f th• 1111111. TMI WOat.t OP TNl IM• P•IUIONllTI · .._ LC • .i.fh $14.tl A tlHiM1 •rrty ~f lit ht I col•r'h1. thb ttll1rv of 120 t•P':'•t nt1ti"• w•r\1 from l111pr.11i•ni1t p1inl· 111. Thit ho11cl1omt •ook pro•icl 11 o rtlht r com• pit!• 1h1cly ,f th o t cllool of lmpr•uio11i1m: 15 bio· 9r1phi1t, with 66 po r• troih , phototr1p~1, tlocu· mo11ft r\' pictur11, 1114 teit. h1clullt1 • 111bll111• ti1I num~"' of t•lllom· 11111 ptinllntt fr•m +h t H1r it1 f • "M111.'u111 ht M•1cow, 11 wi ll 11 f1 111ili•r work1 by th11111 •tti1il wit• p1lnt..I with ll t litht i11 •tint tli~o. B. Dalton, Bookseller UM JMI' M..m C .... et l11kA f:a "-"I .... , ........... .,.,. ..... -1. l»-2200 171.ff61 . ,,, .. ,., • .. I NEWPORT TENNIS & SKI 6110 W. Co11t Hwy .. , Newporf'Be•ch ~701 I IUCKLI BOOTS let. 14t.tl SPECIAL SKI l'ACKAGE s34u METAL SKI l'ACKAGE '* Alte Sid I ... $Jt,t5 * Sele111e1 HMI Sl6.t5 * 5•19'1191 ,.. • • ,,_,, . * Att. P•let , .•. SS,,5 llGULAI SIJl.11 ¥ALUI INCLUDll: * rattifh111IM Dis Stt.t5 * S.i•-• HMI $15.tJ * , .. _ •• , .... J7.t5 ltlG. PllC:I S60.IO * Altti ••'" •••• ss.ts SALi s39n ••" s99ts Pllct Sp•rry Top-Sider He1dquerters BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM GIFT WRAPPINCS AND CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE LOVELY GLOW CANDLES DECORATIONS 3355 Vii Lido (Lido Window) Newpor+ 8e1ch Make thi1 Chriitm e5 Spacial with I 9ift of •n· durin9 loY•· Dianioncls 11y "I LOVE YOU'' Forever ~t us help you select your gift from 1monr hun- drOOs or quaJlty gems. 23 YEARS SAM E LOCATION J. C. HUMPHRIES JEWELERS 1121 Newport llwcl., Costa Mna 548·3401 Fine fl•1h photogr•phy without c1lcul•fions . It', ••ty I S A.B.C! with the HoneyweR Alfto Strobenor 330 $89'5 569'° .... NOW Baker's Westc[iff Cameras 1131 IRVINE, NEWPORT BEACH 548-4935 ' . ' ., • •, --· DAJl.Y I'll.OT ~f ·I • '· ''The Gift That Neve r Stops Glvin~' WOR.LD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA CHILDCRAFT -The how & why libfu7 CYCL().TEACHER® Le a r ni ng Aid the WORLD BOOK DICTIONARY the WORLD ' BOOK ATLAS 835-4044 CALL OfflCI POI AlfOHITMDIT You er1 lnYit •d to come end brow1e threu1h our tropic1I 91rd•n. Give A Living Gift This Christmas Hu nd r•ds of orchid pl•nt1 to choo11 from . $5 $7.50 $10 ·.~ Open Daily 1:30 • l :lO Sund•ys 10. 4:00 Paul Brecht Orchid Co. -Or~hicl1 for •~•rv•11- 1919 H•rbor Blvd., COit• Met• 541o2114 -FREE - · Pro1rammed Rhythm Unit with Every New or Used Organ Sold Between Now & Christmas DON'T WAIT I I No P•yments 'til lt70 -Choose 'r•m • Conn • Wurlitzer • Hammond. • Allen • Baldwin • Others * ALL GUARANTEED * Gould Music 2045 N. MAIN; SANTA ANA, 547.o611 Antique f<ow Helen Manning Antiques · • Collector's Items • Something for Everyone ~oe's Antiques • Europe.~n Furniture • Clocks 2421 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mua c.11 '42·'251 · II I • .. ' ' .. ' '! I ,. . I • I : I l f' I I I " . - .• " •I ·\ ! I j I '·! , I I l i • • • . ' . . . 1 . ~ NEWPORT CENTER TRAVEL BUREAU yourself go!! AIR and _!Cf SEA TOURS ~ ~ 644·1412 833°1135 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 9080 Edinger (1t M1gnoll1 ) Fountain Valley 842-4530 shop here for • • • SANTA CLAUS SPECIALS I Featuring: Complete PEMCO • Gift Sets • Tropical Fish • Acce•sories Hours: 10.I, Frid1y 'tif·t -·---------CAMERAS & ACCESSORIES ---------- AGFACHROME Super 8 •ILM $3.17 INCLUDING "OCISllN6 (55.25 YALUll Huntington Photo Supply 5-POINTS SHOPPING CENTER 11519 MAIN ST., HUNTINGTON BEACH OPEN 'TIL 9·P.M. MON.• FRI. TROPICAL FISH is 1 "femily 9ift ." It 's • hobby •II ''" take pert RUSSO'S Wonderful World of Pets h11 1qu1rium1 of 111 1i1e1. PLUS for Chri1fm11 Ru110'1 will help you fill the aquarium with the 1ppropri1te numher of FREI FISH! SI FASHION ISLAND N.11. • I Stocked M•lo, A-I, H.l.S, Levi end others. Guy's 1l1Cks that girls love. From $7.00 • *NOW there is 11groovy sh~p for guys *With NOW l1Shlon1 -the l1te1t styles _...,.;.:· .. shirts ~pant• • Ph.,5"42;()666 P,~t on Dow11, •• , MAY WE SUGGEST • • . Fot lh•t 1p1ci•l tom1on1, 1 di1tincth•1 9ifl ef f11h io11. W1 h•v1 1 comp lt l• t•l1clio11 of tl•ylim1 I: •v111i11t 1pp1t1I: 1po1tiw111, co1h, 1uih , !oun91w11r l hotl111 ,..11t 1uih . Our f•1hio11-coniciov• 1t1ff will b1 moil hippy ... •••iii In m••int !111 juit 1i9hl 11l1clion; (..,., 1ptci1lin. in 11• 1i1tin9 91nll1m1n 1hopp1ol. Optn Sv11tl•y1 from 11 AM lo 4 PM for Y0"'1'1 convoni111co. Mo11. fh rv St!. f ;J0-1:10' I LORRAINE SUTHERLAND 1088 BAYSIDE OR. lln tho hysido Cir.) NEWPORT BEACH 675-llSl THE Beetles, Cow1il11, Shond•l's choic:e HOFNER Hand Made GUITARS '''""''' .. , .... "', Glen Campbell's .excu1ive c:hoice THE OVATION ROUNOBACK BALLADEER- MARTINS DISCOUNT PRICES THE MUSIC MAN llJl/2 E. 81lbo1 Blvd., B•lboo On the Peninsula 673-5261 JACK'S Sporting Goods Spec ieli1t1 in quel'.ty sports• weer •nd skiwe•r for men end women . ll~iile Slag, Aspen, Sport·Obermey.er Levt, Jantzen, Puritan, Top Sider, Hang Ten . 222 MARINE AVE . 67M420 BALBOA ISLAND ' - ELEGANCE IN JEWEL8¥ . All Hand cra!t..t ·"· -· ' . .. ·~ . ,:;..,~ ... \ 'ii ~ I~~·(,'~ \ l, ,-;';J _,. . ' I . .. ~ . BRETT WALKER '_,..i · Rn. Jewelry ·No. 11 TOWN. I COUNTRY 111 So. Meif1 St. Or•nfo, C1lif. 1'42·1617 . . • • • Gol~~. FA~H;t~f~D ' . ' No•"'1:··C..ttt N1w,lrt~.~~lif. ' ~'4t+.' ;. .. -~;.,,. .~ ... ... •• • • . ~_., ~. ..... This Christmas give a horse! Registered Pinto .Mare $350.00 P of A (Palomino), with . 5 month Pinto filly $300.00 < • -. cal.J!ilin llennu ·for ~ 137-3855 ·LOVE .comos with e wit nose anG a pink.ton9u" • ....,.. ,.., ''lpecW ....... "flti!'."" te'-r ............ .,.. lte •P .. CllrWiHI ...... . ,·. Russo's Wonderful ~-. . ,, ... World of .Pe.ts ' ................................... ,._ '" ..... ltf ·' ...... . . 51 FASHl9N ISLAND '. . N.11, 644 J;M . ,, ~~~· ··-'~" - • Pat Midiaels Antiques • t ' CUI. ,a M( looldlll fpr? . Ar moires ··-·---.............. -.. -"...•! :$175. Roll top Desk .___,.-........ -... · . · '$195. Bentwood 'H•t lt1cks ........ _._,_.:._ $ 65. European Hutches & Serv.,.,_ $150 a up 2 Weight Clocks, running .:,, .. ; $150. Wicker Desks ---··-· · ' _ $ 65. : ..... Dining. Room T 1blo & Ckoin, -Clti•• . . ~1 ' . ·~ .C•binets & MUCH, MUPi. MORE ! ••• o' 4a E. 17th St., Coot•.~ M$V76 ' -- --. -. .. . "' . ' ': ! ., -' -' '. .. '' ' ' . • ,, • ' I I I - ·1' -'J • "' ,..l 't ' ,., "'" .'~ : ., . . . " .. I \ I ,, ·.·,. I .. ' " -~ . ' . I .. ,. f·~·· .. ~.· ... ~~. ~ ...... :)(·•· ~· .. t--.-' ' --'. . "' ·' .... _-.... ~ .. -· .Noack!s :trophy & Engraving Co. Commerc.i1I, Neme Pl1tes, T empl1f1s VISIT OlJR lJNIQUE GIFT SHOP Complete Selection of Holloware & Pewter Give your Gift Selection t~ ~ers9!'•I Touch.,,,, HAJID J. MACHIN!! INGlAYIMGo DONI .ON THI PRIMISU .• 1~ E' 16TH !At Superior) COSTA MESA 6'16-114!' : · r:: · t!IRIST~S SPECIALS!!! C."f'•.t• Jrw.fry ~1kin9 Kits ··-·······_.$ 24.95 Mens Black Ster Sapphire Rin9 --···-·"'"$125.00 Men'.s Linda Star S~_pphire Rin9 ............ $1 00.00 _ladies ·.Butm~:JJc14 ]ling •-··-·--··--····-.. ····.-$ 50.00 "-'idi•1 Op.,! Rings il\.b•autiful Otl9inaf S4ftin'QS• .:. .... !. ............... $50 to $400.00 l MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FRPM ~ e 1..,11 ..... SfMet, C•d 1to11n, 11 e· 10 &: 14 C11rG1'' r.llaln. rl1191, peftd1111t1 "'-· , 'c ~ .91111lp., t1111bl.n. j1w1lrr tM:ls. " . ..... Utt1111 941.ip. . . 5 M Gem & Lapidary Supplies 2:750 H•rbor; 11·A, Co1ta M•sa in b•ck of College Center 549. 2039 ' . HUNTINGTON. \PHOTO SUPPlY ' Preseii~ a .J.JoAJa'J · · · Pfi~lo :J.e:Jlivaf Friday & Saturday • ,. -~Dec•mbe~ ·5 & .. 6 : . . .. . -· 'COMPl.fTE CAMERA CLINIC. ' Let Honeywell factory experts check your camera out for the Holidays! Over 20 photographic lines represented by facto~ ,demoJ!StraUoqs all day Friday and Satunlayt · · · Ftte.ilij>dels· on band !or photograp~ers. Prizes * Prizes .. ' COFFEE SERVED ,H_untingtoli Photo Supply 5 POINTS SHOPPING CENTER 11519 MAIN, HUNTINGTON alACH . . . 847·6411 • I I I Have a ·- Fluffy ·Christmas! . ) ' . .·,. . ~ , •. ~· "·· t\ -~ -.. ~ Give • r11i1t1red s5000 PERSIAN· KITTEN "'°'' nlors . .. .. .. .. .. • .. • .. .& up . . Purr· Mor Cattery in Orange. 637·3855 By Appointment FREE 3 DAY LAS VEGAS HOLIDAY . . . . . . WITH PURCHASE •••• , , PRE-HOLIDAY SALE!! PIANOS & ORGANS • some al the most popular models including : 1-IAMMOND X-7 7, .!1·100, E-100 , l,l-3, T-200 elc. HAMMOND in CORONA DEL MAR 2154 E. COAST HIGHWAY 673-8930 3/4" Slate Top Pool Tables -POPULAR MAKES - New-Used-Reconditioned SOME COIN OPERATED lncl•41nt ecr.-orl" CHRISTMAS IYI DILIYllY &: sn U, tOO % fin1nr.i119-0AC Shopp•rs invited-comp•r• out pric es Open 7 D11y1 -S11t. & Sun. 10 • 5 HARDIN ENTERPRISES 815 W. 18th St., Co1t11 Mesa 642-2142 GIVE FLIGHT WSONS FOR CHRISTMAS At Oreng• County'1 ntwe•t avietion <:enter! The v•ry finest •ir<:reft t~d many, sp•cielii•d, experienc•d instructors. e FAA Approved • e Fln1nc:ln11 Av111l11bl• e Priv11te, Commercl•f, ln1lrum1nt • & Atrob•tlc ln1tructlon1. TrtYel • Ad¥"enture • . • Unlimittd Future • -MISSION BEECHCRAFT ORANG!l'. COUNTY AIRPORT 540. 2720 . I • ··------••. ,, 1 ·-. . ....... . ... . ,_ -.. ,, .. -· MvertlMta m•y ,1ece theft Mt ~ ..,.....,,. u I Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. 9 ta Noon Saturday -Clo .. d Sunday DIAL DIRECT · •.. 1>42,-5678 ~ WES!MINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAi, FREE 540-122Q Hu ntington Boach: 540· 122p L19una lleach; ;494-9466 ' Hours-Regulations-Deadlines · lllllOllS: AllvertlMn 1hould check thtlr Mt ll•llY •nd ,....,. "'"'*l•tely errert or m lKl111lflc1tlon" THI DAILY PILOT auum• ll•"llltr fw,..,.,. enly te the ••ffnt of publl1hlnt the advertl,..._.t correctly lllM ,...._- DEADLINI FOil COPY AND KILLI: S:JI P.~ the lley Mf.,. ,ultUcatlon, 1xcept hr W•kend Edition 1M Mo(Mllty Met'-' when cltllnt thM II 5:20 P.M. PrWay. ' • YOU MUST HAVE KILL NUMllll WMll lcllllnt •n Ill Met_. . ., 11Ulc• ntultl. be 1ure t• m•k• • recenlh 91 the ldll IMMw 1tnn Y*' ~ . .,-Ml tekw 111 verlflcatltn of .,_r <all. · lY•rt tffwt II mech ~· kill er ctrreCt • MW Ml that ha Men.enl ..... Mt W9 un-net tuerentee to' de IO vntll the H hM .,,..,... lft the ,.,.,. : DIMl·A·UNI Ad• •te 1trlctlf calh In MIYuct ., NM er at ¥f OD1 W our offk-. 'HO· ohMe erller1. • • Th• DAILY PILOT f'tltn'•• the rlfht tt c laulfy, Mitt, QllMr er,.,_ :any H¥1f- f1Hment, end to ch•np lte ,._,.. enll "luf....,_ wlf'Mut ~ Ntk .. Meli Addret1: •••• 1175, N .. ,.,. IMCh. Ceflt.rnl• CLASSIPllD COUNTllll are l0ctttd •• '-'1•1: Dai ly Pilot Classified CLASSIFIED INDEX . HOUSES FOR SALE t•MlllAL• .... COITA M•IA "" MllA OIL MAit ... Mll4 VllDI 1110 COLLIOI l'. .. llK 1111 M•W .. DllT l •.t.CM ,,. NlW .. DIT MllGHTS 1111 IALID4 CDVll 1111 NIW .. OllT IHOlll '"' 14'1'ClllT "" IAl'SHOlll ... 00\11• IHOllll .. , WllTCLUI, ... H.t.11011 MIOHUHOI ... UMIVlltSlfY .. Altk '"' lltVl"I • '"' IACK Ut'' 1141 IASTIL\I,,, 1,4) I I T-' U« lllVl/111 TlllllACI no COllOMA Dll MAii •U• IAl .DA .. ININIUL.A "" l l!!it.CON IJroY , .. LINDA ltLI' ... IA Y ISLANDS ... LIOO HLI ••• IALIDA ISLAND ••• HUHTINOTDN llACN "" NUNTINOTOM MMIOUll "" ,OUNTAIN VALLIY 1411 SIA!. llACH , .. IUNllT llACH ,., OAllOIN GllOYI 1'1S LONO llACll .... lAK•WOOO ... OllANOI CO;UNTY .... OUT 01' COUNTY ... OUT 0, STATI '"' ITAJITON 1611 WISTMINITlll t'1t MIDWAY (ITV Ill• IANTA AHA UH JANTA ANA HOTL ... Oil AM el ... JUITIN .... NOllnt TUSTllll .... AMAMllM ... llLYl•AOO CANYON '"' "AVAIU l.AICI un l"AOUNA MILLI ., ... t::~:: ·:rtJ:L '"' "'' MllSJON VllJo "" lllN C.LIMINTI 1111 Sl.H JUAN cA .. ll"IANO '"' CA .. llTllANO llAC:H "" DANA "DINT "" C.AllLll•D ,,. OC.IANSIDI "" IAN PlllO '"' 1t1vnrro•~COUNTY ... NOUlll TO ••. MOVIO "" CONDOMINIUM '"' OU .. lllCll ,011 IALI lt11 A,.AllTMIN1'1 l'Oll I.ALI ... RENTALS Houses Furnished O•NllllAL -llllNTALI TO SHAJIE "" COIJA MllA "" M•IA OIL Ml.Ill 1115 MISA \'IJIDI 1111 COLLIOI .. AllK ,Ill NIW .. OllT llACN "" MIWl'OtlT MOTi, "" NR .. CilT IHOltll .... AAYIHOllll "" OOVl'lt St'Oltll ..., WllTCLI'' "" UNIVllllTT .. All!C "" lllVIMI -IACK IAT ,,. 1"5T ILU,, "" II T•i. n« lllYIHI TlllJl:ACI "" COllOH4 OIL MAii ... •At.IOA "" IA'I' llU.NOI "" LIOO llll "" IALIOA ltlJIMD .... HUNTINGTON llACN -,OUNTAIH YALLIY .... llAl NACM ... LOMO llACH · -OltAMOI COl.UO"r ... IMTA AMA ,.,. WllTMIMSTl l .... f11UOWAY C:IT'f MU SAHTA ANA MllOMTS ..,. COAllAI: .... LAGUNA, llACM "" LAGUNA llllOUIL "" MISSION VlmJO "" SAN (LIMINTI 2111 IAM JUAN CA .. ISTltANO "" CA .. ISTllANO Ill.CH ,,. OANA P'OINT ,,. ltl\l•ltltOI COUNTY .... \IACATION ltlNTALI "" CONDOMINIUM .... OU .. LIX•I Jl\lllM. "" RENTALS HouM• Unfumlahed GINl•Al COSTA Mii.fi M•UI Oil MAit MIU v11to• (OLLl•I "AIUl MIW .. OllT llA<:N NIW .. Oltf HOTS. NIW,OIT IHOtlll •AYSHOllll DOVllt INOltl t WllTCLl,JI UNl\lllllT1' f'A•IC lllVIMI IACK IAY" ' l .. IT llUI'' .. -lllVINI TllllACI COltOMA OIL ~ IALto.t. •AY llU.MOI LIDO !Ill IALIOA 11UllD M•wNtlT wur HttNTIMOTON llACM MUNTINOTON MAlllOllll ''NTA IN \14lLl1' HAL It.ACM -'···-·-· \bM•·ilACH 011:,,_. COUflTY ·' 'SANTA MA • ; WUtttlMITlllt . MIOWAT an IAltTt. ·MU .. ,."11 <:OAITAI. LACIYNA MACM U.tUNA 1Ue\llt MIUtoM VISJO I AN CLIMl .. TI CA .. llTllAlllO c1.r 111'1t.....O 1U1:N OAHA 1'011" CONOOMINJUM OU .. lllllr UMl'U•lt, RElllTALS. Apt1. Furni1hmd OIMlllAL -COlt4 MIU ... MllA VllDI 411t MIWl"OltT 11 .. CH .. MIW .. OIT "ltOHT't ... MIWP'OIT SMnlll ... WISTCLI""' •• UM IVllllTY ....... "" 14CIC I AT •• UST ILU'" ..., COllOMA•DIL MAa. ... 14LID4 ... 14Y llU.MOI ... LIOO llLI ••• II.LIO• llLAHD ... HUNTINGTON llACH -,OUMTAIN VAl.LtT «" SIAl llACH .... LONG Ill.CH ... OllANoe COUNTT ... OAJIOIN OltOYI .,,. WISTM•NSTlll ... MIOW"'I' Clfl' ... SANTA AHA •• SANTA ANA HllOHT1 .. TUtTIN ~· COASTAL "" u.euNA llACH ... U.OU HA MIOUll .. , M1JllDN VllJO .,. SAN CLIMllllTI .,,. DANA .. OINT .,. Tll .. LllC, tile. -CONDOMINIUM •• ReNTALS Apt1. Unfurnished OINllllAl ... <:OITA MISA .... MIU. VlltOI 1111 NI W .. DllT llU:M -NIW .. DllT Hll•HTII n• HIWP'OllT SHOllll .... W•ST~Ll'I" •. I: UrlV lllSITt' 'AltlC I CK IAT .... If.IT ILU•P a• COIOMA DIL MAI .... IAL.OA "" IAY llU.NOt ... LIOO llLI ••• HUNTI NGTON llACM ... '0UN1'AIN VALL•Y .... '''-IOA ISU.NO ... SIAL llACH ... LONO tit.CH '"' OllANOI COUNl'Y -OAllOIM OllOV• ... '#llTMINSTlll ... MIDWAY CIT:t ... u.HTA AMA •• SANTA AllA Nlltln'I ... TUltlN .... COASTAL .... UOVNA •IACN '"' LAO!INA Nlt'Ul!L "" MISSION YllJO "" S•.M CLIMINTI 1111 SAii! JUAN CA,tmAHO "" DANA l>Olfn' "" REAL ESTATE, Gener•I flll,LIJC, •Ir.. .... <:ONOOMIHIUM ••• lllNTALS WANTIO .... llOOMI '01 JllNT "" llOOM • 101.110 -MOTl'LS. TlllAILlll cov•n "" OUllT HOMll .... M11C. JtlNTALS '"' IMCOMI .. llOl'llltl' -I UllNlll .. llOl'lllTT -T•A.ILlll l'AllCI .... :~:1~='~.':i~'!I'~ -"" IMOUITlll4t. "110,llTV -COMMIJt<:1At. -IHOUSTllAl llHTAL -lOTI ... ltAHCHll "" CITltUS OIOVll '"' ACll•A•I .... L.Ut• ILllNO!tl .... lllO•T JllWlw.r'r ... OltAMtl (0, ftlOf'lltT't' ... , OUT °" IT~TI P'llO,; -MOUNTAIN a DllllT '"' IUIDIYlllON ~O .... ltlAL ltTATI lllVK:• '"' I .I . IXCHAMlll '"' It. e. WAMT11D .... BUSINESS and FINANCIAL I UllNISI WANTIO '"' IN\lllTMINT °'""""ltlot fllf IUllNlll 0'l'OltTUNITlll -INVISTMIMT WAM1'10 fllf MOMIY TO lOA.M "" .. llllOMAl LOAMI .... llWllllY lDAllll .. COLL.ATl'llAl LOAMI ... lllAL ll'fATI L9Aift -MOltT.,._I, TMllt _.,. "" MC*ll' WAMTID - CIMDT, CMcrW9 "41 CMILD ,CAii; ..,_ "" eotn'llACTQtll M1t (#JIJllT.CllAMINO UJll CA• .. IT u.y1NC1 & •IPA/It ... OllAl'lllll ... OIMOltTIOM ... DltA,TINO lltVICI I ._. ILICTllCAL , l' ... IOUIPMINT ll"TAU ... •IMCING .... 'lOOlll ... ,UllNACI llSPit.1111, l tr.. .. 19 ,UllNITUlll lllSTOllMll ..• , ... ., ... Iii. "" OAllDININe. MIO 01Hllt4l llllVH:ll 1611 011.0IM .. OllCINO ... •LAIS AM tlt••M '11UMI ,,. OUM lllO.. •nl NIAL TM (Lut• '"' MAUllNO f7'1 HOUSICLIAJlltlllO Int INTllllOll OICOllATINe • .. ·.~ IMCDMI TAX lltON, 0....eft:ailt ... lie.. '"' lllOMINO f1'I IN~LU.TO~a f1 .. IHSUllAMC e •11'1 IMVlnl•ATIH, o.i.dhto ,,. IANITOlttAL '"' JIW.UIY 1111!.Alll. l ie. ... U.MOIC.lPIMf "'9 LOCKIMITH 6IJt MASOMIY, •lllCll: ... MOVIMt • noltAOI .... "A1"1'1MO, 11_,...11110 '811 'AIMTINO, ... • -"ATIOS , ..... l"NOTOOllA'"' "':f .. L.ASTlllNO, llflcf\. llwtlr UoM 1'1-U .... IHO "'8 ,..,. eaOOM.,.. .... ,OOl ·JltllVK I •ti. ....... IWlll,..... .... """"" llJIVK.. • fflt 100,INO ... llAOIO. lt,.h. lft. "*' ltlMOOlltN• & •• ,.,. 4'40 11.WMOOllltte, IOTCtttMI ... ~...,,.. -1111¥1... ' .... MWIJlll MACMIN• 111,Alll .... ~:=.t:ics. ........ ltc. = Tl•MITI COMTllOL "11 TIL .. "C•-" ffH TILi, LlllOI-& Mttt;Mo "71 Tllll llllVICI .,.. TlllVl510N. lllHll• •tc. ..... Ul"HOUTl•Y fftt WILOINO "91 WINDOW (LIANING -~ ,,,, JOBS & E'!'PLOYMENT JOI WAMT110. Miii 7111 JQ9 WANTIO. W-JIM Joe W...,.10. MIN 6 WOMIH Mt l<:HOOLS ~ITIU(Tlotf , ... ~~~:Tiii~~( TION = MER'cHANDISE FOR S"LE·, AND TRADE ,UllMITUlla - O''IC11 ,UIUUTUI• NII 01',tee IQUl,M•NT 1111 STOlll l•Ul,MINT ..,1 CAfll, lllTAUINtT Wit IAll ICIU.,MIMT "11 NOUllMOLD OOOOI .. OAllAU ........ lft1 l'UltMrTUle AUCTION llU A""LIUCU' 1111 UITIOUll mo llWIN• MACMI"• l'ltt MUllC,ll IMll'llUMINT tlU .. If.NOi A OltOAJtl •JJt ltADIO 1111 TIL•\llllOH ml ttl.PI & ITlllO a 11 TA .. I ltlCOl:Dllll att C:AMlltAI .. eoLnl"Ml.NT '* 111' IUl"l'Llft ... S .. DllTIH OOODf ... •INOCUUllS. tco••I ' ISll MISCILLMl.OUI . .... MISC. WAllTIO .. ,, M.1.CNIHllY, etc. mt LUMllll OM IToaA•I '171 Ml14.DINO MATlltlAll , ... IWA... .,.. P&TS and UVESTOCIC lllTlo OINlltAl _,I CATI "''' .... -HOltSll &at' LIVllTOCIC ... CALIFORNIA LIVING .... -. .. .... ... ' ) I -~.-~-,- A OAILV PILOT Tlu.lrsd•J, Novtmbtf 27, 1969 :-' 'MIRCIWIOISI fOR._,.,..-•"K~r,,..,..,,.,N'"t>~i"°H""""'ll-"M"°l"'ll.,,'HANDlll POii I MIRCHANOISE POR -------ITRANSPORTATION TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOllTATlON : . SALi ANO TllADI SALi AND TllADI SALi AND TllADI SALi AND TRADI FREE TO YOU '" Fumltu"' IOOO Sportlnt ci,.d• UOO Mltcell•-• NOO J '.""-------IS.llboita 93oo Auto Services ~'--1 Truclcs 9500 KrrE No. 251 in pod con-WAI.NUT crib, used 4 mo., ~~ -H ....... ODii $60. 1tll $30, alto mat· dltiol'I, -· r.-. 1:.., •tan-..__ 110 C l K 2 Inf l da.rd Ilda. $45. Bootl me a, u-..ll . arpe .... . •n $15 87W348 · seats $1 Ir $4. 10122 S1a;net •1 Cir, llB 968-4742 MEN'S Golf clubs 1969 Royal OAK OWce CJelk: $35. Bley· alum. woods, ;dnl cond. WW cl• "' ucritlce $85. 67)..1323 ..,.. SURFBOARDS no&: up.~ Misc. Wanted 8610 uoo I;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; 4,:u',, !'!J .. N~ •• ~.'~'."-ck A.1~·:;;··;,;·;;;,;~:;;;;;;:;;:;;;;IBE-A-UTIFU--L-B-U...--l!l63-3lO-& P•m '4CIO * 'U CHEV V-1 Pickup "' u-.,.. NEW A: usro Aw .. -r Kawasaki Ton I PT J'lfflllde w/rad'°lbtr, White female, ma·-~ pa'-..... . (" I 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~·-" SABOTS C.nd Li"· New 11l"l"' w/wall1, bi,. aide mlrrorS, o.I calloo tli" len>&le•, We ot•n ~ ""=' ' ..,,.,. • .,..;r,,iuuo. f"l!&.r wrap bumper cto. need special home 1 . for Ouittmas! BEA Cl • kl'" 1 1 nJ 541)...3566 ••,.,.,,, Complete $230, '66 YAMAHA. 250 cc Good Spar '"' tur pen o Y ~w ndl •-A t s I ln Laa:un&"• will YoU find a BEAUT'.,.. .. ·Jfe-•t•--mil· Y•cht1 Roytl• CO l1u11 $300 befOn! 3 Pl\I U O upp y •-· U ~I lel<-~ vv ~ ·~ 29" W ~--u:.... :0 weei.df.ys, all day wkndl. ..,.. m ea.ge, ca.~ or P len-.toed tiger striped kltttn, . "' ' ~t u.iauW&)' o;ro-69&1 -up as this!) Pay you to J.n. female, 4 mOI. v, r )' Newport Beach &~10 Wholesale vntlgn.le! friendly, needs eood home. -----'62 TRIUMPH Bonnevilk!. ONLY $11tS "'2·1096 t1a,., &12-1'124 after CONTEST 30 Rebuilt Xtra chrom .. Xlnl Prices ta All MARQUIS MOJ'ORS -nd e•ST 0 f" F" ER Comolete ti11u:hlM Shop 6 llJ28 ... . "' . 900 s. Cst Hlal\.f. I .... un.a Beb 5-14-9123 f:'>EED EQUIPMENT .. ., -. ADORABLE calico kittens, 3 I;,;;;;-==='"'=""'-,-~ Rr:BUILT ENGINES 494-r;iOJ * :;40.3100 mos old. Jusl in ttme for DEMONSTRATOR 69 BULTACO 150 J11lat1:1dor LONG BED Christ.ma&. 548--0104 O!' Fully found. Bl!'tter 1han new. $700. '69 Yamaha 176 1115 Vk·lo11a, CM W8-&'i50 ~~·2837 ll/?..8 $1000 under list, Enduro $000 or make ofr. 18361 Beach Blvd, HB 8-17-0991 1.970 G.M.C. CSl.500 Pickup. -'"----'----Cash For Cert1ln :: •,1•,·.~!t~.~~'.~~---------·--· NOW $199.95 SCRAM-LETS w ... !'~'.:.~:'~!.piano rolls marked "Amplco," AVOCADO 04' SPANISH OAK ANSWERS "()oo..Art" or ''\Veile." Rolls * S ~• OH-WITH COPY OF . THfS AD * must t>e-in eood playable BEAUTIFUL Lo . Holland Yachts 644-0139 _6';o&-02209n-=-.,,,==-;cc,.-* OPEN 7 DAYS * Ser$2!9~ !lb hatred SHARP '69 y I 350c gray/white female kitten. 1r O'DAY Daysailer 50 Trarl ~m990,,Pa c UNIVERSITY Very sweet It lovable I · · ~ or e. oniona. OLDSMOBILE kind hooie. 673-9123 • o~ Demo.$15?3 ' ~&ed $ll!:S Costa tilesa -flouse in back Traller, Tr1vel 9425 :.?850 Harbor Blvd. 671-1338 11/28 r 1~ ODA~ •. used 1"195 1_0_1 _10~"=~==~~--Costa Mesa -Other Erample PriceS-Banter _ Stark _ Pilot _ condition. The:!it rolls wert l Rooms of Spo•I"' Fw•lltwe Corner_ BROKE made from 19C6 to 1935 for , .... $6f5 ......................................... NOW $lll.t5 Remember the lood old uae on electric piano~. Other • · 5 pc. authentic Spenlsh Bdrm. set, 91> in. quil ted da.ys before credit cards, you types ot pian.> roll• not want- sofe with 5~ in. m1fchin9 lov• seat, or cha ir, 5 pc . didn't have to wait till the ed. Will pay $2.50 eat:J for Speni1h Dinette, oek table tcp, l heavy Mediterren· end of the momh to find out "Duo-Art", "Welte". and ===~~---.:..::::: un Zone Boat Co. Balboa l969 YAMAflA 1 .• -(l.')...13' IC 2j', \\lu UXXI. Cul p~:PIES • .1-~alher SanK>)'.ed VENTIJRE 21' Xlnt <.'Ood., 3 Street Blkt'. Lik~ lo $1900. One block from 54()..964(1 ea n matchin9 tables. Will sell pieces in iijYidually. if you were BROKE. "Wu.rlltM:f" p:~ organ rolls sky • molhcr TeJT·er sails, head, '.!outboards, sips Neiv. $425. 8~C-26i-t 1>hoppi nc:. lDIO Newport No, l!li9 FORD Panel truck, fl Cockapoo . 6 wk s. 4 extras OH•r ~S-3$5 Cf\I cyl, $325. Ho Dow• °" Approved Credit aM POOL TABLES also. Enclose in\'Oite a.nd No r.,.,...m'tH M...cll 1970 Secard Pool &hip Yi• U.S. mail u.si~ ,....,.~~19'=-~---1:!1!:m~1,=·===·=='=· ;;:=o I • 673-2614 ... .-: Motorscooters 9350 Ij' TRAILER, sl.:-eps 5, Good LOVABLE 9 month aid ler· c nd ··~ T O p IMO '64 CHEVY% Ton P.U. New UM "' s .. ,. C~t ,tH ., Mil ftMllCT., BR.UNS\VICK-Al\11" "Special 4th Oa.ss Rate for rler.Female. Loves PowerCruis.erS 9020 '65ALLSTATEScooter.50cc, 0 .-.,.,OT·· .of...., tires,clean.Sll50. cltlldttn. 1990 Pomona, CJ..f. red & \vile, good tires. Xln't a mo. ~. Call 61'3"-415' House in back of 1988 11/27 MUST Sell! 171,i' Fiberglass Cond. $90. 515-3S08. Trucks 9500 J TO good home, p/persian inboartl. Very seaworthy. .... . "Pl * Buy the Wife's Chri1tm11 Present Now-CUstom Slate Table Sound Recordings" which is Whlle Our Stock 11 Compl•t•ll · From $289 inexpensive. lmmedlate pay· 100% Firlanclng ment sent :.1pon satisfactory 9510 * SECARD POOLS * examlnat1on. Or, bring the 532-1993 rolls to our ofiice in persnn kittens, very playful & Ex. c.."'Ond. $1800 or be1>t or. Auto Services '61 Ch•v. Van 1-~-------- heaJtby. \VUI help w/shots. fer. 673-9361 & P1rts 9400 I~ in . VB, autornalic trans. f2) RARE '65 Kaiser jeeps, 323 S. Main st. <>ranze and receive ri.yment on the spot. We're open J\.1onday . Friday 9 to noon and 1 to 5 p.m, Saturday'i (usually) l to 4. Telephone for ap~lnt· ment first Reference: We are the world's largest deu.J.. 5'15-4679 or 548-0041 11/27 # R37. b:4, dlestl ~·erect camp. ===--,:---.,.~-·='"iM•rine EqtJip. 9035 CflEVY 301. fol'&'ed F.t . SIJll ers. Eve1, Cf14) 962-8671 POOL TABLES SPANIEL , Shepherd pups, pi!itons. chrome r 1 n •,, .... 2 _, ' I I Fl t h J l\IUST .XU FAST '69 Toyota m .. es. cn1a es . Days 6 Cyl diesel ena, 3 to 1 reduc· Bradford crank. nu valve 9 C er Ones I •= E h ... LC, til, many xtraa, verv nn Y· .-... st er s I ., tlon unit. Fresh water job fush $250. Chrysler Chevrolet clean. Make otttr 675·-093:i~ C.tif. ll/28 cooled. Brand new, still in i;treet race 426 v.'Cdgc, prof, TERRIER l\lix - 7 rrrll. crate, Factory cost. fi73...2910 built by Bradford's NE\V Toll Fr•t 839.3773 I~:'!!!!!:'!!!~!!!:'!!!!!!:'!!!!!'"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I Christmas Special $275 up. e1· in antique automatic mus· female, sh ots, loves after 4 PM. S.iOO. 327 F.I. heads, ported, 6333 \Vestminster A\'e. 9520 Furniture IOOO I 1--------Mu1lc1l ln1t. 1125 CFtUCK'S ica..I instnJments (Sale cata- Z750 Harbor at Adams. Ct.f logue No. 12 just $2 po~t. children. ~rter 6 or Sat., l\1ERCURY motor 9.8 hp like Erson springs $100. Holley Sun. 494-3851 11/28 ne\v \VJth gas tank. Will sell 3bbl + Edelbrock $7.). PETS and LIVESTOCK cheap. 645--0321 6'14-119'1 'G:i FORD ~ T PickUp. Xlnt mod. ~lust :sacrifice for quick sale! 646-9703 8' Cabovn-ShcU Priced Right! •"""723• * AUCTION * pa;dl. HATHAWAY ANO \VHITE fonnica k i tchen table, 4 gold chah'I, White J-lollywood bed w/mattl'e$s, antique \\'hite po s ter w/mallre&.!! and mo.tching night stand!, 2 b I a ck modem couches plus odd& and ends. 54G-19'.l4 ELECTRIC Guitar Rey. Perfect Corn!. $65. Doi 80\VERS, INC.; Dept. PR, ---------JRAYTIIEON RDF Ran<>er 11 U you \\111 seU or buy Hathaway and Bowe., Build· .,. U1ed Cars 9900Us.d Cars 9900Used Cars 9900 · Wind t-. P•ts, Gener•I 8800 like new, port. 12-traru;, p/ci ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 8 FT. SOf"A, LIKE NEW . gTYe Y a u;s ing; U975 E. Florence Ave-3 band&, $110. 675-0589 II Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. nue: 'Sa..1ta Fe Springs, WOT'S NU~ Windy's Auction bm Calif, 90070. Te I. (213) r.anta Oaus Specials at Call • 962--0741 Pi1not & Or91nt 1110 2013% Newport, CM 646-3086 9'11-8T14. 'TIS TROPICAL FISH .~SEE OUR TOP Behind Tony" Bld1. Mafl """"''!'!'!'l"~~~!!!!I 9080 Edfr>g" lat Magnollol 10 HP Johnson outboard. 21 hrs since overhaul. 675-1263, 615-6026 ..-SOFA • Ch,. Quiltod Early "'WANTED F.V. * * 8'2-4530 a .. 1 Slip Mooring 9036 5-13-36-ll SELECTION Amer. S85, Kenmore Good used fumlture, appli-· - ----------iot reconditioned & ruaranteed Washer & gu dl")'er, $80. ances, antiques, color TV's, Dogs 8825 Deluxe Boot Slips ~ ' iz;.oo Office Furniture 1010 ORGANS that have been Bbq irill, $8. OvaJ brakied refrig's, stoves, wash.?rs & -C~H-R-IST_M_A_S_l_S_N-~-.A-R_!_ lin1ited nun1ber available •-d-" 1·1 on new "'""M & 6x9' rug, $10. Sx.11' $17. Tape dl")'en;, etc. l pc or houseful 30· & 33' . , • • ' ' ,. 60" ,,;~·· OAI\ office desk & s~·h'<'I chair $65. 5-18-8611 Office Equipment 8011 TYPE\VRl'fER, Add i n I machine. calculator, very reasonable. Xlnt co n d . 89'J-2'123 G1r1g• Sale 1022 GARAGE Sale, 4128 E. Coast Hv.-y., Cd~I. Corolido Apl5. Sal. Only. 10Al\1·4P l\I. Childrens toys, ¥hoes, clothes, misc. h s e ho Id items. Kni ck-Knacks. Lolli of \Vonderlul Junk. LIOO JSL!:; GARAGt:; SALE 8' hydro, 12' runabout. IDbot. Bt'iL Searull. refgs, \\'asher, dryet'S. much more. Sat & Sun. 426 Via Lido :Nord NB ORN bench, \\'Ood desk. ; .. · l • •' 1.f bar stool. lamps. eoll clubs, i~ !hoes. \Vroua:ht iron ICOnct. ,r f\tuch ITl()re • 311 must ao! ~~ ~ ·~ladison, cri1 546-4328 ·'f:""""oo--,c.,,.--,,,..,-.,,,.,.,... ·! /\RAGE Sii.ie. Ref ri g, ~ ~r,' picnic table, Yo"()fk ~ bench, bikes, trikes, other ' misc. 19891 Potomac l.rJ HB ~ , 962~715 •: 1747 E. OCEAN Blvd Balboa. ~ Rattan furn. u lri&". Jan1ps, ·! i:tnsswa;re, books, dishes, : other Ju;hld Heins. Ph. ~ 673-6715 :; 515 FER.i'ILEAF Ave., Cd..\1. ; Fri. /,;. Sat. OUic:r fu rn, { v.·ome11"s clothes, bds. chest ,.. of dn,·en. l\f\sc. Items. ?t -~--~~~--;~ ROCK maple desk • chest : $55, pr. quilted chain $55 ( ea. Divan $50, E."ec. desk .. $65 & other items. 546-lTil •1,.:::.,::,,:-,,::,,.._ __ ~~-;. : LEAVL~G Coun1ry. l\fust sell s all items. f'Um. beds. kit t equip, etc. Sat, Sun 104. 716 t Jasmine Al·e., Cdl\1 67~70 '1 Rlfl\Tl\IAGE SALE! r. F"urnitUI'(', .!lothlng, nilsc. Set, Nov. 29 18A~t -5Pl\-I). 350 Third St., Laguna Beach a. GARAGE S&Je Fri I: Sat 162!1 White Oak. tilesa Verde ~2455. No junk l~ App1l1nc" 1100 Refrigerators ...• from $38. l' GE Portable Colo1· TV, ' likr nu ................ $148 i Frigidaire elec dryer $59.95 GE "2 Dr. Rerri; ........ $98 Whirlpool auto "'asher S50 GE washer/dl")'er .... ;100 DUNLAP'S i ]815 Nev.'J)Ort Blvd., C.til. ! 541-7711 '· : 14 CUB. fl, \\'esUnshoU.se ; refri;en.tor w/bottom frzr ' f145. Kenmore ela'I. dryer $i5, Jronrilc ironer $75. All i gd C'Ond. Sac. Pvt ply/ "' 962~3'1~ KEN?o.tORE Auto \Vasher. 2 sp1, 3 cycle, xlnt cond. $4S. M6-8672 or 847--31 lS ELECTRIC stO\""t Friil.daln!. pink $~ :.<Mlll ., • ~ ....., * Reset-ve, )'OUr choice. 'I · d 1 "-\" 1· recorder 18 Pholrvr.-. h" 2·1 h' s.eivit•. Call •-·-1 " anna e '""Y ·YUr ttzers. · ¥••-P IC '"" '""'""'" G.1.'l:'al Dane Puppy early~ Nriv niodem marina fu\J\1PLE SAVING S: sink 8' long $50. Bbq tbl &:. \Vanted·Rolltop desk \\·ill. IO\"C for ynu '!1I l\ltirina Qty Corp. HamlTl()nd chord · ··• ·. Sl!).j bf:nches, $7. Call -MG-2296. Need~ before Christmas Clu·1~ln1as. Cropped & shots. John Gitssman, Dock l\laster 11::.mmond 1\1·3 •••••••• $595 G s I 549--0449 top l11ws 2 3 823-MlS Baldwin spinet •••..••• Sf>.15 arage a e Ridial or Bench Saw fl.1ARTIN(REST KENNELS { 1 1 Gulbran.!M!n theater ..•• $895 * * 5'16--0989 * * BALBOA Slip. 40' boat. \Vitti Allen Carouse.I (current mo-Sat. 12 'til 5 • 6-l5-2758 • I cc.=---~----1 ~howcr &. head &: parking de l vi/flying hammers} $1395 W•nt hem1titching done PVT. me under your til 6/15/70. $80. mo. OR 3-7950 263 Costa Mesa St, CM Call "-•• ""''0 Christmas tree. Pekingese•-========== Allen theater (w/extra speak. .,."""""'° 1· I . •·u ) 1149~ Refri&, stove. divan male puppy ~KC reg'd, Mobile Homu 9200 er I: s e1gh ""' s •••· a chin, odds & ends. NEED bricks one to 1000, Champ blood hne, 8 \vkil-~-~-~··;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,11 tilANY OTHERS!! rellllOnably priced. 644-4687 old. 847-3449 I• GOULD MUSIC ".!:Y.;·;~~~~.~::"'r l'o"'ARL=rn=o-u~-,-,-,-0,--~1.-,1 MODEL SALE! I rot5 N. l\laln, SA 547-0681 polisher. Take over small ~chlnery, •fc, 1700 AKC. \Vhi!e, aprit."<lt /;.; Now to Dec. 1st FACTORY payments or pay o!f balance FORKLIFTS: ·ss, :?,OOO lb champagne. \Vi!I hold for CLEARANCE! ~J::40• Credit Dept. pneu: '57, 3,000 lb Solid: ~~~~as. ~-& up . Greenleaf Park Factory orders clearance of ,,.===;--;---;--~-4,000 lb Solid. Your choice 11U o\1e111.ge, demonstrators, BEAUTf!UL hand palnt.ed Sl.150. 30 Day \Varranty. BASSETS For Chrislma.'>~ d I p , C l b Door models. 11tudio &: re-oil portrait ol you or your 714: &12-8393 or 714 : AKC. Taki:' home or will An A. u t riv•t• u turned Ph1110s I.: Or,:ans, children ll"Om a photoiraph. 897-2433 Eve:i. board' lor you. 4!0--0759 One Mile from the Oce•n Real s.avingi. up to 30%. A "''.°nderful. idea for .that '12 Inch ATLAS LATHE. 2 Everytlung i\larantttd lil:<e gpecial ChriJtmas i 1 ft • chuckli & acce8.'i0ries. $450. nc1v. SaJe lilJl.lted lo ilpecifk: 646-3629. 642-5761 MINIATURE Dachi;hund puppies SJ:; each. IN SMOG FREE Costa Mesa stock ~ sO httrr.Y! No money YELLO\V n11.ut:ahyde hide-a· =========== down OAC, 5 years to pay. bed, Tttietone contole 1tereo This great liille on).y at: record player/radio. D&ni&IJ 847-1938 AKC BASSETT PUPS Tri~Jor, $4.5-ti75. 540-8638 eve TOY poodle puppies. Black \VARD'S BALDWIN STUDtO 1819 Newport, C.l\I, 642-148~ nlOdern sofa &: chair, need clng, yellow modem iOfa, Open Every Nite 1t.Od cond, airl'~ Schwinn & ~ay .werrxaon bike. 110. 494-9924 PRE-HOLIDAY SALE SACRl'1CE' c olleclo"' ~phics & llthoaraphs. PIANOS & ORGANS Dall, Picasso, ChaJall, Some of the moit popular Friedlander, ?11ondrian, Buf. models including: Hammond fet. Duty. Yrsent.. must X77, H·lfJO. E·lOO, B-3, T-200 raise ca.sh. Thurs tJiru Sun etc. FREE 3 DAY LAS only. Call 49'4-M93 VEGAS HOLIDAY with pur01 L~A7w=Nc-,-m-.. "".,-,-,1=15~.-,.-,~ •. cl.asc: ! I que cherryv.'OOd tbt $40. HAl\rMOND Antique ·bath tub. claw feet, In CORONA DEL l\tAR $3S. Exercise saddle $40. 285, E. Coast H"'"Y 673-8930 2055 Irvine Ave, CM (rear PIANOS iEi: UH.GANS hse.l NE\V &: USED CARPET Installer has one e Yamaha Pia.nos & Ofiant roU, avocado nylon carpet. • Thon1as Ora:ans double jute-backed. \Viii sell • Kimball Pianos all r:tr part $3/yard. 5-14)...7245 • Kohler & Campbell NE\V groovy hand-made em· COAST MUSIC broid. sheep \'esls. lthr NEWPORT It HARBOR vests. crochet dresses, Cotila J.fey • 6-12-2851 jev.·elry. 4!H-6003 Open 10-6 Fri 10-9 Sun 12·5 LA \VNtilOWER, Briggs &. St ill the Best V1lu1i Stratton eng, hardly used. ramou.~ Name 41" Walnut Horizontal rotary blade Console w/bench. $69J. iioo. 540-5113 Other •Xceptk>naJ values in: e \Vw·Jitzcr e Knabe SOFA: stereo u.pe recorder: • Everett • Cable Nelson Olsen spotter, 23 ctwmeh: GOULD Music "°""' mow": •m . •ltt ap- pliances & misc. 54>1484 2045 N, Main, SA E. J, Folding \1'heel chair HAMMOND. StelrJWay • Ya· $50, black \Ylnd!Or rocker maha. new a: used pianos $30, perfect condition. ot all make1. Best buys In 962-6724 So. Calif. ri.:ht here. Slalc bed POOL TABLES. S0L'1IDT f.fUSIC 00., l\1fg's Close-Outs. AU ac· 19111 N. Main. cesrorhts incl. 100'7. finan- Sa.nt.a Ana cing avail. &12-2842 PRIVATE PARTY 'YANTS Carpet layer haa HI Lo TO BUY PIANO FOR nylons $1.99 yd. Shap CASH. Ml-6045 from $3.SO up + my labor, PIANO for ale -Wurl llz.er 90c per yard. 847-1519 ti1aple Spinet. $550. 116A I ',-"'i"'R"El"w"oo=o;-,1.,.--,s.i,.,-._-,0ry,- 34th St. N.B. 673--1932 llft 6 Eucalyptus. Dellvettd It WURLITZER Console Piano. stacked. 54G--9887 $450 cash. Xln't Cond. Quality king bed.quilted Call -~ co mplete-unused $1o.>, worth 1205 Lease Color TV or Black & \Vhite. Option to buy. Frtt servk'E'. No deposit A·Acrive TV Rental Co, 21" Cll 522-1153 SILVERTONE TV Portable S25 6-15-m $250. Aft S Ir: wknds 84~ tifaple ZENJTII Bl\V TV COMB. $250 . 2423 \\lestminster Pl. C.l\f. f'or Sale, Flre"ll:ood. Oranze & Eucalyptus 1133-<670 NAUGAHYDE Riviera sofa $10. Stenotype m 1 c b 1 n e, tripod, books, $511. 9tj2...2630 FREE TO YOU DESERTED at boa rd i ng with AKC papel'l!. 7 v.·eeks Newport Harbor Chon5e from 2U Models ready to move in today! kennel : lovely, lonely & af. nld S75. Males. li42-42S-i feclionate pell. No. 1 Whip-I .,c-=,,..-~~~~~-~-1 pet, sn1all & graceful white 6 \Vks. Old-Part Samoyed, Take Harbor Blvd. to 19th St. male. vey atfec. No. 2 your pick / $? ea. Drive \Yest to 1750 \Vhlttier Large min. poodle, very 833-IJT77 Call alter 5 pm. outgoing & triendly. No. 3 AKC Afghan Puppk!s Lovely white i>hort haired ML"ed color:i 1714) 642-1350 cat, loving nature. If you Call after 7 PM 5J2-287j -IUY J' NEW need a companion pis call TOY POODLES SILL Im USED L~t:E Gray strl~~~ • 6-16-33&> • Cooper male tabby cat, 8 mos. old, BEAUTIFUL \Vhitc poodle TRAILER SALES , pups. $40. After 6 "B 1 housepet, large b r ~ e d , call 19 l-1746 uy rom ii ~an 530-6856 after 5 11/28 who lives 1n one!'' PLAYFUL Kitten, soft &:: TRANSPORTATION \VE SERVICE cuddly, orange female tab-8 & h \Vl1AT \VE SELL! by. \Veaned &;. box-trained. oats Y~c t• 9000 324 So, flarbor. Santa Ana "';.3520 1112'1 I MUST BE CRAZY I Blok So. of Boba 531-1006 BEAUTIFUL. spayed, long· To sacrilice my 2 cabin B~Y HARBOR hatred well-mannered cat cruisers. Both in mi.nt cond. , Mobile Hom• Sales needs a good home 2~. & 311• F' . 1 Ui5a Loma Roll • Away . desperately, 673-7595. 11/28 .> : inancing. nsur· Sheraton Manor. Homette . allCC' <1.vail. Hurry! H11rry! KH • Presllg Sahara LOVELY YQUng spayed cat Call Dena • 6-15-144.?. AJJ.. ~riis Frtt to gnod ho m e · BOAT & TRAILER NOW ON DISPLAY 646-7096 11 129 16' Plyv.·ood Hull w/!ibe1·· 142S Baker St., Costa l\1esa FREE -young kit I en. glasg. Traller has 11·inch & i,: block East of Harbor Blvd. hsbrkn. Allergic -can't 1:on1pletely rigged. tifust Sell Costa ?ttesa (7141 ~9-170 °'k7""'·P_,· _S4_1_-s;_·1_9-,.~~1-1_129_ I SIDO. 67J.:?990. 833·0664 24 x 60 Sl\IALL stucco building ap-'64 Z9' Ou-ens. tlec rcfrig, Awnings, raised porch, tuU prox. 12'x18' • you move. depth finder, radk>-tcle. 17 skirting, shag crpts thruoul, 2C65 Irvine Ave., CM U/29 hrs since survey. tmmac. blt·iru!. Sel in 5 Star Park. PLAYFUL nrange tabby, Must sacrifice, 846-16<0 alt one mile from ocean in cute cuddly killen, weaned 5 rm. Costa J\1esa. 111.900. & box-trained. Ms-.3250 11/29 1966 Chris Crart 27 ~3 ·. All • 642-1352 e ABANDONED, terrier 1nb;, Glass. Twin 18J HP eng's.1'M~O~e=1L°'E~H7o_m_e-",F~o-,~Sa~lc- 80IO mos, fen1ale, lovable. Fly Bridge."Hcad & Galley. 1968. Sll,ghlly used, Like friendly! ~715 llf27 $8600. Call &16-7353 Tl{'U'. I2'x40'. Forced air BEAUTIFUL ?-.t alc Samoyed, 36' x 9"9" NE \'I steel hull heat. air t'Ond. Adult Park, 1 1 ~ )'.rs. f"t't'E' to good home. n10tor salter. Price $1600 N\.\'PI. Bch. A Beauty for all shots. 962-178."l 11/28 Stt at Peg~ Rentals, t.lir~ $5300. Call -6-16-~ CROSELY electric stove, Loma. 685-4566 illOVING lo Northern Calli. free to you. 245 S!erks St., '68 GLASSPAR, cab crus, 10x50 Paran1ount mobile Ct.I. 11/Zl 18', 155 hp, 1/0, tge whl trlr hon1e. E.\:panded !Iv rni, B&'.U. flutch rabbits, 3 bun·,~'~'-".,""~'~·~'~'"~'.,' -"'-"-"~>-_'82_1, Bd1:m, center kit., a\vnings, flllUO. Adult park 1973 Nwpt nies and 1 bi& male, &'6·038-1 '68 -4 SPEED. low mill:'age. Blvd. &16-0643 ~=~-~--~'.,v_27 vinyl tp, saioo. Kl 9-2002 orl=========,11 t.tALE beagle, I yr. old lo\'cs 494-67f>4. Mini BikM 9275 children, tree to gnod home. 16. Jo"iberglass boat & lrlr. -_ . 847-49-15 incl <&;; hp Chrys, elec atart. MINl·BIKE Good Cond, 3 T\VO Frisky black n111.le kit· tens, part Siamese, 7 v.'ffkl old. 646--1338 ABANDONED, tmndly ""' fem., YoUng, cat. 642-1724 ll/'n Seats 4. $159Zi. 538-053J f~P. Bl'igi;s & Stratton. Bcn- 8 & 10. 01 h ,. 1 ._, d1x shoe brake, $1:?5 . Ilg y. _._. e ec1.n e 646-7535 boat, reasonable. !-========= * !).t8.00IS * Motorcycles -----9300 Sailboats 9010 250 HONDA Scrambler, Good -Cond. Some Chrome. ~. C'Oti1PLE.IE C\11tom SABCYI' nr offer. Call 548--6571 • : r;oRGE Auto wuher, cop-·! ,mone. 2 yn okt, Ire size. I :t?s. ~. M7-31.J.5 :. Tepe Reco,.,.. 1220 fl.fl.JST 11tll hellllh c I u b " -.. u •• hl_ 1120 membership. 4 years $400. VERY cute blk/wht puppies. 6 v.·k!. old, amall mixed brred. S.12-M49 ll-29 LOVELY )'OUng spa)'l!'d cat. )<'rtt lo IO(l<I h o m e , or build your own from our · flbergla5t bull in time for 1968 KawllSllki 120, full rlM.'e. Christmas SABOT repairs· X'tras. 1425. Call • 557·9988 al\)'lime. Sabot hardware & aft 3 Ptil nc!IV Sabot parts: n11st, l'.68"'~Y~A7M~A~l71A,..-,3lll"'.-_-.,.l·IOO=.-;-io II booms, lee boards, ruddel"$ Servlc!e Mu!!l Sell ~ Please It tlllen;, f inished as u·eU al.I -646--7983. •1 ' m-TAPE Recorder $15. Car 84~ ! 19&9 SINGER w/M6lut u·aJ istert'() tapes $1. CUrly bro1vn C'O~!PLE:T'E dnim set $11'5. !, ~ &: '11--i&:· !\I~ wtr $3. Lamps is;. 5'13-621! O'l1 Lionel train 1~-out $75. : :t>utton holn. overual.I. s 5'8--3120 '1 •Year auar. nn price Sl!.24 C1mer•!_ ~ l!!'p. l.10D CAR=~s~ .. -...,-.~a--.~,.~,~Tk. $39. i 4' SS.26 mo.. 526-4i6lS \VILL BUY 18 mm proj. T•pe!: New iJ. Ulled $2. ! M1NkaJ fnlt, 1125 1llcnt or IOUnd Must be ln Gulne• pip S:. 6&8149 · "°"" .,,nc1., ,..._ .......,_ TIME FOi : IB!Jt.WOOO Ampllntt "'19> WILL SEU. Federal : : wan,. , . ., lun<r let izo. Enel111" IOI' 3l mn>, QUICK CASH ti 'Ftnder Banitmute-r amp. 2!,'"x2''"· etc., In foldtway THROUGH A 1 -Like Nev.'. Cilbson cue 2/maskin;: e-ai;tl. \Vil! ', '•330• Elocb·lc hollow body tnd< on PAIJo<tar. Call on DAILY PILOT l ~smtar '\\'/~~. .S t50 . v."Md1, r1·1 eve. th.nl Sun., WANT AD 1ft 5 P.,I, lAJUlll Bc1ch, fSS..11.M • I •164-i096 u 127 MALE, attY k blk a:triped ahort hatr kitten, S ~·kl. &l:Ml<l ll /28 FREE to good home. p-a.y nutty kittens. 962-8186 11127 FREE FIREWOOD 19 6 2 h-1tytt Pl.1et., CM 11177 REfRIGERATOR. R u n t Oean. GU261 11 1!7 frte tr11lcy tlulfy puppy all shotl 6 )4.03T! FREE: Rlibbit hutchel., ym1 haul. 21~1 lrvtne, NB 11-29 as. unfinlshc<I. Opon week-'67 YAMAHA JOO TW"in. days 5; 3M: 30 \Yeeke:nds 10. RUNS GOOD! Beton! 5. 6 PM. ~72. Aft. 5 -540-8308 875 W. 17th Slrttl, Cl\t W..!llSJ, M&-6219 RACING SABOr Nt:\\»lnc:ludinz n il. $2-i9 • 64.S-tlm • 26' FIBERGLAS l-16 $:!j()O, , H'nry 64~ CAL 20 :: 1112 O\\'NER .. 6'JS.TIOO '67 SUZUKI X6 Hustler, 250 cc UXJ, nay. 642-lf'liO tiln. Gatea. Eva 548--015.1 '63 BSA -$400. Good Cond. Ntt'da .i'lllnor RepairL 7390 \\'e51mhlP.ilCr Pl., C.~I. JIONDA 50 -196S C".ood CondlUon. Bt11t Offer. Cll.U • A5-1455. ·--~----------~~-' WE'RE (Look Out Number Four) WE ARE NEW --WE ARE ANXIOUS We will stand right up to your service problems.-We invite your warranty serv- ice, no matter where you bouglit your Lin· coin-Mercury product. Come to us, we are nice and we'll be nice to you. LOOK AT THESE MAGNIFICENT USED CAR VALUES '67 JAGUAR Xl(E HAROTOP. 's~, FM ••Olo, l'te1ter, wl•• wl>ff"l1 -new ll<es -11.lloo mlle5. like new. XOJ. 191 s3999 '65 MERCURY $1366 MONTCLAIR 1 011.. MAROlOP. \14, •IJfO, '""'" '""" ,,, .... Uor.!nQ, pgwer s!Mrlno, PGwer bralt". r80lo, '*'"'• wl'tl!twtll tire. I fNr wlrrlnly. l.JW $12, '66 IUICK GRAN !.PORT 1 011. MA.RDTOP. Y·I, •~:o. lrtn1., f~ctorv •I• concll· tlonln9. "°"'""' llH•lnl), $1968 PG""( brl>kK, •Olll!I, lltele•. "'llllewtl1 flrn. ¥11'1¥1 roof, """«I tOVt r1. 1 OWM-t• )f,OQO mu .. -I yc1r "'•rrenty. II.Pit 76..1. '66 T·llRD 1 DOOR HAROlOP. \/ ... f.ulo. 111111., flC lllry •I• tonctl!lon!ftll, "°"""'' tlfl!•· Inv, """' (dli.c) b••kn, $2176 '67 DODGE s2222 MONACO ' 00011. MAROTOP ....... lvlo, lrl!'ll .• l~!Of"V •Ir tMOl-- llorl!ng, pewtr 1lnrlnQ, -· wfftclo-po_, 1e•~· •ldlo. 11u1er, wl'lll-n """· tlnll!d g141u, WP!fll COVft"I. :n.oot mllel. -•-•· I ve•• •arr1nt)•. .$1/H .. 'H COUCiAR ' DOOR MAll:OTOP. v.1. 11/IO, lr111t,. ff(IOry elr c-l!lonlnl). pOwer 11"" Ing, l»W9f f011cl IH"•kn, s3175 rM!lo, llftt~. Wl'lltt~lt urn, v111v1 rool, ""'"' 91410, wl'leel ~l"Ua.. !.1111 lll'lll•r lfclOry wtr· ,.~,.,. xws 10). Pll-• 1011~) II••-... 111wer windows. rldlo. htllitr, wllltt,..111 llrl"I. tlnlt'd glass, Wf\HI (Cly. 110. Oftt OW!lt•, 'litr'f IO• mlle:i. VEY 5'1. '61 CHRYSLER $3699 WAG, TOWN .. COUNTRY • l'A!.S. Y .. , •uto. trtn1 .. l!cto•r •Ir u1r111 .• flOwt• llttfll'IO, PCIWTr !d!KI 111"1•- 91, -· wlndo-DO-lMl1. •ldlo, ~ltt•tH tlrll'I, tlnlM glHi, W11ftf tOV91"t. lllQOt>ll9 rad! -I OW!m'. VTL 4N. GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN ·MERCURY GARDEN GROVE AT BROOKHURST 636-2980 '• • .. ,. '• • •• ,, .. " .. ., '• • . . '• .. • " ' .. ' .. . , • " ' • " " .. • .. •• • .. ,, ... .. .. '•, .. .. ' • • .. ' i .. • .. • .. .. ORAN&E ·coUNTrS',MOST MODERN YPLYO DEALER . :' . .. ' · . SIE THE NEW 1800E FUEL INJECTED NEW 4 SPEED PLUS MANY NEW & OTHER TliSTED ' IDEAS HERE NOW ALL NEw - 1970 VOLVOS ALL 1970 MODELS RIADY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • • J42 • 144 • 145 • 164· .; ALI. THE NIW SEDANS 'i. STATION WAGONS ARE HIRE I AT DEAN LEWIS .; . IMPORTS ' l VOLVO "WHERE COMPORT IS. STANDARD EOUIPMINT" SAVINGS ON AL.L: REMAINING '69's ., .. . •' . ., ' . ' ' We're Denlin ~Your Wa x Thia Wee~11d. Take That' Short 'Drive · to ft Olta Me sa & Save $$ ! • ' DEAN LEW.IS ' . : • 1969 Ha ... r 'alvd, 646·9303 1 Co.,. It\•,. •! ' 1 I .. ------~--·-------~ l hUtRIU, "OVtmbtt 27, 1969 2 DOOR SKYLARK F1clorv Orclt r Nt. >.E7t O• 2 DOOR No. l l92Jl9M , ·• . ' ' i' I .-1 I .. OP·EL ~BIGSELECTION o~~F~l,-70-,s-. -N~0~1=1n=1=-R-=P""Rr""'c=1s=-A~N=vw=~H=11=1~ ' WE ARE COMPLETELY SWAMPID WITH TR~DE.INS! CHECK THESE LOW .MILEAGE CARS! I ~~~.~~ ....... , .. ,...... s1798 ;~,;~~!!.~~·'· s3595; :~.~~ ... -•. ~-.-!~~o RA~RY-.-.. -c-0-.-•. -0-.1,-,-,,-.. -.-$-3--7-9_5_ ,:'w .. '.·,··.~ ... ~!u.~~ .. 1 .. 0,1, I0,000 .a ... s499' s'. ll'lil11. Loc11ly 11rwic1cl. Xl$01J. :~,~~~r t.~-~~""" .. -... ---!-,~7-9_5__ :~~;£.t."!!:.~.~PER SPORT~ 394: pew1r 1t11rln9, 111to. tr1n1. 'SID 716 lGM4 J ), l1cllo, h1tt1r, :~! .. ~.~.~~.~.;,LE SA--IR_E_!-.,-.-3-,-.. 3-· ~~!:!C?~!~~f.,:.;.,; ,,, "~'"'"''"$2-783; f11I! ,OWt (. 454l•tCl004 1t , ~ " ••• , •••• ,,flt, ,.~it'lirok ... W)($617 . • ~ Mon .. thr1 Fri. ·1 a-in. to 9 p.m. ·-Sat. •:a·•· to 'p.IL ..-Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.111.j AUTHOR IUD JllllCK • Ol'IL,•,JAeUAll·IALEa,. SIRVl~E · • r • • ~ I It' as I 4 • = : ... OPEN· .. .. • THANKSGIVING DAYH .BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBl.LE . . ' , . . , . I " SPORT COUP! Fully f1clory 1q11iop1d i11cl11dh1q l1t1d r11h, 111! btlt1. b1ck up li9hh, winchhi1ld w1th1r1, 011hid1 mirror, ••t• p1h, tic. "· . OROE'-TODAY , -- FULL PR.ICE" BRAND PiEW 1970 DELTA' 88 J!DdOR . . : BRAN.D NEW · 1970 98 4-l-DOOR SEDAN Fully f•clory equipptd i11cl11din9 h•1d •11h, ,, .. belts, b1ck up liglit1, wind1hi1ld w11h1ri, 01rh ld1 mirror, c1 r- 4S5 Va, •utonitlic, power ll11ri119, powtr di1c br1k11 ind ofhtr l11.111ry 1•ir11. poh, '''· s299 6 FULL PRICE --. $3896' FULL PRICE · ORDER TODAY ORDER TODAY . . WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELS! .. . THE .G.MC's FOR 1970 ARE CbMING IN BY THE TRUCK LOAD! FROM PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTYS ••• ·FRO.M CAMPER UNITS TO FOU.R WHEEL DlllVES ••• WHETH'R A' SINGLE 'UNIT >,Q~A .LARGEFLHr ·~ •• ·.~ ... , ' . . . ··~ WE CAN SERVE YOUR TRUCK NEEDS · IESn ' > • ' .................... ___ ... . NEW 1970 G.M.C. 1/2 tpM '. . ':;. " WIDESIDE , I . OYER fO • SERVICE ST ALLS· . TO KEEP YOUR TRUCK AT PEAK EFFICIENCY! • ,, . G71X-l5 fihergla11 baltt!d tir•.•·.1 ~•ckup lights, header, emer• genc:y blinker1, du4l mirrori~"? ~eed electric: wipers', spare 1;re. ORDER TODAY. ( 52l95 1 -c I llOW IS THE TIIE TO BUY A IEMI --~ ~ QUAun VALUE-RATED USED CAR _ ~ -,,. . '67 OLDSMOBILE DELTA' '6~ OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 -,68 CHEVROLET CHEYlllE (111tom 4 Dr. M.T, IT XV :ICICll Aulonwllc, •!r 1 Dr. H.T. INQX t nl AulClmallc, 111" cond., Wigon, ' lllH•l>Qe•. (YwtJ 51•1 Al.!ia.n.tk, power Jleerirlg, ll&H, VI. pgwtr lltt•lfl9, VS, •.cllo, lle1ftr. 52245 51345 51845 · .. ,~ '66 OLDSMO~ILE CUSTOM '65 OLDSMOBILE CUTtASS '65 CHEVROLET CORYAIR . 2 Or. H.T. CZGC 6SO) Auk1m11lc, POwrt tlft•· 4 Dr. H.T, fll:DN at) Automa!lc trtn1mlJ.. bHtUl'f. Au1_ornetlt ..... ~ •• P. s .• vinyl top, lflllt rtd!D', hMltr, vs. Tw lpnD In °"" .tloc:ll. &Ion, rt<llo, llMl'!f;• VI, R6H, 51745 $1245 5645 '66 OLDSMOBILE DELTA '69 TORONADO '66 FORD FAIRLANE 4 Or. (SJR 31) AvtorNlic, power t1•1""'· IVCL 5'11 Alltomttlc, lwll ~·· !Mlol"V •ir, ,. t Dr. H.T. ITFC 20fl AU~lit, perwer 111' c:ond., VI. 1111.H. ¥!n)'t top. 1Mrtrlf!ll, Vt, tMllD. hHler. 51645 54245 51245 2850 MARBOR BLVD. OPIN 7 DAYI A WHK I I TllAN!'OITATIOH I , T~'°;llTATION TIWW'C!llTATION TIANSl'OITATION TRANSPORTATION . ' ' ' ' u.o.i Con ' '900 u.o.i C.ra -U...i C•r• ~ 'JllO, Aute LNM"t . "10 .;.;._;.;;..=..,..--;_ 1.-=::...:::=--...::::::.:: --·-----!-----CADILLAC CADILLAC ft PAT ...... ~AS6 ' LEASli,.,.y'liW<E C~ I AC • --. -----1 Let -~RMOOIL ' _ 1:,,. q.<l>~Z~•~;i ·~ 1~ ,,:.0 .::: ,... ,;,. i:: :::':. ';::: Biik lllpesseS'Sloa BooUllf-,_, ""''" wtlh .... I<•""' ;. • .., blk .... per-.! DOOd& ..,_obi> blade -.,,.; 11111,y'6qu;p. fully oqp'd. 1581>. Orill ,aadGIL UR Cad•~~ Brouab&m, ped Inc., air. Lns than . owner &U-0.143 UNIV111$1T,V NI .,_, • :.,\' condltlo,,. 20,000 mJIOo on!> '13995. Jlin OLDSMOllLE Inc: AM·l'M·-. Tako ov. s.mor. lfucedos Bom. llll CAMA!lO ~ 2850 Harbor mvd. et paymentl or we will~ ~~f"8· Santa • -------1 Aa far s.1e1 11.n.pr ... C.O.ta Mela finance OAC. Call &f2.3lll •57' H.P. 371, 4 1pd0 ma& U:W a.di Blvd. ' sif.9No ex~;~ 1m · · '67 El l)Qrado, mint-cond. wheels. Indy tire" air IWntli:wtqn~e..cb '.G , CADJJLAC; 5'<1an ,:le if.wll P"!" • air +~ $800 tn shocb, traction ban. wheel -""il·ii· ;1Kliit,"13331'~fti"-, 1 :U::aod::..:C:•:":_ _ _:.9900_::: I ViDe $&~Lo ml&. lo dowt1' xtra1. Mab otret+frade· dl1. Jocks. stereo , pack, $l)!IS. WE P1y , lftJ -....... i.;W. !i4M26l ' ...__ 54!1-1746. . • • uun '68 -........ low mlleago, fOR YOUR CAI vinyl tp, UXX), KI 9-2002 or lmp!rttd AJto. ~ fma..""'9tt A...._ • 9600Cmportecl Autos 4!\f-6'15f. I · ee~HP• .• ~ ·~ci . · ' CHIVl()LSt· , '65 Wilclcot Convt. ·m. ... _ llhd.' _..,.. Radio, -~. power ,Q!!ero 1-.::c..d.a=="'=-=-=5'8-=llllll::.._ 1 ina: A: brakes. white wan.. Will Illy IUJBS'11i) SffS ' •I LEASE-RENT ORDER YOUR 1'70 TODAY FOR EARLi.EST DELIVERY ovo. AU popular makes, Ford '61 BUICK._ Auto ~ P/s, authorized 'teaslnc' t)'ltem. P-b, R/H. G9Qd ~ Priv Gel Our Competltiv1 Rates prty sale. 546-4320 ,,,_. * '64 SKYLARK, 2 °'· ROBiNS PORD :i:;. ~ eau ~·000 • 2060 tw'~ RJvd. • FOR SiUe '69 Buick Skylark, Costa Maa · 142.ootO CHEA-P, ·air-a:inil, vinyl top. ~ LEASE ~ =ca11:=""""'~==== 1'10 FORD Torino GT, air CADILLAC po\\'er brakes & steering, --=-==::..:.;:;__ radio, wide oval wsw, 351, SACRIFICE 4 V engine. $99.50, 2•1 mos. CAD. SED. DEVILI.E. !.671• SOUTH COAST J.oaded. stereo, ieaihcr, CAR LEASING 30,000 mt $3!95.rln!): Qor• XJ W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 837-2970. Eva 494-b9o" 9IOONow C•ro ' "' I -,, 'H POUCHE Men intr•• tt.111 11101t. FM rtdl• -.M to11f1111 C:O¥tr. Cdpl1t.Jy cM~k.d by 111. SAi 145. $4199 '" VY( Squore Bock Ori9i111I p1f11t. Eco11omic1I 1ift1ll w19011. Rl'S 790 $169-9 ' $1699 '66 vw frtsh Por.cht 1ilvt r p1i11t. llecl h1!1rior, l•dle, lt1.1t- er, one ow111r ctr. TDF610. $1499 'H SUNROOF SID. 1,191 erifi,.tl color. Sold 111w b'f' J.. Hurry. SYZ 977 $1499 . , '69 VW SUN ROOF l1i91, ori9i111I fi11i1h. lhi1. 11 1 f1111, 11111 cir. 100% VW 9111r1nl11. YPS 201 $1899 'H VW SEDAN Ntw ctr tr1d1 111. Gr11• orj9i111I p1 i11t 111d i11t1rior. R.OA 069 $1299 '67 VW FASTIACK Whitt 111 ,.,., with Ll1ck 11th, 0111 OWlllf fttdt 1 .. TYX 369 $1699 '65 VW SIDAN En9in1 0¥1r~t11l.cl by 1n. Sp1ci1I p1 lnl. Gold with dirk brow11 1h1dh1t. YPS 795 $1299 ', •t IAYllDI DilVE NIWPOltT, llACH 9IOO -.C.ra ChooM Frtm .Onr 300 llow , . C•mw.; Usoll Cars & Tricks + The L11r9e1t s91ectlon of New Corvettes In Orlnge County Biggl!ll Money Samng EtJenl 111 Orange Counly ' •• JOHN CON"8J, · -· . · !'NO GIMMICJS ·1st Place Blue Ribbon S·A E . t;. ·11J· GIYEAW~YS." " JUST 21 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING SELLING CHEVROLETS CONNILL CHIYR,QLn' 1 "BLUE RIBBON PRICES . ·, ... $1299. '65 M,U,STANG .c.. ....... YI, IU1'0metlc, ,rl(llo, '""$)i)99 $595 . . . . IUND NIW 1970 CHEVnlf CPC 13 3 . ---------~·------------,-,----...,.--------------------------------~---· --._.......,...... __ ,, ·- . . . .. . • . -· l,_ 9900 UIOd Cars- TRA NSPOll'r ATION TRANSPORTATION TR,lNSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 1-'""-"~.;;.;.;"""""'-'-'--i·-"-------Ulld Coil ' 9900 Olld Coro -'-"-'-"r---,-- CH EJR O LET .CORVETTE · 9900 U1ed Cera , t900 Used Cars · 9900 PLYMOUTH •• OLDSMOllLE · OLDSMOBILE,_ . ,6S ~mpala CouP. l..IKE new '69 Corvette '66 Olds ''&••• * ~merica's only 1989 Plymouth Ji)aY 111 2 dr. -'66 Pont iac Le M1n1 '66 T·BIRD Radio, hea~r. automatic, Fast~ American ma.as. n.---lc Omverfible Pow-H•nd On•(•ted Rockttl H.T. VS. •!&lftornt_lic.• power. 1y3, i.ufumt:ti~e tram., '°""er • ' t · u.w / 1000 -· .,. -· att s ~,._.. . OLDc ·~ 1 1 br k 1 ,. ......... ,". ._ ... Jr .. , ....:.... • .; t Dr. In', run 'P'Wr, aii', cnr. power a eering, ye w tt.t95 ..... """'"""'.ut · er $eerlng & brakes, !•c-066 S "w-1'' -".V.8 , • eer nr, power a es, ac-.....-1,....1 ~ ~. t;J· -i.u.s, w-bl&&' lntel-ior. Ril3693. ..,. · tbry air, radio, bea ter. Lo-"TORONAOO", 2 OR HDTP tory air cionditiQnini'; green dJO., Jkatt(. # 703A: ct m~.Book' $2'SOo _SA.CU· $1095 · , Just 37,156-mi., o_wned ~.ah·: wtth1green vinyl roof and a'lJ I • .. l SIS&t •, . COUGAR ~~.1m~wner beauty. Llc. Jines pilot aince l\l>W .,~ ~ viliyl interior.' bttUent ' Fi L.fti •·u..-t1~~-~~~c:1 := ula.rly ~rvlc~ t "air condition. C..11 831-9!82 ,~ '_1"t. er .. ~11;.i-·ffa' rbou:r v w· '68 COUGAR XR-7. Land.au, ~-cond + 8n spa:~ pwr IJl)'time. Mui!,~· 1, 'f 9•"" '-49f..9Tl3 or 5454Ji34. . • • P/s, P/diac··oro. air, Ut 0 ,_ assiilB". Glisten!n& c le n -·r-Toll F rH 139-Jf7l '66 T·Bl1RD .rep;messed. Full ..... AUTHORJZED 1vhl, stereo tape, 21,IXXI mi. ~ green w/immac .pl\llh green PONTI ac.1, 633.1 Westminster ':Ave. pwr. a r • llew Ure•. $1100 ·SALES & SERVICE '('-llke ~1t o_f~r, See at ·Gulf · . itJt, Cost S7.000 ne\1(! .• Blue " ~best oUer. Can finance, 18711 BEACH BL 81, "3S Sta, Pac C!t·,Hwy, Cdt.1, or ' ~ BooksnowS2'-·th;·wo-"· , '68 Catalina, 4 dr hiardtop, "-n':dit Way ot Amer:ii:a ......, 11 ,,.... mt .. 6 -.J '-0 , <:Ab 1969 FIREBiltD Pontiac. "Xlnt cond, 4 new tiff:~. full &fUlSI ' .. HIJNTINGTO"' BF..ACH ca ,,..,... ••~. · , ', ~ "quality bargain~· for only .• 15.IXX> actual m il eage ' , '6'.Chev. Impala 1967 CO~GAR . ~ $1915 I Upstlck o~ w/ white l:i ~~~:;&se;:,~ T·BlRD '&I, ait, alJ,imT\'&: , a,e. .. VS, automatic· trans., V-8,_pwr aleerin&' ,&: brakes, , . , J'" MARQUIS MOTORS Cordqva toP, .$2850,~ l:lelen lTlh &. S pe . C M X'tru~ Anl/Fm. n<po: Aak· 1 Power steek'ing. # R42• i-.ad¥J, auto tra~. wsw, SZL 9oo. s~ Cit Hwy,. Lqu~ -Bcb Ryan owner. 5f6.l65t4. • i~2503 u ~r, · · lrc $950. IW6-l}539 or (213) . $l118 U4. $1750, 645-2182 549-30.ll Ext. 66 or 61 49-t-750.l * 541).3100 PONTIAC ,68 GTO; ~ 1 .0,._~==~~==~-439-fil.19 \vkdayJ S'.-IPM Fl..A..he·r Jon-· -. l 970COHASTR!lOA ,~1ESABLVD, '63 Stadlrt. linmACuJate. Me-eng. aUlo. •Pis, disc brks, " .. LEAVING AR·EA :-s-r 'PORTHOL!: T-Bird, xtnr .. ,.., •• DODGE. tallic Blue, while leather, landau. 673.-1842 aft 6 pm. MUsr SELL • 1968 ·Bonne. cond. Nu Inter. & paint. C. ·L. I B k vi lle, rully equip, t.tit.-oU· b -blt -~ Call --, .... vro *' , * 'b5 Olds V-8 Hdtop uc et sea•s. OQC owner. '65 LE Ma••• Spo't 'Co""' "t: n.e · ..... .,...... _,,,, 64 pl 2 D HT · cr.Xln't ccrms.Call·· Toll f rff 939.3773 O ara r . · ~ SP'f CPE, alt, pwr steer; 548-3106. $100 Oller bluebook. Sec to 644.1387. '58 2 dr T-Blrd, 1 owner, 1 6333 WeslfllinSter Avr. Radio, heater, auton1atic, w/walls etc, Just 44,682 mi., be11ev'l', 968-4038 ·-!:;:::::;:;:::::::::::;:;=== n.u· (00(1, needs paint, seat white walls, air cond., pow. by local h1dy since new! PLYMOUTH cvrs. Best offer. 494.9924 Repoisession Bar~ains er ~leering & brakes, tONX· S=•rklii,,. royal -d top & '61 LE MANS al e pis. vinyl RAMBLER '"' TBI->, ,.,~I-an ""Ch-I 'h/I C ttt.11'7 •·-... ,... ~--------top, 'vhire wheels. SlOD OVCJ' · .,... •u •-1 ..... '" ev mp oupe .. ""' 892J. ermine white body, Plush 1---------18'15 ' '63 ClleV II r1ova $647 $69 5 black vinyl ·bucket seat int. l~nv!~Y~~~l . ~~ell~~~ PObl~..:.booIACk. ti7>GT02916. 19 6 8 .. ''.65 RA' M.8 L£.R ' ~-=="-'~..,,-''--~. Cars may be taken over on "."-t oll ,,,·1h -hrom• wi-. · ·~ • ~ 1: I. u do ·"' .. ..... ce ptioNllly nice condition. PLANNING to move ? You'h 1 1t e or 00 wn payment whls PS/PB. air, t.-onsole. Xlnt A-:...'"-· , on approved credit. Call Mr. Harbour v w . $'-s fully equipped including air thruout. Pvt ~t)'. 540-0182 ,Uuuusador 990, air, dlr. find an amazing number of Everett· 547-9'266. Hall Fin. • • ,..,,,. Sl,995. Call Dan at 546-tll<I , · Joe.ded. O·n e owner. Will homes in today's Classified Co "~F N ~ .• 1· 1.tARQUJS MOTORS foi: details or CM be seen at 67 Gran .P rlx~h•rpl take older "~r in trade. Ads. Check them now. ance ., J.JW-• '""' Jn AUTHORIZED 9C1l S. Cst Hwy, '~••una Sch 1 ""'"'ed1 $1995 846-1165 I ~-~-------1 Ave Santa Ana ...._.. 220 W. Anaheim, Santa Aria, ,.--.. · • PDW138LB. Ca 1 l Ken, ls Your Ad in 0 u r . ,_, -.~ ·ANAHBM .., ' , FOREIGN CAR CEN1U . ' ' . . , OnlllC)e County's .NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER ,. Complt lo Lin• of 1'70 Body Stylos & Color• To Select From 626 S. ANAHE IM BLVD. ANAH EIM PR 4-3133 -., , SALES & SERVICE 494·"1593 * 54()..3100 Dir, Your UNITED rtJND f94·9Tl3 ot' 54.Xl631. ela••il;_,,,, Someo-will be '67 Impala 187U 'BEACH BL., 842-443."i ==~------= ·- Cpe. VS, automatic ti"llfls., HUNTINGTON BEACH OlARGE IT! UNITED Ftmd ti me ~N;-~,;Y~•:;W';;;Ooll;,;;;•;"~==J.,,,==CH~A~R~G~E~'~~~·0::=:._'. ,loo::;;:k:;;in;lg:l:;;or~it;,. ~D~ial~64~""61l!~::'.::,;,;~==============~I PQY-'er ste!!ring, air.# 875Af -,66,:.:.::Dod:;::::.9.::•:'..'..'.C'.'.o'...ro'.'.n'.:e'.'.1:0:5.'..00_f=========.:.:========~· $l911 R'dl '•--VS . '"-=;;....:;:.: -------------Fl h ·J a o, ,..,..ter, , auto1nat1c• • etc er ones l.ran!i., jlower 8leerini;t # Chevrolet lll2A. $911 Fletcher Jones Chevrolet Toll Fr" 839·3773 6333 We.ytminster Ave. • 151 °'rt. )ta. Wgn. ~Air, 4 Di, Very good ci:!nd. Rebuilt 283 engine, new tires. -To11.Frll,839-3773· 6333 Westminster Avr. new trans., power steering,f=:=;======= power brakes, auto trans. i . 'FALCON 1,.'1" 1.tust 'see to appreciate. Rea-. • • aonably Pric_ed at $450. ·s:j' i'ALCON Convm.ible. Call .847·'1181 Moto"t eomp!Jtely overtiauJ. '66 Corvair Monza ci1 in Sept. W'e\rf 'ures, air1 ,4 apeed, radio, heater. # P9 rtad_io sroo., 8J0..6S32, .~ $988 . ---. " Fletcher Jones·; FORD. Chevrolet .~67 Fqrd Ranchero Toll Fret 839-3773 vs,..auton1aUc tralls., power 6333 \Vestminster Ave. steciing. #PIS'!. $1788 '64 Chev. Monza Fletcher Jones ' cyt. ""'$:&"'· #PJIG · · Chevrolet k Retcher Jone$ Toll Fr" J 394773 .·' . Chevrolet 6333 Westminster Aye. 1967 FORD ·x1; 2 dr {hdtop ;:roll Fr•. 839-3773 (UIU392l fully equipped inc, '6333 Westminster Ave, air & ~ect windo,11s. Ask SHARP 1969 Chev. Malibu. Sl900 or n1ake oUer. Call ~ew tin!s • .stereo tape deek, Dan 546-4114 lot details or Vinyl top. Like new! can be seen at 120 W. 53S-654Q between lO Ml-~ ,Wai·ner, Santa Ana. Dir .• P~I '67 GALAXIE 500, 2 dr, rfh, '65 Nova S.S, bkl .seats, auto air, 390 eng, auto trans, xlnt trans, p/s, rth, economy 6, t'ond, orig owner $1495. Call hew tires, recent tune-up eves & wkends 644-&198 xlnt cond. By owner $995. '6' Falcon Futura 837-5202 days; 613-4566 Fully factory equipped. Dlr, ·eves. • . $695. · '67 CHEVEµ.E SS 396, 350 .Phorie 642-6023 ·hp, cl-ratio, '4 spd, 410 Posi, '64 FOrd 4 dr hardtop, very qui~_!. Immac In &: white wired interior. out. One ownr'. muit see to $55o. Call 549-1973. apprec. $2300 firm, 54:>-37ti6 · • · · '64 MALIBU, xlnt cond, newl----·-----tlrH, 1 Owner $950 or 'Otter. I~ or 54&-6203 MUSTANG 1---------"61 MUSTANG, rth, air, CHRYSLER pwr, ..... new '""'· lo ml., l---------·I xlnt colid. Plv ply $1350. . ·~ Chry1ler 546-mf' . NEW YORKF;!JL Full power, '68 MUSI'ANG, 6 cyl, Excel. air. # Pl42A. cond. New tu?M?-up. Take $411 ·' '~r pymnts + $50. 25'4 No. Fletcher Jones. . ' Newport Blvd .. c:M '67 M!J1tang, 3 ~· stick Chevrolet shirt, nme gold; XI.n't cond. Toll Free 839-3773 $1495 642-4178 6333 Westminster Ave. OLDSMOBILE· CONTINENTAL '67 Olds 442 • 16 Continental 2 d 0 0 r 2 Dr H.T. Radi~, btr., air hardtop. Full & completely cond., pwr. steen.ng & brak· ,uxury equipped including cs, Jandau top, XGVpo. factory air, full' leather, $1795 built in fape deck, beautiful Bermuda yellow "·Ith con-ff b v w 1ruting b nd au mp. ar our .. Complete set 01' new tires. • Phone 548-2980 AtmlORlZED 1164 LINCOLN Continental SALES I SERVICE • (HIIT&.13), lol~ equipped, 131lJ, ~EA<;H BL , 8'Ul35 I lncltldU. air. <!,OOO•J!lll<S . HU1'JIH(l'roN BEACH , apecl,al ~&t''Only $1396. Jim 1966Oldt145 delx Seel. New SlemOhs Mercedes Beni. 120 tlrc:s, p/s, r/h. S:llDO-UXI W .• Warner, Santa Alia. below BB. Pri pty: Jf&.9268 5'&-;Ulf • ~"' '65 STARFJki full power l~ ·collflNE NT AL Ind. 'windows "'"""' •Ir , • SEDAN • • ~. $1395. 5l0-5ll3 i lfbaded! Xln't Cond. '69 OW S c..ull&SI 1tation $1950.---0ill • 546-1Ml w~ "f.•hl$ rHppl'd. A ,lniM~ Alr.eond, p wt, Ii. 'CORV~JR =: =; .......... ·a .CORVAIR, -needs minot lT'S &Neb' house UnK". 811· ~ • would make good gtal ~ ever! See Uw Dune: Bu11Y Chusls. $100. DAILY 'Pn.or Cl.assillro 536-6958 scetkln NO\V! ------- J ,. ' .. 1968 GTO, 2-Dr. H1rdtop. Rtdi•, f.11 l1r, po.,.•t 1te•rl119, 4 •P••d. f1 elory 1it, vinyl top. IXELMll . . - ~2977 , , , , 1968 '.CATALINA -i·Door s.d.n, v.1, hvdr .. tl'l~iic \trerilirii;sion. pow1r 1l••rin9, r•· dio, h••l•r, f1ctOJ'f •if: ~ui,11in9 . !WFE920l / t227~1 1967 COUGAR . ' . •• J • ' ..... pow•i= •'••ring, r1dio, "••lei, wf.:t1 ..... n,.~f TR H . -$12' 0···7_:; #~ ~·~ -, , 1968 FORD TORINO 't d,. H.T., Vt. auto"'11r.,_.,,w1r Jt-i119, f..(.tory ,;;.; ~hilt wttl1. IXOE20?l Convarlibl•, (WJCOl7)' •.• J .~ . . $2577 1968 BARRACUDA R.1dio, heeler, a11foma lic, powar s2277 IU..ND NIW '70 ·~ATALINA ' • WHO.~ESALE VALUES ' . '65 TEMPEST VI, 11riom1tic, r1dlo, h11!1r,' power 1t11•i119, .,.ftif1 walh. IPBH099J '67 SUNBEAM Alpiii1 1porh conv1rlib!1. R1dio, h11t1r, 4 tp1ed !VTL341 ! '67 PONTIAC 4 Dr. •1110 ., R&H, P.S., fecfa•y eir, power win· .dow1, cordov• top. !TVH 5111 '65 OLDS ,8 lu•ir•v 11d1n. Auto., RI H, P.S., ft clory air, cor· dovt fop. !NQP55!) '66 GTO 2 dr. H.T. VI , hydre ., P.S., klH, WSW, f1cloty air, vinyl 11eh. I RTZOOl I • Hie prlct low Kiiiy tool< < 1968 MUSTANG VI, 111tom 1tie, fl'Ow1r 1l1•rin9, r1dlo, h11l1r, f1,elory ,;, COii• ditionin9. IVHA2 J4l •2677 1968 OLDS 4 • 4 • 2 ? Dr. H.T. Aulomtli c, pow•r 1l1•rin9. r1dio, h•t l••, f1clorv 1!t,1 vi11yl lop, pow1r windows, (VCJ776'1 $2977 s3977 196B VOLKSWAGEN ' Aulomalic lr1n1mi11io11, rtdio ind he1+1•. 8ei9e. IWJE9?41; $1877 1967 CATALINA Station Wagon 6 p1111nger. A~tom 1tic, pow er 1fe1•ln9, r1di11, h11t1r, factory 1lr condifloninq. (TE'fl lf) s2477 • CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY e SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. lo 6:00 P.M. • SA LES DEPARTMENT OPEN • • H....,, ~ .. ,.. fwrH •rftuw.rk, fl· ~.-....,.. ...... , ..... Itel ,.. 4'9, ,..., ,,......, ,,...,., ._,.._., c• tHl '"91i.111. 125Jl70C1071 jtl $3488 8:00 A.M. lo 9:30 P.M.' EVERY DAY. They dil it •gain. Made the 1970 C atalin1 t he biggest bargain of t he yt•r. Pontitc;'•~ kind of luxury. T~e st1billty 1tha ·t only colhtl with• Willie . Tracker. All this •t ··,~j~ lfiet will lnl ke your budget sigh with 11ifef.. ' ROY CA·RVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBO·R BLVD I COSTA ME 1SA [IJ . ,, ' " " • • • • , IY I §MI ...... lotlhL-C• • I f \ IWLY'Pl.Of .. ; . ' . . ' ' . -. ..... ' t'• ' 'HAVl :YOU VISITID "OUR.NIW ITDRI AT< . ..• ,,. __ ,.,. .. ~-•1·~· I • v-· ·~ ... .--... , ._.,. tf _..._' ~,, ~ . .,, :. ---PO\UtTAIM Y~IV-1'1 .. -...-...... I ......... , ' .. ' I S >I -' • i • 9861 Adams at -Brook~~rst -in . Hilb,_ ~ --: ,. tl\U'llTlffTON llACH-JltR lllCIJ lfM. M I.~ 1'-,..._., Ttn fl ltpdd-..... IAMTA AHA"'T1W W, ........ _. •r1ett1 ~ t~ • W•UMINSTl...._,.W~--«---Vfl!iltl COliT4 ............ fMr"f. l lW. It ...... •· COtfA MIM-411' I . IM Mo •· .... ,,..,_ MACM-t_...a ....... • -, ... ~,, ~· \ - • f • I ' ' '' I ~ l I • l ~-J ." I<°: NUltf ..... YM.UV-17* .....,... . .,, tt1f ..... • \ . " ' . --~ •1 11 Value!· 3 Pc. Gift Sets ·'rMln's · calendar -"Watch. ·. ' . -~68,' ' . . .[ 11...i....· du ·widr·t• t111t1,10Wtoo ....... • • cbalc:a e f np1a1loa hnda ot Jstbtt atraP.,. G'.ift .... .-.i. I ....... ,. •1591 Value! - Sleep c.1.-. ' . Wall Plaques ·i 1 -MColiTOI PllCIS iix,l" .hori-~ ::,.;;!~ Sf" :?.~1= ' '3'' ....i.,.11aoa • t.o.. ..... Nr- .. triGit. I C.Otia of orii-· iml 1md. CU• . .U._p. 11• lrtins -Wallde · ., alldes ·. Set of2 . $7~ DJ.IK -WALMUT PIHISH Botti< boLlooa, , .• booktndl. OAo' die holdet•, ---life items. ·,91•valul! Friction ... ·· -. ~oys 46c IZ.IO Ylllel Ill's. blt.l•,,.,. 112.11 DMlntor Sii.ii SiinainHe Slllfllg. LlllHI C111n,. . Clothes H1111jler lrldi• Cllllri · - Choke ol Hi.d> 99 °"" W. fi• oll, $198 Dd«to"a "n•w $599 ~ r.1oldiri1 dWn. $9tt t.lliii led Ltatba", t ar C look", hot color .,...,«t ot p&rtiea OJ' ,.-llllllL':!imc~·i"'!"'•. 9: !". ;,;;-";..-41.lf;·.ui:~•:;:;;;;,· o;!"~/::~. ":'...;~-+..::f:::::'":i:b..t:i::· ::"..,....::O::_~;.,-+S;;'i'.;;"~;;.~llli!if TaMo ·l ·lt.11 . Pl IP w.-. a..,no Dlllldnn'• U.tl 10 . lalllllt lalli Ill WNt I.lg ~11ti .limbo lankl Wootl·St•fulil ~=~ Sl'9. ?.:~~£!; $398 ~~·~~ $)39 ~'!J.~: $399 ble beth IE pa. • I . ltah ..,. • · tractift Jifts.,, 'l.oognilJ', Fuho •17• Value! RonJOl'.I Yarafla• 5~ $, .. ·r-'"lhr,:..~·-~11ii.umn1;1';111t· 1-"*1;r:·:iii·;;j.i,.;i-1f.·rii1.;· ,--i11cktbii/~~;;·~ii1u1;i1l1z2 ooi:-z.l-"'".i ... 1ii;;:;;1·111w~11ii•i'. 'i~ ~·• ... 11111111' llllflll lldJ Slllill Zodl1c Gia-Pllltlc Canters 1~:=r~e;;;;r.;~;;~ Dmndy -,,. Lq~W. s3 8 39 Bd3hll7 «>!odd $399 , L.-. $ 91' •,• bubble bdh Ut C 1p1c:a• 'olJ11. , 9. ~~t~;:s;~ C plut1c caru1tm ,..,_ · lieauti!ulPrioom bu.ttoo )lackt t .... lcJGld. with O•iJ1 de· · ~~? St.c•ds. a... . ... -..;·-"-""""'-"-· --~~-f-""""::~c.i--..... ~~-~--.......... ~--.a...'.;;""-·-----.... .. , ~'!! ,~. ,:J:,,'">.1.!i. $24t 1.11111 'I I.Mk J.llllJ Rl&lllr II.II lie P11stlc IDc Y1lue I.I.I !<'• ,.,.. H1J.. • •II• l1kHp llrrlr 111111 Ties Shower Cldd• Porceliln 7·1•. Bowls lJl3 'lOC d&u· · 99 I Chedelfl .. ., _ •ltl Cl9u1 ~.~~ ";,,!;:t Sft88 ?.:%'.'= C !l~.';~:.d'. 59c !::,t~',d 3 ·0' 9ac 1"-m; ...:.,.,!;,. .. · .... $1 ft ~ ~ilch. " '7 =::~.~:; Mm4 Bathroom colon. . =~ pu", ~ ., . Scots Gen Scotch $ .. · HALI' GAii.ON 8 Dilllllel at~ I• -~.i. .. FREE ~ M•ltiple ~~ Dally Vllllmllll Wbm.You!lu7Bottle. 98 of 100. Both For..... . •1211 Value! @'!:L?J Humidifier ..,, .... ,, .. ,. $788 ... , .... •F1lfrO..re ..... •SefltJSi..t-.ff ( I or I PllCI Sita lt!l's Cuff Unks EvetJ abitt • 1 ti• · 97 •Cce11ory he C needs for evur• day use ••• or 111 .•• •r..tJe Slide Viewers Ao-tk..Mlds $647 ovu 20 1l1des lef"ic.ontinuou1 Tlewtng. "'lrll1" Hush PuppJ Wldt W1llh l11d1 Sue.di loo k btushed ris•kin in loads o smut col011 a 1tyla l I. $295 tic YlaJI Foldlil' sappers ,., ............. ·77 out. Choic.e ol C. atyla.. s to xi.. colors. W011111S Ill Pill Plush Scuffs ~a!ri!: 99' Gllon. S to XL. Glllt S.llctlon co.m111c lap Stria.dtdJM, 98" colon, tmSM: han •• mttchinc tisll,\C I ht'ldtt, pura• . Horoscope . Coif• lugs Colorf1I potCC• c •$l•IS Vel•I 88 l1in muo in all 1.2 lips of. the sa.11 Potc11a1n Ctr1111lc Pieces ........ d""" $244 ntor bO:its, bot. tlc1, mirrors, • martf more. lie Sit If e . _ Plastic C•I H1ngers CRYSTAL CLtAf. 63 Coau •&: jackm C baoA: ri&ht. stay well ArooaJed. ) ' S~.88 Electric 3·Quail Coiit Popper '""''""" ...... '$2" 99 able bo..,l, 111;s cover, noa ·di:id legs. , n;a -'""r1a Steam '• Drr lren """"';'"" fo ll $633 . vieW heat <llntrol dial. sell<letning v.:11'1!. _,. • \ . P,!>__.! ... :.::.t. .;./ f'll.lliC2j ~ ' , , I . i l,. . I .: A S.T. '.Apw 1 ' . . . . . .WASHINPTON (AP) . f.. I ROpubllea!l~ph'T: ~. · • the ne~ ilinotor. &ioc'11ir" : Vice~· Spiro 1., ~IMw 1• as "• very )JopUJar I.u..f" with tt>e·aVerare"Anleiic.L l ':-7 ,. • "l',ve fqand , out-bl ·~~~ ; ' · last several weeks: the' ~ ', .. presldent,hu.beC<ille ,l!lll!'b ' · more popular than ·he w~ . before," \hi .. .DUnoil• 'senatGf -'· said in an 1ntervkw ~ · for honil state ~ut,;· 1 • • "The Amerio:.li ;jloitille Im giving every .iftdlcldon el J.fk. ·: btg what he 1 says anG haW be · . uys lt1 · and ct1tain1Y I qret with tbo8e who "'gelt'lhat he · :. wooldri~ be saylnc It U .tho Pr-dldn1 li>rt cf tum . him ..; . or !Ui!IUI that · !it mlghL' talk in a cenata dire:-·, tlon," Smith Said.'" · SHARP CRITICllM Agr><w' IA ,,_.. ~ the pUt month : "" , boOn . &harply critical fl!. war:fl"Ok!!rt kaden. ud Ille •J:llP,llriln( by .. television~ ud some newspapi!r:L . .,. Senate ~tic ·teader Mike ll!ansfield uld lhe~iiie eon.tiwUon· w)l!ch P<QIOda the right cf dlaent and ~ tne JlmS guanl3 Ainew'1 rlpHo criticize detnonNaton,. ~ mtntaton and MW'SIJ9pen. : • '"Ille Finl Amnlment pn> tecta .Mr. Agnew &11.JnUCb. 11 anyone ell<," -lfllllfield uid In a · staltin<nt .ta the COOgreosienal lteCorit. But at the· same time, Mansfield.counseled a general lowering or voices~' · . Sen. O.Orge.Mc(lovern .(!). S.D.), said P,.,kfent Nl«oo Ii !Olding the ~-On a ~'crude campaign to. IUfle dJl$e!'lt.., . . ' .,,,. 11nlster eflecll ·"' the ad m inisU'atlm'1 CamP']p llpjost -.., ilPolch. .-..bly mt prm .,.. a ru grater thttat ·to liberty Jn thls nation than any -it. rio tnitter how unfortunate·, over the war in 'Vi ·etn.am ··'' McGo..eni .. kl sAlunlay. nlitit In lletbany. W. VL. •. . · sOi.oN'ol'POSE!i . ·JU• . . . Sen. Jenn .Tolffr "(Jl.J sai~ he ia 0 1tfon111 oppoaeid*' legblaUve --., •.<1bo joumaUltk •:nmuWty.• , But Tow .. 1U'Ot.e -. -tlllt .... ~ ...,,_ dlaJocue • u C.h s h ·o.dl·d remind •·•er:,. n~ "of the burden of re1Pon1JbfJJ ty 'he bu shouldered as aijouma]lst." ' .1'.ower·.-i: .... ~ beh tlier• Is . a need for IOT!lf!' IOrl. of .. 11mtary joumaJlotjc -which would !more the hlibiist posslb,le degree• o'f respon!ibi1ity • m o-n g · )ft:. dlvidual journillsti u , tbej Carey oUl their public·trUsl" Sen. Apen. J •• ~ (!). La.). sald "AIJ!tW'• criticism or television new. program. \\'SS well fuunded.·. "The II). called news ·prograrftt tQ. ofterr fall · prey to· sena. tlonalism and eometirnea, « even usually, present a oite- sided viewpoint," he ·said ·io • newsletter. MEDIA SUilJECT Meanwhile in New York President N i x o n • r com: municaUons director, Herbeit G. Klein,. said he did not -ex- pect Agnew to continue his ·at. tacks on the press. · AUy. Gen. John N. Milclltn, asked m Los Anples .aboUt Agnew's remarks on the °"'' media. said Agnew probobly feels ••and I feel that tbt ac- tivities of the media are ~ ject to dlscusUon just al Ote activities of polfticlans are subject to discUSl!llon." Mitchell saii:I n e w s m e ;, treated him ·"outltandin&Jy," but he had cr»e complaint: "Son\e J>OOi>le jlave .beeh publishing· .pictures of . me smiling and It's ruinin• my · image." . Smlth, who wlll l>O-.. •ldng Senate election next yw in Illinois, said he had been me"'" tionlng Acnew'll! name in home-state •peecllet lately. ' "When I do, the people hit their bands toptber pretty good, '° I ba,. the 1mpreu1on he's becomt a very popular fellow," Smttl'I said. f -. . . ... ' . . •• • • OJ-41~· Co.a~st . ' . ' ' ·.'·~-.... ; • . . • • · ' · E l>l'T I 0 bl ' -' . VOL 62, 284, 9 SECTIONS, 112 PAGES . ' . ' ' ORA NGE COU NTY, CA\JFORNI~ r.iUR$DAY, N~VEMB~R:.27, .1969 . ' TEN' CENT$ . ~ ... " .. . ' Youth f:~ams With L ~c\y to . ~ei Goose ;llome By BARBARA KREIBICll OI .. Ptllf PIW St.., A white-haired lady from Laguna Beach is havlnc a happy ThankogivlDg became a ll-yur-old youth from Costa Mesa doesn't recognize the generaUon gap. . Anna Stoddard, of ~ Cypr~ Drive ~ 71. She tells how ~r new-found l~d, John Whylock, helped her "t Uoe holiday goose sa!ely home for today's feast with friends : • . .. I had ordered a nine-~d goose Harbor Unit Expansion Hits Block A last minute bid · by the California League of.Cities' Orange County chapter halted the board ol supervisors1 schedul- ed approval Wednesday of expansion and renaming of the Orange County Harbor District. Apparently reluctant supervison ac- cepted the motion of Supervisor Davkl Baker lo give Orange ~ty's 25 cities the opportunity. to . examine ~ i:evam- plng and renaming of the Har~r District. League delegates will discuss the proposal Dec. 11 and report to tbe board· Jlin. a. Huntington Beach Mayor Jack Green, president of the League's county chapter, urged the delay through secretary Wioaloo. Updegraff. Green and his League receatJy lost on the board's 4 to I vote a move to dissolve the ·Harbor Distrlq. , , ' e· The resolution,. sparked, by ~pervis9r Robert BaWA, ~-fo. ·-of the dlstricl -to be lonwn " Oranir• fumty Parb, Recreation and Barbor District - to Conform wilh Orall(f CGunlr'• bOUn- darlei. Its previous jwisdlctlon covefe4 97 percent of county territory. Baker, the odd man out on tbe earlier board vote,-assured hls coll~ Wednesday that he will oppose the present resolution , "or lby Qlher resolu- tion \,hat calls for ~tuation of t.be Harbor Dlstclct.1' · · .., ~ Baker argued at the url.ier meeting tha't he favored absorptitl'l .of ~ Harbor District into county government and its functions being placed under direct con- trOJ of the board of supervisors, as sug- gested by the League of Cities. Count y S!ands Ready to Fight Beach Crises Orange County's Flood Control·District stands ready to respond immediately to any emergency situation facing coast al communities, county supervisors af· finned Wednesday. T~e only difference from now on, the board noted, is that its relief will be justified on paper -successflilly sought through legislation when It was noted that CaJifornla's Flood Control Act did not provide for county aid to cities in high Ude and beach erosion situations. Chlef Engineer H. G. Osborne ·assured the board that his district has alwa1s been and remains "'ready to aid any beach city at a moment's notice. "But it's a pity," he convnented, ''.that the emergency always comes around midnight or in the early houri of the morning." Flood Control aid to beleaguered beach cities has come in the fonn of men apd equipment for sand hauling and anU-ln- undation work. And Osborne m¥e it clear that the count)" had not beal re- intbursed on many occasions for the ,.;cl il has dlspatached .. on ·such occasiona. "Our work was successful but. our at· tempts at collection (o( bills) were W\IUC• ce~ful," he told supervisors. ONE GOB BLER ESCAPES TA BLE • WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) There's one turkey who won't come to a druntSticks-up finish today. A local variety stott has paraded a healthy bird in ill display wlndows for days. Customers were.asked to guess Its ~·eight, the closest es&imate wlnnlnC the turkey. Employes of the store became attached lo the.Ir new fealhered lriend. Con· demning him lo a hot oven waa more than they oould bear. Brother Tom will live tn the "petUng RCCUon" or Lion Country Safari, a Welt Palm Beach tourist attraction. . . ' f,rom ~h-Dakota at f\ichard1s Lido Markel in N!!:.wport &each, to be picked up. ''1ii&' tovolved a problem, but I was surt it could be solved. I waited for the bus 19 Nt wport for hall an hour at Ast.er Street and Coast Hig~way, then walked lo the· downlown bus staUoa where it finally arrived, '"'lbe courteous-dfiver gave n1c direc- tiona: for gelling \h( Balboa bus a Cross ~-.busy hf~)'ay;There was ·a se~t at· t~. comer .so; I was ~re •Ule bus "!G_.Uld ' . stop, but It seemed to be a ton( wall. ' 'l..;, rlghl on drtvlnc! "When the bus didn't come, I 111kl ' '\I crM!d out, 'Oh, no!' quieUy 'God, you have to take care o( f' "A youna boy who had driven up in 1118 this. I must get to Richard's Market •• Vol.Uw1Jten and &,one lnt4:) a music 'tort because the goose will take eight hours to a few 'minutes before, heard me as he defrost and my friends 1rom JUverskte returned to his car and asked what was will be here at I o'clock for Thankq;lvtng the .ma""'. t-• -; dinner and 1 can't di~ppoint them..... ... "I fold ·hlm IJI)' 1114* story. "Alter 30 mli\ule& lhe bus a~oaclleCI • t<He said or·~ on, get in and 1'11 take the intersection, st.opped for thi fea llgtit )'OU \o the marMl' . • • ' and pre~ttd ·to (u,m the COMl!!t_~r:t~! ''.W1 laug~ apd talked .a~ the way &a . Wat" w~iti[lg; t signallt<f;.· but ~-<lfiler R~rd '~· By then twas beg1Mlng to aee just h•PP<!"!'i to look l!I~ ollow~•X"*' the fuMy side of my p~m. My Irle"'! ~~~~ ....... ~-''---~~~~~~-'-'~~~~~....:.~~"'-~·''-'--" ~ ·~ • came la and carried the frozen game out to the car and drove me ki ~ Greyhound bus sta'!oo at the Arches to check'CMl their schedule. · "While I ihqulred, my friend asked if J would like a doughnut. He bQuaht two and asked If I Preferred cinnamon or glau:d. l asked which he liked best and he said cinnwhoo. We were · bot.h satisfied becaUJe J really Uke the glazed best. "Jt would be 30 inloutes before the next bus kt La:Jun1t.,My lde11d said, 'Come ,on, 1~11 take• )'OU!' 1114 away WC went, ~· . .. . '! ' •4 ,, ' • lalighing_. We foond many Uoinp ·lo tllk aboUt, including some serious thing•. r "~1y friend told me his name and said he was· 19 and worked ln a music store at Buena Park aiving iultar Se6sons. He said he was free UU 3 o'clock. 1'len be had 10 ,..reree the sixth grade football game at St. John's. • • ·~ae, carried the · goose into my apan; men\ and enjoyed my peint.inp for a while. Then he saJd he had lo go. I of .. fered to pay hhn .. • He looked at 11\e-and lilnUtd and Aid. "It's Thanksgivinl.'' · .. E •• .. /I 4:~t· • ;_ :· ~ .xecu ·1ve· Nabbed t • ' I \ J • 'f DAIL 'f .. !LOT ""'" 1W a ... 1,;.~ '•·· J _.~,~ittgThaks . . , . It "'.Dtil~n'l be h~rd to glless what t h,e pa,~ents:of .Ronni' Brow~~ ~·; ajfd "Anne 'Kendnck, 3, •Ill thankfµI for this Tlianklgi~mg Day.· The· ·)'Q(lr\tf!ers attend , Jumping· J~ck Pre-School in Co.sta' Mesa. · . ' GI Losses· in Vietnam ·~··· ' ' , ' . P.~hed ·Ove,r9,000 Mark ' . I SA~oN (0Pt) -U.S. hl?adquarters said tOday 130 Americans were killed in Vietpa·in fust .week, a IO-week high. to push llie number of Gls slain in action this year past the 9,000 ma rk. Tlie same upsurge in fighting that boosted U.S. losses resulted in the heav- iesf we~ly casualties for South Viet- namese troops in IS months-567 killed and 1,421 wounded. Military ,Jpokesmen put Viet Cong and' North Vie~mese lo~s at J,021 dead, their heaviest in three months. The weeklj4 n:port-llsting another 65.1 Americans w\unded-came out as a group of near.ly 100 U.S. medical corps- men began a 'Thanksgiving Day fast in , Pleiku in prole.St against the Vietnam War. "You can't believe how much suffer- ing there is until you see it," said ohe or the protesters, Spec. 4 Richlird Howes, 20. of East Providence,' R.I., whose job it is to treat wounded GIB. The Amertcan·dea~ last week pushed the U.S. toll for the year to 9,029 dead. At the same poiht Jast year, 13,~, Gls had been killed. U.S. dead. for the w.ar tolaled 39)7%, the 'report said. 11}anksgjving ~'IJDed Cleat acrOIS-most or the war zone, with light ·combat ·re-- porled. Helico~ carried hot turkey dinners to froOp's ·tn lbe field. Headquarters said three clashes w~re reported Crom along the Cambodian border S9 to 99 milea northwest· of Sa'l- gon Wednesday;1'wilh 30 guerrillas sl1ln .against U.S. Joaes of one dead and nine wounded. • , ' Faces $1,~QO · Leisur~ W or~d Theft .Rap · ' ... ' . . ~ . . . . BJ RICHARD r.. NALL . -· ot .. DlllY '"" "'" A trusted LagUna Leisure--World ac-. count.ant who assertedlJ' , atOO, quii:ters irom pay washing mi~ aDd took them to U.s Veras la Jo. be arraJilned In municipal court Friday •• Nick Martlnus Schaar;3t; of 1911 Iowa St., ii ~barged w.ith one ~t. of grand theft which Orange County lhertr~s of. ficers said involves money and checks worth aboo( $1,600. H~ had also been abscoodi.ng with quaners for a long time, :~Ncago Trial . ---- aakl Sheriff's Capt. James Broadbelt. . Broadbelt said sh' riff's officers had been working <n the Laguna Hills ·case for about lhree months. He . said of9cllls of Leisure World C9rJ>orajlon's medical center had known somethina: wu wrong several months ~lore • tbat. Pay washers and dryers weren't making a.proflt.w BroadbeJt lllld lhe medical center has since placed Coin countel'll on the washers and dryer1 to determine how much has been de~ted. Schaar n:portedly had a key to ~ "° fuochines bul ooly took part of the quarters each lime. , Broadbe1t asserted the aC<.'OUDtaat~bad dlso taken·about $1100 in cash arid cbeckl from .the · office when: he worked. Tht sheriCf'rt cap(.aln said ,the total amount: missing bas not ~ determlned. The ht' vestlgation involved survellla,nce 4ud p cess· of ' elimination, the officer· SJld. He alleged Schaar took the qUAf1en te ~s Vegas -where their exchang' would _ not seem unus~I . Officers arrested Schaar last week. He Is r~ on $1,900 ball. Se-imtors '.Cl!zim ·slayiflgS -' . fjgpr~ Gir.e ~ . ·"-. Li st-of 'POWs..; ~~·h.:.i.,_t;.ef'l'.ciSJWd, b.y ~ilijary . - CHfCAGO (UPI) -, Two del<odlnla In the Chicago riot COA11plney ll1al have released 59 names of A m e r I c a n servicemen r~pottedly ~eld P.risoner by the North Vletnlme~. Dav id Dellinger and Rennie Davis. leader of the old Na\ional Mobilization Committee tO End the Wflr in Vietnam, handed the list lo reporters in a corridor news :conference Wednesday in the Federal BuUdiog . The. names were submitted to the DeJense Department, which said it previously had listed 54 or the ~n as capuves and five as .missing. Spokesman refused to Identify any in either category .. or to' r~ish their hometowns. A Pentagon .spokesmen siid th'e 54 had };leen Identified as · PO~a by · cor- respondence, Information from. released prisOn'ers and' films taken by a Japanese news· agency and others. Dellinger, contacted later, said whether or not th e names were already on the Defense 'Dtpartment captured 11 's t , ''ll)akes very little difference." He said he felt the North Vietnamese "had no way or knowing If the names they released were already known by the' Jlefense Department . . , the important thing is that they have opened the chan- nels by ·relea11ng. the lilt." ~ Dellinctr said he and Davis 'have a messenger "on . hl1 way to }ianoL to establish what further avenues of com- munica tion can be opened." He did not name the messenger. He said the 59 names were . released through Xuan Oanh, a member of the· North Vietnameae deleg,tion in Paris. Wiiiiam Kunstler, chief det'en1e aUorney for the "Chlca110 seven," met witlf Oanh in the French capital earlier this month. 'l'ASlllNGTON (APJ -Two aenalorl c~ .ni!Ulary ofllcera In Vl<il!lim dllblr1tol1 coverlxl up the allepd MY Lal maiUc,.. Ind one 81ya the ultimate count may be 300 to 700 dead. The senators, members of the Armed . . . U.S. Distributes 'Sile11t Majority' Film Overseas WASHINGTON (·UPf) -The United States ii distributi ng to UM countries a 18-mlnute 'tele vlllon I I Im aimed ·at countering the impression that recent antiwar demonstrations in Washington could mnuenc.e American policy. Entitled "The "Siient Majority," the film was produced by the U.S. Infor- mation AgenCy (USIA) at a cost of '30,000. It 111 being provided in Engl ish and 17 other languages. A· USIA spp~esman said. that the. flltn has three baS\c purpoafs: I-To recall President Nlxori's Nov. 3 speech on Vletnafn and his observa- tions that only disaster could flow !rom policy formulated ''In the slreet." J-To und~rline t~ constilullonal rlghL Qf Americans to demonstrate and to ·express their d!Sllent. l-To examine the "silent majority" • and to e.1amine the feelings or the less demonstrative Americans who "over- whelmingly" outnumber the quarter n1Jlllon demonstrators who 1athercd in Washi ngton Nov. 15. The ldea'-for the film, officta\.s said, originated with USIA administrators hnmedlately after Nixon addressed the nation Nov. 3 and 11:poke of the "sllent · majority" which he S!lid was slip. por,llng .hil Vie~ policies. $ervlc!o c.mm1n ... made t~~ ~rael after Anny 8"crelarv Stanley n. Re9ot gi1>0.comm111*i 0r l>Oth 00uae1 Uoe -i definitive official account. t.o date of the March i961 incid'ent. · Sen. Richard S. Schweiker. (R·Pa.), said after the closed-door !leSSion he it convinced there was a "premei.itated coverup of this incident." He addedf however. that he thought the coverurt doesn't go to the ultimate top leadership in Vietnam . It' does go fairly high up in the chain of command in the field struc>, Lure. 11 Sen. Stephen Young (D-Ohio), said of:. ficers in Vietnam told men of the 11th Infantry Brigad~ who were In the My Lal area not to write to their congresamen. The senator said olflcer1 "whltewished it," but that "murder on such a hua:• scale, '300 to 700 civilian$, cannot bl whitewashed ." Rep. William L. Dickinson (R·Ala.), said Resor and his aidea totd HOIJH Arzn..: ed Service Committee member• that·~ between 150 and' 300 Vietnamese wer1 killed at My Lal . . Resor said the Anny Is still ln- vestlgaUng "the extent to which tht members of CQmpany· C were acttnc pursuant to orders from their company commander or hlghe:r headquarters when (See MY LAI, Pap I) Tij erina Co~victed In Cow·thouse Raid . ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. tUPI) -Mn· 1can-Amerlcan militant Reles Tijerina was found guilty Wednuday of anau" and false imprilonment stemming from the 1967 armed raid on a New Mexico· t.'ilurthouse. Tijerina faces a prison term of from 2: lo JS years oo the charges. Di!trict Judge Garnett Burks set Jan. 5 as a tentatlv1 date for senlencing. · ·No" New V.ietriam s Count11 ·:Enters Phase % J Or ange • • • For U.S~ ··Rogers ' WASIHNGTQN (UPI) -Presidnot Nixon ,vill not allow the Uiilted States to beoome involved in another Vlelllam· type war on the Allan mainland. ac- conllni to Secretal, ol Stale William Revised Air Plan Okayed Weatlle r Variable high c I o u d s through Ftiday but mosUy sunny day1. P. Rogers. " ••• We have learned one lesson, and , that is we are not going to fight any major · W&J'I iri lhe mainland oC Asia again and we are not going to send American troops there, and we <erWnly aren't going to do U imlcd we "havt ,,he 'Amerlctrn public 11nd the .. Congrea behind us," Rogers said. "But in any event we have oo such plan, We don't intend to," he said. Rogers made 'his commenta Wcdnes· day night in 11 television Interview broadcast on the National EducaUon Televiaion <NET) network. I A drastically amended second phase of Orange County's master plan of air transportation finally became airborne Wednesday but it wu a sha ky takeoff that only just survived searching quea- tioning by county supervisors. I\ three-man committee's repo"1 got the nod from the board after a two-hour Inquiry •that ended 'Wit~ ~1Upervl!or1 expressing ~le£minati0n. 10 revi~ the. furthe;r progress~·of the m111t.er plan 'a secohd 11 ..... ldi the committee Ind the consultants as otttn a1.possi b1e. The u.me board two, weeks ago deter- mlnedly clipped the winci ot a much more ambitious second ,Phi&e as envis- aged by consultanls•Wiltilm Pereira '~ Associates. They senl iCounty Admlnl• tralive Officer ltoben lfhoma~, Plannillf ' ... ~ l . • Director Forqt Dickason and krport Mana1er ·Robert Bremahan. hick to the dr1wlng board for a much more modest appraisal ol orange; County's future aviation needs and delnaods. They 1ot it In the forqi of a six-page summation which will come back lo the lmnl on Jan. 21 •flt< onalyall of ll1e pnjiJoul from Jan. • throulh fl. 1'hble six'. pt.get were backed, reviled 1J¥1,.re· vl"" apln ~ ·u ob¥loully. con-~ ·l:IOard'wu'pftpared tp•acetpt the bulk of Uoe commjltee 'a ncommendo· !Iona. . . Sc~uled for review by the c:onunittee and the Perelrs lroup Is IJ\e luture role or Oiange County Airport a1 a metrpporl and general aviation center, the ,poN!ble clvlUan uae of m1Ut11'1 11rfllldl •t El Toro and Santa Ana and the complling of a muter plan of metroports, regional a1reorta Ind .~ paru thro\Jghout , the counly. · P,,relra'a ltJ0,000 .tudy la expected lo provide answers Jn terma of the counl}'!a aviation l1l!Odl throopt 11111 and •d•Qla· • Uori of ul.sft&a; ,si\eS to cope 'with huae lncz;eases Jn p&llenget> traliic. , one por11 .. of lhil appeared "' be shot , dov;n ·befOrt tl'le boird took> acllo.n on jfe. formula when Marine COrp1 Col. 'Kenaeth ··r. Dyke. mpped forward to rt.pea t-lhe ttaLement he bas offered on several occaaloas in .tl\I hearJng room: ''If ,YOU make any futther Study of our milJl.llry · airfields, with a.. view to Joint uat or your taldna oftt thtn'~'re walling your Unlt tiff ADlPORT, P•ce I) ., .. ,; ·INSIDE TODAY . ' Qranoe~ COOlt area 1'ttaUer1 Of/iclafly •P'!' lloe Chn.t~ sl1oppiP1g atBBOK to d c r ..tt,. some real.l11 1pecial "apcclaU"" ~duertistd In 1tctlo1a.r fnstretcl' J'' tl1f.I ,-.11anksQlv1tlu "tdfH011 o/ Ille DArLY PILOT. : 1. CllHll1IMI •.U Ctlftlt1 2J l!tlltf'lll '•" ' l!ni.tl•lllll!ttlt .. JI ,t,1111L ..... t ft -... .. .. lea.... .... ·-·; , ....... ·- 2 3 !&0 $4 0 £ cue A• --·-. ----,.--.·~----- % Ol)lY?liOT ' 'Blackball' System Se.I For SIJt-lei-s:" • :fol~' ~~'"r ~have won a full par.too f0< 'good behavi« this week as tile cltji = i\Olf liejlni i.. pr.,.are a new ~ elimillal&¥ the 13 ~ lic<nse and~ lwilng r.ones and !il!l"!-" ; . The surfii'J. given .lillJe ....... nf ...,... . etss eerlltr lhis sJ.oiunir, Won mild, but ... nubstantia1 commendation from Marine Safety Director Robert E. Reed and Police Chief James Glavas who appeared before City Councilmen Monday. Both Reed and Glavas said the ~ cH's trial broadening of the hourt and areas restrictions 1aat summer worked well and today'• surfers · are a different bt'eed· than those who caused the1 pnr blems ,three years ago which sparked restrictions. Councilmen voted unanimously to ask City Attorney Tully Seymour to draft the proper ordinances eliminating the license f~ Indefinitely and making permanent 51.lrfing under the "blackball system." Fonnal council action will come next month. Under that system. lileiuard!ll will detennine where and when surfing is safe ahd if conditioos wln'ant, surfer,1 will have to leave the water if gulrdl hoist a yftloo.v flag with a black dot in the center.· . iReec11aald that !ree system bet!an this Jl!IS'C midsummer and after tile l!nt thnoc diys it worked well. • .During the initial few' days, Reed ad4 dp:I, a few problems arose becaute of ~al weather conditions. :Warm, balmy, windless afternoons and eJ.ell)ngs found swlnuners still crowding U~ water at dusk, causing guards to titist the blackball well beyond 5 p.m.1 Uie usual start.i.ng..Ume f« surfers. ~e unusual problem has not recurr8cl. tllis far, Reed said. · · ' · early a hundred surfers have ap- J*red in a group before the council in 1*ent monUJs to ask for more liberal ~s. '.Driginally the surfers had asked for an !.'l!-<i•Y open !lll'flng area upcout ..r- Niwport Pier near McFadden Square, ¥ city stalf and council agreed that the ,.quest was hnpoealble to grant beeaU8C!: ol swnmer ·crowds. · DAIL1 PIL01 Ptltfl _, Ttm CHiii Over tlae Falb COOncnmen Don Mcinnis and Howatd· Rogers then launched an Jdea to open up the city beaches under the blackbaU 11ystem with more liberal houri aDJ1 kill the 3-year~·license fele. • r While you were flat on your back on the livjng room couch watching instant replays after wolfing down several hundred calories worth of Thanksgiving · dinntr, \hfs, )'Ollng adventurer was challenging the surf off HWltingion Beach. He Jost tQis round. But then how' many places 'are there in the U.S. where a su'.n:er can surf on Thanksgiving Day? That's something )o be thankful for. Starting time under the new code (in 5Wlll1ler only; in winter surferi can use Ute beachfll al will) wt1neu lollow1, Starting time tor .irea in front ol Newport Pler par1clng Joi 6 a.m. Instead of 7:30; The ·area from 19th to 80th 6tzeets °""" tr<m 1. p.m. ,to li, Ute ..... north <if lbe pli ' lot'"' tlio 5atKa Ana River jetty 1'~30 a.m~ to noon and • p.m. to 1\11 ""1lnjr areas would be under blackbaU control. Gypsy Wagon Make8 .Last Stop At Auto Museum Teens lor Ch r isi Spe Hq : . ~hit"ii.~giihg··ifi :fait • f si!ec1iJ lo ib. DAILY PILOT S!CR,AM~NTO -Fiv~ mem~rs o( . the -militant, onetime·. Teeils for Christ secf once hea~red in Hwitlngton Beach are spending Thank sglvini here, not :ti> menUoo O>Rstmis and probably St. Valentine'• Day. ,. ·· The self-styled c ·h r I s t I a n revolu· lionaries began serving terms o( 40 to 80 days in Sacramento County Jail Wed· nesday after pleading guilty to disrupting a place of-wtJrship last Sunday .... against the Bethel Temple Assembly of God flock Sunday ni"t, quietly in· fUtratlng be.fore arising with a mighty -L , '.~One member let oul a .warwlloop, signaling ~.£hems of denunciation of the hypocrl~ o~ organized religlo_n," related one astonished congregation member. The Rev. Cly<le A. Henson sald several of the bearded interlope.rs in the pen- tecostal sanctuary suddenly leapt out from behind the pu1pil platform waving banners decrying idol worship. ~~~~~~~~~~- • From Page I MY LAI ... 1.,,., I, I fr 11 , I they destrvyed My Lal"a buildlnp and fired upon its unresisting inhabitants." The seCretar, said the queetion ot ordtrs W8! one ol the "critical issues•• remaining to be resolved. Resor said it J!18Y be several months before all the allegations in the incident are evaluated. He said seven Army in· vest igators are at work in the probe both ln Vietnam and the United Stales and that 75 witnesses have been interviewed, including 26 still in the Army. Lt. Gen. William R. Peers is seeking to determine "tJie adequacy of boU1 the original investigation and its subsequent. review." Resor .said. -~------- New Sttuffl Souglat 1 I!ier Owne r s Get ' -·Fee · Repri~v~· ., ,. ' .!• '~ By, JOHN V AJ,TEJ\Z,\ The possibility of tidelands fees for 7& Newport Beach private piers over county tidelands was llkely moved <*p into the future Wednesday by fhe Oran&e County Harbor Commission. Digging hard into the confiicting ptiilosophies cf ctiarglng for private use cf public tidelands in Newport Harbor. the commission called for a long-range, comprehensive study by county offices and the city of Newport Beach into the whole question. The commission action will take the but ihelt JWt,icipaUon .still ls Important on this matter." ,~ ~ ·• The commission agreed. . The fees of the city-imposed tees seem to have 1<>me sympathy with com- missioner W. Allen Grubb, who agreed that U., new city ordinance is complex and confu.slng. "f sat with two city councilmen at a meding earlier this week and al the beginning of the meeting the issue seem- ed simple, b1,1l as 1 got Into the city's fee ordinance 1 became Pl-Ott and more con· fused. · .. "I don't think )fe should make a mistake drafting a confusing system or fees until we have explored every fact and philosophy compJetely," he said. form of advice to county supervisors, The report, Grubb and Mead agreed, who must make the ullimate decision on , could have an impact. on Upper Newport Bay1n lbe 'Mure, no ~ler wbill plan.ls enacjo;d alter seWeniehi' of lbe ~l!ute: ttie maUer. Commissioners heard from represen- tatives of the county departments of real property services, the chief ad· ministrative officer and the county t!ounsel on the concept of new fees. Originally, the intent of the Harbor District staff recomme.ndaiton favoring new fees was to place the county portions of the harbor tidelands into ii. parallel ba&.is'witb'the city-administered ba,yfront areas. But commissioners, still COOCi!med over the cobllicting pb.Uosopbies, have been asking for more information od the ipue. -· The coriiroversial city tidelands fee measure,' fuvolving a Oat $10 registration fee along with a formula for added use fee's in certain cases, seems certain to pass the council's final action Dec. IS. To augment one concept behind lhe fees the commission retied on in- formation Wednesday from C o u n t y Asaessor Andrew J. Hinshaw. Pier owners complain that ttie fees are unreasonable, because they are already compensating for thelr private use of public 'tidelands through higher property tuea. 'lbe Hioahaw information indeed shows lhat the bayfront dwellers pay more tax- es, but draws no conclusions as lo whether the increased taxes should be in- terpreted as tidelands use fees. A $94,500 bayfront home with pier genera~ $1,898 In property tu.es. That sum, HJMhaw said, is $246 more than a bayfront house valued at market·\lalue of $82,500 which haan't pier rights. rJie plan,wJpsJ> lbe ~!nmisalon Is seek· ing would apeClfy a complete, general policy on the concept of use fees for r,ubllc: tidelands ahd· would examine close y tile t"'ll• o11.U11111 ~1y land to quarl-plib- lic groups at token fees. The policy, therefore. 'would include the Sea Scout' Base and Orange Coast College's aalllng and rowing ~nter, which sit side-by-side on 400 feet of coun- ty bayfront property. The rert per year on each of those facilities ii $1.. Strong concern over the equity of 50 small amount for so expensive a piece o( land has geen spearheaded by Ccm· missioner Frank Mead. Mead's ll\Otion introduced t h e com- prehensive study plan . Kenneth Sampson, county director of harbors, beaches and parks. conceded that the invitation to the city to join in the study "will probably be after the fact, over the bay exchange. • . · " Dick Cavett Td Tak~ Over· Bishop.Show .. , HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Dick Cavett, onetime. g&g wrlter •for aJid c~osel'~mlor Johnny Carson, Is the Americail Broad- casting Co. 's choice to· succeed J0ey Bsihop on its late·night talk show. The show -orlginatlng from' New Yoi-k instead of Hollywood -will com- pete with Carson's ~BC.TV program. The selection of Cavett was announced Wednesday by Elton H. Rule, president of ABC. The new show, to premiere Dec. 29, also will compete against the Merv Grif· (in Show on CBS. Bistlop left the sho,w Tuesday night while tapipg a program telecail Wed- nesday night. It had been armounced earlier in the · day that the Bishop show, begun in April 1967, would erxl in late December because ot a drop in ratings. ABC said guest hQ6ts will take over until the Cavett show begins. Cavett's humor leans toward the in- tellectual vein but tie is equally capable of the homespun variety. ._ Some of ttis most engaging ro11t!nes . dl!~I with !:!Is e.xperlen~s as a {l~ve of . Gibbon, Neb., callghl up in ~ Ivy Leaeue traditions of Yale University. He was a comedy writer for Jack Paar and others before beconiing a coriiedian him.self about four years ago. Cavett, 33, first appeared On the ABC ne twork in two specials, "Where It 's Al" and "What's In." ' In 1968 he began regular morning ap. pearances in "this.Morning,''·a talk pro- grain later retitled "The Dick Cavett Show." ' . The show was later canceled and last May Cavett began a summer run wllh a talk program in prime evening time on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Cavett also !las se rved as guest host on the Carson show. A gypsy wagon that carried bands of proud nomads through Europe and the far East and a showman's caravan that toured the United Stales as part of a traveling circus ha\•e been acquired by the Brigg! Cunningham Automotive 1-luseum in Costa Mesa. They created..such a tumultous denun- ciation of idol worslUp, springing up among the congtegatlon at Bethel Temple Assembly · o£ God Church's Afterglow Ser vice "at 1:30 p.m., that one "·orshiper collapsed. -. "Everyone was very disturbed," sai<I 1 the Rev. Henson. ,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The clergyman conceded the lightning demonstrallQn was weJl~x~uted from the tacticaJ standpoint, but he was plainly against such Carryings-On in the name of The gypsy w~~on dates back to 1875, while the showman's caravan wa! bullt in 1900. The gypsy wag9J1 was ~ to a fami- ly. Its colorful exterior has wittlslood Lhe ravages of Ume~ and its interior is being restored to show museum-ltlel'S how the gypsies lived and traveled. The caravan; (wagon) was part of a train of other Waltfnl,.all drawn across the country by a •teaih traction engine. It remained ·in UH wiUI last year. The in· lerior is walled With mirrors, and cul· glass and-etcbed·designs adorn I.he doors' and windOw~.: UAll' ?1LO I • • ........... -k ........ --···,;~' .... ·-c·~·· ..... -..,._ CCIU1 .Pl.« ...... O)MMJilY fleli.n N. \!\' ... .. ~ .... "'* .... J•c.\: It. C11rley · Vb f'rllldlnl -~-MIMIS T"-'• ktRil ..... Tit-" A. Me..,llill• -·--ozi. ...,, "° ..,, ..., 11~ ......, "4Cll: nu..,...,.,.....,.... u.e. .....,,m_._, __ .... " .... 9"dll -Ml'""' • The elderly gentleman suffered a heart attack and was rushed to a hospital, where he suffered a seCond sehurc and Is listed in serious condilioo. Jailed . while 15 other Children of ISrael -as Urey are now called escaped - were James Ballister, 21 , "H(!ppy•• Wolila, 21, and Ralph Ahern , 23, pJus two others Whose Mmes were not available. Ballister and Ahem are wanted along with a doien others who face sentences steinming from convictions following a CQ.5ia Mesa school demonstrat!On early lids year~ . The n e w I y proclaimed Children of Israel marshaled a t9tally new strategy From Page J AIRPORT .. • and the taxpayers•·money.'' Col. Dykes told lhe · board that the Marine Corps is itself pressed for space at both terminals a.nd recently switched some of Its training programs to Yuma, Ariz, "We're going-to be here for a long, a long time," he said, "and if we weren 't we'd reject your pfoposal on the grounds that military and civilian use of one air- field is absolutely inco111patible with our reqtilrements." supemsors fdt;the-joint ""' seclion Ju the study progrmn.,: •SET ~t0RATOIUIJ"1' Dan Emory of Newport Buch urged the supervisor• to prohibit any further expansion of ~e County Airport and its suvlcts until, the~ board makes Its final dedsloa on-U>e proposed master plan, ,·. , '"f O!P"Ji>i lo i'e&rt a'moralorlum noW orl Oraftgi CoWily Airport service&:" the noise tbatemtftl adv001te said. "Frtcte .. thl!. ~n!y with rrgJfd_ to \he airport operaUon so that when the study ia compleed It will still be v.•Ud . "Thls Js 1 POJilically explosive dt!elsion and it should be made by this board, '1 Emory said. warning supttvisors that Orange COunty will be atiracUng 2$0 m1Ulon passl!nger1 b1 1915 on lhe basis or studl'I whlcb Indicate that county .facWUes will bt handling only 110 mil· lion penoru. evangelism. "I consider myself a peacemaker," he said Wednesday after: -Judge' Arthur Eissenger pr<>nouriced judg'ment on the Children of Israel in S a c r· il m e n t o Municipal Court. . "Bot here our boys are being torn apart by Commie gunfire in Vietnam to gi ve us freedom of worship and then righ t here we allow something Ilk~ this," he lamented. · · · "l just canll stand it,'' he concluded. Coast Re8id~nts To Attend Meet Of J lll'Or$. Group -Sev'n Orange ~st residents are among committee mtmbers of the Or· ange County Grand Jurors Association scheduled to attend the recently formed organization's first annual meeting Dec. 4 at ttie Disneyland Hotel, Anahehn. Among those electing officers and adopting by-laws at the noon meeUng will be former ~and jlll'Ol'S Jim Bttkshlre, Donald Colegrove, David Ring, Leslie Stetten!l'n. Gerald L. Werner and Mrs. Thoma• Webaler of Newpoct Beach and ~rt. Helen Keeley of Laguna Beach. Richard W. Sasse, foreman of the 1968 Grand JuryJ ,has been na~e<J temporary chairman ot the gr01.ip. The organi:r.ation waS formed and named last' May 21 when 38 farmer· grand Jurors attempted an ' inaugural meeting in Orange County &lperlor Court. The group has extended lnvifations to Stlperiar Court Judges Samuel Dreizen and William Spelts of Newport Beach1 Supcrvl'°" Will lam Hirstein, chairman · of the · Orange County Board of Sul!U'- vison incl Mayor Calvin Pebley ol Anaheim. . Bas~ ~Id the organitatlon Is "primar- ily aimed al giving conUnuily and assist- ance to erand Jurors and to promott the education of the public and office hold· f.f'I• hr the tunct.lon nnd purPose or the grand Jury systtm.11 For The Holidays at Garrett's We are offering SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on many DINING ROOM GROUPS and GAME SETS Immediate Delivery Your Ja.voriU fnttrlM' derigMr will be ham to aubt uou • , • t,ROFlSSIONAL INTIRIOA DlSl&NfllS Op•11 Mo11., Th11rt. l Fri. f¥•1 . 121 5 HAllOR I LVD, COSTA MESA, CAt.IF. •••·0271 ' I I I r 7 I I r 7 RARB01l ·AREA ·CHRISTMAS SECTION -- • EAST 17th STREET COSTA MESA • .- I / ' ,' -- • ' • - I ~ 71' .,. .. ' ' 1!'1 tlnMI "me ind 111 your l1vorlt• otorn ind shops ore "9IOW with the colors el Chrlotrneo. Enjoy the fun th1t comet with shopping nrly, before the re.11 rush begins. Inside this 1pecl1I Mctlon 1r1 •ti kinds of ''f00dl11,"' selected and priced by your f 1 v o r I t • merchlnt1 to help you get 1tortod t I ~~thi:;, ·~:~~ DAILY PILOT ' . I,, ... -------...... ' ' ; ' , ' , FASHION ISUND . .-..· ....... -il ~ ... . · ! .. + ~ .--r ~ . KllYl'ORT CENTER 1. BAL ISLE / -, r-, ' ; 2. CORONA DEL MAR ' ' , J. DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA 4. EAST 17th STREET · · 5. FASHION ISLAND 6. LIDO Sl;IOPS FAIRVIEll' • . srA tr·uoSP. VIC'TORIA 1 I ' I , I _.,. ... "~-...... .-----~----..--- _t~ll_A_IL_Y_P_ILO_T ___ T_h..,u=rsd= ay, November 27, 111611 Some Tips On Yule Weddings 'Mlere are all kind& of parties at Christmas. but one that's becoming increasingly popular Is the Wedding party. According to professional observers. there's a lot of ex· tta fun at Christmas wed· clings, perhaps because the spirit of the holiday add11 th.at much more gaiety to an always happy event. \\'hatever the reason, a Chrlslmas wed· ding can combine the besl of both occasions. Here are some lips offered by ~tilton R. Field. president of Honey's tntemational. Ltd .• b rid a I salons {ranchlsor: For instance, the bride can seled. Christmas colors for her bridesmaids' gowns - bright colors are not only pr1>- per for the brktal party but downright f1tSbionable, and red or green \•elvet would make a seasonal splash. As for the bridt's gift! to her bridesmaids. she might want to get av•ay from t.radi· . Uonal wrapping paper and present each gift in a gay Christmas stocking. 1£ she does prefer paper. it might be themed in color and design to Christmas rather than to bride and groom. A few holiday touches can add color to the reception, loo. the expert 5a}'S. Boughs of holly and evergreens can be used as centerpieces, with bits or mistletoe plac ed strategically around the room. .4fter all. since everybody kisses at weddings, it may as well be part of the schedule! JACK HAS CHANGED -When the lid flies up, it's no longet Jack-in-e-box. And what's more, Snoopy, being the sophisticated bound that ht is, does his new act to music. Maybe the new Snoop y·iJl.the-music box' doesn't impress the for-reaJ dog here, but Snoopy's pal, obviously a Peanuts fan all togged out for a tide in a Sopwith Camel, understands the great steps the toy industry bas taken. · · Versg C~ptures Father's -- HARBOR AREA CHRISTMAS SECTION In Music Box Snoopy Pops Up J\1gain Poth1<y . , . Copper , , • Gl•11 Wt•f .•• N11m1u11v1 olhtr Gift lttm1. Moot o1 ., lhinl< w • &eagl.,.l Sopwith camel. , VIKING IV , ~member o Ur chJldhoodll A less startling toy ror The Peanuta Skediddlers 56 FASHION ISLAND ' pretty well -but do we Chrislma.s consklerallon for (also exclusive with ~fattel) 1 Opp. Bro•d w•y 1 J reolly! Can you, for lmlance, 6 4 4. o 9 9 J • remember the utter deli&flt your own gang of Peanuts ls tum their heads and swing f you felt lhe first ti.me you ever lhe MaUel Skediddle Klddles their arms merrily as they•!~~=====~~ encountered In a Jack-In-the-depicUng Snoopy, Lucy and scamper along with young-); box? Charlie Brown -Lucy wear-sters. ON THE TUBE You've come a Jong way ing an unusual (for her) smile, Even if you can't remember since then-and ao ha1 the Charlie caught in a likewise your own childhood liS well as For th e b.1t 911ide to whe+'• Jack-In-the-box. For one thine unusual mood -h.is brow you'd like to, you can help k•ppenin9 an TV, re1d TV the box ts nvw a mll!ic box-unwrinkled -and Snoopy mnke another generatlon of WEEK -d.i1trib11ted with th• and Jack ia no longer a stran-wearing helmet, gogles and youngsters in your generation ~j~~·.,. edition °1 th• DAILY ger. When a yowigster finds &earl, ready to rev up his remember ~eirs. · his .Jack-ln-the-bax under hi:'lr----·--"'1HM---..-.-----~----------, Christmas tree and pops it ~1~;1~f!~~.::~1 A homemakers ''dream'' gift... 1 ~;~E;~l§~~::~ I FRIGIDAIRE DISHWASHER I that so delight& the very yow1g I (and if you can't remember, 1 just try one on a chlld and watch his laughter explode when Snoopy appears). II also I offers the appropriate music: I "Ob where, oh where has my liWe dog gone." (Snoopy's 111ightly older friends will know I the answer -into the wild I blue yonder after lhe Red Baron, or out on three called three strikes, or to the top of i his doghouse to p o n d e r Ptanuti' in hum anity tol I Slim Wallet 1 Right for 'Him' I This Erigidaire Built.Jn gets dishes ~~~S;i;=~~ shower-clean.: ":;( • Super·Surge washing ad:ion turns th• trick. Dishes need little or no pre-rlrtsing. Soft.foods pulverizer. • '4 cydes. Even a Plate'Wanner~ • Rinse conditioner dispenser helps keep gla5ses and siWtr from spotting. • Order Interchangeable fi-ont panels separately, Colors or B1ushed Chrome. • Option•I designer door framln1 klt s17s•• Other models as low as $158.81 411 E. 17th St. A gift of a slim, modem fine I leather wallets, ladies -I perllaps with a maldllng key I C t M 646 1684 @D AVIS RROWN case -ia a great way to show l OS G e5G • your man how much you ap-D 'I 9 9 5 9 6 ~ prtclate his new fashionable GI Y • t at• • e telf. . . -------...-----------'*-·-----~--..wJ MAXI IT A HAWAIIAN CHRISTMAS Esca pade '.J Santa Claus \ T'was lhe night be for e Md r off le Md al a ----., • • "IHS.T TIN5S TO 50 NATIYI IN" HAWAIIAN SH,.0.PS hsh5-..._. • .._..,.. IM&h • ·'4M02z HOUll5j Dl111'~11 f! • -flrtlitr.& ~1y 11 ~l:.JI Christmas and the household "'Cllli · ~ U}ret! · • was busy. (Thi ' Of~ tale ls 18d, II The hustle and bustle had Dad b thit, · in a tizzy. But dollnl It llOUDd ramlllar He was stuffed like a saus~ge tll youl) in a red Santa suit. ~Ancn.. His false whiskers tickled and he was weary to boot. But he filled all the stockings and assembled the toys And croaked "ho, ho" ror his sound-asleep boys. Then he fell olf the )adder whil~ trimmin1.tli tree Table Color Table seUings "come aUve" in an instant when the poinset.. tia is •uiifaJ!~~e. dramatically.~•-= '111 "' Suggestions for Senior Citizens Quite oft.en it ls the "senior citizen" who ts most difficult to buy for -but it needn't be so. Gifts that "loot ahead" are always appttclated .•. gifts such u a subscription to a magazine or: bi:iot club, a roll of stamps in a.-preUY con.- tainer . e Slips & Mini Slipt e PJ1 & Mini1. Metchin9 Slippert e r-1ncy l il ini1 e D1tin1 llecl l ounge C11latle1 in ny1en I lece. e PJ I ~ohe ~Sett l ,1 • O.ep Plwn9e bre1. e WHITMAN CANDIES e PANGBURN'S CANDIES BUY EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION S&H GREEN STAMPS i, ,. I BLU E CHIP STAMPS FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH Shimmering silver sets ott new nightJight tirewofksl OualiCraft'• sitver-fabric arch ~a~~~ PJn1' end platform sandal ignite with rhinestones. Come see all the OualiCraft night-shiners. from si lver bright lights to satin softlights Handbag. 5.99. Shoes just 9.99 SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA l HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH • ' ' • I • ------------..,...---=--..,...--------------... -... ---"""~-~--P-'-'--<'•_,-, . . . - ttAlUIOR AREA CHRISTMAS SECTION SAVE NEW YORK (AP) -Don't throW away th06e· *rappings after all the gifts are opened and the "ohf-and·ahs" are ailepced on Chrlstmps morn--inc. Save them for neit year's holiday decoraUons. Just to make sure you'll know what packaging materiala to keep, Norcross provides.some guidelines and ' •. .. , _,_ .. . . • GIFT WRAPS __ - • 1Jb:ucU'od;.or boW' tO se u*·" wr4pPWgi:"' . -'; ......... -' .. .__:_ ....... 1 package Norcross "Angelettes'" gift Wrap Of coune, lf-you want to get - ahead or the 1ame and make these decoratiooi for 1989, boy the materials, u&e.-what is needed then wrap wltil th~ leftovers. 1 package Norcross "Christmas Cameos'." ·g1rt Wiap · · • While COll'trucllon paper White poster hoard ANGEL ORCHE!ITRA Material!!: , 1 roll of pink' tfssue paper Rubber ci!ment t2 colored toothpicks , cut 12' pieces or ~ctlon paper 4 x 1'A ln~es an(! score at S Inches, 2 lncbea,.S lnche.o and 'ho inch. Cut 12 4 x 4 inch squares of "Christmas Cameos." Cement . *9 the f:incb section of U. construction paper. Cut circlea out ol .center 1J9o lnil paper 11 a guide, Cemenl, ; pink tlsaue to both slcle.s o( re, ~ t malning portion' oJ coo- &fructlon papet'. Fbld bn sco~ lines and gllle flap to inside ol. ~the 4-inclt SQUIJ'e. Make lJ' 'tila!lll ' this • y. • 'Cul ~ e:!i of lhe 11 ana:eta out of 0 Anle1.etteri" iD block ronn. Glue to white co1to struction paper and' cut around filu"5 cUe!ully. Glue colored ' toolhplclar to b1clar of ange!J. i: Glue boliom end: of loothpl~ :~ lriside fold. or• trj.~e, cer>o ~---' .• -·~=.. , ...:. ..... 'mft ~~~~k:: ~"I· '-·-1 1Uli ~"i d" , "5edup~eards~ ib" .. · I ' th • · 10~.!JlllY ·lje • toment.d to· L&S a ·p11!U!A · 8 SUD •. · pasleboalil. w1ih lhe-: utraa , , ,. " · " ~ _. • .... flariJtirJt'tbe· tree lbape at tbe 't .. ••· ... • bottonl. " Th• Sony TV-71 0U ••i9hh • littl1 ov1r ' lb1., Noicroas ll)so has available ; yo11. ,,.,. to1k• it iJ!nvwho1r• -H1c.h, bol1t •. ~011• instructions· for making a ' doir or ~1c.kvo1rcf. 1!1111 o1 7-inc.h clio19011o1I 1cr1•11 modern psychedelic yarn tree · ., . " tht lo1h yo11 ·1h4r! th• f11.n with th• whel o1 fo1~Jly. with all tbe hot colors -p~, Sho1rp pic.tur•7 You bet. rv.11ou ow11 It 11111111 green, red, orange and yellow WRAPPING PAPER MAKES ANGEL ORCHESTRA '""' ,..,"" .,i;d ,1,1, ,; .. ,;,., _ ,..., , with a pi~k tissue"b!lckgroW14 71Y,". • ' •, forw~rd A~C 1y~1m for .. 11.~1itiv1 11c.tpt>on, -_ -and _a host. of Other do-it. ~ f~/ ~ • O,.r•tt• on A.Co Plllf• into co1rs 1114 bo11h with yourself decoraUops lf)d hand· Mi!V ~' II I I 'Y ' t t ., .. .;_-.,;.,::-~ ••Jn.Ide~ ; All art iQ-..... ·~ • •P , 01• _ 1cc1~101r.11. O~ "':, 90 •:·J7-s.~"~..,=-~. •~ .. ~ •' ef~and,'fwUo.JDlke. ~--. ~-Ml1 .. ol' It, ' ,. . I ...... ,., ' ~ 'r • " •• ..,,,._,_. t-. .. !1 ' -..; . e: : . ..:...;::.., ~ J::-...-:. ·~ . ..t.!°_,""'... .: ~.:~· ~' .Our :22nd _'YNr ~.llM Har~ ·-e .:IDOn'i: IlOrrJab ' ~-·' ""! •. -:Ali .At Ona: .. -~,. '' . ' . . ' ... -.. •. . • ~· ~tior %1. 19e8 --·-DAU. Y PILOT i ' . :: l.!·~i·Jb~t _,_ fl1!ilA.'5J . YU:¥ .. I --""' • . ' -... ............ -t -~-··· -• _...._:;rt .., ' ,.a .. ..... . -~ . • • ... •. ::::~·~g-;lf r~~It!On·· . • .. • Remains . .. ' .. 11';"; t .-l 1'. . ' ~'YORK (AP) ::::1n an• YWll~ l(ow-;-!M log lighting Christmas poem, .\l'hl~ ..,..,,, • ll'r of. ltudeat· prw.ta., ana · ~.f' DUC ileln ~complete with .. t¥1.wordJ;, ·~'Twaa the · • ndlcal. lbptlclom, a "9ttve' Wllhaul Ille ~ -ol lhe Night &!ore Chrblm83." Olrillmaa.~lradltlm nmalns1'"~=~=~-~~~==;;~--~=;·~~-~-~-;; llDCblJipd II Co I um b I a~ ·~~i:-.:C::O::·~: . " ·.-~-:;..::. ~'~ '.:.:.· .. ~ ·._,, .:-1..1~ A._,/ I • dormllarr "-• iln d D/UIJIJJwu.:I( '\!.:::] fiK:ulty ~ 1-ito r 11 y ~ore--vaeatlo!> ~-•• WORLQ LEADER IN RECREATION. ~ year· coll ... .,nd COlrf•UMt•~OH/111\INIWK;ltCbfi~o•A"TIOn , their.-er•••llalo ~ bolly-. . • ('.j'fi L' ~ llJinnllo'l' lcunc•··· • POOL TABLES AT -UC •, Ibo pml11o1 ol Columbia :7 · " UolftnllJ Ugbla' tbO heavy .. $275 "Yule q• llf Ille flroplaee. HOii , -"-':··:.;·'-=====i=z::~._111111 Sludeal ~ -laad • !be ·~ In 1ln1ln1 ° ChrlllDlal CU'D1', llld • pro-_ .. nada Ille chr!otinas ~;~ Vlstt ... trQm St. ··-;Ji:::=-=~ 'Jflnl-.pilee .al~bia 'OO: • .Cbrlltm>l'lli&ill Of • It II . , · ~· PrUldenl Nibholaa •· CeMJ IN · .:' Maffit• a..ii.r . -. sled jhe • OPIN AINTOD NII ,:. .......... _ ... ' A~I "'""" lbOoe •• ~·sv ..._ ~--9UNDAY. DIDLAT ._ _ llildlgll. -wlio "!"1d not 10 •• • ,., • ._,.fwlbeboUUY, . . "-:,, LAY.jfW'AY 'NOW FOR CHRISTMAS ~:-Some•.~ -ol the . AT COsTA. MESA'S EXCLUSIVE .. ~ tiive ·remained .. linehincOd over tile Years-To-BRUNSWICK DEALER , , • _, .• , ·cil;y, u lhen, oeveral aludlnts ~:;, lhe .::i.m: ~room.;1~ C~uct ~ BOWLllG & BIWAROS Chrlslmu. CU'oll. 2750 .HARIOR BLVD. AT ADAMS Other parta <if Ille ceremony In Coll"ll• Center -COST A MISA -J4Q.7303 · hav~ been added in recent ROYAL HALL• DACRON._AtlD I "!.: ) .. ~· •. 1 '• i I· I I I [ I !' " •• 1, j I I I 1 I I I I ~ •• 1 • • \ I I DANIEL GREEN • Red • Black MANISTEE e Whito • Pink • Blue • Green May _ we aiso svggest. for the Ladies • Den\.I GrM!I Shj>pers • Coordinoting O'omphieo Shoes end Bags in M•ny Now Fashions and Colors e FlORSHEIM SHOES e EVANS SLIP'PERS e INTERWOVEN SOX e HUSH PUPPIES e WRIGHT ARCH PRESERVERS e Ci.ARK'S .e SPERRY TOP SIDERS ~CHILDREN • LAZY BONES • STRIDE RITE SHOES e WELLCO SLIPPERS e RAIN BOOTS 1831 NEWPORT Bl:YO. DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA . ~ ' ' ' - llld',\P! rlldlq• • PHONE 548·9744 -~: . , PILE'~UNID BOLD PLAID C.P.O • Rugpl-a~·all· outdoors, winter~ wmn Jumberjaclc plaids in new color combinations .•• fully lined in acrylic pile by Malden. Snap-front cloling, 1birttail ~idevents, 36-48. 1695 Value- pri.ced ' . ,. ~-WOR._._... 'II,~ "YIAR·ROUND ' SUITS 3195 COMPLITI ALTIUTIONI INCWDID GOLDIN EMBLEM• SUPIRBWObL SPORTCOATS. · . - -·-· .... ---,t.M El'llC~·· LAlltC9~eT .-AMILV CCf-iTJit'Nc:s "'ff"HAl'N._• .• • OPEN'.:_···-. , .... -. ~.. ~. -.. _ ... ' -. • . SU!tlDAI.. •• --. .. --11 to 5 .. ·, · 1 ·• . . -.. --.. ' . . COSTA .. M.ESA, ,1,60l NEWPORT. BLV·D: AT 16T:H r:-.;,., t I ' ,, ,. " • ' v. ~' ., t ' ' '(! F ~ ' GARDEN GROVE-12372 GARDIN GROYI ILVD. ... -1· ..... -.... • .. j ,., I " • 1' -- 4 DAILY ·!'!!LOT • Thursday, November ,27; 1969 ... ~HARBOJi.AREA CHRISll'MAS' Sl!CTlON Zodiac S.ymbols Cut Out San~a1snSJn.ff ··. .. ....,; Look.:~to Planers· · ' • 'lL~ The ctiildre on ,..,,. 1111 will paper. P,,...iar 1llOl!ls !or "'ch be deligbted lo ftnd Santa cut-out., are HtUe angels or 'Claul'1 smiling face on their animals. If you're not ~ed pfeeintS. For 1JtlS J,0111 y in the drawing 'department, portrait, cut out S ant a• a simply trace yOur cut-outs features frmn heavy paper in from ~ or books. appropriate colors and paste -:;;::3· ~====; them onto a rectangul• bo1. ,.. . ' .~o...:.:i-...~ : •H• .. ~~ For-·. Token~ Gifts :· . '. . . -4. . . .. Far 1~,;_pmlen: on your ju,14-tat.n glij 11!1, look lo the planeb. A ceamic star emblamned wtUl his or her Zodiac lip lo hang on the ChrlstmU tree hits the target • • 1socko. Arid while the mak· ing's run, the investment'• tiny. All you need is a set of napkins, co !.f-t e r s · qr notepaper .•. anything· that carries' the 'Zodiac symbols plus the t¥i·o, ingredients fi;ir the clay: . .baking soda and corn starch. Yoo start by making the clay, thusly.. Comb In e throughJy in a saucepan 2 cups baking soda .and 1 cup corn starch. Add 1¥.t cup cold waler and nib: ·unlll lllDOOill. Bring to a boil over ·medium heat stirring constantly. Cook a minute longer or unW mlzture looks like moist mash- ed Potatoes. Transfer to plate aQd cover with a darqp towel • When cool l!!QOllgh to handle, mead1 a litUe as )'OU would dough; a~d otore all but the 1clay ·you're about to use tn a clOIOd • plastk film bag. Roll c,_y out on Waxed paper to ¥• inch· thickness. Cut out slars with cookie cutters. Pierce bore 'in one star polnt with tgothpick ~for attaching tree Ji....,. Let ·11rr-anc1 harden .ovµnlgb~ I .,. 'Before-pat.mini ycm atar1 witb •WBJer' ~ or tempqra. coosult the Chart below. E'acb planet ls assigned' Us .own col- or. While paint,ls drying, cut out Y,OtU" Zodiac sigrus from the note paper hor whatever you picked up !or the purpose, and using""Wblte glue, .paste each onto the .center of lts rightfuJJy colored star. Add a twinkle to each point,· if you like, a gold or silver paSte-on star. llyoopreler,yoocanu.esell-Tell Your Kids adbeslve paper. It comes In all .T 0 Read Uncle colors and can be cut to resemble any form you like ;, Len's Column and attached to theitopiijoliyiouriiiii'i' iiiiiiiiiiii _, ' IMPORTED . BEERS VIKING IY 56 PASHION ISLAND IOpp. l•o•d"(oY,I 644:099.I J THE PERFECT -Gin FOR,- QAIYS DEN . '01.MIQ . ,,,... "' ' ,. ' ,. I . PQllTAIU IA.I • Complete with casters, lock and 1:.i6 gl~.~ ... \ . 30 .in.. wide, i _ 33 in .. high. 1· • 1-- 1 $119 Should you get carried away with your wizardry and excted the number of stars needed, use the extras as package tags for members of the family. Let them identify w h i ch package belongs to whom by ~onsulling the sign! on the stars. 'AGE -OF AQUARIUS' COMES TO CHRISTMAS TREE TRIMMERS And since there's no forget· ting the moon these days when you're playing around w)tb the Open Tape . R~corder First Make 1UTe a tape recon1er•11 opened early Christmas mom. Ing. A tape of Christmas morning sounds ts a unique personal "touch of home" for those too far away to join the family at holiday time. · planets, give someone. qieclal, Leo -Hon -July 23-ber 22-January 19-red-blue- sucb a YoU!::St~. the moon to August 22 -blui-red. . green~, ... wear as a dazzley pilf, i::ut..a Virgo --Virgin -.A:~ 23-.AqUai1us -watar beam • circle or c:reoceit oul"'.ot Ille · September .:z. -" .r>d,brown; -Ja11uary ZO.l':Arum7· 11 !:.. clay with cookie cutters; PlUJt 1 'ifeen-yellOw. " · , daik'.red. '.' _: .• ~ silver, 'add a lace and paste a' Libra ~ _BCales -Sep-Pisces -lllbos.-Febluar)' pin attachment to the backalde tember 23-0clober 23 -green-.II-March IO -pirj>le. with white glµe . . · blue, Zodiac Dales .. m.., ~ Colon S<orpl~ -scorpion - Aries -ram -Mlrch 21· October 23-November 21 - April 19 -red or green. blends. Taurus -bull -April 2(). Sagittarius -archer - May 20 -blue. November 22-l>e«mber 21 - Gemini -twins -May 21· gold. June 20 -green. Capricorn -·goat-~ ... . . -···-·· • ' ~ .. .. ' -~ • REMEMB.ER WHEN • • . SMOl!IMG WAS· ~UK?i -,;r.~., , ~--f E:Sll·~{i t .SE~A.SO N •• • • • . t •• • .... IT ~.· 15 '""'°" .-.:::. ~ .......... -..'I' --· . -ON:·LIDO . · -~--~ .::-"! ........ ' GIFTS GALORE.I PROMPT FRIENDLY •· ._.. .. -~ . ·---· _ ... ......... . .... ~. THE REAL OLD TIME CHRISTMAS 'SPIRiT " BURNS BRIGHTLY AMONG THE UDO ISLE MlRCHANTS. OUR TREASURE CHESTS ARE OVERFLOWING WITH UNl9UE Glm NOT FOUND ELSEWHERE. THIS YEAR RELAX, ~LL Y ENJOY • ' j • ' CHRISTMAS SHOl!l!ING.Jrs . ALL HERE PLUS MORE, AND ·· • • , • ' ' . -WE DELIGHT .lN ·-sERVING YOU .., • .... ·I. D. NOWft AMt ION • llN•'.I: UDO llCHPllLD A L'IL•ANT Mnrlstjp .\NTHOffY IHOI MUCI &'rlutosoll'S --• HOWAID LAWSOll. Jl ..... uro• MCIMAN LTD. IANI OF AMUICA .--WI __ .... -.. .-..01TON ...... " _'I ,_JC toun9u1 YIA LIDO llU•I • _. LIDO -IONI., • .' ' LIDO mm. ... ; ..... -MOICtl 'ft.AN tc04' CALIP. ~~TIAUOA¥-s llCHAlrs Llto itAmr • • ...,,, I.AHi • ., - -·-"'" • ' -sHA¥1Ne' MN .. . -' • ·.·,~ • , '.'Tlll' OP'THl;IAY" YIA LIDO & YIA .OPORTo-NEwroR'f. llACH . , ) I ' • ~ ' ~ ' -· .. -- =-;;B F ·~Jo~'.:!llt~i;e, l!ci :l"g ~•fulls the sRJ.endor of Sp,ilr~in9 Im· ' . piif'ed 'J:ryat'e'ls. · Creef• youf ;own speciel di9htin9 moods...,.eleg1int ' or' .. jiiformel, iubtle 'or dremetii:.: If you heve been planning to edd e 9recious ·new look to your dining room, dramelize e livin9 .room or b r i n g excitement to 9eme rooms, loveliness to hellweys, bedrooms or baths, you owe it to yourself to visit our show room end see the most breeth- teking collection of 0 r i g in e I _i m po rte d Chandeliers, hen9ing lamps end fixtures et d own to earth prices. . . ELECTRIC & . LIGHTING 222 ·Victoria . St., Costa M~a (~ross· from Nurseryland) -.~it•dal Courtesy to Builders & Interior Decorators 646-3731 ' • ---------r--------------------~-----.. ..... .,., ..... ...,...,...,.,.,._...,.,,,.... ~ ..................... ·----·~..,.-,~~ ~ ~-·· ~~ ' • •• • . • ;. •• ! . ' , ' i ' , ~ • ' , ? • . e ' t. '· • I I I f • t ,. I'. l r: 1: ! ,. I > t I \ ·1 • t I t ! l I I I 1 I I I . I I l I I i I I I I I I t I t ' I ' , • ' ' • . ' • .~~Ly .Pl~OT . . --· --. . ·----"';·--·-.. -·--·--.. ·-~ - -----· ---- ... . f ~ ~:·' .· . . . . . ADlEl'S fln11t ~..ilty stntclt htn In 30 ilrlght col· on. AJso-w1 urry 1 · cotnpl1tt 1toelr. ............ thwllf ...... GRANT'S. IS . ·1~X·P·A·N~D-l•N-Ci :. AGAIN! ~~n HAVJ Y. • H!~ltD ebo~. ~f '.~~t-. i . . ·new Fl• , nn•n'1 l'1radl1t? Yovu~fl{~: .•. ·-·; -'·"'"It lo .•• !01t11111it 1 liliifleto Milcflilt ef lwm, hoeU, ind 1w1rytt.lne you MM - phn -Ill tf tllt top-r1nlcM rods incl r1tl1 ••• . . . l;OU CAN COUNT. 01!1 . . . 9i~NT'S fOR H~VING ·: Tnl lOP NAMI IRANDI ·;· . IN STOCK. •. I EVERY S1YlE OUR NEW IUIU>N._~ """1 ,....,._.., now. t;.. Ht1dquarttr1 · 1pen1 In ~o wtektl Wt lilust ilspo11 of •2tlrt 1htlf stock n+wl Come lf\,ltHI "Hlf" wltfl n ... Trem 1 11vtn11I . . ··~ PRICES SlASHED,:Oi f AMOUS AtAKER GUllS! 0¥111,000 GUNS ~t10~~~YI .:~± • . .t; ' ·~ ..• OWNUllO .•: ., . . . ., ~ -· ··:: 7-' • • l.U'DALY ' t ALTHli -~. i A -· •LAMA -.: tisr SALll· PIUCf .: ·---. -' llotington Aulo!M~~ Shttg~n, 12 oi ,. "19'5 .20 911191, Plifil~I ... o:ljol.95 ' . .. ·~:-, 0: ·: ~ 1'l'" '"; . .., .... ~ iii '. ~. ' . ·f· .~.; .• ' ·. ,:.-......... ·-t;,, ~.,, . ColtTrooptr 357 M•um ·,_ ':~'::~}ft,95 · 4" or 6" ltrr1I .......... 142.50 .:•:y · Singlo shot .22 col. Rifle F-U.S. m1kl .......... 29.95 o AKO -0.1rlo1 Oily Over & U~ Sho.lpns, 20 .. ,95 • OLT -· -fltkf Medtl 11ltclivt trigger, 1fllo. • & R "''~' 1jtctors, luU lt11urt1 329.00 I ., '• REMINGTON/PITTRS .22 LONG RIFU • UOIR '• .•· o ACA -. -·. . ::' . ,~· 22995 $57o9 LIST • SMITH & WUSON " ·. · '. ..;•; : -I $t.3o l · Suptrt0t Gr~lji,· ..•••...... :J.49.95 • ,., ... .., t . ~ . '. 'OrrCE·ll-A·llfEJIME: V AlUES ON All lf PES Of GUllSf.. ---- •• . , .n""'''" NMmbtr 27, 1969 ... .. . -. ' . . ·-. -·-----------· .. • ' " -NUT ·llOQA At-- GltAfl1J'$ GULF silVICI -llA TION - .. ''Cftarge It'' af · GifAlfisf '·. ·. i}ffWf ,,, PROPANE STOVE and. LAftTERN ,. AU NEW l'rtptnt 1uptr tt111 11,000 ITU'l on 11ch of two kumor~ c .... ,111o with UL 1ppron4 r1fVl1tor, """'" 1111 combln1tlon l1nt1m ftt LP c~d11 ,tr prop1ntl , l'nplnt Stove .. .> .. $24.95 '"I"!'' Botti.• ..... $29 .95 Ctm~flonr l.onltnl $14.H Laftt1n1 loftYtrttr ... $ 6. ts Tottl ......... $76.IO Now ·· '69'' Top Quality ·1eath•r s45 COWHIDE Jl(KETS . · . Regularly ·$60,QO ·• . ~ \ • SMARTlY STYLED for bof'1 Guys ind Gabl Fylly Nntd ~u1fity rough-out l11lhtr. Full fringod slHVti,' ltotfom ind · 1ero11 ' ch11t. All sizes. Buy 'em now! 1 * 31 Slyles of J1cbls 11 Gront's * Corduroy J1ck111, from · ........ $14.11 ·, Sutd1.flk1 J1ck1t1 .. ,. ... $14.11 Mtn 'I P.CNts,. .. -. :· .... , .. $19.95· ,.,~ ii .. r,.ctt1 • :.,.,._'"'·· -.ti.,' ·. ;-. «Jlf .: ... ·, .. $16.95 • .. A,,.,.. l .... r'' • . ' 1f0% WATIU'ROOI ltflen· .W with '.· - wt"'rMf ceetlnf. Acrfla11 euytio ..... • ,_ ... fir i•tr1 w1rmth. I••"''""' iel-"'~ '" 11111 .1 .. .,;: St11HI·"' 'cell•r with • IMH, full 11,,.r. S·M·L•lCL." . .. . I .\ ' Livi'•' Denim J1cktt1 : ...... SJ.II Levi'•• lintel J1ckel1 ...... $11.fJ,. Foul W11th1r .. " (OOh ·.; C~ ... $16.'5 I J ' " .. , r I 1 ,, ,. • ,I<, DAlLY PILOT ·T.~ilrsa)ji, NMmher 2'1. 19 iF:PICl!tic Raincoat Cool ~:::.f oo. • .. ·f ~ ; .. . ,. . 4 ' • A new ct0mfortable. 'fl•Ater· ibecaut1 ~~·pms •re ne. " #I j)Orlfolle>packal•d.,raln, ;t~r,117 ....... ~all>tr lhu -b lu1!1911·•tyled bl 1 &le•· ~wo., ·. . . ,Jldl .~dflC.so&ood·~ ... IL mod•l·:"'nii Skipper.~ ..Jne'U aetr.~Jclissille\I ., relfufes •bone '.IMll.tons and ~ .nlulii! rainw'ear. r · " :~fain.ion 001J1r ; J. by.Almar, ~~ r ~ . • . .. 'nte: rea:wn.1s Vitron. a tttat,. · > · · r . . ,..led ~ ol vlriYI ...... G. e 11.,( s·c . . . ,<iobt I~ ""8' 1, llllablt lux·" 1;v ·"fU ~ ' 'Ut;Y,bl.-tttil tltat's carv ... : CJ:u'istmu . is i day or .. llii"a'spjdll1\lldia~ i\shlf'i• • 9'.rt!rjl•,,brigbl r!ti6ont, ahJo. --the...'fi61d-oJ. we( 'Weather a,. rnr·eyeS and a splri\ ol livinc- parel. . , When chi~ .Wait on sUch Vitron coals are ·too pei-cent a'd~y, pertui~ the but gift of watertight yet C()(ll in even the all is the day Jtself. 'wettest and 'hottest .ll'eather; Christmas is· also a time flf dirt, acid and oil · resistant; 'tn1J1ic, and the .gift of mus,ie_ Is carefree in that they wipe one that will be appreciaijd. clean with a . sponge ·and and enjoyed · through all the ~PORTFOL-10' .R.AiNCOAT water; ·and 1 extra s t r on,_., years ahead . k \ A\ I' . • l • . . 'f~ \ t' \ ~ .· "' I ' L f:• ' . 1. I 1· ' .. .. • .. . -·- I' u' • ""'" ,. ••• ,... .... , ... !--... ,. \ .. H. AMIE RICA'S .L A.tGEST l'AMILV <;:LOTH"~~ ~CHA I N .FANCIES A~D soL1D.s IN ' . THIS TERRIFIC.·~,U:Y ON s ·~ . ' ' , tivc Herbs '!. For Yule : Chef ~: Herbs su6h as c 11 ·1 v·e , · rosemary, and bui1\ growing · t in ;arqaU red'; ·ct3.y pots mak~ 1 ~ noVel and lieIP,ful gifts a~ ~J; · preciated1by1Wnt chefs. • ~ --sasy to maipt4in in their' ~ ·Clay pd!8 in.a kitchen window . .1. the' aromatic~ little plants will' "1. assure a ·plentitUI ·-supply of . '·1 I MISSES' 'FAVORITE SLACKS ~:!I· _1r_es_h_h_e_rb6_.,..'~~-...,--:t; , r:::=======~1I G .. • '*'-~ ' ' A jloliday special ii there . e.vei Was one! Rayon and aCetate slacks with 'vide 1, legs and fly-fronts ... I ";ai;my "(ith belt loops and all 'beautifully ~onded for shape retetitlon. Extremely \Vell- tailored and marvelous.lyfigure flattering. Choice of smart solids ,, '!f·altr•ctive fancies. Be 5rrljll'I, , mip up a few while ti'ier=re oruy 4,99. Sizes 6 to 16. • --. -. , • • < \. Only I I . OPEN 'SUNDAY. .11 TO S ' . • -' • 1 I .· "· zai ' ~· ao~Ilation I 'Diamond TI$gfl.$. N ·- I . - Costa Mesa, 1681 Newport Blvd: at ~iltll: ~ . ,. .. GARDEN GRO~ _:.l2372 GARDEN GROVE B~Yo. ,. , . . .• , •.•..•... ~-··.. . . ..... ~ ..:r ··i:···· -.. ! ••. , ·....... ···-. ·' ... e, •• ,..... ·--.. --·--·-irARBQR AREKCRRISTNf,;s-SECTJW . ----. . ----· . . . ' ., • t! ~ " . , 4J 1 J." ;711. ·Si., ·Cbsta M~a Delly 9·9.·Siiw doiy ·94 . · ·: 646-IH~ • ' • .l'. .. ~ . I .... ' ,._ • ' GIFT WRArS .• · TO ., P~D ~OF . ' AT ' , REINERTS · ' ' i • .. I; • HARBOR AllEA CHRISTMAS SECTION 6 •. .... IUS· BUY TODAY ON E-l PAY LAYAWAY . . ' ·6l! . ..... ' sjom HOU~: 9.to 9 tAILY, SJJNDAYS, 11to5 ----..... • •men MlhJl •"-' 227 ltll 17th ltrMI RAGGEDY ANN or ANDY .,511 \ ~. ! ,. BAtiUNG TOPs .:tGAMl -. T opl ore .Pun at~ Mgh -f ~ 1 : • •Pffd,tholotttO,to•tond 2 66 i1 t~ wi~. Thi1 it a real IEG. octionfun ~ ·• $4.50 KENNERSNEW SUPER SPIROGRAPH. form cJI .lcinds of -interesting d.sgin1, incl~ing twalf, trapezoids, c~er leofs, etc. • Uneni!ing challenge 4ee and interest Re1. ,,'5 . 41 ,,, ., .... $1.;5 . ... NiWPORT BEACH ',;: ... ' -• ,.. • ·-J .. 344S·:Via Lido , . .673.8530!.; • • .. •_.J:· . • l~~l!!!~~~~···~Mt~ .. al!t-................................ ~.· ...... lllliiliii"liiii ,, View Meter ''DISNEY ·FUN';~"'; . THEAfER '•••· , 11.'5 . " Walt Disney charoctlif theater -I 0 reels (70 full color · 3-D 1cenet.) Plu1 projector for 2-D viewing, 1tereo viewer for 3-D viewing. With case. JUST SAY ''CHARGE IT'' ot the TOY HOUSE TOUI IA.NKAMlllCAID AND MAITll CHAIGI HONOltlD ALL ST AR HOCKEY The Official Deluxe Game of N.H.L Players Alsociatill"I• features 12 moving ployeri in th ti( a1""'9r uniform1. 14•• .. . . .. sr:;. .. v r. eRE CHRISTMAS . . ' ' , ' .. MICROSCOPE SET , .. '"i ··_A· • .. ' . .. .. . . ' .,.., Metal '"';iith pqwero up t9.tf8~ · times. Pro ' ..tpee~"'-cClm4l ~ tngr 11 ·;fh :":...'lf "' • • I chambers. 1n-"" .I! elude• equipment rack, artdft ·o nd cover-gla1s. ; 0{·.-.1' •·.,. ~· 1;,.11.u Munay Deluxe TRICYCLES Murra(• 425 . Deluxe aeries. Ftoture1 1ptcialtit1 1uch 01 plaatic vat, heavy s~p up, special fender. Make '•m roct nof"tostopl Multi-spHd throttle control lt1.$ll.U TA . BOA.RD • --F1t111 riding sent0tio11. Mode ., . ...,... dorabla polyth..,. platlic. 4· MaVv-'dlhf mttal wheels with btiR b~ fpr,fre. ro;ofing;Sturdy honcll•i . cil -..· tt""~g .~yhand orfMt. ''·,~··· v .... ..... ' ElDON . POWER ;PAK '8 ·-' COSTA MESA ' , .. !· D-?!E:"~l7th ·St.'.·;~ i.,: • ' 548-5454 .. . , . ' .. ; · . " • ' I r -~· -· f DAlL \' :lLOT Tbursd.y, .lj',ovember 27, 1\169 • ... ~.. -- • . ~- Whether she's s'/histicet•d, precttcef, rome~tic or ele9ant you'll fin she'll be pl••••d wlth the 'bea11tl. ful teilorin9 end d11i9n. Also , to care fer It just tois in wa shing mach ine and it wil be •• be1utful •• new, Aveilab lo in Bitter Sweet, Soft Pink, Tropic Blue. S-M-L. Pojomu, $14. B•by Doll, $12. Scuff1, $J.50. . , Luther Father of Green Christmas? Many historians give ~lartin Luther credit for introducing the decorated evergreen lo C b r I s t m a s celebrations. Evergreens were abundant In his nati\•e Germany, and it's said that during. a walk on a snowy Clµ'stmas Eve, Luther became enchanted with the beauty or the trees ark! the star filled sky. He cut a small fir for his home and deeorated it with candles to simulate stars. THE STORE WITH LABELS OF DISTINCTION D1Yid Cry1t1I. Joribtrry, Mtriori McCoy, H1nro, P1r11e1 Fei111fel11, Cedye, Ki1nbe1ly, Golclworm, • • '"'" Fr.cl1ric1, Andre,.,. Ar•i~ • Alper SCi.w•rt1, le w re 11 c e Gr1 .. es. • _ Suih, Co1h , Orei111 D111yfi1n1, ' -.. .. ',.,J • • °'inn•rv .... toc•~~il, if)cl ,fve11l119 ~27'11 'J-~hwa.z Gow11 ~clblt!! J•'\!.$ 1 11d Coron1 · 11 Mir Ho1iery ••• Imported 111cl' Do· melli~+tih .' -.,,... ,_... ,., .. -' -:' • P:h..~~:950 .. ~ Si111 o. -. ,.:.. .... -.,..,. ~= u • -" ,. ...... ,.. ..,ey ~.'•lt!·im.i, ~t:J! •· !:======·=·='="=·===~====· =··=~=·i:'::i'~ O'IRIEN'S •tFT CfATIFICATf I ) ' J 1 I ' ~ I • I , l l ; l ; I i l ' ' . • WHEN SHE COLLECTS CONFECTIONS-GIVE HER ONE OF THE FRILLY DE. LIGHTS , .• Co'" p I e t 111 11lectlo11 of Robe1, Gow111, P1l9poir 11h, 1lip1. p1tti· ••lrh , brer, t lrclle1 incl bri 1f1. by ·~ Seti• bow1 e!ttl 1tre1m1r hi9hli 9ht · +his eh1tl¥e drift of e t own. Thi botllc1 front of Al111co11 l•c1 is ¥ell· eel In 1h11r with 1 p111el of the 11me •heir f101ti119 free In lh1 b1c•. $15.00 '73-2990 . 2SIS E. CoHI Highway at M1cArthur -Corona dol Mor • HAJUIOJ\ ABEA-Cil1'\IST~U5 ~£!l_9;£' 0 ; > ro • I 0 ¢1 i -• 7:: Brigh1;.·_Yule -Fashions For Men:. • -i' 'I 1.r '.~ ., • . • -·· 'J" mee>. ~..tut be wann ~ cozy with its you can ~ he w?°1dn't--wear '·-al eolor If 1~ .. !l!O .perceJ!!JlolY~•W pile lln-·~··So don t ~Y 1.t , ~ n 1 l .• b 6·oto 11<! o d tng that 1..U llke fur! It also And tr he • lne"t>~~bly clotbli(1 hive~ ID.,,. boasta·:·au.~e 1eature1: a wanns to~· Danish Anny coat. Moul,11. ~.elf~. Ibey huge collAr lo ke<p out the take the•hmt! . ' ._ .. dt,, tlQoo II lo ln -...... cold: hone buttons and tab ''llllft "1111 Pio. wtll llnd lhe Iron! cloolnp .-cl stylish .~O...:.L .. M bold ~""'9. ~11, bellows pockm. A memorable •M•~~l#lll4 • -wlll be bozyinc llJe liflA gift! From A 11 1 g a t o • -"ta; tbetr ~~-If Mom Rainwear. • • • GIFT BASKETS ., . fflurlfll!I\ ;ta a J.)anlfb Afmy Best w1y ·to choose clothes ~ for Hubby, chal'lces are for your man is to let him ~:n be~ ~· choose them. C>.1 your next Q!ie . .....,...,.. niinulactur<r shopping trip, wby Ml take ... ~ up Wfth 1 coil that him along and remember 1his ~ •lael •wlll lblnk aulb his reactions when he passU the CW:lllng image: 11111 • winter shop wtndow11? If be makes •white lublon will ~ him remarks about a purple shirt. YlklN~-fV 56 FASH!~ ISLAND I Opp. Bro•dway ) 644·0.991 WHY NOT SHIP A CAR.TON "' • OF ORANGES, OR f'--MIXED ~ <:;ARtQN Of, FAN~~ ;<;~pr f. FORNIA . F R CJ IT S Tu YOU!{ .. * -SHIVERING FRlENO'.s .'.(AC'~·/i. . ,EAST 7 YOl:l~LL . BE TE>,.:SIN??'' ~~ . . ~. ; !HEM , WITH !'ft-IE ! F~l,J.l! ·AN.D~• THEY'LL ENVY THE FAOT THA r YOU : RE IHi SIJNN!f../ CALIFORNIA. QON'T FOJ$.ET YQUR cUSfOMERSi~: CYOU CAN C .... ~GE 'l T ,OF' ••• IT'.S .OK. Wl~i 1:15•1.". ·; '.· CALL US fjOW ,FOR OUR LOW ~ICIS ' I . ~ND 9!1ANTITT D~OUNT$ ' ' f " . .. . • ,.---'""'" Know How" , • Order of the House" 'AUTOMOTIC' MONOGRAMS COME EASY !~--~*~~-~,.. It'_s A Snap For thole loo~I for a rea~y diffff~_f!,t..Utere's a :..,,ntW"" monocra11trmr. .. ttach· •· .. ment that is "i.i;arii~ed" lo'fur, out'jieile.fbiida1s! 'Ibis being the era~ of the "spture'\...lalhloRl~nyone :.>!".~""' II bound 'iO be It\. Tliliiied ~ . .;;Jth thls i~on ' lo Jle:r sewiilg ac- cessories. It opens up a whole new vista of effortless penonalizlng or fashion and home decoration items. turn- ing out, as it does, perfectly embroidered i n i t I a I s as routinely and as easily as • • straight sewing Is handled! 'J'\liS new sewing accessory ,.,.orks a"lmost like a chann! It fi ts onto all Singer machines. The initial "cams'' arc in· serted into the monogr~ at- tachment, the fabric is plit.ced in position under the needle and the machine turned on. .. . The monogram mer~ mediately goes to work and turm out a perfect ftlh bnllder<d initial wlthoul being touched! lt isn't e' v en necessary to guide the fabric under the needle! · THEN AND NCY>N .. , *c <rrocn&rPJ Down the chimney, up the Tree. If )'OD can't ftnd Santa, look. at me! Swirly, whirly crystal p]eattd 11kirt and a groovy lac&-banded bodice In a Permanent Preoti Kate Graenawa.t of KodeJ• po)y'°!Or. an4 cot!on, Rtd. . ~· . . Toddler $7.00-Wx $'1.M-7·12 $9.00 ' ONE Of THI LIDO SHOPS 3404 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT BEACH • . " • JUNIORS,·MAKE THE .SCENE IN . OUR FASHION-WISE BOUCLE ·KNITI Swinging little nrunbet in 1 bonded 'nyon and"""'"' boocJe knit wtth.Clllltiastio& , la0o rimming the unuaUaJ long....J.wtde ooJ. 1.:r and cbfl~ Butt0o.1ron1styling1or .. sr lllipping on and al, a neckline made 10< jewelry and nk:e long 11-s. In 8.attering beige tCl.l8t sizes3 to.lL - . . 899 · . .,. -.:.:.. OP&N. S~N!~A: .• "~ "· Costa Mesa, 1881 Newport Blvd. :at lftK<" ' .. __ , .. ., . -,., ·-_..._ ... . . ~ ~ . . . _,.., . ~ . HAJtBOR AAEA CRRIS1'!11As SECTION _ . Winter Sund>ay-Theme . For Yule fostage Stamp SubJe<ts .or ·u;i. Chriitmu postqe stam~ aoinetim'es come under fire from ~ mWtanUy protealing "'" of nllgious palntlnas, etc. For 1 It I , authoriUes evidently .. come UP, wtth what they fiope is an attracUve compromise between these people and others who would like to see more or the religious element in motifs of Christmas. The 1169 Chri!tmas !!lamp reproduces an unknown artist's painting, Winter Sun- day in Norway, Maine, Pic- tured are townspeople arriving on root and in a sleigh at a small church. The initial Issue of the 6-<!ent stamp was at Christmas, Fla., On Nov. 3. [-.IDQ f\LLt:{7 STRICTLY JUNIORS NOW OPEN • , • In The Alley Of , . Open F,rl. Evn. 'tll ' J424 VIA UDO ALL CllDIT NIWPOlT HACH . ~lDS WILCOMI. I •• • . ~ ·-~ ~ . . Thureday. November 27, 1969 -. ·DAILY PILOT-. '. 1 .. ~·:~~~.~~ts •r•.• w·llat els~: matters. · I 1 v'; - ' i • Tlle1!Pok ' I I ' ' .. • • Wf' KITTEN-IN·A·BASKE'I': GUDDL Y CHRISTMAS FDR SDME KID · Kittens Putr-fect Presents '{' , -;' .J· . ~ . A cuddly puppy or a playful ·~' i • ; ;;-, , · I ,~ • L ki\1'11 could create Ute perfect D·o·L;.~ ~a'·~n~ ·-d' ~s· ., ~=~~~!~~::: ).II.• · ' • favorite Di"'!' or ll<p/lew, now _ ! old enough to appreaate the puppy he's been yearni.ig for. Sony's FM/ AM rigital c:loc:k radio Or an olderly relative who wouJd welcome companionship • · · · -· -r of a quiet, comfortable cat. · ronty larae numerals that telJ the 'time-mirluie-by minute. Jn giving pets as gifts you jYou don't get an ordinary clock in Sony's Digimatic FM/AM have to be careful to choose . clock radio 8FC-69W. You get one tliat's pushbutton con-the right people for a pet, as ~with large easy-to-read numerals, instead of a clock. well as the right pet for ~ ~And easy to operate.) Which means: Once you set the time pie,. cautiops 'J'.he Pett FoOd /)'OU want and push the automatic button, it wakes you up 1.n_stitute. But 1£ you choose the. uad same time erery morning. automatically With no wisely arid ~ell, y o u r 1 tti-Al h · If 11• b · -Christmas pet 1s sure to be .,.~ .. ,.i~r. sos uts _itse o . y itself ~fter an .hour cherished aU.year"'round.• ;«ploy.And it'<"" l<Jtomatically adJusl ID a slightly higher How do Y'"' ~Ute rijiht ~,:.to.,.ae~ gel\tty, if~ doze_"!:f!'!!l loolc. no hands! pet? How )!Uol>.ihould-.you • , .. m.n~llxit1o11.,,.t .,..tK>bec""""'-.'l!!IOllrtablelil' · J>iY-IOr it~,'tft.J<il .ten-lf a .;!ff ~~nce_t "9tl1iliB ~:rich,bOr....,,. tllanks ID 'J)Ujlp~ or-.i.lalleallby,.jiist 1:'9i*ll1 Sony. c1rcui1rY"850 ,,,,. ot ~8 ·ron 31':" ,~.,a1 ·ttr . ;:~_...,.;All iii 1 low;sleel<, C~·catilM!lhll\ ~;:1Dt~'bell>'way ~io; ~r i:t.iliii up 1 minimunl;ol.opace. Sty1ed,ilt Whiie or -earn;, • ~ quet)ions . • is ·to • ask ··•..r.:..wtttt ..... -s.:..-Comet .... ,. · friends wbb own pets · and '!,r--......... .,.....,..,... n, take one home, and pleasant , seek ad y 1 c e , ·: frorii . a l~~ . ~ '80~ veteriparian, pet shop, kennel, {· ·~•· or. aaimal shelter. Yoo Hcan ·~, also-Consult• a local, dog • or • I cat-c ub for expert opinions. ·;· Don't be afraid to ask ques- :: tlons. Most people who raise • or ~11. pets are sincerely in· : terested iii finding good homes for . ~em. They want. to help you make a happy choice. I 411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa When you visit .places recommeoded to you, let your tread as . well as your he8rt help make your. decision. D•ily 9 to 9; S.t. 9 to 6 --6'16-1684 • '.. .. ... JO: • • • , Bring this· handy shopping Ji st ~ith'you., -' It will help to remind you of all your CHRISTMAS CARD needs ... RELATIVE SPECIAL TITLES .. ......:. Mother -Fine Folks -Father -House to House -Wife -Neighbor ~ -Sweetheart -FromOurflousa -Husband -AcrossthcMilcs _rarcnts 0. -Special friend -Sister, Sister& , -Baby's first Husband . -Bondholder B -Moneyholder -n>lher, Brother ' -Christmas Cheer "Wife I -Christmas .~ -Daughter, ~ Birthday Daughter& -Teacher Husband -Boss -Son, Son & Wife -Ooctor -Grandrno.ther -Gift Enclosure -Grandfather !!ELIGIOUSTITLES -Niece -Rosary -Nephew -Priest -Cousin -Sister -Aunt -.-: Pastor -Uncle -l!IGod'sService -Godparents -Minister and Family -Godchild -Pastor ind Wilo -Boxed Christmas Cards -Christm1s Gift Wrap -Tap,SeaJs,1ndTape ~ -Christmu Ribl>on •Bows ..__..;-=.;:Ch:;:.:rlsl:,:m:::as:_::Pa::rty~Good:~•!.._ __ J o . Choose from our Beautiful Selection of~~ Christmas Cards Westchester llfllM ....... ...-.. 6Z5t W. 17th St. Oil 0.1131 3674 w. S.111 ...... AX Z·ZISS • " ' '<(htck to see if .tbe anlma.1'~ &Ute • yo~ include· a supply of \Ol" ~pt-Ill clean pe°1,s, Notice• W food and a to)' or to<\ to ,It' lhelr.feecling bowls cootain niund out bis Ch r I:& Im as FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT BEACH • 644 • 2000 • t ., SHERMAN OAKS 119-0JJJ· e HOLLyWOOD '51.6711 . " , FULLERTON li26·130t_ e • 'fiabt.ild 'and •tbeir water,~'~..,=~;'•';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i , dishes sparkle. obs'.erve bow I• ·the owner bandles·his 8nimab. A ptippy or kitten that has been trealed kindly will adjust easily to his new ow:ier. How can you judge a puppy or kitten's health? First notice whether it acts alert and friendly. The shy one, the one with a sad, "please take me home" look, may really be sick. \\'hen you pick up a healthy animal, its body feels well-rounded and finn. You should · a1so check the eyes, ears and nose to . make sure there is no runny discharge. As you cuddle each one, run your fbgers th..1·qu.~ the fur. A well:cared-for pup or kitten has a thick, even, glossy coat. Inspect his teeth and gums too. Pink gums and white teeth testl!y to good general health. It is considerate -and wise -to have the pet checked im· mediately by a veterinarian before giving it to someone. Most reputable pet dealers will replace an animal if some defect is found within a day.or two after purchase. · ' \Vhen you give your favorite person a puppy or kltte;i, be Counc Calories To .Seay Sliin This Christmas Just because Christmas ls nearly here doesn't mean you have to get caught In the .an- nul stuff-yourself derby~ This year all lhCl.p, holl<f:ay parties will have little 1eUect on your waistline. ·r·you ·pay· attention to your calories in- take· when you're not partying. Then you can be a hearty guest and eat aH t h e Christmas goodies witholit wonytng about post-holiday pounds. · For instance, at brealdul try aubatituting skim milk (« whO!e milk on cereals. Avoid fattening t h.l n gs throughOut the day. For Iundi, -instead of creamed chicken, have hot soup and a tossed salad (go easy on the dressing or substitute vinegar or lemon juice) or, if you prefer, a fresh fruit salad. If the fruit Is tart, use ·uquid sweetener here, too. An involved diet routine would only hamper holiday fun. So, just keep a watchful eye on non-partyUme memu and use an artificial sweetener, and you can be as slim in January as you were 1n October. " . . ' . Your Choic1 of thret styles S!j4.950 Autometle Fin• Tunln9-l"°'1nt•d by M 1gn1vo1C. 11.••P• •II 1111ion 1ign1l1 lock1d • In to 11way1 giw you 1 ptl'f.ctly tuned, PlttlM pitturt-intt1ntly ind •utomatlcllly -.er......., ch...-evtry tllNI COllM ln lot 1 d1monstr11ion tod1yl ' ' ·brilliant-co/or . ' • 295-so. JN. SCREEN • •• for the most life-like pictur• tv•r I • CH.ROMATONE • , . addSthrilllng depth to color: warmth to bl•ck and whltel •QUICK-ON •.. eliminates warm-up-glvu "instant" pictures 1nd sound I automatic • COLOR PURIFIER • .. keeps all pictures pure- even if aet 11 moved I •AUTOMATIC Picture-Sound Stabilizers (K-ved AGC) for optimum performtnce I , lasting 8 :· RELIABILITY ' •.• JI auured by famoua , 4_MagMvox 31.F. Stage Bonded -{ Circuitry Chat1l1 that glvet 1 )ieara Of viewing enjoyment I " , .. ·1· • ·-tn , • sp11C11-s.av1ng _,!I FINE FURNITURE '" M.clh1,r•M1n 1tyl1-modtl;fi!I ! • .. r9qulr11 no more floor 1p.ce than 1m1ll 1cr•n comp1ct1 l ' . ' ' '259 ''0 Select fron1 ove r 40 Magndvox Col<ir TV n1ode ls from . KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX " ' MfjgtaAVOX Home Entertainment Center Factory Diree-i. ·Deaf.er 2666 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. Westminster, Calif. 546-1691 894-2350 6855 ·Westminster 12116 S. Brookhurst 12891 Cfiapman Garden Gro~e. Calif. • • • Garden Grove, Calif. EXP'IRT 'FACTORY SERVICE 530-4360 636-1250 ' I 10. DAILY PILOT Thursday. November 21. llU Sylvania ColorTV Sterling . Silver .. Present Any ~an knows that • '!'an Is · the l1lO'\ dllficull, peraon in the world to buy a ~ gift fw. Many a 1 man is equally convincttl that it's impossible to come up with a new Christmas &lit idea for his wife. HAJ\BOR AREA CHRISTMAS SECTION .. . .. ' ,~: YOUR PROBLEM: • ·~ ' -, r . -f ·vou w•nt to sell some lttm that you no 1-r ·noad. 1!u1 101T1MM t Jse c1n use for NOT OVER ss'o ? ? ? ? ? YOUR ANSWEf: I ? You e11l THE DAILY PILOT, 1tk for Cl111Jfltd ACJv1rtisin9, and pl1c1 1 . dfJA-PILOT _ PENNY PINCHER t • • I • • • I CLASSIFIED AD .; : : AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RAn t • I Both shopping problems can be solved with ease at youi nearby store Which sells sterl- ing silver. Here, in· ah at- mosphere of relative calm and q!Uet -so. el~ve elsewhere -you can relax in com- fortable surroundings while you choose from the great variety of small and large items which represent an equally vario).11 price range. ! 3 LINIS 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS •.: FOR HIM -Even that prov«l>!al mau who has everyth!Dg wo1lld take a sec- 1 i • ond look at one o! thne handlOllle sterling ilfls. For the gourmet (1.): I h e AND YOUR-CREDIT IS GOOO I ; sterling ch..,.e serving knife or steak carvlng set. For the party-giver: combl· DI AL NOW DI R EC T ! : nation botl)e gpener and piercer. For the executive (r}: soll4 silver Iettel" i • ! Few presents s~y "Merry • Chrinmas" ao beautifully and retain their good looks and uaefulness so well in suc-- ceeding years 'as solid silver. For sterling's great intrinsic Value is matched by its durability -a fact whicb gives it the kind of practicality that appeals to even the most prudent shopper. opener. , ! IT~I ,! ~ . ..: c~,,! ,?._,~,., i Comforter -, "' ...... ,. ... "1 ••••••••••• ...................... t+. MonEL CE26-Bigfamil)'sire NOW 0MY 2?"/ 8qUll.re inch screen roll• ,3 7 91·5 aboutcolorTV:Hasthefamoas , Sylvania color bright 85•picture '. tnbeand DeluxeColorBoiius • . chassis. Roll-abou t stand optional. • • Following are imaginative sterling silver gifts that will remind that special man or woman of your thoughtfulness for many years to come : For her Bon Bon or Nut Spoon: Sent with a dainty gift of pastel hon bons, this sterling silver piece is a charming gift for any woman. Sugar SJ>OQll: A n in-- M:ODELCE29-HasAFC NOW CINIY (automatic fine tuning control), . • glveayoaaperfect pictureat s·39·91s dispensable serving piece such as this, accompanied by col- ored sugar UMld ·(or d1C9t•Unc cakes and cooklts, is i perfect ,ut tor llle -bride-t<>-be wbo'• l;OR HER -Even lb• lines of these sterling gift just'llarlq'ber llullog oet. sugge1Uons are feminine. Consider (left to right) -Leman Fort: Many a bride . the bon bon or nut spoon a sugar IJlOOll or a lemon tbe push of a button.Includes recelves &'number d aterUnc fork. all CE26 featune and aw~ composition Walnutvinyl finish. Roll-about stand optional. place settings when she mar·------------------- rie:s, but later has to "mate TV RECEP'I'ION SIMULATED do" without those lovely serv· · lb ing pieCea wruch complete her A uquerque: Christmas' • set; the lemoa fort, ac· companied by a cannister of • .. 1ec11ea,coulilbea ... 1co... City _of; Lighted Candles gift indeed. .. ' ,• I t 1411 E. 17th St.' I' I Dally 9.9, Sat~,~ ' . , ~1684 • • • • t Watch-for the full week's T.V. listings in Saturday's edition of the DAILY PILOT. Pie or Cake Server: This · ·~ handsome serving piece is a ALBUQUERQUE, N ' M · natural fer tll'e''Weman who's (AP) -thThe golden .Rllol~ of .r. ... o ._.wf Of ..._ __ fti• and more an one m 1 1 on ,._ .. y .1.::.-""'! .per r-,• luminariu transfonns Albu- catea. CblnCe.s are they re too querque into a "City of good to be,' Bf"ed !"1U: Lighted Can~" e •ch anything lesa:~ ~ sterhng .. Christmas Eve~<i·"}_, Fer lllm , t . The luminarl4)allllom was Cheole Servll\l'Knife: Show . begilil more t1imi 300 years us the man .whO know s food, ago in Spain and Old Mexico and we'll show )'OU the man to light the Cfirist Child on His who loves cbflese. He'll enjoy waY. ~ tt that much more with a solid The first luminarias were silver cbeele serving knife he bonfires ot criss-crossed pinon can call hill own. boughs built in three-foot-high St.eat Sit: Gilding the lily? squares in the Spanish villages Perha\Wi, but what could along the R1o Grande, poufbly improve mediwn-rare Modern luminarias usually steak -er bia carving finesse are made of ordinary brown -but a steak-carving set in paper bags filled with sand. lterlinlt Each holds a single stubby ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ voUve candle. ~ In this southwestern city of 2$0,000, the lighting of the T~• "Cl'l~1111•I Co•t'' lly Z•t• ki11t k•t•rn .t ....,_ ht4• •vh' otlo119 witlt '" OtlM li1ti119 fe, ••nrrrtil irt .... ""l•wh1ter '"•l'lttl•• 111 f our colon , . I . I I ''" • , ~·-~·~.M~GERS FASHION ISLAND ... ..-oar CINTI• • 4+1"°2"4 ' candles begins just before dusk. Homes in e n t i r e neighborhoods are th e n darkened. Throughout the e v en I n g residents and tourists, who are attracted to tbe city especially to ·Vi.e'1f )lie spec1-ci!=, wind their way 1hrou&h 1he . ..candle glow. S~cial nights. also are available so the miles of flickering candles ouUinlng rooftops, sidewalks, streets and patios may be. viewed from above. Commercl-1 airline pilots flying over the city on Christmas Eve report that the lights make IQ awesome spec- tacle. One stewardess said passengers call it an "un- believable" sight. \ Suitable For Ever~orte Yuletide gifts can j>ke all sorts of shapes, sises, and be 1n all sorts of colors. And . serve all kinds of. purposes ... Such as, redecorating a favorite den, study or guest room. And why not make the gift, one which can be versatile enough to fit many masters? We mean men, . . ' women and, yes, teenagers. Outstanding Is a multi-<Olor d.s,.i, pall«n c al led "Gypsy .. on a brand new eom~ forter and throw pillows by Carlln, a product d W...t Po In I Pepperell; perfectly soft, warm, and most of all very glamorous, the comforter Is definitely multi.purpose. II can act like a blanket or look like a bedspread, without changing Jts make-up, and never acids a wrinkle • Changing an attractive day bed to an exotic chaise lounge for dreaming, TV viewing, readinr, and resting up from tiring Xmas' parties, Is -a relaUvelt ·."'71 .matter. ~Jt helps. of course. tl·1o start out you ha'{e bambOie fqrnitufe rib bulll'bi.clamoor iqichl .JS a day bid, table and etagere by Wlllatr and Reed. ,\ll' in a deep 01 blood finlsh,whlch-ii tn tbe same holiday spirit as an <range and red twtrtone aha& carpellng by Cabin Craft. A few touches of color can 1et the holiday mood. And can UMusic.isyvur· way of· life ... . , . you'll low: llstenina to~ records on. Sony's HP~. Wirth component quality and c~t corwer11enc:• this mUMC C ttrm his Ml FM Stereo/FM-AM Tunet that'~ i~ed ~ both vibrant sound end clear stete0 sep1rat1:.1Js1n11tkll . I ir.nslstors, the 38W IHF music powel' (bot~ channels) MnPI•~· fier hH a.,.,., hillt.fnquency nrsponse. With a fuU rant1 ti , COfltrolS. n ~II as 1n and.~'°!' tape ~!!,_l'MI ...!!:,1· deck. The tuner Ns ~-~EJ ·~•s~ '':"' 1 ..... ,. ~ selectioft. A un!quli slkll ruMr Scale tun1ne d~ maloes it -I to ..,. ~· iOna with ~ Tbe system also lrldudll. •; Plir of · bins reflei ~rs.-•ncl • ~I auto/~ l t"""9blti the Pickerinlt Y.15 stereo cMtridlL Systlnt w . finished In olfttd: walnut with alumtnum trim. SO~ t ~D AVIS · BROWN ::,1eu:i:~:'.·:.;u~: 411 E. 17th St., Coat• Mesa festivities juat happ)' memc.-1 ... Prica for the com· Doily 9 to 9; Sot'. 9 lo 6 -646-1684 forter range between alxty-1 __________________ _ five and one hundred slxty- five dollars. For the pillows • . . flft,ee.n and twenty.four dollars. The Perfect Gift for Christmas -$1 .4950 Ask Ann Landers As Seen In: Family Wookly November 29 a home !l:{f ( ' : ' I ' I ~ • Costa Mesa's Oldest Home-Ownmcl Furnltur• Stol'I! 1865 HARBOR BLVQ. Downtown Costa Mesa Ph. LI 8°5131 I o Jl11ure Dellurll For Chrlatmn• Lall•A·ll'all J\'0111 1 \!f:IU!pR, A!\EA 'CHRISTMAS SECTION -- APPLIANCE .C:OMPANY · • . ' -.. SAVE NOW DURING' 0 UR BIG HOLIDAY . __ , ....... FOOD FMfZER "'··--'' 6lNEUI. ELECTRIC .. BUILT·IN DISHWASHER • AUTOMATlt; With 2·1twl Th01t1;w1sh ind Soft food dbpo$tr, No pre.rinsing, No scr1$11ng. Just til t-off la"9f or h1rd food scr;i.ps. ,.,,,. •• ~W. lrWI- =~-: blllfd·ln .. , 23" COLOR Mod rf 1ri4901 .owo ""i';;ff:.';;ff:.';;ff:.';H:.';;ff:.';;ff:.';;ff:.';;ff:.';;ff:.~';;ff:.~~ GENERAL ILECTIOC WASHEI AND • ,_... . ..,,.,,,, AURlllAJE BICIRE_,. ,,,.._._ • Alltomatic timer sels lit• 111 1!1fm; sbm at'ld tiNI,... 111tals. • PIAh·buHOllconllols-lllf five cuct lllmftlll .... • O'ten doer reMet fer.., dUl!inJ, M ... 1 s..99aa .111 • I no und.,·drflnl 'VERSATllOMC" ClOTllS DRYER no OVK·t/fylnf TRUl.Y ' . POR'l'.AILE COLOR roH: en wh#b I ••NO-FROST'' llEFRlllEMTOR 11.1 acl. It> m"""'1 2·wt"'*1tt•lfl·f WASlllAY SHORTENER with MitlJ.a1sker~ ' FREE TURKEY OR HAM Wlrh Each ... Major Appliance Sold Until Christmas (Limit One Gift Per F1mily) - Adn1lrol. DUPLEX No Dehstf119 . • ,......, Refrlttnitor MODEL • HO,.tt ~only 31" wlde....-t ) . MODRNOllM Co"'• 111 ftw you~ ••1y·op•n ICE lltAY o"ly 99¢ '298 Ad111lrol. IMPER IAL DUPLEX• 18 .SER IES HO.DCflOSTING fllUU-IEfllG!UTOl ' H - J 11 ~ ... • 1 l .. . . • Bu), ·People Ke• . , ,, r ' . . . !'skihg ·Me Why· .. • Here are 5 good reasons for shopping early: . . • • r·--~-----~-------, W atcli For Spepial Sections Filled With Early Christmas Goodies in • The Thanksgiving J)ay Edition of · · ·the DAILY PILOT. . ~ ~ ~ \ ,,. . ' "' p.. 1i J . . . • 'I . . , 1• ' -• ... I 1. Stretching out the Christmas shopping season gives retailers a chance to function more efficiently. When clerks are less harried, shopping is more pleasant· for everyone. \' ~ -'~ 2. Many retailers offer their really special "specials" early in the season to encourage the public to shop early and lo help alleviate the last-minute "panic" buying. 3. Just in case your favorite Christma; g·ift merchant has underestimdted your ' . enthusiasm for the season, a longer. period of shopping gives him a ohance ' . .. to ·r~rder popular items so he doesn't have to disappoinl shoppers later I • in )ft.e ,.sea,son. ; 4. When you take more dqys to shop you ' . . can do the job more t·horoughly, and be more satisfied with visit more stores, comea:.e prices and quality the gifts you finally dKidif to buy. 5. And there's no secret about if, the Christmas shopping season is the biggest sales period of the year for most retailers. Support local merchants now and you'll help them make enough profit to keep their prices reasonable all year long. • Thu message presented as a· Public Service on behalf of 011.r friends and yours, the ~~etail rnercfUJnta ol t~ Ora.nge Cqast Area, by the • ' • . ' I ' A FAMILY GIFT FROM . . . . -•'·' 'Tis the season to be jolly -nerves. tones muscles and but if you've been fightii\g · helps the skin light up \\'ith a frantic holiday crowds it may heallhy holiday glow. Gr, if seem more like tranquilizer you sim ply want to relax, Jet IS THIS BEAUTlfl.Jt . . . time. its gentle vibrating action If this has been your plight soothe away taut nerves a1d , In Christmases past, unwind. muscular fatigue. COLOR TV e AM/FM Stereo Here conies a in8giC.iJbeaUi. . Althougf\ Ute.~pplianc~ _in J~ ty aid -the Masseuse, a delicate Wedgwood blue color special solµtion to h~lp you is especially designJ':d for the give and get the most out of -feminine you, Jts ten sion- Cflristmas and the days after. relieving action is sure to ··Plus 4 '5peed~ecord Player : The Masseuse is a new body bring equal satisfaction to massager that soothes and other members of the family. , caresses frazzled nerves and This Saunda product with its c achi'.ig muscles. ~ ~ . powerful motor carries a one-~ The medical ' pi:ofession--has yeai-· -guai-antee,. Is . uwp. :f . . . long used back and body proved and is available na-• massage t(r~ljeye pl!Ys~cal as tionally for ~bout -twe.1ty-five , well as emotional discomfort. · dollars. · Now, right in yQur own home •. you can have that same pro-· fessional care at a fraction of the cost -and probably enjoy it more. For ..yourself, or for some<:i~ very special, here 15-an out-of-23?~ diag. COIOt.:IT'V :highlit.es . the-ordinary gilt idea that's this Entertainment Center. A sure to brini pleasure this gift the e 11 lire fa1nily can Christmas and every other day for years to come. ~ enjoy! All for ,J.u1t It has a non-slip, fluted han- dle, especially designed to be held in the h3ncf. ltt uniQue quilted massagbg head is ready at the snap of a switch to search out and smooth oul even the most stubborn body aches. And , Its extra-long cord n\akes it possible for you tol massage with ease from head Gift Wrapping Goes 11odern ©DAVIS BROWN to toe. Psychedelic pinks. yellows ' and oranges and geontelric ,-. designs in black and white will 411 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa -•• + •• -• ..----·--~ ,----., •••• -. ,.--. -.-~ ...... . . 'f «I. Q •' ... · . A.,reh id'YliMtiJOiyou~lloine. < A new cCilllctlOrt by ~ay•a tep ~ erti1tl fn a limited edition album of feetlve Christmu muaic. Avail· able only at your Goodyear: Ser· vice Store and moat Goodyear Dealer• -Just $1.00, ,·Playable on atereo or monaural equipmen t ., DAILY PILOT 13 ·Stay S~fc For Holidays lloo! Jet accidents al h9m• <lr on <be road mar an otherwise festive ~n !' It seema ironic thlt molt of the motoring mlsball!, · !n· eluding the fatalities, occur within twenty miles.at the vjc. Urn's home. . ' .~n..!_" ·~D-~~ Imported & Domestic WINES and WINE RACKS ' . VIKING IV 56 FASHION ISLAND I Opp. 8rc;u1dwa.y,) 644-0991 ·~-- , . 20 CHRISTMAS ,'"'._,FAVQ~T,H -- .Th~ Happ_~e1t ~~~i1tmas •The $ft:r•t of Chnatmaa • Twelve Days of Ch ristmu • The First Noel • O Com• All Ye Faithful • Qod Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen· Hark! The Herald Angels Sing· Good King Wenceslaa •It Came Upon A Midnight Clear• In Dulcl Jubllo • 0 Holy Night• Siient Night· Winter Wonder· ~an~· Sketer'.s Waltz• O Little Town of Seth· lehem • Panis Angeticus • J lngle Bella· 0 Sanctlasima • A Christmas Tate for Chltd- ren •Ave Marla . ' !! ~· .. .. .• PRICED LOW TO MOVE FAST! 4-PLY NYLON CORD "All·Wllllther ]J[ "Tires • Cfffll 1ldewlll d•ip. wOial Urtll on 1houldrr • YO\lr bnt ~ni b•1• 1t11 priQ ..... ! 45 l .!IO•lJ 'bl1tkw11I llllHIUt pl-• $l.1t Ftd. tr. T1~ 111d 1!4 Ur. r--------· Any of th•M urver llzea 7.15x15 1.75x14 1.21114 OLONWI •1&• ;~~~~ .. 1.~ t . Tu ldt01ndln1 •~ PAICI l lH) •lld old llr. BLACKWALL TUBELESS USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN-FREE MOUNTING SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO, YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO • 1596 NEWPORT Ph. 548-9383 482 OCEAN AVENUE Ph. 494-6666 . COSTA MESA LAGUNA You can use the 1'.fasseust'- ~fter shower fOr · a tingling pick-me-up · that stinlulates . rival the tiadiUOnal Christmas i'i colors in gift wrappings again this Y<e••31r::_. _____ _:_.'.!-~"!!''""'~'::·:"."""'~·""':'.!'<'•'...::·:>:~_~7::!,':..'!'.'~~~~~'!'!~'!"'!~~'..:!l;~~~=."!'!~~~'!"'!~~~~~~'!""~~-~·~~~~~>::'"!'~~~'!!!~'..'.':!=~•!:·~~!!~'!"'!~!o....--"~~ D1irY 9.9,' Siturd1y 9-6 -Phone 646-1684 .. ---· , • .. ' • i . " : TOYS -HOlllES-.;......STAnoifas KINNIR SPIROGRAP.H Ar seen ~on-T;V, .... 4.00 .• A 1i111pl• fesci11•tin,·w•y.fo•tfr•w ·• 171iUion• m•t• '"•lo111 'color pictlir••'·· F\OWERIDE X·l ·Rl'CHARGE· ABLE ELECTRIC CAR ,..,. ..,... -. ....,......, .. ...,,. ..... .......... lC-1 .. .._ ~ ,..._ ,.,-. ._..,,.........., .... ,... ....... L ........ •x·1,_ ... 1,._..._..,.., ..... ,... tlle UL ..,._., ~ -.t; ............ 11 '9dl9f, ""' .. ...., • ...... ur, ---..._._ ii ....., ................. llltfery ii _ .. SALi . PllCI JM GAMES $26.87 s.. ow ~ htectitll•lf 2M ....... $7~95 '10tb •11-.....,, twtitt .................. _, -.. VALUABLE COUPON PllMU& ~-~~ ,1. .... 11, }'IW' fl\ltl"ltl lf9rln el ,.. \I,.. ''" ""lk K,..._ . ••• SALi ' PlfCI '. $29.99 SOMAGAMI Tiie W......-1 Llllllell QIM,Punll·O.ll!t.., ,.lrller .... ,. $1.88 VALUABLE COUPON THIS COUN>N W.OlTH ADDITIONAL $4 DISCOUNT £, 11 MKll t•H Cl'IUY dell 11•1 Ii.If' ttl1t l"WI fro111 f ll'lort flip tt t lllltl' itllttll .clKH•. A1 .. 111111 WOlll to t9 l'"P 1yu. lllet.$14.00 •••••••••.•••• $7.91 BABY KNOW IT ALL· •••r knew 1t AH "' •-11 •· 11n1e. 11N1rty, "' lltr 1" II... dlllr ellll .i.w lltr lllctYl'M 911 t rnttlC 1t111. Wiien 11!1 tilt" tlll plel\lr.s W l•m'9 19• 19y, wlMll ..,.. .._,, llM •11111• INr " ......... .... $21.0f .............. $14.84 AURORA'S SKITTLE IOWl ..... 110.00 .... AURORA'S 5HUFFl.ES ·' , "'' •s• J36" U.JCI<· MATTEL INJECTO.R WESTER_N SET · ' Me ke l-wilcj "'"stern ~figures in unlimltech poses,' · 19;9 -·., TASCO ·•750bi.POWii( .. -~~~ca~ ... '"-''""' 1137 IP:atr• ............................. . ~~ .............. NOW $1.6,99 3M ·POWll •. I.ft tll PpWll , • UM 600 POWll •• 11.H l2tl foWllt Jt.H 7H PWll •• 16.H MONOGRAM 11-52 LI,,_., 1/11 ••" ..... le .... "* ¥W 1.t .._. ...., .... ,~..,.. ....... '""" ...... crt.,. ,.., .... tlN'l'tl. ~ uca,lt. A l'MI •wtYT ' ..... ~s11.11 tlseo cvt1 . $9.99 ASTEROID REFRACTOR .... """· ... ., Ille .............. fir , ... T~ll -my fMMI' .. lfML .... $14.ff HO ELECTRIC•TRAIN·SET ·1·yca· Super 7 2 piecs train set L»td111 """ tctl"" tnd lUl'lci ~-.. ""' .i"' ol • rllilroN empiN willl pl9nty "' 11111 for ....,.., '0'!11 pllll Trc01llk eqlllpl*I with dlrtdi<MI' ::::::' '"'""~· . _,. ... ~. . . ... . . Litt 31.00 Home Raceway Revell Grand Prit 1124 seal• II om e raceway complete, ready.to run with lap cOUnler, 'Un. renclna. tr1tk, Builds mort titan 25 top thrilr11r- 011ts. !of, $45.00 V1l1t 2~.88 B.OIW-"Owr and IMder'' ,.. with llffl' •O piftel i11eW111 cir1 111111 rhtosAt ._ coi.. .... ....... ..... 9 99 v.i-ii H.o_, RAILROAD 'ACCESSORIES · MILZ~N l~UY·s. , D·YiNAMl,TE , . I ' SHACK . '. A T.Y. GAMI •!19· 6.00 ONLY$2 91 , •. • •• I \ , ~11g•t1 Fumble ••• You'r• eU ·tlu1mbs ... Do 't ~. '.caught wl1t11 the l i9 l•llfJI eotner. • '"l .. YC::cl• Figure _~8 '.' COMPETITION ROADflACING SET -1~Y:CC) Monza .. r Pl-\ANTOM ,H\ll;Y,_. . . ·A t1111W tile_. .. TIUIJISl'-IM~ ef tftMl1 UM-la. tlllk:8tlw . ...._ .. _ ..,,... ..,., ... ,.., ............. IMll lllttrltr' ..... II , , , ~ .. CINI' ab! ~ eM di-. D ....... stlllll f;Ollfallll •ltcfrtc """" 11111 Nntry l9u: fOf ll«trk .,..., ..... ., •• 11111 tall ,....... $8.88 • COX MUSTANG P.JJ C.mpl1M wl~ •• IC"9Mrl.,. '"" • 11-ttwi.. ltMdy " fty, .... $11.0I $9.76 ·~thurMl-actlon ntlrll ........ • .......,XK·EMlll Corwtt11'.>'F ..... ' lttir& ~. ~ '-THIS COUP'ON WORTH • -~ ,":"" s2 APDITIONAL s2 ~ . DISCOUNT =-"'~ .··~y HO lrai11 1•f-, Choo1t •frorn .our lar11~·t1· • ~ ltclion, . THINGMAKER ·s~:rs . . . . • THIS couro11 WOUH $2 ADf?ITIO~~~ ~' · . DISCOllNT .&· • BATTLING TOPS SP'ICl•L fHr cu~ t.r '"any llttlr. .,.,Mir f\111. .. PLAY ··DOH ..... $1 .00 • I DAILY PILOT, 'llluraday, Nov .. ~w 27, "" I .. , ' I .,..,, Jlo! Jlo! -Jfo! -- !!.-""-·-'·-----. ·-- ' / __ .-- All'ttore1 are op•n nightly 'ti! 9:30 ,,M, - "'"""'" ... __ _, , .. •., .. ' ' > He's a speck in the sky no\v. But. guess \vho will be here ton1orrow ? Santa. Boys and girls everywhere 'vill laugh \vith glee when they bounce on his knee. A ginger- bread house in our Carousel Court will be -Santa's home away from home until the big ni ght. Everythng is really very pleasant. And it will·stay that way all dur- ing the holiqay shopping season. Like Santa's gingerbread house, we're warm and comfortable ... neither rain. sleet or snow, nor \Vind 'viii chill you; We're always 72 degrees. . . ~k ~ou(h Coast 'Plaza ,._::.·;;: • "TH! GRANDEST MALL OF ALL" ' - -~ ' • I BRISTOL AT SAN DIEQO FREEWAY, COSTA M!9A OYR 10 F1N£ STORES AND SlRVICES .•• ·A I~ Carel • Albert'• Hosiery • Alroe's • C. H. laker • 81nk of America • larrlclnl C1ntfje~ • ltrtft's 'rill Ft rlllons • lq1trom'1 l1by N1w1 • ltlf'tt ltrbtr1 •' C*tl1 ChH•1n'1 Shett e C.mN Shott • Caprice Coiffur11 • C1r1t'1 • Ch1sin'1 • Chtf Y • Chic Acc.11sorit1 • Chris' fuhions • Clirtt's S111io~ry • Crocktf Chilens Nationtl 81nk • O.Cor1tor Uni • r1t J1ck's Coff" Shop • Fl1ld'1 Shots • flnn'1 f11h6ofi' lltlqut • Ffrlf Wflttm link • fol South (011t rtna TM1frt • Tiw GtH"n • Gt"'''• Gentry Ltd. • ;tor91 Murray• Golden Needle • Grodin'• • Gude1-Bern1tf ShoH • H1llm1rk St•tionef1 • H1rri1 & FrHk • H.f.C. • Htrvett, MouM Qfettri1 • Mkk.-y fll'mt • Hou1e of f1bd(s • House of Nlnt-• Hovst of Tallor~g • Houu of Terry • Hubbub • Hunljngton S1ving1 & loin • Inn•• Shoes • Jew1\s by Joseph • Jo1tph Mtgnln • Joyce Sho1 Trtt • Judy's • J.P. COtnol1O,tom1tri1t•1.,11n'1 01llc1t1s1en & lt11t1ur1nt •~Knit-Wit• KovtM Jewelers • LIM lry•t •Lt Petitt• Lt Soupcon R11t111rant •Lied's Shots • Lilli1n'1 • Lindbtrg Nllhition • Mlf'ltnt ftbrlqut •Mey Co. • Ml•'\ Htwtil •On Tht Go Trnel •Peet Sttttr •·Ptcific S1ving1 l lnn • Plckw1ck. looluho11 •Thi Prrp Shop • llU•rterbtck. Sporta & Ltlturt • R1I of lrMli1 • lt!j lnt1rn1tlo"'I • ltlvitrt RHtturlftt • Rottrs Beauty World• loettn'l l"f" tlf• • S1brln1 • Se 1 1r1 • Slngtr ~ Sovtt. Co11t Drugs • Sunstt Houst • Thom McAn •.Tit Reck • Tinder lo• • Toy World • U6oft'1 Home fuml1hln11 • U.S. N1tion1I link • W1lllch'1 Music City • W1ilfi1,,ld'1 Jewelers • TM W11 ·tn1~Wlnatttd1 CIMtrt • W1l1on'1 Mtn'1 World• f.W. Woolworlh •Young M1ternity • Ztllt'• Ylll19tr·Lldybug. ' ' . ,, . ' ... I • I • I , I , !'!!.!"'.'.~-~•~•~•~•~.'.".".'.'.",~.-'.'. .. ~.--:......---"'.".''."':~"."'.;':',:"::'::C.::":'.:". .... ::.:~--:-::.~:::;-:;':7::='.':"' .......................... -~~--...... -----------·•~•i~O•<>"•-·--~.,_,,......,,.,,~-~~T~~~+~<~•r.~·~--------...------., •• , ....... --· . . .... .. . .. . .. . .. ·-... -... -.. ' . .. .• • :· .• , . . " ~ .' . ' .. • ·• ' -'· • 2 ~AIL V PILOT Thursday, Novtmbtf 27, 1969 SOUTH COAST PLAZA SECTION Beauty Care Tips I ~~IM YOURi~tL F f QR SEASON Before you J ~ th a backbruah • alto •tones up ==================== -and trjin the tree, tllculatlon. • ' 11'1 •P'llC!nl IOP ,..,,..iL u llelut)>. cm "ouldn'I be wtP lo< the bolldo)'I. 'l'lb ... CO'!'Pllte wlllloul 1~ your day _pl! from the .....,.. bus-hU re~ r... Christmas tie Ud de-U comoletoly lo morning. Yw'U wanl Io grooming . younell for year-,.hedule UI' bllr dreaing •P- ead f111tiv1ttes. elntmenll for )'our special Forget •bout cookie baking uty di)'. Call eatly if you ,.arut glft wrapping on your • pena .. ot, tint, or beauty care day, and aleep as haircut, beclUlt 11Ju.i. ·ap- late as you can. A few .xtra 1 Wlnbnents fill. JlP quick1y hours of relaxaUon wil~ cet , before the ~- you set for ;y~ department Take Ume ~~)'OUr "day-off" litore roundJ a1a1n. . _.\ to make sure that you have Your ~ace 1s the tint f:l.ltlg full BUppli!I ot e06.met.ics and that fnends and relatiWlS groomlnJ: aids. You wouldn't notice about you 11 bolidi, want to lie caught slJ!ri on an •partjes. So af~er a Je1sure1J Important evening. Spend a ~n!aldaat, begm your groo~ few minutes on your wardrobe 1ng care by .completely cleans-" and· shorten a dress or sew on 1ng YOlll" .;omplexton. Wl!lle 1a few buttms, and you'll pro- fililn& the tub for a bath, give bably still hav~ time left over ;yourself· an extra special soap-i1f join famllj or friends in a suds facial at th? wash basm tt9e tri.mmlng party where you'll hive a constant ! · fJow of fresh water. Don't Panic . . • GI Gift s '. . Make Iota of lather with a sponge, washcloth, or Your fingertips. Then begin sud!!ng at your coUarbo.1e and gently .stroke upwards with circular movernenta. After r i n s i n g. thoroughly, steam your face Over . Spots • ··- .. • ~. ,. ~I •• • ,. •' .. • "' "' •. ~ " .. ' :-•• Scores of area residents took up oiler of Hickory F'anns store at South Coast Plaza to send free gifts to servicemen and the packages are shown here as they arrived at Costa Mesa Post Office for ShiJ>:" ' CHRISTMAS GIFTS SHE WILL APPRECIATE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S1 LARGEST SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES FASHION JEWELRY HANDBAGS GIFTS me!ll, Starting , Gt gifts · on ·their way are (left to riBht) Buzzy Montroy , postal ·clerk; John· KiiiBie- \v1cz, Costa Meaa posi?r\8ster; Bill Thompson, Hick·· ory Farms South Coast Plaza manager i and store cle_rk. Bonnie Bonney. Vacu um Cleaner Popular Christmas Present Idea Fortunate, Indeed, is the variety of attractive models to homemaker who receives a perform specific c I e a n i n g Christmas· gift that's prac-functions around the home, ·cal d experts point out. t1 , e~during an beautiful, For above-the-floor cleaning too -like a vacuum c~aoer. o( draperies,' qpholstery and In fact, vacuum cleaners • lampshade•, or a home wilh have become one of the moat wide areas of bard awiace sought·a!ter or all Christmas flooring, a canister cleaner is appliance selections for the just the thing. For attic base . home. Here's a practical gift ment, car or huband11°'work- that a housewife can use as shop, there's the convenient soon as it's opened to make hand vacuum. .quick wort of the bits of paper Perfect for in-between jobs and post-holiday debris ; it wiU like keeping kitchen, balhroom return lhe home to beautiful and even the living room rugs holiday condition i n an-"picked up" between regul ar ticipation of vi.sits by friends vacuumings is the adjustable and relatives. lightweight vacµum; and for for a few minutes over a basin Keep · yow' coo11 ls the first- of_ hot water. Wi'apping a large rule of handling bit and little towel over your head will spot disasters. Take com· make your face perspire and mand, and scoop up the help draw oils to the surface spillage with tissue or paper of your skin. toweling. Then suds and rinse again, Sticky problems, such as and finally splash with cold pitch from the Christmas tree, water. Using a deodorant should be scraped up with a soap, like Dial. for this cleans-tool or spoon, then S}>Onged ing will bhibit the growth of with a solvent cleaner. bacteria on your skin as well Never make the mistake of as remove dirt and grime. rubbing fabrics, caution the Then it's time for a leiaurely pros, since this action only bath in warm ~psuds. Your disturbs the !ibers. Instead, Christmas shopping list will add pressure as needed with seem far away if you take a the heel of the hand, and work novel or magazine into the toward the center of the area. tub, lean back on a bath pillow To remove candJe drippings or· rolled-up to'ifel, and lux-scrape oil the solid wax. If uriate in soothing wal'n)th. neceuary, slide an ice cube in • If you're super-eUic~nt, do a plastic bag over the top to ~-.. a few of your beauty chores in harden the wax, then peel off. the tub. Using a bathrtray, you If some substance temains ca:.1 give ;yourself a manicure and the fabric pile Js not too ....,_,,,. or pedicure while you soak deep, hold • blolter over the f • .a.•"·-I oK: and relax. Cleanse your nails area, then use a warm iron to ash.tons ~L'" uw O and stimulate circulation in remove the spol Spray on 1 1 South. COllSt f'faUI • Gil!'del\ 'G l'lWe • Fo!rutofl. your hands and feet by scrub-solvent cleaner to take out the bing with a sori brush or r _'l'.:'.ast~lr'.:a'.:c':.' ."''f'..:w~a~•':_· ___ -':====;::::=====::::::''=:.======== washcloth. CuUcles can be 1 • pushed back easiy wblle they are soft from soaking, and polish can be applted later. 1 (hie SOUTH COAST PLAZA-COSTA MHA ~· ACCESSORIES "·'"-...... -·-·~· What's more, a vacuum homes with a variety.of carpet cleaner is milady's homemak· piles and textures of wall-t~ ing helpmate that will keep wall car!Jf!ting, Eureka sug· he.r furnishings and carpets ge;?ts an upright with an ad- brght, clean arnf·protected ~ .1£aAce-<lesign feature that ;year around:' ~ " allows you to adjust your . Before leaving · lhe water, massage comp)e[!ly with a sponge· or soft-brush and a deodor•nt soap, w~ch inhibits the badteria tt!Jt .caute body odor. Work vigorously 0':1 pro- blem areas ~h •as elbows, knees and heel/. Using a & , Today's7clHneJerCome in a v;:i~uum to the PfOper cl~ ' "T -I. biiiht. .. ~ •. • ~-, . . .. ... " ... • • ~ ... •.. .. •• ... ~· ·To ; , .. ,. ~ ., ~ •• .... ,. ... ~ .. Here is bow: S1vlng1 account dividend for 1 year on $500.00 =-ZS~ FrH ule depotlt box for n long 11 you m1lnl1ln $500.00 11wlng1 account = •6~ {..,,..IMt• y1•rly cotl lo rtnl bol: .t bMk) PLUS : Free ~Ice charge on $750.00 of' Tr1veler9 Checks = ~ OR Service charge free on puicha11 of up to 1 O tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting and theat1r events through TRS (TICKETRON) Total benefits on your $500.00 slVlngs account =•39!! Slop by and ••• us l o open your account. L ""'· lb 41/, qou. 4bOf';, w~ ""l'v • TWllVE omCES TO SERVE YOU DOWIEY-IMEWOOO Wldllt211•M. DOWlllY-FlREllON E 1211 E.F-Olll1rd. IA CRESCUITA 21ZtF-IM. I LUI' LOS AlftUS 5401-M TDPAlfllA PIAZA c ..... "'"-Calli. ARCADIA 41 E. U.. Otl< A". INIAllll CElml Sin law I r, c.'. SOUTH com PIAZA c.-.c.11. llomlllY PARK WHmlER DOWlll 201 11. -A... ftl15 E.W ........ I M. MOUWT VERNON BRL GARDENS 400 JI, VtnWlt An . 5740 f. fMrtM• AYI. MAIN OFFtet: 11401 WHfmffl 80Ul.!fA!tD • 1.0I ANOlt.!l,CA.lJlrOt'IHL' ' · '• But, no matter which type or , • Ric h Gift vacuum cle8fier you select, the lady who receives your gift is bound to be a happier homemaker this Christmas - and all year long! Buy The DAILY PILOT J ust for 'Peanuts' The only pt that can put us tn a millionaire's bracket is the gift of O\)rlelve1, of our time and our effort. After all. any hour of the day is as precious to us as to the wealthiest man in the worid. MONOGRAMMI NG FRIE 0 , CHAR GI ROLFS Attache The slun., trim Attachi. So slendtt, whit can it possibly carry? Only 30 credit cards. Plus a double.depth currency" pockel "nle most attractive and praetic1l men's leather accc.Ssory in a long time. Choose-it in an assortment of great. leathers and colors. OPIN l'tlllY IVIN/N6 UNTIL t :JI I SUNDAY 1 2 t o 5 p.m. IANUMIRICAllD MASTlll CHAll:a l SOUTH COAST PLAZA Ullfl lll LIY(I,, l llliTOl t i SA/rt DllOO r.WY , COSt.l "ll'A Phone 540°3110 ' I •• ' •• •· Anfiqu1d brown, grey or black I S.99 b. Brown or black glove leather, 28.41$ c. Black 9lov1, brown, bon1 suede 21.95 d. Antiqued brown or bl1ck I •.99 Open every night until Christma• and Su ndays 12 to S p.m. J • • • " GRANDIM!. F•1hio" i1 h•ad ov•r hails about boot1 ., • low or high , •• line ltalien c;r1ft1 m1 '11hip • •• 9udes arnett ~o.u... ~ i-2..t. ~ ~-··.....v- lllJ Bristol St., South Coast PICllll, Cotto Mesa I " • . -.. ~~~-~---~· -~-~ ........... ,,,... ... ®""''""'~·""'""""~tC"<~<-_,,,<.,-,.-......... ~ .... E! .. O .. fE"U""S,......,..-\ .. O~S'"I'"' ......... _,.. ..... ..,...~~~~~·-.-·~...,.,.,,.. --~~--~--....-____.._•-......-.---.-••-.•----..-•·•-..,... . SOUTH·COAST PLAZA SECT!Oi- lJse Eye Drop~ t9 Guard Agaii1st Tha Fiery Look Don't let eyee look like holly ..... Ills! During the height of the social season, when there may be too much to drink and -.t. and' not tnougb time ,to gel .Wficient reot, the rod· eyed look can be tell.tale. Mtn aren't the only suf· ferers from fiery eytll! But most males don't use the cos· met.le aids to help them ·tbat wmien use. Yet whlle ladies 1«KI to think Of makeu p as a mask, the fact is that no amount of cosmetics will con- ceal dull, tired or bloodshot eyes. On the contrary! Makeup emphasizes U'le ap- pearance of eyes . Here's Sood grooming news! lf your eyes are Ured, or look dull from too much work or play , yoo can get relief in less than a minute with soothing eye drops. Vlsine drops are good. They contain a decongestant and yoo can ac· iUally watch while the . red disa,p-,.ears. Heavy eye-makeups a 1 s o lend to irritate eyes. So it's a 60\Uld Idea to apply d""" before putting on eye makeup -and after removing it. HOSIBRY For Those Special Gifts! BIKINI PANTYHOSE CAN'IBECE Il NUDE HEEL 24:9 ----SHEER ~ t~':.ECE$} 99 HOSE OPAQUE $1 9 • PANTYHOSE J ~·· LEOTARDS 11 Ree:i•t TIGHTS by Meab Dam kin 3 for M.et 10 &lYltt .t. !ft O!>lct• HOSlERY • South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa Bri•tol ot tke San Diego frMwoy upper moll next tc Moy Co, 540-4997 Ready Teddy Here's a bear who is always ready to play. The new molded plastic t>laymate uses new concept in weight and counter-balance system that makes him lurch, lunge, toss and waddle while he's being pulled along. But he never quite loses his b?lance completely. His name is 1Cliu0by Cub. the Roll·a·Long Bear. Don't ~orget Complexion Wondering how you can be plelion problem -everything tin1e-con.sun11ng they really the best·looking girl in the from extra dry to oil y or are? holiday photos that will be blemished. Accord ing to the makers of snapped from now to New Why spend your ever-shrink· Pond's Basics you can work Year's Day? ing dollars on complicated out a qu.ic k·acting, personal DAILY PILOT 3 lle lliHeNnt . • give Zl gilt ol delectzible food~ from ftcCtdt1 t•!!!'· See. oar complete •Jllection of gift pales Including theoe favorites. Take them with you-or we will mail! FAMILY FAVORITE $7.75 NEW PLEASURE PAK $8.98 1 ~~ lb. BEEP STICK. Mustard, Smoky {'Smoked Cheese Bar), half·potJDd Gouda, Belle Pleuf' Chee.••• Hor1er1dbh Sauu plus imported Cilndzes. 114 lb. BEE!' STICK. Gouda, HoneradWI. Sauce. Mild hfidget Longhorn, Smoky (Smoked. Cheese Bar], tv:G Imported Cheese Spre•df• llella Fleur Chee11 plua imported undies. South Coast Plaza Lower Carouul Mill PHONE 540-6991 Bristol at the San Die90 Frwy., Costa M'esa The answers won't come in beauty regimes that get pul skin-care plan -a:nd insure Santa's sack or from wishful. ~a:'.:wa~y~onc"':.'.e~yo~u'.".''~' ~re~allud~_l1h<l~w:__,'l'U1~al~spec~i~al_l1h<l~li<l_ida~y'.,!g~low~. -~=======================~::::! thinking. You can get some\- clues. however, by first taking a look out the wi~ow. Tben chec k your thermostat. Follow up with a careful look at your complexion in the mirror. No,v, add up these clues and you should be able to see just why harsh winter weather and odry central heating can rob your romplexion of it.ii na tura1 photogenic q u a I l ties. You 5hou\d also see why holiday loveliness must start days •ahead of Santa's arrival with some very specia l, but time· ~a\'ing, complexion care. You can make sure you 'll be facing the Seventies with the prettiest possible complexion iI you ring in the new year with beauty aides such as Pond's Basics. Each has been formulated to specially suit a specific skin type or com· MINOLTA AUTO PAK INITAllT-LOADINB 35mm CAMERA -- KIT Cltris!'!llas che.e•' CAMERA HANO J'EWE LED BAGS t11dny a-lt,il e.~, :some. willi p<!.lc.d ~love~, all a.re. ind ivi duo.11 <j box11.d r:t14.~10 $ (2)99 Soulh CM•t Plata ft.on• ~l"<l11.~olt'S dcetnh:!,clouble- kni~ in wo.,ne>ble. ·Ce.lero.· 1<1iit'; l'lld, nllv!j. purple-3-13 ' A-slouc.!t Vee~---~ 13 flip Skirt_\~ 1urHe.no.cl\ Top----12. B-Tunie Top. ___ J20 CTom1onuslee.-~J runfs __ JJ3 (pull-on,flol" l<.g • Auto~~tic •xposure with CdS • ectric •Y• • Slmpl1f1~ •oay focusing with optical viewfindH • Built·in floahcuh. gu• , • ;-::~·!~;'.; l~~~or $4388 • Fully outornotic: poclcet ait• $78• 35mm comero witk · F/2 .8 •Model '50 4'0mm lens •Cose •Lifetime Strobe l .. ultir $54.tS ....... • lo1•l•r SI 06.00 ......... . AIREQUIPT SLIDE PROJECTOR RE!llOtf ILKTIONIC FOC:UllNG KODAK INSTAMATIC MOVIE CAMERA CRAIG CASSETTE RECORDER • e T·bor co11t•ol for •o•• of Op•ro· ''"" • AvlOl"lolic level t.ontrol • C.Ompocl t11•e"• l1111ding c11111t•ni- •11t • e Op1r11t•1 on AC ., lott.ry. Re1ul1r $61.H •••• $ 44 88 • Orop·in loading -no threading • Battery drive -no wi"ding • Pistol g rip Sli m, lightweight, fit1 i"to pocket or purse • R••· s2988 $a3.H VERllOll DUAL 808 llDVIE EDITOR BELL Ir HOWELL DUAL 8 MOVIE PROJECTOR • Aeupts oil 8mm film • Mognaiti 22.S timts • Holds 400' film rt1ls s33aa e,'9jtdt .... rS.,erl.,1 ... I -· • z-le111 ,., rtf •• i .. d, .. .,. • '••S.-.~re•i1M 1w Jvhlre .-.4 -'clilio~ e c..,1 ... w~ ieff •~"''ioot e- fttf. Discount $159.95 $139 99 YANKEE TRAYS FOR CAROUSEL PIOIECTOR Reg . $2 .95 ... •1 11 SYLVANIA SUNIUN MOYIE LllHT •••• Reg . $16.es ... f811 ' IADIET IAIS ••••••••••••••• Reg. $4.95 .. • •211 MAINmc ALIUM ••••••• Rog. $4.95 • • • •211 l~J#I 11 ·11111111111 I 11Ilt.t111111 SOUTH COAST PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER COSTA MESA-546-0011 I . ' I • 4 OllLX 'ILOT Fashion Something For Yule Ladies, are you look ing for a 1 ~1n1ple way to decilf°&l.e your home for the holidays? Then sUUter lntG something special, ;uaranteed to celebrate your sylph~ike •il houettc. When Sant.a comes dow n lhe -.:hlmney, he'd Jove to find you ·m a one-piece jersey jumpsuit or molten gold ... or a bare:mJdrlff costume : surplice- 1\Tapped bod ice and long skirt in bronz.e-aod·purple prinled Jersey' with borders of deep Quisbnas greenery . 8 o t h l)lelse fluid fashions, de•igned by Eddy George fGr the \\·oman who knows how to get I In shape for the holidays -: 1nd stay that way! -with a F'lukl FaJhlon: Slender diet food from Carnation. Exper1J recommend these I I q u I d , refreshers f<>r every hostess ' who'd like to add to the I fesUviUes wlthout adding lo I her w&istJ.l'ne. The foJlowing t.v•o reel~ feature Slender navors. Just 144. calorles for the buUe.rscotch no-no nog. flfix t packet Butterscotch with 7 oz. of nonfat milk. fSay no-no tG the egg and cream ; froth nog in blender as is.) 1'het1 you pour into old- fashioned glasses, saying yes-SI · yes to a da~1 of nutmeg. Skol' 1111n1ner ""'· S.OUTH COAST PLAZA SECfION Tape Ti·ps for Stereo Gift Give rs Mllllc on mqnO!lc tapo baa popular music and recording In the prerecorlied tape ' field. cal, and easy listenbig-from . , the casaette, ii becoming the a calalo~ of aome 70 record-.,....·rapidlJ In lbe put In medium for cl"'1cal and blih )'WI jo Ille point WbeN ti llOW fidelity entblulalls. Opel reel most f°ili:lar .. One-Courth the ing labe . ICCOlllll> for ,.... It.an Ill pct. tape rtCOldera m ofttn found 1lze o e GSrlrid~e, it also BOOKS in component 1ter90 l)'ltems. house the tape. In a plastic cent ot all U .a. reCorded mu. case. But I.hat's the only simi- ale lalet. Equipment adv1nen •cl\ as larlty. The cassette hold! t.,.,·o automaUc thnad.lnf and Te- Ai more aod more people versing have tn1de open nel tiny reels of tspe. The format have become Jnterated In more convenient to uae than offers both monaural and sle-BOOKS taped stereo muaic, aome: COil-ever before. rto playback and recording fualoti baa been aenerated over Cartridpt: 4-track and a. capabllltles and is the most which reconllng format la belt convenient because or it.s size, ' for which uae. Prerecorded track carlridgel contain =e ease of operation and portabil· BOOKS lapoa are offered In laur can-· end!eaa lool:.u of p<Mecor d ity of equipment. Cassette . llcurallonl: Open reel : f.tract tape Jn a p c cue and are player/recOrderi are found ev. cartrlqe; a.track cartriclg_e; most commonly uaed J,n auto-erywbere, in the automobile, andcuaatte. mobile players. The a-trick the home, the school, and on BOOKs' U you're conaiderinl &iftJ in cartridge holds twice u much the picnic grounds. music aa the f.tr1ck and now th!:R llna, here'• a handy haaan~d Music: The amount of music txn.£MtlY IP" ITOCK'• (1'tllh!JI '11 10 llbiipplns aulde to today's lap< Over the f.tra<:k. is available on prerecorded rnag· PICKWICK ~ fOllJlllta : . dillicult on the cartrida:e for-neUc Lape is growing rapidly, ' ~ mat., so their greatest use js Ampex tStereo Tapes, one or !~!~"~~cY..~! Opeo Reel: The oldeat ol lbe jn the playbaCk ot recorded the l~est producers of pr&- lour lannata ta lb< familiar recor slereo tapes, now reel of tapl, normally seven mu&c. ~·219t offers more than 1,500 se.lec-•14) lltllywOOCI 11,~. Inches in dlamtW. Thia ii a Cuaelte: The newest entry lions-pop, rock, folk, classi-~IYl'I004 !213) MO !·1!91 f or a 'vild stra"·bcrry Ne\v Enkalure nylon produces Jabr1c \vhich "pours" over body in liquid lines, ch a 111 p a g n e r r o s t e d makes bea lttifuI and comfortable stay-at-homes like this culotte lounger . . . . a wild. vo'ickedly slim 219 ---------------"----------'---'---..:::.--'----! i;alories, whiz 1 packet of Wild SLrawberry and 8 o:i:. G! nGnfst milk in your blender. Then add 3 oi. champagne. Pour in- to hollow-stem glasses and ... see you under the mistletoef Stu/fed Animals Are Pop~lar NEW YORK (AP) -A life-grandparents and tho s e size lia:er and a moose with a persons Y.'ho enjoy giving six • foot antler 6 pre a d unUIUal present& no mattu SOUTH COAST PLAZA Phon e 540·7187 dominate a playroom. lb~~~!~ir. what does one 1ive ~ w· e.i.·~l/t·e~~'S, Tiiey're not irophies from a lo 1 friend who already haa a °' safari stuffed by a tax--banjo-shaped swimming pool, JEWELERS UPPER MALL idennist. They're toys stuffed ~c~·u~sl~Ol~n~E~x~cJai~ibiu~r~a=ul:o:m:ob:i:l•L_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"~~~~~~f~A~<r~o~u~f~,,..~~W~oo~l~w~•~"~h'~•)~~~~~--• by a Gennan Cilmpany and!-an1l his own jet? purchased -at $1,200 -by an adult. "Our fastest g r ow In a: . market segment is s p 1 i t belween teen-agers. and believe it or nGt, grown men and women." s aid a spokes man fGr Stelff Toy ·• Company of Genn&IU'. Little stu fred animals havt long adorned little g i r I s ' bedrooms and: bis . &irla.' cam- pus dormitories. But why the dem and among adults for the lUesl:i:e versions as well u the n1inlatures? SteUf credits collectors with part of the ~m -women of all ages wbG Gwn as many or as few as 30 toy animals. The motivati on behind this col- lecting, SteUf learned from psychologists, ts that in every big girl there is an element Of the little girl. Also, stuffed animals pro- v1de an GUilet for the woman who wants to "play the kit- ten." The favorite tGy wiU1 this group of won1en, say5 Sleiff, Is the tiger. . COME IN-WI HAYE MANY MORI GIFT IDEAS As for the buyers of the giant animals bearing giant price tags. Sleiff says they're usually dotin g parents or ~@ ~'!!\'®® ~· ~ THE ~-® : SHOETREE : :~~~~~~4? ~ {fj. ~ li ~ ~ ·~ ~ ~ ~ (i/ ... f# Cappy 4,5) ~ ,,, ~ '8r & ~ *i.st ~ '<"• ~ 119 .JO":ICe ~ rb@ SHOETREE &1fl. .'i!l\$@4!1!- Up.to.th• !"inut• •nd oh, so soft! For sh••r w•1king pl•••ure •nd comfort - C•ppy -in n•vy, t•n er r•d ....................... .$11 ~ \ ~ ~ r§ l;rJ 1iJ {!!> r$ by --· .1··~c- -of Course OPEN SUNDAYS NOON 'TIL 5 P.M.; DAILY 'TIL 9 P.M .; SAT. 'TIL 6 P.M. Another "BtH0 Rln9er" of a luy! $35 AH-Weather Coats With Zlp·Out Piie Liner! I Pre·H-'14oy '29 F-t! H4r1i1 l F1•~lr 11•~'' fir Y•lu-fttl KORAT~ON!I) tl•ft0 1 f1, PIRMAHENT PRESSJ l'ul th1ll'I bit~ t111th1r 1114 yciu r.cifll• u' wlftl • h vly h1M1•mt r.••1 in li9htwel9ht D•r.ron inti Cott•• '•plln ••• tult.~/y f1rtifltcl with I z;p- Ovt Pill liner fcir .,..,. w1rrnth 1rwJ ~•ml•rt. OPEN A HARRIS & FRANK OPEN.END CRED IT ACCOUNT OR USE YOUR IANKAMERICARD OR MASTER CH ARGE • EXCITING CHRISTMAS SAVINGS FOR EARLY S.~9PPING , '~S~NTAS''! REPEATED! ••• By .Popular Demand! Our $89.95 & s95 FASHION SUITS FEATURE PRICED AT W•'ve said it \;•fo,•-and w911 s•y it •9•i.n-NOBODY ctn 'd1,1 plictt!t this 9r•at clothing velua'thro ughout Southern c.lifo,ni•I VI• don't fV•t +Mok-WE POSITIVELY 'i(Noyt thet NOBODY con ~upk1!1 th~ c!Oth- ing valu• throughout th• l•n9th and breadth of Southern C.hfomi•I These b•eutiful suits were ell taken from OUR RE6.ULAR STOCK end REDUCED for this •"•nt INOT me rely purches•d 19 "stage a ••'•"I. Ev•rythin9 •bout th•m r•dietes QUALITY end FA~HIONI The-... 11-Wo•I F•brics ... th• Oecron®·•nd·Wools , •. th• sturdy Wool Worsteds •• , th• widt t•n9• of styles: One.Button Forward Fashjon .. , TWo-lutton Shaped and. Convention•I Styles ... N•tural Shoulder mod•l1 , , • evtft Six-Button Edw•rdien Double Breasteds! Pat terns intlu d• th• n•w Faft Strip11 •nd Pl1id1-e1 well •s Solid Colo rs ·of distinct ion. YES, G•ntl•· m•n, H1r ri1 & Fr•nk REALLY HAS THEM ALL ! Com e 1ee-and SAV!I At $69 ••• TH EY'RE SENSATIONAL! R19. $125 Ml!N'S TWO·TROUSER SUITS SpKlolly Prl<td ol $89 .ANOTHER GREAT "BUY" in tim1 le "J r111 up" for th• holid1y1 ,h.1.tll Two '•nh S11ih with built-in cfo11bl• rriil1•91. Choo11 f10111 Alt Wool Wo11- t1tl F1brlr.t 1M • t r••+ lin1°u, el 1tyl•1 in,ludint Forw41rcf F11hion i nd Sh111.d 1lyl11-THEN lop ii off will! • 91n•1011t t1win91 cif $16! Men's fine quality all wool. wool & silk or mohair slacks. htulorly 27.50 to $40 19.90 2 Poln for $JI He"'i~t i~•t let y1u 111-•n 1111 of 011r 9re1l1sl c.l1thint "B1i1y1" 1111 1b•¥1I "WHAT," ye w 1n1y •tk, "01 w1 tlci for •II INCORlf" w.u, cin1 t oad 111111 d11•f"lt 1ncith1r tci h1r1'1 •-+r•1n1ittl1u1 c1-f1•lur1 In MEN'S SLAC KS 11 1q1i1•1lv ifflp tettlw1 11win91, E•erv p1ir it m·1tic1i1l1u1 ly t1ilor.d th r1u9hout ... r.lioir.1 of tho new W1111,n Pock1I f110d1 l-r y111r f1 ¥otil• "l1lt-l1op'' •tvl11. S1l1cl hoin th1 F•ll 1111cin1 mcul po1111l•r r.olci1 in91, 111cl SAVE HAN O. SOMf l YI Now,•* 111 H•rri1l Frink 1lcir11I arr1s & ran I SINCE 1856 ALSO HAUIS & l'AANK STORES OPIN SUN9AY5 1Z TO I 'TIL CHRISTMAS f.46-4791 'WI ~ ~ $ 41 ~ 673·5521 COSTA MESA BUENA PARK SANTA ANA HUNTINGTON BEACH ::So=~~h~C::·=··=·~Pl~au:.=::.:::::._~~~-·~~~~~~~-J._~~0-~_;·_~_1i:-_h,_~so~ur_H~CO~A_ST~PLA~ZA~~~-s_H_O_P_P1_N_G_C_E_NT~ER~~~H_O_N_E_R_P_L_A_ZA~C_E_N_TE_R~~-H_U_N_r1_N_G_TO_N~C-E_N_TE_R~ l tltflf If "" 0-.. ,,..,., c.t• M*' I s I -1 ,, .I I I: ' ~ \' ---···~· .. Thur$day, NOY!mbe:r 27, 1%9 DAILY PILOT $ ir-------------------------. .·.Jake Infant Along ·o11· ·Trip ~t;xcfu,ji'Vef'J /or First Cttstonier •• Jerry~Schweizer, assistant manager of newly open .. ed Quarterback Sports and Leisure shop at South Coast Plata, shows off ski and ski togs to hjs first custor{ler, Kathy Crozier. Shop will have its offi· cial "grand opening" iJ1 near future. Poinsettia Yule Flower No other flower is more 11ssociat~d with the hqi1day :i;eason t tlian lovely, star· poin ted poinseUi11s. TI1ey in1· part the special \Varmlh of .Ghristma~. no 1natler \vhere br ho1v they are used . These Perennial favorites have a grace and chorm that Is unique among Jiving plants. In groups or singly, their deep green leavt.5 contrasted with the brilliant r~ or white , o( the flowers add distinetion to any holiday room Settin1. On a low bench or cofree- table. the poinstftiA'& height is an ideal accent. Arranged in tiers on the floor. or on a bookcase or fireplace mantle, U1ey provide a formal splendor all U1eir own. 1:..:..-~·_mp ·-~ ) silver special i: for the holidays Not ao many years •&o. lt was aimo.t Im possible to con- •lder taking 1 young child 1)11.te OQ a family trip. Thtre w11 no ruM1ng water. and ktttlN had to be heated for an infant's bath. Facilities for dilpen w e r e non.exlstenl. The Case for . Unusual Gift Here's a gift idea that will be appreciated by anyone on your list who wears glaaes. Buy an attractive eye gl11ss ca• -or sew one yourself, t1Pn1 a colorful, unusual fabric. (Even weighin1 an infant was dolle at the local butcher's, witli 'babx slung like a side of meat from a strap). Nowadays, eveo.1 tiny Infants can fare well o~ an outing if mothers take the right precau- tions. advise the makers of Desitin baby products . Before dressing the youngster to go ''over the hill to Grandmother 's," make sure he is freshly diapered and well powdered. If diaper rash is a problem, experts recommend applying medicated ointment to sore spot& immediately, lo heal irritalion as fast as possi· bit. Baby will be happier if he's comlortable, and so wlll the other members of the family. Dl5ponble diapers h e I p make trips easier and. are a modern soluUo.1 to hyglfne and space problems. If you're motoring witb Baby, try 1UppJng a pillowcaS( over his blanket . ll helpa kee!f. the blanket in place, but 1nosl important, keeps the blanket fuzz off you , especially jf you're wearing dark-colored clothes for travel. Timely Topping Perfect toppings fnr gals of all ages: wigs, wiglet, wlgel· tes. cones, switches and pOny tails are beauty bonuaea for every octulon. . . ...... BS .• • Sears See This Precious Collection of Genuine Hand-Knotted Oriental Rugs at Sears ••. •Torrance •Colt• Me•• e f.,adena •. Ca1101a Perk The following partial li1tini indicates "" riiJ:e in f,et and inches. eolor and. price ••• i:athered from lndi1, Paki•lln. A(Jhil'iAttn. Iran. \1i1it 111 four 1tore1 agd ... the f'1>- t1l ou s collection-valued •l 111000,000 • • "1>-1 J,,.,, The $30,000· lldt-"l"I wAt'·H .-lAap1ay et th• roacMw 1tora Hlro1 .. Nowembtir ZI" ancl tile 1T ot'ftllllC• •tor• NOYember 29tll th•ough Dec.,.ber lfll, • .. H1Jw.ai-Bid j.u is a rug made over 80 yean .,o. There arc no man madedyes·tfffdiri checoU.. ' 1 ns of this rug, only planr and vegetable dyes including barks of trees and dead bodits olf• male insects. I-fade of the finest Kashimir Wool selected for years from the shouldtn o( ·~ Oe ~1gns, motifs and coloring! arc not repeated throughout the rug. It took a grandfacbli'. f1ther and son to complete this rug. All generations worked for a period of 19 years. This tu.I'. 1\•a.s owned by a private family and was in coristant use in their home for over 7 3 years. In the la5t 7 years it has changed hands 8 times, each time bringinJ a hightr pri(e and an increase in value. This is the only known specimen produced by the Halwai Family. ; ·i I ' ~Complete BO· pc. $15000 Service for 12 di est SZS.00 1rtr1 open stock pric• $261.00 INTERNATIONAi. I I?.~~.!:!~}=~~,~· I C .. lntf ........ tltttftll fw .. ,.... .............. ·- I; • I I' ~ ----./ -FAMILY ENTERTAINMENl SET £Wryttlln1 you Med fw blC ftlfftlly dlf'lner11M laflll ,.t-topthets. 1a~· 12 DI.ct fork• l2 place k11tw1 12 plKe aooont 12 11110 ferk1 12 lct'd drink...,,., l clHMrt ..,...., 1 .,...,,,. 1111te 1 cold "'99t fl)l'k l l!MIY lflOOl'I I Ublnpoofl, -'•In l t•lllMfJ4fli, ,~ I b1.1tW knlftl 1 qer sooon CHINA e CRYSTAL e SILVER • t;l"'S SOUTH COAIT rLAZA e SJJS 1-llTOL ·COSTA MllA • Jot0-2611 These fabulou 6 hand made oriJi· nah;. are an e:ic•l· lent invettment ••• they increa1e in v1lue overtheyeara:. They mC!llow with age, enhat}cin1 their rich beauty and ~1lue .. , m•kinr; each one a colltc• ior's item. See them all al Sean! Kind Rusa from. INDIA 12x9 Chand ll.1lx9 Chand 12x8.10 Chand 9.8x8 Norjah1n 12.lx8.8 Norjahan IJ.9x8.9 Attar 9.10x7.9 .J.ttar 11 .1 lx8.ll Rajkot J l.9x8.8 Rajkot 9.10x7.10 Rajkot 12x8.9 Ch1nd 10.4x7.9 Norjah1n 15.lxll.tOAttar Ru1a Crom PAKISTAN 3.6x2.7 Paki•tan 6.l0x3.l Pakiat1n 6.7x4-.l Paki1tan ., 5.2-s3.l Paki•tan 3.9x2.7 Pakistan 5.IOd Pakistan Rupfrom AFGHANISTAN 8.6x6.2 Afghan· Jl.lx7.11 Afghan. S.8x4-Afghan 6.9x4.ll Afghan 7.9x6 Afghan l2.5x9.10 Afghan Afghan 9x7.5 Afghan TURKISH PRAYER RUGS 25x25-in. KayM!ri 39x70.in. Kay1eri 39x70-in. Kay,eri 40x90-in. Kayseri 20x40-i n. Y as tic .IR AN SAROUKS 2.6xl.JO Gharadjeh 2.8xl.9 Ch1ndjeh 2.9xl.9 Gh•radjeb Color 4.l:i2.2 Sarouk Red 5.lx2.7 Sarouk. Red 7.3x4.9 S•rouk Blue 5.lx3.2 Kerman Cre•rn 6.lx3.7 Kut1bad Red 6.10x4.3 A"lehraban Red 2.Sx2 Sarouk Pushti 6.8x4.3 Sarouk Mir. Red 7.3x4.10 Oshvand Blue 6.6x4.7 Oshvand Red 7.Sx~$, Shahribar Blue Price 1195 1195 1195 1485 S595 1550 1395 1775 1695 8550 1195 1490 1895 IS5 1130 1199 1125 155 81'85 1315 1335 1240 1255 • 8199 1525 1495 1275 1125 1189 1189 1299 189 125 125 125 199 1119 1525 1199 1145 1199 145 8350 8299 1299 1675 Are• and Accent Rugs Kind Color Pri.." IRAN KERMANS ll.2-s8.8 Kennan Blue 11295 14.2xl0.9 Sarouk Red 11•95 I0.9x6.ll Sarouk Red 1795 l l.2x7,3 'ftfirab1nd Red 1699 ll.Sx6.8 1tlehraban Red .-1671 ll.6x8.IO Shabribaf Blue 13lfl 13.2x9.4 Tabriz tied llU 10.2x7.3 K1but•nhangCre,am 1590 l l .7x7.9 Saraband Red t•IS llx8.2 Sarouk Blue i 1 J 9 3! 0 0 13.lx9.7 Kerman Red • 12.4.S.8 Sarouk Cr<tOl 11191 I l.Sx9.2 Kerman Cnam 11095 17.8xll.8 Kerman Cr•aftl 13t90 1S.6x9.7 Kerm•n Cr.am 11991 16.7x9.ll Kerman Creal'll 11610 17.Sxlt.8 Kerman Cf'l•m 12890 17.2xl0.4 Kennan Red. 12396 21.5xl2.3 Sarouk Rid 13175 4.llx3.5 Sarouk Cream 119t 2.7xl.10 Gb•nidj•h Cream S•Q 6.3x3.2 Gh•radjeh Green 1119 5.lx.3.5 Bortchalu Red 199 5.6d.8 Ku1abad Red 1141 IS.b9.IO Sarouk . Rtd tlHS 22.ld2.3 Kerman Cre1nt tl695 20.lbll.6 Shahribaf Blue t6100 23.7x13.6 Bid.iar Blue flO,CHIO U.IOxB.9 Kabutaraban1 Blu1 f790 l2.llx9.9 Heri11 Brown 11695 I0.7x6.6 Ya&d tied tl75 14.2x!0.9 Sirouk Blue 12510 7.b4.5 Mehrobtn 'Red tl99 6. 7x4.4 H1~dan tied 1140 6'4.3 Lilian Rod 1111 6.Bd.3 Aron Rtd 1115 6.IQ;d.7 Dordja&in :lied 1125 8.S.4.3 DerdJ••in Cr .. D tl25 7.3x5.l HuHainbad Red 1125 7.Sx5.2 Ku11bad R•d 1a2s 5.2x3.5 D1rdj1zin Blue 1119 S.2;i3.7 D1rdj11in Cream 1119 S.2xl.8 D•rdj1zin Cream •S9 4.2x2.6 D•rdjazin Cre•m 165 RUNNE R SIZES 14.6~2.6 Kerman 12.7x2.8 Sarouk l.J.2x2.9 Darjazin 16.8x2.8 ~1ehr•b•n I lx3 f\lehraban 13.71'2.4 Sha bribaf 13.8"2.8 Sarouk 14~2.6 S•rouk Cream Red Red Blue Red Blue Creem Red 1310 1375 1250 1465 1195 1295 t361 t395 Price• Effective Beginning Til;l•Y , . . •. ~---------------~-~--------------------------------, I Above Ca"Pfll• · SEARS Tornnee SEARS P•1Mlena SEARS Costa Met• SEARS Cano•• Park I A"ilable at the -# Hawthorne at E. foothill at Bri&tol at Sunnower Victory Blvd. I Followins 1 Sepulved• , Rosemead. Phone ~ In So. Co.at Plaza al Fallbrook I L Suns....... Phone 542-1511 ' EL5-421 l -MUl-12ll ears Phone540.3333 Phono340-0661 ·--------~---------~------___________________ , Shop Nftlilt~ d101 ... SohmloJ f ,30 A.M.10 9,30 ,M;, s..d.;:I~ .... to S '"" .....,....;.._.,: "Satl1factlonGuaront.;...orY.u.Moneylaclt" \ ' I "' • • I ~ ::I •I •• " •I . ,• .. , ' j l l'l .. . ' t ff l t • . " .... " ' " ·-• ' ' • I I I I Doll V PllOT Thur;sday, Novtmbt, 27, 1%9 .Ring's The Thing ' .. • • 1 • " ...... ,,_ ..... ______ _,,. . .. ·····- SOUTH COAST PLAM SECTION . Textile Technology Yule Gifts Keep Up With Times''r NEW YORK (AP) \... Thou· televisions, tape recorders, sands of gifts that didn't even electric watches, automobile exist a decade ago will find tape decks and intercoms for the home, that when plugged ~ their-way under this year's into electrical outlet! that t;• Christmas trees. aJlow mothers busy in the f:;' " 1 Advances • n technology, kitchen to tune into babies' f "">~ changing consumer tastes and cries upstairs. t ~-· t, -• • ... the demands of an affluent This yea.r video t a p e t ./l':'_"-. ' '·' society account ror much of rd 11 b k t·• ~ · the change. reco ers WI e mar e ~on 1 :. . ---~-• ~-a limited basis. They turn on :. ~-· · For children. toys are more automaticallf, r e c o r d a ~ " realistic, safer and more favorite TV show then play j sturdy. back both picture and sound at Phoney fur that looks Ji.ke the viewer's convenience. ~ ... the real thing, sell-cleaning Do-it-yourself kits enable ovens, infrared b r o i I e rs , hobbyists to build everything portable refrigeraJors, facial from a tiny AFM-FM radio to sauna . baths, synthetic wigs aecret ~eiUance equi~ent. and wiglets, panty hose, mini I There are many specialt7 akirts,.and instant 1oading, in-foods-available now that 10 stant, printing arneras have years,qo were unheard of .il'l been developed to ease the this country;'appording to the workload Qf, today's hou-.v!fe National ~tion for the and aid he!',ln good "9oming. Specialty Food Trade. Gtitter, Gtow For the fa15hion conscious this holiday skason, the ~ombi.natipn is the glitter of massiv.e gold and jew~ e~ pieces and the glow of bare skin. Who said it has to snow.to',make jt Christmas? Drlp.drjl ·ihirts stay fresh These Include hippopotamus. Give Mother Dishulil'sher Christmas is filled with delightful surprises but for any mother U1e day can be very special ... if the "big" gift rrom her family is a portable dishwas)1er -a time. saving, work-saving appliance that will bring hours oI freedom all year long from the tedious chore or doing dishes by hand. The J970 General Electrir f\fobile Maid Portable has five washing cycles with a new Power Scrub for heavy-duty washing. With it, very soiled casserole dishes, pots and pans are cleaned sparkling bright. The unit features a handsome cherrywood t o p which is excellent for carvinE meat or cutting vegetables and providing · ertra counter space in the kitchen.· ll will make Christmas Day even more merry since it will clean to perfection all of the dinner dishes, pots, pans, glasses and sllvei. ' Ray Probstield, assistan,t manager of Weisfeld 's Jewelers1 Soqt.!t COast Plaza , talks up the sparkle a ring can add to Christmas. Jewelry stlll iS one of Amer- ica's favorite Christmas.presents and s hops like \Vei sfeld's are looking forward to a busy season. and crisp while the men putter bear ana elephant meat, around on sit-down lawn trench fried butterflies and mowers or fiddle w I th non-alcriholic champagne: , But miniature c IT c u i t tape canned rats' tails have falletl recorders, watch c o r d 1 e s s victim to 10 years of change. portable TVs, clean family Many exercise items that in cars with portable vacuum 1959 were either nonexii lent or cleaners or play tennis with available only in gymnasiums alwninum tennis racquets on now are being marketed for synthetic grass courts. the home ...,. balance boardii, "The greatest developments stati~ry bicycles, .rowing pigment! and dyes, is im-over the decade have been in machines and reducing belts, Why Christmas Is Red and Green · NEW YORK (AP) Anyone "'ho ever hung a holly \\'l'eath or wrestled with a tangled stri',1g of tree lights knows that red and green are the traditional color s 0 r Christmas. \Vhy'? Green, says Inmont Corp ., a major man uf a c tu r er or SEIKO Sold ond seNiced in over 70 countries. textiles," said a spokesman to mention a few. · portant to Christmas because for I.he National R e 1 a i I The increased interest in it once was known as the Hue Merchant's AsSociation. physical fitness is reflected in of God. The Bible often makes Technological breakthroughs the eomparison or Sears a point of describing thtigs as have made drip.dry, wash and Roebuck and Co. mail order green. The walls of the New wear fabrics popular for daily catalOiS-Ten years ago the Jerusalem, seen in a vision, clothing. Ten years ago they major item was bar bells. Tt> largely were used for travel day they run the gamut. are described as jasper. And apparel. Althoug!:l the exact nmnber saints were said to be clothed Woments pantv hose, now 8 of new products developed In in green robes to symbolize top seller. were 'made possible the past 10 years is in· their eternal life. a few years ago by the calculable, one . indication of In Revelations. St. John the development of I i g h t e r the changes is a recent Divine ·wrote : "And he that deniers. In 1959 their closest estimate by the J.C. Penney sat was to look upon like a counterpart was the heavier Co. jasper (green) <r.ld a sardine weave I e o tar d s. the · Penney's says 80 percent of (redl stone: and there was 11 spokesman sa id. the soft goods it sells today rainbow round the Utrone, in Industry spo kesmen also say did not exist even five years sight like unto an emerald." developments in the manufac~ ago . ture of plastics and electronic To Christmas, green has r~ products accowited for much fleeted everlasling nature and of the product change. Make Your Own Centerpiece has symbolized faith , immor· Toys that previously wer~ tality and contemplation, thr. made of metal or wood now joy and hope that is an integral are made of durable plastics part or their religion. that hold their color. Plasllcs A striking centerpiece for RESTAURANT-DELICATESSEN & BAKERY • Breakfast • lunch • Dinner BANQUET FACILITIES FOR UP TO 150 For Any Occasion Our Famous Meat Platter INCLUDES : • Corned Bnf • Roast Beef e Turkey • Baked Ham • Pepper Beef e .. , Plus, Gobs of Poll!IO Salad & Colt 'Slaw . , . Assorted Cheeses . , • Rel- ishes •.• All Beautifully Ga rnis'1ed and Decorated •.• Also Included Are Bread and Dinner Roll s ..•. Plu1 Complimentary Order of Miniature Danish. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. $ 75 PER PERSON FISH PLATTERS $2.75 PER PERSON OPEN SUNDAY FROM 10 A.M. DURING HOLIDAYS Phone 540-9022 But if joy and hope are in· also found their "'ay to items your Christmas table can be nale in Christianity. so is suf· like tablewear, games, easily made. Just heap balls of fering. and the bloodshed and furniture and iceless backyard blue and silver, or your martyrdom of its centu riei1 skating rinks. favorite col~, on an oblong are reflected in the redo! The advent of micro· platter. Soften the base Of 2 SOUTH COAST PLAZA -BRISTOL AT SAN DIEGO FWY. 75.00 Scuba Diver Christmas. circuitry has given rise to white candl~ and stick them LOWER LEVEL t_ NEXT TO MAY CO. COSTA MESA Throughout the history of small portable rad·ios, at each end of. the platter. :==========~=::====~==========~ Ctiristianit.y, red has been the I =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;i;i;i;;;;;;i;i;;iiiiii;;;iii;ii;ii;;;iii;;~~i.i --· ·-·----· 11ymbol of charity, the remind-r er of Christ's blood, and the color of any Christian martyr's clothing. Red is the color of the lamp that flickers before the altar. an eter,1al memory Automatic calendar watc.h in stainless c.ase. Water- rei.istant• to 229. feet. Ela pi,. ed time bezel. Link brac.elet. Blac.k dial. of the sacrifice ofJered by Jesus. ~ weisfields JZ\>.'ELERS SOUTH COAST PLAZA Because the red of suffering i~ part of the joy of Christn1as, even our famili ar childhood legends reflect it. as in the slory of the shepherd 's daughter 'vho gave a white ro):e to the Infant and then Si'l\\' it turn blood red when lte !ouched it, an omen of His future suffering. I I l ' ' f. -- Ul'l'E"R MALL-Aorou ,-rem Woch.,or1~ l"M<>e· ~n-71!7 • ' ' 3 DAY SPECIAL! $2 49 Reg. 2.99 Fluff Scull lo1 pl"'h p<drun,.,bout. Solt a.nd ftlftty ~th fabu)ou.; furry p!M at bandinat la pretty rolor& .• \ tremP:ndou• 't'&}Ut! on <'U~hioned comfort! SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPPER LEVEL Bristol Str11t 1t tht San Diego Fr1ew1y COSTA MESA I ·j A MOST EXCITING STORE de~orator line SECTIONAL AND WALL FURNITURE , LAMPS AND ACCESSORIES MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHILE OUR STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. YOU WILL FIND A WIDE RANGE OF UNIQUE ITEMS THAT WILL BECOME A TREASURED GIFT AT .CHRISTMAS TIME. Poly-Optics DRAMATIC FOUNTAINS OF UGHT Less • lamp -more like a light idea! Twinkling , ipidery light. bursts . . . your own mini • fireworks captured by fiber optics. Graceful sprays of soft brilliance that d a'' I e tho imagination -create e fascinating atmosphere. -what • glowing idea ! Tl1 Oal1 #0·111 Tiit Ml1I· GI• #D·106 525.00 515.95 • .. ·---- 529.95 &outh Coast ?taza Lower Mt ll level BRISTOL el SAN DIEGO FWY • COST A MESA 5 40 -7777 , ' . ·. \ I .\ • ) ; ) 519.95 Tew« GI• BankAmaricard Mesl•r Chargo #D·10l '22.50 \ • .. J· • ; ,~ ~ l r . . ' • , ' 1: . • • ' . ·- .. • .• ' • • .. · .. • . • .:; • • . ., ., ~ ., • ~ ., , ~ .. · . • . " • '· .. • .. < • .. ... .. • • • •• '· :- •. ' . ---------------------------------------------·--------------·-----··------.. -----~ ....... • SOYTJ{ COAST PLAZA SECTION ThtuWy, Novtmbu 27, 1969 Gibson Girl Back CATHOLf6 EYES · TURN ·;f, TO. ST. PA T'S . ' \ ~ .. How to Use Hand Cream NEW YORK (UPI) -·st. green wreatbt adorn Its thi~ -faction1inabatlnc0Jefiturgical . ment iitore!. Others ~ Resurrection. wtne It worked to make. Tne Pat.rick'• Cllbedral becmnes atone pWara. The names ol sll ..cer:einoo.y with.:. vi•ert at out-of·W!'ne.rs who r...... They 'proClatm the C1tbolfus' arclibbbop then incenses the HOw to apply• hand prepari- lhl ~ durc:b for mllUona 1tant red candles flicker in the b om e . Three other tickets two months in ad· mystery of Faith : "Christ hjs gifts, uniting the clergy and lions property! I P • aanctuary brightly lit for cameras-In the choir loft, Vince. died. Christ Is risen. OtrllJt the ~l'1!1atlon in the or-Take a .........i bkib of rttun n ' let Ure ~~..°~-ubC.u mthollb Iese tejevlslon cameras. behind the pulpit ond In I-At midnight, the five con-· will come qeln," • lerJni. · oi !otloa w roll' It aroond ~-woa The 70-man Cathedral Choir · of the sanct\llry-also go cellebrants of the PonWlcal The conaregatlon hears the fiearly all. Che worshipers between polml. 'ftlen nib It birth of Jeall Qui.st with mid-fills the cavernous block-.vUWaUy UlllM&lced as the Mau marclt in a processkln lO traditloria.I aospel of lAlkt, -~vi and ' .women, rich over handJ 1 aftd begin to ~--·-•-••-Gi"··-a· 1 alPt IDUI 1quere church with Christmas Christmas spirit unites all ln the high altar, me ol 11 al\ara Chapter 2, In which an angel and poor, alrriple and sophis-smooth It . over: fin•m a1 Ch. ~"":~~wi::D r ~"' Ui>UU • lfol, •An eathnated 3 , o to. carob. · Ouistian kinship. · in the •year~ld gotblc ltnlc-appeari to the shepherds· and tJcated -a ppr b a c h thei U>OUflh applytna a ~of tight u-ana 8 paragon worsblptn pUter lnidde the 'Ibe lnCOQCl'Uity of 12-foot· Seating· for the mass ls by ture. 1 · proclaims to them the "good altar rail to receive the body gloves, until .cream has dllap- l<M!liness and each ma'n's FifUt Avenue church for the high. scaffolding fot color TV invitation ooJy. Alter the pews The priest.! wear whit' news'°' that "today . , '• a of Christ Jn arnmunioo as the • peared Into the 1kln. Fli:i personal Ideal at the tunHJL-fint maa of Chrlstmu Day c;ameras and llahts amid the are filled, some 700 other vestpients Of Christmas joy aa Saviour hu been born,'' and a Apdatlel dld the night before fingen four er five Umes, as th~entury? wbUe viewen lo more than 150 front pews ii 1<9t after 20 worshipers crowd into the aide they pray Rt the alt:al~he heavenly host appears, saying, He aacrificed Himself, to •hard 'II you cm,i u though She wore sort, pa 8 t e 1 ciiles throughout the United years ot telecasting midnight aisles and rear foyer. sacred table where Christ and "on earlh peace to men of redeem mankiod. · to stretch ·U&tti aJovea. Then gingham ahirt.a, carried 8 &tates ~tcb the ceremoolea masses. WorshJpers in the Those With invitations are Hla followers met in good will."· The Archbishop blesses th e roll hands 1)1.1\Wlrdl, 1way ... ed 1 d h d ·on television. cathedral who OClCe thmght mosUy parishioners who work sacrifice-and offer the Mass, Arter the sermon, the con~ people then a~s : ft'Qm each other,.in wider and muu-stz paraso an a a Red polmeUias decorate the the makeshift plaUonna were in the nearby m I d to w n recalling Christ's birth, the grcgation symbolically offers "The Mau is ended. Go in wider circB, using wrlst.s penchant for O_ower-coven:d cathedral's hich aJtar. Huge 1 distraction now take satis-N.'anhattan offices and depart-List. Supper, Calvary and the as gilts to God the bread and peace." loosely. ' hall demurely pinned lo ha1r1...c.:..:...:..:..--=._.::._ __ _:c_.=.._ ______ --,..~.----------------------------------------'------- piled high with coi~ of soft, wispy curls, The Gibson Girl's look wu a eoft 8'.1d natural one ; she eeemed forever blurred in a cloud of delicate beauty, never quite coming sharply into focus. She wore hardly any makeup 2:s:cipt for a ll&ht duotlng of powder at the Up of her nose and a touch of pomade to enhance the natural t."<llor of. her llpa. Thia very feminine creature ls probably someone you 've read about in fashion magazines but, as we head in- to the 1970'1 she's very 'mucl1 b the pleture· again -in- spiring fashions and makeup for lhla joyou.s' holiday season. This means 1890 hairdos . wispy solt with a round and bubbly f e e I i n g , shirtwaist dresses with tiny, belted waistlinea and very full skirts. A .. r~ natural looking makl!up with the merest hint of color and lips that seem to shine and shimmer without any help at all,. · The ~ial .kademark of . thia: Qristm.as' "Gib.w.1 Girl is a soft blush at the cheeka and s.n extra bit of glitter and glow at the chin and temples . Chaoces are the origilaat Gibson Girl had to rely on pinching her cheeks for any sort of blushing glow. Luckily, you can cre?te this same deUcate beauty with Pond's new Angel Face Blush "N Glo, a unique 'ble.1d·your-own' blusher and highlighter duo that allows you to create as aolt or colorful a look as you like. Tb.is twosome comes in an txlra·sllm mirrored com· pact with Its own soft plush· briah. Uled alooe, the blu.1her adds color to your cheeks while the glisiening highlighter gives a special hlnt of sparkle that's just right for holiday feativltieJ. Together, the y permjt you to create. very special personal e f f I c ls , everything from utra sparkle to nearly matte . The Glbso.1 Girl epitomized • ' • Softness in all her looks. Her tips &eemed forever moist and 'hinY -glowing with the merest hint of color -neV!r anything sharp or obvious. i i Today's Gibson Girl can achieve this same translucent look wllb any of Cute:s:'s new Up and nail e-0lors. Softly froated or sheer, each is pack· ed v..tth moisturizing shbing aie-nta to keep your lips glow· ing with naturally delicate col· or. It's easy to improve upon your looks without looking "made-up '". Al. \he 1970'1 approach the 'oow' girl works al looking up- to-date by using her be.st judg· ment and pairing the proven beaut~ tricks of the past with today s marvelous cosmetic achievements. A I GIFT !SHE WILC I LOVE I .. Brocaded Holiday Brighteners Very Specia1ly Priwl Metallic brocade dresses that add a fest ive note to holiday part;ea. Figure nattering belted == A-line and slim sheath ttyles ... in aparkUng colors to Dght up the Afters 101n1. sn ...... pink/1nww, pa#dflf/ •ilver, pink/gold, blaol</gold 111-11 , "BLACK EYED J • I SUSAN " _Ii ALL STORQ OPIH NIQKTI AND SUNDAYS 1Z TO I P.M. • Teny Yel••r le ... r ft•:il'eSI t•" --r.,,,. stylh••· fie s29 · Mlt -pl ... y-44ew .,,,...., "" StyW ,.,.,_ SH I THE HOUSI OF I South Coast Pla11 l rhtel $ttfft l11"9H htw ... J. M.,11111 & U.S. N.,'1. laill Cost• MoN 5-46-2066 GRODINS WOfNtl'e,...___...lnlllln.. U-. .,..,.,... .nd 8mi L\1'9 otilllpo. 0-A QRODINI CH.lllGE or UM BankAmerleard orMuterCh1roe. UNTIL CHRISTMAS ODI: Formerly Mullen l l luatt I ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA, Costa M~sa-ANAHEIM, Broadway-Anaheim Center-LAKEWOOD, Lakewood Center I DAJlY PILOT -' SOUTH COAST PLAZA SECTION . ' I Stimttlate Imagination Toy Sho~ld· Be . Realistic NEW YORK (AP) -A good toy 11 cme .that best 11Umulates a c:bild'a bnlglnatloo, says Saul Robbloa, former presi· deot of Toy 1CanufacWrers of America. Inc. Children have fa r more ran· tasies than do adult!:, he says, because lhey live in a con- stantly suppressing en- vironment dominated b y grownuµs who striclly pro· acribe their conduct. "The best way to satisfy cht.ldttn's fantasies is to give them more rt.USO.c tools for doing so," said th< board chainnen of R~mco lndustrieJ Jnc. ''The subject matter should be as close t.o lhe T'eal thing as possible." For example, instead of giv· ing a child some blocks and telling him to pretend they are a railrOad train, Robbins sug. gesls giving him a t.oy train. 1'hus the child is able lo use his creativity to build bridges and tunnm and llC<l1el}' In. -d of devoting oll of his energies to maklng the mental llSSOCl1Uoo between tl!e blocks and a "choo-choo.'' Robbins admita that lo order to blilld realism into toys, some ronner qualities must be elimlnpted. But the result, he says, ls a "far superior plaything.'' A doll that walks and talks, for instance, cannot be stuffed because of its technological nature. The doll thus loses il!I THANKSGIVING WEEK • cuddly aspect. Bui it gains ~ personality. WOMEN'S SHOES The older doll h a d ~, "softness," Robbins said. "It appealed to the sense of touch. The new doll appeals to hear- ing and ·sight. It becomes more human." Some parenl.s are highly critical or today's sophisticated toys, contending· that older toys generated more invo lv ement and First Picture 4 stimulated more creativity. Tree Lig~t Market Brightens NEW YORK (AP) -Ever aince the German1 dreamed up the Christmas tree and dectirated It wlUt slender home-made candles. Christmas has beeQ a festival of llghls. In 1969 lhe trees may be made of polyethylene and the lights may come in boxes with a bow to Thomas Edison, but that almost pagan love of liaht to brighten a holiday appears stronger than evtr. "'For the last 10 ye8.r1 there has been a boom tn lighting for Chrisbnas and this year will be as good or better," gaid Fred Parthe of Consolidated Novelty Co. in New York. A, Hlectecl tro1, of flite 11.tlty ICHtl• thffl ot 1pec.lol ..io:prlc• unreallstlc •'nos ta I g i c mall found itself on the other end of the camera for f Robbins secs this as 11n New Winstead's Camera store on South Coast Plaza drawback." opening day. Helping snip ribbon (left f.o right) are or Alvin Pinkley; Vicki Yoak, Miss Costa ?vlesa ; Perry Maxson, president of Winstead 's; and ~far k Parthe said the boom was in part attributable to t b e artificial tree. A lot 0£ people wbo wouldn1t buy real trees becau15e they considered them messy or expell!ive a r e decorating with frees made of plasUc. This pub them back ln the mark~ for lights, bulbs, t~nsel, 8118'els. stars and all the Other holiday trimmings. • I I \._\ THESE FAMOUS BRANDS INClUDED' MADEMOISELLE TED ~AVAL ESCAPADES PLUS DUR OWN IMPORTS Innes S :._H 0 ES SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol 1t the Sin Dieoo Fwv., Costa Men Phont: 54s.9220 . . ' ' . ' . . ' . ,, Pauli. store manager. '' "Parents generally crllicize _:'l::•::.r:.:ryc_W::i::nn::.•::r::.. ::.'::."::i•::.la::._nl_m_ca_n.:.ag,,.e:..r::.;:..C::o::•::la_M_:_es_a:__M::.•.:Y_· ____________________ _ (II' evaluate in terms of the toys they had when they were . y0W1g, said Robbins." Firty years from now our current toys will be considered ex- tremely primitive, and parenl• then will be nostalgic for the old toys, too. But society changes and toys emulate < society." With these changes, Robbins says toy manufacturers have an obligation to duplicate them as realistically as possi· '• ble. And parents, when buying toys, have an obligation to think about the world in which their child1'91i Live rather than that of their own childhood. I ) Gottrrnet Gift.r Vino for Present? Wine Not? Christmas lighting this year will be both traditional and up to the minute. Give wine for Christmas and glve pleasure, memories, and companionship. A single fine Bordeaux of memorable vintage may be the most welcmne present of tl!e year to tl!e gourmet who bas everything. Pack four regional Bordeau:t wines (Medoc. Margaux. St. EmiUon, Graves) in a wicker wine-carrier. Add a mnall wheel of cheese and you give a young career girl the makings or a wine tasting party. Sii: half bottles of six dif· ferent moderately pr i <: e d minor chateaux wines of Bordeaux could be a gift or six very special memories to a young bride and groom on a bud gel. Send a cbe friend two bot· u~. a Sauternes and a red Bordeaux, together with your fa\.U'ite recipe for roast holi- day ham glazed w i t h Satiterne5. f'or ski addicts senrl two rnodest red Bordeaux with two lne'l'pensive t u 11 p gla sses. Pack each item in a ski !OCk, or, wrapped carefully in a canvas haversack for their ba cks. Send half botUes of white and red wines to that lonely al1nl or uncle "-'ho too often dines alone and has given up l\'ines because he or she can- oot use a whole botlle. And, make doting parents more dotinJ: wiUl a carefully geJectcd case or w I n e s representative of v a r i o u s regions from several shippers. \\'hen a husband needs a present for that boss, Und out fro1n the great man's secretary what hill favorite flishes are. and have your wine merchants select three a pprop r iateaccompany- ing wines. For the teenager godchild or lhat college-bound niece or nephew, begin a ceUar by choosing l"'o young but fine Bordeaux. Send them with a nole U1at the win"7 are lo be opened at a 21st. birthday« on graduation. Your wine deeler will tell you whlch wines of moderate pr;c. wiU be ready when your parUcu1ar recipient b Zl. For the man In your life, choose a memorable beginning ceDar, packed in a modest \vine rack. Or, if he is already a wine lover, who knows bel- t.er than you which twelve wines he wouJd never buy for himseU? Bordeaux wines are ex· ceptionally good Cllristma!I gift.a because they are varied in type and price, and because the selection can range from wines ready to drink to wine lo be stored and cherished for years before drinking. Most important ol all. for very special people, is the gift of wine to be stored away. It makes Utis holiday gift most thoughUul. ·, One bottle of six dozen with a card attached wishes that giver and given w~ll enjoy start your Christmas shopping Friday or Saturday saves 1. GOLDEN TOUCH & SEWZKi-ZAG SEWING MACHINE BY SINGER IN"BAKERSFIElD"c.ABINET. This is the year to give th is superb sewing machine to the most deserving woman on your list. It's sew easy to use! She'll never tangle with bobbin· winding again. Singer exclusive Push·Button Bobbin winds inside the machine. ' Ask about the great savings oo all Touch & Sew -111 machines in 1n1of the other lOS inpr-rwcabinets. She can dial a buttonhole with the Built·ln Buttonhole dial. She'll sew fancy embroidery, even baste, sew zig-zag stitches, darn, mend and monogram. FREE GIFT WRAP -all bright and bit-ribboned. FREE SEWING LESSONS! • FREE ooivERv Singer gives free lessons on how-to-use a sewing machine with every machine purchased. Buy .-on theS...,. l-to-36credltacxount,and ff you choose defer month~ payments until Feb., 1970 . ... OR use the Sirwer LAy-Away Plan-• small deposit will hold any item until Dec. 20 anyWhere In the U.S.A. including Alaska and Hawaii! SINGER Mari1W1t ... _,_tt1111llNGlll:,.../t For address d the store nearest ycu, see white pages under SINGER COf't1PANY them together many y e a r ~ hence. 'Ibis is the meaning of friendship. Choo5ing such views is not at all dilfkull Nor need be very expensive. Bordeaux wines of 1961 are out ol !right tn price, but the l962's provide very good buys. 1964's are also excellent and 1966's are just appealing, relatively moderate in prtce. These wines years hold much promise for 5toring and for later yvoring. It is a good idea, If you do not want lo spend a "fortune", to seek out a few regional wines, which can be drunk now but will keep well. But for a cellar gift, choose fourth and even fifth growth wines of moderate price. The wine merchants wiD have a list. Boys' Clubbers Santa' Helpers litany of the 775,000 members of Boys' Clubs of America start collecli.ng used, somewhat damaged t o y s months in advance o f Christmas. G r o u p s get together at their Clubhouses after l!Chool and on weekends lo paJnt, glue, and do the general repairs that can make a reject look like the best thing Jn Santa's bag. Best sellers, accordina: to Larry Gold of Frankel As.sociates Inc., will be strings of flickering lights that give the holiday tree alm~ a psychedelic e!fect. . The mmlatu,. lights are tn- crea.slngly galning favor over the standard bulb size, Gold said, partly because the heat generated by the larger ~lbs may damage articifJaJ trees. MulUcolor strings of lights remain the mo.st popu1ar but clear lighl!I are often chosen by businesses to decorate buildings a n d surrounding trees. Gold said color preferences ,·ary from region to region. In New England red lights on green tt.es .,. pn!fe?Ted. In the mld.We1t it's gold lights on a white tree or blue on green, and on the West Coast pecple decorate their white or gr .. n trees with pallel Hgbts. For those bored Wt1h tradt. tional lighting, there are the novelty lights In the form of angels, ( J owe r s , lollipops. Christmas packages, nativity scenes, old-fashioned lanterns and countless other shape!!. Gold said novelty lights, which generally are imported from Japan have never been big seller!!, parUy because they are more expensive than regular lights. But they do pro- vide variety for the more a(· fluent. Industry o(ficlal!I estimate most people spend between $10 and $15 on lights per tree. H11d1 fu1n 1rid h1arh 1pi11 to th1 ch•rM of th1 11ow . al111ic l1r•1 Th11111 frorri th1 l!'lovi1 Dr. lhi"•I•· H111d c.trv1d tlld htnd painted' i111port1d. Swiu r1volvin1 '""';' bo1 with tr11a·fo·lif• dtt•il. i " lliqh . MAK! YOUR CHRISTMAS Gl,T SELECTIONS NOW- USI OUR LAY AWAY .only J2.951 • 13 I . • l -. -·----------------~---"""='--------:--·------------ . . .. .... SOUTH GOAS'H>LAZA SECTION Christmas Hali~ays 'Season· ·of Lights' Clue from·• ..bolid1y season croeP'ord.pmle: . "Candle, neon, moon, tree, high, et al." Si1 letters, third letter "g". If you fill . the. blanka with "ti" ~nd ht.a'.~, you 'll have the ~nswer,. Christtnas Is the reas~.1 ,o~ ''lights:·. There are the v:vidty-coJ. ored neon· lights that lJ. lumlnate .. Main Streets" in cities from "1ainc to Hawaii. There are the flickering lights of roaring· fires. And there are the soft cancl}elights that give churches their speeiaJ holiday glow. t.takeup Mirror by Clairol and U tel! you see younelf as others wUI during the day1 to come. At tbe touch of a dial, the mirror letl you go from clear ,daylight to flourescent oCflceijght to soft eW!nlng ll&ht so you can create the hairdo and makeup effects that have you looking your best in each situation. The ,large, vertical mirror also swivels around to reveal a supumagnifying side. This lets you get a close-up look when yoo're doing those trickier makeup jobs like ap- plying r.1dividual clusters of fal.se eyelashes or drawing an ever-so-thin line wilh'your eye-- liner brush to create a wide-o ejed look, 'In' Fashion _,_ --27, 1969. ' Films Preserve Holiday • A home movie of Chri1tmu tptclal day for many~ years to electric eye which aeu: the Dty with the whole famUy come. le-.u autom1Ue1lly to match If a family docs not already tho ll&hllnl condiUona. A red gathered tocelher is fUn to hive a movie 0 a m e r a , stcnal In the viewfinder ln- mab and a marveloos way to Christmas Is Uie puftc:t oc-dlcates fnsulficient light ind pruerve the 1pJrit a:.ld ex-casion to Jle the lamUy p!c· tht need for a movie licbt. Ml• t t ••--sl tur&taker an e•.v-tvo-we, in· This new super I movie ""'"' men ° u~ "'"'' on. -~ camera Is atyltd in textured Children are bright~yed with ~t·1K'~~nkg 11:.~:8~~~~:4 black and iaUn s\lver trim and anticlpa11on and the house is '-~~ .... el-Irle motor •• •d· decorated tor the seaaon. This movie camera. for eumple, is ,..,. ... .... w is a warm , colorlul scene:,_•:li:m::•_:::co:::m'.'.!pa:c:::l....:•:::nd:_:h:::":...:':::"~v:::•:::nct::...l:::h•~fi.::lm::.· _____ 11 guaranteeing a perfc~t home.1 ·----.:..-------------• movie setlln&. Start the movie of Christmu Day with a close.up of the tret. Clase-ups are the spice of home movies and most moviel Jack a sufficient number of them. Also, be sure there aren't any shiny, renec- tive surfaces in your sce."lf:, They will produce glare spots unless you shoot the scene from at least a 45-degree angle to av~id the reOection. CAMEO SHOES FEATUllNa The holiday season is also the time to see yourself in a new light-especially if you'll be tryjng out different hairdos and makeup effects f o r December's merf}'-,o-round of carollng, pa rties, clr.1ners and shopping sprees. That ·s why holiday time is the rlght lime to pamper yourself \vith a special gift from you to you. lt's · l h·e "Trµe·lo-Light" With the "True-tc>-Light'" Makeup Mirror on your dress- ing table, you 'll have no trou- ble getting the an&wer to this crossword clue : "How you want to appear throughout the holiday season." (Seven let- ters. first letter "r".) Answer : "radiant". Printed fabrics are "in" for inside wear. They work especially \veil for dad's corduroy jumpsuit, mom·~ sweeping, floor-length robe and daughter's robe and pajama. sel. Include all the people and important happenings of the day. Get lot. of action and variety in your movie. Be careful not to jump from scene to scene too quickly, try to average 12-15 seconds for each scene. If pcssible. bclude family members exchanging gifts, friends dropping by to share the warmth of the oc- casion and the Christmas feast \\•ith everyone g a t h e r e d around the table. This film "ill help you relive this RED CROSS SOCIALITES COlllES "The Feshion Shop Th.+ Fils You" AAAA AAA A.A .. I C 0 7-1 0 I ·~-1 0 1 $1,i,-11 I 61,1·' I ~.t I 111,1.10 I ''i·• Hosier y Goes to Great Lengths to Insure Fi r Will it fit ? That's one ques-Christmas list. there's a col-Religiou s Gifts South Coast Plaza tion sun to take a little joy orful hexagonal package of six With Christmas a season of rit L.~.r "v t~• w.1 •• 1.11 out of holiday giving. pairs. Select a single hosiery deep religious rneanini. there l klSlOt, AT TME SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, COSTA MESA Until just recently, selectlni;: shade or six, if you like -is no more lmportanl gift at """': 14,.s210 hosiery in exactly the right l-~,~·h~a~levc='-'=·u=il~s~h=•r_w~ac=d=rob=e__it~hi~s~t~im~e~of~ye~a=r-t=h=•n:...:fi=neJl~~~~~~~~~~========~~11 size was of special concern to needs. religious jewelry. gift.g ive r:s. Traditionally, oFFer expires :c>eee!!'>-oe.r u th ~1.ockings have been designed ·in a choice of both foot sizes and lengths, and any one style might offer 15 or more dif· ferenl sire choices. ConfusiRg indeed! This Chrisln1as. however, hosiery goes to great lengths. Beauty 1'-1ist has designed a new super-stretch stoc king ca lled ConFonn, that molds itself to a wide range of leg sizes. Now there's no problem to ponder. The stocking comes in a size that stretdles to fit all leg shapes from 81.!: short to 11 long. The stockings are packed in tiny triangular boxes. an in· teresting shape that will make a good stocking-stuffer. Or for lhe special lady on your Tri1nn1ing Tip Sovth Cciast Pla·z.a· l<>Wer lriVel·5~·&2'z Here's how to trim the tree. Start at the top and work GORHAM STERLING bolitJAy speciAls· NOW IS THE TIME TO 'l/111\ BUY A COMPLETE SER.VICE Mown. .I J I H OR. ADD TO YOUR. SER.VICE Thio $12 0 pair of Gorham Sterling Save 2 5 % when you purchase ·I Choos1. from 22 Gt1'ham StnU11g 0Ngi111Js Candelabra il yours when you buy a 3 2- piece Service-for - Eight• in Gorh am S~ling. • I teupC!0111, I place hives, I pm f0<b, I ;,,dmd.,l aladforU. ....... any of the following selection of "Add-On" place or serving pieces in Gorham Sterling. Iced ~age Spoom • Suga.r Spoon • Cockuil fork. • !uttu Semn1 Xtlile •c:otdMat Fork.• OPEN SUNDAYS 12 to 5 'Tll CHRISlMAS ust OUll Cro!IU$T MAS LAYAWAY CHAl61 ACC:OUN1'S INYrtlD IANKAMlllCA.ID-MASTll CHAIGI 61" WIAP-ND CM,t.IGl lllDAL llOISTIY GEORGE MURRAY SILVlll e CHIMA e CllYlfAL e l'UllNITUllt ~ C..-"-• 1rtft1 Stt .. • S.. Dl9p ......., e C.... M .. e Ph ... 146·2700 I =-----/ /1\ LAYAWAY SALE Jf!V[Uri' lO W£)J! nous JO l'IJYWITff lHlY"R£ SJ'llJ!IC lLWtEl) SO B£WME-lll£Y'RE C:Ol!AA l"OP 11 THE AIR Rt1.s.u 366 *l1RMm1ll JIWILIY KIDDW ' YOVl.CllOICE ·I 66c SPECIAL SALE N.F.L EU(TllC FOOTIALL 1297 I MATTEL TIPPY TOES rw! •.-s I W. ~ft "'7Pllb ~ ~ SOies. btN -· plilltM ~ •il!e .. -... .. ,.,,.,.. 111111. rr .-i.11- 1~ ,ias11t. .... gas 19.95 ly KllAPR DON'T SPILL TllBEAIS • Fll lME IEAI PO'T IJllE !YOllE-AOO 1llO """ ~ ~ -~·Oll!C ~ lttt-3.95 244 ='"'''°" NIWI TALKING BABY flRST snp .... ...,. SPIROGRAPK ' All .... Cll .. --"° lillit le tilt ~·ffereiit ks11irs -OUUA IOAID •11.4.95 SOUTH COAST PLAZA fLOWlll LIVILl lllSTOL AT SAN D11ao ,WT,._ COSTA MW PHOHl l~t·6JI) IMlll*._PWI ctm •u MMt cu"n lllllil "HS.01<11 Cll!lll CIST.I MUA stilt "611 ~WA 111tm111• emu W(ST ~llM l'U.ll Iii.-RWY cmtl WTl IMIMl u ct•r PWA .. • . .DAll.V lllOT I EXPL OR E OUR MERRY CHRISTMAS; SHOP S TinHI 'n Twinkle his all the lovely decorations of 1he season ••. 7 ft. Scotch pine trees .ind .ill types ofl lights .ind orn.tmenl s. Toyli1nd 15 our enchant!d • ~ingdom of imagini1tion) run rampanl. Everything ' to delight the 't'oung' andl i1lso the young in heart .. I C..rcl tltop with Christmas ' . lwishts from American Greetings, Hallmark, and, ·many more. Traditional,' form.i i. religious de5 igns.! ~ta I~ waiting 1n the IMay Co toyland to ,""•r I ,~lir , ~ry ,xc1ted c.hild's ' ~hrisb'nis wi5hes. Bring : lyour little boy or girr in! tlMtl 'n twinklt> lJl, l-0)142, Cllmtm.1 CA!Ch & W'rl poll'ISI " ·"' • ,, '" ' ,, v rh ~I·· "' . .,: ' .. .. • ... •• « ~ " ~ • ' • • • ' .. -.. • • • • • ' • • ,. " .. • • .. ,. ~-: .... ' -.. .-,. ·'· · . ·' ' . ' ' . ;: 11\t 'f 'o 11utli 1;001+ ,lhl1 ··~ •i•t• fwy ••• rtwiml. .... ~ co1t• 1t1•••i 146•tJtt- 1h1, mollll1v thn1 11tur4t1~ 10 •·"'· -· ~· t :JO '''"' . l ' • • "' • ' - < .. our plush pile shorty coat with ha ndsome look-of-leather trim 39.99' l -. - A ihree-quorter leng th· firt~ with look-of-le ather button s, belt. Plush acry lic-mod acrylic pile. acetate lining. Yours in two lush shades -white or butter· c.ream, con tras ted with vivid green. 5izes 8-1 b. budget store<, coats 828 jr. bQys' reve:rsible all nylon . . ski jackets with concealed hood 4, 99 rilgulorly &:99 Quilted nylon on one ~ide ......:. waterproof rubberized nylon on reverse side.Juli.zipper front, hidden hood wi th drawstring. Choose naVy or red -now a+ a soving. Jun ior boys' sizt!S 3-7 available 1n qroup. budget store s. children's wear 808 '. • ' . , . _,.-_. ' . -~. • _, 4 • ' , • > .. • _, • Frii:l ay :a ; ' " . . . . from Dorette ... girl's plaid ' all-weather zip-lined coots 12. 99 reg ularly 14.99 Cheery red tarpoon plaid, with cozy-wa rm acryfic pi le liner that zips ou t. Water-repellent cotton with rayon lini ng , detachable back belt. black cotton velve teen collar. Match ing kerchief. Size 7=14. budget stores. :girl~' w~ar 824 save 27 %! 2 popular styles in boys' war111 winter jackets 7 • 99 comperablo value I 0.99 Two of tho mo~t impor tant stylGs for this winter at o $3.00 savi ng. Diamond-q uilted ~eversible nylon .:s:ki ioc.ket -in brown, blue or green. Or o cotton · c:orduroy zip-jacke t. green '. br broWn. All 8-18 size. budget 5tore,, boys' weor 'SZ2 . • I ' nt'a_y co south coast plo10, ••n di ego fwy ol bristo l, costo IT\flso~ 546-9321 •hop mondoy through •oturdoy, 10 o.m .. to 9:30 p.m. . . ' . " . ' --l -_. _..:..;..._.ti. SOl)TH CQA&T eWI\. ~EoTioN. _,. . _, -..... .. . -~' 1.,. ."-..!..,,..:' _ .... , ., • .• " I • ' r ' . . I ' ... . .. 'I .. ·.'"! . i f . ' save on striped cotton knit tops from a famous maker 2-for s·~oo regularly 3.'19 ea. I T'."o greaf styles. A scoop-neck button front -or peasa nt model \vith elasticized sleeves, drawstring , . ne ckline. Doub!e kn it co tton. Stripe go-round in r&d, gold, bl ack, ~reen, navy or lilue . S-M-L sizes. budget :;fore:., •,port5wear 800 save on our stretch panty hosiery in distinctive 9i ft box of 3 pa ir 3 poir 4.00 va lue 3/5.CO -·-··------ Ha ndsomely gift-boxed fo r C hristmas giving. Super-stretch nyfo.n sheers wit h demi-toe. Garters never needed -· and one si.:e fits veeryone. Two jhades. suntan or !-pic.e. Sold by the box only. budget~ ~tores, ~Q~iery 807 save 24 %-35 % on warmly lined sportswear jackets for men 13.00 comparable value I &.99-19.9'1 All lengths -short . mediu m, long! Every popula r s~yle -:;ki jackets, clicker s. scores mo're . All wool5, cotton corduroys. far too many to mention. Warm acrylic pile lininq, great colors. 36-46 in group. budget store s, men's sportswear 817 M AY CO B U DGET -" ! i .. ... t • ' : ,. . ... . , . ·--. -· • IA«EWOOO • llllnt Plllll • r.lll!lllO• !Ollllf "'.WI Ol!GO . IUINA '"'. IOPAHCA I'll/A. wm LOS ING!llS . WHlm[I • SOUTH COAST Fl.I/I • AICIOIA . SAN !!I-• llOlllCUll • CAlt!!•O C110011111 UHO ff JI. US! !Hf TOH Fl!E NUllBIK FOi YOU! AILI · MA i -JlJl • C! i -1191 •OS 6-0139 •HE ~1111 ·Ki 2-5616 •ST 1-5000 •Cl 1-4161 •GI /.5Ji0•111 4-SI II• 621~911 • SAii OllGO •297-3511 •LAS Y!GAS l&l-2794 STORES ' . • • ..... ~-~. -._._ .... - I I - --~---------,----·~---------------·------~----~~---~~ No putchese · r.quirtd; you need not be present. to win. Pick up Tickets _from any HarbCN' Shopping Center merchant to register for this HOLIDAY HAPPENlNG gift to be given away by the ~All Y PILOT and Harbor Shopping· Center Merchants at 5 p.m. o~ Dec. 23. 40 STORES TO SERVE YOU ... CHRISTMAS HOURS Open 11 9 P .I. Baily Sandays 12 T~ 5 •' PIOURES WITH 54JtT A Have yow chllcl's Picture taken with Santa start· Ing Dec. 15th. Iring them to Santa'• home on the Mall. Pie· ture wlll be 1 3 x 5 In color taken by a pm.nlon· '1 '° al phot09r1pher. JUST T.._..,, Now,. 27, lM H...W Center lectlM GIFT WRAPPING IN MOST STORES 2300 llarllOr ' of Wilson, Costa Mesa 1 ... ~~~~ ~~~~~~~---"'"~~ ---_._,_ I DAILY.PILOT T~ NMtnlMt' 27,.1969 ... ,. .. ' ..... 1 Po~ce.r f ~inei t-Joli4a~ ~:· Happ,~n~ Slateo at Center ~~ Shoppina Center mtrcbants aJld' the 'DAILY PJ;Im are job.Ing forces to E a "HOLIDAY HAP- G" at the Q:ista Mesa ma center. li\11 mercl\ants at the Cftlter, _, Harbor Blvd., ·will bave tlikets wbJch can~ pM*ed up • no cost by anyone who wants to partt""'•te •n the ~PENJNG.'';'"lr" ( ' Tree Forest." The "forest" also ts the location for a Christmas season operation In which Harbor Center mercbants are offering shoppers the cbance to have p~ of tbe1r children made~ .. Claus at a 9eda1 pliCe: N..,. o(~ at BOU· DAY IUPPEllNG prtlel 1'11 be Jd»llsbecl bl the. DAILY PILOT. _ )V~ need not be present •· win. The big payoU will ediM It 5 p.m. OD the }Ve of Yule Ribbon·. ~ eve (Dec. %3) when ~-of the world's biggest == ::v:'awt:,~ 100 Times ! l.o'oking for Christm~ - ldeu? 1be best ideas Dltl 'tie right~ the PCflf Of a book. No, . not a lbopplng plde, but ID10DI ID ~ array " volum~lo Jat.J• l at the local bo6h~of~. Whether it be lltenrJ dllalc, mystery, referenee. wort • biography, 100're apt to ftod the ••perfect" gift for a. MANAGER OF MONTH · friends and relatives OJ yoar Gw911 WJlll•rM tbristmas abopplng list. u .. · =j~mrnea:,the~°'.:1i: New Center have been ~ }last in fte atockin& stuffed with d h ~tely $50 wQl'tl\ ot. A1()Wl Eart iSOCK IT TO ME' -Clare Warren, 3, pretty obft. =,ad toys, will be .OD · Cbd.u •rm will use ously would like to have the eight-foot-tall Christ.- '/ dally. at. the J, C, ~~ ~ mDoD w:til of ribbon to mas stocking full ol toya and 1am,a..-OC shown to ::tu store 10 the shopp g wnWl pecblel tlda year, him by 17-year-old Donne Flory, Miss Harbor Shop-J.tWurin. eight feet from 8aya l'.aWard E. Barr, 1enior ping Center. It is one of three prizes to. be given time 1or boUday ~giving. (Manager' Aimcbair ·~ito r ers.1 students an1 ~ Is Gwen 1eocrapbers am.. w 1 I I Gft'.1 WJlllams, owner and to toe, UM, red mesh stock· viee pl'elidell" Slm Gbemical away duri,iig ~HOtmA Y HAP.PENINGB ~sIS®sor Ja ~ked wttb Chrlstmat C<rp., a major prodooel'. ed by~1ng center'• merchants' asSoctatlon and MOQJleste 1M1atf a wide range 'lbe iadultry, w h l c b bas r the DAILY PILOT. welcome ''The lnlernatlanal manager of Gwen's Studloa of AtJu" to tbeJr lltnrles. Just Modeling and Dance, 1tas been publlabed by Rand-McNaily · selected as this m o n th • • and offered at a apecla1 pre-Manager of The Month at . tbriltmu price, It JI one of Harbor Shopping center, 2300 age~. No ~tiase la; doubled Iii Jll'OductlDd In the -----"''1.-------...:.._. ___ _ Mc4'818:rJ'to qualify to win it.· past 10 YearJ, will tell an two T,oo ptlnlobikea to esUmated 4 bUlloa yards of Harbor Blvd., Costa Mela. the m~t up-to.date, com-Mrs. Williams lJ a member prehcmive world a t 1 a s e s of the board ol directon ol the ivallable. Compiled by 115 Harbor Shopping C 1 n t e r cartocrapben from 14 nations, Merchants AsSoclatloo ID ad- wlth tbe help " a computer ditlon to rwmkl8 • .busy given away are vaJDed at syntmUc ribbllll aDll prHled ti each. All three pmes will bowa. lie awarded to w 1 n n e r 1 'Ibat'• enoqhJo eJrde the M1ected b oeremonJea to be globe lGO timel. And Jt doeln't t..Jd on the ahoppinf center IDeJadl the lncreulncJ1 pope IDall at "Santa's-Ciiristmas ullr deccntt.!• Jll'DI. ·rrS ' I·. , A . Better Not Fo_rget To Remeniber Skin L-; household beaded by her lmS-' I ~ ~ world 1 largest band, Harlan. 'lbe Wllllama' Jlriv• ..,.,_phlc data'i>ank, have two 100S -Bryce, at· 1 It reOectl all recent mfjor tending Estancia mp School, chUCtl -a JUmber of minor and Scott, a atudellt It ' 'lbe clotbea a lady we1r1 on or after bands are ln unsightly ones -·It time ol publication, TeW'mkle. party occuklal -and the and painful coodi&o. in world leoaraPbY· • Mn. Williams' studio in skin they reveal-abw1d look S'roP IWRllY·VP TACfICS Another up-to-date reference Costa Mesa offers tralDinl in Ill, femhtne IDd velvety. FarturtetelJ Jlle . $kin on volume that wUl -certainty be modeling, dramaticl IDi nb J But bow wOl yoqr akin look hands responds quickl)' to appredated ii the ·"College (the latter two recentJJ ldded cllltal tbia year's holiday good treatment. 'lbat'1 why Edition ol tbe Random Home to the curriculum) Df dmaes felllvltlla -especially your elpertl recommend a heavy Dietl~." Tlall ~e, in botb tap and ballet dl9dn& 1: bandlT '111ere's a IOOd chance application of ~ cream portablt refanoe' ~ -b-'lbe studio also ltoeb IUJ>- tbat they'll look lib compi. before you retire for the night. eludes 7,009 new wot'da -plies for dance studenta. wrecbl Rand cream will really work from "abmbo" to ' • 1 one Mn. W'llllaml· studied dan- Gtft .wrapping, cook l n g, for you while you sleep! It not defeqse" -~ ~·t be ciDI at the Unltenity ol Ulah clelnbia, w a sh 1 n g and . only nourishes skin, b u t fOUDd ID IDJ other collage tdi· ·ancf was an act{ve member ot • " ~ -the endless amootha. and aofteos cuticles, lion. Cbe Ballet Sodely there. 1 WHIRE Y6u'LL FIND ALL YOUR' NEEDS FOR cbiret ol holiday preparation too. For maximum results, try 'lbn'1 .iao a.• varl~~ • In Costa lfM*~ la dlreQ-• !' · CHILDREN'S PARADISE ~i • . . -lene little time for the welliq i natr "Jnupemlve, of ver, .,.._ lllustraiea'· tor .. °' the Verde 4HRISTMAS GI FT GI Y-IM9-Al.L Gll'~TS DE· , fastldioas detalls of penc>Qal ' l001118 whlWJCottan gloves to volumet to cboa from for .. Cotillion, now In Its third year. ·, ~UX~D WRAPPE~ AT ~ •>:tl'~A CtfARGE. " ~ groomiQg. Add ~usual damp ': bed .iter applying~ cream those OD your .... iUCb as the v • : 1 • • 1 " cold weatblr· Out.dloft ml·· on h8nd.s: 'nme-Ltfe Boob' maplficent · . : I ' ~· ·.:·: • dry belt~ and most,, FEELIJKE IT, TOO ~brl·~~~. ··~-Men to Have 1 11 • • .KNOW YO IRAJll)S · wome':l Wind UJ\. with buds · .And if the backs of 1our ._, ~ llVTA-~_.. ~ l . ~ · AM• ..; wn"· co.....O.C1 • • • . • ~J:fu..rouah •the bark .of ~~t~ ~~!e:f _:· :!10:1:t t U:or~l~llle?~~-·. Heavy Play .•, -.i ·iiink that 7"I Cf.II scaly rub on some band ~ -Van GotJt, 1'irrler, • · 4i i H~T!XeHER~EITY•CARTE~S . =:...-:::n:ev8:t!~ creamti ~-~tsere'• ~ifgood ~~'~~~-re! In Knitwear ~ · NANETTE e CINDERELLA e PLAYMOR~ of , __ ._ -'t.bout ~1 It p: ncoMU. are s~ you , __ . iab "·- &<UA ... ~----put 00 llgbt-eolored cotton uampia, The VOuuu-, writ-'Tasbioo-that's my''"'"'!" ..... tt : Vblt O•r F•rtelt•re JN~. i f.net HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 145-1• IN THE HARIOR SHOPPI ... CINTER . f just won't work. ~ soc'-· _,._,. tbe ...-.. -•· aft. ten by art experts dimbioe ..,... k ~ .. _....... al5 ~· \,&-..,. .. L.I ~-...a L.Lt . chuckles Santa, and tba,t wor en " UIWllD ~ ex-plied, ancs wear · them while JAOllJ'I Y .uu art .. oty. declaration is being echoed by posed to greae, grtiDe or sleeping.· TheJ • &reuur~ men 1 wear authorttlel acrost cbemlcala wear ]ll"Oteett\re . of favilb color reproductlOns creams and ru~ ~es. Dur:\ Ute day•, '1 • u r II .we!J ., e~laJiaJIDns , of the country wbo piedlct~ I Who says tlull 8 hlllwPa•r weeon also hand cream or what the artists' acblfttmeJ)t.s heavy play on sport.sweu • or mother, whose bands are 1n band lotion. Reach for your mean to our ~ .. . 1 other men's fubioo an ~ water and detergents endless-handcare ~eatment, advise A l»c>Ot mabl ti . 1~ grooming items as Christmas 1 ly and rushes outdoon apd in. the Pacqwn experts, a s "atockina .._... t o o • 2if~ year. ' can be eonsidered dlftereat? automatically and 11 often as ........,1 .. 1 ... If Jt'J 8 ..-eatma ;·., aft fe"tf tbfDO that I u-...a .. ...11~ you reach for a tewel after -~ e n.te ·hi ...... r In the men's = ' : nauu~ are, busy--, .bul washing your ha.lds. U.ttle volume aucb 8'! "Can ca•..,.:::~than .._u..._ .. , I 'the Iii~ on tbt!ID Js ex-· , . ~epbanta .Swim?~',• 11 o ~,, a.uaw .... t ceptl~ cl r 1 , Jl'(lductng · Don t malle it ~t for publlsbf;d '1 Time-. this Je8I' there la a greate ! almost no oU of its own. So do yoursdf. K,ep an . emollient 'ftJe ~ta filled with a \' e-variety in knit styles and col·· i resolve to wear rubber gloves cream 0! lotion In the ~vious ty of ullitely answers 1o such ors to choose from than ever . . whenever possible. U t&ey're places like the bath, kitchen, imp~ quesUon'I •: Do before. 1 lined they go on md off·easi· laundry rootn and on the birds mi bec&Ulf ~ The return of th.e plact~ I I Jy. ' bedside table. . b8JIPY? JJow mid r '.is collar is faahioo newt and J 1be Pacquin people, wbo ar.e Once a dayt in the mornfns there Jn the aea? sometbin8 1be sportswear lift e~ on band care, apla1n GI' at night, afso massage happened to ·Captain Kidd? buyer 9hould keep In mind. I '•that the greatest reaaon for cream or lotion over your up-How did eboeabloes atartl It's 'l'1Pbl ol tbl new placbt unappealing hands la a bur-per anns and into. your a snack tray ol bawJe:dll. look is the ''Elepma" bJ . ryup, iut mlmlte approach to elbows. 'Pk*' with surpriaes, frOftl • 'Leooai'do sa-aal tb1t featurel:·I ~ <*'IN for tbem. M8ll1 WGmell '1'¥1 let tbe bolJday arrive. eVf!r/~ new ., buma • • lool polnt. four tndl eolllr, I ~~.:,~=.-~,JJJ~ lb• .. :':t~~~~-.;~flacket•~:.' ... 4 4 4 ¥L $41 ::s:::»¥ . •" .. ' " -·. , . . .... HarMr c.nt.r Sectloa Walnut vinyl top table. 48" long, 36'' wide. Four bi-back chairs. Addition11I chairs, ••· 7.99 .. I .,,,. ,.....,.,,,. ,,.,,. ~ ~1111 PlllTIC SEllll•STS . ·a· Storage space for mend· fir& paltelm. Tray holds 18 ipooJs, lclsson, more. l&WJS". Clear or shelL SEIM1E8 MESH IYlllS 3 ,}1 .... t1•e,r .. First qtia'lity demi-to(> or heel-and-toe mMh •heen. Cbotce of many fashion· able.shades. Sizes 8Jf to l~ .,, , .. ,..,, ,_ . .,. ·----88c --. . . --•••• ~n ·has 37.ttebl~ lcey!l 12 chord buttons. On/Oii switch. Mahogany finish polystrene. ~ music boob. . Oar Dwn Fi• luaity I TOPSALL WATCHES ••• s5~ .. '69,9 Timely fashJont ... hla 'n' hers styles ln dreS!l-up, sporll and Co-Go mtche1. All with <Jepeooable Swiss quality movements. I I ' •·i If I 1 11 I I I /l'j IJ DA!lY '8.ff J .,. .. ,, ... ,,._ .. , .... , ·11111111 •ma 99c 1 . .1• e•I•• Pull .., ~y to usel Ideal choice for aweaten. al~; fuhioa acoesso. lies. Mothprool, washable. . 14 .• *'I I '5 .... $3.JJ ea. Wloe-clean 'lnyt eovered rep1acement seat and back for meial kitchen and dl• 1 notte dllirs. fMy~taU. I ' I 45 PC. IElllllE SET I a -.. 4Umer PW.. •a wpt, saucers, bread.}M.. '9 ter, ceroal-fruitJ. l t1eh1 Cream, C.'OVeNd ...... plttter, VClltaiM di&. HARIOR CENTER STORE ONLY 2J02 HARBOR BOU~EVARD, COSTA MESA 1 · • v ' .f DAILY Pll~· ~ flMMbtr 'D, 1969 Here~ s -~ ChecklMit .t I ;·; -T.fllri king of -Y o_Ur ·Man? . .·~· '• ~ ( I' ' ,. . .. ' ' ,· With Christmas just around the comer It's time to start thinking about what to get for the man on your Christmas list. Before selling out on a ~ spree. ask yourself: Couatry Gelldemaa. ls be the type wbo revels in the scent of burning leaves and the aroma of fine tobacco? Your local tobacconist offers a variety of aromatic mixes or custom-blended tobaccos as well as everythlna to smoke UleJll in, from a f i n e meerschawn to a corn-cob pipe. CWllet Bone. He nips for f mery, so treat him to a brightly striped sports jacket, a colorful shirt or a boldly pat· terned wide tie. U he's on the conservative side, a classic navy blazer, club tie or cbarcoa1 gray slacks fJJBY be &be answer. ~ new ma or a castinc•rod.. G•elter. U be ·booet 1111 .. il biddilll at bridge Gr cbdmatin( bis chess op- ponent, acore more polnta thaa Goren • l t b penonalbed bridge cards or ~ · aet er unusual mesa pieces. One gift that's right · for "most any man is a new elec- tric shaver from Remington that f e a t u r e s super·sbarp disposab19 blades. When tbe cutter blades lo. ~ese unique new Lettro · Blade ~havm get dull-in from three to six manth9-they can Sirn"1j be replaced just as you would change ~·razor blades. 'nitre's a variety of models to choose ft'om -cord or cordless. Whether your man Ia be happier barbecuing a steak in the batk yard than dlnine at a fancy French restaurant? Does reading a good book please him more than a romp throogb the woods? Does be think ol himself as America's only hope at Wimbledon or a real threat to Jack Nicklaus? Would he father fix that brok- en kitchen chair himself than call in a repairman? Is his fa- vorite saying, "Clothts make the man? The answers un- doubtedly will help you find the perfect gt.ft to please him. Here are some other.,..&ift Ideas to suit his vocation or avocation. Mr. Ph-It. For the man who whiles away hours in a borne workwhop the perfect gift ould be that electric saw he favors, the lathe be longs tor or a new tool rack. is relaxed and easy-going or a ELECT:'nlc SHAVER-RIGHT FOR ALL OF ntEM man In a h\DT1 theres' sure to ~ , , be a shaver ttaat Js just right------------------'"----for~-• Wb8tever be r e c e i v e s , whether k'• small and .. expenstft or larp and laviab. a gift selected with care and. thougbtfullaea .. the perfect way to le& him bow llow mar.b hi II apindat~. · Top Tyooo•. Make his 9-Lo-5 bourt mere pleasant with bright new desk IK'CeAOl'ies - m a t cbing leather-trimmed blotter and pencil holders, let- ter Openers and desk top file boxes. Sports Ea&lluiast, If bl prefers participating to spec. tatiQg, please him with the latest vogue in putters. Or help him land "the one that got away" 1'ith a variety of ., .. ,,_ A Wonder- lul Gift Ideal e build up WMk becks. • improves the bust line. • stimulltts cirwl8tion. 2 ,_,,..AOllY ICI I 8 W. ~ • .,.,_,. • takes tndMI 9'f' • improYeS )Ulr your -Wist HM. posture. • keeps the mid· section .firm, fll1 & ,,.rd · • 2 minutes per clay keeps you in tip top shape. • gives yau that • finN the trim look. stomldl muscles. ' \ HAUOR CENTER STOIE ONLY 2Jl2 HARIOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA NOW. OPIN SUNDAYS 11 ·5 .. . mtiN -NlGHTL Y Tt\; t PM . Now·· ONLY '199 • I• ' . YOUR MONIY'S .WORTH MOlll AT ' ·s Is That Present .. Roun.d? 1 What lo do with a gm lh~t·s 1rOlUld? Or one that ratUes in its box and gives away its identity? 'lbese are questions often posed at Christmas time. Take, for example, a bowl- ing ball. It's pretty obvious UD{ier .the tree -even when wr?lpped in its packaging carton. You can tell by the way the box rattles aod by its weight that indeed there is a bowling ball inside. But, suggests Brunswick Corporation, there's a way that the gill can be disguised so the surprise remains until Christmas morning. First, take the ball out of its nonnal ~ and insert it in· See and Ski stead Into a bat bot uDed with old towels. Then, to add to the ruse, stuff towels around the ball so it cannot move, and gaily wrap the box. Now even when i n v e s l i g a t e d by Christmas ''spies," the gill will rem.aiJt a secret · A tPl1r ol bowling shoes to match wilt'remain a secret if packed securely into tlle ball bor. • 'lbe bowline bag presents a Sttious chaJlenge to the best dis~. One .suggestion: Frool your gfoC'er, obtain a large soap box;· fifi It with newspaper and lay the bag on top, then wrap the ~ge. Gilt wrapping secrecy at Christmas can be as much of a challenge as you mall! il And adds to. the fun. Here's a perlec~ giA for skien on )loqr _Sboppbi.g Hst -new sunglasses to beJp them steer clear Ol °'" stacles on sun-drenc.bed slopes. Personal Touch Is Important ln this advanced age or science and technology, long- standbg traditions like family C'elebrations oo holidays might 5eem just a bit mundane by comparison. 'lbe p e r s o n a I touch at times b'ke Chrislmas bas been replaced by mass.- product.ion. The festive flavor oace imparted from hand· made gifts and decorations, has found its sui>stilute in r e a d y -made, store-bought items, available by the gross. This holiday season, why not recapture the personaliiati0'.1 • of the past! 1t takes but a small amount or time and in· genuity to add a M of yourself to Christmas preparations. Home-made greeting cards, for example, carry your very own special ~e ... and needn't be works of art. You can make them in unusual shapes and sizes or as colorful as you like. Have the children design cards around a cmtral theme . . . peace, winter, religion, or Santa Claus .. And labels and tags on presents mean just a little bit more when yoo design t h e m yourseU. Large sheets of plain white or colored paper or silver foil can be transformed i o t o p e r s o nally..<fistinctive girt wraps which are simple to make, yet special i.l feeling. Abstract designs, a n g e J s , c~ trees and wreaths. coJor~rdinated stripes and plaids are all easy to design yourself. Follow the current fashion trend by decorating your gilt wrap with your name or personal monogram! It's easy enough to dash to the store to find a variety o( decorations to tum the house into a festive backdrop for holiday eve-.1ts. But trimmings you make yourself mean so much more! Decorate the tree with papier macbe ornaments in varied shapes ... balls, stars, reindeer, poinseltins • . . then color them with markers. 'Ibin sheets o f aluminum, cut to size with ~rs. will take on an an- tiqued look when tinted the same way. Use this simple technique to make. decorat.iOns for the front door., mantle piece or Christmas buffet tabJe. You'll fr.1d Dd Mark·s 19c "Communicator", a thin· line nylon-tip marker (comes In twelve bright holiday col· ors), pemct for making gift· ~ and labels, ideaJ for ad- ding a colorful tooch lo decorations. The whole family will enjoy evenings together preparing for the holidays . . . and doing-it-themselves! Prdvide a variety of papers in a wide range of shades a'.ld te,tures, some clue, scissors, iabbons, tinsel, foil, car d b oia rd, spaR:Ja mid Dri MarkS. Let everyone take pride ln their home at holiday ~ And ..,,u have fun together makinc it mra-pmonal! Gift Should Reflect The Feeling 'nlat ereat old adage, "It's not the gift that counts, it's the thought," is as old as Scrooge and just as outdllted. TbiJ year, the • 'No w' ' Cbrlstmas present abould be a great gift by ltseU, as well as a gift that reflects warm thoughts, fantastic ideas and a subtle compliment or two. This groovy gift doesn't have to be expensive, but it should be as unique &id swinging as the person gifted. Sounds like a tall order, doesn't it? It is. But all it takes Is some o r g a n 1 z e d thought before you go wan- dering out Into the never-never land for Christmas shopping. Start by crossing out all the "old standards" -perennial Christmas presents w h i c b have been dulled by repetitio.1 -like ties, perfume, lingerie, socks, stockings, wool muf· (lers and earrings. Now, that you've scratched your best lcleu, where can you go? Well, If ahe's a young fnhlonabte, bow about a fun fublaG item lib IWlglasset. U ~ really want to be a su~ Saa&a, choose a Whole wardrobe of shades for *11 her moods and fashion fan. del. For flriDllng ~. lt'• bl& r o u n d ''Crystal-Eyes" par:tf ...,eca lo tt.1ts of blue, and lavender, while a "' •riator shades tinted 1emes are pert ber more aultry moments. And, for the daya lbe feels I . bk= ti~~-:.:: ., ,, lbldel Jn tortobe. = can war11i a heart hold a hantl lend an ear pat a back light "P a face tickle a fun ny - bone dry an eye surprise a child woo a sweath eart toait a bride welco1ne a ~tranger wave a goodbye shout a bravo blow a kiss 1nend a q111Jrrel ease a pain boost a morale stop a worry start a tradition for C1irbtmal Cardi Ir ChmttMI GifU MfMOIY LANE H.whpplnlc.tw Costa Miu Mt 1501 Cardi, Gijtl, Patif Ooodl, and StatfoMf'W I& Mdl up to a lfOOV>' sift, ......... and fun and Jll'O' baW, nil wUbla 1fM .................................. .-..-~ a 1Ddiv1$aal meat-filled ~ ma with banana meal and wrapped kl banana leavet. Us- ing fresh coconuts, they make a variety ol neets and a special f ennented drink called toqulto. '1be culinary highlight ls the Jechoo asado, or roast pig, wbicb bas usually ~ fat-tened lince the previous Cbrlltmu. In some com· mualtles, several f a m i 1 e !I cooperatt to roast the large pig all day over an open fire. With the larder stocked wflh native delicacies, the family is ready for any number of 11asaltos" -or 1 u r p r 1 s e serenades. Any number of neighbors can make up a You'll love the 1pecial look1 with Cempu1 Casuals separates Whfp up one delic· ious look after another with these separ· ates styled in ecru cotton Venus lace with gold moonbeam 1atinese linings. SIMveleH Scoop Neck f 17 00 BLOUSE with Sash ----• ::~:t :'Ide let·-··-···--···-·· f 19 .oo A-lint '11 00 MINI SKllT -·· .. ··--·----··· 1 t Sleevel ... Ne lutton VEST ---. .... '17.00 long SIHve V-Neclc Dll!SS Ol\d $26 00 Scalf with ftare Skirt -·-·--·---·--• Mony other txdtf"I cOtRblftCltfont avaUable In metchfftt llOVHI -Sweaters -Skirts -an foshfon styled In the Hattn't newest color com- blnotfon1. CHAIGE n1 ••A-.t~ -Madef CfMrrwe ., WIMMf'e -~ a-,1 Ne """91' w Conylfll awar,.. OPEN 10 • t P.M, STARTING NOV. 21th HARIOR CENTER 2300 Hcal»or .... Co• M ... 146-tm ThufidlY, November 27, 1969 chorus to tour the barriol 8fnling tbrlltmas 10ftCS called parrandu or agulnaldos. Some one usuan, can p 1 a y the guitar, and anyone w 1 t b rhythm can play a gulro, a W I S bboard·Ub instrument made Crom a gourd. 1be songs -which everyone knows - combine the m e d 1 e v a I religious Influence with gentle jibaro humor. 'Ibey are emo- tionaJ, patriotic, and above all, loud. An uaJto can occur at any hour of the night. '1be "vic- tim" may be in bed, but be certainly wlll Invite the group in and bring on the rum-spited toqulto. Regardless ol 110\f many houses a aerenader bas DAil Y PILOT S visited, he never refuses the rura. One improvised verse of the parrandas Is suited for such an occasion. "Tell your father,•• Amelia might ting to 13-year-old junior. "not to drtrik so mucb rum ... Singing and eating go on for days, 1'.id Ulalllts are usuaU1 reciprocal -•retaliatory. U Miguel bas knocked on several doors late one night, be can bl sure be will I« no aleep lf 'be stays home die next night. Durin1 his Cbrlstmaa peregrinations, the P u • r t o Rican straya further from borne than usual, rediscover- ing the beauties of his island as well as bis friends, &all traditlons and his faith . f DAILY PILOT ~.~bff27, 1969 ff wo Churches DiscOver~ng . ' Ori:eneSs :~f : Dr. Durgin b pustor of 1J1'oadway U11ittd Church di Christ wl1ich earlier in i he year gavt 1'P its physi- dal facilities, diverti11g the f unds to 11elp f tglit poutrty and f or 1ervtce projects. The congregation toorslifps fn '1tarby St. Patil the Apostle Church, the first ma;or Protestant and Cath· e]ic congregations in New r o-rk City to share a sanc- t11ary for regidarly schedtil· ed services. ~ --;, .. "' ,;. . .· ~~ ' . . . ! .. ... : We · Ir~ no~ i1 .:·~TA ·•_ESA at HAIBOI ~ENJEil . , . ' I l I•, 2300 HARBOR 11.'YD~ .• . 54M740 . STORE HOURS: Mon., T••·• Wed., 'llMln. -9 to 6 .. fri. -9 ·to· 9 . . Sar./--. ,-'° 5. • • • t Mumaniry · · * Corrie In For ¥ 01tr FREE Ch'r~trnas Flyer Caialogue! -· .~ · .. tt •• •' . : DEPARTMENT STORE .OF ELECTRONICS .. . . . "BEACH BLVD. And ARTESIA" . BUENA· PARK 6001 BEACH BL VD. 521 ... 1906 l!LeCTRONICS "HARBOR CENTER" COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR BL VD. 54CM740 "'BIXBY KNOLLS'! -.. LONG BEACH 4435 ATLANTIC AVE.1 423-0963 . !>AIL V Pl'LOT 7 NEW YORK CAP) -Weinb·aub say~ it doesn't take I 'There's a be,auty parlor io Jong for the newcomers to the I New York that eut• and sets business to learn the knack. hair and gives a complete And often what they learn facial in 15 minutes flat. a~~t the beauty treatment of Although none· of the 20,000 dollsi. is reOected in their own 1 dally customert Jeeves a up; appearance. · FROM HARBOR CENTER IARBERS •the bea11ticians don't com: ''Any w(Nllan who has work· ~ plain. 'Ibey ~ they'JJ nev~ ed 'wifb oor dolls !or a season 9ften IS•ily 9 to ' be back, anyway. · or more lfud$ to show a little l . The salon is !or doTis and is extra care and sensitivity ~ 1 · Sund•Y• 9 'to J part of the Ideal Toy Corp. the selection and app:Mcati ••--~-.w~••n•~,. .. ladory in Hollll, Quee~~· ~~ per~l cosmetics," he . -::::!::.. "We know thlt to a )ittle -=====================:;=:==============-=======::.:::=±====== girl, a dGU is more tban a • playthin& '' said ~~ Weir>-' traub, ~ ' It is an eX· tension-orner own per8ooa.li • and must be as attractive and stylish as she hopes to be." So hundreds ol wocneq cliP and curl and paint to eeate dolls of little mothers' dre~ .. Each doll undergoes at least · five steps in the makeup proc-ess.:... eye shadow, ey'e,iatlel, tY'J t,rws .• rouge and ,Jll)Stkk. r 0 'lbe Shape of ~ lips }$ determined by ~ ......... lty / . ... . w.int the doll to project," -'ti. ~Weintraub. "And · the JlPltiS color reflects the doll's mow' 81 well as h e r w.arctrobe." . : ! ~ Two bait apecialista ,vork ~H' . 1 • ,, • :,j d. , _ .. MMtmt deYelopiDc .,1es . to ~ q iaa'V ls in t,u~ Car s •, t:>ld~tbew:-~~C: ""-· · / Id 1 • • rent modelt range from tbe "'lt~~ De"V Christmas Idea ~oil lamps -:-Flemish, tl&btly curled cortfure to tbe ~-.··a11· ~ car4 pla)'~ on or ~. an.4' · ...... and atraJcbt, shclulder f,.ur .gift list ls ~ Sly-Pack Gilt ; • Roman tn>' pewter Jenctb hair to a short ruor -....... -'-"'"" -"ty WW, p, • ~ .. . ~ --.... .... • qu1111 ~ lamp whic$ m.arb the t· ·!acb doll's hair made of a pblyilf cards nesUed lnside a· ~ as oil is comumed, and wuhable syn~ ii rooted l*ck ~ case trim-~'English silver llbrary lamp on ~ macbiM., eombed lbed dll ' wide ao1d bands. ~ two lenses for con-and b r u a b e d , straiabteoed fte met ...... ~la 0 W mtrated ligbt; I Loftstlft with moisture when neceasy, trea5ura from tbe famous china cW'e lamp and ID 18th and cul Ba1rp6ns and $ltf8 Lyle Lamp OllledioD at the centuV:~bedllde lamp; are used when the .!,ttfJe tinclnnati lbeam of Natural a cauv.-W 'ii lamp, demandl. '/t.~· . ~ :w.it«y. Tbe cardbacb show: add··~. that can1 •1aaw .et• la Mtet'tl --• nth century tin candle lamp be.y_~ lor OU ef. can-lain tM«)llt. I •• ~. Md a mllk glim candle die. pa~ emtalDI an ex Allhoultt : many et ! th e i.asn; a bobnall cranberry 1ra *sCrlbing the lamps employes are llcensed beautl- llBdwldl tblll candle lantern on· the back. Congress makes clans, not all of them are. _.a.em, PBcrim lllrtem; ~ &lft-aet. LYL& UMPS DECORATE BACKS OF PLAYING CARD san .!. Liickj ·Bride ... ·of the Month • J • 3, lellclt , 1 /-'· Corpt .Brllllont Cut C.t nt•r Of Gou Dlomorid and five mell• dio- "' monclt' to &olonce the beauty. , .. Korot white or yelktw gold. '.- . ·' Delicate Elqo11ce t I t • •• '1 • I . I -I c... ht •tt4 ...,..., ... ,. - ,._ e.•W ~ Mllt •Mtl'1 '-" t rl4e. .r • IAM«AMHICUD e MAITH CHAIGI ,,....._ .... ~·--..... The S1ore That Codc:Mnce B"11t JEWELERS FOB 42 YU. .._ ...... ,MM., , n..., .... le.t ~.M. Tiaee., We4., Set. 10_. P.M. · HAUOI SttOPPING· 'CENTER 2300 HARBOR IL VD., COSTA MESA • • • S.U.9415 .... ' f ..... . - f DAILY "LOT TWsday, NMmbet' 27, 1969 .;. D0n,t 6ovrmit Sh©pping Sins fo~Mtn Women lnvlriably eommit virtually every woman but not the kind sbe ·wended. J m1 bim'•' -0r "He simply certab lhopping sins when guesses ~nd to b e And tlUa type or lift Qft.eQ-: -..n•i know what to wear buying m~ apparel lifts for several clothing si&es larger turns up at &be re&urn counter with ""'-'' _ Christmas. Seven deMly sins, than be is. Women a1ao come December •· SIN MO. •~ .Apply women's. in fact. Tllis fact was pointed become entrapped because SIN NO. 4: 1gnoraoce of the wearJll'l8clplea to men's wear, out In a aurvey of uumerous their sizing system varies, in various men's fasbicr.l images. especiallJ When It comes to retailers wbo Just happened to some_ cases, from that or mt'l. Such buyers often select a pattern-mixing. Such womer:i be men, of course. -SIN, NO. I : Asking a lhirt suitable for a natural· usually come up wltb com- The survey was conducted salesman's advice and then shoulder suit and give it to a ments It~: "stripes simply by Hart Schaffner and Mari, pointedly ignoring Jt when the g t n t I e m a n who wears don't go with stripes 10 kt'a men's clothing manufacturer. advice fails to corroborate the advance-fashion clotblog. Or ~~about~ shirt-tie com- It revealed the following w o m a n ' a pre-<leterroined vice versa. Each look bas ttJJ hinatioo." Routine can easily femblne foibles: ideas. Thia routine usually requisite furnishings. be ~fl!ed to whatever pat· SIN NO. 1: Arriving at a ends up with the woman • SIN NO. S: Selecting a pai. tern-ouxmg problem is at •tore without exact si_zes aqd saying: .,I think I'll take this tem, style, color, etc., wbic~· ~ . . attempting an educatea guess. first one I picked out the woman prefers, ignoring i)lft NO. 7: Selectang a gam· Buyer patter usually runs like anyway." comp I et e I y what tbe ~c~ gin that's _good for a this: "Oh, he's about the si1.e SIN NO. I: Selectfog a gift gentlem8'J him.self might "like. hnuted amount' of con· Gf that man over there. Well, for ~ sole ~ or irn-Surefire way to get ·a gift re-ve~tiooal fun and that's all. maybe a little larger • • . at pressing the l'eClp.tent. Such a turned. Sample comments re-In this same category falls the least In the waist . • • and a buyer may make an im· commended for this type of buyer who chooses an Item little taller." Retallers report pressioo on the man_. all right, sin: "Ob, he'll wear anything that, while useful intrinsically, bas no basic purpose for the recipjent. Women who buy this type of gilt generally jaslify it with statements like : "But he'll tblnt ft's cute." 'lbe above an bolls down to: ~member size; (and if you don't lticlc with I tr 1 C t 1 Y aizeless gifts like jewelry, mufflers,~ etc.) and forget your own pers onal pref-ere0C'9. Holiday Fashions Two-step GOLDEN TOlDI A SEWZIG-1.AG SEWING MACHINE BY Slr«ER IN"BAKERSFIELD"CABINEt Thk .. the,.,. to &Mthil superb aewtrw mlChlne to the most deserving woman on your list. ft\ sew easy to user Shi can dial I buttor.'°'8 with the Built-In Buttonhole dial. THE HANDBAGS ••• M<..-sh velvet • • • silk • • • com- blnationl with leathers make the holiday handbag new . • • Boxes are back • • • the lhoulder bag swings. Again, purple and red are the colors to watch. Body stockings, such as this one in leopard spots, can put you in stay-at-home holiday costume ln two steps. Step one : body stocking. Step two: some- thing clingy like this long vest with nine-foot scarf for trim. Welcome, ·guests. She11 MYer tanlle with bobbirw- windq apin. Singer exclusive Push-Button Bobbin winds inside the machine. She'H sew fancy embrolclerl even baste, sew zig-zag stitches, dim, mend and rnoncsram. Ask about the great savings on all Touch & Sew sewing machines in IDY of the other 10 Singer sewing cabinets. FRfJ! GIFT WRAP -all brf&ht and bfftbboned. FRf'.E SEWING~ FRP.E DELIVERY Sirwer&tveshe l9S9ons on r:~ In the U.S.A. ~· teWirc machine with ndudlnsAlaska and Hawaii! fNflrY machfne purchased. COSTA MllA ...... , ...... ...,, l*HU kdtc. ....... I COSTA MllA UOO HMhr ·~· ICJ f·flH Hn.t c.ttw HUNTINGTON BIACH l!cll119er et IHdt ltM04C Hu11ti119tff .. tell C.11ter Fresh Cut CHRISTMAS TREES FOR A HAPPY HOLIDA YI OPENING DECEMBER nH In Harbor Center ..................... SHOP EARLY FOR· THE CHOICE TREES·! l• • FEA• . FIEE IElMIY HARBOR CEITEA 2300 HARIOR COSTA MESA __________________________ .._.. ........... ~-----================;:::;:::oo--------------------------------~---~~~~ Y• wPl Wiil .. * your ~en;: ::oc .. Mta.J':i .. parties at . tlaylng . --for • family • ..... ... and ..... ..... • ty .... ipeCi~ Ii flcla1S, Jiut I& II t. Jive ,..nelf me eatlr an d ~miS Jiii' own * ~ 1 tbne when JOU Call teJu wttbout interruption. War I comfartabJe bathrobe IDd leJed I taitlb)e table to 1"ll't 8t, m pod lflll&. Have at band a cauplHf bOwb o( tepid Wiier, a terry Wllbc1oth, a . cciuple ol face 'towels and IGIDe cotto:I. Now yaa are ready to begin J«ll' treatml!lll • '8ecllm the hy to ID ef- fective Bin ~J:Z:'° is mallture, UR eos that bring nature's moistu:ri1.er, pn water, to your *1n and hold it there. 'Begin with a tborougb , dwwtng. Usin& a rniD;y, li- , tWd cJunaer, with upward ' ~ aod outstrokes massage a amalJ e.mount into the skin of face and neck, then JD9i5len fmgertips in a bowl ol water and continue to massage. Remove with a wet washcloth ,.... ,.... tbSues wbidl tad tD ICratcb the skin. Jtaa, a fr'*8er removes lft1 -fl clll'!W. '!bough refltll-coo}. It conlaim ahtoi.,., IO *1inC alcohol IDd ....... Db resb and .,....._ ........ a pad of cot- toa wUlt lbe liquid and stroke 09ll' m ml HCk. living canful atteatiaa to the halrUlle. *1oUDd tbe nose, ttealet llld llugb lines. Now IDdllllae in a MuqlJe de Mmtbe enriched with vitaliz- lq ....._ Recllle wUb feet eJevated • relu in a warm bath nae t11e mast 11 dolnc Its wad. Seoop out a spatula full al tbe Cftllll and smooth over face _. neck, tben rest quiet tar aboalt 10 minutes. ~It wttb warm water! and washcloth. You will find1 • aomethlq very nice baa bal>" peoed to ~ complmon .•. It bas beCome radiant, fine pored &1d velvety. The next step is application ot a moisturizer which ac-• tually "cradles" moisture on the skin . all through the day. With applicator wand from the bottle, a dot to forehead, cheeks, chin, nose and throat. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING • • • SEE US FIRST~ We.._. ... llMlt ,,, .... .., ._. .............. ....,.... i . e HOLLYWOOD CLOTHES e HAIT SCHAHMD & MAU e CllCIETIU e. LANCll SHlm e MANHATTAN SHiits e HAHIS SLACKS • um SUMD/.Y 12:ff.S PM We Hawe: SUEDl'S & LEATHll COAlS Single I Do.We lreHted We Hn: FUtis ·& STOVE Pfts. lo4ly sHllTS 1ty ... ._ • .._ TIY US JJM HAll09 aYD,. COSTA MBA -Mt-UM JUI S. •mot. ST,. COSTA __. -.... Utz IAllUJUlllll JIWILIY ICIDDLES YOVI CHOICE SPECIAL SALi N.F .L ELECTRIC FOOTIAll • l ~PAO· TYPE IWIE WITM , AU.~ ll"11 12 •• ,. 11.95 97 •a ... ' "' 11~;::;:::::;;;::::;:;;::;;~ Mil'°" IUllm ~-.11-NIW ~~~....:;UT UP . cox ... DUNE IEX 1M£ c::~ 'DllOSAUR Willi TltMJTTl£ COllTn .... [1'11[ ~··· 17.95 1188 MATIEL TIPPY TOES .. •e1. gas 19.tS l y ICU.PD Dlll'T SPIU TlllWS . fll Tit£9£NI l'Of OflE IY OE-M>D • TOO MANY AllD Jfl. ..-· WI[ IS DOil.. 2" NIWI TALKING . IAIY FIRST STIP SHOPPtNG SPRE GAME ..... 5.95 344· • tllS JAW lllCMS, He looks hte t11e o• snr sllelt1M yoo SM c ...... 1 ... n .ts &~ ~ u.o Gl"SIT 1£G11110 srr A 20s,-.~ _,Ill a variety ti ,.flS to lill~d INlllJ items. ~ ~' .... 5.49 l44 1e ..... , SPllOGIAPH All ~es e111 create kilitiM fltft«M. .llo lillllt to the drlft1t11I dtf.ians OUUA IOAID 322 , ltf.4.9S HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER 2300 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA SMIT& W lllftH nlZA UUWlll cDnn CISlUmllAIMUf111Q , . , . CMm&NllunMAPWA wnaa r• s.,,• c11111 •-•=• --nmi · OISTA Ilda 11111 ctAST PWA ...... conn _.. • ...,.,_can• WlSTUWllANU ~llLWNZA A&._ *UY cunu Wf lllf,._ wu.LIT SMlA UIUll LA CllllE PWA UM .... Cllllll lllM ,,,-==::lllllllC:"'\ ~ ,.,_,. _.,.. Cllmt .......... °" llllfl) ; . !~·~·""*!I: 1 1 ~ l l ~· ~ ,. - I I ! ' •T ., • . J• OAJlV PILOT !..,.,, Nowtmblr 27, 1969 Ccrrpdi~S Is~. ~ift fot YOuv H~rrle Tbls ChrisbUI whi mot purchaSe • ~"' for f9t'l home ..:.. • new carpetln& that wUl enhance your home during the ho1tdays aod all year long. You'll find that fashionable ~arpets wlll give Lustra line of tufted' nytbn Capt\lrlng a Mediterranean carpet. The rich co Io ra flavor, this mulU-sbaped pat- penetrate deep into the pile T tern is avallable In five One of the most eiciling right down to the hJgh clensify decorator colQratlons: Floren- ca.,,ets to consider this si8'IA. foam rubber cushion back -tine Gold, Roma Olive, Porto ts re.tlve "CbiaoU," a lending dimension and bril-Fino Red, Rivera Blue and distinctive design from Oiile's .liance to the design. Mediterranean Amber. WOMEN'S BEMR COATS ARE REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE GltOUP I fHOUP II GltOUP Ill 0 11&. 75.ot It.ti 11'.H NOW 63.88 75.88 101.88 Fuhionable Persien lemb or beaver fur trim. Subtle softness mekes elegent coverege, femi- ninf. flattery any woman loves to wear. . -. TO CLEAR! WO,.,EN'S BETTER SWEATERS Smart 1.-i" styfn 9'ld falwics GROUP I Ori41. Sl0.00 GltOUP II Orl9. 35.00·36.00 HOW NOW 25.88 30.88 . - '• ' TO C·LEARI woMEN'S 'BETTER SWEATERS la • ,......, style .... f9f ... o•••· .... Hllll4 '"-ed. 4'Mlftr few. flt 6 99 I• wllfte °' ,..... ....._ 14 Otiff NOW • 1· ... ~-· .... Colorful, Fu hion•ble JEWELRY RiDUCED . . ' A.US apartile to •r ,_,.,.. ~. l.OI i.m.,., , .... ..,....... 1 LI. Great idM fof tll.t llttte ........... tift. MOW ..,,V .!· Reduced To Cleul Toddler Glrl's 0.....-· • fa"'"-d I• ttie ttylet wd febria 2.99 tticrt .,. • ,.._.,. te ... ,. Orlt 4.tl NOW 12 OnlvJ Girl's. Cotto" Terry Robes WCH"'lr c•fe~ ~ w_. • Great fo eft9t ifttl ........ Ch-It, 4.tl NOW Clearance! Boy's Belted Drns Pam. Neot 1.-19t r.~ ...m wltti • 4111 ..... IM yob bock ,,,.._ Otft. S.tl NOW To Clear! Boy's Rugged Bush J•ckets D11n1W., ·water ~Ifft fatHk., Wted. 10 99 •-111r retell podltits. Orif. 1J.tl. HOW • Reduced To CIHrl Women's Shoes Cc1111ot ftd drnt 1tytft tltet 9f'9 Hiii...,_.. end feslllol!Clble. Ont. '·"·"·" NOW 7.88 Greatly Reduced! 0.Co,..tor Sheets I• dlsco11ti1111ed pastef ce'9tt TWIN SIZI H•nr! Supplr ii N"""4! FULL SIZE 2/5.00 . 2.99 Shop Moa. ,. Sat. 'Iii 9 P .M. HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER COSTA MESA BIG REDUCTION! WOMEN'S BE 11 ER FASHIONABLE DRESSES GltOUP I GROUP II ••our Ill ORIG. 16.00-11.M 1'.00.J4.tl zs .... Jl.00 NOW 12.88 16.88 21.88 T eke you anywhere ill ~!gh fashion in the .styles and fabrics you like .. ,to look chi~;•nd o~ 1 so feminine. /i , .. / : 25 Onlyl YOUNG MEN'S SUITS F« ,,.-tc ........ """' • boys CHOUP I '1' - Orifbiallr UI GltOUP II Ori9itlClllr 15.tl t• 24.tl . , NOW. 6.88 tio~: ,.),1.88 ~EPUCEDI BEAU'f.IFUL, HUMAN HA~R W1GS Stretcll wit fits lleed .... ,, ,~._ ... ...,'" Strfl .. Medi, ...,... UM lllC .. dff II Olt lG. lt.11 NOW 15.88 Reduced! MEN'S BETTER SLACKS •• c .. t111Hta1 Md ,,.. ...,.. s.... wfttl ............... ' ~ Ca..keofulen...i,_,.. • r 011•. 20.0I NOW 16.99 r To Cle•ri Men's Better Sportcoats " ....... y telere4, pelyestet .... ..... t. cllecb ., ....... Orif, 41.M NOW 39.88 • J 11 Onlvl Men's laminated Jackets .................. "' d1'e ttlat .. llfh'-liPt. yet warM. Orlt. 10.tl NOW .. Men's Better Sport Shirts Reduced 8.99 "1itftt WOfttl t.ltiMI, •itMHJltted'lty b ...... ._ 4 88 co6on.. H ......... Orif. 5.'8·7.tl HOW • Big Reduction! Men's Bett-.. Shoes For cMf.ttllbl• 4,.. ., nlMI .. 10 88 Ciiek. of ·~· Orlf. U .tt.1J.,, HOW • I Reduced To Cle.rt SportswHr Fabrics ler te ut -4 ,.._to .... yow:ewa LLl.22 ._..loM of ttie ...-.. Orlf. H~l .St NOW tUU-YD. I A Gift Ideal Electric Scin0n "-"' .... ...... .. .... Rtlit .... of ttie ..... 411tfftc.et c.m ... Grit-1.t1 NOW 6.99 Use Your Penney CHarge Card IN THE NEWS ... .. ALL COLORS ' BLACK PATENT BLACK LEATHER BONE BROWN Sizes 5 to fO a• to 1s• HAllOI ltt0PPIN6 CINTlll H SAY-ON SHOES • 2300 HARBOR BLVD. CNDr lO THllPTT'St COSTA MESA PHONE 546-6775 Dime-A-Lines Mean $$$ . ' i Wb11t Wa hlldaJ pll't,.._ Zld -.. decor -..... m~~ ehhia.. ver and paper clinW -can create a whim. • • • ~ · festlft ..., mood. For ,_ 8'Jd liollday event, ~ where JU please for fold clim.-naplrba In I JOU!' next ,.n, -In fnnt of special fold. 1natead of Ja)'inl :e it"t.:-r:r: ~ ~ea: :-_.u:.~ .f. ~ .. • small '"""' Ulllllh"U:" . pJ.sb tbe ... .we to the Use Jll Cli eeater ol a wall -4 ... a piDe .cone plate ............ • wa&er wreath for .,.. ceaterpiece. glass to surprise JOU? pestl. Burn tiny IDdlvl&lal candlea at Paper dinner '!Mlplrins in each ~·· place letting. such fashion colors IS antique lnsteacl ti a tablecloth, try gold, Persian blue a n d .Jacemats for a t'hAn-. avocado green wW help you .,. • --~-create a eolcdd table and s;nem...:1: !°ntr=t save Y• llllndrf too,, · .,.. &eble 8f1Wng. . ...... take the dimer ~;· TOday•s N.ws L14 ost adaptable item on Today in The ~ • ' ; tabl4 and fol4 It inf.O a ·.. • · w SbQe to complettl. lbe Deily Pilot HOW TO FOLD IT . llday . look. Paper dinner ----Ml . •""'5•~--------Jllr: ~ ~ .. ~f."li: · <lfitofleroo Kits Free lns~~ffons ""'~~ . BY IWCltLK '.' J I ~ DO .o.' .,uT MIMlll ' EASY . TO °' THI •AMILY '-t.O r" ·1 'BuCilla's ~\.'1 ~E.W RYA RUGS & CHRISTMAS KITS I ' I OPEN FRIDAYS TILL t :OO P.M.· YAINS & . KNITS aJOQ HAllOR ILYD. (on Back Mell) One Gift I l { :· , Everyone j I ' Can Enjoy I , How abof,&t a gilt that wiU allow Dad to watch television, Motber . to ilsten lo a sym- phony o n the stereo, and Junior to practice his guitar all at tlre same time and wi~t interfcrr,1g with each other? Christmas gifts that the en· tire family can enjoy all year are stereopbones, the latest in home entertainment trends. Stereophones are a relati•e- ly · recent . development and have become popular prhJlarl. ~use music lovers are ring that they come \be cloae9t to reproducing the IOWlds of a concert hall withta 1CJUr own home. John C. Kosa, who Is presi· Bi of the Institute of meh ~ M well as president of ' ._, EJeetronlcs, Inc., a lead1nc manufacturer o f ltereopbones, d e a, c r I b e 1 stenopbone u.teniDc U ID 0 emotional uperlence." He potila out . that sclentific breakthroughs, sucb u ex· ploiting electrostatic sound 1enerators which bis company ploneered last year, enable ltereopbones to deliver more cl the music for which you ~. 'lbe company's newly-ln-troduced aP-7, can be at.- tad>ed So stereo h 1 • fi , television, FM radio, ellec- I . I ' ti • . . . ' .. l . ~· .. ... . ' , ' . STE REOPHONES PROD':JC' ~REAL' STEREO j tronic orpn or guitar. It wber.1 yau practice the elec-• reproduces three more oc-trGlllc organ or w a t c h , .taves tban were pollible to televlJlon at any lbJf of the '! bear b e fo r e • with a .. _ • night add Wbn won't ID- 1 remarkably clean, c 1 e a r ~ ~ ~ recepUon, tree from banner.Uc terfere with o&ber members of I dJstortklo, • I 1 the family -Of the nelthbors, At the same Upie, advapces -K094' pbonea start at tsf .'5 j in materials have m a d e f o r conventional cone-type I stereophones llahter weipt modela; $79.00 for electrostatic and more comfortable while atereopbooea, and up to $150 tealing out any dlacoDcert1oa for the super-wide range rro-j IUl'l'ounding nolles. feaklnal e l e c t r o a t a 1 c 1 Not to be overlooked ls tbe Jtereopbones. 'Ibey a r e ! obvious advantqe ol Ullol 1 avan,ble at bi-ft component atereopbonea wbm other peo-and b o m e entertafnment pie want privacy. Use them retailers. natlonaJty. • • •• t ... ·SPECIAL . , '' . s490· · · - ~ . Reg. 6.9.9 . ' I i .. •• •t.•f : ' . I ( if I! ' . I ·1 I ' I ' I I I I I I . . -' Galfenl8np{~ at G*nkamp . iallenkamp 1ne fo~ Slee~ • I I ·1 HARIOI CENTE~ •·HOO HARIOl ·• cos1A MBA • :··-- '\ J 2 DAILY PILOT Thursday, November 'D, 1969 . * SUITS e LE BARON . e CRICKETEER •· SAGNER · TWO PANT SUITS *. SPORT COAT·S e ROUGH RIDER • RATNER e CRICKETEER * SLACKS e PENDLETON • ROUGH RIDER e RATNER I ' ' ZJOO HARIOll ILVD. · COSTA "MESA · Kf 6-4242 .. ,. · I /.~ l'!T!;~ ... ~'tft"""""'-·.....;_ ARRO.W DRESS SHIRTS • • • LARGEST SELECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY-ALL COLORS & ·sTYlES -Also '.- GOLF KNITS BODY SHJRTS PAJAMAS · New ~ut~que Department ' e · BODY SHIRTS ~ A·l' IEW e IOOTS e LEVI FLARES e IMPORTED JACKE'J'S e SUEDES e CORDS e LEATHERS NATIONALLY ADYllTISll 8 NINI PLASS 8 IN.LISH WTHll 8 lllTISH STllLINS 8 NUTS & IOLn • .IADI IAST : llUT ZIZNINI e CANOI HW<rett.I llk·t•nMll c.wttie. ttrlH left. Steel llllM. A ~ f1v.ritel • llNttl Mll!'a 1M w.-·a .U.. .. . RENT YOUR HOLIDAY FORMAL WEAR -FROM US - Gi~ SUCJgestion OUR OWN TAILOR SHOP ON PREMISES • Robes • Paiamas. e Ties • Slippers • Jewelry • LHther Goods e Cologne • SwHter1 • ~·ckets e Shoes .. . • ' COSTA MESA'S OLDEST INDEPENDENT MEN'S STORt • SPECIALIZING IN ALL ·BRAND . NAMES WHICH MEANS • FA~R PRICES AND . P.RSONAL CHAR~E 1AC.COUNTI INVITED Ha MONEY BACK GUARANTE& . . . '.( I p ()PFN FVER'y' ~IGH T lll CHRISlMAS ~ .-. ,• "'. ---