HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesaf
I 1
. •
-Reserve · Officer, :· fmlfl ;,:: .. . ' . •
, Ne~ftort Garbage IndiaDsYonri-In ,
--Colle~tor Pulled-
, .•' _,.-·
As. Leaders Or.II.er·
I· . ·. ,
Illto -Own Trnek '/
Census at-Al~;atraz
• ' a1
Senate Urged .fo Reject
J 7
'Socli It t.o ftich'-Reform ·
. • • ' I • ' > '
2-7.5°""'-QiJ,,_. ;---r __ ., • ~~ ,_~ r
1; ,..\ _!)epletion Plea .
:' . Opens Debate
' :~
Ellender (0.La.), urged the Senate today
to reject a "sock it to the rich''
philosophy by votihg to retain· the 27.S
percent oil depletiori allowance.
Ellendcr's speech opened debate on his
amendn1enl to tlic lax reform bill whic
would knock out a provision to lower e
depletion allowance to 23 percent.
If Ellcnder's amendment is d9 eatcd,
Sen. John J, Williams, <R·gtf.). was
ready with another to go bi!yond the
Senate Finance Committ~~aEtion and cut
the depletion allowance 10 20 percent -
the level approved by)11c House in its taic
reform bill.
The dep,\etion al ance perm.its o\l,and
* * * 10' * * *
! -. ' ..,, ••••.. i ! . • .... • ~ •
• ·v~.i,. Nq, 111, Jt1•Cl'IOHI."• l'MU
. .... . ' .. ·' ~ . ' . . -, ' -!!<P$ • Jr.i!ay" . \
CQuntib/n Held 'in ·Ra;W
. . . k •
~ -ot~·1~galAr~A:r~~-~
' • ' • ~ ' • . ' . ' I .
_.,< 1 A, LOI AJamitds Naval .AJr 'Station · ~and_. pollco .ofr\cec w~s-•
~. Jllolic w!lh bis pal Su!)day BS,
federil · au-.. ,aelzed w~al !hey
clitn\ to be the largest arsenal-of illegal.
&f"11.h/-~~IJ!.~--. . . ~ tak$. on. a 1R1ourban Lei! Angeles ~--~Iii .Maywood ind a IOl:r<t ()range County spot yielded <5
fcreign-made. machinegll!'W and was the'
third such case over the weekend,
aJ'l!lor!lleo lndlcaled . . d#Y, Slella, 34, of •2J~.l .Calalpli AYe.I'
~naflelm,. and Charles Ha!field, 31; -of -
7.Ul EI Verano oove, Buerfa Park, were
tO be arra.iined today befQCe a U.S. com· .n1 ........ m Loe Ange1.,,
. 'll>ey ;... llb another Sollfhland :lllll!
and hls·brodier·hl'linr~-~iiut separate· f!ldS. -'are cbaried·~
. vlqlation'ol Uie 1968 Federal'Gun COnt:o!,
Act. · · .. , , · ·~ . ..< ~
"-There is no eVidence 'a ·thll time.h~ . ' -. any of the •anns were: connecbeCI with
radical politicaJ groups," sakl a
spokesman for the.U.S. Treasury Depart·
menl, whose.•lienlr made the amsls.
.'The gun control ad•whicll'~
the ~.d the twu or,. OO!untY ftl!a,
as well as Nazi hobbyist.· James, G.
Slellanl; -SZ; of"-~Hills.andohis
brother-in·law. Is partiji.lly aimed at
• · " (S..-AR&ENAL, ..... ,z) · · .-
gas fir ms to w· hold from taxation 27.a
percent of th r gross income or 50 per·
~ent of thei ne~ profits, whichever jJ
Ellender said those who support a cut
In the allowance favored a "sock il to the
rich'' philosophy. The effect of this, he
said, might be "to sock it to all of us."
Newport Trash Collector./' ,
. 1 I "There is considerable evidence that
(SeiTAXES, Page Z)
My Lai Villagel's
Not Tal'gets Says
F. Lee Bailey
l'rbm W-ttt Servict;s
Alty. F. tee\Bailey, representing the
company <:omrnender ..,;iYho ordered an
assault on-My Lai ·ip which South Viet-
namese civilians allegOOly we r e
massacl'cd said today "no one was under
orders to shoot civilians."
Bailey's acocunl of what happened at t~e hamlet in '.P.1arch 1968 was in btai.lr or
capt. Ernest L. Medina. 'V}om the •ed
criminal lawyer is represehting. He said
Medina issued no orders for a slaughter,
nor were any such orders issued lo
Medina by his superiors. .
1'_.feanwhile, a team of South Viet.
namese national assemblymen began
·their own investigation into the Song My
massacre today In deUance or President
~ Nguyen Van Thieu.
The group of four men was led through
111'>--paddles--ond booibed-ooL \tlllage__b)<
Sen. Tran Vari Don, tht As$embly'a op-
position leader and chairman of the
Senate ~erci1se committee.
Don announced last week he would con·
duel lhe.1nvesUgation because he did not
tcl.icve Lhe Thieu govemmentts assertion
· thal ther'e-_was noJnaSsecre by , U.S:
troops in Song ~fy on 11.'arcb 16, 11168.
At the woe t.ime. another group of
South Vietnamese lawmakers was begin-
(Seo MY W, l'age Si
' -
' Trappe4 by Tril~k ~lade . ,(
Newport Beadl clly trash -colleclor
QuisPati..-..,, :Ill, who -(an agOn!Z·
· ing hour w:itll, bis arm trapt>Eld in a huge '
blade in a rubbistftruck Saturday n.iorn·
ing was recovering nicely today, doctors
U;d. -'
a severe fr~ OI ()b Ifill '!•parm anil
a.its. •
Doctors .silid today the ann~will heal
and Patleraon Is progresaillg ''Very
satisfactQ:_rily." · •
-.~ If you had planned ·to do your Chrislmas shopping
. ·early this year, forget it -as a shopper. you are
IlO\Y part .of.1.he Christmas crush at Orange Coast
stores. This is a view, for example, ·of the parking
lot at Costa Mesa's South-Cout -Plaza. Photo was
taken last Friday -the day after .Thanksgiving.
Christmas, friends, iS just 24 days away. .
Patt«aon, 160 W. Wilson Ave., Costa
Mesa, ~ifered a crushed mn at %I sl
Street and Irvine Avenue when his arm
became traWed Ui the compreuQr blade
or .. ge
.'\. . .
or ihe huge rig. .
Police summoned aid ·from Hoag • . ' Weatlller
Memorial ·Hoapital shcrUy after the man It's enough lo dampen your
beCame trapped and Dr. 1'-f e 1 v In' spirits -and everything else.
· kill Scattered showers a.re •on tap to-Sbatavsky miv,ed.to administer pain· • night wttll a 30 percent cb:ance of
Ing drugs while fireamen and city more Tuesday. Temper~tures will
Alcatr~ 'Tribe' ~rowing
mechanics worl;ed to ·fre< Patterson's huddle ar0\)11<1 70 degrees.
ar;:'.:-fool: an-how-of culib)g 1 w1 INSmE TOD~~-
ocet)'lene ton:hes and prying wl i' , 1niliq.ii Le'aders -Order t;:e_nsus on P.~~time Priso11r
SAN FRANCISCO IUPI) -'lbO!!ridian ' The Indians' cl;1m-to Aldtru Is baS<d-
sctUtiment on Alcatraz Island is·&row\nl on an 1881 treity bet...-.n &he fe(!!ral
:so rast. leadCl'S have ordered a ~ns\JI to iovemment and the SloqJ nation which
detennine lhe lrue populaUon of lhl!' 12· erovJded for . -federal Janek lo
' acre "rotk"""lifSiiJfFi'ii'iCtiCO Bif. .. ii¥ert 10 liidlli.ownerihlp. 1'fiii lSlarid
Anywhere from J» to IX! represen--• ha Mood idle since It wu closed down as
taUves of ~ """' of lriI>e...have Docked a lederal prilon ID lllG.
to the one.tlm·e ram.ed federal prison Electrtclans and plumbers Wirt among
Since a handhjf of young lndlans landed lhe boaUoadl of lndlap! who arrived dur·
oo lhe illand in pr<dawn -11-dllya Ing !he long 'l'hankscivlhlr weekerid and
ago. went to work renovaJing the pri!KID ltruc·
The li:ihabftantl range lrum two-week· tures as an Amertcan 1iwlian cultur1l llld
old infants/to biNI leaders in their 'Ttrs. educa\IOQ.al center. ,
Th.ey have cm.e from throughout the na. 111bey're doing .a~wonderful job of, Ii. tlon. · pt"twilalton," aid Gln.Dodlon.41, oee: of
..... ' '1
(our c•relal<e" asalgnect lo lbe lsland by liYdraullc Jld<.' lo rescue Patlenon, 'l'iui>!rlHtnlophrev wiU mok• •
the govemmenl " J1oUce Yid. · , "" po ilical com1bock lo ilig"'
-Dod1a11, a ronner gold mJner-· aJid I Palt«IOll 1-nii:ouilttd thic ... at llQh.l •om< Stl141e, races .e.n I
&he PJln(µl Jn.Glil . · ~ eatvrin an cx-aatrorwu'' mercbant-teamao;-has been • i d-i-n'C . He •aa loaclinc tree.. m no a-1ld a atnou. uorne. age . -
·the atttlers by shulUlni supplies around -truck atilO 1.m. he aakl, fttD ooe
the ta.land in a 10YFrnm.ent truck. HiJ became stuck in the blader-t~ ': ' :"' ~I
tam-o-shanter and reather attest .to Ills He Uf\ed the apjiir.WS to push lht ~=.... u.: :i:_'c:; ~
I claim ot being a "Scotc~ lndiao." limb flJ1her back Into the rubbbh com· c,.,,..,.. 11 """" •22
untll: ·.tt a noble, htstortc ... oCc111on,•• partment when the'bl{de slammed down· :"~~le• :: ;.:..._..,.... 1•~
1, said DobsOn. 0 They're flne,_.noble people -onto hla arm pinning it against tbe bot"'. ..• -,~::.,' ~
.,,t • == ~'l J and they're l1QJ, dNtroying"inylhlnt... !Om of lht chamber. ' -....
The 1ndlani nave dem•nded· lh11 -, ,,,.,1...,,.t•bladopulledhlmc:om-~ .. :: ·::.:..:-· ..
: \
Interior S.crt\ary Waller J. Hickel·...,. )lt1e1y lnll> lht trllW~. police ookl. · \ \ ..,--, • " (Seo ALCATMZ, Pip l) Hoopllal aides oaJd 1'1-oalf'"' .._ __ . ___ ...,_ __ __.
• •
;) . ) .
. .. '
· ie DAILY PILOT s .._.-1,1969 J: •. , ..,
Nixon Plan e
·TV Confab
For~Dec. 8 . 1
' ""·'~-·---
WASHlNGTO!l (UPl)-Praidenl Nixon
will bold a news col'lference Dec. a._,the
l'lhlti Hotti'e announced today. It Is '"''
to be c~ied Uve on naUonaJ. :etev,ion
and radio. .
No time was set lmmedlate1y.
This will be Nixon's eighth general
session with reporters since taking ofn~
last Jan. 20. His most. recent one was
Sepl 26. •
The While House alsc> announced that
the Presidenl wlll confer at the w1hte
Hoose Tuesday with former Secretary
of State Dean Acheson, fonner Gov.
'lllomas E. Dewey of New York, ~nd Gen.
Lucius D. Clay, who w:as U.S. high com-
missioner in Germany alter World War II.
Nixon's press sec~etary, Ronald ~
Ziegler, said he could provide no parti~-\ ula~s on the meeting a1th0Uib he ~Id it
...,.was ''very logical" it would deal with
foreign policy. .
The' President, just baclt from a holi-
day wttkend in Florida and-the Baha-
mas, spent part of today working on the
!peech he will make Tuesday at the
opening of a White House conference oa
food, nutrition and health. .
Nixon also conferred with Budget D:l·
rector Robert P. Mayo on the budget he
will 'submit to congress for fiscal l~l.
He spent part of his four-day vacation
working on this project.
From Pcige 1
DAILY .. ILOT Sllfl 'Itel•
In the Polle• L•b, Somt Sophiaticated Ch111 Pi.1cn '
' Seri.ate -Viet Probe Set·
" f.ulbrig ht Sends P air to Study War
' ,
WASHINGTON (AP)-Tbe Senite For-on the Vietnam war. caJllng ior faster troop withdrawal and
elgn ReifUons Committee !aid today It He said the committee Itself m1y look de-escalation.
wou ld send two investigators to Vietnam Into the massacre story. Fulbright did not rule out the possjbll·
this Week tq loo~ ino "the prospects for "I am going to ask the Foreign Rela· tty such hearings could touch on the tions Committee what they think about alleged 196& My Lai massacre.
VietnruJaliation the war and the gen-dlscunlng this matter," the Arkansas The White House was talking down the
eral polltlcal and military aJtuaUon in Democrat told newsmen. Jikelihood oI any judicial or outside-the·
Salgto and the fiild." He •dded, however, that any fl'lvestf.-govhnment investigation by a nalional
Chairman J . W. J!'Ulbright, (~Att.l, eallon by' his committee Would try to go commission or the like. Asked , whether
said the two investigators wete not beyond arty individual charges and con· any . consideration was being given to
being given :specific instructions to look duel and ·take a look at "what the Jong. such a review. press secretary Ronald
in10 the alleged n1assacre of civilians by protracted warfare we are engaged in is L. Ziegler replied: "No, l kno\v o! no
American soldiers but weren't being told doing to this country." ' plans to OOlhat."'
to ignore it either. · Fulbright did ·not iay when he would Ziegler also told questioners that thE
Fulbright said no date had been set raise the question with other commJttee \Vhite House received a telegram from
for the Vietnam hearings but that they members. . . attorn~y F. Lee Bailey regarding repre-
, definitely would be next month. . The committee, however. is expected serttation of Capt. Ernest Med ina, .He
Fulbright Lold newsmen the investiga· to open hearings some.time this .month said the President was not asked to re·
tors would return sometime before· into ailmin.istratlon policy in Vietnam ceive Bailey and the whole mttter l1a ~
Christmas ·and would report to the c<i:m-and into a hall dozen -or so resolutions been referred to the Department o: mittee in advance of hearings next month that have been introduced in the Senate Justice.
F r o m Page 1
MY LAI •..
ning a second investigation, this one for a
committee of the lower houst. of the
A:ssembly. It. too, lacked Thieu's sanc-
Laguna Surgeolf's Son
C . . l B ·1 I . ritica ut· ·mprov~ng
Thieu reasserted his position through a Thomas Riddell. 14-year-old son or ronk, was released after treatment for
spokesma'! Saturday, saying "there will Laguna Beach orthopedic surgeon Dr. minor injuries Friday.
be no more investigations. This case is Richard Riddell, remains in critical coi:i· Th'e Riddell children were passengers
<•losed so far as the government is con-dition today in the intensive care unit at In a 1939 Bugatti convertible driven by
cerned. The incidenl "'as an act of war. ....outh Coast Commun1·1y Hosp1·1ai, 'but th · r h · · d.. ., e1r at er when it was rainmed by the
lt has been thoroughly investigate . '"" sho'wm· g ,·mprovement this mo·m,·ng. ~tore accounts by servicemen who .. ft1c:Carron vehicle v.·hich in turn had been
were present at the alleged mass killings a hospital spokesman said. struck from the rea.r byy ung Brooks'
continued to appear over the weekend, Young Riddell. gravely injured Friday car, jXllice said. .--
including that of a sergeant who called In the Laguna Canyon traffic accident p .
private annies. " · no evidence at this time that 'Best In County' the affair "point-blank murder." that took the life of his 12-year-old sister, rivate funeral services are pending
-• ti1edina has not been charged in the Cathleen, underwent surgery Friday f~r 12-year-old Cathleen, who was an
' '
any of the arms-were cOnn--ecteOWi 11
paramilitary activity," said a spokesman
tor the sped.al T-man team that worked
one case for six months.
-· ----· ~ ---tnx~12~-£!i:u"..g~ .h~$..hee.n...brnught___.."lftµooon far internal,..in,iuries....andJJS<I!-..~~~ grade studenl at Thurston . B LP l . L b w k at Ft. Benning, Ga .. against one of his 6Uffered a skull fracture. lntermediate School. -----~~---~~-eae 1-1r-: · 0 ice a . or platoon leaders, Lt. ~illiam L. Calley J~. His brothers, James, IO. an~ Edward, Described by members ot tire ~chool
Bailey said Medina reported ~ his '1, were released from the hospital Satur· ~staff as. "a loVe!y, sweet girl," Cathleen
St<ll81'i,and his brotbe<·ln-law, Alan R.
Otto, 3%, of Baldwin Part,, whc> was ar-
res<"1 bf lnrindale police while he
al!epdly dispooed of ...,. o( Steuar<l's
retiCs, ·also faced arraigrunelil today.
.. r stell"a. who is rangemaste.r at Los
Alamitos Naval Air Station, and Hatfield,
a ~ket manager, w.ere arretted after
T-men arranged to buy a haul of surplus
military weapons from them..
Amooi thi~confloo•!O!L con Ira band were machlne(uni of Gennan, Ciidi,
JaP.,... and Russian ·mate. l>lus.51>,ooo
round.'I of ammunitiDo ,.liized at an
Orange Coonty location still kept secrtf..
'!be haul included three pistols with
hand stocks-and two gun ailmcen, ac.
arding to federal authorities who had ~
guf'l.'5 stored at the ~lderal .Buildtnl· ia
Los Ange;les.
The ammunition was delivered to the
U.S. Anny 's Fort MacAr11lur in Sail
Pedro. '
1be illegal weaponry raJd involving
Steuanl. a drifting teodilr at Los Al..,
High S<hool in the La Puente .....
featured tons of Nazi souvenirs, e1.·
pk>sives and even a 1943 Nazi staff car ..
1'fotorcycles decked with swastika
emblems, enough materiall!I to create 42
bombs, bales and bales of u9ed Nazi
Uniforms, plus badges and helmets and
three machineguns were a1so discovered.
Not all of the mat.erial, however, is ~
hibited under the Jaw and Statard told
arreiajng authocities he obtained most of
it thrOugh his hobby as, a war souvenir
Officials said Steuard. a U.S. Army
reserve captain, also had a literal com-
munications cent.er of radio equipment
hidden in his basement and said that was
also part of this hobby.
Steuard -whose love of rare weapons
was unknown to La Puente School
District adm:inistraton -had been under
in~gation by the Treasury Depart-
ment for six months, authoriUes disclos·
He also UMld the name Curt Karl von
Erlyeben in buylpg weapons from foreign
nations. according to investigators.
-Irwindale Police captured his brother·
tn....Jaw Sunday night, when he was
discovered near a flood control channel
with six sticks o£ dynamiter-some hand
grenades, 100 rounds of iiffe bullets and a
sawed oil shotgun.
D A i l ~ Pll OT ......................... --_,,..., C.0.-CAUNINIA
R•!Nft N. W•.4
.,._, 1111111 PWl'*t
i Jec1r L c..1..,
Vlca ....... MllGWr•---
Th•111•• 11..,JI . ...
n...i,.:_:. .. '::&'" -c.19 ..... I 2)1 ffMI h\' lfrM! tfMwT 9"cflr nu ..,., ..... ._.._. u,w,. llndlt m.~ ._
MIMlinlM!I ..... ; -... -
. I
Hfis·Its Own Challenge
Of t1M Diiiy 1"4191 Sltlt
catching criminals can be like an in·
1<1cato game ol'_cheis ...i..-• of the
polb: department's most Sophisticated
chess piects,can be ftlund in its scientific
investigation 1ab. ·
Sgt. R9hert 'Sorensen runs I.he Hun·
tington lfeach department's Jab, labeled
by at least one. Fftl· authority as the
''best police lab 1n Orange County."
"Amoog city departments," adds Sgt.
Soren.ten; linl::e ·d'le shetifrs dep"1'trnent
unquestionably has the largest and finest.
Four men. one secretary and three
part-time cheriiists staff the JaP with
responaibility for identification of all
physical evidence gathered from the
scene Of all crimes In the city. They're
helped by nine patrol officers trained in
ttime scene p-ivestigation (CSI) who pick
up material from the scene of routine
a"imes. A typical day for Sgt. Sorensen includes
a large amount of paper work in addition
to time spent with intricate-equipment.
"Jn the morning I mig t spend hours
shuffling tf\roogh h u re d s of
fingerprints to find a pair th matches,"
he explains.
The glamour side of police ab v.•ork
may not bC quite so bright . as on
television, but it "has its own kind of
challenge ," adds Sorensen.
When an expended bullet is sent to
"ballistics" for identification, Sorensen,
or one of hi5 men. will loot; at it under a
microscope, check its markings and
return a report to detectives. But they
can't say the bullet came from one single
v:eapon, until they ha've the \\'eapon to
compare it with.·
Surveillance is another field the police
1ab is involve<! in. \Vhcn detectives are in·
vestlgating certain cases, they require
electronic equipment to help.
Video tape cameras. special cameras
with telephoto lenses and high speed fi!m,
tape recorders and even t i n y
· microphone "bugs" add lo the to t a 1
scope pf crime investigation. ..
Some expensive equipment the pol}ce
lab uses both for identification and in·
vestigalion lncludes:
An analytical balance capable of 1 measuring 1/10,000 of a gram. This $2;000
scale is so sensitive a speck of dust might .
throw It off.
A high powered microscop~ with two
vi ewers to compare one object with
Mother. Valued al $5.000 this equipment
can compare anything from two human
hairs to markings on a safe door and the
~rewdriver used to open it.
Video tape, another $5,000 item, is cur'·
rently used for surveillance and training.
In the future it may be used to snap a
pennanent record of drunk drivers.
An entire chemistry Jab also Is
available to Huntington 1Jeach crime
fighters. The three part-time chemists
use the chemJcals e1.Clustvely for iden-
1..ification of narcotics. ·
"Our job is completely objcetive," said
Sgt. Sorensen, "we aren't trying to prove
someone innocent or guilty, only that cer·
lain fact ors are scientifically true."
The COU{t's aUitude about scientific in·
vestigatlon is that physical facts shed
light on the wbject, explained Sorensen.
"Sometimes," he continued, "it's a
matt.er. perhaps, of matchirig wits with
a criminal who has planned his job ahead
of time.· We have to figure out bow he
planned it."
Late~ Late . Show . .
Stones Roll at Da·wn ~·-Festival
BrlU1in'1 Rol!lng S\ones unloaded a fren·
zied pre-dawn rock session on 40,000
shivering -and ileepy~yed youths to cli-
mu the thnt-day Palm Beach .Rock
Tbt St.o0t1 began .their pedormanc'e at
4:30 a.m. after Ule flnal diy's lineup of
acts Jogjammed bec~use of a strike. by
hell"'fl(er'pilot.s. -1·
M.osl or the youths\ who jammed the
muddy, rain soaked ftstlv&I grounds had
leH by daybreak.
The Stone-'' pt"rformance was rurther
delaytd when station wagotL-.; packed wllh
their equiprMnl booed down in the quag·
mire which rlng~-!1te .su1.ging area.
Dozens of stage hands .!ihouldcred thf!
heavy electronic gcsr and plowed 100
yards through the mud lo the atage.
The violence that some , official'! pre-
dicted would erupt during Florida's !irAt
bh:k rock music (fftlval failed to mater·
iallze, ~l some 113 ~oulhs were frz::ested
during tlle wefkf:d:rnostly on narcotics
Sheriff William Heidtmann said 41 0£
lhose arrested on the narcotic violaUons
had trtal1 set for Jan. 19 and bond set at ss,ooo.
Grand Funk . Railaroad from Flint..
Mich. rettlved the most en'thusiastic re·
cepUOn from the audience Sutlday. The
t.tto screeched out a rasping caccpbony oC
hard rock hammered home by the wrlth·
tnl antics or a shirtless guitar player
with blood hair hanging weU below his
Promoter Dav<! Rupp \'1id he would not
reveal th& net fin41~s pl lht! festi val until he has a chanc to re\'iew his bank·
book. •
But If Rupp \\'as w rie 11.bout money.
It was 'not ln cviden Su ay as he told
the crowd lo rto up ,000 worth or tem·
porary wooden toilet& and leachera for
"It's better to burn up th whole thing
thaq. to have one kid !reeie, • he said.
superiors after the attack that there had day aftt?r treatment of bruises and con-
been 2 Sto 28 civilian casualties and was tusions. was well kno1vn at the school where she
told by a major, "That ~ounds about 1·heir father. who was not admitted to '\l.'orked as a student assistant in the of·
·nonnat." . the hospital Where he is a staff surgeon, lice. She was active in gir!s' athletic ac·
"The company commander recelved no :;uffered facial cuts. Uvlties and especially interest,ed in gyrq.
orders to butcher anyone or to kill any Still in serious condition is 16-year-old nasties and also sang in tht girls' chorus.
women and children. -and he issued Richard Brooks. driver of one of the
none," Bailey said. in an ~terview. . three &ars involved in the accident, who
Bailey, who said he 1s ~epresenhng suffered a head injury and severe
Medina, said the captain ordered the at-forehead laetration.
tack on the village on information tha~ it Brooks is "coming along wen,·• the
was full of Viet Cong, and that ."they hospit al reported.
v.:ere expected to be the only ones in the The third driver, artist Robert McCar·
Bailey said Medina later. got a
Jielicopter report that there were women
and children in the area, but was told on·
ly to "exerciSe caution," not to 1slop the
Bal\ey'S defense of Medina followed
reports from soldiers involved, some of
whom refused to shoot.at the women and
Among ' those recalling their ex·
periences in the current is.sue of Life
magazine Was Sgt. Michael Bernhardt,
who called the incident "point-blank
He said he told his officers: "The hell
wlth this, I'm not doing it."
Sgt. Charles West, a squad leader, said
N.edina "didn't give us an order to go in
and kill women or children."
He said they had been given a briefing
that "put fear into a lot of our hearts"
and -were warned to expect heavy
reslstaDce, but add~d :
Mansfield Calls
For· Substantial
Troop Reduction
F rom P"!Je J
to Alcatraz .to negotiate the "surrender" -or the island. Hickel. in a \Vashicgton
hospital with a pinched nerve in his neck,
has indicated a willingness to meet with
Indian representatives, but will accept no
preconditions. ·
The only tragic incident resu lting from
_ ~ Aleatraz occupation occurred Satur-
day when two persons were killed .and
four injured in an auto accident involving
a car bringiDg Indians and food to San
Here's Joh With
Fringe Benefits
' . I
Gifts without (m~ch) gab
To aid you 'in your Christmas shoppingJiln~ t9..i;ai!e' enough
money to do our own) \\'e are selling things for Christmas.
Yule encounter such rarities as fine imported sweaters,
original sport shirts, great outerwear for cool days ahead,
and a fine selection of sport coals and slacks.
Presents. not abse nce, makes the heart gro\v fonder. (We
pro1nise not to ,be so cute when you come ·in to buy.)
Jack Bidwell
3467 Via Udo Telephone 673-4510
Mucho parking directly behind my store
!""' ........................ !""'"'i" .... "'l'!ll~"""~~r ................ ~.""'r-.... ...,.,... ............... ..,. ........ ,.......,.~ ... ,__..,..":::""~.,....~-.~;r-r· __ .,. • .-~ ~ l ....... ~.111 1 r • • \·r ·:--· 1,.---~ .. , .•. , __ v r .. · "' ............. . .. --. . .
I ' .
Huntington_ Beach.
· ' . ED·l:UC.N
Today'• Fhui1 -
vol. 62, NO. 287, 2 SECTl~;-~ljS •.
·~-.... ;;;..-
---' -...
MO'f'lD'A Y, DECEM'~ER J, ~ 969
Alamitos Ma~ksman H~ld for l~legal Ar~ Cache
A i..s Alamlloo Naval ·Air statioa
marksnian and former· reserve police of.
ficer" was arrested along with his' pal
Sunday as federal authoritie11 seized what
they claim to be the Jarg~i arsenal of
illegal arms in Southland history.
The raid on a suburban Los Angeles
County warehouse ln Maywood and aq
Orange County home yielded 45 foteJgn.
made machineguns and was the third
such case over the weekend, authotjta.ies
Gary Stello, ·31, of 1131 C.lalpa Ave.',
Anaheim, and Charles J11ilfltld, 36, of
7431 El Verano Drive, Buena Park, wa:e
to be arraigned tOday before ·a U.S. com.
missioner In i... Angehs.
'Ibey -like another Southland man
and his brother-in-law arrested in linked,
but "'1""'ale raids -..,,, charsed with
vlolaUon of Ille 19611 Feder-.! Gun Cmlrol
Act. •
· '"lblro ls no evidfnc• at this lime that
-In)' of the anna wer~ 6xinected with
ndicaI polillcal groupe," '""' l apomman 191' the U.S. 'I'relSUI')' J:?epatt.·
mool. -....... made the .....U. 'l1ie gun .control ilct which authorized
the .neat of. the two Orange COunty men,
as well u Nazi hobbyist James G.
SIA!uanl, 32, of Rowland Hilla and his ~-in-law, Ja partially ..:Aimed at
private annies. · .
"There b no ev1denc:e al Jhla lime that
any of the ,rml -. -with
paramilitary actlvil)l1" Mld.a·IP'*ffnW!
!<IC' lbe special r .man team that wwllad
one cue for sis month!!.
SIA!uard and his trothtr.(n.la!(,'.Afan R.
otto. 32, Of Baldwin Part, Who 'Was ar·
n!ltod by lrwlridale police •. w111i.. he
allegedly dispooed of ..... of.SIA!\t1rd'1
relb, also faced arrolgnment loday, •
SIA!Pa, who b ~ at Los I
Alamlloll )'la val Air Slatfoii, and Hatfield,
a fQarket manage;. were arrested after T-men arranc:It.: haul ol surplus (See .... J) -. . ....
My Lai Case Coast Trio · ~ Sen. Mundt's
Role Taken Volcano Death Arm Crippled
By Lee Bailey .. -From Stroke
-..,._.,..Fro70m. w1 ... s.rv1ce• _M. _yrQtQ_ --l!Y ...... nWS---Vhw.•,,.,.si..,filIBm·'l'9N 1APJ -s.11;-Kart ..... ---1 Any. l'. Lee .tSa.uey, represenwi<>'. <'g.,U."·.--~lo'l'-..1::0-T~ b -----\:J°""1-<U Mundt. (R-S:D.,) baa suffered a partially
company commander who ordered an in "Capacitating stroke and his CDnclition Is
assault on My Lai in which South Viet· " considered serious though he is not in
DAILY PILOT Sl1ff Pllete
namese civllians allegedly were Special to tbe DAILY Pll.01' conclusion will be reached." danger, his office said Monday. massacred said today "no one was under WAILUKI H 1· """' •a · I of hi , awa 1 -•ne my11w:ry "We're not conductina an InvesU-tlon Mundt. 69, has loot partia use s orders to shoot civilians." ... th I Or • •• .. ~a s o .a young ange Coast couple as far as foul play, there's no evidence of rig~ ann. has difficulty walking and Bailey's acocunt of what happen~ at and their baby girl who plunged. into the that," he said. , speaklns, and will be in Bethesda Naval the hamlet in March 1968 was in behalf of all d Bot -•--Pl
C E L d, h f .so-c e tou~ t of a volcano ""'e FBI -~·rr·' wi'th park offi"ci'als Hospital for at least six to eight ftek.11, apt. rnest . Me 1na, w om the amed h book f t ~ LSD 1 11 "'"''"'.. o;u
crim1na ay;yer is representing. e said · t Dr T' th Le I ft I th ~-.. ~
In th• Police Lab, Some Sophi•ticated Chess Pieces
· · 11 · · H · ere - a
0 poe ry uy f!X· I\;thts' bell•f,· Thom•-add-'. said a 3latement by his administrative
Med. · d d f I h penmen er · uno y ary e a e · owever,' he sB1'd there ,., a four·loot-assistant, Robert L. McCaughey. 1na issue no or ers or a s aug ter, d If' 'all In ... I ed !il " ge -are o 1c1 y 1.uoe: unso v e .... _e has ~-no thoo""t, a-"-nor were any such orders issued to tod high wire fence around the crater which 11= ~· &" nu•.ua ~1edina ~his superiors. p8Jiee officials on the Island of Maul pretty well ruled out the pos.11ibllity or aide said, of the senator living up bis of.
'Jlest in County'
Meanwhile, a team or South Viet-have refqsed to speculate on what led to falling accident.ally. He said persons lice.
namese national assemblymen began the three deaths, but no formal probe of would have to climb the fence to fall into McCaughey said hi3 stat.emr.nt was
their own investigation into the Song My fou1 play is planned._ the so-called Bottomless Pit. based on the opinion of Mundt's ph)'.!li·
massacre today in defiance of President John M. "Robbie" Robinson, 25, his Thompson said the bodles o( the young cian. Dr. Rufus J . Pearson.
~eachPoliceLab Work
Nguyen Van Thieu. wile Gretchen, 18, and daughter Heather~ ~pie ~d.their infant were brough~ out "The doctors are hopeful for a T'ef.qm
The group of four men was led thioUgh six months, suffered multiple injuries and d. the pit by park rangers· w'ho deJttnded or function and normal recovery for the
the paddies and bombed-out village by died almost instantly in· the Haleakala by rope. They were then .removed by senator. However, it is anticipated he will
Sen. Tran V,an Doil, the Asserrlbly's op-Crater fall more than one .week ago. helicopter. be ,hospi.l;a~. f<>;, several -~• ~i': .::!1' .P;I!'! an "' ,ll!f ni~~~~~'\1. ~ ·=.i:i w~ 1t'.ll:..i n . ~~ .. b:;.~1U.., eiglii:e.=u$~ . '
Has Iis Own Challenge Don ··llD-llewould.,... pect,-,·~=-·~··1oe1· ~. Ml'I; l!H.--.of lllll h> begin the ~le of thlll -to duct the ·11on Ilecause he ctid not cloap," .. .-lit. :·llllll& wiit VII ~,.bi., iApllla NI;utl.. ~ capablli~ to tbe _., rJcbt
believe the Thie sovemment's usertfon perfo"l"'d Oie lllfopsla. , · Ali Orin}" Cclmty IOUrct llld loday ho "Tho , . la termed that there w'U'bO. maillc:re by U.S. Alitlicirill,. lit 1Irst ~·i iuldde -llOOd the · Rol>lnlOOI w .. e ac-, , ... al<>r 1 coodltion .
Of "" o.n.,. Pllltl s111t Catching criminals can be like an ln·
trkate game of chess and some of thi!
pol.ice depar1ment's m~ 5:0Phl~ica_t~d
chess pieces can be found in its scientific
investigation lab.,
Sgt. Robert Sorensen runs the Hun-
tington Beach department's Jab, labeled
by at least one FBl authority as the
"best police· lab In Orange County."
~·Among city departme:nts," adds Sgt.
Sorensen. since the sheriff's departn\ent
unquestionably has the largest and finest.
Four men. one secretary and three
part-time chemists staff the lab with
responsibility for identification of all
physical evidence gathered from the
scene of all crimes in the city. They're
helped by nine patrol officers trained_ in
crime scene Investigation (CST) who pick
up material from the scene of routine
crimes. ·
A typical day for Sgt. Sorensen includes
R large amount of paper work in addition
to time spent with intri cate equipment.
"Jn the morning I might spend bours
shufning through h u n d r e d s or
fingerprints to find alpair that matches,"
he explains.
Tbe glamour si de of police lab work
may not be quite so bright as on
television, but it "has Its own kind of
challenge," adds Sorensen. ·
'When an expended bullet is sent to
"ballistics'" for i~tUication. Sorensen,
or ooe of his men, 1 ·111ook at it under a
tbicr0&.."0pe, check its markings and
r¥um a report to etective.11 . But they
can't say the bullet me from one single
weapon, until they ha~·e the weapon to
Je,vels V ~lue<l
At $4,000 Taken
I · •-· "" ""-' 16 19611 plunse but no nolA! was !Olllld and the on-· ..:.-..... '1111!1 Dr Leary •ut cHamlssed strlous but he Is not C<lllSldtred In
compare lt with. ":£th~ ~~·U:;-=::Uie; gr~p ot Jy lndf~aUGns Jett. at the rim of the hole tl:"'ac";atntance ~s me~(y "! casuaJ. danger. In addition to . his right arm. ol
Surveillance is another field the police &;>uth Vletnameee lawmakers was belia-were a camera and fbe. Leary bolot. "' Cnimation followed the autopW of the wh~ch ~ h3:1 lost J>!!tlal use, he is exa-
lab is involved in. When detectives are in-ning a second investigation, this one' for a Lynn Thompson, superintenaent ot · Robin.on family victims and they are to. ~~g difficulty in speaking •nd dif·
vesLigating certain cases, they require committee of the Jower house of the Haleaka1a National Park, w,here the dor-be returned to the Orange Coast for in· fic.1;'ltr rn ~~lldng. {
electronic equipment to help. Assembly. It, too, lacked Thieu's sane:-mant volcano fs a tourist attraction, told Urnment.. accordlng to authorities in His gai~a not a_s steady u it should
Video tape cameras. special cameras tion. the DAILY PILOT: "I doubt lf any real Hawaii. be due to lme5S In his rlght leg, also
f'I affecled by tJle strol<e which do<:lorl \\•ith telephoto lenses and high speed 1 m. Thieu reasser:ted his position through a described as moderate-sized.
tape recorders end even tin Y spokesman Saturday, saying "there will 'Sen M ndt ·
microphonP. "bugs" add ta the t 0 t a I be no more investisations. This case is ~ Sanm Ana Youth Ki~lled . . u )I comprehenlive, alert, eaUng regular meals and wat.. scope or crime. investigation. closed so far as the goVemment is con--~--1 '
So . . t t•· 1· -"rned. The ... c1'dent was an act of war. u~ te evision, such as yesterday's foot· me expensive equ1pmen r1t: po 1cc .... ball games," McCaughey's .11tatement lab uses both for identification and in· It has been thoroughly investigated:" concluded. . ·
vestigation includes: More accounts by servicemen who • · an Mu1K4 is I.he ranking Rtpublican on the
An ·analytical balance capable or were present at the alleged mass killinp As Auto Hi· f.o Gua· r rn.:l Government Operatlan Committee ot the
measuring llt0,000 ol a gram. This $2,000 continued to appear over the weekend, · .,.., · . (,c,c, Sf!late, and tile body'• No. 3 GOP
scale is so sensitive a speck of.dust might including that or a sergeant who called · · ' · · member on the A~Uons Com·
throw it off. mi~ -the affair "point-blank murder." ·
A high powered microscope with two Medina has not been charged in the A 16-year~ld Santa Ana boy died early weekend.
viewers· to com1?3re one object with case. A murder charge hiis been brought today when his car smashed into a Michael Ruark, 2tl, died late Friday
another. Valued al $5,9(1() this equipment at Ft. Benning, Ga., against one of his guardrail on the Garden Grove Freeway. following a colllslpn on Valley View in
'chan co,mparek.anything fromf dlwo hndumthan platoon leaders, Lt. William L. Calley Jr. Orange police said the vehicle driven Buef18 Park near the Artesia Freeway airs o mar 1ngs on a sa e oor a e Bailey said Medina reported to his offramp. ·-rewdr· e sed to ·1 by Leonard Morrison Was traveling at B · p .,.,. · iv r 11 open 1 • :superiors after the attack that there had uena ark officers blamed & faulty
Video tape, another $5,000 item, is cur· been 2 Sto 28 civilian casualties and was high speed when it went out or control on traffic 11ignal for a collision in which
rently used for surveillance and !raining. told by a major, "That sounds about the freeway near the Lewis Street Ruark's car collided with an auto driven
In the future iL may be used to snap a normal." overcrossing. by a Fullerton youth.
penr.anen~ record of _drunk drivers. . "The company commander reoeivf$1 no The car finished upside down in the Witneues said both cars entered the ~ ~ entire che'!'1stry lab also . '~ orders to butcher anyone or to kill any freeway'.11 emergency lane after rolling busy intersecUoo on green lights and
available to Huntington Beach crime women and children -and he issued for more than 100 y&nb: with its young Ruark's auto rolled several Ume.11 follow-
• fighters. The three part-time chemists (See M\'fLAJ Page!) driver partly hanging out 0~ P>e vehlc;!t. Ing the .Impact, throwing the driver
use the cbemicsls exc::lusiv~ for iden·. ~ ' 'The boy wa.s dead 00 arrival at ·a ~ be~ath the vehicle.
tification ol narcotics.. hospital. . · -Ruark was dead on atTival at Lincoln
"Our i'!h is completely obj tive," said BeacJi... Ci y Council Morris"' w81 uie ~~to Community H01plta1, Buena Park.
! Sgl.Sorensen,"wearen'lt stoprove le?" be killed freew••itr l.ilmln. lbe 'I• I , someoneinnocentorguitty,onythatcer· --r • ¥. I -"V . r--
ta!n!actonaresclentificallylrue.'~ --'-'Meetmgs escheduled S ,_ M'•r •t ' 1 Exp' "erJ· t.eports / The court's attitude about .!fcienttfic in· ~ ... i I(
vestigation is that physical 1 facts shed H nlington Deaf.h City C ~ Un c 11 ' s
light on the subject, explained Sorensen. regu,ar meeting sCheduled for tonight has NEW YORK (AP) ":"""Stock Prtctt coo: To wh:te House
·'Sometimes,,'' he_ «0nLin_ut<i. "it's a bee~postponed to]Dec. 8. · tinued to fall on a widening ftoot. wiUl .,
rnat~r! perhaps. of matchin;i ~its with M councilmen W'ill be aUending a. trading volume alighUy ahead ol Fri·
a criminal who has planned his Job ahead Lea c of California Cities session in San day't moderate pact. (See quotations,
of t.ime. We have to figure out how he Diego. _,,. Pages 14-15). 01i Viet Study planned it." ..
'' --..
Massacre Suit
Seeks · News Bar:i
Newport Trash Coll~ctor WASHINGTON !UPI) -The Wbite
House announced today that a British
co\mter-lnsurgency , e x p e r t is in
Washington lo report lo the ad·
mlniatraUon on a special study l'le made
of the political and military altuaUon in
Prisoner's Death
Listed 'Suicide'
Orange County Coroner's investigators
today listed as suicide the death of a
Fullerton man !'ho hanged· 'himself Fri ..
day night in County Jail.
DepuUes said Dwayne Ray Rumsey , 28,
strangled himself with his T·shirt in his
jail cell shortly 8fter being booked into
the facility on suapieion of posses11ion of
dangerous drugs and being under the'ln·
f1uenct of d~-drup.
Jailers sal~~~· whoi Was alone In the cell, was 4bcoftred 'bf a lmeeli118
position wjlh 00. end of hla llhlrt knotted
around hii n<Ck and the other. lied to •
bunk bed. '
Rumsey was dead on arrival at St.
Jude Hospital, Fullerton.
Orange Coat
' 11 ., enoiJih 1o dampen your
A careful thief lifted nearly $4,000.Jn
jewelry and other items from a Hun-
tirigton Beach home ·over the weekend
while the owner was away craping; WASHINGTON (UPI) -Both pro-
Edward S. St.one, 55, or 352 Golden secution and defense in the case of 1st Lt.
West St., told police he and his wife went. \VilUam L. Calley Jr., charged with
camping Saturday morning and returned murder in the alleged Vietnam massacre,
·Trapped hy_r~ck Blade The apeclallst Is Sir Robert Thompson,
udllle<l of the I Brlllsh ·v!Ctory over
Molo,yan Communbt ...,muu In the late
hydriullc: jacks lo .l'MCtlO' P.-, llllOs M4 helld of the Brlu.b lldvlsory
po11c:e· Pld. · • m-to South Vlelnlm Irom 11111 •to
1plrlts -and everything elae.
Scattered sh<>Wtr1 are on ·tap to-
night with 1 30 percent chanCe of
more TUesday. Temperatures wtll
huddle around 70. degrees. Sunday afternoon to find the front door fil~ today for an tnjUnctiett agah~t news
widt.r open and the jewelry missing. media reporting or •statements about the
Items taken included a $1,500 jewelry case.
sel' or a white gold ring; with an opal The two sJ~es filed a joint petlUon ast ·
stone, a necklace vdth an opal stone on a Ing the U. S. Court .of Military Appeals
whlte gold chain and matching earrlngi;;; for a restraining or..der against tht media.
a $900 ~hite gol_d ~cdding ring with :,il': The court arranged to begin hearing
Newi><>it Beadi ciix.,.truh c:ollector
·Oirls i>attemn, 20, -lpent an alOQli-
ing hour with his ann trapped ln a huge
blade in a rubblsh truck Saturday morn-
ing was recovering nicely today, doctors
PaU..... laUr ret<Mlted·tlle cauoe of I!llS.
the painful miohap. ~Id L. 2Iesler, White IIoule prm
small diamonds in 1t; and H $500 gold r1~g arguments immediately. .
-+----with a . nmnd-ruby s\fn'oundcd by~s1x --The-pefltion liSted as ''respondent$'' the
!Tllall diamonds. major,. s media or the country in·
Patterson, 160 W-Wilson Ave., eosta
fl.fesa, suffered a crushed ann at 215t
Streel and Irvine Avtnue ·w~tis ann
became trapptdthe com r blade
of ~he huge rig. ' ·
He was Ioodtns trte limbo Into the • ......i.ty, said Thompoon had checked
lnick al IO a.m. he said, when 011e lnlo t\1e prog..,.s of U.S. traN!er of
became 11t'QCk In the. blade. \ ··~ \ f!1illtary nsponsJbllity te the South Ile lllled the apparatus lo -the Vietnam<'!. and. orllie picUlcation pro-
limb farther \back lnto"llf€'Nbblsfii • gram In tbe countryside. 'nM>mpson ctln·
partm•nl when the bride alamme<f down ltrred with Nixon Oct. 17 before miking
onto his ann pinning It •(alnsl the bot· the lrlp.
Hubert H11mp1a.reu ioUl m4kc
hi4 'politf<G! camebaci< lo h!Qh-1
light .rom~ Senate TCICtS nn:t
11car Jeaturfno an t%-Gltrona1i1i
and a /a·nlOUJ name. Page 24.
In addition to more je\\'c\ry the thief eluding U I and Msoclated Press.' lhc
took a rifle. a bo\vling ball, a violin and a netwotks BS and NBC, the m1gailncs
t2·cuP percofator. 1 J~ife, News eek and other1(1nd the Ill·
Pollc!'c said the person or persons lion's news apers.
rcspoosiblC' hlid forced entry through the Calley ra s a court martial on charger
front' door, sntlpP:ing a chain lock in the of murderl more l.han 100 South Vtet.
proCess. then had carefully "Searched the namest cl'Vil ns: 1.ast year Jn the ,village'
house not dlsturbine atll'thing but U1e llf Song My. e lieutenant now is al 'Ft.
ite ms taken. Benning, Ga ., ut ii not in cu.11tody. ·
t"Ollct summ a Hoag
Memorial lfOff)itat·shorUy af~ man
became· trapped and Dr~ .i •1,vln
Shatavsky arrived adnUAl&tit. in-kill·
I ng drugs while fireaqien ~_city
mechanics worked to f~M Patterton'i
orm. I ·
It too1c an hour~ cutting 1With
ocetylene. torch<. pryln1 with
tom of the chamber. \ ' Ztealer .1111d ~would teport to
T!ie'lor<:e of the blade pulled .ii;m·c&ii. U;S, ofllclala lnchldlng Dr. H•nry A.
pletely Into the trash blnr W!lce i&ld. · , KJaalnatr, the President's spcclal aS.!li5·
Hoipltal aidN said Patttnc:n sufftttd tant for national stcurlty afraln.
a .severe fracture ol his left fort.arm and .Askfllf If Thompaon mlde the tour il
cull. 'Alxon,s ' rttjµesl , Ziegler said he .Un· 1
Dodori aald l.qlay the .mliiD i*t derlllocid"the Study wu Ullder ausplm ol
end Patl.,...,, la proer"'°'t "vflrf the Rand Corporaucn, a prlvala meudl
aailsfactorlly." !inn~ Ill Clllloml1.
• ,
.. ~ -
Through the Looking Glass
Inside Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) Apollo 12 Commander
Charles "Pete" Coni"ad exhibits some of grapefruit-size moon rocks
he and fellow moon walker A1an Bean collected during their stay on
the moon's surfac~ last month. At right, Conrad shows off part of TV
, .
camera taken from unmanned SurveyITT which he and Bean dis·
mantled while on the moon. P hotos were taken through glass window
at LRL in Houston, where Apollo 12 astronauts will remain in quaran·
tine ·until Dec. 10.
Sto"Ve for ·Efforts
"-T--. r-,J ~--...
• t ,. l I •! ,...
Wife Witu . Coo.king Contest
B7 JAMCE BPMd . la~~er«!_the ~ clas• _ °' ,.. ...., ""' stiff .. 1 because "f chana:ed my major and it was
Lee deMaJignon '11 zo and ber husband one of tbe!ew cllsses.operi to me."
Gary is JI. S0e likes be!l-bol.tom jeans, At the class, held once weekly at thr
inf and dri~ cooking and htr !!'esa Th;eat'!, she Jearned how ta cook ~ mg w:uig, ~--· _,.. everything. · ... h~and. He goes to Loyola UnJvtnrty, But she and Gary most 'ptefer"hOme·
where he's in his first year of law !IChool. baked bread, cake and cookies.
They live in a tiny house in Coot.a "Our first meal with the new stove was
Mesa, filled wltl"11eautilul ontiq ... , in-Jimo.~!'S-8n<!,l1~ ~k, but WLbaked
eluding a plush red sofa with curvy legs bread the next day. sakl Lee .
and anns, and a refrigerator that's "one Lee works to hel~ put Gary· throu~
of the old ones -a genutne antique ., school. The deMahgnons share theu-
says Lee. ' home with tw~ cats namr? Lucifer· and
Up unUI a couple or week a •JO. the Sammy SJ}OWM9es, a dog named Lady.
refrigerator, which is paint.ed pale green, ~o mice named Peep and Boo, and
had a matching stove of the same vtn-another mouse on the. loose named
tage. But now the deM1Ugnons have S~y. ,
spoiled everything. Lee woo a ntW range. I was really surprised to come home
It doesn't match the refrlgeratu-. from l~w; school and iind a .sto~,11 said
But neither o( them seems to· care. Gary, Ive never won anyUnng. .
"It works like a champ," Lee A.id of, But he was no more ~ris~ than
the new stove donated by DaviJ-Brown Lee. It was the second time she s won
Appliances of Costa Mesa. • something, but tbe tll"St Ume was when
The new ,range is the rtsUlt of Lee's ahe was seven yea~ old. "I won a Dale
decision to enter a cooking class co-Evans watch, but 1t broke the second
sponsoted by Orange Coast Colltg~ the week 1 had lt."
DAILY PILOT Southern Counties ' Gas '"Ibat broiltr works like ~hing yoo've
Company and Alpha-Beta Acme markets. ever aeen ," she bubbled: "E~ ham-
Lte an ·art major at ·Orange Coast burger steak comes out Just lik'e steak
eoueie "for the next 35 yean," she said steak."
Faulty Floor Furnace
Of Artist Andrew Wing
.-'---~:-;------'-;-----...;...; ____ ==="====--=============:==============--=J.ALl~l5>!000~.f.ifir!'e~btli$'•~ved~ caused by a Lost fn the blaze were paintings
. .• faulty floor furnace destroy"'•. d'"the=-.Ll=fWl!l""',.-~re~pr~.,.~n"•lng~~,.,,·.-,~11·~\if ,...,~;--+---•' ~ . . ' -' Frotn Page· l D • E s • · · From Page 1 Canyon home of artist Andrew Wing Si told firemen, along with a record col·
river · scapes erious day nighL lection valued at $3,000. Intense heat MY LAJ • • o · ARSENAL • • • from the flames melted the paint on art j
none," Bailey said in an interview.
Bailey, who said he is .representing
Mediiia. said the captain ordered the at·
tack on the village on infonnation that it
was hill of Viet Cong, and that "they
were expected to be the only ooes in the
village." '" · _
Bailey said Medina later got a
helicopter report that there were women
and children in the area, but was told on-
ly to "exercise cautioa," not to stop the
Bailey's defense Of Medina followed
J'.*!porU from .soldiers involved, some of
whom refused to shoot at the women and
Among those recalling their ex·
perfenc:es _in tl'le current issue of Life
magazine Was Sgt. !\lichael Bernhardt,
who called the incident "point-blank
H:e said he told hfs officers: "The hell
with this, I'm not· doing it.''
Sgl Charles West, a squad leader, said
Kedina "didn't give us an order to go in
and kill women or children.·•
He said they had been given a briefing
that "put fear into a lot of our tiearts''
and were warned to expect heavy
resistance, but added:
"Nobody told us about handling
civilians, because at the lime J don't
think any of us were aware of lhe fact
that .we'd run into civilians ....
"This was going to be our rirst real live
baUle. and we made up our minds we
were going to go in and with whatever
means poMible wipe them out. ..
Ocean View Trustees
To Discuss Dedication
Trustees d the Octan View School
District.. have 6Cheduled a meeting for
7:30 p.m.1\iesday to coo.sidti the ded ica·
Lion ol an easement at the Sun View
School site.
The meeting will be held at the
district's board room, 7972 Warner Ave.
' RelitrJ N. Wted '
Praidtnl llflCI '""'U"'tt
J1d• R. Cur!•r Vl(t Pr111«n1 ind Gtnr1• "'•n•rrr
Thom11 IC•t¥il
T~olfl11 A. M111phl"1
r M11111t1nt E.tnor
,1.lhrf W. 1~111 .
An oc:1111 Edl!or
H111nf""•" IHc• Ottlct 309 $th S!111t I
f""Ui"f A•Jrt11: P.O. lo• 7'0, t2•4t
OtMt Offk"
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works hanging on the walls o! the home, I n1' ury in SA Collision m~~:,;gw~~~"'c!r~a~:im.contraband Youth Riding fi~mei;i;:i~ the old wood slructur: al
. . were machineguns of German, Czech, C J 1255 Roosevelt Lane was reported at 7:22
Japanese and Russian make, plus 50,000 Fr1"end's ye e
It wasn't a parlic:ularly good lime for
the Kent ·who had to be helped from his
shattered aut~ by Santa Ana police of-
-ficers early today but all present agreed
thal it was a pretty lucky one.
Kent 'H. Willaiil, 27, survived a spec·
tacular accident that began when he lost
control of his eastbound vehicle as he ap-
proached the Santa Ana River bridge on
Willard's car skidded towards the bar·
rier and finally came to rest impaled on a
guardrail. Officers said SO feet or the 70-
fool metal rail went through the motor of
Wlllarcrs car, slashed through the front
• and rear seats, forced its Way through
the trunk and fin ally protruded from the
!;.ack of the car.
, Willard, cut and bruised and 11haken but
otherwise unhurt, was treated at Orange
COunty ~~ical Center ~~ allc1.iied to go
hoine. ' ' Valley CoWlcil·-
Mret Pos~po.ied ·
Fountain. Valle}''s city council meeting
'fue_sday h8s ~en postponed until Dec. 8,
because COWlcilmen are alt.ending.the na.
tional l.A!ague o( Cities conference this
'"'eek in San Diego.
'1All·he wanted," an offlcer said, ",was
a cigarette to steady his nerves. No, he
· didn't say which brand."
Mayor Edward Just and Cou ncilman
G~rge • Scotf; JI.re attending the-entire
rour-day sessi6n, today through Thurs-
day, while Councilmen Ron Shenkman
will atlend today through Wednesday,
and Bernie Svalstad, Tuesday and
Vice Mayor John Harper canceled his
planned trip to San Diego because of ii·
She's Got Love Note
B.nt Clothes ~1issing
A Huntington Beach housewife put .her
clothes OOt to dry SunOiy-afletnoon while
she and ~r husband went :shopping.
When she returned home the clothes were
missing and hanging in Uleir place was a
handi>rlnled note saying, "I love you."
Police are still searching for the miss-
ing clothes of Mrs: Nancy Goole, 38. of
6432 Shayne Drive.
Vet Seeking Joh
Disabled But Luckier Tlian Most
James Blood Is luckier than many
disabled Vietnam War veterans.
He has legs to walk on hunting work.
"I've really been hltttni th e pave-
ment," ~aid BloOd. 1188 Placentia~Ave.,
Costa f\.lesa , 'vhoSe classification to
reci!.iVe federal disability aid won't come
unlil well into the holtday ·lllea!On;
The 14-year-0ld ex-GI, wtrose. service
was ended the day he stepped on a land
mine; l<l.Sl wOrked three' weeks ago, mak-
ing less at a service station than he had
as a private first class in the Army. ...
The former landscape worker Md,·
gardener was forced to quit finally af!cr
aggravating the tlip mutilated in Vietnam
by shrapnel which also lore into his ab-
domen .
The former P.fc .. who. has his wire.
Diane, to suPp(t\. recently stopped by
the DAILY PILOT office. carrying his
discharge. ~is Purple Heart and his
Disa bled America!\ Veferans membership
certificate. \
Secretary or the Army Stanley R.'
Reeor signed th~ Purple Heart papdis.
but Blood is the man,who has to sign his
nJme to the checks to P•Y the continuing
"1 do preftr outdoor type ~'Ork -
·maybe without so much hflnding -but
fh e main thing Is, I want 1 job,'' he ex·
"[ understllnd they Can do nothing until
l'm 'rated,' but 1 've 'got t.o gel something
1 can hold out on until after Dec~mber. ·•
tbe ronner Laguna Bench resident ex·
"Theo we'rt over the lti urnp ."
He plans -_.af~tr th,ey'fe over the hump
-to enroll In a s~clal irad~ s.:1,\001 v.·lth
OAtl Y flllOT 11111 ,.,,_
Di11 blt d Vtt Blood
on tht check.
"If )'OU don't Uke ita," he quoted the
station owM.r as .sayirig when he qu es-
lioned the fairncSs, "then you can get
"I was so angry,.,•· he said, "but I
ju5l let It hang."
GI Bilrflelp. · \
Blpod s.id ratht:r bitterly of tht strvlc-t
11 a1 lo~hat he occasionally voorkcd
two shifts In' the hope r mnkin.r end!
meet. l>\JI the overUtje cv~ ~howed .up
And with lhel -after telling his.story
•• Jim Dlood hit the , pavt meot again,
'.br.fause Chrl5fnas is ~e torsl time !<'I • be' Jobless. e\ n When, lh e's just you
:ind·the wife t .~uppar
rounds of ammunition :seized at an p.m. No one wa s in the home at the time,
Orange_ Gaunt.y location still kept secret. Wing had left to go to the store. \Vhen he
The haul included three pistols with Hurtin W reek . returned, names engulfing the rront door'
hand stocks and tWQ gun silencers, ac-made it impossible to get inside and he
cording to federaJ authorities who had the h bo ed asked a neighbor to summon !he r1·,, guns stored al the Federal Building in A La Puente youth w 0 rrow 11 department.
Los Angeles. friend's motorcycle for a 3 a.m. ride in
The ammunition y.·as delivered. to the Coroni de\ f\.1ar Sunday crashed the Three Laguna Beach units with 13 men
U.S. Army's Fort MacArthur in San machine, inst.ead .. and lay unconscious \Vere at the scene for tY.'o and a half
Pedro. and seriously injured fQr nearly one hou. r hours. The blaze '"'as contained in 20 The illegal weaponry raid involving minutes, but firemen remaineQ to protect
Steuard, a drifting teacher at Los Allos before being discovered. adjacent homes on the narro w Canyon
High School . in the La Puente area, . Police . said tbe friend who lent the Jane.
featured tons \if Nazi souvenirs, ex· cycle fin.ally found Stephen Costello. 18. Capt. Charlie Kuhn of the Laguna
plosives and even a 1943 Naz i staff car. on GoldenrOd Avenue 4~ feet south or department described the fire as "ex-
MotarCycle:s decked with swastika Harbor View Drive. trem·e1y hazardous" because of the loca·
emblems, enough, materials t!)-~reate 42· Costello 11uffered a concussion and tfon of the home midway along RooseVelt
bombs. bales and .bales of uSed . Nazi several serious cuts and bruises in the Lane, a walkway leading off Woodland
unifonns, plus badges .'.Ind helmets and crash, officers said. Drive. Dlf!iculty of access, he said, made
three machineguns were also discovered. He borrowed the bike from Norman it necessary t.o roll fire hoses in from the
Not all of the material, h6wever, is pro-Taylor, 18, also of La Puente, at about nearby street.
hlbited under th!! law· ljlnd St.euard told 3 a.m. Taylor told officei:s .he became Wiilg, a well-known young Laguna
arresting authorities he obtained mo~t .of y,·orried at· about 3:30 a.m. and he and Beach artist. is a regular exhibitor at Lhe
it through his hobby as a war souvenir other friends set out to find Costello. FesUval of Arts. collector. They came upon the accident at 3:SO
Officials said Steuard, a U.S. Anny a.ruficers said the cycle had gone off
reserve captain, also bad a literal com-the road and craShed, ·spilling the rider.
munications center of radio equi pment The youth Was treated at Hoag Memor-
hidden in his basement and said that was lal .Hospital, then transferred to Kaiser
.also part of this hobby. Foundation Hospital in Fon tana.
Steuard -whose love of rare weapons He was described as in fair condition
was unknown to La Puente School before his transfer, aides at Hoag said. · Dl!lrlct administrators-had been under
investigation by the Treasury Depart·
ment for slx months, authorities discio,s..
He also used the name Curl Karl von
Erlyeben in buying y,·eapons from foreign
natioas, according to investigators.
Irwindale Police captured his brother-
ln·law Sunday night, y,•hen he ''"a~
discovered near a fiood control channel
\•dth six sticks of dynamite, some hand
grenades, JOO rounds of rifle bullets and a
sawed off shotgun. , •••ill
Seal Beach Council
To Convene Tonight
The Seal Beach City Council will .i:neet
in regular session at 8 tonight in city .hall.
Preceding lhe regular meeting the
councilmen will meet at 6:30 p.m. in joint
study session with the city Planning
Hosmei· Recovers
From Operation
Rep. Craig Hosmer (R-Long Beach) Is
recovering !'tatisfaclorily rronl · e y ~
:surgery, his office reported today.
Hosmer underwent an operation 1ast
week for removal of a cataract fr om his
left eye. Doctors al Bethesda ~aval
Hospital described the surger y as •·a
complete success."
Hosmer. v.•ho represents north \\'est
Orange County in Congress. including
Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. ex-
pects to return to his \Vashington office
in about ty,•o \\:eeks.
~ifts wi\hout (much) gab
To. aid you in your Christmas shopping (and to raise eno"!gh
n1oney to do our own) we ar~ selling things for Chri:st mas.
• ·Yule encounter such rarities as fine impo~ted s\veaters,
original sport shirts, gteat outer1:ycar for cool days ahead,
and a (ine selection of sport coats and slacks.
Presents, not absj1:nce. ·makes the heart grow fonder.
pron1ise not.to be so cute when yQu come in to buy.) . .
Jae~· idwell
3467 Via Udo Telephone 673·4~ 10
Mucho parkln.g direclly behind my &tore
• • ·---• •
i I l ! I ~
Lopsided Profit Late~
~ -.
Tod4y and l' es~rday
CoJ. CharJi:s R. Fox of Selective Service ey.e1 glass bowl to be used
tonight to determine order of call in new draft lottery. Twenty-nine
years ago. blindfold'ed U.S. Secreta·ry Of War Henry Stimson draws
capsules from bowl used in first peace t1me draft, Oct. 29, 1940. See
story .,Page 4.
Late Show
For Cotmty Film Stones Roll at Daw11 in Festival
. '•
Mondq, Otttmb'r 1, 1%9 · H DA.IL Y PILOT 3 ,
_ E11lf.tright Sends 2
Senate Probing . '
1---Viet Situation
eign Relallons Committee Said today it
-..·ould send two investigators to Vietnam
thb: week to look lno ,;the pro&pt.CU for
Vietnamization of the war and the ~
era! politi cal and mUltary situation in
Saigon and. the field .".
Chainnan J. W. Fulbrighl, CD-Ark.),
said the two investigators were not
being given sptclfic instructiON to k>ok
into the alleged massacre of civilians by
American soldiers but weren't beina told
to igno~e il ei\)ler •.
Fulbright 1aid no date had bem set
for the Vietnam hearings but that they
definitely would be neit month.
Fulbright tqld newsmen the Investiga-
tors would return sometime before
_Christmas and would report to the com-
mittee in advance of hearings next month
on the Vietnam war. ·
He said the committee itulf !l'lar look
Into the massacre story. . .
"'I am going to ask the Foreign Rela·
tions Committee . what they think about
discussing this matter," the Arkansu
Democrat told newsmen.
He added, howevr.r, that any invr.sti-
gation by his committti! would try to go
beyond any iodividual charges and con-
duct and take a !Ook at "what the long,
protracted warfare we are engaged in is
doing to this country ."
Fµlbright did not say when he would
ra ise the question with other committee
The committee, however, Is e'l'peded
to open hearings sometime this month
Into aQ.ministtation policy in Vietnam
and into a hair dozen or so resolut.lons
that· have been introduced in the Senate
calling for faster troop withdraw.al and
Fulbright did not rule out lht possibil-
lty such hearings could touch on tbe
allegr.d 1968 My Lal massacre.
The White House was talking down the
likelihood of any judicial or out.side-Uie·
government invest1gaUon by a · na.tlona1
commission or the like. Asked whether
any consideration waa being given to
such a review, pre:ss secretary Ronald
L. Ziegler replied : •·No, I know of oo
plans to do that."
Ziegler also told questioners that the
White House raceived a telegram from
attorney F. Lee Balley regarding repre-
sentation of Capt. Ernest Med.Ina. He
said the Pre.sldent was not asked to re.
ctive Bailey and the whole matter has
been referred to the Department of
J ustice.
Holiday Road
Deatli Toll
Below 1968's
-+--Cha1~ed in J) __ C ___ ~WE~ ST ]>_ALM BEACH, Fla. (UPI) .:__jfuri!Ji the weeke.Mi mostly on narcotics
I Britain's Rolling Stonu unloaded .a fren-charges.
Senator B11cks
Plan to Stop
-~~B~ack__to __ OJd Oil-Afluwance
By United Rres1 International
The 1&2-lro'ili" T11111WgiV1 onaay
period ended with 696 ..persons dead in
traffic accidents -far below the ree«d Lar scrutiny by the government led an zied pre-daw~ rock session on 40 000 SheriU William Heidtmann. sai.d 4~ of
aircraft parts pfant in Anaheim to score . . ' . those arrested on the narcotic v1olauon:s
t profits up to t ,403 percent on 20 ·small ~hivering and sleep~-eyed ,YC?Uths to ch-had trials set for Jan. 19 and bond a;et
contracts, federal authorities alleged max the three.day ·Palm , Beach Rock .at $5,000.
Sunday in Washington. Festival. Grand Funk Railaroad from Flint,.
The General Accounting Office made The Stones began their performance at t1ich. received lhe most enthusiastic re·
the disclosure in a letter to Sen . William 4:30 a.m. aft~r the final day's lineup of ception from the audience .Sunday. 'Ole
Proxmire (0.Wis. l ,vhich said the profit acts logjammed because of a strike by trio screeched O!,lt a rasping cacophony of
to LioneJ.Pac:ific Corp., 1~50t La Palma helicopter pilots. hard r~k hamrtiered~home by tht writh-
Ave., is a coinmon occll!Tence. Most or . the youths '!ho ;arnmed tftF. ing antics ~f a · :shirtless guitar player
Sen . Proxmire ~aid the hi gh profits muddy, rain so~ked festival grounds had "''ith blond hair hanging well below his left by daybreak. 1houlders.
resultf'd from a provision in the Truth in The Stones' performance was further Promoter Dave Rupp Said he would not 1 Negotialionf' l.ar.i•, exempting contracts delayed when station wagons packed with reveal the net finances of the festi va l
under $100.000 from ~ubmilling cost or !heir equipment bogged down in the quag-until he has a chance to reView his bank·
pricing daia. mire which ringed the staging area. book.
The GAO ~aid there is M evidence the Dozens of stage hand~ shouldered the But if Rupp v.~s worried about money,
company ga,·c the government false heavy electronic gear and plowed 100 it was not m .evidenCe Sunday as he told
data. yards through the mud to the stage. the crowd to rip up $60,000 worth of tem-
The sl.ructurc ti the law •• however, The violenct!: that some officials pre-porary wociden toilets and bleachers for
resulted in the firm's ra cking up an dieted would erupt during Florida's first _firewood.
average 245 percent profit on 20 of 22 ~ic.k rock music festival failed to mater-~ "It's better to burn up the whole thlna:
contracts granted over a two.year period. 1alize, but some 113 youths Were arrested the to have one kid freeze," he said.
Sen. Proxmire sald it was merely a
case of the govemml!nt' failing to be cer-
tain in each case that the prices it agreed
Y, pay were justified.
; A loss was registered on two Of 22 con-
tracts granted to Llonel-Pacific Inc ., hut
the others showr.d profits of 12.9 percent
to the fanl-astic: t,403 percent.
The GAO's letter t.o the Wisconsin
legislator led him to charge that small
purchase contaracts such as those to
Lionel-Pacific Inc., are bilking American
taxpayers of millions of dollars annually.
·Laguna Surgeon's .Son
Criti<;al J!ut Improving·
The confracis for air valves and other
such components y.·ere issued by the
Oklahoma Cily Air Materiel Command
fOCAMA l and the GAO said not all ef.
forts were being made to protect against
. "We believe that lmprovement is need·
ed at OCMtA in procurement procedures
covering small purchases and , we are
pu-rently examining the mailer," sald
U.S. Omtptroller General Elmer B.
. One contract to the Anaheim finn
should ha\·e been $4,400, but was for
$25,063 instead:
Car Racer Sl1ot,
Seriousl y Hur t
driver Charlte Glotzbach was shot twice
and wiously wounded in his rural
Edwardsville home by an employe Sun.
day night, police sajp.
The 33-year-old 1HSCAR dtiver was
listed in ~ious condition today at Floyd
County Memonal flospilal al New
Albany. •
Kentucky Stale Police said lhey ar-
rested Bruce Hufr. about 2.5, of Harrison
County, Ind., at Bo"'·llng Green. Ky. He
was charged with malicious shooting and
Y.'(IUJlding. , .II
Thomas Riddell, 14-year-old son of
Laguna BeJlch orj.hopedic !:urgeon Dr.
Richard Riddelll remains in critical con-
dition today in the intensive. care unJt at
South Coast Community Hospilal, but
was sbowifig imPfOvement this morning,
a hospit.al spofesman said.
Young RiPdell, gravely injured Friday
In the Laguna Cap.yon traffic accident
that 100k the life of his 12-year-old sister,
Cathleen, underwent surgery Friday
afternoon for internal injuries and also
.suffered a skull fracture.
His brothers, James, 10, and Edward,
7, were released ftoni the hospital Salur·
day after treatment of bruises· and con·
Their father. who wru; not admitted to
the hospital where he is a staff surgeon,
li uflered facial cuts.
·still i~rious condition Is 16-year-old
RiCfi31'd4 Brooks, driver of one of the
three cars ·.involved in the: accident, who
suffered a head injury and &eve:re
forehead laceration.
Brooks ts... "coming ~long 1Vell,0 the
hospital reported. -
The third. dri~r. artist Robert McCar·
ronk. was releas_ed after treatment for
minor injuries· Friday.
The Riddell children were passengers
1n a 1939 Bugatti conve!tible driven by
their father '<':hen it was rammed by the
MC.Carron vehicle which in turn had been
struck from the rear t)y young Brooks"
car. police said. v . .
Private funeral services are pending
for 12.y:ear-old Cathleen, \\'ho wa:s an
eighth grade student at Thunton
Jntennediate School.
Described by member! of the school
staf( as "a lovely, sweet girl,'' CaUileen
was well known at the !Choo! where she
worked .. -a· student a~st.ant in lhe of·
fic:e. She was acUve in girls' athletlc ac-
ti\itie.s and especially interested in gym.
nasties and also 5a11g in the girls' chorus.
Snow Seals Fate
Of Sant.a A.iia
Doctor's Wife
The rugged Cedar 1'-lountains around
Kanab, Utah, still hide the fate of a Santa
Ana physician's wife after more than . . 1,200 hours of searching and Jbe secret is
now eealed with snow. · 1 •
Mrs. Katherine Shaplr6: wife of Dr.
f.1:elv1n Shapiro, 51& W. 17th St., vanished
a month ago from the couple's trajler
home in the Strawberrj Point area of
Ulah. • ·
Early ~petUlation was that the avid
outdoorswoman has gone off on a hJke
hunting Ipdian a.rUfacts and became lost
in the foothills, where temperatures are
sub.zero at nighl
,Alcatraz 'Tribe' G o~ing
-. " ..
l.niljg{i ~aders Order Census on One·
SAN P11AI'ICISCO (UPI) .L The fndl•n pJded tor unused f~•I lands lo
me Prison
settlement <11 Alcatr.12 Isla d is growing reYert to Indian OWDerVll . The l1land
50 fast leaders have order a census to has ~t.ood idle since it was osed down as '. a federal prison ln 1962.
detemune the true populatl of the 12· £1tctricianS and plumbe were among
acrt "rock" Jn San Francis 1 Bay. lhe boadoads of lndians "'[.arrived dur-
. Anyv.·here from 300 to re sen-.. Ing the Ion Thapksglvlng weekend aM
t11tives of ,. 3tOrc of tribe" ave ~ed went to wo~ renovating th prtson struc-
to the one-llme famed fr. ral prison lures as an American Jadlan cultural and
since s handful of young IR(IJanii landtd .educatlortal center.
on the island In prt!:d11wn darkness 11 days "They're doing a wonderful Joi:> ef im-
ago. provis1tlon." said Glen Dodson, 52 one °'-
The lnhab itanl3 range fTQm lwo-~k-four caretakers.assigned to tfi~ 'island by
old Inf an~ t1J tribal lea.der!I In Jhelr 70s. the government. 1hey h.iive come lrom throughoot the M• Dodson. ,a former-\.-..gold miner and
fton. mtrtharlt 1eam111: • hii ~n a I d I n g
claim of beine a "SCotcb Inftlan."
''.This JS a noble, historic occasion,"
said Oobsai. "They're fine.J noble people
and they're not deatroying anything." ,
The. Indians have demanded th8t
Jnterior Secretary Walter .J. Hickel come
to Alcatraz te negotiate the "surrender"
of the l1land: Hickel. ln a Washlngton
lmpltal·with e pinched nerve In his· neck,
bu lndictJteil a wlllln~ess to meet wll.h
Indian repfesentatlves, but will accept no
day rejected an attempt to retain the oil
depletion allowance at 27.~ percent.
By its vote, the Senate decifted-for the
first time since the allowance came into
being 43 years agc>-to cuf it .. back.
Appeals Court
For H~ynsworth
RICHMOND, Va. 'kleJ) -Judge Cle·
ment F. Haynsworth Jr. returne<t to the
toll of last year. ·
The final United· Press International
tabulation showed the count trailing well
behind the 764 total of laSt year and the
estimate of the national safety council
that up to 800 persons might die durlng
this year's holiday.
Defeated wa!i a proposal by Sen. Allen
J. Ellender. (l).La.). to delete from the'
tax reform bill lhe provision which cuts
the allowance to 23 percent.
"' An attempt to Cut it even further-to
20 percent-the level approvtd by the
House in its tax reform bill-was expect·
ed cGme tG a vote later.
_-bench of the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Ap-
peals today for the first lime sinCe Presi-
dent Nixon unsuccessfully nominated him
for the U.S. Supreme Court.
The breakdown or accidental deaths
during the period from 6 p.m. Wednesday
until , midnight SUnday:
Traffic ....... , .................. 691
· lf Ellcndet's amendment l:s defeated.
Sen. John J. Williams, CR-Del.), was
ready with another to go beyond the
Senate Finance Committee action and cut
the depletion allowance . to 20 percent -
the leVel approved by the House in its tax
reform bill.
The depletion..allowance perqJtt.s oil and ~
gas firms to withhold fn'lm taxation 27.5
percent of their gross income. or SO per-
ct!:nt or their net profits, whichever is
Ellender said I.hose who support a cut
tn the allowance favored a "sock ft to the
rich" philosophy. The effect of this, he
said, might be "to sock it to all of us·."
"There is considerable evidence that
the 27.S percent allowance is too low and
1hould be increased," Ellender said.
Jn snottier development, Sen ate
Republican leader Hugh Scott said he
~·ould support a move later in the debate
to boost the present '600 personal iiicome
tax exemption - a proposal opopsed by
the Nixon administration. •
Nixon ·Schedules
News Conference
At Wltlte House
WASHINGTON (UPl)-President Nixon
will hold a news conference Dec. 8, the
White. House announced today. Jt is sure
to be cartled live on national television
and radio.
No time was set tmmediately.
This will be Nixon 's eighth general
sesiiion with reporters since taking office
last Jan. 20. His most rr.cent one was Sept. 28. . :· '
The White House al~ announced that
!hi! Prffldent will cOitfer .at tl}e White
House Tuesday with farmer Secretary
of State Dean Acheson, former Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey,c;itNew York, ind Gen.
Lucius D. G:lay, who was U.S. high coin-
mlssio~r in Germany after World War JJ.
Nixon'• press '!eeretary, Ronald L.
Ziegler, said he could provide no partic·
ulars on the meeting although he said it
was "very logical" Jt would deal with
foreign policy. _) •
The President. just back from a holl·
da.Y Y.'t.ekcnd In Florida · and the Baha·
mar, 9J)ent part of today working on the
• s~ech he will make Tuesday ·at 1he
nptnlng, of a White House conference. on
food, nutrJtlon and health.
Nixon alco conferred with Blfdget DI·
rector Robert P. Mayo on the budget he
will 111bmlt to coniress for fl&cal 11/1.
He apent_ part or his four-day vacation
wor:lr.lng on this project. ·
Basketball Pol.e
'{(.ills Y outli~ 18~
SELMA (UPI) .,... A Selma youth was
killed ln a frea'R accident S3turday when
a basketball backstop pole broke arid the
backstop fell on him.
Selma ·police said Paul Henry Bec-
cerra, 18, was playing basketball "(ith
friends at a ~Ima playground wbtn the
bal: lodJed on the M•kel ring.
Haynsworth, of Grei!nsville, S. ·c .. was
at his normaJ position as the presidin£.
judge of the seven-member court, which'
opened its December term here today.
Planes ................•..•....• 116
Fires ........ , . , • . . . . . . • • . • • •....• IS
MilCCllaneous ........•.•..•.•.... it
TotaJ ............................ 15' · It Is the first' seJSion Haynsworth has
attended in three months. He missed the
October and November sessiom of the
appeals court while his nomination waS
before the Senate,
California coonted the most traffic
fatalities , 78. There were 39 in Texas. 38
in Georgia, 36 in New York and 30 in
Pi mt
Logbook .
Drug Bust~No ~i.gThing'
For Bustling Law Firm
ot lfll 0.111 ,llet ll•ff
Testimonial letters and snapShot.s of clients some people might call hip-
pie11 or worse dtt:0rate the dark, ))8.{lelled walls in Jim Morrison's office.
One picture is of Dr. Timothy Leary.
He needs no Introduction. Monison, hov.'ever, Is a key employe at the
law offices of George H. Chula, in a comfortable old house at S22 S. Broad-,
way, Santa Ana. The firm apeciallze:s in drug cases.
Once upon a time, Morrison might have been called a private eye. His
card says Director of Activities_. Layman.
lt 11 Friday. Big, bearded, and dressed in a well-cut blue suit, Morrf..
son is waiting for a young marijuana suspect to surrender for delivery to po-
THE PRONE RINGS. The FBI i:s hunting one -of the f.irm 's clients.
. "Who? Oh yeah, the draft card burner. No. but I'll check around for
We are still waiting for the youth who ducked police
bull ets In .one of two recent · ~apes over marljuana·
charges. He Is late. He' is scared. Morrison crlticizea; the
"I'm aij for Jaw and order, the' right kind of Jew
and order. By the way. what happened t.o JlaYnsworth?,"
he asks, ha\ring been too busy to learn President Nixon's
Supreme Court nominee has been durnped by the Senate.
· "'My Cod, what a victory for justJce," he says.
CHULA ARRIVES. He has won acquittal for a client
who was arrested carrying marked money paid by undtr·
cover agents In a drug buy. He poii'lts out that possession of marked money
proves noth.lng. He lOoks tired.
"The worst thing about Friday is that in two moJe days. It's Monday,"
he quips. The father and son have arrived. They confer behln!f closed door1
with Chula, then we are introdUced. ·
The boy -he looks much younger than 22.., you see -is almost ex-
pressionless. Yeah, he's scared. H~ is cleanly shaven. although he looks bare-
ly old enough to grow a· beard . Hls long hair has beeri cut.
His father has a Ugbt, pained expression.
''How could this happen to my kid?" You can alm6!lt read his ml n d •
Th'! son's hands clutch each other, as though he Wants to hold onto. l{>Dleorte,
but trusts only hhnse)f,
Morrison breezes thrt>llgh the hallway. •
'"J'hose people hadn't spoken for a long Orne ••• unUI thls,11 he 1ay 1
quietly. ''Maybe something goOd can come out of IL"
• "Take It ei.Sy 1!10fl, everything will be okay." lhe Director ·Of Actlvltler,
Layman -as the card read• -tells the blond·haired new·client. The tlctdom
not seem &11 that convinced.
"MOOSE, drive the bo&s to Laguna." Morrison says, tuminc to 1 burly . . man.
Mo05e .and Chula take the lead. while t follow the red, AMX Javelin
driven by tM lndU1tria1lst whose kid Is Jn trouble. You can SO! him talking to
his: son. But n o t too m u c h. I wonder what they are saytna:. and 1lso Wby l
have been Invited along. We are expected at pollce htadquartera .
• . The surrender process Is cordial. routine -almost bor:IOI in a sense -
and Short. No Hollywood cops·and·robbtts 1lamour toucbta the actne at sll.
"Ste? It's no big thing," says Chula. ·
THE KID eea Mlmeofle he apparently recognizes, a narcotics detecUve.
and· amllts faintly, qt.!letly pronouncing the man's name. Tht narc was ela;ht
)'tan: Old when this kid was born.
on t)'(;O, warrants namjns the. suspect totals $1,$15 but Chula ha t
been trytng unsuccwfully to contact a judge to arrange a rtdUcUon.
It Is 5,20 p.m.; but by the Ume I reach ~ offlce;-tbe-phone Is =
~nd It II Chula. He reporta ,JlldH' Richan! Hamilton has reluctantly
'rhe tndinns' claJm to Alcatraz is btisdd the 1ettlcn.by ahuttllng 1~11e ... around
ab 11n 1868 treaty between Uie fe~eral -the island tn a gOvernment truck:. Hl1
iovcrnment and lhe Sloui nation. "ttt!tch -tam~shanter and feather attest to hll
The ooly tragic lncldcnt risulUng from
the Alcatraz occupation occurrtd Satur~
day when two persons were. klUed and
four lnjured in an auto ateldent Jnvol"" • car brin&log lndW!s .. d food lo Su
Beccerra cllmbed onto the shoo.Iden. of
a companion and was attemptJng to free
the ball whtn the pole broke.
to release the·kld on his promise t01ppear in eoort. -~
What was It he bad said? 1r1·no b11 thin.a. -' • t, I I
' '. , ..
Frandoto. •
• '
• • • •
4 DAllY PJiOT ~---1.1969 •
Don't Want_ GI~
AllieCI. Support •
cc-DH •• ... Deltr Po.t s1etn
Bucks County Dist Ally. W1~
F.~ Clark who \\~as re-elected Nov.
4 outdid his court achlevements· it;t
Do}'lestown, Pa., last week by de-
livering his baby daughter. He de-
livered the 5-pound, 15-ounce baby
'vilh advice from a nurse on the
telephone and his mother, an over ..
night guest. An ambulance later
took Mrs. Clark and her baby to
Abington Hospital where both
were reported in fine condition. •
• Ill
MY THO, Vietnam (UPI) -"We ha\•e
made progress but you can't exactly ex-
pect people who have had parts of their
family blown away by the U.S. 9tl1 lnlan-
try Dlvlalon to be wholehea!Udly on oiJr
1be wards .,.. tho6e ~ a U.S. advi>er
whose job it is to bflriend Vietnamese
civillant and try to wln their support Cor
the Allied side in the Vietnam war.
Amerlcari advisers iq this MekOng
Delta enclave. In the mldst of one of the
moot populated ttglono of South Vietruim.
uy lndiecrim.lnate killing of civilians by
the 9th Divill.on !las set back their e.f.
fort.. •
The division was wiihdrawn from Vifl-
nam last fall under Pretident Nixon's
pulloot plan. U.S. officials, military and
and civtlian ailke, are vi r l u a 11 y
unanimous in not wanting the troopr
"The 9lh DivislOn claJmed to have kill·
od 33,00I VC (Vl<t Olng) while operating
hi. this area." sak! ·one adviSf':l'. "Our in.
teliigence eitimateo ooly ~ 42,000
Cornmunlal lroopl for the ..i&e Mekong
DeKa. 'lbt difference had to ame from
· The ">iiestioo ls Iha! ~came from the
civilian population. At leut one In-
vestigation 1s under way into a tepcri
that the U.S. lroopl used me vtllage near
My Tho far target practice.
Many civilians were killed by t!Mr m.
discrlmlnate Ule o( JDIU firtpoWQ:'.
weapona llllCh 11 hellcoper gurllhlps and
artillery in areas where there was a large
civilian populatloo, U-""""""'aald.
According to the U.S. officials, the 9lh
Division lroops bad orders to pu!h their
"body coon!" ~ dead guerrillu u high
a.s possible. 'ni.s, the advisers said,
re9Ulted in further civiUan cuualtles.
'Ibere 1s no way for the advisers to
delmnlne euct!y how many civilians
were involved in Olb DM.sion operations
because there are no accurate estimates
of the civilian population in Viet Cong
American oJlidals will not give for
publication the number or Viet Cong in
the three l""Vmc.. for which My Tho ii
headquarters but the figures do not jibe
with kill figures· provided by the 9tb
Red Siege of V.S. Camp
00• Mich•!. 3~.";..-.,ar~·~osts 1,3{!0_ Enemy Dead
a.nd co-owner oJ station WRAJ iii •
Anna, Ill.~ a.nd hil.13·year·old da~ft. SAIGON (UPJ) -North Vietnamese Americana fn VtetnaiU u1d 4,900 U.8.
ter, Jant, prepare to l.au~h a nation-troops hit the Bu Prang special forces servicemen left the country last week as ~ide campaign against pornographll camp with 150 artillery and mortar tbe GI war ione level dropped to 479,500
rn. memory of S~n: Everett .,M. Dirk· rounds today, but U.S. spokesmen said -lowest since December, 1967. 11li!
sen . Tht: campaJQn. caUed SOS for the five week siege of .the camp 112 miles represented a drbp of 63 300 men from E~," wi,ll urgi: citiz~n.s to SUPJX!rt northeast ot Saigon had cost the Com· the peak level, 542,800, 1.asi ~ruary. Dirks~~ Senate. J!ill _ 1077 which-munists 1,300 dead. ' Jt meant that Nixon had fulfilled his
would ive local _JJ.1.rl~ fuwl say over The renewed shelling which killed two promise to pull 60,000 men out of the war
.whethe someth1~g is obsetiie. Th~ American artillerymen . came as U.S. zone in two stages -25,000 by August
SOS st{lnd.s for SJ.amp Out Smut. troops strength in Vietnam dropped and 35,000 by Dec. IS. 8 fl · below the 480,000 level for the first time
Three bachelors \\•ho advertised in two years, meaning that President
in a Cincinnati ne\vspaper for Nixon had sur:passed his goa1 of reducing
Thanksgiving letters were surpris-troop strength to 4&4,000 men by mid·
ed at the elephone calls they re-December. The a11 time peak of U.S. ceit·~d. "\Ve were exeecting little troop strength was 545,000 last 'February.
old Jadif:i; to ca11.'' satd J im Mey-Intelllgence reports said the Com•
ar 23 "but most of the callers munist.s were trying to overrun the foot· w~re 5°ingle girls." One of the call-ball. ·field sized .Bu Pr~g Camp ~fore
ers invited ?\1eyar. Tom Leslie, 24, Chnstmas and that.ll_ley were paying a
and Jay Campbell, 24, for dinner. heavy ~i:fce -J,300 killed. by around the
This was one bonus of their ad re-clock air ai_id artillery sbik~s in support
questing leftovers. "\Ve got a lot of 3.~ Vietnamese .combing the s~·
of fun and a number of names and roun~ing mountains where the Com-
telephone numbers of the girls" murusts .br~ught in 5,000 to 7,000 troops.
gaid Jim ' South Vietnamese losses were about 200
· a d~ad.
...,. The sources said the North Vietnamese
House1vives in Ashton. Eng·
land. are goi11g to pJa y a
"Grudge" football match·
against their husba11ds, and tht:
stakes are high. In cast of a fe·
male victory, lhe lu~bands will f
do the house1vork ond pay for f
i a 11ight out for 1.heir spouses.
1 But 1f the ht1.sba11d$ win, they
will have unlimited permissio"
tl'1 play Satu rday golf <Hid the
wives toi/L fi11.a11ce a night O!Lt
at a strip club. ·
• Pauline -Cooper's car, a 1957
Chevrolet. has been stolen three
times in Venice .. Calif. in recent
\veeks. Police recovered it each
time but there was always some-
thing missi ng -the battery, the
front wheels, the radio. Police said
it's the type of old car thieves like.
But they're going to have trouble
from now otl. Mrs. Cooper bought
a chain and padlock and each
night she parks it in front of h e r
house \vith the chain through the
·front windpw vent and .around a
l~p post·
primary aim was to prove that ''Viet--
namiz.atlon" of the war will not work.
Two U.S. battalions recently moved into
Ban lf.e Thuot, the rear support area 5
miles from Bu Prang, but spoke!liman
said they were there on1y to •free more
South Vietnamese for fronlline duty.
A weekly . report on the nwnber of
Wido·w Un veils
Churchill Statue
LONDON (UPI) -Laaf""ctementine
spencer -Churchill today unveiled a 71h:·
foot-high bronze statue of her late hus-
band, Sir Winston Churchill, in the
members lobby of the liouse o( Com·
mons. .
A crowd or distinguished guests that in·
eluded Prime Minister Harold \Vilson
murmured their admiration al the..$26,400
likeness or Sir Winston in a debating
pose, but his 84-year-old widow spoke not
a word.
She gaud up silently al it for a few
moments and then was eacorted from the
lobby by the speaker of the House of
C.Ommons, Dr. Horace Kin&·
H-eavy Snowfall
Draft LOttery·
Capsules Ready
For 1st Drawing
tonight. a young man was to ltep up to a
glass jar at Selective Service head-
quarters, stick his hand down among 366
plastic capsules and draw one out to
begin the nllion's first draft lottery since
the dark days of World War IL
It was a picture from the history books
-like the ooe showing war Secretary
Henry L. Stimson pulling a green capsule
frOm a "fishbowl" in 1940 -or the one
depicting a blindfolded war Secretary
Newton D. Baker reaching into the same
fishbowl ln 1917. n
But there was an important ·difference.
1'onight"s seene,.m more or less the' same
form, will be repeated every year from
now on, unless the Jaw is changed or
President Nixon fulfills his aMounced
desire for an all.voluntetr anny.
And the concept of tonight'ii drawing
was--unlike all the previous in an attempt
to come up with as fair a lottery as has
been devised.
There were 56 youth representatives al
the drawing. They drew, and continued
drawing, Wltil all 36 capsules were open-
ed. Each capsule containtd a date of the
year, including Feb. 29 even if there iS no
Feb. 29 in the year's calendar. The dates
were to be pl{lced on a Ii.st in the order
drawn, and men will be called for in·
duction in the order that the date of their
blrth falls on that list.
. Thus if Feb. 8 "'as the firSt date drawn,
all men whose birthdates are Feb. 8 will
be at the lop of the heap for callup during
• Ill East
Buffalo (and O.J.) Stagger Under 7 Inches
en tM !Ir.I 'd•Y of 0eo;.,,,M ......
-~n llYI ?.out111rn •(;.111111f'nl1
v1rl1~1 <'-t• Kl!!t rf'd lhow1r1, 1
·-ft_~el ste&.rv '' •.ooo fttl •~cl "'ll ""Kt! tem1>1,.••ure (P\6not #I I! !h4!
11t111 ,,.. .,9111c;11o11 Ill 11\0f'I OI tfll' w mt
le <OIM.
~OUTMfltN c..Altll'OlllH tA -.,,_.,.,
c:lov<ll' tll.Wt~ T1>tW&¥ will> Ktllt•«I
.i-.r• mostl'f mo1'"!1fn 1<!d ,~,·~•
''"" s-~ "''' 6000 ltt!. Not 11'11.1(11 1-llUll (Nin",
LOS ANGELE~ AltEA -... ,.,,.,.
clclud'f fl'lr-11 TlleM!e'I' wllll JI M•·
c...t e!Vnc• of 1~. Not rnvc11 ..._,..f\/fw cl\9~... L_. -It
Hlt ll fl\Ol'd•1 10.
• Temperatures
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llel11 ......
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,,lrtlllr*t . .. _,,.
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d 0\1111 -thtf" Wlrtl Kl "trH i.howfrl,
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l'letttdou1 lrwn 11Mt1t1 Htw Yerk
tl'l•Olllfl Htw tntlt 'll! -
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to ""' -'~'"' A~a11K11ltn1 . Wltrl'lff' ,.,.,..,f!11r.1 -. ''M<l'td h1' lt>1ll 11111 "'' tow" Mlnlu!11ol .. n..,"' '!'""~I ll'Ol'llon °' ,,. Mflf,.·trt,
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Pno ll:eblt1 ·-· l'il!ltiurt~
li:eftlCI City
Pld l lUfl
$111 Li t t Cl!r
St~ Oi.111
"'" 'rtlltlK!I '""'' ll!OlltM
,, '' " ... •f '-' " " ~' ~I .. ,,
n "' " .. JI 31
IS 21 .. " ~ u -" .. .,
u " " .. .... .....
j ! 71 " .. .....
Carftons, Costa Mesa's Finest :Men's Store, must dose Its door forever, due to
the paulng of Mr. Carlton. We must sell all our fine stock of nationaUy ad•
vertised brands In men's clothing, sportcoats, slacks, and In fine furnishings
of Shirts; sweaters · & knits. In order to clear all our obligations, all ou·r prices
have bffn slashed drastically from 30°/o to 70°/o. Come prepared to buy,
this is Orange County's biggest going out of business sale.
Out Entire Stock To The Bare Walls
--OW--D.,!J O~Re.g. I __ _j)J!l Re • ··-. s5500 56f>O s7f>o
' $2500
NOW $45
Our Reg. Our Reg. Our Reg.
SSf>O s10000 s15000
NOW s53oo NOW
578 00 . $9900
NOW ------·-
Our Re«J.
NOW $25
Perm. Press
Nat. Adv.
. $65-0
Our Reg. 516°0
NOW $12so
Our Re«J.
$3200 NOW
Val. to 516°0
Nat. Adv.
Short Sleeve-
. ' s4oo
·Our Reg;
Hand Tailor
Val. to · 535°0
Nat. Adv.
Suede Front
Reg. 528°0
NOW ' $·190()
27.'.Q I. 17th St., Hllgren Squtire, Costa Mesa
6pen Daily 10·9 OPE~2 -!~~DAY Saturday 10-6
B~NKAMERIGARD JOi'You1 ••••"'11Nc1
• I
,.. .............. "!"'11111!!1' ....... ~,~ .......................... ~----,.,.., .... ""':".,...~ ...... ~....,...,.....,r"Y'~~~..-~-.--...... -~~~,-,.-·~.~~-~~....,,.,.,..._~ • T
• ..
Fe~• .~ta11ey N.Y. Steeb . ·~ ..
VO l.-62, NO. 287. 2 S~TIONS; 30 PAGES
-. . -
ORANGE COUNTY, ·c AtlFORNIA: MONDA r: DECEt:41n 1, .l ''' TEN CENTS . --
4 .
' Largest · ~rsen_al Seized
Alamitos. Marksman Held -f.or. Ilwgal A·rmS ·C~h~
-. .. " i
A Los Alami'°" ·Naval Air Station Gary stella, 31, ol 1131 Ca\al(>O-Ave.. rlldk:al-. political · -·" uJjl a for ~ !pecia} T·man ...Im that ....tied
marksman and former, reserve police of. Anaheim, and Charles Hatfield, 38, of spokesman for the U.S.~ Deplrt-one c11t ft(r Bix .. mcntha. • . ·
ficer wu arrested along with his pal· 7431 EL VFrapo· Drive, Buena Park, were ment, 't{bOee'uera· made the arrests. Steuard and hfi" brothef·in-law. Alan .R.
Sunday as federal authorities seized wha( to be arriigned tod§y before a U.S. com· 'lbe pm oaotrol act jfbiclt authorized Otto, ·st,· of Baldwin ·Part, 'wbc> wu ar·
they claim to be the largest arsenal of mJsslone< in Los An&eles. the UTell ct'lhe two Orwice COOnly meo, reotm by Irwindale police ·while he
illegal arms in Southland history. They -like ~er Southl&Dd man as .'fell• II Nul hob&yilt James G. aBegedlY"dispoeecl of iOme of St'euard's
The raid on a suburban .Los Angeles and biz brother-in-law arrested in linked, steuanr,.l2., ,of .Ro*'8J¥1 HUls ·and his rellcl. abo faced arraiPmeftt tod.IY,
County warehouse in Maywood and an but aeparate raidl -are cliar~ with brotbei'_.11.w, Ja . pa~·-~ at Stella. who ii .!~~r ;at Los
Orange County home yielded 45 foreign. violatloo of dle 1961 Federal G\D1 Control private,annlel. · · Alamitos Naval Afr Sta&.kxl,-.and. HIUield,
made machlneguns and was the third Act. '"Ibeft is no evidence at Uils time that a .market manager, ,were iirrested after
such c~ over the weekend, autboritales "There Js no evidence at tllil: time that any oi" 'tie anna~were connected with T·men arranged to buy a,haul qf surplus
indicaled. any of the arms were corinected with · paramilitary acUvtty," flld a spokesman (See ARSENAL, Pase ))
My Lai Case
Role Taken '
By Lee B_ailey
Coast trr~ •
V"1Ican:o Death
Atty. F. Lee Bailey, re\lresenung the · _
-Sen. Mundt's
Arm Crippled
Froin Stroke
From Wire Services M stery Grows
com any CQmmander who ordered an
Mundt, (Jl..S.D.,) has suffered a paJ1ially
tn capacitaUng stroke and bis tondltion is
COO!Klerea ·9e11.ous--'""ui00gn he ts ncx in
darigel\ his office said Monday. I
O'AILY.PILOT Si.ff Ph_,.
In the Police ~ab, Some Sophi5ticated Chess P1ecn .
'Best in County'
·Beach P-olice Lab Work
Has lt,s Own Chql.l~nge
Of flte Diiiy Pllet Sll'ff
Catching criminals can be like.an in·
tricate game of chess and som~ ?f the
police ·department's most. ~s:t1ca~~d
chess pieces can be fouod·m 1ts-sc1entif1c
investigation lab.
Sorveillance is another field the police
1ab is involved in. When detectives are in·
vestigating certain cases, they require
cl~onic equlpmcnt to help.
assault on My Lai in wJUeh SOU et~ \
namese civilians allegeciJX Were Special to tJw: DArLY PILOT
massacred said'today "no one was·unde~ · WAILUKI, Haw~ -1be mystery
orders to shoot civilians ." deaths o{ a yowig_-C>range Coast couple
.Bailey's acocunt of what happened at and their baby girl who plUDied. into the
the hamlet in March 1968 was in behalf of so-cal led Bottomlesz Pit of 1 volcanO
Capt. Ernest L. Medina, whom the famed here _ a book of pc>elry by LSD ex·
criminal lawyer is representing. He said · perimenter Dr. Timothy Leary left at the:
Medina issued no orders for a slaughter. edge _ are officially in the unsolved file
nor were any such orders issued to tOOay.
Medina by his superiors. · Police officials on the Island of Maul
f\.1eanwhile. a team of SOuth Viet. have: n:fused to speeulate on whaUed to
namese national assemblymen began the three deaths, but no form&l probe of
their own Investigation· into the Song My foul play Is plabned.
massacre tGday in defiance of President John' M----"Robble" Robinson, 25, his
Nguyen Van Thieu. wif~en. 18, and daughter Heather,
The group of four men was led through six months, suffered multiple.injuries and
t~ paddles . and bombeckut village . by died talmOst instantly in the Haleakala ·
Sen. Tran Van Don, the Assembly's op-Crater fall more than one y.oeek ago.
position leader ind chairman _of· the .;'You -might jnst-say-that all suffered
Senate defense commit•. 11).Ultiple injuries, the kind·yw.rtlight e1·
·Don announced last ~~k·he Would con-. pect ~':ten a. ~-fallz ~a· hole .65 feet ' d~ct th~ inv~stlgatlant!e' •·diilJl<>t · dt~•ah!,:Dr. ~..,.9'1 ~.._,_, -· btllevethe'Dl6eU. •' •SisieiUiib J ~4 'thie..utosiiles ... (JI~··.·· ·
that. there wu M· by U.S.· -Alitaol'llleo at·fir!I 5111peded a BUlcide
tmopo ins..,. lly cn ICpOlt-:C. *'· pjunp; but no J\Ole·",11 f<Mld Md Ille m-
At the same time, i:noiher group 0t ly lndJcatiom left at the rim of. the hole
SOuth Vietnamese lawmakers was begin-were a camera and the"Leary book.
ning a second investigation, this one for a Lynn Thompson, 1Uperintendent of
committee of the lower house of the Haleakala .National Park, where the dor·
Assembly. It; too, lacked Thieu's sane· mant vo)cano is a tourist attractkP,l, told
tion · ~ --the DAILY PILOT; "I doubt Jf any real
Thieu reasserted his position through a
conclusion will be reached." •
"We're not conducting an investigation
as far u foul play, there's no evidence ol
th at," be said.
The FBr concurred with park officials
fit this belief, Thompson added.
However, he said there is a four-foot·
high wire fence around the crater which
pretty well ruled oot the poulblllly of fallln& accidentally. He. said pel'SOllJ
would tiave to climb the fence to fall into
the .so<:alled Bottomless Pit.
ThomJ>S!Xf aald the bodies of the young
couple and the;lr infant were broug}lt out
of th€ pit by park rangers who clt5cendell h1· rope.-They were then · removed · bf
i,u~.. . .
The bodiea ol the former Lquna •
Niguel r"idlnts were i<!enlilled by his
mother.,'tfMn". Sarah 1~f ·2U8L· ·. ' ,. . . Via 'Aqw a!tve .• '11,ii-.'.l<,J >' An Oi'Utp 'County ....... _d today II!'
undentood~ the Bobinsam ~ ac-. qulloted Wilh'Dr, Leary, but bled
the icqualnlllice .. men!ty 'caouaJ.
, cr.maUoa followed the autoplli., of the
Roblnion family vlc\lmo and they are to .
be returned to the Qra"nge.· Coast for in·
~ according to auQK>rtUes In
Hawaii. •
Mundt, 69, has lost· partial use of his
right arm, ·has difficult)!~walklng and
speaking, arxrwfll be·In"'Bethe3da Naval
Hospltal for at least six to eight weeks,
said a statement_ by his adininistrative
assistant, Robert L. Mt'Cal}ihey.
'l)leTe has been no thought , another
aide said, of the senatcr giving up his of.
_ McCaugtiey said his statement was
based on the opinion of Mundt's physi-
cian, Dr. Rufus J. Pearson.
"The doctors are hopeful for I mum
d. funeUon and normal recovery for the
_ senator. Howe ver, it is anticipated he will
be bolSpitalized foe several . weeks,
poMilily. m to eigbl," McCaughey llld.
0 RihabilllaUon lrialffieni-W-expeet<il--
t& bight the· middle of. Uris week ·to
restore capability to the senator1•Tight ann ..
.. The senator'• coodlllon Is temll!d
'serloua' but be ls not considered lri
danger, In addlUon .to bi! right arm, o!
which he haii lfllt partial uSe, he II ela·
~~ing, difficulty in speaking and dlf·
fkulty in wa lking.
. ".ffls ga1 t Jsa ·n6t as steady as it should
he due to .,..1mes15 in his right leg, also
affected by the llroi<e which doctora
descrtbql as moderate-sized. Sgt. Robert Sorensen runs the Hun-
tington. Beach department's Jab, labeled
by at least one FBI authority as the
"best police lab in Orange County."
~deo tape cameras, special cameras
witH telephoto lenses and high speed film,
tape recorders and. even t i n y
microphone "bugs" add to the l o t a I
scope of crime investigation.
.. Some e:q>ensive equipment the police
l ab· uses both for identification and in·
yestigatiort incluaes:
spokesman. Saturday, saying "there will
be no .more investigations. This case is
closed so far as the. gOvemment is ·con-
cerned. The incident was an act of war.
It has been thorC!_ughly investigated."
Santa Ana Youth Killed . "Sen. Mundt is comprehemtve, alert,
ea.Ung regular me3Is a n d wat.
ches televls~on, such as-yesterday's foot.
b:&-!I games," Mt'Caughey'1 stttement
concluded . "Among city departments," adds Sgt.
SoienSen since the sheriff's department unquesti~ably has the largest and finest.
Four men, one secretary and th~ee
part-time chemists staff the lab with
responsibility for :Identification of all
physic~l evidence gathered. from ~he scene of an crimes in the city. They re
he}\led by nine patrol ofricers trained. in
crime-scene investigation (CSI) who p1ck
up .materi al from the scene or routine
A typical day £<>r Sgt. So~n lncl~es
81arge amount Df paper work m addition
to time spent with intricate equipment.
"Jn the morning I might ·spend hou rs
shuffling through h u n d r e.d s or
f.irigerprints to find a pair that matches,"
he explains.
The glamour side of police lab work
may not be quite so bright as on
television, but it "has its own kind of
challei'lge," add s Sorertreq.
When an expended bullet is sent to
"'bellistics" for 1dentification, Sorensen, or one of his men, will look at it under a
microscope, check its markings and
rfJbtm a i"epq;j. to detectives. But they
can't say the bullet came from one single
weapon, W'ltil they have the weapon to
Jewels Valued
At $4,000 Taken
A careful truer lifted neai-ly $4,000 in j~iry and other items from a ll.~n
tington Beach home over the weekend
while the ownet was away ccp:nping.
Fidwar:d S. Stone, 55, of 17352 Golden
West St., told police he and his wife went
caJllpj.ng Saturd ay morning ~ntl returned
SuDday afternoon to find the front door
wide 'open and the jewelry missi ng.
1lems taken included a $1.500 jewelry
set _of a white gold ring with an opal
sfOM, a necklace with an opal stone on a
whit1:·gold chain and matciling earrings;
a ~ white -gold wedding ring with six
'matt :dlamonds in It; and a $500 gold ring
with-a round ruby surrounded by six
small'lilamonds. •
bilddlUon to more jewelry tht ttlier
took a 'rifle, a bovding ball, a violin and a
· ii.eu2, percolator.
·Police sakl the person or penom
r"p0nslbl< hod forced enuy through the
front doot, snapping 'a chain loc'k in the
procw, then had e1reruuy searched Ult
hou•e not dlsturhfng anything bu! the
Items Ulken.
An analytical ba lance capable of
measuring 1/10,000 of a gram. Th.is $2,000
scale is so sensitive a spec}{ of dust might
throw it off.
More accounts by servicemen who
were pr~sent at the alleged mass killings
continued to appear over the weekend, .
including that of a sergeant who called
the affair "point·blank murder."
As Auto Hits Gua drail
A high powered microscope with two
viewers lG compare one object ~·ith
another. Valued at $5,000 this equipment
can compare anything from two human
hairs to markings on a safe door and the
screwdriver. used to open it.
'Video tllpe, another $5,000 item, is cur-
rently used for surveillance and training.
In the future it may be used to snap a
pennancnt.record of dtunk drivers.
An entire chemistry lab also ls
available to Huntington Beach crime
fighters. The three part-time chemists
~ the chemicals exclusively for iden·
tificatioo of narcotics.
''Our job is completely objective,''"said
Sgt. Sorensen, "we aren't trying to prove
someone innocent or guilty. only that cer· .
ta.in factors are scientifically true."
The court's attitude about scientific in·
"-estigation is that physical facts shed .
light on the subject. eiplained Soren.sen.
"SGmetimes .'' he continued, "it's a
D\3tter:, perhaps, or matching wits with
a criminal who has planned his job ahead
or )time. We have to figur e out how he
planiied it.''
Medina has not been charged in the
case. A murder charge has been brought
at Ft. Benning, Ga., against one of his
platoon leaders, Lt. William L. Calley Jr.
Bailey said Medina reported to his
superiors after the attack that there had
been 2 Sto1 28 civilian casualties and was
told by a major, "That sounds about
.}'The company commander received no
orders to butcher anyone or to kill any
~·omen and children -and he issued
(See ft.IV LAI, Page 2)
Beach City Council
A 16-year-old Santa Ana boy died early
today when his car Jmashed into a
guardrail on the Garden Grove Freeway.
Orange police Said the vehicle driven
by Leonard MorrisOn wu traveling at
high speed when it went oot· of control on
the freeway near the Lewis Street
ove rcrossing.
The car finished upside down in the
freeway's emergency lane after rolling
for more than 100 yards with its youn.1
driver parily hanging out of the vehicle.
The boi was 'dead on-arrival at a nearby
Morrison was th~ secmd Santa A.nan to
be killed in freeway traffic during the
l\feetings Rescheduled -
Huntington ~ City C o u n e 11 • a
regular meeting scheduled for torught has
been pootponed to Dec. 8.
Most councilmen will be attending a
League of California Cities session in San
Diego, •
NEW YORK (AP) -Stock-prices...,_
linued to fall on a widening Cront. '11\'ith
trading volume .1Ughtiy ahead· "of'l'rit
day'• moderate pace. (See quoiaUOlll,
Pages 14-15).
Mass acre Suit .
See ks N.ews Ba1i
WASHINGTON WE!J:• -Both pr0<
secution and defense in the cl~e of 1st Lt.
WUliam L. Calley Jr., cllarged with
murder in·tM,alleged Vietnarrvn assacre,
filed today for,an injunction against news
media•reporting.oC statementll ·abeut ·the
.Newport Trash Co~ctor
Trapped hy .Truck Blade
. The two sides filed a joint petition ask·
itig the u. s. Court or A1illtary Appeals
for a restraining order against the ml'dia.
The court arranged to begin hearing
arguments immediately.
The petition liskld·as "respondent.a" the
ma;jor news media or the country, In-
cluding UPI and ~ssociated Press, the
networta CBS and NBC, the magazines
Life, Newsweek and..olher$L and the na·
&ion's newspapen. ~
Calley faces a court martial on charges
ol murdttlng more than too Sooth Viet.
nam'5' c:Ivllians last year Jn the village
of Sarli 11-ty. 'Ille lieiftenant now ls.at Ft,
Benning. Ga., bt.1l 1S not ln custody.
. (
Newport Beach city lr1l5h collector
Chris Patterson. 20, who spent an agoniz-
iog hour wi th his ann trapped In a huge
blade in a rubbish tnlek Saturday morn-
ing was recovering nk:ely today, doctors
PatterM1n,.JfiO W. WUIOn Ave., 'Costa
Mesa, suffertM a crushed arm at 21st
Street and Irvine Avenue when his an'n
became trapped in Ute CQ!;npmlOr blade
of the huge rig. ·
Police summoned aid from lloag
Memorial H"!>iial lhorlly •ft.. the man
became trapped and Dr. I" e.tv In
Sl)atavsky arrived to admlnl!tel pain-kill·
tn.g drugs while rflreemen and city
mechanics worked tp fr~ Patter90n'I
ann. wtth It look an hour of
1celylcne t.orcbeli .and
pryq ,with ,
hydraulic jacU to reacue Pattenon,
police llld.
Paft«Mn 1at« recounted lhe caU9e of
the painful mishap.
He was loading tree limbs into the
truck at 10 a.m. he said, when one
became stuck in the blade.
lie lifted the apparatus to push the
limb farther back into the rubbilh c:dm;
partment when tM "blade zlammed down
onto his 1rm pinning it against the bot·
tom of the chamber.
The fon:e ol the· blade pull~
plctely Into the trallh bi n, poll<e said.
Hospital aid~ said Patterton suffered
a severe fracture d his left foreann and
Docton· aaid today the arm will }leal .
nnd . Pattenon J1 progrt81ing Hvery
·satisfactorily." ·
' . ' ' f
' ' ·--? ~· .. -
MJehatl Ruark,
following a eolllll
Buena Park near
, died lato Friday
on Valley View in
Artesia Freeway
Buena Park officers blamed a faulty
traffic signal for a 1 collision in which
Roark's car collided with an auto driven
by a Ftillerton youth.
Witnesses 1aid both cars entered the
busy intersection on green lights and Ruark'~·aufo rolled zeveral times foOow-
ing th impact. ~wing the drlver
beneath the vehicle.
RUalki was .dead on anival at Llncoln Comm ty aoepltal, Buena Park.
Ex ·.
:....rt Reports
To White House
01i Viet Study
House announced today that a BriUzh
'C?U11ter-insur1ency e x p e.r 1 is In
W ubl!lglon to report to the ad·
mJnistraUOn on a special study -he ~de
of the political and military ~tuallon in
The specialist is Sir Robert Thompson,
archlltcl _of the ·British victory o""r
Malayan Communist guen'illas in tht late
t950s and held ol the British advisory
ml,sim to South Vietnam from lMl to
1965. .
Ronakl L. Zlegler, White: HOUie press
secretary, sald '.(bompoon had checked
into the progress of U.S. trlnlfer of
"ml11tary rtsponaiblllty to the South
Vietnamese. and of the paclllcatlon pro-
gram in the countryside. 'Ibompeon con-
ferred "With Nixon Oct. 17 before making
th• trip.. •
Ziegler said Thom peo:n would ·report. to
U.S. officials including Dr. Henry A.
l<Jsslnger, the President's special usls-
iant for natlonat·lfCUT'ity af(ilfl. • ·
Asked ti ThomplOJI made lliO tour ~I
Nixon's 'riq\Jest, Zle'gier saJd lfe UTI-
dentood the ztiidy wu under'"ausplce. of i
thl·Rand'Corporallon. • prlvate niearch
flnn, buec( (JI CallfornlL .
i ~
-. -•, -~ .... --'
Mundt is the ranking Republican on the
Government Operation ComrrUttee--of tne
Senate, and the body'a No. 2 GOP
member on the Appropriations Com-mittee.
Prisoner's Death
Listed 'Suicide'
Orange County Coroner's investigators
today listed as suicide the death of a
Fullerton man who hanged himself Fri·
day night in County Jail.
DepuUes said Dwayne Ray Rumsey, IS,
strangled himself with his T-shirt in hls
jail cell shortly after being booked Into
the. facility on suspicion of posseSllion of
dangerous drugs and being tmder the Ur
fluen ce of dangerous drug.sf
Jailers sald•Rumsey, woo was alone fn
the cell, was dbcovered in a kneeling
posit.ion with one end of his shirt knotted
around his nect and the other Ued to a
bunk ·bed. ~
Rumsey was dead on arrival at St.
Jude Hospital, Fullerton.
Weatltel' -
rt•s enough to dampen your
spiri ts -and everything else.
Scattered ahowtrs Jl"t on tap ~
night-with. a 30 percent chance of
more Tueeday. Temperaturu wW
huddle around 'IO degree>.
llubert ff umphrev uriU moJc·i
b~ political comeback to ~fgh
light .some Senate .,.aces ne:rt
~tar feoturlno an e.z:-attronaut
and a jamou, namt. Page 2-f.
. \
l f
~ -• zzC '
I -
Through the Looking Glass •
Stove for Efforts
Wife Wins Cooking Cont.est
Of "" oeny fllltl INff
• lalll!hJnily, el!teft<j the eooklni <la,.
because "I chanced .my·mijor. and It was
ooe of the few ch1.S1et open to me." Lee del\falignon ls !O am her husf>Jnd
Cary b 21. She likes bell-bottom jtj.ns,
painting and drltwing, cOokin& ag(I her
husband. He goes to Loyola Univerrlty,
where he's in bis first year of law achOol.
They live in a tiny hoose in 'Co6ia
Mesa, filled with ~utiful artlques, in-
cluding a plush red sofa wlth curvy le11
and arms, and a ref:rigel'Mtor th1t's "one
of the old ones·-a gft!Uine ~."
says Lee.
Up until a couple of weeU aio. the
refrigerator, which is painted pale green,
had a matching stove sl the same vin-
tage. But now the deMallgnons heve
spoiled everything: Lee won a new ranae.
It doesn't match the tetrlgerat<r.
'But neither of them l!ftm1 to care.
"It works like a champ," Lee said <I.
the new &love, donated by Davis-Brown
Appliances of Costa Mesa. '
The new range ls the result of Lee.'1
decision to ·enter a cooking class, eO-
sponsored by Orange Coast Colleae, the
DAILY PILOT, Southern Countiea Gu
Company and Alpha.Beta A~e marketa.
Lee, an.art maj<r 1at Orange ·Coast
Colleg~. "for the next 35 yean," ~e aJd
At the class, held. once weekly at tht
Mesa Theater, she learned bow to cook
But she and Gary most prefer horne-
baked bread, cake and cookies.
"Our first meal with the new stove was
1ima tieanll and barn hoc<. l>urwe baked
brad the next day," said Lee.
Lee -ts 1o help put Gary through
11chool. 'Jbe d<Mallgnons 3hare their
IXlne with two cats named )..utj!er and
Sammy Snowahoes, a dog n&med Lady.
two mice named Peep JOO Boo, and
another mouse on the loose named
Speedy. .
"I wu: really surprised to come home
from law achool and find a stove," said
Gary, "I've never woo anything." .
But he was no !non surprised than
Lee. It wu the second time she's won
unethtng, but the first time was when
she was seven years okl. "I won a Dele
Evans watch. but it broke the eecond
weak I had IL"
"That troiler works like nothing you've
ever seen," &he bubbled. "Even ham· ::r steak comes out just like llteak ·" \
Faulty Floor Furnace
Inside Ltmar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) Apollo 12 Commander
Charles "Pete" Conrad exhibit• some of grapefruit-size moon rocks
he and fellow moon walker Alan Bean collected during their stay on
the moon's surface last month. At right, Conrad sbows off part of TV
camera taken from unmanned Surveyor which he and Bean dis-
mantled. while on the moon. Photos were taken through itass window
at LRL in Houston, where Apollo 12 astronauts will rematn in quaran·
tine until Dec. 10.
Of Artist Andrew Wing
From Pqe l
MY LAI ..•
none," Bailey said~ interview.
Bailey, who 1aJ he is representing
Medina, said the cap in ordered the at·
tack on the village on infonnation tltat it
was full of Vlet Cong, and that "they
were expected to be the only ones 1n the
Bailey said Medina later got a
bellcopter report that there were women
and children ln the area, but was told on·
ly to "exercise caution," not to stop the
ahooling. •
Ballef's defense Medina-followed
reports from soldiers involved, some of
whom refused to shoot at the women and
children. · · ·
Among those recalling their ex·
periences in the current i!slle of Life
magazine was Sgt. Michael Bernhardt,
who called the incident ''point-blank
He said he told his offlcer1: ''The hell
with this, I'm not doing it."
Sgt. Charles West, a squad leader, &aid
?r.edina "didn't glve us an order to go in
and kill women or children."·
He said they had been a:iven a briefing
that "put fear into a lot of our hearts"
and were warned to ei:ped heavy
resistance, but added: '
"Nobody told us about handllng
civilians, because at the lime I don 't
think any of us were aware of the fact
th1l we 'd run into civilians ..•
''This WiS going to be our first real live
battle, and we made up our minds we
were going to go in and with whatever
means possible wipe them out."
Ocean View Trustees
To Discuss Dedication
Trustee.s of the Ocean View School
I>Mtrict have schedul~ a meeting for
7:30 p.m. Tuesday to consider the dedlca·
tim <i an easement at the Sun View
School site.
The meeting will be held at the
dlstr:ict's board room, 7972 Warner Ave.
Rei1rt N . W11d
r1u1denl •NII P»bllihtr
J•'" R. cu,1.1 Vice Pte)liitnl 1nd Ge~•• M•M•eef"
Tht m11 K11vil
Editor ,
lho"''' A. M111phi"i ~1119in1 £d1l0f'
Alb11f W. 1~111
,l.noci.11 Editor
H•11tl"f'•• hMai OHie:•
JQ9 Stk S1111t
M1ili"g A.4d1•ft1 P.O. 111 7'0, !Jl41
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111H!l•tt dl1lt11tU•r1, J).ot l'nOl\Tti.ly,_
Driver Escapes Serious
Injury in SA Collision
It wen't a particularly ~ time for
the Kent who had to be helped from hi1
shattered auto by Santa Ana police o(.
ficers early today but all _present agreed • that it was a pretty lucky one.
Kent H. Willard, '27, 1urvived a spec-
tacular accident that began when he Jost
control of his eastbound vehicle 811 he ap-
proached the Santa Ana River bridge on
Valley C.Oun~il
Meet Postponed
Fountain Valley's city council meeting
Tuesday mi. been poatponed unUl Dec. 8,
because councilmen are attending the na-
tional League of Cities conference thia
week in San Diego.
Mayor Edward Juit and Councilman
George Scott are attending the entire
four-day session, today through 'J'hurg..
day, while Councilmen Ron Shenkman
will attend today through Wednesday,
and Bernie-Sval.rtad, Tuelday and
Vice Mayor John Harper canceled his
pl anned trip to San Diego because of ii·
lness. ·
Wi.llard '.s car ekidded towards the bar·
rier and finally came to rest impaled on a
guardrail. Officers said SO feet of the 70..
fooL metal rail went through the motor of
Willard's car, slashed through the front
and rear seal!, forced its way through
the truni:·and finally protruded from the
~ck of the ear.
Willard, cul and bruised and shakei;i but
otherwise unhurt. was treated at Orange
County Medical Center and allowed to go
"All he want-ed," an officer said, "was
a cigarette to steady his nerves. Na, he
didn't say which brand!'
She's Got Love Note
But Clolhf?s Missing
A Huntington Beach housewife put her
clothes out to dry SUnday afternoon while
she and her tiusband went shopping.
\Vhen she returned home the clothes "''ere
ml!Sing and hanging in their place was a
band printed note saying, "I love you."
Police are still searching for the miss~
ing clothes of J\frs. Nancy Goole, 38, of
6432 Shayne Drive.
Vet· Seeking Job
Disabled But Luckier Than Most
James Blood ts luckier than many
disabled Vietnam War veterans.
He has legs to walk on huntlng WQ!'k.
"I've really been hitting the pave-
ment," said Blood, 21M Placentia Ave.,
Costa Mesa, whose classification to
rective federal disability aid won't come
until well into tbe holiday season:
The 14-year-old ex-GI, Wh06e service
was ended the day he stepped on a land
mine, Jut worked three weeks ago, mak·
jng Jes.s at a service station than he had
as a private first class in the Army.
The former landscape worker and
gardener was forced to quit finally after
aggravating the hip mutilated in Vietnam
by shrapnel which also tore lnto his ab-
The former Pfc., who has his wife,
Dl.ane, to su~, recently stOpped by
the DAtL Y ILOT ofiict, carrying hJs
discharge. h a Purple Heart and his
Disabled Ainerican Veterans membership
Secretary nf · the Anny Stanley R .
Re5Qr signed the Purple Heart papers,
but Blood is t.he man who bu to sign his
name to the checks to pay the continuing
"I do pref~ outdoor type work -
maybe without so "much bendlng -but
the main thing is, I want 1 job,P he ex-
.. l understand tbfy_C!an do nothing unW
I'm 'ra~.' but I've got..to get aomething
t can hold out on unlit after Deetmber."
the fOrmer Laguna Beach resident ex-
"Then we're ftVtr the hump."
He p1ans -after they're over Ute hump
-to enroll In a sptclal trade l<hool with
GT Bill-h<lp .
Blood said rather bitterly of the attvice
11:t1tlon job th•t. he (l«UionaUy worked
twq 1hifu In the ho(>e cl making •nd•
meet, but the ovutlmt rievtr thowed up
/ DAii."!' ,tt.OT S!it!f ,,.... _../ LOOKING FOR WORK
o ;,.b)td Vet Blood
on the chec)I:.
"If you don't like Ila." he quoted the
gtation nwner as saying when he ques·
tioned the fo irness, "I.hen you can gel out. ..
"I was so angry ••. " he said, "but J Just Jet It ha ng.11
And wJth that -Jter ttlllng his story
·-Jim Blood hit tftt pavment &gain,
becau$B Christmas If the wont time to
be jobless, even when there's jus~ you
and the wtre UI support.
From Page l
A $.lS,000-flre believed caused by a Lost In the blaze wel'f: paintinga
.. faulty f!OOi-1umaCe destroYeiitlil I;;agUff.---i'Epresentmg"·stx mont.hs·of \\'orlr; Wing
military weaporis from them.
Among ·'lfie confiscated contraband
were maehineguns ol German, Czech,
Japanese and Russi an .make, plus 50,000
rounds of ammunition seized at an
Orange County location still kept secret.
The .haul included three pistols with
hand stocks and t~'O gun silencers. ac-
cording to federal authorities who had the
guns stored at UJC Federal Building in
Los. Angeles,
The ammunition Was ·delivered to the
U.S. Army 's Fort J\.1acArthur in San
The illegal weaponry raid involving .
Steuard, a drifting teacher at Los Altos
High School in the La Puente area~.
featured tons of Nazi souvenirs, ex·
p1osJves~and even a 1943 Nazi staff car.
Motorcycles decked with swastika
emblems, enoogb materials tD .create 4Z
bombs, bales and bales of used Nazi
uniforms, plus badges and helmets and
three machineguns were also discovered.
Not all of the material, however, is pro.-
hiblted under the law and Steuard told
arresting authorities he obtained most or
it through his hobby as a war souvenir
Officials said Steuard. a U.S. Army
reserve captain, also had a literal com-
muntcalions center of radio equ!Jk(lent
hidden in his basement and said that ~as
also part or this hobby.
Steuard -whose love of rare weapons
was unknov.·n to La Puente School
District administrators -had been under
investigation by the Treasury Depart·
ment for six months, authorities disclos·
He also used the name Curl Karl von
Erlyeben in buying ·weapons from foreign
naUons, according to investigators .
Irwindale Police captured his broth er·
In-law Sunday night, when he was
discovered near a flood control channel
with six sticks of dynamite. some hand
grenades, 100 rounds of rifle bullets and a
sawed nff shotgun. ••.lll
Cariyon home Of artist Andrew Wing Sun-told fkemen, along with ~ record co!·
day. night. led.Ion valued at $3,000. InteMe: beat
· ~,__ from the flames melted the paint on art
Youth Riding
Friend's Cycle
Hm't in Wreck
works hanging on the walls of the· home,
firemen said.
The fire in the old wood structure al
1255 Roosevelt Lane was reported at 7:22
p.m. No one was in the home at the time,
Wing had lefL to go to the store. When he
returned , flames engulfing the front door
made it impossible to get ipside and he
A La Puente youth who . borrowed a asked a neighbor to summon the fire
friend's motorcycle for a 3 a.m. ride in department.
corona de! Mar -Sunday crashed the Three Laguna Beach units with 13 men
machine, instead, ~nd Jay unconscious v.·ere at the scene ,for t\\'O and a half
and seriously Injured for nearly one hour hours. The blaze was contain1'd in 20 rninut~. but firemen remained to protect
before being discovered. .adjacent homes on the narrow Canyon
Police said ..the friend who lent the Jane.
cycle finally found Stephen Coitello. 18. . Capt. Charlie Kuhn or the Laguna
nn Goldenrod Avenue 46 feet south of department described the fire as "ex·
Harbor View Drive. . . tremely hazardous" because· of the loca-
Costello suffered a concu.ss1~. and tion of the ho1ne midway aloog. Roosevelt
several serious c.uts and bruises m the~ e, a walkway leading off Woodland
crash, officers said. D ve. Difficulty of access, he said, made
He borrowed the bike from Norman i t?:cessary to roll fire hoses in from the
Taylor, 18, also of La fUente. at abou nearby street.
3 a·.':"· Taylor told officers he became Wing, a weil·known young Lagun<i.
v•orr1ed at about 3:30 a.m. and he and Beach artist is a regular exhibitor at the
other friends set out to fin~ Costello. Festival of Arts. They came upon the accident at 3: SO ·
a.m. [f Officers said the cycle had gone o
the road and crashed. spilling the rider.
The youth was treated at Hoag Memor·
lal Hospital. lhen transferred to Kaiser
Foundation Hospital in Fontana. .
He was described as in fair condition
before his transfer, aides at Hoag said.
Seal Beach Council
'fo Convene Tonight
The Seal Beach City Council will met!t
in regular session at 8 tonight in ~ity hall.
Preceding the regular meeting the
councilmen will meet at 6:30 p.m. in joint
study session voith the city Planning
· Hosmer Recovers
From Operation
Rep. Craig Hosmer CR-Long Beach) \~
recoVering satisfactorily from eye
surgery, his offtce reported· today.
Hosmer underwent an operation last
week for reriloval of a cataract from his
left eye. Doctors at Bethesda Naval
Hospital described the surgery as •;a
complete success."
Hosmer, who represents northv•est
Orange .. County in C~ngress, in cluding
Seal Beach and HunUngtoo Beach, ex-
pects to return to his \Vashi?'.!gton office .
in about t'l'o'O weeks.
Gifts witl1out (much) gab
To aid you In your Christmas shopping (and tn raise enough
money to do our own) \Ve are selling things for Christmas.
Yule encounter such rarities as fine imported sweaters,
original sport shirts, great outer"·ear for cool days ahead,
and a fine selection of sport coats and slacks.
Presents, not absence, .makes the heart grow fonder.
pronUse not lo be so cute when you come in lo· buy.)
Jack Bidwell
3467 Via Lido Telephone 673-4510
Mucho parking directly behind my store
I ,
, I
............... -....... ..,. ...... ____ ...,_ ....... .,. _____ ,,.,_..,._, ... _. ... _._ ... __ ..,.. ... _, __ ,,..,,......,.-..,.....,,.....,.~-.-~~ ..... ~~-:--~-~---.._.....,._ ~ ........ -. . ... . -. .
' . . . . . . . . . ..... .
~go-a •e&elt
. .
. Huge-Arsenal Raid
Former Reserve Officer Arrested
A Los Alamitos Naval Air Station
marksman and forme r .reserve police of.
ficer was arrested along with his pal
Sunday as federal auUtorities seized what
they claim to be the largest arsenal of
illegal arms in Southland history.
The raid on a suburban Los Angeles
County warehouse in Maywood and an
Orange County ·home yielded 45 foreign·
made machineguns and was tbe third
such case over the weekeod, authorit.aies·
Gary Stella, 34, of 2131 Catalpa Ave.,
Anaheim, and Charles Hatfield, 36, of
7431 El Verano Drive, Bu~ Park, were
to be arraigned today before a U.S. com-
missioner in Los _Angeles. .
They -like another SQuthland man
and his brother-in-hlw atT.este.d jn linked,
but separate raids -are ch8rgm with
violation oi the 1968 Federal Gun Control
Act. .
"Thtre is no evfdence.at this time that
any of the arms were connected witb
radical political groups," said a
spokesman !er the U.S. Treasury Depart-
ment, whose agents made the arrests.
, The gun control act which authorized
the arrest of the two Or.ange County men,
as well as Nazi ·hobbyist James G.
Stmard, 32, ol Rowland Hilb and bis
brother-in-law, ii pa.rtia]Jy .aimed at
private annies.
· "There is no evidence at'this time that · any of tbe arms were connteted with·
' (See AllSl!NAL, Pait I)
N.Y. Steeks."
No Formal
Probe.for ·
Coast Trio
Special to tbe DAILY PU.OT _
WAILUKI, Hawaii -Tbe ·myster.
deaths of a young Orange Coast coupl :
and their baby girl .whn plwiged into th .
so-called Bottomless Pit of a volcan·.
here -a book of poetry by LSD ex-
perime'nter Dr. Timothy Leary left at th :
edge -are of1icially in the unsolved fil~
Police officials on the Island of Maui
have refused to speculate on what Jed to
the three deaths, but no formal probe o~
foul play is planned.
John M. "Robbie" Robinson, 25, his
Faulty Floor Furnace
~ -----------~---------.,.,,--~--------~·"' ~-""':· J!..Gretrhf" J.B.-..aM-_____ -· .
1: I
' I
Of Artist Andiew Wing .
A $15,000 fire believed caused by a
faulty fJOOr' furnace destroyed the Laguna
Canyori home of artist Andrew Wing Sun·
day nighl
Lost in the blaze were paintings
r epre§etHing six months of~ork_. Wing
told firemen, along with a record col·
lection valued at $3,000. Intense heat
from the flames melted the paint on an
works banging on-the walls of the h'Ont.e,
firemen said. :
The. fife in the old wood structure at
1255 Roosevelt Lane was reported at 7:2%
p.m. No one was in.the home at.the-time,
Wing had left tO go to the store. When be
returned, flames engulfing the front door
made it impossible to get inside and be
__!Sked a neighbor to summon the fir•
Tiu .. Laguna Beacli units with 13 mtn
were at Ult} scene for two and a half
hours. The . bl81.e was contained in 20
minutes, but firemen remained to protect
adjacent homes on the_nariow-Canyoit
Capt Charlie .Xalm ol. ·the· ~
~ -.... ,. ... !Ire .ijs ......
tre~ly b~'!._bec'1JR of the loca.4
tiall of tbe11cme lriflhr 1llooll lloosevtH
Ll\!1•, a walkivoy a., ii( Woodland
Drtve. Difficulty of accus, he Uid, made
it.-~ssary-to.nill:fi~-hosec in-from-the
nearby street,
Wing, a weD-lmo\m Yount Laguna
Beach artist, is' a·rqular emibltor at the
Festival of Arts.
Laguna Surgeon's Son
Critical But lrriproving
Thomas Riddell , 14-y~ar-old Son of
Laguna Beach orthopedic surgeon Dr.
Richard Riddell, remains in critical con·
dition today in the intensive care unit at
Soµth Coast Community Hospital, but
was showing improvement this morning,
a hospital spokesman. said.
Young Riddell, gravely injured Friday
in the Laguna Canyon traffic accident
that took the life of his 12-year..Old sister,
Cathleen, unQenvent surgery Friday
afternoon for internal injuries and also
.suffered a skull fracture.
His brothers, James, 10, and Edward,
7, were released from the hospital Satur-
day after trea1Ji!et1t of bruises· and con-
tusions. ,...,-,
Their father, who was not adlnit~ to
the hoSpital where he )s a staff surgeon,
suffered faciil cuts. .
Still Jn serious condition is JS.year-old
Richard Brooks, driver of one of the
three.tars inVo!ved in tilt accident, who
suffered a head injury and :i;evere
forehead laceration.
Broop: is "coming alq well," the
hospital reported.
The third driver, artist Robert McCir-
rook, was released aftef treatment for
minor injuries Friday.
. The Riddell children were passengers
m a 1939 BugatU convertible driven by
their father when it was rammed by the
McCarron vehicle which in tum had been
Struck from the .ear by YOWll Brooks'
car, police said.
Private funeral services are pendinr
for 12-year-oki Cathleen, who was an
eighth grade student at 'Iburst(ln
Intennediate ~l.
Described by members ol the school
staff as "a lovely, sweet girl," Cathleen
was well known at the school wber'e she -
worked as a student aulstant Jn the of.
nee. She was active in girb' athletic ac-
.Uvlties and especially lntttetted in gym-
nastics-ancr also sq in the &irta• chorus.
Auto Wreck '
Hurts Market
Mariager, 49
Albert Linderman, 49, · pr o d u c e
manager d. the Forest Marlret.in·Laguna
,Beach, is reported. in serious candilion at
Sooth Coast -community Hoopital today
f<?llowing a Saturday ni'ght accident which
destroyed his car. · ·
Linderman, oC 149· Ave. Pelayo,· San
·Clemente; ou!fered ···-lac<ratioo and . pooolble inlernal Injuries """' hlfl ... _ ......... _.,,4fter 9:, ......
.500tli . Coast Highway -o( Aliso
l!Ojl&.. ' ~kW ii> Ct!W«nia lflihway Patiol
olftoin; h!r· ---left the road ....... ~.y. -......... ~1 •• bounced oil the~ .... -.-bl.;'i',;,~nmrs~
·Cont' mgtlway, then spun sideways out
..,.. tho . l>ighway and fumed upside
down. Front the time the car hit the pole
until it came '° ft!S! on Its top, tho eHP Aid, It ttaveled :lllO loet.
Jn a second accident Saturday night,
William Jail ~ngton1 21, of 645 Glen--
neyte s~ was taken to South Coast Com·
'mllllity HOspltal and releued afte< lt'ea~
ment fm' a Up lactration.
Baningkln, police said, had stopped for
I red light at Laguna Canyon Road and
El TOro Rold when hi.s ·vehlclt was
struck from the rear by a car driven by
NicholaS· Tait Steele, 34, (.( 2114 Elden
Ave., Costa Mesa. Steele was not injured.
Four penooa suffered minor injuries in
a similar accident late Sunday evening on
North CouC Highway and Ocean Avenue.
Police aakl a car driven by Neille Olive
Freeland, 57, ol Rlv<nide, was struck
fmn the rear at 10:29 p.m. w!lile stopped
for a red light at the inteaeclion. Driver
ol lhe second vehicle, Victor J. Camilleri,
SZ, ol Fountain Valley, wu cited tor driv-
ing at an unsafe speed.
Police said botii dri,.,. and their
passengers, Cathie Lee V~g. 19, ol
Riverside, and Irene Edna Camilleri, 50,
of Fountain Valley. said they would setk
treatment from their own doctors.
Stock M•rket .
NEW YORI( (AP)o-Stack prices coo-
tlnued to fall on a widtning fronL with
trading volwne •llghUy abeed ol Fri-
ctay's moderate pace. (See quotations,
Pag,. 1~15).
D<CIJ>nlng stocks -their lead on gainen at a ratio of 'lit to 01.
Wa1"aml Peace •• SOulh Vietnamese soldier' carries tricycle along with military. gear
at besieged U.S. Special Forces Camp af Bu Prang. There are many
young-children at the isolated camp, located three miles from 1Cam·
bodiB. Camp has been under ~daily bombardment by enemy ·sinc:e late
October. See story , Page 4. ·
~ar Thief ChaserResults
In Narcotic Case Arrest
A Laguna Beach narcotics officer who
thought he was on the trail of a car thief
wound up mak\nga a narcotics arrest in
Newport Beach Nriday night.
·Officer Neil Purcell alleged he found a
packet co.1taining 11h ponuds or mari-
juana, a second packet wtih 125 grams of
the drug, several empty cellophane
packet! of the type used in preparing
"lids" of marijuana and a water pipe us-
ed in smoking the drug! It was in a vehi-
cle be trailed from Laugna Canyon to
The Arches Overpass in Newport, his
report indicated.
Booked on charges or possession of
marijauna ~with i:.1tent to sell was PAul
Tenery Wilkerson Jr. of Orange.
Purcell said he observed the suspect in
Shirt. Approaching the car when it stop-
ped again at a liquor st.ore at The
Arches, Purcell, who had called Newport
Beach police for silpport, spotted the
suspected naftotics evidenci! inside and
made th e arrest. The th ird hitchhiker
was releaesd.
Sen~ Karl Mundt
Suffers Stroke;
Arni Paralyzed
the neighborhood oI a lumbe r yard, in • WASH1NGTON (AP) -Sen. Karl E.
~aguna ~anyon.,saw ~im pick up· a wir~_ Mu!Jdt, (R-S.D.,) has suffered a· partially and~ lt"lo·g~en~y to a-car parked in ci\>,acitaUng .stroke and· his Condition.ls.
nearby. . ' . coosiderett serious though he iS . not in
Following the ' ve~f~e nor:th · to~ard danger, his. office said Monday. Ne"'.J>Ort ;~each be.~d.lhe~rlver p1keed 1 Muildt,·ti9,·has Jost pa'rtial•use Of his
up first O'Je, theh two h1tchl_l1~s. . . ' right ·ann has difficulty walking and·
When two of the hitchhikers got out ·of speaking ~nd will be in Bethesda Naval the car at Jamboree Road and Coast . ' .--. Highway, Purcell said, he saw one of --H~1tal fur-at least sl~ to e1Bhf: we.eks,
them Stuff .. a~cellophane-packet into\ his saJd a statement Oy his admirustratfVe
· assistant. Robert L. McCaugh~y. Youths to Open
Business Center
In ·Costa Mesa Dailey Joins My. Lai Case
There has been no thooght, another
aide said, o( the senatOrgiving up his of.
-fie~. -.--
. McCaughey said his statement was
based on the opinion of Mundt's physi·
cian, Dr. Rufu s J . Pearson .
Dedication ceremonies and a grand
opening .are set Wednesday at 4. p.m ..
when a new Junior Achievement Business
Center serving southern Orange County
opens in Costa Mesa.
Announcement of the new JA plant at
1240 Logan Ave. came from William R.
Mason, president of the Irvine Company,
"ihic.ft is a heavay supporter of. the pro-
g'ram .
Under the JA concept. high school
students learned shout the American
l!ystem of tree ~nterprise by operating
their owft"flrOFit·malOTIT"companies with
professional guid8nce:
TI1e new center wh ich will house 14 JA
companies ope.rated by 2SO teenagers and
its dedication ceremonf wilt feature G.
Robert Truex Jr., executive vice prtsi~
dent of the Bank or America.. ,
Re is Southern California president· of
the· JA -program and noted Gall Horton,
17, Miss Junior Achievement of Southern
California, will also be present.
I -
Famed Attorney Defends Company Commander . .
...... Wire Service•
AtJy, F. Lu Bailey, npruentlng the
company commander who ~ an
assault on My Lal in which South Viet-
namese cl"rilians allegedly w e re
massacred said today "'no one. wa under
orders to shoot civilians." ,.
Bailey's· acocu.nt of whl t .. happened at
the.hamlet In March ltea was In be.half ot_
capt. Ernest L. Medina, whom the famed
criminal lawyer ls reprt91ntlrig. H'e aaid
Medina issued no orders for a slaughter,
nor were any such orders issued to
Medina by his auperlois.
Mtanwl!Ue, a · lffm ol South Vitt·
name~e natlout assemblymen began
their own lamtltation into the Song My
m.....,,. today tn del1tnct of Pn~clettt
Ngu,ycn Van Thieu. •
The IJ'IJUP·ol four men was let! througll •
• the paddles and bombed-out vlllaa• by
Sen. Tran Van Don. the' ~bly'1 op-
pooition leader and -cbalrman of tho
Senate defenze ·committee.
Don announced Jut week he wouJd con-
duct lhe,lnvestlgatloo because he did not
believe the Thieu government'• ·auertloq
that ll)ere was no muncre by U.S.
troops in Song My on '!cai<h 11, 1911. .
At the same time, another group o(
South Vlelnamese Jawmaken was begln-
ning a second Investigation, this one for a
committee of the lower house of the
Assembly. It, too, lacked Thieu's sanc-
Thieu reaslttled his pooltlon through a·
spokesman Saturday, sayfnc "there wUI
be rio more in'vat11auons. 'ftda case Is
closed io far u the &ovemment Is con.
corned. The Jncldflll -e acl ol war,
It has been ·ffioroughty Investigated."
More , acooUllts . by • servioeri:ien who
were preseni·at the alleged mass killings
contjoued to appear a:ver' the weekend,·
lnc1Udlng thQt of' .,. sergeMt who 'Called
the affair "point-blank murder."
~: -Medina has not been charged in the
c8se. A murder charge 'has l)een brought
at Ft. Bennin;-, Ga., against .one of his
platodh leaders , Lt. William L. Calley Jr.
J alley said Medina reported to hi!!_
supetiors arter the attaCk that there had
been 2 $to 28 civilian casualties and was
told by a major, "That sounds about •
nonnal." •
"The company comrnanqer received no
orde"n to butcher 'iuzyOne or to ldll an)'
women and children -and he issued
.">'(See MY ":"• Pago !)
· "The ·doctors are Mpet'U1 for a return
of functiOn and normal recovery for the
senator.~lfow"ever, it is anticipated be will
)le , hosPitaUzed for several . weeks,:
, possit>Jy, $x.to e1ght," ~augtley-said.
"RehAbilitation trtatme'flt Is' expected
to. begin Ille, l!)lddle. of tlljs ,week to
restore ·c•pabllity· to the senat~'s tight
~. '. ·-"'the -sett,t6r's condition fs termed
•serious' buf ,he, is · not ~onsldered in
danger. Jn addiUon to his Tiihl arm, of .
which he has lost p!itial use; he b ex3·.
periencing difficulty in Speaking and dif-
ficulty In walking.
1'JJis gait Isa not ai stesdy as it should
be due to, weakn'eas In his rlght legi aleo
affected by the stroke which doctorg
described ' as moderatc·slzed.
"Sen. Mundt ls: comprehensive, alert.:
eating regular meals and wat-
ches television , such as yesterday's foot-
ball '""""•" McCaughey's -ltatemenl concluded. · ~ -·
six months, suffered multiple injuries and
died almost instantly in the Haleakala
Crater fall more than one week ago.
"You might just say that all suffered
multiple injuries, the kind you might ex·
pect when a body falls into a hole 6S feet
deep," said Dr. Kenneth Haling, wh6
performed the autopsies.
Authorities at first suspected a suicide
plunge, but no note was found and the on-
ly .... ind.icatiom left at the rim of the hole
were a camera and the Leary book.
Lynn Thompson, superintendent 6f
Haleak,a.Ia_National Park, where the dor·
mant· v~ano is a tourist attraction, told
the DAILY PILQT:, "I doubt i!,any real
conclusion will be reached." -
"We're not coqducting an investigation
as far as foul play, there's no evidence of
that,'• he said.
The FBI concuged with park· officiall
tn this belief, Thompson added.
Hc>wever, he said there is a four-root.
high wire fence around' the crater which
pretty well ruled out the possibility or
falling aceidentally. He said persons
.would have to climb the fence to filll into
the. so-called Bottomless Pit.
.niompson said the .bodies of the young
couple and their infant were brought out
of the pit by park rangers who descended
by· rope. They were 'then removed by
The bodies of the former Laguria
Niguel residents were identified by. his
moth«lr. Mrs. Sarah Robinson, of 24.281
Via Aquara· Ave., Laguna Niguel.
Massacre Suit -
Seeks News Ban
WASHINGTON (UPI) -'Both pro-
secution arxi Qefeme in the case of 1st Lt.
William L. Calley Jr., charged with
murder in the alleged Vietnam massacre,
filed today for an injunction against news
~edia reporting of statements about the
The two sides filed a joint petition ask-
ing the U. S. Court of Military Appeals
for a r~training order against the medis.
The court arranged to begin hearing
arguments immediately.
The petition listed as ·'respondents" the
major news media of the country, in·
eluding UPI and Associated Press, ·the
networks CBS and NBC, the magazines
Life, ·Newsweek ind others, and the na·
lion's newspapers.
Calley faces a court martial on charges
of mu rdering more than 100 South Viet·
name&e civilians last year in the village
of Song My. The ueutenan\ now is at Ft.
Benning, Ga., but is not in'lrcustody.
Oraage Coast
It's enough to dampen your
spirits -and everythi ng else.
ScatteNd showers are on tap · to-,
night with a 30. percent chance ol
more Tu-esaay: Temperatures will
huddle around 70 degrees.
Hu·b~t Humphreu will make
his political conu!back to high·
liQhl some Senate race& nezt
year featuring an t;t>OStro11.aut
and a jantous name. Page 24 .
11••11"1 lt C1!:t.rnte r
CllHl"tf t~!t
CIMlllCI 14 (,..H,,.tlll 1t
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IEflN>l'l•I ..... 6 t 11l•rt•lll"*ll 1:J
ll'f"H¢' 1•11 .,.,...,_ II
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Olt""' Wiii• M • .,. ,...., w
WMMf1'1 ...,... 1t•1t
,_I ,
. I
DAILY f"ILOT lflff Piiot.
Par-kitig Lot B ltres
Jf you had pl anned to do your Christmas shopping
early this year, fo rg_et it -as a shopper, yoU are
no\v part ?f .the C~ristmas crush at Orange Coast
stores. This is a vte\v. for example, of the parking
lilt at Costa Mesa's South Coast Plaza. Photo was
taken last Friday -'lhe day after Thanksgiving.
Christmas, friends, is ju"st 24 days away.
Alcatraz Tribe
Gro11p Chiefs
01·der census
Over Projec t -on Hillside
SAN FRANCISC<Y(UPI) -The 1ndJan settlement on Alcatraz Island is growing Minor fireworks are expected at the Morningside Drive.
i:;o fast. leaders have order~ a census to Laguna Beach Planning Commission Developer :W.:ark GUmbiner an a
delermin e 'the true population of the 12-rveeting tonig~t \Yhen commissioner's architect Peter Ostrander have sub-
acre "r:k:' in San-Francisco Bay. take up11-T_eq1Jesl ror "concept approval" milted a pre liminary plan for develop·
•he01 re from 3001, .•beo 600h '12:1resek n~ of a proposed development on a 188--acre ment of the property with some 700 a v a score o .n s a\•«:"tJOC e.w . . , · · · to the one-time famed federa l prison -parcel of hillside property-adjaeent---to--4welhng---wuli---surrounded by 28 acres.of
since a handful of young 1ndians landed greenbelt. ·
on the island in pr edawn darkness 11 days ') The propcsal wou1.d conlon:n in .overall ago. J } J ts H•t density with R-1 (single residential) r.e-
The ·inhabitants range from two-week-srae e I quirements of 6,000 square feet pe~ urut,
old in fants to tribal leaders in their 70s. ~utl, ... ~~use of ltheth ten:alnts ! seeulkst· to1
The h r th h lth J d E cu11l.C'T some o e uni 1n m 1pe tion: ave came rom roug Pt.I e na· 01' an, gypt dwelling structures in additioif to single
The Indians' claim to Alcalraz is based -horn~ . on an 1868 treaty betwee n the federa l By United Presa International N.eighbor1n~ ~rope.rty oVl'.Ilers ~ave
goverpment and the Sioux nati,pn \vhich Israeli jet fighter-bombers struck ~egistered .~Jec;lions to what is dest.~1bed
provided for unused federal lands to Egyptian military positions al the in a fly~ di~rtbuted last wee~ as peo-
revert to 1ndian ownership. The island pie .packin.g. . southern end of the Suez Canal today for City engl!leer Joseph Sweany also ra1s has stood idle since it was closed down as . . •
8 fede ral prison in 1962 the. third time iii 'three days and sent ed some questions at a study sesst0r1 1ast
· · • other planes streaking Into Jordan. Syria week when he reported that problems ·Electr1c1ans and ~lumbers wer_e among revealed in a geological survey needed ~he boatloads of India ns.who arrived dur· reported a firefight in the Golan Heights •·fur ther investigation.'' The problems, he
1ng the long Thanks~lv1ng we~kend and Sunday night. sa id, included soil fissu res and in·
went to work ren?xa t1ng !:he prison struc-· The Big Four powers announced they dications of possible slippage hazards, -
tures a.s an Am erican Indian cu\lural and would meet in New York Tuesday to try Gumbiner and Ostrander state that'
ed,~cat1°!1al c~nter. . . again to find a solution to the Middle their plan is_designed to reduce cut and ~ey_ re ~01n~ a .wonderful Job of 1m· East conflict, but diplomats said · they fill operations by building contour roads
prov1sallon, srud C'.len Dodson, ~2. one of sa\v li ttl e hope of a solution thal grows in to fit !he terrain and by avlliding the
fOl,lr caretaker s as~ngned to lhe isl.and by scope almost daily with Israeli and Arab building of "pads" fo~ dwellings.
the government. raids and counter raids. Also on tonight's agenda is a continued
Dodson. a former gold miner and Today 's strik e against Egypl ap-hearing on a smaller hillside development
merchant seaman. h<is been aid i 11 g p<.irently was in retaliation for an Egyp--propo~ed by Ri~er, Carmel a fl d
the settlers by shuttling supplies around lian co'mmando raid Saturday night in Associates. In this request! re?u~ed _ . . . \\'hich Egypt said between 50 and 60 sldeyards are. sought to penrut budding
the island in a government truck. }hs Israeli soldiers "''ere killed or v.·ounded on lo conform \v1th terrain. .
tam-0-shanter and fcathe~·altest to his the Sinai Desei1 and v.·hich Israel said Josephine h1utke of 574 Bluebirad Can-e~m-!lL~ing a ''Scotc_h ln?ian." . , \\·as repulsed \Yith five Egyptians killed yon Drivae,a is requesting a variance to
This is a 11oble. h1stor1c occasion, ' and no Israeli losses. add a second story family room to an ex-
said Doh.son . "They're _fine, noble people isling one story dwelling withoul pro-
and they re nol destroying anything .'' vlding additional parking.
The Indians have demanded that
Interior Secretary Walter J. Hickel comP
to Alcatrilt to negoti ate the "surrender"
of the island. l~icket. in a \Vashington
hospital with a pinched nerve in his neck,
has indicated a willingness In meet with
Indian representatives. but 1\·iH acCcpt no
precondHions .
The only tragic incident resulting from
!he Alcatraz occupation occurred Sa1 ur ·
day v.·hcn l\YO persons •1•ere killed and
four injured in an auto accident invoh•ing
a car bringing lndians and food Lo San
OllAMG~ C°'-11 PUllls.JollNG COMPAJll'Y
keb1rt N. W11d
l"mldenl 1111111 l"UMJ.iier
J1tk R. c~,1..,
Yiu Pr~ Wl4 G41"1• .. 1Nn1ttr
1h1m11 f'~tvil Eo11!)r
Tho1111' A. t.411rpl..in1
Me!Wtlnt Ed•°"
~ith1rd P. Nill
LHlllWI lle1t~
<;11, EllllVf
L-.w .. a..ck orn11
11l fo r11t A•t .
M1ifin1 Alltl•111: P.O. lo• ••6, 92652
Gertr~1de Alwe n
Rites T1iesday
Services v.•ill be held at 10 a.m. Tues·
d:iy in Sheffer Lag11.1t1 Beach Mortuary
Chapel for Gertrude J ~abell Alwcn. 61,
'' \10 died Friday in Arizona .
~'l rs. Alwen \\'3S a resident of Laguna
Beach until.last year when she 1noved to
Arizona following the death of her hus-
She is sur1•ivcd by two sons Arthur D.
of_ L<!guna: a daughter, Alicia de Roy of
M1ch1agn : a da~ghter._ Alicia de Roy of
Phoe-.1ix, Ariz.: a sister. Mrs. f\tarion
ritefril of Lomita: a brothcr:-A.rt Shell ()f
lon1ita, and 11 grandchildren.
Interment will be at Fairhaven
Mem orial Park, Santa Ana.
Television Set,
Stereo Stolen
A burglar apparently in a hurry depriv-
ed Laguna n Richard Dean Campbell of
n1ost. but not all· of his home en-
lcrtainment in stallation sho rtly after
n1idnight Saturday.
Can1pbe\I. 29, told police he left hiS
home at 1058 Glenneyre St. briefly and
durinf"ht!"'Bbsence someone apparently
entered through an unlocked door. mak-
ing off with a ster:eo player valued at $135
and a portable television set worth $135.
Neatly stacked by Ute door, but .. lefl
behind by the visitor, were all of
Campbell's records.
Late ~ Late Show
Sto nes R oll at Daivrt in Festival
during the ,,·eekend, mostly on narcolics
• Sheriff William Heidlmann said 41 or
those arrested on the narcotic violaUons
had trials sel for Jah. 19 and bond set
Senate Viet Probe Set·
Fulbright Sends Pair to Study War
WASHINGTON (APl-The S<nale For-
eign Relations Committee said today it
would send two investigators to Vietnam
thtl week tc). look inc .. the prospects for
Vielnami:i.ation ol Uwi war and the gen.-
era! poUtical and military situation in
Saigo11 and the field." • Chalnnan J. W. Fulbri&Qt, (0-Ark.), '
said the two )nvestlgatorS were, not
being ·given apeciUc. in1tructions to look
into the aileg~d mas5acre of civi~na by.
American aold.iers bu\ weren't btlng told
to .Ignore it either.
Fulbright &aid , no dale had been set
tor the Vietnam hearings but that they
definitely would be neU month.
Fulbright told newsmen the investiga-
tors Y.'OU!d return sometime before
Christmas and would report to the com-
mittee in advance of heatings next month
F rono Page J
paramilitary activity," said a spokesman
for the special T-man team that 'Worked
one case for l'llx months. ·
Steuard and his brother-in-la\v, Alan R.
Otto, 32, of Baldwin Park, who was ar-
rested , by Irwindale · police while he
allegedly disposed. of some of Steuard's
relics. also faced arraignment today.
Stella, who is rangemaster at Los
Alamitos Naval Air Station, and Hatfield,
a market manager, were arrested after
T-men arranged to buy a haul oi surplus
military weapons from them.
Among the confiscated contraband
were machi.neguns of German, c~.
J apanese and Russian make, plus 5f.ooo
rounds of ammunition seized a~ an
Orange County location still kept secret.
The haul included three pistols witlt
tiand stocks and two gun silencers, ac-
cording to federal authorities who had lhe
guns stored at the Federal Bt..illding in
Los Angeles. ~
The ammunition was delivered to the
U.S. Ann y's Fort MacArthur in San
The ·illegal weaponry raid involving
Steuard. a drifting teacher at Los Altos
High School in lhe La Puente area,
featured tons of Nazi souvenirs, ex·
plosives and even a 1943 Nazi staff car:
Motorcycles decked' with swastika
emblerm, enough materials to create 42
bombs, bales and bales of used Nazi
uniforms, plus badges and helmets and
three machineguns were also discOvered.
Not all of the material, however, is pro-
hibited under the law 3nd Steuard told
arresting authorities he obtained most of
it through his hobby as a war souvenir
Officials said Steuard, a U.S. Army
reserve captain, also had a literal CQfll-
municatioos 'Center of radio equipment
hidden in his basement and said that was
also part of this hobby.
Steuard -whose Jove of rart weapons
was unknown to La Puente School
District administrators -had been under
investigation by the Treasury Depart·
ment for six monlhs, authorities disclos-
He a1so used the name Curt Karl von
Erlyeben in buying y.·eapons from foieign
nations, according to investigators.
Irwindale Police captured his brother·
In-law Sunday night, when he was
discovered near a flood control channel
with six sticks of dynamite . some hand
grenades. 100 rounds of i'lfle bullets and a
1awed off shotgun.
• Los Alamitos Police ' Department
spokesmen said toda y that Stella had
been a re.serve, but resigned less than
two weeks ago because he had received
Navy orders t.ransferr_ing him to another
duty station.
on the Vietnam war. He said the committee itsell may look
into · the massacre story.
''I am going to ask the Foreign Rela· -
lions Committee what lhey think about ·
discunlng this matter," the Arkansas
De1nocrat told newsmen.
,.ie added, however, that any investi·
gation by his committee would try t~ go
beyond any individual charges and con-
duct and take a look aL "what the long,
protracted warfare we are engaged in is
.doing to this country."
Fulbright did not say when he would
raise the question with olher committee
member5 .
The committee. however, ls ~peeled
to open hearings sometime thi s month
into administraUon poJicy In Vietnam
and into a hair dozen or so resolutions
that have been introduced in the Senate
calling for raster troop \\'ill1dra\\·al ant
de-escalation. Fulbright did not rule out tho po.~slbtl
ity such hearings co uld touch on 11~
alleged 1968 t\1 y Lal 1nas~;icre. ,
The White House was talking do\vn thi
likelihood of any judicial or outsidP·lhe
government investigation by o nationa:
<;,,oromission' or the like. Asked whelh<'•
any con~deration \Vas bein&, given, \(
such a review, press secretary Rona!c
L. Ziegler replied : "No, 1 know of 1u
plans to do that."
Ziegler also told questioners that tl11
White House raceived a tcll'gra rn fron1
attorney F . Lee Bai ley regardi ng reprr
sen tation of Capt. Ernest 1\ledina. Hi
said the President v:as not asked to rr
ceive Bailey and the 1-rh ole n1atter h:11
been referred to the Departme nt ol
Vet Seeking Job
l)isab'led But Luckier Than Most
James Blood Is luckier than many
disabled Vietnam War veterans.
He has legs to walk oo hunting work.
'_'I've really been hitting the pave-
ment," said Blood, 2188 Placentia Ave.,
Costa Mesa, whose classification to
receive federal disability aid won't come
until well into the holiday season.
The 14-year-old ex-GI, whose service
was ended the day he stepped on a land
mine, last worked three weeks ago, mak-
ing less at a service station than he had
as a private first class in the Anny.
The fonner landscape worker and
gardener was !arced to quit finally after
aggravating the hip mutilated in Vietnam
by-shrapnel which also tore into his ab-
The fonner Pfc., who has his wife,
Diane. to support, reeently stopped by
the DAILY PILOT office, carrying his
d~scharge. his Purple Heart and his
Disabled American Veterans memOOrship
Secretary of the Anny Stanley R.
Resor signed the Purple Heart papers,
bu~ Blood is the man who has to sign his
name to the checks to pay the continuing
"I do prefer outdoor type work :.....
maybe withoot ao much bending -but
the main thing is, I want a job," he ex-
plained. ,.
"I understand they can do nothing until
I'm 'rated,' but I've got to get somettllng
J can hold out on until arter December,"
the former Laguna Beach resident ex-
... "11ien we 're over the hump."
He plans -after they're over the hum-p
-to enroll in a special trade s.:hool with
GI Bill help.
Blood said rather bitterly of the service
--statM:>n job that he occasionally worked
two shifts in the hope of making ends
meet, but Ult overtime never showed up
on th e check.
"If you don't like ita." tie quoted the
station own_ll as saylni.-: when he ques-
tioned the..i&irness, "then you can get
"I was so angry •.. "'he said, "but [
just let il hang ."
And with that -after telling his story
--Jim Blood hit the pavement again,
because Christmas is the worst time to ~ jobless. even when there's just you
and the wife to su'pport.
Man Hit by Sniper
OTAY (AP) -James R. Dearth, 20.
v.•as walking on Main street when he felt
"a thump" in his shoulder. Police-sa:l.d it
v.·as a sniper's bullet, apparently fired
from aj'ar. A pri vate physician treated
~arth Saturday night.
DAILY PILOT 511J/ Ph ...
Disabled Vet Blood
F ron• P11gc J
MY LAI ...
none.'' Bailey said in on intcrviC!w.
Bailey, who said he is rep re senti ng
Medina, said the captain ordered the al·
tack on·the villa ge 011 information that 11
was full of Viet Cong. and that "they
were expected to be the only ones in the
Balley sai d Medina later got i
helicopter report that there \l'e re \\'omeTI
and children in the arC'a, bu1 >\'as told on·
ly to "exercise caution," not to slop lhE
Bailey's defen~e of f\.1cdina follower:
reports from soldiers involved. some oJ
whon1 refused to shoot at the 1\·on1cn <inr.
Among th ose recalli ng their f':X
periences in lhe current issue of Lif
magazine v.·as Sgt. ~1ichael Bernhardt
who called the inc ident "point·blan~
He said he told ·his officers: ''The hell
v.'ith thjs, l'n1 not doin g it."
Sgt. Charles \\'est, a squad leade r, sail
Y.edina "didn't give us an order to go IT
and kill women or children."
He said they had been given a brielir\·
that ''put fear into a lot of our heart s
and were v.•arncd to expect heav"
r.esistancc, but added : •
Gifts without (much) gab
To aid you in your Christmas shopping (and to raise enou gh
money to do our O\vn) we arf': selling things for Christmas.
Yule encounter such rarities as fine imported sv.;eaters.
original sport shirts, great outerwear for cool days ahe3d.
and a fine sele·ction of sport coats and slacks.
Presents. not absence. makes the heart gro\v fonder.
promise not to be so cute \Vhen you co1ne in to buy.)
OA•L \' PllO'I Vtllfl ""'lltl'I la <::""*'!WC !"9 ~'°'*"' " 9111111.,,.. <1111• r•Cc•1 W.. ..., "' _., ... w ui.i. ... , _, "'"'· ..... ldof.<.. ..... .. ...... , lhK.1'1. t->t•
M .. , ~i.(t ... Cl'I tril ,-.11111 V•lo
\VEST PAL~i BEACll, Fla. (UPJ)-
Britain's ROiiing Stones unloaded a lrC!n·
zied pre-dawn rock session on 40,000
shivering and sleepy-eyed youths to cli·
max the three-day Palm Beach Rock
The Stones began their performance at
'4 :30 a.m. <ifter the final day 's lineup or
acts logjammed because o! a st rike by
helicopter pilots.
f\.fost of ,the youths who jammed th!
muddy. rain so.ikcd festil'al grounds had
Jefl by da)•break.
at JS,000.
Gran d Funk Railaroad from Flint .•
1'1ich. received the most enthusill!tic rt·
ception from the audience Sunday. The 1
trio.,screeched ool a rasping cacophony of
fw:d rock hammered home by the writh-
ing antics of a shirtless gu itar 'Player
with blond ha.ir banging well bel~w hia
Jack Bidwell
3467 Via Lido Telephone 673-4510
Mucho parking direclly behind my store
.. ,. Of.,.. C.nt "'°"'~"" <-'"" .,Jrotlnf JIMlti. •tt II n11 WKI lhl!IN
....... N.-1 lttC!\, .tr.4 ilill W•I hY
'""'' COii• ¥'""-T• ....... l714> 494 ,94''
Clrcel~ ~. Mlo4J?1
The S1onts' performance was fur the r
delayed "'hen ~tation "·agons pack ed ..-·Ith
thtir equlpment bogged down In the quag-
mire which rinsed tht st aging area.
Dozens ol stage hands shouldt'.red th!"
hca\'Y elect ronic gear and plowed 100
yards through the mud lfl the stage.
The \'iolence that some off icia ls pre·
dlctcd would erupt during Florida's firs t
bicJc rock music tcstJval la/ltd to m:uer·
[alize. but some 113 youths were a.rreatt'd
shoulders. -
. Promoter.Da,,e Rupp said he ~·ould not
reveal !he" net. finances of tht!! fesllval
unli l he has a cbance to revlt!!w his bank·
But if Rupp was worried about money,
It 11.•as not 11'1 evidence Sunday as he told
the cro\\'d to rip up S60.000 worth of ll!m·
porary wooden toilets and bleachers for
"It's better to burn up the whole thing
than to have one ):Id /.i:_~eie," he said.
' '
______ ....,. ____ ,..._,..., ·------...... ~-----------~--~------------·-·· ·-··· .. -....... .
Better Now Tha1a Never
Monday, Dtcembu l, 1%~
MJtchell' Lists No Naw~s
. .... . . -3 W omEn _in 'Line for Supreme Court
WASHINGTON· CUP!) -At Jeaat three women are among
thOle .being COJl!iidered for
nominalJon to the SuBreme
Court now that Judge Clement
F. Haynsworth has been re--
jected, Attorney .General John
N. Mltchell said Friday.
"We're back at the dray,·ing
boards" after Haynsworth 's
defeat, looking at the original
group or about ISO. judges and
lawyers the N I x o n ad·
mlnislration has considered to
·fill vacancies on the ·court,
Mitchell sald.
In an interview with UPI,
Mitchell said those under con·
slderatlon lnclu$1e judges. 'Jaw
int1ln.lct.Of1 and lawye,1'1 in
private practice·" 1 •• •l feast
three of lhem are women," he
-Both Haynsworth, picked to
flll lhe seat vacated by Abe
Fortas, and Chlef Justice War-
rtn Burger, whG succeeded
retiring Earl Warren, were In
that original group.
Mitchell said Pre!ident Nix-
on hoped to submit another
name to Congress about mid·
JanU11.ry when members
return from their Christmas
Mitchell has disavowed any
Interest In going on \he court •laynsworth vote that Sen.
.,although there has been rtcur-John Stennl! (0.M!sa:.J, ~
ring spewlatlon he might be be appointed.,.
picked. He said Friday that he!'·-~~-------
had heard "no discussion" slo-1 ____ •_•_•_"_"_"_•_•_••~--
ce the ijayMwOrt.h defeat con-
cerning ~retary of State
\Vllliam P. Rogers. anolhtr
frequently menUooed possible
HelpJ Solve l lltt•lf
nominee. Worries and Problems
Mitchell said he believes a A 11tu• rAITDTH t0Nittl4 ea law against a p p o I n t i n g J'OUr 1:umtul'ff do. an 011a: Ill !ltlps
f C hold tl.ll!e ~·u:a more 4rmlJ' In pl∋ members O ongress to posi-c21 Hollll them mON comtort&blJ:
tlons [or l\'hich they have !:/t;:~,r:~=,:~,~r'lJ'ii~
voted a pay raise '""Ould rule 1'!1.-d.erlilalllalln•Cnoa..adJ.woa''
any lawmaker out . There had 11:1ur. No iummr. __,., p&PJ tuie.
b I k I t11ntlltf9 Ullt ft\ •t1 MMattal io een aome c oa room specula-t•a.tU:l .. See 1our d•U.• ~
lion right a f t e r the 'li.t PABTDTB •t a11 c1rUS oowi--.
5outh f oast 'Plaza
. •· .
·~-Charles Willis of Boston holds up a bottle of w i n e
happily as he greets guests while seated in his cof-
fin he borrowed for n is "body-less wake". Willis
noticed the only time he and his old-time buddies
\vere getting: together was when one oJ.. them 'died.
and the others 'I.urned put for the \va ke . So with a
borrowed coffin, and some 75 invited friends \Vill is
said. "these are a \Vhole lot better than the real
ALL 72°
and open nightlytlll 9:30
~~:~~)OS~! ~~~~It~ a!! a~~'!~,!.llf!~~~~u:r~,n:e::::d: __ J ____ _:_.:::~~~~-~~~~A~T~IAK~~Dl~IQO~"'~l~P:#~A.~Y~, ~C>~Oe~T~A~-~~~~~=-----
Operation Intercept became narcotics smuggling. district dire<:lor of customs. \''
Operation Coope ration, the The Economic Research said, traffic backups are notl.-... -------------------------------------------...,.--------i
traffic jams that cuti back Bureaij of ~an Diego reported any worse now than they were -.'8, r
crossings of the border during before Operaiion ln!_~rcept COMMUN.ITV EVENTS --border tourism ha ve diminish· the first week of . ~r"ation began. He said the average CAUFORNIA
ed. Intercept totaled 307,?17., com~ wailin,g lime one · day last . FOUR FEDERAL
But Jost. tourism ls still lost, pared tG 497,899 for the sa1n~ week was frGm 10 lo 30 Do your "THING" for Un iltd F11nd. 11'1 MEET ANN IUSTAMONTi •• ~!!~,!S__,,;.,
officials say. week in 1968. mirrutes. the on• Timi of th• ve•r when vou ,.,. MAXIMUM
About 27 million persons During the height of Optra· The tourist dollar, though. is ~.Ip tho11 1~11 follun•i•. 22 loeel •11•n· ·· •
entered Tijuana, Mexico, last 1lon Intercept traffic heading not as plentiful in Tijuana as it c.i•• r1lv on ~ni t1d fund1 for tupp'ort. y1~r INTEREST
yea r through the San Ysidro north fr~m Tijuana , was back· "'as before 0 p· er at ion •11ppo1t.
Port of Entry, busiest in the ed up intensified , car-by-Intercept. Experts said. only
bo t 'bl O.o your thing i nd he11 .your halid1y bill• PLANS /j.J Unit.ed States; Traffic dropped car searches· for . contraband. a ut two peroen -poss1 Y ,
2.5 percent after the ·united Del.ay9 'cif , (our to 11ix hOUrs three percent -o( the Jost ring. ~-l•_t.s_!aunebed its all-out of· were common. tourism has returned. "Gil of the Mooth" QCALIFQRNIA
illl•lud 111 Nortt1em C1lllornl1, Ann l lJ'l!l!flllllt ,,_ FE DE RAL
" don't have -
to pay through
the nose
Ilg Souncl • Smilll C1binet
, MetMI MMIOW . •
to make--'9 995 your ears
Giv's you that big s I •·rt o.
~ound. M.is a lm.irt. contemJ)I)·
rary look. Include~ detached
Air Suf,J)ension speakers, allfo-
milit record player. diamond
1rylus ind dt1sl cover.
CSfSW. Finest performance in Custom Stereo/Hi-Fi. 100 waits (EIA) power. FM
Stereo/FM/AM tuner.' 10 push button col'\trol center. Dual 1015 lurntable.
There i1 1 myth !hat grt•I
)!1n10 has to consi~t of 1
lot of e)(ptns1ve comp0n1:nts
' 111 over the p!ac,,
l h1fs nonsense.
The b;o'diff•t1t1C1 between
cwr system and 1 lo! of tom·
poMnts is that w. pot it 1!1.
togefher for you. So )'OIJ don'!
~ to WO/fry lbovt lftl~
1n1fching Ofl9 unit to IMlthef.
Oh yn, ther•'• -»her dif·
f1r1nct. Our tj'stem cost$ 1
I lot IHI. '
$34995 ·· .. ••·• .,..... .... .....
Good frie nds , 1 !tacit of retOl'd~
ind 1 Sylv•ni1 port1b!1 sttreo m1k1 •ny party com-
ple11. And wh1n !he gang gets hred of their n1c:01d~.
Model EXP4/50 ~own her1 • h1~ iln fM slereo r1dio
they c1n switch ori.
SAT. 94
For Sales Information Call 646-1 684
411 E. 17th' ST.~ COSTA MESA • 1 -
•"" Hu1D1nd, F•1nk own ftltlr home wlftl 1 A.1111 hos bMll C1Ufarnl1 F'ed..,.tl ~! In G~rdtn Grove. JolnH by l~tlr mre1 /or nine YMfl •ml II pre,(\ntly I!· C~lldrm, "''' '"''' ovldOor i ctivltir.. lml •ot-tl•t1111 S1vl11;s °'Pl•lll"ltn! H~~d. ~~v "Hello .. •nd 1et 1no1h1r pr.it y..n. c!.lly f•IMl'I. 11lng 1rnl1e.
. '
1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan.
Deposit S 1,000 of more for 3, 4 or 5 yea rs. For each
year all your principal and Interest rem ci1n, we·u guar-
antee a 5.25~~ annual rate, compounded daily, It adds up
to 5.39~::. a year.
• -
2. The Guaranteed Income Plan.
Ope n an ~ccounl of Sl ,000 or more for 36 to 60 months.
We'll guarantee you a 5.25'%1 annual rate, compounded
d~ily, v1it h in terest paid ·out to you each quarler.
\. Jn case of hard ship or emergency. you can v111hdraw at any
time with full.interest paid to the ~nd of lhe previous quarter.
3. The Bonus Plan.
Ea• bonus of y, o;,, a year wtien your ri:ccount is held
to 3-year maturity. This is in addition to th e regular 5 ~~
current annual rate. Regular interest is compounded
deity and may be credited quarlerly for extra earn ings.
Wi lhdraw~ls-beforc maturily ear1-1 at the regular pas sbobk
rate. Any amount of S 1,000 or more opens ,and ma inlains
your bonus account. All lunds held to matority earn an
effective annual rate of 5.25~0 .
' 4. The Basic Plan.
The most flex ible plan. You can invest any amount ot'
money and withdraw it whenever you wish. If you leave
all your money aod inte(e5Lin y_o.ur accqu·nt~for..a year at
our current 5~::. annual rate with intert!st compounded
daily. you 'll re ceive an annual yield of 5.13°/o. You earn
interes t from !he dC1y you deposit you r money 'Iii the day
you wilhdraw it. Plus ... the money yo-if deposit by the
10th of any month earns interest from the 1st, when It
remain s un!!I quarte(s end.
2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adams • 546·2300 .
J 4 OA!l Y PllOT -
Cl!llTll'ICATI! 0, IU$1"ESI
l Monday, Dtttmbtr 1, 1%9
Stock Talk
On Thursday
"Growth Slock!ii fur Poten-
tial Price Appieciat lon'' ls Ule
title o[ • fret invl!Stmtnt lec-
ture-10 bt presented '11lursday
at the Newport Beach olfice cf
Dean \V11trr & Co., ~
Newport Center Drive.
Acrount E:-::ecutive M a x
Racey will discuss standards
for identifying fl:'OWth stocks _
and the relationship cf Pl'9"
jecled earnings to current
market prices. The lecture -ts
•des igned for inve~1on whose~
goal is above average capital
The lecture will begin at
7·30 p .m . and will be folloWed
by a question and answer
period. R eservations may be
made by phoning 644-2292 Of:
J -
Yorli St0cli List
J'~vW..fJ."'t;,=•Y.;:~oi;nP1t''t· -WJ:.1 ..... '-c,... ct:--~ N1111 Ln ti. c~~
l•lt1 Ntt jwo Ct.OtoJ ••M g li 6f\lo 61'1 ... <~ "jt<hbcl1 111 11 tt~1 'nO.. -"'• -IJMll,I Mlt-L• CltM Cllt. Ir~~· I '", lo J1'o 31 1\f -.. F '11• Fd .~!d .. ,,., 10'• '°"'-I'• 1rtTch IAO JI ~ !! 11 •• Fii Pow 1.iO 11)1' 41U •1 '1 -'•' -A-'""•,•<1 ,.,·'° ~1. ..10 .,. .0 -~ Fl1PowL.t 1 21 611'1 11lo 41'\ • 11 e. • ~ 2tl\ ~9':· + \'1 ~111o•C11 2 OJI Ill ,.u "'• 1t'• _,,, Wcu• ,.,.. 11 11\\o ,.~ '"" + ·~ ••tcrw . ..o. '!r' l.i' .. r., ~·· *'•••'' = ~,· "'"'°' p1 al l '> ,,,~ •• ~ '• ~L1b~,fj lJ n l\o 71 71 -\11 c11M J I Al-"! ~ n!' :11<\& -t l.li l'tv T'9•" .10 IU 15" 1l•o 1J!o -1~ ~~ :2. .jO'm ~··~·~··rf :_ .... :~ .. ~k •. 60 ~ :ni ,.· ~1~:-~~~~ ~~1115 wJ·~·J·~·,v~:::~ ~ I t 1b 1s~'uf>''15'~"111/f:'> •.. C~!'1''l~!° lt t •i~ •1l -;z "oodFilr ·90 1} tl(! ?J ., fJ!: _:}'; Ad' .. Mfin,·.;! 60 i.•'\ 11.' u _;· .. C <t oTI,,S j J7Vt 111\' J~~ + 1, ;:::~\~~tel ll U'• 13'• lllt-'•
AOclr111 1..tO 3li 66\ IS 1514-1 !fO or1. ,fO lJ ,1t-u~ ui.:. -fi:. f'OOlt 1111.10 t JJlo ')': J!i-'• Admlr•I SI l6lo ISi' 1Sl4 -11' g:J~._.1,l,O J I FordMlll 1 <10 111 "lit 11 17'~ -~. AellWILlf 1.60 IN 'Hi '' lltl-\o 1:l:MI Of 4 • ..,. 4 5t'' ~ •>" :,,, o~MtKI 10 lJ 11 11l t '1'1i AoiJ:Lfl r. J 1 :tf 3' " + 11, Im ...., 14 1i•o •?14 ,. c < •• •• '' U '• t1>. f6 .fl 't" '. • .' ' •.• IF" , •. ~ Ctn 11 .. Ald ' ,, •• 11\o n·~ .. r c "" ' ' ., ' •• , -,_, w•1 -, •" 11•. ,,.. ''• -A Prod a 2" '°""' U\$ .. ~ ffl 1111 1.4 1 J)1' n n \, + \~ .... ..... -Alr l'd pll.i'S •-1(11.w; II Ill =1 •11\l;,1ILI l,:U f14 ti\• 11J.t "'• -'• Fos1wn pl 1 .~ ll'I ll ll =,·~ AlrRlld 115-1 111 "\~ ll't la.I\_ 'it II I Df<l.50 \160 'l\l '''• , .. , + ~· f'Cll!borO 40 > >• l! " ~ lndusrrl~l ts t 71, 1l'o 1 ~ 11111 S 1 11 '' 11 11>., ,-,.,., Fr111k Str ,40 • G1s I I I 11 1i.a, 17 ,.,c1t1tL1 £! l •• ll't '17 l? _-,~,.,...p!.</I 160 16' n1~ Jl'11•Jlll -b1!rtoC ,28 II JSI~ :M<> >> .._ CtnMPw I 1 311 ,., t&'r 16't -l! FrLlf'hCp 1.70 61 "°'' :tf'' "9"o -'• Ak•Mtu 1.2' 121 ''Iii ~i 2, -.!Z~tntf: 1 eo n •1 .fO'• ..,., .. Fuqu.111 '11 JI 311• .tit. ll'• + 1.
AJc.G .26 J2 ?'l\O 21"1 jp; _ 1, ~:~~~v' iii!': 3' "''-"~• 21lo -" -G-:, ..... 1,• ,u," u, ,l~ i.'"! + ,,, !''"' , ~ 'l ~ ;r· ~ .. =--~ G.&C Co '5G .i; 5t JI •. 51 .. -•\ ... ···-. -··--'' ,, .. ,,,, m: . , .. Al'"Lud 2,flll 50 11 «II• <11 + >.o .,,. ~ "' -> G,<1~ Col'D <10 14? II'• 16 • t • -• '\IHLUd Pl~ 11 '5\o IJ <1J -•'o CeHn~.-, .IOI> ,, '' 13•, _., 1• G .. F oil !O ,13 'S'o ,,,•, lA'• -'• AIHPw 1.2! .71141111>• 10'\ 711\+1,C,.l SH to.. I 10'~ 20'• 70'•.i->,G•rnS~" 1.30 l t1'•' n -\•
AllllldCll l 11'.1 ri• 1!1• 17'1t "'• -•1 ,','"""• J','• ~· '""• 1•'• 1~ +'•Gems nil IS I 111. '''• 11·1 -'• "jl<IMM .olO(I • ll>, ll'• ll~ -\\ l mD • 7' ,. 11 ,, -'~ G11mS pr\,11(1 II 'l'• n·. 231. • Al l~Mlll .IS 1J ;u~, si•; lf'lo + v, Cll••l~rHY 1 ~11 •1'• II ' r l)ll •• G•-U • ..e , 1,,, 21 ti _..,
Alll ld Pd... 13 ll>\ J2 l7 -l>t C.hlMMfl 1.fO ,, '° 49'• ~~ -:1 G1r w-a1, ~·· ,., 6'1-•
AltledSlt 1 • .0 10 JI•-. )011 JO>I _ i,. C.,e<ttr MO! t 1"'\ 1'°' -·· -'• (;1rd~n I.JO J1 •, 31 '1 31 '• -'r AIReclS! pt l 1110 }t 511 511 C,,.,,.,.!rn lb 17 :J'J ,.,, ,. -r. 1 10'• :!O'• l(ll,
Alht'dSUP -'II lt , •• , \3l') I]') -•• C~emNY 260 11 5fll 57•1 fl!;~:~ 4!~°:'1"n ·'!'s11 10 ... ~·· ••• -•• :~:~~Im.. 1~ }f~: }!t :~\ + ~ ~~,,,~1~·~r ;i ir.: i!': ~;·. = ~: g~p!~!11 ~~ ~ W.~ \f.·: ~~~ -::~
AMBAC 50 12 19\o 111t 11>, -'Iii f~~b','1'4111 '; f,4 1;1' lJ ' • GllmOll ,6.lb ,Jl ft 1 ~n,•, oo , -'• ........ e .. 1.10 ' 1l"• 73 1J • C"IMs"iPP ct JO .:Kil). 1"'> "~ _,,~ CiETr~ .. I 60 '~ 31 1 " JJ -'• AnvEsof140 '' 11 J9 ·'r <Ill -1 CMSP ll'ctS ~ ,1 ,~ ,1.,_, •• Gtflf\tni; )Ii ~· 131, !l'• 131, -·· AmHttl 15' 10• lS Jll • 3J•1 -ll1cM M I , ti"'"' 11' 73·~-1•,GtnCablt 1'1 111 1e•, lil'• 11'•-'· AmeH pfJ.JO ~ 16 11'· ~ _,~, U!TC :all 11i.. )lil~ :1 .. -~.Gen Clll I XI 10 XI' 7tl'~ 10'~ -"'• ...... !rFll!t 11(1 n 39\lt 38\, :tfl1 + \~ ~~::.;w I 0 P I 11 ... 211, 71'· - '. Gfl0fvtl .I•! 71 :)Dl o ill'~ 30'• -.•
T~t ul\Clt<1l1nl'fl ctr/llled lhlf l'lt 111;:==============:; c-..Ct1"1 t bll\IM~• 11 911 W!•l 1'1h
51ref;I. Ccsll Mt1~. Ctflfo"'l1, 111\dtr t~e
tlttllloul "'"" 11""" rff Y!s11 Druo• •"" V1tltlY llftCI 1~11 11111 llrm IS C<l''"'<>!ed d '
"'' 1o11cwtn1 ... ,....,, W'holf' "'m' 111 lull 1MI ol~ Df rt•lctenct It IS kollows'
AtnAlrll/I llO 2<0 J:H1 JP. 31\1-1 c N olCI 11.,, 20.,.10 ,_.,~ .. ovn1m 1 11(1 16'• 21:. "'·-'• All•~·,. 71p •1 ll \J~. 13"-"CMl lP ct w 'J 1l'-.'ltl•1 1n1,_ ... Gf'!!Ele-c.,tO J•~ ~··· ro , 101 -'• Amll~Not11 i 71'1 71•, 770,_1,CllotkFull 60 ,, 1l 1~ ... 11 ,_,,G.,Ft•ol l'll 1 1J 17i, Ul.-lo
LtWO'tl'Kt w. 11:11<10. •n Full1rton ,t.ve.,ue, Newi>e'1 Betch Callr.
DATED · Novtmlttr 1,. 1'6•
fl f llWftlKI W lt1IN
Finol Stocks
In All Home
It Is First 6--cylinder Volvo to 81 Sold in America
Am Br•Nll 1 •no 38-'o J~ l!l'i + •• C~rllCU OM 11 ol.2~ ('/ ,, -1~ ..... Fd• 2 '° 1•! 11'• 111. '"• -' Am8<1~1! I M 16 SI'• SI SI -\l 1 Ch,•11 Cl!._. f1f t I '''' !>'• ''' _ '• Gtll Hc11 1,0 U ', U I( -'• .l.m C6" 1.11l 6S •S'o 6 ~J -V. C II pr.,. I ~ , >' ''' •• ,, "'• AC•" pf I IS ?1 /1 '''~ 75 C"rc1m•11 ,U 1• 3Cl' • 1-9'0 )'q'o -'• "tn' "51 · -,,.. ~· 1 -'1 AmCem 6G ?I l~ll'l llt~-''I C~rvsl..-7 ""'31 l6 3' -U•Gfo"ln>trp!J ?.11•,11•,i11,t •• A Ch•I" l 60 :K!1 Jllo 30•1 30,1 -" v, '.:lnl\GE 1 IO JO 1•'• 1f'~ 21''. -t, Git! Mll'1. II 1"3 lS'o l~o JS>, 'o .. mCrtolll .,0 ?S 71>. 11 111, +l Cl" GE pl ' 1~10 '~ J S1' o SI"., -·~ GfrMo! f l&<i 'l\ 11 rn• o 111·~ -'•
ACrvSu11 I .in 10 n'o 7l 71 -1'• Cln M•lt 1,40 16 d 41'1 d -f. '• g ~I 5o• J 11 ~i'' 11'1 7l'1 AmCy1n t1S 110 11•, 16•• 161~_1,rlnSuTtl 7.-J 1 39\l:r io,, lt•o~'.~o ,,•Pill.I '.,, •,•, .. ,•, ,.,, A"' 0.111111 10 11•0 7n•· ,.,,..,_),CITFln 180 6' 39 Jl'o ~~ en tm 110 •l ' . In High Gerir A0151Tel «\Q 19 11'• 1)l, 11'~ + '• C!ll11Svt 1 1.1.., 431\ l?>o 4?'1 _._, GPullU! 160 111 n•o 13 • 1]1\.,. '" "'0ua1VI tit 1• 1~1 101'.I !Oh _'• Cir~ Inv ltlt ,15 l~'> 21'1 11!1 -1•, Gen Ptl!~tl 11 11'• 11'1 IPI .l.OU~I pf lfa 1 ll-17·, n Cl•vtrv Pl 81 70 '9 .,.,, •• -1.,jG•n Sit 120 1 so ,,., .,., +-•• STATE OF C.&LtFOJtNIA LEGAL NOTICE
COUNTY OF OR.&NGE l '---------~----! On "°"""ber It, 1"9, l>tfort ~. t ;· t.ic!t'Y Publlt fn 1tlcl lor u lcl Sl1lt NOTICE 0" SALi! Volvo O.ffers More Power
A EIPw 164 2Sl lO• :i. Cl! vSrt •O 11 !1'1 l l'o ll>t.-l1 Gft1 Sit cl I I ~~ .0 l'O
..;: Enka 1 ?fl:,,(! i;~:!.!!c1ar11e11'1 :10 s1 .11'• ~·, :M'•-"'GenS111nc1 13 ,',,1 ll'o 1~'• ''" ,&.,,, El!D Ind 56 14~, 7•t~ 101,. _ ~, Cl1rlc 0 1! -'O •I 1''? 11 71 -1~'.I G Tel El t.J! 31'• lllo Jl'o -~ l\E~I"" PIA6 •'10Jif\; 61V, ,.t, ClovCll U 160 'f)\, •l''. .,.,_.,c;T,:EI ~n !n ? •l ,,., •1'• AGenln1 I OS 111 13•, 71>1 13'11 -" ·~ClevEllU 101 11 ll'• 3) ll'• .,\, GTelF Df1 ,2S 110 161> la'> H'1
oet1<1n1!1'1 ~Pl>l!~red ltwre"I'• W. Rtl"I ,,.1tlc1 ti' "lllblk Stitt ~-" to • m• to bt lht o!non wf\cie ltr l.Ht11 H1lll1r 11~me b tUbltr1bl'fl to !ht wl!hlfl ln ~OTICE IS HEJIEIY GIVEN !~ti.
'''"""'"' ,,.., Kkno•f!dted 11f t~ecuted CU••u•nl 10 lh1 l1w madt ,,.,., 11rcvldf:d.
l.G~ln ot .80 1! l•'> 31'• 3.1•,, +..:» Clev P spl 2 tlO 26lo 1& 7 16". GTel Dll>I >0 1!0 !fl, 1~>, I~'• .j. '• AmHoist .10 7t 1' ll .. 11 -'oClorc~lQ •1"111... 1\, 11'> 4•,GtnT l,.,.,1 80 )\} JV1 31 JI -1'• A Homt I 10 l•O 6•'• I)>• M\O + ''> Cluel!Pea .~ 71 J1l~ 31"1 31 -~Gen Tort lb ~l ll'a 111, llh -', A Momt of 1 I 9J ts 95 -Ill Clue!IP pl' ? 11 •. '1 '• 71'~ G Tire f)I J JiO 10 10 7l! nrst SiX-cy\inder engine e ver gas-e v·aporatlOn COntM\.l.m Hotp 71 1?6 ·~·, "'• •l''.-+1'~1C"IAFlnl SO 111 21" 11'• ~l'o +i;Grfle•<o 160 ~l Jn'• ?t': 1f'1-':
the u~rsllned, wlll $ell •I Pllbllt ... 11
t1't1 )Im• 1 8 , G , l~t office cl TC!rtl<!l A1•<fll! 11 Or1ntt
/I "rod• '-• • Countv A!rPCrl, ~1n!• A!lol. C11llor~i.. By CARL CARSTE~SEN " 'I' Amln"'I 1.10 1r 11•1 II'• 170,_30•C"lft. l>IAl.10 Ill )1)•1 9 .. 301,~ •~Ge~1ftr Lid I• 11'o 11 ll
niatkeled by vu .. , systen1 to the 164. Although •,•.•,FdY '° 30• ""'• "'• ,,,,._.,C~•~•st Ga• •• ••'• ••'• ·~•-\"l'o""v~""Pr• 1 1 ..,,, J~'• '.l.!'1-~. Nolarv Public MUllWlTL MU1lWITI & lt l!MElt 1t I 3'3 o'clcck P.M , on Montt1v, II~
AllorMr• d•v al Oe<tmbtr, 1969• rt.. lollQwl1111 The 1970 Volvo 164 has just ' . . •!I~ l •D ill lf'• JI :lf1o +'oCccaCol l J? ISi 111• 11•1 71 a r~C IOI! l'" ~?·, 51'2 ~T'i -"•
count1y. It is also the largesl required only by Cahrorn1a. all AMe!Clx DI • 1 e~•. 16 M~· +P'< coc1n110 1 ·o ,•, '•"•', ~,,,',• ',','.•, 7 •,,•i2,,',',", ~·1 •, •,,' JI n>, ,.,,, n,, _ ., f Id I. Am Mc!or1 2;1 IO'• f (li 9·, -"1010 P81 1 JO • .. M 1 II'• 51 . 51""" •• t:nd n1osl power 111 c ar in lhe 1970 Vo!\'OS so Jn t us coun-Am tJatGo• 1 10 n>o 3Po ~i-, _ '• 01,. p .,1f so 1•n 5' sn, ~' -'l Gfrber 110 11 ·~, Ji•, >'>'I+•,
<llf • 31,.. Slt..t deoc•lbed orocer1y, lo.wll . b N~ •••<11, c1111«~!• A" u'ldlvlc1tc1 ~··~•" !'h i 1~''"'1 cen iotroduccd to l h c
TfL 11111 '11t010 '"'"tel ""' Mr. C1r1 B•lvf:d"' In '""' American market. ll has the Publl~l>f<j Or•ll!:t Cctft 01oly Pl~. cer11!n Alr~r•lt ~crl~cl •• lclktvn: I==============='" N('Vet'Allll'-1<1 Ind Dtcln'tller \, I , lJ, Ont: (11 1'5' tatr {I) PliKI Ctl~N 11$11
< d h f • 'JI b d h I AmP~c!o U 7.i; ll'~ 11'• IY1 cllln• Alk I :l.l 1S'~ 7S 11 -"' GellrOll ,1•t 1"1 !G , •''• "''•-'• ,,\\'C is auto manuac1urers try \1'1 eequ1ppe wit l1e.o1,Resov 1<111 131 12» 11~ ,,...,_J co111n118<1 !I') 16 ••': •l'• 1.1•·-»Gr11v D1TiO 11 17 , 11., "'•+'•
"6t 2161..ff Rt11lllr~lion Number N 145 M, P~tslhlfll line . new anti' polluti-~·stem Am Sear 1 t " 2i11 "31. -+ •\ co111fn1~1 1 60 11 l5 , :Ml, 3~14 -•} c.1.n1 Pc i.a 71 1r , 10,, 10,, _ , , ' u" .,,, • Am S!>ID .'Ill 11' ?Ill~ 'l'J XI -'• Coll I"" I<> 1?1 ?t' > 7S 7t'~ -'• Glbr1'11 Fill 11 10', 19": 70'• .f. •,
Des1gncdtocomplerncntthe V t I lh f ll • A5melfl90 1~1 37·, Jl''> 1"•+•:.r.n1t1~D·•u • s' s• .st -'•GlddLtw m ,11~·. 1~·. M'•-"
lo 1 lltn 1rl1!ng under C11ifnrnl• L~w
fftr llediwm 1en twine 10 Tortr.t
A!rcr•fl Int .. S1!11 ••le II lor l~t Pl.l•PoS• cl )lltSIVln<J
II"' of 1111 unde"l!lntn tor lotdcwn lett
lt9elht• wit~ c01lf d lclvullf1"8 1nd ••·
PflK!l "' ,.1 •. Da!ll!I ND~ember 2f, 19fl
-Torbf! ,,.1rcr1!1. l~t
Publl•hfd Oran11t Coe•• 0111r Pl\o!.
November 16, 11, )I, :i. t ncl Otcembfor 1,
t, .t ••• s. 1, 1tlf 71J1..W
@jfri~ ~.tf ... ABI
Al l.Mikes-All Models
Automlbllft -TruclU
"Wlier1 :Strw1tt
Mek11 t h1 OiHRr1nc1"
Cr•n91 C1~n1v
Nt •POrt It~.
Lff ""911t1 Oil )
4!IO Cam"UI Or.
lll•l ,40lUS
'"' s, Wn!ern IU-Ull
Can be more
for you.
0 VQ ISIS e 0 OWJng AmSoAlr 70 31 Jl'o :16'0 '.l.!'o -11• CBS 1 fOb so I!'• •1"o ••·· -'• 01111!11~ 1 ·~ 1\0 lS 1 tl'o l1•• _ r, 140 sencs 1~1\h a d de d t d d • t ( th Am Std 1 A• J.l•• JI :11 -1 cciuG•~ 1.\0 so 7~'• '6'• 1"•-''-r.1mbelBr 1 •l ,,,, •t•, '1'>+I'•
f d I ti san ar equ1pmen or eAmSrd 1>1i 1s 111os•:.101 10s ro1 .. p1~1 61'q •: r,:; ~r • ~f·•-.'«01e11 "Ille" o• • ~·· ~··-'·
per ormancc an uxury. 1e 164 ; power s tee ring. four -~'Su~:;111.6~1 ;; ~~·~ ;~ •• ~~~: :!:_ ~; ~:~~ \14' ': ~"· ~·· ~·· _+ :: g::~~:d nf;}s l ~r.·, ~. ~··.:.... -. 16~ v.•as initially 1nlroduced in v.hecl power disc brakes A,••,•z,Dt 111 10 91, ~·. 9'"' -'• c:,omE Pll 10 ,,, ,, ,,,, ,,,, _,., r.ic1iai Mo"n 1,. ~ 70 ?fl _ .,
J96" \V th od t f 'I 1· . -' m '"° '" .17•, 5"• .11 .. -'f, .-1s..1v .oo ,_ ;i. 1 pr uc ion ac11 Jes rechn1ng leather seats tinted Amww~s S6 11 10 '" ''• _ '• c-Ed '10 61 :11·0 31'• , • ., -·~ v~ '° 12 1..,, B" l61M -~1 ' AWflot1<1J lOl'O' C EDll•1 1 ?\ ,,,,,,,,+\,~rlt~lnJd!1J1 '•Jf''•ll -'• •in Swede n permitting only a gla•s all arouod wh'>tewall•m '' ' ... -1 70''> 10'1 -+:t.c:om 00 '14 1l? 11 .. "''• 1t1•--••Gooove1r 8~ 20J Ml, ?ii" 29•1-1·, " , , ' nc "" " 71 111,;; ,~• • ''' ., -•, '" • _ ,, G.ordJlvA 7• a ''"• '' '' •uota of 6 000 cars for the US t k d m"t'k 60~ J<t• ?7>> nv. "'• + '• -Put ci " ,. ' "1 7 • -'• ,, • -U!'es , run an engine com-Amfac1nc 1111 11 51~, 50,,, 51 +•,.-°"'u' ,., 16•• y; ~~"·-'~ c~kltn~ 1.•o 11 11 •1•, •1\:.-•,
this )'ear, dealcr.sl11ps are sure 1 1 I ht I t · AMI< co .JO ;an 11 16 16"' 1,., Co<1e .... 111s , ' ••\• u·~ 1"'• ~ ... Gr11:.co 1 !o to n•: '~'• 16•~ - -. par men 1g s. e ec nc rear AMP 111<; .fl "° "'• .!•» , ... = ,, ronr•~Cn .ro '6 J1•, ll•• 11~. "" .... G•~nby 1.104 ' :ll'• 11 31 -·~
to ha"C a supply and demand . d d f I d Am""" Coro 11.1 A6'• 111, ,,,,. , ro,. F~ls '!~ 71i. 14•, '"• 11 -·~ Gr~nc1vn •~ 71 ,. • ., "'• 11·~ . • \\In OW erooer an un·,..,..,11ed 210 tf ~·\~ J.IC~ :Mh=·~Ccn1=n:s 016 11 i.i·,.., 1111 -•.,Gr•nheC sn 1t4 1J•o u 11 -·· pmblem. d crcoating Bas i'c optiona l Am1e1 .12 :n B 11•. uv.-\,c,M ','.,."',',~ He\·~~~ ,1 -''•G•an11ev1 •G 10 11•, 1;-, ,,,._,,
I • AM(""" 1.o0 l!O :io• .. ,. •• ,,,,._.,,on ~ 91 121~ "'I ,,.~.._,,c;,.n!W 141! ,,, 5\•, 51 5"·-·· Jls 182 r ubic nch, six-enuipmcnt is hmiled I 0 Anc:~Hock .IO 16 •1 •1'• ,1,, _ '•• ",~•,• ,",'", i 10s 104 1N -1 Gravora 1 20 ~o 111. 21 , ,,,, -i.
I d 'I . . • AntctRN~Y I u 12 '1>; n ""~QI lr? , ••• , .. 1··~ .._ "G! A&P 1 •o "' "'• 7!'• "" + '• cy in er engine produces 145 automatic t r ansm1ss1on, a •r And c 1av 1 :>a ,. 41 •o•, 4'>'l _. ,·, •,~ .. ',',"''•"',, ,,, I"\ '"': .uu. -,,, GtNDrlr 1.35" 11 n•, 1 1•~ 11~ . . .'J)eci...co '10 76 12"• 211 21' + ,. °""'~ , l~• ,,., 1••, ''" -·~ r.1N0Pto 1 to '~ s~" 55'~ s!•: .:.;:·-, horsepo\ver compared v.•ith the cond1t1on1ng and a seleclion of Aoco011 1111 61 3 ... ,.,: J.«: _ .: c,on~Pw•,,• ~,, ti 31•1 ~2·~ ll + v. G• "1or Rv l ,1 ,,,, 11•, •1'> _ '•
118 horscpo"'"f de••elo~ by d ' d 1 I A.cut c~ 11 .,.,.,, ~'l 01.+•• 01..-wo GI Yl•lt F1~1 i11 11·, ,,., ,,.,_,, '"'" 1"-u r a 1osan sereo tape payers ARA ~vc '' 1111 119,1 110,,1.,.,, ,,, vlJ90 ~"· ~,,1.L t' -"'~G1wnu..,1 '° 21 "°'• l'I'• l'l'•"-'r
lhc four-cyl1nderfng1ne1nthe • .~ Art~D.!tn1611 1 .,,.~ ~" 51•. 1 or1• ... YI '' 1~·. 1 u 11 -•1Gwvn 0111~ .1 "' n -. 111,+•,
l 'OS•ri•s•ars. East coasl' port of entry Arl1PSvc1 a1 "~1'• le'• 21 •.+·~~~;t;;~:g ~ 1~·· ~.•., •• "-'·GIW15h1 .. 5o , 1l'• 11<. 15.,_., ~ " ". .. -.1. f th l970 V I 164 Arlam. cs 20 i& 211~ n 12•l _ '• 1!'1 11•, -"Grtt<>G~! '' 11 311·. 19,. 311 . p rll:e or e.. o vo re·Armces1114 56 '6'· '6lo '6'•-'•~'CtOfJ<",12s u~~, 1~'• :!I~ 1i1 ,-·~c;.reenSI! 1 20 ~ n•, 111, 1111-•, In addi1ton lo 23 percent · h d L$J !l9-Armour ieo 1 •l'• ..i·~ IJ'• '\"" ~ • •1'\ " -P'i Gre•h tt~1 1 1~ "'• 11•, 11,,_,
morehorsepo"'er.the l 64•5 six n1a1ns unc angc a , <>. Arms1c~ 1111 11J Jl'• Jl'' ll'•=11 ~~10M~~.1.;;; 1~ ~;:;~~;:A~, r;rc11er 90 111 ,, l "• 11 ~'-'' * * * ArmCk Dll.75 1!ll 5.! SJ ll -1 .-,..~'M"' II'-'> 1 ,.,, 1'"· •. 1 -1'~ r;rum..,~CD I ,6 •7611 '51, 11>• -' I d J 3J t Armff ull 16~ 111 lf'I lJ''o ll'• _ ·~ Cor>t (Ill 1 50 8').I • 1 '• -'• GllLl~o!O •O ,_ u •, ~'• Jt•o 1 '' 0to~•1e"'11°63ps foopet rpoceunnd~oraet AUTO SHOlV AWARD :~1,.<crl:ci ~ 1~1 ~::~ 1r.t-. ~~'11-:.~ roniou pf 2 • r,:~ i:·~ ~., :i::. g~,'f~1t 111~ 1ol ~;; ~~:~ ~;; = ::
''I .~ AshlOOil 170 lSO U'• 15'• j6 ,,r..ttnt S!11 11 l l JI">,, 31 Gua R•irc•s ll • 11'• ""• !~'o-7
'000 r Pm) lllan Other Vol \VJNNERS N Al\.IED AshOI! en io 2 56 56 6 :5,, Ccni Tel .rt l•l '1'1• 11'\ 77 -•:. r,.,u11:e1 <>f? 7 11 16'• 11•, _" •· • \'O An d Brew :15 I• 11'!. 1J•:._ ... r,,.,1rc l o~•,. ~:>2 l?rl\~lll'lo ll"'·•-7'•r.11R:•1 <>Jll~ 10 i9•, 1''' !~'•-'•
engines. The result is much Aw,rds were p resented toAs\.dDG 1.10 21a ,,.,. ~•'• ,.~_,,.cnoo1 014 50 111<1 60 ~~ t~ -v.r.u11~1,.u1 •• 1~1 '·"· '''• ,, • ., •. • And Sec 120 1 l•'• lf'• :1.4•1 r...,wcd 1,IOJO 7 l l l3'l l~'• +t'or.ulf~IJ clflO 1t"'I II•> J<"'; ~l\;-1'.
greater performance: ac-d I ~ b th .l.•\.dTr•11 t0 1 u ·, ,,., 'l'•-v.CDOkun11 .50 ,. "°'" .39'1 :iti~ •• """"51 101•10 1"'" '~ ·~ .'I<""'' various ea er b'oups Y e AllCl'VE• t lf Jr 71,, ,1., 13,,, •. c-"'" 1.t0 1 x •, 11·~ 1·~~ · r.u11W1" ""A 211 :>ll'• ''"• ,.,., _ ., c elerationfron1zero to 60 0 C .,_ C At1CEJD1Sl1 J95'.96'~96•i-·-.C-•T"-1 '1111,111.1n;.i.1.r.1111Wn•111 '" , .. , •• ,.,
m Ph. Is less tha n to Seeol'ds. range ounty ivwtor a r All Rlchlld , ,,. 9•» ,,., t1>. -~ .. C0011T l>f111 1 1••; i~., 1~'' _ ,, Gu1tD11 Ind • 5, n· 1 10 l'O ·: ·,
. . . AtlJttn D1J.1s t230 ~·.~ ~l' r "', -Vt COOPl•r>d 1 7~ l ''" • ..,. , ..,, • + "• H I
Tl 164 I t h Dealers Assoc1al1on for having All Rich o! J a ao 1ssi1i 111\1 -5\'o CoooRo• Yh si 10·~ •o ~... -• -1e power P an a.<; • At1Rch 0!21~ 11 e? 61 e1 -1 r.now1~11 1.111 11 '~'1 T8~ 1~·. H1c~w11 ''~ 6 JI .'16') ,'If,•\ + •. ,
b een further improve d 1n the \\•On recognition a l the 6th an-A1l•s Chem 1 JJ :i1•1 '1:1.; 21>,1 -·~ c:cr1nr~B ;)1'9 1'' 16'• 2', '"• -•• ~.tll p,, t 61 v• 3, Ji , " _ '• At1~1Ca•D II ii' ..... ··~-\loCcrGW15fl• 1;7<01,2•11,1•oi,.1.1•,H1tllbur11 ~5 )<15!'• is,55·~-·· 19i0 vcr:-ion \V1th an tntirely nua l Orange County Interna-~To 1nt er• 11 ll(• lJ 11 -1 '"o"""~ur i? •< 1• 1• 1~ H1mwe1 S&1 10 i; • 11·. '1'• ~ •. Au•oc1 Pl•• 11 11~. 16'~ 16'1' r.cwi.1 ?O n 11·. 11 11 _ ,_ >itmm P8c t 5 ,. :11', '' ... '• n ew rad1a1or fan whose ftf'X· 1· I A 1 •b w; A""°"'tn 1ne1 9• 12'• 11', n -,, C•Y'ldtA1 ·~ A '"• ,,..,, •I' H8m.,.~11 10 J.i n·. 1'1\• ~''•. •
hi 1ona uo ,,ow. 1nners,.,.tccn1X1 1s11 ,,,,,1•;.-~,e,,.c rn111 10 1~1 311 ,3,,~,,.1 ....,.,,, .. ~ 1t11:tt'll!11 ~ .... 1
1 c s ta1nlecs steel blades 111-\\Cre: J\lost beautiful display Avco n1i20 1 sl:: l l'• .!JO• .i. '• ~·~r· 1 ~"h 31 ,.,. ~,,. ,,,: _ ,, .. ,.,,, Hr.r 12 11 "'• ~! 2a·, _ '•
fl ti d Ave•vPd 7~ ia3'/i,31 ,371,_•,r:,,tt11nF1,.1 <111 ,1 .,,1~·. "l•nesco~o 61i 1;,16• •. c1case;;1r owa O\v~pec ~ _ Da lsun · bcsl dre ss ed"'~"'''~' #(I 1711 ii•, 1,., 11•0 -l )frnmnK~ •~ 11 1,., ,, 1,,,_,_, Ha"rr•,1 t l~ .,,6 Jt't ~~·, l.I'
for ma"llTI•l>TI COOi ng ' Jy • • • • Avon PO 1 llO-!1 lM1i 16~ MB'll -'• rro.,••H•rd I 1 ?llJo Jt 7;•, ~ ,_ l-larcovrl 1 ~; o ;;•, $5 1 + ', " 1 in !Cl salesmen -f ord· best nar-A11ei: 0,1 Gs 1s 111• 13 13 -'•f"ro<wco1 1 ~71 ~ 'nl• 1.-, ·~·. • '• ~orrr1 lnl 1 "'s 1; ,. , ''" -'•
d ri\'ing. t d .' B-c"'""" co•• 111 !A,, ''' ·,., .i. ' I irscc Co ' 11 10 19'• '°" -'•
I r a ion an present10~ -Ford. ,,L, w , •• ~ 2'1'< 11.~ 11,, .1-,,. c rwn1e11 1.1~ ,. 36 ~··; J•c! +•~ ~:~~s"l'i' 1 j~ 1;J 31~• • JO • JI • 1 .,
CALL US NOW FOR \\'tt I if<; m:iin ~niphaisis on best future car display 11,r,:0,11 ~i ,, 1-µ, n•· .,.,., _ v. C•n 1. "''·"" t lO" ·~:· " " -I'• 1ta1 Cc•• .•o , ,;· 'f; 1r· -1
P"S"cnger "Omfo•I lite n e•v '''' •• '' •1• ""'• '"" +1 f"T~cor1> '° • 1•• 1''• 1"•+~·11-i~vti .&1b 1 ''' •,' ,,. ' T·OOl INFORMATION ANO "" ... ' ChevroletAstro III. n:1h 1>111i.5!1 rJ§O ~,._~ 6'111 fi t: "rud.ol!Y '" 3! 1r, l?lo 17'•-'"H•:~lll~~ ,, ,,., JA•' lf.:-:::
SUl'UIOI! COURT 01' THI!' A BROCHURE. 161 features a 11 un11:;u a llv B1n9Punl ~ ,. 19 .. 18'• 1~·· :._ ·~ fLd~y 111115 l l1'f 1 "~ 17'' -·~,H~c l~\\'~ 10 &r ~1·· ,,\• 31" +.
'''' ''.''. ''.
• ' '"' 1 7•'• 14" 7•'• rulllQI~ '! ,~ '1'1'> ?!1, Tl -'• H~!n1 HI A• 11 l~' ... ~ ,,,, -,, STATEO 1 roon1y Jntcnor ;ind superior e!~~T•c 7 ~4 33 61l~ •l'o 67 +'•rum ... 1 .. lll't< i1 •~'· "'.• ,. .... ,,11r11 cr 1 .oo 1•1u'14.; ,.,, ..... ,
THI! COU"IT'I" OF ORA"!iE I TELEPHONE • B1rt>Or1 2361 10 51 Sl>l s••• -'• cu~~oro•q 1n ~• ;o•, ,. • 70•,.: '•"'•II•• lnr ~~ n :? 19 • 19'• -'• Ne. A-fM" &ii ~ \ i<;1on through largf', llnled lJ S hm dt B~rd CR 1~ . 1 ss•o ~,.., 9."" + \, r~111r H l '0 n 1• " :• -•1 11t•me Pd1 1 ,.., UI'• 1-,, ll'•
HOTICE 01' Nl!All:1MO c, ,.l!TITICN b ANSWE111NG \\"Jndows. lls ,,.,, a re a1Ty c 1 Btsre 11\C 'to I l~\ .. ., •• u ·. -~· Cvtlctl>S t !O ' '7'' ll'O ....... '· '<~m-r~P :~ i · '"· ·"· Ill+ -'• J'Oll:l'll:O•ATl!C,l'Olll!ICllO!W ILL ---ll•l~M!t I ,,.,,., 9•; CrcrvsM lfO ~551 jl)'o jl)''+'•H!n\•J~~c~o ?I,., t"• 6•\+'•
AND l'OR LETil!lt5 Tl!STAMEMTAll Y BUREAU u pholstered in le?ther. A flow-B~•s Mt en 1 13~\ ll\' 1 "~ -''• 0-"'""'ire ~l1 ~ 1·, 1· • ,, , Efft!OI of 1VLA $TOKES COCKE. 543 H { N~ Beth Ind 11 '1'\o jl '" l · -Htrcl" 1 1~ l?S j; :11'1 32'• + '• 2222 11,ro''ob air ''0(/'Jol•'on SYS(Cn\ eac s a co O•o•-Cb .O• >lU 77'" l'h 12 + "• Otfl River 1~ 31 1l l)'o 17'• -'• lir<'M·'d I 10 iJ l' 711, '"• _ ,, 0«.etsed • to • ' •, rm Bixt~l.'eb .10 230> 3Ho 30\lo 311 ,+1 Oan1 Cp 11.i 19 )j•, <J'1 ?l'z+i,f<eubT~I~ e~ 11 "'~ 19'• J9••-'• NOTICE •s ME1tEeY GIVEN Th1t1 1 OFFICES TO SERVE h as been added as a fur ther Bevutc11 .lO n 11 11 . 01r11~11 .lOb J7 Yl'• ""so -11 ,HtwP~c~ 10 f5 OJ',•• ,, -1'• WILLIAM HOWELL COCKE, $R. ,,_, fll-Bt&rl"'' I 4 111 ~ 41'1 <11'• •. Oort !no DI 2 16 Sf, 51'. !l'• ~ , 'lli•Q~ Vollage H 23·, 1J ,1 "hfrtln . "'tl!IDll for orob1!1 gf for•km ALL OF ORANGE co. rerinemenl ol passenger com-\Vh1'ttaker co~rat1on an-lltll I'd• l Sl l9 ,,~. Je'o + ·~ O•JtDCP I 1f 11 ,,., 73•1 1•1• + ., ~·llonHc111 I 11 6•'• 63'1 "''•-"I'• wnt 111C1 for' hWtttlfe ft! lel!e" f rt · 1·-Btctma" s D lJ ""' 4 '• ''I'• -''-' OtY•nHucl lO 11 11 "°'• •• .. nee !J 1<1J 21• • 1~·~ 2~i, _ .,_
Testtmtnt.ni lo n.. '"11tloner, f9ftre11<;tl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L.::oi.~~~~_!~~~:,:~~JI...: nounced the appoi'ntment of Beet Dick lO •1 61 59 '°'' +1''> g .,.1nPL 1 60 " 11•,1 11•, 21•,, .i. ••
H1tco Pf A .~J u 1.v . ;11; )l>i -I'• -• -, .. 1 VJ th' j dd d 9tee/1Ar ?Jb 76 19 n·~ II'~-'• PL PfBl7J r~ so so JO -P<..,'JCIJ" 1;0 11 •l'• 42 , •1"-'· 1o .... hlch Is mlde "" ur.,.,. "'' ... u '"• O VO JS year l<IS a C a Harry A Schm di I "e«n C•k 1 170 21·~ 21• 1 71') _ ·~ OPL PIC J 'XI 110 !' 53•, s• 1-, , HD<'rnW•I &? 10 H•• 15 21 _ '• 1ncl11Wtt11•llmt111dpl1ceotn1ar1n,1he • l as gener a Be!!o Pel .!~ 69 18,0 11,, 2,,._11,,§''" cn 1 1s 0 ,1., •?•• + ,,..,ou eitc•r" ,1 111 , tc·, 10,1_.,
,,me he1 lleti't 1e1 fer Dtttmller 11. '"'· manaoer of llS N a r e 0 Beldf19H .Mlh s 1• 11" 11•. + '' e1m1•P 1,oa u u•t 1~ .. 10•, -'lo., HOl•dvl<>" 20 2!J "3'• •i" ,3, , 11 t XI 1.m , 1 .. !tit cour1room of OtHrl to m lie!! Hew 60 !& 59'\ 5-6'• !6'0 -1·~ el MMe l TO l! 19>~ 19•, '''• + \~ Hol•db.. l.11lh ~ 11e11 66', Ni'; 11 '
men! t.io. 3"' •a111 t ourt 11 100 Civic Jt,. f\later 1als D ivision in Costa l!iell 1111trc"" 1'"1~\, io 10 -" e\laAlr •o 7J1 l1"o :!? JV•+ '"!11o11vsu, 1.10 1•.1 n•, 11'1 21·, _ '' Ct<"lf• Or!Yt wi st, llonMrl\I Wt tl Ekthth p B•mls co 1 .a ?J,., 73 21 .+ '• gPlltc 1nt .n n 11'• 1110 -'• !1cmtstke ·'° 1 xi·, 19-. io _ ..-,
lrefl> In tl!I Cltv of S•n!1 Ant . ?11esa. B•""••l.6CI 35 JP1 Joi": J.1•1-•; ennMl!I .~ 69 ;.1', ?• ?~ _,,ti..,,,,.,11m 011'1 1'6'•1<.l'• • Benell•,., J 1 61'> 67 61 -' ~"M'~ 1>•1 J "'• 71 '' 1>1oc~n1110~ 10 l ••, ll'; Jl ·=·· CAlltor1111. S h di ·o· d \"hill k • n'""'"'~ 1 •O ~ 11 11 .11 _ •• Oe"~"R•t r• H7 "" :!O 1n·~ _,,, lio1• 1n11 .l'l ' •l ~J ,1 .._ • 011edNov•m'1-r?t 1•6t. c; m1 J 1ne ·Y a ·cr1n BennF pff!ll 110 59 59 st 0 .. 1101¥ 11o.t ''1;8" •8'•-'•"'n•~1c11 Ao• :;1 ''" l?'• 11,, ,• w. E ST JOHN, H' l"d Sh -1968 as niar k eting nianagcr 11~~11F" ,,u •n , 1•·~ 19 11 -1') o"'eco ~• s 11 SJ'• 5l 1 .ll'•-1': Houtt Ind 3n 11 1~·, is·. 11,, + ,' Coun!yCi-r1c. 0 I ay oppers lllmF .1"!1.lO 1110 l• l• l• OtS11~t .. , 90 73 ,JF1 JD'• J,,.,_,,Hou~ pl J)S I 10, 7'/'· ?It· • -------~,.,.,,-------JOl!'ltM•NI M.&SON for Nar m co f\latcrral~. l hs een;ue1 !Oil u 1, u>o il••-'•Ott d•s 1•0 el j7'• n•, '"•-'·H"''!I MIH •o 11 17•• n•i -;,;_., ae~!lull ln "\J>, 13'• 1.3•, erE!loflSO 1 7 '' Rl -•.•1ou•-llF-1\0 5~ 11,,441, ~j>,~•' T-M '"1 Wlllhlr• ...... ¥,,. back=ound In i n d u s t r i a I Bu~P"O ,Ill Jl 18'• 11•, 11 -·~ IS Teel lOD S6 11·~ l?'. 11•' -,, Hou<I= nl• •O l 111 •• 131'. 111• + • '
HOTIC E TO c •EDITOltS ''""'Iv MUii. Ctlll • ..,,. ro· Bt rmtc CO•• r.1 ,,, ~-. 1 Dt~l~r .?• ,,1 l•'• l•'• 3.1•, _, ., tiou1!' Dill> • llt '• t.!' w' ,, 111 1'1!11:101f COUltT 0 1' TH I! Ttl: f21J) 2rt.tlll m anagement has i n c 1 u d e d Be!~ Stl 1 ~1 ~·3 11 ?I'' , ... -'. OIA•F h~.. !ft "'• !1 11 • " •• Hous1LP 1 I? 38 ""'· '°'. flJ>. ' IT.l.TEOl'CALll'011:"11Al'Olt Alttrneyotftr Ptfll•flltf ~HMllld !?ft JO 19'o 19•1 19»-•,.018"'1"11 l et' 7~ II'> 41'1 O•,.i.10 HGuotNG1 91 31 <It" i!•' t8'1 -,'
.". ''
U .... Y c , Oll:A.HGI: Pul>!lo~f:d Ortl>O• CD1''1 OA•I~ 1'11ot, posll!OllS W l th Philco-ford 111o ThrPI! 6~ 16 •:!!'• •5 tS'• t \;. Ol~Sham 1 40 ~l 2!11 • 19'• 1•7 1 -~ HouGo nll 50 l i'I'• n ' f9' -,' "' "I 2.$ nclOe ~ 1 !11dcOk1.XI 2ll75 1' l•'i-'1 01a5h ofC7 1111•,1~•.18" HowJo~n?' ?~19'•19 19 -• N1.A-MHI ~v,mtl<!r 1•. 1 c~m • Co r po r ation , Beckman 11181rJQI>" 11 20 ll'• 11 1,,~_,,011sc101.;>t1 110 150, 1• 15•,_1,Hcw!l'rl 10 >~ i'I'• 79,, :ni~-i... Fflti"'oflNEZWILLl.l.MS.D•t!•ll'fl 1%9 2169·6' I ( ,, I Olin LAU!l 1 1 16"< 16') :u;•;. O!ctenh~" •I ll ,,., 7~'• 16'•-•1 Hudo~l>l<IO• • 61 Bl •, 11.,.:_,,
NOTICE IS HEREll'I" GIVEN In lhl'J----,-=7co-cc.,.,=c=c---n!i rumen ... <; nc.. Dy namic Bl<>t~ HR: ?• I SI . JI 1/1 1 -s, 81•beld •!b 1,0 Al'• ~7·, 6?'• -'•Huch lia! 40 I 11 . It . !H• '
.. I. --,,-.,0,..,f:dduH•.,1 LEG AL NOTICE Sc•·-C 1• d ''"'''''''" ,_,,,,,, •• -'• G·or•c.60 13•.13 ?l -t.1c1a~0Pw160 6n·,,,,,,, -,• r• "' "' '" ""T .... ce orpora 1011 an eotlbie Br~;' 31 1,,, l?'l jj,, _ ~• 01m...,"m ICI 39, '91• i~·. 11u -·~ ID••j B1~1c 1 tn 12" 11 ~,·1. • -'"•l11t l'f•-h1v1,..c1e1..,,.~a1n11 1~el ---------------'I g 1. R h C ll<"l"o 110 1" 31 ll'• Jl'•··· 00•011.,,, ofA? ll'} s,1• 511,-1i.,1<1ea8 ol•IS • n, 11 1 ·:,'• s•'" df'(f:d!~I 8•t ,..,ul•l'fl In 111• t~t.... •Ul'l!ltlO• COVJtT 0 , THI! 1• 8 nc IC cscarc orpora-Be •C•! ~lb ..,., 79l, 11 111, _2,, una 01 ~ 1 1 ~· ~t +• 111 cent 1 u ~9 31 ,, 31 l \ wl!hlh•n!(Hte•vvouch••s,!O\l~e ~lll~ tion. 0.,:,d Ir .. 1 1 l P • 1 P~ 1104-•\!?:,lllon,<1•,s.lh 1 lA'1 IA'> 16'>-'• lfCe11 o!l!O 11 lJ'• !1'4 5 ,~_1 • <!f lh• t '-•t ~ !h• t bo•• •nll!lf:d <cur!, er JT.1.TE C, CALll'OllNI .. "011: 9~Mlh l 18 ?6 73:r,, 7">\ t7J.. -1~ "llf' U JO I It If .. 17!;-' * Ill POw~r 1 81 311 J!'o 36 1 ' :"'ou:::.\~"~ 1~~;,,,::~::"~~ea! ~~:e::i~~= TH• COVNT'I" OF OltAHGE J :;::============::;;IR~~gt;,,1 1°15 1;; J:~~ ~~:: n:: :._ ,, 8i:~;::AQJ~~71l lf 1!~,\ 1~::: 1~~ .. :;:' •• [J ~: ggt~ ~t~ ~~ ;J ~ "; '•
-N<1L 5. BEZAlllE. 71! E1.t N•nlo" ..... A·W ll &or"'8"\ .10 1!1 IS•• , ••• "'' -'• g11rs1nc M •I 19 l u .. ,, •• -'• '" P.• cf1.0I ro 18 14 ?I :. I -11 < 11f<l I NOTICE 01' MEA.l"IG 0 1' f'ETITION BnlEdl• 2.0I Jt J? )I\~ 31 ~-jig' fll~•r .tO Jf ~'• '9 '''• l"1a Cc Am 6.1!) I•'• 1"' 1&t, -•o D•tvt, Sul!• A. So" G1br f • I rn ~ lk>Urll! t"I 1,, t 5'141'• ?'1~ _ ~1 omo,I. In 10 Jf oil!', fr \o f7', --, IN.<, Co l,fO 86 lfl' 0 Jlls 3, . -l', 11n4, whlth 1. I~ plat• nl bu•I"''' ol iro • l'll:OllATI! 0" WILL A"ID ,o. Sec our l\refll!Alr .lO 101 11'• 11\o 11'. -·~ ~Fd,I 1,1~. JI 11 . ,,., 1"'• "'• rnc:o"'e CIO•t 9 ,..,, u ·. ,.-. 'I 11\f ul'dt01'""d I~ 111 m1Tt•" p~rllolll"o LETTEltl TE ITAMENT~ll:'I" ~"on51 !Ill~ 1 11•> 51'~ 5•1, -'• Oorf'e ~v > J• ~I'· 3'" J7" .i. -, I~ CCum .1fl t t >o '1 i 1 -lo lh•~•!~l!l!l !lllldec~t~•.wll~•lll<'M'f E~ltl~"1JVANITA0ENNl,0fffa•l'd r II d Brl•ll.lv l ?I! ~I 71 '~ 10 10 -1•1 1 '' 0 l 1 )'q'• ~·· , ...... ,,1"11·~nHd 11.'.1 ,, ll'• 71•, ,,,
"'O" .... l fl(r '"' 11••1 oubllcallorl"' !~Is NO'llCE IS HEltE9Y G!VEN Th&1 u ·page a Brl•!l,\v nl 1 u ,, 4f A6"~ + •1 orr ~ll-nr lO IJ"o )' .. "'• -'• •ndol>PL l ~ h l~ lJ' 2J'• """!••-''' ~:::,•;t~,J. ,j:J~ ~~~ ;~~m: ,:, ,·,, lh1's weck"s :~H~'~i ... ~ ~ :~ .. ~:: ~~ : !~ ;we.~~~'",o 1 'fi, ,1a ~~ .. !&·i :~·~ ~ ;;l1lg~1~~e·g·~~ 1 ~~ ~)-. 9: • + • D1led Ntv....,b-• '1• 6 • ~ .. ~ C lklv"UG 111 16 1S•, 15'• 75·~ -•o ,•v, I 3')t, ;oo1, 1~" lnurtlh!ld 1 ~l *''• ,,., ·~ Thor "• Fcu""" orobe•• cl Wiit incl lor lo•ulllC:l .of ti· I re"" Co , lP'i 10,,' 1~·. _ '\ 0~;r 1'11101! ;g ~1 16'' 11'' )I' 1 -·, ll\CIRd Dl1 :a 10 JS , JS _.,,, •• -1 E ••cu!•l• cl IPI' Wilt '~"' Tn!lm~I••~ to P ~I I I I 1 n t r ' • TIME ~rown co ol ,0 "'• I~'• rs·, _ ·~ 0.tnr ,,.,'Bl I~ 32' .. Ji~• ll'• -'·11111~11d ~u 1 1)1 ;e 11 -1f'o _ ', of th• il>Ovt <11med dK«!tnt ref•••"<• le wh!t h '' madl lor lurlllft I ""'11 5~.,0 1 ? 16 16 !I Otl'V!usC 1 JO'o ,.,. ?9>, -'• nri;cr>•Co 76 •l 1r, lW-. 16 • • •. ~l!tL I. llZ•lltE p~rtlcul••l, """ 111•1 l~t Time encl 1>lac• llW!'S~ce "S ~ :171> 17 ~7 -'• p 0 0 ;• lll"• lO Jll -"1~1!<0 .1Cll •.J 1•'• 7J'' 1• -'
111 F•it Ml••l•11 oriv•. sunr A. or ~•e•!n~ !ht •JOm• ~8• 111!•" Jtt •n• Magaz1'nc ll•u~·w~ ioa .,1 1~'• i~ "'~ • •• O::~Q ': 111"t ~1 J' 31'• JI'• -•· 1~5<1~ <>1.-.11s ~ 1··· ;· • :"• • ' • I 1• llvcvEr 11n 11 191, 1011 19» -'• 0 ',' 1 d SS•, ;I.!• 5 ,..1. ·, 1 ~>0" Ceo!~ 11 \,., I•'• ~j', _ '• 5•11 0 •1trlt!, Coll!. t117• 01't•mbtr ll. 1'~9. •I'"'' 8.m., " •·• Budd Co ,8, 1l 11,4 11 11"• ~'I rtug,'", •"••-1o l~:· ~l'• 1Slo -:,
1n!e•co I i. '!" :g, ;~ 1 '• 'rlh UUI 71)-2141 c•ur!roc"1 of OPoBrtM•fll f'/o l Of ~~Id Rutt F f'>O 10 p 101 • J. •, u ~ · ·"" 71 HW , lOI • lOl'o -l'o lr.!trl~SI 1 IO I ;1 1! 1! , Atl-Y 1w F•KUll'h cDUr!. et 7llO Clulc Cenrtt Otlvl Weit, on Bud~! lno .~4 21 1~'T IS" 1~'• -I'\ cluPonl nlf l{I J 6!1o l.l'' 6S"1 , .• , IBM I 1•P J6! "J~ • }"I ::i°1 1
P1rlllli"ed Or1nQc Co1"! (lt•l't Pil•'· !h•C•lvol$itnl•1'r•.(AlllOr11l1, mFJRST llull!'oro 110 11 ~ l'"" ~!•o-••it!!!:0,"', ~!},~ 1• $~\! !l\1 !1·,. lntF1~F• ,,Qb ''l 60 !? &.'I ·1 ~ Ile :1 rid !) l>el' I I IJ 0 N "" 71 1Ht llulove W 60 17 .,.., 3'1'1 l'>'• -II•""" "' $ 7,~ 1J 2J'• -'• "' Horv l PO 1!6 ?!"I 7~ )o'o -, ,..,.,.,•m' ' Ktm '1i6t"6t •ttO ove'"'T'"HN CALIFORNIA B~n~ J!8"'" l:ot 1" 11'• 1 '111-•~°" '10c1'nJ 110 71'• "'• J7'•-'•l~!Ho1<1 l.IO<! 1 11'-I!'~ •I' • \'I, • S J.., ~u.,..lt oll.!11 -, 11 ' l!I• •1'• .1-'• 0...oLr •01 1 JtJ.O 11 16'• 761, -'•int t"CI""~ 1l u 1, •J •), -:_.: CnunlY Cle•~ c • ~vrl l"d I fO 1 e• 1111 JI 3,., Ocl l l5D!117 r1~ 1S 1•'• lf'o -'' In! 1"'<1 nlT 1ll 7 !1" !', Sl , LEGAL NOTICE ROl f RT L,HVMPHltl!'l"S OMPANY P.~r'nrtv 1n 10 '.3'• 'l'i ,,.,+.,~1 1!0nl?10 !IOll 11 ?~ .! -l',1"'''1""r J!~ 110 13'o 1-., 11 , •, UOO .l.d•m•, 5ulll Numbtl' 20i ",",!!",~' ,~,,, :)Je 1•1 11•'• 1•••~ -11,.; 0 mo,.M .411 •S !6'l 16:• 16'' -,,. ln1 Mno .<IOQ 89 1''• 1~'• 1•'• = •, c1111 Met1. Ctlltt"'I• ""' ~Yhere lhe 1nv1Js!or nU • 1 ?O lt'• 1g -\~ vnt m ·'° n 11'• 1! 1 HU, -'II l~t Nick 110 'IO? '7 • fl , •1 -" , NOTICI! OF TJIVSTl!E'S SALi! T11: 1111) J*HJI r -£-)-_ Int p~~ ~-:0 4..~ ll'• 30 :'I '
"" TS-WI p 1 oh1:oys come1 fil'i;l --, 1 .. 1 .. 1 Pep "' ' r:;o ~1 i 1 ~1 ... •r On Oe<tmller 11. Ifft, 11 lO•Oll AM• Att0•,•,~,,,·h~ ,•,.:-,, C•••I Doi ... Pllot, C•bol C'l\ 60 t 311• 311~ ll~• -" h ,·u,,,','c'"o ·~ 1t10 ff;• 211.°• 291it + ~~ !rtl $DPCll11 _ 1JI u·, ll": 1~'• -•,
t-10SHONE SE RVICE CORPOR.l.TION. • = -'' 3355 V' L 'd Ct! Finanl ~1 fl, • tl, l "~ ' '' 11'• + ... Jn! '" ,.., 1>11 l !'1 JI'• :i' • --. Nowmbtr 2S. 71 t nd Of«m~• 1. II I 0 '1 C•IT~f\M Ill 1' 1~ 1• 16 -'E•s!Alr ,)1~ 1•1 7>o 1v. 16"•-'lrlflt T&T ,OJ ]II loll IT'a si1,_., Cnntnrnl1<o•POrtl•on.~•d11lvariPC~!~l96t 1llt-6t N . B h C1mcRL •I~ n 19'\ It•\ 11·•~:t.trE•st(IGF,• IQ,~. 11•. 27'o +'tln!l&To1H l 1109 109 109 -'• ~;::::e:i.~:'"0~~:'~.·~~~~ "~~eutl'll LEGAL NOTICE P"eownpoe·. '6175~3•9,40 f~~,':,~ .lo'~ il~ ~;: ~~: J:::-~ f:~k~~r1'!-,,{ ~'! ~~:~ f!'.~ ~~} \~7Tl.e,'-4fjQ..-i lr~~-i~l~Z\%~;~ :',! tw J.1.ME!i V (';ILL '"d PATll:ICIA E n Cdn Pac J JD ti 6~'~ 67'I 68 , :+ '• ~:·.n~Y1,,,',t~ A.I' i1•0 IO'o ','" 1 :• ln'fl\.T DfKf ?l '"" '' • •!'• _1., G•LL, ""stt•"" •l'ld wl<•. '"d ••rortll'fl W 'll' E ., Cl ~' IC:dPAc <1111 67>., O'l, ,n, f7 A? ' '"· 1~r1 r>ILJ50 11so 12 11 11;_ 1'65 I ' N u rn I Ll!GAL NOTICE ' ""' • ,.,t ..... e n Ct "a1Rd 110 ,, 7• 13'• ,. '.i t' EchllnMI .n !I t1 ll". 11:• I 1 .. 1 1/111 I fl) :n )6°, ;1•1 )I. ••1 --~".K .. -ltfr '°' ... ~ .. ""u'·. le, ,· ·" .,,,,,. S<HOOL Vic• Prt•ill•nt CIO c Bclr<! ... l}" ll'• J1''> + •• l!:c~tdl=fa ·111 6• ... -. ,·.. .''Int IJ"' A 4 21 ~ ,~,. I•' .... llooDt; n11. P•~· '"' C•• •to• • '" NEWl'Oll:T-ME5.I. • use OU r money . .._ ___ _c;_,~;_;_,_ ___ _,. ••b<'u" l.IO ' •!'. •S'' .,. • ~!''°Gllro. 1 .I ~! •.• 1o 6 -• ln!rroMt· ' .... 7''• 11·. -•• l ' "'' olllc• el ,~. CO\l"'Y R:•cc•d .. n! OljTltlCT -•rl!sl• 60 l l , ... , ••• "'~ -•1 ,,.\.,, ".... .~ ,, • )A : -1~ Ir t•Dt• P! I •! "'• ,,., '11,, I'
(lrlMI• CeufllY. C•lllo•"I•• WILL 1El L NOTlCI! l ~YITllO!G 91 01 '===============================,! v• .., ''' 7 1, -1• l!O! ll•~lld t(O I~ 17·, 16., 1, _,,
ll!OOElt FOii: CA~H l~evtb'° ol !Im• of Bo"rd DI Edutalloo> o1 "'" '/e,.r>erl-M•~" ' 1,cr .l.!SOC ~1 lf'°t 13·, 11.• -.• l~'••1Pw i • )0 l~ ••11', lra _ ·, 1-T PURL IC AUCJIO., l O Hl(;llF.5T NOT ICE I~ HEREll'I" GIVEN !~•I llJ.t d II llMllS ·~ c.... I e • 6"• t • ' lfl'or051• ·~ •• ,S'. " , .... -.•
··~ !n ltwlul ""°"''¥ ot IJ'I• Uri•'<! Stet••) Vt1•ll•d kl><IQI O!~llttl of 0'•1""1 C.ounh. an save 1 M'm M•<'I Ir ~0'• /1 ' I~•-!-. !~"~ ~e~! '"'I XI'• 11•, ~a
,, •ti Nert~ l!rn-•v, .,,.,,,. ""'· c ,111.,,.,1 •• w111 rt~•lv! •••Itel bldt"" •11 • FO R C ALlfORHIA At:SIDEHTS OHLY E~~ ... ~:, ~~ ~ '::; ''" 1~, •1:· 1~ Fl l" I 'Ill ~~ ll • 1' • 1-\ _: ,., C•t!f(orr11 •II rlo"'· 1111• ••d ,.,,.,.,, ,,,., "llG ,, M C" the u·~ cllY !if 0., ........ , •EIP1u•NG \ 1"1 If'• u 1, 1-·~: ,• •• •ti.,r.E: t •.l ••• n· •. , • l:• ..... I
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Lei Sf Tr•cl •St !.•<""""'" "t.,,O· INDUSTRIAL AllTS f'OUIOMENT $100 JO $5,00Q fOf holfday Sho pping, bJJJ Clean• FmoOI•! 1 16 t 711 , 11'\ )I"• ~ 1 ~ I" flocl< 163. PtP!t 11 •'\cl U Cl All bld<t •·~ ftt ti<! ln •ccord~n<• wl·~ J.11 D11" l11r,..ed lo p uH.l<•tl ii l •S u ~:t 111 11lmenl comc!111 ~cw ~moorC .'Ott 7 ii' ~" :!0"1 • ·~
''11c•11•_,. ti\aPS. l'ficrci °' 0••riet C:el>drn-. 1m1rvc1"""-•ftd ~111caiien, up, a w inter vacation, any good reason. Jus t .,,.,,, ceft1lr•'"'" ;11 s'"'' An•, C1hlo1fti• •••• 1h1 South Co•1t .nc1Joi.n .n.. • ~1 '1 ... ' C!)U"''''-Ctlitorn!•. ....lcl! ~r~ -°"!!if lt1 1!1t effl(" of I~, ~=~..t~DI~ ia fi•: r,,~ :;,, :_; s.141 ,.i. w111 ti. "'"'· tru• .,..11heuf Purc,,.sl~• A1,n1 o1 :111c1 stl\o01 0 1.1r1c1• phone o r come in and tell us what you need. Pl11• Shop~un9 C1nf1r. 1n .. 1iBus 6, ~ i,., 1r, Jr'.
<""•n•nl ., we rr•"IY' ,v1rtu or 1"11'lltd, llJI P1.ccnt!e Al't!t'tur. (o:st1 Mtu. W 'II I II h I I ! d 0111Ga~ 1 7ft \ j',' • J'" '~ ' .. r1'111...,lnt tl!I•, P011•nkltl. er f'!t-C11lloml• C e YOU W at your Oan W [ COS t an Two hunditd 1200) liml!td ptrfnt tihip Ufl•h ••1; D1i119 $& Inc: 1.20 : 1•'• '5 •
fUfl"bf •nc.. '0 P•v lh• ·-1'"'~• '"'"" E•dl bl!lc!Cf' "'""' •ubrol1' ' bkl """"'11 sch e dule the payments t o flt' your In come. ti 1 1 • • c Id 11 " • c t f iquire 30 !• n 77111 21·~ .._ " r l"t ,_ °' ll>t "°"' t"(uff'd b~ u1d 111 "'' tft"" ot 1 u•tl!led °' c••~f!I'' e 111!1 ot •• • t .. rouqn e "'' ''""I ' efftp111y t our e1"x1~t 1 :o Sf 35'\ ~s1 , "" ~1 --.. T~N1,,,,.w11;1J."1'}.""t~1n .... _,,,,~•~11c11c1-·1r1oflwperc'11' C · Ith !h I d' Tho odS H d dDoU11 IS4 70Dlpor 11 t E'!hv!Co ."' lOd l!'•'•"'l•)·-1'•
Symbols ;;:, ".,,.;·;:,bow .... 1, ,.,,._ ., .., ,,.ld fJ~, of"""""',,,_,.,·-;.~ bkl, ..,.11t ompa r e o ur services w o e r en 1ng 111 • '"'" 1111 •• ' • "'• -e"'vi 1111 • .io 11 • '• .c• • .,,, _"
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Tiw bt-M!Fd•'Y unotrr uld' 0""1! cl "''" Into ,u<~ CQ<11flt(!. "'' nrCK""'• of L d ~ I h I 0 H F•ber'lt .41) 114 "'' l1'\ ,,., ! '• Mltl. flellfl'I '" ll!tCl'lllt!•t T"'''' bT ,.....'°"DI 1 ltrttdl ot lltf•utt 111 ,,,. tl'tl!'tk wit! bt "'11•l'"'· or tn u i• of 1 11i1ning1 •" 1ulem=1 11 : or, t minofftulll nil wort o nt un• "K'c• A s.g " '' oQ•• .iii, >. A'M!
"" ebl!ttl!""" •"(:Urtcl I h , r •II " . -11\P flllt JUO'I\ ""'lftl wl!I bo M • p I i:l1•d Thou1•nd Oolltl'I (SI 00,000 I. "•!rcr>C .Ill '" 17' • fl '• It -)!, 1 t;;., 1D1•• D• nt•••· -A11~u11 ~11'!
"-"1 • 0 r r s a n ll'Al<cl\ Ho~ff 11 l\'o U'o \< -\lo n I' ~J ~toe\ dlvldfM1 ,._Dflcl•n:' =.~_,'"':u~1~i: ~~a;,.,io~ •~,; ~;:,~~~.., " ...,ltl &ctiool 01'''1<' et Or•"~~ I i:or furlh1, i11!01m etio11 ,.n Rich1r1I H. ~1 ulry o r !1rr V F:l~...; ;} ::!: :r.: l~'; _. ,,,~tct''~:f'~1'•\llt!'f11 ~rn~t1~P~l1',b1~./.1
°"1Htl Ind 0.m•"' for Stlf, A"'ll w•I!•·~ •lo hl0dt" .... ~ W•'""'llW h1, l!l!I I~~ • ) J ~Ir'! Fin 1.)0 1J It'• II'" 114 -'·IO(~ d11.,o·"d cl-01t~~d ... ~lJI\ ve~ ncf\(f ftf l>ft1(~ ll'l(l cl •l•ttlen tft tl~lf 1t••iod '!I f9t!Y·llW (1)1 lllYt 1llfr lh• S1!,.1r ( 11 4 644• 4J0. ll'f"tlttl In<; JI '1 ... l•'t l•lt -'t er •i d l<I~ f!<i r1dlllflbuilCl'I' Cir". tht VNl•,.,1-t"ed ·~ 1•11 11•0 pr~•rtv te 00,, .. 11,.,0, onrni..e fl'tr,.cl '"'""II Fin 'I 14•, 15•, J)1 , il-P•a 1•tt ner 1't Dre!1r.tt1 ""'l>f•d
" ' "I' 1• "''"' tt c~LDWlll IANKI • , CO"•ANT , M• <:'! Sl'o SJ'l 5)•, •1 Mte.1 111.ck dlvlj'"d C>' illllt w ••I t¥ 11 d t• 1111•• • •!• •· ~n .,,.. 9o••cl rff Educ•'"'" o• 1"• N•wecrl• '-' , t'! .., ,,."'s'i_, 1 ,,.. n 11 2,1, 21 7 •• w-Otr!•rfd r!r 1~ o thll •et• '" ~
J11"' U . ""· "'" ""'tt•r, ~-t•U•M wld """'~ •1~ •lo.d k'-1 Ol1t•lct •Ht!'\lt'• ·~· SS~ Hl Wl'ORT C liNJl lt DRl'l'I ~ "' t0""" 1"1 )1 30'' 31 .._ ,, el<"""!t11Yf llsu. ""~ diVIOPM!t 1~ I" Mfic• of br•1c~ • ..., of •l"'l;!fO!'I to "" •loM .,, •• 1-.1 '""' o• ~11 bld1. •"" ~"' ~,.,,,:;: 180 41 ;~·· ,\., IS'\_ '\ :r1r1 e-"•ld 1;-t1 ~•• di~lotn!i ~.,.11,..1 roeocor'dtd hot lltoi. to11. ""! trc. o1 Nici ""t•o••oiv •ccNt t"°'I 1owe11 II!(!,,,., ta HIWPO •T IEACH, CALIFORHIA 92660 r<11tP...: Eit; 11 If"• 17., i•; _1 ,~1,,;_~"e,:1 ti,..""·~°'\.'"~"' 11 11~1 div•.
Ottld&1 ltt<O•~t-W411Y• .,,,.,. lfttft•m•lllY Dif '"'"ul .. llY j~ 673 3700 F PK tr ·" J 11'• ,,,, If'•+:• ~1111 :::~ 01vl.;;OJ· 1:':.f.11"::'1nl~,::;·
OilfCl,HN6s.7o:'i \'E~~c.c 1nv bill •K:.1,~w',· O••····· ••••••• • Tit.fl ~d~f•l1St""1!1 " M flhtl' ·~ 0"'' I(! ••fl ~e· • 10!t>;ll1!10f1 OI ... O!ftl' Ff'dPa•,• .. • ,•, f'1~ ;I~: Jl.~ -~ ,u, 'i11:."'' ,,... flflMM ..... t"h Yllt.• e::.r;~ .. ,. to iloUV c• 0111 ""!" In v1111gt Ont l11Yhl"11~t (Omf)fny, Th1 ofl•r 11 rt1•at "f'll~!"' ' -av ''"' o• :•-cr1.ir.t1u1•--"'• c COll:POltATIO"I •<•-D•>•••<• · ~ F tclO<~Slf t •~ 31'1 311> ,_., ~ ,, '"' o OI' -"""" Diiiy llr '"' 011e1lng C!rcul1t. '"'' , ~ ,, !"' 14,, '·", _.. "' v :no . • , t11d Ttvol"" '' Or•Mt (-1"1. (.tlllC'l'lll lJ t 8 h 3700 N I BJ ' ~, " """'M "" •• .... ~ "'"" '"M> uewpor eac -ewpor va. ~... r1:~. •.• ·1 .:~ i;., li:· • :: ,_,,,,, '" "' ktrtflN nurchf'lntF A•'~' Flltrel ) J ,. )J a tft '' ~·• f111tlbJll011, •r-E11 r11~h xw-W11t1
Pu•t1""'1 ,,,.:::, '~!!,, 011~ l'llol, C•trf o.:;~ 1, '"' •• ~[~!,'~·:; 11 jjl' ]!'' f,:; = ~ ~~rr',"' 1, --w·1'11 w • r • • n 1' tlOVll!'ltlt.r ,,, 1•, t roll 0.Clmb<'r 1 l'Ull!bh!d ()t'n'" Cotlf Ct!!y """' FJIClt.rl )?ff lt4-•I'• fl)'I l0',-1"i ......-l'(url htMlm'ld!l'l'tuc~.114-N'IA 1~ 'lot..-Df<•m"" 1 ,,.. 0ec-~• !· "~' ~ "' NC!l"I l Ill 't &S"l '.! 6!'• "-"• 'llhf~ 611t•ll)u1l'fl w!-W"41n luulllt, bl'l\1'
_ •-------------------------------"L------------------------------J'l"tlN~IStr It 4 .U'~ 1Ht "'1 -II <1•-C.tlltd,. ·~-l:ir: dlY•otrio. ...Oii-i:~
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l1( Gil 1 ·~ L1m"" ieH 1 l1neB v 1 70 LtnV II. t 60 L• •51 60 Lei Seg 50 Lea SQ ol2 15
Le•SCll De ~ Le110 pt2 10 Le1~ewv SOb Leea1N11 so Let or1a «l Lel\PCem 'a
L"" Ve nd Lellmll Ila
lfllfll dlt 60 LeW Fd (AP LevF nc 7sa
LFC F n11nc LF E Corl> t.bOFd 11111 lbOF pl~7S
L bl> MtN L L blr y(p 'lO L blyLn 1 )0., L trvln !)fl lli L11<1MY 150 L911Mv Df7
l nc nNI 80 LncN1 P !
Lrw:iTV 133 l "11 ...... 11 t
L ""' Corp l "" 1 9't L tDl'I P1C !If Ltt<lftl>f 87
Loc:k!ld• l 211 LOi!WITh@ l LOl'dn wn 10 Lone5Cem I LcintSG'I 1
t ong ~l :ID LL Pf 8 S LLpfS75
l o IJ (II O LI l~NI 90 L,,.,,1GE 14
l,.DU Naill UI LoweM n 1111 LUI> !Zo 60 Luclo1"Str Iii LlldlSW 1GI t.uk~1 S I tum1 nc
lYO Co P LyKYn' lO!I t ylr.YQ 1'12 SO
M1tAnF 2Vb M1i;Don d 60 Mlt~tCo XI Macv RH 1 Macv l>i • 1S MadFd J7g Mad Sq GA Maonvol( l 1CI
Ma o Y 1 llD Man Ind 561> t/.an1><1Wr n M•nHan ? SO MAPCO JO MAPC pf 1
M111ttnl60 Marcor nc 1 Me co pf,..,
M1 emnt 11f M1Mdl60 M1 lonll> ?! M• enn1n Ml oCtm JO MB ott 8.1 Ml JllFd 1 0 Mart nM 1 0 MrvlCUP «lb MIKO (p 7• Mason e 1"'
M1HeV F' I Mo•seYF tn Ma It 70 Ma'tOSlt 1 60 MIV1 JW .SO May Ill a MCA nc 60
McCCH'cl 1.20D M<~~' ~ Mt ro 1>!4 so Mt mo 1 M~Oona cl Cl>
M<f;lnO tO Mt Ed I olO Mc H bOI Mt oOA «I Mt nf\I el
MtKt' 1 SO McLe•n ICa tt.cLGU II 60 McNeW 70 Mt.cl Co D 1 Mtlcl o .41 IO Mtld o 87 10 MIG\'llC 10 MelvSho 1 30 Memo ei: C1> Me tk 11 Merck P J SO Mtedh130 M15ab l 77a Mtlll Mell 2 MGM 60o
Mt om SOI> Ml!Ed 01390 MG C Inv JG M cnG.uUI I
Mdl TUDt I M trod!> ..fl)Q M clCnle U M dSoU I P Mdd R 1t0 Mdw•I O 3 M 1L1b ?fl MlfB Id 60 Mfln Ene <> M nf\MM 60 M 11nPL 70 M 1S11Ce> 2 35 Mnliv 70 MP Cem 1 60 Mof'ubS IOD Mob 1 2'01 Mah OSCO 0 M!lfll<Ch 1 70 MOf'K>llm cl Mon RR 75g
Mf:,n oEo 60 Ma11$an I IO M~1ou1 Y "'°"' -61 /INiO McCor Mor11nJ l 60
MontSllo 7Q
Mo f'ICH' '° MOIO~ I M Fut S I llO M5alT 136 MSL Ind olO Mu~SlnQWr' I M..,.phy 20
Murpnln 780
Murl>hO 1 60 Mun>O PIS 70
l\'londay's Closing
"l lQ~
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" " ' ~
------------------·--... -------· (
MotldaJ',. Dtctmbtt' 1, lM L OA!l v Plllll' JI
New York_Stoek Exch8!!_ge List • ..... .. .. ... ~-~-~ ~~~--
1 1A ',., '""' i a \li DOW JOND A.VD.AGEi ¥•1' ff&.11 f:: !t.. t i-"' w,."~~-= j \,. lJI\ ~'Ill =1ti ~t;(~.,.IA'I~ ~ •\ltr••H i:.W,r,~,/t~ 1 l U-: 1' \i ~ -» ,, ,,~ 1:~· -" • .1Yr '-f .... I. r~ ~ L~ " 11 m 11 • ~ :J,~ ... 'O
1!~V·j~·21f:·1~I ~l \"~1 t • m,u: a=1 v~Y'U111t'n ll t .. lltlto 1 I =ll "''" ~ tili a ~.-tt ll 1111 .,..ss t ~ Uf:C »--w.x-v.z.-
Al d F nlr~ 'DOM t Ullo 'M iii 71111 -u Tr1t11.,.ct11N Ill 11Mllt '°"""'In '"B W1 ''"" 1 Jl !11• ~ 1-" B t -T-~'i: I W•lkrtt 1 ~ s .-,, c t l/'I Ong roa ron f: '',11::" "',,.,~, n " l!, ,.., -"Dlol, • • ::: "";,", ' »~ ' T tlH • U I '<I 111 -i-.M Slk 1 War:J'J 1fOI' ,P. ,J \\ ~ :fill 14 11'0 )th )t•o -lh 8 W•tllHO tt )I j.p\ 1•"ll t4l~ -... ~ El 16 11 22:U :tr'!'> tt > +-.... Wern Cl 1.4' t .SI\ 41'! ... -~ 'f'~~ Ill W • ~ "''' + "I( Wt rL.a_"' 1 1• 1' !lil ~· ~ ... "0 . .J..,. •l••it,ll\\-1 ..._ ""w t 11l•l,to 1 u, Tl!!( -"" 17 ti.. I I -W1.0.t I 1J 1 t -.. NEWYORf~CUPl)-The slockmarkeleased i-··~,2 !tl .. ~"' -~· ...-111t•u.c•c•wat11•t11 "11. ~ •-l't
Id I od di ,,.. 21 ~I 11\o J1tl, -"-W11!1l11 Jotlnl • 1l 1 I 1 -"' along a " e ront t ay 1n active tra r.g '',"',,.' "'•,,. u2l. 1~1v. 1''"" ~, ~· l <•r. ~ H "" •t~ -v. w11n o., " 1 m ,._. , ... -v. ' "" I 4113\'J •ov. liO\ + ~ " re .20 I Iii u· '114 -"'Wt 1 0 ;11.1 '° 1 )G JO ~ -:i T I d lo II sh d d Tem•Nlln t 1' l >OI. l -'' 11 "'-• ,, vi • ~ -1 WM11U111 II ., 'It\ ,_.,., -urnover o aroun mt ion ares excee e Twinece 'Ji" ~ u , 1• • -\,\I" .,, to ,, vi "' ti\~ -"w .. n A1 , 1 ,,,, u1 .. I -F d b 2 II 0 h. es Tt!U!IC " -'° 111 11 111.1 -1 n .t 4 ~ • +\ w~""' .., M 6'l -I.ti n BY $ pace Y SOffie ffil I 0 S T Tn:rf. l . ["" if" JO\t + 1" 11 9 n·!! f \to o -~Wt Del 111 lJI\ t~"' 1m -!01
Th UPl ke'l d nd.i to [f 0 82 l:l.!T 1 : !.. \ ~~ nl!l\= ~l ~.1'·~; II 1' llti J1\.1o = 1111 ~::,1~ ,,,,, J ~ 1~ ll = ~ e mer w1e1 ca r was o per Tei~ • .i1~ 7 ~ ~ -\'i ~w er t 1 ..,,., ... 1111 ""-.. w.-• ·"'-1 2r 11 jp •+ • cent The Dow Jones industnal average was down !•,!~,""-'~II l ,,.., "'"" -11ti ~ t 1• 4;!:'! .fl"' •1•1. --. w,.,. "' 4.S6 .,. '1\ti .,., + 1.1o • -~ 1~ "°"' UV. "'.. lt 7'4 1\.11 -"'WI",. ofl'-.IO l O S$ 11 -I 6 86 at 805 44 !0•1ln1,• " '] I ~ 111 U6>\ f "" u I • 11 .-. •Vi + \\ w.,,.,, 'Ii !l II'' l'\ti No -" ~ ~~l"'• !'l_ .II an o -411 \~U 10 11 •I\ .i..-\llwnAlr\. • '6 11' 11 1,1i
Oflh 1 •73 I d d 918d I d d4°AI '"" -11 ' ID "'u '11'1'• ''' w"'flJ ~ "f 0 ,. 44' '2'6-il e 1;,, ISSUeS Ta e ec tne 3U <1" T•x\JI 1.M 1r• $2\lo ! I\ 119'0 19'1\ ltll'r IOI\\ Wtlll 1.. 21\.o ~ n~-d ed ltxtrori _,!(I • 11 • ~nl""°"9 "3 " 41\o 4 >,1, <(2loo -I If w10~ -c 1.'N 2J '1l\ -B V8nC lxl n .,., DI 2 lS ~ 3 Vt 11 IAfre 1.11' 270 4JI• tl 4J -\II Wn ti 1 4(1 l!f -41 .. I ' -IV. '•~ " 11~A Ji lh!. H.; f': -1,: nit er, Jo. 10 11 lt\lo {"• -\II w11 11 '''.. ii ti t ~ :tJl Anal) .StS Said the market \V8S ' dull and UO l~~·t 11)1 • » s •; ~I~=~ ~~r~r:rr f:O ': afu .m ,! + \\ :"i• "1J'': ?!. •,, 1f.l'? 'n''\,_ l9 eventiul \v1th many 1nvestots holding back be--;~.JS:. :& > ~: ,fi: ~~ --· un11 ,,.., :io 1s 111-l 11" 11!, -\ti w.. ttJ Iii t..a '11'1 ""' ,.., -i'
l V d ·~ll'ltlll Ito. i: IOI~ 50 SO .+ Uni!"'.. l 711. "' JI.ii W I 101 Jt? + ~ cause o 1etnam an economic uncertainties 1 _$M r so ,•, 1214 wi " 0 '"un MM t.lO •1 ,...,. ,., • ,..., +1\ w ,., 110 1 JO JO -!t.. -~
mk Ill 1.111 l01ll 30 si , -Un Nuc:Lr /.Ant i6 201.4 ~. 2'lh +'ii Wt~11l11r to 22' "°"' 40 .. Of--2h
Among the most active issues were AMK Corp '"' 111"' "° • 1 ~ 1 if: W,,,; ="" 85~.f,k :s.1~ 1: Al: J": !!1~ = ? ~:'1,.1fl'.Jl. ~ fi 1T:ll" '!!Vr -t-4 Ryde Syslem Emerson Electnc Standard of Cah· l:A~k1 J .i 11~ J11o l7h -us' t9t '• '" ""' 21 -1' =:: "n "1 "* .. :t:"' t:!i'1~ i~ ,r ~~ i~,.-~-81&~:-mpfl\1i n t!!t 1!~ ll~:::Wh, E~ r..., ~it~=~ l:\'t-1~ forn1a Gulf 011 General Motors RCA and Amen T .,.. Co fl 1 J 71 • ™• 70'0 -~' U$ ll!Olnl t! lt l 24~~ ,,~. ,, • Wiii'"" ~ j 21\lo n .... !I:~ -1
can Telephone GeneraJ &rtotors c1osed off 3/4 to ~ ~V:l,il~ 1~ 2' fi1; U~: f.V:.: ~ ~fl'~;~n g 1Sj fltt ~ n~t ,: ~ ~ l~ •• ~~ t ?~t; if~ ti~ :t: ~
7().1 /4 and AT&T was down 3/8 at 515/8 ~':~, i!l ''1 lt,~ 1t:Z ~ = }l Ht r,;:11 \'1t tt il" ~it !I~ =,t :zt: fr •• '::' 2 1li 'fi~ 1itt f'= = ~
Tran•m JOb ,n ,,~. HU. ,,,. -" \JS Sl•I 'IO 27' 35Vt l5 • l!\\ -~ WW '~···1'··,..1 9 lt,,'' ",,~ .. , , .. -~ AMK traded an early block of 254 600 shar.,,s at ' •Mc°" o10 1 1 12 ' u1ToHc 110 n 10 .... 1tu '"' -" r .... " -
26 112 ,. T 1n1cl nv ")l • 2N nu -\Uni! VII 11 11 n;., rJ • n v. W "'" j11"'9 '' I' -• 0 T .,.. on 10 t \li 7" ru-v. unutl .i1.u 1 11to '', 1rn. + ,..wi •m1 e ro l 3 111 J \ i~-i. T •v•1trt ID I ' 35\.'it UU ~ -" UnUll pt 50 It ll\!t lJ lJ + ~'> Wffttlt JI IO 2tl't )It\ 1 ~• -VI
M lo S and Ch I It cted It.: g ltlVltft o 1 ..0 .... ~ ~ "'"" + ~~ UnvL•lf I ,a I lllli 11>o ll' W 11110 • I I) t ll 3'~i ll + V. o 1 e1rucas a ra se n pres r icon J15Q ,.1 nu. ll • n -\\Uf'llVO N., ,, 2141 11" "-"'w1e,..,1-c 111 'l"' ffi""-h Sure While a numb. 01 Olis ranged mo Iha Treon on,:i 35 ,,...., s..••-"-Unl111nr em, 1101e1u. n ••1~-.w Wl'"5111 1 ' " 1" '" \lo-\~
pomt lower Du Pontr closed down 11/8 at 108 ~14 ~:~1l1lc ~5Q f S *\; :~ H:~ = ~ 8p1:\"~ .. IO ~~ n ~ r ff +!\\ :~.~ J 1si r~~ ~ t£i . ?\ }1l:~a. ~~ i~ ... ~,s 1 & 2;: ri:' =,v.H,'.~"l ... 1,",'9 sr,~1 .. ~; ?l:,:+r~=:,~p,: ~ ~~ ~ =,.._+1~ lCP4 -·~ Electron1cs S \VUng \\.1d ely ln both d1rect1ons al· TSC NI '° 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 \ -... ulM ~i'50 1\DO '°~ 20~ ~ -:l1 wn1c1 A WV 35 ,,,, ·~ m -,,. 15"" =1 ~ though most point sized movers \Vere pointing low ~~~n"8l!•'.I:. ,~ 1,; u:: ll~ -~ u1•hC:.. "1$U ., "'"" 4.114 .u1\ =,,.. ~~~11:'.,31M • 1 1~ 'li . t~ = : ,,!!_ ~ er Tw1ncn1 50o' 11' lt 11w 11w-,.~~1~1 '"{, • ~ U"' U,, L \1~~m'r.-'° ~tlt?'!tt:1gs-i:~1 !4 :n + ,. -U V-V•• 111 Ano ,.,. jl ~ 1'\/o 2•U. -1.., Y1111no "'i JO ' 201,(o \t\:i It + t
JJ ~ -1 Pnces also backed off on the American Stock \JAL inc m 31 , JI 31 -'• veemr ''° ' 3001 ~. -• t11e CCH'• "' 1• .,"' as ., -"" n E h od UAllCO io 1 :\I :ru, u: -~ v...oo Co u II in. •U r -l-j•ie •I Alo 1 ,. :w :w -11'1 ,, \ xc ange in m era le turnover uc; co 110 11 1 • 11 • , .. vF corp t n "' • JI JI -~i '"'' NCH'n n !Jt' 2 ». 1'~ -t ',",,! --;J.a UM( •nd 71 20 "'~ 11. 11' -.. v1~1Comp so 5' l2 JO,, W.4 -1 • i•••NCH' -'' 65 tl _, .. -•• U~•rt:o AO • I >1 • 1"' VllaQ<O 370 11 ltv.1 o~ 111;1 -11 e Corp ., I 0 $ I.I~ -It "• , t ~t Un NV 1 tta I l i 11 t n 'o -\\ V1'1!tPw 112 JS 1j 11:i. ~l,i f ?1n lfllt 10 11~ ,_ lilo '64' -1 • •'i~<;E);:'.;"'"--''-"'-''-""'"'--'-'C::"'"'"'"-'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' .... "' ... 1un Ct mP ,, :» > J :t1 -1•• "• ,. ~.C.l!I I CO t \li •J ll -
Zu n Ind 2t 2' '> 25 '· 16 -• ll;4-\'o•,:;;r.,:sry-.g; i "'AV""',... 2 "'fi ~34.,~N Wunc1tdt t 33J 31~ JI\ 311'1 -\Va,. 0'•20 1«1 M S6 .56 CD"1' !lhted by •~10C 1.cl ,nal"ff
~all Street Eases -
Complete Clo~ing Prices -American Stock Exchange List
.. ,. ". " • " •'-'' . ' , , .
" ..
" '"' .. .. , .. , . ,.,
'" " ' '" ,1
' "'
IC DAILY PILOT Monday .. Oeiembtr 1, 1%'f
• . '
.giay co, costa mesa,. will be opelt'sunday from noon 'til 5. Shop sundays ·from
Every merchandise1lepartment and the resta.urant will be open to make your
w 'til 'Christmas.
shopping easier.
· li's Living ••• !
Like a wild mus tang, th e engine kicks, snorts,
jumps and shakes the rider off during the recent
''steep. hill'" race of a CzechoslazakQ n motorcycle _,,.
meet. The course was ma de more diffiCult by ... &[ti4
ficially ·created ridges in the terrain, and very f'mv
ot the 20 contestan ts managed to keep seated on
~ei r "bucking broncos."
There's Now $875,000
111 'That Monstrosity' •
PARIS (AP) -It's bce.1 evasiveness, broke n ap-
called the Rot hschild mi;insion pointrvents and unreturned
phone calls, Is roughly this:
-Of the · $875,000 ap-
prop.\ ations, $810,045 h a s
either been spent or Is com·
milted to contractors. One ex·
pert estimate is that it will re·
quire $1.7 million more to
Jr.1ish the job.
and "that monstrosity."
And though it has consumed
nearly all of an $875,000 con-
gressional appropriation, ifi;
·still a couple of years and
maybe more than a million
dollars away rrorn being
resto red to a state fit for the
U.S. ambassador.
The 30-room, three-story
mansion on Rue du Faubourg
St. Honore is about a block
away from the U.S. Embassy
CT.\ Avenue Gabriel and less
than 100 yards fron1 the
Elysee PaJqce: Perhaps for
those reasons successive am.
bassadors haVe coveted it as a
Bough t from the French
Rothschilds in 1948 for $1.9
million, the man sion provided
office space for more than JOO
embassy staff members until
1967, •
Embassy o!fi cials a r e
hopeful that the funds needed
to complete work on the 129-
year-old house cpn be raised ___
by private subscription.
If they c:an 't, the Slate
Department will have to lea ve
th e property vacant, go ba ck
to Congress for the money, or
sell it, lt's worth nearly $5
million on tod ay·s market.
The St at e-l>eparfment's
building office in Paris let
$188,556 in contracts between
February <r.1d October 1968 for
\\'Ork on the mansion's roof,
exterior walls and some ~Um·
bing. This wor k has been com-That \\'as when !hr !·louse plcted and was paid fer in
Appropriations subcommittee fran~.
ag reed to a Jong -standing re:,
quest for money 10 restore and Theft las t May and June
redecorate the mansion as the furth er contracts w e r c
ambassador's reside".ice. negotiated· for p I um bing , healing. electrical wiring, an Co n g r es s appropriated elevator and a dumb waiter.
$875,000. a great deal Jess than 'fhese totaled $394,627. · The
ori ginally requested by the latest ca.1tract, for $226,862,
State Department, and much was signed Oct. 2l or
too little to do the job. niechanical work on the in·
At appropriations sub. terior structure. ',('his phase of
committee h e a r i n g s in th e work should be , finished
Washington last March. Fran k. Nov. 24, 1970. ·
T. B~ of Ohio, the ra~king \Vith all this work there will
Republican on ·the con1m1ttee, •remain the enormoUs and ex-
wanted to know ""·h~t hap-pensive task of redecora ting.
pened to that n,wnstros1tr, call-plastering, painting a n d
ed the ~othschild house. . furnishing the interior. If the
\Vhal s . happe.1etJ, The money is raised, whoever is
As~iate~ J>r:ess ~is~ov~red in ·ambassador ought to be able
· an 1nves t1gat1on 1 n 1 t 1 a I 1.Y to move jn r.1 1972.
ma rke d b y officia l
C11ltom Ajlr11 AmPlill<•l•M NO SALESMElf
3409 E. COAST HWY,
For Appol11tme11t
People aware of the cosl of
. ., doing business in Paris are nol
alarmed a t the prices paid.
The Germans r ecently spent
S5 million lo reStore an 18th
century palace for. their am-
bassador. \
Aides or A.mb assa dor
Sargent Shriver stress that the
project was conceived
•·seve ral ambassadors ago''
and that Shriver has· no great
desire to move into the
llolhschild house. 'fhe first
co ntract on the .,.,·ork was let
three n}on ths before -Shriver
carne to Paris. ·
~··' ,, ,,, ',,'' ,,, ' .......... ,,,, ,, ... ,,,,.,,,,, ... l YOUR PROBLEM: -. -~ ~ You want to sell some lt•m £ ! that you no longer need but : ! someon• else can use ,for i
NOT OVER $50 ; i • • ? ? ? ? ? ; ? -·
You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for
Classified Advertisi'l9• and place •
: • ! -PILOT : .. :
i 642-5678 f
• ITell frM Nel'tlt Co11MJ 54D·IJJDJ
; .. -.-....... · ......................... •·•·•·•·•·•·•• ·-'
• r·•·r .. . . ·'for him to make his fife a little-easier
By Russo. Eleclric shoe polisher.
Two bu ffers attached to shiny
metal base, To shine Shoes quick-
ly, easily.+ielps the m las t longer.
. 29.95
cnay co notions 1
A gift of Dana fragrance s .. Daoa
gift sets are avai la ble in Ambus h,
Tahu, an d 20 Carats. Ba1h set"or·-
cologne and powder &.00
~ maycoco~me1 ics tOG
I •
Equality car \lacuum. Plugs into
ca r cigareue lighter outlet. Strong
motor, thorough clean-up. Long
cord, auachments, in vinyl c ase.
n1ay c.o no11un~ 1
Helena Rubinstein's Heaven Sent.
Ii you kno \v a y·oung roma ntic,
give her Heaven Sent. She'll love
'ou . Mist and dusting powder 5.25
maycoco~rnetics 100 /
·Mixer and pourer, by Equality.
Battery operated. Press one buuon
and stir your favori te drink, and
·press the second button to pour it.
• 6.00
1nc1ycono!ions 1
Eaton feminine stationery gifts.
Fine .writing papers from Eaton.
a. Single long stem ro se 3.50
b. Pa rfait Rose 2.50
• with love on a Christmas morning • • •
e .~.te
may co sc uth coast pli11za, san die 90 fwy at
•hop mondoy thru soturdoy I 0 o.m, to 9:30
gift sets in si Iver
or gold tones • ~
Jewelry, The perfec t Christmas
giit. Elegant pins and earrin g«
to .match. By T rifari. a. coral
bra nch pin, pcJrl s .:ind rhine-
stones 4 .. 00, n1atc hing ea rrin gs
4.00; b. ocean pod pin, clu ster of
pearls, gol d, silver, 4.00, earrings
4.00; c. lallice bow pin, with
pearl, go ld, silver 5.00; earrings
5.00; d. round cluster pin, with
rhinestones, gold, silver 6.00;
earrings 5.00; c. showering leaves
pin, go ld . si lve r, 6.00; matching
car~ngs, 5.00.
may co i....,,lry 22
bristol, costo me sa; 5~6-9321
p.m., sunday noon 'til 5 p.m.
, r
I 11
• •
VOL 62, NO. 287, 2 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE-COUNTY, l:ACI~ .., I •. MOND>;Y, DECEMBER' ·1, '196'
Huge Arsenal Raid
Fornier Reserve Officer Arrested
A Los Atainitos Naval Air Station
marksman and former reserve police of.
ficer was arrested along wtlh his pal
Sunday as federal authoclties seized what
they claim to be the largest arsenal of
illegal arms in Southland histOQ'.
The raid on a suburban Los An}'}ts
County warehouse ln Maywood and an
Orange County home yielded 45 foreign.
made machineguns and was the third
such case over lhe weekend, authoritates
Gary stella, 34, of %131 Catalpa Ave.,
Anaheim, and Clarles Hatfield, 36, of
7431 El Verano Drive, Buena Park, were
to be arraigned today before a U.S. com·
mmiooer in Los Ange1es;
They· -like another Southland man
and his brother-in-law arre~ in liUed,
but separate raids -are charged With
violation of the 1968 Federal Gun Cootrol
"There is no evidence at this time that
any of the. arms were connected with
Faulty Flmw Furnaee
Of Artist Andrew Wi.itg
radical political groups,'' said a
spokesman Ice 1he U.S. 1nasury Depart-
ment, whose agents made the an-ests.
The .gun control act which authorized
the arrest of the two Orange County men,
as well as Nazi hobbyist James G.
steuard, 32, of Rowland Hills 'and lilil
brother-in-law, is partially aimed at
private arn:iies.
"11lere is no evidence at Utls time that
any of the arms were connected wttb
(S.. ARSENAL, Page I) . .
Auto Wreck
' Hurts Market
Manager, 49
Albert Linderman, -49, prod u c e
manager of the Forest Market in Lagwla
department. Beach is reported in serious condition at A $15,000 fire believed caused by a
faulty floor furnace destroyed the Laguna
Canyon home of artist Andrew Wing Sun-
day night.'
Three Laguna Beach u!Ut! with 13 men South 'Coast Community Hospital today
were at the scene for two and a half __following a Saturday.nigbt..accidentwt;lcl>-~
hours. The blue was contained in 20 destroyt![d his car
Lost in the blaze were p3intings
rf:presenting six: months of work, Wing
told firemen, along with a record col·
!eel.ion valued at $3,000. Jntense beat
from the flames meJted the paint on art
works hanging on the walls of the home,
fjremen said.
The fire in the old wood structure at
1255 Roosevelt Lane was reported at 7:22
p.m. No one was in the.home at the time,
Wing had left let go to the store. When he
returned; flames engulfing the front door
n1ade lt impossible to get inside and he
asked a neighbor to summon the fire
minutes, but firemen remained to protect Lind of· p -la Sa adjacent homes on the narrow Ca on erman, 149 Ave. e yo, n Jane ny Cl$mlente, suffered a head laceration and
· . . ~ble internal lnjwies when his car Cap~ Charlie Kuhn of the ~·· •Pim oot·ctcootrol ~~ter ~ ,...411
deparlmtot des<nbed !be nre as "'' Booth· Coast Higtnniy Uuth ;,i Ali'° !f:~~~~~:e;:.:,: i:s=t Beach. . ,.
Laite, a walkway leading off Woodland Accordlnl fo caJlfomfa )llil>w*1. Patrol
Drive. Difficulty'of access, he said, made offictff, 1111 llll~ VllUcle Wft the
it 'neoo;sary to ron fire hoses Jn from the roadway, ~k. a u~llty J>Ole, bounced
nearby street. . off the ~ onto a block wal~ at 31321 S.
Wing, a weil-known young Laguna Coast Hig~ay, tf1en spun sideways out
Beach artist, is a regular exhibitor at tbe onto the highw~y and tu~ upside
Festival of Arts. down. From the time the car hit the pole until it came to rest on its top, the CHP
said, it traveled ?al feet.
Laguna Surgeon's Son
Critical But Improving
In a second accident Saturday night,
William Ian ~gton. 21, of 645 Glen·
neyre st. was taken to South Coast Com·
munity HQ5Pital and released after treat.
menl for a lip laceration.
Barrington, police said, had stopped for
a red light at Laguna Canyon Road and
El Toro Road when his vehicle was
struck from the rear by a car driven by
Nicholas Tait Steele. 34, of 2114 Elden
Ave., Costa Mesa. Steele was not injured. Thomas Riddell, 14-year.Old son of
Laguna Beach orthopedic ~urgeon Dr..
Richard Riddell , remains in critical con-
dition today in the intensive care unit at
South· Coast Community l~ospital, but
was showing in:iprovement this morning,
a hospilal spokesman said.
Yoong Riddell. gravely injured Friday
In the Laguna Canyon traffic accident
lhat took the life of his 12-year-old sister ..
Cathleen, undenvent su rgery Friday
afternoon !or internal injuries and also
~uffered a skull fracture.
His brothers, James, JO, and Edward,
7 \Vere -released from the hospitarsatur· d~y after treatrrienl of bruises and con·
Their father. who was not. admitted to
the hospital where he is a staff surgeon,
suffered facial cul.s.
Youths to Open
In Costa Mesa
Still in serious condition ts 16-year~ld
Richard~ Brooks, driver of one of the
three ca rs involved in the accident, ·who
suffered a head injury and severe
forehead laceration.
Brooks is "coming along ,,,.ell," the
hospital reported. •
The third driver, artist Robert McCar-
ronk, was released after treatment for
minor injuries Friday.
The Riddell children were passengers
In a 1939 Bugatti c:onvertible driven by
their father when it was rammed by the
1'-1cCarron vehicle which in turn had been
• strUck from the rear by young Brooks'
car, police said.
-Private funeral services are pending
for 12-year-<>ld Cathleen, wtfo was an
eighth grade student at Thurston
Intermediate School.
Described by members of the school
staff as "a lovely. sweet girl," Cathleen
was well known al the ~hool where she
worked as a student 3ssistant .fn the of-
fice. She was active in girls' athletic ac·
tivities and especially interested in gym.
nasties and also sang in the girls' chorus.
Four persons suffered minor injuries in
a similar accident late Sunday evening on
North Coast Highway and Ocean Avenue.
Police said a car driven by Neille Olive
Freeland, 57, of Riverside, was struck
from the rear at 10:29 p.m. while stopped_
for a red light at the intersection. Driver
of the lCond vehicle, Victor J. Camilleri,
52, ot Fountain Valley, was cited for driv·
ing at an .unsafe speed.
Police sald both drivers and their
passengers, Cathie Lee Visberg, 19, o!
Riverside, and Irene Edna Camilleri, 50,
of Fountain Valley, said they' would seek
treatment from their own doctors.
Stock M•,.kf!t
NEW YORK (AP) -Stock price3 cm-
tinued to fall on a widenJng front. with
trading volume slightly ahead of Fri·
day's moderate pace. (See quotations,
Pages 14-15).
Declianing stocks widenOO their lead
on gainers at a ratio of 784. to 491.
Bailey Joins My
War:.aml Pe~
! . • ' -SouLh Vietnamese ooldier carries tilcygla. lllong with milllal'f gear
at besieged 'U.S. Special Forces Can\p.af1!ii Prang, There ate mapy
young children· at Ute isolated ciimp:, Jocated three miles from :Cam·
bodia. Camp '~as been ufldtr.daiJy bombardment by enemy since .lite
October. &!e story, Page'4. · · '
Car Thief Chase .Results ·
In: Narcotic Case Arrest
A Laguna Beach narcotics officer who
thought he was on the trail of a Citr thief
wound up rriakinga a narcotics arrest in.
Newport Beach Friday night.
Officer Neil Purcell alleged he found a
packet ca.1taining 111!: ponuds of mari-:
juana. a second packet wlih 125 grams of
the drug, several empty cellophane
packets of the .type used in preparing
"lids" of marijuana and a water pipe us-
ed in smoking the drug. It was in a vehi-'
cle he. trailed . from Laugna . Canyon . ti>
The Arches Overpass in Newport, his
report Indicated.
BQOked on charges of possession of
marljauna with i.'.1tent to sell was Paul
Tenery Wilkerson Jr. of Orange.
Purcell said he observed the suspect in
the neighborhood or a lumber yard in
Laguna Canyon, saw. him pick up a wire
and uSe it ta gain entry to a car parked
nearby. ·
Following the vehicle north toward
Newport Beach he said the driver plkced
up first c:r.ie, then two hitchhikers.
When two of the hitchhikers got · out of
the car at Jamboree Road and Coast
Highway. Purcell said, he saw one or
them stuff a -cellophane p~cket into· his
Lai Case
shirt. Approaching the car when It stop-
ped again at a liquor store at The
Arches, Purcell, who had called Newport
Beach police far su pport. spotted \IM:
susp&cted narcotics evidence in:&ide and
made the ·arrest.· The third hitchhiker
y,·as releaesd.
Sen. Karl Mundt
.Siif fers Stroke;
Arm -Paralyze d
Mundt, CR-S.D.,l Has suffered a partially
in capacltatlng stroke and his co'ndltlon is
considered sertOus though he is· .not in
danger, his office sald Monday .•
. Mundt, 69, .has lost partial use or his
right arm, has difficulty walking aoc1·
speaking, and will be in Bethesda Naval
Hospital for at least 'six to eight weeks,
said a stStenient' by his administrative
assistant, Robert L. McCaughey.
There has been oo thought , another
aide said, of the senator giving up his of.
McCaughey said hi!! statenlent was
based on the opinion or Milndt's physi·
clan, Dr. Rufus J. Pearson.
Famed Attorney Defends Company ·Commander
, "The docton are ·hdpeful foe a'+retutn
of function and normal recovery. for the
senator .. However, it Is anticipated he will
be., hospitalized for several ~ks.·
From Wire Servlcts
Probe' .for.
Coast Trio·
Speda! fo Ille DAILY Pllm'
WAILUKI, Hawaii -The mystery
deaths C,C a y&mg Orange Coa1t couple
and their baby girl who plunged into the
so-called Bottomteu Pit of a volcano
bere -a b<JOk of poetry by . LSD H •
perimenter Dr. n.ilothy Leary left at-the
edge -' are offlciilly in the unsolved. file
Police officials on the bland of:Maul
have rtfused to speculate on what led to
• the three deaths, but no fonnal probe of
fool play is planned.
John M. "Robbie" Robinson, 25 his
wife Gretchen, 18, and di.ughter·Hea'tber,
aix J'l10fllbs. suffered muJUp1e 1ojuriea and
died almost instantly in the Halu.kala
Crater fall more than one week ago. '
"You might just say that .all suffered·
multiple injuries, the ttnd you might ex·
pect when a body falls Into a hole 66 feet
deep," said Dr. Kenneth Haling. who
performed the autopsies .
. AuLhorities at firlt suspected a auidde
plunge, but no note was found·and1he·on-
ly indications left at the rim of the bole
were a camera and the Leary book.
Lynn' ThOmpson, superintendent o(
Haleakala Natiooal Park, where the dor-
mant volcano is a tourist attraction, told
t!le DAILY PILOT: '1 doubt il any real
"tOOCIUSiOO Wltrbe reaefiti:f."
"We're not conducting an investlgaUon
as far as foul play, there's no evidtnee o(
that," ~e said.
The FBI COOCIUTed witll park oliiclala IJl-th!a belief, TbomPfGll adclod. .
,U.W.ver, he Aid there ii a foar4oot,. hicb wire fence around the crater which
pretfy well ruied. OUI the polafblllly of
lallJng acd~tllly, He said pmons
would bave to.cUmb the fence to rail into
the sc).c.alJed Bottomless· Pit.
Thompson said the bocUes of the young
couple and their infanTWere brought out
,Or the pit by,patk riilgen who descended
~Y rope. They were then removed by
The .bodies of the former Llpna
Niguel ~!dents were identified by his
mother, Mrs. Sarah Robtnson, of JU!ll
Via Aquara Ave., Laguna·NtgueJ.
Massacre Suit
Seeks .News Ban
WASIUNGTON (UP!) -Bolh .,.._
secution and defe~ in the case of lit Lt.
William . L. Calley Jr., chara:ed with
murder in \he alleged Vietnam masaacre,
flied today for an lnjunct.kwt against news
media reporting of statementa about the
The two sides filed a. joint petition ask-
ing tile U. S. Court of. Milttai-y Appeals
for a restraining order against the media.
Th·e court arranged to begin hearine
arguments Immediately.
The petition listed a.s "respondents" the.:-
major news media of the country. in·
eluding UPI and_ Associated Press, the
networks CBS' and NBC, the magazines
Life. Newsweek and otben:, and the na4
tion's newspapers.
Calley faoea a court martial on charges
of. murdering' more than 100 Soulll Viet·
namese civili4Jls last year in the village
of Song My. The Ueuitnant noW is at FL
Berming, Ga., but IJ not in custody.
Dedication ceremo~ and a grand
opening are set Wednesday at 4 p.m.,
when a new Junior Achieve1nent Busines5
Center serving southern Orange County
opens in Costa Mesa .
Announcement of the new JA plant at
1240 Logan Ave. came from William R.
Mason. president of the Irvine Company,
which is a heavay supporter or the pro-
gram .
Atty. F. Lee Bailey, representing the
company commander who · ordered an
assault on My Lai in which South Viet·
narnese clwiUans allegedly w e r e
massacrta safd today "no-one was under
orders to shoot civilians."
the paddies and bombed-out ·village by
Sen. 'tran Van Don, the Assembly '• op-
position leader and chairman ~ the
Senate defense committee.
ll bas been thoroughly Investigated." possibly, six to eight," McCaughey said.
?>ifore ,accounts by .servicen'len who ·~Rehabilitation treatment · ls· expl!eted.-..-
to begin lhe middle ol this week to were present at the alleged mass kl11lng:1· restore cap1blllty to the senator's righl
continued to appear over the weekend,
lt'a enough tO damPen your
spirits -•1'1 everything else.
Scattert;d ahowen are on tap t~
niglll wttll a 30 ~ chance of
more Tutlday. Temperatures will
huddle around-10 degreel.
Under lhe JA concept. high school
students learned about the American
system of free enterprise by operating
their own profit-makln·g companies with
professional guidance.
The new center which will house 14 JA
companies operated by 250 teenagers and
ii~ dedication ctrtmony will reature G.
Robert Truer Jr;., e,recullve vice · preSi•
dent of the Bank of America .•
lie is Southern Califomla president of
lhe JA progr:im and noted Gall Horton.
17, Miss Junior Achievement of Southerll.
California, wUI also be present.
Bailey's acocunt of what happened at
the hamlet in 1tfardl 1968 was In behalf of
Capt. Ernest L. Medina, whom the famed
criminal lawyer is repreatntlng. He said
Medina issued no orders for 1 slaughter.
nOr Were any such orders iuued to
Modlna by ·hls superlo"-
Meanwhile, a team of SOuth Vitt·
namese national asstmblymen began
their own investigation Into the Song My
massacre today in defiance or Presidtnt
Nguyen Van 'lll\eu,
_The group of f<>1rl"'m was led ~h
Don announctd.Jas.t_wtek he ·"ould con-
duct the investigation because & dld not
believe the Thieu govemmtnl's alKl'tion ·
that there was no mas11cre b; U.S.
troops In Song My en N'.arch II, !Ill.
At the same time, anothtr groop af
South VietnameJe lawmakm wu begln-
nina a second lnvestlgaUon, this oue for a
committee of the lower ho.i,e ,of the
Assembly. It, too. lacked Thitu's sanc-
tion. Thieu ,..-hjs ~Uon tllrough a
spokes~an Saturday, 'Saylng "there will
be no more lnvesllgalionl. 11\ls cue ts
closed so far as the ptmment ls con-
c:e~. The Incident was an act ol war.
·~ ..
1nchwting that of a sergeant who called · "The senator's condition is termed
lhe affair ''point-blank murder." 'se,rlous' b1,1t he is J>Ol consldered in
Modlna has not been '_charged In the dang~: In addition to his right amt, al
case. A·murde'r chafl' ha1 been brought which he has · lost partial use, ht IJ e:xa.
at EL Benning, Ga., against one of hi! perienclng difficulty In speaking and di!·
ph1toon leaders, Lt. William L. calley Jr. ficulty in walking. •
BaUey saPI Medina rePQTted to his "His gait isa not as steadras it shouJd
superiors af1er the Attack th'at there had be due lo weakness in hll right leg, also
been. 2 5to 2& civilian casualties and wu affected by the .stl'Oke which doctors
kild 1br a qiajor, "That soUnds about· described as moderate-lilied ..
porm1 . " "Seo. Mundt ls comprthenslve, aim,
uThe componf commander received no tiling regular. meals a n d wat.
orders to butcher anyone _o_r1 \o klll any ches televtslon, 11uch as yesterday's·foelf,·
w~1 and children -ana he. issued b:all games," McCaughe:y'a statement
(See MY ,l,AI, Pago I) , <'011Cludl!d,
Hubert l/umphrey ,.m IMkt
hil pollticcl comeback to high-
light 1<11'M Sc-note mce-1 nezt
year featuring an e:-o.itronaut
and a Janwus name. Pog1 1f.
lhltlaot II M .. tt.... ,f C.H"'""" 1 Mt>M ti c .. t1111• •n "..._. ..,.... w c:-k1 N Of ... c...tY 11 (~ 11 '""' -.a 0..... "'8cu II 119dl Ml!rtNlt l•JJ ~ II T11ntt1M M ·~ ,... ' TMtttn " :r':t~ .. ·• u.:t -==' ... .,. J
......... • '' W.lf ..... *" AMI ·""*" -..17 ._.... ..... '"" .......... 1 ...... 11
...... --------.......
....--.-----. ----------------------~~~----------------------------------------~----
' DAtLY PILOT Sllll 'lltte Parking Lot Blues
If you had planned to do your Christmas shopping
early th.is year, forget it -as a shopper you are
now part of _the C~ris'lmas crush at Qraiige Coast
store~ This is a v_1ew, for example, of the parking
lot at Costa Mesa's South Coast PlaZa. Photo was·
taken last Friday -the day after Thanksgivmg.
Christmas, friends, is just 24 days away,
Alcatraz Tribe
~roup Chiefs
Order Census
settlement on Alcatraz Island is growing
so fast, leaders have ordered a census to
determine, the true populaJiori of the 12·
acre "rock" in San Francisco Bay.
---Anywhere from' 300 to 600 -represen-
-....._ tatives of a score of tribes have flocked
to the one-time fariied federal prison
since a handful or young Indians-landed
on the island in predawn darkness 11 days
The bthabitants range from two-week-
oJd ·infants to'"'tribal leaders in their 70s.
They have come from throughout the na~
The Indians' claim to Alcatraz is based
on an 1868 treaty between the federal
government and the Sioux nation which
provided for unused federal lands to
revert to ·lndian _ownersbip. The islaDd
has_ stood idle since it was closed doWn ~s a fede ral prison in 1962. '
Electricians and plumbers Were among
the boatloads or Indians who arrived dur-
ing the long Thanksgiving weekend and
went to work renovating the prison struc-
tures as an American Indian Cu1tural and
educational center.
"They're doing a wonderful job er im-
pravisation," said Glen Dodson, 52, one of
four caretakers assigned .to the island by
the government.
Doclson, a former gold miner and
merchant seaman, has beeri a i d i n g
the settlers by shuttling suppli es around
the island in a government truck. His
tam-o-shanter and feather attest to his
claim of being a "Scotch Indian."
"This is a noble, historic oCcasion."
said Dobson. "They're line, noble people
and they're not destroying ~ything." ('
Th~ Indians have demandeq ~ t~at
Jnter1or Secretary \Valter J. Hickel come
to -Afcatraz to negOtiate the "surrender"
o( the island. Hickel, in a Washington
hospital with a pinched nerve in his neck,
has indicated a willingness to meet with
·Indian representatives, but will accept no
The only tragic incident resulting from
the Alcatraz occupation occurred Satur·
day when two persons were killed and
four injured in an auto accident involving
:i car bringing Indians and rood to San.
' Francisco.
••Mrt N. W•••
ftr1•ldtnl •I'll 1'1M1Wt
J,,. a. Curl.y
vic. '~lfent •114 GtMr .. MtMttr
111 ...... , KttYi&
°fftOll'll1 A. M11rph711t
Mt,,..iMI Edllof"
alelt1NI r. Nill
Lltlllll9tMll ~:c~ ....
.. 2lJ F111J't AT ..
M•trf"t Adi•nn P.O. l11t 6". t 26SZ
Qver Project on Hillsjde
MfnOr fireworks are ·expected at the
Laguna Beach Planning Conmlission
meeting tonight when commissiol).er's
take up a request £or "concept approval"
ofaprop0sed development on a -188-acre
parcel of hillside woperty adjacent to
Israel J~ts Hit
-. ----
Jordan, Egypt
By United Press Interaatlonal
Israeli jet fighter-bombers struck
Egyptian military positions -at the
southern .end of the Suez Canal locla"y for
the third lime in three d1Jys and 3Cnt
other planes streaking tnto Jordm: ·Syria
reported a f1relight in the Golarf Heights
Sunday night.
T~e Big Four powers announced they
wo'uld meet in New York Tuesday to try
again to find a solution to the Middle
• East conflict; but diplomats said they
saw little hope of a solution that grows in
scope almost daily With Israeli and Arab
raids and counter raids.
Today's strike against Egypt 8P-
paretitly was in retaliation for an Egyp-
tian commando raid Saturday night in
v.•hich Egypt said between 50 and 60
Israeli soldiers were killed or Wounded on
the Sinai Desert and which Israel said
was repulsed with five· Egyptians killed
and no ISraeli losses.
Gertrude Alwen
Rites Tuesday
Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tues-
day in Sheffer Lagu;ia Beach hlortuary
Chapel for Gertrude Isabell Alwen, 61,
'\'ho died Friday in Arizona.
J\.1rs. Alwen was a re sident ct Lagun3
Beach until last year when she moved to
Arizona following the death or her hus-
band. " .
.She fs survived by two sons Arthur D.
of Laguna; a d·aug'hter, All¢a de Roy cf
Michiagn: a daughter, Alicia de Roy of
PhOE.'.1ix. Ariz.; a s,ister, ·Mrs. Marion
Merril o( Lomita i a brother, ·Art Shell of
Lomita, and 11 grandchildren.
Interment will be al Fatrhaven
Memorial Park, Santa Ana.
Morningside Drive:
Devfloper V.ark Gumbiner a n·a
architect' Peter Ostrander have sub-
mit ted a preliminary plan for develop-
ment of -the property With some 700
dwelling units surrounded by 28 acres cf
The proposal would conform in overall
density with R-1 (single residential) re-
quirements of 6,000 square feet per unit.
but. _becaus.e of. the . terrain, _i;eeks to
"cluster" some o( the units in multlfiie
dwelling nructures in addition to single
homes. ·
Neighboring property owners have
registered objections to what is described
in a _flyer distributed last week as "peo-
ple packing."
City englneer-Joseph ·sweany also rais-
ed some questions at a study session last
week when he reported that probJems
revealed in a· geological survey needed
''(urther investigation." The problems, he.
said, included soil fissures and in-
dications of possible slippage hazards.
Gumbiner and Ostrander state that
their plan is designed to reduce cut and
fill operations by building contour roads
to fit th e terrain and by, avoiding the
building of "pads" for dwellings.
Also on tonight's agenda is a continued
hearing on a smaller hillside development
proposed by Riker, Carmel a n d
Ass~iates. In .this request, reduced
sideyards are sought to permit building
to confonn with terrain.
Josephine l\.1ulke of SU Bluebirad Can-
-yon Drivae,a is requesting a variance fo
add a second story family room to an ex-
isting 01_1e story dwelling without pro-
viding additional parking.
Television Set,
Stereo Stolen
A burglar apparently in a hurry depriv-
ed Lagunan Richard Dean Campbell o(
most, but not all of his home en-
tertainment fnstallation s~ortly after
midnight Saturday. •
Campbell,· ~9. told police he left his
home a~ 1658 Glenneyre St. briefly and
duril;tg his absence _someone ·apparently
entered through an unlocked door, mak-
ing off with a ster'o player valued ai $135
and a portable television set worth $135 .
Neatly stacked by the door, but len
behind by the visitor, were ·an of
Campbell's records.
Late~ Late Show
Stones Roll at Daw1i in Festival
during .the weekend, mostly on narcotics
Senate Viet Probe Set
Fulbright Sends Pair to Study War
WMl!lNGTON (A.P)-The Senal•..FQ\'.:_
eign Relations Committee said today ff
would" send two investigators to Vietnam thli We8k tO fuok ~IDo 1·the-proSpecu for
Vi$:tn.arniz.alion of the war and the gen ...
eral political and military 1>ltuaUon in
Saigon and the field .''
Chairman J . W. ·Fulbright,' (0.Ark.).
said the two investigators wn' not
being given. &~Ifie Uastructions to look
into th~ alleged massacr' of civiUans by
AmericJn soldiers but wiren't be"in.s tOld
tQ ignqre it either.
Fliibrikht said no date had.. been. set
for the Vietnam hearings but that they
definitely would be next month.
Fulbright told newsmen the investiga-
tors would return sometime before
Christmas and~'would report to the com·
mittee in advance of hearings next month
From .Page l
ARSENAL' • • •
paramilitary activity," said a spokesman
for the special T-rnan team that worked
one case for siX mcnths.
St.euard and hls brother-in·la'A', Alan R.
Otto, 32, of Baldwin Park, who was ar-
rested by lrwindale police ~ while he
allegedly disposed of some cf Steuard'•
relics, also faced arraignment today.
Stella, who is rangemaster at Los
Alamitos ~aval Air Station, and Hatfield,
a market manager, were arrested after
T -men arranged to buy a baul ol surplus
military weapons from them. •
Among the confiscated contraband
v;ere machineguns ol German, Czech,
Japanese and Russian make. plus 50,000
rounds of ammunitilJl,l seized at an
Orange County location still kept secret.
The · haul included three pistols with
hand stocks and t.,.,·o gun silencers, ac-
cording to redtral authorities who had the
iuns stored at the Federal Building in
• Los Angeles.
The ammunitron was delivered to the
U.S. Anny's Fort MacArthur in -San
The illegal weaponry raid involving
Staian:l, a drifting teacher at Los Altos
High School in the La Puente area,
featured tons of Nazi souvenirs. ex-
plosiv~ and even a 1943 Nazi staff car.
Moto.~cycles decked with swastika
emblems, enough materials to create 42
bombs,· bales and bales of used Nazi
uniforms, plus badges and helmets and
three machineguns ·were also discovered.
Not all of the material. h-0wever, is pro-
hibited under the law and Steuard told
arresting a1.1thorities he obtained most 0£
. lt through his hobby as a ·war ~venir
Officials said Steuard, a U.S: Anny
reserve captain, also had a Ji.teral C{)m-
munications center of radio equipment
hidden in his ba~ent and said that was
afso part of this bobby. -•
Steu"ard -whose love of rare weapons
was unknown to La Puente School
District administrators -had been under
investigation by the Treasury Depart-
ment for six months, authorities· disclos-e<! .
He also used the name Curt Karl von
Erlyeben in buying weapons from foreign
nations, according to investigators.
lnvindale Police captured his brother-
ln-laW Sunday night, when he was
discovered near a flood control channel
with six sticks of dynamite, $Orne hand
. grenades. 100 roonds of rifle bullets and a
sawed off shotgu n. -
Lo.s Alamitos Police Department
spokesmen said today that Stella had
been a reserve. but resigned less l.han
two weeks ago because he had received
Navy· orders transferring him .\o another
duty station. w-
on the Vietnam war.
He said the commlttee itself may look
into the massacre story.
"I am going to ask the Foreign Rela-
tions Comm itlee what they thlnk about
di&cussing this matter," the Arkansas
Democrat told newsmen.
He added , ho"'·ever, that any investi-
gati on by hi s committee would try to go
beyond any indivJdual charges and coif-
duct and take a look ~t .. what the long,
protracted ·warfare we are engaged 1n is
doing to thls country.'' -
Fulbright did ,,at say when he would
• raise the questiM with other commlttee members. _
The committee, however, 1s expected
to «>pen hearings sometime tl'l.ls month
into admini stra tion policy in V.iet.nam
and into a half dozen or so ·resolutions
that have been introduced in lhe Senate
calling for taster troop withdrawal and
Fulbright did not rull' oul the poSsibil·
lty such ~arings could tvuch on th f
alleged 1968 ~1y Lai massacre.
The While House was talk-ing down the
likelihood of any judicial or outside-thr·
government investigallon by a national
commission or the like. · AsKed \\·hether
any consideration was being given IC
such a review, press secretary Ronak
~ L. Ziegler replied: "No, I know of n'
plans.to do that .''.·
Ziegler also told question ers that llu
White House raceived a telegran1 fron1
attorney F. Lee Bailey regarding repre-
sentation of Capt. Ernest J\1edina, He
said the President was not asked to r<'
ceive Bailey and the whole maLter h.'.1'
been referred to the Dcpar11nent nl
Vet 'S.eekj.ng _Job
Dis.(lbled But Luckier Tha1t Most
James Blood Is luckier than many
disa bled Vietnam War veterans.
-~~has legs to walk on hunting wprk .
l ve really been hltting the pave-
ment," M°id Blood, 2188 Placentia Ave.,
Costa Mesa, whose classiricalion to
receive federal · disability, aid won't come
until well into the holiday seasoo .
The If.year-old ex-GI, whose service
was ended the da y he stepped on a land
mine, last worked tbre.e weeks ago , rpak-
ing Jess at a service station than he had
as a private fi rst class in the Army.
The former landscape worker and
gardener was forced to quit finally after
aggravating the hip mutilated in Vietnam
by shrapnel which also tore into his ab-
The former Pfc., who has his wife, -
· Diane, to support. recently stopped by
the. DAILY PILOT office, carrying his
d:scharge, his· Purple Heart and his
Disabled American Veterans membership
~Secretary _f!f ..!~ ~f1!!y_Stanler. R.
Resor signed the Purple Heart pajiers,
but Blood is th e man w'ho has to sign his
name to the checks lo pay the continuing
"I do prefer outdoor type work -
maybe without so much bending -but
the main thing is, I want a job,'' he ex~
"I understand they can do nothing until
I'm 'rated,' but I've got to get something
I can hold out on until after December,"
the former Laguna Beach resident ex-.
. plained. ··•·· "Then we're over the hump."
He plans -after they're over the hump
-to enroll in a special trad.e s.:-hool with
GI Bill help.
Blood said rather bitterly of the service
station job that he occasionally worked
t1vo shifts in the hope of malting ends
meet. but the overtime never showed ·up
on the check.
"If you dot).'t like ita." he quoted t'he
~lation owner as saying when he ques·
tioned the fairness, "then you can get
.. , "'as so angry _ .. " he said. "but I
just let it hang.''
And \\'ith that -after telling his stnry
--Jim Blood hit the pavement again.
because Christmas is the worst time lo-
be jobless. even '"'hen there's just you
and" the wife to support.
Disabled Vet Blood
Frona Page l
MY LAI ...
none," Bailey said in an intervie\V.
Bailey, who said he is representinF
Medina, said the captain ordered the at·
tack on the village on Info rmation that it
was full of Viet Cong, and lh<it "they
were expected to be the only ooes in thi
village .''
Bailey said Medina later got 1
helicopter report that there \\'ere wo1nef
and children in the area. but "was told on·
Jy to "exercise caution,'' not to stop th'
Bailey·s defense of ~ledina followeC
reports fro111 soldiers involved. so1ne oJ
whon1 refused to, shoot at the wo1nen anc
An1ong those recalling their e,..
periences in the current issue of Lif<
magazine was Sgt. i\1ichaet Bernhard\.
who ca lled the incident .. point -blan l
Man . Hit by SniJlCr He said he told his of!icecs: "The 11011
\lo'ith this, I'm not doing it."
Sgt. Charles \Vest, a squad leader. sait
OTAY f AP) -Jan1es R. Dearth, 2n. W.edina "didn 't ·give us an order to go j~
"'as \\"alking on ~lain street when he felt ... and kill women or children .''
"a thump" in his shoulder. f>.olice said it He said they had been given a briefint
·was a sri iper's bullet, apparently fired that "put fear into a lot of our hearts'·
froin afar, A private physician treated and we re \\'an1ed to expect lJeav}
Dearth Saturday night. resistance, but added :
Gifts witl1011t (mucl1) gab
To aid you in your Ch ristmas shopping (and to raise enough ,
n1one:v lo do our 0\1111) we are selling things for Christmas.
Yule encounter such · rarities as fine imported S\\'eaters.
original sport shirts, great outerwear ror cool days ahead,
and a fine selection of sport coats and slacks.
Presents. not absence, makes the heart grow roOder.
promise not to be so cute when you come in to buy.)
(We --CISll Ma.t: llO W11I l 1Y $'rtorl
tilWPOl't -ell: ''" Wnt .. lbttt .... ...,,,. ttuflllfltlm leKJI• 3Df Sift 511Ht
WEST PA!.M BEACH, Fla. !UPl )-
Brltaln's Rolling Stones unloaded a fren:
:tied pre-dawn rock session on 40.00o
:<hivering and sleepy-eyed youtl1s to cli-
max the . three-day Palm Beach Rock
charges, · . , .
Sheriff William l-leldtmann said 41 or
those arrested on the narcotic violations '
had ·triafs set for Jan. 19 and bond set Jack Bidwell '
OAIL 'r fllLO-t wllfl ""'l<l'I It. t~~ 1111 ,..,.,..,.~ If ... bll..,.. OIUY f •("'I ~ ..., IPI _,_,. W llkll'lt If• I • ., ... hltfl.
SMdlebllck 1r11, N...,,.,I lltttll. CHiii M_, HU111N1-1 lttell ll'llf f -!11'1 Vtl-
ltY. Or-c. .. r "'*"•"'ll'lt · eotriotfl"f
prlrlt"" •lo\flts. ·~ ti ftll '#Mt ··~ &Mii,. H"1IOH 1 .. (11, _,.. la Wt11 11r
Slrtitl, C:..tt M-. , · ·
T111,·1nt ITI4t 4H·t464 Chlll"'-hitf ... , .. n·1
torrrltflt, '"'' 0.trltl (ttll "~tJIP,11'11
:;_,-.... ~lft ,........ '"""'•110tl$o .. lttritl l'llllltr tr ~,,,..,,...... M rt •PI -y .. ,_ICM.., -'"*'' ~ .. , l>f•· ~"'" . _,,, __ ,.
fot(Of"4 ..... -·· .. i. ti "''""""' ... di ""'II C•ll Mtu. eti~. t.v&W,..lltl ho un-• '2M -llllY• "Y l'tlfli n.# lllM!llh1 11111 ... rr '"11ri11 ... st.M -1111r.
The Stones began Uteir perrormance at·
4130 a.tn. after th e final day's lineup o(
acL8 logjammed because of a strike by
helicopter pilots. •
M06t. or the youths who jammed the
muddy, rain soaked festi val grounds had
left by daybrea k.
. The Stones' performance Was further
delayed when station. wagons packed \\'Ith
their equipment bogged down in the quag·
mire which ringed the staging area.
Dazeni; of stage ho.nds shouldered the
hea \·y electronic aear and plo\\.·cd JOO
yards through the mud to the Slt1ge.
The violence that !Some ortic•aJ.~ pre:·
dieted would trupt dur:ng Florida 's ftrst
bick rock music festlva l lall!d to m11ler-
lal.l2e, but some 11 3 youths "'ere arrest~d
fl '5,000.
Grand Funk Rallaroad from 'F'Ilnt,.
Micft. received the most enthu~lnstic rt•
ceptfon from the .audience Sunday. The
trio·screeched out a rasping cacophony·o!
hard rock hammered home by the writh-
ing antics of a shi rtless •guitar player
with blond hair hanging well below his shoulders. .,,..
Promo ter Da\•e Rupp said he would not
reveal the net fi nances of the festival
until he has a chance to review his bank·
But if Rupp. ?.·as worried abOut mOOt}'.
It v.•as nGt in evidence Sunda y as he lold
the crov.·d to rip up $60,000 worth or tern·
porary \~:ooden toilets and blea chers for
"It's better to burn up the whole thins
than 10 have: one kid lreeze," he said . ...
3467 Via Lido Telephone 6734510
lo1ucho parking_ directly behind my store
' ~·
YOl. '62, NO. 287, 2 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES
" '
. '
' '
• . •
T oday'• Ffw.J . •
Newport Leaders :Split : ~Oll Bay Club
OI ltlt O.lty PUtt Sl.U
Three former Newport ~ch mayors
and a tormer vice mayor joined City
~cilmn Robert Shelton today in urg-
ing a "no" vote against extension of the
Balboa Bay Club lease.
At the same time, five community lead·
ers -four of whom are aM<>ciated wllh
~ club.-urged a "yes" vote in the
Jan! 13 city-wide ~al electjon.
'nle pro and con arguments were .sub-
fudictM 'on
Bribe Count
WASHINGTON '(UPll-Former Sen.
Daiuel ·s. Brewster, (D-Md.), was indict-
ed . by a federal grand jury Monday on
eharges of bribery to influence bJS vote
on postal rate legislation. ,
Attorney General John N. Mitchell
announced a lG-count indictment returned
Jn U.S. District Court here againsf J\rew-
ster, the Cltlcag~based mail_order house
Spiegel Inc1, and its Washington lobbyist,
Cyrus T. Anderson.
Brewster was charged-with-receiving
five payments totalling $24,500 from the
·Spiegel company and Anderson to influ-
ence his "action, vote and decision on
pOstage rate legislation" while serving on
the senate post office and civil service
-Spiegel and its lObb}'ist were charged
wit& making the five paymenls to Brew-
ster with the "intent to influence (his)
action,.vote aod decision on postage rate
mitted ta City Clerk Laura: Lagios for in-
clusion with ballot material to be malled
out to an estimated ~25,<MXI registered
voters. ·· Principal argume:nt adYanced by op-
ponents of ~ lease extension is that the
public needs a~es,, to the bar mo r e .
than Jt· needs the .added murucipal in·
come the ,proposed new.lease would gen·
er ate.
In.· addition to Shelton, .signen of-the
ballot : statement against the' proposal
are-James L:.StOddard, mayor from 1953 -'
to· 1962; Charles E; Hart, mayor ff'9Dl
1962 to 1!164; Hans J. Lorenz, vice mayor
from 1962 to HIM; and i'aul J, Gruber.
mayor from 1964 to 1968.
Gruber is still a member or the city
council. -
Proponents of the n e w 1ease, which
would extend the termination date lrom
1998 to 2025, assert that the rising costs
of governmetit "clearly call" for .an af.
firmative vote. The ballot argument favoring the pro-
posal was signed by John 1'illefer, ad·
The indictment said that~ three GI-the
payment.I, totalling '14,500, were made
• Uirough the D.C. Comol'"" for Mill'" • laod Education.
The indictments stemmed from inves-
U1ations by the FBI and federal grand
juries both here and in Baltimore. ·
Brewster, defeated in his bid for r~
election to a second~ Senate term last
year, was accused of receiving payments
of $5,000 on Jan. 10, 1966; $5,0!lO on Jan.
ii, 1967; $4,500 oo April 'rl, 1967; 15,000
on July 19, 1967; and fS,000 on Jan. 31.
My stery Deaths
Of Coas t Family
Still Unsolved
-c • ' .
War and Peace . '
South, Vietnames.e :Soldier carries~tricycle al on_g \vith military gear
at besieged U.S. Special Forces Camp at Bu Prang. 'rylere arc many
y()µng ,children at ·the i&Qlated camp, located three miles fro_m Cam-
tiotlia .. Camp has been under daily bombardment by enemy since late
October. See story, Page 4.
Sen~ Mundt Suffers Stroke
mlnistrat!vth assistant to Fifth District
Supervisor Alton E. Allen; Edgar "Ned"
Hill,. pioneer developer and United CalJ ..
fomia bank eiecuUve; O. W. "Dick"
Richard, local Republican political lead--
er and a prominent merchant; G. William
Grundy. Irvine _ CorDpany manager of
Linda Isle properties; and Al Auer, Ir-
vine Gompany vice president in charge
of· real estate.
All but Grundy are members of the·
Bay Chlb. Killefer and Richard serve oo
the club's board ol. governors.
Sbeltmund Gniber •re oppoeed 'lo -the
new lease even thouJh they voted wlth
the rest ol the council ope mooth aio to
place the ' l.Ssue en tbe J.anuary ballot.
Shelton, at that dme, made it clear he
felt lhe final decl51on on the mattet rots
,rlg.~Uy" with the "landloros" of the city.
owned property. These landlbr&i:, he 1&1d1 are the city's voters.
The ballot argument against the lease
Is briefly stated '
"It is pool' public policy to tie up public
land ror a private JlUll05e for Jong per ..
iods: The present Bay Club leaae. made
in 1948 ror 50 years, led tO the adoption
of tbe c i t y charter provision Jim1tina
waterfront leases tcf25 years without vet.-·
er approval.
"There is little pub!Jely-qW°ned bayfront
property Jn Newport Harbor and ever-
increul.ng demand for access and win-
dow-s to the bay. The .Bay Club property
due to its highway location and laolallon
from private residences is welkuited
(See BAY CLUB, P1ge I)
Giant Arsenal Raided
Los Alamitos Marksman HeW • in Roundup
A Los Alamitos Naval Air Station
marksman and former reserve police of.
ficer was arrested along with his pal
Sunday as federal authorities seized what
they claim to be the largest .arsenal of
illegal arms in Southland history.
The raid on a suburban Los Angeles
County warehouse in Maywood and an
Orange Coanty home yielded f5 foreign·
made machineguns and was the third
such case over the weekend, authoritaies
Bailer Takes
My -Lai Case
For Commander
From· Wire Servletr;
~lt¥· 'f•; Lee ,BjllJey, "~I th•
mnpany ccmmander who ordered an
asiault on-My Lal in which ~th-Viet-
namese civtlllns allegedly we-re
maS!acred said today "no one was under
orde rs to shoot civilians."
Bailey's acocunt ·of what happened "at.
the hamlet in March 1968 was in behalf of
Capt. Ernest L. Medina, whom the famed
criminal lawyer ls representing. He said
Medina Issued no orders for a slaughter,
nor· were any such orders issued to
Medina by his superiors.
Meanwhile, a team of South Viet-
namese.-national assemblymen began
their own investigation into the Song My
massacre today in Clefiance of President
Nguyen Van Th ieu.
The group of lour men was Ted through
lhc paddies and bombed-OUt village by
Sen. Tran Van Don, the Assembly's op-
position leader and chairman' of Uie
Senate defense ccmmittee.
Gary stella. 34, of 2131 Catalpl Ave.,
Anaheim. and Charles Hatfield, 36; ol
7431 El Verano Drive, Buena Park, were
to be arraigned today before a U.S. com.
missioner in Los Angeles.
They -like another SouUlland man
and bis brother-in-law arrested in linked,
but ~ raids -are Charged with
violation ~ the 1968 Federal Gun Control
"There is no evidence at Utls time that
any of the anns were connected with
radical political groups," 3aid a
opol<emnan for the U.S. Treasury Depart·
ment, whose agents made the arrests.
The gun. control act which authorized
the arrest of the two Orange County men.
as well a& Nazi hcbbyist James G.
steuard, 32, of Rowland Hills and his
brother-ifl..law, i& partially aimed at
private annies.
"There ls no evidence at this time that
any of the arms were connected with
(See ARSJNAL, Page. II
Agonizing Bour.
Trash Worker's Ar~ Trapped
Newport Beach city trash collector
Otris Patterson , 2Q, wile spent an agoniz·
ing hoUr with his arm trapped in a huge
blade in a rubbish truck Saturday morn-;-. w,.,,_lnt nice'• lodaJ.-..._._, ;,id. "l"f''I < • • 'I# ' ~!!'
Patterson, 160 W. Wil!on St., Costa
Mesa, suffered a crushed. arm at Slit
-street and lrVine Avenue when bli trtn became trapped in the comPf"""' blade
of tn. huge rig.
Police swnmoned aid from Hoag
Memorial Hospital :ihortly after the man
became trapped and Dr. Me IV in
Shatavsky arrived to administer pain-kill·
ing drugs while fireamen and city
mechanicsWorked to free Patterson'•
It took an hour of cutting
acetylene torches and prying
hydraulic jacks to rescue Patterson,
j>olice said .
Patterson later recounted -the cause oC
the painful mishap.
He '!U loadl"i troe limbo' hlto tile
truck at 10 a.m. he said, when one
bec~e stuck in ~ blade. .
lie lJlted the appara,tus lo ]>11"'1 tile
Hmb farther ~ck intb the nlbbllfl com-
partmeut when the blade slammed down
oolo his arm piJming it againJI the bot·
iom of the chamber. .
The fotte of the blade pulled him oom-
pletely into µ,e train bin, police said.
Hospital aides aaid Patterson suffered
ll severe fracture of. his left forearm and
Doctors said today the arm wUJ. beal
and Patterson is progressing "very
Body Near Pier Identified
As Retired .Engineer, 60
• ' Spec I al to tbe DAILY PILOT
WAILUKJ, Hawaii -· The mystery
deaths or a young Orange Coast couple
a!!d their baby girl who plunged into the
sc><alled Bottomless Pit of a volcano
here -a book of poetry by I.SD ex-
perimenter Dr. Tlmothy Leary left at the
edge -are officially in the wisolved file
But Said Not in Dange r
Don announced last week he would ccn-
duct the investigation because he did noL
believe the Thieu government's assertion
that there was no massacre by U.S.
troops in Song My on W.arch 16, 1960. Orange Counly Coroner's investigaWrs
today identified the body rround floallnt
off NewpOrt Pier over the weekend as
that of Carl Reilly, 60, a retired e.1ginttr
who lived in a Santa Ana guest home .
-tried lo rope the body lo keep It from
Polite officials on the Island of }wfaul
have refused to speculate on what led to
the three deaths, but no formal probe of
faul play ii planned. •
John M. "'Robbie" Robinson , 25. his
wife Gretchen, 18, and daughter Heather,
si~ months, suffered multiple injuries and
died almost instantly in the Haleakala
Criler fali more than one week ago.
"You might just say that all suf(ered
multiple injuries, th~klnd you might ex·
peet when a bodY-falls into a hole 65 reet
deep," -sa id Dr .. Kenneth Haling, who
pelicrmed the autopsies. . . Authorities at first suspected a su1c1de
plunge, bui no note was found and the on·
ly tndic:-at.icns left at the rim o( the hole
v.·ett a came ra and the ~ book.
tynn Thompson, superintendent or
Halu.kala National Park, where the dor·
mant volcano Is a tourist attraction. told
tt}e DAILY PILOT: "I doubt if a• real
cMclusion will be reached." ,
"We're not conducting an in"vestigation
AS f~ as foul play, there's no evidence of
tha~" he said. · .
The FBI concurred· with park o(ficials
In this belief, 'l'hompson added.
However, he iaid there is a four-foot•
bigh wire fence around the crater which
pretty well ruled out the possibility or
fa!Ung accident.ally. He said versons
would have to climb the fence to fall into
the so-called Bottomless PiL
Thompson uid the bodies of the yming ·
couple and their Infant wert brought out
of the pit by park rangers who deSttnded
by rOpe. They were then removed by
The bodJe1 or the fprmer Laguna
Nlpel residents were lderillfltd b7 hlt;
mother. Mrs. Sarah Robinson, of 2428l
Via Aquara Ave., Leguna Niguel .
An Orange County source said toda1 he
underst6od the Robinso.ls were · ac ..
quatnted with Dr. Leary. but ditmlssed
the acqueint.antt as merely Casual.
Mundt, (R-S.O.,) has suffered a partia!ly
inca:pa~tating· stroke and his condition is
considered setious though he is not in
danger, his office said Monday.
Mliodt,. 89, ·has loet i)arual use of his
right afm, ~· difficulty walking and
speU:tng, i\nd wlU be in Bethesda Naval
HOSJjltal for at. Jcasl six to eight )Vee ks,
aaid··a statement by his administrative
assiStant. Robert L. McCaughey.
There has been no thought , another
aide said, of the senator giving up his of·
fice. .
McPaughey said his statement Was
based on the opinion of Mundl's 'physi·
ciaor Dr. Rufus J. Pearson.
"The doctors are hopeful for a retum
of function aod normal recovery ror the
senator. However, it"bi anticipated he will
be hospitalized . .for seVeral weeks,
possibly. six to eight." McCfughey said.
"Rehabilitation treatinent is expected
At the same time, another group oC
South Vietnamese lawmakers was begin-
to begin the middle of this week to ning a second invesUgallon, this one for a
ccmmittee of the lower house of the restore capability to l~e senator's rig)l t Assembly. It, too, lacked Thieu's sane·
arm. lion.
"ThC senator's condition is tcnned Thieu reasserted his PQSition through a
•serious' bµt ... he is not considered in spokesman Saturday, saying "there will
danger. In addition to his right arm, oC be no more investigalioris. This case iJ closed so far as the government is ccn· which he has lost partial use, he is exa· cerned. The incident was an act of war,
per.iencing difficulty in speaking and dif-It has been thoroughly investigated."
ficulty in walking. More accounts by Servicemen '\tho
'"His gait isa not ·as steady as it should wefe present at the alleged mass killings
be due to weakness in his tight leg, also continued to appear over the weekend,
affected by the stroke which doctors including that of a sergeant who called
described as moderate-sized. the affair "point-blank murder."
"Sen. ~1undt is comprehensive, alert, Medina has not t>een charged in the
eating regula r meals and wat· case. A murder cha rge has been broughl
chcs telev1s1on. such as yesterday's foot-at Ft. Benning, Ga., against one of his
ball games," ~1cCaughey's statement .. platoon leaders. LL W,illUirn L.,Calley1 ~.t.
concluded. Bailey said Medin~, reported to hll
f\tundt is the ranking Republican on the superiors after the au.ack that there had
Governmen t Operation Committee of the been 2 Sto 28 civilian casualties and was
Senate. and the body's No. 2 GOP told by a major, "That sounds about
member on the Appropfiatlons Com· normal."
millet. (Set MY LAI, Page %)
A pleasure fishennan d i s c; o v e r e d
Reilly's body floating about 100 feet cff
the t!nd·of the pier in Newport Beach at &
a.m. Saturday morning, police reported.
Coroner's aid es said Reilly was the vic-
tim of accidental drowning.
0 Hls body wa& found by James Reynold~
of Orange. It wa:i clad only t.i a blue
plaid shirt and shoes and was listed as
John Doe until weekend investigation
disclosed the identity.
Coroner's spokesmen said It appeared
that Reilly had dled sometime Friday
night. ,, ,
Reynolds told Newport Beach palice he
' Stor k Market
NEW YORK (~P) -Stock prices con-
tinued to ran on a widening front. with
trading volume slightly ahead of Fri-
day 's moderate pace. (See quotations,
Pages 1~15).
Schools· Prove Need for Bond· Hike·
Oii ""' 0..., ll'tltt Slafl
Prove the polnt before golpg to the
voters. · ,
That is the suuestion NeWport-ti1esa
Schoola Supt. William Cunningham will
make lo school trustees Tuesday night.
After talkln& to representa tlves of six
local banka la.at' w:eek, Dr. Cunflingham
dots not fore:iee any buyera or the school
diltrkt'a bonds at a five percenl rate.
But just to make sure there 1'n't 1 bu)rer
oot in the l:iwihes he rtcOmmends Jnu;·
ttes call fer bH1s at fiV-i percent Jan. 21.
That would clur thi" way for a vote
Feb. JO on 1 IChool bond interest rate increMe to semi. p,ercent.
Dr. OJnnlngham uid tht bankers lolcf
him there fust isn't any more five J)('.r· •
' • I
~nt money around, nor <To lhey expect
there to be any io the near ruture.
Last February, Harbor Area vof.trt
approved a flS.9 i'nlllion bond sale for
school construction by a three to one
margin. ln accordance With state-law ..at
that lime the .p'laxim"Um permli.sible in--
terest rate for the bond :iele was set at
five percent.
Newport.Mesa did squec~rough
the sale of $6.p million Ot"'1fie bonds to
Bank of America in May. one of Ule last
AChool dlstrlets in the . state to flod a
live pen;en{ 'buyer.· ·
Subffqur:nlly Bank of America a""
nounced It would not buy any more
bonds at five perctnt and the st.ate· Leg·
lslature Increased the maximum a.now,·
able int~Pest charge on a public agency
bond Mle to seven percent. when the Jail $4.5 rrulllon could be. or.
Ne.wport·Mesa has $9 million in voted fered · for · saJe.
!<:hool bonds remaining unsold and by The bankers CuMingham conrerred
every indication unsalable at the five with suggested this course to him 1J.
percent rale. That is why school board though none ol them indicated their bani!:
members have called for the Feb. 10 vote would bid al five percent.
on Increasing lhe interest rate 'to seven CUJ1ningham had Arranged the meetJng
percent. wi~ ·Ute bankers to hear their sugge,.
Also on the Feb. 10 ballot Is an over· tlona and set If tiny of them were Inter~
ride tax increa&<l for salaries and other ested in buying the · bonds 11 1 pubUe
day-tl).day school operatJons-ctfm (bonds service.
are for building) of uP 10 as cents. -There ls a prttedent. -Ocun View
Or. CUnn1n~m11 rte0mmendation to Sch9ol District. In Huntington Beach In
the board is that half the remaining ~ SePlember aold $1.5 million in bonds at
mnllon-ft.5 million-be offered for sale five perctnt to United States National
Jen. 21. He said that amount would allow Bank.
the school district to kee:p up wtth Jta The 1oing tntere:it raitc wu cloKr lq
school building timetable unUI July, 111'11. aiX'pel'Ctn\.
dirfting off, but failed. Harbor patrolmen
summoned to the scene (i.lally made the
recovery with. the help ol dory fisherman
Ed Phegley,
Reilly, whose address was given a112135
S. Parton St., Santa Ana, was an engineer
for McDonnell-Douglas for 20 years.
The bOOy was removed to Waverly
Chapel in .Santa Ana where sen-ices art pending. '
Kennedy Monument
RUNNYMEDE, England (AP) -
Vandals have painted a swasUka and the
--word "Plnkville" on Britain's stone slab
monument to the late U.S. President
John F. Kennedy. police rePerted today.
Or ange C::oa1t
It's · enough to dampen .your.
spirit! ':"'" · and everytbtng else.
Scattered showen art on tap to-
night with a 30 petee:nt' chance of
-tm:re Tueaday. Temperatures: will
huddle 8round 70 d-
Hubtrt Humphrtu wiU make
h11 poUtfcol comebock to high-
light some Stnote , race• tlfZ'
11eo.r jcaturl1tg an t .x-attronaut
and a famou.!l ttame. Page 24.
· .
l'n11t Page I
. • '1 -BAY CLUB ...
for 1och use. ••n>t a:Umaltd Income lo the ctty un-
der the new lease would amount to less
thao $3 per citizen per year. Wbatever
the .Income, it cannot equal to the com-
munity vllues.in·J>"SUVlni·\>Ubllc bay·. -
front property ror public use."
The argument favoring extending thfl
leaae on the l:hacre site ls more detail·
ed. It touches on the proposal's advan·
tagu both to tbe city and the club. The
&tatement reads: · .
"Tbe e1isting Balboa Bay Club lease
expim in 1998 : ~le the club can con-
tinue its development program during
the remilhing y~ars. financing woulq be
more dlfflcult-..(withoot a new lease).
"A year ago Uie club proposed a lease
extension to assist development of the
property. The city has retained qualified
consultants to advise them. The studies
concluded :
"(I) The lease should be extended and
renegotlated now to facilitate the deyel-
opment of the property to its fu11 poten-
ial, consisent with sound plaMing and
design. _
"(2) 1be monetary value to the city Jn
renegotiating the lease now instead of
1098 is great. · "(3) The dty should cooperate with the
club in the de:velopm~t or the property..-·•'
The statement then cites several advan.
tages obtained ·by the city dUJ'.ing nego-
tiations for the proposed new lease.
· Among them are an increase in the min·
hnum ttntal from $45.000 to $150,000 an.'
nually; an increase in the minimum every
.five years with cost.of·living adjustments; •
Parking L~t Blues .
, __ _
Sio:y.e ftlr Effor7'$
•• -~ I t.. "I ' ' .j;.,.. • • ! ~ • ' '" r,• ' -.... • f • • •
• ~I t/ • J I , ',J:
· · . Wile -lf'ins C~ki.ng Contest · ~
. '
l!)<)ANtC& •RllMAN · ' • '• lailghlnciy. ent.red &.~ cooking ~'" °' • DtUf ~litff becaUW:"t e ed .my major and it}'11s
Lee de?tfalignon is .20 ,and .her hu sband one of the fe~uses open to me." 1 Gary iS 21. ~ Jtkes bed.bottQm jtiftt.' At the class, held OllCe weekly al!thC"
painting and drawfug, cooking· and her • !;ieu Theel~~· she 'learned how to eook . , . . .everyUtlng., . , .. -• ... ~
husband. He goes to Loyola University.. But she and ·Gary rhost prefet ht1nt-
where b&*i-in hia first year-Of ~w"IChool. bated bread, cake and·cookies. ,
They live in a tiny house in Costa "Our first meal with the new stove "'a~
Mesa, filled wkb beauUful-antiques.,..i ~ii:!!_a ~ns and ham hQCk_, but-we baked....__
eluding a plush red so/a with' curvy ·legs Dread the next day.'' said Lee . t
and artn.', and a-refriR:erator lhat'• ''one Lee ~·orks ~ Itel~ put Gary thniig.h
ol tht old ones - a genuine antique," itehool. . 'nle tdeMahgnons share their sa~~ Lee. ' • h!)fne with two cats named Lucifer rod
up· until a coop)e of weeks agO, the Samm~ Snowshoes; a dog named L!ldy.
refrigerator, which is pail:ited pale gretin. two m1~e ~amed Peep and Boo. and
had a matching stove of the same vin-another mouse on the loose named
tage. ·BUt nOw tbe ·deMalignons ·have S~y. . . '
spoiled everything. Lee won a new range. I was really SIJJ'llrised to come h~me
It doesn't match the refrigerator.~ from law sthool and find .a stove.'' .&aid
But neither ol them seems to care. <?ary, "'I've n~ver won arlylpiilg.'' .
"lt WWks like a champ," Lee Said of But he was no JllOfe ~urprlsed ·qian
the neW st we. donated by Davis·Brown · Lee. It. was the s~nd time .she's y.·on
Appllvci.s of.Costa Mesa. something, but the first time was 'when
The .Mw range is the result of Lee's sl1e ~as seven year~ old . "I ·won a Dale
decision to en~· a cooking class co--E'vans watch, but Jt broke the second sponso:r~ .bY Orange C~st Colleg~, the' w~k I had .it." . . DAILY P,n.oT, Southern Counties Gas That broiler works IJke nothing y0Q'v1
Company a;n<t Alpha-Beta Acme markets. eve\ seen," she bubbled: "Ev~ ham·
Lee', a11 . art major at Orange Coast · burger steak comes oat jum ·like steak
College ''for the next 35 years," she ,;aid steak."
Fault11 Floor Furtaaee • an increase 1n existing percentage rentals
above· current gross· revenue levels; and
architectural control over future Bay
Club construction.
"Independent' qualified consultants
have estimated that the additional mon-
etary benefits to the city from the new
arrangement during the remaining years
If "you had planned. to do your Christmas shopping
ea~ly this y.ear, forget it -as a shopper. you are
now part of the Chris'tmas crush at Orange Coast
stores. This is a view';'for example. of the parking
lot at Costa Mesa's South Coast :P laza. Photo was
taken last Friday -the day after Thanksgiving.
Cbristmas, friends, is just 24 days away.
Fire Ruins CanyonH01ne
Of Artist Andrew Wing of the existing lease would be in excess
of $6.3...million." the proponents' state·
ment says. "Over $1 nilll.ion in tax con·
bibutklls to local schools will be paid
during . those years.
''The rising costs of government," the
argument concludes, "clearly call for. an
affirmatjve vote."
Santa Ana Youth l(illed
Massacre Suit
Seeks News Ban
As Auto Hits Guardrail
WAl;HINGJ'ON (UPI) -Both. pro·
secuUon and defense in the case Offs(Lt.
William L. Calley Jr., charged with
mw-4er in the alleged Vietnam massacre,
filed today for an injunction againrt news
media reporting of statements about the
The two sides filed a joint petition ask·
\ng the u. ·s . Court of Military Appeals
for a restraining order against the media.
The court :arranged to begin hearinz
argQ:ments ~iately.
A IS.year.old Santa Ana boy died early
today when his car smashed into a
guardrail on the.Garden Grove Free"'ay.
Orange police said the vehicle driven
by-Leonatd -Morrison-was traveling at
·high speed when it went out of: control on
the freeway· near the Lewis Street
The car finished upside down in the
freeway 's emergency lane after· r~lling
for more .than JOO yards with US youAg
dtiver parUY hanging out of the vehicle .
The boy was dead on arrival at a nearby
hospital. .
Morrison was the second Santa Anan lo
be killed in freeway traffic during the . ..
·Michael Ruark. 26, died late Friday
following a collision on Valley View in
Buena Park near the Artesia Freeway .oCframp... ____ _
BuCna Parle officers blamed a faulty
traffic signaJ ·ror a collision in which
Ruark's car collided with an auto driven
by a Fullerton youth.
Witnesses said both cars entered the
busy intersection on green lightS and
Ruark's autO tolled several times follow-
ing the impact, throwing the driver
beneath the vehicle,
·Ruark was dead on arrival at Lincoln
Community !Jospital, Buena Park.
The petition listed as "respondents" the
major ne:W3 media of the country, in·
eluding UPI and Associated Press, I.he
networks CBS and NBC, the magazines
Life, Newsweek and others, and the na·
tion's newspapers.
;.., .• Ffom ~age 1'
paramilitary activity," said a spokesman
for the special_.T-man team thai worked
Ont> ·case for six months.
Steuard and his brother·in·laW, Alan R. otto: 32, of Baidwin Park, who w·as ar-
rested . by Irwindale police while he
allegedly dispose.d o{ some of St.euard's
Calley races a court martial on charges·
of m\U'deting more than 100 South Viet.
namese civilians last year in the village
of Song My. The lieutenant now is at Ft.
Benning, Ga., but is not in custody. .• relf:s, also faceQ arraignment today. (
·.Firemen's Poet
Recounts Blaze
Newport Beach's main fire station has
a poet laureate, i1 seems.
And -his medium is the littfe clip board
on whlch smaH. blue press releases· on
fire calls are placed. "
Tbe fire in verse appearing this morn-
ing deacribes a routine call to a vehicle
Panicky post.woman Maxine Hill , 1914
Slella. who is rangemaster at Los
Alamitos Naval Air Station, and Hatfield.
a market manager, were arrested after
T·men arranged to buy a haul of surplus
military weapons from them.
Driver Escapes
Serious lnjtu·y
In SA Smasl1up
-Anaheim St ., Costa Mesa, called firemen tt ~'asn't a particularly good tirhe for
at .12:45 a.m. Sa~day because her1'1he Kent who had t be h I d f hi ma1lwagon was on fire. o e pe r~m s
Firemen responded to the call at 515 El shattered auto by Santa Ana pohce of-
Modena Ave: and doused the names in ficers early today but all present agreed
the engine compartment, then, the that it was a pretty lucky One.
department poet recounted, they: Kent H. Willard, 27, survived a ;:;pec-
"Saved all -the mail ; lacular accideill that began wheri he lost
"Did what we could for the female." control of his eastbound vehicle: as heap-
proached the.Santa Ana River bridge on
J,,._ a. c_,, • .,
~.,,......, • ..., ~ MllllW
11i.111., 1(t"il lilll1'lot
Thtllltt A Mu,.,hfRe
. Jtrt111t F. C.llh1t H-rt tlffdt. Cl~ Etlltor ---"'' w ... ltrMa ... , ........
..... ~P.O .... 1111,,tJIU, --·
\Villard's car skidded towards the bar·
rier and finally came to real impaled on a
guardrail. Officers said,50 feet of the 70-
foot metal ra.il went through ute motor of
\Villar:crs car, slaShed through t)1e front
and rear seats, forced its way through
the trunk and finally protruded fr.om the
1Jack of the car.
\Villard, cut and bruised and sl)ilken but
otherwise unhurt. was treated at Orange
County Medical center and allowed to go
"All he wanted," an officer said. "wa:ii
e cigarette to steady his nerves. No. he
didn't say which brand.''
Inf ant Cou11ty
Girl Dro\vns
The name or a 22·month-old Lemon
Height! girl has been added tO 1hP lon~
USt of Orange County·s bac.kyard pool
victims for 1969.
·Barbara Shahandch, dauahtcr or illr.
and f\fn:' 7\-mir Shahandeh. dro\t'ned
Saturday whil e her 8·year-old brother and
&-year-old . sister played in the opposite
end· of the pool. Firemen alle1npted to
rtvive the child, v1lth 11.rllflclal resuscita-
tion but She "'85 dead on arrival at St,
Jostph ~lospltal In Orange.
otl!cers said the motl1cr told thtm lhal
she left the three children ~layln~
'together whlle sh went to mlX ~oft
drinks ror the familr. On her rrturn. thG
'"t'.hlld ~·as floiiUn\l lace.dow11 in the wai.tr.
Among the confiscated contraband
were machineguns of ~nnan. Czech,
Japanese and Russian make, plus 50,000
rounds of ammunition seized at an
Orange County location still kept secret.
The haul included three pistols with
hand .stocks and two gun silencers,· ac·
cording to federal authorities who haQ the
guns stored at the Federal Building in
Los Angeles.
.The anunurution was delivered to th e
U.S: Anny's Fort MacArthur in San
The illegal weaponry raid involving
Steuard. a drifting teacher at Los Altos
High School in the La Puente area.
featured tons of Nazi so4venirs. elt·
plooives and eVen a 1943 Nazf staff car.
Motoi'cycles decked with swastika
emblems, enough materials to create 42
bombs. bales and bales of used Na;:i
unifonns, plus badges and helmets and
three machineguns were ali;o discovere<I.
Not all of the material. however. is pro-
hibited under the law and Sleuard told
arresting authorities he .obtained most of
it through his hobby as a war souvenir
collector. .
Officials said Steua rd. a . U.S. Arm y
reserve captain. also had a literal com-
muni?:ations center of radio equipment
hidden in his ~semei:it and said that v.:as
also part of this hobby.
Sleuard -:-whose love of rare weapon:.
was unknown to La Puente School
District administrators -had been under
investigation by the Treasury Depart·
ment for six months, authorities discloo-
He also used the name Curt Karl von
Erlyeben in buying weapons from foreign
nations. according to investigators.
Jrwindale Police captu red his broth~-
1'·law Sunday nlght. when he · was
<li~covered near a nood control channel
with six sticks of dynamite. some hand
grenades. 100 rounds o{ riOe bullets and a
sa"·ed off shotgun.
Los Alall\i!os Police Department
spokesmen said today tbat Stella had
been a reserve. but resigned less 'than
f\\'O Wetks ago because he had received
Navy orders transferring him to anOlher
duly stati~n.
Red Troops Ambu sh
Anny Truck in Laos
munlst Pathet Lao guerrilla!; today im·
bushed an Anny in1ck near the United
NaOon1 Namngum· Dam construction site
and killed six J,aolian ~ldiers. Two other
~ldlers were wounded.
~tilit.ary sources said the ambwh was
spr11ng on 1-tighway 13 . about 24 mile!
from the North Vietnam bonier and 18
n1fles from 1he dam project. They s.1 id
thp raid raise!'! a 5ecurity problem for tl1e
l '.N. hydroel<'ctrlc projec t.
Youth Riding
Friend's_ Cycle
Hurt in Wreck
A La Puente youth who borrowed a
friend's motorcycle for a 3 a.m. ride in
Corona del Mar Sunday crashed the .
machine, instead, and lay unconscious
and seriously injured fur nearly .one hour
before-OOng-di scovered .. ---
Police said the friend who lent the
cycle finally · found Stephen Costello. 18.
on Goldenrod Avemie 45 feet south of
Harbor View Drive.
Costello suffered a concussion and
5everal serious cuts and bruises in the
crash. officers said.
He borrowed the bike from Norman
Taylor, 18, also of La Puente, at about
.i a.m. Taylor told officers he became
worried at about 3:30 a.m. and he and
other friends set out .to find CosteQo~
They came upon the accident at 3:50
Officers said . the cycle had gone off
!he road and cruhed, spilling ij\e rider.
The youth was-treated at Hoag Memor-
lal Hospital, then transffrred to Kaiser
Foundation HOSP.ital in Fontana.
He was described as in fair condition
before his transfer, aides at Hoag said.
From Pat(! 1
MY LAI ...
''The company commander received no
orders to butcher anyone or to kill any
"'omen and children -and he issued
none," Bailey said in an interview.
Bailey. who said he is representing
Medina, said the captain ordered the at-
tack on the village on information that it
was full of Viel Cong, and that "they
were expected to be the only ones in the
Bailey said r.tedina later got a
helicopter report that th ere were women
and children in the area, but was told on·
l;r to ''exercise caution," ·not to stop the
A $15,000 fire believed caused by a
faulty floor furnace destroyed the Laguna
Canyon home of artist Andrew .Wing Sun·
,Oay ni!"L • .
Lost in the blaze were paintings
representing six montii,; of work, Wing
told firemen, .alongi with a re:ci>rd col·
Jection ·valued at $3,000. lz\tense heat
'from Ule flames melted ~ paint on art
works hanging on the walls of tlie home,
firemen said:
Expert Reports
To-·W-hite House
01i Viet Study
' . . -. WAS!liNGTON (UPI) -The White
Ho'use announced today that a British·
~unter-tnsur~ency ex p e rt is~. in
Washington to report to the :·ad·
ministration on a special study· he' iriade
of the political and military situation in
The specialist is Sir Robert Thompeon,
architect of the Britlsh victory over
J\lalayan Communist guerrillas in the late
1950s and head of Uie British advisory
mission to South Vietnam from IHI to
Ronald t.. Ziegler, White House press
secretary_, said Thom~n had checked
into the progress of U.S. transfer of
military responsibility to the South
Vietnamese, and o(. the pacification pro·
gram in the countrY.side. Thonipson con-
ferred with Nixon Oct. 17 befor.e making
the trip.
Ziegler said Thompson \l:ould report to
U.S. officials including Or. Henry A.
·Kissinger. the President's special assis-
tant for national security affairs.
Asked if Thompson made the tour at
Nixon·s request. Ziegler said he un-
derstood tbe study was under auspices of
the Rand t orporation, a private research
firm based in California.,
The fire in the old wood struclure al
1255. Roosevelt Lane was rePorted at 7:22
p.m. No one was in the home at the time,
Wing had left to go to the store. When he
returned, flames engulfing the. front. door
made it impossible to get inside and he
asked a neighbor to summon fhe fire
Three Laguna Beach(\lnits with 13 men
were at the scene for two and. a hair
hours .--The blaze--was rontained--in 20
minutes, but firemen remained to protect
adjacent homes on the narrow Canyon
Capt. Charlie Kuhn of the Laguna
department described the fire as "ex-
tremely hazardous" because of the loca-
tion of the home midway along Roosev,e-lt
Lane, a walkway leading off Woodland
Drivt. Difficulty of access. he sa id, mad~
it necessary to roll fire hoses in from the
nearby street.
Wing, a weil-known young .Laguna
Beach artist. is a regular exhibitor at the
Festival of Arts.
Here's Job With
Fringe Be11ef its
tr you're an attractive, well·groomed
young lady .between 21 and 4~...:. with all
the other listed requirements -you may
not have believed the classified ad in the
weekend DAILY PlLOt .
A lot of others did.
The Palm Desert Sales Company, a
realty investment company, is recruiting
a Gal Friday who for one thing. must en·
dure lengthy yacht voyages 1o Acapulco.
Jamaica, British Honduras and the
"We're still interviewing." said a com·
pany spokeSmai today.
''How many applicants? Oh .. ,30. 40.
50. I haven 't counted."
The ad says that salary is open, bu t
some v.:omen \vould pay handsomely just
for tbe frir.ige benefits.
Gifts without (much) gab
To aid you jn your ChriStmas shopping rand to raise enough
n1oney to do our own) \Ve are selling things for Chrisfrnas.
\'ule encounter such rarities as fine imported ·s\veaters.
original sport shirts. great outerwear for cool days ahead,
and a fine selection of sport coats and slacks.
Presenrs. not absenre. makes the heart grow fonder.
promise not to be so cute when YOiU come in to buy._)
Jack 13idwell ·
3467 Via Lido Telephone 673-451 O
Mucho parking direcUy behind my store
' ' '
' , ,
. .
Mesa 'l'oday's Final
N.V. Stocks
. .
.. -s~c-fiool·s to Prove N-eed: fnr ·~B-ond -·Rate Boost
By THOMAS FORTUNE out in the· bdshes he recommends trus-
ot Ille !Molly l'll!tt SlllJ lees Clll for bids at five perctnt Jan. 21.
Prove the point before going to the ·That .wOU14'.~ t4e. wa~ for. a vote
voters. Feb. 10 on # ~I bOnd interest rate
That is the suggestion Newport-Mesa increase to .~ven pe;cent.
Schoo)& Supt. William Cunninaham will Dr.· CW'lnio&ham said the bankers told
make to school trustees Tuesday night hiin there jlst isn't any more fi ve per-
After talkin_g to representatives of six cent mone)'t' around, nor do they expect
local banks fast week. Dr. Cunningham there to be any-.ih the near future.
does not foresee any buyers of.~~ Last Fdruary, Harbor Area ·voters distrl~s-bonds at a· five percent .rate.'"8pproved a $15.9 million bond sale for
But just to make sure there isn'ta1nlye.r school · COQttru:ctlon by ·a tiv'ee lo one •
Parking .Lot Blue~· · . '
. '
margin, Iii accordance with 11tate law at
lhat 1.ime the maximum permiss!ble in·
terest tate for the bond sale W88 8et at
five percent. •
Newport·Mesa didl:., squeeze : through
the sale Of f6.9 million .(.( lbe bonds to
Bank of America In May, one or the last
school districts in the .st,ate to .(fpxl a
five percent buyer. , ' .• . ·
Subsequently Bank .ot America an·
nounced il 'WOUid not buy anr ·lflore
bonds ·at five percent ·and the state Leg· . .
DAILTli'ILOT S!tlr .. ~_..
·If Yoo. had planned tc/'.qo-yoiir Chrisbnas shopping
·early this year. forget it·-as a shopper, you· ar:e
now part of the . Christmas crush C!:t .Orange Coast
stores. This is a v_iew. ror'example. or the parking
lot at·Costa J\.Jesa's South Coast Plaza: Photo was
taken last Friday -the day affer Thanksgiving.
Christmas, ffiends, is just 24 days a\vay.
-For mer Senator
lndic~d by Jur y
On Bribe Char ge
Sen. Mundt Suffers Stroke
_But Said Not in Danger
Daniel .B. Brewster, (0.Md .). was irid_ict-
ed ·by a federal grand jury Monday on
chf;rge~ .of bribery to influence his vote
on postal rate legislation.
Attorney General John N., Mitchell
announced a 10-Count indictment returned
.ifi U.S. District Court here against Brew·
ster. the Chicaio-based mail order house
Spiegel Ioc., and its Washington lobbyist,
Cyrus T. Anderson.
Brewster was charged with receiving
five payments totalling $24,:,00 from the
Spiegel company and Anderson . t~ in flu·
ente bis "act.ion. vote and dec1s1on on
postage rate legislation" while serving on
tht senate po&t office and civil service
Spiegel ind its lobbyist were. charged
with making the five payments to Brew·
ster with the "intent to influence fhis)
action, vote and decision on postage rate
legislation ." '
The indictment said that three or the
payments. totalling $14,~. were made
through the . O.C. Committee for l\tary-
Jand Education.. ,
'WASHINGTON. tAP} -·Sen. "Karl E.
~1uTidt, (R·S.D.,) has suffered a partially
incapacitating stroke and his •condition is
considered serious though he is not in
dar.ger, his office said Monday.
. l\.tundt, 69, h3.s ·lost parti•l use or his
·right arm, ha.s difficulty walking and
speaking. and will be Jn Bethesda Naval
Ho!pital for at least six to eight weeks,
said a statement by his administrative
usiStaiit, Robert L. Mt'Caughey.
lf'heri hn been no thought, aoother
aide aid, cf the senator giving up his .of-' fi"'I·
McCaugtley said his statement was
based on the opinion of Mundl's physi·
cian. Dr. Rufus J. Pearson.
"The dqctors are hopeful for a return
or" .functioa.arMf normaLrecovery for the
senator. However,.1t is anticipated he wi"li
be hospitalized for several weeks,
possibly .. six to eight ," Mc:Caughey said.
"Rehabilitation tteatment is expected
to begin the middle of this week to
reslore capability to the .senator's right
"The senator"s condition is tenned
'serious' but he is not considered in
danger. In add.itlon to his right ann, bf
which he has lost partial use, he is exa-
perieneing difficulty in speaking and dU-
ficulty in walking.
.!'"His gait isa not as steady as lt should
oe due to weakness in his right leg, also
affected by the stroke which doctors
desc ribed as moderate-sized •.
"Sen, Mundt is comprehcrlsivc, alert,
eating regular meals a n d wat-
ches television, such as yesterday's foot-
ball games," McCaughey's statement
concluded . .
Mundl is the tanking Republican on the
GoverMlcnt OperaUon Committ.ee of the
Senate. and the body's No. 2 GOP
mrmber on U'le Appropriationr; Com·
. ' 1.slature Jncreased the mulmum lllow·
able interest chirge on a publ.ic i.gency
bond sale to seven percent.
Newport·Mesa 1"!a 19 niilll'I! In voted
school bonds remaining uns~ld ind by
every indication urisalaj)le ·tt !tie five
percent rate. That is ·wtur ~~l boird mem~r.s have called for the F~ti. 10 vote
on increa&ing the interest rate to seven
percent. •
AllO on the Feb. 10 ballot' ls an over~
ride tax increase [Qr salaries .,;µxi other
day.fo.<tay lchool OP,eratioos costa (bonds
are for. bulldin1) o( up 4 to 86 cents.
Dr. CUnnlngham~s recommendation to
the board ia thal half the remaining S9
mllllon-$4.5 mlllfQn-be offered for sale
Jan. 21. He said that amount would allow
the school distrlCt to keep up with its
school build.in& Umetable until July 1971 .
. when the last $4.5 million coul JJI.
feted for sale. •
The bankers Cunningham conferred
wilb sugge.sted this cour to him aJ. 'tbou'g11 nbne of them .!ndlc their bank . '
would bid at rive percent.
Cuitningham had arranged the tntttlng
with the ban~ers lo hear their sugies-
tions and see if any of them were inter-
ested in buying the bonds as a public
There is a precedent. Ocean View
School District in Huntingto.n Beach in
September sold $1.5 million in bonds at
fiye percent to United States National
The going interest rate wa!I closer ta
six percenl
Huge Arsenal Raid
Eormer Reserve Officer Arrested
...._ A Los Alamitos Naval Air Station
marksman and fonner reserve police o(-
f)cer v.•as arrested along with his pal
Sunday as federal authorities seized what
they claim to be the largest arsenal of
illegal arms in Southland history.
The raid on a suburban Los Angeles
County warehouse in Maywood and an
-Orange County home yielded 45 foreign.
made machineguns and was the third
such case over the weekend, authoritaies
" Prom Wi,e Scrvlctr,.. •
-AUy. 11'. J.ff Bailey, repiw~ the
company. commander who. order -•n
8'51Ult on l'ofy Lal In which Sooth Viet·
namese civlliam ane1edty w e re
massacred said today "llQ one was .under
orders to shoot civilians.••
Bailey's acocunt of wti.at happened at
the hamlet In March 1968 was in behalf of
.Capt: Ernest L. Medina, whom the famed
crlminaUa\U"er is representing. He said
Medina i&sued no orders for a slaughttr,
nor were any such orders issued to
Medina by his superiors.
Meanwhile. a team of South Viet.
namcse national assemblymen began
their own investilatlon into the Song My
massacre today in defiance of P.resident
Nguyen Van Thieu.
The group of four men was led through
the paddies and bombed-out village by
Sen. Tran Van Don, the Assembly 's op-
position leader and chairman of the
Senate defense committee.
Don announced last week he would con·
duct the investigation because he did not
believe the Thieu government's assertion
that there was no massacre by U.S.
troops in.Song My on V.arch 16, 1968.
At the same time, another group of
South Vietnamese lawmakers was begin·
ning a second invesligallon. thi s one for a
C()fJlmittee of the lower house of the
Assembly. lt, too, lacked Thieu's sanc-
Thieu reasserted his posiUoo through a
spokesman Saturday, saying "there will
be no more jnvestigations. 'Ibis case is
closed so far as Lhe government is con-
cerned. The incident was an act of war.
It ha!'! beeii .. thor.QUghly investigated.''
More acco.Un ts by servicemen who
(See MY LAI, Page ZI
Stork .Harket
NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices con-
tinued to fall on a widening rront. with
trading volume slightly ahead of Fri-
day's moderate pace, (See quotations,
Pages 14-15).
Gary Stell~ 34, of 2131 Catalpa Ave.. radical po)iticaJ groups," gakJ a
Anaheim, and Charlea HaUield, 36, of spokesman for the U.S. TT'ea§UtY ~
7431 El Verano Drive, Buena Park, were ment, wh96e agents made the anests.
lo be arraigned today before a U.S. com-The gUn control act which authorir.ed
missioner in Los ·Angeles. the aJTeSt of the two Ora nge County men,
They -like another Southland man as well as Nazi ·hobbyist James G.
and his brother-in-law arrest~ in linked, Stet.1ard, 32, of Rowland Hills and his
but separate raids -are charged with ~ brother-in-law, is partially aimed at
violation of the 1968 Federal Gun Control private annies. .
Act: "There is no evidence at this lime that
"There ls no evidence at th is time th;it any of the arms were connected :with
any of the anns were connected wilb (See ARSENAL, Page %) '
Coast Trio
Volcano Death
Spodal lo Ille DAll.Y Pl!AiT
WAtLUKI, Hawaii -The my.stery
dealhs or a..\roung Orange Coast couple
and their baby girl who plunged into the
so-called Bottomless Pit of a vol'cano
here -a book of poetiy by LSD ex-
perimenter Dr. Timothy Leary left al the
edge -are officially in the unsolved file
Police offi cia ls on the Island of Maui
have refused to speCulate on what led to
tne three deaths, ~ut no formal probe of
loul play is pla nned.
John M. "Robbie'' Robinson, 25, his
Expert Reports .
To White House
01i Viet Study
House announced today that a British
cdunter-i nsurgency exper t is in
Washington to report to the ad·
ministration on a special study he made
ol the political and militlry situation in
The specialist ls Sir Robert Thompson,
architect of the · British victory over
Malayan Communist guerrillas in the late
t950s and head of the British advisory
ml,sion to South Vietnam from 1961 to
Ronald L. Ziegler, White House press-
secretary, .said Thompson .. had checked
into the progress of U.S. transfer of
military responsibility to-the South
Vietnamese. and of the pacification pro-
gram in the countryside. Thompson con-
lerred with Nixon Oct. 17 before making
the trip.
wile Gretchen, ta, and daughter Heather,
six !J)Onlhs, suffered mu!Uple irijurie.s and
died almost Instantly in the Haleakala
Crater fall more than one week ago.
• "You might just say that all suffered
mulliple injuries. the kind you might ex-
pect when a body falls into a hole 65 feet
deep," said Dr. Kenneth Haling. who
performed the autopsies.
Authorities at first suspected a suicide
plunge, but no note was found and the on-
ly indications left at the rim of the hole
· were a camera and the Leary book.
Lynn Thompson, superintende!Jl of
Haleakala National Park, where the dor-
mant volcano is a tourist attraction, told
the DAILY PILOT: "I doubt if aD)' real
conelusion will be reached."
"We're not conducUng an Investigation
as far as foul play, there's no evidence of
that," he said.
The FBI concurred with park officials
ln this belief, Thompson added.
However, he said there is a four-foot·
high wire fence around the crater which
pretty well ruled out the possibility flf
falling accidentally, He said persons
would have to climb the fence to fall into
the so-called Bottomless Pit
Thompson said the bodies of the ybung
couple and their infant \Jere brought nut
of the pit by park rangers who descended
by rope. They were then remO\led by
The bodies of the fonn er Laguna
Niguel residenl.s were identified by his
· mother, Mn:. Sarah Roblnson. of 24211
Via Aquara Ave., Laguna Niguel.
An Orange County SQUrce said today he
understood the Robinsons were ac·
quainted with Dr. Leary, but dismissed
the acquaintance as merely casual.
Orange Coast
The indictmenls stemmed !rom inves-
tigations by the FBI and federal grand
juries both here and in Baltimore.
La st Rites Set ·
Citizens Riding
In Police Cars
Eyed by Council Agonizing Do1'r
Ziegler said Tllompson would report to
U.S. offlc1'81s including Dr. Henry A.
Kissing&, the President's special assis-.
tant for national security affairs. Weather
For Mrs.· Beck er
Services (or Virginia L. Becker. w1rm long-time €osta Mesa denttst Dr.
Ldt« Becker. will be held at 11 a.m.
Tuesday at Baltz Mortuary Chapel,
Costa Mesa. Mn. Becker, 51. died last Monday of aci
"~stroke. while I~ fan:iHy was on
\'acaUon Jn Hayward. Cahfonua.
M.rs. Beeker, who had been a resi~nt
()( Costa Mesa for 22 years, ~·as active In
the Llonettcs, Women's Auxilia ry of the
Lions Club.
Survivors Include her hUSbend: sans.·
Thomas and James, all of lhe home, 1P
Cambrk1g&' Circle, Cost.a Mesa: son.,
Robert « Huntfngtoo Beach. and a
daUlflter, Jane Ann, of the llome.
• tnien'nent will be at Paci11c View
Memodal Puk:
r '•
l>i!CUSS'ion o1.· a cam.munity relations
program aHowing citiuns -especially
those of hilih school age -to ride along
Trash. Worker's Arm Trapped
oo a police patrol ~ a look at law en· Newport Beach city trash colle(,lor
forcement Is lschedrlted by the Costa-... -Cbi:is patlerson, 20, who spent an agoniz..
tl:te.sa Cit~ Council .~1• -1ng hoLr with hi s arm trapped in a huge
The business se!llon JS set for 7 fl·':"·· blade in a rubbish truck Saturday morn·
to ~ followed by a legislative ses..<;1on ing was recovering nicely today, doctors
'J'qe!lday at ? p.m . ., under th~ newly said.
adopted tJwo-rught series of meetings. . Patterson, 160 w. Wilson St., ~osta
The. ·communllJ: relation'· program l\1csa, :;:uffl'l"ed a crush~ ann al 21 st
deslgned to give s \ldentl an idea of the Street anct Irvine Avenue when hiS arm
problema pol~ fact was initiated in became trapped In the compressor blade
NewJ>OM. Beach IQme time ago . of the huge rig . '
Tonlgbt'• agtnda Js a 8bplt one. in· Police summooed a!J rrom Hoag
cludlnc a r.,rt on the, ltle<:tlon of an Memorial Hospital shortly after the man
operator for the mmlicipel Oolr Course became trapped and Dr. Me Iv In
and Cowttry Club. plus second rtadlng or Shtltavsky arrived to administer pa in-kfJI.
"'ATl-ordinanct ptemlng swap meeta. ing drugs while ftreamen and city
1'lree would-be plf course QPerat.Or11 mechanics worked to free PMtenon 's
re<.'eQtly outlined the.it ideas at a speci•I airm. ..
IKl}oorned' council meeting, but no formal ll took .an hour of culling wit h
1cUon·to-klect ooe.ot them ha!I ttsultcd. acely_lene '· torchts apd pryt.ni: wlth
hydraulic jaeka lo rescue Patterson,
police said.
Patter80n later recounted the ceusc ol
the painful mishap.
He was loading tret 1imbl Into the
truck at 10 a.m. tte said, when one
became stuck in the blade.•
He lifted the apparatus to push the
limb farther back into the rubbish con'l·
parlment when the blade slammed down
onto hjs ann ptaning It agli.osl the bot·
tom of lhc cfi'imber.
The force of the blade plilled hJm com--
plctcly lntc the tnsh bin, police -said.
Ho.spltal aides said Patterson suffered
11 severe fracture of his left forearm and
Doctors said today !he ann will heal
and f>atltrton Ls proares&.lng "very
satJsfactorUy, ·:
Infant Drowns
In Yard POOl
The name of a 22-monlh-old Lemon
Jteight.s girl has. been added to the long
list of Orange County's: backyard pool
victi m.s for 1969.
Barb<lra Shahandeh. daughter of ~tr.
and -Mrs •. Amir Shahandeh. d,rowned
Saturdey whilci her 8-year-old brother and
~")'ear-old &i!ler played ill the opposite
end of the pool. Flrem~n atttmpted to
. Uvlve lhe child wittr artlflclal resusclts·
Uon but she, w11s dead on arrival at St.
Josciph Jlosp~in Orange. •
Officer& said the mother told them that
she le.ft tM three children playing
together while she went to mix soft
drtnU for the family. On heir rtlurr\. the
child wag noa.tin& face down in the W~ler,
' '
It's enough to dampen your
spirits -and everything else •
Scattered showers are on tap ~
night with a 30 pm:ent chance of
more Tue&lay. Temperatures will
huddle a.round 70 degr~.
Hubert flu mpltrey will make
hi& poli tical' comeback to lliQll·
light 1ome.. Senate race! nt%t
· vea r f e11turin(} a11 ex-astronaut
and o fo:r11.ous 11a~c. Pooe 24 .
-..ii... 11 <•tit•"''-, c 1111111.. i•n c.nitct N
CPMt"""" 1J 0.•tll Hottktt 11 °"'"" 1t ... !Wiit! ,_ '
•11t1rl•lll-l ll ,~ 1•11 ~ ~11 ...,. "'.....,. " M9f-""'9 Lie-1t
.. • •
% DAILY PILOT e M""'1, -1, 1'6' ;
paramilitary 1cf.lv1ty ," as.fa a spokemian
for the special T-nian team that worked
one cast for six months.
' Steuard and his brother·l.n·law, Alan R.
Otto. 32, " Baldwin Park, who was ar•
reot..t by lrwind•I• polict while he
allegedly disposed o( sosne of Steuard'a
relics. also faced arraignment tod11y.
Stella, who is rangemaster at Los
Alamitoll Naval Air Station, and Hatfield,
a market manager, were arrested alter
T·men arTanged to buy a haul of surplus
military weapons from them.
Among tbe confiscated contraband
"'ere machinegw\s <If German, Czech,
Japanese af!(i Russian make. plus 50,000
rounds of ammunition seized at an
Or11nge ~unty location still kept secret.
The haul included three. pistols with
hand stocks and tvoo gun silencers, ac-
cording lo federal authoritits who had the
gµns stored al the Federal Building in
Los Anj;eles.
The ammunition was delivered to the
U.S. Anny's Fort MacArthur in San
The illegal _weaponry raid involving
Stf'l.lard, a drifting teacher at Los Altos
High School in Ule La Puente area,
featured tons of Nazi souvenirs, ex·
plosives and even a 1943 Nazi ataff car.
~fotoi'Cycles tlecked witll swastika
emblems. enough materials tO create 4%
bom bs, baleS-and bales of used Nazi
uniforms. plus badges and helmet! and
three machineguns were also cHscovered.
Not all or the material, howe.ver.-is pro-
hibit.ea under the law and steu'ard told
.arresting authorities-he obtained most of
it through his hobby as a war souvenir
Officials said Steuard. a U.S. Army
reserVe captain. also had a lileral com·
munications center . of radio equipinent
hidden in his basement and said that was
also part of thls hobby.
Steuard -whose love of rare weapons
was ·unknown to La Puente School
District administrators..,... had been under
investigation by the Treasury Depart-
ment for six mont.hs,-·authorities disclos-
..i. -
He also used the name -Curt Karl Von
Erlyeben in buying weapons from foreign
nations, according to investigators.
Irwindale Police captured his brother-
ln~la)V Sunday night, when he was
discovered near a flood ronb'ol channel
}Vith-.six sticks or dynamite, some hand
grenades, 100 rounds« rifle bullets and a
sawed off shotgun,.
Lo& Alamitos Police Department
spokesmen said today that Stella had
been a reserve, but resigned less Ulan
two weeks ago because he had received
Navy orders transferring him to another
duty s(alion. ·
Burgla1·s Loot
Mesa Printers
· BurJlars "'110 left dirty hand smucfaes
and nnga where they banged doorwlys
~ith lheir burden, looted a Costa Mesa
prbter's home of $674 in valuables, the
·\'icUm told police Sunday,
Ronald A. Crowe, of 254 ?t1agnolia St..
Js most anxious to recover the color
television set. for whJch he is offering a
:$100 reward, but he'd like the lawn edger
back too.
A camping enthusiast also lost ~uip
ment over !he weekend, but got off the
hook with only a $61 loss lo whoever
broke into his parked car, police said
Lee K. Raab. of 707 Shalimar Drive.
said the gear included a .22 caliber rifle.
assorted camping tools. a pair of brown
~uede shoes and four ca~1s or beef stew.
Red Troops Ambush
' Anny Truck in Laos ·
\7JENTIANE. Laos (UPI) -Com·
munist Patllet Lao guerrillas today an1-
buihed an Arm y truck near the United
Nations Namngum Dam construction site
and killed six Laotian ·soldiers. 'J\o.•o other
soldiers were wounded.
Military sources said the ambush was
sprung on High"·ay 13 about 24 mile s
from the North Vietnam border and 18
miles from the 'dam project. They said
the raid raised a secwity problem for the
U.N, hydroelectricr project.
!JUHGa CQ,Lq· Ptiat l'"INt CO'>'.,Alf'I
••Mrl N. Woel
'"rnllknt Ml4I l'Wll•u
J 1(\i I . C11rll't
\llClt .~..,,, o"ll GtMtll ~-'
' ' TJi•""•' 1Ct1,.if ....
Thi••• A. M .. ~,111111
IN ...... l~llOr c....--JlO W1d la'( lt•1ot
Mtlli111 M4rttl! P.O. l o• 15•0, 9%,26 --tff-'lffcJI: Jtll WQI kltlM ~
i..-••"'"' m ,._, ,.,,....,.
"1.lflllr>t-9*11: .. Jll'I ''"'"
Tel;' ., t1141 M1-4Jll
_ as••• M••lt 1 u '41-Nn
C..1l9ftl, IW, OI.... CHM ''*°....-,. :~ "ti . .,,.., l19'1fto. 4vctr••--"''°'"' _,.. • ...W,.t~ "' ..... ~' .. .....-:••I'*' ..... ...,. -·· . ~·""' -'\fUI' .. Ci.ti -'"" Milli tf Ht--' MH.11 -Ctll.11 _..., Cl•li-MI .......,.... ... um.r nM ...... 1111'1'1 .., MUH tt• -*"' ..,,;n.ry .. , ... ,..., 11• """""'1·
DAILY ,ILOT $1111 Pt1t1t
._, i ' I ·5~y .1 Ol·uh ~plits
Newp~rt Leaders
or ... °''"' '"" ti.If ....
Three former Newport 'pea~h m3yor!i
and a former vice ' ma)'(lr join~ Clty1
Councilman Robert Shel~ today .in ' 1,1rg-
ing a "no" vote 'against ~sion or the
Balboa Bay Club lease.
At the 'sarile tiMe, five community lead·
ers -four of V.'hon1 are as.wciated with
the club -urged a "yes" vote in the
Jan. J3 city-wide 11pecial elect.ion.
The p~o and con M&WJle.js were aub-
mittec,I to City Clerk· Laura f.ag_ios for in-
clusion "'ith ballot mtiteriaJ lo be malled
out to an estimated 25,ooe t'!gistered
Princip81 argument advanced by op.
ponenls or the lease extenslolf is that the .
public needs access to the bay mo r e
than it needs the added munlclpal in-.
come the-prOP.QSed new lease ould gen--
erate. 1
l'lpm,nt of tilt: propenj to f~ tuli polen-
ial. consl.sent -with $0Und plannlni· and
"(2J The monetary value. to the cjly In
renegotiating the lease now instead of
1998 Is great .
"(3) The clfy should cooperate with the.
club in the development of the peoperty.''
The statement then citea several advan.
I.ag es obtaineQ by the city during nego-
tiations -for the proposed new lease.
Among them are an iocrease in the min-
imum rental from $45.000 to $150,000 an·
nually ; an incteate in !;he mirilmum every
five years wltll cost-of-living adjustments :
a,n ~ncrease in existing per~niji~e rentals
above current gross revenue le•els; and
architectural controt over future Bay
Club construction.
"Independent quaJifjed consultant.'i
have · estimated that the adcHtional mon·
etary benefits to the city from the new
arrangement during the remaining years
of the existing lease would. be In exc.ess
or $6.3 million... the proponents' state·
men! says. "Over $1 million in tax con-
tributions to local schools will be paid
during those years.
For Cott• Mesa Couple, Winning • New Stove Hes Creeted Some Probltms With th• Decor
ln addition to Shelton. "signers · of the
ballot. statement against ihe proposal
are James B. Stoddard. mayor from 1958
10 1962; Charles E. llart, mayor from
1962 to 19M; Haru J. Lorenz. vice mayor
from 1962 to 19&4; and..Paul J. Gruber
mayor rrom 1964 to 1968. .
Gru!Jer is still a merllMr of ~the city
council .
"'The rising co!Ui of government," thr
argument concludes, "clearly call for an
affirmative vote."
Sto-ve for Efforts From Page 1
MY LAI •..
Proponent.5 of the n e w lease, which
would extend the termination date from
1998 to 2025, assert that the rising costs
· of government "clearly call" for ;m af.
Youth Riding
firmaUve vote. ·'
Wife Wins Cooking Contest were present at the alleged mass killings
CODtinued· to appear over the weekend,
including that of a sergeant who called
the.~~ir "point-blank murder." ·
The ballot argtln\ent favoring UR pro-
posal was sighed by John · Klllefer. ad-
ministrative ass.istant to Fifth Di11trict
Supervisor Alton E.-Alle.n; Edgir."Ned"
Hill, pioneer developer and, United· Cali-
fornia bank executive; 0. W. "Dick"
Friend's Cycle
Hurt in _Wreck.
Of tfll 0.lly ,1111 Sl"1
Lee deMaJignon is 20 and her husband
Gary 3 21. She lik~ bell·bottom jeans,
painting and drawing. cooking and her
husband. He goes ·to Loyola University,
where he's in his first year of law school.
They live in a tiny house in Costa
Mesa, filled with beautiful IUltiques. in-
cluding .a plush" red sofa with curvy legs
and anns; and a refrigerator that's "one
of the old ones - a genuine antique,"
says Lee.
Up until a couple of weeks ago, the
refrigerator. wbich is painted pale green,
had a matching stove of the same vin·
tage. But now the deMalignons have
_spoiled everything. Lee won a new range.
It doesn't match the refrigerator.
But neither of them seems to care.
''It works like a champ." Lee said or
I.he new stove, donated by Davis-Brown
Appliances of Co8ta Mesa. •
The new range is the Tetrult of Lee'~ ~ to enter a Cooking class, co-
sponsofed by' Orange Coast Collea•, tlle
DAILY PILOT, Southern Counlli&'-Gas
Company and Alpha-Beta Acme· owkets.
Lee, an art major at Orange Coast
College "toe the next 3S yean:," &he said
laughingly, entered the cooking class
because "I changed my major ani:fjt was
one of the few cluses open to me." •
At the class, held once weekly at'vie
~esa. Theater, she learned how to cook
But she and Gary most prefer home·
baked bread, cake and cookies.
"Our first meal with the new stove was
lima beans and ham hock. but we.baked
bread the next day." said Lee.
Lee works to help ~ Gary through
school. The deMalignons share their
home with two cat.s named Lucifer and
Sammy Snowshof:s, a dog named Lady,
two mice named . Peep and Boo. -and
Ii.not.her mouse on the loose named
"I was really .surprised to come homP.
from law school and find a stove," said
Gary, "I've never won anytJllng."
But he WM no m<re surprised than
Lee. lt was tbe second tlme she's won
S?Jlething, but the first Ume .was when
she was seven years: old. "l ~ a ...Dale
Evans watch, but it broke the 3eeond
Week I hid it." 1"Ibat ~ler worh like nothmg you've
ever lt!t:fl..'' she bubbled. "Even ham-
burger steak comes out just like steak
M'edina has not been charged in the
case. A murder charge has been brought
at Ft. Benning, Ga., against one of his
platoon leaders, Lt. Will iam L. Calley Jr.
Bailey said Medina reported to hi.s
superio rs after the attack that-there had
been 2 Sto 28 civilian casualtieS and was
told by a major, '"fhat sounds about
"The company commander received po
nrders to butcher ahyo~e or to kill 8ny
women and ~.ren -~and he issued
none;• Bailey 'said In an interview.
Bailey, who said he is representing
Medina, said lhe captain ordered the at.
tack o~.!b~ ... village .on infonnation that it
was full of Viet Cong, and that "they
were expected lo be the onJy ones in the
Bailey said Medina later got a
helicopter report tha*' there were women
and children in lhe area, but was told on·
Jy to "exercise caution," not to stop the
. shooting.
Richard; J~I Republican polltlcal lead-A La Puente· youth who borrowed a
er an~ a p~ininent.merchant; G, William friend 's motorcycle for a· 3 a.m. ride in
Grundy, Irvine CbrnpanY manager of Corona del Mar Sunday crashed -'lhe
J..inda Isle properties ; and Al Auer. Ir-machine. instead, and Jay unconsc)ous
vlne ·Company vice president Jn charge and seriously ini·ured for nearly one hour of real estate. All but Grundy are memben: oC lbe before being disco\tered.
Bay·Club. Kill.efer and Richard serve on Police said the friend who lent the
the club's board of.governors. cycle finally found Stephen Costello. 18.
Shelton and Grube{ are opposed to the on GoldenrodL Ave~ue 45 feet south or
new lease even though they voted wHh Harbor View urive.
the rest of the council one month .ago le> Costello suffered "! a concussiori and
place the issue on the· January ballot. several serious cuts-and bruises in the
Shelton, at that time, made It clear he crash, officers said.
felt the final decision on the maUer rests He borrowed the bjkc from Norman
rightly wilh the "lanalords" of the ci~y-Taylor, 18, alao Of La Puente. at about
owned prope,rty. These landlords, he said, 3 a.m. Taflor told officers he became
are the city s xoters. _. . _ _w.arrled...aLa.l!out 3:30_a.l!J . .!_nd he and Th~ ballot argument against Uie lease other friends set out to find Cosfe!lo. Is briefly stated : . . "It is poor public policy to tie up public They came upon the accident at 3.50
land for a private purpose for Jong per-i .m. . .
iods. The present Bay Club lease, made -Officers said !he eye!~ . had gon_t o!f
in l!KB fOf 5Q ,yean •. ·led .to,the. adopti on the road and crashed, spilling the nd~r.
of the· o i t y charter provLSlon limiting The youth was treated at Hoar .M'en)or-
waterfront leases to 25 year11 without vO\.... la! H~pita~ ti\en . transferied to Kaiser
er approval. l'Ml4J.~n . H~~f in Fontana.
"There is little publicly-owned bayfront · He was describe<! as in fair condition
property jn Newport Harbor and ever-before his transfer aides at Hoag said .
increasing demand for acce98 and W!,n· '
Santa Ana Youth Killed Prisoner's Death
Listed 'Suicide'
dows to the bay. The Bay Club prope~y
due to its highway location and isolation
from private residences is well-suited
for such use.
"The estimated inco"me to the city un·
der the new lease "'ould amount to Jfss
lhaQ $3 per citizen per. year. Whatever
the in come. it cannot equal to the com-
Here's Job With
Fringe Benefits
As Auto .Hits Guardrail Orange County Coroner's investigators munity values in preserving public bay-
today listed as suiCide the death of a fronl property for public use." The argument favoring extending the
Fullerton man ...,ho hanged himself Fri-lease on the 13-acre site is more detail·
If you're an attractive. well-groomed
young lady between 21 and ~5 -Vlith all
the other listed requirements -yoU may
not have believed the classified ad in the
'A'eekend DAILY PILOT.
A 16-year-old Santa Ana boy died early
today ""'hen his car smashed into 1
guardrail on the Garden Grove Freeway.
Orange police said the vehicle drive'-
by Leonard Morrison v.·as traveling at
hi gh speed when it went out of control on
th!: freeway bear the Lewis Street
The car finished upside down in the
Driver Escapes
Serious Injury
In SA Smashup
It wasn't a particularly a:ood time for
the Kent who had ~ be helped from his
shattered auto by Santa Ana police of.
ricers early today but all present. agreed
that it was a pretty lucky one.
kent H. \\'inard. 27, survived a spec·
tacUlar accident that began when he lost
control or his eastbound vehicle as he ap.
pro.ached the Santa Ana River bridge on
?ilcFadden. ... .,
\Villard 's car skidded towards the bar-
ri('r and finally came to rest impaled on a
guardrail. Of Heers said $0 fett of the 70-
foot metal rail went through the motor of
\\1illard 's car. slashed through the front
~nd rear seats, forced its way through
Ille trunk and finally protruded from the
~ck of the car.
Willard, cut and bn1ised and shaken but
otherwise unhurt, 'A'as 1.r"e4ted at Oranae
County l\1edJcal Center and allowed to go
"All he wanted." an ofOce.r said. "was
1 cigartttt. to 11teady his nerves. No, he
didn 't aay 'A'hicb brand."
Unrul1 to Allllounce
1970 Political Plans
Otmocrallc Leader JeMe N.. Unruh. v.·ho
has said ht ls ·consldertng running for
governor, c1\led a new5 conference for
Thursday to announce hls ·polltlc1l plans
ffX' 1970 •
The news cooferenet will be held al his
home ln lngl~'OOd.
day night in Co!!nty Jail. ('d. It touches on the proposal's advan-
. freeway's emergency Jane ifter rnlling Deputies ss id Dwayne Ray Rumsey, 26, tages both to the city and the club. The A lot of others did .
strangled himself with his T-shirt in his statement reads: The Palm Desert Sales Company. a fdrio~ moreartllhanh 100. Yards1 w1ilhthe!ts Yh~un1 g jail cell shortly after being booked into "The existing Balboa Bay Club lease realtr in~estment company, is recruiting
ver P Y angmg ou o ve 1c e. c~pires in 1998 ·. while !he club can con-a Ga Friday wbo for one thing, must en· Th bo d d -1 1 b lhe facility on suspicion of possession of e Y was ea on amva a a near Y d • ,,·nue , ... de••elopment program duri'ng dure lengthy yacht \"O"'ages to Acannlco. h 't.al angerous drugs and being under the in· "' J "M ospi • fluence of dangerous dru~s. the rema ining years, financing Would be Jamaica, British Honduras and tht>
Morrison was the second Santa Anan lo more difficult (without a new lease). Caribbean. be killed in freeway traffic during the Jailers said Rumsey, who was alone in ''A year ago the club proposed a lease "We're still inter\'ie\\•ing," said a co1n-
weekend. the cell, was diS('"Overed in a kneeling extension lo assi st development of the pany spokesmw.i tod ay .
Michael Ruark. 26, died late Friday position with one end of"his shirt knotted property. The city has retained qualified "How many applicants? Oh . _ .30~40.
following a collision on Valley View ·in around his neck and lhc ot her tied to a consultants to advise them, The studies 50,"I haven't counted."
Buena Park near the Artesia Freeway bunk bed. concluded : The ad says that salary is open but
offramp. Rum sey was dead on arriva l at St. "(I) 'l"he lease should be extended and some women v.•ould pay handsomely just
Buena Park ofricers blamed .a faulty 11~J~u:d•~H~os~p~it~al~.~F~u~lle~r~to~n~. ~~~~~~~r~rnic~g~ot~ia~ted~~n~ow~l~o~f~ac~ll~it~a~te~th~e~dleive~I~· ~f~orllh~e~l~ri~ng~e~bc~ne~l~itis.i~i~6~ traffic signal for a. collision in which
Ruar~·s car collided with an auto driven 1 ~:."11111..~ by a Fullerton youth . I'
Witnesses said both cars entered the
busy intersection on green lights and
Ruark's auto rolled several times !o\low-
tng ~e impact, throwing the driver
beneath the vehicle.
Ruark was dead on arrival at Lincoln
Community Hospital, Buena Park.
Coast Guard's
Hawaiian Island
Station Flooded
tlONOt.ULU (AP) -Radib com•
munication witJ1 19 Coast Guardsmen· on
a tiny nat island north or Hawaii \\'BS lost
~1~a,y j~ after the staUon reported
1.he island was under she inches or waft:r,
the Coast Guard said.
A rescue plane WU sent to ny "'-'tt the
staUon at Tum lslaod in the Fttnch
Frigate Shoals 30ffle 505 miles northwest
of Honolulu. A spokesman s•id the,.,Rli.ne
wtll attempt to reestablish 1&m.
municat.lon and determine if there was an
The l11land. -a·hich consi!Ls d a landing
ltrlJ'J 1nd a few buildfnJ!. measures 3,000
ftct long and~300 fcct Wfde •
1'ht Ooodlng on IM i!l11nd may be
related to a ''high surl" w~rffing Issued
MOnda.Y by the U.S. \\'cather Bureau
~re. the :o;f,okn man W d.
The Weathtr Bureau was prtdicllng
Wll\'e! of 30 feet and hlghcr alona tht
northtrn shores ol the Hawaiian islands.
Gifts witl1out (much) gab
To aid you In your ChrisLmas shopping (and to raise enough
m'onev to do our own) \Ve are selling things for Christmas.
''ulC' encoul)ler !'Uch rarities as fine imported sw eaters.
original sport ~rts, great outerwear for cool days ahead,
and a fi ne selection of sport roats and slacks.
Presents. not absence. makes the heart grow fonder.
prom ise not to be so cute v..-hen you come in to bu y.)
Jack Bidwell
3467 Via Lido Telephone 673·4510
~lucho parking dirccUy behind my •lore
Dowp tiae
Cityhood Talk
Slated in Capo
Citizens Committee for Incorporation of
Capistrano Beach and Dana Point will
host a question and answer session
All residents of the area are invited to
the town hall meeting at 8 p.m. in Serra
School, Capistrano Beach.
Dean Evans who has updated the
report on the ieasibility of incorporation
\\•ill be present along with Dr. Roger San-'
derson, Capt. Joseph Cole and Arthur
Jlumburg, leaders ~ovemenl.
e l\'ame Lake for SJOO
LAKE FOREST -If you are handy al
naming things there are t11"0 lakes
waiting for your talents in Lake Forest.
Deane Brothers Inc., developers. are
spOnsoring the contest and are offering a
$100 savings bond to the winners.
Open fo all adull~ the contest \\1TI close
Dec. !It. Entry blanks can be obtained
from Lake Forest hostesS('S or skippers
of the free boat cruises.
Only lwo of the lakes are completed at
this time but tv.•o are scheduled to be
constructed during the coming year.
e Ori9h1al Pla11 Set
Through tlae Loo·ki1ag Glass
Inside Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) Apollo 12 Comm~der
Charles "Pete" Conrad exl'lbits some of 'grapefruit-size moon rocks
he and fello\V moon \\'alker Alan Bean collected during their stay on
the moon's surface last month. At right, Conrad shows off part Of TV
Monday, Otctm"'1' 1, 1969 S DAILY PILOT f; • •
camera taken from unmanned Surveyor which he and Bean di.s-
manUed While on the moon. Photos were taken through glass \vindow
at LRL in Houston, where Apollo 12 astronauts will remain in quaran-
tine until Dec. 10.
Cou11cil G_ets:
On Hotel
Of 1111 D•I~ PU" llltf
A proposal that the Hotel Laguna be
cor.sidered as a site for a major
beachlront hotel-eonference center will
be taken up by tile cily council al its Dee.
10 study session, along with the Hol.seher
' Ov.•ners of ttie famed Art Colony
landmark, Danish-American Hot e 1·1
Incorporated, have submitted a written
proposal to the city, suggesting that the
city cooperate with the corporation in
enlarging and upgrading lhe Hotel
Laguna , instead of bringing in out.side
hotel devtlopers. .
Rather than ronside'ring building a new
faeilily adjacent to the existing hote~·the
Jetter states,· "il v.·ould be lo the best in-·
terest of both the city and ourselves to
updated and expand the Hotel Laguna to
· a modern 200 pr more room facility With ·
a conference and meeting center, shops
and other amenities." ·
Hotel management consultant John
Greg9cy.t w~iting in' behalf of the eor~
poratlon, pointed out that utlllia.Uon of
the hotel's present ~foot ocean fron-
tage would reduce encroachment into the
, c-ity's Main Beach purchase and suggest.8.
that a Ports of Call-type complex could-
be expanded from the hotel onto Laguna
Avenue and part qf the adjacent triangle.
"I think updating and expansion of the _
liotel Laguna probably would be a good
idea, said Laguna Beach City Manager
James Mltaton. "Whether it includes'
any city property or not, the council
would have to CQOSider.
j/Cert~inly they could~·t make any
P:ians without more precise information."
comedy will be presented at the genera l
meeting of the Rancho Community
Players Tuesday.
<!Patient's Dilemma" is the title of the
"9.i>rk written and directed by Ross
Standfield, vice president of the organiza-
Senior Powder Puffers Snow Seals Fate
Of Santa Ana
Wheaton saJd it is possible the cooneil
could take the pci.ition that there Will be .
no futiJre commercial development on the
Main Beach.
The group wit! gather at 7:30"P.dll· in
Royal Savings and Loan in Tore Center.
Residents of the Saddleback Valley are
DOVER, Del. (AP) -De!aware's cur-
rent economy drive reached l h e
secretary level-today a:s Gov. Russell W.
Peterson ordered a cutback in new orders
of stationery and use of fancy let-
:o Clurrcl• Women Meet
\\'omen from several congregations in the
Saddleback Valley will convene Tuesday
in Laguna Hills.
Peterson also said the state is going l.o
have its stationery · printed on a trial
basis al the New Castle correctional in-
slitution. He s~d in a memOrandUm to
agency heads that the prison press could
print the state's stationery aL -a greatly
reduced cosL
·The--Christian F-eliowship Day -will
begin at 9:30 a.m. in St. George's
Episcopal Church, 23801 Paseo de Valen·
cia. The day's activities will include
gr~ discussions and m e d i t a t i o n
Drug Bust~No~igThu1g'
For Bustling Law Firm
By ARTHUR R. VJNSELo or,,.. 01111 Pilof 11111
Testimonial letters and snapshots of clients some people might call hip.
pies or \Ao'orse decorate the dark, panelled walls in Jim Morrison's office.
One picture is of Dr. Timothy Leary.
J.le needs no introduction. fi.forrison, howe\•er. i.!i a key employc at the
law officei: of George H. Chula. in a comfortable old house at 522 S. Broad~
way, Santa Ana. The firm specializes in drug cases.
Once UJXlfl a time, i\forrison might have been caUed a private eye. His
card says Dit:ecior of Activit ies, Layman.
Jl is Friday. Big, bearded. and dressed in a well.cut blue suit . Morri-
son is waiting for a young marijuana suspect to surrender for delivery to po-
you ."
TllE PHONE RINGS. The FBI is hunting one of the firm 's clients.
"\\'ho? Oh yeah, the draft card burner. No. but,, I'll check around for
\Ye are still waiting fol"' the youth who ducked police
bullets in one of two recent escapes over marijuana
charges. He is late. He is scared. l.1orrison criticizes the
"I'm all for law and order. the right kind of law
'and ordfr. By the way, what happened to Haynsworth?,''
he asks, having been too busy tG learn Prl!f!ident Nixon·~
Supreme Court nominee has been dumped by the Senate.
"My God. what a victory for justice." he safl!l.
CIJULA ARRJVF.S. He has v.·on acquittal for a client
v:ho was arrested carrying marked money paid by under-
cover agents in a drug buy. He points out that possession of marked money'
proves nothing. He looks tired.
"The worst thing about Friday is that jn two more days, it's 1-.fonday,"
he quips. The father and son have arrived. They confer behind closed door•
with Chula, then \11e are introduced.
The boy -he looks much younger than 22, you see -is almost ex·
pressionle55. Yeah. he"s scared. He is cleanly shaven. although he look s bare-
ly old enough to grow a beard. l~is long hair has been cut.
His father has a tight, pained expression.
"How could this happen to my kid?" You can almost read his mind.
The soli 's hands c1ulch each other, as though he wants lo hold onto someone,
but trusts only himself.
J\.1orrison breezes through the hallv.'ay.
"Those people hadn't spoken for a Jons time .•• until this," hes a y s
quietly. "Maybe something good can come out of it."
"Take it easy l!iOn. every thing will be. okay." the Director of Activiti~.
Layman -as the card reads -tells the bloM·halred new client. The kid does
not seem all lhat CQnvinced.
"l\tOOSE, drive th.f! boss to Laguna," Morrison says: turning to a burly
Moose and Chula take the lead, while J follow the red, AMX Javelin
driven by the industrialist whose kid is in trouble. You can .Jee him talkln·g to
his son. But n o t too m u c h. J wonder what they are -saying, and also wlly 1
have betn Invited along. \Ve are expected at police headquarters.
The surrender process is cordlal, routine -alm~t boring In a l!Mle -
and short.. No Hollywood cops-and-robbers glamour touches the 1eene 111 all.
"See~ It 's no big 1.hing," says Chula.
TllE KID !lees someone he apparently recognlzes, a narcotics detective,
and smiles faintly, qui?tly pronouncing the ri'lan'a name. The nafc \\'BS eight
years old y,•hcn this kid wes born.
• Ball on tft'O warrants naming the irusped totals 16.StS but Chula ha s
been tr31ng unsuccessfully to c<>nt11ct a Judge to 1;1rrange a reduction.
tt is 5:20 p.m., but by the time 1 reach the office. lhe,'Phone ii ringinfl
111d it Is Chula . 11c reports Judgt Richard •tamllton ba.s r,eluctanll)' agreecf
to release the kid on his promise·to appear in cour&. •
Wbat-was II he had said! It's no big tlllni<
., Wheaton noted that the triangle of pro,.
Top Junior Girls, 22-8 Doctor's Wife •
perty _ ~nded by El Paseo, Laguna
A:venue and Soulh Coast Highway Is not ·
c1ty.C:-Vned. It has not been appraised by 1 • lhe,s 1ty, he said, and its.Value has been
es~r_natt'd in the neighborliood ol half a m1lbon dollars. By FRED SCHOEMEHL
01 llM D11ty Pll91 11111
·The dust has settled on the Guyer Field
gridiron at Laguna Beach High School to-
day, but the memory of jt all lingers on
for squads of juniDr and-se.nior girls.who
for 60 ntinutes last week, played it like it
It .was the annual Powderuff Football
Game between the two upper clas.ws and
as it all turned out, the senior girla, hair
flying, prevailed 22 to 8.
With the running ability of Gail Sears,
senior Danelle AdaITI..' led her team to
Pa t.ti Bahr, with her long dark hair
trailing behind, set the seniors in action
on a 25 yard run .to the senior 20 in the
first quarter. In the following play •.
Danelle Adams ran the ball across the
goal line and follo"'ed with another run to
pick up the extra two points.
The kickoff to the juniors ended up with
the seniors again recovering the •all and
went on for another TD,. with the extra
point failing. On the second kick-off the
junlbrs, with the fine footwork of Claudia
1.-filler moved to within three.yards of
six points and then 106t the ball to the
5eniors on a fumble.
~ junior roach Warren Watkins, a
math instructor at La8U.Qa High, wryly
commented after the game:, "It v.·as the .
fumble on £tte three-yard line that gave
the seniors"'fhe edge. llad ·we made that
TD, I think we could have stayed· in the
As halftime approached, it looked as
though the petite juniors, t h o u g h
outweighed by the senior line, would
make a comeback. Toni Dierks saw a
hole and ran 4 yards for a touchdown.
And on the bench, the screams, giggles,
and hands covering the face, radiated the
happiness of the junior team. The two
point conversion followed , a! Carolyn
Crocker took a right end run, putting the
Back to Old
Appeals Court
For Haynswo!th
RICHMOND, Va. (UPI) -Judge Cle-
ment f'. Haynsworth Jr. returried to tM
bench ol the tt.S. 4th Clreult Court ol Ap.
peals today for the.first Ume since Preli-.
dent Nixon unsucet!SSfully nominated him
for the U.S. Supreme Co\lft.
Ha yn.'!wotth, of Greensville, S. C., ~·as
at his normal position as the presiding
judge of the seven-member court,~which
opened its December tenn here today.
It is the rirst ~ssion Haynsworth hat
a.ttended in three months. He mtssed the
October and No\·embei' sessToM of the
appeals cOurt while hill nomination was
before the Senate.
The court was meeUng "en bilnc,"
meaning that all seven member judges
were to siL, instead of the usual practice
o( appointing a panel of three. ·
En bane seMions, court offldals say,
:ire ordered when a legal disp.1te in-
volving a subject of social signJOcance,
i;uch as racial desegregaUon, Is to bt
. reviewed. ~ _... • "
S1t·ikc TaJks Begin
WASHINGl ON (AP) -Aroond-Ole-
cl ock mediating ffSSions aimed at
a\1ln.lng a possible naliOfiwlde rail strike
Wednellday begarir MXtay. Administratlon
officials have trpresoed mlld optimlim
about the outcome.
halftime score at t6 to 8.
Throughout the last half the senior~
held control, and v.·ent for another TD in
a one yard bulldozer up the middle, \\'ith
the . t\vo-point coilversion good. The
minutes on the clock waned away until
none, and 53 girls; turned gridders for a
night returned to the locker room for a
hot shower. And, as can be eicpected
froin any female, there will be a lot of
talk and gossip by the girls on the senior
victory. Members of the !quads included:
Senlor•t Offen11e; Danelle A d a m s ,
halft>a.clt; Patil · Bahr, hallback; Shelby
Frlrril, ·centtr: Debbie Goodwin, tackle ;
Donita . 1..JoYd, tackle ; Lorna Lum ,
quarterback ;· 'Wendy Sadler. end: Dona
Speda·1e, end; Nancy Terwilliger, end;
and 14atu·ttn Blair, end .
~nlon, Defense; Carol Allen, safety:
Lynn 'Allen, halfba ck: Kim Heath, guard:
Jenny Jallrcius,' guard: Kalhy Louden.
halfback; JacJUe 1.-fiUer, end; Edith
Roesen. halfba-ck: Viki S t e v e n s ,
linebacker; Anne Wellsfry, halfback. and
Rosemarie Wulf, eng.
Janton, Offense:13onnie Belknap, end;
Carolyn Crocker, halfback ; Toni Diercks,
quarterback; Renee DuMouchel, tackle;
Jill Hubbard, halfback; Bobo Johns, end;
Nadlne Jones, end: Devy Lloyd, center ;
ClalKfia 1.-filler, quarterback; Janet Mum-
ford , ha'lfback;"Hazle l.fyiers, end : Lynda
Peden, halfback ; Kathy Shapard, center:
Jan Sizelove. tackle; Martha Nichols,
tackle: and W~ndy Taylor, tackle.
Juniors, Defense : Eileen Acor..01 guard ;
Beth Alman, end; PE!tty Bryan, end;
Nina Cornelison, end ; Bron Eschell,
guard; HeKl.i Hallock, middle guard;
KaUe Healy. guard; Ro.se AM Kelly,
center; Debbie Lund, guard: Joyce
Oliver, halfback: Christine Randall,
halfback: Karin Robertson, end: Pam
Smith, guard ; Sharlene Sutton, safety;
Debbie Zeug, halfback; Joan Peac~man,
guarrl : and Nancy Ash!Grd, safety ..
The rug~ Cedar ~fountains around
Kanab, Utah:· slill hide the fB.te of'a 'Santa ' -Ana physician's wife after more than
1,200 hours or searching and the secref.is ...
pow sealed with snow.
Mrs. Katherine Shapiro, wife ol Dr.
1-.lelvin ShirpitO, 516 \V. 17th St., vanished
a month ago from the couple's trailer
home. in t~ Strawberry Point area of
Early .!;peeulation was that the ayid
outdoorswoman has gone off on· a hike
huntjng l11.._di~!I artifacl.I and. becante lost
in the foothills. where temperatur~s .are
sub·iero at night.
Kane County Sheriff 'tanard Johnson,
however, turned toward s: theory of foul
pl1;1.y when no trace of Mr.;. Shapiro Was
found and some persons were evctl ques-
lioned. . •
"We are still Making an effort lo loCale
the ·woman." said Sheriff Johnso\ Sun·
day. If the weather stays good, sear<=\!f.
furts will be step~ up.
Car .Racer Shoi,
Seriously Hurt
driver Charlie Glotzbach was shot twice
and seriously wounded in his rural
Edwardsville home by an employe Sun-
.day night, police said. , .
The 33-year-old NASCAR driver Wa!I
listed in seriou!I condilion today at Floyd
County Memorial Hospital at New
Kentucky State Police said they ~·r
rested Bruce Huff, about 25, of Harrison
County. Ind., at Bowling Green. Ky. He
was charged with malicious shooting and
we11ty·n.ine .Years Ago
U.S. Secretary of ·War Henry Sllm1on b blindfolded as he dldows
capsules from bowl used in first peace Ume draft Oct. 29, ·1~.
Similar .bowl will be used tonight when first 366 dates will be drawn
in new version o1 draJt lotter¥. See story, Page' 4.
' t
The Dec. 10 meeting was set up for ·: ....... ··
study ~r the Iiolscher report proposal for ~ •
.~_Main Beach hotel-conference center
de".'lopment, the first phase or the fiim'a ~a1n Beach st.u~~ ordered by the citf,
and sharply criticized by some .segments ~
-of tht; community, including some-city council members.
Leary on Trial
' lh Dl'owning
Of Laglllla T ee:11
· Special to the DAILY PILOT
RIVER S IDE -CalifornJa
gubematori~I candidatt Or. Timothy..
Learr -with three other criminal cases
pending -goes on trial here todaf
charged with contributing to the delin:
quency of a minor. 1
The 49-year-old psychOOelic candidate
for the 1970 goVernorshlp was arrested ·
after a 17-year-old Laguna Beach girl
drowned last July while swimming on an
LSD trip at a desert commune.
E~idencc that Charlene R. Almeida
~·as under the influence of the
hallucinatory drug was shown in a
revolutionary new laboratory test by
Riverfide County Coroner's deputies.
Dr. Leary and his wi~ were at the
ranch, but he denied giving the girl LSD
and said he barely even knew her.
But at the time of his arrest, the
former Harvard psychology professor
proudly proclaimed that· Jie had con~
tributed in some me.asure to the situa-
,,·Since thls is a reli~·ous struggle we
ere engaged in. I proud nfess to hav-
ing contributed to the deli uency of over""'
30 million young people1 who are -in
fact .._ rapidly becoming the majority "
he· said. '
Besides the Riverside miSdemeanor,
Dr. and Mrs .. Leary ~ s~.n John , 19,
face trial In Orange County Superior
Court next month on L.SD and marijuana
charges stemming from their arrest in
!,aeuna Beach.
They are currently involved tn. ,an LSD
case in New York. one the prosecution i:oi
having difficulty with, due to unwilling
witnesses. •
And authorities fn T~lis are preparing
to re-try Leary's case of transportation of
lllcga\ly imported inarijuana. following
the Supreme Court's overturning of his
con\·iction last ~1ay .
Basketball Pole
Kills Youth, 18.,
In Freak Mishap r
' . '
SELMA (UPI) -A Selma youth wu
killed In a freak accident Saturday when
a basketball backstop pole broke and the
backstop Jell on hlm.
5elma pollce sak! Paul Henry ~
eerra. 18, was playing. basketball willl ~
friends at a Selma playground "'hen tbe bat: lodged on the b3Sk•t ring.
Beccerra climbed onto the lhouldtn of
1 companion and was attempt!ni to fl'8e
lhe ball when the pole broke.
He fell to the 1round and the bockstop
ren on top or him. The victim was pr.
nouneed dead on arrival ll a Selma
' ' I
,.. .
'" .
4 DAILY PILOT -.-1,l~
tC-llMI n Ille O.lh' , ... ttttn
Bu~ks County Dist. Atty. Ward
F. Clark who was re-elected Nov.
4 outdid his court achievements in
Doylestown . Pa., last \Veek by de-
livering his baby cjaugbter. He de·
livered the 5-pound, 15-ounce baby
with advice from a nurse on the
telephone and his mother, an over·
night guest. An ambulance later
took ~1rs . Clark and her baby to
Abington Hospital where both
were reported ip fine condition .
Don Michel, 38, general mcrnag~r
and co-owner of station WRAJ u i
Anna Ill. and 1iis J3.year-old da.UQli·
1er, J'ant.' prepare to launch a nation·
wide campaign aoaimt pornograf?hll
rn memory of Sen. Everett 111. Dirk·
sen. The campaig1l, caUed "SOS f or·
Ev," toill ttrge citizens to 3UpJX?rt
Dirksen's Senate Bill 1077 which
would gi ve local jurit;,s final &ay over
whether something is obscene. The
SOS it.ands for "Stamp Out Smut.'' • Three bachelors v.'ho advertised
in a Cincinnati newspaper for
Thanksgiving Jetters were surpris·
ed at the 1elephone calls they re·
ceived. "\Ve were expecting li ttle
old ladies to call," said J im Mey ..
•r,. 23, "but most of the callers
were single.girls." One of the caJJ.
ers invited Meyar. Tom Lesl ie, 24,
·and Jay Campbell, 21,· fo r dinner.
This was one bonus of thei r ad re·
quesiing leftovers. "We got a lot
of fun arid a number of names and
f.elephone numbers of the girls,'~
liaid Jim.
Housewives in Ashton. E11g·
land, are going to play a
"Grudge" football match
against their husbaiids. and th•
stakes are higlt. I n case of a fe·
male victory, the husbands will
do. the housework and pay for
a n i11ht out for their spou.ses.
But tf the .hU$bands win, they
1oill have unlimited permission
to play Saturday golf and t.he
wives will f inance a night out'
at a strip club.
• Paulin• Cooper's car, a 1957
Chevrolet, has· been stolen three
times in Venice, Calif. in recent
weeks. Police recovered it each
time but there was always som~
thing missing -the battery, the
front wheels, the radio. Police said
it's the type of old car thieves like.
But they're going to have t rouble
from now on. A1rs. Cooper bought
a chain and padlock and each
night she parks it in front of h e r
house with the chain through the
front window vent and around a
lamp post.
Do"'t Watat Gls .
Allied Support
-Dips in-Mekong
MY THO, -(UPI) -"We have made Pr<llJW tu )'OU can't euctly 6·
peel people who hove bad parta ol their
family blOwn ""'Y by lhe U.S. 9th lnfan"
try Dlvbion to be wllolelJeaMdly Oii oor sidi&. ..
'lbe wwdl are tbole d a U.S. adviser
whole job K Is to -Vietnamese
civitiana and try to Win tfielr support for
the Allied.fide in the Vietnam war.
· American Jdvbers in this Mekong
Delta enclave, 'in the midst of one of the
moot populai.d reP>ns of South Vietnam,
say indllcrtmlnate killing of dvllians by
the 9th Divlsloo bas set bock their d"
forts .
1be division WM withdrawn from Viet-
nam last tall under President Nil:on's
pullout plan. U.S. officials, mllltary and
and civilian alik'e, are v 1r tua1 1 y
unanlmoUI in not wanting lhe troop&
"Tbe Ith Division claimed to have kill" eel 33,ooe ·vc (Via COnr> white operating
in this area," eaJd one adviJer. "Our in-
tetllgenco .. Umates OQJy carry 42,000
Olmmunl.t troopc for lhe entire Mekong
Delta. The dil!enn:e bad to come frooi
The suggesUon is that it came from the
civilian population. At least one in-
vestigation 'is uoder way into a report
that<he U.S. troop$ used one villac< near
My Tho for target practice.
li1any civilians were killed by the in.
discriminate use of mass: firepow;er
weapons such as he~ gunshtps and
artillery in are&J where there was a large
civilian popuJation, tbeee sources said.
According to lhe U.S. officials, the 9th
Division troops had orders to·pulh their
"body. count" of dead guen111u u high
as possible. This, the advilen said,
re!Ulted in further civilian casu~es .
'Ibere is no way for the advisers to
determtne exactly how many civilians
were involved in 9tb Division operations
because there are no accurate estimates
of the civilian populaUoo in Viet Cong
Am«lc~Kia.11 will not give tor
publlcat.ion the number of Viet Cong in
.the three provinces fllr which My Tho is
headquartenl but the .!)iur"f,do not jibe
with kill figures prOYided by the 9th
Red Siege of V.S. Camp
Costs . ~;300 Enemy Dead
SAIGON (UP I) -.North Vietnamese
troops hit the Bu Prang special forces
camp with 150 artillery and mortar
rounds today, but U.S. spokesmen said
thi! five weei siege of the camp 112 miles
northeast of Saigon had cost the Com-
munists I,300 dead.
The renewed sheiling ·which killed t¥:o
American artillerymen came as U.S.
troops strength in Vietnam dropped
below the 480,000 level for the first time
In two years, meaning that President
Nixon had su rpassed his goal of reducing
troop strength to 484,000 men-by mid-
Decem~. The all time peak of U.S.
troop strength was 545,000 last February.
Intelligence reports said the Com-
munists were trying to m:-errun the foot..
ball field sized Bu Prang Camp before
Christmas and' that they were ·paying a
heavy price -1,300 killed. by around the
clock air and artillery strikes in support
of 3,000 Vietnamese combing the sur-
rounding mountains where the Com·
munlsts brought in 5,000 to 7,000 tropps.
South Vietnamese losses were about 200
The aources said the North Vietnamese
primary aim was to prove that "Viet-
namiza11:on'' of the war will not work.
Two U.:S; battalions recenUy moved into
Ban N.'i?-1'huot, th e rear support area 5
mil~ from Bu Prang. but spokesman
said they were there only to free more
South...lhtfname.se for frontline duty.
A weekly report oo the number of
Widow Unveils
Churchill Statue
LONDON -(UPI) -Lady Clementine
Spencer • 'Churchill today unveiled J 71h-
foot-high bronze statue of her late hus.
band, Sir Winston Churchill, in !he
member! lobby of the House of Com·
A crowd of distinguished guests that in-
cluded Prime Minister Harold Wilson
murmured their admiration al the $26.400
likeness of Sir Winston in a debating
pose. but his 84·year-old widow spoke not
a word. ..
She gazed up. silently at it for a few
moments and then was escorted from tlie
lobby by the speaker of the House or
Com.monS, Dr. Horace King.
Americans In Vietnam said 4;900 U.S.
servicemen left the countcy last week as
lhe GI war zone Jevel dropped to 479,500
-lowest since December. 1967. This
represented a drop of 63,300 men from
the peak level, 542.800, last February.
It meant that Nixori had fulfilled his
promise to pull 60,000 men out of the war
zone in two stages: -2S,OOO by Aug11.5t·
and 3~,000 by Dec. 15.
Draft lottery
Capsules Ready
For 1st Drawing
tonight. a young man was to<e\ep up to a
glass jar at Selective Service head·
quarters, stick his hand down among 366
plastic capsules and draw one out to
begin the nation's first dralt lottery slnce
the dark days of World War It.
It was a picture Crom the. history books
-like the one showing war Secretary
Henry L. Stimson pulling a green capsule
from a "fish bowl .. · in HMO -or the one
depicting a blindfolded war Secretary
Newton D. Baker reaching into lhe same
fishbowl in 1917.
But there was an Important difference.
Tonight's scene. in more or less the same
form, will be repeated every year from
now on, unless the law ls changed or
President Nixon fulfill s his announced
desire for an all·volunteer army.
And the concept of tonight's drawing
\\'as unlike all the previous in an attempt
to come up with as fair a lottery as has
been -devised.
There were 56 youth representatives at
the drawing. They drew, and continued
drawing, until all 36 capsules were open·
ed. Each capsule contained a date of the
year, including Feb. 29 even if there is no
Feb. 29 in the year's calendar. The dates
were tcfbe placed on a list ln the order
drawn, and men will be called for in-
duction in the arder that the datP. of their
birth falls'on that list.
Thus if Feb. 8 was the first date drawn,
all men whose birthdates are Feb. 8 \viii
be at the top of the heap for callup during
Ill East Heavy Snowfall
Buffalo (and O.J.) Stagger Under 7 Inches
Oii t1M fl111t d•Y of Dec:tfftber, tl'lt
-tllem'l111 ••v• liolllhtm C..lllOfnlt
v•rletlle clolllh • .u~.W .i.o-r1. •
.,_ le...i 111-tl 6.000 lftl t nd nol
fl'vdl te"""'1••hlfl thclill9e. All 11111
etvs t1M pffdl<Tlon of "'111"1 of 11>1 ..... ,
to come! .
cloudV throuvll Tu•~d•Y w!lll u 1ttt •l!'d
~ "'°"'I" mou"t11n t 'ld coe1tal aretJ. S,_ 1..,_1 M t• tCIOll feel. Not
rnl.ldt 1-tlu•t CM"'•·
lOS ANGflfS AIU!A -Pt'1!" tlouli'J' th""191'1 Tuffdt V wll!'I XI "" c ... t fNIKI of "-11111. Nol nw<ll
twm-.lur. c!\anM. low• nNr .U. H1911 ,,,,,..,, 10.
90JIOEJl-MO$llV •oul'tlealltfl" wlndl
I to 11 "'I'll flU'OU91'1 Tuel01v. Pt •!I" tlwd'J' _,,...,. wllti Kalftrl'd Mowttl.
Hot.lftUCll ltfnlMl'•lvr. cfl.tntt.
SOUTHEJIN NEVAOA-#lf'lty tloul!Y
wlltl "*1Ct ltw .,_.,, thro.ttll
Tllftdff. Net "'Uc Pl lemHrt lurt
0..-. i..-t a ,. Jll. Hlt"' 11\onotY
.. ,. 10.
VALLEYS -Ptrt!Y t lOVdY 111,,_ll
Tlltldt 'J' wltll IC.tlttl'd f'-1"'· Nol
ITlllCPI lll'llNtt lll•t' ChUlft, L-1 0 IO
U. HfltM M«wl•Y ..C lo n.
MOUNTAIN AftfAS -ColUhttr•ll'-ttoudlM.i1 "1th .,_..,., throutl'I ,-.,.,,
da'J'. c'htncl ftw MtV'I' ,,_.,, H J! '"' ..,..,....., ....... "'°"" lt¥'el ..... at Nit, Llnlt ftm-th.ltl cllf,....,
lfrfTfJllOJt AHO Ol!l iltT ltl!GIOH$
-l'trtl'f cllucly fflrtvtll Tuncltl' wltti dWllCe f!I ,,,_ """""t. Llt'tlt ltm,..,...
1rw. cllf...... UWI '5 to .U ~
\'I I...,. itM a to • """" Ylllln llf•
C#t U °""' Vtt!tr. Hltlll MOl'ldet .... "'
• •
" .
1 V .S. Summa»'u
COlltkltrt lllt clol.ld!Mlt wllfl 1l'lowo A •l'llml cenltr ft'IOVed tcf'DH tN
..... MM!l'I' _,,,..,tertv ... II ID Mlltol GrNI Ltkn tow11'd N.\.o E ....
20 -riot• lft t'-lfttmoOl'lot t fld I ft U 11,d !CICiiy, llrlf!ll11t IOrnl ,......,. '"°'"" •not• flltl'll .,111 """"""' ......... tllrwtol'I 'fllndt,, Hltll ft. ftll1 1"'11 l'lllt nloul drlvlflt tol'llllltltM.
(Oof11tl temotr1lurn ••-fnim 5' Mori 1119., r lnt11t1 of ,,,... l'li11
'1' 1'. lnl1"!1 letnW~lll'll r1nt1 ltllt~ 1111 llUlltlo, N,V .• Hrl'I' IOtltY
lrom SJ let n. Wtl9r ""'""''""'' "'· 1'111 •ctumu11llon1 of 10 1..m.. ot "'°" .S un, Moon. Tide• ~~:.:l'IC!9<1 ,,,, o! I•~·· f•ft •114
MONOA'f" (;flt w1rfllnt1 Wtrt UI tlont 11-
IKOl'>d l'lltll .•• . , • .,, 1.111. J.I NrN Et11ltncl coest •~If drlVl"f ""''
Stcond low • f :°' tJn. l ,t llalttOOUI """' ~~Jt1!1 Ntw Vortc TIJISD.lV 1 ... 1111111 ,.,... Ellfll l\d,
,Int flllfl •••.,..... . 4:3' I rn. 4 ! G1ln 11 "" ttf'ltr of 1111 110t"rn
J l•1I i.,... , ,.,., ... , .ll:XI I .Ill. 2,1 SP«l d JllC>lr '"'"' 11\t G•111 Lt ktt
lttO<ld 111911 ........... , J ·le •·"'· '·' lo 11'1.-""'""'" A•1•l1elll1n1. &«O<ICI,.• ............... f;~ 11.m. 1.1 W.,.,,,.,. 111 .... ruurt t were tx1111Cted
lrol'!I TUii Ind "'"' io ..... r Mfu l11l1>1t
kll •1111 a:.O t ,rn. kh 4:'-1 •·"'-v11l11 IO 11\t MM;!~wtil w llon Cl !ftt • Miii\ lllHI Jl,Q It.Ill. ltl'I 11~11 1.rn. Mld'lmt. ..
Albu'IUt rout
'""""" .. " Alltnla " ..
ll1ktr1ll&ld " ~
11111 .. t rdl . " " Boise • " 11~1on • " llrown1vlll• ll " C:~lceto " " C:lricln111tt .. " ·-· .. " ...... _ .. " Dl!t11l1 .. u
1'1lr'lllnln " • l'ort Wcwlll .. .. ·-.. ..
Ht!ltlt .. " Honolul\I .. " lt1nsa1 CltY .. " l11 V-1 .. .. ··-" ..
M1""1 n " Mlmt11111!1t " ,.
H-OflMM " t H-.. Yerti: .. .. ..... H " Olllti.nt C:ltY .. " ""'"" .. " ft110 llol:>I" " " P~I• " "' Pl!!HllJtt~ " " ftorlltfMI .. " ll&Pld CllW -.. " lllM ltull ., " .. ~ " Stcr1""'11te • " s.11 Liii• c11., .. " "" ~"' " ..
St n llr1..c:1Ke " " 6Hlllt ~ ..
•t>Otl•~· " " '""""•I n " Wt~lritlO!I .. ..
Cartton5, Costa Mesa's Finest Men's Store, must close its door forever, due to
the passing of Mr. Carlton. We must sell all our fine stock of nationally ad·
vertlsed brands in . men's clothing, sportcoats, slacks, and in fine furni shings
of shirts, sweaters & knits. In order to clear all our obligations, all our prices
have been slashed drastically from 30°/o to 70°/o. Came prepared to buy,
this is Orange County's biggest going out of business sole.
Selling Out Entire Stock To The Bare Walls
Our Reg. . Our Reg. Our Reg.
s5500 S6900 s7900
NOW $2500 . $3500
NOW -$4500 NOW .
Our Reg • Our Reg. -Our Reg.
SSflD s10000_ . s15000
NOW $53
· NOW $78
Our Reg.
Our Reg.
s 3200 NO W
' ' '· . -... -----.
Perm. Press FLAR ES
Nat. Adv. &
BE LLS SLACKS Val. t o 516°0
$6SO $ ·oo 7
c;>ur ·Reg.
. s4400 NOW
Hand Tailor
Val. te> s35oo
CARDIGAN Nat. Adv. Nat. Adv.
SWEATERS Short Sleeve Suede Front
SWEATERS • Our Reg. 516°0 DRESS SHIRTS Reg. 528°0
NOW $1280 $4 00
NOW $19
2 70 E. 17th St., Hilgre11 Square, Costa MEisa
Open Daily 10·9 OPEN SUNDAY
12 t o 5 Saturday 10-6 '
.... ------------~-~----..,....---------------~~----~---------~·~-~·-_.._-..... ..........._ __ .............. ----_.. .. --------.--~
• / • .. ~
M«idft, Dtcembtr 1, 1969 DAILY PILOT j •
r-au_EEN1_E ____ a_v_Ph_n _1n1_.,_1an_d_;1 mat co costa mesa will be open sunday from noon 'til 5 p.m. Shop sundays ftem-now 'til Christmas;
Every merchandise department and the ·restaurant will be open to ·make your . gift shopping easier:
"I understand he's an ,f'.x-TV actor."
Oeaver Planned
-To Denounce Cuba
PARIS (UPI) -A forme r
aide to Eldridge Cleaver says
the Black Panther party of·
ficial reneged on a pron1isc to
denounce Fidel C a s t r o ' s
government as racist following
their departure from Cuba.
Andrew Ferrell, 29, who has
been branded a "traitor" to
the Pan ther cause in a
pamphlet c i r c ul a t e d in
Eutope, inade the statement
Sund ay in an interview.
"The Cubans were faking on
tbe world, especially <ln the
revolutionaries a n d pr o.
gressive 'pe<iple in the slates to
keep their international sup·
port stroilg," Ferre:ll said .·
, "Cleaver began to see it like
it· really was -how deeply in·
grained this racist character
is in the Cuban power struc-
Ferrell, a native of Beau·
mont, Tex., who is wanted by
authorities in California and
Colorado, said he and Cleaver
decided to leave Cuba after
discovering it was not really
What they had expected it to
"We had agreed prior to
leaving ·Cuba that once we
were out, We were going to
make an announcement de·
nouncing the Cubans," he said.
•·sut for some r ea s on.·
t:ldridgc reneged on that
Ferrell said he met Cleaver
in a California prison in 1967
and decided to juinp parole in
mid-1968 to go to Cuba, where
Cleaver later joined him.
There, he became Panther
deputy information · minister
under Cleaver, the party's in·
formation minister.
Common Market .
. ·To Ac.c"~pt B.ritain:?
•· I . , ' ... ' . ~ ''
·Chancellor Willy Brandl <lf
'(est Germany proposed today
that negntiatioos begin as ear-
tf as next spring to bring Bri-
t8:fn. Ireland, Norway and
Denmark into Ulc European
Q:mmon Market.
Brandt mll<3e his proposal· at
the opening session or the
·Common Market s u mm i t,
where leaders of the six mem·
her states convened to give
European unity a fresh im-
On hand for the summit
were Brandt, French Preside nt
·Georges Pompidou and the
~e ministers and foreign
ministers <>f Belgium, Holland ,
Italy and IAJxeml>ourg.
Brandt said: "We are fun-
damentally agreed that the
candidate countries will haVe
to accept our treaties, their
pls and the legal decisio ns
that have followed f r o m
There also is agreement, he
went on, that the main lines for
the Common Market's furth er
development must be agreed
on and laid before the can-
didates. He said the can-
didates woiild have to acce pt
"Development and n·egolia-
tions with the candld11:tes," he
went Ol'li "can be carried on in
parallel, so that neither will
stop UlC other, but both will
IRJP(Xrl one another."
France has been insisting
New 01urch
Unit Urged
DETROIT (AP) -A move
was launched today to abclli sh
the Natiooal Council o f
Ollrches in its present form
and ttPace It wlth a broader,
mere fleiible organ!Wlon of
Tt would become, under the
plan, more inc~usi~e of all
sorts of churches -in an um-
brella fashion.
that the future development or
the community must take
precedence over t h e ad· .
mittance of the candidates.
ki ds ...
Sa nta Cl au s
Oh boy! Magicians
and waffles and hot
choco late. Best of all
••. a chance to meet
and eat with San ta.
At May Co, Sa tu rday,
December 6th, 13th,
and 20th. In 'the tea-
room, 9 'ti l 10 A.M.
Call for reservations.
may co
Ne 6·2425, ext. 201
-· But it also would allow for
-greater diversity and wide· •• ... •"'!!!~·"'!~
~ opt.ions in the chciice of
varied courses of action by in-
dependent participan~ .. And il
wouk! abandOn Insistence oo
miJority-determined jo i n t
approaches on each rront.
1il calling fer the overhaul.
Dr. R. H. Edwin Espy, the
CoUnci.1'• general secretary,
aakl "haU measures will not
may co t o1t1 rrt•••
5~6·93 2 1, '''· 20 I
:Jarman1s Geor91 hoot wjth its
brawny strap. brasS buckle ond
squared toe comes in toh glove·
•oft leather, blk. •mooth coll 23.00
Jarman'~ sq uare·foe slip-on is
precis ely squa red ot the toe. In
antique.fin ished brown or block
•mootb coll.kin • , ••.... 23.00
Botos Ro1te,. buckle-boot comes
in either brushed or.smooth leoth.
er. A greot weekend or -etter.
hours co•uol shoo •• , , •. 20.00
Hush Puppi1i~ by Wolverine in a
slip-on of ruggedly gro ined lea th-
er with on antiqued bress c~oin
ot the in<tep ·· .••• : •••• :17.00 ., '
Podwin's now. lool< in boon lliet loot
so gre~t with flares ond new ~tr.sigh~-·
leg P.eints,·Two .from our. ~olle~tion;
e. Tho I O·inch, side.zi p Geueho 20.00
b:The onklo·high T ohoo •..•••. 20.00
may co men's sh bes bO
• _... -• • .. ........ ..... --~·--····-j ... • • .... -·· • ~....... • ' -• ---.. • ... - --• .. •
ma y· co south coast pl ata, san 'di~~o fwy at bristol, cost' mes a; 5416-9321
shoP. mondoy thr u soturda y I 0 a.m: to 9:30 p.m., sunday no on 'til 5 p.m.
' '
Orange. County Lives!
~bout the time """ can convince !ill lrtends else-
where that Ot:ange County Isn't filled with American
Opinion bookstores and Minuteman gun stores, along
comes 60mething to reaffirm the faith -something to
verily that Alice and the Mad Hatler really do live
just down the street. . -
Consider the case of .Dan Aldrich and the four·
letter word episode.
Or. Aldrich, chancellor of the University of Cali-
fornia, .Jrvi.ne, spoke belore a prestigious group of
Orange County businessmen last inonth, the SOCknem-
ber forum called Town Hall. In the course of answering
questiOns after the speech, he gave a thougbUuJ -
and wordy -.commentary on campus newspapers and
the choice of language they sometimes ofier.
A Saqtf Ana newspaper interpreted his remarks
quite diflerenUy than the chancellor intended. Indeed,
the newspaper headlined the story "Aldricb Defends
Four-Letter Words."
Thal w.asn't what Dr. Aldrich dld, not at all. Two
Town Hall leaders, William Ma.son and Alan Stoneman,
proved the point by supplying the newspeper with a
taped transcript of Aldnch's retnarks. Since M'Mon,
president of the IrV!ne Co., and Stoneman, -con-servative and retired industrialist, are hardly push-
button defenders of the left wing or UC!, their appear·
ance bore some weight.
The newspaper then published • ntractloa. And
that should have ended the matter.
But In the meantime, Orange · County fo""'8 had
begun stirring.
S!Ate Sen. James A. Wbetmore issue<! a scathing
press release based on the original erroneow story.
His comments were pl>n<>nally derogatory Iowan! Aid·
rich, to the point th•t he lnd1recUY ICCUHd the chan-
cellor of traveling with an Orange County gutter society.
Up in .Tustin, the local high school board could
hardly Wlllt to have a swing at Aldrich. Ttusteee ac-
cused him of "outrageous and irrespensible state.
ments" and asked that the UC Board of Regents coD-
sider firing him.
And-th• rl-ghl~eanlng o ... nge County Board of Edu-
cati<?n wanted a Piece of the action, too. Trustee Dale
Rallison 8$ked that a similar resolution be drawn up so
the board can adopt it tomorrow. Dec 2.
If no correction had been made, it Mason and
Stoneman had not personally showed all of these people
the correct statement, 11 Aldrich had really said what
he w~ supposed to have said -then, yes, the turmoil
would be understandable. · -
But even after all remarks have been clarified and
It has been proved beyond doubt that the chancelllor
did not "defend four-letter words" or defame Orange
County citizens -even after all of that:
-Sen. Whetmore refuses to apologize for his in-~mperate and derogatory remarks. Indeed, he po.
1ponded with a lengthy letter that hardly addressed
the issue at all, then had the temerity to suggest that
Aldrich take tlje stand to clarify the remarks be never
made. ·
-The Tustin high school boanl reads what it wants
into the chancellor's remarks (even after the newspap-
er correcUon) and stands behind its censure of Dr.
-The county school board will go ahead and con-
sider the Rallison resolution at.its meeUng tomorrow.
Yes, Allee, Orange County still lives and breathes,
at Umes in a litUe )Yonder mrld all its own. 1
Fut:ure Change
Is · Unpredictable
In Disease,
T1ie Name ls
Half-the Fun
Ending the l'ietnn111 Wnr
The J.a.yman ree11 beft.'Cldled and_ in th!! .
dark the", dayw, becauie the ra~;r-· ~-
"change is so fast that he cimnot possi81y f ·
anticipate what is going tb-f ppear on the
:scene tomorrow, much les1 ne:1t year. 1k
And the art o{ social predjction is still not
much past the Jtage of necrQmancy.
U it will make hhn feel a liUle ·Jes.s
alone in this, be it disclosed that 5Clen-
tlst.s and philQiOphers and intellectuals
are just as niuch baffled and surprised
by the genies that keep jumping out 0£
the teclmglogica.J lamp as any man in any
l WAS AMVSED the other night, while
r eading the new book, "Knowing and
Being," a collection of essays by that
brilliant thinker, Michael Polanyi. 111 one
<lf the essays. be mentions that be and
~rtrand Russell and aome other
powerlul minds were on a 11Jralns Trust''
radio program in Uindon in early 1943.
'The question arose whether any prac-
tical use could be found for Einstein's
famous equation about mass and energy,
which had been kicking around for 40
years on a purely. theoretical bui.a. Toe
erudit. and erpe:t panel, Individually or
colkctively, COuld'.'fthink of no way Jn
which this · equatfdtt could be used Jn
pl'llcti<al terms.
Just a few months later, of course, the
Unimsity of Chicqo developed the first
atomic pile, whlcb was the embryo Cl( all
atom!c fission and fusion -and ba9ed
preci9ely on Einsteiu'a .equation of 19041
NOR IS TRIS BY any means a olngular
RIGHT NOW, 8J IOme sdenUsta have
said, we know more about the dark aide
of the moon than we do about our own
ocean-beds: and next week some quite
unexpected invention or technique might
make avallable wholly new IOU1'CeS or
food and power from the deep valleys of
the seas-triggering either global pros.
perity or bitter warfare. 4
The course of world eventa la dllerete. not conlilluous, depending more upon the
abstract doodlings of a sad~ed Jew sit.
ting in a Berne patent-office, or the
frustrations of an Aumian house-painter
ranting in a Munich beer-ball, than upon
the Grand De!ign ol. historiarut.
bed with a virus is lhat lhey are too un--
common to catch a·common cold.
Fortunately, medical nomenclature is
rich in important sounding afflictions to
which one can point with pride. You prob-
ably have had some of these for years
and never even knew it.
Let us take the field of phobias.
Are you afraid of robbers? Why, you
poor thing, pull the covers over your head
this very minute. You've got harpax4
()phobia, that's what you've gol
Laundry Grows Complex
And do you worry over whether this
mythical robber, il you m..t him, will
stick ypu wtth 1 knife? Then you've a1so
got aichmophobla. the fear of sharp.
pointed objects.
DO YOU GET tired 0t eoping with Ille
now and then, and feel that your wife,
your boss, and your mother-in-law are
AJle(W.Mtli ,.,.... Wrtt1r
Eve11tually it will an come out in the
wash. But today's laundress needs a
degree in chemistry to make sure lt does.
Where once a dash of -soap was all It
took for a white Monday, now there's a
bewiklering array of detergents, water
conditiooers, brighteners, b I u e in g s ,
bleaches, fabric softeners, srzing, enzyme
soakers and finishes.
Oh, I'm not suggestlng that we
hou.9ewives go back to pounding lhe dirty
clothes oo a rock at the neighborhood
stream. I don't even urge lhat we return
to tbe galvanized washtub and corrugated
ICMlb board.
BU1 I DO LOOK back with nostalgia to
the a:ood old days when you could throw
the content.a dt lhe laundry hamper into a
machlllf:, push a few buttons here and
there and ail down for another cup of cof4
• In ordl< to employ all thO latat Id.,..
' ti.fie Lall'Kiry Aldi., I n ow have to
otand by J"ilh a S1Dpwatch, an Instruction
booklet, a laUle manual for judging tbe
type of fabric Involved, I mJcroscope for
detmninlng the nature of the various
atalDI and a whole ahelf full ot. lotions
and potions to add to tbe wash water al
stated lnt.rvall.
Blue Mond17 mm.. lt.s color ICbeme
--c< ~··,, asking too much of you? Well, hold your
head up, man, and regain your self-
' G.u. . respect. II really lsn'I yoor raid~ t.s i~ if , you have a creeping case o f
'1...t.. ~_. hypengyophola, or the fear o f
these 'days with omy other bUe Oftbe . Many people blanch at tbe !'""peel of
rain&ow. Greep, pink, yellow and polka4 • having to read another racy modem
dot powders, granules, liquids, pellets novel. 'Ibey may not know it but a
and glanWlJ.e pills have all gotten into psychiatrist would quickly diagnose them
the washday act. as mysophobes -people who dread dirt.
Most. pedestrians in crossing a street
THEY COME Ncrr only in a variety of ~ show s1gru of both levophobia and dex-
brilliant shades, but also in every type of trophobi a: that is, they are afraid of ob-
conlainer -in bo:iies, cans, bottles, je~ts on the left side of their body and of
a q u e e z e • pl a 1 t i c s , -aerosols and obJects on the right side of their body -
premeasured porUons. in both cases, automobiles.
Their effectiveness in the mechanical
washtub b apparenUy linked up in some
way to the brevity and nonsense value of
their name. Inclusion ofJUch unusual let-
ters as X and z in the title also con--
tribute to the efficacy of the product. • •
11 takes lime and patience to perfonn -
-:uhday miracles in thla{sclentilic age.
Ive evolved a scheme, however, to make
sur& the Ume spent sWidJng. wash watch isn't completely wasted.
I set up the ironing board near the
machine and when I'm not Involved with
chemical analysis or the addition of a
mulUtude of liquid~ and solids in proper
sequence, I'm profitably employed : I use
the Ume to press my husband '• wash and
wear 8hlrta.
CIVIlJZEO MAN often feels that his
Job ls a rut and his ulatence too routine.
Unknowingly, he Is haunted by
taphephobia, the fear of being burled
Right now hundreds of thousands of
people In northern climes are scheming
up t:rcust:I lo take • winter vacaUon or
business trlp to Florida or a Caribbean
port. They are more to be plUed than
ctnsurtd. They nee aouth bfJcaUM they
hn,•e chlonophobla, the fear of snow.
Do you fret and fume beclluse )"OU are
unable lo understand or handle your teen--
age son or daughter T A lot llf people
share your ptlght, and you all havei the
samt malady. It b teratophobla, the rear
that you've glvf'n birth to a monster.
B11 Geeiye -------. PERHAPS TOE world seems to be so
mlsedup and wacky that you've alerted
talking to yoonelf, and this' makes you
uneasy. tt may comfort you W ltnow that
you'r< simply In the grip of phbnophobla,
the fear of your own volee.
Deal' Georp:
I bsvt -I good doale but my
muter will never tti6 me for
walk.a, although my mistress asks
him to all the time. \Voukl ~·ou put
a Jittll! rtmlnder In your column,
dearest GeorJ', so perbaps my
mast.tr will tee ii and remember
wh•t a nice UUle doggle I am~
Doar Spansy:
Sober up, you little fink.
DESPERATE'': Look for the 11ilver
lining. (I've got to get a rubber
&tainp made of that one -lot or in·
1plr1tbr Jn advice Jike that.)
Yes, thero ts a wonderful·souncling
disease for e\·ery human being alive,
t \'tn for the guy who \\•orrln because he
Is too healtfiy In a 50Clety where all
ar.ound bJm art Ill .
• 1'1e I! sick. too. He111 got tn uncon!ICi ous
caSt of eremophobla, Ute rear of being
Soviet Help Still Possible
WASHINGTON -President Nixon and
his top foreign policy advisers sUll have
medium-high hopes for help from the
Soviet Union in bringing the war in Viel·
nun to a-close.
That is the background for some recent
pronouncements about the war by ad-
ministration spokesmen. It helps put in
proper context some statements which
are otherwise quite ~using.
For example, Secre{ary or Stale
·William P. Rogers sajd publi cly last week
that he saw "no immediate prospect of
success" in the present peace negotia·
tions. He made the statement publicly
after a talk of nearly three hours with the
Senate Foreigh RelaUon& Cclmmittee
behind clOO«i doors.
However, Sen. Albert Gore, D-Tenn.,
told newsmen after the .same cJ05edoiioor ·
session that he took sOme encouragement
from certain "secret negotiations" allud·
ed to by Rogers. Gore is usually a sharp
erk.le of administration policies ii\ Viet·
nam, whether the administration is Nix·
()D's or Johnson's. He did not elaborate.
f7wE CAN REPORT that the secret
negotiations which gave encouragemen t
to some of the committee members were,
as Rogers indicated. not negotiations in
Hanoi, in Paris or elsewhere. They were
initiatives designed to get the help of
Kremlin leaders in winding down the
Allen-Golds1nith "
were made dUring the J oh n Ion
. At <times, particularly during the final
! months of his White House tenure. Presi-
-----~_,,,-~ dent Johnso n was sure thal lhe Kremlin
leaders, increasingly occupied with prob-
lems in China, would eventually decide war.
The idea is, or course, that ~1oscow can
bring more than \.\'oi:ds to bear in
asserting its influence -with North ..\liet.-
nam and lhe Viet Cong. Most oi the sup-
plies for lhe fighting in Vietnam still
come from Russia. and many experts
here think the Kremlin leaders could shut
()ff the war by choking off logistic support
-or. even by threatening to do so.
The newly opened strategic arms talks
In Helsinki are merely the most visible of
current U.S. contacts with the Russians.
Others, with va rying shades of official
sanction, take place £requently.
CONTACTS WITH Soviet spo,kesmen
made with the cooperation or the Britislt
are believed to have been the ones which
encouraged Senators last week. After the
committee meeling Rogers said the
Russians ·were not being helpful ''al the
momenl." but said help might be
forth coming later.
There is, of course, nothing new in the
efforts lo get Russian assistance in end·
ing the v.·ar_ The same sort of C011tacts
to help stop the fighting in Vietnam.
ALL INDICATIONS are that Hanoi ti,
if an)1hing, now more dependent than
ever on supplies from Rus sia filtered into
South Vietnam over the Ho Chi Minh
trail. (Navy experts here say water shl~
ments to South Vietnam are decreasing
under pressure of U.S. and South 'Viet-
namese naval units.)
Free world shipments into "North Viet·
nam are on the downgrade too. Tm--
month statistics through October show
that only 85 ships from the non~
munist world have stopped _at Haiphong
this year -down 30 percent from the
same period last. year. •
There are, hbwever. no public in-
dications now that Russia is ready to •P4
ply any logistic pressure on the caretaker
government left In J{anoi by Ho OU
Minh's death. Public utterances indicate
that even the Helsinki talks have not
changed the Kref!ilin policy with respect
to Vietnam.
By Robert ·s_ Allen
and John It.. Goldsmltb
Reopen Haynsworth .Case?
. WASIDNGTON -My respected col·
league, David LawTenc~. has suggested
In U.S. News & World Report that after a
th<nugb study has been made of the
Haynsworth affair by a group of jurists
the way might be opened f o r
reconslderaUon by the Senate.
Judge Clement F. Haynsworth might
not bJmself be much interested in un-
dergoing a secom ordeal but it is not out
of the question that the Senate might
itself repent its mistake.
1be C01npoiiitlon ot. the Senate \\'ill
change ne:d year and most observers
believe that the Republican membership
will Increase at the expense of several
Democrats who voted a g a i n s t
Haynsworth, but not necmarily for that ........
But it b all the more reruion why Judge
Haynsworth would be well advised not lo
resign hill poQUon as chief judge of the
Fourth United Stales Cir<ult Coort ol Ap-
peals. HJs honesty bas never been ques-
tioned nor luis there been any basis le>
suppcrt the alight.est suspicion that his
judicial actions were influenced by his
holding. In c:munon stocl<, nor that he
pel"IOn41ly gained from decisions ren--
dered by the Fourth Circuit Court of Ap-
JUDGE HAYNSWORTH is considering
The way Agnew's behaving. even
the Ormocrats are saying prayers
that Nlxon enjoys excellent henllh
and a long, long life!
-G.O.r .
'nllt ....,.,. ,.""'" l"Ndln" \'llWI, "'' .. _,....,., 1111.. .. "" _... .. ,. s.,,.,
,_. "" ,...,. M ....... , ·~~ Diiiy .. 1111.
Richard Wilson
whether or not his effectiveness as an ap-
pellate judge has been destroyed. When
he has finished this introspecUon he can
only conclude lhat the integrity of his
.judical actions was not challei(ed and no
impropriety was found in his' Conduct by
the American Bar Association in two ex4
Judge Haynsworth will also find that
the effe"Ctiveness of Judge John J.
Parker, who shared his fate nearly 40
years ago, was not impaired. Judge
Parker remained on the bench oC the
Fourth Circuit. after the Senate refused
to confirm him for the Supreme Court.
and thereafter rendered .s e v e r a l
landmark decisions in a distinguished
career spanning 30 years.
The circumstances ()f Judge Park~r·s
rejection were bitter in an era of rising
labor mJ!itancy. He was accused of siding
with hated employers in enforcing
"yellow dog" contracts under which the
worker agreed nnt to join a union . Judge
Parker's decision was based ()Tl th e
authority of a Supreme Court decision in
a similar case \\'hich had held such con·
tracls valid,
tional Associatlon for the Advancement
of Colored P{'(lple which did not foresee
that as a continuing judge in the )!"ourth
Circuit he would rul e in fa vor of a Negro
under crimin3l prosecution foc purchas-
ing a home in a v.•hite neighborhood of
Richmond. Nor did NAACP forcse<e that·
Judge Parker would subsequently be one
or th e rlrst to enforce lhe U.S. Supreme
Court ruling on ~hool desegregation Jn
Summerton. South Ca rolina.·
It is ncedleSll lQ recount in detail Judge
Parker 's subsequ~nl career. }fe became
a rtcocnizecl auU1ority Qn state and
federal consti tutional law. improvement
or the Jud lcal system rand lnt(lmaUonal
Jaw, won I.he A.mertcan Bar Assot,latlon's
gold mcdnllind was agafn consldeled for
appo intment lo the Supreme Coull .•
Jtaynpiorth was 11lso opposed by
organized labor and civil right.a groapa
and , on balance, it was probably this op-
position rather ·than questions on the pro-
priety of his stock holdings which caused
the senate tc> reject him.
IT WILL NOT BE EASY, of course, far
a man who thinks he has been gravely
wronged, as must be the case with JUdge
Haynsworth, to continue his judical
duties as iI nothing had happened.
But neither would 't be easy far him,
nor for his judicial colleagues, ii it should
be demon.Waled that a judge can be
driven from the bench by powerful in·
terests 'which .disagreed with b I 1
This is the point which Judgt
Haynsworth should cons.ider with great
care before he gives in to the perfectly
human reaction of shucking the whole
thing, I
President Nixon earnestly and ge&
11inely wishes Judge Haynsworth to re-
main on the bench of the Fourth Circuit
and is doing everything he reasonably
can to persuade him to stay on.
This doe's not mean, oi course, thlt the
President is considering renmtloadng
Haynsworth. But it does mean that the
President is concerned by lhe stabilil'1 of
the judicial syi;ttm Ir ,.,uucally ln!pred
aUack drive& Judges from the bench.
Monday;December I, 1969
The editorial paoa of the l>oilr
Pilot seeks !o inform and 1Um-
ulat1 rtoders by pre.seniino th.ft
'tewspaptr's opinions and com-
men!afll' on topfc1 of inttrttt
and .sfgnf/icance, bt1 providing 4
f()rum f or (ht t:r:pre1sion of
o_u rtatt.r1' opinion.t. and "b1.1
~-prese11Una lht divcr1t vfew-
poi11t1 of informtd obstrt1fr1
and spokt.tmen on (Opici of Ult dau.
Robert N. Weed , Publisher
Church Business Tax Nears
Callfomla """' beg1n8 taxing
some c h u r ch businesses,
although the move is more a
reflection cl changing ~meS
than a big money'1llaker for
the state treasury.
The tax takes f:ffd Jan. !,
but no me knows enctly who
will be tued, where they ·are
or how much mooey will be
raised. " '
State Fbllnce Director
Caspar W. Weinberll'"" ....,.
med up the altuatioo in a re-
cent reJQ't by listJ.ng Ute e.1-
Man Stabs
6; Claims
He's God
man who claimed ''I'm God"
Cabbie Warns of Blaze was arrested Sunday after the
slabbing of six persons -
three adults waiting at a bus
slop and three Children on
their way home from a park, LOS 'ANGELES (UPI) -Some of them were i.1 pa·
police said. Cab driver David Glascook jamas. One old man was oo
Officers said W'l11ie Jones saw smoke pouring out of a c r u t c b e s , 'Ib!re wm
Jr., 27, of Texas, was arrested two-story apartment building screams. The smob was
without resistance and booked early Sunday. He jumped from thlclc:. All of a 111dden the
for investigation of assault his cab, ran into the bunting lights went ouL"'
v.·ith intent to commit murder buildiog and started poundlng d~!~t· 6~C~-thebulldin6r
e after a witness said he saw on doors and yelling ffre. -.. you .. , .... ut.11u. tue
Jooes stab one or the victims. It never occurred t o but the telephone line was
"He claims he is god," said Glascock he was: belng a hero dead. Ancrther phone in a
Sgl Rudy \\'etzel. "That's all as he stumbled through the neiJhl:Kring home allo was he had to say." smoke Zld darkness of the dead. Fin.illy. he was able to
Louis Perez. 5, his sister burning builiiing but firemert contact flremen on a pbcr.ie
Gracilla, -4, and a friend, John crtdHed him wtth evacuating across the street.
Redina:. 9, were stabbed as 35 P,ersons and possibly saving When fire~ arrived, they
they walked home from Ex-their lives. were able to mnove,a all the
position Park, police said. "l ran uP to the first door remaining tenant.a from the
Lot.iis was listed in critical ~n:d ~ged on it. and shouted bull<lng. .
condition-with. --a-stmiach~ Fu_ee_then I ~ ~ sam~ Nooe cl. the IO ~ was
wound at a hospital, and the :ng ~the line, the cab seriously Injured alt b o u f h
other children were reported •~p -'-J.....11 • several wre treated or
out of danger. •;=:eop=le:'=~=="""""=:g~oo=L=sm=ok:e:lnha!a=:":°"=· ===:I Shortly before the children1
were stabbed, police said,
Carol Howe, 26, Joe Tellez, 50,
and Victor . Jaco, 51, were
treated and released from a
hospital after they were stair
Jones' hometown was not
immediately known.
LA 'S prawl'
Favored by
researchers expected to find
Los Angeles residents anxloo.s
to stop the sprawling growth
that has made this the second
largest metropolitan area in
the country. They were wrong.
Behavior Science Corp. in-
terviewed a random 2,000 ol
the area's more than 7 million
citizens · and found that more
than ha![ ~ant a larger
population. Why?
"The 59 perctnt who favored
a>ntinued population growth -
perhaps it's their belief that
growth of any kind ii pro-
gress, that ~s means
jobs and opJXrtunity," said
Dr. Stanley C. Plog, the cor-
poration's president. "Most
residents obviously are not
fully taking into account the
real impact of this growth."
To no one's surprise, the
citizens listed the climate as
Los Angeles' best feature and
smog as its worst.
Mother, Son
Die as Fire
Hits~Home ·
GILROY (UPI) -A mother
and her ee-week-old • son
burned to death when • nm
fire swept lhe:lr home Sunady,
but her parents managed to
escape the blaze.
Police said the bodies or
Mrs. Dolore.s Hernandez, 30,
and her son, Joho Jr., were
found ln a bathroom where the
woman ran when the O~
Her husband, John. wu
outside the house washing a
car and tried 1r.1successfully to
save them. Mrs. Hernandei's
parents. Robert Ortega. 63,
and his wtte, Jennie. 56,
escaped from the flaming
' house. Firemen said the blaze ap-
~lly was caused by a
malrunctioning beating
gystem. Four of the home's
. five rooms were burned before
lhe fire was controUed.
' . '
12 TO 5 P.M.
Temple Opened
Sikh temple -called the first
In a major American city -
war; dedicated Sund ay as )>lrl
of celebrations for the SOOth
11.nnivcmry or the birth of
Guru Nank, found~r of \he
Sikh religion. An offshoot of Hinduism, the ._ _____________ ;_ __ _,J
,. religion claims 1 o , O o o
members ln C.lifornla. •-------------------
Mood11, --I, 1'169
Tlaanksg!t,,lt,ag Fatalities
State Leads -Traffic Toll
Al.1 STORES mN 6 NIGHTS A wm::
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portable electronics!
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I i
Bring· this page with you to the· Christmas .Place
. Boy'• never-iron Penn Prest* •port shirts and slacks •••
·65% polyetter/35% cctton sport shirts, short slemid, in an ivy styled
cssortment otsolids and plcick. A t«rific bUf in sizes 6-18. Tc f'eam ~with
our 50 cro Kodel•'pofyester/ 50% cotton wide wale corduroy Western style
slccks ••• in blue,· green, whiskey or beige, Sizu-6-16 reg. or slim.
'Shirt 1.99 Slacks 2.99
SALE I mens •••
Penn Prest® pajamas
Never need ironing
REG. '5 .' ....... NOW 3.99
His favorite natch collar style pj's,
in his choice of fabrics : 65 % Occron"
pol)'ester/35% cotton, or 6.5 °10 cot·
ton/35°!o polyester flo.nnel. Both ere
1n assorted prints ancksolids, men's
sizes S.M-L-Xl. Greatqual ity,scrvingsl .
' .
Spend tlMM long cold winter nights it'I a beautifully styled cuddle-up from Goy·
mode•. All 11nattly fmhion.d in the softest bnnl\ed ocetote/nylon blend,'° supple
oncl fernlnine and colored to match your every mood. Choose the Ion; or short gown
and pajama style you love best and MV• 20% I ·
Short shift gowns In favori .. fashion shades, S, M, l, • , , • , .REG. $4, NOW 3.19
full longth -w;th pNlty .; ... , s, M, l, 'xl, XXL ••••••• REG. $5, NOW 3.99
Full Ieng.th paJarnas ore lf)'led for comfort, S, M, L.,, •••••• REG. $5, NOW 3.99
l<Ko -lftlnl INlt wilh 1111 ponly, P, S. M ............. REG.$5, NOW 3.99 $li4rt shift gowns ••••••• , ........... '. XL-XXL. Reg. ~.so NO,W'3.59
' i ' \ I . ' . . •• • • • ~ > ...
\ i l \
"I 1-,,
Cozy savings now!
Pretty brushed
gowns and pajamas
REG. '6 ....... NOW 4.79
Cuddle up to saving$ now o~ these
soft brushed acetate/nylon shift or
foll lenglh gowns and lull lenglh
pojomos, trimmed in the prettiest
. ways and done in lovely solid colors.
Misses sites S-M-L
~~-. -
', • ,
ii ,,
" ' .,
" . .
• • --
• ,
•' I' " :i
•' ,.
- -.. t
• • • • Mond'1, Dictmb•«l, 1!6t DA11.Y 'l~OT • ..
' "
" '
i ,,
• • " enh.~:••1~
•1.. --..... . '
' . ' . .
' ' ,.,
' , ~-} .'
Bring this page with you to the Chrisi~s Plac~
Early Christmas treats. for the luckiest littl• girls ••• who
couldr:i't love a new dress for up-coming festivjties and special outing sl
Cotton lace,, acrylic knits, cottQn prints, !f\ifts;-A.Jines, pant dresses,
pleats, aod more!
3-6X 3·6X & 7-14 7-14
4.88 5.88 6.88
Girl's dressy Penn
Prest® blouses ....
gift boxed, too!
2 for$5
Never·iron 50% polyesterl50%
. Avril• rayon,. in the prettiest dressy
styles. All in white fur. holiday ....ar-
ing, and gilt wrapped for holiday
giving! A real Penney value on qual·
ity in girl'ssizes 4· 14.
·' •
" .
.. , ... · . ' . '
-warnt acrylic electric blankets: in o wide choice of tizff. An·ani '•upemop''finllf),eil
for minimum pilling and shedding, witk snapfit bottom cOl'MH lie make Mdniakint
eaiier, 12-foot cords. UL li11ecf. A¥ailable in -the lcrtelC cfeconrtor felhioft. lkdeL.
Machine 'W'Cl~ble in lukewarm wat.r,
Twin, single contr9I,,,,.,, ••••••.••• , •••.•... , ••• , .UO. $16, NOW 13.44
Full, single control ••••• • • ••••••••••••••••• • • •• •, • •• llO. $11, NOW 14.11
Full, dual control .... ,, ••.••• , .-. •.•• ,·,.,.,, •••••• , .~. -~· $21, NOW 19.44 '.
Queen, dual control •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llO. tU, NOW' n.44 . . ' . king, duo ' control ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• UO. m, NOW"32.ll
PIY! YfAl OUAIANllfo : .,,_ ......... -~ ..... .,. ,_., ................ ..... 1ii.-w-.~...;twa..· ,_. "-... .t ~ ...... Vlt6lll ............................ .;..;.~
fltufll "' ,.. ... u.. '""91 Will -· , .............. y. ... ·n.. .. ..... ,.;u .. ,.,._. ~ ti.. flnt ••
)_ ... ..,..,..,.., ..........
·~. . .• :
' ' . ~·
., h
; ..
.C9rdigans fOr big .
·and ·little .sister, ·
specially priced! .
UX:2.99 7·1·~~9
l•lky _,tic knits, fvll faehionod,
with Goocl looking cablo lqit 4otail
for llYlo. In whit9 to go with cilthoir
outfill ... tiloy' look -..,.;,.;..
...... port.ct gilts for ....... lucky
littl~ gir11 C111 JqlW list.
......................... AVAILABLE AT YOUR .LOCAL PENNEY STORE I . -
I .. ... _____ _
••-c-:=-. --. -..--,--;-;-;--... -----. --.-:~C""""'"-~~ --.·-~···~. -~'"'°·-.,·~·"i"~C>;"'"""'":'":"<l:'':<'~""'.;.=o!:':::"l'l,_~~ ... ,---•~-.:"-~""•.-,·..-,,..,-,,.,...,,_., • ...,,..,,..,._w,..,..~----~~~~~~~~~--..----. ,..-' .,_ --• Ji --' ·, -, '1liJ'o ,~' ....._ •" o;j/oo<S, ~ ~~-4' -; ~ ~ • ~ J 'l'-~ ";' ,. ..--v S -Ji pa; Jo w » w p a f'" s •• ,. • + 4 w - ---"; .. .... ( •.,,,, ... . .....
J Q OAll Y ,.LOT
·For the
..,..lor Clllte!'I• CMI ff/I M""""""n
a.tell. ~ ......... ll.efttt.• ....
Hllflllfltloft leKl'i. \0:00 i .M,
NewPOrl H•rbot Senior Cltb1n1 Clull,
~lor CIH1en1 ClubltO!li.t. !Sii•
$If.., 11 hvlM #.¥olll>t, HrWPOrf
llt1cl!, IO:OI) 1.m.
NrwPOtl Center .:rw1n11 Ctub, Josef's
lileo1tur1111, 7121 [, Co.•I tfitllw11,
C0<1111<11 a.el Mir.
NrwPOrl 11••~ 1>.re1 Y'1 Mef>'s Club,
YM(,._, 1300 Uni~tflil1 0 t ! v r •
NfWllOrt Bt8cl!. f "·""·
E.•olO<tr Scovil. lloOC:ock EIKl•onic
EoolorH P~I JM. 3~1 i'llfbor llv~ .•
Cooll Mesi. 7· I~ P.m.
OeMeltv. 0•1ncir Cots! C1\oo1rr, Mlillllic Temple, 1s111 suet! 1<1<1 Sf.
.Arl41irwt Pl1ct, NfWPOrl lltlcl" 7-JO
Cost• MHI l-ltrmon1' LDC!et t.10. ?f, Odd FtllOWs 1-1111, 2'1• Ntwtort
Blvd .• C01t1 Me1~, I o.m.
DeMoi.y, l-l1111ll11Jton 8t 1cn C"'ir!tr,
Mn.onlc lttl\Plt, 10ol Like .Avt., H..,...
linglo.> llt•dl, 1:30 P.trl. Fountt ln V1lltv Junior C~1mbtr at Comm.tree, DOlrd mtt!I,.,, Security
F l"! Nlll<w\ll lltnk. ~9nall1 SlrNf 1114 T11wn Av111ue, Foun11ln Vt llev,
J·lO o.m.
Wntmln1ter C/\1mber of Commerce,
IC lnu'• Tll!llt R11!1u.,nt, Wt1tmln·
lier, I? rioon.
C~tt Mt U E~chl,..I Ctult, Corti Jltft,
Re1ttur1nl, :t"5 H1rt>Or l lvd .. Cotti
MtH. n !\OOft.
(Olli Mtsl StnlM Cl!lltM Cl11!1, Com•
munl!• RKrtttlon Center, Or•n••
Count1 Ftlrg"""nd .. Cotlt Mt11, JI
c:~"::i dtl Mtr Klw1nls Club, VIiii
SW9den, 353' 11!:. Co.11 Hlt/\wty, Co.
"'"' dtl Mar, 12:10 o.m.
Cos!• M1H KMn!I Ckrb, Cotlt Mt••
Golf 1nd C~'l' Clull,, Coalt M61, n :u p.m.
Newport Htrbor Optlmlot Clult, \'1111
Mirl111, 10.U a1v1lde D!"lv1, NtwPOrt
8ellCJI, 11;15 1.m.
Hun1;n91on Betch Kho1n\1 c1..e, Hun·
lln•lon Se1cllff Country Club, 3000
Polm .Avt., Hunl!1111ton-8t1c/\, 12:U ...
1iunti,.,1on lltld'I Jlot1rv Clut>.N()rl/\.
FDUf Wind• R21t1ur111I, J'-111 8•1••
Chict Ro1d, H11nlintl0<1 811cfl. U :U c:..:1 dtl Mllr E~U11nao Clu/\. Jmel'•
Rts11ur1nt, 2121 E. (NII Hit flwf •,
CO!"Gnt oel Ml<r, U noon. Munrlr111~ 8e•dl North Lions Club,
G•1hem, Huntln1ton B•tcfl, 12 r.oon.
Excl'l•r.te CMI ol lrvlllfo IMlustrlel
Complfo(, Slurt Slilrl Rn11ur1nl, 210 w. C01st Hltflw•'>'• Nc,.._t e .. cn, -· DEATH NOTICES
AClfl'IEM , ~I E. Act'llltm, 'l!IS4-A Vii
M1r!-1 Ee1!, \.11\IM HlllJ. 0.11 <If
detl/\, Now. 2t. S11rv!Vfd b' wlf1,
.Aoeus11; ...... Nk /'lolt1 E. AdttllfTI.
Jr., Cotti Mnl; daoeMtn, l!tllel...,
E. Pinches, N-or1 •811cnr Jlut/\ A,
S1e1rn1, L"un1 Hiiis; Mtlvll\fl E.
k lltor•. NP«PCJ01 811/;fl; t11ht 1•1nd·
cnildrtn: six t rHl·1r1rl4c/\lldru1. Serv--
lt tl, 'Tuuda"f, 11 AM, P1cll1c View
Cn1pol. ln1orm1n!, P1cll!c Vltw ~··
morlt! Park. Olrtelecl b• P1Clllc Votw
Vlr1\nl1 l . 8tektr. #S C11'111Drld11
Circle. (gst1 Me11. Ctlf ol detl/\,
,,..,.,, 2t. ~urvl•ed b'f llu1lle11C1. Or.
ltl ltr H. lledt.,; ti!'" -llobtrl
.A , 8Kktr, Hulllln1ton 811</\1 J1m11
P. 11'1d T/\Om11 M. ll1ck1r. COlll
M1H; d.luent«. J1111 Anni 11titer,
M•1. 8tn Schmidt, Mlonc•lo, Miii/ii-
.... , •• l'untrtl _...ic.s. Tundly, 11
.AM. lltlll eoai. #o'I•• Clltl'tlo will!
lttv. 0.-ld Cf Prof~ offkllflM,
e11tr Mortu1nr, Co111 M..,. 0\.
~ ...
Mar11rtl M . De Wolf. 1UO Gal11v
Or., NIWPOrl lluc:fl. Alt! Mi d.ltt GI
llfftn. ,,..,.,tmtier JO. Survived by
illut/\ltr, Mn. Si iiy E¥tns. NtwPDrl
8t1t/\. 51rvlen t nd lnltrment wilt bl
'Jtkl ln•St. L(llJll. MluourL lltlt llrc1d·
jW"IY Mort111rv. f orw1rdin• Olre<:lorl.
c1rvl Murohv, tll5 C1!1h••· N1...,..r1
l!eacll. C11f .ol dNtll, November. 11.
5u....,l•td !IV hutbtnd, JClhn. Strv>ttt,
lodlV, Mondi'>', 2 PM. YIH1Cllfl (llop.
;,1, Priv11t !nlenl'I ..... W"tclllf .ClltHI
MortYtrv. 6"6·~•· Clr1JClor1.
J1>1>11 11. l"-ort.,. A11 IO, !If 1'21 M~
...,.,.,, Or .• CDlll Meu. Oil• •I d11111,
Nov. 21. Survived b¥ d111t/\fwr, M". (;.O~I VHl'l!f: -trtnd'°"I fl'ld -t rHt·1r1ndd1utll!1r. Me<nber ol °';'
1n1oc;111 Loclft, 1'&.AM 6"11. Sell k ·
n1rdl...,, M110fll{; 1trvit•• ,...,,, Mort-
d~v. 1 PM, lltlll Ch1pe1, JS» I!, "Cot11
1-1l•l!w1v, co.._ ittl Mtr. lnttnr!ffll,
M•lrCIH A*V· 9.iti Morlut rv, D\.
rK!Orl, ~
r.1rl c . Rrillev. nu !. 1"1rlot\, !1n1•
-""' Dl!e ot <letlll, Nov. 7'. Sutvlved
ti• two 10~1. Mlllcwt, WH I c...-!nt: O.·
,.,d, cu~11lrio. Funt rtl """lcu. TUl't·
N V. 1 PM, w • .,.r1. Cllun:ll. ,.,1,,.,1v111
M.....erl1I P lrk, wltl! lll'f. Jtfln Gtll·
It • ofllcit1ln1t. 81ltt MerlvlrY, 1141
iuM<'klr, C01t1 MHI. Olrtcl'Dr1.
Eliztbtlll JI. 5mitll. Att 67, ol 701S
T,.•lno Orlve, S1~ Oleeo. 5ur•1•td b•
1on. JGM RHdr, Sin 011911: shier,
Mrs. M1ri11ret P'...,U, Ptfl/ltYlv.-i\1 ;
t11r... 1r1nc1cnlldrtn .ncl r...-11 t rH !·
••tncltt1Udr8". StrvfcH, ICIOI"(, Mon·
d1v, ' PM. !ltll l r<YdW1'>' Cht"I.
aeo Brw<IW•• Mor1111rv, Oi~to-..
Y.'tstcliff Pttortuary
4%7 E. 171.b St.. Costa Ptltsa
Coron• dtl ~tar OR 3·9"58
Costa Ptftsa l!U 6-Zut • BELL BROADWAY
Ill Bteodw1y, l:otla M-
11111 Belich Bl..i.
Hutlaittp Btactl
IU.7771 • PAClnC VIEW
35M Pacffle View Drive
Newport-. calll"'""' -• PEEK FAMILY
'Ziil Biiia Avt.
wn•mlgCtr m..asu • SllEl'f'ER MORTUAllY
1.ap .. ll<adl-fN.lSU
Su a.mm. ftUJtl • SMITHS' MORTUARY
U7 Molli SL ,
Dulfa,,.. ll<odo
' Slf.ll3t
Mond11. OKember 1, 1969
Congress Hearing by Leary Political Fund Rai sing
Conference in Anah~im Record Countians to ·Give
Views on Inflation ANAILEIM -A press con· Assemblyman Badham· ·and
ference kicking off ''The 4.C Briggs.
Plan'' (Citize:i's Contributions 3. Den1ocral rePresentatives
to Central Committees) in. -Congressman Richard Han·
Orange County is pow set for na, Assemblymen Ken Cory
10 a.m .. Tusday, Dec. 2, at the and Leon Cooper.
Tustin Man
Given ~AB
Pledge Post
ANAHEIM -Tustin resi·
dent Thomas 1r. Quayle has
been appointed pledgt cam·
paign director for the Orange
County Division of the Na-
tional Alliance or Businessmen
(NAB ).
Qu ayle, fomerly vice presl·
dent and manager or the
Nor l h r op Corporation's
Anaheim Department. now is
a consultant to Northrop on
loan to NAB.
A number ol Or8'.1ge County
officials and civic leaden will
be telling a Congressional
Committee how inflation and
high interest rates are hurting
loca l citizens, Congrtssn:ian
Richard T. Hanna announced
According lo H a ~1 n a ,
Supervisor David Baker. Dr.
David Paynter, Gartlen Grove
Superintendent of Schools., and
Dwight Ptllie, Orange County
Member of the Southern
California Small Business
Advisory CommJttee a r e
among others, scheduled to
testify at the House Domestic
finance Committee Hearings
in Los Angeles Dec. 1 and 2.
Fullerto.1 hou sewife DeronQa
~1cNa_ry will also testify, Han·
11a said.
The veteran legislator, who
proptsed the hearings to Com·
mittee Chainnan Wright Pat·
man (0.Tt:s:as) in October, aid
the Commlttee hopes to ac-
complish two things. "First,"
Hanna offered, "we are in·
terested in learning tht views
He will head a team of ap-
proximately 90 p I e d g e
solicitors ·in NAB's Orange
County program to find jobs. in
private business for the disad·
vantaged unemployed. The NB
program's objective is to
remove these disadvantaged
unemployeq persons from the
welfare rolls on a principle of
first hiring, the,n 'training arKl
retaining them as productive
pell"anent emp}oyes.
Talk Slated
Quayle, a long-time resident
or Orange Cpunty, was one of.
10 engineen IYho helped found
Northrop Corporation in 1939.
He Was one of the organizers ·
ol the Orange County Counctt
()f J unior Achievemelit, and
lat.er its chairman. lie al so
served two years as secretary
of the Regional J u n i or
Achievement. board or direc·
On Distm·bed
Barbara Sterling. prominent
educator who specializes in
working w i t h emotionally
disturbed children, will speak
Tuesday evening at Marco F.
Forster Jwilor High, The 8
p.m. lectur. will be presented
in the school Jibrjry.
Charles Johannsen, director
of pupil persa:inel .services for
the Capistrano Unified School
District, says Mrs. Stifl'li"ng'S
presentation is one in a series
of meetings designed to help
parents and teacher.s bette r
understand disturbed children.
' Is that funny
t . -thump
under the hood
the .generator?
Maybe it is.
Maybe it isn't.
And lllllY.bB it's kind of foolish.
to let tha.IOcal garage spend a lot.of time
(and a lot Of your money)ftrylng to find out.
· Drive into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center.
In leas than one hour, we put your car through
a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that
pinpoint any existing problems - and wam Of potential
ones. Steering. Engine. ·erakes. Transmission.
Electrl cal and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems.
Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe.
You watch the results com e out on an
electronic typewriter.
A skllled diagnostician goes over
tl1e report witti you. If you wish, he'll
give you an estimate of any necessaiy
repair& You'll be able to take care of small problems
now, before they develop Into big problems coating big
And, if you wish, Penneys will make the re palrs-
qu lckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could
prevent a needless highway breakdown.
If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere
you like.
The cost? Only 9.88.
Pretty reasonable for an analyst, th-days.
I Dia9'K>stic Center '
Tho ScllnUflc Troublllhool91$
Charge Ill
luo"" P•rk
6JJ1 O,.,...tMrpe A••·
PlteMtS2Ull l
1.0 0 .. ,..,.1, Mt.ti
Hu,ntin1ton lch.
7Tt7 Mlttter An.
N•w11art ldo.
24 ,.., .. WerMI
Pltotw. f44..lJ 1 J
of a broad cross seetion of
citizens on the many probltms
in the economy. This will
enable us to better be able to
draft appropriate legislaUon to
deal vdth these issues."
Grand Hotel, Anaheim, in the l
Regency Room. A new ap-,----------,
proach to political fund raisingllJ
will be prese nted . · !I A THOUGHT
FD~ TODAY "Secondly,'' Hanna went on,
"and just as important, we
v.•ish to demonstrate tbt
necessity of Congress going to
trye people in order to learn --------•-~
their views -to learn what the
This will be a unlqut gather·
Ing in a OOn-partisa.i spir iL.1 The following politica l figures
have been invited and are ell:·I
peeled to attend. .
I. The thiee chairmen or the
Orange County Central Com·
Belie11c !hat Hfc I!> \\·01'th
ll vlni;. an d your bf-li ef \\"iii help lTrate the fact.
-WiUUun Ja1nes
mittees ( Rtpu b I i can, PR.ESENTEO ... s,., people are thin king 0.1 the key
economic questions of the
day." College Post
To Co untian
Democrat. and Ameri ca n PUBLIC SEll.VJCE EVERY C.\Y •Y;
Independent), lee Roofing Co.
14 •YNfi It Cotti Mtw
lUJ s11...,.1~r Avt. ••1·7122
Hanna said 1nore than
eighty witnesses are expected
at the two day hearings. 'Los
Angeles Mayor Samuel Yorty,
Assemblyman Jess Unruh.
Mn. Kay Valory, Consumer
Counsel to Governor Ronald
Rtagan, t wo d ozen
housewives, and pr iv a t c
citizeo.lS and c o m m u n i t y
leaders from throughout
Southern California will be
testifying." Hanna announced.
2. Republica.t represen·
tatives -Dennis C~nter,
TUSTIN _ Joe McAleer o11_:s~e~na~to~r::.:J~a~m~u~jW~h~e~lmo~re~, ~;;:=========~
Tustin has been named a cla ss AfWfttMl!Mlit
-agent for the Annual Mar· · S • Shrink p • fu}
queue Universily Fund in ClellCe S filD
Mil waukee. Hemorrhoids
l\-1cA1eer, a 1962 graduate or S Jtch R Ji p •
lhe college of business ad-tops - e eves run
ministration, is an i'.1suran cc Finds Way Th_at Both Relieves Pain
"The hearings are ope,n to
the public and anyone who has
something to say will be
heard," Harma concluded.
agent with Prudential Life and Shrinks Piles In Most Cases
Insurance company. lllew York. N.Y. (Special): Sci· :age) took place. The secret ia
lie is One of 400 class agents e.nce hu found a epttial for--Prep1lr11tion JJ,,, There. is no
nationwide \vho arc assisting mula with th~ ability, in ltlost ot.ber formula for hemorrhoids The yearings will begin at 10
a.m., MC1:lday, Dec. I, in
Room 1540 at 312 N. Spring
St., Los Angeles.
. . . . . . casea-to shnnk bemorrho1ds, 1·k • p ,-H l the uruvers1ty in its f1nanc1al atop itchi .... and relieve pain. I e it. r epara ion a so -. aootbu irritated tissue• and support programs directed la eaee ~fter ease doc~r:.~ ..__'pop-lfu~•-,·n!ection. prol'td, wlule pnU7 rellnm1. 1112 ~,., • .,.. n.n~ to\\1ard alumni. 1 pain, aetuaJ. ndodion (ahrink-IJiointmentormppositol}'fonn.
Calling aif cars!
Proceed quickly to
The Christmas Place!
'PINTO 23' CB RADIO, REG.'129.
SALE! $109
Mobi1e tranceiver has all 23 clionnels complele with cryslals. SoTid
date-no waiting for wann-up; 0.5 inicrovolt sensitrtity; 10 db
signal to noise'. ratio; no channel 'spill over·, illuminated channel
selector with color<Odod dial, 'S' 111elor; ~ekh control and ex-
ternal speaker jack. Mitiophono included, All FCC type aCC<tpted.
Over ond out I
Pinto Jr. Cl radio. n.;, ll!ICllJ, ...,,.
pact, beovtifvrly styled ca radio ftaM-• bullt·ln
ronge boolt, a m~ comblrxr!ion,
blue tranonit-lighl. ;JI fCC typo CIJli"l'IOd.
Pinto 231 base staffon. n.i. bane!·
......iy<!.signod -llalion --pi.to wth a base station miaophone that am be ecallt ...., <OMeciod ond replaald by a lllObllo lllcrophone.
12 to ·S P.fol.
,. .... -9°!11""-----------.... ---..,, .... --............................ --.... ----................... ~~~-...,. ..... ,.,,._.,.._.,_.,~-~·'3~~=~t==~·~~=°''"· "CL'":"".<:"" ___ ,...• • ,. -. ,.._ • --• • • -------
Once King,
Was King
niless and un<rnployed, he ap-
pea...t oft<n at the Ritz hoi.I
in Pk:OldUly for afternoon lea
and cuazmber sandwiches.
Fooner King Freddle of
Buganda could never be
anything but a king.
It nfattertd not that some-
one else had to pick up the
check at the Ritz. Freddie
himseU ruefully observed that
the westige of having tea with
a ting -even a black one -
"'8 cheap at the prlce.
King Freddie died Friday in
the scruffy flat he shared with
three other Bugandans in Lon-
don's Dockland. An autopsy
was pei-fonued to determine
1141 .,..._ ...... .. -----MR.MUM
~--"tWUi;.... !:::"l::::;;>-f:U: -.... ft~ -M· --..,, -
I II lt ll
the cause of death at 45. "ft/tt
Preliminary results of the 1 '-----------!!C:::-___ ..., .... ~
autopsy did _ not disclose the --------------------I cause oI death, a spokesman
for the Southwark coroner's
court said. Laboratory tests
requiring two or three days
were ordered.
Known to all as King Fred-
die, Sir Edward Frederick
Muteu. was overthrown in
1966 by Ugandan President
Milton Obote. The ouster snuf-
fed out the kingdom or Bugan-
da within the Uganda Republic
and King Freddie exiled
himself to London. ·
Jn Britain, King Freddie
tried hard to maintain his
royal image on a Pauper's in-
come. He refused to accept
ordinary work because, he
said, the two million people of
Buganda would not v.'ish hin1 to hold a commoner's job.
Queen Elizabeth and the
royal · famil y. especially the
Queen Mother, wanted to help
King Freddie with funds !rom
their private resources. The
govenunent vetoed t h i s ,
saying it would compromise
Britain with the Obofe govern·
Pleas from friends to grant
him a small : government
pension \Vere simi larly
Aside from small cash gifts
from British friends he made
while a student at Cambridge;
and as a captain "in the
Grenadier Guards, King Fred-
clie's only income 1vas a $19.20
v.·eekly welfare chC{"k.
He served champagne
cocktails to his friends, then
v.•ent hungry the next day
because no money \Vas left for
food. He was also generous
with his meager funds to im·
poveri.sbed Bugandans living
in London.
King Freddie, alw,ays im-
peccably dressed , was a fre-
quent guest at parties in Lon·
don's cstablistunent soc: I a 1
circles. The Queen Mother in·
vited him to tea at Clarence
Hoose, her official residence.
He, when reigning king, had
similarly entertained her.
But the parties had a hollow
ring. Often the friends and the
invitations were g e n u i n e .
Sometimes the host discreetly
slipped the ex-king $12 for
being there.
Friends said King Freddie
accepted his situation and
seldom ccmplained. He spent
his last days doing social ~"k
in the rough and tumble
waterfront area where he liv-
A friend found his body on
the floor or one or his dingy.
sparsely furnished r o o m s .
Strewn o.n a table were letters
recalling better days.
• I , Typewriter
Electric 10'' Concord ® PCR
l'ialvrll automatic carriage return key, fun 44 key, 88 character key-
board, tab key, carry case and more. Charcoal , ••.• pica letter style.
G....i for travelers!" ,
Reg. '179.50 ••• NOW $159
C:O.-d" 10 elacl!ic. 91>" wide
carriage,-one add,a·type key, 88
characters. Blue in. pica or elite.
R .... $139-----NOW $119
C:.ravelle 10 manual. Full 88
character keyboard. Tan or blue
In pica or blue efli. letter flyle.
.... $79.99--HOW $69
nous OPEN
12 to 5 P.M. LAKEWOOO
' -
Concord"' 12 electric. i2" car·
riage plus all the features of the
Concord" 10. Blue or choroool
in pica.
R ... $165 ............ NOW $139
Cuavelle 12. 12" carriage plus
all tho featu res of the Caravelle
10. Tan or lilue In pica type.
hg. $99-··-·-NOW $89
Monday, Drttmbtr l , 1%9 DAILV "LOT "J .I. I
Honolulu's Hotel Street Soon ]~ta Memory
HONOLULU CAP) -One crowding from the west
whiff of the air, soured by 30 Once loud and lusty, the
years of·spilled drinks, lets the famed sin city district of
vlaitor know he has found Chinatown has dwlndJed lo
Hotel Street five blockJ. ·
But take a quick took , • Free-spending Gis, whose
because Hotel Street as It has money was the street'• life
been know.1 to a million blood for three decades, pauae
servicemen Is in the final there now only long enough to
throes of an unrnourned death. catch the bus for Waikiki.
The string or loud and gaudy That's where the action b to-
honky tonks, curio shops, tat-day· ,
too parlors, arcades and ta xi-The final death blow could
dan« halls ls being bulldozed cc:ne .soo.1. City officials,
away. mapi;ilng a prop0sed man
Urban renewal projects are transit system, are 1!ylng
edging 1n from the· east. The 'Hotel Street as the best roule
glass.lJ'O:\t business high· rise . t h r o u g h t r a Ifie-clogged
of downtown Honolulu are Honolulu.
Penneys will custom drill
your new bowling ball
to your exatLm•asure-
menh. No charge,.·, it'1
all intluded in the pur-
ch_9se price.
''StaQ it'• dylng. It may not 1 o 1 d J e r 1 , ' ' uys Edd1e becauae l have 1 o ea I
even lllt another ykr ," · UYI _Matsuoka, owner ot a nearby CU1tomm. It's tbe bua M
Tad ¥.UUob, wbOle ~liquor store. 0 I'm 1ettlnc by are feellnc lt.11 ~ owns and operates a slrlp-
teue bir called the club Hub-
ba Hubbl.
''I'm lollng money even
though I bavea floor show and
draw a locaJ crowd," he said.
Matsuoka has bought •
nightclub ln Waikiki tourlJt
area. He says bushaa there
is plcklna up while 1\11 Hotel
street cluD plays to a handful
of patr0'.15.
"Dufing the war years thiJ
place used to go all day long
with both sides of the street
jammed with aallon: and
1795 IJ,.6UNA
ROAD mcCormict
• 494-9415
Bawling ball sale!
This week only!
Tornado bowling ball. ThiJ black, hard rubber bawling boll is lllllllUfao.
tured to meet all American Bowling Congress specifications. In 10, 12, 14,
15 or 16 lb. weight:
Reg.18.99 •• ,NOW 15.99
FortmostSI men'• or IM:lit1' hanlsicle bow~in1 Ng .••••••..•.••• ,•••• 8.9'
Rogtncy 300 bowling ball. Deluxe plastic bowr.ng ball come1.in blue, -
or red. features dust and scratch resistant finish. In 10 (blue and red onfy),
12, 14 or 16 lb. weight.
Reg.20.99 •• :NOW 17.99
,..,. ,,.,. ,.... by••• .. .,,, .......... 111 ..... aip •••••••••• 1.n
foremoat9 basic: bowling bag
FeoturOI molded ball pocket, rugged
Ladies' bowling shoes •. ,.
Ntw rounder toe laat for excellent fit.
Bone, sizes 5 to 10, B width.
Men's bowllnt 1h0es •••
So~ glove loa!Mr upper. Avollabl. in
bone, 1lzn 8 lo 12, D width.
4.98 6.99 8.99
• ' r
• •
• •
12 DAILY PILOT Monday, Dtctrpbtr l , 1969
Italy's Cesare Scotti Captured ,the $15,~ Pursti in the Mut
Seal B e ach Driver. 4 t h I \ -. Italy's Scotti Wins Havasu Race
.. • last year -to win the cham· de<d..top takeolf. 0.0.ge wu jliijiiijjj;p;;~=:;;;;iijjiiiiiiiij
Spedal to th< DAILY PILOT pioruhlpo. never in coo1.-and finlsb-Ger rloe moll on
LAKE HAVASU CITY -"It was a nice day and I felt ed loth with 531 miles. Third INSURED SAYINGS!
Dick Sherrer · d Sul Beach very ·comfortable tllroughout with 572 mlle.s was Bill Sirois XE'l'STOHE
bagged $2,600 for placing the r~,'1 said Scotti, who ol ~fiaml, .Fla. S
fourth in the 6th annual Out· was in a three-way deadlock .Scotli .. .,. '15,000, Sande" AVIHGS Al'tO l OAH Al!SOCIJ.TIOH board Wocld Champiomhips for first place after Saturday's S7 ,000 and Sirob $4,000. The r,,,.cJ, w ca~. hu.Yd
v.'hich wrund up Sunday before nnt four .. ~·-<11 the foor. flfst is· finlsbers in the ra-, &SI UllT 111 5 38~ ~t~ 1"""""3 "" SPRIAL •I JUI • ANNUM a 9Wl«laked throng of 25,000 m 11 e , boomerang-shape viewed by about ZS,000 spec-1~ ,.;41.-.W.f_,. at Ariiooa's Late Havasu. ..-.w.i"' daui Clf""IAit•_, coone. ta!An in this desert ''"'>rt cl·
Newport Beaeh's Bob Pruitt He piloted his %1-! o o t ty, -·the 1961 speed mark
-the pre.race favorite in Molinari boat with twin lIS-set by Kemy Kitson of
many comers, was unable· to horsepower Evinrude enginesli~:ertd~~gdoo,;;;;~~M~o:·~· ~Kitson:·:~~w:a.s~~~~~~~~~~~ finish the grueJling nm. through 146 laps -541 miles 17th.
Sherrer trailed I ta 1 l a n -on calm Lake Havasu.
1eader Cesare Scotti by three One {lf ti is ·challengers for
JapS thrbughout Sunday's,foor-the lead. Johnnie Sanders of ~··-. . nd 1. ·-•e<J Abilene. Tex., finished second, •~ competlllon a lJU;:,u four miles back. "He just flat
some 12 miles wt of first outran me." the Texan drawl-
place. ed after the race. "I dkin't
Scotti netted $15,000 for hi! have a woblem in the world."
triumph. . But Robert H. George of
Scotti, a slim. 33-year-01d Colorado SJX'ings, Colo., who
driver from Nesro, Italy, had also shared the first-haU
averaged 73 miles an,hour in Jead, had quite a problem.
fOllt r11c1 Of ONI
Cl tltliMI 1( ..... UpMllflf'Y)
642-7990 • 546-6400
Queen Diane
Divi des
Goldsmit1i Captures
L ightning Boat Title
Sunday's f o u r - h o u r com-He lost more than siJ:
petition -nine miles an hour valuable minutes when tiis
above the events record set engine failed to start at the Fifth AnnuaI1-------"-----=
(AP) -The pretty blonde
gueen or the · Outboard World
!iolorboat Championship race
stood it as long as possible,
then went to the nearest
television set.
She wanted to see how th e
Los Angeles Rams were doing
against the Wa s hington
Redskins in their National
Football League game.
She was Diane Pol.tios. and
she a rrived at the nearby set
to watch the last half or the
Rams, 24-13 \'ictory .
..piane happens to be Mrs.
M#ron Pottios, the ll'ifc of the
Rams' middle lin~acker. 'rho
also \vas on the bOating scene
and recuperating from an eye
injury suffered several \\'eeks
ago in an auto accident.
".,,..---·· ... ·;:··:~ ...... ~~
/ .. ,· .. ·:· .· / / ·' ,.,.· ..
/' .. · . ~ ..
Add a human ha ir wiglet
fo r a new dazzle-do !
from 9.95
Sue Cory 'Festival Wove' 8. 9 5
includes shompo6, cut and slyling
•uu.1:•f0ff MUlifUtOfOH •IACH ,;rwil'Oltf •UCH
Of.,.,..,.lll' c...Td' H\Ollf1'1tlllfl Ctnltf' '•'111911 ttlalld
~-.. ~""'~·-""""'~~~~-.. ~"~'''·_""~"-"~~~ .. ~..,.~·-.,.~u-"~-'I
Sea Festival
A Longines-Wittnauer Product
Time to th ink of Christmas . . and \vhat
more time ly gif t than a world-honored
Wlttnauer watch. Many vari'ed styles for
men and wome n ... all with the constant
virtue of dependability and accuracy you
can take for granted. -.,..
A. TM Oivel'-A pr&elslon w1!ch I . Tl'lt Oiplom•t-.Dt.nt ,,..,,yf "'1111 c;1lend1r, 1umlnou1 dil l w1teh wilh herldy ui.rid1r, 1nd hinds, e199Md lime Mlleh!n& <lltPlftilon benf.
bert!. ---·fi-'3'·" fM•
C, Thi MtM'llid-idt1I MJ0rt or nll<MS Wllel\. EIS)'·IO.fUd
Clit l. '41.0I
Lay Away Now For Christmas ...... ,,,,., ", ............ !>le-,.••-'"''· W.W.., ..... ...-"'"'"""
5TOll5 O,lN
11 t• 5 ,,M,
ll!JHTINGTON D[ACH lAl<(\\1000 ~0NfCLA1R
~ Christmas is for giving ....
Happy solutions to gift buying are
yours at El Rancho ! A galaxy of zjff
baskets ••• each beautifully pack·
aged .•. attractively priced ••. ideal
remembrances for an individual gift
.•• or to shO\\' your appreciation to
m e mb er~ of a
group. P i <: k u p
yo ur copy of our
Gift Guide •.•
you'll find a wide
selection ••• one of
,\·hich \Viii be your
ideal choice !
Supe¥ Shopper Holiday Specials!
Lean fresh Pork .•. succ ulently tender and tasty ... and ready for yo u to pop in the oven! '
Fresh Pork Steak ................ : ..... ~.~'.~.".~'.~: ... : ................. 89~
1·ou'\l appreciate th e finer flavor of El Rancho's closer trimmed mid-\\·estern grain-fed Pork!
Fresh Pork Cutlets .............. "~~~~·~·"·~·~·[·~: ............. 89~
Ilere's ,-:i luc •• _ plus con\·cniencc ! All you need to do is coOk them ••• and enjoy them!
Country Style Sausage ......... 59¢ Italian Style Sausage ........... 119¢
El Rancho's o\rn delicious bl end!. Old v.•orld flavor ••• El Rancho quality!
Go-tooe thers ••• 1chen you think of serving po1·k!
Mott's Applesauce ...... , ........... ~~ .. ~ .. ~·.~~ ................. ·3 FOi S1
Serre it chilled, as a delightful compliment to pork! ••. you'll be glad you ch.rue Mott's :
Baked Beans ...................... 41 .. '1
l\lorton I-lo use .• , 1 6~~ ounce cans.
F:rt.sh ... for a good good 11iorni110.'
Pink· Grapefruit ................. 8 "''1
Te:xas Ruby Red variety ••• 1\\o·eet, juicy!
Sunsat 1nd Hantmalon Or. Ill RIDcho Cenllll
32Q Wost Colondo Blvd.
Fremont 1nd Huntiniton Dr.
Warner ind Al1onquin (8olltnlk Ctnltr)
2n1 Newport Blvd. Ind
2555 En11>1aff Or. ([d!uff Vllftl'I Centeit
Rice Mixes ......................... 3 1or '1
Uncle Ben'$ ••• choice of reg. 39c varieties.
Deli delight for c01t.vcnie1tc:c!
Halley's Pi~ ...................... 59¢
XLNT ••• Cheese or :Pepperoni! ••• 9 inch.
PrictB i" effect Mo'tt.., Tuu., Wed.,
D ec. 1, !!, S. No Baka to dtaltf"l.
I' ..
t. .. ,
' •
B etter .Now Tha11 . .Nev e 1·
' Mollda)', Otttmhtr 1, 1969 DAILY PILOT } 3
Ml teh e ll Lists No Names
3 . Women in Line for Supreme Cou rt
,WASHINGTON (UPI) -At 'sldi raUon Include jud(ta, law
ltelt-'brtt wonttn au among lnlLructon~ ind lawyer• f
tboee belnl considered fOr private practlce " ... at least
nominlUon to the Supreme three of them are women," ht.
Court now that Judge Clement added .
F. Ha,ynsworth has been re-Both Haynsworth, picked to
jeded, Attorney G~ral John fill the seat vacated by Abe
N. lditchell seld Fridaf· Fortas, and C~lef Justice War~
uwt're back at lht drawing . ren Burier, who succteded
boards" after HayQSwortb's reU_ring Earl Warren, were in
defe11t. looking at the original thM original group.
group of about 150 judses and Mitchell said President Nix·
·lawyers the N l x o n ad· on hoped to submit another
.. miniJl,raUon has considered to name to Congress about mid·
.fill v1eancles on the court, January when memb~'rs
Mitchell said. return from thtir Christmas
In an interview with UPI, rectss.
MJtchell said those under con· Mitchell has dluvowed any
inte rei t tn 1i olng on the coort Jlaynsworth vote that Sen.
-although lhtrt bas_bffn recur· .John SteMlll (~Ml&s.), mj&1Jt
ring speculation he might be be appolntfd.
picked. He said Friday that he J----'------
had heard "no dlSCU!!aion" sln· A.Jve1lite111•"'
ce the Haynsworth defeat ron.1----------~.
ctmlng Secretary of Stale Helps Solve 3 ll99e1+o
William P. Rog•"· another rALSE TEETH ', frequently menUoned possible r ft
nominee. Worries and Proble1111
Mitchell said he bellevea a A 11tu. PA8'nftll mtUltCl • law against app oin t in g TOUf d111t11ttt dOtl•Uth1':(t)BttsM bold twe ie.U& 111ore ana1r bl pi.ce: members of Congress to posl· ~21 flotde them mor. eom.ton.b11: tions for \\'hlch they ha,•e 13) Le1.11 1llU blta u.o '° ~ bU&r
Vot-• a 'pay ra•-· would rule wltb.ou ' dl1eom1or•. PdTAnll cu lM: l'o""dtrila1b.llllt(11on._.add).Woli'l any lawmaker out. There had •~ur. No su-1410011. ~wt.t.
been some cloakroom specula· ~!::'t~et. tb&r!u, '.:'u.~ tion right a fter the 11e&J'&S'I'SftK•tall4NIOCND..._
.5outh Coast?Iaza
• • •
•• Charles \Villis of Boston hold s up a bottle -of \Vin e
happily as he greets guests \Yhile seated in his cof.
fin he borrowed for his "body.Jess wake". \Villi!>
noticed the only tim& he and his old·tilne huddles
\ve'ie getting together was when one'of them died.
and the others turned out for the wake. So with a
borrowed coffin, and some 75 invited friends Willis
said "these are a whole Jot better than the reQl
ALL 72°
and open nightly t ill 9:30
' . ~!i!~~)~Sin! ~~~p~lt~ a ~ a~:~:s!.Ji ~!~:.u=~r~ne~=d=-__ J _____ -=~~~~ .... ~ii~OL~A~T~...C~~Dl~MO~~;,,~uw~~A~'f,~C~O~IGT~A~-~~~~::_ ____ _
Ope ration Jntcrcept became narcotics smuggling. dlstrjct director of customs,, ,, ___________ ,_ ________________________________________ "'I
Opera tion Cooperation, · the. The Economic Research said . traffic backups are not11
traffic jams tha t cut back Bure au of S'an Diego reported any-worse·now than they were
border tourism have diminish: crossing~ 0£ the border during before Operati?n Intercept !he first week of Operation began. He said the average
ed. Intercept total ed 307,917, com· w~tlng time one day last
But los t tourism is still lost, parid to 497,sgg (or the same "·eek' was 1 from 10 to 30
officials say. week in 1968. 1 minutes. · .
About 27 million persons During the height of Opers· The tourist dollar, tMugh , is
entered Tijuana, Mexico. last tiorf' Interce pt tr affic heading not as plentiful in Tijuana as it
year through the San Ysidro north from Tijuana. was back· was befo·re 0 Per 1 ti on
Port of Entry, busiest in the cd up by intensified, ca r-by· Intercept. Experts 1akl only
tJnit.ed States. Traffic dropped car searches for conlr.ahand. about two percent -possibly
25 percent arteT the· United 1 Delays of four to six ·hours three percent -of ,ijle lost
States JaU~ its all-out of· were common. tourism has returned. -:-==-~=======c--:-~::::.:::-7:-~~~-'-~~
" .
don't have
to pay through
-the nose
Ilg Souncl • Small C1bin1t
to; make $9995 your ears · 1
Metfel MMIOW
Gives you lh11t big s ttr10
soynd . .H.ts .t smart, cont~po
r.try loolo. Includes detached
Air Suipl!nsion sptaktrs, 1uto-
melic record playtr, diamond
stylus i nd dust cover.
CS1SW. Finest per fo rma nce in Custom Stereo /Hi.fi. 100 watts.(EIA.) power. FM
Stereo/FM/AM tuner. 10 pus h button control center. Dual 1015 turntable.
There is 1 myth thtt great
~!ereo has lo consist of t
lot of eKpens111e compo nents
ell over the o!ece.
lh•I'!. norisense.
Tht big dofftrence between
"«If system i nd • lol of com..
pontnh is lhat wt pul ii •II
togrthtr for you. So Y'XJ don't
h•ve to~rry 1bout 1ni>
m.ttthi119 one un il to •~fher.
Oh yts, thtre's enalhlr dif·
ference • .OUr ~lem. cm.ts 41
lot lt1~ ..
Good ff~. t sl.tc.k of rlCOlds
1!'1d 1 Sytyanit port1ble strreo m1kt' 1ny Plrtv com-
ple1t. And when ftit g11'19 p h tir•d of ftieir rKOfds.,
Model £XP41JS0 5howtl herr tt.s 1n ,M slerto r.d'IO
they t•n· swftch on.
(j DAVIS~ BROWN DAllY 9-t ,., .....
lntofritr &
S1nc.t 1947
-i · For Sales Information Call.646-1 684
411 E. 17th ST., COSTA MISA
De your "TH JNG'1 for Unift.I Fund. 11'1
tt.1 on1 Ti111• ef -tht ye1r when yeu e111
h•lp thoJ1 1111 forhrnett . l2 local t gen•
t ie' r•ly o" United F1111dt fo r 111ppo1I, ye"r
t11ppoit. . ' Do your thi119 •nd h•1r your holiday bt!l1
1;Gal of the Month"
"•iSed ln Nertt111n Cllif0ml1, Ann tlutt1on1nte
•lld HU1~llCI, Fri nk flWll ltll lr Pllmt Wlltl I
POD! In Gtrffn Grevt. Joined by t111lr th•~•
Chlldr.,,, tllcy 1111oy ouldoor ad llrlllts end 1pe.
cl11ly flthlnt.
A~n hit btl!I wll!I C1Uf0rnl1 FMlll'tl
tor nlM '"'" •"II It. Pl'~.,,!ly ••· 1!1t1nl StVl"Qt Oop1rtmet1I Hlftd, S&y
"Ht llo" tncl H I 1nolhlr Pfllt wl,..
,.1119 tmllt.
1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan.
Deposit $1 ,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each
year all your principal and interest remain, we 'll guar·
antee a 5.25'}~ annual rate, compou nded daily. II adds up
lo 5.39 ~~ a year.
SAVINDI . ...... -
2. The Guaranteed Income Plan.
Open an accounl of $1 ,000 or more fo r 36 to 60 months.
We'll guarantee yo u a 5.25°/o a nnual rate, compounded
dally, wi1h interest paid out to you each quarter. ,
In case of hardship or e mergency, you can w1thdrav1 al any
time with fu ll interest paid to th e end of !he previous quarl er.
3. The Bonus Plan.
Earri a bonus of~% a year when yo ur account Is lield
to 3·year maturity. This is in addition to the regular 50/o
current annua l rale. Regular interest is compounded
daily and may be credited quarterly for extra earn ings.
Withdrawals before matur ity earn at !he regular passbook
re.le. Any ·amount of $1,000 or more opens and maintai ns
you r bonus accvunt. All lunds held lo matu ri ty earn an
effective annual rale of 5.25 ~e ,
4. The Basic Plan.
Th e most flex ible plan. You can invest '"Y amount of
money and withdraw ii whenever you wish. If you leave
all yo ur money and interest in your account for a yt!ar at
ou r current 58/o annual rele with interest compounded
da ily, you'll receive an annu al yield of 5.1!3°!., You el!rn
interest from lhe day you deposit your money 'lil the day
yo u withdraw it. Plus ... the money you deposit by· the
10th of any mont h earns interl!st ffom the 1st, when It
remai ns unt il quarter's end. \
c~~f«iQ!!!aF.~~{!~r~!m §@xmgs
2700 Harbor Blvd . near Adams • 648·2300
~.-, •..:.<:• ..,,...., .. \ -:. -, -, -.., -,_. -. -._ ---~ ~""""~.-.. ~--.... ,•.>>P""' .. 00""< .. •~~,•-•V-"""""=>L""""="""''"-••"''"'""V•.,.~--.,.,,,.,,..,,,,,.,,,,....,,,..,.,,,.,,. .. --... -s<.-=" .. '--•-•..,.<..,,-, .• , .,..-,,,..,,,....,,.., .. ..,,.,.,,.,..~...,i-•oprtr----o.----••"'"'"'''"'"'"".'""''""''""•""'""'~~--
••11·11'1 Clll:Tl"l(ATl OF IU$1MltS
T,... i;NltnltMCI dot1 IMrPb<I (trll!y
tl'\tl M t1o tOlldllellfltl • c:.tllll'lll lllOP
b!Jt.llleH •I en lftdlvld\>11 et 1.100 1.llO>el'lor
"'"'· C0tt• Mtt1, C1t11or,..11, uncle• "'' flctlYtoul """ Mm9 .. JA(K'.I CUSTOM c.AllNl!TS tnd ll'Mtt wld llrm II ,_
~ OI "'-tollO'*IMI HrlOfl, 1lll'lou ~-lft tull ~ pil,CI ot re11of!lt(t II
ts tol~1. 10-wll:
J1tk10n It. H01!ell1•, "' l'lowtr
$1rffl, (till M~"'' C111!er11l1. D1tfid HvvtmHt 11, l'+t
JICklOl'I R. *""'"°'~ STATI! Of' CAllf<>aNIA.
On trtowmbet 17, 1"'9. belorr ~ 1 ~ot•rv Publk 111 1"4 for ~•Id County •"" .st1otr, perton1llV 11>111.,fll J..:k.ot1 Iii ~kiter k.-n l<> ""' 10 tH 1"'-perwn ~ ,...,.... 11 su!HC,lbf<! Iii ll>t wn11!~
l"'ftunwfll, •>Id ldrtlOWlt<IMd 1D n1' !llf!
~ •>rtculfllt ll'lf 58mf,
Wl•nnJ m• r.at>d Mid M"tl,
(OFfl(lAL SEJlll
Ptwlll\ Ill. Stlvt• t-1011,.,. PvbUc-Ct lllilrnfl
0•11111t Countv
M• ComMIHlon EXPirf:>
Oec. " nn JOH 'f C. SALYElt, Aftl".
tMJ w .. ktffl Ol"I.,., sun1 le' Nt"W-' .. 11<11. C1lillfftl1 '1Mt
Pijtilltlltd 011"9f Cc.st OtlfV p;1a1,
Novtmblr 24 1nd Oectmlllr I. t. 11,
lt6t 7111>-69
Monday. Otcfmbtr 1, 1%9
Stock Talk
011 Thursday
''Growth Stocks far Poten-
tial Price Appreciation"' ls the
title or a free investment lee·
lure to be presented Thursday
at the Newport Beach office of
Dean \\tiller & Co., 550
Newport Cent.er Dri\'e.
Accoun t Executive M a x
Racey will discuss standards
for identifying grov;Ut stocks
aOO the relali<Jnship of pro-
jected earnings to current
market prices. The lecture is
designed for investors wh_ose
goal is above average capital
The lecture will begin at
7:30 p.m. and wlll be followed
by a question and aflS\li·er
period. Reservations may be,,
n:iade by phoning 644·2292
CEltTll'IC•TE OF llUSllll!SS
Tl>t ur>derol,~ <t,t!!it" th•I ht I• I;:=============; t -UCl!"9 I bus!"f5' II 111 Wn! 19!h
~''"''· Cini• Ml'••· C•li1ilrnl1, vnde-r !~ i;tlllklul 111'1"1 nem• o! VI\!• o,.,g, •nd
va,lo!y 11'CI l~B! 1aicl firm It (om<>o<fd o! t~~ fo\lcwl,,. lll'••~n. w~o•t "'"'" ln fijll end 1>1•<* C>f rtoldonce I< •• •o•law•:
Ltwrerw::• W. l!.1i111. •'1 F11Herlon Avtnll<!, Nowoo .. B••tll, C•hl. 0ATE0 ; No~ernt>-r 19, lt69
/1/ ltw"nce W. R1IF1J
o" N-btr If. 19H. btfort m•. 9
No11'1 P111tllc" Jn Ind •or 111" S!•l•, ,,,,_,nv •• .,, •• ed L•""""C' \'I. ll:•IM
t l'(lwn •a m• •a be !~t o•r•on w1101e
n1m• 1s 1ubscrl~ lo l~t wl!Mn ln-
s•ru,.,•nl Ind 1cknowlfd,•d lie-tXf(Uletl ""' ........
''' !Ire""• t. ~ • ., NOll'V Pvbllt
MUllWIT?. MVllWITZ-& llEME!t
IJ6 • nnd !lrffl
t1ewPorl ll11c~. c101or"''
TEL !110 61J·IOlJ l'\•b•l•~l'd Ort"'lt Co,'! Otol~ 1>11~1
'1,;vtrr>btr ?l 1nd Dec•nober •1, ~ 1\, ··~' 21!:~9
Final Stocks
In All Home
-The Pharmaceutical t.tanu-
facturers Association has filed
a suJt In federal court against
the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare.. to ea-
tabllah the right ol a drug
company to a publlc hearing
before a drug can be ord_ewt
off the market. The suit asks
the court to bar the Federal
Food and Drug Administra-
tion fN>m proceeding wltb JI
Sept. I~ regulation that allows
the FDA to demand proof of
eUectiveness of a drug before
granting a hearing. The suit
charges the regulation ex·
cttds the FDA 's statutory au-
lhority and denies the industry
due process of law.
It f5 F"ir5t 4-c:ylinder Volvo to Be Sold in Amtric11
:~fu! ~~v~h~1:~~y·:~ho~
for soldiers, sailors and air-
men out of the frozen food
locker, Herbert McCarthy, De-
fense Department food service
official, foreca st al the con-
venti on of the National Frozen
Food As:tociation.
111 High Gear
Volvo Offers More Power t.fcCarthy ·said that, on the
basis 'Of lQtal cost, frozen
convenience foods used by the
military are cheapest and
best in the lbng run , that it no
longe r pays to have Gis peel
spuds or scrub pots and pans
and do the many other things
requ ire<t to prepare raw foods
in field kitchens. He said the
changeover fro"m raw foods to
frazen foods by the armed
se rvices could add up to $1
bi llion to the frozen food in-
dustnr's a.nnuaJ market.
Holiday Shoppers
use our money-
and save!
Tr eat yourself to a happier holiday with extra
money from Morris Plan. You may bo rrov1 from
s~oo to Ss,ooo for holiday shopping, bill clean-
-up, a winter va cation, any good reason. Just
phone or come in and tell us wh at you need.
We'll tel l you what your loan wlll cost and
schedule tb.e paym ents to fit your Income.
Compare our services with other lending
companies. Cllances are you'U save at
Morris Plan
Newport Beach ;..... 3700 Newpo rt Blvd.
g a s -e v a p oration control
system to the 164. Although
required only by California, all '
1970 Volvos sold in this coun-
try will be equipped with the
new anti -pollution system .
Volvo ·lists the follmving
:c:.tandard equipment for the .
164; poy,'er steering, fou·r·
.wheel power disc brakes,
reclining leather seats. tinted
glass all around, whitewall
tires, trunk and engine com-
partment lights, electric re ar
window Oefrqste r and 1 un·
dercoatlng, Basic n p t i n n a I
equipment is limited to
automatic transmission, ai r
conditiorting and a selection of
radios and stereo. tape players.
East coast port of entry
price for the 1970 Volvo 164 re-
mains unchanged at" $3,995. * ... * --Atrro SIIOW A\VA RO
A v.·ards \\'ere presented to
yarious dealer groups by the
Orange County Motor Car
Dealers Association for having
won recognilion at the 6th an·
nual Orange County lntcrna·
tional Auto Show. 'Vinners
were: ~1ost beautiful display
-Datsun : best dresse d
salesmen -Ford : best nar·
ration and presention -Ford,
best future ca r display
Chevrolet Astro III.
\Vhillaker Corporation an·
nounced the appointment of
Harry A. Schmidt as general
rhanager of its N a r m c o
Materials Divisioo in Costa '\
Me.sa .
MIAM I <UPIJ-<::bris Mc·
duire Cinemas, lnc., has sold
a block or 100 franchise for
$1.5 million to New York at·
tomey Irwin Schneider, who
is expected to invest an addi-
tiona l $2.5 millio n in the 500-
seat theatres to be established
Jn the Carolinas and Virginias
under the name of' Dixieland
Theatres. The company has 28
_ theatres in operation so far
in the Deep South.
NE\V YORK IUPll -l\1c·
Fadden-Bartell Corp. has ob-
tai ned a contract to serve as
dislribu tor for the 30 maga-
zines of Reese Publishing Co.
of New York, starting Jan. 1.
HOUSTON (UPI)-Tenneco,
Inc., sa id its subsidiary, New-
port News Shipbuilding & Dry
Dock Co. of Newport l\1e\\'S,
Va .• ha s obtained a $2.8 mil-
lion Navy contract to prepare
detailed specifications, for a
new class of high speed nu·
clear po"'ered submar ines.
Canada, • Ltd., has engaged
Hudson Engineering Corp. of
Houst911 to build an oxo-
alcohol unit at the 13ASF C-Om-
plex at Laval , Que. Capatity
will be 100 million pounds a
C. KnQwles. fiscal agent for
the federal Home Loan Banks,
said the banks will market
$1.l billion in notes, Nov. 13.
The notes will bear maturity
dates ranging from 10 months to four years.
Schmidt joined Whittaker-in
1968 as marketing manager
for Nannco Materials. flis
background in i nd 11 s t r ia J
management has i n c I u d e d
positions w Ith Philco-Ford
Co r poratio n, Beckman
Inrtruments Inc.. Dynamic
Science Corporation a n d
Magnetic Research Corpora':'
ti on.
See our
full-page ad
in this week's
~Scott Paper Co., has bought
the school sen·ice division of
the Jim Handy organization
for 92,000 shares of stock. At
the same time, the company
re\·ealed it has r ecently
purchased 64 I ,000 cf its own
shares at market prices.
\\>"here the investor
olwo}'S comes first
3355 Via Lido
Newport Be•ch
Phone' 675-3940
Willl1"' E. MeClendoft
v;<• Pre,ideftt
Tndustries. Inc .. bought
Lakecroft Beach Estates. Inc .•
and Canyon Lake Shores. Inc .. I
t1vo Texas land de velopment !
companies. Terms were not
disclqsc d.
Distillers Corp. -Seagrams,
Ltd .• di sclosed after Monday's
annunl meeting that it has
booght two producing oil pro-
perties in Texas for about $6
million and Is looking for other
·~ii investments .
Village One Investment Company
k•1 b1e11 ror"'tcl •o r11rcht1e • 141 u~lf •p1rlm111t eompl1T 11ew
und1r co"1tructioft i11 ~111lt A111 , c.nlo111lt ft••' th1 South Co•il
Pl11e Shopp;n9 C1nt1r. •
Two hundr1cl (1001 li"'!+•d p1rl111r1hip u11H1 1r1 h1in9
off•ted for 1el1 throu9h Coldw1U, Binker & Col!'lp•rty el four
Thou11nd 5, .. ,11 Hu11clr1d Doll1r1 !S~.700 l p•r unit.
l11w1,for1 shoul d h••• •" 111111111 i11co"'1 of t i l111f Tw111ty
Fiv1 Thou11nd Ooll1r1 1$15,0001 t ftd 1 101i11lmull'I 111i won+. of
et !1111 Fifty Thou1111d Oolt1r1 1 SS0,000). ,,ducli119 holl'le, fur•
11i1hift')1 end t 11to"'"b!l11: 01, • ,.,il'lill'lulft nt t wodh of Ont Hun•
clfed Tlio111111d Doll•it 11100.0001.
For fu1ihtr 111for1"1+;011 et11 Rich11d H. Ptijl1y
I 71 41 644.2410.
er l1rry
'T~I• 11dv•,1l111m..,1 h r'•ltl>H ~" utl•r te '111! r'O" • •e•<e"•lio!'o 1>1 •" of!•r
"' ltvy 111 1•11 ''"1•1 '" Vlll•O-Oflt lnvnfmf!11 (~"'IMnW Tiit ont, 1, "'ad' °"ly ~'I' 1111 Oll•rlr>t Cl•(.,11r.
' t •
Who Reads the Stars
For tlte Stars?
'· r
•"f I
It's Sydney Omarr
And now this articulate writer who hos
been celled the "astrolog er's astrologer"
rea ds the stars for you. Sydney Omo rr,
-longtime perso nol astrologer to ma ny
of Holly.woods and the literary
world's most famou s star s, is o DA ILY
PILOT column i•t.
O morr's record foroccu racy of
predictions ba sed on astrological analysis
is amazing. Whether you read
astrological forecasts for fun or as o
serious student of star-gazing. you 'll
enjoy Sydney Omorr's doily colum n
inf he
• •
But -People Keep ·
Asking Me Why.
......._. ------.........------..--· -. " ...... -.. ... . -. . ... . '
' •
.... . -.. '
'Tis. The· ·season • • • But What's The Rea ·son?.
Here are 5 good reasons
for shopping early:
1--------------..... i ' !
w l w a
I Shon Earliy. . . I ·~ ,., I
I At Home ...
~ I ~ With the -DAILY PILOT a
l. ...... ..:...... ........................................ J
1. Stretching out the Christmas shopping
function more efficiently. When clerks
pleasant for everyone.
season gives retailers a chance to
are less harried, shopping is more
2. Many retailers offer their really special "specials" early in the season to
encourage the public to shop early and to help alleviate the last-minute
"panic" buying.
' 3. Just in case your favorite Christmas gift merchant has underestimated your
enthusiasm for the season, a longer period qf shopping gives him a chance
to re-order popular items so he doesn't have to disappoint shoppers later
in the season .
4. When you take more days to shop you can do the job more thoroughly,
visit more stores, compare prices and quality and be more satisfied with . '
the gifts you finally decide to buy.
5. And there's no secret about it, the Christmas shopping.season is the biggest .
sales period of the year for most retailers. Support local merchants now and
you'll help them make enough profit to keep their priees reasonable all year
~ng . r
This niessage presented a.~ a Public Service on behalf of onr friends nnd 1our1J,
the retail merchants of the Orange Coa.~t Area, by the . ·
' I
' I
r -'
OAllV PILOT Monday, Otcembtr l , 1961
Ul"I Ttlt"""'lt
It's Livitig • ' • ••
Like a wild mustang, the engi1ie kicks, snorts,
jumps and shakes the rider off during th e recent
"steep _h'ill'' race of a Czechoslazakian motorcycle
1neet. Th e course \Vas made more difficult_by arti·
. fic ially created ridges in the terrain, and very few
ot the 20 contestants managed to keep seated on
their "bucking ~ron cos."
There's Now $875,000
In 'That Monstrositv' •
PARIS (AP) -lt's bel".1 evasiveness, broke n ap.
called lhe Rothschild maosioo poinlments and unreturned
and "that monstrosity."
And though it has consumed
nearly all of an $875,000 con -
gressiona l appropriation. it's
still a couple· of years and
ma ybe 1nore 1ha"h a million
dollars a\1:ay from being
restored to a state fit for the
U.S. am bassador.
phone calls, Is roughly this:
Of !he ~875,000 ap-
prop.\ations, $810,045 h as
either been spent or is com·
mitted to contractors. One ex-
pert estimate is that it wlll re·
qui re $1.7 million more lo
fi'.1ish th e job.
Embassy officials ar c
hopeful that the funds needed The 30-roeim, three-story to complete work OJ'! the 129-mansion on Rue du Faubourg Id h be · d St. Honore is about a bli>ck yea r-0 ouse can raise
away from the U~. Embassy by private subsi:ription .
cr.1 Aven ue Gabriel and Jess If they ca_n t, the State
than 100 yards from the Department will have to leave
Elysee Palace, Perhaps for-1he iiroperty \'JC!l!lh _go back
these reasons successive am. to Congress for the money, or
bassadors have coveted it as a 6e~I . it. It's w~ nearly_ $.5
residence. milhon on todays market.
Bought from the-French ~h~ St a~ e ~part~ent's
Rothsch.ilds in 1948 for si.9 bu1ldi~g . off1ce 1n Pans Jet
million, lhe mansion provided $}88,556 in contracts between
office space for 111ore than JOO February a".1d Octo1>:er .1968 for
embassy staff members until work. on the mansion .s. roof,
1967 exterior walls and some plum-
Tha t was v.·hen the House bing. This work has beeu_c_gm-pleted and was paid lor in Appropriations subco1nmittee francs.
agreed to a Jong.standing re-quest for money to restore and Then last May and June
redecorate the mansion as the fu rthe r contract~ we r c
amba ssador's reside.ice. negotiated fo r p I um bin g , heating. electrica l wiring, an .Co TI gr es s appropriated elevator and a dufnb waiter.
$875,000, a greal deal less than These to_taled $394,627. The
originally requested by the lat~sL ccr.1tract, ·for $226,862,
Slate Department, and much was signed Ocl. 21 or
too little to do ·the job. mechanical v.·ork on the in
At ,appropriations sub-terior structure. This phase ol
committee h earing s 1n the work should be. liriished
Washington last March , Frank Nov. 24, 19711.
T. Bow of Ohio. the ranking \Vith all this work there will
Republican on the committee. remain the .enormous and ex·
wanted to know "what hap-pensive task. of redecorating,
pcned to that monstrosity call-plastering, painting a n d
ed the Rothschild-house."' furnishing the interior. lf the
\\!hat's happeied, 'f he moiley is raised. whoever is
Associated.Press discovered in · ambassaOor ought to be able
an investigation· i n·i l i a 11 y to move in r.1 1972.
ma rkcd b y dfficia I People aware of the cost of
Cullom Aur1r AmpliHc•llon
3409 E. COAST HWY,
for Appoi11tme11t
doing business in Paris are not
alarmed at the prices paid.
The Germans recently spcnl
$5 million to -IestOre an 18th
century palace for th"eir am·
Aides of Afnb·assador
Sargent Shriver stress that the
project was co n cei ved
•'several ambassadors ago"
and thal Shriv~r has no great
desire to move into the
Rothschild house. The first
conlra el on the work was let
three months before: Shriver
can1e to Paris.
*"""'"""'"''''''·' ...................................... . ! YOUR PROBLEM: I • • • You want to sell some item ,..
: that you no longer need but •
: someone else can use for :
: NOT OVER $50 ! .. : : ??????:
: You call THE DAILY PILOT, ask for-•
: Classifi.d Advertising, and place a i
: DIAL NOW DIRECT ! f i 642.-5678 i
Jt • CT•ll frff Nirtk Coullf1140-11%01 • • '· ... " ....... ,, ........................... -.-•.. -.-..... ~
--~~ ----------------·------------r --__........ _______ ,.. ----------.
may co, costa me5cl. will be open swiday'."°from noon 'til 5. Shop sundays from now 'til Christmas.
Everymerchandistidei>artment _and the restaurant will be.open to make your gift shopping fiasier .
\ · for him to make his life a little easier •
By Russo~ Electric shoe polisher.
T\"o bu ffe rs attached to shiny
metal base. Tp shine shoes quick-
ly, easily, H~lps th em last longer.
, 29.95
ma.vconotions 1
A gift of'Dana fragrances. Dana
gift sets are availafil.?-in Am bu sh,
Tabu, and 20 Carats. Bath set of ·
cologne and powder 6.00
m,1y coco~mt>tics TOG
• • •
Equalily 'Car vacuum. Plugs into
car cigareue lighter outlet. Slrong
motor, thorough clean-up. long
cord, attachments, in vinyl case.
ffidy C.O OO!IOJl~ I
Herena Kubinslein's Hea)o'.en Senl. _
If you know a young romantic, ·
~ive her Heave n Sent. She'll lov"
\'f)~/. Mi":it ,1n·d dusting_powd er 5.25
may coco~melics 100
·Mixer and pourer, by Equality.
Battery .aperated •. Press one pulloll
and stir your favorite drink, and
press the second button to pour it.
rndy co notions t
Eaton feminine stationery gifls.
Fin e writing papers from Eaton.
a. Si ngle loQg stem 1ose 3.50
h. Pa1fajt_Rose 2.50
n1ay co sta tio nery 166
with love on a Ch·ristmas morning .
gift sets in s i Iver
or gold tones
Jewelry. The perfect Christ ma>
gil t. Elegant pins an d earri ngs
lo .matc h. By Trifori. a. coral
branch pin, pearls and rh ine-
~tones 4.oo, n:atchi ng ea rrings
4.00; b. ocean pod pin, cluster of ·
11earls, gold, silver, 4.00, earrings
4.00; c. latti ce bow pin, with
pea d, go ld, silver 5.00; earrings
5.00; d. round cluster pin, wit h
1hines1ones. gold, silver 6.00;
·earrings 5.00; c. showerin g leaves
pi11 , gold. 'ilvcr, 6.00; matching
earring::i, 5.00.
ma y co south co6'1t plaze, san diego f,.y 6t b1istol, co•ta mesa : 5~6.9321
sh op monday lh1u saturday 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., sunday noon 'til 5 p.m,
• •
~"" .. ""'"'""""""""'""'""""""'"' ... ~ ............................................. ~ • .-..,.,, ... ~, ......................... ,,..., .. ..,.. ..... ..,.,...,,.,..,,..,...,;7"\~-'1;-.
Night of Splen_dor
·A Nostalgic Memory
Presented to society during formal cerem~nies at
the 1969 Newport Chapter, National Charity League
Debutante Ball are (above, fdreground)· Miss
Diane Frizzellc; (second row, left to right) the
Misses Stephanie Cutler, Robynn Alberta Nevvton
and Carol Jean Rosenast, and (back row, left to
right) the Misses Barbara Louise Woolsey, Janis
Linden. Cald\vell1 Ronda Dianne Vogel and Kris-
tine Laun. Ready to greet, families and friends as
they arrive in the Newporter Inn are (left to-right)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Linden Cald well and Dr. and
Mrs. Edward Leisy Corlett. Mrs. Cald\vell was the
ball director and she and her husband are parents
of debut.3nte, Miss Janis Linden Cald\.\o·elJ. Mrs. Cor·
Jett is president of the sponsoring organization.
j:•:U,. • • ~
• r'
'$ \
' '
I ;
Lighted pale pink tapers -cast a soft glow over· a regal setting
when llt69 National Charily League debutantes were presented to
The annual ball, sponsorell . by the Newport ·chapter o! NCL,
was given Saturday night in the Newporter Inn.
The scene, resplendent with floral arrangements, featur.efi tall
antique white wrought iron stands, filled with red roses, pink cama·
tions and pink baby's breath, stationed around the red-carpeted.stage.
Pink and red ribbon tied the a!rangements together. Tall pink .tapers,
in gla~s chimneys which ·were surrounded with similiar Dowers cen~
tered tables. .
As each debutan~e was presented, a white sat'in curt{lit:i ope'ned :
She executed her St. James bow beneath a crystal chandelier and be-
fore a tall mirror banked, with flowers.
Each debutante was dressed in a white ball go,vn a,nd carried
a peau de soie ·muff covered with pink and white g~amelias. As her
on1y jewelry·, each wore a coronet pendant of pearls and gold on white
velvet ribbon. The medallions 'vere presented to the debutantes by
their n1others at the announcement 1tea last May.
TheJ'oung \Vomen 'vere presented by their fathers as Barney
Sorkin's orchestra played strains of their faVorite songs. Fathers es-
corted them from the stage and later led them in the traditional fa-
ther-daughter 'valtz, after which they were claimed by escorts.
Debutantes, their parents. escorts and songs are Miss Janis
Linden Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Linden CaJdwell, Gregory David
Moffat, the theme ftom "Romeo and Juliet;" .Miss Stephanie ,Cutler,
Mr. and Mrs. lV\alcolm Cutler, Steven Robert Bro,vn, theme from
"Dr. Zhivago,''· ·and Miss Diane Frizzelle, Dr. and M,rs. Notan.Friz-
zelle, Michael Jefferey McWilli;;i.ms, "Diane."
Others are Mjss Kristine Laun, Mr. and Mrs. John Leon Laun
Jr., Richard Jon Coble, "A Man and a \Vom·an ;"' Miss Robynn ;\1ber-
ta Ne,vton, Mr . .and I\olrs. George Ed\\1ard Newton. James Robert
Koch, ''Volare :" Miss Carol Jean Ro senast, l\1r. ,and Mrs. Robert
Stanley Rosenast. Donald George White, "April Fool s."
Completing the group are :rvJiss Ronda Dianne Vogel. Mr. and
1'.'lrs. Han s Willia1n Vogel. Jam'es Michael McKanna. "If Ever I Would
Leave 'l''ou." and l\1Iiss Barbara Loui se \\'oolsey, Mr. and Mrs. R-o y
Blakeney \Vool sey, Tiinothy Armstrong: ~lcAfee, "A Stranger in Para-
di se." ·
Debutantes ·and their escorts \Vere seated at two-round tables
\vhich were centered with si lver candelbra compotes with tall pink
candles, red roses. ~ink carnations and pink baby's breath.
Attending as slags \Vere Thomas Trebing Mims, Walter Pat ..
terson Douglas, Theodore \Vilson, Donald Mead Tippett Jr., David
Woolsey and Norn1an lienry Jesch.
, .John Halla1n Hiestand ." presentor. introduced the Mmes. Ed ..
'vard Leisy Corle.Lt, chapter president ; Cald\vell. ball director: Lynn
lVillian1 Kloepfer, national bo'ard presi dent, and Harold Stanley
Voegelin, national debutantes ball director. i
Serving on the floor ~01n1nittee, heade~ by ·tce Paxton Jordan··
(See DEBUTANTES BOW, Page 181 ' .
It's Not Fair for·, ·customers ·to Stare at His Hair
DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am dating a
swell kid : Joe got out of tl'le service last
year and went to work as a dishwasher in
a hotel restaurant. lt was the only job he
could· get ·without a high school diploma.
Last week Joe was promoted to food
checker. His boss -told him -yesterday to
either gel a haircut. wear n hairnet or.go
back to washing dishes. He makes $10 a
week more as a checker. so it would be
dumb to .go back to washing dishes. He
refuses to get a haircut because he Insists
nobody has-the right to tamper with his
personal (reeQom. So he chose the
' The guys he Works ""ith call him
Josephine. and rib him something terrible.
It makes .me sick to see Joe standing by
that· check 1,rindow wearing a silly
hairn~L Why are some people so mean?
' -
Please tell off the boss in your column.
Maybe il·"'.111 help -JOE'S GIRL
DEAR GIRL: The boss isn't mean.
Laws set up by boards ol beallb re-
quire food hlltd.lcn to wear short hair or
, put on a hairnet. Tell Joe to stop being '°
stubbo~ Jr he cuts bis hair, one day HE
ntlgbt be a host.
DEAR f\NN LANDERS : l'vc read lel ..
ters in 1our column abOut fathers, step..
' fathers, Uncles and neighbors who were
L too "loving" with young girls. But you'Ve
ne ver dealt wilh a problem that has me
deeply concerned. ll involves our IO.year.
old daughter and her 19-year-old brother.
Mattie is· cra zy about Tony. She crawls
all over him . hangs on him. sil.s on his
lap, fools with his hair and follows him
from room lo room. Tony seems to like
it. He calls her his "Baby Doll" and his
"Cutie Pie." ·-
When Tony brings girlfriends to lhe
tiouse:, Mattie gels jealous and behaves
like a spoiled brat. lie thinks It h1 I discussed your Jetter wllh three . We ~lieve it is a poor excuse and Jiope
"adorable.'' Some_.Q/ hls girlfriends have behavorial slJ'e(!iallst1. They agreed the you will publish..your views and debunk ·
let him know that his little ·sister's actions coosome twoslime sbou1d be broken up. this crazy theory.-FOttT' SMITH, ARK.
are obnoxious. Tony should live else.wbe:re if it ciin be DEAR ARK.: n.e tbeory ls 1IOt cruy.
My wife says l;nusl nol a:ay anything arranged. The likelihood of a permanebt SclenWlc tnvestilaflon lW revealed aa
becauso~it migflt-put a dirty . .£lant··on~a~··· lnce1taous-relaUoa1blp;--femoUonal lif--e:nfi"-Y i:~mosome •• 1\Js9iiGonDiJ1ij--:-·
brother·sisler Jove that is "beautiful." t pby1ical or both) is deflnltelj present. manlfests llseU in lmpol1lve and out-ef-
see nothing beautUul about it. We have · control behavior. fn other wonli the t&. th~ee other children aod they don't. behave DEAR ANN LANDERS: 0 u r hlbltlng elements that keep nor~I ,_,.
t~1s v.•ay. Plea~ express your views. If neighbor's son was, involved in a &e:< pie lD line are Jacking ht certain. -.,.
I m \Vrong I will eat crow. -;tROUBLE crime several weeks ago. This '\10· dlviduals -like an automobile Willi'
IN BUFFALO · rortunate tragedy has brought shnme al'ld derective brakes. '
DEAR BUFF:' The altac.bmenl you de5cribt is unwhole son1e and could pose a disgrace 10 the young man's tamily. The
se1l@J , problem later; Jt ...,·outd be story circulated by lhC! p..1ren ts is that· the
healthier if that 19·yeer-old boy con-boy was born with a genetic irregularity
sldertd, tbe adhetlvc antics of his ktd which ca~ him to do this terrible
sister annoying lnfi .. tead of adorable. thing.
Ann Landers will be glad lo help you
with your problems. Send them to her in·
care of the DAILY PD.DI.', encl05lnc t ·
stlf·addressed, stamped cnvt.1ape .
. . . . . . . •
. j I '!'lll Y PILOT Mo11d11, Oecembtr 1, 1%'1
Nuptial · Vows Recited Horoscope
··Aquarius: You Make Discoveries W h i t e chrysantlle1nums"
banked the altar oJ Com·
munity Metbodi$f. C h u r c h ,
Huntington Beach. for ,lhe
wedding of Janet Kathleen
Gurley and WilliJm J. Nero.
Conducting the double ring
ceremony for the daughter (;{
Afr. and ~1rs. J. A. Gurley ol
Huntington Beach and son of
?.1r. and Mrs. Peter Nero of
Upland. was the Rev. Fred
Gi\'en 1n maJTiage by her
father, the bride selected an
organza gown ·si i g ht I y
gathered at the waist and
featuring lace trim at the neck
and hemline. Her shoulder
length veil was h e I d by a
spray of silver orcllids and she
carried a bouquet oC white
carnations and pink roses.
Her matron of honor, ~trs.
Richard Nero, wore a yellaw
chUfon en1pire gown with
v.•ttite lace gathertd in the
bodice. She carried a bouquet
of yellow chrysanthemums
and daisies.
Nero was best man and
Ronald Nero seated guests.
Following the ceremony
families and 'friends of the
newlyweds attended a recep-
tion in the home of the bride's
parents y.·here Miss Lenore
Gurley circulated the guest
After a wedding trip to
no.rthem California the couple
y.·ill make their home in Foun-
tain Valley. ....,
The new !i.trs. Nero i;; a
graduate of Marina High
School and ·attends Chapman
College. Her husband is a
graduate of the American
Conservatory, Chicago.
From Page 17
' ••• .
• •
Fountain Valley Home
Good for 1eneral ffuu
deuia1; applies &o political
picture u well •• penoaal,
A~ (March 21-Aprll 19):
Take care in connection with
di·et. health. Moderation, pro-
per rest are requirements.
Good for reachi!.1g better
underilanding wlth neighbors,
associates, relatives. Strive for
TAURU& (April 20-May 20):
Accent on children, creative
endeavors. Offer en-
couragement to ooe who is
daring. Spotlight c h a n g e ,
variety, curiosity. Ask ques-
tions and obtain meaningful
GEMINI (May 21.June 20):
Basic issues dominate, with
domestic affairs leading the
way .. Diplomatic apprOach to
fami ly members is a nquisite.
Strive tG heal breaches cf
muat make choice -It should
be based on qua l ity.
Otherwise, you coold end up
with bunch of junk. Choose.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Fine
for business diScussion. Get
money's worth. Investment
recall past obligations.
Nothing is ,going to be handed
you en silver platter. 'l1tink
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22):
Cycle high ; begin. projects.
Take reins in hand. Lead the
way; set your own style and
pace. Be independent. Accent
originality. Take special care
with personal appear;r.ice.
UBllA (Sept. 23 ·Oct. 22):
Accent en happening that is
cbscured b y officialdom.
Simply means you have to be
paUent. Answers will be
forthcoming. But you cannot
rush or force issues.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
Give logic equal time with
emoUons. , Do not r I s k
something fo r n o t h i n g ,
Message should be crystal
clear before day 1s finished.
misunderstanding. Create at· fMMJllll..-JllM JllMiM Jlll
m~~J~~1<~~~~~~uty 22i 11 Pre-Christmas Sale 11 Be selective. Offers, ideas FASHION may be plentiful. But you
Opposite sex may be involved.·
Be true to principles.
SAGITfARWS (Nov. 22·
Dec. 21 ): Acce':ll on business,
prestige, standing In com·
munity , Recent social contact
is transformed into something
more solid. Reali ze potealial
-and try to-live up to it.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan.
19): Ideals can be trans-
formed to realities. Key is to
gather and analyze facts . Your
perceptiveness comes i n t o
play. You find a:1swer to
dilemma. Strike while iron is
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): You make discoveries.
But your way is n o I
methodical. Spontaneity is key
today, Truth reveals itself in
unusual manner. Know ii
when you encounter It.
PISCES {Feb. 19-1\tarch 20):
Emphasis on public relations,
special agreements. Take care
in signing of documents. You
could commit yourself to
purchase which breaks budget.
Strive to please one close to
The Fun Never Sets
On Our Crui1 1s
N•W,.OIT ll!ACM. (.ALI,. nUt
PHONE: 644-4600
Here Is A Lifetime Gih!
Holiday Party I VELVm & I ~
Combines Sale I VELV~NS I OVER 1,00.0,000 WURLITZER PIANO '-
women's Overseas Service • SAVE $3 I OWNERS CAN'T ·BE -WRO~G!
League will hold a Christmas I .., purch•M of ! FULL 36 INCH FULL 40 INCH
party and sale In t h e I 4 Y•nl•.,. merit I NEW-st!NETS $595 NEW CONSOLES $695 Assistance League, Orange, on I • • I Prices include benc~, deliv-Prices Include benc~, deUv-
Saturday, Dec. 6, at 1:30 p.m. I 'llll ery_ and one Free m-home ery. and one Free m·home
HOBls will be Miss Doris 20% OFF "' turung. FROM turung. . . FROM
• • • Debutantes Bow • -Newport •
;:E;;.M;.:~~=.:~. LA~ES & i NEW ORGANS DISCOUNTED_
Willis. I BROCADES · $I 00 · $500 Those Interested In joining I _ · TO
the league, composed of THE I "{l];.11• l.. ... M ,~:en Richard eurtis Rawl-
jngs, Robe rt Joseph Hayes,
Melvin Daniel Kilm er Ill,
James Robert Gage, Reagan
P.aul cOruip.11y and Robert
Bruce Underwood.
~~rts :.!!~gs~ ~~m,''. a~n~ d:~:,~e ~ 1::i~ e',",~~ ::er::, :1~ th~·;: .. ,:::~ ·1 FABRIC CENTER . I p~~M~~TS YYWIICJ~ usic City
vita_µdns ; Rawlings, presentor were entertained with a in time of national emergency, 411 I. 17th St.-.t lnlrt• I SOUTH COAST PLAZA may phone the .membership c°"' M1..-Mt .-.. ,.. YOUR BUDGET . and floor committee : Jordan, festive breakfast in the Lido chairman Mrs. Alma Akeroydll 11,...,,_.1u,.. _ Matttr c111,... COSTA MESA PHONE 540.3165
music; Wahlers 0 I and er , l sle home of the \Vootscys. at .532-4528. l.•••-•!lif:•••I
photography : Donald Eugenei--------'-----'----------""~"'"~""~~~~=
Assisting on Mrs. Caldwell's
ball committee y.·ere the
1'1.mes. Herbert John W.eany,
assistant director; J a m e s
Richard White, accessories:
Edwin Terrence 1'.foran III.
debutante chairman; Richard
Walter Smith, de b utante
fathers chairman, and Heis-
tand, decorations. assisted by
Mrs. Paul Joel Williams.
Others "''ere the !\.fmes.
Russell R e e d Langenbeck,
• •
Neptune, program : D a n
Eugene Bayless and Jack
Keith Samuels, publicity; and
Peter Duyan Jr., secretary.
Also assisting were the
Mmes. Holmes Mi 1 Is,
treasurer; Guy Ausalin Smith,
reservations: Rosenast, social
chairman.; Henry Wagner J r.,
club arrangements, a n d
George William Elerding of
Los Angefes, rehearsal direc-
tor. -· .._,
E lizabeth Arden face treatment
is much more than justafacial
An Eliwbeth Arden expert in Buffums'
Red Door Treatment Room will help you
discover delightful beauty secrets. You'l l
have a face treatment and emerge with•
luxurious new 111akeup as well as a radiant
feeling. Complete tieatment. with makellp, 11.00
Beauty Studio. ·
IAan1turts. pectu:.ures, facials anC r1ec ~ .:1,.s1s
by Christmas!
430 PACIFIC COAST HWY. 642-3630
12 Blocks East of llalboa Bay Clubl
1840 W. 17th STREET 543-9457 SANTA ANA
CCopyri1ht J9&1 Gl01"it1 ftfar1"41l Mtf. Co. Inc.
Light Up the Night
' '
•• . ..,, .. ~ ... ..
It's all bias and all beauWul. '!'hat's \Vhat they
say about this s\Jbtle bit of elegance from Jrene
With the trimming dO~\'n\vard darts. of the
jacket, ye shall have magic \vhere ever ye go. Toss
the jacket aside, and the jewel of a collar stays
with you. ~
Make it in satin or peau de soie fo r gal_a everrls,
or try it in wool for dn understatement that can·
not be oyerrated. Oth Cr fabric suggestions; silk &
\Vorsted,· brocade, crepe, raw silk, piqnc or linen.
, For the long version use only 5o" fabric· or \Vid·
er to avoid pi ec ing. 622 39 is cut in Misses sizes 10-
18. Size 12 requires approxilnale!y 3 r13 yards or
54" fabric for the long versio n ,,·ith 1/2 yard of 54"
contrast and 1 5/8 yards of 54'' fabric for the
jacket and 1/4 yards of 54" contrast.
To order 62239; state size, include name, ad-
dress and zip code. Send ~2.00 postpaid for each pat·
tern. Send .Q_rders for book s and patterns 1.o
SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX·IS, Milford, N.J. 08848.
Toys Donated
Marines Assist Navy
quested lo bring an unwrapped
toy to be deposited in.the large I
Christmas gift box which will l
be al the door. I
P·arents Ask
Who's to Blame
' Childre n were likened to
baby rattlesnakes by A I
•taven, school principal, Jn
trying to al!Jwer the question
Can Parents Be Blamed for
Everything. He spoke before
Parents Without PartnerS.
llaven, one or four panel
members, sa1d that "Children
are somewhat like baby rat.
llesnak~ who have potent
venom at birth, They have the
sa1ne feelings as adult£ -
hate. anger, love and joy. If
we Utink age five &.nd feel the
feelings we had then, they will
be the same feelings we have
as an adult."
Other panel me1nbers were
Ca rr oll Richa rd son ,
psychologist and marriage
counselor, Mrs . J u d I t h
·Richardson. socla l s tudie s
teacher, and the Rev. Donald
Baird, minister.
nlemoers emphasized.
Mrs. Richardson 5uggested
that parents help childr~n
when they need help. "You
can 't force anyone lo love
you," she said. "Often what
seems like a bad charac·
teristic in a child does not
need to be changed, just
redirected ."
Baird mentioned that e.ach
person in a relationship has to
be on a Cilmpletely open basis
so lhal there is give and take.
Lew Whitmore, international
chairman of Parents Without
Pa11ners, who was the
moderator, sun1med up the
discussio11 by saying • ' A
parent is entitled to feelings.
We can't control lhe life of a
child, but we can express our
feelings and listen to theirs
and that's where
munication starts.''
Richardson said that tones ,..----------.,
of voice are received with
more meaning than expressed
words. "Most of us carry a
Who Listens
To Landers?
load of gtlilt and fea r and do;:;::;:::=;:::=;:::=;:::=;:::=;:::=;:::=;:::==:;;, not have enough psychic!r
energy to carry this load and
do lhe job that needs to be
done. Blame is a barrier to
communication and a
threatening word ," he added.
"\Ve are older and more ex-
perienced, And good com·
nlunicalion sta rts with the
f11ith and confidence that we
ran handle the conflict sit ua·
lion, whether it be between
parent and child or two adulls.
~tany adults are afraid of
young ~pie," all the panel
Coll for appoi11tlft1J1t 64~·0251
Open Mo11doy 1llr11 Frldciy
1827 Westcllff Dr.
Newport lffch
Shop Sundays 12 Noon fa 5 P.M.
' -· . . Toy& for the Navy flelie1
Toy Repair program will be
collected when the Officers
Wtyes• Club of El Toro Marine
Corps Air Station hosts a
cocktail Friday, Dec. 5.
Those attending th~ party in
the Officers Club are re-
Organ music for singing and 1
dancing will be featured dur-'-
ing the 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. event,
Merits Eyed ·
Patience Wright Chapter of
the Daughlers of l h e
AmericanJtevolution ~'ill hear
a talk on public television
tomorrow in the Holel Laguna.
Hal Jones, forme r vice
presidenl of KCET a n d
present operations officer at
Leisure World, will speak on
Why Public Televisicr:i?
as 'vell as refreshments.
Decorations. in blue, gold and
whi le v>'ill be in the form of
snownakes an<! snowmen.
l\.1rs. T. 1. Cunning wW .head
the hostess commitlce which
will include the ~1mes. D. 1\-f.
Dou glas, Foster Little. Di ck
Bridges. Floyd H ard i n~. Sam
Fulton and Doug Stowell .
J\.1rs. S. V. Titter.ud. 838-2290,1
1:-aC'cepting reservations.
·The group will sponsor a I
free Chris tmas gift "'rap for
:-in_gle enlisted l\.1arincs ilil the
El Tor o Post Exchange Dec.
8-23. Those "'ishing to volun-
leer may contact Mrs. Doug.
las. 54~7692. Hosts for lhe 12: 15 p.m.
rnetting wlll be the J\imes.lpoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjl
Freeman Doe, Leo Foster,
Lowry Gallinge r and Carl MO 8 1 L E
Gilbert. CHEST X -RAY
·Noel Coward
Reading Due
A reading·of Noel Coward's
-11Suite in Three Keys" v.·ill be
given to members of Three j
Arch Bay Womea's Associa·
lion on tomorrow. I
The 9:45 a.m. readin~ will
be presented by Edna Stearns
Dayton, known In Los Angeles
literary circles for her book
reviews B'Jd play readings.
The program , ... 111 be in
Three Arch Bay Clubhouse . I
Will IE AT
Harbor & Adams
Costa Mesa
Dec. 1st thru 4th
I M•n. thrw Th•l"l.I
HOURS: '2 N•on t• I r .M.
No11dnol Cllorge •I S2. per X•roy
l11elvdes: lodlolo9f1t
Hondlln9 & Molli'"J
Avoid the holiday ru•h and tole advan tag e
of our great Duart perman ent specials.
C hoo•e any •tyle. We do them all.
Salon Specials
17.50 perm .. 8.75 20.00 perm. 10.00
25.0 perm.. 12.50
And with ou r master stylists:
30.00perm., 15.00 35.00perm .. 17.50
Be sure to check up on our great hl!lir
piece specials
Wiglet, 15.00·value, 5.99 Falb, 22.95 and up
Cascades, 9.99 ar.-l up. All great values.
The Beau ty Solon , 60 I.
Anaheim . 535-8121 . Newport. 644-1212,
• Huntington Beach. 892-3331
5outh (oast 'Plaza
ALL 72°
• • •
and open nightly till 9:SO
•· -. u;1evs.~
a gift from Biggars ts
\Give Borghese and you
/sift them with the ages
••• anti~• reproductI?n1 valued by eYln
the most 1erious collector! 8ook-end1, jewel
boxl!S, fi9urine1, minioture busts, etc .•••
a ll specially "a ntiqu~" to suggest wear
a nd age, eYen lo lhe colOfing. Only for
!he most di1criminating! ••• 1 l .9S lo 36 . .SO.
It's the wise one who
gives on owl by Andrea
•.. onr. of lwenty0ei9hl bi;ds in a, unique
collec!ion. 5.rikingly authentic, eYen to the
. natural colors. Perfect for iho1e who cher·
i1h the lon ely splendor of a meadowlark,
the wildlife pageantry of t:;i pheasant or the
co ll of the robil\. Oare to be ueotiYe in
your gift ·gi11ingl 24.50 lo 73,00 the pair.
OWl AS lllli~TµIED .f6 . .t0 lot11
POMONA • Holt, fa1t of Gorey
Colorado al fl Molino
For the Sift with
"the quality that endurws ..
be 1ure to 1ee lhe Ofiginal, fo'tled by
hand metoT sculpture from JOh·n P uffy 's
cloJsic collections ••• so excitina, , .. ac·
claimed, its collectors il'clude the Gugg•"·
heim Museumt Each is a distinctive, unique
crealion sure to become a prized work of
orll ••• 10.00 to 5S.OO. '
Here's sc'ulpture in the modern vein
that's as permanent as the ages
•.. creoled by tech1niqu1s employed by
orrisans oVer 2,000 years ago! from vitr•·
ous orl enamel•, bronze, copper, brass,
11eel ond wood by Artison House. 'Na two
piecet ore eYer the some. For the gift·gi¥er
who wonts it to be orlginoll .•• 14.9.5 to
175.00 .
547-1621 . OPEN MONDAY
.. ~...,=io;i:::"l!;:":;:!::;.:;;"':"'.,..,,,,,,...,..,,..,... .. ..,..,,..,,..,,.....,.,.,.."'f'..., ..... ~ ...... ~~~~~~~~----..... ~~~----~~--~~~--~--~--~--~-~--~~--~--~·-·---·-·-·-·--i-·· -It. ' c:;J4 Sa::' -• -• • • • • • • • • • • '$ _., :e • • 0 • • • • . . -• ' • • ' • • • • • • •• • •• •• • • •1 •
. . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . , • .. • . . . . . .
20 DAii.it, PILOT
Purple People Eaters Next for Champion LA
\VASHING'TON (AP) -The £a1ned l..:Os.
Angeh!s ,.~l!:arsome Foursome and l\1in·
nosola's Purplt People Eaters 1ncct Sun-
tiay and there's no doubt in the 1ni11ds of
the Rams .,...ho '"'ill con1e out on lop.
•·1 wouldn't trade my defensive line lor
atiy in football," said Los Angeles coach
&!orge Allen Sunday after his Rams
defel\.ted the \\'ashington Redskins 24-13
a:nd clinched the Coastal Division title or
the National Football League.
Deacon Jone.~, the all-pro anchorman or
the Rams' defensive line, pu t il 1norc
. I . '
I . \ . '
. , '
•• 1 ... :
5UCCinctly In downar1ding the talenl.1 or itlnnesota's front four. ·
"\Ve've been around a long time.''
Jones said. ''Everybody knows who the
best is."
The Jledskins -from coach Vince
l..o1nbardi through quarterback Sonny
Jurgensen to offensive guard Hay
Schoenke -agree thal the Ran1S have a
devastating defensive corps.
''They have a big, strong, defensi ve
bal\club.'' said Lombardi, w ho s e
Jledskins. now 5-4-2, '4'ere virtually
cl in1inatcd for the Capitol Division title.
. -
-f ;''
r Trophy winner from USC" now play.ing for the' Buffalo Bills, fumbles
the opening kickoff on the four-yard line in a heavy snow storm. He
Readers Speak 011t
.. .. A Couple More Views
' • • ~ :~: On VSC .. LJCLA Game ~
:· ., . ::.A couple of final read er vie1\'S on lhe
Jlov. 24 C<llumn 0t1 Dennis Dummil , lhe
)'CLA quarterback in the 14·12 loss to
~ First. regarding a couple of points C(ln·
~tent in criticism of the column: t 1)
·:$J:'s defensive line ...,.as tremendous (2)
l1mmit could hardly be rated a hero for
°P.)mpleting half of. his passes \\·hen he
ilmed the ball over six ti1ncs .and lose~ ., J. yards.
~Dul. perhaps tl1c colu1nn m11~ Dennis
.ii martyr. l USC was the opportunist-as lt was
l • •lll>N';o~; IN0¥4 iNV¥o •N"'~-~>¥fWN<-•"" ' ~ ·-• ..
" ~
WASH ................... ,
throughout the year \\·hen it exploilctl it~
opponen ts• snafus or misfortunes.
At any rate. here's the linal worrl~ 011
th e subject.
Oe.a.r Glenn :
f note °"·ilh particular inlerf'SI ~our
iln3lYSi5 of the 1JCLA-USC g1tmf' 111 1hr
fpori.s page on No\'. 24. Vi11ill' I do n11t
support Spiro T. Agne.,.,..!S ,.it'1v nl th r
press, I <lo wonder ir you and I i;nw tl1c
same game.
You \\'iU recall. ol cour!'C. thal f>fnn1~
Dummit's number is 19. He i!\ the fellci1v
who was crouched behind U1c ccnlj:r ;ii
the !(.art of e\rery offensive play lor
UCLA. He is also the fellow who manag-ed io complete nearly fift y percent of hi~ passes against a pas!! rush that WQ1.1ld
havtcaust!d ~nlc in King KOl'I~.
And desplfe rne· fact that hi~ offensh·e
linemen freQuently seemed lo ha,·e hren
trained by Busby Berkeley rathtr than
Tnmmy Prothro. he-n1anaged lo h:1ve hi~
club leading by fl\'e points with les.s tha11
tY.'O minutes lo pl«y.
On Ow: other hand. Dummrr rioe'I: nm
plty defense. The yoong man who !hre1v
tbe 'bom!·m1.shing block on the l.!SC.: end
\\'bo WU fifteen fed, l'W3Y from .Jimmy
Jooe!I' pass "·as neither Durnm1t nor
Prothro. ~ And had he not been guilty of pass In·
t"1trmce on I play th.tl \fill h~unt him
jor years to come, ·the detensfvo halfback
"'ould have meekly retired lo the
sidelines near Prothro while Dummit and
cr_ew ale up the rein.aining lin1e for the
* *
Phil Pett.v
Ne11·port Beacti
Dear ;\Ir. \V"hilC':
You severely attack Dennis Oun1mil of
t'CLA who did nol play up lo par, but
\ras still iinprcssive. by saying that he
\l"a'\ "USC's grentl'st weapon .•. " You
fail to mention that he \\'as UCLA's ON·
LY 11•capon as he passed for nearly 300
1'hen I read on to where t;CLA deserV·
cd nothing bul dcfea1. J gue58 your
~lasses "·rre on crooked while you
obser\'ed the ga1ne. The Bruins had 21
lirst do11·ns v.•hile USC picked up only I~ .
Total yordagc sa1v UCLA get 326 while
lh<' Trojans ca1ne up \l'ith 229. Keep
reading, l'n1 not through yet!
1-et's camparc the quarterbacks·. num·
1nlt 11·as severe ly rushed .all afternoon but
he still managed to co1nplete 21 of ~2
passes .. Jones had .ample li1ne but still
only connected on 5 of 21. I will say this
for both or thern, ho\vcvcr: despite their
bad ga1ncs they ·were oul thM'c trying,
not hehind a lypev.Tiler criticizing.
I h;n·c read your coh11nn l'no11.1;h !'l
kn11w v:hat yo u \\•oulrl h::1vc 1vrittc11 h11rl
\JCJ.A hC'ld .on for ii 12-7 ,·ictorv. You
\.\'ou!rl have hacked dO\\'ll JinHTIV Jones of
!'SC for his terribll' J,\3111(1 an.ct lhat hl'
had l'Otnplclcd but I of 11 passes up tn
lhe ~<in1t"-\Vinnini.: drive in the lnurlh
QllllflCr. 0( l'OtirSl', let's not forget tll<it
the loss \1·ouhl h:i,·e been pa rt John
l\1cKay·~ rautl for SliC"k ing 1\•llh hi3
nu1nl)er·;:ine. man.
You \\'oul cl ha\'<' :ttii(I lh;.it Cl1trenrl'
Oavi~ should ha\'e been moved io
quarterback IJccause he had such a poor
day by running that ht' mi~hl have bten
able lo help out by throwins. Or else. Ron-.
1\1·;ila could havt done bcUer 1han .Jones .
'lou J:O on lo sav its 3 good thin~ UCLA
v.·:in'I be playing 1n lhe Ro~c Bo,vl so that
lhry 1\·on't bt embara~!!cd by losini::. f
h('li<'\'C' tr~ too bad 1ha1 Ne1v Ytar·~ Da:f
li;n't on Saturday so I "'ouldn't. h1tvr an
flpportunit:--to rtad your cock~ed
''"rsion of the bowl 11:amcs !he next day.
''ou :.nd 1/oward Co.~elt of ABC !ports
rate the Mmr. on my list.s-11t.1he bollom .
On!" last suggcstlon-why not chRn1i:r•
tl1<' n;imc of vour column from "\Vhitr
\Yash" to ''i\10uth "'ash?"
~fike n·nritn
Costa ~less •ngh School
''They put tremendous pressure on Sonny
41Jl ·day.''
Jurgensen, the NFL'is tOp passer,
agrc>cd v.·lth the analysis o( hls coach and
!iaid : "I couldn't sec my receivers
because or the rush they put on n1e. They
were open but I couldn 't sec them. 1
didn 't hare time to look."
'fhe \\'ashington quarterback \\'ent lntG
!he game with 195 completions In 301 al·
lempt:S for 2,341 yard s. He completed 21
of 39 for 206 yards but \\'as held to !es!
than 50 yards net gain in passing for ihc
flrst three periods and \\'as dumped . I
time~ in the game. -
Schocnke, wearing the bruises of battle
on his !orehead, said:
"They 're a great front four. They
lhrew a lot of stuff at WI. blitzing a!ld all
1oris of combinatkms. You have got to
respect them."
Rams quarterback Roman Gabriel, lhe
NFL's No. 2 ranked passer, tossed two
touc hdown passes -A one-yarder to Bob
Klei n and a three·yarder to Billy Truax
-and Willie Ellison scored on a &ix·yard
dash to give Lqs Angeles the victory.
The Kl'1n touchdown was liet up after
tbt Rama defense blocked a r.tlke Bragg
punt In the second quarter and the
EIU90D. ecore came .after cwnerback Jim
Nettles intercepted a Jurgensen pass.
The Rams have become the first team
to y,in the first 11 games of the season
sinCe the Cleveland BroY.'Ni did it in 1953.
Now they hope to become the first team
to complete the season undefeated and
untied since the Chicago Bean fm.lshed
11-0 in 1942.
But the Rams are now looking toward
n~xt Sunday and their clash with Min.
nesota which clinched the Central
Dlvision UUe. Tbanks&iVina Dey y:ainsL
"The thing l\·e ha\•e to do it to aet our
guys on the offensive line well," said
Gabriel. "1\lm06l every ooe of them has
IOl!ltthlng hurting.
Fll"lt O.w•ll
llua.1111'1'11 Jt•d•, .. 1"1u l111 y1rt1111
ll•tunl y1rd1g1
l"•uet ·~· f11mbln "11
Yttcla pt111ll49d
··~ " ...
'" " 16·2'-ll •n ' ·~
lltdtll.lfl• ~ " "' • 11.Jlt.t
·~ • "
, 333-yard Aerial Binge
Lamonica Slams
Jets, Joe, 27-14
recovers (middle) and dashes for an 11-yard return. Tn the third
quarter Simpson fumbled at the goal line in a game that produced 10
fumbles, seven by Cincinnati. Buffalo defeated the Bengals, 16-13.
NEW YORK (API -Up front fn the
trenches, the lat.est engagement In the
American FootbaU U?ague's 1ll03t heated
vendetta wa.s a bloody standoff.
But behind the lines, Daryle Lamonica,
Oakland's quick-strike field marsh.al, Y.'as
a big "'inner in his personal duel with.
New York Jets' .ace Joe Nan~ath.
"I know I rate \Vith the best of them.''
Lamonica said Sunday after firing the
Raiders past lhe Jets 27·14 in a penalty·
ridden scuffle of AFL di vision leaders ...
and begging the question: \YOO is the
league's premier quarterback?
"A-1y credential! speit~ !Or
themselves," said Lamonica, who t.Oll9ed
two touchdown· paases to Warren Wells
for a season total'C.of 30, ran for another
i;core and oot-gunned, Namath from 5tart
to finish. "l believe in Daryle Lamonlca.
J take care of Daryle Lamonica and don't
v.·orry about the other guy.
"I live by my standards and I have
~rta.in goals."
His foremost go.al? "To win the Super
Lamon.ica's t9-fof·28. 333-y.ard aerial
binge left a sub-par Namath, IO-for·30,
169 yards, one touchdO\\'TI, in eclipse as
the Raider's avenged their 27·23 lo.ss in
last year's AFL title game at New York.
The victory put them one.half game.up
on Kansas City in the Western Division
stretch ra~ and postponed the Jets'
Eastern Division title clincher at least
until next Sunday, when they tackle se-
cond place Houston in the Astrodome.
Lamonica had nothing but praise f~r
FAITHFUL BUFFALO FANS -Two real foo tball
fans sit all alone in the Buffalo Stadium to \\1a lc h
the Bills defeat the Cincinnati Bengals, 16--13. A
snowstorm that covered the bleachers and field
\\'ilh s ix inches Of snow failed to dampen the spirits
of l\Ir. and .Mrs. Robert Lelina. The couple has
missed only one game since the American Football
League team started in 1960.
l(ing Arnie Regains Throne
11\LTON l lEAO; S.C. (i\I'\ -Tht:
n1ngnctic smile. "·as back in place, the
\.:ins 11·as back on the throne and all \\'8S
right "'ilh the \.\Otld . Arnold Palm<'r tio.d
Ju st \\'on again.
"This 1,·ns as ~mporll'lnt lo me as v.·in-
nlna the N;alional (/pen or the t-.tasicrs or
Bnything." the ~O·r,ear1)1cl Pahncr :said
after :;napping oul of " year-long slump
Sunday \\'ith a !hrcc -slrokc victory in Ille
llcrltnge golf cl:iss1c.
Palmcr. 1rritten off by rna ny R.• o,·er
the hltl ond never likely to \\'in aJ!Aln
Rf\tr he pulled out o! !he PGA cham·
p\onshlp almost four month1' ago, manag·
rd a finAl 74. three over par, ft"lr 283.
Tflal put him one under par for lhc
tournament -Ille only man to break par
on lhc trc11chcrous little lla.rbour Town
golf link~. 111 G.655.yard, r at 71 layout on
lhls resort 1i;land.
Ill' \\"as three. strokes in front of Dlc'K
Cra"·ford, with .a final 74, and Bert
Yancey, "·ho closed 1\·ith a 72. They were
t1C'd ror second al 286. one stroke ahead
or Doug 'tord . .,., ho had One ol the l\\'O
t<11bpar rounds on the final day. a 70.
J iomero Blancas closed wllh a 76 for 288.
.Jack Niclaus "had 8 75 for 289 and an·
nounccd he \\'as through for the ytar. He
n1<1de $.1.63.1. fell i;horl of the '' mllfion
rnark and \\'11S mathcmaticRlly eliminated
fron1 81'.V pos~lbillty or catching frank
Beard In the race for the No. I spot on
lhr money·"'innfng list.
l'ahncr. the g::imC'01i all ·nnf le11 din$(
n1onr.y \l'lnnrr and Us rnost dynamic
per~n:ility, h11<1n'l \\'Ol"I si nce the. Ktmptr
Oren. Srpt. I. 1968 -the longc!t \l1clory
clroul{hl of hi s rtmArkable carter.
··11t'rl been y,•rit1e n off by many, who
t11cd his age, the hip t1ilment that forced
him off the tour for two months, the. in-
flux of new ta~nt on the tour. the SO-plus
victories that may have ta.ken the edge
orf his desire.
But Arnold .\'O"·e<l he'd be, bac'K and
pledged he would y,·fn Again .
"I've never lost my de.sire," he said.
''This was as Important lo me as win·
ning my first tournsn1ent. It "'.., as dif·
flcult as v.·innlng lhal first one, maybe
nlorc 10. l'\'e gone through spells Ukt: this
~fore. bu1 never ro long. It l\·asn·t lika
-"And l 'd made a lot Or ra~h
~latemC!lls, thi ngs I haven't said before.
Like 'J'n1 going to fight this all lhe "'&)'.'
AM lMt put !IOme extra prcaure on me,
just s11yjng things like. that.
"I hope I 'vc sUll got a few mort ytar1
to play, and a few more to Y.1n,"
Namath, the le.agut:'s most valuabh!
player in the Jets' 1968 Super Bowl gpacu
flight. "Joe'15 a dedicated ballplayer,'' he
.said. "You don't go oul and accomplish
"'hat he has· without study and dedica·
"They can say what. they wanl about
his off-field activities. but I know y,·hat hit
can do on the field and l respect him ."
But the Oak.Jand star isn '1 about l<t
<lowngr.ade himself either.
"A quarterback's only as good as tht1
protection he . gets," he said. "If I get
lime to go man·to...man, l think J can be.at
anybody. I've helped beat New York
when I was with Buffalo. I felt we ghouJd ·
have beaten them here-lal5l year. I enjoy
beating them.". ·
Coaches Spat;
Lakers Suffer
Overti1ne Loss
LOS ANGELES (AP) -"You ·1tie
making a f~ out of the game," snap-
ped Chicago Bulls coach Dick Motta..
"Give me a basketball player and t'l!
play your kind of game,"·repUed Loi
Angeles Lakers coach Joe f.1ullaney.
The .argument flared Sunday night
after the Lakers lost 116-114 in overtime
lo Chicago for their fi fth consecutive
· defeat, their longest losing streak in tht
National Basketball Association season.
It put l.A>s Angeles' record at 11·12 .and
dropped the Lakers into fourth place in
tho "\\'estem Division, one-half g am t
behind San Francisco and four out of ,first
place. The team returns to action 'Ilrurs-
day night in Phoenix.
The flareup involved Mullaney'! cur.
rent tactic designed to take advantaee ot
the NBA 's ban on zone defenses.
With the Lakers nddled by injuries and
Jerry West the only full-fledged Lot
Angeles star on the court, Mullaney
places four L.akers on one side of the
court .and isolates \\'est, with the ball, 011
the other side.
This forces the opposition to send one
defender against West. Taking a defender
from his regular assignment and d01Jble-
teaming West would con.5tib.Ite a zon~
defense and result in a technical foul
against the opponent.
It's happened several times in recent
games. But the Bulls stayed one-on-one.
We.st failed to shoot solidly and the move.
was abandoned.
"I realize from a speclat.or itandpolnt
and from an official's standpoint It's not
good basketball," ~iullaney said. "But
\\·e·,·e got to y,·jn -and I'll try anythina; -
to do so." .
\Vest, who has led Laker scorers ln t{,
of 23 games, did it again with 38 poinU.
The nev.·est Laker. Happy Hairston, ad-
ded 27 and pulled do""'Tl 26 rebounds.
Clem Haskins, whose clutch overtimt
'hooting won il for Chicago, scored' 36.
· UCl Cagers
.At Nebraska
LINCOLN, Neb. -UC lrvirle bukel·
ball for-ces move into the reabn of big,
time competition tonight when theJ:
tangle with the University of Nebrasta i11
the Cornhusker gym to 1et the 1969-?q
sea.son under v.•ay. ...
Coach Tim Tift. a party ot 10 player!
And assistant coach .Jerry Hulbert art
riv ed in thl! cold, midwest plains city
, late Sunday .afternoon for the first of two
games with top contenders for the 811-8
basketball crown.
\rednesday evening the Anteaters face
t~ University of Colortdo, defending
Big-8 champion, in Bouldu.
Both Ant.eater foe& have vetera1t
1in• with all five starters returning
from last season.
Tift will slat1. three seniors ind two
IOIJhomoret agaiJ><! the Comhusktrs.
All·Amertc& candidate J e r f am.
nlngbam lelds the Irvlnt quintet. Against
tM freshmen ln a tuneup Wedne!day
night, he play«! 1 ... than haU the ,,.,..
and hit 8 ol 13 •"""1>U from the floor
and 8 ol I from the fr« throw lino for ll
pQlnU. I
Nel!lraska "'as 5·9 ln confemice pla1
last year when lick' of erperltnce was lh•
major problem. Coach Jot Cipriano fttl"
the Comhusken: have the neeess&r')'
def)th to challtnge .Colorado for the title
uus mson.
i .
• ..
• , .
' ' '
• • '
Monda1. December l . 196~ D•.!l.Y Pl LDT :.! J ---------.--~~.
-S-addle.hack·· A waits-t:-
Once~heaten Yuba
Of !Pie DlllY '°lilt Jiii!
Saddleback College goes to
the other extreme this $atur-
day night when il treks 500
miles north to Marysville (not
Yuba City as one LA paper
stated) for the state jaycee
championship showdown with
Yuba College.
Coach George Hartman's
classy Gauchos o u t s c o r e d
previously unbeaten Reedley
-the state's No. 1 sma ll
schools jaycee team - in last
Saturday's semifinals, 40..21 ,
before 2,900 fg,1s at Santa Ana
And In doing so. Hartman's
charges topped one of the
m<>st dangerous off e n s icv e
teams in Californla jayce e
quesl of Reedley.
Asked what he thought lhc
score against Reedley's Tigers
y;ould have been with }lardy
and Fletcher in the lineup, he
said. "the same."
"Our kids did a great job.
We took the attack to ll'lem
right away and the defe.isive
changes we made during the
-week paid off. We did some
things differeotly with our
linebac ker s to confuse them
and it worked.
"Three key poople did an
<>speciall y fine jnb for us.
Gerald Blackn1on filled in for
Fletcher and blocked i,rell. We
had to move Don Martin fron1
center to linebacker and he
ca me through. Thea vte put
145-pcn.r.id Bill Langley at
center and he did a job.
"It "'"as our best game ol lhe
•' ,~
Six playsJater the Gauchos
shO'A'e<I their stuff, i:noving IQ:
yards in 21 plays wiLh R~
q raves hitting Ga,.Y Rupll
with a 19-yard scoring scree'fl'
pass to up the couot1o 34-7. j;
The final tally was a four4
yard strike from Chris Hectop
to Gary Rossman with 7:3l
left in the game to make It 40='
Graves ran for the first Tb
on a 19-yard keeper. Tob)'
Whipple took a pitch ~rom
Graves and rambled nine
yards for the second score.
And, Graves combi'.1ed with
Rick Day on an 80-yard pass-
. run for six points. ' ~
Losing coach J. R.
said Saddleback was mu
Now. however, the Gau chos
n1ust face <>nce"-beaten Yuba.
Hartman says Yuba has four
defensive men who tip the
scales at 240 pounds, He says
defense is Yuba's forte. And
perhaps that is reflected in its
J0-7 win over liartnell in the
other hair of Saturday's se mis.
Although Reedley chalked
up 368 yards nel offense , the
Tigers were neve r iii the
game.· .
Saddleback 's Clerense came
up with six interceptions of·Uie
Tiger al!:rial circus. 'But evCt
then Reedley hit 23 ot ~
throws for 304 yards.. ~·
strong"er in the secondary .
he had originaHy e.stimated '
• OAIL y l"ILOT r MM " Pal O'Den11tlt
Certainly its other games do
net mirror sturdy defense.
Hartmp.n is hopeful his lwo
injured aces Ro c k y
1''!C'tcher and Marc !lardy -
\\•ill be re ady for action this
\\"CCk after !>lttin.I! OU! lhe COil·
P'lrsl clow'n_. r11shl111 · • •
Firs! clowns ~Hing ' 11
Flf$! -ns pentllltl 0 J
To111 llrJI dDWnl lS 11
Y11'$ •u~hlnt n' 100
V1rd1 P•Ulftl 111 Jllf
V1rds lo1t " l!o
Sadd leback scored the ·nrst
three times it got the ball on
drives or 6.5. 6~ and-~<ftds
and held a 20-0 J~ad at the h81f. .
Then arte r Re edle y
threatened to ma ke a ga111e of
it with a touchdo1,1•n in the first
~3 seconds of the third
quarter, Paul Cox of Sad-
dleback ran the e n s u i n g
kic}(off back 83 yards for . '!
tally to make it 27-7 !following
Jolr,1 Stewart's third of four
successful conversions).
Picking off passes were ·~.
~1ike . Smith, Hector, Dafe
Burkholder .zad Rusty ~-
borg . Yuba 11·1} , . ~
'7 ChaboL . *'' 40 Ohlone · Q
33 1"1erced 1 i
28 Redwoods ~?
• 62 Siskiyous · · ~J
13 Shasta l~
-43 Butte .~l
46 Napa ;11
21 ·Sierra ·2()
JO H~IL .'t
WHIPPLE IN GEAR -Toby Whipple (25) of Sad4]eback Coll ege
follows blockers Jeff Virdin (64) and Gerald Blackmon (34 ) duJl.o
ing Satu rday night's state jaycee playoffs. Reedley's unbeaten~
Tigers fell to Whipple & Co., 40-21. Saddleback !ravels to North-
ern California this weekend for· the finals match against Yuba
Net Ylrds 11h1t11 "° l61
P11n!1/Av•••I' dlst111<1 t/M.s l/3S.J
P1n11tl1i/Vds PfMll!od 1'!1 \0.S Ill ~
F11mbln /Fumbln lo•t 110 1110 5,.,, ~.,. 0\11ri.r•
ReedltY 0 G 1 14-21
UCI Tops Trojans, 3·2 ~.
S•ddlelHck TO o 1' ~
Still See){
1(indelon Stays . Hot Anaheim
At Big A
Ttl YO VL Av•.
l lllll•t
1l JJ •t ~.i
I 0D J ·l.0
1 1 0 1.0
1 1 a 1 o
1 1 0 l 0
5• n• s1 J.1
uc. Irvine won consolation regained the lead, 2-1 , on a if.
honon; al the Na lion a I cond quarter penalty shot.
Coltegiate Athletic Association How~·er, SC tied it before in·
championships staged at -Bel-· termiss ion.
1nont Plaza pool in Long Reserve Scutt Massey broke
Beach by edging th e Universi-· a 2-2 lie late in the third
ty. of Southern Calirornia Tro-quarter Saturday. night and
jans, 3·2, Saturday afternoon. UCLA's unbeaten Bruins went •etdl~V
I? 77 ).0
1st Win OCC A ce Pots 42 Against Rustlers Ana heim High S choo 1
returns to the Big A in
Anaheim Friday night for its
semifinal showdown with high.
scoring Bishop Amat High.
·~· T~l•I•
•. loll • 1•.0
I U lO ·l.1
11 100 Ji J.O
Coach Ed N e w I a n d ' s on to cB.pture the cham·
Anteaters never t r a '1re d , pionship, beating Cali!omla $.
although USC twice tied lhe 2~
Of lhl DlllY PllDI Sll lt . Still looking. for win num-ff Orange Coast College·s
ber one. Saddleback College's J im Kindelon keeps up his
basketball team will meet the current scoring spree, the 6-1
University of California al guar.d will wipe out every sin-
gle season Pirate bask2lball San Diego frosh Tuesday record in eltistence.
night in the-Mission Viejo . Saturday night Kindelon
High gymnasium. Game ti1ne poured in 42 points to _lead
is 8. 1 coach Herb Livsey's quinl~t
CQach Roy Stevens' club to a 101-83 vi ctory over Gold-
en \\'est in the OCC gym. was bounced twi ce by a pair The previous night the for·
of San Diego teams over the mer Corona de! Mar star was
weekend. Saturday night. the much hotter, if that's possible,
Gauchos fell victim to Gross-with a record 45 points in the
mont, 82-74.. The previous Pirates' opening 127-102 win
night, San Diego Mesa tri· over El Camino.
umphed by a 76-72 margin. Thus in tw o Outings Kinde-
Erie Christensen paced the Ion has meshed 87 points for
Gauchos Saturday with 18 a 43.5 average.
while Marv Lawrence chipped His shooting percentage is
in 17. C_am Smith add_ed 14 even more outstanding.
wh ile Btll Noon contrib uted Against El Camino h! hit
11. . . . on 19 of 24 shots (79 percent l
The previous night against • and Sa luraay night connected
Mesa, Christensen and Smith on 15 of 23 (65 percent'· \n
each had 20 while Noon hit 15. the Golden West game he was
A balanced scoring attack
spearheaded Grossmont to the
victory. The Grifrins had
three players hi( in double
figur es, another had nin e
points, another had eight and
two more of the Griffi ns con·
tributed seven .
Grossmont took an early
lead m i d w a y through the
first half and ne ver relin-
quished ii, holding a 43-28 ad·
vanta ge at intermission.
SAOOLS:IAtlC 1711 ,. " " " Smit!\ ' • ' ..
L1wr1Mt • ' ' " Ebtll ' • ' ' Cllrl'1en1rn • ' ' " ·-' ' " LllltY ' ' ' Hom ' ' M1!\1r ' ' ' Gll.OSSMONT 1121 •• " " " Marrow ' ' ' • L11'K!l1 ' ' ' "
Collegia te
Grid Scores
ISout,..,.~ ar1dl1t)
Fullerton ''· GrclUmont 1t 84ker1tlfl!I 19, Senti llarb1r1 O CNwlhorR l•JCkeTI "'"'no )6, LA Ha•bot !3 C!ltDO! "5. Wes! V11i.v 20
~~1~~~ ~: ::1.:;~~'" .Ir,,,~ 11. N1vy O
Gror11.1 Tee!\. •· Geor111 o Pen~ ~I. ll. NMl!I C1rolln1 Sl ' Qkl11'1cm1 JI. Okl•llom• 51 11 II.Ice :M. BaYlor ' B1>1ol0fl ColM!r. JS. Srr1C11M' 11 !-lou11on •1, io.101 t. u Fk!rlOa J5, Mia"'! (Fie.I 16 \OU!~n Miil 1(1, W111 Te~•i t rnn<!nee «!, Vanoerbllt J7 Z"'"Ji.e ~:~cJ~·T~~vJ:' 1~o
A~:i'"Fft.."tndo Veti.y S!. •1. '"
Sin 01!'90 Slate Ji, C1I S!ttl !L-Met!lew$ ' • • ' ,,.c.11, " I Lower ' • ' • Clr•90l'I 51, Hewtll ''
H•'m1non ' ' ' " IOWL OAMl!S IC'ltlllt lllldtlll hwl C1ridonf>I ' ' ' ' GrlY ' • ' " (umml"'I!• ' ' ' ' Scerb•OUl!h ' ' ' ' l>ltsltr ' ' ' ' H•lltlme stare · Groswnont 0 . S•""
dleblC~ 18
R1ndafp/'>.M1KOll •1, Br!dfflll!ll'I JI .lmn Alon11 111" 1 .. 1 w1nr~r~,1w~1~~~ i:;,•n J1
O St John'i (Minn.} l1. Sim~ CIOWI)
El Tw• 1-1 lyler (Tt•.I ll, C111t..-ylllt !!OWi ) 0
Stamp Collection to trade
3S (fOl'•n payment on Qr.
Mge County home, cata.
logued \.·alue $8000.
• ~'EEO Some Sno'l\'bf\1111 '!
Store them in lht' AMAN1\
• t't"frl1tcn1.tt1r "ith 1op frcct·
('f, :!-<.loor, runi'I wt'll.
• Purter llJ'OUrd "'llh this
com plt't e 11e1 or registered
Lo11isvllle piw.'f'r-buil1 golt
ll"llna for Diiiy ~,
also a perfeet 12 for 12 from
the free throw line.
Kindelon did not start hil-
ting against Golden West un·
til midway through the first
half -and that turned a
close game into a rout.
With OCC lei.iding, 17-15,
Kindelon hit his first basket;
a 12-foot jumper from. the
right of the key and frj)lll
meet Allen Hancock College
of Santa Maria at 9 at Santa
Ana College. ·The following
night they meet Ventura Col-
lege al 7 at the same location.
Golden West wll l partici·
pate in the 1"foorpark Tourna-
ment Thursday, Friday and
Saturday ·of this we(k, meet-
ing San Diego City CoUege
at 3 p.m. Thursday.
AAAA Bli,hop Arntt Yi An&llelm •I Anahrl"" St~~y;.n Y5 L1•ewood I t ROM Bowl a•
Vetttlni S!•dl~m
. AAA Fao!hlll ¥! Sonlla 11 Ml, SAC
He< tor
·~· J•cMIY To!BIS
'°A Pt PHI VG .-cl.
U ' 0 lU .JiO
! 1 0 • 1.000
76 10 o 111 .lU
score before J im McDonald UC Santa Barbara grabbed
nailed a penalty goal with 4.:29 third place with a lU victory
to play, putting UCI on top for over Long Beach State as Be11
JIHdl1r ,, .n
' ' u 3J
' 21l
' " •••
good. . Gage scored six goals.
.s7l ·Dale Hahn had put ,UCl And, Seventh place went tG :~! ahead and then Mike Martin Colorado State. 9-5 over Yale.
Saulll P1111,,,.na YI L~-d~le 11,-----------------------------------Arc•dl&. Srnllnrl Field or El Camino .. (t~l"1pillliMll
Los Al11T'llt0i rl i•<ilDW
fCll1mplontMr) .51nl1 Yriei 1! Hemet Sm1ll SCl!Hll C11tmrlt111lllrl "YUtCI Vlllrr WI Boron II sii. no! ' Mltrmllled.
there on the Pirates never-.;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •• I looked back. He ended the
intermission with 17 points,
spearheading the Pirates to
a 47-34 halftime advantage.
-Livsey praised the play of
Kindelon and also singled out
forward Phil Jordan, who
hauled-down eight offensive
rebounds. Jordan also pro-
duced' 24 points.
For Golden \Vest, forward I
J eff PoWers paced the scor-
ing att11ck w it h 19 points
y,•h'ile Chris Thompson tossed
in 18.
OCC will get its biggest
lest of the young season this
Thursday night when they
FG "•T .. "I Tflomp~on • ' • " Powtr• ' ' ' " H1il<ell ' ' ' • 81rnes ' ' • " Gr11¥e1 • ' ' " W•M ' ' ' ' H1rdl"9 _, ' ' ' ,_,, ' ' ' ' B .. 111 ' • , .:1 Tc!1ls n " n
DllANGE tO.IST 11011 •• " .. ,.,
~ol"" • ' ' ~~I l(l~o.10.. " " ' 81•(-' ' ' ' Holmes • ' ' ' Jo•~1n " • • ,.,
Stlckelm1;e, ' ' ' • .,... ' ' ' • L~ • ' • ,,
RfdmoM • • ' • Tot1IS e " " '" H1lf!lm1; Or1nt1 t<No1l 11, Gold•n
Wnl ,.
s.1.co will h•n•f1r vaur f;l, la
our offic1 11 no ch••'i•·
Nothi119 ch•n911 1ac•pl th1 ptr•
101111 1lttnlion •hi'h yo u C•"
now rtc1lv1 !
Bob Paley
•nd A11ocl1tes
Phone 642-6500 .,
541>3205 from
North Or1n9e County ~74 E, 17th SI,
FULL 4 P·LY Not • 2·Ply
wlrti • 4.r1y
>.n 650-13 .................................................. $12.'6
700-TJ .................................................. $13.76
700·14 or 735-14 ................................ $14.t7
750-14 ., 775-1 4 ................................ $15.77
100·14 or 125·14 ................................ $16.65
150-14 or 155·14 ................................ $11.07
710·11or115-15 ............................ _.. $16.33
760-TS or 145·15 ................................ $17.45
120·15 or tlS·IS ................................ $1t.99
l.f4 ,,,
2.11 , ....
"" l.t l --. .-.c-1111j !U-L.t
I arrives at Jack Daniel's, the boys in our rickyard ,.·
" "
1 go to work,
They're t he ones who saw up t he wood, stack it in
ricks and burn it in the open air. What they get is a ,
very special charcoal, which is ground up fine and packed
into vats ten feet deep. Then, our just-made whiskey ·.
is seeped through the charcoal
to mellow its taste and smooth
out its flavor. This is charcoal
mellowing, the extra blessing
that gives Jack Daniel's its rare
sippin' smoothness. One sip, we
believe, and you'll be thankful
for our hardworking boys in ·
the rickya~d.
6 :.
6 .-
TEN NESSEE WH ISKEY • 90 PR OOf BY CHO ICE 01.i.J1e•D•lllll Ol111111r,,l•llldW,,.,.,~
-! -'.
f'.-• • .c * 4 A 4 , 4 4 4 • 4 4 ' 4 0 u c -=:.J!..£.£ .f!S ~V •JGCZ 0 • e • F J?CS a #fO-L 1 -• • ... '" .. • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . ~ . -. . . . . . . . . ' ~ . . . . " . . . . ~ ' . . . . . . .
I •
%1 aAILY ,!LOT Monday, Otctmbfr 1, 196~
Pro Grid T op-se~ded Corona del Mar Pro Cage
San Clemente, Westminster. -. -. . -L Standings Faces Indians in Semis
' I
Settle for 4th in CIF Run ... J.Mill:ICAM Ll.t,OUli
W r.. T Pct. Pn. 01' .. ...,.,onr; .,0 .6'1 7'1)'.\4
Hou11M s s ' .soo ns r.! 1un11e ' t o .m ,,. m
lo&tell 0 I t .J.'IJ 7'J 7'1 Mi.tlll 1 t I .112 ltl 211
Wtst.nl Divt1llll °'"'''"" 10 1 1 .tOf 3)11 21•" it."'MI (l"I 10 ) 0 .Ill 3" UI
S.11 Dino ' ' I .JOO 7!0 l l' Cl!lc1Mllll • 7 I ,J.!.,j '41 JOJ SvlNln'• •MUlll C.klM'lll 17, N-YO'~ H lluft1i. 1,, (IMlflMfl 1)
lloltOll ~. Ml1m! 13 °""' Nml1 Ktotdul<!d S1tvrd1Y'1 01me~
Ntw VDrlt 11 HoultM
CNlfl l DlYltllll W L T Pct. PU. OP LM A .... ltt 11 0 0 1.000 )00 117 l•ltltn«t 1 ' ' .636 ,,, 211 Al'-~" J • 0 .11) "' ,,s
'"' fr1.w:!1ca 1 1 1 .111 11 • 11s Centr11 Dlvltlfll
MW!t&Oll 10 1 0 . .of 3" lDl
o.tn>ll 1 ' 0 ,"16 19• 161 o ... '" ,,., ' s o .w 10' ito Clllu11<1 · 1 19 o .091 Ill "6
t:AITl•N C:Olll'l•INCli ce,1111 DlvhlOll C.lllt I 1 1 .IOO 311 19,.
We.,,!ntlol'! S ; 7 .S56 74' 1S6
PMWldel~lt • 6 l .ollXI }J,j Xl7
NIW 0<'11111• ' 7 0 .Ill 213 J07
C1111!Ut'I' OIYftlt'll
Clevtltlld I 2 1 .IOCI 7'0 1•5 Jt. Loul1 4 6 l .@ J5' 11>1
N""' Vorlr J I o .2n 111 161 Pllhbuf'tlt 1 10 e .Ofl 110 US
S\llMlrt'I •11wlla
l 0$ AroHltt 24, W11hln9!011 lJ
51. l.oul• ,,, p1111burvll 10
Cl ........ lld 7L Chk tM 1l ltlllmorl 12, A!l1nl1 6
G""" 811 ~ Hew Yot'll: 10 Nrw Orf-:N, Phltld1!phi. 17
Onl1 ""'" sclwdultd
Freeway League kingpin , accorded tri·player of the year
Fullerton High School goes up honors in the Freeway circuit.
against undefeated and No. I Those are Jim Kruse, Gary
seeded Corona del ri.lar Hig h Singer and John Andrews. The
Tuesday night (7) at Belma.1t latter wu the league's player
Plaza pool in Loog Beach in of the year in 1961. · -
the semifinals of the CIF Fullertq:i's main strength is
\l'ater polo champi9nships. the overal1 balance and the
Fullerton brings with it a ability of e~ry player being
fine 17-4 record but ironically able to shoot and hit with
three of the four losses were authority.
to the remaining semifinalists Corona de! Mar, meanwhile
-Newport Harbor, Anaheim has yet to IO&e. The Sea Kint1S
and tonight 's opponent, Corona of coach Cliff Hooper have'
del l\tar. be.en to the J><m 21 times aOO
But coach Gary Read or need only two more wins to
Fullert.cr.1 feels his team has a put the. Sea Kings back into
good chance to upend the the CIF's top spot for the first
Corona express, claiming his time jn three years.
team was intimidated by Corona won the CIF cham·
Corona's undefeated record in pionship back to back in 1965
their 7-S loss just prior to the a".1d 1966.
playoffs. Corona del ~tar has an
The Indians are led by three outstanding player. in Bruce
outstandlng players who were Black, but it's evident that
Newport Faces Anaheini
hi Semifinal Polo Tilt ,
Hooper's force.· a r e stacked
with tremendous depth -even
to the polnt that they are able
to alternate their goaJies.
Their strength ls indicative
of their two wins in playoff
competiUon1 blasting Upland
and Oinard highs, 11·5, 1:.1d 14·
••• 1.,.. Dtvf•
N .... Yoril:
11.ttlmor• Mll~ulr. ... Phlttdflph!1
ClllCINlell .......
WM Lftl ll'd, tt '
21 2 .HO -
'' 7 "'' ' 1' 11 .NI ' 10 IJ AS lt
10 II ..'15 12
I 11 .)II 11
1 lf ~II 14\.li
• Of tM o.llY PUM llllff
The Orange Coast area
failed to come up with a
cross country champkln Sat-
Wt1rtr11 01v11lPr! urday during the CIF cham-A!l1nt1 • IS I 6!2 c111t1110 u 10 ~' 1 plonshlps on the Cal State
Sin Fr1.w:l•CG ',', ',', ·"° ',\\ (Long Beach) COW'Se, bUt Loa A.ntllfl ,,. :11n olt9o a ll ::su •\~ they did come close in all
~.~~... 1 u .:u• ' three divisions.
l) s1.,,,'uLL11troN 111 ... 1 3 ' ,, .:13 ·~ We"slminster was lourth in
• c11 H1t11 s setumw•• lltwll• the AAA race as waa San 6 Ntwl!Orl 1 Ot•ro1t 1 If, H-Yor1l 91
1 AJ111ttlm 1• '°''°"' 111, 11111mor1 lDf Clemente in the AA run. Ma· ", w._111t11er"''' •, P~l!to.lpr,i. Ut, MUw11.1k" 111 ter Del f'-'~ed sl•lh ,.. _the All1nt1 111, Cllll:lnn1H 111 Uu.>U A
11 Oll/llrd , 5Ntlt1 IJO, Phoelllll 129 A diviaion. ' a.ow...,, 1. 5vnd1r'1 ltttullt
' • ..,.,., HUit l Mnwiuk" 111 , s.n ClllllO " Mira Costa defended Its ' Morn1n111lk ' c111c"° 116. Loi AMII" 11,, or AAA crown succesalully wind 11 ll utnl Ptrk 1 Clnd11r11U 111, Ph\l-lphl1 101 •
12 Trov s Phoeni11; 1u, 5Htt11 101 ing up wUh 41 points. Upland
ll Le Hibrt 7 TMly'1 01m11 th d J l ' N-POrt 1 N• a•ma• scllldulld , was e secon p ace earn ,. t.ow111 ' with· 49 po'"'" and ·was· fol-12 C1I Hlth l T"'49r't °'"'*' .... ,~ ,. :11v1n..., o c1nc11111111 t1 111111mor1 lowed by South Torrance, 69,
11 Ktfl!IOCIV S S111tl1 II NIW Yark; W -•-• nd 5 Corona dtl ~r 1 Mllwtut:H II PlllledtlOhlt eSluwi.;i~er, 129, a Arroyo,
11 Monrowlt J Chic-vs Photntx ti Sall Llkt Clt1 I'! 1 Ltkewood ' DttroJT II $1n Fr111C.IKO ...
co•ONA o•L. MAii: 121 .. 1 Jim Gordon of Upl:ind was -~~ ~~~!1,.. : the jndividual champion bit·
There were 28 polnt.s separ·
atlng the top five teams in
the most exciting of the three
Trailing Lompoc were El
Modena, 77, Palos Verdell,
78, San Clemente, 88 and Sa·
lesian, 99.
El Modena's Dave White
was the AA 's individual cbam·
San Clemente's top finish·
er was Bob Lineback who tan
seventh in 9:58. Other TritoruJ
·and their times were, Brad
Winton (ninth, 9:58), Craig
Sterling (13th, 10:04), Gary
Brallhears (31st, 10:28) and
Ray Ezell (38th , 10:32).
Upland, the ddendlng AA
champ, was moved up to lhc
AAA division this year so
they were unable to recapture
their crown.
San Marino ran away wit h
the A title. St. Bernard'.s was
the second place team but
trailed San Marino, 114-25.
La Canada was third with
122, Crespi. fourth with 125.
Aviation, fifth with 138 and
Mater Dei sixth with 147.
Chris Hoffman of St. Ber·
nard's was the individual
Santa Paula, last year's
champ. had no chance to re·
gain i\s title as it was moved
to the AA division.
HB, Barons in Tourney
,: ~.:.::" """" : S<1uash ]\.feet tin0og then1a1 pe in 9,28.lh
• $1/nn1 H1111 l n ston !Has e top Tuesday act1·on In Jhe fillh Tuesday's pairi.1g5' 1: ~:~~Grave 5 We!lminster harrier, placing Al Marina
n L•ktwoOd ; A meeting lo form the fifth in 9:42. Other Lions annual Westminster-Marina 7 p.m. -Los Alamitos vs
1~ ~~e;,m ~ Orange County Squash Rae-were, Steve Varga (19th, Rotary basketball invitatiroal Loara '! ~1::;: " quets Club will be held tonig~ 10:06), Wayne Akiyama (21st, includes Huntington Beach and 8:30 p.m. _ Santiago vs
21 Foun111n v11111 ~ at 160 E. Bay St. in Costa 10:08), Steve Lassegard (36lh, Fountain VaJley. Riverside North
Satwr•••'• G1mu Clllcl90 1! J"" Francloco Newport Harbor and
Anaheim, the two represen-
tatives from the rug ged ~unset
League in CIF water Polo
eliminations, meet head on in
the semifinaJs Tuesday night
(9) with a berth in the finals
awaiting the wht:ier.
2:. ~uY~~' ! Mesa, be.ginning at 8. 10:18), Ted Mauter (57th, -HunUngton'S Oilers meet At Westminster ,
how well it could perform• in ' ca.ti MH1 1 Anyone interested is asked 10:52), and John Nichols Bolsa Graixle and Fountain 7 p.m. -Huntington Bea•
,. E111nel1 3 t d r ("lh 10 ) I I .... Su11111a1•1 Gtm•• M!nnKOll 11 LH Anttlll 0.1111 11 Plt11burtll
the clutch last week with a lo e1 St11ullda " -o atten . For urt.her-in· "° , :58 . Val ey fo lows against second vs ~olsa Grande ~
six·goal effort in the second 1~ tii~\~~0" ' formatjon, call 648-6479 or 645-Lompoc was the AA cham· seeded Warren at Westminster 8.30 p.m. -Warren •
Delroll al BtJ!l...,rt
G•Nll 1111 et (lnre!and w .... OrlMns ti Atlenla Wtllllntron ti Phlltotlohit
half to break a 3•3 tie with a--"-•:·~;;'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;2520;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==~~p;i~o;;;n:;;;•~m~as;;;si~n~g;;;;;7;l;;;poi;;;;;·n;ts;;;.;;;;;;H~ig~h;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;F;;o;;u~n;;la;;ln;;;V;a;JJ;;ey;;:;;;;;;;;~-
good Garden Grove team.
HB Impal as
In Finals
Newport is the league ·cham-
pion but coiild Only spilt with
runn.erup Anaheim in .its two
meetings earlier.
Leadbg the way was goalie
Ed White, who all b u t
demoralized the opposition
with clutch saves, Including
two blocks of penalty U!tows.
The Huntington B e a c h
lmpalas wi!J. meet Lawndale's
Buccaneers· Saturday af·
temOon (4) at Orange Coast
College for"the midget division
chanipio~p of Sou the r n
CaJifornla in Junior A 11 -
American football circles.
The Colonists, needing a win
to assure a shot at the CIF
playoffs, defeated Newport, 7-
6, then lost a non-league test
later, 7·5.
Offensively, lhe Tars are led
by the scoring abiliiy of Tom
Warne.eke and Jeff Wllcoi
'They score equally well and
complement each other with
excellent assists.
'111e Impalas s urvived
semifinal action last Saturday
at Hemet High with _a 20-18
win aver the Rialto Colts after
trailing 12-0 early in the first
period .•
Coach Bob Justice's Hun-
tington crew, came back with
three touchdowns be.fore the
half lo put it away.
Dan Troop passed to Tom
Bak.tr for a 40.yard score and
Brian Edwards returned an in-
terception 3S yards for the se-
cond t.ally.
Troup and Baker combined
again with two seconds left in
the half on a SO.yard TD play
and Edwards ran over the
tw~polnt conversion to make
it 20-12 at the half.
Now it's the rubber game
between the two powers,
Anaheim;. has been most im·
pressive i'.1 the playoffs, rip-
ping Servile, Costa Mesa and
Downey. Tbe latter fell , 7-4, in
last week's quarter finals.
Leading coach Jon
Urbancheck's Anaheim outfit
are Doug Arth and Steve
Lashbrook. Arth earned All-
Amerlcan" laurels last year in
water polo while Lashbrook
did the same in swimming.
And, the Colonipts have an
e1cellent goalie i~1 Mark
Smoot, who did an excellent
job along with Arth again51
.Nev;rport in thejr must·win
league test with the ty,•o-Ume
CIF champions of 1967 and
~· Newport, however, has a
few things going for it. too.
-Coach Bill Barnett's ex·
plosive contingent showed just
, ANAHllM 7 Wh1ttf1r 11'·11 ii Fulllrtoio Coront dtl Mer , Downer • g••dln GrO'/o • 0111 Gr tlldt u FOD!h!lt " Wt1~rn ' Corone dtl M•r ' Coolt Mtta ' W11tmlM1tr ' L•kowood " M1rlnt
' l.t $Hn1 • WlllOn • ~u11t111vton , w't':~r~ " • :t;•rlnt ' ~!'!':' ' ' t°''' Mts1 , ~·ff Nl.Wl'OlT (14·Jl • ~•n•rd , ullerlon • Coront !kl Mt~ • L1ktwooc1 • i'' Hlgll " alllna Hiii! • Mor11l11g1ldt ' Mlrt Coslt ' o-n1v ' Mtrln• ' ~ow.,.I' ' ulltrton " ~=i~r".''' ,
' $un"y Hlll1 • Anet.elm " r~"U..'lf:i: • , A111Mln'I " Ju~ny Hl!!1 ' G•l'den GrPYe
3 days only!
Complete custom brake
overhaul for your car!
. only 32.88*
Most · Fo rds, Chevrolets and Ame rican com pacts ,
•Volkswagens and most other Am erican cars .. 41.88
Installation of new bonded linings, rebuilding of oll wheel cyf.
iriders, resurfacing of brake drums, bleeding and tefilling brake
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grease seols, •• more!
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7.00-13 7.35-14 7.35-15
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t.21 It 2.4' f•. TIX
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, rt BFO Custom Long Milers.
Om biggest selling 4-ply nylon cord Ure.
2049 HARBOR BLVD. CAt Bay!
PHONE 540-4143 or 646-442.1
DAILY 8 am· 6 pm • Sat. Til 5 pm
. L. J. LITTLE'S Big ·o _ Ti re
PHONE 893-5572
DAILY Sam· 7 pm • Sat. TilSpm
Santa Ana-Play ers
'Any Wednesday'
Shy of PoMntial
Of Me 0.llY Ptltl St1n ...
e.specl.ally fine actor. Looking
''Any Wedneaday" ls a much back at the role of Cass
better play tb&n the Santa Ana Henderson, the r eve n ge ..
community Players would hungry visitor to the big city
have us believe and maybe who uncovers a lusty tycoon 's
they'll figure out just what Jove nest we can't help
makes Muriel ReElik's clever wishing that Hart bad been
script tick before they com· more lite what we erpected
plete their current run of the ~ Hart to be. He jult wasn't hit·
Broadway favorite. ting on all eight and we're
Their o pent n g night wondering why.
••wetitesday" shot a goodly Barbara Garlich was sound
as the . fat capitalist's culie
"ANY W•DNISDAY" who finally learns that there's
.., ~ 11y Mvri.i "'""lk. di· much more to tile than a once-
•Kt1tc1 b., Torn Tttv1, ted\111<11 c11r..:1M ·a-week sex fest and a bedroout
lM H-l1111ton, "'" m111ts.er A.Uc• Wilker, p,._rtle1 b'I' R1.1tll Trimble ful) of baIJoons, but ft missed
1nc1 JNflM wo1cctt1. P•1i.tn1eit Frla.Y• • a ·bundle o{ opportunities to Ind Sell.l .. YI lt1n1~11! DK. 11 ti !~1 • , ,
s1n11 "'" communn., l'11ver1 Th.. cash in on some glorious lines.
alff', JOO w. "" 51 .. S.nta An&.. Our own thespian e:r:perience TH• CAIT •
e.11eo1 Gordon ••...••.. ••rbe•• G••ll(h is hardly of the National 1bea-
c111 Heno.rson ................. i.n H•rt t.er order but v.•e round ou rself
JDl'ln Ct.val .............. °"'1 RhOll~~ I h 0or1>1hY ci.vu ........ ll!:dltll GDOC1m1" onging to get up t ere and
show them how to shake tbe
juice out of some of th at
number or holes in this critic'! superb Re!nik ribaldry.
Friday, to be sure, and we'd LOW KEY
be a lot more scathing than Edith Goodman was smooth,
that if we honestly felt tha t ccintrolled and almost su£·
the cast was to blame for a ficientJy low key for the role
Vf!r'/ disappointing premiere. o( Dorothy Cleves, the long.
Oddly enough, we can't point 6Uffering wife of Ellen's (Miss
a finger .at any one of the Garlidl) bill payer. And Don
foursome and condemn him er Rhoades as John C I eves
her for letting the side down. overcame the shakiest start of
It wasn't that way at all and . all to become at least ac-
in fact, two mem~ or the cepta.ble as Ellen's sugar dad-
ca.st turned in sterling dy and Henderson's bristling
performances. foe .
It may have been a H~ couldn't do a thing right
particularly bad case..orf first in the first act, for our money,
night nerY,ets, it may have and Vr't were well .into the play
been the deplorably slow pace before he settled down. Full
at which the play was set, it marks to Mles Garlich there
may have been a cold au-for refusing to be flustered
dien:e -and Santa 1Ana au· througb:U une pretty vital
itiaw:es are rarely Jess than scene. with her shaky partner.
frigid -but vr'hatever it was;-., Enough said. Situations are.
di""'?Ctor Tom ntm: had tietter as they say, (c:r the solving
get cracking and do something thereof and the deficiencies of
about it this particular "Wednesday"
1bal'1 his job and il may already have been ironed
shouldn't, we would imagine. ~t.
be too difficult in the light or No quarrel wilh a splendid
the material he has to work set and an equally splendid
with both in t.enns ·of that playhouse. A spa c i o u s .
roguish Resnick script and acoustk:ally sound theater to
four fine players who couldn't, mark this long established
for the life of them, get to group's goiden anniversary
grips with it Friday night. and a btg awaited auditorium
STEP UP TEMPO it has been, to be 111.n.
Stepping up the tempo o{ May rt house many a glow-
this fine play should work \ng dlow. ~ company
wonders and bring us much excepted •.. '?
nearer to the interpretation
wtnch wu, we are assured,
the fonrult of the Broadway
production. It will be in·
teresting to see the results of
any innavations that director
Titus may care to Carry out.
Alan Hart overcame a lag-
gardly sort m ~rt to run ·in
strongly for this·corner's star
but even then it wasn 't the
60l"'t of performance we have
come to expect from · this
People Voice_
Television director Richard
Dunlap, whose credits include
"Voice of Firestone" "Bell Te~e Hour " and Frank
Sinatra specials, i!!I now direc·
ting a "voice of lhe people ''
television production in the
fonn the "Advocates."
Crossword Puzzle
• ..
... , '
Fullerto1a Footli9h~rs
'Harvey' Hop s With Hilarity
OAiLY PtlOT Sl•ff ~
CROWDED -Barbara Garlich's nightgown sleev-
es get in Don Rhoades' hair in this -scene from the
Santa Ana Community Players' comedy "Any \Ved-
nesday." '"
Dolmetsch Ensemble
' By TOM Tl'fUS
,i 01 tti. OeltJ l'llot Slllf
For a 2>year~ld rabbit,
•\Harvty'~ still has a lot of
bounce ln him. ln the Jast
thrtt years he's hopped around
the stages of Costa Mesa,
San ta Ana, Long Beach and
now Fullerton on his way to A
r,ebirth on th e Broadway
stage this seascn.
The production no1v being
staged by the Fullerton Foot·
" cll!MdV bl' MIN Clllost. dlfKled
by Tonv lraMI, ltt~nlctl d!rKtor
Mtrlc Pllllll'" '''" m1n111r Jane Oevloon, Utllls tw Milla Ntltoft •I'd ,.,..rlt f'llllllpl, Jl(t...,led 'o'f the FYI•
1t<"lon Footlltrrtw• Frio.y1 1..t s.r.
11r<MYI 111"""9'\ 0.C. ll II '"-MYC•·
ent~1t1r Cm!t<", lit I YI,.. VIII•
l><"lv•, f"ull.,.loft. TH"• CAST
Etwood P. Oowd •.•. W1!1 .-.uenllt imtr
Vt!• 1.oul•• Slmmon1 ...
.... ROltmarV McGD11th
Mvrtlt MH Slmmonl .. JIU ~Miiian
R~!ll Ktfll', RN ....•...• Stllvjbrown
Or. S.~raon ............ Jtv /CM1111n
D•. Chllmlev ...•.•.. ~ •..• Ar! Pru"ler
Dl.t•n• Wiison ............ 8111 F-v
Jlldg1 Gtllnt'V .......... Jolln Mt lent
Mr1. Clltuv-1 ......... lolt larnard
lt!IV Chllmtev ............. Ct rol H11t
£. F. lof9re" ............ Ton~ 8rtft(ll
Mi•• John10r'I . _ , .... Jtne 01vl&0"
lighters is funnier lhan most
by a long shot. Director Tony
Brandt has upstaged the play's
wistful humor with boffo ~ght
gags while leaving the dated
dialogue intact-and the re-
sult is a hila rious evening,
even for those to whom the
big white bunny is no stranger.
·Walt Assenheimer tums in a
virtuoso performance as El·
wood,. the rabblt fancier, com-
bining a strong, resonant voice
with a devilishly physica l in·
Excelle1it in Lagu11a
The limitations of the Muck-lflnr;;P,~~;;;~ill and the vital role they play in enthaler Center in regard to mounting a double set show
\.l'orks scored at about the are acknowledged and shrug.
time they were construcled by ged off with the sparsest of
master <:raftsmen. staging. Clearly the emphasis
Alice Schoenfeld's violin, she is on the play itself, with tech·
told us, was made in 1776 and nical effects taking a balcony
at that is junior by 45 years tG :;eat.
the cello so beautifully played Brandt's cast Is an uneven
by her sister. Eleonore. And mixture of rw>rfarmers who run
the violinist med a bow that the dramatfC gamut ffom brll-.
was last in common ust some liant to uncomfortably inepl I
200 years ago. But the brilliance turns up
They make 1 tremendous where it is most needed in the
difference both to t h e J;ey roles of Elwood P. Dowd,
performance and to the his sister Veta Louise, psychi-
performers and our concert alrist Chumley and his nurse
was rich evidence of this. ~iiss Kelly.
They provide a richness andl, -~-p.;;:~;:::;::;:;;;;;~11 clarity of tone to works for!
which they were produced and
they give u~ a welcome and
valued link to the day when
the coniposer penned his
All was nol antiquity in this
splendid Art Colony program,
however, and we thorot,lghly
enjoyed a work that was ex·
pressly written for t h e
DolmelS'ch Sc h Genfe ld
Ensemble and which reffived
ils world premiere in Londoo
iast year. l-~~~~~~;;;;;;iiii.:·lr:::::::::::::::::::= Joseph Horovitz'. Quartetto
Concerlant e for AllO
Recorder. Violin, Qllo and
Harpsichord ls very much in
the modern manner but as
pleasing a contemporary work
as we have found in this type
of program.
Its second m ov em' n t ,
scored andantino. is quite
melodic and the last stanza, a
beautifully scored vivace is
exactly that -vivacious and
absolutely charming.
A Program of chambe!'
music that we found to be
wilhout flaw. A splendid
choice for the Laguna Beach
Community Concerts Associa-
tion's second offering of the
1969-70 season.
llnsquare ){ind
Robert Foxworth, Kathleen Dabney and Gabriel
Dell, from left, play the roles of hippies wilh com·
pletc disdain for the "square world In "Sadbird."
an original 90-minute drama on channel 2 tonight
al 9::J(J.
Somebody Fights Back
Who fl9hlS city hall? lht' DAil Y PILOT d0ts. T11aes who. And
whtrt ,tlSf tan you find eo;ent commtntar)" 01'! your c;ommunlly!
Chtct the 1dltorlil paQt of YOUR comm11nlt(1 dill)' ntwspaper,
lht OAJL Y PILOT, of course.
~ MGlf-•""•
2001 ..... ..,,....,
• ~=.
rniti Plll -coo•-~&J
1Hl5 llUST" .. ,,,
Ill• --
u 10U haw new neta:hbort
or. know. of anyon., movin1
to our attJ-plctUt tell us
B'l thlt ~ may extend a
friendly welcome and help
them to btcome aeqUainted
In their new lurTOUndln~.
So. Coast Visitor
Harbor Visitor
IOIAlaUWl :r.:.-:.1! I
81rbtra Streisand
Omar Sharif
* .. a&ttiCHI • T •L.Ue * .. ..... COAST tf'WY, a --M PWt'. ... .,..._ • HUllf)'INOTON a.&lloGll
"OH of 11111,...1 --· 1 allel ,.,._Cll. Lia ... •lllrJlllll---
1 ta1ttt r ~--~. u. n•
·uw }'111 WI SEE
ID}'thllll·J'ID WABI
i\iia'S \ RISTAURANT"·
1,,,.,,'ARLoflUTHRIE. :·
COi.OR by °'W.t Ua1tttl "'1'rltl
' l!Jc>•'I' .......... .
George Kennedy in
MGM presents
The John Frankenheimer·
Edward Lewis Production
·[Bwt LineilltiirJ
Deborah K1ir1 1
"The Gypsy
[!Je\lliinlocciOot I
s·lrt~· 'Doseia-"
. -·--COMING DEC. 17th
Dntl1 Hti,,__Mia ,...,._
"JOHN .and MARY"
Call 673-6260
For Information
Also Playing -"TH E" FIRS T TIME"
., •-1Fiii-SOUTH COAST
llJllll PLAZA 'l'HSATIHl
.,....., ... Jln~f-otlltlolDI. 546-2711
P.M. Office Open 6:45 -Showtlme • •
.. ~
. •
Monday, Dectmbtr 1, 1969
11~"""1!:li'!liE. ~_D.L 91..ACK J"<AlHER bC110101llE MUS 11>8SaiT
PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz
• ,.
'; . ,,
• • . • • . • •
• •
• •
0 :,
• •
• • •
IT '5 i l . .\\E TO HITCM UP'
i"E CX.' SlEP, ~NOOP'I ...
~ . ).
Two Superb
S)iows Gasl1
NE\V YORK (AP) •One ice sbO\\', inevilab\y,
is pretty much like another ice show ' -they are ·
not, after all, teleVition rarities. And. to some seg-
ments of the vie\ving public, one singing group
\\'ilh a guitar sounds a lot like another. .
BUT AN ICE shO\V starring Peggy Fleming \vho
as an amateur captu.red an Olympic gold medal, is
a viewing treat. And the first hour-long TV concert
by Simon and Garfunkel, the talented young team
of singers-COmPO;sers, surely. comes Wlder the same
heading. Unfortunately, their special programs
were scheduled on NBC and CBS respectively at the
same lfour Sunday .night. --
One result \vas that large numbers .of viewers
on Sunday night missed some happy , some moving
The Simon and Garfunkel hour was an unustral
and compelling treatment of their music, their
ideas and their emotions. It was handled partly by
their singing of their O\Vn music against a montage
of film a~ T¥ clips, some old , some ne\v.
WHEN THEY talked. it \vas the single voice of
today's young~against violence and war, of empti-
ness and a loss of direction. But it was their bit-
tersweet and nostalgic music heard against a vi~ual
background of mountains and towns, cornfields
and superhighways that was most effective.
I,t was an interesting attempt to do something
different in a musical form.
Peggy Fleming and the ice follies \vas a big,
sleek and colorful skating extravag'anza. lavishly
produced and beautifully choreographed. 'Miss
Fleming, now a professional . is as graceful and
easy today as in her Olympic days.
"SADBIRD," the "C'BS Playhou se" orig inal to
be broadcast toni ,!!h1 is that rare thing in a drama-
tic series. a com edy. It pits rebelliou s youth again st
the establishment -and the esta·blisment for a
chane:e, seems to \\'in.
The victory presun1 ably is playwright George
Bellak 's great joke in his cojnedy. It is the story
of a free soul. leader of an antiseptic colony of well-
scrubbed hippies. no drugs but all the other trim-
mings. His involve1nent \vith a syndicate shylock
forces him into employment by a top company as
an industrial spy. Our long-haired hero then finds
he likes the buttoned-do\vn .\vorld, computers. co1n-
petition. caviar, marlinis and even money.
ROBERT FOXWORTH~enealb his • tousled curls, is an attractive ne"' er and almost con-
vinces that he has-really fou d himself and his o\vn
true love in a \Vorld he had r'enounced and denounc-
ed. The 90 minutes is loaded "rith sharp comment
on lhe tribal ritei of bot h "'·orlds.
Jack Albertson gives a sy1npathetic perform·
ance as the honorable ir naive toy company o\''ner
and Jack \Veston has a funny cameo role as co111ic
muscle man.
It is an amusing. ir occasionally overdone, el·
Den1ais the Me11ace
I ~
• -••• •
• • i t
\ 11
-By Tom K. Ryan
/>S LQIG:~ 1 W'IE I SAALl. UD<
By Frank 8c19inski_
' 1 ' !
! •
• &>~DER' CITY,
nlE t.IAR'COncs
PA.NEL nttc.K~ ,
-. ....,
/l •I
As_ Mll(E
~OP'S U/11·
. , ..... , .. .,. "I •\•• ,.,,...,,
z oo
' .~
fl • I t
"); •·' • I • '•
.. '-·~ \j ~, ~})11~·..-. ',;"""','': ·1 ' .. _ ... , .. . .. ~ .. '11 : I: ,· ·, · ~ . 7 . . . . . " .
' .... ·-. .. .. ..,., . ' -........... ...
n.llS · 15 N OT
~I '
By John Miles
' z oo
By Horold Le Dou)(
.. .... .
,,• .. ·.' ' ... rt·I -"~~'SM~~
By Gus Arriola
By Mell
;'.;RIMM'r ...
' -Tl-llS JS
T IME •.•
, .. ,
1:00 ll llJ N .. (C) (60) JerTJ Dunphy. om _ . .,,,.., 1ci 1•0J
0) Wtrlll ,,_ (') (60}
ID '" """ !Cl !IOJ
. "
i;lS fJ @(]) m Yll1 Rtw P11pl1
('?) (45) "A BJldl in Basic Bllci:
Tht Surrtndtf." Sus1n, frill'lllnlf
by Bin '91ry'1 dettrminalion II
rnov• hl!f to his "" t•bin, bef:s
hillll to $1\11 C:tottt. tripped ift I
floadina irrjo tion ditefl.
fl)tAd~M Pit' ..
0 ,._. Alltn Slltw (C) (90) . G~ests ire Cliff Arq11tllt, Kellie i :JO D B (f) lltrt11 lllcf · ,(C) (JO)
G1eene, J1ckit Giylt. LllC)' !IU"S to se't thw nilned
tYtni11t by snt1~!111 th• whole flm·
, ,. ily in lo we Johnny carson's te•
0 ' WARPATH -COLOR! vision ~ow while tit's in Hollywood. * EDMOND O'BRIEN 0 lrMi•1 11 AdiH (Cl (30) UClA
and POLLY BERGEN• head b1slletb1ll COKh JahR Wooden
· diseums th e outlook for ~·
0 SU O'CIKk Mowle: (C) ''Wu.' 1919-70 season.
p1tti" {wfftern) '51 -Edmond
O'Bri1n. Dtan J1a:a:er, P.otly 8er1en,
Fatrest Tucker. former Union tA·
licef tn!ist1 as priv1t. lo find out·
laws who murdered hls fi1ncet.
. Q Ditk VtR o,M (30)
m ""'°' "• (30) •
IDk Trtli: (C) (60).
@Cl) Miki Do-(C) ('90)
m nar. ""' {30)
S (IJ CIS II•· (C) (30)
m 11..,. 111 """ (Jo>
Q) Ntw1 (Cl (60) Jad: White.
1:30 e::. KlllC Ntwwrlct (C) (60) \
Q Tiit C.•1 C11111 (CJ (30) Guett
P1ntlists ur Richard 01wson, Sally
Ann Hons ind R~lt Grier,
. m Tt Tell ~he Trwtll (C) (30)
fB Office " 1111 ,.,.."' (30)
0!1J H-·-(C) (301
ED Twi1 Cirt:ll *-'11111 (C) (30)
3(1Jn. ·-(30) Bl Notidn 34 (C) (60)
m Nt'lrl (CJ (30)
' 7:00 ID tas Emint ,....,. (C) t30)
0 Wh1r1 MJ Li111?-(C) (JOJ
W I lovt LIJCJ (30)
(!l ltat lilt Cltdi (C) (30) Grelth·
en WJIH a:uest1, '· I
PJ Co•llOditl'/Stock ••port (30)
a.] @ MtlldlJ Stltw (C) (90) .. Tht
Doomsdl)' r1i1M."
ED Allora! (JOJ
~CV TrMftr ., CenMci•nca (C)
m '-"'• .,..... 1C> (JO>
al T>o1 ~' (C) iaoJ
' 7;JO I) I Sf,Al 111 Yew NW 1 Or inti
(C) (60) lhou&bl·pr~At e•1m·
ination of tht trea:edy of 1lcohoU1m.
J!HY Dunphy reports. Meretdt5
rktambridtt 1nd Eitward G. Robin· I
:on lrt speci1I 1uut1. Also f11lu1ed
:::e recovertd 1kohollcs who 111~
.-~out their own llri nkint expeti·
e~CC$.. lncludld it 1 tut 101 home
1itwert to determine 1lct1hotl5m
;;n~ m11w11 iii det 1e1. I
0 m Mr WtfW 1116 Wtlc:o111 lo
II (Cl (30) "Nalitt Wit.'0 Thi vii.I
Ivie wit is unt pac•lnt when .lohn1 McnrG1 al!d Ph~ knstn outwit himl
with old ;olles.
Ill Tiii l it Va/let' (C) (60) m s.t11im11 Thtltr• (60) .
9:001DQl(l)M17b1rr1 1.r.D. (C)
(30) _S.m and his cornparrloM tr·
1iYI in Pal1111 Sprinp.
0 ~@ 8)•1C•-(Cj "h19 Spy Wltll I CiW fitoM"
(suspense.tomldy) '66 -l1u11rx.1
H1rvey, Daliah Lni, lioftel Jtfffifs.
A bumblin1 Brilish 1pnt tnd a
sua:ewlul 'ltlerln1rian pl1nt e
1r1nsm itter on • bul!dot 1bout ~
be -a:iven as a 1ill lo ltit So¥iet
rrime Ministef. All tots wtll until
the dot aets sick.
19 Inly C11h1111 C111tld1 (C) (60)
l @ IJ) aJ Tiit SUnMirs (C)
•:;Q) Riakos tells Sen1h1r Jennl112s
cl the Clrl)'lt Bink's invol't'fmtnl
.a the S1nter11 revolution .
ffi tt1c111111nlar7 Sptcitl (60)
"What Happened Up T11tr1r• Pn:r·
2ram probe& into 1111 ·1%8 1ir
disaster of Takyo S.J, whtrl all
133 111wn1ers wer1 killed.
EE l•s Estml11 J IJsttd (JD)
9:30 I) ,S CiJ US l'l1yho1111 (Cl (901
"S.dbird." Jack AlbertJon. Jae~
Weston. G1b1itl Diii, Linda l1Yin. K~:~lttn D1bney, Sorrell Booli:• 11Jd
Ro~ert Foxll'Orttl stir in 1n oritln1I
<omedy·dr11111 about 1 min Wh.11
1s not 1 hippie. but who has Mtll·
oig btrt JCO/n f« th1 "squa r1
~.cr\d" and, lh0Jtlor1, donn't tetm
lo fit In urywhtrt.
O NtwS (C) (30) llullr W1rd.
(8 Kt Said, SM StW (C) (JD)
f.E lltr11 Oplra (ISO)
II) 1M111 Maical (30)
o ~mm"",_, .,..
IC) W'.ll "l1rt11 and !tie Molhtt,"
with Chris Connelly and Slit!~
fab-.!res: .. LOYe and ttie Dummies.
with Shafi Lewi1 ind Paul Wlnehell;
~nd "love and lh1 Athlete," with
r~arty Allen, (!hilt Miyehoff, •nd
Pamela Curran.
0 Dtll1! (CJ (60) Dr . .loYtt 81oth·
ers. L1sl1y Gori , Louis Nyt 1uerst.
t!J PtlTf' M1son (60)
fID Flin( lint (C) (60) "'Who!
HaYe We Leuned From Sod11ismr•
im tarml dt Mujtrff (30)
0 Slll11p lie stm (C) (30) IO:lO ml Criat1111 Cw:111111 (30)
Guests art Jt1n·P1u.I Vl(llOn, Fran·
coise Ruui1ri and Robert Clary.
O @(})a>Tllt M11ie Sc1n1 ll:OOllOfJIDN• (C)
(Cl (45) David St1inbt11 hosts.I 0 UCLA 1.-...11 (C) (90) T•Ptd
Cau El liott i1 sptci1I tutst llosl pm1 betwffn ltuins lnd tti1 Wild·
inn 1 perfomier. Cftdence Clear-cats cf Unimsity of Arilon1.
waftr RIYlw1I. Sertio Mend11 i nd
~eil Diamond 1uesl 0 Tllt Mtvle Iii• (CJ
m Outlr ll11iti
IW [))@ !1l 3 (IJ M.., (Ci
el m m -{C)
0 MillloR $ Mcwil: (C) "ltrs
M••• Low• (comtdy) '60-Marily~
Monrvt, VYes Monltnd. Toriy Ran
dill, Fr1nkie V1u1h1n. Unre«11nized
billion1i1e is hired 111 impersona!t
himstlf in 1n ofl·Bro1dw1y muslcat.j .. m Trwtll tr Ctnsiq11111m (C) (30) 11:30 8 3 (J) Mirr Crtt1111 (Cl ~m Judd 101 lht Dtftntt (C) (60) I o @rn m Jtllnn1 C.11111 (C)
ffiTKttnkll cft11tr <301 O @l])aJJ"' l lsatp tC>
ED fllWnl Willl0111 (30)
~ (IJ CllllllllHt (C) (60) ''Rin1
of Dutnnt." A pretty, blind trrl
(Pamela Dunlap) lnltutnets lht 1r.
red of htr f1lhtr.
@m CMlcM ,, .... (30)
Q Mnlt: "A l!ltR Ctllld P$1"
(blolJIPhY) '55 -Rlthtrd Todd.
J11t1 Ptltr&. Richard Burton .
ID Mowit; "MM tf Clllflld" (drl·
ma) '"-John A11r, (dwml Ar111ld.
ti:oo Q) MDVII: "t'M Ttct11111 ..,_,,,
1:00 0 &'I ~•r!Hn (CJ (601 8o't Fro a, !mrstary) ·~1r11m Liltht0n,
metb 11!1 ffOI. Dr. Frt11\1J1Stcln .khn Jutlin ~
aoots the moMter b!I 111d n111.'I ·
.. ,..., irMttd It> 1 et1eb1l11 l»n•~·
moon. Jae• 81nnJ, .lohnll)' C&rson, 'lZ:JO O C1--:ui:ty 8ulletla lo114 (Cl
l tt Zsa Oebor, Enttlber1 Humpe r·I
diock, Pettr L1wlo1d. Jill St. Jolin
htad 1 parade of c1rnt0 lllf!slL j 1:00 1J Movlt: (Cl "Sllll.pn" (Wta!·
11 J.a 1111111 (30) Tl'lt 1111 Ntt trn) 'SS-Sb:rlint H1Jd111. Yvonnt ·~Int" Colt 1uests. DllC.110 . • m °'*• ,. • Dl1 <t1 (30> / a o """ CC>
G) Stod: MIRlt ,...,., ID C..lltrf Miik Tl .. (C}
l '4.t-sllwtrt Gr1nrv. JGt11 tr .. -·· lt:OG Q ~II Yltll'll" (bioci'lph~)
·4~TrtO!)t Power, 0 llnd1 O.n11H,
Jun Jin•. l ria11 DoflltYJ.
t.00 U "T\t hmll hi h Dr:Nb" 11:00 D "hi Stlutrii" lmfl'lld1I '3S-
<aimfdrl ·S&-M1riori1 Mall\. 1'1rq l1rb1t1 st11!'11'JU, llobtrt You q.
Kllbridt.• 2:JO 0 "Tt. a.ty ti Alm11'91 l'*-
t.lO 8 '1 lM 1 Wlitf" (CO#lllN) .. r (MoiflPl\J) '.J9-0D11 ~mtehf. "'.
'44-P111J1it1 Codd1 rd. Son ny fulll. Lrin tta Youn1. ~tnry rondt> .
BJtr)' Fitmr•ltt. I . 1 4:00 8 "Mf•n fi\t ttl!lat• fWS{l .... 1
ID "l1r1ba1i" (drtma-mn1nttl 'U-~od St tlp r, M1rfl l •ndl..
" .•
•· d.
f "·
•:-.. lk .. ll"!M!ll'!11!1Alll!::<!=~ :;,!liil>~#~~:::'lAAllJ!l!:ir,\\~~™~~4&~-llf!"'ll(l"ff'l\1154'\'ll'k"1'111"' '""'·-"l*•,'!"11,~*'"' 4!"!,"*~'.:"'t', c°'.~· '".!""l~'T',., .,,n,•1\""IF~t''"\\"'l''"tf''"ll'"""' "''~"'\'' '"t""!•~• ·M~·. -,,,...,., ,., ,., "'"'-·"'""" .. ' ,..,-• ....,.r,,.,.,..~ ......... .-..,.,~ -,., , ,rr.-•r : .. ' ' ,.-• ' • ' ' • • ' .. • • • • -• .., • # • • ... ;1 \' ~--.i-'l ., ' ... -, ., l'I• ' • ' .... '
BUH to Return
Senate Battles
Start to Form
Hubert H. Humphrey is ex-
pec!'<f to begfu his political
comeback in next year's
Senate elections, which also
may feature the candidacy cl
a apace hero and a quest by
Robert-Taft Jr. for the job his
father on« heJd.
'Jbose races and two others
,.,.ere thrown wide open by an·
nouncement.s the four men
now holding the Senate seats
would not run for re-election.
The openings are in Min·
nesola, Ohio, Delaware and
'Ibree senators -Stephen
Young, (D-Oh.io), John J.
Williams, (R-Del.), and
Spessaro L. Holland, (0-Fla).
-announced retirement for
reasons of age or health; the
fourth, Eugene McCarthy, ([).
Minn.), acted on motives less
evident, announcing he intends .
to remain politically active but
not saying how.
ago. He faces primary op-
position from Gov. James A.
Rhodes, 60, and from a likely
thin! candidal<, Rep. Donald
E. "But" Lukens, a con-
servative who could play the
spoil~r. ·
Glenn's-primary concern Is
John Gilligan, 49, of Cin·
cinnati, a fonner Hou ii e
member who lost a Senate bid
one year ago to Sen. William
Rep. Clartt MacGregor, (R-
Mipn.); said M'.lnnuota. Att,y.
Gen. Douglas M. Head are
looking for the Republican en-
dorsement that would usually
as.sure a ballot. place opposite
Humphrey in the ieneral elec·
A state poll published· Nov.
li by the MiMesota Tribune
showed Humphrey leading
He.ad S4 percent to 36 percent,
and MacGregor by 56 percent
to 35 percent.
DAlt:Y PILOT Jf'ill PhOt.
A total of 34 Senate tenns -
those of nine Republicans and
25 Democrats -expire in
1971. The other incumbents
have given no hint they might
reti.re voluntarily.
' Humphrey, former v Ice
president and unsuccessful
OemocTatic presidential can-
didate last year, has not y_et
announced his poUtical in· tenuons. But he has a hefty
lead in the ooly Minnesota poll
published so far •. could get the
Senate nomination simply by
asking and appears certain to
Glenn has already been to
the party's national chainnan.
Sen. Fred R. Harris, looking
for advice and help in a race
he has not yet fonnally en·
tered. Organization Democrats -
in Ohio hope Gilligan will run
for governor instead 0 r
senator to avert a major
primary batue.
Another likely entrant Is
Howard Met.zenbaum o r
Clevelaod, campaign manager
to YOU!\g,.~ho is.retiring at 80.
FOR WINNER -Donna Flory, 17-year-old l\'liss
Harbor Shopping Center, is all togged out as
Santa's Helper as she displays v.1ell-stocked stock-
ing ~ be given away by tbe DAILY PILOT and
Har!J9r Shopping Center rriercbants .during HOLI-
DAY HAPPENING. Stocking measures eight.-feet
from. toe tip to brightly colored cardboard t.opp_er
and is stuffed . with more than S50 in toys and
Fonner astronaut J o h n
GleM, 48, hopes to get the
Democratic Senate nomination
in Ohio without m a j o r
challenge. Until recently a soft
drink cOmpany executive/ in
New York, Glenn has returned
t.o his home stale. He tried for
the Democratic nomination for
the Senate in 1964 b u t
v.ithdrew after I n j u r i n g
himself in a bathroom fall.
Rhodes will face Taft in the
May 5 primary. and already
there are signals or a tough
Republican campaign.
In Delaware and in FloridA.
Republicans are. currently
cast as Senate favorites .·
Ho1land, l')OW 77, is retiring,
and Rep. William C. Cramer,
47, appears to hold the edge in
the race to suceeed him.
Cramer and Lt. Gov. Ray C.
Osborne are rivals for th~
Republican nomirialion.
Christ11ias Stocking
Key of 'Happening·' ·
Taft, 53, son of the late Sen.
Robert A. Taft. v.·as Young's
Re.publican opponent. six year~.
No Chance
Of Senate
Ethics · Rule
Three s t a t e legislalOTs.
Robert M. Haverfield o f
J.1iami. Lawton Chiles of
Lakeland and Fred Schultz of
Jacksonville are caOOldate.s
far the Democratic nomina.
tion. They may have company
later, ..,possibly fonner Gov.
!>'arris Bryant.
Cramer, elected to the
House 15 y~ ago. was the
first RepubUcan to win major
cifice in Flcrk!a. His home
state ~s , claim White·
House favor.
If he wins, It will gain for
the Republicans .. one of the
One of the biggest Christ·
mas stockings in the world,
stuffed with more than $50
v.'orth of toys and games for
all age groups, will be given
away just before Christmas
aS part or a "HOLIDAY
HAPPENING" co· spon~red
by the DAILY PILOT and
Harbor Shopping Center mer·
The DAILY PILOT. in co·
operation vdth the ..merchants'
association at the shopping
cenfer. 2300 Harbor Blvd.,
Costa Mesa, has provided the
stocking as one of three girts
to be given away.
The stocking is eight feet
long from toe tip to its col·
orful cardboard top. It v.•ill
be awarded in ceremonies
scheduled for 5-··p.m. on the
e"e of Christmas Eve (Dec.
2.1) at Santa's Christmas Tree
Forest on the mall or the
In the same ceremonies-,
v.·inners will be seler'ted for
t"·o Taco mini-bikes, each
valued at $150, procured by
the merchants' group from
J\lcsa r-.1ini-B ikcs , 2267 Har·
bor Blvd., Costa r-.-tesa.
Tickets to register for the
givea1vays "'i ll be available
from all shops and stores in
the center during regula·r
business hours up to the day
wiitners will be ·selected .
No purchase is required and
the winner need .not be pres·
ent to win any of the three
All three prizes will be dis-
played throughout the HOLi·
the J. C. Penney store in the
~hopping center.
WASHINGTON (AP)_ The seven Democratic seats they
Senate seems unlikely lo must' capture to·. tum their 43
tighten its own code of ethics vote Senafe miilority into a 5()...
In the wake of its 'njettion of member force which, wilh
the Supreme Court noinination Vice President Spiro T. Agnew
of Judge c I em en l F. casting the deciding voie, v.·ould take over control. Haynsworth Jr. The GOP is favored to re·
Senat-0rs show liltlC disposi· tain the Delaware seat being lion al this lime to go beyond
the limited disclosures rules relinquished by Williams. Rep.
adopted by the Senate last William V. Roth, the state·s
year. at... large coo,gressman, seeks
Czechs No Longer Wear
Tiny Red Party Badge
---Sen. John J. \Villiams. the the Republican nomination to PRAGUE (AP) -The Com·
Delaware Republican known succeed Williams. munist party badge has gone Ally r.n David P o u I of fa sh ion i n as the Senate ethics watchdog, · vc · • said in an in(erview that while Buckson, also a Republican, is Czech~slovakia. and there
he thinks the present Senate expected to enter a bid for the seems little regret for its
clisclosure rules need tighten· Senate nomination. paSsing.
ing. he has heard n 0 Two Democrats, Jacob W. The country's many pin
discussion by his colleagues of Zimmennai;i .. mlnority leader wearers are no longer keen on takin~ action in the wake of in the Delaware House, and Uie little emblem with the red
the Haynsworth case. Robert F. Kelly, a lawyer for star. hammer and sickle and
He said most of them seem the du Pont Co., are seeking 1he Czechoslovak flag. It "'as
to prefer lo forget about the House or for. the Senate. ~th · popularly known as t h e
controversy over Haynsworth . are st.ale-wide races. s111ee placka, or pancake.
"and to talk about other things Delav.•are . sends only one Thousands of pins. ranging
like taxes." representative to the House. from soccer club colors to
Williams was a m o n g
senators 9.'ho voted against
Haynsworth's conflrmaUon,
alter contending the judge
should h a v e disqualified
himself ~aust or financial
interests in some cases in
which he participated.
Sen. Len B. Jordan (R·
Idaho), who voted again5t
Haynswoi:tiJ's nomination and
~,ho is the newest member of
!he Senate's ethics committee,
said he has reservations abotJt-
r-equiring public f i n a n c i a I
reports from members of
He drew a di sti nction
between judges, who are ap-
pointed for life. and members
of Congress elected by the
people. He said he didn't think
a double starKlard has been
applie<I · in the Haynsworth
Jordan voted against a.
public disclosure proposal last
year, as did Sell. John SteMi's
fO..Miss.), the chairman, and
Se:n. Walla ce F. Bennett (R·
Ut.th). the vice chairman, ol
the ethics panel . ll was re-
jected !HO.
locally made Apollo n"IOOtlshot
buttons, are offered for sale or
barler every Sunday at an out·
cloor collectors' market on
Prague's \Venceslas Square.
Though many thousands of
party members have resigned
-0r have been expelled since
the 1968 So.vicl in.vasion, only
one "pancake" could be found
by a prospective buyer.
"Only a few trade in !hem."
said one elderly vendor. "I
don 't have then1 and I won't
have them." ·
• Monday, Ofctmber ·l , lM
GOP SpliL DAILY Pll"'ftT
t)ri-Nixi~· ... -=. w=--·ANri1 "'AD
Program s.
!dent Nixon's relations with
congressional Republicans, al.
ready damaged in the Senate
by the Haynsworth Supreme
Court nomination, are under
further straln in two coming
House votes.
The administration's posi·
lion on antipoverty and voting
rights legislation has sharply
divided House Republicans
and put the GOP leadership in
a difficult.position in trying to
line up votes.
So split are Republicans· on
the antipo~erty bill the leader·.
ship had been unable to lay
down a ~rty position to guide
the members when It comes
up for a vote later this week.
Nixon's request for a straight
twcryear extension of the ex·
isling Economic Opportunity
Act has only minimal support
among Republicans and little
or no chance of being a~
On voting rights. due for
action next week, the Presi-
dent's detision to scrap the
present law thal affects only
Deep South states in favor of
one having nationwide applica-
tion has caused widespread
distress among Northern Re·
The two votes cori'ie at a bad
time for Nixon who was hand-
ed a bitter defeat Several days
ago in his effort to name
Judge Clement F. Hayns-
worth to the Supreme Court.
The-fight over t.he bills is
inflaming the divisions in the
GOP at a time Nixon needs
unity if he is to have any suc-
cess in dealing with a Con·
1:res controlled by the Demer
.era ts.
Although the Haynsworth
and voting rights issues under-
. score long standing ideological
differen~s v.·it.hin the RepublJ;
can party, Nixon's problems
on antipoverty are a direct
result of bungling ln White
House relations with Congress.
Ever since former President
Lyndon P. Johnson began his
War on Po\•crty in 1965, anti-
poverty programs have been
under heavy attack by Repub-
icans... including Nixon in his
presktential campaign J a st
But he stunned the party by
asking that the existing anti·
poverty · I a w be continued
throUgh June JO, 1971, without
any changes.
Leading Republican critics
of the program, who have long
advocated major changes in
its -Operation, were not even
consulted by the White House
before the decision on the two
yea r extension was reached. ·
Indications are the decision
was influenced mainly by the
new director of the Office of
Economic Opportunity, Don·
·ald. Ru'msfeld, who as a for-
mer House member had bttn
among thi critics of the
agency. • :
Rumsfeld apparently eon·
viAced Nixon he could line up
enough Republicans to help
keep OED intact. but in four
months of intensive effort, he
has failed.
The House vote will not f>e
the decisive action in deter·
mining OEO's future, how.
ever. 11Je Senate has passed
a bill preserving OEO's ad·
ministrative control and the
House version will have lo be
reconciled with that.
2629 HAllOR ILVD.
Opot1 Evtnl"'JI
tlU l :JO
· Live
At The
, Beach
452 Prospect
this Is be&.ch living at
its best-2 big bedrms. plus a den-2 baths and
!Z atrlun1 patios-all on·
ly 6 years old. 0\\ner
~·Ill carry the financing
"'ith only $2000 do1vn-
3 Bedrooms
and Den .
$131.00 Month
Total Payment
and anyone can as.sume
the }1iA Loan with an an.
nual percentage rate ol
5~~ % without qualifying.
In model home condition
w)th beautiful olive green
delw.:e cp~. 2 large
bathrooms and a roomy
liv ing room and den. See
it loday al $2-1,500 full
Doll House
Exceptional 3 bedroom, 2
bath. Home located in
be1t Costa r.tesa area.
Deluxe shag carpe1 ing
throughoul, richly paneled
in v.·alnut, big cove1't!d
patio wit lt p1'0fe11slonal
landsc11.ping, v.• a I e r fa 11
arid lilarden lights. All
built in kitchen. forced air
heat. It's one of a kind al
$241~ ..
onJy 2 years old. This
home ill a hou.sewlle's
dream, beautifully ap-
pointed Wand, t I I e d
kitchen all rooms are
oyersl:r:ed • 2000 sq. ft. In
all, -A Master Bedroom
'suite fit for a King and
Queen, expensive Palos
Verde stone fireplace,
heavy 5hake roof. If you
v•ant a real e.'<ecutive
tio'me -Thia Ill It.
$123.00 Month
It's a 3 bedroom home In
Costa Mesa , there 's no
qualifying to assume !he
existing VA Loan with An
annual percentage rale of
6%. Full price is $21,950 -
Best Buy Around!
Can You
. Answer This
lf Interest. rates are high
and money for housing: \5
hard lo gel,· how can you,
as a buyer, obtain a 108.n
of over 90?0 of l\1arkel
VaJue at a l'llte of 8% per
year, lOo/o less than
you've been paying on
your car ewry year. II
you're a Veleran and you
can 1et a JOO% loan at
71,1% aOO not put orK?
dime do\\ii -II you cafl't
ans.,..er tlli~ question (al'ld
you can't) then YoU must
agree that OO\V ls the time
to ·buy.
Mesa Yarde
Lease Option
Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2
bath home with aparkl·
ln1t heated and flltert'd
pool, built-Ins kitchen.
cozy brick ftrepl&.ct.
Won't last. CAii today.
$300 per month lnclud.·
Ing pool strvl~
Gener•I ' 1000
0 L 5,0 N
Inc. Realton;
And only 6 )'ea.r.; young. Fan.
ta:Stic tttms too! Get toieth· ·
er $1,~ a1xf that's all you
need! 4 ~'size bedrooms -z baths -kllctten '~1th
built-ins. f'an1ily + rumpus
room. Beautiful, well kept,
htt lined commu:1ity. Where
in the v.11rld can you find a
bargain likl'! this. ~fove fast!
' $29,950
Eastside C05ta )\.1r5a. Spat\.
i5h tile roof, re:itals on large
77:rcl50' 101. Income S385
month. Our ~st 'income ' re.
tw·n in area.'
E xclusive With ·
r ·'~ Victofia
$21 ,500 FULL PRICE!
3 bedroom.~. Nicely cer~ted.
Situated on oversized lot nes..
!led bet\\·een tall shade trees
in good Costa i\Jeia. location
neai· schocils & shops. NO
00\VN VETS or $1.000.down
io all other buyers.
~~R~~~ t,~e~:s
Walker & Lee
2700 Harbor mvd. at Adams
5~9191 Open 'Iii 9 P i\!
!\e1vly painted &. ca~tecl.
Spacious home \\·ith .J bdrms
fl nlay 1Je cqnvenlently used
as separate dining room) &
family room. \\'ell equipped
kitchen with abundent coon·
ter space &; cupboards · plus
breakfast an-a. S56,5CY.1.
Barrell Really 1
1605 \Vestclilf Dr., NB ~
642·5200 ~ ..
1220 Dolphin Terr, CdM
Formal dining room, 3 BRs
Z baths, huge living room
with fireplace + famlly
room overlooking large pa.
lio. 2500 sq fl llvlna: area.
1860 Ne1vport Blvd,, Ci't
CALL 646-3928 Eve1. 644·165S
(hrer 4,000 sq. ft. or luxury
Jiving v.•Hh a panoramic
vie11•: 4 bedrooms. huge Jlv.
ing room. breakfast area :
paneled fa mily room , wi!h
flrepl11cc. Like new. Ptlc:!d
john macnab
17111) 642·1235
901 Dover Drive, Suite 120
NeWport BC?ach
On channing Qlf! Dr. Jn
Ne\\'port Heights. -3 Bed·
rooms, dining room, deluxe
Built In kilchen and a tre.
!!J,cildous basen.ent rumpus
JUST '!Lr~o'i DOWN
646-71 71
·~ ESTATERS 0·'''"" •"·~·
Homes It•
Corner lot fn the hesiot or
l\le!e Verde's n~at redden.
tial area. Pri~ to &ell ialt.
$19.COO •
• )th·sa\ Cr~(')\o~ 1 it,,
546-5990 '
Gener1I 1000
E. Bolt• AYI.
in Weit Sant• AAA-
This well located p~rty
Is situated at 4nT E. ebua
Ave .. 1 mi. 9t'ellt of Harbor
Blvd., in the city ot Santa
Ana. All utilities available .•
Man.Y. zoniftg uses· poulb&e:
Convale1cent home, 1part-
ments, commercial, lllld re-
lated uses. Inherlt:artce taX
paid on appraised va1ue of
$60.®. Seiling pritt·'6J,600.
Phone 542..sa33
or 546.1898
." Courtesy to.Brok~n
ON THE ·BAY . I . .
Palatlal, ba,yfront home
in exclulliVe ~Y1horell.
Latge 'Pier & slip.
3 Bedrooms ·&:. maid'L
Spacious living room.
Fabulous ba,yside ~ltChea.
Lovely, well kept (l'OUDds.
' $345,00)
Listed exclual"-tv with
673-4400 .
Beautifully kept -_gulet -
safe -lttesa Verde nei&}\..
borbood. Walk to library and
school. Squeaky Oean 3 be'd--
room 2 bath home. Larp
master suite separate from
the other bedroom•, Law
maintenance, lal'Ke yard.
Rc1tdy for YoU at $29,$0
v.ith ea!ly tenns.
\"" ESTATERS '--"1 •, L ' '0
By O\\'nlng this tine d·upl.~X.
Sham pride af OW1"1enhlp.
Safe short' walk to beach.
CarPets, drapes. bullt~lns,
retrigeratm· in ·®th unlt.s,..,A
.barpin at $49.IXXI in New•
port Beach. Never a vacancy
-solid Income. '
1093 Baker, C.M. 5'7-6440
Large 4 bdrm Z M.lh in Co!ltt.
l\fesa for S2Q,OOO full prlCll
-011 big ·cOmer · lot. ·With
Sl500 do\\'n totlll" payment
is $177/mo. inclqdlng tixes,
Available for non.vets or
vels. Vacant • see today.
CALL 54CJ.1151 Heritage Re'al
Estate (ope1_1 eves)
Spanish tUe, gay derorattir
wallpapers. o rp en beamll,
v.·et bar: bri ck patio &:
pla11ters blend iil rorTientie
hannony wllh this nr. new
3 BR., I o w malnienance
high \"Rlue home. Offered
at S3t950. °"-ner will as-
sist fu financing.
Hal Plnchin & Assoc.
3900 E~ toast Hwy. 6T5439Z
4 + family rovm with GI
loan of $22,200 at $191 incl.
all . or lovely Mesa Verde
3 + fam(Jy • dinina rooma-
Cambridgt' Series.
$(6-58111 ,-,
r ... "*"'& LLEGE Ii ~ llOO-• . ' .
5 ·lledrm + Pool
J baths, tun dlnina roc1t1.
Rich WOQd panelln1 • hand·
some bttaldast bar. Real
farnlly Uvtng in an Are6 of
n"K>st conWnle-nce. 540-172«
TARBELL 2'55 Harbolo
. A ~rlvate Gflmps~
Into t.hb excitllli world of
th;i ~t .e"xcluslve t'Hident.
la 1ectlon on the Bide: Bf.y
In bover Short1. s brarM:I
new models. 4' bdri'ns, 3~
ball>$. Spl>'kllntr P90I-Roy
J: Ward 1.CO GIJ&xJ' Dr.
646-1530 '
"· '
The committee apparently
wants to give the present
limited dlsclosurt system lhat
only went Into ertect this year
a further trial.
LA.l•isr Prict reduced tol22.7SO on 3
3 . BR ~ ))f.tb behle. comer
lot l.JOx180 " add-$ mare
unJla Drive by 1513 lllntl An' Aft. tbea call .
llanla 1Cr1dtg
Undtr Ole present &}'steoi
two types of financial reports
must be filed each year by
senators arid by Senate of
nc11b and employ" "'"°"' salary' ls over $1.S,000 a year.
Bree~tJ Day for Sailors . ' uUiern California continued to enjoy lovely wcath· •
e·r while most of the nation braced for wfntei:. And
at l\talibu, these Californians took to the \Yater ln
lllcir catartman rlding a wave (left) .and then lip
over as temperatures reached the SQ.degree mark.
262' HAllOl llVD. ::':::,. l!i bothl ckltc to
141 1640 DAV IDSON RH lly o,... 1 .. ll:fl IJG.$460 Eveo. ~~1058
tll l :JO UNITED fVNO -Jlave '"''""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~. Yott Contributed'?
many buys In apj>lianctt
)'OU find In tfie • O•ISffled
Ads. Owck them nawl
~~~~~~~~-~~~----:------~~-r--·--·-------. -.. ~ • • "' < • • •.. .,. '• -. '•• • I•.:.'~.• t ,•,•,,•,•,•,',', •,•,• •,• o •,•,•, o ·~ ~ •'••• , .. ,•,••,• ~ .. , .. , .. ~.-..
-, Mondlf, Otambtf: 1, -1%9 -/ • ~~~nJ:n..-'Tii;n.'ju<iSEii1Sr<iFlliRi<SAALLEi"'-iMHOiouSE5 FOR SALE -1 HOUSES iloR s.ll.E .Jl0UJ.E$ POR SALi! RENTALS .. RENTALS
. Hou... Unfumiah.d A;tta. !'urnithed ---oGl.!!t.rtl • _ Genuol . 1000 Gener>! llXIO Huntington leech. 1400 Huntlngjon BNch 14t0 ~-,.,----...,..,.,... -~------
Apt1. Furnithed
AplL Unfyrnbhod
, FOREVER VIEW OF Costa ~ i1 0.-ol 4000 -H-u-nt-ln_gt_o_n_lo_o_c_h_4400._ Cosio MeH
NLooewklnHgomNl•r? A College Par~ °""'~~~~ ... !Ugh NEW HOME ~tect .. ')! .;-..;...!'~ v..,.L~Ew~ :."..!.5'1deal AVAU.. l • 2 Bdr. Spac. _N_E_W __ A_P_T_S_I
W"th p I on• cilll A low $3,700 down I MME DIA TE MOYE IN 1rp1c WaodloDll Scl>l dltt to. at,.i.. or motTl<d cpl. pool, bit-ins. Enjoy the heh.
Don 't ovcdook th<. Tbe fin-I QQ PU!• f011 in <hi• profcNiOn· 4 BDRMS 11/z BATHS 1225 ·.,. leue. ~ ~ C•o1PI llo<ne, lotmdromat, Adil• Sl:t.i .+. 219 15th SL.
" 5100
icky owner h" p0ilwd !hi• oJJy land""'ped chol'm<'' 543-7357. TVPh., h~~ •1~ !?.~La"': ~H.,.8".==-;--;-;;;;-= $150 & $175 aem IO perfection. 3 '''-' $26,950 with a "''°" '"jling vtow 1/4 MILE FROM BEACH -Y---BACHELOR & 1 BR fun>.
bedrooms. 2 bath
, wann ( bdrm 2 bath en Fordham from llvirig room and king *tt~t~ ~~«>.stri:,,;;...,..'=====;:;:::==:o I $140 ·up. Adults, no pell. UTILITIES PAID
family room Md big living Drive. This b BF.Sr POOL 11lze masltr bedroom. Plush s20 990 Pets. 545-Q!M. 561'..&IOO. ·1,. _ _,,,
....___ 11301 Keelson Ln. 842-7&18 1 & 2 Bdrm, 2 s"'lm pools.
room withnCOEy fire~!_':~· }JOME BUY JN AREA, carpets throughout with t · rn. Q~. -·-~--3 BR 211,,_ .... "'.'"•_-.,... ____ ._1_00 l\Vest of Stach nr Slater). Adults only, no pe ls. Furn llardwood oors and :>1, ... e pullman baU1s al'lll 1iass-· I ......... -..... .......,.. 1 iJ desired. 642-353Ii
roof cluwn. P•rfect llni Exclu1ivo With ihroogh wifo """kitchen. HUNTINGTON BEACH -BLCp.._":t... .... ;,~·~~.":.':~· s~5:oo Wk. Up Oronge County o4600 30! Avocado SI, C.M. OOmc for lhe man on tho CWi1om Californhi. FTRE-..,._ .. .,,,, ,,._J» ~ .;,~ At I
"''' up. $ZS ... ""' "''""' Newport PLACE! All ""'tot ONLY Coll Now 962· 1353 3 BR.-•· cph •-2 cu • Stodlo A1 Br••"· • -"'on •"m"'
... t--• -. .... ~. e Kl'-"--• TV •~ SINGLE Adulls, I u x u r y GRAND OPENING 11'1 EVERY 31 MINUTES ·-mo N _,, ~· ~ ~· •t a:arage, ......,... ' 0 ,,.. ' e Phone Service & Pool gllf'tlen apts, W/full recrea-THE VICTORIAN
$37.000. 545-281.1, 540-6975. e Ma.VI service incl. tlon Jacllitiell l comp~te Ne1v, large 2 BR, 1 %, BA. S150
Colesworthy & Co.
0'1\ienl'' "For A \\'ise Buy''
Victoria WE SELL A HOME 1410 HOUSE In court. Crpta, e ·D.ty 'Wttk & Month privacy. South Bay Club Adultsonly.Crl!ts.drps·hltns.
... ··11 Walker & Lee No TURKEY --m-s wes1 2376 """'"" mv.i. ,...9,-,, A•"· "' So. a"''"""''· So"'' '"''""· '" '" w1 --AL SAYS 17th St. Costa Meu. Anaheim Cn4) 772-4500 iro~. Fenetd yd w/patlo.
"''-' '-' Coronc dei Mar·• ., $25. f'er Wk. & Up =~=======;I 27~~~;:oQ!1~d:filat9 ~A~°25 Best Buy in a FOUR bed-~~med Ul~ 1 wm Ne.port BMch 3200 Bachelor&: 1 BR. htd poo1 o • .:C..n Gro'le 4610 ~~~. pd66~8~~~ ma~~
room VIEW liome with a , oor run-mak! ten'ice Kitchens I,. 636-4120 ' $38,500 ht'ated and ' filtered Iarre nlngouC .'3bdrma.2 ba.1ht. TV va1L 450.Victori& (N SINGLE Adulll: Luxury ;:--,=-,"""=-=~""'"I Golfers--Take Notel 5 Bedrm + 3 Baths POOL, two lull baths a din-$25,600 FHA . loan payable TOWNHOUSE ~) · r garden apts wi country 2 Bdnn lHi Ba BU -ius, Util-
We have new JistingJ of seV· . ing room a ~ife'i $243 per month including all. l Bdrma., ~% baths. Ac1ults.1,,.,,.....,,=·===,,__,..,.,..... club atmosphere d com· ity rm. gar. patio, new crpts
eral large Custom • Built Full dining room for those DREAM KITcttEN overlook. Your down will handle. only. Faces pool, $275 Mo. $156-A'M'RACTIVE. 1 bdr., plete privacy. SOU1H BAY new dtpg, 1 mi. OCC No
home• al00g the 1airways holiday bi1nqur1s. :! lire-Ing lhe pool, a two-way fl.re· <XNkl.er trade 1or smaller BAY & BEACH pool, util pe.id, prden Jiv-CLUB AP'J'S l3JOD Chapman pets. S160. mo. rl-$50 dep.
of beautiful 1'1esa Verde plaer. Pool ~izcd '-Tounds. plat'(! and the FULL PRICE ·home. Owner 11P1!tJ1: $:lfJOO on REAL TY, INC. ing, adultr, no petS 1800 Ave., Garden Grove ·(TI4) 968-7'172
Country Oub. Up to 36.50 sCJ Prin1e • JirCslii;;c location. ls $55,000. Owner transfer-the 2 pa.lios all upgraded 901 ~r Dr., NB SUite 126 Walla~ Ave., C.Af. 636-3030 'c;;O:;;;Nc;;OO;u;M;;-fN"'J;;U;,>-fl.--.,,3-;;BnR-. '2f
ft I: 6 bdrms. C':!ll no\v Ior S.ID-l7'20. r~d East. See this today! carpets, tile, drapes. StipU 64S.2000Eves.~66 BACHELDR a pt, lrplc,I========= BA, 2 car gar, S\Vimming
f1111her details, TARBELL 2955 Harbor Vogel c. 2667 E. Coast Hwy, clenn. WATERFRONT Lux. Apt. on beams, pri. patio, 1 adult, L19una &each 4705 PoOI & rec. facilities. $17;>
5.C6·S810 3 HR, 2 B,\, lan1 1!y room, CdJ\I. 673-7<rZO .?! RF 7 the Penin. New 2 bdr., 2 no pets. S95. yrly. 673-7629 010. 5'W-1007 or 557~ aft COMFORTABLE (nUrclntJNU!ealrt) prof d((co1·. 111:. yr old-xlnt -f~M be.., pool. IM. adults. &at FURNISHED 1 er. apt, $120. OIARMING Partly f urn 6.
TWO BEDROOM lLEGE REALTY cone!. $32,500, ZIX2 F1eet Balboa Penln1ula 1300 r~ mm-slips avail. Caribe Balboa, Furn •tud.io apt i uo. 213.l seaside studio bungalovJ, v·'A"L"'u"•"'""'A°'d"u1"1-=.,.::,::,:;:,,,,,::n:;:ly'"'.:?
ISOOA.dalnsatH-llbol'.CM. Lane, JIB . Owne r &16-432!1 ·---------1 G.I. RESALE 4 Bdnn., 2 ba., 310 Fernando Rd., (n4) Elden, C.M. Stt Mir apt 6. garden setting. Lea~ $170 BR, no pets. Drps, cpta, O~ARD,,.! .. 00
0.!,.LOO, .':':·.1 :=:::=:::=:::=~~~=:1 -~H~O~R~S~E~S,..-OR UNITS 673-3003 inc gar, all u tilities, dlh h hid I · t L4ua _0 .. ..... .. UC\.I Developer's Duplex room for trailer andJor · AVAIL.now, 2 BR furn apts., Tele-clear. Ref.~. 49.i.2775 s 11· r, poo • qwe . k!tA"• di Three bedroom upper two boat, beautiful ·--"-, ct°". WINTER RENTAL -'Tll adult Jiving, btd pool, rec $m. 2295 Pacific Avt. room. oozy '''"'n and n-Mesa Del Mar ~; acr(' 3 Br, 2 Ba. pool, as-J'IUUO .. u . OCEAN •-.w ......... apt on ... ~. "" .. -ing area. Attaclled garage sumt' 6% %. Owner 531·7636. bedroom lower, In very good to schools, $7,IXX> down, June -The Bl.....,,., 3 Br, room.._ good loc. 646-5824 u""' •~""' ...,o-uo, or .,., ........... .,
-extra large lot. Excellent rental area. Now fully lea. 6~% loan. 8J9.6Cm.1 11882 den, crpts, drpe, frpI. 21========= pvt beach. 2 roonu, 2 baS,l'LAR""'~G~E~2,-o,BR.~'-..,,~i..-.i,..~·.1
.... ~ -be•otitul 5 bdnnlf, 3 baths, dining C I u. 1·100 ed. Good growth potential. Wilfteria F.V. patioa, pool&. S1S-449'l or Newport Be•ch 4200 Jlll.Ho, garage: $225 int":, util. carport & pool. Kids ok. '""'6'""''""'"" os • ""''• ,,~ -=========:f"•• ..... ,, 499-3768 or 213: 192~163. 4 Coll tree lined street. 5eelng is room. Walking distance from ---------$ .......... _ ~ 221 ege, Apt No. 2.
hlilievi.ng. ONLY $21,51,!) Kindergatt.e.a - -College. OLDER 2 BR house, 2 car BURR WHITE l•guna Be•ch 1705 CHARM""''°""IN=G-...... =1,-."'J0Br'°.":l32S:;:;;;IN::-....,--,.:--::&-acb°:-' ____ RENTALS ~7095
WITH TERMS. $38,500. gar. Lrg lot -suitable for REALTOR m:>. 2.123 East IlluU Dr. GRAND OPENING Apts. Unfumlshed ~B~RA""'N~O,-,N"e_w_l,.-,&'""'2-B=R=-.
Well5-McCardled R~trs. =b="='"=in='g=. ="'=:>-600==' ===I 2901 Newport mvd., N.B. BEAUTIFUL * fl"'a-6044 * IMMEDIATE W/W cpt.., all bltns Incl.
Jl,'ice· 3 bdrm. horn.!_.,
on quiet cul-de-sac:
street. lh3t' CO\"ered pa&.,. Prime l\les.i.
Verde·location. Nt'W
l isti ng . $26;500.
plase call for a~
pointrnenl to St'c.
(0pon Eveninp)
5 BIG bedrooms, CUSTO~l
IZED kitchen, HUG~ PA·
TIOs and brick planters.
Woodbumlng FIREPLACE,
\VIW carpets aix1 cusroM
drapes.· You've never .&et'n
so much home Jor just
$31.900 with gQOd terms~
Walker & Lee
20-l3 \\'rstcUlf Dr.
Immediate possession to a
qllllitied buyer. 3 Bedrooms,
18.l'&'e-lot w1th alley entrance
for boat or trailer + 2 car
garage, 1 • Block from Jr.
vine Ave. Channing East.
sk!e Costa ~1esa. }lop, skip
and a jump !tom \VestcliU
shopping. -$26,950, Let"s
la1k terms,
' ' 'i 'L "
Harbor View Hills. .f BR. 2
Ba.., 3 car gar. c.ombo kit·
Jam. rm. L&nd!Caping prof.
done. ''Spark.l ing" clean.
Al F ink ......
Coldwell, Banker & Co.
550 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, Calif.
83J.0700 644-2430
$1100 DOWN
\\fill buy this Eaatside 3 bd·
rm fixer UJ>Pt"l' for a quaJ.
tfW IBA/VA bUYtr, Va-
cant 6 waiting 1or a new
owner. ... -PERRON
";J .. .,.. • "'
* 642·1nl Anytime *
3 BR. 1'% bet. 17 n. Uv. nn.
Cpta. drps, bltn1, LA:r lot,
a:w. m.t 11~. m .200.
675-lf.132 557·9'11.'1 E\"t~
• 3036 E. Cou1 Hwy .• Cd"
5 lledrm + Fomlly rm.
? ba1M, dtn tor retulm;.
Electr!c k:ltr:htn, nc>W dlsb-
""WK>I'. t:lepnl tlr'f!t)iace.
Room fOT b»I. MC).}j;1'0.
DW. dil'td 6<2-"1178. ChAr<c
yoo; ad, thtn ~sit hick and
listen to Ult pOOnt ring!
lSlO Newport Blv ·· .P.l. STa-4630 6t2-225.1 Eves. BEACH .HOME . OCCUPANCY Gtiner•f 5000 se.U cleaning oven. Patioii;,
S.18-7729 644-0684 eves. Mesa Verd e 1110 in lovely Laguna condo. com-Newport He19ht1 3210 Luxury &arden apartments --:---:--:-:--::--garages. Adulu:. &15-2Ul8.
4 Bedrm + F a mily Rm.
Pleasing home with niodern
built in kitchen. Covcrt'd
patio. 011'1\er h!!\ps 1vilh Lin·
anoing. SJQ-11'20.
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
Charming 3 BR. w I large
lncd. yr, cov. patio. Hdwd.
firs., frpl., bltn. kitch. ~r.
schools, church &: shcips.
Owner "'/linanoe, $27.000
W•lker Rlty. 675-52IXI
3366 Via Udo, NB Open Sun.
Ideal Location
Georg• William1on
673-4350 Eves. 673-1564
£ASH! ..
4 BR. 2 BA, fn1 rm. exee
home. Bl1n~. good cond. Pvt
1•1;,Jlcd Jrnt pal io, lgc hid
S\v!in pool w/slide & div
brd. Proi landscpni;. Jo
main!. $-13.950, 5'10-7573
College Park . 1115 ----LG. 4 bdrm 2 ba. Assumable
low int loan. 2339 Colgate
Dr. For information call.
PERRON RLTY &12-1771
Newport Beach 12IXI
Believe us, rhrsl' homes a1-e
hal'd to find. Bright. clean.
3 bdrn1 '.! h;ilh home \l'llh
cozy fu't!platC'. patio & nire-
ly landsca,: ~d. \Va I kin g
dislanc<! to !\lariners School.
Price $28.500. Call 5-Jj.842•1
(open cvC'sl 5oul11 Coasl
Rral Estalc.
Large 4 Br. 2lh ·bath home.
Great area for children be-
cause of tlic pools. tennis,
clubhouse. AH for SJ.1.950.
Graham Riiy 646.2414
Near Newport Post OHice
$33,0{)() • POOL
Blutrs, S !?. mo. assn fee. 3
Br. 2323 East Bluil Dr.
4 BR. Z Br. unit. \Valk to
shops. $39,500 Agt &12-38:;(1
URGENTLY need 2-4 units;
bf>nch area. Have buyers?
642-2752 AnyLinie. Bkr.
Ba TwonhOUSt'. _ flreplact,
pool, ncls paint. $27,500.
Liaison Co. IH6-0732 "
LOVELY 4 Br, custon1 built,
Baycregt atta, lg<' backyd,
2001 Leeward. J48-0m
$55,000. 4 BR, 3 Ba, 3 yrs old,
cu~tom built, Will trade. 363
Vista Baya Circle 64Z-6S46
Newport Heights 1210
Nc1\t listing! 3 Bdrms .• 2
haths + c'xciting fnn1ily rm.
& kitch. coinbo. Great for
Jamily. Only S35 :JOO.
S::enic Ptope~1ie!! 6TN726
Dover Shores 1227
f;;Irrcplaccable \•ie\v'A"
Bay & Mountain•!
Rl'gRI "Old World" Contc.n1·
porary pic turesquf' homr wl
unobs!rt1ctC1l view • n1ost
rooms. 5 Br's. 41h Bn +
maids qtrs. Easy maint, Jm.
1nrd o r c 11 f'. Furnished.
$178,000. Consider lrade/vac,
lot. 1\ssume 6\~':0 J o an.
UnlversitY Park 1237
L• d I I 1306 . u · pJ t e 377 \V. \Vilson. "'-'n...:;.;•;...c•;c,:• ____ ;_ munity: fronting on magnlf-IM?.JAC 3 BR, 2 BA, frplc. o enng CQl1l e e privacy, e RENT
1 Linda Isle Drive icent heated pool, 100 stt'f)S Ne\V hid pool. Nr. schools. beautiful landscaping & un-NEWL\' decor. 4 BR, 2 BA.
from priv. bch., tennis els. S280 (2l3) 42l-1634 paralleled recreational facU· 3 Rooms Furniture built-ins. dshwhr. crpts. 4 BP., J BA home in finiil etc. Coinp. attractive furn . · ities in a country club at-$19.95 & UP c.lrps, patio. dbl gar, pooL
stagt's of completion. Palos mos h N I · · NO p-s n-•1 ••••Ms include \'o'/\V carpt'g, drps., Un1·verslty Park -3237 P e~. ow-easmg m I :onth-To-Month Rentals "'1 ·......, OJll'"'O~• Verdes stone cn!ry & frplcs. N rt •-h. kgsz master bed: location ewpo ccac \VlDE SELECI10N LARGE clean 2 BR duplex Fam Rm :; billiard rm. "· 1-~--• "-d ---•·-· '·d decor. 2 BRs, 2 BAs. sep. 3 BDRM, 2'k bat,.,,,-.. 6 game ... w•uSU<: or wuui-111111" NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. apt. l140. Z children OK. NO
Beaut. dee. $155,000 lv., din. rms: laun. with w/ . room, pool privil. Almost Models open 10 am to J pm HFRC Furniture Rentals pets Nr Newport Freeway &
Linda Isle Development ''°'·• 2~·· K''· lower le new. $315 mo-lease. 645-2996 Rents from $155 to $310. 7 c..oo ~•o• Palisades. 548-4~. 6C.Q791 Bill Grundy 675-3210 ~-OAKWOOD 51 w. l9th, CM ~-~ el. See to appreciate. Shown 1 BR. pri patio, all dee.
by owner, call for app't. Corona del Mar 3250 IRDEN VENDOME Crpts, drps, carport. No
1.35l 499-2152 or 837.-0791. 3 BR. r ,. ..i"'11 pets or cbildl'l'n, rerponalble ---------1 ' am. nn, in,.....,... mo AP TMENTS .. .HANDYMAN'S 3 BR. 2 BA 2 story $275 IMMACULATE .Ut'l'S! adults onjy. $ll5. 548-1322
lido Isle
VIEW CORNER Sfl@Cial! 4 Income units 120 2 BR. den'. trplc. $200 1700 16th Slrttt ADULT & FAMILY 2 BR + den + lHi Ba. Crpts,
VACANT -owner anxUrus! yds. to beach. Patios, decks 3 BR. 3 BA Lu.'<Ul'Y apt $325 Il4: 642"817D SECTIONS AVAILABLE drps, bltn3, WMher I ~r 3 B<t. + conv. playrm., 314 w/ocean view. Nds. paint, University Realty 673-6510 SINGLE Adult. Lu :icu r y Close to shopping, Park nr shops & bch. Peta ok. ~;1:U:s~~i;;~~b:I~: etc, Should gros~ $9,000 yr, 3 BR. 2 ba. home with g_arden apts with country *Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba ~'="~'··,,."=>-=77,.,<,,7...,.--::-=
R. C. GREER Realty P1·, $69.900. Consider trad.!s. outstanding vie\V of bay & c1ub atmosphere and c:om-* 2 Bedrooms AT'lltACTIVt:-clean Z BR.
MISSION REALTY '194-0731 plete privacy. SOUTH BAY * S1vim Pool, Put/rtten t ,.~ bllM --:::ti~ Via Lido 673-9300 -======~c-1 ocean. C crp s, .._.ir.>, , ....... I"' ... e DISTRESS SALE e Don V. Franklin, Rltr LUB APTS. Irvine at 16th, * Frpl, Indtv/lndry iac'is Adul!s. no pet.. $135 . BA YFRONT Oreanview hon1e. Lo1v do1vn 673.1222 Newport Beach. 1845 Anaheim Ave. 548-6769
Kear ne1v 5 Br. &: ~~:I: ba_th to assume xlnt loan. 5 yr. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 t714J 64a-0550 COSTA MESA 642-2824 --01028=°"E"°t°"C,-•m~iilo-,.,,D"ri,-,.-
hon1e. Pier & slip, old 3 BR. 1~-' ba. hon;e. BR 11· Ba Duplex. Avail %. BLK from ocean, yrly. Delu.xe 3 BR, 2 BA a.pt Drps.
Sl70,"'l0 Reduced to $~1.500 De' 1'~ S22j 64s:.2290 or h1~. 3 Br, z Ba c:io1vnstairs, $115. 2 Br. Redec, l.o>A·er. wlw cpts. 548-3481 or
l 1 DO REAL TY I NC. PLACE REAL TY 494-97[}( 121;1 -s -1818 • furn. or partly furn. 109 J4th Patio, w/vt, drps. Family 540--015"
RE A 5 -St NB 67>3315 Y.>elcome, Avail J.l.-1. Bkr. ---=~=-=---:-:,.-,=-:-:-I 3377 Via Lido 673-7300 NT L • DUPLEX. 2200 sq. ft. 4 BR, ' . . S34-698ll 2 BR, l~t &. crpt'd, drp'd &:
107 VIA EBOLI Houses Furnished 21h: BA. bltns. frplc. Gar. $150 l BR furn apt. Crp_ts, bltns. 1 child olc. $140. •~ SQ FT _ •325 Ilse. 540-7573 drps. bltns. Pool. 1525 SlZi. 2 Br. 10tove, crpts & 842-58, 27 . """"' • • • .. mo Placentia drpa. Chlld & pet OK. Blue ·=~,,__....,.,...,...,=~,,,-I 4 BR, 31,~ BA, 3 car garage. Newport Beach 2200 Beacon 645--0111 lM?.1AC, quiet .2 BR. New
Crpti. drps, unusual featur. Lido Isle 3351 1 BR.,latge. Near oce~ ·;no 2 Br Stove refr!g crptg, drps, bltns. Adults
ei;. Built 1967. Ownt'r C. R. TOWNHOUSE; 3 BR. 21h WRITER'S h'd y 2 Br Upstairs. $150 Yrly. Util pd. wt\v drps ' Avail ~w Bkr. only. $140. 546-5386
Gangi. 213 I 244-3101; eve! BA, frplc, patio, pool, 2 car 1 1
1 ea:i 213. SUndeck. 673-8088 534-69so ' · • · $ll5 PER mo. z BR. 1 11mall
213 I 2.JG.0700. 01)en. gar, all bllns, cpti;, drps. ~~ase S:-9173 e, · child OK. No pets. Blt-lns,
Lse S325. mo. unfurn ;JOO. or Corona del Mar 4250 Costa Mes• 5100 crpts. drps. 538-9462. Aft 5 Huntington Beacn ~ Avail 12/1. 8]1-88ll Of H . ... se h 340011---------
642-2497 untin •. on •c LARGE. Private. v i ew I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. J Newport Beach 5200 $22,~:c:~~~OOM F'lREPLACE. Pool, 2 bdr., 2 4 tsR. 1%. BA, lge living rm bachelor. So. of hi\\lay. MERRIMAC WOODS EASTBLUFF
ba., patio, adults. Bayf;lde with frpl c, kit/fam rm Refrig & hp only, $ill. .lust completed, 1 or z BR, 2
$140 pt"r manth include! all VIiiage. Until July 1st. $200. combo. only 2 yrs old. Nice· 673--6904 BA with air cond, com· Ne\\/ 2 bdrni. 2 ba. Cpts.,
on existing loan anyone c1n c Jl (2131 2'22-4309 or 673-5419. ly lanclscpd. Avail Dec, 10. STUDIO APT nr bch. $115 pletely soundproofed, sell dl'ps., bltns. Ovttloofling
assumt" without qualitying! OCEAN lronl house. Lg Z $230 per mo. 962-4642 nio includes util. Call days cleaning ovena, wood ceil-back bay. Xlnt Joe. nr. shop.
Featuring 4 huge bedrooms. BR. 2 BA. Crpts, drps, LEASE $215 pe1· mo. 2 story 642-4210, eves 54.S.-2583 ing1, 'lalshwashers, lu sh cntr., churches. schools, etc. 2 lu.wrious baths. C.11arming 816 Am•·go• \Way Apl D yard, patio. $250. winter. 3 BR, 21Ai BA, Shorecrest 1 BR furn. rear apt., pref landS<:Rplng with atreams & · • · ;~~::!·,~:~:Ch c;:~1~;: 673-8088 tract, H.B. Call 548-4905 aft adult lady. 3110 mo. yearly. watet1alls, elevators, BBQs, $250 per mo. yearly.
Ankle deep carpeting. Ex· 2 BR. 1 BA. 1,; blck rrom bay 6 or wlmds. Util pd. 673--7074 clubhouse. saunas, jacuui & >.. &lS.&OSO 0
'l'C'Ut'tlt cul-de-sac. \VUI sell & beacll. SlliO + util. \\'inter CUTE new 2 bdrm. & den, 2 BR, 2 BA, s. ot Hwy, swim pools, prlv. gar, w/ • • •
fl-IA and VA. rental tc> July 1. 675--25.19 Ca r P e· t s & d r a P e s, furn/unfurn. Garage-Phbne atorage. Evel')"lhin&: n e w. -•'iW"f CL.&
&: 3 blks Starting at $140. Adults WE SELL A HOME RENTALS dishwasher • range. . 675-7478 please. Just East ot 2600 SPACIOUS new 2 bdrm
EVERY 31 MINUTES HoUMI Unfurni1htd from ocean. 536-8296 $15.5 Spacious furn. sgl frplc. Harbor Blvd, next ro Nabers 2 b.th. Nr. shopping. Walker & Le·e 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA, frplc, prlvacy,soofhwy.Nopeb, Cadillac at (25 Merrim&c $240 n.r mo. --------3000-· new cpts &: drps, dbl gar, businessman. 675-4859 \Vay. 545-6300 r-
General Iencd back yd. sr.:i0. 962.$ Mariner Square Apts. 7682 Eding<!r
8-124·155 Open 'lil 9 P:O.f
FOR lea:&e inunac 4 BR, 2 Bilbo• 4300 HARBOR GREENS 1244 Irvine Ave., N.B. FrH Renl•i Service BA. $195 mo. STEPS to be.,h. 2 BR.,;;;;;;
tor example; •968-7448* CLEAN Bachelor Apts. clng. Crpts, drps, stove.
Beautiful 3 bedrm., 2 bath ====:=:;;==~::=;:I All util jncl $83 up BACHELOR 11nfurn from Quiet working couple. No
home 1vilh1 healed and•fil· Fount•in V•lley 3410 315 E.BalboaBlvd. $110. Also avail 1 · 2 & 3 pels,$150yrly.675-0tl5
d 1 · t V rd BALBOA 673-9945 Bdrm. Heated J!OOls, child ter" poo 111 l\ csa e c. A ~ care center, adj to sboppini;. 3 BR ., 2 Ba .. SPACIOUS, ir has built-ins, llrcplacc, 3 BR. 1,. B . lge ~nus rm. L"d 1 1 4351 No pets. Crpts, drps., firepl., bit-ins,
forced air heating. \Ve have Child's playhouse in rear. 1 0 I• 2700 Peterson Way 1 blk. lo beach, $250.
more. stde yard for boat or ~ \Vell OVERLOOKING Bay Co•ta •t .. ~· 546-03iO 646-4391. 111.ndscaped. Close to school. " .. -. 968-7100 fl r: Comp! Furn. l br. apt. Sun 2 nR. unfurn apt. Sl.50. Patio
a "· dk.. 1:12; mo. incl otil. Fauw' ay Villa Apts • ""''· Q-pts, d'P' " bl(!.
Sinta Ana 3610 ,,-===·======I 1525 PlacentiL
i\tUS"I' SELL J large BR I~ ORANGE COUNTY'S 2 BR, 2 childten OK .No pets Huntington &Nch 4400 Near Orange Co Airport &:
ba , dining room. Adult OC· LARGEST I 25 Stt t 2150 Ca 1---'0-------1 UCI. Adults only. 20122 E•st Bluff 5242
cu pied only. Low down to 2629 HARBOR Bl. VD. 1 · owner a • NE\V QUIET 1 BR. nr ocean. Santa Ana Ave. 540-2796 e NEW DELUXE e
presenl financing. Quick pos. 546-8640 nYon. C.M._ $145 pri deck or patK>. ! Br. 2~ ba apt for lease
BRASHEAR REALTY OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 Laguna Beich 3705 Singles or cpls only. 202 1-V-IL_L_A_M_E_S:-A_A_P_T_So-I Incl. spae. mutr. 10uite, din
16952 Bl'ach Blvd., 1-1.B. 14th. 536-1319: 673-1784 rm. &: dbl garage, aulo. 8 • o-., 3 -nvo Bdrm, epts. J-1/\V I.=======-;;-;;;;-I i, . ......,7 ...,1. 769 968-ll•o noon:, fireplace, B/N kit, ELEGANT Ocean. V w . STONEHENGE APTs. 2 BR. 2 BR unfurn, pri paUos, hid door opener avail. Pool &
1'10VE In this v•eekend! \Vhy Dinette, Garage and large J-lornc, Lse-. or Option, $325 2 BA. 2320 Florida, nr "°°'· 2 car encl'd gar. Chil· t't!C. area. Nr. Catholic
not! \\Ir ha1·t' the homes to yard. Near shopping &. a mo. 3 bdr. Laguna Bch. Beach&: Adams 5J6-.7J.a0.-. <!ren welcome, no pets Church. Adults, no pt11.
sell. 5 homes !isled here are transportation. ll60.0Q mo. DRYS. 837-2970, eves .1 BR ?tieda!Uon condo,' all please! $160. Also tum $185. • ONLY S24:i •
\'leant & Im n1e di ate l y Broker 646--0555 494-4390 bit-In, rebig, encl. patio. TI9 W. Wllaon. 646-1251 865 Amigoa \Vay, N.8.
available. If you have a LARGE 2 story 3 or 4 BRs LARGE, newly rede<.. 1-Br. pool. quiet. $140. 67s..&14 White Elephants! DAILY Pnm \VANT ·ADS!
really big problem v:t' have l 3x21' rumpus room. bit-ins, duplex. Ocean view. AdullB, .;_.:,;:'=='-====:0:=========..;,;========
!he solution. ~x L. Hodges nevdy dP.COrated. $270/mo. no pets. $115 mo. yearly. ,G:;•::;"°:::;r..:•;ol_...;. ___ 1;.;000;;.;;.;;Gl.;;.;..ne_r..;•:.;l _____ 1..;000G.;..;..;..;:e_n_er_•_l _____ 1000 __ I Rltrs. 847-2525 5.j7_7648 PI.ACE REALTY 494-9704 1•
WEIGH ING VALUES? I ;P"'R"E°"STJ=G"E"2°,°'io:::ry,-ex"'eco=1"'l\·e R. 3 ba. T
kl f ' LARGE fam ·•ly home LGE. 5 B . · o Loo ng or your monl.'y ~ specla l .. '1 \rg BR's, 2 Baths I 1 "• n-t ---·
i .. -.S"""'.'."'~-~~-:-lA~-:-9'~£-f}-S~-= '1--0r\h? Then lakt' a pc<'k at + fainily room. 0 n I Y, Ba.Ycttst. 4 bdnu, f&m. rm. reaponalb e am1..,. nen or
this 2 Br .. tile ruofed bung-Sll.499. Submit on tt'nns. dining rm. den A: pool Av.i.il lease. 540-3862
alo1I'. FP $34,200. Assume S%7o FHA. I ~64~2-5200~~,-:;-;;:-";::--o;:::;:·IM.;r.:iF:i°':"':~==· =B=kr::'==:=:::I • red h•111 . -,,:,-,R.,..E-·-~-~-·-~-cV-;a//.,·-;;-S~U!c~· 2w1!ic»!e~ ~~f-C_ond_om __ in_lu_m'::"":-7':-:39:-50-f
Ill\'. Park Center. lrvlnt
Cill fin~ rime ~.mo
Corona dal Mar 1250
\\'4' have al Jhls tim<! "\'ail·
:ablt an Otlts!and!n,i: !elf'c-
·lion in Corona dtl ?.t::ir unit~
ranalflj;" fron1 duple~,.~ .,
S47,500 10 6-plexe• al SJ.a;i,ooo.
Evrn llQmt! single re•ldt'nces
nn R2 lot1 starting r.t $31.500.
l\liJAI or rhr6" f'tv~r11,.s arc
Real £$1atrr E:icrlu~?ll a.nd
:irr not on 1hr general mar-
kl"r. Ir )'OU art In !ht' mKrkct
for inoon1r proJlC'r1y In Cor.
ona dcl Mar -JW1t QIJ1
,'"'-ESTATERS " "· ·. ' ... ---------,
"Better Than New" aearon ~w , Bdr. , aa. Poot. •11-1 ...
$160. 2 Bt townhst', 2 Ba. erpts & drps. S200 a mo.
Pool. TC'f:n &: pct OK. Blue Ca.II -646-96&1, Aaent. LARGE 5 BDRM
Carpet('(!, drapes, fenced.
Pn!stige 11re11.
3 bdrm 2 ~ hilwd fin., l•
month okt" 21:.36' heated A:
filtered pool. sin ptt month
PlYI •U.
Tfte Real E1tat1 M•rt
De11icon 645-0111 RENTALS
S140 1 Br Cottage. S1ovc & Apft. Fumi1hed
relrtg. N~w cpts. Avail now.
Blue Bl"acon 645--0111 General 4000
$180. 3 Br. 31g btncd yd. The GORCEOUS New
Chlldttn. pe~ OK. Avail VAL D'I SERE 1:1-1. Bkr. 5:14-'9111
-• BR. _1 bl'--Slrvle-1 br-2 br. Furn.-unl ,.,_, mo. " '"" c, ........ Sauna. Act'y Rm Bill1ards
Nciwly decorated. Walk to Thuapy 1. 4~, ~. BBQs
bt>ach I: fO't\'TI. 615-1488 "" 20:0 Panons Rd. &12-8670
147-1531 Cotfl -3100 llOLlOAY PLAZA
DELUXE. apeek>u1 l Bdrm 4 RDR.\I. l~i beth, 2 )1" old, ---------Furn apt $13S plu$ util .
BUnir, rri,lc, paUo. Nr AChls FOR. lease $210. ~ B~. 2 B~. Heated pool, ample parldng
k shop'£: centt'r. Anume Nr l!Choola l shop I · AVllll No" children _no petl.
6'1' GI loan. Call O>A1'1Ct. 1711 C.11 54M!l88 1965 Pomona, C.M. Sl7..Q521
RY O\\'NER, tnansf. ntu~t BU!ilEST niarkelplaco •In $110. Urn pd. Bllchtl.or-~pl. ~J;J SR + den. 2 ba, frplt:, 1o"n. The OAILY Pltm ~~:·~'::~'t~~~~I. ll/4.
b111ts, l'o'/w C'1·pl1t. 5~\ Gf Cla~tlll'd sN:hon. Sa v r ;;;;;--;n;co:;;;;;~;;;;;-.;;;:;: l••n ~ 111 -, liO, 2 Br, bllns, W/W. drps;
u n · -'"""' _, money, llmt' ' e.Uort. 1 ""' _... children, ptt1 ,v t: I come .
Av1tll fl()'ll{. Dkr. 53H980 now!!! DAD..Y PILOT \\'ANT AOS1
TAe Punfe wilh the Bui/I-In Chuckle
• ,
6 ~~:c:~~~ U[!IRl l I I I I I I I I
Apta. Unfurnlollod
East Bluff 5242
NEW 2100 sq ft S BR &:. !am
rm, 3 BA. Owner'• lwc apt
Th2 Arfliiol W~. ~
Coron• del Mir
Motels, Trl r. Cm. 5997
Spacea avail now. fitax 26',
Call &46-9681
\VEEIQ...Y rates Sea Lark
l•totel, 2S01 Newport Blvd.,
* *
• 'I ., I . . . ' ••
*· * *
*Don't! -
C..'1 UJ LI' )'OU •till belleyt ln
· cave 1ble dat1nr.
Costa Me&a
When You
Want it done
right •••
Call one of
the experts
listed below/I
o.l:.~~ m,"'~..... Pnlad ta be an
,.. -Misc. Rent1l1 5999 ,a.~~ HOOSIERS Traller Court.
525 Falr!u: Dr., C.M. AdU
ON TEN ACRES Park ln heart ol town. 2 Whaddya Want? Whacldya Golt
Spoclll Rate
LAUM. pleue call W., Am • m
=-=ber=.;. =51'~=*=" 11 er1can •••
l & 2 BR. na, le Untum s[lltel up to 38', 548-2310
Fin!places I p"Fl'v. patios I SI'ORAGE garage "'5 per
Pools. Tennlt. Contnt'l Bid.st, month. ~10· h. I gh •
900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-2611 Schworer 673-26.54
<MacArthur nr. Co11.st Hwyl ="'-=~-----~ 1 FULLY Enclosed garaae, $20
NEW DUPLEX per mo. Costa Mesa.
1 UNIT LEFTI ""'==*=,.._==""=*== Z BR. 2 Ba. ($250), Priv, pa--
tio, cov. garage, cptd., drap.
ed. C.omp, bltns. Best loc,
lncom• Property 6000
5 LlnH -5 tlm11 -5 budc1
J-WNt '" Ill-.. .. trMt. .......,.., ~ • .,,. la ...... ._YOUll ""°"' aM/tr ....,.... ~ .... .t __,..._.
t--HOTNINI) 1'0111 SAi.i -TitAOEI OHi.Yi
PHONE 642-5671
To Pl1c1 Your Tr1d1r'1 P1r.cn .. All
>< '75-60 50 0
-l'ri' ,,, ... .:
fleaut. ocean ~""lot, street
to 1treet, So. Laguna, Want IN SMOG FREE income units.
Stamp OlDeetion: F t n e
cond. Mounted, '61 catalog
vaJu ovr $8IXXI. Trd 113
catalog for mob'! htn. or as
down on Oraiwe Co, hm.
497-1416 •
Pauma Valley ~;,·~·Real=
. 3 NEAR new apts .• lge, 2 Lovely home & swim pool FAMILY Memberahip In Jr.
a r1ck, Masonry, etc.
Floors 6665
BUILD. Remodel, repalr Free Clt. Lie. cootr. ~7262,
Brick. block, cone re t e, 1-=54=&-44=78;::::======-carpentry, no job too small. 1 ·
Lie. Contr. 962.-6945 G•rd•ning 66IO
GARDENING Ir land$Caping.
fi yn exp.Clean·up, ---------1 sprinklers inlt'd A repalred.
SM!!.EY'S ""-11'"
Buslnftl S.rvlce 6562
Business Sgryices ~! .. ='."""c.!m.~
Announcement• 6410 --
WORK SHOP I Mlsonry, Brick 6830 A Procram of impnwonaJ
e.imrcilf!I !Or small self-di·,
Custom & $jNnish
Masonry A Spoclaltyl
Block, Brick, Concrete
reckd croupa. MlnlmaJ
ebarae call 642-8730, 10 AM· 'PM.
C.metery Lots 6411
Free Est. 63:1-2343 =========[FOR Sale by owner. 6 P•piirh1nglng Pacific Vlew cemetery Iota.
Pointing 6850 Call mornings 642-1323
* PAINTING, lnt • ext. Job Wanted,
Br. 2 ba., trpl., elec. built· next to 9 hole golf cl>lll'SC!, vine Cout Country Club.
ins, deck. n95 to $260 mo. Aho an un1&1ual Jamily sty~ No tranaler fee. Trade for
NEW 3 8 3 ba t d restaurant, with pepper trff TD or· submit. Valuation J r. ,, cps, rps, ~lee. built-ins, dishwasher; patio, complcteii equipped $2500. Pvt pty. 673-9131
fireplace, patio. &: in operation. Barns tor Full family membership Ir.
Don V. Franklin, Realtor t.orses. All on 5 beautifully vine Coast C.Owrtry Club.
rrade up • houte with back
bay view at 2353 IMne
Ave., !or vacant or 4 to 100
units. Agent 675-6252 or
6'1J.{82.1 alt 6 pm.
Taxes, C.P.A. bookkeeping.
Insurance, Mutual tund1 &::
Real EstatP. invest1net1bl.
Notary. 646-9666, 642-m t
industrial I: residential.
* 646--3629 *
Back from Vietnam. Baclc Wom.n 7020
in busine!lll again. Ttte1 ---------
WOULD like to buy prden-edlmate&. WW cubcontract. P ERSONABLE newcomer
lng route In Nwpt Bch or 6'>1089 ~ would like fUll time job.
··Costa Mesa. 968-1928. HOIJDAY SPECIAL, Int. ' Experienced in PBX, typing
6590 -CLE=AN--U-P~SP~E-ClALISI'==~ Ext. pa.In~. Lie I: tmurd. Is publle rellOooa. 673-1352
3250 E. Coast H"·'Y· 673-2'122 landaeaped acres. Exchange for late model
COROLIDO APTS. 2 Br. BY OWNER 644-1721 car or TT 642-1.174 or _
Lovely hOtne & IWim pool Carpenletl~I
Ir: family style c91-e (help 1---------
,,..I. Next to ,..ii '°"""· CARPENTRY
Free e1tl. Locd refs. 30 yri or 67>-2895
Mo"•lng, ed&in&. odd jobs. exper. "Oluck" 66.a!IOO Home"Care~-.-vall--• .......,,,==~ Reasonable. 548-6955
Lo"-er levels, studios, pent. ~!!!!~!!!!""""""""'""' [ ;6;;:75-01;;-;44,,;;;l•;;l:;;'';;';-all<;;;;. ;;;;;:.;;-
jlouse, Frplcs., pool, dbl. NE\VPORT Beach _ High. on 19.12 Qievrolet Pickup, 331
carports, patios. $180 • $220. the Bhdts over the bay. 8 Cadillac engine with beefed
673-3378 d•I""' u " ,. 1 -w all '"'""to • trans. For motor-
Near Valley Center. Trade MINOR REPAIRS. No Job
for acreqe, Owritt" 644-lnt Too Small. Ca.bi.Det In Pl"
Fallbtook for peninsula. ages Jr o t b e r cabinets.
Adobe 3 Br, 2 Ba, 1.2 acres, 568175, U no answer leave
tat:k rm, stables, game nn, mss at M6-237l. H. o .
2 frpL Call OC 547.fi51.1 01' Andenon
SUBURBAN Painting/Dec e Allied NUI'1C!1 Is Aides 0.
TREE SERVICE, &en'l yard Expert Guaranteed Work Of O.C. Nunes Regilltry
cleanup. S P R I N K L E R Free nl No job tl:1!0 tarp 1129 W. Linpn Lane, S.A.
REPAIRS. 64&-5848 or too small. 494-3100 .... , s. .... ' • ., ...
SHARP 2 br, So. side of leased, :fireplaces, many cycle.
Hwy, Orps, crpts, sun dk: xtras. Call owner MS..1260
EXPER. Japanese Gardener. "'EXT==E=ru=o=R-~IN=T=ERI~O~R~·IJobs M.ri. Wom. 7100
Complete Yd. Service. Free ar: MAINTENANCE
priv. In rear over gar. $180 or 675-5535
mo + $100 depos, 421 Y.i Iris,
8 2-BR apts., blt·ins, near ========~I E. 17th St. shopping. Ex. 728.m4 Bud Coulter CARPENTRY, Cabinets
F.ltlmates. Call 541)..1332 e MS-3185 e Accounting Clerk
Cd~f. 675-0633
2 BR., So. ot Hy,'Y· Yrly.
UW's 1urn'd. $19j !llo.
References requited.
Business Rental 6060 change equity up or down.
Fortin, Ree.ltor 642-5000
Balboa-Main Intersection 1701-A Westclitf Dr .. N.B.
Bldg to be remocltled, 4000
G Ac 'Hwy 74, betwn Paris
&: Elsinore, cir. $21,000.
Remod. No job too s1nall,
qua! work. ('.all 646-2576
Want Oen vw. hm or wits, REPAIR. Partitions. Small
Laruna-OIM. Central lUty, Remodel, etc. Nlte•or day,
JTht'S Gardening & lawn
maintenance. Res &: com-
n1crcial. * ~&37
G•n•r•I S.rvlc:es 6612
For·Better Palntlng, Inter-
ior It exterior, acoustic <:el·
lings. 646-4077. 541-350l
540.3924 t'.1 r. Forney, Bkr. 546.3862
LARGE New 2 BR, 2 BA
plus den. Crpts, drps, bltns.
View. 772-0367, 535-38&1 or
sq ft, all or part. oif street Beautiful 150xl50' lot in
parking also avail. Briggs 1rowin&: Yucca Valley a1
Realty 673-8110 dOWn -clean 3 bdr. 2 ba
-~-~-----1 ~ in Costa Mesa. SUb-STORE or Office. Newport&: mit often to P.O. Box 686,
Ba,y Center. 2052 Newport Tustin.
P.O. Box 2588, Riven:lde, C. ReM! Call KEN 5'ID-4679 _ _. ~..,,TEN Experien<..-=i BIU\o DERS PAINTING In -" /Ex 2 Lovely toWnhouSl!a New-JtEPAIRS, ALTERATIONS serving all Orange County. * le11or ter.
Aecounb receivable •
BU1ing. One or mON
years of experience, able
to operate calculator le
billlr\f Qil.Chine ~ post
customen IC!d&:er cards. port Beach, 2 Bdrm 2 Bath CABINET. Any size job, ~2233 Sor. Local uferenca_ Jm.
each $500'mo. income, ear, 25 yrs. exper. 548-6713 'med, service. 646-3657 C dill C I ., 1 1c ontro s boat 11 • Agent 646-0132 Hiuling 6730 PAINTING, Signs 6155
* c.m.nt, Concrete. 6600 Divtaion ot Ex~llo Cqrp.
Bilbo• 5300 600 sq. 11. at 828 w. 19th St., ... YA RD I G u . c l e an up Painting 1866 Whittler Ave. 1----·-----C.M.AvallDec.ht. $10/l oad . Salvageables Interior&: Exterior l'enoes-Costa M.,.
Blvd. 646-1252
* * * BACH Bayft, sofabed, patio * 548-1768 *. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS ind CEMENT WORK. no ;lob too free! ~move tree .. Ivy, block walls. 546-7881 646-2491
yd, w/w crpt, util pd S125. -R~OO~M-Sul_ta:.:b:;l,.:.:c.!.,,'-gl!~t-mop-, Gentr•I FINANCIAL miall, reuonable. ~ grade 962-8745 An equal opporhulity
Prof per.ion onl:{67H765 men's shop or ladles shop. ----------1 estim. H. Stufltdr: 54s.86J.5 HAULING. Have %T P/U Pli1starlng, R•1Mir 6880 employer
Call Jim Berkshire. 673-9405 Subdivision L•nd 6212. Bus. Opportvnltlea 6.a * CONCRETE FLOGRS, Anything. truh to furn. '8 *PA-u ~ ·~~·G ACCNTG. ASST. Huntington Be•ch 5400 patlol, etc. ~asonable, Call loand + rrilg. 494-1003 '...u ..-~·~~
2 BR newly decorated. Offic• R•nl•I 601'0 35 ACRES _ Laguna Beach. COIN laundrles--Frigldaire.. I :==:Do:":·~.....,=='='== HAULING, Cleanup, lotl etc. All ~ ~tlmate . NIWPOJO n'TS550BEACH ---------·! From $6,500 to $42,500. Handym·• ·••t•'m• ~· --". ~=========~! ~ Refrig &: blt-ins, cpts/drni<, O c ean Vw, Oo&e • in •--'"~Im ~--M · .... "'';r ;rv,.1,;.1111 ..... LAGUNA BEACH '""""'"" • ...vaia esa, **642 3398** ABlistrnanaaerofrecn!8tSon· ocean view. S 155 /per Air Conditioned Suitable for cluster hseing, Buena Parlet F u I le r to n, Carp.t Claanlng 6625 -~-~-· ~~-.-~mblng 6890 al land devt!Jopment. F\l'ft
1-""'1'..:.onth. Adults prelCITed. Apts or? AU cllY util. Some Gard•n G--H"•ll"gto" Clean Up and Haul " ON FOREsr AVENUE • •v•"• .... 1------·----PLUMBING Jte .... 1.-1.... &: aputude, contact cu1to.
T dewinds Realty 847-85U Desk space available tn subordination. $6500 Per Beach, Santa Ana, Tustin, CARPET & upholstery steam $10 ,._ load. 646-2528 Remode11o ..... El~"-:ewer men, 1teftt office appea:;-
BEACHBLU FF APTS. newest olllce building at acre. Central Realty, P .O. La Mirada. cleaned, also carpet In· c ·eani;~. :\ll work ance.
New 2 & 3 BR, 2 BA, F.A., prime location in· downtown =~7.:.8• Riverside, Calif. Call Charlie 525-7833 stallatlon. Results guar, For Hounclt•nlng 6735 guaranteed. 642-6583 Rlv!era Employment
dishwshrs, patios, pool, Laguna Beach. Air condi·I-.======== ========= fl't'f.'est,call646-59n BAY & Beach JanlloriaJ PLUMBING REPAIR AaenCy, Inc,
• 847-3957 • tioned, carpeFrotod, tagbl!autlful R. E. W1ntM 6240 Money-to LOln 6320 A-OK shampoo Quistmu Sent. Cpts, windowS, floors, No job too small _400'f ·~vd., Ste201
$125 PER month Unf. 2 entrances: n e on special $7.50 rm-IC!!lll for ete. Res A Commc'I. • &U-3128 • N.B. ~70
bdnn. Apt., stove carpels & Forest Ave .. rear lead1 to 2nd TD loan hallhou~--·~·'.".,.,A~~ comp 646-1401 ~
drapes. l st & last month's MuncipaJ parking lots. $50 NOTICE llC<.'U• '"',).j.Oi;
rent required. 536-!963 per month for space, Desk n-.. .,. __.... ""al -• CARPET & ~-. cl•aru'"•·· • WINOOW3 DIRTY? and chairs available for $5. rn1m., .. ~enu &eo-•ce • 111.11 Free est. 15 years exp.
NEW QUIET 1 BR, nr ocean. Busine!lll hours answering If you ha\f9,a 3 or 4 bedroom 'MJ..2171 545-0611 tor 1 day service & quality Johnny Dunn 642-2364
$125 pri deck or patio. service available tor $10. home tor aale or tor rent, Serving Harbor area 20 yrs, work, Call Sterllnl: fDt * APT CLEANING *
s.lngles &:: cpls only, 202 14th. All utilities pald except call w today. We repnsent Settl•r Mortg.,. Co. brightness! 64~ Fast & thorough 642-8164 536-I319. 673-1784 telephone. the employees of a larse 336 E, 17th Street RENTAL READIER WIUJAr.tS Cleaning Scrv.
N1CE 2 & 3 bdrs. Crptcd & DAILY PILOT firm movina to the Harbor ====.,,====I ""3924
drped. Nwly decor. 3 blks 222 FOREST AVENUE Area and they must havt Rt•I Estate Loans 6340 --------RENTAL READIER
from heh. 3 bdr W/dbl 11.t· LAGUNA BEACH housing! All cub ti desired. 540-3924
tached gar & frplatt. 536-17ll 1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;494-;;;;;9466;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Call Farrow 546-8640 -~ =~ Carpet Lay'lng A . 6 fl.10D 2 bdr's All X'lras.I' BUSINESS end * 675-2866 * . Rtp11r6'12
Som• w/pool. 11J5.ll40 mo. 1 ODO Square Feet FINANCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
K;a, oK . ..,.1110. ·~•. Office Space Ava1·L i-------_onc1--'NO~T"-1c"'E"'s___ FOR CARPETING 847-1594. Bus. Opportunlt111 6300 OR CARPET LAYING
2 & 3 BDl<MS, 2 BA, pvt. -·------,---found (frH Ads) 6400 C. A. Pare SU.2070
Housecle•nlng 6735
CARPETS, Wlndov.'l'i, firs,
etc. Res or Comc'L Xlnt
work Rea!! Refs. 548-4111
patio, healed llOOI. washer
300 17~~=:· H.B. SOMETHING NEW: !:::'.'.:~::!:..'.::~=:'.I ========
hook up, !)62.8994 OLDER Type cocker mix Drapiirlu 6630 Ironing
1 r.lODERN 3 room suite, In this day when .franchising dog, may have trawled, I --------~ 6755
Advert11ln& Display
Roofing 6950 IMMEDIATE! --=-----ALL TYPES; rock, wood &
asphalt 1hina:le1. LEAKS
REPAIRED. Work SU.U· 847-1136 .
======== I..arre; national companf. O·
Sawina 6960 pondlnr In "'""'• County, ~. =:.:ccx"-------1 has created many openinp,
e Dre.ssmaldng • Altentlom for male ,\ female, to work
Spedal on coat heml part time evenlngL No n. * fi46..&448 * petlence nectuazy u we
Altaratlono-642·5145 tra1".
Neat, accurate, 20 yn:. exp. High achool diploma and one =============• [ year relldence requlmi.
TILE, Ceramic 6974 Coll for appt. nc.1251
*Verne, 'l'ht Tile Maro* Advtrtllin& Apncy ,
Glad you're a
Join up with uol 11
Red, White &
lempor~ry service
Marchlnt •l0nt wltll
We're• rocruttlng
-NOW for1
& all Orange COUll!y
& Beach Cltloe.
,_L_a_.g_u_n_o_B_•_•_c_h ___ 57_o_., cpts., air cond, janitor ser. is reaching the eood repu. grieving. Owner p l ease CUSTOM DRAPERIES
1-vice, ample parkini, tation it enJon -It's rreat claim. 56-1950 or 546-3566 Fr I II , LEASE N. end, 2 BR. mod,
level, autom gar. adlts, no
pets. Avail Dec 15. 494-4906
to find a truly rood tran-WEJ•••n•"""° ,,._ V'--'-ee nsta at1ons
Cult. work. Install & rtpain. Sharp Secret~ r · No job too small. Plaster f cod IRONING In my hOmc, exp'd. patch. Lealdna 1 b owe r ••t · pa rt "M11fer~ Stenos you dellYtt I: plclt..up. repair. 847·1957~ Beach Aeeney. ype So. CaliL ht Nat. Bk Bid&. ._1__ tuall ·~·~~ v• -
230 E. 17th Street c,JUllS that &c Y gtvn the puppy vie Goldenrod " Cit Any window treahnent. Hun-
Costa Mesa 642-l48S frandrisee a sound Invest. Hwy., CdM on 11124. Call dreds of samples &: designs.
n,ient. One that offen hlm 673-5277 Make an'!.ppolntrnent w/our Dana Point 5740 200 -1000 SQ. IT. Newport a very blgh and fast return ===,_,,,......,-....,.,-·I decorator. c.au Steve Jone'
---------Beach Civic Ctr. area. .., I d-"--SCHWINN Bicycle, adull1.
" Balh ~tudio. on •uS nvestment vu.ou, ta! at Complete Drapery Serv. n Secretarial services. 3345 without tying: up the enor· ContinC!n • yellow, comb. Ice 64i-2206
Carpets. drapes, r etrig, Newport Blvd., N.B. mouscapit.althatmostfran. lock under aeat. Poor cond. ---========-
'lov'. dshwhr. $245. Call 67'1601 ld•nU"'· 11:A• "A"' ' ,,... · ehlses do. 1'hi$ we have un-• ===Q=~--,--~.,......,...,,.~ Eltctrl••I 71<1: 870-()424 aft 5 I; .,. BAY UDO BLDG questionably the best oppor-SIAMESE cat fouDd CdM.
REAL ESTATE 3700 Ne""POrt. N.B. 1unity for the 1mall investor Has fl.ea collar. G•neral Ollices available. Rm S01. in a Jong t1me, You cm 673-1862 ELECTRICAL servic~ &
Rentals Wanted
NVI 675-2464 or 541-503.2 work either""'"' or full time 1 --===~-=--repair. 24 hrs. 7 da,y1. No
77" nd .,...ti nall ORANGE Tom Cat job too small. Re.model &
1736 ANAHEIM. C.M. Of. a cam excep o y high vie Irvine Tm-. addiHons, If it's electrical,
fices • 2 w/lobby • ground earnings. You dO need at 6'13-t332 we fix it! 64\HTI2
noor, $125. Schworer, 673-2654 least il,495.00 euh to lt&rt. ==~-c-"-C=~--
For further inlonnation rou:m: lonely full rrown BUSIEST marketplace In
OFFICE . With answering write including tm-phone to <l>llie, vie. P.aul&rino I: town. The DAILY PILOT
service furnished for rent North Amtrlr•n +e East Fa1rvlew. fl.i6.8.ti'l Oa.slilied section. Save 535 Center St. (up§in) C.M. -.. 2nd South, Suite !3, Salt WHITE Male mixed terrier, money, time A effort. LQok
Lake City, Utah 3411J. well behaved, vie Adami & now!!f
642--02ll5 '5-70. Shorthond 100,
J•nltori•I 6790
SPARKLE Janitorial &: Win-
dow cleanln&' Serv. Wln-
dow1, resld., coml, const.
Cleanup. Free est. 968-2691
TrH S."lee 6980 organize A f o 11 ow thru. Under 35.
Phona : 642-n!O. 425
'Fi11t Cle11" Typim
TREES (11'\lMd, 'to pped ,
removed. 26 yrs nper.
Aeri a l tower e qui p .
493-5405. 638-7234
Trees, lhrubbery trimmed,
&/or removed. 56-13.59
Upholstery 6990
CZ'YKOSKI'S Cumn. Uphol.
European Craftsmanahlp
100% fin! 64.2-1454
1831 Newport Blv, CM.
Olest They set the job
done best •
N. Nrwport Blvd. 11Privat1" SedyL
* A1RL1N1 & 'R L • F'I .. er L TRAVEL CAREERS *' eni ", It ero
Station Agart
'l'ld<el Sain Re"""'""" Air Frollht • ca,..
Travel Agent AMERICAN It you have a 3 or <I bed·
room home for sale or rent,
call us· today. We represent
the employees of a· large
finn moving .to 1he harbor
area and they must have
housing! All cash if desired.
Call Fa1TOw 546-8640
Commercl•I 6015 Attiliale Harl>or. 531-3795 ----
loquJre Today GIRL
F'" T • L•el•Nk
-(2' w. ,,... ....,. --
645.011 1 ~l./Jll~l•TtflrntfC'Tl'il
--._ •011•1111 JUYICI.
Prime Commercial Property
132'x280'. C-2, Be11.ch Blvd.,
1tunlington Beach. ru. 750
Cuh dOYm. Owtll'I' WW car-
ry I5 year 1st trust deed.
Realonon1!cs Corp. 6751700
lndu1trl•I Rent•I 6090
1260 Logan Ave., Costa M~sa
RENTAl.5 WANTED Each unit r~ sq ft, 2 off· lfr HOMES * DUPLEXES !cell, 2 rest rooms, U0/220 * GUEST J;OUSES elecb1c. Ample parklni'. * APARTMEl'-l'TS C. Robert Nattrua Realtor
FREE SERVICE Costa Mrsa &f2..l485
GOLDEN \VEST RENTALS •.ooo TO Jl,000 llq. ft. Nu
530-6600 bldgs. N'ar Harbor A
,~u=oo~L~.,....~-,.~-co-,-,.,.1,-. -,,.c I =2' s u 11 t van. qt
dependents "'ish smaJI COi· [ ..;========~ !age East C.l\f. or f'.il.B.
645-1388 Ac reap 6200
e LANDLORDS e .. Ac,.s, So. Call!. SZ.
Broker 534-6982 $2.<195. FULL PRICE. L. lw ·-,-NT='rn"'°"'c"',,....--'.,,.10'-,.-,,.,,1:-or· I Shev.ielt. 326 w. Thlrd St.,
atorqe. Costa :P.1esa or L.A. Phone: C21S)623-5101~
Newpt Bch. 675-1841 Room S. JO ACRES -PRIME. Neu
• Free Rental &Mee • 1~ Jake. $25 a mo.
Brokers I Man, I Owners I ==Cal::i:::l =(7J=l)=894-4=='='l.== Properties \Vest &Th-1642
Roo ms for Rent 5995
FURN Sleotpl~ rm. prf BA.
PM ('_nt. $60 mo., 2\.W Elden,
CJ.1. Sec l\ti:r. ap! 6~
Lake Elsinor• 6202
3 ADJOINING hlll1lde
lakevlev.• lots, near casino
13.000. '""U\9 .....,..
3 ACR1'~S 40 m\le1 north of
Rfno l'N!ar Hont)' Lake at
foot of Slm'flt. Leve~ cleat,
(No aelllng involved)'
Excellent income for ff!W
hours weekly 7"ork. (Days
and Eventnrsl, Rellillne and
collecUng money from coin
LARGE Male Irish aetter,
vie. of Victoria A Pacific.
NOV. 25 -arayUh cat with
orange streak on nose.
~736 u k tor Gretchen
operated dispenaers in Or· Lott 6401
mre Co. and 111UTOU1'1dlng
area. We establlah route. TOY~. f.T.IN . fem. red·
(Handles name brand candy dish-brown. NC!C!dl medica·
and sna.ckll. $1575.00 cub lion. AntWers to "Grel·
ttqtdred, For pen10nal inter-chen". Family brokenheart-
view in Oranae Co. Ula, ed. NB ntar Cit Hwy.
a.end name, address and 642-3569, 543-2410, 71'2-0«84
phone number to MULTI· §ioRT-h&lred White kltttn
STATE DISI'., INC., 1681.·W. w/black spotl about 6 wkt:.
Broadway. Ana.Mtm, cau •. old. from 7ts &mi.mu Dr,
fumla 9'Z802. (714) m.sooo. Lacuna Thanksrtvtnc After·
EXCEPTIONAL EARN· noon. R.eward tN-89116
lNGS. Part-lime 1 nae k BLACK Cat, ma1e, name
l'OUtes. AvaJI in many areu. "Clyde" &a col.l&r, vie Na.
Men or women to restock tlonaJ Ave., CM, Reward.
i;nack rnacblnes A collect 543-3983
money (~ °" ewsl. NO SM"""A"IL'-"''"r~.-male~-. ~B~luepo-~I"'
SELLING • WE FURNISH SI · I 1 319 LOCATIONS. $900 ftll'd for • amese ca v e
put..Umt route, run time Marlgold, CdM. ~7
routet alM> avail. ACT NOW BLACK A. whit. ~
FOR OlOJCE LOCATIONS puppy wltb flea tlOU&r,
ln Oranp Couney. Vendln& ·87$..2468
Div. 1901 Awnu. ot the 1 't.0='ST='2,-ca-,.~.-1,-.,.,,.--• ...,.tom-,
S!An:, $Ute 58Si. Century wtdt conu. Heutbn>ken.
Cl!y, Cal. 90007. In """"' ~7
Co. call !114! 64>-jj93 '°"""'======
PARTNER NEEDEb Mft. Personals
attnictive new line plsl\Jc ---L-IC •. E_N_S~E-D-
photo hmts. Prfl aalts-
o:ricntcd lndlv. $JO M req. Spiritual RtldJnp, 11dvice
4!J6.2500 on all matt'-"· 312 N. El
Cam.lno Real, $a1I Cltmentt
$15 \VK I up w/ k.llchen.
~ "A'k studio :ipl. 2376
Ntrwport Bl\"d. ~97$;i. 13.000. '""2449 DAILY PILOT D 1 ME . A· 492-9ll6, 492-0076
lOAM.lOPM NO ,mallel' whst It ''· you
can tell It with • DAILY
OON:.T-g1,,-. it .twt,y, pt LINES. You Can 111e them
quick ca.sh far wttb a for just pemdH 1 day. Dla1
Dally Pilot want Ad. PtLOT Clustt1ed •d. _...._-=-----·
GIVE Now -and llttr tJNiTED J'llND
ind NOTICES -------P•rson1ls I ANNOUNCEMENTS
6405 P•rson•la 6405
Do you want to be a f\tll time
wortdne profeakiWT Do
>""I have the 9dl dL!clpllne
to dlject )'Olll'llelt to a rta·
Id Brltish training cfl'.lrse It
the a1tl«tlc humility to ac•
ccpt minor role1 until t h e
tn..lnini period Is complete!
SHOP mlaht be able to hC!lr)
)'OU. No previOUJ experience
nfJCn!llJ'Y; no age betrier.
Mt!mber11 of this exdtr.rlve
~ wUl~y be accepted
qion a atlsfactory penonal
lnterviftl' w1th the director,
Call tM-t«N for" uppt. ·
r •••nt 10 wonw:n who ate IO
poundJ or more ovtrwels;hl
lo 1&.ke part in group weight
lou program 9f 11pec\llllzed
reductns. Aii lnqulr1e1 cort.
f:ldentia!, ~k for Mr .. Kert.
nody !ITT.sill. --
11 Your Ad In our
claalfitda1 Someone' will be
looklnr !or IL Dial 64~
------~ PALMISTRY &
Bring Your Problam1 to
Ma -I Wiii Help YIN
Solva Tham.
I gtve advice on all matter.
of Ille, 111cb as love, court-
lhlp, marriage. divorce, bug.
tness transactions Qt all
kinds. ·Reunite the ~
ate<!, cause speedy and hap.
py marriages, overcome rL.
vsls, Iaver1 quarttls, evil
habits, 1tuml>llng blocks ot
all kinds. There is no heart
10 bad or home so dntary
that J cannot hrtnr sunshine
Into It, In fact, no matter
what may be YoW' bope,
fear or ambition,
I wtll toll you ;flllt what )IOU
want to Jc.now.
Avail. !ar partltt
With This Card and $3.00
Rttetve $5.00 Reading
Open Dally 10 AM to IO PM
Fully Licensed
Of!, (213) 697-9272
210 W. Whittler Blvd ..
Le. J-fabr&
Thrl!t·D-1.wc: Cl~1nen. CM
are .tr)'ing to locate Pe~
RA.ymond, E. &cl<. Mrs.
Non, Lyle ~. Mn.
ond NOTICES -810 E. 1 Tth St., Santa Ana
P-"2-721T cw wr!ta to . ABILITY
P.O. Box 1%l3 a.ta Mesa. In mtaurant manqement,
and tit• Best
Turkey and Pin
Marie .
353 E. 171!1 St.
Cost• Meaa
to act u Hoste11, Cuhler,
Ant. Mgr. 'on n((ht 1hltt.
Must be responalble person.
Top salary to quallfted per-
ton, pl121 a.ivancement ~
QI E. 1Tth St., CM. -· ,.., ..
~ -., ..
~mechanical ...-mbb . lndlldbw _.,,,
Coll PtnO!lnel Dept.
17141 494-9-401
needs YOU
Nt_. ...... Ola.
for appolnlwM1f
673-4176 .
• ·1
' • •' ••
l I
-Monday, Oettmbtr l , 1%9 . H DAILY PILOT
JOU & EMPLOYMENT JOBS .. EMPLOYMERT JOBS & EMPLDYMINT Joas .. !MPLOYMENT J08S .. EMPLOYMENT JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT J:.;O:.:B;:cS.::.&:..:E;.:.;M.;;.P.::L'<>.::.Yc.Mc.c;:;ENT IMEROIANDISE FOlll ' . -~n; Wom. 7100J'!J>• MM, W0m. 7100 Joba -W~ 7100 · ~Mon. Wom. 7100
-• SALE 4NO TRADE , Jobo , Men. Wom. 7100
Prepel'fd resume 1nust have
two )fl. dental experience!'.
Eve. hrs. All w\lon benerlt11.
Salary $3.4-1 per hr. call for
appt. for inlerVicw. 633-Thll.
tifatut'l! couple as assistant
manager and mairilr.nance
suPtrintenden1 !or new Hunt.
lngton Beach apt. <'Ornpl~x.
-PrTfer woma:i ,1·hh sonic
oHlce and typing e.'\'pericnce.
Free apartmt>nl plus good
Mlarles. Phone &.l!i-~107 Be·
lWn. 5 & 6 P~I.
NEED Reliable v;oman to
rnre for 3 children, Tues,
Wed & Thurs In my home,
heal' Adams & Brookhurst
F.;\11'ri. i\pply Ill JK'l S()ll
Newport National
Su'i>erior & PJ;ittntia, N.B.
Sheraton B11ach
Is now accepting appH-
cations 101· thr. position of
bell man. P/lin1e & fl ••
timr. 11 pm-7 am shift.
Apply in person. 21112
Ocean. Hun!. Bch.
, •• 11 •i. ===-
J. C. Penney Company
Fashion l1l•nd -Newport B.•ch
H•• positions open Jn
Schedules including afternoons, evenings and
combination o! both.
Finest conditions - Top supervision -Ex ..
cel lent benefits inc luding discount privilege.
* Apply Now *
10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Mond•y thru Friday
J. C. Penney Company
#24 Fashion Island
. Newport Beach, C•lffornla
~@:§§ "''" "'~
lo!Js-Man. Wom. 7100 Job.-Men, Worn. 7100
DISHWASHER FOreign Car Mechanics
Good co. benefits, incl paid
vacation, group ins, uni-
Apply in person forms furnished tree, Good
BOYS 10 .14 SURF & SIRLOIN co mm. schedule. Ask 1or
Carrier Routes Open 5930 Pacific Coast Hwy, .Joe ?o.foore Ph, 540.176'1.
J 1or Ne·,vpoit Beach General Office $400
La;una Beach, So. Lai:::una DlSH\\'ASHER. exper, iUll Good typing skills, F/O ap-
DAILY PILOT time. Apply in person, pearance, call Loraine,
642-4321 Benton's CoUec Shop l\.lerchants Personnel Agen.
* BUSBOYS -133 s. Coast H\\'Y, Lag Bch cy, 2043 \Vestcli!r Di'., N. B.
,,::::;::,;_:c=;_--"'----"--I &15-2TlO Ex~rienccd. Top salary. D-'t. ~"'"'=~~.,,,--~-~ Day shilt only avail. i .... mg GENERAi+ Oilicc clerk,
428 E. 17th St., C.~1.
Cashier • Hostess
~ool appearance, over 18,
full time. App. in person.
lj~ E. 17!h, C.:\f.
Salary $478. to
$582. mo,
~linimum :? years e:<pel'icnce
in the lay-out· and taping of
a.rt wot'k for printed circuit
Call Persorinel Dept.
(7141 494.9401
Laguna Beach
good With figures. Apply
McGregor Yacht Corp., 1€31
Placentia, C.M.
GIRL FRIDAY. Good typing,
neat appearance. Call Mr.
Young, 642-7749. Collectlon
Bureau of Western Orange
GIRL FRIDAY. General of·
fice, live\.\·ire. Neill Sign Co.
16842 S. Harbor Blvd. Santa
Ana. 531-3374
female \\•iih follo'A;ng, good
N.B. location. 642-0844
care, S'h da. \\'k, Sa!) Jvk. +
rm & board. l-'d. vac.
5®-921 2
OinriCr.-Housc. Eves. r.tature
1voman. Exp .desirable, not
Apply in person
1262 Palisades
Tv.-elve months position ln
personnel department, 1111s-
Wffing lelC'f!hOne, !ype !rt-
ters, repoi1s & forms. riling
record keeping elc. Typing
45 -wpm, H.S. grad, IV.'O
years clel'iCTJJ expe.riencc.
required. Applications n1ust
be tiled by 11/9169, Person-
nel offiCT', 7902 \Varner,
Jfuntinglon Beach, Calif. be-
h\'ttn 9-1 P :O.f. '
Santa Ana
Equal opportunity eriiployer I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I
Located in Costa l\lcsa.
Experience prere1Ted,
Sala1y open.
Please call Bevel'ly David,
1 n-11 5-tti-3300
Top 11·ages !01· quality 'A'ork.
Xlnl opply. DIMillITT
CLEANERS, 3200 E. C06Sl
H"''Y·. Cdi\I. Ph: 673-9600.
Display T1-ainee11 • r-.1ALE
Professional EXPAMION
Employment ORANG~ COUNTY
Assistance Provides immediare employ.
A member of ment for resident! of the
Snellini; & Sncllini; Inc. area. Experience lsn•t neces-
Experience Preferred. 2790 llar~r Bl .. CM 51().6055 sary as company training
Harbor Bh·d. at Adams is tllrnishe{!. APPLY PERSONNEL
Exp'd only. Start Sl7J "''k. AT __, EWPORT BEACH
Apply 2-4 pin daily. THE $480 PER MONTH n Equal Opportunity
COTrAGE COFFEE SHOP ff qualified and acccirted, go E 1 562 W. 19th SI. Ci\I. or. payroll this week. mp oyer
AGES 20 TO 40 5maU n1achin! [{hop.
Young men. J'.1ust be neat, 1 YEAR RESIDENT •l!H~
responsible & have good run. JN AREA r.·lanulacturing ning car. Make up to $35 per CALL !\'fun. or Tues.
day. Apply 230 \'a'. \Val'Jl(!t, , 774-7253 EXPLORER has im·
mc<liate ' Openlngs
lot -
su1~ 2n;. s.A. -*.,--=D=R""1VE=R~S~*-
c 05meto1ogist •
HAIR STYusrs. Too .. ,,.. No Experience
lng conditions &: perct'nlage, N I
Pd \'aCations. 847-2673, ecessary. * :>--Finish men
*l \Veldt>!'
S.17-9136 ask for Al . ~fust hav& clean California * COOK _ Apply driving record. Apply
The Flying Butler YELLOW CAB CO. •1 -\Velder'11 helper
*l -l\lecllanlc/Auto. 6-, ~11 ~ B 186 E. 16th St. ,,,.,,., ... . Costa l'.~118.
COOK. housekeeper, exp'd, ---=~-.,,,,-~,-----1•1-Plumber
for v.·ido\v. Live in $250. Driver-Chauffew·
67!-1879 8 hrs, >day v•k.
• t -Plumbe1"11 helper
•'1 -Gen. assembly
•t -!\till m11n 8 COUNTER GIRLS
Three shifts available
# 60 Fashion Island
. Nev.-porl Shopping Center
Pacific C'oasl l-h\'y at
• .i\Ic.Arthur, N.B.
• Insurance 1tirls
e Rc~ptionl~.
Prepared rc!lunt> mu!<t ha\•i;:
tv.·o yrs. dcn1 1tl l:'..'q)('rit>fK'('.
Day houn1. All union ben~
ftu. Sal.•ny SJ,44 J)l'r hr. CaU
for appoin1n1ent 633-7~1.
DENT AL ~ta.ry · Reccp.
tJonlst. Ap ZMD. Call -DENTAL Excc111ary.
Newpol1. Xlnt JIOlltion ror
mlltttni woman w/dtn1al
exri. Send1quallllcations, etc
to 03.ily Pilot Box l\.1-lt
DE1'J'AL Assis. Chair Sid<:.
23 + >'". 2 yl"ll exptr. Reply
Box 511·~1. Dll.lly eik>l.
Dinner Ilollff, Exp'd <inly.
:£vC$, Pttmlum •·a,e11.
'Apply In per;on
S&ntA Anll
sqo< JT TO 'E\f!
Call llU-0900
f ACI'ORY Trainee -
H.ighschool grad. Military
i'.lbligatlon compl. Gd. basic
malh. 5'10'' or over.
f\techanical ability helpful.
E:"pcricnced. Top pay. Large
t'us1on1 yachts, \Villard Boat
\Vod(.~. 129.i Baker. C.M.
* 3 -Electricians
(2-110 & 1-12 voltl
Explorer Motor Home!I
3021 Ne1vport Bl\'d.
Costa f\Tesa, ·Calif.
(1141 546-3300
Jobt-1'!~~':!1· 7100 Jobs-Men, \Vo{!'. 7100
Must be able to take s.horthand at 100.110
wpm. Experience at the executive level In
a .sales or maiketlng activity preferred.
\Vill also handle phones &: travel arrange-
ments. Excellent opportunity. Salary com-
mens urate witl1 backgrou nd.
Please apply in person or call ~'lr. Kyerhle r
lor appointment, 835-i804.
An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F
Will be moving to Irvine complex 1970
p, I • remier
441 ·-17" ,,,... .,_ .. _
1104 ... 17111 SrrMt .......
Teletype Trainee $400
Good general oltice skills.
Type ~. Xlnt Co. Fee
Keypunch $425
1 yr exper. necessar.
Co. benefits.
Secretary, Advertising
Good skills, interesting &
exciting, Diversified posi-
Insurance Sec. $SOO
Some i:OOd
Clerk Typist Trainee
Wear slacks to olJice. Top
boss. •
Gal Ftid•y $325
Leam a f ascinating
business. Chance for ad-
File Clerk Trainee $303
Slarting position,
for advancement
spot. '
cha net
to top
T11ltr/Ca1hi1r Trainee
lo $400
F'ront officc-lnsuntnce<lkt&·
Riviera Employment
Agency, l.nc.
4667 ?ttac:Arthur Blvd .. Ste 201.
N.B. 5'»-6370
MEN (2) needed to assist
mgr. & order \•erificalion.
S2.25 hr to sta11 + bonu5es
& npid rai.sH. Alk for
Dave. &U--l,.132
Earn mo"" lax free ean Smltty n•: n4-2610
Agency for
Career Gir~s
F /C Bookkeeper
Male only. Construction ex·
perlence. Cost accounting,
eS('f'O\v closing, interlni
construction f I n a n e i n g ,
Al so depreciatio n
schedules. ·
to ~IedfcaI Research Doc-
tor. Typing fiO, SH 100.
Chemis1ry or b i o Io g y
background good but not
Either a11sistant Book-
keeper. lhru trlal balance,
m:.full charge. Salary con1·
mensurate 11·ith Pxperience
& abilities. Xlnt Co. .
Secretary Legal (2)
f.>r 2 leading legal groups.
1 must have corporate ex-
per. No s horthand
necessary. The other must
have litigation 1vith good
Exec. Secretary
?ttarket.ing or sales ex-
perience. Top skills. f\1us·l
be able to make travel a r-
rangement. Good potential,
Teletype Operator
Min 1 yr. exper, 5().-60
"''Pm. strictly telclypc. Top
manufactw·ing Co. Good
General Office
l\oiedical ex p erience
nec:essary. Typing, no SH;
410 W. Coast Hwy:
labf Men. Wom. 7100 J~n, Wom. 7100 School~lnttruction'7600 ·· • IOOo ' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.I:=:_:...:..:...:....::.::::.::...:..;.:: I_----. 1-1-.-M-A..;N___ F urnlture • l
'----'--Soleo . eno~t~:~'0' 17 Pc. Kiilq Sl:re newport . ESCROW HEAVY EQUIPMENT •-d el OFFICER Train NOW to operate I -room , , personn · 00. " 1 t>&.rth•mo\'lng BUU.OOZ-b.r&e 9 drawer dre5ser, mlr. N OUla,ta llljt o)'lportW t)' or ERS, BACK HOES. GRAD-,___, 'd I ncl kl .agen"J ·exp d. sales escrow ollicer ERS DRAG LINES CLAi\I l'Of, 2 ucu,SI e '8 S, ng
to work In our new Miuion SHEi..Ls and SCRAPERS. siie headboard. frante, quill-:
VlejO, Savln&s &·Loan oWoe. Th• Con1tr1i1ctlon Industry ed mattress, shetls. blank·
Must be capable of handling 11 loomlntl You ean earn ets, etc.
NCR 395 Oper1tor
a.let escro1,1s for convention-to' . mon•y In !his fast C.iiolcr or Sp111llsh
al loa.nii. Xlnt working cond. n;iovr
ng,. action -ptr.c~e~ or il100el'n Styll"
to $550 EPF'
As.•islant bookkeepe:r to
trial balance for Xlnt Co in
Fashion Island.
& P""1·111nitu for growth. field . Keep Pl'e!lent Jo All For $249 0 .--v and ta.Jn at home In your
Secretary $550 EPF •
Mug! be young 4 allraclive
for good Santa Ana nnn.
Secret•ry $525 EPF •
C onstroctlon background
preferred for Fash Ion
Island Co. Lite SH.
Teletype Operator
$425 EPF '
Must be expe.ri~nced.
F/C Bookkeeper
$550 CRF'
Growth OpPOrtunlty In a
new division of ·eslabllshed
land~evelopment Co. EDP
ability ~lpful.
Accounting Clerk
Contact spare time folloo.1·ed by
DOWNEY SAVINGS .t: Hesident T:t•alnlng in the
LOAN ASSOCIATION actual operation of heavy
8374!1ll earth-mdving equipment
. , under project conditions a t SALES: ~ week In Wlg our school owned facilities
fuhlon field , Need 5 near MIAMI, FLORIDA.
sale11persons, pot e nt I a I Nationwldo e:1'11ployment
•u n I i 01 It ed. CUll Mrs. assistance. 'For FREE fn-
Robinson 842-4449 formation rill oul coupon
SALE&\fAN -Salary + ;~~ p~:~P~O::~~ v.•ritc to:
Comm. + Car Allo11·cnce. UNIVERSAL HEAVY
Phone J'.lr. ''oung. 6~2-7149 CON$TRUCTION
0 Sales Manager for ne'A' SCHOO~. INC.
h Dept. 1203 dress shop La~na Beac . P.O. Box 476 !\lust have prev101.11; sales & El Toro Calif 92630
rranageria l experience. Name .. ~ ........... : ...... _ ............. .
Refet-ences. 213 :' 728-0144 A~e ............... _ .. _,,_ .............. ..
Addt•ess ......... -·-··-............... .
City ................ State .......... .. -SALESLADY
Cw1ains, Draperies & Gifts. Zip ................ Phone .......... .
Home Furnishings
South Coast Plaza
to $550 APF"
Heavy A/P & A I R , Savings & Loa n
payroll, plus EDP helpful. BRANCH
't lf
M••t be dependabto with MANAGER -abill~;:ii;t~;~y ~~{~:~·.~:::1;",~,;::.~1 :i il \i t\l.: I~
Min. 2 yrs. CalH. la,v. Savings & Loan Association 1:1,J;~~~~~r--'
Heavy ilictaphonc, P\llS in the Ne1vporl &arh .urea.1,1
front· offit.-c appearance & This position en!alls chaJ.,
organizational ability. le11ging dutl~s 1~0~1 is ada~I· MEN & WOMEN! ed for an 1nd1v1dual 1v1th
No down Pmts. only $9 mn. ,
600 \V. 4th !>ii .. Santa Ana
Open Daily 9-9
Sat. 9-6 Sun. 11~
3 ROOMS of SPANISH e 8' Divan + Love seat
• 5 Pieee dining roon1 set e ;i P iei:e Bedroont set
F'U LL -Rlet: $3fJ
Use OUL' SlOl'C clutl'g(! plan:
Approved Furniture
2159 Harlior, Ci\! .-1.is-9660
i'ou n1ay find, it al An1edca's
largest. n1ost unusual un-
finished furnitUl'C itore. Cor.
Redhill & Santa Ana F1vy, ·
Tustin. l n1i So, ol Newport
Fwy. Open 362 days per )'r.
LliE GE Refrlg/ft•a, 4 yrs
old $165. Antiq round oak rbl
GO" $45. 9x12 shag Span.
gold carpet $25. Aft 5.
SPANfSl.f & son11: n1isc furn.
spl'illf: .r..: n\att1·ess. collee
table, CIC. Call :;.1:>-7321
BRAND ne1v Fr. Prov. 5 pcl
bNl1·n1 set for S&I<'. Cost
$9()(). wi ll sac!'ifice. 642·9U2 ·
Kno1vledge MTST helpful i111ag_inativeo and creative COilPUTER PROGRAJ\f.
plus corporate. <ibllities. Excf'llent fringe iliING IS THE KEY TO Office Equipment 8011
, • $36I EPF" benc!ts. Call J\lr. l-Ians.ley YOUR PROFITABLE TYPE\VRITER, Ad d i n g Receptionist c2131 869-85!2. FUTURE! An~ideal position for an at-. _ machine. calL'Ulator, very
t ractive , well-groomed Dee. 1.. 1969, Nov. 29, 1969 Classes sta1·t soon. rea.Sonable. Xlnt c on d,
young lady with good SECRETARIES to $550 Pilot .program·offering the 892-2423
"tt>lephonetiqUette," +lite It:. you have Ute skills, we fin~st equipment and faci!· l'=========d
•-in have tht' jobs 1n the beach itles available! Real-time 1 G.:.::•~ra~g~•::..:$~•~1•:_ ___ 8~022::.:::i ·~" g. area, call Loraine. ~ler-computer programming.
Secretary to $550 chants Personnel Agency,
1/2EPF• V2C?lt,..._ 2043 Westclill Dr., N, B.
A medical biologiCal, cht>m-64.>2770
2 DESKS $25 each. Boy's 3
sp. bike, brand ne1v $3i :
J\1isc. ite.r,ns. 2847 Ciubhouse
Rd, Cil'T. 5'10--0616 ical background or related ~S~h-i~p-p7in_g_/_R~e-ce_i_v~i-n_g_
+ an interest in research to $2.90 hr. Top, stable Co.
help(ul. Skills must be good. Good advailc:ement oprior·
The Academy
"~ Tcclu'."1ogy m I :A_,pO!p::I i;:c•;;.n<:.:"::_ __ _:•:.:1.:00~ I
Refrigerators .... f1'0m $38.
GE Portable Color TV,
Legal Secretary 1unHy. Top Lene.fit s. Call
$550 Fee Neg.• John 546-;).ltO Union Bank Squ•r•
JASON BEST South Tower Calif background in litiga--Suit• 40
tion a MUST! En1ployment Agency ., C lit 92666 2201 So. Main, Santa Ana range, • ••
G . I F 'd Call 547.9471 " rt • y sec I AL D I R ECTOR 1..,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
to $425 1/2EPF• " i\latw-e v.·oinan as sociaJ di-1=
lil!c nu .......... .' ..... SI.JS
F'rtgidaire elec dryer $59.9.j
GE 2 DI', Ref rig , ••..•• , $98
\\'hirlpool auto washer SiXl
GE wasl1er/dryer •••• $100
1815 N~wport Blvd., C.M.
548.7788 Newport Beach
\\'ill train ex p e r i e nc e d I •""'""""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•I
cashier. Balance ca s b "°10LDERS Young, aggressive Aluminum
1t1ust be sh a r P & recto1· lor new Huntington
\\'ell-groon1ed with good Beach Apt. complex. Ar-
typing + abili!y 10 de a I l'ange parties, tl'ips, athletie
\vilh the public. evt>nL'\. Aftetnoons and·even.
MTST Operator ings 3 or 4 days a week.
Good sal~ Fhone 846-5107
Bellvcen 5 and 6 P .J'.l
The FIRsr
14 CUB. It, \Veslinghouse
rcfl'igeralor w/bottom frzr
$145. Kenmore e.lect. dryer
$7:>, fi'Onrite ironer $75, All
gd i.~nd. 5ac. Pvt pty/
dra\ver. & Magnesium foundry has $433.33 EPF*
-Will train a good, accurate S-T·R·E· T.C.H
Rate Clerk Trainee
to $335
\\'ill train bright, n1ature
"'Oman \\i lh figure ap.
Truck Driver
Clan 1-$2.65 hr. ,..
s.1 .. EnginHr $12-$14k
BS-EE required. Data pro-
Progr•mmer $12,600
2-5 yrs on
360-30 ex-
Man•a•ment Trainee
Bank po1iltion for shai.p
Heliarc Welder. start
1 yr 1veldlng exper. Test
Adjusler $9000
Experience in finance field
Superlnt.ndent $12,400
Large builder needs assl!I·
tan! !!Up e rlnt e.nde nt.
Resklcntial exp. quallfie11.
Investigator Trainee
present openings for exp'd,
Paid holiday!! & vacations.
Sunny Arizona. S ub m i I
resume· lo: PAMCO. 2820 E.
Jilin!, Phoenix. A. r izon a
85(}.10 or call (602) ~
Part Time Over 30
. 49-!-M?.6
NCR 395
$500 +
l\no1v payablr s, {18)'1'011 ,
brokt>rage exper preferred.
Rivipra Emplo)'ment
Agency. Jnc.
~6G7 '\\lacArthur Blvd., Ste Wt
N.B. 510-6370
typist. Starting s a I a r y System Fum. Jn:staller
higher for e1Cperience. Leading -systen1 furniture
• ~tore requirrs man to install
Secretary to $500 EPF furn. in customer1 boi.ne.
Need sharp yollJlg girl to Position 1·equtre11;
\\'Ork for·manager of a pro-e SLrong, hard \\1lr.ker
gre~lve, gl'0\\'1ng fifm. SH •Exp'd 11ith :iarxitOO!s
100. good typing, + die-e Ncal appearanN!
taphOne. e Abllit)' to wot'k lrttgular
File Clerk $372 EP.F " C::.0:id ht'al!h Insurance &
High school grad ?.lus light other benefits. Salary $500.
"sew !T.M .1 -
Store of Orange County
Learn lo a:ew on "knit ratr
ril'li". i\lake strett h penis
in 1 hr, a bathing ~uit for
$5.00 -even a girdle! ln1-
agine -T-shirts for th<!
who'.e fan1ily. typing 11•ith an ap11!ude for 6r'-S741.
detail. IT,.:::I-~~A~C~H~E=R~·s,----a=n~L~D~R~E=N LESSONS: l\1orn, afternoon,
* EPF, employer t need mature \\·oman to & eves.
pays fe• babysit at their hon\{'. D1·iv-724 E. l\atel.la, Orange
*.A.Pf, applicant ing rt>quired. Refs. needed.
pclVS fee 842-4117 HB. 633-2842
,., CRF, company TELLER -_ Nolv ,\: Collec-MERCHANDISE FOR
reimburses fee lion. Call E.xpei·. -Ne'A·port lliE AND TRADE
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! National Bank, l\tr. Carter.1 -~"""'""'---''---....:
PHOTO COLORJST to v.·o.rk) 642-3111 Furnitur• 8000
at hon1e. JACK BARCUS TELEPHONE Ans"·ering
SfUDIOS. 646:-7™ Se.rvice Exp'd pref.
O'KEl::FE & i\'lERRITT' gas
stove, excellent S60. G.E.
niCI", good <..'Ond. .$ 5 O,
Coldspot relrig. n1ed. size
S40. 211-1 ContiJ'K'ntal , Ctif
Frigidaire, pink. $ZS.
KEN:\'IORE Auto washer. 2
spd, 3 cycle, xlnt corKL $45.
5'16-8612 or &17-8115
NORGE Auro 11•a5her, cop-
pertone, 2 yrs old. lrg gize.
S75. 5'16-8672. 847-8115
ELECTRIC stove • F1·igidai.re, pink S2J.
il!AYTAG auto, washer, Elee.
dryel'. yello1v. SIOO matched
pair. 96&-72i2
NURSES Registered • even-Attractvc, we 11 groo~ed VARITYPER or IBr>I Con1-SLEEPER OOfA, beautiful. SINGER Automallc zig iag.
in.g & night shifts, Ex. young lady bet\l•een 21 & 45 poser operator. Part tin1e. ly quilted, i:uston1 welled. 6 n1os old. No attach needed
benefits. Apply Pel'SOnnl'l for public relations & ai;sisL Experience n e c es s a r Y · Your choice of colors, lo do designs, monograms.
Director, So. Coast Com-ant to the president . i\.1usl 536-8606 Reg. $300 •••.••. No1v $269 blind hems etc.: aulo bobbin
Sewing M1chlne1 8120 · -_;.:.;,;__;c;:.:
munily Hosp., 31872 Coast be unencumbered. & iree to WAITRESS KING size \vashable velvet 1vindt>r. 5 Year g u a r .
Hwy .. So. Laguna, 499-1311, travel on extensive yacht ensemble, hdbd, sprd, bench Assum.: pymls o( $.).27 or
ext. 356 cruises to Acapulco, British Experienced ciist quilted. Coloi· choice. ~ $42.00 cash. 52S-6616
wNURSES AIDES * Exp'd. Honduras. Jamaica & Caril>-Reg. S330 ••••.• Now $269.5() ==========
All shifts. Joluntington Valley bean Islands& other inter· Apply In person f'U LL size ensemble, soft roll. Musical Inst.
ComvaleSct'nt ltosp. 8382 mediate points on one of Ifie SURF & SIRLOIN cu:;t quilled, head!KI, spread, 8125
Ncv.·man Ave., Hunt. Bch. finest, most luxurious yachls 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. bench. Dill' onl;! Avocado. ELECTRIC Guitar •
.84:::2-555:::-~1==~=="'""°' on the \\'t>st t"Qast . Salary Newport Beach Reg, $169.50 .... Now $179.5() Rey. PerfC?ct Conri. $65.
-t ES 12 t 8 open. CHALLENGING OP. • e r-.lallress & Box Spl'in~s e Call -962·0i41
• e NURSES AD o PQRTUNITY! 6-l5-1571 day\\' A I! ER -Bu shoy Corn· King Ser S!Jn.!lj Qt1C.Cn SS9.95 ============!
am shift. Apply in person or e\'ening. b.inalion n~ded for neiv c~· run Set $54.95 1\1·i11 S4t93 Pianos & Or91n1 8130 onl/, Huntingttin Beach Con-_ elllni;: Restaurant. App1y 1n Jo"REE 12 Jb Tui·kl"y . lb
valescent Hospital. 18792 RESfAURAliJ' All as~cts p<>rson, 333 Bays.id\" Dr., . ~r ;J
Delaware, J1unt. Sch. or 11'staurant \\'Ork fet ::i. N B canned Ham \\'llh rn1n. PW'-
PART Tl~I E Ille bousekcep. ~~~~s~~:s;;:.:~~~~~~b.1'~ ! WoMEN & GIRLS s'1hE's"rAor $SS9L. EEP SHOP ing & messenger duties ror ~ .--
medical clinic. i\l ust have \\'est Services Pleasant telephone w o r k
car. 11 a.m. • 3:30 p.m .. RESTAURANT, zna.le, ov 18 f1"01n our office: no e:<p. ntt~ 1927 JJarbor 81\·d Cos!a i\lt>sa
l\fon. tkru Fri. $1.65 per hr. eves. Female, ~1-2 days. Full or part time, S2 to .S5 • 64.>2i60 e
+gas&: fringe benelits. aft. 2 PM T AS TEE perhr.230 \V,Wamer,Suil<! Dailyla.9 &it 10.6Sun12..,j
549--0386 for appt. }"REEZE. 2966 Bristol, C~1 2ffi, S.A. i\1UST sacrifice complete
PART TlME ·SALES GIRLS SALESl\fAN NEEDED \VO~fEN, full 01· pal't ti~e houseful of i\lt>diteITanean
& OFFICE HELP needed J AN 1st needed immed. for: 011ld Iurn: sofa, love seat, 2 com-
for the month of Decembt'r. SaJ~sman fot' New Atla.nlic Ca1-e. Aides or Companions. mode lamp tables, coffee
Apply in pcl'lmll La11·son's Richf.ield Service Slat ion on Ages 21 to 65. 642-32?.I !able, lamps, t"Olor 1V, din
J e'A'elers, No. 65 Huritington Harbor Blvd. at Sar1 Oleg? We Sit Be tter, Inc, ijf!I, rcfrig, stert'O, kiris llize
O!nter, H.B. Free11•ay. Full. p/time, & So11!h £oast Agl'n('y bdrrJI SCI. Qut't'n bdrn1 !IC't.
DTAL d~recthe&17-5678tt ba·· """k a'"nd Phone 673-.J.'W4 after 6 Pl\L ISchools.-lnstruction 7600 ln.111p, pictu11's. 11:ish1!1' &
• Yamaha Pianos & Organs
• Thomas Grgans
• Kin1baU ~ianos
• Kohler & C'ampbt'!:l1
Costa Mesa * 647·2851
Open J0-6 Fl'i 10-9 Sun 12-5
Still th& Best Valu&s
Famou:oo Name •II'' \\'alnul
Conso.le iv/bench. SG9;;.
Otber f'"<et:pli0n11I ''t1lues ln:
• \\'u r•iricr • Knabe
• F~vercH • Cable Ntlson . -~ grawyard Posit. Av a i I . : fl site bt'drnl 5€'1. R111:1J::
)'Oil• au. I n ll C -' · "l t • '"t •0 7· · •-ho · • \Vhitc E.1ephanls" ui yer. 1• ~< .. /\:r··»r .1 hstcn to ""' P ne ring. . .JOIN 111E FIELD , , . , ~ 21).\j N. i>1a in, ~\ 5 17·~1
-\\'lTlf A FU'f'URE' ii UR:'\r1 unF. l'rlUl'llC'd from
l;Jo;bt.-Mo:;;;,;;;;n;·;· ;;W;:•;"';·;;7;1;;00;;;;;;J;;o;;bt;;~;;;;Me;;;n;;·;W;;o;m;;. ;7;1;00;;;1 _o\ge leducation no rn-rti .. T! display l!tudioi:, n1ode1
Insurance firm needs a i.. ·1 us help you qualify. homl'!I. dri·or:iront cn ncc:lln· L~t\KEEPERS INSTITUTE !Ion. Spanish & l\ledlterran-
CHRISTr>IAS ~if1 R -llam·
mond, Stelnv.·uy. \'A1nt1h11.
Nt>w & u8l'd pianos of n1ofi\
makea. &!ii buy~ in So.
Calif. al Schmid! Music Co.
1907 N. ~lain, Santa Ana.
maturc nian, ,E~pcrience, • * PERSONNEL * INTERNATIONAL cn n etc.
aptitude to adva..,.. M<t"1/ltotol/Apt Mgmt Sehl RD FURNITURE
Production Tech
Calibration UpeT. In elec-
tronic qualifies.
Accountant $9,000
J r.·lnt~ediatc netl'lcd.
Pa>TOll &: pll.)'8ble.
tifany Other fret A fee Jobi
has an opening In 1ts Personne l Depart·
ment. reporting dlreclly to the Em ployment
Initial duties v.·ill involve screening appli·
can.ts. typing correspondence, han~lmg tele-
phone Inquiries and 1noking travel arrange-
ments. Secretarial ~kills, including short-
hand would be helpful. 'This ·is an excellent opportunity \vith a
grov.•ing company. Appl y in person.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
1117 S. BROOKfruR:.i'· every night 'Ill 9
ANAHEIM, CALtJl'ORNIA \Ved., SAt. 8'. Sun. 'Ill ~
Clas!W!s form rvery "-<ttk s· Sofa, ncvrr used, quilted ..., OPEN EVENINGS ·
P!IONE FOR. APPT. floral. scotch quarded $12l. AND SUNDAYS
Ask ror Be11y i76-5SOO Malchln.g. love seat $7ti. fll Until Christmas
The Newpori 776--05" GOULD MUSIC'
School Of Business LARGF: dl'C'sw1· ~20. Douhlr :ior1 N. illaln. ~.\ :~11·C6.S1 b('(f $2:\. Hlt1Ck & \\·hl1P 'tV __ .,., ______ ,,,,!
Fr:it1111'C \\rrld~· rrrres.hf'I' ~!:'.! B~\l'll da\'Cnporl $2:1. i•l<tl \'4:u.. i',\llTY "AN"i"31
rotll'M'S in 1111· t.k\11'! \'OU .•ll)...(IZ'l.t 1·0 R\;Y PIANO r or:.
urm to i:i:t the job )v u DISTill:.SSEO ~lupk> 6' cli..·~t CASI ! rt-12·601,i
want! ll nun"Or .$17.lo. ~apla.JJCaJ.1,.. OLD Uµrlwb~J ~lii~
• bt>ard lt nlle Etanrl S.iO. Pri.r lit'f' J'tano. $:t2$ •.
83J D:i\·t'r Dr., ~.a. Cht-51 A mllTOI' fTj. &t2~ ~t~.
~-~:_"'~'~-38~~-·0:_-~-iIT'S &sch hou!K! time. BiK· +lli\~1~.\~tO~N~'D~O~l-tG~A-.-N-.-
For Dally Pilot Wanl Ada Rttt teleetion ev@r! h tht Splllf'l Ml, •Int ((11\(j,
Ohlt 612-5678, DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS' $700 Y.\n ~
•• " '· ),
' ''
~I .,
" "' I. '
.... ____ 9111!1!"111----------------------~--------·-· .. ' Mon~ Dtcember 1. 191>9 DAILY PILOT 2f
SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE P1t1, Gener•I 8800 Mobile Homes 9200 lmpo~:l -Auto~ 9600 Imported Au101 HOO Autos Wantttd 9700 UMd C1n 9900 U1N c.,, tt0D _,__DA_TS_U~N--VOLKSWAGEN : WE PAY TOP ~c:ro~N11~NREiiNiT:TAa:iL1 1.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I 1--:..-------P11nos A Or91n1 1130 MllHll•-l600 WOT'S NU! =~~ Jim ~~ • l'OOL TA,81.SS
FACTORY , Secan! Pool ~nta Claus.Specials at
9080 Edi~er (at ~fagnolla)
F.V. '* * U2-4530
DOLLAR· 1-------~ Coope_ r ' The Worlds """ $200o ~ -YW BUGS .... Omllnental ' d 0 or for iroo<J, clean med can.
all makes. See Geqrg• Ray
Tboodmo Robins Ford
2060 -81"'1.
CLEARANCE I BRUNSWICK-AMF hardtop. t"ull It completely Faet.or')' orderi clearance ot Cul:tom Slate TablEI TRAILER SALES 1 $ '""""" ,...1ppec1 lnclU<iln, tll overage, demonattaton. From $289 "Buy from ,. man .w.u DATSUN w va·, FROl\t factory a.Ir. tun J'°"ther, floor models, studio & r&o 100% Financlfl&
turned Pianos &: Organs, * SD:ARD POOL.S * C.M. SU-0010
l;:Do9.;;<:.'--·----•:.8:;2:;5c I who llves In on1I11 $399 built tn tape deck, beautiful
Real savings up to 30%. 532-1992 \VE SERVICE Bermuda yellow with ron. OIRlSTl\tAS 1$ NJ:;AR ~ \\'HAT \VE SELL! "Leader In Tht Beach Cities" Auto luting 9810 trutina I a n da u top. Everytblng guaranteed llke 32l S. Maln St. * Reserve, your choict, 32,4 So. J·larboi-, Sa11la Ana ZIMMERMAN GOOD SELECTION Compltte 11et ct new lirca. new. Sale l.lrplted to specific
stock • so hurry! No money
down OAC0 5 )'tars to pay.
This great sale only at:
1&19 Newport', c.M, 6'U484
Open Every Nile
& Sunday Aftemoon
Some of the most popular
mOOels including: Jiammond
XTI, H-100, E-100, B-3, T·200
rte. FREE 3 DA\' LAS
285-, E. Coast Hwy 673-8930
CHURCH 01'gan TJIJ pipes,
partly restored, new due·
ting. relealhered tl3 00,
Radio 8200 ------SCRAM-LETS
Great Dane Puppy early! I "'11= p•---54° -\Vill love to1· you· ti 1 1 Blck So. 01 Bosa w . .....,., 2845 HARBOR BLVD. L!ASE • RENT ,..,.,.. "'""""""
Chmtmas. Croppod & ""°''· BAY HARBOR 54~10 ORDER YOUR 1966 C ONT I NENT AL
2240 S. Main
top lines. Moblle Home Sal~s •,·'EW! 1970 TODAY SEDAN
MARTINCREsr KENNELS Casa 1.oma Roll • A\vay •. " Loaded! Xln't Cord. '69 CHEY. $2191 * * 546-0989 * * Sheraron Manor -Homette . '70 PICKUP .FOR EAJ(LIEST '1950. C&ll -546-78'13 O•m110 H1rclto,, v.1, •u-Chrlstmas Special $275 up. ~P-U~T'--m"•"-"-"--,-,-0-,-1 r Kit -Prestige -Siiha.ra--I •
h ~ d
' DulE&..fV·gR·Y fomitic tr111,,, powiTiffli·
CHUCK'S AU. SIZES \\' camper, !'I ove1'1n:a ~ Al pop ar makes. Font CORVAIR ;119, ricffo, h••t•r. Lie. YCL Christmas tree. Pekingese NO ~ ' ~• dlo " I tires ' autho-'z""' le .. ~1-"g 1y1tom. 27aO Harbor at Adams. 01 mule puppy AKC reg'd. \Y ON DISP cam, ., s1..... ·, ., PY • " "" """ 276
1425 Bakei-St.. Costa esa back up llJ:h!s. You nan1c Ge t Our Competitive Rale1 '62 CORVAlR. needs minor' ,67 cou~•• $1159 Chanip blood line, 8 \\'ks .....,.,. k •~• lf.s block East of Harbor Blvd. it! Full price $.'lr.1:1'. Ta e sa. """1 E't. "" .. , 61 Theodore v.'Ork -V.'OU!d make eood old. 847-34~9 1 d d C'-" Phil """ "".... Awt,,-•tic t r • n 1 • U you will sell or bey, 0:.sta l'lfesa (714) 540-~70 sn1al n or tr.l r . ...._.. • l97U HARBOR BLVD. RO .. llNS FORD Dune B\lilY Chassis. $100. miii•o", pow., 1f1•tint,
give Windy a Ir)' VIZSLA 1 yr ma.Ir, good with 24 x 60 494-97T.~ or ~~I. COSTA t¥rESA 536-6958 powet br1k•1, rtcfio, h•1t-
Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. $~~~~A~ved h u n..t er A"·nlngs, raised porch, full '67 DATSUN BUG, Dark Green, new car Costa ~e~arbor Jlh·:4z.ooto 1962 CORVAIR 4 door, stick. •r. whH1w1U1. Lie. UEU 611
Windy's Auction Barn 1 .!'..':'c::;;;.;::;.~==--skirting, shag crpr, lhruouf, PICKUP s-uai·. tranterable, underJ ~~~~~'!'!''!'!'~~·J New brakes. carb overhaul-'65 MUSTANG $1095 2075~i Newpoi1, Cl\l 646-8686 AFGHAN }IOUND bit.ins. Set 1n 5 Star Park, rw..... mi. auto, stick, radio, LEASE ANY MAKE ed. 24.000 mi. Sl50. 646-3431 v.1. •11tom1ti1 tr1nt1'li11io11, B/M, silver, male, 4 mos 1 f · All · · I · ·d •-I 4 ~ ;· ' 1 • 1 t Behind Tony's Bldg, Mat'I. one n1 le ron1 OC')9JI JO oi-1g1na 1ns1 e .,.; ou. on/off hu;. ral'k. Res. OR MODEL r• 10, 1• •r, v1ny op,
NE\•• . 1 1 1 . k 1 ~~=.,_::962-::,9989=:,..-..,,-~ Costa !\1csa. Sll.900. :ipd, uit, \\'ill line prvt pi-ty. 67>lS98 Bus. 645_1992 . , At ~,. l•a•· ··-~· show FALCON tl11!1d 9l1n. Lie. OYW 172 ... stainess see sin 12 SMALL adorable cock-a· e 642·1352 e l'"'u.11 price $999, Call Ken ...,., ..,,,.. '°"' __..,.. '64 T·llRD $1195 worth ~. New Nutone l il S1S h 7'l3 $1850. you the best plan for your ,63 FALCON Convertible.
ceiling heater $19. 3()>djO poo pupp ~. s ver eac · 494•91 · V\V '63 Semi-Camper. l'ltlnt pel'IOnal needJ without c~ L1ncl1u top. F11ll I ~om·
walnut exec desk irio. Con-Sunday or l\1onday 548-8076 Motorcycles 9300 '67 STATION \Vgn. 96 hp. 4 Cond. Only 12,475 mi. Fae gallon. P.lotor completely overhaul· pl1t1 pow11 iq11ipp1d, in·
AKC BASSETT Pups d ood 'd 11050 UNIVERSITY ed in Sept. New tires, air, clwdin' f1,to1y 1lr. tinoous play 8mn1 projector, spee · g (..'QI • • re-bit eng. Stel'/radio, pri, radio $500. ~
self-contained screen for Tri·color, $45-$75, 540-8638-eve '§6 YAt.IAHA 250 ce Good 5-18-6731. pty. '1495. (TI4> 846-1017 er OLDSMOBILE '67 Dl.TSUN ,995
dtspla,y or uJ.es ;50. Wonder TOY poodle puppies. Black condition $300 before 3 Pf\1 1 '~69~=n.-c"c-"-n"'""'Pi"''"'d=rup-:tru=ck, OUice (2J3l 439-0951 2850 Harbor Blvd. r 600 4 door, 111to~tic
Hobby ·Horse, best model. with AKC pa--. 7 w•"'·· on v;eekdays, all day wknds. •· .,,..__ Costa Mesa FORD h1ntml11io11, r1dlo, h1Jt1r. ..-• ~ .,..,, lake! over paymen ..... ~ '""' 1965 VW. !'.1aintainf!d in in1· Lfe. UOK 651
like new $l5. 646-5.511 i,;•~ld;,17::;:5·::':;'•:;'~";:,· ~&1:;2-4:=29::;•:,= I ;';g9_7-6H!l69iONiD.i:""iiiO"Si00."'6' Equily. 642-3664 maculatc . <..'Oodi!ion. Ne\\' -..,....,,."=~..,9640==---,-I ~"-::'."."-":::.-_ .. ,...,044,_,_ II
YELl.DW naugahydc hide.a.· '69 HONDA 350 $400. '63 ---·-brakes, m.ufller. good tires. ..61 LEASE • .61 '67 GALAXJE 5111, 2 dt', r/h, '61 FOID .., be I H 8830 O" IV GON ENGLISH FORD .,..... .,..... .,;,. ....,.. •"• I •-·· Int G•l1ici1 100 2 door h1rcf· d, Tru~tone conso e stereo orMI }~ORD STATI :, A , $1015. Pl'lv. pty. 61S-2141 1970 FORD Tort-GT, afr ..... , VON ..... au o ..... ~, x /radl D · h $400 67'3 29 • ..., cond, crig owner $1495. Ca1J fop , V-1, 1utom1tic tr1n1-:
record player&. ~ alll! d HORSE stables for rent, lge -'--' -'~-'-"-----1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FOR Sa.le: 1962 Volkllwagen pov.•cr brakes & steering, eves St wkcnds 644-6098 ml11ion, pow•r 1t11ri119,
modem W c ' nee arena $35 mo. ]616 Orchard, '61 YAMAHA 100 Twin. Conv. 48.000 ml. Necdi; radio, wide oval \VSW", .351, vi 11yl roof, whit1w1ll1, Lie.
clng, yellow modem sofa. s A H-· 54" ~ RUNS GOOD ' Bcfo1v 5 ORANGE COUNTY'S scime txxly v..'Ork. 67:-r290J 4 V ,,g;ne_ $99.50, 00 mo" '66 Falcon Futura WAC 371
~:. ;o~4gf~ Schwinn 1 R.:E:::~G::.·.cAP:::•.:-H~~"mor"°~°"", '-,~~,-,.-d'°"dh'!" 54&-5572. Aft. ~;-s.IG-8308 . VOLUME ENGLISH an 6 SOUTH COAST ~ '"" Fully factory equipped, Dlr. c,6c:S:;:,:FO"-=R~D--~$~11~9~5' I I
Asti-ay -Altar -'Fiord -$275. \Vestci-n snddlC" & HONDA SO -.1965 FORD DEALER '67 V\V 17,000 1ni, xlnt contl CAR LEASING Phon~~2.6023 G1l1J1i• soo, 4 cir. hardtop
\Vhence -ANCESTOR 8610 breast collar. $145. 646-4095 C".ood Condition. fkst SAl:.ES. SERVICE thl'uoul, many xtras. Pi-iced 3CJ \V. Cst H\\'Y, NB 645-2182 ~~~""="cccC:..~~11 v.1,111lom1ti c t11 n1mi11ion.
A iniser isn't n1uch fun to _M_;_,e_._W_i _ntod_____ Offer. Call -&l;>-1456. '6S MODELS ;'°~"~"~·~64>-~l~Ol~9~or~64~ .. ~73~14~/;:;:'.;;=;:;:=='===~;f;;/'64 GALAXIE 500XL P/8, pow1t 1t11ri119, p o "'• r
Jive with, but he makes a TRANSPORTATION ,69 HONDi\ 350 S.S. Going 10 Immediate ddiVery 1~ VW. Sunroof. N.?wly Usid Cars 9900 P/S, air. New tir es. br1k11, whi t1w•ll tl111,
\1·onderful ANCESTOR. $ W•E BUY $ LARGE SELEC:l'ION 54;)..2392 aft 6 ..,,·eek day, all 'li nyi top, tinl•d 91111, Lie. BOits & Y1chh 9000 Vletnan1t! Excellent con-p~lnted. Xlnl :Ond·. Ul1v '68 -4 Speed, IO\v n1ileage, day weekends. c•:.:•Y_o"o:.:•~~~-== I
Television 8205 ---------dition. 646-4940 alt. 5. Theodore n11leage. 847-718;, vinyltp, t'•Wlll, Kl 9-2002 or -'0-,..~-'-'"---~--11 "64 F'LCON •-s $ FURNITURE $ I MUST BE CRAZY ROBINS FORD -'&1 Ford • do· hardtop, ~ ... . . ,. . Auto Services '&! VW, VERY CLEAi'1, or;ic '1:l47a.t. \l'hite iv/red interior. Sq ui11 w1go11, y.1, iwtom•· Lease Coloi-TV er Blacl( APPLIANCES To _sacrifice rn. y ? cabiry. & Parts 9400 21);() Harbor Blvd, owner, Jo1v miles. Best ofi· ""'='========I $550 Call S49-l9T.l ic. tr1111mi11ion, f1clorv •Ir,
& \Vhite. Option lo buy. Color TVi-Piillo1.-St1••0
• ci-utsers. Both. m inmt cond. l iiiiiiiiiiii~--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 Costa Mesa 642-0010 .':.:'';_• ..:'"::..:·'::":.:7--~--BUICK ·"""°"°"'·.,;:.::::...:::.co::..cc"_..,11 pow1r •l•1rln9, 11199191 F · N . 1 PIK• or Hone Ft.II 1963 FORD conv, Very good ., "::':.'.:!#~IVV;_,:..--~= I'Cc SCl'VICt'. 0 depos1t-CASH IN JI MINUTES 23' & 30'. Financing-Insur· --··--'67 BUG, n<!\V tires, ne\v cond t"l:Q:;. ' -
A-Active TV Rental Co. ance avail. }iurry! tlUITY! brakes, low mileage, excel. '65 Riv. custum Gran Sport. · ~9s&..7448 * '65 FORD $ffS
(l) 52'2-1153 • 5'4 1-4531 • Call Dena • 64.5-1412. BEACll FERRARI · ("(Ind $1375. 6~5-(}146 All pwt•-fac air. many ==========JI Country 11cl111, Y-1, •ufo· I-======~==~ ~w"AN=TE=D'": 7M'°ar"m.=""s.x,_,.tan....,.t°'&' 1•64 29• Owens. Elee refrig, AUIO Supply .65 K.G. Headers, new paint, xt~as .. Landau top., new m1t it, f1cto ry 1lr, pow•r Camer11~_ &_Equip. 8300 Chronometer. FERRARI h ra k • L C'·-. ll""~. J\Iichehn tire&. ~ 2100. MERCURY 1f••ri119, r1cflo, h••fer, Uc. _ 642-5953 depth findei-, radio-lele. 17 I I Newport lmportt: Ltd. Qr.. "A" ,,.91 •Ko.O•J I/Vol ~96-33.39, 830--0303 , NQlC !04
WILL BUY 16. mm proj, hrs since survey. I.mmac. Who esa e ance Count)''• mi, autboz-. U'fU"'Vt 11154 MERC. 9 l"uaenger Sta '67 MUST•N~ $1495 ~lent or sound Must be'.,,. Wanted·Rolltop desk Must sacrifice. 846-1643 aft '63 BUICK LeSabre. Good ~ • , lzed dealer. 1957 V\V bl Wag, Excel cone!. $200. Hircllop, V-1, 4 •pcl., ricllo, good cond., reas. priced, Needed ~fore Christmas 5 ~m. ... P rices to All SALES-SERVICE=PARTS JN XLNT CONDITION com!., tt t eng. Orlg. =O=wne=r=673-J084======Jl h••*•r. Uc. MOM 616 \VlLL SEIJ... F ed e r al 549-0449 1966 Chris Craft 27~£c'. All C.Omplete Machine Shop 3100 w. Coast Hwy. MUSI' SELL. 675--0615 O\Vner. 643--5000. 54S.OOOO·
Eng.larger for 35 mni, NEED bricks t 1000 Gl ass.· Twin 185 HP cng's. SPEED EQUl.P:i\1ENT Newport Beach 11 eve, MUSTANG '66 CHEY. $195 21'"x2%'', etc., In foldaY.'ay one 0 ' REBUILT Ei"iGINES 642·9405 540-3764 1967 VW Sedan. Must se · Cor11 H1rcl Top. 4 1p•ed, reasonably priced. 644-4687 Fly Bridge. Jl ead & Galley. Aulhorized F errari Dealer Make oiler. 833-3111 ~ti-. '61 BUH~K LeS&bre. clean, reclio, h•i ter. l ie, TIS 636
case 2/masking easel. Will $8600. Call 646-7353 1125 Victoria, CM 548-6550 Brown 40,000 nu $450. MUSTANG '67 289 V-8, air, ,
FO"D ••ztS trade on projector. Call on ••-:L• I 8700 d 1 "'" ~·1 I ,,_ d' G blk • .. \\'knds, Fri eve, !hru SUn., ~co1n1ry, • c. 16' l\"ENNEDY, 55 h P 18361 Beach Blv 'HB 8-17.()'}J FIAT '59 VOLKS\VAGEN Sedan, <N<l""•<N p s. <U!>C,, ra io. ~Y· G•. 100 4 Dr. H.T.
Laguna Beach. 498-2152 FORKLIFTS: '55, 2,000 lb H1omeli:~~ Tr~73t;ait tank, * OPEN 7 DAYS * ---------·I 1'.Iechanici.lly sound. Radio. l~~ S~ar~.f2 l ctr h~rd ~?~ ;~1Gd· cond. S 16 7 5 v.1, 1utom1tie, r1cfi o, h11t0
ON Pneu·, "57. 3,000 lb Solo'd·, c ean. """"· · '68 Fiat 85(1 Spidei-. $300. Call 846-0788 · au 1 u con · U ~========::.JI •r, pow1r 1t1•rin9 f1etory FOTR camera, takes pie-•=-'-" 67" "~7 d 11 1 ; I 4.0CK> lb Solid. Your choice '68 -4 SPEED. tow mileage, Xlnt cond. Must sell. A 000 ·1 pov;e.i-. ....,,,. ........,..., 1i1 r.:011 ., n • 9 •••· lures in darll, lifetime devel. Trailer, Trivet 9425 2 1970 VW Bug -., m1 ei;, -OLDSMOBILE WTE 516
op'g cont. Cost.$39S sell $150 $USO. 30 Day Warranty. vinyl lp,.$2.(m. Kl !l-2002 or .:,::::.:;""-.:c.;:;..:;;__:.;,::c;c $1315. 494-595 ~!!v~~. pa(ty. Best oller. CADILLAC ---------ii "-"'-'-"-------&U-5283 714: 642-8393 er 714: 494-6154. 6S-ll' x 25._ Was .$5000....Cut .,,,.,....,.,.. 69 0 '66 FORD $THS
897-2433 Evos. •= 0 bl k fro KARMANN GHIA ~ I ' LOS "OU{la" atatlon Gol. 600 XL > 0 •• H.T. Sallboiita 9010 to S~. ne oc m '66 VW sedan, """" c can B k R • wagon. Freshly re-appt'd. &: v.1, •11tom•lic, . rtcl!o, Sporting Goods 8500
COl\.IPIEI'E set 2-9 custom
registered LouisevUie pov..-er
built golf irons $35. 642--0879
REMINGTON Wingmaster,
model 870 Trap, used only 6
mos . .$125. 53S-0532
38 Caliber Rifle
Ask ror Joe 83Q-3738
';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;; shopping. l&W Newport No. 1965 K Ghl condition. $1100 Call alter 6, 30 eposseS$100 immac. A1r-cond, p\vr . hi•t•r, pow•r st••rl"'f,
• 55, CM. . . armann a 675-43(li. steer. &. bralrea; sea green. pwr. br1lc1t, f1ctory •ir
NEW & USE'D 2.<foor CoU~e, _Xlnt Cond. ,62 VfN GOOD COND 1968 Cad 4 Door Brougham. $3250. 644-0'114 concl., whit• will tir1t,
t.ovely healthy mitten toed SABOTS Trucks 9500 Immaculate 1ns1de and out! • S46-8t9l Full ~r & air condition· STA WAY STEAL I .. 1nyl top, ti11t1cl 911••·
kitten, striped gry/wht. 4 for Ouilltmas! LONG BED One owner. See at 480 Broad. $000. * ing. AM·FM stl?reo. Take ov. '65 F-35 Wbt Wag. Sacrilice ~•c:PM,,__,l'-'5'-l---~=· 11
mos. old, very !riendly, way, C.M. VOLVO er payments or we will re.. '69 FORD $2H5 needs good home. 542-7006 Complete $250. 1910 GM c CS1500 Pickup Orig. ownei-. Exceptional
Yacht• Royale . . . ' finance OAC. Call 642-Jlll SlOSO * 673-l2J2,. LTD 4 dr., v.1, 111to"'1tit, days OO-l7'l4 after 6 pm SeL'. # ·22;,2303 MERCEDES BENZ ext 241 or 237. f1 ctory 1ir, pow1r tf11 rln9,
Free to qual. honle w/fenccd '2912 W.· Coast Highway $2695 VOLVO SEO. De VIile. &f. Xlnl cond. '65 STARFIRE, fuJI power pow1r br1k1t, r1d io, ft•1t·
yard, beaut, pure bred Boxer Newport Beach 6-15-0lllO UNIVERSITY incl. "indows &. seail, a1r •r. vi11vl top. 7,000 1'!1111.
OLDSMOBILE mechan. I: appearance, cond. $1'>ti:. 510-5ll3 Uo. Y..,... 121 male, 8 mos. old. Obed. lrnd. 1 '-• Bl / blk 1~;:;~·~~,;::::-;:=.0--:,.-IF:::..:.:;;"~~~~==
ALSO pu1-ch1'ed lcn1ale Dox· De~'~AY D~~e$1195 2850 Harbor Blvd. 1970 ~n:~Y 't~;.•Ortiu';; n ~r . 1966 Olds F-85 delx sec!. New '61-,0NTIAC $1495
ie. lY.i Yl"S, 962-0180 14• O'DAY, used $49S Costa Mesa HERE NOW 64-1--0324 tires, p/s, r/h . .$ll00-S300 G.T.O. 2 Door H1rdtop V-1, Miscellaneous 1600 'e"E'°'A°"UT""'1ru""'L-'°Lo'"n_g_,h-.,~-red°"" 540-9640 below BB. Pri pty. ~92611 •utom11ic, r1cl io, h11t1r, ";;====:...-..c..= Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa ~----=-=-=:cc---Low Pr"oces on ·~ SDV, only 3950 ml, . 1 1 P 1·,1,, ''''' VIT -I hit f I •..: t •,.:. Ton '62 CHEVY P'ook Up '65 OLDS Cutl••s 0
'. ' ' ' BEAUTIFUL hand painted gray w e ema e '"1 en. VEN1URE 21' Xl nt cond .. 3 "' Remainiftg '69's Eldorado fire mist gold, ""
oil portrait ot you or your Very S\\'Ccl & lovable, to sails, head, 2 outboards, slps w/s\eet camqe,r shell, 8' YOUR BEST DEALS gen. lealher seats, blk top, gd. JQld. S900 •'68 OLDS $2295
,.hildren from a phol-ph. kind home. 673-9123 or o" !!AD~"""' bed, 6 cyl eng'. lmmaC\llatc """"" .....n r AT fully eqp'd. $5875. Orig &4&-lj9J • •••• 5=1338 12/2 4, extras, uer. ~ ta.-. Aul. N•w -·· 11·-s. ~ ou~ -===d'k!!::=====JI Cutl111 2 cir, H.T, V-1, 1u· A wonderful idea for that •.r '"~ ''"""' ... owner ~3 ...
SABOT Wanted. GlaM only, Paint like new. Must se.e to 1956 100 SL DEAN LEWIS to'"1t!e, f1ctory 1lr, p41w1r s""'cial Christmas gift. PUPPIES, two, 8 weeks old. ~ .. ro1r1CE PLYMOUTH · c ' .. -used. believe! • Reasonable as ""f".''"" •~ •f11ri119, pow1r .•u• 11,
64&-3629. Cross of Shellie and poodle -===C=all==64Z-6832====o-J cwner inust sen. Best oiler. Best oUei-over $700 ... . CAD. SEO. DEVILLE, '67, ----~-----ll vinvl top. Sh 1rpl Uc, VSlC
CARPET Installer has one down the slr&et. Lovable :; ~1948 67~7329 1966 Harbor. c;.r.r, 646-9303 J.oa.ded. Stereo. leather, '69 Ply. Fury III. Auto., P.S .. 10:'.:."'-------
roll, avocado nylon carpet, .shortood .. ~aired,,.~u1'7'.2 fr1""212to Speed-Ski Bff~I 9030 ''"" DODGE PICK UP 1 MG '61 VOLVO P-1800 :W,IJOO ml. $3595 Firm. Days P.B., fact. air i:ond., vinyl '66 FORD. $HS
double jute-backed. \Vill sell g uume, .,.,.,. " · "" • • ong Fully eqp'd. Xlnt cond. 837·2970. Eves. 494-4390 roof, Must sell. l'l-Iake otter. Cu.+am SOD, 4 dr. v.1, 111·
all or part $3/yard •. ..510-7245 3 YR old male Toy Poodle & 13' Boston Whaler, imma,c. bcrl, gOOd, <.Vnd. stk shift 6-.$2800. 642°2029 NORGE 1\uto '\\'88he.r, cop. 837-9682 fom1tic, f1ctory •ir, powtP
4 DIAi\lOND \\"edding ring %. 15 mos old male l'llalmute, 41) hp Johnson w1th elec ,;;<Y=.1:·=:1=!000=·,:54;,7"-00,:33:====-MG Sport. Blue. Pis, P/b. Xlnl 1t••tin9, pow1r br1k•, r•·
carat, $50. Por tabl e Free to good homes, starter, boat cover. $1425 or -Salem, Servic.?, Parts Antiqun, Cl1nlcs 9615 cond. Call ~968 PONTIAC dio, h11f11. Lie, SOL 907
typewriter. like new, script 549--0618 1212 make offer. 615-5535 Jt~ps 9510 lmm~a~~!:t!very, .64 CADILLAC, 4 <loor.1----,;_.;____ '67 OLDS $2195
$30. 646-4225 HUNGRY, young fem. tigt>r ========= 1961 CJ5 Jeep in xlnt shape, '57 MORGAN + 4 Private party $1400. '68 Catallna, 4 dr hardtop, D1lmont II 2-dr. H.T. v.1,
FIRE\VOOD for Sal<', Ory cl).!. Mittl'n-tced. Ve i-Y cM=•::.'::.;";;':..::E::!q::.u~ip;:. __ 9;;0:.:3c:.5 many xiras incl. Ramsey Ne\Y T:ip, new brakes. Ex. !)68..3139 xlnt cond, 4 new tires, full :,:':;, r;:~0·b~:k·:~r, f::,::;
E.'ucalyptus. Delivered &: friendly. 642-1724 12/2 MERCURY motor 9.8 hp like 'vinch Sl.200. LIS-0351 aftei-5 ccllent con d It i o.n. ,$1.SJlQ. '67 El Dorado, mint cond. pwr, air $2295. Call or see at iir cond, .,..hlf• will tire•,
stacked. 54~9887 PUPPIES, part H ti's k Y I new wilh gas tank. \Vill seU co~r~&IG-~0,30~11="'-'~'~· ---642-1724 after 6 Pt.f. Fnll pow • aii-+ $800 in Earl Williams Texaco Sta., ,.;nyl top, tintid 911n . 1"v"•'°NTE='~0-, -,Sodc-'-,-~,0-0-0,c-.,~.n I Cocker, 6 \\•ks. old, ~o good cheap. 615-0'231 i2) RARE '65 Ko iser jeeps,
~:~a~:..,~ake oiler-trade dn. 17th & Superior, C . M. ,
1195 •d•ptable for use in home home. 8J3.-0777 11/2 ,,;;=::;:=,=:::,,=== 4x·I, rilesel po1vered camp. 3100 w. Coast Hwy, N.B. Autos Want.1.::.d ___ ;.,; .....,...,~.,.. 646-2503 Vov•o•• 0 P••• ,1,11,,
.) ~ 0'7 -1969 FIREBIRD Pontiac. · ' bar. 84&32'Z2 !'>.1ALE beagle, 1 yr. old loves Boat Slip Mooring 9036 ('n;. Eves, l71 ""~-ov 1 542.9.100 5•10.1764 '62 CADlLLAC Sedan de w19on, r1dlo, h•1t11, v.a,
For Salo. Firewood. children, free to good home. ;:.:""'-"-"'· ...::----AuUiol'ized 1'.1G Oealer WE PAY · · Ville $495. Lo mlg. lo down 15·000 actual m ileage 111tom1tie t1•n•mi•1ion, po·
847-494j Deluxe tsoal Slips Campers 9520 CASH Lipstick orange w/ white w•r if•irin9. Lie. RPP 9&6 Orange & Eucalyptus bl k al '·' limited number available 10 quo.l. buyer. 5484265 Cordova top. $2950. Helen ,
495 838-f.670 T\VO Ftiskys· ac · m7 e "':,~ 30• St 35• 9· CAl\'lPER. '54 Ford. H.D. PORSCHE -R:;yan~;.owne~~'·;,;546-65;:.=7,14:;.. -.,,,,,.II , .. , i\'IUST sell health c lub tens, part iamese, wee"" 1'.1arina del Rc>y lircs, Good Condilion. S700. ------"----CHEVROLET ;-;: v.1, 1utom1!1c fr1111mitt1011,
membership. 4 years $400. old. 646-1338 Ne\v modern marina 548-9729 '68 TARGA • S5-100 or J\lake for used cars lk truck! .fusl '60. PONTIAC Bonevllle, V8, ftcfory •Ir, pow1r •f11rin9,
3 Ki·u p · ••ri OU•,-. 0-1•101•• o··qulro·"" on· -A" us for frft ~mate. Repossession Bar91in1 4 dr, r&h. p/a, p/b, JUl1! h11t1r, 4 clo or •1cl1n. Lie. 842-3955 ens, parl ers1an, i--• 1'.larina City Coi-p. '" .x ~ '' '-\.AU ood 1225 rn "755 YCU I '-=~-,-'---~--., ali Lagu D B 9525 I D "·"I ''"" E"•s GROTH CffCURQlfl '&I ~c.tmp hit Cou...., $987 1~':;,:;:·~=·=-:::=~=:'::;:::=o;= 11 =..:':.:''--~---'K!NG Size box springs, mat-Siamese, Port na na. John GaMiman, Dock ~laster une ug!_!.!s ----y. ays ;,, ....,...,.,, • . '' ...... ,.... _
-·· &' •-mo. e"""llent 494-9388 12/2 · 121:n 823-5415 -~J.;7-8i83 , · '63 Chev I\ Ilova $647 '67 Gran-Prht:·Sharpl '66 FORD $1495 uo::.... uca "'"" '67 r.1ans type dune buggy in """'-"'~----,-~-;-;-; Cars may be taken ovct on Falrl111• 500 2 cir. H.rcltop condilion .$50. 646-lll5 LITTLE Black kitten, ap-BALBOA Slip. 40' boat. \Vith xlnt concl, mogs, \\'Ide ovals, '62 1600 S. S1,i::n<J I rrd, hlk Ask for Sales Manartt little or no down payment Loaded! $1995, 84S..ll65 v.1, •ufo, ticllo, hi•fir, • 7 w'·· old _,, a • h d & k' te•lhe1', chr. v.hls .. Ai\l·Fl\I. ........ , .,_,. .. Blvd 1 KING size latex mattre&!'i llt. pro.... Ka. • '"""' sho,\-er "" ea par ing air lifts. radio, 1500 rn~. ~ ._.. •• • on approved credit. Call Mr. pwr. 1t11r, • e f • f y }lr
spring!!. Like nc1v! Tremeri-good hoine. 548-GH2 12/2 ti! 6/15/10,'.$80. mo. OR 3-7950 $1550 or besl offer. Call radinls. Xlnl 1..vnd. $2200. Hunlirl&'ton Beach Everett 547·9'166. Hall Fin. RAMBLER concl, whit• w•ll tir1•, tilt·
dous buy! 673-2402 CHIHUAHUA, To good home ~>4&-1626 6-12-:"i727 ___ ;:;KI::.:~cc:t!cl._l ___ I anca Co .. IS<&F N. Tuslin •d t l111 . STY IOS
POLAROID camrra S:.0. with yanl. older persons Mobil• Homes 9200 ·i;~1 CORVAIR po ""e rerl RENAULT WE PAY CASH ;._A_vo_.,c.s._n1_a_A_n_'·----i'65 RAMBLER '66 CHEVY $1495
Set cf i\lelmac dishes $6. please. 6"2-gj87 12/2 '&S Mobile hm. deluxe 20X43 on/off rd bug1:y. Radical SHARP 1969 Chev. ~talibu. li1e•y111, i uto'"•tie tr•n•·
B C 'b Id b t bl ne1\· rlr'llP.:n. SJ300. 4%-T"JOO · k .... d -· di ml11.ion, f1cforv 1i1, pow1r 540-02!-1~1 ABY n , o u unsa e ~stat' adlt pet park, cor. l!l62 R.F.NAULT • ('nginc FOR YOUR CAR Ne"' tire s, slel'eo tape dee , Am.,..,,sa or .,.,.,, air. r, iteerlnt, pow•r "rikii, ri·
ELEC dryer, G.E. "'asher, !'~0-6.)112 12/t spc. fenc'U a""nlng.~. skining 9600 r~condf!loned, nin11 s:::reat. . \•inyl top. Like new! loaded. 0 n e owner. Will clio, hiitir. Lie. ios60111 pool 1able, Oriental desk. Free frlsky flu!fy puppy all cl!mnt p:illc, A·l cond. 642-Imported Aiitos Slfl(J cai;h .. »11-3.<i25 ;i ft 4 Pl\t • ;)38...65.10 bet111een 10 Ai\1-2 take older r\r in trade. ~•6!66 , •• ,, 6'"'1.178 "'64 ERICA CONN~LL PM PDW138LB. Ca II Ken, "67 PONTIAC $1HS -·~ --=~~~.......,,,..,:AUSTIN AM 40 •9m "'"~'• -""' FIREWOOD TIIE QtJICKER YOU CALL, DAILY PILOT Classified "SUNBEAM CHEVROLE'l1 '65 Nova SS, bkt seati;, auto =~=·;;::°'='=.~:::-==·==:JI 2 cloor htrdtop, i wtom•tlc
637-6843 THE QUICKER YOU SELL section NO\V! AUSTI N AMERICA 28'l8 Harbor Blvd. trans, p/11. r /h, economy 6, trintmlulon, f•cfory 11t,
'liO SUNBEAi\·I Al pine, R&:H. Costa P.tl!sa 546-1200 new lires, recent tune-up ·T·BIRD rtcl!o, h••t•r. TUL 042
Sales, Seivice, Paru ii·/s/ii·. conv. ~lu~t l!Cll. _...:;:.:=c==...:.-'---1 xlnt cond. By owner .$995.1 _________ ''4 T·lllD $1195 lrnm~J8~~od~~very Blu B"'J;, \l'hsle $97;). Rc!ail Will Buy 8.17-5202 days; 6 73-4566 '66 T-BIRD L1ncl1u H.T. v.1, •11tom1tic,·
J1rluµor t
31111 orts
3100 \V. Coast Hwy .. N.B.
6'12·940j !i40-li61
Authorized J\tG Dea.lei-
A-HEALEY '67 Mkl!I new
radtaJs. cordovrut bro\lm
(YQB9661 $2750, 673-3306 -
ask for Guy.
'67 AL"STJN Het1l ry Spr\le,
i:OOd ccnd!tion $1150.
JM35 Be:itch 01\'tf,
lluntl~ton Beach
842-7781 or !r-1~
Sl425. Your prlc~ $1000. Cpl! 1.;',-'"~';..· ==~~= . ftctory t ir, r1cl lo, h11t•r,
673-3465 aft 6 P~I. Your Volkswagen or Porsche 1965 IMPALA CONVT. 2 Dr. HT, !uJI pwr, lllr, dlr, •inyl top, fwll pow1r. Lie.
&: pi\)' tor> dollars. Paid for Air, p/s, p/v.., etc. $1395. pwr aeals. brakes. wlndOws. HGS 641
TOYOTA Biue Book $7500 • SACRI· or not. Call R.11lph Call owner 963-3454 aft 6 Pt.1 FICE 51685• or tcrelgn car •61 CHEVY $1695
__ _:.;:_:..:..:...:. _____ ...;_673$ _____ 1'57 Chevy Bel Air Con\'l. ir. ti-ade. NPV132. Call Phll Novi , 4 cir., 6 cvl .. •ufo· TOYOTA U.fPORTs WANTED Aulo treJll". R&ll, 4 nu 491-9773 or 54.)...()634. tn 1tic tr•nuil!Jt l•11, r1cUo,
Orange Coontle& wh1¥>'alls". $42:>. 847-1182 h11t•t, 1fc. Lie. VMll69 '62 T·BIRD 2 Dr HT. All .,, -ao ••zts 1970 'IOP S BUYER I '66 CAPRICE. 26,()'.Xl miles ...... nor ...., Btu. MAXEY TOYO?A Sl500. Call bh\'O S:JO.S, pov.•er. Loaded! ot:I>\ offer. Tortno F~1tb1el-. 390'' v.1,
HERE NOW 188&1 Beach Blvd. 54• ,115 Evei/wkndl 613-6660, ~ 111fom1tie, f1 ctoiy •ir, PIW·
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Low Prices on --'61 Chevy Impala Conv.. T·BIRD '64, air, all pwr. & r1cl io, h11t.r. l ie, ZDlC I t•
Remaining '69'1 \VANTEI?: l96!1 CADILL.AC. $29;'). Good Transportation. X'tras. Am/F)'lt radk), Alk• '~MUSTANG $12'5 '"OUR BE~ DEALS from pnvate party Call alt. Call &I" ~14 " ·'" 6 :>16-87'7 ~ · Ing .$950. 846-0539 or 1213) H lo'" 6·cyl., 1wtoin1+ic,
ARE STILL AT - p.m.. J '56 CHEVY WJlion, 1960 283 I ~~c.:.,;_l.;,19_w_k:"d,,Oay;.';__>8P;__M..;,__ll rtcllo, h•1t.r, "ri11.,t t•p. Lie. DEA~ N LEWIS •••••••• V•tte .,,.1ne. Now l'o'ln~ '5s 2 dr T-Blrd. I own<r. IFX ll7
$700 or eb«t otftr'. s.18-40t2 n.tr good, nl!eds pa.In t. teat
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~ACft!FICE 1969 Toy O I A
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l96Q IONGSWOOO ESti'ie cvrs. Best offl!r. 494-9924
\\'ag, 9 pus, lots of o:tnu1, • ... =::T-=-sc:1R"'o-'.=,.."-r1""co"nd"-. -I-II
:itlnt ('011(). r·.v. 068-8173 owner. Jo mlle11. Sacritlce.!
(5) 1968 OiEVY Jmptll•s. 646-8760, 646--3672
looded. Priced tor q~llck
ute: $1850. !'.34-5290
'65 Impala. 2 di-. 2'l3 eng.
New trans, lo ,nht, ;./c. xlnt
cond. f..o bock. ~JBS2
·&I ~lALIDU. xlnt cond, t'lt'\V
lh'!'s, l O'NT'IC?' .$9iJO 01· otter.
~3663 or 543-63)3
i\ll'CH,\NIC'S SPF.Cl.AL
'61 Vallanl $50
CaJl s.o..'12S5
2240 S. Main .-
' '
;}!) DAILV •ILDT Monday, DKtmbet l , 196~
Other Presid.erits R~acted the Same ~oil Dese_g~egati_!>E-
BJ DOUGLAS B. CORNELL televised interview about three note of progress towa'td In-ordinance! and practices con-they stirred up little White" bad nolh1n, to say for public "The Supreme Co u r t bas
months a(ter the M1sslssippl lt!gration ln Atlanta and formed. w i.t b. c0nslitutional House reaching. conswnpUon about the spok!n decisively on the Um·
leadership re!OUree1 of the ti"•
ttUlive branch of government
to assist i.1 every possible way
in doing so. l call upon all
cillzens, and particularly those
in leadership positions, to
work together in seeking eolu·
lions for these problems In ac·
cordance with the mandate of.
the court."
\VASHINGTON (API eruptions that "we couldn't do messaged his congratulations Jaw~ Nixon was on a polltical decWon, In a case Involving ing of 5Chool desegregation
·President Nixon didn 't exactly anything else.'' to the ci ty. tn the prcsidencey or sortie lnto New Jersey, to help tbe time it was taking tl
leap up and s~ool .. Huzzah" "But, on the other hand," he Jn addres!ling the United Johnso.1, who could and did elect a Republican goverrfor ... ftcalcJtrant Ml.s!lsslppl school There are, of course, pracUca
on Ocl 29-the day the Su-added. "I recognize that it has -states Cg;\ference of ll-tayors boast of gWding the first civil when word reached him that district.. to desegregate. and hUman problems involved.
preme Court decreed thal caused a lot (If bitterness In Honolulu in 196.1 Kennedy rights blll in more than 80 the Stzpreme Court had ruled Back in 'jfllllhlngton the next With all Of us ·working
laggard schools must df'segr::· against n1e and aralnst the cited integration as an area in years to passage while Senate deliberate speed wasn't day, Oct. 30, Nlxa.1 did have a together in full respect tor the
gate imn1 ediately. national go ve rn me \1 t lo which cttles could take lm-Democratic leaqtr, mO§t coort e-.1ough speed and there had to_ 'tatement, read to reporters law, I am confident we can
This. \\'as ~io surprise. 'fhe Mississippi and (lther parts. portant steps. He suggested decisions on segregation sup-be Integration "at once." by Press Secretary Ronald L. overcome these problems.
surnJ:ll;e came a bit later. At on«L PQini Kenl)edy took the...JllJYors make sure tlll!ir plemeated earlier cmes. And At that point, the President Ziegler: "I intend .t~ use th t when tflr Justice Deparln1cnt1_...:...:..::.--=.:..:::..:......:......:.....::.._::__...:...=:.:..::.:._...:..._.:___..::__..:,c ___ ...:___:__;_c_ _____ _;__;_ _____ _;:.,.. _____________ _:.~--------------
asked for more conrerrin g,
and tbus for rnure delay, in·
stead oI more speed.
But Nixon's lack (If en·
thusiasm for comtnent on the
decision dav \\'!:IS in the pat·
tern of the Past -in line \\'il h
reactions of other presidents.
1'he reluctance goes back to
1'954. and .a joltt.1g Supreme
Court ruling that separate but
equal schools for Negroes
don't squ arf' with the equal
protection the Constitution
guarantees all citizens. Then.
and from lhcn on, Sup reme
Court decisions and supporting
decisions of lo\ver courts have
attacktd segregation and pul
presidents a.1 the spot:
Starting ·wi!h D~\·1ght D.
Eise nh ower the 'Vtnte House
encountered the tra uma and
politica l rrprecussiu.1s that
can accompany efforts 10
achieve unitv and racial equi-
:ichievc utiity and racial
equality arnong blacks and
If they frlt they should
::;peak up. or act to reinforce
court rulings, they risked of-
fending c onsc r v a l iv e s ,
segregationists a.id the South.
If they wanted to sit tight.
they invited the \vrath of
liberals and segments or the
Accordingly. though th e
p r e·sidcnt ial terms -0f
Ei~nhower, John f'. Kenne~y
and Lyndon B. Johnson Jn·
tergration edicts tend~ to
draw from these N 1 :< o ·.1
predecessors mut ed or ten·
tative public statements -or ~one al all. And with the
Su preme Court having said in
1955 lhal "all d e 1 i b e r a t e
speed" \1·ould be all righ t -it
disc·arded that standard Oct
29 -there aas no sta ~pcde
to carry out desegregation .
So Eisenhower consistently
declined· to say \~hether he
agreed \\'ilh the decision that
discarded the --separate but
equ al doctrine which stood for
58 years.
But yhen it came to coping
wilh violent resister.ice and to
enforcing the la\.\' as restated
by the Su preme Court . neither
Eisc nhoYt'er nor K e n n e d y
hesitated at call ing out troops,
regard less of how repugnant
this was to sootherners or
anyOnC else. So il was thal
troops were deployed in Little
Rock, Ar k .• in 1957 and Ox·
ford, ~fiss ., in 1962.
'lt had been three years T.1
the one instance. eight in the
other, since Chief Justice Earl
'\'arren d e li vc red the
breakthrough opinion against
segregation. Two days later,
Eisenhower held a news con-
ference and he was .asked
\11hethcr he had any advice to
gi,·e the South as to how to
"Not in the slightest." the
Preside.1 l replied. • ' T h e
Supreme Court has ~poken and
t am S\vorn lo llphold the con-
stitutiona l process in this
country; and I 1\•ill obcy."
He did say. though. that h<'
thought. Gov. James F. Byrnes
of South Carolinn had made a
very fine :1tatcmenl in sayi ng:
"Let's be caln1 and let's be
reasonable and let's loo k this
thing in the face ."
The qucst io.ier v:as llarry S.
Dent. a reporter then for the
Columbi a. · S.C. Stale and
Record and a top political ad-
viser to Nixon nov.•.
Ei.senhow·er <;_ame through
clearly three ye"-r s later \\'hen
he called out Lroops lo gel nine ·
Negro children admitted to
LitHe Rock's Central High
"~lob rule." he told the na·
lion on radi~TV, "c::;.1not be
allO\vcd lo o\·erride l h c
decisions of our courts. ·1
\\'hile Eisenho\vcr a c t e rl
firmly and promptly on Ill"
advice of Ally. Gen. llcrbcrt
Bro\vnCIJ, \\"Ol'd got around
that actually he had some
doubts uboul his decision 10
use troops, !ell he had been
trapped. ;ind took ll out on
some of lhc people around
I him. 'I At Oxford. t liss., in 1962.
where l\\lo people. \\'Cre killed 1 and mnny wounded. Ken.1cdy
ordered Jn troops and l1elped
James 1'11credllh break the col·
(If barrier at 1 he state
university. Kennedy, too, \\'enl
on the nel•1orks. '
"Americans," he said. "ar<'
free •• , to disagree \v/th I.he
law bul not to disobey ii. For
in· a gove rnment of lA\\'S and
not. of me.1. no man , hO\\"e\·er
promintnt or J>O"'C rful. and no
mob, however unn1ly or
boi1terous, ls entitled to defy a
oourt of Jaw.''
Elsenho .. ·er had I a 11 g I e d
\Vilh Gov. Orve.\ t'aubu ol
Arkansas, Kennedy v.·lth Gov.
ROSJ 811rnclt of Plfll!Sissippi
And the inevl~blc score was
president.If over governors, 2.IJ
Ken11edy, who spoke out
comparallvely freely o ·.1 '
In this age of raucous, ·kidney~jolting
sports ~ars, is there a . place for a r9adster that
offers brilliant performance with comfort.?
TKe.Merce'des-Benz 250S( al
right costs something between seven
thousan~ and ten thou"sand dollars,
dependins on options, state and local
taxes, and the like. •
That's froice tile price of tile
most common little foreign sports cars
you.see darting along U.S. highWays
and byways.And it's so mewhat higher
than such kindred spirits as Porsche,
Jaguar XK-E and America's" own for-
midable Corvette Stingray.
Jn fact, looking at it anoth'er
way, that compact, solid little Mer-
cedes·Benz two-seater in the photo·
graph is every bit as expensive as the
biggest, fanciest, most loaded, six-pas-
senger Cadilfac you can buy.
The obvious question is, is if
\Vorth it?
Answer: that ClepenCls not only
on \vhat the car offers, but also, to an
important degree, on' \vhether or not
you are the kind of person who appre-
ciates what the car offers.
The sports car for grown-ups
If you are out to prove you are
the hottest-blooded swinger on the
block, look elsewhere.
The 280SL is conceived, de·
sig ned, and built as a civilized sports
car. A car for grown·ups who want all
the pleasures of sports car driving-
and none of the privations.
Descendant of the World
Champion Mercedes-Benz JOOSLR,
the 280SL is one thoroughbred sporl·
ing mach ine that isn't stark or hard·
riding or cramped. That doesn:t make
you pay for soul-stirring performance
wit h ringing ears and stiff joints.
Nor docs it look like a rocket·
.!:>hip-or a hoked-up, slriped·up fugi ·
live from a racetrack. It is sporty. But
ii is deliberately rinflashy, restrained.
The car will never embarrass you,
\vhetheryou are keeping fa st company
in d road tally-...'. or arriving at the por·
tico of the White House.
Concluded Road & Track after
putting the 2805L through blistering
tests: "For those who have less than
$10,000 to spend, and value finesse,
pu re quality and driva bility more than
j.tzzy looks, it is alone in the field."
If the idea of such a sports car
intrigues you, take a f ew minutes more
to savor the details.
Superb handling
The fun and safety of superb
handling is wh.tt a sports car is all
about. So here are the fa cts. But briefly,
sinct superb handling is what· tlt is
.!:>pO rls car goes beyond.
You enjoy the leecli-like road·
ability of racing·type, all-independent
suspension with coil springs and
heavy--duty shock absorbers. Unequal-
length A·arms and anti·sway bar up
Mercedes.-Benz thinks so.
W /1h tlit addirio n of lhl' oplio11ar, all-stttl hard top (abo11t), l11t 2&o5L connerliblr brcomts an instant clostd 9por1' car.
front. Low-pivot swing axleSand trail·
ing arms at therear.
Although the 280St stands a
mere yard and a half high, it bestrides
the narrow road like a colossus. It s
581/i·inch track is five inches wider
than a Porsche, eight inches \Vider than
an XK·E. "Fully controlled, power
drifts are this car's bag in the corners,"
confides Motor T ref!d.
You stop with' the a\vesomc
ease and
authority o( mdssive, IO-inch
caliper·ty pe d isc brakes at every
wheel. (Standard on all M ercedes·
Benz motor cars.)
You're bless ed with preci se,
''f eel-of·the·road," recirculating ·hall·
type steering. Turning rad ius: tighter
than a VW ':Bug.'' Optional power
steering: "The best available any-
where"-Road &Trac k.
ing will beat you from 60 down to O
al a stoplight. (A nice, grown·up's
''Fantastic'' limousine ride
And now, the big difference.
In searching for words 10 praise
tl'te almost sinful livability of the
28bS L, experts tend to grope up\Yard
to\vard the same adjectives.
"The ride, over all sorts of roads, is
fanta stic," says Rolfd & Track, simply.
"The Lin1ousine Sports Car,"
rhapsodizes Moto r Trend. "For a car
that performs so well in the handling
depa rtment, the 280SL has a fantastic
ridc ... comfort is everything and more
thdn il is in many luxury sedans."
The reason for this unsports·
manl ike sports car ride, aside frbm the
in ge ni ous suspension: orthopedic
physicians with sympathy for your
backbone helped contour the -seats.
Also, patient Mercedes-Benz engineers
have liured the seal spr.ngs to the car's
s uspensi'o n movements-to cancel
thousands Of tiny, tiring tremors every "'
Heart? A sophisticated, si ngle
overhead-cam, 6500·rpm engine with
Bosch 6-plunger fuel injection and 7-
main·bearing crankshaft-bullt and
be11cli·lested for 60 n1i111lles to cruise
above 100 mph on Germ"ny's auto-
bahns for hours on erld without gri ef.
Summary: Some tigers will Utter calm
outdrag you from 0 to 60 on a straight~ The 280SL replaces the raucous
away. But Tew, if any, will get around bellow of most sports cars with a hum.
you on the corners-and almost noth-You can actually converse with your
passenger in normal tones.
Doggedly probing with stetho·
scopes, engineers tracked down and
winnowed ou·t irksome harmonic vi-
brations in the drive train-even in
the 90·mph range.
"We don't know of a sports car
tliat is as quiet overall," reports Road
& Track.
R'oom with a view
Inside, the 280Sl is propor·
tioned for everyday adults, not acro-
bats. In a direct comparison with a
Porsche, a Corvette, and an XK-E, Road
& Track's experts unanimously rated
the 280SL the 111ost comfortable.
And what a panorama of the
world! "The .SL is perhaps the only
sports car that gives a commanding
driving position and view of the road,"
says Road & Tra ck. "It's hot a vuy
low car, and iJs tall,glass areas, rela-
tively low behline and visible~mers·
1nake it one of the most maneuverable
I raffic cars we've ever driven ... "
The cockpit is lavishly finished
in rugged MB Tex or (optional) rich
ltalher-including, of course, the in·
terior of tht glove.box and the under~
side of the da5 h. Deep·twist c;upeting
is hand·fittei:I to the Boor azici &~
mission tunnel. Th~e atL4tParai,: controls tQ'
help you and your passenger adjust
clirri&te at various porlionS of your re-, . ' ' spechve anatomies.
A remarkable.lever~ the driv ..
er's fingertips performs faur functions.
Less shO\Yy, perhaps, than four exrs;a
daSh buttons-but far, far handier.
Give the isoSL a quick one~-:
Over yourself. Flif up the trunk. Nine
cubic feet of luggage space, and~ cour·
tesy light. "finger the wood trim. Real!
walnut; not plastic. Open the door.J
Chromed on the edges, Gose it. K1i:
chunk. · ~
(P .S. Yes,. you can order a re-·
tracting antenna. Yes, you can order
automatic shifh-And so on.) '
A shrewd investment
Finally, the 280Sl, is built with
uncompromising care to be a long•
lasting investment. '
The body is not bolted into be-'
ing, like that of an ordinary car, but
solidified by thousands of welds. After
50,000 miles or so, you may begin tci:
wonder if your 280Sl will ever rattle.:
(If you do hear something, check fo(
an object you have misplaced.)
No plastic toy, this one.
Unconventionall Defiantly soJ
Mercedes-Benz does not build conv«n·.
tional cars-and never will.
European delivery brochure
Stop in to arrange a test driu"ti
-and, if you plan to vacition in Eu-!
rope, to pick up an overseas Cle.livery,
brochure. (Or clip coupon now.) What
belier sport than to tame your new SC 1
on the flat-out autobahns and Alpine
curves of its native habitat?
Other models to ponder:
250 Sedan-an unflappable:'
road car with superb handling and
JOOSEt 6.3 Sedan-"Merely
lhe greatest sedan in the world''-
Road & Track.
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Jim Slemons Imports, lne. ® ;
120 W. Warner Aw.. :
Santa Ana, Cailf. 92707 · :
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Please Hnd mt your nrw European Dr·
liYrry brochurr, complete with work·
shtrt for computing my saving1.
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Jim Slemons Imports,.In<;. 120 W. Warner Avenue, Santa Ana, California 92707 Phone: 714·546-4114
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