HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-29 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa.. ' . -' • -, . ·. or ·s ... -··-~ ' . .. S•1s W a.~-friiies . ' . ... . ~ . . ' -.... -., ... "-': ' ---r-"'I' ' ~· ., . . -{ .. . . SATuRDA'\'i NOVEMBER 29, ·1969 eaik--Dg 1 (ap(i~e~i. ~spi~it~ -• J • .... t .. ' ' ··,"" \OL' ~ --4 siCT~ 14 PAG•S : "' , ' Football Seore$ . A'rw~itn 14 ' .. · Redlalids 7 • So.:~ascidemi 21 Fullerton 7: I ' > • ~Los Alii1niws· 40 . .. -l ' 8,~ver~ide -P~fy·8· · ·.Foothill 23 · . ' . Ro~ling fli~ls· 6 ' , ;.4..,,t.~!M-. ftr"~Ji: ~ _;· .: ..! I ,. Santa Anas · -~::~~· Ficiiig , . .., . ' . . . Milititry C' ? ourts . . ' . • ·~Flip Plane At A,irport t " By un ted Press l•_tei-nauonll . ' . 'nle ~Unuea wtlllflgness ~of 50me ex· Gia to admit ptiblicly that-they took part in the alleged'-~ng Mf massacre lent a eense of urgency t.Oday to the Defense .pepartment's efforts to find out whther former servicemen can be prosecuted WKler military law. Tne Supreme. CO:Urt ,ruled in 1955 that any soldier WhQ -hak 4ompletely severed bis ties 'with 'the service could no£ be denied his constitution8.J right to a civil- ian 'trial despite a clause in· the uniform c:Ode _of military justice providing for court-martialing civilians accused of committing crimes while in uniform. If Penta:gon attorneys recommend af· ter reviewing this and .other Supreme Court decisions that the Army presS charges }lgaJnst any of 15 former ser· \'icemen now under invesUgaUoq, their pre-trial statements could prove highly self·Jncriminatory. VP IN AIR Defense Department spokesman Jerry Frledheim said Friday "the whole ques.. tJon is sWI up in the air." He said Army lawyers also were exploring the poss!· bllity of seeking establishment of a war Crimes tribunal tQ tri the ex·service- tbnt but he added the plan "\\'as not under acti\'e consideration" at the m~ ment. . While Pentagon attorneys search~ the 1awbooks, the military judge for the court martial or 1st Lt. William L. Cal· Coast ' ~; Jey Jr.met,behind closed ~oors Friday,at Ft. ~g. GI., with f$palling lawyen to discuss witnesses' ooriilnued violation of his order not to talk ·about the case bef~tJ:ial/ ., The judp, l.l-.Col. ti.id W. Kennedy, called ,.the 'D)Mtlilg afW reai:ling an · lrt- tervteW with RiChard Pendletot;i, a ,Viet·. Dfim Vf:t:erah, in . WhJC~ :the · former Pf!- vate· Said hls1 ~mpany co'mmander, Capt\ Ernest L. l\fil!lna, dejibera~ kllleil a ·small boy a\·Soiig,Ajy,,l'eridl.,. ton. also was quoted as"'Saylilg ' .. hlgher Ups'.' knew about the incident: ' , • JUDGE CO~CERNED c Pendleton was the !&test. ~; ser· viceqien to step forth with .a ~alled eyewttneis ·account of th ;illeged• mas- SC}cte ,on ~arch 16, 1968."arijl ·lC~. told reporters before the secret ·meet- ing 'Putt sometl)Jng "just has to.be. d!)lle about this:" • · , ' Calley, 26, has been charged.wtth.mur. dering at least 109 Vietnamese civilians during the incident and his c •. pas re- ceived wide .publicity. In an effort to guarantee Calley a·fair"' tnaJ1. Kennedy ' . -.. ' ) ' (See MASSACRE, Paae·a) ; ' ' • Ex-POW Chftrges Doves Breaking • I ( • : .., ,t. • • • -' :" DAILY PILOT P"'9 '7 lldllnl. K ...... L w~d, wA.v :RIGtjT -$-i:alllorni'a ,w;,.. . haii'Pens five percent of the time. Runway AJign- heads.out· ln'uortberly ldirecllOh-over Orange C<!wr. '-ment.lndieator Lights (RAIL) blinkers normally ty AJrptitt ipsti;unient\landlng oystem (ILS) lights direct pilots incoming to Jnd of runway. Authorities · .Friday UJM!er S&nta Ana Wmd pri>cedures. ·Af!·take· say radio beams alone &ulfice in clear, windy con· .ofls.8J!d landings.are so•ai.to-notth when winds .hit ditlons. ' . -. ·. ancipass six knotil:~trol l21\'er1perilm~~rsay. lhi• ·" • · • Ca t" ' s . 'ts . P Ives · Pll'I D ·;to ' l.'.L.!ld U"l·l d, · Astronauts. . .Back p.=<:.12~A~J~~=.; .. f!C rs '1·ru · 1~1 . e al .Ur: He says j>eace derilonltriUons . • . • -In Houst~n But -: $.$~&::~:!"~-6·ln1"ured1in,·Collision , weaaer I • the viet ecq." I ·. ~ , . " · . . , 1 . / 1 1 Still Confined • ' . • _,_. 11,i:.J"""" !io!!•. 81)'.1 s.n. 3ltpllen ' ' ' • · • , ~ , ~ · · ·. · I " ~~~~:Ow.~. Y-.•tD<lbio) and;Rep. Wllllain'F: ·'!be I ·~d'-da.,irter or squib • ... Am. -• : . ·SPACE ~RI ~-(AP) - lilb,cioodL s.r.,. SBnta An&· ., lmr!l.,.l>ll.t.!!.~l.b!jllg •used by tbe · c •ur.-.Dr:fRI ·A lbird drlv .. ,·DlvldJ!roob, 11, of America'aneweaL,11J11ce;beroa.t11eApol- wtiida. wlll\ decreue late tOday, \• ArmJ1~~i:;e~~·~~~ ,• ldllodc~,IJ!liliol,tia : ISeeFATAL,l'.iael) , ! ,-1oi2moooe!Jllaren,r<j=lo'.,...bo,. • "rillll"I aom-1 ~ temper-, • ~a _...ional'del~ II)' he , ~ · : 5 ... = . -tr -:k . -tr : loifoy !or a -~ '1 ll!eW ~lilies 'lyre>< .. ; : , : .ls~ licla ~ lfjqu(d .drivers !theh · , '· , .,-... · .. and 11 .morv ,da~•~· lllllbi'ill ibe .JNllJDE TODA.Y · know. · · ' • ' ' ' · . ·catbl• Rlddell' ·55· '6.ac1 San•0 4·-11n Dies Lunar !W<elvlofLo · :: · • ROweis-affonner~altF~offt-1 at·.'it:ata.m.·tn t~ ,ftom · · ~·iJ.;11'1 1 ·.'1 -• CharlesConrtd:Jr.;, ~L.;B;e_anand . ·.-. Science or fiction? Sttr • 00 wbo .-i.!·~-lhe "V Qmg di SouiliiCOU! CGldiiiidfti· · · • · • , · Richard F. Gordon Jr.,,.,.. !IOtn her• ·1•00'" Di.ill~, u.n.,., .. 1rp1ouy, .)•""'d111)'00'1.u'·~~~-_ove.e ·~.,...i; .. :lh·Aclm!tl.dcruhfo.ll'e.~.her~=::~ ''.the In· Auto Ace' ident before dawn rrom Hawall,--..Mre they ft ~sUt:h. a lcompletti 3cit'fice1 ;t va...n ~ art$,l 'l4 should be taught ;11 ~chool, Fa-in the ¥ekin« Delta. • ·· ree c• were. ' -. · nac;hed their first Jandf8.n brtw:o~weeks mil1' Weekly. He said his cover story was blown Thomas, t~. wbcJt. mKlerwent mr&er)' Frt-.A Santa Ana ma'n, .. was ·~lled1 FrldaY, 11rl.Jli.Y niPI_ · ·-aburdithe.' u~·Jklione't._ •· just before hi• etc~wherr an· unnamed ~ay •ftemton. W II In crllical ~-afternoon In· a two-car cr&sb tn Buena • Benjamin Kubelsky, 75, 1 U.S. peace. group ~llat bis captors Uon, Jama, 10; ml l!dWlrd I, bolll IJlt. Park which police said was cauaed by ~-oanier J<COVend .tbem.JJ:om. the. better known tU 39'.j Mst·turned· j with ' his biography. Official account• ed ln satiafactory coodiUon. r the high winds raking the area. Pacuac lut Monday after. i to.diy ml• 40 Jack Be1Ullf, gets cover story 1 · place Rowie AS 'the kine-American ·for Dr. Riddell , 34, all<> W81 injured tn •the Michael Ruark, 26, of 4ot s. Newhope sion aurtnl which Conrad and Bean maae tredt'1lt?Jt 'toaa11 in ,Tv. WEE/C. 1"BTII: at his'~·~· r ~ •. -; acdden,t,. but was reJeued after treat• ' St., Wat dead on arrtval at UDcoJn Com· man's second landing '*t UNI moon. :" __ . k ~·, ., I Rowe,bM·tlpld -~•:....~··-!.t0r~ociol.-.a1eaa. -~.....,..... • i · 11!eliillir .... lnlcbdt0ibe1t11or•· ~, ( . t ~-; 1+u, •f WJlh IOl'ne ,!::eor+-....... ,,,.._~.-. All!Jrel1111~,,. ... Roblrt McQr.. PoUCe lllil tbe ==at Valley ·,...;.., ...._ lb--1r--~-~ to :=.=:-. l '. 'f:l~·r~, !'.~~ ....... tli*fi;+'' • ~·.ail..d'-~ 00 ' ........ •crllb -'bid'~ ,more,..,iCloaa·qurinlwbol•11>1non ,_ " -""". -u -·-Dll!I lor:tie ............. ' . 11 d "'• •--=~ Vin' __ ml ·A-~, _, ,.,..., ., ·-• w•-·~ --L ·~·;. 'l... ..~~--··Ilia .... dot.~ -• "'· ~ •.:-.,'.., 1111-"'•. -. tam"'-.. lldmld•DI l!Jd -!. • -~-... ..~ ~fi..i.. • ... . ..... ·Sawdalt--'r.unl u4 .. IUlllW -;:---. arda ·ll'e !lated. . ·}'"' lit . ,. l ' • . •• ' • • .. I Firemen_ battltd three Southern Callfor· nla blazes as ·the long siege of bot, dry Santa Ana heightened the fire danger. The high wind,, which are expectltl to continue through today, flipped ovir a small -plane 'at Orana:e County airport. Damage was estimated at $3,100 • Firemen reported winds up to 40 miles per hour In the Glendale ~ Flintridge di!i· triet Friday were a blaze charred 150 acres, scorch~· two homes iand threat· ened the exclusive Emerald Isle residen- tial area for a time . Clouds of smoke were visible in down- town Los AngeleJ from the fire. Which broke out in the Sugar Loaf Drive part of Fltnt.ritlge. It was contained after a five.. hour battle. In-a 300-acre blaze eut ot •Hemet In Riverside County, fire raced through ·rri~f5~v;:~hof:es1~~1~nisis~~:; were endangered at one polnf before .the fire was slowed down. . .... ·• ;:• The third blaze, near SweetWater Re.. servolr in San Diego County, waa blamed on sparks from a motorcycle. Flit 1pread over · 125 acres, but firemen declired jt under control after a four-hou r: battle . Elsewhere the wl~:· -Snapped .tele-· J)hone and power lines~in Fontana, ·Red· lands and Rialto. i ' ' · -Drove campers 'and travel trailers off_ hlg!lways in Orange, Rlvetslde and San BernardinO countles. . -Blew.· a sea gull into a power line in San Diego County. cutting oft elecrlcity for nearly an hour In the west side of Imperial Beach. . ,,..... Cauaed other power outaaft_ ln Mli- &ion Hilll, Mission Valley andbeondido. -oVerlurned 112 decorated CbriltitW tree. oo Burbank's Golden Mall. -1 -Set oil burglar alarma lo ecalwed &ectiona·of San Sernardlno. -f ---,l .. I BraZil ·Jetliner''· .. Order~d to C~ .! ...... --. ' ,.,, SAN JU.II(; l'aer!o Rlai (UPI) ·-A ·:.h~l\:i':iiv:tJl~1="!.ia.~ . rvUle from ~-to Solitli America landed at Iola :Verde lntemaUDnal All' port and early today toot·otf for .. Havanl after refueling. . . Var.lg Airline earlier reporJed thal hi.. .Jackers order~ its, OlghL No. tr11frotn London to Rlo de Janeiro via"Plhis 'lo ' fly to Havana wh!le the Boeing 7o1 jet was over Lisbon. r ', The plane carried ·89 p&8'engen and 16 crew members when it iett Paris. ' t The alrllne·Aid lbe -..., had been ~ed lo cubo lal:dlcintll 'whllo on a to llanUtao. Cldle. R II the liea!nd Vll'il I~ fllbl oOd the fourtb Brulllon -.. Ill .......... -.lbe·palltwo~. ...,-- I r ,.....,~~==::--:~~~-··-~--=----....--,,_ ......... ...,..... ____________ ~-~------ -. t DAltY.11\.0T . . . .... . e .... :. .. ~ t '="' .... J ... ::. --.· ~Yi 10.10 IUMDMY 10.7 1 GAL. CAMELL:IAS "· 97~ An Ideal plant to compliment any ,home. BAR STOOL Sunday Only! 7a&·.'.. Asst. colors . Black wrought ~ Iron frame and legs. Heavily padded seats. ... DAISY 500°SHOT BB RIFLE Siaiell•tt ONiy Cub ltver action BB rlllr. boutt aeuoned "·ood 1tock. With J)Dlt front =~ ...... 2 ,..9k 4a1 • I ' • . r , , TOY MASTER FIREPLAeE 197 Lile-size fireplace with realistic ' ' fireglow ' • effect. Simulated logs, bulb & spinner. CHRISTMAS GJT WRAP; B·ROll PKG. 8 rolls embols@d foU, 26"3" each (240'' total); or 8 r6lls dt!COrat@d paper, each shttt 26""'~9" (total 472"). PLASTIC SPACE SAVER CABINET 176 With s liding door - aholl lop 18" wide. Avail· ab1e in colors to match your decor. MEN'S PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Sun. ·Onlfl or 2.57 ea. Save! A healthy bupln thlt brlnp tutu, Ionae.r-luUn1 re-lief from alleraies. col&. 1 Oiarie it l'IO\Y! VIGORO 1111111 VIGORO ACID PLANTING MIX " cubic feeL For planting I: muJchtna: acid lovina plant&. Odor & weed free. SOFT F.LEECY WINTER ROBES Sun. . Onlfl ~ \' ;Yi· . Soft, fieecy robe, In pink or blue, Is acetate 1114 nylon. Features Peter Pan collar with floral ap. plique button front. Sizes .U.18. Fll:.M PROCESSING Kodacolor FOm 12-Exposure Roll Devel~ped and Printed 2944 MOTHER'S REMEMBERANCI S1111da11 Only 1296 With J Stoae 200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA . -. L (. . I • ' . Week~na • YOL:; '627. NO. 216. 4 $1CTIONS, 74 l"A&ES • ,, "1 .... a .. etejna • ,... -+- ~·r;. .-aper· -. ) . . i . . ' -• _t£J ,;~ .; l • •••••• ' ···:~.: .... • ',< .' Wiria·s ,·Fuel -Bla-zes~· . . .... --"· ... ,, .. ' . '..~$af1:ta 4~ Flip P·hine at:Ai~po~t-. ' I . ' WRONG Wf4Y Rlf;liT -fA.ir Calilornla jel!lner heads out in ·noitherly ·directio'n over Orange Coun- ty Airport instrumenL !anding system (!LS) lights ·Friday under •San~ Ana \Vind procedures. AU take- 1 offs and landings are south-fp.north when wiDds hit fDd pa~s six_ knot~~ritrol l~wer personl]el say this . . . happens five percent of the time. Runway Align- ment .Indicator Lights (RAIL) blinkers normally direct pilots incoming to end of runway. Authorities - say radio bea ms alone· suffice in clear, windy con- ditions. . ) . ' ' .. " <If '" • •I ·Fir'emen battled three SOulhun Califor- nia ·blpes ., the Joq alege of hol, dry San\• ·Ana h•Jlh~ Ille r11, ~'" ne hlCh wind•, ''l"hltb are emeeted to cootinue ~ (cldl,y, flipped over a small ~pt,ne at'Oraqre O:luntv airport. Dlmagt wa.s lttlmllecl at 13,100. . Fl!'flllen·r~pcirt:td. wlnd1--up to 411 iajles 1><• hour 'h( tlit Oieftdale • Fllntrldl' dis· t.rlct Friday were • blaie charred 150 acres. icorched .two h()fntS and tllrtat· ened ~ ei~lt111ve Emetaldi-Jsle riilden- llal area (or a .Ume. Clouas of smoke were-vislbte In .down- town ~ An,celes from the fire •. whith broke out in the Sugar Loa!.Drive part of ~~ry-Tnrns Base·s ,over '{Q S .. Viets SAIGON (AP) -The U.S. Na\>y lurJ!- ed .over lo'SOutb Vl\!11111!11 today tli< !~st of 58. American .naval ba1t1 lh the Me. kong Delta, oniy hoora after heavy Oght. Ing' flared~l•.lhan 10~-mUes .away. In Saigon, Vke·Prelklent N1UYen Cao Ky said be has .ukod \he SOutb Viet.-namea · Def-llioistrj ~reopen its btvesttptloo Joto !be aJlecOd ·My Lal massacre. . t Jn,~-,~ Tbo. tbe 11-~~".f",~ 11>:1!!1!~\b Vli\-na 11°"1 1 11>-acri bile" which w!U ..,.,. N 1a-~ center and ~malJ>. ·' , .... -~~,,,.,~ --·' " il>t • . O:iivy•1 LoPi'k' fvp-. •&om• ......,,.clurinc . SPACE ·CENTER;)Houston (UPI) - Apollo ti's prize ·collection of moon nckJ Is surpr!Singly different from the first .. ~"-l\ll)ar1samples returned by I.polio 'roar months ago. ~.disparity is ·tbe-"absence In Apollo U's spectfflens or: a conglomerate type rock fil!ed· a bfeccia .. t.hat made , up al· most three-quarters or the samples A~ . polio IJ"s pilots .brought back. • ?ttineral composiUon also dUfers from Apollo 12's Ocean of Storms site and those from Apollo It 's Tranquillity Baae, 154 miles to the e.ast~ The soil from the Ocean of stOnpS alS? seem1 to ~ li.ghtfr colored and · some Of Apollo 12's rocks have a full coating ·~r glass that was not ~n on Apollo 11 's samples. · "Ifs going to strain all the principal investigators and strain us to find out · what's the story," said Dr. Jeffrey War· her, a member of the preliminary in· vestigaling team sWdying Apollo 12·s treasure. He and· fellow geolog~ held their first news conference Friday. Despite the differences', however. Apol- Jo 12'& rocks are generally slmilar ,to the solid. crystalline specimens In Apolla 11'11 collection. They are primarily dark chunks of ancient liva flows, and that Indicates that both lunar seas experieftc.. ed. some volcanic activity of some kind ages ago. Dr. Donald Morrison_ said the tpeci· mens brought back by Apollo J2 amro. nauts Charles "Pet~" Conrad and 'Alan· L. Bean were considerably, larger than • Apollo It 's and far better Identified in { relaUon to where they were picked "up. "It was a spectacular returrf.''he said, adding that the' siz.e ol (he rocks and their documentaUon should make labor- atory analysis considerably easier. Tbe 12-year-old daughter or South La· gun a orthopedic sur4eon Dr. Richard Riddell was killed Friday morning in a Laguna Canyon traffic tragedy that sent her father, three brothers and two other drivers to the hospital. . Cathleen .Riddell \Vas pronounced dead at 11 :30 a.m. in the emergency rooiu of South Coast Community Hospital. AdmJtted to the hospilal following the three car crash were her three brothers, Trial Ordered For League in Officer Killing Arthur OeWitte League pleaded not guilty Friday to the murder of Santa Ana Police Ofiicer Nelson Sasscer and was ordered to race jury trial Jan. 26. League, 20. of Santa Ana, offered the plea before Superior Court judge Robert Gardner . He was immediately returned to Orange County Jail where he-is be· ing held without bail. Superior Court trial or the Black Pan· ther follows a series of hearings at muni- cipal and Superior Court level in which the Negro militant has a,sked for su~ pression of a number of items of evi· dence scheduled for prese~taUcin by the prosecution. He has been sucCessful in .just one argument; that the prosecution sh~d not be allowed to offer the gun allegEidly used by him , to· kill -Officer Sasscer ast June 4. League l!! accused of gunning down th'e officer after Sasscer had asked the de- fendant and a companion for identif~a· lion. He was arrested three weeks later whtn' FBI aeent.s flushed him out of the ~sement of a Hollywood home. Thomas, II, who und~eiit,ourpry Fri· day afternoon, ihd Is in crit.ical condJ. !IA Coualy. Trolflc !IA !ti Deatl Tall , IN - Ii.On, James, 10,. and Edward 7, both list· t;d in satisfactory cOr:idtbon. Dr. RJddeu. 34, aJSo ,;u Injured in the accident, b\ll was relei.sed after treat· ment for facial lacerations. Also ttleased was arUst Robert McCar· ron, 31, of 21466 Laguna Canyon Rold, "'ho suffered shock and a sprained 1hcJ&d. der. ?.1cCarron was, an ,uh!bitor In the Sawdust Festival aod .the FeaUval of Arts. . .A third driver, tiaVid ' BroolU!l.' 18, of (S .. FATAL, Pas• 31 tr * * Santa Anan Dies • In Auto Accident ' A Santa Ana. mS:n was k~rif Frld~y alternoon in a two-car crash in 'Buena Park "''hicll police &ald was cati.sed by the high winds raking tbe area. MJchael Rua.r.k, 26, of 404 S. Newbope st., was dead on.arrival at Lln'coln:Com· munity HOfipital. ~olice said the ttaffic,sign;ll 'Bt Vall~ View Street and Ofangelhorpe ~>.venuF• where the crash occurr'ed, . had been blown around by the wind" so.that m~ lOrists ·were confused. Ruark was the second Thanksgiving holiday crash victim in Orange county. . • .... !J.el: ·'"fbis tl&movtt on&. in9re maru llie IOod wUI ol lbe U.S. Nary' 1(1· ~ th Vietnamese navy' lo e1Pahd, consolid"ate ILseJI, and assume territorial defense." · . Lf:S8 . tll,an 10 'mllea away, about 300 South Vletnamffe 'milltiamen clashfli with at least 150 Vlet Con1 troops. Backed by American helicopter guJl. ships, one of w)ik? was shot down, the SouUt ·Viet.nametM! •reported kiUlng ,4$ Vlei Cong and capluring 13 weapons. First reports from . the field said about JO .militiamen were kiUed and 40 wound· ed, . there will DO Immediate report on AowillaP,«>UUallles. · , • ft was 'Ult fourth major , batUe ·of the put two ·Wetts :in the' 1orthem ~ .central sections of the Mek~• f?elt•· ~erlcan Infantrymen were. Wlthdr,,wn from the upper delta last summer and South Vietnamese forces now'.· hiJVe re- sponsibilitf· ·for the area. .· . Government units have suffered more than 100 dead lo the four batties while claiming 59 Viet Cong killed. · More tnan 200,000 South Vietnamese forces, about ·20 per cent at the country's total armed strength, are based in the- fertile ~delta, • "hose 18 provinces are horne ·.to \7,flmiIH'on penons. Jnteijigenee sourcfs esUinate thefe ire 80,000 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops lo the ~ea. , " ~OVRNALISTS JUST . . L!!!1~u~?S!,~~~~ , bling ca.oJno, 1ebodql"! .to-OP.1n:~6, wlll blr "WJde&irabJe Fhp~ers, pros- lltule4 and . jQUrnalllli,~' lbe manage- ment said: It save , no explanation for barrjng .Journajlst1, -ti * * A~nauts Back l. • •• ~ In Houston But .. Still Confined SPACE CENTER, HOU31on (AP) - America'• newest llPICt ht!roea:, the ApoJ. lo II ·moon npltftn,-returned:to home b9lt today for 1 wekome by their tam. Illes llJld II more d•YI ol quaranUne bt ·111e•i;,u11r J!<ciMilg.1.a11ora1ory. ; Challis eoiu'lld Jr .. AJ•n L. Bean an( Richlrd F .. Gordon 4r • .were flown here before, dawn trout• Hlwal.t, where they reached their flrst landfall ln twO weeks Friday night ~ the USS Horne!. ne carrle:r ,recovered them rrorn the Paclflc last. Mooday after a to.day mi• 1lon during Which COnrad and Bean made man's ltCOhd 1and1nl on the moon. · The tralltr was trucked lo Ille labor•· tory. There, U.., wtre ~ ansftmd to more sf*lowi quarters wbtre a JJ.man team, ol ~ t.c1m1c1an& and lllew· ards are bouled. I '. --·-· Dove·~ ~urt C:aptives·? ' \ Ex-POW's Charges Stir Senate Sti>rm WASlliNGTON CAP) -A· former· U.S. priloner, °'-war has raised a congression- al atir .• He says peace demoMtrations . apd sta"°1ents by Senate Vietnam cri· Ucs "~Jped break the: spirit of Ameri· ·cans (P0Wa) and boost the morale · of the Viet Codi·" . , 'Maj. J1mes Rowe, say!' Sen. •SteJ'llen · 1YOW\g, ,(D-Oblo) and Rep. Willlam F. Ryan,, D-N.Y.) Is being used by \he Army to dli'ciedlt di,Jsent and lnfuence congressional policy on the war. RoWe's cOngressional defenders say he is reporting racta Americans should know. ' Rowe ii a former Special Forces offl. cer who escaped rrom the Viel Cong last year after being held five years in a dank U Mlnb Forc>t hue camp, deep . In the Meking lltlta. lie aaid his 1cover story was b1awn -' ' just before his escape when an unnamed U.S. peace (Jl'Ollp IUppUed hto: dlpton with · hia biograpbr. • Official -aceoUntJ place ao,te as the lone Amertcm for years at hla baa camp prilcll. \ Ro~· has , taped ' televtllon lnll!Viewl with some in concreamm and~• a . 30-mihute flhn foe .the < RoPlll>lfi 'N1- tlonal CGngnAionll Conuitltlft. Army liaison officers helped arraJlle Jl>e bt· terviews. • He 1 .. tmed before the Houoe Armed Servlcea Commlltee • early tbli month and then met with President Nixon and Anny Chief of SW! WiWam C. ll'esl-m«<Jlllld. • •• .• ' Rowe l!l)'S Amerkan POWt ·ill'lttr~ !snored Hanoi '• propopnda unW ,lllO 1167 when It btpn Q1lotlna U.8. - ton by name ml d!hil US.--· mqazlne and news '..,..e)' ropotli • • .. . .. : -.. antiwar dtmonslratkm. . • He ·told the· Route. COllUllil\ee be re-f~ t~ ltatetn<11ll -mad< by -Including Chalnun .J. W. Fulbrfrll~ (I). Ark.). ~,!he. ~ortllll ~lallonl Comml•· ~. George S. MCOoVmt, (D·ll:D,) 1Dj1 oemoc·raClc teaderr we.· Minlfteld .. o( ~.(,; ·, ·,-. . ~·~peace demonstr,at~' andithe dl'6 ~word• o{·tbele 1Rnatota: mlCk OW' life ' most dtfflcult, '' ~ told the committee. "It helped lo brake the IJll!ll or Americans and boolt lhe .mor.Je 'of the Viet ·Co!\i·" Sen. ~owil chaffed this week lhlt "ll"~ nladOoa men J".tbe ~" .......... ~. CflltCl't!lll111al --In -ol ll!*atlon" u.e lhlHu'Y -polltlcl ._.,..to dlocnclli ·llim or to ....,. .-tbeit deflit ID Ille 1118 o!oclia:'• • · .· • ' ' I Flintridge. lt was contained.after a fi vt· -Orqve campers afiiS traW:t trailers hour battle. 1 , • orf highways · m Orange, Rfv~ and In a :JOO.acre blue ,ast or Hemet In Saq Btrnardino eounUes. ' · RiVerslde County, fire raced ' throud1 ~ BJew1a Ma cull into a~ Jlnt 111. • Bauti1la CanYon bt tbe Valle Villa di,_ San Dlqo County. cutlbti 111· ~ trlct. ~veral hopies and citrus groVes fottntarly an hew io :tli'·Wllll ,._of were e~gertd at· one polot ,before the lmJ>e!.lal Beach. . '.~' ' 4 fire was alowed down. ,.,. -Caused other power ~Jllo. , ·The third blaze, near-Sweetwater ~ slon Hills, ?tUssloa Valley &erVOir In San Diego ~ty, was blameCI -Overturned llJ decorated on .sparks from a moloreycle. Fire spread trea on Burbank'1 Goldei Mall. , -' over 125 acres, but ritemen declared It ~· Set)off• buralar· alanna Jn ICIUatd under control after a fOUl"'bour battle: sectJons1of San......_ .. .l , Elsewhere.the wi~: -Sn!J>ped Jele-• MeanUme, Lorw ~ wltb a naclllll plione. and power ~ !• t;ontana, Ro(' . ol II· clegna, ·-Iha ~ ~ lo lands and Rial\o. · ille· llltloo. · Telling of Ma•er.e-" . . ~. ---· ' • Pentagf!n Eyes W_hetlw:r _r, Ex-Gis ·.Face A,rmy Trial By Ulllted Preu ,lal<rutim1J. The continued willingness ol some eii:- Gil lo admit publicly Qtat Utty look par~ In the alleged Song My ·ma11acre lent a senH ot urgency today. to the Defense Department's efforts to flnd1 out· wbtbet former servk:emen can b& proeecuted under military law. The Supreme Courf·ruled In 116$'lhat' any soldier who bas complltdY teVered· his ties with the amrke could not be denied )Iii constltutlonal right ti> • d~ Jan ·trJal.despis..1 clauae bt the tmifotQI oode bl mllltaiy jultiie providing· for ;;t .. "i·c·r ,,.i( ~ ,,If., ti ~ b(l(N. llbifl:.Jf., I ,. ' .. ' ' Scoda1ul l' ard F aci1ig Scarnlal LONDON (UPI) -Scotland Yard, whJch has a 140-year legend of super· 11leuthlng and honesty behind it, an· nounced 1oday It was lnvesijgattng the first aJle'gaUon& of corruption In recent memory. The Times of London said today it h&p handed over copies of tape record- tnp it said would prove that at least three detectives protected criminals for pay. The Times said it caught three delec- Uvea bt lftlt by selUng µp a petty crl1J1c lnll aa lta. agents and plantln,·, lrtfcro.' phones in and around him, something po- Jlce have done for years to catch law~ breakers. "We have, we believe, prpved that at least three detectives are taking large !!ilrrns or money in exchange for dropping charges, for being lenient In court and for allowlbg a criminal to work unhind- ered," the Times 6ald. "We cannot prove that other officers are gullly but we believe there ls enougb sus picion to justify a full Inquiry." A spokei:man for Scotland Yard said: ''The materla has been·received and our Inquiries are;bt hand •• ," "The recordlnp, documenll and the newspaper ~ere banded to a senior de- tective of the·aiminal·lnvesUption .de- partment wtuch dea!s-witll serious crime. The spoi:esman said he could ·not re- call the ,last time a Scotland Yard de- tective wa&. found gulty of comp.arable corrupJ.lon. New1 fdes showed . none in the 1980s. Auto License . ' ReµewaJ '),'~ Mailed by State Chanca •re you1l be plling '9111• mail Monday, at least lf you are among 13 million Ca!Uomlina who can motor vehicles-requiring resistratton. The .Callfonia .Department ol M~r Vehicles malltd tbt J>ll"rwork • out Frlday .. ~tbe C0111pviei' Jn,i!airamen- to has'btta0 bmlly ·cnnlda& them ou~ since earlt;October., • ·,• Tlils'b;tfie tlilrd ~ ol'ur!J IDlillnp. "It . spreods' "-1' ....... _...i1y ofer two lllCl'.ltlis,"" pmuneuted DPlV Dll'<l9t Vern.I Orr, uylq thta qin;.,,eu ~ I ."""'l' NYiDg lot the SUie &nJ!. llJucb llm< for the lncllvfdtial. • lloadllne !or reoewlll.ls Feb. ~;1170. "fteJl)atratl"'1 'lime 11 a;ltnul ol troubla ror cowtUea •ehtcle owners;'' he added,· uplatnlng that m••'i peopt< will pay r ... for can they've ~ .« traded In. II satlsllecl tllOC ' ii. rq1str1t1M ~ ue all In order -ud mlfty -le will,~ wrq -Orr <l>llCIUded, the futat and iDolt ellldent wtY to eet . tbat orup lf!O -la In.-·· cow1·martlallng clvtliana ·~ Of commitUng crimes while in Urlifonn. U Pentagon, attorneys recommend .,.. ter reviewing this and other ~ Court decisions that the Amey press char1es against any of 15 former ser- vkemen "°" micler lnveltlpiloll, their pre'trlal statemenll COUid· prove bf&l>l1 oell-incrlminatory. UP IN AIR Defense Department spokesman J"1'J Frledbeim Aid Friday "the whole !1\111- tion Is still ,up ll>lhO air." He said &.,, lawjers alao w·ere exploriOg the J.19111- bUity of seekln1 eata~Uahment1 of·a war crltne1 , tribunal . to tr)' lhe eJ-ecrvici- mnt · boil be lddto! ' the pt,. "Wu IOI ·under ~Uve coGalder~oa'' at tbe mo- ~ .. ---~·--ftkJ>eolqoo au_,-s -the law!IWi. thi,,_liilltary ludi< for tbe cow1 martial ill ht Lt. WUliam L. CaJ. ley Jr.met behind closed doors Friday at Ft. Benning, Ga., with oppooing llwyet1 to di.scYSBr Wttoeaea' continued violation of his · order DOI lo 11111 about the ·cue bdote trial., The judge, Lt. c.I. Reid w. Kennedy, called the meeting after reading an m. tervlew' With RJchard Pendleton, a Vie~ nam veteran,· ih .vhlch the 'former pri- vate said his company commaiider, C.apt. Ernesl L. Medina, deliberately killti:I a small1b0y ¢Song 1tfy. Pendle- ton also w1slquoted if saying "hl&her ups'.''>kffw about the IDC!d4!Dt. JUDGE•CONCERNEO Peicueton was the latest former 'aer· vlcemen lo step. forth with a ~ed eyewitness account of th alltged m* ucre On •Muth ·18.;111111· 8(1d.:_Kenned1 told ,..portm before the RCrel Ji>eel. ing thai something "just hai to i. clOoe about thi.s." .. Calley, 26, hal'been charged with mur- dering a.t least 109 Vietnamese clvlliana during ttie Incident and his cue bas re- ceived wide publicl~,y. _ Jn an effort t!) guarantee ~ey a t.ar trla}, KepoedY !See MASSACD, P ... Jl Starlet Juli Red_ing Weds Zsa Zsa's Ex CARMEL (UPI) -Actreaa Jall Red· Ing ·and Investment bmWt Herbert Hutner or I;os: Angeles were-mmied Friday. evening at· the Robert Louis Stevenson Chapel here: , -• ~ Mios Reding has bad mW!rparts hi a n,umber pl~ moUon pictures •nd. teJevl· s1on serle1. Her husband wu flirinerly manied la Zsa 1.sa Gabor. o .... ,. c:.~I . " ...... The °""" Coul will hf ~ clear lodaf llJld Sunday, with - high clouds. Stronc Santa Al!I winds will docreue late ~•I brbtiJDI ~ cooler ia1111!1> lltns. • ~·· • I -~-· ' .~ .. . " ~S~ ·~BAY·· · 1 · • Scienu or µdio,1 ·snr ''""' m-thin!<> .. tr1>fow Is iv<h a c:bmplc.., m..<. It 1hould be 'tq'ugh't fn •chool, Fo-' mily W 1ekl~. " ' •. e 8111.;o~n Kubfl!kii~ 11$, h<ttcr knolD!l ., 30.j.,t.lllr'llcd- 40 Jaclc Bnnv, gt.ti coutr lfOTll treatment todau in TV, .WEEK. -' ....... ,.,,. --" ..... "" ........... ,,. .. -1+q I ~V I'll.OT . ~ --.... ~ ... .. ' 4 • . -. . D~LY 10 °10 SUNDAY 10·7 /# • ·,]%': LORRIE STROLLER® r / Y ~·S.;,;d~;,oid11 5 B6 ' ·., (~· . Choice of hair 11lyleii. ' Slttpy eye a, jointed arms, legs. Dressed in a hl&:h -fa.s hion outfit. , t ~ ~ ·~. i ~ I D~IL~ u AMP MOTOR ~N Sundny Only K mart's 1,;, '• elec tric drill. .. 2000 RPflt. die-cast alumi· . , T~!J~' .AND CHAIR .SET 0 1. : ~~:;:, 1~~::"•·R::E:SIBLE DRILL Sunday Only 7 9 •) :t\ Tabli "2<x1a·. 2 , .. ,,,, ., N S1111dny 01d11 1696 pumpkin I white. Staln- frtt vinyl, damp-cloth K marf1, Industrially raled. cleans. '1{: , auxiliary handle mounts at rt rear of housing or on top. MEN'S PLAID SPORT SHIRTS Su11. 011ly 2 5 or 2.57 ea. '11' lr1en's long sleeve sport shirts are of soft brushed rayon. Choose from a variety of handsome plaids. All are machine washable. In sizes S-M·L-XL. SOFT FLEECY WINTER ROBES , ~ Sutt. ~ Only 322 ~ Soft, fleecy robe. In pink or blue, is acetate ond W: nylon. Features Peter Pan collar with floral ap-1 • plique button front. Sizes 12-18. ~~~~~~~~:-::::.::::::::::::::::: ~ r 1 . GAL, CAMELLIAS TOY MASTER FIREPLACE FILM PROCESSING 97~ .I ~. r . • f I • An Ideal plant to compliment any· home. j, 1 :=======·-~-~ .. ~·~ ._.... ..,.._. -~ 1 .; -.. .. -. ,. BAR STOOL Su 11da v ., 01ily! ' ~ ~ Asst. colo rs. Black \vrought 1' iron fran1c and legs. Heavily t! 1 padded seats. '7 DAISY 500-SHOT BB RIFLE S•n .. 11 Only Cab levtr action BB rinr bouta: 1tuoMd v.'OOd &tock. With po.t Cronl. =~······ 2 ... 96c 4s1 -•. 197 Life-size fireplace with realistic ' 1 fireglow ' ' effect. Simulated logs, bulb & spinner . Sunda11 Onl11 64~ 8 rolls embossed foll, 25x3" e..::h (240'' tot.al); or 8 rolls decorated .-per, Mch aMet 26"~9" (total 47'2"), PLASTIC SPACE SAVER CABINET 176 With sliding door - shell top 18" wide. Avail· able in colon to match your decor. ' 64~ Save! A healthy bara:aln that ~ brings faster, Jong,r-luting re· " lief tr om aller£1.es, cold!. 'I.! 1 Charge it now! il'i VIGORO Urntt.11 lhNl~lltJ, ..... hN '9 Dtti.r.. VIGO RO ACID PLANTING MIX J• 47«! '· " cubic feet. For planttna A mukh.lnl acid lariJll' plants. Odor A wMd. frff. I 1·11111 Kodacolor FDm 12·Exposure Roll Developed and Printed G. E. TEFLON ELECTRIC SKILLET AITlllllTJC UPRT lllUIT 2944 . Colors : Gold and Avocado MO TH ER'S REMEMBERANCE S11111la" Onl" 1296 Wida 1 Stotte 200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA ----- I t, ' I ----------------------------~~~~~~~.~--- = S11t11rd•f, November~. 196~ OAllY PILOT+ I , South Seas •1.f or Squlii.:e Rigger ' Newport Youth 1 oins Crew of l;Qlorful Barque . . ' . . . ... B)' JOHN VALTERZA .. • °' ... O.lf ""' ..... ' The cUpper barque Monte Crlsb will tiotst Its square-rigged a salts Jn Newport ff ·a t b or 'l'ue*1ay bound for the South Sea.,. then around the world . And Johh Dye, 19, of Newport Beach', will go along. · Dye, whO started as a ~ crewman this t.ieek. Is the first Orange Coast resident to jolri thf! 13r.ee crew which wlll scram· ble aloft for an Indefinite v<>yal?e of the huge; colorful squa.,....rigger bulll last year in VancOtfver, B.C. His ]ob is a litUe out of the ordinary 101 a crewman sl~J cin a ship. He'll have to pay the sklpJX>r for the prJvilege Or sailing. "It's worth ·l1:." Dye, wiry and sandy. ha.Ired , said Friday as he coiled some O{ the barque's six miles of line. "I love to sail,. ·and this is heaven. Where else cOUld•you have a· chance. to sail a square rlgf!:er!" he asked. There are 10 berths ' lelt f or -erewmembers, Captain Je(freJ Berry said . BARQUE IN NEWPORT Six Miles of Rigging bad, and tbe Monte Cristo tsn't any Queen Mary, bu~ she's ,Oil con\fort.bJ~. The work fs hard, but we ah igr~ thl t the trip will be a. trilly voJuable ex· perlenre, '' Berry said. On her trip into Newport Harbor (the barque's diesel auxiliary replaced sails) the Harbor Patrol di spatched a pilot boat to l\elp Berry negotiate t~e tight chlo- nels. The Monte Chlsto draws 13 feet with Ill long keel and bringing her into a 1m1ll port is tricky business. Under sail she carried 9,000 square rett of canvas, not dacron as the modem-styl- ed sailing craft use. "\Ve'bullt her to surpass Lloyds of Lon· don specifications for wooden craft," Berry said. ff the specifications called for five-i~ch ribs, he explained, the shlpwrlghb bWit them six or seven inches, Instead. Mahogany, teak and Douglas fir com- pri se Uie materials. ''After the canvas sails wear out we'll probably go to flax ones. Berry said. \t -"But even though we Jove to.~ve ex· perlence4> crewmembers, It's Impossible tq sail the ship ,wltbaut mpne)', even if the wind h free..'!.... .. • , , Bmy, who quU the job as a newspaper reporter "two years ago to become the captain of the' square rigger, said the thrill of sailing a barque "makes you a square.rigger man for liie."' The construction, which started only after two years ol research and planning, make the craft capable of sailing jupt anywhere. OMl.Y PILOT SI.rt PfMIM NEWPORT'S JOHN DYE, 19, GOES UP MONTE CRIS:rcYS RATLINES • Youth Signs on Square-Rigger's ·crew, for Trip Arou':ld World Drawing Monday to Mark w Start of Draft Lottery WASHINGTON fU Pll -At S·P.M. PST Monday. a young man or woman will step up to a large glass bowl, take out a small capsule -and change the Jives or thou- sands or young Americans. ln the capsule will be a slip of pape r v.·Jth a month and day writen on it. II will be draft numbe r 001 for 1970, and all young men born betv.·een HM4 and 1951 on lhc date chosen will be first in' line for alilltary C<711SCriplion next ytar. •The life plans of about 850,00Q_ me,,tl, in ttle age bracke t of 19 to za!.-.iUI t:Je ,~. ially affected by the fi rstr arawlng ~f the new 'lottery·• dra(t system. After the first capsule is opened, the 56 YC{Un& rep- resentatives of Selective Service's youth ad visory committee, chosen to participate In the lottery, will continue-drawing from Fron& Pnge 1 MASSACRE. • • told attorneys on both sides Tuesday to notify •·each known witness" not to dis- cuss the case. George W. Lattimer, a former Ut<th state supre me court justice, sai d Friday in Salt Lake City he is planning to file several motions next week to qul!stion whether Ca lley's civil rights had been jeopardized by published inlcrvie\\'S with men who served under his rommand. The defense lav.•yer also disc losed his Plans to file a plea of innocent for Calley at the trial, for which no date has been s! yet. "Everybody see ms to believe he is the culprit." said Lattimer. "I think it req uires a motion in vlev.· of the pub- licity th at has been unleashed." Calley and S. Sgt. David Mitchell, who I! now stationed at Ft. Hood, Tex .. are t.he only two men to be named so far in Connection with the Song My incident. Mitchell faces charges of assault \vith intent to murder. ' t • ' l • • . DAIL\ PIL OT .....,.,. ..... " .............. . L.,..IMcll ......... .,., ---. ~UfOINIA OllAHGI C°"SI ~aLt5"1ffC. C(IMll,l,NT ll•lit•rt H. W••i ' ' '"""'*"' ... "*"""' J•1J1 II. C11rl1y YICit ..,._ ... Mlf °"*• """'"' T••111•t IH'f'il .... Th • .,:.., A-M1r,lroiti• -·--c.11 .-...: "' .,.,.., ... litffet ,.._.. kKll: 2111 .... , .............. ... L-._,,, 111.1'-' .tli- t11111tlll91M 1Md11 •• '"' .. ' the bowl until a list of 366 dates -Feb. 29 included - is completed. That will be lhe Ofder of call for the 1970 ,d[aft, and youths will be able to make thtlr plans according to the position of their birthdate on the list. Probably fewer Ulan half of the draft elilflbles will have .to ..,.orry about being called up in 1970. Military authOritles estimate thclr. manpower needs at 250,000 which means the dates ~oward the bottom of the list will be relati,'ely draft-prOor. The drawin1t also v.·ill provide ror a lot- tery within the lqtt.ery. Aller the llsl of dales is ct1mplete, a drawing of the 26 letters of the alphabet •will be he ld. The order of letters v.•ill be used to decide which men born on the sa me day will be called first. Thus. if the first date selected is Sept. 19, and a draft board ha s 30 youn11: men with that blrthdate and only needs 20. th~ order of letters will decide who goes. If the first etter selected •was "S," a young man name Sanders could expect to be called first. Monday's drawing will affect an esti· ma~d 290,000 men who I PCOme 19 before ,January I, 1970; 210,000 aged 20 through 25 v.•ho. do riot hold deferments: and an estimated 350,000 "''hose deferments "''ill expire duri ng 1970. Housing Needed For Minorities, Official Reports Progress has bee n made in assuring housing for minorities. but much work remains to be done in the field, accord· ing to an Orange County leader in these mAtte:rs. Boyzy Long, new chairman of the Orange County Fair Housing Council. made the remarks before the Orange County Equal Opportunities Employers Association in Fullerton. The employers group subsequently call· ed for resolution giving the housing coun- cil full support. f~llowing Long's plea for aid in doing so . "There is sti ll too much lip service and lack of actual commitmenl by our bu!>iness organizations in thei r efforts to eliminate housing discrimination," he said. Fron& Page 1 FATAL . ·• • 20750 Laguna Canyon Road, was admit· ted to the hospital suffering poMlble head injuries ·and a facial laceration. He is in serious condition . Young Brooks ls the son of Ft1Uval of Arts director Richard Brooks who, with his wife, Jyn. operates Brooks Slone-- ware at lhe Laguna Canyori address. Both are regular Festival exhibitors. Police said the accident occurred at 10 :40 a.m. when 1'fcCarron stopped In the westbound lane to tum into his studio at 2171 Laguna Canyon Road. ltis ve- hicle was struck from behind by a car driven hy the Brooks youth and pushed into the eastbound lane where It collided Ydlh the car driven by Dr. RJddell. Two of lhe Riddell chlldren. James and Ed- ward were ejected lrom the ph,1sician's csr. a eonvertible With the top down. The Riddell fam ily Uves at 31531 Blurf Drive. South Lalltln1. Dr. Riddell Is on lh• staff of the ~th Coaot Communl\Y lfospltal. • •• So the crew will h.a.ve to share expenses on I.he long .nrn across. the Pacific,. then onward to the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic. In Australia, the ship will take part in the blcentennJaJ celebrations of ·Capt. Cook's voyages in H.M.S·. BountY. A· mere ~lance·at the ·Monte Cristo with her · varnished mahogany top s ide s , yardanns .arxf ratlines will g1ve an In· dication of the excitement awaiting her crew. "We shook her down. of£ Vancouver for the first few months after 1he was built and we discovered that the ballast was jusl insufficient, Berry said, "b1.1t we're adding JnQre and more as we can afford it." Indians Gather At Alcatraz for 'Big Pow Wow ' SAN FRANCISCO (UPI ) -American Indians began converging on Alcatraz tsland today in response to a call for a "great pow-wow" from the 200 braves· 1tready occupying the bleak, lkcre rock. Seven carloads of Indians from the stale or Washington, an undetennined number from Los Angeles, and others from as rar away as Oklalloma were ex· peeled to join the redmen pouring into San Francisco. The call' for a pow-wow was issued Fri- day by Richard Oakes, a 2'7-year-old Mo- hawk who is tile J~Jans' spokesman in their efforts to claim the former federal prison island for th~mselves. "All Indian s will be invited to particl· pate" In the meetln1 the Indians seek with Interior Secretary Wal ter Hi ckel to gain title to Alcatraz and enough federal money to establish a native American cultural and educational center on the Island, Oakes said. Hi~kel has indicated he Is willing lo meet with the Indians to discuss their claims, although he said he would accept no prior conditions on use of the island. However, Hickel is preseatly confined to a \\'ashington, D.C., hospital with a pinched nerve in his neck -and the In· dians say they will talk to no intermed- iary "unless President Nixon deeides to ~tep in." Oakes also said the Indians insist that Hickel come to Alcatraz in person and added with a smlle : "I just wonder If that nerve happens to be bis Indian nerve." "There 's just no comParisOn, especially Jf the people aboard have been steeped in the tradition ot old ships all the.it.life." The Monte Cristo, he sald h8J been both the dreaqt and dlsitppolntment for her dozen buildirs. ' "It took us foUr years to bu)ld her , and, naturally, eome peOple got married. had kids and even were divorced during tbe time the boat was in the yards. "Some of them helped build her, the n just couldn't get away to sail." But the ones who are left and the crew they pick up will chase the dream. "We'U,bave some good weather and But it still needs some more c.rewmem- btrs to make the go.lag easy. Wbile the 128·!oot, clipper-bowed ship ls in pert here, Berry will screen the 25 applicants for crewman received from the Newport Harbor area thus far. To raise a few more coins. volunteers at the Sea Scout Base which is. providing (a side tie ) will sell tickets for tours. And the chance to visit a for-real replica of an 18th.Century barque is pro- ving popular. Friday found streams of vi!llton clambering up lhe side for a closer klo\. Among th em "'as an aging man with .a British accent who found a willing ear for his oft-told tale of aurviving a collision of Girl Saved Again Child Survives Boat Sinking SAN DIEG0 1 ,, Calir. <Afj.-A family asked Mary Efaranick to,)8ke a plane r.ide two years ago.' When Shf was 10. She was unable to go. The·plane crashed, kill- ing everyone aboard. A man and two boys went fishing Fri· day, and Mary went along:. The boat cap- sized, and apparently she alone survived. ''I'm either a jinx, or very lucky," she says. A Coa~t Guard culler searched into tr>- day's early hours for Calvin Bunker Jr., 39, Oscar OTio, II, ind Oscar,'s 12-year-old brother Norberto. Mary, clinging to a li!e jacket, strug. gled to slay afloat three houri before a boat with four Benedictine nuns sailed close enough for them to reach her. Mter a checkup In Doctors Hospital, Mary was released. After fishing three miles rrom San Diego, she recalled, Bunker and the boys decided to head for shore. But the waves got bigger, swam ping the !~foot run- about "Bunk stopped the engine and told us not to panic. but the water poured in ovtr both sides of the boat and suddenly it capsized," she sai d. "He told us to st8Y, with the boat and we all clung lo It as he dived under for llfe jackets. Bunk came up with a life jacket and gave it lo Oscar, who tried It on but il was too hl&h on his back. "Qscar suddenly floated away from the boaf, •ncl the next time t saw b~. was float.in& face down and not moving. "Norberto was still clinging lo the boat and crying. 'he was my only brother and it was his birthday yesterday,' as Bunk dived down for another life jacket. "He gave It to me and was too tired lo dive for more so he told me to try and swim for shore." Planes were overhead, on the sunn.v Thanksgiving vacation day near S;in Diego's popular Mission Beach. "We yell· ed and screamed at them," Mary·sald. The nuns, on holiday from Los Angeles. found the capsized boat after puUing Mary from lhe water. The body of Smokey, the boys, pet dog, Was recovered later. Pl1ysician Sought in B~nch Warrant A Phoeni1 physician arrested at his Balboa holiday home last July after a scuffle with Newport Beach pollce fai l· ed to show up Friday for his Superior Court arraignment. Judge Robert Gardner immediately or· dered issuance of a $25,000 be nch war· rant for the arrest of Dr. Daniel Frlde. na, 45, of Phoenix. He deferred the ar- raignment to Dec. 12. Dr. Fridena must answer to charg~ of assault with a deadly weapon filed lal'lt July when he tangled with three New. port of(lcers. The incident arose when a department store investigator said Fri· dena pulled a gun on him when he tried to collect for clothing purcha sed from the store. LOTS OF ,CHEER -Chriltmas greeting lrom Gold· en West College student.I to U.S. servicemen In Viet· nam carries 1,500 signatures. Holding giant card" f.rom l~!t : Tony Cruz, Westminster : Roger Mor1n , Veteran's Cluti advisori and E d Medel, Garde_p Grove. ' ' VANCOUVER'S llERRY Morite Cristo Skipper ' . ~ ~ two sailing shJps ~ they rounded cape 4 Hom. ·, Berry listened ' lntenUy,, then In-~ terrupted the accoultt· lo deliver a CO!ft. J mand-an order which !hows that all : board a squar:e:-rigger isn't sw88hbuckle.: "Dye (the new Newport crewman), Ket tn "' the galley ·and wash · the , brutfut !i di&bes," Berry slid. - "~ven wit)\ all the dishes it'll be 1 ~ great trip," Dye said u he hopped into.i t.he deckbouse galley. · . Mesan Charged -. ' . With K.idnaping,; ' Forcible Rape ' One of two men who ant~ly ktdnaped 1 and kepl a l?·year-old Newpcrt. Beach_; girl in sexual bondage until she escaped~ and r.an naked into the night has beep •r-- rested and formally charged, Costa Medi ' police reve"aled Friday. 1 Utom.as C. Kincade, 32, occupant of an i -'ol>Artnient ob the Fairview Slate Hospital grounds, where he Is employed, faces , preliminary hearing Monday on kJdnap • 11nd forcibl e rape charges. + He Is to appear pt 1 :45 p.m. in Harbor ' Judicial District court, while the Orange I Co.unty District Attorney's office has; I~ a complfdnt naming a second ' suspect who has nof been captured. ~ The alleged kidnap and severaJ rapes reportedly occurred Nov. IS, but was kept confidential In lbe hope the second • suspect might be caught. The ·victim told Costa Mesa Police ~ Depirtment Investigator Linda Gelsler ; she was accosted·abcfut noon that day aa ; she walked along Victoria Street near Newport Boulevard In Costa Mesa by lwo men in a late model car. ·She said they offered .a rlde,1 bur she deelined -she was out for a walk to think things out after a family aqwibble. -at which time one of the men aUe1edly' .. grabbed her and shoved her into tilt. car. · 'J.'he girl told ·authorities she was taken to the apartment on the state hospital grounds at 2501 Harbor Blvd., where ahe, men ordered her to take off her clothes. Taking turns holcUng~her down as she tried to fight off the other, the glrl said. she was assaulted unUI one or the men. fell asleep and the other left theJOOm. She said she grabbed her clouilng and ran out nude, hid In the bushes until one of the men stopped hunting for her, dressed and ran out to Harbor Boulevlid. The vicUm got a ride to her slster'I' apartment In Newport Beach afttr th°e M:ven hours of terror •• then went to rtPort. the abduction lo Cosla Mesa police. 1500 _Sign Ca1·d Sent From GWC For Servicemen:. ~ War critics, peace advocates, raOJJly, admJnbtfatol'! and students from Golden West .College forgot any lndtvlclaat dtf· ference temporarily· and penned • ID.foot loog Christmu can! to U.S. oerv1c<men in v1e1n:m1. It was slgne<I by 1,!CIO persons, In· eluding maintenance men, visiton. Ind • even CQnStru..ction crews worklnc Gft neW college buildings. ' ' "We h~d an Idea -we'd get this kind of response," ·sakl Veterans' Club advisor Roger Morin, who.1& c I u b m em be r1 orlglnat-:d the' project. "Jt wu tmntn. doos. We put the card In the student center and the people signed."' ' Along with \ the card , Golden West College students contributed more tha:: $100 for a Vtetoamese orphanap. SJ.IP- ported by an evacuation hospital •t CU\ Hanh Bay near Da Nang. A ct.-1P01<eomiJI Jlld lht ldla. "Is not ony 'bi& deal. MMy \now ·-111 llU being overseat at (l)rll\mll, Morale la I& Ill I-and maybe lhll WW btlp F" th~ men a boost." l .. ~ .I• J I I == • .. Pu Ip it. ·.a ·nil -. ~P~w St Patil's Loses Its Minister . -Jews --Doubt Play Revised - -... , ' Al Ille SUndo¥ mornin, "iuv:ices 1t P'lnt ..,... ·Clllu'lll " -..... -tioth at 1:38 a.m. at Peeks £bapel, I/IOI lloloa Ave., Westminster and the ;d"'11\0W11 a..,.I al II 1.m .. • l>aator WWli Loar will too· timle his wl• ol M ....... with "The Kini ol Killp", l•kioq """ lhe Goopel of John. !'.Church Sd>ool la held al 1:111 :ra.JD. for bolh cblldre:t and .• adulla 11 lhe ·dowuton chapel. •• The Family Ever~ 5ervlce 1 will be a Musical Night wtth ·•Paul MacAlllater and lhe ,~outh. Thia la al 7:00 p.m. .·1 --... ".'., Morning worship on the first 'Sunday In Advenl la al 10:30 a.m. at Reta1ediC111 l..lkn =.,,:u al 8 •u':r!fi:O:)~ Arthur R. Tlqley Po{lor, wlll ~peak "'" "Al>out The Smooth And The Slralghl Way". Nursery care is provided. Ann ~Usel Is organist. L I o y d Danielson Is senior choinnaster and R o s e d 1 th . . Werley dine!.! lhe youth !or Ille very young Is also choir. · • ~ .: , ~ avallable bo&h. boura. Church SUnclay ONrdl School IMlll sdlool a-lri> held durinc in divided ....ions: lhlrd bolh houri; Tbo adult Bible ...,..n and above at t 'i.·n\. claq metls ~t t :OO only tnd .. -.. : •• 11'e · ~?·. :an ·adult nunery care _ lhroullh IOCOlld ~laaa 8*11 at lhe 10:111 hour graden al I0_.31 ""11. ud Ibo . lolj.1bedNd> la at Ma U.ll adult diacuSSIOO group morl.! ' • .< · at 1:00 a.m. to conllnue ''111o ,l.ve., llimtinatoii Bea, .... Par~les Speak· To' Modtrn . Sunday at I a.m. and 10:30 lJfe. 1.m. wcnb.lp 1ervtet1,' Putor 1be Finl Ualtoa M-He1111 E. J-will brin1 a QorU, 2 7 2 L Sevenlff.11h "*¥C' enlllled: "The ·Vic· Street, Huntington Beach, will tor1oW: Co'ngreaaUor:" at C.. ·-" -··-lnl -t'llllM, 231'd Slnel conduct two wua~P sea v~ . and Or&1p Avenue, Costa on Sunday, at 1:30 and 11 a.m. M The Rev. Edward C. Emy :":, p.m. worship service, will preach at both aervic<I. Put« J-,. who hu boon The youth cbotr will lih& at accepted as a member Of ·the the 1:30 service and the adult staff o( Campus Crusade for choir slngs at the 11:00 a.m. Chriet't'Mtlllary Miniatry, and service. A coffee hour will be who will be wving as Aalan held between services. Director, will tell of the methods used by Campua QnSunday,Comma11lty ·crusade. for Mi11tary U~&ed. MetltcMU.Jt Charcb, the E ·"-Rev. Fred G. Overby will be •anc=.:.__ preaching . at ~ the ,9 and 'The Rev. Thomas E . 10:30 a:ervice. The UUe of his Benvenuti pastor of the Glad sermro Is "Watchman, TeU us · of the Night". Nur~ pre · {See PULPIT, Pqe 5) N~;.!t· p!/!':'~ of ~1: Paul's Lutheran Cbutth of Laguna Beach. preaclled hla farewell 1ermon at the 'chapel Wt Sunday. . Alter -Inf I h e -11te041lon lloct)l19(. I, I•. Putor Nlederbrocb ai:copled • poalllon 'lilh the 11• member SI. Poul'• Lulberan Churth, Hammond, Ind. He will aerve u uanolale putor al !he Hammond church and a nearby dwrdl In Vunater. Putor Nledll'llrocb, who la married' with lhrte children, served U I rilember of the boanl ol dlr<etors ol lhe Boyl Club of Las-Blach. . Wonhlp ael"fl<ei and olher pastoral worlt al st. Paul'• wlll be CODdacled .. an Jn. t.rlm -by lhe Rtv. Lothar TOl'OOw ud 'Vicar "R a y Schle!elbeln of C h r I 1 t Lutheran Church, Colla Mm. AJC Reserves Judgment ~n Changes in Oberammergau . . NEW YORK (AP) -The American Jewish Congred wanta to see the tangible evidenc< ol lhe Int llaeli before It will believe that a reviled version of the famous Obtrammerpu Passion Play hu ... uy rid llaelf o I ' ' n o lorious1y anU-SemJUc" ovenooea. "It llJ unlikely they can cure a defect they er.mot even ~ ... 11y1 Dr. Joachim l'rllll, chairman ol !he AJC's lntemaUooal a t f a I r s com- mlllion, about cbanaes the Bavarian town hu juat made alter klo( rtluctance. Oberammergau has been famous since 1634 for Its laviah pageant portrayina: the ftilal days and death of ChriJt, a spectacle stqed evuy 10 years as an expre:saion of popular relicious fervor over lhe theology or m..alnd's salvaUon from Its slns. The story of Jesus 11 the Christian story of God come to earth as a Jtwllb me lo a Jewish carpenter'• boUlehold and preaching to hla !tllow Jews u Che proml1ed Messiah, only to be crucllled by some of thole Jen and their Roman colonlalllts "-a aeU-oacrillce requlnd In a heavenly plan to redeem man's fall from srace. Christ started a new religion which became T1CJ.1.Jewllh in lb first few eenturles. Cbril- tian culture WU lfldualJY cioto- te<f at times and places with !he nollon Iha! all Jews -and they alone -are to blame for tbt sorrows of Good Friday. A high point In CQM"ecling tbs Isita came in 1185 when the V allcan Council declared that such thinking wu b o t h lheol01lcally and historically wrong. It said God ,never re- jected the Jews, and any in-- justices of any kind toward them can never set Roman Catholic support. Prinz, a Berlin nbbi ex- polled by tbe N .. In 1917 !or -""' Adolf Hiiier. jlld tbe Otieraniineraau play venion . -a1nce 11111 .... pralaed by Hlllee In llCI .. • help to German wartime: m o r a I e . Hiller clllod II "Yitai In c:on- v1:1c1111iY portraying I h o menace of Jewry." Rabbi Prinz and lhe AJC ap. pealed to JulJUJ Cardinal lloep!ner, the archbilhop o! Munich, lo try lo gel lhe lownlpeople to revile the play before it goes on for more than 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 International toorlsts from May to Sep- tember 1970. " Tho cardinal already had asked a local priest to prepare a new acrtpt, but the town re. jected ll The priest told lhe AJC here th a t Oberam· merpu's citizens bad learned from worldwide travel agen-. cles that the 1970 play Uckets were sold out, therefore "their a1ready weak will to reform !he play dlaappeared com· plelely." They bad been pro- mlsiqg to modemlze oloce tht 11111 play. Two weeks ago Mayor Ernst Zwink of Oberammeraau a~ nounoed the adoption o f revisions whicb he said freed !he play of antl-Semlllc ten- dencies tr.id "will stand up to any criticism." The AJC attitude is thal see.ins Js believing, and it ha.I asked the mayor to pleue send over a copy. "It is hard to have con- fidence in the Cilmpetence and Intentions 'of the mayor and his friends," says Rabbi Prinz. "when their positio n throughout has bee.t that the original grossly anti-Semitic play was completely proper and acceptable." Meanwhile , Cardinal Doeptner sent wor'd through his secretary lhat he favored the version done by the priest. Rabbi Prinz said he was gratified. -.f ._t _• " _ORA-NG_E C'OAST '.CHURCH DIRECTORY ' LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE?. "'T~Y _ FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH tA.Le.1 F•lrvi9w Rd. At Fair Dr., Costa Meu t A.M.-Church Sehool 10 A.M.-Wonhlp p.-.-10:1tfltllr-Del'fli .... StlMIJ...,. • ,...._-' eT..; Cwii•1 14M611 ;,; HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1UI llhf St.• PelirMw, C.... M9" -..... c.ns. us., p....,. Sunday Scbool·9:4S a.m. Morning Worstup 11:00 a.m. Baptist Training Un.ion fi p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. , \'leW1csday Bible Study~ Prayer .............. 7:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 11.A.NCHIS ,Of THI MOTMft CHUICH THI Pim CHUICH °' CHll1T. se'1um11 IN IOSTON. MAll.,t,C:HUllTTS "ANCIENT AND MODl!RN·NECROMANCY, ALIAS MESM.ERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCl!D" . Sunday, November JOth ..., Costa Mtsa--Flrst Church ~f Chrl1t, Sc11ntld'.t 2tl0 M ... Y .... Or., C.... 111... . _._.,,. 5-ftt Sc-..-9:11 A.M. Clliwctl s.r.tce-11 A.M. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH _.,, ..... 2111 M-•-°'· ... HAMILTON. Cc»TA MISA Huntl119ton liffcl>-Flrst Church of Chrl1t, Scltntllt •IY, J. 0, WllLLllCI 110 Ollft . Surtli•y Stliool •••·•••• 9:"S Tr1inln1 Union ••••••••• 6:00 Sndey klleo1-t:JI I 11 :00 Mor11i~!I Wor.liip ,., •• 11 :00 Ev1nin9 Worship ••••••• 7:00 ~-11 A.M.hnfu Weline1d•v Pr•v•r M4•tlnt for •II •9•1 ··•···••·••••'•• 7:30 .......... _,11 on.. ,.._ '42.f111 N....,,. Alnys ANklMe ~~~ii:::ii:::~i:::::~ii:::ii:::~~~~~::::::.:::::;;=:I · Laguna· lleacl>-Flrol. Churc~ of Chrl1t, Sclontl1t F 611-0. .. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST ' CHURCH c..;.,. •s..NrkMot-t,11 •ti.to UIJ I . I. PALIUDIS IOAD ............ JM ,.,_ l;liNTA ••• Hll•HTS. Newport l!Nch-Fliot Church of Chrl1t, Sclantlot SUNOAY SCNOOL ', ...... ., ............. 1 ......... tl45 A.M, JIOJft.U.. MO•NIN• woa1t111", ........................ : ....... 1: "A.M. •YININO WOIJ:lftt:W ................................ 7 f'.M. Qt .. l ...... kllNf-f111&111fl MIOW!r:K StlrVtCW ¥tr:INflSOllT -1•• f'..M. -..... Jiii Yi. LU. · J •, •mum s. lldlll. f'HIW Cliln'tll ..._ MWil11 ~lltST ' , BAPTIST CHURCH •• F.•Jlfeht ,..., (1111'111";c..n ••11111111 17411 ........ Ml, P.Y~ l..,, D-. HM-. M....._ . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Victoria & Placentia Ave. 1 Cos\a Mesa Je.... r. PSetcr Mlnllltr Newport Be•ch-~c Church of Christ, Scientist • t (lll!f__l . D.r .. c.r... Ml Ill• ' CllirlRI & kMM -1 t A.M. ............ -,.., .. c... Hwy. All IJ1'.<0<dWIY lnYiled to attend the churrh servites·and enjoy the·prtvileges of the Reading llooms c:»N C.. ~--AT AU lllYICU Morn in9 W•r1h!p l :JO l 11 :00 S11nd1y ~chool , ••• , •••• ';JO Yo11+ti -M••tin9 •••• ·•• •• 6t00 Pt•Y•• S1rvic• • , •• , •, • • 6:10 I Evening S1rv!c• .• , ••• , , 7:00 HUl'Mf"Y AVl l!lltlt ti •II s.rvtal DHtl• Hfftes 1 9fty ... :!.":"' .~.~'.~. .•.• ..:ft, 11~~;;;:;;;::::~:::;;;~~:;;:::;-::;-::;-::~~~~;::;;~~;::;;~11 142-2421 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH •ltM kll991 ................ t JJI •·M. M""""9 .. .,..,.. .. .. ., .... 11 .... .... Ywttl ~ ......... -....... & 11.111. v""" ....................... 1 , ..... Nursery Care Provided 14M771 54MJ41 Church of th• 01 ily Wo1d NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH Main & Adams Streets Huntington Beach Morn ing Wor1hip L-O. ,tlc:t...,.r ""'""!ff 15th l lrvln•, -N•wport l11ch (Stnlor CUILent. 811lkllng) 1:4S A..M. Sund•v School •••••••• l :JO l ll :OOAM Bibi• School , , •••• , , 9:"5 AM Yo11th •r•upt •• , • , , 6:00 PM Ev1nln9 Wor1hip ••• , 7:00 PM llltlol Siwb •"""n -WK.-7 '·'"· ~-ry C.r1 Prov!Oed •I 1M 11rvl(:n Olfl«: P6-00 Dill DwotlDll-$)6.U•O ID:OO A.M. D1vot!ot1•I S1rvlr.• Ol'flCI: *°OW, Col1f HIQttwty, N.I . PhorHll: '"41Wlli DIAL-A·PU.Yfi-64"°"Jt CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ., "..,.,. l"9dl Mffllllll' (Mn: • ., U11h11 C1M'al ........ kltM .. Lat .....,.ld $UH OAY IERVICI .... 11 AM Mll'li.ttr ,., lllOt•t •llf'k•, RJ:.r..F. TMI 111$,.$,. (LU• OP MIWJ'CMtT l(:ACM fU l 13'1MIM ........ PLEASE DON'T COME TO CAL'l~RY CHAPEL If v•11 l tl look in9 fer •fl •l•bor•+• pro9;•rn, or 1ocl1I pt11tlt•.' 111! if you •r• lookint for in·li•plh Sible 1tudi1" Cltristl111 ftl· 1ow1hip, i nd lnlpirint 1pirit•d wouhip, yo11'1I lov• 1111 To •r.com• mod••• our 9rowlng churr.lt f•rnily Wt 11ew h•v1 two SulHl•v fllOtnin9 ••rvic.et, 9:l0 ind 11 ;00. Nur~•rv C•t•· Corn•r 1f 6r.tn• .. ;11. a Sunf1•w•r· 141·2121 "'-9111 fiartor Ckridlian Cku.rch' • · O• NIWPOIT llACH-IDhc~) M ...... 111 ~1.+r .._,., D1:aa 1t•f ~ 4251.11 .. St,.C.... ...... Cburcb School -9:30 A.M. Worship -10:4& A.M. "....., an "•"•• Phonei 67s-:IH5 Minister: Dr. D. W: McEl!'t!y CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILS!)N ST., COST A MISA llTWllM HAllOl _. PAllYllW SUNDAY MORNIN$ lllLE STUDY , ••••••••••••• 9141.A.M. SUNDA'v MOR.HING WOlSHIP a COMMUN ION •• 10:41·A.M. SUNDAY tvftritNe WOUHI' • , ••••••••••••••• , 6r00 i-.M. WlOHUDAY l'IENIN• l llLt STUDY •••• , •• ~ ••• ,· 1:10 P.M. NU .. T CAU l'IOflHO ~0.M-...... -' MWatw ........ ,. ........ "'-: 541-5711.Doy or ~II~ ' ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMl11011ri Svn•JI wonhlpi111 •t fh• UNIVERSITY P RK SCHOOL S1"4b11rg If M1ffti•w1 In URiv•nify P'1tk WOUHIP: 1 l :JO A.M. *•"· H. Nl•rm1nt1 ,P•1tor IJJ.1211 Emphuizlng The rltn of God The Person of Chri.t Tht Power of the ·Holy Spirit !ul'Sdiy sdiool ' AM Moinlns Wonlllp ' •nd 10:JO AM [Yllll"I stMc.e 1 PM W~y l lbl9 S1udy ind Pr'tff 1. PM NUIMIY d11rln1 t!!rYlttt AfuUYou11'- Cm. "' ....... ond :uni. SI, """" -P..cor K.• L,~; lfq.1Mbt. " ' . ,, • u....,a...et RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420 I Oth St., H•Rtl"ffon lt•c,h P'lion• 1:16·2120 • COMMUNITY CONGRUATIONAL ••• 611 HILIOTROPI WenMp-11110A.M. 1 A~ult & Youflt S•rvln .. • 11' •·"'• ltt Y••' Cl.11, W.4., 7:1 5 11.m. lllNIST PA.Tl. M~NTITll . ' . Qltrdl w..1-111f1A.M. °'· ,.,.m, o. Mvn•v, "'"'""' Miu SlllrltV lllbll, D.C.I!. '7).lOOO . . . Seventh-Day Adventist Churc!Ms ._ ...... Jo~ Sh~WM•k.. Pt1+.r ""°"' -141.llt6 --•••. t.atAM ...... W-••• l!MAM ,,.,., ...... • w-.1111 PM .......... -----H111_,...,_ A. E. R•W1•11, P"t•r "'•rttl 4•2·1•}• a..... k11M1 • , • , t ilt AM M .... W ........... 111llAM ( FIRST CHRlsTIAN CHURCH tM1 TtlilM A""" CT-.rt • M.,..U.l, POUMTAIN YAWf UNIRED SERVICE. S11n4•y Scfte•l f 1SO -WOUHI,, I01JO W1nhtp & Ytultl 8ttiitpt -6110 '""· fWtHt'# lllWtdol& •I Iii M"'lcll ·a C«l'lll'IVl'll' Olvrtll -VII'*" ""' Awt'f'I ~ EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH .. " ...... , ...... 1tll .....,_ A9'. IJl•7tll • ...,.. ,,,,,.. L. #llltw. '""' '" t:• A.M, -......., ......: -1113 .... Jh• A.M. -MWlllN"'""""'' P.M. -T""' •rtwit • 7111 ,,,,_ -........ flrrie .. 1 l".M ...... •*" .,...,. A,11.....,"A ~OJ DIYOTION"......_ Jt P.M-"WAL•IN• IN THI TlUTH"-JM ...... • tfrln 11 --... ,_~•llJ.,...., . I . I THI EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcome• You. ST • .IAMB. Jltt "9 UN, ....,... . .._. 7:H •• Hlfr ... ... t :H • .--M ......... 1•& Jl'llllS.. ...., ........ w ........ •••• --c ....... ...... 11:0I ..._...., ••• Id ... 111. Jr4 .... "'~,..,...w•4" .. •· ClllW C.. .. t:IO •a. Tiie hf . .Hlllll P • ...., II, bMr ,.. a.w. hwW A. er_, ,._..,. • ...., ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS P•Hlc Yin Dme .. M•t .. rlta, CMHe tie! Mer s..My1 l :IO. 9:11 -ClllMI C... .. 9:10 Hilt hys • A._nud All a-.. Weke- ltect9r, Ttte .... JeM a...,_ hril-'1leM M4.o4il ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. ...... 7:JI 'a t ill CRrQ kHof -t:JI ~: l:JO • 10 •·•·i Hefy hrs• _..tad YlcaJ,n.Rtw.,,...W.D...i ... -..... MMJ26 ..,.~'-'ILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH lllJI SL If C...... ~ -..111$1 ... ., Pl'I'• rtlllb " ............ 91Kt1, c.-.m11 Th• An. ""''""' C. Cllef, P'll"' Sunday Services •:It A.M. Mt4Y C•-lfll t 1JI A.M. •-111 hmcl A CiHlrcll 11• l"..M. 1-ldllMI 1•• r.M. lll'IW.,.t 11•• AM. ""'"''11¥ w.nlllf Ytv111 Cllllfdl... , 111•"9fY ,,,. ,,..,...., FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 14' E. 22nd St., (01ta Moia 541-3761 M.t.CNllk. p_.. ' J.llahhld.AMMi.t. R1y Nichol10n, MiRili•r of Youth SUNDAY SCHOOL -9:30 A.M. EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN Nov. 16th thru Nov. 30th Sunday -10:50 AM & 7 PM Tue.Uy thru Frldoy -7:30 PM SERMON TOPICS: ''Christians Beware" ''What is Your Relationship with God?'' '1Pentecost, What is it?" ''The Baptisim of the Holy Spirit" "The Man God Can Help" "Give God A Chance" EVANGELIST EARL ODELL P•ter-h ..... ht-T.-ller Yhlten WelUtM -N•tMrt Att9114nt S~ UcltlMtl PN•kllMI -Mo. Jolin Gollnick, Dir1cfo, ithnt: '41o-JJJJ SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple RABBI BERNARD P. KING meeting at St .limn EplSCOPll Church o 3209 Via lido. Newport B11th for Information: C.11875-7230 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wiiton, Cost• Mesi Y. L HllTWIC .. r.tef ..... , .. AOllRf I , l:STI• Jolln11i.r ., l._.1$1111 CA•t. •INT•Y Mints!'•• If Mullc SUNDAY SERVICES S...., klleel -9:41 A.M. 10:10 A.M.-''1\e •JHtMu .t •"-"""•· 2" S•rfll1~ bv P1itor 7:11 P. M-"0. AMI I•••" S.....1"P•hlf COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ~ -k .... ,,.. -• ........,., -0!1111 c- * TEMPLE SHARON n. .... , ... 1 .. "'"''''" f9' .... ..i,.H.tt.rA,.. 61!--C-M- All J•wl1h ft1111l ln ,,. l11vltM to loi11 lilt In hulv M••nl1111ful U.llATH mNl,H• IUYICh AIDAY • 1111 P.M. .,,....... ~ -a..w ......... _ '44·111Z T•m11I• Slt1ron Choir -On19 Sli•b•f 541·1411 AHend. the Church of your choice this week/ ' NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN E(HURCH 2501 Cliff Dr. lJ 8-4293 ,... • ..,.,,... ....... P..., .................... --l'•mlly Wonlllp 9:00 to IO:iO 1.m. Sundl'I kl'soo3 t:• to lO:Jll 1.m. Won.hip Servlc1 11:00 Iv 12:00 NW"sery care available at all services WELCOME LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Corona del Mar DR. W!LLIAM R. ELLER Mrs.. wor .. a-berl•ln. PariH Werlier Phone 644-2664 9:15 A.M. FoillrWonhlp 10:00 A..M. S1111doy Ch1rch ...... I 1 :OD A.M. Fatf>tl Wenldp N11rwfY Pro•lde4 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mittouri Synod 760 YktorM Sr., Ceat• Me111 Lothar Y. TorMlw, Pmtor S"l·5"04 Wonhlp Str~leu: 1:15 • 11 AM. Sundly Sch«lt: t :lC A.M. Adul! 81blf. c .. u , t:• AM. C:HllSTIAN ILIMINTAaY SCHOOL 14a·61U • PRINCE bF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH MIM Y9"1e Dri" • ... ., Street, C:osto M•11, Cellf. AHDRI::~ C. ANDERSON, PIJIOr SllNSIV SC:llOOI: 1;00, f:30 •nO ll:~nlne WorM~: a:oo, f :30 ...... 11:00 Print• of P11c• Lufti •r•n School -Mi11 Estlt•r Ol1on, Prinr.ip•I Offic• Phon1: 549.05~ I School Ph on•; 5"9.0562 ' ST. PAUL'S LUTHIUN J\Iissourl Synod 429 Cypr111 Dr. '. lagun1 B11c.h Phone: Church 494-7998 Parsonage: 494-8110 Worship Services -10:00 A.M. Sunday School and Bible Class -8:4.5 A.~I. Advent· Services Dec. 4, 11, 18-7:30 P.1o1. Chl'lstmas Eve Servic~Dec. 24-7:30 P.M. --~~- A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ltll.01 hl1rid THI UNITID COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 115 A.9•t• 675·0,50 9:l0 Tr11iition1I Wonkip l Sund•v School Coil• M11• FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19fh St. I H•rbor Blvd. Ch111r.h Wonliip -':JO I: 11 Church School -':30 S41 ·7727 Cott• M•11 No rth MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M••• Y1rd• I: l•k•r St, s,.9.211• Wonhip l Church School 9:00 I IO :lO A.M, Huntington l•1ch FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 116·1537 S•rvlc•1 -•:lO l 11 A.M. Nurt•'V thtu 2ncl 9r1cl• • I I Church Sch•ol -9:30 A.M. Hunlin9ton h•ch-Norllt COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 6662 H1 il Av•, 142·4461 Wor1hip I: Church Schoel 9 &-10:30 A.M. lrvln• -e ... llufl UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH 11 3·1 233 11422 Culv•r Ro1d 1t Univ•rtily Orlv1 Wor1hip I-Ckurch School 9:30 A.M. L1911 n1 l•1ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21612 W•1l•v Oriv1 In So. 1191111• Wonhip 1 l A.M. Church Scliool 9:30 A..M. "'9.]011 Newport l•1r.h CHRIST CHURCH .BY THE SEA 1400 W. l•lllo• Slvd, 67l·31QS Worship l Church School 9:30 l I 3 A.M. ----- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 2111JM~l• IN...-Ad•rMI Ha11tl ..... 1Hc• ~ ... De..td L Robem. I'_.., SVl!My W•d'lhlfl: f :JG A.M. Ci.di kllM4: 11:41 A.M. Offlc•: 20112 M9titelle It. Pllortt: 911·4940 Church of Ille Covenont Jiit ... ,... lMd. c... ,. .. l rur.• A. Kurrl•, P11tor ~w.,..111119:10•11-a.rUSdlMI : t :Jo l'tteM: S45-4JM St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church '"It ..... ,... ...... ....,,.,. .... CHAlLl1 HllllllT Dll•INPllLD, PAITOI WMlltplC-.ltklleeh I, t 1Jt'I 11 A.M. 646-1147 St. Mork Presbyterian Church c.,.., ·-·· ... hatbl.tf om.. C.tw ffl ...... ...,,... ........ KJit.,...... .Wtnltlp' CIMtrc• hhMI-10 A.M. 644·1J41 Community Presbyterian Church 41, .. ~,. ..... l•Jaiillt.I, i..,..tlMcl DALLA.$ TUlNI-, PAITOI '# .... Ip. •:II l 11:00 A.M.-ClttlrU ldMI • •:30 A.M. 494·7111 Wa ltll•"• 111 You •.• UNITARIAN UNIVlltSAL !ST CHURCH 1219 Yielorl• St., Cotlt Mitt .. , ""2 ..... ,. ~ 1o:a 11.M. A !tend the church of your choice on Sunday Pulpit and ICotll!nlled Fmn P11e 4) Nlq;s A11tmblJ' of God Otarctli1 15th & Monrovia Slreels NOWport Beach, will preach from the Bocik of Ruth a sermon entitled, "Con· tagious Faith'' at lhe 10 :50 a.m. service Suoday. Sunday School for all ages meeL at 9:45 a.m. A nursery achool ls rrovlded at all services. Sunday at 7 p.m. the Glad Tldt.igs Choir will continue with the weekly singsplratlon, with trio's, duets and solo's. Pastor BenvenuU will con· clu'de this se1·vice with the them.!, "Will There Be a Rapture of the C h u r c h, Soon"? If so, "When Will It Take Place"? When The Star Falls is the sennon topic ol the Rev. Norman L. Brown on Sunday, Nov·ember 30, 1969, at the P 1 y m o u t h CongrecaUonal Cburch or Newport. Harbor, 3262 Broad Street, Newport Beach, at 10 a.m. worship service. Sunday School is held at the same time wHh baby- sitUng service provided. Lutheran Cho rcb or Tbt ~taster, 2900 Pacinc View Drive will begin the Advent season with the lighting of the "Prophecy" candle in the Ad· ve-.1t Wreath. Dr. William R. Eller will deliver the advent message "Prepare The Way·". An opportunity will be of· fered the congregation to share in a speeial cash in· gathering for A I h a m b r a Lutheran Home. A young-single a d u 1 t organiiation for the area will be organized at 7:30. p.m. Wednesday . Vesper Hour, 7;00 p.m., Is, "The Besl Way ol All." This message will be a Biblical ex· posiUon of 1 Corinthians 13. "One Tiling You <;:an't Do Without" will be the sermon topic or Pastor P. G, Nuemann at the 11 a.m. morning worship SE:rvice at Flnt~Bap­ tist Church and Day School, ~1 Magnolia, Costa Mesa. At the 7 p.m. service, Pastor Neumann's topic will be "How to St.op Juvenile Delinquency.'' The Rev. Loren Dale Flick· inger will speak ·un the subject "Step by Step" Sunday at the Newport Unity C b u T c h , meeting in the Senior Citizens Building, 15th Street and Irvine Avenue, New port Beach, at 10 a.m. During the 7:30 p.m. Wednesday service, Pastor Flickinger will lead the Singspiration. Sunday will be communion Sunday at Corona dcl Mar Commanl l y Cl.lur ch, Congregational, 611 Hellotrope Ave. The communion medita- tion will be entitled Host and Guests, to be pusented by Dr. Philip G. Murray. Worship is at 10 a.m., as is Church School. 1t1esa Verde U n I t e d ~1etllodlst Church, 1701 Baker Street, Costa Mesa, will have two morning worship services, 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday1 Rev erend Paul C. Biesemeyer, minister. has selected as his se rmon topic : ' ' Ad v.e n t Admonitions''. At 9 a.m. tne church school will meet with classes for all ages. from nursery through high school..; at 10:30 a.m. from nursery through sixth grade. At 6:30 p.m. the Junior Christ Lutheran (:burcb, 760 High United Methodist Youth Victoria. Costa f.1esa , wlll Fello\vship \\'ill meet. On rvton- begln the Advent Season on day at 6:30 p.m. the Senior Sunday, with the Rev. Lothar . High United Methodist Youth Tornow preaching on the text. Fellowship will meet. j'Thc Branch of ... Righteousness" at both the The first Sunday in Advent 8:15 and II a.m. services. at st. John the Divine Church, Since It is Ole fift:. Su.1day in 2043 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. the month , there will be no. will commence · the se rmon regular Sunday School classes. series, ''The Challenge of His instead there will be a special Coming" at the 9:30 service. Sunday school worship service Sunday School for all ages in the church sanctuary at thru l{igh School al 9:30 and 9:30 a.m. nursery care provided. Sunday, the first Sunday in Holy Corr.m1U1ion will be Advent will be celebrated with .se rved at 7:30 a.m. The EYC holy communic.n at_ ~l~i three w~I '!'.e;.t~at 7 :~ p.m. services; 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. at St Michael's and All Ancel• Episcopal Church, 3133 Pacific View Dr., Corona de! Mar. The sermon at all three services will be give-.1 ~y the reCtor, the Rev. John Rogers Davis. His sermon topic will be "Experiencing Advent." On TuesOl!.J , St Michael's will be open all day com· mencing with holy Communion at 7 a.m. for a special da y of prayer called for by Bishop BJoy. Special prayers will be read at noon. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield. pastor. preaches on the theme "The Tick of Eternity'' at the 8:00, 9:30. and 11 :00 a.m. servlces ·Sunday at S t • Andrews Prt1bylerian Church, Newport Beach'. The Rev . John P. Boyce. chaplain of the Los Angeles County-U.S.C. Medical Center. Los Angeles will be the speaker this Sunday at Christ Church , by the Sea, 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach .. His sennon tuple is entilled "Highway (or God." Early worship and church school arc at 9:30 a.m. with morning worship at 11 a.m. Nursery care is provided .at both services. The ,senior high youth fellowship meets at 7 p.m. each Sunday. "What the Bible Says about Eternal Lire" is the title of the sermon which James E. Piercy, minister of First Cbi-lslian CbW'cb of Costa Mesa, 792 Victoria St .. will preach during both of the morning worship hours, 8: 30 and 10:40 a.m. His message during the Speaking for the Spiritual Asse mbly o! the Baba'ls of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Fereshdeh Bethel, native Of Iran will discuss "Islamic Contributions to Civilization" at the Morida'y night public meeting at the Baha'i Center. , New tieachec9 for this .9 \\'eek session at the Orange County Baha'i School are Mr. Richard Mirkovich ror the 5lh and 6th graders and to.1rs. Richard Mirkovich for the 7th and 8th grades. this school ror interested children and adults meets at the Happ9Jand Pre- school 12111 Buaro St. Gard en Grove Sunday at 10:00 a.m. ''\Vhy It Pays t0 be a Chris- tian" is the title of the sermon to be preached by the pastor of the Foont&la Valley Presby- terian Church, 9420 Talbett Ave .. Rev. Stanley P. All en, at the eleven o'clock morning worship service. This \\'ill be number eight in the series on the Shorter Catechism. Nur- sery care is provided for in- rants and pre-school age chil- dren. Sunday School, with classes for all age levels, commences at 9:4-S a.m. with youth meet· ing a~ 6 o'clock. The. Sunday evrning service commencts al 7:30 p.m. The paslor will speak. The Reverend Or. Henry Gerhard, min ister of the Church of Religloos Science of Laguna Beach, speaks on Sunday. on "The Secret of Achievement." Services are held al the church. 20062 La- guna Ca nyon ~d at the junction of El Toro Road , al 9 a.m. arKI tt a.m. Junior church and the high BIBLE THOUGHTS Tetel C••1H11lt1M111t: Som• tty to 11rv1. God i11 • PARTIAL 1ort of w1yl Th•y obey i11 1111ny 1r111 of •ctivity but 4itobty 111 1 f•w oth1r1. For ••tfllpl•, • bu1h1111 m111 111 1y be • "pilltr i11 1he chur1.h" ind t!il1 cll•1I 1 lillle ;11 hit l11e:om• l1w r1tw1n1, "lu1tlfyh11" hi11111U by 11yi 111 "•••ryb6'y dotl It". Our crlt1rion •1 th• l iblt 111d ,,.,, "1v1rybody 1111''. The !Obi• 11yt. "R1nd1r thorefort unto C1111r th1 thi11 91 which et• C111•r't•', Mitt, ?2:21. Th• l illl1 11y1, "Pro .. ld1 thl1191 holl•tl In !Irle 1l9ht of 1111'11•11", Rom. 12;17, .Th• l ibl1 ••v• •h11 "' li•r 1h1!1 '"''' H11•111, Ile•. ll:l?. w. ~1• told in J.1. l :IO, 11 th1t tho '''"' God wh!t.h 11111, "Do 1101 commit 1dv!l1ry, 11!d 1bo, "Do 110! kill". Th1! ,.,,,, God 11id, DO NOT LIE. On• ,..ho 11•1 i11 hi1 i11~01111 tic r•h1r11 m•v 11 ,..,11 m11fl~lr th• Inc.om• !flt c:oU1c:lor 11 fir •1 hit 1l•r11•I 1•lv•llo11 1, co11c1r111tl. f.Jr If h• PUll..OSELY tlitob1y1 &H In ANY comm111tl, h• !• DEFYING God. Now co111iil1r thi1 prl11· cipl1 from , POSIT IVE "'4•,..p•i11I. 0111 ,..h. it jut!, h11lhf11I, h•11·' or1bl1 1ob•1. 1h:, IUT ti••• not LOVE i.!IS f-ELLOW MAN i1 11 1t1t 1al•11+ DEFYING &OD, lo • ht who 11 hf, "Tho11 11!111 "'' ilt111', 11icl 1110, "Thou 11!11! I••• thy 111i9hbot 11 thy11lr'. A,. YOU TOTALLY com111ill•cl to &otl7 Do you ALMOST,,,..., Goil . y1t Ii• • tau.1 Do YOll ALMOST ,., ... &H , ,., t115l • littl17 o. v•u ALMOST ,,,., God, y1I HATf YOUll NEIGHtok jut! 1 Ill· 11•7 Sh1tly ,..;th 111, f10,,. tli1 111\.f, Gocl't l1w incl \r.1 TOTALLY COMMlnED to Goel. Chu1ch of Chrl5t, 21 7 W, Wil1011 St., Co1t1 M111, Cf. 9261 7. .Pew .. --.. MR.MUM ' ", . '"" OAILY•f>!LOT fl: Boro8eepe . Scorpio: R~iew iAmbitions. . I .chool ....,P mm a1oln1 tbe 1 01clock 1ervite: Ba&y care Is a1&o ollered dW'lni the earlier, service.. • SUNDAY ' have revelation which cba•s -~~-111•. Koy !I to lllten to ' 1vo~.1Your lfllb- opinions , Bui U w i 11 • bt '!'Q(ih~hlle lo avoid oensel<Js ,_ "The Powe; and Beauty 'of Words," is the sermon sub: jecl at Harbtt Clui.UU Claurcll, Disciples ol Christ, mee.Ung at Har~r Elemen· 1ary School, .US E. lltb SI., Coat& Mesa. Dr. D. w. MC· Elroy, mlnlster. Church school meets al 9:30: with worship at 10:4S. Nursery c.ve pro- vided. The status of woman in to- day 's changing society will be the subject 'of the Sunday morning meeting or the Unl- tarlan-Ualveraallst FeUow1hlp of Laguna Beach to be held at J0 :30 a.m. at Leonore Port· ney 's CrealiVe Dance Studio, 336 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. • ' _, • NOVEMBER 30 • ai. i\.ordy OMAU 011 for cnatlve acttvtty. k a partlelpuL Muy wbo pmloulJ etood oo "4tll.., IOJl•I oe · mere ldlve nle. v .. t(·,.,.... ~miutr1te lbeh' iletlm, ...-..U· ARIES (March II-April 19): Brf,ak fhrou1b com· nwnlc1Uons barrltr, genera· uon 1ap. Take lucl la showing that you do care, are ln- lertsted. Be acUve. Pltake chances. Dlspl1y affeetion. Let ioVe by your key word. TAURUS (Aprll 20-May 20): c-dciill li lfytl!f 10 1eu YtU aomelltJnc-• SAGl"M'ARIUS <Nov. 22- Dec. Ill: Good )unar aspect today1 Coincides with percep- tion of long-rB'.1ge projects. Look beyond Immediate in· dicaUons. Surface· values can be penetrated. Get lo know youioelf." CAPlllCORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Find out where you stand in flnanclal sense. · Requires review of budget with one close to yop. Avoid wishful 'thinking. You' get straight ar\swer1 If you re'ally desire them. ' <IJJl!"te. I PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb lQ): Vislllng friend or relaUye could highlight day. t hospitable. Diplomatic proach i6 best:. adhere o Golden Rule. Accent on health, basic gQOd with 1 I IF TODAY IS Y 0 lllll BIRTHDAY you are a n1tu11al entertainer. You desire to ·•· preu yourselr through 'll(rlting. acting. You do not follow root~.te. Your Ure should .f»e filled with travel. adventute and associations with unusual ~rsons. You wH. soon .be on program which requires MIU· discipline. Productivity •II replace a scattering of fore•. Speaking will be Joy · Con- nors or Laguna Beach, who is West Coast NaUonal co-chair· ----------------------- Pr:operty, posaeaslons of long- fl'.l&e value .are spoUlghttd. You cannot brea): rules today withoqt payin1 pri~ Stick to rules, regulallons.. S I o w , steadf pa« ls best -be very obseryant. GEMINI (Moy 11:.June 20): AQUARIUS (;Ja.1. 20·Feb. l&l: Aceerit on how you relate lo one close to you -mate, partner, associate. You may have to hokt back ,on some man of "Women -NO\V,'' a national organization ror worn· an, whose talk is·enlitled "The Minority." he · Suriday School, which ~ ""._orklng with differ· materials during Novem- ber. such as paper, string. ctoth and wood, will conclude the month 'A'ith clay, m11i.lng plaques. Church Seeks Economy Proposal By LOUIS CASSELS The Program.Council of the United Methodist Church bas strUck a blow for economy in an area where churches are notoriously prodigal spenders. It has formally recom· mended that America's second largest Protestant denomina· lion suspend all national con- ferences, convocations and consultations for a period of 31 months beginning next May I, The proposal will be brought before the 1970 Methodist General Conference . Recom· mendations of lhe Progran1 Council carry a lot of weight. since it is the denomiliation's top coordinating unit. THE IDEA of a rrloratof'luro on ·c·lf u r C h mee\ings !:. othj!r than thiise iequ ired to transact the or- ricial business of ' t h e denomination -was advanced two years ago by ~tethodist Bishop Gerald Kennedy of Los ~ Angeles. ~ He pointed out that heavy i expenses are involved in bringing together delegates rrom all parts of the country : to a week talking about some 1 issue of current concern. ~ Various age.1Cies and boards ll of the United ~1-eth odl s t Church sponsor about 10 such meetings a year, on the average. BISHOP KENNEDY calculated that the church cou ld save ne8rly·$2.S million annually by curbing the ec- clesiastical propensity for meeting. making speeches and passing resolutions .. "There are those wha will say that some of these meetings do a cco mplish somelhlng and that the church will suffer without them." Bishop Kennedy told a reporter. ''But I am convinced that more than half the money we spend for meetings Is wasted. -So I think we should eliminate the whole business for a while and see where the slowdown of C,1lrist 's business occurs. Then vle can proceed cautiously and restore any meetings that really seem to be essential." l\tln'HODISTS have n o monopoly on meetingltis. A rough survey recently in· dicated that nlajpr U . S . religious bodies sponsor more tha n 100 national conrerences or consultations each year. The drain on church treasu ries is conservatively estimated at $30 million annually. Experts Ag1~ee Vatican Money coukl-.,be found ls a n:stalt of short journo. Your versatility comes to fore' a'nd works to advantage. Break throqgh emoUonal barriers. Have confide.nee In your ideas, lheortes. Cl}orale Plans Baroqu Version of Messiah ' Chair Not St. Peter's VATICAN CITY (1)pl) -In St. Peter's Basilica; in a special Baroque shrine, there stands a chair venerated by Roman Catholics r...r centuries as one that may llive been us- ed by the apostle Peter. Popes of old used this chair for a throne. For one period of lwo centuries, it was locked in a vau lt as a Pfecious rtlic. Now Pope Paul Vl must decide how to dispose of it, The chair has been identified by a panel of experts as dating from no earlier than the ninth century. A scientific comrnlsslon ap- polnled by Pope Paul In J uly, 1968, reported Thursday that no part of the chaµ-was old enough to dale from St. Peter's time. The question now Is whether the Pope will replace the chair in the magnificent Baroque shrine built for it by Gklvannl Lorenzo Bernini in the 17th century. The shrine stands in Sl. Peter's Basilica. ~1sgr. Michele ~1acCarrone. head or Uie commission. told newsmen that tbe chair will bf: glvt1'' protective treitmenl Beyond that, VaHcan sources said, the future of the chair is the Poj:>e's concern. The commission lncluded scientis6' Ind erpert.s of many disciplines, among them some Protestants. • . CANCEi\ (June ti.July 22): ObWn ltlnl -lrom Gemini meuage. G.11 a rd· valuables. Someone may,be trying to pull ,wool over your eyes. Ker. is to MacCarrone said carbon .. be perceptive. Base faith on dating and other tests put the fact§ not illusion . age of the chair around the ' · · middle of the ninth century LEO (July ts-Aug. 22): Cy· and there were grounds to cle i1 hlg~: you work hard, ~ut believe it may have been the r~wai:d lS great. Take .. In· coronation throne of t h e . tt!aUve, knowln& aulhor1ties Emperor Qlarles the Bald. Wtll back your politlon - The chair was enshrined in ~ could. be one of your most 1666 and locked out or sight significant .,.days. J~rr some until 1867 when It was new wearlnc apparel. displayed for a few days dur-VIRGO (.AuJ. D-Sept. 22): ing the lath c e n t e n a r y · Take seriously wordl of one oblervances of the death of·St. who ollen spiritual guidance. Peter. . You are. not an island. The commission said the WlthdraWlng from situations Jep and bue were added in does oot CllJIC them lo the 12th or 13th century to evaporate. Think about this - carry the chair around. . be renec:uve. Temples Set Hanukah . · ·UBRA (5ept. %3-~. 22): A new friend couJd play im· portant rol,, Be rea:pUve, open to· Ideas. Stress creative approach, Some of y o u r desires are due to be fulfilled . .. SCORPIO (Clcl. Z3-Nov. Iii' Revleo.v ambitions. You C11Uld Services t I r ~ l . '.• ~ -ne-WJlllam ·Hall 'Chorale harpsichordist. pres~ will be presenting Handel 's teaching at the University o' Mess.tab Sunday at 8:30 p.m. Southem California, wm pla~ at th~ Garden G r o v e the contlnuo part .. Melhc:idist. Cftu'ich, 1274.1 Main•-----'------! St .. Garden Grove. They · wjll • 1lng a Baroque version edited lrom Handel's 'fliers' il.o:bJ' !lutograpb 1eo~ by Basil Lam Ht 1JI 1n and W,111\am Hall. ·Soloists include A m a n d a Real E Sta Deeyke, soprano : F). r in. A·· .. tio" n " Hemmings, COl'jtralto: Paul ..... P.1ayo. tenor: and pa u 1 1 •·a~2~0ca,,.._1_1"".v"'•"1'"-,-"1 HJnshaw. bass. The aul.ogr.&ph score con- talM the rarely performed .a.-chorus, "Br:eak:-Forth Int~ Joy" that aceompanles the duet "How Beautiful Are the · lAl'lilll KIN Feet'' and 'Tt'U'merou s llRlfl lllllllr ornaments suggested b y CALIFORNIA. Handel lor the various !IOIOS. All rULL'f IMPROVED ~1alcomb Hamilton ••• l h e All TO IC onEllUI IJIDIY10UAU.f itos IS YOUR Ol"PORTU~TV '10 llUY A HOMUITE AT AUC. 'YION PRICES! ln.,l9 lots • Mesa Choir . . ' To Perform loc•t•d In 111• l•a11na Hiiis •P-" pro~. CHil mill E1~t ol lh• COht "laflw1r in lh1 Cllr of l11un• 811c.h. The 56-Yok:e choir or Costa .Mm Flr1.t. Unlted' M~ethodisl sPeC1a1 Ha.!Jllmh tlfl'VictS t~· .. -Nm· ·s"" ... -Ctiurch will ~S'Ent"Handel's celebrale lhe "Feast · 0 r· 1 · Leave Meosiah at •lo'. w. 11th St., Lights" will be held lit'Terfiple ' Sunday. Dec. 7, at 8 p.m. Sharon, the Conservative Co Vent Directed by Gerald Olsen, Temple of the. Hai-bor Area . ll with LOretla Henry al the pipe Friday at 8:15 p.m., at 8l7 w. organ, the conetrt will feature Hamilton St., Costa Mesa. The mother superior at a the best-loved choruses of the A special program with the P.tilwaukee, Wisc., school aays work, as wellu the familiar ~ chU.drm of the religious school 70 percent of tM 4,000 nuns in solos. , ~ parttclpaUng will be offered. her community now live ·in Soloists will be Caryl Olson, .,0 ,.w•• l Church Briefs Rabbi Garson G 0 0 d m a n , _grou)>l of three to seven in soprano: Martha Frisbie. con- spiritual leade r of the Temple, apartments and houses. tralto: I.ts Van Dyke, tenor ; will give a tali. titled ''A Liv. And, Sister M. Francis Howard Frisbie. baritone ; Jan It ing Spark." He will be assisted Borgia RoUtluebber of lhe Onvt[t, soprano, and students NEW YORK (UPI) Columnist Bob Considine has been named winner of the 1969 Catholic Institute of the Press' Richard Reid Award. by the temple choir. Sisters of St.. Francis told the _ Debble Thomas, soprano. and A regular oneg-shabb&th Canoo ·Law Society Tueeclay, JObn 'Lamkin, baritone. hour will follow the services. they are happier and mentallYJ;r;;;;;i;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~!I O,n -the nz:st night of h.~lthier-. since ·t.~. mO'ttd Hanukah, Temple Beth . David • .from .Jar~ convent .quarten. will hold its month ly Sabbath "The last few years," she family worship service at 7:45 said, "we've bad fewer going .BUSI NESS "AND PROFESSIO:\/AL p.m. at t.pe. Community to lhe psychhitrbt. Before, it . .-.· C o n g r e g a tional Church, was a case of 1 majority of Kelall1 and Bloom fie Id people slowly going peculiar." ·GUIDE The. award, given annually in memory or Richard Reid, late editor of The Catholic News, is made to a CIP member who has distinguished himself Jn the communications field and cont ributed generously o( hls Ume and talent to civic and community activities. av.eaues. Los Alamitos. She slid' the Slaten' betltt AUTOMOBILE Tbe service will be led by mental health was attributed WAXING & PoLISHING Be~rd B. Goldsmith. He will to their being treated aa fn.. Pat be assisted by Cantor Harry dividuals and also divenifytng · tatert~~· 1 Newman and Mrs. Fay their occupaUons. ·' S!tS-6040 Newman. ·~They no longer all have·· to ROY,'$ AUTO OET Al L f~~~~~t~:~~~n~~~nfles~ . A~ oneg shabbat will be be teachers or nur_ses," slie 2t5t.Nqwt. Costl Mesa fro<l«I by Mr. ••d· If.rs. said. . · Fm 'Pic,.-•• Dellveno for Luther Research wi I be H(lrold Guttennan, Mr. and "Sisters· are now serving as •tnlfAnttr1'8,;-.r ~ M""" er..,.. held in St. Louis', Mo., Aug. 22· Mn. ,Rlchaoi Fr~leUO, and personne,l .counst,01'9, in law.l .. -""!""!~"'!"~"'!"!"'- 27, 1971 . ' Mr. and' Mn .. Melvin Keleman jour)\allsm or o t be r oc-e 'MATiltlSSES • The meeting will bring in honor()( Banukah. cupations." together over 100 Lutherl;;:;==========~========i!I MATTRESSES scholars -Lutherans, Roman BO&TS • ROMD ··TRAILERS Catholics, and representatives Huntington Beach l:rnpl&r .,.. , 0( • wide range ol other con· ORTHODOX* ·PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH °"""'---..... fessions and viewpoints. The1 tut flf..,.,t atvd. representatives also will in· ,..., ""-.. h•hot Ube..., 8 1303 elude secular historians of the 9291 ...... St., Hiatt..,_. hMk •·• r • Reformation and the medieval Nur1ery for.""'" ch11c:lr1n '. e and renaissance periods. VALLEY FORGE , Pa . (UPI ) -More than $1 million was contributed in 1968 by women's organizations in 34 states of the American Baptist Convention. · lilOlNINe· WOltHIP-11 10I A.M. ...... , ktt.et-9:41 ....... ln ....... W. MentH 962-7JlJ '' 124·Hl4 ~o"forr,11 +.i 11111• io1li•h 1..J pr1clic11 ~IJ hi.+.ric1llr 0., ''•ll1yt•ri1R1. . UPHOLSTERY : Mesa Up~olstery Liberty 8-4781 IJN NIWPOlf II.YD, IN YOUR NllGHBORHOOD ••• • OlllECTIOHS TO THf. LOTS: f rgm !he ln11r11ctlon of Bro1d. '""'l !L•aun • C•nyon fld.) drive South on Co1st Hwy. 1119roxo one mil• to C,111 St, North 011 Cte51 SI. to 81uebltd Cyn. lld. and on 10 1011. Loi' °" Blu1blr4 C•nyon llold. ll•1•tti Roed allof Morn1n1.,d• Oriv1. DlllECTIONS TO ACltEAG[: ' Frum lllutblrd Cyn. flG. QOntln\19. on appro.,, % mH• to btKl'le L•111n1 Rad. Corottnu• °" t... Mornln11kl1 Of'. •PPf'O ... 1.4 mite-, lo L1111nd•r L•n• and Df'llCIWtr,. AUCTION. TO TAK[ Pl.ACE:AT • SURF AND SAND HDm • ' INinth "°'" _. 1555 s. Coast Hwr. LAGUNA BEACH, CAl. FRI •• DEC.12 It 1 ,, •• IRO~lR '-~llClfUIO'l UICOU~ - ..... •-Wenhow ... /l), A~C:TJON,1111 • llU.LTOllS • MAIN OfFlt!l 7211 MEL!O!l, UIS ANC!1!$, 90046 (!ll) !31-1541 S-11 O<ttO C~O'f!Ct! 1012 $. 11111, OtMMldi, Cdt. 921& (71f)"12Z·Jl05 U.ti IUR ~11t1 1011 o•uc .. _, Huntington Beach Office: Huntington Beach Office of Coast & South,ern Federal Savings, wlrere your account is Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Diego Freeway, in Huntington Beach Mi\!" omce: fll'I & Hiii. Lo• ... ~gilt• • 623.l.U1 Ohf tlt!Mt: WU.IHlllll °"!Cit i1u wi1.io1rw ltwd. • •·126& LA. CIYtC Chf1J11 hCI '~.,,.,.,.. 12t·1102 ,.....,.., 117&1 VlllW'I 11¥d. • "*""14 IMl'TA llOlttCAI 711 Wllllllt1 lt\rd, • *'°'°" '"" "IDMt 10111 & ''°lllto • Nt~t WUT COYIU1 l1tll111d ll!otelflt Ctr.• »1·2tol IAPI • CONYIMllNT • AYAIL4 BLI Mernt ftuctUllMlt don't WOn'J Co.I and Souttltnt NV.IS •.• their ctpftll It ....,. .-.. In value. And """" au,. of Int higheet Nmlnp coni'9tent wftn Mflly wtltn you av. at Cout and loUtMm. Foramott,•uranoe of IMM bentfll'I ll tM outttandfno tln1nclel •trtntlh maintained through tl'le years bf tl'lt marr tgtfMTll Of COM\ end Bouthem ,hcltral lavltlga. lNSUUNCf TO $11,ln/lUOUICU OYH IM llllllOW JOAltOAAMA C1n1 ll!IV#I ~llwl,• IN•11'1 LOMMKM: HIOHE8T 'liRIVAILING RATEi 5;~~ ·12~~ .. ~. 5.39" DIVIDENDS TO DATE Of' WITHDRAWAL COAST JNI & Locutt • '37·7411 AND SD JTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS -·-LOAN IUYICI MDIC'l"t 1tol H .. lol1l11 It. • 1714) ..,...., ' _ ... __ _ • • l ----------------------· • .... Comment Page • • New Code: Hang Loose From ·Hypocrisy By WHEELOCK WHITNEY A banker wl~ fosr Leeuige chlklrt:11, l\fr. wtiltaty offtttd Uiese vk:w1 011 rtl•· de9t1illp1 fl1tb )'OG•I people la a talk before 1111 ct.arcll la W1yula, MlnntlCll.I. Remtn~ber wllen hippie meant big in the hip, A11d a trip involved ircvel iii a cor. plane or 1hip1 When pot toos o ve11el for cooking things in - And hook wu1 what grandmother's rug may have bee11. A11d fi:r. was a ~rb thot meant mend or repair, And .. be-bi" meant .timply e.tistb1g 1omewhert. When 11eat mta11t well organiled, tidy 011d clean. A11d 9ras.s u·os c ground cover us· uall11 green. When the lights and not people were turtied on an..d off, And a pill migl1t have been wltat 11oii tcmk fOT a cough. lVhe n groovy meant furrowed wit/a chonnels and hollow.t. And birds ~re wino creoture1 like robtm and twatlow1. lt'1 groOv11 ma11, groovy, but Eng- lish tt'1 not. One wo11dtr1 lf the language haJ gone 1traight to pot. Yes, as tht.se. lint.! indicate, e''en· the Jancuap is cbancinl-along w i t h everythm, •lie. 1 iutu that's what 1 revolution Is all 1bout. And let's not kid ourselves over the use of the word i•revolution." because lhe evidence is clear that America is in the middle of one. No one Is sure exactly Wbln or where it be1an. We are even leas sure when or where tt will end. But our tint duty ii to recognize the problem for what It 11. Only when that has been ac- complllhed, can we move forward toward J>O!IUve solutions. Fear· and anxiety are everywhere around us. Parents are afraid of their children -children are alraid of not bting able to communicate with their parents -whites are afraid of blacks - blackl and Indians are 1fra1d of police ol· ricers -college administrators arc afraid of students -businessmen are afraid of rlota:. Everyone is afraid of a war we can't setm to win and we can't seem to end. And Christians are afraid because thty don't know what to make of the new morality code In Amttica. WE ARE UVING more In a Scared Society than in what ii commonly rtfer~ rtd to u a Sick Society. What kl.nd or acUon does the present state of mind in America commend to us in the midst 6f this revolution? It calls on us, first or all, to examine our personal lives, our practices. our crted -calmly, couraaesouly, and ob- jecUvely -v.·lth readiness to recornJze our shortcomings and find rational aolu.- tlons for our profound social problema. This JA•lll require a continuing dialogue between the diverse elements and points or view in our society. 1'.1y own view i1 that &he dialogue is only beginning. For unJeu wt are prepared to discuss and to move to correct the worst or the current IOCfal evils in our society -we must all prtpare ourselves for deepening crises. WE MUST MAKE an effort to un· der1tand the new ethic subscribed to by so many youna: people today. I call it the "han1·IOOse" ethic. 11111 new ethic features a st.ate of mind that thln&s once taken for granted .as God·tlVtD or American Con.stitutlon-given -thole baaic premises that make up what 11 Wied "The American Creed" - thole prtnUaea are nc longer taken for gr111ted and given automatic allegiance by today'• youth. Jn other words, many young Americans art challenging our way of life. our value systems, our morata, our Jaws. our customs -and they are "hangina: loose" from traditional Americana. Is this new elhic to be feared~ Is it justified? · I BEUEVE WE have created a iOCiety that needs to be questlontd and challenged. 1 don't believe· that we have fulfilled, to our saUsfaction. t b e American dream -to eliminate war. 10 eliminate discrimination, to eliminate poverty, to provide equal opportunity for all our clUzena. On the other hand . I suspect too many of w have i>etn preoccupied ""ith TV commercials. earnings per share. golf hao4ieaps, bridge hands, a pretty garden and 1 t~o-car garage. J am certain that we are much better at voicing our nwrality code than we are al pracUclng it. \Ve can recile the Ten Commandmenta from memory, but we forget to incorporate them ln our dally living. ts It really any \\'onder that young peo· ...... l£llfiilmi- Saturday, November 29, 1969 The Comment Page of the Daily Pilot 1eek• to inform and sUmuJate readers by pre1entlng a variety of com- mentary on topics of ioler· est and alinWcance from Wonned observers and spokesmen. ... " N. Wtfl4, Pultnilter Young Work Changes in Language, Mor<;ility they want to become involved. They are interested In Lbe · under-privile.aed and w~at is being done or nol being done for t~m. They are interested In the current Issues in the JA·or\d , in our govenunent, In our educational system. in our churches. And they want to be a part or 1111 of these. pie J11rc "hanglnc loose•i from the American Creed! THEY HAVE spctted weaknetMI and l.ypocrlsy In f'l:.t er~. They are keenly aware of social injustices 1n America. They hit us where we're vulnerable. They don't have all lhe answers bU.l young people do have an inftctlous idealism that bears llatenlni to. J 'm moved when a young 'pt110n says to me, "War Is evil. I ,c,.n ·find no juatlllcaUon whatsoever In ~Uberately ldlllrig another hwnan being -no milter what the reaaon." Or, "Why do my parent.I con~rn themselves so much over my hair and drut•and nol seem, to worry for more than a neeting momenl about the ugly polluUon of our lakea or how they have made a second • class cltiztn of the American lndlan1" To me, )'outh is not a dirty kid with Jons ~air amoklng pot. To me a Negro student iii not • wlld~ftd mllltant with a gun op a college campus. That is not to 11ay U)at these do not exist -they do. Just as we have extreme elements A REBEL? among our contempararies. \VE ft1q5T BE very careful not to judge all youth aod all blacks by a few radical examples . .Let us recognize that the 11ood voices are telling us somethlng. If we can remove our earplugs and our bUnders we can hear through the static comin& from the youth today -and there are several ways to do it. The best way ii; to expose ourselve1 lo some of our contemporaries who have. been successful in rtlallng to younger people. A Teacher Who's With the /(ids Tllfs article pppeortd i?t tilt N<>- vembtr t.ssut of "Tht Record" pub· llshed by the Soulhtrn Section, Cali- fornia Ttachtrs A1socfatlon. There's a rebel in paradise. He's Gordon Becktold, a popular Spanish teacher at Corona de! Mrir High School in affluent Newport Beach. Corona de! Mar has a tethnicolor sparkle: the students, tanned and p\aUnum bleached , belong in a Hollywood adolescent fantasy ; a aeneraUon gap fill, ed with Porsches and glittering sailboata. Yet during the recent Vietnam Moratorium they organized a well at· tended "Informational usembly" on the war. What makes these students, products or a presumably insulated, upper · middle class WASP society, so eager to become involved! Beektold·, president cf the Newport. Mesa Education Association finds lhis remarkable. "NOW I'M going to hang myself." he states amusingly. "If the revolution com· es I'm on the side of the kids.'' Why are the children of paradise so eager to revolt: and why do the)' prave so often destructive In the universities~ "Most of tiltm won't be destructive." Becktold declares. "Hopefully, we'll be able to prOve to lhem, lhrough a mean- ingful student government Jn lhe high 6Chool1, lhat clhey can change the system without disruption." "So many students are bored to death." he clalm1, "these kids have traveled, they ha\·e great .sophistication, and they see \lfe as somethln& more tllan ~ circular descent into an U.lcerated middl e age. They find the high school and GETTING INVOLVED Teacher Gordon Becktold university curriculums uninspired and in· flexlble. They've learned to ignore their teachers who are either too discpilinarian or too frightened to deviate from stale lesson plans, or too sorrowfully isolated from today's world." Becktold admits to having been a "drill sergeant in the classroom. Rough, tough . demanding, and undoubtedly dreary. I've changed. I've practically thrown grade!! out of e1lstence ! " HE REJECl'S the idea of using .grades as a shibboleth with which to frighten and traumatize the student. "I'm not in· lerested in jelly bean grading: feeding the kid a fe1v sweets so he'll bark out memorized theories. I evaluate on development and imagination. not rota, tionat learning. The actual A·B.C grade is usually Immaterial. Howe ver, I believe in evaluation, since we must still make a judgment or the student's performance." Becktold believes teachers sbould be more receptive to student dialogues. "We should relax -nothing to feel insecure about. We still have the edge on them. 'f'hey may have th e new ideas. but we ha ve the experience, and hopefully the maturity of judgment. Too often our educators become repressive. Can you imagine $75,000 worth of execulive ·talent in one school alone tied up in knot s over a dress code~ No wonder lhere·s a crisis in American education!" DOES llE THINK the studen t milltan· cy has influenced teacher attitudes to'l'.•ard the school system? "In some ways, the students have made us more sensitil'e to problems In the system. We 're also getting smarter teachers who resent the profession's lack of eeonomic power, They're tougher, more militant, and more willing to strike if necessary, to close the schools, in order to improve education! Becktold is a graduate of the College of Tdaho and USC with an M.A from the Uni\'ersity of New Mexico. He and hl:o> v•ife Lyn, a former English teacher, and a lively one-year-old child. Christina, live in l\1ission Viejo. 'Idiot Face of Future' Did Fortune Brand Orange County Correctly? " By JOHN W. McMAHAN More. than one naUonwide publication has characterized Orange C9Unty as the plac: where litUe old men in tennis shows fulminate against the Supreme Court. the United Nations. and the disappearance of CtOd from public schools. Does Orange County reflect, as Fortune puts it, the "idklt race of the future"? Or is it a place filled with unparalleled opportunilles fer developing a rich and satisfying en· virooment in which to live? The decisions made during the next few years will determine v;hich of these paths of development Oran1e County will follow. Reeerit trends in Orange County mirror those in the rest or American society. Flrst. the United States ls urbanizing at an unprecedented rate. In 1900 . 40 per. ceni or the population lived in urban areas. Ten years from now. 90 percent of the population will Uvc in urban areas. SECOND~ our populatian is gtO\\'ing at a ~rd rate. The birth rate is declining but more new famlUes are being formed than ever before. In Orange County where a hlgh percentage of the popula· Uon is in the famil y formation stage and where a lot of in-migration is taking place, population Increases will be tremendous. Third, many public policies· of our Federal, atate., and : local 1overnments seem to be geared to the ;111st rather than the future. Half the people in America are under 25 and a significant portion or this group views much governmental pollcy output as trrelevant, lrratloru1l, and unacceptable. R.lght now In Orange county, only one per10n in six Is old enough to ha\1e e1perienced the Great Depression -one in three experienced World \\1ar 11 -two irl five have grown up wlthoot television. and only one out or t'l'.'O Is old enou&h to have experienced the &hock of Sputnik! The nation is in a P'flod of rapid teclmologkal change. Yet, -.·e bave only begun lo apply Sflace-age rnetbods to city plann ing and development. FOURTH, today there if I conllden<e crlsb. 'lbe voter• do not trust thtlt elecled official•. H thb C?fllblllty l•P if not abollahed, national devtlofilneol c:ould lum Into nellonal decay. 'l1le populalloo expl0&lon has mode < housing a major social problem. Thirty percent of the families in America cannot afford to participate in the private hou s- ing market. It is only a matter of time before additional Orange Count y residents will find themselves in this category. As the population grows, the problems facing Orange County's school districts are going to get much worse. The number of school·age children in the county has increased 113 percent since l!*l. ~lany school districts Jn the t"OUnty are faced with serious academic cutbacks as a result of rising costs and the repealed defeats of bond referenda at the polls. The public school system has Uorne the brunt of a voter backlash against urban riots and campus unrest. ' THE DEVELOP!\1~1 OF air and surface tran sportation in Orange County Js v\t.al to its progress .. Orange County Airport handled 66.500 passengers In 1966. This year it will serl'c 780 .000 air travelers. By 1980, passenger demands at the airport v..111 be equal to O'Hare .Ain>0rt in ChicaRo -the busiest in !he nation . Orange County will need a new regional airport. It will ~ten years 10 bund one and planning shoold·begin now. There is one registered car in Oran~e County lnr every 1.5 persons. The freeway system is satisfactory. But the irt.erial !iurface streets, pi.rticularly in the northern portion of the county. are not adtquate for the future . The county must begin planning now Ior the develo~ ment of 111 rapid transit system. It pro- bably will require a wide varltty of modes and routes lo meet the un ique needs of Orange County. Proper planning can idenUfy future rights-Of·way to bt set aside now for "Jaler needs. \VASTE DISPOSAL IN Orange County will be a particular problem because of the rapid population Increase. Air pcllu· Lion Is getUng worse and the county will have to Join "'Ith Loi Angeles County in a regional approach ((i pollution control. Optn !pace is disappearing al a last rate. In Orange County. At present growth rat.el. all of !ht hab\lable open space In the COW>lf will be gone by 1990. Orange County does not lack • la:t rtaources with which to mett these challenges. The problem Is lhal the resources are ~ o cat e d dispropor. tionately. To be fiscally sound. a com· munity has to strike a balance between residential and commercial and in· dustrial land usage. In Orange County this ls not presently the case. Single family residences represent a net loss to a cily in terms of municipal cost over municipal revenue . A home in Orange County has to be v.·orth at least $40,000 for a city to break even in terms or service~ to that residence. This means a city a city must either have expensi\'e l1omes or offset the loss with new com· ntercial and industrial establishments. Counties lacking a balanced develop- ment pattern arc f&ced with few altematives. They either have to en· courage regeneration of land from resid~ntial lo nonresidential , or decrease services to homeowners. OR.ANGE COUNTY could achieve the proper balance by consolidating various special districts, equalizing on a county level certain tax re\1enues. or creating larger subregions within the county for serv ices such as schools, water. and ~wage. If this is not don~ the have-not communities will deteriorate and drag the afnuenl cities down with them. Apprehension exists over the future of Orange County's development. Thta.Jnood is due lo the fact that many re!fdents there are ''hung up" with a provillCial ""ay of thlnklng about the rote of the public sector in community and regional planning. Planning ls still a dirty y,·ord In many parts of the county -some sinister plot emanating from Moscow. Pri\'ate com· panles can sptnd millions on plannlnti;. but start talking about it in the public SC(IOr •nd " vocal minority rises up to block the tffor!. TllESE PEOPLE are obstsstd lv\lh the property rights ol the lndlvldual. Elected officials In Orange County often go along with lhls \1iew and resist 1ny .attempt at comprehe~lve, long·range public plan· ning. Planning can solve many of the pro- blems of the future. tn Orange County the time for decisi:in Is upon us. We have to admlt that real probltms exist here. .Procress Is moni than a tat of im· prcsslve sh1Ustlcs. Another lS lo take, the ilmF to talk to young peoRle. If y,·e are genuinely In- terested and have no axes to grind, they seem quite. willing to share the.Ir views. SUU other avenues to explore are in Ult field or music, the drama, and movies. These provide keys to youth's attitudes and moods. WE lt1UST BE aware of the fact that this preaent generaUon of youth is well- educated and· informed about the co~ ditlon of the world In which they live, and Let's help them -and in doing so, we'll keep ourselves. Let's lake them aboard -give them a voiet and a vole. We'll learn from each other . They can teach us the value of total citizen parUcipalion. We can teaCh them the art and necessity of compromise and pa· Hence. Princeton University has elected as full voting lrustees a tl·yearo(l\d senior and a 22--yearo(lld graduate 11tudent. 0 u r churches would be wise to do tbe same. Our /1Ja11 111 Sa11 f'rallcl1eo Ameri~a B1 HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -We have some new jargon for you. Technical Investigation, a private eye firm, sta· tioned an operative at what they call ''a high-Intensity surveillance observa· tion post" in a Peninsula industrial area. (J guess they mean their guy really had to LOOK AND LISTEN, baby), bot that's not the item. What is, hopef:.illy. is this excerpt from his report: •·11 :59 a,m. Light green sedan displaying 11 American Flags, 2 Calllomia State nags and a 'Buy America' bumper sUcker noted leav- ing parking area. Make of car: Toyota Corona." HOW !\IA.NY TL\1ES can a union Jeader get his picture into his union's official publication? Good questions. The ansv.•er is in the most recent Issue of the National fllarltlme Union 's "NMU Pilot," which features Pres. Joe CUrran·s p~to 26 times in its 72 pages, not to mention the TWO photos of him on the cover. Let's really bear It for this shrieking violet. GEi~ERATION GAP, ancient liberals div.: On the day of the November peace march, reports Isobel Hellender, the parade passed a stalwart. group of Spanish Civil War l'eterans, standing on San Francisco's Gery Blvd. - a fine strong-faced body of men, wearing black berets and displaying a tattered silk banner reading "Abraham Lincoln Brigade." "\Vho're they?" wondert:d one bearded young man. "I dunno." shrugged the second young beard. "Some new rock group, 1 guess." BARREL'S BO'ITO~t: Bob Hull understands that detergents will soon come in four siz.es -Regular, Giant. Colossal and Full ... Bruce may nm between Harold and Edgar in San Francisco, but in Palo Alto, Patricia lies snugly between Jackson and Jef· ferson . These are streets we are talk· ing about • , . New on the market: Rubberized mattre!!le! filled v.•ith water. Very comfortable and a definite plus to-those who smoke in bed. Instead of burning them.selves to Se~ond! death, they'll drown . OUT OF MY HEAD: Speaking o! the Supreme Court', and why not, is it really that dlfflcult to find nlne honest men in this va:;t country? • • • Loveliest word in lhe Janguage: Benign .•. I don't know who said it but I dig it: "\Vhen the people are afraid of the government, you bi.ve fascism. When the govemment is a ( r a i d of the people, you have democracy" ••• Neat critique of a tedious 1100-page novel : "Writing tt was either a labor of love or a love (J( labor." FABULOUS FILLER in a Peninsula paper. spotted by Jim Allen: "It takes four alligators to make a purse." C&n't you just see 'em sitting around In a circle, busily working away with their needles and thread! , , • Bumper sticker o( the day: "Free Kim Agne\v!" VJGNETI"E: His name is a household word if you folloy the socle· ty pages. lie \Valked Into the room, a vis.ion of status symbols: 'The Gu~ l..tm with . the: links glllledni;, 11¥ l. suit made' bt~ a CUMif11 1 t"'1JOr •In· · Bordeaux, the Shirt and tie -tr10ib•j 1 Turnbull & Asser in London, cufflinks from Van Cleef in Monaco. "I'll have champagne if it's French,u he sa.1d lighUy. The Dom Perigrion WI!: dutifully provided. He fell silent u the ~· talk turned to the peace marches. His ~' face dark, he finally said, "l only know one thing -if people don 't like it in this country why don't they go somewhere else?'' He glanced at his French Cartier wristwatch with the Rom an numerols and the sapphil'!I stem, and waited out to his Ferrarl. There v.•as an American Flag decal in the back v.·indo\v. Closer inspection might have disclosed ''~lade in Japan" in tiny letters at the bottom, THE FLEXIBILITY of Big Busl· ness is admirable. For example, ; those Diel Pepsi billboards that say In I exciting type. "Sugar Added!" where 1 they once said just as excitedly, i "Sugar-Free!" • ' . • Dear Dad: Thirigs Don't Really Change Too Much l • ' -f Tllis editorial appeared 111 the KENT STATER campus n1.w3paper 111 1934. It was 1uritte1i by the st11de11t editor, \Valttr \V. Seifert, 1lOW an os· sociate professor journalisni at OSU, Tod<Jy, at 55. ~te is a. c01~fessed con· servatioe. ''t\ sort of middle·cif-Che- roader -halftuoy be,wee11 Barr y Goldwater and the Jo/111 Bircla Socie· t11." fie says, regarding the quoted ed· itorial. "The n1ore tl1 i11 gs clianue, the more tliey slay tl~e sanze. This edilor· ial could lla vt been written by any of our youn u rebels ju st Jle.tterdoy." Dear Dad: Last time 1 was home, you said some significant things about my Interest in radical proposals-for a new social order. \Vhen you told me I v.·as too young for 5ane oplnlon on such matters, you in- sinuated that your generation is better qualified lo find "the way out" than mine. I question this assumpllon. I do not believe that those \'.•ho led us into this mess are cap11ble of "leading" us out. Dad, believe me JA•hen l say that I am indebted to you for paternal love and p~ ttctlon, but believe me also when I M)' lhat my generation holds in conttmpt lhe colossal social, economic. and political blunders which you perpetuated. As we survey the wonhlw heritage or crime. war poverty and rretd. we unite In shoutina. "We will have none oC It. There must be a seqond Renaissance!" And \\'e scrutinize ou~ enUre Inheritance to find lhc true value of these in· ,gtltu tlons. If you s&)' our sin Ls lack or respect, then wt can inswer, "Veneri, lion was your sin." "OUr capil11llstlc democracy Is the ultimate in modern government," I have heard )'OU brag. ·~tay I call your at· tention to the metropolita.n editor who recently said "I support this man because he i;> the least crooked of the three." "Trust our economic leaders." you assure me. I answer, "Men are starving today in the shado"'s of your rotting granaries and hog·butcherlng establishments, Dad.'' Under your system privation tnertascs in proportion to the increase in pro- duction, "Hold fast to the religion of yoor fathers," you ""arn, and I cannot help "'ondering. "Has that religion lessened hatred, crime. war and suffering in its 20- century trial? Are ill fundamental con· cepts philosophically sound?" Dad. our young people are admittedly a skeptical crowd. \Vhat we have lost in the comfort Of blind faith, y,•e have gained in the assurance of empirical, scientific reasoning. Jr this fact.facing attitude be heresy, l'OU may style us "hereUcs."i we worship reality Instead of 5UblimJt· you may say that we are foolt. science has altered our m or a l cbn- \1iction.o;, and I! our new freedom confllclli with your a.g~ld prohibitions, then you may con!lp us to your fiery hells. But: One thl111 is wtaln. Win or lose. ri,11:ht or wrong, we are beeinninc to TllfNK THROUGH the,. thing~ We er. 11trivlng to build a better world. , .Jn that struggle '"' ult your cooperation, ruli1· i111 thal our youthful 1mb!Uon, eouplod wfth your agtd perspective. 11 the me comblnaUon which ca.n aotve the riddle of these Umes. w,11-00w 11bout It. Dad! Effeet8 Unknown Residue of DDT Imperiling Life WASHINGTON (AP) -Fish and blrds( such u the bald eagle, peregrln falcon and brown pelican face a continu· Ing threat from DDT residues even though the pesUclde Is on Its way out, according to several wtldllfe experts. "Near extinction" ls lhe ouUook for the blrda whose numbers already have been crlUclally reduced by the ef- fects of DDT, said Dr. Ray JohMon, a resWcber for the Bureau of Sports FL!heries and Wildlife. Dwindling fish populations are expected In pestickie laden waters where some species llave been declared unfit for human consumption. r~sldue1 remain in the tn· vlronment. Shortly before Secrtt1u')' of Agriculture Clifford M. Hardin announced his intention to ban all but emergency uses of DDT by lbe end of 1170, Robert H. Finch, secretary of health. education and welfart, said DDT reslduet will show up in foodstuffs for u10 yeara or longer" after a ban aoes m. to effect. "I don't know anybody who could contradict tbat ria;ht now," commented Dr. Roland Smltb, of the Burea11 of Com· mercial fisheries . Little i.! known about the nitural breakdown of DDT in· to harmless cOmponenta after the pesticide enters the en- vironment. ·~-----~....-. Satu>doy, ·-29, 196t DAILJ '1LOT 7 Meetings • MONDAY Oolr .,.. Cluntr'!' Club, t o1t1 Miu, lln)'r (ltbeM CIUb of HUt1llt11IOfl IJ llOlll, IHdl. h!'f • hc;r.etltft lldl.. l'w11111n v111n llldltMe C~ ,..,_ .... .... "-" 1~ot ..,,.. coll' 1'-t1W111f, lllfl )1~ llvd., frt"WH't ...,.... "'*" Cllllt/11 c i&ti, H11111!Mton lttdl, 1i1ll 1.m. 19nlor Cltll:tM (Wiou .. , Ulll Cl¥11 Air 1'11~1, ~tOron f>. 10"1J1 • ttrttf et "ir'fll\t Aw1111t, H~ A<tdt St'"I, C::otl1 MtM, 1~00 1·'"- IMCll. lt!Of 1.111. Atr11t1UT10lllC Toe.lm11i.n. VI I It NfW'iwl Ctftttr Klw.11!1 Club, Jtwf'I M1rlne, lo.4f l 1y1'" Cf'l~e. Nt •POfl 11: .. 1111r1111, tUI I. Cotll Hlt!Wler, 8t1th, •:» 1.m. (ONM Ofl Mir. .-.,""'11c ktttrlM loclllt Ho. Jot, "'9WNrt Hirllor ,., .. V't 1M11'1 (l11b, Me-k T_lf, Ulh tlrttl t flCI ll. YMCA, UOO Ut1lvtr1llY Orl'tt, Alldr1vo P14ft, NrwllOl't Btteh,, 7:00 frttwHrl It.ell. 1 11.111. •·"'· ......, ltoUll. ~ llK'tnir!IC w"""'""" 1111cM"" Club, H1'1t1nn'I' l11J11oAt' ,., IN. )901 H1rbo!' t lW.. 11111, 14MI ... <II 11¥4., W..tmln11tr. COlllt /MN. 7111 Jl.11'1. 7:00 '""' DIMtle'r1 Orl1IH C.0.11 Cllt•'9r, Hul'dlfWtaft te.cll Me-'< Lodtc, MliMflic: T.,....., 1Mfl llf.-f tl'lf II. MatMk H.111, JIDj l..lke ttrttt, HYA- Anff'lwt ,lie&. NtwNrt a-11. 7:• llM*t lffdl. 7:JCI 1.m. • '·"'-• Cl!IM CIUb If Cclttt Mitt, Ctm""'"tlY Cmte M1M HenlnonY ~ No. 7'. ltlCf'Mtloll <Miier, Ol'll'IM Coutll'I' Oieif I'l l.... KtK. 1'1t Nft'M't f'Mrwwnot. C..11 ~. 1 it.m. ,,.,.,,, Cell• ,.... • ~ 'Cott• ..... '"le "'"'· "' w. tfttl OtMtltY, Hunti,.ion l .. tl'I Che,._,, ~ .• ColM MIM. 1:0& 11.tfto M-k TM\lllf. 104 \.IU An., HUI\-St"9fllfl 11• l"llUl!dtlleft, Hvrllltltfen ti""""" '"""' 7:• "·"" 9"dl ,_ Ctntw. Gttflttif Avt11 .... l"-n111 V•lle1 Jvftlor Clltmbtt tif '"" Mllfl '""'· H\l'lltlllltool lff<il, c-u ..... 1Mtllt19, $to(llflfy 1:00 '""' l"lrat Htllel\tl 111111. "'""°II' SlrNt tnd T1llltrl AV#Mlt, hufll1Ln Vlllt'I', A. T. Glt!Wll 0.-ttl' .t SGnl of lt1lv Ill • All'lffloef, OOd Ftllow1 Hill. 14f• w!!l:..rn,";'i,. ctllmbtr ot ComMl,ct, Ht ..... IMI,. to.It ~. 1:00 11.m.. Kl1111'1 Te-It ltt1t1ur111t, w1,1m1,,.. OrtMt CllMW· 1kt Clllb. Elt.1 Ctvb. 1l1r, 1! MOii. , J.4$1 Vie ~to. ........._, IHd\. I :• Cost1 MtWI l!lllCl\tlltt Ch,1-, Coril Rttl c:t'::· Sl"'tlfl, YMCA. 2l00 Unlv1,1llY Rnlturtnl, MU H•rlltr llyjj~ Cotti Orlvt, ,.....,_1 ltld'I. 7:)11 1.m. Mtil. 11 MIOll. Reco.,...y lllC,, Hunti...... ltldl Hl1h (61!1 MINI knl.,.. Cltli1111 Cit.lb. Com-~· Room u:i. ·~ Mlln ''·· HUii• "'unify 1tec .. 1llon C1ntltl', Ortnvt 11"81an 8t~. I 1.m. Perhaps hardest hit will be the fourth largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Mlchlaan. "As long as DDT and dleldrln are found in the lake at present levels It ls ques· tionable if th~re will be any reproduction of moat species of fish," said A. Gene Gazley, of the Michigan Deparlment of Natural Risourcts. ''I think it depends on the p chemistry of each 1oca1 s1tua-Death Around Ught ole tlon. The perslstance may CovnlY1 J'1lr1r1111nd1,;; Cos!1 M111, _II THURIOAV 1.m.. ' H1rbor·Llttt TD1tlm11t1r•1 Cit.lb, Onlre Cor-dlt Mer Kl•1n!1 Cl11b, VIiii Ctk!ul1, Ftthlon bltnd. Htport . S~lft. 3$36 E. Cull Hlghwty, Co. 8M(h, 1 t .fl'\. ront QI Mer, U:10 p.m. 8,...klnl O.llml1t Club ot Cost• Mo»1, critical condltion. The truck struck the car as the women were making a left tufn near Tinker AF Base, range from sev eral months In Two children. ages 2 and 9, and a 2l·year-old some &ltuations t.o year1 lq motier died in this wreck in Oklahoma City. Two other cues,'' said Johnson. othif·· children and a 29-year-old woman were in Certain local populaUons of----------'------------------~------~--­ auch birds as O!prey in Jthode COl!t Mnt Klw1nl1 Club. Cotll Mt11 Corti Rttf ,,tsltlH'tnl, 2MS Htrbor . Goll tnd (Olllll'Y Cl11b. Coalt M111. l lYG., Coile MtM, 7:30 1.m, 12:15 p.m. IOll"d ot RMl!on, NtW!>Orl Ht rbor. Ntwl>Of't HtrllOr OP!lftllst Club. VIII• Cntt M.s.t. 9tlbo1 ,,, (lub, un Mtrl,.,., 1"5 ••Ytldl Drl~•· NIWPO!'l w. Coesl Hltllw•r. N~ lttc/\, • Johnson, however, doubt.I the birds will follow the pauenaer pl1eon into obllvlon. "Thtte's considerable. hope for ltlCUlng them at the last minute," be said. ''We're aware of this right now." Whether these s p e c I e s survi\'e apparently depends on the length of time lethal DDT l\failn1a n Sure Piles Up Junk TACOMA, Wash. (AP) - Jean Fuller began tf) wonder whethtr the mailman was makine deliveries of letters or Junk. "I got tired of throwi'.1g it away so I thought l'd &ave it for a year to &ee how much it would be," Ml.ss. Fuller saJd. On lhe first aMlversary of her project to save unsolicited maU, 1he held a giant we igh-In and found she hod received l3 pounds of "junk'' mall. 1912 HAllOl ILYI. COST. MIU Detty, ... , ..... , .. l•llllAm.rktrf e M""' CMfwt Island and herring gulls on !be Late Mlcb1gan shore are ex- pected.to drop sharply.-A DDT residue buildup bu been noted' by bloloCills in tbe mallardl and black duclal In the Chesape1ke Bay rl!glon. In fishes, DIYI' residue levels in some catches o{ coho salmon, lake trout and chubs from Lake Michigan ha\o·e ex- ceeded the 5 parts per million permissible level for inter- state sale. Despite decreased usage of the pe&tlcide around tbe lake during the past two years , Smith said, "There's no evidence that concentrations have 5one down." ''There will be a demise 0£ some species," said Gazlay. DOT has already been blam- ed for lake trout die-offs in New York state. Significant, but not eriUeal, residues have been detected In CaiUomla an- ctx>vles and oysters. Sen. Gaylord Nelson (0. Wis.). has disclosed a na· lionw!de survey that fish taken from 12 rivers and lakes exceed Food and D r u g Administration levels f.o r human consumpUon: The Hudson River in New York, the Delaware and Cooper River in Florida, the Tombigbee River In Alabama, the Rio Grande in Tex1s, the Arkansas and White rivers in Arkansas, the Sacramento River in California, and lakes Ontario and Michigan. For Top Spol'ts Coverage Read the DAILY PILOT CHRISTMAS ART SALE November 29 -30 Huntington Beach Community Center 11,7f Mlin St., Huntington leech From 10 A.M. to Du1k P'•llltltttt -P'•ttflY -Jewelry -Crcrftl •f All IC.huh Ir M•y L.Kol Arthh • Cr.rtlmn -COME! - Weinberger Tells Goals Of New Joh U.S. Scores Success With Moscow Exhibit lltt(ll, 12:1S '·'"· I .I'll. TU•SOAY WettmlMlff Rottry Club. 10111'1 Ttbkl Huntt11tlon IHdl Klw1nll Club, Hu,,.. R11t1ur1nl, Wn...,,IMh!t, 11 nvon llnel.n lff<llft CWllll'V Cl11b, lOOO Exdl1119t Club of ~ Htrbor, S f U . ''"" Ayt., Hunll/ltlon •••<l'I. ll:IS Slut! Slilrt, n41 w. Cant Hl11rW1t. a ety mt 1.rn. N-' hid!, 11 "°°"" Hunllntlorl ... di Rlllf'I' Cl\Jb.Hortl1, Mttl!wn LleM Club. F1tld1 ..... , ,,,, fovr Wlftdt. ll:.,,_11rlnf, 1 ... 11 Solu Wnkllfl Dr!W, l'ftMoorl IMdl. 1? Cl'I~ RMd. Huntlnl!Olll IMCll. n:IS -T . k s e it.m. Klwet»I Ctull of C.lt M-NDrih, a es Wlpe Coronoi WI Mer !xdltl!ff Club. JOl"'I Corti lhet ll11t.ur111t, t'U Hlrbof ll:9Sl1ur111t0 2121 !. CO.it Hllhw1y, •twt., Cott• Mell, 12:'IO 1.111. • Ceront 1111 M¥, 11 -· H~rt H•<tlor l(tw1nls Club. v1n1 •t1.111rt"'tofl IP<lt Nortll Llont C!Ub, Mtrin., ltlolJ l1"1de Orlw, HIWllOtl A M • ~rtll•m. Huntl"'lofl IHcr.. 12 _... lludl. 12:10 1.m. t aXlcoat lltdltl'tl Club o1 1rv"" llld\IS"ltl N-1·1"1"' 11:111•'1' Clu,, ft_. MOSCOW (AP) -Russian-recorders, teaching machines ·c-1t1r. stvtt Slttrt 1tntM1r1n1. 7'41 lll'Wt'• R••ur1n1. 2'll 11111a1 s1., speaking Americir.is h a v e and other American educa-~oe•t Hllhwer. HtwPOrt euc1t, °'~ ~r i?vtt":' cMi. ,111c1.....,... SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) turned a potentially dull U.S. Uonal aides. NEW YORK CAP) -'J'ht Hun11.,.1on at-"' 11rr.w No. mo. "'' warcnn Drtv .. ,....,._. •~•"'· d I Vlttlft,.. ot World W1r '· V.F.W. lt•lf P.m. -Caspar W. Weinberger says e ucal on exhibit into one of The Ru511ians drift from one maxi coat is a lad)'·tripplng, "'"· 31, Yot\to'ltl'I. HUt1!111tlon Chrl.111111 '""'""',,,.,'' C11mmU1H. 1'1oscow's liveliest 'butlngs. boo'" he e1· ll•tdl ~ P.m Hunfl,,.1!)11 Bffdi, Mtnnn. 1.ot he ls delermined to make the "' to 1not r, som nnes st r eet..SWttplng, escalator. 11;01,,.,. Ctu• ot' NtwPOrt·••lbc•; 1rv1111 l!dt"'"' Aw .. H.1. 11111.m. "We get off the subject very comparing the answers of the co1tr ciwn1,,. c1ut1. uao I!. coe11 HV1111"8ton l~•d• Llolll c1u11. Hun· Federal Trade Commlsalon a clogging menace to the female Hlihwiv. c.-HI Ml•. •::ia P·""· 11..,1on SNc1HI' countrv c1..,.,, »» fas t here," says Irene fl.turray, various guides er.id noting that c'"'' M• .. ·NtWPOrt "''"'' LIOns to11m Avt .• H1111ttntfcn ••Id!. •1:ia tool for the average consumer an attractive guide from the guides' opinions differ PoP,Ulatlon ! c1ub. MtH v1rc1t1 c1111n1rv c1u11. P.m. f I de I I th So " G N Co.!1 Mtu, 6:41 11.m. Mt!0111< Lad11. IOOF H • 11, to gel a a r 8 a e Gullporl, Miss. widely. says 1.11e realer ew l•lbot ••w Lions COi.ib, v 111 , WHlryt1111rer Avenue, wntmi ... i.r, grocery store or the repair "Our talks usually start with Lyndia Stoope nkoff of San York Safety Council speaking Mirr .... , '°'! ••v•IOI 0rivi, N.w'°'' ,:~~c'·'C·o•d Archtt01otv soc.1""'· llflC~. , p,m. O M $0 .. A 7 '° h education, but th ey turn Francisco. one o( the guides, ou.t on fashion's current fad, Hun111111on •~•(II Elk• Loo~·· Elk• •. ~·· u"""" 11 "'• : S op. Cl11b, IN Oc:un Ave.. Hunlln1ton "I think the publlc in personal. political or anything shocked about M> Russians In Disgruntled &lrl watchers v.',.'~,"',,",'~, ~.";i, W•r 1 •1'111 N•w Ht.'!':J, ~1:;.°1'1':.'~tic,:;_,M7~~ '"lse as soon as the ice Is her booth one day this week 1'" aeneral doesn't have any idea ..,, have derided the max.I as an M11• •••r.w· lt.tt. """t1u11 L.. •·-· 'rt"'-,.,,,,._•••....,,. • broken." when a vbitor asked her whatt 11an H•ll. MS w. 1tt11 ''·· co1tt of the functions or the FTC.'' Miss Murray Is one of 21 she •""'•nkt about the trruice aesthetic hindrance, but the M•wi. 1:» •·"'· ~.VI• °"""' Nrw"'' 9ffctt, ' M•""'6"' ~,... llt•rl Ctub. S.ftlt Allll 1'ubl1t Llbrlf'1'1 A......-1 L 1111 l"Oll 4" A 1( Weinberger sald dur ing an in-guldes. most of lhem young race. council declared It a safety hnl• ....,,, • •·'"· Leer!!" "'r1~ 5'S w. 1.,,; st~eo:= I · h. Ca ·1o1 ffi and all of '"em flu•.,t 1·n "I'm a1a'ns\ all -monauls h rd II H••bor ,.,.., veu,,. •t1111111u"'. Meu • • m terv ew m 1s p1 o ce 111 1 ........ aza as we • MIWIOl'l•r 11111, HewNrt 111c11. • .t.moric'eft L.t1or1 "°'' 113 ot ~""'· where he Is winding up his Russian, who have traveled and all astronauts," she Mrs . Marjorie e . May, the 1:1:. sti Club, N•wPOr1•r In"' ~~°"c~":' "'H'::'.~ ~=~·1~ work IS state finance director. with the U.S •. Inlormatlon rep\~ bluntly. "They cost too council's director or home ~'."'r.J:O::-tJ.:""No. in. oo.s •·""· We.lnberger will take over as Age n c Y ·sponsored exhibit much money.'' safety, warned fashionable ,,11crw1 T'""'"· m ,,,.1., s1r111, H'r!!,,~~~\':!1~.....i:~~~11~ from Kiev to Leningrad and But !ihe aot her best reac-maxi fans Thursday of these H1m1111tton I Mcto. •=• •.rn. tlntton ""'11. 1 '·"'· trade commission chairman n all t M -"ed he f L.O.O.M. "'°°" No. llffr, '" I!. 11111 HUflflntlell INcll 11rrect1 Ne. ""°' n Y 0 OSCOW. tJon when 8 WOmtr.'1 8~ f' pit aJ)S: Stl'ftl, Coste Mew, 1:11 p.m. Vtl9rtl'l'I ot Worlcl W•r I, V,,.w. about Jan. I. He was con-The questions the Russl1ns exactly when American educa· -Maxis can easily trip the ~':c,':.,,..':!'m: ;~i;t':" J.:: Hin. )tt York!OW!I Ave .• Hunlln9h111 ask renect a detemu·naUon to 0 b 1 ,_ el the rb ,, 1 • , __ • •.. , lffCfl. 21» •·"'· flnned by the Senate last on egari o vaV op ma· wearer on stain and cu s. °""'''' "'"' ...,..., a. ..... • '°"'"''111 v,,..., Ktw1n1t c1ut1, ,.,,,.. find Out Who l .• n•""t ••• dis I In M Th fl I h h ,,..... Ct\tlth'l'l Collft• t"trl! ldltel. coi.•. ltlfl ... 1(,, .~ .• ttu1111-ron ~·eek. ... -111 chines now on pay . os-, ._ e oor-engt em ,_ Nttn °'""' Colt• Mitt. 1:u """" n:1s ... m. .... ··• lnbe Id h h Soviet press or the Voice of cow. catches In escalitors and In ,,•,·,~~,. "'111'1 ~ 1'ivcl'll•••k: N-t H1rb0r Junior thtl'nbtr ol We rger sa e opes America. ....." "' Comm••tt. 1"1 WtJ•tHN °'·• N....,.. ''When you Jaunehed your bus, elevator and revolving TK11"1c1tnt. ,,,...,1ew c" •• 1 • • • '°" .._,,, Ftllcleno't. 1"71 w111-• the commission can rid 11tseU "Is it true lhat motl young fl 5 lk .. h Id Th doors '''"'"" "'" H..it•I •IHllltDnllm. <tllf or., ,.."'°'' •Mc.11, 1 •""· I tak d I rst putn , s e sa . e . 71• •·'"· •R1DAY of much of the red tape which peope ' e ope n sigh or saUsfactio n from the -Maxis have a teQdency to '°",,•,•.',~st.,•,•,!!:'. ,-,--",",.·.:.11~ Hu11111111on ,,,,11 1to1.,., t:l ub, America?" one crew-cul .. . ... -~ ... 1 , -1 " ,,_ has burdened It over thl! crowd was almost audible. become steeet sweepers and 11.m. =••• on ••~" nn. "" yOtT.lg man asked. b d 1 If n. WI Dfl •IDAY !lt•ch. 1i:10 •·"'· Years. "N b , . Exhibit director Tom Craig su way us ers 111e wearer 11..,. '''"" Tustm••'.,.. c 1 u b, M•rl1t11'l Lion• Cit.lb. 11un Shirt, nn o, ut Jt !I a growing pro-. forgets lo lift her hems. K•l'l•n'• 1111i.vrint, 1out1t CHO w. to.it Hr.11W1v, H-t 1~1c11, Weinberl .r •• a San Fran blem " M'--Murray repli·ed of Seattle said In an interview ,.1,u, co.i. Miii. 1 '·"'· 11:11 ... m. ' .... • ' UNl he believes 1he guides should "Today's women have not C011t Mitt °""'"'" c:1ub. c-.i. ,..,... Mir v1111 , ... -•.,.'-, •""'°"'c, clsco lawyer, said he Intends calmly. ~ t I ed h t lk Galf •M °"""'"" Club. 11111 . Gcitt T-11. «11 1 1.. twPOr n "Do they teach Marxism-express their personal opl-ye earn ow o wa c-.. °''"· '°''' ,..,,,1, 11 "'""· •Nth. 1:• it..11'1. lo use the FTC's 13 eld of· •• 11.011, free ly "for ••e sake of gracefully In the max t Hunllntton ''"h '-•™"" tlllb, '''""' w1tttwt "'""'"' Or•no" f' f ob ·11 · task r Leninism In A m e r I c a n 11• l1MNI011 1~ inn. Huntl111lll'I c°"""'. tcw.ta ,,...,,1, Golf •lld coun-1ces or m I zing orces uru·ve .,·ties'" another lalto r credibility." clothes," said Mrs. May. IMCll. 11 l'IOIM. ,,., CMt. eo.11 "'"'· • "·"'· that WI.II "go out 1·n the com r · v "The h 11 t t I W••tmln1tt, o,111111tt c111t1. ll:IM'1 SATVflDAY • asked. "If lhey're all dellverlng the Y ave · e un. T1b1t R•t1w,.n1, wntmln.ttr, 11 Ch•l•lltn 811Si,,._.... CO!'!lfllltfH, munities and find out what are derstanding of how to lift the -· ••!'-"' t.lllll. N.-.w..,. IHtll, f th f d "Not onlb Marxism. san1e llne," he said, "it c--Miu ••••--· c-•• •-· ,.-, m some 0 e consumer rau long skirt or coat for grace!ull~iiii-~··iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.,iiii .. iiii_p;;;.'"i"ij .. ;;;;,_jiii·ii·~·!· ~------pr1ctlces and see what we can LerUnlsm, ut Mao Ism 1 wouldn't go over." t p·l: d for sa(ely do to ellmlnate them." Castroism and others," she Craig esllmates that the ex-s .~P.ua' an layers of ·heavy,· ' { ans1vered. The visitor looked hibit wlll have been seen by. He added that "we're not stunned, but he appeared to 800,000 pers0ns -or one in wetf and• dlrty fabric slopping just going out on V.aln Street accept the reply. c\·ery 300 Soviet citlzens -against one's ankles on a rainy and lnto every supennarket," American salaries, cars, ~'hen It completes ll! six-city day or in snowy, sluihy but wllll hconcel nlrl ate ndon work-size of apartments. the Viet-tour next spring. weaU1er can be not only un- ing w 1 oca a state nam war, d Ivor c e, en-After the exhibit closes in comfortable but definitely governments to see that con-ticommunlsm, the price of the 1'1oscow Dec. 3, a new crew of detracts from the well-groom· sumers are anned with the in-gulde's dress, zid the guides takes over and the tour ed look the wearer may be fonnallon they need lo make American view of Russia typl-continues to the Asian cities of striving to achieve.'' flemorial pen Tht South/,uufs Most Btll#liful MtmorWs MAUSOlllJM: • COUJMIAlfUM • C!Mfffl'I' \\'lse Ind safe purchases. fy the questions that the Tashkent 1t1d Baku and the Some New York department Theblggestproblemlsthat guides handle dally. Siberian metropolis stores have already posted abeltaed lTREES fth WORLD o( the businessman \\'ho tells Miss Murray and the other11 Novosibirsk. The edllblt is signs al e&ealators wamllll by~ c.~-~--e._,. half truths or bends the facts, stand alone on platforms or in part of the U.S.-Sovlet cultural maxicoated shoppers to hoist. ·-~ .._.,,,_ Weinberger aald. -~boo~lhs~~d~l~s~p~l~a~y~I n~gJta~pe~~e~x~c~ha~n~g~eJp~r~ogr~am~. ~::~~th~e~lr~he~m~•~·~;;~~;~~~~;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;..,:'":-~~· ... ~~ ... ~.,.~~-~":::· :::::; As an example, a store may advertise a product as "so many · cents oU the regular price when there never was a regular price," he said. I AUCE FINDLEY AND ELAINE BERUN nnounc1n OPENING Corg ~ Corner MONDAY, DECEMllR 1, 1969 421 32ND STRIET NEWPORT IEACH GIFTS AND CARD HOME ACCESSORIES SURPRISE Rl!DUCTIONS SINGSl'IRATION lll!COllDINGS 673 -2262 Membtr ••• Callfornio -·-tlan ol. Nun1n1 Hom11 and Am.erl· can Nursing Home .wod1Uoo ... OPENING SooN SANTA ANA BRISTOL CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL JOO Bed ·Expansion Program "WIDEST DIMENSION IN PATIENT CARE" 24 Hour R•g ister.d Nur1e Supervision Under Dir•ctlon of Patient'• Peraonal l'hytlcion Physical and Occ1,1pationol lh•rapy ltoom1 Hlgh1s1 Quollty Nursing Care X0 ltay, laboratory and Pharmacy S.rvic•' Beauty l'orlor and Barber Shop • Po1t Operotlvt, Convolncent and !xtt>ndff Core Patiant1 • $petlal DI.ti Su pt NIMd by R9111l1te r9d Dlt flcfan • Protrammecl ltecreotionol ActrQtl•• . . . • luxurloul Lounge e ncl Dining ·~· ,..., _ t Outa!de Patlot, Air Condltlontd, fir• SprlnkJer System OUR CHEERFUL ATMOSPHERE SETS THE MOOD 1209 WEST HEMLOCK SANTA ANA PHONE 546-1966 ,, I • ' •• ii . '' "' " ,, ·" " • '. ~·-------~---~----~----~----------~~-~-------. --. -. 8 ·DAll.Y PILOT ' S,tµ~'1. No.,ml>tr 29, 1969 SALLY BANANAS nIANKSGIVING Turkeys, com, b r e a d , beans; The pilgrims feasted on these things; Indian friends joined them too Just' the same as me and you. -Nt.rr Gusl•IMlll, HIJn!lneton l!NCll Hello again, boys and girls, and welcome back to a holiday weekend in Uncle Le n ' s Corner. • Our art contest didn't draw v' ' ~ '~v: .. ~ ... 1//,,\ ... , ·' ,::...f ..... ., ' ' 'f ;, a ,4 ... ) _.,•) ,·, .. . //;1-'J~ \ ,'•' / / .l!y · ,), ',,, •• ·J'•'''• ,, .. ,._,, ' \I I I . ' • too well this week, nor did any of the other contests -but the Christmas cards have really ~;;--::::J.,~~··==========~·:· :__.....:==:::;;:=::'.:~==::=:::_~ been coming in. J us t remember,· the regular comer goes on every week. * PRIZfJ "WINNER * , ' Speaking of our Christmas card.contest., don't forget that the winner gets a big, all-day visit to Disneyland for blmseU (or herself) and the rest of Utt> immediate "family. Lisa Marks, 8, 30792 Marilyn Drive, Soul!! Laguna That's a prize worth tTying. for. Even the designers of Any child under 12 can.enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here•s all you do : (l) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 5• inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy half dollar. cards which . don't win top'-----------------------------~1 prize should be happy to know that their cards will go to pa· tient.a at Fairview S ta t e. Hospital, many of whom won't get cards from anyone else. So huny and draw your card now. JUST DRAW a picture·about Christmas in black pencil, crayon or lnk on a white piece of paper not more than letter size (81h x 11 inches) and write a verse or message on the same side or the paper. Put your name, aQQJ::ess, age and phone number yon the back. Mail to: Uncle Len ' SetMI ,.., .......... te .._ .. Alldy, &/• Of'-.. C.-Ddy Pilot, lu 15'0. c... ...... Calif. . Christmas Card Contest, P.O. Bor 156CI, Costa lf.esa. Calif. 92626. And hurry! years ago next Sunday. Next week in our regular art contest, the theme will be Pearl Harbor D8y, the In-' cident that brought the Untted States into World War ·ll 28 HONORABLE mention win- nen in this week's·art contest are: Diane Prat~ 10, Costa Mesa; Mary Gustaf.son, Hun-. tlngton Beach; Jell Webb, 9, Huntington Beach. and Jim· mle Gleason, 8, Costa Mesa. HOLLAND Holland is a nealo place With tulips glowlne Into space; As the sun goes down at night, Holland is a delightful sight A Ktnntd'f """ doll•r -fll 01-Pr.ti, 10, ''' Flower SI., COSI• ~. flW !!It wlMll"ltll Mlrv In tr.. ''°"' 11nd llOtl'll contut. M•ll yOUr llOtl'll .,. •l'OfY to Unc:le Len, lot IS61, Cosl1 Mew, C.llforllll, , .a.nr-, ""'°' • complete 20.Y0111m1 Through the ages, this accum-~' of thew.,.. .... tnatloPl'Ola '0 ula"·n or alluvi'al deposit Robwl Oblorr, 11111 u. ol GM"'llen uv '--------------------•I ""'"'-c.111orn11, fol' 11i. •u.allon ; "grew heavy enough to upset Art the Sierras one or many the · balance o( t~e earth's p /). /') moan£aiai? ·crust. About 150 m1lllon years i-----Laro, l ~ Corner -----11 · · • i •ago, the restless earth be-, ); .1 Moun.talns, or ·course, are gan to adjust this problem. RIDDLES' and JOKES not finicky about the names Th usual way to do this is we. give them.. lf they were, t •push up Ole crust In a long, California's -Sierra Nevada 0 . might have cause to complain. humped ridge .. Sierra is the Spanish word for The re~oi:tehng called !or a mountain range. But some major sh1fl1ng of massive people insist upon calling it crus~al blocks. l.t generated the Sierras as though Jt were tensions a~ . 1 m m e n s e an assortment of p e a k s . pressures, fr1cuon and heat. Nevada ls the Spanish word And the growth of the. young for snowy. However only the range ~as accompanied by Joftie.st peaks have year-round shud~ertng earthquake~ and snowcnps and many of its high seething volcanoes. This was shoulders almost never wear during th~ Jurassic i::erlod , snow. when the dmosau.ri dominated * PRIZE WINNER Tax Collector: Wby don't you pay your taxes with a smile? Taxpayer: I'd like to, but you always insist on money. -141'111 Smith, IV!, l"t AnlklP Wrf, NewPOrt Ueldl · Customer: Are there eggs on the menu? Waiter: No, sir; l wiped them off this morning. -Miry Gu1t1t:ion. lillllflntftln Jtldl When the early Spanish ex-the world. The Sierra Nevada plorers tn California found this grew ~roug~ a mll~lon yea~s, magnificent range they were ~rembtmg artd :fluning. as its reminded of home. There, a imm~nse layers of igneous magnificent range of ragged granites reared up. In ragged ridges. erpetually covered peaks. M e a n t t m e the with ~. looks down on the dinosaurs depar:e<t, mammals sunny plain of Andalusia. This' and flowers. afnve4. . . '-----~--..,-------------'! Is the original Sierra Nevada. The. stupendous fonnatton of the snowy mountain railge. tt our Sierra .Navada must hav7 seemed suitable to name the been amazing to behold. But tt Dennis the Menace newly found range 0 f probably could not compare .---------------:----.,., California for the .range in wlll_l the splendor of the range Spain, since Olis high moon-s_s 1t now stands. Its western lain range looke ddown on a slopes are genUe sho~lders beautiful coastal plain. In Us-cloaked w I th magnificent tng the name Sierra, Ute 6 • forests and verdant meadows. ptorers were absolutely cor· Its steep eastem~slopes plunge rect. Our Sierra Nevada ls a down to pralrleS and deserts. single geographical unit. a All this lower ~nery ls top- massitt block of the earth's peel with the s!tYscraper peaks crust uplifted ln one stupen· of the High Sierra, Yosemite, dous range. and King's Canyon, preserved The width at· tbe ra~e as. ~arks for public ad· varita from 40 t.o 80 miles. Its m1rauon. northern limit Is just south of Alldr M!~ • w.,14 ...-0111111 to Slevtn Tu•Mr, IM fr ~'llllt1 K~ Lassen Peak, a s I e e p Y 1vc~r. '°' h11 ..... a11°"'' volcano. From here ~e lofty \\.'bat makes a hollow tree? ridge runs rooghly southeast A hollow lree Is an old tree for aboUt 400 mJles. Then it and once .its sturdy trunk was curves 1 flnqer westward to solid all the way lhrough. touch the Tehachapi moon-Mos t of the nibbling away in- talns north of Los Angeles. To sidn is done by bugs and other the north, around Vke TeOOe. creatures that are loo tiny for a sm811 shalllder slopes into human eyes to see. Sorne··.,,es lbe Ute of Nevada. the hollow is big enough to It II one of our mnjor rani:i:es hld e a boy nr even a whole -bat not the oldest or the human family. But If the tree )'OU...,t one. Long alter the sUIJ b,as a thick wall or wood ~ Appalalhchians w1 • r e1 around the hollow l\ may go 't'~=v tu~, .,.own, is ttg on o on living. Actually, it may not 1rzs C.lilomlo wa& a ohallow d!lcb, miu Ibo wood In the center, It '-";--..---------------" -to ,..lolltU 11 a wasold.oldbean.woodand lil ,,..M_., , _..un., Streams r 1 n boxy cells wen! no longer used ""' """ '1ll OIT Al\'. !Wit Yilllll JM SITllN' 11£111! ~ I MIGHT i don 1111loplng sides end tocartjeapandnow1.Wnent AIWEU.eefAUAIYS#ffllllt~ATQIE'!Wj" j d1DDped In their silty mud, op and down lhe lite. TUMILIWEEDS · Gff, ,_.,l<E/-l Rll•11t1: NOW, . WHEN I ll>l.D "GlllMllEY' Sl'fAP ro Ollt.Y ee INTE.O!STED 1• A WHITE "CAlAMOIJNT ~40· ~E SAID lHEYD ·it4ve ONE · COMINe IN FROM THti Co/'5T ! PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MISS ~ WILL COME" F02 QUESTIOlllN6 WHBI MARIE Jf.,,..I IS .Plas> IP IN M/.KWTICS AGEtlTS IECAUSE HE IS GSIN6 HER' mac! MUTI AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH I J I I • ., 'HoW-NOW· ~N-C.OW.' By Saunders and Overgard OUT,.,, THE Gl.OVE·BOX /•wl'LL (;CGET TMEM/ BY John Miles By Harold Le Doiix ..,. "" wae NOT tNYOLVfR II TME TRAFFIC OF ™E PrU6S ~ FINANC.IAL GAIN! INDIREC.n'f, PSHAPS: 1.-, PAllL WAS GOING 10 • IMKR'I ·ME AFT'R T1'tS SHIPMENT! WE wm ' . 60IN6 AWA'(: i ! ' i By Ferd Johnso11 ' ~YeH··nlAT WAS IN ill' "DON1r· You·EVER- I AIN'r GOING TO HAVE' NO Tll:OU6LE. WITMTHt5 HEl<li STUFF. , SAY·THAT'-. J.<fAIN!" c;ATE~OftY. 7 /<.,.Q.m; ..::f :.e~ ..._,70;;..,~,,,-· • By .Al Smith MAN, WHA"l'A CRA-ZV MIXED· UP N\JT! By Gus Arriola By Mel BEAUTIFUi.. A Fi!W MORE L.SSONS .-ND ME Wl~l. SPU.K T"< wottST GR.AMMAR. WITH TME FINEST' ' PICT'ION 111\1£111 ME'l\RD. ' I 1 1 l I ' ·~-·------~- • ' , ~~Sd=unl:::::a~,N=""c::::•bfr:::...:~~·~·1~'16~9----~D~A~~~V~Pll=ff:.;_~f Saddleback, Reedfey ~~ill·~~y otatile -Offenses I Arm y, Navy Square Off 70th Time PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Army end Navy, two teams undergoing . a moratorium on w)nnlng football, play a whole new .season today, meeting for the 70th time. Anny holds a 33-3IM lead as the series resumts before the usual 100,~plus in John·F. KeMedy Stfldlum, as well as· a naUonal television audience (Channel 7). '.l'he parade of Cadets and K:idshipmen is scheduled for nooo, with the kickoff at 10 :20 a.m. PST Army Is favored by 10 point!f. For the fi rst time suice 1964 both sides hay~ losing ,r~ords. Army is 3-S..l and a defea~ would be the poorest season since the Je5L squad , was 2-7 in the wake of a sensational cribbing scandal. ' Navy has 1ost ·eight of nine games ·- beating only Virginia -and bopes lt) avoid the academy's worst ctlmpaign lince the 1).3..1 mark of lMI. "Preparing for this gan\e is like preparing for a whole new season,'' is the way. Anny's Tom Cahill puts it. ':~. staUsUcs, ~ like tha1 . ••• none count when it comes lime to gel ready for this game. I have learned from past experience that factors such as tradition, desire and pride have a Jot more to do with the flna1 outrome than the results ot games played earlier in lhe year." Cahill has beaten Navy twice in his first three years as Anny's coach. }!is . counterpart. Rick Fonano, is in his first season as Navy's head coach but \vas an assistant under Wayne Hardin from 1959· 63 when the Middles whipped Arm y five slralght. Neither team has an explos ive offense, to say the least, althouah Army's Lynn Moore has gained m yards and shat. tered five Anny kickoff r~turn records. Mike McNallen, Navy's ,quarterback, hiis completed 114 passes 'tor 1,235 yards despite a porous offensive line. · "We havenl attacked . anybody all season," says Forzano. . · "We've had a tough time making a fi rst down against a strong wind. People v.·ant to know why we throw so many screen passes. Well, It's just our pass protection breaking down. "BUt our kids ar'f ready.._ They'v.e shown Improvement over the. last three or four weeks. At least v.·e're coming through alive now and not getting anyone killed. This tea m is so young, they're just getting to know each other. The defense Is just learning how one man covers up for another.'' . I -,· •-_!,-~ -:-~f · ' • -I 1 GAUCHO ASSAULT FORCE -Gary Lime (67) and .. Dave Burkllolder (67) pave the w3y for Saddleback College runnin g back Paul Cox. The -.On ~V Today 'f.olfpack Challe-nge.s. .. '. -CJ nbe a.ten· P;e.nn S kite . , . ~--. ·--..; ._... ;;;-.. .. ~ ... ~·-· ' !L ' · ' ,;> °',,i",. •~I .._,.._ • · RALEIGH. N.~'.' CAP) -Thifd-ran~~ ~· .htavy fa~v0rite lo ~·m J(s idttt strafgtf~. Penn State ends its regular season loday . •victory. · a.!!'aiilst North ~arolina State -8 team "There·s So much at stake for us." 1 with ,a 3-$:-1 record and no victories in sa~·s Paterno. whose Nitlany LioriS play ·- , three pre"1?us nonconf*encc games. . l\tissourl in. the Orange Bowl .Jan. 1. . H~wever,)' coach Joe Paterno ~v~1ds ''I would call ".them a good,. sttTid team • talking Hke a man whose team 1s the that is extremely well-c0ached." - "If we don't win, we ·woo·t ·bave ·any .q:au.cho~ .. wl-1! be jn . a,i:t!on tQnight . against unbeaten Reedley College u1 .th~. st~t~ Jaycee serq~hlals at Santa Ana Bowl. Anteater_s Battl~ Trojans For NCAA Con solation . alibis." Some 2.S,000 1>C"On! are· expected lo wali:h the game .at Ral.eigh'i; Carter Stadium~· along with a national· television (Channel?) audience. The game will start at 1 :20 p.m. PST ·after the Army-Navy classic in Philadelphia. Bv Ron E\•an!'I Ot fM 0.111 ,lift Stat! LONG BEACH-UC Irvine ball.Jes the University of Southern CalifonUa this afternoon for tile consolation champion· ~ip of lht: NCAA wattr polo champion- ships with action at Belmont ·Plaza pool set for 3 o'clock. In tonight's championship show it"ll be undefeated UCLA against Cal at 8:30. Cal knocked off UC Santa Barbara, 6--4, to gain the finals. UCI and SC's Trojam tiave met three times this year wllh coach Ed Newland·s Anteaters winning twice. · UC! fell to Cal, ~. in overtime Fri- day afternoon but bounced back Friday night lO clip Colorado State, 10-4. And USC "'as edged by UCLA, 5--t. but came back to blister Yale, 13-3. UCLA also had it rough in the semis. rallying fr om 3-1 and~ deficits to slap Gal State (Long Beach), S-fi. The Bruins held the ball 382 seconds of the fourth quarter while Cal State had It 38 seconds. Against Colorado State, UCI leaped off to a S=-0 lead before the losers could dent the scoring column. It was ~l at half· time arid Anteater resen·es fini!hed out the rourlh quarteT. Steve Fanner led scoring for the \\'in- ners "''ith three v.·hile Jim Bradb1f"1 and . i\like Martin had two apiec:e. Scoring sin.gl~ point~ v.·ere Dale J\.lahn, Jim l\lc- Donald and Duane Olson. Goalie Don Ronaldson aided UCl's cause v.·ilh 10 saves. NeWiand's troops lo.st out when Bob McClellan· missed a pair of penalty throws :(Cal missed one) •. UCl had fought back after trailing 4·1 with 1:56 left in the thi11d quarter. Go~ls by l\fartilJ and Hahn in the last 96 sec- onds of the stanza evened it up, then t.he two foes battled throu·gh a scoreless last frame lo send it to overtime. With I :40-left in I.he first overtime .l\1c- Cle\lan had his second try at garnering penalty point. But again he missed.· Then Cal Cjme back wi th 3~ seconds to go in lhe period, hitting the deciding goal. (rv1ne 'il'as ctippled by the loss of i\1c- Donald, Farn1er, Hahn, Bradburn and Martin-all out:via the (oul rout e. Hahn had two goals "·hi!e Martin and Bradburn chipped in single scores. N.C. State. the defending Atlantic Cot1~t Conference champion. is comp leting its most disappointing season since 1962 v.·hen it finished .3-6-1. The tenor for·the season 1\'as set when !he \VolfPack dropped its seasori opener 22-2 1 to Wake Forest on a jy,·o point con- \'e1 sion in the last seconds. Since then, the \Voltpack . has !Ost lo 1\1iami of Florida, Florida State. 18th ranked Houston, and ACC champlon South Carolina. WoU:paCk coacfi Earle tdwards, 3 Penn State alumnus, views the game as "an opportunity you don't gel very ofttn." "We're looking forward to·Jt.''-he adds, 'There's always a cbance lf>·w;n." TIGER LEADER . -Jim Boone of Reedley College will direct the Tigers· against Saddlebac~ tonight. Boone is the No. 2 jaycee passer (s malJ school) in the s(ate, trailing Saddleback's Rod Graves by ·-lhre&·yards.·· N:C--State is predominl!ntly a rushing team, averhging 206 yards a ganle, main· ly on the strong' leg~ of Charlie Bo'wer and Leon -Mason. flowever, the. Wolfpack has averiged only' 66 ya rds a game in the.air ~nd ha'.'i SC<Jred only twiet on aerials. Penn Stale boasts the seventh best pass defense in the nation with an average of 106 yards and three enemy scoring pas~es. ~ The Lions' top rusher. hallback Charlie Weiskopf, Palmer Tied In Heritage Golf Classic Pittman should be in top form after an • early season injury. Pittman ha!i rushed HILTON. }!EAi}, S.C. (AP) -Tom tor roore than t00 yards in the last two \\1eiik0pt CUt oUt a briHi8ntCOOrie record games; 65 Frida)' and barged Into a tie with Wolfpack quarterback Darrell ?\-1oody, Amold Palmer for the second round lead v.'ho dislocated his right shoulder lasl in the $100.obo Heritage golf classic. week against Florida State, is a doubtful Tall Tom, who rallied from an opening starter. · :_74; .and the-slutflp-trOObled Pafmer were / , ·' thr~ und,er par at 139 and held a one· ~troke lead over a drawling Arkansas Dick Crawford. ' Crawford bolted lnto contention wllh a second round 69 !or 140. Palmer slipped a bit from hls 68 open- ing pace with a 71, matching par on the demanding, f,655-yard Harbour TOwri golf links, a new layout .that was. made tougher_ by the 'day-long drizzle and raw z~topek Sh,akes . 'em. Up Again:--:?E'.~r:~rd~;~::~~~~-~h~~g~= ~ I I reached the par "five second hole In two \ 1 • • • ' ,,· and. raft In' a 110 footer-In his record-set· PRAGUE (AP) -Emil Zatopek, the formtr Olympic long 'distance champion who hu fallen into disfavor wiUt hard- line Communists in his own country, created another 11Ur Friday when It was announced that he had resigned from the CzechoSlovak National Ol)'mpic Com- mittee. The announcement of Z a t ·o p e k ' s resignation from the c o m m 11 t c e ' s Presidium was made before tht body formally annulled a 1968 dtmand thst the Communbl countries which toot part tn the lnYaslon or Czechoslovakia be ex- cluded from lhe Olympic Gomes. That raised the question of whether (Ir not Zatopek had resigned bteause of that Lwue, but the .aec:retary general ot the Olympic commtUee. Dr. r rant I a e k KrouUI, said only thal Zalop<k'a rt11&na- t , . , • ~· \Ing r:ounct. · Uon had been' han'<led in some lime ago. pension. ana r~celving ro"ahlcs from Vera Casllvskl, the Olympic "'7'rrmast -.. lu.l. 1 1 """~·· · Jue 11V5ey came on the sixth, when he • ·A ri!tited army colonel, Zatopek ht1s bOOks ~ has written. . who rtcentry gave birth, and ski jurOper. put his tee·shot under 'the root of a tree been an outspoken critic of hard-line "The Zatopekl;," saia D'r. Kroutl l, "ju:!l J iri R&Ska1 ln .training for the NordiC and had to punch Jt back to· the fairway. Communism and recently came under noi"' are building a beautiful house in Tr<>-~kitng chami)l~hips. lie put 11 s£x.Jron rour feet rrom the pin sharp attack. ~ ' ja. ire ls h'elpilif lhefe tOo. lie can do All three V(el'f: signers las! year of the on the next hole and canned birdie putts He "·as ex~lled fro1n the party and ever~1hlng except (.'()lltroOing himself in "2!1.000 Wonfs," a militantly pro-liberal of JO, 20. JS and 25 feet . wa; e\·en accu.'kd of llleg~l acts. in· prc!s inlervl.t'!fs " manlfl•sto .... They ha\·e been chided Ar,.1c1 '"JL,.,... f~~~atf~~~ng av.·ay c\assilied military In iJiscussingZa_lopek Friday, the army ~~~.1r' ror thla taking an ··auti·socia(isl as-li!"'/A~~· Al the time. there.. were repeated weekly Obrana ' Lidu uld it ,w31 The de.mand ammlled.11t lbe ~~e tim e 8:: ::c1~n rumors ·.th&t the onetime Olympic gold "naturaU) unprecedented that a colonel, Zalope~'s ie5t'Rl\ation was a-Mounced .=.i:,.:r.t1•..ut medalist bad fallen Into 1uch disfavor work~ 0~ the defense min~stry, iwas coacet'ned lhe-vlew!I e1pressed in a letter 1:~~~l~~nc1 that hew~ doing odd jobs to make a llv· ~peaking m such a way • • • without ~av· 'l0 · A"!Jery Brundage, pre$ldent o( the Ii!~~,, ... , ing including col.lectlng garbage. and sell· mg any proofs.~ • Jnlfim1tlonal Olympic Committee. ~·•l'QY ing irult In the Streets of Prague. "No wonder the arm t eventually had lo 1 • letter protested the lnva~ion and ~ :!~~ Dr. Kroutil, howeYer, said Zatopek was par\ company with EmU Zatopek ln Spite gi d It had "the effe<:t of excl~dlng the i!lJ'J.•'$°' ••well' off." lie said he y;aa employed by a of all his merits." . . aportJmen or Jht five inVading' COUhtrles. f::! ,;Wcrtr" prospecting l\fm.. mtk:lng geolog~al Zalopek was one 'of three aUtletes who ·f~m· the ,OJYmpli: Camn ibecause ~Ir l~w;u~4 liurVfYI at'!d' searchlnp for mineral . did not aUencl the meeUna of tbe .Olympic countries Nivt nOt kepi faith wll.h' Ole 1~1j~ water;~wu 1dr1wlni-a full coloael 's_ conuniUet. :J1\.u1.5day. The .olhC'J'S were. Ob'nipic.JdcalJ..:• • _ .. _··-·--·~--:ic-hZr~:'.W:', State's Top 2 JC Elevens Duel Tonight Bv qLENN WIUT! Of .. DelW '"" Meff Saddleback College's Gaucboe will have 22 Tigers by•the tail tonight at Santa Ana Bowl as coach (ieorge Ha-,tman'• Desert Conference champions duel Reedley!• ,,..,.. In·. the state Jaye« playoff semifinals. Kicko(f is at I and 1,000 people are ex· pected to be en hand for the cWh between the top two small schools division teams. Undefeated Reedley Is a notch above SADDIEBACK REEDLEY 165 Day E l).Jckhorn 175 200 Finn T Erickson JOO 200 Ure'I G Booker 180 187 Martin C Do"·nlni:: 185 210 Vi rdin G Renwick 185 210 Ll mebrock T Pinhlero 2Z5 IC5 Rossman E BeU.encourt Hl5 175 Graves B Boone 160 185 'Fletcher B Jacoby 1M 170 Rupar B Battle 170 185 Whlpple B Square 160 the Gauchos In state ratings and boasts a volatile offense. · Coach J, R. Boone's Tigers are especially danterour through the air. They have the st.ale's leading receivers In Larry Batlle end Duane Bellencourl while Jim Duckhorn rates fourth ln California. ..... BatUe bas snagged 40 aerials for 643 yards anQ five touchdowns. Bettencourt has caught SI ror 41i yar~ and two tallies. Duckhorn has 36 rectpUons for .759 yards and 10 touchdowns. And quarterback Jim Boone -the coach's son -Is second In throwing slats with 111 completions In 117 attempts for l.62i yards and a dozen touchdowns. Boone has missed 3Ys games with an Injury but e·xpecls to go fu ll blast tonight. Howevear, Saddleback has a menacing overhead game, too. Q!Jartertack Rod Graves Is the stall paSaing leader with Ill compleUons In 212 throws for 1,124 yards and If touchdowns. Receivers Marc Hardy and Gary Rossman rate third and flftb In the slate. Unfortunately for Hartman, Hardy Is lost with an injury and his exploits can be ex· peeled to be keenly felt. Hardy had nailed 37 throws for 507 yards and eight TDs . On the cround, Saddleback is led by state rushing leader Toby Whipple. He 's garnered 1,33.'1 yards in 22'1 carries for an average of ,.9 per try. ' .A.n:l GraVt!I Is third In the state with 64 l yards in 18 carries lor an average o[ 7 .3 per tote. . Junior Square, Reedley 's lethal l1ttle fullback, is second in rushing with 911 yards in 150 carries for a 1.1 average. Reedley and Saddleback have acorlng co-leaders for California . Duckhorn and Whipple ha11e 62 point.a apiece . ••aD\.IT SADOLllAC IC 1J C1tirlll0 " • sout11...,1ern fl t) i.eQUDllS • " Gro$1monl • JJ Comptoo " • Cll&lllY • JI G!tnOtll ~ • "''" ' lS Cllt$11 " .. Vktor Vtlllr • 4J Hani;Odl n ll Mlr1 CO:lll ' •2 Wftl Hllll " " ,.,.,..., , 12 Mt~ecl • !J lmPfflll V111t1 " " l'orltfvlli. • 11 "'' lift JKlnll • ... '" •• " Jets, Raiders Mix iii Battle Of AFL Leaders By A11oclated Pre11 The New York Jets, who got some et· tra gravy from San Diego to go wtth their Thanksgiving turkey, and the Oakland Raiders. who gOt a little heart.bum fTom Kansas City. clash Sunday In a battle of American Footbell League, d I v I s I o n leaders. New York can clinch the E~stem Di vision title over Houston with a 11ictory, v.;hile Oakland needs to win to stay ahead or Kansas City In the \\'estem Division. While the Jets and the Raiders relaxed last Thursday, San Ol~o up!el Houston 21·17 to drop the Oilers 21h ,1amcs behind New York and Kansas City whipped Denver 31·17 to climb within percentage points of Oakland. The Shea Stadium clash, finale ol a uni· que seven-week homestand for the dete11~ ding champion Jets, tops a three-game AFL card Sunday. Cincinnati vi.sits Buffalo 11nd Boston takes on Miami at Tampa, Fla., in lht others. ' Los Angeles 11 at Washington, Cleveland at Chicago, Atlanta I\ Baltimore, Philadelphia at New Orlean!I, New York at Green Bay and Plll5bur~1 at St. Lous ln Sunday's NaUonal Football League adlon. The aecond·~ace teams als'J got 1 shot at the league title. but the regular seasrin fr ont.runners will have the home lield edge in the lnter-dlvtsioR playoffs. The first·plact club In t~ East ,.;n entertain the Western runneru p Dec. to and the runnerup In East will vllit the \Vest em titllst the following day. with the survivors meetins Jan. 4 ror the league championship. The Jeto, 8-3, will lace Oakland lor U>e first time al.net their 27.p v~ ov~r the Raiders In last year'' title 11me without prtm\tt pau catcher Don Maynard In the lineup. Maynard suffered a -.n bone In his ril)ll !ool Iut Sonday after pabblnl •llht pt1saa •a•tnat Clnclnnad ., lit llerivtr'• Al t>enaoo for 1he Iee&u• tou. l 0 DAILY PllOT Colonists Use Defense l(nights· Roll Over .Titans, 23-6 South Pas Trounces In 14-7 Win By ROWARD L. llANo·; ot tltt ~11, 'lltt Sl•ft Anaheim High School's most success- ful orfenslve stars turned into defensive titans Friday night to intercept three sec- ond ha1f passes to live lhe Colonists a 14-7 quarter final playoff victory over the Redlands Terriers. A crowd of IS,717 at the Big A sal In on the second meeting of the year be- tween the two teams. George Fraser, Anaheim quarterback, and Tim Thorn, the .op offensive wr:a- pons of the Colony team all season, per- formed brilliantly in the Colony second· ary. Fraser intercepted a Dave Dykstra aer· lal at his o"''" 45-yard line and returned it to the Redlands 21 early in the third quarter. Two plays later he hit teamm~:e Cary Tozer in the end rone for the win- ning touchdown from 20 yards out. It was the second touchdov:n pass bc- !ween the two. the first coming with 4:32 Jert in the first half to knot the count nt 7·7, after Thorn had converted. The outstanding Anaheim running back lh\varted a Redl ands scoring threat late In the third quarter with the first of two intercept.ions. The Terriers had the ball on the Ana· heim six with fourth and goal to go. Dyk· stra stepped back and threw a flat pass to the JefL Thom raced in front of the intended receiver to pick it off and move to the 19 before he was brought down. Anaheim then fought fire with fire in the fourth quarter by turning to a ball control game that has been the trade- mark of Redlands this season. In the fourth stanza, the Colonists had posses- sion on 19 plays while the Terriers held the ball 13 times, including Thorn's two inter~ptions. Ironically, the Redlands score also came after a pass theft. John Neely grabbed a Fraser aerial :::t the Anaheim 4S and returned it lo the 12 before he was brought down. \Vith a fourth do,,..·n and three situation. Dykstra hit Pat McNally in the end zone for the score with Tin1 Harty kicking the con\'ersio n point. ThLs gave Redland s a momentary 7.0 lead. The first Anaheim touchdown camr. on 1 49-yard drive In IO plays with Thorn and Fraser handling the ball most of the way. • • ' ' " •• • " '" 71111 '. " ' By CRAIG SHEFF Of IN Dlllr 'IMI ''"' Sparked by an Ill-yard punl return for a touchdown, Footll!U HIP llleolred lnlo the CIF AAA football semi-finall with a lopsided 2U victory over Rolllna: Hills at Santa Ana Bowl Friday ni1ht. Traillng 6-0 earJy in the setond quar- te r, Foothill's 13&-pou.nd halfback, Gary Jackson, gathered In a Titan punt on the dead nm at his J4 and after escaplna the graap ot two !tolling Hill• llntmen at the 27, rambled the rest of the way untouched. niat wu all the spark the Kni1hts needed u lhe):' completely domJnated the game from that point on. Th.ompson (27) Not. Enough; GWC Clubbed · Coldm West College's Rustle rs 1ot a 27-point effort from freshman ace Chris Thompson, but It wasn't enough lo overcome Mt . San Jacinto College's superior height and manpower u the. lat• ter took a JQ2...M triumph Friday night in the season basketball opener for . both schools. A thron& or 10 turned out at Mt. JAC to \'ie w the spectacle, The Rustlen invade Orange Coast College tonight to face tho Pirates, 127·102 victors over Et Camino,_ Friday. Thomp!OJI canned zo the last half and "'as hitting most of bf! lield goals from the top of lbe key. However, when 6--1 Dave Hardina: left the game with five fouls mid way through the last half, coach Dick Stricklln's forces had lo rely on 6-3 Brad Haskell to handle rebound chores against the taller Eagles. Golden \Vest took an early ll·S lead, then fell behind, S0-43 at halftime. The Rustlers stayed within 10 unfit Mt. JAC cul loose and zoomed to a 7~S5 lead. After that Golden West was never in serious contention . Rich Barnes ( 11) and Steve Peselik (10) v;erc also in double figure s for the losers. Gelt111 WtN lMl Ml. J AC OH) ''"'''' "'"'''' H11ktll 10llfll1>t 7llU lh0mr>10ll ' ' • 11 Wll-ll S 1 11 Pewtn J 2 J 6 JollnlO!I I • 2 2 a 1rne1 • l 2 11 C. llrewn l 1 2 1 Grev!> J I 1 1 Ltwl• II 6 J 211 Wlodc llJJl!.lrown l 1lt H1rdlllll J J S ' Htnltle 0 O • O 81111 I a I J A. Brown I 1 5 r P1Hlk 764!0Hobbt 71•S Com'" tJJ SRttl 110l 0'1111 I002flt"1 0010 To1111 JI H 11 u lol1h. Q n 2t 11» HtlUim': Mt. Stn Jt tl"IO ~. Go\dtn W11I ll. Faellltles Improve Ski Buffs Snow-bound; Many Areas Now Open Cv ESTHt:RANNE BILLlfliGS • or 1111 o.u-, ,,,., s1111 Skiers \\'ith Thursday and Frida)' _free flO\\·ed out of tov.·n \Vednesday night. Tllure are leaving tonight. Their dc£lina· lion. snow. Arizona Snov.• Bowl winter sports area J :> miles north of Fla gslaff is oprn v.·eekends with a base of 18 inches of snow on the upper trails and four to s\:< inches on the lower trails. The chairlift, restaurant. and lodge are in operation. \rith the Poma, rope tow, and snow play area awaiting more snow. Alta, Utah. has begun daily operation of all facilities. to continue through l\tay J. 1970. The area boasts excellent packed and powder skiing on a total snow depth of ~ inches. The U.S. "'len"s Ski Tea111 began training al Aspen f\.1ountain Nov. 17. The area opened to the public Thanksgiving Day, except for Buttermilk. which will opens Dec. 13. Skiing is reported poor to excellent at Aspen Mountain on 30 inchr.s of sno"'', good to excellent at Aspen Highlands on SO Inches of snow. and very good lo ex· cellent at Snowmass on 54 inches of snow. here and there. Most (aci\ities are In operation for the Thanksgivlng Holiday period. The ski school offers instruction ~ith 32 certified instructors, 16 newly arrived from European areas such as Davos, Sv.•itz.erlan d· Kitibuhel, Austria , and Val d'lsere, Fr~nce. and two from the Swiss National Ski Team . Sno\\'making in local mountains has brought skiing to three areas. Holiday Hill in the San Gabriel Mountains is open \vith skiing on the lower rope tow. In the San Bernardino Mountains Rbeel Ridge is open daily with skiing on the chair lift and the ski school in operation, while Sno1v Summit has its &JG.foot rope tow in operation, ditto ski school. Holiday HJll. P.1ount Baldy, P.11. \\'aterman. Snow Summit , and Snow Valley •re operating chair lifts for sightseers. Sno\1' Forest. located just behind Big Bear Lake VIiiage, will open when natural snow falls for its seventh season with greatly improved parking facilities. Expansion and paving of the main parking lot at L i It I e Siberia, sup- plemented by the chair lift lot, boosts parking capacity to 500 cars. Baby sitting iniUated last se~s011 will continue as an added attraction for the family skier. Doug Rothrock's placement was wide after,lbe.Knl&bt touchdown, but he more then ,made up for Jt when he booted a ll·Yard field goal "11th 31 •kondl )tft in the half to give Foothill a M lead. Rout111 HUia dominated play In the opealna quarter. holdJnc the Creatvlew Leque champloas to JO yards on five nlthln& plays. And, at the l'lalf, the Titans held · a 11~7f yard statisUcll edge, Including a as.c2 marlin in the rushing depart· mtot. Foothlll'a ball control 1ame wu tel· t•r-perfec1 Ille second ho!f u the Knlpu had the ball for· n offensive plays while l\oldln& ROlllng, !Ulla to ti. : The Tttans could only gain 51 yards In &,be la&~ two ·quarters qainst the tough Foolhlll Jine. FooJhlll halfback Bob Speicher W&S htld .to 11 )'atdl In lhe opening half and flnllbed the, a;ame with 51 yards in 17 c!U'ries. Jim Volaw ..wu the second l~Qlhg rusher for the Knl&'.hll with 54 Yards Ip 17 ea'.rrles, Foothlll quarierback Bob Btackluidge completed six of 13 passes for 104 yards. Thi Knights put the game out of rei.ch Immediately arter the: half as they tool; the opening kickoff and marched 1$' >:ards in nine plays with Speicher go- ing the final yard. That gave them a 16-8 lead.• I A 49-yard pass from B11cktldge ta Ughl end craia Grimm "l up ~ final Foothill touchdown. The pl1y started on the Foothill 28 with Grimm maklng a nleti c1tch at hla own 45 Ind then ramb- ling to the Rolllog Hills 25. Ten plays later Votaw scor«I from the one (or: tbea fine! touchdown. f • Tribe, 21-7 BJ ROGER CARLSON ot .... Olllr .. u .. '"" ARCADIA-South Pasadena Hlgh's No. 1 seeded Tiger football ttam aave ao txcellent example of how to pull off a clutch·win Frida)' nl&bt IS the Rio Hondo League champions whipped FulleJ'lo ton, 21-7, before 4,000 fans 1n AAA foot,. bill playoff action. Fullerton bad given the Tigers an they wanted the first half but could do no better than a 7.7 tie. Then, in Lhe final two period!, co.ch Ray Solari's polished outfit adjusted Its defenses and proceeded to shut down the vlalUng IndiaM without a sinlle first down for the remainder of the game. It was a stunnblg turnabout for FuU· erton as the Freewfly League tlllsts had Jooked good the first half with their pow· er-I formation and the solid NnnlnC of Pete Farquhar. Farquhar and his mates had dominated the action and in the first period alone, he had run for 85 yards on 16 earrla. What's more, the Orange County rep- resentatives scored on their opening drive of the game when the Indians mai'ched 60 yards in cmvinclng fashion covering 12...Rtays. Quarterback Tim Paul broke up tht continuous slams over the middle Ind lhrough the lacklto by Farquhar wllh a Utile lhree-yard pus to Brian Sander· son. Sam Perales kicked lhe PAT with fl:f3 to go in the lint quarter and the Indians appeared to have things golnJ the.ir way. But the Tigers came back to Ue tt In the first period ind stayed even with Fullertcp throuah three quarters. South Pasadena took advantage or a couple of breaks late in the thltd ptrlod to get excellent field position on the Full· erton 39 and If plays later the top l!leed- ed team In the elirnJnations put il ovear. Key to the drive came when quarter. back John Simmons hit Bill Clearl1 with an 18-yard pass to the Indians' 15 on a roorth-and·IS situation. South Pas added a third touchdown late in the test with Thom Ec111r taklna It over from eight yards out to cap a 33- )'ard drive. Fullerton stayed In ita power-[ almost entirely except for a few wlahbone-T p~ys and semed to rely almort u:clu- si vely on the running of Farquhar. With South P81adena keying on that I. facet of the Fullerton attack in the sec- ond half, Fullerton 's hopto dropped ' 6harply. ,I • PARDON MY REACH -Orange Coast College's Rick SUckelmaier duels an El Ca1nino player for a rebound \Vhile OCC mate Bob Black (32) look s on . The Pirates got behind J i1n Kindclon's 45-point performance lo s1nash El Camino, 127-102. The Bucs host Golden \Vest tonight. Kindelo11's 45 Sparks OCC Pirate s R a1nble Past Warr io rs, 127-102 By JOHN CASS OI !ht D11t1 1"1111 lt•U Jim Kindelon held a hot hend all night long as he scorched the nets for 4~ points \\·hile leading the Orange Coast College basketball tcan1 to a record breaking performance ns the Pirates outgunned visiting El Can1ino. 127·102. in the sea· son opener for both clubs Friday nig ht. Coach Herb Livsey hopes his troops can 1nalntain the high scoring att itude since they eo n1e right back lo racf' (~old· en we~l in the Pirnie confines tonight at 8. The Rustlers are still seeking vir· tory No. I after fall ing viclhn lo f.11. San Jacinto, 1(12..84. Friday night. Kindelon narrowly mi~ed the OCC indi vidual scoring mark \Vith his 45·point total but he helped imn1~nsely as the Pirates broke lhei r tean1 scoring record by two points on a shot by Troy Rolph \\~lh six seconds remaining in the game. Ora!Jlle Coast didn't start very fast. In fact, 59 seconds passed before Rick Stick· elmaie r opened scoring with a pair o[ free throws lo give the Pirates a 2-0 lead. Phil Jordan popped in a charity toss and a short juniper for a 5-0 lead befor e Jim Jones and Frank \Vurm could nar· row th e gap to 5-.f with 17 :46 remaining . Kindeloo then opened rire on the hoop through the next minute and a half to ~prcad the gap to six. 15-9, with 16 :06 remaining in the firsl half, El Can1ino could never dra\v any closer. "J'h ruughoL1 t the first holf. there \\'as 111ore of a scoring duel bet1veen two of thae Pirates than there \va s belwcrn lhe t"'O tcnn1s. Battling Kindelon for scoring honors was Jordan 'A·ho \\'Ound up thr half 1vith 23 points. Kinde!on had lo settle for 20. But it "·as all Kindelon after the second halt opened. Jordan ~cored six quick points then fouled out with 13:14 Jell to play. Jordan wound up with 29 counters for the night. \\'urm was a threat throughout the con· test and was the main reason El Ca· rnino didn't fall out of sight. He flnished strong in the final halt to score 32 points on 10 field goals and 12 free thro'A1s. .Jerry Snavely was next for the Visit· ors "'ith 25 counters. Livsey sensed that his charges must iniprove defensively. Orange Coast fell victin1s to the \vhistles of the officials 3~ ti111es and had four players foul out. El t •miM Otl Snt.,.tlY ,~n Brrth Nll>Oalto Wu•,., "" P•rrl•~ IC•imf• (lrlt C1•d '" ,, ft pl '• 10 J l ,~ j s s 15 l l J ' 1 ' j 10 10 11131 l 0 I 6 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 I a 0 0 ' 0 I 1 1 I Or1~11 (1•1! CUii 11:c11111 ICIN11kln ......... "~ bl•<• Holm11 01!flf Pini Stkktl"'l'tt It fl pf 11 1 1 l 16 ltll4j l 0 I f ' 1 I t I 1 1 • , , ' . 1 0 s ' 1 I I '.I 0 ) s J 3• l• H IOJ 52 ?J )I 111 H~lf!lme: Or1ny1 (otit iS. Et (1mlna ~. •AMtr STATllf!CI Flr1t down1 ru~~l"9 Fl•1t dew"' 111isr.,. F!ril dcw111 llf'n11tle1 lolll fin! doWM YtrdS r11thl"9 Y1r41 hlltllllll Y1rd1 loll Nil 1t rd1 p ll'lfd P1uts 1tttm111tc111ccm111t1H ....... 111,.1"l1rd1 lli!ftllflftl Fumb"1fFurnoi.1 loH .. " ' ' " '" ~ " '" "' "~ '" SClrt •1 ct\tl11trt kNI~ Pt~ • .• . r o F ulltrlon •.•...... , I t • • Eight Seek Wheelstand Title Sunday • • I ' • 1• • " In "' "q '" " -ti ·-, Eight of the fastest wheelstand drivers in the country will compete for the ""' cond aMual Wheelstand Championah!ps Sunday at Orange County IntematlonaJ Raceway. Gates will open at 9 a.m. with the three-round contest fo r the Wbeelstand ti· tie to take place between 2 and 4:30 p.m. Jnterest in wheelstand driving bea:an about live years ago when B I J I Shrewsberry amazed drag racin& fans wilh a rear-engined Plymouth Barracuda. that could carry its front wheels in the air for almost hall the quarter·mlle distance. Eight of these unusual vetUcles will con1pete side-by·side Sunday f o r distances exceeding one hall a mile and reaching speeds in excess of 130 mph. Very special skills art involved R~ evidenced by the fact only IO drivers possr.ss unlimite·J Ucense:. The Highlands announces the opening or a new deep pov.·der area called '·Ma roon Bowl ," which sounds like you could be--ominous, but just what a deeµ powder expert would love , no doubt. At Aspen there are 10 new restaurants to feed the ever-growing Influx of skiers. To handle reservation referrals an 181\t J 130 Computer has been installed. Call (30) 92S-3!H5 for assistance. Los Alamitos Smashes CIF Foe, 40-8 The unlimited qualification allows them to race along side one another and to travel both directlonl on the drag strip wit h their wheels up. A chance at the only nationally recognized title anct the $6,000 tn ap. pearance money has lured the field af eight. Sun Valley, Idaho, will open Dec. 13. which coincldr.s with the lnauguralion ol Air West jet ser\•ict to 1\\•ln Falls, the gateway to that pioneer ski area. San Valley ma)' have been a pioneer In skiing, but the area Is posh. There'1 cvtrythlna: a skier could want and more. The new jet servlct ~·ut make the "million dollar new look" the ai'el has created for itself this season more ac· cesaible. Vlalton will trave.I aboard t1 DC·9 stretched jtt from Los Angele.s lnle rn11· Uonal Airport and mBke only a slna:le. 1top at SalL Lake City before landing st the newly eipanded Twin Falls AJrport. June Mountain ape.ned Wedne5d•Y with marlJinal skiing on lhe T·bar and fair to good chalrllfl 1lklni on tap. The. area his 1 reaerv1tlon servlct available by calllnc (714) 843-7191 In June Lake. Nearby MamnK>th ~fountain offers packed powder, with tome rQC~s &howlns By BOB ROTH 01 .. OlllY ,,..., .,... Lo!!. AlamltM had little difficulty t.akJng apart Riverside Poly's highly-touted de- fen~ s~ the Griffins !oiled Into the AA football finals with • to.a win in a game played Frid11y night al Western High School. The passing or Vic Pe.reboom and run· nlng of t§.pound f\fike Hixon paced Los Alamitos, as the Griffins scortd the first four times they had the ball. Pre\'lously the Btars h:td given up an avr.race of less than five pointJ a g1me against AA f0t1. The opposing offenses pre.sented a con- trasUng show as the Bears counted on the bulJ.Jlke runs of fullback Mel Gleen while Hixon relied on bis spud and quicli· nts.s to gain ground. Their personal duel was no contest a~ Cleen's gan1~ \\'BS hurt by the ab.sence ol I.ail back Art . Aklru who t1•1s shelved 11·ith an ankle injury. On the night Gleen gained ju6t 37 )'ards \vhile Hixon netted 187. The outcome or the game was never In doubt as the Orange League champs scored on their second play tro1n scrim· mage arter Tom Loper fell on a loose bnll at his own 47. Pereboo1n quickly establlsOOd his pass- ing attack hitting Bob Cameron with a pass lo move the ball to the 36 and cover- ing the remaini ng yardage on a bomb lo Jeff Tk:ehurst to put Los Alamitos on top 8--0 \\'Ith 8:S9 left in the opc!nlng period, John Hamlllon booted throu1h his only try or the night to make it 7-8. Tice::hurst i"el up the next t"A·o Griffin tallies with interceptions, the flrsl one givina Los Alamltos the ball on !Iii 45, ~ just two pl8)'S after the o~nlng score .. Hixon'' 42·¥8.rd romp from &he 48 i"C' up the tally and two plays la ter he took it In fro1n the t~o with 6: 12 still ltfl in the first. Scoll Landsman, who did the rest of the Griffins' klcklng, made it 14.(l with his boot. Alter Riverside had moved to th• Gr if. fin 37, Tlcehurst picked off his second pa~s to stan a drire that culmlnated 12 plays later wlth Hixon going in ror his second score. this one from seven y11 rd.~ out. Landsman's kick made ll 21.(l wllh 7:56 remaining until ha lftime . The rlnal polnls of the ha lf came ~'hen the Griffins drove 65 yards In eight plays the next tlme lhr.y gol the ball. Perr- boom'5 toss to Cameron neled !ht last II yards. The kJck made It 28.Q "'ith 2:51 before Intermission. Tltthur1>t and reserve Dave Saunders scored Los Alamitos' final touchdo'olns. Tlcehura;t's on a 19-)'ard pass Crom Pere- boon1 and Saunders on a four.yard sweep. as coac:h Frank Doretti's team scored ln both or the final quarlers. The Bears only touchdown came with 9:02 left and the Grlflins ahead 34--0 when F.d Gunz hlt on a 20-yard pass with Tim Sheehy. Gunz's pass lo Wayne Gross gave the ,-lsilors their t"-u-point conversion. OAMI $TATl5llC5 r 1r11 ~"""' niilllnt f"lrll doWM PllHll'ltl Flot OOwn• pP,..ltltt. lOlll flrll cio- 'l'trd\ nnhlnt 'I' tr.II s>tMlr!I "l•tft IOlt " • I • ' " • " I" Ntl ytrdl l•ln!!d Pun1TIAv1r1i'9 ftll!tnct ,_lllfff"l•"lh Pft\othlld f"11mb!"''""'blft !Ott t.r.lol.O ,l1?S "' .,_ • ., Q~lrtlf' " .. • • " •• .. • ~· • .,.~ "' lll !vt rt\d1 Pnly O t O I -' l.01 Al•tnl'OS If 1• t f -.. They include the East's most pro- minent wheelstander Charlie Holmes of Providence, R.I. In his Super-Hem! Bug ; Bob Perry or Tucson. driving his FugtUve Corvette; Bill Golden'$ Litt~ Red Waion <Judaonla. Ark.) and Richard Hutchins or St. Pr.teraburg, Fla. ln his Chr.vy Rt hellion. Othe r drlvr.ra Include two from Corpus Christi, Tex., Roy Trevino in hla Texas Rare Bear and Gary Wat.5on driving his Paddywag:on. Roundill( out the field are last year·s champion Chuck Poole of Sacramento In his twin enclned Cbuckw1gon ind Richard &:broeder of Eugene, Ort. In his J1velin. Dick Hardlna: of Reseda will attempt tll (\uallly for an unlimited license ii hi• back.up pickup durlq !ht even~ • • .. b) I• B1 pr B• 81 () or L~ C( lh m ni JI'. fi: g, <I .. bo at w G d• " II •• w IT Ir p h n h ti p SI t( d . 11 F c • p a r l• ~ y b t c d I t I ( I ' I ( I ' ' Your Engines! by Deke Hou/gate Any amateur sports car dri~er's wlfe will tell YO:U• getting bit by the raclpg bug changes a man's life. Some desUntes racing af· fi!:cta more than others. Mickey .1bompson was a newspaper pressman. ~nie Bucknum was a surveyor, Graham Hill was an engineer s ap- prenUce. Jackie Stewart was the tra~ooUng ~hamplon of the British Isles. David Pearson \\"Orked 1n a mtll and pumped gasoline on weekends. Carroll Shelby was a chicken rancher· C.:Olln Chapman was a used car dealer. Some of these men have become millionaires through racing, or nearly so. All of them ·have achieved a measure of fame, and their dedication to motor sport Is greater than any feeling they could have had for the run-of-the.ml!\ existences they led before Uiey became addicted to racing. . Tod&l' we look in on the life of Francis McN&rl}lNl, who has JUSt made that familiar pirouette in the dance or life, ~rlln4 off lll a new direction. · McNamara was an orphan who was rals~ by grandparents un· Iii they died in his early teens. Supporting himself at OOd jobs, he finished hlgh school and enlisted in the army at ~e.a~e of ~I. Fout years ago he was graduated from Officer:~ ·candida~e School at Ft. Benning. Ga .; and became a seco~ heutenant in ~haf'ie of a Green Beret demonstraUon team -be had already served fOUf tours in Vletnam. Uke many young men In his circumstanCE'.· McNamara became intrigued with auto racing. He drove modified stock cars and midgets In the East lrom Ume to time, until December, I~, when he was ordered to report to a Special Forces Group 1n Germany. . . A dedicated soldier. McNamara nevertheless found time to in· dulge himself in racing. He bou1ht a Formula Vee, an open wheel car powered by a VW engine, and entered a number of amateur races. He was what you might call obscurely unsuccessful. Ram Tilt Tops TV . Agenda Southland football fans wlll have an opportunl,ty to watch the Los Angeles Rams seek to clinch the Coastal Dlvlala.1 NFL title Sunday when coach George Allen's squad tangles 'A'ith the Walhinjton Redskins from the nallon't capital. The game will be aired on Channel 2 al 9:45 to get a big day of prolesslonal football under way. The New York Giants . and Green Bay Packers meet Jn the other tlFL e:.1counttr. Joe Namath and the Ne\v York Jets entertain the Oakland Raiders In an AFL contest lbat rwu concurrent wtlh the Ram-Redskin clash on Channel f, For ttie collegiate football fan, a compari>on of the Nll· t,ny Lions wtUt west coast ~a!N can oe made by watcht.11 Penn State at North carollDI State at 1: 15 today on Channel 7. This one follows the annual Army·Navy skirmish begiMipg at 10 W. morning. Football domlnat's the television scene· with San Die:go Stale hosUn1 Cal State fLong Beach) tonight at I on Chart1el II with Bill Welsh mlkeslde. TODAY 10 •.m. lt)CL-NCM FOOtlALl-Atm¥ ¥J, N1¥y, Ur3G 11.m. C•lCl'-KIGH ANO W!LO -"Wlni.r Slttin.td 1"1'111M." -DAILY Plltr J 1 , • AJ1 Sla"'d Today S.iX · 'Filts Launch • J JC Grid Playoffs . Saddlebaclc: Co 11 e a e J. ner of a game between Yuba I tertaln.s undefeated.Reedley in (Marysville) and Hart n e 11 Sinll Ana Bowl tonight at a (Salinas ) In the northern city while Fullerton'i Horn e t s Oil the followt.1g weekend for journey to Bolboa Stadlum in '" the champlonahlp. San Diego to do battle with Eight teams open play In the Grot.smo.1t as the California large schools division and J·unior colle&e football playoffs a Fu.ll~rlon victory would bring :semifinal actJon to the Hornet get under W•Y· home stadium next weekend Saddleback, competing in against the winner or a game the •mall school1 division , will between Bakersfield and Santa be playini a semifinal contest Barbara . wlth the victor facin1 the win· The large schools fi'aal game Gauchos In 76-72 Reversal will also be played at the home field of the Southern California winner on Dec. 11 or 13. This week '';; schedule, .all games today : LARGE SCHOOL DIVISION (Quart.tr Flaals) Southern or Upper Bracket -Fullerton c-.1) South Coa1t Conference at Groumont (7·2) Mission Conference, Balboa Stadium, San Diego, I p.m. Santa Babara (7·2) Western State Con ferenc e at Bakersfield (9-<I) Melropolita.1 Conference. Ba k·e rs£ i el d College. a p.m. • Saddleback College gets a shot at Its first victory In the embryonic basketball season when the Gauchos m e e t Grosamont (O.I) tonight at San Diego Mesa College in a 1 o'clock tiff. Coach Roy Stevens' Gauchos dropped a 71-72 verd1ct to san Diego Mesa Friday niaht at Mira Costa College (Oceanside) while Grossmont was bowing to Mira Costa. Northern or Lower Bracket ,. -Los Angeles Harbor (._l) Southern Ca 11 forn I a Con· ferencc at Fresno CC (6-3) Valley Conference, Ratcliffe Stadium, Fresno. 1 :30 p.m. -. Stevens' ouUit was tied al 72·all but couldn't hang on. Washington. D.C .. newsman Ev Gardner, who called the 1'.tcNamara story to my attentlon, writes: "He spent most of that 5eason (1967) at one German race track or ano.ther every weekend. Even with the aid or a couple of friends who were ~ble mechanics the car seldom lasted long enough to get through time l:U e.111. C7lCL-ffCM l"OOTIALL --------------------------------Two technicals on t h e Gauchos In the closing three seco~ put the game out of rea._ch. West Valley (M) Cambo North Conference at Chabot (S.1) Golden Gate Conference, Chabot College S t a d i u m , Hayward, 1 p.m. trials. ,, Finally, the car caught fire and was tot.all y destroyed. It was against this background that l'it~Nam~~ fo~ed the pian ln his mind : To quit the anny. &Ive up his senwnty. his rant. his bene{lts and the way of life for which he had sacrificed so much over a period of 12~ years. He was bitten by the raci.n1 buf, pure and simple. J\.fcNamara took bis separation pay In May, ttu, and used it to set blmself up In a small sbop la a picture postcard villace near the German Alps. It is in the to~ of Lenuries, with snow-capped peaks rising all around and cowt paradlac down tbe cobblestHt strttts, Lbelr bells beat1':g a ru1Uc serenade every afternoon a1 they come home from pastorin1. McNamara then weal to England. where ht took a raclnf driver'• course and met a deslper, who helped blm draw plans for ~fcNamsra's ori1dnal Formula Vee car1. From Vee1, l\lcNamara moved Into the construcUon of Formula Ford, z and 3 open·wbtel ra~rs. Ht is now In tbt pro- cess or de1lgnln1 a big engine Formula A racer for the 11?0 season. Designing and building race cars gives McNamara the OP· portunlly to do what he likes best -drive topflight equipment against some of the 'A'Orld's best drivers. To be successful in a race car bulldlng~business you must build winning race cars, and to assure victory the car builder usually fields his own factory team . · Taking on Peter Arundell as team manager and a talented young German, Helmut Topfl , as a teem driver. McNamara became the No. 2 team driver. He Unished right behind the win· ner, TopO , in several important events to start the orders for cars coming in last year. The American's shop employs team manager Arundell, a designer, a production manager and 23 machinists and mechanics. Besides becoming a rather successful amateur driver' in Europe, McNamara has made a good name for himself as the builder of Europe's most successful Formula Vee, marque. Another American driver, Bill Scolt. drove one of McNamara's cars this surrlmer to wins at Nurburgring. Gennany, and Andersdorp. Sweden. to be proclaimed the "uncrowned Formula Vee champion'' of the continent. Drlpplt19 Smeat and Grease \Vhile most of us will be bowing our heads over heavily loaded fe stive boards, taking lhe children to see Santa at the local department store or relaxing at home in the company of family and friends , 1,500 amateur racing competitors v.•111 be dripping sv.•eat and grease in Florida this holiday weekend. The occasion is the American Road Race of Champions. the year end amateur championship event that produces some of the great.est hui)..~hub compet!Uon anywhere. The site is Daytona Speedway. Nearly 350 drivers. plus their crews and families, will rough It along the Gold Coast during the long weeltend, as they prepare and race cars In an attempt to win one of the 21 national titles of. fered by lbe Sports Car Club of America .. To get an invitation, most of the drivers had to travel 1,000 tQ 2.000 miles durin.it the year to enter races throughout· their geographical divisions -and perhaps cross-country a time or t"·o to pick up some "easy" points to earn good records. Three top drivers from each of the seven geographical divisions are inv ited. adding up to a pote ntial neld for each race of 21 outstanding competitors. Some racing observers claim that amateur sporls car racing Is dull and too complicated to understand. There's nothing boring or comolex about the races presented during the ARRC. Thi s may be the last year for this race at Daytona, which has held the event on alternate years 'A'ith Riverside Raceway. Promoters of both tracks have told SCCA they would rather have the "Rose Bowl" of amateur road racing every November or not at all. SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myer1 _,,_ S!1tt 11 ~. C1roll111. lolnecl •n Protr•u . l:lO •'"'· (1)Jct-W•ESTllNG -Cllldl 'Heern 11 Fenlll'I flnt.ic1t. ' p.m. IS)CF-IOWllNG-Oave O.· "'' "'· Jim Godrr\9n, • •·'"· OICT-41'EC1Al-k0Cllk'J A!l.,.,,..,.rlc.1 foolball ... ,,..,, ert11nleo' b¥ Chrl1 Sdltflktl llld O.J. Slm1$0"· •:I> 11.m. 15)Cl"~UTD00JIS-"FIY In rw Tr11111,-with Joe ,...._ s p.m. UlCT-"1110 CllftS-Fl'«l'I 111 lilt Wftkfnd's AFl, Nll'l tlfTllJ. J "'"'' U'4lF-l"UT80l-llucha cit Soccer cit Mulco). I 11.m. (ll}Cl-PCM FOOTl.lll- C.I £11tl> l-Buch II Sin 01111 Stitt. 8111 Wtlth mnr. .. 1n . f e.m, (ll )CT-•OLlEJt OEttlY- SF 11¥ l ombert VI. Mldwt1l l'ltl!Mtrt. 10 "-"'· (J.flF-BOXIO-(All'P cit 11 1tm1,.. oe Mtxlca!. SUNDAY •:I> t.m. f1!Cl"-AllEN'S ltAM5- C....:h co.o. AHtfl t nd ·-•c1111r Git Strllton look ''lrislcle Foot!YH." t ;ol5 1.rn. UlCl-NFl fOOT8AlL- lA 1t1m1 If W11l'llntlt>n 1ttc11kln1. 10:30 1.rn. C•JCL-All'L FOOTIALL- 01kl•l\d lll1ldtr1 1t NY J1t1. I •.rn. UICL-Nfl l'OOTIA.LL..- NY Gl1nt1 11 Green h Y l"Kklrl. I t.m. (()Cl -Al"l FOOTIA.ll ... '°''°" "•frlcm "'· Ml.Im! Olil•hlnt, rrom Tamtt, 1'11. l:Jll ..,..,., (1\!CT-IKM FOOT .... LL -•1111.ay flf 1111 Wiik'• lt01• lewl .. Clcltf' ~ Ohio Stitt ludtt'l'ft Ind Mlclllt•n ~1¥tr\nn. ' •·'"· !7lCT-NCM CLIPS-I",.., 'l'tll .... IY'I key callnt •• ,,,. •. $ 111.m. l:Mll'-TOllOS.-(l'tlt11 dt tor'OI ff MtMlca). 1 p.m. (t)CT-ffAIMTH 5HOW-i~c1w1y Jot Ir.cl ........ T•A. f •.11'1· (•JCT-ICE ltl!:VIEW-"I" .. IY f ttlfllM l)ftut1 11 MSG." t 1.m. UlCl-llOlL!ll GM\E-0. troll o.~111 If I.A T·llrdl, t:lO •. m. t1JlCT-Sl'ORT5 SEr- W+t~ Tom. Ann M11ont. Ellis' Eye Too Mucl1 For Lakers LOS ANGELES (AP) -An Incredible shootaing perfor· mance by Joe Ellis paced the San Francisco Warriors \0 a 114-lOI victory over the Las Angeles takers Friday night in Nrtlonal Basketball Associ· atlon action. .Ellis rammed lhrouih 31 points, sinking 14 of 17 field goal tries, as the \Varrlors won their fifth game In their last seven starts. Nate Thunnond scored 25 as the Warrior• had to beat off a furious fourth quarter rally by the Lakers, who were led by Jerry West with 43 points. Dick Garrett supported West with Z1 points as the Lakers had only eight healthy play· ers. The Warriors held a 26 -23 first quarter lead and expand· ed It to 47-33 after seven minutes of the second period. San Francisco led 60-48 at halftime but the Lakers sl~h· ed It In the third quarter on West and Garret bukett. The -......, Llkera trailed only 77.72 with 3:54 left in the period. Marina Athletes Honored Marina High School honored its ran sports athletes 1\lesday night at the school cafeteria with the exception, of the varsity football team. Named captains of the "'Iler polo team were HO'Wle Johnson and Chuck ,.Holloway. The most valuable award went to Steve McConnaughey. Dav.id H'!lderson wa1 nam· ed captain of the crou country team and David Lockman was selected as most valuable. ~ Foolbalf Junior varsity -Most Improved : Craig McGill; MMit Inspirational : Harry Harbison; MVP: Jeff Losner. Bee -Captains : Scott Wheeler and Brock Pem- berton; Most Improved : Ron Bass; ?.-1 o st Inspirational : Gary lmayanigita ; MVP : Brock Pemberta.1. Cee -Captains: Ed Cleary and Frank Proctor; Most Improved : Don Goodwin : ?-.lost Inspirational : S co t t Arnold : MVP : Harvey Hirata. Frosh -Captains: ,. John Goodspeed and Gary Storey: 1'.1ost Improved : S h awn O'Br.ie·n; MVP : John Goodspeed. Water Polo Varsity -Captains: Howle Joh11son and Cluck Hollowar; Most Improved: How e Johnso;i : ?-.lost lnsplraUooal: Chuck Holloway; MVP: Steve McConnaughey. Bee -Captains: Mike Prime and Robbie Robinson ; Most Inspirational : Robbie Robinson ; MVP : Mike Prime. Cee -Captains : Chris O'Connell and fl.lark Rollins; fl.lost Improved : Mike Grosshans; MVP: Mark Rollins. Cro11 Country Varsity -Capta~.1 : David Henderson ; f\.fV: Dav l d Lackman: 1'.tost Improved: Robert Brickner: M o s t Inspirational: Bob Phillip. Junior varsity -Captain : Les Hart ; MV : Terry Ken· nedy ; Most Improved : JI':'! LaPiana. Frosh.SOph-Captain: John Neilson: MV : Preston Campbell ; MOGl Improved: Ken Martyn. Knicks Erase Record With 106-105 Win • :r /H INK T~E (lOll IS CARR YING l'HIS '1£AM1 JA2Z. A i lTTLf TOO FAR}' CLEVELAND (AP) -Walt Frazier made two free throws with two aeeonda left to play to give the New York Knlcke:r- bockerl a 1(18.106 victory Fri· day night over the Cincinnati Royals. a record 11th stral1ht National llDkelball Assocla· lion win (or the Knlcka. '!be victory brolle the NBA record of 17 In a row set by Wuhl!lllOll ln ltlf and tied by !he BoeW;i Cdllcs In 1111. Fruier's free throws ruined the herolca of player-co1ch B o b Couay of the Roya~. Cou11 went into the lineup with I :4t remalnin1 when OScar Robertson, who ~ed 33 points, fouled out. Couty made two frtt throws with 27 seconds to 10 \0 give the Royals a IOS.100 lead. But New York's Willis Reed made two free throw• with JI seconds left to cut the lead to 10$-IOI, Dave DeBUSIChert then stole an lnboundt pw by Cousy and made a layYJ> to cut the lead to one point. Ftultr stole the ball1 wa1 fouled whUt drtvln1 toward tht blsltet, r.ld made his two fret t.hrow•. Frazier ended up "1ih 17 points. II of !hem In !he Unal period. SMALL SCHOOL DIVISION tSeml Flub) " ,• 16-team Tournament Opens Prep Season Cam Smith and E r i c Christensen sparkled for the losers. Reedley (f.-0) Ce '3 tr a 1 California Conference at 5ad· dleback (8-1 ) Desert Con· • ference, Santa Ana Bowt, san.. The 1969-70 prep basketball season opens fl.1onday at Westminster and Marina high schools as the fifth aMual Rotary Invitational gets under way. lt'..s a JS.team affair spread over two schools and the tourney wrapup is scheduled Saturday. Marina's Vikings get things started by hosting Vale.1cla at 7 p,m. while Lons Buch Poly te1ts yoUng Edlaon in the le<:· ' ond game. At Westminster. the Lions entertain revamped Magnolia in Lbe preliminary followed by Long Beach Wilson a n d Garden Grove at 1:30. Top lteded 8antlago and No. 2 Warrr:i are featured Tues- day ·night. All five Huntington Beach Dl!trict teams are entered. Garden Grove won It last year, with a close decision over Huntington Beach. Monday At Marina 7 p.m. -Marino vs Valen· cla 1:30 p.m. -Long Beach PQ- ly vs Edison At Westmluter 7 p.m. -Westminlter vs Mas.1oUa 8:30 p.m. -Long Beach Wilson vs Garden Grove They each tanked 20 points. And Smith had an especailly sparklbg last hair, pulling down 11 rebounds after gathering none the first 20 ~ni:ltes. ta Ana , 8 p.m. Yuba (8·1 ) Golden Valley Conference at Hartnell (1-3) Coast Conference, S a I I n a s High Schoo~ Stadium, 8 p.m. · Bill Noon contributed IS to the Gauchos. CIF Football ~Uh LIWl'llKI' Ero.II Cl'lrlst1n1en ,_ M111r Helm Tot1l1 c 111torc1 C111C!titr Cr1m1r Downlt G1tli111tr '"'" M(Corrnldr, T1t1ll , ... llhck 1111 'O "T • • ' . ' . . ' ' ' ' ' I o " . SD M•M C1'1 ~G 'T " ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' . > I ~ .. " • ' ' ' • • ' " .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " Tiii *""'' ': ~~'!:1m"T..~1 tt~11!:1 ~•Milo '' 20 a 11lr .,., S1nl1 Monica \J H AAA 3 SOYlll l'IHdllfll 21. F1111erlon 1 • LIWllCllll 11, MYrP,11¥ ' n Foolhlll n. •olllnt Hiii• • aonll1 3', Gltnc1Dr1 I• TP AA '~ a1r~•CM d, 5•"" '•11t1 1• l Loa Al1mlto1o «1, t1t1 ... r11H I ' . 1l HerMI 7', P1lm SPrlnM 20 1~ s1nt1 Ynez 22, it, 9-¥tfl11J!'t I• • '''"' klltt/1 16 YllCQ \11111¥ 1t, l'•rKlttl> 11 H•lfllm1; SO MeP •I, Seo'dlebttk 31 IO<'On 1, lmpo1rl•I 6 Ult br•kffl WE INVITE ALL LUXURY CAR OWNERS AND THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE TO A 10 MILE TEST DRIVE IN THESE OUTSTANDING 1970 LINCOLN CONTINENTALS. BELIEVE US ••• NOTHING ELSE COMPARES! WE KNOW IT, AND YOU WILL TOO MARK Ill CONTINENTAL SEDAN Pl.EASE ASK FOR • • • Pma (THI ...... , PIUUllS 101 MANeAN WA'l'NI sou11• JOhD&OD•SOD LllOILI otnlUITlL . IHlll:• ...... , ....... 540.5'30 2626 HAlllOll IOULIVAllD, COSTA MiSA ,, I .. • I --------------~-------• .. , J J llAILY 'ILOT • NEW .YORK p-OCK .EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND 'S , HIGH, -L0W CLOSE I I ' • • _, ~· " .1 " ff " ~ " ' .. " p ·ii 1\ .. " ·~ -~i " r. " 1?( ~r 15 • 1~ ti !l • " " ll \t " ~~ ~ Ii " ' " ,: ,. " ,. " " " " ff • " " " " " " 'l ll ': ~ " " " ' ~1 "' ,, " " i~ 1l~ ,, ll " " " !' I " .. • " ll " t· " " • • " • " r •j .. -.. f; ~ I ,. • " ~ •• , [ • r • " r " ' l • ! ' • -......._ ·.lfAflY Jh,9T~ AND YE.AR'S·" MGH, LOW, CLOSE - I ·-----------.. J f IWLV flLOT SatVl'Qy, Novtmber 29, 1969 LEGAL NOTICE Musicals, Comedies ........ Cla'll'ICATI 01' •U51Na51 ,,,,,,,,~. tu.Ml Tiit Vfldt~l•llff doft C•M llY flt It COll--.C:fllll • Mllwf;1 at 2111 ••llOW LnM "''' Mal, ""°"' the lk!lll0111 l!ml -ol IELECTltO ADS • IN• TlltNATIONA..l W 11\ft 11141 flrm '' ..,_.,, cit 11111 IOlll:iWI ... 111r1.o11, ~' ~ 1111 fllM 11'11 Plttf OI rulOt..et It K ftllewtl • Broadway Sets . ~Which Tqny's Wlllle111 M. io!nkt, )t)I l&llow l.IM, C•tt MM, (lllfon1l1. Christmas Shows In the Photo Dtltd ~r 11. , .. ,, WIHIWll M. 9Mi&lui $11" lit Calllon\11, Ort ... (OUl'llVI Oii Nov, I). l•H, btfof'll m1, 1 NOit"' l'Ubllc In and tor .. 1c1 St11t. pfflOMllY •-•,.. Wllll1m M. 90\ll-I k-to me ,. M llllf --wl'IOll IWll'lf' I• W*rlt>- H 10 ll'lf wllfll" 1111tt\lf'l'I..,., and t<i.nowiftttd lie ••t<l.llM !flt wm1. (01'1'1(1Al Sf.All ~rw K. l4tlV\' Nclfafy Pllbllc<1IMON1le f'rlncS.11 Oftk • Ill Ot1"91 Cout1IY f,;,y Commlu'°" EJUOltt• NoYtmber 24. 1tn P11bllll>M ~l"l!t COltl 011~ Pllof, Novitm~ U, n, 1'f n O· Ufl'\~r 6. U6' 21'Mt LEGAL NOTICE T- NOTICI TO CllDIT015 SUl'•ltlOlt COUltT 01'" TMll STATI 01" CAl.ll'OltNlA l'Olt TNl COUNTY 01' OltlHOI Ht. A"421' E1!11t OI VIRGINIA ROSE HALL, t~I \lfrMnl• If, Hfll, •k• lll••lfll• Roie MenlMr, •k• lllr11111i. R. Me11lett, Dect1Md. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo tile credltco 111 me •txr... ,,.....o clHe<:lf'nl ttllt 111 ~ 11fvl11t1 (IW(n' 1;1!1111 lt'le 11ld Ot<llClll11t ire rl'Qulre<:I fo Ille lflem, Willi ti" Meelll/Y -.c:~r!. In Ille olflc1 ol Ille t"l'1t tff Ill• •bo\tt Hllltle<l to11<I, er fo ~estlll lllenl, wllll Ille M<nH,.., \111Cfwn, to lllt Uftdel'lllJllNI 11 IN offltt 111 JEREMY H. EVANS Incl A, ROGER SAILORS. Attome~. 1611 $0u!ll P•tlllt Coe1t Ht,l'IW1v. RfdoNlo Bt1c·11 . C•Ulw11l1 90211, wl'llcl• Is 111t 111&c:~ el bvllneu ol tllt undtrsl911"(1 111 111 mltltrs 111r11lnl1111 IO Ille t$lfll ol llld OC<e<itnl, Wllfllll four ..-111$ ll~r Ille ll<1I l>UbllCI• llOll el tllls Mtkt. Olftd Novem•• 14 Ifft. Mi rtc"-1 IC•vtor Adml11l1tr1trtx ell tlle t •t1!e ol 11\t lbo\lt llf"'fG OKfGt~I Jltlt!MY M. l'YANS alNI A. t OOl:ll S41lOllS t&l1 S. PKlllc (Mtf lfwY, ·~ a.-c11. C11tf, ftln 'Tit: UUI Jn.nte A~ tw 4 .... llll1lr•l•b: Publlolleocl Or1ntt coe,1 01!1v Pilot, ~em•r IS. 22, 1' Ind Oectmbtr 6, lHt !1!7.ff LEGAL NOTICE , P·UMI Cl"llTIPICllTI! OP aUSINl:IS PICTITIOUS N.IJlll: TM ll~ltllH dll Ctrtlf)' lllff lfl (IH'd\IC!Fnt I butlMSI 11 ~In DuPen1 Orlvt . trvlne, C.illornll '26M u!ldtr flll flc:llltol/1 fl""~ ti PATIO SUllOING t nd "'-' Jlld llrm 11 com110ttd el the followlns otrt<lnl, wrm. n1mn t11 fl/11 1/'ld 111ca Ill r .. 111enu •rt 15 lollows: ltldltrd W. lt1ml1ll, 1701 Elftrlt l1ne. N~ Btldl, C1lifOl'11la t'lU01 It-Id IC. 019111111. 1'°' Vl1 VtrO!n1. S111 Clemvur. c1111cml1 t1,n1 M1c111e1 c. Hlril'I, nu EISll Una. NewPCtl Betel!, C1llfllOll1. tlUOl J-W. IC...,_. s11 1wstdt onw, NeWl«I 1e1CI'!. C1rllwnlr '2'60. 0.lld tlov....btr 6, Ifft. SY: ftld11rd W. Bermlsl! B,, ltCNld IC. Olnlnt Iv: John W. IClut Sy: Mlchld C. Hlr1h St•tt o! C11110r11ll, 0r1,..e Countv: On Ncw~r 6, 1'6', be'fert rr\f, • llOllrl' eubllc Ill tnd fol" Mid Sltlt, Hr• 50nt llv -•td Rlchtrd w. S•tml,h, ltOl'Wlld I(. Oltthtt., Mlch1t1 (, Hinh, 11111 JDh11 W. IC.lut ~l\CWn IO me 19 bt 1111 ~· Wl\Olf '"''"~ •rt IUbKrlbed to the wfltlln IMlrumt11I tnd 1Ck11Cwlt<llled 1"-Y tlKU,ltd lht 11me. fOFF ICIAL SEAL) Sllllf: Jo MoutHI Hot..., Pubtlc-C11ttor11l1 0111•11• Cou11tv MY Comm.Inion EIPlftt 0<.tcbtr ?l, lt1J Dlf!Mcl W, kMH111, Jr., AIMr- ~ ,_, Ortve. N-1 a1ldrl, C1llf9111l1 nut Publl1hrG Or11>11t COii! Otlf't' 1 Pllo!, NOYttl'I•• IJ, 22. tt · ~ Oec""ttr '· IHt 1U14t LEGAL NOTICE ..... Cl:llTIPICATE OP aUStNll!SS PICTITIOUS NAMI" NEW YORK (AP) - Broadway producers are get- ting a lot of new musicals and comedies ready for the tradi- tional Christmas season rush of show 5hoppers. The December premiere schedule includes: •' Buck White," a tuner about a Negro leader starring Muhammad Ali, better known perhaps as fonner heavyweight champion Cassius Clay, at the Abbott on Dec. 3; "La Strada." a song- and-dance adaptation of the noted Fellini film. at lhe Lunt- Fontanne. arriving between Dec. 8 and 14; and .. Coco," most heralded melody pro- duction of the year starring Katharine Hepburn in singing debut, at the Hellinger, Dec. 18. U p c o m I n g lighthearted straight plays are: revival of Noel Coward's ''Pr i v'a te Li ves'' with Tammy Grimes and Brian Bedford, at the Billy Rose, Dec. 4: "The Mun- dy Scheme." about political didoes in Ireland. Royale , Dec. ll: "Love Is a Time of Day," concerned with current cam- pus freedom, Music Box, Dec. 22: and "Last of the Red I:lot Lovers," Neil Simon's latest report on romance, into the O'Neill, Dee. 28. Following is an alphabetical guide to all current at· tractions, story synopsis arid leading players. U n I e s s otherwise noted, t i c k e t s generally are available, but book in advance for the busy Dec. 26-31 week. "Butterflies Are Free . '' Booth -Blithe comedy about a blind youth 's roma nce In Greenwich Village, with Keir Dullea, Blulhe Danner and Eileen Heckart. SRO. "Fiddler on the Roof," Ma- jestic -Long-run musical with Harry Goz as the philosophic sire of a smalltown faptily in old Russia. "Forty Carats," Morosco - Julie Harris finds joy as a middle-aged career woman in lovt with a yoUth. Fairly sc.:rce. "Hair." Biltmore -A rock· beat view or the younger generation. SRO. "Hello, Dolly!," St. James -The Pearl BaJley troupe winds up in the marathon musical Dec. 20, and a new company led by Phyllis Diller opens Dec. 26, with rehearsals between. "Indians," Alkinson Arthur Koplt's oftfeat satire about what happened to the first Americana, with Stacy Keach a1 Buffalo BUL Closes Jan. 3. "Jimmy," Winter Garden - A musical about New York's flamboyant mayor during the batl1tub gin era, James J, \Valier. Frank Gorshin has the title role. "Mame," Broadway -Ann MJller carries on with song and dance as remarkable Aun- tie 1.iame. "Man of La Mancha." Beck Keith Michel replaces Claudio Brook in lbe musical hit about Don Quixote on J>ec. 22, with Robert Rounseville , Ray Middleton, Tony Martinet and Gaylea Byrne continuing in other feature parts. "Our Town ," ANT A Stellar revival of Thornton Wilder classic ends limited engageroent Dec. 27. The cast includes ·Henry Fonda, Ed Begley, Mildred Natwick and Elizabeth Hartman. "Play It Again, Sam," Broadbunt -Woody AUen capers in his own fable about a writer beset by rom5nlic tangle. "Plaza Suite," Plymouth - Three droll playlets by Neil Simon about early and late lo\•e, Maureen S t a p I e l o n deparU probably late t n December, with her replace· ment opposite Don Porter not yet announced. •'Pro mises. Promises," Shubert -Sellout musical about a youth who get& ahead by letting out his apartment to amorous executives. Jerry Orback stars. "1716," 46tb Street Theater -Prize.winning, j a u n t y musical about some of lhe na· tion's Founding Fathers, Very scarce. "The Ftont Page," Bar· rymore -The noted Hecht· MacArthur farce melodrama about newspapermen, with Robert Ryan as the trucuient managing editor. "The Great White Hope." Alvin -Yaphet Kotto enacts the first Negro heavyweight champion in Howard Sackler's prize-winning drama. "The Time of Your Life," Beaumont William Saroyan's sentimental com· edy, in spirited revival by Ule Lincoln enter .Repertory com· pany,· Engagement ends Dec. 2Q. • ' HIGH TIME -Winnie !be Pooh (Bill Miller) ~els a timely reminder Crom i:abb1t.eared Marnie Oberbeck and pig Jet Bob Giles in this 5cene Crom the South Coast Repertory children's classic. •Pooh' Popular SCR's Kid Show Will Tour ·! ' "Winnie the Pooh" Is going on the road. South C o a s t Repertory's production of lhe A. A. Milne children's classic -held over from an original closing date of Nov. 16 to Dec. 21 -will be toured lhroughoui 0 r a n g e County. days ~t 1 and Z:30 p.m. "We have rented , extra chairs," he no~, "but the on- ly answer to the overw~lming demand is to tour the show for community , groups in the cmmty." Parties Get Lower Rates At Lagon~ Substantial redui:tions Jn·box office prices for productions at the new half·million dollar Laguna Moulton Playhouse are offered theater parties and groups of 26 or more persons, it was announced this week by Geoffrey W. Riker, players' l removfd the picture from the mantel when people began to ask who it was. Ttiat was 15 years ago. Tony put It back. I've taken that picture down at least ten times and he always puts it back. In the last two years we've had some big arguments over it. To my way of thinking, Tony is a conceiled jackass. What do you think should be done about the i;icture? -TON.Y'S WIFE DEAR WIFE: Leave Ute picture on the manttl. It pro. videl you with 10mei.hing harmJe11 to argue about and apparently you n«d a su~ jecL Tblt one is as good as a,qy and better than mosl DEAR ANN LANDERS : J"d like to say a word to the swinger who signed herself "Lady Who's Bee n Around." She has a problem with se- mantics. A female who's "been around" is no lady, and it's high time someone blew the whistle on these alley cats. As for the sensational Jov. ers with whom she has "been around"-they are no bargains either. You advised another ding-a·ling who was likewise enthralled wlth a sexy no-good, "\Vhat else does he ha ve to offer? You have to get out of bed SOMETIME."" 11 you can get across to the hedonists and bedroom ath- pie or old goats. So what'a THEIR problem? Change of life, too? Please come up with a solu. tion. The women In our office are tired of being alternately suffocated aod frozen. -HEALTHY BUT HARRIED DEAR H. But H.: ll'1 noi the meaopause bai Utt metlbo81m lha& produces ptnplrattoe ii some men and clillblata1 la others. Tbe5e fellows oaPt to dms in accordance wlU11 Utelr metabolic requlremtnls and not make life uncomfortable for their co-worken. CONFIDENTIAi. TO ONCE TOO OFTEN : Don't bother a lawyer with such nonsen:se. You'll make a fool of yourself. Children who play together are bound to catch illnesses from one another. Maybe next week a neighbor's child will catch something from your youngster~ An11 L1ftders wltl tis ll•d to h1l1P vov Wllh vour 11rtii:ll9'Tll. ·$ilnd ttwm fo her in c•rt of l!MI OAllY PI LOT, tm:!Mlll9 t Hll..ollrtued, JllfNICd fllytl-. Barbara Guests HOJ.LYWOOD <UPI\ Barbara Werle will play a guest slar role with Robert Stack in an episode of NBC. TV's "The Name of the Game." Director James DePrlest ex- plained that conlinuing re- quests for the production has caused SCR to postpone 'the opening of its next children's show until after the holidays. 'The play is presented on Sun- "Winnie the Pooh" stan Bill Miller in the title role, 'a part he has played more than 100 times.· ReServii.tlons fOr the SCR show may be made by t:alling the Third Step Theater at 646-1363. 'The theater is located at 1827 Ne\11port Blvd. in Costa fiiesa. president. ''The ne1v group r a l e !'ichedule allows even greater discounts for larg er organiia- tlons," Riker noted. "It is also possible to buy out the entire house for special performances," he said. letes that the abuse and mis- 1 .-===== use or s'!', like ~nything else, renders it meaningless, ordi· nary. and often inoperative, you'll have performed a great ' service.-READER WITH A MESSAGE. Sullivan's Showbiz Savvy Stays Strong Clubs and other organiza- tions as well as small social groups interested in using theater parties as fund·raising events or for cultural ac- DEAR READER: Your mes- sage came through loud and clear. Se1 as a contact sport leaves mucb to be desired. Better they should go in for touch football, tenni1 or even "'resUlng (behl·een members of the same sex, of course), Is preferable. By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The Rolling Stones couldn't come to him. so Ed Sullivan came across the continent to tape a sequence \Vith the BriUsh rock group for his Sunday night variety show. This may give testimony on why Sullivan remains the redoubtable, unquestioned daddy of them all in the television variety field . After 21 years, he is slill going after the top acts -and getting them. reaction· was Elvis Presley, tivitles are urged to contact back in the days when he was Barbara Phillips at t h c first starting out." playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Television historians will Road, Laguna Beach or DEAR ANN LANDERS: Re· recall lbat Presley was a telephone 494..aoo1. garding "Dumb Ralph" who cause celebre on the Sullivan complained about the nutly show. In those days he was 1vomen in his office constanUy undulating his body in a man· Anne in Role fooling with the air-condi tioner ner not considered polite, and -one turning it off, the other Sullivan ordered the cameras HOLLYWOOD fUPI )-Anne turning It on:--you suggcs~ecl focused on the upper Presley Baxter will reprise her Uiat the loony chal'tge-of·llfe only. guest-s tarring role io a seg· broads see a doclor. Likewise he carefully view. ment of "The Name of the We have the same kinrt of ed the movements of the Roll-Game,'' playing a glamor nuts in our office-only Ibey ing Stones. advised them to. queen. aren't broads, they are a cou·[ avoid any suggestiv eness. andfl,='=:====================~~ even cen.wred a couple of words in the lyrics. I "I think that's one or the\ reasons that the show has ~ Jbuth Coa st Repertory c ~~ TECHNICOLOR ~ ANO FRO M THI STAllS Of "IORN FllEE'' COMES Tiie ullder.it11e<:I i:loo"I ctrllfr he II "''" ductl"' 1 bullMH 11 11293 Mt. lrldY Cir· dt. FOU11l1l11 V._tln, C11lfor11la, '111ll tJllCler Ille lletllloul firm 111me ol ORANGE COUNTY IRON WORKS Ind ll•lf Mid firm Is (Ofl"lll'OM'd Ill lht I011ow· Int pe,_,, wf'.Dse' 1111N: Ill lull tnd pll(t Ill rnldella: It N fotktw1: K"""tlh W. McKMl\ttt. 21lll Rich· mCllld crrc~. H11nfl1111o11 I t 1 c 11, C1Utor11i.t. 01ted November ll, lH• Kt11nttll W. M<.ICHhan $1111 o1 Ctlllomlt, Ortnttt Co•mh: o .. NoYtmtwr n, IHt, bt'l~re ll't. ~ t.1et1ry Public 111 1"4! tor 11111 Sttlt. t!f~ tt>Hllrf'Cf Ke11ne1ll W • Mcl(1t11111 kl'IO'*'n lo mt lo bt: '"" ""'"°" Who11 111me 11 subscribed to lllt wl!hln 1t11trum1nt 1nd 1cknowltd11d he 111tc11ted V!f M ..... Prize-winning Movie Cost Producer $90 Sullivan's Imperfections as an emcee ha ve loog been decried, and he has flourished while hi5 detractors faded. None could deny his powers as a s howman. as he demonstrated with his Rolling Stoot! coup. At a rehearsal in CBS's Television City. Sullivan gave no indication that he admired or understood the Stones· thing. But in hi:; dressing room afterward he Ce1T1onstrated his knowledge of the Brilishers' draw. been accepted: parents know! Chlldrn's Tlleotre presents they can wat ch it with their "WINNIE THE POOH" children and not be em-su114ayi ,.. 1 a t:• "'"' 0ectm11er 21 barrassed," Sullivan reasoned, 1127 NEWPORT ILVO .• COSTA MESA "I \VOn 't allow anything that ls [i~:=::::=:=:=:=='='=' ="="=m='='"='="='='="= .... ='="=':=:=:=:=:=:==: suggestive, and I'll cut an act1;:--- rather than run the risk." "RING OE , BRIGHT WATER" 511,R.TS CHRIST MAS DAY Barblra Strti11nd Oma r Sharif "FUNNY GIRL" KlFFICIAL !>EAL) Oeof'lt' S. Cutltr Notorv Publlc·C1lllorn\I 0fl11Qf COll"l'f Ml' Con,.11ls.loll Exolrt1 Ml¥ "· 1'7l T.tMJl Pub!!1hed Ortlltf Co••I Oe!IY Pllol, HOYemblr 1s, n, 2t 1"4 Ottemtwr '· '"'' !111'4• LEGAL NOTICE -·--==---u.a.nn NOTICI TO CRl"OITOllS SU ,t:lllOlt cou•r 0,. THI: STATE 01' CAlll'OllHIA POii THE CO UNTY OP Olt4NGI N1. A"41U £1t1te 111 MAlttO R, GLICK. Dect•,ed. NOTICE I!> HERESY GIVEN lo !tit (te<:llttll'I cl !ht tb0\11 11tmed OtCrGf'l'll m.1 fll Hr5Clm h1v(MI Clt lm1 f9tl111I Ille uld tleceOe11! ire r1<111lrt11 to Ille fl'ltm, with lhe nttnu,.., vouclltrs. '" the offke OI l~e clfrk cl Ille 1bovt ""tllle<:I court, or 11> 1>rntnl t~m. wl!ll !lie necasarY voudM!fl. 10 lhf 11nder11t11f'Cf 11 tllt i.w ofllc• ol O,fe & Gtllo, no Morro Sil' loulev1rd, Morro Brr. C•llfornlt , tuil llP'lll!llt IOdttH: J', 0. SOil 7'/0, Morro Bil'. Ct. t.14.fll, Wh!c.11 II Ille ol•ct DI bvllntu ol l~t undtfll•ned In •11 mllltrt Mf11!nln!! lo tht tsl•lw ol Mld llfttdHI•, wftllln four menlfls titer Ille flr1I p11b!k1tlon of lhl1 Mllce. Otled Neve"""'' 10, lfff. Kfflfltfll l . Gllck Aclm1.,1str110t ol 111f esl1t<1 of !1'1e 1belve 1111MC1 deced11r1t OGLI[ a GALLO P.o.aum M'"• l1y, C1. fl412 lllftnolyt 111 A*"l11ls1r1tw P utill•llH Or1111tt Cotr' D•Tll' Piiot. Novtmber 15, 22, 2t, 1nd O<"Ctmber I. 1"69 1UUf LEGAL NOTICE By PH YLLIS BERNSTEIN NE\V YORK (UPI) -"How long have you been making movies ?" he wa s asked. "About a year and a half." answered Ht-year-old Ri ck Harper, who produced the prizewinning "The Golfers." a six-and-half.minute s poof featuring golfers from the plus.fours era and Keystone C1:lpS. The short was highly praised by Eastman Kodak, the com· pcr.1y wtiich has sponsored the annual teen-age movie awards competition for the past six years, for ''genuine comedy" and "good directiong." It won second prize for Harper and $100. The quickie movie, a pro- duction of young Harper's "Gr.oss Gems," involved four weeks of s urreptitiou s shooting, generally at ~usk on the greens of a private club. and the services or Harper a.1d hvo assistants who did the \\Tiling and tilt cameray;·ork. Total producUon costs -$90. Rlt:k Harper. fram Sa'ratega , Calif., a community ap- proximately 400 miles north o( SUPl:ltlOll T=·T OF THI Hollywood, appears to be 1TAT1 op CAl1Po1tM1A Po1t somewhat of an anachronism THE co~:.'!.=no•AMo• among today's often vocal NOTICI! OP H£At1 NO OP PITITION youth. COnservatively dressed pOft ,ltOaATI[ OP WllL AND ,Olt LSTTlll l•STAMINTAltY and so(t spoken, by his own e1111, ot Rose11.r M. 1HE1twooo. admission he: has little interest •0«Nnci. NOTICE IS HEllE•Y GIVl!"N Tl11I in polltics or protest. ~:., w.,:,HE:= "J"'~r ::;•1n,; He said his main interest Is tt.111111e1t ,., lAll...s tntrll'tn11rv to ,,,. to provide humor ir.id en· ::::!:!:";;M:~ .~ '::',::. = 1': tertalnment for the general Pltct ., Wllflt !fl.-,..,... 1111 """ &el nt1bJjC fol DKMIDfr 11. ttff, yl f tJt•.ll'l .• 1fl lllt'I-~•-·-·---------. ewrr-111· DtHrti'"nt Ne, 1 "' ~•rd L~.oAL NOTICE COl,lrl, st ,_ O\lk Cftl• Ortw Wf1f, C• ('°""""'WW Elsllll! llnl!f) 1fl 1t11 Clff ------------( ., $tftf• ""'' c.n1om11. -Ot,_, ~llH '9, lfM. MOf lCI OP IALI W. f , ST JOHN, Ctllll"' Clerk, "•llc:e 11 l'Wlk Silt MUON J , lln'CMll "' Llffi ..._ 2Jtt yrlttllll't ........ Swll• ttt NOTICE IS 1'1Ell.EIY GIVEN 1'1!1l, Ut ........_ ~ ,.., 1>11t1v1n1 IO ,..,. .. w llMdt 11'111 1rO'YktPll. 'f9!1 11lit ..... JI 11'4 Ufldtr1'9111!1, Wiii tttl 11 Mlle .. le 11 "...,_., • PffltltNt' 1ht etfl<• QI Tortitt Alrcr1n 11 Or1nt1 "ullllll>ell 0!"_11191 CNll D11tv ,,' ... '",',· eo...111y Alr_.t, $11111 Alll, C1llfor11!1, - "-•---'""_,._,._,._._,._., ____ 11 1:JO •'tloek ,.N.,, ., t.'.ono.w. 1t11 Who C•res? No olhtr tlfWspaprr hi lht world uns about your comm11nl 1~ 11-t your community dally ntwspAptr don. It's tlW DAILY PILOT. 0.1 ol ~tmber. Jfff, 1111 lollOW'"'9 deiKrlbtcl 11roHrt~, loowll: An ullcllvlcled -h•ll !Vi l l11ttrtll OIM\td Dy Mt, (ftl Stiw.krt In tlltl ct•ttlft A!rcr•fl llts(:rtl!H 11 lollQwlj· ~ 111 '''' tour 1•1 Pl.cw Ctu111 11 I ltft l1!r1li011 N!lll'\bef N·UIS fl,. ""'IUI"' I '° 1 ne11 t •lt11'1t uncttr C1llll!Nil1 llw iv. 11r11-ren ow1111 tt Ttrtiot• jllr(r,lft lllt .. 5.lld tilt 11 ~ lllt --!If 1Jltlf'Yl111 lllM of !he ltlldtrtlt>'fel lor llfOtlrWll tfCI klttll>fl wttll '°'" of ldverlltll'll eflfl fl· -II ti Mle, ·------------1 Dtlfd No"'"''-' t'-1HI. -Torotl AlrC/'1111, lfl(. PubtlfMd Ott• C0t11 011" P!lol, • ~2'...tT ... 2'1• O~r I, ------------1. 2. "J. .. '"' ,lfl.ft "I'm sick or messages ln movies." he said. "There is a definite need for good en- tertainment, where people can feel rree to bring any age group to the movies ... v.•here they're not !lawed in the face by sex or violence or the message." What about the lrend to frank :sex In movies? "In 'Gross Gems·. we da.1't v.•aste our time with it," he answered. ''Anyway," be considered, "I realiy can't afford to go to 1novles: I spend all my money buying films." Harper has never seen a forelgn film; the names of directors Antonlonl and Jean Luc Godard drew a blank with him. He reflected. ''If I thought I could b e n e f i t tectr.iically (from these rilms), I would go." "The"f boys are h o l , especially with the younger cro\1'd." he explained . "They're on a C1:lncert tour, so 1 decided to come here and tape them. They cost a lot of money, but they're worth il. "An attraction like the Roll· ing Stones will bring us viewers that don't ordinarily tune the sho\v in. T h e repercussions drift over the I next few weeks ; those \\1ho tuned in may decide that the 't show is pretty good, and they'll C1:lme back. Another acl who ga\•e us the same kind of Color T V Boo1n The Ed Sullivan Show has been getting some tough COITI· petilion this season rrom Bill Cosby on NBC -"I wish ·we could get him oo our show," sa id Sullivan. Despite some lo\v ratings, Sullivan has been bouncing back. and he appears likely lo remain on Sunday night as long as there is a . CBS. Would he ever want to quit? ''Absolutly not," he replied.j "This show has become so much a part of my life that I \vould be lost without it. Bot~' Sylvia -hi11 wife -and I love! it and we don't wan! it ever to stop," l\J oute Sta r s HOJ.J. YWOOO I UPI) , t.ionty Markham, star of the defunct "Second II u n d red\ Years" television srries, will ..... SOUTH coas·.· FOOSTAM-a OllilR• ox P'LAZA THEATRE: alllPfllillON San Dltco freeway at &list~ • 546-2711 MATINEES ONLY FRIDAY, NOV. 28 12:30 ·2:30 SATURDAY, NOV. 29 12:30 • 2:30 SUNDAY, NOV. 30 12:30 ONLY ALL NEW/ ALL LIVE! . . . He said he OOes admire the lvork of the late \Valt Disney and liked the American films "Ben Hur" and "To Kill a l\lockingbird" very much. STOCKHOLM (UPI) Since color television was in· troduced in Sweden last year, star in a new video skein next l'=;:o:;:~;:o::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:::=:==::=:=:=:=:=~ fall . In the title role of •·t.tr.1; Deeds Goes to Town." sales have totaled 41 ,500 sets!;::========== ::ind are rising rapidl y. Television and radio factoric!l are adding thou sands o f workers lo meet the demand 1r Rick, a freshman at West Valley Junior College, seems a symbol of yesteryear's clean· c:ut American youth, he says it f'()r se ts. isn't so. He admits to human'lr==========,11 frallities and one of them is occasionally copping out on school. Harper says his mind is constz.1tly on his real work as opposed to schooh"-ork and often when he shoold be stu- dying for a tesl, he is out with his crew on location. He nevertheless maintains a respectable 3.4 average. His most ardent backer Is his mother, a small blonde woman, who is his financial angel and ''silent partner." For a tce.1ager w h o HELO OVER ' ~ ---- BALBOA 673-4048 o,..., 6:45 "'l. la .... lalltM ,.,,ill .... e NOW-IND$ TUB OAY '""'" SOUTH COAST F . ._._. ~UAL ox P'LAZA THEATRE CO~PORAllllN San Dieco Freeway 1t 81i&tol • S46-271 l * ACRES OF FREE PARKING * Bo it Office Open 6:45 -Showtime • . • 7 P.M. l ... ,,_ ........... -""TtiE CVMIC"' dlscove-red the u~ of a camera accidentally 1 year and a half ago. when he took his older brother's camera and shol 25 feet of a "door." Rick [ Harper has con1e a long v.•ay. DICK In the past year. he has m3de -· 11 shorts. lnclud;ng •·The1 -Al-VAN DYK t Gross County Fiim ·• and F...,. .,...... MICHELE "Scramble" (about l "' o rr • fll.....- molorcycllstsl. both w c II 1NIS UT• LEE re<elved by the judges. _,,.. MIO<EY ll&rper11111, ··wa11 unt11 n<1t Ill • ROONEY year: thl• Is Just the begln·11 _~"':':":"':':"===~~~J ll __________ ll~~~==~~~===~-----=:....:~~'..J nlni."" < IC h t AREA SHOWING MGtillft'5-Tl111r .-Sot.--1111. r· ··~. - MGM presents The John Frankenheimer. Edward Lewis Production $tarring 'Burt•~-...,.__· . _, Debora11.._, · "The Gypsy Moths" [!)@ lllTllOCOl.Olt. 2nd BIG A TTRACTlc»:i ~Dlrt~ii ~Dos·-· I -o-• COMI NG DEC. l 71h 1 D11tth1 Heff-"1• ,_,.~ "JOHN i nd MARY" .. • DAILV PILOT f/S : Nielsen's Numbers Game Life ~ 01• Death to Ty ·~etw9rks 11J JbllY llU NEW YOllX (AP) -Saine ol lbe most po..tul --In the telOYlllon Industry sh al home and build fortunes and destroy ambitions with the twist ol a dial They are the Nielsen families. . I(' you, can pleose lhest t ,200 famWu, network e1ecutives will cater to you, sponsors will floc:t to your program and the publlo w1D adore you. ll·you.don't, it's oblivion for your ahow alter 13 weeks on the alr. • 1bat, ol coune, b a simplified vmlon ol 1-the roting work. Bui I.be lllllDben do determlne pro Ir am popularity, and delivering a big audience f<r a IPoQIOl is what the telmllon bualness is all •bout. Supremacy in the ratings means h I g h e r advertising revenues, and this year the stakes are higher than ever. NBC is me.kin& a serious, determined e!lort to wrest lint plaoo '"1m CBS -wblch 11 bu held lince 1116 -Ind !1U token e eorly kid. ABC II mlklnl lis bell sbowlng In years. The ratings debate is an old one. Critics assail the race for high numbers as an abdication or the industry's p u b I i c responsibWty in pursuit of profits. From the other side comes tbe contention that showa need eood ratlnp to at,.. tract sponsors and, from ...... the ""'tonlloo that the public 111ett1ng whit tt wants. The dally and weekly ratings are ana ly zed, evaluated, interpreted and sometimes caused by sucb aubecrlbers as the networks, producers, advr:,tfllng agen- cies, advertillrs' and taleot agencies. In toleViJlon's short his1oey, raUng lrl'ViceS have come and gone, Ind II present the A.C. Nielsen Co. of Chicago JS the oracle of the nation's tastes. The 1,200 families in the ~ .;.lloooi NJelMn ...;..., ... ,ooJeclod to tn!llll lhe ... tlao'1 a in!Woft tolevillon bou~. A comp1ny spoU,man coo~ I he' lljllllt>llol conlonns lo v.s .. CeDIUI projections in popullton distribution, Income, educaUon levels and racial mixtw-e. A new group of lamilies I!· picked each year. , Nleben primarily count. houRbolds rather than total number of viewers. Historically, IJtls bas landed lo favor CBS because 10 many of its programs appeal lliJnulll-.sly lo c:blldrm llld people over so. 'nli! lDelDI •p- peol to '"'"Pl DOI often found in ~ same houMholdi llld lhll bulldo up I.be llUDlbers for CBS. There II growtnc support l0< aome .,.i.m ol counllntl people., but u yet no effective me1n1 has been deviled to do so quietly and economically. When a family agrees to participate, an Auditmeltr is ~ ' I • • \ ~ ·,~-ball ol their ,TV ~ raUn1 pollll equlll 1111,000 ' bllls. boma. To dotormlnt bow • nte n•mes of NJ e 1111 n l'DlnY Mb: ..,. timid to a lan\lllet .to 'bot ...,.. ' so ..,..., 111oerm. mu!Uply the thlt they carulot be lnllueJlced roting by 1111,000. beinl In the business ol oelllng procr1ms. But 1 we're in ........, to WI au41el1Cff and I~ dffkf Whlcll 'WI llH' IO 1(.. 1tllcbed to !is TV set and It records an I pondled tape whether the Ml is an llld to wbfch chlnnel It Is -A onc.a·mlrurte acu allows the meta' to detect ch IDD e I twisters. The tape cartridge Is mailed in weekly and pa.rtlclpating families received 50 cents as a harldllng let. Nielsen also In J11e1r vlewlq. The COOIPfnr A shore Is a proerom's tract people I! the pfOl'am."' 1a)'ll it UHi a ·"cloak and • ~ of.the vlewtna 1u-While the ratings are always dauer" operatlon to malntaln dienct. Al I rule CJI thumb, a C1¥15idertd I n detennining the securlty Of the raUngs, bul &how that. aell Jeas than • 30 ~betber ta keep a lhow, they turns ailde questions about' ill ahar~ ii Jn trouble. are not always the lut "°rd. detall:i. Only a rew Nle!Jen Proararna ar6 ranked In the NBC kept "Star. Trek" on employet know bow it worts. order of their ratings number, after announclq ill can. Suppltmefllllry ratlngs data so that the show with the most cellatioa becauae of the reac- are piovidea by other NM:}llen householdl is the No. I show, lion of 1 Joyal auditnct that samplings, I, n c I u d I n I an Tfle staUstlcs can dazzle. included wdl4ducated and overnlgbt. NfVey in Nflr V6rk, "It's a comfort to an ad-hJ&b.lncome people. This i! viewing diaries kept by 2,400 vertiser to know that hiii show one way the mllllona who will families aot tncJUded Jn the is io the top JO even Jt It's not never be included ln a Nielsen buie 'IOrVl'f lbd a. twice-a· reachln,g the kind ol people he samp~ can es:prus their year poll fl tl,toO famllles. wants to reach," said Paul opinions. I.n addltbi, two o t be r Klein, NOC'a vtee president·-CBS re ta 1 n e d "The ratlllgs ~ prov l d e for ~ch~ In network Derendtr•" for p r e s t I a e data on a mare speclaltzed terminology, research means reuona Jn one instance where bub. National Arb 1 tr on ratings. critical acclaim prevailed over prepares an oVft"Dight rating "Tbe busl:Dea part of the tt\e r1Un1s. S o m e t I m e s , for CBS and Trendex doia: a network bllltnea ta to &ell au· spoDIOl"S are willing to keep national survey for ABC. dlencel,11 uid Arnold Becker. paytn,i for a low-rated but The 58 mUllon television usistant director of CBS pmlllfflu1 lh0w1 btcaW5e it is household• are divided Into 100 Television Network Research. good for their carporate Im· rating .. paints, IO that one "People tend to think of us as age. ABC's nighttlme i b owl survive with low railnp'.' because they deliver hl&h pr~ fils and a tcrtaln kind or au- dience at a very low cost. Quite often. all th re i networks can Uve eomforta.biJ.. together by appealltl1 to dU:. ferent aud ltnce1. ~ On Tuesday night., for 18' stance, ·ABC's "Movie ol tho Wtti," NBC'• "'Julia'' and CBS' "Red Skelton" are OR"; poelte tach other, but all three,. are doing well. '.- On the other hand, 1Ucfi' show1 as ·"The Rotues," "'lllchord Qoone Theoter ," and "Sllige 67" w e re un· ceremOniously dumped "then they failed t-o deliver larp· au· dlences. At tlmes, the raUno have . inspired a bandwagoii: philosophy ol programmlnr .:: ir one western is popular, tlirci, 10 westerns will hit the air in the belief that they, too, <:&Q cash ln on the public's tastes., Lassie Outlasts , •Mousetrap~ Snappy Stars ·16 Years It's Nou; 7,066 Performances OW 87 VERNON SOOM' HOLLYWOOD (IJPI) Lassie was ..,.. a eollle dog. Alter 11 yeari of televlsloo she has l:)ecome an iDIUtdtion. '1'11" doc boo ilMtd In the same; aeries at the aame hour (7 p.m.) on the same network (CBS) for the iWM ·spqnsor (Campbell ·Soup) all lhooe years. Supportlnc human players have come aod tone, but Lassie f&, fofe_ver the heroine ~-wen ·as the'butt cf many a B001Hope quip •• Decently, Lassie 's ad· vehtures involved a 1fOUP or blind children on a· Braille nature trail. It was a ptNnant story with a balf-d01en sigbUess ,_s1ers playing lbemlelves. '!be doc Is !nciden11l lo the story which will appeal as much to adults as to small fry. Ana that, according to pro- ducer Robert Golden, is the secret to "Lassie's" longevity on the. ~ube. It fs ' tha\ @re . 'show whkb·"" diildren ~ and adults car. watch together without boring ooe or the other. "You have to tinker \Yilh success or yOu'll lose it," Golden said after a screening of the show, "When we changed the fonnat from the farm and ramily, people told us we were crazy and that we'd ruin the show. But it opened new fiel~ of Interest. "Now that Lassie is involved I witb the ronst 8'rt'lee we are gelllnC ----ohaul --ud wlldllfa 11111 By FRANK W. PLEASANTS . jut-jawed young man, a everybody In it," said the LONDON (UPI) _ Whoa policeman. thriller writer. •in. Mometrap" ftrst opened AU tither ·m a country After the plly's f1nt theater we wouldn'I bove beon lblo to do H we'd stayed with Ibo farm stories." Ill Ibo Ambonadon Theoter, bouae. Llihtnloc IDd thlUlder perform.once, MI s s Christie llltbor Aptha Ch r l 1 t le are the stqe effects. The remarked to the YOUDI actor predided "•nice little run" of olrliii;.;; .. ::;~9;,iijl 1 f"' lllOlltlli. . llgblo 110 out. k ocream. The Jllchard Attenboroqb who II As of today, Miss Christie's lights come on but the stage is ;:,~::then play~ the leading Golden admitted that his writers have difficulty maln- talnins a four-fo oted perform4r as the center of ac- tion In each story. "ActuaUy. Lassie is lhe cen- traJ figure that holds the show together," he explaine d. "Sometimes she is barely part of lhe story. But we must play her prominenUy or viewers would think they wert being .slighted. . "We find that eacb year there is a ·fresh cballeole· for us to come up with new ldeu. I think I.be series Is sustained. by the entbuslasm of the peo- ple connected wltb the show." By "'people," Golden means the crew membrets, writers and producers who have become emotionaUy involved with the dog and the show. DA.llY PILOT S!Mf ....... .. ~~:X ~~,;~ Eyes Right, Doc think that a group of hardened • televi sion vetera.M would go Betsy He wett tries to keep Robert Engman's eyes soft over a collie and her fie· awa y from g~go dancer Karen Benson in this scene tional adventures, from "Cactus Flower," the new comedy opening "It's true though," Golden Tu.e$day at t.tie Laguna Moulton Playhouse. said. ~---------~~~~-----~- "In recent years we've paid mystery bu played 7,068 con-empty, save for the corpse. 7 , 0 6 3 cons e cut 1 v e At play'1 end, after the cur-''Well, darling, we may get ~ a few months out of It, but it secutive performances, •nd tain calls, the actors plead won't break any records." It's still going strong. ' with the audience not lo g·1ve Miss CbrlsUe .was wron•. J I ·-~ ••. , '"h • us en1.e."-"' 1 s W< year, th , rise nd. Th over 2.5 mlllion playgoers away e surp e 1ng. c She has not profit e d1 have so far come to flnd out Cb.riiUe formula works. personally from the play's whodunit. Some 120 actors and f\1iss Christle, now In her long run, because before it actresses have appeared in Lbe late sevenUes, said recently opened, she signed over the play, and nearly all the stage she had sat through the Lon· royalties lo her grandson. furnishing have had to be doa openina: nlght "and that The only change in the replaced at Jeut once. · wu enou&h for-me.·• script over the years has been ..... Ch · ... :_-•A the 1. to eliminate a reference to ·~~ rl:oug .. ,......., Pi..Y "When I , finished writin° .rl.g'··"· as a rad' •--11 • food raUo"'1"'"• which was still ...... ,. io w1Uua that play I couldn 't stand the 1-06 the special request of the late characten. Halfw9' through a in operation when the play Queen, Mary to celebrate the book or play I always get -=o=pe=ned==ln=1=952=. ====:;II queens 80th birthday. bored you know I get sick of r First UUed "Three Blind' ' ' Mice," she tmned the radi~ ~" 11 21 am• script Into a lull length stage venion, retitled it. and the 1 j rest is theatrical history. i:-~~~~=::i.:•~-==~ll The play troops o u tt:ii--- characters famlliar to Miss c ... ti11••111 rn.., fr..., t :l' J: Olristie's f&JU -the grurr lady in tweeds, the form er "::;:::;:-~ ~· [ army major, a fellow who rides In a Roll~ Royce and has a conUnenlal accent, several cipparent young ladies in distress, a silly young man , a . . . l U'.JllJl ,.-4~ ''Tl-tE FllST RUN o •• tb o,f.,;119 Stry Dlv!119 l•rt La11cu~ GYPSY MOTHS" plyJ "MARLOWE" with J ...... ..-Mt' O'Horgan Scores With 'Futz' Continuous Thurs. I :~ II·~· SPECIAL .KIDS SHOW Frl.-S1t •• lun-l:M "'"- as much attention to the wonders and beauty of nature as we have to story line. 1£ we relied on simple themes in- stead of bringing ln emotional values we wouldn't be on the air. By JACK GAVER ed to begin with -sees Futz up on words," O'Horgan feels in a kind of Jove scene with that people in Lhe commercial NEW YORK (UPJ) -Tom the pig and becomes derrig-theater "are hung up on All hl~7Sc "W~ UM .A 0&"1 plua "M .. lc Voy1p of IHtW" CONTINUOUS THURS., FRI .. SAT. SUN. FROM 2 P.M. Crossword Puzzle 01iorgu, first of t b e ed. This man then rapes a girl chandeliers because they b- theatm"s avant garde direc· and then kills her. The sist tbal the one-dimemlonal, tors to hit it big on Broadway, neighbors take it u p o n verbal Ibsenite the11ter is the has made his film debut as a themselves to kill Futz, lynch only theater. ACROSS l Fo<• of, prttipllaflm e lndlcalts approv1I 10 Stars a.cl Stripes ot •~1t Leaf 14 Big I 15 Ota.th nolict I lit Gitl's N•t 17 ll eatil rep- rtstnlaliM 111 -vroct: ' ~.l" I]' ltn't' ewt '21 Pabtter's • l'CCftSOf'/ 22 Pertallllnq to joy, bate. 1 IO"tt, ric, 24 Distrlbotes ' cards ~-Hit h1N 27 ... Ltsl ... . ---. 2 WO'l'dS fJD Period of ti•t . 131 Ladd or l ing JZ Busln ess I S~bol 137 BastNl1 slatlsth;; Abbr. I J& l ent tel btd 40 tlatlonal , ' lnltllltttK• A~thoritr: Abbr. 41 EYf'fl•sffnt 43 Army LK1 i\; Abbr. 44 Otcrtt 45 Betrayal of il sttrtl 48 lllott tfli\t 51 Casi Sl Chttst 34 Salad ingredient 51 Tyr1n11izt'd O'ltr 59 Re-paUi~ 01 H1.rin9 ........ -de1ttl to lift .,s ... •3 FGt91!f Europ~llfl. ru&tr &4 lllodify •s lr ih!s bi Very s traJl'lt: V1r. •1 hiSl!ftttS oon l l"iod of •IStlkt 2 0111.I - 3 Ep och;;ll 4 Incited: 2 words 5 Seesaw ~ MagaiM faWft 7~tal ··-' c • .,.., 10 Pwt of a ship's wr.ck191 l l ll!Strai• 12 Vlbn11l 13 Dis•issH troll Mploy_,..t 21 Kind of Zl r.:,:.,.... 511a/I boa t 25 Orchtstr<1I stet Ion 27 Twis t out of shap e l a R f•er of ., .... t• l eltb«-••'s ...nl ))_ .. ... _ ltmM " Oottf _ ... 35 1.aUic.Pll ,._ ... 311,,.,... swlfl'1 3' Door~ 42 Racth<ntS ltiil h1w not WOA 43 Kktd o.f lllllSk. 4& Co111pett 47 Drft irlte 411 F~~action 49 Endl"' wstd •Ith •tg1 and lelt SO Put on 1~in 53 Otmollsll 55 E•plOJS 56 l irlt s1 r:.:.. ltO l-.1'9 director with ' ' F u t z , " him . So, in a sense, the town is "But Urls ls an aberration of originally a controversial off· reveriging a murder, an act of the 19th century," be maln- ort-Broadway drama, because violence, upon a man who only tained. "Jf the ideas are the "it contained things I wanted committed an act of love.'' primar)' thing, it's not theater. to expose to a wider au-al dience... li.itil recently. O'Horgan Theater has ways meant had worked almost exclusivel y music, dance, art. That's what It was largely O'Horgan's with the La Mama troupe for the Greet theater was. That's flamboyant restaglng o r four years, touring Europe what the opera is." "Hair" -with its nude scene with the troupe on three dlf~ O'Horgan believes that the -that turned it into a smash ferent oceaslons and building moUon picture medium is the Broadway hit at the Biltmore up a sizeable foreign audJence most suitable for the avant Theater, where it sUll sells out for o ! ! • o ff • B r o a d w a y garde director, actor and after 19 months. after it was playwrights still unknown to playwright. onJy mlkily-suCCl!Ssful in other most Americans. h d · ll B dw "I thQk we've done some an s as · an ° · l'OI ay "I've been Involved I n 'tin hln 'lb ·~~ • · I eJ:CI g t aa Wl ., "'"'• musica · theater ever since 1 can .,., ''I've been with lfutz' for O'll things that were not possible . remember," said organ, to achieve on stage, It's part mott than two years. direc-who admits lo be I n g o[ the new film, the new ting 11 on the stage In New "CO':'lsiderably'' over 30, "I've theater _ the acting, the York and all over Europe," written plays, acted and I words, the movement, aU said O'Horgan or his newest think J've sung in every kind work together to create an lm- ve.nture, which ope.1ed in New or church outside of a Bud· pact at several levels on the York this week. dhist temple." viewer." "When you li ve with a wurk O'Horgan Is • • r r a n k 1 y Althou$h there are nude se- ~, .. ,:f ~ 2905 l•t Co•t Hltll-r c.N" Olllel M.,_,11. '7J·'2'0 ·aew JR WI SEE ... ylhJq 7111 WUI ~ U8TAl1BANT" . . . ...... ARLOGUTHRIE CCUIR"lllt"" a_ .... ... l!P " "'& ... " .. . Also Playing -''THE 2nd BIG WliEK Call 673-6260 For Information and with tile same troupe that disgusted" wilh the status of quences 1n the film, O'Horgan long, f9U find things in both the Broadway theater today. A said that "Futz" was far lull the 'VfOrk· and the playen' ap-neo-romantic who admittedly blatant "pornographic-wise" proach to the play that you favon "faz;itasy," the.motions, than ''I Am Curiou s want to keep." rituals, tacUUty over the Kang-(Yellow)." P.~Pii~iT~iT"rr.nr;,ii'T!r:rt;~~~riP O'Horgan first s tag e d 1----------------------1 Rochelle Owens' play at the La Mama ex per i m e nta I theater club in May, 1968, a monlh after he wa.s through with "Hair.ot Memben of the original La Mamo compony are ·featured in the Com- monwealth United film wblch was made C1:l location at StocklDn, Calli. "'11111 lorl GI trlllller !nm i!"!__"!"P'.to the -_, i..-+-t--+-+-1H ·~ 1o my -lodp -Ille Man< Brolhen\aaeil ... toke • 1!0Tlt Ind traupo tt U'OUnd to · live audlenceo to find out bOw It pl•yed before mattnc the movie vei'llon," the dlr<ctor said. '"l'lle film hu on tmPor!ant mr.uage to deliver. lt'• about penonat lrtedom and the no-ll>IUty of freedom. II centers arOt.1'34 a man named Futz, who can't teem to find ldequote hwnon love. So he IUnll lo on IJl!mal -a p11 -Amlndo -•nd' atve• bll lo9t to her. 'nllt upoela bil ....... ;.:0. (fl them -I "man ···nt11e1:-~-1>·1--------------------1 ~ __ ,.._ PLUS THIS ucm..-~rr Goo•ge Konnedy In ' ' "GUNS. OF THE MAGNIFICENT sMH"· • • OUCH • W• • t .n. lllllllfl '"'"" I ...... D1•00 _.,• 047 ·•-· • HVNTINGlOIOI ••ACM IXCLVSIYI AllA SHOWING "Oii• " •• ,. ... •st .... .. ~ ...i-cn. u..-'"''rf" ....... actlls tat..tr'-"--~LA. .... ____ .. ~~-... ___ . ·-I liii /Vnlel .. -I · 'M!ndei NOW! 8ulcn lnMdnio JND P<>PULAI PIATUll f ........ '!I!----------~--.-..-.... .,.,. ..... ,.,.~--~---------------------~~-~--------------------· , . ... • Building, 'ZOning t I • 1 ·_:Codes Exammed; NE.W: '1'.0RK (UPI) - A. na-rapid growth In the n_umber or ol l!ome .~g hao riSf!l ,H starts rrom 1_113 9f!W•F'l-. w~~ · i'"I\ ~ ,ll wljlt pn>- UonwidO bouilac shortage IJ households, a r!Je )ii one per-much Q·lO ~· in the past up to· io per<e11~'1pst year, -,pc1 ~H .. 1<11'!.iiilllif will siv• up likely·~ be. 'I major PoUUC.aL.. ce-.1t a year In Coft of yoar ·~ llO, •t.1d~ U an)'tlling, hpv~ 'Jlached 4S percent in · the: tradltl6l)aJ rpt~ of .oWnlng 1 1 •l..-1.r:.. u-i -L.-mat.erlals, wage }\ikes of. 15 the (i&C'e1 has tat~IY. ,speeded 1969,': :the article !said . "'O>e a hou&e." • . . , ~ , ssue fl ,w•:Pre&.uicnu. ~.. percent a year for w'orkme, up,'.' tlie1 ariicle' siid., "The j"' =="======:::i::====:::i::===;;::;;::; tion year: ol 1972, Fortune and a 10 to.25 percent J~'-price to U.:bliyd, ln',niilny ln- magai.ihe ·laid tlUs week. tn the cost o! land in the put· .. stance$, Kaa.10nt tip mOre, .. . ' ' . . ., An arik:Je ln 'µ,I current Y,el.,-. ' :'. The prfct:s ~oi ... ~,honles 1 WAllGNGTON -The Im-nual nte of more than two , i~e of :.Fortuil'e in.!gazioe ~'If all the relevant facl<J;I : J{manced by J ~yroqofla,1 .. ' ' ., ., ' • pedla:MGl1 to lower housing 1111lt111on hom'ts and" 1 said presaur., · •rt added l1JI, lncludlng ·tt>e·-:" mortgages·rOse·to·l!l~,a?e ... @.ge eosta ,_,~)'local rllbictlve apartmliiJ'lls. • on various burdeo of flnancing, the cost of· $35,100 this year, ~,s-,aoo boikfflW eqdes anc.1 zoning Srieral bullden st:reued the· 1 ~v~ls of govr.u:nent t? he~p ~ • : iri0re than In' the ISn!vlOUi I Se~byJ~ys .. -==letklm'wre accenlied at a frustrations In trytn1· to use : ielievtine .. the -~"!~~ cnN.!!~~I . · • yeaf, according · 10~ tlte• mm'. ~·co•fe1t•-t1!: on newmetbodsandma\erlalsin · :.J>i· _u.i= g,_ttQUolH--""""'Ml ' n·un·• ffingUpt'intasion,ofmortgare:~~· c• .., . . . the r r lorblddi local auon ome Builders , . , r•~-In-I~ the -~·-~ ,.·1c1, -~~~Q:~j,;:~~ 1e•wtnt: -e.:••rv'ct1on ace o Pr J · Ad (NAHB} has "'"" -.. ....~"'"' le< ...... b llSt -by building codes zid lack u( .. "' • . an . ame ... t members to ·.the . """ family house li•s ,,_ . tbe Natlilnal )lowing -center predation by m_ijDJClpaJ '·of· 1 Washington to lobby on 1 large 0 S beCome a luxury a1d more Want Ads \ Coc1tw;I ' · t~ ficiall:.of eUortiiit Innovation. ff scale. . i Ver fate 1 and more builders are turning . The c 0 n t ere n c e was' Restrictive zoning treatment Joins Sta _ "Ttie shOrtap of acceptable to :roW"" houses, which are1 ej,ooaored by the .. coUnen. an also came in for criticism. shelter·that·hu lone been af· ca 11forn1 a cimstruction· ·euphemj5tically called ''town element ot the N a t I 0 ti a I • Typical comments w e r e fllcUng lhe poor and the black . . bouees." Association of Home Builders'· those of Hiney M. Meyer bolt Don Ayres, J.r ~ has an· is spreading to the white mid-volume advanced in Sep-"Apartments, which averag- ' and composed of major sup-a .BalUmore build~r and nounce~ \lhe .addition of Jan die clasij: and even l<> quite.at· tem~ to $470 million, up 3.1 .ed abilt a lbird .ot.U-bou&ing Pliers of products and services regional Yice:-i President of A~ms 10 ttls. staff ,as 0 : in-.fluent f~," cF~-sald. percent · from $455 mlll(rb in . NAHB.: 1erlor decorato'r. -. ·-. , .-1 '.1Jt tnaY be that cvadi.J.ions are to the bousJng industry. ·, .. ~ to lS' l f th ~1iD· ,\dams Will~ rn.ain(ain ' at:lheir·~t r~l ·~. bUt ~ Auiust and up 4·1 pl&cent Participating in the con-. .. pe;cen o e two slu~ one,. at---}'alq:i~: •te;ll turnaround will ~ co.me fr6m '44& million In:.-Sep. l ... ·--• . Prillllom p,._1y ' ' I ~ywhere , · , ·' Cail BO· Ex•ha.,.cl SI SLAVIN ference were bu 11 de r s , direct cost of building homes GI e g·, .ya}~,. open Wed-qul~kly! for, the houSing .in·· l(mJ>ft.-.1968. -~·. _1 architects, 'e.1gineers, c i t Y and apartments could be sav-nesday and Friday, a n d dustry 1s at present simply not Gains we~e recorded in all planning officials and Federal ed U all the teclr.lOlogy we now another at Rancho La Cuesta-well enough organized or classifications or building. The government officials. They have cool~ be put to~elher and Hµt]µngton Be~ _optn Mon-f!n.anc,ed1 to make rapid solu· s~8rpest increase wu11n. new were welcomed . by Jesse a~pted in the.political :J~ day, Thursday. and Saturday. lions poslble."1 commercial ConStruetion, up Baker, San AntOnio builder; divlsiOl)S In which we b ~· Hours at both locations are 10 Contributing to the crisis are · to tQ,I. million·· from $73.6 bv ·~intrn•M-'chatrm" an or the -...L.ren""' )Vh_at we are trying to do~-~ 642 ~ c~n< " b • •--·ts and pub•'ic a.m. to 6 p.m., or by ap-the scarclty of mortgage million in August - a gain of -:"'"'" ~"•1als ..,,.., d try to un pointinent. .Ill'!"'. y,_ ig_ mortgage rates, • 27.4 perce.1t. ' and trustee or the National rin~ """" """'i • ' ,-~~~~.:_--~-:_~~~~~h~~~!:..:~~~~~~:..::_ __ i: ..... J~~~~!§~~~ Housing C•nter. ~and 'lhir." · · ·- In the keynote speech , Planners and zoning ad· Stanley Warcr.1ch, V l c e minlstrators were urged to Prai!!tJit-Secr<tary of NAHB, adopt a spirit or '~IJllded Oea- w .at n e d that urban ibillty" in considering restlessness and Impatience bliilders' plr.is 'by Wiiliam with ~le housing was Mcinty~ of Ute Mee~enburg spruding across the land. Plan.ning C om m I 11 i on , Louis Barba. acting· presi· Charlotte, N.C. 4en$ ol NAHB, said that in Richard Wassermaq, prtsi- periods when ~tjons, in· dent of Levitt andSons, Lake CIUdiog Government.al policy, Success, N.Y.,. called for were favorable (such as lri ~e "intelligent thinking" . by mld-1950s) the housing 111-cicitiens and public officlals in dustry had produced at~ an-formulating. z on J ~ g re- Ayres Eyes $19 Million Home Sales quirements. Wasse rman foresaw greater movement toward factory-pr~ d1,1ced homes largely ~use they can be produced with less labor than traditional on-site construction. He cited the shortage of skilled la bor as contributing to the anoi;naly of the dwindling production of housing as the demand for An anticipated sales v9tumc houst.1g increases. Also, he in excess of fl9 million in 1970 saJd, .~ wages of o~-site has been announced b y labor 11 mcre:aslng far faster· builder-developer Don Ayres than the wages of fac;tory Jr., president of Frank H. · labor. . Ayres & Son, Nepy,·ort Beach. At a diM~r meeting Harold ., .. IF YOU BUY BEFORE DECEMBER Sl'st · · ' .. -' ThilisSl:S'swayof11yingMerryCbriot· GE_NUINE LA'!'.~ A.~D ~.}'~A.S '!;E R , ·- ' .,,,,s •'DIME .• A r e Ll"I ·•DAYI .. •*..... ... ' New units of home! are· B. F"mger. Assistant Secretary either planned or underWay at -for-Re:se.areh and TechnOlogy. Ayres' Rancho La Cuesta Cer-of the Department o( HOUJ!ng ritos v Cerritos · Raocho La and · V r1b 1 n, 'Developmait. Guest.a.' Huntin~on Beach: spoke about HUO'.s Operati~n Tbe Ranch. Easl Tustin and Breakthr~$h.,~hteb, he said, Valencia Glen j,q Valencia, hopefully !.'I! ,Jleyel off C?,st~. E8eh · location has f 0 u r maybe even redtice cosls or furni~ and decora..ted: mQdel..-home buil*np. ~ -- homea and a sales lnfonnaGon mu in 1 :way_ that coyW..ave yo.,.JIR to TJIROl"TC:HOUT ~erv ,home lbij'."b11ild. '$2••0'''·-·'i!'---h· '"b ~~-,...r;r -"r'"'·s-._~s:•7:r b "'"· ·1u: ..... ~-.... ~ """'~ 1,.u on your new ome .. uy. o.u,! un;~~.., ,a .n~ een. P.~ .~.11r; ~ n~11r ............. ·~-:-f ~-.. ,,. f '.. . .... _ '\ office. · Th• nrst incrern•"' 01 ll9 Real Es•~te homes will begin construction IA.A. early in 1970 at Culver Road jult east of the Santa Ana Freeway in Ea~ Tustin. Ayres says he will introduce ne,.,, architectural stylings, as "·ell u bulJdina: his prove.1 sales leide:r1. _, Loans Reach $6,841,600 ~ new development will be'!On 38 acres purchased from Ljman Farwell Ayres has an opUcm lo purchase 20 ad· ditiooal· contiguous .acres. ·Robert F. Hayes, Orange Col1.1ty investments manager for the real estate investment department of · the · wtstem home office of the Prudential Insurance· Co., reported ·that duri1.11 the fint ten months .of 1969 real estate loans disburs- ed in Orange County amounted to $6,141.600. lu announcing his plans Ayr~ ~pointed out bis firnfs. volume in 1970 will ·Jearly dou· ble that of 1969. • "Escape to Autumn at take rorest! Of that amount,. $3.8711,100 was for residential properties, and JZ,962,500 for commercial and bdustrlal projects. Real estaJe loans disbursed In OOlfornia, durin1 ·0le same period, amounted to 492,,.7 01,97 1, of which '34,7111771 wu for' residential. Lakes· woods $40,633,893 for commercial and ""cl~n& homq Industrial, and $17,2811,600 !or • •. ~ > lann loanS. · " , . I !, During ille .Jtknonth period, ' 1:,.i '1oans dJsbUrsed by Prudeiitial -' : throughout the 13 western '--' s.t ates amou nte.cl to · $137 ,571,929. Of this amount. $51,431,988 was for residential properties, $49,541,393 f o.r cOmmercial and industrial projecti, and 436,585,$50 for flim loans. YOll PIOILEM: y!I!' ·,_.,., ltiU -J.;.;;. tMt,.y.. ,,. '"-' ...... l'8t ' ....... ,.. .... ~ --,.,.· NOT OYll $50 ? ·? ? ? ? YOll .ANSWD: ? "'"all :rHI DAil. y PILOT, ... ,... ClllllW Mal .... a!f ,._ !' · ..---·PILOT . • PENNY ' Pl~Hll · .,.__ c:tASSfllllD AD ~ . ' , . AT OUI SIECIAL LOW IA'I! 3 uie 2 nMIS 2 DOUAU .AND 'YOUlt CltlOIT II 0ooo I DIAL NOW DlllC:tl 642-567·· ca.--~-11111 dowu today and take advantage of iliio · oWllers Association· Awa~s for eilcol· -.:·.1 ·~-": 'I • M1 ' free carpet and draperies offer. S 8' S io lence in home construction, and bu bae)l the.only major Southam California home-cite~ twice fj)r superior construction : bull a er who still care• enough to uoe quality-in !lie Congresoional Record of the .. • United States Congress. • .. .. .. • THE ROVES OFFERS A.BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF LARGE, LUXURIOUS HOMES Di A ' ' ' WlIJ.ED-IN COMMWflTT. fRICED FROM $37,~00 TO $45,690, THE GROVES Om!RS PRIVACY, COMPORT AND THE CONVENIENCES WHICH ASSURE TBE 'FINEST Uf CAIJ· -~· Fllll.NJ1 LIVQIG @ UP TO 6 BEDROOMS .@ IMP&RTBD lTAi.L\N MARBLE E~Y , · . ' .FLOORS @ Wll CUT CRYSTAL CllANllELIER @ MASSIVE WOOD BUIOONQ FIRE· PLACB • JIABDWOOD PABQUET FLOORING IN FAMILY ROOllS @ BEAMED CATHE· 'DIAL CBILllffl8 • BEAUTIFUL EITE&IOl -STONIWOll @ Will-IN PANT&Y .@ @ mUsm llllUUIR WALLS FOR DRE8SJNG ALcoVE ' 0 -CUSTOM CABIKETRY ALL BLICl'llC ll'ltlllilS: ' . Located within easy driving distance of three lsior freeways. Take the Santa An<> Freew~y t !>" Euclid•and tum squth, or ta_k~ the. Garden G1Q:ye Frll_e.y;ay t<i ll.uclid and turn north to the .Gro1teil. '.• ..,, '~ . ~ ... -~) 0 looll"• "" ... .... ANAHEIM: (714) TT&-2340 I I ' ' '· \ • \ ' ·. \ ' .. • • • • ' " ' I l I I I . · . . .. . . ... . . . '. DU:NfQN ·: FORD·'S . '•' 1..: • • ., .• 1 • . . . ,1969 MODEL . CLOSE ·OUT · · · · · .;·1'69 «:.MODEL FINAL' ClEARANEE :,' cc~'out :; ,, \ . • l-'< " A&L '69' s • T·HEY MUST BE '' SOLD • ·FREE· •I•>' ._..' . . 100 Gals •• of Gas FREE .. . .. ' . - I . '. ·, ' • f ·ORD j l • ' • -.. ~····(··~o· ; .. :R·r· ·"1'.NAS ' :· ~· • j 1 ! • c ' ---. . ~ , . r . . ltL ~BOoY ~stttEs ANP: · co~oe·s· ' . ' . . ' . •· . . . . . ~" .. -... PRICED AS" LOY' AS . ' ' ' ' . •'' -..... . . . ' • ' ' . ' " • • 1• •• . ··~ . . . ' PLUS T. I., L., . Sor. No. BA ·92P67948 I : 'I I / '• • • '( . . " .' . ·: 'i . . ·~ \. ' , I . . .. I . ' . . . .. . ' . ' . ' · •·The Woodine C.mpers ~·America's 9roateit ~olue ;,,. .: ·• quality camp•ri(Froin· ihells 'to t~e lorqesf.· · :· . ·: : ~·Kamp Kin9. Campers ...,.:Wi!~ the Ii f et i me, .,.arranty. ·. "Tomorrow's Camptir T ad4-f.11··The s a fest. cam'per Orti" tho road. · . • 'i COMPARE. OUR PACK-AGE . PRICi ! ·· ·. "tf!• feotu~e th. BE.$T at' the LOW~T .. P,RICE !1• ' i ',· .. cqoosE . FROM " ' ,~ . I ' , . . ;;~.. . .o .. v· . ·~E. .. · n· ... · -:4. .. · o · t <;! • • • ' •, • I ' • ' ,< f -~ I • • • • . . . ,C~~· ·,&';' T,R1~C,K$" . .. . .' I I •• . . . . . ~ ( ' • : I ' ,. j,o • I' i • • . ' ' • ' ' ' 4 ' ~ ·• I ' I ~ ·'• • . • • • Am ..... y YoclHI~, . I.Gs.hmm a~ ••l•!t~ l!U."1'0~. '!°JD,. ...... 'l!" ....... 'la ..... ~·c~·u!.. Yldil. T•-~ bafos y ozcelOftto senlco d11puss ,do In YOftlas. !.•~os ~1.:~ ~~S.:.iil;r' ..... ~ 1965 FORD • • •• ~ l ii. ' •• .. . ... I I I .. IP'1"'1911,_ .. .., .... .,.""'°'"""'""'..,n~,....,....,.,...,...,.,¥,,...., .• ~---.,.,... ... ..,,~•~•,...,.~:a~u~a•nt~'"*..,"""•"~'~"~~· ... ••=~•~•w:.+i ... ...,'~*~'~"~""~'••1,,...,~.1·~1·~•~>~,~·~~~~•~N,...-.~•~•·~·~o~~·"~~~~··~~·~·~·~•~-•~··~~~,......~ -r""1"" ' ..... ~....,.---. I Satµrdaf, Nflltmbtr 29, 1969 ~!!!~~W!!!:!!~~~~~~HOU~!!Sl!;l~'~O~lt!JSA~L!l~H~OU~l!IS~'~O!!)lt!;S~A~L:!I=, J~HOUS~!!l!!SJl'~O~R:JSA!!,1:L!l...1;H!!!OU~$1~S!_!'~O!_!!lt;.,!SA~Ll!_,~JtHOUS~!JJ~S~F:50~R!,!SA~'1.:!:;l!_J.H~Ol!!!l!!Sl!!;S~l'~Olt~,U.~'1.!1.,._ ,HOUlll l'Olt SALi r;~~:::;;;=~,~-~ l ~'~·p~:§7~ .. ~p: ... ~.,p5:: .. :i1.~'.DOO~l i°"~"~ ... ~ .. ~I ~~~1~000~°"'~~.,.~r~·l~·iiiii-~,~-i l ~;~Ai"i~~·r~t;-ti1Al'' •a~o~'R~-D~~r~,i~' ,~· iiR~ea~·:11.;~;:r:F-~·;r~-'~· ;;;;;;;~~"~llCl~·~o~.,~-;·~·~~=~,~-~-.l ~ .. • '~ ••=Mt 41.:.!r~"":.'"~:ii.;,i FINER HOMES elinda J6/. 0 L $·.O N all ~ or Javel.y Mt11. Verde C f rt bl T B d ' PI Elt & SLIP s + !amUy. dlnlnl .....,. IAYFlONT om 0 a • WO e room • i New!)> ~"""· Nodem. lm· Cam.bri""• Serl•~ R d ON HARDWOOD FLOORS. Exira large mas. e~ y for Immediate occupancy. Large 2· m.ac. S Bdrm. & <kn. 3 ~ 541.c•-. ter bedroom, cozy kitchen and dining area. PRESTIG E WATERFRONT HOMES Show11 by ADDolntment Ine. Realtors Ba~ •• ,69 ~ -· story Bay!ront home with 4 sp acious bed· -· ~ ·-· -·--1 u · r al dlnln Attached garage -extra large lot Excellent ALSO rooms, a r g e vmg room, orm g ~ .. R~TY..... room; paneled den with wet bar. Maste r suite neighborhood -beautiful tree lined., street. · Llrse 2 Bdrm. '.! bath on 45 --. Seeing is believing ONLY $21,$00 WITH ft. kit. u;,soo, with sitting room, fireplace & extra large TERMS. dresst ns room. Pier & !loat for large power $21, 950 or sailboat. See this exciting buy. $175,000. Assume Low Interest .... ,, Lee Schonek . 1 Linda l1fe'DrlYe 4 Bedroom, 5 bath home in final 1tag•s ol completion. P alos Verde· stone entry & fir., placos. Family room & billiard room. Beautl- lully decorated. Priced at.: ......... ,IM,000 CUSTOM NEW ENGLAND FARM l Bdrrn + Famil y rm. Open daily. 515 Bayside Drive. .. Lovoly "U" shapl'd l~mo . MESA DE L MAR FOUR BEDROOMS, large : 67i.uas ix.u, •rouoo '"'""'"' LINDA ISLE IAYFRONT living room, family room and built-in kllch· 16 Lind.a Isle DrlYe Exquisi!ely decorated 5 Bedroom, 5 Bath new home """Jtb upstairs view or Corona del Mar hills. 3 lireplaces &. BBQ. Cantileve red Al fabulous Newport Bt1cb, -I muter gjze bed1wnu. 2 full bath1. 1''arm kitchen - pantry -deluxe bullt·tn1. HIJ.ie J? Fl. N~ EnrtaN:I famUy room with lol\I ol old b r I C' k fl repla('('. Wlndin1 1ta.lrcase to wiique heaV)' beamed studio or -Hup 5th bedroom. 5~19' annual % rate loan available. Un- equaled at $38,950 ..... Dlal N e qua I e d at $38,960. Dil.J Now! 66-0303. 0 1..·,.· ""'""'"!"""'"'"~"""'I a1r'lun1 . Brick BBQ -ca11· A fantastic bayfront buy. 3 large bedrooms. en. Master bedroom off to itself with its own : '3 HR. 2 BA. Janu!y room. cadiii~ \\·aterlall. Covered 3 baths: separate dinina: room: 55 ft. o! bay· private bath. Recently professionally repaint· patio deck. Priced with dock at ...... $145,000. ' ,prof deoor. 1% yr oJd..xlnt ii~·ric30kit~he:~~f~~· front wi th pier & slip. Asking $105,000. Open ed lnside and out. Fully carpeted and drap- ' .oaod. $32,...,, =• noet Saturday & Sunday. 106 Linda Isl e Drive. ed. Cov ered ,Jililio and fen ced yard. Priced 57 Lind.a Isle Drive Luo, HB. Owfter 64&-43:18 TARBELL 295S H•rbo r to sell at only $29,500. DOVER SHORES 11-iust see 4 Bedroom 4 Bath home with patio deck, sittin~ roo m and fireplace in master bedroom suite. Family room has sunken con- versation pit and fireplace ••..•••.. $162,000. ' . . ' ' o.n.ral -·~ . Beautiful 3 bedroom home with den; large · living room, dining a re a, 3 baths: cedar close ls & room for a pool. $87 ,5-00. Call for appointment. South Santa Ana , ·;. Coldwell, Banker •• :;o._ ··OFFERS: LIDO ISLE $79,500 : Live near the beach and enjoy'a new way of life in this 5 bedroom, 3 b"h ho~e. Enormous Ji~ M<>m and lanai. ,So. patio. :" On 60 rt. lot. · Mary Lou A1ariOJf DOVER SHORES VIEW ... Terrific buy a t $69,~. 4 .BR's. & fam~ r~ .. · trge. din. area. Swimming pool. Ex1stmg Joan avail. at 6~ %. Owner transferred. -Im.mediate occupancy! .. Cathryn Tennille · .. WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE ,'. ' TO BEACH This 3 bdrm. 2 bath home recen Uy pa,int· ~ -ed, P.lus new drapes & carpets. P lans for .. ,. family room & entry. 2nd Story could be add~ for panoramic view of ocean. '65.000. ·1 ' . Kathryn Raulston WATERFRONT TOUCHER-UPPER With slip lor large boat. 3 Bedrooms. baths. 3 Car garage with elec. openers. (_)pen beam ceilings. Sandy beach: Re- duced to S63,500 'vi th good loan. Walter liaase SEE THE SEA OPEN SAT. 1·5 219 POPPY, Corona del Mar. 4 BR. Span· iih with tile roof, large studio-bedroom has North light & separate entrance. Lemon tree in beautiful brick patio. $59,500. Carol Tatum GREAT VIEW -LUSK Harbor View Hills : 4 BR. 2 Ba., 3 Car gar. Combo kit·fam. rm. Landscaping prof. done. usparkling" clean. $59,000. Al. Fink SHORE CLIFFS ,. With some remodeling of this 2 bdrm. 2 , bath home, you could have a most attrac- tive residence, in prime area. Liv. rm. 'r/ ·. beamed ceilings, pegged floors & frp lc. & lovely wood paneling. $55,500 Kathlyn Raulston LUSK' HYH OPEN HOUSE '11Near new, hnmac. 3 BR. & fam. rm. Open Sun. t-5. 3430 Seabreeze in new exct. Har- bor View Hllls. Best buy in area. $49,850. J oe Clarkson HOME OF DISTINCTION Refreshing 3 bedroom, family room, 2 bath home. Family room with lush gar- den view: 2 fireplaces. Professionally dec- orated. Choice location. $46.500. Mary Lou l\ilarion TOWNHOUSE FOR LEASE Two bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, double garage. Entry court & rear patio. Beauti- -ful carpets & draperies. $250 l\1onth in- ·: • eludes use of pools, tennis courts & other ·: 1 recreation. I . Carol Tatum ,I COLDWELL, IANKER & CO. SSO NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 133--0700 644-2430 2790 HARBOR BLVD . 546-2313 LIKE TO SWIM? o I : · But hate to cte&n the poolt ~ block to : .:.. Jarp pbol 6 dubhoUlf". U fe guard at U1c JIOOl-DNt 3 W room. tamlly room hollse. Hardwood floors -fireplace -trailer pukln; and cx:tras-.$26,950. E. Z. terms. GOLD COAS'F Over 4,000 sq. ft. of luxury living with a pan· oramic vie\v, 4 Bedrooms, huge living room. breakfast area; paneled fa mify roo1n with fireplace. Like new. Priced $145,000. Open Sat.-& Sun. 1330 Galaxy Drive. DOVER SHORES VIEW ~autifully landscaped cour tyard leads lo this magnificent home. Bright. sunny living roon1 'vilh vie\v of entire back bay: den, 4 large bedrooms, 4 spacious baths. all electric kitchen: dining room , marble fireplace: Over 3200 sq. ft. $89,500. Open Sunday 1·5; 1130 Santiago Drive . john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dovor· Dr., Suite 120 642-823S --------- 1000 Genera l 1000 $150 PER MONTH IMMEDIATE . POSSESSION . NEAR THE BEACH Assume this LO\\' 6"A •.t per annun1 Fl!A loan at only $150 nion1hly includrs all. Extra l11r~r rul·de-sac Joi with l'OOm for hoa1 or trail· er! Rea50nablr dn1vn pa.v- ment. 'Why Rrnt? PAY YOURSELF'! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-0t65 ()pl!!n 'til 9 M.1" $23,950 GI TERMS King sized broroomi;, 2' ha !h.~. ~itt!n )citche~, l~l~ ~V anteniiae. Sof~ 111ater. Patio. He..vy shake roof. Low ~·n paymerit. 54().1720. TARBELL 2955 Harbo r LookiOE For Room? We havr Joi!!. of It In this big 4 bdrm 2 story hoine on a quiet street. Also included ls a large Ian1ily roon1 & break- fast nook, loo! lMi\1AC- UW\ TE CONDITION makl's lhL~ 31J.: ;year old hon1e a real pleaau~ to see. $33,950 for 2000 *(. ft. ? !? Call 546-4141 RIGHT AWAY! • co:Ts WALLACE REALTORS 546-4141- IOpen Evenings! 3 liR :.! bath home, cortl>:!r lot 130x180 -add 5 more unit&. Drive by 15l j Santa Ana Ave. then call ilania ltealty """"'° 1000 General !000 -- Three bedroom , two bath, fully carpeted and draped. Built-in kitchen with laundry facili· ties. Double garage, fenced yard. V.. •ere ranchero at end of cul-d•sac strHt only $22,1IOO -FHA TERMS. 90 Lind• Isle Drive BeauUful 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath home with extra 4 BDRM + FAM large living roo m & master Bedroom. Car-+ RUMPUS Halecrest ~ets ,& dr~pes. Landscaped. Boat slip. Near .WHAT'S TH IS !I enn1s court & clubhouse ... , ........ $135,000 Enter upon beautlful shag carpeting into a large living room with PALOS VE ROE STONE FIREPLACE. Dining room with slid· ing glass doors to a hu ge patio, Kitchen has buil t-ins, disposal, dishwasher, and dishmes· ter. Three bedrooms, two pullman baths, one with stt1 ll shower. Large enclosed yard wit h rock \vaterrall, fruit trees and aluminum too! house. This elegant home can be yours for ONLY $24.950. Pool, clubhouse and recrea- tion facilities available. Linda Isle Development Co. $1 8,500 1080 Bayside Or., N.B. Bill Grundy 67S-3210 And only 6 year.s youna:. Fah. 646-0555 I "'.'.~~~!!!~~~~!!!il~~~!'i!!!'!~!!'!~ I t.utic terms too! Get toptb. 1 ·~-neral er $1.~ and that's &ll )'OU ~--~ IOOOGener1I 1000 need! 4 good size bedfOOntl lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii~~I -2 baths -kitchen wttb Carlsbad Lagoon Property 11h A~re + .. J.uxtirious Home (featured in L.A. Tunes). Zoned fo r units or motel. Near yreeway + Clea r Ocean view. All uWities 1n ne\v street. Could develop Juxury units now or hold for capital gai n. ' built-ins. Family + rumpus room. Beautiful, well kept, tree lined cnmmu:iity. Where in the 1vorld can you find a hllra:ain like this. Move fut! Dial 645--0.W. CALLING' All INVESTO RS UO E. s-1-h St, IE. 17tla St. Slloppl"' Ctr.I Owner (714) 7~9-3072 Older home on huge street to slreet.loL 60 x 300. R-%. Will take 8 unitJ or, wby not IPUt the lot for Z tripiex.! 2111.ua .... COSTA MESA Ge••nl 1000 GenenJ IDOO ---l-•t $llD mo. while )'OUI' de---------1 you'll like our friendly service VACANT LAND Overboard cldl:nc about tltls trernen· doua potential. Hard to. beat at $22.500. Call 6f5..ID03. EVENINGS CALL 646-2259 OR 546"326S "But we tb:>Ui;ht we would bP here for at least 10 years." It's all betn done. Customized throughout. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, formal din- ing roon1. 2 fireplaces, over- sized .family room with lriendly wet bar. Lush car- pels, drapes a.nd the finest \\'all coverings. }<"antastlc rock work and the last 111ord in a swimming pool. $62,000 invested. SacrWce price $57,500. Gener•I lDOO t;;;;;;;===-1 OVER 115 FEET ON THE BAY P.alat1&t ba)'front home ln exclusive Bayshores. J..ari:e pie1 &: slip. 3 Bedrooms &: maid's. Spack>us living room. Fabulous bayside kitchen, Lovely, well kept grounds. 13<5.000 Listed excluslvely with -YOUR_D.OLL HOUSE EKceptional 3 bedroon1 , 2 bath. Home l<>eated In bc&t Costa ll-1"esa area. Deluxe shag C'arpetlng throughout, richly paneled in walnut. big covered patio with profet- slonal Iand9caping, v.•11er· fall and garden llaht:t. All built in kitchen, forced air heat. It's one of a kind <ii $24,950. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL a,30 OPEN SAT/SUN 870 JOANN, CM 3 bdnns 1 ~ baths. Room for boat & trlr. Owner anxious. DAVIDSON, RHlty fi.4&5460 Eves. 54)1-1058 $26,950 5 Bedrm +Pool 3 baths. full dlnlna room . Rich wood paneling -hand· som<' break"fa~t bar. Rell family living in an area of most ('()nV<'nlrncc. -J4G-172'0. TARBELL 2955 Harbor GIVE Now -and later UNITED FUND Gener.al 1000 WHY RENT? $123.00 Month Includes Everything E. Bolsa Ave. in Weit Sant• An• This l'.·ell located property Is situated at 4TI 7 E. Bolsa Ave., 1 ml. 11'est o! Harbor Blvd., in th<' eity or Santa Ana. All utililll's available. Many zoning uses possible : Convalescent homC', apart• menls, commereial, and re- la ted uses. Jnh!'ritance tax p11 itl on appralS<'d value of $60.000. Selling p1ice $63,600. It's -a J bedroom home In Costa fo.1esa, there's no qual- ifying IG assume UlC exist- ing VA LOan with an aMu<il Phone 542-9533 percentage ralr o! 67'. fo"'ul/ or 546-1898 price Is Sn ,!liO -Best Buy 0_-;Co;-;u;:-";;:-"';;Yc;\o~Bn>:-:7""=":__ """'0 •' ' SPARKLING Looking For A New Home? Don't overlook this. The Jin· icky owner has pol.i!hed this gem fo perfection. 3 la1 .;e ~room.s, 2 baths, 1vann family room and big living room with cozy fire p.lace. BU ILDERS MODEi! 4 + FAM + POOi! NEAR THE SEA Featured in p'rlze winnlnl home magazines! Enter pri- vate court yard and OPft1 massive double doOn: to spaC'loos entry of hand fonn- ed terrazo. Step down to graciow living. Farnibr room and wet bar. Mautfe fireplace. Banquet dlntrw. Owners suite with rome bath. Gourmet garden kit· chen. The all year pool ts completely ICreened 1n -of course~! lmpos&ible to re- place at $46,500. Call today 6-JS-0303. !Tanlwood Cloors any ~hake FOREST E. roof chacm. Pcd•ct 'U.-sf 0 L s 0 N only 2 yea r old. Thls homl! hon1c for the man on the CHAU':'EAU ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL a,30 Ch1r1cter Pacesetter i~ fl houllt'wlfe'~ drtnm, 1ny up. S18.500 and worth l)('autifully appoln1C'd isl;J nd. lt' ! Hiett kitchen all rooms arc ovc1·sized -~'000 ~q. fl. In all. A Miu;l er &droom suitC' HI for II. King and Queen. ex· pensive Palos Verde stone fireplace. hC'avy shake roof. l l you 1vant a real e'leculivc hom -This Js It. Inc. Realtors 645-0303 at Harbor Cente1· . 2299 Harbor Blvd., C.M.; $:::~. ~t~1~~ . $20,000. G.L Terms aiarn1ing 4 bdrm that looks ORANGE COUNTY'S Speciou'.s home with custom liko • "°"'" siluatl'd on • L4ROEST Colesworthy & Co. ,.,,..ting ..... ,... , .... large tree covered lot. Heavy 2629 HARBOR Bl VD place. Oeliehtful pitio. 4 shake roof, cute dormer • "Aa:ent" "For A \\list> Buy" rn. new. Serene iJUrround· windows, clipped _ ceiling 546-8640 ing. bdrins. massive brick fire· OPEN EVES Tlll 8 :30 1 -:~::--:::"~'·~77'170:::::::;::-11 ~·~-::::: ...... T~A::R:B:E~L~L-1 plaCt". DRIVE BY at 1691 $25,SOO I · CAPE COO CUSTOM "'""'." PI ac '· Quruity PRIVATE FOREST Pa ct's f' I t C' r construe· Room for boat or trailer. lion. $36,!00. Di~am kilchen, natural t\lrch cabinc1s. J::x!ra roo1n for stud('nL Workshop. Pool. Sta1<'1Y shade trees. =T;==;"=~""'~l 5.l().l720. Mesa Verde -$2S,950 TARBELL 29SS Harbor 411!~.s1f\ ~r ~( ]\, .11 f'' 546-5990 . 'Vitti a llttle loving care BAYCREST you'll save SSS$'s! Spru::lous Open Sunday 2•5 bedrooms, large f a m i I y 20~8 CO:O.tMOOORE RD. room, built·in kitchen, fire-3 BR J ha. PLUS pool, place. Pre s tige m-ea. JEAN s·MITH 540.!7'.!0 REALTOR TARBELL 2955 Ha rbor 646-3'55 QUIET STREET 3 BR . .1~. ba. :?T ft. !iv. rn1. 4 Std $32+,!: R Cpts, drps, bltns. l.gf' lot, ·J~OO '~1 '" . nus m . cov. boat stnrage. $27,200. • ~· · a yrs. new. AU CORBIN-MARTIN :1e<.1~1c push bu!t on bui!t- REALTORS 1n kitchen. lltii;c fireplace. . ~ Ev I hige bonus 1·oom. Els;y 6T;>-166:l.. 537·~;1'.> • c. IC'rms 11vallabl<'. SJ0-1120 • ~~Coa!il Hwy .. OL'l TAR.BELL 2955 Harbor ExqulsHe home In prestige area of Newport Heights. Featuring 4 large bdrms. den &. unuual rear y a r d with waterfall &-fish pool OPEN FR I/SAT 12-S 316 C1t1 lln•, N.B. ~ ~-P E RRON ..I • •• -.·· ... , .... * '42-1771 Anytirne * $28,500 5 Bedrm + F•mlly rm. 2 bath.,, de'.n for rela.""<ing. Electric kitchen, new dish· washl'I". Eleaant fireplace. Room for boat. 540-1720. TARBELL 29S5 H•rbor GOV'T IEPO Large 4 bdrm 2 bath In Cos~ Mesa for $20.000 full prlCe on b!i corner lot. Wtth Sl51Xl down total paymept ls $177/mll. includin&: taxes. Available for non-vets or wts, Vac&nt -see loda\)i. CAU.. 540-1.151 Heritage Reil Estate (open eves) 4 BR !2.!~rm, I~\ ba. Near schools a So. Coast ; Plaza. lmmed, pc>P. Small down. Ceil Martin Rlt r. 541-6332 IT'S Beach house time. Bf&- &est telection ever! See tht DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! 1000General IOOOGener1I 1000 General 1000 General 1000 G•n•r•I IDOO 1700 NEWPORT BLVD . 646-7171 OCEAN VIEW fn charming Newport Heights. 3 bedrooms, dtninr room, large basement rumpus room, deluxe built-In kitchen. $39.900, lOS~ dmvn. SLIDE INTO POOL Jn thhii secluded f'f'ar )'8Td M(ely' f('nerd "LOOK POlt THIS SIGN ... WE NE.ED SALESMEN TIRED CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 LEASE or LEASE OPTION CALL ANY ONE OF OUR 3 OFFICES -- TO SEE THESE EX11lA BUYS V1e1nt-E. 19th ST.-COSTA MESA '6 block to Irvine. 3 bedroom, Iara:e lot, l car garage with alley 1ntrance for ball or traller-$26,950. Your chance to san . Voc•nt -WESTMINSTER AVE. COSTA MESA . MESA DEL MAR 4 BEDROOM With • ~rtdoua: hickory panelled fam· Uy room. 11\e tann style kitchen radiates ' for klddlPs. Lovely :l Bt'droom in tlir hrl!.rt "r Westcllff-Lary;e kltC'hen. nHllty room and 1»ano size Jiving room-$47.000-tO<:.fi do"-n. of sitting on the side tract watching the main line run 7 Immedlatr occupanC'y ts available on this very vaC'ant and very handsome 3 BR to"TI• hOUH in beautiful mast!"'r planned Univers- ity Park. Situated right on the &reenbelt. The ultlmate In C'attfrff! ll~ng._ Only $290/ mo or $31.900 1,1.·ith only $:KJOO down. · $5,000 PRICE REDUCTION CAMEO SHORES NC\v kitchen with d tshwa1her, t~ shaded lot, extra workshop In rear-$2:5,000-lO'i~ down. ' ,., warmth and conven.Jencr. Top Costa !\lesa &rell cl* to -IChoob and 1hopplnf - ; $33,:SOO. MfSA VERDE Beautifully kepl.....qulel-5&!t-1-ltu Vttde nelehborbood. )Valk lo library l!.nd school. -kl' CJ...t 3 -• beU. homo. J..lrp f"'ll.-r ault.t a.epa.ratc from IM oth· er 9-froonla. Low maJnt.tnartt, large yard. Jteedt' lot )'OU et $29,9:50 wllh CllS.V ttrms. • WANT A WORKSHOP? TN!:n1e1ldou, Nl'wporl l·Jf'ls:-h t• 3 bedroom, :ii bl1h-cl"11n as a pin throughnut. Ooublr gar111<r Viil h JOJC20 1\ol'k~hofl 1111111·r .• lu.~t 2 block~ fro1n 5ChOO]~ k ~hOpJ)ln:,:. $3.'\.000. HARBOR HIGHLANDS this firwo area ts recog:nltOO aa one of Nc11·· port'5 best.. 4 Bedroom A large family room homr. Quiel. sl~t near P.farine.r School &: Weatclilt Shopplnr. Lovely cntrana.o patio, large tf'ff surroundtd ~llr y11.td. Ca~ted. draped .t lovrly wall paper. &e IU\Ytlme by 8 l)pL $S6, 950. Join a wlnnin9 teem-m1 ~e more money in e~ office tha t produces. Ph one Re,,dy McCerdle- 54 6-231 l. FO R INTERVIEW IF YOU'RE NEW -WE 'LL TRA IN YOU ~"-/THE REAL ESTATERS ' Beautiful VIE\V HO)IE 3 BR. conv. den plUI &Ori\'OUS large pool In a prot.ee~ courtyl!.rd. Chvner \\'finis ACTION. Now on· ly $7'2,500. YOU MUST .SEE Th!1 Immaculate 2 bedroom convertible den home In the Bluffs. 2 bathroon'I$, out· standing carpets. custom drlipes, bit. ln ber in den. Shows pride ot ownership thruout. Relax and enjoy livina the caretrff life. Only $41,500. UPPER EASTSIDE -$22,llO 10°/o DOWN Quiet cul de sac. Larre lot with 1cads or frui t trt~. Cozy 2 Bedroom in 1helte1'td area amid neatly kept homes. ASSUME l 1A% LOAN 1..&ric yard. family slu patio, 2 Baths and a chance \o auwne • 5'ii ~ loan. $2:5,500. CALL US TOOAY. WI HA\ta LOTS O' LOTL ' ------------------------------_..,,..-----··-· . . Pete Barrell f'<ea.ft'I fNdenltJ MESA VERDE- CUSTOM BUILT Now under cofistruction. 3550 sq · ft-5 bdrms 3'h bath borne, with formal din- ing room & family room -.2 fireplaces, 3 car garage. Carpeting lncluded as well as all other amenities in a '"ell planned custom home. See ii & add your own personal touches & colors. Choice area near Mesa Verde Country Club. Comple- tion pl anned !or January. 179,950. Office Open Saturday1 & Sundays PETE BARRETI REAL TY 160S Westcllff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 General Solve Sintple Scrambled Word Puzzle for a C/~uckle Ohorronge the 6 xrumbled word1 below 10 lnok• 6~ sll'f'ple word&. Print letters of 90ch In 11• Urie of ,quor.N. IDYNLIK I 1 1'1111 lrM.;..U;..;R.;_;B;..;;E-TN~~,·? .111 :._i ICINDIT I It-. ..-, ..-, T""'"I .,.._, n-tl' c::;::::::::~~ IT 0 MS IN The elevator operator woa I I I I$ j tr red of the sorne old cliche. . _ . _ . The passenger began: "Soy, I ~--------Cutie, you sure hove your ups IRE GD EN . end downs, don't you?" 11--,1--ilr-r"j """'i'-rl-She qu ipped, "It's not the , .___._..,_,__~. ~.~UP.5 end down 1ho1 bo1hfr me, I" -',. fhe -." 111:s:Y:=J=T=U~=L:==~==~=O Complete th• chuck1o 11 ~~~d j I I' I I I ,by fill in; In th• mining words you de11e!oo from st.-p No. 3 btilow. • "'"'l'-_...,... .--. .... 8 r:~~R~~~g:~~RES I' 11 r 1· r I' I' I' D ~~~t,MBlE m•1 I I r~ I I I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN DIME·A·LINE Time For QUICK CASH CLASSIFIED AD! Open Houses THIS WEEKEND • ..,. tllb _ 1Mt1ulr 41r'Htory wl" p tWt ...., • ..., • ........ II .. Ji1111tlnf. All tho locoft•ll• ....... , .. .,.. descrlhetl ht .,...., fft•ll by od'eftlsl11t ., ... wMn 111 tMey's DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. PatN111 tllowl119 .,.. hotiSH fer to!. ., to N11t .,. 111,,U '• list ..,., .. lnfor-tl" 111 ttib col•1t111 aoc:h Friday, (2 Bedroom) 934 Miran1ar, Laguna ,Beach 494-3066 (Sat & Sun 10-5) 2551 Westminster, Costa l\1esa 646-0555 : 646-2259 (Sat 1·5) 316 El ~1odena, Newport Beach 646-7111 (Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom) *401 Begonia, Corona de! Mar 642-9190 (Fri & Sal 1·5) 3011 Top side Lane, Corona del Mar 675-5930 Sat & Sim 1·5 ) 2101 Vista ~ntrada, Newport Beach 675-5975 (Sat & Sun) **106 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642·8235 (Sal & Sun) 8151 Dart1noor, Huntington Beach 545-9491 (Sun 1·6) 717 Poppy Avenue, Corona de! Mar 675-2101 (Sat & Sun 12:30·4:30) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) 504 Avenida Lucia (Bluffs) NB 675-7225 fSat & Sun 1·5) *1906 Holiday (Baycresl) NB 675-4600 (Sat & Sun H) 2300 Heather Lane, Netvport Beach 1 • 646-6317 (Fri. Sat & Sun 10-5) *2048 Commodore (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sun 2·5) 2298 Watern1an Way. East Costa t.1esa 645-2000 (Sun 1·5) 1606 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 642.8235 (Sat & Sun) 1845 Pitcairn Drive (Mesa Verde} Cf\'1 540·1720 (Fri, Sat & Sunl 3430 Seabreeze (tlarbor View flills) CdM 644·2430:833-0700 (Sun 1-5) 315 Pirate Road (Clil(haven) NB 675-5726 (Sun 1·5) 1964 Raymond Avenue, Costa Mesa 645-0303 (Sun 1·5) 3142 Pierce, Costa ~lesa 546-23 13 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2901 Paper Lane, Nev.1port Beach 646-7171 (Sun 1·5) 17647 Rockrosc , University Park 673-3550 · (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom) *200 l Commodore Ro ad (Baycresl) NB 546-5460 :544-1833 (Sun 1·5) 4615 Cortland (Cameo Highlands! CdM 642-9190 (Sun 1·5) 2rn Poppy, Corona de! Mar 833-0700:644-2430 (Sat 1·5) 21542 Archer Circle, Hunti{)gton Beach 64z.J771 (Sat & Sun 1·5) Newport Helghn 4 bdrnts \ 4 b8th.'I, blt• Ins, frplc, Jiving A f1tn1 rm. Nc\v 1•lnt job 111· side & ·out, completely carpeted. • Obie garage. Shake r o o I + heated pool t;urrbunded by bl'nutUul {::arden setting for enlel'talnlng, Ten Houses Choice E:a.stsidc location c10$e to s h o p s. Eoch home separated by gar- age &: patio for pl'ivacy. Low Interest • assunutble loan. No vacancy. Near Harbor HI 2 homes on 1 Jot each have 2 bdrms & 1 bath + large Jiving room. Lacbenmyer Realtor DAILY Pil...O'T-wAfiiT ADS! . Irvine Terrace Forn1al dlnlng room, 3 BRs, 2 bath•, huae .livinl:' room "''Ith flreblact> + family room overlookiris 'large patio. 2500 i;q !t llvlilg ana. Near Shopping '3 bdrm, ~ bath horne co1npl<-tely l'ede<:orated. Elettl'ic built·lns. LArge living roo1n \\'ilh fire- place a I a o recrca tiot1 room beautifully panell- f'd. Garage do o r s built for camper. Extra 20 x 20' bldg. R·2 lot -can convea·t to duplex. Horse Ranch 1860 Ne"''l>Ort Blvd., Cl\1 CALL 646-3928 UNITED nJND -Have Yoo Contributed? ONE Gift J-Ielps Many 316 Ca talina (Newport lieights) NB 642·1711 (Sal 12-5) (~ Bedroom & Family or Den) 2057 tvtandarin Drive (Mesa Verde)-C.~. 545-8424 (Sat i.S) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB , 646-1550 • (Daily) 1406 Lincoln Lane (Dover Shores} NB 67S:5930 (Sat & Sun 12-4 :30) *2005 Balearic Drive (Mesa Verde) CM 540-7573 (Sat & Sun) 1330 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642·8235 · (Sal & Sun) 1130 Santiago Drive (Dover Sh9res) NB 642-8235 (Sun) **515 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) **333 t.forning Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) *1~30 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) N~ 646-1550 (Sun 1·5 ) 1691 t.linorca Place (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5990 (Sun l ·5) 1570 Corsica Place (Mesa Verde) CM 646·3255 (Sun 2·5) 766 Hud son Street, Costa l\IIesa 545-0465 298 Princeton, Costa Me sa (Sun 1·6) 546-2312 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 443 E. 22nd Street. Costa Mesa 546-2313 915 Sonora Road, Costa Mesa (Sun 1·5) 546-2313 (Sun 1·5 ) 1962 Balearic, Costa Mesa 546·2313 (Sal 1·5) 20~9 Centella, Ne\vport Beach 645-0303 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 2088 Centella, Newport Beach 645-0303 ISat & Sun 1·5) *1227 Hi~hlands (Weslclill) NB 675-3000 (Sun 2·5) (5 Bedroom) **14 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Bea<h 642·8235 (Sat. & Sun.) (5 Bedroom & Family or Den) 8302 Castillon Drive. ~luntington Beach 546-2313 (Sun 1·5) DUPLEXES College Park With Pool $26,950 ~ hdrn1 :t bath on Fordham OJ'lve. Thls Is BEST POOL l!OME BUY IN AREA. Exclusive With Newport ot Vic tori• 3 UNITS lllS 1200 From prime residential area (\VestcliUJ 4 Bd., 3 ba., pan. den, Bl kll. Brkfst r1n. Fam . $29,950 """'"'"'· 169·500• . . R. C. GREER Realty ~asts1de Costa Mesa. Span. ~ Via Lido 673-9300 1sh tile roof l'entals on Jarge1~===~~==~~ 11x150· tot. Incon1e $385 BEST BUY -VACANT 1nontl1 Our best income re-$33,IJOO • POOL turn i~ area. Bluffs, $42. mo. assn fee. 3 Exclusive With Br. 2323 East Blu!t Dr, • 6'i5-60-14 Newport at Victoria 644-1811 (anytime) 1 's"v~o~"-.,,.,-,~, ~a~,-. ~,~Ba~. ~fa-m rm, 2 frpl. Exec. home on Cut.tfe·Sac, fenced yard, l blk to bay $45.000. 646-6317 \VATERFRONT duplex "'ilh Uoat & pier. Exceptional terms. 3506 Marcus Ave, NB. &t0-7383 BLUfFS -Condo, 3 BR, 21~ Golfers-T~k.• Note! BA. I yr old, hardly We have new listings of scv· Jived-in. 1213) 469-7835 or e1'8.I Jargt! custom • Built (7l4J 64·1-5975 hon1es aloni: the fairways OCEAN VIE\V DUPLEX of beaullful Mt'sa ":erclc 4 BR. 2 Br. unit, \Valk lo Country Oub. Up to 36,jO sq ho s _ $39 500 A 1 6411,-3850 ft & 6 bdrm~. C:ill now for 8 P · ' g . further details. URGENTI..Y need 2·4 un1ti;: beach area. Have buyt'rli! S46·SISO 642-27~2 Anylin1e. Bkr. ' fn!ar cinema the3ltel . LLEGE REALTY LOVELY 4 Br. custom buill. JSCX'I AdlmJitH:obor,CM. Baycrest area, lgt: bnckyd, ll~!!!!~~~~~~!!!!'"I 2001 Lecv,rard. 548-0773 OCEANFRONT $55,000. 4 BR, 3 Ba, 3 yrs old, S BEDROOMS custom buil!. \Viii trarle. ?.63 Ideal Location Vl.!ila ~a Clrcle 612-69'16 $54,000 --~ George Willlamion Newport Heights 1210 REALTOR OPEN SUN. J.5 673-43SO Evos. 67:1-1564 315 PIRATE RD. CLI FFHAVEN Saturday, N,ovtmbtr 29, 1%9 DAILY PILOT J9: HOUSI!~ POR SALE I HOUSES FOR SAl.E HO.USU POii SALi 9;, l•ycroot 1223 Hunti~ llucft 1400 ljuntl~ BMclt I~: IAYCREST · ENCLOSED POOL Fabulou~ famil;: hom" w!Ui SPARKLING 2'1 X 36 EN- CLOSL"O POOL plus bad· mintou and shuUle boiird COUl'I. Gleaming II ARD· \VOOD FLOORS, 1''0Rf\1AL DINING ROO~t 3. Sathll. 4 Bcdrooni., PLUS OEN A TRUE bargain at S6t,500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 10.13 "'estel!U DI'. 646-7711 HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS In move.Jn eo!XI. 4 Bdrrns, 3 ba., a "tennis anyone" lot i;ize. Immed. ·i-ossess. Open S•t/Sun 12-4,30 1406 Lincoln Lane BOYD REALTY 3629 E, Coast l!\\'Y., CdM , 67.S.S930 . )':(Irreplaceable Vie\v'(r Bay & Mountains! RegnJ "'Old \Vol'ld" Contcin· ponu·y pielurcsqu1• horuc ,v/ unobsu·ucted vie1v . n1ost roo1ns. 5 nr·s, 4',:i Ba + maids fllffl. Easy nu1inl. ln1. nied o c C' n p. 1''urnisha.I. $178,000. Consider r1·adt>/vac. lot. A~>:uinr 61,<~ •.r,, I o a n. j48· 7'1~9 University P11rk +237 NEW HOME , IMMEDIATE MOVE IN 4 BDRMS l1/J BATHS 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH s20.990 . HUNTINGTON BEACH Call Now · 9'62' 1353 ' ... < • ·: : Lido Isle 13S1 BAYFRONT Near nt'!\V 5 Bi•. & 4~it bath home. Pier &: slip. $170,'VlO LIDO REALTY INC . 3377 Vi a Lido 67:1-7300 107 VIA EBOL·l- 4000 SQ. FT; 4 BR, 3Y.. BA, 3 car garage. Crpts, drps, unusual featur. es. Built 1967. 01vner C. R. Gangi. 213 I 244-3101: eves 213 I 246-0700. Open. Huntington Beach 1400 ' "SUNDAY OPEN HOUSE" Gorgeous 3 bedroon1 honle ll'ith "FREE SWIM~llNG POOi~". Slone B-B·Q. Lush tropical landscaping. Bring ynur suit!! St or at 15750 Canna \Vay, \Vestminster after noon. 011/ner \Vill sell NO 00\VN VA ot· Lo1v Oo\\•n -, Huntington BHdt 144111 ·---' JUST LISTED "i J brJnn:s :! baths, kitchtn1 family room combina~ fonnal living room with tircol · place. Featuring a rarity b\ a IormaJ dinl.ig room, J years new, reneed & ~ !!Caped. All lhls for a loft price of $26,500 • your terrnij Wl-4 BDR"I, lo/t balh, 2 yrs ol~~ Bltns, frplc, patio. Nr schl4 & shop·g· cenler. Alisu~ 6% GI loan. Call owneti S\7-0824 ' Fount11l n V•lley 141~ G.J . RESALE 4 Bd1m .. 2 ba.i roo1n tru· t.n.iler and/QT boal. beautiful yardti", closi to schools, S7,000 do\\•ii: tH' ~;{ Joan. SlS-6081, 118.tl \\listeria F.V. FH.A or submit your do1vn 5 BR, 21~ BA, fam nn Wl I LONG BLOCK ... payinent. ,ve1 bar. drps, crpts. lgii r·ro111 school. ls this in1mac. WE SELL A. HOME patio. Close to schools~ 4 Br. 2~i ba. Ownt>r trans. EVERY 31 MINUTES Many extras. ·Msume Gt; 'i ' ;ed" hiil Wal~~di!r Lee . '~n,.u~· :·" F . V;: Rl!:,\LTY mnA\ ,\ 111:.\l'll llE.\U'\' 1\1'. f ST 1•19 ~7510~.'.l, . OPEN SAT., SUN. 12:30. 4:30 717 POPPY AVE. 3 Bdrms., Jge, playroom &. shop, LOADS cit sl0!'8.gc, l V~ LOTS, zoned fl..2, for beau. tiful VIEW ~Pt. Price RE· DUCED !Ql• QUICK posses. sion by ANXIOUS 01vner. SEMPLE REAL ESTATE 2515 E. Coas1 Hwy. St»-2101 HOW ABOUT 180 DEGREE VIE\V :I BEDROOMS DINING ROOl\.f BREAl{f"A,$1' ROOf\t DREAMY KITCI lt.:.'4 I YEAR NEW OPEN SAT/SUN l·.i 3811 TOPSIDE LANi., CdM BOYD REALTY 3629 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 675-5130 518 LARKSPUR $34,SOO Neatest, clea nest 2 bdrm. cuuage in Coron1t dcl f.t~r See for yo1n~elf OPEN SUN. P.M. UN IVERSITY REALTY 3001 E. Coa!t H1vy., Cd~f 673-6S10 $29,850 Rock bottom price Cdi\1. R·2 IOI, rr.1nodcled, g~~-f.lj5 Open 'Iii !) Pf\t Lagun1 Be•c 170~ •:1 " " PRESTIGE Owner Tran1fetred Shar'P 'i story 3 bth·n1 2'~ bnlh, Ou COt'tle1' lot. C1:1.rµ- ets/d1·apei;, all built-ins. For. mal dining 1oon1. service po:'cil, !ninlly room. Asslnnp 6'~ GI loan . prite S35,900. Pi11ul Jonfi.s Re11lty 8·17·l :!ti1' Eve. 817-!l!ll'.l NF.ta::Ecn:o-- BUT gl'CRI \ft)1enliul. Oldf'I' 2 bdr111 huU~QI' duplt'X, ...... I bdrn1 ru1·nisht•d rrntol on :;o· R-3 101 , Consider ,do1v 1 pa,v. men1 as 10111 as $1800 10 Clll'· ry financing. 2 blocks 10 ocean. $30,000 -niakr oHer. Lindborg Co. 5J6-2j79 Low Interest Rate Low do1vn payment. Anxiou~ out or lo1vn uwnel' 1vill cu1·· ry financing on this :: bdrn1 l ~ bath hon1c , Only $20.950. ~fake offer! Terry Realty 53~1459 $24,950 MUST SEI..L 3 large BR 1 ~· ba, dining roo1n. Adult OC· cupicd only. Low do\\'n 10 present financing. Quick pas. BRASHEAR REAL TY 169:'12 Beach Blvd., H.B. 8·17-8507 431-376.IJ 968-1178 SACRIFICE 3 bdrm 2 ba, lkiwd Urs., 14 monlh old Z2x3tl' healed & flllen..J pool. sin per month Pt1¥• 11.lL DIRTY FACE :1 Here's an unusual horn~. i.Q; CATED IN OLDER LA· GUNA SECTION, \VALK TO B E A C H & SHOPPING, Spra\vled across corner lot, Ueneath tall $hade trees. Rustic exte1·ior ot old brick, stucco, & lgc. sun deck, Unique Door plan CQuid bJ? n~ed as 2 BDR~f. & DE~. SERVICED BY 2 BATl-IS . Or, 2nd bdrn1. \vith sepa;. r.IC' en!mnce, HAS KITCft; ENETTE & BATH, WOUL~ BE IDEAL FOR itOTHEl\ IN I..A\V, OR WEEKENp GUESTS. Cozy den has wood panelled "·all, built-in boo~ shelves, LDC BURNlNC FIREPLACE JN USE 0 BR1CI.; DES IGN. Bright & cheery fann stylel kitchen has RANGE, RE· FnJCf:RATOR. BILT-I?;{ BRl\F~T. BAR, ETC. Out uf lo\\ n owner has had thi? propPrty rented, IT'S BA[). LY JN NEED OF PAIN't, 'LARD WORK & GENERAL Ct.EAN UP, but it's 11n OU\· sl~"'lin" buv for .$26,9SO FULL PRICE;. fl REAL BUY ' F'OR Tiit·; A~1BITIOUS MISSION REAL TY !l~i So. Const Hwv .. Lat?un~ Phone (714) 494-0731 .: BEAUTIFUL BEACH HOME " in luv .. ly I .n,;una condo. COn1· 111unlly: rronling on magnif· ir'l'ill ht"nlf•d 1K10I, 100 sic~ lh'Jlll 1rt'l1-. bch., tennis cts. etc. Conip. ottr11ctive funi, include IV /\V ca11lt'g, drps., k·!~r, mas1e1· bed: location dct'OI'. 2 BR.~. 2 BAs, aep. Iv., ditl. rn1s; laun. 1l'ilh wld, sLui·., 2-ear gar. lo"·er Jev. 1 cl. S<'e lo appl'eCiatc, Showl1 by owner. call [01· app'J, ! ·199-:1152 or 837.0791. ;: Bi' 0\VNER: \VOOD-GLASS llousc designed by Chrts Abll'. 2 BR. 2 BA, bltri•: f1•p\c, VIE\V. $11.500. Or'EN HOUSI<: Sa1 & Sun 10-5. 934 f\!iran1a.r. Lnguna Beach. 49;1-3006 ' e DISTRESS SALE e , " Oceanvie'v hon1c. I.ow d°"71 10 assume xlnt loan. 5 ~· old 3 BR. I~ ba. home. Reduced to $41,500 . PLACE REAL.TY 494-9704 The Real Estate M•rt 147"531 L1gun1 Niguel 1701 OWN a boo.I, lrailcr or LAGUNA Niguel Terratt.'jl:f camper or all lhrct', This owner :i Br. 2 Ba, tam rm1 unbelit!vnble IOI will hold pool. some view. 400-1860 ' U\cm •ti. H'l!VY duty gale ••••••••••• pal10. Great 3 BR Seahaven w/concrelc i;1oragt" slab. patio. Vo('. $22,500. Rex L. !lodges, Rltl'll. 8~7-252.l 0\\'N1':R Desperate! Vacu,nn :'I hcdroom, 2 halh. Lease v.·ith o pt ion ro bu.¥~ Prymcnts lcS!i than rent, Nl•ar schools & shopping. Call l'IO\V S-16-0604 BKR. LO INTEREST LOAN! **3506 Marcus Avenue. Newport Dench Costa Mesa 1100 Ne1v li~ting! 3 Bdnnll.. 1 cozy 1 Br cottage, manleur· 11----------1 l)alhl' + exciling lanlily rrn. ed garden, $·1900 do"·n, Sl35 Large 4 Bdrm 540-738.1 (Sat. & Sun 1·5) 61.6 Iris, Corona d.el Mar 673-8550 (Sal & Sun 1·5) CONDOMINIUMS 2007 Vista Caudel (The Bluffs) NB 673-8550 (Sun 1·5) 2211 l'iesla (The Blulfs) NB 673-8550 (Sal 1·5) INCOME PROPERTY (4 Units -3, 2, I Bedroom•) 746 Main Sl. (close to beach, H.B.) 536-2579 (Open Sat/Sun * .... ** W....W.llt •••Pe ..... W.tem9'1t . ASSUME GI & kitch. com~·~Great for nlo, 61'SD lnr. TllXes $246. Jamlly. Only $Jj,500, Owner on premise!! cl11lly CALL NO\V! til .sold, 518 l>'enlleaf 673-0113 LOAi'i with low lo1v lnterest.,.So_on_;,_Pro~P<'_rt_;,_, __ .,_;,,_;_12_• ICAl\iEO SHORES-La-e ""r· 3 lxhm 2 bath home. Prlcf'd 1 · • ~ "" at $23.500 • Sl7Vnio pa)'!l l----------I ner lot w/\'1ew. 4 BR's, 2~!i all, Ask !or Dan Lee &»-1151 Baycrest 1223 BA, frplc. crpts, drps. Ileiitage ReaJ Estate (open $64,500. \Voulrl cori~i d er evei;l EXQUISITE 3 UH, lg kll. lg: lessl' \V/opUOn. 1''lexlble ==~=-==-,---~-! cle.n, pool. $79,500 Frank terna. By Q\11ncr. 67:~":rt48 OLDER 2 BR hou~e, 2 car f\farshall Rlty. 615-4Goo gar. Lrg tot ~ i;wtable for -B1lboe Penlnsule 1300 building. 545-fiOOl THE SUN NEVER SETS on --~------! CIAA:s!Ued's action power. Developer'' Duplex For an ad to sell aroulXI the Tlu~c bedroon1 upper t~ 1110 ('lock, dial 642-5678. bedroom lowtr, in VC1')' good 4 BR, 2 BA fm rm cixe<: White elephants! Dinle'-a,lint! home. Bltn",' &00<'. <XH:ct. Pvt ~rhilt elcphanl!I! Dimc·ll· W<1llcd rrnt patkl, liie hld h~ IDAJLY PILOT WANT !;\Vim pool W/51\do &: dlv,~A~D_S:~-----­ brd. Prof landseprig, Jo ~O matter "'hat it \3, )IO\I niaint. Xlnt nelghborhd. c11n lK'-11 It with a OAU~Y $43,0C.,O. S.I0-7573 PILOT WANT ADI I S.iu.678 t i renlal area Now fUlly lea• -eel, GOOd iirowtb potential. $49.500. IURR WHITE REALTOn 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. 6754630 612-2'Jl3 E\>es. L-Ovely hon11": In Vl.'I)' desir- obl<' 1u'C11.. Beller hun)'! t HAFFDAL REAL TY 142-4405 WO\\' G.I.. Supt'r special. E.'Ctra largr 3 bedroon1, 2 baU1s. Choice area near Oouglat. Owner leavtna 11rea I.fl& IOS$ • your gnln. This won'I ht11I. 84{1.()00l BKR. f\IOVlNG·MU!ll 11ell! AMume U. 1'liA loon <1n elegant 4 Bdrm, 3 &, condo. Swln1 pool, tennis 01. \V11tk h') $Chools It i;hops. r; mln to freew9.)' & beach. Total price $26,!'JOO. ~!Gt BY OWNER. trn.ns/, n1ugt sell 3 BR + den, 2 bll, t111lc, bltn1, w/1v crptg. 5% GI )°""' $2.j,fllO 847-886."i ' :· . NOW'S THE ' TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT •• WANT AD : . ' ~. 642-5678 ; ••••••••• ' I I { ..-.,,,----· --.. -----·-· --.. -· ... -.. .. . ·--. ----~C/------------~--·-----------·- . S1lUtdu, Nowmbtr 29, 196'f ' RENTALS RENTALS RINTAU RINTALS RIAL UTA~ RIAL ISTAn Apts. F umlshtd Apts. 'urnlshool "'* Unfu rnlohool Aptt. Unfur n lohod Gener1I Gotttrot ---- Ml I r •TAL$ Hout• OftfuP"ftithecl HouM1 Unfu rnlahect , ________ ,coot. Mou 3100 S1nl• Ano 3610 ------4-200-1 LL"""':;::;..;-a: .. :;;.;:ichh°44m1o.1i<liNo;::.,...;;;,.t.a.:;; .. :ic1th"!si2200iiii'NoN;;w;.;port;;;-!;. .. ~:;; .. ?.h;;1s.o.200~0 1;-;;;1nd;;;•;;;"';;;;;11;;;1 ;;;R;;;'";;'•;;;':;;;;'°'°;:;:;;;'nd;;;"";;;r11;;;;1 ;;;it.n;;;;;;••;;;';;;;;'°'°;;;,I N1wport ll1ch " RDORADO HOME ~ i;tory hnl. perfect houle for eruwlr:W WnllY. 2\13 ,q: ft. l"ftl1 shq' ctrptt t hru- out, 3 full be.th1, landscaped front with sprtnJdus. $32,900. Aasu.ma F!lA ;oan. __ ..,... _____ , ron lease $210. " BR, ! !iA. Nt IChooll A shop's. Avail 12/l C&ll 519-ooBs >SR,>chlldr<nOK.Nopets N-,-,,..-'-,.-Be-sc_h ___ OCEAN lront iUUI apt on -SPACIOUS AND CONVENIENT $125. See owner at 2lS> Ca· GRANO OPEN ING Pvt beach. 2 roonti, 2 bas. New 2 and 3 bedroom, 2 balhs. Shag carpets. ~~':__ IMMEDIATE patlo, ,.,.. •• 122> ""'· utll . linen drapes, tile ki lchen1 with &uUt ·Ins. OCcup•NCY <Jl9.3761 or zu, 192-6163, G . to I d k U HOUSE 1n court. Crpts., drps, CUJ!Orl ~B 'Vest Leg:una leach 3705 17th Sl O:>sta 1'1es& ELECANT Oce&11 V w, l,;,BR,:...;.&..;,Dc"°"n."""'mi=-n-,.-. ~,,..,,.,.-I Home, Lie. ot Option, $32S l!d )'ltd. • mo. J bdr. Latuna Bch. I S4G-600S ./ Daya, 837-2970, e v c s • 41)1...13911 ~ eneroUJ s ra;ie space p us ec or pa o. Lwtuey ;atdell a.partmen11 Dini Point 4740 Poot, recreation bldg'f nut to shopping. $240 oUertn: comple1e privacy, i>er month. Adult.s who llke privacy. Furn· bea.uutut land.scaplng It u~ ATI'RACJ'IVE Irr 1 BR apt isbed model by BealJ. J)b.ralleled .recreaUonal facll-1 tu., 1n • oountry club,.. ~(.":;,;;. ~':",:.::,"j.~ MARl~ER SQUARE A PARTMENTS INDUSTRJAL SPACE FOR LIASE I 3,500 Sq. ft. A/C oft, carpeted. drapes: short term leases. Close to Orange County Airport New 15,000 sq. ft. warehouse or mlg. space. Will ace.pt 6 mos: lease. !lldg'•· Tully sprln· klered. Irvine Industri al Complex. .. * * * A1andra 3 Br. CamU, room, view lot, Clt'fMlliQI thnloUt. Metf def Mir 310S LARGE, newly rede<.. 1-Br. Wteru'~· ,~rn=. ~: 4 Bedrn1, 2 ba, gaxdn lnr. duplex. Qeean view. Adults, _... S29G mo. 1st it: lut mo + no pol!. $11& mo. )'early. mOfiphere, Now leasi11& in mu. <C!X)...M89, 496-2109 1244 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach-64~252 Newport Beach, Furnished ()r untumJshed RENTALS Ju·st north or Westclilf Drive Models open JO a.m to 8 pm Aots. \Jnfu rnk hM 5100 I Ceroni del Mar 43,000 Sq. tt. free-standing bldg. 6% A/C off. uorescent lighting throughout bldg. Ready soon. 1.752 Sq. fl. A/C olf. carpeted, drapes, Im· medi ate occupancy. Near Orange Co. Air· por t & F reeways; short term leases. Hen111 from $155 to $310. Co1t1 Mew Gener ii 5000 OAKWOOD paoey. Call Nel Shukes .SlOO dl'p. Vac. 15 Dec.' 843 PLACE REALTY 494-97t» 83?·9300 or ~ bkr. St. Oair. 5-16-857-1 LGE. 5 BR. l b11. To 5250 RENTALS responalble tamJly. Itcnl 01· GARDEN • RENT • NEW APTS Houses Fur "lshed Mesa VeNe 3110 leue. l i~!?~:::!~~=~2200~~.I ---------Mr. Forney, Bkr. 540-3862 APARTMENTS 3 Rooms Fumlluro CALL: Dick Cramer or Jerry Col e ~~~rt llMch , 3 BEDROOM $225. 2980 Jacaranda San Clemen.. 3710 110o1S1hstreet $19.95 & UP $150 & $175 COLDWELL; BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH nREPLACE. Pooi, 2 bdr., 2 sun. 2-4 ha.. patio, a dul ll. B1.Y11de 1-.========= 2 BR + extra room of f Vlllqt. UnW July lit. $200. Newport IMch 3200 ca.nee. N.!ar beach. Has n<t: 642-8170 SINGLE Adults L ux u r y &arden apts ~ith C01.1ntry ciub almosphel"f! and com· plete privacy. SOUTH BAY CLUB API'S. Irvine at l61h, Newpon Beach. l :onth-T~Month Rentals WIDE SELECTION NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. UTILITIES PAID 13S.07DO 644-2430 C U (713) m"'300 or 6'f3.M19. ----pool. 1~ BA, crpt&, drps &: HF'RC Furniture Renta.IJ 517 w. 19th, O.f 54S-348l 1 & 2 Bdrm, 2 sv.•Lm pools. Adults only, no pets, Furn u ·-· 642.J53S OCEAN lront "°""· 11' 2 TOWNHOUSE ""'"· BR, 2 BA. CrptJ. drpl, 3 Bdrms.. 2~~ bar.bl. Adults BILL WlU.fA?>.1S REALTY )'I.I'd. paUo. $%:0. winli!r. only. Faces pool, S275 P.fo. 239 Delmar, S. C. 492-6175 301 Avocado St, C.l\t. See Mgr on preml.l!ies m.ot BAY & BEACH GRANO OPENING NEW DUPLEX Condominium Cn4) &IS-0550 VEN DOME ltentalt te Share 200! MALE -Share Bayfront Home. - $150 per nio. Call • 6i>C'l98. Newport ll1ch -2200 1 BR, 1 BA, ~ii hick lrom bay & beach. S160 + uUI. \\'Inter rental to July 1. 675-2539 Corona d'tl Mar 22SO REALTY, INC. 901 Dover Di·., NB SuHe 126 645-2000 Ev•s. S41-6966 3950 LOVE!.. Y 2 br apL Almost 2-Bdr-.-,-Ba.--Poo-l-.-.-, ... -1n-,,· 1 new. r·urn. ~l blk to ocean crpts Ir. drps. $200 a. mo. & 00,y. 1905 w. Balboa Blvd. C&ll _ 64tr9683, """enl, Sun. OR ~9209. Wkdars FINER RENTALS Bayfront 3 l:: den. Pier, noal. .._ (213) 795--0661 Jmmac. S1200 month. Duplexes Unfurn . 3975 J\fagnificent 4 bdrm .. 4 bath view home. $1,000 nlo. 2 SOR. Duplex. Nu drpi:;, John Macnab 642-!1235 crpts. Gar. Adlls. No Pels. $175. 2321 2nd St.. CdM. \VATERFRONT Lux. Apt on Open sun. 11. AM. 4 Pl\t OCEAN Frt. &ehelor, 1 adlt. $9j a n"IO. Yrly. Util. Pd. quiet, adlts. Refer. Call tiTS-3127. Coron1 del Mar 4250 IMMACULATE APl'SI THE VICTORIAN 1 UNIT LEFTI ADULT & FAMD..Y New. large 2 BR. 1~ BA. n 50 2 BR. 2 Ba. 1$250). Prlv. pa./---------· 1200 _ 1000 SQ. FT. NeWpOrt SECTIONS AVAILABLE Adults only. Crptit-drps·bltns. tio, cov. ga..ra&"e. cptd., drap-LARGE pleasant roo ni, Beach Civic ctr. area.I Clon to shopplne, Perk Sound proofed, pri gar w/ ed. Comp, bJtns, Be~t loc, working man only. Secretarlal 11erv1cei. 3.34j • SpacJowi 3 Br'1, 2 Ba storage. Fenced yd w/palio. 70'7~ ORCHID •646-7504* *2 o.• IV t pd G rd . Nt'wpol'I Blvd., N.B. ooourooms a er · a ener ma1~ & . 0 FURN Sleepin& rm, pri BA, 67>1601. I * Swim Pool, Pul/IJTftn lained. 66 1 Victoria SI. W 7&.,0SO pri ent. $60 mo. 2135 Elden, • 1'~rpl, Jndivllndry fac'la 636-4120 -c M Sec f\.lgr apt 6 Commorcl•I 64115 1845 Anahtlm Ave. CONDOMINIUM, 3 BR. 2 'M'm"l a.,& , . ' . COSTA MESA . $15 \VK &. Ujl W/ kitchen. . 612·2824 BA. 2 car gar, !l\\imn1ing 3 NEAR new apts. • lge. 3 $35, ,vk studio apt. 2371i Uie Penin. New 2 bdr., 2 RENTALS ba., pooJ. Lie. adults. Boat slips avail. Caribe Balboa, Apts. Furnished pool & rec. facilltie11. $175 ~r. 2 ba .. frpl.. elec. built-Newport Blvd 548-97'".>5 $115. 2 Br. Redec. l..o""'et·. mo. S.JG-1667 or 557..Ql29 alt ins, deck. Slro to $260 1110. _ • ' LARGE, Private. vie w Patio, w/w, drps. .Family 6. NE\Y 3 Br. 3 ba., cpts, drps, Motels T rl r Crts. 5997 bachelor. So. of hh\•ay, welcome. Avail 12-1. Bkr. VALUE Ad 11 1 1 2 elec. built·lns, dishwasher; • •...:.;=~"-' RefJig & hp onl y. SU:>. 534-6980 ·, u coupe on y. ~ ~.!.r. n an do Rd., Cll4) General .fOOO • BEAUTIFUL corn er QI~ '----·----- G73-691).t BR. no pets. Drps, cpts, flrep]ace, patio. SANDY'S TRAILE R COURT ==~=~-~~= NE\Y Deluxe Exec. Type 3 dlshwhr, htd pool, quiet. Don V. Fn.nk.lln, Realtor Spaces avail now. Max 26'. Prime Commercial Pro~rty 132'x2&1', C 2, Beach Blvd .. HunUngton Beach. $12,lSO Cash down. Owner will ca:- ry 15 year Lst trust dttd. Realonomtcs Corp. 67S-61llO home, comp furn. View. 2 \Y I N TE R RENTAL • 'Tll BR,. 2 BA, conv den. 6 mo June -The BluUs. 3 Br, or ~. $3SO. No pell. den, crptJ. drps, frpt, 2 LOVELY APTS. Very low wkly rates. Ideal for sln&les or married cpl. Compl linen,,. laundromat, TV, htd. pool, steps to beach. Ph. anyUme 49f.9436 La· STUDIO APr nr bch. $115 Bdr. Apt. $250. Fr pt ace. $135. 2295 Pacific Ave, 3250 E. Cout Hwy. 67J.Zl22 Call &16-9681 mo includes util. Call days locked gar, Nr. Ftwway I: 548-fi878 or 642-4429 WEEKL==~y--,.-1-,.-.. -.-Lar~k 642--010, .,,., 545-2583 •hopna. Adli.. 546-4016 I BR, pri patio, all el". BllllOI 5300 Motel. 2301 N•wport Blvd.. NEW BUILDING Industrial Rental 6090 673--020.'i P<lloo. pools. 67S-4497 or 1 BR furn. rear apt., pref $125. 2 Br, sttrve, crpts & Crpts, drps. carport. No BACH Bayft. mfabed, patio Costa Mesa t260 Losan Ave., Costa MeAll CUTE I Bdr.: Separate 6H-<W49 House Yrly. Adlts. No Pets.1 'e11=ARM="m=c'".-..,......,,,-J'°"B-r."'ms= adult lady. $UO mo • .)'early, drps. Child & pct OK. BJue pcta or chilm n, responsible yd, w/w crpt. utf pd $125./=========0 I Each unit 1725 IQ" ft. 2 oH- '"$ISO=:"'°=· .,eau,.....-_m._1"3. ___ 1 m1. 2323 East DlufJ Dr. RENTALS * 67"".>60<1 * The GORGEOUS New VAL D'ISERE Util pd. fi73-7074 Beacon 64>-0lll adults only. $115. 548-1322 Prof pt~n on1y 6T3-676.> Mite. Rentals 5999 il'!'.s, 2 mt rooms, U0/220 2 BR, 2. BA, S. of Hwy, $110. 2 Br. Stove. refrig. 2 BR + den + 11,S ea. Crpts HOOSIERS Trailer Court, electric, Ample parldnz. furn/unfurn. Garage Phone W/\V, drps, Avail now. Bkr. drps, bltns. washer / dryef Huntlnoton S.ech 5400 525 Falrfa.'C Dr., C.l\!. AdJt C. Robert Nattre53 Realtor Hou.et U"furnished General 3000 FrH Rtntal Service for example: Beautiful 3 bedrm., 2 bath home wilh he11ted •nd fil· tered pool In Mesa Verde. it has built-ln1, firepl•ce. to~ a.Ir heating. \\le have mo~. O~OE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'29 HARBOR BLVD • 546 1640 OPEN EVES TILL 1,30 4 BR & FAMILY Newport H1i9ht1 3210 IMMAC 3 BR. 2 BA. lrplc. New htd pool. Nr. schools. $280, (213) 421-1634 3 BR. 2 BA, D.R .. den, 2 frplc, cpts. drps. 2000 sq. ft. $275 mo. Quiel st. 646--1460 University Park 3237 67>-7.f78 ~ nr sho1>1 & bch. Pel.5 ok. 2 BORMS •• 2 BAJH Park In heart of lo~'ll. 2 Costa r.fe~a 642·148:5 Single·l br·2 br. Furn .• unf. Sla5 Spaciouir; furn. sgl frplc. Cost• Mou SlOO $185. 56-7147 spaces up to 38'. 548·23i0 4,000 TO 11,COO sq. IL Nu Sauna. Act'y Rm. BIUiart15 privacy, so of hwy. No pets, 2 BR M v-~ t bid N H bor •I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;-:;,j esa. Qve. crp s, h70RAGE garage $-15 per gs. ear ar "' Therapy & 45' pool, BBQ• _b="=·,;=,,..="=ma=n=·='="IS-la59==·=· =,,I • drpg, bltNi. gar., upstairs. $150/Mo. HEATED POOL month. 21lx2Sxt0• h.lgh . Ba.kel'. Su ll ivan, ai11 2C~:> Parsbns Rel. 642-8670 -MERRIMAC WOODS Adults, no pets $1 35 . fncd, cpl/<lrps, Kids OK Sch\\/Orer 61l-2S~ 5.f0-4429 HOLIDAY PLAZA Balbo• ______ 4_3_oo .lust completed, 1 or 2 BR, 2 548-6357 DELA,620\V~1:E, STUDJO.AptJ:, GARAGE FOR RENT ~=======,=,=oo ~ DELUXE. spacious I Bclnn CLEAN Bachelor Apts. BA with alr cond. com· A1TRACTtvt;.clean 2 BR. ......, awa.re, H. . Lots Furn apl $135 plus utll. All ulil incl $85 up plctely soundproofed, ~IJ' crpls, drps, bltns, carport. &12-2221 anytime 536-1816 $:1, tri~29t~or.; Heated pool. ample parking 31:J E. Balboa Blvd. cleaning ovens. wood ceil· Adulls, no pets. S 135 . 2 BR newly decorated. INVEST NOW! · No children -no pets. BALBOA 673-9945 lngl'i, cll.shwai;hers, I u s h 5'1g..{j769 Refrli & bll-ln1, cptsfdrps, FULLY Enclosed garage, $20 In Fast Growing ! ..,,,_1 0 965=-cPo"m,_o.,n"°'a, ,,c 7 .•_t._7 1 __ landscaping \vilh ii.reams & . . oce-an view. $15 5 f P 8 r per mo. Costa Mesa. VISTA ! 2 BR. 2 ha, tnlKluse • ... $250 $110. Util pd. Bachc.lor apt. Lido Isle 4351 waterfalls, elevators, BBQs, lO'l..8 El Camino Drive month. Adults prefeTTed. * 548-2921 * 3 R-1 Lots I 3 BR. 2 ba. house avail. on 6 Conv. location. Avail 1214. clu.bhouse, saunas, jacuzzi & Deluxe 3 BR, 2 BA apt Drps. Tradewlnd1 Realty 847-8511 E h 15 F F , mo>:1 leasc .............. $325 Blue Beacon 64>-0llL OVERLOOKING Bay swi1n pools, priv. gar. w/ w/w "cpts. 548-3481 or BEACHBLUFF APTS. Income Property 6000 IC t. ront19e J 3 BR. 2 ba.. home avail, Compl Furn. 1 br. apt. Sun .storage. Everythini: new. 540--0154 $3900 Each I February ht ........... $400 $100. 2 Br, ·bltns, w/w, drpg; dk. $22S mo. incl utU. Startin; at $1~0. Adults 2 BR, 1% Ba. crpt'd. drp'd & Nd~\V 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA, F .A., !'"""I Owner/AJe1133nt Ev l BR. & family rm., furn. children, pets we l come . 838-0228 aft 5 please. Just Ea.st of 2600 bltns. t child ok. $140. 1shwshrs, patios, pool. IN SMOG FREE ...,.MU ~ es.• Avail. Dec. 10th ••• , ••• $425 A viii now. Bkr. 5¥--6980 Harbor Blvd, next to Nabers 842-5827 • 847-.3957 • i • Red Hill Realty 833-0820 4100 ':l~tington Be1ch_4400 Cad~c~ at 42S ?ttenimac lBRunlurncottage; garage. ;I25bdrmP. ERApl_,"'°,, .. "'.h .. ~;-.2 Pauma Valley AcrNg9 6200 • 4 Bdnns & fam rm, immae. _c_os.;.l..;•_M..; ... .;... ____ ;... \Vay. 54f>.6300 Quiet. refined lady, no pets. ..,...,, PANORAMIC view acre in cond. J350/mo, Imme{I occup. AVAIL. 1 l. 2 Bdr. Spac . ..,..,.,.,.. ......... ~~I 145 J\1esa Dr. C.M. drapes. lllt & Jut month's Lovely home & swim pool smog-free Fallbtook area. $35.00 Wk, Up ""°' bll-;n.. >Ajay lh• bch. HARBOR GREENS ront """"""· 53&-1963 noxl to 9 hole golf "°""'· E•jo• •"-·-·•·c --al cou•· • Sud. B Adi'-$''" + 219 15'" St 2 BR garage apt. Relrig, •t--" J u "' .......... ..... .. Bob Pettit & Assoc. l 10 & 1 r Apts. "' WJ • u• ·• stove, cp~ Couple only. NEW QUIET l BR, nr ocean. ,._,an unu!Ual famil)' style try Jiving of the besl Carpets, drapes. Gardener &. 83Ul0J • Kitchen & TV Incl. ~1-1.B=.==~~~~~-BACl-IELOR. unlurn t r om $150 mo. 646-8226 Sl25 pri deck or patio. reslacrant, with pepper tree climate :r.one In the USA, yet w:al.er furnished. S30J J mo. Eve!f. 642.5207 or Gra-6004 • Phone service & PooJ BACHELOR &. 1 BR furn, .. UO Al 11 1 2 &: 3 ~-~~~--1 Singles & cpls only. 20214th. patio, completely equipped be only minutes 1roni fO\\'n, • Ma.1d se:rvict incl 1140 Adult 1 " · so ava · LOVELY new 1 BR. bllns. n.r "~ ... 1319, ~1-. &. in """'rtltion. Barns for lease. Avail Dec. 1. 3 BORl'I 2'\ b lhs 1-• up. s, no pe s. Bdrm. lteated """ls, child So c-·t p•·--. potio, v•·ew, oN<r u1.:1-,.,.. """All Prope11y includes 11om e PERRON REALTY ' a · "6 game •Day, week & Monlh 17301 Keelson Ln. 842-7848 tlJ ~ho •~ ........ ..._ t:orse1. on 5 beauWully voe do 1 • · room, pool privil. Almost 23 care center, a lo s pp ... a:. pvl pl•v area. 546--6976 NICE 2 &: 3 bdrs. Crpted & 1· ...... ,........a ac-• a a • nu ~ vaMOUI "'2 1m 76 Newport Blvd 548.!tia.1 (\Vest ol Beach nr SlaterJ. N ,_ ...., .............. f=\J '" 0 1•-r 1-s \"lt d t lt·c ll"t . ne\\'. S315 ~lease. &45-2996 . o pe~. l'l'IAC . 2 BR N drped. N\\•ly decor. J blks BY OWNER . "'lnl '"' ,,_,_. ,, 5 BDRJl.tS Fam Rm Din Rm !=========~ $25. Per Wk. & Up NEW QUIET 1 BR. n.· ocean. 2700 Peteraon \Vay "l• ,dquietbl ·Adulew from bch. 3 bdr wfdbl al· _.,. abo u nds he r e nfl a Immac Tri Lewi Republic Corona dtl Mar 3250 Bachelor & 1 BR. hid pool. S145 prl deck or paLio. Costn 1.fc~ 546·0.1i0 crpt:;, rps, tns. ll; .l•;;;c:;:hed_::::,g;.:•:;',;':;'~"c:I':;:"':;::· "";:,::".:ttl•~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! ... !!!!!!!!! year-around s1rean1. trickl: hool •. Slngle.'l or cp!s only. 202 1----------1 only. Sl~O. 546-5386 ;; ing beneath the shade of Horne -Cl06C to AC 1 .,. maid M:rvicu. Kitchens & MOO 2 bdr's All X'tras. Nl-.."'\\'PORT Beach _ High on S lh Co .'' Pl.'. :lBR.fam.rm,din.~mo TV ., ·~VI . IN 1.fth.536-1319; 673-1784 F. Viii At sm. DELUXE 2 Br. l Ba, So I I 11'"$14~ oaks and sycamor e s . o u • aval .. ,...., ctor1a r airway a p $ .me w JIOO. · .,),>' J mo. the Blu!fs over the bay. 8 Refttences. $335. A&e n! J BR, 2 BA , 2 story $275 Harbor). srONEHENGE APTS. 2 BR. 1rei;h\y painted, xlnt Joe., Kids OK, 842·7170, eves. delu.x~ un i t r, ne w, all 642-9261 u•rm """" .•oAl :? BR. tlen, frplc. $200 =~--~~-~~ 2 BA. .,~ F'o•••"d•. ., gar. 551--9187 or will furn. 847 1~, 1 40 Acres, So. Cal.it •n" • ..,.,,._ ' QI........... $135. month. Deluxe Mobile ...,.,,, ·' " N o Co Al rt It · ,,;r,. eased, fireplaces, many fU BR 3 BR. 3 BA Luxury apt S32:i Beach & Adams ~2730. ear ran~e rpo $115 PER mo. 2 BR, l small DOWN, $2:;. PER MONTil,I LAl"~~rum' '•"u"• ,..' mor b411 l .. ~s University Realty 67l-6.)10 home comp. furn. Heated I BR •1-• Ill -• all UCI. Adi.:.:11 o~ly. 20122 child OK. No pets. Bll·lns, LGE l B2'b· ,,~ll:~s, tbo'C!h·ig, o'r"',,s: .,~!~ owner 64~1260 $2,495. FULL PRICE. L. ,,,,.., , · '"'• pool, adults, no pets. 4 .. cua on COuuo, Santa Ana Ave!. 5.f0.2796 crpts, drns. 538.9462. Aft 5 garage. "" uvm ach. ~<>.AW Shewfelt. 326 \V. Third St.f newly decorated. $110/mo. 3 BR. 2 ba. hon1e with Seasons Mob. r:st 2359 New. blt·in, retrlg,. encl. patio, • ., 1308 Olive 536-3462 ========= L.A. Pho-.· (Z!Jl~ "IOI 557 16411 outstanding view of bay P. 1 · t $140 675-5034 B 1 R t I 6060 '"' ... ....., · ocean. port 548"'332 poo ' quie · ' ' · VILLA MESA APTS Mtsa Verde 5110 2 & 3 BDl-ttil5, 2 BA, pvl. us neu en 1 10 ACRES -PRlt.1E. Near II LARGE f ami ly home Don V. F'ra.nklin, Rllt "1"155"'---A°""IT=RA=cr=rv"E"'-, l~bd7r-.. ·IO C ty 4600 2 BR f · u hid -l patio, heaied pool, \Vasher Balboa-Main Intersection tnrge ·lake. ~a mo. Baycre1l. 4 bdrm. lam. rm. 673-2221 pool, uW pa.id, garden liv· range oun I un urn, ~~dpa os,Ch "I 2 BR. Cpts, drps, elec. bltns. hook up. 962-8994 Bldg to be remodeled 4000 Call (714) 39-1-4743. dining rm. den &. pool. AvaU CORONA HIGHLANDS. 2 Ing, adults, no pet.A 1800 SINGLE Adults, 1 u x u r y ~~ 2 :ico:e !ar~ e 1 1 ~ Garage. A~ults, no pets. sq ft, all or part. off 'street ========= 642--5200 BR, 1,2 Ba Duplex. Avail Wallace Ave., C.11.f. garden apl5, w/full recrea· lease• Sl60 Afso fuiii $l8.j 6~64260 or 557-8400 Laguna Btach 5705 parking also avail. Briggs Lake Elsinor e 6207. $225. 4 Br, 2 &. bltns. Frplc. $140. LOVELY 2. Br niobil lion facilities &: complete ~9 w· WU· .,.1251 · .-. Realty 673-8110 Chil•-I B I u' Dec 1st. $225, 646-2290 or Cl ' . . so n, ~ ;i Nowport Bo1ch 5200 LEASE N. end, 2 BR. mod , ==~~--------------.._.,.n v.·e come. 3 " ho-w/··~-~. Bac'·lor privacy South Boy ub STORE ou· N & "'""Ill (21) 9' ...... 1818 "''"' ~,....,...,.... '"' · NE\V 2 BR, t BA, .sh•u• crnt. -level, autom gar. adl ts. no or 1ee .• e\vport · 3 ADJOINING hi l!r;jd 1 Beacon ll"tor\I apt $67.SD. 132 \V. \Vilson, Apl'i 271 So Brookhw-st ....... • ,. Ba c 1 2CY. 2 N .. -DUPLEX -2200 sq. rt . 4 BR. · . 714 ' m-450) ' Drps, dishv .. hllr. patio. beam STUDIO, -4 BR, 21s BA, pets. Avail Dec IS. 49-t-4906 Y en er. ;,i e~""'' lakevtl?'v lots. near ca.sin• $100. 2 Br townhsc'0._ 2 8'f°· 21 ; BA. bltns. frplc. Gar.1 _C,,.>"1 7· "="",.,""=· ~,...,==-_A="'="""''m='==' ='==='I ceiling, hi>le, gar. Adults, diir;hv.·ashcr. l bl k from -Blvd. 646-1252 $3,COJ. 53&-2449 Pool. Teen & pet K. uc ·~ .. ~ mo/lse. !>10-7573 BEAUTIFULLY F'URN -.,,_10 no -rs $165. 2650 Elden, ocean. $300 mo/yrly, D1n1 Point 5740 6CWl En, fl. at 828 \V. 19th St .. Be con ~lll -.. Ga rden Grove ""'"' .--~, • ========= .. 2 BR. Pool. Adults, no pets. 537-0062 art<'r 7 prn & sun. 673-~. 1• CM. Avail ::>ec. 1st 3 ACRES 40 mUes nOrth o} $140 1 Br Cottage. Stove & lido Isle 3351 S1.f5 + UUI. 2272 t.taple SL SINGLE Adults L u:-: u r y LARGE • BR d STEPS to bea ·h 2 BR beam NE\V :l BR. 2•; Bath stud io. * 548-1768 * Reno near Honey Lake a A il 8 1 · ~ • erpts, rps, ~ · ' Carpets drapes re frig 1 ttfrlg. New cpl.A. vo. now. '"RITER"S hidea1vay 2 Br ,_>_1"-0"1_5 -,-..,.,.~-,--,I carden apt.~ with country cnrport & pool. l\.id~ ok. C'ln~. Crp1s.. drps, stove. stove, d~h~'hr. '$l45. Cali ROOl\1 Suitable for gift shop, Ioo$3tll00of s1e,,n:as, .•.• Le9 ve • clear, Blue Beacon 645--0lll for lease or sale. ZlJ: 1 BR, clec bltns, closed club atmosphere and com· zit4 College, Apt l"o. 2. Quiet V.'Ork1ng coupt;.. No 714: 87().-0.lZ-I aft 5 111en's shop or ladies shop. · · .,.. .,~ $180. 3 Bl'. O.ii bencd yd . garage. Quiet. $125. to plcte privacy. SOU'rn BAY &16-709j pets, Sl50 )'rly. 675--0lla Call Jin1 Berkshire. 673-9403 oS=bd==. =.==L==d= 6 = 2 =1., Child ren, pets Ol\. Avail S.15-6628or845-91T3 responsible ply, Adults, no CLUB APTS13100Cha.pman BRAND New 1 & 2 BR.l BR., 2 Ba., SPACIOUS. REAL ESTATE RETAIL or office space, 900 U iv1s1on an 6'~ 12-t. Bkr. SJ.l-6980 Huntington Beach 3400 1 ""•" 2 · BRR•" 1 um· 64&-4& ,"'rdu. rn. 2020 Ave .. Garden Grove C7l4l W/\V cpt s. all bltns incl. Crpts, drps., firepl., blt·i~s. Gtneral sq ti + 50:<85' front lot. 470 3j ACRES -Lai:una Beach. LEASE 5 Bt, 3 Ba, \iv r m. c63&-J030;:='======" self cleaning oven. Patios, 1 blk. to b<!ach. ;250. Re ntals Wanted 5990 Newport Blvd. 642-5851 O e ea n Vw. Ool\e • l di n rm, Jam rm. elcc kit. .C BR, 1%. BA, lge living rm Fullerton St., c .r.'I. Mgr on -470S gnrnges. Adults. 615-2108. &16-4391. Suitable for cluster hselng', 2600 5Q fl. 546-1713 with frplc, kl t/fam rn1 I premises. Laquna &el(h 377 W. \Vilson. FOR lease 3 BR. 2 BA. Cpts, NOTICE Offlce Rentel 6070 Apts or ? All city util. Som $250 mo , 2 BR, frple, bl1J111. combo. only 2 YNi_ old. Nice· r·~u-R_N_l_S_H_E_D_l_B_r._.-.-,,-. -S,-20-. CHARl\1lNO ParUy furn NE'\VLY decor. 4 BR. 2 BA. drps. bltns. ~; blk to beach. If you have a 3 or -4 bed. subordination. $6500 P •~ Ne"'rly deeorated. Walk to ly landscpd. Avail Dec. 10. Furn studio apt $UO. 2135 seaside studio bungalo\v, buill·lns. dsh\vhr. crpt~. S27S. 108 Grant, cor. h 1 al LAGUNA BEACH acre. Central Reali)', P.O. 1230 .. r mo 962-<1&12 t & Su room ome ors e or rent, Air Conditioned 0 • 2'00 R Id Cal" beach & town. 67S.7488 · · Elden, C.M. Seo ~fgr apt 6. garden setting. Lease $170 drpi, patio, dbl gar, pool, seashore Dr. See Sa n. all tod \V ,_,.,,x ._., ivers e, 11• -RARE opportunity! L s e FURN. 1 Bdr. Garden Apl. Inc gar, all u ti 1i1 i ea, NO PETS. can SJ0.4976 co~NTEMPO'===n'"A"R"Y·.-,A,-p'"t.-N",-.1 ~hC' ~~iplo;:~ :r re:~:~ 0eO: ~~~sra~:u~~1~E Jn 0682-=7"44=0=.====== CMta Mesa 3100 Meredith home. Nr. Adams aean, quiet , ndlts. Refer. Tele-clear. Refs. 4;.J-2775 ~LA~R~G=E~c71,-.,.~,~B~R°""'d-up""'1e-x Bch. 2 bdr. & den. 2 ba. bit· flr1n moving to the harbor ne\vest office building al R. E. Wont·, 62!\ &. Brookhurst. 4 Br. fan\ c II rn ~1 •··d OK O I Lr tio Adlt.s Lse _.. .. _ ha -z BR unfurnished duplex a -J'O<r-0'.N • I HR cotlal;e, pooi.a1 e, nr apt. $140. 2 children . N n.~. g pa • · area a"," tu•:Y ~Ult . ve prime location In do .... ·ntown Easlisde 01 tront unit rm, 3 Bo. $350 a mo. incl AVAIL now. 2 BH turn a.pis., beach, lireplal·e. $150 Jse. pets Nr Ne11•pe>rl Freeway&: $275per mo. Owner 642-3226 housing. All cash if desired. Laguna Beach. Air condl· NOTICE $135/mo. Rear unit, large 1 ,c'~""='"'='·=ea,.....l_I -"'-24526,....,,..,.,,.. adult Jiving-, htd pool. ree 494-320.'I aft 4:30 Palisades. Ms-4969, 642--0791 3 BDRM :Z BATH Call Fam>\V 5-l&-8640 tioned, carpe:ed, beauWul I yard roon\ for b oa 1. LEASE $275 peC' mo. 2 story roun1. good loc. &l&-582t =========..'.:========"l earpet~. drApes, fireplaee. entrances: Frontagt? on 11 ha 3 4 ~d campers etc. $150/mo. Both 3 BR. 2'' BA, Shorecrrst Huntington Bea ch 4400 Huntington k 1ch 4400 S21:l/mo. &12-1357, 6-l2..(g96. Forest Ave., rear leads to you VI! a or ""' room WI ,. ••~ge•. Stove & rctrlg tract, H.B. Call ;HS.4005 aft N-port •-och 4200 j ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!;~G;;;i;;i:;;o,;;;:1ifilp;;;;o ~·Iuncipaj parking lots. $50 home for sale or fttr rent, •• ~-6 k-·• ..... u. 2 OR. unfurn apt. $150. Patlo call u, •M• .. We -0--nt avall. Clll 642·1171 or or .,... ,...,s. ---------per month {or space. Desk ...........,.. "" '"""" 673-7865 CUTE ne\v 2 bdrin. & den. THE THE NEW 1' pool. Crpts, drps &: bits. and chairs &\•ailablc for $5. th<' employees of • l<ifTe carp, ts & drape s, i;;i; Plattntiu. -•• •· '""· <t>o1• ._ Business hours anJnvering film moving lo the Harbor LGE 4 BR hous4:!. just dish\\•aaOOr &: range, 3 blk.~. CALIFORN IAN APTS. HUNTINGTON CAPRI APARTME~TS :;:_ .'!,~,!~1.1111~.1111 service avalliible tor $lO. Area and they muit hav@ painted. W/W crpt thl'\HIUI, lrorn ocean. 536-8296 Sp•ni•h v111.,. Design 1Ea1t Bluff S242 -;;.-:--.::::.:::: ••OW.Off "'"'IS All utilities paid e.,;cept ho\111ing! All cash If desiml f'Pk. Woodl•oo Sehl dlsl. FOR SINGLE ADULTS , , , I •NEW DELUXE e ld•phonc. Cell Fom>w 54._ $225 mo leue. 5.16-3323 or 4 BEDROOi\tS. 2 baths. J tlj RENTALS \VAJNTEO DAILY PILOT BUStN•s• ..... 548-"3'7 a month Newt • 2 Bedroom. fumhl> ••• WHERE LIVING IS FUN! • a:. 211 ba apt. lor ..... c • ' · Skr. Slt).060.I c<! & unfurnished, •lr-concll. Incl. .spae. mastr. suit€", din * HO?itES 222 F'ORESt AVENUE FINANCIAL 3 BR condo, 'J. BA. crplA. tloocd, dishwasher!!, gelf. CUSTOM 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. & dbl t *DUPLEXES LAGUNA BEACH 1 drpe, bltns . Pool I.: 4 LARGE BR. ~ BA, trplc, cleaning ovl!'ll!'I, paUo, breitk· ~~ opene; ~p~u ~ * GUESt t;OUSES "9-J..9466 lus. Oppertunltl• 630CI dulltlouse facU. Teenqer1 new cpts & tlrps, tlbl gar, fQst bar, pi·lvate sun deck&, F urnlshtd Modtls Open So1t. •Nov. 29th 1969, ..... ........ Nr Catholic *APARTMENTS E XC E PTIONAL E '""1, ....... '-• "'-0....., mo. lllt & fencd back yd. $Z-JO. 962-8994 ,.,.... ........ ' FR•E SERVICE 1000 Sq fff -·ii ..... ...,.,... .. ~ ,.... lar"'e storago clos.et11., heat. 0 Church Adults no _,, ~ UG-t INGS Pa last. Refa req'd. rl'10-9f91 3 BDR. 2 BA. Comp!. fenced. ., FR M $140. e • ONLY '124,· '"e . COLDEN \l/ESI' RENTALS • • . rt-time 'n a c ed pool. Sauna .. B.B.Q."•. F URNISHED & UNFURNISHED """"-Offic" e Space Ava1'L ........ Avall tnmany -·.' 2 8(. New erpt1, new drps. blt-tn11. VaCA.nt -$\Kl mo. sound proored waJh1, wa.Jk.in 8f)j Am1ROS \Vay, N.B, J.;llM.JUIJ'..J ~fen or women to restocki Interior new ly d~. $160 I Call (213) AT .(..5381 cWets. CovC!red carports - ( . .\.s IO\V as $85. F ur n. i( Shared by 2 Friends) l\'E\V 2700 sq n 3 BR & fam BURNED-OUT family w / J snack machines & collect' chUd ok no Jl("ts. IOU \V3. 4 BA. 2 BA. fl"Jllc, drps. UiO. ADULTS, no pets. SOUNDPROOFED PRIVACY FOR rn1. 3 BJ\, Owner's lux apt children desperately need11 2 ;m 1751~.ts~~lt, H.B. mo~y (da)'• or evtil. NO WJl90n 642-ll1~. 64Ul1 · pt:r mo. (21 3) 839-1176 or 2. blocks \V. Newport Fl'\')'. 752 Amigos Way. 675-.'i03.1. large or 3 BR house, Cl\!. _._ SELLlNG • \V£ FURNISH &-21M eves CTl4l 846-0211 At !\lcArU1ur & l\!aln RELAXING OR ENT ERTAINING AND up 10 $135 mo. 54S-674j a1t-4 Jl.,~O~D!!ER!!'!N'.""'!'3""-"'"n"'•""•u~I!!,,'·' LOCATIONS. S900 req'd for 3 bd ho I h SHOPPING WITHIN 1" BLOCK. PLUS d I u . 5250 " ·-VACANT nn me w I ri>R lease irnmac 4 BR. 2 Corona e m.r !\fJDDLE-aged l"Ol.lplr. no cpJf., air -·•, Janitor acr. parf·tlmt: route, full time u Ina ,;_ • •·-le C A LL 5,,2727 FUN & GAMES TO MATCH ANY MOOD. ...~ •· al ·1 ACT NO 111St· , ui"'"P ace, ..... r: nc· BA. $195 mo. "11" COROLIOO ,~. 2 8 dependents wl11h 1m11.ll col· vice. ample park!"", rou.-=1 '° ava.1. W ed yard. S?lO I n>0, FA~I· •968-7418* ,..~. r. t.age East C l\f or NB .,. FOR OIOICE LOCATIONS -' lLlES ONLY. Aft. $>16-4141 ~ BL.K from ~an. yrly. Enioy 1 fist 11t of Ten nis, a game of Volley. l..ll\\'<'r lt'\'el~. atudlos, pent. &4>-L'6R ·1 • ' • So. C.llf. 1st Nat. Bk Bldi. in Oran~e Coonty. Vcndln-a. 3410 1.tod. 3 Br, 2 Ba 6ownsta~. bill or BIUl1rd1. Sh a p o up in on• of the hol1~e r-IC! pool dbl. 230 E. 17tb street DI 1001 A I "' ATTRACTIVE 3 BR, fsm Fount•ln Valle'( furn. or _ .... ny fun1. 109 34th ,.,,...:,,,· :.:;,,_:·. lt!O ' . ..,.,,.. SINGt:f t'mplo><ed )'Ou1•<> C08tA J\le11. 6~2·148.j \'. · venue 0 u;t. Eo -----~---1........ Gymnas iums or rtlax In 1 Sauna -tht ... • r· 1\13 .......... '"' St•rs. SUl!e SSS. Century. ~. ~i new~ ;t; 3 BR. 1,;, BA, I~ bonw; rm. SI ,. N.B. 675-Jlt5 J acuni or in the sun around the Pool. 673-ll'TS .,..~•dnsha netdst troo~n 1-~~ BAY LIDO BLDG City, Cal. 90)67. Jn Onln,re' Child's playhouse In l'l!tlr. \VATERF'RONT w/boAI SllARP 2 br. So. 8ide of " . reap . n\ c. 1 J700Nt\\'P()N. N.8 . Co.c.11\ f114l 64~2493 au-m.c Sidr yard for boA' or" \Vell dock Lol"Ciy 2 BR paUo Your Soci1I Director wil l arr1ng1 parties In dk & Irvine. Call~ Offices a\'a\l:tble. Rn1 301. ti COJTAG£ I Bdr. SlO\'I!'. landsca......i. ~·to a:chool. \'l:ly tse. 613-906o o; l h\')'. Drps, crpt~. sttn ; • LANDLORDS • 6i:0·2.ffi.I or ~1-50.U CLEANI NG PLANT •, t:d"ll· Ulll pd. SJ40. No ~ th1 fabulous C11 p ri Room & thoM fun trips prtv. In rear over gar. SlSO lncl ud ln: l·Hr. &ervict', al10 """-56-82£M, M'l'-1-100. 968--7100 aft t:I. ~B697"~°"A"""co='N'""na="2"'e,-1,_,1-'7 to Ma mmoth, V1gas o r ? Cmdo,I+ ~~~~pos. 4211,; Iris, FREEB:rAJ.~VICE ~736 AN2AllE1"b!: c.~t. ~~ laundry ~·ork. 8 yean wne RANCHO 1'1esa 1 )''r old, 3 Y r. l'P, pvl. . . ,,.,,..,.,,.... u~I • WI o vY • Sl'OU•ll• Joc11.!lon, S*i,500 Full PrfC"t. nl.llL ~ITR~""c 2l~~g2a': Br, 2 Ba, ram nn, din rm. pl r It dock. $2"25 mo. SEE THE HUNTINGTO N CAPRI AT 2 BR.. So. of Hu)'. Yrly. \VANTED Gara&" to rent for 0001·. Sl2S. Schv.'Ortr, 673-~ Good Te-ms . .--• K .... • """ · df"Pll. t.TPll $235. 968-5662. 613-SO!M 6200 Edin91r Av1., Huntin9ton ltach Ul\1'1 furn'd. $19:i r.10. ~10rll&'· Cotta ~le!u1. or orrICE \Vith anrv.·ertng Call: !\Ut. ROBINSON' Cptl. Drp•, S.lti $4t).53lO 3 DOR. 2 Ba. c:rpt& & drp11. $150 1 BR tum 11pl. CrplJ. Rell!'rences rtqu\red. Nt>\\'Pt Sch. 67>1841 Room 5. ~rvlee furnished for rent. Davis Realty 6"1·7000 • J·DR. frpk. rptl, drps. :i ear bl1.1M. Lease • t320 mo. + drps, bllna. Pool. JS2j 1 J,'li Mflet Wtst •f hecll ltt 4. 1-... S.11 Dltt• ?>fr. Yomey, Bkr. ;140-3862 • t~rec Rental S.-rvlce • 5.35 Center SI. (upstnl C.i\I. PARTNER NEtDEO ~111, prap. $200 mo. No pl!tl. deposit. call 838-:5948· Placentia frffw..,, Jat IM •f S,tl ....... St. LAROE Nc1v 2 BR." 2 BA Brokers I !\llf'I, I Ov.·nci'S THI!.: SUN NEVER SETS on 1ttr11cUve new line plR•tlc fU.2313. 540-697), f BR SPANISH TO\\'NllSE, ...,.l 0B"R,-,,I.,..-,-. °'N'"•-•r_,.oce-,,-,_-plus den. CrpU;, drps, bltns. Properties \\'est 615--1642 Clastlfled's 11.cUon pCl\l'tt, photo framl!'I. Pref 113lc(\' ldN BR, fimU, rm, 2 &\, POOL &. REC. 12!0· N&AR Up"•'"· Sl50 Y•ly. UID pd. PHONE 1714 I 846·0619 Vkw. m .0301, iil5-J864 or TI!E QU1CKER .YDU CAW., For an ad to"'" """"" the oriented loolv. $10 M noq. + MS.19:15 + NEW. 962·Til6 Sundcck. 673-Stm 137..&:171. THE QUJCKER VOU SELL clock. di&! 64~ _<lll>_:J3(f() ______ _ * ---------------;------------··-··-·-·----··--· ') ANNOUNCIMINTS ind HOTICU 6405 -11J!t1 When You Wont it done right • • • - NOTICE 11 11 Thrift.-D-Lwc t1tanrn:. O t ore tr:rine to locate Penny Rayn1om. E. Back, M.rs. Noll, .l.,ylc Pope, l'.tn. Bw1neu, Mr. Wil10nOr. General 1 Nttt appeara.nce, over 11, * * ru11 11me. App. 1 " ........ Hou1ewlve1 and Mothers Whlddv1 Wint? Whochly1 Gett S,ICIAl CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPIRS Spocl1I R1 .. S LI--5 11.--5 buck1 •ULEI -AD MUIT IN(l.1.102 '-""" ""' "'" .. ..... ~-'941 '""' Ill If .... .. YOUa ""'"' •Miii> ... ,.... ....S 11M1 el 9f't"11ttna. ._,.OTHlNO ,0. SALi -TJIAOfl ONL'l'I PHONE 642-5671 To Piece Your Treder'a P1r1dlM Ad SIRVIC~ DIRICTORY Coll one of the experts listed below!! SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE-DIRECTORY HA YING a Chdstn1as Part)'~ \Ve have I.he facllitle1. Son1e Dec. dat~s adll open. Call ;,.i9--0377 for lnfor. ~lesa Verde. Country Club AnnouhHmenta 6410 llOl'S 810 BOY t.54 E. 17th, C.~I. *CLERICAL* OPENINGS t oca1ed In Coal{& ?ile:ia. E.xpe.rlence preterred. salary open, Please call Beverly Oavlt'I, fTI4l 546-3300 COASTAL AGENCY 6130 SENSITIVITY TRA!N!NC Prof111lon1I llo~bytct· .o;l..;11,;,.1"8_,,_ __ ~ i!loctrlul 6640 Moson!Y, Brl<k WORK SHOP Employment LICENSED child care, my ELECl'RICAL """,. " RICHARD ALLEN A p....,.m of im .. nonol A11l1t1nco home, ages 2 • s, Mon thru repair. 24 hn. 7 daya. No Custom & Spanish exercises tor 1m&ll sell-di· A ntembtr of Fri. Fenced yard. Lunchea Job too amall. Re-model & Mitonry A Specliltyl rectcd 1ro1.1p1, lttlnimal Snelllnc A Snelllnc Inc . area. 549-4038 Frff lit. 6»-2343 .: A anaclc. So. Coa&t Plaza 1=~;;~',;\i.:;;tlo;,"';;1ti;,;:;~:;,,;il:,:;,,;;e1:;:ec=lli=ca!=, Block, Brick, Concr1t• -~;,-;,P;::M;;'. ::call=:::00::=-8730:::.:l:::O:;:Al:::M=· I 2~:=:0~:: ~ ,:~ BABYSITTING • Lite Hskpa:. 666 I-="'=='-===:=== 6418 COFFEE SHOP ~IANAGER rrade up • house with back 5 days. Uve in or out. Floor1 5 Movlnt Storagt 6140 C1m1t1ry Lot1 ~p'd only. StaJ.1 $175 wk. bay vl.ew at 2353 Irv!ne Costa Mey, ' • Apply 2-4 pm daily, ntE Earn ••tr• money far * CHRl.STMAS * J. C. Penney Company Fethlon tslend -Newport 811ch H11 po1ition1 open In I 1. . ·' • ' • ' ' . i *Sales ; S<hedules lncludlng afternoons. evenings and -.:! ccmblnatlon of both. ·. ·i Finest conditions -Top supervision -Ex.. , 1 • cellent benefits including discount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Mondoy thru Frid1y i .. Oceantront 1 o I, Ocea.no Beach, lO:<UlO, adjacent- Piamo Beacb, ;.nd clunfs & 1tate park, ; $15,COO val. Trade / listed securities, 673-4.1«1 A'"· lo>'"""' or' lo JOO Call. 642~1'2 CARPET VINYL '!.~7~ MOVING. HAULING FOR Sala by o'""", ts. t'OTl'AGE COFFEE SHOP J. c. Penney Company . A l 675-6252 or Free est. Lie. contr. ;nor .-., 11 V R "" 6126 Pacltic View cemetery o . 562 \V l9lh Sl o.r , units. aen BABYSITI'ING, ~ty home 546-447S ' ton an, eais. -· _ Call nwrnlnia 6-12--1323 • ' ' ' • 6 '13--082.l att 6 pm. 1uncn tomish<d • ym. -JOBS & EMPLOYMtro, C .0 .0 . MESSENGERS #24 F11hlon l1lond I Rltts Tansu dlnina set, oll painting, cedar chl'st, anllq deak, Prov. table. \Vant den tum, fur area rugs, blrds or ! 673-352·1 Beaut. ocean vie1v lot, :-itreet to at.reel, So. Laguna. \Vant Income units. \Vant 4 BR & :! SR "Ocean-Mon lhru Fri. 64Q-0716 G1rd1nint '610 Paptrhinging -Young 1nen, J\lusl be nea t. Newport lffch, C11lforni1 f: alrt'"' duple:t. Ha\1e clear -Palntlnt 6850 Job Wanted, l'esponsible & have good run· ~ ~ • Palos Verdes ocean vle1v lot Irick, Mltonry, etc. NEW lawt15 re ·seed i n1 · Women 7020 nlng e&r. ?i1ake up to 135 per cm : 1 j 1: 11 j 11 -: Art Glovinetti, Broker 6560 Complete lawn care. Clean * PAINTING. int &. cxl. lla.y, Apply 230 \V. \Varne1·, · · ; 6n.7420 up by job lJl' molnnth. rl.-eell &ti.ck fl.""Om Vietnasn. Back PERSONABLE newco~r Suite :.>m, S.A. ; BUILD, Remodel, repair estimates. For fo. ca in busiiteal5 aaa~n. Fl'e<' :a>, \\Wld like full time JQb. OO . Trd. $7500 Eq In Ne1vport 30 Brick, block, conc r ete, ·"::""'32'.:::;:,=~~--,,,-estimates. \Vill ::ubcontract. Expcrienoxi In PBX. typlnr C03nlelOloiJst JofA-.Mtn. Wam. 7100 Joh.-Men, Worn. 71 Ltt Pereyda Real Estate 499-1990 4!»·5498 FAMILY ?iftmbershlp in lt'. vine Coast C'ountry Oub. No tran1!er fee. Trade for TD or-submit. Valuation $2500. Pvt pty, 673-9131 Full l.amlly rp.embershlp Jr. vine Coast Country Oub. Excbana:e for late model car or ?! 6U-7374 or 615--0144 let's talk. Sailboat. Comp. race equip, carpentry, no fob too small; GARDENING & landscaping. 64>1089 & public relalions. 673--3332 HAlR S'n'LlSTS. Top ·work· ------------~-----'1 Auto Pilot. \Vant travel L,.,, Contr. 96>-694> CI ,c;.:.;:c.:c,.,~==-,~ or 67S.-2895 In: conditions & percentage.. * DRIVERS .._ * FIBERGLASS U yrs e.x p . eafl:_up, HOLIDAY SPECIAL, Int. & _ • Pd vacations. 841-2673 , 1' camper I trailer, dear· sprinklers inst'd &: repaired. Ext. painting. Lie & inJ1urd. Home Care avail. 54&-4:i70 847_9136 aak for Al. N E f LAMINA TORS , equal value. 6-16-0647 C1rpenterln1 6590 ~1166 · Free ests. Loct:.l refs. 30 yn e Allied Nurses & Aides • -.-COOK _ Apply 0 xper ence Experienced. Top pay. Latze. ; HAVE clear North ~na CARPENTRY AL'S (luaen1n&: &: La\vn expcr. "Chuck" 645-08()9 Of O.C. Nuraes R.ea:Lstry The Flying Butler Necessary! cus1om :vacbt~. \Villard Boet :; 3 BR. & den. 1* + ~ ba. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job ?ilaintenance. Commtialercl.al, SUBURBAN Painting/Dec m.9 \V. Llngan Lane, S.A. 673--0977 ~·.B. ~fust have Clean California Work$, 1295 Baker, C.M. ·f'i industrial A rtslden • w k drl"1 ~ A -• • WANT beach income. Too Small. Cabinet in IV'" * 646--3629 * Expert Guaranteed or Jobi-Men. Wom. 7100 COOi<. housekeeper, exp'd. na reeo.,,., ?"'>' Foreign Car M9chanlct ; 64Z.2752 aps A o 1 be r eablNts. I ~==:,,;=,=;;c.:..-:::c= Free eat. r-io job too lal'ie for \vldow. Live ln $250. YELLOW CAB CO. Good co. beneUts, incl paJd , Call anytime. Broker ~7$, U no answer leave \VOULD like to buy garden-ot too small. 494-3190 6~l819 186 E. 16th St. vacation, group Ina, un~· '. m .. at ~12. H. o. "'•route in Nwpt Bch or EXTERIOR-INTERIOR Acco11ntln9 Clerk • COUNTER GIRLS ' ---::.Cos:=ta:.;M:;:•::sa;:,---form, tu'"" ... !too, GoodJ : 10 ACRES, R·l, Oxnard Anderson Costa Mesa. 968--1928. & A-1AlNTENANCE ri ,. Driver-Chauffeur con1m. schl!dule, Ask fCJ? • g:f:i!: :!ls. CARPENTRY, Cabinets CLEAN-UP SPECIALISI' • 646-3185 • Accounls receivable. • Tllrec shifts avaUable 8 hl's, 5-da) \\'k, I ,T0e ~loore Ph. ~0-1764. · ~! 1932 Chevrolet Pickup, 331 Cadillac e.flEine. with beefed hydro • trans. For motor· cycl<. J\tr. Conrad Riviera Realty Remod. No job too small, J\lowing, edgin&, ~ .. !.!bs· For Bette!' Painting, Inter-B!lllng. One or more ApplyFETERIA Call 642--0900 GAL • Sharp, 20-25 yrs fo :: .,4,,.~2S00~-~4~0!-1~330~E'.:"'~'·: j;~qf.ual~~w·~or~k~. ~C.olii'ii;t~64S-~25~76~ Reasonable. 54.,....,,,.aa ior & exterior. acoustic cei· years ot experience, able ONTRA CA t.G-.-,,.-,.al-=::::...:.::,.::;:.:___ retail sales in Boutique •' -REPAIR, Partitions. Small TREE SERVICE, gen"l yard lings. 646-4077, 541-J502 to operate calculator & # 60 Fashion Island D1·ess Shop, beach at'l'a.~:; Utility trailer 4x8, fully en-Remodel, etc. Nile or day. cleanup. SP RI N l\ LE R RENTAL READIER billing machine and post Newport Shopping Center PRODUCE MAN Exp'd, Box J\.f.50 Dally Piloti ;. , closed, new tires. $100 val. Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 REPAIRS. 646-5848 540-3924 customel"'!i ledger cards. Pacific Coast li"1\'y al General Office* '{·:: ri.tar!com Marine OF radio, G ~ •t A•• NB f'/0-• ·• REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS D\'PER. Japanese a.uener. *PAINTING Interior/Exler. "c 1 ... 1ur, . • Good typing skills, ap.;<.•,,. 642·2250 B 2·BR apts., bit-ins. 1itcar E. 17th St. shopping:. E:-;. change equity up (Ir do\\'11. Fortin, Realto1· 6t2·5000 1701-A \Vestcliff Dr., N.B. Beautiful 1SOx1;;F"" 101 Jn &rowing Yucca Valley as down • clean 3 bdr. 2 ba home In Costa Me&a. Sub- mit ol!erli to P.O. Box 686, TUstin. s.::~~~.rav~~~;,;;11°t· CABlNET. Any size job. Complete Yd. Service. Free ior Local references, 111,. Cadlll1c Control• -0~EN"'"T-'A-'L=Oo-"F~F~IC=Es~1 \i~l~01!>'-~~~v=~~:1:~~ pea1-ance, call Loraine.~·:: 25 yrs. exper. 548-6713 Estimates. Call 540-1332 ,,,·d. gervicr, 6-16-3657 Division of Ex·Cello Corp. Merchants Personnel Agen-''. 1966 ISLANDER 21 Sloop. JIM'S Gardening & lawn 1866 Whittler Ave. • Assistan1s ket, Ne\v sto1-e, all brand cy, 2043 \Vestc!Uf Dr., N. 8. ' ·• ll mom' tenan-. Re• & -m-Cot ti Miii • JnsuranCt'. Gi rls new, modem equipment. No 64.;-Zno $3100 value. (Leascu s 1P Cement, Concrete 6600 ""~ ...., PAINTING, Slgn1 6855 1.~1. 491 e Receptionists Saturday nla"ht or Sunday !~==~~=-~~ I avail nr, Balboa Pavilion . mel'ciaJ. * f>-11)..4837 Polnt<"n"' -V"2 -• Information a:irl (Eve) work. l\1ed ical and hospital GENERAL Office c I e. r k ' Trade for listed securities. CEMENT WORK, -job too • ,\,t equol OP""t·!unil" N ~ '''It" flgu-s Apply ' ·~ '"terlor & Exterior Fenceg.. ,.,., ~ Pl'f'pa1'I! re.su1ue, must ha\'e benefits. Apply Lindberg u. """" " '" · 613-4303 •mall, re·•·,•ble. rre. General •·rvl-6612 employ" · f T M,.,..-,,....r Yocht Corp 1631 -~E~~-~~~~~1~;;;;;,;;-;::;~·;;:··;.;~ block 1valls. MG-7887 1-~~,..:::~::!.:;;___ t\1-'o yrs dental expcr. Day lriUon, in rear o the oy "u'""'v ·• Lovely home & sv>'im pool !_Stirn. H. Stufllck 548-86lS Experienced BARTENDERS: I~~;;,;;;:;;::=:::::;::=; Advertislna: AJ,:-ency & eve. hrs AU union be.ne· \Vorld 1tore on lO\.\'er Jevel Placenlla, C.?i1. &:. family style care fhe.lp * CONCREI'E FLOVRS. serving: all Orange County. Pl••t•rlng, ReP1 lr 6880 Sharp Secret1ry for fits, Salary $3.44 per tir. Call Soulh Coasl Plaza Shopping GIRL FRIDAY. Good typing, run). Next to &OU coune. patios, etc. Reasonable, Call 639-223l fest • pac•d Newport ror appointment; 633-7674. Center. COAta ?.1esa. nf'at &ppeara.nce. Call 1-lr Near Valley Center. T1:ade Don, 642-&l,4 I========== •PATCH PLASTERING Beech Agency. Type DENTAL secretary. Recep. Young, 64.2--1149. Olltectlon for acreage, Owner 644·1721 I---'--------Hauling 6730 All types. Free e.ctJmate 6S.70. Shorthind 100, Honist. Age. 2:MO. Call Bureau or Wes1em Or&ngw Fallbrook for peninsula. Child C•r• 6610 Call 546-6825 or91nl1e & f O 11 ow 546--3000 WAITRESS County Adobe3Br,2Ba,l.2acrea, YARD/Gtu .cleanb~p 6890 thru. Under 35. DENTAL E x ccutary , GIRL FRIDAY. General.of· 6 Ac H\vy 74, · betwn Paris & Elsinore, cir. $21.000. Wa.nt Oen vw, hrn or units, Laguna-Ol:M. Cenb·al Rlty, P.O. Box 2588, Riverside. C. .. * * lack rm. stables, game nn, F0Rl'1ER nursery school $1 0 /Io ad . Salrr:gea iv es Plumbing Phone: 642-3910. 415 Ne\vport. xint position fo1' Experienced -.valtl'f'sses i1•ant. lice, livewlrc. Nelli Sljpl Co. 2 frpJ. Call OC 541-0511 or teacher with 1 child olfering free! Rernov~ s, y, PLUMBING Repairing & N. Newport Blvd. nlatu1-e \VOman \v/dental ed. aean, n1odern, attJ.·ac-16842 S. Harbor Blvd. Sanla 723.7714 Bud Coulter lic'd day care in home. grade 962-87 4 ;:, Remodeling Elertrlc sewer ATTRACTIVE YO.UNO <>p. Send qualifications, etc tlve, brand ne\v lunch coun· Ana. 531-33?4 '1' .. Ages 3--5, ployroom, le.need HAULING . Have ~tT PfU ' k c ea n l n · . ·~11 'vor WO" •N WITH to DaUy PUot Box M-14. te.r. Closed Satul'day nJa.hls HAIRSTYLIST, male or yd , many activities. 642-5308 Anything -trash lo furn. SS teed 642--0!">83 '""' and s ndays Medical and female with followtng, a:ood * * LICENSED 'bud Ca-. my Joane! + oilg. 494.1003 guaran ' SUPERVISORY Dentel A11l1t1nt u · . u . 1 N 8 1 u 64 • "'" ''"" PLU?.IBING REPAIR ABILITY Cha··lde.. Lovely Costa hot~llal benef,ts .. n1orm .. oca on . ......,.,..... , home, age 2-5. hfon thru HAULING. Cleanup, lots etc. No job too small II' s . fumtshcd. Apply Lindbera HOUSEKEEPER"-& child ' ; Fri. t'enced yard. L.unches Handyn1an anytime you call. • &i2-3l28 e in restaurant managemenl, Af~a otrice. Sonle ex~are-NutiiUon, in rear of the Toy care, Si,\ da. ivk, SW wk, + .. BUSINESS 1nd I BUSINESS ind FINANCIAL FINANCIAL -------------------- --SOMETHi NG NEW: & snack. So. Coast Plaza * •642-3398* * ==~~==~==I to act as Hosteu , cashier, qun-ed. Under 30 yrs. cy \Vo1'1d store on lower level • 54• '"38 .: Asst. Mgr. on night shUt. open rm & board. •'d, vac. area. .,......,.. Claan Up and Heul Rooflnn 6950 · N 1 South Coasl Plaza Shopping s.ll).9212 " • ?.iust be ~sponslble pt.l'&On. P ewpoAr c enter, Costa Mesa . SlO a load. 646-2528 ALL TYPES; rock, wood & Top salary to qualified per. ersonnel J gency HOSTESS :: Bua. OpportunttlH 6300 --- R11I i1tate Lo1n1 6340 C•r[t!t Cle1nfn9 6625 6735 asphait shingles. LEAKS son, p!Us advancement po. l{ours: 8-4 Dinner. House, Ews. ?t1ature ·:~ Jri this day when franchiling INVESTMENT aroup has Hou1ecliinin9 REPAIRED. \Vork guar. tential. 833 Dover Dr., NB COOK \\'Oman. Exp destr'blc, no~ :: '• -aching the good -pu. $1'• lo• -··t d·"'s. \Ve CARPET & upholstery slealm . 'al '47·1136 PRIME RIB INN 6tl-3S70 549-2743 ne.c •• .. ,.. ... • u\Q =u cleaned, also carpet n-BAY & Beach Jan1ton -;,:;_;"'====== ' •f (Sh 0 d ) I talion it enjoy1 -it's great make lst & 2nd & buy ex-stallation. Results guar. For Serv. Cpts, windows, floors, -:; '128 E. 11ll 0990 1 SI., C ... · DENTAL Assit, Chair Skle. Ort r ers AppDyE ;RnBeYrrson to find a trUly a:ood !ran-lstini TDs. Bkr. 543-8381 free est, call 646-59n etc. Res & comm c ' J. Sewtn9 6960 64~ 23 + Yr&. 2 yra exper. Reply AND ., __ that •·ally,,.,,, the day or ews ""l40l -A embl Box SlT·M, D&Jly Pilot. SALADS & RESTAURANT ,. ~ a~ ... IOund in\•est.l .:::oc;;~:;.-· ===~ A--OK shampoo Chri5tmas 1_:-=::;~:.,,,=~==~ e Dressmaking• Alterations ss Y DISHWASHER 1262 Pall.sades ment. One that offers him CAi:; ~~:Cfn~y :t~al e~·~ A:-le~s0 ~o; ~I~s?.°~;e~R;;P: Spec~al ~~t:ems ,.,,. Dinner House, Exp'd only. ~SANDWICHES Santa Ana a very hi&h a.nd Ia1t return * 8Ta-2866 * hou.se.cln'g 821-3182 Johnny Dunn 642-2364 !i Eve1 Premium wages. l'.1A'ID, eXper pret. Apply, ; on bis Investment dollar, --·-Alteratlons--642·5145 'Apply In per.on \\'f' need a short order cook Vista ~1otor 1-lotel ·: without tying up lhe enor-Money Winted 6350 CARPET &.: Furn. cleaning; * APT CLEANING * Neat. accurate., 20 yrs, exp. DERBY and also an expel'ienced .sal· 535 S. f'or.st, Laauna Bch ': mouscapltal that most fran. for 1 day service&: quality Fast & thorough 64~164 RESTAURANT ed and san<hvlch maker. Maintenance ' ; chise.s do. This we have un-work, Call Sterling for WILLIAMS Cleaning Serv. TILE, C•r1mic 6974 ....... 1262 Pali d Clean, modern, attrncllve. J W ROBINSON • i queatlonably the bes! oppor-8. 4 to l0% on your invest· brightness! 642-8520 RENTAL READIER Santa Asa,,es brand ne1v lunch counter, • • 1.; !unity for .... _ small investor n1en1. \Ye can place your EADIER *Verne, 'Ibe Tile ~lari• ASSEMBLERS HAS OPENING FOR , uoc funds direct to the borrower RENTAL R 540-3924 Cust. v.-ork. Install&: N'paln; SHER Oosed Salurday nlghti;: and !i In & Jong time. You can on title ins. real estate loans :====c540-3::':"=== No ,.. b too small. Pla5te.r . DISHWA Sundays. Medical a.nd hoilpl· • work either part or full time nd 1 1 Lea.kt...,. 8 h 0 we r Ele.ctl'l.>-1nechanical asaembly Experienced ta! benefits, Unlform furn. MAINTENANCE and earn exceptionally high @ no extra cost 10 the le • Hou1ecl11nlnq 6735 pa c 1• ··• · "'lud • olden·,,., lshe.d. Appl., L\nclbera Nu. MECHANIC ·• er. Stop in or call, 1323 N. L & 1:.:::::.:::.:::,:;:;;!..,_..:;;..;.; ren .. ir. 847-1957/846-0200 u... i .. g s .... ~ ·• , eamlna:s. You do need at C1rpet eying ,........ Apply Jn person jr!Uon, In rea1· of 1he Toy Experience Prelcrred. least $1,49-5.CO cash to slart. Bn)f•ll\\'8.)', SA fparklna: on Repair ~26 CARPETS, \Vine.lows, nrs, Ci ll Personnel Dept. SURF & SIRLOIN \'.'orld 1tore on Io1ver level For further info1mat1on (IUI' property) M3-838l day etc. Res or Comc"I. Xlnt Tree Service 6910 0 South Coast Plazo. Shopping APPLY PERSONNEL 1 " t or eve!i. FOR CARPETING \.\'Ork Reai! Re.ls. 548-4111 (714) 494-94 1 5930 Pacllic Coast Hwy. ,.._ Co M FASHION IS~AND ~: \vrlte including telep1hone o OR CARPET LAYING TREES pruned, to PP ed . __ .:.N:.:'.::"'!::::"°'.:.' .:ee::'=':::h __ I ....,nter, ~la esa . North American. 4~5 East ANNOUNCEMENTS 642-2070 removed. 26 yrs exper, 0 IC -NEWPORT BEACH 2nd South, Suite 33, Salt and NOTICE$ c. A. PBge Ironing 6755 A493-S403er I_•.'.,._' o7234'v ere q u j P . TEL N DISHWASHER, expcr, full DISHWASHER An EqUal Opportunity Lake City, Utah 8~111. . tlme, Apply in J)f:+.'IOn, ··: Found (FrH Ads' 6400 Draperlu 6630 JRONING Jn my home . exp'd I~::;:;;;;.=:;;;:,;,....""",,,-Benton's CoUte Shop 1 ~---'E-'m"p:.:1°"-''-'---I , Altlll~~NDY SUPPLY GRAYl•~; .. d p.,.,;an cat, CUSTOM DRAPERIES you dell"i.,U~k-up. ,.,..';;:"~~= s,:;;.;,., ENGINEERING :,~o"t llwy, Log B<h ~'.;.:"~',':,,"'~'::i';mw;!:;uf~ Monufoct"rt"g ROUTE orange nose, red collar. Free Instillations 1----'C:..::::;......__ It.tor removed. 54.9-1359 ment. Closed Saturday EXPLORER has im· (No selling involved) SMALL blk/wht cat, and Linuna Beach nights and Sundays. Medical mediate Openings EXcellent income foi· few PURE WHITE loMA: haired Any window treatment. Hun· Jinltorlel 6790 Upholstery 6990 • ,.,,.. and hospital benefits. Bet· t\OUrl weekly Work. (Days cat w/rreen eyes. All vie. or drcds of samplta A deJllN. I:;::;;::;;::;; ___ ....;;;..;.,; 1 Equal opportunity employer 2 ttt than average earnings, ror - aild Evening&). Refilling and Estancia Hi Sehl. 2261 ~Sake an appointment w/()ur SPARKLE Janitorial &: Win· tzYKOSKJ'S Custm. Upho · Apply Lindberg NuO'llion, collectlnii money from coin Placentia CM decorator. Call Steve Jones dow cleaning Serv, Win-European Craftsmanship APT MANAGER In rear o! the Toy World (lperated dispensers in Or. O;L,:D;:E;R;:::~T,..:::-,coc_,.k-er-,m-lx~ at Complete Drapery Serv. dows, resld., comJ, conat. 100% fin! 642,..1454 J\fature couple as assistant &Iott on lower Jevel South *fr -Finish mtn a.nae Co. aod surrowxlina: doa-. may have. traveled, IC<! 645-2206 Cleanup. Free est. 968-2691 183l Newport Blv, Of. manager and maintenance. telrmfo Coast Plaza Shopping Cen. * l We.Ider area. \Ve eatabli.sh ro~e. grieving. Owner p l eaie superintendent for new Hunt. !er, Costa Mesa. *l _ \Velde.r's helper (Hand1es name brand ca y clai1n. 54S.-1930 or 546-3566 in&ton Beach apt. con1pleJC, ~ •I -Mechanic/Auto. and snacks). $1575.00 cash '!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~~~~~:;::::;=;;;;~~~=J Prefer \\'oma:1 wilh l!Onle DRAFTSMAN SAL.ES LADY. -required. For personal inter-\VElMARANER Or Vlstla ANNOUNCEMENTS I ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS octice and 1ypin1 experlet1(.-t . *I -. Plumber view in Orangt> Co. area, puppy \"lc Goldenrod & Cst ind NOTICES and NOTICES Free apartment plus a:ood ••9•• CASHIER • l -Plumber's helper send name, addre" aod H11')'., CdJ\I on 11/24. Call I 1nd NOTICES salaries. Phone 846-5107 BC· •4 -Gen. assen1bly •"-• number to MULT1·6T ·:::."'.:"m::.:._,-,~-~~ """ -Lost 6401 6405 ""::.'":::·_:5:.:'::...::6_:P_:>,;;t ______ I r.11ni1num :t year11 experience. "'anted by relatively sn1all *1 -?i'llll man STATE DIST., INC .. 168.1 W, SCHWINN BiC)·cle. adults, Pertanalt NEED Relloble \von111.n to in the lay-out and taping of food store -no t a 1uper· •3 -Eleclrician11 Broadway, Anaheini. Call-Conlinenlal, yello"'• co1nb. TOY Doxy, 6-7 lbs. (tin. red· P•r1on1ls 6405 1:==::.:======-J cr.rfl for 3 chUdrcn, Tues, art work for printed circuit 1narket Ne \1'. modern. at· !2-110 & 1·12 voln l'ornia 92807. 1n 4 > TIS-5060. IOC'k under seat. Poor cond. dish·brov.·n. Needs medica----------\\1ed &. Thurs in my home, board!!. tractive store "'ith all brand $100,000 PER YEAR Irlcntlly ~94 lion. AnS\.\'er.; to "Gre!· PALMISTRY & • near Adan1s & BrookhW11l new fixture1 and equipment, PLEASE APPL\' Minimum incom ~ for aood SIAJ\1ESE cat found CcL\f. chen". Famlly brokenheart· 1 CARD READINGS ~963-::::;77~30:.,,_~~~,--Call Ptrtonnel Dept. No Saturday nia:ht or Sun· -OR CAU. - man to participate in hla:hly Has nea coUa1., ed. NB near Cst H1.vy. I Bring Your Problems to BELL MAN (714) 494-9401 • d1y \.\'drk. Medlcll1 and hoa- protltable realty Investment 673-1862 642-3569, 54J..2410, m-0434 _ Mi _ I Will Help You pita! bene.lita. Unilonn fur· Explorer Motor Home~ (lperation. PIU!b l'ed carpet vie. Santa Ana & EHt.he.r SHORT-haired \vhite kitten Solve Them. , Sheraton leach TELONI( nished. Apply Lindberg Nu-3021 Newport Blvd. offices (Ill Newport 8a..Y! Ac-Sb. Sian1ese· cat. Call alter w/black spots about 6 wk11. t &"Ive advice on all matters lrillon. in rear ol lhe Toy Costa ~feia, Calif. tive or inactive! Investment 3 pm &: identify. 54M433 ()Id. from 746 summit Dr, ot lilt, such u love, court. Inn \Vorld store on lower level rt"izuiredl Will train qua1i. ORANGE Tom Cat Laguna Thanksgiving Afte:r. 1 ship, marriaa:e. divorce, bus. is now accepting appli· South Coa1t Plua Shopping c7t4) 546-3300 lied pilrty! ~1sn da)' or vie 11'1.·ine Terr. noon. Reward 49'J..89!l6 iness transactions or all Happy cations for the pos!Uon o[ SYSTEMS 1,:,c~on~t~"~· ~c;·~·ta~M~ .. ~·~· ==h========::::= eve. 6731332 BLACK Cat. male, name kinds. Reunite the separ. bell man. P/Ume A n. Jobi Min. Wom. 7100Jobt-Men, Wam. 7100 COIN 1aundrie..-Fr11idaJre. WH--,T~E~M.:&l;::,:::mo:;;lx:..<d,...,te-rr"'l,..tr-.1 "Clyde" oea collar, v1c Na· ated, caute speedy and hap. Thanksgiving time, 11 pm·7 am 1hltt, Litun• leich From $6,!IOO to $42.500. \.\•e.U behaved, vlc Adams' tional A.ff,, CM. Reward. py marriages, overcome rl.. Apply ln person, 211U Anaheim. Col ta ?i-1 e •a, S3l..\l79. 548-3983 vals, lovl!l1 quarrel$, evil i nd the Beat Ocean, Hunt. Bch. .... .... 11 ()pportunlty employer Buena Park, Fu 11 er t () n, .Harbor. . a · StllALL Female Bluepoint habits, stumblln~ block& of * BOOKKEEPER * part '""4" CIU'den CroVt, Hunttnrton LARGE 1'11lle Irish etter, Slame11e cal vie 319 All kinds. Thore l!l no heart Turkey ind Pies lime: Post peg board ac-DRIVER Buch, Santa Ana., Tliadn, vie. of Vlc:torta & Pacific. ~t r1 Id Cdl\f 6'75-of04T i so bad or home 11<1 dreary counting iyslem tor TOUR GUIDE IO t,a hUrada. ;64;:2-3848;::;;,,==""::-;:;-;-;.,-I a go ' • that J canno1 brlnr sunshine From whole.salt> & retail butrlneti. Driver/NatTator of mlnl·bu1 Must be able to lake shorthand at 1()().1. •C>ll~~Clw'l~,;:';'===52>=·~7§.S33 WHITE MUSKOGEE DUCK. '9rton•I• 640 ' 1n10 It In tnct no matter Reapomlble for orl1lnal en-1lght1eoln1 around Ntwport. \\'pm. ExperJence at the executive level jq : 6320 very tame. vie. of Newport ::.::..::::::~:.. ___ ..;:..:: what ~iay be. ')'our hopt. Marie try thru T/B. Call ~tr 11-fust know hl.rbOr art•. Call a sales or marketing activity preferred. Meney to Loan & Hospital Rd. 546--6575 *Al ,. fear or ambltlon, Nllei, FASHION MIRROR. 644-47$.1 a.ti.er 6 PM. 2nd TD -Loan NOV. 23>. groyllh cat ,~,. one. r PALl'llSSTEERJ':ti:AOER Collenders CORP. "'5-4088 , DRY CLEANER SPO'ITER Will also handle phones & travel arrange· on.nae strtak on lnoae. " ... BOYS lO. l4 Top waies for quality wotk. men\!:. Excellent opportunity. Salary c:om-642-5736 ask for Crtiche.n r will tell ,.,,u ju.st \Vl\at )'OU 35l E. 17th St. Carrier RoutesiOpcn ,Xlnt oppty. o t MM J TT mensurate with backgroun d. Prompt. confiGenUaJ setvlct YES IT'S YOUR 11·ant to kno1v, Cott• Met• , CLEANERS. 3200 E. Cout Please apply In person or call Mr. Kuechler 642·2171 545411 'otl 6401 FAULT Av1t.ll. for pa.rliei; "",.l·"'ll , ·-·· •·ao"'b So t """"" H•y., C<JM. Ph: 613-9600. oin:4a0 4 ServlntHarbOrarea20yrs. 1:•::::::_ _____ ..:..;c;.;lror rtcorded meuq:e th: \\'ith This Card And $3.CO -" .._ ... ,. °" • · ._ ... _ for appointment, ON'" • 1 u.-•. Co. k II R-lve "~.oo Read1..... DAILY PILOT EXPER.T typist needed . Sattermvf'•'' BLACK&.v.•h!tecoc .. .poo wlllclw.nu)-'OUrllfeea ~ ... .., "PM 642-CS21 Work at home from UTOMATION 336 E. 11th Strff1 pup, vie 20th & Federal. OR.ANGE CO. 547~ Open Dally 10 AJ\1 lo 10 Stenorette: t 1 pet, Cor-GENERAL A Q.f. 11123. call &CU28S 24 hour reeotdina Fully Ucerued * BUSBOYS 1 min' lrtV911ntonl Oppor; 61lO BLACJ< ~ wbll• blliJo-t>pa LICENSED Ol!. <213> &SMIT2 Experlonced. Top ..wy. ,.,_ or rep. 1402 E. CHISTNUT ST .. SANTA ANA *EXEC. SECRETARY* " • • . • .. •, . ' ., • FANTASTIC puppy with 0•• "'"'" Spll1""1 Rudlnp, ad"1<o :no w.i.:~~;~81'4' Day ohllt only .,.u. o=1P!WI' r.IME·A· AnEqualOpportunJlyE!"PloyerM/F REAL TY PlllOJECT ;m.246&==----.,-on all ......... 312 N. El PRlME fU8 INN UNES-You "" ... them WUI be moving lo lrvlne complH ll70 ·~.oco .. -"t ntur" •llhtn LOST 2 ca.la, l oranae !om, Camino Rell, Sln Clemente ALOOKOUCS ~~ 428 E. 11th ci1 c,r,t, lot JUat pemrtu a 4t)t. Dial ·! -.,...... ., -· , .... Haartbrok•" 49'l-t1".I! 492.cxni PhoM &12-1211 or ,.. ..... w """" ;P'.fwr?!:~~~~~!!··c..::__11..,. ....... ..,, ................ mt 90 d&)i1, $25,000 ~ah netcf. wit !;!War, • 10 A?of'. 10 PM P.O. Box 1223 Cblta Mu&. M5-M90 ..:.•HUllN ... td. SU-15-TI d.t.Y or eve. .:536-::::,:39<:;;.l ______ , __ "-';;;.;,.'-"-'-'-'-- • ' • •• ) < .. . .. .. ... -·--=--·-· -----.--_......,,. ---..... ·····-""" ~-~ ,; ;; ... ,, ... •• . ... ; ' ;--'·: ; "' ••• •"+-1· .- -••• -• -~ • .... ". --• .t ';, II DAILV l'llOf Saturday, t'0vtmbtr 29, 1%9 -_ 1 JOIS i EMPLOYMENT JOBS i EMPLOYMENT J61s & EMPLOYlilNT. MEltOW«ltsi' l'Olt • Jobs-Men. worn. 7100 School•lnlll'JICllon 760o SALi A':ID TltADI : \: J•..,.lio....,uM. W 7100 1-------•-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;';;;;;;;;; Pumltvre .... OU R FAMOUS • •9 .,.n. om.. SALESMAN • S.1"1 +" O>mm. + car Allow<nct. .17 Pc. Kl119 ~ DIME-A-LINES ' ?afEN (2) needed to asii:ist mar. ' order verlllcaUon. $2.23 hr to •tart + bonw;cs &: rapid raUie5. Ask for Dave. 642-1532 Phone !\fr. You ng, 64~1149 , leclroom • Sales J.tanaacr tor new Latte 9 drawer drfate:r, mlr. dteiS abop La,guna Beach:/]~;.~~~ ror, 2 bedaide stands. Jdnc l\1u11l bave previous sales & size headbolrd, frame>, quilt. managerial exp('rience. ea ma·ttrtu, ·IJitets. bl&tdc· -?afc:n *OVERSEAS• Eam n1ore tax free Rcle.rences. 213: 728-0l·H ell, etc. ?tl:OVJE Pro.Jector, J.ikl! new 1953-ss AUS'l"CN He&l,y side BOY'S · And girl's drtsioe11, SALESLADY Choice of Spanish 125. Movie ....... -$9. windows IOS. 15" Chevy auiu. ..... IHlO s~. l2 C'all Smltty 714: 'n4-2610 Curtains, Draperil'& 4 Gifts.1 ~;;;;.;:..;,;;~ MOLDERS UDOFF'S I' Young, aggn-s.slwe Alun11num Hom• Furnishings & f\tagncsium foundry has South Coast Plat.a pt'Cscnt openings for exp'd. ----~-----SAND & Savlngs & Lol.1n PERMANENT MOLDERS BRANCH Paid holidays .t. vacalions. MANAGER J::~:d • 5avln~ & L01111 MEN & WOMENI COMPUTER PROGRAl\f- ?IUNG IS THE KEY TO YOUR PROFIT ABLE FUTURE! Sunny Arttona. Su b n1 i I resume. to: PAl\.1C'O, 2820 E. Illini. Phoenix. A r i z o n a SSl).SO.or call (602) 2ti8-0268 Enjoy a rewarding c1u'eer Oasses st.art soon. and join a highly successful Pilot program ottering the Savings & Loan Association finest equipment and facil· MOTEL DESI\ CLERK. 4 in the Newport Beach area. ities available! Real·Ume pm to midnight Exper. This position entails cha!-computer programming, or Nodtrn Sl;yl~ Dcylite viewer. •·h ow n>Vtr&e ~ rims $10 and 14 Vogµe patterns All For $249 moviel with Ught< ,on 16. each. !ftes'$3. Hodd;!""'' 50<>$1.50. Ceramic tilo nip- N d Pm Chinese antiques: Brass llers $5 ea¢t 72 and 90 div· pets ;.1.50 nl'!\\'. 646-5662 ~~wnK'S WA"R· on\rDIOS9 mo. opium P.lpe holder al1!;i tea ing tanks tZi each. J va.Jve \VOOD soa: cbcst type trunk nu. USE kettle · fl eaeh. HoJi 1tatc S!O· Speatgun tu!· Duck feet $2S. Tcxttn \\'ood trunk, hand painted and blazed, $5 each., Fathon1ett'r $3. 18 .. x 30 .. t>YI, 01.,.. inal oil, ~ w <th st cnn bum incense $24. 2 'Fu Regulator $5. 494--6548 ...., """"" · • ·• Santa Ana dog 16 ach ti seascape 2-1 x 48 $25.. Tex-Qpen Daily 9-9 . s e .' An que art 4 BARSTOOLS coral padded tured wood picture frame. Sat. M SWl.11-6 ~Jecta: Antique sliver seat $10. 17" TV needs 24 x 48 $7. Coinblnatlon car WH'""'"m:°"'"1;'0,:nnlca::i:=::;.k:;.lt::.c~he-nl hammered ~ $12. aUwr minor repairs $5. Pump oil top boat-luggage rack . table, 4 gold chain, White compote dish and cover or water 12 volt nl'!w $25. plywood/liberglas $25. 1-tollywood bed w/mattress, with cut glass it.sert $22. 962--4219 Room ·air . cooler $1 5. antique white po a t e r Italian glasa ash tray $8. MOTORCYCLE bumper car· 545-2247 Small -......... claud .:::==;_ ___ _ R:A TT Alf Chair $1.50. Pillr1 GE 'AlltomatJc w 1 1 b• r . maple $=ho.!rs $25. Table IUter-no, looks new, only Cl'Ylllal atcm ware and other $25. 673-4674 crystal 25c each. f61 Legs BUFFET, Walnut finish. fine for Hol!)'w~ bed S 3 . WOj'kmanah1p $20. Ht g b Jo'JOY.'er pol,! up to $3. Mir· swivel kildlvn ch a I r , rors$2·to$10.&+2863· chr<>n\e with while MAN'S flight bag $5. Man's naU&a)\yde SlO. Small step bowling ball, bng, shoes 9% table SL Table lamps lron1 $7.50. Electric percolator, 25o-75c. Mirror $1. Floor tetlon $5. Electric toa.ster lamps $2-$5. Work bench. l $3.50. King eleetric blanket, · drawers and two ·cloeeta $5. dual c:,ontrol $7.00. Fur coat, Tool box $1. 1~1" x 6" x 8" good $25. Ladles bicycle, bdftrds. lS..2" x 6'1 x 8" large f1 .00. Four hand boards, 4c per Uneal foot 6 painted pictures :r-.1exlco $15. doors lrom $1--$3, Lawn Set China Adams antique mower $3. 2214 Elden Ave., Steubenville $20. Cd M C.M. 548--5143 6'1J.1769 NCR 4200. Laguna Beach lenging duties aott is adapt. area. Se~ resume inc. ('(f for an individual with phone no. to Box ?at-709 Dai· in1aginat!v&. a _n d creative '1' ly Pilot abilities. Excellent ri·lnge w/mattresa and matching va&e $5. 3 Beyruth mup $l6 rier $15.95, s a crl f Ice'· BUNK Bed $25. Sola $10. night ai.nds, 2 black each. Mexican fiihtlng bull, m~~lc jacket $12:9.5. Coffee lp.bh!: $2. ~faple plat· modem coo~• plus odds ha.nd mad $8 Large m tseellapeous motorcycle f 0 r m r o c k e r $1 O . and ends. ~tm ~y. hande ~ted and co;f: parts ~m SOc to $25. Upho1stettd chair $5. 1909 LGE GE ffefrig/!ra, 4 yrs ed $16. Oval picture frame 96Z--4ll6 F~eral Ave., CM old $165. Antiq round oak tbl and gla.la $9. ~ediclne BARBIE do.Us, large case DRAPES $10-$25. Used 60" $45. hl2 shq Span. cabinet $8. Pen and holder and 50 outfits, perfect con· carpeting $25 each. Maple RUG, oval, wool $25. Also 9xl2 rug $5. Carpeting, can- dy stripe. 50c yard. KI'I'OiEl< Sink .iµn. rim and garbage disposal, ~ con- dition $10. Blanket $2. 26J i\10TP.L MAID bene!ts. Call A-Ir, Hansley ~ ... Part Time Over 30 {213 ) SGs.05111 ~ 494-9-UG =--,~=~~~~ · gold carpet $23. Aft 5. for desk $3. 2 Sample or ditlon $25. Fringed blue-table $!410. Chairs SS-$10. Mesa ·Dr .• ~7342 · Umbrella, beach, or table 2X~ vaible .. 22 rifle scope, $5. Sink, enamel 18'' deep never used $15. 250cc Honda $9. GoH bag $5. Hanging engine parts $5-$25. 548--0109 lanip $4. &:t-een dool' S7: couCH-.,?5. 2 chairs 115 ;.( Dec.". l, 1969, Nov, 29, J969 • ~· MOTI-IJ:.~'S 1-IELPI::R. 3 or 5 SECRETARl.ES to $550 ; days "'k. fl.lust ha\'e own If you have lhe skills. we 6'l3-2526 carrying cases 10" x 12" x green woven Ilalian double Exercycle $5. Chest $25. • , ' trans. llnlg 1-1 a,. b o.u r · have the jobs in tile beach 846-9268 area, call Loraine. tifer- Union lank aq....,.. Sovth Tower Suite 40 ?r1nge, Calif.. t266' Coll 547.9471 DRESSER. ntirror, 2 20", new mahogany and bedspread $20. TV sland $3. 536-8518 matching nltestands $35. green vinyl coverine $7 Green upholstered chait' I ~7=1,,~ .. =.-1u-m-in_u_n-,-c-1~-1,-1-m-.,. Baby crib SU. Highchair $8. each. Wood bowl, ini~rted w.ood trim $2S. Games $1. tl'ee plus 22 red bulbs $7.50. S42-60lS $6. 642-6935 Large length ceiling fixture ~fen's clothing, pants 36-2'9, $2. Yellow dust rulle $2. Costumes Sl. Old sheet shirts and S\venter, -n1C!dium 50c-$2. 893-0819 HB chanls Pe('lk)nne( Agency, :zG.13 \Vestclllt Dr N B 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 18' Sofa, never u&<'d, quilted HANDMADE Doll clothes tor 6.is'.2110. ., ,· 'f noral, scotch quarded $125. all popular dolls. Also new Shipp;ng/Receo'vo'nn The FlRSf ate ing ove seat S75• (l ) 0 5 Wl aclo "~-ture frames antique -ilow, WONDER Hoi·se $10. • ..., 776-0592 wardrobes. Ken thes M · J~ fr 1 · 40 fl to $2.90 hr. Top, stable Co. & ONLY 'r:>e. Barbie dresses 50c. tube portable radio $3 each. Draperies, o 'v ute Good~ advance:nient oppor. DOUBLE bed $20, 2 couches akirts, blouses, capris 25c. Large silk. 1amp shade Sl . Sl5. Traverse rods, 40 fl $10. Regular door $7. lroni .,... board. Iii!; in wall, co1 etc each. Bar stool $5. GoU $5. Table lamp $2. Saturday clubs, 5 irons, 3 each. Goll and Sunday, 3Hi Orchid, shoes, 80. S2. Black iron CdM SCOllC4'! lamp $15. Paper TWIN box springs, n1attress, with l.rame $25. MS-5750 NURSES Hegiste!'l'd • ewn- lng & 11!ght shills. Ex. benefits. Appl)' Personnel Dh,;<elor. So. Coast Con1· munity Jlosp.. 31872 Coast Hwy .. So. Laguna. 499-1311, ext. 3.i6 £ '•"°NURS;;;.,""'E"s"""A"ID"E"s"'•-E"•=P"-''d, ~ All shifts. Huntington Valley Comvalescent Hosp. 8382 Newman Ave., 1-lwit. Bch. 842-5551 tunity. Top !Jenefit.s. call franchised S3S & $10, BBQ $10, Ballet outfits, fur stoles SOc. Antique shaving mirro1: $10. Rust "W1 dress, sl'i:e 11 $5. back books lOc each. Elec- tl'ic wall clock $3. Patio chair $2. Pole lamp $2. Vacuum $5. 305' Madison, C.M. 546-4328 t M h. l d II "th h ndn1ade music 2"";,c each. l\Iany pic- John 54$.5410 W54~r!~t;..er jukebox S 1 5 0 . ~autiful evening gowns Antique dishes, heating pad, 1318 sa.ntanclla Terrace, JASON BEST or-..oo ll ~~L50 Coats $L Wed sewing basket $1 10 $5. ,,::Cd::>::'.<:.· :'.:67::'.3-0:'.:1;::61::·~-,--2ti" Schwinn 3 speed man's S..T-R-E~T··C>H ._.. · " 96._, boo'·-t TABLE $20. Matchiftg chairs bike $25. 20" -i..i•s 3 _...... ~mployment Agency & SEW (T.M.) Offlco Equlpme, nt 1011 ding outfits $2 and $2.50. Al-~·-· TV Sams, ""• an cnna.s, 5 ' 8-57~ ••• ·~ OAK file cabinet, 4 <1r4wer legal size $25. One 4-drawer oak chest $10. 548-5750 2207 So Main Sanl A "'-"'--------· 1 new $1 ...i5, 700 x 14 tires $5 =I'=•="-"=·="'~~~~-~~ stingray $22. Git1 's size 8 • , a na Store of o~~e Coun"• . '° ,.. weled felt Ouistmas nSH tank 10 gallon -m•lete ~· ·-~ '' TYPEWIU~ ~ "" r · 21" RCA -n-i• 125, CO'IP' ~E bed, double, l ='"='="'~'~'~'.;.S3=·-64_8-J680_~~ SfATISI1CALTYPISf· '~rt, Adding ilema, tree skirl.1:, personal with pump rode and fish ... ., ""'" " '-""• e e NURSES AIDES 12 to 8 Typist/Receptionist _ front CHRISI'M'!\S SHOP machine, calculator, very felt stocking, switchplate $25. 592-5817 remote. 1958 <_:h~v :fi::S ~,!"Y2197good condltion $15. COCh.'TAIL Dress. 2 p)eee am shift. Apply in person office for Public Account. reasonable. Xlnt con d, covers. children's laundry automatic 1ransnuss1on _.. ..n;r pink la~ size 12, like new only, J-luntington Beach Con. Neat appearance. S48-9S44 THE EASY \VAY!! 89'2--2423 and show bags, San ta MOTORCYCLE helmets lac· 150~i E. 18th, bC!tweenG ==1RL='~S~26~"~b~ik-,-l~20~.~Bo~y'' includes dyed to match . 1 18792 .,01612 tory seconds, half price $16. NcY.....,,rt Blvd and Ol'allge. 0 ,.,..,~ hoe 110 • ._ ~o valescent llosp1ta ' SOCIAL. DI RECTOR Learn to se\v on "knit fab-Garage Sale 8022 ~:a:e~~-.....,.. eves 962--0661 ~s-:6529 25" bike $10. 54~ "" s . '1"!u-oo.:;wo Delaware. Hunt. Bch. 1'1aturc ,.,.0man 85 social di-rics". ?a1ake stretch pants BOY'S Stingray like new $1B. STONEWARE clay, 25 lb. ROCKER, Green overstuf. PART TIME lite housekeep-rector for new Huntington in 1 hr, a bathing suit for GAftAGE Sale, 4123 E. Coast GOOD Used toy.11: Texaco Call 531-4693 SCH\\'INN 26" boy's bikl'!, bags. 40c a bag. 494-$60 fed, large sin', ttally com· :; ing & messenger dulics for Beach Apt t:omplex. Ar· $5.00 -e\'en a glrdll'!! Jin-ll"'J'" CdM. Corolido Apts. bat and 5 balls $1. Texaco .:::;:::..=..::::::.._____ like rn>\Y $25. 3llO Barbados DANISH modern couch $20. 2 1 ~f=ort=ab_l~•=l~I0_._54=1).8638~--·~~ I • medical clinic. !\lust have l'ange parlil'!s, trlps, iithletic agine -T-shirl.s for th~ Sat. 0111,y. 10AM·4P?t1, helmet $2.50. Eldon tow BUTANE 4-burner stove, Pl .. Costa !\:Iesn. ~5-29&8 chairs $5 each. TV $20. CRJB $10. Playpen $15. 11 n1 ... 30 p n1 lio' ! ·1 Child tru k M 50 "Sea View set 8 oven, broiler 181 ~:· $15. \Vall 1VALNUT CoHcc 1able S2i · s ii 115 T • •-• car. a. · -'" · .. eVl'!l\Ls. ArLernoons aJid even-w .e am1 y. rens toys, s hoes, c .,..., • . . · heater 141~., x 24'. $l:i, 48,, Child's ,;kis and poles $2. 2 tro er · wo ~··wer ~fon. ll11'\l 1''1i. $1.s:i ~r hr. ings 3 or 4 days a ,veek. LESSONS· Moni afternoon clothes, misc. hsehold piCCC!i; $3. Plastic crochet lligh chair S3. Car seat $3. cages $1 each. Shelves $7. clwsts ~ Potty chair $1. + gas & Jrlnge t>eneJiti>. Good i;alaiy. Phone 846-5101 & ..... · • ' items, Knick-Knacks. Lot.s set $2. Eich a Sketch $1. couch. storagC' $lO. Ex· Baby gate $2. B o t t le BC!nches $20. Boat cushions 1 =54~8-J020===~~-~=~ 5'19--0386 for appt. Betii·een 5 and 6 P.l\T. ~~s. of \Vonderlul Junk. Bird cage and stand $2. Cellenl condition. 536-294.G stel'ilizcr $2. Va cu u n1 $L Life belt $1. Ladies BED SP RE Ao, titled,. PART Tli\lE SALES GIRLS Sysle1n I-'urn. lnslaller 724 E. Katclla, Orange , LIDO ISLE GARAGE SALE Admlr~ radio-record ~layer 1 SMALL deluxe \viglet <lal'k l~lesncr. E:u1't.'kil SJ. Blue clothes :siie 8 $2 • $5. quilted. red ~ilk., new, cost & OFFICE HELP needed 8, h d 12• bo 1 SlO. Diva bed and chair $20. brown $3. 1 \Vorld globe i;inglf" lJC!rl dui;I ruUle $2. 557-!Xi\6 •• 5 11 ~ 540 ~~ for the month of December. Lead ing ~i;tem furniture 63~2842 112.bot~ ;it. Seagullru,••,.,~ •. • 1735 Pomona, C.M. revolws on staod 12 '' 642-7:«i() '" ' se .,..... ~ ~!01-e requires n1an to install '#>" dia.ml'!ler, new $5. 1 electric PORTABLE 1netal showel\ AUSTRAUAN, Eng l Is b App ly in person l.a\vso1i's turn. in customen; honie. The Newport 1vasher, dryers, much more. BRAIDED Wool rugs $25, BO\VLING Bull and bag $5. concrete base $12.50. $100 .,.._ h J i N 65 tluntingion •26 I'" n o 511 110 and" Tools vibrator and massager $25. · newspapen --.; eac , ewe ers, o. Position requires: School Of Buso'noss Sat &: Sun . .,. Via Lido ~ ..,..... • .,.,. i\lix1nastcr $j. Smm n1ov1e ty·rv>Wri1'er ~25. Sm a 11 ~" a:Nl C H B ·~ n Lam 11 118 12 orchid crystal snack sets r -·· · ~ ~ enter. . . e stro11g, hard y,•orkci· Nord NB .-.-..... ps -• proj~ctor $15. ~I ere ur Y reft•=ralor $7.50. Olvan I;,===~--,..,.--,--~==~~~~-~-I G ·~en toot and •lanle<S 50c set. l pair alu1nl11un1 b i <e.~ LUGGAGE, assorted ... 1-s Pl-IOTO COLORIST to \\Wk e Exp'd with handtools Features weekly refresher :::CA. RAGE Salo. Re1ri' g, am 5 .. caml'!ra $20. D ou e and chair S5 each. 4n.1990 '"'" .... '"-15c o'-•-g1~~~ .. s kit crutches, adjuslahle $10. 1 .. , h. S5 each. 54&-4917 at home. JACK BARCUS •Neat appcaraix.-e courses in the skills .you dryer. picnic table, work ...... -• UNf<:S, ~' • man's blacksultslze42$10. bed s~re u d s .yt eac _ 'ELECTRICslot car seland2 STUDIOS. 64&-7484 •Ability to work irregular need to get the job you bench, bikes, trikes, other cben ware 5c-15c. Books, 1 man's gray suit size 42 Cerant~c 1':;1'1P 3~· PhOto ears, Revell l/24 scale, $25. 24:• BIKE. Engliah m~ PUBLIC RELATIONS hours want! ml11e. ·19191 Potcmac Ln HB ~· -~ctuJ"CJ• lONl l. $10. 1 man's sport jacket lamp s~.50. 548-0 ,,., Surf wet suit, medium size, Raleigh. Top conditlol) $20 . Co. paid health insu1'8.nce & ......, "'715 1..W~, ......,..s,_ ewe ry, GE rt bl 673-0512 • ,\.ttractive, w el l groomed ther be fits ..:.,1,, ... , $500 0,. Do ~ bagt and b&Bkelll 50c-$25. size 41 SlS. l pair men's LIKE N~w po a _e ~19.,_SY.!llhctic ash brown, ; young lady between 21 & 4a 0 ne " .,,.,,._., · o.;ov ver DI'., N.B. 1747 E: OCEAN mvd Balboa. Rotobroll ..,.,,_ Eltttric clock slacks, size 3G $3. 1 pink stereo $2:.>. RCA clock radio 18" f.all, $8. Brow·n \\'ig, BLONDE wig $25. 171 E. · 642-9742. 642-3870 -h'" hOrt f l $-"'5--0lS.l hu ha' d' l th 19th S! CM 646-4089 .!:; f')?' public relations & assist.1 --=~------Rattan tum. rehig. lamps, $3.Electrlc se;issors $-1.50. c 1uon s orma or ~ . .,.. man er. me 1um eng • 1 ===·=·-·-~~~-~ ant 10 the president. Must TEU.ER -Note &: Collec· MERCHANDISE FOR glassware, books, dishes, Brownie flash cam e r a cocktail dress, size l-8 $10 .1 '!hi Valiant $2:l. ~S-444:-1 $25. 8:,:'!><05:-;," ~·='~~~== BUILT-IN. oven $20. .Built-in :·.· ,".:.v""ei'"•'num~~t""en,,·v&_. fttt'y•rh"I tton0. caun~~r. -Newport SALE AND TRADE other hshld. items. fh. $5. Christmas ornaments v.·hl te cocktail dress size 7-8 .~7 Lincoln, as is, $15. SCR'AM-LET·s stoVe $15. Open rotisaetje, ... ~ .. Na onal J:NU<lh lllr. Carter, ~715 iac-•". Rod,, reel, tackle box $10. 1 while imitation fox s n1okeless a nd spat· ,, 642-:llll ~ i 518-44·18 ' . cruises to Acapulc:o. British Furniture IOOO.. 2 DESKS $2$ each. Boy's 3 lOc-$18. }.1onterey s.tyle bed cape SlO. 1 back nylon LARGE Uphols tf"['('(I chair trcless, half price, u sed !· Jfonduras,Jama!ea&C&ri~ TELEPl[O~E. 3.1l.S\l."erlngi;el"· • ' . • •. b'~.···lorafld new ·~"'. $10. Four. "".."'wer chest$J5. organu cocktail dre~s size 7Xl0 ANSWERS (wice no. Surfboard sz . •• 1 & .. · 1 -·.~ -""'~ '1" ...., 't"-.. and bo $10. Corre tables:.. &IG---·54· ·-54-2100 \ ~:ia:; :0'%5t~ o~1·:,,~ ~~ 1~~~ ~:,:. 'G;a~~. ~~14~0 «·k· SACRIFICE SAL£! ~~ci~~~~ Clubhouse ~:in=iz~:n~~. 353 E~ ~!~ke~, ~:·~o.'"~~~~·11 d~;;:'.~ DOUBLE Bed $10. Box Kindly _ Nu inba>r -Indict CR~~ld ~ bedd~ it4. fincsl n1ost luxuriows yacht:; TELEPHONE A · 21st C ~f dress pants siie 3~ $10. spl'ing and mattrcs.'i $2j. -In most - Gender -Justly 518-2575 '"• on the West ::oost. Salary . DS\\'er~ng SLEEPER SOFA,' bC!autifuJ. 515 FERNLEAF Ave., c.d~f. " ' · · Dress shirt and cwnbc1'band PluJ'IK'll SlO. Samson 11 e '_ 1·r·s 11,, J"R'·'S ·==--------1 • Scrv1l'C , E,?'P <l pref. ly quilted, custom welled. Fri. & Sat. OUice turn. 5 di-awer vanity Bn'dseye c.. "' USED gas dryer, running : open. CHALLENGJNr. OP-Call MG-20->2 Yo''' ,00,._ ol --•ors. \v;Jmen'!I clothes, bds, chest Maple 42" diameter n\ln"Or Cree. 962-j()31 folding chairs $2 each. The elevator ope1·ator \l'as condition $15. 642--0840 ': PORTUNlTYI 6~5-1571 day '"" o,.v.i 2" BBQ •• ~ &4° 0 '0 0 • f · 1 or evcnin••. VARITYPER or lBi\I Cont-Reg. -~Clt ...... Now $2G9 of drwers. Misc. Items. $25. Blg Bov d"' 1 ~·~,. CORVAIR parts: n1 a o y ~ llrt'd o the same old chchc. POWER saw Sll. Book racK • 1 p 1 t' KING . habi VING Co 11 1vlth spit ., mo or. miscellaneous $3 • $20. Hon-J\1(Yr0RCYCLCLE Helmet. The passenger began: "Say, ll.=. Jui·-r ll5.· AM·FM •. i poser opc?ra or. ar 1me. .111ze \Yt1s e velvet LEA untry. ~tllst se. ~~·tm••' 1,,,, ai"m>'nun> ~ •< '-RESTAURANT A I aspects E . '"''u"' .... .. da custo11 handl4'!bars $3. hardly \\"Orn, medium size cuHe, YoU sure have your •"" of ttstaul'ant 1vo1·k fur n 5.-;;:c~nce 11 cc es s <tr Y' <"ruiemblle, hdbd, sprd, bl'!ncb, all Items. Furn, beds, 11••,t $2 50 Rotcrbroil rotisserie Stock 450 Honda pipes $12. $15. Car rack fo1· niotorcycle ups and downs, don·1 you?" radio _.. Garbage disposal swinging new night t"lub. 333 I ---,=-,,====---I cust quited. Color. choice. equip, etc. Sat, Sun l0-4. $5: Venetian blinds, 21 ~ x Reverberator for car radle $20. Tire chains $1 0. She quipped, "It's not the $IO. l&IO Ne~rt Bl\1i. No. Bayside Or., Ne'>''JKlrl. }'ar W Al TRESS Reg. $330 • ·····".Now $269.SO Jasmine Ave., CdM &75-0070 44, 63 x 51, 33 x 60, (2l 41 x $10, Chev 4 'vhcel drive 548-6896 ups and downs that· bother 1 -"=· ==~---- " 'e•t <'n--'""s E•peri'~n· ,-..1 FULL size ensemble\ llOltroU, kOCi maple desk -chest 57, 11.~ each. Good con· front I-king hub 1w. Draw nl" IT'S th JERK-,._," ELECTRIC guitar, two """' v...... ,. "' vu cust quilted headbd pre d ~ "'" CERAMICS 5c-$l. Women's -. e T • • 3 . a • $55., pr. quilted chairs $55 dition. 962-7653 tile hitch 61Mi7 Chev. $10. -pickups $2.1. Bicycle, clrl's RESTAURANT, male, ov 18 bench One o••··l A·-ado ~ d k clothing. size 14 to 18, \VASHER $25 TV, as is $25. 5 -• SH•-.. •"•ie, ,,. • ''Y ....... • ea. Divan ....,, Exec. es $5 Ne1v set ot red seatbelts e-·--~'6 • ...,. •J evt'S. Female, 11·2 doyi;, Apply In person Reg. $269.5() •••• Now $179.50 SGS & other Items. 546-l7l3 BRO I LER-Toaste.r · coinplete $5. lla.zard Dasher 10c-$1. Boys. slie 10, lOc to gal aquariun1 \l'ilh ac· t.-ellent condition $25. 214.~ F alREI. EZE2 , P 2966 M 8. Tn·.A,10Si,TC~IE SURF & SIRLOIN e Mat~s & Bo.'t Springs e GARAGE Salo Fri & Sat 1629 Hoovh er .~a1cu10umLa W>!hll :~· iits all cars $1. 3 speed shift $2. \Veil made old 1vardrobe cessories $5. Bowling ball. Iris Pl. Costa Mesa " 5930 Pac. Cit. Hwy. King Set $99.!Q Queen $89.95 tac men.... · '!'PS ~· chest of dra\vers, need ladies $5. Baby <Ires.sing =--=-=---- .RESERVATIONS CLER!\. New rt Beach FUil Set $54.95 Twin $44.95 White p Oak, Mesa Verde Hi-fi $25. Clothlng, s17:e linkage $.5. '66 Chevelle 283 rcfinishing -$2.i Garden cart table \vith bath $.i Hamster 6'l" LAMINATED· skis with FULL &: PART Tl~1E. po FREE 12 lb Turkey or 5 lb 54~2455. No junk 12-14, $2--$3. Folding chair e.-.:haust mani~ld s;1. St~-$1.50. Toys 5c-$1. Excellent Cage $2. Portable air cooler Tyrolia safety bindings$)'.!, '9At1-5PM. $2 J1R. Reply \\lb.A '1T ER ..::.~A~ sfb o Y Com· Canned Ham wilh min. pur. A II 1100 $3. Breakfast set. tablc"t ~ •,.•,_"91~:·ardHBro type . condition. G.T. Joe set $1. lo $20. Basketball hoop $3. Dog Like new Edelweiss sld Box 516~1. Daily Pilot. ~~a .ion "'-""'-'= or new e:C-chase of $89. pp inc• chairs $25. Chests $20. u·, .,.., $5. Books 5c-10c. l\laga7.incs basket $2. 545-4028 pants, boy's 28S SS. Strolz e1t111g Restaurant. .Apply in SIESTA SLEEP SHOP $18 chair $25. Otroman $10. Bath AURORA HO scale road l c-5c: 8·16-3818 for 'direction, l\10VING. Lamp. teak base, boots, 8~~. $5. Other pairs See Betty BrtH'e at mijj Cxec .!-Agency for Career Girls c:i 410 \V Coast it1vy .. N.B. ~ By appoint. 6·16-g!Y'..9 person. 333 Bayside Dr.. Retrigei'B.tors ····from · scale 12. 1'.tarble and brass race. J\oiany accessories, in· HB skis and gea r SOc • $4. N B GE Portable Co1-TV orange shade $9. Portable " ~~= ' · "'• · table $12. l\'lak.e-up. mirror eluding 10 cars and 15 fl 54C>-OJ\I,, WIG STYLIST 1927 l{arbor Blvd Costa l\lesa like nu ••· •••• ·• ·• ··••• $l4S with lights $3. Telephone 1rack. t1ounted on castered LU<E New portlib!r O!'g1ln GE ~tt'rt'o phono $Z:>. GE 'G=~s~~,~,,.~. ~~-~~ • 64:>?~60 • Frigidaire elec dryer $59.95 1 1.194 Sa la A bo ~ ,. S:20. Crih SlO. ~1attress $2. s1ea.m and dry iron, near IRL' bike $ l 5 · Apply In pt1'SOn _i GE 2 Dr Refrig ··•·••·• $98 cnbilll'!t $ , n na~ plywood a•u that its ne\v S9 GE tank vacutrrn Naugahyde couch, 7' $25. Prl'sonnel Orfltc Daily 10.9 Sat lfl..6 Sun 12·;i \Vhirlpooi auto · washtr $50 rear. CJlil. under bed $20. 2tl65 S\van ~~t1yN~~ts !~in~ron~~ri~~ "·Hh allat'hmen!s and new 833--0137 afler6 Pi\I J. W. ROBINSON ?i11USf sacrilico complete GE washer/dryer .•.• $100 LAD1ES Scbv.1nn bicycle, Dr., C.l\I. M;>.1863 caseset S'24. Sinall v.·edding hose $8. Schick hair dryer EL PAIPO knee machlne, Fashion Jsland, N.B. 1ouSC!lul of Medltl'!rranean DUNLAP'S gears, hand brak.!!S, custoin ·SILVERPLATE, 16 piece d N 30 s:i. Elecu·ic skillrt $:l. Elcc-red tint, fin box need11 E I · I f r f l t 2 dress S'24. Sun r1y, ov, , qua opportun11y t'm P oyer u n: so a, ove sea, coin· 1815 Newport Blvd c at made seat, basket, perfect service for four, never used, 3-6 only. 5'11-2150 tric fan S2. \Vine rack $1. repair $10. Kodak 1.ru! r Sales WOMEN & GIRLS mode lamp tables, collee 541-7711 ., · · condition $25. 962--0841 2 sets S2:l each. Noon to 4 Child's red \~·agon $2 . movie camera, super and ~, ESCROW table, lamps, color TV, din . •.. CONVERTIBLE . boy's or PM. 645-0'.16.l 8 Ft. pool table with ;ic. Toaster $1. 3130 Limerick excellent SlO. Call Craig !: OFFICER Pleasant t~lephone 1v or k set. relrig, stereo, king size 14 CUB. ft. Westinghouse girl's 16., bic:Ycle with DRESSES, Size 22~i $3 _ $4. cl'!ssorles $25. 371 Esther, Lane, C.i\f. 54g..1o;;2 646-6715 ~ fromouroUice, no exp. nee. bdrm set. Queen bdrm ~t. refrie~rator w/bottom frzr training wheels ·$12. Small Good condition. Sat-Sun. Costa Mesa TYPE\VRITER $25. SALAD set, toaster, can- t Outstanding opporlunity for Full or.-part time, S2 10 $5 fl size bednn set, swag $145. Kenmore elect. dryer sit-in \Vonder Horse $3. Noon to 4 PM. 645-0065 VENDING nl a ch i n es in· Emerson stereo r ecord delabra, cookwares $5 each. , d k! , u· per hr. 230 W. \Varnt'r, Suite lamp, pictures, washer & $15, Jronrlte Ironer $'15. All .. A ....... beglnn;,, ... developing eludes stand and supply of exp' . sa s escrow (I 1cer 205. S.A. dryer. Misc. 894-M'lS gd ocmd. Sac. Pvt p"·/ =,,,- 1 •10, '3" -TV~ for pa"• M ER c Ru I s ER Marine hot ••d -Id bevera..,..s 125 player $20. Maple chairs f12 ]'723 Plaza del Sur, Balboa to work in our new Mission °'""=~""'--~,..,,,-·I~====,-=-.,-,,-~ " 1 ho 1 ·-• 110 ... , '"u .. ~ each. Maple and ta"bles S7 Peninsula · 'WOMEN f"'l t · FURNITURE -·--• fro 962-6345 ac me er. never u...:u · each. Tn """'flt condition. "'==,.,.-,.--,-~~=I Viejo,Savings&.Loanothce. . "'or par time ....... """ m and pictutt: tube $5. Girl's Blackstone automati c ~·~ each. Ladder_ 10', $8 . :r\tAPLEtelephonebench S2S. Mwt be capable of handling needed immed. for: Child display stud!O!, mode I O'KEEFE & MERRMT gas bicycle lr&me $1. 40 and 10 washer in excellent co~ Call 5-18-3159 to see them Portable tran~1slor recm-d Round maple drop leaf table aales e.scro'>''S for convent ion-Care, Aides or Companions. homes, decornton cnncclla· stove, excellent $60. G.E. gallon flab tanks, needs re-(ask. for Mike). pta;er $10. Shovels, hoc: $25. 4 chairs S20. Twin box al loans, Xlnt working cond. ~('_S 21 to 65. 642-3274 tion. Spanish & ?.tedltclT8Jl· nice,· good cond. $50. cementing, SIO and $3. ditlon $20. 847-8115 BABY carrier tanden1 bicy· $1.::il> each .• Hon~r portable springs and mattre&s m. & oppot·tunity Jor growth. We Sit Better, Inc. can e!c. Coldspot re.frig. med. size Silent Gianl pumps $5. ANTIQUE Copper \Vas h clc sl'!at $4. custom stereo .o~an $25. ~lcc!nc train set Ca P 1a 1 n · s chair $l5. Conlact South Coast Agcincy RD FURNITURE $40. 2114 Continental, Crtt 545-5978 boiler $15. Cradle and stand t'arphones $28 new, sell for $25. Electric rootball and Formica top colfee table, 00\Y.NEY SAV1NGS ,t . )"'' N Bl d CM KENf\10RE Auto washer. 2 SKI boots; \\'01nen's buckle $20. !\Tesh playpen $ 4 . $10. !"~77·1 hockey J;1tn1es $11 r>ac_h.Othcr blonde. M<l pair matching Lf)''N ASSOCIATION School•lnstruct•1on 7600 _, ewpart Y •• ....i Portable 1"""\\Tiler 11.;.o. · 11 earl• ""•'b d II< _ every night 'til 9 s.,.., 3 cycle. xlnt cond. $45. size 6 $12. 642-3717 Jo'ireplat.<e ~[$2_50, 4 s·~ 2 BEAUT IFUL h ang ing ganies · · °" ie 0 ~. e.nd table!! $10 each. 3 837-491.1 5'16-8672 or 847""8115 """''" lamps one srnoko glass one holl,SC! and wardrobe iw. folding uphols!P.red metal JOlN Tl1E FlF.l.D \\"l"rf., SaL & Sun. 'Iii 6 SOLEX bike. over 200 milers trans, Hilhnan SJ7. Tire and • ' 673-2402 .. ~;:;~,\ $::ld~1'C!CkN: \l'i£ \VITll A FUTURE! 3 ROOMS..of SPANISH ELECTRIC Stove -per gallon $2;;. Solex motor 11·hel'-I ~'1. Car radio, ::::i~:i.,, $~~. ~~:st:r ~a:;~l co~""C,.,~=~~--chairs $5 each. Portable TV 1 • .\gci/edlication 110 tw.rl'i~r! • 8 Dl . + Frigidaire, pink. $2S. $2:i. 1)73...9282 Saturday and l\Tolol'ola SS Excr cyr l e SflNGRAY n6.50. 3 speed and stand $25. Pair early I' salespersons. pol c n t In I : .. 1 U• help you quSIUy. ' van Love scat 54o-5U3 S•nd Y 1' 1 "' 0 ' 1: Slsxi· 50c. 646-2389 bike $18.50. 54tH>207 Americnn lamps $15 each. 1; · d ,. It i\of "' • 5 Plec:c dining 1w111 set a .JV. ~ s110\v ires, · ;i, • Un ?' m I I e · ... a 1 rs. IN.i\ KEEPERS 'JN STITUTE ••••• S'" " ••o ,967 Al\IERICAi'l tlyC!r eleetrcc BEIGE Arca l'ug, 9 x !l, si;), Large while n a !l. & ah Yd e • Robinson 842-4 l<l!l INTERNATIONAL • 5 Piece ~droo1n set •••• ENGLANDER dou~lc n~~· $1. "'s ..., . ......,... . t~ln set $20. Loco~otivts ::! pair beige drapes, 36 x 54 recliner chair $T.i. ?-.laple SALESMAN NEEDED ?-.1otel/Ho!el/ APl J\1gn1t Sehl FULL. · RICE $388 tress $~O. Box springs ..,, .. NET Tulle drapes, 6 full $7 50 • $10 K\V 2 •rain $15. Sewing machine $2:-i. cheat $20. Large maple JAN l.sl A DIVISION OF Use our stol'c charge plan! N DI IME~L_'_NE$ , 10 Blue ,Chlp books 1122.550 bolts, 2 pale blul'!, 4 white tr~nsforrne~ \vilh whistle Car vacuum $5. Indoor bookcase $25. Pair maple Sl;Jesman for New Atlbnlic ANTHONY SCHOO.'.S Appro•ed Furniture O fem VY•r• 25 each. Dmette set · $'1.50 each. Sat1n streamers trol Sll Tr k JOc ch k 1 · 9'' $2 step tables $17.50 each. Pair Richfield Service Sla tion on 1n1 s. BROOKHURt'T 21:i9 Harbor, Cl.f 548-9660 673-91-11 400 ft $5. 40 butterfly bows ~record ' 2r ac $l ~ · t~~ ~'. ~~k · f~~I: maple nightstands SJ), 5- Harbor Blvd. at San Die~ ANAHEIM, CAUFORNIA DON'T GIVE UPI ••••••••• 21" RCA TV Table model of satin and tulle, l9c each. snack set ~ 1: .$1. Qui!~ size lfl, 'Wm once $25. drawer White chest $15. • Freeway. Full,. p/ume, -11 Classes fonn every "'eek You may find It at America's BEDSPREADS $5 China $2.5. 18" Portable TV work! 545-6795 green double bedspread S2. 54i>-5302 548-8611 craveyard Posil. Av au/. PHONE FOR APPf. largest, most unusual un-673-6924 • $lO. $25. Webcor record ·player 2 x 4'a • 16 It Jong, 11.r Sl.75 \Valnut student desk $10. 0-IAIR, Bam>:I s h 8 perl ,1 =P7A=m,-,l~.,-n~pl~•-d7u7b7b~l.,..-~tro"""m fi I ' • .. .. ~ t• •• •' •• "' •• ,. ' • " . ' • • ., PtJone 6'B-3344 a1ter 6 PM Ask for Betty 176-5800 finished furniture store. Q,r $10. 3 clock radi0t $3 • Sf!. 3 -each. 2 X 6's, 18 n long, flr 962-9824 brown ovel'SluHed Thailand $5. Aubum wig, ,;: Redhill & Sani. Ana -Fwy:~~ Swine trame $4. haird~:~-~A2=j $2.75 each. Redwood grape BLACK CO\vhide night bag 540-8638 $lO . front hand tied $1 5 . Jo.. Min. Wom. 7100 n, Wom. 7100 Tustin. 1 ml So. of Newport radiOs "' eiu.:ir. stakes, 2" wide, 6 tt long s25. Nnvy blue iippe.r ba.g DRM'ES, 36,. long x 110., Japanese dressing table S20. Fwy, Open 362 days per yr. LARGE Chflee tabie, eoll~ player $8. 6 electric clocks and 20 to a bundle $3.50 per $.5. Ole' fashioned l'fooble 3-way matching minor $20. * PERSONNEL"'-* GENERAL AUTOMATION ha• an opening In its Perso11nel Depart· ment, repor(ing directly to the Employment Supervisor. ' lnftlal duties \rill Involve screening.appli- cants, ·typing correspondence. handling tele- phone lnqujries and tnaking travel arrange· menls. Secretarial skills, including sbori- hand would be helpful. Tb.I• is an bceUent opportunity v.·ith "a growini company. Apply m person. G~~~~~sr~!~~!.A]ON ·An Eqw!l Opportunity Employer • 5'1+5470 mahogany, a aood buy to $1 • $4. Floor poltsher $6. 2 bundle. 5485034 fold in \Vall bed $25. Double widt>, beige matertat in· 673-9228 retint"1 ~• Bta-"-pi .. .._ bathroom scales $1 -· $2. SfUDENT Violin and ca~" eludes rod $10. 5ro-863S 1 ,,,-=:-.,--.,.-~~~ I LARGE dresser $20. Double ..,...., .... ui'C .....,.. If i ., 4 TV .... mattress for "''all bed $10. J. 'SO CAD front end $25, scrttn $10, 833--3220 Trave ng su tease ...,, -., VI 1 --~ fro C fl ' · 6 2 FORMAL. Blue, Door length, E · M • ~-· fuio bed $'25. Black A while rrv stands $2 _ $5. 3910~i Chan--c or ·~.._ .. us m . igg1ns snow ~i.~ ' " ngu~ _.. ••11.111'1m n $<10. Brown davenport $25. SOLID Hardwood trundle ncl PL NB G73--l603 19()(1.1910 tre. $.') e tt ch bright red nnd like rtt.'\\', us· size 12. Includes dyed ' to $25. Rt'st of car $10. •51 54o-Q285 bed.I With attached chests, 646-:>&&2. c..'CI lwicc $2.5. Ski polci;, l"l'd match heels $10. ,?-10-8638 Chevy. 4 door • wagon for LARGE table &: 6 1nalcblng chairs. \V ood·gralned forn1IC11. Good cond. Seatl 8 $60. 8l3oJ22) 2 NEW len1on ye llow upholstered living r oom chahii, xlnt buy. 5314393 93'' loll& $20 each unit. HOLLYWOOD lw\n bed COlll· BI.ACK And Dl.'ckt>r floor ha.ndl~s $.). Aplll'lmcnt ~i:ro TRi\IN Sci, complete $7.50 parts $1 -$.1. Excellent ~ a ntcnOA. gOod con-plete $15. Danish modern 11 •-•• C E .. M .rnnitt good condition titotor airplaM $3.50. Barbie .sl\l\J)CI Blond wfr. made' In ha] nd f no '"'hions po !h...,r .,., . . gt('an1 e ditiou $4. Assorted lengths C r a "so"· Iron, top Ulapf! $2. Ostcrlici· $15. Apartme.nt 11lte S<"rvel Doll case SJ , Life size Patty ~ $7.;JI). 47 Playboys galvanized pipe and fil'i"'"' ~-1-30 Un llnt .• s h ed bl nd rl-, 2 I refr\i:('1'11 tor St:i. 536-iQ.~ pJnv IXtl doll $5. Boy's ZI $6. Spanish civil wa r .... ,. .. book ·~ 1-24 un c er, . i..,m , i1pce1 """ • 2.:ic4.1. 494-69:>3 cue ""' , · base $2. Evenflo stcrillier, DARK \Vnlnut "'l!h li1::ht inch bike $.'!. CHrl'11 lftnall b;ayonct $.'). 22 Caliber . finished bookca.se $4, Drop -Schwinn bike S:i. children's Mossbe"" tubuta~ted belt DANlSl:I f..lod~ &ectional lh.f chrome al'ld enamel tea Jntl'st model SI. 811.r·Jxi~ \\'1tlnut hil /\ld dlne11r 1alile .,.,.....r backs ttnd Bobbsey action ~th mlli fi'ame $25 each. 9' slllibrd with CAtt •s 6T5-S258 111otor $1 . Curtain and 631; in With ICrlf, no n1nr. ,~ double wrack $25. Early -. draper rod!!, -a1so rt ~<l Exccllcn1 condi1ion $2 5. ~~~~books 25c cac ~. and !iides. Very accur1tC1 SPANlSH & SOtne misc tum, American 19 .. T.V, cabinet l3 HEAVY .duty '\\'Mlerprool loJJgths, $2·SJ, 6 man C'J't'I-Chlllni SS e11.dl. New tire U'fO"">JO<l" SZ>. Cash only, 4!H-1891 spring & mattress. cofiff $15 6U-6236 90' Hahl atrirwa Jl2, For CAr quel set. compll'te $5. rliuin1' to tit 6.70 x 13. 1.00 x GOLD Plallo!'n'I TOCkcrs sia.1 =·~'~1"'=5~P~'~',.,..-,,..,,..,..=­ ,,c IA::b:;l•:;·,;•c;fc:.·,;C::;•ll::.:Sj;..::"_1:.::i:l;;l:__ 1 SE~RS , Table saw, ~i HP :.4.~ u":~ 16' Plutic aaddle polty ~at $1. 14, 6.00 x J6. $10 , Ahn0!!1 lee d'UShftl° $1. 4 lllloe 20 ORJGINAL oU ptJnttnp, BR.AND new Fr, Prov. & pc motor, $tan d; and extra ..,. lnfantseal $1. KICl"s Kenl'll'r new movie &en'Cn And llaht toe.Ster $3.50. Nine yards for We, SS· $25. Larse-and bc:drm get /or '$Ille:. Cost bladtt $2(). Medicine chest, n.ABY · chnt $2$. .Chrome lee-cream maker, complete hill'. both for $15. Large rue heavy ipttn u I' ho I a t•ry 1mflll. many diOettnt nl> $900. wlll 11.crilict. ·su.su2 rntrTOI' door $5. Federal dinette set $15. 961-3619 $2. uripcr Bay arc a . t'rib rr·u1UNn s;,. Ad1niral fabric $'.lS. Coffee prrolal.Or jeft11. S.turdQ and Siiftda.y rnin'or '5.,_ ChtndeUer. with un lB. barbell..(fumbbell M?.I Nt\\iiort Beach, 5'JS..~l00. 23" TV, nccd1 tube $20. hol:le!la set $10. ~2 SIJ4792 EARLY Amer. Chair $25. 3 pc. Dlneue: St:l SZ. Very ad "°""· ~m1. Cl')'stal droi-ST.50. Electric $15. 11" ·hult ol Beetho\!en GUITAR $8. S w I ns:e r 495-fl4.i0 CRIB At11l mattn.-ss $10. GAS Ral'C'f. apt size $U ptrc:olalor$5. ~ C.M. $3, 536--JMG f.tolaroid S'S.SO. 6T;K>t03 6' BLUE SOf'A $2.i.. !R-.'lmt !WM8Cl Onn. Ml-33S2 -~·------.,..--.....,..--------------~------------------------• • . " • I • • I I 'I l i I , J . 11\lll~ISI P0tt MllCHANDISE FDR l:ll.I AND ,TllADI SALE ~ TllADE , FREE TO :YOU TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORT~'tlOH Tl!ANSp()R~ATIDN TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION DAil V PILQT f;l fRANSPORTATIOlii ; . • • 111111 I>ESE:RTE:D at J>o1rdtnal9lll Oris a.ft! ir%'. All ..._ lln" J~ · =i:•IW , ' • -& YMhls ' 90llG Molllle lt!!i• ... ~.1'211!1 ~torsC.,..n ,93l0 Trucks 9500 C1mporo 9520 Dun1 Bu99l11 95~ ~~ ~ .0.. Ml.C.11-uo HOO k<nnel: 1-(y, 1oneJY • al· Glaas. Twin-I§' HP .... ,, •SAi.' ~· esu per~!!." old, Ira 'l>l-1---------le pel& No. l ·WiliP-FlyJlrldp, Head &-Galley, e....-.....t_ '65 ALLSTATE Scooter, 50cc, ~ & wl.te, ~ Urea. Xln't C.nd. $90: 54~. 'rn.:....-,.0141, 847~ POOLITABLF.$ pet, srruill. & gracellll wtalte $8600. Call 646-1353 ~. ~ ELECTRIC stove .. SeairdPool male, vey \!fee. No. 2 36' x 9'9" NE\'/ ttfel hull TRAILl_,R ·~LES Auto S...Vlci1· ~. pink $25. BRUNSWit."K-AMF' LarJe min. poodle, 'ollt1'Y motor sailer: . Price $1600. Hli\uy fronv-, .'~Iii '~ ' & P•rfl· 9400 541)..51U · ·ewi~ Slate Table outgoing & friendl.y. No. 3 See at Pqe,.R.t!'nWr, Mira ..... ,,.,. ·lft -I" Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim FrOm $289 Lovely wbito ahqrt ' balnd Loma. 685-4SitJ6 . WE &BR\IJCE • SMitfnt 1Mlchlnea· 1120 100% P'lilancing cat, lovin& nature. U you · -WHAT WE SEU.r · . * SECARD POOLS * need a companion pJs call SillbMta • 9010 324 So: Harbor, ¥ta Ant. 1969 SINGER w/beaut wal 532-1992 54&..o38T 11-29 1 Blck So. o1 Bolsa 531°1066 . COl180le le zia-zar. Makel 32.1 S. f\Iain St. Orange 4 ABANDONED kittens, A ' •ay HARBOD button holes, overcasts. 5 8"' ..., POOL buU & white male, black & Mobflt Home Sale~ Y•ar goar, F1111 price $38.2' whil• lomal•, mald>ed pair ·*"'"¥•ii' &we• A.. Lo • ·" • or $5.26'mo. S26-661S ,"""J."" ~ ~~~.,.., --~ ma n.uu • A.,was • o( calico tig .. r females. \Ve CORONAD Sl··ra•-n "-H lie Mutlc1l ln1t. 1125 TABLES ~special ho~t~ . 0 K!'t" ~~sf! . SHER.wooo Amplifier "160 Christmas Special im up. BEAlITIFUL Long haired Chrlstinas Now ON' DISPLAY Watt " FM '""'' for •= CHUCK'S · ~--twhite female kitten. 1425 Baker SI., Costa Mesa Fend~ Bandmaster :;;: 2750 Harbor at Adams, CM v~~ sweet & lovable, to ''Gift Pack'' ~· block East ot Harbor Blvd. 1125 Victoria, 01 548..s.;so $225. Like New. Gibson kind home. 673-9123 or Collta Mesa Cn4> 540-9'70 18361 Bea~ m'{d, HB MT--0991 * AUCTION * 12 2 Orr ' * OPEN 1 DAYS * "330" Eloctric oollow body 615-!338 1 er M. Inf Bik11 92'75' . . . euitar wfcasc, i 250 . U you will sell or buy PUPPIES, two. 8 weeks old. BEAOI ,Au.to .su_pply Wholeule LONG BED 1970 G.M.C. CS1SOO Piclrup. Ser. # 22523(0 $1695 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBl.LE 2850 Harbor mvd. O>ata Mesa 540-9640 J1tp1 . I 9510 1961 CJ5 Jeep in xlrit r;bape, n1any >:tras Incl. RanlBCy winch Jt.aij, lJ8..03!il afte1· 5 or 646-3011 bet 5 (2) ~RE '65 Kaiser jeeps, 4xf, diesel powered camp. ers. Eves, (71fl 962-8611 Campers 9520 'J'l CHEVROLET PIV, < '· tpd, 6 cyL is9$. 8' cabover '6'1 Mans type dline. buazy b! Open Roe.d Camper $695. Or xtot concl, maga, wl.dli! ov~ltt bolh for $1195. 222 w. air lilts. radio, 1500 ..-; Wison, C.M. MS-0343 i1sso or best ofier. Cl)b 548--1626 ·~: !lun1 Bu99l11 9S25 1956 vw °""" Buggy ll'll· '67VW "SANDWINDER" =-~Placentia, c,11(, DUNE BUGGY, jtu1t 12,671 ml! Spe.rkllng caterpillar )'<!llow. embolllshod in lla•h-AUSTIN AMERIC.\ ing chrome, plush-cu.st buck· et vinyl &eats, husky chl'Ome --------- roll ba,, "'" boily pan, AUSTIN AMERICA ·wide~ rims etc. ONLY $1395 I t.IARQOIS 'MOTORS 900 S. Cst HwY, Laguna Bch 494-~ • 54().3100 MEYERS TO\V'D, '6'1 com· ponents, f.lake oiler over moo. 613-4491 Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery All 1.todela j~rtup on 31111 10\I c, ~·lit 5 P~r. give Windy a try · Cross ot Sheltie and poodle ELECI'RIC GWtar Del Auctions Friday 1:30 p.m.. do\\·n the street. Lovable CHEVY 30~, forged F.I. 9' CAMPER. •54 Fofd. H.D. '65 CORVAIR powered 3100W.CoutHwy.,N.B. Rey. Ptrteef Cond. $65. Windy's Auction 81rn short haired pups free to Call" 962-0741 207S~ Newport, CM 646-8686 good home. 644-1742. 1212 Behind Tony's Bldg, Mat'L ADORABLE Calleo kittens, 3 P._1;;;•;;;".;;°';.;;";;..;;0"-rp:;;;nc;•o....o•;.;1.;;30.;:; 1 SOFA & Chr. Quilted Early mos old. Just in tlnie for MINl·BlKE Good Cond. 3 HP, Briggs & Strattor.. Beil· dix shoe ' brake, '$125. 64&-'153.5 pistons, chroinc rings. tires, Good Condition. flOO. on/oft rd buggy. Radical 642.9405 54().17lf Bradford crank, nu valve 548-9729 new design, $1300. 496-2500 Authorized MG Dealer ,. job Fre.lih $250. Chrysler I ;;;;;,::;=====o=-:~==~~;;;,,;:;,~~==~:=::=:==::::=::;:;I street r&Cf 426 wedge, prof·, ·Imported Autot 9600 lmportMI Autos 96001moorted Autot 96QO built by Bradford's NEW FACTORY Amer. $85. Kenmore Christmas. 548--0lM or CL'EARANCEI Washer & gas dryer, sso. MS.2831 11/28 Motorcyclu 9300 $500. 32'1 F.J. heads, ported •. El"60n gprlngs $100. Holley 3bbl + Edelbrock i 75. 64·1-U!H Factory orders clearance of all ove1-age, demonstrators, 1lbor models, studio &: re- turned Pianos & 01xans. Real savings up to 30%. EvetythUig guaranteed like new. Sale limited to specific atock • so hurry! No money down OAC, 5 years to pay. This great sale only al: WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO lBl9 Newport, C.M, 642-8484 Open Every Nite &: Sunday Afternoon PRE-HOLIDAY SALE PIANOS & OR~ANS Some ol the most popular models including: Hanunond X11, H-100, E-100, B-3 .. T-200 etc. FREE 3 DAY LAS VEGAS HOLIDAY with pu.r· ct.ase!! ! HAMMOND in CORONA DEL f.1AR 285·, E. Coast Hwy 67J.8930 "PIANOS & UH.GANS NEW&: USED e Yamaha Pianos & Organs • Thomas Organs a Kimball Pianos Bbq grill, $8. Oval braided 3 YR old male Toy Poodle & Gx9' rug, i lo. axu· $17. Tape 15 mos old male r.1alrnute. recorder $8. Pholographic f'ree to good homes . sink 8' long $50. Bbq tbl & 549-0biS 12/2 BEAUTIFUL Bike, 1969 350 Avengel' Kaw&saki, Top Cond. Like Ne\V, $615. 549--0608. FOUR Cylinder 190 S L" ?.-fercedes engine, transmission ind rear end. ln ex. crUcnt condition. benches, $7. Call -546-2296. Garage Sale Sat. 12 'til 5 LOVELY young spayed cat. Free to good home . 646-7096 ll/29 'Jli"i~~ '6..~ BULTACO 2;;Q Malador Iii $700. '69 Yamaha 175 En. duro $600 or make oft. OC> 64~22()1;) 54M;t5 FREE -young ki·t te n , ~'68""'°"Y"AM=AIJ=A-,250~-~Gi>od~-~ hsbrkn. Allergic -can't . · . cc 263 Co1t1 Mesa St, CM k 547_9519 11/29 condition S300 before 3 P~I ========== I Relrig, stove, divan eep. on ·weekdays, all day wknds. Trailer, Travel 9425 chi.rs, odds & ends. SMALL12s.~c;o building ap-SW. hondNda of dollanl Order 897~ prox. . .uo • you move. • eo~nildo 23, 25, 30, 01 34 ~1f;SH=A""RP""""·•"'•"""l".'"am-,ah'"a....,350ce~ SS:.13' x 25'. Was $500l. Cut KIRBY VACUUM Cleaner 2005 Jrvme Ave., CM 11129 Decemti.r SJ, 1969, •nd yo11 11 14;,o Trad 1990 Po to $1995. One , blOck !rom with a t tac h me n t s & ~ • Ch!Utmu .. Gift P•Ci."' or e. mona, lihoPPi"g. 1640 NeWt>ort No. polisher Take over small PLAYFUL orange tabby, worth hundred• of tloll•rs In Costa f.1.esa·-House in back payments: or' pay off balance cute cuddly kitten, _:weaned ClfiUOMI .qu_IPfM!ll: of 1988 -,ss,_;;:, =CM=. ====== ot $36.40. Credit Depl & box-trained. 54s.3250 1~ ~":::: '68 YAMAHA 350 -$400. Jn Trucki 535-7289. HUNGRY, young fem. tiger COllONADOJO-PDO Service Must Sell! Please - NEW stainless steel sink worth $4(}U8. New Nutone ceiling heater $19. 30x60 "·alnut exec desk $60. Con· tinuous play 81nm projector, self-contained screen for display or sales $50. Wonder Hobby Horse, best model, like ne'v $~. &16-5511 cc.t. 1'1itten-toed. Ve r y COlllOHAOOU-1100 call -646-7983. · *'63CHEVV.SPickup friendly. 642-1724 12/2 ,69 HONDA 350 $400. ,63 8 FT Fleetside w/radlo/htr, PUPPIES. part Husky/ Yachts Royale FORD SfATION WAGON. w/walls, Qig side mirrors, Cocker, 6 wks. old, to gcxxl 2912 W. Coast Hiway $400. 6'fl..3129 · re&r \\'rap bumper etc. home. 833--0777 1212 Newport Beach .67 y AMAHA 100 Twin. Sparkling turf green (only h1ALE beagle, I yr. old loves 645-0810 RUNS GOOD! Before s. in Laguna will you find a children, free to good home. S48-5;:17.!. Aft. 5 _ S4o.8308 )O\V mileage, cared for pick· 847-1945 COMP~E'TE Custo1n SABOT ·63 BSA -$400. Good Conti. ~~s~~a~~\s!) Pay you to in· T\VO Frisky black male kit· o_r build your 01~ fl_'Om ow· Needs r.linor Repairs. 2390 ONLY $Jl9S YELLO\V naugahyde hide·a· tens, part Siamese, 7 weeks fiberglass hull in time .fur Westminster PL, c.M. hlARQUIS MOO.ORS bed, Truetone (.'Onso\c stereo old 646-1338 Christmas. SABOT repairs. --,==""'~=~-. record player/radio, Danish -· anytime Sabot hardware & HONDA 50 -1965 900 S. C:st Flwy, Laguna Sch _ _. VERY cute blk/wht puppies, new Sa.bot parl•·· m••i, . Good Condition. Best 494.r;,03 * s:J0..3100 modem soJa & chair, ne.... mall · d - od I 6 wks. old, s m1xe booms !•• ... ~, ruddo" O er. Call -645--1456. DAILY P" ~ 01 •1 E. A. BUGS1 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT ••• CHICK IVERSON Harbor Areas Only Authorized VW, Porsche Dealer TWO LOCATIONS TO SllYI YOU 445 EAST 'COAST HWY. 11 BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH e Kohler & Campbell COAST MUSIC NEWPORT 8' HARBOR O:lata Mesa * 642-2851 Open lD-6 Fri lo.9 Sun 12·5 clng, yellow m ern so a, breed. 642-5349 ll-29 • " •l.J • .......... ,. " & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA guod cond, girl'~ Schwinn & tillers. Finished as "''ell '69 HOND S.S. Going to LINES. You can use them ·1 bike, $10. 494-99'2.f 3 Kittens, part Persian, part as unfinished, Open 'veek· Vietnam!! Excellent con-for just pennles a day. Dial 673~0900 HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS S49..J03~_·. LAWN sweeper i15. Anti· ~~:· Portafina. Lagu~~2 days 5:30-8:30 \Veekends 11>-1..:;d;l";;'";·;;64ii:::O"°ii::•::l:;l.,:5:,. =::..!.::::642-::="1=8======,,.'..-=================:::::=:::=====;::==:::;:g que cherrywood tbl $40. 6 PM. I _.1 Still the Be1t Value1 ·Famous Name 41" Walnut Console w/bencb. is95. Other exceptional values In: Antique bath tub, claw feet, LfITLE Black kitten. ap-815 W. 17th Stm:!t, CM Recf'Nt'n Vehicles 9515Rec:reat'n VehiclH 9515RecrHf'n Vehlcl .. 9515 Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 Rec:reat'n VehtclH 951>1 $35. Exercise saddle $40. prox. 'l wks. old, needs a 642-9151. 646-6219 ;;;c;;..:c;:.;;:_:c.:;;.c.:;='--'-=..;;,:.c.:;.=.;;...;,,;.:..;.c..;;.'-:-=====---; e Wurlitzer a Knabe • Everett a Cable Nelson GOULD MUSIC 2Gt5 N. Main, SA 205.5 Irvine Ave, Of Crear good home. 548-6842 1212 LIKE SAILING? bse.) CHIHUAHUA, To good home DISUKE THESE'!' WALNUT crib, used 4 mos, with yard, older persons • Payments, hle:b interest, cost $60, sell $30, also mat-please. 642-958'1 1212 depredation, a 1 i p rental, tJ.,s 110. lnfant's car bed $5 FREE· Rabbit hutches """ cleaning, insurance, e'.:. ' • J-~ ., ~ infant seats U & i-J, 10122 haul. 2151 Irvine, NB 11-29 PREFER TtlESE · S. ""I c· HB ii<><> ~142 • Uiw cost no WORK " ig."' ir, ~ PETS and LIVESTOCK CAREFREE SAILING•. HAMMOND • Steinway. Ya· CARPET Installer has one maM • new & used pianos ..roa do 1 t Pets, General 1800 Cal 25 little as $14, % day ot all .makes. Best buys Jn ", ,, J\.V~ DY 9n carpe • Try Ou.r Club Plan & -Calli I ht h aouble jute·backed. Will sell NEWPORT SAILING CLUB Sc:HMID~ f.tJ;;(: CO., all or part $3/yard. 540--7245 \VOT'S NU? • 675-noo e !anta Oaus Specials at 1907 N. Main, 4 DIAJl,IQND '"edding ring 1-'. 'TIS TROPICAL FISH Santa Ana carat, $50. Portable typewriter, like new, script 9080 Edinger (at Magnolia) Demo SN95 ..... OR.EN EVENINGS $?.{), 64&-4225 F.V. * * 842-4530 14' o ·DAY, used · =========!Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa AND SUNDAYS FIREWOOD for Sale. Dry Dog1 8825 VENTI.JRE 21' Xlnt cond., 3 Until Chri1tmas Eucalyptus. Delivered & GOULD MUSIC slacked. 54l).9887 CHRISTMAS IS N1'AR I '"II" ho•d, 2 o1Jiboa.-d,_ "" * Reserve, ""ur choice, 4, extras. Oller. 54~5 2<M5 N Main SA 547--0681 J\.1aple ZENITH B/W 1V JV • ' .. COMB. $250 . 2423 Greal Dane Puppy early! RACING SABOT Westminster Pl, c .M.-Will love for you ' ti 1 New-including ~ii. i249 CHURCH Organ 250 pipes,· ------=-~· 1 Christmas. Cropped & shots, * 645-0222 * partly restored, new due-For Sale, Firewood. top lines. I 1 ting, releathered $300. Orange &~ucalyptus MARTINCREST KENNELS CAL 20 # I 2 646-2562 $3&1t670 * * 5'16--0989 * * OWNER * 675-nOO PRIVATE PARTY WANTS ti1UST sell health club PIIT und St\BOT Wanted. Glass only, TO B"Y PIANO FO •AM me er Your used " R membership. 4 yearr; .,....,..,. Christmas tree. Pekingese Call 64~ CASH. 5'12-6045 842-3955 male puppy AKC reg'd. WURLITZER Console Piano. KING Size box springs, mat. C 01 hdam. S4p! ~Al~9 line, 8 \\'ks $~-Cki 8oits 9030 · $450 cash. Xln't Cond. tress & frame, excellent ........, ,........--.. Call -642"632J condition $50. 646-1115 BASSETS For Christn1as! 1969 Boston \Vhaler. 40 h.p. I OLD Upright. good condition. KING size latex mattress & AKC. Take home or will Evenrude & trlr. 13'. 2 mos Practice Piano. i 2 2 5. springs. Like new! Tremen.-board for you. 495--0759 used, estate i;ale, push-but· 64&-4385. · dous buy! 6'?3-2402 VIZSLA l yr male, good with ton stllrter, xtras i1s50. * HAl\fi\lOND ORGAN* POLAROID camera $50. children, proved h u n t er 6444174 Spinet J\.13, xlnt cond. Set of ~Ielmac dishes $6. itoo. 548--0113 11 ·-,.~Bo-,-,,-n-w-hal~c-,.~hn_m_o_c. f100 Eves 5'l&--0600 540--0285 A,FGHAN HOUND 40 hp Johnson wUh elec B/J\.I, silver, male, 4 mos starter, boat cover. $1425 or Televi1lo,n 8205 ELEC dryer, G.E. washer, pool table, Oriental desk. 962-9989 make oUer. 615-5535 Lease Color TV or Black & White. Option to buy. Free aervice. No deposit A·Active TV Rental Co. 968-6166 2 SMALL adorable cock·R· E COMPLETE drum set $175, poo puppies, silver i15 each. Mirlne quip. 027 Lionel train Iayout i15. Sunday or Monday ~76 RA YTIIEON RDF Ranger n 54s-3!20 AKC BASSETT PUPS Ilk• new, -12-ira"" p/c (1) 52J.US3 Fl REWOOD Tri-color, $45-$15. 540-8638 eve 3 bands, iuo. 675--0589 T'1'! Recorders 8220 1610 "'===="='=""='==== I TOY poodle puppies. Black MERCURY motor 9.8 hp like " with AKC papers. 1 weeks new with gas tank. Will sell old $75. Males. 642-4294 cheap, 645-a231 TAPE Recorde. i1s. Car M11c. Wanted atereo tapes $1. Curly brown wig $3. Lamps is. 548-5215 AKC Afghan Puppies 10 HP Johnson outboard. 21 .,,.,. WANTED f.lixed colors hrs .since overhaul. 67>126.1. Good used furniture, appli-can after T PM 532-2875 675-603' Cemer•!.~_Equlp. 1300 ances, antiques, color TV's, ::;;;c,T"'o"v"'P"-oo=o=L"E"s--lo======== WllL BUY 16 mm proj. retrlg·s, stoves, washe1"S & e &l6-3365 a silent or sound f.1ust be in dryen;, etc. 1 pc or bouseJul BEAUTIFUL While poodle Deluxe Boat Slips ~ d ,_...,. 24 hr service, Call 842-3921 · .__ allabl 5"""' con .. reas. pr'--=· pups. $40. After 6 limited num..,.,1· av e WllL SELL Federal WANTED: Marine Sextant & call 494-4116 30' & 35' Englarger for 35 mm, Chronometer. Marina dcl Rey 2%"x2%.", etc., 1n fuldaway 642-595.1 Horsei 8830 New modern marina case 2/masking easel. Will Wanted-Rolltop desk ?vlarina City Corp. trade on projector. Call on Needed before Quistmas HORSE stable• for rent, lge John Gassman, Dock Master wknds, Fri eve. thru Sun., S4!M>M9 arena i.;s mo. 1616 Orchard, (213) 823-5415 ~ BMcb, .. 2152 Went hemstitchin9 done S.A. Hgts. 54-9--0068. BALBOA Sllp. 4o· boat. With Sport'-..., __ ... , 1500 Call 5184518 REG APHA mare w/ saddle shower~ & be'ad & parking "• """" ·==~,..,--=--:--...= f im. Western saddle &: til 6/15/70. $80. mo. OR 3-7950 NEErl bricks one to 1000, ~bro~u~t~col~lar~-~~4~5-;,646-41195~~!.j :;:;:;;::::;:;::;:~=~~ COMPLETE JSel 2.9 custom ..... -64Ml87 rogislered Loulsoville power ....,..~ TRANSPORTA'flON Mobllo Horn11 built golf irona ia:>. 642--0879 Ml hf t 1700 J :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~:;;:;::; • .,.,. -c nory, • c. 80lt1 a Y1cht1 9000 MODEL SALE ! 'I KITE No. 251 in good con-FORKLIM'S: '!IS. 2,000 lb J MUST BE CRAZY Now lo Dec. hi dltion, $650. Pr. Head st.an-pneu; '57, 3,000 lb Solid: Greenleaf Park dard skis, US. Boots siJe 8, 4,(0) lb Solid. Your clJOlce To sacrifice my 2 cabin iis. fi75.3348 Sl,150. 30 Day Warranty. cruisers. Both in mlnt cond. MEN'S Goll clubl 1969 Royal 714: 642-8393 or 'l 1 f : 23' & 30'. Flnandng·lnsur· alum. WOQdlo :dnt cond. WW ,897,:.,."24:.....33c..,E=••~•,.,· '""°"'=,--, 1 ance avail, Hurry! Hun')'.! An Adult Priv•te Club sacrifice $85. 673-1323 12 Inch ATLAS LATHE. 2 ~C~al~l=Do~"~'-·-645-_· -=.l',.."-·_,,,_ 1 One Mile from th• Oce1n REM~~JN:;:G;TO~N;.-"7.wi;::....,.,::O:o:::,.,:-, I chucks 4 accessories. $450. '64 29' Owens. Elec re(rig, model 870 Trap, used only 6 642-5761 depth finder, radio-lele. 17 mo•" 1125' 538-0S32 FREE TO YOU hn ''"" ...... ,. 16~'"'· 38 Caliber RiOe Must sacrillce, 846-l w aft 5 rm. $35 • MALE Pure: bred SlameMJ 16' ~NNEDY = h Ask for Joe 830-3738 cat. l year old , n.c. ' -P Homellte. Trailer, b&lt tank, --.:.;;.. 8S0-<151 W29 Mlsc1ll1neou1 -clean, "51). ~31. IN S.\10G FREE Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Choose trom '2<1 Model11 ready to move in today! BABY Crib. old but wuble '68 C~AR, cab crua, BEAUTIFUL hand painted ~ 1211 18\ 155 hp, 1/0, 1p whl trlr Take Harbor Blvd. 10 19th St. ~ll portrAit ot yo11 or your 3 noon -2 'II.WCI, 1 slus. & extras. Must ael1 ~2821 Dn'vc W'5l lo 1150 Whlt""r children from a photccraph. 6'ffi..6024 11J29 I.A' A 'M>ndtrfu1 ide& Jor that ..:;.;_:;;;,,;..~.,,..,~---'--, '68 -4 SPEED, low mlleq:e, special Olrfstmaa 1tft. Free tri~ fluffy puppy aD vinyl tp. $l!OO. Kl 1-2002 or (714) 642-1350 "6-36211, ~·~"'~"~644-03"--~n..;._ ___ _.__•_>l-<7>!. _____ ~ 1 ................ .,...., Now. Special savings on our com· plete line of recreational vehicles-from 1970 DODGE MOTOR HOMES by TRAVCO ON DISPLAY 21 Ft. & 27 Ft. MODELS campers ~nd Family Wagons through the ultimate in cross-country living, Dodge Motor Homes. There'll never be a better time to put yourself into one of the greatest vacation homes going. See us today, find save enough to get yourself way out of town tomorrow. WINTER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT 1st TIME OFFERED GYPSY SUNDIAL OVER 60 IN STOCKI REDE KAMP . umE CHAMP S!.IDE ON ' ' 1969 COREY CRUISER Completely Self · Contained V-1 •ngint, air conditioni119, •11t•. lran1mi11ion, power 1leerin9, 1lfep1 S, ~ m011,om1tic toilet, r•fri;•rator, m•nv olher exlr1 1. No, 20121 6670. led, front for 2, witlt rtclinin9 p111•n91r 111t. Bed, tt<1r, for 2, with tabl1, 111fl, 1!0,. age cabineh, fonniea top, dr1w1ri. Gl1u, tin(1d, wind1ki1ld & all wirodowi. Heiler, High c1pteity, with defrotler, ln1ul1tion l 1oundproofh19. Radio, AM, 8ut1ne lank l 91u91. Refrigertlor, electric, 12 or I 10 volt. Sink, bultl•if't 1tei11la1i tltel. Wiler link, ve11ted dralll, tpprovtd plumbin9, tircrtff.type. lrtntmi11ion, eutom1tic, ] 1pHd, H.D. waftr cooled. U1ed, lolfl' rniteagt. TRAVCO COREY ' 75 . Camp•~, Conversions Ready for Immediate Delivery. GENE O'HARA'S Ask About Our Lease Plan ·-•• .. • • I . . . . . . . . ~;-;--:-:;;:;-=-·--------------------""""'• -. . " . . . . . .. .. ... . ..... .. .. . . . . . .. . ......... ·-· -• . ...... -... ··--·-. -...... . .. ,. ..... -· ........ . . .. . ... . . ·~ ...--.. . · ~ S.t...Uy, N""'btf 2'1, 1969 jjii~m~ml!R'l~~~p~~A~~::TT!!R~ANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION. TRA'NSP'OllTATION TRANSPOllTATION TRANSPORTATION . !_RANSl'OllJ'ATION 1)-----.,....-Imported A~toe lm,.,ted AutM '600 1"1ported Aum MOO ~ AulM MG!I Imported Autos '600 lmportff AUIOO 9600 lmp0rliil AUtos · 96llO tmpOtted AulM ' MOO 9600 Imported At1to1 DATSUN 1------- AUSTIN ' HEALEY The Y.'orlds 8'•t $2000 Car ~·HEALEY '67 Mkln MW -[ e I ...... f'ad!als, cordo\·a11 brov."n (\'QB966l $2150. 67~ .. "Leader in Tht Beech CIUe,·· 'ai-k" fer Guy. 1-------'-- ••; '"ST" :;.,1., spr1... ZIMMERMAN -•""" '""'"''" ruso. 2145 HARIOR BLVD. .,.;.7'19 54M410 '61 SPRITE. t:ood cond .. ap-NEW! prox. '45,(XX) mi. $488 or best •""· 962--0L11 '70 'plCKUP I.;;'======= \V/cam.per, 96 hp ovtrhead DATSUN ""'" • •P<I. "''· • •'> •It;•. back up Ua:hts, You name i ORANGE COUNTY'S it! FUil price s2009. TaM , NO. 1 small dn or trade .. c.p Phil. DATSUN DEALER '"'!Im or 54S<l!34. TSUN ·fill Oat.sun Pickup truck, DOT DA •••• "" poym.nt" rr .. 1!835 Beach Blvd. Equity. 6t2--3664 Hunttnaton Beach W -77!1 or S40-!'442 '67 DATSUN PICKUP ill oricln&I ·tll!lde & out. 4 ~pd. dlr. •111 fine prvt prty. ; T •'" ··-Ice $999. Call l\:en 494-97il. ....... '67 :'),.\TJON _\Ve:n. 96 hp. 4 ~,. .. , eood t..'Ond. SIOJO. ---ENGUSH f()RD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES · SERVICE 'fi~ ~IODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION ThHdore FERRARI FIAT MDC.DU l!NZ 1 ___ M_G__ PORSCHE 1967 Ferreri 2 + 2 Cpe. --------1 ·--------ITEAOIER Mutt Sacr\tlco - 11ie ultimite in •ports car '61 Fl•t ISO Spyder 1989 MO Awtln America. luxury, N1turally evel')' Fer. An exceptlon.ll sports car. Auto trant., RCU~. Xln'l ~rl accesaor.f. 21,000 actual 0000 loe&l miles. Atno!utecy cond. $l?iOO/oUer. 61S-69l2. miles. Locally owntd and tlawleu In every detail. aft 1 11ervl~. ExcepUonally clean Loaded with extras loci. .----M-G-.--- ln every detail. BW"l\lndY FJcl. ?ifag y,·heets. Hurry on fln l1h iv/black Interior. Stv· this ont. . 1"5 MGI Rdtlr eral other new and med Fer. Flnlshed in British Racina: rarll to choose trom, =,.-,,===-=--=I Green w/blk i,nttrior. Hu 1965 MERCEDES Beru: 190 wire ~Is, radio, heater, Dle&el • Nu paint: eood run. r&a1al Um. EiwtL cood • '61 TARGA .. $3400 or Make OUer, Serious lnqulrle1 on· ty, Daya 541..MG.S. Eves. 557-8083 '62 1600 S. Signal red, blk )(ather, chr.,whll .. A~f·FM. radials. Xlnt cond. $2200. 642-572'7 PORSCHE '59. Ne1v llre1. brakes & clutch. VERY CLEAN. J:rtup orl .\l111Pl11 i '.• J: nu p Ll rt . H1 1tp u1 1 -:, ning condition CPDt\336) '61 PORSCHE Roa.dater, 3100 w. C.OUl J:wy .. N.B. \Veekend special only $1Ttl5. gilver, new to.. le eng.," 6-12.9'05 540-1764 J im Slemons Mercedes radial tires, chrome wheels. _, _ _. .....__, Beni. 120 \\r, Warner, Santa (i~5$8 3100 w. eout Hwy., N.B. 1--'.,,",, ... -=··,....,.-""•,,.m=-0-:-'-'-A 546-tl.14 ,,-,-=--=-= 642-940S MO-l'TM '68 Fiat 850 Spider. =na,_·~===--,c-GOING to college-must sell Authorized 1.IG Dealer Xlnt eond M l U 1961 li-1ERCEDES • Be n 1 'ST Poru:he, '65 trana & rear FERRARI , w se • 2SOSE Stdan (Ser No. 4245) 3100 \V, (but H~ • N.B. ' . •-_ _.,.,_ 113~, 4"• £Ac.. "'" """~ ::.,.1704 end. New pllUll • ,ll.Wll.J4, '"• ~ equipped with autoM'. Steer, ...... ~ ......,. sjo..2474 Newport 1mpor111 Ltd. Qr.. p, brakes. Elect. suiiroof Authorittd ?i-1G Dealer ==,;,,62=1ro"RSCH==E-- l';'"ed' ,(;ooz,al-~·a onlY authol' JAGUAR 18,000 milea. Weekend *ORIGINAL I SHAR~! $2250 or otter -"" special only StJ.95. Jim '6.5 ?i1GB RDSI'R. Radlo/htr ... , SALES·SERVJCE-PARTS 165 J•gu•r Siemon~ J\.1ercede!: Benz, 120 etc. r.1ettculously cued for ~ 642-3848 • 3100 \V. Cout Hwy. Sliver blue coupe w I deep \" \\' Santa Ana Newport Beach ... arner, , by one local owner. SparkJ. /RENAULT 642-9405 540.1764 midnight inter. Fully equip. 546-4114 Ing Jamaica. red w/new red VOLKSWAGEN YW BUGS rnor.1 $399 GOOD SELECTION !HD. 3031 Ex!, 66 or 67 191D HARBOR BLVD. rosr A MESA VOLKSWAGEN BUG. Du'k afetn. MW CU' JUlr. tranferabltt, undtt 0000 ml. auto, sUck, radio. On/Oft lua. rack. Rel. 675.1898 Bu" U S-19 ti . 11850. V\V ·6.l SemtoCamper. Mint Cond. Only 12,475 ml. Tac ~t ena. Ster/radio. pri . ptf. Sl495. tn4J 84s..1011 or Office (213) 439---0951 1965 VV{, M&lntained in im· maeulate condition. New brakes, muffler, aood tlrt1. $107j, Prtv. p{y, lm-2141 FOR Sa.le: 1961 Vol.Mwapn Conv. 48,lm rni. Nffd.ti .ome bOdy work. 6'J5..al aJt6 "61 VW Clllnper $500. J\ceds VW '63 SEO. Nu Utta, brka, Engine • 6-J8.j558 209G HRr-paint, lo ml .. r.flnt Cond. bor Blvd., c.r.f. Inset &: oul $999. 6TJ..3661 1964 V\V Square Back. l~ s '67 V\V 17,(0) ml. xlnt cond SerieB. Xlnt cond, ea.u thruout, n1any xtru. Priced 842-1222. to sell. 642-1049 (I\" 6@.7374 Incl. chrome wire v.·heels, b Authorized Ferrari Dealer 1!160 M E R c E D E S Benz vinyl top, nallll'al lack 'i£i nME FOR 27,000 actual miles. Locally 220SE Couple IOVJ313) -leather int. Recent ·Pi~IJI lttib~l~N~LTrt ·._ e;i: ·sg V\V BUG. ALL E."\'TRAS. ~~~~lo & bc!:~~~d. See & Reshired to m\nt conlll~?"· radial tires! ONLY Sl5.'J:i. S/5G car.:.1 54i~n aft 4 PM EXCELLENT CONDITION. VOLVO -------1 QUICK CASH in perfect runn)ng concht10n i\lARQUIS i\fOTORS CALL -646--0889 THROUGH A . (Inly a limited fe 1v of this 900 S, Cst 1-hvy, Laguna Bch SUNIEAM • '63 V\V Stdan model in ~xistence. Call Bill 494-~ * 540-3100 Xlnt cond. SGSO. j1rtuporl jli 11 po n ~, DAILY PILOT at546-<114fprd'1aiborcan -----•. WANT AD ~,::~.:.· 120 w. Wu,,.r, PORSCHE VOLVO 1970 HERE NOW 'MS-<TJL' Qowi'-,JU'°"ST"""'"'w"'1s"'11;-ct;:-or· IOmetbinr lo fUrni.1;h your i,ome ... fll'ld ireat buys Jn 'loday's Cluslf~ Adi. ROBINS FORD no Harbor mvd IT'S lkach house time. Bia-· Costa Meu. 00-ooJo gefl Belection ever! See the 3100 \V, Coast H\~y., N.B. 6·12-9405 540.1164 Authorized ?ilG Dealer i962 ?ilERCEOES Ben: 220S '69 Porsche 9115 Ta._rga 4 door • nice condlHon Stk, # low Prices on Rem1inln9 '69'1 YOUR BESl' DEALS DAILY Pil.Cr \VANT ADS~ thruout (Ser N(I. 9503) only '69 Porsche 912 Lie. Y!'f\\'975 l\'I======== $795. for weeke!fd special. '68 Porsche 9115 Targa. iiftported Autos " ·. '.._s .. • " ,. .. ' 961\0lmported Aull>• 96001mported Autot 9600 Jim Slemons l\l e r cedes Stk # 5244 TOYOTA Ben:i:, 120 w. Wamer. Santa '68 Porsche 911 Q>e # 5234 --------'67 VW like -new, I (lwner, lo Arnt '68 Po...ch< '12 Taro' VIV241 TOYOTA mlo $1300. 642-2940 or ARE SfILL AT DEAN LEWIS KARMANN GHIA 1966 Harbor. C.r.r, 646-9303 1965 K1rm1nn Ghi1 __ · •68 Porsche 912 VRH802 968--6209 2.door Coupe, Xlnt Cond. MG .68 Porsche Cpe vvr.tm ~.63~"'=.-45-.000-m-u-.-, on1y--1~;;oo 65 VOLVO l22S Station Immaculate Inside and out! 1970 \V Outs anc1· One owner. See al 480 Broad---------'68 Porache 912 Cpe.,\VEEOOS Ena. $600. New paint. agon. t 1ng con. MG '68 Porsche Cpe WXEn5 HERE NOW 675-2916 dition thruout. 5 new Dayton way, C.M. · , '6S Porsche 911f Cpe WXG962 Premium tires, new muf· MERCEDES BENZ Sales, Servlc.!, Parts . low PrlRi on '64 V\V, VERY CLEAN, one II II I , ha"·-· Jmmed!ate Delivery, '6lJ Porsche 912 Tarir:. XEP188 ow:H?r. low miles. Best oU· er, ta P pc "' ....... ,. All :rJMels '61 Porsche 912 Cpe Rem•ining '69'1 eP. 4$-5217 New WL'C job. car is -.. Stk # 5243 YOUR BEST DEALS beautiful! Lug. rack, R/H. ·5· l\tERCEDES 220"SE con· •67 Porache 9l2 epe UYH9l4 A.RE STILL AT '6.5 l(.G. Headers, new paint, J\1ust see &. drive to app. vertible. Runs '\.-ell. R&H. ,67 Porsche 91lS Targa DEAN. LEW JS h r a k es. Cherry, SI()9j, _S4<NZI_. ~7 ==~=--I $1750 cutl-494_-7~18 Stk # 5338 646-6491 '67 VOLVO P-1800 1956 190 SL ·~7 Porsche 91:! THl.899 1966 Harbor, C.:\r. 636-9303 1957 V\V Fully eqp'd. Xlnl eond. Best oUer over S7CO JlOO \V. Coast Hwy , N.B. '67 Porsche 912 VCL739 IN :\'LNT CONDITION $2800. ~2.2029 -~='~7~~7-'329"-=~--642_94115 • M0-!!6' '66 Pors<h• 912 SQD'67 BILL MAX,EY . MUST S~LL. 675--0013 nME FOR r.fG Deal '66 Porsche 912 TKl\1796 'Gt V\V Sunroof, xlnt con- Authorlzed er '6j Porsche S.C. . XJ-ZRNIF~.,! ITIOIYIOITIAI dltlon. ~or ..,! 0 uer . QUICK CASH ·so MG ROADSTER. n · 1500 '65 Po...cho s.c. ~· • --· _ ··~· d A Comp. reblt eng. rear end, '65 Porsche Cpe XHT29l THR ~GH new brakes, clutch. etc. Lo 'SI Porsche -S.C. U\VF569 11111 BEACH BLVD. 1967 V\V Sedan. l\fust sell. DAIL y PILOT mil. cau days 547-3884; pm •64 Porsche Cpe JB932 Hunt. Beich 147~$ Make offer. 83J.:.3Ul ritr. & wkends &12·5239 &llk for '63 Porsche super TQX887 3 mi N. of QJut Hwy. on Sch Brown WANT AD r.tr. J. JoneB. '62 Porsche cabro BBE032 SACRIFICE 1969 Toyota '59 VOLKSWAGEN ~n. '59 Porsche CfH! HEV375 Land Cruiser. Like new, Mechanically aound. Radio. Antiques, _(leHlct 9615 '57 MORGAN + 4 New T:>p, new brakes. Ex. cellent c (I n d i t i o n. $l!i00. 642-1724 alter 6 Pr.1. Autos Wi-nted 9700 N.w ~rs 9800New Cers 9800 New C1 rs 9100 New C1n "' 9800 N•w C1rs -----""'-'---- 9100 •59 Porsche VAJ\.1067 many extras. 67>-0933 $300. Call 846.-0788 ======== 1970 V\V Bug 4,000 miles, WE PAY TOP DOLLAR . . " JOHN CONNEU "KO GIMMICKS KO GIVEAWAYS" 1st Place Blue Ribbon JUST 21 YEARS OF HONEST D~ALING SELLING CHEVROLETS CONNILL CHIYROUT BLUE RIBBON PRICES '1299 '65 MUSTANG C.nertl~ VI. tllttmllk, radio, '"'$1()99 -Oheo11 From Oyer 300. New Ch1vrollls, Uld Gars & T 1111k1 + Th• l•r911t Selection of New Corvett•• In Orange County Bi111e11 'Money Saoinr Eoent In Oranre County SAL 770 Clouk Coo. "" qrvx'U61 Wt. $599 · J1ftuport 11111 p ll rt,, VOLKSWAGEN ~~·party. ""' otter. for KQOd, clea.D used cars, all makes. See Geoqe a., Theodore Robins Ford '66 V\V • Top Cond. R/H, '66 V\V sedan, iood clean 2iJiO Harb:lr Blvd. Orig. Priv.Ch\•ner. SlOjO, condition. $1100 Call after 6, C.l\t , &l2.ooJ.O 3100 \V, Cnast Hwy .• N.B. 6-12-940..l 54().1764 Authorized l\.1G Dealer _,_ 0 ..,Cal=l _,-.,,673-<'4,,.., .. 'oo'-.,.-1 6t).431k';, WANTED: 1969 CADJ.LLAC, * 1955 VW $275 * '62 VW. GOOD COND. ""m prtvoto pany Call aJt. 642-5761 SfiOO, * 646-8191 6 p.m., 546-3151 . 9600 lmoorted Autoi 9600 Imported Autos ----------9600 Imported Autos f mported Auto• 9600 -. . .. I SEE .THE ORANGE COUNTY'S MOST MODERN VOLVO DEALER NEW 1800E FUEL INJECTED NEW 4 SPEED PLUS MANY NEW & OTHER TESTED IDEAS HERE NOW ·ALL NEW 1970 VOLVOS ALL 1970 MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • 142 • 144 • 145 • 164 ALL THE NEW SEDANS & STATION WAGONS ARE HERE AT DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS VOLVO "WHERE COMFORT IS STANDARD EQUl~MENT" -SAVINGS ON ALL REMAINING '69's • Jf'e're Den.ling Your Way This Weekend. Take That S hort Dri ve to Costa .ill'esa & Save SS! DEAN LEWIS 1969 Harbor Blvd. 646·9303 Costa Mesa -=------------------------------------·---. ----~ --.-·· -..--.. ----------..,.---~=,.---.-· TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION .....,,..,, Na:a::.,r 29, 1969 OAllV PUT II TllANSl'ORTATION TIANSl'ORTATION TIWISP6RTATION TllANSl'ORTATION TllANSPORTATlcSli TRANSPORTATIQN tltANSPORTiTIClli - T·llRD -UMd Cora 9900 UMd Cora -UNd Coro 9900 UNd Con -UNd Cars 9900 ·UMd Con -1 .u~Nd=:..;C::•::".:_ __ ...:..;::I 1A '"'ul"'•""-'W"'-o"'n::..IM:::.._.;,9:.;700::: ~~•rs Wit PAY .•• CADILLAC OLDSMOllLE PLYMOUTH PON11AC CONTINENTAL FORD MUSTANG 1---Ba.~ g,...,. .... ;..n 1964 LINCOLN Continonbol 1911 FORD XL 2 cir (hdtop --------------· IIOC8 PLYMOUTH SaleWI• '61 C&bolloa, 1 dr hanltop, '66 T •llRD llft n~.wnn1 GIIFF633) fully equipped (UIU392)' fUlb' equipped 1nc MUSTANG ~ 289 V.t. air, * Am•rtc.'s only Convert (Ul'FOS5) ln ex· Jtlnt cond, .t new lifts, full CASH lncludlnr atr. 48,IXIO milel • air &: elect wbidow1 Allc ~ .. dilc •• ndlo. Grtr-llllr Hanel OPf"lttd Roc~ttt cepUonally nice condlUon. pwr, air $2295. Call or SH at 2 Dr. HT, full pwr, air, dlt, · 1968 Cad 4 Door Brougham. special at only $..1395. Jim $1900 or make otter: Call ... ., .. Gd. cand. Sl•T5 'Iii OU>S "«25 ... V-1 fU.11y 9q\llpped ~alt Earl WIWaml Ttxaco St&., pwr atata, In.bi, wtndowl l Full ~ • aJr OandiUo&-saemom Merc.dal, Bt.ns. lJ) '""" .......... , ·-de'·"· .. 81J..a11 "TOl\ONADO", • DR u-S1995. Call n.n at 5t6--Cll' .lllh • -c ~ Slut Book $2500 • , tnr. AM·FM stereo, Take OV• w w Santa Ana. -· ~ >Ul ...... '"'r1"111;;;u'"sr="'"'a""'"'7:·=--=-~·-I • nu"lr • • • .... • FICE nas. or foN\an C9I' ' er payments or we will re. ... A~ •u1amer, ~ be atn at J.20 w. ft4~ , f/,,. _., .JU1t3'l'.~ ml., owned by alt· for detail• or can be seen al 64fr2ri0.1 In trade. NPVJS2. Call PMJ. ,I finance OAC. Call 642.Jlll ........., warner. Santa Ar& Dir. pwr, auto. mw tires, lo ml.. lines pilot aince new • "I· ~ w. Anahelm, Santa Ana, LEAVING AREA 49f.9713 or ~. • ...,, .,1 .. 1 _231• 1966 CONTINENTAL '6?GALAXIE!500,2 dr,r/h, ~t..,!!"'1. Prv pty $1950. ularl,y terviced etc., "air D.r. MUsr SELL_.,.,,.. e.A~,..__ .,. vi SEDAN .,_..,u, cond + all space qe pwr '69 Pt Fu JU A to p S. '"'vo .....,.,,..,.. '66 T·BIRO repoue1sed. 1968 CADUJ.AC deVille 4 air, 390 enr, auto trans, xlnt auilt•", Gil·-Glen y. ry · u ., · ' ville, fWJy equip. Make oU-pwr, air & new tires. $1'100 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CON NEU CHEYROLE1' Loaded.I Xln't Cond. cond, one owner $1495. Call '68 MUSTANG, g eyl. Excel. ,-.,. P.B., fact. air cond .. vinyl er. Xln't terms. ca 11 • door hdtp (ZN V53 3) $1950. CaJl • s.ifi..7843 eves .t: wkends 644-«198 cond. N•w tune-up. Take 1retn w/lmlh&c pl\alh,rreeh roof. r.1ust sell. Make otter. 644_1387• or beat oUer. Can tlr.nct. 1 BeautlluJ snow white with overpymnta + $50, 2544No. Int. Cost $7,000 newJ ·. Bllle 837-9682 -,,~.--~~~-.,-I Credit Way· ot ~mttfca black vinyl top, fully equip.. CORYAIR '66 F•lcon Futur• 3 Newport Blvd., cr.f Bookj: now $2520. this Weeks ======== '67 Gran Prix·Sh•rpl 642-6161 1ped inc. air. Less than ---------!'ully factory equipped, Dlr. "qualll:>' barp:ln" tor only, . Loaded! sms. 846-1165 '"'62"T"·B"I°'R"o"2"'0r=-HT;;;;;.--;o;I 2'),(KK) miles only $3995. Jim '62 CORVAIR. needs minor Phon~-6023 -$1995 I PONTIAC power. Loaded! Beat offer. ~•moos "'"""' !!<.,, 12ll ..,,k • would mat« good OLDSMOBILE MARQUIS MOTORS RAMBLER EV<•/wknds 67......,, daya ~:me'• Santa Ana. OWle BUi&Y Chassis, $100. '64 GALAXIE 500XL P1B, !loo S, Cst H\.\'Y, La.guna Bch 1969 FlREBIRD PonUac. 811-MU. 536-6958 ~.s • ....,.,..airaft. 6~~~ •. ~~~eall1. *''SOldtV-IHdtop 4~-7503 * S.10.3100 15,000 actual mileage '65 RAMBLER T=·=B~IR°'o"'""'·64~.-,-,,-.-all~,..--.~41 2121 Harbor Blvd. SED. De Ville. Gt. Xlnt oond. l962 CORVAIR < ~. 1.,_.. .,.........,...,. wCCA '-J• SPT ~ I 169 OLDS LuUass atatlon LlpsUck oraflp w/ '\'hlte X'tru. Am/Fm radio. "4:· ban •. --d•v _ .. _~. ....,..E, a t, pwr steer; ""'-'--top ~ H I mec • "' appearance. New brakes carb overhaul· ...., _,...... wqon. Freshl.l' re.appt'd. I; """uuva · ........,. e en lng $950. 846-0539 or (213) u .... ~ xtras Blue v.·/ blk • -i, .. """'-=-~-,-.,4,...,.,-,=·~"'top=-wlwalls etc. Just ft,612 rnl., Imm · Ryan owner. 546-6514. Am~or 990, air, dlr . ...... v ·. ed.24000ml.$3!50.6t&-3431 '"rUlu •wuu • by local lady since new! · ae. AU'<Ond, pwr . loaded. One owner. \VW 43S-fil.19wkda.yaS-8PM vnyl top. Orig owncr.1---·-------white wired Interior. Sparkling roya1 red top 11 steer. & bl'akes; sea green. '65 LE f>.fans Sport Coupe take older "~r In trade. '6-1 T·Blrd, very clean . Colla Mesa 546-120ll Will Buy '!'our Volkswagen or Porsche • P9)' top dolla.rs. Paid tor or not. Call Rll.lph M<-0324 _ 1 FALCON $550. call ~1973. ermine white body, Pluah "',.",,io,,.. ,,li4Wl,,,..7lc-'==::-c= ~~ ove!'..,~1!~'!°°k. See lo PD\VU&LB. ca 11 Ken, $875 '69 SOV, only ~ m • ---------1963 FORD conv. Very load hlaclc vinyl bucket 11et.t lnl '6.1 starftre. Immaculate. Me-=.,'"'=',..'·,,--=o--..,.--,.-,~ 1 ~!»-9713 or 54S-063t 644-6279 Eldorado fire mist eold, '63 FALCON Conwrtible. c:ond. $695. Set of! with chrome wire talllc Blue. white leather, ·57 LE MANS al e pill, vinyl =========== 1•57 PORTHOLE T·Bird, xlnt gen. leather seats, blk lop, ~lolor completely overhaul· * ~74411 * whh. Bu~ket sea•s. One owner. top, whlre whc!ela. $100 over T·BIRD cond. Nu inter. A -int. ~ fully eqp'd. $5875. Orig ed in Sept. New tires, air, $1395 MWJ.06. blue-book. 675-2916 Reblt engine, Call ~T115 owner 644-0343 radio $500. m.6.532 1-tAR.QUIS MOTORS •65 STARFIRE, full po\.\-er '60 PONTIAC Bonevillc, VS, '58 2 dr T-Blrd, 1 owner, IMPORTS WANTED Ora,... n.mtls TOP I BUYER 8JLl. MAXEY TOYO'rA 11881 Bu.ch Blvd. '67 El Dorado, mint cond. FORD MERCURY 90'l S. Cit Hwy, La&:una Bch Incl. windo\\'ll lt seats, air 4 dr, r&:h, p/1, p/b, runs n.tr l(>Od, needs paint, 21eal VALIANl' Full pow • air + $800 in 494-~ '* 54().3.l.QJ concl. $1395. 54()-.5113 rood. $225. 56--07S5 CVT'S. Best otter. 494-9924 ~2ssMake otter-trade dn. ·64GALAXlE. 500 XL, con-1~ l\1.ERC. 9 Puaenaer Sta 11166 Olcla F-85 deb: ted. New ---,_.;;;.,•o"ws"'""cu"u" .... =--~w""'"·"••.....,•""••"o"ha"o""i.7!-,D71m'"" .... ,-· '66 T·BIRD. Pert cood. 1 MECHANICS SPEaAL .=-,==~~,-,-~I IOle srutt. loaded, white, fact \Vag. Excel cond. PJO. tires, p/s, r/h. $110lh$300 ecJ. cond. S900 line DAILY PILOT WANT owner. lo m.Uet. Sacrifice! '61 Va1tant $50 ft Beacb. Pb. an~ '62 CADILLAC Sedan de air, xlnt cond. 546-5033 Chvner 673-3084 bek>1v BB. Prl ply. 8'6--92i8 646-,1293 ADS! 641-8'n!O. 646-2872 call ~ Ville .$-195. Lo mlg, lo down :o========;_;=========-' ~:::==:o="'='===:::-=:==:='='=='====':"~"='==;======.:,::;==:=::::;:=;;=:::::~~=7=====;:::E:'I -Auto Le11fnp 9810 LEASE· RENT ORDER YOUR 1t70 TODAY FOR EARLIEST DELIVERY AD popular makes. FOl'l! autborir.ed. leaalng S)'ltem. Get OUr Competltiw Rates lo quaJ. buyer. 548-4265 CAMARO '61 H.P. 327, 4 &pd, mq wheels, Indy t~s. air shocks, tractJon bars, wheel locks, stereo pack, $3)95, 549--1746. CHEVROLET n.octor. Repossession Bergains ROBINS FOR '&I Otev lmp hit O:>upe $987 D '63 Ch<V II Jlova $641 mJ Harbor JUvd. Can: may be taken over on Colt& Mesa 6t2-0010 little or no down payment on approved credit. Call Mr. LEASE ANY MAKE Everett 547-9'l66. Hall Fin. OR MODEL ancc Co., 15ffi..F N. Tustin Let our )ease experts r;how Ave., Santa Ana. you the best plan for yaurSHA ""'"R"P"""1"96°'9'""'C"'h<'"v-.-,"1"',1"'tb-u. personal needs without obli-New tires, stereo tape deck, ptiouNIVERSITY vinyl top. Like new! 53lJ...6.)40 betv.·~n 10 Al'd-2 OLDSMOBILE PM 2850 Harbor Bl11d. C.Osta Mesa '6j Nova SS. bkl seats, auto 540.9640 lrans, p/s, r/h, economy 6: nc1u tires, recent tune-up "' LEASE "' xlot ''""'· By ow"'r $995. 1970 FORD Torino GT, air 837-Sal2 days; 673-4568 poWt!r brakes &: steerina:, ,'"'"""·===::-::"°'=-= radio, \O.ide oval wsw, 351, '67 CHEVEUE ~ 396, 350 4 V engine, $9!1.50, 24 mos, hp, cl-ratio, 4 spd, 4lD post. SOUTH COAST very qulckt' Immac 'in a CAR LEASING out. One mnis\ mukt ate to 3Cl W. Cit Hwy, NB 645.2182 appree. $2300 ftrm. 545-$166 1965 IMPALA CONVT. Used C•ra 9900 Air, p/a, p/w, etc. $1395. '68 -4 Speed, low mileq:e, vinyl Ip, $2Cm. KI 9-4002 (If <:IM751. BUICK '85 Riv. custom Cran Sport. All pwr-fac air, many xfns. Landau lop., neY( =~~~ $2100. '65 BUICK, power,.,aiJ:, MA· jar tune-up. 4 new tires. $995. '62 Chev Like new! U}S. 847-6668 '63 BUICK LcSabre. GoCNt oond., reb\\ eng. Orig. owner. &t~. 548-0390 '"'· '61 BUICK LcSabre, clean, «l,000 mi S450. , 6l6-2634 / '61 BUICK. AulD trans, P/'S, P-b, R/tl. Good 1ires. Priv prty sale. 546-4320 * '64 SKYLARK, 2 Dr, Hdtp, good tires. 5',IQ:I mJles, $750. Call ~I CADILLAC SACRfFICE CAD. SEO. DEVILLE, '67; J..oaded. Stereo. leather, 30,000 ml. $3595 Firm, Dl)'I 837·2970. Eves. 494-4390 NORGE Auto washer, cop. Sport. Blue. P/'fl, P/b. Xlnt cond. Call 5J6..6968 '64 CADULAC. 4 door. Private party $1400. !J68.3139 Call owner 968-3454 aft 6 PM ./ '66 CAPRICE. 26,<KK> mite. S1500. Call btwn 8: 3IJ.S, 540-4ill '61 Chevy Impala Conv .. $295. Good Transportation. Call 642--0914. '56 CHEVY \.\'agon, 1960 283 Velie engine. Ne1v paint, S700 or ebst oUer. 548-4042 1960 KINGSWOOD Estate war, 9 pass. lots of extras, xlnt cond. F.V. 963-8173 (5) 1968 CHEVY Impalas. k>aded. Priced for quick sale! $1850. 534-5290 '65 Impala,-. 2 dr, 283 eng. New trans. lo ,n\g, ale. xlnt cond. Lo book. 645-1852 EL Camino '66. 417, .f &pd. map, A..i\t-Fi'<f. extra 1. STh-126.l. 675-6026 SACRIFICE '60 I m pa I a Convert. Fine runnim:: cood. $100. 673-3i62 '59 Chevy Patkwood Station Wqon. Good Condition. Call • 962·9939 '64 MALIBU, xlnt cond. new tires. 1 owner $950 or oUer. 673-3663 or 548-6203 CONTINENTAL '68 ContinenW 2 d o o r hardtop. Full &: cnmpletcly luxury equipped Including factory air, full lealher, bUllt in tape deck. beautiful Bermuda yellow with con- trutirlC I a n d a u top. Complete set of new tires. Phone 548-2980 MONTH-END S·A·L·E '64 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON CAB & CHASSIS Excellont Condition lnsldo & Out 534247. '999 o,_ 1 hp Tll 11 P.M. 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach Hwy. Jt h . tit S. DJ..-fwy. Phono 5451163or147-6139 Opon 7 Daya 'Tll 10 P.M. r ' .. ' 1968 GTO 2-Dr. H1rdtop. R1dio, ~11l1r, pow1r tl111ing, '4 tp11d, f1ctory o1lt, wlnyl top. IXE!..64 ~I 1968 CATALINA -4-Door· S.0111. V.1, hydr1m1lla tr111tml11lo11. pow1r t111 tl11t , r1• dio, hoo1t1r, f1,tory o1ir co'"'fti011int • IWF:l920) 1967 COUGAR 1968 FORD TORINO 2 Jr. H.T., \II. 1ufom1lic:. pow1r 1!11rin9, ft(!Ory l it, whit• ""'"'· ! XOE202 I $2577 1968 BARRACUDA $2277 IRAND _N!W '70 CATALINA H•~p C..,.. Tlflte .,,.. •• ff.. Mftt.& w•lt. W•lls, pt11ll ...._ re• 410, ,...., 1Nerlt1f, pow., itNbl, ua- teM Ifft Mita. (Jl2J70Cl0716fl Thoy d id it 1g•in. M•d• th• 1970 Cafalin1 the bil)9est b1rg•in of th• year. Pontiac's kind of luxury. Th• st•bilify th 1 t only comas with • Wld•. Tr1ck1r. AU this at a pric• thtt will m•k• your budg1f sigh with r•liaf. • WHOLESALE VAL1UES ' '65 TEMl'EST \II, oi.rtof!l1l lc, r1dio, h11l1r, pow1r 1f11rin 9, whit1 wills. f PIHO••I '67 SUNBEAM Alpi111 lf'Orh &011v1fti•l1. R1d!o, h11!1r, 4 1p11cl .(VTll41 I '67 PONTIAC 4 Dr. 111!0., lt&H, fl.S., f1ctory 1ir, pow1r win· cl'ows, (Orcl1v1 lop. !T\IH 5ll) '65 OLDS 98 li.r•ury s1d1n. A11!0., RI H, PS .. f1,lory 1!r, COi· dov1 lop. INQP551 l '66 GTO 2 ~r. H.T. VI , hvclr1., P.S., R&H, WSW, f1clory 1ir, vi11yl 111b, IATZOOJ I • • • .... prlct low Kelly look 5777 j 5675 s977 s112s 51877 51925 1968 MUSTANG VII o1ulom11ic, pow1r al11rin1J, t•~io, ho1o1to1r, f1ctory o1ir COii• d!t on!119. IVHA.2141 1968 OLDS 4 • 4 • 2 2 Dr. H.T. A~fofll1tic, pow1r tl11ri11g, r1cl io, h11t1r, f1,lory 1ir, wJ11yl lop, pow1r w!Mlow1. IVCJ7761 1967 CORYEm 4J 1 \II , 4 1P411cl' ft111tflll11!011, rt4io, hto1t1r. a.I. IVC.llJ74 J' $3977 1968 YOLKSWAGEN .1 Ai.rtom1tic tr1nu11i11lo11, r1dio ind h11t1r. h it•• 'WIEt24)) $1877 1967 CATAUN4 Station Wagon • p11111191r. A~tof!l1!1c, pow1r 1l11ri119, rMlo, h•1t1r1 f1ctort t it conditio11l119. IT~Yllf) $2477 SERVICE. DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7,30 A.M. to 6,oo P.M. • SAL ES DEPARTMENT OPEN 9,00 A.M. to 9,30 P.M. EVERY CAY. • ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/-COSTA MES·A IY I ~ l _.,,_ • Kl-64444 • \ • t I • ' • • 0 "' - / ,. . . ,' ·' . . . . r . . ,' . . ' . . . .. l ------·----------.. - ................ .._, w------. . ..... •• ..... ·~ \ -.--. I ' .. ' . .. . . / CADILLAC' NINETEEN_ 'SEVENTY • EXCEIJ:ENT ' SELECTION . . . ' . , OF .MODELS .& COLORS AVAILABLE FOR LEASE .OR PURCHASE --.... ----·-----·---·-Even when measured by Cadillac standards of ex .. cellence, the 1970 Cadillac is sure to exceed your greatest expectations. Let's get together soon for a demonstration .drive. _ , · • ' • ; • . . . Magnificent .. Experience t • f.' • f.,;_ .... -· ' ,' ' __, . '! • ' .• . ... . - . ' •• " USED, LOW -···.MILEAGE -1969 -CADILLAC EL DORADO Exquisit9;. S•pp,hlre Blue Firemist w7, white p1dd.d· t-Op & white l11ther. ex· ter.ior, ~·c+of'y Air, Full Power, Stereo AM, Power door loc~s, tilt & telescopic steering"'Whiel, etc.,-litC. ISu. H9 1017921 . " ...... 19~~ CADILLAC eo1:1Pe nevu1e. Biack-~xterroT-Withbtaat·­ padded top and black doth··t •leathtt..mter- ior. Full power, factory air, pnver door Jock&, AM-FA[ radio, twllla;hl sentinel, et~. (UTK683) 1967 FLEETWOOD Brougham. Embauy bla~k ·With black top · and black leether fnterlot. Full power, ·fac·. tory air, Ult whteJ, stereo >.M-FM, po'o1.·er door loek1, power trun~pleue, Vogue pre· mlum tlr@S, etc., etc. (urS731) PllCI . sA.iJ $.3600 '·' PllCI 1966 PONTIAC .. . SALi . Bonnevl;lle H.T. coupe. :P.11sl a;reen with black $1100' vinyl trim. Alltomatlc, jJQW!r "sleertnf;-pow----··-· · · --•· er brakes, pow-er windows, factory air con- ditioning, Low mllcaa;e. E..xceptlonally clean car. <SGL676) · PRICI 1962 Ml!RCIDIS BN.Z 230 ~ Sedan. Mercede& blue with natural leather Interior. 4 spted, radio, heater, air cond.ltlonlng. radial tires. 40,500 miles. Im· peeeable. CJNA586 l 1 969 CADILl,AC . , .. ·. · PRICI -· SALi ' . OVER 80 QUALITY CADILLACS .- TO SELECT FROJ\l LARGEST SELECTION IN . ORANGE COUNTY! 1969 CADILLAC SEDAN DE V.li.LE Low ipileau: Breathtaklna: finish w/.vlnYI top 'I: deluxe cloth &: le8.ther itimmed plu&h in.t,_eriof. Factory ~r cond., fUll po'>'·er, stereo AM-Flot radio, CrUlse Controf. tilt & tf!lescoplc wheel, split Cront seata with sepa- rate adjustment, rear wlhdow defogger, dOor guard, powtt door locks, headlamp dimmers, wsw tlrN, ren);·bte trunk opener. twUtrht sentinel, etc., etc. Absolutely every option on this luxurious motor car (Ser. 89132943). A1ust be sttn & driven !" ~ • SALE PRICED SALE $6 -500 PRICI 1968 CADILLAC Coupe ·de Ville. Normandy blue with black J..a~u and 1:1lue le~tl;ler trim. Full power, factory air coni!iltonlng, tUt-tele wheel, A~I-FAI radio, etc. Local one owner. (VGZ117l 1967 THUNDIRBl•D . . ' Alpine-white 1'jth black vin)'l Interior: FUU power, factory air, .-.AJd.m,. tilt 1tttrlni "·heel. New radial tire!. (trrc387) !!6!111~~~~~~~ilh whi1' vinyl top · and lvhlle leather in-:.erlor. Full ·-po-\\Tf'. facl6J'Y-atr ·cond!tlonlrig. AM-P'M ra:= dio, po\\·er door locks, reer window defog· ger, etc. Local, 1 owner. CVTM274) 1966 TORONADO . .pduxe. Full power, factory air condillonlna;, tilt. "'1heel. AM-FAf radio, allver blue finish, vln;yl top, deluxe Interior. (10081) 1961 CADILLAC • ·~--:--:. f ... ; ..... ' .... -..... ; ~ . ' SALE $4300 - PllCI SAl.E $2100 PRICE SALE $4500 PRICI SALE $2100 PllCE . . .. ,,.. ~ ' Sedan De Ville. Ern'i.l ne 'w.htte with aqu.i.afte _ aqua·l!loth & leather Delphltre1 tnterl.or.'-Ni · .~ ~~. factory air conditioning, AM·fli.t ra.· ~dfo. lZRFll2>. $5300 .. ., . ' Sedan DeVWe.• Silver blue wlth matching cloth A la,.ther Interior. Full power, fattory air <!pnditlaotnr . ~cnal aeeklng radio, pow· e:r door locks. (D'D824) ' . ... ··tMI CADILLAt Sedan ne· Vu1e. Popular N~ Blue w/ > dlx. Interior, t1CtCr,l1Jf Cond.; Full Power, . slcnal seekin& Radio.• iµi & teleM:Opic wheel.· all Dix. Xtru. {IIVD20ll:'.'. .'';:_ :. ~-;~ SALi $1800 . l'llCI ( ____ ____,N AB-ERS . '-""""· J 2600 ·.Harbor Blvd., ·· Costa Mesa .540·9100 .• .,. • • • i '· . .SALES DFf ~RTMENT OPEN 19,48 CONTINEff'l'.AL $ SALE ·s~ Glacier gr~n with · srmi ~i.thffr th~ : · '3900 tOrlor. Full pow", factory ,Ir, AM·FM ro· · · dio, power door Jocks, tilt wheet;absoluteJy beautiful throUihout! fVWKm> • PRICE . . NABERS CADILLAC , LEASE DIRECT lmmedl1to delivery • Excellent Selection 0Yer far ac;res of factory author· lzecl total Cacllllac facilities desiCJn· •d to bett9r Mii and semce new and_ -d ~c automoblles. 0 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM ~on. thru Fri • 9:00 AM to 6:00 P1fl Sal and Sun. . ALL CARS SUBJECT TO l'lllOR' S,t;LE. AL~· SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH .,.UESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1969 . . . . , ' ' .. ' ' l : • • .,... . 'DAILY · PILOT OllANGE COUNTY, CAUFOllNIA ~ 1 ,' , 9 N 0 V EM I E R 2 9 , 1 9 6 9 n FOa Dl..41¥~ r. COLE, c-asl.4~. A'miiW1r.U.ie Olk~ oJ (htilff Slak• COIUU Fl&.1 ,..,,,,. .... IM ~· """' ., ,,.a,,i. eo11•id4wl o/ 'flfhrtd ~--re. ,,.. .... , o..u. t.Jc., !f.D. • Tbe U.S. Dialrict Court Clerk. who re· cenee the 6nea, pays them to the U.S. TIUIUJ')'. Tbe:re they are included with other reYenues u part of Miecellaneou Receipta. which are a•aila.ble for appro- priation by Congreu for any pu.rpoee. FOR DR. C.UU S. BLYTH, Or&iwraty of Noni& c.tToliM FIU /ooclMU •aMor-..._-.-. .... I IM pr....,~ ......,,., ..,., .... .. ,. ......... , ........ Ide. ,,... Ila-, preHal1-IC • .4. ~r••eael, Broolrlya, !f.l'. • No. The bud.hell plutic helmet DOW iD Ille baa been shown to be aoperior to thoee made from other materials. Foot- ball autboriliea recommend that all ath. letel be properly 6tted with helmett of high quality. Poorly conat:rocted, wont· out equipme& abou1d be di8canled. The practice of oainc the bead u a battmin& ram or epear should be eliminated 'oa CEOaCB C.4ILVP, polUl.rr .. ,.... '"' ,... "'"' eoMttell•• ,,.,,. .. "-- ---~~ .............. ~ -J. B. L., Lo1••, F. Ya. • I fint conduct.eel electioo auneya in 1932. Tbe caadidate wu my mother-in· law, Mrs. Ale~ Miller, wbo wu the int wcm.an elected to the post of aecretary of the Sa.te of lowL FOR ROll..4/V C.4BRl~L, q...naHcl:, ~ .41tfelu It.., ,. " ,,.. ..... .,... ,...,,. .. , .... ~ ... ,..QUI .... . /oolMU .._ ,_.,.,. •I ,,.. ~1-r .. ,,,,. •• , a.,..., s..... ,,...,. • Since the risk of injlll'J is preeent, the Rams nevei-uk quarterbacb lo throw a football for diltance-except in a pme. I once threw a football more than 80 yards qainat Minae&ota. The p&M WU incomplete. What In Ula Worldl Nonsecrets Rand McNally'a new inter- national atlu i• & sigant:ic 13-millioa. 10. ~ear project that employed 115 geog- Ed Hor FMdall (left) 'and cartogroph., -..~- raphers and cartographers to produce 285 maps and 160,000 entries. But when it GPJDe to mapping Red China, editor Dick Fontall was worried. With China ao isolated, bow could he check the ac- curacy of his ma.,.? He aou1ht help from the Hungarian Stat.el Olice of Cartog· raphy, and it went behind the Bamboo Co.rtain. At lut came the .. in.side infor· matioe," ud auiou.aly F oratall la.id the Red ma)» alonpide thoee produced by U.S. expert& They were identical! Boys' Spotts A recent national aurvey of intencbool athletic ~petition for boya. •ix to 13, notee: l) The epithrsis (end of a loq bone, inYOJ.ed in growth) ia •ulnerable in a growing boy-repeated atreaa coWd came injury; 2) Exploitation is a real threat-wbeu Mtiafrin& parenta, coa.chea, and community booetera, ambi· tion beeomea a prominent moti•e, and the primary purpoee of athletic:a it loat; 3) Vanity.type program• at thia early age may gi'fe a boy a diatorted aenae of Yalues. To Give or Not to Give Tony Ran· cWJ. who playa the angel Democritu.a in NBC-t'f'• "The Uttleat Angel" next Sat· unlay, ia of two mind.a about Otriatmu 1ifta. "I don't like the commercialiution attached to Chriatmaa," Tony .aid. .. , muat admit that it is all pretty and excit· ~ourself 'Oa Al'ICIB DICC!fSO!f, «mu Flaea ,...,. ,,.,..., eo•· ~ ..Wa aMI o/ )'OIU' u.a.u, But,._... red, .... ,,,,_,_f'. Al., ,,.,.,,.,.,., t "•· • I do. Hia work bu revolutioaded the muaic world. Good .. the 6lma r'fe made "may ~ they won't chanp the moYiea u an art Lonn. Bu.rt'• moaic ia ao much more import&Dl lo the wodd than any· thiq I can poeaibly do. 'oa J.4111lS IW'MON11 c-.... 111.-Dilliao. .. .,. .. plade ..... ••WilllW ,_....,.. ,...,_....,,la ....U.r eer.1-Blll BUI, ,,. .. ......,!f.D. e At Genolet, plastic ia considered aa engineering material iD il:e own apt, not a aubet.iptte. M.teriab or CGmbiDatiou or m.ateri.ala are adapted to a apeci&c me for our continuing emp.ia on aafety, quality, reliability, and durability. POR F ..tLTEK CRONIUTB, CBS New1 la orfler ,. 9..Ufy u • ,.... .... I• • ,_,,. ,., .... ;.. . ..... ,., ..,,., ..... 6-eJr.. 1rotUM1 .. ,..,,....,,_ ... ,,.,. ........... ,....., t......., s.c. • General ute and sciences with em- phuia on political science, hiatory, eco- nomics. and, of course, Enaliah. Some journalism couraea and foreip laquqes alao are invaluable. In addition, 80llle journali9tic experience acquired while at- teadiag acbool, .uch u wot:k.ing oa the college newepaper, part-time reportiq for a local paper or radio, or telerieion at.lion. would be ideal .. f'Oa .4K1' UlfKLETl'Ell • It ia true. I U.. iu..N dwrt yoa .,.. .. ....,.,, .... .. ... "'· '• 11.u ,,.., -lln. U.. Tblla, s... ••IMy <All/. ,.. ....... • , __ ...-• ....... ! Y-•• ........ .W. nh •• ... _,_ .- .._ _ ,_ .. F 'me...-,_....._... S... ........ Jlftl-"17-• "911 _.., 1e Aa n.-Y__.,, P-a, w.-.,., "I ,_ ...... A...., New Y ... N.Y. Jitu. .... __. aulww1 .. ..u ..... , -ts ... lie ..... ,_ ... -...... in-. but what doea it hue lo do with the real meuing of Christmu? I do like to pick out aurprae preeente for other peo. pie, thoqh. But I don't like to receiw them. It'• a bore." Why? .,People know I lib opera, ao they're always eendiag me Mario Lama recorda." Have • Supplement..t Heart The w:ry next deftlo...-i iD tbia fantaatic era of heart surpry will be help for hearb too weak to function 100 percent. but oot ao weak u to require a trau- plut. A nuclear iaotope capwle, accord· ing to Hittman Aaeociar.e., a tecb.oological company adected by the Atomic Energy Commi.Mioia to cleotelop ~ • .,....., will be combined with a tiny cycle eqine. The complete deYice, no larger than the human heart, will be implanted in the body aad oler aupplementary energy, re. aponding to the Yuyiag demande of the body OD the heart. Wlteeler Opwo Hou• To 5pMd SkMn The old Wheeler Opera House now houses an IBM SJ•lem that will help 150,000 skien find lodging in Colorado's Aapen-Snowm ... area. The computer will come up with one of 15,000 accommodations to fit aucb requirements u price. occupancy, kitchenette, swim· ming pool, distance to ski lift. etc. If no preferred choice is available, the machine will oJfer altemati•ea. "This free proc:eas takes only a couple of minutes," saya Georges Odier of the Aapen Chamber and Vieitors Bureau. You n ltwtted to Ml your questions or commtnts about any .-tkle or ldvtrttsement that ~ Jn F.lly W...Jy. Your letter wlll recelYe 1 pnimpt 1nswer. Wrftt to Strvlct E.dltor, F•lty WeelJJ, 641 l.alnltoft Mtlut, New YOft, N. Y.10022. I t .LA-z-a ·ov® SHO~CASE A selection of fine reclining chairs Comfort Chairs for Leisure Uving SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED LA-l-BOY~ DEALER LA-Z-BOY9 CHAIR COMPANY -MONROE, MICHIGAN 48181 How Not to Help Your Child with His Homework You mean well, certainly- but are you hindering your youngster's school progress? By VIRGINIA B. W AIUtEN Auth.w of "Jere.cl Woys to Help Y-Chlld Leom" THE AMOUNT of homework given children has gone up, up, up in recent years, ac- cording to a National Educa- tion Association survey. As _ homework ·has increased, so have parents' panic and puz- zlement about it. Parent. all over tbrEco · try are wondering: should w elp T How 1hould we help? Shoul we interfere if Junior baa too much-or too little -homework? What if he tells us he doean't have any homework T Well-meaning parents usually blun- der along and do what they think ia best. But they're often ao wrong! Here are aome of the mistakes educators sa,y are moat frequently made when parents get involved with homework : • Doing homework for the child. "The parent who doee a student's homework for him ia contributing about u much to bis intellectual growth as eating his dinner for him would add to his physical growth." So aaya a homework guide distrib- uted to parents by the Brevard County, Fla., school system. Resist that temptation to eolve tough math problems for him or write reports he doesn't have time to do. Bia teacher would be evaluating your knowledge of the subject, not hia, when grading time comes. She wouldn't know where his wealmeeaea are: where be needs help. And re- member, when he's taking teats, you won't be there to help him. Bia teacher doesn't want you to do homework for him, or even ahow him how to do it. • Failinr to provide a quiet at- mosphere. Many parents want to help bot fail to do ao in the moat im- portant wq of all. lt doesn't occur to them that a child can't accompliah much if he studies while sprawled in front of the televiaion aet. If you don't provide him with a quiet place to work, with a desk or table where be can spread his papen -and with a l'OOd lamp--don't be surprised if he can't concentrate. • Criticizing the way be baa been taught. Sometimes, when parent. don't understand such new teaclliq techniquea u the new math, they try to downgrade them. "They didn't teach math like thia when I went to school-and I learned it all right." This attitude baa a negative effect on kids. Why struggle with tough homework if it's taught wrong! If you don't understand the work your child is doing, don't try to help him and don't comment on it in bia prCf'ence. If you diaagree with the teacbJ ng method. uk bis teacher to explain why it's being uaed. • Turning homework time into an emotional scene. When your child ob- ject. to your help or becomea upeet, the time bu eome to stop. When homework precipitatea a strunJe or argument between you and your child, you're no longer a help but a severe hindrance. • Making the child feel burdened by homework. Some parent.a berate the school in their child'• preaence for the amount of homework u- aigned. "I don't know how they can expect a mere child to do all this." Few younpt.en could resist that golden opportunity to goof off. Haven't their own parent. said the work wu too much for them? If you sincerely feel your child bu an overload of homework, speak to hia teacher about it-not to him. • Not helping him develop good study habits. Many parents allow their children to study in slipshod, diaorganized waya. r et children muat budget their time and study efficient- ly. If they're to succeed in ecbool. The student who f olloWB a ached- ule is never a student who ia failins. On the other band, the student who ia f ailin&' never bu established a study schedule. • Giving more criticism than praiae. When you criticize your child's sloppy papen, bis lack of concentra- tion, hie errors, you may be living him exactly what he want&-your un- divided attention. He may have found that when homework goea well, you don't notice him aa much. So cool your criticiam and look for things to praise--& neatly written paper, an improvement in spelling, an hour of quiet concentration. Don't overdo rour praise: he'll detect auch phoni- ness immediately. • Not keeping in touch with his teachers. There are many sltuationa in which you must And out from the teacher directly what'• roiJll' on. U your child comea home regularly with the report that .,I don't have any homework" or "I did it all in echool" -check with hia teacher. If the work conaistently (not juat once in a while) seems too difBcult for him, find out from bis teacher where the problem Uee. He may need tutoring. Chances are you haven't made call of these miatakea when helpml' with homework-so you don't get a f~il­ ing mark. But try and do better tbia year anyway! • Improve Your Chllcl'1 Skills RNd.en tolo wattt to ltelp tAN oltildrn get MOf'e Ot&t of M:lt.ool "'°' #tld for ..._ tMr or ~tA of'-'-•• 6oob: for beefer et.Mfttory eelt.ool gNdu, .. wd 1.us for "81 War• to Help Y 0tir Cltild ill SoAool" to "81 W•r•# 50800, De71t. SOOS, ,500 N. W. 116tA St., Miami, Fla. For im- proved Aiglwolt.ool ~. •"'4 l.f for "H0t0 to St&OOHd ft& Bi11'A Sc"-oor' to "Bigl SoAoor' 515<H, De,>t. !OOB, UOO N.W. tlStA Sf., Miaflli. Fla. I ~ ) Ari- Yuma 1 Daniels Jewelry Co. Colifomio Bokersfleld: Bye's of Bokerslield Glefldole: B·S Fin.e Mdse. Co. Dohn•-en Inc. of S. Col. Hayword, De\lon, Inc. C/O J. C. Penney Co. Hollywood: E. H. Gold Jewelers Merced: Besco Enterprises Newpon Beodl: Cosrom ESA ABC Premiums Socromenlo: ~-8ros. So11 Feroondo: Henderson's Son Luis Obispo, Besco Enterprises M. Krulak & Co. Madonna Inn Son Mateo: Steiners Jewelery Sonto Monico: King Jewelers Sonia Roso, Jewel Box Torrance, Swander Cost. Jewelry Colorado Springs: S.M.&R.-Jewelry Dept. Pueblo, Gibson Co. ldolto Boise: Weislield's, Inc. Idaho Falls: Jensen Jewelet5 Lewiston, Great Western Dist. Co. Pocatello: Gem State Dist. Na te Morgon Jewelers Twin Falls, Jensen Jewelers Nebraska Beatrice , Gibson Co. Ne-4G las Vegas: Bosco Jewelers, Inc. Dohnken of Los Vegas North Ookoto Grand Forks: Muon's Jewelry Or990" Coos Soy, Weislields. Inc. l(lomoth Falls: Weislields, Inc. Medford: John Nukh Jewelers Roseburg: Weislield's Inc. Solem: Dohnken of Solem Sovth Oo•oftl Rapid City, .S.M.&R.-Jewelry Dept. Texas Austin: Kruger Jewelry Co. ff. Woflh: Gordon Jewelers Edison Jewelers freepon, Gordons Jewelry lufltin, Gibson Co. Midland, KNger Jewelry Co, Plolnview: Gibson Co. Pon Anhur, Gordon Jewelry Son Antonio: Jaclyn Jewelers TPOrkono, Gordon Jewelry Tyler: Gordon Jewelry Utoti Ogden 1 Note Morgon Jewelers Provo, Note Morgon Jewelers Woahifl9foft Aberdeen: Weislield's Jewelers Bellingham, Weisfleld's Jewelers Posco: Weisfield's Jewelers Wallo Wallo, Welslield's Jewelers Wenatchee: Weisfield's Jewelers Wyo111l119 Cosper, Gibson Co. • • • The Yulcain. 1_11 lets. you breathe a nil eaaer. Any diving watch can tell you the tiine. This is the one that signals you when to start surlacing. It has an underwater alarm mechanism that · acts as an acoustical reminder. Rotating, luminous dial. Decompression tables. . Pressun~-proof even at a depth of 975 feet. The Vulcain Cricket Nautical. It's a comforting voice from the deep. Vulcain watches for men and women priced from $29.9S to $l00: disital hour·minpte1«0nd dials. automatic day~ calradan. chf0ft091'lllhl wit!t ~and te~ The ttchnicia•' and sportsmm's Swiss wa&chmakcr lincc llSI. At fiM storn. For illustrated brochure and name of nearest authoriz.ed dnkr, write Valcain Watda Co.of Nonh America. 3S2 Part Ave. South, New Yort. I L I BELIEVE in astrology. To me, it is a science so com- plete-to a point-that I might even advocate it be taught in our schools. The sun, the moon, and the atara are all part of God's rreat universe. And with the advance ot acientiftc bowledp, we become ever more aware of the interdependence that exlata eveeywbere. Here on earth we accept the science of eeoloSY-a branch of science deal- lnr with the close relationahip be- tween all living orpniama and their environment. And in tlie universal scheme of thinp, we accept the pu 11 of the moon upon the eea, aWBctentlY powerful at times to cause the eea to 10 wild. I wu fortunate enourh to be in- troduced to the acience and art of utrolotrY when I was a little airl, only eia'bt or nine years of age. The priest who was my religious adviser at the Sacred Heart Church in Loe Anplee waa the instrument for thia. AlwaJ'B f ucinated by the star markinp in my handa and the thinp I told him when I lowered my head and shyly spoke of the many strange thlnp that came to me, be arranged for me to meet Father Henry-a brilliant Jesuit echolar from Loyola University. Looking back, I realise that Father Henry must han been well-briefed fn advance about me and my psychic gift, tor his interest wu immediate and intenae. Lookina" at my hand, he said at once that I should atudy utrology. ••rt will mean a great deal to you," he predicted, "and your peychlc talent will add greatl1 to 1our interpretationa." Father Henry cut my horoacope, a difticult thing to do lince the hour of mY birth i• not )mown. He had to work my chart backward and for- ward many ti.mu before he wu ftnal- ly aatisfted. "You have a talent which. coupled with your religious devotion, .. he con- cluded, "could help maJU' people ftnd within them.aelvea-tbe light of God." For a period of eeveral years, Father Henry made frequent trips from Santa Clara to instruct me. He was never myaterioua but talked about hol"OaCOpes and conatellations as naturally as he tallced of religion and teachin.«, atreainc always the importance of numben. However. I do not-and let me say this loud and clear---eceept astrology as absolute. Only God ls Abeolute. And He would not have endowed us with a tree wUl bad He not expected ua to use it. Aatroloa ia an ever-ao- helpful road map when the guidelines it showa are correctly interpret.eel. Why I Believe By JEANE DIXON When, as aometimea happens, a horoscope proves leea than correct, the fault is likely to lie in a misin- terpretation of the data provided. For astrological findings depend upon the date, hour, latitude, and longitude that attend our birth. Horoecopea deftnitely do show gen- eral personality characteriatice which fall under particular aipa. There may be exceptions, especiaU,. if one wu born on the cusp-or just aa one sign chaqe9 to the next. Jupltw usually ia a lucky planet. It induces cheerfulneea and optimism. Women with Jupiter prominent in their chart tend to attract men. Their tendency is to dreu in colorful stylish clothee. latunl!, the opposite of Jupiter, causes restleaaneu and peuimism and sometimee-perhape becauae of these qualitiet--a lack of prosperity, depending on certain influence.. v.-. bleuea with feeliJlp of friendabip, love and aood things and, in conjunction with Jupiter, eftecta a magnetic eex attraction. Mars. exerting a m.uculine power, rules the world of aporta. It brinp ~iolence also, far too often. Frequently, whenever Kara and Saturn appear in my chart, I have ftve negative days in a month. At these times, I proceed cautiously. But I do not permit my awareneu of this negative in1luence to rule me. I .ecept it aa something which God. in Bia mysterious way, baa allowed to come in my path, while I try to fulftll Ilia purpoee for me on thla earth. Mercury, a little but &lr&TeUive planet, ia like a dUld. who la forever cryin• out, 0 1 want that " or "That's mine 1" It ia, therefore, not BUJ'Pril- Jq that Mercury i1 cloeely aaaoclated with trade and commerce, mathe- matics and writing-and. at tim.ea, with behavior that ia miachievoua to a aerioua fault . .........,., not diacovered until the 18th century, rules over invention, electricity, and the unexpected. Neptune ia prone to be diautrous at timee. Apropos, I believe that Sen.. Ed- ward Kennedy's chart would ahow that Uranus or Neptune exerted a very 1trong influence at the time of hia automobile acci4ent last July. Pluto, discovered aa recentl1 aa 1980, atimulatee a diaaatiafacti01:1 with surroundings and causes a wan- derlust, especially in the 1oung, who, ruled by Pluto. are revolting against their parents and the Establishment. I predict another planet ia aoon to be d.iacovered. The zodiac, quite limply, ia an imaginary belt in the Heavens ex- tending for eight degrees a deg~ being an astronomical term of mea- surement--on either side of the ap- parent path of the aun and the paths of the moon and the planets. The 12 equal parts into which the r.odiac divides the year are named for the mythological beings whose out- lines they originaQy were thought to resemble. The signs of the IOdi&c are: • Aries, The Ram: March 21 to April 19. Those of Aries pt their energy from the ruling planet JI.an. Stroo.« in competition, they are leaden in business and industry. Ariee talcea the lead in trying out new thinp and movi.ng in new di- rection.a. They are ambitiou and bead.strong but fomviQ and helpful to those lea fortunate than them- selves. Aa children, they want their own way. As parents, they shou.ld avoid a tendency to dictate to their children. Taurus, The Bull : April 20 to May 20. Those of Taurus are born under the sign of Venus and are gentle, obliging, truly lovin1 people. If Uranus shows a strong influence, Family~/ N011eMbn-~o. 1969 in Astrology The famed seer says this ancient science-art is part of God's divine plan to keep our feet firmly on the ground while our fingertips touch the stars they entertain atroq likes and dia- likea and are apt to be atubbom and quarrelsome if oppoeed. They are re- lilient and determined. however, bouncing back from apperent failure to win succeu. When the chart ia favorable, artis- tic and muaical proclivities are strongly in evidence. Great operatic voices sometimes result u well aa great artists. Taureans are aood in buaine.sa of all kinda, especially bank- ing and dnance. la GemW, The Twina: May 21 to Jone 20. Ruled by the planet Mer- cury, members of tbls aign need variety and change to aatiafy that nervous enel'I')' Mercury givea. Geminiarui are literate and hard to pin down to a deciaion or to yield in a discuaaion since they Jove to f enca mentally and verbaUy on almost any topic. Joumaliste, writen, and teach- ers are found often among Genlnians. · * Caneer, The Crab: June 21 to July 22. Those born ttnder the sign of Cancer are "moon children." They have wide interests outside the home but really can be most likeable and human i1' the home. Senaitive and sympathetic to a fault, they ahow a tendency to take on the symptoms of others' illneuee moat readily. Women under thia sip make ~ homemakera--.nd very protective mothers. The men, too, are rather poeaeuive and domineering about their child...,~ ~~ Leo, The Lion: July 28 to Ausuat 22. Thia, one of the strongest signs, ia aaaociated with a wish to be .. in the know!' They are proud and die- criminatin1 about their frienda, ac- cepting new ones only after they have proved themselves. Ruled by the Sun, giver of life and power. Leo can produce aome maa- niftcent people. They make l'OOd ac- tors and kind executivee. ~viq their employees a feeling of MCurity. Thia, too, appUe. to huet.nda born under the aian of Leo. Tbey are kind, atead,y, and forgivin1 in quarrela with their wtvea, who really ft.nd them moet often conaiderate and dependable .• V ..... , The V~n: Au1. 28 to Sept. 22. Vjrso ia an Earth aip but TUled by the mental •ian Mercury. So they love order, and a Vir~ arom- an wanta thinp juat so before abe bestows her love and favon. There ia a tendency amoq Vil'IO people to be reeiped and uncom- municative, aometimea reserved to the point of hostility. When Pluto and Uranua are 1tron1ly placed in the horoacope, their basic atrenrtb ia brou1ht out, and Vireo is equal to anythinr lif e•s wear and tear may bring. Vir10 makes 1ood worken aince they thrive on work and are will- ing to serve. Your capable. efnclent aecretary ia likely to be a Virgo. They also m.ake excellent 1Tade-1ehool teacben. Ubrtl, The Balance: Sept. 28 to Oct. 22. Venue, ruler of Libra, makes them lovers of beautiful surround- ings, almost to the point of neceuity, otherwise they droop and fade. They love music and art. Gentle, eometim.ea timid, they need to be re- &Mured of your re1ard and affection. R~nnantic, aoulful, Libra men and women are ideal lovers, if not mar- riage partners. They consider alld weigh before making up their minds and cannot be rushed. The balance. remember, waven before. to reel Scorpio, The Scorpion: Oct. 28 to Nov. 21. Ruled by II.an, planet of energy and war, Scorpions are likely to be extreme in their viewa. Often secretive, they can be 8J)iteful, BO watch out for the Scorpion'• ating. On the poeitive aide, the, are pow- erboWMll in aceompliabment once they set themeelvee to do aomethin1. They make rood aurreona and nunee with real empathy for the au«erinp of their patients. Su ta. of coune. a stroqly moti- . vatiq force of Secni>iona, but may tab the form of relirioua devotion almost to the point of fanaticllm and, at its hil'hest, a reJJ.rioua fervor that tranalatea itself to millions. I am speakiq in tbia cue, for example. ofBil\rG~ 5at1IH•l"f# Tbe Archer: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21. RuJed by .Jupiter, Sag- ittarius ls jovial, expanaive, an ath- lete and outdooraman who prefen the country to the city. An Idealist, he embraces causes to help mankind and ia a reliaioua enthoaiut u well A atronrly placed Sun and .Jupiter make for a proepcroua, outroinr penon, leader of benevolent causes. Sqittariana wear stylish, colorful clotbea that ID.lJ' even be cona1>icu- ous, bot they carry themselves well, being rracioua. often beautiful in a spiritual, noble way. ~ Caprlconl, The Goat: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn often makes hie way aaairu.t::-.Mtl~ and through hia peni8ten succeeds sometimes only later in Ute. Presi- dent Richard Nixon ia an outatandinr example. Conservative by nature, they col- lect and even board tbinp. They aeneraJly live to a ripe old are, when they finally come into their own. They male lood executives and Govern- ment olftclala. Preatire; order, con- servatism-these are all Capricorn key wol'dl. Aquarius, Tbe Water Bearer: .Jan. 20 to Feb. 18. The 11.p of Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano .BooM- velt. Ruled by Uranue, this can be a alp of potential ...,.me.a. The Aquarian ia apt, however, to be Htt- leu and eccentric, but be makea frienda easily, and they are important to him, eometlmea more 10 than wive.,. huebanda, or children. They are creative and make ll'Ut inventon like Thomas Edieon. The Are of Science i• really the Aquarian A,e, and great thinp mar be expect- ed from them and for them. • Plaeet. The Fl1hee: F@. 19 to Karch 20. Ruled b7 Neptune, Pilce. tivea a lad, 1tranp)y traatc life. On the higher level, however. look for &Te&tneaa in the tlelda of reUrlon, muaic, medicine, and spiritual mat- t.era. and excellence In bueineu, espe- cially in real estate. And on the Jower plane, paycbica. spiritualists, and palm readers are often Jound under thia aim. Weak inebriates and drug addicts alao tuna up under aftUcted upecta of Pi1Ce9. Neptune and paychic phenomena ro hand in hand . .Aa Neptune 1oea, to goes Placea. "Per ~ ad aatra" (throurh tribulation to the atara) ia an old R<>- man proverb. So, in this fut.-moviq, ever-cbanrinr world, utrolorY can help a man rise above milf ortune and change hie life for the better. We are be teat.ed every day and if we can 1 bow to utiliu the power of the ivine Spirit, God, we can realize our potentialities to the f uJleet. Astrology, I believe, can help you to know yourself and Jeam how to recover from defeat and from the viciuitudes of diaruptf ve human re- lationships. Study utrolory and use it for good. It can help you ftrht the battle of life and be a winner. I believe in aatro1ol'Y because the sun, moon, and atan, and each one of u&-torether with the intenelation- ahip about which we inevitably will learn more and more--are part of God'• Divine plan. And aleo, I believe, a part of God's Divine· plan is tor each one of ua to keep our feet planted firmly on the &Tound, with our ftn1ertlpe touchlnr the stanr • M-. AmaD"I PNClktJon1 R...ur. wAtt&, to r-.d "'°" aN.t J-.. ~" ottel ~ utoteulittg PN· dtctiou on •rg«I. to •n.d /or U.. bne- ••lliftg book, 0 A Gift of Pr~eq." M4fl 14.60 to "PropMOJI" 61100, 0.,,1. tool, 4600 N .W. 111'1& St~. M'4•4, 1'lo. A LIMIT•D •DlftON-ONLV 780 a•Ta AVAILA•L• Set of 6 full Color GAME BIRD PLATES IN GENUINE ENGLISH BONE CHINA THESE LOVELY PLATES ARE MADE IN THE GREAT TRADITION OF BRITISH ARTISANS These glorious full color game bird plates are made of exquisite English bone china ... comparable to the original Audubon birds. Nature's beauty is blended with the skill of artisans to create these translucent fluted edge plates. Imported in a limited edition; hang as decorator plaques or use for snacks, desserts or individual ash trays. 4" square. Set of 6, only S7.98 Offft Will NOT If lllftATfO THIS SEASON We urge you to order these lovely plates now while the supply lasts. You'll be de- lighted by the beauty they will add to your home. This is your only chance to order as this offer will not be repeated this season. r -l 0-DAY MONIY IACI GUAUN1tl --, I CUfNLAND mJDIOS I 1SIZ Gnrl..., ~ Mllml, Ra. u.4 I Please rush me my set of .#3271~ Gen. I I ulne En1fllh Bone China <dme Bird Plates I for only Sl.98 plus 75' for postqe and I I handlln.. I understand that If I am not I completely satisfied, I may retum ·within I 10 days for a complete refund. Enclosed I 11 check or m.o. for$ I I NAME I I ADDmm I I cm I I STAn ZIP. I I 0 s.w S2. Send ontv $14.46 tor 2.. I Extra Mt ma• a c:Nnntna llftl ______________ .. ENTERTAINMENT EFREM ZIMBALIST, Jr. Tranquil Actor in a Turbulent World "E FREM ZIMBALIST is the finest gent I know ! He's quiet, never gets mad, and he's considerate of ev- eryone. Yes, sir, we all think he's a real gentleman!" A veteran Hollywood sound tech- nician, taking advantage of the interruption caused by the star, who had flubbed a line while shoot- ing ABC's tv show, "The FBI," bad come over to me especially to make these comments. Being a gentleman and in com- plete command of his emotiona seem to be an integral part of both the professional and private Mr. Zimbalist. In fact, when his six- year marriage to socialite Steph- anie Spaulding failed in 1962, her complaint wu that her husband displayed "little love or affection." Yet they've remained good friends. It never ceases to amaze me that an actor with Efrem's background · and credits could be content to report to the same studio, and even the same set, year after year, without throwing in. the towel. So ·I asked him what the magic was that kept him going. "It's my job," he replied, matter- of-tactly. Then be went on. "Do you suppose the drugstore clerk is thrilled every day with his job ? No. But he can't aftord to yell at his customers or throw stuff off the shelves. it is bis job. Acting is my job. This is where I work. If I am not in the mood, I simply don't let it show." Presently, Efrem and his 13- year-old daughter Stephanie, the only child of his second marriage, along with the couple who look after them, share the household with two Yorkshire terriers. Zimbali1t with hil daughter Stephllnie. Stephanie's rabbit, and the former Mrs. Zim1>alist's stable of horses. When they were divorced, Efrem got the house, his wife the horses (she is a noted horsewoman)- but the stables, of coul'8e, could not easily be moved. Efrem enjoys outdoor activities, especially tennls and skiing-but be doesn't include horseback rid- ing among them. lffoem, of coune, ia the son of the fa med violinist, Efrem Zimbal- ist, Sr. His mother was the noted opera star, Alma Gluck. And bis sister ia best-selling n9velist Mar- cia Davenport. Efrem showed tal- ent in . musical composition but gave it up because claaaical music was "unpopular." His initial attempt at Holly- wood stardom ended when his first wife, Emily McNair, died after a long illness. Heartbroken, he gave up acting and served as his fa- ther's assistant at the Curtis In- stitute of Music in Philadelphia for tour years. But, dissatisfied, he gradually returned to acting and eventually became one of Hol- lywood's most in-demand actors. "I like being busy," he told me. "Even at home I build things. I like to work with my hands." He ec..ps up with his compos- ing, plays the violin for private enjoyment only, and paints por- traits and landscapes quite well. Efrem's career hasn't faltered and doesn't appear likely to do so as long as he's content to do the same things again and again. "I am happy with life," be admits. Stretching leisurely in his studio canvas chair, he adds: "I ftnd as I get older I gamble leas, look thinra through more. I live day by day. And I enjoy each one." -PEER J. OPPENHEIMER • Fa.11til11 W•eklu, November 30, 1969 ' CleanhMp My wife qaite oft makee •weeplq ... temeaa.. At •eh. 9he'• ._ry able. Olle .weepi.lllJ ... temeat'• "Lift yoar feet," Another, "Mo'f'e tlLat table." Ber .weepblc ... teme ... I doa .. -.bad, They gi'f'e llO eame for poo.. Tlaere'• only 011e I Ute to laear, W1Uela 19, '68ere, a..ke .W. hroom." --RkUr-4 ,4....., .QUIPS AND QUOTES Although Harold's airl friend Nancy WU a dainty bit of femi- ni.nlty. her mother waa the stroog- willed, domineering type, who made it very clear that she did uot approve of Harold. "The trouble is," Nancy con- fided to him, "that Mother thinka you're ah, er--e«eminate." With rebuffed feelinp, Harold pondered this newa for a moment. "Well," be said finally, "com- pared with her, I probably am!" -A. T. Q11igg Dtd wov lua.r about tl~ JIOMg tnaft 'IDM 10CU 10 tUtd to going to dri11e-i• "'°11iu tlaat h4 dr011e lu car tltrO'ugh tu lobbw of a tM- atn! -Bob Brotn Two elderly women became ac- quainted on the viaiton• bus go- ing to the state penitentiary. One said, "I'm going to celebrate Sat- urday. My two sona are COIIliq home then." "I thought," said the other, ''that they each got 10 yean for that robbery." "They did. But they got th•-ee years off for good behavior." "Oh." said the first woman. .. you must be an unusually 1ine woman to have such well-behaved sou." -DorotluG Knt TM1a tluwe 10aa a proMitant GCtreH 10M runtl11 applied to tl&e Bevnl11 Hilla po1t ofJke for n v1'liited np e* •ttaber. -William Lodge The worried mother, bearing that her daughter bad· gone to a school dance while she, the moth- er, waa away, asked her neighbor, "W aa she in a new gown?" "Yea-at leaat some of her wu." -LMCilU S. Barpe-r Tll.e ~r lf"Clde-acll.ool bor 10G1 i1I ""1e for tM ~t tiwu au e<m/eued 1ll.11l11, "Wll.n t0e gr010 1'J", I 10CHlt 11ov to be "'11 ftnt ·Kli/e!" -Dorotlt11 B . BeraJMtt LAtt's d La•at T.ike y_._ Dear Loni, f...P.e •1 ...U eomplalat, Bat if I had my dnrtlaen, ,,, llelp dloee wlao llelp .......... UY'*'' help all the olhen _,. o. r.w. • 4 ---.. i;.... TIE cm onus DCJWM. TO-IMTH ·necu of only 79c to $2.00 ... pric. th9t 9Pl*I ID f/'#1'1 mM Md ...-nt ,., q&ality Ind •lue. TtE crrn i.... ~rw pcMW, dl..ct I~ portirw of fabrics Md 1111Clu- tlve dlslsnirw .,.... u... low prtc:. poaible. THE 11 TIE CfTY STOHi In ...,. Yortc opentirw thla beala t.. collaNd tie INfW. E'fef'/ stcn I 1"" IUCCEISIUL Md .,. now l'll9dy ID open atof9S ccmt ID amt. Ill PltOFRI ME WAITI for both the ... OMW the .. Dlatributor. y don't ,__ ID know the tall buli,..-cu .. , .. '°"' ioc.tion train ~ In our SUCCESS mMftod& th9t ~ •lmost inat.nt ence. . . . , . . . . . . : tie cin·: .. . . . . . . . . . · 1111 llltla•ll ,.~ YOU JUST NEED THE Allll- TION Md fareaJlht ID be 10"' awn bcm Ind be wtllirw to Ill 10'W ah8te of thla $500.000.000 lie bull .... When ~ q&allfy, ~ ngy tie in on M in¥Mt· ment of • little .. $40,000 for 9n .,.. Oistributonhip OI $16,750fot'M lndivldwl-.. PROFITS returnln1 •t once. Only IDOd ct.nlctllr, I Will to ~Md qualified ,...,. MC9I .. ,.qult.t. r--------------------1 TIE CITY Corpe11tlH I I 2• r..t ._.. ....._ Flft L11•1 ..... na. DIM I I QentlwMft, I I tr-. I CM mMl """ ,..,,_, .. -'° dlerllcW .... I fl-. I -.tel litre ... tfle "'81ts Off ~ ~ -. O DIST1UIUTOlt 0 INDIVIDUAL : -I A1101US , .•••• • ·-..... _ .. -·-· .. ·--··-----··-·-I c:m -·-nm ·-·- ,..,.. ,............ .... ,_ ·-·-··· ........... m ·--·· .. ···-···-··----A suellDIM'f Of lft.CTllUM. lTD.. A ~IC:a.Y OMllD co. F I I I L----------------------------------' Is There a Steam Car in Y Our Future? lt could end air pollution, reduce f uel costs, and revolutionize motoring-bu t it still faces a long road ahead before winning public acceptance ~;:. .. A.tt e~metdal combuti°"""11'tem atMm gnaeratM ia it11talU4 i• GJI aMto. By JAMES JOSEPH "T HINK STEAM" proclaims free). the only way ia with the e~ a bumper sticker. Mo-t~ombuati°" engine"-meatµng the steam engine. torists may well chuckle at the A recent senate Commerce Com- very idea of owning, much less mittee ata« report ag:reea. It calla ever driving, a car powered for legislation that would require the Federal ~vernment to earmark a big by steam. chunk of its annual "$165 million car But engineers at Lear Moton expenditure for steam-driven one&, Corp., Reno, Nev., and similar r&-once they're in production. Uncle Sam searchers around the nation aren't then would not only help to put ateam chuckling. They're too busy perfect-care on the road but would reduce ing a steam motor for your car of bis own contribution to air pollution. the future. Ford Motor Company alao ia cur- "A steam-propulsion •rat"'," em-rently eng-..ed in ateam~ngine de- phaaizea Lear Moton• founder, 67-velopment aa is General Moton, which year-old William P. Lear, Sr., "will laat May ahowed ita Arlt of two ex- cost no more initially and conaider-perimental models. One, a 1969 Pon- ably leas to operate than today's in-tiac Grand Prix, powered by a 160 temal-eombuation gasoline engine. hp, four-cylinder steam engine, was And, being virtually pollutant-free, developed by ite own research la.bora- it will cleanse our air of much of ita toriea. The other, a 1969 Chevelle, deadly pollution." waa fitted with a 60 hp Bealer ateam 1he lf9am motor aleo promisea eystem of Besler Developments, Inc., mon "go" for your money because a California engineering Arm. Both it burna low-coat fuela. can are undergoing teeta. Within the next few months, Lear lut a nutnber of workable eteam- expects to unveil the flrat production-engine care have been on the road ready steam motor and have it in-tor yeara. Beat known ie the custom· stalled in a car, which any skeptic built "Williams Steamer." It produces may see and drive. only about 100 hp, and its steam gen- Sen. Warren Magnuson (0 . Waah.) erator in the trunk leaves little room and Sen. Edmund Muskie (D. Jle.) • for luggage. Silent as a ghost, it can have both recently called for -the~ go more than 70 mph. At their Am- atepped-up development of steam bier, Pa., shop, the Williams family cars.· Auto critic Ralph Nader calla turns out a limited number, at about the steam car the o.u bright hope in $10,000 each. our otherwise losing war on smog. Behind the push toward ateam are Muaachusetta Institute of Tech-some recent grim ftndinp and statia- nology Professor Richard F . Morse, tica. They were formally presented who headed a major Commerce De-to Coqreaa last lanuary by out«oing partment study on electric (battery-Health, Education, and Welfare Sec- powered) can, eme~ from h.ia re-retary Wilbur J . Cohen. Summing up search by aayiq: "It you want an nearly a decade of research and automobile comparable to what la HEW'• own conclusive etudies, he runnina now (but virtually pollutant-named the automobile and it.a inter- 10 FGMU. w..w,,. N....W 10.1111 nal-combuetion engine, aa the chief source of air pollution. The auto.mobile, Cohen said, con- tributea more than 90 percent of all carbon monoxide, 60 percent of eye- irritating hydrocarbona, 60 percent of toxic oxides of nitrogen, and virtu- ally all of the potentially poisonous lead emitted into the atmosphere. Annually, 125 million tons of pollu- tants are apewed into our air. More than 60 percent comes from motor vehicles, moetly automobilee. Alltltnlo9 cle¥1ce1 and new Feder- al and etate antipollutant standards have helped to reduce care' pollutant emiaaion. But it is hardly noticeable. Not until eometime afttr 1971, con- cludes HEW, will there be any sig- nificant decrease. Many experts aee only two long- range ways to curb auto pollution- an external-<:ombustion engine or some wholly noncombustive power source. Batteries, for example. Already well publicized are the auto industry's battery-powered ''electric" cars, turbine engines, rotary-type en- gines, and even fuel cells, an exotic type of electric engine. The nuclear engine, which might solve most pol- lutant problema-poses some new ones of ita own. Por Ofte rea.011 or another- wbether because of size. weight, coat, or the state of their existing technol- ogy-none by Detroit'• own yardstick measures up to the automakers' old standby-the internal-combustion gasoline engine. By the same token, neither apparently have a myriad ot exotic fuels proved auccesaful in re- ducing the gasoline engine's pollu- tante-..nd for many of the very a.me reasons. The steam engine may be the solu- tioo with its eimple operation. A "working fluid" (water or some spe- cial liquid) ia heated and turned to steam in a boiler. The steam powers a motor or turbine which, through gearing, drives the car's wheels. The steam, once used, is cooled, condens- ing back to ·its original liquid etate. Then the cycle begins all over again. For all its apparent eimplfcity, un- til now the steam engine baa defied every engineering attempt to turn it into a practical, economic, high- powered power plant for cars. Now, however, Lear-he is the manufacturer of Lear executive jets and Lear stereophonic equipment- seems to have solved many problems in steam propulsion for everyday road use. He and a staff of engineers have built an engin&-e system, he insists -which produces up to 500-700 hp in a motor smaller and lighter than any conventional car's. It burns al- most anything combustible (the cheapest fuels, too), cost.a one-ftfth less to operate, and produces eo little pollution that it can scarcely be measured. The engine's working ftuid won't freeze. Nor must it be constantly added to, u in most previous en- gines. The compact boiler i.a explo- sionproof. And start-up has been re- duced to little more than 20 seconds. The entire system fits just where your present engine ftts. Lear's experience in technology and marketing makes him a realist, and a realist would be the last to declare the steam engine baa "ar- rived" on our roads. In the laat analy- sis, Detroit and car buyers them- selves must decide if a revolution in motoring is really work.able. • Inflation By JACK KENT ! ( I I . \-·----1 ~'W-r.. ~---~--_, " Makes a Wonderful Christmas Gift! I Including your first roll of . 126 COLOR RLI WITH DEVROPING .& 12 JUMBO COLOR PRINTS AT NO EXTRA COST! Regular $14.91 Value Only .95 ••GIRi I ht ·•llllr• .... , ..... ... • TNI 18 ,_.. ...... ,,;c. ........ ,,.. ... ,, .. .... 12C..."""'9 YOUR DISTAIT LOAD CAMERA KIT lllCLUDES: .......... 11ST11T I.Ml cama . . . . . . . $7.15 4-fUSlt CUil . • . . • • • . • .75 2 IAllEIB . . . . • . • . A IOl1 OF 121 llSTAIT LUI cou• fl.II . 1.AI IEVElOPlll All 12 JUlllO CGUll PMITS • • 4.AI ,_.. SE.PAIAmY YIU WMI PAY • .$14.98 ---------------------Ae£ F1UI CLUB, P.O. 8m 1191, Lone I~ etty. ".Y. 11101 P.O. IOll 37, OrtMClo, Florid• 32802 P.O. 8olC 5351, a.v.t•ncl. Oh6o 44101 P.O. Box 17ot. 0.--, Cdondo l0201 o.pt. FW-12 PUAK sao IU INITAHT~D CAMERA ltfTI .•• COMPLEn WITH nAIH CU11E. UTTDtlES, 110U. Oii la INSTANT LOAD COL.Oii '1LM AT M.IS fACH. I UNDEISTAllD TMAT TMta LOW '°"'" lllCWOES DPl10f'tN8 MD 12 JUll90 COl.Oll PRINTS. I MUIT ·~ IATIWlP> OR tll't llllOMl:Y WILL K ~ DICLOMD II 0 atUa OR 0 MONff 0MJeR POii f·------ (f'l.EAK ADO SALES TAX IF APf'l.ICA8L£) ,,,,,,. -.-.... __, hMdiMc for udl ""~ ...!'.!!-----~-----------~===-=-=-==-=-==-:===DI'::.=-==-==-==-- I F* MSW! R WWW g;: 5 > FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK + Jes MELANIE DE PROIT Food Editor • Freeh cranberrie1 together with their exeellent proee11ed prodaeti euch •• whole berry .. aee and jelly In cane, frosen reU.h, bottled cocktail Jul~ aad the combination fndt driah, make It poeelble for homemaken to enjoy the dlatlae- tlve 4avo .. of thq se9ty berry tlaroapoat the year. Now, while Ire.la beniee are plendfa.l, pat them to me In new redpe. u well u In old fHoritell. Fruh. tmfttn' ,,_,..._A,.;ov, B~e. or Coaiu-Gre a del.utable dU1n-t tru.t ntf'PtJIHd Oft!r br tlli.a lfcrumptio11.1 Holida.r P""r atad Cniftberrr PU. U1e tlte Partridge-P«1.r Tree duillf' for entut4iftiftg. Holiday Pear and Cranberry Pie Putry for a Z-erut t-la. pie (yoar fuorite recipe or a •h) a fl'tlllll wlater pean, eoNCI ucl 1liced (aboat1% ea,.) 1 % ca,. eraaberri-, riued ... eorted 1 capaapr z teuPGOM crated Ol'aq'e ..-1 % tuapooaaalt 2 taltle.pooas qlddr-eoolda1 tapioca 1. Using one halt of the pastry. line the pie pan and flute the pastry edge. Roll out remaining pastry. and cut out a pear-tree shape with pears and a partridge (see photo). Set aside. 2. Meanwhile, combine cranberries. sugar. orange peel, salt, and tap- ioca: blend in pears. Spoon ftlling into pie shell. Carefully place pear tree. pears, and the partridge cu~ outs over the filling. 3. Bake in a 400°F. oven 40 min. or until fruit is tender and pastry la &'Olden. OM 9-ift. pie Ruby-Flecked Salad Dressing Empty contents of 1 can (16 oz.) cranberry jelly onto a plate. Slice off about ~ of the jelly and maah it with a fork, criHcroasing strokes until very small pieces aN formed. Blend into % cup prllc·fl.a•ored ealad clre88lna (bottled or prepared from a aalad--dreasing mix). Whip with fork until thoroughly blendett:" Serve over crisp &alad peens. 3' cvp druli•fl Cranberry Ring-Around Grapefruit Mold Ya aip eoW water 2 •Y .... Hored platbt 4 ca,. (2 l·lb. eua wltole berr)') uaaberr7 aaaee 2 teupooaa crated ora•ie peel ~ cap orua.1e juice Ya cap (aboat 2 os.) peca•, chopped 11 aarall .. Uowa, cat la pi.- Gnpefnlit aediou 1. Sprinkle gelatin over water in a saucepan, atir over low heat until gelatin is completely diaeolved. Set aside to cool: 2. Meanwhile, thoroughly blend cranberry sauce, oranse peel and juice. and the dissolved relatin. Chill until mixture begins to gel {gets slightly thicker). 3. When gelatin mixture is of de- sired consistency, stir in the nuts. Spoon one half of the gelatin mix- ture into a l lf.a qt. ring mold. Top with marshmallow pieces. Spoon in t he remaining gelatin mixture. 4. Chill until ftrm. Unmold onto a chilled platter. Fill center with grapefruit sections. If desired, garn- ish with a few sprigs of watercress. 8 to 10 •n11i'40• Ground Cranberry and Orange Salad i pq. (6 OL) lfta•·IUoncl platia 2 ea,. bollias water 4 ca,. eruberrlea, riued, aorted, ud pat Uarott ... the •edi•• blade of, ... pDder 2 ~. aapar.a. qautered, ucl eoanel7 ,.,.. .. witll eraaberriea 2 capanpr l teupoon Alt 2 eupa &nel1 dked celerr Whipped crea• Ma7oeulse 1. Pour boiling water over gelatin in a bowl and stir until gelatin is disolved. Chill only until slightly thickened. 2. Meanwhile, combine the cran- berry-orange mixture, sugar, and salt. Mix in the celery. Stir into the partially set gelatin. Tum into a 18x9x2-in. pan. Chill until firm. 3. Cut into serving-sized pieces. Serve on salad greens on chilled plates. Accompany with a dressing prepared by combining equal amounts of whipped cream and mayonnaise. 1! 1enliftg1 Filled Fresh Pear Salad Chop desired amount of canned cranberry jelly and spoon into the cavities of chilled and cored fresh pean. Serve on crisp salad sreens with whipped~ream mayonnaise, to which grat.ed sharp Cheddar chee8e has been added. Mulled Cranberry-Apple Punch Allowing one abort length of stick cinnamon per serving, add lengths of cinnamon to cranberry-epple drink in a saucepan. Heat thoroua-h- ly. Meanwhile, put the seeds from one carda•om pod into each punch cup. Ladle hot cranberry-apple drink and a cinnamon piece into each cup. Cranberry Chutney S or ' •••ll aanl oraqe11 Yi cap oran1e jaiee 4 cupe uaaberriea; riuecl, eorted 2 cape aa1ar 1 cup chopped anparecl apple Yi cap aeedleu raiaiM % cap chopped walaata l tablapoon Yinepr ~ teaspoon groancl P111er Vi teaspoon ground cinaa1110ll 1. Cut oranges into halves. Using a sharp paring knife, run it along the membranes of each orange sec- tion and remove pieces to a aieve set over a small bowl. Measure 1 cup orange segments and Vi cup juice. 2. Put all ingredients in a large saucepan and bring to boiling; re- duc~ heat and simmer until cran· berries "pop" and are cooked. Chill. About 5 cup• ch1'tM¥ :: ·me Mystic Arts Book Society invites you to accept II -· l ~-==.~ '-'"~ llltllor-ltJ .. • ..not-oa. nt111CMMt1011, "'"'-· ..... t11tl111 0111'1 IWll INYd!IC ,._.,,, ttc. ..... --llelf• ......... iifOids. Ult-...... tn• .. llCW11ttlH It .... 1'llllllt-c.. tl\11 teHtcJ ....... _, "'",.. -quer dtatll? Now '°' tllt tlrst ti• Ill Ollt ...... ---flow. wllert, 111d ...,,..~ .. practlatd f11 a ll llllda, rtllllOlll, f 1lt111 .,... cults by over 011t bllllOll PtOPle. .. .. 2 I Clll•I• look of CllH&ll. l clllet .. ,. It 1ll01ld11't '""-flut Clll't ... lllalll _, It clots! b&twll cla&lc "°" llltd "' lllllllolll of Wtsta1111n .. c:ell-t ro I ttltlr d11tl11y ........ 111tlll1He· CllS.S~ llt friMllllltl. ICM ......... _ .... ........ •• tltll c.MtrJ. Tlltlr 111-credllllt acllltvt · llltlltl, llOWtffll .... llHc:t-tM ~! ~. 111.,r,. ·~ uyto -.di.,.. ltltp Ill all tot... 2 vo1 ....... ~. .... 10 ......... , ... -· Cllrlltl-. Jew. . ............ . clHt ... lllOdtnt. hll (yt. ,,,.,,. 1re•a, Swutlh1 Crou '''"'" 1110 Cllrtstf.111) ...... di· 111111111, 11trolo11, etc. m 111... 102 ....... . , .... 5 "' ....... ..... Lola .... .,. ... ef ....... ~ . ..,... '° CG9tnll llft. ...... low, lllQClll. To bt ,... ........ inc- ttctd w• Ulltlllll us ............ ,.....,mm u Ct J I• tf .. =-:au:~ tlltfllllCMll(llldi. fHllH) •tdll•I wllo larld11 tllt .,.. bttwMll two worlds. (lp1cl1I dUMtr Oii Jtwl9'1 -·-----.. Nails CMt to ""''" fllClllltilll -llMI '''"'*"a:. Choose a111 luxurious volume- reprdless of coat-pratetically as a ciftl Mail coupon at ooce to receive your choice of any extraor· dinuy volume on this s-ae-Valuea to $20.00-for only $1 with trial membership in the Mystic Arts Book Society • look dub ........... books tMt booll cluM ..... otw Now-an unusual Society permits men of far-ranaina taste and inquir· ing mind to own luxurious Collec- tor's Editions of some of the most provocative and sought·after books of our time-at savings of up to 80%. Here, for the first time, are the most fascinatin1 new worb of religion, philosophy, aothropoloay, psychic research, parapsychology, occultism, folklore, history, erotica, the supernatural, and the expansion of human consciousness-not in skimpy, short-lived paperbound volumes, but in the original, luxu- riously bound and uncensored ver· sioo-with every illustrative plate intact . No obllptlon to take boob J'OU don't nnt As a member you will receive- FRE E of cost -the Society's monthly magazine: Mystic Arta Prine. of o.m-1 (from mini.tut. of Hoty Greil.) 15th Cent. Ml, P9ril News. It deacribes each current se· lection in advance. Naturally, a. rejection slip is olway6 enclOICld so you may reject any aelectioo you do not want. Your sole obliaation is to accept as few as four boob during the comin1 year at low mem- 'ber prices-usually about "40%--~ low, but often as much as 80% below regular publishen prices! You are free to raian-without ob- ligation-anytime thereafter. (As a member you will also be entitled to receive FREE GIFT VOLUMES of your choice worth up to S2S.OO and more.) Clelln ,_,_ ....... lntroductwJ vo-. ftOW If not com~y satisfied, simply return volume within 10 days to. fl" cancel membership and receive\• full refund. You will owe nothin1, ~nd there will be no obliaation. Mail coupon now to: Mystic Arts Book Society, 161S Hillside Ave., New Hyde Park, N.Y. 110"40. Mystic Arta Book Society JW 69 1615 Hillside Ave. - IF YOU ACT PROMPTLY $15.00 ILlUSTRATED ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF OCCULTISM New Hyde Parlt, N.Y. 11040 y ES, pleae l"Ulh my lncrocluciory Vol· ......... "' ......... ...., ..... ,.., ........... ""Ttl• .., ....... .,., ............... ,.. ............. . ..... ume (worth up Co $20.00) for wbkh I tnclolc.only St with Crial.mcmbenhlpliD the M)'llic Ana Boot Society. fAJt0 .in·. elude 1he Sl,.00 ~ ol Occult· ism IS my "bmus" for prompt ectioe.) My sole obliptioft is to 8CICrPC u few • four atectioftS dwilla Ille comin& year. I am fret to resip 111Ytilne-widl-°"' obliptioe-thrrea(ter. If not com-pldely dclilflled I may re1Wft my two volumes within 10 day1 10 cancel mtm· ben!lip and rettive a full refund. I choose volume # I I Chy ____________ _ St11e ___________ _ Zip. ____ _ Credh Rtftttn«--------\ Vour tel~ number. b:ank or depart· menl store where you h:ave a ch:irJt 3('· couni is suflk:ltn1. l ---·-------...-:.., A New Ma1azine •botlt cats and kittw created onlJ for CAT OWNERS! e FuU color -Mklm ,.._ lln ............ c.a.,...m.. • bdtinc stories, helpful •rtJ. ~ •nd ~ plore . • ' bMutfful 72 .,... ....... .,., ,.... -money beck ..... ..... "not pl1111d r~..;;.;,; TODAY l ~--............ _ •Oli•--· o 1 yr. $3.50 o 2 yrs. $6.00 I I 0 3 yrs. $8.00 I 1-I I cm I l"nm • ;;d. YOUll C .. LD llAY HAYE PIN-WORMS 1 OUT Of' a DOEa Fidaetia., lomol-p and. tonnetl~ inr 1tch -.,. oft.en talltale llirn• of PiD-Wonna ... ~l,y pa.rultea that medical eaperta -r lnf..t 1 out ol tl'ftr)' 8 peraoaauamined. Eadre fam- iliee may be victima and not. know h ... To-rid ol Pln-W onm, they mwt be killed fn the 1arp tnteedne ,,._.. ....,. ••• and mwdp\y. Tbat'1euctb' what la)'lle'• P-W tabJeta do .... and here'• bow they do tt: Fi.m-• admti&e co.tine cam. the tableia lntA> t.he bowele befon the7 dl.o&Ye. Tbe-.Jayne'• mod- erD, medieally-.pprovecl iJICNCllimt re.. ript to work-1dlla Pbi-Wonne quickly. euily ...... ,,._ ,.,..,_~,.,. Don't tab chanc:ee with dancer-oua. hlshl.Y eon\Qioua Pin-Wanna whkh iDfeet entire lami1*. Get r-- ulne JQDt'• P-W V ermlfuce . . . --U. eeq-to-talm tablet.I ..... epeda) .a-for chUdren and adwta. LARGEST SELECTION of , tiny, alf.in·lhe·ear, be-· hind the ear, eyeglass and pocket models. FREE HOME TRIAL. Ho obligation. Money back guarantee. No down payment. usy lenns .. No salesmen or dealers. Order direct and save 65%. Write for free catalog. PRESTIGE. Dept. o 'HO , Bo• 10947 .. Hoystoc. Tei. 770111. W~11 Yt1 Or~er ly lllil ,,.. F•ilJ WeeklJ ..• ,... ........ ,_ wtftl .., *'""'· Tiit • .,. ,.... .. ~ ~In. Tiit fUlllS ... _, .,. tMUH fer ... 1- ltlllit.J "' fl/f//IM'/ w..ttr. t ... If ....... .., ...-i. .._ -" .,.,,, Jioj& erltt: ~ -·mlll, F1111llr w.11, ..-1 Lui""*' A-, ..._ Y~ N.Y. 10022. Make Your Own Christmas Decorations! By ROSALYN ABREVAYA WH ETHER YOU'RE planning tree decor, a centerpiece, or holiday obj~t d' art, choose shiny aluminum foil as your material. It's fun and easy to work with. •IGHT POINSETTIAS Remove back- ing from sheets of red and green contact paper and apply foil to them, leaving shiny side out. Cut petals and leaves freehand, making 12 small and 12 large red petals for each flower and about eight green leaves. • Cut 1-inch styrofoam balls in half and cover with foil Force a pipe cleaner through one-half a ball, booking at one end to secure it. Pin petals to this center, large ones close to stem, smaller toward center. Tape leaves to stem. Deco- rate each petal with center vein cut from red contact. Glue on sequins. • Make· several poinsettias and group them together in a flowerpot, using crushed foil or plaster of paris to make it secure. I ~ SHINING ANGILS Cut wings fn!e- hand from lightweight cardboard and cover with foil. Make the body by shaping a cone of cardboard and covering with foil. Use a styrofoam ball for head, tinting cheeks with rouge, cutting mouth from pink paper, the eyes from blue. Use white glue for adhering. • Put the angel together by forcing a straight wire or long pencil int.o the head and down into body. Pin wings on back. Use pipe cleaner for arms, covering them with foil sleeves. Wind angel hair around top of head and attach a halo formed from a foil-covered pipe cleaner. • Little flowers from the variety store can trim the skirt, and the music sheets are drawn on firm paper. • ~.,, ..,_.. M...e. ~ For G /rH d«:ora.ti11g'111it~foil bookl1t. mt• to: Holidar Haf1Pt:11i•fl•, P.O. Bo% 806, Dept. PW, R~lJllWJMI, Vo.., UIOS. 14 Familw W••klw, N011rM#wr 80.1961 If -.......... _. .,_ JAQUET 3 w..t 51'tl 8t., New VOftl, N.Y. tl011 A Wonderful Collector's Item forOnly •3.98 llllYEll WELT Liii, 11.IL AHU•s....-R. .. 1518..!'!!w~~~ =.~ .... , ·----~··3 ... .. ,... ...... ~ .................. n. .... .a..---=~·.r-.. -==-~= =sou':~~=--• .u...e. ...... ,. ............ -..... caw oew ......... ---........... ......... u . .. ::::-... ............... -. ---.. ~JZ.."....-............................................ ..... SEARS ROEBUCK 190Z CAt .l._MERICA AT THE TURN OF THE CEN- ~ TURY. When penny candy was Icing ... when knickers were a boy's best friend and when a woman showed ankles, maybe. Enjoy all the nostalgia of a young, still largely rural America in this remarkable, and amusing book. Published in the Spring of lOO'l, this Sears, Roebuck catalog mirrors the dreams and needs of Americam at a time when life was far less complex ... much more fun, and cost far less! Buggies were the. rage. The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act was four years away and you could still get a Sure Cure for Tobacco Habit ... Dr. Rose's Arsenic Complexion Wafers and a White Ribbon Secret Liquor Cure. And prices were &APrnething else again ... Toothbrushes 3~ ... a drophead sewing machine guarantee<J for 00 years and priced at only $10.45 ... a solid oa1c home organ for only '22 ... and high button leather shoes only $1.98! All are beautifully illustrated with fine steel engravings of the period. This great book is over 700 pages, a large SK'" x IOI. (the actual size of the 1900 catalog) ... and has more than 40,000 items, carefully illustrated and fully described It's really a joy to read; with a lesson in thrift and true American thinking for every member of the family ... nos- talgia for the older, an education for the young. It's a wonderful book, a wonderful gift, and at $3.98, a lot more for the money than you can find today. Only 1 printing-the supply is really liJn- ited. Order today. It's worth it! I FULL coLoR _ ... s398 LAllllATED COVER .. "" r -MAIL 10-DAY NO llSK COUPON TOOAYI - , I ANTIQUES PRESS, .,._ 195 I I 4500 N.W. ll!Mtt It., Ml9ml, Fla. 33054 I I PIMee ....... --s... Roebuck 1902 c--.. tor CMtty $3.98 wt: plus ~ tor ~ end ~ I UllMllntMd rt I I not comp1Nty delltit.:t. thllt 1 mey mum item wttNn 10 ders I :: : pn>rnpt encl C011iptwh mund. EndoMd is d-* or M.O. I I I MAW I I A01W1SS I I cm STATE DP I I O SAVE SI. Send only $7.98 for 2 ~ we pey the I L .,..... Extr9 cn.1oc makes • wonderf\J -'fl ________________ J Let's D ... w • Fros B11 A ftft Da.tridoto Here's a burpy little fror Sittlnl' with eyes •l'OI· Question Can you aay offhand where the ~n ht ia on a tratBc-lirht pole? (See Auww Boz) RlddleMeThls Many women have 86-inch walat mea.- rementa. Who baa a 86-foot waistline? (See AM1Dw Bo:i) PlusOM To a ftve-letter word for a liquid or dry aure, add a drat letter and l'et what u do with a rubber ball. (See AU10er Bos) CherryTneMu.e ich bird ,eta the three cherries? (See AUtUer Bos) Answer .. x ·dot aql l• auo aq.1. :anw .,. pav i '&ON :&danri ' ® :•1.lnµJ, (P1Ad ·wo~oq aql lY : uoneant> ~VI JO 9t\l11lS aqJ. :9J11J, 91( an>Pnl · .1ltlln-.1~nw :aao nUJJI ·e:>anoq-e:>ano :auo mtd 17 P•clT ......... Take out 10 of the pencils in thia packal'e and Jay them in a atrairht row. Now rear- ranae them ao they make ftve triana'lea. (S•• A,...,,.,. Bos) 1 • (Su AU10er Boz) • .._OM ...... From a lix-Jett.er word for talkinl' wider your breath when you don't want othen to hear, take away the ftnt letter and pt a word for when you speak openly. (Slf AMtOn Boz) SOLD IN MAJOR STORES AT MUCH HIGHER PRICES Care for it at home ... Pre-cut and Wash-and- Wear, for no-fuss care ... Made of Kanekalon; the miracle fiber ... all colors and frosted. ~· The wi1 and fall, you can now afford.Sutt your mood and person- ality in the few seconds it takes to put th6m on your pretty head. Shampoo, dry and comb as you would your own. Choose from many colors that can be closely matched to your own or entlrely different. The color you choose will never fade . .. Everythin1 Wil'' is truly Ready·to·Wear. It is a tapered back, pre·cut and permanently set wig, adaptable for easy style change~' .. Gypsy Fall", a pennanent set and blunt cut that together creates today's carefree yet feminine look. So simple to put on. SATISfACTIOM GUARANTEED OR YOUR MCIE BACK · 1908 SEARS ROEBUCK CATALOGUE Do you like to reminisce about the good old days? ' " • Now is the time when all good men ..• need 90metbiq to laugh about! Eapecially if their wives paicl $20 fo.r this 1U11Uner's bikini. Here, in 736 aiant pqes of the "'Wish Book" ... a perfect reproduction of the 1908 Sean Roebuck Catalogue ... is your c:banc:e to ao back in tim• to tbt era when you could buy c:o«ee for only 191 a pound. and your wife could ICt her two-piece bathing suit for only SSI (even if it did cover her from her knees to her ears). Sean 1908 Catalogue reftects early Americana mon: vividly, more rulitticaUy. than any b·=book can do. It not ooly-stin up fond memories, lau&htu, and a few tean ... but brings to liabt the desires of America and tec:bnolosi<:aJ advances that made our · country ao sreat <>Pen its pages and e.xperieoce a fantastic journey to the past that youil want your children ... and their children to ah I . #61S-;SEARS 1908 CAT~~.:.:.:.~.~.~.~~.~~-· $395 Multi-hued Menagerie •What could be more deli&htful for a tiny tot's bedroom tbml tbeee colorful prints of a p-een elephant., a wide-eyed tifCI", a grinning lion, a bear lickina a lutcious lollipop? Whimsical paintinp mounted in plastic frames. ready to hang. Four prints, each 1011.a· x 811.a". #920 SET OF NUR.SEllY PRINTS .............. .. Hea;~ ttlq £.-t" from Dr. Zhivago Imported Music Box Plays Would You Like To Own The Most Beautiful Tea Kettle ~ •I olw•Y' _ ... a...!: !ft!.d~!.-_..be .. ~~~ ablolute dclisbt to loot at ..• day after day. 11 it aita then OD the IOp of my seove. Wdl ... finally, I found it in Spain. Tbe ~ italf ' is simple. paccful and amUIUal Whal really makes it a epecial beauty is the pailley-pauetned bottom border. It's pretty to loot at. aad a beauty to 111e. Made of beavy-weisbt porcelain, bonded to *°'· with stain.leas steel trim and a Bakelite stay<OOI bandJe.. As easy to keep cloaD ... kW:bm plate, the pailley dclip ia bonded riaht to ~ steel for life ... will never wear od'. Dishwasher' proof. 3 qt. capecity; "'whistles" when the tea is ready for powiq. s 1 ooo # 1830 PAISLEY TBA J(E1TLE ........•.•...•. Mammoth "Magnetic" Photo Album • The qWdat. aaiat, deaneat way to keep your favorite photos ... yet ~ and rearrange them a.a often as you lib. No Glw. No Co,,.u,. No Tape. Now all you need to do is lift up the cJea.r plastic: protective sheet oo each paae and press you.r photo down. Your pictura stay as new-looting as the day you got them. Up to 200 pictures are held leCW'ely oo 16 auto-stict paaes. Any size pictures .•. any shape. Gjant size pap open up to a full 12" ll 19" ... big enough for even a studio cnlaracmeaL A ...... 1' .... I 1 1 1 • Unique "slide-out" binding allows you to just slide out biodiD" and add more paaes. ltdiJJa available. NO OUl'SIDE IUNQI SHOWING ... this dellllle unit i.s completely upholstered. Truly huurious. 'Ibo loot of rich, handwoven linen reproduc:ed in washable, miracle material io Bamboo Beiae. . s495 #6226 DELUXE BEIGE PHOTO ALBUM ............... . A Stunning New Decoration For Your Home ZODIAC WALL PLAQUE • Here are all the timelaa mystery and excitement of the 2'.odiac: ... captured in one -exotic plaque. The twelve Signs of the Zodiac radiate from the Sun in this richly gold-antiqued objet d'art you will treasure. As a focal point this faacinating decorator's plaque creates perfect harmony and an aura of beauty. lmaainel The handsome original c:oat hundreds of dollars. Our copy loots upensive, too ... yet we oftu it to you for only ............... . #2<406 ZODIAC WALL PLAQUE Know The Temperature .. ..... wllere )'Oii ......... • lnto each cuff link is built a precision thermometer ... one is Fahrenheit., the other is centigrade. When tnveling in Europe, you1J find tbae a pat convenience for translating their temperature to oun. U you aren't tnvelina ... well ..• they are great convenation pieces, and unusual gifts. 221'. aold-plated. .. S.,..wW Mg ~nt· Hang On To Your Valuables! # t 179 THEllMOMETER. CUFF LINKS ... $59S • ... when you open the top of this musical jewel box. A silvery beauty that will be your very f'avorite became at plays the beautiful. hauntina Lara's 'Theme. Utt the Jid. aod inside is a tramparent cover that lets you see the imported mecbam.m wad. Fucinatiq to watch. The piano-etyle box is laviably doae aod always IO depot. Lloed io red plush. Just enou~ room for your most favorite riQll, eamnp or other piece of jewelry; 4\4" :I 2~· x 3¥..". #1736 MUSIC BOX ................ $695 #6294 MUSICAL KEYRING ····'595 •Wind up the mini 1DU1ic box and bear Lara's Theme from Dr. Zhivago. Cany your favorite photo arowd, too. HigbJy polished &Olden braa. • Now you can protect your valued poaessioos from theft, acddental loa. and forgetfulnesa of borrowers. u eaaily as you write your name with an ordinary pencil. You 1J engrave your name with the Diamond-tipped Muting Peoc:il, '° it will never come oft, making your valuables worthless to thiews. The pencil is guaranteed to wrire permanently OD glasa, metals, plaatics, ceramics. This is a truly permanent pencil ... diamond can't we&rout. ~ I #5S90 ~ ., DIAMOND-TIPPED $495 MARKING PENCIL Melt Snow and Ice . - iu a from :roar rls t1hleld .. 5 9eCIOlllll •An amazing development in thermo- elec:tronics! In just S leCODds the blade of our new Heat Wiper gets so bot. it insta.ody melta ice and snow from your car windshield. Just plug into your car's ciprette liabter, and your HEAT WIPER does all tbe bard wort.. The cord is 6 feet Joni, and the SlrOlll wooden handle is l 8• Ions. 10 it ia easy foe you to reach every pan of your windshield. Tbermo principle Rquires ve~ little power .from your bettery, yet heats up su~ 9t11c:k ... melts ice even an inch thick. Tbe revene aide as a rubber squeego.ead, to keep the windshield clean in all weather. #1253 HEAT WIPER ............... . '· ,, y ' is at 5 #6463 SBNlllAY ALAJlM • New intnalicJa alarm by AMF protects you aod your family from bodily harm or robbery by prowlers or barslan. The une::t SENTRA Y Pbotroaic FJec:tric Bye delecta a aiminal Ida otf a c:oatinoous ~ that will alert raidenta and oeiP.bon, and frial*n the inttudec ... yet intruden will not be able to detoct the praence of the alarm. since there is ao visible beam. This is a ~new principle in burglar =-=-ion. EA.SY . tJSlt ••• NO WIRING c..-r.s.tee ., ....... ~lit) •Now you can make extra cc>Pica of JOW' favorite Polaroid abocl ill just IOCODds with the Quiet Copier. It'• so euy, e¥eD .,. ........... clmwe. ... ~·-·•Q ..... Security Is- The Mini "Shriek Alar.m Incredible New Patching Cement Ge91'd ....... )mt 15 I I lro• wtt ....... t,2• .... of .. • QUIK-llOK ia amazing! Jmt mix the powder with water, and pour. In IS minuta it bu dried harder tbao coocrete ... aod will lut indeflnitely. Unlike other cementa that lhriak, QUIK-ROK EX PANOS as it rapidly sets. actuallf loctins itaelf permanently to everytluna it touches. Self·levelins; you don't even have to trowel it. A 11IOlJSAND USD Juat place the SENTRA Y as much u IS fed away from an area where a prowler would be molt libly to walk, and wbet'e you have a normal liaht aoorce, sucll • a lamp or nipt liaht. When the prowler comes betweeo the ligbl Uld the SEN11tA Y electric eye the alarm will automatically IOUlld out loud and dear ... a ...i blast ... unbl turned oil SBNT'lt.A Y is operated from l replar "C" ~teriea.. and is c.ompletely portable. Nocbin1 to plua m. oo wires to caftDCCt. C.ompact •.• only s· JUab. 6~ • Iona. 2" deep •.• you can place it almolt aoywbere. I..oob lite a modern transistor ndio. WHY SPEND AN011IER NIGHT Wfl1IOVT TllD Pll0I'ECl10N1 SENTRAY will Ji.w you the feeling of security you bave wanted. .. and with crime on the inaeate, ocwr wu protection lite this more needed. It could aave your life! Better than a watchdog ... SENTRA Y nevu aleepe! a child can do il Simply m.en the pbotopapb to be copied at the buo of the steel bolder. Place your Polaroid camera on top, neJtt to the 1peci.aJ alus &em.. and clickl You have just made another print of the ori&inaJ picture ... and it's just u sharp u your orilinal blact-and-wbite oc color photo. You can make u maoy •you tile ... imcantly. No extra waiting. • 1ettin1 rails and posts; ancborina playaround equipment, bolta, wubina machines, dotbea polea. • petcbina buemeot ftobn, sidewalks, and other concrete surfaces (includina bairUoc cracb). • teallng wat« leab in balemenll and swimmina poob. won•t looeen, shrink or crack from e11treme stresleS, vibrations, beat or cold. Worts with c:oncnte, steel. stone, brid, tile, plaster and terrazzo. ---------------...,j'------.~:~~~=~ $895 #6096 QUIX-ROK I-lb. box $149 #6097 QUIK-ROK S·lb. box $498 • Not as loud as the Sirm Lite .. Here's the niahttime protection you need ript now ... a bright ftashlight and• loud, loud siren ... to Up.t your way and keep you safe, wherever you have to go. Carry it with you when you ao out, keep it by your bedside at night, take it with you in yow car ... you needn't ever feel afraid when you have the Siren Lite with you to assist in swnmooing help. The sound of this saeamina airen can be beard over a mile ... sends intruders nmnina fast. Operates on 2 .. D .. bttteries, (not included). #SS69 SOtEN LITE ................ $695 Does Your Goll Game Make You Feel Like Chewing Nails? ---------------------I I ANY·CAllD CORPORATION I U )'09 do aohri .. to clmp, I ~ rw-uH Mlldciaeckormoaeyonter. ORDER FORM I I I I I PleMe tend tile mdoeed onkr to lJlc oa-Md addtnl below. I 1111dentud the& l _,, mum any Item for run credit or refund ii I -llCll llllh6lcl. Slllp to: Na.-:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~ Cll)'·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~Up.-~~~ QTY. . POSTAGE CHARGES: OTAL IF YOUR ON>ER AMOUHT8 TO: Up to N.Y. SUte reeldeftts $1.41 edd 40c: SUD to ts• edd 50c: 14.00 to W.• add IOc; 18.00 ~ !pp!!p!!ete bl! to II.It edd 7$c; 110 or -lldd 11.00. THEIE MODEST POSTAGE CHNtOES pey only a M1811 porttoti, We pey lie dlftefenoe. a.ta POSTAGE .met d your Ofdef la -.o. Sony, NO C.O.D. TOTAL -The Dollars and Sense of Your Own Part-Time Business iJN AN EFFORT to beat infta-~ tion, many Americans are turning to moonlighting. Usu- ally, moonlighting means a second job. But another form of moonlighting is a part-time business operated after reg- ular job hours. It may be juat the idea for you- not only for extra money but for the challenre and aatiafaction that comee ...,rom haviq your own bueineu. For example, Bernard Collina, a security guard at Kennedy Space Cen- ter in Florida, is one euch venturer. From 9 to 6, Collina watchea over our moon -launch prOIJ'&m, but ttrice weekly he changea his uniform to a white robe and black belt. and his title becomes "S-.Sei." Bia subject Js karate. U'lrivw1it~ lttcdntl Bob ofldBillLoflg 01Dft a highlv l1'C1'Gti111e aigra bMairaeaa. A Korean veteran who learned the sport while a paratrooper etationed on Okinawa, Collins now holda a 4tb- degree black belt and is one of the natiqn'a highest-ranking "'"'°" ka- rate experts in his style, which is caned "alr.oriJljilt (cloaed ftat). Collins now teaches four claaaea a week, and his students range from balding, overweirht -executivee to lithe teeny-bopper&--and even one striptease artlate from Cocoa Beach. Teaching theae pro~&a nets Collins between '800....Pd $400 monthly-not bad, considering he'e keepinr ftt all the while. Two Orange-county residents achievinr full-time aucceaa with a p~tlme buaineaa are Bill and Bob Lang. BUJ, 28, attends the University of Southern California law acbool; Bob, 20, ia a junior at the University of Redlands. Their buaineea la -maldn .. special signs for home builden. They have 90 accounta and place some 4,000 signs directing home buildere around housing developments each Friday, picking them up Sunday night. From real-estate *1rna, they've branched into psychedelic ail'DI for public util- itiee. They don't expect to be aim painters forever, although they re- cently tumed down a '100,000 offer for their company. Another Californian baa eucceeded with a different kind of aign bueineu -bumper aticken. Devotiq only one day a month to hie bumper crop, Emil Reisman is prolific and versatile in his social commentary, rana-tn. from "Stamp Out Spaniah Danclq'' and "Hire the :Morally Handicapped" to "Support Your Local Police- Bribe a Cop Today." Hov.aetoife Me"'V Etutia moonlight. toithout ltaving home b11 making "/raJakl11 falu" l ff ow era I rom pla.atic ofld paper. • But ftnancially, decorating bump- ers can be a sticky buaineaa. One year Reisman sold 60,000 aticken for a total of only ,5,000, and such da'- urea account for his sticking with hie advertiainr job. Yet Reisman tries to aatiafy even those motorista who don't want their cars cluttered. He makes a bumper sticker that is completely blank. Jim Enrliab of Eau Gallie, Fla., a printer for a local newspaper, keepa his wife in jewelry and hie three ki"8 in allowance money by treuure hunt- ing around Brevard County beaches. Inglish also is the franchised deal- er in Brevard for "Gold Coaat Trea- sure Detectors," a metal-locating de- vice he aetla to other searchers for about '190. He aella two or' three a monil4 and the proftts plus his own treasure hunting net him an extra $150 a month. En•li•h aaya, "If you have a detector in the back of your car, you're never without money. Any park or playground worth its aalt will cough up four or five bucks." Another printer who baa ventured into a similar part-time field ie Al Walters of Kanaaa City, :Mo., whose Houae of Sword& aella reproductions of sworde, shields, breastplates, maces, aabers, and other weapone with a dghting history. With brother Joe as partner, Waltere eella swords for '26 to $42, and shields are priced from $79 to $250. The Waltere got their idea for this aide line when they toured a sword factory in Toledo, Spain. ''We were sure there weren't many shops in the U.S. that bandied swords,'' AJ recalls, "and we had a bunch people would go for it." People did-mostly ones looking for something unuaua, in home decorationa. A father-oncl-aon team also can make it in part-time work, aa did the Jim Cullurna-Senior and Junior -of San Antonio, Texas. Ni&'hb you'll find them, on cl•rinet and trum- pet, blastinr out Dixieland jau at "The Landini;• the nirht epot they opened in the basement of a down- town buildinr alonl' the San Antonio river. By day, the Culluma are busy executives for Harry Tappan and Sons, a grocery ftrm. The two grocerymen, who have turned tl)eir love of juz into a prof- Bn"Mrd Collini, KtnMdJI Sf)Gee Centtr ucurit11 guard, utilize• Ilia Korea,... war troi'llift,IJ ~ teaching karate. " r Hoteczrd F. Ameele h4" ~ted hia income b11 bui~ing model boata. itable aide-line business, 1tarted out playing for free and the fun of it. By peddling stock to friends, they've managed to get "The LandJnr" and Jim Cullum.a' Happy Jan Band off the ground. Out-of-town bookings now bring the band $1,000 per night, plus expenses, and the Culluma' Hap- py Jau Recorda company baa pro- duced eix albums. In Rochester, N.Y., there'e Achille " Fora-tone, a photorrapher specializ- ing in family portraita. Hie father is a graduate of the Royal Institute of Art in Naples, Italy, and a one- time painter of church freecoea. Achille followed his father in art and began aculpturilllf. Now hie pta. ter Aru.rea, welded steel structures, and painted stones make up a thriv- ing bu1ineu. Howard F. Ameele of Pultneyville, N.Y., is a landacape artiat until win- ter cramps hia etyle. Then be sup- plements hie living by buildlnl' model boats on commiaaion. Ca"ing the hulls from soft_ pine and adding string, w1re, etarched cloth, varnish, and a few hundred houra of patient skill, Ameele charges from about $125 to $800. Most of his cuetomera are boat owners who want miniatures of their beloved vessels. State Department pboto,rapher Herbert :Meyle also deals with the seuona in-bis second vocation. At his anow~ home in Arcola, Va., :Meyle raises-of all things-Siberian huelde dop. In fact, :Meyle'a Bull Run Kennela ie one of two major sources of huskies in the Wubing- ton-Baltimore area--a part-time busi- ness that earned him about $8,700 last year. Thia lucrative aide line began seven years ago, when a kennel- owner friend gave the Meylea a Si- berian huskie pup to aaauage the Ion of old Joe, the mutt whom •P- ro- ille Ii~ 1er Jte !le- ut u- es. iv- le, n- ip- lel ne ed ed ea .is nt er le u &., ID tll •r r- i- I() n J- i- 1e D Looking for extra income and something "your very own'7 Maybe these moonlighting entrepreneurs con help you By BILL JEROME • Prifl&ter Jim E"l/U.la.'11'etUtlfW Gr• treanr~ '""'ti"O Florida bemela.u 4fld 4 f ro.tu!AiH /or G nwtcai.loeoti1ag ~e M •dlt to otler teareMt-1. Sculpturi•g platw ,.,,_,.,. ii jut ci po.rt of plwtogniplur A~ For- "'°"~' 4fter-la.O'tlf'I tllrift"ll hftMU. Meyle, hie wife Kqdalen, and their ftve children aadly .mined. "We named the pup Raeputin;• Meyle recalle, ''becaue the monk bad a diautrous e«ect on Ruaaia, and we were sure thi1 dor was going to have the ume effect on ua." The result,· however, wu all proftt. Meny lustls of Silver Spring, Md., proves that a housewife usinr ordinary equipment aleo can bring a part-time buaineu into full bloom. Mn. Euati1 uya her buai- neas ia making "frankly fake" flowers of plastic and paper. It "just sort of muehroomed" aince a neighbor encouraged her to mar- ket eome laminated paper ftowen she made for a 1967 Chrietmu bazaar. "I went to a ftoriat, and he wu very encouraging, eo before we knew it, fake ftowen bad thrown Emil ReilMa•'• "cvp of tea" u tllelii"ll hMJNr 1tiems for Calif orwiau, nn C01Jtpl.eUl¥ blottk """· Hwbert Jlq~ n&Uu Siberi4" htukU cl.oo• for W uAift.Oto. Baltimor8 cw-. my husband into a higher tax bracket." Merry Eu1tl1 epitomisea the in- genuity and peneverance of the part-.time bu1inwman or woman, who provee that you can moon- light without ever leaviq home. + Familw WHklw, N011"'6.,. IO, 1111 ..... ~d you shall have music WHEREVER_, you go ... JmtplllC8tlle SOUND SAUCER TURNS A COFFEE TABLE Thru tht miracle of modem el«tronics, tht 5099 SAICll can convert your home •.. any room ... any place ... anything ... into a music center. You can enioy music Of conversation when you want it, where you want It just by hooking up your SOUlm SAICll to your Stereo, Ro- dio, or TV set in seconds. It makes any- thing it comes in contact with 1'9pt'Oduc:.t sound with true fidelity. ~ TM somm SAUCB is no bigger . thon a t1C1Cup saucer and weighs only two pounds ... works on a proven and tested vibrator principle. Attach to any door and the door becomes a speaker . . . both inside and out . . . or any table . . . any chest . . . ony surface in the homt. Can even bt ~-----placed inside a plastic bubble in your OR ANYTHING INTO A HI fl , I pool and the whole pool sings to you. SPEm• LllllTm MSSa.t ...... ... hrt&.d1 ......... JUN Pltott Mnd me Postpaid 0 1 SO..IADCll.t$11M 0 2 SO.. IAICDI .t $It.ff I am enclosing O check O money order 0 Send C.O.D"'* I will pay chorgt1. I must be enti,.fy satfsfied or you will refund my money. ............. ·-··························-·········-················ an ·····-········-··-··-············--··-···················-······ nA11 ···-······························--· np ····-···· .. -··-··· • J ·..--· --- ~AMAZING $} ART OFFER 4 -Irresistible .4 Wide-Eyed Puppies in Full Color for Your Home GODFREY HAPPY COQUETTE Beautiful and Appealing =Oil-Paintings Now Yours aS Full Color Large Art Prints Just picture these irresistible puppies in your 1,-own home. Everyone who sees these appealing waifs fall in love with their adorable warmth and touching wide eyes. You just want to take them into your home and into your heart. That's be- cause the artist, Coby, one of America's most perceptive painters of animals has captured the universal appeal and warmth you find only in a funny,friendly puppy. Under his sensitive brush, the wonder of puppyhood and the realistic back- grounds combine to give a compassionate glimpse of life. Unfortunately the small illustra- tions here cannot possibly convey all the artist's \ ~gical color and brilliant details. Only when you see them in your home can you fully appreci- ate their magnificent artistry and superb beauty. OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED THI SEASON We urge you to order your full color p ts now while the supply lasts. The dramatic portr 'ture of animals is the latest decorator rage, and th are certain to go quickly. In order to show so~ of the oraftsmanship and intricate detail in kn the pictures, we have shown one picture larger than the rest:· Actually all four fine art prints are the same size, a full 11" x 14" decorator size. So hurry, order now, offer will not be repeated this season. • eo,,r1111t 1969, Colonl1I Studios . . r----------------------~ COLONIAL STUDIOS, DEPT. CN·'35 20 B•nk Street White "-Ins, New Yort 10606 Please send me the four Dog prints for only $1 plus l()f postage on full money back guarantee if I am not delighted. Enclosed is$ (print CIHfly) Name Address City . State . ... . . ..... Zip . . . . .... 0 SAVE! SPECIAL OFFER: Order three eets of prints only $2.00. (You save $1.30). Extra sets make ideal gifts. ~---------------------- MBllOR1 B.4RGMN -llJ! COl.LBCTORS C01flanl0'1l-8.4.BrS SHOES broue ~ Mtmtgoaerr Wcird Ccil4lo1Tt" tif1e dqicu ft.rat lvur la"4-U. aolid tMt.al for 11.91. Alao reiwmt. 104 pcigu of re.atn-ing. Color t~~ "'"" all-Met.al portniit atatldl, TV 11ear' a fa.11'io"'• fa.ctr atad o.atf'OteGMt'a 1'iew of"'°°" nr-tci•P•, bookettdl. Se?td ?to fanciea, de. Gold atam.ped; fa.ce mid eartA. Gold m~ 1"0Mtf. FOf' tktaU., nwtl6W- . l&ard. cover bindift.g. Regwla,r tiere of LEM 'MOdtde '"Lu.cite aaving certif foate, Aa?tdr $1!.95-Xma.s BPtcial, 19.95. ca.ae gi"u 3-D effect. IU.95. J)Ostpaid mailer write Ameri- Wilda, Dept. FW-3, GPO Great Herita.ge, Dept. FW, can Bronzing Co., Bo:i 6533- ~1!1, Ne111 York, N.Y. 10001. B~ 1189, Wa.a!ingt<m, D.C. L!B, Bezley, Ohw U!09. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE THE DAZZLER -only 6°' a carat -famous fake diamond aolitaire. This "gem" is truly a girl's best friend ! Ele-- gant Tiffany-like setting. Only you wtll know ; it loob so real Only Sl.69 plus 25¢ for postage. Send order to Terry Elliott, Dept. 12X, Grand Central Sta., New York, N.Y. 10017 REWARD -$9,786.01 for this 1943 Penny acciden- tally made in copper. Only 4 found to date. You may have one! Catalog lists prices company below pays for hundreds of such U.S., foreign coins. Catalog, $1, Coin Buyer, FW-11, 2928 4lst Ave., Long Island City, N.Y. 11101. SATIN coiffure case ,....... keeps hair "beauty-. shop" fresh I No pins, : nets or rollers. In white, pink, blue, mint, lilac, orchid, gold, black. red. $1.98; 3, $6.60. Scintilla, FW, 4802 N. Broadway, Chicago, Ill. 60640. MAU MONEY by mail order at home. Free re- port 8hows men, women how to start full or spare time. Write Mail Order Exchange, Dept. C221AH, 1664 So. Sepulveda, Los Angeles, Calif. 90026. ;::~!:s!: l~~~-~1 visi tors! -·~~ -Your name engraved in ecript on a solid brus plate. Solid brass screws are included. 3"' plate for $2 ; 6 .. plate for $4 ppd. Elgin Engraving Company, Bept. FW, 614 South St., J)un- dee, m. 60118. LASI' complete '64 silver set.8. Brilliant unc:irculated Den- ver or Philadelphia mint with ecarce J .F .K. 1'ilver 1A? dollar . $2.95 ; both. $5.60. Add ~ poetase- 10 sets, $49.60. 20 sets, $95. 60, $226. Free catalog. Novel Numismatics, Dept. FW18, 31-2nd Ave., New York. N.Y. 10008. ANTIQUES HANDBOOIC - ~ :aftia 1970 -392 page, lists, il-~f-' -lustrates and prices the i ........... ..... t ~ .Q moat popular antiques and • ,_ fit' .;. curioa. "omcial Guide To ~ '11 ---Popular Antiques 4' Curioa" written by dealers and coll~ton. $6. Wilda, FW2, GPO Box 2721, New York, N.Y.10001. WARD•s formula is a treat- ment for the scalp that may help you find relief from dan- druff and a dry, itchy scalp. May help control falling hair problem from common &ealp &ea.Ip infection. Large size, $6; trial, ,2. Ward, Dept. FW-6, 19 West «th St .. New York. N.Y. 10086. WIDE 'N WOOLY moc- cuin slipper of golden-f brown leather is sheeP- 8kin Uned: Sizes 5-18, N • EEE and EEEEE • widths. $10.85. Free catalog. Hitchcock Shoes. Hingham 41 -FW, Ma88, 02043. WukeM Shopp« item.a are NOT o411wtiliJt11. I/ ,,,,.oo.eu shotcm ani Jtot atxiilabl~ at st01"~•. onkr from •ource• liaud. Fo.mil11 WHkl11, Novemb.,. I0, 1111 11•-··--·--=s @19- 126 llSTAIT LOAD FU $1 •• VAWI FREEi UMIT ONE ROLL PER FAMILY SINO THIS COUPON TO ADDltESS ..UIST YOU: f1.40 VA&.UI c c c ••• «B• •• AC£ FILM CWI, Dept. FW·12. 9 fl&I J-P.O. Box 1191. ~ laland City, N.Y. 11101 P.O. Boa ?7, Ortando, Florida 32802 P.O. Box 5351. Clev.iand, Ohio 44101 P.O. Box 1708, O.nver. Col~ 80201 Please send me one 126 instant load ca1lnc:tge ol Color , Ftlm. 1 nave eoclosed 25t 10 cover postage and handltng al NAME J_, ADDAESS CITY STATE ZIP IEI 'ft e e e ff} • • •!!.': "'Stomach upset's had It, by gum! CHOOZ: ANTACID PMULOUS, NIW 5 Foot Long BALLOONS TWtst •em, tum ·em. bend 'em -II· mt., dec:hstlundl, ~-d aM kinds. F"~ flaldble. uw L8teX. tttey won't tw.k. Cut. hrist and ttiey ,.. ...,, R•I pe.y valua. 100 plly c:otcnd, 5 ft. balloons .,.. $1.29 ppd. IAUOON FUN o.,t. W, P.O. Bax 2114 ,~1 .. ,N.Y.11735 ----4 rHOTO CIEOITS ..... 21 CIS; NIC1 ..._, G .......... P...-41 Al ff'OfttO•iM:h fOf Drl. '°"" 6 & 11 s-.• :aodloc .... ,...., Mede<n Clonks, Inc.. N. Y. ..... 201 ....., McOoftold; .... lotlOft. '°"' 2h OorcAofl Moueco1. Just chew it away- with Chooz, chewing Bum antacid. Relief in a twinkle for stomach upset, gas, heartburn due to acid indigestion. Big plus: Chooz gum is not only a superb antaoW. "' . .. it's also delightfully refreshing in its own· right. Right! Chooz. he only chewing gum antacid. FALSE TEETH That Loosen .,,._ Need Not Embarrasi · Don't keei> worrytns whe\her your tal.M teeth an llOlnc to oome looee at the wrooa tame. Por more eeeu.r-ltr and mon comtort, Ju.\ -s>rtnkle a Uh.la PA81DIB on your plaia. PA8TDTll lu>lda ta!le tee\h firmer looser. llalt• •una ..-Mr. u·. "o' add. No So09J, .,._i,., summ1 taate. Dentw. Uiat a' .,. llMllual to health. See your denu.t ""'1U'lY· OetPA8tms atalldruscounten. Common KldM)I or Bladdtt Irrita-tions e1Tec:-t twice u many womfn u rntn, often causing tenaenHS '"d nervoiunua from lrequcmt, burnlna. ll<'hlna urination. Secondarlly, you m&l" loiie sleep and havf Headaches. Bat'kaches nnd rttl oldtt, tlttd, de-pTt'IWd. In IU<"h <'a.WI. CYSTEX uau· ally brings rela'llnl( comfort by Nrl>-tnic germs In arid urlM. and eutn« pain. Get CYST EX •l druJtal1U t~·- I Mcept this colorful ·164-page book that makes. the Bible COME AtlVE! . . . 'The ~ft · J Lt-V•NG ~EYISlE ENCYCLOPED•A I ~---~--w • 111'1 u.•111\ ... 404 hltl Awnue South N.wY-N.Y.10016 · oty_..;_..,----------~ s.... 2"' Code---- in Story and Pictures You ARE INVITED to embark on an exciting adventure ... a joyful viewing and reading program that opens doors to the whole wonderful world of the Bible. ,, No obligation to buy any other volumes of the set now or later 1l M ENCYOOPEOIA of the Bible More than S ,000 A to Z .articles about the people, events and the. lands men- tioned in the--..,._ Written by 6S distinguished scholars. 1l aUllAIY of t..sdnating stories Living literature b.ased on events in the Bible. By prom- inent contemporary writers. 1l aCAllfRY of Mt masterpieces 480 foll-color ref)'oductions of world-f.amous .art tre.asures. From museums the world over. u HisTOllC EVENTS in IMPS and art More than 300 story Illustra- tions and double-page maps. They impart vivid realism. 1l PHOTO VIEWS of Bible treuures More than 500 brilliant pic- tures of the lands of the Bible and archaeological treasures. SEND FOR YOUR FREE VOLUME I NOW! J HE BEST WAY to determine the enduring value of this magnificent set, to you and your family, Is to actually posst!js a volume and leaf through its precious colorful pages. We will send you the first volume of the set FREE, to prove to you what a priceles.s pouesslon this monumental 16-Volume masterwork can be to you and your family. You need not return this gift book evet, or pay anything for it. All we a.sk is that you drop us a card If, after eumlnlng this volume, you decide that you do not want any others. Decide after you see this nrst volume If you wish monthly shipments of the 2nd, 3rd and remaining books at the amazing low price of only S2.98 per book (plus small shipping charge). Additional volumes will be sent on approval for free examination. with no obligation to buy any. You may kttp as many or as few as you wish. You may cancel any time ... and we'll send no further books. In any event, Volume I is yours FREE. Don't delay! Mail the Coupon today 10 WHSTER'S UN.I FIED, INC., 404 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10016. ~AT A WONDERFUL WAY for you Md your family to enjoy the beauty and inspiration found only in the Bible. Glorious full-color art reproductions from musaims the wortd aver, brilliant photographs of archaeological finds and the unchanging lands of the Bible, action-packed drawings and maps, fascinating stories and A to Z. articles based on events in the Bibie-.te all combined to awaken your interest and that of your children In the Bible and its teachings. A galaxy of memorable persons, places and events awaits you on each precious page of this free book. Heroic characters and historic events of the· Old and New Testaments come alive with vivid realism. YOU SEE ... epic Bible scenes from the cre- ation of the world 10 1he thrilling journeys of Paul. YOU MEET ... wonderful men and women of the Old and New Testaments ... walk their v~ry paths. YOO GA.IN ... glowing inspiration as the Bible becomes an ever more vital part o f your own life. SH HOWTHISE INSPIRINC RATUllSMAKI 1Hf Im! COME AlM FOil FAMalB Of AUFAITHS THIS EXCITING NEW MASTERWORK will be welcomed in· every home where beauty and fAith are honored. The heroic characters and stirring events of the Bible kind~ your interest to its high- est pitch ... you, and your children too, will be enriched ... Inspired by all those heroic men and women In the Old and New Testaments. This free gift volume will demonstrate how these five fabulous features embodied in THE LIVING BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA IN STORY AND PICTURES open doors to the cultural treasures in the Bible of your faith. ...Jl-~~~=~=-°'-'!:... ____ .............. lli HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPOIT BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY LAGUNA BEACH SADDl~ltA"CK WEEK OF NOV. 29 • DEC. 5 THI: DAILY ll'ILOT, 1Y wrDC. NOYEM•D II, 1- DICK WILSON'S . -........ WILION l'OllD ........... B..a ·WILSON FORD ·SALES FOR[) 18255 IEACH ILYD., HUNTINGTON IEACH. ----aa.ty ls tbe best policy. A mkl-ft8tem minllter couldn't help but smile when be read the answen to the followinl ques- tJonutre malled out by bis c:burc:b. A. How far do you live .1&&&5&2&55555551115 .. llllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllUilllSISlll fra dlurdl? aac1 B. How Jong , ... It tab yaU to .. to c:bureb! 'l1le ·UIWtn on the queltlnmullre were: A. About four lakdl and B. About three montba. A parldna alp at a elf. ferent c:burdl read: "No Park-lnc EDlilpt Sundays. Violaton wU be liven sermons." After dmrcb, JOU and your f amlly might viii& our Ford agency here in Huntlngton Beach. We have what many experts think ls the ftnat line ol automobUes ever offered by one compuy in any one model year ... tbe great new Ford line for 1970. For ex- ample, there'• unsurpaaed con- venience for Tbundetbird · driven and puseJllel'I with the new control comole, located tn tbe front seat armrest. 'lbe er windows, power door leeks, windows, power door locks, power stats and the left-hand outside mlrrof'. Redesigned for 1970, the Fincertlp Speed Con- trol, optlona1 cm Tbunderblrd models, retains lta convenient operation on the steering w~l with new rellablllty, c~oser regulation and slmpUfled design. Comfort's in vogue now that all bucket. 1Uta on Fords are of high-back design, incorpoi'ating head restraints. · L a I' g e r reglllera in the SelecWre air coaditlaning system give better dlrectional air flow and higher atr volume wblle changes in the l"low-'ftml venttlaUon systeqi make for better clrculatioo and quieter wlndon-up driving. And far the outdoor lovers, 'lbun- derbird again offers an optional unroof which operates elect- rically. U you can find a better Jooki"I ear than our fabulous '"11 'ltlunderblrd, brinl it by our clealersblp here at 18255 Beach Blvd.. we would like to see 1t See all the g---newest ones for TORINO BROUGHAM 2-Dl. HAIDTOP TEST·DRIVE -. THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON IEACH ILYD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALO HPr. ' •••• " 10. , ... 7 ...,. SilYICI ONN . TMs. tllln M ., I •·•· te I P·•· Me:.., I•·•· t. t P·•· 592-5511 • SATURDAY ire treated 1t 1ny local emerpncy hosplt1I. The special Is Intended to show whit the layman should do when faced with 1n tmtrteney sit· NOVEMBER 29 uatlon lnvolvfna victims of polton, ICddentel fella, bums. etc. I~ 1\tltrt (60) On ... lladl (C) (60) 6:001 ~ ..... (C) (60) .... de &lrMt U 00 fB H~ (C) 1:30 tB Cl) My nrM SO.. (C) (30) a HARLIE MANNA steve Ind B1rb1r1 trml to • re· * COMMENTS ON THE mote Mexl~n flshina vlll1p for FOIBLES OF LIFE their honeymoon. 1/2 HR. OF COMEDY! 8 1~1~:.!:. ~ia <~ It Ont MH 5'w (C) (30) Comic (60) The aroup's rendition of "But· Charlie M1nn1 stirs. ton Up Your Ovtrcoet." Is openina f \ I ~. : '. <, D !HI (]) &> A••fc11 111•· number. stalld (C) (30) Dick Clark hosts. 9:0019 Ci) lrlff Act• (C) (30) B ... City (C) (30) Sim Riddle. • @ 00 8D NIC Sltwdlf Mew· nit Grass Roots, Thomes Ind Rich· Ir. (C) ..... ,.., .. Siii ... " (West· ard Frost, end Poco autst. em) '68-James Caan. Mic:hHI Sar· GI lartllr1 Mdl•r (C) (60) Bir· razin, Brenda Scott, Don Stroud. hare's aunts are Ozzie and Harriet I!!~ DtfbJ (C) (60) Nel10n, London Lee. Josh White Jr., ,.... 0,.. (60) Boo\' .,,:ah Ind The BoSSI Rio. NET ....,...... (90) "Theatre 8 Sllltl a.. Lmt America: story Theatre." (R) ,_.. (90) Children's pet'10n· 9:30 IJ 9 (I) '9ttic1at JMCtlon (C) 11ity Hobo Kelly ind travel host (30) Bobbie Joe Invites her boy· Bill Burrud team up for this ,.. friend alona on • family campina broadcast of the Thanksaivina Eve i· . festivities frvm Holi,wood. lilfJ trau•'• SoutMnl Clll- 1 lY • ....,,. Dfpat (30) le CnlUdt (C) (60) Hlahliahts &:JO DIC News C.ftrence (C) (30) of recent show 1t An1heim Stadium. MtlodJ bedl (C) (60) Ray fJ @ (I) (D Hol,,._. hlace Whitley is special auest. (C) (60) Diahann Carroll hosts to I ROltY trier Sltow (C) (30) John Byntr, Alvin Ailey D1ncers. Dr. H....,a Secret Jottr'lll (30) Stevie Wonder, Rudi Schweitzer and Tiit Prealdtwt'a M• 1969 (C) Godfrey Cambridae. E.dp ef Eltrlftr (C) (30) ~ r.llbln'a People (C) (90) Guesta WOfld ef ... .., (C) (30) inc ude humorist Sam Lindsey, 7:00 CBS &taint New (C) (30) scripl!'riter Arch Obler and produc- Rorer Mudd. er Phll Seidman. I DIC Survey (C) (30) 10:001J 9 (f) M111nbc (C) (30) Min· Annlwenary I••• (C) (30) nix wind$ up In the middle of 1 Dutfl V•lltJ o.,. (C) (30) feud between warrinr families. I lflcW I Ila Cats, Uttst Cata llld OWens (C) (30) (C) (60) Lorne Greene Is narrator Rlwhide RMnidllP (60) for this photo~phic essay on cm, 10•30 =:,. de(C)Medco(30) H<90,1 )Fi-"man. frvm the spoiled house pet to the • "'' wild predator of Africa. Newa111 •-~ (30)(C)Bi1130Bo)nda. t:t Traill (60) _,.... ( : Jo11mal (C) (60) (R) : 11le T., Tillt Smr Up (60) Do-It-Ml (30) "Early Alma of D W. Griffith." • Rat Pltrel (C) (30) , ......... tD Travel (C) (30) · feat (30) 10:40 News (C) (30) 1;30 ~(I) JaQJe a1enoa <c> <60> 11:00 a a me ..... <C> · @Cl) fB W, Wllbm (C) Tiie Mtwil 11• (C) Jill' Back· (60) James Garner, Dusty Sprina· us, Suun Oliver, Roas Martin and 1 field, Ray stevens, Bob Hope and Shelley Morrison autst. The Osmond Brothers ruest. I DtJ Wtlla (C) D SEE WHAT HAPPENS 11:10 Joe PJM (C> * WHEN VIOLENCE ll:l5 fllMtloua S2: "f ... lt 111 tM ltaclt" (suspense) '55-Joln Craw· REPLACES THE LAW! ford, Jett Chandler, Jin Sterlina. '67 1st RUN MOVIE! It Mowtt: "Wllcolle Stranpr" (ro· II Sltllnlly NfPt Movie: (C) "Epi-mane~) '47 -Bina Crosby, Joan tlplt for 1 Fat lun" (western) 'fJI Caulfield. -M!J!ltl Riva, Diane Garson. fJ Slturdly Ni&M Movie: "Man on fJ (l1) (])G) Datina S•• (C) • Tiptrope" (drama) '53-Frtdric (30) Jim Lane• hosts. Susan Tolsky March, Terry Moore, Gloria Grahame. of Hert Come the Brides auests. 11:30 8 @r:) JellrtnJ Cl,..11 (C) fJ MHHon $ MoN: (C) ...:.II ... • lhwie: ""' Dirty , .. ,... (Id· Milt-" (musical) '51-Dan Dailey, venture) '65--Henry Fonda, Robert Betty Grable, Danny Thomas, Dale in, Vittorio Gassman. Robertson, Senay Venuta, Richard HIVt Cun, Will Trntl Boone. 12:00 News (C) I Wonders of t11t World (C) (30) 12:15 Movie: "haup Hon1e" (•d· Los Caudltla (30) venture) '56-Anthony Steel,' Diane l:OO crn CJ)(!) Ntwlywld G•• (C) Cilento, Peter Finch. ( 0) Bob Eubanks hosts. 1:00 IJ Movie: "I Ai• at die Stan" m football (C) (21/z hr) Cal State (blo·drama) '60-Curt Juraens. Vic· Lona Buch vs. San Dieao State. torla Shaw, Gia Scala. 8111 Welsh calls the action. 0 (i1) CV News (C) m I lflcijL I Holp, E9erpnq! (C) II Movie: "Cleopatra" (classic) (60) A documentary of real·lift '34-Claudette Colbert, Henry Wll· medical emeraencles i nd how they coxon, Joseph Schildkraut. • • ...... , ...... ! ... . .~ .... ~ ...... . . ............ . ·~-. ...... . ~ •• 4 Never has a woman , ...... loved so deeply ... or so dangerously! • • 'aitta!e 01(. ~C!eac.f'~=~ JOAN CRAWFORD /.JEFF CHANDLER··~ First time on Los Angeles television. ,~ Tonight, 11 :15 pm. eJJaS.2 ' ... •• 3 JtlNNEllS S•RV•D WITH1 ..... m..., ...... ..... ,...... ... , ........ " .. .., $S.!5 met of sole chlekee kiev top alrlola veal cordea blea ftlet ml tall $4.U lobtter tall w IDet mlpoa buccaneer .-..-M9w .... ~ WIN.It 6 BEER •..-n ............. . Phone 675-?J>51 Open 5:30·11:00 4-40 kELlTROPE AVE. CORONA DEL. MAR Be FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU nUM.Dtn $ COLOI. Picture Tubes 95 Exch. +Tax & Inst. 2 Yr. Unconditional Guarantee $ 95 .- COMPLETELY GUAllANTEED SERVICE oN COLOR & B/W ALL BRANDI FROM ~ TO·~ '700AYS Sl•Vtel WITH TOM~IK>WS KNOW.HOW" 18931/i Park Ave. C osta Mesa ntE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 Movies ol tile Week I SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 9:00 D (11) CJ) (C) "Cln:us World" is the tale of a two·fisted boss Of a traveling Wild West show. John Wayne stars as clrc_us Im· presat'lo who takes his show on a tour of Europe. Claudia Car· dlnale, Rita Hayworth and Lloyd Nolan co-star. MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 9:00 O U Cl) e (C) ''The Spy With a Cold Nose" is !1 suspens~­ comedy concerning a dog with a planted transmitter who 1s given as a aift to the Soviet Prime Minister. Laurence Harvey, Dallah Lavi and Lionel Jeffries star. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 8:30 O l17J CJ) (C) ''Three's a Crowd" stars Larry Hagman a~ a hu~· band who Is married to two women at the same t1me--1n different cities-end finds the arrangement anything but a blessing. Jessica Walter and E. J. Peaker co-star. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 9:00 D (fii ~ (C) "Picture Mommy Dead." A chilling mystery about a mystenous fire which kills a young girl's mother. Her will and the girl's amnesia add to the suspense. Don Ameche, Martha • Hyer, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Susan Gordon star. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 9:00 1J 9 (f) ''Ten Little Indians." Guests are mysteriously killed -one·by·one--in an antiquated Irish castle. Hugh O'Brlan, Shirley Eaton, Leo Genn, Stanley Holloway, Fabian and Wilfrid Hyde-White star. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 9:00 IJ Qt {j) "Having a Wild Weetlend." The Dave Clark Five and Barbara Ferris star in this musical about a swinging group of young athletes, living together In the slums of London. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 9:00 O 9 @ (C) "The Hallelujah T,.11" is a way-out Western comedy abOut temperance and turbulence in post·Civil War Colorado. Burt Lancaster and Lee Remick star. MUSIC LIT PATH UPWARD Some people seem to have it made right from the start; others have to work bard for everything they gel. Jose Feliciano, blind from binb, began with aJI the odds stacked against him. But today, at 24, Jose is one of the most successful recording stan in the world. On Tuesday at I 0 PM be will be a spotlighted guest on 'The Engl~ bert Humperdinck Show," enter- tainment special on ABC . As a youngster, music wu Jose's only divenioo. It wu going to be bis path out of poverty and the small Puerto Rican town where he lived. At 1 S he left home, against bis parents' wishes, and moved to' New York's Greenwich Village. There he played bis guitar and sang in coffee houses. By listening over and over to his favorite ar~ Ray C harles, Otis Redding, Johnny Mathis and guitarists Luis Bonfa and Wes Montgomery-Jose was able to oomrnit to memory the sounds be heard and to develop a distinctive style. "Light My Fire" was the song that brought Jose into the full glare of the limelight and won him his first Grammy. Since then his popularity bas aone steadily upward. His albums have won three aold awards and his many concert performances have been sell-outs. On ''The Eqelbert Humperdinck Show," Feliciano sings his bit, "Rain," and the beautiful "Black Orpheus"; Engelben and Jose team for "The Shadow of Your Smile." Also featured on the program are Dionne Warwick, Barbara Eden, television's best loved genie, and Tom Jones, star of bis own ABC series. .9 ] s ,, n a It d a cl I, cl cl 1f n r ' I SUNDAY MORNINr. the story of Anne Frank. Otto Frank, her father, is interviewed. (R) U Movlt: "lrewstef'1 Millions" (comedy) '45 -Dennis O'Keefe, 6 Oral Roberta (C) Batman (C) Mano 1 Mano Randlero NOVEMBER lo IJune~Harn.m ouc11ey Do·Rlatrt cc> All stations reserve the 9:45 900 NFL Football (C) L.A. right to change program· Rams vs. Washington Redskins at Washington, ming without advance no-10:008 A&riculture USA (C) tice. @(])Ei} George of tlle Jun- 6:15 m The Christophers (C) &1e (C) 6:30 U Billy Graham Crusade (C) Re· 0 Movie: ''Th• River Changes" play of evangelist Billy Graham's (drama) '5&-Rossana Rory, Harold Crusade held ear1ier this fall at Maresch. Anaheim Stadium. I @ first Baptist Clu,1rch (C) The Bible Answen Cristina Guzman 6:55 Qive Us This Day (C) Rt1ltJ Rniew (C) 7:00 Tom and Jerry (C) 10:30 @ @ a;, AFL Football (C) Mr. Wishbone (C) Oakland Raiders vs. New York jets 7:30 Batman (C) at New York. The Christopbef1 (C) I@ @ (!) Fantastic Four (C) Mormon Tabernacle Choir (C) Setame StlHt (C) • TV Worship of the West (C) 11:00 Homebuyn' Gulde (C) S."ed Heart (C) @ (]) &) Bullwinkle (C) 7:.45 Tbe Chrlstopberi (C) Movie: ''llfebNt" (drama) '44 1 (I) Davey and Goliath (C) -Tallulah Bankhead, John Hodlak, 8:00 CBS News $pedal (C) ''Le Gi· William Bendix. rard Que Je Propose." The life of 11 :30 fJ @ CV Gl Dlscov..-y (C) "The Andre Girard French artist inven· Great Salt Lake." tor and teacher, is featured: 0 Movie: (C) "Marco Polo" (ad· This Is the Life (C) ven!ure) '62-Rory Calhoun, Yoko C1thedr1I of Tomorrow (C) Tani. Day of Dlacovery (C) Wond1r1m1 (C) Allen Revival Hour (C) AFT f-RN 0 0 N ~ P1ul H1rvey (C) 12:00 fJ Movie: ''St1gecoadl to D1ncer's God Is the ~nswer (C) Roe~" (western) '62-Martin Lan· Town Hall Muting dau, Jody Lawrence, Warren Stevens. • The Chriltophei. (C) @@College football 1969 (C) 8:30 0 My favorite SenMn (C) Rev. €!) Cine en Su C.11 John Keester, St. Ambrose Episcopal ffi lnsiattt (C) Church, Clarem~nt. guests. 12:30 g Qene Autry 8 Climbing High (C) al Patttfn for Living M,!vle: "The , Lion ind the 1:00 II flt(!) NFL Today (C) N.Y. Gi· Horse (western) 52-Steve Coch· ants vs. Green Bay Packers at I ran, Ray Teal, Sherr/ Jackson. Green Bay , m KATHRYN KUHLMAN O @@ e;,ArL Footb1IL (C) * AND GUESTS, IN COLOR Miami Dolphins 1t Boston Patriots. ; K1thryn Kuhlm1n (C) U Movie: ''Tiie Battles of Chief 00 R1viv1I fires (C) PontiK" (adventure) '53-Lex Bark· (j) full Gospel RtviVll (C) er, Helen Westcott, Lon Chaney. I The Story (C) fJ @ (])al Directions (C) "The 9:00 Camer1 Thrft (C) Cambridge Union Debate." Special Henullkah Special (C) ''A light program subtitle.d "Mode.rn Man Is in Darkness." Story of Mattathias' the lo~r by His Rejection of the confrontation with King Antiochus Christian Faith.'' When he refused to forsake the I Sllerlocll Holmes Torah for the king's worship of a The Bia Alt.ad! stone idol. 1:30 Bia Ten Ro1t Bowl Dtcider (C) I Day of Di1eovery (C) Teams to be announced. Cempus Profile 2:00 fJ Preu Conference (C) I selc1A[ I fun and Games D1y @ rn Sunda, Matinee: "Sandokan (C) Si• hours with Hobo Kelly. Against the leopard." Hostess Sally Baker leads young-1· Chucho el Roto sters In games and an hourly draw· · FNture (C) ing for toy prizes. Studio entertain· 2:30 Movie: ''The Bauetblll r11" ment is Interspersed with cartoons (drama) '51-John Ireland, Vanessa and youth-oriented shows including Brown, .Marshall Thompson_ Batman, Gilligan's Island, Munsters, fJ Mov11: (C) "Wall! tti.-Proud Addams Family and Bozo the Clown. Land" (western) '56-Audie Murphy, 1 ~A. A. Allen Anne Bancroft, Pat Crowley. 6 Kathryn Kuhlman (C) 0 Million $ Movie: (C) ''When My Tom end Jerry (C) Baby Smiles 1t Mt" (musical) '48 . Nuev1 Cltl -Dan Dailey Jr., Betty Grable . • This Is the Life (C) ' · Estrellas en Miami (C) · Agricutture Report 3:00 SamlOll (C) 9:30 Inside Football (C) ' Feature · a;, The Eternal lilflll (C) "The 3:30 Pat(y Dulle Legacy of Anne frank." Program : Mlstero11rs• Neighborhood (C) filmed in Amsterdam about the Ger· feature man occupation of Holland durina Ci) International Tradm (C) World War II, with emphasis on (Continued) _l__ LASSIE PLAYS 'SECOND FIDDLE' During her l S years as star of one of television's most successful series, Lassie bas seldom, if ever, had to play '1second fiddle" to any of the many fine performers with whom she has shared the TV scre~n. This Sunday, however, (7:00 PM, CBS). the world's most famous collie takes a star's comfortable back seat to six blind youngsters and series' co-star Jed Allan, in a most unusual and dramatic story, "More Than Meets the Eye." Jed Allan, as U.S. Fore1t Rant· er Scott Turner, and La.Jilt 111· tToduct Jithtlt.fl chlldrt11 to tht hal/·milt·lon1 sel/-guidtd naturt trail 111 Cali/ornla's San Bunar· dlno National Fore1t, In a htorf· worming drama featuring 1ix sightltn youn1 /HOplt. of learning self-help. has the problem around which the story is based. "It a lways sounds trite when an actor refers to a cer· tain role as allowing him 'to get his teeth into it.• But that's the best way I can describe working with the kids," says Allan. "Lassie is blessed with good \ Jn fact, this particular Lassie • 1 episode is , so moving, the sh ow's sponsor, Campbell Soups, bas relinquished its commercial time so the seg- ment can be aired without in- 1erruption. The episode 1s an excellent opportunity for Allan, a former Broadway actor with numerous dramatic and musical comedy credits, to do what he calls "some serious acting." With Lassie at his side, AJlan (as U.S. Forest Ranger Scott Tur- ner) takes the youngsters through a specially constructed Braille Nature Trail. As actors, fi ve of the youngsters take to the Trail with exuberance. The sixth, a young girl who learned to rely on her parents instead writers, but no matter bow you , look at it a continuing role ·.': ·~'i . ' in a ~ries can '!lake the acti.og j~b somewhat pedestrian. But there's nothing pedestnan about this episode. Though viewers won't know it, there will be quite a few tifl_les w.hen I'll be reacting as Jed Allan, and not Ranger Turner. This episode was a moving experience for me." The segment was filmed this past summer in the San Bernardino National Forest, northeast of Los Angeles and near Big Bear Lake. FIRE SCREEN SPECIALISTS CUSTOM MADE SCREENS -S DAY SERVICE Beautiful decorative colors In many finishes. Wide selection of GAS LOGS. FREE Estimates given. (Since 1920) SANTA ANA TEIT ·"" AWNING co. 2202 S. MAIN-.545-0491 SANTA ANA ON ICE "Pel&)' Fleming Debua at ~ Square Garden with ., Ice Follies" is tbe tide of • •pedal hour atatting the preaJ former Olympic figure ibdog duimpioo, Suoclay at 9 PM oa NBC. Singer-guitarist Joie Pelidaoo is special guest, aloag with six regular aas of the Ice Follia trou~dwd Dwyer, Donald Jadcsoo, Mr. Frick, Tbe Doyen, The· Scare· crows, ~ the Ice Follieues. A WEDDING REPURN 'ENG:AGEMENP "Ann-Margret: . Prom Hollywood with Love," second mPlial-comedy special starring the titian-haired beauty, airs in color Saturday, Dec. 6 at 8:30 PM on CBS. Lucille Ball and .Dean Manin are t-specia.l guests fo~ the hour-long tribute to the movie capital in. song. clance and comedy. Aher more than four yean of pursuit, Jeannie captures Tony, her astronaut muter, and they are married in a ceremony marked by frenzy, ~.''The Wedding" episode of I Dream of Jeannie, Tuesday at 7:30 PM on NBC. I ( v. r s • ~nttquts -7 ltoo• - WHEN YOU WANT IT DONE RIGHT CARPE1' a FURNITURE CLEANING • I For 1 Day Service and Quality Work . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS ! 642-1520 • • CALL ONE OF THE EXPE·RTS LISTED BELOW! 117M RI¥_.... A- ......... leedl ...... .... ,_ OHICe - S'ANISH CARVID DOORS Mirrored Wardrobe Doors Stoo>< Replacement Doon Spaniah Hardware , MILLWORK INSTALLATION 475 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beech 671-112' S'llDY PLUMllNG Furnace Repair I: Cleaning Quality work-Free estlmatea 24 hrs & Weekend work LIARN TO TY'I Revolutionary 5-week Chilcoat Tvl>in~ Course FREE DF.MONSTRATlONS every Wed. eve at 7 P.M. INTIRNATIONAL ACADIMY 0' RAPID LIA-Nl .. G 445 E. 17th S t , Suite H We Buy, Sell for You or Trade" 1------------·1 546-2317 -541-"217 Costa Mesa 548-0440 432 l•t 17ttl Cestt1 MeH o ..... I Didi Co_. .... ASPHALT SIALIN5 & PATCHIN5 •9'ldelltlel • llldld • C:.mc'I Complete reasonable service Currently engaged by City of C.M. for street restoration. NATO CORP, o.•1 Cefllreden I 611-1111 Service • ~epa. •General Repair Automatic 1transmissions. too! Peter Sch~rst Certlfl"CI Muter M1ch1nlc 207~ Harbor Costa Mesa 642-6373 Actor Jack Albertson, star- ring in the CBS Playhouse presentat ion of "Sadbird," is an avid golfer. He likes to tell questioners who ask about the cha nges in his fortunes since wi nning this year's Mo· tion Picture Academy "Os- car" that "the money hasn 't changed much, but I'm in- vited to better golf tourna· • • \Ult DIAMOND \Tl Ca rpet· CIHnlns "Champion" Method! • Soil retardent • Shampoes deep •Expert and guaranteed Free estimate 645-1317 ~ HIGHTll SIDI ~ CLEANIN• SllYICI CAltP•~I & .. UU llTU•• CL•ANINO. e Deep pile & soil retarden t method. Reas priced. Free est Cell 541-4134 DO YOU HAV• Dl•TY CA•PaTlf Fred Gwynne V(i ll sing for the first time on TV on the 90-minute "Hallma rk Hall of Fame" special, "The Littlest Angel." Though known for his non -singing TV roles in "Car 54, Where Are You?" and "The Munsters," Gwynne did sing in two Broadway musicals. • • • Denver Pyle, co-star of 1'The Doris Day Show" (Mon- days, 9:30-10:00 PM, in color) on t he CBS Television Plant Nutrition Corrective Decor Industrial-Residentiaa By AgriculturallSt REASONABLE C•ll M2-1407 anytlm• for old items in your garage, will store, and/or move. Let a small businessman pey atten- tion to your needs. Call John 536-612' Network, once thought he had landed the role of Mar- shal Matt Dillon on "Gun · smoke." "We're very happy with your test, and you'll probably get the part," he was told. "There's just one more actor to test, and he's not too anxious for it, and besides, he's too big. His name is Ar· nett or Barness or something like that." • • • NBC-TV's "Name of the HELP WITH CHRISTMAS IDEAS 645-1400 fqi'll'lerly wlttl~ RCA S.rvke Corp.· JlllY CUltT15 ''n.TYl.A..._. M•" {/ '\ 'I earn my money ... · and your confidence'' TV Repairs IN YOUR HOME ...... 642-1432 Game" star Susan Saint James, who is known for her strange diets, has given up vegetarianism. Now she's liv· ing on fish sticks and orange peels. • • • Cameron Mitchell, star of NBCTJ's "The High Chap· arral," says, "Now that we have all these codes to indi- cate whether a film is clean or not, we ought to have one that indicates whether it's worth seeing or not ." • • • Pap7 SUNDAY (Continued) •:oo 11 ""s!A" n. Prioce Street ""1tra. Ltd. (C) "Aladdin." Tiit cllaic Arabian nl&tlts fantasy ol a youn1 boy who finds a ma1ie lamp cont1Jnln1 1 aenie who finds 1 princen for his master to marry. 0 OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE * 'THE BIRDMEN OF OXY' D On ca..,.. (C) ''Blrdmtn of Ocddent•I." Blolou professor Mar· ty Morton and his student research· ers studied for three months the whit• crown sparrow (tilt whit• rat of bird world). the beldina around squirrel, •nd the locust In their natural surroundincs. Dr. IW4llq &) Clflet9 foetblll 1919 (C) I L9" LllCJ McHalt's Ntwr Lara•le (C) Locbr 100111 (C) : t Newt (R) (J) latJlan (C) ct ..... • Sport. Spedaallu (C) 4:30 • CloM Up (C) "Plastic Suraery." • Skipp, Tiie Mustin Yoke of tM HMr CJ) f'll• ft1bJr• (C) "Tahit~ Island Under the Wind." fJl) Advtnblre: "Seareh for the Ho· bolos." A look at the curious and rare boats of Ethiopia known as ho bolos. I Cl) face U.t N.UOn (C) Mutica y Pallbru Tiie Rlfi.. 5:00 face U.. NatJoa (C) SCNak Up (C) Bill Leyden. 7 FT. 5:30 0 Utt ill Sp-. (C) fJ Movit: (C) "Tiit Procllpr (dra· ma) 'SS -Lina Turner, Edmund Purdom, Louis Callltrn, James Mitchell. Story of the Prodipl Son. Micah, whose infatuation for the paean Goddess Of Love INdl him to riotous llvina. c:J Slllr1ey T1111plt Tlluttt: "Stow· away." I Men fro111 UNa.£ (C) lataaan (C) (}) S.W.. Arts ni..trw: "Re· i·em for a Huvrnl&ht" How Te MatrJ e MIUleul" @ My World (C) hol a..t (C) "Tiit Seven Minutes." (R) I Cl) C.11tr1 Tlne (C) T"°' Here C.•e UM S'taB (C) Run fiDf Yow Life (C) ti SEN. GEORGE MURPHY * on "Newsmakers" Today! 1J .. ........,. (C) Sen. Geor1e Murphy auuta. I AIJ~ Cenep Sllew (C) 1111i&A'• ltla8d (C) S.llNt Trail @ nt WetW T....,.. (C) FreMtl Qef; Julia Child. Ci) FU• r ..... (C) 6:00 IKNXT News (C) (30) 0@ Im Meet tlle Ptm (C) 0 [lD HOUR OF FUN & * MUSIC IN A TURN OF THE CENTURY MOOD! MONTREYr~~~~~ 5" Thick ... ~~~~.,~ Honeycomb -. 31h'x7' POOL TABW TwoYur Gu1r1nttt B•y IV""° I l'or Surpri.te Delltiery an_d ~' Up IUMl'R TAAL.ES ROM S69.ll SEE IT NOW ...... Only •79u Complete 23 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Ufetime Guaronfffd $369 SLATE POOL TABLES From ~·-_ ~ EXCLUSIVE DELUXE SLATE TOP TABLE With RACK-IM-MATIC Rldtl a1111 AuterNtlcally SIVH wtar Oii CIOll! Give The Family A Pool Table Thia Xmaa -------OPEN 7 DAYS 11JO8 CAUNOW 532·1992 ORANG£ THE DAILY PILOT. lV WEEK, NO.VEMBER 29, 1969 1J Ma hfldt (C) (60) Dietl Sin· clair and tht Polka Paraders re· minisce on the "Gay Nineties." m EQUITABLE SAVINGS * presents an exclusive interview in Israel GOLDA MEIR 6 PM-KTIV m I IHcl&~ C.llVtl'Ution WD Golda Meir {> (60) Rowland Ev1111 hosts. (R) m Anh•ab, Action and AdwnbJn (C) (30) "The Great Bmler Reef." fl!) Sptcllatioft (C) (60) "A Con· versatlon With Norman Cousins." ED1MH frttl UNCU (C) (60) 6:30 IJ Rlfpll StOf'J (C) (30) The story of the man responsible for dllrina abandoned automobiles off the streets. a aoo mu. eotiece 1ew1 ~ (30) IJ Dic:ll Van Dyke (30) 0) I lptcjAL i luu J&1Ms (C) (60) A salute to C1llfoml1 fashion de· sicners. Special 1uests are Sally Baker (Hobo Kelly) ind Dave Reeves. I Sa,._* T11eebe (60) Ci) Skippy (C) (30) 7:00 fB Ci) Ustie (C) (30) Sit sllhtless youn1 people play fu· lured roles when they guide a fri&htened &lrl Into 1 new life, Al~ Valdez, Klthy Martinez, Debbie Parker, Bert Borja, Realna Brink and Shella Killian are non-profes· sional actors. Proaram Is presented without commercial Interruption. 0 @@ m Wiid llln&dom (C) (30) "Wildfire: Part 11." Perkins and Brock help rescue animals threatened by a ra1ina forest fire. I ne llf'OCI CC> C60l (i1) (})EE Lnd of ttle Cleats (60) "Comeback." A 1i1nt has- been actor (John Carndine) trapa the Earthllnas and plans to insure his return to movies by lettina them appear in 1 horror film. fJ Joe llautll Sllow (C) (30) Paul Anka, Peay Atmlna guest. m Mewle: (C) "Malt• of die Wortd" (scl·fl) '61-Vincent Price. fJl) Tiie Adweclt. (C) (60) "Should Criminal Penaltla for the Use of Marijuana Be Al>olishedr ' S.n. Georae Murphy aunts. II) C:..lces ' c:.dotMs (30) 7:30 B 9 Ci) Te .... Wltll Lfte (C) (30) Mike Endicott Is stunned to find that 1 alrtfrlend in Rome Is now 1 wealthy countas (Geraldine Brooks). John Forsythe's daughter Pap appears as the countess's 1:00 daupter, Francesca. D CiJ (j) Im Walt DiWJ (C) (60) "Secrets of Pirate's Inn." Conclu· sion. An old sea captain discovers pirate Jean Llfitte's treasure and almost roses it Ed Besley stars. c:J MIUIH $ Mevlt: "Ooietlllead" (comedy) '58--Andy Griffith, Felicia Farr, Walter Matthau, Erin O'Brien, Jama Greeory. Joey Bishop. A story of the Coast Guard. OJ hstpert to Trftll (C) (30) "Hona Kong Today." I HeBt C)pefa (60) Les C:.tldlllos (30) B TONITE'S BEST BET! * The ED SULLIVAN SHOW! I Qt CJ) U WlnA (C) (60) lilJ ,, .... ~ (C) (60) (R) fJ FORD MOTOR COMPANY * presents THE FBI fJ (i1) (}) Q) Tiie Fii (C) (60) "The Inside Man." Erskine Invest!· 11tes 1 aem robbery. «!) Hot1.-ac1 (C) (30) fl!) TIM FonJte Sap (60) "In Chancery.'' Helene Is fatally injured in a fall; the SO.r War beains; Soames beeins thlnklna of divorce and rem1rrl1ae. @E) C.rrousel Mnla90 (60) a:30 o @ oo m 1u1 Cet1rJ Sllow cc> (30) "Goin1 the Route." Chet Kin· caid takes over his nephew's paper route and finds the Job hazardous. OJ Pfobe (C) (30) fB World To..,.,.. (30) "Dope, D11ener1cy and Drop0uta." 9:00 II Qt Cl) I IHsW I Siw & Gar· hlltlel (C) (60) Fiimed In mious locations lncludlnc New York and Simon's home In New Hope, Penn· sytv1nl1. the )'Oun1 slncer-compos· ert-Paul Simon end Art Garfunkel --wcalize many of their most pop· ular hits and introduce some or· iainal aone. 0 TIMEX Presents * PEGGY FLEMING and THE ICE FOLLIES with JOSE FELICIANO a @oo m11scw1 Peen f'lemi111 et ...... Sqart 8•rden (C) (60) Olympic skatin1 champion Peu:y Aemlng stars In an iee-ori· ented m.ic11 variety proa11m. She is joined by sln1er Jose Feliclano and five Ice Follies acb-Riehard Dwyer, Mr. Frictl, The Boyeri, The Scarecrows and The Ice Folllettes. B ROLLER GAMES-LIVE (C) * T-BIRDS vs. DETROIT IJ Reller 8•-(C) (60) T·Birds vs. Detroit Devils. D @ Cl) G) AIC S.ndlf MO'lie: (C) "aius WCKtd"' (drema) '64- John Wayne, Claudia Cardinale, Rita Hayworth, Lloyd Nolan, Richard Conte, John Smith. Tale of a two· 1969 NY (60) !Sti· "In Jred ;ns; orce (C) Kin· 9per DUS. ope, liar· ious and inn· DOS· nkel M>P. Or· :u den tion Ori· She ano 11rd The tes. ·c> irds rit: '--ma ard WO· fbted boa of a trntllna WMd Wat todly'a Yitll aubfectl. pared to the allow loedtd with actJon. JOlrth of Alnltk:a. Alto f11tured art at 1 M<AfJ., ._., s,n rr. "Th• Sons of Llbtrty." ..... .... NlcM (C) (60) 1 ~ ........ (C) (30) Quall lnc:fudt Jonathan Wlntm, ll:GO B "'-(C) sue Ra...,, Btlland 1 Sommemll•. "T~ (C) and Pltti I CMa. n.t 111w1t .... (C) Guests art I c.tkMt tf IMb (C) (30) Jim Baclua. Susan Other, Roa ......_ ...... (&0) Mutin IQCI SMiiey Momton. Ht•1w1d (C) (&0) (R) m ..... .,. ,.._ o.tf' (dra· Dl•l•lll Hnti (30) ma) '39 -Carole Lombard, Kay t :JO I lltwl (C) (30) Dour Dudl1Y. Francis, Cary Grant. n. .,.. set ct> <30) . oo a ..... cC> c.-e.tet 1 C11.-........ (30) 11:30 I lllllWlt! ~) """ KW f,.. 10:00. a()) llilllle: ......... (C) ...,. .. (c:omtdy) '46 -Danny (&0) Tht IMF sets up 1 blurrt Kay .. Vera Ellen, Vlrslnia Mayo. I d -.J D Liii .. • 1 1a1t1er (C) m n ·lrl!M<lf' Uptrimtnt to con· a Wiii• f ......... -Ptttr vinc:e 1 ayndlute ltacler ht Is bt· • · .._, , .. , Ina doublt·cnmed Donnelly Rhodes link and C. C. Courtn11, stirs and tits. · aut.hors of tht New York production ~ U Cl) 8' n.t 1eW Oat (C) of "Salv~lon" (billed as tht tue· ~) "Shriek ;,, Siience." Attomep ::!n toof "~ :~= .. '°' 1 dls- Nlchofa, Dafl'"I and Oarrtll defend ID a..... SMiltJ ct) "Kansai 1 rubematortal candidate lnvolvtd City Confidential " ~ In the llQina of one of his cam· 1 @ lllicllt cC> paltn WOrktfl. Cralt Sttwtns IUISts. ll:AS (H) ()) 0) ... (C) ! at ..... (C) (JO) 12:GO fubR: "K.,._ to Educt· Let Me Talk Te • • • <C> (60) tlon " Alm 4eabr wtth tllt ques· rs. Coretta Klnr. widow of tllt . . late Rev. Martin Luther K.1111. euesta ~o~. rtllajous Inst~ )II t11t In •r..,:dutiwt apPttranct. fJ MeWi.: (C) "Slllts ,.,,,.. (ro-1 ~ (C) (30) mince) '52--Uther Williama, 8a0'1 ..... f"9 lt£T Ftltlnl (C) (60) Ballet Sull_lvan. Keefe Bra..itt. V!Nn "Cot>pelia." (R) Blatne. &l frN TNh (&0) 12:30 B s,ukiat Fr..i, (C) Guest Is io:JO 11 n.. • .,.. , • ..,,.. (C} <30> 0r .. Robert .1astro of the Goddard "Hippies, Hypocrtay and 'Happ!· Institute. ness' ." l:GO fJ lll1ewit: (C) 'Tltt ,.... & ttlt m Tiit ~--hW .. u ..... OltiMI" (western) '57 -Anthony (C} (30) An lnfonnatioftal format Dexter, Sonny Tufts, Marie Wlndtor. comblninr mlllic and dllcusslon of 1:30 D NtwS (C) ... ,_. l'•rrier Sl..ee JNS SAVll BllY DlllECJ'I M.JAcques DDl•MDI AND MANUMCTUUU OJ WOii.D'S ftNDT PUii H l"ASNIOM tlUND MPrPOllT aUCM en••...,..., Where can you get S 3,000 cash ... with the lowest monthly paymentsY SMALL LO UNION HOME LOANS s1 $45.00* ''BorroW" Sl,000 to Sl0,000 or more·bv phone!'' ••N HUNTSR Not9cl TV '9nolllllty tmV ChHMI 11 l 13C).11:30 AM HOMEOWNERS-compare Union's new reduced payments with any bank ... any loan company. See why thousands of homeowners call Union Home Loans when they need cash for any reason. PAY All YOUR BILLS with a homeowner loan from Union. You'll probably cut your present monthly payments in half, or better ... and have more money left out of every paycheck! PHONE DAY OR NIGHT •u111..,'I HHCH rATilllfT lncludt1 both ptlnclp1t a lnttrHt -r•· PIY• loan In f1111 In n 111011th1. ltO IAUOOll ran1111n1 A11n1111 per. cenu,. rate 11 $14.IO finance chlr11 per y11r per $100 of 1111pald bll1nc1 end 1mount fln1nctd 11 $2,550. Tottl of PIYl'lltftb owr period of IU 1111rs 1t $45.00 1 monthi .. '4.410. Shorter l lon1er term loan• 1vtll1blt • • . btc.uM AT Ulll1111111i._Y_OU'IE Tiil IOSI -YOU CAM Piel TNE rAntEm TllAT FIT YOGI IVHETI CALL NOW -GET YOUR LOAN APPROVED ON THE PHONE! OR UNION'S UNDERSTANDING LOAN MANAGER Will COME TO YOUR HOME, IF YOU PREFER, SO YOU GET MONEY FAST! ~UNION HOME LOANS ~-~ .. !!!!!lil .. ii>'or-E CF TI-E Cl.OEST Al'.cJ LARGEST N CAl...JR:JRNIA LOS ANGELES O""ICE ...• Mr. Newton . GARDEN GROVE O""ICE . . • Mr. Jenninas HUNTINGTON PARK OFFICE . Mr. Stevens TORRANCE O"ISICE . • Mr. Edwards VAN NUYS O""ICE • . • • • . Mr. Gomez . WHITTIER Ofl'P'ICE . . • . . . Mr. M c Dowell . DU 5'"'4141 S31M2122 see-e711 lW2·SlWS 787-1424 eee-11es ,.... SUl..lN N f AN I) f3f0ff f VW412VS THE. HIS AnD HER OFIT 7:1()-C} ·~ ().41ll' ~A13C-TV PaplO THE DAILY PILOT, 1V WED<, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY Davis Jr., Pet« Lawfonf, Pat Henry, 2:3011~-tf ...... (C) L• Majon and Teresa Grava. @m L6la tit ~11 m .......... (C); ... M-( ) ary hosts.. 5:551"'9 ~ 1MI hf (C) 11:00 w.bnti::!. lie Hurt la C) llirt JJ"" (~la• (C) = :::a:·~~(C) 1• IDJHpHO (C) ~ • ~I.: Mewll: Set Day-,...__. Atm~ me Movie&. &:• ....,..., (C) u"" ... ..,,... ..... <C> I HIZll (C) ,":/::' ~H~ Gr.him Kerr. St.a M_.../fNbn Or. c. W. La Salle II oi Fordham ••P" Net• (C) 3:001(it(j)le•r "'9 (C) Univ 11:25 CIS ..._ (C) Ira Y•• let (C) Guats are £.c.u..11 rtoara•a ll:lO lliRtl f• r ........ (C) Rod Sertln1 tnd wife Carol, Ind '.~ 0 R ~ I ~ (, · C...•ltJ 1;1lttill (C) Lohman and Ropr Bartley co-~ htNI 7:00 CIS ..... (C) Joseph Bentl. lholtw. . .., ,,.. (C) d L a.;1 Heepltal (C) paq,; ::::. = n. Alt11lwerury .... (C) lloa'1 lie Tep .. (C) ( ) (R) T..,. (C) Buttr Ward holtJ. Mr. _. Mn. lleftll I furdal Wftll lleN (C) ....., .W.. (C) @ Mdow. Don Rodewald. Mr ......_ (C) Trawtl film (C); hi.,.ctM/ ... .._ Don Wiiton. F.ix lie c.t (C) Slrttdl alld Sn (C) Wed. only. 3:30 11 LllCQ P.W (C) Guttts ere Ruta C.....-,/a.ct 1....-t fD S.U.. street (C) (R) LH, Dennis Colt (Mon., Tues.).; s.a. .... (C) 11:55 D 9 (]) m NIC ..... (C) DINI Wynter, Dweyne Hickman 7:30 tt Is Wrttt• (C); lllllt Stery I/lied,. Thurs.); MarUyn MaJOft, (C) Tues., Thurs. Mark Slade (Frt). I ........ (C) 11 .... .,...... (C) ... <C> om. ... H1nWt cmmc (I) CIS lltws <C) 12.-00, n• (C) Tiie Niatrt ltfwt Cllnlbus (C) 7:15 1't Mil aDll Her of It (C) Geoff 9 m Ywrt halal Mt Friday. and SUZanne Edwards host {e) utsts are Gwen Verdon, I (i7)(})G) OM Ult Te U. Jeck Cart•. Alejandro Rey, Pem 1:001!.~w=-~ (C) Caa, Bill Cullen, Brenda Vaccaro. ~..:.(C) ' =(C)c.teN Catie (C) It KUP HAS A DIFFERENT m,.,.,. c'!C. (C) lltws/Sltct llartet rk KIND OF TALK SHOW! 3:.u r.-. CiJ News (C) l:JOl llle fl....._ (C) GUESTS REALL y 4:do II Sta H11tt; Mtwit, Tuesday. s.. -..t ..... HMd (C) ~me Movies. (l)hclJ.., His Frt.iida (C) SAY SOMETHING! ~~==£.... (C) 1:45 It To11r M....,.s Wd (C) Wed. 1J l(up'a Sllew (C) Mon.; Mt¥it: MJ .......... Martlai t ·OO ml:=-~~=.. Is" ~(1)-=:~r;.·fri. ,. Sunn . @ 6 8' It Tabs TWo CC) ~ ... (C) Bill Johns. 4:15 fl) nt frlttldlJ llant Georae · rlln, HaNey Korman and Stitct Marut Cite. 4:30 I Mtwit: SH Daytime MO'tlu. their spouses, and Raymond St CIJ A"'1 Mfflll (C) DMfa Cetrt (C) Jacques with Judy Pace ire ctltb· 12:30 llAI lie WtrM T11r11 (C) .._. (C) Biii Bonds. rity iuest panelists. ID Daya of Ow U.. · Tiie SMWJ si..w (C) Guttb ! LM 11alt lob: Bob Cumminp. a 1ld Carey stirs. Include The Rllht.ous Bros., Mon.; ~: Set Daytime MOY!ts. ~ Cl) T1alt Sift (C) and Bill Preston, Wed. kit Joltph Is hostess. Miwl (C) Jack Latham. I "" f11.-... (C) I ......_ Dr• .._.. '(C) INallq ter Del:.S CC) Tiie M ...... @Cl) Jact-la l..M• CC) a.ct M.W AM1Jsia . Cl) Perry ..... ~ (C) 1:00 8 fa (I) LM Is a MtDJ s,&tn-bwllW. IMndllp t-.25 D 9@ ID OC News (C) iirei T'ltlil1 ~> : s.a .. Street <C> CR) t:•ls ~ =-.--= (C) I' fE h:-... ~ (C) am ~o:r '!m::' (C) MRtt: S.. Daytime Movies. haacnl (C) &) .. wlldNcl • ...... Stir Tlleetrt Office tf ... 'ueident 5:00 UIC ...._.. (C) Mlwlt: Ste Daytime Movies. 1't lalltpllla '"'1Ht (C) NIWS (C) Tom Reddin. ,..., (C) , • ....,... Ntlfc 1:15 fl!) !cllttl ,,..... Fl ... '(C) terYlct n-. Tues. l:JOI! (j)"' l.wtn1 lJPt (C) ..... (C) Georae Putnam. (fj) Cl) H.,...s H.,,..1 (C) Cf) ID ......., W.IW (C) la•an (C) 10:001"""' Sfittta (C) atller Kllftl leat; eo..111 (C) ~Ji•_, Tllo.illOll (C) 6 Ci) 8' Siie of ltlt c.t.y Wed. onti,. McHale's ""7 Jack Kally hosts. fJ (HJ CJ) I&> let's Malle I Diii 1 Cantt de Mulcit fJ Mewtt: S.. Daytime Movies. (C) Monty Hall hosts. • llllip1•1 lllaftd (C) m Mtvtt, Fridey. Ste Daytime II Tr.tit ... c..t-.-(C) Dr•• .... (C) IMov~ of Juclai.. Tues. Ttcblcal Cenw 5:30 @(})G)AIC Newt (C) ,....1._. Mattet' 1:50 llJ fasllloa 111 Stwtn1 (C) • Calldld ea..,. @ SlmllJ TIUJ (C) 2.1JO it~:;;:,:-,,:._ (C) =~··;,.':lld (C) 10:15 m WorW Ti-. Mon.; Mlle S.V. l:r Lf.·11.._. (C) liJ Tltla o., ltH (C) let, Wed.; Mr. Merdlandw.a. Frl. Ci7J CJ)&) .. ...,_. 11 .. (C) Miltlltttrl' ............ (C) 10:3011 Ci) Lon tf Llf9 (C) ICM IMy I Ci) NIWS (C) Frank Tracy. Cf) ID IWIJzc.S S.HrH Htr4la11 Juste Ylrvtl J CapllffM (C) utsts are Edit Adams. Sammy C..lltdltJ/Maal Fn4 • Ttw11 Talk (C) 69 ) •• IY· ire nd :C> " lb 1.; KNXT SPECIAL TO PROBE EFFECTS Sadbird- OF ALCOHOLISM You read about it all too frequently. A driver, his vision impaired by the lights of oncoming traffic, suffen a momentary lapse of judgment, cros,,es over the double white line and slams head-on into another car. Chances are the driver who caused this accident is an alcoholic even though he may not admit il And what started out as just a "few drinks" becomes yet another tragedy in an unending flow of statistics. Fifty per cent of all traffic deaths involve alcoholics. And SO per cent of all people arrested are alcoholics. The odds are stacked against the drinker, but it doesn't seem to deter him. Or her, for that matter. Since two-thirds of all Americans drink, there are plenty of suburban sots-distaff drunks. These and other chilling facts will be revealed when KNXT presents "If You NEED A Drink, .. an hour-long special on alco- holism, Monday at 7: 30 PM, in color on Channel 2. KNXT Newsman Jerry Dunphy will serve as host and report.er for the broadcast which focuses on the tragedy of heavy. habitual drinking and how it affects the normal lite of the drinker and those around him. Channel 2's Dunphy will cite figures that show that the alcoholic's problem isn't strictly his own. Fifty per cent of all delinquent youth come from alcoholic homes. And more than 2000 t.eeo-agen UN- DER 17 were arrested for drunkenness in Los Angeles last year. Ironically non-drinkers contribute through taxes to aid alcoholics. It costs Lo; Angeles County over $27 million yearly in welfare, court costs., police and fire protection, plus many other tax-supported services. "If You NEED A Drink" won't be just a compilation of figures. The program will be highlighted by a number of recovered alco- holics who will talk about their own experiences. In addition, there will be comments by a judge, a minister, a medical doctor and a psychiatrist. The special broadcast will feature a 12-question test that is used by Alcoholics Anonymous to determine if a person has a drinking problem and, if so, how serious it is. A Flight from ·GOalful Writing What is a "Sadbird?" In Georae Bcllak's comedy drama of that title, airina Monday at 9: 30 PM, in color on CBS, u the leCOnd CBS Playhouse pre- sentation of the lellOO. viewers will see a tangible symbol of a ..Sadbird"-a small. colorful toy that tries to fty and can't. a su~ stitute frustration object for the frustrated avenae man. But what makes the little mechanical creature aipiftcant enoup to win the title role? Author Bellak doao't consider himself the one to say. He be- lieves that "Sadbird," lib much of today's art. must be left to individual interpretation. The playwriabt. whole extensive television cred.ib include tcriptl for such acclaimed series as The Defenden and Playhouse 90, on which be .PreteDted an adaptation of his oriainal off-Broadway play .. 'lbe Troublemakers," refers to his latest creation u "a fable, airy and lighthearted as a champagne Partr durin1 a storm at sea ... He is most emphatic in his assertion that "'Sadbird," wbic:b deals with a young man's struggle between bippiedom and the ''lquare" established world, is not a "thesis or social drama" or an "illustrated lecture." He speaks of it ntber as "an obeervation of human pro- cesses," "fragmentation" and a glimpse at "the 10 people dwellina in each of us and the terrible necessity sometimes to lea~e some of them behind . .. It is about life aoina-on wbeDC"Ver you care to pick it Up in history and pmsibly due to ao on Iona after all our birds have ST ARS-loclc AIHTt$0n ""'1 Rohm Foxworth (right) lune the narring rolu ill George Be1Jalc'1 original 90-mlnMte p"1y "Sadblrd." ftown," explains the acfmjttcdly enigmatic author. '"The lifeatyla of the people in the play are current only became the play is written currently. "I used to be a very goalful writer, but I kicked it," continua Bellak, notin1 that be tackled "Sadbird" with no real purpo1e in mind and watched the characters evolve naiurally. "Th.ii is the most aatisfyina thins rve ever done," says the vet· erao writer, crediting his satisfaction with the play to the fm:dom be was allowed in its creation. And the audience is panted an equal amount of interpretative freedom, aince, accordina to the author hinwtf, "Sadbinl" ii what.. ever tbe viewer wants it to be. ,... 11 ,...12 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMH9' 29, 1969 MONDAY DECEMBER 1 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t :OO 0 "Sta11 In My Crown" (drama) ·~ -Joel McCrea, Ellen Drew, Dean Stockwell. 9:30 IJ "Here Co• the WAVES" (mu· sical·comedy) ''4 -Bina Crosby, Betty Hutton, Sunny Tufts. m (C) "The White Tower" (drama) '50 -Glenn ford, Claude Rains, Lloyd Bridaes. 10:00 fJ "La ltllt AIMrlCllnt" (com· edy) '62 -Robert Dhery, Colette Brosset. 12:00IJ "Al11ka" (adventure) '44- Dean Jauer, Kent Taylor. Maraarel Lindsay. 2:30 fJ "Tlle Print. Ltt. of Don Juen" (romance-adventure} '34 -Doualas Fairbanks Sr. 4:30 II "'Taru11 and tilt sate Devil" (adventu11) '53-lex Barker, Joyce Mac:ttnzie. FVFNING s• 8 STRAIGHT FROM THE '* SHOULDER REPORTING BY REDDIN & FISHMAN! COLEMAN HAS SPORTS! 1:00 I'-" News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. Im Huntlty-lrinkley '(C) (30) It STEVE BECOMES SMALL *TOWN MAYOR IN SKIT WITH CLIFF ARQUETTE! 1J Stfte Allen Sllow (C) (90) Guests are Cliff Arquette, Kelllt Greene, J1ckie Gayle. fJ Six O'CloU Mowit: (C) "War· pd!" (western) '51 -Edmond O'Brien, Dean Jauer, Polly Beraen, Forrest Tucker. former Union of. ficer enlists as private to find out· laws who murdered his flancee. • Dick Van Dyb (30) r.,ton Place (30) Star Trtll (C) (60) CV Mia Douclu (C) (90) : Wllat's N•? (30) (f) CBS Ntw1 (C) (30) nitapo dt Ptrdon (30) · News (C) (60) Jack White. 6:30 • KNIC Ntwlmlce (C) (60) • The Ca•• Sa ... (C) (30) Guest pane:lsts arf' Richard Dawson, Sally Ann Howes · and Roosevelt Grier. To Tell tllt Tl'lltll (C) (30} Office of the Pl'elidtnt (30) (6) H•ntlef·lrlnkley (C) (30) : Twin Ckde Headline (C) (30) CJ) The M•nstln (30) • Notidero 34 (C) (60) ...... (C) (30) 7:00 CIS &tnlnc ..... (C) (30) • Mat's My Linet (C) (30) I Lowe LllCJ (30) (Continued) 1. I ) c ) 8 ( 2. l 3. c ( land in the lake Countrv of Califnia Pines lnnst ........... 111111111 CALIORllA PllS WE PARCRS FROM 11485 Fill PRICE! The Stream Country FREE! 1. P ictures, fl oor plan of th is A-frame cabin (we build the outside, you finish the inside) you can buy on an acre of land at California Pines for $4000 (Price includes land!) 2. Maps, color photographs. 3. Official report by the State of California on California Pines. The Trtt Country 30,000 acres of virgin Northern California land are being developed as the world's lar1est privately-owned vacationland. Only a small part of California Pines is now for sale. Much of the remaining land will never be sold. California Pines is not a com· mercial resort-not sold as a hedge against Inflation or as an In- vestment for profit alone-but as a refuge from the smog and strife of our cities for families who want to own a share of unspoiled California. Ownership of property in the lake Country gives your family full recreational rights in all fin CHt1ttl11 of Caltfor11ta ""'' The Lake Country TM Horse Country Dial or Call Collect Richmond 9-6200 California Pines 15283 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oak1, Calif, 91'18 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • CALH'ORNIA PINES • • Dept. TVW 11.1 e e 15288 Ventura Blvd. e Shermar. Oak1, Calif. 91413 • Pleaae aend me the free informRtion 1>Acka11e. • • • • Name • • • • Address • • • : City State Zip : • •••••••••••••••••••••• Train for an exclUng, rewarding career as a • MEDICAL ASSISTANT e DENTAL ASSISTANT New, Exclusive Classroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good·paying, rewarding positions (full and part·time) in these prestige fields. You can train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationally·recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beautiful, modern laboratorv school ... located right here in L.A. Nlltionwide Plecement Alli~ At No Extn Cott Tuition A"ltt•nc• Avelleble. Accrwdited Mernber- NetioMI Amodetion Of TrecM end Technicel Schools. .. end the N.iion1I Home Study Council -~ • I ~CAREER ACAD E MY I f7J 7080 Hollywood Blvd. Dept. MA246 ~ Lot An911I", Callfornl• ~0028 Pleate tenli ..... fpee book ,"SpotU,ht On Y otl'. Return Coupon ... or CALL 464-9291 I I I I I ..... 14 ' Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterprea , ,, •' ~ I --. a -------· "A Complete Printing Service'' Free Estimates I PILOT PRINTING 2211 w. lalllae llvd. -............... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 MONDAY (Continued) 9:00 8 QI Cl) lhJbtrtJ l.f.D. CC) 11J leat tlM Clocl (C) (30) Gretch· (30) Sim •nd his comptniona tr· en Wylw auests. rive In P1lm Sprlnp . ~ c:. • ..-,Stildl Report c3o> a o@m • ......., 11w1r. QI@ ....., aow (C) (90) "The ~ 1if1li S,, N I Celd .._, Doomsday Fllaflt" (suspense·comtdy) '66 -LlurtftCI I AMraf (30) Haivey, D1llah Lavi, Uonel Jeffries. (I) Tnill or C:..1111•w (C) A bumblln1 British apnt •nd a ~ar'1 Wedd (C) <30) auccusful veterl111rl1n pllnt 1 T111t lllrt (C) (30) tr1nsmltter on a bulldof •bout to 7:30 I fr\l't2" Yoa Nm> 1 Drtnk be 1lven •• a aift to the SOVlet ( f u1ht·prowkin1 exam· Prime Mlnlst«. All 10t1 well until !nation of the trapdy of 11c:ohollsm. the dol pts sick. Jeny Dunphy reports. Merceda I "" lrdla er.. (C) (60) McCambrld11 ind Edward G. Robin· ~Cl)IU)Tlle Slntwors (C) son are speclal auests. Also featured ( ) Rlalcos tells Senator Jennin1s art recovered alcoholics who talk of the C.rtyle Bink's Involvement a~ their own drlnkln1 expert· In the Santerra revolution. e~es. lnduded Is a test for home I NET JMrllt (60) viewers to determine alcoholism IM &tr._ J UsW (30) and measure its dear... 9:30 9 Cl) CIS ~ (C) (90) 0 6D MJ Wertd ud • .._ .. "Sadhlrd." Jldl Albert.ton, Jlck It (C) (30) "Native Wit" The vii· Weston, Gabriel Dell, Linda Llvln, lap wit Is sent packln1 when John Kath!een Dabney, Sorrell Booke and Monroe and Phil Jensen outwit him Robert Foxworth star In •n orlalnal with old jokes. comedy-dram• •bout • man wtlo D TEAM OF FRENCHMEN Is not • hippie. but who has noth· T 0 ln1 but scom for the "squtrt * AKE ON ST KEY'S world" and, therefore, doesn't seem ST~R-STUMPERS!! to flt In anywhere. U Stu•p the Stars (C) (30) I News (C) (30) Bu ter Want. Gue~s are Jean·Paul Vlanon, Fran· He SaJd. SIM Slld (C) (30) coiae R~I and Robert Qary. Hine Operl (60) D (ff) · Q)Tlle Mule SceM a.tsta M .... (30) a ~ avid Steinblf1 hosts. 10:00 r'.:' l.cM"' ~· .~":a U HARD-HITTING NEWS Monroe, Yves C::und, Tony a~a:. * AND COMMENTARY BY dall, Frankie Vau1han. Unreco1nlzed TOM REDDIN-WITH bllllonalre Is hired to impmonate HAL FISHMAN!! hlmself in an off·Broadway muskll. ,, ..... (C) (60) I Trutll or Cealect11Mca (C) (30) Cl)Q> l'" AMricla stJte Judd fw tM .,.,_ (C) (60) ( ) "love ind the Mother,'' Tedtnlcal C:.mer (30) with Chris Connelly and Shelley E11tlni Wildom (30) .. . Fabares; "love and the Dummies.'' ()) lu~ (C) <60) R1n1 with Sharl l ewis and Paul Winchell: of Darkness. A pretty, blind 1ir1 and "love and the Ath:ete," with (Pamela Dunlap) Influences the ar-Marty Allen, Eddie Miyehoff, and rm of her father. Pamela Curren. ma-do el .. (30) D Dell•! (C) (60) Dr. Joyce Broth· 1:00 0 6D Ll11tl-ln (C) (60) Boy fro& ers, Lesley Gore Louis Nye auest meets airl froa. Dr. Frankenstein m l'IRJ M•n' (60) . aoors th~ monster bit a.nd fNtry· fE firi1tl Une (C) (60) "What ones Invited to a celetmty honey-Have we le•rned from Soclalismr • moon. Jack Benny, Johnny C.raon, I Carat de M.,... (30) Z.sa Zsa Gabor, En(elbert Humper· 10:30 Cristiu lt1Z1111t (30) dinck. Peter Lawford, Jill Sl John 11;., Q D 11J ,..._ (C) head a p1r1de of ctmeo 1uests. D UCLA VS ARIZONA• ~n1t-' eo':'":u.:! The late Nat * FIRST OF 23 BRUIN IQueefl tw • DIJ <C> (30) I CAGE GAMES TO AIR = =~5(:)" ON CHANNEL 5 THIS Hit hrlde (C) (90) SEASON -IN COLOR! 1:15 ~ ())&> Th New People U UClA lllUtblll (C) (90) Taped -( ) (45) "ABrlde In B11ic Bltck: 1ame between Bruins and the Wild· The Surrender." Susan, frlahtened e1ts of University of Arizona. by Ben Geary's determination to • Tiie Mewie l•Me (C) move her to his new cabin, bep OM LI•lta him to SIYI GflOfae. trapped In a ll@Qt (l)News(C) floodin1 lrrlaation ditch. • · Nns (Cf fE Industry on l'arlde 11:30 Menr lritfln (C) 1:30 II Qt (I) Here's Luq (C) (30) • · 6 6D JollnnJ Canon (C) Lucy trlii to save their ruined fE!> JOIJ lilllop (C) evenln1 by sneaklna the who:e fam· • Mewle: .. A M1n C.tltd ,..... ily in to see Jol1nny C.oon's tele-(biocraphy) '5~ - Richard Todd, vision show while he's in Hollywood. Jean Peters. Richard Burton. It UCLA'S COACH JOHN ID fi!owie: "Mtn et Cottlllct" (dra- * WOODEN INTRODUCES ma) 53-John Aaer. fdward Arnold. 12:00 m Mowte: ''ne Tedlmtn M,.,.. HIS NEW SQUAD ON (mystery) '54-M1ra1ret Leiahton, SEASON PREMIERE ! ! John Justin. U Bruins In ActiN (C) (30) UCLA 12:30 U Co•••nltJ l 1llttin INrd (C) head basketball COICh John Wooden 1:00 B Movie: (C) "Sllletpn" (wut· discusses the outlook for the ern) '55-Sttrlina Hayden, Yvonne 1969-70 season. DeCarto. IB The Ill Valley (C) {60) II 0 Nns (C) fl) Sa,.._ Tllatre (60) 11J COantry Music T1Mt (C) a a to let 1tll 0) C) p nt 0) ck In, ~ 1al ~ h· ... m .. .. I; th 1d 1· t. 1t .. d I· TUESDAY D£C£MBER 2 For morning and afternoon listings, please . see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, art the day's mavles. All sta· tlons reserve the rilhJ to change programming with- out advance notice. DAmME MOVIES t:OO U '"1111 a.ta. hi tile Ourb" (comedy) '56-Marjorle Main, Percy Kiibride. t:'lO B "I Ltwt a !oldil(' (comedy) 'l4-Paulttte Goddard, Sonny Tuft.a. earz ritzaeratd. m "Sar1b11d" (drama ·romanc:e) '19-sttwart Gr1n1er, Joan Green· wood. 10:00 D ... 11 .. a• Yount' (blocnphJ) 'lG-Tyrone Power, Linda Damefl, Jean Jager, Brian Donlfty. 12.-GO U ..._, Sllute" (comtdY) '35- Barf)af'I stanwyck, Robert Youn1. Z:lO D "'Tiit tlllJ t( Allunder 1,.111 • ...,. (blotraphy) ·3~ Ameche, Loretta Yount. ""'IY Fonda. 4:00 R "~ tM lridl9" (suspense) ·~oc1 Sttlser, Marla Landi. I 'j I N I ~. I' 5:00 8 TOM TELLS IT LIKE * IT ISi NEWS WITH NO HOLDS BARRED!! 1:001111 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. ID H....,.lkfnU., (C) (30) 8 STEVE IS UP A * POLEI CAN SOUPY SALES COAX HIM DOWN SAFELY?? 7 ill... Alltll .... (C) (90) Guests are Soupy Sales. Carmen McRae, Sue Goulck, Allan Drake. u Sii O'a.di llo¥lt: (C) "Cott-.... tf ._,, (tci·fl) · '55-Eric Aeminc. Rosa Martin, Phil FOiler, Mickey ShtUlhlllSIJ, Wtlttr Brooke. Army volunteers mannln1 • ~ station a,. ordered to find raw ma· terials on Mars. I .. v •• .,,.. (30) ,.,... Pllce (30) Stir Tl'ttl (C) (60) CJ)..... ....... (C) (90) M.tra lllW? (30) "Science Fare." Cl) ca ..... (C) C30) .,,..,. • ,.... (30) ..... (C) (60) Jack White. ~ KltlC ......... (C) (60) • "" .... ··-(C) (30) Tt , .. a. Trdl (C) (30) OfflClt ..... "9IJclent (30) ~·'""..., (C) (30) 1le Art tf bltf L• 0) A visit with the American painter In his home In Vennont I Cl) Dt MllftSltn (30) ~ l4 (C) (60) ..... (C) (30) 1a CIS (Nilll ..... (C) (30) ...,, .. , U.1 (C) (30) 7:30 I Leve LllCJ (30) ... t U. doct (C) (30) C.•..-,/Mutletl f11ad (30) (j)......... (C) (30) • AIMRI <30) Cl) ,.... ., c:.u.ci-(C) • lillftda hi tlle SUa (C) (30) nat llrt (C) (30) 9()) ........ Ceo~ s.. ~ (C) (60) "Sibtrir. The Endlea Horizon." A plcturttqut study of the land occupylnr morw than one·tenth of the Earth's total so'id surface and 1uardtd by an Impenetrable circle of cold. Joseph Campanella narrates and shows how the frozen earth Is eivlnf ••Y to man. au oo m 1 .,,.. e1 .......... (Cj (30) "The Wtddlnr." Afttr hectic prepar.tiona, Tony and Jeannie are married In a frenzJed ,.,. 15 I WEDNESDAY D!C!MIER S For morninc and afternoon Hltfnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below. for your convenience. are the day's movies. All sta· lions reserve the rllht to change proerammlnc with· out advance notic•. DAmME MOVIES t:oo D (C) "'Slc:Md ..... Sa" <• m1nct) ·~Jeanne Crain, Georp Nldtt', Keith Anda ,. .. 8 llJl!e Ma• .. .. Flrhll y,. ,.... (COfMdY) '3S-W. C. f"ielQ. Mary Brian. m ...,.... .,.. Cwat.ern> '48-GrlaorJ Peel Anne Baxtlf. 10:00 fJ (C) "Opnte9 llUal" (ad- venture) '63-T1b Hunter, Frenkle Av11on. Glry Croeby, Jodr McCrea. Scott Brady, Eve Sil. 12.-00 a (C) "Courep of lltcl ... utJ" (dr1m1) '57-John Cr1wford, Diane Brewster. %:lO a "hdlr 1t wae" <~> '5'1--0irt Boc1rde, Muriel Pnlow, Ooftlld Sinden, Anne Heywood. 4:10 • (C) ... ,... All flip• (Id· venture) 'S3--£.rrol AJnn, M1urten O'H1re, Anthony Quinn. I \,,/ f ~ • .. (I 5:00 8 KTLA'S TELECOPTER * SHOWS YOU THE NEWS AND REDDIN MAKES IT MEANINGFUL! I ..-0011::.,.~1¢,D(~phy. B LET YOURSELF HAVE *A LITTLE FUN NOWI IT'S TIME FOR STEVE! • .......... (C) (90) Gllelb ere Paul Smith, Jayne Mud· OWi. P1ul Winchell, Jeny Collins, Al M1rdo Ind Aelh. D Siil era.a IWe: (C) llJlle Slwllt lwll" (dr1m1) '61 - Anthony Quinn. Y• T1nl, Peter O'Toolt, C.r1o Glustinl. An Eskimo kllla 1 mlaionlry who Inadvertently Insults Illa wtfe. I Diet v. .,,.. (30) ,.,... ..... (30) .. TM (C) (60) m 111a. .....,_ <C> <90> .... ~ (30) ''Sdencl Fare. .. I Ci) CIS ..... (C) (30) n.,. .. ,.,.... (30) ..... (C) .(60) .lad! White. l:lO • DIC ...._ .. (C) (60) "' .... a.. (C) (30) Tt Tll at T• (C) (30) Ofllcil ti lie Prufllrat (30) @llmlltf......, (C) (30) · W. T11 (30). Cl)"' ....... (30) iilldefo 3' (C) (60) ..... (C) (30) WEDNESDAY IN COLOR KABC·TV ..... 11 ,- THE ~ILY PILOT. TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 7:00 CIS ~ ..... (C) (30) Burne. G.try PucUtt 1nd The ...... .., u.1 (C) (30) Union G.tp. Ind Eddie "RodMlter'' I IMt lJq (30) AncltnoA. 11..t lie Cltct (C) (30) R ........ (C) (60) Futurtd la C:O.IHftJ/Mllblll f1tld Friddle Blaalt. • ~~, (C) (30) u~c ..::.:;e~ (I) Trdl tr C...•t1ce1 (C) (mystery) '66-0on Amecht, M1rthl WllldtfMt '(C) (30) Hyer, ZS1 l.u Gabor, Susan Gonion. l'lllt lllrt (C) (30) A cfllllina stocy lbout 1 youn1 lk1 7:10 • at Ci), ... ea., ... (C) (60) who develops 1mnail 1fter lier Tony Bennett. t.,nn Kellog. and mother mysterioutty dla In 1 fire. Gaylcw Ii Holldly 1U19t fD ..... i. ,_..,.... (C) (60) II @ Cl) ID Tllt YlraWl11 (C) II> tJtwla J Emtca• (60) (JO) "A Touch of H1ndL" Tr1m1111 9:30 I,._ (C) (30) Baxter Wini. ind 1 1111 from 1n Eutem flnbh· Ht •-u --....... c (30) Ina IChool become en111ed to mer· --. - -< > ry. Mldlltl Constlntlne Ind Belinda ...... Opera (60) Monl&Ofntry auest. 10:00 ! 9 Ci) Hlnl fM.O (C) (60) B IT'S LAUGHTER WITH =~~ ;'"! C!:ct ne't1!1c11.:: * A FRENCH ACCENT his ptfton1I Jet makes an ullWll· ON MIKE STOKEY'S comt 1mtr11ncy l1ndln1 In Hewell. STUMP THE STARS! Frank Sllvm, .loltph dt Slntil, Cynthl• Hull, P1ul Stmna auat. DU@ mni.. C.• .,__ ...., ....... (C) (30) Guests ere Jun-P1ul Vi1non. Fran· colte Aupi. Robert airy. D 117' CD aJ n. n,tlc .... (C) ~) "My SilQr, tilt Star." Sister Btrtrllfe finds herself In show busi· nea. (R) fJ Mllllon $ Movlt: (C) "Tlle Dtlil at fow O'Clocll" (dr1m1) '61-~-Tracy, Frank Sinatra, Ker· win Mathews, Jun-Piefrt Aumonl Priest aided by convicts uves lives of dllldre.n in South Sta lll1nd wfltn vole1no trupts. I Trdl or Coat•-(C) (30) ..... '" .... "'-(C) (60) TICMicll C.Hr (30) JoJCt Clltn Ceob (30) "Beef th Ve11t1bles." ECIMldlt et .... (30) (C) (60) "All Ult Wor1d Ind God." Lois Nettleton auats 11 a moun· t1in nurse whose morelt is at • low ebb. 11 TRUST A MAN WHO rk HAS MADE NEWS, TO GIVE YOU THE TRUE STORYI SEE REDDIN am ..... (C) <60> fJ Dtllll (C) (60) Burt B1ehlr1Ch, The Bloaoms. Lou Ntundet (Utll • ...., ..... (60) fJD ........ (C) (60) "The Glori· ficatlon of U(ly." Guests 1rt bt· h1vlor1I 1tltntlst Richard Fll'IOCI, author Rubin C.l"IOll, fufllon ..,_ toar1plltr Christa Zinner, pllatlc 1.-00 II Mel ...., .._ (30) MlltOft surpon Dr. Hull Hort. Btf1e ~ ., Clrctl ....... (30) ~ Cfl~; (~ 10'.JOfl) Criatlu ,_ (30) at th• Wtddlna." Eddie la con· 10:45 D (HJ Cl) EB ..._ (C) c:emtc1 wtien Norman Tinker ind ll:OO 8 D m,.... (C) Tina dtclde to m1rry in 1 motor· • l lt certmony on Suntlt Blvd. II 111J lrMI• er.. (C) (R) QMetl .. a 0., (C) (30) fJ Mtwlt .... (C) Sonny Fox.. 9ttcl Marllitt/f..._. C30> GI 0.titr u.111 1'lle f_,. Sip (60) (R) U (I) Cit Ci) Nin (C) R ........ (30) fl) NET JMrul (C} (R) 1:30 Cl) Tlle ""'17 H...._ II) G ..... (C) ( )!he blnktr Mb up 1 Lu Ve1as·style resort 1round the 11:30 89 Ci) Mtrw ltiflla (C) C11mpetts' swimmlnc pool. Shur DU 00 Im....._, C... (C) F"llh« suata. D (17) Cll&J JMJ 1.-., (C) B FOOTBALL THRILLS! =:·~::-=--= * A WHOLE GAME'S nl, o.n1• Aoccl. ACTION-PACKED ID llewlt: HJ• If Tlftln" Chor· INTO 30 MINUTES! ror> '56 -Annie Albert. at1f\ II RI• HICllll&Ma (C) (JO) Marlin. 0 cm Cl)&>._ m (C) c30> 12:00 a Mtwll: """ .., wfl'W' cc1n- "'C""1ott1es Make the Boy." Pett Dixon ma) '61--Seaue H1y1k.tw1, MlclltY b1ttles to modernize Wilt Whit· CDCurtJ!_.._ .. men's 194-0 drus eodt. -....._ Hlall SdlMI" CD DwW frtlt ... (C) {90) (dram1) '6G--Miclley Rooney, Terry Q) Tlle lie y.a., (C) (60) Mooft, Yvette Mlmteux. fl) s.,._. n.tr• (60) 1:00 R Mtwlt: llJlle n.. ti 111* ., St.nus (30) °""' (comedy) '46 -AbbOtt • Cost.llo. 9:00 1J Qt (I) Mtillal c.... (C) (60) D D Newt (C) Guest Witter Plclpon portreya • ..,. ,.--. M-a.. "'--(C) U.S. 1mb1mdor whoM critlcll ., -·1 -,,_ necot11t1ons m dtllytd by • sud· t:JO m M-Rl&M a.: •111t a.. den heart flareup. Monsters." '11rne Lodi." end ''The II U ~ Cl!IIml J a c k Curse of Ult Doll People ... =·Vlriety ~(~ 1:45 llC:O.•• hllttill ... (C) GrllOIY Peck, Nancy Sln1tr1, Geortt 2:30 1J N ... (C) ht ,. . . , r ,. fl. 111 ., ... 0) ,,. "' II· II. ii, .. " ft· I •j. •· ft, O- le ) f' .. .. " •• ., Ir • • • 'JACK BENNY'S NEW LOOK' .. Jack denny's New Look," style trio named "Two Bushels the ageless entertainer's first and and a Peck" and joining Benny possibly only special of the sea-in a comedy sketch-provides soo, combines ingredients old a hilarious contrast with bis dig- and new. nified Hollywood role as presi- Por instance, it offers a de-dent of the Academy of Motion cidedly "new look" at Oscar-Picture Arts and Sciences. wihning film star Gregory Peck. "But he's a comedian, he's In his first appearance on really a comediao--did you hear television as a performer, Peck the laughs be got?" exclaimed makes his debut as a comedy Benoy, purposely sounding more song-and-dance man on the mu-thao a little miffed. sical-variety special on NBC. "He's a great actor," volun- Wednesday at 9 PM. teered Burns. .,Now all he "It's vastly different from needs to become a great oome- working in films. but it's really dian is to work with Benoy for grea1 fun." Peck stated as be a few weeks." stepped off-stage after eliciting lo addition to providing a a laugh simply by glaring dark-novel platform for Peck, "Ben- ty and directly at the studio ny's New Look" also reunites audience. four old friends, Benny, Burns, ''In movies you play it like Eddie "Rochester" Anderson it's really happening," Peck ex-and a penguin. plained. "You don't face the "We used to double date 50 cameras and wait for a laugh. years ago," recalled Burns. "We "I might get hooked on this," still exchange telegrams every he admitted with a grin. time one of us does a new show The usually sedate, soft-spok-somewhere. I always enjoy en, stately Peck, wbo earned an working with Jack." Academy Award for his portray-During production of the spe- al of the Lincolnesque lawyer cial, Burns addressed Jack as in the 1956 film "To J(jlJ a Jay, while Jack called Bums Mockingbird," previously has 'Narty'-for his middle name, been seen on television only in Nathan. presentations of his many mov-"Mr. Benny basl'l't changed a ies or on infrequent "event" bit,'' commented Eddie Ander- programs. son, who played Benny's gravel- His appearance on the Benoy voiced, outspoken valet, cbauf- special -singing and dancing fcur and companion for 30 with, Benoy and guest star years on radio and television. George Burns in a vaudeville-"He's 75 years old now, but as Jack Ben-ny breaks up during a sketch involving special guest star Gregory Peck, who makts his TV debut on "Jack Benny's New Look." far as I'm concerned he'll al- ways be 39." The fourth "friend" reunited by the special is a penguin. When Jack was asked if the bird were one of several first introduced on one of his specials last season, be quipped: "Don't tell anybody, but l think this is their agent. He came into the studio with his flipper out." Much of the "new look" feel of the show is provided by two other guest stars, Frank Sinatra's daughter Nancy, now a best- selling singer in her own right, and the increasingly popular rock group, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap. Nancy, also an "old"· friend who refers to Benny as "Uncle Jack," solos "The Best Is Yet To Come" and a Beatles tune, "Here, There and Everywhere." She and Gary duet "Spinning Wheel," and Puckett sings and plays "The Beggar." , "We went a little bit in this direction on 'Jack Benny's Bag' last season," said Jack, referring to the new look theme of the show. 'That was fun, so now we're going a bit further." Except for the Edwardian at- tire Benny dons for bis opening monologue, the rest of the show is pure Benny at his best, in- cluding the familiar running gags about his i>enny-pinching propensities, his age (always 39) and, at the conclusion of the program, his violin-playing. ''The new look idea is really just a matter of pacing," Jack explained. "There's a new audi- ence today, a quicker audience. We don't need to spell every- thing out like we did on radio 30 years ago. Today's people understand what's happening." While the basic elements of comedy remain unchanged, Jack points out that the techniques or comedy have changed consider- ably over the years. "One of the most significant changes that we try to work into all of our shows is this matter of timing," he explained. "We try not to drag things out too long. We do it fast and move on to the next bit." Despite his obvious grasp of the new look in contemporary comedy, Jack admits that va- riety specials are becoming in- creasingly difficult 10 do. 'There are so many of them on the air every week that it's difficult to keep coming up with new ideas," he explained. "The audience has seen every1hing." Jack Benny, born Benjamin Kubelsky, launched his show business career-as a violinist- when he was eight years old. Later, as his ad-lib comedy be- gan receiving louder applause than his music, the violin be- came a mere prop. He played Broadway, toured the country, made several pictures in Holly- wood. Then, recognizing the poten- tial of a new entertainment me- dium, Benny made his radio debut in 1932. Shortly thereafler he founded the now-famous Benny format, a combination comedy-variety-continuity show. on the NBC Radio Network. Benny made bis television de- but in 1950, appearing monthly and then twice monthly on NBC-TV. He launched his week- ly television series in 1960 and continued lhrough the 1964-6.S season. Since then Benny has starred in only five previous specials, guested OR' several other shows and toured the world playing the legitimate stage, theaters-in-the- round, supper clubs and college campuses. He concludes bis latest club date-a two-week engagement at Chicago's Palmer House-oo Sunday, Nov. 30. ,.,. 17 ... WANTED IOYS & GIRLS AGES 3 TO 19 to Audition on Cloted Circuit Television and Qualify for HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL •RANDON caui Brandon Cru7 joineid th-. talent pool. and five months later signecl a five year eontract with M-G-M. Now he c4n be seen each week ..t 8:00 Wednesday ev ... nings on 11Courtship of Eddies Father." CAN YOUR CHILD QUALIFY? 'CB no· 9"-CAMllA ACJDITION CALL (714) 547-6251 T.tent S.•rc:h Being ConducMd by TAKE 1 PRODUalONS HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. ... ,. 18 THURSDAY DECEMBER 4 For mornf ng and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "rhe Sood Eartll" Part I (dra. ma) '37-Paul Muni, Luise Rainer. 9:30 II "Wai.iki Wecldina" (comedy) '37-Bina Crosby, Bob Bums, Mar- tha Raye. 10:00 e "Th• Entertainel'" (comedy) '60 -Laurence Olivier, Joan Plowriaht. m ''Call •f the Wild" (adventure) '35-Clark Gable, Loretta Youna. 12:00 II "Up in Mabel's Room" (com· edy) '44-0ennis O'Keefe, MarJorle Reynolds. 2:30 1:J (C) "Bachelor of Hearts" (ro· mance) '58-Hardy Kruger, Sylvia Sims. 4:3011 "Holiday Affair" (romance) '49 -Robert Mitchum, Janet Leiah, Wendell Corey. fVfNINC 5:00 II TOM REDDIN HAS ALL * THE NEWS YOU'LL WANT TO KNOW! 6:00 11 Bis Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 8' ffuntley·Brinkl17 (C) (30) D STEVE GETS ON A * SONG-WRITING KICK & MORT SAHL KICKS D stevt Alltn sa.ow (C) (90) Mort Sahl, Alexandra Hays, John Gary and Jerry Shane guest. 0 Sia O'Cloct Movie: (C) ''Tama· hint" (drama) '64 .-Nancy Kwan, John Fraser, Dennis Price, James Fox. There are plenty of repercus· slons when a Polynesian beauty Is sent to Ena1and, after her father's death, as the ward of her uncle, headmaster of a very proper boys' sdlool. I Didi Van Dyke (30) Peyton Place (30) Star Trell (C) (60) Cl) Miiie Douitas (C) (90) wtaafs New? (30) "Science Fare." Cl) CBS Hews (C) (30) • Tittnpo dt Ptnlon (30) • News (C) (60) Jack White. 1:30 · KNBC NtwMrvlc. (C) (30) • Tiit Gama Game (C) (30) Jo Tell Ult Trllttl (C) (30) Office of the Praldtnt (30) 00 Hunt11r·Brlnkt11 (C) (30) ; Tiit PYesidtnt'a M1t1, 1969 (C) (j) Tiit Munattn (30) • Notlcltr• 34 (C) (60) • News (C) (30) 7:00 CIS EW'tnlns News (C) (30) Wllara MJ Une? (C) (30) I Love Liiey (30) INt the Clod! (C) (30) ComlllOdity /Mutual Fund ..-- THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 I 00 Tiit Alll1rican West (C) (30) Ahera! (30) (j) Trutll or Consaquenca (C) True AdYenture (C) (30) l111t Girt (C) (30) 7:30 IJ Fa11llJ Affair (C) (30) French submits his resignation after the No. l boy who served Uncle Bill In Hon1 Kone arrives in New York. Ben'°n Fong guests. D @ 00 m Daniel Boone (C) (60) ''The Cache." Josh Clements (Jimmy Dean) feians auilt In a acheme to trap two fur poachers. Alex Karras, John Kellogg and Vau(hn Taylor guest. II MIKE STOKEY HAS THE * FASTEST & FUNNIEST GAME SHOW ON TV! craft to put a curse on two of his teachers. @I) Mulica y Estrtllaa (C) (30) 9:00 6 ~ (j) CIS Tlwr1day Movie: ''Ten Little Indians" (mystery) '65 -Hugh O'Brlan, Shirley Eaton, Leo Genn. Stanley Holloway, Fabian and Wilfrid Hyde·White. Based on Aga- tha Christie's best-.selling mystery tale about a mysterious . killer in an antiquated Irish castle who in· vites aroups of strangers to the remote castle and does away with them-one by one. 0 @ Cil Cl) To• Jones (t) (60) Glen Campbell, Janis Joplin and The Committee ruest. @I) UJtometro (30) 9:30 D @ 00 m Draanet (C) (30) "Juvenile Genius.'' Srt. Friday and B Stump die Stan (C) (30) Officer Gannon probe a series of @(j)Cl) 11,.lclll I TIM Un· business burglaries and discover a derau World ef Jacques Coulte1U Faain·llke 1ang In operation. follows the annual migration of the He S.ld, Slit S.id (C) (30) (C) (60) "Desert Whales." Calypso I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. areat Grey Whales from their north· Hone Opera (60) em grounds to the sandy -Inlets of Music.al OISlrt (30) Baja. A "Must See" if you missed 10:00 0 0 00 a;, Dun Mutin (C) It the first time. (R) (60) Dean's auests are Char1es Nel· 1:J Million $ Movie: "Notorleus son Reilly, Romy Schneider, Milburn Landlady'' (comedy) '62-Kim No· stone and Nancy Wiison. vak, Jack Lemmon. A youna State II REDDIN FISHMAN AND Department official rent3 a room in * HARMON' -THE NEWS an apartment house owned by a beautiful woman suspected of mur-TEAM WITH THE MOST! derina: her husband. 8 m News (C) (60) I Truth or Consequlftus (C) (30) @ (}) (1) It Takes a Thief (C) Judd for the DtfenM (C) (60) (60) ''The Second Time Around." Tedlnlcal Comer (30) International swindler ''Eric the Tllt1tte Beat (C) (30) "Pictures Red " Redman is promised $1 bil- ln a Hallway." Hal Marienth1I looks lion in gold to wreck the U.S. at scenes from the Group Theatre economy ii he arranges the demise production of "Pictures in the Hall· of Alexander Mundy and his father way.'' adapted from Sean O'Casey's Alistair. Adolfo Celi, Edward Binns autobioaraphy. Hal's guest is dlrec· and Alice Ghastley guest. tor Frank Bolger. 1:J Della! (C) Fred Smoot, Sam @I) Chucho ti Roto (30) Levinson auest. 8' Tiit Stlllera (60) m P•i Muon (60) 8:00 6 ~ (j) Ji11 N1bor1 (C) (60) fil) I l•:C•lL I Hunger: A Nltional Bobble Gentry auests with Jim, and Diqrace-Part 11 (C) (60) Report sings ''Greyhound Goin' Some· on the White House Conference on where." She teams with Nabors for Nutrition. son1s about their home states of @I) Carcat de Mujeres (30) Alabama and Mississippi. 10:30 @I) Cristina Guzman (30) I Jldl hnny (30) 11:001D0 m News (C) Queen for a D1y (C) (30) • lillJ Gra"8m Crusade (C) (R) Stodl M1rt1t/f11ture (30) • Nfl Ga1111 of .the Week (C) Wasllfniton We• In Rl'liew (C) Outer L111lts ~~~ 00 9 00~00 ~~ 8:30 0 0 00 fD Ironside (C) (60) • ma> Ntw1 (C) "L'Chayim." An ancient Torah, 11:301 1~ MtfV Griffin (C) stolen from a modest temple, is • 6 a;, JohnnJ Clraon (C) the object of a search by the Chief Q} Joey BisMp (C) and a group of helpers. David Opa· • Movie: "Callins Northalde ID" toshu auesta. (mystery) '48-James Stewart, Helen II 90 MINS. OF LIVE walker. Lee J. Cobb. m Movie· ''The Lion Has Wings" * BOXING ACTION _WIT~ 1 (drama) ·4a-Mer1e Oberon. TOM HARMON Ringside. 12:001J Movie: "After the 1111" Cmusi· II Boalns (C) (90) Larry Harding cal) '53 -Laurence Harvey, Pat vs. Eddie Garcia In a 10-round wel· Kirkwood. terweiaht bout. (Tentative schedule) m Movie: "The Iron Major" (dra- 0 @ Cl)Q) Btwitclled (C) (30) ma) '43-Robert Ryan, Ruth War· "Samantha's Double Mother Trou· rick, Pat O'Brien. ble." Samantha's mother·in·law ar-1:0011 Movie: (C) "Mission to Dtatll" rives to announce she Is leavina (drama) '62 -Jim Brewer, Robert her husband just as Esmeralda Stolfer. conjures up Mother Goose. D O News (C) I David Frost (C) (90) m Country Music Time (C) TM lie Valley (C) (60) l:SO m All·Nlpt Sllow: "100 Cities of S1slb111sh Tlltabe (60) Terror " "Passport to Pimllco" and NET fltayhouse (C) (90) "The "Th 'c I d " Tin Whistle." Riehard S. Burdick's e a en ar. prize·wlnnina play about an adoln· 1~5 II Community Bulletin Board (C) cent boy who uses ancient witch· 2:30 11 N ... (C) A· T • T ·E·N· T ·1-0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU 'VE Al WAYS WANTED• TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Always •-large selection of new and uHd cart. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E . First St., SA 547-0764 THINK I~ S.. and Drive them During our Model Clearance Sale -on NOWI HERB FRIEDLANDER 13750 Beach Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S [!)~~[QJ[!]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEAD9UARTERS " ... ...., ..... _ ..... ••9CW!lvt & ._ .. ,. .. r ,.... .. 11111ctf fw '"'"*''•'-.... v....,. OPELS GALORE! H ... l•,..tOtY ef N..., 6 u...i o,.. .. ,rtc-4 ..... •••••••wft TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU JO em. I '"' (>rt" _, .. I It TM.y elfN CMf 9' •• , • .~ ~r ~~ ~~ALIFORNIA \ .. -·~· SPORTS CARS 901 E. ht S~., S.A. I and Z IMPORTS 1e1ectt .. . ..., .. ......... Delwry •ACTORY AUTHOllDD HALD COMPLETE FOREIGN C~R SIRVIC,_ · 410 MAIN HUNTJNGTON IEACH 536-4292 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer in the HarborArH ' ~omO of the Love S.,. Spec I alt 445 I. C.-t Hwy, • a.p• Driw, N.I. 67J-OttO 14f·JIJ1 at. U •xt. M&H SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports f 1 Your kind of place. Your Authorl1td • Austin America Large stock of ustd Porsche• Jags, MG's, Austin Healeys, etc. nrwport 3Hn µ o l'l 5 100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B 642-MOS, 540-1764 ~ In the Marbor Area the Economy line for the Quality mi rited. IMMERMAN DATSU 2845 Harbor', Costa MeH 540-6410 Pea• 19 FRIDAY DECEMBER 5 For morninc and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U "The Cioocl Earttl" Conclusion (drama) '37 -Paul Muni, Luise RI Iner. -9:30 O ''Tops Is tflt U1111t'' (musical) '36 -Binr Crosby, Ethel Merman, Charles Ruales. m "Paredlle Allty" (comedy) '61 ~uio Haas, Marie Windsor. 10:00 fJ "Abolft Mra. Leslie'* (dr1m1) '54--Shlrley Booth, Robert Ryan. 12:00 O "Rivtr Lady" (adventure) '48- Yvonne OeClr1o, Oen Duryea, Rod Cameron. 2:30 fJ (C) "five Ciolcltn DralOns" (drama) '67 -Robert Cummln1s. Mu11ret Lee, Brian Oonlevy. •:30 IJ (C) "At Ciunpoint'' (we.stem) '55--Fred MacMurray, Dorothy M•· lone. Walter Brennan. ANNUAL TOY-A-THON "Hobo Kelly," KCOP Chan- nel l 3's beloved children's fav- orite, will hold the third annual "Hobo Kelly Toy-A-Thon" on that station, Saturday from 3 to 6 PM, to the delight of thou- J!nds of youngsters who watch the program daily five times weekly throughout Southern Cal- ifornia. This year's "Toy-A- lbon .. is planned as the biggest and most fun-filled, joyous event ..... 20 5:00 11 REDDIN REPORTS & * LIVE TELECOPTER CUT-INS MAKE FOR f ALITY NEWSCASTING! 6:00 fJ' Ntw1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. • Huntltf-lrl11'1ty (C) (30) II ' SOUL TIME * WITH STEVE ALLEN! GET WITH THE SOUND! II S-. Allttl (C) (90) Joe Tu, Chal111 Nelson Reflly, Leonerd Birr Ind Jeny Collins pest. u Silr O'Qod Mtwtt: .....,, .... bin Mat Fair' (drama) '65 - Steve MeQueen, Lee Remlcll, Don Murray. On her husband's release from prison, a 10un1 wife Is dis. lllusloned t.o flnd that he Is es wild as ever, and when he reverts to lewleaness, she turns to the 10un1 deputy sheriff for solace. I Didi v.. Dr'• (30) r.,to11 Plxe (30) Sis TiW (C) (60) NET a.ildf91t's 51>td1I (C) (60) "Olympic Boy." A colorful look 1t the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City and how a youn1 Mexican boy found ways to earn money. Tltmpo cit Ptnloll (30) Ntw1 (C) (60) Jack White. 6:30 • MIC ...._rvict (C) (30) TIM Iii• CiHtt (C) (30) To Tell Utt Trudi (C) (30) Office of Ult Prtslcl..t (30) Netldtro lot (C) (60) ...... (C) (30) in its three-year history, as celeb- rities appear on the program to bring toys or ask viewers to donate toys which are distribut- ed in conjunction with the Ma- rine Corps Reserve's annual Toys For Tots campaign, to under- privileged children in Southern California who otherwise might not share in the joyous spirit of the Christmas and bolKtay sea- sons. "Hobo Kelly," who in reality is charming Sally Baker, baa spent many hours in personally cootactms welfare organizations, churches and civic groups to en- list their a.id in collecting toys and conducting toy drives to help make Christmas a happy time for all the children in this area, whatever their race, creed or family circumstances may be. Children are invited to bring toy donations personally to KCOP- TV and present them on the air to "Hobo Kelly" who will add each and every one to the col- lection that will then be turned over to welfare agencies for ac- tual distribution before Christ- mas day. Various organizations also contribute great numbers of toys to the drive, last year col- lected a total of over 60,000 tDys . THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 B TBERAIN MUST FALL STEVE McQUEEN L£E REMICK 6 ()'CLVCI\ MVVll FRIDAY ON KABC·TV 7:00 CIS [Wealq ,. ... (C) (30) w..t'I .., [Ille? (C) (30) I Lew LatCJ (30) IMt ... cw (C) (30) C..IMdftJ/lllltllll find • ,., (30) • AMrtcll Wiit (C) (30) "'" llrf (C) (30) E Qldlo ti Rott (30) C.Slls performs one of the classics 8 m News (C) (30) 8:00 II Gt (I) n. toed Qiys (C) (30) of the cello repertoire: "Conctrto @ Cl) Q) Jla.., Dw8'ltt f'tl. Guest Eddie Mayehoff helps out In In B·Aat Matot" by Boccherlnl. Mab Tiie L•IMMl si.n (C) (60) a crisis when 1 chimpanzee left In Performlnr 1tudent Is Elnar Holm. Millon Berle, Jo Ann Castle. John Rufus' care turns out to be a irelt E Nodlea Tiplttlu (30) Stewart 1uest . waiter and aets an offer for a m · 1:00 B Gt (I) CIS frldly Movt.: "HIV· D Della! (C) (60) Milton lhr1e. taurant of his own. lq 1 Wtld W......., (musical) '65 Fred Smoot auest. 7:JO fJ 9 Cl) let Surt {C) (30) When relatively youn1 CONTROL 11ents ere turned Into old men *lthln hours, Smart and 99 ro <after the mysterious KM>S 1aent with the formul1 to 11e people ovemllht. not reelizlna that they ere next on his fist. I llflJ Cr1ba• Ct11S1t1e (C) (60) -The Dave Clark Five, 81rbar1 C1J lttn'J M110n (60) @ CJ) Q) 'Be Ir.. IHdl Ferris. A swlnflnf ffOUP of youn1 Im C.rcel de Mujer• (30) ( ) (30) ''Every Boy Does It." Bob· 1thletes who llve toaether In a 10:30 Cl) Crilttfta lumu (30) by Brady Is convinced that nobody converted chapel in the slums of 11:00111 D m ..... (C) loves him and decides to run away. London make their liVlnf by doin1 l'fit W-..-...n I Qaten for 1 o., (C) (30) atunts for television commetci1ls. Ftlbn S10d M1tltt/fntlrt (30) II l'la,tloJ After 0trt (C) (60) Outer U111b A C1lltrJ for Cllllcl,. (C) (30) Buddy Oreco, Shari l•wis, Johnny : Fol"IJtt s.,ca (R) 11t Lucedta (30) Janis, J1clc Colvin anct Yvonne Wild· fD (£) Nft1 (C) 1:30 fJ tB (I) Hopn'• ...... (C) (30) ~; ~ Ei'~~~ H~~-8:"'t11e 11:3019 (I) ~IV lrtmn (C) Ill @m 11-,.Rldolpll th Red ..._. . r" (C) (60) Burt Ives is n1mtor of this annual Yuletide presentation about the lit· tie deer who "comes to the 1ld of S1ntl." The Heroes attempt to foll 1n ene-Irides (C) (60) "The Fetchln1 of 9 ~ ~ Joll1t11J C... (C) my plot lo flood the neutral coun· JfMy." Juon attempts to talk M.ovi•. 'Tiit hltflCll" (com· tries wlth counterfeit U.S. cuff9ney. Jenny Lind Into slnfinf for the Hedy) ~8-Bo(]) ~ !!!'1• 1!~ (RC)u•ll. n ~@ m ..... of tlle ,... I f s ttl M I p \UJ 'WI ,.,., ...... (C) (90) "Hllh Clrd." Gene Barry, peop • 0 ea '· a 1 owera Movie: "lodzllll" (sci -fl) '5&- aa publisher Glenn Howard, 11 1c· !~8:, t'J:::.Y Lind and Alan Hile ~mond Burr. , U SEE THE WAY FRENCH· *MEN PLAY STOKEY'S STUMP The STARS Game cused of bein1 the man who tipped ·1 DIVld Smllnct (C) (2 hr) u:1 Movie: CC> 'Ho• 111 lldlanl" off the Cubans about the Bey of "'"' Cit.I Miiiie.ei (lO) (dr1m1) '44-lon McAllltter, Jelnne Pip Invasion, by 1 senator who • I Cr1ln. I ··~ tilt Stan (C) (30) @CJJO>l.et'• .......... (30) Monty Hiil hosts. d1lms to line photo1r1phlc proof 9•31 News. (C) (SO) Buter W1rd. 12:00 m MMe: "Trit" (dr1m1) '51 - of the charie. B1rry Sullivan, Gene ::::WO,:::-~~ (C) (30) Jun Simmons. Michael Rennie, Raymond, Martine Beswict, Peter hncler•• (lO) Annt Crawford. Br1ndon, I nd Paul Sttw1rt aunt . 1:00. &.I......._ (C) """-.. ___. ..... -8 MHllot $ Mowte: (C) °'Dill V fer Mdr" (auipen•) '54 -RIY Mi111nd, Grace Kelly, Robert Cum· mlnp. A hUSband plans the murder of hia wife, but when the plan falls, he fr1m11 her for the murder of tht man he hired to sbln1I• her. D (HJ(J)&JMr. Deeds ... ti lO:OOD@ @ @Dll'Kttt1's World (C) • -...: ,_ "".,_ _, fM (C) (30) "A R1n10m In Sm1ll (6Q) "It's the Power Structure, (drama) '60-Dine Andrews, Ef19m Unmarlled flowers." Deeds Is ac:cl· Biby." The bl1ck ind white estab· Zlmballst Jr .. Rhond• Aemlnc. dentally kldn1ped when hi.a car Is llshments move •fainst Rachel Holt I f!!'t;" ..:Je TI• (C) stolen by two boys. Geor1• O'Han-i nd blsck trelnee Floyd Emmons Ion pests u M1lcolm and Herbert (Booker Bradshaw) when they date 1:15 U Co•••ltJ lullttln lolrd (C) 1:50 CD All·NllM Sllow (C) "Aahter At; taclc," ''Goliath at the Conquett of Dam11cu1" ind "Herculn. Prisoner of £vii." I Trd er CeaeqlMCIS (C) (30) Jlldd ,., .... ..,.... (C) (60) Ttdlltlcll Cernw (30) Voland ii fe1tured u Mastel'IOn. In public. m Dafid Fmt CC> (90) 8 REDDIN GIVES THE I!) ne Iii Yllltf (C) (60) * News-Behind· The-Newsl 1h FreDCll Qef (30) Julil Child PrtPlrts French Crepes II. (R) fJ) ........ 11111trt (60) DON'T MISS HIS RE· fJl) c..11 M11ttr aa.. (30) P1blo PORTS & COMMENTARY 2:30 11 N ... CC> Om Vice Ptesktmt Mr. Spiro Apew, whO roee from Spiro Wbo! to fame In. 9'1CCeSlloa of newspaper Jadll ... followtng Ills blasCll ...... televlslan ls ol com11e eadOed to bis oplalDn. But on the OCber band, so are die !Bworb. Aod so ~ dMir' c:ommenmtors wtD earn thek ddy breed f<r c:ommes~ig. It is dUwlt, for me at ifee9t, 4o undentan1 ~s true analyses Of the speed'l. position in relaticln 1X> ms criticism ot the 1V c:unmeotalDrs remartm following Ptres:idlent NiJCXJn's address oonceming die Viemam War. And a. dead certainty tha( ii tbeilf comrnenls bad been favorable co the Ad- minl8tmtion's posiD()n. tnsb!lad of mmtly against it, there mmt c:erta4nly would have been m complaints issued by the Viice President. In 1be first p6ace, It seems tu he. ve been geoer8'1y overioc*ed that Che TV commentaries following me addn!iss in question were in the main announced as Obviously, they were NOT straight news, never u.ceodecl ~ am, and 8D aDBl)'\Sis is supposed to anaiyze and giYe an OPIN- ION, else what is its value? It may safely be assumed that a commentator of, say, Eric Sevareid's status, has no axe to grind • • • ad can. bl.I . shots • be sees diem. The same can ~ said coneemlnl other cam- meatators who's business lt Is to Interpret facts u they see tbe.m wthout polldcal prejudke. No viewer has to agree with Sevareid or any one else 1w that ~ter. No mare than tbey have to agree with a newspaper edk.orlal. Pemaps the vice pr~dent undf.rest:imates ltte American pubHc's abWity to think for itself. It d.s interesting to note that Herb Klein, President Nixon's communications dlreetx>r, addressing n group ot broadcast ex- ecutives sakl, in part, "There is evidence that a lot of people do Glave their doub(s about •the betlevabitky of your industry. All of the media should be ooncemed about :rs credibility/' Perhaps Mr. Klem ad the AdminlltraUOn fOrget where the term credlblllty pp really ortglnated. (In ~ wiid\ dle themed dle above airUcle I 'WOUid Ulre to state it is an "analysjs" of d'le mubmt>, represents the writer's own opinion Md does not necessarily. ref.lect dle views Of TV Week.) * * * It anyone was t.o ·ask me what one of television's m ain faults is I would have tto say overcomrneroiahzation. It Is 90mewhat surprising that most sponsors have not yet reallzed tt. One ha. One of the biggest, a motor ~· A spokesman said, "This. could dampen our enthusiasm for die medium In the fOreseeable future." (His company now ..,encJI '3D ml.l.Uoa ....... ly). The other day I took a small survey among a group of friends. I asked them what they did during :;tatlion break periods wf\en oommeroials and promos followed one anodler In alamting suc- cession. They varloosly answered: "I go to tihe powder room"; "I d1'5cU9S tihe show iitself with my wife''; "l walk around the room and stretch,'' etc. and etc. Anoeher said v.'!!lle be did none of cbese things he could remember few, ti any, or tbe commerctals be had tee11 &l:ring a movW1 'ltalton brea.,k the nlgbt before. ' Just to give equal time: A guy to1d me tie enjoyed the com· men::~Js because the girls on 'em are so beautiful. TIC-TAC-TOE-Peter Marshall welcomes Abbe Dalton and Peter Lawford to NBCs The Hollywood Squares, the tic- tac-t~ ga~, Monday-through-Friday at 10:30 AM. Ann-Margret: Around Los Angeles Aon-Margret says that her December 6 CBS-TV special might have been titled "Around Los Angeles in Three Months" rather than "From HoJlywood With Love." "It took. us more than three months to tape and film the show with Dean Martin, Lucille Ball and The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band," says the titian-haired entertainer. "We wanted to open up the production and get out of the studio and I must tell you that my weary bones attest to the fact that we did just that." One entire 11-minute segrnent-"The Game of Hollywood"-was filmed entirely on locations and is one of the most unusual numbers to be seen on television this year. "It's a musical story of a young girl who comes to H ollywood from her hometown and wants to get into movies," says the glamorous red-head. ushe meets an agent, does bit parts and finally makes it big." "The Game of HoJlywood" was filmed at such diverse Los Angeles landmarks as Century City, the Sunset Strip, Holly- wood's Pantages Theatre, Lake Malibu and atop the Santa Monica mountains. It took 10 days to complete. The opening number, "2S Miles.," was filmed on several Los Angeles freeways and the sight of a red-haired beauty in a backless dress did cause some traffic conge.stioo. Portions of a country-wesl- em number with Dean Martin were produced on locations In the Santa Monica Mountains. The CBS-TV cameras also went to Watts to cover the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band doing "Loveland" at the Watts Towers and the grand finale of the special had Ann- Margret and the band on the flight deck of the aircraft car- rier USS Hornet at Long Beach Naval Station. "All involved gave this pro- gram all we had," Ano-Margret says. "We think we have a very special special and hope the audience will agr~ the effort was worth it" he• 22 Ann-Mar1ret and a pretty friend ap- pear topther In tht actrt11-&inpr-danctr-comtditm1£1 1tcond musical comedy sfHc/a/, "Ann·Mar1ret: From Hollywood Willi lovt." E 6AJLY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 llV !PORT! HICHl/t1HT! -¥ •,,,, . "~~" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 9:45 AM fl 9 (j) NFL foot:bell (C) L.A. Rams vs. Washington Red· skins at Washington. 10-.30 O 9 (I) AFL footbell (C) Oakland Raiders vs. New York Jets at New York. 1:00 I)~ (f) NF~ Tod•y (C) N.Y. Giants vs. Green Bay Packers at Green iray, Wisc. D Q)@ AFL Footbell (C) Miami Dolphins at Boston Patriots. 1:30 m Bia Ten Rose Bowt Decider (C) Teams are to be announced; however, at press time the Indiana Hoosiers and Purdue Boiler· makers appear to be the leading contenders. 4:00 D Colfeae Footbell 19'9 (C) 7:00 II Joe Nameth Show (C) MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 8:30 II Bruins In Action (C) UCLA head basketball coach John Wooden discusses the Bruins' outlook for the 1969·70 season. 11:00 II UCLA Basket.bell (C) UCLA Bruins vs. Arizona Wildcats. Dick Enberg calls the play·by·play of game taped ear1ier at Pauley Pavilion. A victory tonight would give Coach Wooden his 450th victory at UCLA over his 2l·year career. Tonight's game Is the first of fifteen UCLA basketball contests to be telecast on a tape-delay basis. 8:00 II Klnp Hockey (C) L.A. Kings vs. Oakland Seals at Oakland. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 8:30 II Boxing (C) Tentative schedule: Larry Harding vs. Eddie Gar· cia in lO·round welterweight bout. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 10:00 AM D Ci1) (1) NCAA Footb•ll (C) Texas at Arkansas. 11:00 Q (ii @ AFL Football (C) New York Jets vs. Houston Oilers at Houston. 12:4!5 II NFL Tod•y (C) Chicago Bears vs. S.F. 49ers at San Fran· cisco. 2:00 D .. 11 ... H"'c..,W._..I "OJ." Tom Harmon hosts story of a great running back of college football. (R) 3:00 Q High School e .. ketball (C} Game of the week. II UCLA BaslletJMll (C) Bruins vs. Minn. Gophers. 4:30 0 li71 Cl) i IHcW I 1969 USGA Highlights (C) Program features the big moments In four major golf tournaments: the 1969 U.S. Open, the U.S. Men's Amateur Championship, the Women's Open and the Walker Cup Finals. Chris Schenkel hosts. 5:00 0 @ CJ) ABC's Wide WOl'id of Spotts (C) 6:30 II i 18c!A I One Saturday Afternoon (C) Bing Crosby narrates half·hour documentary about football's "All·Time, All·Ameri· can," Tom Harmon. Films follow "01' 98's" career as a Univer· sity of Michigan running back. a pro football player, a war hero, and an Internationally renowned sportscaster. 8:00 m USC Besketball (C) USC Trojans vs. Commodores of Van· derbilt, live from L.A. Sports Arena. 8:35 II Lakera Besketball (C) L.A. Lakers vs. San Diego Rockets at San Diego Sports Arena. Horse s, like men, get emphysema. And, no one knows just why. A Christmas Seal supported researcher at UC, Davis is studying the cause and progress of emphysema in the horse. His results may lead to better treatment of em- physema in man. Many other vital medical investiga· tions ore being carried on in California with the help of your Christmas Seal contribution. COftlhllu..0 by Ille Plll>I•.,... ••• P*<C _.._ I • • ! i9 I f· s it ;. I; r. fl 1. k 'I , f THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, NOVEMBER 29, 1969 I SATURDAY ~., 0 R ~~ I N (I C.nclenes J ..... QI,...: ......_ ef Slraltpn" t:lO -~ Datlrd1J I flllttleJ (C) (dr1m1) '4~EdWlrd G. Robinson, 6 m ...... s,lltl (C) Suun H1yw1rd, Rlch1rd Conte. &> Tiit MardJ ..,. (C) I Ste .. USA (C) DECE.Ml!R • Alllzlll1 Tine 12!45 Jffl T~ (C) Chl~ao Bt1rs C.... J ,....,.,.. vs. S1n Francl1CO 49ers 1t Sin lO:GO ft (j) Pt•••• Pltltllp (C) Fr1ncbco. @(J)G) NCAA F..tMll (C) l:GO fJ Mewtt: WJ1't lrut Qae" (com· 1:00 I~.-.. ~ 1 Jedde (C) Tens It AtbllSIS. tdy) '63 -Bust., K11ton, Pe1rl . a Mewtt: (C) -c.r.. CltJ" (west· White. ... . ~ (C) em) '52-Rindolph Scott. luclllt ID , ........... Tr.dtn I ..._. •'· ,.,, Norm1n. It~ (C) Fella tlle Cit (C) ID Mewtt: .,..... ht" (dram1) I C.Clll • Mlljw• 7:25 lift U1 1MI DIJ CC> 'SS-Tim Turner, S.ndr1 Dome. • ~ Wtrtd (C) 7:30 .,.. ....... (C) IEJ .,., .. Aalr 1:30 (fl)(J)G)SQ ...... (C) 1111J ..... 1• CW.-. (C) (R) 10:30 m(I) ~-Dot (C) wr.tliq (C) (fl) (])'9...., ... ... @ m Ji-. cc> . s.. ....., <C> ....., Y• QIWI : .,.. 11 th ,,.. Ill-*" 2:GO I IHc!AL I "O. J." Tom H11mon 1.-GO IJlea th Tiit~ (C) (dram1) '39-loull H1yw1rd, Is host ind n1rr11tor for this docu· I GI Mewtt: '"1'1't Mlplficeftt ltMalt· mentlry on one of the most rt· m HIN C:... tlle IMCb" (dr1m1) '56-JICk C.rson, m1rtlble runnlnr becks In col· II,.~ (C Q) Clttl Cata (C) Mick!t Rooney, N1ncy. G1tes. le lite footb1ll history. (R) iilllba W") llMP ll:OOlft{j)TM ~ Sllew (C) (l})(J)Q)llllinr (C) ,.. @@ m AFl Feotblll (C) • TrM tlle W...W (C) T•I• of Wells Fifi' New Yortc Jets vs. Houston Oilers 2:30 (ft) CJ)&> ,..._. Yop11 CC> l••bf (C) 1t Houston • w1.,. Tr1ll (C) 1:30 8(1) lup llftny/lold ... 11:30 fJ Morie: ."Sob Ft Trell" (west· Cllilllr '* ...., (C) em) '40-£nol Flynn, Ollvl1 de • 1'11t .._ (C) I e Cl) ~: r:,fftller (C) H11villand, V1n Heflin. J:GO Hip SdMel lubtbltl (C) ..::.' WJ1't ..._ Mlllr" (id· ID Mewte: "Jta•W_.. (dr1m1) '53-G1me of the WMk. venture) ;54 -Vin Htflln, W1nd1 Howard Duff, ldl Lupino. 8 UCLA CAGERS TAKE Hendr1x. * ON MINN. GOPHERS! I ::.~ HIM (C) BASKETBALL AT BEST! t:OO u CJ) m H ... ,....... (C) 12:00 I t1t Cl) Tiit ........ (C) ., ucu ......... (C) Dick En· ,...: "'btlr Anlle u,IM'" llllewte: "'Sell ef MeMe cn.t." btrt calls the 1ctlon 11 the Brulni (mystery) '44--Elll Rllnu. (ldventurt) 40--Gtorr• Slndtra, tlu on the Mlnnet0t1 Gophers. D ~ (])G) Nit -.... (C) Join Bennett, Louis Heyw1rd. I~~ luclltald Gllhwlt: '"Hl_..,Daa ....... (drl· l&wNewM ltpert (C) HIM Wy's Tey.A· m1) '51 -Dine Cllrt, M•rt1rtt Tutr. Ft•illr n... Hobo Kelly Is hostess for Lockwood. Real Eat. SM (C) tht 3rd 1nnU1I teltvlstd Toy·A·Thon 8) bff '1' ...., (C) 12!30 llllidl F ...... (C) sponsored by the U.S. Mtrint Corps. AnaeUc 8aures loat m II*' . . • they 1ecm to climb mill but no atain are vkible . • . a chariot tourios the beavem ataodl ati1I while varioul litee alide to the vehicle. • . . cbild'a bumble aift for the lo. fant Jeaua wim the approval of Ood. will praent a celeatial en- vironment totally different from tbe wispy-milt toa macbiDe · va- riety aometimea aeen on TV and in the movia. The ftoado , n,ure.. in. flow. ma roba, wift be teen movioa apimt becqrounda of varyina colon. Nothina ia vialble ex- cept tbe act.on and eelected prope. minute colorcast, bad letl and bacQrounda that be wanted to be invisible painted blue and Uled paatel colon in "beawnly" acena to be aeen by viewen. Smidt aaid bia concept of heaven ia a place where there would be DO need to mW a amt don to move. Any daire to. _So . "lomiwbeae" wouJd ~ fuUllled by bavint the "some- where" do tbe traveUna. Fanciful dreulll'I No. 1'1- are tome of tbe tbiap wleww1 will 1ee when they watch ~ l.Jttlest Anael." ... oriaiaal am- llcal apeclal 1tarria1_ Pred Owynne ~ Jolumle Wb11abr on tbe Hallmart Hall of Pame (NBC, Saturday, 7:30 PM). . nae apecial. teUiDa bow a Tbe unique imaaea and el'ecta are Ind pollible by cbroma- by, an e1ectronic proc:ea de- . ¥doped by the NBC operatiom and enaiaeeriDI department and introduced anent ,..,. qo. nae l)'ltlem. uaiDs two cam- era and ll*ia1 electrooic equip-ment. permitl tbe imertion of ooe piCture into anotber · color TV ecene. Thia ia accompliahed by tbe UM of an electronic ef -• f9dl ampllfter wbicb diminata aa unwanted color-blue-in ODI of the pic:tura. Wntiam Trevarthen, Vice Pnlident. ()pendona and Enai-neertna. NliC-TV, aaid ''The Uubt Anpl" matbd the moat ateDlive and IDOlt ambltioul UM of the chroma by proc:aa to date OD television. Por -rbe Uttlelt Aqel," Burr Smidt. producer uxl pro- cloc:don deaiper for the 9().. Thia ..-of e«ortlalaal WU ~ for "The Lit· ~ Anae1 throup me of the ' 1"""1* ~ <""1 lo,._ I ..,..,,WJ, -• ,.,.,.., .,.,,.. "' "11...n. ~ C• C.DtnNtt, .. ....,~ ... ~ I n..,. ...... Ill P'lcttlfe (C) 3:30 Mewie: "~ (dram1) '62 illl1m Hartnell, Betty McOow1ll. m.,... 61 Upbeet (C) 4:G01 .... Ltar1lq (C) . I Spy (C) .._ Fr.• UNCU (C) • Ellip O'T .... 4:30 fl Tiit Ntw SecietJ (C) PIUI Udell. D YHlll .i tilt Pella (C) "Drur lnlonnatlon Plt1se." 8 Olltdeors _JC) (ll) (])Q) r111-B-< ... !AL ... I 1 U 9 USU Hlplipts (C) Prorram lu· tures the bl1 moments In four mt· jor toll tourn1ments: Tht 1969 U.S. Open, the . U.S. Men'1 Amateur Ch1mplonshlp, tht Women's Open ind the Wilker Cup Fln1ls. fii) Under 30: Qlune (C) G) The Wortd of lt1utJ (C) 5:00 II Yltwpoint (C) Jere Witter hosts. D 1rs Audmk (C) Competlnr hirh schools are P11isades Hl1h (Pacific P11i11des), Polytechnic Hl1h (Sun Valley) ind Wmen Hlah (Downey). ' B Tiii• Wltk II "' Footblll (C) :ct~:> we wo~ ot Datart (C) ,.. .... Jt,c:e Clltl Cooks: "Beef With Vecet1blts." (R) fl)Flltltel..S.CC. Mr. •d Mn. "8ftil 5:30111 .. se.,, (C) (R) DIC "8Wltll..tel (C) : ..... 11 PtnipectM (C) (R) FNfl GwyNW, • ,.,,,,,,_, dw G """""1t A,.,.,, trla IO _,,,,. Ofll • ,.,., .,.oedt IO lolilv* WldWcn, w'9o w Wdni ., /». "°"'"" .. _,.J. chroma key procaa. Gwynne ia tbe Ouardian An· lei and' JOWll Whitaker the li~ deal anael in tbe productioo, which ar.o apotliJbta • IPOda1 aueat atan Cab Calloway, E. 0 . Manball, Jobo McOwer, Tony l.1ndlll, Oeorp l.OIC and Connie Stevena. Leiter Oaterman and Lan 0'1'.un are necutive produccn. O'kun wrote tbe book in col- labor1tion with Patricia Orey and '8 a1lo compoeer-lyriciat for the abow'a 11 oriainal IODp. Emmy Award and 'f'ony Award whiner Joe Layton ia the direc- tor and choreoarapher . ..... 23 e U W•tt Solld s.... S""9 Ampllllw & ,., .. A,,.. e 17"Co •~l•I t.~nc:r Spe,ker Ofleo W1ilnul ~ic~o:urH SAYE $74.51 ! R•gular Price $174.SO e 1'1• Ckrrenl. Aulematlc Tvrn-•9999 11111:e """ 11 ... eo c1rtrldee .,.. cllelftMICI 1tylll$. FISHER 160-T and XP-S's FM-Stereo e FISHll UO·T U IHI, 1'70 •II t0ld-1te tt «> well FM Stereo RK•lv•r. T-O· Miik tunln9 stllf:ts ~ f1vorlte FM station 11 the Pllsll of • button. R911. 11'US . ,_. _... . . .. . ,. -- • .. REG. PRICE $369.Sot New AM·FM rec•lv.,-Is ~lch.t wllh G1rr1n:t Aulomellc Chenger, Diamond 1lylus, end 2 12" co .. x. lel SovndcreflstMn Lanc•r •PHk· _, S)'SltmS. p1:ces2596a SAYE $74'.271 SYSTEM · SHERWOOD· 125 watt FM 2·Soundcrell11Mn Lenc.r t7h olr.d w1lnu1 ~•ker snt.ms. Reg. ffS.00. NeM ................ Ult_. SL7S + ............ SHJ.41 Sllwe M7S• .......... S ,, .. Lene ............... S tS.• S»f.45 538997 IAJ!~I PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS s49so