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1969-11-28 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
f • • . . • I • • I • ' " . .... . . ' . ' \ Whi:p OrBnge :~Oast . . ' '• .. • •• • ' ' . • ' . • * * * * ' Probe of . ' •• ' • f Starts M,ond~·y : .. Five of Gls • Out ~of Army • • Mte~Deaths By v.llod Prm -lalmll!lonal .UnUI twq web a&ol the fGl'Jller com- mander of t2le A.rnlY.'• 11th Brigade was ·<erlain his troops did bot slay Viet- name11 villagers at My Lal on Marcll 11, :'1961. ' :.11 .... c.r._ riOt so mre. Ne.~ are members of the South 'Vle.C- Damese senate and assembly. A joint cOOuruuee hetde~r by Sen. Tian 'van Dong, a Jeatter of' the 1963 oNp agaln!t f9nneri President; Ngo Diilh 'J>Jem, 1fs to • • • . ' ' . . ' ' . " . " . ,.,1 -1'- ~ourity· .. Pa~~,·, . ,.~~1- • 1' ' , I '• ' ~; ' begin 'aii"invesl.igal!On Mori~ay. Six day,s t' (lif.0 defense' Minister Gen. Nguyen Van Vy. branded the .reports as t•totaJJy un· P~erish In Vol·ealtd. "~··. . ... true~"'· .• In another development,,the Anny-said at least £Ive or the 15 clVilian ex.Gls under-investigation in qonnectlon with the massacre were mustered out after a probe of the incident bi!gan last March. The Anny statement~·was given· In answer to questions as to whether men who have left the service can be court martialed or otherwise tried. Jerry W, Friedheim, Pent a go n spokesman, gave no reason why the men \verc not held in service to face possible c.ouM martial. He said he believed such a procedure would h a v e been ''not unusual." 'A total of 26 men, including the civilians are under investigation. · The Armv information officer who wrote the first news accounts or the "Pinkville'' operation -the GI name for My Lai -says lit. thought somet hing was wrong with the report as soon u he wrote it, the Chicago Trlbune sald tod"1 1n R copyrighted story. -r · "I knew it was fishy as soon llS 1 wrote f~." the Tribune quoted Arthur Dunn, 27, of Suburban Forest Park. "There were 128 of the enemy reported ldlled and only three weapons captured," he said. "That doesn't quite jibe." Orange Coast Weather Those Santa Ana winds die hard, and they'll sUU be .klckb1g 'tlP a dust storm Saturday, keeping the temperatures in the upper 70'.5 along the coast and about 10 de- grees higher further. inland. INSIDE TODA 1! The Children'• Theater Guild "big show'' of the 11ear comet up thU weekend when the Har· bor Area group stages "PtUs 1n Boots" at the Orange Coast Col· . lege auditorium. Det.a.ils in to- day's \Vee~e11der. C•Nftr11i.e t Clanlfftll M-41 Ct111k1 1J C,.H .. N ll o..tll M .. k:n II Otwn:n t EcHMri.I P'ltl ' P'lnall(t 24-!J Ho,_~ 11 ANI LtftflC'I 11 MtlllMI• ' Mtrrl... Lk111-.. t Miii 111 Stn'kt 14 ~tints t• -.... I . ' ' . DAILY Prl.OT Si.ff P!Mf9 INDIANS-.t.ND NOT.SC);PURITANS REVEL AT ·1969 PLYMOUTH ROCKOUT THURSDAY Ci>tlvmed' Thanki9lvlrl9 Guests Ga1hor Around Piigrim Mo1hor Welbovrn Thanksgiving Updated In 'Plymouth Rockout~ Ha1loween was a month ago, but cos. tumes were a feature nonetheless Thurs· day at a harvest festival and Thanksgiv· ing observance hosted by a Costa Mesa family,. for 56 farflung members of the clan. The gathering at Ule home of f\1r. and ?w1rs. Robert Welbourn, 2142 Iris Place - billed as the 1969 Plymouth Rock Out - would have curled the colla r on a bonafide pilgrim. "We're not feeling .so funny today, .. said Mrs. Welbourn, contacted at 9 this morning to see bow the festival turnOO out. They were still bringing In the sheaves and stacking dead Indians at midni ght. "My son-in-law from Palos ·Verdes made Ule punch and afterthe first coup!~ of batches we .were mixing in whatever we had on hand," she explained. Just like the original Thanksgiving feast with pilgrims and Indians, the Welbourn c~lebration was an in· ternational affair. Relatives from San Francisco brought an Australian guest, while the newest daughter-in-law in the cl~n, Dulsey Bruner, born In . the Phillipines, was among the cel~brants. ••we ~rve ~anksglving too," she said, "but not quite like this." ~~~~~~~~~~- Juveniles Held For Exposure A performance fn a Laguna Beach parking Jot Jed to the arrest of six juveniles·early,today, with a 17·year-old · boy booked on charges of statutory rape and his 14-year:Old girl partner charged with lndecdent exposure and incorrigible . behavior. · P.oli1..e salif the couPle were ·observi!d'in Intimate behavior ln a car at Denny's• parking lot, while a group of teenage boys and girls stood around. watching. The juveniles, all from San Bernardino, were turned over to 1heir parentti after booking, with the exception of the girl In the car and her 15-year-old sister, who was among the observers. The girls will be to.ken lo Juvenile Hall, police said, at the request of their parents. The incident occurred .at 5:15 a.m. when a Laguna patrol unit 1WUng into the parking , lot and observed the group galbered arouncf the car. · ·' ~ •'• · .. r··1·-···.··: . By·PAMEIJA HALtAN . . Of .... Dlllr ...... "-!' They. ,w~e .thr~ ~kisll whi> loved· to· travel. · · But 'Jo.hn and Gr,!lche'n Roblhson will de no more~ traveling. They were found dead Sunday Jn the bottom.or a VOlcaniC: crater. on the ~land of Maul in Haw all. Their· six-month-old daughter Heather was found with them in the ~root hole . . . .. :- ~pecuhtted ~bout-what ·hapf,ened, to· !':i !amily but are selrcl\lng for·~·yOung ~ pie ~ey believe rented a Catlin ··wtth·.tb« Robin$Q,n!j: on Nov. 19. in C~a,ter ,N.a~ (See BO!)IES; Page 3). · ' ii • •• '<" '\ • • • h ·~ Trail of BIOOd '_: ffi.~~~;~~a~~,. Pit" located inside Leads police lo Their bodies were discovered Sunday 1 by a park ranger but.were ni>' recovered Jew· els' .m·· Dr. a;n . until a helicopter could lit them out of, . _ ~ the~:tl;!':t:;.n.,.l"lguei ·reild!fli.r : ..;.;u.;.,;..~ · c;:.;1'o1 ;;_:.;· :,: ·Coul····., we1;e~ilned by-his mother'J.Mrs. Sarah gg~w.a;~~~;ril~h'r"~~:/ Be . Robinson o( 2t281L Via.• 4-,quara Ave., polJc~; .0U1~rs~r.~~red.; a cac cf ~~=a~if:~te '.a1*k•for:·ber. ' · .... ' sal. d. stol~nl Jewels ;val.~~;• t2.27t io atorm a nei8"hbor. . . . dram at~ ~rneriof10ak ~b!eit. "They lived with her for a while and ·A Camp Pendleton Marffie was placcct vi sited ()ften after they moved." utlder arreSt a 1sh04-C1me after when ' a She 'described 25-year-old John.. Moore friend 'called for ...afl• ambulance to .\He' Roblnaon IV (Robbie to hit friends) u a hin:i to bospi~or. treatm·ent.of•a ~ quiet 'person, tan·with 'short blonde hair. lacerated &$ID. · · 1 • His wifeGretchen:11, bad'iong dirk hair Jolin .llfun;ay .. JGries,-H: ·ls ·char&.if and bfowG e,Ytsi She said stie thoughl be with ..tt'moving 'he jewels from Russ Was ·dOing1some1woi'k fof tils father John. Hinds Jewelry, -1273 S. Coast Fl!gh•11. Robl~n. an·attorney in Lu Vegas. They were 'taien !tom a sJtiaahed Wsplq ' ''They· were · sweet fids,'• she said, window. •. , "They liked the ):leach, camping and hik·' Answering a burglar alitm Which aouft. ing. They traveled quite a bit and-always ded at the jewelry d~r;& at.ore I& took the baby." She said they were very . 8:25 p.m., police were able tq otitain froat liappy and' were both very proud of the .1 witnesses a physical· deacrfplion o( ti, baby. • suspect, who wu observed running from The RobinSOJlS had been In Hawaii the scene. • 11irice September but It wasn't lhelr -flrst A trail of blood extehding horth or/the visit Their We together had begtp1'there. highway Jed to th« jewel· cache.. ;• They met for the first time ip Honolulu Minutes later,• Charles Bagstad, 2411 where John bad attended' Punahou Oak St., notified ·poli~ Uta~ a mnn In h~ School" a prominent prlv,re school. apartment needed medical aid., Joou, .Police in Walluku, MauJ, have not yet · (See G~ Tllf;F,T,'8&e Z) i Newport Theater Hit hy Burglars · Mrs. Brurier said the family gathering ts a traditional , Thanksgiving occasion, but Uils was the first year costwnes were featured. . · /Santa Aµas Lash .Co·ast-. ' . . ; Thanksgiving Dv burglars stole 11 ,400 worth ol video tapi!: and sound equppment 1rom-·Newport· Beach's -Open End Theater, police re~ . . Police said the theft was discovered ]ale Thursday, buf a llOint of entry into the old theater building ll 2815 Villa Way In Newpori 'a Rll1ne. aru coiJJd not be One of the highlights was the annual turkey cont.est, in which the men ol the family stufl and roast the birds, alter :!: ..,":;,:rl:.gs· ......... pied and Gusts Up ~-45 1np. h; Litik Damage Reported WiMer was Mrs. Welbourn's brother-- ' ' , campers and tralle.n. No major da111111 1"'it~ .. the -thell oc:airrlng lb'the theater in recent mollthl. Earlier this fill, burglars found an open window in the theater and •stole several hundred doll1r1 Jn weekend receipts from a cub box In an upstairs offiq. · ~ • A vidto tape reeonter ahd Playback set, along witb a tape rceorder were taken in the Thllnday tbell. ·-- In-Jaw, BlI! Bruner, or 219 lSth St., Hun-By JANICE BEllM.AN Uftgton Beach. ot ... INllY ,,... "'" Besidh lht rour turkeys each weighing You may call it 0 Santanai'' but lf you · more thin 20 pounds, the feast included do. you;re wrong. Jf(••s.nta Ana," and about JO pounds Of mashed and """'t ,.1ers to the hot,,.4fy, dusty weather tbal potatoes, gallons of Jello sa1ads, a dozen accom'Panles .. me malevolent-aounding ples and scores of bot rolls. whislle'°of Ult Santa Ana winds. And besides the feutlng, feilowshlp, The Jlrinds have been blowing up a and firewater which added that specla.1 .e'mi.trtorm !Ince early Friday morning, 'glow to 'the feativ1Ues, the Indians and creating a lot of 90Und, dust and lldty pilgrims at the Welbourn hou.YM\d have ,, skin, but very lltUe damage aloag the something to be thankful for today tba~ Oraoge·eoast. was unknoWn on Plymouth Rook. Orange County Airport repoi1ed llJlls Alica Seltzer. rangl11£ from io to 45 rnllea per hour, but / . / - • the lltOng ....._ have had Ullle '<flect · on cammerdal and ·1eneral avlaUoo. All planes are oo sc:heduJe, although takeoff dliectionl have been change<! to avoid the norlh-wind dl...tlnn. . 'lbe control tower reported fewet nights by small plants than normal, and spotMnen 11id airport penonnel are ......... ·to malle sure all light airer alt remain oeairelJ tied down. Farther inland, the Calllomls Highway Patrol has ~ S1galerta on most m•· jor blghwaya In Orange, RJvenlde i nd , San Bernardino counUea for owners or ,, . has been .reported. • l The Edi3on Company repm1ed no I""' for damage as a result of the high ~ although several aervtce wires ~ main lines to houses were se\'tr'14 bl falling trees. ~ OUicihls at the U.S. WeatheT Burean I* Los Angeles e>pect the Santa Ana ''!'It dlUon to prevail through Saturday, bl& "we have no otOclal forecaat beyond &h1$.. We're just hoping it gradually will sWI . !See SANTA ANAS, ..... ,. I I s rr11111, Nov""bel ZS. 1'169 "' OJ> S.11rvex,Shows Strong Su}!port for Agnew , . ' .. BJames N. Allison Jr .• d e put y d\lilrman of the Republican Nauonal Commltt.ee, IMOunced lhe nattooal poll rtlults at a news conCUaee aod IAid ''we are ,delighted." • 1 -~ -·-·· '!'be poll was <ondllctea by the Chilton Research Services of Philadelphia, Pa .• Nov. 19-21, "using a national probability sample of the telephone househ9lds," be said. n.e committee paid the firm $8,600 for the job, he said. Jn answer to quesiloos, Allison said the support for Ai;oew was a "bit higher" Jn -. . " . . ,• ' ' , ! I ! . ' JtH~ie Att•Fr' Seereta~1 ., ... \ ' \ I · ti ~s1"o~ute8Uins Tapped !)'Qr IIig~P~tagon Office fl .,,t I .. · ~ lllliCA~ Fla. (AP) -Prest-Apollo 11, WIJ1 be In charge of arranging llili•1Nll0n ~ toda~ be will· I pubUc speeches and dlacualons of f°"'lgit -41al0 -at Mlchffl c.a1na lo 'b< policy. a.utant HCrfltar)' of atate for public af. Collins. 3', wlll resign his Afr Force fain. commission, to take the ..,a.~a-year post. He bad been ln lbe space proaram Collins, ~ander of the eof!'mand for the past six years. module dwing lbe July moon fljgbt of Secretary <>f State William P. Rogers From Page l SANTA ANAS • • to "fab:n," said meteorologiat George Andrews. j ,Andrews explaine.d why the "d~vll winds" form. '"lbere'i a large high pru.sure system · bVer the western plateau, in Nevada and ·Vllh. And there's a low pressure ~stem on the Ocean. ,.. ''The wind ha1 lo fUMel through ca~ ·;-ud ·mowtllio _.,A> it ·... r ·tbrwabt it apeedl up, and when 1111 air -Clown tbniugh the desert it , !'ft."'e1111 and wanna up.'' ~: Wu uted, "What is a high, and ?" rudlop weigh the air 'all dlo *" the lop ti the almolpbere," "•Allidmil aid. "h'• jUlt lib u )'Cl1 have • a.ii Ibo lult la compi.t.ly full, and -ball • Giiiy ball full. If ,.. pull lbi divider In the tub, the water will . .,..q, l1Jml lo equallze ltaelf," 111111 • . .....:·Air is a liquld. and ~Vff tn many ways just. Ute water does. ~ molecules in air move around easily,'' he said. Andrews n\ay think air is a liquid, but apparently Orange Countians don 't. Local markets report a run on Chapstick in the put two days. Rocky's Son, Wife Separate NEW YORK (AP) -Sloven Rockefeller, son of Gov. Nelson -·A. Rockefeller, and his wile, the former An· ne-Marie Rasmussen of Norway have f!,""led. a l,amlly spokesman said to- ~-cOuple were married Aug. 22, 1959 ft:Solne. Norway after a much publicized Cfadirtlta romance. Mrs. Rockefeller b8d cune from Norway and worked in thtc ~tel-household. Fro..-. Page l GEM THEFT. • • recommended Collins for the job and Nixon discussed it with the astronaut when members of the Apollo 11 crew and their wives had dinner at the White Hou.se earlier th.ls month. The State Department post has been vacant alnce January when Dixon Don- nelly resigned and moved to the Treasury Department as director of public affairs there. -· In a second personnel announcement Nixon said he wiU nominate William R'. Ford, a ~year.old Negro, to head the VISTA (Volunteers in Service to Amer· lea) program as an auistant dlrector of the Office of Economic Opporturuty. Since March , Ford has beeo director of the Michigan Employment Security Com· miUJon, The VISTA post pays $311,000 a year. Nixon and his family were relaxing at their bayaide home here for a Jong holi· day weekend. The President also was doing ...., wort on tile federal b<Jdiet. Episcopal Bishop. Says Pope Misled On Birth. Control .SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bjlllop C. Kilmer Myers of lhe EpiscopalDSoceae of C;ilifornia says Pope Paul VI ia wrong In his stand against artificial birth control and Catholic Bishops in America lack courage to break with him. In a Thanlugivlng Day semt0n Thurs- day, Bishop tr.yers said, '11be Roman CaU),oljc hierarchy of this inteln-rich.na~ tion does not have the courage to part company with a sincere but misled pope who, led . b~ obsok!soent-theologies, defines artiflctal population control as ob-- jective evil." He referred to a vote by Calholic bishops at a conference .earlier this month in Washington protesting federal support of birth control projects. Just two years ago, Bisbop Myers called for all Christians to acclaim the pope as "chie£ pastor of the Christian family." Bishop Myers, whose diocese slretches 69 miles along the coast from San Luls Obispo . to north ,0£ thr. . Golden Gate Bridge, asked how Americans could· celebrate wllh "laden tables o f Thanksgiving when faffiine is the futu re for untold millions." the SOuth but l.htre was no slgntllcant dlt· ference among age groups. l:\e said the poll waa ordered by the committee at the rtquest ol state chlltmeb and governors lo 11n: out baw the people feel. Ile noted that ·nus is the tlr1t time a popularity poll has been conducted by tht GOP committee on Agnew, "but I believe it ha.s," shown an incre.ase in ~ vl,ee president's popularity as a result of his Nov. 13 speech. ln that speech, In Des Moines, Iowa, Agnew chapenged comments made by DAILY l'ILOT thff ....... ACADEMY VALEDICTORIAN Patrolman Tom Laur Calif ornW. Tops Mounting List Of Road Deaths By Ullit.ed Pra1 lntern1Uoall The naUon's highway' death toll mounted slowly today, the lhJrd da y of the long Thanksgiving weekend. Officials of the National Safety C'.ouncll, however said the final figure would ipproach lasi year's record toll of 76f deatha. A count at 9 a m. PST showed 233 per.sons killed C-1 traffic accidents since the ,hollday period began at 6 p.m. \Vednesday. The breakdown : 'l'rafllc ......................... , 133 Plaoe1 ............................. 13 F1rt. .......... , •••..••••• ,, •• , ••. , . ll l\tltcellueous ••••...••.••..••••••.. lt Total , ..•...•...•...•..•......•..•. %77 Leaders on the list were California wilh 20 traffic deaths, Georgia with 11 and New York with 16. Five persons were killed in a two-car crash near Fort Valley, Ga., three died in a head-on collision in Portsmouth, R.l .. and five were killed in a colli1lon near Gum Spring, Va. The National Safety Council estimated between 700 and 800 persons would die in traffic before the end of the 102-hour period at midnight Sunday. Wins Another Victory ROME (AP) -The Chamber of Deputies tOnight appnWed all Che in- dividual articles of a bill which wou1d legaliz:e divorce for the first time in Roman Catholic Italy. The chamber was due to ~ote on the bill as a whole later in the evening. whose physic.al app,e~ani;e and clothing matched the description of the man seen J'Wlning froth . the jewelry store, was found to be bl~ tieiivily frrxn' a gash on bis rigb& Uni and wu taken bf am· bolance lo · liouth 'Coast Communlty- lloopllal ' There Jones refused to undergo treat. rnent, but police transleried him to 0r1111e County Medical centtr wliere the JaceraUon was treated. He wh: returned lo lbe Laguna Beach jail for booking. Police Helicopter Pilot Gets Few Holidays Off DAIL\ hlO l ...,.......,.,., .............. ---· .... . --CAll'OINIA ..,... ~ ""9Lt&Mlfrt0 C.QMIWfl ••Hrt H. w ... .. ,....... .......... ....... c.J.., .,... ..................... n-.1 r: ..... .... TllM•1 A. M.,,liift• ......... E.ilW -e..-. ......... ....., ....,. '9ldl: Oii WNtt ..... .......... I."-~ ttt,~ A""'- 11adle$M: IMdr.1 • ""'"'"' When you're one of only four men qualified to fly the police department's helicopter. holidays come few and far between. Officer Rloyd Stafford 0£ Huntington Beach spent much of Thanksgiving up in the air. His only rest was a three-hour breather on the gro und wailing for 45 mph winds to calm ·down. Tbursday was a quiet day Jn the air • Slaf(ard's most notable reporb were the chalie of two girls in a speeding car who turned out to be trying to ditch a male pursuer and .several flights over con-- iilruction jobs. But on Veteran's Day, Nov. ti, Slaf· ford's fellow pilot, Officer James Lail W.!I~ considerably busier. That day in the air resulted In 1ix relony arresls, one misdemeaoor arrest and assistance in finding a mJsslng child. Officer Lail's day started with a caU to find several youngsters c 11 m b i ·n g telephone poles near Salmon Lane. The kids made a clean getaway, 5'!d police. but before Lail and his spotter, Officer James Corley, could brood over the milt· ter they were off for Hun tington Beach IUgb School At that point firemen were called tn rescue two youths from the roof of the school. A short break for lunch at 2 p.m .. and the police helicopter crew was tn the air again by 2:4S p.m. Near Ellis Avenue and Golden Weit Street, a station wagon was spotted near 1 field and it look!!d like the driver was going to Ulegs!l)I d:.:..":Y,) som~ tresh. When he spollod the police chopper hovering ove:rhc.ad, said policll rl!porls, lhe driver hopped back in his car and drove off. Several routine flights were made, then at 3:30 p.m., above a field east of Gregory Lane came lhe·day's big catch • Ofrlcers Lail and Corley spotted four in· dividuals seated on the ground, paper sacks scattered around. The four men ran, but through lhe chopper's loudspeaker were told to halt. Officer Lail set the craft on the ground \\'hile Officer Corley hopped out and ar- rested the four. They turned out to be fou r or five men charged with being m.. \'Olved in a burglary earlier in the day. Back in the air, both orUcers expected to finish the day wilt: routine patrols, but il didn't happen thal way. Next cam e a quick call for help from the ground units searching £or a ml.uing six·year-0ld boy along the Santa Ana Ri ver. Sweeping low along the river bed fr om Ellis Avenue south to the ocean, aeveral fresh cave.ins were noted ·and checked out by ground crews. Nothlng was fow'ld. Later tbe public address system was employed lo ask children in nearby neighborhoods if they had apolled lhe Youngster. It was learned he had· last been seen playing In Costa Mesa and was shortly found heading home. The ere" oI :.he H.B. ·~ye made one more major Oight -this time In the dark as ground forces &urrounded. a man suspected of assault with a de!adly '"'eapon. When the man wos hit with a beam of lijht from the chopper he ran atralgbt !tr 10 the arms or men on the ground. \Vllh that the crllw of H. B. Eye was sno,~·cd to rest. n e t w i> r k commentators lmmedlately alter Nison'a Nov. 3 1peecb on VJetoam pollc}\, ~· network ofllcla~ mpooded w!Ui cnarger of altemplell, cenoonilllp, llul ,,,_ denied any aucll ln\entlojl. ' r Tbe-qutstlons and"the-po11 ftndtrigs as IMOUnced by Allison came out this way : -"In general, do you approve or di.sap. ~ve ol the way Mr. Agn~w is hand1!'1g hts .Job IS vtce presldent?U Approve·M percent, disapprove 24 percent, don't know lZ percent. -"Have you read or heard about anyUUne that Vice Prtsldtnt A&ne"' has recen\ly µid about TV networks?': Yes 6$..pef'ctnt, no 33 percent._ dotl:L know two . f percept.. ., ' AWlkm said he· couldn't eX)'lllfn the two percem .... who didn't know wbether they 'd read .or heard what A&new said. -"The vice president said the nel'frotU should _,.,..te, tWt com· mentary from the news it.self when they are reporting new s on TV. Do you agree or disagree with what he said?" Auee, • I 53 percent, disagr~ 29 percent, dcm't know 13 percent. . "He also said that o._ TV network! should ~xarPine Uielr 1~ures ~or making sure that their nffi'scat1' are ob- jective ana unbiased. Do you apprOve or disapproved of this statement by the vice president?" Approve 71 percent, dis. approve 20 percenl, don't know nine per· c:cnl. Those who said they were not aware of Agnew's attack on TV were not included in those polled on the last two questions. Mesan Scores Second Costliest? ' . Hig~est :Among Police Class Vietnam W arCasualties Surpass 300,000 Mark ' . . By ARTHUR 11. VIN8EL Of "" Dd( """ Miff They don't give gold stars at the Orange County Peace Officers' Academy. And Officer 'Ibomas,,:J. Lazar, 22, alfeady had a silver badge, If they gave stars, the young Costa Mesa · Police Department patrolman who finished number one out of a field of 50 men and women graduates of the latest acatlemy class at Golden West College in Huntington Beach wouJd deserve a handful. "I don't know what my score was:' said Officer Lazar, who placed ahead o( Costa Mesa's Patrolman Robert G. Berg, the second-place lawman In the class or salulalorian. Told his score was 985 out of 1,000 possible points, Lazar smiled and sa.ld, "Hmm •• , not too bad." SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. casuallles In !he Vietnam war surpassed the 300,000 mark ti\ls week and military sources said today the conflict may becom~ the second cos. lliest foreign war In U.S. history by next April. Viet Cong troops mauled a South Viet· namese unit in a Mekong Delta ambush . Official U.S. records show that as of last Saturday, 39,572 Americans had been killed and 258,718 wounded in Vietnam since Jan. I, 1961 . In addition, 1,341 are missing for a total of 299,691 casualties. Sources said that fighting across South Vietnam since Saturday bas cost nt least 310 more Americans killed and wounded, pushing the war total over 300,000 casualties. If the casualty rate continues at the same level, the sources sald, the World War I total of Jro,710 Americans killed or wounded will be surpassed by April, 1970. World War t cost 116,708 ArDerlcw till· ed and 204,002 woonded. The cosil~t foreign w4l' in American history was World War II with '112,177 casualties, 292,131 U.S. troops killed tn action and 610,846 wounded. The toll in the Korean war was 33,6'l9 kllJed and 103.234 wounded for a total of 135,913. The report on lhe Mek~g Della am. bush said a Viel Cong force caught a unit , of militiamen escorting a payroll officer along a road 72 miles southwest of Saiaon Thursday. A1ilitary sources said 36 South Vietnamese troops were killed and 11 wounded in a hail of automatic weapons fire and haw.I grenadet there wu no report of Viet Cong casualties. The payroll officer waa being escorted from outpost to outpost in the region when the Viet Cong struck. · Elsewhere in South Vietnam, only scat. tered fighting was reported durlng.tbeJf. hour period ended at mkiaf\ernoon today. Besides the number one and two rank· ed graduates, lour other Costa Mesa policemen finished the nine-week course, which participants combine with regular duty shifts. They include Officer Richard DeFran· cisco, president of the class, ·plus: patrolmen Owen Kreia, Harry Ehrlich and Robert Neal. · The class: was the first to use the poss!· ble 1,000 point grading system for the comprehensive academy course which covers 57 separate areas of study. 2 Newport Brothers Die ,Trying to Help_ Motorist Costa Mesa Pollce Chief Roger E. Neth said jokingly that Officer Lazar could probably flunk the final examinaUon and still come out with a healthy lead. Lazar, who works the early morning shift, may have finished the Peace Of. lice.rs Academy, but he Is still studying criminology at Callfornoa. State College, Long Beach. "I might go Into crlmlnalistica, bul I'd like to stay with a smaller department," says the' Long Beach· rai!ed lawman who is also studying surfing oo a limited basis with his buddies. Studies and day-to-day duty consume much time, but at least the young patrolman, on the force nearly one year now, has no wife. "And no prospects," he adds . He met SgL Ron Allen, training officer for the Costa Mesa Police Department in class at Cal State and Allen persuaded him to take the written and oral ex· amlnaUon which led to his employment. The peace officers' academy prepares: a lawman for many faces of public service, from ethnic and race relations to criminal law, but Laur is aware ol two specific local Problems. "It's obvious we have a narcotics pra. blem and I think stopping it at the source is the solution, the people who use it - that's who we're getting to right now. Two brothers from Newport Beach were killed instantly Thanksglving Day when they were hlt by a car as they tried to aid a stranded motorist on the Ve1ltW'a Freeway near Camarillo. Craig Anthony Waite, 24, and his brother, Keith, 23, 1806 W. Ocean Front, German Charged In 1,453 Deaths MUNICH, Germany (UPI) -The Munich state prosecutor has charged a 57·ye8r-old officer in the West German border guard with complicity in the mass JTWl'der of l,~ Ruulan Jews during World War II, the Bavarian Mini!try of Justice adnounced today. Lt. Col. Wilhelm Radtke will be chart::· ed specUlcally with nine cases of com- plicity in murder to back up the overall charge, a m.inisb'y spokesman saJd. The indictment alleges Radtke, as a fi rst lieutenant in the uniformed police, direded -under orders of a Nazi SS elite troop brigade -the execution or Jews by firing squad. The executions OC· curred in 1941 between Nikopol and Konolop in the Soviet Union. J?IVORNO were en route to Hayward for the holiday when they noticed the stalled" car oo Conejo Grade, highway patrolmen said. The brothers parked their car in front of one driven by Annabel Graham of Fre- mont, then they walked back to help. · Patrolmen said as the brothers stood alongside the car an auto driven by • young Fullerton man sideswiped lhe stalled car and struck the men. The accident occurred at 5 a.m. Uve miles south of Camarillo. Patrolmen identUled the pa 1 s 1 n g motori st as William Kirven, 22, or llOl Hornet Way, Fullerton. He was not held. Neither he, nor the Graham womu was injured. The two men had moved to the Harbor Area in retent monlhs. Funeral services are pending at Jones :ftlortuary in Hayward. From Page l BODIES ... Park. They also are seeking a man who alerted officials on Nov. 21 thal the COU· pie had not aJme out of the crater and were last seen resting near the piL JO"dO" $355. Drexel's cl•ssic Italian 9roup with e true fl•ir for th.> provin. ci•l-think ing person. This 9re•t collection of fint occasional furniture it •vail•ble on a limit· ed besis due to its h•vin9 been discontinued. Don 't mi11 this opportunity to ht.vt a look •t th is exciting furniturt, while it is still •v•ilablt, $45. ''"· YOUR LOCAL DEALERS -FOR DREXEl. HENREDON. HERITAGE . NIWPORT llACH 1727 w .. tcllff Dr. 642·2050 OPltl ...,.., .,. ' INTDIORS LAtlUNA llACH i4J -Coal! Hwy, ,_.,,_ n-itMrs A•allar.i....:AID-NSID Oflll ....... , om, ' ..... , ......... "' .... c..., ..... 11Q l ' . .i 13 ~ d • a .. • • fi ( r ' • I n 0 ( I t • I s c ' • ' J I I ' ' I r l ' ( I ' I I I t I 3 - • fllDAY, llCMMIEA. 21, lt69 • • • TEN CENTS ,,. . . .., ..... -S ··-·-,. ·~. ~ .; ·-. :'. -- . ~Qtrger . . d? Boar · .• ..... ---·. Appeals G1oup Strengthening Sough t Broadened ponrs for the HunUncton· BW\i· BoVd· ol ....,..i. h ... beto -g~bJi llull<llnrond Safely Departo, ment D,i~orOIUn C. ''Jack" Cleveland. He'll lite· to see the board be able to Issue more lhan>a tear-it~ or leaV• It-up ~ .-. ·unsole dWellings ·ore · I,_, ·ror·,..•-.~·· -. . . c I.CU .,...~-~ • -~-... ~~rtJy' after ·the first of the year the bori Will constdtr the first appeals from 1 llulldlilg-.<le~t llat of cltallonl· to owners ·ot.11oma niled lo be. danproos under city ordlnJDCfi. . · Chiv.land .. id ·Ille board at present does not' have the · power to modify • bulldh1g ·dtparlment action.1on}y to ap- prove or deny audt action.· "We would lite (or the· board lo have the powtr to .chanle, modifY. and Issue · time eneniiona with condttioris OD orders to rtp&lr or. dlmollsh otaer. unllfe bouses whll:b are· occupied by their ownen.'' Oleveland &Md:. , ffe· -ph•11tled that 11ie city bu n6 in. ·tendon ·o1. throWlng peOple out of . their horiiii;lK!t pointed out that some of the older: bcimes involved in ·currel)t appeals ~.~·to make them aafe for·~ cupency •• · .. Several owners or home• on Wamef and ··wasrungton avenues in the central part. of• the city have filed appeela lo repair: or demolish order• from the b:tlkllng department "Some of these homes need extensive repairs, aome not so much," Cleveland pointed ouL "I think It reUoi\able that the Board" of Appeals be granted . the power to order any step between demoli· tioo Including. the granting of Ume ex. tensioql witl;l coodltions." . Clev.lan<I added• that the conditions might Include tmproven:ient.s such u removing Junk, old outbiilldings, or iunk cars. They · might ,Include · minlmwn repairs to make buildinp safe .U.cb. as Jir<lv(ding ·~te -elecltlcal wlr!q_c., be ntd. · Moit"o! the Jieway the board llhould have ii not pennitted under current law, according lo the building director. lie said he w0uld ask the City Council to grant the Board of Appeall the nme l1lllud• .. It ha.! the city Board of 7.oning Adjuilments in making allowancea to Lit tht needs. of the individual. Cleveland add'!d that he . will suggest that any variances granted be recorded wtth the County Recorder lo insure thal grants would be only to the preSent land· owners. and not to susequent.owner1. Mike .CQ lli~s _ To _Get ·High · U.S. Position F.ive Now £i~liana NEWEST COIF AT THE BEACH: IT 'S CAt lED A SANTA ANA HAIR STYLING J.oint Viet Committee Lit• Gentry, N•ncy S.wy1r, Both of Tustin, Found·Alr W11rm, Wind Unruly on'Sand1 Thl1 Momlrw . . Santa Anas Lash Coast To . Probe Massacre KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) -Presi- dent· Nlmn U!JIOUllCtd tod,.y be . will norolnate .-..u1 Michael COlllna lo be asoiltanl aecr<laty of state for public al· By UaHed Prt11 Jntemattonal fairs. . Gusts Up to 45 mph; Little Damage Reported Colllns, ('O(Mllll:ler of the command modulo during the July moon lllgh\ of campers and trailers. No ~or damage Apollo 11. will be In charge of arraniinc Until two weeka ago, the former com. mander qf the Army 's 11th Brigade was certain ·his troops did not 11lay Viet· nameae villagers at My Lai on March 18, By JANICE BERMAN 0t IM Dtllr Plllt SI.if You may call it "Santana," but if you dt. you're wrans. It'• '"'Santa Ana." and mers lo the hot, dry,~ weather that accompanies the m8ltvolent«>UDding ,mi.tie of• the Santa ~ ·-. 1be winds have 1ieen blowiaC""P • "mi..torm since tarlJ' rrikf :::t""" crtattng a lol ol .....i. dmt lld!1 skin, but very UW. damap• aloi1C tht <>reoge CoasL Orange County Airport reported gust.< ranging from 20 to ts miles per hour, but the strong breezes have had little effect on commercial and general aviaUon. All planes are on llChe$&le, although talceoff dire<liooa -=.i ~·JM 11 avojd the nortbeutwlnd oo. 1be amtrol tower reporkd lewtf' · flights by small planes than ,normal, and spobimen -.said airport pe11Dr111tl are cbdllli lo'lllake """ ell lilbl alrcrofl rilliafn lecanly·lled --Farliler-~ the callfonlla lllllrira7 Palrol has jiooted Slgal~ on moll ma. jor highways in Orange, Riverside and San Bernarti counlilS for owners · of has been repqrted., , pubUc lljlOOChea and dlacullSlom o1 foreJtn '.fl1I J:4laoo'.~;u,~.qo -. pollQJ. . ' . '. : Jor dam ... u a""'!' of tlll hJ< plll, .:!\:..,"' :'t..""t hill ~ = alllloughaev'!'l""1CO·~~-. #'Ht·W-llMhe Is':!;,,...,.. main IJna to ""'1les ·"'!9'; ""et.d 111 jor lll'•·llli' ,._. • . .. falling tjea. •• •1 . ~ d fltale Wtrumii P. lliipt'a Ofllciala II.lie U.S. W~-llurt.u-Jn ,_,= Oillliio !« Iii ]ob ml Lot .AnloJol a,od 1111 ·~ Alli ..;.. Nlial --I I .~ tlll Ulrioaiit dltlon lo prr/111 tllNacb Bnln!at.. bat ....... iniblliiH "'lllt Ailll:1" It .... ""' "wehavenoolll!lal'-ut·beyondllla~ their wlvtt W <lh;mit 'al Ille White • , HOUie eerller tbl.I moolh. · We rt Just hoplnc, ft grlWally will llarl The State Depertment pott IUl1 been 1918. . Now, Cot Orm K. Henderaon uy1."6 ii not10·~ ilalthtr &r\ lll!l"bers ol the llouth VIII·. --Jnd ~b\r· .\ ,..,. -1'effld ·bf' llen.->Tran van· Dl!N. • ~ .ti the 11183 ~ aplllli fi>nncr Pmldent Ngo Dtnb Dlom. la. t.• · veatlgeUon -Y· Six day1 lllD1llltt Gen. NCUYen van , the r...,....• u ''tltlllJ un-trili.• . • .... - 21 Nominated for 8 Seats to weaken," l&id meteorologist George vacap~ s~ J.artuarY. when 'Dixon l>on- Andrews. neUy resigned anil' moved to the Tre~ Andrews elJllalned why the "devil Department ·u director i>f publlc offllrs winds" form there. ''"""-, 1 • ,_ hi'"" · In a second penannel announcement, In _. dtvelopmon~ the Army 11id at ' leut" ftVt of th• 15 clv!Uan ex-Gls unller-tn..,U,aUon In connect.Ion with lhe muaacre: were mWJtered out after a probe Of ilie Incident began last March. The Airriy statement was 8.lveft In answer 'to quesUons as to whether men •bo hive left the service can be court rnartlaled or otherwise tried. i11!:1e s • wrge 6'-' ~ssure system Nixon said he wUJ nominate William R. over lhe western plateau,. in Nevada and Ford, a 3$.ylir~ld Negrn, to head the Utah. And there's a low preuure l)'ltem VI~A (Voluntttn; In Service to Amtr· on the ocean. tea} program aa an uslstant direct<r of "The wlod hu lo funoel "-·"" can-the. 6!f!ce ti Eeonomlc Opportunity. On Beach Chamber Boar d Jtrty W. Friedhelm, Pent ago n •P:Okesma.a, pve' nn reason why the rrien were not held in service lo fact possible court rriartlil. He said he believed such a pfocedure would have been· "not .Twenty-one candidales have been neminated f~ eight positions as dlrectors of the ' Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. Seven will be elected for. a three-year ternr and one for a two-year tenn. ?tfail ballots are lo be returned to the chamber office by Dec. 5. Nominees are Jel'Ome M. Bam1, at- torney ; William Brazney, sporting goods store owner; Don L. Byrnes, vice presi· dent Huntington Harbour Corp.; Richard SP ACE MESSAGE: 'BEAT ARMY' , ABOARD USS HORNE'! (UPI) -The Apollo 12 astronauts, all newly appointed Navy captains, sen\ a special telegram t.o the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis wishing the cadets a vi<;tory over Army when the two service academies meet on the football field Saturday. "'Your 'Beat Army' flag, carried.to the moorr aboard Apollo 12, will be .returned upon nlease from quarantine. Good luck and beat Army," said Charle•· ·~Pete'' Conrad, Richard F. Gordon and • .,_tan L. Bean. J .. CamJ}bi!:ll, district manager, Southern California Edison Co. _ Loo.is F. Evans, general manager, Sheraton-Beach Inn ; Jack Feehan, district manager, Southern Countjes Gas Co.; Max L. Forney, superintendent, Huntington Beach Union High School District; William E. Foster, vice presi· dent, Hunti11gton Beach CO. Paul Frizzell, vice president, Security Pacific National Bank; Jack Groth, Groth Chevrolet Co.: Vern Houst, manager, Rancho del Rey Mobile Estates; Fred Kalenborn. di str i ct superintendent, Standard Oil Co. Allen Klingensmith. attorney; George Lusk, president. Lusk & Son Developers; Frank Richmond, Fraflcois Restaurant; Ed Sullivan, district m a n a g e r , Automobile Club of Southern California ; Ed A. Thompson, assistant general manager. Robertshaw Controls Co. Richard J. Waidzunas, manage r, Southern California First National Bank: Darrell E. Ward, Smiths' MortW1ry and Pacific View f\femorial Park: Thomas Welch, Country Day School. Arthur H. Wolf, general manager, Sea Air a Mobile Estates. The names were submitted by a . nominating committee headed by Kalen· born and including Jim DeGuelle. Jack Higley, Roger Slates and..Noble Waite. . .. .. ""6', • Smee March, Ford baa been director of yons and mountam. J>USta. Al it the M1cb.ls1n Employihtnt 5ecurtty Com· squeezes lhrougl\, it.speeds up, and when mlsllon. '!be VISTA post pl\)'1 '$38,000 a the air comes down through the deltrt il year. ' compresses and warms up."·· Nixon and'!\& famlfy were "?tlalni at He waa asked 11What is·a high, and their bayskte home here tor.a long holi~ h 1 · 1 '"' day weekend. ~ President allo wu W a ts a ow· doing some work on the federal budget. "Barometer readings·welgh the air ·au the way to the top of the atmosphere,•• Andrews said. .. Jt's just'1lkt If ywbave a tub. Half the tub is completely !Ufi, and the other hair s only hair full . J( you pU11 out the divider in the tub, the water will slosh around, trying to equalize itseU," he said. · "Air is a liquid, ~4. behaves in many ways Just ll.te' water doe.a. The molecules in air.move around easUr," he said. Andrews may think air is a liquid, but apparently Oraoge CounUans don't. Local markets rep:>rl a run oo ChapsUck in the past two dafs. • ' NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market held onto a small . but .quite ·broad gain in slow trading late today. (See quota. lions, Pases 24-25). The desultory trading. pace wa! due to many traders takipg an extended Tlwib-- giving weekend. . . Newport. Theater Hit hy Burglars Thanksgiving Day burglars stole $1,400 worth of video ppe and sound ~uppment fr0m Ne~rt Btich's .Open End Theater, pOUce reported, Police ,aid tl)e theft was discovered late Thursday, but a· point of entry lnlo the old thealer ballding at 2115 VUla Way in Newport's Rhine area could not be fodnd. It .... ·thl·-·tbelt oco=lni·ln the theatetl n reCenl~monlhll. · Earl!a' "U!li ·fill, burgfari fouiid an oP<• ..-In the theater "incf"lloh! aevenl hundred dqI1an in .weekend receipts fron> .. a,cpli box In en upstalra ofnt.. A video tape r.corder and p1'fback 1et, along 'wltb' a tape ' rceorder were !alien lo IM'Tliui'lday theft. . . . . ' unusual." , 1 A Ioli! .<Jf II men. Including the clvtllil\s ar1 .-r lnvilllpUon. The Army· tnformatlon ·officer whe wrote the first news accounts of the "PinkviDe" operation -the GI name for My La.I -says uc. thouih1 something was wrong Wllh the report as aoon as he. W?Ote JI, the Chicago 'l'rlbune said lodlO)I in a copyriihted story._ · •· "I knew ·it wu fishy 11soon11 l'wrote *. * *' Anny Ju«J,ge Hits Discussion of . . - Massacre Case FT. BENNING. GL (AP) -An Army judge aaya bll order for potential · ~It· ne11t:1 nOt t6 dlacuas the My Lal slaying c:aH In 'publlc 11 being defied and he has called a meeUng ol 1ttomey1 today. No Holidays for: Be~eh ~eli~-pilot Lt. Col. Reid W. ·K!nndey, who will establtsb the Amly's h!gal guidelines tn lhe coui:l·martlal ol LL William L. Calh!y Jr., announced Thurlday his plans to call tht ClOied sesllon ''to c;ome to some kind Qf conclusion about <feOance of an order lo 'wit"""' . . lo quit talking to the press." Ht gave no lndlcallon of the action con· lemplaled. . ··•1·an understand almoet anything ex· ~ .. this conUrwoaa Interrogation of When you're one or only ·lour men qliaUfied to Dy the police department's helicopter, holidays come few and far between. Officei-Floyd Stafford of HunUngton Beach spent much of Thank!giVln8: up in the alr. His only rest was a three.hour b~atber on the ground waiting for 4S 'l'ph.wlnds to calm down. Thurlday was • quiet day ln I.be .ir. StafTOrd'a most notable reporta were the chase of two girls In a speedlnc car who turned out to be trying to ditch a male pursuer and 1everal fllgbll over coo. strucl.lon job,1. But on Veleran's Day, No,. 11, Staf- ford'• fellow pilot, Ofllcer· James Lall wa' CCIDliderabJy bualer. Thal d4')' In th• air rmlled In six relony arrests, one misdemeanor arrest I • • and assistance in lindtng a mlsstni·chlld. the dtiver hopped bact· b:i hl1 car and Officer Lail's day started with a call to drove oli. · find several youopten c I ~ m b i n g Several routine flights were made, then telephone poles riear' Salmon Lane. The al 3:30 p.m., above a ~Id wt ot kids-made a clun aetaway, aaid ·poltce, -Grepy Lane came the-dly'l'bf& cat'c.11.. but belore Lail.and h\l,•poltfr;Ofllcff; 'Ofllcet&Lail.1nd Corley spotted four In. James Corley, could brood over the mat-dividuals sea&ed on the ground,. piper ter they were off for Huntiaat<!n Beach llQQ-scattered around. · lliih School. • 11le fwr men ran. but lhl<>ugh the Af lbet poln~ firemtn . ""'· Citied 1o· • !cipptr's ioudlpeaker we,.. told lo halL reM:Ue tW<! youlha. from the rOof' ol, the ficer Lall 111 the croft on the ground school. ~ " • w lie· otncer Corley hopped out and ..... A. short break ror lunch •l 2 p.m., and rested the four. They turned out to be the Police helicopter crew was in the air four of five men char~ with being i. again by 2:45 p.m. Near .EUll AvEn ue apd valved tn a bur&llry earlier In~ day. Golden .West Street, a alation wagon was Back ln the alr, both offlcen exoected •potted near a field and It look·td Ute the lo flniJh the day wit!: routine pelrols, but driver was going to illegally dump some It dtdn 't happen that way. Next ~ a !rash. quick call for be!~ from the grOUlll! anlta Wb<n he spoiled the police chopper MArchi'!i ~-a mloaln«Cifl·,.., .. ld boy hot.ring 'overhead, Slid police reports. along IM Santa ,Ano River. • •• , .. • ----- wi1-and potenllal witnesses and the S-ptni"low .alon8 the river bed lrom publlcaUon. o1 what they say before It Is EIUs Avenue ""ith lo the ocaen, .......i ·aald In court." Kennedy lllld. !'Something tresb .ca""'°""-ooteil ad. cllecked Jllll 11u 1o bedoiit ·-lhla." · • • out by groaad . ......,Nothlq-wu !oUnd C&)lu, .• •nar .. 14 former platoon • · . • commander In Compinj' C. Ill Battalion, Later the poblle addms system wu 11th lnfanlly Brlgede, 11 charged with employed _'lo . ask chlldn!!> in ·-by .. m~:IGI South vtetnameoe cMllans nelghboil-It Uley ''*1 'sjlol1'd the at .the vllllct ol My Lal oo March 16, YOWIPlir. 11 ,w .. leenied he '*!• loll! 1111 ~"';~~ ~"." iJMI wu The Army aaid MOnctay It plans to .. The ~ of_ "i;, H.B. EY~ ·maa. one =-l~'l' before a general cour~ more major lllll>L -this Ume In . the dart A a,.y liter, Kennedy, who ii aenlor u ~ lorcu sunQUQded •; ~ trl61..tudft In the]~ advocat1'1 aectlon '"'plclad o1 ... ult w1lh a <JOaAly hel;e, Qtdmd that pOltnUal witnesses be we.,.._.. · . . lnlllnocted lo .dlaCoi!o the coM before. trial Wheo the "!en wu hit. wl.th a beam of 1111y with . at1or11ey1 Involved ·or Calley. Osh\·frua the ~r he ran lllral~ Ra dlnicted Capt.' Aubr<Y Daniel, •ho lo ll!e 1nno o1 men on the ..,..i. · wtn•ame u t1!e Armf'• ~\Or, lo With lhll th,-crew ol H. B. Eye-wu lnfl"" in wltneaaeJ of the or<ler 1m, allowl(d lo not, mectlate17. • • • ·-· It.'' the Tribune, quoted Arthur Dunn1 27, ot Suburban Forut.Par~. "There were 128 of lhe enemy'nPortecf killed and only three wea))OnS captured,,. he said. ~·That doe!R't quite jibe." Jn .an Interview. with WVF.C TV at Hampt..on, Va., Col. Henderson-said, "~ until two weeks ago, I would have awon that it could not happen, without nie knowing about it. ''But when l start ieehig TV broadcuts ai'ld hearing soldiers speak. about lhil s~bject who were themselves eyewit. nessea, J begin ' to Wonder," saJd' Hen- d~rson, , now attach;ed lo the Armed Forces Stall COllege at fior!olk, Va. American aoldiers,have been 'accused or killing as m~'y as 567 civilians a\ the vill-!I~· L\. W~~ h ·('.alley Jr. faces a <:oqi:tffiarual on cllarges of killing .Jot of them. S/Sst. David J.fil<hclf has been charged with aasault with jntent to murder. The Army is invesUgaling 2f (lthet sold.Jers for poss1ble participation In the alleged massacre. Henderson said the first repott he had of any incident came (rom a helicopter p~ot who told him or seeing a soldier kill a civillsn on'the ground below. . Henderson investigated and .said the1 soldier' corlvinced him that he flrat thought the civilian was dead, buL then ra!Sed up as to throw a grenade. '!be colonel sUf be questioned all the troops operaUng,)n ~ area at the time IJ!d had' been 11Ualfed there was 1lO "sh~ up of civilians." ' . Or aage Cout Weather Those Santa Ana winds die hard, and they 'll sUll be, kfcklng '11,p a dU51 storm Saturday, keepi.nC tho : temperatures in the Qpper 70'1 ' alopg the. coast and about 10 de- gr~ hig_her further Inland. INSW E TODAY The Children'• T'Ma.ttr Gldld "big 1how" of the ~ear-c~met up this wtkmd .wMn the Har· bor Arte growp &tag11 "Pu.sa: in Boot.I" at Che Orange Cocat Co&. lege auditorium. Details i11 to- dau's w ttkender. , " • - Viet -Y n 2fid :-W orst i~~eignwar. ; 'SAlGOt'f (\]Pl) :-ll$. c"sualties in lhe Vietnam war surpassed the 300,000 mart this wttk and mUltary sources said today the eonfllet m1,y become the second cos- tliest fortign war ill U.S. hP.stary by next April. . Viet Cong troops mauled a South Viel· n11mese unit In a Mekong Delta ambuih. Official U.S. rl!cOrds show thut as. of 1est Saturday, 39.572 America~s had been killed and 251.778 wounded in Vietnam since Jan. 1. 1961. Jn addition, 1,341 are missing for a lolal of 299,691 casualties. MAR INA HIGH'S BOY ANO GIRL OF THE MQNTl1 , , S1nio~s P1ul l 1rsen i nd Becky ~eno1 Cited far Activities '°"' ·C1 mpw . • Sources si¥' that Ji&l\ling a._croas South · Vietnam slnce"Sllturday ·has cost 8.trleast " 310 more Americans killed and wounded. pushing lht war total over 300,000 bilMIHies. ~If lbe casualty· ra~ continues at the Mme )tvel, the ·aources said, the World War l total of :ao,710 Americans killed or "'d.lrided ·will be surpassed by April, 1970. \Vorld War I cost 116,708 Americans Jdil .. ed and 204,00'l wounded . Bec~y Deno s, Paul Larsen October's Marina Students . ::ne costliest foreign war In American MstOry was Wqrld 'War JI with 962;977 t:astiatties, ·212,1:s1 U.S. troops killed in .Won incf '70"46 wounded. The toll in the Korean war w15 33,629 killed and J03,2M wounded for a tob.t ol 136,913. Becky Denae and Paul Larsen have been named October's boy and girl of the month at Marina High S<;hool. Miss Denos. a senior, has held a varie- ty of honors and offices, including freshman _of . the year, sophomore of the year, Girls' State alternate and class council representative, - She .has served on the Viking Council as freshman cOmmissioner, sophomore corOmissiQner pn~ io her jUnlor year as student body vice-president., She ts cur- rently-Anchor ·Club president and Girls' League vice.president, Paul Laresen, also a senior, has betn on the honor roll for three years and is the school's current senior class presi· dent. He has also held offices in several clubs and organizations. Including lhe Gennan Club, Medical Careers Club and the Key Club. The report on the Mekong Delta am- b141b "-id a.Viet C'png force caught a ~t ot'.:rnUiUamtn esctlrting a• payrolt offiter along a road 72 miles southwest of Saigon Thurl!dal· loWJl"Jl .sourtes said 36 SouJh Vtetnamesf.j tr~i we're killeH a,id 12 wounded ln a hall of automatic weapons fire and -hand grenades there was no <...,n (If Viet COng casualties. ~"1be payroll ofticer was being escorted fnm outp05t· to outpost in the region •ben·t11e ·V1et COng struck. 'Rusty Adopted Viet Girl,' . . U.S.,. Ru8s End 1st Artns Talks Li~~tenant's Sister Says . On .Good Note GAINEsVILLE, Fla. (AP\ -ls.I Lt. \Villiam L. "Rusty'' Calley who is charg· ed w'Uh 109 South Vietnam murders, once adopted a starving, half-naked little Viet· namesc girl and kept her fed and clothed until she vanished Vi'hile he fought the i"'HELSINKf (AP) -U.S. and Soviet Mj:otiaton wound up two weeks of secret arms cUrb talb · today in what "'a5 itelcribed u a favOrable atmosphere fteJPite •a smattering of caustic commen~ from Moscow. ' -Mtet" a 1Ql5.n11nUl£5ehion jt· the U.S. Embassy, tbe envoys agreed to meet a1ain nert Tuesday al the Soviet Embassy. Today's session was the fifth private discussion between the two sides since the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks CSALT) opened Nov. 17. Conference sources estimated after today's meeting that the negotiators still 'A'ar, -his sister says. "It broke him up," said fo..1arian Keesl- ing. "Seing 0 llaied and starving children Episcopal Bishop Says Pope Mi~ On Birth Co ' have another week or two of disi:us;;ions SAN FRANCISCO (AP) C: ~ ahead before ending the prehmtnary . . ,._~. round at Helsin~i. The next stage is sup-Kilmer My~rs of the Ep1scopa1~ .. ~-e of poeed to be full«Ale uqolfaUons. ~ , :. ..,.c81Ji.2..~~ .saYs. Pope faul VI ';~gin A news ·bllcllllUlftl!'~ 'the;faji;,,.i't .•. h\l~ ·¥~!":01-.ar\llicial b[ijlj:i:iln,\rol gom1 ~--a..tay I( itllelr-m.'i!af!.Om: Bishops in Am&re::iw • 1ince ~~.began. By jol~t.a1ree-· -'~il:t:tb brea k with hlrj :·~':--.• .,... -,. ment, ~llmlll ·for tile 1t~o sides are 1 ~ in.-~"'·.. 0 "'" _ .. _. uyinC ~~-..,.mouncin& the ... n,_.-~~lf~g1v1ng . ~y r.~~~~urg. JD1it~ti'!!'J.I~:.: ~-; _;.. ":---.:_, . CU!fi "Sish0;:¥'1~~ se1d, "f'.Ct~Rmnan :-~-·~* the dejega~s c,thoUc tuerarchy of this ~rotein-fich na· . , ~ss (~ .long_ wee~~.) m li?ip ·iioes bot h3ve the courage to part , -·tlwt' ~18.Jrepa1ra.tionthior · company with a sincere but misled pope ·~ -'JJIS ,-over g ves em d . mcq;.~' ..._t~~poH. back t<l their who, le . by . obsolescent . thcolog1es, honQ~,· ' . defines artificial population cot'llrol a! ~b- rfcan 'tiain :btaded by Gerard jedJve evil." . ·1 C. ' ,~h:.~t~fi;r talq have~ 'H.e· 1~r~ed. to ·• vote, 1?J G'~tho!!e· marntl1io'ri,:·JJY 11.rood, atmospbete and -~ at l -c&inlrenee. _ earlltr t~1s appan;,t:ltrmJhi·m!OUsnesS." nionth fl! W~l41T'pr~st[nli fedenll Jn Wilhlriatdn. ,._5'Cietary . of State S1.IJ>ll)rl Of.blnli'~I projects. Just two William -P.:':"1ll_bCefl~-iays the ·U~. : .. Yea~.' :-386i-~ll;'a!!op . Myers -called ~r all dele1etes tokl"}jW, urlief this week that ... Quistiaris~ ·&.cc!a1~ the po~ .. as chief their prelimJ~· ixcMes wer.e "the ' pas~~r o{ lhe-€.~M$ll1Jl famit}'. best of any ... ~OJ'i:s ·'jbey haft' had · H Bt!~p.M~;·whose diocese. sttelch~s with the SoYiet .Qii:ton.,••;' -• 69_.roiJe~ alQPC_ the .coast from San Luis Soviet sources.here.ri.~eindlcated.ttial ·~.""° .. to noft.h :it. the ~old~n Gate the Russiens are' .also SaUsfi'ed with the Bi-1dge, .aske~ ho~ Americans could talks. B;ut 'the · .~~ent-co~oll~ .celc~te w1~ _: lad~n . tabl es of Soviet press hM'~ no strQ11g;Jttp:• 'Thahkgglvtng.~hen,,ram1ne 1s the future port for SALT iriQ'bis-'been ~lamini:-:. fo~, untold m!lhons. . \Vestem "mill~u ... :40r lhe . 4TmS T~e protems consume~ by Americans buildup -:--_ ... ~ '. on thi s day aloqe never wilt be consumed • ~ -.. · • in like liumbers. by growing millions of _ men, women and ·-chlldrcn in Asia and Africa in their en tin: Jif e span," he said. : ·.,And the millions doomed to physicll• • . i -:.. <iPathJ..and retarded.. brain QeveJ~rnent. ".:· ~-.... .. -:firow tO..mor& inillion6." , DAIIY PILOT -'tuHc;I COA!f PU'Jl,1&'111'!(; COMJ'AN'f~ '-' • .. ';""' ' ,...__ ..... ~ ... • "..: ll:o\111 N..'":..w,,d "'.. ' rrnlft~I A""~ ! : D ivQ.f~ ~'f:icto1~ :. ~:~. Jtck JI , Curley- YIU Prt1M1tn1 •~a G'"''" M•n•to ~ RO~lE (AP ) -The Chamber of '~•"'•• ket •il ~pulias tonight approved pll .lbe in-- EG11• ~urua1.11.1 artleliS of a· bill which ~uld Th11"1•1 >.. M~,~~•ft• legalize divorce for the first time in M•~1•1~1 tt110• Roman Catholic Italy. The chamber was >lhe•t w. •~"' due to vote on the bill as a whole later in "'l!.tl(.il!t f.Gl!Or H111tl"'~" l t•t.11 Offk• ll)f Stir. 511111 the evening. running through the streets always hurt him most." Mrs. Keesling, 27-year-old.wife of a col- lege instructor, Is the elder sister or Calley. The stubby first lieutenant faces a courl·martial. "Rusty adopted the girl, according to a letter he stn us," said Mrs'. Keesling. ''But one day when he came back from maneuvers she was gone." Calley complained ln other letters about the conditions in Vietnam. "He said his group would be rut for SO days In the heat. mud and grass with only K-ratlons to cat,!' ~IA the sister. •·Ru•• home for a package from the f sardines, cheese and somel y. l don't think he liked lt (the w, :• Jf)Ore than the rest." B.ut l~JV• ~e ~ds who cut into the 2f>. Yt.ar-old .. ,soldier's heart, according to Mfs. l«eafulg., . Callef, a. J\ative of Miami, phoned his stst.er.. ?d~f. "He seemed in good spliili;~tlie.llld. ''The call was from Ft. Ben~_,.91:,1.}tusly said he didn't want to !ell hl.i side btfore· the trial. He said any more pa°bljcltf would just hurt his fami· Jy,'' -" . I There a're fwo younger sis ters in Miami and the senior Calley. The mother died three years ago. TriQ Arr~ted In~ llQhoory, N a rcQtics Case . . Newport Beach police this morning ar- rested two men and a woman on chargea of armed . robbery allegedly stemming from the knlfepoint theft of $1,250 in- tended to be used in a purchll!e of hashish. The tl\ree~ns arrested at 3 a.m. al a Santa Ana motel are Palay Jean Gallagher. 21; Alan Cliff Gallagher. 21, 8"9 John Kerin Clark, 22. All gave 455 N. Newport•Blvd., Newport Beach as their address. NarCotics Sgt. Leo Konkel said the three were arrested at ;a, motel at 1519 E. Jst St., Santa Ana. • ........ Konkel .said four younf'i:ier-ns from San Oieio Came to police head41larters al about 11 :30:.r.iiursday to repart the theft. Konkel. who did oot.ldepti/y the losers of the money, said a: Mire al\eg4ley ' v:as tnvnlved. He Aid the four gave hiQJ information on whtfe. to find the more1 resideitt.\.and asserted the money was payment for hashish. A tota l of $1,266 ~·as recovered. . .. t.Aeili."t A44 r1111 ,,0 , ••w 791), 92641 OtMr Ofllut ..-~~ ... ~~·?~w:r'11"i!~~~~Y1t• 1.._ at.c.ftz :n fot(!I .... ~w• 2 Newport Brother s Die O•ILY_~1iot. 111>'•11\ •11""-. .lt ""*•!ltd l"'f ,t;IWt·P .. 1, II ""°''""' Gtoly f •C .. I I<"' Uy Ill ' -•ttt tdllleftt !Of Hllftt'°'Oht., •Nell. '""''"'" Vtllty, c~·• Mtwi, 11r ... i~• ._, .,.., \..ti.,,.. , .. ,11. •*"I .... it , .. ~.,iw..· f.dll\ollt, °''""' C..1t P\10"1~· .,. c.m,t~y ... lrll•"' ~enll ~tt ti 1'11 WO\I ltlt..I ll•t. ~ ... ~, ·-~. -Jj~ Wtlf "" ll•t-tl, (ttt• MtWI, Tll1 1•1• 1~14) Ml~JJI ""• w .. ...,.. G.11 wo.1210 a111• c"'°"'.r.. '41·'''' '"''"""' Ifft, Or..... C1tU hi/~ ~ 111 -• r • • \t" ~""''" ...... ..i1tritl -•tr1 ., 11¥fft1"Cflrt'" ..... l!I 'Nr 1M "fto'Mllltff-#l"lflul wrCiolol~btlca " ,..,..,.,,. ....... her ... Cleft t:Ol'"'l'I' 11 d ti N,•1:<.rf .. .cJt •~d (Cl,fe Mist. (tll!vtll . '.<~Kl•ll UI c,, r•r•lu cm....,.,..,,~-" o :o ...enftlPI'• lft!O,..., cr«•""'1""1. "et '"°"'~·,, Trying to Help Motorist r.wo l!<DJh•ra froll' NewPorl Beach ,,__.ert' kllled inllttlf\UY Th11nkaglving Day when Oley were hit by a car as they lried 10 aid 1 stranded motQrl.st on the Ventura t'reeway near Camarillo. <t:alg· -.Anthony Waite, 2~. and his broftter; Keith, 13, 18o6 W, Ocean Front, were en route to Hayward for the hoUdny when they noticed the stalled car on Confjo Grade, highway patrolmen said. The brothers parked their car In front ol one driven by Annabel Graham or Fre- mont, fhen:thcy walked back to help. P1trolmen said as the brothers stood • alqside the car an auto drtven by 1 youna Fullerton man sideswiped Ule stalled car and struck the men . The accident occurred at 5 a.m. ll\•e miles &oUlh or Camarillo. Pat.rolmt:n idenUfled the p a • I I n I motorist '1's William Kirven, 22, of llOl Hornet Way. Fullerton. He was ncrt held. Nelther he, Mr the Graham woman was injured. The two men had moved to the Harbor Arcn in recent months. .. Funeral se rvices aro pending at Jones r-.rort uary In Hayward. I I .. Glaiffi _s ~~.hr~ -i ~ ' • .. ~·~ --. ~ ·fi!as t-COiip!£~_J nfan t 'i i~l .f eri~h_ .in Cra_te~ :7 ~ tilia.A 1IALLA!I ~ hleotUlod by hitiiiaUior. lolff. • rah happy "Ill! ~•re both very proud ti· the \ 4111,! ..... Pt11111... Robinsoo or zoo .Vta .. Aquara Ave., baby. . . .. 'l1te1 Wl1'8 'U.. kJds who loved to Laguna Niguel. r The Rohin$ons bad been, 1(l Hawau tr 1 ,_ _, ' · ""It wa1 a terriblt shock for hq," ~al~ since. September ~ut lt w~-t,t!'e~r ~sl ave · · .,. ~ • ··: a neighbor • ~ . , visit. !&heir life tQgether bad 1*gunUM!re. But John •aJtd Gretchen· Robinson ID "T)ley l~ed wUh her for a while and They mei.(O( the ficstJime UJ HODQlulu de nocmore tra'ft!Unc. They"Wft'e ftlunct'-visited o1ten -after they moved." ' where John had attended Punahou dead Sunday ill the !>ottoin of a volcanic She deScribed 25-year-old John Moore school. a _prom~nent private school. I cr1ter an~tbe Bland OlMlui in Hawaii. Robinson JV (Robbie to his friends) as_ a Poll~ 10 Watluku, Maui, have not yet 'J'heb' .li:a:-mooth-old daughter Healher quitt person, tall wtth short blonde hair. speculated about wh~t happened to tbe waa· fourid wltk them in the 65-foot hole His wife Orttchen, 18, had Jong dark hair fanUly but a;e searching for a you~ COU· caDed "Bottomless Pit" Jocated inside and brottt eyes. She said she thought he pfe they believe rente~ a cabin wit~ the Haleakala Crater. • waa doina some work for his father John Roblmons on Nov. 19 1n Crater National Their bodies were diacovtred Sunday -Robinsoa, an i.Uorney in Las Vegas. Park. by a park ranett t>qt were no\ t'ecovtftd -''They Yiere sweet kids," she said. They al~. are "seeking a man who until ·a helkop~r c:oul4 Wt them out or '·"They liked the beach, camping and. hik· alerted off1c1als on Nov. 21 that the COU· the"pll'an Monday. . •· Ing. They, traveled quite a bit and •lways pie had nol come .out of the crater and The 1*mer~i..aguna Niguel residellt.s !. toolr the baby." Sbe said they were very wtre last ~n resting near the pit , . ' By ARTIWR R. VINSEL Of "" 0e11r P1111 1t•ff They don't give gokl stars at the Orange eounty.P.eace Oflicers' Academy. And Officer Thomas J . Law, 22, already had a silver badge. If they gave stars, the y9un1 Costa Mesa Police Department patrolman who finished number one out of a field of 50 men and women graduates .of the tatest acadefuy class at Golden West College in Huntington Beach would deserve a handful. "I don't know what my score was," said Off1Ctr Lazar, who placed ahead of Coota 1'.1esa's Patrolman Robert G. Berg, the second·placc lawman In the class or salutatorian. Told his score was 985 out of 1,000 possible points, Lazar sml\ed and said, "Hmm. , . not too bad." Besides the number one and two rank- ed graduates, four other Costa P.1esa policemen finished the nine-week course, which participant's combine "'ith regular. duly shifts. They include Officer Richard Defran- cisco, president of the class, -plus patrolrr)en Owen Kreza, Harry, Ehrlich an<l Rollert !teal. The class was the first to use tbe poss!· ble 1,000 point grading system for the comprehensive CKMM!emy course which covers 57 separate areas of study. Costa Mesa· Poli~ Chief Roger E:Neth said jotinglj that Officer Laiar could proba~ly flunk the flna~ examination and still come out with a h~llhy lead. Lazar, \l.'ho works the early morning shift, may have finished the Peace Of· Heers Academy, but he Is still studying criminology at Californoa Stale College, Long Beach. "I might g-0 Into crim inalistics, but I'd like to stay with a smaller department," says the Loog Beach -raised lawman who ls also studying surfing 011 a limited basis with his buddies. Studies and day-to-day duty consume much time, but at least the young patrolman, on the force nearly one year now, has no wife. "And no prospects," he add s. He met Sgt. Ron Allen, training olficer for the Costa Mesa Police Department in class at Cal State and Allen persuaded him to take the wriUen and oral ex· ] amination which led to his employment. I -- Students at the live high schools ·of the Huntington , Bea:h Union HigK School , District will see 1 demonstration o! a smogle.ss automobJle next Friday. The vehicle, J>OWt:red by natUraJ.gas - the sa~~ gaS•used ln 'kitche)I ranges - was provided by the Califoriiia Division of Highways and is 011e or ten similarly· Beach Teachers Plan Workshops !\fore than 600 teachers ln the Hun· tington Beach Union High School District helped organize innovative instruction methods Nov. 20 in a series of 50 workshops. Some 27-new !deas were discussed and recommendations were made for further study at the district level by the teachers of the Uve high schools. They include college credit CC'urses in the high schools, cultural enrichment pro- grams, optional class a t t e r d a n c e , television instrucfion, honor study halls and television instruction. The wo rkshops will be followed Dec. 8, with anothet teachers' institute in the Huntington Beach High S c h o o I Auditorium. The subject will be · •·Improvement of Instruction." German Chatged In 1,453 Deaths MUNICH, Germany. !UPI) -The ~1unich state prosecutor 'lias charged a 57-year-old officer in the West German border guard with complicity in the mass murder of 1,453 Russian Jews during \Vorld \Var II, the Bavarian .MinistrJ or Justice announced today. Lt. Col. Wilbelm Radtke will be charg- ed specifically with nine cases of com- plicity in murder lo back up the overall charge, a ministry spokesman said. The indictment alleges Radtke , as a first lieulenanl in the uniformed police. directed -under orders of a Nazi SS elite troop brigade -the execution of Jews by firing squad. The executions OC· curred in 1941 between Nikopol and Konotop in the Soviet Union. IlvoRNO equlpped cars which has been tested by lhe department in the Los A'ngeles area for a year. It will be on display from 8 a.m. lo 9 a.m. at Edison High School, 9:30 a.~. to 10:50 ;a.rn. at Fountain Valley Ri1h School, II a.m. to 12 a.m. at Huntington Beat!h High School. I p.m. to 2 p.m. at 1'.1arina High School and 2:30 p.m. to J p.m. at Westminster High School. A coilvt!i-ter pCrmits the vehicle lo use eitmr natural gas or gasoline. Natural gas-powered vehicles are said to emit 80 lo 90 per cent less air pollutants, ac· cording to the state A1r Resources Con- trol Board. The test program showed that the use of natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel results in a significant reduction of smog from internal combustion engines, said .James A. Moe. director of the slate Departm ent of Public \Vorks. Wise Continues In Board Post James t. Wise of 1980 P.fcKinney Way, Seal Beach, has been reappoinled to the personnel commission by the Huntington Beach Ui:Uon High School District Board of Trustees. Wise, a retired school administrator. brings to 1the three-man commission 30 years df experience in school personnel matters. His new tenn begins Dec. 1. Serving with him are Bill Schryer, a former field superintendent for an oil company, aod Jack Bronn, who works in personnel administralion with a food market chain. The duty of the personnel corr.mission Is lo administer a civll-service·typc sys tem for non·teaching employes of the district, suc h as custodian s, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and office cmployes. Yoga ClasseM Sta rt Soon in Hun ti ngton 'r'oga classes start Monday at the Hun- tington Beach Recreation Center, 17th Street and Orange Avenue. F~ for the lcn-'A·eek course is $10. Classes will be held al 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. l\1rs. Renee Taylor, author of a book on yoga. will teach the course. ~ 30"160" $151. ·-- Orexel'1 cle1tic ltelien grcvp with • true fl eir fer the proYin· ciel.thinkin9 per1on. This gre•t collection cf fine occ11ionel furniture i1 •ve ileble on• limit- •d be1 i1 clue fo it1 heving b1•n cli1continuecf. Don 't mi11 tki1 opporfu11ity to h•Ye • look •+ this exciting furn iture, while it i1 1!ill 1 v1 ileble. $61. $1H • . rouT LOCAL' DEALERs" FOR DREXEL': HENRiOON. HUITAGE' NIWl'ORT llAQ4 ln7 WMtdllf Dr, 6'2,205'1 OPM flltlAf "ftl t INTBIO.S r oof-I fntorlor LAGUNA BEACH 0.1.,..,., ' .US North Co11t Hwy AYail.t.'--AID-NSID OftlN '111.tf 'TtL ' ,._. Tltfl ,,_ ..... _, ~ C""'J M .. 1161 • ~;;;;:::::;::;;:;;;:::::::::=::::;;;;:;;;;:::;;:;:::;:=:::::::=:~;;::;;:::=:;:::::i===:::;;;:::::::=::::ai::>:$ .. •-------~---------------,,.., .... ,€$1J >•*'"» •>qiAJZ e ., •~':I • • • •• · .... ~ ....... ·-:-,--,..,...,. CIAll.Y l"I LOT Stell f'M19 ~ INDIANS AND NOT-SO-PURITANS REVEL AT 1969 PLYMOUTH RO'CKOUT THURSDAY Costumed Thanksg iving Guests Gath• r Around Pilgrim Mother Wi lbourn • Thanksgiving Updated In 'Plymouth Rockout' Hallo'"·een was a month ago. but cos· tumes were a feature nonetheless Thurs· day at a harvest festival and Thanksgiv· Ing observanee hosted by a Costa MF!sa family, for 56 farftung members of the clan. The gathering at the home of Mr. and f\.1rs. Robert Welbou rn, 2142 Iris Place - billed as the 1969 Plymouth Rock Out - would have curled the collar on a bonafide pilgrim. "We're not reeling so furmy today,"' said f\-trs. WelOOUm: contacted at' 9 'this morning to see how the festival turned out They were still bringing In the sheaves and stacking dead Indians at midnight. "My son-in-law from Palos 'Verdes made the punch and after the first cou ple of batches we were mixing In whatever we had on hand," she explained. J ust like the original Thanksgiving feast wilh pilgrims and Indians, the Welboum celebration was an· iJl. tematiOnaJ affair. . Relatives from San Francisco .l>rought an Australian guest, while the newest daughter-in-law in the clan, Dulsey Bruner, born In the Phillipines. was aniong 1he celebrants. •·we observe Thanksgiving too.'' she said, ''but ~ol quite like 'this." Mrs. Bruner said the family gathering is a traditional Thanksgiving occasion, but this was the first year costumes were featured. One of the highlights \vas the annual turkey contest, in which the men of the family stuff and roast the birds, after \Vhich the stuffings are sampled and voted on by ballot. Winner was fl.1rs . Welbourn's brother· in-law, Bill Bruner, of 219 15th St., Hun· lington Beach. Besides the four turkeys each \\'eighing more than 20 pounds, the fea st included about · 21l pounds of mashed and sweet potatoes. gallons of Jello salads, a dozen pies and scores of hot rolls. And besides the feasting. fellowship. and firewater which added that specia l glow to the festivities, the Indians and pilgrims at the \Velbourn household have ~'ll"thiQg to. b<I ti-.nk!u} lo~ ,today lh'I Was Un1fnow'n on Plymoulh Rock. Alka Seltzer. Geologists Probe :R·ocks ' -~ Brought by Apollo Crew SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Geologists today opened the second box of moon stones picked up by Apollo 12's astronauts on the Ocean of Storm s, a container of carefully documented sa mples expected to yield fresh surprises about lunar secrets. California Tops Mounting List Of Road Deaths By United Press International _ The na tion's highway deJ~ toll mounted slowly today, the lh1rd'1day of the Jong Thanksgiving weekeod. 9,fficlals. of the National Safety Council. hOwever, said the final figure would approach last year's record toll of 764 deaths. A count at 9 am. PST showed 233 persons killed i· traffic accidents since lhe holiday period began at 6 p.m. \Vednesday. The breakdoy,•n: Tr affic ......................... !.33 !'lanes ........ , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 l"ire . . .. .. . .. .. . . . ..... 18 l\tisL't!llaneous ...................... 1J Tota l .................... Ji7 Leaders on the lis't \\'ere California with 20 traffic deaths. Georgia wi~ 13 and New York with 16. · , Five persons were killed In a two-car crash near Fort Valley, Ga .• thr~e die.d in a head-on collision in Portsmouth, R.f. and five were killed in a colUsion near Gum Spring, Va . • The National Sa!ety Council estima\ed between 700 and 800 ;>er sons 1 '!"ould die in traffic be.fore the. end o! \he 102-hour period al midnight Su nday. Stereo Hecords Prove Ten1pting for T hief An ~nlocked front door ancl 70 stereo records lying on a living room noor proved too templing for a Laguna Beach burglar on Thanksgiving afternoon. Heidi II . Glidden, 21. said she leh her 11partment at 2787 S. Coast Hlghway at ,4 p.m. and returned around 6. ln tile in· lerlm, someone had cleaned up the living room noor, removing the records, valued 91 $280. They also reported that the firit rock box from Apollo 12 contained bigger rocks and fine r, lighter colored soil than the material gathered at Tranquility Base by Apollo It's crew. A minor problem with laboratory equipment delayed briefly the start of opening the second box in a vacuum chamber at the space center. But al 9 a.m f'.ST a technician·pu.\lcd •up the suit- case-size box's lid. An estimated 12 to 15 Individually, ·wrapped rocks. carefully selected and documented by the astronauts to aid geologists, were inside. The re also were some unwr apped chunks o( lunar materiat "We can see gray dust o v c'r everything," a science observer reporled. "The rocks are angular as well as round· ed,..f!eRf!:nding.on which part you are look· ing al." "One ol lhe rocks, about the size of a fist, has a strong (racture in it," said Dr. \\'illiam Greenwood, a space agency geogolist. "It has irregular glassy coating on the twci sides that I can see." Green~·ood said this "open" crack In lhe rock was unlike anything in the Apollo 11 samples. Dr. David Carrier, another observer. said the st range specimen came from Bench Crater at Apollo 12's landing site. &ientists also began opening a core lube the aslronauts drove into the lunar surface during theif first moonwalk. From this subsurface ma l c r I a 1 biologists hope. to extract a lunar sample -practically uncontaminated by the moon landing and by the laboratory handling -to use In their scar.::h for lunar organisms. Co un ti an Critical Aft er ll on1 e Blaze A Santa Ana man who ~ns ~ound by Ure.men Thursday night on the noor of his blazing apartment ls today listed in grave C(lnc\ltion by Orange County Medical Center officials. Firemen had lo don smoke masks lo search the flsme-swept 3rd Street apart· ment :or Ike t.fasters. 64. They said the unconscious man was badly burned over nK>st of his body. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Survey Show s Most Support Agnew's Vie""'S WASHINGTON ( A P ) The Republican Nalional Committee made public today a C(lmmittee-sponsored poll showing strong approval Or the v.·=iy Vice Presiden t Spiro T. Agnew is handl ing his job and supporting his attack on the television networks. .aut ii turned out .that 33 percent of Lhc 600 to 6flO polled said they had not read or heard anything that Agnew has said recently about lhe networks, despite the splash it got in Newspapers and by broadcasters. James N. Allison Jr., de p u l y chairman of. toe Republican Nationa l Committee. announced the national poll results at a ne"'s conference and said "we are delighted.'' The poll was conducted~ hr, the Chilton nesearch Setvices ·bl' PhU.&Jelphllt, Jta'., 1''ov. 19-l!I, "using a national probability sample of the telephone households," he said. The committee aa,jd the fll17l $6,600 for the job. he said. In ans\'1e.r to questions, All ison s&id tb~ support tor Agnew'Was a "bJt higher" ln the South but there was no significant d_lf. ference among ·age groups. He said the poll was ordered by the committee at the request or state chairmen arid governors to find out how the people feel. He noted that this is the first time a popularity poll has been conducted by the GOP committee on Agnew. "but I believe it has" shown an increase in the vice president's popularity as a result of his Nov. 13 speech. In that s~ch, in Des Moines, Iowa Agnew challenged comments made by n e l w o r k commentators immediately ~Her Nixon's Nov . 3 speech on Vietnam policy. Some nety,·ork officials ~esponded with charges of attempted censorship, but Agnew denie.d any such intenlion. The qut!s1ions and the poll findings as announced by Allison came out this way : -"In general, dO you approve or disaJ- prove of the way !\tr. Agnew is handling his job as vice president?" Approve 64 percent, disepprove 24 percent. don't \mo1v 12 percent. .• -"Have you read nr heard about anything that Vice President Agnev1 has recently said about TV networks?" Y\!s 6J pe rcent, no 33 percent. don't kn ow two percent. - Allislon said he couldn't explain the two percent who didn't know whether they'd • read ·or h'earOwhat Agne"' said. -"'I'Jie vice president said l h e networks shou1d separate their com· men tary fcom the news itself when they are reporting news on TV. Do you agr~ or disagree with y,·hat he said~" Agree, sa percent. disagree 29 percent, don'.t know 13 percent. "Jfe also said that the TV network~ sho\l ld re-examine their procedures for making sure that I.heir newscasts are ob- jeetlve and unbiased. Do you approve or disapproved of this statement by the vice president'?" Approve 71 percent, dis- approve 20 percent, don't know nine per- cent . . Those 1vho said they \verc not aware of Agnew's attack on TV were not included in those polled on the last two queslions. Drain W 01·ker Electroc11ted; T'\vo Badly Hurt An Azusa man was electrocuted \Vednesday and his l\\'O co-workers severely shti&ed while the trio was work- ing on 1 slOrm drain on the lrvln: Ranch n'ar Gl'n Road.· Coroner's investigators said Jerry E. 1'~1anders. 33, was regulallng power for the metal hose used to apply sealer to tho storm drain when the boom of his truck toucl14ld an overhead p<>werline . Flanders was kllled Instantly In the freak accident. He was burled from.tl'e cab of the truck to the groun<.:, still clutching the ctlntrol ·box. .•. ' Friday, Novtmbtr 28, 1%9 H . • t • " ~ I '·4 ·~·Ql-;i ~rt~rs' .~ot .Easy . .•1 R1JllJ NIED~ELSKI • :_., I ~ndetwl)',111i>ilicantly reducing tiull\tlq ... .• ot hit Dlltt ''"' ,.... , costs. 1 • 1 • I r ' • "A sll?'W1. d}stributed to every, oni-hun:-Ute o hlll:h ~hool .facl~Wes on •a year·~ dredth parfnt of U\e d\atrlct., or m peo. ~round baSls ~ a nice 10ea but almoa:t . ·pJe, indicaled that 29,9 pueent fsxored 1mpci5$itile' lo nnplement Uf¥ier..,».~~l sue!\ 1 four.qu arter staagered platy; Whtle co™:ij~ it was coqchldtd'~ a~jtztrns , 71.$ perce:nt did not. · . ad~ committee to ~HGQt.Jldot?' ·ota si:nlllar amount of students polled, Beacb. u• Hijh &;l1001 1~1Cf· I J 23.1 percent fa vored the plan, while 71.2 'l\eir ~port, reprt!$enU( a year-longf ·P'.ercentldid not. study by seven resldentsrw.aa rect~tlti. 'ln·addltion, the group surv~yed 4!1 ten- (orwarded to the Board of Truslees,wh1ch rDooth employes, mostly teachers, to Is currenlly ,embattled over I.he eon·. detennlne their aviilablllty for !klooth ilSSlgninents. • 1 pr -. n.r perceo1 otaltd 111a1;; wou'1 not> &e ,aViJ1dk ~'ti. commitments .. wlillo""tt:I ~perccn\ u they woojd be avtllab\t. t · 'I-In ~sion, $lie £0ltlibiU,,, rtCF· 11\l!bded.lhat IUCh ,a plin of aper al~""" deferred until the ieneroJ cl!mate".r lhil communlty and the otganiialiooal ·stiuo ture of the local schools in Ule area are niore receptive to such a plan." · 1 .. struction or another high school to meet growing enrollment demands vs. better ·1 · 1 ... a1 w.Uac racllilles. ~ •af; "™ lnltltutlen or a toui-quarter plan _. .; , • of Blood Le'1!b In a sln,ie school district which bu m ., • ' ~f:?f:,1:~~~ .P~lice to Stolen Gem$ At the same time it pointed out th~ dcsjr1bili!Y of ~ a plan and added that • it C90.id 4)e successful-'lf certain prere~· FoDowlns a trail or blood on s :-Coast qulsltea are met. Highway Thursday night. Laguna Beach Members of the committee said before police office.rs recovered a cache ol such a plan could becorpe , operational, .stol:n.~ewels valUed at $2,271 In a storm legislator! would .hav~ to paS!i,new laws ~ ~,ra1~ ~t the corner. of Oak Street: ~ • to alloW'year-round schools to elist1'inan· ' A Camp Pendleton M1rinc-was placed cially. unde·r arrest a abort time 'after' when a School administrators and boards of 'fr iend called for ~an ambulance. to take trustees at all levels wou1d hav~ to cOn. .him lo hWipllal ror treatment of a badly vlnce themselves that such a plan iii lace.rated arm. desirable and necessary· as well, they John Ram say Jonet, 19, Is charged said. with removing the jewels from Russ 'Mle commit tee also pointed out the flinds Jewelry, U73 S. Coast Highway. need for a "stupendous public relaJions They were taken (rom a ~ dbph!Y program to educate and C(lnvince the window. . · - ge neral pubUc that such a plan is,to iheir Answering.Jl burglar alahn Wbicb sol:l.n- advanlage.'' • ded at the jewelry deal,ner•1 store at If Implemented, the four.quarter plan 3:25 p.m., police were able to otltaln from would provide for an 11-month sc:bool ·t ph slcal dffcrlptlo of the Year, with school closed one moalh 1.for wi ~s a Y n . suspect, who was oblerved running frQln major repair and rehabilitation. Students the scene. -.., would attend only three of the 1!our A tr all of bloid extending north. on tbe quart en. • · . : high"'.')' .\td·IO'lhc )ewil cache. .. Amq-tlie many advanlages clteQ by 1.tinutls ta tir\ Charles Bajs\ad,, 245 the committee of the year-round-plan are oo· St.. notified poµct that a man ln his elimlnltlon of a summer school program, aparLtnent needed medical aid. Jones, increased plant uUUzatiOn; g e t t i n g stude nts .into ,college~ at an earlier qe, and reduction of juvenile delln11u<i:n'cy Bin· ce only one-fourth or all the students would· be on vacation at one time. Included among the dlsadvantag~ are that many districts have tried the plan and abandoned it, massive changes in cu rriculum and administration policies, no opportunity for enrichment since stude nts could only attend three of the four quarters and additional taxes necessary to make the changeover. At the same time. it Is suggested that each school plant could accommodate 2ii percent more students once the plan is ·Fire ·: Cl~ims W ;OOo · Damage in LA Plant LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A lire at the Nu.Chrome Sealing Co. Which may have been started by a spark In a spray booth \Vednesday caused an estimated ;20,000 damage. Firemen said an adjoining building con- taining SXI0.000 worth of finished furni- ture was saved by lZ city and eight Ver· non Fi re Department units. llU1I "'' whose physical appearanoe -.net ~\olhilll mat:hed the descflptlon of the man *" running from the. jewelry store, wu found to be bleedlrlg hea'rily from a INh on~ his. right arm and was· taken by ~ buJance to South ' Coalit Cem m\11111 Hospital. . . There Jones refused to u~r&o treat- ment. but police tiansferred him " Orarwe County Medical Center w.here the laceration was treated. He Wis returned to tbe Laguna Beach jail for bciokln& • Bardot Ex Wedi: Swedish Model "' MUNICH, Germany (Ul!J) -Pll)'boy. Industrialist GUnter SacM m·a r tl c~ blonde Swedish·model 'MlrJa· 1-·lo- day in 1 church .ceremony at ·bis .,.,,..~ bound stately httntinl lodge 1n Ille Bavarian alps. The couple -wed In a civJl ceremony at St. Moritz City HaU T~rsd.ay ~ wort traditiorlat. Bav arian-. CO&lume!8 1tor tie ceremony in the Sachs' pr!Vate chaP.1!1. · It was the third m1rrlage'·fot'.Sacba 1'9!1 the first for fonner:M1'1 Larsson~ wh was personally picked by the West. German Opel automobile1helr aa a~ for his tibOtique chain more ·than •·11eli' ago. Sachs was divorced from French ft)OVie star Brigitte Bardol in Swihtrlaod 1'11l J uly. His first wile., also a Fr~ died many years ago and the 14-year..Old son or that marriage, Rolf Sacha. wu a guest at today's ceremony. ,~ 1 ,, ' ·~+J l~ I •3 1 . . " ,, .. "tj.,,, .. ~ ... "11'. " ·.· • ··~ Dod S . ge winger $250550* -: .. r.., ~'-= =.:-..:-::::::: --·----_ .. ___ _ -.. --_ ... __ if )'OU thinka2door hard~ ought to be IOw Plt'iced ••• Man; .. you're Swinger Material Check our line ... Check our price ... Tuu could beJ>o4~Material!---O~ \ ' HARBOR DODGE ! J BEACH CITY DODGE 2111 HARIOI Bl.VD. 16555 BEACH IL VD. (Hwy. lt) • COSTA MESA-5404111 lftlmHGTOll IUCH-.147.fl)t • ' • ' ., W. Germany ·Sigus .Nµclear : Ban ·~a.Ct . . . ' ' I~ W .. O.llY ,IMI Stlifll America's Apollo 12 astronauts, h1rl ts Conrad, Rich1rd F. Gor- on and Al•n L. Bean, will be mar- hals of the 8lsl Pasadena Tourca- pmenl of Rosel parade. Touma .. lflent President Lewis Edw1rd Jaid a !ormal announcement of tl1c parade marshal would be made Pee. 5. • " ,. Justice of the Peace Ralph Jtqklfu had to cancel a SfKech to the. South _ Phoe11i%, Ariz., chapter of the L ion1 Club on "The Youthful Offender and Ca r Tit le/," On his way home to , prepare ffrr. the,ji:peecl~ Jer1kint at()J)ped brtifly to make a pur· chase, and his car was stolen. .. ' . . .• . ... ·: A "pfi>gft!ssive1' while co Uegt is i nice rtace to teach, but he llOll!i, C~•(AP) -~Jor' Wtlly Brandt'• West German ·10Yernmenl unotiimously decld«I today to sign Jht U..\y to halt the sprl!ld of'' nuclt'ir weapona,,_ . ' !Vat .. German Ambusador lttimut Au.tdt inuueldll.tely 1igned It in MOICOW and. Brandt told ' 1 news conrere.n.ce tha.t B&ln'a ambasN.dors lo Washington. and London will add I.heir signatures liter ~.in tlie day. - ''Ibe actioh ·bY Brandt's Sociillijl..Jtif government came arter nearly three yell'S of public controversy duti!li wJ:i.ich. some Ge:rmaru; claimed the treaty would ~.,,,,... an bt 110. 1111<. of too much , 1laned H. the lrealJ. • -In ~ ... al a W: GI l Wei\ Gennln)' ii atcnlnl under the •• -· Otrmany's •ipllln -oot ·-. v....in.;"" Brandl said, r.i'l" coodltiol) that Jt11ecurlty wtlJ COllllnue to Coollltute lnternatlonal .._.... of rJna >lo Ula Wri War I German our· be guaronleld by the North AU.OUc !lut Gennaa)I, whk:b ailO hu llpld and r.,.itr that ii •neroll1 tqardtd u a \nltY Orpnlutlon or an eqwvalent raUfJed ~ lreaty. ,.Uout la llU eoumry. c • Aewtty 'l'lt<m. •. In crllicldlll the •i81Ww'e. the Cllril· Braodl sald .,,,,...,.oily with ~l'li11'1 3 .. w .. t Gtnnanf gDdmtands tllal tian ~ claimed that ~ .. t ti!' treaty; illo l<>Y.....,..t fa ...cJli>g Soviet anct American statmenta before <;erman ..._iblliUes under the treaty notta to all ~les with whom H has the' United Natlol1' on mpecUng the 8re not clearly defined, that It will Pr<> dlplamatk: -· 1M111 Jfa lo-· 80Yerelpty al other stale> apply In full to duce an lacrt.., In Soviet attoclta on ttrinlldtoo. 'Ille main polota ol the -w .. t Germany. Wea Germany, that It wlll make ~"" are; • • . •· 'Jllat the treaty will Mt hinder any pean unkln· more difficult and that the t. Tbe treaty la undentood ta be ap-possible future unJon of E~n 1tate1. treaty contains no provision that forctJ ptled lollanl GtrmallY 'In exactly the · 5. Tbat ~ will aooo begin talks the great powers to reduce their ume UllDDll' u toward olber states um on n_uclear diaarmament .. apecilled by armament.!. ' Hope .Given Up ·Mortgage Rate Climbs; Fo~ Boy Hmt A · N · . t ·8123 In El Al Blast verage oui.a ~ • o • WASIUNCTON (AP) -The aver ... A111ENS (AP) -Docton 1ave up hope effective mortg,.. rate fer new bomea todll)' for Gtorp Nutoo. Ille 21\·y~r .. ld. · roee to 1.1,1' percent in October, ''",.. ~ --.l--Jlv lnju .......... In Jn Afiti" com-t1nutn1-ari upward spiral !or the. 11th .,,,, \:11m;a .3 1~ straight month. mando bomb •attack ll the El Al airline The Jo"ederal J-Iome Loan Bank Board offices in Athens Thufsday. reported the bad JleWS for home buyers A surgeon at Children's Ho:spil41 in and the conatruction industry '111Ursday. Athens said the boy WIS still in "I coma There was a wide r'ange in rates charg- and "unfortunately he has no chances of ed acroS3 the country with the highest survival" despite brain surgery perform· average or 9.13 percent in Seattle, Wash. eel all day ·ThW'lday. This was a jump or about 11/s percent Nastos' 4-year-oklbrv\her, Athanassios, over a year earlier. IoSl art eye In U!f: _l>last and was also In The San Francisco-Oakland. Calif., serious condition, but not lo the same area also had a high rate of 1.97 percent. degree as hil brpt)ler, the surgeon said. On the other end of the scale, cent and mortgage companlee were rl< behind at I. 45 percent on 1hdr new home loam. · · , Preston Martin, chairman of the board. said the · curtailed supply of money mortgage fund s al a time when housing ls. in strong demand ac1..'0Unted· for the conUnued rise in October. t one of the problems. the report said. Is that invfslors "'ere taking their money out of savings and loan lnsUtulions which provide mortgages and putting thetr funds where they can eam a higher in· t'emt. ~ouldn' want to send his k i d s her&; comedian turned scholar- ·reiidence Dij:k GiO.,ry told;•tu·· entS Bl' .Sim ,Jos'e ·"'State Col~ege fuesday. Gregory, \Vbo re<;e1ved 17 ,500 in stil:dent fonds for four twa. lay visits to"San Jose State Col· ~ge as resident scholar, told stu- ients the campus "is the most p~ lressive J've been on.'' But be said • tie would attend an all-black col-an if he had it to do over again. lf~ded : "I have seven children end I'd lik• them all to go to black <lolleges. because· yOu don't learn anything in white colleges. u Six other peraons, including four: Philadelphia, Pa ., had an average er~ · _women -one_of them: Mrs. Charles fective rate of 7·.07 percent. "ff.acleyn, 50, Dallas, Tex. -were still in The board's iePorl abows life l.nJurance In reporting the worst October evet, the board said the savings and loan iO. &titutions had an outnow of $405 million. This compares wlth an lncreai;e of $4.46 mtW6n-t.ilf the same month one year earner. :; -. l -'!"'~~-.l""l'T! iu,, '""'Ml' BOUNCY LANDING -This close-up view of footpa d of Surveyor Ill spacecraft, ta.ken by Apollo 12 astronauts, prei!ltnts evidence that the cra!t bounced on its unm~ned landing April 4, 1967. Object at. upper lefL is extendablc arm of the scoop mourrted on Surveyor. ·l I ~ Engineers See Movies Of Lunar Dust Storms SPACE CENT~n. Houston (UPI .:. ' Conrad and Alan L. Bean" thtlrlandlng Enginttrs today examined dramatic ' craft lntrtpkl dodged craters aDd descen· nwvies or the sWirllng dust storm Apollo ded to a bullseye touchdown on the . ~ moon'a ocean of storms last week. : ~fs. Julie r.larr f?ob_inson hru beei~ O:J'Pointed press coordinator for Mrs. Ni"on. She waa formerly on· tP\e women's .staff of .Jilt. Son F"1nclsco Chronicle and O:Ssistont to the society cdit@r Of the New York World Tele· 12 kicked up on the moon. It ma~.point lo ""'-· d t ••·•ecJ b th h f 11R: UI ......... up y e ex au.st rom new probJems for astronauts trying to Jntrepld'a deacent engine appeared first .land· on hard-to-r.each stretchta of. lunar e ·a' light haze. But it grew quickly in lo a ... terrain. raR1n1 llorm that masked the lunar The startling rootaa:e was lhot by surl~ u "the pilots perrormed their Apollo 12 astronauts Charle, upete" mo11t critical maneuvers. oram af\d Sun! · • • • : Roy LM' T oyler of . Bakersfield ,; I>Jrtna the ftnal tecon<ls before the lan· South Viets Say ·'No ·Coalition' ding, gray dust wu blown with tremen· dous force aCl'OllS the crater-pocked sur!ICe. tlH Willing to help when a man· tlbo said he wais.. an FBI agent t ame to tils door :ru .. day and •aid De wu IOoking' for counterfeit !llonoy. Taylor aald the man a•ked !<> see some of biJ money and Tay· SAIGON (AP) -The Sooth Vlet- i:>r gave r him $13 which the namese government repeated today that 1be 240-foot film clip was released by the space agency 'l11ursday. lt also Mow- ed Conrad walking 11t1rf legged on the surface and a spectacular vlew ~ the earth eclipsing the aun and'the resultbif rainbow of hues. ~ :"agent" .... aaid he would check out It will . neve.r accept a coaijtlon .1avem· to determine whether it was pho-ment in any fonn or grant territorial It was the ecllpee .M:ene that Bean n.ld was more fantastic than the moon· ... oy. Police said the only phony was concessions to the Viet Cong. . tohe self-styjed G-man who never . The Foreign Affairs Ministry Issued a Scientists were partlcuJarty·1ntue1ted in ciaseup photographs of the three-leg· ged. 11)..foot tall Surve_r.or a~ a crimped, watne·llke footprint left by one or Its lan- ding pads when It literally hopped to its final reating place. ~· d th T I • $13 statement lo clear up \\'bat it termed a turn e w a~ or 5 · ml1understanding of remarks by , . ~ . AmbassacJOr Henry Cabot Lodi• after the • A bu s1ne11ma!\ 1n Gerona, Spain. _ •4.th mttUng ·of tho P1rls peace talks itarted to get int~ ~i~ parked car Wedn!sday. • ""hen he not.iCed one of the wheels Lodge had told newsmen the United '1as missif!f1 A note Pi!llled to t h e SI.ates would be willing to talk to Hanoi seat expla1n~.a pasamg mptor.lst about a new coalition government in Jiad a flat tire and needed the South Vietnam, but stipulated that the i •heel. He \VU directed to a gar~ Saigon government would have to ratify ~ge where he rediii,med bis wheel any agreemeat on this or any other que1- The.re was no sign or any meteoroid im· pacts on either the Surveyor or on the landing pad hnprint. This was new evidence for theories developed on the balls of Apollo tt's moon data that the lunar surface la an ancient land scape that has been relatively untouched for and $7 11!or the trouble tuffered." tion. . . . • mlllloos ol fean. · • • l l : Cold Front Spreads East .... .. , . ) . Snow Fl urries Cove r Wiae Section of Midwest California -• ,UYIEW OHSSAWlATMUIUllEAtlfOllECASTTO l:IU.M. !ST 11•11 "44 C0«sttll S11nn"1" wt!h h!tll clollm; l'Odt r. LltM V•flll!I• wJo',11\ btt0tll1"" Wt1!trl"I" 1 to 11 ~llC1• lfl •tltr-• fodlV ~ s.111111,,. "''" 11. Co.11tt 1-ral\I._ r1flff I~ tt lo 11. lnltfld ,.,._•twei. '*"" ,..,., la It IM. W11tr ._.tu ... ~ S11n, M-. T ides lllUMY ,_,. h .. h , •••••• · •••• 1•:~ '""· J.J t'"""" 1ow IATUirlO'Av' •:• •·""· •. , "l•st Plltfl , ............ J:H 1 ""· J.t l'inf ltW ............. $:00 ._,.,, J.J ~ r'-" ............ 11111 ''"" '·' I«.,..., row ............. r1:111 1.m. 1.1 1111 •i.tt •·H 1 ""· Slit ~:45 r1.m. M.-!UM.It:" p,rn. ltll 10.•' I ""' 11.S. S11•-r'lr .., coif front tlttt!llMCI ff'tt!I "'""'' Wtl!f'On Ml•111t~'• to nortlltt"tr" W'/'Oll'llnt a'ld llltOlilflll northttnlr•I Moll!~ IOdtV. A J..-1wllM llltll ,...._,... - "'"""" ...... -thtl' "9t (Ott ftf'l'I" .,...,,_ t""" tht NtrtMttt .. ;.. Mldlt .. , Hevlt.lo Mllrlt. _,., ll'it (tlf. '"" .et Ill lf'lt t1.ilorl Thllntar ti "" --Sftow 111/f'r\tt to""H Wide ttdlofll (If Ille G)ttt U-tt ...,,,_11. 1t ffll -111 (I ,1:16o Tt• .. '"""Wf'fll flirt lncl'lt1 ot -Cf.11"'"9 • ..,.,,. ..,., b<lnt1119 ,,,. _,,, "' ... "*'"" to fil\I• '"'""' ltlwl .. t Wttn!11t1 wtrt I~ t UKf for l),trlS ~I IOUIPltN'I Ntlll' Mt•lto tnd Wl\flhwt,ttrn lt,ttS. ' A!Mutf"llul .-~." At11n11 f11-tr11!1!1f SlllNl'(k loOM ...... •-1•lllt (Ill( ... Clnclfll'Mtl -...... _ ...... , ...... I'll!.., """ Wtrfll ·-·-kanl.ls (HY L11 V"~ lot Afltelts MIAMI M""'"'°"!1 Ntw O<"lt111S Ntw V~ o.~~flCI Olitlt l'lclfll• (lty .... ... 'alinl '"'1"1' .,.... ltMI" """"" ,lttll!Vf'Cih 'trf'l•l"CI 111..W (lf't' ... 1111111 ·-... ,,.,,,,.,,., $1'9 L••• Cltr '" -SIA ,rtMl- 5tttt1t '"°''"' l ht•mtl Wt'111ntlon \ ....... , ..... ~ .. .. ., 4, " ,. " ,, . " .. .. n ,. ·" "' " .01 .. " " . )I IS J, " '°' ., 11 n 14 "' .. .. ... " ,, .. " " . ,, 7l '' 17 ~ .. .... 'l 4) '' ,, " ft . .. ... ~· .. .. . .. tt . " ... .. " .. " " ,, " .. ... • • ,, l• " .. .. " hospital but not on the crJUcal list. Six of companies charged an average 8.48 per· the' 14 victims ·were: released from the hospital after treatment for minor in· juries. Police are holding Eliu B e r g Det&arabedian, a ZJ..yur-old tailor'.ftom Amman, Jorda;n, apprehended after the attack, and another ace«nplice identilled as Mansour Selfeddin Murad Zuaageh, 21, also of Amman and a medical student at Athens University. Dergarabedian told police that he belonged to 1 Jordanian commando or1an1J.ation and that lie was sent on a "specl1I mission" to Athens to attack the El Al o!flce1. City Election Legal SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The State Court of Appeal ruled l•ial today a t168 elect.lon In whlch retldenls of the city of Alviao voted 189 to 180 to consolidate with San Jose. JU6Uoes John M•!lnart, Richard Sims Jr., and Normin Elkington affirmed a lower court decision that had confirmed the election .alter a trial Thankful Wounded Veteran Lands Job DETROIT (UPI) -The ex.anny matter what color they are." private returned from the Vietnam war Williams' difficulty in tlndlng 1 !ob and with three Purple Hearts and without a a new lease on Hfe wa1 published iti right ann. A week ago he was ready to newspapers across the natk>n last week give up on the human race. and the offers started pouring In. A ma.'1 Today he feels dlfferent. In Hooolulu·sent a telegram to the United Alvin WUUams has a wife and two Press International bureau in Detroit of· children to support, but for a year after ferlng him a job and a car dealer in Ari· returning from the war everywhere he .lngton, Va., called. looked ror employment he received the Persons Williams had never met sent same answer: "Fine, Alvin, we 'll call money totaling $400. Seven Policemen. In you." the 10th precinct donated $35 so thlt But Thanksgiving Day WilllamS had Williams could buy a 'Itianksgfvlng dlD· some cause for rejoicing as he eagerly ner for his fa mily. made plans to start a new job. The 22-But m&st important, Williama got a year-old ex-seniceman said, "I've aot job. IJ'he Hercules Forging Co. offered my faith back tn this country ncrw. l him a job as an inspector at $2.92 an learned a lot o( people hive burl no hour, which he accepted. =--'-~~--'-~~~~ The only returns we have after Christmas are the people We always increase our fo llow- ing after Yuletime. You f!8e, many of our gift recipients have never before known the glory of a Hickory Farms flavor-to say nothing of the luxury of a Hickory farms Christmae Gift-Pak. With many colorfully-wrapped Gift-Paks to choose from, you not only give your loved ones e savory gl~ but en Invaluable year-round shop· ping Up as well. He re are juat a few Hickory Farms gift SUQ• gestlons: FAMILY FAVORITE. Iv. lb. BEEF ST ICK,S or. ja r of Sweet· Hot Mustard , 5 oz. Smoky (smoked cheese bar), Y2 lb. Gouda, and 7 V2 oz. Belle Fleu r ••. and enougtt tef'lgy Horseradis h Sauce to _,. complement the cheese variety. Also ~ lb. of -;;,1. ~""'\. • ..-~.' imported. wrapped candies. $7.75 . ,.. .../5. " HOSTESS PA K. Our famous Cheese Ball . : ;J; •• _l;d an d ab°' of bite-size, Old-Fashioned Crackers ~~~-CJ~ wrapped in colorful gift paper. $2.79. ~i<loh -1<'4 '.< NEW 'PLEASURE PAK. 1 V. lb. BEEF STICK, !>. '!!:>1ifr,r.} 1 ' Gouda, Horseradis h Sauce,' Mil d Midget Long· \1~c;:,~ horn, Smokey (smoked cheese bar), two Imported ·~ Cheese Spreads, Belle Fle ur Chttae ... plus Imported cand les. $8.98. T~XAS SPREAD. 1 V. lb. BEEF-STIC K. Edam Bar cheeea, Mild Midget Longhorn , Belle Flour, Smoky, Goude , •• plus ~ lb. of imported candies. $7.98. . BIG BARN BOX. Thi• pak comes Jn our popular"b1m box." ldeel for those with chlldren. Inside the bam are 10 popular food speelal· ties. $9.98. (OELUXE BAAN: $13.98) Stop by Hickory Farms and pi Ck up one of our gift catalogue1 todly. You cln order your gift on· the apot. or ••• If you prefer, toke homo the catalogue atid phone Jn you r Praftrenco. Hickory Farms will take care of malling your gifts as an adde<I conven ience. Hicl<ort Ferm~ of Ohio. For a really tasteful ChrlstmH. Two conven ient Orange County locallori& to serve you. . NEWPORT BEACH Westcllff Plaza (Westcllff ond Irvine). 6'12.0972 ORANGE 48 Town and Country, s.13·8018 HIC KORY FARMS Ad No. 102 •• .- ) I ,, ~ - • ., . • " • .. • .. • I' ' - ' ~ ·" • I ' ' ' . N:ew::·-Me:mb.ers .. • .. ~· '. . . ' .. .. ·' . • . .. • " '. l : ' ; " 1 ' •• f I ' ' ' ' • •) . •. ' •. ' G~lng ne'w·mem~rs durb,g' .:j.;,.,~ sponsofeti .~y the'Riiiilliili'6n "'ll:rniour Comnlllt~e"o! the Orahge Couoty'Phil!)annonic·'Soclety are (lf!:ft lo rfght) Mrs. Vicki Doremus, society manager; Mrs. Dallas Mor- an 11.11 chainnan, and' Mrs. A. Bayard Dod Jr., found~r. N.;. members of Marin.;,'Group" Mrs. Robert Pi·~ oriii and Mrs •. ; Beil Kanter examine boat parade. entry-forms d1SlttbuU!d by Mrs. Ron-· aid Drews. The · Huntington Harbi>ur Committee!• principal fwidlng event is the. Christmas boat par~des and Cruise ~ LightS. Enlisting · comn\~ruty' u;-tere'.if in the Orange County Philhannonic "Societyare enthusiastic members of the new starboard Group incjuding (le!I to right) the Mmes. William' Ramsay, Tony Albanese, Tony Fuliani, David Dahlberg . -. and M. E. Buckner. The n.;. membenhlp makes the Hi>nt-• ington Harbour Committee the rargest suppoit group for the Orange County Philharmonic Socie\y in the area. ' ,. ' Arriving for the noon luncheon in the Sheraton Beach Inn are (left to right) Mrs. King Cooper.Jr., Mrs.•Ajvin -Slaight Jt,. and Mrs. Edw~ Nicholson, new members of the Islander Group beaded 'bY Mrs. George T. Hersh II. " . , ~ '•. I ' I Explaining the boat .parade .s~ll"111ile• to her ~ew members ls Mrs. William UJtlilci<'(•etond fromJeft), pr,esidenl of Ad· miralty Group. Admiralfy is ·in chafge of the zeventb an· . nulil boat parades takinl _place Sj>turday and;Slinday, Dec. 13 and 14, and aiding in the project will be (fell to right) Mrs. John Rankin, Mrs. D<J!1 Goodwin and Mrs. Patrick Doonan. Mrs. JObn Silver, board vice chairman, introduced new members. . lf,.-tYou ,W a~n:t . to Coo.k You,r Goose, Pour on Gander Sau~e .rJ -· • ,.. I· • ... .. .. I ~ ' 'I 1 • ' (.. I I DEAB·".Ainl"LAN!JER!: 'Wm )'911 • • • • • • l '· J ' ' ' • 1 'e111yl.,.n !llooo w!Wlhen..lle forced to mY•WJls llanf.'1·111···~·A friend ol!.<\T-have do!le?· Or •lllould I be I 1nswa;1·11jmpie..UOO?No~or ·' • ,tl!lnllabout~"""4t~cl0oeof00rta11c ol mlJie•apen\'~~-o'id ·• h8I! m'a.r·IYrl What ,,.ould• you " ~· pleaa. llvenJl ooe wiJnl ~ Cynlllia'-· with 111 ~pl lloall-beraUni·me lor·,.fe<unii;her:I coaldo'I &.! ~ANN ' ~..:.1::::.::t 'Jt =·t ~, ty,·"I will ~V.r ·alleod,1 illoeral -not get a word.In fdlH"*. '" '" "·i 1.lllrAJl·:ilNtrnmR: ·r1n ooi ;.. ad an allalr doo't you '1blnli !he has the evei yours." I feel hurt. P1eue ad· One problem il,lhlt •lhil •WO!lllllt ii .,..,,.. aot me. Oai, 1'l' ... J,...e lhe <· righttoci:;thname! -TIT FOR TAT vise. l\IORBID (!)MOTHER elderly. BU\'does 11e give people the U'911s of ytv tolenatt. ·i.wi'-., 1,. 1 DEAR MOTHER: Yov d•llater's right to d~·t!'at. they be.ca~ to _ .cu evalua&e ,_. lftd rer m~• DEAlt TAl:o-wnt do yoa mea1 by Two yean aao When her grandmothtr room and listened to rec;ordl. We thought hailg-up •boal deaUi It probably rooted 19 and pampereCl.lrtiDe they IO on and on Tiiis woman 15 too far pae .. danp "dte r J 1 II l?" Wbo pv1 IQM dtt died ~ refusta to attend the funt.ral. !lL""ely she'd attend the ·rune.ral, but ahe u early espeiience th.II terrtfkd bier ud reclUng ln endttss detail, trivia, nonsense her ways and )'OQ'd better ~It. l'vt rtpt? Tbe fad &DI 1our busbaad is Gr~a w~ laid out beautifully amJd didn't. Her only comment was, "Death Js prodDCed ID emoUonallJ crlppUBs died. and gossip that drives lhe listener up the ob!.erved that most people let Utem1elvtl havlq an llfatr ii no reuo:.1 for you to the banks of Ooral oCferinp. We wanted too morbMt to tblnk about." 'De ii clearly out of,_.. rtadl, boWeffr, wall? up for )Mt abou' 11 a&¥il ,.1,..._1, u ' loUle )'OllntU ;f,• too. Slact yom ••&· Cynt~ia to come see bow peace.ful · 11. I Id Cynlh' ~ _, wilt b •· mi·• ·~ '-•riatd ..... r re y 111-word, I'D do 90• G -•-· 1oo•~ ~.1 ~i.~ ... u , Yesterday we had a ta.... t.o 11 »~ •·•••"I Hl c up -.::r ..... , so I am well aware that this person Is ...,y fllrJ"• ~ J!J ,..... raui.u.... -w ---.... 'Jt'1 • ttilt acceplUta de&Ul. ii part of growing do yourseU a l1vor and coa11der Ute tab-lonely and l feel sorry for her because ~ ~· Ne. •Nte of Ume'to go loot..ll •dead body." · up, She inl1s\S that ure is bad enough and )eel 'joff Umltl." U yoa eu -C)iltlllla to sbe has driven .away to many former Ann Land<rs will be &lad IO Imlp yoo wUh Y°""·probltml. -U.. 10lier111 caro·ol the DAILY PILOT, ... in( a sc•~altilrcSS<!d, !Ulmped en~elope. DEAJI ANN LANDERS: la It abnormal · Two weeb •-Ill C)nthla'a c1-I ahe.relusea to think about death. I worry 1eee1'1....,.Uq II aboUI be bdplul. friends. How much do I owe berl Should • !or a 11·YW;o!<i to !la•• a,,11bobla about fri"Jll)o wudica•llbt1!il·lrull Irie!· -her, Ann. ~Wbat;ll abe:i·haa • '·• .t. I tn to cet horto undentand whalahe ii d<>•th! I am worried about our daught<r. 8lri<ken, wouldn't ul, jall llayed In her stillborn child, or lelit·ber ftulbend•it .a. .. !>!>\&·JINN l.ANDEllS~ At 11111·polnl delng· to· hmeM!·8t...ld I "drop· her ' ' • I \ ....................................................................................................................... _,, ........................ ~~ ....................... ,.,.., .... .,.,-.~.~-"""-·~~-'-~-·· ' -. . -' . <J• DAILY PILOT ¥&£: 4 Holiday Celebrations ' - Envelop Ebel/ Club Preparations are under way home ; Mrs. James W. Hines for Newport Beach Ebell will o(Je!l her Newport 8-b Club'a,hoUday activiUea. home lo -$ . ..-n, As 1ome boat ..... decorate aad Ille ·PM .....,.wfll t.avel their hornet foi warm, r..,. to HuntiDaton ,Harbour for a ~ ti11!i~ .. ,.sllerillp. oilier.I.are ~~·~ :!!.'!.~ • p l annln1 se1aiona·tn w ~ numc UL &a1• ....... .,. i· rest.aurutl: 4 _. ~1 •"·.:,-· ·· ,: Luncbmt oa1 Tu..a,, nee. 'Oil '111e ... , .i.1 Goren : z, will be lllOll1ben ol Jlook eo..iten wtU mMI al -..r ... :· Section 3, u n d er the a -llicheon and aftemooa (l'- l. chaJn?anabip of Mrs, William • llrldle la p., cfu~ Thayer, 'while Ille clubhouse Club pmj~ llrl. L. H. has been seleeted by Mn. McBride, wltt hoot Boot Sec- Philip Pike for the metUng tlon·I Friday, Dec. lt, IDd Clll place of the newly formed MondaJI, Dee. DI Boot Sec11on Arts and Crafts SeeUon. Mon-7 wUI . have a UDCbeoa ad day. Dec. a. party with Mrs. llfllea u Thursday, Dec. lJ, seems to bosttsa. · be a J10pular day, for three BookSectlon4memben~· Book Sections will get.logelher huabands will dtM out, ... the-.1. Section 1 wid be hosted cordlna lo Mrs. D. D. Ovando, by Mn. Roymonll K • n I cbalrmln.iJlme·lnd plliinolll lfarvey in her Corona del Mar be announced later. Toastm fst'.ress~~; __ Haa· ,? -., lnt.~rnC!tiQnal ,~,~i9Jjt ;'.:., .,.., , International Night Wfll be :;-introduced when 1.Councll 1 Six, i Golden Desert Region of "' Jnteroationat Toastmistress • 4<. Clu bs, meets at 7:30 p.m. g Monday, Dec. t, in the Green- ~· brier Inn, Garden Grove. ~ Clubs will adopt a fore.ign country for their decor and f dress and will display the 1-'. country's map and re ad ~ newsletttrs __ from· --it. Pr:iies ' OC Single Bees will be ·awarded Uie· .. crub dllplayJnc>lbe.-1'!''dlJ,_ Mrs. Mary Lee on n • supmlaor' of Golden ~ Region, wUI spea~ on bet trip around the world vlaltlna Toastmistress cl~ A I 1 o 'j>ljsent wlll be Mlp. Donald 1't c.C{r ~I qr, aj 'l"J. It~•• t superviii<lr. -· · ·- On diaplay will be tn- lrilUlo!! aouvenin· ""11 lo Ille .. , ......... --··""". ..,.~ .. ....... quarters from f o r e I & a ToaalmlllreSlclubl. An,....~ lo •!lend the meell9g 11111'-Mn. ca1Y1n , e.ltoU, ...,,.. of lcOanl:o m, for acidllfooal 111- fonnaµon . ~ • • ~ Tbe second and, fourlb Fri- ~ day of the montb orange :t: County SlngJe Bees i•tber' in ~ Pioneer Town, Santa Ana. ~ Activities begin at-l.p.m. i:;;:;::=======-M. oose Group ~ Mok~ 'Cents' , i W(ltleD of the Mooee, llsi ':;' Pint II penn1~$. Mak' dollars. It's assemble . the first and third ~ th! b!st deal you'vt ~n offer-Thursday of each month ·for ~ td todar. c.11 642-5678 for the mietings in Mooee Home, i! dlrtct line to" profits. Costa Mesa. The prognn:11 • ~!:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=!!_beg~~m~a~tl!_!:P·~m~,~_:.__:._~.d ~ '• • ·• ' ·. ·• '· ·-•• '• > • .. .. • ·-·• :; , ., , • •• •• ~ , ~ ~ • ,, • • 1 ~ ~ • • ~ • ~ -• " . -• . .. • • • . • ·~ •. • • • . • . . ., • • • . • • • • • • • • ~ ' ; • • • 1. • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • open today H1rri' ind C1c.fu1 C11u1I two frou11r-maktrl ptrmanently press•" re ady.to.wear merchandis• MARY GRACI GEOFFROY " , Janilary 'lrlda Coed · to Join Bridal Ranks Mr. and Mrs; Alfred Vmcent Jol'len•en of Newport Beach'.bave nvealed tho engag .. men! of her daurbter, Mary Grace Geoffroy to Army 2nd Lt. Ri!J>h Dozier Crosby Jr., son of Army Col. and Mrs. Ralph Dozier Crosby of Charleston, S.C. Miss Geoffroy; a 1966 Children's Home Society debutante, is an alumna of Corona 'del Mar High School and is a senior majo ring· in sociology at California Wes'tern University. In high school she was a songlander and senior homecoming princess and at Cal West· ern she was 1968 Glamour Girl. HoroscopEr · • • Area Talent I •: Sing, Read In Bay Club Local taJent will entertain members of Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor as they gather in Balboa Bay Club Tuesday, Dec. 2, for brunch. -• ....... '· Arrogance -----------·---------·--. . . . .. . .. . . ..... OPEN DAILY 10..10; SUN. 10..7 _.,..,. .......... ', . -· .. ,,. Her fiance graduated 17th out of 800 in his class at West Point. He was a four.year star man, president of the debating team and International Relations Club and was award· eel for being first' in hi! civil engineering class. Newport Harbor High School Chantelles will offer a pro- gram of sacred and secular =:~r.~ctio• of Miss Friday an~ Saturday Three members of Newport •••••••Iii' llli'lliil••.i.llli'••••ii' ---·-••lliil•••ml The bride~,.lecl's father is com· mandant of The Citadel in Charteston . The couple have selected Jan. 31 for their evening wec!Fg in St. Andi'ew's Pres· byterian Church. · • Bazaar's A-bloom Harbor Children's Theater Guild, the Misses Joan Stain- forth, Mary Macy and Peg Re- day, will~ a reading of Dylan Tbomaa:' "A Child's Christmas in Wales." A We of unusual gifts created by Ille Fine Arts Deputment ·. wtdcl:t m & e t s Thundlyl in Newport Harbor . Conumatty .Youth Center will Plants, ·artlficlal flowers; provement of the Garden benefit the club's scholarship wall trees and evergreens will Center, a 1.4 acre m111mortal &o program and fumisbing or the be among items offered at the,..,w,..ar=ve,,""-...,.-=·,,-:-:---:::-=Y-oo_thT.'Cen-:ter:-._"'=-:--::-I annual Holiday Ba z a a r SUNDAY 12 to S, Baatlngton 'Beaeh benefiting Orange C o u n t y Memorial Garden cr.i Monday. Dec. I, at Orange County FalrgroUnds . Included in the day's ac- tivtUea whlcb hello at 10 un • are demollltraUona of wreath mafdng and • food bar al whlcb j11111, jelilea and CO!> feclloaa will be sold. Door prizeJ .m be awarded every hour until 4 p.m. Proctedl·aN earmarked for maintenance &1d im- :ii; (}fi :Ji~t Pf.a.ie6/ ofuxurg.; ROBES IN LARGE SlZES Oth•t Htr4 ,. Jlntl Cl1thln1 Glftl '9r The Ha,.,_T..P:hl • DR!SSIS • SWEATERS • ILOUSIS • CAHIS • GOWNS • SLIPS · e PANTIES • FRIE GI" IOXIS • Gift Certifiules • LAYAWAY Effa. ZE Nor'sHALF·SI SHOP llOS NIWPORT ILYD .. COSTA MISA Y, lleck le. .t 11th ltnat "Out Of S ight" Fmhiom SALE! SWEATERS ' . 2 Doy• Only 3 00 Chtu1e l <1 Groovy styles for fall: Acrylic s~lp-ons or cardlgana. Full fashioned with nov elty and cable fronts. "In" V-N!Cks crew neck& Soft and JoveJy in colors gals t'dli~l 34-40. ~ ~· . . .I. I~ 1 ft1hie11 hl1"4, 111wpo,t ~.,i. * 644·1110 l.•11••m•rlc•ri * W111t.r 1h1tt• 14 HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH (Next tt larker lros.) . . . ' • ' ' .. ' ALSO 224 OltANGEFAIR M1'll. ~ULLERTON _ SANTA ANA ORA NGE COSTA MESA WESTMINST ER ' ' • ' • ' ' \\ • ' t , .... J , . t ,, 1 , • ,, r , 1 , "r i • 3 1. 3 1. ---· ·- TEN CENTS . S.tf(:)~ger Board? Appe(lfs.· ·Group ~S tr-e ngthe·ning Sought Broaden<d powers far tbe tluntlncton lle¢1· lloar!l1ol .\ppeOJa haye been "'8· gested ., Bulldlni and S8kfy Depan.. ment t>lrtdor Ollln C. "Jack'' Cleveland. He'1 like to see the board be able to issue more tban·a. lear-lt-down or:teavt-· ll<Jp . -~ -· clwelliq> .... drect for .beating. · · ., · .. . Shortly after the f1rat of the year the board will consldtr the flnt appeals from a building depll'liiient·llst-of dtatioM to owners-of-hon\*. ruled to be· dangerous under city ordlnancu. Cleveland said tbe board at preoent does not have the power to modify building department .action, only to ap- prove or deny such action. "We .would like for the board to have the power· to change, modify and Issue time extensions with condlUons on orders to repair or demolish okler, unsafe houses which are occupied by , their owner1,"·Cleveland said. . -.He' emphaslzed that the city 1w no ln- tenUm of throwing people out of their horhea, but pbioted out that aome of tile oJM,,r bomea Involved In current appeals ~ repairs to mate them· Slfe for oc- cupancy •. Several owners o~ homes on Warner and Washington avenue! ln the centril part· of tbe city have •filed apPtlhl 'to rep&lr' or . demolish orders from the ~ulldlng department. "Some of these .home& need extensive re~, some not so much," Cleveland potnted out .,I think It reasonabJe that the Board of Appeals · be granted the power to order any step ,between demoli~ lion including the granting of time ex.· tensions with conditions." . Cl.Veland added that the cooditlons mlght Include lmprovements 1uch as remoVing Juiik, old outbuildinp, or junk "ci!is. They mlght · IJtdudo DilnimW. repairs to make buildings sale SuCb as ·proY!ding adequale electrical Wing, be siid. Most of the leeway the .board should have is not 'permitted under current law . . according to•the··building direclor. He said be would ask tbe City Coundl to grant the Board of Appea!J the aame laU'u41! u It baa the city Board of Zonfnc Adjustment. Jn making allowanca· to tit the needs of the Individual. Cleveland add~ thal1 he will auaut that any variances granted be. recotdid with the County Recorder to lmure till& granls would be only to tbe preaent llDd- owoers and not lo suseguent ownen.. Mike Collins To Get High · U.S. Position Five. Now Civilians . . . NEWEST COIF AT THE BEACH: IT'S CALLEO A SANTA ANA l:IAIR STYLING ·Ll11 Gentry, Nanty Sawyer, Both of-Tustin, Found Air W1rm, Wind Unruly. on S.nd1 Thl1 Momlnt Santa Anas Lash Coast )oint Viet Commi~ee To Probe Massacre . KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (AP) -Pre•I· dent NiJ:on aMounced today he will nominate astronaut Michael Collihl to·be assistant sec{J!tary--o( state for. public af. Gusts Up to 45 mph; L.ittl.e Damage Report.ed '~ilin•. commander or the.command , . module during the Ju\y moon Qjght of By J ANICE . BERMAN Of lllt Dtlr»' Pl.., SI.it You may can it "Santana," but if you do, you're wroog. ll's,"Santa Ana," and refers.to.1,M hot.city, dully. wealber lhat accompames· tHe malevolenHoaodiag whistle of1tbe Santa Ana"winds. . The -h ... -·blawJnS up • aemi,storm lince early•FrldoJ .......... o:ieatllC ·a. lot " -· -~llllli, . but ...,. little damale .... Ilia Orange Coast. Orange County Airport reported gusts ranging from 20 to 15 miles per hour, bul the .strong breezes have had little effect campers _811d trailers. No major·damaee Apollo 11, will be ·in charge of arranging on commercial and general avlaUon. All his been re~rted. publiC speeches and dllcusato'ns of foreign plines ....... schedule, although takeoff Tbe EdiloD ComROJJy•r.ported Ill.... policy. . . ~-- dlrodldnsbave lieelt changed to avoJd the . • • :.i , UJiis, ·P ' orilf•jfsJ lifl '~I ...... --lfic;c;tic..•:._. _ .. l,.. l!<'!''!JIP'-'~'!tbip .... ~""'!&~ ~e '••f",..;· .,,,. control ..,,... l<flOlUd· -aHl!Ollih w..nI ·connocllng . -llt~1-11i tho .,_... ffiJhtl by l1ilall pbines,tbln1nannal, and . Jrial!>. lines to ............. JeVa,cf by lilt fbo itir ~ • "" •I ~ said ~ pononnei '"" rltllq · · " -' -·.. .., -'" " · · · ntiiii J!: Uldiiae...::. UJlf>l alrcrall .Ofl~ the U.S, iv..iher ll!lriau hi r::::U. f.Trli:::' u{-',::':j r.-~ a. ca&P llipw1y Loi Alllolil ~ lhe> linla Ano .,,,,. Mm11 <!M!'Jrl1.!' !l'ltlt .,. ~ PatnJI hU posted Slgalerts on mooi m.. dllim IO•priolll tllroo&h Saturdq; bul when ~.tl,lho Apolio 11 cmr and jor highways in +Oranp,, IUverside and ''we haYe no offtdaJ foreeailt beyond that. their wlm-·hld CUnner 1( the White Sao BerutdioO c:Guntiu •for owners ol W ~ •·" ........... ~·"! .:... "-" House earlier thll month. e •< ,_ .............. -Y WU<·-· The Stale Deparlment poll has been to weaken," said meteoroloeist George vac~~ since January when DixOI) .~no By Unlrect Preu lnlenatlonal Until two weeks ago, the form.er com. mander of tbe Army's. Uth Brigade waa certain hls troops did not slay Viel· 1 n~mese villag~r.s,at My Lal on March ~6, l!IM. Now, Col! Oren K. Henderson·aays he is not so sure. N01llla'¥1 w•m~ of Iha ~ V1alr ·--Iii ·111\1 •.-bl;. ;\ l<!lnl cGmmltlao 'Jiraded bY lien. Tran Van Qoo>i; • it• ci Iha 111113 ~ 11'"'111 loniilt'Pielldenr Nao· D!ilb IJ!e!ni 11 'W · betln *n.'illY..UgatiOlf MQnclay, Sill da,. ... delQ Mlnllter Ga. Neuy .. Van 'V'I ~ the repaita· U-''l<italJ1 WI' tnli.'' . . 21 Nominated for 8 Seats Andrews. ntilly resigned· and moved to the Trea~ury Andrews uplained why the "devil Department aa director of ·public affairs winds" fonn. · · · · there. .. , Jar bi"" . te In • second porlOMtl announcement, Jn aDother development, the Anpy said at 'least five of the 15 civilian ex-G ls under tnvaUgation In connection with lhe massacre were mustued out aner a probe of the incident began last March. The Army stalement was given . in answer to questlorui as lo whether men who have lell ·lhe M!rvice can be -court martiiled or otherwise tried. On Beach Chamber Board There• _a g~ &''pressure· sys m Nlml uid'he ·wln nominate WiWam R. over the w~m plateau, 1n Nevada a¢ Fohl, a 3'-year.()Jd NegrO, to head the Utah. And there's a ,Iow;pressure V&tem VlSTA cyolunteer, in Service to, Amer- on the ocean. · lea) pro~m as an asslstarit director of ' -· · I l ............ the Office of Economic Opportunity. ~erry • W. F~ledhelm, P en ta g .o n spGkesman, gave no reason why the men were not held in service to face possible cOurt tilarliaJ. He said he believed su'ch a ' pfocedure would h a v e been "not unusual." Twenty-one candidates have. been nominated for ej.ght positions as directors of the' Huntington Beach Chamber oE Commerce. ·Seven will be elected for a three-year term-and one for a two-year term. Mail ballots are to be returned to the chamber office by Dec. 5. Nominees are Jerome M. Bame, at.~ tomey · Wllliam Brazney, sporting goods store ~er: Don L. Byrnes. vice presi- dent Huntington Harbour Corp.; Richard SPACE MESSAGE: 'BEAT ARMY' ' ABOARD USS HORNET (UPI) -The Apollo U astronauts, all newly appointed Navy captains. sent a special telegram to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis wishing the cadets a victory over Army when the two service academies meet on the football field Saturday. "Your i~at Army' flag, carried to the mooo aboard Apollo 12. will be returned upon releaae from quarantine. Good luck and beat Army," said .Charles· "Pete'' Conrad, Richard F. Gonion aJld ·Alan"L. Bean, J .. Camj>btlt, distrlCt. manager, Southern C.lilomia F.dison Co. Louis F. Evans, gene~al manager, Sheraton-Beach fM ;. Jack Feehan, district manager; Southem• Counties Gas . Co.; Max L. Forney; superintendent, Huntington Beach· Uni!>n Hlg~ Sch~I District; William E. Foster, vice pres1· dent, Huntington Beach Co. Paul Frizzell, vice president. Security Pacific National Bank; Jack Groth, Groth Chevrolet Co.: Vern House, manager, Rancho del Rey Mobile Estates ; Fred Kalenborn. district superlntendent, Standard Oil Co. Allen Klingen·smith, attorney; George Lusk, preaident, Lusk & Son Developers; Frank Richmond. Francois Restaurant; Ed Sullivan, ltislrict m a n a g e r , Autmnobll1t' Club of Southern California : Ed A. Thorhpson, assistant general manager. Robertshaw Conlrols Co. Richard J . Waidzunas. manager , Southern California First National Bank : Darrell E. Ward, Smiihs' Mortuary and Pacific View ~femorial Park: Thomas Welch, Country Day School, Arthur H. Wolf, general manager, Sea Aira Mobile Estates. The names were submitted by a . nominating committee. headed by ·Kalen-. born and including Jim De:Guelle, Jaci: · Higley, llopr SI.ilea .and Noble Waite. ' l ''..:: wmd has to · lznne w • ..,...,.~ Since March, Ford has been director of yons and mountain puaes. Al 1t the MJchipn Employment Security Com~ squeezes lhrllugh, tt speeds up, and when mfssloo. nie VISTA poll pays 1311,000 a the air comes down t1irough the desert it year. · ' compreuet and wanns u.p." Nlxon and bl• family were relaxing at He ·was a!ked ''What is 8 high and their bayside home here for. a IOng: holi· ,,, ' ' ' day weekend. The Presldent al8o was what ls a low· . doing some work on the federal budget. "Barometer readings weigh the air all the way to the top of the atmosphere," Andrews said. "It'1 just like lf you have a tub. Half the tub is completely full. and the other half s only half full. If you pull out lhe divider in the tub, the water w11l slosh around, trying to equalize itself," he said, "Air ts a liquid, and behaves in many WiYS just like water does. The molecuJes in air move around uslly,"·he said. Andrey.is may think air Is a liquid, but apparently.Orange CounUans don't. LocJI markets report a run on Chapstick in the past ,two•4'1ys. SU>ek Market NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market held ronlo a small· but •qu!te ·broad gain in" slow lr~dfilg Jate 'today. (See quota• U~, Fq.s 24-25). The desultory trading ~ce 1was due to nlarly tla'den taking an menaed TbaIJU.. &ivinl 'Wetkend. Newport Theater Hit by Burglars Thanksgiving Day burglars stoJe $1,400 worth of video tape and sound equppment froril Newport Beach's Open, End 'Ibeater, pOlice reported. · Police said the theft was d111COvered la~ '.J't!uraday, but·e point of entry-Into the old theater building at 2815'Villa W~ Jn Newport's Rhine area coul~ not be found.·- It .... lbe -theft oc:ovrlng In tbe theate( In recent mollt.h!I. · Earlier thla fall, burglars fOUhd' an open wlndow In the theiter .and stole aeveral hundred dollars in Weekend receipts frOm a cash · bOx In an up8tairs offi<e. A vid"' lope l«Order a.id playback set, along with a tape rceorder •ere bl.ken in the Tbarllday theft. -- A total or 26 men , lncludi.Dg the civilians are under lnvi stigaUon. The Anny· information ·officer who wrote tilt first news accounts of the "Pinkville'' operatlon -the Gl name for My J.ai -says nt thought something w~s Wrong with. the report as soon as lie wrote lt, the Chicago Tribune said today in a copyrighted 1tory. "I knew it was fishy as soon as 1 wrote * * * Arm y Judge Hits Discussion of Massacre Case . . F't. iiENNING.'Gl.·(AP) -lop A~y judge says his order for. potenUal wit- nesses not to d~ lbe My Lai slaying case In pubflc Is being defied and, he hu caUed·a meeUng of attorneys today. No Holidays· for Beach Heli-pilot 4. Col. S.ld W. Kenndey, who will establlsl>·the1Anny's legal guidelines In the court-martlaJ ol Lt. Wllliam L. Calley Jr., announced Thunday his plans to call the cloafa Rsalon "~ corrie to eome kind of conclusWl about defiance of an order to wttnwe.s • • to quit talking to the pre1s." He gave no Indication or the action con· lemplated. "I ·can undentand almost anyUl\ng ex- cept this conUnuous ltlterropliDn of , witnesses and potential witnesses and the When you 're one of only four men qualified to fly the police department's helicopter, holidays corq_e fe:"fV and far between. Oflk:er Floyd Stefford of Hunlln&too Beach 1penl much of Thanksgiving up In the lir1 His only rest was a IJtrte..how' breether on the ground waiting for 45 mph wtndJ to calm down. Thursday w1s a quiet day 1n tJle "Bir. Staffard's most notable reports were the chase of two girls In a speeding car who turned out to be trying to dllch a male pursuer and several flights ovtr con· otructlon jobs. But Gn Veteran'• Dllly, Nov. II, SW· rord'1 fellow pilot, Officer James Lall waA COOlidtrably busier, That tt17 Jn the air result.ed tn alx felony arrests. one mlsclemeanor arrest ' .\ , ,, and 151.ist&nct in finding a missing child. the driver hopped back in his car ana Officer Lall'& day started with a call_ to drove off. find several yotmgters c ! • in b I n g Several routine flights were made, then t:Jephane poles ileer Salmon Lane. The at 3:30 p.m., aboye a .fl~ld . east . o( luds made-a .clean ptan,9, Slid' pblict; Greic?rrlAn~ came the tlty's big catcJt, but before Lail .and bll' spOtter;.OfflCU. -1 Olfictirs Lail· aiid Corley spotted four m. James Corley, could brood over the mat· dJviduala 1e1ted, on the IJ'OUlll, J)&I* ler Ibey were off f<A' HilntlJll1!ln Beach .sadca scau.red l1'0Wld. Hl&b School. l1lo fM men ran, but lllroogh ~ At lbll point flremei.,...,..-called 'to ml' laudlpeaker were told·to·halt. rescue two yCllltha\frcrn. tiJl.-...(,of "'°' Qlf Lall ... ! the craft on the grouild .choot. • • • I -· whlie !leer Corley hopped out and II'• A short break !or lunch at l•p.m., and r<Sled file four. They· lumed out to ~ tht police heUcopter crew was In the alr four of five men chars~ with being JD.. again by z,15 p.m. Near Ellis Avonue and volvtd (;,a l>urglazy oarll<r In tho day. Golden W•ll s1 .... t. a 9latlon wogon wu • Back IJt Ibo air, both ifflcm expedecl Spotted ntar I lleld and Ir look>d like the to f!ni!h the dly will: roilllne patrols, llllt driver wu &olnl lo illegally dump some .Jt didn tt hlppen thll ,,.way. NeJt ~a trash. ' • quick call fpr help fnxn tlio (l'<Jllnd unlls When lie spoiled the poli<e chopper owchlnf lir i mflllilc ti'.,.ar-old boy lloverln1 overhead, &aid police reports, alone thc..Suta.4na.-Bh'tr. ' • ' Sweeping low along the river bed from pubUcaUon of what they say before It 15 Ellis Avenue aoiiih 1o tho ocwi; "veral ·llald ltl CllW:I," KeMedy uid. "Something • fresh cavo-lns .. ,..,... noted and. chee~ed jull.hU to be done abpuLtbls. '" ' t b tmd ~~u-1 Calley, .a ·i.yoar-old former platoon OU y gro crews. nuuw•I WU ound. «JllU1W1der In Company C, 1st Bllttallon, Lalor the publlc ldd,.si· systen\ wu 11th Wantry BrictMle, ls charged with employed to ult chlldmi In . nearby murderlng ·tllll Sooth Vleblameoe d•lllanlo oeiib!Joi:booda U they bad spotted the at tho' villqe of My Lal oo Mardi II ;Ollnlator. It .... 1l!an\ed be • bad tut 1111. ' • ..... 1!ff11 plafh!l lp-Ooeta M_... and. wu 'Ebo A!W' llald · ri(ood<)'· JI plw lo ~·f06Dd bddinc1\cme. . brlile· CIU<y bOIO... a Iowa! ·COWi· 1 ~ ,crt!'. •! -~~· ff.B. ~e made-OJ!e · m.,ull, ,1 ••• • • • mor~)Jl~lhUlimeinU..ctark . A dl)' laW,.~y;•who·'ls •oenlor ~-... ,.,..lo ... lilnoamed_ • ,mAn lrWJudplnthe)udpaclv0cate'11ecUon ,.,peeled ol *'11 wtth . a dead!Y htrt, ord<red lbat ~ntlal wttn ..... be weapon. .1 • ln1tructed to dilcuu tbe eaee before trlal Wh<n Uie mb ,.. hil wltli a beam o1 only 'with attorneys Involved or Calley. ~gf!l lroli1 tilt lliqppe, be ran llralCht In' He dlrocted capi. Aubrey Daniel, who J!> the arms of n>tjl . .a Ille aroimd. · wtil oerve u tilt Ann,v's prosecutor to Wlllt· lhlt tho <:JW of I( 8. Eye w11 f!Jlorm all wl\...,.. ol the onter \m-•llQWed to ,.... . • • me\fl1tel1. • ' • It," the Tribune quo~ ArthurJ>unn. 27, of Suburban Forest Pa.ck. .. "There were 128 of the enerri tep;>tted killed and only three Weapons~ciptitted." be said. 11That doesn't qulte jibe.:" In an interview --with WV.Ee.TV ·al Hampton, Va., Col. Henderson said' "Up until two weeks' ago, 1 would have ;..orn thR~ it could not happen without me knowing about It. "But when I start ~eeing TV broadcuta and hearing &oldien speak about this subject who were thenlselves eyeWit,. nesses, I begin to wonder " saxl Hen. derson, now attacbe(l • to;-the Armed Forces Staff College at Norfolk, Va. American soldiers have ·been ac:atJied or killing as many as 567 ciVwan1 at the village. U . William L. Callty Jr. faces a courtmartial on charges of J.:llling 109 of them. S/SSt. David Mitcl!eU bu been charged with as.sault with in&ent lp murder. The Army is investilatlng 24 otlfer soJdiers for possible pardclpaUon in the alleged massacre. Henderson ssld the first report he had of any incident came from 1 helicopter pilot who told him of seeing a soldier kill a civilian on the ground below. Henderson investigated and said the soldier convinced him that he first thought the civilian was dead, but then raised up as to throw a grenade., The colwiil 1aid he qgestloned an the troop! operaUng in the area at the time and had been aatillfed there was no "shooting up or civilians." Orange C:out Weadier Those Santa Ana winds die· hard, and they'll 1till be kicking up a dll!I storm Saturday, keeplJW tile temperatures in the upper 70's almg the coast and about 10 deo grets higher further loland. INSm E TODAY The ChildrcQ TJieattr G~ild "blg show" of tlrt vear com.1 up this wc111ken4 when. tM Har- bor Aria oroup stoges "Pu.ar in Boot.t" at U.. Orange COG1t Co~ ~gt auditorium. Details in ~ doll'• W eekcnder. MlilfMI ,.... _W ... 11-.IJllen .. ·~_ .... CMIY It ,!j .... _ M ....... ----... Stoel MA,_... M-• T~ • T1lttMn ,, .. .,, ... , . •1911 Miit 11 --.. W-•t ,.... ,,.,, Wllar.ffr lNi , ' ---"' ..... _.,. ... H Md1y, N-br ,.l~ , -: ~ -"' I DAILY PILOT 2nd Worst .· .. • ,~ .... ,. ·• . .. w-. ' ' :r ore1gn ar . . ' ' ., SAIGON (UPD -O.~. casualtlt! in the " '. -• , I • Yi6tnarn war surpllSsed the 300,000 mark 'his week Jnd rnilil.ary sources said t.Oday 1 he coDflict may become the second cos- 1 ll<st forei&n war • ., U.S. history by ~erl April . · Viet Cong troops mauled a South Viet· namese unit in a Mekong Delta ambush. Official U.S. rtcords show that a1 of last Saturday, aa .m AJner.icans ha~ l!ee~t }:illed and 2M.m· wo\J.nded' in Vietnam lince Jan. 1, 1961. In addition, 1,341 are missing for a total or 299.691 c;.sualUes. ~ ~- Sources said that fightlng~across South ' . I' • • I ' ' ~ ! MARI NA HIGH'$ BOY AND GIRL OF .THE MDtUH Seniors P•ul Li1rsen •nd B.cky O.no1 C·i'ted fot ActJvltie1 en Ci1mpu1 Vietnam sinct $ajutdt!.X. h.as cost.at lea.st... _ . , .. · .. ~::i:~~·~:~·~:~~7.:,=·· Becky.Denos Paul Larsen ~·tr the 'c.asualfy ra~ ·continues at the ~ ' ·Ume level, the IOUTCU uki, Ute World 'War I.total_of 320,710 Americans ~Ued or o· h ' M . s d ~eel will be surpassed by April, 1970. . ct·o er s arm t:u ents World War I cost 11"74» Americans· ki:I· . " a . 'ecf·aixl 204,002·WOunded. Ttle costlle.st foreign war in Amtrican .l>lrtorf wa's World War It with 962i977 casiialtiei, 292,131 U.S. troops kUJed in ·a~t.IOn and 570,141 w~nded. The toll in ·tfit· Korean war wa!I 33,129 killed and JOO.ltl wounded ·for a toll! of 136,913. The report on the Mekong Delta am· bush said a Viet C.ong force caught a unit of :dlllttlamen escorting a 1V1ytoij o{fk!r alOnr a road 72 milts~tllWes( of &aikon Thuntday. Military 90Ul'ces said 36 South v1e1n.;,n... ~ wete killed and )1 wounded in i hlif of iu\oinatic WellJ!OnS fire and hand grenades there was no rtport of Viet Cong casualt.ies. '"Ttie payroll officer was being eJCOrted trotn outpost to outpost in Ule region ~~ the Viet Cong struck. :.u .S., Ru ss End .... 1st Arms Talks ' . On Good Note .. 'Becky Oei101 and Paul Larsen have been named October's boy and girl of.the month at Marina Hl&h School. ·Miss Denos.·• senior, has heJd a varie- ty of · bonor:t> 'and ., offices, including freehmaa of the year, sophomore of the year .. Girts' State alternate and class council representati ve. She has served on. the Viking Council as freshman commissioner, sophomore commi5sioner and in her junior year as . student body vlce-presldtnJ. She ls cur- rei1tJy Anchor Club prealdent and Girls' League vice-president. Paul Larestn, also a Jenlor. has been on the honor roll for three years and is the school's current senior claas pres!· dent. He has .al.so held offices lo s~verat clubs and organiiatlonr, including the German Club, Medical.Careen Club and lhe Key Club. 'Rusty Adopted Viet Girl~' Lieutenant's Sister Says GAINESVILLE, r ia. (AP ) -1st Lt. running through the streets always hurt \Villla~ i.. "Rusty" Calley who is charg· him m0$t." cd with 109 South Vietnam murders, once Mf.s. Keesling, 27-year-old wife of a col· adopted a starving, half-naked little Viet· lege lnstrud(lr, Is the elder sister of •. ];IELSINKI (AP) _ U.S. and Soviet namese 1i.rl and kept her fed and clothed Calley. The stubby fll1it lieutenant faces ,11egoliators wound up·two weeks of secret unUt she vanished while ht fought the a court-martial. itm!I curb talks today in what was war, his sister says. "Rusty alopted the girl, accordin& to a atSciibed IS a favorable atmosphere ''It btoke him up.'' said Marian Kees!· letter he sen us,'' sai0d Mrs. Keesling. 1'esJ)ite ·a smatte~ini .of caustic comment ing. ''Seinli naked and starving children "But qne day when he Came back fram 'trom Moecow. Arter a 105-mlnute seuion at the U.S. mancuvera she was gone." Einblasy; the en'901• agreed to mtet £ , J B' h Calley complained ln other letters Again nut Tuuday at the Soviet p1scopa IS op about the conditions in Vietnam. "He said Emblssy. his IJ'OUP would be out for 50 days In Ule Today's aession was the fifth privalr heat, mud and grass w!th only K·rations discussion.abetween the two sides since Sa ys Pope MiQ to eat.'" , e sister. the Stralt&ic Arma Limitation Talks ""f "Ru ·; · home for a packaae from (S ALT) opened Nov. 17. the ( • sardines, cheese and Conference sources: estimated after On Bn' ·th Co somet ,Wt;y. I don't think he liked it tod • · 1h h · ro sfll (the wif ·.;ry more than the rest." •Y s meeting at t e negoua rs 1 But it Wal the kids who cul into the "'~ ha\'e another ""·eek or two of discus.skins , ~ -.ahead before ending the preliminary SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -::-~}lop 0:, Ye!f'-01d: aol~'s heart, according to round at Helsinki. The nest stage ls sup-Kiimer Myers of the Eplscopar~ ~ ~f~ ~sling,, , . p>Sed to be full-aca)e negot.iation1. ' California says Pope Paul Vt.JS Wt_on;g Jn e.~lftiY,·J.na~~~.of ?v.iaml, phoned his A news bllckout ~bQw· the talks.are":~ his &and · aoafnst artificial bi'ni EOh\rol -S1t\t.t ~!.'~~:' .~e seemed in good · """J•""·••..-·1r haf• , .... -·-• -· • ·-. .. --..I · -,pirtts, '>hi! l11d. The call was from Fl. l~I pre~-~1•. Y, ~s ·. • J: •• ~d ... Ca.!lJblfc Bl.shops )n Am!!/:I:. _!Ck . BenniJ:ll~Ga."ltasty said he didn't want to ~'"': ~: ::.~~ B~~oi;~;.rr:;-:~fai~·to"break with ~im. ~· ;:.. • •.• :tell b1•Ade.'•re the trial. He said any uyini ~.: beyonCI arinoun~ing the Io·;a :Thanksgiving Day ~!.'nlur,.. ~ m.~~e~'{ ould just hurt his fanu· ... , • .,~ · ._. · · · dtf 'Biab'op ¥.yers said, "<rho-Roman ly. ' , • . · . (" '· , • •• • . , • . 1 •. ... , ',.. , '. • •. There are: two yohnoer sisters in Miami ~' entooct .that 1he 4eie1.-tes C~lh.o11~h.l~rarC~.~,bl this prof.e!!l''iic~ na· and the .~ei\ioi;'caiitj:. The mother died ltd~"!» r:ece.u .for a long wee.ken<! In \loq do;es not haye the courage to part three yeai'a ago. . H~ _auffldent 1Jrepa~aUOn ~ot ; cothpany Wllh a sincere but ·misled popo ·wemon. Thi Iayd\Per gives them · · . ni&k1 ~ to fePorl ·Dack to their \vho, led by obsolescent theologies, ~Mtrnm~ti.: defU!es art~~lil population conlrill 81 olJ. Trio An ·ested ~can~· headed by Gerard Jeclive evd. . ~ •. -. ... .. ~ • . C. SM(fff~·tJtatllie talks hav.e been He-.referred to ~: vote ,:IJY."161thol\C· : ~·1, · ' · • mar~'t0,1if'by •.lood atmosphere· and \naheps • at~!.•' ~onf~rt~ce:.;·e111le~ ~s .?' J•n' ,RO L. ber..y apparenMlr0mlli1 .ierlollsness. • .1'101Jll\ ll) ·Washlila\on. ptol!'llJt&. federal . . • JI . . ' ln 1fashiqtbn.1"!5eCretlry of . Slate 3upm:irt:.Qf,birtb:uQr:ol proj~Udt two . . • ,. Willian! • P. JIOtlOH -~lay• the U.S. Y<lirs aao,,.Blsbop:Myers·<lll<d" t.~· all Na1·coti"cs :p -se deJe1ates WJa 'hlm earner this week ~the( "O\risttans ttl1 a~alnrthe popi;~. chle! • -· ~ .... their pn!lminary exc'bajiges w~re "~ 1 pas~or _ot. the_~ fam11y, . • • best of anf cU&c~ they have h•d . ·BishO!i Myeta;.:,w'boie dlocese .s~relches N(!wpor{ Be~ch police this morning ar- with the SoVlet .UiUDn:'' , 69 mi\es'""al!>lli the ,~ast f~om. ~n tuls ·rest~d two men ·and a woman on charges Soviet sources . .but~bivt° Indicated that · Ob:jspo J!. 11orth• of .. the .q~fdei:i Gate of armed robbery allegedly stemming 1he Ru&Sialll:'are &m:_utl!fied wlm the Bridge. -asked , how . Americans· cou~d-. from the knUepoint theft of $1 ,250 in· talks. But t1hel:pwrruitenkont.rolltd celebr-ate · with · "lad~n ta ble5 o ·f tended : to be used in a purchuc of Soviet press w ~.iio strdftg sup-'fhJllksglvlna when famine Is the future hashish. t>Ol'l for SAL'r.arid hil;.:bffn &~mi . for untold millions." . The thr~ec J>1!rsons arrested at 3 a.m. at We.stun "mill\.iriataj' fW lhe ... eri: "The proteins consumed by Americans , a Santa A~ piolel are Patsy Jean buildup : ,~·: .. _ . -:· on this day alone. n.eV"er will be consumed --::. Gallagher, 21 ~lan Cliff Gallacher, 21, • -• -in like numbers by:;growlng mllllons of•. aryd John Kerin Clark , 22. All gave 4M N. :-~ •. !. •• men, ~·ome~ aQd f~hildrtn in Asia ~nd 'Ne:w:P9tt ,Blvd., Newport Beach as their DhllY PllDT ' c.. ·:e11.t.H0t--c0.t.1T '4.llltsM~4 (OllAl'ANl .• -..... -. .,,.,.,, t( w •• , ..... __ • ~fUlftnl •n(,'="bt~r ""~·:.' 'Jet.It R. C11rt1.,' Viet ltrallllnt •NI C.•"ll•aJ M1n1,u Th111111 A. M11rpl.i1>e M1111llftt f.~llor }.lherf W. 11111 "'-"'' '""' H ... llfN:!I h«ll Offtu 311t i11i Strt•t M1ilif't Athl r11t1 P.O. 111 7t0, t2i•I -°""" fl.-"'" But!> 1111 Wf'IL .. llU toultvll'• .. (call ......._, dW:"f,l ..., Str~I • L"-l t.cti1 m ,.,..,, A- •• ~·· ., i).t1L•-l'ICOJ, ""'"' "'11k11 "com~t""' ll!f ~t•f'tul, i. .. 11r1..-• ... ~. •-.CHI ~·~.~111¥ Ill NMr•tt Hlt>ll"t •or Hlllltil'41M • ...,._ f"-'tlll Ytl!n. ("14 Mo.a, ..... WI ·-II ff\411 l-ttllrll t...V., f~ .... -t~I fflllOl\J, 0•1• (Mt! .... Rtllo "" cem.anv JM'lflt1111 .,.ntt "'' 11 nu w.,1 lllt~I l h'f "''"'i"&I! SN<h. ~"" JJO ~-lit' '''"r, (Ult Mt11 , ......... t11 41 '41·4)11 ,,_ w ....... ,, Cell M0-1121· Cl_.... .,_.w., Ql•l671 ~tNH, l •• 'OJMM (•t it ""*ttf,r,,,, ,..,..," .... -... ,\ ... """'"- "'"''-' ft\ffflll • tdYtrl!-~1'1 twr11ft _, tt ,. ......... •f.,...I uttlO\t ,U"'IHllll If , • ..,.,'-" ..... ~tt ... "" .... '""' ,.., ....... ti ,,.,_, kttlt .... (Ult Jt\tat, (fllll.r•••• tl.~IV t i '41 t f tf"'4tt a• IMl!lflt\<IAlf -II 9' !0 -"'''' .ll'llllllr'f' Ottllr .. 111111. ,, ... _......... ' Africa 1n their efttl~e life span.'' he _sft1d. ad.dress. "And the millions doomed to.:;pfiysh;!&I .Nartotlcs Sgt. I.to Konkel s1id the . ~pal!D'. and retar~.,brain ,deve~pn1cnt three:-were arruled at a.motel aL 1511 E. ·-· grow .. 1p mo~ ,milllo111." • · • ·~ 1st SL, Santa Aria. -- .... Kenkel said foUr y~ ·J!rBOns from San Diego came to polici ~qul}'ters at Divo. r. ce .. Y .. i~.tory-:. about 11:lli'T,lJJl'sday to roport 11\t thtlt . -~ Konkel, wtio .did not idenUty-thc losers ROME. 'AP) :.._. The Chamber of Deputies tonight approv~ all lhe In· di'91dual --aructes ot a: bill whtch -would: lcgatlie divorce tor 1he flnt time in Roman Catholic Italy. The chamber was due to "ote on the bill as a whole later in the evening. or the money, said .·a. knife allcgdley \Vali involved. ·· ·-.• · -lfe said the rour gave him lnformaUon on·wtilre to find the mOtil'hlidents and asserted the inoney was payment ror hashish. A total of $1,266 was recovered. 2 Newport Brotfi ers Die ' . Trying to Help Mot()i:ist Two brothers from NewP9ft Beach v.-~re killed Instantly Thank!glvlng Dey when they were hit by a car as they tr ied to aid a i;tranded motorist on the Ventura Freeway ntar Camarillo. Craig Anthony \Yalte. 2~. and his . lir61htr:XeJlh, 23. 1!1111 W. Oc"n Fronl,• wft et1 route to Hayw1rd for tht holiday when they noticed the stalled ctr on Coneja Grade. hl1hway patrolmen said. The brothus parked their car in front of one drfvtn by Annabel Graham of Fre • mont , lhtn they walked back t-o help • Patrolmen said as the !brothers stood alona:side the car an auto drlvtn by a YoUni . FUiierton man 1ide!Wlped lhe stalled car and &truck the men. The accident octurred 1t 5 a.m. five miles south o( Camarillo . Patrolmen Identified the p 1 .1 s I n I mototjst as Wllllam IOt\!t-n,.J2.~ of 1101 1-lomtt \Vay. Fullerton. Ht was not held. Neither ht, nor the Graham woman \I'll Inju red . The two men had movtcf to lht Harbor Area in recent month&. Puneral servtcn are pending at Jones Mortoary In Hayward, ' , 1 ~.bf.c8:tw ,Claims Phr fte ~UA~f~~~f~~:·l~f~nt <;i!J ~e.~is ~ !.~ ~rq~e~ -::-.• ,h PAMllLA llALUN •· ""' ldcntlfted by,hll ftl-r, Mrs. 5arab haJIP)'' 11ld'wm both very proud at the· ;; .... Dliir-~,., stett , Robinson of 2all .Via Aquara Ave., . baby. ·· • . T1NY ;;,;J Jbree kids 'fho loved to La~a Niguel. The Robinsol)I had been In 1lawail travel. , ... ~ "J(·was a terribkl shock ror her ," &aid since Seplem,bet' bu~ it ~.un·~1~ fir!il J·• ·. nd G ·~-Rob•;.:,,·• .11 a nel&)Jbor. • . · vlsil, Thelr·lil• Joplhtr had besun lbere. But uun I rt~~n '"'"""~_wt 11Tbey liYed..:»>ith her. for a while and The)' met.for lhe Clrst lime ill liQcw)lulu de no ft'~ trat ellng. Th!Y were .OU'nU visited often after tj1ey moved ,'' where John had attended 1l\ll1•hou dead..Sl.IDday in the ~ttorn of a volcanic She described 25-year-old John · Moore School, a prominent private school. cr1t.er efr\ the iJland ii Maul in H1wail. -Roblnaon IY'"(Robbie to h.11 friends) as a follce irt Waililku, Maui, bav~ not yet :nielr' lix-1M1111J.olilcclau&hler Ueother • quiet peraoo. lall with abort blond.• hair. speculaltd obou) what happentCI !<; lhe w" f~ with them tn·the U.foot hoii Hil .wlfe Gretchen, 11, had kma dark halr famUy:.but are searchin& for Ji )'ounc cou. called '1.8ottomltta ·Pit" located inlide~a9d browr. eyes. She said. she thought be ple they believe rented 1 cabin wlth the Hlleakala Crater. ' -:; • .:..WM ~oln& tome w9fk for'W. father John Robinsons on NoV. 19 in Crattr National tbelr bodies ttre dlacoytred ~ Rebki.JOn. an ~tomey Jn Las Veau. Park. 'if' • • byaparlcrangerbutwerenotrtCOY~ ·'"'''They weft.,a,eet kids,'' .abe 'said,,· They also are\ seeking a man 'who wiW 1 Mbcoptet .. could Utt tbem .. Out .of _ ''They 11k~,the: 'beach, camping ancf 'l!,f'k· alerted officials on Nov. 21 that the cou· the~ on M«Ktay. Jfti. They "8felecl qutte a bl~ and always pie ~d not come .out of the cr~ter and ne fohner ~ Niguel residents' took the lifbY.0 She said theJ .w~ very were last seen resyng near the p1t. • • l ... : .. ~ ·-:; ..: ' ~~Scores ~Bepfh ·High Sch~O.ls. Get (i.ijbest:k niong··;v. •' -~-f s· . ' l·, ----~--· i -. < :. ·• · ~ =-· ~.-. . .:. -. • zew o. mog ess 11 uto Police. Oass · By AR.THUR R. VINSEL Of Wit 0.ll't Pli.t Stiff They don't give gold stars al the Orange County Peace Officers' Academy. And. Of!ief!r Thomas J. Law .. 22, already had a silver badge. lf they gave stars, the young Costa Mesa Police Department patrolman who finished number uni out of 'a field of 50 men and women graduates of the latest academy class at Golden Wesl Colle.ge in Huntington Beach would deserve a handful. "I don't know what my score was." said Officer Lazar, who placed ahead of Costa Mesa's Patrolman Robert G. Berg, the second-place lawman in the class or salutatorian. Told his score was 935 out or 1,000 possible points, Lazar. smiled and said, "Hmm ... not too bad:' Besides the number one and tw o rank· ed graduates. four other Costa l\-1esa policemen finished the nine-week course, which participants combine with regular duty shlfls. They include Officer Richard DeFran· cisco. president of the class, -plu!! patrolmen Owen Kreza, Harry Ehrlich and RolJiit Ne~. 11te class waS the fU'St to use the pogsi· ble 1,000 point grading system for the comprehensive-academy course which covers 57 separate areas of 'study. Costa Mesa Police Chief Roger E. Neth said jokin11:ly that Officer Lazar could probably flunk the rmaJ examination and still come out with a healthy lead. Students at the five high schools of the HU11tin,u>n ·Bea:h Union Hieb School District. will see a deinonstrai.ion of a amogless automobile next Friday. The vehicle, powered by nattll'aJ gas - the same. 1.u used If\ k!tchen ranges - \vas provided by the Callfomla Diyisi9g. of Hlghways and is one of ten similarly· ' Beach Teachers I Plan Workshops • • Pilore than 600 teachers tn the Hun. tington Beach Union High School District helped organize Innovative lmtruCtiOn methods Nov. 20 Jn a series or SO worksho ps. Some 27 new ideas were di1cussed and recom'mendations were made for further study at the district level by the teachers of the five high schools. They Include college credit CC'Urses in the high schools, cultural enrichment.pro- grams, optional class a t t e r d a n c e , television Instruction, honor study hall! and television lnstruction. The workshops will be followed Dec. !, ·with another teachers' institute in the Huntington Beach ffigh S c ho o I Auditorium. The subjed will b e '·Improvement of Instruction." German Charged 111 1,453 Deatqs equipped cars which bas been tested by the department in the Los AngeJes area for a year. It will be on display from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Edison High School, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Fountain Valley lligh School/ 11-a.!Jl. to 12 'a.m. ·at Huntington Beach Hlgh School. 1 p.m. lo 2 p.m. at "1arina High School and 2:30 p.m. to J p.m. at Westminster Hl&h School. A converter. permilt the vehicle to use either natural gas or gasoline. Natural gas-powered vehlcles are said to emit 80 to 90 per cent less air pollutants, I C· cording to the state Air Resources: Con· trol Board. The test program showed that the use of natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel results in a significant reduction of &mog from internal combustion engines, said James A. Moe. directo r ()f the state Department of Public \Vorks. Wise Continues In Board Post James J. Wise of 1980 McKinney Way, Seal Beach, ha! been reappointed to the personnel conmtission by the Huntington Beach Union High School District Board · of Trustees. Wise, a retired school administrator, brings to the three-man commission 30 years of' experience in school personnel matter!. His new term begins Dec. J, Serving with him are Bill Schryer, a former fleJd superintendent for an oil com pany, and Jack Bronn, who works in personnel administration with a food market chain . Laz.ar, who works the early mo ming shift, may have finished the Peace Of. ficers Academy, but he is still studying criminology at Californoa State College, Long Beach. ~1UNICH. Germany (UPI) . -The . Munich state prosecutor· has char'ge<I a 57-year-old officer in the \Vest Gennan border guard with complicity in the mass murder of 1,453 Ru ssian Je"•s during \Vorld War II, the Bavarian "1inistry of The duty of the personnel corr.mlsskin Is to administer a ci_v;l-service-type system for non:teaching employes of the dislrict. such as custodians, bus drivers, ca feteria workers and office employcs. "I might go into criminalislics, but I'd like to stay with a smaller department,'' says the Long Beach· raised lawman who Is also studying surfing on a limited basis with his buddies. Studies and day-to-day duty consume much time, but at least the young patrolman, on the force nearly one year now, has no wife. "And no prospects.'' he adds. He met Sgt Ron AlJen. training officer tor the Costa Mesa Police Department in class at Cal State and Allen persuaded him to lake the written and oral ex· \ amination which Jed to his employme~ Justice aMounced today. • Lt. Col. Wilhelm Radtke will be charg· cd spcciflcaUy with nine cases of com· plicity in murder to back up the overall charge, a ministry spokesman said. The indictment alleges Radtke, as a first lieutenant in the uniformed police. directed -under orders of a Nazi SS elite troop brigade -the execution of Jews by firing squad.-'Mle execuUons oc- curred in 1941 between Nlkopol and Konotop in the Soviet Union. l?woRNO Yoga Classes Sta1·t Soon in Huntington Yoga classes start Monday at the Hun· tington Beach Recreation Center, 17th Street and Orange Avenue. F~ for the ten-week course Is $10. Classes will be held at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Mrs. Renee Taylor, author of a book on yoga, will teach the course. ~ J0"160" $l55 • ·-·- Or1xel'1 cl11sie lt1li•n group with • trut fl•ir for th1 prov in. ci •l.thinlting p•r1on. This gre•+ coll1ction of fin • cc:c•sion•I f urniture i1 •v•il.blt on • limit. td b•1i1 dut to it1 h•ving b11n cli1continu •d. Don 't mi11 th is opportunity to h• ... • • look •+ this 1xcitin9 furn itur1 , whil• it h 1till ..... ii.bit, $41. $1 1f. YOUR° LOcAL' DEALERS"FOR DREXEL'!H&NRfDON :HERITA&i' NIWl'O•T l lACH 1711 Wootcffff Dr., '42-2050 oPDI "'9AY "flL t ' I 'rtf••nal fl'Mrior Dtll•lllrt Avelle"'-"l~SID LAClUNA l lACH ~I No1lh Co1tt Hwy. OPIN •lllA J "m t 4'4.6.111 •' \ ,l VC I , tlo d~ '" In! ' ) ] r I I ( ' I ,, I I I 1 ! • Sadtlleha~)i. · · • E'D IT•l.O N 1 voe. l.2', NO. 285, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES . ORANGE COl!NT't'., CALIFORNIA , .. " 'Wall to· Marines~ f of_ .. H'l.Jiday By BARBARA KREIBICH Of tM 0.llY r111t ..... AU she could say was, ''Wow!" nils was the Friday morning evalua. lion of Operation Thanksgiving, 1169, as deliver«! by Mrs. Gil~ Shadwi<k, ex· ecutive director of San Clemente's Interl'aith Servicemen's Center. The fifth year of the Thanksgiving pro- ject, which places Camp Pendleton Marines in private homes for the holiday dinner, !oun~ ".wall-to.wall N..arines .. at the c.nter, said Mn. Shadwick: ln addition to lhe 2,43$· aervictmen who arrived by bus and went home With families who came 1io pick them up, an addition~! IOO had dinner at the center, feasting on turkeys, hams, plea' and Other treat> doaated by South-Cout resident>. Marines from across the country ·waited !oi their hosts under state algits, "1bere were many more~ than we ex· peeled, "' a lol o! famW.. who had of. fered to lnvi\e two OI" three >Marines '. wound up~ four or five home," Mn. ShUwlcll said, Lui year, 1,tlllO Marines were placed In Operatlat·'J'hanksgivlng. · . .tovJtatlont came from u far away as Ventura, Omflrd and HtQ'let. • • One man drove fronl. San Fernando to piCk up hii 1oJarine gu .. ta. 'He had been told that ' station KMPC waa providing buses to pick up 100 men who had been Invited to ·iline In San Fernando Valley ~ ~ Ho!Jt'ftod -119-; ~ Sbadwlct ,aald; 'but he wanted to driVt '!Own and oee !lie.fun.• . 'Earl;*t bolt to &rflve was a man-from Bell who tumed up at 1:30 a.m, and.doz. ea ... hil car -the llarlnes mlved. 1'Re -wu a PUerto RlelD,'t Mn. Shldwlclt exp1alnld, "and,be wanted to ~ sure to gM P1Je1ii> Rlcili boys be<aule he said tllelr coatilil af!-1"IUld be a Utile dlft-..uil i>o·waa lfnld•aonit· boi• r . - ' ' irupt.iiOt ua \l:·He 1o1 them loo-low ol them." .. bue boy: 1.-wtlo traveled to the San Femando'Valley in the KMPC 'bus, then an~ Ventura !or bis ciinner1 the~ bock to San <;Ian-. ial,d'he'd never traveled oo far 1n·-day .. On hand aa .uoual waa Mrs. Frances x.enei ol Costa Mesa, head of the Friendrof·bidiu Glrla, who checbd·oul U. New llex!<o and Arizooa' state alpa and took· home the ab: Navahos ·sbe ,was -... A minor crtsll aroee .owhen an unex- pected busload of .,. !(irines rolled lnta the center at t.:30 p.m. alter au the hoot famJUes had Jell'alld the state sllJ!! were beinl taken cknm. t · "It WU cloare,~•· llid Mrs. Shadwt« 11but we atJU had enouah food leftrai-tbl ..mer to leecl -al.I -with a llWt stniching. Next ,.... we'll bt 1111'11 to ban morel" ~ .. --- Blood Trail Leads Police Family ·Lost 0 Ill Volcan·o To Jewels Bodies of Niguel Couple, lnfa"'t Found Following a trail of blood on s. Coast Highway Tharaday night, Laguna Beach police Officers recovered a cache of stolen jewels va1ued at $2.271 in a stonn drain at the comer or Oak Street. A Camp Pendleton Marine was placed under arrest a short Ume after when a friend called for an ambu1ance to tale lrlm to hospilal for treatment of a badly lacerated arm. Jotm Ramsay Jones, 19, is charged with removing the jewels from Russ HJnds Jewelry, 1273 S. Coast Highway. They were taken irom a smashed display window. Answering a burglar alann wblcb soun- ded at the jewelry designer's ,ltore at 8:25 p.m., police were able to obtain from wi~s a physical deJCl'iption of the susPect, who wu obterVed runniq from the scene. A traJj of blnod extending north on the highway led.to Ibo jeftl cacbe. Minulea later, Charles llagllod. 245 Oat st., notified polloo! lllll ....... )!is apartment n.,.tec! ~ a!ll,. JonU, whose p1'Jllcal appw-~ dotbillg matched the delcrlpllon of U. --running from the jewelrJ alln, .... found to be bleeding heavily from a guh on bis right arm and was taken by am- bulance to South Coast Community Hospital. There Jones refused to undergo treat.. merit, but police translemd him to Orange County Medical Cen\er wh<re the JaceraUon was treated. He was returoed to the Lagwia Beach jail !or booking. Ham Gives Coast Mom Dad's Word Marine Staff Sgt. Thomas T. E. Fanner couldn't make it to join his wife and newborn baby in Laguna Beach for Thanksgiving but she knows he is on the way, thanks to a Capistrano Beach ham radio operator. "Sorry I missed Thanksgiving, honey. Be home as soon as I can," said the message delivered from Okinawa via ham Roy Brown, 34242 Doheny Par~ Road. Fanner was scheduled to arrive Thanksgiving night at Travis Air Force Base. He has complete:cf a nine-month stint in Vletnam. his second tour of duty there. Mrs. Fanner will be waiting at the family home, 3133 Bonn Drive. Dad hasn't seen his new son yet. Fire Claims $20,000 Damage in LA Plant LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A lire al lhe Nu.chrome Se.aUn& Co. WhJch may have been started by a spait In a spray.booth Wednesday camed an estimated pi,ooo damage. . Firemen said an adjoining bulldlng con- taining $300,000 worlh of finished !urni· ture was saved by 12 city and elcbt ·Ver- non Fire Department units. DIRECTOR QUITS Y'1 Roger Certer YMCA Director · ' Roger Ca~r To -l.eave.lloard ' South oran .. Colmty YMCA dl..dor Roger Carter has aMounCed he"1'ill be leaving the Y uily nex\ Y-!Gt another line of -k. . . Carter, 35, a weU·lmcnm figure on the Laguna Beach scene for the past ·three years, said he probably Will rtmain in the South Coast area and may move ·into work connected with the Information media. Since Carter asmuned the diredocShip ln November, 196S, the Laguna Beach YMCA has expanded to Include Laguna North, Laguna Hills, Mission Viejo, El Niguel, Dana Point. San Juan C4Jlist.rano, Capistrano Beach and San Clemente. Ext'ent of the growth of the Y under Carter's directorship, said a board spokesman, is reflected in the Increase f rmn 96 fathers and sons In the Y lndiin Guide program alone. Similar growth has been seen In the Gray-Y program. Carter ~lso helped establish the Youth Council ~and fn. augurate teenage caravan trip:i:, day camps and the adult exercise program. Board Chairman Charles Benton an· nounced that an immediate replacement for Carter is being 6(1ught. Meanwhile, Steve Crummitt will con- tinue to work full time for the ·Y~ primarily in the Saddleback area. Fire Accident By PAMELA ·JIAU.AN Of .. Dell»' '""" ..... They were three kids who loved to travel. But Jolin. and Gretthen Robli>s<>n will de no more traveling. They were found dead Sunday In. the bottom of a volcanic crater on the Wand 9f Maui in Hawajl. Their sl.J·month-old daughter Heather WU found with them ln the SS.foot hole called "Bottomless PU" located Inside Ha1eakala Crater. Their bodies were -discovered Sunday Mike Collins ,To Get High '' ' . U.S .. Position . i-' j KEY ~ YN&, ria;{AP) -""91. ~elil ' llbillli aQllOUllCOd . today ~e will niinil8* -ui MlchHl Colllils to be rr-""1.of llatolor pgbllc al· Colllnl; commarider· of the command rnodUle durlna the JuJy moon Olght of Apollo II, wilfbe In charge of arranging public speeches and dlacuMions of foreign policy. . Collini, a, will resign hls Air F«et conunlssion to take the · $38100&-a-year pool. He. had been In the space program for the. put, aU years. Secrelar)',OI State' William, P. Rog•rs recommended Colllna !or lhe job and Nizoa d-It with the aatronaul when members of the Apollo 11 crew and their wtvu had dinner at the White HOJJU earlier this month:' The Stale Department pool has been vaCant since January when DiJ:on Don- nelly resigned and moved to the Treasury Department aa director of . public allairs there. In a ucond J>'!l'&Ollnel announcement, Nixon Aki-he· wlD nominate William R. Ford, a 35-year-old Negro, to head the VISTA (Volunteers in Service to Amer· lea) program u an usistant director of the Office of F.conornic Opportunity. Since March, Ford bas been director of th~ Michigan Ernploymenl Security Com· mwlon. 'Ibe VISTA post pays $38,000 a year. ~lion and hls ,tamily were relaxing at their baysidt home here for a Jong holi- day wee~end. The President also was doing some work on the federal budget. . . Kills B1·ea Man Countia n Critical A Brea .man died ·in st.. Jude Hospital, After Home Blaze Full(!rton, Thursday night 24 hours after . . he accidentally set himsell on ftre at 'his ' 1A Santa Ana man who was found by home. . · firemen :'11iuroc1V nlgbt on the lloor ol But hospdlll olflclala •attributed .the . his blazing aiw:tment Is \od8Y Uated In death.of .Harvey Dean Allen, 62, on the gla\'e' coodlUon by Orange County heart attactkbe sttUertCr1ahortly .after;he ·· Medical Center official&. ellllngulsbed tJie flames.f. Firemen had ,to don smoke mukl to Polii:e 'saKI ADen was . working ·With . se:an:b the fJame-swept 3rd Street apart· flammable liquids when the bli!e ment ror Ike Misters, 64. They said the erupted. He was. burned over 25 Jl'l'C'Dt ~ous man was .badly burned over of his body, ofHcers said. Jn0$t of his body. Santa Anas ·Lash Coast Gusts Up to 45 mph; Little Damage R~port.ed By JANICE BERMAN the strong breem haff had little e!lecl -Md trallets. No major damqe· Of .... Dlltr ,.... ..... (lft eonuiien:iil and .-.a 1vilUGn. All bi. - You may call II "Santana," but If you pla11e1 are..,-· althoul[ll taJcecilf np>rted. · do, you're wrona. ll's ''Santa Alla,'' and dlrtction• have been changed to aVokl the 'lbe Edltln,c.ompany reported 00 ma .. r<fers to the hot, dry, dusty weather that northeast widd di-. jor damap •a rosult of the high susta. a(.'COmpanies the malevotent-10unding 'nle control towtt rePorted fewer atthwlh several aervlce: wires connect1ng whistle of the Santa Ana winds. flighls by small planes than ncrmal, and main 'l&na to houses · were severed by The winds have been blowinl up a spokesmen said airport personnel .m faliln( tms. : semi-1torm shJCe early Frkfay mornlrlg, checking to make sure all li&bt alrcraft Offk:lab.at tbt U.S. Weather BurMu ln crating a iol ol sound, dust and llchy remain securely Ued down. Loi Anpla· upect the Santa Am con- 1kln, but very liUle clama1e along the Farther Inland, the Calilomla lflCbiray dWon to prevail throuch Saturd'J, but Oranp Clalt. • Patrol has posted Siple{tr an ln\)lt .,. "wo -.., oflldal -beyond tha,l-Orange Colmly Airport rtported gusta jor highways In or,.,... Rlve1>1de and We'19 jusl ~ ii .,_ny WUI at.ail ranalnl from lO to 15 mUu per hollr, but San Bernardino counliel !or owners o1 (lleo SANTA AN48,.J!all.Jl..-• • J ' ... by a part ~ancer but were not recovered until a helicopter could llfl them out of the pit on Monday, The· f..,,,., Laguna Niguel resldenta were ldcrilified by his mother, Mrs. Sarab Robinson of 24281 Via Aquara Ave., Lagwta Niguel. ·~It was a terrible shock for. her,'' 1ald a neighbor. ''They lived with her for a while and visited often after they moved ." She described 25-year-old John Moore Robinaon IV (Robbie to bis friendJ) as a quiet person, tail wit/I short 61onde hair. Hta wile Grelcben, II, had lqna dark hair and browr. eyes. She aald she lhought he was doing 10me wort for bi.s father John Robinoon, a:n attorney ln Lu Vegas. "They were sweet lr:lds,'' she said. "They liked the beach, camping and hlk· Ing. They lravtlecl quite a bit and always toot the baby." She said they were very happy and were both very proud of the baby. The Robinsons had been In Hawaii since September but it wasn't their first visit. Their IUe together bad begwi there. 11iey met f~ the first time in Honolulu where John had attendecl PunaboU School, a protnlnent private .ChooL Police in Wailuku, Maul, hive not')'et speculated ahoul what happened to the family but are searching for a 1ou'nc cou~ pie they believe rented a cabin with the Robinsons on Nov. 19 in Criter NatlOnal Park. niey also are seelilng a man who alerted officials on Nov. 21 thlt tht cou· pie had not come out of the er• ud were lut seen resting near the pit. Five Now Civilian.s Vietnam Soon 2nd Costliest ~: -Foreign--Wm-· Joint Viet Colnmittee ' ·To: 'Prtib~ Massacr~: • , •• "' • • • -,. , L Ir limW:"'"" later ...... Ualtl tw -..,, tho l!lnnir ..,,. -" .. ,.,.,,,., utli Jlrlfad• ... certain li1' t,_ did Doi t1ar ·Viti- namse Vllligen at My Lal oo March lt, 19'11. Now, Col Oren K. Henderson says ht Is not so sure. , Neither are momben of the South Viet." n..,... ·senate and a....,,bly. A joint committee headed by Sen .. Tran Van Dong, 1 leader of the 1963. coup agaln.&t former President Nao Dinh Diem, is to begin an invesUption Monday. Six a1ys 1g() defense 'Mlnlster Gen. Nguyen Vllrt Vy llfabded the reports as "totally ..,. true." In another .devetopmt.nt, the Army &aid at least .Ove of the 15 civilian ex-Gl1 under Jn.vestlgation in connection with the mamcre were mustered out after a probe of the tncldent bepn last March. The Anny statement was gtven in answer to. qnestions as to whether men who have· left the aervice can be court martialed or otherwise tried. Jerry W, Frledbeim, Penta.go n spokesman1 gave no reuon why the men were not lleld in service to face possible court martial He said he believed &uch a procedure would h av e been "not unusual." · A total of 26 men, Including the civilians are under invesUgaUon. The Anny lnfonnatlon ofncer who wrote the first news accounts of the "Plnkvllle" operation -the GI ne.me for My Lal -·says lll thought soinelhing wu wrong with the report as scion as he wrot"e It, the ChiCago Tribune uJd today in a copyrighted storY. "I knew it was fisihv "as IQOn as I wrote: (Seo MA8SACl\E, Pait I) Juveniles Held . . For Exposµre . . . A pt.l'formance tn a Lawn•· Beach parking IOI led to lhe ~t of 1ix juveniles early today, with a 17-year-old boy book~ on charges of statutory rape lrid hil !~year-did 1lrl partner charged with lndecdent expooure' and incorrigible behavior. l'QU..e said the couple were ol>MrVed In · intimate behavior tn. a car at OeMy'a parldni lot, while a IJ'OUP o! toenqe bo)'f and llril stoocl aniund wa!A:hlng. ·'Ille juYaj1ea. all from San Bemanllno, .... lunled .... to their ,.._ --.. • ..tth tlla • .-ption o! the l[irl In the car and her< lJ.year-oid •llllter,•who wao • .-C'tiot"obtemn:'J'be·Cirla WUI · be taken.Jo J!l"'enilt'Hall, police aald, al . the requelt'of'1bllr poi:tnla. . . The lncidtnt occcu1ed 1 It 5:15 a.m., w'bm.a 1-palrOI \lllt 1WU111 Into tht parkill(' lot and obomed the t!J'OUP pthertd aroand the car.'· .Aller vlewlll( the tctlvlly ,lnolde the . car1 Ille .oll\cor placed ·tht tntlre lfOllP • under arreot. 11le glrll, raoilnl In ... , 'from t( ID ti and the boi•, alOd U to t7, . ...,.. -pd. wtth' curlew violation. and • lncorrlllble behavior. ~""' 0 \.::::::l -.J,e;< . ~,es W;t~ ~ ~°f\-· * * * Army Judge Hits Discussion of Massacre Case FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) -An Army judge say.s his order for potential wit· nesses not to discuss the My Lal slaying case In public iJI being defied and be has ciilled a meeting of attorneys today. Lt. Col. Reid W. Kennd<y, who will estabiiah the Army's legal glildellnes In the cOurt-martlal of Lt. William L. Calley Jr., annOunced Thunday his plans to call the cJOled llellibn "to ·cotne to 10me klnd of conclusion about deOm:e or an order to witnesaes , • to ·qtilt·ialklnl to .the preu.•t · ·He 1ave. no lndicaUon of.the action con-templated. ' . . "I can pnd'erllind almoot anything ex· cept this conUnuous lnterrogaUen of wl-illd potential wilnHses and the pu~llcation of what the)' say before It Is said In court," Kennedy· said. "Som.thing just 11u·to be clOne about this." , SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. ClllUaltiet In IM Vletnm:J1 war llD'PISsed the nt,000 mart this week illd inllltary IOUl'Ce1I said tod"1 the confllct may become tl\e 9t!C8nd coi- tll.est foreign war in "U.S. hiltory bf~ April. , Viet Cong troops mauled a SoufllVJ~ namese llnlt In a Mekong Delta ambush, Official U.S. records show that u , o( Jast Saturday, ~.sn Americans had beer( k.llled and. ;ss""m wOl:'Dde,:I in Vietnant since Jan. I, 1961. Jn addition, 1,341 are missing for a total of 299,691 C81U41Uea. ~ SOOrce1 said that fighting across South Vietnam since Saturday has cost at leas\ 310 more Americans killed and wounded,~ pushing the war total ov,er 300,0oo casualties. If the casualty rate continues at the same level, the SOW'ces said, the World War I total of .320,710 Americans killed« wounded will be surJ>assed by April, t9'19. World War l @st 11&;108 Amerlcans ,kUJ.. eel and 204,002 wounded. The costliest foreign war lo American history was World War 11 with ·9621977 casualtitJ, 292,131 U.S. troops killed hi action and fl0i846 wounded.. The toll in the ~orean war was 33,629 killed · aDd 103,284 wounded for a tot.al of 136,913. ' 'The report on ·the Mekong Delta am• bush said a Viet Cong force caught a unie of militiamen escorting a payroll officer along a road n miles southwest of Saigon Thursday. l\lilitary oource>. sild ae Soutil Vietnamese troops were .killed and· 12 wounded In a hail of automatfc weapons: fire · and hand grenades there was no report of Viet Cong casualtie!. The payroll olftcer wu being escorted from oulpolt. to .outpost In the region when the Viet Cong ltnick. .. Cout Weadter ' (!alley, a 21-)'Ur-old former platoon commander In Company c, lit Battalion, Tho.!e Santa Ana winds die hard, ltth Infantry Brigade, ta Charged with and they 'll still be kicking up a munlerlna lot Soulh Vietnamese civilians dust storm Saturday, kee)iing the a~ the vlDage of My Lal on March 16, temper.atures In the upper 701s 19111. alon1 the coast and about· 10 de- ,The Army said Monday II plans to gr,.. hili>er lnrther Inland. =al~~ .before a general court· INSIDE TOD~ Y , A diyJllter, Kennedy, who ls senior The Childre1'11 Th.eae1r GuUd trial judge lri the judge advocate'• section . 11bfg _sJiow~' oJ_ t!t _1/1.'M' ~· here, ordered that potentiaJ witnesses be up thil weei.-..i ..... -.. •L~ llar· inatructed to -the Cale before trial . --w•Ku ""' """' wl,th ~ imolvad '« Calle)'. bor Area l1fOUl> flog<• "Piiis in lie dlroctod •Capt. Aubrey Dlt*I, W11o 1 I 89011" af'tlle Ora!lf< Coait 'Co~ wtll lel'te 11 tbe t AmiY'• proteCUtor, to ; I lege <Cuditorlum. Details in too tnlonn all wltneam ,of .f.he ~ bn·. . ' dci:11'1 W11ktndir. . r ,, ., media I -• ~' ' •1' (' I I le '1• (II._.. 1\1 •I .......... !'.it-4 ~"'!-1 : ' (....... • ,... , I .. ~ ..... fo)' _,.~ .t-k• . JI or.ti CMlllY .. Ste<>k · M_,itk et ~........ ~1 :=.,::-.,.: ~' t,.... ... 1NEW YORK (~P)-11be 'sl0ck market := '• ,..J ~MMlll--: -: held onto a .man but ·QWte broad gain • ...,_. 1• ,....... • ., .. In alow tndlng la~ today. (See quota. =~ 1! ·:=-...,.. .: Uofts, Paga '4-26). • ~ =.-1: :::.,.-::.. 1,...: l'l'bl danltory trading pace WU due to l MMflltlt It •••• •11 ... llW11 tracien taklll( u .m.oded Tbanko-• • -~ .. stvinl wW<end. . w..• _....._ ______ __, • . .. • OAIL 'I P'ILOT 11111 P'hOlt I . INDIANS AND NDJ·SO-PURITANS ·REVEL AT 1969 PLYMOUTH RO~KOUT Tl;tURSDAY Costumed Thanksgiving Guests Gethe r. Around Pilgrim Mother Wtlbourn ~~~~~~~~~~~ Dtain Worker Electrocuted; Two Badly Hi1rt ~!An Azusa man was electrocuted .Wednetday aOO his two co-workers severely shocked while the trio was work· :i!IS on a 11torm drain on the.Irvine Ranch near Glen Road. '· Coroner's investigators said Jerry E. Flanders, 33, was regulating power for ··the·metal hose used to apply sealer to the ~-'10rm drain when the boom of his truck :louched an overhead powerline. ·Flanders was killed instantly In the :freak accident He was hurled fro1n th~ cab of the truck to the ground, still .clutching the control box. ::. Flanders' brother, George, 40, knocked :t14e box from the younger man's gras p 'bllt Will unable to revive the stricken man. The elder Flanders and a c~ worker, Charles Boyelte, 2fi. or Santa Ana, were trealed at St. Joseph llospita l for electrical shock. Thanksgiving Updated In 'Plymouth Rockout' Ha lloween was a month ago, but cos· tumes were a feature nonetheless Thurs· day at a harvest -festival and Thanksgiv· ing observance hosted by a Costa Mesa family, for 56 farflung members of the clan. The gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R-obert Welbourn, 2142 Iris Place - hilled as the 1969 Plymouth Rock Out - would have curled the collar on a bonafide pilgrim. "We're not feeling so funny today,'' said Mrs. Welbourn. contacted at 9 this morning to see how the festival turned \)Ul. They were still bringina in the sheave.s and stacking dead Indians at midnight. "My son-in•law from Palos Verdes made the punch and·arter the first coople of batches we wer e mixing in whatever we had On hand," she explained. Just like the . original Thanksgiving feast with pilgrims and Indians, the \Velbourn celebration was a n in· temaUonal affair. Relatives from San Francisco brought an Australian guest, while the newest daughter·in-law in the clan, Dulsey Bruner, born in the Phlllipines, was <1mong the celebrants. "\Ve observe Thanksgiving too," she said, "but not quite like this.'' Mrs. Bruner said the family gathering Is a traditional Thanksgiving occasion , but this was the first year costumes were featured. One of the highlights was the annual turkey contest, in which the men of the family stuff and roast the birds, after which the stuffings are sampled and voted on by ballot. 'Rusty Adop.ted Viet G~J ?J ' I Winper was P..1rs. Welboum 's brother- fn-law, Bill Bruner, of 219 15th SI., Hun· tin~nBea, • four turkeys each weighing mor pounds, the feast included aboul:o•iaounds of mashed and sweet' potatOe!I, P,llons of Jello salads, a dozen pies :ind scores of hot rolls. · Lieutenant's Sister Say~ GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -Isl Ll. . 'Villiam h: "Rusty" Calley Who ls charg• ed with 209 Soulh Vietnam murders, once '!'lgpted a starving, half-naked little Viet· dimest. ilrl and kept her fed and clothed •tn.. she vanished while he fought the -.r-1 bif·sister says. !~t broke him up ," said Marian Keesl· i~ "~Ing n11ked and starving children r!Jiiii4,f through the streets always hurt hini .rno$t.'' . Mrs: l(eesUng, 27·year-old wife of a col· lege instruCtbr, ts the elder sister of Calley. The stubby first lieuten ant faces a court-martial . "Rlisty adoPted the girl, according to a letter he seri U5," sa.ld Mrs. Keesli ng. ··eut one day wheR he came back from 1naneuvers she was gotte." Calley cOrriplairied In other letters about the cOndltiOns in Vietnam. "He said his group would be out for 50 days In the heat, mud and grass with only K-rattons to eat,'' said the sister. "Rusty wrote home for a package from the family -sardines. cheese and ~omelhing tasty. I don't think he liked it tthe war) any more than the rest." ' ' c,~111 r11or : OAAHG~ COiUt. f'\llLl~INCi (OoV.HJrl' 4 A1Mtf M, Woo• P1nidlnl _. P'Wll..., J1t• It. C1rlrr J Vlu ,,u_I •llf oe-r .. MtN91r -/.l Tht11111 Ktt•il l!••IM' Tht.,.,tt A, Mw•11hlne ...,.. ......... I!•"" ~i,\i111I '· Nill L"11N ltK~ (HJ ltllvf ..,..._°"'" 222 Fo•••t ;.. ••. "4•llh1t Mll1ou1 r.o. 101 ''"· t265l ' --(otlO Mot.I; JM W"t .. , Slrttl H'-' k1ell; VII """' ..... l••"l'lltl ~-IM!;I\~ • .atl'I '""" DutJt ~s the kjds who c~l }"~ lh~ 25· ye~r-old soldier's heart, ac~ordinc to Mrs, Keesling. ,, Calley, a native or W.iaml , phonea his sister f1onday, 1'Jle secMcd ln good spirits," she said~ ''The call wa!from Ft. Benning. Ga. ·Rusty said he didn't want lo tell his side before the trial. He said any more publicity would just hurt his fami· Jy." • There ar.e two yo.ungcr s_islers in f\1iam.i aru:I the senior ·Calley, The molhe:r d1ed three years ago. ' ' ·tr Fro1n Page 1 MAS.SACRE ... it," thC TribUnc quot~d Arthur Dunn , 27, 01 Suburban Forest Park. . "'Theye were 128 of the enemy reported killed and only three weapons captured," h2 said. "That doesn't quite jibe." Jn an interview wllh WVEC-TV at Ham pton, Va., Col. Henderson said, "Up un til two weeks ago, l would have sworn lhat it could not happen without me knowing about it. "Bu~ when I start seeing TY broadcasts anti hearing soldiers speak about this subject who · ~ere themse1Ve5 eyewit- nesses, J begin to wonder,'' s~d Hen· c:1e rson, now aLl.ad:M!d to the Armed Forres Staff College al Norfolk, Va. American soldiers ha ve been accused of killing as many as S67 ci vUians at the \illage. Lt. William L. CaJley Jr. faces a courtmart ial on charges of killing 109 of them. S/SgL David J\iitchell has been charged with assault with intent to murder. The Anny is invcstigaling 24 other soldiers for possi ble participation in the alleged massacre. Jlenderson said the fi rst repo rt he had of any incident came fron1 a helicopter pilot who told him of seeing a soldier kill a civilian on the ground below. Henderson Investigated and said the soldier convinced him' that he first thought the clvlUan was dead, but then raised up as to throw a grenade. The colonel said ile questioned all the troops operaUng in the area at the time aud~-1M!en sallsUed there w~s no "!!h tng up o civilians." .;/ Dh·orce Victory RO~tE (AP\ -The Chamber of Deputies tonight approved all the In· dividual arllclts of a bill which would legalize divorce for the llrat time In Jlotnen CethoJic Italy. The chamber was clue to vote on the bill as a whole later in the evening. • I And besides the feasting, fellowship, Md· IJre:water· which added that special i!ilow to tho festivities, the Indiana and' ptl~finS af:ttre Welboum household have sorfie'thihg.tb be thankful for tod ay that was ·unknown on Plymouth Rock. Alkll Seltzer. Calif otnia Tops Mounting List Of Road Deaths ' By United Press htteraati'Onal J The nalio.n's highway death toll mounted slowly today, the third day of the long Thanksgiving'Weekend. Offlcials of tbe National Safety Council, however, said the final figure would approach last year 's record toll of 764 deaths. .-\ count at 9 a m. PST showed 233 persons killed i• trafric accidents since the holiday period began at 6 p.m. \\ledneiiday . The breakdown ; Traffic •......................... , .. !33 ¥lanes .................•........... 13 't1re ............................... 11 J\llsce llaneous . , ............... , •... 13 Total .............................. !77 Leaders on the list were California with 20 traJfic deaths. Georgia wilh 18 and New York with 16. F'ive persons were killed in a two-car crash near Fort Valley, Ga., three died in a head-on cOnlsl6n in Portsmouth. R.J. and live were killed in a rollision near Gum Spring, -Va. · · The National safety Council estimated between 700 a~ 800 persons ·would die in' traffic before the end of the IO:Z-hour period at midnight Sunday. German Charged In 1,453 Deaths ' MUN ICH, Germany (UPI) -The 1'-1untch state prosecutor has charged a 57-year~ld officer In· the West German border l'Jard with complicity In the mass murder of 1,4&3 Rtmlan Jews during World War II. the Bavarian Ministry of Jusu~ announced today • Lt. Col. Wiiheim R>dll<e will be ch«rg. td speclOcally with nine cases of com- plicity in murder to back up the overall char1e, a ministry spokesman said. The Indictment •Ue1ea R.aidUte, as a fi rst lieutenant tn the unifonned police, dlrtcted -under orders: ol a Nati SS elllc troop brigade -the execution of Jews by flr1ng squad. The executJol'l5 oc- curred in 1'41 between Nlkopol ind Konotop In the Sovitt Union. •1;1n11 Nonec»mmlttal Examine -·_.G,OP --Poll ·shows ._.'I' -. . ·Moon Rocks . Agpew· Popular ·1 . . ! ' t Sl'~CE CENTER, Houston (UPI ) G&logfsts today opened ~tne s&ond box <>f moon stones picked up by Apollo 12's astronaiits on the oce&n\ o(· Siorms. a Container ot carefully ~ q c q m e n t e d 11mples expected ·to 11eld tr'e&b;surprises about lunar secrets. · · ' · · They also reported that lhe first rock box from Apollo 12 contained bigger rock.s and fi"ner, Jlgtitei colGreil· sail-than the material gathered at' TranqUilltj Bue bf Apollo'll!S crew. . A minor problem wllh laboratorY equipment delliy'ed b~iefij" the sti.rt. · o( opening the second bo:r tp a ·vacuum chamber at the · ~pa~ center •. B~t at . Q a.m PST.a technician pulled up the suit· case·size box 's lid. An , e1Umated 12 .to 15 .Individually wrapped rocks, carefully selected and documented by the astronauts to aid geologists, were inside. There also were some unwrapped chunks of lunar material.· "We can see gray dust o v c r everything," a science observer reported. "The rocks are angular as well as round· cd, depending on which part you are look· iog at." "One of the rocks, about the size of a list, has a strong fracture in it." said Dr. William Greenwood, a space agency geogolist. "It has irregular gla ssy coating on lhe two sides that I can see." IVA~HINGTON ( A.PJ The Republican National Committee made public today a com,mille;e-sponsored poll · ahciwlng strong approval or the way Vice Prjpldent Spiro T. Agnew is handling his job arid stipporting bis attack on the television networjts .. But It turned out that 33 percent of the 600 to 650 polled sa id they had not read or heard anything that Agnew has said recenlly about the networks, despite the aplas;h it got in Newspapers and by broadcasters. BJames · N. Allison Jr.1 deputy ,Chairman or the Republican National Committee, @[\DOWll.'ed the n~lional poll r~lts· at a news confer~ and said "we; are delighted.'' ; . 11>4 poU ·Was conducted by, ~ Chilton Research Services of Philadelphia , Pa., Nov. 19-il, 1'using a natjonaJ pro~abilily ~mple . o( the. telephone hous~h9\ds:!~ he said. The committee paid the firm "''600 (Or Ule job, 'he said. . - Jn answer to questions, Allison said the support for Agnew was a "bit higher" in the South but there was no slgniflcant dlf· ference amoog:-qe ,grouj>!l. He said the poll was .orderedfby '~ committee at the request of state chalrmeq and governors to find out how the pebple ,feel. Hf •notea lhat this is the first time a popuQi:rity pon has ~n coni:lucted by the GOP coaimiUee on Agnew, "but l believe it has" shown an increase in the vice president's popularity as a result of his Nov. 13 speech. In that speech, in De! Moines, Iowa . Agnew challenged comments made by n e t w o r k commentato(s immediately after Nixon 's Nov. 3 speech on Vietnam policy, Some .n~tw,ork officials_ respo~c!.ed with charges of attempted censorship, but Agnew denied any !UCh lntenUon. The questions and the poll flndlngs as announced.by Allison came out this way: -"In general, do you approve pr dlsap.. prove of the way Mr. Agnew is handling his job as vice president?" Approve 64 percent, disapprove 24 percent, don't know 12 percent. -"Have you read or heard about anything that Vice President Agnew has recently said about TV networks?'' Yes 63 percent, no 33 percent, don't know two percent. Allision said he couldn 't explain the two percent who didn't know whether they'd read or heard what Agnew said. -"The vice president said the networks should separate theii' com· mentary Crom the news itself when they are reporting news on TV. Do you agree or disagree with what he said?" Agree, 58 perCeot; disagree 29 percent, don't know 13 percent. "He also said that the TV networks should re-examine their procedures for making sure that their newscasts are ob- jective and unbiased. Do you approve or disapproved of this statement by ~e vice president?" Approve 71 percent, d15'o approve 20 percent, don't know nine per· cent. Those who said lhey were not awart of Agnew's attack on TV were not incl~ded in those polled on the last two questions. Greenwood said this "open" crack in lhe rock was unlike anything in the Apollo 11 samples. Dr. David ~ier, another observer, said lh.e · strange specimen came from Bench Crater at Apollo l2's landing site. 2 Newport Brothers Die ' Scientists also began opening a core lube lhe astronauts drove into the lun ar surface during.the ir first moonwalk. From this subsurface ma t e r i a I biologists hope to extract. a lunar sample -practically uncontaminated by the moon landing and by the laboratory handling -to use in their search for lunar organisms. Trying to Help Motorist Fro11a Page l SANTA ANAS • • to weaken," said meteorologist Geor.ge Andrews. Andrews explained why the ''devil winds" form. "There's a large high pres5W'e system over the \Vestem plateau, in Nevada and Ulah. And thPfe's a low pressure system on the octan. ''The wind has to funnel through can- yons and moun1-&in passes. As it squeezes through_, it s:P,eeds up, and when ¢e air comes down through the desert it rompresses and warms up." He was asked, "What is a high, and what is a low ?" "Barometer readings weigh the air all the way to the top of the atmosphere." Andrews said. "It's just Uk~ if you have a tub. Half the tub is completely Juli . and the other half s onlY half full . If you pull out the divider In the tub, the water will slosh around, trying to equalize •itself,'' he said. j'Air is a liquid, and beh3ves In many ways just like water does. The moleeules in air move around easily,'' he said. Andrews may think air ls a liquid, but .apparently Orange Counlians don't. Local markeb repor:t a run on Chapstick in the past two days. Two brothers from Newport Beach were killed instantly Thanksgiving Day when they were hit by a car as they tried to aid a stranded motorist on the Ventura Freeway near Camarillo. Craig Anthony Waite, 24, and his brother, Keith, 23, 1806 W. Ocean Front, Episcopal Bishop Says Pope Misled On Birth Control SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bishop C. Kilmer Myers of the Episcopal Diocese of California says Pope Paul VI is wrong in his stand against artificial birth control and Catholic Bishops in America lack cou rage to break with him . In a Thanksgiving Day sermon Thurs- day, Bishop W.yers said, "The Roman Catholic hierarchy of this protein-rich na· tion does not have the courage lo part company with a sincere but misled pope who, led by obsolescent theologies, defines artificial population control as ob- jecti've evil." He referred to a vote by Catholic bishops at a confe rence earlier this month ia \Yashingtoo protesting federal support of birth control projects. Just two years ago, Bishop Myers called for all Chrislians to acclaim the pope as "chief pastor of the Chrislian family." IlvoRNO were eo route to Hayward for the holiday when they noticed the stalled car on Conejo Grade, highway patrolmen said. The brothers parked their car in front of one.dri ven by Annabel Graham of Fre- mont. then they walked back to help. PaU:olmen said as the brothers stood alongside the car an auto driven by a young Fullerton man sideswiped the stalled car and stru ck the men. The accident occurred at 5 a.m. five miles south of Camarillo. Patrolmen identified the p a s s I n g molorist as William Kirven, 22, of 1101 Hornet Way, Fullerton. He was not held. Neither he, nor the Graham woman was injured. The two men had moved to the Harbor Area in recent months. Funeral services are pending at Jones Mortuary in Hayward. U.S. to Give Naval Base to Vietnamese l\1Y THO , Vietnam (UPI) -The United States will lurn over its f.1y Tho naval base lo the South Vietnamese Saturday in the first such exchange by Na vy men in the war. The base is situated on the My Tho River about 40 miles sOuthwcst of Saigon in the Mekong Delta. Navy officials said about 100 American sailors will remain at • My Tho for several months to assist in the transition. l0"160" $l55. ,, Dre.1111'1 cl•11ic lte li•n group with • tru• fl•lr for th• pro.,.in. c i•l-thin~in9 per1on. Th is 9r11t coll1cfion of fine occ•iionel 4urn iture Is •v•il•ble on • limit. •d b•1i1 due to it1 h•ving boe" di1continuecl. Don't .,,;,, this opportunity to h•"'• • look •+ th i1 •r citing lurnilure, whilo it ls still tY1 i11bl1. $6!. $1ff. ;rourt LOCA~ DEALERS FOR DREXEL. HENREDON. HERITAGE ·• INmllORS NEWPORT HACH Prolonlon1T l•loriot" I LAGUNA llACH 17'17 Wfftcllff Dr., 642·2050 Dolifnor1 · 345 North Cool! H-4'4-6551 OPIN NIDAY "1L t Avall1~tD-NSID °"" Ntii.f 'T1L t ..... , .. ,._ .... flf a..,. c-., Mt.116J t • Laguna ·.ll~eh • · · · •· EDITl·O·N. * voe. 62, NO. 285, .. 'SECTIONS, 46 PAGES 9RANGE" ,COUNT'(, CALIFORNIA . . . ' FRIDAY, NOVEMl&R 28, 1969 . . .. • I ' • . { . 'Wall to .wall M·arines~ ' • • l .• , .. . ror .. Holiday . Feast • • . , Jly llARJIARA XIU!IBICH Of ""' Dlllf' ....... All she could say was, "Wow!" ThiJ was the Friday morning evalua- tion of Operation Thanb&IYIJll, 11168> u delivered by Mrs. Gilbert Shad~, ~ ecutive director or San Clemente's Interfaith Servicemen's Center. Tbe filth year of ~ "nlanbglYIJll pro- ject, which places .camp Pendleton Marines in private homes lor the holiday dinuer, found "wall-to-wall 11'..arines" at the ·ceoter. saJd Mra. Shadwldc. In add!Uon to U»e 1,435 servicemtm who arrived by bus and went hQJne with families who came to 'pick lhem up, an additional IOt hid dinner at the center, laasllng on lurteys, hams, p1 .. and olber treats donaled. by Sooth Coast rulclenll. Marines· from across the c:ountrY w<ed for tliei?. hi:lits under state •libs· ••'Ibere were .many more .. than we H• pe<ted, ao a lot ot l•milie1l'wllo bad•ol· feied to invite ·two oc:• tbi'ee1 Marines ; wound up ta.ting four or five home," Mrs. Shadwick sal<I. Last year, 1,D Marines were placed ln 0perau.o Tbants1Mnr. Invitailnnl came ff'Ol11 . as far away as Ventunt •. Oxnard .and Hemet. One man drove· trom' San Fernando to pll:lt up·bls MarUie !Mlts: He bed been told tbel stauon·. KMPC wu providing -lo pick up 100 .... -had been Invited 1o ·-la San !"ernao<fo. Valley . . ndlht not lib 11.•11e got them loo -1our· Clf:~them. ot One boy who traveled lo lhe San Femando Valley In the KMPC bu1, then 0. ~Ventura tor bis dinner, q... tildl lo San Clem-. said he'd ' never traveled oo lar In -diy. . . • •. On bed' II usual' WIS Mn. FriDoM lteooer rl 'OCiiia MHI, bead ol Ille -ol lndlan Glrla, wbo cllecbd ouf tbe N.W ~ and Arfzooa alale lipl and look home the lfz Navlboa lbe<'WOS oeekio)g. . .A minor crt.il aroee' when 1n ann .. peddf bullood ol IO -rollfd lnio the c<t1ler al l :IO p.m. allu all Ibo hool llDllUet bed· !ef$ and Ibo llale alps were ~ IWa down. • : "ll .......... Aid Mn. Shadwld:. '"but ft 11111 bed -0 Jood left 11 th; mmer lo letid -all -with •' Biiie llre!d>fnl. NUI )'Olr we'll be ..,. t! have mcre1•• 1 • • Blood Trail Leads Police Family Lost • Ill Volcano ! To Jewels Bodies of.Niguel ·couple, Infant Found , ' I Followtng a trail ol blood on S. Coast Highway ThurtclaY nigh~ Laguna Beach police officers reco•ered a '8.cbe o( stolen ,_,Is volueil al 12,271 In a storm drain at tbe comer of Oak Street. A Camp Pendleton Marine was placed under arrest' a short time after when a friend called for an ambulance to take • him tel boopilal !or trealmenl of a badly lacerated irin. John Ramsay Jones, 19, ls charged with removing the jewel! from Russ Hind• J.,..lry, Im S. Coast Highway. They were taken from a mwhed di.5play 'lrindqw; Answering a burglar alarm wblcb aoun· ded at the j.,..lry designer's alm'e al 8:25 p.m., police were able to obtain from wibleuel a physteaJ clacrlptloa ol the suspect, who was observed runninl from the ecene', A troll of blood exl<ncllnl n«lll on the )>lghWllJ led lo the '"""I !*ho-Mlnules tater, aiarlee s.,...a, 115 Oalt SL, nollfled pollee that t man bl his aperlment needed -.1 ald. J...,, whooe physical a~ 1114 dolblng m.atched the dSr1ptlon ,,, !be - - -· from Ille Jn*1 ......... found lo be -.. beavlly -• pill on bis right """ and wu lakM by iun-bulance lo South Coal Community Hospital. There Jones refused to undergo treat. men~ but J,>Ollce tranolemd blm lo Orange County Medical Center where the laceration was treated. He was returned to the Laguna Beach jail fer boOklng. Ham Gives Coast Mom Dad's Word Marine Stall Sgt. Thomas T. E. Farmer couldn't make It to join his wife and newborn baby in Laguna Beach for Thanksgiving but she knows he is on the way, thanks to a Capistrano Beach ham r adio operator. "Sorry I missed Thanksgiving, honey. Be home as soon as l can," said the message delivered from Okinawa via ham Roy Brown, 34242 Doheny Park Road. Farmer was scheduled to arrive Thanksgiving night at Travis Air Force &ase. He has completed a nine-month atint in Vietnam, his second tour of duty there. Mrs. Farmer will be waiting at the family home, 3133 Bonn Drive. D'ad hasn't seen his new son yet. Fire Claims $20,000 Damage in LA Plant LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A ,tire al the Nu~ome Seating Co. which may have been slarled by a lj>art In a spray boOlh Wednesday caused an estimated-$20,000 damage. Firemen said an adjQlnfng building con. joining $300,000 worth or linllhecf furni· ture was saved by 12 city and eight Ver· noo Fire Deportment units. DIRECTOR QUITS Y's Roger C•rt.r YMCA Director Roger Carter ,, To Leave Board • < sooa. Oiange Cll!ml1 tMcA Ai~ """' carter hU ••-· he · wtlf be· lemni the Y .uiy, -7eor for another Dile or -k. Carter, S5, a weU·tno'W'lt n,ure·cin the Laguna Bucl1'11et11e for 1be put·lbr<e years, said be·probibly will remain In !be South' Coast area-and 1D1J move :tnto work connetted with tJie 1 .informWoia media. Since Carter 'alSUJned tlie dlttclnnblp In November, :19e1, ~.l:.agunl Beach YMCA l!i• ezpanded lo Include Lacuna North. Laguna Hl1la, Mission Viejo, El Niguel, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, Capistrano 'Beach and Siln'.Clemerfte. Extent ot the growth of' the Y unCler Carter's direc:t<nhJp, Said a boud spollesman, Is relleclecMn lbe - from 96 fathers and eons tn..tht Y Inalan Guide program alone. • , · Similar growth has been . seen' In. the Gray· Y program. Carter also helped eslabllah the YOulh Cooncll and . In- augurate teenage caravan trips, day camps and the adult exercise program . Board Chairman Charles Benton an- nounced that an immediate replacement for Carter is being 10Ught. Meanwhile, Steve Crummitt wlll ·con· tinue to work full time for the Y, primarily in the Saddleback area. Fire Accident Ki11 s Brea Man A Brea man died In St. Jude HMpital, Fullerton,. Tburs<lay night 24 houra aller he acddenlallr oet himself'"' r .. al'h!J home. . But bospttal officials attributed the death of Harvey Dean Allen,. 153, on 'the heart attack he suffered shortly after be exttngulsbed the rt.mu. r Poll-:e· said-,)AUen was working With fiammable Uquids when the blaze erupted. He wu burned over .25 percent or bis body .. officers said. lly PAMELA RAU.AN ~ .. """' """ ...., " They were three kids who loved to tr1vel. Bui Jolla and Gr<lclien Roblnion will de. no ·more•traveJing. They were !ound dead Sw>day In ibe bottom of a volcan!c crater on lhe llland of Maui io Hawaii. Their-sl1·month-old daughter. Heather was found wilb them in the &S-foot hole ' called "Bottomlesl Fit" located inside Haleakala Crater. Their budlea were dlscovered Sunday Mike Collins To · Get High U .. S ... Position JtEY ~YNE. Jl'la.' (AP) -Proof. il<oJt Nljrmi .,,,_~ M 'wtU flll''"J 'i .... ColUns to be .... oliol ..... , ,,, llateior ]lilbUc al· 14."'· . 1:4~~· ol 1he <Glnmanci moclife -. . !be ly ~ ll!Clit ol Apol!O It, be fl) charre o1 m*"l!n1 pu1>11c.1~ aiiil '°"'1llllons or 1oftlgn policy. Colllnt, 39, will reaip bis Air F....,. <ommiuloo · to lake . the "18,00N-yaar pool He bed .been In the spa«. program !or Ibo put Jiz yeers. ~tai:Y. rt, Slate· Wl!llam P. :Rogers rc•:omn>ead,.t Collins• !or !be job and Nizon dllcmM K with the utrooaul when member's of the APoud 11 crew and their wives had 'dlnnft' at thl White House·e1rller 1tfll1 month. The St,lle ll<!porlment post bu ·beec! vacant since ·January· whell. Dixon non.. nelly•l'Ollcned aad moved1o the 'l'rulury Department u dire<:l<t" ·of publlc allaln there. In a second per!Onnel announcement, Nizon aald be .wlllo11omfnate William R. Ford, a ~year-old Negro, to head the VISTA (Volunteers Jn Service to Amer· lea) program as an assistant director of Ibo Offiee ol Economic Opporiunlty. Since March, Ford hu been director or the Michigan Employnienl Security Com· mission. The VISl'A po6t pays $38,000 a year. Nixon and h!s family were relaxing at their bayside hoine here for a Jong hoU· day weekend. The President also was doing some work on the f'?eral budgeL Countian Critical After Home Blaze A Santa Ana 'man who·wu found by firemen Tburllday nlglil on the floor of his blazing apartment ls today u.ted In grave condlllon by Orenge County Medical Center olficials. · . Firemen had to don smoke mub to search the flame.nrept 3rd Street apart· ment !or Ike M .... ,.., 84. They Aid the uncopac:ious man wu badly burned over most ol bla body. ' Santa Anas ·Lash · Coast Gusu Up to 45 mph; ~itde Damage R~ported By JANICE BERMAN Of .... °"'" ...... *"' Y1111 may call II "Sanlana," bUt H you do, you're wrong. lt'1 "~ta Ana,'' and re(en: to the bot, dry, dusty weather that ·accompanie s the malevolent-sounding wblllle ol the Sanla Ana winds. The winds have been blowing up a ternl4tonn lb.:e early FridlJ' momlnr, cruUng a lot ol llOWld, dust and Itchy slda, but very lllUe dama&e aloog the er-. Coast. Oranp Cola1IJ' Airport l'f(IOl'led CUSil ranalna from 20 lo II mllu per hour, but ·' the strong brttru hove l!i4 llltle effect .. -·aad _.1 ·-· All planes II< OD ochodafe, lllboqb llllaell dfrectlom llaV< -dlanaod lo ... Id the nof\heu t wind dlr«lfon. The conlrot tower reported fewer Olghl3 by ll11all pian,eo,lhan lllll'lllfl, and spokesmen sa1d llrport ~•onnel are checking lo mate "'" a UCbl alrcrafl • remain ll!Cllr<ly tied down. • Farther Inland. Ille Callfi!ml1 Hfi11W'1 Patrol bu poaled lllallerU cin meet .,. !or bllfhw8)'1 "' 0r-. 111 ... a1c1e 'alld San.Bernardino_ Clllllllloa· for ownen of campers and trallen. No maJor dazmp: bu -reponed. .'l\e lldlaoo Company ttpOl'led no m .. !or damage 11 a mull ol the high ,....., although several service wlrn conniding llllln • lllla': to -.S were severed ' by falifnl Ina. . O!llCiaJs at U.. .1!.S.. Wt'llhtr BUruu In Loa Anjelea npect the Sonia Ana <00· dltlon 11 prevail thrcJlllh .-...,., bUt ..... blyt .. orn.i.i-fleJGDll lhal. We're Ju1t hopln( It sraduaJly will stai'I l!ee IANTJ..ANAl,hfo J). • .... ' by a pert•...,....but•nre·not '""'vmd unUI a· bellcopter c.lowd lift them out of the pit on Monday. ' The f0(1!1er _Laguna Nlgud residents """ ~wied by his motner, Miii. Sarah RobbJlon of 24281 Via Aquara Ave., Laguna Niguel. "It was a terrible shock for her,'' aaid a neighbor. "They Jived with her for a while and visited often after they moved." She deacribed 25-year..old John Moore Robinson IV (Robbie to bis lrlends) as a quJel penon, la!! with.abort blonde balr. His wile Grelcben, 11, had loog dart hair and browr. eye1. She Aid she thought ho wu doing aome wort [or hla father John Robin.-, an attorney in Las VegQ, . ''Jl!ey -. aweel kids," she Aid. "They liked Ibo beach, camping and bit· Ing. They ~aveled quite a bll and alwaya tOQk the baby." She said they were very happy and were both very proud o( the baby. The Robinaorui: hid been tn Hawaii since September but it wasn't their first visit. Their lile together had begun !here. Five Now Civilians Joint Viet Committee To'· Pro~· M:assacre , ~;..::.:,_ -·u,... I ~ .. ~,...,Illa tonw.-. ., .. ..,..1111 . -. Cl{ll!I\· Ills lrojpi 4ld -"::" 'Vlflt. naineM ~al My Lal aa Mordl 11, ua Now, Col. ~ K. Hendenoft &a7I be fa not 10 aure. • Nellber are momben or the Soulb Viet- ....,... aenale and wembly. A joint comml(leo headed by Sen. .'l\'an Van Dong, a leader ol the 11183 eoup ,against former Prealdent Ngo Dtnh Diem, Is to begin an lnveaUgaUon Mooday. Six days ago def-Mlnial<r Gtn. NIU)'tll Van Vy b<llided the itpor\a u · "l!>lal!Y un- true." In anolher,developmen~ lhe Army tald al !east· fin ol the 15 clvlllln· u-Gt• under lnvest!Pllon In connection wll~ the ~ were mualered N• .after a probe rl the ~d•11fl>ipa ¥·Mmb. The ~rm)' statement wu given In aruw~ to question! as to whether men who h1Ve left the eervice can be court martlafed or olherwlle tried. Jtrry W. Frtedhelm, Pen t·a·1 on· spokesman, gave M reason why the men were not htld Jn mvtce to race poulble cOurt marUaI. He said be believed such a proCedure would h a v e been "not unusual."· ' A total or 21 men, lncludlng the civilians ate under investigation. · The Army informaUon officer who wrote the first news accounts of the "Pinkville" operation -the GI name for MY LAI :_ says tK. thought somethin1 wu wroitg with tfie report as aOon' u he wrote It, the Chicago Tribune said klday in a coPYriihted ' Story: · "J.Ww. U was fL'lbV aa: soon~ I wrote . (S,0.· MUHCBB, Pap I) . Juveniles Held For .Exposure A porformance In a Laguna Bea<h parking IOI ~ Jo the amal ol liz juvenUes early today, with a 17-year~ld boy booked on charges of statutory rape and hla 1 ~year-old pr! partner cbarpd w1111 fndeodelll ezpooure ind lncQrrlllble -~!or. l'l>li"' aafd tlle"<OUple """ obomled In fnUmitei heblvklr tn 1 car 1t Denny's perking lot, wblle a group o1 teenage boye aad stria"_ mound walcblng. ' 111o ,fuvenllaa, aD -San·Bernardlno, ..... --to•tbelr ...-alll!f boeklnl;wtlb:lbe acepllan·rl the girl In the car ancl'f1'1" •,...,..,id•'*· wllo ,. .. _.ll!t _,,, .... ,,,. glrla· win be .laten lo .Juvalle llaD. pollco Ille!, •. the.!Oqlldl'ol lbelr per<nll. ' .• . Tllo Jndcfem O«Umd II 1:11 IJft, whoa•~ peWl,untt'""tJll)nlo the pert1ug· .lot• and oboerved lbe -PlbeniJ-.thecar. M1ar viewlr'I the aclMty -tha car, !be olQcar ,pla<td ·Iba entire .,,.. , under amaV Tbe prlo,.rnctnl In 111 lrom II lo II Ollll the bcJXI, qed II lo tl, ..... chlrpd. wllb _,.., -and incorrfalblo bell1Ylor. • ' . ,1' • * Army Judge Hits Discussion of Massacre Case FT. BEllNING, Ga. (AP) -An Army judge uys · hit: order for potenUal wlt. news not to discuss the My Lal slaying ea..· In plibUc )I belug defied aiid be has cailed a meeting or attorneys today. , LI. Col. Reid W. Kenndey, who wllf eslabllsh the Army's legal guldellnes In the coun.martial of Ll William L. Calley Jr., annoW!Ced Tbunday his pfens to call the closed session "to come to some kind of co~lueion about defiance of an onh:r to wltneuea • , to quit 1alldug to lhe -II . ,,....... . lie pve oo lndlcaUoci ol the ac11oo IXlll-lemplaiect . "I can ~·almost anything ez. cepl Ibis · conllnuoaa lnterroraUon ol wltneiles ud rpotentlal wttDestes and the publlcaJlon.of what they say before It Is aald'ln court;'' Kennedy aaJd. •:something just hal to be done about this." Cilley, a •yf1r-old former platoon commander hi Comp1ny C, Id Battalion, 11th fnlantrJ Brl1ede, is charged with murdering IOI South Vietnameae civtllans at the village of My Lat on Marth ltl, HA.. . Tbe Arley saJd Monday II plans lo briug Calley before ~ general court- martlal, 'A\ day latfi', Kennedy, who Is senior trial judp bl the jlldge advocale's section here, onlered that pOleollal wlb1w" be Instructed lo-the -before trial only With atlorneya Involved or 'Calley. ·lie dliectod Ca~ Aubrey Dante!, who will. mve ii the. Army's proaecutor, to fnlonn aD wit.-of , the order lm- medlatelJ. ·1mr YORK CAP)-Tbe l!Oct market hild -• .man but •qulle brold rain In ... lrad1nl lalo loday. (Soil 'quota· -· ,__,, ' '1111 -·· ntt,. pece WU due lo --11'1ar .. --&IY!nr ·-· "' .l They met !er the first time In Hooolulo where John had attended P1mabou School, a prOmlnent private school, · ; Police In ·Wailutu, Maul, hove· nol· 1'!1 apeculated about wba1 happeued to !bf famlly but "" ..arching !or a,.... -pie they believe rented a cabin wit\ the Robinsons on Nov. 19 in-Crater NaUOnll Park. •' They also are seeking a mu who alerted ofOclals on Nov. 21 that the m>- ple had not come out of the crater uil were last seen mting near the plL Vietnam Soon 2nd Costliest · Foreign War . SAJQOll (IJl'lt-U.S. ~ .. lo tW ' Vietnam Wit lllf!!llll)I tbe D,llO Bmk Ibis weolr and mllliary ...,... .eald loclly the conflict may become the aec:qnd coo- tljisfroref(n wer In 11,S. ~ bt nU! April. • Viet Cong troops mauled a Sooth Viet. narneae unit in a Mekon1 Delta ambush. Official .U.S. r•ccirds d!ow that u ol fast Saiurday, n ,sn A,merican1 had been killed and 253,771 wounded In Vletnari> Since Jan. I, 1961. In addition, 1,341 are·• missing for' a total o( 2911,1591 casualties. Sources said that Ugbting a~ South Vit\tnam llnce Saturday has cost at le~ 310 more Americana killed Ind wounded, pC&ahing the war total over XIO~Olll casualties. If the casualty rate .conUnues at· the same Ievel, the sources aaid, the World War I total ol :D0,710 Americans ldlled or wounded wlll be·surpassed by Aprll>ll'IO. World War I cost 116,708 Americans kill- ed and 204,002 wounded. • Tbe coelllest lilrelp wer In Amerlcm history was World Wer II with 111,rn cuua!Ues,. 291,131 U.S. troope tilled tn: action and 670,846 wounded. The toll la the Korean war waa 33,129 kiDed ml 103,JM wounded for a total of 136,913. • Tbe report on the Mekong Delta am~ buah said a Viet Cong force caught a unft of militiamen escorting a payroll officer along a road 7'2 miles southwest of Saigon Thuraday. Mllilary sources saJd 38 South Vletnllnese troops were killed ind t( wounded Jn a hail of automatJc wtapoM fire and hand grenades there was DO report of Viet Cong casualties. The peyroll olllc<r wil b<lng eacorled . from oulpool to outpoal In lbe reg!on, · when 1.he Viet Clang struck. . 0r .. , .. Weather . . Tho8t Sanla Ano Winds die herd, and they 'll stiU be id<1dnlf up a dust storm Saturday, keeping the temperatures In the upper '10'1 along the coast and •boui 10 ct.:. grees .blgbero furlher Inland. ' JNSmE TeDA.Y The ChUdre:n't Theater Gufld "big •how" o/ the '1far come• up thia wetknd tohtn tha Har. bor A-rta OTOUP •tage:1 •1P.u.u in '\ B0ots"' at the Otonge co.Ut Co'" I legt atuUtorivm. Dc'tail.a in to- doJ/1 Wttr..n<Ur. I --" ........ .._ ... --" ..... _ " ·----Pica ......... ,_ a :,:;:'.> ,.., .......... --.. "-" ..... , .. ,, - ; t ' PAILY r 1LOT Si.II rl!9tt • INDIANS AND NDT·SO·PURITANS REVEL AT 1ff9 PLYMOUTH ROCKOUT THURSDAY Co1tumMI Th1nk19lvlng Guests Gather Around ~II grim Mather Welbourq Drain Worker Electrocuted; ' Two Badly Hurt ··An Azusa man wa.s electrocuted Wednesday and bis two co-workers severely shocked while the trio was work· .¥ig. on a storm drain on the Irvine Ranch 'bear Glen Road. ~Coroner's investigators said Jerry E. Jililnders, 3.1, was regulaUng power for ll\e metal hose used to apply seaJer to the :atorm drain when the boom of his truck \ouched an overhead pc>werllne. · Flanders was killed Instantly in the lreak accident. He was hurled from the cab of the Lruck to the ground, still Qlutching the control box . >·Flanders' brother. George, 40, knocked .tile box from the younger man's grasp bpt was unable to revive the stricken man. The elder Flanders and a co- worker, Charles Boyette, 26, of Santa Ana, were treated at St. Joseph Hos pital for electrical shock. • Thanksgiving Updated In 'Plymouth Rockout' Halloween was a month ago, ~ut cos- tumes 'were a feature nonetheless Thurs· day at a harvest festival and '11lanksgiv· ing observance hosted by a Costa Mesa family; for 56 farflung members or the clan. The gathering at the home of Mr. and l\trs. Robert Welbourn, 2142 Iris Place - billed as the 1969 Plymouth Rock Out - "'ou\d have curled the collar on a bonafide pilgrim. ''\Ve're not feeling so funny today,'' said Mrs. \\'elbourn , contacted al 9 this n1orning to sec ho\v the festival turned out. They were still bringing in the sheaves and stacking dead Indians at midnight. "J\1y son-in-la\v from Palos Verdes made lhe punch and afte r the first couple of batches \VC were mixing in whatever we had on hand," she explained. Just like the original Thanksgiving feast with pllgrlms and Irnllans, the Welbourn celebration was • a n in- fematlo'nat affair. Relatives from San Francisco brought an Australian guest, while the newest daughter·in-Jaw in the clan, Dulsey Bruner, born in the Philllpines, was among the celebrants. "We observe Thanksgiving too," shl? said, "but not quite like thiS." f\lrs. Bruner said the famlly gathering Is a traditional Thanksgiving occasion, but this was the first year costumes were featured. One ol the highlights was the annual turkey contest. in which the men of the family stuff and roast the birds, after which the stuffings are sampled and voled on by ballot. 'Rusty Adop.ted Viet Gi~l~'J Winner was Mrs. Welbourn'.s brother· In-law, Biii Bruner, of 219 JSlh St., Hu n- lingto~q B~ach. ~tbe four turkeys each weighing mor.-1'98 10 pounds, the feast included abouf\9,,'Jiunds of mashed and sweet potal'*l tallons of Jello salads, a dozen ples Ud-lcores or hot rolls. ' ! ' Lieutenant's Sister Sa~~ ·· GAINESYILLE, Fla. (AP) -lsl LL \Villiam L: ''Rusty" Ca~ey who Is charg- ed with ·109, South Vletn(lm murders, once pted·a llatving, hair-naked little Viet· ~ gli'I and ,kept her fed and clothed J she "'.lnisJiea .while . he fought the , Jill Slstet .aays. !ii bi-oKe him · up,'' Said ftfarian Keesl- irr&r "Seing f!aked and s1'1:rving children nnVttns through the streets always hurt him matt)•.' M'rt: k'eeallng1 27·year.old wife of a col- lege ·iriitnictor. ts the elder sister of Calley. 'Ibe=stubby ·nnt lieulenant fa ces a court·martial. · "Rusty ·ado'pt.ed the 'girl, according to a letter he SM us," ta.Id Mrs. KeesJing. "But one day when be came back from inaneuvers she was gone." Calley Complained ·in other letters about the cond!Uons in Vietnam. "He said. his group would be out for SO days in the heat, mud and ·grass with only K·rations · to eat," said the-·slster. · "Rusty wrote home: for a packagl!" from the family -sardlnes, cheese and something tasty. I don'L think he liked it (the war) any more than the rest." Uhll Y r11Ql •:o.-.fdtQ <0411 f'Ul l/IH1NG <OMN.lft . . . ao\1rt N. W114 · Prnidenl ..... l"Wlllf*' J•ck •· c.,1,., Ji Vkt Pm...,. •M a..tt! Mliwru J Tht1t1•1 K1t¥if .... ThtMI• A. M•tph;~, Mtl'lwllll f.tlltor ~r~h1rt' '· Ntll L.._ IHU\ cur lfltor But it was the kids who cul':lnto !he 2~· , I • , year-old soldier's heart, according to Mrs. Ke'esling. 1 Calley, a native of W.iami, plfoned his ~lister ~1ond~y. "He seem00..-1n good spirits," she laid. ·''The l:all wa1 from Ft. Benning. ca: Rusty said he didn't want to tell his side before the trial. He said any more publicity would just hurt his fami· ly:• There arc two younger sisters in ,_liaml and ihe seni.or ciUey. The mother difd lhree years ago. F rom Pnge 1 MASS ACRE • • • • i!." the Tribune quoted Arthur Dunn, 27, of Suburban Forest Park. • "There were 128 of the enemy reported kilted and only three weapons captured," he said. "That doesn 't quite jibe.·· Jn an interview with WVEC-TV at liampton, Va., Col. lienderson said, "Up until two weeks ago, I would have sworn that it could not happen wilhout me knowing abQut it. "But when l slari-seeing TV broadcasts and hearing soldiers speak about this sµ.bject who. ·~ere themselves eyewit· nesses, 1 begin to wonder," said Hen-, derson. now ·atuichcd to the Armed Forces Slaff College at Norfolk. Va. American soldiers have been accused of killing as many as 567 civilians at the village •• Lt. William L. Calley Jr. faces a courtmartial on charges of killing 109 of them. S/Sgt. David h'lilchell has been charged vo'ith assault with intent to murder. The Army is investigating 24 other soldiers for possible partlclpalion In the 11llegcd massacre. 11cnderson said the first report he had of any incident came from a helicopter pilot who t.old him of seeing a soldier kill a ci\!ilian on the ground b:?low. Henderson invest..igated and said the soldier convinced him that he first lhought the civilian was deiad, but lhen raised up as to throw a grenade. The coloneJ said he questioned all the troops operating in the area at the time and had been aalisifed the.re was no "s.hooting· up or civilians." Divorce Victory ROME (AP) -Th• Chombtr ol Deputies tonight approved all the in· dividual artlcles ol a blll which would lcga1izc divorce for the first time in Jtoman Catholic Italy. The chamber was due t.o vote on lhe blll 11 a whole l•ter ill the evening. ) .An.d besides ~e feasting, fellowship. ,and .flre:Wlrttr whicl;I added that special glow to the festivities, the Indians and ptltfin\s:al the Welbourn household have sometbltla to' be thankful for today that was' unknown on Plymouth Rock. Alka ·S.!tur. 1 ' California Tops Mounting . List , Of Roaµ· Deaths j ' By United l;'Tts1 lnfernaUoul The nation's higbwayp ·death toll mounted stowly .today, the tA.ird day of the long Than!Csgivtng weekend. Officials Of the National Sa£ety Council, however, said the final figure would approach last year1s record trill of 764 deaths. A count at 9 a 1n. PST sho wed 233 persoris killed i· traffic accidents sin ce the holiday period began at 6 p.m. \\1ednesday. ' The breakdown: Traffic ............................ Zl.1 l'lanes ............................. 13 l"irt ............................... 11 ftU1etllaneou1 , ............... , .. , .. 13 Total ... , .......................... Z7'1 Leaders on the list were California with ir 2tl traffic deaths, Georgia wilh 18 and Ne1v York with 16. Five persons were killed in a t"·o.car era.sh near Fort Valley, Ga .• three died in a head-on collision in Portsmouth, R.J. and five .were killed in a i::ollision near Gum Spr ing, Va. The National SaFety Council· estimated ~tween 700 al)d 800 j>ersons would die in traffic· before the end of the 102·hour period al midnight Sunday. German Charged In 1,453 Deaths MUNICH, Germany tuPl) -Tht 111unlch state prosecutor has charced a 57-year-old officer In the West German border guard with complicity in the mass murder of 1,453 Russian Jews during \Vorkf War 11 , lhe Bavarian Ministry of Justi~ announced today. LL Col. Wilhelm Radtke will bt ch•fl!· cd speclfic•llY With nine cases of com· pllclty In murder to back up the overall charge, a ministry spokesman aaid. The Indictment alleces Radtke. as a first lieutenant In the uniformed police. directed. -under orders ot a Natl SS t:Utt troop bri&ade -\he execution of Jews by firing squad. The extCUllons OC· currtd In 1941 betwee11 Nitopol and !\onotop In the Soviet Union. •I ~ologiste Examine . M~tt, Non~~tnl~~l 1 :,_'GOP Poll •• Shows Moon Rocks '~~c~ C~NTlR. Houiion (UPI ) - cfeOlogjsls todaf opened the Second bOif or moon stones picked. U..P. by Apollo l2's astroni'uts on the Oce1ri\ of 'torms, a container Of 'el rtfuUy d o c u m e n t e d aarnplea.expected to yiela rrt'sh1 surprises 8bout lun'ar "secrels. • ' · · They also reported that the first rock box from .Apc>llo 12 . cori~d .bigger rocks arid finer, lighter colored soil lhaO the material gathered at Tranquility Base by Apollo" ll's crew. A minor problm_ with laboratorY . . . equipment delayed briefly the start Qf opening the second bOx ln a. vacuum • . 'p • chamber at the Space center. ·But at 9 a.m PST a techi)ician pulled up hie suit· C::a&e-$ize box's lid) An ,. estimated 12 lo· 15 ,Individually wrapped rocks, carefully selected and docwnented by the astronauts to aid geoloaists, were inside. There also were some unwrapped chunks of lunar material. "We ~an see gray dust o v e r everything," a-science observer ~epofted. "The rocks are angular as well as ro0nd- ed, depending on wh.ich part you are Jook- jog at." ''One or the roc ks. about the size of a fist. has a strong fracture in it," said Dr. \Villlam Greenwood. a space agency geogolist. "It has irregular glassy coating on the two sides thit I can see:" WASHINGTON (.AP) ~ The nepubllcan National Conunlttee made public today a committee-sponsored poll ·show.Ing strong approval of the way Vice rresldent Spiro T. Agnew is handling h.is job and iupportin4, his aftack 4o' the televlsioll petworiks. - But It turned out that 33 percent of the 600 to 650 polled said they had not read or ·heard anything that Agnew has said recenUy about the~ networks~ desplte the sp las h it got in Newspapers and by broadcasters. BJames N. Alllson Jr., de put Y chairman' of the Republican National Committee, announced the nalioruil poll results at a -news conrer.ence and said "we are delighted." . Tbe poll· was conducted bf the Chilton -Research Services of Philadelphia. Pa., ·Nov. 19-21, "using a national .probability .sample. of the telephone households," he said. The committee paid the firm $6,600 lor lfie jOb,' tie -said. · ln answer to questions, Allison said the support for Mnew was a "bl t higher" In the South but there was no significant dlf· ference among age groups. He said the poll was ordered by Ille cr>mmittee at the request of st.ate chairmen and governors to find out how the people feet He noted that this Is the first time a popularity poll has been conducted by the GOP committee on ~ew, "~ut I beli~ve it has~· 'shown an iocrease 1n the vice president's popularity as a result of his Nov, 13' speech. 'ln that speech, In Des Moines, Iowa. Agnew challeaged (comments made by n e t w o r k commenl.ators immediale.ly after Nixon's Nov. 3 speech on Vietnam policy . Some network officials respo{lded with charges of attempted censor~p. but Agnew denied any such intention. The quest)ons and the poll fmdtngs a:s announced by Allison came out this way: -"In general, do you approve or disap. prove of the way t.1r. Agnew is handling his job as vice president?" Approve 6-1 percent, disapprove 24 percent, don 't know 12 percent. -"Have you read nr heard about anything that Vice President Agnew has recenUy said about TV networks?" Yes 65 percent, no !!3 percent , don'I know two percent. Allislon said he couldn't explain the tw o percent who didn't know whether lhey'd read or heard what Agnew said. -"The .vice president sai.~ the networks should separate their com· mentary from the news itself when they are reporting news on TV. Do yoo agree or di s3gree with what he said?" Agree, 58 percent. disagree 29 percent, don't know 13 percent. "He also said that the TV networks should re.examine their procedures for making sure that their newscasts are ob- jective and unbiased. Do you approve or disapproved of this statement by ~e vice president?" Approve 71 percent, dis. approve 20 percent, don't know nine per· cent. Those who said they were not aware of Agnew's attack on TV were not incl~ded in those pc>Jled on the lasl two questions. Greenwood said this "open" crack in the rock was unlike anything in the Apollo II samples. Dr. David Carrier, another observer; said tbe· strange Speclmen came from Bench Crater at Apollo 12's landing site. Scientists also began opening a core lube the astronauts drove into the lunar surface during their first moonwalk. From this subsurface m a t e r I a 1 biologists hope to extract a lunar sample -practically uncontaminated by the moon landing and by the laboratory handling -to use ln their sear.:h for lunar organisms. 2 Newport Brothers Die Trying to Help Motorist From Pnge 1 SANTA ANAS • • lo weaken," said meteorologist George Andrew1. Andrews explained why the •'devil winds" form . "There 's a Jarge high pressure system over the western plateau, in Nevada and Utah. And thtre's a low pressure system on the ocean. "The Wind has to fuMel through can- yons and mountain ,. passes. As it squeezes through, it speeds up, and when the air comes down through the desert it compresses and warms up." He was asked, "What is a high, and what is a low ?" "Barometer readings weigh the air all the way to the lop of the atmosphere,'' Andrews said. ''It's just like if you have a lub. lfalf the t~b i~ completely full, and the other half s only half full. If you pull out the divider in the tub, the water will slosh around, trying to equalize itsell,'' he sajd. ' . · ''Air is a liquid, and behaves in many ways just like water does. The molecules in air move around easily,'' he said. Andrew• may think air Is a liquid, but apparently Orange CounUans don't. Local m•rketS" r8pc>rt a run on Chapstick in the p~st two days. Two brothers from Newport Beach were killed instantly Thanksgiving Day when they were hit by a car as they tried lo aid a stranded motorist on the Ventura Freeway near Camarillo. Craig Anthony Waite, 24, and his brother, Keith , 23, 1806 W. Ocean Front, Episc opal Bishop Sa ys Pope Misled On Birth Conn·ol SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bishop C. Kilmer Myers of the Episcopal Diocese or California says Pope Paul VI is wrong in his stand against artificial birth control and Catholic Bishops in America lack courage to break with him. Jn a Thanksgiving Day sermon Thurs- day, Bishop 1(.yers said, "The Roman Catholic hierarchy of this protein·rlch na· tioh d·oes hot have the courage •to part company with a sincere but mi sled pope who, led by obsolescent theologies, defines artificial population control as ob. jeclive evll.11 He referred to a vole by Catholic bishops at a conference earJier this month in Washington protesting federal support of birth control projects. Just two years ago, Bishop Myers called for all Christians to acclaim the pc>pe as 1'ch.ief pastor of the Christian family." were en route to Hayward for the holiday when they noticed the stalled car on Conejo Grade , highway patrolmen said. The brothers parked their car in front of one driven by Annabel Graham of Fre- mont, then they walked back to help. Patrolmen said as the brothers stood alongside the car an auto dri ven by a young Fullerton man sideswiped the sta lled car and struck the men . The accident occurred at 5 a.m. five miles south of Camarillo. Patrolmen identified the pa s s Ing motorist as William Kirven, 22, of l!Ol Hornet Way, Fullerton. He was not held. Neither he, nor the Graham woman was injured. The two men had moved to the Harbor Area in recent months. Funeral services are pending at Jones Mortuary in Hayward . U.S. to Gi ve Naval Base to Vietnamese MY THO. Vietnam (UPI) -The United States will turn over its ~1y Tho naval base to the South Vietnamese Sa turday in the first such exchange by Navy men in the war . The base is situated on the 11y Tho River about 40 miles southwest of Saigon in the t.1ekong Delta. Navy officials said abou t 100 American sailors will remain at My Tho for several months to assist in the transition. lO"dO" $355. Orex11'1 cl•11ic ll •li•" greup, with • true lltir fer the previn. ci•l-fhinkin9 ptrsen. Th is 9rt1t cellt ctien of fin • ecc11ion1I furnitur1 i1 1v•i11bl1 en • limit .. •ti b•1i1 tlu 1 to ifs hi ving bttl\ c:lhcontinu1d. Don't mi11 thi1 epportunity to ha¥e • look at t),;, ex cifin9 f1irr1iturt, whil t it h still 1v1i11bl t , $65. $189. ,YOV.R LOCA~ DEALERS FOR DREXEL.°HENREDON .HERITAGE ' NIWPORT l lACH 1 n1 w"''"" Dr., 642.20so ONM NINf 'TIL t INl!aJOllS Prol•lon1I Interior I LAGUNA llACH • .1 ~',\1~1 us lD 1 :UJ Nort h Co11t Hwy. 4f4.6JJ1 ""Ya l 1 _.,.... ONM NIN Y Tl1. t ( ( ! '· I I ' I I j, j. I I ' . • • • • ' . Coto de Caza this weekend A new kind of club in the outdoors~ Simpfe, really. A place where you and yours can get out and· enjoy the outtloors. Play and relax in the country. Conveniently and often ••••• like this Holiday week-end. A get away place from the urban-suburban crunch. Without the traumas of week-end pa~king, reservations, hurry , hurry beat·the-ru~h, crowded resorts, Sunday return traffic. Troubles. Where is it? In Trabuco Canyon, Orange County. 5000 acres of unspoiled native Southern California countryside. A siX mile valley, ·rolling hills, oak studded meadows, a winding creek lined with sycamores. Secluded, yet nearby. Less than an hour from any place in .Orange County, 100 minutes from the San Gabriel Valley, 2 hours from Westwood. it'l1at are we selling? No houses. No land. No investments. • \Ve're offering memberships in a club to enjoy the outdoors. Expensive? If you Ii.ave a comfortable income, No. This is a private dub, open to members an<! guests only. It costs SI ,500 for a family to joiii (company memberships are more). Monthly dues are $25.00. Some activities are free. Son:ie have a fee: •• renting horses, trap shooting for example, These can add up - depending on your use. . IVT1y join now? Tw~ reasons. Membership costs will go up. Memberships Will be limited in number and right now, there are no monthly dues until next March. Wh at's here? Tue whole outdoors. Paths for hiking. Oak groves for picnicking. Ponds for fishing , trail s for horses. Fields of barley and good ground cover for wild fowl -pheasant, quail, chukar, morning dove, mallard du cks . Ponds, trap and skeet, quail walk, duck tower. Everything for horses -barns, paddocks, training and breaking arenas, hot walkers, boarding stables, renting stables, veterinary and grooms' quarters, all new and handsome. Fireside lounge& and outdoor cafes in the equestrian area and at the hunt lodge out in the field. Kennels for boarding and training dogs. The big clubhouse is being built. Spas and swimming, squash and tennis, gyms and saunas. Keeping fit. Who s here? Great people like Robin Moore, expert trap and skeet shooter, horseman, swimming champion; Bob Sanchez, one of the nation's top ten field and competition guns; Mack and Pamela Linn, nationally known English and Western horse trainers; Ray Hubbard, <log trainer of field trial champions. These sportsmen are here, resident professionals, experienced with the learner or the expert • What do the kids and teens do? Have fun outdoors. Learn horses and horsemanship, ride, show, train ,jump. Learn hunting, how to handle a gun,hunting etiquette, dog handling, falconry. Take natural history hikes. Go on hayrides. Run, climb, fish in a pond, play outdoors, find a.toad. It could give them some new interests • Take your family on.a three month vacation? That's what you can do. Even if you never take any vacation, the weekends in the year add up to 104 Saturdays and Sundays, more than three months. Once you're here, it feels like·the kind of va ca tion it t.akes weeks to plan -hunting, riding, picnicking, exploring. Anytime you come everything is.ready and waiting ; you don't have to bring a thing. Members drop in for an aftern oon of coun tr.y. lt's that easy • Why no pictures in this ad? It's hard to believe adve.rtisi ng. Pictu·res show a rolling meadow and you come and see one lonely greenbelt. You're conditi.oned to disbelieve pi ctures. That 's why you have to visit. Then it's real. Like the idea? Then visit us this week-end. We'll show you Coto De Caza on a ranc h wagon tour with a club ranger. You can dr ive out without an appointnient .and take yoµr chances ... but we suggest you call first and make a date .. And . don't worry about pressures, obLigations. The only salesman will be you. Telephone ( 71 4) 586·0 76 1 Cotodecaza Tfabuco Ca11yo11, California 92678 ff\ Macco Corporation Recreation Division t j \ DAILY '1LOT p • I 24. DAii. Y PILOT Y011r Money's Worth That Turkey Feast Complete-New OVER THE COUNTER Hl'W YOlllC IA.I"!• Ftld4IY .. COft'IOltlt Hew YCll'k llocll JICl\ttlOll Ol'lc:UI _._,._,.,....., ..... __ ...,. __ ..___,,..,....., ____ ....,I Was B11 y of 1969 NASO l lttlntt fo r Wednesday, November 26, 1969 HEW YOllK fAP I m1111°". -1111 IOllowfllG blo .\ A E111 '{"' $." OUOll • A~I (Otf ',::i..:-' ,,.,.,u" ay "1r,i'•'' B1 SYLVIA POltTER You have just flnlshed en- joying your biggest bargain of 1969-Thanksgiving Dinner. Turkey prices are only a fraction above last year's level.I -ln the fare or the fact that lhe official rise ln . the prices of meats. poultry i!.nd fi!ih combined is a hefty 12 percent -and presumably you ate turkey. The dish or cranberry sauce you served wilh it cost less 1han 15 cenl.s oo average and the fresh 'Sweet potatoes or yams, only 3 cents to 5 tents per serving. • AMONG lhe most powerful single forces helping to hold down our overall meat costs haa, In fact, been the automa· Uon of the pool try industry. Today, nine out or 10 chickens and well over one-third of the turkeys we eat are raised on huge automated flll'INI many of which count up to 30,0(IO. 50,000 birds each. Admittedly, prices fo r turkeys in some supermarkets are up 5 to 10 cents per pound over 1968, reflecting I h e policies or turke y producers to restrict production in order lo force a higher return to tur· key farmers. But, as in the past , many supermarkeu offer turkeys as loss leaders during this ~eaSOfl 'in order to pull us into the stores for the purchase of other traditional foods. Giant tom turkeys are available, if you shop for them, for as little ' as Jiltle as 39-43 cents a pound. Smaller birds are available for as little as 39-43 cents a pount. These are bargains in anybody's book. IT IS this price appeal which is primarily responsible for the steady rise in oqr na· tional consumptlon of poultry. Although annual turkey ptG- duction is remaining fa irly constant at around I 0 6 . 4 million pounds, o u r con· sumption this year is up a full 10 percent or even mflre. Revealing the extent to which millions of us are turning from beef at all-time high. prices to less expensive poultry is the fact that over the past decade, our per capita poultry con· sumption has ~ared 39 per· cent while our per capita con- sumption of meat has risen only 13 percent and of tish, a mere 4 percenL Right now, your average eonswnption of chicken is up to YI pounds a year agRinst 27.S pounds a decade -1go. Dur· ing the same period, your con· rumpt.ion of turkey ha.1 risen from 6 pound.a to a pounds. NI '-' .... \Olio tll( •I ol $toewUIH V Co 0.•Mrt, '°"" 119' me El Turkey is now a com· :!.n:~ "11~~: ~1:r,~ moo place year-round dinner, :"~1~f:it •• 0j : ~tw:""',f and packages of turkey parts ="iVu~c11 =~ :;~~"H are now a familiar sight at the :t'v• '•51tt11i ":; ~: ~ .}~ supermarket meal counter. As 1bl1, ~i.i-·" ~"'' al rul Oii mllfkth I a gener e, whole lurkey c111"°' '"'=· " Eo or whole chicken costs at least :' '"'..at"' .~.i: ~:=c1c"" I •· I r11111 m1ni:1111, ""' eus11 severs cen.. eu per pound m•rki1ow11 or com-A El Lib Lhan boned turkey. rolled turkey roast. stulted turkey, cut-up chicken or chicken parts. As a general rule. larger turkeys cost Jess per pound than smaller turkeys. BUT NO MATTER what ya rdstick you use , roul!.ry emerges as a top-notch food bargain. Poultry prices are actually a startling 25 percent below the levels of 20 years ngo. IC you're bargain-hunting and lf your family prefers certain chicken parts over others. you can flnd the parts available at prices at least equal to those on whole or cut. up chickens, The triek ls to know how lo Spol lhe bargain -so here's a new chart f r o m the Agriculture Dept. s how Ing price equivalents for whole fryers vs. chicken breasts and leg-and-second joints: Tiii !tlct Is to --how lo ~I •lie WrHlll -so lier .. , 1 ntw cr11r1 "°"' Ille Avrkullur• De,ir. 11\owlno '"lee equ11111en1s tor whol1 frr•n "'" chlc~om Dre11I• •lld IH·atld·Secolld loln!I: Ctll If ,,~_. lf•wlv. c"I i.r £1ulv c .. 1 .i E111!v. HY .E•lllv. nu ..-,.,... .... 11.i1 "" ..... -""'"' WN U t.Kell<f rr. 2' c ... ,. 41 «nit 31 (En!> 31 Clllll\ ,j4 Cllllh o10 c111111 3J Unit •I Clfll:I /11 c111111 Ji c•nh ~ '""'~ •.S Cfn!s l1 Cl/Ill 57 Cfnh ., Ceflls :19 c1n1t 1S Clfll• l(I cent• •1 CIJllll )I cerlh 5J CM!h •J ct M• '1 ctnll ~j cenb Subsidiaries Trans£ erred OAKLAND (UP I) -Kai ser Hawaii Kai Oevelop1nent Co. and Kaiser Rancho California Inc., two wholly owned subsidiaries of K a i s e r Jndustries, were transferred Monday to Kaiser Al uminum & Chemical Corp. The Kaiser Industries 8'.1· nouncemenl s<tld the exchange of all of Its stock In the firms !or about 1,675,000 additional shares of the aluminum cot· poration had been approved by stockholders. Kaiser Industries now owns approximately 7 ,338,000 shares of 38.6 percent of the common stock of Kaiser Aluminum. No Easing Of Inflation In Sight Yet IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Wilshire-Gramer cy Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is SAFE • CONVENIENT • AVAILABLE HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES WILSHIRE OFFICE; Wll&nlre at Gramercy P11ce 3933 Wilshire Blvd.• 388-~265 ~rket nuctualloos don'! '#'Urry Coaal and Southern savers ..• thei r capital Is atw•J• rl1lng In value. And you'r1 sure ol the highest eamings consislenl with aalety when you save al Coast and Southern. Forcmosl assurance of these benolits is the Q\Jfsta ndlf\11 f!nanclal strength malnla ined through the year. by th• min· •oemenl ol Coasl 1nd Southtm Federal Savtngs. ~:~~" L~:~o~~J ~:.~.~" M..,,. OPrtcl: ltUI A Hll, LO* "'"""" • 621-1M1 o...,~ l.A. CMC CIWtP~ 2rwt a l ro...,.,, • 62'-'102 MNIWCMI llACH: 11 ........ Mc.&w•tlJ..'°"7 INSURANC E TO SI S,000 /RESOURC ES OVER 800 Mllll0" IANTA "°"'ICk 711 WfllMN &..S.4 m.c17•6 ···~ TOltl I P.:ltk 0 9'1~1 WUT COVllU: £ ...... Stloflplttj Cit.• lll·t201 PA"'"'-'M CITY: M16 •• lltwrl ll'f'd •• 162-llfl I ARUMA: lt1$f V1<1tvrt 1 11/d, • J4:0« l lVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL \ York Stock List --------·-------------.... --------------------..,-------·--·· ----, -~ ------------~--·--- New York: Stock Exchange List Final Stocks •• In All Hom• Editions Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List FrN 1-6 -Burrough! Burroul{hll Cor .. which Is t"nsln.1ctlni:t a $16 million pl11nl at 1/Jission Viejo, todly rrpo11otl i ndi ca ted ntl oper11tlng earnings for the ntoe mont!11• ended Sept. 30 climbed 29 percent to PO.iu.ooe or St.SS a slu1re from JZ3,f00.0DO or Sl.43 1share1 year earlilr. Re...., ... In tlie ..... period advanctd. 15 pttetnt ta IS17,2St,OOO !rom $450,0l'l.OOO. Third qu1rtu ort earnlq• incrto:astd 25 percent to $U71,000 or 51 ctnl.s a """"' from $7,1&4,000 or 47 cent.I 1 share in the like Ilea period whlle Rlvtnues r'OH 10 perce11t to llU,Ul ,ODO f- •tM>,1117,oot. Prt1idenl RO)' W. Mac. donald said total world•lde blcklop are JI pt reen l puter dlll1 at the bellllllinc of the 1w llld ordero lot COllllDt!daJ ........ dola ~:=".:!d~ year urlle.r. . ..JI ~y PJlOT ~'TRJM...,A-TREE SHOP'~ . . O• 'if;// I Ll'STE"'N~ .. "'!!fififi! . . WITH OOR ''.' STUFF AND OUR PR\CE5 YoU D:lNT H/\VE\O GO IN Ha:K z:;...-~~~10 HAV< AN'CE: ' ' ' , -· . ' ' . ~·"' ""·" d.SMd pdnl iooit·lhm llileember I. I• (and as the bo:DdfoJu C'l-\R~lMAS UNLESS 'bl' AWUi TO caPe:ND MoNEY. pMce1~ Ml~ ~t. Jillbd Ming GD uglf !tog'.") ' MUSICAL NOVELnEs 197 tANDY APPLE ORNAMENTS 97c BOX OF NINE , 177 llWlr brigbt. ~ U!M. hot pink. blilli. and gold. Ju1t u• IU Hollywood ltan ue oa theJt boat Gel .. ..a&..mellld 1lllll: aA4 mGtcb bareat • doon. glGllMlrOU-flocbd wnct1a.·t1 ll IDcll--. color. lllcalorocmpteftu.too. --. . ~~;;;...;.-=a:m:CB::--r-;;;;;--~---;CO;U;R;--r--:: LAWN emu: ROLL RiBBON MUSICAL . ~ .IJ, AU rid with yellow Uom1 lmport1d from 1om1 country natned Noel that l never becird ol. U.L. approv.d cord and 1lngl• tocbl. 197 J1:9ali1llc 36" high Y:lnyl Bania. ea1y lo blow up. lids Ilk• ho:wlng their own personal 1anta doll. GOLD LEAF AND ANTIQUING DEMONSTRAnON by II; boJt of r1bbotfln a11orted color• for package wrapping. decoration, or ino:liing a hoir bow for your St. Bernard 10 hi• ca1k <-:;: won't 1lip. ,,...,c--><'<> 97c 210FT. CHRISTMAS GARLAND 37c 15 FT. All Jlo:meproof, many color• to choo1• ffi)rn. n1v1r 101• their 1parille y1ar all•r year. firmly anchored so they don·1 get ro:tty. I I REPLACEMENT \ ·.~ BULBS I HGV9 plenty OD hand. GllOrtM . l I _ ,,,,~ u ...... ,, .,., .. . \ J ' C-7 7' ~· TABLE . ~ "· ORNAMENTS . . 4 77 EA. Turn• Gftd mok•• a little lune and Ill• lig\i,., go 10u11.d and round.· Portable. DO •lectriclly ~..t. C:G11 N pJoc9d, cniywbere, -; SANTA OR C~ROLER 'flm • DOOR COYER All Tlayl. chOO# from Scnty or . emoler design. Wa1bable iA c:a•• th• reindeer lea•• flngemu:uk1. 12 INCH CHRISTMAS cmLEs BEAvY DUTY EXTENSION CORD CBBISTMIS MOUSE . H4'PpJ'.moa~e1 l!a9t• up (he's lt.appy • CGUM he' 1 got a bOttl• ol scuc• under bl1 hot.) With cord Oltd bulb. 2•a ALLWEAmR ·PROOF HEAVY DUTY PLASnc COLOR WHEEL mBULB Rnol'1DQ wheel llood.1 your trM or display with bright color1. Quiel motor so Sc111ta won.I g-11 •tortled. 397 SNQJET FUCKllfG m 197 Liquid Beauty Demonstrators Saturday· Sunday Nov. ~9-30 c .9y, 9' C-7 Flasher 9' .:.·-e· ~~-·~· Chrl1tma1 ju11 isn't without stately tcpellng cand.11110 add Je1tin cir, choice ot red or grM(i. No" you'll hG'f'• somethlftg to do "Ith tboM grue10me b!)lderS Aunt Minnie 1enl you last yem. Comp lei• kU. ju1t otlac)l loyourvacuum ALL STORES ASSORTED . TREE NOmnES A little .omethlilg lo break th• monotOllJ of eontinuoua round ornament1. Got . , Santa. pixies, elft•, C-9V. Flash8' 12' 35 LITE MINI SET 2'' • • •'qnd other brightly ~ • , palntlld doodad•. '•. 4 7 Use lor'a 1mall•r tr-ot for dull window you C wont to li1'•n up. {!'tow what have you. gol to EA. liven up th• help?) ·- CHRISTMAS SPRAY PAINT Jumbo ems ot 1pray pol.at (le that cmj r.lcrtloa to Giant?) wlll do nlcelJ' tor decoration .. plywood cutouts. bl red. !ft"ll. gold. or sll .. r • cleaner and 1pray ln1lo:at drying reall1tle 1now OD the trff. flame t910TdODI fiocldng. Nlills G'f'alloble. TREE:$CENT .SPRAY Gfterou1 11• IPNf CUii briag1 th• ln'1goNflaa armoa ol the big phi• .country lo rour troat ....... i--~~~~~~~~-t~":'ii ~+,-~~~~~--11--~~~~~~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~--t I OUTDOOR FLOODLDIP •BOUER .399 PRINTED nREPLACE WITH ";~~~ Electric Logs ~ Fun tor 1be kld1. ••~lolly U tiler aot a plcryhouM thflf "ant to decorate. GUTTER SHAKER lie !right holiday color.d gllt1er1 •hoke on cmd stick with a lilll• glue, ho• tbou1and1 ol u111 (you can do lhl• od for starters.) DECORAnVE TREE Ia w11tt9 er green. ·ue kw c:aterplec91. alteetaad. -,.. MCN!Gry'1 d"k top. (Whal? 00 boalW. 21 Sacbe• ' 6 n; WHITE FLOCll;D TREE Gorjo• tree, loDQ" limbs.. look loaded with snow. d~ltn•d for easr 887 =tr gnd •o•r . 6 F'i'. ' SCOTCH · PINE 1n. UPSWEPf PllfE 999 Long ftMdl .. 10 htcrlChff, fUll Uh down home country style. E••n your wlte's Nloti ... 1.will be lmpre1Md, especially with ti~• prtce. sn. SNO.nP PINE 1777 ti.._ot_._.._ .. olmo11 oar itolldllf d.cOKtlaf .chem .. hper llllclr: hrcmc1'M loolr: to recdi1Uttlc we co:ught oaeof tlri• aeighbor's ldda trytog to ma.ltit o snaowball. Easy 01ffmbly. • .• *' - voi:. 62, NO. 285, ~ ~IONS, "6 !!AGES , ' . -- NIWEsT con• AT THE BEACH: IT'S CALLED A SANTA ANA HAIR STYLING Lita ~try, .Nancy. $11wy1r, Both of Tustin, Found Air W1rm, Wind Un ruly on S11nd1 This Morni nt Santa Anas Lash Coast Gusts Up to 45 mph; Little Da1nage Report,ed By JANICE BERMAN Of M DlllY Pu.t St•ff YOU';JMY call it "Sanl.ana," but.if. y~ do,, y.oi're wrong. Jt"s "Santa ~,'.' a.rid , relets•to "e bot, dry, dusjy·weither that • · riii. the · malevol~ .... c::f the Santa Anrtilndo. · The wtndl have-been .hl"'linl up a RmHlcrm since early FridaJ> morning. elQllq a lot ol .....i. -all\f fltl'7 skin, bUt v.,Y Httlf ciamaae ldoof Ille ~.Afrpart ttpOrle4 ...... ni1P>c fnln 10 lo 41 mileo "°'hour, ·11111 • the strong breeies have had llttle e£fect on commercial and general aviation. All planes are on schedule, although takeoff directions have been. changed ~ avoid' Ute northeast ,wind direction .. The · ...,.irOf tow,r-rtporle~-l1Wer flighis 'lij> anal! pI-lhao:llO!IJlal, ~d llJlOWmin tald airport pel'.MJlllle! are checklna to make """ •ll•Jilht airqaft ~ ...,,.1y·tliil ...... hrjher IDllnd. lllo caui..... HJPwa1 htr.r 1111 'pooltd _.. .. alml .... jor .llll!!Wl:!I Jn oriitft. 1IMnidl ml San • ilernardlDo c<Amlfoi. lor owners ol 2 Newport Brothers Die rrying to Help Motorist Two broth<rs from Newport Btaib wert killed Instantly Thankqivlng Day ~ they were hit by a car u they tried tojld·a stranded'mOtorlst on the v:enwra rn.way·near Camarillo. · ' ~ewport Theater Hit by Burglars .!llianliilgivlng Day burglars slole lt,400 !forth of video tape and sound equppment frmn Newport Beach's Open End ~ter, pOlice reported. . . , ~ollce said the lheft was discovered le&e Thursday, but a point of enl.ry into tbl old the1ter building at 2815 Villa Way im.;Newport's Rhine area could not be feund •. . t \ru the second theft OCCU(Jing In the tbeaf.er in recent months. 'Earlier this fall, burglars found an open window .in the theater and stole .several hundred dollars in weekend reCelpts from a cash box in an upslairs Office. A video tape recorder and playback set. along with a tape rceonter· were taken In the Thursday theft. " Stock· lll•rket NEW YORK -(AP}-Tbe stock market held onto a small bot quite broad gain iii slow trading -late today. (See quot&-lioJu, Pase• :tf.15). Craig Anthony Waite. 24, and his brnther, Ketth, 23, !Ill W. Ocean Fron~ wri en route to Hayward for the holiday when .they noticed ·the stalled car ·on Conejo Gride, hlgh:Wfi)' patrolmen said. 'Ibe hn:ihm parked th!ir car in fronl of one driven .by Annabel Graham of Fre- moni. f.Jlen they walked back to help. Patrolmen said as the brothers stood alonpkle the car an auto· drivtrn by a young Fullerton man sideswiped the .stalled car and struck the men. The accident occurred at S a.m. fi ve miles south of Camarillo. Patrolmen Identified the p a s s I n g motorist as William Kirven, 22, 0£ 1101 Hornet Way, Fullerton. He was not held. Neither he, nor the Graham woman was injured. 11te two men' had moved to the Harbor Ana in recent months. Funeral services are pending at Jones Morflla:ry. in Hayward. Egy ptia n Mortars Wreck U.N. Pos t UNITED NATfONS, N.Y. (AP Mortar shell fire or Egyptian origin dama~ed a U.N. observation post on lhe Israell.-occupied '!;lde of lhe Suti Canal Thursday, 'a U.N. ~rt on Israeli-EiYJ>- Uan hOstlllUes said'today. . The report frotn the U.N. truce supervisory org1nlzation said there were "many splinter lmpacl5" on the southern wall ol.the boj!ldlnf. campers and trailers. No major damage has been reported. The Edison company rtported no ma .. jor damace. as a result of lhe high gusls, >J~·~-,.raj Mrvloe""" ~ IJ)aln,.1Jne.1•to:•houlos ·'!W • ......, hy .. fallint...... ' ... ~··at !be u.s:-.-...._. Loi . AllSlll apect the Slnta. Ana - dltiaa It ~ lbro11Cli lumtay, but ..... hawi .. allklal ..... lleJOnd Iha~ we•.,. .)Iii 1iop1aa ~ ..-nr wm 111r1 to wwm,w s.tcl ·~ Ge<irlt And ...... Andrew! explalned ·why · the "devil winds:• form.. • "There's a _Jarse high pressure system over the western plateau, ih Nevada and Utah. And there'• a low prusure aystem on the ocean. · . "The wind has to funnel through C8116 yons and mountain pusea. As it squ ..... !broucb. n speeds up, and when the air comes down ~ the desert it com~ and WanDa up." He was asked, "What II t high, •nd Whet ls I low?'' "Barometer readblgt ~ tbti air all the way to the top of thi1 atmolph•e," Andrews said. "U'a just Uke·lf you hive a tub. Hall the tub Is <0mplelely fuil, and the other half s only half full. ll you pull out the divider in the tub, the water will · 'slosh around, irylng to equalize itself,'' he said. "Air is a liquid, and behaves In many ways just like water does. The molecules in alr move around easily," he said. Andrews may ~-alt Is a llquld, but apparently Orange C<iunlians don!t. Local market.$ report a ND on CbapsUck in the past two days. . SP ACE ME SSAGE: 'BEAT ARMY' ABOARD USS HORNET (UPJl -Th• Apollo 12 a!tronauts, all newly appointed Navy captains, sent a special telegram to t~e U.S. Naval. Academy· at Annapolis wlShlng the cadet.! a v~ctory over Army when the two service 1academies meet on the football field Saturday. "Your 'Beat.Anny' flag, carried to· the moon aboard Apollo 12, will be returned upon releue from quarantine. Good tuck and beat Army," said Charles "Pete'' Conrad, Richard ·F. Gordon and Alan L. aean. • JEN CENTS. Volcano c C.laifils 3 ., ·. C.t!a8t l;0;up~~' C hil,d fall_ Into Pit ' . . ·• • .1 ;,.· • .~ • ~'-• A younr !amity ol lhr<e who recenlly h~ ~ !"'lb v.r;:11fG!Jd OI .the specilbited about what ·h1ppened Io the moveil~frolh tile Orin11e COut to H1wlit ~ ~: · • '" • ... ~ fapilly; bul pe tearchinc for: a youn1 CO!P his :beeft wiped • O.t by ·a• m)'lrterlciwi Tiit ~ had been In Hlwlll pie they believe rented .• cabin with lllo pluniJe Into the iici<alled Botl<mllesa· Pit stilio ...._ llul It' w1m't their !Int Roblnaom on Nov.' II In crater National in a ·Maul bland volcano. ' · vl..n.:,'l'idr-Ille~ bad be1Uft ttme.. Park. . ' ' · , ·John mid Gmdlln llOl>l1111111 and their Tbey ... loo Ille Ont time in -'!'bey .tso m l«king a man who 11x.,..t!Hld dolllthte< Huther""' dis· w~ ·him· had attended · Puoallou alerted ·ofllctals on.Nov:lt.tbat the - covertd In the· Moot deep bol& by a. Sdioal.a pn11111nent prlvlln ICbool. • ~Io had not ~lome out ol lllo crater and pork nnger, Sll!ld>Y ud Iha bodlea re-Police.Jn.-, llaul, bave not yet · were last ieen iestini near the pll • covered by heUcojllet Monday,, • · • ' • · Author!Ues have not "'~ned · the ' l!'~ed::,~-.. of the R.obin-· Fl~~ N_oiv ClvlliatU /' The former l.olUnl NllUel relld.,ln were id<nUllecl by hll mother, Mrs. Slrall RobiMOn oJ 24J81 Vl& Aquua 1Avt., Laguna Niguel. "It was a tettlble shock for her, .. said a neighbor. "They li\•ed with her for • while and visited o!ten~atter· they, moved." She delc!rlbed 11-year'old John Moore Robin!On JV (Robbie to .his friends) is a quJet'puson, taU with abort blonde hair. His wire Gretchen, 11, had long dark hair and 'browr. eye~. She' Aid 11he thought he was d"oing IOml wori fur t\ls father Jo • Robinson. an attomey lD Lu Vfga'S. "They wtre aweel tlda," &he aald. "They liked the beech, camping and hilt· lng .• They lrHeJed qulta •hit and alw•yl took the baby.," Siio aafd they Wert very_ Driver Pulled Unconscious From Fiery Car A Newport Beach man Md his Jife to be thankful for Thursday; after his im· ported car went out "of control on a CoMa loleN bqujev'!l!, ~Into p~ "!:.~~ ... ' 1, ,;'"'. "'""*' I'! ,.. • lS, ., .... 'l'llltln ·Ave., w11.1r1PP111· ~ tn , the Brllllb -.. ~~~ • ~,... aoalll -p . when pOllOl ~ • . Ofnc.i ~-~ ""' .llil fire WU qulcklJ =--ml ~ who It flrll ~ -f1talJJ Injured, pulled him fnln the wreclqe: He was begiruµn& to. regain . con- scl.ousness ¥ter the 2 1.m. accident, but could sun ~e·no expllnllidn about what had happened, due W hia 'lnjuriea. The victim suffered mul\lpJe •lace'ra• ti.ans and . brulae11 ptt . the lep , and ab- domen, plua a p:>Sslblt concussloo, and was &fve.n eft'je~gency treatment at Cotta Mesa Meniorlal Hoipllnl. . Shanley wu·thei;a transferred lo Orange CouQty Medical Center, 1'here Ii< b lioted In ' fair condition todoy, accordln( to nuraeL . J~venil~s .H~Id For.: E~posure . A pttformance . ln a. Laguna Beach parking lot led to t1'e arreat or six juveniles early today, with ai t7.year-old boy booked On chariea of statutory rape and his 14·year.qld girl partner charged with IndeCdeul eJll!llure and Incorrigible behavior.· · Poli1.e said £he couple were obatrved ln lnUmate behavior 1n a car ai Denny's parking tot, lfhlle • llfOOP ol teenoge li>yg and llrls llood eround w•tchlnc· The juveniles, all from San Bernardino. were turned over to tbetr parentl after booking; with the excep!Jon· ol the·girt In the car· ud her l5')'eor-0ld lliter, who was ·among the 'obstri!rs, The i1fla wlll be taken to J(Jvenll<· H111: police s&Id, at the request of their plrents. · · • .The' incident ,occurred It ·5:15 •a:m. when a ·Laguna patrol unit swung into the parking Jot and observed the group gathered around the Cit. After viewlii1 the actiYlty Inside the caro the officer placed the entire ·ll'OUP undei: arrest. The aJrls, ranging In 119 from 14 to 11 tnd the boys, aged 15 to 17, were charged With curfew, violltlon and lbc:orrigible behavior. Joint Viet Committee To ... Probe .· Massacre .. . lly Vlllted rms llllemtUoeaI,_ Until two weeks 1101 the .former com .. rnander of the Anny's 11th Bflgade wu certain hb tr<iops did. Ooi ~ay ·VI•" namese vllla.c~ a~ My Lal on March ts, 111'8. Now, Col. Qren K. Henderson says be Is not ao sure. ~eltpir are rq!mbers of the South Viet .. name~ senate· and asstmbly. A joint. commlitee 'headed by Sen. Tran Van Dong, a leader o[ the 1963 coup against former President Ngo Dinh Diem, ls to begin aii Investigation Monday. Six da)'I ago defe'nse Minister Gen. Nguyen Van Vy branded the reporll as "totally W> k true.'.' nowing about it. . • "But when I start seeing TV broadcasta In anolher development, the ~nny said and hoarlng &0ldlen opeak .about' thll at l<ul five of the 15 <lvillu ei·Gls tubjlC\ Who-were . tbepuelva .,.,.i1- ull!lfr jq!A!IP~., ·!!'.~~~II" •. -.. I Iitlln .lo wlllll!er," u!d -.~-~ · ....... ' lffllS-t,... C1U1 "'"" denon, now attaebed' ·to tba-ArmlCl )lfObo ot the tnclcttiit.beP,D rut~ Forca SW! Collea• It NOrfolk, Va. . T!lll Amit! lll.lllii/ent ··~ In • . Amertcu IO!dlers hive 'been KCUHll ....... It ~ .. •to -' "till!or'ai ·qoany 11117 dvlllw at Ibo """'liift IOll,the "'1'Viclt be ·«11111 >lllqe. LL William L. Calley Jr. fac<I a ilctlallil .. otllonllle lrlld. · coarlD!m1ill <11 di~ of ,l:illlll& IOI of Jtrrf W. P'rledllelm, P • n It Ion ~S/lllt. David Mltd!ell hos been .p;...,., ptt m reuoo wh1 ,lilt men · with' usaull will\ Intel lo -911 hfld In service lo foce Jll!lllble • 'Ille Arm! II .~ 14 court tiiftual He hid he beHeved iuch a olller lllldlen lor poulble perl1clpatlon In ~ would h a v e been "not lhe ille1ed massacre. · . unusual ." Henderson said the first report he bad A total of 26 men, tncludin11 the of any incident came from a helicopter clvlll&M art! under ln\·estlgatton. pilot who told him Of •seeln1 a soldier kill ' TM Anny lnlormatl~n 1?fficer ~ho a Civilian on lbe gfoUnd,beloW. . . • wrote the Oot Dews aceoun~ pl th•~mon tnvesUgated and said the "Plnkvlile" operation ·-tbt GI n~me for sol r convinced hint that he first My Lai,-: ~y~ l'K. thoµgh~ sorri_ething was t 't the civilian was dead; but then wroric w1U'i the report u soon as he :sea up 11 to throw a crenade. wrole It, the Chlcato Tribune said toda ni. colonel aald h<! qoatloned all the In • copyrighted llory. troops operating In the ma I\ the tillle 0 1 tnew It was fishy aa soon as I wrote and bad been satislfed theft wa& no It:" the ,TrlbUne quoted Arthur Dunn, 27, "abooUng u~ or civWam." of Suburban• Form Park. · · '"Thirl't .m '11''61 the enemy rtporied ~~ lltld lillll' tlir.ee w~ captured," be uJd. :'ftat doeln'l «Ntte jibe." In··in ~" Wttb WVEC-TV at Hampton, va., GOf. Henderson 1Bld, "Up until two weeks ago, I would have sworn tha( it could not happen wlthout me * * * Army Judge Hits Discussion of Ma888cre Case Fr. BENNING, GL (A!>) -An Army jud1e ay1 hi< order for. poten~•I wt" ...-riot to dlaculs the My Lal slaying case In P.lillc 11 being defied and he hu called· a meeU~ of attomefl today. Lt.· €ol. Rold ·W. Kenndey, who will tstablbh the Afrhy,'s Jeial gulaennes'"'ln the Court-niatttal of Ll William L. Calley Jr. aftnouMed Thursday his plans to call the° cloled 1t.S1ion "to come lo some kind of conclusion ·about defiance' of an order to wttllelles • , tO q\Jit talking to the press." He gave no indication of the acUon.con.. lemplated. ,. • Ex~SS Guard • Freed in Deaths KIEL, Germany <AP) -A former 5S Elite Guard master aergunt, who araued that he could nol resist orders, was ao- qUIµed IAlday or charges -that he heljied gu 2;008 White Russian Jews In llMZ. Heinz SchleChte, 59, of Frankfurt ad· milted 16 a Klei coUrl that he served with iri SS extermln'atlon aquad. ·- The court acceplld bll defeese !bit he had been unable to dlaobey . orders to drive a truck equipped with L lpectal gaaing anll 11 said dllobeyln( the ordm wauld have bad terioos. co111equeDCeS for SchJecbte. ' ·' ' Orange ~out Weatlt~r Giant Florida. Rock Fete Starts "J .can undentand almost anything tx· cept · thlS 'continuous interrogation or wltneliel and potential witnesses and the publlclllon GI. tlliat Ibey aay before It is . Aid in court.!' Xemedy akf ... Somethine jull hU lobe done about thli." . Those Santa Ana winds die hard, and they'll sUIJ be kicking up a dust storm Saturday, keeping the . temperatures In the ~ • 70'1 alq the c~st aqd about lldeo grees higher lurlher fnlUlll. INSmE TOD.\ -Y The Chfldrtn'1 Thf!ateT ~uild "big 1M10" ·OJ • the 11fGr COMN· up ehis wee.lc"fd 'iohen tM Har· bor Area grovp11•1 :'Ptiu HI Boc>U" at the Omlo< Cooit Col· I~• allditotlum. Details fn If. da11'1·Weekender .• WEST PALM BEACH, ·Fla! (APi --· ;,-----,.-----,.,.---...,,-• .,. •• perlonnance cars. Mud equiahed between sandab.•nd bare REVliW'OF STONIS Pra~ ml Whitney Aircraft Co.,""""' 1 .. t !odor. as young J>eOPI• by tfio-thou-. IN NEW YOlll-P,AGE 5• , the ro1cf.lrom the aite, pooled e' tr a Andi .-.. some P.&Ylng, some aaahlng gu1rdt and lmtalled n:n spoUlghb. P,tes and swimming canall ·to pt in , : 1 ' • ~ ... About --J'l',000 persons were on hand fi'U -funneled Into the ·sc~ne ol I Fant · locll Jaw enfOl'Cfmtnt 4 gencles' ,,we wbefl. ftltlViUes officially bqan ~ay i'ock"music festival. · worklng·in 11-hour slUtta: Tt wlH cost-tal:•' af~. Desp.e a hea!f rain;~~ More thail 50,000 were e~pec~e(f to ell6 payers $25,000. for . the '11-hour festival. ,3,000 camped overnlibt' at tb6 ·* JO 1<r Palm Beach Raceway b7 Sunday the 1heriff1 dep11<tment• said. rillla •nortbwut ol Weil P•hn Belch.. when the.&lling Sloneo ·•nd other famou• ·Even 1he rock ftlll"8lp:omoler, David ·~· lhfT, -· !bh!nl ·..o...I tJrOUPI cut,Ioooe. • RloJlll, w11hiflng2!0 private poliC.. pretty nlcely~mad.".'Ald • spoku- "No prqbltms -yett uid 1 potlce EorUer In the ,daf, the 18.1111 building m111 for the 1 ~ewtmenl . spolamori. "l hope WO can UY tbat SUn-at Rupp's Used Cir lo\ burned to the Tf.nJc bee • seilM' prolihl at day llJtl>t. • . _,. .,-. Fire departmOnt 1 Inveallgaloh midday, the .:5.f'°'' ukl Pollce ccmv'""" tllree school buses Into uld they were lnv.,U,eUng the l'O'li· Cm, _. qd ·a 1y ti oth- paddy.,. • ...., Juli Ill.cue. 'lllllc<n ol bllllJ•Clf arson. Rupp IP'<Wlm ln .bllJ!-· er·motor veblcW 1 CJlf the ... ar. ' " . I . I . ·--· . ., ·~ • j . . • I 4 ( Calley, a ·21t-yur-old former· platoon --In Company C, Ill Battalion, 1111.-1n1~ Brllade, II charsed with m~ IOI Soulb:Vlelu..-clvtltanl ot. lllo vlllqe of My Loh on March I!, 1111. . , The ~my .Mid Monday It plans . to · ·~~ley. 1><fore, a K'l!"all ~rl·. 1 A· d1=~ater ·lie~.: who · \s• senlqr ·friat. , In the jlJl!le ldvoc.te~a aecllon' borl. ·that ;.tenUal wl-be ~IO dlscuA !ht cue be1on trlal. only with itiorneys liwolved . ar Calley. He dlrtcted c..,t. Aijbrey Daniel. who . wlil ,..... . ., the Army's Jlf*Clllor, to. tn(orm all -·ol the ,onter" hn· midlall\#i ' . . . ' ! Ctl~ I Mwfllll ,_..' ~ U c~ -.41 .......... ....,.~ I Clfl!kl JI fii-C'96,_,, ' fl " " -~" 11 • ... _·1 ' .. ' • &, .....,.., ....... _,.... :--..__ "f, =· ... : ..... . .......... ' -·-· -.... .. -.. Stnfct ,. """' ..... w ........,. '' .._.. """ '"" .... ,, .. " ,,, .. ' ' ' • j • • ----· •' :• ' --.-~ &:::ZC7'!.0"-<;~"°'"-·'°'n-==1't 0'1r<<-•'::"!C!":X...,.<,...t ""''~""'\r""<C""'(""'' '°'"'.-.c,-..--------.... ,--,.-• ..---,cc-<c.,,.r--o..--• ·--1,-,.1-~.·-~· ' ... • U.S., Russ E,nd ' ' ' ].st Arms Talks 'Ru sty. Adopted Viet Girl,' ~~. , On Good· Note Lieutenant's Sister Says •' i!Et.srNKI (AP) -U.S. and Soviet ~'91'1. wound up ·two wetks of Secret a.,m . cu~ talb . today in what was tJescrlbed .,u a ·favorable atmosphere ~ptte • smatterinf of caustic comnient fr~D1 MalCOW.· . c A,fter a JOS.minute session at the U:S. Ell'lba.Y, the envuys agreed to meet iiP;ln .nezt . Tuesday at the Soviet i;:,.b.uy, ' - TOday's 11es61on was the fifth private dillNSlion behfetn the two sides since tlll· Str1te&fc Arms· Umitation Talks (SALT> opened Nov. 17. :i Conrt.rtnce sources estimated after ~y'• rneetinc lhat the negotiator.s still havt ancithef week~gr two ol discussion$ ablM-~·· ending the -preliminary round at Helsinki. The ne.xt 11tage is sup-PoMd to be full.scale negotiations. A news blackout on how the talks are goine prevailed again today aa it has slnct lbe meeUngs began. By joint agree- ment, apokmnen for the two sides are 11yln1 nothing beyond lllllOWICing the me<lln1tlm01. It wu undtntood that the delegates decided to recess for a long weekend in order to allow sufficient preparation for GAINESVILLE, Fla.-(AP\ -Isl LL WiUiam L. "Rusty'' Calley who is charg- ed with 109 South Vietnam murders, once adopt~ ii starving, half-naked little Viet- namese g1rl and kept her fed and clotl)ed until' she vanished while he fought the war, his sister says. ·"It broke.him up,'' said Marian Keesl- ing. j'Seing naked and starving children running through lhe streets always hurt him most.'' Mrs. Keesling, 27-year-old wife of a col· le~e instrqctor, is the elder sister of Calley. The stubby first lieutenant face11 a court-martial. "Rusty adopted the gfrl , according to a Jetter he sen us," said Mrs. Keesling. "But one day when he came back from "'!aoeuvers she wa11 gone." , 1 , \. Calley complained in other ~·~t about the conditions in Vietnam.It , · hi! group would be out for 50 heat, mud and graS! wllh o to eat," said lhe sister. the next session. The layover gives them ~ • ~ • more Ume •JIG ,to repcirt 'b&ot to the1t 1 home 1ovmuueats .,;:-• '. : . ·,, B:ny· c' .1:.... Auct' t .J.n '!lie AmUltlll i.urn;headOd'by Gerard , · ."'-' . re:. 4 ,&(!, . C. $ntth ... feela .Uiit lbt talks havi been (,, ' · · - muP<j·eo lft '11':• 1ood almOl(lher• and S. f~f.od i11 M' es' a~ • ' ~ ~'-"'· ' ..!4~ '"'''"'-'"' ..,,_et o1 Slale • · ·• -· -·w:'l~~~ia~' the . U.S.;· .SCore!''o{}ieyc1es ~po~td i;·lost or JihD"wll~r t~is week ~t ·Et~le_t) :•JJd 11ever claimed will go on the ; 't1Qbinge11 ••r• "\Ji& , alJtt!~n block at the Costa Mesa Police ... ~MlOnl tllty' ~ive had Facility· Saturday. :li>Vtd ·u~1" • ' ,Th~ m~rchan~ise -esUmated at $1:500 , ~ l)ere have Indicated that or.more 1n retail.value -may be viewed the s"iie elao satisfied with the pri~ to U\e. start of th1; JO :•·~· auction talkS. a lt ~ .• ..19Vernment-controlled · be~11"1~ the •L.alion. at. 99·F'._~r l'iJ•e~. · • Sovlel>Pres• hU.exptUltd no.stronlsul>-Moneyi ~~ Ult a,uctkin, &~ in.to tht 1 ?Ort fOr SALT .and ~has betn blaming CoaLa.Mtsa.ctt)' general funct~t• be .used · 'Vtlt.trn ''milii.tats,. for the arms . 1qr va~Jous mil.ru~ipal .pfojectf._ . buildup. " · · "Ru11ty wrote home for a packap from the family -1ai-dine11, chetse and something tasty. I don't think he liked it (the war) any more than the rest."· But it was the kids who cut into the 25- year-old soldier's heart, according to Mrs. Keesling. Calley, a native' of WJaml, phoned his sister Monday. ''He seemed in good spirits,'' she said. •+'J'he.call was from Ft. Benning. Ga. Rusty said he didn't want to tell his side before the trial. He 11id any more publicity would just hurt hiJ fami· ly." There are two younger sisters in Miami and the senior Calley. The mother dled three years 110. .. ,, . ,, RQf y s Son, wil . Separate :Ni:'w "YOip( (~Pl -S l e v en Jl9c.k~~Otr, ,aon of Gov. Nelson A. Rockeftller, ~his wife, the former An· ne-M:arte Raimu111en of Norway have scparittd, a •family spokesman said I~ ' ' d!Y· The coui)le wtre married Aug. 22. 195' ii\ SOgne:NorWay· anu •much publiciied Cinderella romaiict. ltfrs. Rockefeller h~d come from MOrway and worked in the Rockefeller household. A spokesman said a memoramtUrp' af ~eparation was lo be file4 In the County Clerk's coffk:e · in· ¥.1.hite-'Plains, N.Y, "prohibit !Od'1·~~ , ; . A sl.iltment il,i.!f the couple had •·no plans far a divorci.'' ~· The couple have.three children. · . ' . . ~ . '' . Divor~~ V~tory l\Of>IE (A;) .-nle . Cbal!llier o! P !]lice H e'ficopter Pilot DepuU.1 i...Jtbt . -;proved all · the in· divl<lual arUclu "of,-~ ~Ill which would · Jqall.le dJvorce; for---the first ,time ·in Rllftl•n Catholic J!a)Y, Tfi~ chambet ,wH due IA> vote on U.. bUI 11 /"'bole later In the eveninl-~ , · • • . . ;~ ...... 'P-11 tlyMllM~llll COM,ANY ............ "'''' '"", .................. JM. I, C.f.'f Vd ............ ._ .. Mtili"' f U..t It-ti -n....tt A..,,.,,.,,.. ............ 1 .... J-· '· C.lli11 ·--""-~..,~-°""" 1Jll W ftf .. , ... •11lntrl • t.(11ll.,Mir ... 1P.0.1 .. 111t.t tU1, --· CM._,: •-r.::-tfM .. ..,.......,tm •.-. ............ ::•1111• .... . . Gets Few Holida ys Off \\'ilffi you1re · ooe of ohly four men qualiritd fo ·ny. t~ police department's helicopter, holidayi;: com e few and fllr 'J ' • u.."1.w1een • Ofricer Fl~d Stafford of Htintjngton Beac~ '!!pent ·mpcir*of Thankqlving up in the air. His oDIJ. rest was a three-hoqr , brta~her ,on thi' arou.nd walttng far ' -t5 mph winds to calm' down. · Thursday was a quiet day in the air. Stafford's most no~ble rewrta '11-'ert the cbaie of 'two glrls in a speed.In& car who !urned out to be lrylng to ditch a male pursuer and several flighlS over con- struction jobs. But on Veteran'• Day, Nov. 11, Star. ford 's fellow pilot, Officer James Lail wa~ considerably busier. That day in the· air resulttd In six felony arrests, one mJsdemeanor arrest and 1.54islanct 111 findln1 a tnlssing child. OUicer Llil'a day at.Jn.d w\lh·a can to find several )'duhlstm:" c • m b Ing telephbne poles ' near Salmob Lane. The kids made a cleaq· 1etaway, said police:, h<lt l>tl-l.ail ·and hll spotter, Officer JamtJ Corley, could brood'6'er the mat· ter they weri off for HunUncton Beach Hi&h School. At that p0int llremen were called lo rescue two youths from U1e roof of the ochool. A short brtak for lunch at 2 p.m., end ·the poll~ hellcopt4!r crew was In the air i.11ip p:t:4S p.m. Near Ellla Avtnue ani C'.olMri West Stmt, a 1tallon w11on was 1potted near a field and it look Ml like the driver WU aotng to iUegally dump some. trash. When he sp<>tled the police chopper . hbvering ove rhead, said palice ·reportis, lhe 4fiver hopped back in his car and drovt ·otf. Several routlne flights were made, then at 3:.10 p.m., above a field east cf Gregory Lane came the day's big catch. Officen Lall an.d Corley "potted four in· divldualf .•tated on the ,,1r0Wld, paper sacks scalier~ around. The four meli ran, but through the chopper's loudspelbr .were told to halt. Officer Lall set the ""craft on ·Ult &round whl\e Officer Corley hopptil' out· and ar· re.sled the four: ney tumtd oot to be four ol five men charted with being in· volved In 1 burglary earlier in the dly. Back In the air, both officers ex'Pkted lo finish tht day wltt rouUne piitrola, Mil it didn't happen that way. Nett came a quick call for help from the ground units sc<1rchlng for a missing sl1 °ye1r..old boy along the Santa Ana River: Sweepq,g kiw aJona the river bed from 1 Ellis Avenue seuth to the ocean, sevtfil fresh caVe-lns wtre noted and checked out by ground'ttews. Nothina waa ·f'OOnd. Later the publle addreu syatem w11 employed to aslt children In nearby nei1hborhood• II Uiey bod apotled \he younpter. It was Jtarned he had Jaat been setn playlna In Cotta Mesa and was shortly found hudlrla hoq\e. The crew of the H.B. Eye made one more Jllajor fUlht -tbil Ume in the dark ai l""ltld forct1 iurrounded a man suq>teted of w auJt with .• deadly ,.,,eapon. When the man was hit wjlh a beam of lilht from th< chow.r hi ron slrollht In· to the 1rm1 af r.itn on lh• .. iround· With that the crew Of H. B. Eye was allowed to rest • Trio Arrested In Robber y, Narcotics Case Newport Beach police this morning ar- rested two men and a woman on charge11 of armed robbery allegedly stemming from the knifepoint theft of $1,250 in- tended to be used in. a purchase of hashish. The three persons arrested at 3 a,m. at a Santa Ana motel ate Patsy Jean Galla'iher, 21 :· Alan Clifr Gallagher, 21, and John Kerln Clark, 22. All gave 455 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach as their address. Narcotics Sgt. Leo Konkel said lhe three were arrested at a motel al lSl' E. 1st St., Santa Ana. · !tohkel said four young persons from San Diego came to police headquarter& at about 11 :30 Thursday to report the theft. Konkel, who did not identify lhe losers of the money, said a knife allegdley was involved. He said the four gave him Information on where to find the motel residents and asserted the money was payment for hashish. A total of $1,266 was recovered. 'B~se to Vie~namese MY THO,. Vietnam (UPI) -The United States will turn Qver its My Tho naval base to the South Vietnamese Saturday in the first such exchange by N1vy men in the war. German Charged In 1,453 Deaths MUNICI{, Germany (U PI) .:... The !\1unich state pr<>Sec\Jlor haS P,arged a 57-year-old offiCer in' the West Gennan border guard wllh complicity in the mass murder of 1,453 Russian Jews during '\1or!d War II, the Bavarian Ministry of Justice ann~nced today. : l Lt. Col. Wilhelm Radtke' wlll be charg· <'d specificall y with nine cases of com· plicil}' in murder to back up the overa ll charge, a mlnJstry spokesman said. The indictment alleges Radtke, as a first lieutenant in the uniformed police. directed -under orders ,of a Nazi SS elite troop brigade -the execution of Jews by firing squad. The executions oc- curred in IHI between Nlkopol and Konotop in the Soviet Union. IlvoRNO • . ' Episcopal Bishop Sa ys Pope Misled On Birth Contl'ol SAN FRANC ISCO r AP) -~ishop C. Kilmer Myers of the Episcopal Diocese of California says Pope Paul VJ is wrong in his s~nd against arlificial birth control and Catholic Bishops in America lack courage to break with him. In a Thanksgiving Day sermon Thur!- day, Bishop V.yers said, ''The Roman Catholic hierarchy of this protein-rich ,na- lion does not have the courage to part company with a sincere but misled pope ·who, led by obsolescent theologies, def~es artiOcial population control as ob- jective evil." He referred to a vote by CathQilc bishops at a conlerenet!: earlier fhis month in Washington protesting fe<leral support of birth control proj ects. Just two y,ears ago, Bishop Myers called for .fll Christian! to acclaim the pope as "chief pastor of the Chris tian family .'' Bishop Myers, whose diocese slretche11 69 miles along the coast from San Luis Obispo lo north of the Colden Gille Brldge, asked how Americans coald celebrate with "laden tables o l Thanksgiving wheii famine is lhe future for untold millions." "The proteins consumed by Americans on this day alone never will be consumed in like numbers by growing millions of men, women and children in Asia and Africa in their entire life span," he said. "And the milllons doomed to physical apathy and retarded br ain development grow to more millions.'' ~ JO"x60" $US. ·-- Dr•x11'1 clls1ic Italian group: with • tru• flair f•r tha provi"· cl•l.thinking per1on. This gr••+ c•ll•c:tion of fin e occ11ion1I furn itur1 i1 eveil•ble on • lim it • ed be1i1 du1 to it1 hi ving b••n diicont inu•d. Don 't mi11 fh i1 opportunity to hev1 • look •+ thi1 •xc.itinq furn iturt , whil• it 11 1tili 1v•il1bl1, u s. $119. YOUR lOCAl DEALERS FOR OREXle. MINREOON ~HERITAGE NIW l'O lT l lAClf 1727 W-Nff D•. 641.1050 OftN MtlAT ,,L t IN1IRIORS ~ ....... ! """""' -... .. A•al11~\1 AID-NSIO LAGUNA BEACH s.15 -h C-Hwy. OPb P.lllAT ,,, t """' , ......... " ...... c...., Mf.<1161 4tWl1 " ,. •• ' • . ' I ~ • . ; I ' .. • • _...._ I I. I I I • ' I l I I I '•. • f ..... ,.,.. c ~ • f -"-· ,. 1 ' J -" • t . .t.1 -. •... ~· ' . .... . . . . ' .......... -.... • • , • .. .. • • • , ... . . ---------- :11· ::i .·, ' 4-• ~ .. ' .. "' i,~· d-1. •• ·~ '1 .. '·· ·-,,._ ' ' '· . .. . . . ' t)~:blJ ta ntes :_'. :j. ·.;~ .. ~ ·r~ .. R~earn it~d~ .. ·· "': ..... ' .. \_ . . -. . . ,. ·Reunited for the ·11rst 1 time since entering college· I last· fall will :lie' Nati~ Charity Iieaau.~ debutantes I ~ '. -~ who will. be ho~ored ana ente_rtained dufioi,. 8' p.rogres, '1 r. 'SiVe.J,liniler i>~rtY tonigb~ ..... :A~ ' ~ I.' ' ' A'.· 1 ~ •• ,_ •• 1~~1ypun~1women,•who'Will make tll(efr,Iokri~l .boW: ~to'" ocietf tqmorrow ·ilight, .. Wijl gather, with~eir eS- . cbrts, under a colorfuJ!;ramada ·Bt the· home of Dr. and ,. " -· --. Mrs!· ohl:n Frizzelle ·f~·ftle:firs~course . . ' ::, .... i; ... ~.-~·\ ed.' ciCfer amt Jibri aroeu.vres' will be served "" f~ arOun 1• ~ rojiring fire;;;beiglitened by t.Jie fragrance .of buhlit)g orange ,and ~e.uCBlwt>is ·w~., Colo~ .,\ights, hung in•J:aearanila and pepperltrees; ·Will .ilJAAat;O th& area .. ,. '(.' \· The ·party will -move on to the'.l\o!'ie of Mr. '!JI<\., Mrs. ·Robert Stanley Rosen .. t who wjlfserve,a· MIP<I=! ·dinner, M.S!c·by a' #rolling guitarllt'will add'!oi the· • -;., ·: South.:of·the.border atrhOsplte(e. . · .. ·..;;.'. ... The last destinatlOil On the dinne'.nfour Will be· Uit :!'-· home of Mr. and Mrs. George Edw&rd .. Newton, -Bal· boa Island where an array of desserts o)l Uie firellt patio \vill grE!et ·partygoers. -· · --·. Debutante daughters of the host couples are 1\-liss . . Diane Fr~zzeUe who has returned frorp South~rn Meth°" 1 dlst University in · Dallas; Miss Carol Jean Rosenast, -· .... \YOO 3ttertds A;tizona State Universjty.''in Tempe. and Miss Rob~.~Q~rta Newion . . .!-.. . "Other debutantes are th e Misses Jarus Linden Cald~ well, -Stephanie· ·cutler; . Kristine LaWir:.Rbnd~ pjanne Vogel and· Barbara Louise Woolsey. · I~, .. . . ' . !. ~ --• i : PLANS PROGR~U -Although. lt appears there Is much to do before Nationa!'.Cllarity· League dehutantes and their escorts . er- . rive tonight for, a 'pr~iive dinner, all will be in readiness when t • • .. • • ... .-• • • 'f ' ' • ·, ! • ' ' I ·, ' •'' . .,' they do. TBking care of·la~t-m~Ut9.1cb9Us .are host coup(u1(1eft to _right) MPs .. Nolan ·li'riZzelle,.jl!r. and Mrs; GeorgecEdwari!:Now- ton and Dr. Frizzelle . I ~ i .l I l;O: -·\• ·,• ,. " I I ~, \"'~ · .. "' Wednesday Club fete Arrives on F riqay . . . ,. J;f o(i'C/ay •1:Glow1 'Envelops :Voyagers . '· • .\.lready in J!. h9liday mood are meJ!lb~ts C!f Costa Mesa Wednesday Morning Club who a.re planning a salute to the seaso.n·ear1y. On Friday,:.DeC. 5 .. mem- bers amlguesls·will gather at 7:311 p.m. in the Cele-. . , . . . -. •. ';. ... - f. :-.: .< I -· ' britr..Rooin.•.Melodyl0nd, fo~·a social hour, a dipner' ... r,ee.i>,trees :9.'!<>rateil'•And lighted will center tables and ~ance.·Music will be ;p)'ovided by \he _Harmon-,.u.AJie1PaVjlj!!ft ,Satiifdliy,! Dec . 6, when .Voyagers • a~res. Toasli11;g.:the ,succe~s\of the party are (le.ft to , :\'~club metnbers1dlne and dance during the an-·,.~~g~t·J ~r. a?Cf ¥r.s. ~t1in l:l~~f and Mrs. Rand 1 y Nutt. 'nUal Commodore's Ball. Previewing the decor for ' . the.tQcllil·hjghllght of,lhe·club year are,(left to'lighl) M1~.,Robert FWton, Mrs. Dani.el Pike and I'\Jte ·wbo \Viii take over the club's helm as commodore;turing festiviti,,es.-:,' , j· ( ; •1 •• ' ' "I • Jf_~Y.o~. Warit tO::Co.ok Yol).r·Go~~r~' Po·ur o:n Ga:nde.r Sau:c;e . . . • • . , < I 1 • , •. r-' DEAR ~ .LANDEftS.: .. WW"<you a.....ra1~ -Jon?-No-or senno111, pM'Ue. E"'1 a !JrJe ~1'nplr libl'ya" iolJ1 do. The·q11e3uon ii l(ill"U · .a .. woman"finds aut her husband ts ijadng \ , , an affair, dQn'I ~ thlnk slie .hu Ille rlpl to do lJ" ~l -TIT FOR TAT DEAR TAT: WUt do YOll meu by l:'the r I g II t?0 Who gave JUM tbt riPI? lbe fact u.a& ~oar bu16ud 11 havtii: aa aflair 11 no ret.IOil for )'OI W . 'toue f6.netf op, too. Slftet Y.oli. •UC· "' g~1tetl ~t l reply in ooe 1!'f'd I'D do "~ No. -·· '· .... ' •1"·1 ··.1 ~.·~.· .. .,·t•' '. "! .r. -~ .. \ ( ~ ~ .. De 1"'11 !thpt~be. f~ to , I . . . tn!M'.~.lr.~~·oi-.talk ' Cyntlila 1anriojmced, wilb an:a!rJof flull. ' ' . ty, "I wlll.never attend a fUnetal -not evefi yourS." I feel Jnirt, · P~se ad- vise . MORBID (?) MOTHER room and listened to records. We thought DEAR MOTHER: Year.~ 4ugbler'1 su?"ely she'd attend the · funeral, but sh@ b1;U1~~_p ~~' d~atb 11 probably ~ 11 1.11 tattt e:tpfrienre that terrtned''her ud didn't. Her only comment was, "Dealb is --a:...-u ·ertto_ tl6tlally crlppllag errect. too morbkllto lh1nk about." ' ,.. __ , • .: Sbe 11 clearly out of yov rtacb, llowever, Yest&day we had a t.alk. I told Cynthia Knd arplng will aot cliu1e ller·mtnd, H that accepting death ls part of growing do yo11nelf a favor and coulder tbe mbo my ear ls·hafglilg11Jr~·· -,,A friend;''. 'ottm • have-,doneh!!'l !,boli{d I be-a of mjne :'IP'l.'!*li '~~.lilll..:<Jl •·~·iyr·? wh .. ·f··1'1'aii.d 1•·• beratlog me for re) her. I couldn1 <\<>? . . ~A!Wl'llER ANN 1etawordin<edtWlie:•11 c.,..: .• ,t-"','· DEAJ( A;NOTHER: l'm iJtOC yom .ad One problem 18 . that . this' woman ~b:\ . joa'fe not me. OalJ: ,. .. judge,1Ule eld.rly.-Jlul .I\ ... age·.live•people'tbe llml1' of'"" tolerlDCe. Aotfoab' ,W right to aem.Ad.lhl{~&bty. ba~&o~Jf'evahiale'yutlr iftd.ror m1rt;rrdtm. and. pa~pered while· t!'eY go on and On~'· This woman is too far gone te cb_,. reciting JD endless deti1I, trivia, nonsense her w1,11 and yoa'd ktter tieUeve It. r.. and gossip thaL drives the listener \IP the otk.erved that awn people ael &Mmteha well? '4: ' up for just aboal 81 m51cll ,..,......._. • I am welt aware that this person is llaey enjoy. lonely and 1 feel sorry ·for 'her beCeuse , .. ,,... ' !, ~ ... DEAll'AJINJ;ANDERS~l!!a-..i1· fnr a ·11-year-old to have 1 phobia•abnut death? I am worried about our daughter. Two y~ars ago when her grandmother di~ she refused to :attend the funtral. Grandn1a .was laid out beautifully clmid the. banks of floral offei:ings. We wanted Cyqtbia ~ come see-· how peaceful Grandma looked but she said, "lt's a waau, of llmt to ao Jook al a dead body." ,,.....__, ....... o1 G)nlhl.l'• -friend$ was drowned. She was tnlly grief- 'Btricken, wouldn't eat, Just stayed In her uv,·She ¥8*'t!Jat!lfe ii bad~ ond J«("oll ldl,"U.,.._ ... 9'1cy.w. to ft reiu.es·lo-1i\!nt llboul ~am. I worry-• ..,..._llq1t"_ilillllphd. sl\e .baa driven away so many: former o\ Anlf liander1 wlll be PMt.&o help~)'(¥ · friends. How much do I owe her? Should with your problems. Send them to bet la ' •• about her,: Ann. What If 'Jhe h3B : a • stillborn Child; or loses her husbani:I at an DEAR ANN LANDERS: At this' poiiit- ) ( ---~---. J try to get her lo understand what she is care or the .DAlLY •. J~u.<ll' ... eQClo!dq.a Holng''IO herself? Shoiikl ·n1rop· lier-., self ·addressed, stamped envelope. ~\ -~---------·---~----· ~~--~-1.-1 . ---~•---""-"'''"'""'•"'==~=er."•"''"' .,c-=""'~""'""'""'~'r.-"co-•r.. T.»=.T• .,,~'"·"'"' s:s""'""''"'' ;;....,c,..+r,,...,.., ,...,,,.,,....,.., • .,,~, ...,_..~.,., • .,,,., .... ,....,,....,,.. ___ .,.~~~ . ...--..-T.~.-.,_ • ~ · -~ ~ · ·1 · · - • Jf• DA!tl' Pll~T ·-•• . • : Holiday Celebrations Enveiop ~be//. Club'· PrtporaU.... ... lind<r WIY home; Mn. Ja-''" ·-ror Neirpon 8elcb EbeU wtU open her Nnrpart -' Club'• bolldl1 activitiel. borne to -s .-.,. Ai some bolt..,.. decorate and the PM -.wtltlranl i := .. ':ti:.= .:·-~t';e~ ~..!!.:! • pl a aal nC 1e1·11 o a1 In ~~1!!'~~'"' Mrs. a.om, ~ restaurants, • ~Wal"\UI• : ·~ oui 'l\Jeaday, Dec. On. 11\e netl day Gano. ~ t. Will be nmnbers of Book COtt\ten wUl meet at noon fw 1 : -3, unde.r ' the a •IDD!i-~."""""'" o1 : cJialrmlilsbip of l\lrs. Willtem bddce in the clubboule. , ' ThlYft, -while the clubliouse Club-preaident. Mrs. L. H. : has been selected by ' l\lrt. lllcl!tide, will hoot Baol< See- • PhWp Pike !or the meetinc lion I '11daf, Dec. It, aad-ai : place of the newly formed Monday, Dec. 22, Boot Sectlcln ! Arts and Crafts Section Mon-7 will have a luncheon. and i day. Dec. a. party with Mrs. Hines u Thursday, Dec. 11, seems to hostess. 1 ~ a ·po_JllUlar. day, for three .8QokSectlon 4 1l"etJl~~ Boot Sections will get-together hulbands will dtMi Olit. AC· tllt'J. S<ctJon I Will .be hosled cmllii('to'Mn, o: D>·9'and6.· by 'Mrs. Raymond K e n t chail'nlJJl. Time and place w1U }iarvey in her Corona de! Mar .be,~ed.Jaier. _ _ .~-· ' ,• ... \' ;-, Cti T-l (., ~ ·, ~ ~ ~ . Toastmistresses .. Hail . . ' ~\ . lnterRafional'-N:rght · ::. lnternelional +Night will be wilt: be awarded the club :: introduced when Council Six, displaying the moat ingenuity. GClden Desert Region of Mrs. Mary Let To n n , ~ International Toastmistress supervisor of Golden Duert ;; Clubl, meets al 7:30 p.m. Region, will speak on her trip ( Monday, Dec. 1, in the Green· 1uwnd the world visitiq: :: brier Inn, Garden Grove. To11tmistress clubl. A I s fl :; Clubs will adopt a foreign "Pf~' will ·Jl4: Mta;,.. DDnald .., country for their decor and ~ MC a ·r·e go r , a s at .~t.I. n t ~ dr... and Will dis play the IUpervL!or. . •• countrY's .. map.. am! re a d · Ou dlaplay . ,lfill_ .be b> ~ newsletters from ··it. Pi'ir.es -triCWnl ··•IOUVINl'I eent to • the group's Lynwood held· :: , I quarters 1(9111 Io re I 1 D :: OC Sing ~· Bees Toutmislr,u cluba. :: '!be aeccnd and lourtb Fri-_ Anyone .wlabloi >,!o 11tend • · ""---lhe 111eellnl·IDIY ~Mn. :-doy GI the month "'~· Cil•(lr, (l!<ott cballialn o( =: Ceunty Single Bees g~ tn Couhtll" SiJ f~r addJUOnal fn. ~ ~r Town, Santa Ana. ronitltkin. ' . ' r AdivtUee begip. at I p.m . . -...; . " , ·Moose Group Mu .. i 'Gents . '• ·- .. ·. ' . . • I j • • ; l l ; • Pinch pennies, Mak! dollars. It's tht btsL dfal you'tt l»Hn offtr· td todaf. can· 642-5678 for the dirfCt line to P!'oflts. ... ) ._; Women of the Moote, nsa assemble the fi rst and third 'I'hui'sday of each month for meetings in Moose HOme, Costa Mesa. The programa •begin at a p.m. open today H1rrl1· 1"d C1ct111 C.1v1I tw:o trouser.m1k1r1 p•rm1nently pre111d r11i1dy.fo-we1r merc;hendise MARY GR.CE qlOFFROY J1nuary Bride :esed ; to Join B·ridal Ranks Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Vincent Jorgensen of Newport Beach ·have revealed the engage- ment of her daughter, Mary Grace Geoffroy to Army 2nd Lt. R.!tlph Dozitt Crosby Jr., son ol Army Col. and Mrs. Ralph Dozier Crosby of Cha rleston , S.C. Miss Geoffroy, a 1966 Children's Horne Society debutante, is an alumna of Corona del Mar High School and is a senior majoring in sociology at California Western University. In high school she was a songlander and senior homecoming princess and at Cal West· ern she was 1968 Glamour Gir.I. Her fiance graduated 17t h out of 800 in his class at West Point. He was a fou r-year star man, president of the debating team and In ternational Relations Club and was award- ed for being fi rst in his civil engineering cla~s. The bridegroom-elect's father is con1· mandant of The Citadel in Charleston. The couple have selected J an. 31 for -their evening wed4ing in St. Andrew's Pres· :.bytenan Church. • Bozaar's A-bloom • ~ .. Hot0sco(Jf ,~.-··11t\-=" t ... I~\. ,•' • A~~,d · ·A f.roga~c~ ~ ' . ' 5ATljRDAY . NOVEt.4,ER ~9 . llJ SYDNEf·OMAIUI ·~ TEEN D4Uli0 HINTS: ' ~·Avold self-detitption. 'Se~ j)en:ons, sil.uatlons as they ac- tually exist. Easy to fool Yourself today unless em· phasis is placed on realism. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 'Subtle approach is required. Don'tjl.hink you can (orce your views -or you way, SOn1e who ~ to be dreaming are actually very inventive. ~es pond accordingly . ·' deal will be favorably .con-=," .. ~,...blr~-·"\P~ ,,,;.._•led g.,.;,uically l\PN\.. 10 Qm1rr "111tloor. t111'"'bl'tl',..1L,Y .,...,,.,.. • ~ \ • r -"'r· .. 11,,:0T, leit 'a4', Grl ( .. erty or o t tier , posaesion ;;~'~'~iijjiNH~Y~•~"'~"~·v~.ii••~·.··jiijjiij~ brings greater profit U you are ,- patient. , Prsclis (Feb~lf.MArcb IQ): C A K I 5 B.-ready for 's lga.Hlcadt . -'R A, LL changes. Accent • on work . r"" melhods, baoic chores, nil· OCCASIONS tions with neighbors and co-1-. work~rs. '· ,. 20,!1ill!NUTES IF TODAY IS YOUR B1R111DAY you are due for deligh tful experience which restores confidence and gives you new lease on I i f e . • CMnltii ,.,,1...,,-.,.,111 , ...... _ "'" -OMii.ii• T fft. DANICA PASTRY SHOP 514 •W. tAt.104 It.VO. U.1411 , .. ,.. ,..., ... ,,, . Gnol ~ ldPt_ lot -tor. ...... -~ 1oea<tq ,...,.1. •llld! -tk beat· of Ille -Leo -· •'11 • AtUrt.1 may be· ,conce.-d wltll poollblllly of ,.,.,.... .. relaUealllp. Romuce· I 1 eqipUthed for Ariel,. wblle CU.ctr could 1tnla IMtdget. Taurus abould avoid COi· froe taUon1 wblc• lead to 11eleu arguments. V l r-g o c:wtd find love through blind LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): lf.oney and ~usiness may not mix. Be chann.ing, but don 't give everything away. Get your fair share. And stM.ve to h • ( • n'ting To find out """°'' ludt'f fol' 't'GV In ave promises pu m w • moner •n4 1ov1, order Sydner °""'""' SCORPIO coct. 23-Nqv. 211: doje. AWARD WINNING SHOE SERVICE Be Independent, but 11void ap.. ;.AJl.IF3 (Mar~ 21.April ~9): pearance of arrogi nc,e. Ya:ur .n,: wary of iendency toward mate, partner deserve~ special atravagance •. You can win consideration. If you make " )'OW' way. But ~'t try to buy concession, you a s s u r c 1 . everything tn sight. Y<!l' are ulllmate gain. Think. cA~ , • sc>ing to . do. sm_ne traveling. · ·~SAGITTARIUS (Nov. ;2· TAURUS (A.P~I~ 2G-May 2~): Dec. 21): Use intuitive •tn- • Face respcns1b1hUes, Hav!ng teJJect. Your inner feelings fun, a:olng places and doing provide valuable insight. Trust things -may cost more t~an yourselL CO¥PLETE SHOE • LUGGAGE •HAND BAG REPAIR All WORk GUARANTEED . TO YOUR SATISFACTION you imagine. There are obhga-N 0 ''-' tions at home base. Strive for CAPRJCOR ( ~c. -r"~n. _. .--s CONVENIENT SHOPS -- b 1 between work and 19\: U~e or ~reattve \act1~ •••a. COAn ll'fl'Y. e 11a1 111v1Ne AVE. '1 ance resul ts 111 profit. Necessary 'to c ...... RI M•r,.,,...... w .. 11:i11r P~u P ay .'4U VIA LIDO . N...,ort llNOI, '4-40.U · be versatile. ,But berebrF of . , ""'"rt l 9KA..,,,... e iw11N50N'S GEMINI (May 21·Junc 20): facts Dontscatterf~ .. ; 1. .,~=1:!:~ :~·~':,~" Realize you can't run away\-~A~Q~U~A~Rl~U~S~~(J~an~~~·;;;~,:;:l!l>-~Fe~b~.~~~iiii~~~~5~~~~~~~~:-from yourself. Study Taurus 18)· Hold back· if fo\F~wait; message . Accent on relatives. · ' · • · • ' calls, m~ssages, ~billty , kl ar· ticulate ideas. Stick with fa· ' ·' · -?Jm' ' mltiar area. ~~. b ~o" ast, . . ' CANCER (June 21.July 22): OUUJ \J Love and family a r e highlighted. You want to do more than you may presenUy be able to afford. StreSs quali· 86 STORES •••. ty rather than cost. · NlstOt .U..,.. DllGO NHWAT, con•...,, LEO (July %3-Aug. 22): / _ _:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7""- ALL IN SHELTERED COMFO.RT Area Talent Sing , Read In :Bay Club Local talent will entertain n1cmbers of Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor as . · they gather in Balboa Bay Club Tuesday, Dec. 2, for brunch. Newport Harbor High Scnool Chantelles will offer a pro- · ..... .--.~-... -.-.. --.. :-· -................ --.-.. -.------:-·-· - OPEN DAILY 10-1 O; SUN. 10.7 gram af sacred and secular , · , songs under direclion of Miss F'ra·day and Saturda. Y. Suzanne Hussien. TI1ree members of Newport •••••ElllllEIElllllEl••••••••Elllllllllllll•••••• }farbor Children 's Theater Guild, the Misses Joan Stain- forth, Mary Macy and Peg Re· day, will present a reading of Dylan Thomas' "A Child's Chti>tmas In Wales." ' A sale of unusual gifts created by the Fine· 1Atts Department which m e e t s Thundl1s in Newpcrt Harbor Communily Y oulh Center wlli Plants, artificial fiOW!J'S, provtment or the Garden benefit the c}\j)'s scholarahl p wall trees and evergreeu will Center_..a 1.f acre memorial to pf'Qllµl and furnishing of the war veterans. . YouUl Center. · be among Items ofiered at the, -,-c;--'-,-,..,,,,,--..,.---:='"-=::--,:-c-c--:::--:;-1 annual Holiday Ba za a r SUNDAY l2 to 5 , Huntington Beaeh ~flting Oranae C o u n t y Memorial Garden a.1 Monday, Dec. l, at Orange County FaJtaround5 . Included in the day's ac- ti\'IUu which belin at 10 a.in. are 'demomtrltloos cl wrulh ~ be! • food blr .. whlcl! Jams, jellies and COi> r-will be sold. Door ·' Prille wlD be awll'ded evp:y hour 1111t1U p.m. Proceedl are earmarked for ma t n.tenance &>cl lm· • , .. :J~,, ~fi :J4af Pfea6q6/ efuxur.g.f . ROBES .. IN LARGE SIZES 31. 52 $1 ooo from ......... . Otti•r Hol'lll t. Plnd Clethlnt Olftt hr "'• Hord.f.pjtf e ORESSIS e SWEATERS e llOUSU e CJ.PRIS e GOWNS e SLIPS • e PANTIES • FREE GIFT BOXES , . ' ' . ~ , ' Gift Certifiutes ,X?K.i~ e --<.;.."I. LA YA WAY Ella Nor'sHALF·SIZE SHOP 1105 NIWPOlT ILVD., COSTA MESA -", ' "Out Of Sight" flJJlhioru . . . . - SALE! SWEAT£RS 2· Doy• Only 3' o.() , , cfu.t1• I•, Groovy styles for fall: Acrylic slti>-1 or cardlgan1. Full fashioned with DO"f'..J elty Md cable ,fronts. "In" V-necb or crew necks. Sott and lovely in yummYJ colors ·gals udli".Z 34-40. · • ,. 1 r11hi•" hi1tt#, 11•wpot! ~··~It-* 644.107.0 ~1nkii1111rl''" * "''',.' U1r11 y1 11.u: a.. of 11th S,.,..t l 14 HUNTIN•TON CENTER HUNTIN.TON HACH (Neat te .. "41;., lroa.) ALSO 224 ORANGfFAIR MALL, r:ULLll\TON • SANTA AN A ORANGE COSTA ME SA WESTMINSTER f~ . c • I, r • fl I I _., • R ' ~h~ ,i-1.t I 11 IHMl( ~ ,,~' "'1DR '-• ,l • \ • I \ I ' 1 ---·-• ~.-: ...... voe. l.1, li0.'285, 4 SECTIONS. i46 P!&Es ORANGE COUNTY,_ CA(JF()RNIA: FRID:4 Y, NOVEMBER.28, '.196' TEN CENTS . . . , ' ' ,. ,. ·~· . \ . . . . San·ta Anas Lash Coast -.,·. ' J Gusts Up to 45 mpn; Little Damage Reported By JANICE BERMAN the lirOng breezes have had little erfect ot ~ Dtirr 1>1...-stttt on' commercial and general aviation. All You may call it "Santana," but if you planes are oo. schedule, although takeoff . do, you're wrong. It's "Santa•Ana," and • directions have been changed to avoid the refers .t.O _the hot, dry, dusty w~ther ijlat northeast wind direcUon. accompanies tbe malevolent-aouadin& The • C<lllrol tower 'fh'!?°rted fewer whistle of lhe Santa Ana winds._/ m~ l>f mnall . .,i.. oormal, and · The winds have been blnWJ91 up f ·~-AMI ~ penomiel are ,.m1 .. 1onn since earl)' Frldp inomll\I, cheOldell. io make·..,. all lighl alrcrafl creatfnl a lot al sound, d)llt and itchy reiQiln 11CUrely tiedt do)Vft, slltn, but very ll!Uc ~ "10lll 1!le 'l'...., lollnd,Jlle Ca1irGt1llia l!lghwar Orange Cout. > • Pllrol bl pooltd Sigl1eno on IMll m.>-Oruil~ County Airport reported ,.-. jot ~ In ~. Rlvenide and ranging from lO lo 4i milel per hour, bul . San -.. counliel lo< """''"' of 2 Newport Brothers Die Trying to Help Motorist TwG brothers from Newport· 'Beach were killed instantly 11lanksgiving Day when they were hit by.a car as they tried to aid a stfanded motorist on the Ventura Freeway near Camarillo. Newport Theater Hit by Burglars • Thanksgiving Day burglars stole $1,400 worth of video tape and sound equppment from Newport Beach's Open End Theater, police reported. 'Police said the theft was discovered late Thursday, but a point of entry into the old theater building at 2115 Villa Way in Newport's Rhine area could not be found. It was the second theft occurring in the ~ater in recent months. 'Earlier this fall, burglars found an open window in the theater and . stole several hundred dollars in weekend receipts from a cash box in an upstairs office. ".A video tape recordef ar'!<f . playback .iet, along with a tape ~rder were taken in the Thunday theft. St<H!k Market -NEW YORK (AP)-The stock·market htkl onto a small but quite. broad gain in slow trading late too.ay. (See quota· tion.s, Pages it.is).! · Crali Anthony Waite, 24, and his brother, Kflth, 23, 1806 ·W. Ocean Front, were en roote to Hayward for the holiday when they' noticed ·the stalled car on Conejo Grade, highway patrolmen 111.kl. '111e brothen parked their car in front· of one drlven.bJ Annabel Graham of Fre- mont, then they walked back to help. Patrolmen uid aa .the brothers stood alongside the car an auto drlvep by a young Fullerton man sideswiped the stalled car and struck the men. The accident occurred at S a.m. five miles south of Camarillo . Patrolmen Identified the p a s s I n g motorist as William Kirven, 22, of 1101 Hornet Way, Fullerton. He was not held. Ne.ither . he~ nor the Graham woman was injured. 'I1te two men had moved to the Harbor Area in recent months. Funeral services are pending at Jones Mortuary in Hayward. Egyptian Mortars Wreck U.N. Post UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. I.AP - Mortar shell fire of Egyptian orfgln dama~ ..a U.N •. observation post on the l:sraeli«eupied side of the Suez: Canal Thunday, a U . .N\ report on Israeli-E~ tian bolt.iii lies sai(l today. The report from the U.N. lrpce supervisory oraanlzation said there were "many splinter impacls" on the southern wall of the bulldihg. campers-and trailers. No major damage has been reported. The Edison Company reported no ma· jor damage as a result o{ .the high gusts, although aev~al service wires connectlng matn · lines to h~ were -severed by Wllllr~ <Wada•• at the U.S. Weather Bureau in Los ' M>itlel qpecMbt Sonta Aol ...,. dllim 1o pmall lhtolilh Saturday, but .... -.. allldal -bey<>l!d lhal We're jUSI hoPlnr li sridually wlll start to w~~ aald meteorologist George Andrews. AndrC*S explained why lhe •'devil winds'' fcrm. ' "There'• a ltr1e high pressure sy!lem over the western plateau, In Nevada and Utah. And there's a low pressure system on the ocean. "The wind has to fuMel throlrgh can- yons arid mountain passes. As it squeezes thraugh, It speeds up, and when the air comes down through the desert it compresses and wanni up." He was asked, •'What ls a high, and What is a tow?"' ' "Barometer readings weigh the ,afr .all the: way to the top of the• atmosphere," Andrews said ... It's just Uke if you have a tub. Hali the tub Is completely full, and the other half s only half full. li you pull oot the divider in the tub; the water will slosh a~ trying to equalize it.self," he said. "Air is a liquid, and behaves In many ways just like water does. The molecules Jn air move around easily," he said. Andrews may think air is a liquid, but apparently Orange CounUans don't. Local m8rkets r·-·--ta run on Chapstick in the past two SP ACE MESSAGE: 'BEA T ARMY' ABOAlllJ USS HORNET (UPI) -The Apollo 12 astronauts, all newly appointed Navy captains, sent a special telegram to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis wishing tl)e cadets a victory over Anny when the two· service academies meet on the football field Saturd'ay. "Your 'Beat Anny' flag,.carried to the moon abbard Apollo 12, will be returned upon release from quarantine. Good ltK!k Bnd beat Anny,"· said Charles "Pete" Conrad, Richard F. Gordon and Alan L. Bean. - • • Volcano· ,Claims . .. -.... ..... . 3 :/. ·, •-" CQaSt _()olip~, ~fiild Fall .Into Pit ~ ' . ... . ·~ . A young family of thrie who recently happy 11111 ...,. beth very proud of·lhe moved Crom the Orana:e Coast to' HawaJI bah):. has been wiped out by a myslerious The ~ had bee'n tn HIWall plqnge Into the s<><alled Bottomless Pit sl~ ~-but ll ·wi!n't lholr lint ' in a Maui ls1$nd yotcano. vlslL ·111e1r ttfe together had be sun there, Jobft and G~tc}\en Robinson and their .. They met for the first lime In Hoool\1lu six.month-old daught~r Heatherwere: dis· whl;fe: John bad attended Punabot.I covered In lhe 15-fOot deep hole by a . School, a prominent private school. park ranger Sunday and the bodies re-PolfCe in WlilUku, Maui, have-not yet. covered by helicopter Monday. I lpeCU]aled about what happened lo tho family but are aearcbing for a youna cou- ple they believe rented a cabin yillJ tbe Roblnaoos on Nov. 19, in Crater Nailonal Park. . They ·also are seeking a man whD alerted offlcials on Nov. 21 that the cou- ple ·had not come out " tbe crater and -were last seen restin& oear the pit. Authorities have not explained the strange circwristancts of the -Robinson fa1n1Jy daalb>. • Five Now Civilians The fonnu . .Lquna Niguel. residents were ldcnUfled by his mother, Mrs.Sarah Robinson of 24281 Via Aquara Ave., Laguna Niguel. ''It was a terrible shock for her," said · a .11eigfibor. "They . lived with her for a while and visiled often after they moved."' She !Jescribed 21-yeM-old" -JoM Moore Robinson IV (k obtila. to bis' friends) -a( a quiet person, tall.with short bloride hair. His wife Gretchen, 1&,, had long dark.hair and browc eyes. Slle.uld she !bought ~ was doing .tome wart for h1a father Johri Robin.son, an at~ In Las Vegas. "They were sweet kida, 11 she said. ''They. liked the beach, camping and hik· Ing. They travelrd quite a bit and always toot the baby." She said they were very Driver Pulled Unconscious From Fi~ry Car Joint Viet Committee __ To .Probe Massacre Bf United Press lntematlou.J Until two weeks ago, the former com· mander of the Army11 11th Brigade was certain his troops did not slay Viet· n~ese villagers at My Lal on March 16, IS6!. Now, Col. Oren K. Henderson says he la not so sure. Neither are m!mbers of the South Viet. narnese sena~ and assembly. A joint commJttee headed by Sen .. Tran Van Dong, a l~tt of the 1963 coup against former President Ngo Dinh Diem, IJ .to begin an inve!l.lgaUon Monday. Sb' days ago defense Minister Gen. Nguyen Van Vy · branded the reports as "totally un· · · A Newport Beach man bad his life to true.,, knowlni about It. be thankful for· Thursday, after hJs Im· ''But when I start seeing TV broedca'sll ported car went out of control on a Costa In another development, the Army .said and hearing soldiers · speak aboUt th1a Mesa boulevard, slammed into· a roadside at least five of the 15 ciyillan ex-Gls subject who were thematlves ·e;eo.m.- tree and burst into flames, under invesUgation in connection with the· nesses, I begin to 1Wondar ;" sald H~ Charles P. T. Shanley, 25, of 1:.69 massacre were mustered out after . a derson, now attached ' to the ~ Tullin Ave., was !ripped UDconlClooa In probe ot ~. Jnc¥•nt ~Pl!.~ )\ar!'h. , Forces Sialf Coll"• 11 Norloll<, VL · the British sedan °"' Newport ~ The Army ~tement wu iJvenl In American soldiers have been acatSid a quarter mile IOUth of Pallaldel ~ annrer to quea:tlons 11. to Wb!ther men · of Jdlllng as many· as 517 d~ if• when •pollce"~'ff( · 11 who ;tllft ·Jett the service ·eaa-be ·courv rillage. Lr. WJJllarii t : Cilley Jr. faces a orn~r Jamei Farmer said the fire . ~ or otherwise tritd-' · eourtmartlal on charges. of killing 109 ot was qulckq, ullnlulslled ·aad ,_ Mrt· W. FrleclheiJp, ·p e n I• & on ~. S/~gl.. Dayid . "1tc!>ell 'bu bltn who at 111'111 ,_ 11111tq, was totally ~ pve F" reason wby lbe men cbqed "11h asaault wllb lblett to injured. pulled blm from the wreckqe. were not held I~ service to face possible mqrder. The Army 'I.ii invesUgatmg st He was beginning to rqaln con-eourt marUal. He said he believed ·such-a other soldlen for possible part!ciP,.Uoft ·in scioUSPeSI alter. the 2 a.m. accldent, but proctdure would have been ''not the' alleged massscre. cciuld !llll give Do explanation about what unua:ual." . -Henderson said the first repoi't he hi4 had hJppened , di.le to his injurlea. A total of 26 men. including the of any incident came from a b~ The vlctirn suffered mulUple la~ra-civilians are under lh\'eStlgatlon. pilot wbo told him of Seeing a soldfer kill The Anny )nformallon officer who a civilian on the gr1 ound below. ' 1 tions and bruiles on the lep lind ab-r h d I lbl . wrote the first news accounts O t e Henderson lnvesUgated and saJd the omen, P ui a pou e CMCUll.lon, and "Pin!Mlle" operation -the GI name !o'r soldier convinced him lbat he' n-was given emer.gency treatment at Cosla h th! .. ._ A1esa Memorial Hospital. My Lal r SIU'! IX. thoug t sorrie ng was thought the civilian was dead, but then ,Shanley was then transfel'red to Oranie w~ng ~th the report 85 soon as he rai~ UP. as to throw ·a Jrenadt! .• County Medical Cent.er, where he la listed wrote It, tlfe,Ch.lcago Tribune said today The ·colonel aaid he questioned .ali the in fair coodiUon today acco din• to in"n copyrighted 5!0TY· troops opera•1"" in. the area at.ti. tlnie nurses. · ' r ., "I knew It was fishy 81 soon as I wrote and had ~· ia&lfed there wu J10 Juveniles Held For · Exposure A pt.rformance Jn a Laguna Beach parking lot led to the arrest · of six juveniles ear1y -today, with a '17-yeat-old boy booked on charges of statutory rape and hb1 14--year-old girl partner charged with lndecilent exposure and incorrigible behavior. Pollt..e said the couple were observed In Intimate behavior ln a car at Denny'• parking lot, while a groqp of. teenage boys and girls stood around watching. The juveniles, all from San BemardJnq, were turned over to their pareci! a(ter booking, with the exc;epUon 'Of the girl Jn the car and her l~year-old sister; who was among the o!Js~rvers. The gt,r's will be taken to Juvenile Hall, police said, at the request of their parents. 'The ' incident occurred at· 5:15 a.m. when a Laguna patrol unll swuna: into the perki ng ·Jot and ·observed · the group gathered around the car. After viewing the activity Inside the car, the: offietr placed'the entire grOup under arrest. ·The -girls, ranging In ace fi'om 14 to 11S and the boys, aged 15 to 17, -were charged with curfew vlolaUon and iucoITl&ible behavior. It," the Tribune quoted Arthur Dunn, 27, "shooUng up of·clvilians." ol Suburl:tan Forest Park. "There Were 128 of the eneniy reported killed and only three weapons captured," ha said. "That doean'1 quite jl~." In· an Interview with ·WVEC-TV at Hampton, V8.1 Col. Henderson said, "Up until two weeks ago, t would have sworn that it ·could-not happen wiLhout me * * * Army Judge Hits Discussion of Massacre Case FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) -An Army judge ,say1 h1s order for potential wit- neaes not to dh1cust"the My Lai slaying case In pliblle Is being defied and he has caDed a meeUna: of attorneys· today._ Lt. Cot· Reid W. Kenndey, who will establiah the Army's legal guidelines In the coUrt-martial of Lt~ William L. Calley Jr., announced Thursday his plans to call tHe closed aeuton "to come to some kind of ·conc1ua:1on .ibout defiance oC an order to wltnesaes • , to · quit talking to the press." He gave no indication of the action con- t.mplaled. Ex-SS Guard Freed in Deaths KIEL, Germany (APl -A former SS Elite Guard master sergeant, who argued that he .could no~. resist orders, was ac- quitted today of charges· lhat he helped gas 2,000 White Russian Jews In 1942. Helm: Schlechte, &9,, of Frankfurt ad- mitted to a Klei court that he ,erved with an SS extermination squad. The court accepted his defense that he had been unable to disobey orders to drive a truck equipped with a special gaslng unit. It -1d disobeying the orders would have had aeriooa conaequencea for Schlechte. Orange Weatht.r Giant Florida Rock Fete Starts "I can wxlerstand almost anything ex· cept this contihuous lnterrogatJon of witneslel and potential witnesses and the publlc1Uon of what they say before it ts said i• court," Ke.Medy said. "Sometblng jus:t·1tis to be·done about this." Th06e Santa Ana winds die hard, and they'll still be kfcktng up a dust storm Saturday, keepliig the temperatures in the upper 70'1 along the coast and about 10 de- grees higher further Inland. INSIDE TODj'\Y Thi!! Childrtn'.t. Theattr Guild "big .show" of the vear c~1 up this weekmd when the Har· bor Area group ITugr:s "P1iss il1· Booti" at the' Orangt' COO.St Cot. teoe audltoriM m. Dll!taiLt in t0o dat1'1 Weekender. WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -Mud. squlshtd between sandal< and bare feet today as young people by the thou.o a1nds -some paying, aome craahlng ptes and swimming canall to ' Id in flee -funneled into the :scene " a. pnt . rock music festival. A1ore than 50,000 were expected to '"'" ter Palm Beach Raceway by Sunday when the llDlllng Slonel eid.olher fllllOUI "°"Pl cut. loose. .,No problems -yel," said a police 1pokeman. "l hope we can say that Su~ day !"IPL" Police converted Ihm ocllool buleo Into pe,ddy wagons, just in cue. Officers or I REVIEW OF STONES IN <NEW YORK-PAGE. S 1ocaJ law enforctmef't ~•cendu were worldni In 12-bour shifts. It will cost tu: • paym $15,l!JO loi' the. 'llliboar le.Uva!. the sherUl's department said. Even the rockJestJval•Jll'OIJ)Oler, David Rupp, wu hiring 2IO private police. Earlier In the day, lhe II.Giii building at Rupp's used car l,ot burned to the ground. Fire· depaH.ment lnveatlgators uld they were inve•UgaUne the poui- bUlty of orsoo. Rupp spOdallzes In high- • performance cars. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft'Co., across the road from the &Jte, posted e 1 tr a 'guarda •and lnsta1led' ncire a:potllghll. · ~bout.·27~ persona were on hand ·wheft f_,vltlea olficiaOy began Friday afternoon. Despite a heavy rain, .aome 3,000 camped overnight at the stte 20 miles northwest of West Palm Beach. 11Glieii they were slos111ng around prelly nicely In be mud,'" said a lljlOk.., man for the shertff'11 C::epartment~ Traffic became a serloua problem at mktday1 the &tale highway pttrol uld. Cira, campers ud a. Wide' va.-fety of oth· rr motor vtblclea streamed ofl the near- ,( by Florida Turnpike. Police uid •a wide canal ·was-croued by at leut 50 IWlmmers and the ·en--trance,, to .tbe raceway were sometimes overrun by t1'ole:1ho· didn't •ant to pay lbe l20 tab for lhe tllree dayt, Health facilJUes ordered .by lhe alale were In place,Jll,i.pp said. 0 We are doinc · everyUting to make this come off the was h., should~'~ he..uld. i•we are deter- mined to avoid trouble.'' Two perllOl\I were-atven medlcal trul· menl after being taken from lbt lelllYll site by ambulanct. A report that the pair 'bad an overdooe Of drup was denied by Rupp'• office al tho r.W.ay. • Calley, i. 26-)'ear-old former 1platoon . commander in-COmpany C, 1st Battalion, lllb lnlaniry Brl1llde, Is charged with murderlnl!·ltl South Vltlnlmele civilians , al tbt vlllqe of My Lal ,on Mareb 11, 11161. , The Army said· Monday ll plans . lo brini Calley ~fore a 1eneral court· martial. . - ·A day later, Kennedy, who Is se·ntor trial Judie In the judge advocate'• aectlon here, ordered that potenUal witnesses be Wtructed to dilctl&8 the cue before trial only with attorney& involved or CaJley. lit dir«led Capt. Aubrey Daniel, who Will serve as the Anny's prosecutor, to Wann all witnesses •f the order · tm- mecllai.Jy. ., ............ " --°' .... c-tr ,. Jrtwlt ...,... ,. -··--!NI =-Mlrlllfl = ,T....._ .• -" .. -. ....... WMte .. --.. ........... , .. ,, WI I hi 1M1 .) l e Me sans . -~ . . r • 87 ARTHUR R. VI~ . • • .. ~ lilW!:li')!io . ,.,,,., don't """ fOld llon 11 the Qranie County Peace"' Officers• Acadet!\Y. .:And Oftictr ThoJll{l.S J. Lazar, 22, 11Had1 'bo!d,; silver badge. II lhly 11ve slatl. the yo11ng C9sja 1\1esa Police Department patrolman who (Wabtd Dumber one out of a field of 50 Men ,.. women graduates of the latest 8cad~ asu at Golden West College I~ llunllnl\Oil Beach would deserve ,a handful. ' ,. "1 don't know what my score wa , said Officer Laur, who placed ahe~ o( c.osta Mesa's Patl:olman Rol>erl·G. ~~: the second-place lawman in the clan ~ u.lutatorian. Told hi:s score was 985 out o( 1,000 i:msible pointa; Laz.ar smiled ~ ~d. "Hmm ••• not too bad." . Besides the number one and two rank· ~', sradu,ates, four oq,er . ~ . Mesa poliCeinen finisb'ed ·~ nine-week coµrse, wtiich participants combine with regular duty shift .. ' Tb(':y jnclude Officer Richard DeFran- t.;isco. president of the class, ..P!US ~i.rc:itm.en Owen Kreza, Harry Ehrlich Ond !lqbert Neal. . . _t.The.class was the ru:st to use the poss1· l>Ie 1,000 point gradifi4 ayltem for the comprtbensive academy course which U.S.,-Russ End 1st. Arms Talks On Good Note '"HELSINKI (AP) -.U.S. and Soviet neiotiator1 wound up two weeks of secret Mins curb talks today in what was dtScribed as , a favorable atmosphere despite a -smattering of caustic comment from Moscow. · '·After a 105-minute session at the U.S. :elnbassy, the enWys agreed to m~et •aain-next Tuesday at the Soviet Einbassy. . rtoday's Session was the fil~h p~ate di&cusslon between the two sides since the Strategic Anns Limitation Talks fSALT) opened Nov. 17. • r, ll!IJ "11· °".\ with I l\¥11hr ~· " ~. ~ .. ~', ~,Jl!Gl'lllnr • .,,,. ' I · ~ DAILY 'ILOT .._,, ,. ACADEf,iY VALEDICTORIAN Patrolmal'J Tom Laiar ~ sr separate areas of study. Costa. Mesa· Poli'ce Chief Rour E. Neth sa id jokingly that Officer Lazar could probably flunk the final examination and ' ' llliJ ""''' Of • fl Aelldt!nY. . li0111,;,._ '11U11ytn1 crlmlnotojy .,l'i ornoa CMte Cllle1e, Loni lleach. "I might go lnto &iroinafltl~•. but I'd like to stay wllh 1 mi.Iller depvtmeni," says the Long Beach . raised lawman who I! also studying 1urllntl on • llml\ed basis wiUt his huddle•. Stndi,es and dly·to-daY . duty consume much time, ·but at, 18¥,f ~ young patrolman, on the force nearly one year ·noW: bis •wife. ' ' .. And no prospects, '1 he adds. . .He me\ S1t. Ron Allen, tl'ainin4 officer for the COsta Mesa Police OeP.rtment in clau at Cal State and Allen ']iersUaded hin1 to take tht written ind oral ex· amination which led to hia employment '(he peace officers' academy prepares • lawm•n ·for. m&Q)' faces of public servlct, from eqinic ~d race rela\}ons to criminal Jaw, but Lazar is aware of two specific local problems. "It's· obvious we have a narcotics pro- blem and I lhlnk llopplq it at the aource is tbe aoluUon, the people who u.e it - that's Who we're B:etting to right now. "I don't Uke narcoUcs," he adds "Nobody doeS w'hen he. sees what they do to people. "We've got to get to the distributors." Burglary is another particular local problem, Officer LaUr added, sayln1 I.he problem is particularly bad in the northern section of his city. 'Rusty Adopted Viet Giri,' Lieutenant's Sister Say~ GAINESVILLE; Fla, (AP) -!st Lt. William L. "Rus ty" Calley who is charg· cd with 109 South Vietnam murders, once adopted a starvi ng, half-naked little Viet. narnese girl and kept her fed and clothed until she vanished while he fought the \t'a\o, his. sister says. "It J;>rok~ him up,'' said Marl!IJl Keesl- ing. '"~eing lf;1..ked and starving' children running throt11b the streets always hurt him most" Mrs. Keesling, 27-year-old wife ·of a col- lege instructor, is the elder sister of Calley. The stubby first lieutenant races a court-rharfla l. "Rusty wrote home for a package from the family -sardines, cheae · and something tasty. I don't think he liked it (the war) any more than the rest." But it waa the kids who cut lnto the 25- year-old soldier's heart, acet1rding to Mrs. Keesling. ~ Ca lley, a native of Y.iam1, phoned his sister Monday. "He seemed in good spirit&," shes.aid. 1'The call wu from Ft. Benning, Ga. Rusty said he didn't want to tell ·his side before. the trial. He said any more publicity would just hurt his fami- ly." ·'Conference sources estimated· after tdelaf'i:· meeting that the negotiators still lflve &nOthtr Week or two of discussions ahead before ending the preliminary found at Helsinki. The next stage is suir posed to be futl..scale negotiations. "Rusty adopted the girl. according to a A news blackout on how the talks are let ter he sen us," said Mrs. Keesling. There are two younger sisters In Miami and the s'nior Calley. The mother died tJu:ee years ago. goln1 prevailed again today as it has 1'But one day when he came back from since the meetings began. By joint agree-maneuvers sh e was gone." . :~,,~:be~~th~~~:; ~= Calley Ctlmplained in other , letters Roe)·····;·k, .y's Son, m~ng Um.es. about the CQndiUons in Vietnam, '~-'4. ... _ It Wll undmtood that t.ht. delegates his group would be out for 50 ~jfi~ wft~· s decided to recea for a long weekend in heat, mud and grass with only K-rltii>ill Ile eparale order to allow sufficient preparation for lo eat," said the sister. ·. . • ' ' the next session. The layover gives them ~~ 1 YORK {AP) -Steven more time alao. to report back to thelr Jtocke(eller. ·Son of Gov. Nelaon A. home governmepta. , . B•,.y· le A f.•. · · . · · > • -nit Amtric!IJl .t@ITI, bi.•!!ed by,C)t~trd : • .""' C UCi;JflfJ Ri>ck.,e1IU.-l(ld his wile, the former An· C. Smith, fetll that the l§llts hay' BMR·,,_ •1,,. , , •. : .. -:'·, ne-Mlrle 0 Rll"mu1sen of Norway have ::;:~~~ ~~':1.;.~~.•pbere •ni! · Slated in Mesa: . ~:~~·104, • 1amily spokesman •aid t .. In W&mgton, /Secretary of State . .' " , ~ · The turple~e married Aug. 22, 1959 '\JUllarh · P,' ~er~'. .'~y:s the. U.S. Scot~ af ,~i~y~les .fn~pou~·.; lMt or In Sogne., NDrw•Y.'Jlrter a much publiciNd ~~~told bJm e~~t.ier .this. week .t!t•t 1 sto~e.n ~na neye.r.~<?laimed '!lll 10 on the Cinderella. r'Gmance. Mrs. Rockefeller tltijt .. ~hnh:la,ry e~chapges were ' t~e .~ aU~ll?ft block at th,, Costa Mesa Police had ,come rrom Norway and worked in *--.d :'u'.y dl~QS,)O\IS ~y h11ve had · F~hty ~aturday. lhe· Rockefe11er household." wt\h lHe Soviet Unl<1;1." . The merchandise -e.slimaled at $1 SOO A spokesman said a 111emora9dum or Sovitt80W'ces here have Indicated tha\ or'more in retail value -may be vie~ed separation was to be filed in the County the _J\us41.alls are also satisfied with the prior to the st~ of the 10 ~.m. auction Clerk's offjce . in. wqite . Plains.··rtY. taOO •. ,Iii\ the government-controlled behind the st~llon at 99 Fair Drive. , "probab]J today_." . .:, 1 • Soviet .press hat exprt11ed {;;strong s~p-Money .from ~e ~uCUon 11its-IntO the A statement said th'e ·couple l'fld ""no P?rt 'for S:"-~ ·a~ ~ils · en blaming ~a Mesa: Cl}y · g"'1eral fund· to. be Uied 1 plans flD'"l di Vorce." . : · , , ~~= 'mllilartsts' f<?r the arms fo~ varlou~ mun.icipal.pioje~t.s ... ' 1 • •• The cOOPlt have th!fe children. , Divor®.· '.·Victory ' ROME tAP! ~ · 'll1e' Chamller . of DtpuUu tGllllht approVed all I!>• In- dividual articfti or· a bill' which 'Would Jegallu dlvon:i f0r' the ·first time in Roman Catholic ItJ)y. 'ttte. Chamber w:as due to vote on.the bill as.a .whole later ln the evening. · • ( [);\ 1 [ l , l U f : C.A ... COA~l' Plitt t1M1.._ COMl'A,,., -.. !::.!·.~ ;::., J•ct I , C:.rl•y • \'lit.,. ... _, O.W• Mtot91f T1t111-.1 te .... 11 .... lli•"I•• A. M.,...,lif11• llWlll91n• l1Utotr ---aJt w ••• ••1 it'"' .....,...,. •• :1.0 . 1 .. 11H.t2u• --& .......,IMd>I ttll"-'11 ......... ........... 11:1'1:~1·~ ~: .... II""'" I P-Olice ·Helicopter ·Pilot Gei~ Few Holidays Off \Vhen you're one of only four men qualified to fly the police dePartment•s helicopter, holidl!Ys come fe1v and far between. OfJ.icer Floyd · sfarford of Huntinlton • Beach spenfiJauc b Of Thanksgivin& up fn ~ the air; His 1'0Dly rest was a tttl'te·hour breather on .&be ground wa.lt"1{ for 4S mph wjnda tO Cilm doWn. ' •• Thtirsday wal:tl..'Quiet 9ay in the air. Stafford's most notable reporta were the ~·chase o( two girls jn a speedlng .car who ·tu[ned out to be. trying to dUch a · male pursuer and several flight~ over con- ilruction jobs. But on Veteran's Day, Nov. II , Slaf· ford's fellow pilot, Officer ·James Lail wall "COn!liderably busier. That day in the air resulled In six felony arrests, one misdemeanor arrest . and assistance in flndln& a missing child. Officer La11'a day started With a call to find se veral · younpters c ! • m b I n g telephone poles f'\Car Salmon Lane. The kl d!I mide a clean' getaway, said police. but before Lail and his spotter. Officer James Corley, could brood oVtr the mat· ter they were ort for Huntington Beach 'High Sc~ool. . At that point firemen were called to rescue' tWo youlhs from the roof of lhe school. • A short break for lurich at 2 p.m .. and the police helicopter crew wa1 In the air alaiR liy 2:45 p.m. Near Ellis Avtnue alfd Goldtri' West Street, a station wa,on wAs t1~Utd near a field and It look~ like the driver was £Oint to illeaally dump some Lr'nh·. 'When he spotted the police chopper hovtrllig overhead, said police reports,· the driver hoj,ped back In his cu and d1'9Vt Off. · Se~ral routine filghls were made, then at 3.:30 p.m., above a field east or Ortgory Laae came. the day's big catch. ofnctrs Lail iiid Corley spotted tour in- dividuals seated on':..the ground, paper sackf"acattered arouna. • The· ~r; ~n ran, but through the . chopper's: iop,dspeaker were told to halt. Officer Lall set the craft on the ground wllile Officer Corley hol>P.ld out a8d ar- resle<t.. the four. They f'Umecl. out to be four 'of five men chari,ct with being in· volvecl i.n • bu_rglary 11rlier in ~.day. Back _tp·die air, both oflicen._expected ta flnhihjhe day with routitie patrols,· but it didn't happen that way. Ne1t came a quick call for help from the ground unils searching for a missing slx-ycar~ld boy along the Santa Ana Riv er. S\veeping low alona the river bed from Ellis AVenu1 south to lhe ocean, st\lera l fre sh CaVe-ins Were noted and' checked out by ground crews. Nothing was fOO nd. Later th! p\Jblic ,44drets ayttem was employed to asi , chlli;lren in nearby neighborhoods if they ~ad spotted the younaster. It was learned he, had Jail been tten playing ln CoaLa Mesa and Wu shortly found heading home. The crew of 'he H.B. Eye made one more maj~ flight -this Ume in the dark u around forces aurrouncled a man suspected or.. 'assauJt, Wltll a deadly weapon. · · .. When the min wu hlt with 1 beam of liJh! from the chopper ~ ran straight in.. 10 t'tie arms ol men on thr grountl. \Vlth that the crew of H. 8. Eye was allo'!t·cd to re:.st. • Viet Soon -. • • 2nd Worst " . 1 '' ' .. Longesi _Journey f ' • ' '' ' ""'; SA!GO~ (UPI>-U.S.casllalu .. 1n the A.BOA!lll.. US§;,HOJlNJIT (UPJ) ' -- Vietnam war surpas!le<ftbe 300,000''matk -Apollo 12's crewmen end the longest in this week and military sources said today lime part of the.ir long journey, a sea the Conruct may became the sec9nd cOt: voyage of· almoll,5,000 mllfa at 28 mUes tliest i-1-war In; u.S. hlstory by neit an hour, With a Hawa:!ian welcome to-"'"M" night at PWI Harbor. April. Charles "Pete" Conrad, rutpard F. ' Viet: Cong lroops m.a,u1ed a south Viel· ,.. Gordon and Ahm li. Bean. mtl,ft receive; namese unit ln a Mekoil1 Delta ambUlb.. , thtir: welcome. to U.S. sou Jn: isolation.. Oiflcial U.S. records ahgw that u · ol hoWev~r, lookin' out at the croWdl .alut t- last·Satuiday, 39,572 A'n\ttleanJ bad been bandJ . arid ~eel speakers ~ a km;,i an<( 2l!l,778 wounded In Vietnam since Jan. 1, 1961. Jn 'addition, 1,341 are missing ror a total Of 299,691 casualties. sOurces..said that fighting acro!s South Vietnam since Saturday has cost at least 310 tilart Amertcans killed and wound..ed, pus1tiril the war total , over 300,000. casualUee. If ~e "~asualfy rate contin~es at the scµoe·Jeve1, the eources 1said; the World Wat~t total of 318,?JO Argerii;ans killed or .vroUnded'Wlll be surpa.!lled by April, 1970. Wotllt tWar I coll. 118,108 Americans ld11· e'd an;f!ot.002 wounded. . The cOltllest foreign war in American hiirtory was World War ... 11 with 962,977 casualties, 292,131 U.S. troops killed in action and 670 .. 84&' wounded . The toll in the Korean war was 33,6i9 killed and 103.284 wounded for a total of 136,913. The report on the Mekong Delta am· bush s~id a Viet Cong fotce caught a unit of militiamen escorting a pliyroll officer along a road 72 miles southwest of Saigon Thursday. Military sources said 36 South Vietnamese Lroops were killed and 12 wounded in a hall of automatic weapons rire and hand grenades there Was no report of Viet C.Ong casualties. The payroll officer Waa bein( escorted from outpost to outpost Jn the region \\'hen the Viet Cong struck. Trio Arrested In Robbery, Narcotics Case Newport Beach police this morning ar· rested two men and a woman on charges of armed robbery allegedly stemming from the knifepoint theft of $1,250 In· tended to be used in a purchase of hashish. The three persons arrested at 3 a.m. at a Santa Ana motel are Palsy Jean Gallagher. 21: Alan Cliff Gallagher, 21, and Joi1n Kerin Clark, 22. All gave 455 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach as their address. Narcotics Sgt, Leo Konkel said the three were arrested at a motel at 1519 E. 1st St., Santa Ana. Konkel said four young persons from San Diego came to pallce headquarters at about It :30 Thursday to report the theft Konkel, who did not identify lhe lOSC!rs of the money, said a knife allegd1ey was involved. He said the four gave him Information on where to find the motel residents and asserted the money was .payment for hashish .• A total of $1,266 was recovered. Base Lo Vietna1nese MY THO. Vietnam (UPI) - The United St.ates will tum over its My Tho naval base \o the South Vietnamese Saturday in the first such exchange by Navy men in the war. Mike Colliris -. To G~'t High, U.S. Position ' ' ' KEY BlSCA Y!jE, Fli (AP) -Pres!· dent Nixon announced today he will nominate astronaut Michael Collins to be assistant secretary of state (or public af. faJrs. · , Collins, commander of. the command module during the July· moon nla:ht of Apollo It, wilt be In charge of arranging public speeches and discuss\ons of foreign policy. Collins, ~' will resiti:n his Air Force conlmisslon to take the $38,QOO.a.year post, He had been in the space program for the pa.st siJ: ye41s. Secretary·o! Stite 'William P. Rogers recommended Collins for the job and Nixon discussed it with the asli-onaut when me mbers of the Apollo 11 crew and thei r wives had dinner at the White House earlier this month. The State Department post ha s been \'acant si nce January when Dixon Don- nelly resigned and moved to the Treasury Oepartment as director of public affairs there. In a second personnel announc.ement, Nixon said he will nominate William R. Ford. a 35-year-old Negro, to head the VISTA /Volunteers in Service to Amer- ica) program as an assistant director of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Since March . Ford has been director of the Michigan Employment Security Com- mission . The VISTA post pays $38,000 a year. Nixon and his family were relaxing at their bayside home here for a long holi· day weekend. The Presklent also was doing some work on the federal budget. German Charged In 1,453 Deaths MUNICH. Germany (UPI) -The Munich state prosecutor ha!l ,charged a . 57·ycar-old officer in Ule Weit 'German border guard with complicllY 'in the rria,,s murder of 1,453 Russian Jews during \Vorld \Var JI , the Bavarian Ministry of Justice announced today. LL Col. Wilhelm Radtke will be charg- ed specifically with nine cases llf· com- plicity in murder to back up the overall charge. a ministry spokesman said. The indictment alleges Radtke, as a first lieutenant in the uniformed police. directed -under orders of a Nazi SS elite troop brigade -the execution of Jews by firing squad. The executions OC· cur red in 1941 between Nikopol and Konotop in the Soviet Union. IlvoRNO ' . ~ . ' ' j • ~eaJ~d glass window. 1 All three spacemen a('e livinl In Isola. uon ihs.ide a cramped quarantine trail er aboeid\~ old aircraft' canie'?;1.,,hich picked 1lltfll up ilter splashdOwn Jn the Soutl\ Plldlic M..,day. They. •ere scbeduled to r.,ach po'rt In Pe&rJ Harbor at VP.M.· l?ST-~wbere • brie! wefcomln~ cereniot>y'~P ' by 11.awaH Gov. !Obn A. ~ WMt ear Adm. John S. MCCain Jr,, cOm~ ol armed forces in the Pacific. 'the astro- nauts speak over a loudtpea\er 'system from inside their van.:' ... ' Then the van was ·to be swung off the !!hip, plec8d aboal'd an ~r Force ca!'l~O . jet and flown to Houslon, where early Saturday Use spacemen ,will move into more spadous·~qu!rantlne quarters in the~ space center's lunar receiving lab- oratory, 1bey will remain , there until Dec. 10, Tban.ksgiving was a day of work, a tradJdonal turkey dinner, clowning and football fOr the men who ·made America's second moon landing last week. They put the final touches on their first post-flight debriefing reports, but were anxious to learn the outcome of the football game between Texas A&M University and the University of Texas, Bean's, alma maier. Space agency off!. cials said they would relay to Bean the good news his school won 49-12. Thie astronau!s also let a spokesman re veal they had sent a telegram to the' U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, wish- ing the Cadets a victory over Army Sat. urday in Philadelphia when the two schools meet in their traditional gridiron rivalry. Episcopal Bishop Says Pope Misled On Birth Control SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bishop C. Kilmer Myers of the Episcopal Diocese of California says Pope Paul VI is wrong in his stand against artif icial birth control and Catholic Bishops in America lack cour3ge to break with him. In a Thanksgiving Day senno n Thurs· day, Bishop W.yers said, "The Roman Catholic hierarchy of this protcin·rich na· fion doe s not have the courage to part company with a sincere but misled pope \\'ho, led by obsolescent theologies, defines artificial population control as ob- jective evil." Jle referred to a vole by Catholic' bishopi at a conferenee earlier this month in Washington protesting fed eral support of birth control projects. Just two years ago, Bishop Myers called for all Christians to acclaim the pope as ''chief j>astor Of the Christian family." Bishop Myers, wtiose diocese stretche! 69 miles along the coast from San Luis Obispo to north of the Golden Gate Bridge, asked how Americans could celebrate with "'laden tables of Th anksgi ving w'hen famine is the future for untold millions." "The proteins consumed by American!! on this day alone never will be consumed in like numbers by growing millions or men, women and children in Asia and Africa in their entire life span," he said. "And the millions doomed to physical apathy and retarded brain development gro1v lo more millions." ~~ JO"dO" $l5S. ., -·· ,.., .... ._ .,_._ Dr•x•l's c1111 ic lt•lian group with • tr1,11 fl1ir for +he prov.in- ci 1J.thinkin9 p•rson. Thi s gr11f coll•ctlon of fin• ccc••iol'llf furnitur• i1 •v1il1ble en • limit- ed b4i1i1 due tc its h1vin9 b11n ~i1continu1d. Do n't mi11 th is opportunity to h•v• 1 lock •t ih ii •xiiting furnitur•, whil e it 11 st ill 1111ileblt, 165. $1H. YOUR LOCAL DEALERS. FOR DR EXE~ HENREOON . HERITAGE' ~--" ~IW,ORT IEACl-t 1'111 WootcffH Dr., 64Z·20l0 OPIJe NllAf 'TIL ' INllRIOIS P-of Interior °"'''"'" A .... lablo-AID-NS!D LAliUNA llACH US North Cotot Hwy. °"" ,.,. ... , 'm. ' "'4-4J51 I ,, ' • ' Down tlae Mission Trail · Child Tutoring Program Planned CAPISTRANO BEACH -Interested citizens who would like to find out about tutoring youngsters in lbe Capistrano Unified School District are invited lo a meeting Monday. Mrs. Mhl'garet Pinson, coordinator of foreign language and English as a second · language program for Orange County schools, will be guest speaker at the I :30 p.m. meeting in the teachers lounge of Palisades School. She will be dlacussing language pro-- blems of Mexican American children and will alSo describe tutoring opportunities in the classroom. e Choir lo Perfor1n SADDLEBACK VALLEY -The Sad· dleback College choir will present two performances before clubs Tuesday. The group under the direction of Richard M. Raub will perform at ! p.m. for the San Clemente Women's Club in · their community clubhouse. The Nebraska Club will host the choir at 7:45 p.m. in clubhouse 2 in Leisure World. e Block Plan Started . · MISSION VIEJO-A block parent pro- gra1n is being initiated in the Deane . ·Home section of Misston Viejo. . • Sponsoring the program will be Mission Viejo Women's Club. Under the program block parents will have a sign on their premises which will identify them to area children. 'Jlte,hofne will serve as a haven for youngSters needing any kind of immediate assistance. Volunteers may call Mrs. John Kezele, 830-0128 or Pat Getchell, 837-4793. U.S., Russ End lst Arms Talks On Good Note llELSINKI (AP) -U.S. and Soviet negotiators wound up two weeks of secret anns curb talks today in what was described as a favorable atmosphere despite a smattering of caustic comment from Moscow. After a !OS.minute session at the U.S. Embassy, the envoys agreed to meet again next Tuesday at the Soviet . ·Embassy. Today's session was the fifth private di scussioo between the two sides since the Strategic Anns Limitation Talks (SALT) opened Nov. 17. Conference sources estimated afl.er today 's meeting that the negotiators still have another week or two of discussions ahead before ending the preliminary round at HelsinkL The next stage Is sup- posed to be full-scale negot.iations. A news blackout on how the talks are going prevailed again tOOay as it has 5ince the meetings began. By joint agree- ment, spokesmen for the two sides are saying nothing beyond announcing the rnecting times. It was understood that the delegate! declded to recess for a long weekend in order to allow sufficient preparation for the next session. The layover gives them more time also to report back lo their home governments. . · The American team. headed by Gerard . t . Smith, feels that the talks have been :marked so far by a good atmosphere and :apparent Kremlin seriousness. ~ . In \Vashington. Secretary of _State :William P. Rogers says the U.S. · :tielegates told him earlier this week that . th eir preliminary exchanges were "the ·best of any discussions they -have had with the Soviet Union." . Soviet sources here have indicated that · the Russians are also satisfied with the : talks. But the government-controlled ··Soviet press has expressed no strong sup- : port for SALT and has been blaming : \Vestern "militarists" for the arms buildup. The government newspaper Izvestia : . commented favorably Thursday on the "businesslike manner" of the talks, but claimed that the U.S. "militacy·iodustrial complex" is endangering them. ::Bardot Ex Weds : Swedish Model ' : MUNICH, Germany (UPI) -Playboy- : industrialist Gunter Sachs m a r r i e d : blonde Swedish model Mirja Larsson to- : day In a church ceremony at his snow· : bound stately hunting lodge in the : Bavarian alps. : The couple -wed in a civil ceremony : at St. Moritz City Hall Thursday -W1lre : traditional Bavarian costumes for the : ceremony in the Sachs' private chapel. : It was the third marriage for Sachs and ·the first for former Mias Larsson, who . ·was personally picked by the West . German Opel automobile heir as a model : : for his boutique chain more than a year :·ago. : Sachs was divorced from French movie : glar Brigitte Bardot in Switierland last : ltily. His first wire, also a Frenchwoman, died many years ago and the 14-year~ld son of that marriage. RoU Sach.s, was a guest &l today's ceremony. --~--------- Yule Touch Returtas Madonna \vindo\v returns to front entrance of Festival of Arts grounds as traditional Christmas touch to Laguna Beach. Doug \Vil· Hamson .perches atop 'ladder .se~ting simulated s tained glass into place. Window, created by Emahe Schneeberger, was presented in 1967 Pageant of Masters. Chamber Official Lyrical On Tree-planting Project Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce Director Lloyd Milne didn 't resort to recitations from Joyce Kilmer, but he \Vas almos t as lyri cal as he told fellow directors this week about the reward s of running the beautification con1mittec 's tree·planting program. "This is the only project I've worked on th at nobody seems to criticize," said Jl.lilne. "On the contrary, everyone loves it. We could plant 20 times as n1any trees if wc just had enough people and ti1ne." The (irst phase of tl~e project. planling of evergreen pear trees in the S. Coast }lighway block betv.•ec n Laguna A venue and Legion Street had just bec11 given a final boost in the form of a $250 check from the Gulf Oil Co., personally authorized by the .president of the com· pany in New York , Milne said. The block will be completed as soon as city crews, who have taken time out to put up Christmas decorations, arc available again, he added. Next step on the highway, Miln e said, ·will be planting lhe block between Ocean Avenue and Broadway. Business firins arc read)' 4> chip in, he said, a11d ap- proval is bclng sought from the state Division of Highways. "We're three trees ahead aJready," he noted. "The Mobil station put in three themselves when they rem9c1eled. '' Several business !inns throughout the city have bought trees to plant outside their establishmenµ through t h c beautification committee program and there also have been many offers to donate trees now on private property if arra11gements can be made to move them. The Third Street ~1ill also is on the planli ng list. It will get palm trees. The huge dcodar tree presented to Laguna by the city ·or Altadena will become the permanent Christmas tree at the ne·N Canyon Boys' Club as soon as it can be moved. "The hole is already dug,'" said Milne, ''but we have to wait till we can get a big crane to rriove the tree from the city nursery. It weighs 8,000 pounds." \Vhile surveying the city for likely tree- planting sites, the beautification group also has managed to clean up some longstanding eyesores, Milne told the Cha1nber board. Laguna Higl1 D1·amatists To Prese11t 'Blithe Spirit' By FRED SCHOEMEHL 01 hit O•llY Pilot Sl•!I Noel Coward's ''Blithe Spirit" will be performed in two shov.·s, Dec. 5 ~nd ~. in Laguna Beach High School aud1tor1utn. Curtain time is 8 p.m. 1Dani Thomas. one of the n1or e theatrically involved sludents at Laguna High, will take the lead role as Elvifa, the decea sed wife of Charles {Mark Mikesh), who although dead , can slill communicate with her husband. Bttt Charles with longings for a person in this world marries Ruth (Margot Ctaher ). GAlL MeRELL STARS as the maid to Charles and Ruth, picking up a role com· parable to the "Hazel" television series. Hedy Bui.an will play a zany clairvoyant who finally brings Elvira back to the here and now. Friends of Charles, Ruth and Elvira, Dr. and Mrs. Bradman will be played by Jcal Matzinger and Alic e Atchenson. Tickets for the lively production arc on sale from any cast member and will be on sale at the box office the night of the play. Price for students is 75 cents, $1 .25 for adults. SPEAKING of the fall perfonnance reminds me that the auditorium wil l be completely redone this spring. It needs it. Sad that the work couldn 't have been done before the fall production. When it is remodeled, the audi torium. dallng back to the birth of the school. will have new carpeting. seats and matching paint throughout. Hopefully , new curtains will be added as well. \VITH A FOOTBALL season of seven losses, one win, and nearly a score of in· juries now past, the coaching department is giving a hopeful look to the 1969·70 basketball season. Stereo ll.cco1·ds Prove 'fempting for Thief An unlocked front door and 70 stereo records lying on a living room floor proved too tempting for a Laguna Beach burglar on Thanksgiving afternoon. Heidi ll. Glidden, 22, said she left her llpartmcnt at 2787 S. Coast liighway at 4 p.m. and returned around 6. In the in· terlm, someone had cleaned up the living room floor, removini thc rccor'ds, vnlued at $280. Laguna Teen Co1·ner .Jerry fair, former JV cage mentor at Villa Park is looking optimistically at the yea.r, which we' hope has a more presen· table record than last year. "I'm expecting a successful season." said Fair. "In fact, things arc better than I thought at first. We looked good at our ·Scrimmage with Carlsbad last week . The teams that will be tough to beat are Orange. Mission Viejo, Villa Park, and the defending league ch a m p i o n s , Footh:ll." Returning this year trom the JV to varsity Squad . are Bart Tabor. Denny Schmitz. Mike McMurray, and Mike Schwartz. Chris Powers is up from the Bees. One prospect Fair is excited about is Sanrly Beach, new to Laguna this year and just out or cross country. First game, a non-leag1,1e meeting, will sec the Artists pitted against Fallbrook on the home court Tuesday at 3: 15 p.m. OF THE 51 who completed the SO·mile hike held last Saturday, six students at LBHS were among them. Dave Wilson, n1ember cf this year's cross country har· riers, took second place wllh a time or eight hours, 33 minutes. Josh Bright. Mark Resig, and Rock Gulledge all came through with times o[ nine hours, ten minutes. Rick Smilh took a time of nine hours, 21 minutes, while Jon Wineski had nine hours , 14 minutes. The hike was not only attended by high school student!, but sponsored by them a:s well. Mark Moore, Glenn Kawaratanl, Bruce Bailey, Chris Lucas, Mark Wilbur and Don La Vigne are memberi; of the Search and Rescue Explorer Post 717 which staged the event. Commented Dave Wilson after the hike : "I feel pretty sick, but at the same time, J'ni glad I did lt." To coVer the 50 miles, Dave and lhe other:: walked, hiked and ran. To take picture or the 50 miles, t drove. • Actio1i Due ;.. .. > .. a On Hillside Building Laguna Beach planning commissioners are scheduled to take action Monday on a ne\V hillside development concept sub- mitted by developer Mark Gumbiner and archltoct Peter Ostrander and examined at length in a study sessio n this week. The' development, proposed by the new- ly formed Cordoba Corporation. covers a 188-acre area adjacent to Morningside Drive and envisions cluster housing areas a1nid 28 acres or greenbelt, wilh contour roaJs and special building designs adapted to the natural terrain, The applicants at this point are seeking only approVal of a density arrangement that wo~ provide an overall density in keeping ,with the a:1 (single residCntial) requirement of 6,000 -sqi.lare feet of lot per unit, but In some areas wou~d cluster the unitS' together Instead of spreading them over the entire 118 actes. The proposal' ran into oppoSilion from two sources at this week's study session. Prime opponents were owners of neighboring property, oome of whom maintained the area should not be developed at all, but retained ·in its natural condition. Ctty engineer Joseph Sweany raised further questlohs in a geological report which noted surface conditions that ap- peared to b£ •1adverse" and should, said Sweany, be the subj eel of further in· vestigation. Th~. the report said, Included visib le fissures indicative of slide conditions. The _ report o( the · city geologist, com· missioners were told, concurred largely with a geological sludf undertaken by the developers, and came as no SUl])rise. The developers said they were aWare that many geological questions remained tJ,be answered and understoo;d that these might involve changes in some proposed building sites, but continued to seek ap- proval of their overall density proposal. Fol,lowing futther g e o Io g i c<a l ''in· vestigaUon, Osti'rinder said, they could submit 'revised plans, but with the same . overall concept. Responding to suggestions that no devC'lopment be permitted ih the area. City Planner Al Autry con1mented, "Herc we have 118 ac res which \Vil! be developed in one way or hnother. I feel this concept is innovative and less dangerou: that the standard development procedure involving cut and fill opera· tions on hillside." When Gumbincr described the proposal as "a pizzazzy. developll)cnt," Autry noted that planning terminology does not yet include a deHnition of ''pizzazz." IT'LL GROW -Mission Viejo's 4'T\velve Nights of Christmas" prcr ~ gram will c~nter around Yule tree much larger than sample, as-· .. sures Corhmwllty Christmas Tree Chairman James G. Toepfer (left) tQ Robert Clay, general chairman, a nd Mrs. David Rukstalis, Snow Ball chairman. Mission Viejo to Launch ) Fete · W~th Tree Lighting·: ~1isslon Viejo residents will 1'Deek the Town with Lights and Stars" as the com· munity 's Twelve Nights of Christmas opens this weekend with the lighting of a huge Christma s tree. All the Twelve Nights programs will ~ hc>ld near the tree at the intersection or La Paz Road and Chrisanta Drive, with many church choirs and singing groups participating in the caroling. In keeping with the opening week's theme, a Star Stable will be built on the southeast comer of the intersection by the Mission Viejo Kiwanis Club and man- ned by the ~1ission Viejo High School Key Club, whose members will make and se ll large, decoratiVe stars. Jl.1ore than two feet In diameter. the • plywood stars are designed to be .lt- tached to home roof peaks and have skits to hold outdoor IiglJts. · · -:. Proceeds from sale of the stars wilt ao into the Donald Bondi Fund to aid a Viejo 11igh youth crippled in an auto accident. Carot singi ng is planned for four nights or the first week of the Christmas celebration, with the' high school choir. featured on the opening night, Sunday, Nov. 30, when the tree will be lighted at 6:30. On Monday night, Dec. 1, choirs ftoi!! the Mount of Olives Lutheran Church W.\ll sing and on Wednesday the catols will &e sung by members o( the First Cbristiln C.'hurch. • ' -- . -. . .. -. .. ... Dodge Swinger $250550* if you think a 2door·hardtop ought to be low priced ••• Man ... you're Swinger Material: -----·-... -........ _ ... __ ..... ......,. _ ... _ .... ___ _ _ ... _. __ _ _ .. __ ........... _ Check our line ... Check our price ... You could be Dodge Material! ----o- HARBOR DODGE 2111 HARBOR BlVD. COSTA MW-540·• A ,, BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 BEACH BLVD. (Hwy, 39) HUNTINGTON BEACH -U7-9'3J • • ' W.·German,y Signs Nuclear Ban Pact America's AJ>Ollo 12 astronauts, hart• Cot1rM,-Richard F. Gor· and Al•n L. le•n, will be mar· ~balS of the 81st Pasadena Touma· fment o£ Roses· parade. Touma· ll'l President Lew is Edward d a fonnal announcement of parade manhal would be made • 5. •. • • • . JmUce of the Ptace Ralph Jenklfi3 had to cancel a spetc4 to tfJe Soui h Phoenix, Ariz., ch.apur of the •Lion.s Club on "The Youthful Offender and Car Thitf. N On his way home to prtpare for tht 8f)eecl' Jenkini stopped briefly to makt a pur- c~e, and ltis cGr was stolen. ; A "progressive" white college is 6 nice place to teach, but he touldn't want to send his kid s there, comedian turned scholar- 1/l·residence,Dlck Gr.etory told slu· Gents al San Jose State College Tuesday. Gregory, who received ~,500 in student funds for four twcr ay visits to San Jose State Col· ge as resident scholar, told stu· ents the campus "is the most prcr fressive I've been on." But he said e would attend an all-black col4 ~~e ii he had it to do over aeain. $!~.'added : "I have seven children ind I'd like them all lo go lo black lolleges, because you don't learn Anything in white coUegea." ~ . r . : ,, .;,;::. .. ' . " Mrs. Ju lie ltfarr Robi11so11 has been OpJ)ointed press coordinator for M-rs. N Lton. Site was formerl11 on the footnen's staff of the San Francisco Chronicle and assistant to the soci ety kditor of the New York \Vorld Te le· gram and Sun. • • • • : Roy Lff Taylor of Bakersfield \vas willing to help wben a man krho ·said he was an FBI agent tame to his door Tuesday and said r.te was looking for counterfeit fnoney. Taylor said the man asked lo see some of his money and Tay· lor gave him $13 whicb the :•agent" said be wo1.1ld check out lo determine whether it was phcr hy. Police said the only phony was fh e self-styled G-man who never teturned with Taylor's $13. : . , ; A bu sinessman in Gerona, Spain, etarted to get into .his parked car "1hen he noticed one of the \Yheels '1SS missing. A note pinned to th e Jeat explained a passing motorist ~ad a nat tire and needed ~be f>'heel . He was directed. to a gar- t ge where he reclaimed his wheel end $7 "!or the trouble suffered." 801111, Gumtny (AP) -Cllwollor Willy Brandt'• West German aovernment ullllllmoualy decided toc19¥ ·to aign the treaty lo halt the spread of nuclear weapona. West German Aml>uaodor Helmut Allardt imm<dtately slir>ed it In Moacow and Brandt told a new1 conference that Bonn's ambassadors to Washington and London wJU add thelr signatures later Jn the day. The actlon by Brandt's SocWlst·led t;0ver.unent came . after nearly three years of public controvei'ly during which some Genn11t1 claimed the treaty would cu• oil this cowitry ll'ODl the bentflla If nuclear r~·and tbtn from JOtb ... tury technolQ1Y1 The oppooltloh Chrtsilan Democrotk: party imm<di>tely wailed t b e government'• dectalQo.11 "too huty" and lrlr~pooaible under the p r ea t n t clrcwnttar.cts. _ Brandt, In maklM the announcei;nent, said modUlcaUons deplanded by West Germany and olber non-nuclear states durtnc tt.e put three years IUCCffded. In guaranteeing both lhe peaceful u1e1 of nuclear enerc and West Germany'.s security. U,IT.._.... BOUNCY LANDING -This close-up view ol lootr,ad or Surveyor !II spacecraft, taken by Apollo 12 astronauts, presen s evidence that the craft bounced on its unmanned landing April 4, 1987. Object at upper left is extendable ar1n of the scoop mounted on Surveyor. Engineers See Movies Of Lunar Dust Storms SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI - Engineers today examined dramatic movies of the swirling dust storm Apollo 12 kicked up on the moon . It msy point to new problems for astronauts trying to land on hard-lo·rtach stretches oI lunar terrain. The startling footage wu shot by Apollo 12 astronauts Charin "Pete" South Viets Say 'No Coalition' SAIGON (AP) -The South Viel· namese aovemment repeated today that it will never acctpt a coaliUon govern.. merit in any form or grant territorial concessions to the V\et Cong. The Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement to clear up what it termed a misunderstanding of remarks by Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge after the 44th meeUn8 of the Parts peace talks \Yednesday. Lodge had told newsmen the United States would be willing to talk t.o Hanoi about a new coalition government in Soulh Vietnam, but stipulated that the Saigon government would have to ratlly any agreement on this or any other ques- tion. Conrad and Alan L. Bean as their landing craft Intrepid dodged craters and descen- ded to a bullseye touchdown on the moon's ocean of storms last week. The dU!l kicked up by the exhaust from Jntrepld's descent engine appeared first as a liaht har.e. But it grew quickly into a raging storm that masked the lunar surface as the pjlots performed their most critical maneuvers. During the final seconds before the lan- ding, gray dull was blown with tremen- dous forct · across the crater-pocked surface. The 240-!oot film clip was released by the space agency Thursday. It also sbOw- ed Conrad walking stiff leptd on the surface and a 11pectacular view of U.e earth eclipsing the swi and lhe resul&klg rainbow of hues. It waa the eclipse 11Ctne th1t Bean l&id was more fantastic than the moon. Scientists were particularly tntertattd in cloeeup photographs of the tbree-Jeg- ged, 10-root tall Surveyor and a crimped, waffl•llke footprint left by one of its lan- ding pads when it literally hopped lo ils final resUng plact. There was no sign of any meteoroid im· pacts on either the Surveyor or on the landing pad hnprint. This was new evidence for theories developed on the basis of Apollo ll's moon data that the lunar surface is an ancient landscape that has been nletively untouched for millions of years. • ' . - ' Cold Front Spreads East . I f Sno·w Flurries Cover Wide Sectio1i of Midwest ( California ~ h~:u,r~:NFr~~,:~·~~':u-.:;i.:~ ~ mo1ltv .._, cle's. L~llltcl ltnlf!I • •111ty norl!Mt1I wlnd1 movn11r" rltl911 : ..... dowtl C:Ol11tl Gln'am •NI ICll:tl ,; •uat'I' Mrttiert' • wl11111 O.lfflt. Not • mucll lltfntlfftl11r1 Ult"'9. ; l:.o5 ANGflE• A•EA -Vtrlt blt : 11'911' dMlt ,no.., l l'ld "''"~' 0\11 !!. !Mtfl't IUMY dtl'L l.o«I SIUI" l'IOl"I ... ~ Mtl WIMa ne•r c•nyOns. HO! m\ICll t c~1* In 1-ll!Jfft. LO'll'I ». I! Hr.II ,,...., *"· iJ ll'OINT COtfC•l'TIOH TO Ml!XICAN r IM:Ol"-4.0allttd IUlty Nl"tltMtt 'J wl• IS lo ""' JO ....,,.. 11 lllMI bf. 0:""' ~,.. UftYCiflt 11111 t!NWfWrt i "«" ... ...,. • te It mph nlttlt •nd ~ ~ lllM"I i.tGmll!t mo.l!V wttlofff 7 to lt mllh lo! •tfttnOOlll F ...... "itrill S.tu,..r. F1lr •11t1 vlr• lllle Jlllfl Clelldl llll'"l:IUll! ~IVnllr. Hot """'"" ....... 1111"11 dlll"". SOUTHlllH NEVACIA-Vlrllblt Ill.ii c.*"" FrkWr 111d S11\1fd1J bul lnOll• ff lillfllll' din. L-' tutty llOll!I N _.~ ..... Nit l'lllldl ..,_. tl.t~ ......._ ~ ttMt!Y IS .. A. ....... ,, ..... n.. C04S14L. AND IHffllMEO!AlE V~U.IYS -,,,.,. IUJIY riorlhff1I· ~ .._ llf9t ~ wllll -..1 Wit• -• mffrl .. ""*· 'liltllMt llllfl ~ ,,.,....,_ "'~" ... ,.,..,, If WM!" _... L"'lt tllilnft Ill '--•IW9. i.-""'"' 15 .. #, Hltflt ,,...,. 11 " ... ~Jn"AIN Allt.U -SI•--~ 1~1191""' Wlftdt rldN$ 11111 dtw" "';;' ;;;;.;• (.l!!YOl'll. \"1rllbll "'"' c."'1dl '"'I .... .,. but motllY IMl!l!IY ""' ,.., rtWCJil --•lllrt '"'""· ,. I Coastal "1tl!lf Wiii! llltll tloud1 t&OtY. I.Ith! \ltri.tJtt •ll>dl ...,1"9 we1rer1., 1 to u ~llOl1 111 11t1rr-., llldlr 111111 $.,111"01.,. Hit!! 1'. Cot.1>11t ._rt lllm ,_ lr.m 5t to 11. lllllM """'"''!Vfft '"'" ll'Oll'I » IO .._ W1tw ft!T\Mttlll•t iU. S1111, M-n. Tldu ••tOAY S1t6M llltl! •••.•. ,. . 1t :l4 '·"'· S.1 llCft'IO '" t :• '-"'· OJ SATUll:Ct.AY Flnt ~19'1 .....•••.•.•. t·ll0 1.m.~t "'"' IOW . .•••••••••• S:OO t .m. ).J St(Ofld ""'" .•••••••••. 11 :11 '·"'· •• , hconf lcN ............. I!~ 11.111. O.S Slit IUttt l ·X t ,m, St'1 t IJ 11,IM. MMJI l lHl I.ft t .m. l t n l~1tl I "'· v.s. s ...... a .. ,, A ttld ll'el'll nltnded '"°"' llOftll. Wtll..-11 Mlfl'M!Mllt It llOf"ll>tltlt"' wtoml"' lflll throuoll Mfllla>nfr1l MM!-!Ddl\I. A tartWllMI lllth ~ t tH bl-outl'lt *" wtttlllf' °"" "'' ...... 1>1r1t11•t l from lllf Nor111t11t to lflt M!ctt11!. Houllltl'I. Mtlf'lt, •ti Ille> c.ollf. '" WtOI ifl IY lltllott T!'lllPICMY t i ,_ btlow (..-0. s-flun'lti. cevf'rd wldl MClloM of IM <;rut lfftt wtllll It tllf toVffl l'• F'tso. , •••• ~ '"' lnclltf, ol -CIU•lMI I tl•.f'llW Wlod trllltlnl tlle 1~111 tfl !ht 1rt11!111 IO tour lflCM's. Tr1v•Ttr1 w1r"lntl Mrt In tlltcl IM .-r" ol i.ou1111r11 New Mt •lc.o &l>d MU!llwtlolttll fUti. TetitpeNtares Mllll U... ""'· AIMLlffllV. " " Al'ICl'lorltl " " At1111t1 " .. e1~w1fl1ld .. " •l-rd1 u n 8ollt u .. eot!"" " " 8'l!W!>"IV!ilt " ~ .~ (lllc1911 " .. .. C!nci1111"! .. .. ...._ .. • 0.1 Mel-" " D'1l'tll " • ·" Flltbttl'lkt " " ""' '#11111 " ,. .. ,_ ., " Htlt111 • " K1"Ws (l'IV " n l11 v.-., .. " Lot A""111 " ~ Moml " " MlnM1N!l1 .. .. Ntw Orl1111t • ,. Ntw YOf"k .. ,. ...... ., ,, Oll;ll '*'°'t Cfh> .. .. .... .. " • "''"' ""''* • • "•It lloeittl • " ·-· " .. Pllllllllrtll " ft ~ltllll M " ll1•1f C11t • " ll:fll 111111 " .. ·-" " ...,_,_ .. ~ " hit llll:t Cltr " n •M -" " '" lll"tl'Kllft • " Sttlllt n • $.ll(llr(1nf " ,. Tlltf'mtl " ,. W1"1ln1ton " ~ • I' ... lfll*l It. I. WOii Germany ta sllJlinl -1he condition tblt Ila llClll'ity-wllf -to be paranteed by lhe N-Allanlic Tretlb' Or11111tatloo or aa equivalent *lltlty l)'ltam. I. Wal Germany 1l!ldmlaDdt tblt s.mtt allll Amukaa 1tatemeatt. before lbe· United Natlool ·on rupoetlna the aovereilnJY ol olber statea aPPIY In lull to West Germany, 4. That the tnaty will JI)( -uy polllble flllllr< union ol ~ lllltel. I. Tl>lt sllnatories will oooo bllln tallca oo nuclear dlaarnwneol aa specllled by the 1rt111. a. West. Gtrmany'1 sipature dOM not cm1Ututt lnternaUon1I recognition or East G~, which alao hu signed and rai!Ued tbe ttealy. In criUcl&ing the signature, the Chris· llan Democrats claimed that West Gerr.wi l'03poollblltt!es under the tteaty are not cJt:arly defined, that it will pr~ duce an lncreue in Soviet attacks on West German)', that it will make ~ -unloii -· dlllicult and lbat the trtaty contalns no provi!lon that forces the great powers lo reduee their armamenb. Hope ~iyen 1 Up Mortgag.e Rate Climbs; For ·Boy ·Hurt A . . N 812()/ In El Al Blast ve~age ow at . ;o ATHENS (AP) -Docton cave up hope today for GeOl'(e Naalol, lbe l\l·year.oid boy Crlllc:ally • lnJUnd In an Arab """" mando bomb ·attack at lhe El Al alrUJ\.e offices in Athens Thursday. A suraeon at Children's Hospital In Athena said the boy was llUI In a coma and "unfortunately he bas no cbancts of survival" despite brain &urgery perform. cd all day Thursday. Na!JtoJ' 4-yeaN>ld brother, Athannlioe, )Oil an eye In the blast 1.nd wa1 also In serious condition, but not to lhe same de&ree as his brother, the aurgeon 5'.id. Six other persons, includlng four women -one ot tJ)em Mtl. Charles rr.acleyn, 50, Dtllu, Tei. --were atilt in hospital but not on the critical l11t. Six of the 14 victim! .were released from the hdspitaJ after t~atment for minor tn. jurtea, Ponce are holdln& Elita B e r g Dergarabedtan, a 23-yeat.o0ld tailor from Amman, Jordan, apptehended aft.er the attact, and another accomplice ldentflled as MIJll<iur Seileddln Morad Zurafth. 21, aioo·of Amman Ind a medical nuaent at Athena Unlvenlty. Dtr&IJ'lbedlan told police that he belooatd to a Jordanian commando oraantu.Uon and that ht wu eent on • "special mlalon" to Athen1 to auack the El Al olfice1. City Election Legal SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The State Court ol Appeal JUled lelai today a !tea eledlon in whlch rpldenls of U>e ctty of AlvllO voted 1111 to llO to consolidate with San JOK. Juallcet John Molinari, Richard Sima Jr., and Norman Elkiolton affirmed a lower court dedalon tblt bid coollrmed the elecllon alter a trteL WASHINGTON (AP) -l'he· averap effective mortaa1t rate for new bomts .,,.. to I.II -t In October, con- tlnuing an upwara spiral for the 11th lll'light month. The Federal Home Loan Bink Board reported the bad news for home buyers and the CONtrucUon Industry Th\ll'8d1y, Theft: wu a wide range in rates charg- ed urosa the country with the highest average of t.13 percent in SeatUt, Wuh. This was a jump cf about 1 '4 percent over a year earUer. The San Francisco-Oakland, Calif., arta also had a high rate of 1.97 percent. On lhe other end of lhe scale, Phlladelph!a, Pa., had an average e.f. fecUve rate of 7.07 perctnt. The board's report shows life Insurance companies charged an average 1.44 per- cent and mortgage companies were rl&hl behind at l .tS pen:ent on their new home loans. Preston Martin, chairman of the board, said the curtailed supply of money mortgage funds at a time when housing is in strong demand accounted for the contim.:ed rise In October. One of the problems, the report said, Is that Investors were taking their money out of aavinas and loan institutions which provide morlgages and putting their funds where they can earn a hJgher in· terest. In rePorting tbe worst October ever, the board said the savings and loan in- stltulion.s had an outflow of $405 million. This compares with an increase of $446 mJlilon in the same month one year earlier. Thankful Wounded Veteran Lands Job DETR.Orr (UPI) -'I1le ex-anny mattM' what Cfllor Utey arc." ptivate returned from the Vietnam war Williama' di!ficuliy in finding a job and with three Purple Hearts and without a a new Ieue on life was published il1 rf&ht arm. A week ago he was ttady to newspapers across the nation last week give up on the human race. and the dfers started pouring in. A man Ttldsy he feels different. in Honolulu tent a telegram to the United Alvin Williams has a wife and two Press IntemaUonal bureau In Detroit of- chlldren to support, but for a ye:ar after fering him a job and a car dealer in Arl· ret.urnirig from the war everywhere he lngton, Va., called. looked for employment he received the Person.s Williams had never met sent same answer : "Fine, Alvin, we'll call money totaling $400. Seven policemen in you." the toth precinct donated $35 so that But Thanksgiving Day Williams had Williams could buy a Thanksgiving d.ln- some cause for rejoicing u he eagerly ner fOI' his family . made plam to start a new job. The zi.. But most lmJl()l'lant, Williams got. a ytar-old ex-serviceman sakl, "l've got job. The Herculea F«ging Co. offered my laltb back In this country now. I him a job as an Inspector at $2.93 an learned a lot of people have heart no hour, which he accepted. ..,..-~~~~~~~~~~- The only returns we have after Christmas are the people We always Increase our follow- ing after Yuletlme. You see, many of our gift recipients have never before known the glory of e Hickory Farms flavor-to say nothing of the luxury of a Hickory Farms Christmas Gilt-Pak. With many colorfully·wrapped Gtft-Paks to chooee from, you not only give your loved ones a sevory gift but an invaluable year·round shop· ping tip as well. Here are just a few Hickory Farms gift sug· gesUons: FAMILY FAVORITE. IV. lb . BEEF STICK, 6 oz . jar of Sweet-Hot Muatard, 5 oz. Smoky (smoked cheeee bar), Y2 lb. Gouda, and 7Y2 oz. Belle Fleur ••. and enough tangy Horeeradish Sauce to complement the cheese variety. Also !4 lb. of imported, wrapped candies. $7.75. HOSTESS PAK. Our famous Cheese BaU end a box of blte·slze. Old-Fashioned Crackers wrapped in col orful gth papor. $2.79. ~i(Ko • ,t,, , NEW 'PLEASURE PAK. 1 }'. lb. BEEF STICK, ~....:_':'\i . Gouda, Horseradish Sauce, Mild Midget Long-~~ ~!~ hom, Smokey (smoked cheese bar), two Imported Cheese Spreads, Belle Fleur Cheeee ... plus Imported candles. $8.98. TEXAS SPREAD. 1 y, lb. BEEF-STICK, Edam Bar cheese, Mild Midget Longhorn, Bel le Fleur, Smoky, Gouda ••• plus y. lb. of Imported candies. $7.98. BIG BARN BOX. This pak comes in our popular "born box." ldoal for those with chlldren. Inside the barn are 10 popular food special- ties. $8.98. (DELUXE BARN: $13.98) Stop by Hickory Farma and pick up one of our gift catalogues todey. You can order your Qlft on the apot. or •••• If you prefer, take heme the catalogue and phone tn your preference. Hickory farms wlll take care of malling your gJfta ea el'I added convenience. Hickory Fanni of Ohio. For• really ta&loful ChMstmes. Two convenient Or11nge County locatJone to serve you. NEWPORT BEACH Westcli ff Plaza (Westcliff end hvin o) &42-0972 OllANGE 48 Town and Country, 543-8015 HICKORY FARMS Ad No. 102 ' • -------------------·---=-----------.-----·~-~=--=--:--=:--~-. • Stage 17,'000 Groove to Stones Sex on here when they finlsh two con. By JOllH M!tU certs today at Madison Square NEW YORK (AP) -Plaun-Garden. They wilt be In Boston ting their mlsbgyny • rrd Saturday and West Palm ~razen ~ty, the Rolling Beach, Fla., Sunday, ending Stones toiak l7,000 fans by &heir tour. They have pro. stonn Thuraday nJcbt In their 'mised to play a lr<!e concert In first concert here in three San Francisco next weekend. years. , · -, · Jagger pranced about the The ~ turn kkll on by' · stage Thursday night in black preacblna m&le ebauvtnlsm jeans with silver buttons down sex · drop. freedoai and the sides, black shirt and long v101'eat 1"Qlution: Thea. they r~ scarf. His leers, winks and fiasb the poooe algn and to..s snurks .brooght cheers and rose-petlls Clll lbelr fans. slgl\s. But to the )'bung audience, The audience was excited it's an ·entertainment. and but • not unruly, even when every word and gesture from hundreds ol kids push e_ d Mick Jauer tbe lead singer toward the stage: Jauer .muJ.. and superft~~cer is welcom. ed ~t ~em aod said. "ll's uitt ~"'°"' eit tiith a ~ '' time 1o get eut of your 111ts." 'BRAZ!EN SEXUALITY' . The Stonea Wm have played The biggest hits '!rith the au- St-.o.1' Mick J•991r to· more than 50,000 persons dienqe were thole dl&I that i;;;;;ii0;;;;;-"'i;;;;;;;;;;iiii;;;;;'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:·;;;;;;;:·;;;;;iiii;;;;;iiiiJI put down women: •'Under. 1fy Th~b." "Sl:tllfacticn" ~and • REMEMBER! The bes t of the tvorld'1 .best books are in the ''HDDky ~ Woman. .. Teen- age girls apparently dWD't mind one bil They ,quUlod estaUcally o v er "Midnight Rambler,0 his tr\,bute to a rapist. Jn which Jagger kneels on the slage, smacks it with his belt, and moans, "Ooob, don't do that." U'l·T ........ • 3 Nations Disi;upted By Strikes ,, Ulllt.i ,.,.. ..,.,...._., 140unung labor problems beset Italy, France ll1d Brit- ain today, with economic ~ perts predicting the possible downfall ot LDndon u · one of the workl's major seaports H a lol!lshoremen's strike there conUnuea. Thousands of metaJworkera converged on Rome to de- mand more pay. French stu- dentl organized a march to protest educational ctitbacks and in Britain, 200,000 .teacb- el'I threatened to cloee dOWll ~ for the rest of the yeu. Striking metalworkers from • far· away as Turin and ·Milan agreed to a police a~ peal to move their demon- str•Uon out of the heart of Roml ~ to march .along the Tlber· River to a rally at the Plaza t~ Popolo to prevent trafqc jams and possible vio- lence downtown. Modern Library Mick Taylor, the n~est Stone, Keith Richards on lead guitar, Taylor on rhythm guitar, Billy Wyman, on bass and Charlie Wyman on drums were very tight all through the 70.minute set, providing a solid base for Jagger 's theatrics. ALCATRAZ INDIANS FEAST ON TURKEY San Fr1nclKo Restaurant Pr•1Nred Mui In Britain, Mrs. Barbara CasUe, the minister of pro- ductivity,' appealed ·to strik· ing tong"shoremen Thursd4Y" night to. lilt their .2J..monih $245 _ $395 Re<\s Free American • strike at Landon's Tilbury I d • · s A~ t container terminal. 'Mie dock· n ians ee a __ ra_ z workers struck f~st for high-er wages, won those demands but then ·held --out ·for more 'A ... s Unifying ribes . ~::Xre!! •. 0ther British long· HARDBOUND and •in Vmtage BOOKS PAPERBACKS tDlth 011tsta11ding NEW TITLES The BOOKSTALL 333 E. 17th St., Cost1 Mou CONW NI ENT ,A.ICING llHIND THE 'AfltCAKE HDIJSI SUNDAY N......-.1,a. hltf 10•.a.·_t, ... 54M611 BERLIN (AP) -A yoong Amerlqn from Los Angeles SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - was released from an East The old men went on dying German prison today . ~nd • and. the chUdren suffered for brou&h.t to West Berlin. · nOarly a cenlur;' lifter the im- u .s. sour~s eonl!rmed that mortal Chief Joseph laid down Leon Bums James, 25, had his arms to the white man's been released by the East soldier Q«mans after ~ more But ~aps evm the Nez than a year in prison. Perce Indian leader the old "He looks okay," a source realist himseU might see a stated, ."except J:ie says he has glimmer of ooPe in the "oc- lost weight and 1S down to 120 cupation" of Alcatraz Island pounds." · by a band ol brash young First Israeli Plane. Tes ted TEL AVIV (AP) -Jsrael's !µ-st bom~built aircraft, the Arava, made its maiden test rught Thursday at Lod inter- national airport. Israel avia· tion industries reported today. braves. A n t hropologl.t Margaret tiead called , die Nov. 20 seizure of Alcartaz 0 a magni- ficent piece .of draw.atl~lion." It isn't funny to Indtaris - one calls it the most important event since r:edmen actuaUy otopped fighting white men. The loo-.dd youths still hud- 3M Company's · Dynachrome Film Sale dling in the fonner federal prison in San Francisco Bay are serious in their claim to the Island, . They are even more serious In their determination to cause trouble all over the country with demand! for the r lghUng of tong lists of injustices. • ln~ludes · ProcessillCJ SUPER 8 ASAM 20. Exp. 35mm ASAM - 20 Exp. 126 ASAM • REG. :s.1s s.1:s NEW 3M COL.OR PRINT FILM f or All lnttilniiltlc C•meru. 12' SIA lnclud• Proc.ulnt & Prints VANIMAN CAMERA 8931 ADAMS BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH '62·5959 I SAL! 2.99 2.19 2.19 3.69 • .l "We have been silent and turned the other cheek too damn long," says Lehman 'Brightman, local head of United N at i v e American·s. "This Is the most important event since we actually stop. ped warfare with white men in 1889." This was a reference to the battle of Wounded Knee Creek in which 200 Sioux men, women and children, including relatives of Brightman, were ' killed by the U.S. Cavalry. The 1 event ended the ghost dance, a Two corporatkllls repreient- movement for rejecllon of !ng Britain's nine biggest ship. white man's ways and a pi_ng lines s~d th~y . wo~ld retum to the old style,. of life move to Belgium lf the strike then sweeping wftitern tribes.' ·at Tilbury was .not • setU~ sqon. Economic · Hpert$ said ~~ recent montbs"'neW fndi~n th! ould ruin London ll.!I a militancy has resulted 1n 5. c picketing i n Albuquerque, ma1or port. N.M., . ol Interior Secretary Walta-Hickel and the boycot- ting of N$aska busineslmen ' by the Winnebagoo. Now Indian leaders say the Alcatraz occupation has elec- trified their people and in one stroke unified members of the nation's 300 tribes. • "We are attackiDg the whole system by attacking Alca- traz," !lays Adam Nordwall, president of the United Bay Area Council of lndiart!. "It has become a aymbol." Indians also hope Alcatru will focUM.~Uoo o ria ·stag~ gerlng lisHI ]lroblems: Infant mortality a ni. o n g 700,000 Indiana is three times the national average. The average life span of 42 is one-- third shorter than the national average. Yearly I n c om e averages only $1,500. 'Mle Indian's dilemma IJ 11 he stays on the reservation, he is hopelessly mired in pover- ty ; if, as urged by the govern· ment, he movea to the city, he is unskilled and unprepared fur urban life, and so remains mired in poverty. · Defense Costs Show New Hike WASHING TON (AP) !.. be- fense spending rose to $80."3 billion during July, August and September, the Com- merce Department reports. ,I , Siamese Twin Girls Separated BOSTON (AP) -Slam.,. twin gifts separated in a 10'-n·. hour operation emerged from the surgery in very good con- dition but doctors caution they face . "fl"'1J' ~e E""'" pUCatlori over 'the nei:t -few weeks." Among thete are • • t h e hazards of infection and nutri· tionaJ probl ems,"' a spokesman at Massachusetts General Hospital aaid. The twins were born by Caesarean section to an unidentified woman Sunday in Danvers and were separated Wednealay niglit. 'lbe outcome, of the surgery marked only the 17th time in recorded medical history that Siamese twins have l!urvived such an operation. 'The spokesman said one In- fant sul!ered a heart stoppage during the surgery b u t massage restored the heart beat without any apparent in· jury. '11le twins shared an In- testinal system Insufficient to meet the needs of both, so that immediate surgery w a s necessary, doctors said. Frlda,y, Nowmber 28, 1969 ARTIFICIAL TREE$ If you i re looking for "Qu1llty" In •riific::i tl ClirbtfnM Tr• ... we h1 11e the be1t 1111ileble 1nywhere. :..~~ '19 .95 IN OUI PATIO SHOP .. :1 -• " ., • .j •' -· ,. ·' While you tt• th.re •• , Vi11t Wreeti H'""" F1nt9'Yl•M f9r tM 0t111otf •11utu1I ~itlt,.ver. S.1 our l1r9• Hl11JICN11 -'·~{Y1 s..,., ,,um1. Wllol• femilit1 of 'llfll'ling mou1• ~!•/ti ... our fr••M'Y of h1Mt blown Whim1ic::1I lrilll1nfl ind 1 f1vorite •f ,.,..,.,.,. 1 , , , l ubblt lit• 1et1 1111f11ble in wver.11 dlff1r111~ ,fy'9._ C... In todty 1rtd bring th e c.lilldr•• f•r·• lloy to r-em'9r. ' ' "' Tree Top .... "·" o•LY Carpet Saver Tree Stand 99c: ,, ' Italian Lite Sets ••oM 51.St;i ICICLES 6 FOR $loo;: mw~tf~:: BEGINNING DECEMBER 2nd FLORAL FANTASY -1n our FLOWER SHOP ·' ·. • ·1 ' ·" ... • ! U11l111h your lm1gin1tion tf 6retfl H111e11 Florht. Meko yew~ own 9ifh ind dtc:orttio111 with c:l1111r flockM fruih 1.M llf•~lilce ,--., 9re1n1, 91itt1r.d pic:1 incl dec.or,tetl ''"c"•s. t .t Pl1ee ordtr1 ttrlr for holld1'( flowers 1rtd Chri1tm11 glftl wfllfi"'.. flori1h 111 ov1r th1 world c::tn 91111 •P•C::l1I 1tt.ntlon to your o~;. der: Green H1v•n Florist c.111 tr1nt"'it ord1rs tf.ro119h F.T.D, wirli ;, ' 11,...lc::e. So 1hop her• for fr11hnet1 1rid qu11ity ••• Cft/1111rH 1nywhere. ' LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES Now 1111l11Dl1, 10 com• In tod1y. Pick 11p you" io 41cer1to f•r Chri1t11111 1rtd pl111t It 1fter th1 holid1y1 for l11tint M111ty. ' ·ARRIVE: DECEMBER 2nd '4 Convtn11nt Locttlons To Serv• You I, Cesta M-21ZJ Newport -- 2-..... -· 11801 --- 3. Staotoo 12031 ---..... --' ,. . ~ . ' -. __ "' ____ All __ .._11"" .......... ,,.. "''' ~. ........ '1 Don't w1tt• yo11r tlm1 drl11ln1 1reunll "leokl11t" ••ff•fy AU:.~ yo11r Chrlttrft•• Trt• ind Chrl1!11111 d1c::or1tlo11 1111d1 1t.,.. 1t.iao' $kEEN HAVEN. i kzallflll c.t.111 Plod:"'9 ••• •• ,, •••••• ,, • ~ •e•llllia,, • • D.t\IL Y ·PILOT EDITOBl.t\L. PAGE • Oil Risk·s Go Rig.ht On SaJlb Barbara residents and all others concerned about J>fl>lecting Ill• coastal envirorunent from furth· er-oil spills w~reaUy disappoin'ted over a court set, bacl< Tuesday -but they're not giving 'IP' , '11'f U.S.. Supreme ·Court refused a plea lot an hr. junction;to stop offshore drillil1g n~r S8nta Barbara. The case now· returns to the 9th Clreult Coyrt ol Ap- )>O'lls; .'!':bl ch ru.. been asked to force lhe Army Corps of EnatiJ.eers to suspend drilling permits already is· sued and to hold' a hearing on permits for new drilling. · JJ'be Santa Barbara petitioners are understandably concerned that the Santa Barbara Channel will begin to take on the appearance of a forest of oil derricks be- fore the· appellate court rules. And with each new drill .. ing the ch'ances of another well blow-out and massive o1f spill will be increased along with the degree of wor- ry and COJl!'ern of the public. As· a resul~· Sen. Allred H. ~g (l>-28\h Dist.), . chairman of. the Senate· Committee on Bustnou and Professions, Is sta~g ·an lnvH\lgation. He wanla to get the answer to thla question: "Would a doCtor whq owns 'I hospital, or an lh~rest therein,' have a natural· teodoncy to order bis patient to remain hospltallzed for loni,'r than reasonably nee• cssary or prescribe· unnecessQ.TY dlagnoattc test& or drugs?" Under present state law, doctors are forbidden to 01vn an interes~ In phannaclts. j!xtending such a ,pro- hibition to hospital ownersblpwould _aeem to be a logi. cal extension of the law against niediCal colilllct. of In•' teresl But it's pot quite th•! simple. < Oil industry representatives argue that enerzy needs must be balanced against pollution rtsks -m other words, a compromise. No compromise would be needed i£ inland oil reserves were traded for offshore leases. No one in or out oI government has yet indi~ cated that this suggested solution to the whole prob- 1"111 is ln!eeslble. Where fuods are availiible to build a need<¥t;non- profil community h!>'J)l!af aod lay lnvlators are lack· ing to finance a proprietary (for profit) hospithl, dpc- tors have in some cases J)()Oled their funds and built lbeir own proprietary facility. Whether enough of. thi.s, has occurred to make it a consideration is likely somethlog St11ator Song will look into. He says he Is concerned with "the !rtghtentng es· calation of }Jospital costs;" a.nd·he think'. a legisl8Uve investigation might be· in· order to determb)e whether doctor ownership· mar be a factor. Doctors and Hospitals C~ _California doclQrs treating medicare a n d m~ patients, as well a·s private patients, have been chara.-with "over-ntUization" of hospitals which they either dwn 'or In which they have a ,proprietary interest. -If the investigation shows clearly that conflict of interest in hospital ownership does militate against the patient who· pays the bill, then patients' interests. should be the Legislature's prime consideration. Senator Song assures us it will be. -.. Senator Song invites opinions from all who care ·~o express themselves On the subject·-to ·be sent to his office, State Capitol, Sacramento, Calif. 95807. Pra ctice Slaou ld Be F orfritfde•• Send Do ves To Replace Cabo t Lodge? ~ChirQpractic Is a Fraud' By NORMAN NIX91'1• MJI, • The chlnlpractqrs .... otill doing their own ttµng. F« 74'ye:an they have been bambOoding millions of Americans inlo believing lhal an -... caused by n<rVes lhat .,.. pinched by misaligned opirial vertebrae (!Ubluxatlons). By ex- erting manual pres51lll "lo adjust the eplne and get the vertebrae back into place," cbiropractors claim . that nearly all known physical disease& can be cured by chlnJpradk treatment -anything from a C1JOl!1lOll cold, or smallpox and poUo, to an acute appendix, a coronary or even cancer in any part of·the body. THE AMERICAN Chfropractle MSociaUon now bas a tbiropractie Coun· ell on Mmtal·Healtb which has establish- ed "'unifc:nn atandards and mechanics for e<rlHlcalion <i menial health specialists In clllropract.ic." For today's chiroprac- ton claim they can relieve Ole symptoms of emotional and mental illness, and even mental retardation and epilepsy, by chiropractic nianipulation of th e vertebrae. However, the chiropractic theory is universally condemned as false by scientists and researchers, both in and out <i the medical prolessioo. No school of chiropractic has ever been accredited by any recognlzed educational body. In a report to C.ongress last January, the U.S. Depaftment of Health, Educalion and Weliare listed the "doctor Everyita Prohielh' ' '-""""---"""">='-""''--'"-' ~ of chiropractic" degree as "spurious," meaning one granted by a diploma m!II or an illegitimate lnslilu1ion. SINCE CHIROPRACTIC theory and practice are not based upon the body of basic knowledge related to health, dlsease and health care that ftas ~ widely accepted by the scientific com· munity, the HEW report reOOnmerided that chiroiractlc service not be covered in the Medicare program. Also last January, the National Council or Senior Citizens, with 2.$ mi11ion members over 63 years of age, spoke out with equal vigor against these seU·ac· claimed miracle v.•orkers. In a report to Congress the Council said: "Chiropractic treatment, designed to eliminate causes that do not exist while denying the ex· istence of the real causes, is at best worthless -and at worst mortally dangerous." 'Illey also reeommended 8gain.n Medicare coverage for chiroprac· lie service, . FURTHER, A DECISION by a 3-judge federal court {E.ngblad vs. Louisiana State Board of Examiners, 1116$), "'bse- quently affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court, held that a state, to pntect the health of its people, earl refuse to license chiropractors unless they meet the same qualifications as doctors of medicine. And in a newly p.iblished Simon & Schuster Pocket Book, "At Your Own Risk: The Case Against ChiropraCUc", Ralph Lee Smith. author of "The Heallh liucbters?', has documented ·the mass ol compelling evidence that chiropradic is a public health hat.ard. After yeilrs of personal, perletrating investigation, Smith concluded that chiropractic· treatments bear no relationship to the management •or cure of human disease. 'lbe' practice ol' chiropractic should be forbidden, he said, by withdrawin!l all ch~acOc lictnSe~ in each of the 48 states which nQW license chjropractors. THE JIEW REPORT, the cooclusiMs of the Senior Citizens Council. the decisions by the highest courts in the Jand, and Ralph Lee.Smith's monumental book, all subst.anUate the verdict or science that the theor<y whlcb underlies chiropractic is false. Dr. Milton Helpem,. chief medical ex. amioer· of the City of New York, ex. pressed his opinion even more succinctly When he said -"chJropractic .is a fraud and hoax on the human race." It is indeed lime for action by our California legislators. Segal to Supreme Court? WASHINGTON -The Senate's re- jectioo ol Judge Haynswortb's nomina· Uon as a Supreme Court justice is regarded as ample notice that President Nixon will have difficu11y fiodinsJ an ac· ceptable conservative alternative. Under .!!imilar . circumstances in 1930, after Herbert Hoover's nomination of John J. Parker was rejected, Hoover ap- ixtinted Owen J. Roberts of Penmylvania, who, indeed, proved lo be a ct111servative. Roberts later took a leading, part Jn the dUmanUement of the legislative slruc· ture of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deat The likelihood, in the present case, is that President Nixon, like Hoover, will be cont1rmed 1n his detennlnalion lo' place on the high bench a.justice who will petp to give \he Supreme C.ourt a heavier balance on t.he conservative side. This was Nixon's p u r po 11 e in nominating Haynsworth. IT IS UNPROVABLE thaL Haynsworth was rejected primarily because hls judicial record on labor-management and civil rJlbl.8 issues was unsaUdactory trorD Ule Ubeial poiril of view. But. lL Is clearly demonstrable that there was a pttlem Jn the Senate vote in both political part.lea conesponding to the in- -~-- . Frlday. Noyem)ler is, 1969 Tr.. •ditoriol page of t11e DaUy POOi' •"'-tO inform and 1t"1~· ul4CJ1r,eoder1.bq praenting thi1 ~n op1nlon1 and com- mtntorv on topfc1 of interast iind slgnl/ioaru:e, by provldfog a fonm for tltti expression of !!"' r<OIUn' opinion&, and by P,..scn!ino the dJveru trit:w- pofntl , o/ .informed ~bservcrs end spokumtn cm topici of tht 11ov. Robert N. We~, Publisher fluences which can be brought to bear by labor and civil righta advocates. President Nixon's next nominee will have to be invulnerable on all Concei vable accounts if he is to survive this kind of opposition. He must be as non-Involved as was Chief JusUce Warren Burger. whose judicial record was not wholly acceptable to liberals but who could not be signilicantly faulted on any other count, Sen. Hugh Scott, the Republican leader in the Senate who voted against llaynsworth, has brought forward the name of Bernard Segal, a Philadelphia lawyer who is president of the American Bar Association. It would be an odd coin- cidence spanning 40 ·.years if the alternative to Haynsworth, like Parker a carolina judge, should prove lo be a Pennsylvania lawyer like Roberts. IT HAS BEEN DIFFICULT ail through the Haynsworth maUer to believe that the integrity of the Supreme Court. was really involved. The case against llaynsworth was thin stuff and during the debate must senators who were critical of him rested their objectlons largely on symbolic grounds of the appearance, ralher than the actuality, of impropriety. The public's interest in a Supreme Court free of influence or wrongdoing was therefore never truly in jeopardy . \Vhat was. and sUll is, ln jeopardy is the Jntcresl of those who have lost ct1nfidence in the Supreme Court not bcc8use of the ethics or ntoral! of Jts membership but because of its· decisions. The objections against JusUce · Fortas and Justice Douglas on grounds or finDncial in- V()Jvement were not pertinent to the decisions they rendertd. If il la true, ., the polls '"°"· that a majority of the public hati lost confidence Jn th e decisions of the Supttme Court then lhe public'a Interest ts malnlY in the ju<Uclal principles of lhe new nominee. TlflS JS TUE POINT from which Nixon cannot retreat unle$s he wishes to refutt his own argument for a conservative ap. pointe~ to the court. He has said that he thinks the court needs balance, needs a man who ls conservative, and he wed thal term not in the economic sense but ~·Ith respect lo interpreUng the Constitu· tion rather than writing new law. Nixon is therefore in need of a tradi· tionalist in interpreUng the ConstituUon rather than an aCUvist jn correcting social evils. It is precisely at this point that Nixon·s controversy with liberals in the Senate rises. To be sure that he was appointing tradiUonalists to lhe court Nixon picked two men, Burger and Haynsworth, with substantial judicial records. There is no certain basis for judgment on what an appolnte_e wi\hout judi<;ial experience will do Ir he la sud<lenly elevated lo the highest cOurt. FOR EXAAfPLE, President Nizon might easily conclude that In most mat· ters concerning the Jaw he is in general agreement with his old friend and associate, Secretary of State William P. Rogers. Rogers haS had no judicial ex· perience and has made no judicial record. Experience suggests that It Js not possible to guess what kind of a Supreme Court justice he would prove to be. The main question from this point onward is whether or not Nixon will have to choose a new justice who ls beyond all personal wlnerability. Dear Gloomy Gus: I wonder if there are many others who think ·"Laugh Jn'' Js very un- lunny. - J.B. R. To the Editor: On a talk shOw a man s;Ud, "Why not s e n d Senators Fulbright, McGovern, Muskie, Humphrey, McCarthy and Alitn Cranston over to Paris to take Henry cabot Lodge's, place?' Someone sakl, "Look at all the damage they would do over there." And the nrst man said, •·Look at all they do here." I .wt.sh they could hear that. Maybe they will. Hope you publish it right away. L.-YOUNG P olfutlo,.-Fllle Kinds To the Editor: PPPPP.fhe 5 P's: AP (air pollution), WP (water·), FP (food-), NP (noise-), and now PP (people 119llution-the "'refugees" who swarm, even swim, to our shores to work cheap and who, as soon as they get their bellies full of good old American food, set out lo raise money to overthrow the country from which they escaped and in which they are now wanted for treason). pp also applies to certain hippies, and or course to the population explosion which stacks people up until the ones on the bottom begin to decay, which generates social fennent and, too often, spontaneous combµstion. BUT THERE is another pollution most comical or all. It is SP (street pollution) after a parade. There you will see litter galore. Bones from whole chickens and spare ribs find lhelr place among myriad cigaret butts and other refuse brought along for lunch while sitting on the curb and waiting for tbe parade. In the past the street cleaners pau~d only to clean up after the innocent horses. Now they have to clean up after the people. S. G. UNDINE Border Inspection To the Editor: Relative to the search of persons and vehicles at the Mexican border, why not charge each car being searched a total of 50 cents: plus 10. cents for each occupant exceedbg live in number, and each person who walks across JO cents? Regular . commuters could be charged at a lower rate -for instance, passes could be sold to vehicles· for $5 a montll and to pedestrians for $1 a month. THJS WOULD NOT impose a great hardship on anyone . At the same time it should provide enough revenue .to pay for the cost of borcrer inspection, including needed !U'.1ds to speed up the·operatlon. Also, the people' wliO cross the border "·ould be the ones paying for the' in· speetion, rather than the taxpayers. VICTOR B. WALTON Letters from readers are welcome. Norma.Uy writers should conve11 .their tnessages tn 300 words or less. The rigl~t to cundense letters to fie space or eliminate libel i1 reseroed. AU le&.- teri tnust include signature and mail· i-ng address. but Mmtl mav be toiih,. hfk! on request tf ·1ufflcient reason is oppare-nt.. Quotes Miko 1'JicMb, ffoD)'WoOil ,......,, ti• comtdln -11Thc secret of comedy? Never let the audienco catch you trying lo be fUney.11 . . ., French Linguists I Absurdly Rigid Just after l wrote that piece on the new American Heritage Dictionary recently, l saw a front-page 5tory in Ute N~ York Times about the latest edition of _the: ••P.etit Larousse," the most widely used dictiOnary in France. · The new Larousse includes for the first time many Anglicis·ms · and Americanisms which infuriate French purists, who have Jong warned against a "corruption" of the French language through invasion of these barbarous words and phrases. 4roong. the Americanisms are _"hap- pening," "poster," "riol" .and ':'cam pm;." The news item didn't mention "hippie,'' but this is another of our n;eologisms .that is spreading fast all over the. w.orld. TO MY MIND; it is absurdly rigid· of French profeuors and linguists to object to such cross-pollination of words, wbich in tl'le long run strengthen a language~ not weaken it. 1be real criterion is not where a word comes from, but whether it fills a linguistic need better than some· native word. After all, words are "inventions," and no nation refuses a new and handy device simply becau.se it was invented in some other country. English is dotted with Gallicisms for ,which there is no convenJent domestic equivalent -phrases like "savoir faire" and "bon mot" and "rendezvous" and "garage" and "chauffeur" and "bouti· que" and "a propos" aOO "hon voyage" and "haute cuisine" and "avant garde" and .hundreds of c>µlers that have beeB unconsciously absorQed into t h • bloodstream of the English language, imo proving and fortifying its expressiveness. WHY SHOULDN'T the Fre.ncfi likewise ;i.dopt our "weekend," which is so much briefer and ·more accurate than "fin de semiine." or our "tltchenette," fQ'r their clumsy ·"un pttite ctlisioe," or •isnack· bar" or "parking" or "look-out," for none of which. they have any single _words? (Incidentally, it's harci to believe that "weekend" is. only about 100 years old in English; before then, it w:as cwn· bersomely called Friday.to-Monday.) l 'Ml all for maintaining standards in a language, and not permitting sloppiness a·nd illiteracy to pass under the name .of ..popular usage" -but since about two- thirds of English is made up of loan- words from other languages, anci U1is hybridizaUon is·one 'of the main causes of the strength, variety and supplen,ess of English, we shoukt welcome,not resent, any cross-breeding that fills a genuine lack . Besides, if the French gaVe up "cocktails,'' haU the bar signs in Paris would have to come ·down. And not a French word to put up in its place. Nation'sHugeHealthBill Th1ngs a columnist might never koow if tie didn't open his mail : Health has become a leading American Industry. The nation's health bill now is about $S1 bi!Uon, and by 1975 the Health Insurance Institute estimates it will reach $94 billion. There is no rubber in dollat bills, although some favor putting it fu to make them stretch farther. They are composed of cotton, 75 percent ahd linen, 25 per· cent. The United States, now has one motor vehicle for every two persons. Licensed men driven outnumber women drivers 60 mlllicn to 43 million. The boos doein 't speod all his lime 8' speed of 47 miles an hour, seven miles above the specified speed. · Household hint: Raisins for cakes and breads w:lll be juicy and plump if you soak them in warm water before adding them to the batter or dough. Science has come up with a humane new weapon in the war against rats. It is a tasteless chemical whicb·when eaten by male rodents leaves lhem healthy, happy and hearty - but permanently sterile. shouting orders or ·bawling people out; A SUE YOU LATJ:l.:R: Doctors are wor· survry showed that the average ex· tied about medical malpractice suit!!, ecutive spends about 40 percent of his which have reached an all-Ume high. One work day listening to·otbers. out of ·f'We physicians can expect to be a 00 YOU REAU.Y want lo Jose defendant in such a suit sometime during hi& Weer .. Malpractice insurance pro- weigbt7 Then try hibe~. During tectien costs doctors an average of ~.ooo three months of sluggish dOzlng in its yearly. wintry den, a bear sheds one-fourth ol his poundo.ge. Worth remembering: "Be thankful The contents of much of the mail we you're living in a land where you can say get nowadays hardly seems worth the what you lhlnk without thinking." price of the postage, but tJich letter a HJstory lesson: CM you Identify the b11.rjness flnn sends out costs it $2.50. U.S. prt3idents who bore lhe followln; \Vhat are your chances of being called nicknames: ''Sur v e Yo r Prestdent," f.:ir jury duty in any one yw?'About one "WoohCarder Pres.ldenl, '1 "Perpewal in -tO. Between five niiflion.and'six million. , Ca~idate," and "Pr!>fe~r"? They were clllzeng are summoned annually for George Washington, Millard Fillmore, possible jury service. . Grover.Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson. Quotable notobles : "Frustrate a Frenchman, he will drink himself to de,_,th ; an lrishman, he will die of angry hype~CMI ; a 0-he will shoot himseU: an American, he wlii get drunk, shoot Y1JU, then establish a mlllion-doUar aid program for. your reJaUves. Then' he will die of an ulcer." -Dr. Stanely Rudin, psyd>ologjst. TRF GOOD OLD d11y1: Jo 1909 the U.S. i;<>vemment paid on1J !30,000 for Its first miillary alrplano. The bUliders, the Wrlghi bnilhors, also rteelved l>,000 'vhen the wood and fabric craft achieved .( r---B11 Georie --~ ' Dear George: I Is It proper to 60l1d thanl")'OU notes fol wedding showtt giflaT ' GLORIA C. Dur Gior!1 C.: I don't lc!ow if il'a proper but tt'a certolniy going lo make you look Ukt: a cheapekate. How would you fetl tr yoo ...,. • bride and got nothing bul I lot o! thanlc·YOU notes? -.,.--· ---. ---------~---------------1 NO PETS l NDEPENDENT · RESEARCH PROVES: ~- ' . ' •• . . , ., .J J ; ' ' ~ • .t '~ ~ ~ ! . ' ' I . " Tom Thumb ·Made $·100,000 a Year ·:, iiy,t. M.110YD 1 • ·1ott.Miihtmeot1mlhlsonly bao to do with girl& aged 18 IF YOU COULD allonl' to ihi-ouih 22 and miii aged ·20 put up a new hotel in any big through 24. Unfortunate the town cl """ cbolce, where girls eo oulnmnber the boyls. would, you ·build H! I'd plcl: Mmt un!~te. Still, in San Fnmciaco. 'The bolltehleS anutber.,10 Yiears"ttie odds will U..•gtUl>e ldgbiot',rooin <I'-im)a'Ove. Bf 1179, tbe,populal cuparlcy level ·m-the country tion:exderu say, ftl tb\?Se age • • • AN ELI'S ANl'LERS brackets girls will outnilmber won't cooduct electricity. And boys only by 1(11!"99. the elk tnaw1 this . S u r e -: enough, he knows il Oo TUE WOMAN WHO shopi : numlll!IQl,occasionl, blg1 bulls _ with a cart in~ supenna:ket haft been .etlt IUU:ng electric spends. approumately~ f 1 v e · fmces on their antler• to let times as mutj) as, the woman their · berds Into cultivated who lflops without a cart •• , llOlds. IF ALL TUE LIQUOR .drunk · in one year were poured into · 'HIGH COST OF KISSING -ooe lllke, it would be bigger in Eraotly 25 cents• klas is what v o I um e than the Grand Tam Thumb cblrged. A .... Coulee Dam reservoir ••• tury qo, normal sized women THE THICKER the wuman's -H ~ faacinating -· tbe ·BMft money ber far a -to ·peck -,:trcus · -nd makes. So it's said, ~.Gii Ille t;he5. Do ')'Oii "K's said. ' --""""Ill!~ in .· . . ili8t klloing i:onciosslon! Yoa A ROANqo; SUllSCRmljll ioml btiieve II. Juot about oendo aloog a J1iduno ol a $100 GOO a year. pumpkin c a pt i 0 n 't!.d as l • wel«blng 210 pounds. l'm,get- OPEN•QU1'llTIONS -1. Do ting tired o1 .writing l\houl Identical t w I n s frequently pumpkins tbat are bigger than think the aame thooghtl wben I •am. How big .do_ the biggest eepara~? 2. Is there any grapefniit get? .• . • "OSB lour-looted an!Jiiai.that doesn't DELIGHTFUL T.HING . obouJ peraiplr&? 3. How old should a a man with a ~.".writes a baby be--before you can give it lady, who now is married to cbewing,gum? one ol same, "he always looks ' · wonderful w h e n ·he first . M~ -Today I wakes up. \lnUI he got around ~ painter tells ~e to •ving, my fiist husband tUre s such a lhlng as a used to look bad. No hor- mean mouth" that cannot be rible." ' put on can vas. Not as is~ anyiray. 'Ibere's also such a )'our, qu~stiom and com· tbtng as "a kind moulb," he men ts ·are wel.comed and ,. aaya, which takes readily to wiU be usea whenever pos- pai.nt. He k e e p s a private lib~ in "'Checking Up." catalogue of kind mouths, and PUase address row mail to 8UbsUtutes one of same for LM. Boyd in core of Dailv mean mwths. Further, he Pilot, BOx 1375, Newport 'AY• he will llOt point 1 mean---::;B;;e;;ac::, h;;, ;;C;;oli:'f;;.;;9;;2;;66;;3:;;. =:::.I mouthed ' client without · al.- substanUal advance. Molie a Sharp CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. Tfodo; Use "What's tbe ratio ot: mar-o· A L riageable girJ4 to eligible 1"!•· · ines boys?" A. Right now, Jt'a 100 Buy For Christ"'-as e BUDGET TERMS! e ENJOY COLOR! e CHRISTMAS & SPORT ---SHOWS! . ~ Tlllli•Color _......., . OOCMJ ColorlV . 1 ed ..... D"091..-al ---..,_.,~ • Altt•ltlid ' Kl RKPAT·RIC ,K'S ~ RCA Salet & fenice K I R·K PAT RI C K ''S • 2760 L COAST HIGHWAY CORONA Dl!L MAit • 613-2650 • I Servil'l9 H•rbor Are• Stnc• 1946 I • • ' I ' . . • \ ~ i ' " DAil V '1loT t > -. • n ~ lOO"lc. brighter picture I ' Greater perf9rmance More dependability Tho C001ptlor·dnl'"'d HI-UTE '70 piclo~ tube dt· liven 100% lllOl'I brichtness thlft 1ny bl( scrHn '"r dmloped 11J RCA. Outside: flee plate wtltl computer· ipecifild ilealty. lnsldr. t,200,000 rid. p111nd blut pl°""' doll are Pf•clst~ sptdfitd lay compllhr. &cit dot JI 11rl'Oafldtd by 111nlqu1bllck1111trix! IMid1 tTlry RCA Hl·LITt ?O color tDbt thsrt ls I slcnt· wuponl A ca11puter-Hlipld electron 1111 : •• '""' am..W ~Kil• optics ••• shaots 31,000,000 ••""l'!-111"'11 itl,shNow ""'witlr a b• · limblt acantJ. 1111 elidrlll p1 is ont Df IM Ttt- "" lo.,...11t .-dl prond RCA .i1·1Cr111 color t1lnili• briPtestf ~' niqit r .... ilstl"'cll!llit b .irtmllr 111111 IOlld-statl dalp; sol!';ttltt pnft~"' "''\"'°" Ifft. dlll d"1ia .-II Ki-T .... 1!1 1111 •Jtr a .. of lit brllkdowll '"' npelrs ........ 11'111 f1S11 dllnll,1n _11m.,...,_..w1•- tors. diod" ... -tatad lld I~ 1111> lfllwi°"'"'- RESULTS: The brightest color. · The most .vivid color. A sharper, mote.-detailed picture •. Plus solid-state dependability. Yours in every HI-LIGHT '70 "Trans Vista" model. Only from RCA. , au in setsyoucanafford ••• enjoy! 2lf lflais .. 2tS tcr. lrt. pldu,.. ·-hlbl rectifiw Model~~R ,, spanish to contemporary ••• THE LUNDBERG-Super-bright HI-LITE '70 Color tube -glare·proof and dust.proof -in swivel ca binet of Contemporary/ Nordic sty1ing. Solld ~tate• 26,500-v. Trans Vi sta•chassis! .. • \ ' I .... ' • • I fa1*ttnodels too! I l HE WHITBY-For the first time-RCA solid state•, big-scieen Computer CraftB<l-Color in• ~ina-WOQ!i table model. l uxury features include 26,500-v. chossis, lnstant-Pic and adVanced . automatic "hockld·in";tunin1. Detent UHF tunermekes UHFaseaytotuneas VHF.Seoinc is ~lleving-see it now! " see your. .. c1eareriOdQy ... ' ' THE lANZANO-New HI-UTE '70 color !Ubt end Trans Vista• solid-state• 26,500-v chassis •. Till• out control panel. New 82-channel VHF /UH F ''Wireless Wizard'' remote control. Instant-Pie meanS no warm·l.!P wait. LUxuriQUS Moorish mode ca binet has concealed, easy· ' rolling casters. \. THE'SEGOVIA- RCA Computer Craft ed 'Color 1V in 1 classic Moorish/Spanish double-door cabinet. Ad~anced automatic "Locked-i n" finetuningforVHF/UHF. New 82·channel 1'Wireless Wizard'' remote ~ontrol tunes tint.and coJ or ~Trana Vista• solid state• 26,500-vchassis. 21• di•I·• 295 911.111. picture.·-tube l'tCtlfi•r Model f'M.513 . '"""' ., . , .. , ;-1 ~I, ~~..!; .,, f' .. ~.::: ·''~· .. ,,-! ..... q. . "n :J. , .. -1 .1· -.!>~· . f~·. " ,,_ ·:c,_ ;·~ .. :·· .·j. ,. ..... ·.~ , ' I"' ... ~ ""''.: :····. ,., . ' ·~·' -~ · .. • .. ' , . ..... "· .. " , ;_.: ... . ,!;!· "' h! !"!· -. ' .. . " . . • " . i: " . • • -:! ' r · . . • "'1-V l"llOT rna,, ~-:!8. ,1969 • '• • ' • I 2 Women Held in Try To Kill Each Other FONTANA (UPI) -Two Bakersfield women w h o allegedly.shot each other while driving on a freeway were booked Wednesday nlghl on suspicion ol ashult with inltnt to commit fuurder. Sherifrs deputies said Addie Lee ·P()pe, 30, was driving a car owned by Mrs. Janet Tucker, 36, on Interstate 10 en route to visit Mrs. Tucker's 13 Topless Laws Invalid ByLAJudge LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Thirteen new city ordinances banning toplw and bot- tomless dancing were declared partially invalid by a judge Wednesday who said such dan- cing was a fonn of expression protected by the first amend- ment. . "The California Supreme Court gives the impression that such dances are a fonn of expression because,· at the very least. the girls are giving ideas to the male patrons, .. Judge Richard Schauer sak!. husband who was working on a ~Uoo project in Glen- dora. . DeP1:1lies ~d Mk.. Tucker w~ted le_> driye lhe;c·ar herself and allegedly, shOt .Y.!Ss Pope with. a .22-caliber. automatic when she . declined 'to sur- render the w~I. The bullet struck her,in'the right side or the back. Miss Pope swerved lo. the side of the freeway , aod managed to wrest~ weapon from Mrs. Tucker. As she did. depqtlts •said· pie I u n discharged, ' strikfu& M r s • Tucker in the Cht!lt. Mrs. . 'l'ucker then.pushed Miss Pope Crom the car aDd drove off. A passing motorist saw Miss Pope .covered with blood on the side of the freeway and telephoned sheriff's deputies. Mrs. Tucker was picked up by deputies about a mile west of the shooting. Both women were taken lo Kaiser Foundation for treat- ment and then were transfer. red to the prison ward of the counly hospital for booking. Miss Pope was booked on an additional charge of suspicion of possession of nartotics. Holiday Spent The superior court judge's Cl I ruling came oo a suit.med by In iurc l 12 bar operators and dancers. The pe.rfonnances being con-LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A aidered did not involve total young Marine private spent bottomless exposure. Thanksgiving in sanctuary at Another judge has declared the First Unitarian Church invalid s i m 11 a r ordinances rather than go to Vietnam. draft.eel for bars in county ter· Louis Anthony Franchtpa, ritory and struck down two V.'bo was given sanctuary Sun. state Jaws empowering local day when he went AWOL, said govmunents to regulate such his family supported his ac- entertainment. Uon . ........ ,..,...,.... .................. , I -' I i I I I I .•. iaM .TYPEWRl1ERS1 .. .. . I . MODIL r. I s7500 I \ ~1 ' I I .. OM I I I I I _______ .,_,. 1 '· , . SPECIALS ON _ FIL~~ ~ ! I . ' t I 1 ""''I'• '49" '4 DIAWll ...... •• ' '65!'· ',,, . I vi.a Our Si.ow R .... For I Holidty Gi~ Selectfot1• ! . ' ! lNVmSITY IJCo~•f&•f°'-1 19U ...._. lhd. • C.-.-, Czllkt a 92627 ii ·---------------- I I Solon ·urges Reagan Free Colleges Funds $4.HValUftl -label Sr...ff llbums $J7H Vallie! Ronson Varaflame ':::.:·"~ $666 ,,.ri#Jl:h11tan1 1. ''"'(If ....... Dollhlt bit ' Jiq ,.il!f tbe :.t of mohair J., , ••• , p1ttfl Woks ••• Ma. l6 1111 '40. $J 71 Value! 3 Pc. Gift Sets •ApdlSltow.n • , .... LIM: • M...- .. .... co,.,. 94' Bl&bblt &tit and. ·Hand a Body ~ •. ~· :i;>ilc..l'kl·~ • '. . ltdllr Sl~I ...... , Gbol.:fMCD 11'1k ,, hlawb, ~ • po/yeltl:l' ..i ~ uva po l1t1ttthlmdt, Scots 0 •• . ··~·· ... Sill Scotc'h $86 lltl s Cllll tlllks _..., acce11orf lit H.L. A a 11 ON , Evrty thirt & tie 97' Diltille:l & blmdtd ill nttdJ for C'l't!')'- . .,....,, . ' ... , .. F1ldllg SllP,l!llf ,._ mdoon •• 77c 010t. Choice cf , aeyln. s to XL, Scotl111d. .u, ........ ot ' ' Ql~ . FIE£ €!!!3 'Mwltlple :it DllllJ Y"-181 ·91 Whm. Yav hf !ouk (I( IOI). Both For .••• I 11 $11.11 lli.,tft SAn Ylnln ,...,.,,,..,,., $647 OTK 20 -11ils for co111.inuo11.1 yj~ini. . "lrllt"Hllll ·= Wkli W1tc1I 95 Wolitll's HIPAt Pllllll SHiii lunti~ Inn• 99' pi le, n c.iti11& mto0. s II) XL. Sl.llWM . S,111 CtlIH ' Pttf1tt 1411 fw - .· ' '15'1 Vahle! Wall Plaques DICOU TOl ftlCIS %3:&,I" flM • ~=fl~~ $f'' 'C,opia of oo,. iaiJ. blDd CU• fli)as. "°"'""' . . Ctlfet lltlgl. •St .ts V9l•l 88 Colotful porct-" . C bin m..as i". -1l 12 li&m of the • "·" Ptrctlal~ Ct11ndc Pllcts Jloutiqut da'o.: $2•• rator bcr>;.,, ho!• .. t!tt, mjrron., · J!llll, mott. • l ,~ . JIUltrJ 10pet1ted, tuiumil'l llJ> IO ~ 4 .. nUk. :56" tdamp-ini ntenm. U1 t ~11111l:iil • ."h iki'1f, locNli1"1&-Voh1rM- uol. &huies ind.· ' ' ' ' IDc YilH Ea.I Pt.rctlll1 l ·II; ltwls •"'""3'99''' Jl Ntt$1.01. 0 ' , FloraJp.tt.-I · ·~' ' ' • .---· .· •• i : : •• i i • • • i .. • I I ·! I "' •I ' . . .. .. • , .. \ . . ~. . • • • . . ·' .. , •. \ . .. . . ' . • • • .j ' ' \; i " .. . ' t . • j • f . ' .. ~ ... . >~' ..... . ..... ' ' .. . . ~ ·: •• ' -. ~ ' . I. • • • . . • ,. • • • • .. " "-' __:......:.. • . . -- . 'I ' . . . • i • ' ~· .. ' • t • • ' ' • • > ' . . . '. ! I l I ' , . ', . . . I I ' ' ' • ' ' ... ·:Aft,1 '-•' ''i ~i..:..,;,,_.:~:· ., :· { ~ ~··· l ~:·~:;• ~~~d .. ,··· I ' • '! ,·~,; ! • · l'IQWic:oriles 11°, llD J(J11'1UKJf ~., • . · :. •) 1 '~ '''•'I .""'1, ··,· 1 · ~··~ ,' •' ·/ ~ '• ',l r'•,"r' ' . \\•. I I~ · o • ' ~· t ••· • • · • · • r · •• r • • • • ~ · · h'~-~~I~ -~ ioqgf:·las'ti~ en~l~e. ·• '. '. 1Ji~ nfwiengi~e·will ,sttli·;iv; y~:·~: · · ~1 ' , loftO.•r bttng than Vr'hote · gooda61Y\fhu:,to a gallon of.gas. . ...;., · ·" ~l:r ~~ Wot:r old eng;rt•~~ . · lt!Jtfl;:!~.-plnts''Ol•oil' lnsleid 'df_' .• ~ • • 1 -whkh . .Jn~•1~u fr'n t _kn~ •. wos , qua~!s:, 1,·'.: ••••••.•... , · ·:onti ol·th• k1Ughest1Wn;lnts1ofodnd. · ~ ltshA ob,lq1n~froro antlf~eeze. ' . · . : rTo~ . ..,.«f:'.81mj:lh,VL78 mph.I '· And it's stHI convenlentfy .located • , . · Tl\ttMW version l~mC¥• powerful. ' IBec.Ouse•it:rstill i;ilr,..eopled.) · . j ' It~ bettlr oc~el9roticin. · · ' In th9 'reor'fOr.bitte·r t..OC:tiOn In inUd , · •· ' 1 'Arid· mos't lmpotton1;· ii Weigh'! ttle · 'ohd snoW. 1 ' ' ' • • • 1 • ' 1 • • · ~tam• ·;qs ;tfl• .. okter' verildn~· 'so it l • Y8s, oh !th&.th!ngs lhot :ll'!~"· our1 · ; 1 . ' 1 . d.0t'!''t.h6Ve .'~ ~~10s ha,rd, IO,,Q~t ' . ~l.d1 Pid~kog1e-a· hit1 lost ~r·~~· •bock .' ~· 1 . ~ ~r•'Y~ r•~ing. · ·. , , •ogoln ttil~·vr~~-. · · ... . .. . ~· '.•' .. , • ·~· M ·h goM!<I leap, ends there' lnfluding our ol~ pac!"lge. . '. , r ..,, /~~-1-1 .. 1, I . . r'1 , \ '•'i. ·1 ;: ,, .. , . •• \' ~. ~~ ,, I .. ·i ~ot0-•l1 , _i!, I . ., .. -... NIWl!OltT. ~~:t SAff .• Jµfl:l.~CAPl~TRANO HUNTl.N!)!ON•;BEAQf · ·Chick lvorson'.· ~,I ·Bil Yat•1 Inc. ' ., . ,.l:l4rbpur. V:olkl.w.19~' · 445 E. ·eo.11., Hn·· ' ' :329» ·Ville Rd. : 1: _1ei11.·,ao,~h '.._~IO•~ j · (7J41673-q900, f I ' .'.;'.".\7·14J .. ~5: ::. 2':.a2'~:.I' M"M"M"~~1'l':.~,, ~. ~~~~I··!'; -, , , ,,·~; ·· · · ' I ' l ~...,, • .. . . ' . . ~ " ' ~·· ,., . ',•. . ., .. ,., ""'. , • 1 • , I ... .. . ' -•21(22a ·.w~ ~' ft\ep'~.'.F,~shJo-,! ~~~· ·" b'~lu "< -~ • \~ ' • J •• ) ··OPEN'.· ,, . " .. • ' ' • ' I • -I 11 ' t • · ' ., .. ,..,. ' t ,, ......... ,, ...... : ' i ;s~j\Jk!>~ y ,, f:lt·••mdo t :lO p.m . .. ~ .•. ,.. - , l~iOo ... s,,e ,_ . '. "' . I • i . • •• ' . . • • • ' I I It IWl.Y I'll.GT MEETINGS Hills Hidden Beach Y Crest New . _t ' ' • I • I J • I '1 • ...r ) I )• ,, - Dee. l·I -· Campo SAC ~ng .MexicanCulturalWeek ' . . "• $saa· NO MON.EY hlalorJ' ,al Sin J!'emaod• Valley SW. Colle(e, Doa v ...... ol s..t. Ana lo heodlllC up the UllAS com· mlttee ~.Ibo -k· 1oo1pro1roma1ue by)olln-ud ol the UJlAB Club ... .w. must make ,,..m for n~w orders orriving loon. All aclvertfHcl. corpet In stock for foil BANK TERMS ~ delivery. · • _.S. ,, NGS .ARE GREAT ' YOll ,MUST BE EARLY FOR THESE! ' • ··'i ' • t .• 1 . 100% '"1PONT , -'JiYLON PIU tq_ng,;.,, '<•iMf>~"# ~h pil• ln1urH-~.ar' of.a , lu-Urf; Dftubl• jute · _.<valldbJit.i ft fOui' .~' ~lmD colb'ii. · -. s-; •. : ";; li. .. ·3· . 9S· '.. t :e-ti" •• ~ • ' . ..... ,, .... .,.,., . ,....,,, . ' ' CARPET ONLY . COMMIRCIAL TYPI . TWllD 100'% coft;in~. fllom•nt nylon plle In an ·dll· 1o0p construction. Hord wearing, ·easy to clean. Several popular colort to cf/loose from, Double jute backing .. · '. 39s leg, 5. 95 Sal• ~ YL CARPET ONLY ' . • ... 6.95 CARPET ONL'Y 100% NYLON . · , ~ PIU \'<:; long phnh thag in 3 d9C'Orator colofi Avocado, green, gold, This 11 top quart; ity hard wearing shag, This won't lail; at this low price. ~ R ... 7.95 5 49 ~ Sale ,., Y~ CARPEi' ONLY \: VE UP TO 60°/o HING YOUR ROOM MIASUHMINTS TO SHOP AT HOME JUST PHONE ' SANTA ANM INCOLN, ANAHEltti ph. 778-6190 ~ . . ., ' ' .. "< ti ~ ... " ... ., • • • • ; • ~ • • . • • • l • : • • • • • . ' • ···j.> • '•' ' ' . ' .. -. • .. ~ • ... l • ' . ' ., 1 · • ''• . .. ' ! I -.... ~ \ . ·' . " • '• . I I • • l, ' ': " . ' ... -.. •one-stop' shopping at · its f'inestl Opell TliuraC:lay, Ii Mondays Eves Til,1 ·9 . . . ,• ' . .'' : . :T· ·h :e· .. ·.: ... · . . . . . . ' . . . . NJf;.EST ' • • • • • :. 1 • .-.·things ,:.~··:, , ... Are ·wrapp~d In . Our ·Package's! • · I ' _ r • WRAP UP YOUR ·Cl;lllSTMAS"SHOPPJNG .EARLY AT OUR DISTINCTIVE SHOPS ' * Scrv4n DrucJ * P'aper UnHmlted ' , I * Vtta's Intimate Apparel ' * Market hiker * Rian Hardwcitt . ' * Chaffes H. Barr Jewelers ' *Jean Dahl * W tstcliff . Shots * l'lajboy 'Hair Stylists * Dick Vemon * lank af Amtrica * Baker's . Wtstcllff Camera * La Galleria * Dr. Lou Roy Elcltr * Westcliff Plaza Barbers * Hickory Farms * Robert Btrldey Mt.n's ' ' * Humpty Dumpty Chllclrtn's * cobblers Beneh * Montgomery ·Cleaners ' * Darreli's Dtclrlck Tux Shop * .tfalnclcly's Men's · . . . GIFT WRAPPING FRIE AT MOST STORES 1·: 1 ' I " I I ' ' ' ' . ' r I l • ' I . ' . , '' I ' -. -.-· ~I', '• . --· I -~ ~ ~ .. -.f-• ,I,.- ' . ,. •• • . t:I . . .... ' ., I \' 1 • ,, ' JI DAIL y l'ILDT F'rlday, Novtmbtr 28, l96tf \ ., ;; INTHE lfOLIDA'l~RlRL? , l•t our styli1ts 9ive you • soft, curly permenent ih1t will ktep you well coiffed through • busy seeson of p•rfits and shopping! ....... Now 54S.0460 NOW Ol't!N SUNDAYS WESTCLIFF. PLAZA \. \ li :i-f f:J . ' .~ ~·-·.::=.. ' Anyplace for Lc~df..... , . A private plane, that had run , otit of 8'!• · ~ · jilry ll'Ol1I the crolh. 1be plane ran out of gas wblle landed late in Dallas at a perffct nclt -a-~ awaiting cl881'.811C8 to land Love. Field •. station. The two men aboard the pra.;.. eseaped l11-' . . . . ,. Brandt Posses thallenge to Reds "~ By PHIL NEWSOM Ul"I , ........ IWn AMlylf Willy Brandt, West Germany's new chancellor, has sel up a tray of tempting morsels with which to entice East European . Communist bloc nations and the Com· munists haven't figured out yet just what their reaction ' I I • •' ' should be. Hence the M06COW meeting 9f all the Communist big-wigs, party leaders, premiers and foreign ministers for their fin:t get-together since last April. The course it wlll take will depend 0.1 ore influence re- tained by Walter Ulbricht, You'll Look Like An Angel • • •• ,•' ' . , . ,. f • .. . "'' . ~..rr :·. . . "',,,.;. ' NoW .. : get perfedlndoor Oil5b pi4ures ... illlfolllill!col/y! • Wdh the new Honl!}-Wel/ computer Dosh. ' ' $ > Honeywell's new Auto/Strobonar 330 computer flash will af¥e you perfectlf"@Xposed pictures iodoors everytime-just as eeiy1v as taking pictures outdoors in the bright sunshine. • ' ' . , I .~ :..~ .... CHRISTMAS IS FIRESIDE, FAMILY, FUN • • • '.AND CLOTHES FROM a a erta ' • • ., THOSI LONG LEAN LOOKS YOU LOVE •h1pi11g yo11 up ind dow11, 111d •II tli1 .,..,.,, Jn cllftfY •w••l•r·•nlts •!Id lu11lc1 , •• in bocly-1hirt1 111d 1lr•ight·l•9 p•11t1 ••• in flJppy ••hts th1t ffl•k• l•I • look lortt•rl Ev•rvthing by G.rl.llCI, 18 1v1rytl<ii119'1 •11•clly right. W, h•v• lfl•m •II in 9re•t 11•w colors Ii•• Nud•, Pi1t1cl<iio, L.inon T•rt, Set tl<i•m tod•y _.., "4 ••• dick I -. ;vernon s . ,~ ... . ' . . . I . ' , ·•. • . . ' ' \ • Men 's Traditional Clothing I 7th' & Irv ine Ave. Westcliff Plaza 17th I: lrvine-N•wport le1ch W•stcliff Pl111 548-116$ 'i WISTCLIFF PLAZA", NEWPORT BEACH f I Newport Beach, Calif. 645 -0792 ' ' • • l l ~ ~ \I ~ -----~------·~--------------------~---- Crucial Meeting Coming ::·United Europ~ Qra~ ' ear : ~llUSSELS IAP) -The • ~am of a loosely federated rt{nlted Slates of Europe Is Jikely to come closer to reaJiza. .Uon neJtt week. ~ ()n Monday lcadel'3 of con· .t'ir;iental Western Europe meet f 1 The Hague to discuss ex- paMion of the C o m 111 o n ~1arket This summit mett.4ns. I.he first in ll months, was called by President Georges Pompidou of France, who has llrted Uie veto that former Preside.it Charles de Gaulle twice imposed on Britain's at· ··1fferlco's Next Leader Luis Echeverria Alvarez, former interior secretary or Mexico, gestures duri ng ceremony in which he ~cepted the official government party's (Partjdo 'Revolucionario Institutional) nomination as 1970 ']l"residCntial candidate. :;l. c .. . .. mav You1· Chri6lma6 be We1•1•y & Brighi ••• and include a 9itt fram tempts to Join ·llie Comm911 Marii<t. ' De Glllll6 trl<d to 1et llie mt1rket c9untrles. toiethii' Jn an organlutioh th't would at le11t consult· on the great world lssUes al the day, not just lhe economic iuues they now work on together. He failed, mainly because the other five member countries refuaed to so ahtad wilhout Brital.n. Another ':lewcdrntt to the Comll\Oll. llartet llllllllllit wlU be Chaoctllor WillY lltlodt of West Germany. Hf: la a Social Democrat wKh sttons uea to Britain's Labor pernment. His ~· Kurt Georg Kieslngtr, waa a ~aUve who favored British mem- berahi,p but never wanted .to jeopardize his relations wlth France by pressing for It. Pompldou and B r a n d t beJong to a 1e:ieration that seems convinced W e s t e r n Europe must unit il it is lo have influence In the world. Prime' minlsters and forei1n mlnlater1 also will be on hand from Italy, Belgium, HoUand and Luxembol.lrg, They will have two di)>• of formal talks. Then the six foreip ministers all cmne lo Bruael! for tbe z.1nual .esslon ol the North Atlantic T r e at y Orcani.A- Uon-'!IATO. Here they will find the forelp ininlsters, d e f e n s e mlnil&etl and f l n a n c .e ml!Uliln of three Common Mlljlot canalclates-Brii.lb, · Norway • n d Denman-N well u their ciolleques fnlm- the United Slltts &Qd oeber NATO members. In recent years U... IMeUnp have been the scene of effens led by Denis j I 1.., • !.FOR~-. . USY TO UNDRlSS • -EVEN I.SUE~ • • 'C•vt• Jle't -•""' w .. , . ..,.11 •• ,..,. •• ,,.t ... ~tdi cett.11 li:"lt , ,_, tvft, 111 • IV Dir ... uW .. l111lt tli•t• ~. wri"kl1t, 1li:llilt fflt ir .. i''i.. wl11k quick. ~ ' lrt l ithl ~···· ••it• • ~. Briltln'.s defense ml!Mior. ·to brine llie E=- peln members of the: alliance cloler together. These efforts have sot no further than Briliah efforls lo join the CommOb Market. With the chance la the Frtneh and West German gover:upents, theie will be a new test. U.S. iovernments, b o l h Re!'lblican and Democrat, have encouraged all the8e al~ tempts at blropean unity, thoogh they may cost llie United States some of its i~ flueoce and trade. American olficiall believe that in the Jong rtlD a mon: united Wq tern EurO!lO would take over more of the burdt':I of its own defeble, and become an T •-. H T even better trading partner. an;tng er UNI If thin1s go well at The Hague, Healey IDIY have Princess Anne or Britain squeezes oU a 20-round more success la~ The burst with a submachine gwi during her vi sit to two elf~_,-A ~ \Vest Germany. Dressed for het· rofe in mititary pean "'°'"" JfATq, field jacket for vi sit to armed forces, AMe passes would devoti muab cf Ill .a\,: muster with score of 11 hits. tcntioo to -moltron:11--r.:============~:I co~uction of weapot¥, U. I I appllCaUon of scte.1ce to loo G d dustrr. These art fields whlft «hJistmas II s :~~~~:..~ .. ~(.. ¥ Though the meellj,g at '!'ht Hague wUI look toward Bri· Iain's •ntry into the Common Market, tile main aubjett of dllcus&ion may be French in- slsteoce, on a "definlUve" basis fer financi'.111 the Com- mon Market's farm policy. The buts the · French want is a PfOrlllSt from the other five meiqben, and eventually from new· members as well, to help pay aubaidi• for the export of fGOd surpllJles, Most of these surpluses are pro- duced Ip France. ' , Otllghtlul ex~lona ol Ctmatmn joy for you to Nlldyour frtencn 1nd IO'ttd Onell ._.. ... pick from our cornplttt ...... Paper UnA"':iteJ WESTCLIFF PLAZA-17th A lrvifto 541.7921 WONO!RALLS IS ON PARADE ' • The •U.ltt'••rtt of • circu1 1J•r14t, .. ,turff Ort w.,. •. er111t ••tt.11 k11it jump •uif, A t•Y 1"4 t•••v t ireff1 ' trurt41tt 1cro11 ftit fre11t. A 1111tchl11t pullover 91t1 lice f•r trim. E11y cere, w11h 11' w11r, •11tp crotch. "Wfiere Shopping how to shine socially . \ : J/Ul,f P1Y DUltf PrY CHILDllN'S SHOI' I We1taliff Pleia -17th & Irvine Westcliff Plaza, Newport Beach N .. ·pert •••ch ' ' ' ' • • • PROFESSIONALLY 'Avoid the rush ... have your complete wa rdrobe made sparkling fresh ... NOW! I MONTGOMERY s~Gt1~s5'16~ j CLEANERS & LAUNDR~ ... "''""~ ~ We 9faJf'I ;-..,~ y/t .-Wrap • _,4."'I }!letn :Jree' o/ C/ia1•ge I I PHONE 642-1197 DAILY PILOT Veta's INTlllATE APPAIEL ............... .,..,ir.. _ ..... _ \ . ~i , I \ Westcliff Plaza 17th & Irvine Newport Beach Open Mon. & Thurs. Eves. J3 ' ~ • • • . • ' • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • . • . • • . • • . . 1 17th & Irvine -Westcliff Pl--· Newport leach Dilly a.t S.turday M I ................. ~ ............................................ 1·=====================================~. \ ' ,. I ( I • ----.c; .. -c~---~- ' ~· ' l ' .14 DAILY PILOT Friday, Novtmbff 28, 196~ ~students to Have · i I l ' l Crash Pad of Own \ SAN ~-RANC!SCO CAP) - Students under the influence of dangerous drugs Ylill soon have ·•crash pads" r 0 r emergency tr eatment available just down the hall fro1n their classrooms in fou r high schools . Some teen-agers come to classes so "freaked out" on mind-bending drugs they can't move, much le ss sit up straight in class. says Dr. J . M. Stubblebine, chief of con1- munity mental health services and originator of the program. The ·Board of Education and the city Health Department laid the groundwork \Ved· nesday for the program to be operating in about 10 days. The estimated $115,000 annual cost will be borne by the Health Department. Each ''pad'' will be staffed by a nurse. a psychiatric tech- nician, and seve ral st udent aides. ".For the fir11t time a youngster under the influence or drugs while at school can be treated-without fear o f reprisal-at school with no questions asked," Dr, Stub- blebine explained. '"We 're not preachers. In this case we are amoral. We just want to treat them and cdu.cale them with9ut their being afraid. The school is a familiar place to kids. We want the word to get ,around that the 'crash pad' is an okay place to go when the student is on a bad trip." . Dr. Robert E. Jenkins, µresldent of the Board ol Education, said the four high schools chosen were selected because of their locations and their "representative" status in the drug abuse problem. He said the program has the full suppor.t of Police Chief Thomas Cahill. [: ,. i i r i I !t CHRISTMAS DELIVERY GUARANTEED SPINETS & CONSOLES WURtlTZER SPINET ......•..•..• $ 399 w.i,.ur, perfe<l HARDMAN PECK MINI PIANO •.• , . $ 399 Full Uyboard, Qu~ AAnt dt1lgn HALLET & DAVIS .. , .. ,. .... ,. . , . $ 44S Wlnur modern decor WURLITZER SPINET • ,. .. ,. •. ,. ,. $ 445 LOOIU Ille• "4!W BALDWIN SPINET . ,. .... ,. ... ,. . $ 499 "'" t~ceptlon~I VIII'! STURN CONSOLE , .... ,. , ........ $ 499 YAMAHA CONSOLE .. , , . , , . $ 74S GRANDS ESTEY GRANO Ebonv, ~ 11. loflg, l1blllou1 1one JESSE FRENCH GRANO ... : , .. WURLITZTR GRANO SOHMER GRANO ........ ' .. ' .. Su~rt> qua1:1y . .::im~"~ wilt> 1ht hn""'' KNABE GRANO .... P•llt~ •ll•. l<Mln<I• like lull grand $ 899 $ 999 $1099 $1499 $1S99 MASON & HAMLIN GRANO ...... , , $2699 Mu•t DI! pllVHI TO""" ~pprtcll!l'<I STEINWAY GRANO . $2899 ORGANS HAMMOND CHORD ., ........... ,. $ 199 WURLITZER ORGAN ......... ,. .. . HAMMOND SPINET . WURLITZER ORGAN . HAMMOND B·3 ........... . YAMAHA E·3 .................. .. ~Man. "Tria non" Organ by Thomas. See it today! Franchised Dealer for 9 Yamaha $ 599 $ 599 $ 899 $2299 $239S e Kl"'IMll I e Thames ~, Ortaa . e Kohler & Ci:impk ll OpeR Doll., 1 0·6, Friday 'rll t , S.ltffy 12·6 • 1139 NEWPQRT BLVD., C~STA MESA CALL (7141 642-2851 . -1 .; --------~-----.. - - We have LeV1 ~S~: :£Pr every man , Striped fla res of •'rinkle sheddinj!; Dacron~ polyester and cotton in grc-y or blue toned strip~. 8.00 .j 30\3 Il 31[ 33[ J4[ 36[ 38[ " 1x 1x1 x1x 1x1x1x1 29 jXjXjX[XjXjXJXI 30 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 3l 1x1x 1x 1x 1x1 x1x 1 32 1x1x1x 1x 1x1x1x1 33 1x 1x1x 1x 1x1x 1x 1 may t:o men's $por.tswc0lr 133 \1rdcr by mail or phonc ... \ •' . • • \ .. ,, ' Corduroy jean~ or Durawalc cotton corduroy. Slim fit belt-loop st}'ic. Brown, sand, blue, loden. 6.50 1m1u1u["[l4 [»[M[3S[ ~1 x 1 x1x1x 1 x1 [X [X[ Bj XjX[X[X[X[ [X[X[ ~1 x 1 x1x1x1x1 j X[~l ll [X[X[X[X[X[ 1x1x1 l2 [XjX[X [X[Xj [X[X[ ll lXIXIX[XIXI 1x 1x 1 ~ i . I iit_ ' " ,. Mr. Lcvi'.s9 Sta-Prest slatks, full cut stylin£. Jn a "'·idc range of patterns and colms. 11.00 • 14.00 [ 32j 3l [ 34[ 3l j 36j 38 14014~ «1 "[X[X IX[XIX[X [XjXIX 29[ x1 x Ix Ix Ix ix I x1 .x ix w 1 x1x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x1~1x 311x1x1x 1x 1x 1x1x 1x 1x u1 x1x 1x1x1 x1x1x1x 1x u1 x 1x1x1x 1x 1x 1x1x 1x may co south coast pl11a, san <liege fwy ~I bristol, coslo mt.••: 546-9321 shop monday lhru solurdoy I 0 1.m. lo 9:30 p.m., ••nd1y noon 'Iii 5 p.m • '· ' . Double-track stripe flares of rayon , acrylic and nylon, stripes in tones of blue or bro~·n. 11.00 [ 30[3I l l'[ 33[ l4j 3E I 38j " 1x1x 1x1x 1x 1x1x1 29 1x1 x 1x1x 1x1x1x1 30 [X[X[X [X [X[XJX[ 31 jXjX[X[XjXjXjXI 32 [XjX[XjXjX[X[X[ I I I I ! I I I . "4"'--~ ,. .. ari t. ·i • ( ..... ~ ::-::. • .. ... . ' ' :-.. ' ' ,,. I l . ' ' . .. ' I ' ' . ·~~ ' l .. . I ' .. ··~· r • .. ; . I ·~. 1 ,, ... ; :-:· • r . I '•' ' :•, ' J.;. l ··;:' •' c ,-I 1 "·'" ! l , ·.· t • . ' '•' ... -- Men in Service • Airman Reber& 1. Qlr '11 son o! Mr. and Mn. C. D. Clemenll al UUl ,81ak11<* st.. w-. du -uliCD-ed to Travis Al"B. lat ~ with the MWtary Airlift Com- mand. ~ airman, a graduate of Wfstmlnster Hl&h School, 11169, bu been trained in ~he ~ clal handling and ... .,. "' air lrtighl. Airman SeoU A. ae.., ... aon ol Mrs. Frank Scbopen o! lift Loolle st., Luuna Beach, has received the first ualin-ment after completing bulc training at Lackland AFB, Tex. 1be airman has been u- llped to the Air Force Com- munications Service, Car1weJ1 AFB, Tex., !or trainiq and duty as a communications wir- ing specialist. ~ airman is a .graduate ol Laguna Beach Hltih School and ·-Slddkbact Co~ tege befwe entering tilt serv- ice. Airman IJoalll M. 8alilll Jr., ""' ol Maj. and Mra. Dooald Smith ol 001 Yorkahlre St., Westminlltt,has ~ training at Lackland Al"B, Tex. He will remain there for trainiq u • aecurtty pOllce-man .. SCt.Mlcllael A-G~ ... "' Mr. and lira. Jahn M. Glflland al Swiaet lleoch, has bffn auiped to Norton AFB. lor dUty with the MlllWi' Air- llll Command. The ·sergeant, who was trained to compute aircraft loads and deliver materiel and 1upplies by parachute, is a graduate ol Salpoinle High SChool,. Tucson, Ariz. He served in Vietnam for 11 months. and· II~ -• "" poeinciYll ........... Spec. c .&1111 D. W-.11. ... al Mn. -B. Goowr, SontliLquna -. has -a a si~ n e d to Headquart.en Company. Ywna Proving Gruld, Yuma, Aris. He II u air traffic con· troller; . WO. candidate Barry P ,_ ID, II, w--· Mra. -I. Diga!, liv .. at Jlllll Laauaa Canynn Road. Lagupa Beacll, compltted a ~ pilot course at the Amr1 Prlnwy HelicopIOr SclloGI, Fl W~, TH. Be bu been usicne<I to Ft. Rucker, Alt., for advanced llliN training. woe Finch tee!!ivtcl his A.A. .degree in 1• from Orange Coast College. Ula lather, Han1' P. Finch Jr., lives at 245 Grandview, Lacuna Beach. __ -y_,. 3,C. ~1 C. Wlllte, USNR, is one al 21 men of Commander : a r r l e r Division One achedultd to he hoOored at an a w a r d a ctltDIOl\Y 11 the Naval Air Slatlon, Norlb laland, San ~·Navy man, who .lives .al Clll Patrice Road, Newport Beaclt, with his wile, Rosalie, will·recelve·.u.e Navy Achleve- DU1Pt Medal, Comma.nder C arritt Division Ont r~ last Augu!t !rolri bet. Qflb combat cruise to tbt Western Pacllic since the VtetDmn tiUild up. '" Pvt. ,,,...Y Toyltr ol Fountain Valley, is serving with the 7th Infantry Division, Camp Casey, Korea. The private is the son of Mr. and Mrs .. Thomu E. Taylor of Santa Ana. He attended ·santa Ana Valley l!lih SchoOI before eplering pie Army. Cadet Bruce J. Bau, son of Ml:. and Mrs. LaVerne Bass o! 'em Rutgers Clrele, Hun~ l.,... Beach. has been atlect- ed :for an Air Force Reserve Tech. Sgt. DaYld G..~, ; Officers Trainiq Corpo flnan. soli ol 'llr. and Mn; Cbarlea .-clal assilb.nce grant at Mon-G. Banner of 31915 VJrjljnla i tan• Slate University. · · way SolJ1h Laguna •bu llitll The cadet ii a graduate of an1inecf to .George AFB ' Gl>agow (MonL). Hip School,. Tllo iergeant, an air-~ ' 10 Students · . ~~~::~ ~l:.;. ~!'I Airman ~ppren. CU!llofftr Honor~. By Ce~ter Ton studeols ·from varklus high achools In Ille HUl!linltoo Beach Union High 'ScbooI District and the Ga!den Grove U:UDed School lllllrlct have been selected u Huntlnaton Center Students of the Moath for November. They are: Rona Truax, Edison; Jo)'te-Horn, Fountain Valley ; Anne Tomlinlon. Hun- Ungton Beach; Rea Treleven. Marina; DiVid Lie n de r , Westminster: Unda Beaton. Garden Grotl; Nahcy Swetz., La Quinls; Nancy Taylor, Pacifica; Ten:i Field, Rancho Alamitos, and Pat · Adams, Santiago High School. Each will receive C '6 cash award from ·the· Huptington Center Merchants' ASSOclatiaJ and wlft iePQrt to the center for four hours of ocxupaUonal exploration. · Candidates are selected by faculty members of th e buainess educatiori department of each h i 1 b school !rom business-oriented seniors on the basis of gradu, personali· ty, citizenship, and ap- pearance. Students or the mo.1th are automatically in eontention for a $500 cash scholarship award· ed annually by the Merchants' Association. Postal Appeal PRETORIA, South Allica (AP) -With a manpower shortage problem, the pootal system has appealed t o private lndultry not to lure away its skilled workers. •• . " I ! . I{ I ( F. ·111ti, son of Mrs. Thomu R; Holme .. of . 5U I~ Av~ .• · ; Corolla de! Mar II -I ,. aboard the aircral\ -USS Tlcoodenlia. Presently undergoing major overhaul at the Lona: Beach Naval Shipyard, the carrier is the first to complete a fifth . tour ol duty in Vietnam waters. The bii ship Is heina con- verted from an attack carrier to an antl-aubmarine warfart carrier. Group Urges More Toys Members of "Toys and Travtl,'1 an or1an1Jatioa col- lecting toys and clothing for distribution to the chlldren ol harvest pickers in the San JOaquln 'area, will pick up 1t1y donations, according to Mrs. Grant Ball of Newport Beach. "We want to have our caravan Joadtd with toys and clothes for the underprlvi1e&ed children," Mrs. Ball said to- day. Any one with contributions may call Mf.7&tl for pick up or Jeave the articles at 1115 Essex Lane, Newport Beach. The donations will b e delivered the week before Christmas to the Delano. Fresno area, Mrs. Ball said. other collectktl centera are the Girl Scout H..,.. on Balboa Boalevard and Ult Unitarian Church, 1111 Vic- toria Ave., ec.ta Meaa. Jn the University Park area, Martin Trean, ~10 will Ir· range for the collectlon ol the toys and clothl.nr. I SEE BY TODAY'S WANT ADS • Get into actiOn ••• rttlred julp or atlGrnly who la tntere1tH in llle btttet. ment ot his fellow man ••• tar health, education and weltart. , .needed now • • Jle won't stay under )'OU? ouutmas tree very Jone. but wW be an ldded at· -lovuble .. ..._ ne.e puppy ••• or a.n ~ able white Poodle. • No ttdll. fff litre, new modem bolt allpa avtfl. able at h:arina def Rey, fteV the hub If the dt)', I Exccutiv< plaid t11ditioaw of poly· <Ster and rayon. Full ru4 bolt loop- ed, ruffed . Olive, biu" 14.00 I "I l'l l4l "I "I i•1"'I •2 1" 2s1x 1x 1x 1x 1x1x1x1x 1x ~1 x 1 x1x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x iojx 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x1x 1x i11x !x 1x 1x 1x1x 1x1x 1x "I I 1x 1 1x 1x1 I I Executive continmtals of polyatcc and rayon, full cut for the mature man. 6ron1.t , avoado, blut. ] l.00 j32l 33 l l4 J 3'J 36 l 38 140 J •'i1- ~1 x 1x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x1 x 1 x1 3 1x1x 1x 1x1x 1x 1x 1x1 w1x 1x 1x 1x1x1x 1x 1x1 "lx 1x 1x 1x1x 1x 1x 1x1 "I I JXI 1x 1x1 I I ------------ . . Frida, Nowember 28, 1969 DAii. Y 1'11.DT JI'; Executivt traditionals of polyt~tr and rayon . Full cut style with belt loops and cuffs . Ol ive, blu<. 14.00 Jl'l '3Jl4ll6 ll8l 40J42J44 146l4• 2a 1x1x1x1x1x1 x1x1x1x1x 291x1x1x1x1x1 x1x1x1x1x w I x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 xr x1 x1 XI x 31 I x1 xi x1 xi Xj xi XJ I I " I I I x1 x1 x1 I I I I i·raditional ityl e panr1 of polyester :.i.nd rayon . Darl: blut, avocado. bronze, gold, li,'l ht blue, grey. 10.00 I_" I 3•1 33 I '~I ''I '61 "I ,. 1x 1x1x 1x 1x 1x1x1 29 1x 1x1x 1x 1x 1x1x1 30 1x 1x 1x1x 1x 1x1x1 31 '1 x 1x1.x1x 1x1xpc:1 ' 3> I 1x 1x 1x 1x1x1x1 il I . I : I 1x 1 1xr;ic1 1n1y a> sportswear -13j order by miii or phone may co south coist plaza, s•n diego fwy at bristol, cost1 me,.; 546-9321 shop mond1y. thru 1aturd1y I 0 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., sundly noon •tn 5 p.m. ... • __ ...__~__.____ MAVCO I • • I I ., • ,. DAILY PILOT For the Record •• r • -:J.anc'I FROM RION HARDWAR'.E WRAPPING .. IN .. WESTC'[IF~ Pl:AZA 1024 IRVINE AVE., NEWPORT BEACH-Phone 642·1133-0pen Monday & Th\lrsday Evenings • ' :ARBERWARE PERFECT COFFEE EVERYTIMEI j '22" '19" 2 lo <I '~Pt '16" ·Faster tha n Instants ••• exclusive atlPER.f AST brewing action assures • rich, perfect brew every time! ~tictemperaturo control keeps It piping hol Truly !be fin..i. ll!OSI hautiful of coff~e makers. trifled ii lllllllini STIJli!LIS STW. Supsr-PowerBd ! DR EMEL MOTO-TOOL Con 111 nt·torq ue, perm11"11nt-rna1net motor 1Jves this htnd srlnder over twice the power of previous models. Turns out 30,000 rpm -will not s1an \lnCIM normal lo&d! Run s c:oor •nd Outdoor I ighti ng you never thought you could afford! A quality system ~au in· stall yourself •• , 1n min· utes, 'tYith complete safety. No permits. C<MK!ult or d1u ln1 n~iy ••• Just plu1 lnl •UL·~ pl'OY9d 12 volt SY$1em 1bsolut11y •hockl:lrool'. child 511111 • Th951 1ow volt.p.Mb ,,. compl1!1 wllh L1r1• M1llCI t...m li&hts. c;olOI' ltnMS l•mbw, """• at.r, pink •nd blUt). w•thetproof, tllOCkProof cablt, tr•111formw wJth on«t twitch or tutpmatlc tlmtr, 1round •ltkn and wan lirac:k9ts • UH this su:itin1 nN li1httn1 from llttle Gt.nl in d112en1 of WtYt throu1hout the yur fOf scutlty •nd ouldoor buUIJ. Four HPlrllt Mb lo (:J'IOOM from. PRICES ST ART AT '39" AnotMr l lttlt Gltnt Prllduct The elegance of CEN'l'IJlll tableware Handsomest mu;g in town Most useful, too!'For coffee, pipilll' ·hot soups, iced cold be"..erages . E~ceptionally white and smooth ••• clasai- cally simple in design •• , and :&o easy to handle. Car .. fies a~ 3-year guarantee against breakage. If it breaks, chips, cracks or crazes, we'll ·replace it free. $2;50 'each $l95.the sel ol 4 ~. e \'lbrttlon·free. Weighs only 11 01. I·-----------Taket 118''.,3/l2•, l/16·, 1/32" co1 ... tels. U.L Listed. Ho. !71 Mokl-Tool Kil with 3111 Kees· IOries and cese t s 5l'lowr! .•• , SJt.15 .... 171 Moto·Toof onlJ .__. '....' • 121.15 •;t.'D·a '13'5 SUL llAM LANRlN Ht••Y d 11ty with e11ttr9•11'y tM fl11lier, llttfery i11,lwcltd. I Comes -with regulating damp.. ers. Die.cast aluminum body. BIKk porcelain finish. W' DRILl. KIT ' A workshop in' a·carrylng case. Includes large cap~clty drill plus wh;eet Brbor, grinding wheel, 3 drill blls, bull.Ing pad, abrasive discs;ctiuck kty, key holder, rilibber backing pad -all ln handiome ·plastic case. I (:#7116) < JIG ·SAW KIT The saw that's seven saws ln · one, plus six saw blades, blade pouch, hex wrel'ICh, ., wrench holder -all In cuslolT}...;r litted'plastlc carry\Og c;ase. Cut wood, m9tal, plastics . .- plain or lancyl (#i.511}' FINl~HING / The perfect tool for line ' SANDER •• I , , t;>i(:t ~ishing-of, ~"'°' ~4t · pre-paint sUrlaCH, etc: fitusH ' ' e Black & Deckl!r 71/.i" Circular Saw Does an those big cvtting jobs ·with ease.•7\~" Com .. · biri.,tion blade Included; Also takes·l~"-b!•de;,. Now·only ·.s24.ss g~1~ $0CKEJ•SET sr-VALUE! 15 PIECES .. , All Popular Size Sockets Ca11tae111 1t11 tlfllWtnt tools: 10 Sldets-7/16• ta . l'IA1112Pll 1 Spn 1111 Sackll- 13 /16' (fib All 14MM Plugs) l Re•trsibl1 R1tdl1t 1 £1te111 .. t-2·7/16" 1 Unherstl Joint PLUS CU.tom-" Toot t:alO • FUUY GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURER · sands on 3 sides. ~ haii'd-:. v • r • · controt, Ari ide6l nlti lpt" 'h \ \ ">'"-..... r:~ ", home cn.~'{U..1~ 10 .I\ ' .~ \., . . ' " Black & pecker· 1/.i" Utility Oriil • ' . ' ' . The best buY'" ln elfins year1.after year. 'The per---{A'.;J~ feel "1tar1er" drill for the • ner handyman. B&O quallty and performance s.11.ss %" Utllity Drill (U-124).,, $14,99 ' JI ERE'S A REAL ·TOO L J!ALVE!! POllSHED & CHROMl'·.f'lATEO TOOLS 1/4" & 3/8" Drive CONTAINS All OF THESE TOOLS , , , • · • ! l't. 1/4" Drlw Soc.ket Set with l Han· die and Spinner Halldlr . • 13 l'c. 3/8" Square Ori~r Sodrt Set with · si1es r1nain1 from 7/16" tllru l": Spark Plug Socket; U!ension; Reversit,le Ratchet. • 5 Pe. Open End Wrench Se~ sizes 5/16" lhr u 3/4". 60 Pc. WRENCH & TOOL SET Now only $2995 A $39 72 Vokrc r • 12 ,t, lgnilion Set conlainin'i 1 Wrenches: Spark Plu~ Setler & G1uges; feeler Gauges; Point file; Screw Driver; Plier, • 5 Pc. Screw Dllvw Set with Shodl.Proof Handlu. • 11 Pt. Set Screw Wrench Se~ sizes .035• to 5/11". • Crip·All W1encll with quick release lever. • S fl Whitt face lape Rule. • lftltltJ Kn ife with exlr• Blade • Jll.US •••• 2 Pe. CllSlO!I Molded Polyethylene Tool CJst and Tool Trtt. . f{'ll I A11'0RI Gf '-IRA'i/Tl.I. ' PUSH avtroN "WHISTUNG" TEA;KmtE CoJO,..Crafiecf in HARVEST .,GOlD -r- ONLY . • 2~ Ql Capacity • Saves time and fuel. • Colorful and efficient.. .. S)tlfnoduc itlg THE FINEST IN STAINLESS COOKWARE CRITERIA by EKCO. ALL NEW SHAPES FOR·FASTER, MORE EVEN COOKING! GUARANTEED FOR 15 .)'.fJ\llS 1 .. • Some foods you cook need ihe slow. even heat of ce;t Iron. Other foods cook better in heavy eluminum. :That's the ld•• b•IJind Ekco's new Criteria. The bes t metel for each Rind of cooking has been seatc.d between layers of eesy-cle;ining, triple laminated stalnles5 steel. Now the good cooking pans are the good looking pans. t ool l ow profile desig n for maximum burner coverage, increased cooking efficiency, Handles and cover knobs are oven safe. 7·PIECE MULTI-PURPOSE SET A cook-serve set including 1 and 3 qt. covered saucepans. 6-qt. covered saucepot, 10%" open skillet. Saucepot co11er fits OM/,, 13 995_ ope n liklllet .•••••••• , ••• , •••••• , 11AAf OPEN STOCK FROM $6.95 TO $19.95 , ..... .,..,...,.,.~-.-..;="""-"""'""""""""""""' CJU'n~IUA 1Q-INCH GOURMET OMELET PAN (j}ster You h11ven't lived "ti1 vou've tried this unique 011101111 pnn with speci3lly designed. 11IDping sides. Turns oul ii rofessional eggsandome- lets1lvery1une $1295 'ELECTRIC FBI DUE POT-6 rfils Automatic temp1r1hlre co11tro1. Heavy aluminum with new super· tougti Teflon II irrterior and calorful scra tch-rcs1st1nt finish. With six stainless steel forks and Oster Electric Fondue Cookbook. Take your choice of beautiful 'olors .••...•.•.••. , •.•••..•••. (01) i .. ' -- ----=-== ---- • JE~ COX, 494-M66 PrWt~, M-W It, 1... 1· ,_ If Guild's Heart Aids Childr·en ' Happiness ls different things to different people. , Happiness to members of the Queen of Hearts Guild, Children's · Hospital of Orange County, is helping to make a sick child well or en· abling a clippled child to walk. And residents of Laguna. Beach know happiness is supporting the guild by becoming a patron of Children's Hospital's eighth annual Robinson's Fashion Show, an event which allows hospital 2uilds to help accomplish these feats. One of the top fashJon events in Orahge County, the shOw will feature an outstanding collection for luncheon patrons Feb. 18 in Ana· heim . Convention Center. Mrs . William H. Beck. a past guild president, is chairman of pa· trons for the 14 coun'ly guilds ,with area supporters, Mrs. C. R. Hulst, fashion show representative, and Mrs. Robert Cosgrove, patroness chainnan. \Vith plans already well under way, Laguna Be a ch residents are signing up as patrons for the 1970 fashion show. Among annual supporters who have mailed donations to the guild are Mrs . Leon Campbell, Mrs. Adrien Pelletier, Mrs. B. T. Preat and Roy Bailey. A major all-guild b e n e f It , proceeds from the show provide financial support for the outpatient department of the hospital while allowing for smooth operation of professional personnel, services and facilities of the 29 specialty clinics. l'ATRONS WI TH A HEART .-Welcoming Mrs. Lron Campbell·to the· initial list of palroM-lor be 1970 Robinsoo's Fa&bion Sho)V ,are Queen o! l{earts Guild members Mrs. William H. Beck (standing), general patron chairman, and Mrs . Robert Cosgrove, Laguna cbainnan (light). Each year the more th.an 10,000 patients who visit clinics a r e charged on their ability to pay. Th.is partial-pay program is possi ble due to funds provided by the guilds of which Queen of Hearts was the largest contributor in 1968. Pinafa Pa rty Ebells Travel South For Christma·s Fiesta Hard working members of Laguna Beacb ?.bell. Club who &pend counUess hours raising funds for phi!· anthropic endeavors will treat themselves to a well · earned party Saturday evening, Dec. 13. Celebrating the Christmas season with a Spanish Oair, members and their husbands will meet in Ben Brown's restaurant of Laguna· Beach Country Club for Navtdad en Mexico. Cocktail hour begins at 7:30 followed by dinner at 9 p.m. Music for dancing to the orchestra of Bernie Per- ry will be featured from 8 p.m. unW 1 a.m. ' . Dinner dance chairman Mrs. Robert Mccarter will be assisted by the Mmes . Sandy Moss, EarlSteer, How· ard Hinrichs, David Young, Joseph O'Sullivan, How- ard Shattuck and· Robert Petersen. Ebell members, under the leadership this year of Mrs. William Hinwood, embrace many philanthropic projects. ScholarSbips in Ute amount of '3,000 are awarded to deserving Laguna Beach·Higb Scbool gradu· ates. Assistance ' also 'has been given Children's Hospi· ta1 of Orange County, .YMCA and the·Boys Club build· ing fund. A donation ·of · $4,800 worth of equipment to South Coast Community Hospital has been made as well as completion of a $10,000 pledge towards the hospital building fund . Working directly with people, lhe club has adopted a women's ward at Fairview State Hospital and sched- ules four parties a year for p~tienb:. Tots M<Ddel Fashions For Church Young models will lend credence to the t o y I a n d rashlOJ show to be presented next Thursday by the Guild of the Christ Child, St. George Episcopal Church 1n Laguna Hills. Fashions and toys from Nip 'n Tuck In Laguna Niguel will be modeled by youngsten from 2 to 9 f'ars of age with commentary by Mn. Donald Sweetland, guild director. Sporting a variety of outfits will be Jamie Barnes, Andrew Hall, Teresa and Chrlstophet Fassel, Walter Ma I ya b n , Jackie llieyers, MI ch a e'l Rivard, Jenlfer Robb, Chris- Uenne Stevenson, Va I e r i 1 Stone, Brett and Tod d SweeUand, Gregory Veal and Jeffery Zellner. Mrs. Christopher Robb and Mrs. Gordon Veal are co- chairmen or the event. Assisting them are the Mmes. Donald Hall , Jeffrey H. Stevenson and Donald 1.ellner, decorations: Leo R l var d, publicity ; Donald F a s 11 e 11 , music, a':ld Robb, refreshments and Ucket.s. · Funds are raised via a benefit ball, to be given next spring, and a rummage sale which 11 scheduled for the end of January. EL BANDITO NAVIDAD ~ Chlistmas bandit l!oward Wilsbn .. makes'ofl with a pinata to .Ebells' Navidad en Mexi~ dinner dan<;e, wbile·Mrs. Robert Mccarter and Mrs. ·Aldoo C\lirk try to keep calm. But there still will be lots of pliiatas left for revelers attending the club's Christmas partf in Ben Brown's restaurant on Saturday evening, Dec.13, beglnrung at 7:30. . Tickets for the show, which begins at 9:30 a.m., may be purchased at the door. If You Want to Cook Your G·oose, Pour on Gander Sauce DEAR ANN LANDERS: Will you answer a aimple'QUeltlon? No lectu:m or aennom, pleue. Even a one word reply like ''ya" will do. The quest.Ion .ts thla:: U .:1 worr,an find1 out her husband is hiving an aJfalr, don't you think she h8I the right to do the &ame! -TIT FOR TAT DEAR TAT: Wbt do you meu by ''Ute r 11 • t?" WM pve IDM tile rtPI? Tiie loci IUt ~ .__ 11 bat'IDI ID affair 11 DI rtllO;I for )'OU ti looK yourself ap, too. Since you ••I· gr•ted Ui.at J reply ta oae word l'U do IO. No. DEAR ANN LANDERS : l1ll1bnormll ror a 17·year-old to have a pbobla about death? I am wwrted about oar daughter. ANN LANDERS ~ Two-yean .,. -her .. IP'llldmothtr died she re/uled to attend ' the f1D1eral. Grandma wu laid out beauUlully amid the banks of floral offerings. We wanted Cynthia to come 1ee how peaceful Grandma looked but she said, "It's a WW of lime to llO look al I dead body." Two weeu ago one ol Cynthia'• clolest lrienda .... drowned. She .... truly grlel- · lttlcken, wouldn' ea~ Juat·lllayed In her room and listoned to records. We thought surt!IJ she 'd attend tbe IW>tral, bot sbe didn't. Her only comment waa, "Death ii too morbW to think about. 11 Yesterday we had 1 talk. f ljlld Cynthia that accepUrig death Is part ol growing up. She Insists that lile ii bad enoogh and ahe refuses to think about death. 1 worry. about her, Ann. What II abe bu a atlDborn chlld,.or Iola her bus-~an ear~ 11e1 She will then be forced to think aboutdeath: At tbe cloae ol our talk Cynthia llUIOllllCed,. with an air ol flnall· ty, "1 will never attend a funeral -not even yours." t feel hurt. Pleue ad- vi... MORBID (1) MOTHER DEAR MOTHER; y_. daqllter'1 ~"'P -I deatll ii ,.-y rooted ID 11 early expe"-e tllol lon!llN lier u4 111rAce!I • e........,. crtppUq effect. •It~ oat of,_. rudl, Mwever. ! .......... wtll 'llOI cbaap fier mhid, oo de ,...,_lf 1 flV• llld consider SM pb-Je<I •off _ .. 11,.. cu pt CyaWa .. --tJaa H -lie llol,W. iDEAll' ANN LANDERS: At this point -- my ear i!: hanging by a thread. A rrlend or mine spe'nt ooe hour and a half berating me for rejectlng her. I couldft 't get a word in edgewise. One problein Is that this woman t1 eldt:rly. But does age give people the right to demand that they be catered to and pampered while they go on and on reciting ln endless detalf, trivia, nonsense anJ gossip that drlv~ the listener up lbe wall ? t em well aware tfiat lhl11 person Is lont>ly and t reel sorry !or her because she has driven AWi)' so many former friend&. How much do I owe her? SbouJd I try to set her to understand Whal ""' ii dolnJ to heraell1 Should I drop her as J ott.trs have done? Or should I be a ma rtyr ? What would you do! -ANOTHER ANN DEAR ANOTHER: I'm llot yaa olld yeu're not me. Only yea cu jad1e Ute · Hmltl of your tolerance. Aid only yoa. C•n e~al111te fCKn' need tor martyrdom. 'J'IUt .,.... II too far poe t. Cbaa• lier waya ud you'd beUer believe It. 1W obt.ervl!d tbat most people Mt dM:mH:lftC up for just about •• macb panlsfimeat • they e11joy. 'Ann Landers wW be 1Jad to help you with your problems. Send them to ber Jn care of tbe DAILY PILO'l', enclotq a 1tll-addrwed, lllamped eavtlopo. • I I -· -----------....... 1.-·---" " ·~ ...... . ·~ .. ... DAILY PILOT Ft!dq, n ... m ... 28, 1'16• Holiday Celebrations --------Horoscope Envelop Ebel/ Club Pre,.ratlons are under way 1tr Hnpo<t Buch Ebell Club'• .....,. IC&lvitlel. Al some hostesses decorate tbelr homes fOf' warm, i.lo •• tl:rnlte gatherings. others are ~planning aesaiona iii : restaurants. ~ Lunching out Tuesday, Dec. • 2, will be members of Book : section 3, u n d e r the : chairmanship of Mrs. William : Thayer. while the clubbouSe : has been selected by ?\1rs. :: PhUlp Pike for the meeting .. place of the newly formed : ;,.rts and Crafts Section ?\fon· : day, Dec. a. .. Thursday, Dec. 11, seems to :: be a popular day, for three • Book Sections will get-together ' lht.i. Section I wlll be ~,led by Mrs, Raymond K e·n t Harvey in her Corona del Mar home: Mrs. James W. Hines will open her Newport Beocb home to sectloa $ memberl, and the PM group will travel to Huntington Harbour for a cookie excl\an1e and luncheon in the home of Mrs. Chlrlel Edwards. On lhe nul dly Goren Col.r.lters will meet at noon for a lun<Moo 1nd altemoon ol bridge in the clubhouse. Club prelildelll, Mn. L. H. McBride, will host Book Sec- tion 6 Friday 1 Dec. 19, and oil Monday, Dec. 22, Book Section 1 will have a luncheon and party with l\frs. Hines as hostess. Book Section 4 members and husbands wlll dbe out, ac- cording to Mrs. D. D. Ovando, chairman. Time and place ·wui be announced later. Toastmistresses Hail International Night International Night will be wiU be awarded the-club .: lnlroduced when Council Six, dbplaylng the moot Ingenully, j Golden Desert Region of Mrs. Mary Lee Ton n , l International Toestmistres s supervisor of Golden Desert ~ Clubs, meets at 7:30 p.m. Region. will fipe&k on her trip :! Monday, Dec. 1, in the Green-around the world visiting : brier Inn, Garden Grove. · Toastmistress clubs. A Is o ,,. Clubs will adopt a fore.ign present will be Mrs. Donald ~country fo r their decor and McGregor,as,s,latant J dress and will diaplay the supervisor. -~ country's map and r e a d On display will be ln- ':1 DeYt'Sietters from it. Prizes triguing souvenirs sent to ' •• J ~ :i OC Single Bee1 .l The second and lourih rn. ;l day ol the -0.-. :I County Single S-plllor lo :l Pioneer Town, -A& 1 Aclivilies begin 11 I p.a. - Makes 'Cents' : Pfrteh pennlts. Mab doll.ws. lt'l tM best dral you'¥t bttn afftt. ed today. Call 642·.5678 for lht dlrtet line ta proflu. •• ., •• • .• ' I .• ' ·t ·I ' I i • ' ' ' ' l ' • . ' . . • Gomt in lnd 5te. tlie 11e1o1 and ~titinci NGV fa!ihiolr.> /At Pickwick for -the. f Qshion indi~iduali.st. · ' lhe sroup'a Lynwood he1d· quarten from fort t go Toubnlltreu clubs. Anyone wishing to attend tM meeuna may contact Mrs. Cohln Olcoll, cbalrmln ol o..dl l!lx, for 1ddlUiloal II> .... Mooae Group Womoa of the Moooe, 1151 -ble the first and tliird Tllondly ol uch month for meettngs in Mooee Home, Coola M.... The program1 begin at a p.m. • open today Herris end C.'Ct111 C11u1I two trouier.rn•~•rs p•rm•ntntly pre1seci re4dy.fo.we•r merchtndisa MARY GRACE GEOFFROY January Bride Coed to Join Bridal Ranks Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Vincent Jorgensen of Newport Beach have revealed the engage- ment of her daughter, Mary Grace Geoffvoy to Army 2nd Lt. Ralph Dozier Crosby Jr., son of Anny Col. and Mrs. Ralph Dozier Crosby ol Charleston, S.C. Miss Geoffroy, a 1966 Chil dren 's Home Society debutante, is an alu1nna of Corona del Mar High School and is a senior majoring in sociology at CaJifornia Western University. In high school she \Vas a songlander and seni or homecoming princess and at Cal West- ern she wa s 1968 Gl amour G.ir1. Her !lance graduated 17th out of 800 in his class at West Point. He was a four.year' star man, president of the debating team and International Relations Clu b and \vas a \',1ani· ed for being first in his civil engineering class. The bridegroom-elec1.'s fa ther is com- mandant of The Ci tadel in Charleston. ,. The couple have selected Jan. 31 for their evening wedding in St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church. Bazaar's A-bloom • " Area Talent Sing, Read In Bay Club Local talent will entertain members o( Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor as they gafuer in Balboa Bay Club Tuesday, Dec. 2, for brunch . Newport Harbor High School Chantelles will offer a p~ gram of sacred and secular songs under direcUon of Miss Suzanne Russien. Three members of Newport Harbor Children's Theater Guild, the Misses Joan -Stain- lorth, Mary Macy and Peg l\e. day. will preaeot. a reading of Dylan Tbomas' "A Child's Christmas in wales." A sale ol unusual gifts created by the Fine Arts Department which m e e ts Thursdlya In Newport Harbor CommtDlity Youth Center will Plants, artificial flowers . provement of the Garden benefit the club's acbolarship watt trees and evergreens will Center, a 1.4 acre memorial to program and furniabiDg of the be among items offered at tbe, _w_a_r_v_ete_ra_ns_. ______ v_ou_lh_Ctn_ter_. ----.,-I onnual Holidly Bazaar SUNDAY '12 to S, Bantlnllt'oD Bi!•eh· benefiting Orange C o u n t y Memorial Garden 0.1 Monday, Dec. 1, at Orange County Fairgrounds. Included in the day's ac- tivltlei which begin at 10 a.m. are demonstrations of wreath making and a food bar at which jams, jellies and con· fecUom '4111 be sold. Door priu:s will be awarded every hour until 4 p.m. Proceeds are earmarked for maintenance ;r.id im- IN LARGE · Sim ~~~ ....... '1000 Other Herd t9 Plnd Clethln1 Olfn for 1'11 Ho,.TM'ltl e DttlSSES e SWEATIAS • ILOUSIS • CAPRIS e GOWNS e SUPS 1 e ~ANTiii • FRIE GIFT IOXES • Gift Certificates • LAYAWAY 7 f"hiM hl1M, 111wport b11di * •44·5010 N111t1m9fic.eN' • "''''-' ch1r91 ..--------··-. ' .. ----..-------,.--- CAKES FOR ·ALL OCCASIONS , -----. ·-----------------. . .. OPEN DAILY 10-10; SUN. 10-7 A""""-rl .. LL ..... ......, ........... at , .............. 7 0 SllF • Friday and Saturday -, . "Out Of Sig/it" Fmh.ioa SALE! SWEATERS 2 Do y• On/)' 3· 00 c"""'" 1 • I Groovy styles for fall: Acr)•Jic slip-ons~ or cardigans. Full fashioned with DOV city and cable fronts. "In" V-necka crew necks. Soft and lovely in ~ colors gals ·:cfig"! 34-'10. SANTA ANA ORANGE COSTA MESA WESTMIN STER I• , , e r e " , • ,1 e f • 4 1 I 11~nl 1.. 1'~'' ~ f, 1,1rr · Always at Ease , ;, At ease anytime, whether it be for late--night studying or·sleeping, this carefree white sleep shift, brightened. with a bib of peasant embroidery, is a sure win-'ner. College gh1ls, along with noncollegians, love the fresh ilightal)irt style and the way it launders easily and avoids the iron. Humiliation's Spared · ~ ' \, t .hanks to NY Wom:an f.retty Picture I Pidure yourself sleeping prettily in these white sleep shifts with bright "peasant embroidery touches, which receive the vote ot college girls for their easy-care qualities. Of a Polyestei:/coltoo blend, they thrive on count\ess washings yet always look fresh. Available at Sears. Bachelor Parties Women Recruite.d A "critical" shortage of sinAle girls, age 20 through 35, young women al mixer& for is planned for Tuesday, Dec. 2, bachelor officers of the Armed 'at 7 p.m. In the community Forces is the. unique situation room of the Oallfornla Federal existing for members of the Savings and Loa:.1 in Costa Orange County Committee of Mesa. Stars and Bars. DiscuS!lng the patriotic "We've 'lost' more than two-parties will be Mis:: Marilyn thirds of our co-hostesses . . • Baker, co-chairman of the Los to Dao.1 Cupid," lamented Miss Angeles CommiUee, Miss Joan Fortner or Anaheim and Shirley Peters, chairman of t\irs. Melany Bolger of Costa the San Diego Committee, and By PATRICIA McCQ~ saleslady sneered, Mrs . contains a dimestore rubber MeSa. co-chairmen. area a!flliates Mrs. Ronnie · · , Lasser recalls. ; · ball on an ela.sUc cord,,a yard "We are really con~rned Sweeney of Corona del Mar, NEW YORK (UPJ) -!flthl · Many ot-the •.OOO., breast. of clothes-line, a temporary because of the upcoming holi-Miss Sherry Anderson of l~n )'~.ago, Te~se ~. cancer cases'each}'e'ar'amoftg breast form and Mn:: Lasser's day parties," they said. Newport Beach and Miss Peg- , had radical breast surgery· ' ~ican women have similar booklet. A meeting for interested gy Keating of Costa Mesa. Sevuat. days after the. sur1ery to save their lives. Tossing_ the . baJI_ 'out and" jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj operltJ.on me avid golfer pick: Thanks -·10 Mrs. LasseT's-reaching to catch it Is part o;ll ed up a club'8nd t_ried to swing determination, many are the recovery e1ercise started it. Tbe 51tches npped, delay- spared the humiliaU'o.1 and the whHe the patient's still in bed . ing her recovery. setbitW· · she ei:wience(i When the pltient gets out of Onct home, she hi~ in the nearly:two decades ago, bed-the rope il--hung..over an bathroom when dressing and Mrs. Lasser, widow, started open door &"Ki the patient tugs undrtllbg so· her husband a program called Reach to . at both ends'-the unaffected woalda~t ~ her, In a. Recovery. 1t' now operates .In arm' gtvtng ~to the fashkial~le Fifth Avenue store 300 hospitals in America and , one "newIY ~ Uripaited {by the In New·Yort; ~~shopped for in hOspitals ·m· 37 other coon· surgery. 1 bra. In the f1tUng room, the tries. "The first requirement," Eire's Frocks A collection of straight· from-Ireland Dresses, skirts, pahts, awuters shirts, coats and acceMOl"ies puts the ac· cent on piped-up stripes, print played "tweeds, and heathery or natural handmade knits. ' UNnlD NATIONS ASSOCIATION Ill" Sl;tOI' The American Cancer Socie· Mrs. Lasser says, "is a ·. ty (ACS) recentty adopted the l!lincere detenriihalioo to IT\eet program and Mrs •. bas!er is the impact of 1 this very in· national coordinator and con· timate problem:with,eonlplete sult&1t. aelf-83surance and.c'Ourage. Only women who have been "Fortunately thls·ts a hidden through .the surgery are ellgi· scar. We want a woman to ble for the Reach to Rec1>very forget about her operatlo.1. therapist training. She can wear a I .m o s t The volunteers, w 11 h ev-:rytbing In her wardrobe. permission from patient's doc· We show her how ." tor,.call on the patient a rew1.========= dayS after surgery .. , "Women don't need pity,'' Mrs. Lasser says. "They need lmpert•d Gifb-U."i''' C1 rds know I edge and u n- 220•t' N. M•iri, 0S•11t1 Ari• ~·""•v thru s.turil•y-11-4 derslandi'.1g." The volunteers carry a Reach to Recovery ~t that .-~ - K-MAC PHARMACY Try us for your prescription needs. Fast, courteous serv- ice. We will CJladly quote prices prior to fillin9 your prescrip· +ion. 3333 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech Acro11 from Newport Be1ch City Hall Phone: 675-6611 open today ' fin• quelity sweat 1hirts by AKOM ol Stlem, Vir9inia DON'T LOOK NOW BUT YOUR CALENDA)I IS TICKING. Omega's a'utomatic· calendar timeptece shows both tinie ahd date, handsomely. in stain'less steel. From the Dynamic series. $115. SLAYICK'S J•w•l1n Si11C• It 17 1 S FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT IEACH -644-1310 iipper fronts , V•neckt, crew necks-ell in men's .1nd boys' sizes 7 f11hlo1t id•M, 11•wport l"''h * '""·5070 * .,_ OAll.Y Pit.OT •Jf • A. , N0vembor 29-30 • HuntlllCJfOn leach Community Ct""' U971 Mein St., HunllntNn ..... h. From 10 A.M. to OU.I« ,........ -,..._., _........., -Ct.tit ef A.11 llHt tw M_, L.M.I Artfltl • ~ -COME! - .. ,. i .oilttl Coast 'Ptua SANTA'S HOME ••. '.AWAY FROM HOME :... -j , llll'°'fAT 1AM DttGO rllEWA!, GOITA MISA • FOR UNUSUAL GIFTS • k~ Home c:1 Gift S'iop UNBELIEVABLY BEAUTIRJLI DRAMATIC STATEMENTS IN HAND,BLOWN GLASS, FROM FINLAND . ' ,. i ! I '· • ' '1 ' . '', ,1 . . ' 1; ii; ~ . A. DECANTER 20.00 . B. IRISH COFFEE With metal filigrff handles, for hof toddies, egg nog, too. Set of 6 24.00 E. C. BEER STEINS, Robust, 18 oz. Set of 2 11.50 D. DOUBLE OLD -FASHIONED Set of 6 22.50 ,E. OLD FASHIONED Set of 6 22.50 Not Shown: LIQUOR Set of 6, 19 .50 GOBLET Set of 6, 25.50 F. STEMMED GOBLET 17.50 EAOi TO TOAST THE HOLIDAYS ,IN STYLE I A. OiAMPAGNE BUCKET. 45.00 B. Sil VER OiAMPAGNE C 6.00 ea. ~· ~ C. Sil VER GOilET • A~ 6.00eo. Aolda~ Special DANISH CRYSTAL Three shapes, all sizes in smoke only. Vi OFF SO MA~ GIFT IDfAS-50 MAl<r C\9KS TO Hn, iUtmM. GIFT WIA, DAllY f,4 RIOiARD'S LIDO CENTER 3~3 Via lido, Newport lloach 673-63d0 I • •, I ;....~~' -'";~-;.:;-;;,-;.-..;=====M----------------·· -·--............... . DAil y I'll.OT ( Sizemore :NL Rookie ·of . Year . TED SIIEMDRE Vik.es Snowball Wav to Crown ~ With 27-0 Win By Uotted Pre11 blerulilnl The Minnesota Vikings clinched at least a Ue for the Central DlvJsion cham· • pionshlp of the Nallonal Football League Thursday by whitewashing the runnerup ~ Detroit Lions, 27~. in a b e a v y anowstonn. Tt waa the 10th consecutive victory for Minnesota following an openin&·a:1me loss and left the Vikings lhree games in . front of the Lions. . Even in the unlikely event that Detroit, ' now 7-4, should tie Mlnnesola for the division lead, the Vikings are assured of • going to the post-season playoffs since ' they have two regular season triumphs over the Lions. The Dallas Cowboys, leaders of the ~ Capitol Division, bad to overcome a lf.O first-quarter deficit to gain a 24-24 tie with the San Francisco Forty-Nlners in • the only other NFL game played · Thanksgiving Day. ~ Sunday's lineup of garnet sees 0 AUanta at BaJUmore, Los Ana;elea at Waablngton, ' Pllfladelphia at New Orleans, Cleveland at St. Louis and Green Bay against New York at Milwaukee. .,..Charlie Krueger, a San Francisco defenslve tackle, blocked a 37-yard field goal aUempt by Mike Clark with 1Z second,, left tc> preserve the Forty-Niners' Ue at Dallas. The Cowboys had drawn even earlier in the fourth period on a Ji-yard pass from Craig Morton to Lance Rentzet. Nolan Smith returned the opening kickoff of the gamt 60 yards to scl up San Francisco's first touchdown on a three-yard run by Ken Willard, and a few minutes later Willard ecored again on a 19-yard P"" !ram --Dan Reeves got one back for the Cowboys before halftime, sneaking over from the one, and followlng a 24-yard field goal by Clark, Dallas moved ahead as Bob Hayes grabbed a 31-yard touchdown pass from Morton. But the Forty-Niners regained the lead, 21-17, on a 19-yard Brodie to Gene Washington touchdown pass and lhey made it 24-17 on Momcilo Gavrlc's 21· yard field goal. The Cowboys managed to tie to leave their record at S.2-1, but they were unable to gain ground on the aecood place Wa&bington Redskins. Pahner Sounds Warning With Heritage Lead HJL TON HEAD, S.C. (AP) -~laste~ champion George Archer and rebounding Arnold Palmer matched three-under-par 68s Thursday and shared the early fir st round lead in the •100,000 Heritage Goll Classic. About half lhe 144 man field, Including Jack Nicklaus and Lee Trevino, still were out on the demanlllng 6,655 yard, par 71 Harbour Town goU links when Palmer and' Acrher finished. The course, a brand.new layout design- ed by Nicklaus. took a heavy toll of the touring pros, wltb about a dozer. of the early finishers struggling in with 80s and up. The fabled Palmer, a non.winner ror _ more than a year, 'had trouble on1y with his putUng, however. He had four birds and' a single bogey and missed four putts of six feet or less. "IL's one of the best rounds I've played In a lone time ," he said. "I just couldn't get the putu to drop.' He missed an e.ight-foot eagle putt on the second, but got birds from 12 and five feet on the fourth and fifth. and ran in a 20 footer on the loth. His only bogey came on the eighth, when he took three from the fringe. NEW YORK (UPO ,-A "lllttlled and surprised'' Ted 6u.more (v.,...We in- fielder !or the Loo Ang<les Dodgus, wu named today u the National League'a n>Mle of the yur. Jn winning, the Uyeat'<lld naUve of Gadaden, 1Ala., became the 6eventti Dodger to win the award al.nee ita In- ception in ,1947. He received 14 of the Votes ~ by I panel Of Z4 l<Tften. Coco Laboy of the Montreol E""°' ond Al Oliver ol the Plttsbur&h Pirates lled for second with three v<Mc each,Jrom the Baseball Writers AlloclaUon of America, whldl conducted the balloUng. Bob Didier of the AUanta BraftS and Larry Hisle ol • • the Phlladolpbla PJtJ11ea received two votes each.• • · . ' Slzemort, M iod 11' pounda, balled .211 !or die Dodfen lut 1tam while playing the llnl ....... al lborUlop ud the nest Ill 1t.--alter Maury Willa C1111e to the tam. "1 wat thrfilecJ ·and llJllWlaed even though I knew ! had 1 pd chance !or it/' Sizemore llld. "J waa real aurprlted at the vo&e count. the marlin. J wu vay lhrtUed to -that.., SlzOmore. WU oleldf 111' llWOll, although the ~ flded to I lourtl>- pJace llDJah In the Nllloall ~·1 Western DMlloa ofter ...... In eo& tention most ot tba y.,.. HAVING A (SNOW) BALL -Minnesota quarterback Joe Kapp (11) tosses a pass to back BiH Brown (30) for a four-yard gain ·durliig the third quarter of the Vikings-Detroit game Thursday •. The game w_as NO DNE TO PASS TO -Arkansas quarterback Bill Montgomery (10) finds none of his receivers open , he is forced to run. Richard Ca mpbeU (88) of Texas Toch t ries to bring hi1n down. Arkansas re- 1nains unbeaten, ~. Ho 11111 he felt hll blgtlt -t .to lb.t Dodpn WU beJn& ablo. to ploj' Ill ID pmea. lie credlted Willa !or 1lllplnc him lmpron hll lleldlng. . "He weat over wllh me where J ibould be .. • -litultlon .... he. Wll always remlndlnr me what to de> ahead of time," Sizemore Nld. 111 wu a _rookie aod didn't -Iba bllterr. Before he &<>I there J wu having 1 bad dme." Slitmal:• received a bachelor · ol sc;lence degroe In edUCIUon f!'Jlll the Unlverolty ol Mlc:lllgaa llld begin In Iba Dodger cbaln lo 11111 at Tri.Qty. He bll . 3'0, » ud .114 In three ......,., of minor leque ball before joining the Dodgers thll ....., al qe 24. lfo WU I Cllcher 111 hll llnl -In Iba ml\lm'l 111<1 -.,..,... both the out· llold 1114 Iba lafleld bet ... eetUJnc ..... ..... In the -ball of thll yur. Laboy, •• 111<1 Oliver', •• both beclllle regulm thll .....,. alter Jona· llbOlcbu In tbe mlnon. Laboy totJed In Iba -for 10 yean and Oliver spent all: years learning hll trade. --U.U-J. ftoblntM. •rtlnl lt--..0. CtplCM, S.F, It--..._ 0.1'11. 9rllt)'fl ltit-W, Mc<.ov..,, S.f. l t._D. Ntwoemi.., •rkl)'ll 1 ...... F • ..._rd, L A. U»-1. J.rllrot,. ~ l"I-&. Wll ... m&, Qll. l tSl-W, Mllys. N.Y, IN)-K. M.._ Cril. lm-J. lltd. .,.,.,.. 1~. 11-. Clll. 1~. GHllt!I\. M)'ll 1"4-ll. AlllM. ~ • ltM-W . .,..,.., SI, L., I ........ l....,,.. L.A. 1,._., VlrOM, SI, l . 1--T. MHN, °'-1~. R~ Cl!!. 19'1-T. S-, N.Y, 1"1~. s.ntora, J>rllll. 1-...J, lMdl. CA UPI T.....,. played In a snow storm. Minnesota won, 27-0 to clinch the C'"1tral Division championship. GLENN WHITE ., ' Sports JEdltor ~ Owens Heads Grid Coaches' "All-America NEW YORK (AP) -St<ve Owen.., Oklahoma's HeisDJ.an Trophy winner, and Pllrdue quarterback Mlke Phipps were among 24 college standouts selected Thursday as members of the American °Footblll Coaches ABsoclation 1969 lll·star squad picked for Kodak. Penn state'• Charlie Pittman and South Can>liJia's wlrren Muir al9o were named to the select bac:kfleld, along with ,Carlos Alvarez, Florida's 10phomore flanker. The defensive team includes two Ohio State juniors, middle guard J I m SUilwagtli aiid secondaryman Jack Tatum. Alvarez, 19, 11 the youngest player ever named to the. collChel' team, which th1' year represents 17 sch>ols. Alvarez ls the lone sophomore on the squad and SUUwagon, Tatum, Arkansrui end Chuck Dicus and Tennessee center Chip Kell are the only juniors. The squado Offense -Ends Jim Mandich, Michigan, and Chuck Dicus, Arkansas; tackJes Jim Reilly, Notre Dame, and Bobby Wuensch, Texas; guards Bill Bridges, Houston, and John Ward, Oklahoma State; center Chip Kel~ Ten- nessee; quarterback Mike P h i p p • , Purdue; halfbacks Steve 0 wens, OkJahoma, and Charlie Pittman, Penn State: full back Warren Muir, South Carolina; flanker Carlos Alvarez, Florida. Defense -Ends Jim Gunn, Southern California, and Floyd Reese, UCLA; tackles Mike Rtld, Penn .state, and Mike McCoy, Notre Dame; middle guard Jim Stillwagon, Ohio 'Slate ; linebackers, Steve Kiner, Tennessee, Cliff Powell, Arkansa!, George Bevan, Louisiana State, and Mike Ballou, UCLA; backs Jack Tatum. Ohio State; Buddy McCllnton, Auburn, and Glemi Cannon, Mississippi. UCLA Quarterback Backed Readers Get in Their Licks Gathered from the mail: Glenn WhJte: Ref.: your colmnn today (Monday). What game were you w a tching Saturday?!?!? How about giving credit where due ..• to the USC DEFENSIVE LINE. Dennis Dummlt, to me and every other viewer I talked to, appeared to play a magnificent game under unbearable pressure. What a rush by SC!! Gel your goggles fixed ! 'Dear Sir: Ned Loomis Corona del Mar Your Monday column on Dennis Dum· mil wa1 pure lrasbl In a game wbtrt J gatbtr that you felt Dummlt blmtelf was responsible for lbe b I o c k I a g breakdOWD in the offenstve lint. Duramtc m1de one Critical error 1n not throwlnc the ball ZI rows up In the seats In the final minute. Nonetheless, despite Ute lnterceptlon1, be bad enough points to win before tbe "big mistake"! Graham 's obvious lo1s of bis cool cost UCLA the game and tbal's thaL In your haste lo find fault wltb a fine player you overlooked an Interesting poinL Suppose tbe Bruins had simply kicked their e:rtra point.I and forced USC to make the decl1loa down lf.13 with Ut- ile Ume left. Had SC &Jed 14-14 to Insure u.eir Rose Bowl bip, you writen woWd have really been up&et. By lbe way, Jim Nader was not un- lrled. His performance ln the Wallhlngton game (against a kam that lost ille.lr flnt nine games and ••• decimated by In· juries and su1penaJ011) was 10 lousy lhal Tommy Protbro sboald bave birrted him under the eqatpment lockers. Belldes, we went throngb ·that In lta. Congratulatlols. You're tile only wrtter la four Southern Callfonia papen wbo bad mouthed a flee player la a game when 10 many gays oa bc6 tums played weU enougb So deserve 1pace ta your column. R. A. Grundy Dear Sir, Just read "Hog Wash" by G. White. \Vas sickened by his lack o ( ....... _._,,,.' ...... ... WHITE WASH .... ' ................ . sporl!manship and understanding or bolh football and human nature. Wonder how old "Flash White" would function alter being dumped even once by the SC Wild Bunch -or .after having been knocked cold for teveral minutes. It's so easy to criticize the loser in any athleUc contest. Boo! White! To the Edllor: John Leavitt Newport Beach scrambled Ume and •gain for three boun on ·"'-Uonal television. I don't know wba' Mr. White was watching Saturday aftemooa, but J, attd to,000 other people, watched a hard4 fought game betweea two equally tale11ted amateur football teems. For those ~ hours, 1tlr. White report• the foDowbic: "Dwnmlt was USC's greatest weapoa 11 he threw five tntercepttoDs and waa creamed for 61 yards in losses to neutralb:e anythlnc tbe Bruins might master offensively.'' ' But where was Mr. White's &fpewrik:r wben the following wns laking place: 1. Jimmy Jone. -live completlon1 on ZI attempt.I. %. Clarence Davia held to a total of '1 yards. 3. use lleld to enly 171 yards rushia( ud '8 yud1 paulng. U one read only Mr. White's accoont of Ute pme, 1 ICOrt: of 'n-1 would come to mt.II. Bat '!'al~ the score was really 1"4 11. Could lt.,be that UCLA was In tile a:•me after all, Mr. Whlk? Yes , I Wnk 1r you woaJd re-read Ule AP or UPI releue&, )"OI woakt dJscover that both IUms did &Wt d•mndest to make a game ff It •.It flully came down to llelq dedded by 1 coople of brub. Texas, Arkansas Mow Down Foes My wile and I have beo sabacrlblal IO you r new&paper for the l•lt hr• years a8d UDtU tM1 evening we Uve Mm fairly pleased wltb yoar objedivtty I n repontnc. lhevu, I• thll eve91Dg's Dai- ly Pilot we Uve kid Pftltliff to as ~ epitome of tuk:ieta:, mWlkllagtng, yellow )oarnalllm In tt.e form of a colamn, apUy dtled «wte WaM" by Glen Wte. So, Mr. Wte, my advice to yea Ill So coocab'llte )'OW' brand of aba•l•e . repordq: OI ~ PYI wllo art paid to take It IDd DOl t1 tbe kldo who are only ltylnc to wia 1 UUle fame ud glory and Uppea .. ••ve a lM:-1 aftenooa. I only bope cut Dnal1 Dnlmlt doeaa't see yov ~. I'm llCltt •'• not ac- quainted wftll wHt you mlPt tal:nk 11 "big dty" joanalilm. Dear GleM: Alan G. Silver Fount.ain Valley By U1ll.ed Preu l1k:madtall "We just did what we were supposed to do." ' That wu the way Texas halfback Ted I Koy tummed up the ff.JI clobbering Koy and the other Loqlloml ldrnlnillered to • Te1u A6M ntunday. · Now Taal, rated No. 1 In the country, goes 1g1lnlt third·ranked Arkansas Dec. I to decide the Southwest Confmnce dlllnplonahlp -and the Cotton Bowl bertll opllll! Notre Dllrie. ArUnlu bid no tnlullle " the Razorback• kept their ...cord •Poiloss ( with an easy l3-0 decision over Texas Tech. Tew, acoring on the fourth play of the game on a 63·yard run by J im Bertelsen, rolled up a au advantage by haHtime, and coach Darrell Royal used his serond string throughout the enllre second half, tuning it up ror possible use 1galnst Arkansas. The reserve• got the game's final touchdown with 19 seconds le(t, and Hap- py Feller'• PAT for the 4tth marker rang up tbe highest point total tver givon up by an Aggie team against Texas. Tailback Bill Burnett led the Razorback assault against Tech, scoring three touchdowns. Bill li-lcLard booted two field goals in addition to three extra points and Russell Cody raced 29 yards for the other Arkansas score. Burnett's three TDs brought his season total to J9, a school record . Jils brother Bobby h1d held the mark wtlh II, scored In 191$. Not only Notre Dame will be Interested In the outcome of the Texas-Arkansas 1howdown. Mississslppi getJ lhe loser as IL<i Sugar Bowl foe. The Rebels tuned up for that date by riding roughshod over Mississippi Slate, 48-22. Quarterback Archie Manning ran and passed for four touchdowns, but State held oil the deluge until the final quarter. The score was 14-aU at the half and 21· J-4 after three, bul four TDs in the fourth made it an easy victory. ln other Thanksgiving Day Games, Louisville whipped Tulsa. 35-29; Virginia Tech lrounccd winfess Virginia l\fllitary, 52-4; and New Mexico came from behind to defeat Colorado State, 11·20. I J Mr. White m•t be extremely prwd Of blmse11 t.oday. He 11111 elevated (or lhoold I Hy lowered) hlmteH to &be level of ~ creat pol10D pea arChtt one fl.Dd.1 in p-eat •baadantt, reporting " the debN " pl•y1, operas, ud e:rpamknt ~et lea ms. The major dllterence behtetn Mr. White and Lbese nokd practltlonen.Gt Ute ackt &onpe II tllat t.IMy geaerally confine thttr remarks to &be proleuloula wllo are paid to produce or Rffer die 1lln11 •nd arrow• of ou&ragtd report.en and funs, and not to a boy who bad hl1 bralnt Your research on football injuries (Nov. *'> throws a 1potJight on a subject wt too often ignore or sweep under the rug. Hopefully, It wlll give notice to players, coaches, parents and school ad· mlnistrators to do everything possible to minfmize tbe9e mishaps. We have made tdvar'ICeS In equipment and coDditioning, S\D"t, but th11 ll no reason to relax, J5 your piect so abl7 points up. Congratulations on an excellent l'I· ample of sports journalism. Bruce L. Williams Administrative Assfstam r.olden West OtUegc -----.. ---....,--------------------------------------~------------·--·------·-·-·------ Says Lombardi Rams' Greatest Asset: Their Defensive Line WASklNGTON (AP) -Coach Vince L9Jnbardi talked a lot about delen.ses - that of his own Washington Redskins and their Sunday opponents, the Los Angeles Rams. "()Jr defensive llne was the best this year," sa1d Lombardi, referrlng to the Redskins 27-20 victory over the Atlanta Falcons. "lt was kind of encouraging lo see the way they handled the rush against. the Falcons," be said. "Atlanta had nm over everybody , . . they Wert third in the league." The Redskins held the Falcons to 133 ~ards on the ground. He cited rookie linebacker Harold MclJnton, defensive tackle Dennis Crane, who had moved from offemive tackle, and defensive end Carl Kammerer as having out.standing games a1ong with Marlin McKeever, replacing Sam Huff at middle linebacker, and Chris Hanburger, right linebacker. When asked at his regular Monday briefing to name the primary asset of Los Angeles, he replied: "l gueSll their Young GWC Cagers Open Play Tonight \Vllh freshmen dominating the scene. Golden West College begins baskelball play tonlgl>t against a toilgh Mt. Sao Jacinto five. greatest strength ls their defensive line.'' Lombardi said, bowtver, he had not studied the Rimi .. films but made his assessment on the 1)aa1s of what be had heard al)out the team. Lombardi sa:ld he coµld only IS!ume that Rams quarterback Roman Gabriel has Improved since the last lime he 1aw him. "But from past experience, I know he's. as streng as a derensive tackle," he said. "Even with people draped around him, be .slays in there. "I remember seeing pictures of him '!hen ·the opposing team pulled a safety blitz and he just straighl..armed the de[ensive player and got the p&s.s away," he said. "He's big and strong, there's no question about it." . Lombardi replied: "I think so" when asked il he is glad the Rams defeated the Dallas Cowboys but s&Jd primarily because it would be a better incentive for his team since the . losing team was Dallas. The Cowboys lea.d the Capitol Division or the National Football League with a t- i record. Washington Is in second place with a 5-3-2 record and still 1tands a mathematical chance of overtaking Dallas. The two teams face each other In lhe last game or the season on Dec. 2:1 in Dallas. Told that Hanburger, on his radio show, said he is glad the Rams won Sunday becaase he wants Washington to become the first team to defeat them, Lombardi observed with a smile : "I think that's a very nice corqp>tnt." ... NCAA Taurnament Bob McClellan and hi1 UC Irvine water polo mates are competing in the National Collegiate champion- ships today at Belmont Plaza pool In Long Beach. ' This afternoon they were playing Cal. If they win, they return tonight at 8. If they lose they play at 9:30 this evening. Basketball Season Under Way Pirates Tackle El Camino ByCRAIGSJIEff Oflllll DltlJ , ......... OperaUoo Rebound begins th:s .... kend Herb Livsey hu replaced Bob Wetz.el c head ol <XX buketbalt Uvsey walks over rrom Co.Ill. Mesa Htgb. booJMler ·wlth21S. The game is set for the Eagles' gym- nasium with an 8 o'clock starting time. The Rustlers also have a contest schedul- ed Saturday night wilh Orange Coast College. • when Orange Coast College's basketball team launches its 1969-70 season against a pair of foe!. Livsey will start Phil Jordan at forward with Rick Stiekelmaier at center and Troy Rolph, Jim Klndelon and Bob Black at three guard positions. K1Ddelon and Rolph also have conege basketball e:1perlence. Klndelon wa1 a part-time atarter for the Pirates last 1eaaon, averqlng 10.t per game. Rolph ls a transfer from the University ol Redlands. Center-Corward Dave Harding is the lone Rustler returnee Crom last year's 17· 12 team, with coach Dick Stricklin having to rely entirely on freshmen . Harding is the lone sophomore on the Golden West rostei::. He scored 148 points last season, averaging 5.3 per game. Harding is the tallest of the Rustlers at 6- 8. Either Harding or Brad J1 askell will open at center with Drew Grevis and Rick Barnes at the two guard spots. Stricklin wilt start eilher C b r i s Thompson, Jeff Powers or MarshaU .Wade at the two forward positions. Mt. San Jacinto is big. Center Calvin Lewis is 6-6 while forwards Ca1vin Brown and Norman John!on stand 6-5 and 6-4., The two guards will be Y.'lke Hobbs (S..9) and either Stanley Moore (6-0) or Robert Wilson (6--0). Waiting in the wings for the Eagles Is sophomore AJonzo Brown, a second team all-Desert Confereneee selection last year who averaged tl points a game. Brown (6-3) just reported from the football team after earning a11-league honors as a halfback. Following this weekend's pair or games, Golden West will participate in the Moorpark tournament next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. TWO CITIES SEEK NHL ADMISSION MONTREAL (AP) -Vancouver and Buffalo will lik ely know early next week whether they will be admitted to the Na- tional Hockey League for the 1970-71 season. Clarence Campbell, NHL president, said Thursday he has already received a formal application from Buffalo and "I've bet n assured the Vancouver ap- plication wlll be dellvered on time.'' The NHL decided some time ago to ex- pand to a 14-team, two-division circuit for the coming year with the cost of a franchise set at $6,000,000 for each of the two new entries. Former Oller Roy Miller, fonner Huntington Beach High flash, goes through bis paces at Cal State (Long Beach). Miller is a guard can· didate after earning All-CIF honors twice at Huntington. Fullerton Seeks Revenge Against Top-seeded Ouh Revenge and advancement a w a i t Fullerton High School If lls Indians can come through with an upset victory tonight over South Pasadena al Arcadia High. Tilere Isn't awesome size in the Tigers• attack. The Pkates meet El Camloo ton!Jlht and tangle with Golden West Saturday night. ~games will get under way at 8 in the OCC gymnasium. Orange Cout comes off a down year after two winning seaaoos. The Pirates finished with a 10-18 record Jut year ca.. 12 In conference) after capturing back-to- back championablps the previous two -· Team captain Jordan ii the only full Ume starter reluming from last year's club. 'lbe M former Corona del Mar star led the Pirates in rebounding with 2.15 last season and contributed a 12.3 ICOrlng average. Stickelmaier averaged 9.6 points a game lut Mason as a part-time OCC start.er. He was the 1econd leading re· JC Football Circles Why the Late Forfeits? 375 Yards in Penalties When a late season rash of forfeltUrts takes place, especially involving two teams that made. the st.ate playoffs, it makes one woOOer at the thinking behind such decisions. Pasadena City COilege was forced to drop foor games becaUle it UlfJd a player who is m his; third year or ff'tlhman and j,_ college cunp<tllion. De Anza College" Nortb«n California forfeited all of ita games ror me of an in- eligible player. Both of these team• bad &lined ber1hs MOWAlD MANDY HOWARD HANDY In the California large school playoffs this season, wh.ich brlngs us to the big ques- tion of the day -Why do administrators watt until the seuon is over to bring up such eligibility cases? Pasadena f<rleittd its third, fourth, fifth and sixth games ••. De ArWI all nine of it.a gameJ •.. Ir such is the cue, why weren't the infractions: detected long bef0tt conclusion of the regular aeuon! We readily admit that such infracUoo1 should not go unmied. But why penallzc an entire team became of an inellglbtHty ruling 8uch as this when it should have been taken care of king before the final decilion Wll made. · Transcrl]Jls tllould ,._ ihe n111Dber of passing units <f. any llludent, football player &r otnenr.a. Transcripts should also lhOw the year In which a student la au...llnf school and where he was prior to this year. Such transcripU are Tequlred in ad· vance for most students 1t' California junior colleges and certainly lhoul~ be required for 1D athlttet before they are' •llowed to play foe-a achOOI. coache~ voted to bave the le•111e 'com· ml11lottr ualp offlclal1 In die future neber '*II tile btdtvldual la.Utaltoaa despite die cUttuce between scbooll ii Ille wide .,,.... -Coale ....... btdientaUJ, ~ Georp Hartman at Saddlebaet 11)'1 he were five offlcla1s on land ltr Ult Uowdtn contt1t wHb ML San Jadato lall Satmlay algbt, all aNlped by ... le-office. Is Kona Lanes getting a repulat.ion as a jin1 bowling center after 22 months \vtthout a 300-garne? ll certainly would appear as such with siz: bowlera having rattled off nine .strikes in a game durin1 the lut 14: days with an 11-ln-a~w aetting twice in 10 days •.. Roy Smith of Laguna Beach is the latest "casualty". A 17:J..average kegler, be grilled tbe pocket.on hla final shot only to r,. thwarted by i. !l.ubborn JO-pin, resulting in a 299. The last pertecto was the back·to-back 300 bl&St by Kona's general manager, Dick Stoeffler. Perhaps be has brought about the jinx. What junior college outside of the state of Callfornia Ls more widely known than any other -And not necessarily for Its outstahdlng athletic learns although they have had many champions? Tyler Jwk>r College of Tyler, Te1as has to be ttle moot widely publicized and best known In the football work!. The Apache llelles and Apache band have performed at gridiron conteN on New Yur'.s Day and in profesaional circles as well a.s top collegiate aames since 19"'. Sunday in the Coliseum they were on band to entertain fans with an outatm. dine halftime show that was nationally te1eviled at lntennlnion. of. the ga.11e between the Ram1 and Oowboy1. After the lllDt the two unks remained In their ltats and cave a large crowd tblt fonned around them a very en- tertabling and enthuslasUc ftnpromptu 8hoW. Black, a 6-1 aophomore from Newport Harbor, didn't play last year. El Camino is coming off a di.smal lM&- 69 season when the Warriors were abie to win only four games, flnbhtng the Metropolitan Conference seuon with a l· 12 record. One ol tbe four victories wu 91.a& ovu OCC lo the seaaoo opener. Rolling Hills No Easy Foe For Foothill By ROGER CARISON Of t111 Dall' l'UM Slatr \Vhen it gets down to the CCF AAA ,Playofrs, sllddenly there's no easy touch In llne. It'• rough every week If you're fortunate enough to still be alive 'In playoff competition. That's the situation for coach Ed Bain and hJa Foothill llJlft , School Knlchll tonight when they me.I •Sky ~ champion Rollli!.1 Hills at "s.tita· Ana Stadium in a quarterfinals test. Game lime Is a o'clock. Both teams sport Impressive 10.0 marks but Rolling }lilts appears to have gone through a tllghtly rougher schedule during the campaign. And both teams were put to severe tests in last week's elimination openers. Rolling Hills just did get by a tough Lasuen ouUi!, 27·21, while Foothill's Crestview League champions edged Neff, 12-7, at the same site as tonight's crucial. Both teams like to nm but can alao pass effectively and both are stacked with aJl.Jeague players from one end to the other. The game Is rated even, with perhaps a slight edge to Foothill because of the defenae it has shown during the year that llllllted 10 opponents to 45 polall. Only Orange was able to get'toto double fifU™, losing 38-12 In the leque Utle decider two weeks ago. , The leading force In the Knigbta' attack Is Bob Speicher, a two-way player who al90 plays linebacker. Speicher hu scored 17 -out of hJa hallback •lot In the lull.iiouae-T formation. In 111, hi~• can1ed the ball 115 limes lor t,1111 yanl1nl!I Ia !hi er..tvlew · cin:ult'a bod ol U. yar. &!Ung Hilla -with tailback Bill Blandak, a qulclli-and speedy aen1or out of the I formation. Up front at fWlblck and blocking for htm 11110-pound, M Bruce Sweeney. Two quartert.cQ alternate for · the Tllanl. They're Jim conte and Rene Trevino. Conte wu ·~med flrlt team all league at quanertilck while Trevino picked up slmllar honors at defensive halfbeck. -WI. Y l'tl.OT J~ Colonists, Redlands Meet Again Anaheim· and Redlandl High, two names l}'D(lnymous with good football. m& Jt up tonight on the red clay of Anlbelm ·Stadium for the right to ad- vance In Uie CIF AMA football playoll•. Game tbne is I o'clock and It'll be aired on KEZY (ll!IO). For the 12th time in the past nine years theae two rivals meet. Anaheim haJ dominated the series that dates back to ltlO wWt a lf..7·2 record and it lnclude1 nine lllialght triumphs c:ounUng the JM pudnc tbe Coloo!N applied to Redl•nds ear1ler this year. The Terrien of coach Paul Womack, however, seem to be vutly improved since early IUIOn when they JOit theit fast two pme. ol the year. They've 1t'1Jft their Jast sf1 In a row and were highly impressive Jut week ln tho flrat round of AAAA, action, ripping Irvine League champion Loara, 20-8. Loara didn't score until only seconds remained and the Terriers had a long ptmt return for an apparent touchdown nullified by a penally. It all boila down to Anlhelm't ex- plosiveness v1 the ball control p:>Wer ot Redlands. Anaheim's forte has been the e:1cellent breakaway efforts ol tailback 'i1m Thom ar.d the runntnc and pasainr or quarterback George Fruer. Fraser hu been an All.c'IF ldectlon for the put two yem and Tborn la the county's back of the year. Fullback Mo Rodrlpz and wingbac~ Cary Toar p,.s the Colony an lmpoolng bacldi.W. Redlands will counter that with an Im- posing defensive crew that showed ill ablHty to hit in the Loara victory. That. along vt'ith a Cl'Ulhing ground game through the middle, makes the Terriers a definite threat to coach C l a re VanHoorebeke's team. Series Record lUO -AMIMlm ' ll:ldl•nd1 ' 1951 -ll:ldll f'llb ' ANIMlm • 1U2 -ll:ldllnc11 21 Mll\llm • ltSJ -11:.Sllndl ' -·~ • Its.I -Alllllllm " "•llJtCI• • ltU -Alllhlllt! • -·~· ,, 1'5' -...... lttlm • 11:.Sllndl • ltS' -M1helm a 11:11111_, n I tt1 -ANl!tlm ~ ltldl4lnd1 • IUI -.. edl_.9 J2 ........ ' lfSf -ltldllndl 21 _,,. • \HO -1t1<11tnd1 U --• lftl -lll•llnda 21 Alllhelm 14 lffl -ltld141ndtl • AMlltlm 10 1'62 -Arllllllm ' ltlld~ndl ' 1"'2 -~Im " It.SI•'* • lffl -"'1.llltlm ~ 111111111'111 • '""' -Mtllllm " ... _ ' 1'65 -Alllllll"l • lttdllllll• • ltu -Alllhllm " ... _ I 1.-1 -ANMrm " 11:11111,.q • 1ff& -Ar111111m " ltlllllnd1 ' \ff' -M11\1lm • 111.Sllnd• • Saddleback ' Quint· Faces ' ' ' San Diego Duo A vastly-Impriwed Soddle"'cll College basketblll telm.beifaa tM i.10 season this weetend wttb a palr of cames agai111t San I>Mco ~,. Coach .Roy Slevena''qulldel Clashes with Sm 'llt<Jo' Mesa l<nlJlht at Mka Costa, Collqe.;and then faces Gra.mont' Saturday nieht at Meaa. Botb contests will beglit at 7. Stev., wlll open "Vith BUI :tiooa and Eric Chistensen at the guatdl, Rich Ebel at center and Cam Smith and Randy Lawrence at forwards. Noon and ChristenHn give the Gauchos a fine 1-2 acorr., punch. The 1-1 Noon wu 'the top Junior college point-maker 1n Oranae County Jut .eason with MJ and a 11 ... averqe. Chttlttnse.n led u..· -high school ctrcul( In scor· ing with M9 points and a JS.I aYera&e while pla)'illg for San Clemente HIP l"t; ....... Lawreoce, ~e Noon, ls a relurnlng starter, Ht av...,..r It.I points for the Gauchoo Jaat year,_.., .•. Ebel llbould give · Saddlebacll &ood boan!' aringtb, H• la the 1a1Jeot. or the Gaucl!Oo at M. Ebel prepped at TUltln. Slllitlr played hi&!> IChool ball at Lquna Beach and II a transfer from the Vnlveraily ol, Watbfncton. Meta bu tbtee' "'turnlnC lettermen from Jut year's lJ.11 club wbUe Qr03s- moo1t111u aeveo letter--. bad: "°"' a 10-7 MllOD.. . Saddlobad< hu Ill h<xne -Tiie,. di>' nt!lht aaalnst the Unl....ity or Call!onila. at San Dleao in an a·o1Ctock llllllt at Mluloa Viejo 111(11. ··' JOckolf ls set for 8. South Pasadena la the top seeded prep team in the CIF AAA football playoffs and ts UMI for the year alter wrapping up the Rio Hondo championship. Fullerton, meanwhile, has come on strong wtlh seven straight wins, including last week's 14-' effort over tougti Da- mien. However, the winged-T formation with an unbalanced line runs smoothly with fullback lli.ke Klof the leading !ig11te with 19 touchdowns . He's S..11, 165. In rolllng to IO wins, the Tigers have been ex.tended only once, when they nip. ped Temple City, lM, for the Rio Hondo title. Fullerton, howevtr, has a few things going for il Such infractions certainly are not fair to the balance ol the players on any t .. m lJ'ld it letl'OI aboUl time IOllMIOM: did ....,otldnc lo 1,i theottblnp llralghten- ed out in advance of the league seaaons. Ever -ti -.... -, fli yaN• bo --by ,..ally lolradlou? Big Bears Menace Griffins ' Victory tonight puts the wlnntr lnlo the 1em1nnals against the winner or the Murphy·L&wndale affair. Alld a win for Fullerton wou1d avenge a 20-0 pasting from Rh> Hondo champ San Marino last year In the opening ulvo of AAA elhnlna· tions. Coach R.Ay Solari or Sooth Pasadena presents a polished, uptrlenced crew. On tho starting offense and defen.w, all but one are seniors. The leading canclidate is J o e y Hernandez, a slz: foot, t!IO-pound 'fullback who's scortd ten touchdowns as hu halfback Pete Farquhar. 'Ibe Indians operate out or the power-[ formation along with a spread. But either way, observers say It's sllll a case of llernandea and Farquhar up the middle. Quarterback Tim Paul gives the In- dians a balanced attack. He's passed for 708 yards on $4 completions In a at- tempts for seven touchdowns and ~c.11 run for four othcn. It Upp•1d Ws yeer at Hemet wM• C.U.C• ti Ille °""' loll to -· -ML SU TKbolt, 11-11. Mt. JAC loll leu IWi IW yanlt Md Dtttrt -BIO -WU lw1lu Iller die pine. Uftlt h miy flnt year u IMM c..n at Colltp ti Ille Dtltrt and 1Mo la '"1 llnl ..,..-wt .. Ibis type ti ..... Ooo tWoc I .. certala ti ls Ille laet It ls pta1 • bit seuted at oar ctlftre•e Dttie&lq.,, Thal -do& wu btld l\leoda7 ud ---------- Los Alamitos High and tts undefeated football team collides wtth b u 1 e JUwnlde Poly tonight (I) at WOl!em High School In the CIF M playoff aemllJna)a. ' Loi Alamitos, the Orange Leliut titliat and leedtd No. 2 In the playolft, It a one -q pick to de!eal the Bear• and advance to tht finals a&alnst the winner ol the Santa Paula·Bantow roal<:h. Santa Paula defeated No. I seeded Ar- royo Grande, 18-7, tn the quarterfinals. Far COICh Frank D<retU and hJa Gril- flno lht 11111< fl&urea lo be a CIM of whether h1I team'• overall balanc• and tpeed can. offset the fine goundl pmeo o( Rlvtnide. JUvmtdo'• bl1 nmnJns attac~ leatum Art Akins, a t•pclllnd ac:atbock w!IO flllll behind the blocklnc ol Mel Glffn, a 216- poundtr who lland1 f.10. Gleen w11 named player of the ytar In the Ivy League •nd II only a aopllomore. He'S had ·1ever1l aame1 of over 100 yards to hl1 credit lncludln1 one came o< 182 Ml )'ltdl, I I And, the Bean , are bll -vely. Two of. u.., 'JaOlt Pl'\llMltilnl .. surd Euatnt e1ar1r cw; *> uc1 -h• Dive Joluoa (W, 211).. J 'lbe Bean ha91 -""" Ill a row since two early •--lo AMA ...... -ail Saa: OorlOOlo .. the CIWI llell Loque. Vic Pettboom Is the cenltal flgw-e tn th• Loi Alamitos attack. The 11$-pound senior quarterback waa named b.ck of the year In the Oranae League and he's passed for 1,350 Jards. \ • ) I I ------..,.....~--------------' ·-.. .. -.. . . . . " . . . ' - , U DAlLY ,PllOT Off the Area Greens , ( .. , ... ,.._,., .. "''LtC wt•K• p..mo "°1'Ka .. vm,.. ••• DN'IStoN .. M .... WAYI Cl&ft,tc.lT• .. au11111111 TIW c-1'1' """"""' DIMridt et LIMn'KI TO COlllTUCTOll f'ICTITJOUl•NA.Ma Or ..... c-t'I wtN ,_. ... ~- ....._ ...,...... wo1 o. •• .i !fie ..• ~.......... · -Uflfll ii• '"""' ,..._.., ' .. Dove Kill Resumes -LlllGAL llOTIC& LEGAL N<rr!CE LEGAL NUl'ICE 1iUlle -· "'""°"" ~ PIO al ,._ v~ Country C1ab and a resident of Costa M.a who operates his own ._ lllil Pl ...... in 'S&n~ Aita,., "'1 the South e r .n CUUornia S ~ n i o r s cham- )Monlhlp and ·-an all-expense l*ld trip to the National PGA Senion tournament in West Palpt Beiicb, Florida. ~r filed a 70-69--139 tor two rounds on the San Luis Rey Goll <;oorse in Bonsall to win by two strokes over a trio of players Including a former NlilMal PGA champion, Jim Fmier. Ferrier a nd Cecil Harris. former Seniors title holder in the Souibland, each fired 71·70 whJJe· Jack ~tann had a 72-69 to tie for the runner·up posi· lion at 141. Dale Andreason and Harvey Chapinan each had 70. 'n-142 l'O\lflds for the next spot. 11>e National Seniors tourna· rnent will be held on the Na- tiooal PGA Golf CJub course in West Palm Beach on Jan. 2!}- 31).31 and Feb. l. Mu.ion \llejo Mission Viejo golf. course has come alive with top Southland professionals taking ever)'. oiJportunity to get in a practice round in advance or the Southern California Open late in December. Scme ol the top names who haVe played the c o u r s I! receatly include J e r r y Steehmith, Jerry Barber and Charlie Sifford. As the tournament ap- proaches, many ol the top pros are expected to take ad- vantage ol balmy d ays and get in a few practice rounds in ad- vance of the P GA event that precedes the Los Angeles ()pea by a week. Entries will be taken right up to the final round of open· ing competition, according lo tournament director J a c k Fleck. In this way, early a r- rivals for the LA Open will he able to get in early action prior to start of the first tour affair of the new year. Meado1.,lark Larry Brown defeated Rick V0tmg for the Meadowlark men's ·club championship in a J6.boie finale Sunday. Seacllff ' Saturd~y lfflai -tht tl•tto HltfoWW E11t ..... ~ ... ~-; .. tt , 0 "::ii·: ,,., ., ....... """ ... , . )ulll!CIY "--.. OIYl•ltn f/I H.ltiiw.n lul..,,., ,,_,,..., ~ ' ' ....... ..W .....,_ " h ti tht lit hllltl S-f'"9 ''~· .... """""' = *J,='r, ~ ':; ~,::.:: e"!..ltbt .~ ·: t.."'f:'-· ......,.:: c.tltwllll. WIHI a 0 Cleell t:" tn UHLIMITEO tild "* Mid llr1ft It -1'""'' 1 ' ~~ .... I~=~ 111 ..::: ...... er tM iono.wtM ...,_, Wllltl "'=~ All:TICUU.Tl!O HYDU.Ul~ 2 rt Mid bU11111,., for c-trvctlon on -kl ~II IMI •IKtf !If '"kl"tcl •• ~NI _.ICll'.Ul!Ofrt ..0. 14' ... llllllw•• II'!~ wllll tl)ltt1fo1'f:"·v ll:ldll'*-la ''W _,._ llll m!Jllt "9 ,~t11#it""'°'.._ ~llonJ ~ lo wM(ft lllfClll W I • • -,ntcl Ill' ll!t bliJ!rkft Ill KceHIMol wttf'I , ... _ 11 m.ot .. :,.news · ci.ri, Serlle ""-• C.l...,.$1. • 111 _,lklm fit Ille IHCll'kltllN.. Oi:.-t toAJntY, 111 Col.._ M-, Oll•IM ' .::Ii,' c'.1= Jew 2'111 S " ~ S-.Cllleatlom;, Mf blllrlb •11111 f\H'ttw The second sessl0;1 0 f ,_ ~ 11 ~rbcH' IOUlllY••4' OtlM NG.......otr ·,J, 1m lllfOl'mtllOtl ""' bt Gll>l•l• II ... •llew caworrua•• ipUt oove seuon ~=:-1~~1 .... 1··~~~~"1111to •;:: J.•.·.~ •• •,: 0ov,.'.'! .... ,· 1 "f .... J.~=e: '?v~V.:J:" ... fMetflM -• ..,...,,. · Olr.c!et el F~ ' ~Ill _Saturday Jor a two-1.,.. eri ,_1,., tor tt1t w1t• work s•:,:: ~'\':'~~, ~iw,: ~::Net•" l"llbM!lt)H 0r.... c..1 0.11, •1111, '!(!tt nJD. •, J 1 ._,.._ llereln. l'lltllc In 11\C fOr .. Id St•lt, ~ .... NOYffllMr 21,_ l'6t ,,.,.... • • • ....... w.tlllatleftt. Ind ...... 1 _,_ EytlYll V tlc.Mnl1 I. J1rry F OTl-Tbe bq llmif: ll 10 jl!ir day, fWIM w blddl"' •i. ,,.tct u 11 "'"'be o....w. kl!-.. 19 m. to i. ..... ..,...,,. .LEGAL N ~ , • ~ obl9"*9 II ""' otl'lcll' el 1111 SI ... W-. 111me1 t!ll SllbW'llled to 1ht Wltfllll with, JO ibOwecl 11\ )iOil+iWtOO H...._., E,111i..r,,P11bll( Wol't1 klkll~ IMtr-.,f eNI K11-leGgrc1 llltv ·~· SUflltlOR COUtT 01' TMI! "~ ~. Cllllll'flle, lhll mlY "9 -ec:u!M flle ~ STATI Off C.t.Llf'OlffM. ,011: after tbtl lfll1l day Ol tbe It .. offket flt tlMI St ... Hlthwl ... (OFl'l(IAL SEA°t.t TMI COUNTY OJI OllAlllGI • Et11'-II Seer..,,.,. ... llld ""' DKIJ'kt Ml,., JC Melll'Y c.ua HUMell .... season. 1be ~ continues £1111i-r. It LOI Mteltt. s ... Frenc:l&Ol. Nol•,., P<1tttlc<•llfoml1 SUMMONS oh-;•h g--'·y Dec JI .llld 1llt lllJlrlct h Whlcll tl!I ~ II Prlllc:INI OlllU 111 l . M. STtUCK ll'ld M. W. IMMELl, a1 -........,. YllQll ' • • I~ Otl-C-IY lrulten ol' !ht MAtlLYH HE$TEJt. Hun•--may find • ,_ ,....._... to Slctlon 1no of 1119 LtbOI" M• COmrnlHIOll Eulrt:I JANl!T HESTfJt ... CHAtLENE ~-.... ~""' Deo"'1mlflt hll 1K.n1lntd ..,. t<IGV, ,,, lm HESTER Trush, fl lllntlfft V1. W.OGEJt o. se_attered birds 1 • ln-.., t b e =:'."ii:~':. 1,::. ~ :::' .!., tt; ~::;41,?';~,. ':: o°:~t!~'°~ ~!!i. J.o~~!f~~e:!s~~h. ooe I Sacramento and San .,,ra-m. 119 .. W.ted'IR Ille OtHrln'lent of P11tillc: Ifft Ill.... PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Ullo • _,._., w.11 .. DIYISIGll of Hit'""""" ll!llbl~ FOtNIA to t1111bov111 ...... ~1111: valleys, 1>Ut •the bulk of the ~11 Prt111lllns Wat• tllH.. t11tlld LEG., NOTICE Yw ,,.. MreiJI. dlr'etlk i. ni. , writ• • "''""''*'· Ifft. ~ len PIN.di ... In ll!$PGl'lll IG ""' wrltltd htr.\t.iq-.hihty.wlll be ln'tht Dl!flAITMENT Of l'UILIC _ .. rn1 of lht •v• Mmed •llllo!lttt. l"'J-· .., WOJtl(S wtttt !ht clttk of 11'11 1bowe llllthled ct111rt Imper ta 1 Valley a OI VIS ION Of HIGHWAYS "'*" 111 the 1btve 911lltlld ICllOfl '--hf • .. _:_~· ~ J . A, LEGAJttA CllTll'ICATI: Ofl IUSINISS ... Inst )'Gii II\. Mld'courl, within TE'4 IOUl.heaatem t111ten ,area. 11111 H~., l!nslrieer fllC1'1TIOUI MA.Ml d•n .ttef till 11rvlce on ~ of 11111 111m· 'n. .• ~ Ill lel e1..o.1..1· OINiC. ...,.,..W ll. ""· ' Tiii \NIWtltned d-. ai1ttv ttwit lie 11 l'l'lllll. M 1er'tlld wllllll\ the 1boY1 Nftlrcl ~ ~ w an. au "Ully Pllblliheil qi;ariot CMlf 011,... l'llol, ~ ....... "*' 1f 1m EM! 171h COllflno. « Wlt!lln THUi.TY d .... I If MrvM Dreatber ill S out b er n ,...,__ • a. o.c.mblt' I. ·1• 2141~ ,..._., $111t1 ""'-c.11totn11. Wider 1111 ••IWl!tr•. · _ .. ~ · fkflf!Gw' firm flllllll of COLONIAL Yw '"*lier"' Mllllld ttm 1111• YOU Caw.ma nwndaj' ·threu&h LEGAL NOTICE .. ASSOCIATES .,,. t111t w1c1 """ 11 com-"1111 • w'rtn.n '''"°"'N• •IHC11,., .. 1c1 r ""'" ef tht tollowlMI per.oft, W11o$1 pl•1nl!HJ Wiii flkl llldel'Mnt fOI' . ....., J\No<t 5. • ',....,. -1n f\lll 1nd pi.a Of reslttlll~ Is-....,_, or dll'l'I-dtfl'lllldtel 111 !ti• • .,..--· • ~ 11+ ce•Tll'ICAYI °" IUllNIU followl:--Yfl'lfled CDl'!l•l•l11t • 1rlsln1 IJ-cal· 11Je first half of. the spUt l'ICTITIOUI llAMI Oonelcl It, T11rlllf', MIO £1st $e11hl tr1ct, « wlll 'P.l'l" to ltl1 court ,... l ftY f · -th eo_,, .. A "7-A Tiit lll!llenlO'*" does anlf'I' lie I• .cott c11r1, s.i11 ""'· c.ur. Giiier ,..lllf clttnlllldff In 1111 •erlfled HI-LO WlNNE'Rs -Winners (from Jell) Bill Baker of ~itin and Colman French of NewpQrt Beach accept . trophies While ruMersup in ·the recent Santa Ana County Club'hi·lo tourney look on. Placing second were Rupe Hendricks. of Newport and Jim Gianulias from Costa Mesa. season w e """"u ... m ~ 11uct1,,. • Ml-tt m1 c.1111. 01hid NoYtmMr 1z. 1ttt CG"l'IPl11n1. ha N.,.,....-t' Belch, C11lfoml1, Ufldfr tht Jlc' • ODNlll I . Turft1r YOl.I """' tffk 1M edvlcl of •n '"°'""y -· spulb · o{ 'the Tehac p1"""" "'"' ,..,,.. af'NAVTl-kNOTS end STATE OF CALIFORNIA. on 1n• mllllr comi'd~ wlth lllt c:om- mounWns -CIORS at BUDJet ""' .. 111 """ 15 '*!lf'GSl'I. of fflt follow-OAANGE COUNTY: •lllllt or thll ·~ Slldl ........... , · I"' ,,.,._, wllOt lllftll In tui. Ind •IKI ' Oii ....V-ber IL .)Ht, befGtf mt,, 1 lllloulcl i. COMUlted Wllflln 1M tlmil Hrntf Wednesday,. Nov. 6. 'nle ae-or reslclllld 11 u ro1iaw.: . NlltWY Plfbllc: 1n· ...r tor · uld s111t. s111M "'1t11a ''""'"°"'IOI' 1m11111 wrm"' cQftd half !Will begin one-b8.lf GIO. A. f11iefld'l1r, 7':11 Cen!I SI,. __ I,... IJ...elred Oo!>ild R, Turner pilldln9 to f11e compllllnt. . , • N-" BIKh. Clllf. 92'61 k-tp ''" to R IM PtflOll wt!Gse Otlld $flt. 1, Ifft. hour before sunnse on Satur-D1t..i Nov. " 1Ht n1me 11 tubsc~ to 1ne w11h111 1~ w. E, ST .iOHN, Cttrk turkey shoot Twenty-tY!'O turkeys were given away to winners in the event with McDougal.I and Arndt firing a 62 : Eltrlch and Vance a 6.1 ; and a three-way tie between Spencer and Conlon; Ball a1td Klick~ and Oaks and Teuber at 86 for other top awards. 1, Huntington· Beach Members of the men's club at Huntington Beach held a turkey shoot over the weekend and 33 participants showed up for the action. All 33 players received a turkey for their ef- forts making this one of the top events of the year and the· ultimate in tournament com- petition !or those who promote such events. When a tournament is stag- ed and every participant goes home with a p rize, there are few. if any, complaints and this is the case of Huntington Beach. Fo11111'.11in \/allett day Dec • Geo ...... Pelt"Cll•r l lrvmlllt .... •ektloWltd•ed lie IXKUltd .... MWV l,.oU liGdtn. , • . • STATE OF CALIFOINtA. tl\e 11me. o.pi," (Itri( and. Betty Sleva (!3). All waterfowl hunfu1g except OJtANGE couNTY: ~--tOFFKIAL s.EALl wALswOtTM, s•1oiL a ct.AIL results found 0 -•ge Clark f . and b'· • bt I Oii NGvernber 6. lHt ...... or• me. • a-... J. Sdlmld1 '''' w-•• D"--,.. \,n:\11 or jackarupe lllllC1. an Not•rt P11bllc In end tor uld s11~. Not••• fl\lbllc . c1111om11 ,._,,.,. ._~ "(;'........, f'Ntl winning over Ray Lee, 4 and In C Flight, Elise Stipes was will be prohibited in the --11,. • ••• •, • cJ Geort1 "· p,1nc:1N1 ~ 1n '"" ..,..... ;,,, ......n lo he o •• d · the cl l'l1!M'llClllr kMWn to IM ti lie thl Ptl'· Olli-Cwfttv Al'-'(S ,... •p .. lllllfh 3: Jotumy Dick winning over the winner with a 67 fol wed Sout m £rvue urmg OS--w11ost "''"' 1s •utscr111tc1 to "" M' c-~ Ex~lre. Pvlllllf'lllf or.,... co.st 011" Piiot, ed period. wl!lllll ln1 trurnet1f 11111 ~cknGWll<l9" he JUIY & ltn N-lllr 21 •nd Olc.,.,w,r S, 1!, It, Skip Rangel, 2 and 1; Al Wells by Geri Mervish (IS8), and alif ,,._. , 'd N he ex•ulld n.. .. ,.,.. .Lt.Ml• f4. KMMIUtNe, '"' 21ewt N P Irle• 4 •·~·ra Shephatdson, (llll). · C onua s nu • ovem r 1se.11 AtllnltY winning over· orm a "• ....... "° duck po~lation is slightly ~~v•~1::0.r1l:iaainl• :l!.!:t"•:!:'c'=.:,"' LEGAL NOTICE and 3; and George Roussos William Heede scored a below a year ago and about Prlnc1,,.1on1ce111 Pututslltd Or•"" co.,1 D111' Pllol.l----,...C"-------- win ning over William Koeboe, hole-in· ~e on the Mesa Linda the sam as the late October O••-Counff Mo......,111r 11• 21 11111 O.Ctmber s. 12• t.t.• znt ·vu e M1 tommllilon eicP1re1 Ifft . 21$1.ff 0' Ce TO t•IDOTOIS I up. 18th hol~ this week .white~• count, the Department of Fish ""'11 •· 1t11 LEGAL N0'11CE su~S.~t0• cou•T °" TM• and Game re1>9rtl. .. P.\fbllflltd Orll\N CCll$t Otlbl Piiot. STATe 01' C.t.Lll'GaNIA •O• ·santa A••• playing with Jakqu1 Qlis, Roy • od ced NOYemtit• 1, 14. 21, 21, 1Ht 2010-tt •A• 11n rM11 couNN °" ouNe• Nydeit and John Riddell. A survey Nov.-l2 pr u a LEGAL NOTICE su~~~fo11• T2o~:;o~~~~I! est1tt of G':oa~~otNES MAT· Colman French holed out a count Of 3,500,6GO ducks and sTATI o• e.t.L1Fo•N1A •oa TESON: oecuMcJ. Heede use:<f a 9 iron on the 141· 724,930 geese, compared with, c1:tTll'tCA;:s: iut~ss , T ... coi::;r ...::,.oaANGt _ N,.01~e _11,_"",'t!!"' ..!::" ~ tricky downhill ll)..foot putt for yard hole with other members 3,569,065 ~ and 721,850 fllCTITtOUI MMlll E1t111 ., WILLIAM M. GAGE, l>eell .. ;:;.., ·~ii· .. ;._ ti ....... cllh'l'I• -""' 1119 a birdie on the first hOle and geese in the Oct 29 si1rvey The unoe,..11nt111. • ctrtlfY otllef' .,., " , "" dlcldmt 1,. '"u1..-IP flte ""'"· ded t Ut a ··nsa of tbeJounome scoring a 2, a . •. cond11ctlnt • b!AIMM1 ,, ... e:. Ctltn NOTICE IS HEJtEIY GIVEN h 1111 Witt! tlle llKIUI,., yqllCIMln. Ill 1111 offke procee O P on ;><,. • "A year ago our waterfowl e1Y11 .. Loni affdl,/ ceuiOmi,, lll'lder "" cr«111or1 of 111e aw 111med dec.otllt of thl cllrll et 1119 Mlow t11t1t1M ~ • ., tional display of chipping. 3 and a, 4 on the hole. populations had peaked by flctl~i ••"r'm,,· ,-..... ,• _!A•'•'o, ~~~ ""' •II _..,. lll'{lrlt d11m1 •••lruit 1111 to pruenJ """" with ,,.. riec-,.,. · chi d ti' to le d A t k shoot held S nd EQUlrM " ''"' -.. 1d Oteedlnl •re NQll/rrcl IG flll !Mm, \'Olldll!rs. lo ,,.. lll'ICltrsltlled et ll!t tfflC9 ptt ng an pu 1ng a ur ey U ay m i d. N o v e m b ~ r 8'."ld the 11rm 11 comPOted of, thl 10llow1111 per-. with "" lllalSlrl' 'IVUChen. 1,, 11,, offlcl GI ,,e, •ttorM'l'I: H.,... s111s &-WOod. his team (Bill Baker) to a 5 f ound a large entry list com· numbers of birds in northern "'-n•mes 111.,,,..""n. •l!d •llce. °' of ""' c1t11t_ot t11t 111ow fflt111ec1 eo11r1, OI' u111or> ,,,. '-"* Sou111 T-st.. •. J. I It ·~ f 75 . rKldl!lee Ill! 11 · •. to prtst11t h!n, wfftl Ille nte:tSllt'I' Orante, C111fornll, wllldl le 1'111 •lece et and % victory over un pet ng. wua. a score o California and ·the Central R•v k. ''"""'''mt C111J"'-"'""voucher•, 1o "" unden19nrc1 ,, the otticr w.1""'., 111e lllld1r11iinec1111 .u """'"" G. U d R H -~ ks ( el) -better to w1·n -of V ll d ed t d · I Hu11tlrltton leach, Cillr. o:f lllf tllorNY•· FGllN &, Wtrren IOI! 11trt1tn1nt to ffM -~ of ••kl dlc«llnl. 1anu as an upe e1ru11c n "' ...... a ey ecreas s ea 1 y kiri. G. RMlllN. 111S2 Q11l"ten1 ln., $ttllloll ""·· 1u.n. Pert. cittf. '"":io, within foU1' '"'°""'s •ffer ""tlrsl P'llbllce· inthefinalsoftheHi-Lotilam-the66birdsawardedwinners. after· that," said DFG Hur~~!::'i:s,c~~ w1111:h It tt1t .-. e1 bu1lnas of me no11oftt11s nottc:e. Pionship at Santa Ana CC. Steve ·wllson bas left the ·w terfo I Coordinator Frank D• °It' " ,... unde~ltllld In •h mlttolrs· perl•lnlnt to ottec1 NoYfl'l'llllr 21. Ifft. a W K 1Y1 ~ Robbi tM·estaft o1 Mid cJtc.11e11!, wlttlln four J<W Mltteson C11ho\111 French's birdie on the'first Costa Mesa course to beco:ne Kozlik ''OF J."L~fO.RNtA. ni ll'iellllli "''' 111e flrit P11t111o:111on er thl1 Ex11C11Jrlx of"'' w111 ch. Al dr . • . . t STA notkt. 4 ill' !ti. llbovt .. ~ ... eci dtcde"' and Baker's e I g h t • f o o t a tea 1ng pro at on a ''The 1ncbcat1ons are tha we ORAN~£ c1~u~:;: bltor.-. me , Noferv D•ted' November 21. "''· HAI'••· 11lLS a WOOD sldehiller on the second bole Park. have. not y~t hit our 1969 11:i1c l:" .~ for' Mil! s111e, '•ersi:in111, ~!!';:~,f.£: ~i ~~E ~= ;::, ':"',.. gave tb'e new chamYVI a three-peak ""'he satd tP1tt1rtc1 R•., P•lffO!l.,-nd Kerl• G. R• of tt-• ~t.nv· 111met1 dtcedent ..,,........, c111t r"' ' ~ • bl,.. kllOWn IG me IG lie tht perilOllS wllo$I I a llN • I ) 54j ftfl' up edge in the two low balls Witli the weather generally 111rn11 1r1 111!rMl'tblci to ttie w11Mn 1~ ::r~t ... to11 w:.,:, 1~4,... t!ncvtri. match that was seriously Howe Pots 2 mild more than one· million itrwment and ·~ledtld ttino UtQ.ll'9 ,.._ ••tt, c111t. ~ P11bnshet1 or1nge co1s1 0111, •11c1, threatened only once. ducb and some 569,000 geese ~Fr.C1'ALi!EAtf ~' !f~0~7:!mo:: f:rber 21 •lld Otcembtr " ~i In Detro!• t ww• remained On tbe TuJe Lake No~:,.,·flubHc'. Clti1omll l'ubUslled °''"" CG1st Dilly Piiot, Cosia ltle•a a'.ld Lower Klam~th national Prl~fNI Office In r~tr'l'ltler ,. •lld ~mller J, !ho1~ . fldl" J . ? th Or•MI COlmfv w ue Tc,uges n e a e M., Comf'l'lll&lon Expires LEGAL NOTICE P·"4tt LEGAL NOTICE Members of the Costa Mesa DETROIT (UPI) -Frank Oregon border Other~ major M.trdl '· 1m ce1T1F1CATE oF 1us1Mess Seml·.1,·nat1'sts in the men's "-U and Country c I u b ah I 'ch ---" t I t u· • f d ks ere ,ubll!.lle<:I Or•ne• CIMlst Otlht .,1111ot, NOTICI TO c11eo1To•s PICTITIOUS lfAMI vv M O VI Sl.v1i::u WO goa S concen ra OnS 0 UC W HGv.emtllr U, 11, 21. llld Oecem ' S, SUPll!'tlOI COUaT 01' TMll!' TM undfflhined dou cerlllY llll Is CM!• club championship flight have women's club held a Crier's and Gordie Howe added a on Grizzly and.oloice islands in tHJ 2nwt ~~·c:.f#'::~':t':N~• d11Ctlt11 , 11u11ne11 ,, n1.a M1rh11 v1111 been detennined at Fountain Tournament r ecently w Ith pair of milestone p O int s Suisuri· ~ay, th.e Bµtte Si~k, LEGAL NOTICE -. MUii · ~~tt~0u~·ri~•,:.;,-,°'!,tte~:;,vm' ~ Valley Mile Square Go If Mary E velyn lm ler the winner Thursday' evening as the De· San Luis Nahonal Wildlife ,....,., Est"•., WILLIAM.J. AOAMS. Oece19· Tea1ots ''"'th•• 1•111 "'"'I•~ Center with other fiigbtShav-in A Flight with a 67. Nadine troit Red Wings gobbled up Refuge and the San Luis CE•T~r~~:,:U~,. .. ~~Mtss ec1No11ce 1s H1!:1te1v a1ve!f 10 1"41 ;:11i:end'::-!'':,':i':"..C."::to"t"=.:"' Joe ~ and . Her m i til Dec 7 to detennine M aze followed with a 69. h A l K' 'l R 0· t ht 11ndtrtl1necJ dots 111retty cerlltv creditors ., Ille .tibt:/Wt n•med t1-ct0ent .tONEMAJtlE GllAY, ni.a ·M1rln1 ng un · I e Los nge es 1ngs, ,,. . eserv 1r. "''' 11 11 the oen.ret· Ptrtner o1 1 11111111 --""'"" c11rmi •••Inst"" v 1111 or1ve. °'"' flolrrt. c..nfoml•. Friedland scored identical 61s semifinal participants. lnna Haben.s won B F light1------"----'----------------Limit..:! p11111en111' l;Ollductl,. 11u11neq 111d tlfl:tftnl 1rt rMUTr«l 10 t111t'ltlll'l'I. 01.., N-rnblr '°· ""· f top honor . th H J rf I nd r honors Ith 70 f II ed b 1'11 w I llff Ortw Hl'WPOrl &.I.ell. wllfl Ille MCHMr'f"IUdle"· ln .IM olfl(e JONEMAll.JE GRAY (It' s In e un-n q uarte ma rou ac Jon W a o ow y ~~ntor"ll, '!~der "* fictltlout. 111,,.. of ~ 1M c111" of-lfMI ~ ent~tlld Cll/rt, ~ 511,, of ciutornre. Ortnge tou11tv , tington Seacliff men's club for the championship flight. Doris BaU (71). Ma rio Voss ,7.wooo11:uFF ,4PAll:TMENTS P'""' e ntcffstl!: 0n November ,, '"'· before me. • .--"-------------------'---.;.._.::._______________ DUNTON FORD COMPANY VO!KMrs. lo Ille UIMllrsl11\ed 11 101 · NGI•~ Public In tnd tor selcl Sflte, It's an Old Forester kind of season. • 86 proof. At 1160< 100 proof. "Thud• nothing bet«< in the market."" $6, 19' fifth · Occ:aotuandGiftWnp atnoutncost, 'Plvn w 2240 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA Presents JOE HARRIS '$ Football Forecasts Be A Winner With DUNTON FORD SATU•OAV, '40VEM1Et 2', 1Ht l'•OBAILE WINNEtS • SCOltlS l'•OIAtLE LOSEJt5 I. SCOlllliS ARMY ......................... 17 NA\IY .......................... IC •"RtZONA STATE , .............. tJ ARIZON A · .. ··· " ...... · ~~ AU9URN ........................ 11 ... LAllAMA .................... · G81ll'lcP ........... ,, ...... 'll .._rkan .. 1 A.M.&,N ................. H Fklrldl A &. M ............. ···• 21 •l 6mtll ........................ 70 GEORGIA .... : ....... 71 +GEORGIA TECH ............... l• •HOUSTON .. ... .. ?I FLORIDA $TATE ... .. ....... 14 •Lot. ""''I~ Sl1!e ,., , 1S San F1rnandG $Ille .............. , lS t Ml"MI (FLA.) " .. ll FLOFllOA " ...... .. ....... .J.C "NEW MEXICO ST-.TE .. 11 COLOFl ... OD STATE U. ···· 1' OKLAHOM.._. ,., 11 .:.OKL ... HOM" STATE · U 70 ?Hawell .. , .. , IJ ~E~~ STAT E ... .. ...... '' •NORTH CAROLINA ~TATE u «RICE .... 11 BAYLOR .. · 1 ~Stn Dle.:iii sti lt 1-1 Lont Deac~ s111e ........... ,, .. u SlmpSOt'> ., U SI. John'5 (Mlnn.1 ll •SVR ... CUSE' .. ::... "lS IOSTON COLLEGE u "TENNESSEE ...... .. J~ VANDERBILT .................... lf lrlnlht (Tt~asl ,, ................ lf •Me~ICG .. t •U TEXAS !El P ... soi ......... ,. )!;"VIER !OHIOl '" ............. 11 WE.ST TEXAS 51 ... TE .......... 1!l -<'SO. MISSISSIPPI ........ U 1>Wltlentlerp . . ;1 Wllll&rn Jtwtll · ·. · · · · · · · · · · ' .. suNDAY; Mov1:~·,1111 :11, '"" -111.11.L. 018ALTIMOFIE .. .. ..... 1J ATL ... NTA .. '""' 11 CLEVELANO ,. 14 CCHICAGO ·· .... "' .... , .. ~l •OREEN BAY ·:: ... , 70 NEW YORK OIANTS ..... ... 13 LOS .._NGELES .. ?6 •WASHINGTON ................. 17 o.NEW ORLEANS ,,. ., ........ U PHILADELPHIA •• , ............... 11 •ST LOUIS ... ...... . .. . 71 PITTSBUFIGl"I .. , .... , ....... 1G • .._MEllCA~ FOOTt ... LL LIAO.Ve CINCINNATI '" •• ... ~l ~euFF-.LO .. .... .. ... 2~ MIAMI •• ,, sn~TON . . ........ n OAKLAND •• ,,. .. ..... .• , U •NEW YORK JETS .. •• •••• 24 DUNTON FORD , Str1I .. Al of ·a...·c-., F«O..,SOT- O ... er 400 Ntw •nd Used C1rs ei;id Trucks to Choo11 "Hon1e of .... Carpet s...i •••• Ute4~7076 New C.-546-7070 llttl SJ., Cost1 ..... C1!ltornl1 n.77, ""Of\llUy tppeirH Jl.llW!Tlll'll Gr1• Ind thll tt>e undenJtlllll h,t.t been •P; whldl ls !111 PllOt of butllltSll of the know" lo mt lo be the HrlM wllosl Pol"lrcl lfle below ::!'" u;::t~P•rt,n: \HldlfllltJned 111 ett m1lle•• Pf''°'lnlnt lo "lmf 11 wbscrlbed to 1tle wltfllft I~ tn1e tlld 111w1111iu:w,i:1nt ll'ld ..:rcu,. lfle es11tt o1' Mid dfcHenl, wllll!11 '°"' strument and ackftoWltdie<:I slle executed of fXKUI ~· IC el 11111 .. f lctllloul monlfls •ffer 1111 tlrff P<Jbllo:ttll!I of' lhll !hi •~mt. 11111 Cert Ctlt Ml noflce. (SEAL) N1me. Ot!tcl Nov-bt,.l2J;1t6t, Oeborah P LlMI "nd further, 1"411.1: s•ld L!mllrcl WILL IAM 0. AOAMS, NGllt'I' Putiltc ••rlM•slllP 11 ~ed of the tollowlrit E~ecvtor of !ht wm MY CDmmtuklrl Expires ffrtOflS Ind entlllet._ ~· fllmllS Ind ... flle ~"""· .. ...,. .... ~'"Cedenl M•• ' lt13 relldeti<es tre •• tollo'&'I: ,.ANKLIM ANO fltANKLIN MllNLY &-10DINS 0-r•I Ptrlntl'! • ,_.._l'ftt\'I tt Ltw '-"-'""I ,.t LIW UNITY REAL es TAT e CO~· "' I. 1•11111. ,11 CIYlc Ctlllw Drl" Wetl l'O•ATION, I C1llfGrnl1 corl'Of"tlli:in, t:e•ll ,.._, r.~"""'1111 ~· Allll CllM nm 1611 w .. 1c11tt DrlYI, NewPOl'I INr;h, l ei: '"'I ,..nll .... , M1nW If. ff ....... Ct!!lornlt . Al,.,.Mn fer •x111:"'" T-lfRoll Llrn!IH Parln:r•:,11 holJte V\rtlnll Publlslled Or1nqt Coest Dally Piiot, Putitl,hed Ortn1e COii! Dtlif PU&t. A.e~~l,;i-:'. ~:int T~n!i with ,'.:","'"tie' 11 tnd Oecember S. n, lt, NGvember 71 Ind Oecefllber s. 1?, ''· •11"1 Gt Survlvof'1111p. 77t Rk1911lft "' 11f1M lfft nao..t LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL N<mCE Cf!fe, MonrGvl•, C111fof'r1l1 91D161 OIYlcl w. llull«k, 5050 A11bum Drive, Sin 0 1"'°. C•llfornle nHll: J<lhn G. llulttn• l------,,--,,.,,------11--------------1. Rose s. l ul!en1, 1:10$ e11t Lt Palm• 111 11n •All: rt7' ... Ytnut, -AnlhtllTh Cal!lornl1• t210l; NOTICI! TO C•IDITOIS NOTtCe TO C•IDITOl:S M•ri s. Oertmer, •11 Oel lllY StrHt. IUPl!!•tO• COU•T Ofl TMI SUPetlOI COUIT OF TMll!' Sin Mtf!e, C1lllotllll 9"'113: James T. STIT!f Of' t'll.1,0IHIA ir<>Jt STATE Ofl CALll'OllNIA l'Olt Gelvin, 380I Roderldl; Jtoff, Los TMI: COUNTY 01' OflAHGe TMe COUNTY 01' OU.Mel • ,t.noelet. C11ltarnl1 fOOUI LNll Gel· Ne. A tl:m Ne. -"""" ~. t\01 Al1nd1 PIKt, &lwrl'!' Hllll, Etllle of ANGELA 0. OYH ... RlAIAL, E!lltll o1 ELSIE S. HASTJtl!:ITEll:, Celttemll W.110· Miidrid Gllgood, 1110 0.C:ff$td. DeceeHd. Cenl!lrf "'"' • E11t No. 1Mt, Lot. NOTICE IS HEFl!&Y OIVEN le lhe NOTICE IS HEREIV GIV£M t9 Ille .t..nltlfs. Cill!Grnl• !JOCM,71 Cf\lrltl crtdltors of the tbiwe fllmlld dKl!llnl cm"'°" of tlle 1bwe 111mM dtcldlnt Grornmcn, 1131 )(lmfnG Avtllllt. l-'"-' •II Persnn1 l'llYlnt d1lm1 1a1lnst llit th•I 111 Pel'IOM l'llvlne CllllM -Inst Ille lffctl, C•llfornlt 90llM; Erne1I S. Hill, ltld decede111 ire '""Ired to Ille lllfm, ~ld o!Kfllt nl I N! rttUlrtd lo Ille lllem. 2111 o, .._nzt llMld, Sl>ICI J.t, Sin with tt\e M«Ulf'' vouclltrs. 111 lhe otl'lce whh lllf nKltUt'I' voudten, 111 1111 office 01-Cilltornll '21091 Johll G. Htvft of llMI Cieri! of !he ebove ftll111t<I court, or of the clfl1r; GI 11\e lboYe tf'llltlrcl OMll'I, er ' &-Me~ .... , v HIUff 760 C•lllPI W•~· ta Pr?le"1 thern with !hf 11ecu~·,., lo ~resent .lhtm, wlJtr Ille ..-.s1rv El C•foll, cauiornl• ~; Cit~ Elllltnl!! vwctltrt. IG Ille U!Wf-r1!Qned tt lilt office vOIKl!ers, ta 111·1 undersigned 11 "'' omc. Im &, Allee Merit Hetrntll 2ns " his •llorntv1 N"G!L. REG ... N &-cl lltr 1t111rnt11: OUl"JN, C1FM11t.t .. Hel er.Ion SI et San 011<10. Cilitomli O"VIDSON. 1110 Nor!ll Mein Sll'f'•I, Sulit ll1rnu, flll Doonr Or., Ste. 701, N~rt Gt Yet re • H .'12ll0 '-ltlerlt!n 510, S1nt1 Al\I, C1lllfi,nl1. Wf'lltl'I ls 1ht lltlth, C1111, which 11 file p1eca· et ''1101 ~·rt~~? \: "':~ltll Ctlllfirllla Pllte DI bur.Ines-of tht u"tdertl~ntll In ~n Wt1n~t of the um!enltnH In •I! mlft.f1, ~~1• .:-F• ~ 0 Jc"" nl """'" Perl~111!nt lo file u !1te of Sllld •trt1!nlrit to the estate of utd IMCrclMI, ~nu ~· sir::." An•hfl;.,, ca1ihirn111 decl'dent, wllllll'I, tour rnonths lfffr tfle wl!hln ""'' montl>s efter the f!t1t 11\lbllc1• 1 Harl" Lvon,' 130 Norlll Ctl~rd fl"-1 Dub•lt1tlon of Ii.ts l'l<'l!ct. tk>n GI tnls notice. I. ,. le c !ltornlt ~· Pated Nove,,.tle!' '1. IHt. O•tecl Novt!'>lwr '1. ltU .._v~"'"'' Lai n<>e s, " ' 01vld 5. Hl9 uer1 Ctt'l'I R. Gt•l'llh'I . RGl:>lrf W. MMl!;en, 720I Gle"vlor~ , E•tcutot GI Ille Wiii Admlnl•lr1trl• of Ille estat. Avftlue. Sen Olep, centornll '211~· of"" 1bovl """'~ ~·tedent of the 1tiov. 11tmecl dl!C9Cler.t EllHll M, MCC:llntlc. 4211 loo l"tl • NAOl!L. ltl!QAN &-DAVIOSON DUIYEA. CAtP1:111n• • IAltNll loulev1rd. Lot. """-., C111llol'll~ It'll Nll'tlt Mti11 St. tr l!fHlf J, fflllt Jr. flm7l wesltll LH MCCotlllulll I. °"" llollte Slt WI o-Dr. Sto. 2f1 ll:ulh MCCGl!Got"· Ufl ..,._ ~. ~11111 ..... C•tl""•ll 'll•WPl'f1 a.M~, C111f. lrnH•ltl lle•o;ll. C1!""""1 "'311 Wl'l'llt T11t Int) 147'*" T .. : Cn 41 ..,..,,.. Cl. ~ulldson, 1111 Netftl llllcllll A......., fW e11111::11Jtr A""""1' ,_ Afml,.llltllrl• 5Jretl, Or11'19e. c..,..,"""'.!!._1';!"'1 ,::1 """'9htd <Wente CG11I 01JIY Piiot, flubllsl!td Onnte. COl!t Otll... Pllet, Jol'ln Plf\1kv, J ...... ,-, , .. ._ rt.' l'l-.mbfir ?I AfMI Otctrnber S, ''.' It, Novemller tt · 1nd December 5, 11, 19. Hll!s~ll. C1llforrlll t• I ""' • tHt 2202-tt ltff ~ Pt•rett. '94' T.,,_ A-• """"""':1 ·----:,-::c;:-c:---:c-:==0--------:c-=cc-c-.,,-,.,,~,,--'--~~' c,~~n~=' L=·~,!:::! LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE c111faml• •sou1 M•nild o. lllt..,.,._ a..j----------:::::::::::--=-::-;::;:::;:;:-----------loli J. llld\al'fl. ,.,. ""-....... _.. NOTICI 01' MeAfllNCJ Cfllllt VIili, ~l-11 t"tlt t KlllM'I> NOTICE 15 HE~EIY GIVEN tti.t the IOlrd of SuPlfY!Wrt ef tht CG..,,,,., llf G tatllvtl' 1•,61 l!'ft••m.1(1• ........ ~I ••. i'l<'•11t1. 51111 Of C1lllor'llll, llK 111 tesG1utlon dlled ltl• 1:111'1 di., If Ntv""""· c:i1!for0!1• f,,...1 , '/'I'd J, fdWlr & Mtld111Ht, dtcl9red It' lnlentlon Ill 1nr1111 thl . (1H11IDllDllf unlnc:trpor1lld ''""'"' i~•n Srllul" J'" "tfO Ori""' L• M-.,, •crlllrcl btKlw Ill or-. C111""' Strffl ltollllnt Meln~""nc:• Olltrltt '"'·•It C1lltor11le t1r I; n.-. J. $tllltll. ,.,! Incl 1191 fl':tld Wecl~tid••· Ille !Mii GIY " Otcetrlbtr, '"'· II "" ._ ., •:• Ji1ir. Ceurt. PalG A1111o C1,._....,1, 1.,..1, 6'<1Kk A.M. of seld Cltf et 1111' CNmbers tf Ille 9111'11 of SupetVltori of th• Vlfldlffe Vin Otm1tll. 1'10 O·h~ Cr.untY GI O'•l>l!• at !tit OrP"" County' Adm!nlllntfOl'I 9ufldlfl9, SU Norttl ll't•· """'"'· L..,,. e .. rto. C•"fofill• ..,,_,n, ..,.,,. StrMI. ln !ht Cliy' of S1nt1 Afll, Callfomi., ts Ille time Ind ,iec1 tor "" C\•rlll S Var"ut'n I. A"llll $. V~rll\IM. llNrlnf IPIHI 11\e ~!1011 of P lcl '"nexatlOll tnd Ill obltctto111 IM...,_, If \fl'flklt 1•0 l u;nll Slf .... L1mt11, l'.•tlfnrfll• llmt •lld Pl"Cf Ill lnltrnlld Pt•$1!1S Ml'f IDPflr lllf bt """"· 907111 N"""''" v. Wl!d!1lor, 111 N~ At Ill)' tlfT\'I prior It tht 111111 fl~ed tor httrlng, '"Y lnt.,n1" ,..._ lllfY l)<il'l~nY Orlve. Los Antt~. C.1"""111 fill wllfl lfll Cieri( ti "'-I Olrd of SUotl'Y1lOt$ Df ffll CPullt,, If CW.n" -1111n tllllMt Lei~ "'· W!lSl!\P'I, toe! Alr!1nt oble<:tlont i.. Ille PrvpOttcl 1M1UllOll, Whld'I Otl!«llon• wm bt contlder9tl tly 1111 Ave<'\le. Los ""~u; C•llfornl1 _,5; IMnt of Superv!1Grs 11 tllt llmt Ind piece liked for llHrln•. The llwnMrl .. of J"'~"" D. WGl'ttr ;. Ha1el M. \!/Gitt• ........... !Orf propO~ed to bt ·-xed 1r• II toUGWS, to Wit: Joi"' l1111nll Wilt! !tight a I U11l.,.rtlty" ,. .... A-kllllo! Nt, l su...,lvorsMtr. 1ft!f!t """"'' "vtnllt. Til•I poMlon of 81oc::!\1 5t end 40 61 l...,lnt'f 5utldlvl$lon ln m1 CO!lntt of nr~~•• Ctl!l•mi• ""1 Orlllfl, Sii .. ol C-tllfllrnl1, 11 W ntlP !ll'COf'Oed Ill look 1, Pitt U ef Ml1etl· 0"TEci Ill••...,<'•" et,.,.,...,..., 1.... llllllClllS •ac:otd M-In "'' afl!~ of Ille CounlY tecord1r of 111d C011nty, d•crlbd UNITCO Fl"ll ESTATE ti follG""' C011tPn RATION. !it0ln"I"" ., ~ $0.Ulh-l•'IY t.r,.,klus .. 111•1 Ct"•ln CIUrtt <lflcrllled •• ~ C~lll•rnll "'"'°'•110'! Norllt Jtr 41' '1" l!•sl 1.af.fl fie! In Ille No.rft'lwel .. •11 bollndlry ., AMullllll\ "" Wlll1>'fll "· McOGnelt. to Ore11111e COi.in"' Slfffl lll'titlnt Mllnltn1nce Ot.trrct No. TG. U11lvW•!'IY P1r!( "'"'dMt "-lllllol'I Mel. I, P4!r ttSGlutlon 11$. ff.10'5 ol "'' Or1no1 County ... NI er llv Joseoh Cl'llr,.,, kiptrvtwn. uhll pclnt being °" ttte u11t.rllne of Culver <Wlw, 120,00 lllt w1t11, Secrtl1rv •• descr!IMI In tM dffd fo 11\e Covnt1 of CW1r19e rtc'Ordtd 111 IOOk "'5, "'" tJf STAT!= 01" C.l t ll't:lltNIA I of Oll'ldll tturdl: 1Mnc1 N6rlt'I 40" 11• IS., Elf! 717.• lttt 11tnt 11111CWl'll111d COUMTY OF OllANG'Z l H Slid «11t.r1in.1 tllell(I lllVll'!fl "" boulld•'Y of .. Id AllMXlflon, NOf'lll .... Ir 45" Oft Tl!ll trh ~•Y ttf Octt>lier, It ... bt10r1 W•I 10).00 I ... ; thellCt Ntrr'th e • 41' U" Eht lf.711 lttt la 1111 btllllll'llflt !If 1 "''' "" undt,.ltlltcl •• Noterv l'ublk '" """' COMl\09 Wt1ttr1Y. 111111"' • t •• 1111 of 147.00 flt!: ltlt11e• NorhM .. ltrlY. Md W !ll'lfl f':eurilY 11'111 Stet., IHrt-1!1 Nerthtt'IV lfll Nwlllw9tltrly 30.4.01 Ml lklnt Slld C-th""'lfl • Ctf'llr1I MOto ,_,,., w11n1m "-Mco-n, ,,..., te of W W S1"'1 111..u NIN'ltl ,,. 1r 1:1" W.t m.a lttt to ttlt bltlnlllnt ., 1 lpmiOiiOiiOii0imiOiiiiii0ii0iiOiiOiiOimmmmmiOimmmmmmm.] '"e to tie t~t Prttlder.I, ~'tel Joseph Clllr• c-conc1v1 51i!.1"'-lw1.,, fllvlnt • l'fldlllt o1 '50.00 ""'I thtn« HOrtll-1tr1, II ,..., l1111wn i,. ,.,, "' be' IM Stuff•n" of m.n IHI •llrot Mlill tvnt lllrouoil 1 <*'ltt'll 1119le of i:r ,,. n-•: 111enc1 Sl\.rlll ll'H! o;orPerllloll "'" IXtcuted "" wllllln •• fl' 11" Wtst '"'·· "" to • ~Int "' • l!OnollnolfM C\ll'YI COllCIYI NWll'I· llltfrwl'Mnl. end 11-lo "" 111 bt Ille H1i.r1y, llnlnt 1 nilllut of ... OI fttl, • radl11 19 11ld llll'lnt lloNl'I SIU1'I! o• H"1(ll\$ Wt1o ekl(Uftof 1111 \Jolltllll I~ V' , .. , W•lt1 ltll!lce SGulflll1""" llSM fMt lll!lf Nici (II...._ lhl'OIJlll'I I Cl!lll'tl '""""""' 611 btflRlt of tfll CO'M"lllon lntlt ef t' fr J1""J theMI Sllltll ~· W 1J'' E11I f27.Gl ffftl flltnc1 Soult! .. liltf'llll -ed. 1acl KltfttwtMwfd to !!'It 1•' JI" West M.11 lttl IO the Northwft1'1'1Y tine of 111d C11!\ltl' Ortllei thtllC• m11 tuch COl'llG••lkln ••tcVfPd ,,,. .. -. loutll 5'' #" J$" E111 fll.00 '"' to • Jllllll Oii I Mnlll'!Qllll tur'\lt In Nld anftol'---111 to lh flY.\.IWI tlT I l'HlllllllGll rll 111111 ef Cullllr Ori.,., Mid evr\11 lllillnf ClftUvt 'Sovlht•lltl'ly, l'lllllnf I rlfl\ll Of e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPER.S Quelity Printi119 ind 01pend1ble Servic.1 for more fh•n 1 quarter of • c;antvry. PILOT PR IN TING II\ IN!!NI ef Olr,t:tol"I. 'JOOO.OI fttf, I T'ldlfll i. Nlf •IM .,..,. '"""' .5'" »' J$" West, Nld #11111 •lit WITHl=SS mv ll1nd 11111 offld•t 11etl. belnt on W-. N~twlV "°"""""' II Mlif ......,...111etu """'« No!'thttttwly 151 .. C1ro1Y11 J, ""'""llltf' fWt llMO Slid c""" lfll ...... Mlf '"""-lll'IJ """"""Y 11!""911 I Clll!ttl NGIW\I P11btlc II •lld tor ... It 11 1" U' SO" to tM jt6llll ti lllitlMlllf• 1•111 (1>1!fln-~"" Sit.. C1111 .. lllllll fill 1r11 er 21 Km, rnor. ., ltU. lMltOSI a MAU.T DATl!01 ffowmlllr It. Ifft .... , 0... V •• .,..,._ llY OltDEFI OF THE IOAtO Of IUPl!JtVIJQIS OF OJtANOE COUNT'l"a 1~1 II \,.-tALIFOtNIA. ltft ~ II "" It•~ W, I , ST JONff l\04to .. ISl!'~L) OOvnty Cltl'\ Ind e••n1ci. Cllrt I.flt A......., <•*· _, If w-. IP1rt11 of s""...,lwt ., T.ftlfl Of•llfl: C-ty, Cllllornll I ~utlllillM O•t11te Cf11t D•ltf fl!Jot, l y J-A!Utndtr 2211 wm IAUOA 11.Yt .. NIWf'OIT llACH -f4fo4Jl1 INowmller ,. •1'111 Ot0trnbtr s. ,,, "· °"""" - I"' Jll041 l'vllll•l'llid Orange tout Oen., Piiot No~mbl, 11 •rid ''' 1'6' 21,U. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-''-·~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~---~~~~==:1~;:;:::..::.:::::::..::::::...::;::.c.:cc....c..:.....c~~---~~~ r I • ' I ' • • . ,. • • .. , -- ' . • " .. ---·-·-·--·--· ' Coto de Caza this weekend A rrtw kind of club in the outdoors'! Simple, really. A place where you and yours can get out and · enjoy the outdoors. Play and relax in the countiy. Conveniently and oficn ••••• like this Holiday week-end. A get away place from the urban·suburban crunch. Without the traumas of week-end pa~king. reservations, hurry, hurry beat-the-rush, crowded re sorts, Sunday return traffic. Troubles . Where is it? Jn Trabuco Canyon, Orange County. 5000 acres of unspoiled · native Southern California .countryside. A six mile valley, ·rolling hills, oak studded meadows, a winding creek lined with What do the kid! and teens do? sycamores. Secluded, yet nearby. Less than an hour from any Have fun outdoors. Learn horses and horsemanship, ride, place in Orange County, 100 minutes from the San Gabriel Valley, · show ,'train, jump. Learn hunting, how to handle a gun,hUJ1tillg 2 hours from Westwood. etiquette, dog handling, falconry. Take natural history Mrat are we selling? ·No hou ses. No land. No investments. hikes. Go on hayrides. Run, climb, fish in a pond, play outdoors, find a.toad. It could give them some new interests. \Ve're offering memberships in a club to enjoy the outdoors. Expen sive? If you have a comfortable income, No. This is a private ·dub, open to members an4 guests only. It costs $1,500 for a family to join (company memberships are more). Monthly dues are $25.00 . Some activities are free. Some have a fee: •• ,renting ho rses, trap sh ooting for example. These can add up- depending on your use. _ Take your family on .a three montil vacation ' . Why joi1111ow? Tw~ rea sons. Membership costs will go up. Memberships will be limited in number and right now, there are no monthly dues until next March. Jlllla t :, here ? The whole outdoors . Paths for hiking. Oak groves for picnicking. Ponds for fi sh.ing, trails fo r horses. Fields of barley and good ground cover for wild fowl -pheasant, quail, chukar, morning dove, mallard ducks'. Pon ds , trap and skeet, quail walk, duck tower. Everything for horses -barns, paddocks, training and breaking arenas, hot walkers, boarding stables, renting stables, veterinary and grooms' quarters, all new and handsome. Firesid e loungeo and outdoor cafes in the equestrian area and at the hunt lodge out in the field. Kennels for boarding and training dogs. The big clubhouse is being built. Spas and swimming, sq uash and tennis, gyms and saunas. Keeping fit. JWio s here? Great people like Robin Moore , expert trap and skeet shooter, That's what you can do . Even if you never take any vacation, the weekends in the year add up to 104 Saturdays and Sundays, more than three months. Once ypu're here, it feels like the kind of vacation it t.akes weeks to plan -hunting, riding, picnicking, exploring. Anytime you come everything is .ready and waiting ; you don't have to bring a thing. Members drop in for an afternoon of cou ntry. It's that easy • Why 110 pictures in this ad? It's hard to believe adve'rt ising. Pict u·res sho w a rolling meadow and you come and see one lonely greenbelt. You're conditi.oned to disbel ieve pictures. That's why you have to vi sit. Then it's rea l. · Like the idea? . Then visit us this week-end . We'll.show you Colo De Caza on a ranch wagqn tour with a club· · ranger. You can dr ive out without an appointment a!ld take your chances ..• but we suggest you call first anil !lll\ke a date .. And don't worry abou t pressures , ob ligation s. The only salesman w_i U be you . Telephone ( 714) 586·0761 horseman, swimming champion; Bob Sanchez, one of the nation's ~ top ten fie ld and compe tition guns; Mack and Pamela Linn, nationally known English and Western horse trainers; Ray "" · ~ Cotodecaza Trabuco Canyon, Caltfomia 92671 ff.. Macco Corporation Recreation Division .. Hu0bbard, dog trainer of fie ld trial champions. These sportsmen are here, resident professionals, experienced with the learner or the expert. ---------- • . . ' ·, . I ... --.----•• J4 DAILY PILOT Vear MORef1'• Worth That Tm·key Feast ..,__,,.,,_,,_ ... ._. ______________ .....,,_I OVER THE COUNTER W B f 1969 NASO Ll1ting1 for Wednesday, November 26, 1969 as Uy 0 . .,.._lati'n ..,.,,_ .... _.,ttMll ti .,..,_ ..... ..., f A.M. ,,_ MAID. ,,. Ille .., llicW. melt ~ Mtl'tll!lf. _111 .... .,. u""'91U-. By SYLVIA PORTER You have just finished en-. Joying your biggest bargain or 196&-Tbanksgiving Dinner. Turkey prices are only a fraction above la.st year's levels -in the face of the fact that tbe official rise in the prices ol meats, poultry and fish combined is a hefty IZ percent -and presumably you ate turkey. The dish of cranberry sauce you served wltb tt cost less than 15 cents on average and the fresh 5Weet potatoes or yams, only 3 cents to 5 cents per serving. AMONG the most powerful single forces helping to hold down our oven.II meat costs has, tn fact. been the automa- Uon ol Ille poultry industry. Today, nine out of 10 chickens and well over one-third of the turkeys we eat are raised on huge automated farms many of which count up to 30,IXKl- 50,000 birds each. Admittedly. prices f o r turkeys in some supermarkets are up 5 to 10 cents per pound over 1968, reflecting t h e policies of turkey producers to restri<t production in order to force a higher return to tur- key farmers. But, as in the past, many supermarkets offer turkeys as loss leaders during th is season In order to puU us into the stores for the purchase of other traditional food s, Giant tom turkeys are available, if you shop for them, for as little as Uttle as 39-43 cents a pound. Smaller birds are available for as little as 39-43 cents a pount. 1bese are bargains i n anybody's book. IT IS this price appeal which is primarily responsible for the steady rise in our na- tional coosumption of poultry. Although annual turkey pr1>- duction is remaining fairly constant at around 1 O 6 . 4 miillon pounds, o u r con- sumption this year is up a run IO percent or even more. Revealing the extent to which millions of us are turning from beef at all-time high prices to less expensive poultry is lhe fact that over the past decade, our per capita poultry con- SW!lptlon bas -39 peT• cent while OOfl. per capita con-- sumpticn ci nu.t bu risen only 13 percent and ol fish, a mere 4 percent. Right now, your average consumption o( chicken is up to 37 pounds a year agllinst 27.S pounds a decade 11go. Dur- ing the ,same period, your con· -"fl: ~<i:.,~,J't!!l ~io;,·"' 'I 11 ~ e,',",, ",. "••"• ,'~••'"",,, 1"" u11> ,..,.,,. ,1~ 21 ~:l!"~"M Wis asked -r. I corr Vi Jl'I tGrrrJ.:i ~~ ft1' l~-l"Rw'" It If= ~tr l~CI JI H w.11~·. G SUmption of turkey bu risen ~Ne1?::111•~m"? ..,f~Pl"lnc 1'111 11\.'t A Mill I tl'I 0 Iii 111 ~,1r J~ 11~ v:nJ0s. 11~ a ::ir' N: from I pounds to a pounds. &':1tn ot .~.UI' ~~ "~ Gr, lfJ: 1~ A MtdLcD ~ ~ :. v'• r Dl't !f" ~1:··:oe1 ii;~ ~ ~!I In ~~~ Turkey is now a com-Nit Klu•• 1r1n1~ 'ii: Vit. ,Z" 37V. :'11 Pc!:, 1 SYt 1nl .,. DI 1s itl'I Wtdsw P l\'i 13 w 11a w11 nsenl•llv! lntw• I' •~D I~"•• AST G-Pi t I" 10. ll't 9!fo W Rt1de tl4 "41 w1nb1<1 monpl.'. Y .. r·toond rl•'nner dMitr or CM 11 ot A r "°"=' ,t..rn Ttlv 1 \to j• 111t111 lll't """ W•r5hw 111o • w n11w T · • ._lme!flV ) rbrn H J tt l}"' Anhlvs e 7 ~ ~ Oll't 211 22 w11111 NG ll'i 111'1 WIK PL and packages of turkey para =v11'!... WNe11 = ~l='t 1 1 _ """'n c ,,,,. llJY.• : .. ,.1u111 2t.,• ~1~ ;:rT~E ~1: 11r" :~?~h'i ~ are now a familiar sight at the 11.1 ... ,,_n DUI'· Aiko 1111 16\'i 11,,., ~~111 " i"" 'I ,;;:_ ~ 11.., 1 ""w1tt111 R• 11~ '" vrc1n ... e supermarket meat counter As ~ ~~'°ln1:. "ll:iUt: ttt :~ !~=~-~ um L" J~1WJ1 7'.lo 1 al • Mtltr nvf'Utt Al tf'I Jiiii • Arlt MOP U 111111 ""''I . n n,,, a gener ruJe, Whole turkey ClltllQll rtlrOUQI!• Ai Eo ! t i'> A H n S l'f't c11 ·-'"" or whole cttlcken costs al least t' ~ i~l: "=...:Geo 11tt 'hr. i~~eot i1~ ~= :l:ti !I I! Ji." several cents less per pound ~llOwl'I :-rcc:;;,.~i"IE11t'.!'1. 1t" 1J.,., ~:~1 'itt 1ft'.: "!:"Gr• 4v. ·~ MUTUAL than boned turkey, rolled ::~""' 1:t' ,v. ::r'r 1;1"1 1~'" turkey roast, stuffed turkey, i:t:~ain1 2'~ ~ :II:~ ll~ ,,: cut-up chicken or chicken e1n1s1r c ,,,.. '" 11111 e 1,111 uy. FUNDS N E • 81rJ11cil 10'4 111'1 ,._. Fib n 151'1 parts. fli3 8 general rule, 0 < asmg l!Al ln P ... I~ VI CUI 2J.,., 25 81umrl •1 4 t'tlt PC f'llo ''" larger turkeys cost Jess per e .... ~ 1~ 12'1: I"" 1n1 111'1 12...,1 ... ., • .., ... ,.. • .,.,..11 pound than smaller turkey3, bT-ii. ~.~ it"' ~":1 ~· L•~ 1lt!I'"' BUT No MA1TE Of Inflati. on 8•'~ ~"t ~ ~ ~f.Jr al ,,.,., 2~~ Ntw. ,. Inv lfl(llC U!\111111 R what 8itl Lit! lSV. 3'111 c ~I 2141 JI,:; NEW VOii!( (AP) n111• Bot l:Z.H IJ.21 Yardstick you use, ~·llty I IL"'"'~-~ '"' .... nc. n 21V. 21 -The IOll-llMI avo-"""!IOt'I GrC11J9: ,...,,,. Nt :..,., 36 3' 1.11...s. n ,~ J.,.. r111on1. Will>llecl br. 10 nc11 s.1s s~ emerges as a to~ .. b food e1r1w 1 ,._ L•nt wc1 l•"'-U'" riw H111Dn1I AIMCt· Mu1 ""' 10.1 r-I s • ht y t 81adl HI 32 :D"i L1•son ~ 6\'t lllDn GI Seowrlllff Proa 4.M 5 bargain. Poultry prices are n 1g e -.. ,._F;_J J\li Polo Lllll CMI •Mi S\':i Oe1te-ra, Inc;., ire Stock 1' t0 21.09' aa1i ...., l•l'J 15\lo LllWI' G jf\'I JI 1111 Df'Lce1 1t Wlll,11 Selfct '·" '·" actually a .n .. ,.n;.,,. 25 percent BoD!tw c tt :i. tw •o !" j 1 1111" MCUrhlff var PY !·u 1.12 bel .,_. ~ llos Cao 11~ llllo 1wl1 r 1 11tlo '°"Id !law l>Mn '"" Rnll .02 5.~ OW the levels of 20 years WASHINGTON (AP) _ Tite er Ml_ svG• •n-11 •214 uu~ El f"A ,,.., sold !blclJ Of' taxll!t 111e1 22.u n .ll ago. ..... n''"" 71lt,\• ..... ,~,.. •"11 1 Ca'lk~I Wtdludw, 1v1s1 IS.JI U.llO 8rk1 $<;11 l'J 5\0 •l'J Bid •ilk 11¥ t.H l .H Commerce Depart m e~, t erwrr Ar 11v. ,, LDO Etrn Jtl'I 2J Atoetcm 2.w '"' J H-.k '·'" 9.2l If you're bargain-hunting Brush a.. u1~ 1S11o Yncll ~ 3'I 151'1 A<11111~ 1 . .-l 1.1. Jal'l"itn n .si 22J& Wednesday reviewed eight 81,11:kev 10"" HI'! •cl G 1 n~ 1~ Afl1!111c1 7AJ IN Kej'11ane Fu11<11: and if your famJJy prerers ev•nuo I u~ ""' •qk ,. 1n~ 11 Alvtr• 10.3110::11 us e1 11 ti 1t.7• hi ·--sel! or figures that generally 8v1ries IAll 1nt •1 Riv I"' t'li llAm JI! ·'° .ti UI 82 lt.1021 ... certain c · cai:u parb over ~ L••s th '"" M•llkrt • ta\'i A101111 Fc1 u.04 n." u1 •B t.10 10.e. otl fl f t h t lh w Sv 2S~ 15'1! Milmt Al l~ l~ mctD •.111 • ., UI Kl 7.lt t.53 ~. you can 1nd the parts orecas w a e economy mt.o 201'1 n\.'I Mtnin M &"' r" m eus ~.tt fA ..,. Kt s.-'f 6.oo available at prices at least will do and concluded they ~~ ~~ ~t 'T~r lol;kv.~W.o:Jr 110.~1 .. M ~: i~ lt:~ll:~J equal to those on whole or cu• d , . t . k d ~" ,•.~,. ,•, •• "',"', o "°"" o Grt 11 '·°' •.5' i;u1 ~, 1.11 1.-" .,... on t po1nl o any qu1c an .sow 1~. .~ ... ~ H ?'"" r, A~H1n~1,. !::i 'i:ll ;s:,r 4 ]·~ !1l Up ch.iCkens. SUbstanlia} easing or inflation. :,,,il,", ,._ 5\lo MIHl!rn :».,., J7V. l\m PK 7.U .22 l(nlcktl 1.07 1,15 1be ~-k is· to ~-·· •--(0 51'1 Slolo ~lpar ~ :w. nehor Gr0<.11" ICnlck GI 11,9613.10 WI!,; AUUW uvw ~ G 2'l }J\'I Mich Gen .... ~ C•Dll t" 10.16 Ux Grlll •.n 10.611 spot the bargain _ 80 here's a "These indicators do not f:'J° N~ n Yt 1111 Y.Jold ca "'" 11~ crw111 n.01 14.:U L•• tnv•' t.ai 10.ss d Ctn!U (11'Jo •2\\ Y.ld!IK IV. 1 lncme t .H t.Sl LIX Rl.Cl'I U.6911.lS new chart from' the point to asigniUcant owntur:ic,n VPS 1111iu11o 1c1wGt '° 21 Fc11"" 9.9410."Llbertv 1.:JO'·" A ·-·~·-~AA 5'!0 6\lo alt G11 ll\lo n !1 l .7t 1,•1 L1 .. Slk 5.51 6.f1 grto.:wLU1"1: Dept. sho w Ing in economic activity in the o '"' _.., 1u VIG 11\l 11¥1 slfon 1.11 1.13 u .. Inv J.~ 1.26 · • Lea 11'4 I• Ma RKti J"i l\.lo • HOl.IOl!lon: Lina 5 •l •.IS pnce eqwvalents for whole near future," Asst. Secretary 10,.., 1,.. ,,. •. -.1", '"' 1011o Fund A .... 1.o.1 t""""i' s1v1 • ., fryers Vs. chic•en breasts and "' .,., .. ~ 20o,c, 2111o Fund B 1.11 1.12 C11n1c1 •1.01 •1.01 • I C H Id p U!lt 1 U Pk 1'1'1 ljlll Slack j·:M l .tl C11>lt 11,'1 11.11 I and nd j . o ommerce aro asser Chi er&I .. " 00,1 p •'4 sc1 ca 1111 s.s1 Mur u.1• 1•.14 eg-·Seco 01nts: Cllt l I 5 " 101 • s 1'1'11 ""' lltlsol'o .... I.ti Mtnhln 1.JS f.1! n.. trick 11 to k,_ llaw '9 SPOI Said. Chrl:t pl M lO'I Maltfl M 1Vo 111-Bero Kn! f,tl f.tl MtH F<I 11.0J 11.0J '1111 IM!'fNlln -911 ho•·'• , -••·• I f Citadel I t lh AADI Clutl 1'\!; IS'l'l '11111' F<I 17,DI ll.17 Miu G!h 12.S. r•.tll .,. .... "' ·-.. ~.... His departmenl's ndex o c1111 u" ,, .... 26"-M"'I'' 11\'i ni,~ eond1lk e.11 1.11 M1n Tr 15.51117.01 om 1'"" As~kul!Ure Oepl. lllowln9 Cl!I U B 261'1 26\\ MUI I E1 •I~ •lh !losloii SI 1.11 l.•1 M1!t1 6.22 6,72 Price eciul~ale<lh tar wholt '°''" ¥1, leading indicators for October c101~ Ml 2'V. 151.> NCC L•• 1;1 ti. !los• Fon l!.•S 12.7• Matt.en 11 u n.u clllcktf\ nas11 ""° '"""nd-lfCanCI c 1v1on 2'1.0 j"" Narr•a c 1J 2• 'JD:lto!I 1.24 l.01 cOon I.ts t.ti 1o11111: declined slightly from Sen. cl',Ol.!!"o' 111'1 1 11o NII ernd • 41'1 Broad s1 14.6S 1 ,,. ldA Mu 6.16 1.:w C9' tf "'"-lllvtv. _, ..... _.... t' c "~· l"i ' NllCH A 17 12\:o !lullock I• •s 16.05 OCXIV CD U.S. lS.91 Cftl ., "''''· -....... _., (ember IO J<• 4 from 153 611ow Cli 21 U NCma CD 3 l\'t ~G F(I t.:M 10.10 Y.oaclv'1 __ !3,111'.CM ~ -.u.. · altm E '~ 71/1 NII Eout .SO Sl C1ntdn 11.&I 20.'l!I Morlan F"""" F.....,.. fw Jl.8lt 1tr.... aUh'll F 2• 25\'J N F<I Pd ~ 31" CllCHO.,,.. 1,31 9.10 G....,111 9.9110.9• """*"" ..,...., _..,..1,. percent of the 1963 figures. colafl sir 24 25 Nat c&o 1•'4 1s cao u rn ... •.12 •.n IFICGlll 1.t1 •.H no cen11 •1 «rits v ,_,, --drop followed an ,·ncrease c'~c'•• Jt " N11 Lib 41'!0 •211> c1an s"' 1.19 '·" n1u• 1,t• tJIS .., "" .Ille: -•• ~l 4<11,IJ Nlll Med :M"i l$'l4Cen1 Sllr 1l.1'12&S MIF !"cl l.:lt 9,01 "'' Cl!!lb '4 Ctnlt 41 ten11 Com llltt J\41 J"" N•I Pel J • J~ Cl'l:lonn11111 Fund,· . MIF (;th 5 76 6,,~ llCl!nll •7cenh 4f•·•IS • Se I be Cam G11 ll:W.12\'J Hat 11.iR 1'\!o ll 8111n 11.IJ b .t.iMll OrnG 5,17 S.1l 1Sc:llftf1 "c1111s .asc.i1ll 111 pem r. com Tel 721~21 N11 ._ 6 111t Cam sr 1.16 1.'6Mu Omln t .n 10.11 31 Clttlll » ttnh ., Qrnll Al lh s a m • Li e lh Cam Htl" 1•1'1 1SV. NII U~r 7'olo lllo G•wtll ' 3' "" Mui Shrs 11.40 !tAI " e m • e Cam Psw U 15'.I. NO!al 7'h l \lo lnc;om 1.IS 1je Mvt T~I 2JI J_JI Clflll 5J Clllts 50t""11 C A ( S NEii GE UV. IN .SO.Cl 2.M J.U NEA Mui ID,7111.00 •1 c...ts st°'"'' s:i c"'tt department reported that the c::' em :w •1 NJ N•IG 11" 1911. Ch•st croua: N11 ws.c 10.01 10.-. "3tlftlll 61<.entt S5ctntl CmD Ind 21 23 IClll'I f: 31 lJ'h F"Jl<I 11.1011.7'Nll tnd 11,lJll .1 ~ natiOJ posted a surplus of cmo '"'1 101'1 HV. N1111 A i1 :11 Jl!•nt 101.1'101.1• ,,.,t 1 ..... 11 •.~ t .10 Subsidiaries T1·ansf e1·1·ed Cma Miii 2~ l \lo Nl1l1 B ll 31 Sllrll<I 11.58 12.6" Nit Secur Ser: $156.6 million in its merchan-,c~_T,ec lt 11\1 NA R•i.c Pi 3'"' Soed tJt 10.'ll e111n 10., 11.'6 ~"'~ 9 ti'> NCar NG th 10\li Cl'lemcl 19.1120.t.I §olld SJ! ,,02 di tr d bal · Oc!obe Con Rock JO 31Vr NE;'ur 00 • •'h C01on!a1: ·lvld •.Jl •.11 se a e ance in r, c• S!r•to ,•:! !,, '•'w•,•,','' 15111 l&Vi Eou"' 4.71 s.22 rw111 9.32 10.1t f ·u· 11)1\!rfcl " "' G ~ '~ Fund 10 '211.tt Pf S!k '·'' 1 . ..0 a decline rom the '271 mt 100 °"''"" J'~ '""' NW PuSv 11y. " Grwitt l.!f 1. 1-l·l!I s.t11 Se le be I -L 19\4 20'\I! NIKI Ilse 11 21 Vt"t 6.U 7.11 lock ·" t.03 p m r SUrp US. Can> 5 tJ"" """ lllo l\rt 12Y, ll Col Grth ll,16 lJ.to\ H1I W11t 1.02 1.1.5 P SS Pr.d. led that the c ..... 1ro 25\'t U\l.i 10 we• 11111 ,.,,_, 0<nmt. t.n HI.Ill Mer Grth '·Iii 10.n a er IC cre11 Mh U\~ nv. , San '° ., rams B<I 5.lt s.w IMllwtlo u n 2s.~1 Over all trade balance for 1969 c'°"s eo 4l!IJ '' rmDnl • 111 Cammonwtth Fm: ..... w1c1 1s.u 1•.11 • Cru!dl A IO'A l~ ter TP lr.llo 11\0 C.o F<I 10.07 10.fS NY "'"' "IJ l'Cl,95 will go over $1 billion ''if re-CYl'.M'fl c lil't ~~~ :>X:'Ca NI A 1r,z 1r" 1~ 1 ;~ 1lfi l::r"='1 li:U l~:~ OAKLAND (UPf) -Kaiser cent trade patterns continue." 8:~" C::. 11 1tl4 Pee sr1 11111 121'1 s1ac11 ' oo '·" Ocnaah 1.1111 s ll H al I D•Vll Fcl 17\11 1314 •bit er 4"illo ... ~ 1111 A8 1.43 l.SS O!Ma1 •. ,. •.lo! aw i Kai Development Co. Last year's surp us was $837 o.v Mir 21~ mi. PK Auto •v.r sv. w11t1 CD 1.1t 1.13100 Fo 14.ll U.411 and Kaiser Rancho California million. =-nt '" '~~ 'l~ P~C:'c'i. 3i~ 3: =::e,"1 1i:~ ':::; 8::' 01 \:ms :, ·~ l::;J Inc.' two Wholly 0 W n. d --trade balance surplus 0t1h1 AP '"' ' P•ncDI •I\ •'h .ornD 86 1.11 t.A7 ·N111 u .D 16.7' 11..:: 1 Oelu" Ch 55\ii 56"" Pl<wv Dll l•\!o IS C-Fd t ..... 10.16 nh I.to l . .:J SUb 'd' • of K . to [ th ( Otl CanT 15\lo 11 Ptrkw H 17 170,:, C""'stk S.26 5.75 Pact Fnd 11.5l 12.40 s1 1ar1es a 1 s er once a comers ne o e a· o.i rer 22 2l Pa• Gii R 161" "'"' CDtKO<lr 14.u 14.u Pinn Sa 1.01 1.01 Industries, were transferred temptto produce a balir.1ce of ~ Am 12~ 1 ""Pout.lv P •i• 10\!o co..i::o1 In n 15 12.11 P• M~t 1.14 1.74 • Aco 11111 l:N Pftvtllil l•'h IS\'t DtllV '" 4.n s.11 Phil• B.09 16,,U Monday to Kaiser Aluminum payments surplus, has been we~ E • I !< F'Hrlff T '51'1 :UV. Cant ~II 10.02 10,n Pllarlni f.14 10 ... . . . h · Olem Cr It" 20\'t Pan OIXL S 5'h COtll d 1(,~ K. Pllol 7.19 1.51 & Chemical Corp. dwmd11ng as imports ave Jn· 01w: Ille s:i11 ~ Pa eno1n 4"-.s cn1... 111 1i. u.1 Pint St 10 1~ 10.1• 1be Kat ased b • OlvM lnlf U lli :HI' Pl G&W 21111 27~ C•n W l't '· 7~ Pion E"t 1.02 1.77 ser Industries tr.:>-cte year y year. ~Ill 2t"" 31 Ptf'll'I Pie •;i<, 5 Crn W fr:i!tt Pion Fnd ll.Of' 14,ll .....,,..,... __ .. o•id the e•change P·-•• noted •--ver that J:6 t\lo 111\io Penn AE 10111 1 van M ' P••n ,.,... llJIO )!.ltO AIVUU\.l;I ........ ~ ... ~ ' ~ ' -., ... ·-· ... p-.. I~ ·~ ~I ·-1 ' Pl'Lc• Pllfld1• -· "'..... I ~ Del•wre' .. I 7t u:" Grwm "· 25.H of an• M ·ltlct in the firms imports rose only 9 percent fn le ·~. 2J 3"' w~ll 41 5\IJ Delta Tr l.J1 ··~ " !.. ,:n t.11 for about t.ni,GOD addlUonat the first 10 montm of 1969, ovri.::. D ~:tt 1~ P111'V ~ h:t =,s~ Iii i:" Pr'! P:",., U:~n~ shares ol. the 1aliunimun cor~ compared to 23 percent , last ~!11P~lnt 'ti: ~ :Mc1 2J,. • F:'Jt" Fd 1i':£ l.fi ;= :·g 11'.J poration.had beefl approved by year. ECOll Lab ~ lS Plnkrh! ~f ~ ~t::...~~-~ 13.'2 Pu81ii~'fi' F~~:ll.Jl stockholders. He said ·the Index "has re-~:f's!! ~7'.1 3: ~W C:F. 1m 12fi •e11111" 10.,111,u a 1, . ., u.16 Kaiser Industries now owns maioed virtually flat" since ll .:i~!E1 :~ l~ ~~ ~~ Jtw ,i~ r~ 1/·n 1::~ ,ric':,,, 1~:i: 1ttt . I 338000sh S ( be b t Id (ht'( El NU(: U'' 14 PIHIS NM 251'1 16 Soect 11.13 11,16 Invest 1Mo 1.37 appronmate y 7, , ares ep em r, u no e a 1 El"cav ,. 6\1 PubS NC 11~ 11~ stock i..n 16.09 v1s11 10.471 1.oM of 38.6 perC!!llt· t>f the common "has been flat at a very high ~1"{ms~s i~ ~~ ;~~~ ':~ 1~.,,. ~~~;' a~ l! ~ llGV,,.,.,~h I~! I fl stock Of Kai5ef' Alum~um. level." ~: M~·ul 11J,h 14f,,. ~u.,r~""t: n"" r. ~:~~¥ s, ,t~ I~~~ =~~=~rh 1~.n 1; il I 3i~~~~fi~~~=~:if1:i~~i~:if1:i~~i~~~:ifj~~~i~:i~~~ EIK Caa 32\ltjll'Jo POuD Co 51" 6V.En1Drst 1.3' 9H ~!tm Fd 16' 121 :._~~~~ ~~~~~,..,.., EmDS 011 25•,r;. s'lli Putnm1 lSV. 161'1 Eou•IY 9.63 10 s2 cllu11r unevall ht"'"l'rt~~~ ...,.....~~~~~¥,-j,; EM•G't C ., 52 R.O Dv" 11\'i It E<1u1 Giii 11 4020.16 cudller Fun<11 I n <M\a lie •"" '"" 11111 Tri! 11 12 Eue-17 lf In! Inv IS 9'116 ?6 · -N E...,, • 8 t 10 lllfllb El 31.\0 J7'1.0 F.vertl In j~.14 15.•.I !act 3•.51 3'.5l Eftlwl$1 23 1• Rl'o'Cft CD 21) 211 ExDIOt' (,52 'H.Of II 15.:JO lS.30 FREE EDll COOi 1'11i JU, Rll'm CD 2• 76 l"alrfd 11.:lo 17.U Com $1 lJ.lS 11.lS . Eou!I 011 131'> 14'4 llecoa e .. "' '5 Farm 811 jl.31 II .JI IE Div 10.IO 11.61 E•lil Tee 10'4 lll'Jo Ilea Ml<! 11111 17 Fed Grtll •.111S.5ft Eaull l.19 4.U • • • ~ Eltffln '5 4' 11•1 CrlHI au. Ol !<id Cllll 11.70 12.7' Inv 1 IO 1.$2 F8 (KG ' ~ llllt't Sla Jl n Fld Fund 11.2S 11.IS Selec;_ Am 1~.JO 11.U Fllrlld 71 ~ 7Uo Ro.cl E• 1\1 '111'1 Fld lrncl 1J.f7 '11 JI~ .SO.CS 16,:JI 17,tt F1r<lllD 17 17'11 lllltlln M u " Fl"~ncl•I Proo: Sh °''" 10.IS 10.IS N FedN Ml 17• 111 ll°'4110f! t t l':I Dvnm 6,75 7.tt Side 10.19 11.11 ~: . TURKEY Fil 8osl •• "' ROii (1,1 .. ,, 5\lo lnciu•I •.11 •.Sii lame 11n1111ll Fit(; RE 2~ 2S\I RUI SIGll 10'11 ll''i l"'Dlll 6.3' •.t6 fq Inv u1111v1il F1tM Inv 1S 1W) R111n Ha 21V. 1tYJ Vl!lll •.•1 '·" lam• Tr un11111ll -•;·~ ~ ~~: :.11~ ~tt ~ t'!~1r.f E ~ J11> ~1\F 1J.~11 'k\~ 'l:\\ =~111tn~ 1::l ::l! Fl!ckna It 191/> Sc:holl In ll''t lJ F11 tnSlll t.01 t.11 Swtnv GI 1.10 1.16 Flalll $11 141't 2S\'i Sci Calr l~~ J!/o "'' Mulll t 6' 9 II Saver l~v U.11 U,4S Foacl FP S'4 6 Sc ln<I 4'h S Fst NII 1.1.1 1.15 SiFrm GI \l~OV&ll ::~ 0 CANNED HAM lb ~~;'G~~', ~~~t~~IDD5:"~ ~~ n ~:: ~:i• ·~~l.o'i~;\~l:~~,;~n ~'v~~~~.2S 12 lb. avg. R 5 . Fa!oc~r J ,..., $(:rla!a A ,,,, nlo l'~I Sl••• '5 .. 11-'f.70 Am Incl IL~ 11 .'1,1 Falom 19•~ 19>1! Seor!f DI IS>.:. lll/• Fie! C•a 1.11 .. FM111: 7,41 N n Four Se1 21'1t HI'> S.ls C'"" 151~ 26'r1 "lei F~d 6.tl . kle" 469 5.1• Frnkl Cn 1Vo II.lo $eoou~1 lJ'o UV. I'll G,., 7 'II 7 t< Sl•ln Rot I'd~: N N Frnkln E 21>.,;, 2sv. Savi" ua J9 'II ""<1 Ctll S61 '·" 811 l'tlb,l'Cl,62 Fur......., S'IJ ,,,, She.. NH 4l n "oun<lrs I ?6 '~.· r~a oo u.~ 1S.S6 r.1r lnlc! 1S<.lt lA\4 Slane! CD 11" ''" "ou•..., II,., 136 $lock 1•"' U.M -WITH MIN. PURCHASE OF. $89.00 ... ,., "' "" "" "'1 " '~"""'"" ..... , '"' '"'" '" ..,. N ('; Alrcn S SV. $oNE Tt lt'i• ~ ('...., SI A.1' l.3t ~""lnSt t.9110,tll G KIMI!( l•• ..... s.ov" Gs lSV. '514 ONTC lD.ll 11 .... TMll AD "":n ,.._,, CRI Ell ''· ' Sw l'.;s('.n llY.i " U•U '·" ~ .. TttCllrl 10.7110.M .. °""!el J\• l'lo ~-E15VC U 11 ll!Clllll ,,U '···· Tl!(~nt;I 6 II 1.01 r.itten I••~ uv. SallQrv lQ 10...:; "'rH'IM •.u t 7'I Tec~v,t J"' ·.-.·~ TWINS-f.ULL'5-QUEENS-KINGS N GIM'• """"'" ·~·· ,,.,. ... , ••.. "·""·~'K'~' "''" ~ r.111tell )1U, 1S $Id s.;,... )'l 30'4 'und Am o.•.1 in 1• Termt r.t ''·Ml ,6,H Gle11" w .jf\I, .... ,, Slln HDd 's ,,,., ·•n Sec 11." 11,I' Tow• MR A~ 1 y; t.lob Rub •111 5\l:i S!erla 5•r ll'lo 1' ':lb•allr 1',0C u.or Tr•~ (~a 11• t.•1 ~.·. ~ N r.o1c1 eve uv, 1• S1r1w c• Sil 5' c;,.,..,, ~ec: .. ,,11 F'I 11~~val• r-ooc1 L~ 111'1> 11t\ ~ublc Tv s s•~ "'''0 ~c •.~• '·'' Tudo. 1'6 16 7~ 1~ .... C:rllDh C" H~ '"'Ii Suod&! F ''~ f:i.; Carn SI 1? 47 Ji 30 Twnr GI 4 S1 •.•• r.raall sc :lllvt :i.1~ ~1•t10 Fd 1''1 I F"I A<I •"" t.•n tw~c •nc •.~~ <.1• ;.~n M• 11 111~T1mox 'M 11, '"'•th •no •1.•• ''"''Mu! 1"''1'"" : ~ SIESTA SLEEP SHOP N ~;r::..I' ,:: .~ ;:;::r. .~~ 11" ;~;~: ;:,~;;,:: u;::i, '"":,""" • r.rav-Pr ""' U>~ T1vlor W •"~ ._, H•,.."•o•,. "'"" 1 ~1 •,, • r.!'Wlll In 1T'1 IH0T11111an! 111 21 H CJ (M <.•I ln•arn 1!'"1•'' • • r.111rd Cll ,,.. s T•111 llS l s G•~ •"'I 1n r ~(len • '" • >< • ~ r.ull tnl ''· 1~·~ Thf>•M .. • •'1.. "ft"""' ' ... 1 ""''"" C•n 111 •.'3 ·• Cvradn 10 10'1 Tlf!nv ro ?~ ?!~ ··~•""' • •• t,J' V~I'"' L lno F~: • Hal\Qllr § 2 .•• , ll\ .. TIHnv In 1n•\ 11 HOr•wit 1<f.!! ·~·"' V•I Lin J .. • 11 ~ ... ....., 1" 2>11 ~·~ Tllln Go "''• llllo .. -.r 1 •v 11 .... 1? tv '"'Of"' s"' <"' • 1927 HARBOR BLVD 645-2760 Hltr> Mor 11 1'Vt Trntnl r. II 11.,,Hl!fil>Gar-tU ttl s..1 511 , .. ,.,. · ~ N Htnred F 3< Jo\ Trncnl D ~~ •Vt 4-1' '" 11.<• VnctS 1DI •"' a.•• • 1 Hldoc lnl I'' t Tr~lld I~ ''""' .. e,n"" "'"' ~.1t "1Mt1>t •"' ~ •• · Hlllhvn H1/i l<O~ Trlca PO '.YI ll .. M~nn 1.< "11•.~• V•llDll S <II ~" • -EN D 'ILY 10.9 P.M. s•r. 10·6 SUN. 12·5 , Holm EP "" ~7 Trl&>I• l? , ....... ,,bs..... ~ " J .... V•• lf'o(IP • ·~ .~.31 ·~ vr A A N H~ '.YI..,]! Toralct ,,. :wo11o •~r ,..,,. ''~ s••Vlkl"" 1n< 1•• -,..OSI Enl l''' 11'~ Tv,.on Fd 11'~ U •51 lr>e I u • o• '"' AAoro 1~ IJ 11 ti • ,..all\! i::i, ,,... '" Unit~ II!, 1v, '""'ft'' i:: o •• 1~.n· "11~1151 I~ I!•-• 1•" . COSTA MESA llJ2 BLK N of 19th St -.oxk Ml •'~ •"''" f'loll• ,. '"''""' ... ~ ... ,~ ....... ~Mu,, .. ,, •• • -• • • • "~ oo " "'' "" '""" "'" "" ·-· "'' "' ' .. """"" "'""' • ~ H11<1 G~• t'i'!, I•'-Un ~k"'ll I J>, '"' F"'J '•• •"" '""" t~d 1 n • ;.. : NEXT TO FRIAR FISH ~~~1: Co ;!~,: r.~1 :·.~~:!ti., 1::~ ;;·· :~~e .. ;· ... lld ;~~~;!·!~:~~::.hl~d 1:~:~~: .. Intl r.11• "'lo ,, ·~ Crw• ,,,, 4 • ....,,.,.y •.,. • o• "'I~"'"' o" 1n -. . ';Hf.~ 1"'1 Noxl lt 3? ··~ "•w•I ,, ,, ·~·!!~ C•k ,,. '"''"'•fll'' .. I•< A•~ ~ t,t-.C.~~~~~~~~~"""'~~~ "1' lnl!:l'"K 1 •"· u~ sun•• d·~"' •...., r~• l•.1•1• ... Wl•c Fd J.~ •N • .:1~~~~~~.,.,..,,..,,,.,,~~ 4. 1nlr1rd 6 1•i,uS Tfkl ll'-'l lt'~l""' G"ld •Mi t16Wor!h 1." l.1S Finance Briefs SACRAMENTO !UPI) Plans to build the largest shopping center In t h e Sacrame':Jto area with four major department stores were announced Wednesday by a group headed by Broadway- ffale Stores, Inc. 'fhe center will <.'Over 86 acres and have more than 75 stores. CENTER MORICHES, N.Y. (U PI) -A tiny electronic gadget called the frisker, designed to detect metal ob- jects concealed on the person or hidd en electronic snoop devices r.1 buildings, was an- nounced Wednesday by Radiac Co. It does much of the detec- tive work or expensive X-ray equipmen t at a fraction of the cost, the company says. The frisker has been used by the military for some time and now is being made available commercially. BATON RO UGE, La. !UPI) -Rollins-Purple, Inc., a sub- sidiary of Rollins Internation- al, Inc., will build a plant at Baton Rouge to make air pol- lution control equipment. BUFFALO (UPI) -Pralt & Lambert, Inc., announced it ·has broken ground at Carol Stream, DI., near Chicago for a factory producing chemical specialties aild adhesives for the Midwest market. The new plant will replace a smaller Chicago plant, which wilJ be sold. WASHI NGTON (UPIJ Olin Corp. has been awarded $36.4 million in Army 00.1- tracts for propellants and ammunition. ROCHESTER, N.V. (UPIJ -Eastman Kodak Co. has ob- tained a $12.4 million army order for explosives . DETROIT (UPI) -General Motors Corp. obtained an $8.3 million Army order f or automatic ammunition loaders for the XM-70 tank. NEW YORK (UPf) Boeing Co. or Seattle and Lockheed Aircraft Co. of Burbank. Calif., have chosen six companies to help design a space shuttle system to carry men and supplies between the earth and manned orbiting satellites by 1976. The firms ch~n for the projec t sponsored by the National Aer ona utic s & Space Administration are General Motors, B e 11 Aerosystems division of Textron, Inc., Ben· dix Corp., RC A Corp., Space Craft, Inc., and Sperry Rand Corp., G-M's AC electronics division with design guidance and na vigation equipment. Bell will de.sign approach and landing systems, Bendix fl ight · control equipment, RCA the communications and d a t a management systems, Space Craft of Huntsville, Ala., will support the RCA work on data managemenl, and S p e r r y Rand will provide instrument displays. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - Penn Central Co. said its subsidiary, Pennsylvania Co., has registered $50 million in 2.').year sinking fund deben- tures con vertible bto common stock or the Norfolk and Western Railway, for sale in Wall Street subject Lo ap. proval of the Interstate Com- merce Commission. CHICAGO (UPI ) -Cana- dian Thermo Images, Ltd., a new firm. announced it will manufacture and market new coated paper photocopy system employed ultra-violet light and heat development. The company is headed by Roberl J . Kt imkowskl, who left an executive job with Eugene Dietzgen Co., to engage r.1 the new venture. IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ••• Wilshire-Gramercy Office of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is " .. .... Off)CI.: HI I~ 1M ~ • 623·13&t --\...t..CMCCPITB: 2ltd & lfeadnJ. 121-1 Kr:!: """9MTOflt KACH:. lt ~C..,·-·1N1 SAFE • CONVENIENT • AVAILABLE Market lluctua1ions don't worry Coast and Sou1ne rn .savers ..• their capital Is •lwllYI rising in value. And you're sure of lhe highest e1rnlngs consistent with safety whB'1 you uve at Coast and Southem. Forem<>$t aasu1ance or theae benefits is the ou1standing financlel atrength maintained through the years by the man- agement ot Coot •nd Southern Federal Savings.. INSURANCE TO $15,000/RESOURCES O'IU 100 MILLION l AlffA -ICA:: 711~ llwd.. *""'~' . .. -. 'fA"ZMtA: ll7&1 V9'11\lll lllvd •:~~.a~ 1 l.OfilO al.ACM~ 10. I ,__. •1.n.11 ...... ........, c ...... ~,.CIJ. • :a3t.J201 '°NIOM.llA C111': Mii V• ~ lhrrf, • ltl·1111 lrd t Locullt • 437-7 ... 1 HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES DIVIDENDS TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL THE, NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And tht m c n who knows ;wt hotO to tUNl tht phras1: to oct tht ma&C out of tht barb if DAILY PILOT colllmn- itt Sydney Ha rri.t. He ha.t been calttd the' modern • dcy H c n r 11 Men ck tn . lf 11ou're rtadU f<lr his m t of the acid adjec tiv e and thought · provoking pro.te to Qive JIOU lhe needle .•• if you tDOnt Co /ind .something to think cbo\lt in what 11ou read ••. if 11ou have o seme of humor, 1101.1 b t I o n g with readtt1 who deUol•t in ttUino other1 what "Sud 1aid'" fn one of the nation'• moit • Qwokd eolumm. Some Sample Barbs Retertly Thrown By Sydney Harris: "One of the highest fHild jobs In America con1l1ts of standing up In front of a mlc· rophont, HJMrating the good records from the bad ones -and playing th• bad-" .. It's sad but true that while alcoholics are the best argument for abstinence, so many abstainers are equally effective ar- iument for a little drink now and lhen." "Mo1t of the so-called 'incompatibility'·ln marriage 1prin91 from the fact that to most men, sex 11 an act; whlle to all wom•n, It is an emotion. And thl1 differ .. •nc• in attltud• can b. bridged only by love.11 tlThe sole difference between a •dedica- ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- sists in our agreement or disagreement with his objectives." ''Tht most 1xplotlv• combination In the world consists of sincerity addtd to ignor1nc1." "\Vhenever I am the recipient ot an ex- cessively hearty handshake, I suspect ~1r. Aiuscles is trying to sell something, hide &ometbing, or prove aomething." Check The Editorial Page For This Signature It'll Help You Find The Latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- umn, A Regular Feature of the DAILY PILOT Your Horner own Dally NeW1paper ~-----------------------------------·--~--·------ " : ~· .. . • '· ' • • • :·•MONG THE GREAT ONES • Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is an old frienCI. The DAILY PILOT looks as much at home on this international newspaper rack as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch with what's hap- pening at city hall. Whether it's news from around the world or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you . And the simple fact is that, because the DAILY PILOT emphasizes local co~erage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can't find in any other J'.lewspaper in the world. On this international news rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great- est one in the world {for local news). ' • DAILY PILOT __:__} - • • -. GRAND OPE·NING OF SHORTY'S 197 4Z llCB LIWI cmLE Aii red wltla yellow !lam• ta ported Jroat •om.• coaatrr aoaH Ho.l Uwrt l !Wnt bMtd _,_ of. U.L appro...t cord and alugle IOCUl. 197 fteal.£t;Uc 31" high Yinyl Santa. 9Cllf to blow up. Kl.di Uk• bcning their own. peno11al KDIG doll. GOLD LEIF DD ANTIQUIRG DEMONSTRATION by Liquid Beauty Demonatrator1 Saturday • Sunday NoY, 29-30 ALL STORES ASSORTED . TREE NOVELTIES CAJIDY APPLE ~~I OBllAMERTS 97c BOX OF NINE RIOllr bright. In llme. bot pink. bl••· and gold. Get Mftnd Ml• acl mix and match fol gf9Clt ' ""°'· --COLOR · BOLLBIB- Jlolooltol ........ a1sctrted colon lor package wrapplag. d.cotutkia.. or ~ a bclk bow lor your SL Bernard so )lla ca1lr: wcm't slip. CHRISTMAS GARLAJID 37c 15 FT. All llaa:wproof, many c:olor1 to choon !tom, never 1011 their 1parkl1 year alter year. firmly anchored 90 tJwr don't get ratty. I REPLACEMERT I ' Ha•• plenty on band. auort-4 ''~ BULBS ' ) \ colon. Uaahera or pla~ . \ J. ::' C-7 7' ·t,. c.gy, 9' C-7 Floahor 9' C-914 Floaher J ' 35 LITE ~ SET 2aa PRINTED nREPLICE Wh'B ~~;~~~~,~~~~~,.~ogs ---.L Hpec:lollr Jt they got a ployboun th•r .,ant to decora1e. LISTEN WITH OUR 'STIJFF AND OUR PRICE5 -.w t::oNT 111'VE It> GO . IN HO::K '1'<'-'-""11~ 1?> HAVo;' AN 1:E C'HRl'3TMAS UNLESS 'bl A NU'i 'iO ._Pl!ND MoNE'(, nocm DOOR . WBEITB 177 Just Ub the BoU,.ood stars .... oe 1beir tr.Dt d-. glen -• floclled wNGth la 11 IKll ..... aice lor camper ... too. MUSJCIL TULE ou1111•is 47J. SAllTA OR CAROLER YllYL DOOR COYER All .myl. choo• &om Saaty ot. ~-caroler d••lgn. Waaboble In ca•• the reladeer lea"• llagermarlr1. 12 llCB CJIRISTMIS CUD LES -~ 9c ~M:;:::::il M. cim.tmas tu.st Ssa't wttboat sta;tlllr teP.erla9 . eG:Ddln lo add t .. u .. cdr. cholc• af M • gtML lfow fO'l1J haTe .,~lo do wlilt thoM gru•M-bold•r11 Av.at MiluU• MDI you Im '"'· CBRISTMAS SPRAYPAIMT J11mbo caa of IPf'CY paint (la tbat a'i Nlcrtioa to Giant?> will do Dlc:elr tor decoratlosi .. plpood cutouta. ln red. grWn. gold. or .Unr. GUTTER SBAIER lie Bright holiday colo.-.d glitters 1hake on and 1Uck with a 11111• gh1e. hos thou11Gnd1 ol u1e1 (J'ou can do this od lor 1tutt•ra.I .\. 1,/ -' .,,.. . BEIYYDm EITERSJOI CORD CDISTMIS MOUSE • Happr mo••• ligbta u.p O..'allappp'-)M.'1,.. Cl l:iottle ol SCllllC9 v.a.Mr Ida hat.) WHll c.d cnul bulb. 2aa ILL WEATHER 'PROOF BEIYY nm PLASTIC " COLOR WHEEL DD BULB RffOJ.tag wh .. l Dooda your ne or dieplcrr with hrlgbt colors. Quiet motor 10 Santo won.t get •lo:rtlitd. 397 SID JET nDCKllfG .m 197 TBEESCERT SPRAY Cdtterou1 1lla·•prar eaa bria.gs the lawlgorGtlng , Cll'll\llOCI of the big' p~ .country to your troat ,..m. DECORATIVE TREE la ~II• or green. u .. for centwrplec:e. allestcmd, or roar nc:retary'1 dull top. (Wbat? DO boai 1). 22 laclM• I s n. •mn nocm 1'BEE Corfu• trM. 10Dg" Jlmbm. look loadtld ..tth now. d11lgaed for •a•r 887 a1aemhlr and easy ........ &n. SC(l'CB PllE ''" •• ' """' • l.oo)a llloo lr4 -growlag lD tbe ..... for i--. llO ..... drop. DO .... 11'111 gt.. good 1aob "' . ' .- • 1n. PDIE 999 Loag n-'1•. 140 btanchv. Ju•I llli• dowa bome·ccnm1ryo atyle. Ewea your wit•'• nlGtlwu~wilt be JmprffMd, e1peclo:lly with tile price. · 6 FT. SRO-TIP PllE 1777 Th• ,.u of J*fecttoa.. lemh 1*11 to almo1t aaf holiday decorallng ICheme. Supw thk:lr bnmchu look 10 no:l111i1Uc we ccragllt oue of the neighbor'• lrid1 ~ to make a 1noowball. Ea1y 011embly. • ,_, 111t1olbtr 211, 1969 OAILV PILOT • • •• ·A .. Comp/·e te Gui tie ••• Where •••• . . ,,. .10 Wllat , :to f I l ' ..-. l · .. DANDY BRAD OGDEN FIERCELY PROTECTS ANNE·EYE NEWSTEAD AND PATTY CljAVEZ ' ' I ' _. KEN BROWN AS GERARD ATTEMPTS TO RESCUE PUSS PLAYE'D ·IY CAROL CAPELLO FROM OGRE· .. '• t• •• Weekend Highlights DISNEYLAND -Paul Anta, Jennifer and Frienchi: ,of ,Distinction 'C.'ll! 1.e among lhe enlertatntn-at Disneyland over the 111ankqiving ....,9E'nd. Bill Dr.:tl and the Rhondtll will perfonn on Tomorrowland Ter- h(9 tl 9 and 11 p.m. and Lhe 'Souftd Castle in Plaza Gardens. CREEDEN CE REVIVAL -The Forum tn Inglewood will be the 1 scene of a concert by Lhe C~ Clearwater Revival, 5e~ Nov. lt I i\• 1;30 Q,Q\, TEEN DANCE -We!lfnlnster"s Teen Club dance lfill reature 0 lbe House t'f Noah playing for ,dancing from a p.m. to midnight. Sat. Nov. 29, in the conlmunity ceoter: -. . . . Tokyo Symphony Sets LA COnce1·t N H K Symphony Orchestra from Tokyo makes i t s first return visit to Music eenier's Pavilion s:1nce 1966 with the same cond~ctor, Hl~oyukl Iwakl, and violin so\oirt Yoshio Unno, Fr Id a y eventhg, December 5, on the S. Hurok sixth Gala International 'Sea~. '1'" f'Qr this appearance, Unno will be heard In the Brahms Concerto In D for Violln and Orchestra, Opus 77. lwakl will conduct Stravinsky's "Rile of Spring" and a comj>oslUon of Japa. nest heritage, "Bugaku/' by Toshiro Ma)'UZwn.L • ; v ' . . TROUBLE .ARISES AS ·OGRE GINO GAUDIO ARRIVES . . . . Intermission , . Li~ing Theater 'Reborn' .. :)In County During 1965 .~ : . ' . (Thi& is t~ first in ·a uries of three_ column& on the <UveLop1n.ent of live theater in.<Jronge •. County over the ~t1 jive 11ecir1. 1od4y, the "renais· sg.nc~" q/11965.J. 't!Y -~<TITUS Ol IM D....,·l"fllf Sl•ll 'Living theater .•• ·the term itsell sug· gests a feeling of immediacy. Motion pie· tures are · more t.echnica1ly polished, television is · more attessible, but the stage offers something U110btainable in the artificial mediums -the captivating excitement of a Uve performance . More and ·more throughout Orange County -and especially along the Orange Coast -1lve theater Is riding the crest of a .popularity wave. Countlans are t•discoveringl' the amateur stages in their own back yards, while hundreds of average citizens are laking advantage of the opportunity of performing in com· munlty theater, either as an artistic challenge ·or a lherapeulic avocation. Today Orange C.OUnty i.s home to more th'an a dozen little theater groups (most. of them in the Orange Coast area), one resident repertory · COr.rfany and the drama departments of nine college.s (four of them on the Orange Coast). The battle for the county's applau8e is waged every weekend, and compe.Ution for the elusive and intangible prl:re 'called prestige is teen Indeed. · WHERE DID IT all begin? For such venerabJe · organftaUcns as the Laguna and Santa Ana Community Players, the genesis came 45 or 50 years ago. But a large share of the county's amateur and collegiate PrOduclng groupi trace their history back no further than 1915. This, in a compreheMlve analysis of local theater, must be labeled the "key year." Thrte community theaters; two repertory companies and one college group started production that year. One of each survives todly. Prior to 196S, Utt.le thealers, e1isted on· ly lh Laguna Beach, Huntington Beocti, Westminster, Santa Ana, Fullerton. Tustin, San Clemente ,ond Lido Isle. 1'he scrapbook had just been closed on t h e Newport Harbor Players ahd the Orange Theater-Guild. Then carpe the re.natss,ance. Sou.th COast RepertO~ bufst Into bloom with an exciting TieJ' dlme!l slon in UW!ater. The Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse was fonned under the ausplctl of'the city's recrea· Uon depart~nt~ UCi Irvine was built and lll!I drama dePartrneni activated. F\lrther oorth, Independent theaters were formed . In Anaheim, Orange and Tustin, the lat- ter a professional stock-group. WITH THIS SUDDEN onrush of theatrical activity, there ensued a sort of clvU war for the ticket-buying public. and the Santa Ana Freeway, In effect, became the Mason-Dixon line. But in this case the South prevalled -the ihree northern operations eventually folded, while the coastal playhduses prospered. Meanwhile, back at the other box of- rlccs, the older the aters hardly felt the effects of the population explosion. Finn· ly established In the cultural life of Lhe.ir communities. the playhouses of Laguna, San Clemenle, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana and Westminster could only benefit from the sudden upsweep in theatrical in· tcrest. As Orange . County passed the million mark and the population thennometer continued to rise, more theaters took root. The Rancho Community Players came along in 1967 to serve the Mission Viejo-Sa,ddleback area. The Open End Theater · inherited South C o a s t Repertory's old Newport Beach bu.ilding when SCR nioved to larger quarters In Costa ~e~a . Two more junlpr colleges - Golden West (1966) and Saddleback (1968) were built, each offering student prodUction.s. WHEN TiiEv Au. rear-back and let fly at once, yOu ~ve a month somelhlng like this ·one during which tt county playhouses·and four local college tbeatera ope~ new pr~uctions. ~it's doubtful that any of ~h:em complained about the size of their turnouts. , Thus the the;itrical climate in Orange County -particularly along the Orange Coast whlc,b claims nine of these 11 com· munlty groups -is a w8nn·one indeed. Amore litUe lheaters, the track record is favorable; wttb successful »Pt!fltioni out· numbering the failures' -lf you can tenn such brier but brilliant operations as the Anaheim Rlaybouse and Oringe Studio Theater failures. More •lmpotlant,js the Individual talent nurtured and developed within these competitive yet interdependent groups. A serious student of theater may grow to .indeterminate. stature while pursulng an amateur career in fiont of · t h e local lootllghtJ. (Next week this ·colu1ntl will tract Ou:.developntent of Orange Count~'• m(Uttf and varied theater gro1.4p1 from 1965 to the pres~nt: Tht final column wi U recount t)K highlighu of tho.se five JorinatiVe· utart.J do .. 'Puss in Boots':: Comes· to Mesai -, . . . . .. ' I .. ' , ' : ~ This Weekend ~; . ' .. ... . . Another storybook aaga set to musk! to delight yoongsteri 'el<>ng the Orlnge cOut W1u arrive on U\e 'sCene ',this wtet'end ~ ~ m~j~ J~ ~~ ~r the cpildren'• Theater Gutld. · "Tfle 'Marv,elo~"l . ~tQry of Puss In Boots" ls 'the ~~~ of this . stasbn~s mus"ical fantasy. It wW be ~led for .five performances Sal~l!Yo November ~. and. Sunday. November 30. in ·~ Ora~e Coast College auditori~. · , The tlero (or berofue. in lhil'c~se) tr.a sly, intrigu°ln1 ' and very n:iagical ca~, re.plete with orange. "l\ripes and bright, red ·boots ,whlclt enable •hlin .to 1perfonn magic spells. · TbeatergOing youngsters wUI meet an ogre wba shrinks, a· sad princess wder a spell and a cobbler wtth wonderoos spec- tacles in the rilUsical fair tale. • , Carol Cappello plays the magical ·reline with Ken Browri as Gerard, ttiC handsome hero. Anne-Eva Newstead 19 the sad princess and Colin Guiver , P!lis the cobbler. : · Others in'lhe•CTG caSt 'are Tom MoOce as lhe General, Sam Brandon · as tfie · King, Brad Ogden as Dandy and ·(;100 GaudiO 8s the fearsome ogre. Cindy Marowitz, Patty Chavez, Pam Armstro~, Todd Pickett, D a Y1:i Schmerter and Jay Greer also have~ in the fantasy. .. .::- Directing "Puss in Boots" is Nine). Ebsen, whose husband, Buddy,: is f~ll8.f to TV watchers as the biad oC the "Beverly Hlllbillies" Clan. Jean Tan- dow~ 8Dd. Pru Holden hive provli:led the original music and lyrics for the show, whJle Diane Perkins ls desifjtn1g the, storybook scL If PerfonnancH will be given Satunlay at 10 a.m., 1 and 3:30 p.m., and SundaJ at l and 3:30 p.m. Admission is' $1. ., Helpful Hints .. For Housekeepqs A new and hopefully helpful housekeep. Ing hint book ·Is due to hit the boolOJlallll early next year wrltlen by two l1dies•who. have had a multitude of ··experience_ cleaning homes -before the c8mera. .,;.. . When ·Academy Award-winner Shirley~ Booth made a rare ic1evlslon appem:Qce as a psychic· In the "Medium Well Dodet'_ episode of 20th Century.Fol Tele~Oh'• .. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir," 'she rekindled , an old frlendJhip with Re(a.. Shaw, seen in the hall-hour cornec1t·as· P.1artha, the Muir housikeeper. Since M I s s Bopth served a five'.fea; tenurt! as the unforget~ble "Hazel'~ ·a11e. and Reta had a lot in common. __ The two started to chat about •the similariUes of their roles as housekeepers and how· many housewives bad writlea to them ,asking questlor.s about keeping a home neat and clean. .. "So," adf\litted Reta, "a new book.was born: We 'dectded to get t'tl'tber.and'PlJI down all the bandy hints we piCktd,. itp and consolidate µaem into one volwne ti.lied. 'Housekeeping for the Hurried, and Harried,' " she laughed. , .. "The Ghost and Mrs .. Muir'' may~b6. seen each Thursday on Channel f it 7:30 p.m. .-~~ • ... " • . ... : . WEEKENDER • i " . . INSIDE FEA~· . . The third annual Cra.fll!lmen't Fair will be held U'll1 Sunday iD ' . . downtown Laguna Be1cb between the Lagwia Hotel and the . board-: walk. For parUculars tee picture,1 and story on Pap• lt. • Travel r.,.zt · Gcdde to Fam ..... In tbe Gaberle1 . l'ap!I ·u,. n.aler ........ Cal Ari latlta1< PaP• Owe 1N1 AbGtrt P1pt zt..11 Hollywood Botbtqe Pap!I \JCI CINn1 Pap n RarConlfl-....... er.inrOl'd hale · '·p .... Gtilde 'te Movtn r.,.,. hyo filr Toll p ..... -... r.,.a Cemla ,...i TVVlewt . ..... Tel<Yllleo .... .... -.. . ... • \ ,... .... ,.---------...,------------....----~--.................... -........------· .... --~-------~-.....--.....--------~-----~ -· -·-· -~ ----.. -----. --.. ~ --. -. ·' . , Di,neyland·: :\~:~ I • t ' ·Music . Revue l • ' • NOV.ZS.ZS olsNEVLAND -A musical Thanksgiving weekend revue aJ Dianeyland will be headlined by Paul Anka, Jennifer and "Frieods of Dl.sUnction," Nov. 28 and 29 when the park will be open until midnlg)IL Bill Deal aod Tile !U>O"dels wUI perform at 9 and 11 p.m. on the Tomorrowland .ferTace; the ''Sound Castle'' at Plata Gardens, and Teddy Buckner and his group in the French Market. A.U begin at 1 p.m. ••Kfds of the Kingdom" will present shows on the Tomorrowland Stage at 3:301 5 and 6:30 p.m. and at the Golden H<ntaboe at t, 10 and 11 p.m. Disney cbaracttrs wiU parade down M&in St. at l!:4S and 4:45 p.m. each day. NOV.U-31 COSTA MESA IDSTORY -The Museum af Science and lJt.. dustry, 700 State Drive, Erposition Par k, Los Ana;ele&, is Mowing the history or Costa Mesa in an exhibit ol pho!~ graphs. The show will run through the month of Nov., dally from 10 a.m. to 5 p.p-i. NOV. It TEEN CLUB DANCE -The Westminster Recreation and P;arkl Department wUI hold a Teen Club Dance in the com- munity Center, CXI Westminster Ave., (for Westminster teens) each Sat. from 8 p.m. to midniihl. Admission, $1. foi members, $1.50 for non-members. The "House of Noah" will play for dancing, Nov. 29. NOV. H CREEDENCE CONCERT -Tiie Creedence Clearwater Re- vival will. perform in concert, Nov. 29, at 8:1> p.m. i~ the Forum in Inglewood, Pr~rie Ave., at Manchester. Tickets $3.50 to $6.50 available at box office of ticket ageocl.es. .·. NOV. zt.30 PUSS' IN BOOTS -Properly ti t I e d, "The Marvelous SUJry of' Puss in Boots," a musical fairy tale will be pre-- sent.Id by the Children's Theater Guild, in Orange Coast Col· lq:e Auditorium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Meaa, on Sat., Nov. 29 at 10 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m.; Sunday, Nov. 30 at 1 and 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $1 for each per:formaance. NOV. •DEC. ZI CHILDREN'S THEATRE -"Winnie the Pooh" by South Cout Repett.Ory Children's Theatre, 21827 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission: children, 7$ cents: adults, $1.00. The A. A. Milne children's classic will be presented Swidays th r o u g b Dec. 21. at t p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Reservations: 8f6.t360. DEC. S.1% AFTERNOON CONCERTS -Presented by students and faculty of the Department of Music, US Irvine, Fridays al l p.m. in room 171 of the Fine Arts Bldg. Admiaaion free. Re- cilals scheduled tnclode Sc:boellberg program, D<c. 5; Stu- deoit lllllrumeotal Concert, D<c. t2. • DEC.' tjloRALE CONCERT -T h e Irvine Master Chorale will 15(Uent three master works in its first concert of the season, SM. Dec. 6 at 8:30 p.m. in Melodyland Theater, 10 Freedman !llty, Anaheim. The program will include R. Vaughn Wil- lliro's "Hodie," four Christmas motets by Francis Poulenc .ild selections trom G. F. Handel's .. Messiah." Tickets are $.1 t:.O·r adults, $1 for students and 50 cents for children under JJ;.A fllllily package ticket for all co8U 17. Available from CoUt Music in Costa Mesa. Pbooe Mr. Gilinsky, 50-3511 for information. DEC.'" ·cAT SHOW -The Hacienda Cat Club is sponsoring a :cat show at the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. K.alella, : Anaheim, Dec. 6 and 7. Hours: Sat., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sun. !: 10 a,m. to 8 p.m. Tickets, $1.50 for adults, 75 cents for '"children 10 years and older. 1boae under 10 free . More than : 500 en l r le s will compete for JO awards in both Jong and ~short hair divisions. • ! DEC. 7 • ; SYMPHONY CONCERT -The Orange C o a s t College ; Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Joseph Pearlman, will •be heard in concert in the OCC auditorium, 2701 Fairview ; Rold, Costa Mesa, Sun., Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. David Swenson lwm be: at the piano soloist. Tickets, $1, available at the door. ,-DEC. II CONCERT -Soul singer Joe Cocker will be heard in con- cert at the Anaheim Convention Center. 800 W. Katella, Ana· heim, at 8 p.m., Dec. 12. Tickets, $3.50 • $$.50 a¥ailable al box oUice and most ticket agencies. DEC. 13 OC PHILHARMONIC -The Orang~ Courity Philharmonic SOciety will present the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Daniel Barenboim in OCC ~udllotium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, Dec. 13, at 8:30 1p.m. Tiekets, $4, available at the door or from the Society 's office, 201 Wes! Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Phone 646-6411 . DEC. 13-14 ~NCERT -The University or California Irvine Chorus ( \Vill be heard in a concert of Christmas music, Dec. 13 and ~ 14, in tlle Science Lecture Hall on campus at 8:30 p.m. j DEC. II :CH.RJSTMAS CONCERT -Dr. Ch a r I es Rutherford will : direct the ·christmas Concert in OCC auditorium, 2701 Fair- : view Road, Costa Mesa, at S p.m., Sun., Dec. 14. Featured : •.'ill be the College Chorale, the Evening College Brass En-i semble and the OCC Cbncert Band. No charge for admission. • l Arts Institute Holding ~~Dance Theater Tryouts Califomla Institute of the 'Arts will bold audiUons for ap- . plicanls to its School of : Theater and Dance under the ; superivision of Herbert Blau. t dean. and Bella Lewilzky, ! director of dance. during the • month of December in the Los l Angeles area. The lnsUtute, a 'community <lf lhe arts. will ~open in the new city of Valen- 'd1 in the fall of 1970. Specific dates for students ~of acting and dance will be ' scheduled by the Sclloot or · Theater and Dance throu gh ; whlcb appllcant.s may al9o ob- ~ tlin information regarding the ·preparation of material re- ' quired for tht auditions. • Intervitw1 will be manged for : U>Ole rnakl.ng appUcaUOn as ; dUti:lon, playwrights, stage desipel'I and ln production ! leChnlques. ' w~I~ procedurts, accordin~to .1Ma11 Blau, have betn des ,.. od lo -lp1)llcanta •· di vidually. He Indicated that intervitws will be more lhan a routioe proceM. serving as well those students "who kno\v they want lo work pro· fessionally in the theater but are sUll unsure about their area ot concentraHon." "One principle will apply to all.'' Mr. Blau ex plained. "We'd·like to know as much about the young artist as he'd like us to know about him: what lle's done. what he's after and the way he ssee himselr. He shouldn't try to outgu-.S our expectations but reflect his own instincts, range ol abilities, or ideas." Jn addition lo Theater and D~, the lnstitute's Scllools of Mt, Design, Music, Film and Critical Studies have begun to aceept appllcaUons. Alf should be addressed to lhe Office or Adm issi on s. California Institute ot the ArU, 1404 West 7th Slretl, Lot Ancel .. 90057. T O.ILY f'ILOT Sltff,...,. ' .. • • In· Acapulc9 _ By STAN DELAPLANE ' ' ACAPULCO -The winter season is on in Aca- pulco. On December 15, prices double. And you can't get a hotel room until after Easter. The luxury biach hotels arefillecl wllb Tb• Ri<h and Beautlffil People. The smaller hotels are booked a year in advance by Mexican families from the <apilal. * "There must be some way," I said. And there is -U your ,travel agent can get to Mexican Travel Advisors agency In Mexll'Q C)ly. MTA has enough muscle to ·keep a block of rooms in all the big h~ tels. Twenty-five bl~ked out in the Paraiso Marri~ ott, newest o! <he luxury high r~e where I'm stay· Ing. * · I CAM!' DOWN to the opening o! the Marriott hotel. (A very gala affair and.a classy venture for the fortune founded on humble hamburgers.) I wound up at the Iron Hilton -the dly jail. I went down to ,-see Sofia Bassi, Mexico's tal- ented artist.· "' ... -i · •',Stop the World -I . Wut to Get Off" .. A mualcal comedy is being staged by the Costa ·Mesa Civic Playhouse on the orange Cou.ity Fairgrounds (enter west gate ). Fri. and Sat.,. Nov. througb Dec. I at 3,30 p.m. Reservations, a:M-5:«>3. "llvltadon to a Marder" A murder mystery i.& the rare being staged at the Hun- tington Beach Playhouse, 2110 Malo Si,, Hootlngton Beach, Fri. aod Sat., throup Dec. 20 at 8:30 p.m. Reservations, 536- 8861. ED VAN DEUSEN POINTS WAY TD CRAFTEMEN'S FAIR Arti11ns Elfi1 La F•r1ue, H•rlen Terwilliger Follow Direction' Mrs. Bassi was in .~ very social shoot out here a couple of Years a10. AMiete Was testimony the pis- tol fired··accld~tally. JJ.at there was her son-in-law, a wealthy Italian count,< floaling In the swimming "All &be Loaely People" Tennessee Williams' vignet- tes will be staged at the Ope.1 End Tbeater, 2815 VWa Way, Newport Beach, Fri. and S.t., throogb Dec. 13 at 3,30 p.m. Res«:rvatlons, 675-1120. 0 Any Wednesday" Crafts on Boardwalk pool with ,live bullet holes in biin. . Mrs. Bassi is fu jail-11 years unless she lucks •. out. · · Comedy about marital and extra-marital problems will be <ln slage at the Santa Ana Community Playhouse, Si:rth and Ross Sts., Santa Ana, Fri.• Sat. at 8:30 p.m. through Dec. 13. Reservations, 53f.7647. * Third Annual Show Set in Laguna The Acapulco jail is no summer cruise. But Mrs. Bassi, altradlve an<t 4!), does morning yoga. And her surrealistic paiiltings have been in magazines au over the world. Italian magazines did 10 pages "Harvey" Perennial favorite, 1 com- edy of a man and a::i invisible rabbit will be on stage at the Fullerton Playhouse, 11 t BU"ena Vista Drive, Fullerton at 8:30 p.m. Fri . ..Sat. Nov. 29- Dec. 13. Reservations, 127. 1339. The third annual p re - Christmas Craftsmen's Fair. sponsored by the Craft Guild of Laguna Beach, is scheduled for Sunday, November 30, at the end of the four-day Thanksgiving holiday. In past years it has been held at the Fe!tival nf Arts grounds, but this year -to make it more accessible to more people -it will be situated downtown. The location is on El Paseo Street, alongside the Hotel Laguna and the boardwalk. The street will be closed lo traffic for this event. Hours are 10 a.m. to dusk and there is no admission charge. Over fifty artists a n d craftsmen are scheduled to display their wares and their works. Included will be Chris- tian abel, wood carvings; .Ruth Morrow, s hell cra ft and stitchery; Ray Carroll, pottery waterfalls ; Harlen Terwilliger, pinecone plaques; Jack Taylor, stoneware and macrame ; Mike O' Ne i I, leather purses; Fred Boehme, jewelry ; Tom Cox, bronze sculpturing ; Leonard Daris, Shell arrangements ; Elaine Ware, wire sculptures. and Helen Young, loom weaving. Others are Jacobus Bass. jewelry; John NelS<ln, lables: John Bennette, metalcrafl; Carolyn Dietz, jewelry; Allen Green, goldsmith ; Lyn Chevli, sc ulptur ing : Margarel Madison, ceramics: John Wood, .nautical items; James In the Galleries Santa Ana Saddleback Exhibits Western Arts SADDLEBACK GALLERY -Saddleback Inn, Santa Ana Freeway at 1st St .. Santa Ana . Hours: Tues. • Fri. -11 :30 a.m. -lOp.m.; Sat. 3to11 p.m.: Sun. 5to9p.m.; Mon. 11 :30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. Paintings by western artist Olaf Wieghorst, through Dec. 31. OCC ART GALLERY -2701 Fairview Ro ad, Costa Mesa. Hours: 9 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Mon. -Fri.; Wed. 7 -10 p.m. On exhibit Nov. 17 · Dec. 12, photography by Visual Dia· logue Foundation of San Francisco. BOWERS MUSEUM -200l N. Main St., Santa Ana. Hours: 10 a.m .• 4:30 p.m. Tues.· Sat.; I to 5 p.m. Sun.; Wed . and Thurs. eve. 7-9 p.m. No charge. On exhibil through Nov. 30, special photographil'.' show commemorating the John \Ves· ley Powell Centennial. It is part of a nation-wide celebration of the historic Colorado River Expedition of 1869, led by Powell. HUNTINGTON BEACH LIBRARY -$25 Main Sl., Hunl- ingWn Be.a.ch. On exhibit during regular library hours and Sundays 1 -5 p.m. thr.:>Ugh Nov., oil paintings by Joyce Clark, Vincent Farrell, Nonie Higgins, Frank Tauriello and 0 r a Brimer. · COSTA MESA COUNTRY CLUB -1701 Country Club Drive, Costa Mesa. Oil paintings by Shirley Howard will be on ex· hlbit on the club's second floor during the month of Nov. CALIF. SAVINGS GALLERY -2700 Harbor Blvd,, Costa Mesa, during regular business hours, a diversified exhibit of the arts and crafts by Donna Friebertshauser, titled "Crafts Potpourri," through Nov. a.tUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN -2867 E. Coast High· way, Corona del Mar. On exhibit during regular business hours through Nov., portraits, landscapes by Sylvia Moonier. LAGUNA ART GALLERY -3f1I C I if ( Drive. Laguna Beach. Admission $1. Members and one guest free. Hours: noon to S p.m. On exhibit through Nov., Calif. National Water Color Society Show and l h e Amer~can Watercolor Society Show. MESA ART LEAGUE -513 Center St.. Costa Mesa. Hour s: Sal and Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Continuous exhibit of art work in various medio by Art League members. No admission charge. ClVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 West Newport Blvd .; Newport Beach. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon. -Fri. On exhibit through Nov .. o i I and watercolor paintings by Hal Akins. NEWPORT NAnONAL BANK -1090 Bayside Drive, New- port Beach. Currently on exhibit through Nov., during reg- ular business hours, needle p<>int wall hangings by Paul Ditzenbarger. SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L. BANK -17122 Beach 8 l v tl., HunUngton Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, through Dec. 12, paintings by Ora Brimer. COSTA ~A LIBRA.RY -566 Ce n I er St., Costa Mesa. On exhibit during regular library hours through Nov., oil paintings by Marian and Burrell Ries. MESA VERDE LIBRARY -2968 Mesa Verde Dri ve Ea s t, Costa Mesa. On uhibit during regular library hours through the month of Nov., oil painUngs by Ferne Williams. CORONA DEL r.tAR LIBRARY -420 Marigold. Corona del Mar. On exhibit through Nov. during regula r library hours , oil paintings by 7.oe Sm1th. tJCI ART GALLERY. -Third Floor, Fine Arls Bldg .. UC lrvine. Hours: 1 to S p.m., Tues. • Sun. On exhibit through Nov. 30, "An L.A. Eslhelic," varied media by four contem- porary artist!:. CAMERA WORK GALLERY -2400 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Hours: Thurt. and Fri. S to 9 p.m.: Sat. 12 to 9 p.m.: Sun. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Gallery limited to photo- graphy, with "lilllc bit of everything'' on view through Nov. 30. J]NITED CAW'. BANK -3029 Harbor Blvd., Cwita ~11?$.11. On display during regular business hours, through Nov ., oil painting5 by Gordon L.. Andre\v. Tatum. silk·scree.i p r I n t s : Dora and Joe Milne. candles and Elfi LaFargue, pulp sculptures. Also exhibiting in the Fair ·will be Tom and Sally Leslie, sculptures and jewelry; Bierta Abel, hand-Oecorated boxes; Shirley Symmonds, ceramics: Earl Reid , jewelry ; Frank Chester, painted wood : James Cunning_s, jewelry; Nancy DeCesare, pottery: Robert Shields, jewelry; Z a n d r a Knutson, serigraphs; S. Biag- gi, serigraphs and jewelry, ;ind Jeanne Rapo po rt, creamics. The Craftsmen's Fair also \1•ill feature a number of work· ing exhibits showing individual craftsmen at their trades. Cat Special Saturday On TV 11 of her Don Quixote series. . · Can yoµ see them? Well, they don't run Open house in Aca.eutco's stony lonesome. But you prob- ably can. Write her a letter in advance. Care Carcel Municipa1, Acapulco1 Gro., Mexico. * ''We would like to h•v• our honeymoon In Aca.· pulco this winter •.• '' · Nole what I said about MTA. Gel an agent'busy. Acapulco is no bargain basement. Rooms-at the Paraiso Mariott are $55 a couple -two meals in- cluded -in the winter. The other de Juxe hotels - Hilton, Presidente and so on -are jn tlii SIJile class. .. The older but absolulely first-dass Caletli' and Mirador are half that price. But just as fu11. (I us· ually stay at the Caleta. A balcony room overlooking the most beautiful bay in Mexico.) * "Cactw: Flower" A comedy about a dentist who cheats on a non-exi!tent wife, will be on stage at the Laguna Moulton Playhouae, 608 Laguna Canyon Road, I;i.. guna Beach, Tues . .Sat., Dec. 2-0ec. 13 at 8:30 p.m. Reser- vations-4M-2550. Wayne Set For Movie Speaking of honeymoons: Readen tripped me .. up on a recent item: that you can only get Catholic HO ...... YWOOD -J 0 h 8 church weddings· in Mexico. I was minied·in Mex· W.ayne will make bis next mo- ico -and tha\'s what the bishop ot a Protestant tion picture ''Chisum," for c~~rch told me. Not so. Mexico only recognizes the WllTll'!: Brc>S.-5even Arts, it civil ceremony -the church ceremony ts your own was announced today by Ted window dressing as far as the State is· concerned. Ashley, the company 's But you can be married after the civil ceremony chairman of the board and ln any church. I don't know why the bishop told me chief executive officer. that. He's_gone now so I can't ask him. The film ls the first major Cats can be defined as * production to be set by small, soft.furred an i m a Is "Y Warner Bros . .seven Arts s'""e •• ou may be 11ble to tell us something: How will ..... and/or flesh-eating mamma~ d 1 __ , If bo h bl bo ·-' its acquisition by Kinney Na· such as the lion, tiger. leopard • oc or -w •, t •ck, tr••t-•s tourists and the like _ and even as in Maxic0?" tional Service, Inc., and the spiteful women. Mexican and U.S. hotel men here tell me no appointment of Ashley to bead It's the four-legged variety. problem. Mexicans don't carry a background of the company this month. however, that will star in "Big color discrimination. Wayne's Batjac Productions Ca ts. Little Cats ," which * will produce the film with Channel 11 will air in color al Wayne himself starring. 7 p.m. November 29. I haven't run into much color thing in Europe A And. the cats even ha ve a ei ther. Except England.~ There was a big rush of ndrew V. McLaglen will distinguish ed spokesman -black colonials into England a few years ago. It put direct from a screen-play by Lorne Greene. a Jot of pressure on the average Englishman -: he Andrew Fenady, who also will Greene lakes to lhe hour· found he had to deal with a community suddenly be the producer. McLaglen, long documentary to explain become different than what be was used to. It ham't Fenady and Batjac Production there are five million more bee~ worked out. And there's 8 fallout on the black head Michael Wayne are cats than dogs in this nation tounst. scouting locations in Durango, and tha t one in every six Mexico. homes is cat-dominated. * In his announcement, Mr. P rod u c er-director-writer "Wh do Ashley stated : "We are pteas-Bud Wiser not only examines at papera we nHd to vlilt Mexico?" ed to have Jc..hn Wayne return the spoiled household cat in A tourist card. ConsuJs, travel agents. airlines tO Warner's, where he has ''Big Cats, Little Cats," but lss~e them. Free. No need anymore for the vacci· made sonie of his most suc- also the independent predator ~iiniiait1.0oanii<iieiirtiiiilfiiiciiaiiile;;;;;l;;o;ig~eiitiiib~a~<~ki;iiiniloiithiiieiiU~.Si.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iceai;iii'uli;;ip~iciituiirei;is.idiiiiiiiiiiiuii in city alleys, the cheetah' · trapped for ex hibition ~~~::;· 1:~.:. "':'ow·~~g th: IT'S TIME TO SHIP FRUIT! beast to feed her cubs. Viewers will also see bow c:ats are dramatized in legend and literature -as well as us- ed oommercially. Five Added To 222 Cast Producer Gene Reynold s has added fi ve players to the cast of the '10ur T eac her's Mi Obsolete" segment of ''Room ( 222.'' 20\h Cent ur y-Fox J Television's new half-hour ~ tomedy-cirama. Those signed for reatured roles are David Bailey. Robert Ca rricart, Robin Eccles. Pam Peters and Bobby Todd . ~ Helen Kleeb ls guest-s tar· r~ng in the s~n;ient, being directed by \V1lham Wiard from a teleplay by Ron Rubin, • "Room 222'' story editor, " "Room 222" stars Lloyd Haynes, Denise Ni c h o I a s . l t.iichael Constantine a n d Karen Valenti ne and preniiers ' \Vednesday, September 17, on Chan nel 7. STARS Sydn ey Om t rr 1, one of th• wo1ld'l 911t l t tl1olo9,,., Mit • colum n h ont cf lht DAI LY ''I LOT'S 9•1•l f1ttu•11. Why not ship • c1rfon of or1n9es, or • mixed c.trton of fency C1!1fomi1 frvit1 to your shiverin9 friends b1ck ••st? You'll be tee1in9 them with th1 fruit and they'll •nvy the fact that you .tr• in sunny C•liforni1. Don't forget your custom· •rs I you c.tn c.har9e it off, it's ok with us). CDp ...... CHpHI ... SOYtl •.•......... ~ ................. .. • New Ctep ' • kheelhy llae a N9W Cnp a Clllfornlii • • • •v~""" a .Nav•l·ORANGES • Al'l'LES • GRAPE,.UIT • • 10 $ • .,..,_.... • : 10 ... $1. a Its. le• n1tur1lw1y • • • Limit-II IN.· • sc... • • t.lmlt-11 llK. a "'I h Thia a a w1•)."l"N. 'c..,_ ........ L w"-! c~,.... 1.1 .. 111-1 • 1 • a With Tiii• c.u,.n a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ; CMpoot hplre Docembol' J NIWP~T is famous for 9ood food. You'll aCJr•e wlth us when you try. , • 1. ~The cable car lunchfona at ALLIY WIST, NIWPO'lTI :l. The Jumbo Shrimp et the SIA SHANTY. NIWPO•TI :t 1,'he Rack of Lemb at CHA'lLll •••no. co•ONA DIL MAllll -i. 'J'ht Fresh Strawbm'y Pie at 101'1 110 IOYI 5. 11le Pot Luck TuesdQ, night at the VILLAOl INN, IALIOA IS LANDI "ORA.jlGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE ORGANIZATION" ~ NEWPORT PRODU~E :T::J:: 26 t 6 N-pon llollt....,d °" Tito P•l-lo "32 Year1 of Produce , __ KJ!9~; {l~w·• . ' .. "Where Q1l(!Ut11 ls Tlit Ordef' o/ the Ho!Ue• ---· --------------~---~-~---------- ----------~----,-.,-~-,------------------~-------------------.---------. --. ~ --- I Prlda1, Hovembtr 28, 196t DAILY PILOT J, .. " WEEKENDER OUT ABOUT. By STANLEY . , NOB.ltl ORANGE COUNTY 'S • ' The Day After Falling heavily into bed 1 a s t ni ght, the final thought that !lashed through your mind probably had something to do with never wanting to see food again. And there no doubt lollowed a kind of rest- less sleep punctuated by disturbing visions of a !lowing mass of mashed potatoes, candied yams, white turkey meat, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Awakening to a solemn vow that Thanksgiving had seen its last exel'cise in overindulgence, in all likelihood the newly proclaimed restraint was put into fairly successful practice at the breakfast table. Perhaps the intake was even as light as one piece of toast and a cup of coffee. HUNGRY AGAIN By noon, however, you found yourself weaken- ing and the normal hunger pangs se_emed to be building to their peak. Thinking back to the prev- ious evening, you all but wondered aloud how this could be possible in view of the fact that human consumption has to have limits like anything else,' So, moved more by conscience than the•demnds of the stomach, you ate a little less lunch than ordi- nary-but very little. actually-and felt you woul d end the day with a bowl o! soup and perhaps a fe\v crackers. • Along about four. o'clock, a startling series of mental pictures began to form. Much to your disbe- lief they started the salivary glands acting in the desire for things like cratrstuffed lobster or blue- berry cheesecake. IT'S ALMOST TIME Now th at dinnertime is here you are not even sure you had a big meal last night. You a re roar- Proudly Announcin9 DICK LAPPE' Guitarist- Sin9er I Fonnet1y ot lh• SaddlebM:ltl Now Appearin9 Tues. thru Sat. LAGUNA FLEUR DE LIS Coc~tofls 494·2077 1460 S. Cocrst Hwy., Le19una leach Open to the Publi.c ~ Newly Enlarged Popular ... I RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT . • Ing huDgry, to tell ihe truth, and several favorite restaurants are sounding their siren call. And so it goes eaC:h year following the annual feast. Twenty-four ·hours are about all it takes to have qur natur.al appetite back ·~d steaming ahead lull for<>e. Funny tJilng, this matter ol nOu.rishment. Having achiev~ a surfeit of it at one given· point, we r each the. next only to find the slack pile depleted. That being the case, the only course of action is to im· mediately set lot1h and start rebuilding. Skiles and Henderson \Velcome mats can be unrollled with more than than the customary flourish next week when a couple of local boys return to the home grounds that launched their meteoric entertainment.careers. . . They are the hilarious Skiles and Henderson \Vho will be aboard the good ship Reuben E. Lee starting next Tuesday, December-2. Now nationally. known comedians, Bill 'and Pete will have thus traveled full ~rcle to th ~ area that put them on the road to the nation's television screens. , LOCAL PRODUCTS , \Vhile the climb to stardom actuaUy began at the Villa Marina and other local spas their brand of strange noi ses and light'ning reparlee had its be· ginnings in student days at Newport Harbor High School. Before c!icking in Hollywood and beyond , Skiles and Henderson developed a host of fans while mak- i~g !he ro1;1nds of Oran.ge Co'!nty night cl ubs and singing w 1 t h the Christy Mtnsterels. Their J o n g ~euben E. L~e engagement (two years. 1966-68). introduced their zany antics to a \\'ide audience and received recognition beyond the Orange Coasl. . To their ~r.edit are re.cent appearances on 35 na.t1onal telev1s1on shows including Dean Martin, .l\11ke Dou glas, J oey Bishop, Donald O'Connor, Della Reese and Steve All en. Las Vegas appearances have SPECIAL LOBSTER DINNER $3.95 . ' lft&·T ..... Je4.·1111n. . 1 : ., .· ,/ TUE OCEAN AT YOllll TABLE! SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES DINE AND DANCE WITH JESS PARKER HAMMOND X·6' IAN9UET FACILITIES OPIN SEYlN DAYS II f9 2 A.M. 536-2555 FOk RESERVATIONS 317 Poc:lflc c-t Hwy, HM11tl11tte11 haclll - been with Ed Ames, 'rriru Lopez and Glen Campbel1. Only a few weeks back they were perfortning as headliners at Los Angeles' famed Coconut Grove in the Ambassador ~lotel. Skil es and Henderson will be making their ni ght- ly tun in_ the Reuben E. Lee cocktail lounge Tues- day through Saturday. Sunday afternoons they will resume their popular Children's Show on the boat, an attraction that has delighted thousand s of young- sters -not to mention parents -during past per- formances. While no closing date has been announced for the engagement. present de1nands on Bill and Pete's tin1e will undou btedly make it limited. A word lo the wise ..• Gordon's Laguna Nigu el Following through on the post-Th a nksgiving build-up, out 'n' a bouters can pursue a very con· structive course by checkin g out the' newest of the area's new dining establishments. Which means heading down the Coas t Highv1a y to the just-open· cd Gordon's Laguna Niguel. In business only a fe\v \Veeks. Gordon's is al- ready stirring a considerable flurry of excitement and packing in the customers. Our first visit sev- eral days ago explained why it's happening. CONVERSION COMPLETE Occupying the former admi nistration building o{ the Laguna Niguel Corp., 32802 Pacific Coa st liighway, at Monarch Bay and Crow n Valley Park· \vay, the structure has been completely redesigned in its conversion to a dining faciU ty. Of striking contemporary design, the handsome interior and exterior reflict a sophisticated know- ledge <:f architecture with eye-appeal. The modern OBERHANSLl'S OF LONDON ENGLISll !HEAT PIES Steak e Steak & Kidney 11· Slaak and Mushrooms • Pork • Veal & Ham • Cornish Pasties e Sausage Rolls -:· IMPOITID IRITISH FOODS e ALL POOD TO •o -'11ort•d C1111ep•J for Coektail P1r1;,,, Etc , HOURS: to A.M.-7 P.M, e S•t. 10-6 e CLOSED SUNDAY 270 E. 17tti St. 1724 N. T111th1 ""•· Or01199 '37°01 44 " Cotr. Men '45-2252 1/i" FLING ' ....... _..J 11 ENTERTAINMENT • 7 NIGHTS A WEEK DANCING * HAP HALL DUO wllll J..,~ R"tri on ••• Thur. thr• S11ft. MON.0TUl$ •• WID.~ * Larry l•ke Singer GuitaJ"ii;t ~ touch is evidenced in everything from textures and colors to an awareness of proper adaptation to Uie environment, There is also an up-to-the-minute originality in the custom-designed furnishings and sparse use of decorative objects. 'J"he deep-tufted, predominantl1""' dark green carpet tproughout, in addition to 'bein• one of the most luxurious noor coverings we have seen in a rest~urant, greatly strengthens the pr•'" dominating feeling of the pl ace -namely that the:-- outside surroundings have somehow been incorp-·· orated into the enclosed interior. AND A VIEW This impression is further enforced by the vast expanse of windows that give a sweeping view down.· across a ,large lawn, the highway, the ocean and the- hills to the south along the coast. The nighttime .landscape gives more contact with nature thrOUJb stately and flood-lighted sycamore trees. ': Principals in the restaurant's operation are the Gordon Brothers, Bernie, Albert and Eugene, wide- ly-known Southern Calilomia restaura teurs, a nd John r.1unster1nan, rormer executive chef at the El Niguel Country Club. The second generation in the business, the Gor· dons collectively have. more than a century's exper··· ie nce in operating fine restaurants. Bernie is execu- tive vice president of the Revere House in Tustin, and Albert operates the popular Room At The Top, located atop the Sunset-Vine Tower in Hollywood. The Gordons also direct the Twin Lakes. Inn at Lake Los Angeles. a fairly new community near Palmdale. and the Rembrandt's Restaurants in , Costa Mesa and Placentia. TONY OEAGLE, MANAGER Genial manager of the new Gordon's Laguna . Niguel is Tony Deagle. a long.time pro in the field famjJiar to many local diners from previous posts Continued on Pe9e 30 DELANEY'S Jeo.'"4W<.'J- Featuring .. Orange County's Finest OYSTER BA.ft Open D•ily 11 A.M. -l A.M. . ' 630 E. Lido Part< Dr., N.B. -675-0100· h MESA C U -•!::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rear.Mesa T eater souARE ost• rr-a 145 E. 1tlll St. J11t off Newport llvd. NOW OPEN OranCJe CCHMlty's New Intimate and D•llCJhtful FRENCH RESTAURANT Real Cantonese Food e•t Nere or take home. STAG CHINESE CASINO .. LARK ROOM Entertainment Nightly Tuesday through Seturday THE FA BUL O.US DICK SEAN I 1t1Jpn=· ~ (~·onncrly Gerard's) Dinner 5:30 • 10:00 p.m. Tueffay thru Sunday Corner of Randolph and lri1tol Co1ta Mn. S40·l,41 111 21st pl., Newport Beach ORlolo 3·9560. Ope1t Y .. lre•N Dally lZ..12 -Fri. eH Set. 'tll J .. .._ Mascolas Restaurant * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMER SIMS, CEC IL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co-Own•r1 16782 GRAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH For R•Mn•tions c.11 946.JJ86 or 846-1416 Truly Distinctive Dining Li"'heo11 Ftom It :JO A.M. -Mo1t, ihr11 Fr;, Di1111er Nightly 5 to 11 P.M. TAHITIAN LUNCHEON Femele Fir• Oaneer 11 thru 1 Tu•Jday t~r~ Friday 'FTERNQON COCKTAIL HOUR Nltlttfy DaltclRt And Entertainment TAHITIAN AFTER HOURS IREAICFAST ANO ENTERTAINMENT 2 to 5 >o.M. Fridey & S1turd•v NOW APNAllNG Fii .. SAT. & SUN. NITIS JACK KING· HYPNOTIST llA1UADA I NN'S ROYAL PAGE RESTAURANT 10SO WIST UTILl.A., ANAHCIM 1eMmttle111n'91t11 BEAUTIFUL Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE Dancing Nightly Tuesday t11ru Sunday "' The Naturals I 8'" I M~NTH Special Sunday Brunch -10:30-2:30 31106 COAST HIGHWAY, SOUTH LAGUNA Reserv•tions 499-2663 'Gfe CJ,ido CJ,ounge l lie 1-lerb & Joe lrio, with !heir own spec1c1 I bl~nd of music .and laughter,,. li~ten a.nd dan ce every evening from8:30 ti l 2:00. Abo, hear Bill McClurr <1t the <°Ockt:ti l pianG \Vilf-t lunes of today and yc~terday. _.evenings- from5:30 Iii 8:00. Enjoy 1'1e Herb & Joe . ...__ Trio. and Bill J McClure, lonight -~ i~ :it 1hc coc1~1·s - finest hotel,., I ••• ReMrv•tlon>: 494-6S74 ••• Open Daily 1 OiB.uwers · '"""0 " I • • OINNER • 911STAUIANT AND e SUNOA'I' 8RUNCH I .. 'COCKTAIL LOUNGE •LATE SUPPER I • OO<f!NG OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWER S WING Of SUR F And SAND HOTEL LAGUNA •EACN, CAl.IFOllNIA DON JOSE' Now Appe•rin9 The Sensetional VIC GARCIA LTD. with vocal1 by GERMAINE IN THE FIESTA ROOM FROM 8:30 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. FINIST MIXICAN FOOD AT llASONAILI P911CU e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad1m1 (at Mtgno1i1) Hunl. BOich 962·7911 I ProYcHy Prn.nts Th• Tafolla Bros., John & Noah Guitarists & Vocalists En tertain ment in the Modern Mode T ue1day thru S•turday Nights 1615 E 17th St. RH ..... , ... Santa Ana 547-9511 I ARCADIA ~ SINCE Jt3f Vl."'.A~-y -AIRPORT FeaturlnCJ Steak • Chicken • ltaRa11 Culsln~ Servin9 Late Dinners MMl .. T~vr. 11 A.M.·lt)O A,M. IW PAL ISADES RO. (OSTA MESA ...... ALL YOU CAN EAT • , . , flrl. a 1a1. 11••1:H A..M. ., lil E. HUNTINGTON OR. ' ARCAOll\ • ..... .. 111 • R•gular $1.46 Buffet luncheon ....... . ... $1 .20 e Regular 2.99 Buffet Oinntr ··--··············-· ... .z,45., • Regular l.29 Champagne Brunch -----····-···-· 2.65 . Alteve prfcn ffflll Mly witlll tld1 co1pe1t. • Authentic Chinese Dinner ................ I .It ud up Chlkfr~ Undtr 1)......$1.0I Temple Gflrden• Chhtese llest1111rant ' 1100 Ad•-IAt Herltorl Ctlte Mnt '"'"'"' • M"'I"' Cotetlttf '••d .. ,. he*9 l 40·1t.17 ...... ---------------------------------------------------- I MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ARLENE SKILES ind th• DICK POWELL TRIO SUNDAY ~~j rop · 'IRLOIN $1 49 includes trench fries or biked potato and Siulertoast • WEEKENDER Continued from P•t• 29 ln Orange County. lie \Vas most recently associated \vith the Golden Dull in El Toro. From both our scanning and sampling,· there were only a few conclusions to be drawn about the n1enu at Gordon's. It is small, discriminatingly select, tasty in all departments and oflers some ol the most unusual dishes to be found hereabouts. Altogether \here are on1y 11 entrees but no wish will be left wanting when it comes to making a choice. All are so tempting the difficulty of settling on one wouldn''t be greater if you had 100. possibil· ities. GOURMET SPECIALTIES Leading oil the bill of fare are five gounnet specialties, any of which can be considered a 'true epicurean deli ght. Six other items follow by way of steak and seafood selections. All are served \Vi th a choice or crisp green .or fresh spinach salad, home made pumpkin bread (watch it or you will fill up on this taste se nsation before your entree even arrives), fresh fruit garni· ture, stuffed baked pat.ato. coffee, tea or milk and the evening's surprise dessert (cherries jubilee the night of our visit). :~ s=1~.:_'!C!~L,,...,,. Frln .... : ..•....•••• s 1 Zt MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT I Tl \Vas to t"'O of the gourmet specialties that we turned for our fir st testing of Gordon's cuisine. But that left us \Vilh a problem. Both di shes were so extraordinarily good we might falter in our ef- forts to push ahead and try something else on our next outing here -which can't be too soon . c1i.uc:1,... Uitffr 1z o ... H•lr P'ric• TOWN • C.OUNTltY HILLGllEN SOUAllE HUNTINGTON BEACH~ ~ COSTA MESA 'llSfl ·-~ Olvf. f'2•ffl1 BEHIND TEXACO STATION ~. 11111 & Sfn!J All& 441·1'n First of the gastronomical delicacies was jumbo shrimps. in bourbon sauce, served on broiled avo- cado and a bed of rice pila!f, $5.25. The other 'vas lobster cardinal, two sea shells filled with prime lobster meat in wine sauce, served flambe at the CHILD'S PORTION HALF P«ICE (Chi~ren under 12) PHONE IN ... N.L ITEMS !V!llABlE TO T!KE 0111 GRAND OPENING FRIDAY, NOV. 28TH -• ' ' . ' • ' COSTA MESA All dinners in clude soup du jour, or 1osscd chilled greens ••ith choice of dressi.ng · A whole Jo.if of sourdough bread N ow .• : Eat as 11u111y as you like . . . BARBECUED PRIME RIB BONES r J..!eaty prime rib bones, baked in our speciol b,.. 2 9 5 bccue sauce, served ""ich fresh vegerable & french fried potatoes or spa-e ghetti. . TOP SIRLOIN STEAK •• 4.25 Choice top sirloin, broiled 10 your preference with onion rin91 fre1h vegetables and french fried powoes or spaghetti. LOBSTER TAILS ••••• 5.25 Australia n lobsrer tails 1endrrly broiled served with lemon buuer, fresh vc,gcrablcs and french fried potatoes or spaght:tti. CHOPPED SIRLOIN STEAK 2.85 Broiled chopped sirloin steak wit h ooioo rinss., (re sh YC1t:tabl~s and (reoch fried potatoes or spaghetti. ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF Roasted succulent' beef generously carved from our giant rib roasts . Served with fresh vegetables, fluff y whipped potatoes. natural gravy and creamed horseradish sauce. 3.85 DIAMOND JIM BRADY CUT 4.85 CHILDREN'S PORTION 1.50 We crclu!ively !erve choice and prime quality meacs. Wl Will ll Ol'lN 7 OATS FOR DINNEk PRIME RIB STEAK • • • 4.45 Our succulent prime rib is cut as a steak 2nd broiled 115 you like ir, se r\'ed with onion rings, fresh vegetables & frcncb. fried potatoes or spaghetti. NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN 4.95 Specially selec1cd choice aged beef served v.·ith onion rings, fresh vegetables and frcoch fried potatoes or spaghetti, STEAK 'N LOBSTER • • . 5.25 The best of land and !Ca - Choice top si rloin and Australian lobsttr 1ail with lcmoo butter.fresh vegetables and frenc h f ri~d potacoes or ~pashctti. LAUE IAllD iDAHO POTATO llub1tlt1tion),,, .:is 81i111tr, 50UJ'Uellll and <hiYt• A SKILlET OF SAUTllD MUSHROOMS ....•.•... 7S CATlllNG ICE CREAM 01 SHllllT .3S NOMI MADI CHllSE CANE .SO DlNNIR BIVIRAGiS .lS EARLY DINNER SPECIAL SIRVIO WEEKDAYS 4 to 6 P.M. PRIME RIB 2, 95 WATCH FOR OPENING OF OUR INTIMATE COCKTAIL LOUNG E SOON •••• SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE SERVED WITH EACH ADULT PRIME RIB DINNER -Incl. During Opening C1l1br•tlon WE WILL BE OPEN ,OR LUNCHEON SERVICE WIEKDAYS 11 A.M. -4 P.M. STARTING MONDAY, DEC. ht 428 EAST 17th STREn In COSTA MESA USIRYATIONS ACClll'TID 645-09'0 ...,, _______ OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 4 P.M. _______ ,,, • ©UT '·N ABOUT lffel Taylor The Merrymac restaurant in Corona del l\1ar has ?\'!el Taylor at the keyboard on Monday, Tuesday an d \Vednesday evenings from 8:30. Mel is a fa- vo rite along the Orange Coast and many or his fan s \viii be happy to know they can catch hiin the early part of the "'eek at 3344 E. Coast High\vay. table, and accompanied by rice pilaff, $5.95. OTHER CHOICES Additional gounnet delights left for another ti1ne-assuming we can get past the shrimp and lobster dishes -are braised lamb shank, in Bur- gundy sauce. $4 .95; chicken-in-champagne, served on rice pilaU, $4.50; from the deep sea scalloponie 18782 BEACH ILVD. HUNTINGTON IEACH 968°2601 l"INE 1"000 SEllVl!'D IN A FAMILT ATMOSl'HElll! AU You C•n Ea t Smorgasbord 12 SALA OS-HOT ENT REES-YEGET ABLES OPEN DAILY 11 A.M. to B:30 P.M. · LUNCHEON & DINNER BANQUET FACILITIES (scallop paties), served with marinated pineapple, $4.95. From the comments at an adjoining1 table, tt would seem any !trlure visit should also allow more time !or considering the steak and seafood entrees. They are cattlemen's top sirloin, $6.25 ; New York steak. $6.95; broiled ground sirloin, served with bleu cheese, plain or wine mushroom sauce, $4.25; choice dinner ste~ lrom the broiler, $4.95; steak and lobster duel, $6.95; broiled Australian lob- ster tall, $6.95. WINE LIST Like the dinner menu, there is a small but select \Vine list oUering top vintage champagne and sparkling wines, and red, rose' and white dinner wines. Wines of the house: chablis, rose' and bur- gundy; come at ,2.7S a litre and $1.50 for a half' litre. The bar can take pride in serving a "sturdy" cocktail and hot hOrs d'oeuvr·es are served from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Each Jady also will be pleased by presentation of a fre1h flower when she is handed the menu. We were especially impressed by the extreme- ly efficient and friendly service. Our needs were never lacking for a mo1nent -thanks to the pert and courteous waitress. Gordon's Laguna Niguel accomodates abOut 130 patrons in the dining rooms, and the cocktail lounge and bar seat in the neighborhood. of 50. The restaurant is open seven days a week, serving cock- tails from 4 p.m. 'lo 2 a.m., and dinner Crom 5 to midnight. lf you are booked up solid !or the remainder of the Thanksgiving \veekend, we suggest you hurry down to Gordon's at the earliest opportunity. You \Vill be hitting the place quite regularly beyond that. "Buon man1itlre. romattte 1 ,ir,.~ dolce vital' fiP'"'(114) 642-9711 2'0D Pld&Coe.t. Hwy,. N•wport .... ENTERTAINMENT BY THE PHIL DE SANTO TRIO YOU "LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAER. SUNl>AY 12 P.M. TO 4 P.M. IF!lW~ f i11e Diniu1r Since 1965 l~~iiiiiiii -A PARTIAL LIST FROM OUR MENU - BIG BARBECUE DINNERS IAlllCUED PORK RIIS, IMOty Hell rilts ••• , SJ.25 COMllNATION Pl.ATE, beef, jtor1r olMI IHMI • , SJ.IS IARIECUED IEEf, choi« -ter11 ro•11d ..••.• SJ.IS IARIECUED SHOll.T RIIS, 1'"011 Ofld I"• •••• SJ.IS IAalECUED POllC, fr•llly 1ll<1d, tosty , , , ••• $2.95 IARllCUED HAM, reol Ca1tlldia11 bocon • , ,, $2.95 SHllMP DINNER, btHded •d direp lrllld •••• 52.80 3801 El.ST CoAST HlCH\VAY CoRONA DEi. MAR. CALIFORNIA tA•llCUED CHIC!l:EH DINNE• P1r0 Nc: (714) 675-1374 0 111-liolf fresh broll1r s2 50 J,,,, ..., ..,.., . . . . . . . . • II--~--t (3\.90"' LOVE'S SPECIAL SAMPLH ~4'N'Plt""B~ RESTAURANT ... be<... ..... ..... '3.35 Horr1, Chkk111 & alb • , •• All di~".,' l"clUOI kM r•U!I! lr•y, .. ,_, cu'd bf;1~1, tol• 11tw, .. I.cl, lr.11C11 Ir! ... "'•'"" M••IC't Mf.11111 11111 &. ko11ter dlH pltklt. SPECIAL STEAK DINNER 54.25 Ch•1broil1d to your de1i1•. In· clud11: eri1p 9r11" ttl•d, bak•d potato, be1b1~ued b1•n1, 91rlic br1ed, o"io" ri"91. . All MENU ITEMS IOXID FOR TAKl·OUT Op11t 11 A.M.·11 P,M. frl & Sat 11 011t-M141iitllt Enioy our bo•utiful "Lions De n" Cocktail lounge 3046 BRISTOL STREET COSTA MESA 546-4576 For the MHrii of December Only-lnclr.tefln9 New Years Ev t Bill Skiles and Pele Henderson once a1ain lake over the oction in the Reuben E. Lee's swinging Cocktail Lounge. Come aboard and enjoy the hilarious nonsense thal has inade Bill and Pele lhe highlight ol more than thirty·five naUonal TV shows: l:l0°l:«I IUESDl!l 11111J SA!UIDl!l CHILOMll'S lff9W-IB, 4 ,,M. 'Whe~ Excitjnc '(j°jnp c5'~ H11ppenjnt1! The folfletl "Three'1 Compa111" in the Sei;ilfe Loungft Dlnin!l ln the beautiful ~lal•dor Room . BiJfef LutlH!'o11 GRANO HOTEL 7 FREEDMAN WAY A NAHEIM, CA.Uf'. 772-7777 ftlVIEftA ftE&TAU~ C1ntln1ntal Cuisine Cockt1ils St"'ina Luncheon and Dinner Mondotl ihrougll Saturdov. Closed Sundays Wt er• loc•ted next to the M•y Co. in South C.t1t Plat•. llll L lt""4 c....... .....,... j l I I I I I I • Boll1wood Back1tage • Movie · Ratings: Do They Work? Conniff's ·Christmas Show Set By BOB THOMAS A-itllf ,.,... Wrll•r HOLLYWOOD -ls the movie rating iystem working? The qut:stion· was raised last week when a lead~ film induatry fiJure at- tac~ed the rating system as a failurt:. W~lter Reade Jr., film distributor and theater chain owner, told the National Associa~on of Tlleater Owners Con· venUon in Washington that Ute ratings ahoold be. repealed. Long a critic of the rating strqcturt, Reade declared theater owoers "Qave re· 11ounced their personal resPonsibiUty" and compared the system to the prOhibi· Uon of liquor in the 1920s. . Jack Valenti, president of the MoUon J>jcture Association, defended the raijng code, wbich he introduced a year ago. He told the theater owners : · "Remember we censor no films for adults. Wt: ban nothing. What we do is classify films for guidance of parents. It is a rational system, and it is working." The classification system went into er. feet Nov. 1, 1968. It was the result of long ciebate in the molion picture industry, which had traditionaUy adhered to a •yslem of prtsenUng film entorlaUunent suitable for all members of the family. With Jncreued 50pbistl..Uon of Ille American public and a change ln publlc morality, the need was felt for more outspoken material. Valenti fint lnsU• tuted the deaJana· tlon "Suggested for Mature Audiences, .. which was a kind of flag lndi<ating a f.llin wasn't meant for the kiddies. That system didn't wort, so the Producers Msociation Ina~· at.ed the clMSifica· " lion 5)'stem, patterned I.er e in other countries-England has haid_ claa&- ified films for 40 years, Now the Code and _ Rating Administration of the Producers Asgocia· lion reviews scripts and finished films and bands down its decision in four categories: Q-Suggested for general audiences. M-Suggested for mature audiences- parental discretion advised. R-Restrlcted-persons underl6-18 In '• -d!IM -not ldmltled wi1 ... ..,. -~by paeenl or a<lult &uar<Uan. X-Penona Wider tr (or II) 'DOI ad· milled. ·ur.4enfaodably, It Is the x rllln( lhjlt Jiu ....... Ille bi~ fUA, Valenll ad· mlta thit be ortclnallv lntende<I the X to be a "leper colcmy'1 far films o! no arlllUc qUalllf whatsoever. But It baan't worked out that wey. Two of the mo&t . 'llllCCesaful and criticaQy a c c 1 a I m e d • fllins ' or 1--"MldQlght Cowboy" and "l!fedliun <:.ool"~ndtd utt in the x:cJass. "' Anolher well./ecelved flip>. "Lui 'wn-mer."' eJCaped the X only after Its direc· tor, Frank Peny, qreed to cul, an obscene word and part of a ra,pe acene. Sald Perry: '"ntere should be a dlf. rerence betw:een a 'achlock x· handed out to lllma for the porny.house trade and an 'orlllllc X' for films that are !eying to ~y torilething.'' At lent 38 U.S. new~pen: now are banning ads and revlewi of X-rated lilms, porno or arlllllc. There can be no doubt that industry • leaderi are concerned about Ille i'Owln& newspaper blJl. They may well redouble their dlort to avoid Ille X rating. • ''1be Ray Conniff Cbrlatmu Show." featuflng renowned arranp.conducloT Ray eo.. nlll and hla 16-voice mixed choqu, will bring YultUde mu1kal areet!nP to Cllannel 11 viewers De<ember I. In 'addition to lradiUonal oarofa and popular .......i ravorltff, the I ~· 7 p.m. color. cast will spoUi;ht guest star Alan Young in a Christmas reading and the· humor or the Plxlekfu PUppola. UUUzlng a key mountain lodge S<tllng, the 1 .. uve mood is ever present as viewers are invited to join the sweater and slack&-clad alngtrs as . they trim Ille giant holldoy tree. no1f"i1~''-sli-~~-=.=-· ·THE PARTY BAR ! R! Faye Wears Own dutfit For Scene UCI Chorus ·Opens Fifth Yule Season And, as If the Conniff cho- rus, television . personality Young '1, reading of ''The LIUle Gray Lamb" and the Pixl.ekins' meniment isn't enough, there's a speclaJ color film trip with Banta Claus around his North Pole home as he prepares for his Christ· mas ~ve journey -as the songsters. offer a rollicking "Here Comes Santa ·ctaua." Produced by Jerry Simohds, with Jin! Gates, Cllannel 11 Vice president aod program director. as director, "™ Ray Conniff Christmas Show" is an old fashioned Christmas cele- bration that's complete with carols and song, plus the warmth' or a 'fireplace, and generally emphasizes w ha t Chrlstmls is.' all about. Polbla Tttabtl•l19, N••· 21 /';E.STl.Ul\A ... T 1011• d•v 1.1. or coun•) 2241 W•1t Coast Highway Flll POLISH SAUSAGE N•wport Beach 5115. MAIN, U.NTA ANA :(714) 646-5057 Under the baton of Or. Th~ora Van Runkel, Ute Maurice Allard, the University duig:ner who gave Faye Chorus of the University of DunaWay Ute 'Bonnie' look in California, lrvine will open its fifth season on December 13 "Bonnie and Clyde," baa also created the blonde star's cos· and 14 with a Christmas pro- turnes for "A Place for gram of sacred and secular Lovers." the Metro drama music at 8:30 p.m. both nights in UCl 's Science Lecture Hall. currently shooting here in Alpine Italy. The 64-member 11' Ix e d One outfit which M l s s chorus will open the program Dunaway wears in the Carlo wilh the widely k n o w n Ponti production be Ion 1 s 1 "Gloria" or Antonlo Vivaldi, however, to Faye herself. Vit-w·il.h soloists,. choir a nd torio De Sica, the film's dlrec-members of the University tor, was oot quite content with Orchestra. The orchestra will a dress Miss Van Runkel had al&0 join the c h 9 r u a to designed for a scene shot tiie perfonn the "Ciotta in Excel· otfier day. sis Deo" portion of the }Jach Jn the scene, the character "Mass in B Mlrior" with so- partrayed by the blonde ac-prano and tenor solo. Guest tre~ dashes to a mountain top harpist Elizabeth Turrell will to commit suicide. De Sica perform with the chqrqs in lhe decided that the dress for the second half of the concert with scene should be replaced by a Benjamin Britten'• masterful beige pants suit from the "Ceremony of Carols," a rare· star's own wardrobe. ly pertonned 1943 work writ· PR. MAURICE ALLARP Co,.Juctt Concert at UCI Although Young offers a rtadl.ng· to the youngsters, with apeclally composed C<>nnUf background muslc, "The Real Meaning of. Christmas," and the. PixJeklns are featured in two specialty numbers, "Fros- ty the Snowman" and "0 Tan- nenbaum." it's the carols and sottga which 11atar." Stnce "The Ray Col)nl!f Cbrlltlnaa Show" la eub-UUed ''Here We came A Carollng," the Connilf stnam open and close their holiday special on "Here We Come A Caro Ung," lnl<rsJ>trsed wlth Chrt.tmu medleys of 0 0 Holy Night," "We Tbree Kings of Orient Are" and "Deck the Halla" along with "The Pin t Noel," "l:iark, the Herald Angels Afllhony ls a part of the UCI Sing'; and 0 0 Come All Ye Dance Performance program FalthfU:I. '.' . - ,,_, NMmblr 28, 1969 HOl.IDAT MA ..... DAILT AT liJa 1 ONLY POU~ MIW HA\'I WALICIO OH THI MOON. ~l THI MST 6F US, "DOI" IS AS Cl.OSI~ Wl'll LIKILY TO e!T. {(\'11\•1-.f ~TIU I ~. "'lfOS lest C.... Hk)tiw_, c.... ..... .,....., ... 67J·6160 -&ow yoa can SEE anylhlq yon want ~ ~"· '"'" ARLOtlUTHRIE . COLOlll'by,0.Lu•e U111ttlll Aiohtll [!P , ....... .," .. 2nd BIG WEIK Call 673.6260 For Information Also Ploying -"THE FIRST TfME". Faye selected th e ac· ten in Latin and Mjddle ctssories, including a brown English. The program will slim polka dot blouse. The conclude with a medl,,ey·. of selection of the blouse turned ~traditional and newly Written out to have an unconscious carob.of Che seaaon. s~nificance for Faye. "When I The final aectioi1 w 11 t was riding up to the moun· sj>otlight several student am· tain," slie says, "I wondered ductors. Chorua presi de nt why I'd chosen polka dots. Steven warner of Long Beach Then, I suddenly reme mbred wW conduct th& Shaw-Parker that one .of my best friends arrangement of "H•cla Belen h11d once told me that sh& va un Bonico" (1'Towards didn't want to have a mourn-Bethlehem Goes a Donkey"), fut funeral. She wanted to be while senior Sbaron Martin of dressed for burial from head Sunset Beach will lead the to toe in polka dots. So. that's choir in a Swedish folk song, what I'm wearina: in the "Now It Is Christmas Time." scene." Eve Evans of Rialto, a and rpade his debut last In addition, tJ?e Cbrlstmas· Spring in "Catulll Carmina" · fn·song rormat 1s carried out Tickets for aU Un111ersitf wltb "Joy to the World," "Sl- Cborus performances are free Jent Night," "Ch r I s t m a s and may be obtained from Ute Bells," "Adoramus Te/' and Fine Arts Box Office at UCl "Sant~, C1-us lB .C~ng to or by calling 83M817. Town. 11~,;;p;;;;:;i;;,iTPji~ freshman majoring in voice, will conduct and be a soloist J_,ynn Redgrave . of Jester Hairston'• "Mary's Little Boy Chile." Associate Conductor Carole Boelter will TROPICAL FISH SOUTH SW Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. "-I l.tc9tl•• 211W.WILIOM,COITAMISA II~!!!!~~ (Off Felrv .. w Rel., 54-7H1 r I 11J.G. Rlver11de Dr, -H1w110rt ...... lbohlrid ,,.. .... , Otflctl ......m Mti\llU UIM S""n OllM .... "Klt4KATOA" tG) P IUI "lllM• ef llllCHtT WATlll,. Fights Flood conduct "Sweet Baby Sleep."J';;~~~~~~~~~jl Or. Allard will reaumi: their baton to lead "A Virgin Unspotted," "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "Mary Had a Baby." Marking his first perfonnance as ac· companlst for the chocus will be Jack Miller or Tustin. ....... ,Otlfll .... ''ALICl'I lllSTAOltANT" 111) TIM 1 .. 11t1 Lynn Redgrave had to fight her way against a torrent created by 12,000 gaJlons of water, dulriped instantly into the living room where she is standing, for her role in Warner Bros-Seven Arts' "Blood Kin." The scenes represent a Mississippi river flood. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : ®. ,€;//_. _ _, ___ &!i/O._./ t:::ld.._ Caribe Room : • W~·~f/ l::'Hln PRESENTS • • • • • ENTERTAINMENT -3 SHOWS NIGHTLY -DANCING • • Among the soloists are Judy Edgerly of Whittler, soprano, and Tom Anthony of Costa Me!a, baritone. Mias Edger I)', a iUflior in vocal music, has cften been heard in University Choru! performances a n d rtcently completed her junior recital for the UCI Sunday Evening Concert s e r i e s . Anthony, a senior in music and dance, will make his chorus solo debut with "Hacla • • Monday thru Saturday I • Belen va un Botrico. '' In ad· JACK COSTANZO Featuring • dlUon to his~ voe~! study, • • • • • For Adwertl1lng In The ·weekender Phone 642 -4321 • • • • • • • • GERRIE WOO CONTINENTAL CUISINE •1IF=~~=:=~~11 • 21112 OCIE.AN AYE. !Coat Hwy.I -HUNTINGTON HACH -516-14ZI • ~······························!•, • • I PIZZA HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE OLD DAYS -~----'--- THI MOTION P1CTUll CODI AND RATING PRC»lAM The Mofle11 '1~• C..t• •l'ld ft•tln9 Ad111l11l1tr•tio11 •Pll'll•1 fh• f•ll6wi119 r•flllt• f• filnu d11trlltttt•cf 111 th• U.S.A. Pie• turtt 'et.cf 6, M or !l ,_u,llfy fM th• C.cfe Sf.I, .... Plcf1lf't1 r•tff X cfo fief ,.c•lff • 1 •• 1., n.. ,.t111,. .,,1y •• 1tlchlr•• ttl••"cf •fhr N0vtlfl• b.r I, 1961. Pictllr•t rol••"cf b•foro t~•t dtft tr. cit.Crib. I •d 01 pt.vlo1nly I 49 t ncf/• SM.41. lil-$•-tff '" .... DAL' itt4l•t1•••· I lal-Sitt•tfM t. MAl'UQ 111 -•vcfltflctt tP•r•nltl 41 .. I cr•tl•11 oi¥1 .. d I. .. I Iii> -lllTllCTID -ro;..n• ID.I lltll,., '' 11•t ••""lth4, 011!•1• •c•o1Pp•t1i•cf ti., ,.,. ... , td11lt '""· 1011. IOI._,._ --'' ... '\Of .......... Tlilt ••• , •• 1tdctlo11 111ty ~· lilthtr h1 •t rfth1 •r•••· Chtik ''--------"' ''THE Dt•tk D•fyin9 Sky Di¥i119 .... Lllll4•'9t GYPSY MOTHS" pliu "MARLOWE" witk J•ma .. ,.., Contlnueu1 Tl'tura. 1 :30 ·,.,,.. . SrECfAL KIDS SHOW Frf.·S•t.-su,.....:.1:'0 p.m. All a..b-7Sc "Wonderful Land of 01" plus "M .. !c Voy• .. ef lint.air! IALIOA 673-4041 ..... ,, .. ,.. .... _ ............... \ I I * HEY KIPSI * Big Pal Show S.f. 1 :00 ''THI 'YILi.OW .f\/IMAlllHI" STEREO SENSATION·I Tiie colorful 11o•d of Oran1e County ,Muele RADIO KOCM 103.1 -FM .,,. From Fashion lsland,.Newport Beach • 1 \ ' I l • ' l • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • ' • • ' ' • • ' ' • ' • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • . • • • . • . . . • • • . • . . • • • • • .· ·- ------------------------·------,---._ _______ -.·-~ ...... ----------------------....------------·----~----·-.. -.. I, -. llTTLE HELPERS MARC COPAGE, MICH,t.EL LINK Cwfars of "J uli•'' Show Help Toys fo r. Tots Ca mp.i9n Marine Re serve s Open Toys for Tots Project ' "Toys !or Tots," the annual Marine, Corps Reserve pro- gi-am to rill the Christmas stockings of needy children is o£ficialy open. The month-long: campaign is scheduled to end at noon, December 22. Colonel William L. llen- dricks. US?CCR (Rel.), co- founder ol the nationwide campaign, announced t h a t local Marine Reservists will set up toy-coll~on barrels at various public and J:>usiness locatiOns in tbt"Orange County area, including selected city and county fire stations. Donors will be asked to deposit new .. unwrapped toys which will ·be distributed by Marines to underprivileged children thr.ough local welfare 1gencles. Groups or individuals desir· ing to make large donations may call the nearest Marine Reserve .activity regarding toy pick-up. The "Toys for Tots" idea was conceived 22 ~ars ago in Los Angeles when. Col. Hen- drick! and two other Marine Reservists became concerned over 'the lack or coordination between the many individual efforts at collecting a n d distributing toys to needy chlldreJJ. They ofCered to work through their reserve unit to organize the diversified drives into one concentrated, city- wide effort. Other Marine Reserve com· rnands picked up the idea, un· ti! today virtually e v e r y Marine Reserve unit across the nation and in Hawaii con- ducts a local "Toys for Tots" campalgn. Jn 1968, 4,219,112 toys were collected nationally a n d distributed to 1 • 5 2 3 , 0 5 8 children. More than a quarter- mlllion t.Oys were collectet;f in the Los Angeles area alone. Special events already plan- ned to benefit this year's drive include the third annual Hobo Kelly Toyathon, a three-hour colorcast. December 6 on Channel 13: a two-day Toy Rally, December 6 and 7 at the Pan Pacific Auditorium ; and a special Los Angeles King s hockey game , ·December 13.. ~d a Los Angeles L a k e r s basketball game, December 14. Donors desiring more .in- formatlon •,op "Toys for Tots" may call their iiearest Marine Corps Reserve act.ivity. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l John ot John Quincy 'Fial f1sll 10 Slice 14 --·· Crnltr 15 Old Tesliunent book 1& Nucleu~ 17 Cbni111erce'$ parltler 18 Sir: Mallf l9 Defeat 20 .. _ in the H"lght" . ?Z Gtttk lett~ 23 Touch or ta.ste 24 CoXCOf!lb 25 Rud lmenlS 28 D11:y of the week : Abbt. 29 Card game 30 Possesses 33 Units of rtluctanct 35 Lon~shore •M ' 111!1 ltu 38 Purgative drug •o Pan handle 41 Mexican tlllt 42 Kind of work.er : 2 •ord s 4S Re actionary (ttl'SOQ "'" S.tlll 47 Where Sal err is: Abbr , 48 lork in the wood s ' . . .. SD US party~ Abb r. Sl Kind of coal SZ Highlander's instrumefl t 54 Lawful 57 City in New York State &l Summit bl Affirmative rt p!y ia Spain &3 Ente1tai1t· 111ent lorm 04 Strail of Bell e -bS "Whal -?._ &b Nol about to bt caught napping &1 Weathe1· man's word &8 Place k ic~trs' qadg~t s • li'J Nostrils DOW~ 1 Ptrlor111s °" t11 e sta ge 2 Housewife's coricern J Cau casian language 4 Legeodary ""' S Un its of movi e lil11 Ii Vile 7 Color 8 Und er· garments: Informal II .•• Anlonlo lll Br•w1 11 fabrit· ma King machin P 12 Call a Il ly l J G1t~k letter 21 Bite 22 Bad mistakes: SIJng 24 Pio ll Part of Asia: Poet. 20 Charming woman 21 Hit hard 29 Obligations imposed by law 30 High card . In brldge 31 PJr\ of a bJ\lery 32 Barber's necessity 34 Obse1vt Jt. Olstanl: Pre fix 37 Man's 11 ic tn n111e l l!28/09 39 Baseball club emp loy et 43 Noted Bos too h()(;t ey player <14 Catch witlt a lariat 49 Europea11 Sl Put back into good order SZ Old hat 53 Ancleot Roman garmeol 54 Secular" 55 ··-facto. 5& Part of 1 battery 57 Trlct 58 ·-·the hill 59 Kind or comm1:11ic<1lion &O Makes as a pro11 L 02 1 eonis playe1 s' .... 1'2 IJ Guid e l o Movies . I W e~k's M~nµ: F~W:ily Films Editor'$ Note:· Th is niovte ouide ;, -'P."f'po.rccL by tlie films committee of Harbor Cou1u:il PTA. Mrs. John · Clerk it . f)f"·etlde11t and Mrs. .Ha.rt Sweeney is committee chaibmln. It u i'iitehded cu a 4-e/erence in d.etermtning• . Mtabte films /Of" ce~ciin llJJ e grott.J» and unit appear weekly. You-r views are solicited. fi!ail then' to Mo- vie . Guide, ca·re of the DAILY PILO'f, * * * ADULTS A•l 1ce 1 s Restauranl (R): Story ·of Ario Guthrie's search for his "thing" in life. It is set tn· Massachusetts where he is guest of friends who bUy a church and turn it into a restaurant. Film shows young people in the background or a commune. Goodbye Columbus (R): A summer romance between a poor librarian and a nou veau riche college gir l lapses due to their different views. A satire on sex with Richard Ben- jamin, Ali .MacGraw. Thal Cold Day la tbe Park IR): A drama in , which a spinster develops a s Jc k passion for a young stranger and makes him a prisoner in her home. Sandy Dennis. The Sterile Cuckoo' (M): Liza Minnelli gives a sensitive performance ' in ttlls story of two lonely coJlege kids who find love for ttie first time. Wendell Burton also stars. MATURE TEF;NS ANO ADULTS Tbe Chairman (M): Greg. roy Peck is a Nobel Prize winning Scientist who is sent on a spy mission to Red China. Co-star is Anne Heywood. The Dirty Dozen : Shortly before D-Day a d o z e n American military prisoners. condemned to death or life im· priscinrrient, are o f f e r e d clemency if they aeComplish a brutal, suieiaat miSsion for the Army. Let Marvin, Ernest Borgnine. Gypsy l\1otbs fM ): Drama abou t the leader of a skydiving trio y.·ho falls in love with the faithless wife of a d1dl; small· town business man. Burt Lan- casler, Deborah Kerr. Tbt Flrsl Time (M): Three adolescent boys look for sex- ual experience during summer vacation. Wes Stern, Jae· queline Bisset. TEENS AND ADULTS Bitrefoot in the r ar k: Reguillng story about the first few weeks of newlywed life in a Greenwich Village walk-up apartment. Jane F o n d a , Robert Redford. The cbrtstma1 Tree (G): Sentimental story about a father and son relationship which o versha dows the "IWPOlf IU.CM -., 11oo e..t••-.. I.Ml_ Uff l•I• -0 1. J·IJJI ' . . or research for an undersea developn\tlll CO\\\PaJIJ' tokes ~··bis famil.Yi to spend a month in an underwater house. Tony aandall, Jan<t Leigh. Krabtea, Eul of Java (G): AwtBOme, volcanic eruption ot Krakaioa and the monstrou s tidal wave that follows it forms the framework and clbnax of this tale aboUt a sunken treasure. Spectacular special effects. Maximilian 1 ~ll. and Brijm Keith . - ' Ne v e·r a DaU Momeat: 1 Disney slapstick comedy about a struggling-actor who is mistaken for a notorjou.s gun. man by gangsters. Dick Van Dyke. Oliver ( G ) : Spectacular musical version of Dickens's classic about an orphaned waif cast into the teeming squalor of .the lower class. He finally escapes to the elegance of the upper c I ass. Mark Lester, Oliver Reed, Jack Wild. Tbe One and Only, Genuine, Orlc1 a al Family Band: American politics of the 1880s provide a period background (or this "Disney musical. Bu4dy Ebsen, Walter Brennan and Lesley Ann, Warren. Slapstick Com~dy · .. Pettr Pan: Walt Disney's animated version of James Barrie's classic story of the boy who nevm-grows up. Dick Van Dyke stars in the motion picture, "Never a Dull Moment''. It ls a story about· a struggling actor who is mistaken !or a notorious bank robber. It is curreritlly playing in theaters along the Orange Coast. · background or anti-nuclear Burton of the B r i t I s h protest. William H1>lden, Virna I n t e 11 i gen c e and Clint Lisi, Brook Fuller. Eastwood of the American Tbe Italian Job (G): Ex· Rangers lead a team to reScue prisoner (Michael Caine) an American General im-prisoned in an almQSt im· trains an elite gang, and plans pregnable Gennan fortress. an .Jiibit.ious robbery in this FAMILY amusing farce. Also stars Noel Qarby O'~ill and the Little Coward and Rosanno Braszi. Peogle (G): A re-issue of Ring of Bright Water (G): Bill Travers and Virginia AicKenna play the leading rotes in this engaging film about a writer who settles in an ancient seaside rottage in the Scottish Highlands so his pet. otter will have living space. Smith (G): A simple, action- packed western, story or one man's fight to cure the hi· justices directed toward the American Indian. Glenn Ford, Nancy Olson, Dean Jagger and Keenan Wynn. * * * 1he Maltese Bippy (G): Disney?s fantasy·. about a com· N o f1sensical comedy-cbil!,er pulsive old .. Irish StQry teller about a couple of fly-by-night who gets into a battle oI wits The letter immediately business partners who become with leprechauns. A 1 b e r 1 after the title indica tes the involved with· family of Sharpe, Sean Connery, Janet rating given tile picture by werewolves. Dan Rowan and twtunro. ~~~e 1tr0:::i i;!fc~:e 'b°~e~ Dick Martin star. Hello Do-n· There (G)·. A A d R · P .. n attng rogram may Ullll: A Space Odyessey lively family situation-comedy be found on th~ motion (G): Fascinating film about in a marine .setUng. The head pict·ure page. the history of the formationJ-------''-----''---'....:. ____ _ Earth Through the develop- ment of man to travel in space. Spectacular vjsual ef- fects. Kier Dullea and Gary Lockwood. The Undefeated (G): Post civil war story of a friendship that blossoms between two colonels, John Wayne. Union, and Rock Hudson , Con· federate, who meet en roote to MexiC'O. · Where Eagles Dare (rt-I): Tense, explosive World War II CINEDOME ~~·G ''1•U" ! ·' • '' • • •" ' drama in which Ri chard!,===================== CONTINUOUS SHOW THURSOAY, FRIOAY, SATUROAY, SUNDAY FROM 2 P.M. Continuous Show Sund1y From 2 p.m. HELD OVER F---MlllOIUl D'W' SOUTH COAST """" -l"LAZA TH-Tlllt CORPOtlll)O $M Dlw f-11 lrilliJ • 546-2711 NUlllUI. ~iii-SOUTHCOAST ~•mt r .. LAZA TH-TRI!: CORl'DRAIKlll Sin Dilc0 Freewu It lliltol • 546-211 l * ACRES OF FREE PARKING * Bo• Office· Open 6:4S -Showtimo • • 7 P.M. JohnWivne Rock Hudson . "the Undefeated • '• ,·, ... 0 ••• ·~ ..... -ooc.-.. -""TtiE CVMIC•• -DICK VAN DYKE MICHELE LEE MIO<EY ROONEY • Plu1 G•o19• Ke1111,dy in .. GU NS.Of THI MAGN IFICENT SE'llN" '"The Gypsy Moths" * * BEACH BLVD. AT ELLIS * * HUNTINGTON BEACH * 847-9608 EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY RUN .,. ••• ' ,• . -:.i:t~~ut:. 2 SUPER BIG HOLIDAY SHOWS f9tOM THE STA.IS Of "IORN f l EI" COMIS "RING OF "BRIGHT WATER" lcrtt4 for Gen•rol AudlffUl * Continuous Thurs • Fri • Sat • Sun * Coming ••• CHRISTMAS DAY "FUNNY GIRL" I ' '{ ,, ' •} • '. I • ' .. • • I ., .. • 1 I • ' I ' ' ' ' &:lit I ' ' ' ' I ( 7:0D I I I ' ' ' ' ' 7:)Q u , *' ' 1 • 1:00 . I ' ' 'I :• tt.IG 11:00 ll:JO 12:00 ' • ' TUMBLEW!ED$ By Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS IJl( •• l 'TillNK 1lfOSE • AJIEA~trn.E'IOO • St.l'ORIML • ••001t:-'(C)(OJ)J .. ~ .... ,,,. 1m•~:.·~-(C) .... ., ..._ (C) (30) , .. --(C) ('°' QWf E 111tt., su. lltney, rred S.Ot '* • Cll 1n4.Slmoa ~tell. 7:29 ••II t111t (C) 0 "DIEi DIEi-MY 7'11 e:-~-=: 1<fl.lwtcl ·* DARLING -T1\LLULAH a ,,. - • BANKHEAD -COLORI -"'"' (C) D•......, -(C) ..... 11:11 4111"'-(C) llil, Mt Dlltllt' (llllPWI) }65 U lllltrt Ct••• t•e -Tallul1h 81~ sttf"1ll flow, 1 _ •~ - .,.. htlr V1Uclle1.. -s-I -· ... DIG; •• ..,.. (30) ,.,... ,... (30) , ... ., .... ,., .. .. T"' (C) (OJ) ...... (C) "-' M ..... (30) .. •• l:M Qll(l)I ... 1_,./M a... .... (C) (60) .... Whitt. --~ (C'-= .... , .... 4C> (30) IU ll) ~,.... (CJ "' - -(C) (30) .._ (C) ,, ...... lnia ('C) (JO~ .... i.: .,.,.. • •, 1prte• -...... ....._. @01 (comtdy) '61-Jeck W11li11L Caroli ....... lJO> "Thts.t--Mlfi ... '"IL .... f; __ Renee ttol.rslioll. 11 ... "tAul:hll'" it lnin1 w-.. ·1Cllit II< · -.. (C) (10 . • --.... (C) -(C) (!O) .... llll 00 llll H. R. -(C) C1S e.1111-M.. (C) (30) lllirit: "r.citie. li.cllMI" (cl11· WW• My [W (C) (30) ::lo,'.42 -Rob.rt ~ £va 1 ""~30) ' DtliJ ril Ell"" ...... (C) ' 111t 111 _{CJ 130), ....... ......._M...,.. ( ... , •• ,....,,,...... , ... '(30) -_.,_ .,, ... •. • .. Meri! (30) ~-., --wl'Mf'Oll, ....._ Wiii (() (30) eoo,tr, J11lit Bilhop. , , ..... (30) bit 'Pl • ..., IC) 7:l0 Cl"'*-r Mllio D GET SMART '"" 1-~ l ·-(C) N -1:--(C) * 1'.V'S FUN IEST SHvn "' -.... _(C) •llllll"" .... (C) (30) Widt tfU I blfldl of ........ ,.Is C... J 11tt11n11 •• cht..'~t11t s.,b Mt oUt to 0:00 -~ --(C) fflW tit .,.. a.tura ht Ills tm,. ~ .. NCAA r..w ¢) .... -·"' --.. COii • • .. TIOL •ltftb. MMJf)' Willa IVtl(s. 0 MltN: CC) .. lO ~ t. 8 ID ..., a.,.n-.i (C) 160) ' D Dilblt" (westunJ-C.11 Moh11«, '1Thi Laiq." 81111 f•lls ill Jcve Tcll5)' Collins. \ wtth Ill 1tlnctin 1'*'-II ChlP· II) thwil: "Ritt .. }Mflllt """'• pernl. John DlllMr •rid P1met1 . <(llraril1j '59-.llro1111 Thor, Dctothr Db1llp alllll ~ Prwint. Uh ... r'ifdil'" Ill• -.. -a! m I . MIW L~· lD:lO m hit: ...... " ltriCI" (td· (60) I b tl11 tl11rd Ii) '66 -Ciyd• ti1tty D1i111 tllotrinl kw tlli1 IWITC·'lfllWlit"pro-Sllep1rd. ' 11:1m thtt ~mi1111 "'-. mirlClt1t:Jalft (J)kloby·Do. (t) 111d fllYlbrr.et birth. iddie..Albtrt D C1J m.11w ct• . n1mllL (R) . llMit: ·i-,..,_,..._. {lflJl-fJ MlllM $ Mflil: (C) .,...... ttly)''41--8ull .... 1.tr1 ~ lcomt:d1) '61-Tom T11· ll:GlllE~ -IC> 011, D1v1d Hld*Ml , ...... 1• (C) llrlltll w Cs•,..•• (C) (30) ll:Jt ......... ~ , ... "' ... -(C) (!O) . . --(Wnl· Techical C:... (30) «n) .'-4~ MldilGR. 110(1 Clf. 1" FMl!dl Cllll' {30) hcuil C1fD11 Mal!IRs. t ~ (C) (90) ·t1 YIOle· mM..ic ....... ~..t ...... tw1." P1rt IL Saf1 Montieil, Rt11el . (dtllfltJ '59-Sffp~-· ' Vellone. • ' ' , UIO 11 111 00 "' "" '"' (C) (JO) If 4i : • 5'1wuM 5 (C) (60) Bobby ' 1: • Golcbbofo stars. : ___ ,..,. ...... l(C)(!) PERKINS JUDGE PARK~ WJIAT?i' I HAVoN'r 1011> It'! ;\<QE SiNCc l WAS21! IFI·CAl-J Do THAT FOi< 30 Yo;lr<s, 1/M HOT A80UT10 -r~•~ Now!. By John Miies By Ferd Johnson · 'iW~AJl you'•~ ~-~·"' 1••d . ,Q--. .., fC) (30) lZ;OOu· llMkM (C) ,_ (C) (JO) • -(C) ·1·• Ql(J) ...... ~(t) (30) Tllh F1 .. Mr 0 B Sa 0 d · • .,._ ,...,,..,. ,,.. 1~15 :=.., "!:.':.::..:., -STEVE R PER y u_nders and Ye1'9Clr . .,... HocM n11"'"*"' to "' • ,., • I :::::il•m!!~;'Sll:Z:~lZ::;;i•~i!!::"'ffir.ii!iM"i.Y'BfJu:iTiil~-::;:::::::::o..:..::~~':;t""" ;;;==I flctlq: 1111111J field 1111rsh1t to En1· <~•) 40 -G1111. lrnd. COOJ*", Mldtlt1119 C.rroll, Y'SAV THE DEAi.ER -~(rl o;,11111 If ttll SIMtlZ!J089(f)WKlJ llactl (t) ~,....."'OU" "EW "C,.. ceJ (90)~'1l11 Ci'liliHd Min." Din @~-s.rw, (C) ';Autotnolivt 'vv• " """ A flrf111 (Rcbtrt Stick) tiavels to 1 R1p11r.' (Re.:lltdultd) FROM THE WEST h~ll' c1tt11 ranch in florid• to In. ~ llltrit: "Cnend" (ulventv11) COAST? vesti11te lllOdtrn·day u~ rus-'l5--Dick PllWlll, WtltM' Slu1k. trin1-Jl(:k llllJ, ",till st. -Rod ,~ r Cl) ... _. (C) -C.m<ra1£l . ;w llO!I 1111 ,., a~ 1a Mr ........ tit WI,., DMlt f•t.r. (C) fin WJ(C) (30) "lb. ,,........,Mr. ·.t nr1• (drldllla) '6!- 0HdL" M111t Oolonke' runts js Sa111111-lleshttte, Jtmn F1rent1no., Cll~tte. 1 Grltnwicll Vill111 tl1ist, ~Ht Ridt& Tall ('ftltlnl) '64-!N1t who Mliffe Dllds 11 1 MGtctic ._ Du'Jll, lOllJ Youn1. with 1 111nrup 1bouf btln1 ooor. 0 M~: "1'1~ Sldt " .. Ln" I Dnld Fl'Oll (C) (90t (d11m1) ~Y1vec1 Lll'ldftl11. TM I la Vllley (C) (60) di lllttlMlilllll TM.,. I Mt.. I· ....... Thuh (60) ste .. ·(C). . ............ a.. (30) Ct· I C.raf J ...... lit1' 1raphit arid Yitorous damon· ~ W"'41 (C) stati~s tor mlintlinin1 tempo 1:15 ll) I]) Cl!I NCAA fttaa;h' la llfthlltht this (lr'Oll'lm. Warb ptr-Penn Stitt YI. North t.relin1 Stitt. f.-mtd ,,. by Bltlhown 11'1d B1cb. 1:301 tll(J)Jlnllr Q• (C) ~ ~~m .a ~is D~y and Davi~ 2:00 ::-: ~!rnl"' (C) l.T.A .. 1 ·* Niven; Pl~~se,. Don t new 111dln1 system in which It!· Eat the Daustes 1ers are combined into .:iunds, It CBS FRIDAY MOVIES demonstrettd. a ell (f) CIS Frid., Mwit (C) Timi ltlt W.ili' .(C) .,.._ -6.11'1 E1t U. D1isi.t" 1:30 WtMell, IOlns 11H1 ca., (C) (airnedy) '60 -Doril DIJ, Dlvld _Wiii• Tr1l• (()· Nlwn, Janis P1ip . Clllllef 8 """°' Art. Dir\ (C) (60) TM ~ (C) Jld: L Lton1rd, TeddJ Neeley, 8il1 3:00 Nlw ~ci9tr (C) P111f Udell. ~· Lindi C..rt)', Alllln Willi1ms. Dr. ~ tmnim M1eR1r, ind Pelt Setilf Sii~~ C 1uut. • .......... () ' B @(JJ.f'EH1 r1 Ct•• 1111 Jilll11tdthrdln ,-..,.. (C) (60) ''Thti [)'IS of Lon· J:JO '"""°'"' (C) Jtr• Wlttw hoetl don 9ob.M An etaptd comict cap. Ptttr Nt lllnls Jaa, lttMt fJD ..W SlllAiH (C) (2 hr) ..,,e,;. 4:(1) lltM: (C) .,,. .. (adventure) . •1tn~:..~c.~~(~, :-=.:;~~ (CJ ~-..._ CC> (30} 81xt11 W1nl D SEE KODAK'S · ;:,::::-::.:: ti% (30l * 196!1 ALL AMERICAN ,_. .. (30) . FOOTBALL TEAM 10:• 1DClltllnclllll11 W.U (C) with 0. J. SIMPSON ~ Owl.~ A bil HOllJ· D (1'7J (l) t:f) IN.re ' AN .... -W stlf foRJI prllduc.tr· Kevin w 'fiia (C)filmed hl!"lllltb and Grant (Ptlw Ha.uh), It ICC'Pt his i11tel'l'ltwt wltll tt1e beit <:0l11itt1 inuptrltnctd d1uptw 11 the le· ~ of IM 1969 ••tell. milt ltld in • """"· Tlrn O'r.on· 1 Sfr (C) "°'*I Sl'ltllt1" f1b1m aunt. .._ ,,.. UllCLE (C) ~•'(C) (30) """"'' ..., (lle.-rn1 Dlnlfltl ,,.. (111ip O"TtOll "-Slattfl (C) (60) '4:30 'r111tll tn4 tlli Ptlicf (C) '\lw Doll Mo, M.tt HaqtrU i nd Corbell Enforctm1nl 1nd·ll'lt Ctow4'rd CltJ," E-!.i (IO), ... """"' l;""ii.1..-(C) :::::.."::.:. (JO) ' .... ... ..... -... "" - -<JOl t•D "'"~ <Ci '-"" Mun AND JEFF Wl'TH ONE L1T'TLE ~R!rrE .CHOP yOU CAN l!RiAK AN A1"TACKER6 NECK/ N<>N. COM6 ON, CHOP, CHOP! GORDO YOU CHOP, CHOP! ? ME . "T'RACK "T'RACKI 11 :00 e I' "'91 (C} ' ' !11f!I ICfloDls Ill l lshop Mon\IOm• Jlllll :;"'-.. (C) •IJ (Torr111ce), Chl111in1dt ,,_, °"" u.. (Clnoat rarl,) 1nd 11s111p Amil !NCLESS IN eilS!Nl!SS lnSUL'B' ~ ACDM81"4ATION CF FACTi>ICS. '- , llp (Rl (Lt Plllflt1). 'hit ""' "' "' flttbtll (C) l lln(C) 11;30 Man lrfff'• (CJ ?!(])Elhlllwf (C) ~:"~ ..... (C). --ri(C) ·-~r.r..:;•.... =::"".!> {IOMllCI) ~·.. • ,.,. a. ""' lf2:JI~*: ~ · ,.,, •..• ,_,· ... -c. .... ·-· l;lt =...,(C)(~ l" J. Clbll MM .. llDWft. Jft••-(C) ·-:<Cl .... ·-(Id· ~111·--·(Q 12,ooi."':l..'.~w <n· ''" ,.,' :r.:. '1nfurt) '&S-Dwld Ni11tn. M111ln Tnt Dlnlt'a Wri (_, 811sem. Btn C1u1r1. . .\rricun1111 USA (C) PO NO'!" SO'O<eit L.16TU<IN'<, IltA--'ICU Wl\.t. ..__,, r---'I tlEYM 8£ A 'UCCf SS, •• THAT f01 By Gus Arriola . . . . . . • • 1 ~ • • •• '""'· """""" 28,' 1969 DAILY "I.Of· 33 . . By CIMirles Barsotti By Ch.tes M. Schub , Ii: (/~ 1 1~~t·!J-H 1111 ~.=:!/ '!.l.9rtt .·1( I i. 11\ll>i'!llo Vi TELEVISION VIEWS · Thanksgiving TV I.imited By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -~ televltton viewer who doesn 't like parades and football has, on Thanks- giving Day, about as much fun as the holidlly houseguest who can't stand turkey. . CBS AND NBC devoted the entire morninll to those ,department store parades which over the tele~lSion rears have become as much a part of Thankaglvmg as pumpkin pie. With four /'of"" sional football game~ on CBS and NBC an a col· lege football game on ABC, theie was a consider- able period during the afternoon when the sight of gridiron warriors wu all that was available on. the network channels. While CBS was turning !Is cameras on the bands, floats and celebrities in parades in four cities - New York, Toronto, Detroit and Philadelphia - NBC as usual concentrated on the New York City festivities. ' · A! the years have gone on, the NBC produc .. tJon has become less live coverage of a parade and more a broadcast of an elaborate street circus. Pony and dog acls, clowns, well-rehearsed pre-. cision dancers and marching bands performed on the asphalt In front of the sponsoring store. AL THOUGH the floats, music and giant bal· loons are officially to honor the arrival of Santa. Claus, the spirit of commercialism competed wltb the spirit of good wW. The programs were llber· ally laced with sponsorS• messages and for , good measure there were frequent, informal plugs of TV shows by the show business luminaries 'who show· ed up. . Lorne Greene of 0 Bonanza." one of the hosts on the NBC programs, teamed the perils ·ot ·ad-' libbing while filling air time between acts. He saw some clowns dressed as comedy-firemen and ob- served that he is a volunteer fireman in Hollywood. Then he added, "We keep-the.fires going Ulltll tle professional firemen get there.'' · A SHORT time later. Greene earnestly exp/jln· ed he was only fooling -volunteer flremea, he s&id, reaQy do a great job. There had been. he said, some com.plaints received about his remark. Compared with Greene's mild sally, Alan King's 11Music H1lll" hour on . NBC Wednesday night was sharu satire of popular consumer beefs. 0(Je sketch had an adjuster for a fi~e Insur,ance company finding li!Ue damage In a burned out room. Another had a frantic fathe r-to-be tcying to get his wife admitted to a hOspilal while, the aad- mitting nurse and a doctor Jgnored Jdm. Another consis!ed of bitter King fun about Ille frailty of some electrical equipment. ALAN KING must be conditioned to complaints since his stock·in-trade is shooting sharp, comedy· coated darts at business and the professions. May- be he can get away with it'becauU'everyone kno"Ns he is a comedian and therefore Doe is supposed to lau~h. Lorne Greene , on the other hand, has the public Image o! big, serious Ben Cartwright, fast on llie di-aw but Slow with the funnies. Dennis the Jtlenaee ' ,I ./ - ·----~,-··---"r --.. --~-----·~------~~----------·--· . ~ ... • • ~ DAILY PU.OT _, =· •. . " " . • •• ~ •• •• ! • • • • • ! t : ' • ·I ' . . • .· • --;.. ATLAS CH•DLE• ' l'LY .. OVTH/ llill'E•IAL Costa· Mesa . USED CARS AT 1• CHEVELLE SUPER SPORT $1195 1966 FORD MUSTANG COUPE Radio, h1efer, auto. tri1n1., etc. (5802451 1 1968 PLiYMOUTH SATELLITE COUPE va, radio, heater, automatic transmission, bucket seats , power ite1rin11 air condi .. tioning. IVTP317 } s1795 I 1967 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX va, radio, heeter, pow•r steering,· power brakes, electric windows, electric seat, f1cto7 eir concHtioning, t•p• dock. Reilly lo•dt . l TSA6~0 I $1695 1967 Pl YMOUTH BARRACUDA VS, radio, heater, power steering. Nice cir. fTVD4721 s1495 1964 VOLVO 'SEDAN 122S 4 speed, radio, heater, Clean. l0Pf6071 ' ' $ . ... ~ '. ffffRt -MU~ •1 A ltlASON ;Wfff? . Mor. & ...,,. ,,_ __ _ •t Atl car _,..... b ••••• , ... _._ -uy obvious ·--f""WQOn is •·• II I ·-.~ 111• l!Ofumo ..,n• .... 1 .. ~ ..... ... , ..... , ·N-OTl_.11!.i l-11 . ..-s.... . \., ~ • i • ' • I We Still Have A Fine Selection Of Brand ·N•w . ~ '1 • And : Demo :69'1 That A~• hlrig Siild ~ :,· At Huge Saving$ . . . lliOEST SIVINO . -. ·19&& OLDSMOBILE 442 HOLIDAY COUPE ,y9, autom•tic trans., radio, heatar, power 1teerin9. (SLV62JI 1965 ~ RAMBLER· . AMBASSADOR llO SE DAN VS, autom.itic trans., Powe r steering, re~ dio, ~eater. I PCL655 I · s995 1967 CHRYSLER NEWPORT SEDAN VI, radio, heeter, power steering, power brekes , white -walls. She rpl IUQU8991 s1595 1965 : PLYMOUTH FURY SEDAN . V8,1radio, heater, autometi~ transmission, power 1t eerin9, factory air ·condi:tioning . IPCE278 1 s995 1968 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY WAGON V8, radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, factory air ·. cond ition ing, electric .windows,· lu99191 ra c k, etc. l936l4CI · $2895 1968 CHRYSLER '300' 2 DOOR HARDTOP VS, automatic transmission, rad io, heater, factory air conditioning, electric win dows, power steering , pow er brakes, etc. Tr•· mendous saving . IVCL9701 5 2495 . . 1967 CHRY,$LE,R· TOWN & COUNTRY STATION WAGON va, radio, heater, dual factory air condi .. 1' fioners, power steering, pow9r brakes, ', white ,wel!s, eutomaiic transm ission, etc. ; ICEi2S95· ' , At:as SerViCe Department where pride ; makes ·the difference. Dependable and economical re,~~ir and maintenance work for your convenience. We honor: Carte Blanche, Diners Club, American -' ' Expren, Master Char~e, BankAmeri• card, gasoline credit cards. ' . ) ' HOUIS!~ Monday 7:00 a,.,, to t :OO P·"'· Toes. Ito,. Fri. 7:00 • ..,. to SiOO p.m. ~ • ' c . i ~=!!-. ' CHR . I.Ell ' -' .. PL'VttfOIJTH· ·1/tf P.ElllAL .: ' ' • • ' I l ! • ,I . 1 J ' $ • • • • • • l • ' ORD.ER NOW· FULL PRICE ··NEW 1969'. .·. ,.NE\V 1969 , __ •.•.•. ., Gal•xie 580 SAYE S:AVE •1:300 ·1~00 FROM ·suGGlsriD FACTORY UST, s.r. No: 12Ti1~ ; FROM SUGGESTID FACTORY UST ' s.r; iN"-.·tGlMIT"'21, '·69 QAWIE · llOO 2·DR. H;T. · . · V-41 11/to, trtne. •Ir 't'Orldlllonlnl. POW9f 11-lnt, . r1dlo, hffler. 11nl~ 1ltt1, wtieelcO'fff'J. Lktntot ,No •• : va• !PS. r ' . . BRAND NEW 1970 · TORINO~· G~I~. .... $2 .788'· ' ., s.r.<#QR35F114121 IMMEDIATE DEtlVERY. · NEW 1969 NEW 196, coa·RA MUSllNCi SAVE SA~E . •1000 $900 FROM SUGGESTED FACTORY LIST FROM SUGGESTED FACTottY UST S., No. f!C4'1ll4SIO Ser. Mo. fll:OZRllfWI. '66. FAIRLAIE . W...i,$1388.· : , , '••• , ~ I Squire Wagon. V-8, auto., : . P. stei!ring, fact. ·air. cond., ·., · ' . radio, heat., power rear wihdoW}STF 3'88. . . ·. '6·1 BAL &IO H.T. "288 .·. ',~39oV-8;automatic,P. -, 1 . , . , steer., radio, heater. TSZ . . . 025. ' '64 T.SIRD H.T. . Rose finish. V-8; auto., P. Steer., P. Brakes, air c:ond. OHY901. 1 66 ~~~~!~radio, heater. . ,. V.ry"lean. SCA 757, ... ' .. ' .. l.4'.0AL &IO 2·Dr. H.T. $4. ·s··9· ·. ft V-8, power steer., radio, · ' heeter. Serial No; 171503, '66 .CHEY. %·T~PU $1:588.-.. V-8, automat ic, heavy duty · equipt. 275438. : . · ' . 165 !~! .. ~~!!~~.~~--'.· heater, vinyl interior. · ,;; · XDB 134. · , . . . ~ ' . ' 1 66 !~!,, !~o~t~ter,$1588 air conCt., popular three . seat model. XIE 289. '65· ~~~~~w~ering, air cond. HPA 601. 1 &1 ~~~~~~~heat. . NMJ 471 . 1 66 ~~~?~c, P~r., .. ~088 dio, heater. RYC 016. 1 68 ~~~!,;~~!~ win~2888 dows, auto., air cond. Many xtras. Ser. No. 116487. ' J ' .. ' . . . . . . · · · OPE,N . ,',~ · • ·•ALL DAY• : · 'TH!tNKSGiYSNG ' ·66·.FIAT lliloSMil .$J:88' ~ _ 4 si>ee<f, stick shift •. licens& ~ • No. STJ 619,: . '63. ,cl£v;.1f2~T. P.U. ·. $fG.G -'fully eiquipped. 1license· No. · UGO 1 105948; ' ' . ~I " . ' . ~ ' '67 CllTRY. Sadan. "788: · Wagon. Big V-8 engine, au.--l 1 ~ tom11tic, P. St~ering, air . . -: cond., luggage rack, radio, · · · ' Heat. TTB.970. . . . . '60 ·RAMBLER Sedan s24•: Al.I original, very low '!':'. miles. Pl.X 129.· 1 '61 FALCOtl Satin Radio, heat. Good trans- portation. JGD18J4; ,88 : . ' 168 ~~!~~~P~;!;., '1988 ·vinyl roof, fact.·w;arra~ty available. ·wxe:o59. · .,64 FORD FUIO P;U. . ·, $Liftft Radio, heater. Runs.good! aocr P79113. • . , '88 r BALAXIE &Od -: ' 68 FASTBACK. V-$, autom!tic, 9 . 1 P. steering, radio, heat. ~ · TAT 061. :I 1' l I I ' I 1 ' • • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSES l'OR SALE HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSll FOR SALE ' ;>. 1: . TIOO 0-r•I TOOi Go_,,I 1000 Gonorol 1000 Oonoro l TOOi Gonorol 1000 ·!' ·1·' N1wport H1i9'1ts ~ ~· b4Tmt l "-blt.b.1, blt-l .... trplc, living .l tam j ·:,m, New paint job In-3 ~aide 6 out, completely • L · Cm-pit.do Dble gara~. :·. Shake roof + heated • 'POOi 1urrounded by •• beautlful garden setttni: • ' •• • • lor enterta1ning, Te Houses ! Oiok:e F.ulllde location :~~ Odole to shops. Eac)! : . home separated by gar-. •: , •ge A; patio for privacy. : • Low interest • assumable , .::· , Joan. No vacancy. ~ Hl' 2 hornet on l lot each -have 2 bdnns Ir 'l bath + large living room. lachenmyer I.:' , I 1 >r FINER HOMES Irvine T1rrac1 Formal dining room, J BRI, 2 baths, huge livlni; room •ilh l~•ploc. + BA YFRONT !amUy room overlooking t.ar~ patlo. 2SOO sq ft Ready for immediate occµpancy. Large 2· living area: story Bayjront borne with 4 spacious bed· N Sh • rooms, I a r g e living room, formal dining IGf opp1n9 room; paneled den with wet bar. Master suite ~=ei: b~r':.~:L with SJtting room, fireplace !f extra large Elecirlc buUt-ins. Large dressing room. Pier & float for large power living room "·Ith tire-or sailboat See this exciting buy. $l'l5,000 . place ... ~! 1 o recreation Open daily. 51S Bayside Drf"te. ~ uetaUtilUUr pant>\I• , ..s. c"••• do.ors •uut . LINDA ISLE BAf...,ONT t~ camper. EXtra 20 x • • l rtl 21 )>ldg. R-~ ~t, -can 1 :-A fantastic ba)1ron t buy. 3 latte...~oom:s,- cohVert to~.~ , 3 baths; ~PJRt~ dining roqa:-~16 ft of bay· "'one ltandi front with pier;& slip. Askin& fJ.1)5,000. Open. 11"1 bath. • Saturday & Sullday. 106 Linda We Drive. 2 BR, 1 . home dcuble J;"arage. 10'...0 down -Only $23,500. 1860 N~'port Blvd., C~[ CALL 646-3921 646-2'290 642·1Cfi5 DOVER SHORES Beautiful 3 be4room home with den; large living room , dining are a, 3 baths; cedar closets & room for a pool. $87,500. Call for appointment. GOLD COAST ::· ....,.,, 1000 1 Gener•I 1000 Over 4i000 sq. ft. of luxury living with a pan· oramic view. 4 Bedrooms, huge living room. breakfast area; paneled family room with fireplace. Like new. Priced $145,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 1330 Galaxy Drive. 'i .. -MESA VERDE· ; $25,950 ; With a little kwl.ng care you'll 1 :..w $p$\1! Spacious bed· ,. :rooms, ~ family ·room, l• llt-ln kitchen, fireplace. :·. Pr@stile 8J'ea. 540-1720 j TARBELL 2'S5 H•rbor ;. • EASTSIDE C.M. ! sn 11Ds 1 BR. 2 ba. }[/\\' : llomw; tJ1>L Did. ..,. gu, ..... Try ~""· Qr .... m Riiy 64i-l4T4 t i;teu Newport Pmit 01fice BAYCREST Ope11 Sunday 2·5 2048 Commodore Road Beautiful hlib beamed ceil· i~ living room, formal din- ing room, 3 bdrms 3 baths .l huie separate rumpus room with fireplace&. bath, PLUS eoreous pool Immaeulate cood. JEAN SMITH REALTOR 64i-3255 0-.•1 TOOOGener•t Tco.l ·: " ' . ' ... .. I Coldwell, Banker OlllFIRS: UDO ISLE $79,500 Live near the beach and enjoy a new way of life in this 5 bedroom, 3 bath home. DOVER SHORl!S VIEW Beautifully landscaped courtyard Jeads to thill magnificent home. Brigllt, Sunny living rqom with view of entire back bay: den, 4 large bedrooms, 4 spacious baths, au electric kitchen; dining room , marble fireplace. Over 3200 sq. ft. $89,500. Open Sunday 1·5; 1130 Santia10 Drive. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 --- 1000 Gefl'er1I 1000 Co11 you answer ,i.1s question? VACANT LAND E. Bois• Ave. in West S•nl• Ana Carlsbod 1.acJoon Prop1!fY 1 ~ Acre + Luxurious Homo (lea lured in LA. Times): Zoned for units or motel. Near Freeway· + Clear Ocean view. All uWiUes in new streel Could develop luxury units now or hold for caplW gain. Owner (7141 72941172 ------~-----·-~ --- 0-r•I 1• O.ntrar TOOO • 3 bedrooms a11il Den. $131.00 Month Total Pmt. and anyone <:an assume the FliA loan ,vHh an annual pereentaae rale o( 5%% without quaUtylng. In mod.!l home condition wilh beau· tiful olive i(1'eeSl deluxe cpl. 2 large bathrooms and a roomy living 1'00111 and den. See it today at Pt,500 full pt·ice. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 5461640 OPEN EVIS TILL l ::to MOVE IN TOMORROW rmmediate pouesslon to a qualll'le!.I buytt. 3 BedJ"OOml. large Jot-with alley entrance for boat or trailtr + 2 ear garage. 1 • Block from Jr. vine Ave. Charmin& East. side Colt& Mesa. Hop, skip and a Jump fJ'Onl Westclitf shopplfW, -SIS,950., Let's talk terms. 64i-7171 O THE REAL ''"" l:STATERS BEACH DUPLEX 2 BR &. l BR, rood income. HALECREST niter up00 beautifuJ ilia& carpeting inlo a lar(i:e liv- ing l'OOm wilh PALOS VIJt. DE STONE FIREPLACE. ~ room with sliding gla1.s doors to a huge patio. Kitchen has built·in.s, dis- posal, dllAA•asher, and dish· muter.T h re.e bedrooms, two pullman ht.Iha, one with """ ........ ..,,., """°""' yard with rock waterfall, frult trees and aluminum tool bouR. Thia elegant home can be yoora for ON· LY $31,!{i(L Pool, dubtnuse and recreation facilities available. CAPE COD CUSTOM Exquisite home in presti.gt area of Newport lh:ighll. Fealllr!Jic 4 lirJe brlnu.11, den & unuaual rear ya rd v.·lth waterlall A: fish pool. OPEN FRI/SAT T2-5 31' Col•llno, N.8. ' -~----- PERRON "J'lf • ..r.-..• , •• Lee Pereyda Ref! ~•late * '42·1711 Anytime * ;1 , Enormous living room and lanai. So. patio. 1, On 60 ft. lot. If 111terewt Tale$ are hi~h an1I money for housi~ is hard to get, how can you as a buy· er, obt<1in a loan of over 9Cl7a or !ilarkel Value at a rate or 8% per :;car. 10'1' le81i than you've been pay· lnz oo your co r rvery y1..w. JI you're a Vt•teran and you <·an ~I a 100•; l0i1n i'il 7't'.; 1utd nol µul on" din11' 11~'?1 -If yuu l':1n'I IU\S\l'l'r lhi! question ta.nd )"Oil c<1n'lt then )QI must agree that now is tht time to buy. -=~,,..~1990;::;,•~·~494-M88;;~::.,,,::!:!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!~~!ll Thi~ well localed property .,.;. il Mary Lou Marion • ' DOVER SHORES -VIEW ;· ., r Te~ific buy at $69.500 . 4 BR's. & fam. rm .. : '· lrge. din. area. Swimming pool. Existing 1 . Joan avail. at 6*%. Owner transferred. , : ., Immediate occupancy! i ~ ,. Cathryn Tennille ~ WrTHIN WALKING DISTANCE TO BEACH , l ' This 3 bdrm. 2 bath home recently paint- ed, ~us new drapes & carpets. Planli for '· lam room & entry. 2nd Story could be add for panoramic view of ocean. . Sl!li,000. Kathryn Raulston WATERFRONT . TOUCHER-UPPER ~· ;. With slip for large boat. 3 Bedrooms, 3 : baths. 3 Car garage '~rith elec. openers. : ' Open beam ceilings. Sandy beach. R~ . duced lo $63 ,500 with J:ood loan. 1 ,,., \Valter liaase ' .. t • SEE THE SEA . OPEN SAT. 1·5 · 219 POPPY. Corona del Mar. 4 BR. Span· · ish \Yith tile roof, large studio-bedroom ' has North light & separate entrance. ; .,.. Lemon tree in beautiful brick patio. l : 159.500. i " Carol Tatum GREAT VIEW -LUSK Harbor View Hill s; 4 BR. 2 Ba., 3 Car . gar. Combo kit-fam. rm. Landscaping · prof. done. "Sparkling" clean. $59,000. 1: · Al Fink SHORECLIFFS , \Vith so1ne remodeling of this 2 bdrn1. 2 . bath home, you could have a most attrac· tlve residence, in prime area. \.iv. rm. v.:/ beamed ceiUngs1 pegged floors & !rplc. & lovely wood paneling. $55.500 ' Kathryn 'Raulston LUSK HVH OPEN HOUSE Near new, immac. 3 BR . & fam. rm. Open . Sun. 1-5. 3430 Seabreeze in new excl. Har-- , bor View Hills. Best buy in area. $49,850. , . Joe .Clarkson HOME OF DISTINCTION ; Refreshing 3 be~roo1n, fa1nlly roo1n, 2 : bath home. r~amily roon1 'vilh lush gar- : ·~ den vie\v; 2 !ireplaces. Professionally dee· • orated. Choice location . 546,500 · Mary Lou Marion · . TOWNHOUSE FOR LEASE , Two bedrooms, 2 batbs, fireplace, double : garage. Entry court & rear patio. Beaull· : ful carpets & draperies. $250 Month In· / ;',·eludes uae of pools, tennis courts & other i : .recreation. • Carol Tatum COLDWELL, BANKllt & CO. -. 550 NIWPORT CINTI R OR., . NEWPORT BEACH , . 644-2430 ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVO. 546 1640 OPEN EVES TILL 1,30 OVER 115 FEET ON THE BAY Palatial ~front home In exclusive Ba.yshorcs. Lari;r. pll'I' ,v, :;lip. 3 Bedroo1ns & 111aid's. !'pacious living nJOnl. Fa!Julou& bayslde kltchen. Lovely, "'l'll kept grounds. $345.000 Ll1led ixclu.sivcly \\'llb f 0 U R BEUIU)O~lS, hul!:r. living room. lan1ily room and bullt·in kitchen. i\last~·r bedroom ott to itsell with ils o"·n priva!r btlth. Recently professlunally l'l'Pt1i11I L'll 111· side anti out, Fully cuq>eted und <lra1t1.-d. Cu\'t'l'l'd iiut io. and fent.-ed ya1'd , A:SSUME LARGE LOW INTE:REST l.OAN. Priced to St'll at only $29,jOO. -OCEAN VIEW- On channini; Cilfl Dr. in Ncwpot1 Heightl. -3 Bed· ruom1, dining room, delu>.' BuUt In kl!Chl'n and a ti~· ntcndous bLt~n.ent run1pu1 room. * $39,900 * JUST A Lrrl'LE 10~' DOWN 646-7171 ·, T!lf; RF.AL ~ I:~TATt:RS '' , ' $23.950 15 silualcd at 4717 E. Bolsa ,\ve-., J nil. wes1 or Harbor Blvd., in the city of Santa Anu. 1\ll uHJil il'S available. ~1nny zuninJ( uses possible: Convall'scl'nt homf', apart· menu, commercial, and re- lated U5(!!1, Inheritance tax paid on appraised value or $60.!XXl. Selling price S63,600. f>tlorK> S.tl-9::.:C UI' :;46-18911 Courtesy to Brokers 4 Bedroom oild 2112 baths Only 2 years old. This home il' a house111 .. ue~ dream, beautifully appointed island, tiled kllchcn. All rooms are oversized -2000 11q. ft. In ull. -A h-1aster Bedroom suili" rit for a King and Quecu, csprnsh'C' P a Io s Verde stone rit't!pla1..-c, heavy shake roof. II you \Vant a rcul executive home -This I:; 11. ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD . 546-1640 OPEN EVES TILL 1,30 VIEW Lov~ly large 4,000 :;q, IL hon11• 111th uutsrandini; view of 1he entire harbor. This spit1..ious norne can r ilher be a 6 bed n.10n1 or 4 bedroom "'ilh studio & playroom . fa111 ily roo1n. Cuslon1 built by 011•ne1', 11 ith clcclronic oven. ;1 llrrplacl'~. elegant Karistan c11.rpt'llng. \Val.led rron t 1err11.cl' l'ncloses i:US· 10111 !l\\'in1111 ing 1iwl. Askin& Si:».000. Call for ap11'!. john macnab (7141 6424235 901 Dover D1ive, Suilc l:lO Nl'11•po11 Boach P'*w1't WANTED 4 bdn111 RcpuWlr atrium hOnll!. \\:c l'lllve a buytr. ''J'··'· .. ,.·1~ , 1 .-:-11\,,.,_\, t• 546-5990 $23,950 MESA VEROE 3 gt'nerouR bedrooms, :i lle1>" llt"'J~C' bnlhs. Country sited rnode1·11 kltehrn. OCMJble f:t• rl\11:e. Near ...diool1 &. sho~ ping. r..jl).ltl(l TARBELL 2'55 H•rbor ''EASY TO BUY'' King ialud bedrooms, '.? $25 Ill ballll, bulltin klk'hen •.• 4 f'1W phone .)ftek1. colored 1"·Y an· 4 BR w/Jl(ll)J, lltm nn, I ~ lenna. Solt \\'Rl rr, pntkl. Loa. Near achbol'i I So. COa1t Jieavy 1Mke root Low dO\\'n Phrti:ta. lmnltd, J>Olll. Sln.U fl'lyment. do\\•n, :J.10-lnG Cell M•rtln Rltr. TARBELL 2955 Harbor 541-6332 __ ::.:.::.:=--- . , Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ..., ttlh lleMy dl*'9ry wltll Y•• tlih W9ekeMI • , .... h....,hntl1f. All tti. l•.-tl-ll1tM INt•w er• d..crlMd 111 I~ ditttill by -4•.nlll•t •IM- wtler• h1 tff1y'1 DAILY PILOT WANT ADI. ,_. ... 1h•wi"' opff ho!IMI hf Mk ., ti ,.. .,. •,....ii to llu •Kh IRf1rllt9tiM hi tWt c~•-..U Mllll.y. (3 Bedroom) *401 Begonia, Corona de! Mar 642-9190 (Fri & Sat 1·5) 3811 Topside Lane, Corona del Mar 67(;.5930 Sat & Sun 1·5) 2101 Vista Entrada, Newport Beach 675-5975 (Sat & Sun) **106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (3 Be d room & Fa mily or Den) 504 Avenlda Lucia {Bluffs) NB 675-7225 (Sat & Sun I.SJ *1906 Holiday (Baycrest) NB 675-4600 (Sat & Sun 14) 2300 Heather Lane, Newport Beach 64(;.6317 (Fri, Sat & Sun 10.5) *2048 Commodore (Baycrest) NB 64(;.3255 (Sun 2·5) 2298 Waterman \Vay, East Costa l\llesa 645-2000 (Sun 1·5) 1006 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1845 Pitcairn Drive {hlesa Verde) C~·[ 540.1720 (Fri, Sat & Sun) 3430 Seabreeze (Harbor Vle\Y I-fill s) Cd~I 644·2430 ,833-0700 (S un 1·5) (4 Bedroom) *2001 Con1modore Road (Bayc1·est) NB 540.5460 ,544-1833 (S un 1·5) 46 15 Cortland (Cameo Jlighlandsl CdM 642·9190 (Sun 1·5) 219 Poppy, Corona del l\1ar 833-0700 ,644-2430 (Sat 1·5) (4 Bedroom & Family or Den) 2157 Mandarin Drive (lvlesa Verde) Cl\·I 545-8421 (Sat 1·51 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-ll550 (Dally) 1406 Lincoln Lane (Dover Shores) NB 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 12-4,30) *2005 Balearic Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 54Q.7573 (Sat & Sun) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) 1130 Santiago Drive (Dover Shoresl NB 642·11135 (Sun) **515 Bay•ide Drive, Newport Beach 642·8235 (Sat & Sun) **333 Morning Star L a n e (Dover Shores) NB (Sat & Sun) 642-8235 (5 Bedroom) ** t4 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach ~-8235 (Sal. & Sun.) DUPLEXES **3506 Marcus Avenue, Nowport Beach 540·7383 (Sat. & Sun 1-5) ~ .I 546-5440 .OUR 24th ~EAR WE SELL: .100 HOMES: PER MONTH • Let yoqrs be neit -call now and start . pa~ing -our eXfe"liv~ .. adYertising and multiple listing service wm do the work for you. Over 850 sales people who meet buyers in all areas. We have waiting buy• ers now! CALL FOR A MAltlCIT :APPRAISAL'. G.1.'s SHORT ON CASH \Veil, no need to worry hen!. Approximately $100 is the total cost to b\lY lhil lovely home, U you're a G.l. Imagine a cule 3 BR. + 9"parale din~ area. Newly painted, draper, beautifld rocky mountain stone llnplace in LR. Paynwntl 1tu than re:nl FUlJ price 123.<XXl - FOACID SAUi GOOD INYISTMENT! Death In family causes sale of this commercial mooey maker. 3 1tories laundramat, ~ tavern I.: TV repair shop. everythln& &'QeS w Ith laundramal, oth'r 2 Btorca leased. Priced al only $75,(0). J.IG-s.t-10 CNO OILl•ATIONI Relax! Th.ls a:raclous pool home in tropical lf:tUnc ~t take.• care of itJtlt! Features 3 + ~ vertible den + FR + two batha. Oodles of extras m. cludlrc pllllh carpeting. ...... bar ............... Great pool area witb all the trlQun.bw: in most dealred ~ of Mesa Verde, only' $11,eG. - '"='L=- LoveJy t bdrm ~e In Bayshorn. Newpor t Beach home features FA heat, nice contemporary charm. larae m a • t e r hdrm, fireplace in L.R. Immed. occupancy. Lease thrU June 16, 1970. COmpletely turnlahed. C.11 now for f urther in· f0rmaUon. 516-54IO CONTINTMENT ••INS Hllll !loom lor ~ In this lowly 's ~~ home clo9e to llarbcir HL But• tercup yel101'1 on th9 oullide, neat u a piq ln- llde. $26,500 takes tt alt - . A LOYI AffAIR ts '!nevitable when )'Oii ineet ~thls loveable three bedroom home w i t b formal dining room. Bltin gu appliance. Larae cowred paUo look! out on beautiiul landscaped yard whlcb. l,ncludes lights and \vaterlaJI fot" evening er.- joy me n t ~ Joo. No1¥ $2-1,900-~16--:>l.tD •• ... • STEP UP TO SUCCESS JOIN THE ACTION !I e.x.P-A -N·D·l -N -G AGAIN! Openings Now In Our Co•I• Mos• Office ETE CATCHING AND :<n livable ls th\~ \ove-ly 3 bdrm & family rooni In l\Icsa Verde. 6 room hon1e ha.1 many nice fcalul't'!I'. All electric dish\\·asher, loads of cup. boards, 2 baths, stall sho\1·er. 15:<22' living roon1 with br1ck lireplace. New \VI W carpels. LoV"ty yard fenced \\"Ith C(l\'CN!d patio. Only $27 ,950 EZ terms. 5-16·:1440 WOOD5T H'ITINIO Roomy 4 Bedroom home ne1Ued beneath lovely 11hadt lrteL Nice famUy size kltchen. Fonnal din- ing roon1. Nrar Habor tli. Priced at $it6,fXI) Sf&.M4D PUSTllH ARIA Nt1vport Beat'h, nice 3 BR horn' in beau t iful \Yestclill. \\'rouaht Iron fenced !01· court yard en-. trance. Large L l n a I • Spacklus room s , Im- maculate lhrouahout. tm- mtdlate possession avallablt. Priced below ma.a·Jcet at $4S,OOO S46-5t40 llG HOUll- SMALL PllCI Go r aeous 4 bj:l:nn ch armer. Entertainer's llvina: room ceUing high firrplace. Larre muler bdrm. all b lt-in wife-save r kitchen. Desirable Mtsa Del Mar loc, Walk to all schools. Hun')' ill too sharp to last at $33,500. 5t6-5410 CONDOMINIUM Nice TownhoUle overlooks Ute CJ\l&d. Walk to Ht School .. Collflt. 2 Heated pools, plu1 wading pool only $21,900. 54&-M40 By ownlnz thb fine du· pkx. Shows pride ol own. enhlp. Safe 1hort walk to beach. C.rpeta, drapes, built-ins, refrla:tralor In both units. A bugabt at $49,(IX) bt Newport ~ach:. Ntver • vacancy-aolid Incomo. ~ YA·PHA IURU Call us now! We have tht'ff brand new 4 BR and FR homes In good loca· Uon of Colla Meaa for on· ly $29,175 now Included at no extra cost are w/w cptg. & drapes. Rear fen- cinr. front landscaping & sprinklers. Plus a 11 blt-lns. Buyer can have posseuion. ~o THOU~Tl'UU T •' DMNID This unusually sh&rp 3 BR &nd FR home In ~tesa Verde is so wann, friend· ly and' inlormal,. k 'larp tratrte free ll~lflr1' ro&,.. with qualltY wfw cpt and drapea. Assume existing loans or approxlma1,1y $26,000. Pool is designed for 11mall c hildren. ThouJht! and more thought has been stvcn eYer')'Wbett. 5t64UO A TELEPHONE cal l from you will brina: these results: Hla;hest valuation of )'our property, &ooc1 . linancing, advtrti1ina 11\at ""'Ill pt quick action. "You'll like the w,:y we do businea." 5*-M40 ------------------· PAUL • WHITE • CARNAHAN 1093 IAl<llt STREIT, COSTA MESA 546·5440 • DAILY PILOT , Novembtr ' 1961) ,,ousts FOR SALE HOU>~s FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS!S FOR SALE HOUSIS l'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS l'OR SAL I HOUSES l'OR SALi 1210 HuntlngtOft loach 1400Huntl.,.... load. 1400 General IOOO =G~e~n•;r;•l;-;~--_::1000=i;G~e~n~ero~I =.,::;;:;;~l~OOO~l;G;;;-=;';0~1 ;;;;;;;;=l;;;;.DOO Colleto Put< 11l5 Newport Heights I J 1aR. -$27,200 B / B FOREST E. SPACIOUS 4 BORU 3 UNITS 21 Ft, !Iv. rmt 111 ba!M. CUFFHAVEN NEW HOME IMMEDIATE MOYE IN 4 IDRMS 1112 BATHS If• MILE FROM BEACH HOUSES FDR_!AL&: i San Ju.tn • C_1piltr•no 17at) OIVORCEO. Mu.i i Sell. 4 dr, 2 ba. 4 yn. $26,950. moo d"n. 1st T.O. ~.250. m-0969 ~ EASTSIDE Ill' Cpl.I, drpr, bllnl. f.«e. lot CHARMER COSTA MESA I 0 L S 0 N $29 950 w/cov. bol:t atorap. Top IOc. ERDE • CORBIN-MARTIN Be FIRST '• .,. this SIG· Opon Sunday l·l P.M. MESA V Eaal"" '"81& M .... •-REALTORS NAL ROAD"'°""" U""°'I 2298 Waterman Way, Corner toe. Realtors lsh tile root, rentals on larrt 67SJ.6$2 557-1593 Ewa. privacy ls provtdtd by the RENTALS '" Hou••• Furnished J of 23td. Jwit East ol Santa Th.is iovely l!tcsa Ver-TlxlSO' lot. Income $385 3036 E. C'cut Hwy., O::lM 1paclous Jot &nd matme Ana Avenue. Three bed-de Cambridge Is ready month, Our best income ~ b========= I shade trees. Ma.utve BRICK 520,990 Newport S.•ch l'OOlm, den, dining room, CUSTOM for )'Our move.Jn. Com· turn In atta. FfREPUCE. covered patio, Nee kitchen, coV1!n:d patio. NEW ENGLAND pletely carpeted&t:dl'lp. Exclusive With Newport h•ch 1200 large bedrooms. See lt to f'IREPLACE, Pool, J bdr: ha.. pat'a. •du11.1. Ba.>!fJ~I VUm.ge. Until July 1st. , C 11 (213) 2'2:M309 or 673-Mf; Owner will accept low down ed. 2 covered patios, believe It at j\alt $29,000! payment from qualified FARM n e w dishwasher + ........._ FLASH 11 WE SELL A HOME HUNTINGTON BEACH CaR Now 962°1353 BUyer. Price. $34,500. AvaU-At f11.bulous Newport Beach. c;ushlon linoleum in ,._ ... ,.....rt • • EVERY 31 MINUTES able for occupancy. 4 inaster size bedrooms. 2 kltchen & family room. at DR. IQ SAYS w lk & l Rent1l1 to Shere 20d5' ~fALE .. Share BayfrO;.i 64>-2000HOW AEvoBo'u· T54w.l66 tult ba!M. F"rm kilchon -Only $33,SOO. & owt.e"" Victoria Gi"." !hat owner 121.000 & I er ee panlry _ deluxe built-ins. will carry 2nd TD. t'a skip tho eate of Mars bars TRADING? Huge 35 Ft. New England ' go see IL '""'911 &: yoo'U aet the sreatest 26U We1td1U Dr. I -Hunll"91on Baich 1400 Hom•. ;. · --------------=== Growing fan1ily needa large.r family room with tons of old l•nytlme) little 2 BR. 2 Ba. •Pt.-lev. 6*77U home, Cozy two bedroom b r 1 ck fireplace. Winding • COATS Blu.fts condo on the market. -nso per mo. • V .A. LO A~ eau -.,...,... Linda Isl• house • We s t Newport. ataltease to unique heavy & Oe&11 u a pin • .eome ocean I Oceanview -1teps to Beach. beamed studio or _ Huge WALLA.Cl Pool ... Pools.-Poolsl view • )'Oii don't haVI! to he aycrett 1223 90 Lindo Isle Dr. Exqulsltely deeor. t BR, 4'. BA home, Qpt'd I: dn,ped. landacaped. Bo a t slip. Sl35,0XI ASSUMPTION $60. loci. ulil. "'"' beach. Any age female. Bille Will trade lor thret> or lour Sib bedroom. S.M.% annual llllAL TORI 4 + family room with GI a qull ldd to spot a ttaJll----------1 bedroom home • Newport % rate loan available. Un-546 4141-loan of $22,200 al $191 Incl VALUE!! EXQUISITES BR. I.a kit. I.a with $4,000 total down pay· Beacon, &t;H!lll ment for th is 6~ aMual J========~ Heigh~ area. ,,.,, ... $39,SOO, "luoled "$38,950. Dial Now! IOpoo E_I...., all • or lo""" M•sa Vude EASTILUFF doo. pool. $1ll,S()(). Frank 64>-2000 Ev.•. 673-1355 6<5.oooJ 3 + faq>ily • dining rooms-REALTY Manhall Rily. 67$-4000 Lind• Isl• Development Bill Grundy '75-221 D G.I. Loan is $152 .•. no hid· #Ml• D•I Mar 21M.. den costs. Clean 3 bedroom .:.+. BAY & BEACH Cambri<lgo s.n4 REALTY, INC . 645 0303 C II p k 1& Call us !or°'"'' Shills Dover Shore• ready for ocrupancy. Two 4 Bedrm, 2 ba, gardn bt. gorgeous baths. Carpets &. S295 mo. lit & last mo. _l Drapes throughout. Double $100 dep. Vae. 15 Dec, HJ Garage, Two PaUO.. ~ St. Clair. 546-8574 901 ~.r~2:1e l26 NB at lla~r Center Q ege ar -5:.!.sa:.. ~~;~I~ :i~ ""Hart>o• •••d .. c.... Wi"th Pool GE REALTY NEWPORT BEACH HOME FOR to school &. shopping. &."'eing I========..,; 1227 Licit Isle 1351 WHY RENT? LOVE -····,,. 644-1133 THE HOLIDAYS $26 950 '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"' J ·-""N°"O~W~A=IT"'l~N~G~-, In move-in oond. 4 BdrTns, $123.00 Month. • $26,950 3 ba., a "l••nl• •">""'"lo! For the bath Saturda,y nlgl1 I I d 4 hdnn 2 bath on Fordham 5 BEDRM 1 . h ba h size. Immed. J.OSSCSS. BAYFRONT Near new S Br. &: 4~ bath home. Pier A slip. is believing!! Coron• d.! M.r 22!' WE SELL A HOME ;,;;- EVERY 31 MINUTES * BEAUTIFUL cornq Walker & Le·e bome. eomp !urn. View,~ ftC U e5 or any momng Wit a t MESA VERDE Drive. ThiS< is BEST POOL for each bdnn. There are 4! Open Sat/Sun 12-4:30 $170,"«I LIDO REALTY INC. 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 107 VIA EBOLI 4000 SQ. FT. BR, 2 BA, conv den, 6 tr!O ~n!. $350. No ;t· everythin9. Bcauti!ully kept -quict -HOME BUY JN AREA. + POOL Plus a view from Abalon;i 1406 Lincoln L•n• Its' a 3 bedroom home ln !lale -Mesa Verde neigh. Excluslv• With 3 baths, full dining room. Pt to Catalina, 3 Fireplaces BOYD REAL TY 7682 Edinger 842-4455 Open 'tll 9 PM Costa Mesa, there's no qua!· borhood. Walle to library and ruch wood paneling • band-blend with treah paint for 3629 E. coast Hwy., Cd.'t ifying to assume Uie exist· school. Squeaky Oean 3 bed-Newport one breakfast bar. Area extra charm. Widow wlll"====6=7=S..=5=930==== ••••••••• HAPPY CUTE 1 Bdr.: Sepe.ratio House Yrly. Atllt.s, No Pelf. $150 mo. Call -673-195.1 ... •. Ing VA loan with an annual room 2 bath home. Lall':e or most co n v e n i e n c e. trade down • $5500 handles, 1 pei-eentage rate of G%. Full ma.ster .. ~uitebedseparate ILorom at 54().l720. Hal Plnchin & Assoc. Unlv•rslty P•rk 1237 4 BR, 3% BA, 3 car garage. Crpts, drps, unusual leatur- ea. Built 1961. Owner C. R. Gangl. 213 I 244-3101: eves 213 I 246-0100. Open, Bo I boo the oh""r rooms, w ......... E p1ice is SZl ,950 -Best Buy 1 1 ~ Victoria TARBELL 2955 H•rbor .-..v · Cout HWy. 675-4392 Around! ma ntenancc, arge ya1u. . Ready for you at $29,950 3 BR 2 bath home, comer WESTCLIFF SELL YOUR CARI THANKSGIVING '™"'~· .. SPACIOUS 2 story, 3 bdl'. •2 : ba. Bayview. Faml l)i~ Winter-Yrly. Kl ~9574 ! with easy terms. 646-1811 lot l30xl80 • add 5 more Oel!rhtful 3 Br. 2 ba. + fam. \Valk 2 blocks lo shopping 546-2313 unlts. Drive by 1545 Santa rm., ~ liitch. Meli· lrom thil "squeaky" clean WANT A TRl -PLEX? Udo Isle location • walk 10 shops • steps to lt'nnis court. Bay vlew, l-2 Bdrm unlls + guest nnlbe.. $ll&M. 1-o·THE REAL \~ESTATERS ' ' I '. , •· LIDO ISLE llere·s a cute 3 bedroom home on the East erw:t ol <'xclusive Lido lsle. Small yard, attachL'd garage, a real gem 154.950 Listed exclusively with HARBOR Mesa Del Mar 5 bdrrns, 3 baths, dining room. Walking distance from Kindergarten to College. $38,500. Investment Income 1 UNITS, large lot 132x305'; room to build 5 more. $90.COO Owner WIU carry 1st TD. Ana Ave. then call culous Jndscpg. Secluded 3 Br. 2 ba. tnhse. ln xlnt llanla ilraltu j.°jfc;·ps;it":iEs WEST ....... m.ooo.d h•11 &U-6560 '75-4130 675-1642 re 1 OCEANFRONT HARBOR HIGHLANDS . 5 BEDROOMS Believe us, these homes are REALTY R. C. GREER Roalty 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 ld••I Loc•tlon hard to find. Bright, clean, Un iv. Park Center, Irvine Hunti_._ INch 1400 $54,000 3 bdrm 2 bath home with Call Anytime 833-($20 ·-.·-· G.org• Wiiiiamson ~fireplace, patio I: nlce-l';~~~i::iiii:l:iiiiiiii::;; 1-i;niill:irmC.: REALTO ly la.ndsca.ped. \Valkingli DOLL HOUSE R w.1anee 1o Mari"'" School. THAT NEW LOOK 673-4350 Eves. 67~1564 Price $28.500. Call 5'1f>.842.4 and truly adorable, OnJy 2 Pretty as a picture. l.oV1!ly BAYCREST SPECIAL ( B b · I 2 Bdrm home ln pride of open ""' Soulh C...1 '· "' spac•o"'. Qual ly ownonhlp no;ghbo"'°""· Oo. Wells·McCardl•, Rltrs. 4 bdrm + ff'o:Tnal dining + 1810 Newport Blvd .. C.M. pool Move-in condition, Call 548-17'29 644-0684 eves. us today. Real Estate. th~~~&: _!°P I_fttlon. Thia ly Sl6,500• See this one to. SPECTACULAR VIEW 0"' ·-v~u. ! 121,000 day! sf:~:~ 1~f~.~~~~ • red h•111 O_. 1· [...,.._, ~======~I DAVIDSON Roalty • 546-5460 Eves. :>44-1833 Golf•r._ Take Note I We have new listings of sev· eral large Custom • Built homes along the fairways 1100 exquisite decorating; new ~ t.IUILI. ca.rpeta "drapes. REALTY &., Af I/ PROPE.ff'1Ws WEST Univ. Parle Cen10i·, ll'Vino "J fllCVlllL 675-4130 675-1642 Call Myttm, S33-0820 l1tl9l · -·I Magnolia, FV KENTAL5 H..,_ Unlvrnlohed: ••••••••• Downtown Huntington • BEACH. Fine 3 BR home for Gen.r1I 3QDp '"' lhao $25.IOO. Family FOR RENT ~, :, room, huge garage on the aUey & a Cine rear yard tor $235/Mo, for aharp " Bid- great outdoor living. room, 2 Bath, Buill·inl. wall. R•x L. Hodges, Rltri. ed yard, double ga~ .. ·: i 847-2525 WE SELL A HOME : wow G.l., Sup" •pocial. EVERY 31 MINUTE>$ :t: ~~C: i::'~a; Walker & Le~ Douglas. Owner leaving area 2(N3 we-stcUtf Dr. •,·:. Hls loss -)'Our gain. This 646-77U .z. i "1ln't last. 84&-0604 BKR. --..,.-=c=--~===,.._ I MOVJNG·M"'t ""' Auumo 4 BR & FAMILY / Leo FHA loan on elegant 4 Bdrm, 3 Ba, condo. Swim pool, tennis crt. Walk to 11chools & shops. 5 min to lree\\'AY & beach. Total price $26,500. 968-6164. Carpeli;., drnpcs, Ga1'dener l \Vater fumisbed. $200/Q)i:> lease. Avail Dec. L :: PERRON REAL TY '; 00-1771 1 : I ====::::::l======::::=::::~I of beautiful Mesa Verde I ; Country Cub. Up to 3650 sq ASSUME GI * LEASE OPTION * C dtl u . 1250 545·0458 La:zae 4 bdrm., 2~ bath orone m.r Fountain V•ll•y 141 O LOAN with low low in-st. -.. GreM area"" chlld-DUPLEXES PRESTIGE ELEGANT MANSION $135. 2 Br duplx. Yard, Rid w fW, drp1. Washer-<tryfrl hook-up. Children welcome. * 642'1771 An ytime * CORSICAN HOMES WITH INCOME Ne\V deluxe 4-plexcs, All bit_ Ins. shag c.rpt, drps & land- scaping, 7\;7'i (annual rate) loans avail. e 3 BR·2 BA-frplc., plus e 2 BR-2 BA-patios e 1 BR-1 BA-deluxe single SUN FLO\VER AVE . Btwn S. Main & Bristol Located ~-i mile E. of South Coasl Plaza Shopping Center Call 540-1973 LOW DOWN Terrific 3 BR home in Costa l\1csa. $20,500. Nicely land- scaped with large rear yard tor small children to play, Landscaped for easy care. Cose to shopping, schools. Fantaslic starter home for young people, ~-um Bake1. C.l\i. 5-17-5440 Vacant and Ready You can be setUed in you1· own home for Chrislrnas. 3 bedroom, l'~ baths, buil t-i n kitchen. Fenced yard, 2 car garage. $17,900 and Jets t<1lk tem1s. Colesworthy & Co. "Agent" "For A \Vise Buy" 642-1111 100' ). 300' R-4 Building site for 8 to 10 uniL\ in Coun ty Back Bay area. 2 small rental units at the present $35,<m. ~!n!~cl~e!!.'.'N• ~ 642-5200 ~ $22,500 • 53/4 °/o LOAN 5% f/tl annual pcrccntogc lonn now on properly 1vl1ll ren1 like paym«"n\s • Ch·crslt ed living room, flrepltu'..-e. Cozy study. Charming home • near bc-ach. TARBELL 142-6691 TURKEY TIME For lilt.le more than rent, you can prepa~ your Xmas turkey In this new 3 BR, &: family homo wtthl.n wntklna dlsu nce to the bench, and you OWN the \3nd, Call to. day we'U Jead the way! Hal Plnchln & Assoc. 3900 E. Coast llv.y. &ra-4392 OWNER MOVING Price reduced lo $22.T.lO on 3 lxlnns l" bath& close 10 acbools. DAVIDSON Rully 546-S460 t--:vi:a. itt!l-1008 ft & 6 bdnns. Cn.ll now for further details. 3 bdrm 2 bath home. Priced ren because ol the poolt al $23.500 • $171/mo pays tennis, clubhouse. All fo; We have at this time avail· 2 story Executive SpetlaJ. 4 4 bdnns 3 baths, 2800 sq ft, 54"6·5810 all. Ask ror Dan Lee 540-ll51 $34,950! able an Qtltstanding selec· large B<!rm's, 2 Baths + Homan design swimming BRR.. 534-6980 •' LARGE fan1 \l y ho~ G h t. t "· d t M · family -•n Ont 133 199 pool with heater & fill••· rne«cineml thlltr!) lieritage Real Estate (open r• •m Rlty. 646-2414 · ion n ....,rona e Ir units '""' · Y ,· . Cape Cod 2 BR. w/opcn LLEGE REALTY eves) Near Newport Post omu ranging fl'om duplexes at Submit on terms. All!iume !ormal dining room, panel· I l~~ .. u • ..._,.,. 147500 •t 1145fV'tl'I 5%%f11A . Jeddenwithfireplace,super NEW BAYSHORE LISTING Baycrest. 4 bdnn, tam. rill, dining rm, den & pooJ. Aval.I ~ : beam cei ing, stone front, ...,.,....,,..,,__,._.OLDER 2 BR house, 2 car OCEANVIEW ESTATE ' tou-p~esal . ........... kitchen wilh abUndance of shake roof. lge, sunny patio I"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• I gar. 1 ..,. lot _ •ullablo ... .,. __ , Even some 1mgle residences i.L Etti LARGE 2 1lory 3 er 4'. BRc 13x21' rumpus room, bit-In!,, newly decorated. $270/mO. 962--0302 ' $6'1. Small house. Ulil Pli' Baby, «mall pet OK. BKlt: , w.'room to add on. Priv, r= $21,950 buildi:;:~ 545-600! """"'uded .5 BR. home. Lu.ah on R2 lots starting at $31,500. · cupboards, J Ujl repainted & be h & boat stora $35 jOI) =,..-·~~=,,....,,...,=-~ 1 landacap1ng. Spac. nimpus ltfost or these properties are fl\ ~ deconl.led. $47.950 takes all. J. ~arkson ge. ' BEAMED CEILINGS TRI • PLEX, 2 BR each, nn., 2 frplcs. + view bal-Real Estater Exclusiws and "t a °' ~·· ~~~ · m~·p' Lovely "U·' shaped home Beclnn'1 upstairs. ln1X1me conlei;, $45,000 are not on the general mar-\I ____ , _ • ._._.-.:.___built around attractive at· $485. $6,500 dn. Price PROPERTIES WEST ket.Uyouareinthemarket ----rium. Brick BBQ· cascading $35,000. ~ attC:iM By 675-4130 675-1641 for income property in Cor. 17007 Magnolia, FV G.L RESALE 4 B<lnn., 2 ba., C Id II Ba k & ( watl'!'rall, Covered patio. 3 owner. · BEST BUY. VACANT ona deJ Mar· Just can 545-0458 room for !railer and/or O We , n er O. bedrooms. 30 ft. hobby $33,!XX! • POOL 67U550"' bout. benutilul yordst close $200. 4 Br, new, Many extra ' 550 Newpor t Center Dr. room. Electric Jcltche11. Meta V•rcfe 1110 Blu!ti, ~2. mo. assn let 3 MODEL H0?\1E??! It sure 10 schools, $7,000 down, Childrcn & pets welcomi. ~ :: Newport Beach, Calif. ~0..1720. FANTASTIC REPUBLIC Br. 2323 East Blutt i.>r. looks like 11. Absolutely 6\~% loon. S]9.43()8l, 1.1882 BKR. 534-6980 ~ 833-0700 644-2430 TARBELL 2955 Harbor home in absolute ...-eel .. 675-6044 gorgeous 4 bdrm (3 & denl Wisteria F.V. $180. 3 Br, Jge fenced y«J. HARBOR HIGH LOWEST PRICE ~· "l iiY"Om;r";iii;::i!i;::-;;;;;I~~~~~~~~!!!'!! condominium in a l most ""',:,.:o.:::.:.cc-____ Children & pets OK. Avab sparkling condition. 4 large BY Owner 3 Br, 3 Ba, fam unbelievable Co ndition. 5 BR, 2% BA. fam rm w/ ' bdnns, 3 baths. formal din-nn. 2 rrpl. Exec. home on NO TURKEY Owner tranalerred _ priced \\'Cl bar, drps, crpts, Jge 12-1. BKR. 534-6980 : Is just. 2 blocks from this ••&luffs'' 3 + BR•s Ing room, separate family Cul-de-Sac, fenced yard, l This is Coront. ck'I Mar's for immediate sale at pat Io. Close lo schools. $250. 3 Br & tam rm, 2 84. l'Qnven1ently located CUS. room & huge master bdrm. blk to bay $45,000. 646--6317 Best Buy Jn a FOUR bed-$26,950. Call 545-8424 (open l\fany extras. Assume-GI. Near back bay -vacanf. TOM Ho ME. Gleaming Beams & adobe plus eXpanse Popular model with 3 car WATERFRONT duplex w:llh room VIEW !~me with a eves) South Coast Real 17538 Live Oak, F . V . Blue Beacon -&lf>.-0111 •: IMRD\VOOD FLOORS. built. of glass overlooking green garage. Priced for im-float & pier. ExttpUonal heated and filtered large Estate 968-1136 $175. Townhse, 2 Br & de41 in kitcbc-n, <' 0 z y FIRE-bell, 2%: bath & extra room mediate sale at $46 950 POOL two luU baths a din--'--=~~---C bltl Bl • PLACE ' Bat•-E....._ for maid. Convenient loca-CALL 56-8424 c ' • tenns. 3506 Marcus Ave, ' ' • NEGLECTED S•nt1 An• H...t1. 1630 pts, ns, gar. If. ,.,, '""' open evea) NB. ~1383 Ing room, a housewUe 1 Btrr t 1 tiaJ 01,,_ •• Beacon 645-0llL • .. sharp ;nd TO P u::icA TION tion. Right price $31,950. South c.oast. Real Estate Dl\EAbf KITCHEN overlook· grea po en . u.:r 2 at 532 0001 Low down, 4 BR, 2 BA, fm rm, exec BLUFFS -Condo, 3 BR, 2% mg the pool. a twe>-way fire-bdnn house or duplex + ~ *% ACRE 2 Bdrm, frplc, LEASE 5 Br, 3 Ba, !Iv ntl, WE ' SELL A HOME Riddl• & Ross 67S.7225 BA. l yr old, hardly place and the FULL PRICE bdrm furnished rental on 50 heaMd pool, fenced, room din nn. ram rm, elec klJ.. l MIN S !:;I;!d Blr:, =·~· ~ lived-In. (2131 46).7835 or 1s S55.000. Owner transfer-R-3 11ot. ~.•ldern~ pay· for horses. Owner. 56-6948 2600 sq ft. 546-lTI.3 · EVERY 3 UTE A Private Glimpt• (TI4J 644-5975 red East. See thia today' men . as ww u toi<>VU to ear-L Ba h 1705 -Wa Iker & Lee Into this excitln.g world of swim pool = & cliv OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Voa:el c. 2667 E. Coast H..,.;, ry financlng. 2 blocks to :.:eJ!g::::u;:n=•.:::::•::<:::.__..;.;:.:; Cost• Me.I 31o0 brd. Prof png, lo CdM 6.,............. -~ ocean. $30,000. make otter. BEAUTIFUL the most exclusive resident. main!. Xlnt neighborhd. 4 BR. 2 Br. unit. Walk to . ,.,..~ Terry Realty 536-l4s.9 20-13 \VcstcliU Dr. ia· section on the Back Bay .$43::;;,950;:::·,:s<o-:;;,75=;73'----l;;"'°..,;";;·;;;139"',soo>=Ait:::,.-;84Z-MSO,,-:= HOW ABOUT Ow T .. _ _.J BEACH HOME LARGE Clean 3 bdrm wt~ 6,16-7711 in Dover Shore&. 3 brand :-•-URGENTI.Y need 2-4 units·, 180 DEGREE VIEW Mr r•ns .. rr-, In lovely Laguna condo, com· lh:27' family room, neti ne w n>odels. 4 bdrms, 3% 4 BR, 2 BA, "11 rm, exec ~~ .. -2 1torv 3 bdrm 21.!. nl t 1· ·1 ts & d Ex U "' home. Bltns, good cond. Pvt beach area. Have buyers! 3 BEDROOMS .,. ..... ., ·• "' mu ty: ron 1ng on magru • carpe rapes. ce e.r baths. Sparkling pool. Roy \Va.lied lrnt patio, lge htd 642--2752 Anytime, Bkr. DINING ROOM bath, On comer lot. Carp. lccnt heated pool, 100 steps Eastaidc locnllon. $235/mq, 1 I h ' T CdM J . \Vard 1430 Galaxy Dr. S\i:im pool w/slide & div BREAKFAST ROOM ets/dra~s. all built·ln!l· For. from priv, heh., tennis cts. To see call 54!>-1151 Herltagt! 220 Do P in err,& ·:.:1:c~;,;'"°c,·'=-=~=~=-brd. Prof landscpng, lo Newport H•lghts 1210 DREAMY KITCHEN mal dlni~ room, service etc. Comp. altractive furn. l~Ro~o~l ~E:.~l~al~c====~jjl OPEN DAILY l·l Formal dining room, 3 BRs -NEWPORT BEACH . 1 $43 950 540-7573 1 YEAR NEW porch, famtly room . Assume include w/w carpt'g, drps .. 2 baths, huge living room main · " · CLIFFHAVEN OPEN SAT/SUN l-S 6o/~ GI loan. price $35,900. kg!Jz mEu;ter bed: ·location 3 BR condo, 2 BA, crpt!j1 \vith fireplat~ ~ fo.n1 !Jy Charming 3 BR. w / large B~AhUT~L 1 4 i!:;~m, U 3 New listing! 3 Bdrms., 2 3811 TOPSIDE LANE CdM P1ul Jones Re•lty dooor. 2 BRll, 2 BAs, sep. drp~. bltn1t Pool ~n.~~ver 001 ,.~ arge pa-rncrl. yr, cov. patio. Jidwd. t lri· eve1 . d' • aNm Y1 baths + exciting family.rm. BOYD' REAL TY S47-l261l Eve. IM7·89l9 Iv., din. rms; laun. with wfd, clubhouse facil. Teenagcic, '. ho.""'""' S1l. t 1v1ng area, Ilrs., frpl., blln. kitch, Nr. ;:· ~:::,~ e Cl1~b.nn6~;. & kitch. combo. Great for 3629 E. Coal'it H\vy, CdM $24,950 stor .. 2-car gar. lower lev· ok. Lease S2IO per mo. I.st schools, church & shops. family. Only $35,500. 675-5930 cl. Sec to appreciate. Shown lo.st. Refs l"l"q'd. 54G-94Dl : . Owner w/rinance, $27,000 $45.500. 546-5745• 546-9559 CALL NO\\'! MUS'f SELL 3 large BR 1%. by owner, call tor app't. 2 Br. New crpt1, new drpt; Walker Rlty. 67S.5200 Sten!c Properties 675-5726 VIEW • You own the land. ba, dlninr room. Adult oc-4~2152 or 837-0791. Interior newly dee .. $160 ~ 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. College Perk 1115 BUSIE POOL. 4 lx:lnns, din rm, 3 ct1pled only. Low down to ..;;.:_;c~~~:c;;~~-child ok no pets 1043 W'.; lachenmyer Realtor 1860 Ne1vport Blvd. C~I 3 BR. 2 BA. ramtly room, CALL 6.~928 Eves. 644.1655 prof decor. 1~li yr old-xlnt cond. $32,500. 21.'m Fleet Lane, HB. Owner 646-4328 LG. 4 bdrm 2 ba. Assumable low int loan. 2339 Colgate Dr. For Information call. PERRON RLTY 642-lm ST r.iarll;etplace In baths. Corona Higtll.ands. present financing. Quick po.11. HANDYMAN'S town. The DAlLY PILOT BRASHEAR REALTY S""""ial! 4 Income units 120 Wilson 642-1574, 642-821.t . ~---'"·-· ---1oo. s av. JEAN SMITH ~-""'158 t "-llUl!lwai ~· 16952 Beach Bl d J' B yds. to beach. Patios, deeks · money, time & eUort. Look Realtor 847•8507 4ll-37S:: ·· gQj_1j78 w/ocean view. Nds. paint, l\ .. WLY decor. 4 BR, 2 M • now!!! etc_ Should gro51 $9,000 yr, built-ins, dshwhr, crpts, t 400 E~ .. !7th 325 s 5 t., 01 WE will cooperate with other Pr. S69,900. CoMider track>s. drps, patio, dbl gar, pool, i GOV'T REPO Large 4 bdnn 2 bath In Costa ?\1ew. for S20,000 fuU price on big corner lot. \\'ilh Sl :'.tOO do"'n total paymen! Is $177/nio. Including taxes. Avallabl~ for non-vets or Vt'ls. Vacanl • see today. CALL540-ll51 Heritage Real E~tatc roricn {'Vt's) G•n.ral 1000G.n.r•I 10000.nerel S@\l~~-~r,~s· Solv• o Simpl• Scmmbl•d Won! Puzzle for a C1r1rcklc O Rearrange lettim of ~ four lt'l'arnbled words b. tow lo (Q4'rn four simple words. 1000 _.. broken here beeause the MISSION REALTY GWlll NO PETS. Call 830-4916 ~·--T '--_ _. owner want! acUon, AND --=-=---~· vw119r r•n1 .. rrl9U TIIE OWNER Wll.L PAY BY OWNER; \VOOD-GLASS VACANT. 3 bdrm honie wil!l Move-Jn order. 3 BD, 2lJ ba. POINTS 80 fllA or VA House designed by Chris bh·ins, firep'ace, large feno- fam &: din rms. Brkh1t area Abt 2 BR 2 B I ed ~ •~o I F"' term& are OK. Fine West. e. . A, b th&. ya.u . .,.,. mo. AM> In elec Bl kit. Nr Great mont home $25,2SO. Rex L. frplc. VIEW, $41,500. OPEN !LIES ONLY. Agt. 546-414(: Park. Rm for pool. $&1,950 Hodges, Rltn. 847-2525 HOUSE Sal & Sun JD,.S, 934 ATI'R.ACTlVE 3 BR, fa1E R. C. GREER Realty MU'am"' Laguna Be eh 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 SACRIRCE . a , nn, h'plc, now cplg. Eal 494-3066 side. $23S. M9-353l o) CA~1.EO SHORES-Large cor-3 bdnn 2 ba, hdwd fln ., 14 e DISTRESS SALE e 642.-7274 ~ ner lot w/view. 4 BR's, 2~ month old 22x36' heated &: Oceanvlew home. Low down * CCYI'TAGE 1 Bdr. Sl.CM;i. BA, frplc, crpt1, drpt:. filtered pool. sin l)('r month to ll&lllUrtle xlnt loan. 5 )T. ....... Ulll M 11'" ... $64,500. Would cons Ider pays all. reirig. ""'' ·iv. \'1\1 $22,500 IN EI RAT lease \v/option. Flmble The Re•I Est•te Mart old ~:i~ !:'"· :i~ Pets:. S45-92!M, 557-8400. :: LOVf.L Y 1 I j I I I """''·By Owno" 67~ 147 .. 531 PLACE REALTY 491-970! 3 BR, 2 DA, lamlly ""1! . • _ _ _ trplca, bHns. $230 mo/Isa; POOL HOME Bolboo Penln1ul1 1300 "Better Than New"· Logun1 Nlguel 1707 No,.,. 67J..m3 ' 1--:-Xqu\~lte 1S x 36 ft. pool. I KART 5 I el FR.. Qtr. ToWnhouse 3 BR 2ij Lo11d5 or decking, Covered . Devetoplr'• Dupl.x LARGI S IDRM LAGUNA Nigu Terrace. 8)' B•. Poo!·R.ec. f'ac. 2 cer cu. patio. G~rous bc-drooms. I j I I' Three bedroom upper two Carpe owner 3 11¥, 2 Ba, tam nn, Cpts, l>rpa, $195. 54(1..$310 :· 2 balhs, elrctMc bullt·ins, • • bedroom tpwer, ln wry rood ~~~~· ~.!.. 90me view. 499--1860 fo~uu dining room. rental area. Now tully !tu. H F DA Ml I VI , 1708 4 BR I Oen. SD> mo. Fe:JXt- 846-0604 TARBELL LITOP Remontbor tho gciod old •·•·•• ..,,_ I ,.._ I ' • 1 I ed. Good -~• po"ntial. A F L REAL TY u on 010 ed yM!. · c1oys bokn -'" cord 149.soo. ELDORADO ,0,r:!~ ~!~~~~. I I I' I didn•t hMI to wolt 11:i 1.: IURR WHm ~~,;:;,,_v= HOME '.!,';:.~~°"::,;,~i"; ',:t Like new 4 BR. with ocean ...--------,end of the month to flnd out REALTOR wt th op t I on to blty! MS-2813. 541).697$ vtcw A: new carpet. at IRE C N 0 I llf you Wife -. 2901 Newport Blvd., NA Paymentll leu than rent. 2 1rory ~. perl~ boUR · '" ~ 3 BR. 31~ ba -1 •.· .;..:,,.::..;.;..;;~~----O f:1' ....... ...__ ...1........a.1. _...._. 615-4630 "2-2253 Eves. N--~·-• ,..,-. for a:rowlns t.amlly, 2<83 911 $1»3 BR. family rm, 2 BA. ~eay'""::'· · ;13 T . , ......... · "' j j I I' I' by :i,-~~'\:'?--. eau·-...,~·-~K BKR....,. rt, rreen ahq carpet thru-* 645-1926 • a octan vieW. o M!t: 1 ., Jfl9 'WOf LI-'· I•'-1-land ped Call t G ham • 90 .,_lop .,. .. ,_ .. _.__. ._ .. -out. 3 tun baths, sea A ary ra &4 .... 91 Y'CI" °'" ,_ _,.... I BDRM, 1•• bal' 2 -old. u ••• V ~- F I W lk R I .,. '" ,.g front with sprinklers. $32,900. m... em. .. ,. a •r ea tor • Pl~T •• ~. sau'R.•,o,,LEnEts IN I' r 1· 1· r : 57 Lind• Isle Drive Bllnl. frplc. patio. Nr 1Chlll Assume FllA Joan, DUPLEX EASTSIDE •n ¥ • _ " • _ • Must see : 4 BR, 4 BA bomt l a.hop's ctnltr. Auume * * * 11t 3 BEDROOM $2'2$. 2 bdhn1 f'ach. lfard\\'OOd A tJ SC I I I I I I w/ paUo deck, 1tttf*'& rm 6: 6~ GI loan. Call owner. A1andn. 3 Br. f11.mily room. 2980 J1ctuiu~I• noors. Firepla~. $29.500, W ~O 1~lN~~~E UTTERS frplc in master BR 1ullt. c84:.:7_.®A"'---------view lot, carpeting thruout. ~-=~Su="'-' -'~~~~.,.;·i 642-4422 Fam nn bu aunken conver. BY OWNER. transl. mwit $27,900, A&lume FHA low·m. r S Y 0 UR AD I {II [ -1'190 NP! Blvd. CM e -"' --... Milon pl! • lrplc. $162,000. oell 3 BR + den, 2 ba, lrpk, """' loan. lmmed. oeeu· CLASSirlED! Someone wUI • -~§1@13•1 1 __ sc_R_A_M_·_LETS __ A_N_s_w_ER_s_1_N_c_LA_s_S1_F1_c_A_T_1_o_N_1_6_0_0_1 _L1:::nt:::1r..:b:::~.:::e•:::~:l.1 .... ..:6:::J~::::::"\:::..i>"' ~~·S:~ ~~"' 01 l'l'~ ~&10-= :_:· ~ooldrqr"" .. Dial 'f.' ··~ 3110 ,. l ,, , I l\ I I • . . • •. ,. • t°' I .. ,' . . . .; ' • • ··---'~····· . ,__, . ' I . " 3 LINES ·2; TIMES 2 DOLLARS • • (Any Item Priced $50 Or Less) Pineh You1·self A Pile Of Pen11ies (01· Even Dolla1·s) Penny· Pinchers Pile Up Profits Dial Direct for Details 642-5678 North County, 540·1220, Toll Free DAILY PILOT PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS No Matt..-Wltcrt. It Is " YOU ·ci\N • SELL IT WITH 'A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! . ' " DIAL: .. DIRECT CHARGE IT! • ~-----· .. -~-- , N-• , lM DAILY I'll.Of •'""1'ALS •INTAL' llltlTAU " lllfl1'M.S "•rt•AL• lli NTALI Htuo11 Ollfuenl....., .,_,,,,... ,..... ,_....., AP1s. Pllml....., ~ UafurnloW ,..... ~ H177111 U........,... , ' "IO Ceola Mo:o" 41 lallooa ·-N ...... I _,, l200 Nm-I _I-,•=•="':-= 'lo rt -~ ~ Fevatlla Valley -.._ • ""·--' .,_ --. -"'°· LOVELY 2 .... Ceo!• -·4100 . SP.......uUS AND CONVENIENT R.lllCllO "• t ,.,. old, s -w1_..;i.: -~11!11 ~ ..... New 2 1114 s bodioom, 2 bollll. Shag clrp.t., I/I a., 2111, -·rm. din rm. QI llf.OI. m w. WU-HAllO• 3UE BllbooBl:/ llDln' drapes, We kltehens with bulll·inl, · TOWJlllOUIE· drpo, ..,.. --~·"· "3-UllS ·• BALBOA · · '*9Ms ~eroua 1torap_ ~·te plus deck 0r pallii;_ s -"' bllba. Ad~ s 'Bill<. 2 111, . ..,.. • drpo. J/tA~y FURN . . . Pvol; recreotlon bldt. nelt to shopptnc. oolJ ,..., JOOl $115 llo ' bll-lao. i-· $rlO mo, + 2 1111. Pool Adulll, ... ,. ... TOWNHOUSE Lido Ille WI P.Or moath. Adulll wllo Ulr:e privacy. """"'' · •-11.' -eon-m -11" + •di. rm M•pl_e st . . , . ilhed model'by Bell&. • -. • BR. SPilriiil'"rowNHSE, 'e"l'T mt --Wtbon OYEllLOOKJNG Boy ,. 1 . • •Inc, ; POOL• REC. peo. NEAR t BR . e1«: 1111n1 d~ • """Blchelor IUO Cofop1"'"'-1 "·•pt &in ·MAl!INER SQUAl6 APARTMENTS -: .,l,O..,.Dr.NBSui .. 'UI NEW.'"1-nu ..,.;.. Quiel ius. ......... pool .Anltaonly elk. 1225 -lrd lltlL i:K4,Imne•Ave.,N~Be•ch--MU25 "54000 E-. --"'ponalble ""'' Mui"!-j1·~•1!'N!i•~ .. ~ll~-Ml .. ;'°~•=""!-;;~·1 • ~-E:-~&11=5~-~~~~~-~:~J~uit~.ho~rlh~of~ W~ee~11ttc~llU~Drl~v~e~;,:;~, 2 FINlll 1111ifALS· ~ _,, 1705 ........... -,. ',.., • • I . ii •' -3 6 -J'lor .... L 'ELEGANT Oeean Vw. llli5 -· ATI'IUCl'IVE. 1 bdr., SJS.00 Wk.-Up· ~ IMch 5100 Coote ,,,__ ImmAc. $llOO inonOC' HolOe, Lie. or Option, $.125 pool. util peid.. pnkn ll •Studio A: 1 Br' A;µ,· · AVAD... 1 •A: 2 Bdt. Spac. Mqnilioept 4 bd1111., { bltb ~ nio. 3 bdr. Lqwia 8ch. 1 q , adults,_. no>.~ W. • Kitchen' I TV 1ncl. ( pool. blr;lm.:Enjoj, the bdl.1--------CONDOMINIUM, S Yie.w home. $1.000 mo. DI.ya, &St-2910, eve1, Wallace Aw.,.c.M. • Pbone·Se:Mee~lr l'Qol' .W.ll SUS+ 2lt 15th St. ' Nl'V£1 BA. 2 car pr, ~""'..! John. Macnab "2-1235 ........... • 1 A: 2 BR film I: unfurn. -e Maid ltl'Vlcrlnd. H.B. • ' ~ fOOl '1: m:. tacWHel. WA'I'ERl'R<»J'r Lux. Apt. on LARGE, ~ redee. 1-Br. Fullerton 'St.,, C.M. ~one Dt)', WNk I: MODth, sAam.oR A l-BR .tllnli .... ,. o· . 1£ mo. ~18'1 or 5.iT~. the Penlp. N91f 2 lldr,. 2 ~ Ocn.n view. Adulta. pmnilel. . 2376 Newport Blvd, 15GJJl{S5 $140 qp.· ~ti, no· £ ..,'·;;;·:--;--.,,,,.-,-=== .... pool. Loe. adulb. -· noptll. ll'l>D)O. ,,.....,_ FURNISHED l ·BR""' 112>. $25 Per 'Wk. & u, 17>01• -Ln. IQ. u' ' 2 BR +den + ll>S.. allpl a,vail. Caribe Balboa, PLACE REALTY C!M--9704 Furn studio apt, $110. 2115 . • 1 <Welt~ 8eaeh N' Slals) Y!d in, Brand n e " apt ~ bltnl, waaber I 310 Fe r n a n do Rd (n.4) Elden, C.M. set Mp' apt 6. 8'cht1Dr ' 1 BR. htd pool. ' bciDet. Private patio IMnc. Ill' 1bope; If bch. Pet. 6'l'W003. .• Sin. Clemente 3710 1 Br furn .. ~ sm incl maid Rrvice. Kitchens • 2 BR le bfit.:belor apta. Neu,. bUch ii: lhoPPhW. All $18!.. SG-nf'i I :::-==c::-==:-= 1------· ---1 ~· ino TV avail, 450 Victoria (Ni-Heated pool. Utll paid. w/w carpetlna, c1rQe1, pri.. WINTER RENTAL. 1'D 2 8R + extra room of! util. No ~n or petll, Harbor). . •Vk::ftoy Apt1, 11rl4 Gecq1.a vate llv1nc. lBRuntu:rnt'Ottqe; June -The Bluffl. 3 Br. prqe. Near beach. Hu 66-1841 Sl35 month. DeJwce MoMle St, Apt A. H.B. 536-2914 • 3 sa.2 BA-frp1c., plUs Oil.._ retinecl lady, no de~~ ~s.=· 2 pool. 1~ BA. Crpts, drps I-~· t_jdl', Garden .Apt ~e comp. tum. 'Heated NEW QUi'ET t BR, nrocean. e J BM BA-patios l4fMea Dr, C.M, ~ , · or ·~· Oee.n. qu•t. adltl. Rdtr. pool. --adulu , no petll. 4 $145 prt deck or patlo; • .1 ~R-1 BA-deluxe aUwie Miu Vtnle 5 BILL WIULUIS REALTY Call -541,0DOT. ......., Mob, Est. 23'8 New. -·or epls only. :IOI Corslc~ lipt. Hornes -;....-.,..~ FOR ~ $21~ • Br, 2 Ba. 239 Delpw', S. C. ~TS W-sIDE 1 Bdnn fum1ahed port se&m 14th. 55-1319; 6'J3..1'1H SUNn.o AVE 2 BR. Cpts, drpa. elec, nr IChoDb: A shop's. Avan . loftr, parkiri& Itta. '$135 1 BR Medallkm condo all Btwn s ~ Brlstoi Gu'lp. Adults, DO ' WI. Call -c..-.1n1urn :lt5I mo. £13.5129 Now(llOrl _,, 4200 blt.111, -end. Pollo, Located' Ii mile E ot South -°' 5'U<OO __ _ BAY~.· Fam. Home ... 2 Bdr. 2 BL Pool. b!t~int, AVAIL~· 2 BR rum apts., Newport Be b pool, quiet $140.11$.S034 O>ut Plaza ~ c.emer N..,,.,. h.ch - ik'· 2 J:t: !:.~~~.?'"'I· erpb " clrpe. $200 • mo. adult llYUl(, bid pool, rec GllANDacoPENING FURNISHED 2 BR. Con 540-ltn; ._._,;.;.;..;...;;.=.;......;;,: • -· ~ Call-646-8683. Agent. room, load Joe • ....saM IMMIDIATE . downtown Hntc Sch, 526 S'M.11:>10,. 4 BR, 21.• ~~.1~.1325 Duploxos Unfvrn. 3975 ••••••.•• OCCUPANCY Main Sl, 53&-'1396 MlllRIMAC WOODS ::'!llher$300 1 m~~y rl~I * 675-60M · * Luxury prden apartments Or Ceunty 4600 Juat completed, 1or2BR..2 67l--2f55. I =========12 BDR. Duplex. Nu drps, otterlna: complete privaCy, •"II' -BA. with air CIODd, com. 3 8Jl 2 Ba. SPACI Newport Helthti J2l0 crpta. Gar. Adlts. No Petr.. bN.utiM 11Msaiplnc A mt-SIN<;LE Adlllb, luxu r y pletely IOUllldprooRd. lllf Opta: dl'p6 firep1 bl ""'-=-'-=="-=~I $1'13. 2321 2nd St., OOt paralleled recr.Uonal 1ac:U-prden apts, w/fUll reern. dean1rw OftDI, wood Oii). 1 blk. ,;; beach. • IMMAC 3 BR, 2 BA. frple. Open Sun. 11 AM -4 PM ities in a COUii.try club at· Hon fadlltiea le complete lnp, d1.shwashtr1, l u • b 646-439l New htd pool. Nr. schools. -... "'· -,-, A-L-.-----1 ?DOIPhere. Now leu!nc 1n privacy. South Bay Cub !.~~~ewlle th~.,: l:roi:ii;Rc'ileo;c::.;.,.,3,.,.::;:-0 -::2-;;.c:-:.:;:: $280, (21!) G'1·1634 Aplt. Fumt........... Newport Beach. AR.ts m So. Brookhunt. ... ~. va""-., -~., un. -hrnlshed or uiwndabed ~lm. fn.4) 'fr2.ao dubboule, llunu; jacttn:I A d:rpl. bl• * blk to . l !!:-.:.,~·'Z:,...den,!t.2 ---'-,----.--·I Modela openlO·amtol·pm · swtm:p:iola, prlv, pr, w/ $2TS. l08 Grant. c ~ u.,.c,_. ... , ... l"".-sq. II .._ RentsfromJU&.to$310. 011,..... GNM 4610 storaae. Eve~ new. Stuh:>reDr.SeeS.t6.. 1275 mo. Quiet ''· ..._i<ro LOVELY APTS. OA.....,OOD -at 1140. Adulll SINGLE Matund Lady U I_.._ p ...t.. y low u .l.1 •• rates Jdtal .ip...-SINGLE Adults · Luxury pleue. JU11t East of 261'.lO quiet Newpoft llland, 2 _n_-,....-.. "· ._·_•~ ...... .....;32.;;,3;;.;7, I ,:,ry ""&I•,"';~ opl GARDEN prden apts with """'"" Harbor Blvd. next to Naben erpu, drpe, ..0.., llSO . 2 BR. 2 bL """""' ... -C<>mpl lln<n>, l&undn>mat, APARTMENTS dub ._.. ""' com-~-at GO Merrimac Call . 615-<Jll5. 3 BR. 2 .ba. bowie avail. on 6 TV, bid. pool, 1~ps to beach. fltte ll°1YUY· SOlml BAY WI)'. 5'5-6:1111 t'ONTEMPOR.ARY ,,_. leue !IQ) 16th Sh'e<t CLUB APTS.ISIOO·Cbopman i"""'" ............... -1 ~ ~ .............. $325 Ph. anytime 4!H-!H36 La-n4: 64Ul.70 Ave Garden Grove (714) NEW APTS Sch. 2 bdr .• den. 2 ba. 3 BR. 2 ba, home avail. KUJl&. NOW'S THE ·• ins Lrl patio Adlta February bl ••••••• , ,,,$400 ::...,The=-~oo~R'°'G"EOUS=='""N'""ew-· I _ SINGLE Adults ·Lu xu r y 636-3030 p7s per mo. ~ 3 1111. " 1am11y nn., ""'-VAL D'ISERE 1""'" apts wtth country -4705 J IDllM 2 IA ' Avail, Dec. 10th , •••••• $m club atmtlilpheft and mm· l"""8 $l 50 & $17§ ~ e RmHillRealty ~ =1A::~~~~ TIME fQR ~~~·~~t~~ OCEAN~ iuest 1\,:.n · ~!._ ~.~ 4 Bdrms A 11.rn rm, lmmac. The & 45, pool BBQ NeWpOrt Beach. pvt beach. 2 rooms, • UTILITIES PAID 4 BR. 2% BA. Dl.lbwllC l.'Ond. ~/mo. lmmed occup. OO:o ;:~. Rd. '~ QU 1c· K CASH (n4) 6's.oa50 pt.do, a:an.&"e •• $225 Inc. util. 1 &: 2 Bdrm, 2 sw:lm pooh. Studkt apt. l bllc lob Petth & Asaoc. HOLIDAY PLAZA 2 BDRM back dplx. ; Nr 1-:761 ~· :: nr ~~~ts. Furn ~ach.~$300. )'rly. ~ , 83J.Ol01 DELUXE. spadous 1 Bdrm. . ocean. $150 )Tly, r-. cptl, bfiach. .flrepiace, $150 be. 3a1. Avocado st, C.14. J OR. uafum apt, $150. PUft Eves." SC.~ or ~ ~@d~Fun:i:~: THROUGH A ~.A~~~St. ~~) ... aft '4,:SO ' Ste Maron pmniles ·~= df1ll A bl~ Corono dol Mir 3250 No "hlldr•"""" pets. -• 24S-l92l . D Pel t 4740 GJµND OPENING . l96i Pomona. C.M. DAILY PILOT LOVELY 2 br apt. Almoat ina n E•tt ltutr·. _3 Bit. t.m. nn, din. l4SO mo SJ60. 2 Br, RIO, W/W, drpo; · . new. ''"'" 11 bile to ..,.,. A'l'nlACrlVE tra L BR apt THE Yl.CTORIAN . e NEW DELUXI · 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 rtory $2'/S 2 mln ID fwy, Chlldrtn &:: pet .It bay. 1905 W. Balboa Blvd. w/ll()(>I, on Bl~ overlook-New, larreJ BR, t%i BA. $150 ~ er. 2% bl. apt. t;,r i-' ' 2 BR, den, trplc. $3» wtlcome. BKR 534-6980 WANT 'AD Sun. 0!'-3-t209, WkdQI bW harbar.1 yn_)eue $ Ad.uJtaonly.~tns. lneL spac. mutr. mile,:· 3 BR. 3 BA lAlxury apt $325 TIME FOil (213) ~1 . mo •• 495-6488. 496--2409 Souild proof@d, prl pr w/ nn. A dbl. prqe, , University Rea.Uy 67USlO OCEAN Frt. Bachelor, 1 RENTALS · 1toraae. Fenced yd w/pat1o, door opener avail. Pool'•. CUl'E 3 bd. 1% ba. borne. f'l)UICK CASH &4!-587I adlt $95 a mo. Yrly. UW. Aats. UnfurnialtN W~ttr pd. Gan:l.ene? mah~ rec. atta., Nr. ca , LoU o! '"" • parking THROUGH A Pd. quiet, adlm. """· •-b •ned. 66, Victoria st. O.utch. Adulta, no pea.~ •pace. Adults. $285. mo. Call 675--3127. Gent1r1I · "'-631-4120 e ONLY $245 e •N (2!3) '254-0838 DAILY PILOT TRAILER. 1 adult,'°"' wa. e ltENT e 165 Amlp Way, N.a,-:;, CORONA HIGHLANDS. 2 WANT AD I ••••••• I le< •au paid. s.n;or d d"'n NEW :rroo oq ~ 3 BR '""" BR, 11.i Ba Duplex. Avail 1 ~= ... --=-_ ... ...,...,..,. ... -.-.-.'ii SlOO mo. u 8-8724 Lr 3 Rooms furniture 3 BR. 1'6 bath $150/mo. nn, s BA. Owner'• lur~ ~>~=-or" Ml6-<255 $19.95 & UP 'IS2-Way.1115·Slfl," DUPLEX. • D» 1q. tt. 4 BR, 2';S: BA, b!tnl,, frplc. Gv. S325 mo/lae. 5t0--7573 Lido 1111 3351 WRITER'S hideaway 2 Bl' for IUR or uJe. 213: 16-6628 or M>-9173 Hvntl ........ ch 3400 RARE Opportunity! L 1 e Meredith Jun. Nr. Adams & Brookhunt. 3 br, lam. nn, 3 ba. $350 a mo incl 1arde~r. <;all • 1142-4526 4 BR, 1%. BA, J&:e livin& nn with frplc, kit/lam nn ooinbo, only 2 yn old. Nice- ly lancllcpd. Avail Dee. 10. S230 per mo. 962-4642 LEASE S27S per mo. 2 story 3 BR. 21Ai BA, Shorecftst tn.ct, H.B. Call 54M905 aft• 6 or wknda. See 4 BEDROOMS. 2 baths. $225 a month. Bkt.846'®1 want ad 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA, frplc, new cpts A: drpa, dbl gar, fencd bad( yd. $250. 962-8994 3 BDR, 2 BA, Compl fenced, bU-inl. Vac.anl -~ mo. Call (213) AT ~ f BA, 2 BA, frp lc, drpl. $B . per mo. (213) 839--1176 or eves (n4> 846-0211 In th• DAILY PILOT BUSJEsr ml.l'Rtplace in town. The DAILY PILOT ClusWed aedion. S a v e money, time A effort. Look mw!l! FOil EXPERT· HEL!' -4000 O.ntr1I $~~~lA-4t.2/iS" I .SOluo a Shnpk Scmnbi.d Wonl Plmla for o Clludclo I ' ·---"Iha , four' ~ wan:b t. \""''"_._ ... ~-:l"r1'x1 1 r I ITOYUG 1 I :r111 IUNHAM · I . . Mtn _.. ... col!Opa;ng ::=' ='='==":...... in F*foct '-llh lhon ._ ...... TITanb fO -- 1 1 A I GU A I 11·17 I I I' I I I !tti.t::.== 1 •::"1!!H~imus r r r r r r r 1 ,i ~Lmlu to I I I I ·I I I I 4000 ~ . wii "'~-.. SCIAM·LET> ANS IN "WSIFICATION 960CI • v BLK •--· -1y. WolllloMcCordlo, llltra, 71> ""'" ............ ., J• ?".on~To.Month Rentals 1810 N Blvd C.!-l MOd. 3 Br, 2 Ba downataira, WIDE SELF.CTION u. -ewport ~·· ...:!. • tum. or partly turn. 109 Mth ,,_.11"' -eves, NO •DEPOSIT 0.A.C. St, N.B. 6'l>33l5 HFRC F,undhlre Rentals . WATERFRONT w/boa l 511W.19th, CM 5'8-3U1 dock. Lovely 2 BR, patio. Yrly lse. 673-9060 or Faimr Villa Apts Corono.dol Mor . "7-5913 VEN DOME Near Oranoe <l> Af11>ort , A ON ~ ~r• UCL Adi;!ts only. 20123 •-~ A~ ~ ~ 1· BR tum apt. No children or pets. 2405% 16th St. N .B. ......... IMMACULATE AP'l'S! Santa Ana Ave. S4Q.2'19S 1~·· 2 BR. ·1":_,,• pa&ii", ADULT I: FAMILY ......_,_ _..:._. ,.__._.._ SECTIONS AVAILABLE rVUI&. <Wm u.iw~ • BEACON Bay 2 Br, ,,,,1, pvt.. C .... t9 olt9PPfnil• Pork VILLA MESA APTS IOO lie.a .i.,.e,. OoDI pier It dock. $225 mo. * Spacloua s er· .. J Ba 2 BR untum, prt paUos, ·htd ( ar. O.lt 673-5094 •,2 Bedrootna pool,;2 car encl'd Jl'&r. OUJ~ , $150 1 BR furn apt. CJt:its, * &Nim Pool, Put/lf'!'en dren \\'eleome, no p e t 1 PLIX drps, bltns. Pool. 152.S * FrPl. lncUv/lndry fac'lt please! $160. Also film SJ83. PlacenHa 1145 Anaheim Ava. 7U W. Wllson. ~1251 l BR. la.rse. Near ocean .. OOSTA .MF.SA 642..2U4 VALUE, adlllt coUple oalf, 2 U •-'-~~ y~ .. Ulil pd BR. no pell, Drpl, cpta, I ·UNIT LEPTI ·;I: 2 BR. 2 ""_!$250). Priv. ~ tio, <.'OV.,prqe, cptd., d~ ed. Comp, bltns. &Ht ~<P,· -.L ORCHID t •f 1¥07-:-~ "&;.;i;;; ~ · 11A1101 GREENS ....,.,,,,., hid pool, quiet $l35. 2295 PacWc Ave. ~ 141i1 Ceroni dtl: Mir 4250 BACkELC>R unfurn 1 r om S4Ma11 or 604429 ~~·==~:~~!l =="-";.;...;=-...;.;.;.;I SUO. Allo avail 1 • 2 It 3 NEW 2,BR, 1 BA, shq crpt. .. LARGE,· Private. view Bdrm. Heated pools, c:hild DrP.s. dillhwti,r, patio, btam ' ¥ bac~or. So.· of hiway, ci.re center, adj to ahoppina. cetlinc, frplc, 1ar. Adults, CX>ROl.JDO AP'l'S. 2 • ~frif &: hp only. $US. No pet& DO pets , $165. 2650 Eldtn, Lower leYels, INdiol, 673-690t 2700 Pe:~raon Way 537..ool2 after 7 pm I-Sun. h::Jule,,. nplcs., paoJ. ~--· Mesa ~-.._.,,patios, IJJO • 1 BR nicely turn apt. Gro!J,nd ...,_,. ,,_..,.,,,.., LARGE 2: BR, crptl, drps, f13o337I · floor. 1 or 2 adults only. NEW Deluxe Exec. Type 3 caniort &: pool. Kids ok. StURP=·="'·"'•""br-~So-~lde~ 615-1180 Bdr. Apl $250. Fr p I ace, m i Collea:e, Apt No. 2. H,wy Orpe: ·~ts· 1 ' S11JDIO APT nr bch. S115 locked pr, Nr. Fl"teW&J I-1146-7095 prlv: ln ~~ over':. .mo Include• util. Call da)'I ~f Adlts. 546-4016 BRAND N . w l Ii: 2 BR. mo + $100 depos 421% 642.-4210, eves ~25!3 $W. 2 Br low". Patio, RIO, W/W cpte, all bltns lncl. CdM. 61:>0633 ' WIW, drps. Redec. C'lild se:lt clean1na: oven. Patioe, 2 BR. So I H llllMa · 4300 wtlcorfte. Bier S34.&980 ~-Adults. ~2108. uw•a: ~·~. U/5. 1 BR near bay, frPI, prder $155. 21 Br. UW pd, pr, m W. WU.On. Ref's. req'd. Mr. afn&le woman $ll.5 ·mo yrly, atove. Children OK. Avail 2 BR Mesa Verde, l'c:rptl, Bkr. 540-3862 uW JM!. 673-U78 now. BKR 534-l980 drpa, bltns, a:ar .. upstairs • ..,u;;;;-;;=::-.--;;;;--;;o; . . Adult.I, no pets $13 5, Huntl""'" leach 4400 Hunit""'" leech 4400 SIM351 THE NIW HUNTINGTON CAPRI APARTMINTI ' . . ' FOil SINGLE ADUl1s ••• ••• WHERE UYING IS FUN! CUSTOM I, 2 & J llDROOM Al'TI., Furnloltod Modtls Open Sot,·~-~h 19'9. FROM $110. FURNISHID & UNFURNISHED " ' (As low I! .$85. Furn. if Sbared by 2 Frlendl) SOUNDPllDOFID PRIVACY FOR RE LAXING 011 INTlllTAINl!W AND SHOPPING WITHIN Y, ILOCK. PLUS FUN & GAMIS TO MATCH ANY MOOO. ' lnloy • 1111 HI of Tonnie,• fl-!'f>VolloY" Nil or lnllorfl. Sh••• U11 In -of tho . G_..t-or rolu In • Soun• -tho JKUlll or In tho aun.or~ tho ...... Y-S.Clal. Director will '"'"'° partlos In tho , ......... >C.prl -& """ futL trlpo .. Ma-h. v-.... ' I Sii THI HUNTINGTON CAPlll ·AT 6100· 141-Ave. Huntl ...... looch , ........................... .... ................ .,..., ...... . PHONE 17141 146-0619 ATI'RJ.CTIV~lean . 2 BR, 2 BR prap apl Rtfria:, stove, cpb, C.OUpie ol'll)', 1150 mo. 646--1226 -...... -.. 2 lllMS.. 2 IA ! " ,• .. • " < '· -;. • ;_, . l • . ' - Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If . Y.ou Have Any -.. . " ! ' · b( T~ese Things A DAILY PILOT WANT-AD I ·will · Sell Fast! 1.1 .... 2. Guitar 3. lld\r Crib 4. Elec:trlc Saw .5. Camera 6. w .. her 7. Outboord Motor 8. Ste..O Sot 9. Couch 10. Clarlnat II. Rafrllerotor 12. Plclcup Truck 13. Sowing Mocllina 14. Surfboord 15. Machine Tool• 16. Dishwasher 17. Pvppy 11. Cabin Cruiser 19. Golf Cert 20. Barometer 21. Stamp Collection 22. Dinette Sot 23. Play Pen 24. Bowling Bali 2S. Wiler Skis 26. FrHzer 27. Suitcase 28. Clock 29. llcycl• 30. TYP"rlter 31. lo•· Stool• 32. Encyclopodi1 33. Vacuum ..Cl.uner 34. Troalc1I Ftih . ' 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. Fiii Cabinet 37. Golf Clubs 38 .. Sterling Sliver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. lecfroorn Set 41. Slide Projldor 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool Table 44. TirH 45. Piano 46. Fur Cott 47. DropM 48. Linens 49. Horse SO. Alrpl1ne SI. Orven 52. Exercycl• 53. Rare Bookt 54. Ski Boots 55. High Ch•lr 56. Coins 57. Electrlc Train SI. Kilton 59. Classic Auto 60. CoffH Tobie 61. Matorcyc le 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Set 65. Workbench 66. Diamond Watch 67. Go-K•rt 68, lr'ontr 69. Camping T railer 70. Antiqu• Furnitur• 71. Tape Recorder 72. S1llbo1t n . Sports Car 74. Mitt,_, Box SP9f 75. lnbo1rd Speedboat 76. Shotgun 77. S.ddle 71. Dart G1me 79. Punching Bag 10. Baby Ca rriage If. Drumt 12. Rifle 83. 0..k 14. SCUBA Gosr These or any other extra thi1191 around th• h-may be tumid into cash wltti a DAllY. PILOT WANY-AD so • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD) I I l • -.• J, NOftmbt' . l %9 DAILY PILOT AN N UNTALS AplL ·11nlvrt1ilhod '* BUSINI SS 1M t FINANCIAL j * *' and NOTICES HunttngtGtl llMdl 5400 LGE I Br, blt·lnl. -· prage. 2 bl.kt trot'Q ltQcb. lJlll Olive 536-S46'J: 6401 Lott Bv1.~itl••'* _ t 1 ~ ~ 'Cat d&rtc llrwn I: $JOO,.OOO PER YEAR be'ice •. blue eyes; Oea collar • M'·'-In 1 .........i • Lt strips on back I~. nick ...... uurn oom1 .or !>"""' on ear. Harbor lfi&hl..00. man to participate m hi1hl1 area 54.IJ..6644 l BR, fenced yard. $100 mu, lit & last reqd, Oilldttn OK. .. Call 002-1961 2 A 3 BDttMS, 2 BA, pvt. patio, heaied pool, waaher hook up, 962-899C profitable realty investmetit .,;;:.~·~..:.,:_.:c,. __ ~-1 ~ration, PIU!lh red carpet LOST Blonde Female Cocker otticei on Newport Bay! ~ Spaniel Vic, Mesa Verde. tlve or inactive! lnvest.nltnt a.udren heartbroken. requimi! WW train quali-1..:,!JO&.«m,;..c'°. ,_,,~=-~-=- fl'<l party! 645-ISn day or Smajl Pet Tortoise. Vic. S. Ana Heights 5630 """ eve. Abalona'. (LitUe Isl.) Balboa Island, 613-1012. 1 8R apt, stove & refrlg, flS, adult prefemid. 673-1185 W= Wl1'ft WhMlfye Gott COIN laundrle .. Frigldaire. s "ECIA "c' LASSIFICATION FO.lt • -From 16,000 to 142,500 , BRIDGEpto,.vioSanlaA"" "' Anaheim. Costa Mesa; 'A.ft I: Palisades Shop'g NATURAL IOIN SWAPPEIS Buena Park, F ul l erto n, Center. Call 548-1425 Special Rate Gll?den Grove, Hwitington Dani Point 5740 5 LI,... -5 tlmee -S buclrs Beaoh, Santa Aba, Tustin, Nno!l•le 6405 NEW 3 BR, 21ifi Bath 1tudlo. llULll -AD """" INO..UOI!! La Mirada. PALMIST. RY & f-W"-t YW ~ ,. ....... t-wMf 1'MI _.. Ill ~ 52>'J833 Carpet1, drape., ref rl1. 1-TOUll..,,. • ..., ... ....., ....., ,_.,.._.._ Call Charlie CAlltD READINGS stove, dahwhr. SUS. Qill ......oTHINO ~ SAL• -TllM>U OHi.Vi tt4: 870--0424 aft 5 PHONE 642-5671 Money to Loan 6320 Bring Your P roblems to To Place Y-Tr°""• PorodlM JU l~=!,..;_;,:;;:;;:...,......;;.=I Ma -I Will He lp You REAL ESTATE 4 UNITS. Lquna. 1 block irade ~. -wllh back 2nd TD Loan Solvo Them. _,;;Gei=.,.;;;r..;•;;,l _____ ,10 beach. Income $7260 a bay view at 2353 Irvine I lfve advice on all, matteni Rentals Wanted 5990 year, (Prl~ S6SY clear) Ave,, Ior vacant or 4'to 100 Prompt. confidential IHVfce of life, such as love, court. Take Small borne. Roy J, units. Arent 675-Q52 or 642-2171 545-1611 ahip, marriage, divorce, bus. Ami.Son, Rltr. 494-1260, 613-<811 alt 6 ptn. Serving Harbor area 20 yrs, ljlelS tn.nsactions of all S ti'-Mo.... C kiDdL Reunite the separ-Beautilul 41' Norweigan Want 4 BR & 2 BR "Octan-a .. r ••• ag• o. RE NTAL flNOERS salllng yacht. Lovingly car. ahT" duplex. Have clear 336 E, 17th Street •mt. taU&e speedy aod hap. PY marriages, overcome rL "-T• L .,,. ed for & equipped. $16.000 Palos Verdes ocean view lot vall, )overs quarrels, evil • w. ,..._a.ta ._ equity for home, TD, car or Art Glovinettl, Bn*.er lnvestrtMnt Oppor. 6310 habits, stumbling bloc)Qi ol :;_ '!.'i::~~,1 • .,.,..,.. 11 644-4Z5 . 673-7421> FANTASTIC all kind.a. There is no heart -~~~====·~-~~·"~""~'=''! Octa.n!ront l ot, OCe.ano Trd.S7500EQlnNewport30 REALTY PROJECT so bad or home so dreary Beach, 30xl00, adjacent· Sailboat. Comp. race equip, $500,000 prolit return within that I cannot bring sunshine RENTALS WANTED Pismo Beach, aand dunes & Auto pilot. Want travel 90 days S25 000 cub need-inln,·it. In Jact, no matter * HOMES state park. iIS,00') val. camper I trailer, Clear • ed. 645-isn day or eve. what may be your hope, * J;>UPLEXES, Trade / listed securities. equal value. Gt&-0647 •• fear or ambition, *Cl.JEST l IOUSES 673-4303 l:CAVE clear North l..aiUna lteal £state Loans 6340 SEE THE *APARTMENTS Ritts Tansu dining set, oU 3 BR.&: den, 1% + % ba.1----------PALMISI'RY READER FREE SERVICE painting cedar chest, ant:lq WANT bea,ch Income. INVESTMENT group has I will tell you just what you COLDEN WEST RENTALS desk, ~. table. Want den &42-W S$'s tor trust deeds, \Ve want to know. 5J0.1iOOO rum, fur area rugs, birds Call anytime. Broker make 1st & 2nd & buy ex· AvalJ. for parties BURNED-OUT Ia.mUy w I 3 or ! 67.>3524 ACRES ~---' istin&" TDs. Bia, 543-8381 With 1bis Card and $3.00 10 , R-1, v;u'""" day ft---"· '" cblldrea deaperateJ.y needs 2 Beaut. ocean view lot, street Exchange for 1 -"""',,',,"'.,-"~·===~-~ve .,...oo Reading tarp w 3 BR houle, CM. to street, So. Lquna. Want good income units. CALL J-fARDESTY , Open Daily 10 AM to 10 FM Up t!) ~ mo. StM7'5 aft 4 income units. .fl.tr. Conrad Riviera Realty For Financing Fully Licensed * ~2866 * OU. (213) 697-9212 SINGLE 1employed young Lee Pereyda Real Estate 499-2800 494-1330 Ews. 210 w. \Vhittier Blvd., WGm@n needs n:larn. or 4$.1990 494-MSB Utility trailer CxS, fully en· Money w.;.;.d 6350 La Habra wool~~ apt. tn vie. 17th FAMILY Membership in Ir. closed, new tires, $100 val.1---'---""---",;,..,c & Irvine, Call 548-2296 vine Clle.st Counll')' Oub. Mari.com M'arlne DF radio, 8.4 to 10% on yaur invest· e LANDLORDS e No transfer fee. Trade Ior noo val Trade/rifle or shot. ment. We can place your FREE RENTAL SERVlCE TO or submit. Valuation gun of eq. val. 613-430.1 funds direct to the borrower Broker 5.1U982 $2500. Pvt ply. 673-9131 1966 ISLANDER 21 Sloop. 011; title ins. real estate loans WANTED Gu'qe to rent for Full family membership Ir. $3100 value. (Leased sllp @no ex~ <»st to the lend-·~· ();>st.a ¥na or vine Coast Country Oub. avail nr. Balboa Pavilion). er. Stop in or call, 1:32J N. Newpt Bch. 675-1841 Room 5. Exchange for late model Trade for listed securities. Broadway, SA (parking on e Free Rental &Tvice e car or ? ? 642-7374 or 673-4303 our property) 543-8381 day Brokers I M&rs. I dwneni 675-0144. lei's talk. Lovely hOme & swim pool or eves. Properties \Yest 675-1642 1932 Chevrolet Pickup, 331 & family style cale (help ANNOUNCEMENTS .• ~ , , CadUlac engine with beeled run). Next to KOU course. and NOTICES Roodtt for Rent 5995 hydro -trans. For motor-Near Valley Center Trade ._ · cycle. for acreage. Owner G+t-1121 Founa (FrH Ads) 6400 PRIVATE entrance, nr bath, 642-2250 men on!y. $45 rip:>. Ca111,,-""',,--.,.-=~--before.l'l0on. 548-38911. 8 2-BR apts., blt·ins, near 0 E. 17th St. shopping. Ex. LARGE pleasant r O m , change equity up or down. WOfkinc man only. Fortin Realtor 642-5000 *&16-T'"Mi.* 1101.i\ Westcliff Dr .. N.B. FURN Sleeping rm, _Pri BA. Trade up • house with back pri ent. $fJI mo. 2135 Elden, bay view at 2353 Irvine C.M. See Mgr, apt 6· Ave., for vacant or 4 to 100 SB WK & up \V/ kitchen. units. ,A£ent f75..Q52 or $35. wk studio apt. ?376 6'7l-(ilJ aft 6 pm. Newport Blvd, ~9755. Fallbrook Ior peninswa-: -5997 Adobe 3Br. 2 Ba. 1.2 acres. Motels, Trlr. Crts. tack rm, st~, game rm, SANDY'S TRAILER C:OURT 2 frpl. Call OC 5C7-6su or Spaces avail now. Max 26'. 728-7n4 Bud Coulter 6 Ac Hwy 74, betwn Paris GRAY /striped Persian cat & Elsinore, cir. $21,000. orange nose, red collar'. Want Oen vw. hm or units, SMALL blk/wht cat, and Laguna-OiM. Central Rlty, PURE WI-UTE long haired P .O. Box 2588, Riverside, C. cat w/green eyes. All vie. of Beautiful lSCbtl.50' lot In Estancia Hi Sehl. 2267 growing Yucca Valley as Placentia Of down • clean 3 bdr. 2 ha TOY Doxy, 6-7 lbs. fem. red- home in Costa M68.. Sub-dish-brown. Needs meclica- mit oUers to P.O. Box 686, tion. Ansv•ers to ''Gret- Tustin. cllen". Family brokenheart- ed. NB near Cst Hwy. What do you have to trade! 642-3569, 543-2410. 772-0iS-t List it here -tn Ora.na:e WEIMARANER Or Viszla C,ounty's 1aJprt read trad-puppy vie Goldenrod & Cst ~polt -aPimalre a deal. Hwy., CdM on 11/24. Cail LOSE WEIGHT I \\"&.nt,.l{) women who are 10 poundg or more overweight tD take part in group weight 1oN program of specialized reducing, All 1nquiriea con- tldential. Ask for Mr. Ken- . nedy 537-5412. REl'lRED J U D GE or TRIAL ATTORNEY who would be interested In joining with me to initiate action (without ran c or) which would benefit the health, education & welfare of our fellow man. (And, in- cidentally, reduct genera.I taxation). "1rite Dr. L. F. Parker, 3l3 Grand Canal. Balboa Island, Calif., Cl' call (714) 684-3049 *Alone? Colt ~9681 .. * * * * * """" WEEKLY" iatu Sea Lark I.fotel, 2301 Nl:\vport: Blvd., REAL Costa Mesa J;SCH="'w°"IN'°'N,,.-B=;~cy-cl;-o-, -.. ~ul~ts. YES IT'S YOUR Continental, yellow, comb. FAULT --------------ESlATI! RIAL ESTATE General loc.k under scat. Poor cond. For recorded message thal Identify 548-5494 will change your lite call General 0-;;;--;c.:=c-,,,-,,-~--I ORANGE CO. 547-6661 Misc. Rentals 5999 ---------:Lake Elsinore 6202 SM. Shaggy blk female pup-24 hour recording ---------__ _;;..c.:.;c:_ _ _;c.;.: PY -tan legs, wht spot on HOOSIERS Trailer Colirt, Office Rental . '.6010 3 ADJOINING h 111 s Ide chest. Vic ~·.v. High Sehl. s2a Fairfax Dr., C.M. Adlt ... takevlew lots, near casino 962-:-8576 Park in heart, of town. 2 ... LAGUNA BiACH $3,000. 536-3449 l;N:cAc;VY;v--B;;l;::ue.,-7boy=,-d;-oo-;b"Ie spt.ee1 up to ~ · 548-l370 ~ rAir Conditioned -breasted blazer. About sz. 6. SI'ORAGE garage, $45. per ON FOREST AVENUE 3 ACRES 40 miles north of Found . Bay ahores. month. 20x25xl.O' h I gh . Desk space available In Reno 11ear Honey ~e at Robinsons label 543-ID6 Schworer 673-2654 newest o1fice . building at loot of Sittras. Level, clear, CHIHUAHUA b ~-·~tlo In "'-1 $3.000. SJ6..2449 a o u t GARAGE FOR RENT P•"f"''" .....,. n IWY¥" own "='========! November 15, between Clay $:.!I. MO. CDM t L,quna Beach. 'Air concU-~ nd Be h * 673-2918 * Honed, carpeted, be&utitul Subdivision Land 6212 a ac · Identify, !162-""6 ' entrances: Fronlqe on FULLY Enclosed garage, $20 Forest Ave., rear leadl tD 35 ACRES -Laguna Beach. SIAMESE cat found CdM. pe!' mo. Costa f.1esa. Muftcipal parking lots. $50 0 ~ea n Vw. Cose •. Jn )fas fiea collar. Please call and say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY .. Joa n & Bill 546-3932 *Don't! * ~S-2921 •· per month for space Desk Suitable for cluwter h!temg, 673-1862 ===='=====I and chairs available ·for $5. Apts or ? All city utU . Some VIC. Sa.nta Ana & Esther Ca.1111!1 if you still believe bl ~ln;ice;;;m;oe;;;;P;ro;pe:;;rty;;;;;6;;000;;;w l Buslness hours answering subordination. $6500. per sts. Siamese cat. Call after cave style dating. • service available for $10. acre. Central Reall), P.O. 3 & "d tif 548-M33 2-1 Hr recording All utilities paid except Box 2588, Riverside, Calif. pin 1 en y. ORANGE CO. 547-6£,68 telephone. 682.-l440. LOST 2 c;a.ts. 1 orange tom. 1 COUPLE, 30-, no children. DAILY PILOT ---grey-striped lorn, with co!-To meet' or share home w/ IN SMOG FREE Pauma Valley 222 Jo'ORE!:il' AVENUE R. E. Want.d 6240 Jars. Heartbroken. 53&-3947 the I _., LAGUNA BEACH --NOTICE WHITE MUSKOGEE DUCK, 0 r cp · c~ &-7 pm, Tue. or \Ved. 642-4894 Lovely home & swim pool 49-1-9466 very tame. vie. or Newport 1...:-_c::_,::-==.:=,:. __ _ next to 9 holl" golf course. & llospi1al Rd. 646-6575 LICENSED Also an unusual lam!ly !tyle 1000 Square Feet If you have a 3 or 4 bedroom NOV. 25 • grayish cat with Spiritual Readings, advice restaurant, ,,1ilth pepper lrce Off' . home for sale or for rent, orange !i!N'ak on nose. on all matter-.. 312 N, El pat!o· compl_etl'\y equipped ICe Space Avail. call us today. we represent 6'12-ST.!6 ask for Gretch<!n Camino Real, San Clemente & 1n opera lion., Barns for the employee.11 of a larae•I;,.===::-;==== 492-9136, 49'2-0076 l:orses. All on 5 beautilully n ' 17th Street, H.B. tlnn movin& to the Harbor ~LF G~ V~,:tn~ r;:t~ 10 AM. 10 PM landscaped al'res. 536-8801 Area and they must have · ea co ar. · · HAVING a Christmas Party? BY OWNER 644-1721 housing! AU ca.sh 11 desired. St .. c.11,1· &16-lS68 We have t~ facUltles. Some MODERN 3 room suite, Call Farrow 546-8640 F·ouND: Calif. Lie plate, Dec. dates still open. Call ~ cPts., air rond janitor ser. 8USINES' ana Nov. 191.h on 17th St. C.Jl,1. 549--03TJ for \nfor. Mesa 4 HOUSES . $33,95b vk•, ~plo p~cklng, FINANCIAL C~tl ult 3,30, 548-8982 V<nlo CounU'y Ct"b So. Calif. Ut Nat. Bk Bldg. SCHNAUZER, unclipped. AITRACTIVE girl to model Rent11 $.l~O / lllO SIS 000 230 E. 17th Street lus, Opportunftl• 6JOG H.H. 840-1415 a few hours a week, <'<IU;ty • want ro' ;rade' up COlta Mesa 642-1485 Assoc. Partner gt>nerous pay. Strictly for for units, home or etc. sub-4m -1000 SQ. r-,.. NeWpOtf. Personall 6405 fun, no exp necessary. mit, May add cash. Smiley Beach Civic Ctr. area. AUTOMOTIVE Prefer OVtt :n. Reply Box rutr. 646-9666, 642-2221. SttretAria.l servieea. 3345 DEALER 'll5. Santa Ana. C05"TA !'\lESA home & 9 Newport Blvd., _N.B. ~ ALroHOUCS Anonymous units plu~ room to bld.1~'"-=l"OO"t". ====== Acuve with $2),000 lo invest. . Phone 542-7217 ot· write to = 20SO dn. Owner Commertfil 60l5 ~ne fl~~nir ~x~~~::: · : .. ~ P.O. Bo:.: 1223 O>sta Mesa. Prime Commercial Property ally. Extremely high return, Anneuncemants 6410 Business Rental 6060 132'~', c-21 Beach mvd., plu.s excellent salary. Pr!n- Balboa·Main lnle;'!l('etlon Huntingf'on Beach. tl2,7SO clpal eelected must have Bldg to be l'l'mo<lelcd, 4000 CnE~ down. Owner will C&l'< managerial background. Au. sq rt. all or part. oU lllrt't't ry l;i year'lst trust deed. tomotlve experience 11 o t parking also avll.ll. Briggs Realonomics Corp. 675-6700 neC'el8&f')'. \Viii train. Your lnvest.igation \Velcomed. Cail Happy Thanksgiving .. ~ealcy16ll-81828" 9 h S lnd111trlal Rental 6090 for appt. for th is once In a WI' sq, t. al W. 1 I I., =;,;;;;;;...:.:;,;...=;;;.,:,;__-' 1lifetime, exceptional oppor-•nd the Belt C.M. AvaU ll«. 1'1. NEW BUILDING tuirity. Koo Ctilfonl tn•l Turkey and Pies * 548·1768 • 1260 Logan Ave., Costa Mesa 774-7000. ROOl\I Suitable. lor gift 8bop, Each unit 1725 aq ft, 2 oH-E=x~C~E=P~T~IO~N~AL~~EA=R"N~.ll From men's shop or ladies shop. tees, 2 n!!t rooms, 110/220 INGs. Part-time s nack Call Jim Berkthltt. 671-9-IOS electric, Ample parklnc. roult'I. Avail in many areu. Morie RETAIL or oUice space, 900 C. Robert Nattress Real1or M<'-D ot women to restock sq rt + 00xss· front lot. 470 Costa r.tesa 64~1485 snack machines It. collect Cal lenders Newport Bl\."tl, 64l-58Sl. C-2 bkl.g with paved parkbqr money (days or eves). NO SENSJTIVlTY TRAINING WORK SHOP A progran1 or interpersonal exercises tot Hmall telf· llirt'ctcd group111. Minimal cllllli,'C cltll 6 4 2-8 7 3 0 10M1...SPr.1 Cemetery L,.;o;_t•;;,__;64;,;._11 FOR Sale by owner. 6 Pacilic Vk!w cemetery lots. Call mornings fiU.-1323 JOBS & EMPLOYMEN T Jol>W1nted, Women •A 7 0 Stla mo. 113 ~ronte Vbta. SEUJNCi • WE FURNISH Ul E. 17th St. Office Rental vv CM 646-4760 LOCATIONS. S900 r'l'Q'd for Co1ta Mes• Home Care avail. 546-4570 part..time route, full time e lli 7020 BAY lJ.00 BLDG routts a1ao avail. ACT NOW '42-0822 A .ed NulMI II. Aides e 3700 Newport, N.B. 1Acreege 6200 FOR CHOICE LOCATIONS Of O.C, Nunca R.ecif;trw Orfi('f'I a\lallablt. Rm :Kil. ''° AcrH, So. Ca.Hf. ps. 1D ~ County. Vendlnj: mt W. Llnpn Lane, S.A. 675-2464 or ~1·5032 · DOWN, $2S. PER MONTH, Div. UQl Avt'nue of the HOUSECLEANING - 1736 ANAllWl,. C.M. Of. $2.4~. FULL PRICE. L S1ars, Sulle ss.;, ~ntury \\.'f'f?kdl.YI only, reliable, flee~ • 2 w/lobby • ground SheWftlt. 326 W. Third St., City, Cal. 90067. In Orana;e $2.50 per hr., 847-1464 - floor, SUS. Sch11i"Ort'r, 673-~ L.A . Phone: (213J62S-Slil1 Co, call ITI4) 64S...2493 847'-G10'J 0Ff1Cl:: Wllh anKWtl'll'IJ 10 ACRES -PRIME. Near RESTAURANT H 0 US ECLEANINC. El>· 8Cll'Vice fi1rniabed (or rent. Jarie lake. $25 a mo. M0$1' f'()POLA.R pcrienced. Own transporta· I ~ Cllnltr st. luPlitnl c .M. cau fn4l SM--4143. !F~c<~Sale~_:-:.!'.""°~""~..,__~~~l~========::::!l :11o:;n_,. • .:,......;;;,_="'-----' \ T T '""I' .... -.... -...... ,...,..,.,...,_,..,.. . ., . .,.,..------,,.-.---:-...,.--,.,,.---,.-.:--.,.-,-:----:--·----,-----;---.--:------:.------·----.~-~ ---o:c-c:;,..,-,..,.-.;-.""'==~.,..., When You Want if done right ••• Call one of the experts listed below!! ~015 & IMPLOYMINJ' Jobi Min, Wom. 7100 COASTAL AGENCY P"""'1onar E mployment Al•l•ta nce A member ol -·~""':mo Hatl>Or Bl, CM -Harbor Blvd. at Adams COFFEE SHOP !UNAG!lt Exp'd ~. Start $115 wk. Apply 2-4 pm daily. THE COTTAGE COFFEE SHOP SERVICI DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY b:;<FF°=w;;;~::"::;,s!_:::L:.:CM:;;w;;.~~---. Account Int 6500 C1rj>ot Clunlng 6625 HouM<lunlng 673$ experienoed. Call Biil • JOIS ~ I MPLOYMINT JOU .. 'Y""LOYMINT JOBS a IMPLOYMINT JOIS a IMPLOYMI NT JOIS a IMPLOYMIHT Jo• ,,....._ Worn. 7100 Jobi Men_ Wom. 7100 SchooJ..lnotructlon 7600 Jobe Mon, Won" 7100 Jobi Mon, Wom. 7 100 ••I I u -1---------1::::-:=:::::-:-:'.:"":--- PRESS OPERATORS TELEPHO~ ...,._ n )) 1l Earn eJdra money for * CHRISTMAS * ' J. C. Penney Company F1ohlon l1l1nd -New port h 1ch H11 pooltlono open In Women work for pluUct SUvk:ci Exp d prd. moldlns plant :tve lhitt. Call 56-3>5l • 546-J370 ' TRAINEE $7500 • Fe'atun!s ftt!ldy rerre.twr COW'IQ tn tho a1dlll )W need to srt the Job )'O\I want! PUBLIC RE LATIONS Saito Encineer • -Atlrlctive, we 11 aroomed Travel. All expensea paid • young lady betwKn 11 6 e C&r provkled • Fee N('IOtl-- tor public reJatlorui ._ isL able. Call Ann, Merchantl 1..111 Penonntl, 2Ml Wt1tcliU ••• Do n. N.S. ant 10 the president, Must Drive NB ~2'1'10 -vtr v r ·1 be unencumbered & free toi~:i;,;,;-' ;;,;· ;·::::;;:;;:,.,--1M2-38'10 travel on exteruive yacht UPltOLSTERER Thl.lnee -1'ME="R"C"HA=N"D"'l"s =-e "'F"'O"'R:--'1 cruises to Acapulco, British Some ex.per w/rtaple IWI ltond\lna. Jamaica Ir Carib. preferred. Apply in penon SALi AND TRADI bean hlands& other inter-Johan.en & Chrlslenlen. 8981---------I mediate points on one of the w. J6Ut St., N.B. Comer Pumlturw IOOO !inett, most lumrioul yachlt 16th & Monrovia. 1-----------1----...----REMINqTON 'Wingawlcr, model 870 Trap, used only 6 mos. $125. 5,38--05.12 * Sal on the West oout Salary VARITYPER or IBM C.Om-SACRIFICE $AL£1 A..01( llhampoo Christmas CARPETS, Windows, f1n.. COMPANION & lite ea open. OIAu..ENGING OP· ~r operator. Part time. • speclal ST.!JO nn-leu 1or etc. Re• or Oxnc'l. Xl.nt bou5e'WOl'k 5 ~week. Age Schedules including afternoons, evenings and POR'J'UNfD.YI 645-15n diY Experience n e c e ••a r Y. MUS? MOVE NOW! Johlllon 77&--1910 hallt~tc.827 ~ comp ""°'=k=Re=u='="'="=·=548--0ll=:==::l•;;;"',.barrle'"";iii;'·;;;.......,iii;;iiiiiiiiiii& combination of l:kJth. or evening. ~ IONG abe velvet enaemble, Atphlll 0 11 "°" 'g -3 c Finest conditions -Top su-~lsion -Ex· Re•taurant WAl11tESS· "'bd be-h d -·-' '"20 = J1nl~rl1I •7-ll r-• 1W • , .... , sptta , " .... ,om ' -~PE:!' • """· cleaning; •• • ~ CONSTRUCTION. ce ent benel\t.. including cllscount privilege. E xporlenc ·• qullted. One oruY! A ReoJ SEALJNG &: PATCHING for\ day service le quality ......... _, * DAY * .u DECORATO !TE Re.rdentlal ·Indus· "·m•1 ""'· Call Sterlmg for SP.,...~!.~~:"rv,6 WW~ SUPERINTENDENT * Apply Now * R M! ~ • b"-'-"'"'' 6'2-85l0 ~-~ -ID AM t p BUSBOYS A~ply In poroon Reg. $400 ...... Now $250.00 c:omp1 reas serv. Currently ~IOI• · • dows, resid., comet. COllll (Offs'ight) • ·to .M., Meneley thru Friday KING We WUbable Vt!lvet engaged by City of C.M. for R E NTAL READIER Oeamp Free est 968-2691 Apply ln permn SU F & SIRLOIN ensemble, hdbJ. spfd. bench, ,.,.., ....... lion. 54>Jm . ' One of Southern Cllilomla'• J. c. Penney Company 59~ P.1c. Cst. Hi:". '"'' quilled. O>lor '"°'"'· I • • •• • • . : I ' " ' . ' ' . • • ' . NATO CORP. Mo-ry. lrlck . 6l30 -land developers ha• '#24 • ·•ion I I Reube n E. Loe ewport B11c Reg. $330 ...... Now $269.!0 Ge.D'l Contractors G:J3.M18 C.rpet L1ylng & an immediate openlnr for r•¥i I and \VA IT ER·B ua boy Com· FULL size ensemble, soh'roll, Repolr 61126 RICHAAD AWN an O!lslght -rlntOJ>dent. Newport Beech C1llfornl1 151 E. Coaot H.,,., N.B. blnatlon n<•eded tor new ex· oust quilted, h•""""· ..,...,, -'. Babyolttlng 6550 -"'----'==.::.;;::: Cu>!om & s,...loh --in large ""1· ...:Jr._ ' ___:Jr_ RESrAURANT AU aspoot.. clilno Reotauranl Apply in benci!. Ona oni,! Avocado. Ll-CEN-'-SE-D.::..chll-.-.-.,.-,.."-. :.m:;:y o~°c~~~=;~~~l~G M.sonry A 5,-Claltyl ==d~~:rac~~~ ~I 1• 11 JI 11 :1 J ~ of restaurant work for a person. 333 Bayside Dr., Jter. $2SEl.50 •••• Now $119.!IO home. a.get 3 • 5, Mon thru Block, Brick, Conctet• luture, good working condt. swinging nt!\I( night club. 333 N.B. • Mattrffs le Bo·. Sprincs • frl. :E'enced yard. Lunches C, .t:... Page G42-2070 Frff E1t. ~2341 lions. Salary commensurate Jobs fMn, Worn. 7100 Bayside Dr,, Newport, Far W~ wanted. Eve ~Set $99.95 Queen $89.95 &: snack. So. Coast Plaza Eledrlcal ========'I with experience. Send re. JoJ...-.Men. Wom. 7100 West Service• ·a arawyanf, Apply in FUll Set $54.95 Twin Mt.~ area. 549-4038 I ;:;;==:;;.. ___ ;:;6640:..:.: Moving, Storage 6140· aume to Daily Pilot Bo."< GAL • c~ .. -. ~25 .,.. for RESERVATIONS CLERK peraon . Odle'• Restaurant. SIESTA SLEEP SffQP ELEcmICAL service & M·lJ. ~--.. J•.. TO $541 OO FULL A PART TIME. 1400 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. ~~;:1'~~' i~Leo~~: rep\ir. 24 hn. 7 days. No MOVINO •HAULING = ~~ ~ac~tique • 9AM-SPM. S2 HR. Reply WAITRESS -experienced. 1927 Harbor Blvd Colt& Mea. Costa,Meu. job too small. ~model & % ton Van, Reas. 53Ul26 C.0.0. MESSENGERS Exp'd. Box M.so Dally ~t lllary, HIS Grad. Manage. Box 516M, Dally Pilot. Apply Swiu Chalet. 414 N. • 645-2780. • Call • 6f2.-01l2 addilioM, Jt it's electrical, Y be ment 1ralnee, must be will-Newport Blvd., N.B. Dall.Y 10.9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12-5 we liJc It! 646-4.m P1p1rh1nfln1 oune men. Must neat, GENERAL Otttce c l erk, lrWtorelocate ....... ,,.,_pd., SeeBett;y Bruccat WIG STYLIST BABYS!Tl'ING, My homo ===;====== Pointing 6ISO ....... iblo l have -run--.... """"'· !pply _ .. ·--M.....:::::::;;: m 6 20 PC. "MADRID" lunch furnished & yard. FIO&iri 6665 nln& car. Make up to S35 per McGregor Yacht Corp., lb31 ~ ,...,,, c.a-.:,..,,.., ~.,nion. Apply in person l =""'onc.,c.lhn>:..:..Fri=··..:.....,,c:..:='--~;.;_;;;..:.. ____ .;:.:;:;: *PAINTING. int " ext. day. Apply 230 w. Warner, Placentia, C.M. : ~ncy66.~ Weatclifl ~~ xec Personnel OOlce 3 Room Group CHILD --my hmne ,·n•--t ciARPET VINYL TILE Back from Vietnam. Back Suite 20>, S.A. ··-neiaJ -'• • Ag-f•• Ca-r GI-'-J . W. ROBINSON FROM MODEL HOME! ........ ' ...... Fl'ee est. Lie. cantr. 546-nm, in businet:s agaln. Free >.n" MA~INE MECHANIC 410~\VJ ~t H·;;., N.8. Fashion ~nd, N.B. Includes: Quilted la. and ~l~L Lie ~. 546-4478 estimates. \Yill rubcontract ~ ~:n; ~~ NIGUEL PERSONNEL Experienced. Top pay. Large By appoint. 646-39J9 Equal opportunity employu cbair -2 met tables A col· . • ' • . • CHl1.D Care, ,..,.,,.. • ,,..,. OIS-1089 673--0977 N.B. AGENCY ""'°"' yaohts. WUlard Boat WOMEN & GIRLS ~ ~,' ~.,':,;:~ Gardenint '6IO SUBURBAN Painting/Dec Works, 1295 Baker, Costa SALES: pxi wOOc in wig -• , L ... yard, wkly. Vic Spring-.c;:c;;:.:::o;.;.:.:_ __ _;:= COOK. housekeeper, exp'd, BookkHP.r F /C Meta. tuhion field. Need 5 Plea.sant telephone work quilted box IPrin&' • matt.. " dale t.:. Warner, M6-<1!39. Nl.W lawns re-seeding. Expert Guaranteed Work Jar widow Liveln$250 fromouroffice no•Y"n nee rea - 5 pc:. dlnlnK ...,.... 1 Free est. No job too large ~ ....... • O>nstruction exp. belpJ'Ul bul MEDICAL office help, salespenons, pot e ntial .' ~r· .:. tabl ·-, Complete lawn care. Clean ortoosmall.494-3190 .,,,...."'°'" •oot ~. female. Front office i~ unllnilted. Call Mn. Full or part lime. $2 to .S5 e64hl·backchaln.. i Irick, Masonry, etc. 6560 ~~:~ °:or mo;:;. ~ HOUDAY SPECIAL. Int. 4: DENTAL OFFICES S :_ * I G*I aurance forms. Experienced Rob;lrlllon RU-4449 ~tr;,"["" W. Warner, Suite COMPARE$"9A9T $'1'9.95 846-0932 Ext painting. Lie & insurd. • Assl.!tant1 •'9 Depot t rl only. Good pay fDr right' SALESMAN NEEDED CC,.'c' =·='-· ----~-1 .,. BUILD, Remodel, repair ~ . Free ests. Local resf. Call e Insurance Girls F/C. must have •vings le penon. 54M573. 10 A.M. JAN 1st WOMEN, fUll or part lime No down--l"mts onJ;y SIS mo. Brick, block, concr ete, ~DENING le landacapq. Qiuck 64&.0809 •Receptionists loan er b&rllcina: exp. MEN (2) needed to auist Sa1esman fer New Atlantic needed lmmed, Jor: Child WBJ('S WAREHOUSE carpenlry no job too small. l.ot yn exp.C lean-up, EXTERIOR-INTERIOR •Information cbt (Eve) * * *' manqer, and erder Richfield Service Station on Ca;eJ Aides or Companlona;. Lie. Contr.' 962-6!}15 =;' insl'd &: repaired. & MAINTENANCE Prepare resume, must have Teller verificatton. $2.25 per hr to Harbor mvd. al San Dlt!iQ Ages 21 to 65. 642-3214 600 W. 4th St., Santa AM • 646-stss • two yn dental exper, Day Savings & Joan exp.~. start plua bonu11es & rapid Freeway. Full, p/tlme, & We Sit Bette r, Inc. -Open Dally g..s Carpentering 6590 AL•s GaroeaiDg I: Lawn & eve. hrs. AU unlon bene-raises. Aak for Dave. graveyard PoslL Avail . South Coast Agency Sat. 9-6 SUn 11 .. ~taintenance. Qmunercial, For Better Painting, Inter-till. Salary $3.44 per hr. Call 27635 Forbes Road 642--1532 Phone 673-3344 aflcr 6 P1.T WOMEN -Full or p/time 17 Pc:. Kl"'" .,,_ CARPENTRY lndustrial I: residential. ior le exterior, acoustic eel· for appointment: 63J..7S74. Lquna Niguel 831-1m Men SALESMAN • Salary + for housecleaning. Ca 11 ""'II ~ MINOR REPAIRS. No J'ob * "6-3629 * lings. 646-4077, 54.1-3502 DENTAL Secretary . Recep-GIRL FRIDAY. General of· *OVERSEAS* Comm. + Car Allowcnce. fi'lS..7357, after 6 PM. a.droolll Too~ t'i."biDet ~1 1ar-Wouw like to buy garde~ RENTAL READIER tlon!st. Ace z.40. can fice, Uvewire. Neill S1gn r.o. Earn more tax free Phone Mr. Young, 642-7749 1.al'le 9 drawerdreNC!I', mfr. ages o e r ca neta. ling route in Nwpt Bch or ~()..3924 546-3000 16842 s. Harbor Blvd. Santa Cati Smitty 114: 174-2610 SALESLADY School .. lnstrudlon 7600 ror, 2 bedside stand• 1.1- 545-8175, H no answer leave Costa Mesa 968-1928 A 531 .,..74 .., .... ,. rnsg at 646-2372. H. o. · · * PAINTING lnterior/Exter. DENTAL Exec u ta ry na. ...,., 1.101..DERS size headboard, frame, quilt.. AndenoD l CLEAN·UP SPECIALIST ior. Local references, Im-Newport. Xlnt position fo; GIRL FRIDAY Young, aggreulve A1umimnn Curtairu, Draperies & Gills. ed mattress, lht!t!tl, blank· CARPENTRY, Cablneta ?.towing, edging, odd ?t>s. med. service. 646-3657 mature woman wJdental 9 am to noon. Sharp! Ph Ir MagnHlum fDundry bu UDOFF'S ets, etc. ll Remod. No job too mia.ll, I Reuonable. 548-6955 exp. Send qualifications, etc 642-70> ftJr Interview. preaent openlnp for txp'd. Home Furnishings <l>olce ot Spa.n1ah qual work. Call 646-2576 nM'S Gardening I: la'Ml Plastering, Re pair 6880 to Dally Pilot Bax M·14. HAIR S1'YLlSI' w/followtn&". SAND &: South Coa1t Pl•z• or Modem Style REPAIR, Partitions. Small mainttnance. Res. le O:nn-*PATCH PLASTERING Dental Assistant Good location -busy shop. PERMANENT MOLDERS • Sales ?\tanager for new All For $249 Remod I I mercia.I. * SfG-4837. All "-. ~ "tlmate (bair.&ide. '--1 .. cost a Male pref. 673-5342 N.B. Paid bolldayg &: vacat.lons. dreu shop Laguna Be'ach. N'o down Pmts only -mo e , etc. N te or day, ..,.,,.." r "="' ...,,,."V Sunny Arizona. S b it ' ~ • Reas! Cal1KEN540-4619 TREESERVJCE,gen'lyard Call 540-6825 Mesaoffioe.Some exper.re-• •HOUSEKEEPER: t p•ucou2820mE Musthawpreviouasal@s& !:.:i-l\'1.li~· WELK'S WAREHOUSE cleanup. SPRINKLE R quired. Under 30 yr!. Salary Apply in penon enly, Hun-resume o: "-'u • • manage r I a I experience. : I : ; I : ; ! ·Jl... .1...J REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS AIRS 6*-5848 Plumbing 6190 open. tlngton Beach Conva.l~nt DllnJ, Phoenix. Arl1ena Relerenees. 213: 723-0144 :• 1; •I 't · ~:~~x:::. ~b. ER. Japanese Gardener. -. . Newport Hospital, lBT92 Delaware, ~or call (602) B.o'l68 SECURITY GUARDS 600 wo:e~ ~:Ana Complete Yd. Service. Free PLUMBING ~pa1nng .l Personnel Agenc y Hunt Bch. MOTEL DESK CLERK. • Newport area. 637-3070 Sat. 9-6 sun. 11.a Cement, Co.;.... 6600 ~;;;;ma~"';:·~Call;;;S<0-~1332~= I Ranodeling, Elec1ric sewer Houn' ... HOUSEKEEPER & child pm to mldnigbl Exper. SECRETARY c eanlnr.. .'11. work 833 ~-Dr., NB = da...,.. ·~ k. + NCR o:xl Laguna Beach MUsr aacrl1lce com .. i..111 uvv"''" care ,,.,. -.., ..,.. w · to $650 EPF•. Must be a"--, ~···ful ~· CEMENT WORK, no job too , neral S.rvltft 6682 guaranteed. 64l-6583 642-3870 549-7743 rm 'a: bc&rd Pd. vac area. Send resume inc, •••·11• MEN & WOMEN1 ,......_, of Medltemman 1>mall, reasonable. Free PLU?i-IBING REPAIR DENTAL Aslia. Chair Side. 546-9212 • • phone m. to Box y:.700 Dai· a.ttnctive, & )'tQ'll w/IJUf. COMPtrl'ER PROGRAM· fum: sofa. love aeat, 3 oom- -tlm. H Stull'•k ~v_v.:-1i: ~·..,pericncec\ BARTENDERS "'o job too •mall 1y Pilot flcfent aophlstlcation lo meet .._~"''G IS THE ~ TO mode lamp tablet. oottee ~" . ... ~ r--,,, 23 + Yf'I. 2 Yl'!I exper. Reply YOUNG Man p/"me .. --i. .1•-1·-~ II M ot ha "~' ~· tab! lam -• PATIOS Ori , serving all Orange County. e 64W128 e • u _,,,., NCR 395 n.....rator U--06" wnes we • u ve YOUR OfflABLE e, pe. '""'or TV, din • vewaya • 639-22l3 =========II ;Bo:::x~Sl::;l:;·M~,,;Da;:;:;ily~P;ito;t·:.__ my home, boab:, yard It _,.... rapid sldll1 & dicta phone PR set, refrlg, 1tereo, ktng t,l Plafilel'I • Block len"""s • =========I DISHWASHER t .., hr Rep1 .. Box Aard5tant Bookkeeper to trial ti! I FUTURE! .....,_ eel, Queen ·~ t,• "" Roofing 6950 e e. .. per · " balance. Xlnt C.O. In Fashion ab 1 es. AppllCMt pay fee "''.-in ,.....= Room additions. 642-9852 I-""'-'='----...:.;.:; Dinner House, Elr:p'd enly. 515M, D&lly Pilot Jsland, to $550. Employer jobs alao available. Cluses start soon. 0 size bednn aet,. aw.a * CONCRETE l'LOORS, t:l•ulin9 6730 ALL TYPES: rock, wood I: Eves. Prerniwn wages. HOSTESS pays tee, Applicant Pl1 jobs Newport Pilot program offering the lamp,. pictures, waaber A patios, etc. Rea90nable, Call y ARD JG 8..1 , c t,e an up asphalt shingles. LEAKS Apply In per..on Dinner. Houae, Eve1. Mature alao available. Personnel Agency finest equipment and facil· 1 :dcye=.'~·=M~lao,.,,;. tl94-'8'15==-- Don, 6G8514 $110 /Io a d. Sal\iageables REPAIRED. Work guar. DERBY woman. Exp desirable, not Newport 8l3 DoYer Dr NB Illes avatlable! Real·tlmc FURNITURE returned from Child C.N "10 !!' .. ' ~~45ve ~ ivy, 847-1136 RESTAURANT nee. Personnel Agency &42-3870 , 549-2743 computer program.ming. display studi09, mode 1 -b"" .,._..,, 1262 Palisades Apply 1n person 8l3 Dover Dr, NB SECRETARY The ~-dcmy homes, decorab:lrl cancella· FORMER nursery IChool HAULING. Have *T PJU Sewl=:.o"l;a. ____ .;6c:960::.::l-=.,,.;San~ta~An::;,•==--DERBY 642-3870 54.~2743 to $550.00 several In beach ('ll;ill tion. Spanish&: Medltern.n- teacher with 1 child offering Anything • trash' to turn. sa· • Dreumakina. A1teratlons DISHWASHER RESTAURANT * MCYI:EJ.. MAID * area, with iood skills, call CJf "'--ean etc. Jic•d day care in home. loand + mlg. 4!»-1003 Speclal on coat hell\! Elr:perienced 126'l Palisades Apply: m Harbor mvd. l.(lraine, Merchants Pel'IOn· ~iolosYm RD FURNn'URE A ~-I I --• * •~ •••s * Santa Ana Coota Mesa. nc1 Age-y, 200 Westclltt l<WI ]"' ges .,...,, P ~~m, e ..... ....., HAULING, Cleanup, IOts etc. ........,.,.. '"" '"" Newport Blvd,, CM yd. many Activities. 6'12-5308 Handyman anytime yQU call Alterations-642-5145 Apply in person INSURANCE -Commerdal MOTEL MAID Dr., N.B. 645-2'770 every night 'tll 9 LICEN'SED child care, my *"°642-3398** Neat. accurate, 20 yn, exp. SURF & SIRLOIN Ftrc Rate aerk • ~'d. Sal. Part Time OVer 30 SERVICE Stabun Personnel, Union l ank Squara Wed., Sat. & &in. 'ID 6 home-, age 2-5, 1'1on thru Clean Up end. Heul 5930 Pacific Cout Hwy. ary ~· Empln!d nsuras:: 494-94.16 Comm. le Salary. All Shifts. South Tower 3 ROOMS of SPANISH Fri. Fenced yerd. Lunches SlO a load. 646-2521 TILE, Cer1mlc 6974 Newport Beach ~'Ana ~:~roe. wa,y, MOTHER'S HELPER. 3 or 5 Union OU · OR 3-3320. Suite 4D e 8' Divan + Lave !t!at & snack. So. Coast Plaza ' *Verne, The Tile Man* DRIVER days wk. Must have own SH~ Serv. Sta. seeks '>range, Callf., '26" • 5 Piece dlnlnc room Id area.549-4038 6735 OaLwork..lnltall&:l't'pairl. TOUR GUIDE C tran1. Hntg Harb our . exp d. pump l1land .Call 547-9471 e 5PJeceBedroom1et' Houpeleanlng No V>b too mWl. Plaster Driver/Narrator ot minl·bW Janlton & pis 84&-9268 salesmen. Top pay. Coronal"""""""""""""""""' ruu. ""RICE $388. <' und N dl!l Mar Shell 2801 E. Cst !t U to •·-, __ Cont racton 6620 BAY & Beach Janitorial patch. Leaking 11 how e r •la:htseeing aro ewport, pt.time eves, clesn 0Uice1 NURSES Registered • even-ae our 11 re c.-...e (lJ&n! Scrv. Cpts, windows, noon, repair. 847-1957f846..-0206 Must know harbor area. Call Newport & C.M. Apply 123 tng & night shift.II. Ex. l-lwy at Goldenrod. App In The ~msr Approved Furniture @JUST compleled,all elc. Res & Commc,'I . 644-4783alter6PM. N.Ollvc,Orange3-&pm, benefits. Apply Personnel"-""'°~;.."~~~~~-&ONLY 2159 Harbor, CM 548-9660 elec. 4 BR home for 646-1401 Trff Service 6980 DISHWASHER, exper, full J !'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!lll!!i!!!!!!!!'!!!!! J Director, So. Coast Com· Shipping/Receiving KING BR set, triple dre&Rr, Mi 111 Io n Viejo ,. WJNDO\I/~ DIRTY" time. Apply In person, LEGAL Secretary. Exper munlty Hosp., 31872 Cout to $2.90 hr. Top, stable Co. [ranchised hi-boy, nlte stand &: hdbn:i, Ranch. 21811 Plano, ,., · • TREES pruned, topped , Benton'• CoUee Shop req. Full or p/tlme. Good Hwy .. So. Laguna. 4~13U, Good advancement oppor. walnut Italian prov. Coat T~~~. Rd. For irrfo call Jo:n'; ~15 years~2Js4 ::~~i t:1w ireqe:rpr: 133 s. Coast llwy, Lag Bch !~U!~.,,. Call -536-8078 or ext. 356 Jtunbnlty~A,,t,,o]',, Loenefits. Call S..T·R·E·T·C·H $995 new, sac $375. '-========= o.>IP'VfW •NURSES AIDES * Exp·d. 0 .....,,..,.. & SEW (TM ) Absolutely like new! Ahlo 1• • APr CLEANING * 49>S40S, 633-7234 Drl""'°"'uffour JASON BEST • • 8 •--. •• wk. MAID, ex""r pref. Apply All 1hi1ta. Huntington Valley Stor r walnut Italian prov butteL Carnet Cleenlnn 6625 Fast & thorough 642-81&4 GENE'S TREE SERV.· ... .., ,,..,_,· r~ Employm-1 Agonoy e o Orange C.Ounty ,..& 1 -'-··• WtILlAMS Cleaning Serv. call ~ Vist& Motor }iol'!'l Comva1escent Hosp. 8382 ,.., ....... s .,......., aac. m . 6(l..8l)8 CARPET il upholstery 11team -"'==:::..:=='-== Trees, Bhnilibery trimmed, * DRIVERS * 5.15 S, Cha.I'>!, Laguna Bch Newman Ave., Hunt. Bch. ,_= __ s._. _M_al_n~, _Sa_,_,._Ana __ 1 CHRISTMAS SHOP DON'T GIVE UPI , , cleaned, also carpet In-RENTAL READIER &/o r ft!moved'. 549-1359 Maintenance 84.2-5551 STATISTICAL TYPIST Tl-IE EASY WAY !! You may find it at America'• stallation. Results gUar. For 54().3924 U ho 6990 No Experlewce J W ROBINSON e e NURSES AIDES 12 to 8 Typist/Receptionist -front largest, most unusual un-lree est, ~all 646-5971 BUSIFSI' martetplace in P !lfery 1 • • am 1hift. Apply in person office for Public Account. Learn to 1ew on "knit fe~ finished furniture .-tore. Cor. DIAL direct 642-5678. Charge town. The DAlLY pum CZYKOSKl'S Cultm. Uphol. Necessary. HAS OPENING FOR only, Huntington Beacb eon. Neat appearance. 548-.9544 rlcs". M4ke 1tretch pants Redhill & Santa Ana Fwy, your ad, then sit back and Claasified section. Save European Chftsmanshlp Mil.It bav• clean Callfomla MAINTENANCE vall!'!cent Hospital, 18792 SOCIAL DIRECTOR in 1 hr, a bathing suit for Twtln. l mi Sc.ot)"ewport listen to the pho.lC ring! mone:y, time & eUort. Look lOll% fin! 642-1454 drivlftl record. A9Pbt Delaware, Hunt. Bch. Mature woman u llOClal di. $5.00 -evc::n a glrdle! Im· Fwy. Open 362 days per yr. now!!! 1831 Newport mv, CM. YELLOW CAI CO. MECHANIC PART TIME lite hou.sekee~ rector tor new Huntington aglnc -T-shirts for th.! ;,54+5470"""'°;--;;===-,--I 186 E. 16th st. Experience Prete~. Ing & meuenger duties •for Beach Apt. complex. Ar-who:e !amlly. LGE GE Refrig/fn:r, 4 yn Now! -----~ -- Coot& Mesa APPLY PERSONNEL medical cllnlc. Must have range parties, trips, athletic LESSONS: ?.t . a.ftemoon. old S16S. Antlq round oak tbl 1============================ EXPERT typist d d 11 3 30 events. Afternoons and even-om, 60'' $45. 9x12 shag Span, JOBS & EMPLOYMEN·r JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Work at ~eetr~~ FASHION ISLAND ~. t~';'.:1. -$1.~ pc~·':!:: Ina'$ 3 or 4 do.ya a week. 'eves. gold carpet $25. Aft s. , sm.:irette tapes . ear-NEWPORT BEACH + &'All &; fringe benefits. Good salary. Phone 846-5107 124 E. Ka~a. Orange 67J.2sa; Jobt Men. Wom. 7100 Jobs-Man, Wom. nOO Jobt fMn. Worn. 7100 respondence for mfn' ft'P· An~ ~rtunlty 549-«586 for appt. Between 5 and 6 P.M. D~R~E=SSE=R~.--m-,-,-,-o,-,--21 --------·I &f6-&041 poyer RECEPTIONIST TELLER -Note &: Collec-633-2842 matching nitestandl $35. Advert.Ising AKt!flCJ' APT MANAGER * BOOKKEEPER * pal'\ Foreign C•r Mecttinlct MALE, ov 18, eves. $400.00 for the mature gal tlon. Call Expcr. ·Newport MEN -WOMEN Baby crib $JS. HJ&hcbalr $8. Sha rp Sec retary f or Mature couple as w i$lant time;. Poat peg board ao. Good co. benefit&, 1nd paid ~· ~-2 T~T~1>t who wants to work in beach ~=Bank, Mr. Carter. BECOME AN 1 ,,,W.=50=!5~-~----I fast · pacad '1ewport manager and maintenance counting 1y1tem rar vacation. 1fOUP ~ uni. FREEZE 2966 Brlstol CM area, call Laraine, Mer-RIVIERA sofa bed, ,l'QOd hach Agency. Type superintendcnt~ornewHunt. wholesale a: retail buslneu. forms fumilhed free, Good ' ' chants Personnel Aa:ency, TELEPHONEanswerlna:ll!r· ANNOUNCER cond. $40. 1Belge aofa, ~70. Shorthand 100, ington Beach apt complex, Jb?sponsl ble tor orl1lnal en-comm. tebedule. Ask tor DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 20'13 Weitcllll Dr,. N.B. vice operator, 3-11 & wk· !weed, iood mnd, $4.5. organize & f o 11 ow Prefer woman with some try lhru T/B. Call J.tr Joe Moore Ph.. 540-1764. SOCK rr TC 'EM! 645-27'1'0 ends, Lag Bch. 494-lt20 842-1574 t h r u • U n d e r lS. nUlce and typing experience. Nllt!ll, FASH.ION J\.IlRROR --"LEARN" ,,.,=-,---~~~-! Phone: '42-3910. 425 •·ree apartment plus good CORP. 54s..4088 Jobl--Men. Wom. 7100Jobs--Mlft, ~om. 7100 1;~;~Ml~n;·2W~om:;;;·~7~100~J~o~bo;;~M~'";";·~W~om.;;;d71~00~10n prof1essionalequipme-~ln 8~:;'J.A·=~~~~ N. Newport Blvd. Mlaries. Phone 846-5107 Be-BOYS lD . 14 a loca radkt station uvm M t hlng 1 woridng broadcaaters. a c 0 ve aeat $75. ATT~~~~~;';.~UNG _tw_,_. "' 5 8;;,,& E;,'L.:.,PL'"'M~MA=N--Can1u R,:"' Opeo * EXEC. SECRETARY * * PERSONNEL * For oomplo~.., analysb ~~~~,,!.Pl. 2 .-.., SUPERVISORY '-"" Beay~;...Laow>a THE INSTITUTE OF ISS A lllJ, BBQ Sift, ABILITY SL-........ n •--L 0.U:~~~· BROADCAST ARTS Wllrllizer Juioebox uso. ,..,,.,.. ........, -Musl be able to take shorthand at 100.110 GE NERAL AUT~TI ON ~o ':ta:'::~==:: Inn * atiSBOYS wpm. Experience at the executive levtl ln has an opening In its Personnel Depart.. 1601 ~:,,~=· S.A. =table A 6 matchlrw As!t. Mgr. on night ahllt. I• now accepting tppli. Eq>erlenced. Top salary, a &ales or marketing activity preferred. ment, reporting directly to the Employment-· Pl&ctment service chairs. Wood·1ra tned P.lust hr responsible pc~. cations for tht! position oC Day shift only avaU. Will also band.le phones &: travel arrange-Suc.r:;'isor. education loan lonnlett. Good cond. Seatl I Top salary 10 qualif\ed per-~II m 11 an. P!tiroo7 · & n. menl.J. Excelleni opportunity. c .. 1 ...... , com-In Ual duties wJU Involve screening appU· JOIN ntE ~' n $60. 833-3220 aon. plUi advallCement po.. time:, pm. am &hilt. PR™E RIB INN uauu1 cants. typing correspondence, handling tele-WITH nirUR£ icmlat. Apply in pcmn, run m E. t7th s1., c.r..r. mensurate with background. phone inquiries and making travel arrange-".~tduca~ 00 hf!~ ~~ ~ PRIME Rl8 INN °""•"-HunL Bch. 645-0000 Please apply in penon or call Mr. Kuechler ment... SecretarUtl skills, including short-i..~ ., belp ,.,. quality. l2ll!. Alt 5 " -- 428 E. 171h SI., C.M. BOAT CARPENTE RS Ceohler . HooleH for appointment, fl35.4804. hand would be helpful INKKEEPERS INSTlWl'E 61>-00!lll Experionoed. Top pay. Large 'l'hll II an excellent opportunity wllh • INTERNATIONAL BABYs mER wonted, ..,., custom yac:hts. Willard Boat N .. t appoara..,., """' 1', GENERAL AUTOMATION · growing company. Apply 1 .. person. Mottl/lloteVApt M""'t Sc:hl Fountain Valli")' Ortve-ln. WorQ, 1295 Baker, Co.ta full Umc. App. In pereM. A OMSION OF ~,i;:m•. Mon '""' '":1,0o;~c.;~ .. "ci'-:;;:,::;'~:c· 11uo=--~1Joy1-.~,~.~. BOB'S BIG BOY 1402 E. CHESTNUT ST., SANTA ANA GENERAL AUTOMATION i~m'.0:ioo:~ 2 NEW 5emon yellow upb9lstered lMna r o o m cha.Irr, xint bu.Y. sn~ EARLY _..., -$40. 56x46 maple dropl..t llble $50, pods $l. 54W6ll r. Your Ad lo o ur ""''· Call Bill Jolll!.lon l>t E. 17th, C.M. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 1402 I. CHI STNUT, SANTA ANA ANAll.EIM, cwroRN!A cls"'fiedl? So.,,..,,.. w;11 be 11s-79io THE SUN NEVER SETS °" Will be moving to Irvine complex 1970 An Equal Opportunity Employer Caaco tonn •"'fl' ...ii BRAND "'"' rr. P'l'vl. 5 looklna fl)r n. Dial &12·5678 \Vhl!e cleph&-nls! Dime.line DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. PHONE J'OI\ APPT. bfdrm tct ror Mt.It. Colt " .. ,..!!l .. !!!!!!!!!!l!O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!...l!'.'~'~kJlor~B!•~l~!!'._ _ _!776-llOO!!:!!!!!'! S!)I)). will•crlft~. &O.tUI ' \ ' ~; ,, • ,. . i ~: ' '· ~. • •• ... .. ~·· . . <. .. '• I: " .. " '· .. ~· • ' . ' ' I ., " • ?1 ; . • • . • • . ' • : . I· • • • , ' ' '. ' • . ~i • 11 • ' • • l ' • I ' •• " • .. .. .. . . . '. : . •• r . • • - .... --... ._,-, ~:s;:c:s c j:COS¥(> !S !lt441$Wf4WWOWS%J•t¥• s; -·· 4 ¥ U I z t t e '"' '"' . DAILY PILOT , Nowmbtr , 196• • • . M•K~t1ANUfSE l'Oll MiltCHANOISI! POR SALi AND TRADI SALi ANO TRADI SALi ANO TRAOE Ml!RCHANDISI l'OR TRAIUl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'OR .. T,::AT!..:I~'-.. TRANSPORTATION . SALE ANO TRADE FREE TO YOU - Mlocoll•-l6001 1--------IS.llboat1 9010 Motenycleo 9'00 Auto Servi-trucb ,. ! l'umltu"' -Fumlturo IOOO Sporting Goods 1500 WALNUT· crib, used 4 mos, eo11t $60, aell $30, abo ma.t- tttu $10. Carpet $5. 2 infant sea.ll S1 &: $4. 10122: Slenet Cir, HD !16H'142 f A8ANDONED IOUetw. A:!.;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;:;:;;;;; BEAtmFUL Bike, 1969 350 & Parts * '6) CHl!V V-1 Pickup buff & white male, black " t;EW 6: usro Aw:•r Kawuaki. Top I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil!iii 8 'fT J1eetalde w/l'9diolhtr, KIT!: No. 251 ln cood con- dlUon, $650. Pr. !lead ala& d•rd skis. $45. Boots size a. SIS. 675-'348 white female, matched pair SABOTS Cond. Like New, $615. II w/walll, blc: .aide mirrors, of Calleo tiger femaleL We-·.,;,;_,.;;;_;,"'=-=-~~ nn •~I I refot wrap bumper etc. need •pedal llom ea. 1or Ouiatmaa! .": ~ I• ~ .......... ..:.. ...... ( ........ 546-.1566 ll/29 Com ... te•$250, 'OI YAMAHA 250 e<: Good --• -· ..... -., MEN'S Golf dubs 1969 Royal OAK omce delk. $Xi. alum. "'OOda. xlnt cond. Will cl $5. sacrifice $85. ~1323 e 536-«i9T r--~'!lo -•· 3 A t s ' in lAIWJa wil( )'OU &d a Bicy-BEAUTIFUL Hoaithy ntit-Ytchta Roy•lo ~ n -~1ore PM u 0 app ;y low mllolp, """'llJr pick. ten-toed lJpr striped kitten. 2912 W. <but ffiPwQ" on weekda)'I, all day wknds. up u tbtl!) Pay )W to i&- !emale, ... 4· mo&. v ery ··~port Bncbll.~ -1191-'-.;1989,_;_ ______ , 'Wholesale veatiaatel Oiendly._ ~ gO\)d home. '62 11!.IUMPH Bonneville. ONL'Y $11tS Mf,c. Wint.cl 8610 Ml-7096 d~s. 642-1724 after . ·collTn'J.'38 Rrbulll Xtra chromt. Xlnl Prlces to AD ~tARQUIS MOTQl.tS ' -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; 6 11/211 n1w concl. BEST 0 r FER. Compl,ete Machine SbJp 900 s. Cat Hwy, 1 .. .&.. • .;ft Bet! Ml1cell•neous 8600 • · . 1 • 544-912.1 SPEED EQUIPMENT -.- SURFBOA,RDS $10 A up. 548-0015 ·=====--'= Calh For Certain ADORABLE Calico kitterui, 3 , REBUILT' ~GINES ~1503 ··* 540-3l\JO SCRAM ' LETS Pl•l)O Roll1 I moo old Jtt.11 Jn rt,,,. '"" OEMONS'l'RATOR 69 BULTACO 250 ,Ma,.dor > LONG.ll!O • ~ ...... I "tel NOW $199.95 -We pay $2.50 t'aeh far piano Christ~ 548--0104 Ol' FuJ.br,, ...... 1~. ~:1ertban new. ~-·~ y~··'otr'l6 ~~ oV: .. ''°•""m' 'vdCMllB-8470991 mo G.M.C. CSl:iOO Pickllp. -• • .. " .. "" •• .. •••" ' mils m"kod "Amplco," '548-2831 11/'8 ~ -~r -~~~ -"'" · -• ~ • · If 2252303 . AVOCADO or SPANISH OAK ANSWERS "Duo-Art" or "Welte." Rolls Holt.nd Y•chts MMl13' 6f6-.ZI09 * OPEN 7 DAYS ..,1 Ser$Hts ~ .. * S% Off WnH COPY Of THIS AD * m"'I be 1n good ..... ble BEAUTIFUL Long hlired SHARP '69 Younaha 3SOcc UNIVERSITY --Oth•r Example Pric••-Banter -Stark -Pilot -condition. These rollJ wer.? griy/white female kitten. 11' O'OAY Dayaailer $4liO M Trade. 1!m Pomona. l loom of S,0.hlll ,_.Jlltwe Comer -BROKE made from 1906 to 193S for Very sweet & lovable, to Demo $1500 Uaed $ll!l5 a.ta Mesa -Houte in back Tr11Jler~ Tr11vel 9425 OLDSMOBILE . .... $695. •...................................•.. .'NOW $388.tS Remember the iOOd cld use on electric piano.. Other ~1338home. 673-9'123111; 14' O'DAY, \lied $495i.o•f:..19118=='-~-----I 2850c:::e:vd. 5 pc. •vth•nfic Sp•nish Bclrm. s•t, 96 ln. quilted dan before credit cards, ycu types ot piano rcJI& t!Ot want-Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboe. 1969 YAMAHA 125 69-13' x Z>'. Wu $5000. cut 1 s.f• with· S• in. matching love se•t, or cheir, 5 pc:. didn't have to wait till the ed. Will pay $2.50 eaC:1 for PUPPIES • Father Samoy_ed VENTURE 21' Xlnt oood., 3 Street Bike. Uke lo $1995, One block ·lrom 544).964() 1 Sp•nish Oin•tf•, oak t•ble top, l he•vy Mecliterran· end of the month to find out "Duo-Art", "Welte", and Husky • mother Terr.er saila, bead, 2 outboard&. sips New. $425, 846-2674 shopping. 16;10 Newpon No, Ul59 FORD Panel ·tnick, I t•n m1tc.hing tabl11. Will sell piec•1 indiviclually. if you \vere BROKE. "WurUtzer" p;pe orgait rolls Cockapco. 6 wks. 4 extru Otter Ms.3955 CM cyl, $325. No 00... a Approved Credit ond POOL TABl.~ al50• Enclose invoice and fi46...56l9 1l!Z1 ' • • Motoncooter1 9350 cIS'°''"TRA=~1LE=a~.-~-.. -.,-~~Good-1 ~~=*=67;.,~;,."';,o;,4;_,,*.,,..,,.- No hymewts'tfl ~arch _ 197~ Secard Pool ~.~~a 4~·~ail using 1;:~~~ ! :;o;~ ~: v1:r~ Power ·CrulHrs 902~ ,65 ALJ..3TA~ ·Scooter, 50cc, Cond. $300 or T. o. P. ot $39 '64 CHEVY % Ton P.U. New U• ew $twe CMrtt> pl• ., IMilll fl.o.d.. BRUNSWICK-AMF So I Rate tor _ ... to .. __ a mo. 968-63. tittll, clean, $1150. * Buy th• W if•'s Christmas Pr11ent Now-Custom SI.ate Table und RK'Ordlna;s" which tt ~ll.Llla"n. 1990 Pomcna, C.M. · .red I: wltt, IOO¢ttres.JOn't can ~59 . While Our Stoc:k Is Compl1t1!! From S289 inexpensive. Immediate pay. House in back cf 1988 l1l27 MUST SeU! 17%' Fil>erdaia Corid· $90. ·~·-"' ! TrUck1 '500 I~,=====:=====! JOOo/. Financinr ment aent upon satisfactory TO good home, p/persian inboard. Very seawtrt.hy. -'-. , ~ w oops • 9510 * SECARO POOLS * examluation. Or, brinz the kittens, very playful & Ex. cprd. $1800 er best of· Auto MtvlCti 161 Chev. Van 532-199'l roU. lo our oflke Jn penon be~thy. WW help w/"1tota. lor. 673-9J6I & PtH'I' • Moo 1118 In. V8, automatic l<M• (2) RARE '65 Kaistt - 323 s. Jlilain St. ~ and receive f'lyment on the MS-4679 or 548--0941 ll/27 CH # R37. 4x4, diesel powered camp. 1--------~ 8POt. We're open Monday . SPANIEL Shepherd PllPI M.rfne Equip. 9035 . EVY-Sllhroml, fcrxed; F.I. $1711 en. Eves, (Il4) 962-8671 POOL Friday 9 to.noon and ] lo 5 • • PIS c e rl n gs, Fl~cher Jones MUST sen FAST '69 Toyota p.m. Saturdays (usually) l 2 males. 2 females. Days 6 Cyl dleeel eng. 3 tc 1 reduc-Bridtord crank, nu , valve •• LC t tra •TABLES ' to4,Te-Iephooeforappoinl· only. 365 Esther St., tion unit. Fresh wa ter ~b Fresh $250. Chrysler 'Chevrolet cle~~M:~Ue~&7~ery t • I n-f w C.M. 11/28 cooled, Brand new, •till 1·n street nLce '426 •• ....i-e, prof, men t'!l • .,,., erence: e " .. ""A Toll Frff llt-3773 are the world's largest deal. TERRIER l\1bc ... 7 mo. era~. Factory cost. 673-2910 built by Bnu:ifm:d's NEW Campers 9520 !-:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Christ:ma.s Special $275 up. er in antique automatic mU!-female, a h o t 1 , loves a1'ter 4 PM. $500. 311 F.I. heads, ported, 6333 Westminster Ave. ; fUmttu·r~ IOOO I CHUCK'S ical instruments (Sale cata-children. After 6 or Sal., MERCURY motor 9.8 hp like Erion springs SW>. Holley '65 FORD% T PlckUp. }Ont 8' Cabove.r-Sbell 1---...:.-----Mu1ic1I Inst. 8125 2750 Harbor al Adams, C?.1 Jogue No. 12 just S2 post-Sun. 494-3851 11128 new with au tank. Will sell 3bbl + Edelbrock $75. c.'Ond. 1.lu.st sacrifice for Priced Right! . WIDTE • tOmtica k 11 c hen * AUCTION * pa;dl. HATHAWAY ANO PETS •nd LIVESTOCK cheap. 645-0321 1.644-==1194~=====~-=-k=:;"":':=' :64;;&-:91:=03=='=.'..:==•=54&-8723=;=:=:•==tJ table, 4 ROid chairs, White ELECTRIC Guitar De.I BOWERS, INC.; Dept. PR. ----------iRA~"nN RDF •·-111'. · Hollywood bed w/mattreu, Rey. Pttfect Cond. $65. Ir you will sell or buy Hathaway and Bowc.J Build-p h ~-I lik~ ';::'.,. ... u.t;;'16er 1 liU;=.sod;;;;;C;;a;r;s;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9900;;;;;,;U~s~od=C;;•;;r~s;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9900U~;;;s;od;;;;C;•;"i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"°';;'~' an•_~_-white poste r Call. 962-0741 gi~·e Windy-a try lr11'.; 11973 E. Floren"-Avi-• ' vwnor1 8800 • • ., ns, P c ~---~-;;;;:;;;;';:;;::--;;::.:~1.~·~band~~~Jl~ll~0~.675--0589~~~~ I w/maftresa and matching Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. nue: .'Sa.1 ta Fe Springs, • WOf'S NU! night st&Ms, 2 blat:k 1130 Windy's Auction Barn Calif. ~o. TeL (213) :;anta Oaus ~ial, at lo HP Johnson outboard. 21 "'~---he• pt..,, ~d, Pi11nos & Organ1 "'I •774 ... ~ hrs since overhaul. 6/a-1263, • """~" .......... """ -----~---20751,J Newport. 0 1 646-8686 <J"I .., • 'TIS TR9PICAL FISH 675-6)26 ,and •nd" -1994-...... SEE OUR TOP B<hlnd Tooy'• Bldg_ Mal'!. 0080 Edlngor (at MagnoUa) 1"-'=";;,=====dl ·'FT. fOFA. WKE NEW. SELECTION SOFA & Ch,. Q»illed Eady V WA,,.TED F.V. * * """'° Bott Slip Mooring 9036 I ~.00 '· ~ , Amer, $85. Ken m 0 re Good used . furnllure, apptl. of recondiUoned ·1 gUlirant<!ed• ·Wash<!r· & gu dryer, $80. ances, antiques, color TV·s, Dogs 8825 Deluxe Boat Slips Office Fuinlture 8010 ORGANS that hii.ve been Bbq grill, SB. Oval braidl!'d refrlg's, stoves, washers & CHRIS'J'MAs IS,m:AR ! limitedn30~m~35~vailable traded Ii on new C.onn &: 6x9' rvg, $10, Sxll' $17. Tape dryers, etc. 1 pc or houseful * Reae "" .. ,. _,. ... OAK ·"--•-• & -~ ., Pho hJ 24 h rv:t ...... ., • ., ......... rve, your choice, ~farina del Rey ....,.. uu..."'C" C1IA 'Vurlitzers. •=va-uer ..,. tograp c r 5e ce • .....u.i .~... Great Dane Puppy early! New modem marina 'swivel chair $65. 'SAMPLE SA VIN GS: sink 8' long $50. Bbq 1bl & \Vanted-Rolltop desk Will love tor you • ti J Marina City Corp. l====,....,==I===~ I Hammond chord , •••.• $195 benches, $7. CaJI • 546-2296. Needed b<!fore Christmas Christmas. Cropped & shota, J ohn Gassman, Dock Master Office Equipment 1011 '"-mmond M-3 ........ ,;os Garage Sale 540-0449 MA''•R'T'"'1N'c-REST KENN ""' 1123-5415 Baldwin spinet · ·• ·· ••• S645 Radial or Bench Saw EL.S l __ ,.,..:::;:.::::,:=--1 ___ ~~-----1 Gulbran!e!1 theatel' , ..• $89-:l * 1t 546--0989 * * BALBOA Slip. 40' boat. With TYPEWRITER, A.ddi·ng Allen Carousel (cUITent ·mo-Sat. 12. 'til 5 • 645-2758 • shower&: head&: parking machipe, calculat.or, very del \7/0ylni hammers) $1395 2 Want hemstitching do11e PUT. me under y e u r til 6115/70. $80. mo. OR 3-7950 .. t:.,~23bte. Xlnt co n d,. All~nlheater{w/extraspeak· 63n~o1t11·Me1a St, CM Call 548-(fjlS Chnstmu tree. Pekingese\;;::;:==:=::=== ~......,. i\,t!rrtg, stove, divan male puppy AKC reg'd. Mobllo H-. 9200 er&: sleigh bells) •••• $1495 chin. odds & ends. r(EEO bricks one to 1000, Champ blood line, 8 wks1:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:11 MANY OTHERS!! bl G•rago $1110 8022 KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner r'l!bOna Y priced. 6#468'1' cld. 847-3449 1-~------GOULD MUSIC w;th atlac hment• • ========-"'oARLIN=-c:::..:G=tlny-toy--poodl-.. MODEL SALE!! GARAGE Sale, .tl28 E. Coast 20'5 N. Main, SA M7-0681 polisher. Take over small ~chln•ry,. etc. 8700 AKC. White. aprimt It Hwy .. CdM. Corclido Apt.s. Now to D•c. I st Sat. Only. lOAM·4 PM. FACTORY paymentsorpayoHbalance FORKLIFTS: '55, 2,000 lb" champagne. Will ·hold" for Chlldrena toys, shoes, CLEARANCEI · cl $36.40. a-edit Dept. pneu ; '57, 3,000 lb Solid; Christmas. $50. & up . Greenleaf Park clothe1, misc. h sehold F'.actory orders clearance of 535-?289. 4,000 lb SoJld. Your choice "114&-c:o,;:,'""':::,~----- ltems. Knick-Knacks. Lots all overage, demonstrators, BEAUTIFUL hand painted $1150. 30 Day \Van-a.nty. BASSETS For Christmas' A Ad I p • t Cl b of Wonderful Junk. floor ·mcdels, studio & re-oil portrait or you or your TI4: 642-8393 or 714: AKC. Take home or wlli n • u t rive • u turned Pianos & Organs, children from a photograph. 897-2433 Eves. board for you. 495--0759 On1 M1l1 from the Oce•n UDO ISLE GARAGE SALE Real savings up to 30%. A \\°Onderful idea for that 2 MINI TU 8' h.ydro,, 12' runaboul, E rythi teed lik •at Chr. "ft 1 Inch ATLAS LATHE. 2 A RE Dachsh u qQ JN .SMOG FREE sabot. Brit. Seagull, reigs. ::. Sale ng~~~ specif: ~. u;tmas '1 • ~~~ &: accesso1·ies. $4.10. PllPPies ~;~~ COSti Mesa wasber, ~rs. m9c:h more. stock • so "'•--: No money YEWl\Y ... -•~-'d Sat-.. Sqn. 426 Via Lido • ...,..,.; Oli"l!i ... V"" hl e-11• AKC BASSETT PU0 S I ... -down OAC, S years to ~-.... j ....... 1 ~ 'Nm! "0 ~ • --1"' on1y ~. "'""°"" conso """" FREE TO YOU Tri-oolor, ••~.· 51<>"638. .,. Newport Harbor ~·-ir'l!a e: at~ .remrd player/radio, Dani5h .._....,~ )VC»UC, bench, wood desk, \YARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO TOY --"I ...,. Bl k hor~~.·llJn-golfclubs, · mOOem !Ofa &·chair, need DESERTED at tioa.rd ing ......,...e pu,.,.ies. ac QlO(R from 2o Models ready to mcve in today! • ...,..,. .,_ lf19 Newport, C.M. · 642-8484 clng, yellow modem sora, k 1 1 with AKC pa.pen. 1 weeks ahqes. Wn:iugbt iron IC'Once. Open Every Nlte ennc: ovely, lonely & &f. old $75. Males. &il-4294 l'flpch mpre • all must go! &: SUndll)' Afternoon gucd cond, girl': Schwinn feetionate pets. No~ 1 Whip-~=-c.:..~c;=..:.::,.::::.:._.1 •3!51 M-n. CM 54&-4328 PRE HOLIDAY SALE blk•. SlO, 494-9924 pot, •mall & gracetw white 6 Wk•. Old-Part Samoyed, Take H"1'bor'Blvd. to 19th St. GARAGE · Sale. Refrlg, • SACRfFICE: coilector ·s mnle, vey aUec. No. 2 your pick I $7 ea; DrtveWest lo1750Wliittier ~. picnic table, work , graphiCs & · lithographs. Large min. poodle, very 833-0777 Call~after ,S prq. bench,· bikes, ·triRsi other . PIANOS & ORG~NS D.ali, Picasso, Chajall, outgoing &: frlendly, No. 3 AKC Afghan (>uppies mlsc. 19891 Potomac Ln HB Some of the most popular Friedlander, ?-.fondrian, Buf. Lovely 'vhile short haired Mixed colors '· .(7141 642-1350 i 962-STIS models Including: Hammond fet, Dnfy. Urgent, must cat, loYing nature. lf you Call after 7 P~f 532-2875 IUY J" NEW xn, H·tOO, E-100. B-3, T-200 raise cash. Thun thru Sun need a companion pis call TOY POODLES SELL Im USED 1747 E. OCEAN Blvd Balboa. etc. FREE 3 DAY LAS only. Call 4~3 5'16--0387 11-29 c Rattan furn. reftig. lamps, • 646-3365 • ooper VEGAS HOLIDAY with pur· LA\VN smeeper f15. Anti. LOVABLE Gray striped ~=w~dboo~s~~: cl.ase!!! que chc1T)'Wood tbl S-iO. male tabby call 8 mos. old, BEAUTIFUL \Vhlte poodle TRAIL:ER SALES 673-6115 HAMMOND Anlique balh tub, claw feet, housepet, laJ'il! b r e e d . pup!, i4o. Alter 6 "Buy from • man in CORONA DEL 1.1AR $35. Exercii;e saddle $40. 53()..68.i6 after 5 11/28 call 494-4746 who lives in one!" , 515 FERNU:Af~ Aw .. CdM., 285<. E. Coast Hwy 673-8930 2055 Irvine Ave, CI\1 (rear PLAYFUL Kitten, sort & TRANSPORTATION WE SERVICE :~e~I !tttie~~. :~:j PlANQS &: Utt.GANS hse.) ·cuddly. orange female tab-B · h & y ht 9000 \Vl-lAT WE SEU.! of drwe.rs. Mite. Items. NEW ~ USED CARPET Installer has one by. Weaned & box-trained. OI •c 1 324 So. Harbor, Santa Ana • Yamaha Pianos & Organs roi.I. avocado nylon carpet, 5'15-3;;20 11/27 I MUST . BE C·RAZY 1 Bick. So. of Bolsa 531·1066 ' ROCK maple desk • chesl 155. pr. quilted chair!! $5:i ea. Divan $50. Exec. desk S65 &-other Items. 546-1713 LEAVING Country. Must sell all items. Furn, beds, klt equip, etc. Sat, Sun lM. 716 Jasmine Ave., CdM 675-0070 RUMMAGE SALE! Furniture, clothing, misc. Sat, Nov. 29 -CSAM ... SP?-.f). 350 Third St., Laguna Beach GARAGE Sale Fri & Sat 1629 White Oak. f\.leaa Verde 546-2435. No junk •Thomas Organs double jute·backcd. \Vill 15eJJ BEAUTIFUL, spayed, long-. BAY HARBOR • Kimball Pianos all or part $3/yard. 540-7245 haired '-l.1?U·mannered cal To _sscrWce l_llY ~ cabin Mobile Home.Sales •Kohler & Campbell NEW groovy hand-made em-needs a good home cruisers .. Both Ul mmt cond. Casa Loma Roll Away COAST MUSIC broid. 5heep vests, lthr desperately. 673-Ta95. 11128 23' & 30'.· Financing-Insur-She1'llton J.f8nor. Homette : NEWPORT & HARBOR vests, crochet d re s !I es ' a nee ava.il. Hurry! Hurry! Kit • Prestige • Sahara Costa Mesa * 642-2851 je"''elry. 4M-6093 LOVELY young spayed cat. Call Dens ~ &1~1442. . ALL SIZES Open 10-S Fri 10-9 Sun 12-5 ~=~=~----Fre~ to good h ome . LAWNMOWER, Briggs & 646-7096 ll/29 BOAT & TRAILER NOW ON DISPLAY Still the Seit Value11 Stratton eng, hnrdly used. 16' Plywood Hull w/fiber-1425 Baker St., Costa 1tfesa Famous Name 41 ·• Walnut Horizontal rotary b 1 ad c F'REE· -young k i t ten, glass. Trailer has winch & % block East of Harbor Blvd. Console w/bench. $695, SIOO. ~ll3 hsbrkn. Allergic -can·t completely rigged. Must Sell Costa Mesa (Il4) 541).9470 Other exceptional valu"" In: keep. 847-95l9 11/29 $100 673-2990 833-0664 24 60 .... SOFA; stereo 111.pe recorder; · ' x •·Wurlitzer • Knabe Olsen sJJ(ltt~r, 23 channels; SMALL stucco building ap. '64 29• Owens. EJec refrlg. Awnings, -raised porch, full • Everett • Ca,ble Nelson poiver mower; sm. eltt: ap-prox. 12'x18' • you move. depth finder, radil>ttle. 17 skirting, shag crpts thruoul, GOULD MUSIC pllanccs & misc. 545-1484' 2055 Irvine Ave .• 0.111129 hrs since survey. Jmmac. bit-ins. set in 5'Star Park, 2().15 N. Main. SA $47-0081 PLAYFUL "orailge tabby, Must sacrifice. 846-l&tl afl orte ·.mue from ocean In E. J. Folding wheel chair cute cuddly kitten. y.•eaned 5 rm. Costa Mesa.-Sll,00>~ Appll1ncos 1100 HAM?-.fOND. Steinway • Ya· $50, black windsor rocker & box·tralned. ~50 11/29 1966 Chris Crafi 27\1'. All e 642-1352 • !-'-"-------maha. • new & used pianos $30, perfect c d n d i ti o n . I all -·• o. -In """ .,.,.,. ABANOONED, teJTier mix, Glau. Tu•in 185 HP eng's. l\<IOBILE Heme For Sale -Refrigerators •.•• trom $38. c ....... es. ·&:><:st ~, .... 1 GE Portable Color TV, So. Calif. rl.iht here. Slate bed POOL TABLES. 8-10 mos. female, lovsble. Fly Bridge. Head &: Galley. 1968. · Slightly used, Like SOlMIDT MUSIC co friendly! 536-6TI5 11/Zl $8600. Call 64&-7353 ne\Y, 12'x40'. Forced air like nu •.••••••. ·••• •• · Sl.\8 ·• r.1tg's Close-Outs. All ac-1 --~------'-Frtgldalre elec dl")'f!r $59.95 1907 N. Mai.a. ces.'IOrles incl. JOO% finan· BEAUTIFUL l\1ale Samoyed, 36' x 9·9" NE \V steel hull heal, air cond. Adult Park. GE 2 Dr. Refrig ••••••.• $98 Santa Ana clng avail. 6'!2-2842 1~~ yrs. Free to good home, motor Ml.ilt:r. Price $1600. Nwpt. Bch. A Beauty for Whirlpool .auto washer $50 PRIVATE PARTY \VANTS all shol!:. 962-4785 ll/28 See at Pagl" Rentals, l\fira $5300. Call -646-0752 GE washer/dryer • • • • $100 TO BUY PIANO FOR ~lr;:t ~;: ~ ~ CROSELY electric stove, Loma. 685-4566 l\~~~INGP to Northern Calif. DUNLAP'S CASH. ·~5 from $3.SO up + my labor, free to yoU. 243 Sie-rks St., '68 GLASSPAR, cab en.is · aramount mobile 1315 Newport Blvd., C.~1. PIANO for 58.1~ -\iurlltzer 90c per yard. 847·1519 Ct.I. 11/Zl 18', 155 hp, 1/0, lge whl tr!; ~· Ex~~ liv rm. $41.7711_ Maplo Spmel, .. -. 116A n bbl & extras. l\fust seU 549-2821 Bdm~ •. center kit., awnings, 34 I S N ., -......, FIREWOOD for Sal~. Dry BEAU. '·Ulch ra ts. 3 bun-• pntlc. Adu lt park U73 Nll>p°I 14 CUB. ft. We&tin&house I 1 I.. .Q. u1.:rl932 aft 6 Eucalyptus. DeUvered & nie1 and 1 bi&: male. 646-0384 68. -4 sPEED, low mileage, lllvd. &16--0643 ~rrlaerator ·w/bottom fnr \VURUTZER Console Piano. slacked. 540-9887 11127 vinyl Ip. $2000. Kl 9-2002 or·I,.====·===== Sl.45., Kenmcre elect. dryer $4.00 cash. xtn•t Cond. Quality king bed.quilted MALE beagle, 1 yr. old l<J\.>es 4!J.H 754. M;nl Bik" 9275 $'75, lronrite ironer $75. All Call -642-6.125 1 •• j sir.:. rth children, free to good home. 16. Flberglasa boat & trlr, .- acr .OXICL Sac. Pvt pty/ cnmp ete-unu"""' ""-wo 847-4945 Incl 45 hp Chrys, elec start. f\tIN!·B~ 1 Good 'Cond. 3 962--6345 . Television 8205 $250. Aft 5 &: wknds S42-6536 Seatt 4. $1595. 5.38-0032 llP, Briggs.&: Stnr.tton. Bcn- 1 · r.tanle ZENITII B/W 1V 1WO Frislcy . black male kit· dL'C ghoe b ake $12 S KENMORE Auto washer, 2 L<!a1c Color TV or Black C QM B. $ 2 5 0 . 2 4 2 3 tens, pa.rt Siamese, 1 weeks 8 & 10' Din&hy. 12' electric 646-'7535 r ' ' spd. 3.cyde, xlnt cord. $45. & \Vhlle. Option lo buy. \Vestminatf!r Pl, C.M. old. &4&-1338 boat. rea.soMblc. 5*-8672 or 847-3115 Free service. No deposit For Sa1e FittY.wd. ABANOONED. fem., )'OUng, * 54S-Ol>lS * _ Motorcycles 9300 ELECTRIC stove A·Active 1V Rental Co. n......:.e-& Euc-1·-tus friendly tiger cat. ~1'124 f'ri&ldaitt. pink $25. 11) 522-1153 ..,, .. ,. 838-6670 "-V"l' eves 11/27 S•llboat1 9010 250 HONDA Scrambler.~ 54()..5113 -Cond. Some Chrome, ;325. I 2.l., SILVERTONE 'IV NAUGAHYDE RMera~ IO(a VERY cute blk/wht puppl~s, COMPI..EfE CUstom SABOT or otter Cd 548-15TI ORCE Au1o washer .. 'cop-PWtab1e $25 $70. Stenotype mac h In e , 6 wkt. o1d. small mlxl.'d or build your own from our-1,.:;,,,:=:..· ::::.::::..::::.:.: __ lfttimto 2 ·yn dd.· hi lize. MS-2765 1 , tripod, boob. $50. 952--D breed~ 60-5349 U-29 fiberglass hull in time for 1968 K-.wao5llki ~· ~ race. 1 S'75. 55-8672, 847-8i15 ' Christmas SABOT repair$-X'tru. $425. Clll -537-9988 i':i"======;:;==:. I T R -~-1220-'M1JST seU health c l ub LOVELY young ,spayed ·cat. · a.ft 3 PM )•...._,_. -"--hi-. 1120 11P! 9CllnV9" membership 4 yean $41XU Free to aood home. anytime. Sabot hardware &,1,.:,;:..;,,:,;c:,.,.~=---' _...."I~ TAPE Recorder Sl5. car Mi..:mG 464-1006 11/27 now Sabot parts: mruit •. 68 YAMA:JIA 350 -$400; tn booms, lee board!;, rudders Service l\fust Sell! Please SINGER. w/bA.ut wal lite~ tapes $L CUrly brown CO~lPLETE drum set $115. ~tALE,-grey & blk •tripcd & tillers. Finished a.s well call _ 646-7983. CIOnlCM & ~-zag, A1akM wig SJ. Lampe SS. 548-S21S ' 027 Llonf!l train layout $15 short hair kitten, 8 'lllkl. at untt"nlhd, ()ptn v.-eek-'67 y AM AHA JOO Twin buttm holes. ovm:ut& 5 548-3Ul ' Mi-a>U 11121 dayt 5:30-8:30 \Veekends 10. RUNS GOOD! Be.fore s: !e;.r:..~ S3UI Camero!. & Equip. nD0 CAR S-0,. Cml( 4 'liLS1 ~ .':'.~l62""!!'!! W~ I PM. . 548-0572. Aft. 5 • 54M!Q8 WJU. BUY JS nun proj Tapes: New $.1. Ultd S1 n.....,. &Ju"'._ -•• 873 \V. 17th Slrttt. CM t1 gfz.f tn.t. 1125 lilmt « WJOnd Muat be~ Ci~ 'pfrp·U. 6*-1749 F1\F.E FIREWOOD 1.tll 642-Sl51, &t&-Q19 " ·: ~~~~ ~u:=~ -c:ond., ...... ......... n.... FOl ...... -QI llJ1J RACING SABOT Gat ......... 548--0158 WOOO Am~'r "160 WILL SElL F ederal "'5 JtErruGERATOR... RanL New-including uil. $249 .•,"JIM --i.. sr.o. ~'"•" 1,. 35 mm. 9UICI CASH 0-..,!Mf" um • ~ • '63 BSA • l<OO-Good """"- ,..,_ -amp. 2~ "'""· •te. In foldaway THIOUGH A "" -nuay,..,,, all 2•· FllERGLAS t -1• ~""· r-P!Re~ 23SO • Ub New. Clbson cv..;e 2/masldhg euel. Will -fill_ . $2500. lt,hry 600222 cslm nsltr ., .M. "'3111'.', Eltctric l>ollow body -•on pm)edor. Call on DAIL y PILOT -·· HONDA SO -m; ..-wt-. sno. wkOO..·F•i ove. thru Sun., '"'"NT '"D FRm lllllltlt -,.. CAL 20 # 1112 Good 'Condltion.""' Mt.6m .n _, P•r. Lqun11 BrllCh. 498--2152 -.Y.r " haul. 1U1 lniat.)CB ll·21 OWNER * 6i3-71«> Ofit.r. C&U ... 66-1456. /1' I . " ' . , , I ' ' ' . '· . ' . , • . , ' " " ·-1. -... -.. ' It i , , . •. · . ~ ·: JLoo~ Out Num~r Four) -.: ! -r ' WE ARE NEW-· WE A~ -ANXIOUS ·; . . . . - We will stand r.i~h.t .. "'_,_t_o, y~ur .se..Vice ~ problems,7'""We idWte'your ~arr~ty.~erv·' ice, no ~~tter Where you~~t your 1in· coin-Mercury product. Come to·us,we are nice andwe'.11 .be .nice to.yo · · .. ;, L'-0 "·0' . AT THESE MAGNIFICENT USED CAR VALUES '68 LINCOLll CONTINENTAL o OOOR. A11la, Tr•M., lcclary ulr tOlllllllOlllfl!I, PO"*!' S)Hr· Ing, pa~r !disc) braltn. -r wlnclllw., l)Ower 1eat1, redlo, rituter, Whlr1wull Ures, vi!\yt roof, tl!\led ol111s, whttl Clll<ffi, IUCI0<'1 Wlrr•nly, WFL 064. '66 LINCOLN $2488 CONTINENT"l • OOOR ""£ trun11., llc_tury •Ir co"" 11or1rrio, llOW9f 111.,.. lPO, pawer (clllc)'b(a.;n, pOW. ·w1~ •wtr 11111, l'lldlo, hHt.r, wtlllaWlll! "'"· vtnyl nloOf, tinted ot.n, Wiffl covtf1. SflP Ht. • 'H T·lllD $2176 2 DOOR HAROTOP. v .. , auto. 1runa., loctwy •Ir •COl'IOlllD!\lng, pllW9r" llftY• ' Ing, Pll'll'lf tdlK) brakes, • -wlnd8wl, poww '""· ''"''°· .... ,. .. w!IU .... 11 tlr91, tlnl>ell Oii», WflHI c;o"°'"· 2'.000 mrNi. -o-r. I y11r wcrr.,.1y, $VH *• '61 JAGUAR $3888 XKE HA ROTOP. • ~ ·. . FM rflllo. 1'e11tr, wlrt I whHll.-MW Urn - 11,000 mlln, ll~t ntw. ' XO" 2tJ, '65 MERCURY $1366 MONtCLAIR 2 DR. HAROTCP. Y·I , •ulil. '' :::1:;, ·~~ :i':..c::,1.1 . POwer brllkn, rudkr. lttit'1", wllff1W1U lira.' l yeur w.urcnry. SJW m. '66 IUICK GRAN SPORT 2 011,, H"RDTOP. V .. , 11110. tr1n1., l~clary cir condl· ll011lft0, POWtr 11tttlflll, ..-t ... ~r•kn, radio, hfflttr, w1111ew111 tlrn, ll!tlvl ,...,f, ..... ett CllVtrt, I OWtltr 1JAQO mliet -' l ~ur -rrtnty. RPJI. JU. '67 DODGE 1$2222 MONACO • OOOR " HAROTOP. \I' ... lute. '''~·· IUCIOf'Y •Ir condl-llonrno •• power itttrlflO, -fells.ct oru•n, ~ windowi, rldleo hNl9r, wtllltw•ll llrn •. ""* glcu, .meel toY- ers. ~ OW!Wlr, ¥trr l9w mlla. VE\I' 5'1, '68 CHRYSLER $3699 WAG. TOWN .. <;OUNTJl.Y . ' t PASI. V.f , •1110. tr•M,, , locklry cir COl'ld., -· s1terh19, pOWer (disc! brlk· 1 , es. _, wlnlkl""1, PO\ftr 11111, r•dkr, wllli.wtll llrn, llflltd olun, YV11eo1f '°""~ 111119* tlU; -1.,-r. \'TL "'6. 'GARD.EN CiROV£ LINCOLN ·MERCURY "Tlte Most llnhf•e A11to-lrile AtMcfl" ' GARDEN GROVE AT BROOKHURST ' ' ' I 636-2980 . ' -.. -------------------------·-----~-·--·---·. . ;, . ': '• . . • 1: '.: .. , :1. .. 1~ ,. i I.· . • ' •, ·.· ' .. ·:· . . . ' . . SIETHE NEW 1800E FUIL IN.IECTID. NEW 4 SPEED PLUS MANY NIW &. OTHllt TISTID IDiAS HERE NOW ALL NEW 1970· VOLVOS AU 1970 MODRS ltlADY FOii IMMEDIATI DILIVlllY • l~Z • 144 • 145 9. 164 . ALL 'l':MI NIW SIOANS &. STATION WAGONS ARI HIRI AT DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS VOLVO "WHIRi COMl'OIT IS IT AND ARD llUIPMINT" SAVINGS ON. All REMAINING '69's ' -,.,-,_ ' W~re Dealing Yoi.r Way ThU, Weekend. Tqke ThGc Shor:t Dri11e to CO.ta Me1a & Save # ! DEAN LEWIS : 1N9 lltlalier lhtl. '· c ........ 141 taoa ........ ____ ~-----~-----' -. 1970'• ON DISPlAY ' RUDY TD II 2 DOOR SKYLARK P1ct1ry Ord•r Ne, AE710' 2 DOOR OPEL -,1-:::IG. SELECTION OF-1970's. NO BETIER PRICES ANYWHERE . . . WE ARE COMPLETELY SWAMPED WITH TRADE.INS! CHECK THESE LOW MILEAGE CARS! a.n.. ···"· • ..... """· h...... 51798 :~.!~!!!~... s3595 W~l~D44~J'=:-:':'l:O""":-:"-·~-----:----=-::-----~Xl~w ~OI~·'"'="'="'~-=----~--,.,------:~~'~!!!~. CONO. O•ly 17,000 53795 :~!.~~~.~~~"'''· o,I, IO,OOO •11"· $ 4995 •::;'o=;'";:..· ::;'":,:',.,"'o;":,"::;''ei°'i-i· XC,1$0~11;;... -----r--=-::--= YWS712 .. ~°'~!!~t.~~..... $1795 :~~.~.~!!:.~.~PERSPORT51394 ,...., dNrl111, ..... .,.,,,., s•o .1•._,,•=--~~----••H4J 1. "'"''· h,,,.,., :~! .. ~.~~~~.}E SABRE s3~93 ~~~~~~~~·-,,, .... ,.oM.,,52793 Full ,._,,, 414l ffC1004 lt , ~ , · p•wer 1t.1rln1, ,.Wff ~ ..... WXN17 Ope• Mon. thni Fri. I a.111. to 9 p.111. -Sat. I a.in. to 'f·m. -5111. 10 a.111. to 6 ,.... AUTHORIZID llllCK • OPIL • JACJUAR SALIS Sl!lVICI \ • OPEN· TH~NKSGIVING DAYll BRAND NEW BRAND NEW 1970 OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE Fully feetory equipp1d lncludln9 h1ecl r11h, •••f l.1lh, b1c:k up li9hh, wind1hi1ld w11her1, ouh id1 mirror, 1:1r• p1h, 1lc.. . ORDER TODAY BRAND NEW FULL PRiCE 1970· DELTA 88 2·DOOR 1970 98 4-DOOR SEDAN ·F..U•--f1ctory 1quipp1d ir1cluding ha1d rash, 111t b1lh, b11:k up lighh, wind1hi1ld we1h1r1, ouhid1 mirror, c•r• 455 VI, futom1tic., pow1r 1la1rl n9, pow1r di1c llr1•11 ind otft•r luxury 1atr11, , .......... $2-996 FULL PRICE 53896 ~~~E ORDER TODAY ORDEll TODAY WE'RE WHEEL'IN & DEAL'IN ON ALL 1970 MODELs! . OVER 40 THE GMC's FOR 1970 ARE COMING IN BY THE TRUCK LOAD! FROM PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTYS ••• FROM CAMPER UNITS TO FOUR WHEEL DRIVES • • • WHETHER A SINGLE UNIT OR A LARGE FLEET •• , WE CAN SERVE YOUR TRUCK NEEDS BEST! ·'SERVICE STALLS TO KEEP YOUR· TRU~I( AT PEAK • NEW 1970 G.M.C, 1/2 TON WI DESI DE G78Xl5 fibergles• belted tires, bec~up lights, he•der, em•r· gency blinkers, dual mirrors, 2 1peed electric wipers, spere tire. ORDER TODAY. EFFICIENCY! I ~ llOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A .11 QUWTI VALUE-RATED USED CAR ·--· '67 OLDSMOBILE DEL TA '65 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 '68 CHEVROLET CHEYELLE CUiiom •Dr. H.T. ClXV XIOI Autom1tl(, •Ir 2 o... H.T. (NQX t ill AulOrt'llHC, •Ir cond .• W~llOl1. 6 ""111ngtf, (YW\J 510 Automr.tlc, concl., poww 1twrl11G. VL R&H. POWlf slttrlng, R&H, VI. power sll!i'rlng, VI, rHllo, h11t1r, 52245 $1345 51845 ' '66 OLDSMOBILE CUSTOM '65 OLDSMOBILE CUTUSS '65 CHEVROLET CORYAIR S~.m1 • Or. !SLW 9311 All 1blolute 2 Dr. H.T. tZGC '501 .-.111ometlc., pgw.r 1tnr· 4 Or. H.T, tRDN .ct) A11tom1lle transmit- be111ty. Alllometlc, 11r cono., '· S., vinyl lop, 1119, rlOkl, hffltr, VI, TOO la!lg In OUI' llCK~. 1lon, r.akl, ht1ler. VI, R&H, 51745 51245 5645 '66 OlDSMOBILE DELTA '69 TORONADO '66 FORD FAIRLANE 4 Dr. tSJ lt 311 .-.11101Nlk. pawef l lHflrig, (YCL .5oil l Aulomltlc. full power, Pactory elr, 50ll 2 Dr. H.T. ITFC 20t) A1rlomelk, power '" COl'llll .. VI, ll&H. vln'(I to~ ,,..,..1119. vt,, rlCllD, 11111.,-, "51645 $4245 51245 2850 HARBOR BLVD. OrlN 7 DAYS A WllK • • • • " " I ,, ' \ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ' UIOd Con 9900 Uitd Con 9900 Used Cora 9700 Auto .Louln1 9110 -----------·-"----- 1-...,-PA_Y__ ---LEAS • CADIUAC 1··. __ c_A_D_ILLA __ c_ __c_A_D_l_LL.._A_c __ I C. . o~ :Ji~E • J96I l c.w~c deVlll<· 4 '69 SDV, only 3!8J ml , ASH Let our ie .. ex:pertl lha'ff Ba"" Repo · door hdtp C z N v 5 3 3) Eldorado fire mist told. )'OU 1the be&{ plan for )'Out •• ssess1on ~autilul apow white w!th :;;· lea~ sea~ blk ~ perwonal need1 without' ol)U. . · bl&ck vinrl top, fUlly pqwp.. Y eqp · · far uaed can • truckl tull call U1 fol tr. Htlmate. a:adon. 1968 Cad 4 Door Brougtmm. ped inc. air. ~~ th,an owner 6#-0.143 . UNIVERSITY -N1 pow" • ai. ''"'dill>n-20,000 mile• only 1-1995. Jim CA MARO GROTH OIEYROlfl OLDSM081l' lng. AM·FM stereo. Take ov. Sl.emoo4 ~rcedes-.Beni, 120 ~ RiutlDi 81"1 er payments or we will re W. w'amer, Sant.a Ana. -------1 Aat for Sain Manqer C-....... finance OAC., Call 6f2-3lll MS-4114 '67 H.P. 327, 4 spdo maa: llZll Beach Blvd. ~. ,...... . ext 241 or 237: '67 n Dorta.tlli ~I coild. wheels, Indy tires, air Hunttncton Beacb ' '62 CADil.LAC Sedan de Full" f,oW t _ "alr + $800 in shocks, traction bars. whee.I KI.t-3331 UMd Cira 9900 vme $495. Lo mlg, lo down xtras/-..Mlle{Ofler-trade dn. lockli, stereo pack, $2005. -WE--P-A~Y-WH~-~ · to qua].. buyer.'MS.4265 644-4265 ~ 56-1746. '68 • 4 Speod, low mil•age, ' ' · '..&-\ 600 ..i Aul · •1-vlnyl tp, $2000: KI S.axt2 or . Im~ ·~~ 9600 lmo..."rfWi Autos 9 fmport 01 . ~. FOR YOUR CAR · "4-6754. CONNELL CHEYROLEf Z!8 Harber Blvd. • Costa Mesa 546-l;DI Will Buy Your V~ or Porsche BUICK '65 Wlldcot Convt. Radio, healtt;-powei-' stttr- ing & brakes, White walls. <UIB916J . $995 . :. ~~·=Paid "" Harbour V.W. m<8J) , Atn'HORIZED WE PAY TOP s.<LES~SERVICE DOLLAR l81U BEACH BL., 842-4435 fur good, dean· U5ed cart, HUNTINGTON BEACH all rnakea. See George Ray ,65 Riv G Theodore Rollins Ford · CWJll.Ktl _ran Sport. 2060 Harbor Blvd. All pwr-.fac atr' many CM 642 ~·o xtra•. ·Landau top., new · · ........... Michelin tire's. i·.2 too . . . . 496--3339, 831-03'.n 9910 '65 BUICK,· Power; air, Ma·' -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;-;;, I jor tune-tip, 4 new titts. • $995. '62 Chev Like newi LEASE ' RENT 1595.".147....; · • OR.D.ER :VQUR 1970 TODAY FOR EARL IEST '6J BUICK LeSabre. Good cond., ' ttblt • eng. Orig. owner. 643-5000. 543--0390 ""'· Dl;LIVERY AD popular .'makes. FDrd '61 BU~CK. Auto trans, Pis, auffiorized leulng system. P-b, R/H. Good tires. Priv Get OUr Competitive Rates prty sale. 546-4320 TModore * '64 SKYLARK, 2 Dr, ROBINS "FORD Hdtp, -"'"· Sl,OOO · miles, $750: can 962--8331 20&! Hatbor RI';'~.,,_;. FoR·Sale ;69·B~ S'k;lark, Costa Mesa nruv.w ,..,.~~~~!!!!!!"!!!!!'I CHEAP, &ir-cond, vin)-1 top. ,~I" LEASE I" :Cail:="""°"=:===== 1970 FORD Torino GT, alr CADILLAC ""w" """"'' & stttrlng, ---'-· c..· ~· ---radio, wide ·oval wsw, 351, SACRIFICE '4 V engine. $99.50, 24 nws. CAD. SEO. D~ '61, SOUTH COAST 1'°8.ded. Stereo; leather, CAR LEASING 30,000 nit $3595 Finn. Day• 3CJ W. Cst Hwy, NB 6'15-2182 837·2970. Eves. 494-4390 @l+'t the i:•r th1t wo11.'t t lv• you •••y#ii1t9 to worrv •bout. {i W1 m••• 111r1 of th•t. W1 91v• It th1 VW l6·pol11t ' 11f•tv 11cl p1rform1nc• t.1t. It hes to p•n. So we 9iw1 • • it our 100% 9u1r•nf1• tft1t w11!1r•pl•i:•111 fl'l•io'r m•· f 1:h•11ic.11 p•rh' for JO d1y1 or 1000 mil••, whi1:l>•v1r . 1;om11 fira t. h11't tft1t whit 1 111w c.:1r.ow111r n11d1? A IMit tf11t won't driv1 yo11 IUJh. ' 'MVW.·~·B 1 Orl'9lni f ;."1!11t. l!c;ftom!cal , 1m1ll w19on, RPS 790 . $1699 '68 VVt Sedan, lit1 · blu1 ori9i111I fi11i1h. Dal1111• mocf1I, filll factory •quipp ... ln1:liidi119 r1dlo. $1699 '6' SUNROOF SEO. •11191 ori9ln1I c.o1or. Solcl n.aw by u1. Hurry. SYZ 977 '69 vw ·suN ROOF 81i91, ori9h11I fi11i1h. This J1 I f11n, IUll !:It. 100 %, VW ou1r•nt•1; YPS ·"20! $1899 '65 VW. SEDAN N1w i:•r tr•d• 11, Gr"" orit iti1I p1i11t eMI Jnterior, ROA .669 $1299 '67 VW FA:STIACK Whif1 111 ov1r1with bl1c:k 11th. 0111 ow111r trai• 111, TYX 369 $1699 . '65 VW SEDAN EIM)in1 1v1rl>aultd · lly u.. Spaci1I p•Jnt. Gold with dark brow11 1h1di119. YPS .795 $1299 • • • •t BAYSIDE DlllVI NEWPOllT llACH 1st Place Blue Ribbon Choote Fl'Glll Over 300 flaw Chamlals, Usall Cars & T111cli1 + The Largest S.lection of New Corv1tte1 · · In Orange County · Bigge.1 /lfoney Sa~in.g Event In sAl JOHN CONNBl ' "NO GIMMICKS • NO GIVEAWAYS" ' JUST 21 YEARS OF HONEST DEALING SELLINq CHEVROLETS CONNILL CHIYROJ,IT BLUE RIBBON 'PRICES 2 dDcll' lllllon Wl90ft. ll,lfornlllc, rldkl, ,...,._ .,, (0 T'Wf20) $599 $1299 no 4 Dr. ' ' ~--' '65 MUSTANG CwiwwtlW.- yt, aulOf'rlllk, rldlO, Miiie,, (IOU151) · $1099 $595 '65 RAMBLER , no 0.ssk Cpe.· Air ~x~11t""' $599 ! -----------------·-----.... -------------------------........----- TllANll'ORTATION ••• OLD$MOllLE · TUNSl'ORTA TION T!!.'fll!ORTA.poN, UMol Geri 9'00 Utod. Ciro \ ;,,. ....-0-LD_,S_.M_O_l_ILE-· PLYMOllTH •. • PO c 1--------''5 lmpola C-UKE new . 'II C-tte '66 Olds "Bl"' . * AMe•ic•'• only· · 1969 Plymouth l'\lrY 111 2 dr. '66 l'omlac Lo Mone Radio, he.ter, automatic, Fastback. American· map. Dynamic Convertible Pow-H•nd Op,raf!td Rocketl Jl.T. vs. ~to'.Jl•Uc, 'power V8,1autom.tdc trans., power :• power stettlnl. )'ellaw w/ , 'J!X>95. ml. 5l)...Jll8 all 5. er stttri{lg '-brake-•. tac-'66 OLDS "425'! • V.S steerin1, powtr brakn, tao-l'itettlni . bueket teals, ra· ( black interl()r. RI~ ~ tory air, radio, beater, Lo. "TORONAOO" 2 OR HOTP tory air condllionitw, areen dlo, heetu . # 703A. I $1095 eat 1 owner beauty. U c. J~ 3?,700 Jni ... owned by •Ir-with sreen vinyl root fll'ld all $1311 COUG"1 TRJ<-t'8. ''""' •""' ··~ "'" • .... vinyl Ip..,.... Excellont Flttc1"-r Jones -• u1arly servlced etc., "air condition. Call' 131-9612 ,,.. • Harbour v w '" couGAR· J!ll-1. Lendo•. ~ "°"" + an ......... .., ..,,.."""· ....... u. • c1ierro1et J: e • P/$. Pl~" brkl. -11',• tit 0 a.saisti", Gllatenh'l& GI en ... , _ TelrPrM Ut-Jnl -••••.• new .~.,. 111M ~ AU'l1f0RIZED wh1, steteo' tQt, 21.0lllfmi. ~· ~1 peen w/lmmac pl\llb l""f1 po....,ac ~ Weatmlnlt A ., ... -.· ...-un: "" I SALES le SER.VICE Take ~otffr,·8!Je'at1(,iul! int.~ ST.000 oewt .. Blue "'''" ' er ve. or •It otter, Can finance. lB'l1l BEACH ~ ~ Sta, Pae Cit Hwy~· CclM, or ~ • Boaic• now $2n) .• tbll 'Wffka 1989 riDll'DTRD -~u.c ..•. Catalina, -4 dr hard.top. er.flt Way ot America HUNnNGTON BF.A.CH call 615-mJr aft· S.: ,, ''q\Wlllty barpln" tor onJy, • 15,000 ., ..... ~ rn Ile a-l·e :xlnt cond, -4 new tires, full ~t61 ' '66 Chev Im ta' 19'7 COUGAR " $1995 I Lipstick orarwe . w/ whlie pwr, air S~. Call or see at fl8IJtD '64. air, all p\vr, & epe V8 aut~u': trina· V-t, pwr 1teerinr & brakes, l\1ARQUIS MOTORS Cordova top. ,2950. Helen Earl Williams Texaco Sta.; X 'tfU. Am/Fm radio. Aak· ~ ~ring # 'Ml ., .r;,dlo. auto.trana, wsw. SZL. • 9oo S. Cit Hwy, LqUAa Bob Ryan owner. 54S-65.14.· llth & Superior, C · ftt. lnS $950. 846--0"9 or (213) $lui • ll.4. n~ 645-1181 , _ 549-:mt pt. 86 or 6T «M-'003 * ~00 PONTUc-·a· GTO. -ltJm-air ~---. 4!9-6119 wkdays ~l\t' Fl-~" Jo · , "f \ '. ' ' 1'10 JU.iaoR l}LVDJ · '63 Si:arftre. Immaeulate. Me. en&. auto. P/s, 4\fc, brks, , LEAVING AREA -iii' POfiTHOLE T-Bird, xlnt ..-..aer nes ·"" 'DODflE ' . iCOS'J'A MESA • talllc Blue, white' kathl!r tatmli. ~1842 art"s pm. MUST SELL • 1968 Bonne-cond-. Nu inter. & paint. Chevrolet , '• , ' r ' • "* .-,, o~ v~• Hcltop,. Bucket seats, One owner: '65 LE Mans Sport Coupe ville, fully equip. i\laf<, oU-Reblt engine. Call 838-7675 T•ll FrM Ut-3773 64 Pot.r•-2 Dr. H.T, SPT CPE, ilt. Pwr steer; '5'8-3106. noo over bluebook. See to :~.1~~~'l terms. Ctll • '58 2 dr T·Bll'd, 1 owner, 6333 Westnrlnster Ave Radio, heal.er, automatic, wl walls etc. Just 44,682 1ni., believe. 968-4038 n.tr good, neNis paint, seat . Reposs ess ion 8ergei~s :~s&. a:;rrak~'(~: sby-Joc:al t;,dy~ ·~·t:ew. ~ PLYMOUTH '6T LE MANs al e pi s, vinyl RAMBLIR f Yl'I. Best offer. ~-l824- • 64 Chev Imp hit Coupe $987 89'.!} mi hit bod Pl h top. whire wheel&. $100 over '64 T Bird, very lcean ,1 '6l Chev ll l'lova $847 • $695 ~ckn~I i:icketyieat f:t. ~nv:;v~~~~) ~tel~~~ blue-book. 615-2916 '65 RAMBLE. I :~9 ·: ~ may be taken over on Set oft with chrome wire "'""" PONTIAC GTO I 9 6 8, ANAHEIM FOREIGN CAR· CENTER · Orarp <G,olllltY's ' NO. ·1 DATSUN DEALER . ' Complett LI~• of 1'70"Body Styles & Colors To S.loct From ' 626 $. ANAHEIM BLVD. ANAHElfil. PR 4-31,ll Op•1t '"'1: till I~ P·''" .. 11 i•y S11~•Y I I . I ' I · 1 i little or no down payment wbl5 ceptionally nice condition. PS/PB. air, con&0le. Xlnt PLANNING to move? You'll on awroved credit. Call Mr. Harbour V W · fully tqllipped including air thtuout. Pvt vtv. ~G-OtS2 Am bassador 980, a ir, dlr. find an amailn&: numW at ~~';;!!~~~~~~~!!!~!!~!! Everett 5479266. Hall Fin. $1395 $1.995. Call Dan at 546-4114 loaded. on·e owner. Wlll homes in t°"81''• Q•.m&d , · . e • MARQUIS MOTORS to"'•'·"· o• can be ·-n at ''7 Gr•n PrlX-Sharpl t k Id · d a.nee Co .• ~F N. Tusttn • ....,. • ...... Loaded! $1995 846-ll&s . a e o tr """ 1n tra e. Ads. Check tbenl',now. • . Ave., ~ta Ana. ~~o~i~cE ~~ Cst Hw;, Laa:~'!f~· 231 w. Anaheim, Santa Ana, · PDW138L@. · C a 11 Ken, 18 Your ..\Ci fn i 0 u,. '67 Impala 18711 BEACH BL., 842-4435 Dlr. Your UNITED FUND' m 9m ot 545-063.J. classifieds'!' S0meo:he will be Cpe, VS, automatic trans., HUNTINGTON BEAOI CHARGE IT! UNITED Fund Ume Needs YoW' Dollars _CilAJtGl:i: IT! looking for It. Dial 642-5671 ; . power 'rees,n:a. aw::•·875A i" Dodge Coronet 500 - Radio, heater, VS, automatic ---'-'-' ·~-~-""'"'"°..-;;;.;;..;.c ~---: · Fletcher JOlles """'" pow"' stooring: # i· Chevrolet '""· $911 Fletcher Jones Chevrolet Toll Fr" 'J9.3n3 6333 Westminster Ave. :• '57 Chev. ~t•. Wgn. :! Bel Air, 4 Dr, Very good oond, Toll FrH 83f·J77J '1 Rebuilt 283 engine, new tires, 6333 Wesb:Jlinster AJ'e. ' new trans .• power steerlnf,I========== power brakes, auto trans. F·•L'"ON Must see to appreciate, Rea-l "' ~ . 110nably priced at S450, littl-,-.ALC--0".'N--'Co-n-,.-...,-.bl-o. Call 847-n87 .:M._otor comjletel,y overhalil- '~·.C~ai~ Monz. . ied in ~pt. New tirts. ~· 4 .pt.Id' ra8io;·1ieater. # pg radio $Sl0. ~ • I $911 -·- fletcher Jon• FORD t;.he....ie.t. • •N '67 Fo•d ri .. c!!fro, . Toll\F~qp-mi . -.o, automatic trana., ~ 633.l Weltm!h:lttr Ave. . stee1ing. #P15'!. ,. $1711 , '64 Chev. 'Monza · Fl h J t 6 cyI.. radio, heater. # P316. etc er Ones : $111 Chevrolet ' Fletcher Jones , , Toll FrM m.3773 Chevrolet 6333 \Vcstminster Ave. - 1967 'fQRO XL 2. dT Chdtop' Toll FrM 139-3773 CUIU392l fully equipped inc 6333 Westminster Ave. i air & elect wlndow. •. Ask , RP 1969 Chev, Malibu. $1900 or make. offer. Call : ·New tires, ateJW tape deck, Dan 546-U.14 for de~ils or : vinyl t o p. Li k e neW! can be seen at 120 \V. : , 538"540 between 10 AM.,2 Wainer, Santa Ana. Dir. ; 'PM ~ '67 G.u.AXJ.E 5'Klt 2 dt', r /h, : '65 Nova SS, bkt seats, auto alr, 390 enr ; auto tranl'r, xlnt : trans, p/s, r/h, ecooon1y 6, contl, orig owner $1495. can : new tires:, recent tune-up eves & wkends 64~ ~ xlnt cond. By o\vner $991 '66 Falcon Futura 'i f8.37-s202 days; 67~-4566 Fully ractor1 equipped, Dir. t eves:. S695. ' '67 CHEVEl.J..E SS 396.~ P hone 642-0023 : hp. cl-ratiO, 4 spd, 410 '64 Ford 4 dr hardtop, ; vecy quick! lmmac in \Vhite w/red inte1·iol·- '. out. One owi.',1 ..qiust ~ l' . . $550: can 5ffhl973. · · apprec. motr~~ 545-31941 '64 Gl\LAXiE' stil: 1XL, con- 1965 IMPALA.coNVl. aole shift, 1oaded while fact , Air, pi s, plw, etc. $]39j_ ail', xlnt cond. a4&-5033' Call owner 1168-W aft I-Pl . , q ''" CAPft!CE. :is.II>)~ .. ·~-11NCOLl'fJ. S1500. Call btwn 8:»0. ~ -..i _ . ·:ir ;." ~::~~ .. Im..ia eo:. '&f LINCOLN $295. Good Transportation. Continental, full pwr, dlr , can 642--0914• -J ail'. Small dn. Low pyml:8. (5) 1968 CHEVY ImPala:af LPJ 747 LB, Call Phil loaded. Priced tor qUick 494-9773 pr $45-0634 sale! $1850. 534-52901-==o=i=====; '65 Im pala, 2 '" 283 •ng. MERCURY New trans, lo ,nlg, ale, xlnl ,n: M. ----- cond. Lo book. 64~1852 " ercury '51 Ch O/H ul..... Wagon. VS , power steering, ev. a .,,. eng.. ut moti I d I New trans. Gd cond. 2 dr h a 0 c rans., f' a o, .t. $195. or bst otr. ~ .heater. # $;6.a EL c.nuno· '66. 42t, 4 •pd. Fl~ h J mags, A!\1-f'~T. extras . ••C tr 0ft9S '""'"'· ,,,_ Chevrolet SACRIFICE '60 Tm pa 1 a Toll l'ree IJ9-3773 Convert. Fine running concl. 6333 \Ve stmlnster Ave. $IOO. 673•3762 1963 MercUl'y Comet S..22. 2 '39 Chevy Parkwood Stat!On Dr. Jkk.t seats, console, Wagon. Good Condition. Suto trans, A/C. Very cll?an Call -962-9939 l ~r $550. 833--0171 'M MALIBU. xlnt cond, new -~o;n~cir ofier.1~-M-U_S •. T_A_N_G __ _ 1---------'67 MUSTANG, r/h, air, CHRYSLER pwr, auto, new titts. lo mi., l---------I xlnt cond. P1v ply it950. '63 Chrysler 546--1'107 NEW YORKER. ~ull power, '68°M""u"sr"'A"N"c". ""•-cy"I,.. °"Ex,..,,-.-.. air. # P1~2A cond. New htne·up. Take $481· over pymnts + S50. 2544 No, Fletcher . Jones ' N•wport Bl"'1 .. CM '67 Mustang, 3 apd. iltkk Chevrolet •h;r~ limo g<>Id; xtn•t cond. Toll Fr.0 m .3773. 11495 612-1118 6333 Weatm.lnl!iter Ave. OLDSMOllLE CONTINENTAL '67 Did• 442 '66 Continental 2 door 2 Dr "H.T. Radio, ,htr., air hardtop. Full • completely cond., pwr. steering le brak· Juxury equipped including es, land1t1 lo-P. XGV420. factory air, full leather, $1795 built in tape deck, beautiful Bermuda yellow with con-H b v w lrutlns . l on d au top. ar our Complete set of new Ure&. • e Phone ~298o-' AUTHORIZED 19lW LINCOLN~ Conu;;;ntal SALES I: SERVICE CHlfF6.13) tuUy oqiilpped 18n! BEAO! BL., 842-4435 including air .... ~ mun • HUNTINGTON BEACH speclal at ont1 SJ39S. Jlm lAl6 C»ds_F-15" deb: sed. New SJemons' Mercedes Be~ 11'1 Urts, p/s, r/h. Slloo..s:D:l \V, Warner, Santa Ana. below BB. Pri pty, 346-9353 .. ~114 '65 . STARFIRE. lull power 1966 C 0 NT 1 NE NT AL ind. wlndow11 & aeata, air SEDAN amd. $1395. ~ ~dedl ~·t CoM. 'fl· OLDS t.una. . 1taHon 119511. Call • 51&-11<3 _:=::..;:::..~;..;.:'"--I .._.· Froohly rH!JPt'd. • lmnw-. Atr<ond. p w r. 1tMr • .\ bl:UH; ,-. aretn. CORYAIR -·~· '62 CORVAlll. l1Nda mJiicr IT'S llMdl -time. Blc- """' . -"&.in: aood ... ·--· ... ""' Dune 11uaY llDO. DAILY l'ILC1I' 0•.t""' 5J6..89S8 section NOW! -'--------' 1,68 GTO 2-tlr, H•rif•p. Ae~I•, "•''''• p•w•r 1l••rin9, 4 1p••d, f1 ct•rY •ir, viny l top. tXtL..,11 ' .1968 CATALINA 4.0 •• t s.d111. v.1, h~r•lll•tlt tr1n1mia1ion. po w., 1t••rin9, re · dio, ll•1!1r, f•ctory •ir conditionin9. !WfE920) $2277 1967 COUGAR . VI, 4 lp•ed, p11wer 1le•rin11, rad io, h1el•r, wh:t1 w1lh. 59 21 $2077 1968 FORD TORI.NO ITR.H 2 dr, H.T., VB . •ulem1tic, powlr 1l••ti n9, f1cl ory 1ir, whit• well1. IXOE2021 $2577 1968 BARRACUDA Conv1rtibl ••. R•dio, h••l•r, •ulom1lic, pow1r 1l••rin9 , VI, !WIC0171 RAND NIW '70 CATALINA tt.4tep c..,._ T•"• .,,.........._ ft. "'ti• ....... _, ... plllt .......... ... ,. ••.... N ... , fl:t'W•t ~ Ciiio , ... Y9t Nib. f211J70C10716tJ They did it •gein. Mede the 1970 C1tallne the biggest b1rgein of the yeer. Pontiec's kincl of lu>Cury. The stebility t ,h at only com•s with • Wide .. Treclc•r. All this 1t • price thet will make y•ur budg•t sigh with relief, • WHOLESALE VALUES . '65 TIMl'EST I VI. •ulom•fic, r1dlo, h11t1r, P""''' 1t11rin 11. whit• w1ll1. IPBH09') '67 SUNBEAM Alpine 1porh conv1rtlbl1. lt•cl!o, h1•l1r, 4 tP••d lvfll41.I '67 PONTIAC 4 Or. •ulo., A&H, P.S,, f1~l1Hy •ir, pow•r wln· dowt, cord ev1 lop. (TVH 5)8) '65 OLDS 98 l uxury 1•d1n. 'Auto., R& H, P".S., fecto,.., 1!r, cor· dov1 top. INQPSSI J '66 GTO , , 2 dr. H.T. \II, hydr,,, P.S., R&H, WSW, f•<:tory •Ir, vi~yt •••ti, fRT2003 ) Hie price low Kelly ... k 5777 5675 51877 51925 . s1577 51575 1968 MUSTANG . ' va, •vfoM•tic, P•w•r •'••ri119, r1dio, h••'•r, f•clory 1ir COii« ll itio11l119. IVHA2l'41 • • I $2677 1968 OLDS 4 .4 • 2 2 Or. H.T. A11lofll•tic, pow•r 1t••rh11,1, r•dio, h••l•r, f1ctory •Ir, winyl l•p, pow1r windowa. !\ICJ770) $2977' 1,967 CORVETIE . $3977 1968 VOLKSWAGEN 1967 CATAU~A Station Wa90n ' ' _, ''"'"'''· A11t•1111tl1, pow•r 1f••rl119, r•dlo, h••t•r• f•cfery •ir condllio11ln9. ITEYll9) $2477 • CLOHD THAN~SGIVING DAY e S&RVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. • SALES DEPARlMENT OPEN 8:00 A.M. lo 9:3 0 P.M. EVERY DAY. ROY . CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HAR·BOR BLVD/ COSTA MESA 'I , .. ·I I ' I -~-----~------------------"'------~~----~~~----~"-~- • ENGLISH ~ . ' J . • t u...._., A -N'"'""'-Dll'l ·pi I •-.,'!' • 11!1!9 , .fl/ ' ' FORDS! UNBEATABLE VOLUME SAVINGS AT THE HOJICI OF qjt'_~)i;J ''THE SHARl'IST .l'ENCIL IN Tt4E WIST" OVER 60 IN stOCK! ,' e 2 AND 4 DOOR ST ANDAADS 'e 2 AND 4•DOOR DELUXES e 2 AND 4 DOOR GT MOi>.E LS • STATION WAGONS MANY WITH FULLY AUTOMATIC TRANS., AIR COND., RADIAL PLY TIRES, RADIO, VINYL ROOF, WHITE WALL-Tl~ES. • BRAND NEW STD -2·DR. INCLUDING· ALL THISI -... ----'"4-... -.................... ..., ......,. _ .................. ...., .., ....... 2 ..................... . , .....,....,_..i...._,-.... .. .,. ..... • ....... ..... ,. ......... perwl ·SHARP 'l'ENCIL ' SPECIAL FUL~ PRICE USO CAR SPICJAI.$ , FREIE .... ,., ,.. .. , ..... c...0r..,. ..... -. FREE 100°/o PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS c..... .. -·-1m1,.... s.tu•i ..-. ,, ' '••..,. n ... ,.. w1.'rLu1 ......,.....,_...._.,..... .. ....,._..._ ......... ..,.. •• , n • • .1 SPECIAL OF TBE WEEK '67 GALAXIE· 500 4 ir. 1M .. 390 Y.1, euto .. f1ctory etr, power .1tejri119 a 'i.Nk.._ redlo, heifer. IZVE 73 21 90 DAY ci• 4,000 Mi. WARRANTY $1595 '65 FORD '67 PONTIAC GA.LUii UMANI '65 CORVAIR •. MONZA " 2· Dr, H.T. 4 1peed, r1d io, heefet, wire whl. cover1, r.d w/llleck interlor. ( PSC. Ol l)) $790 '68 MUSTANG HAIDTOP: '66 Chevrolet '"""' 5'011'1 Co11Yert. 396 turllo Jet en,., euto .. P.S .. redio, heeter, wid• oYel tirea, llucket 1eet1, console, IJEG 2211 . '$1490 . ' '"64. DODGE ·: 1/1 TON Picli:up, lo"fbed, Y-1, eulo· ' . J ' 'IHIOCIOU . , •O!lra. ,sa; ' .,. " • I : ' ._ ' J I I ',' AU Remaining '69~s-Now ' Slas·d· .fo: R~ . Bottom For Immediate . C·lec.tanc:e! · ~ ..... : SKI ' mu: .A GOOD ~ELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. I . ' > • ._ • • • • , 1 ' I ~ : · . Wl'NTIR ''' ' ' . ' ,VACAti~N:S . . ' .. ?' ·. ·" ' "." t.' . ' ' . . '' "I ~ , I , • . snr.u .-lio., 1iu ' \" ' ' ' I ' • . • . ( ' . . Go Wh're·and When You Wantlb·.Wi~"'·~e.-v~ns ••• on 'a FamUy Budget Theit~~ak•s:~il$e!; .. BRAND NEW ELDORA·DO ' 10~ FT~ :ell.Pa '' . ' urr. !'RICE , SA~ 11'.IJCE ~ . . . , •D~~ ,; • $2014~5 $1.39500 : ~6·1CJ'S,· I ' . • I READY TO INSTALL ON YOUR PRESENT l'ICK-UI' roR A NEW FORD 500 2 dr. H.T .. V-1, eutome· tic. pewer 1teerlnt, r1d io, M1hr. IPJl 2121 Coupe, l26 v.1, euto., RI H .. po-r 1teeri119, f1clory eir, bucket 111ts, con1 ole. IU06 142J 30i y.1, r1dio, heeler, pow1r 1t••rint,I breke1, 4 1p1.d, bu1;ket 1e1h. IVTP 710), . 111etic, cu1torn ceb, heifer. SAVINGSI IU6l42) · l'ICK·Ul'I $990 '66 CHEV. V1 TON V-i, lefttbed, 1lick, rtclio, .... ter, .CTll5121 $1390 '68 RRUIRD 2 Dr. H.T. f1ctory 1lt, P.S., 1utornefic, •inyl roof, RIH, rM w/lll1ck lftterior. CWVA 7621 '66 MERCURY MONTIU"f I 1>r. H.T. V-1, 1uternetlc, r1dio, heeler, power 1f•1r· 1119. ISLW 1651. . $1290 '65 BUICK IUCTIA 222 4 Dr. H.T., 1uto., 11.S., P.B., P. window1, FACTORY AIR COND IT10NtNG I Motor No. 243114 •1 $1290 $1990 '66 G.T.O. 2 DI. H.T. Y·I, 4 1,.H, rid.lei, heeler, bu&l'et 1eeh, wfde ovel tirM., M.,. wheel1 •. ISVX· J79J $1.590 '67 VOLVO 14'.1 4 Dr. S.deft, Autorn1 tic, ti· 'iio, heet1r, white w/bleck int. 11,979 1ctuel mil11. !UNA 4611 $1890 '65 FORD C0Nn1TI111 YI, euhm•tic.-.radio, Jieet- 1r. fPGKl39) $995 '69 COBRA Sport Roo,, P .S.. Power di1c llr1kt1, crui1om1tic, 411 VI, polnl11 wide ovel fir••· IZLH 1131 $2790 $1990 '64 CHEVY WA.ON Auto1111tic, V0 I, radie, heet. •t, 1111 with te11 v11yl 11- t•rior. IFNC '61) $890 '67 PONTIAC LI MANI 2 Dr. H.T. l26 VI, •utem•· tic, P.S., It, H., 41,243 111i11t, lurtundy willri I.leek •iftyl interi1r, IYWS 04tl $1890 HAIDTOP RMMv•W• te,. 4 •pe.d, redio, heeter, pewer win· dow1, AM-FM redio. I RHC 901) $1890 '68 Cqntinentol 4 Dr. Std. Full pow1r, fie· fory eir, AM -FM, vinyl roo,, le1ther nit•r. I own•r. IZVO 9561 $3990 $990 '64 l'ONnAC TIMPDT STA. WA•ON FACTORY Al R CONDI· .TIONIN6, eutcimetic, r•· di•, Met..-, power 1teeri111. IFNA 6461 $890 '67 DATSUN WAGON Stiel 1hift -low mil1191. 'rrwv 01t1 $1290 '68 DODGE COIONn 4-DOOI SIDAN v.1,' pewer 1t..riftt, power l:ireke1, heifer. Detecfi•• Cir. lll5171 I $1350 • '69 FORD CUSTOM 4 Dr. SM. 42t VI, 1uto., power 1f.e1ri119 a di1c brek11, h1et.r. Cffy of Co1• te M111 Police cir. CoM· pletely meh1etiNCI •f Th.o- dor• R1Mn. l:•rnel.ncfet of feet, werr. •'+'•ii. '19J51KI· "'"~'17to 1" SAVINGS! '66 CHE'(Y WA60N y.1, •uto1111tlc, t.die, he1f· .,, pewer 1teeri.w,. ,(YC!_ ]0011 $1290 ; '65 Chevrolet IMPA.U. 4-Doot Sed1n. V.I, FAC· TORY AIR, 1utem1fic, r1· dlo, h1efer. IXEV 776) $890 '69 MACH 1 ltO VI, I .S,. P-dhc brele1, AM·FM •l•r10 r1d io, crui1• om.tic, wide ov1I tire•, while w/bleck Interior. Re· m1inder of f1 ctory werren· ty 1v1il1ble. IYCU4521 $AVE '68 FORD CUSTOM 390 VI e119in e, pow er 1teer· int, crui101111tlc tre111111i1- 1ion, red I o end he1ter. Poli.c1 Cir, 11155401 $145_0 • SAVINGS! SAVING$! H1rcltep. FACTORY AIR. eutom1tic, RAH, P.S., P.I ., P-wlndow1. IOTW 7711 $1290 '69 CHEV. WAGON Ki11111woed. 396 YI, 1ute .. f11;forv •it, P.S., ll-di1c bre~11, lutt•t• rick, t ll •lnyl Inter. Appa. J6,f00 mlle1. 10274341 IStk~ # 1'14J I J; $3290 , . - DYER . 40 CAMPERs JN· STOCK! REDUCW 10. GLW! . ~ .. 1ur roua·nuc1" CAMPll flOM~IHIODOll IOllNS POID .- SAVINGSI SAVINGS! AUTHOllDO TIUCI &,,CAMNl·DIA.LD ~ ' .. 'Virtually· Every :Cold!' And Option Made Now In . Stalk :And ' Ready For Immediate · Delivery At. Robins Volu~e ~fl95! LEASE A NEW 1970! ' All ' l'opular Makes And · fittodels Wo Aro A Member Of Tho For,d .4uthorlzod Leasing System : · . f _ t 1 81/2 acres of the mbst.mod.erri Ford sales and " . " •, ':rt' sarvice:facilities on the Wat t Coast ~~Th·eodo .re l ~~~FWY 1 Robins · F-o -rd :~~~NG 2060 H1arbor . . 1921: ~-;. xv · ,, __ ....,.. ___ ..... IT • __ ... Costa Mesa@ 6:42:..0010 · . ' . , , . , , ,) ,,., , . , ":' "' • ""'u•· . .. PARTS & SERVICE HOURI PARTS ONLY '>,, j,, ,~ •, ff, 1 .\ '1 1, ', t ~~ t,.1 l.~l\•. ',\ '' I ) '.::' \' ' , ( ' f • ',' " ; -• ' ' . • .'· ::: ) -. ' .. ' ·' -"'-'--------'