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1969-12-02 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
7 • Vl"I Telepl>olt HELD IN ALABAMA Tate Su1pect Kernwinktl U'°I Teltplltlt HELD IN TEXAS Tate Suspect Vlat5on Crilt Me111be1·s U11der .4 rr ct:~ l 1i Tate Case LOS ANGELES (UPI) -At least 1:1 me1nbers of a pseudo-religious c~1U. in·_ c\udir.fl' lhe leader kr.own as •·Jesus," \.\'ere In custody today as su.~pects in th" blood y s\aylngs or actress Sharon T<:tc and at leas t six other persons. Police officiallv \\'Crc rcluclant to discuss details Or the n1onlhs-!011i::t in- ,·csligation because of recent cour( ru l- ings. Po\;ce Chief t:dv,rard Da,·is told a ne,,·s conrercncc Mondav th<il the suspects \vere n1embers or ·=the Family," n.J!.ippic band th e! rove:l l!1rough Death Val£)'!;)() 111i!es nort11 of here. The leader. Charlcf i\ta11~9Jb 34: has a lengthy record lhat includes '[i!sau't. theft and arson . He is held Rt Inyo Count.v Jail in Independence, Calif., on a 111jnor charge. At least five-women are bei ng held in Svbil Braod Institute here ns materi::il ,1;ilncsses ar.d another 11·.:>man. Susan Atkins, 21 . is in custody on suspicion c[ unoth.,r 1nurdcr. In addition to the slaying Qf i\Tiss Talr <'lod four othzr persons at her renl~d cSlate Aug. 9, the group ot no1nads is believed respnnsibl c tor the slllying of a JSee ARRF.STS, Pa;te !) Orungc (;uost \\'eat her There ·s no rain behind lhos,e cloudy skies, the W'.!&lhciman ::is- sures us. Look for temperatures to drop do\\'n inlo lhc upper &O's \\'ednesday along the Orange U-Oast. INSIDE TODA\' , Stlcctilie Sert1icc oJ/iciols like to point out t/iat !Irr first draft ti!flS ord1red by God, 11;/un~ i\lw ri led f/1,: lsrae/i tt s out of bondouii. Pu ge 15. C .. tol!Jt; ,, ;,, ,,. .. .,1., .. C.Cll'lltt " M0Jlt1o11\ Pllll<l1 ,. C'Ht.,,'9•• .. t11"°'"'I Ntwt .. Offlll Nlllttt • Ortt" (Mlftl, ' ru,..n:11 ' INrlt 11.11 [~l'"l~l ... ,, ' s·itt~ Mtrlct1 U·l ' ••llrl• ftlfttt!I " ,.,.,.,.,.,~ " ''"~11(1 U·H ,. .. ,.,,.., " H!ll'O~CIP• " ..... ~'"'' • "•~ L1nC:1n " r-1t~~ w~l•t " "'11'1111• • ~·••Ill ·~· '" MMn .. , ' Wll!Ull'I NtW'I U-11 • ' ' ,, • -.... ~-, • r . " • e- • e Ill a e ' • I " ;• .. a · Ill . . '• "C • . s· ~ • • " • l , • < Draft Lotte1.·y Pi~ks DAILY PILOT Listed on Page -4 * * * 10< * * * . . " TUESDAY AFTERNOO N. Of.CEMBEil 2, 1969 C~•ied f o r Help ·-··-· ·~ 50 El derly Per so11 s Die 111 Sa,'.age .Flasl1 Fire • -NOTRE DAME DU LAC. Que. WPl\- ~lore than 50 elderly persons, many bed· ridden and crying for help. died early today when n fla~h fire ripped through a y,-ood frame home for the aged. Sixteen persons \Vere injured, four or thepl critically. when flames erupted near the furnace of the 80-year-old Repo:i1 Du Vieillard, a rest home for i5 to ~ persons over the age of 65. At least half lhQ patients were bedridden. ;.\Ve could hear the screams. 'the" 1rere at the 1virn!o1\'S, crl'ing for hclo." sriid a staff n1eml>er rrOn1 a nearb) hospital. · · -· ' · ' • ,., · ·. "The volunteer fi rcn1en tri ed to hclo. The neighbors 111ere tryin g to get inl'l the building to get the1n out. But ever~· thing 'just went too fast. You cou1£1n't .;c:. through the entry-it 1vas full of fire. •·One man . a neighbor wear'n:: only A coat over his nightclothes, brough~ his lldder and tr ied' to climb up to one or the windows v.·here the ol d people \\'ere crying. But 1vhen he broke the windo11·, the re was just too much smoke . ··tt was so fast. in 10 minutes It \\'as ::ill on fire." she said. · "i\iost of them lllere trapped In their beds and didn't have a chance," a pro- 1·incial police spokesma n said. "lt"s goi ng to be some time befo(e we c::in get the bodies out or there." T11·0 other buildings in addition !o the .. nutslng home were destroyed ln.tlie. bla ze. ·The Injured were taken to a nearby hospital in this sm3ll papennill com· munity of 4,000 about 50 miles south of Riviere Du Loup on the souU1 shore al lhc St. Lawrence Ri ver. SA Policem .an Pleads ll)nocent iii Beating ' . ' A Santa Ana policemeri Indicted by tl1e Orr.uge Counly ~rand Jury on charges or u~ing undue force in subduing a juvenile 11·ith h!s nightsiick pleaded innocent at his arraignment i\1onday to assault with a clc'.ldly v;eapon charges. Conflicti ng accJunls contained In an 82- pngc Grand Jury transcript led the at· tr,tr;ey for Officer Ri chard t"p 11st. 26, to in1med1ately fil e a series or nlolions seek· ing dis111issal of the charges. brar.ge Coun ty Superior Court Jud ge Pobert Gardner ordered Patrolman F~11st to appear Feb. 18 for jury trial . 1rhilc setting Dec. 31 as the hearing dale for motions tor dismissal. 1.~tomey Ron O"'•ens cited grounds or \n$u[f:lcient cl'id~ncc, laclt of con- frontation of witnes~es, lack or the rlg11t of counsel for the defendant during Grand J ul')"'procecdings and railur::: ta pro1•lde a spetay trial. Tile indklment against Faust was returned Nov.· 12, after the Grand Jur)' llstened to accounts of the. incide nt in- volving th'n 17-yeaf-old Jesse Gilmore, a b12ck Santa Ana youth. ... Gilmore. who has since 1~tained ftd11lt stat.us at 18. claimed Officer Faust club- l"led him on July 8 while he v.·as beinq Oell1·ered to Oran't' ,Counly Ju\·enile Hall. He \l'a~ al\egedl v talc:en i'l' bY t1vo' of· ficrr:-. along wlth, l'No ot:1er ci:pli ve youths . (:i\more's rOmplclnt "'~:'! that· I\::: wa:oi clubbed as he la y on the q:rou.nd after rrillin~ or bei'l" pushed lo the p3vement o~tt •idt' lhr rit;nchclilt r ·Avenue faclllty v.h•le h;indcuffed . Nol all wi tnesses agree. ! . ., ' . ., Some said Gilmo"ie .tried'fo nee .. ttie tir. ficers and was caught. ~ubdued and handcuffed v.·hile he J::iy an the ground near Juvenile Hall. One of those v.·ho <!iff~red in the transcript revealed Monday was Deputy Probation Officer Dennis Burke -a key \', itness in the case -\\1ho supp::irted in cs .. cnce Pat1alman Faust's version. Gllmore told jurors Officer Fau!l c•;Jdontly thought he. Yr'aS getting smart arr! kr.oc':ed him tn the gr~t'd t'l ad- n1inlstr .. 11 beati11i:t. denying tt.at he wns <11t'"nf>ti~ .. to escap2. "You dicl'l't run at any tln1".'~:· asl\P·l f'"r11i" District Altomey J.:.nl es G. E11";,.·11, "N:>.'' t ('n1ie d GilmrrP. Th:.> probntion afficer1 however . fald J~c "'!!.!! e!P-ht to i ·2 feet ff!OTl'I Lie lncirtert as it nrf:>Med tnd saw one hl!'ck youth d-.. h fron1 t•te fcene. followed by one of the tw<t~pollceinen. Burke said tRe youth t-e S"W wa, hit ~everal tlnies in the bend and ~'.'"ll•ld,.rs area bv the nightstick, stooped ~rieflv. ~1t brOke awav 8f"1n and was finally h:il'~ on the sidewalk. · ~l~""y's te~.liJn"ti" f'"'!b•red dl!clo!11-c '"t,..e'. ffipt ort'! 2r.f rro~~lV more wit· rc!~ti were lrf:irr'l r nv r.')'lt!"te1 bv th '? Grand Jury Jirl<:>r t:> the timl! their .stQrlcs ,.,. .. "t lat:e., under oecth for record. · orncer Fau,i hes rc1111ire?. on r1111v f,ir"t ttie infllctment a".11 \\•Ill rnt be relieved or dismissed 1v1thout ·a felo1v conviction, sa15 5a.nta Ann Police Chier t.:h,·ard J . Allen. ·- .~ • VOL '2. 110., .. 4 IECTIOMS, 46 ,AOll ' , . ,, .,,. , • _ U,I c.-.....,... SOUTH VIETNAMESE SE~TOR;T,liAl!r VA~~ON.!:(.RlqHT.fQUE'S-7,IOf'IS ,MY LAI VILL,AGE%1 . ·i''. Def•nn Comtnrltee Ch•lrm•r\' Co¥~t1 'P ,MIJiPr~M Of..Al~.Jt4~•rch 16, 1961,' tlla1sacr1 ~ ..... t ~ ...... ·;·• ... "-"<1 ••. • ' • -··) .'.-.' , .. ··~· ••• i .. , •• Grin1 Hunt Ends; Beach Girl Fou11d l'~ude, Str~ngled ·. · . . From "'Ire Services Authortljcs in the oil and co~! town or. Czrbondale. J!I. hunt!d a fiend today, fall o\1•lng dlscavcry of the pr e tt y <Jal13hter ~f a 8t'.:ll Beach e;:Iuc.1tor ?.ton·' day. ~tripped and :;trantJed with her O\Vri jeor.s. LL::a teveri11g who y,•oUld have been. U I "\ ' ~ · t ::.tt•rday. h:d. J:i:en •.mksjn(1liince p~, v.·ce!c a..,"tl llClay, ti"ie sqhject of a .wide ~arch by all ¥t:J abU10rittes, jnCludlng }"Bl ·~tllt.$. : • . Her fiith~r. David· LeveMng. l'lf &01 Stabrleze Drive, Sul Beach. left Satur· day Lo aid In rhe searCti thnt be'an driw: ln1 to a c1ost when an lrl!.h setter lop;ed home from a \\"ooded area four milts s ~uthwa;t of Carbc..'ldalc with a. glrllf. sh-~. Mrs. ff. p~n PiJ)er. w~~ lives about 300 ~·art'~ F!'rlTl t1::ere Lfra'! nude bod)' wlis fo•Jod -her p:a coal draped f!Ver It - calle1 pcllce \\he!1 t~1e dog br6ught home t:-ic zhoe. A ,-herfff'a depul,V amon<; th~ s~rs finally found Jhe vl:Um's OOdy. a few fetl off U.S. ~Ughy,·ay t3. lhe main dra~ lnlo the clly of 20,COl perroris. also 1°".Catlon,or (set SLAYING, Pase 11 1 •,• \•J '•~·•' \"•;•t' ·r •1 •·-,~;1,L.~-""l'.•ii•J' .. , , / .. , .,,..~ •• "{' ,..~ I .,, "''-'P '°'•~· .. ,.J,.,~ •• _.. ·•·1 '•, I y ·' "'..1_1• ~. _.. .... . • , ... • ···t•·. -• .--,,. ' •·J • ... • !'~' ~ .•..:'\~·-· • ;; ~· ... ' ••• i •'f ._., 7'• ·: ': .. Sout h Vietna11i Officials 1 ' .. Pro~eMy .La,i Massµ,c re. • hlY LAT, Vietnam (AP) -South 'Viet· ~mle~ was 1found ,emp\f. ' nan1e,t~~ leglslat.ors Investigating an aJleg: , TM';o pie'\ ·~~a"!\8 the-four . clvlUans ac· C:I 1033...niassacre or 'civilians by U.S. companying the .leglslalors SBld thf!y lroops entered this shattered hamlel to-survived t~e Incident ~y cM:aplng into d:ty•After being delayed by a South Viel· 11e:?rby paddy fields •. n3n~ese military operation. ' They told tile -1.~S,alors they sa\V the Rld!ng atop tl\'O lnriks. the leg!.slators A:nerie3.PS enLtrlng the hanllet ancr - btought wiLh tben1 tOur.civll)4n:\'wbo seld ' "heard fl:r.ln9 11~d people Crylng,J• _ ~1ey lived Jn or Jt.'ere near the hainJtt_ i:epbrte:I Sen. D:>n , who acted as ill:· during th~ alleK:ed 1 inassacre ·fl( 100 or .. t<!l"J>f?ter. '} -..: tnore villagers. 1 , . · t The fwo men 111.Ja the women. chfldrtn 1 fie leglslator.s said the ·civlll:ins told t.nd old men In the harol et -which at~ them they hiid · riot sttu4ft)"' !etn tims was &indeD &lfong Viel C.Ong conft;t . Amerlcen soldier! • &has>ting unarhle1:i -0gather~ \oSether l~ 1roopa to aht(w men, women and children Jn MT Lal on L11ev. ••eren't flrlna"wCaoons.", • , ~ r ~tarch 16, 19'8, but heard &hooting and The men ran out of the hamlet: ud civUttns crying. came back when the Arperlcant 1t'rt 1.t Sen. Tran Van Don. leader or th! In. r.b-:ut 4 p.m .• Don ~eld. The two mtn vesUgat!ng team who is chalrma11 of the p:>:ntc1 nt a water-fillrd ditch "boot 1,000 Senate .. Odens• Commit~. h::d b~ori, tatds Irom l!!e hamltt and Lnld they q\' held•up I~ n"rby q,wng N~al w!lh hf• I'll· 30 •b«!lc.s 1,o!hg !litre aner tho U:S. \·tstlptin~ t~:ll\1· South Vietnamese of.. lroolla hed gl)nc. fleets told lhen1 they c0u1d not rnler ~f~ o:n·, n!nc·m:i:n'Je:lrl;itlvc l!am-f~r L!tl vnUI militiamen 5ccur1!id Cle area ond · t~ritlJrs and {ivt Houte memhtrs +-ar· in11;de surt Ir wa.i clear or Vitt CJng, r!ve'j Monday In. Qu<'ng Ng1f. Ht sold Ile Oe:spfte Indications Anned Viet eon, \Vent.P.d "·\O get -at the tn•thl' and learn remained In the area followlllf:f' fbc S:nrth 'I'll Ule m~aere 11wa kept a 1t.ertl'1:u ·Vietnamese cte1rlni opc.ra~on. t b e tt ac~ually, oet~rre4• .. • ~ I ~ ... j' • ' • • • •· ! DAILY PILOT s ' Boord Gets Reports, •. ~-~,,.._....-r-. a-n~d Jury A.s:ks • • ~: l UPI Tete,MM J11dicle d A federal grand jury Mpnday indicted former U.S. Senator Daniel B. Brew ster (D-Md.) on charges of receiving $24,500 in bribes· to influence postage rate legislation . Ten-count in- dictment named Brewster. Chicago-based m a i I order house of Spiegel Inc. ~nd Spiegel's \Vashington lo~by1 st , Cyrus 'f. :-\1'\derson. Gia11t Wave s Racli Hawaii; Hu11dreds Flee HONOLULU (UPll -Giant waves ~s lfi_gtl as 50 feet struck the Hawaiian !Slands today, destroying homes and (orcing the evacuation of hu ndreds. Thr.ee µe·rsorus \1·erc mlssing and a dozen in· JUted . The worst hit area \\'BS Sunset Beach about 25 miles nort h of here on Oahu, the rhajor island in the chain. Waves smash· ed lowlylng homes and shops. destroying at least 34 houses. ·"'ijve hcndred persons were evacuated front-shore areas to emersency Red -C.'ross centers set up in schools. a con· --valescent home and a Girl Scout camp. Police patrolled \he evacuated areas to prevent looting. The surf battered homes and shops :i.lqng the no rth shores of seve ra l islands ip-the chain. The \.\'eather bureau lorecasl t "high surf" v;arning for the entire Mate. : The three missi ng persons included a la.nor lost in the waters off Oahu . The in· fured included three young children and a touple hwt whe n their home collapsed. t The main highway circling Oahu was Doocled at several points and closed at tpots. \ ! Fr01n Page J SLAYING ... Southern Tlli nois University. , Authorities said she was apparently tnurdered e\se..,,·hert and the killer drag· ged he r body ofr the roadway and O\'er a 1harp, rusty barbed vdre fence before ieing dumped. : "\\·e don·t know 1vhen she was killed or "\\'helher she was killed "'here the body \!,·as found ," emphasized Richard E. fli chmand, Jackson County Slate·s At· torney. . '"\Ve do ha1•e some physical evidence." ~dded Carbondale Pollce Chief Jack IIa ze!. · 1'he m~rder has the· eaf'"marks of s sex killing, bul it will be se1'eral days before the results of an autopsy or evidence of molestation are revealed, he said. : Tentative estimates v.·ere that she died . shortly after she vanished. • fl11ss Lc11ering, \\'hose rather Is an ln- ~rucleir at Cal Poly, Pomona and com- ule!i fr on1 Seal Beac h. lived \\•ith her other Ann, \Vho is apparently con1· •1e1 ing a doctorate in urban planning at ~IU. . -!·------....;;...., ~ ' ' I I " • ' : l ' ' • I l l . l l ! ; • l • . • , ' • , OAlli PilOI • .... ,.,. ....... "ntt.ft•• .. M~ """ ..._., ,_,,,. w.n., c .... ~ CAU.OINIA Oll~C.l (0...\1 ll'Vlt!..lS•O"O COM•&~., l11b•rt N, w,,, P•n •ftftt '"" "llfllll!ltr J1tl ~-Cwrlty Viet ,,uitt~• fftl Ot11t•ll ""-<141"' T~'"''' 1Ctt¥11 1:1119• Tho"'•• A. t.fw111M"1 Mt "lllftt (Iller °""fl C•lt ,....,,, UCI >Yul I •• 51,n• PO-•ttell 1'11 -"'HI t 1li.1 •1•l-•1 L•-.. Kii· 1" ~1..-1t '~""' """''Intl ... kK~ "' 11~ Slrr•t ' More Data Given By TO!'lf ,BARLEY 01 fflot Otllr 'Utt 11111 \1ery fe1Y members of the 1eneral public understand the alms and duties o( the Grand Jury and one way in "'hich the gap can be bridged is to supply lhe press \11ith as much information as po6Sible . Orange County superviso rs were warned tod ay. That re commendation "'as one of Uiree ti:asic suggestions offered today by the Orange County Grand Jury in its four- page public information re por.t . Backing the report is a .se\'en·page treali5' .. 1vhat is the Grand Jury?" a manua l aimed at ''telling .the story of the Grand Jury in Orange Coun ty.'' In other recommendations the Grand .Jury urged tha t "super1•isors. the legislators and the bar association be in· rormed or legislation regarding the Grand Jury and Grand J ury positions on le$isla- tion." And the panel asks that "Superior Court judges make a careful check of nominees to ensure tha t they ha\"e the time. interest and potential abi lit y to i;cr\'e as grand jurors." The Crand J ury argues in its report that lack of knowledge of the pa nel 's functions is not confined lo the "average citizen" but is often shared by ·•ma ny legislators and lawyers.•· The report charges 1hat "proposed legislation relati ng lo the Grand Jury fre- quently is ignored." and it points to,the recent failure or Assembly Bill ACA 57, ';a bill the jury strongly supported." AC.'. 57 1\'oold have made possible more ._ 1~an one Grand Jury "in those counties 11·hich felt it necessary". a 1nove to create two grand juries, one for criminal matters, the other for investigation into county aovernment. The Grand Jury sh1tes liiat failure of ACA 57 was att ributed by legislators "lo lhe lack '{If interest on the part of citizens, lobbies or to other groups."' Currently under study by the Orange County Bar Association is the Grand Jury's suggestion that there.should be legislation advocating the impaneling of multiple juries and specific limitations on the kind of cases that the district at· torney may bring to tl-.e Grand J ury (or possible indictment. The_ 1969 Grand Jury vrges Superior Court judges lo ensure that those selected for Grand Jury duty -all of whom are nominated by the county's 21 Superior Court judges -"should be ad· vitied that Grand Jury service is different fro m trial jury duty." .. Utmost care should be taken to fully inforn1 nominees of Grand Jury den1ands before they are selected lo ser11e," the panel sta tes. The report praises Orange Coun ty Super:ior Court jud ges hfor their effort to ob!ain a jury which r~presents a cross section of racial, religious and political orien!atlon. \Ve believe that t h c· · heterogeneily or the 1969 Grand Jury not only has served to educate grand jury members but. more important. it has served the county by representing the \1•ide s~clrum Of opinion found in Orange County." ; Jlrom Poue 1 ARREST·s ••• \l'ealthy middle·aged couple lhe night foll owing the Tate murders. In custody at McKinney, Tex., ..,,·here he surrendered Sunday night was Charles D. ''Tex " Wat.son, 24. P a t r i c I a Kernw inkel, 21, was ar'rested Monday near the home of.her aunt in Mobile. Ala. Officers 11•ere en rou te to both cities to lake the suspects in to custody. The last suspect. Linda Kasabian. 19, 11·as ar· rested in Concord , N.H .. today. ~fonday night he would not comment on the latest developments in the murder of his 1vHe until after the suspects are brought to lrial. ll1iss Tate 1vas eight months pregnant 11'hcn she 1v a s murd ered . Gets Protection LOS ANG ELES (UPI ) -Actress .Julie Andre1vs and her ne\v husband. Blake The break came in the case "·hen a young woman told an informe r a story of 1n:iss murder and recounted details of the Tate mu rder scene which pollce believed onl y the killers cou ld have known . Names supplied by the woman led of-Edwards, were given police protection ficers to' t~ d~rt eOmmune. after an unidentified man harassed them .. It .is anticipated that an additional last week. it \\'as revealed ~1ondav. four or five pe rsons "'ill be named in in· Edwarcfi tol d police the man first ap- dictmenls which \Viii be soug ht from tha pearetl Wednesd ay demand ing to see Los Angeles Cou;1ty Grand Jury," Davis h~fiss Andre v;s. A maid said she was not said. ome. Tue criminal complaints coin~Hte or The man retu_rned Saturday evening ttie ~y will be hrou ght up to da le on the ~nd ~dv.ards sa id he warned .~he ma~. case today and "We are seeking before Youd better_ not .~ome, back. He said the ninth day of December lo bring ad· th e man re plied. You~ better not be dilional potentlal sospects in before the here when I come b_ack. . grand jury fo r the culmination of the f\11ss Andre1vs said she had re~e1vcd Cil!'e," Davis added. telegrams fro~. a man who s~1d he Th dd"l" 1 1 11•anted to v1s1t her. She filed a ~ a I ionl. s_uspcc s we~e. ac· disturbance of the peace report and re- cording to Davis, 1n cus1ody_ 1n I ~ quesled police protecti n. County. Two months ago a sheriff'~se 0 rounded up 26 yowig m~n and \\'Omen \vho were li1•ing a nomadic life of thievery. The group had a commun!te in the Death Valley area ne ar the Nevada line in southeast California. Davis also said "there mav be son1e c<1nnection" between the -i;roiip and the stabbing death of Gary Hina mann, 3~, in his Topanga· Canyon ho1nc July 31. Robert Bausolil. 21 . alleged ly a leader or the group, "·as arresl":d in con nection 1vith the staying. A mistrial 1vas declared in his fi rst trial on murder charges and he 1vlll be ret ried in January. Police !Bid the 'A•orld~ "p:>litical pig'2;y" had been scrawled in blood on a wall in 1-linmann's home. Film director Ron1an Polansky ~aid U.S., Sovie ts i\feet Secr etly in Aru1 s Talk •IELSINKI (AP) -U.S. and Soviet delegates to the strategic arms limi tation talks held another 9Cl·minute secret session today and agreed to nieet again Friday. \Vith sno1v falling our.side, th c negotiators conveneci at the Sol'ie1 En1bassy for thei r sixth j)ril·ate business session since !hey began meeting. Nov. 17 10 determine if there is a basi s for negotialions to curb their nuclea r ar1ns ra ce. U11~sy Operatio11 Grelia,de Plucke d Fro1n VC's Fuce S1\IGO'."' (AP) -Csing a pocket knirc for a scalpel, a U.S. Arn1y surgeon removed a live grenade from the face or a Viel Cong prisoner ll'hne a demoli tions cxocrl steadied the patient's head, the U.S. Air Force reported tllday. 'l'he operation 1vas perforinrd seve ral treeks ago. and the prisoner is now "in good condi!ion . . . up and 11'alkint: around." the Air F'orcr ~;iirl. The operat ing room \l'flS the helicopter that landed the \l•oundcd man outside an Ariny hcspital al Qui Nl1011. ll 1\·as con· sidered too risky to rl\rry the 11'ou1'1dcd mt1n lnsirle . "And a~ if \1·e didn't h!l\'r enoulih trou· ble already, it bc,1111 n:to rain."' ~Aid the ~nrgeon. Lt. Col. Thon1<1s II. \\'ilschi o( \\·ading River , ~.Y. Al least three such oJ>('ral!on~ ha\'e been perfonne~ by American rn\lllary doctors during lhc Vietnam "·ar. All h8\'t: befn suctessful. In each the prennde ha.< been a U ~.-mnrle j\179 "'hich must tr111·el 11 eertan distance through lht: air before it arms llself lo explode. The Alr Force 113\'l' this nccount : Tilt.' wounded Viet Conq prironer \vas Jll.I! aboard 11n Armv n\e:ilcal e\'11cu11tion tiellcopter which too~ hlrn to the Tuv tlpa Ai r Base. 2-tO mile~ 'northeast of S:iigon. There X·r!y-"'lechniclans dl~covl'rcd the 11renade lmbedded in tlie lcrt rn;.,illary 1in11~ ornl concee lr.d by lacl11I \1•ounds. "Explosive ordnance tUsp:>saf 1lersonnel •. ''"ere called immediately to look at the X· ra~·s and assess the dartger." said the Air Force. .. They assumed th e grenade to be arn1· cd and ready. to detonate.·· The clinic at Tuy Hoa had no surgeon skilled enoug h to remove the gn'!nade. Accompanie:I by flf:>j. Alfred B. \\'atson .Jr .. or Keystone Heights. Fla .. the conl· 111ander of the clin ic. t:1e prisoner 11·1'1s llO\\'n up the coast 10 the Arn1~· hospital al Qui i'\h::in: 30 minutes away. "'\\l e too k every possible precaution during the flight." said "'atson. ..\\'r knc1v that any 1ninute a bi! or turbu· lencr. a seizure of pain or any one of a nu1nber of things col1ld put pressure on 1he ruse and blow us all up. :O.ly prin1(' conce rn ""'as keeping lht pstienL quiet and the triu::heot:>my fa bre:llhing incision in the throat) clean and efftctlve." At the Qui Nhon heliconter pad. \Vitschi iind ~1 S«t. Lee R. ~Hiler of Healdton. Okla .. a demolltion man. took over. ~1111cr held the \1•ounde:S man·s hc?~d and w1rned \\'il~hi that hi~ su rgica l rorctps n1iitht de~ona~ the grenade . The s11r11:eon ~enla rged the hole in the check \\"Ith hi1 knlfe. then ~ingerly reached int ,l the mAn·s moulh \vith his other hnnd and pu-'hed the gr'n"dc out. In a few 1nlnulcg. the job 1\·as donr All the time, \\1llJJChi 53id. the p:;tl('nt 11·ns ;,11lcrt. consclou~ Rnd cxtrtn1cly cooperath'.C!,"' ""'hlle ~lillcr "'as "rock 11,1cady" during the opcratlon. I • UPI Ttlt•~t!t NEWSMAN INS PECTS MILITARY CONTRABAND SEIZED BY TREASURY AGENTS · The Gun Collection Included 62 Machineguns and S0,000 Round' of Ammunition U.S. Gls Suffer Greatest Losses To Reel Shelling Weapons Cache Suspects Arraigned; Still iri Jail • SAIGO'.'-l" IAPI -En<'my shelling killed T\1·0 store n1an:igers, a Los Alamitos n1orc Americans during th<' pas: 2~ hours i'.l Vietnam than in any other 24-hour Naval Air Station cl1!isJcd ·man and a Nazi souveni r collect r re main in jail to. period for nearly four months. the U.S. ConHnand reported today. day. follo\ving arriilgnment i\1onday on federal illegal 1veapons chnrges. ·U.S. headqu<.1 rtcrs also announced that American artillery bo1nbarded No rth The case involving the t1vo Orange Count y nien w3s broken Sunday. 11·ith \'ictnan1ese troops in the northern half of the dem ilitarized zone for the firs! tin1e seizure of 62 tnachincguns and . 50.000 ill tll'O inonths.. after the cncn1y soldirrs rounds of an11nunition, largest such haul fired on and drnn aged a sin;:il! L".S. in California history. observation pl a.ic. Ga ry Stella. 3t of 2131 Catalpa Ave .. A U.S. spokesinan saic! 30 enemy Anaheim. and Charles Hatf ield. 2G, of art iller~·. rocke t and mo rtar altacks ..,,·ere i43l El Verano Drive, Buena Park. 1rerf reported bctv.·een 8 a.m. ~1ond<iy and 8 charged ~1 onday 1vith illegal transfer of a.n1. 100ay. and lhat scveit 1\1ncricans 1\·capons. 1rerc killed and 19 1voundcdh. th James • G Stcuard. 32. llO\\'land The spokesman said 1 is "'as e highes t An1erican death toll from ~such Heights. \\'as c_ha rge d befor~ a U.S. Com· attacks ~ince Aug. ll·J2. "·hen II l .S. 1n1ss1onqi l\'llh possession of a n troops 11·crc killed and \22 1roundcd in 1-19 11nr~gis1ered n~achinc gun. shelling allacks. ......---..!\~. ~ l·hs brother-in-law. Alan R. Otto. 32. Despite the comparati1·cly h M""\· y a ;1•1n arli:. 11·as Charged 1v i I h American toll in the past 24 hours. a C.S. possession or destruct i~·e device. an <"01nmunique said only t11·0 of the 3!1 at· unregistered hand grenade . tacks were aga inst U.S. units or in· If convicted. all four men could face st;i ll ations . ~10.000 rincs and 10.year prison sentence~ un der the Federal Gun Control Act nf l!l6a. ain1ed prima rily al pre1·ention o( pa ran1il itary activit ies. Federal Grand Ju ry i n d i c t men Ls against Stella. Hatf ield. Steua rd and Otto 1~·ill be soughl to guarantee possible ap· plication of the-maximu1n penalty, ac- co rding to U.S. Attorney i\fatt Byrne. Bail for all fou r defe ndants 1s currently se t at ~S.OO{I and they reznain in Los Angeles County Jail. Treasury Department agents arrested Stella. fi ring range instructor at Lo.11 Ala1nilos NAS, and Hatfield i n eoordinated raids after they all egedly agreed to sell 45 machineguns. Stell,ilrd \\•as arrested Fri day al his Lo~ Angeles County hornc, \1'hcre illegal 1reapons 11·ere seized and his brother-in· law 11•a.~ subsequently arrested in rural lr11•indale. Stella \\·as a Los Alamitos Police Departmenl reserve officer until resign: ing about t\\'O 1vceks ago after receiving Nav.v nrders transferring him elSe"·herc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~- 'J;;(•'I~ I · /,I,-··~ '1' G .. ' ' '· ~ ' ':i .• Maverick The best small car value in the world. IT'S A FACT: ·Our smill1 ca r has scort?d a big success. And the rea· son is very s1mpte-so!1d value. FACT : Maveric k riva ls the impo rl s 1n gas mileage. FACT: Maverick gives you lots of Leg. hrp and head· room ... plus 10.-4 cu. II. ol 1runk space. FACT : Msver1ck 1s easier to ma intain th an an economy import. FA.CT: Nol'i enjoy all the features you·ve ever v..•anted 1n a car-at a 1960 price that Jets yolf.slop worry- ing abou t rising.costs, For the same kind of value in a larger size-your best buy is Torino Lowest-priced hardtop in its class. IT'S A FACT: Not hing can eciual Torino-not Jn appear- ance. fealuros or price. FACT: This hardtop has the same sleek styling of the more expensive Torino models. FACT: II has the same 117-inch wheelbase lor a smooth· er ride. FACt: It has the same 60·inch track fo r better road holding. FACT: II has lhe same roomy interior that seats six 1n pcrlect comlorl. FACT: It has new sound- proofing that lots everyone enjoy a quiet. more relaxing ride. FA.CT: lt gives you 16.2 cu. ft. of lrunk space. Look over Torino and tvlaverick soon. Pick the car !hat measures up !o your needs. THE FACTS FAVOR FORD. For mo1• lntorm111on •bovl tht 5e '''5· ~ee ~our ford Oe1/e1 or Wrt1': M•~'"'~ Ct/flog. OeDI N-11or 1orino C'11/0g, 0101. N·l3. P.O. 801' 1503. 0 11•001n,.,\11G1ug1n (6111. · FORD .. Your Ford. Dealer fights the price rise • / I J. I r I I ' ' ,I I JI. jl r ,1 ' I I ' I I I I I I I ~ . • • . • )Jp~iingto_n ~8-~~e, _ . · • -' · '. . ' · '. 'E 0 T t O N, ' .... ~ '• . ' . . N.Y •. Steeb--: . ' • --- • • ' ' VOL 62, NO. 288, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE CO.UN.TY, Cf.UFORNIA I TUESDAY •• DE~BER 21 1969 ' TEN CENTS . • PAILY PILOT St.ff he'9 HUNTINGTON BEACH'S TOM LLOY MAKES UP FOR ANOTHER STINT AS SANTA'S STAND-IN · He Walks iind Talks L1ke Mr. Cl aus and Has a Ball Making Children Happr Sl10,vdown Due 011 Edison Plant Expansio11 Plans Co.1troversy over proposed expansion of Sou thern California Edison Compan y's Huntington Beach gene rating plant 'vill continue Dec. 17 ;it a Slate Public Utilitj_r.s Commission hearinG: i11 Fountain. Valle'y. The Public Utilities eommission. the body "'hiCh has power to de<,1y or grant the $179 million plant expansion. ~s set that ~ate for the hearing in Fountain \'alley Con1munily Center. The addition or t\lo'O ncv" 750.()()().. kilowatt generating units to ihe local plant has been strongly opposed by. William Fitche.t, Orange County air1 polluU on control office r. La st ·week he denied a pennit for the proposed ex- pansion. Fitchen charges that additions to the plant will result in the release of 90 tons or pollutants in lhe air daily. Edison Company ofricials deny Fit· chen's cbntentia.1 citing recent break- throughs in the control of emissions. They claim that by the time the loca l plant proposed expansion is completed in 1976 emmission '\\'ill be reduced by one· third. Thomas ~loran. a n1e1nber of the fi\·e- man Public Utilit ie~ Comm ission , \rill preside at the DcC. 17 hearing in Foun· tat.1 Valley. City officials said the Community Center auditorium has been reserved by the PUC for three days; indi.Qating that protracted hearings arc anticipate:!. A decision by the PUC will not be an- nounced at ·the conclusion of the loca l hearings. The testimoliy ,.,,ill be studied and the utilit y control body ,..,in ha.1d down a final decision some weeks later. That decision will be final unless it is appealed to the courts. Expansio~ of the Edison plant "'as the liubject or a Cla y.long hearing of the state EnvirOnmenfa \ Quality Control COlL1cH held in Huntington Beach Oct. 16. At that lime council members ind icated the group's Qpposilion to any expan sion of conventional power plants wbich-bur.1 gas or oll . The council ii; advisory to state control agencies. Edison1 in its appl ication ror expansion , (Set EDISON, Page ZI Orange Coast Weal.lier There's no rain behind those cloudy skies, the weatherman as- sures us. Look for temperatures to ~drop down Jnto the upper 60"s \\'ednesday; along the Oran1e Coast. 11\'SIDE TODAY Sr ltctii.:e Servfre officials liJ..·e to poi11t 011 t that tll t f irst draft 100! ordtred by ·cod. 1vllen i\fosc& led tlie fsraefilt& O!J t of b,011d(lgc. Pooe. 15. t i.n1t1H ,,.,, Me¥lel II t olnk1 11 ~'llull ,-~114\ Ii Cr•u..,.,,. 11 N.,IHll Ntwi.-i·I 00.111 Nelltn ' 0•-C1V11lr t Df'tlt'cn t iMrh , .. ,. 1!4ll!Otlel• ..... • '11tert.i11m ... 1 It ~'"'' , .. ., Slftl Marktlt ''°'' Ttlnl1le1 I• TIMor.,, 11 H-llC-11 A1111 ,l.~ 'IJ w........ . Oleft~ Wllllt II Mellllfr I ~111111 , Wl•lll Hl'WI t.I w..,,.,.,, HtWI 1J.U '' I Beach Man Has Ball iri Role ... • By TERRY COVILLE Of 'M !>Iii)' P'l~I Still Rules and regulations for a good Santa Claus : -?i'lust \rear \1'h.i te gloves. No hairy hands .allowed. -\Vhite cyebrov.·s requir~. '~~ial expression -at all times. ~Beard consistently cleaned and com- bed. -Good personality, ability to talk to kids. Ton1 Lloy. 409 7th St., Huntiiigton Beach, seems to tnatch that d!scription. He wlilks and talks like a real live Santa and haS a ball doing it. "I've been a clown all-my lire." he la!.lghs. ;'but only a Santa. for four or five years." "I like to entertain kids," explains Tom. •·t like talking to them, make them feel happy ." Lloy a retired railroad man. has spent the past four years making kids happy around Christmas time. He started with a Planners Study Apartment U11its Developers of two potential aparlment complexes . will lake their cases before the_ Huntington Beach Planning Goin· mission at 7:30 tonight in city council cham~rs. Atlantic Oil Cortipany of Los Angeles 'viii seek a permit for construction of 15 units at 2nd Street and Olive Avenue, in the old downtown area. The other applicatjon, by James Hodges, of Anaheim. is for the con- struction or 10 units near 13th Street and \\'alnut Avenue. ' large com pany that supplie5 ~epartment ::ilore Santas. but qu it and went on his 0111n last year \\'hen the company asked him to work eight tO ten hOurs ·a day. "Being Santa is not 1JI ea~ job," he S!lid. t'those whiskers are hot' ind atfckY and it's hotter than a son-of-a-;un under liia!e britht store lights. Four or five hours a.day is enough." Now Tom ju.st \vorks \\"here· he wants for !hort intervals. He does charity work fOr a few ch1,1rches and, naturally, visits his own famil y. "Klds confide in me,'' he grins. "Or course when I ask tf they eat the ir vegetables, drink their milk and go to bed early, they all say 'yes.' " ''You have to know how to talk to them ," he continues. "You call boys 'junior'. and girls 'sister' and tell them something nice." "A lot or kids, and adults, come to sit on Santa's knee for a picture." i;;ays Tom. "One woman brought her little gi rl for a photo with Santa, but said her child was wet. I said, 'Santa's all wet too, hand her O'!:er.' " "But kids. you_ l.'llou·. outgrow Sant:.l about the age of, se\'en or eight." said Tom sadly. "But a lot of them tell me ~.011· much they love Santa," he added, !:i!Tiiling again. Stoel: itlarl•et NE\V YORK rAP )-Prices on the stock market began to firm slightly in late afternoon trading today after tumbling lower on a broad front in earlier trans- actions .. (See quotations, Pages 16-17). , Five times since the Jow was set July 29 the Dow-an indication of Blue Chip stock perfonna.nce -has hovered near that point but each time resisted a breakthrough. ' ' W ~apons Cache Suspects A r,·aigned; Still in Jail Tu·o store managers. a Los Alamitos Naval Air Station enlisted man and a Nazi souvenir collector rem ain in jail to- day, following arraignment Monday on federal illegal weapons cbaraes. The case involving the two Orange County mtn was broken Sunday, with seizure of 62 machintguns · itld 50,000 ~ of ammunitiOn, larin:t ,uCh haul · in CalifornJa history. , " Gary Stdla, 3l, of ~13( C.talps Ave., . Anaheim, and Cha1les Ha~ld. 26. of 7431 El Verano Drlv~ Buenlf~ark. were charged -~1onday -wilh illegal lranslCr o( t.reapons. James G. Steuard. 32, Rowland Heights, was charged before a U.S. Com- m1ss1orier with possession of a n unregistered machine gun . Ris brother0ln·law. Alan R. otto, 32, Baldwin Park, was charged w I th ~sion of desttuctive device, an· unregistered hand arenade. Tf convicted, an four men could face $10,000 finc.s and JG.year prbon scn.tcnccs ... under the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968, aimed primarily at prevention of paramilitary activities. Federal Grand Jury indictments against Stella, Hatfield, Steuard and Otto will be sought to guarantee possible ap- Plication of the maxim Um ~Rfnalty. a<:_• cording to U.S. Attorney Matt Byrne. Bail for all four defendants is currenUy set al· $5,000 and they remain in Los Anietes County Jail Treasury Department agents arrested Stella, fifing range instructor at Los Alamito. NAS. and Hatlield i n coordinated raids after they aUejed ly agret? lo sell 45 macbineguns. Steua rd was arrested Friday at his 1m Angeles County home, "'here Illegal weapons w!re seiie'("and his brolher-tn- law was subsequenll)\ aaested in rural Irwindale. .. Stella was a Los Alamitos Police Department reserve officer until resign• Ing about two· weeks ago after receiving Navy .orde rs .transfe.ning bhn elsewhere. -.,...----· --------- . 'Family' Hippie Band . . ReligiOus ~'· . . ' . 10 • Ill Sect Held -for Tate.:.Murders ' ' LQI\ AljGiLES.. (UPI)' -•Al least JO meriih4:~· of a." ~tuds>-reJ~ous cult, in- cluding the leader known as , "Jesus:• were Jn cuStody today as suspects in the bloody slaY.ings of actresS Sh.8.~-T2te• . and a_t lee.st ~i~ other persp~ns. . , , POiice off1cla1Jy "'·Eire· reluctant to discuss details or the month~lOng in- vestigation because of recent court rul- ings. Police Chief ·Ed\1•ard Qavis told .a ne"A's conference ].otonday that the suspects "-'ere members or ''ttle Family,"'a hlppi'c band that roved through Death Valley 150 miles nortp of here. . .. The leader, cbar!A!:r 1tf<l.f\5Wl, 34~ has. a lengthy record that tncluda; assault, theft ~nd arson. He js held at 'Inyo-County Jail· 1n Independence, Cal.if., on a minor charge. . ('.~ .leaSt five \vomen are ·l?eing _held in Sybil Brand Institute here as ma:terial witnesses and atiot'her woman. Susan Atkins, 21. is in custody on suspicion of anoth'?r murder. In addition to the slaying of ~tiss Tate and four ot~r persons at her rent~d estate At.lg. 9, the group of nomads is believed responsible for th e slaying of a wealthy middle·aged cou__11:le the night following the Tate murders:- )11 custody at McKinney, Tex .• where he surrend"eced Sunday nigbt was Charles D. "Tex " \Vatson, 24. Patric; i a Kernwinkel, 21 ; was arresfed Mondiy ·near the home of her aunt in Mobile, Ala. Officers were en route to both cities to take the suspects into custody. The lasl suspect, Linda .Kasabian. J 9, was ar- ·rested In Concord, N.H.,'t61!8Y.'" ' T_~e. brea\ came in the case '1ben a ')'Olilg "'"1iion told an inf~a ·ilii'I' Iii m:lss murder ..and recounted <letsils ¢ the Tate murder scene which Polle~ believed onJy, llN kl.Ders could have kil8wn. Names supplied by the woman led of· ricers to the desert commune. ''It is anticipated that~an-8ddiUonal four or fiv&..persons will be named in in· dictments which will be sought from-th!! Los Ang~!~ Cou;1ty Grand Jury," Davis saJd. The criniinal complaints committ~ or- the· jury ·will be hrought up to date on the case today and "We are seeking before the ninth day or December ·to bring ad· dillonaL potential suspects in before the grand jury for the culminalion of the cast." Davis added . The. addlt1on:1l suspects were, ac- cording to" Davis. in custO!'.ly in Inyo County. Two months ago a ~riff's posse rounded up 26 young m!n and women '1 ho were livi ng a nomadic life of lhie\'ery. Th e group had a community in U1~ Death Valley area near the Nevada (Sec ARRESTS, Page %} ALL DRAFT DATA L{STED ON P. 4 ,Want to know when your num~r·s up? The DAILY PILOT carries the complete results of Monday night's selective -service .lottery on Page 4 today. . ' I. .,,., ,.......,. HELD IN TEXAS Tata Suspect Watson Seal Beach Girl Found Slai11 ~ .. · ··In . Illinois . HELD IN ALABAMA. Tat~. 5;u1,,.Ct Karn!!_l~k~ Valley Planners Get 3 . Hea1·ings. Three 'pu~lic hearings top the agenda for .. the 7:30 p.m., Wednesda'y meeti_ng of thP · Fountain Valley Planning Com- mission. · Planners will hear requests ll'om ·the Ocean Vit!w School DlstflCt·too construct an elevieotar.y 'school near Magi\oua Slreet ~ He.ii Avenue, a requeSt 'for· a wood stoiage yard at the southea st cor· ner of .\\'arner Avenue and NeWhope Stre~\ and a zone change pro~!' to allow commercial development ori 'iM ·cast side of Magnolia Street and between the San Diego Freeway an? ~~aq )'ie'*i flood control •chennel. ·.. .• 1 • A pro_gre:;s • report on the pt~ng department's study of apartment& also will be presen"ted: · ' " l'rfll1 Wjre !!ervicea Authorities iii the oil and coat town er Carbondale, 111: hunted a fiend today, following diecovery . of the p-r e tty dilfghfer of a Seal-Bear;h educator r-.1on. i'.lay: .!ttlpped 'and strangled with her awn jeans. ., Lisa IA:verlng, wbo would have been 15 ~a~ur<Jay, had been missing '6\nce one .week ago today, lhe subje<:t of a wide search by all area authorities,. including FBI · agents. · : Her father, David t.evering, of tot Seabreeze Dri ve, Seal Beach, left Satur· day to aid in the sea rch that began draw- ing to a close wben an Irish setter loped home from a wooded are.a four mile s southwest of Carbondale with a girl'1 shoe. ~ . Mfs. H. Dan Piper.-who llves about.300 yards from wHere Usa's nude body was found -her 'P61 .coal draped over it - c:illed p<ilice when .lbe dog broilfht home tne shoe. A sherilf's deputy among 'the searchers finally found fiPe vlct!m'1 body, a few feel off U.S. Highway 13, the main dra' into the city of ·20,000 persons. alsc location of Southe·m IlllnOill UQiversity. Authorities said she was apparently murdeied elsewhere and the killer drag- ged bet body off the roadway and over a 6harp, rusty barbed wire fence before (Set SLAYING, Pace !) ' ' -. -__ ,,_ . - • • ; • • ' ' ' ~ t • , ••• "J " ~· ~-::.....~ • .,,.~ ' NEWSMAN ·INSPljCTS MILITAlt'I: CONTltAt4ND SEIZED,&Y T~EASUlt"I' AGENTS The Gun ·C~lection Included •2 Machlne9un1. and 50,000• Rituncf1 of Ammunition ' ' • ]. • • • ·:z DAllY PILOT H Board Asks Ruling on ' .Tidelands .. ' 'Orange County Supervisors today asked the State Lands Con1mission for an "cer- 9' establishn1cnt of the boundaricS of Public tidelands." in the counly. Supervisor David Baker gol unanimous backing fQr hi s motion that the slate group be urged to carry out the SUT\'CY, ··partimftarly in the light of recent ac· lions on this rel ated issue by our board." • lie explained those actions as the · board's recorded concern for public ac· cess to public lands. taken in the wake-of the Salt Creek Road furore, the ac· ouisitioo of shoreline frontage and the board's decision to itself rule on all land matters a!recting \horeline property. Baker noted that there had been nu1ncr01.Js revisions 9( th e county's master plan of shoreline dcve\opm_ent since its tneeption In 1941. .. But the i~uc of public and private oY.'nership of shoreline land has become &O heated and subjecled to so much ilebate that il is lime for the state lo take a hand in the matter," he said. The commission will be asked to ex· ii.mine and redefine if necessary the high tide lines on Orange County's 42 miles of shoreline. Beacl1 Student Denies $5;000 Extortion-Try A plea or Jnnocent ha~ been entered b~· It 'Huntinglon Beach college student on Charges that he attempted to extort $5,000 from Dr. Ralph Bauer. a trustee of two local school districts. \'ictor Yee Tsao. 23. of 220 12th St.. rntered hi s plea Friday in \Vest Orange Countv Municipal Court. \\lestmirisler. I-le \\'as Ord'ercd lO appear Dec. 11 for a preliminary hearing on the charges filed ~· Huntington Beach police. -Jnvesligating officers allege Tsao sent 'br. Baue r a threatening letter·Nov. 19. demanding tha_t the money be left at an 1indisclosed location or physical harm would be done . Dr. Bauer told Huntington Beach police \\ho worked with hhn to effect Tsao's ar- rest two days late r. Tsao was represented in court Friday tiY Huntington Beach all.Om~ Fred ~1- f'-:elson. Tsao is free on $5,000 bail. F1·0111 Page' 1 .· i: EDISON ... -~ Pr the plant . cited power gro~·1h nee'ds ln 'P~ange Counly \\•hich they said \\'ill mo re lhan double from 6.1 n1i\1ion kilowatt 'flours in 1968 to nearly 14 milllon in 197fl. ; Even "'ith the expansion of the local jilant, 20 pe'rcenl of the electric energy fleedcd for Orange County will have to be lmported. Edison orficials contend. ~ If the local plant expw.1sion is denied. }he only plausible ans\\·er to the po"'er ~roblem is nu clear energy generating lants . Edison officials si"y such a plant ould take about JO years to build. ' ' ~ast Ger111an s Arrive ~arly for Reel S1nnn1it • { r-.1oscow <UPI) -An East German t1elegation arrived in i\'loscow a day fl head of their Soviet-bloc colleagues for private consultations in the Kremlin, piplomat ic sources said today. • The sources said they .arrived without (anfare or public notice at m.idafternoon ~1onday. 24 hours before leaders of the tit.her five east bloc states began arriving lo take part in a two-day su1n mit. It \l'as rot immediately known if party chief ~Valier Ulbricht "'as ainong them. . ' . DAILY PILOI 110\.1•1 N. W11d r ri1>e1f<'t ~n<d Put>i!thn J•c~ R. Cu•'•r VI(• P'fl1••~t1t •t1G Ge~•• #1t111u Th'"''' 1<11vil tO•!H Tho,,.11 A. Mur phlt11 i.".•t111ont (d•IOr >.tlit•I W, l•t•1 oftt>tot•1•t E•H"' H•t1tl119t•11 l••cll Offlq JO' Sth Shtel >-1.:i; .. 9 Add ••u1 r.o. ••• 790. 92•~• Oth9r otncn Nrw11tt" fief(~ ;10 wur &•lb"• •au~ttl (01•• lj.I!\•. llO \\r•• l•v lttfe• LttWfll ICo(~. IU ~Oftll An"llf 041l" •llOT. "'"' .,,.,,11 •• u...,t•flOO !~t lo,•"'l "r(V, .. 9UC"IU0 n• • f "f nl I~,._ ••v l<o 1tll'""'' •~·'""' •o• ""'"~•II~ .... ell. "Wl'rl""' "'""'"'· c., •• ""-· ~to•! llr1c11 orO L ........ llnl~, o ·~ ,.,111 ,.,., ,~..,..1 .. 1.1 ert 0••1111 '"''' r, . .,,. ... ••f (CMj'4~( '""'"'11 Jll•nl> Or• O' :111 .,.,,.,, l•'reo II•• """'rt'' l•ttr. """ "Cl ,,111 ~ •• 'l•t•'· Cet11 Mf1• reNpti.M 17141 642·4lZI ''''" Wt1t1111'1Ufl C•M 140· 1 zio Clettlfitlf Alf••rtl1l119 64t·Sill c .. v.itll•. 1i1•. 0.1-.• <11011 "wo•.111.,., (~II'"''~ '•O "''"' t I et \• 1. ~"1'1'•' ~''• •l tlotlol m1t1" ~· 1d•r,11•mt"'' 11-..,., m•1 Df ,. .. ff•"",,.,....,,, Hof'( .. I '''"''"' .. t• U·'""'" rott• ~er·• u11• n ···• ... t •' •i• ••c•• ''"~ l'-4 (Cl~ ~IA· i,..JJt" o, '.t~" ~I(!\ I• "•••u s~ fl! "''""':"; .,... ""fl '' !6 -"ltt!,1 o ' o• >i•"f (!( ,,.,., ...... ,. U('lt "IC lftV .. • , . ' . Viets Probe ltJassac1·e ' Lease Bids S1irprisitig · Investors Flock To Dana Harbor ·Intense Investor interest in the poten- tial of Dana Harbor came to county of- Hcials Mouday in dolla r sign form as bids for lease options on 10 parcels in the new harbor 1oared to 3V. limes the minln1uni. .In all, 43 sealed proposals \Vere opened 1howl11g vigorous competition for leases on all but one of the 10 parcels Jn the $15 million harbor. The ooly segment not receiving in- vestor attention. \li'as the boat repair facility, which had no bidders. But Kenneth Sampson, county director of harbors, beaches and parks, said the Jack of bidders poses no real problem. because the admitted high investment re· quired tends to make bidders balk until they actually stt'tfi"fir market bobbing at docks in the harbor. The bids will probably be readvertised, he said. Buf if the boatyard went unwanted. the rest of the facilities did not. • Gulf and \Vestern Petroleum Corn· pany's land development division placed the highest bid for the total of 10 parcels -$510.000. repair yard. ininimum bict sought $3,300 11•ith no bids received . -PARCEL 3. proposed d1·y boal storage yard and boat sales area on 111 ,000 square fee t: high _ bidder was Dana Point W.arlne Corp. of Marina de.I Rey \li'ilh $25,000. -PARCEL 4, boat launching serviet occupying 511.000 square feet; highesl bidder lhe Dana Point Marina Cor p. with 12s.ooo. &PARCEL 5, a sportfishing landing on 230,000 square feet: highest bidder North American Building Technology of Beverly Hills, $68,500. -PARCEL 6, the large marine ire~ with Marina Capital Ltd. of Newport Beach the apparent high bidder wit): $26.1,000. -PARCEL 7A, a proposed retail com- plex on 260:000 square feet , with apparen• high bid by Dana Point Associates o. Sherman Oaks \vith $7Q,000. .. Sciuth Vietnamese Sen. Tran Van Don (ri~ht) ques- tions Mai Lai villager as the government s defense committee chairman conduct~ personal alleged f\1arch 16, 1968 inciden t. probe of The highest individual bid came from Marina Capital Ltd. of Newport Beach. They offered $263,000 for the oplion of leasing Parcel 6. an area totaling -PARCEL 8. the motel site. with hig!: bidder Paul R. Goodman of La Habr11 repfesenting Western Motels Co ... -PARCEL 9 not up for bid -PARCEL 10. a 1-million-square·foo~ parcel for boat slips \differenl frorr1 Parcel 61 Marina Capital Ltd. of Newpor· Beach bidding $237,000. Sher~ff Calls Suspert In Slayings 'Nice Boy' McKINNEY, Tex. (UPI) -Two Los Angeles police detectives Monday in· ter'rogated a "clean cut" 24-year-0ld McKinney man, the first Suspect arrested in bizarre slayings of actress Sharon Tate and four other perso"ns. Charles D. Wat!On was arrested Sun- day on a murder warrant issued by the Woman Recounts Tales of 'flelp' To Beach Police .. Is this the traffic department~" "t hope not, I'm as naked as a jaybird.·· The. above conva,.sation was relayed this ~ek to the Huntington Beach Police Department in a letter from ~1iss lrma B. f'razier of Santa Ana. For the past l\VO years fiUss Frazier has been lending a hand to la1v en· forcement in }Juntington Beach in an odd . often comica l manner as an unofficial telephone operator. lt seems Miss Frazier's phone number, 546-657f. 11·as similar to the Hunlington Beach police .nu1nbcr, fl3G-6fl7 1. and i;he \Yould receive numerous calls pleading for police help. .. ..::Linfarmed the sundry and dil'ersc callers that the y 1vere dialing incorrectly and .. always made sure. they knc1v your number,'' wrote r-.fiss Frazier. In her letter, ~liss Frazier told police how comical the calls often appeared lo her. The traffic bureau call, for inslancf, came while she was bathing. But the phone company has changed r.1iss Frazier's number. "It's a rellef in many ways," she concluded, "but I must say I miss those calls. I really do miss our intangible connection and I r~ally do like the police ." Oltlo Girl No'v Honorary Citize11 1\n Ohio girl has become an honorary citizen of Fnuntain Valley wi!h a pro- clamation issued by ~1ayor Edward Just. The city's newest citizen is Pattie 'Vhite of Akron. Ohio. who was honored because she returned a postcard attached to a, balloon loltt'<l in the air frt1m here by Dean Olsen, 9924. Sage Circle, Fountain Valley . The balloon managed to travel all ll}t way to Akron. carrying with it Dean's postcard and markings advertl.!iing foun· tain Valley·s annua l llalloween Parade and Rarbecuc. Teaching Film Set For Hnntington PT A 'The PTA of hfeaa View School in Hun· tington Beach wl\l show the film "To Mike a Mighty Reach" al its 7:30 o'clock meeting tonight at Hope View School, 17622 Fllntstone Lane. The film , produc~ by the Kettering Foundatl9fl, I de~ribes such lnnovatHm techniques in e<lueatlon as team teaching. behavioral objectives. oi>'n space school and Individually prescribed instruction. Astronunls Parade PASADENA (AP \ -Th• Apo llo 12 1uiilronauts will bt grand marsha l! of lht 81st Tournament of Rose11 Parade on New Years· Day, otllciils say. Charles Conrad Jr .. Alan L. Bea n and Richard f . Gordon Jr. acctpttd tht': in· vltalion Aionday, a parade ~pokesman 5aid. Thl' par3de prtttdes the Rose 801\'I toot.ball game. Los Angeles Police Department. ''You could kinda say he walked in and Slave himself up," said Sheriff Tom i\lontgomery. ... " ~1ontgcmcry described \Vatson llS "clean cur• and said he. grew up in U1c. nearby agricultural community of Copeville, where ,his paren~ still live. "He's a nice boy,'' 1he sheriff said. "I've kno1vn him all my liie ." Watson. about six-foot-two \vith short hrOv.•n hai r, was being held in Colllii County Jail. The California detectives ar- rived about 6 p.m. to confer with \\'atson and his attorney. Bill Boyd of r-.tcKinney. California policemen had described Wat.son as a membe r of a roving. deserl com mune that operated like a modern· day Indian raiding parly that traveled in dune buggies, stealing and robbing as !hey \li'enl. One of tQe Los Angeles policemen. 1'1ichael Neilson. said he didn't know u·hen \Vatson would be extradited. "It's up to rum and his attorney," Neilson !aid. Neilson said \\'atson was in !he .Los Angeles area for a limited amot'lnt of time when the1murder.s were committed, but "for cjt:actly ho1v long, \\I~ jlon'l know ." ft1urder warrants were also issued in Los Angeles for two women suspects in C\'.lnnection with the Aug. 9 Tate murder. Patricia Kernwinkel. 21. was arrested 'f\ionday on one of the \\'arrants in Mobile, Ala. The other susi)ect . Linda Kasab.ian , v.•as arrested today in New.r-.1exico. * * -~ Fro111 Page 1 ARRESTS. • • li ne in southeast Califon1ia . Davis also said "there may be some ronnection •· between the group and lhe stabbing death or Gary Hi na1nann, 3·1, in his Topanga Canyon home July ll. flobert Bausolil. 21. allegedly a le3dtr of the group, was arrested in connection \l'ilh the slaying . A mistrial v.•as declared in his first trial on murder charges and he will be retried in January. Police said the ""orld!i "political piggy" had been scrawled in blood on a v.•atl in Hinmann's home. F'ilm director Roman Pola~ky said f\londay night he would not comment on lhe latest develof,ments in the murder of his "'ife until after the sus~cts are br ought to trial. r-.-1iss Tate 1vas eigh t months pregnant when she "'' a s 1nurdcred. I Pearl Harbor Breakfast Set The thi rd annual commemorative Pearl H&rbor breakfast will be held Sunday at the American Legion headquarters in Memorlal Hall Huntington Beach. The event is 1ponsored by Huntington Belich Po.!it of the American Legion and the breakfast will be served from 8 a.m. to 10 .a.m. ' A motion picture. "Marijuana", will be Mown, according to Legion Commander llal L. Wirtt. Prodnee r Wolp er, . Wife Tall Dil'o1·ec flOLLYV;QOD (UPI l -The 12·year marriage of molion pi<:turc and televls\on producer David t . \Volper and hls ~·ife . Dawn, will end in divorce court this ~·etk. the couplt announced The couple uki In a statemerit they ha1·e altempted for :ronte: time to resoh•t their problcm11, Including a trial !rp.ira· tton l:ist summer. "' Fro111 Page 1 SLAYING • • • 1,021 ,000,square feet for boat slips. The smallest high bid came from La Habra hotelman Paul R. Goodman . ll totaled $18,000 for a parcel earmarked for a motel. His bid exceeded the minimum re- being dumped. ·quired by $6,000. "We don 't know when she was killed or All of Monday's bids were on nine- ,.,.hether she was killed where the body month opUons to lease the parcels. . \1•as found " emphasized Richard E _In the next three months •. county a1d~s . -• _. · w1Ir study all of the 43 offerings, and will R1chmand, Jackson COunly State's;t;t~imlni1he1Trla n c i a I capabilities. lo~.n~Y-. 1 • • ., reputations and other qualities of the ap- \\e do have some ~h~sical e~idcncc.. parent high bidder. . . added Cnrbondale I ohce. Chief Jack Estimates of the total of capital 1n- ll azel. vest1nents \Vhich the 1vinning bidders .T.hc mt.rd~r h.as tht' earmarks of a ~e:t v.·ould make at the harbor reach 57 k1lhng , but ll will be seve ral da~s before million. Sampson said. the resu'.ls of an autopsy or e~·idence n( The bids did not' include n1oney con- 1nole stat1011 ar~ revealed. he said . . stitutlng actual lease payments .,· . Tcntal.11·e estimate~ 1verc that she died "Those aQC1ual payn1ents. for the first shor.tly ;-ifter ~he va1ushed . . . five yea r!i wnl be pegged understandabl y ~11ss Levenng. 111hosc father 1s an Ill· loiv so that lhe investors can get on their structor al Cal Poly, Pom~na an~ com-feet. The investment is quite high,'' mutes from Se-al B~ach, l111ed \Vtth her Sampson said. rnol~er Ann, who _1.~ apparently . coin· After the five-year period or relatively p\eltng-a doctorate In urban planning at tninimal lease payments, the lease fees SIU. 1vill be gradually heightened on a formula basis to a more substantial level, he ad· Sia111ese Twins ded . -PARCEL II, a restaurant facility or about 64,000 square feet; high bidder i~ Goldrich, Kest and Stem with $36,000. Burglars Rifle Doctors' Of fices Thieves rifled S93 ii\-' Cash from rour doctors· offices in the Hunti ngton Beach r-.tedical To~·ers. 18742 Beach Boulevard . next to Hunting ton lntercommunily Hospital. Police said "'no da)nagf 1vas found ln ary of the offices and no drugs were taken. Entry was made sometime durin,ll the weekend by forced entry through th \" door of each office. Offices where money was found ml'-'· Ing were those of Doctors William Thomp- so .. John Forte .• John Hauck and Ronal:i Blatt. The burglaries were discovered Monday morning, said police. / J et ~fak es Dchut I BOS'tON fUPtl -Siamese l\\'in girls. separated W e d n c s d a y . successfully underwent follow-up surgery Monday at lifassachusetls. General Hospital. Their C(lndition was described as "excellent." Broken do11•n. the parcels and their high bidders v1ere as follows : -PARCEL I. water and land area set for marine fueling operations with the apparent high bidder Atlantic Richfield "'ith $50,750. -PARCEL 2. 24fl.OOO·squ are-foot boat SF;ATTLE tAP) -The. age of the jum· bo jetliner was previewed today as <i Boeing 747, designed to carry almost 500 passengers.' took off Jor New York "'ith 110 persons aboard . Maverick The best small car value in thE;l world. IT'S A FACT: Our small car has scored a big success'. And lhe rea- son is very simple-solid value. FACT: Maverick rivals 1he imports in gas mi leage. FACT: Ma verick gives you lots of leg, hip and head· room ... plU.!i 10.4 cu. II. of trunk space. FACT: Maverick is easier to ma intain than an economy import. FACT: No\v enjoy all lhe features you·ve euer wanted 1n a car-at a 1960 price that lets you stop worry- in g about rising ccsls. ' , . ~ .. .,..\,. .,. For the same kind of value in a larger size-your best buy is Torino Lowest-priced hardtop in its class. IT'S A FACT: Nothing can equal Tor ino-not in appear- ance, features or pri~e. FACT: This hardtop has the same sleek styling of lhe more eicpensive Torino models, FACT: tt has the same 117-inch wheelbase for a smoolh· er ride. FACT: II has the same 60--inch track for better road holdin g. FACT : Jt has the same roomy inlerior lhat seats six in perfect comrorl. FACT: It has new sound- p.roofing lhal le~s everyone enjoy a quiet more relalCing ride. FACT: It gives you 16.2 cu. ft of trunk space. Look over Torino and Ma verick soon. Pick !he car !hat measures up to you'-needs. THE FACTS FAVOR FORD. Fo1mo11 1n/01m111on •bout the,, t:i•$. see your Fo•d D~1!1r or.,,,,,,~. 1.1 ,vet1c~ C•l1/op, D1ot. N-12 O• 1o•ma C•ltlop, Dtol N·IJ, p O So.r f~. De1rba1n. M1eh1p1n 411121. !? .. t/!f.. :fy:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---.~~y · c . ~FORD 4£f$ Your_ Ford De~ler fights the price rise • ·- • ' . , J I • • l I J r' I I ' • South Viets P1~obe ·Case At_ My Lai 1-tY LAI. Victnan1 (AP) -South Viet· namese legislators investigating an alleg. cd 1968 ma ssacre of civilians by U.S. troops entered this shattered hamlet to- day after being delayed by a Soµth Viel· namese military operalion. Riding atop two tartk s, the legislators brought with them four civilians who said lhey lived in or were near the hamlet during lhe alleged massacre of 100 or more villagers. The legislators said the civilians tcld them they had not actually seen American soldiers shooting unarmed men, women and children in My Lai on March 16, 1968, but heard shooting and civilians crying. Sen. Tran Van ,Don. leader of the in· vestigating team who is chairman of the Scna1e Defense Committee, had been held up in nearby Quang Ngai with his jp· vestigating team. South Vietnamese of· ficers told them they could" not cnterl\ly L.:li until militiamen secured the area and made sure it was clear of Viet Cong. Despile indications anned Viet Cong remained in the area follo"'ing the South \i1etnamese clearing operation, the l:amlet "'as found empty. T11•0 men among the four civilians ac· ... companying the legislators said they i:;urvived the incident by escaping into nearby paddy fields . They told the legislators they saw the Americans entering lhe hamlet and "heard firing and people crying," reported Sen. Don, who acted as in· ~rpreter. The two men said the women, children and old men in the hamlet -which at the time was under strong Viet Cong control -"gathered together in groups to show lhey weren't firing weapons." The men ran out of the hamlet and came back when the Americans lert . at about 4 p.m., Don said. The two men pointed at a water-filled ditch about 1,000 yards from the hamlet and said thcy·sa111 30 bodies lying there after the U.S. troops had gone. Don's nine-man legislative tca1n -four sen ator!; and five House members -ar- rived l\1onday in Quang Ngai. He sa id he 111anted "lo get ~I the truth" and learn v.·hy the massacre ,;was kept a secret'' if it actually occurred. Conference Set On Coui;lty's Transport Needs A UC lrvine Extension conferenct on "Oranae County on the Move: Air and Ground Transportation Needs" \\'ill be held Saturday al Anaheim Convention center. Invitations to the conference have been mailed to community leaders throughout Orange County. Participants will be told the findings of a UCI Project 21 (pl anning for the 21st century) study team that has been looking into ground and air transportation problems -traffic jams, no place to park . inadequate public transportation. jet ai rcraft noise. The study team was formed \\'hen a survey of Orange County business and community leaders late in 1968 yielded the conclusion transportation \\'iii be the most critical problem facing the county in the future. A first-year priorit y. the study team concluded. is planning for p u b 1 i c transportation with improvement of local bus service as the starting .point. .John \V. f\.1cMahan, president of Development Research Associates. who tieaded the study team. will be one or the speakers at the conference. Slight Quake Hits LA LOS ANGELES fUP!l -A slight earthquake, described by a police sergeant as a "modest litlle jolt." briefl y shook downtown Los Angeles early today. The quake, which was felt shortly before 3 a.m., also jiggled Hollywood and the Wilshire district, causing police com- plaint switchboards to light up with calls. ,. l11dlcted A federal grand jury f\1onday indicted former U.S. Senator Daniel B. Bre"•ster ( D·Md .) on charges of receiving $24,500 in bribes to influence postage rate legi slation . Ten-count in- dic tment named Brewsler, Chicago-based 1n a i I order house of Spiegel Inc. and Spiegel's Washington lobbyist,. Cyrus T. Ander son. Student Cl1ief ·Doesn 't Have To Salute Flag ' Villa Park liigh School student presi· dent Bob Gumpertz may be required lo Wee an oath supporting the U.S. and California Constitutions, but may not be required to pledge allegiance to the Flag. the Qrange County Counsel's office said -1'1onday. .,... An opiniOn written by Dcpu!y Count.v Counsel John Po"1ell told Orange Un~icd School District trustees what they pro- bably co uld and could not require based on court decision precedents. The'school trustees sought legal direc- 1ion when objectjons arose from parents, patriotic groups and war 11eterans follow- ing Gumpertz's refusal six weeks ago lo lead the Flag salute at a school assen1-bly. Gumpertz said he didn 't agree with the \\'Ords "under Goel " in lhe" pledge of allegiance arid v.•asn'L sur e since he hasn't lived In other countries the Uni led St.ates is the most desirable place to live. ln a subsequent vote of confidenc<'. the Villa Park student body voted 1.212 lo 812 t:> allow him to continue as student presi· dent. ~t 400 persons who allended a noisy board n1ecting several weeks ago v.•anled trustees to act. Trustees said then I.hey v.·ould "do everything in their power to try to requ ire" oalhs supporting the U.S. and state Constitutions and participation in the pledge by sludenl·Ofli cers. The county counsel's opinfon 1~:ilJ be discussed at another board meeting Thursday night. Alioto Plaruiing ' Talk in Newport San Francisco ~layor Joseph Alioto, prohable candidate for the Democratic gubematorial nomination next year, y,·ill speak Saturday al the Newrorter Inn in Ne..,, .. rt Beach on "The Relation of the Press to Government." • The mayor is expected to comment on Vice Prcslden't Spiro Agnew·,c; accusations againsl the news media and might also mention a Look ~lag:1zine arliclc tha t alleged he has links 111ith the ~tafia. Alioto wi ll speak al JO:~ a.m. to the . annual national convention of Bela Phi Gamma, junior college professional journalism society. Journalism students from 80 campuses will be present . The students will hear Friday night from Or. Carl F. Hartman, UC ln•ine's assistant vice chancellor for academic af· fairs, on "Campus Demonstrations and EducatiOn.'' Nixon Asks Campaign 011 Hu11ger \VASHINGTON (AP).;.. President Nix- on called today for a massive national conirnltment to end hunger and malnut ri· lia.1 and said, ''The plain fact ls UiaJ a great many Americans ::.re not eating \veil enough to sustain health." In an address prepared for a Whjte llouse Conference on Food, Nulrition and llealth, Nixon urged support for three nieasures pending in Congress which. he "Aid, "should virtually elimi'.1ate the pro- blem of poverty as a cause of malnutri· tion." One measure l\'Ould put a floor undtt the income of every American fa mily. supplementing or providing incomes for 25 million persons. Nixon said the meeting of experts in the field marks an historic milestone and <1llded : "It sets the seal of urge".lCY on our national commitment to put an end to hunger an ct malnutrition due ·10 pov-erty in America." The Presi dent. who got a view of the 11ngry n1ood of many of the persons in- \'iled to the conlerence even before his ~cheduled key.1otc address, said the cen- tral question until now has been whether !hr nation \\'Ould accept the proble1ns of inalnourishment as a national responsi· bi!it.v _ "That 1nornent has passed." Nixon 1'aid. ·· .•. Speaking for l h ill ad- 111inistration. I not only accept , the respa,1s1bility I clain1 t he responsibility." He said \vhile action is required by our national conscience, practical terms com- pel action. An ill-fed child, he expta.ined, Is dulled i11 curiosity, has lov.•er ,s1amina and is dis tracted from learning. An ill-fed 11•orker produces less and is absent more. "The mounting cost of medical care resulting from illnesses relating to diet puts an economic bufden on al l society," Nixon said. Fifty Elderly Die in Blaze At Aged Home ,: • ~~-..... "l'·o-1V>t .. -.;-~ ................. "'•\' '"' i ., •• .. "It' ,_...,. ' •, . Tu,sd11y, Dtcembfr 2, 1%' H D-'ILV l"ILCT " Season Gets Jol-'-y Clr.ariukali , Si. Nicholas' Feast This Weeke'!fl The 1emn to be jolly gets a head start this week wllh the beginning of Chanu~ah sundown Thunday and the celebration of St. Nicholas' Feast Friday. Chanukah Is «lebrated for eight days and II abo known as Lhe "Festival of Light&" or the "Festl\'al of Dedication." While it Is considered a minor holiday. the event Is celebrated joyously within the Jewish family with each ot the eigllt . doys marked by lhe lighting of an ad· . dltJooal candle.-on_ the menorah. In ad- dition, small gifts arc given to the cbildren -: traditionally coins wrapped nl • ' cloth, kno.,.,·n as "Chanuk1h gl!:\l." lli1toric1llv, the ho Ilda y com- memora\e$ ihe vlctotY of the lllaccabees 011tr the Crcco-Syrlan king Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who at one lime attempted to \1'h>e out the Jewish faith. Symbollc•lly, the candle lighting asserts that the light or faith ls certain to grow -even if only a small remnant of the faithful remains. The Feast of St. Nicho\RS honors the p~tron saint of school chikiren -the mo:st popular or saints who are not martyrs in bOth \Vestem and Eastern churches, In some Catholic areas of the 1 v. orld. children will hang up their stock· lngs to a1vait a visit and toys rrom SL Nicholas on Dec. s rather than the mo{e \~idely acetpl.ed Dee. 2$. While many miracle! ar' attributed to "St , Nlc.holu," his existence ia not at- tested by any historical docwnent. to nothing certain Is known or his life. The evolullon or present day "St. County Board Rejects Lowering Vote to 18 Nicholas" tradiUons began with "tht Netherlands Protestant settler$ In NtW Ameterdam (New York) who replaced St. Nicholas ("Sinter Claes" in Dutch) w\tll S~nta Claus; a kind of benevolent magir CJ an. The transfonnation Of St. Nicholas Into Father Christmas took place first in Germany, and then in OOUJ1tries where Reformed churches were in the majority. Finally this !rend took hold In France. where the feast day v.·as put oil unUl De<.. 25 or to the New Year. "i don't doubt." Baker a.dded. "that today's young people of 18, 19 and 20 are much smarter than v.·e were at the same age, but that doesn't say .a lot for us. 1 do Giant Waves Rack Hawaii; Hundrecls Flee not belie1•e now and never have lhat persons of lhal age have reached a maturity v.·hich entitles lhem to the vole." An angrf Ballin immediately accused £aH<>111 supervisors or "breaklng faith" 11•ith Orange County 's youth. "Just a little 111hi1C ago you all passed a Ag Chief Bans Pesticide Use· On Cou11ty Crops resolution com1nern:ling the youth of Agricultural commissioner Wllllam Flt- Oran!!e County and praising their ability chen today banned the use of DDT and lo build and govern." Battin said. "Where DOD on Orange County c_rQ25 effective is the spirit lhat you displayed on that Jan. I "excepl for limited use aS a spray day and 11•hy have you so quickly changed on several crops for which no effective your minds in the light or a resolution alternate pesticides are pr e 11e nt1 y that gave ~u every opportwiity to really available." . back your ea rlier statement.·• Fitchen stressed that application of the HONOLULU (UPI\ -Giant waves as Supen'isors Alt.en E. Allen and Vt'illiam chemicals to those unidentified crops will high as 50 feet struck the Hawaiian }!irstein indicated in their comments that be made "only under special pennit Islands today, destroying home~ and they could not go aloog with the Battin issued by my office." : Fitchen said his action was dictated by forcing the evacuation of hundreds. Three motioo. "recent findings by the federal govem- persons were missing and a doz.en in-A resolution urging that Orange County men! which show DDT and ODD to be • jured. go on record as fa11oring lowering Of the serioils threat to fish, wildlife and the The worst hit area was Sunset Beach voting age to 18 was solidly rejected to-total community environment." about 25 miles north of here on Oahu, the day by counly supervisors. His action, he said, is geared to tbe an- major island in the chain. \\1aves smash-Tile five-member board -average age nounced policy of the state and federal ed lov.·Jying homes and· shops, destroying GO years -split 4 to I on Supervisor governments to phase out the use of DIYI' at least 34 houses. }lo~ Ba!lin's suggestion that the group within the next two years, starting with Five hcndred persons "·ere evacuated "reflect the growing conviction in our na-complete elimination of Its use on crops from shore areas to emergency Red lion that our y'Jung 'people are no\v more for which other effective pesticides •re ·cross centers set np in schools, a con-qualified to e:{ercise their vote at an now available. vale.scent home and a Glrl Scout ca1np. earlier ;1ge. . "It is my responsibility under ata te P I. f II d fl f d t la\11," Fitchen said, "to take the o ice pa ro e 1c e1·acua e areas o Su""rvisors \Villiam )'hillips a. nd David t I t. t-L necessary steps to restrict or eliminate preven oo 1ng. Boker y,·ere oulsnnken in rei·ection of Bat-Th f b fl • I I d h ··~ lhe use of pesticides v.•hen they are pro-e sur a '"rec 1on1cs an s ops tin's motion , acidl." described by PhilUp• I th rth h f I · 1 d ·' ?' ven to be serious threat to our tn· a ong e no s ores G :-t'1·era 1s an s as a •·pretty pointless lhing to 'bring I in the chain. The wealhcr bureau forecast before this board and an action that isn't vi~~;:;;nt~\:;;-the years has been a =la~~igh surf" \varning for the entire going to create any nationwide in\erest. '' tremendous value to Orange County NOTRE DAll1E DU LAC, Que. (UPI)-The three missing persons included a "I thought y,·hen I '\\'as 19 that people of argiculture but, due to serious side ef- More than 50 elderly persons, m3.ny bed-sailor lost in the waters off Oahu . The in-tilat age shouldn't have the vote and 1 fects that are now being uncovered, the ridden and crying for help. died early jured included three young children and a haven't seen a thing since then thars· damage to the environment far outweighs today when a flash fire ripped through a couple hurl v.·hen their home collapsed. calculated to make me change my the benelit to agricullure." "'ood frame home for the aged. 'i";;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiii;i;,;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiii;iiiiiiiiiii .. iiiii,;ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiii;i;,;iiiii-iiiii~-;;i;-iiiii----ii;;;;-------, Sixleen persons v.·ere injured , four or II them critically, v.•hen flames eruplell near the furnace of the SU-year-old Repo!S Ou Vieillard, a rest home for 75 to 80 persons over the age of 65. Al least half the patients were bedridden . "We could hear the screams. They v.•ere at the ll'indows. crying for help." sa id a staff member from a nearby hospital "The volunteer firemen tried to help. The neighbor!; 11·ere trying to get into the building to grl them out. But every- thing just went too fast. You couldn 't get !hrough the entr;.--it was full of fire. "One ·man. a neighbor \Yea ring only a coat. over hi~ nightclothes. brought his l:idder and tried to climb up to one of the windows where the old people were crying. But when he broke the window, there was just too much smoke. "It was so fast, in 10 minutes it wa s all on fire." she said. ··~1ost of them were trapped in their beds and didn't have a chance." a pr(). vincial police spokesman said. "It's going to be some time before v.·e can get the bodies out of the re." T"'O other buildings in addition to lhe nursing home \\•ere destroyed in the blau:. New Jersey Forbidden To Arrest Si natra NEWARK. N . .J.r (UPI) -A federal judge Monday ctismissed an injunction reque~t filed by Frank Sinatra's at- torneys to keep the state Investigation commission (SIC) from compelling him to testify about organiied crime but a circuit court later issued a temporary restraining order forbidding New Jersey authorities to arrest the singer. ~BUSTER ~BROWN. F11hion ri9ht, hut most Important •• , evtry fit 9u1rante1d by our highly tr1ined p1rsonn1I Policeman Pleads Innocent Santa Ancui iii Court O·ver Nightstick Clubbing WE GLADLY GIFT WRAP . FREE OF CHARGE OF COURSE! A Santa Ana policen1an indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury on c.harge11 or u~ing undue force in subduing a juvenile v.·!th his nightstick pleadod innocent at his arralgrunent ~fonday to assault with a deadly v.·eapon charges. Conflicting actounts contained i~ an 81- page Grand Jury lranseript led the at- torney for Officer,ruchard Faust, 26. to Immediately file a series of motklns seek- ing dismissal of the charge1. Orange County Superior Court Judge Fobert Gardner ordered. Patrolman r~l'usL to 11ppcar Feb. 18 for jury trial. y,·hiJe setting IX'<:. 31 as the hea ring date for moLions for dismissal. Atloml!y Ron Owens cited grounds of in1illfflclt nl evidence, lack of con· frontatlon or witne!i.'ies. IHck of the right of coun..~I !or th! defendant during Grand • htry '))roc:cedings atfd failure to pro11ide a :opt(!dy trin\. The inrliclment llgainst Faust WHS returned Nov. 12, aflcr lh<' Grand Jury listened to acc:ounfs (lf the Incident ln- \QJvini; then 17-year-old .Tc1i~f: Gilmore. n ,. black Santa Ana yo uth. Gilmore, who hus sinC'e attai ned adult slatus at 18, clailned Ofricer Faullt club- bed ltim on July 8 while he 111a~ being cieH11ered to Orange County .Juvenile }fall , He \\1as allegedly laken In hy two of- ficers. along v.•lth tv.·o other captl\'e youths. Gilmore's t..'-Omplainl \\'as that he was clubbed as he lay on the ground 11fter fa lling or being pushed to the. pDvement 011\$ide the ?o.tan<:hCStE'r Avenue facility v.·hrle handcuffed .' Nol all witnesseugrcc. Mme Said Gilmote tried lo flee the or- ncers and was caui:ht , subdued .. and handcuffed while he lay on lhe ground net1r Jul'enile HHll . . One of those who differed In the transcript revealC'd f\.londay was Oeriuly Probation Offictr Dennis Burke -a key witness in the Ca.!le -who supported in es~Pnct Patrolman Fa ust'~ \•erslon. Gilmore told jurors Officer ~·~u~t t vlrtently thou ght he v.•311 settfng sm11rt ;11111 knocked hirn tn the grounrl ln :id· -- n11nister a beating, denying that he was Ct!lempting to escape. • ··You didn't run at any time?," asked Oeputy DistMct Attorney James G. Enright. ~ "No,·· replied Gilmore. The probation officer. however, said he was eight to 12 feet from the incident as it unfolded and &aw one bl11ck youth dash from the scene, followed by one: of the two policemen. Durke said the -youth he &aw was hit several llmes In the head and shoulders are.l by lhe nightstick. stopped briefly. but broke away agaln and was fiaally halted on the sidewalk. • ~1onday·s testimony fea tured disclosure ll'Kl, that one and probably more wit- nesses were informally contacted by the (:rand Jury prior to tht llm~ their storlt>s u·rrr. taken under oa!.h for record . Officer l''aust has: remained on duty ~i nce the indietmenl ind will not be (J1e1NMrf-_ f C: 'Jc~·s IOOTIRY :liuo Co1111e11lenl ofocalio11 :J cene\'ed or dlsmi"ed without • fclO!IY JD FASHION ISLAND 1052 IRVINE e WISTClfFf.rLUA tonvlctlon, •'YI Santa Ana Police Chief HIWPORT HACH e 64'4·2064 NEWPORT HACH e 5.0·Hl4 P.:hvnrd J. Allen . 1'---------------------------------------- I ( ' I • OAllY PILOT • .. Born Se-pt. 14?. Y·ou'll Get Greetings ' First Lottery Since WWII Goes Smoothly cc ..... " ... De.lfrr ..... lllffl Tobacco Road, made famous in Ertklne Caldwell'• novel about poor whites in the depression, may have its name changed. The notor· iety of the road , on the outskirts of Augusta, Ga .• is a deterrent to real estate values, according to How· •rd W. Pollard, executive director of the· Augusta-Richmond County Planning Commission . ''Interest in this ha'!; been expressed by differ- ent sources," said Pollard. "I'm not trying to destroy tbe historical significance or To}>acco Road, but it's image is not understood out· i;ide of the Augusta area." • • WASHINGTON CAP) -Men Crom 19 to 26 years old born on Sept. 14 who have last names starting with lhe leUer J will be the first ones drlited next month under the nation's first Selective Service lottery in a generation. In less lhan an hour and a half Monday night, all 36$ days of the year plus Leap Year's Feb. 29 \Vete drawn at random from a big glass laboratory jar at Selec· liye Service headquarters here. The order in which lhey emerged, roll· ed up in blue plastic capsules. determines the order in which men with matching bltthda ys will be called for the draft next year -or. for those now <leferred or c~· empt -in any future year "'hen they become "l·A.'' Rep. A1ex14nder Pirnie or New 'York, ranking Republican on a House ~ub committee on the draft, drew the firlit date from the jar shortly after 8 p.m. Then a Succession of young-men and v.'Omen -representatives of state youth committees created earlier this year as unofficial advliOrs to the Selective Service System -took turns drawing the rest of lhe dates. The second one drawn was April 24, then came Dec. 30; then Feb. 14, Qct. 18, Sept. 6, OCt. 26, Sept. 7, Nov. 22, Dec. 6 ·.·. ~ youth advisers bad refused lo elp in the drawing and a fourth balked when his turn came; four olhers helptd in the drawing but ·only after making unscheduled statements -one reading a mild protest signed by 14 participants, and three others more or Jess supporting the proceedings. Otherwise the drawing moved smoothly -so smoothly it was finished half an hour sooner than draft officials bad an· Llcipated. Jo"ollowing the drawing of the dale!, aoother dray,·ing was held in which letters of the alphabet were scrambled and pull· ed out. This will be used by local boards lo de<:ide the order in which to draft the eligible men. First out in the seeond drawing ws the letter J . The new lottery system was signed into law by the President Jut week and pro- ,·idcs the first major refonn in the draft liince the SelecLive ·Seivice established a comol!cated form of Induction during World War JI , The previous syste m, which included a long list of deferments, was critlciz~ because IL left young men uncertain about their fate for as long as seven yean. The new lottery system is designed to reduce this period or uncertainty to one year. The last time the dralt was based OD a lottery was in 1942. ; Every man whll reaches at least 19 years of age but not 26 by the. end of Uris year now has his place in line for the draft In whatever year he becomes l·A- "available for military service" -or 1· A-0 "conscientious objector available for noncombatant military servi~ only." Another 350,000 now deferred or e-x· empt will J05e that status -manY by graduaUng from college, for example - and become l·A or l·A-0 during the year. That m~kes 1970 their "priority" ex· posure. year too. Of this 850,ooo· total. about 290,000 will probably enlist volunta rily in the armed forces, officiaill anticipate. _ But another 260,000 must be drafted. How Lotte~y Caine Ont Prince Aya, sun of Crown Prince Akihito and Princess Michiko of Ja· J'H'l'R, enjoys a bike ~ride with the help of elde r brollier Princt" Hiro (right) i1i the garden of Togu Palace, in Tok- yo. Prince A ya ;ust celebrated his j ourth birthday Nov. 30. -· A cow and a bull led Sall L a k e C i t y police on a chase through freeway traf!.ic Sunday night, leav- ing three battered cars in their wake. The bull finally was stopped by an officer's bullet, but the cow escaped. The pair fell from a truck en route to Ogden, Utah. livestock auction, said "Highway Patrolman Ivan C. Orr. One of the beasts wand ered into the path of a car, &etting up a fender-<lenting chain collision, Orr said. There 'vere no injuries. • I t was nn embaras.~in(1 nio· I ment for the !11ont.ana 1'·/i.tk Cctn· trol Board in hearings l1eld last week in Helena. The boord had i: O(Jreed to sitppty coffee a11cL cream for nil participo nl! dttd 1 nl!lwsme1t 1L'hO at.tend.ed the hearings. Only the board f orpot to get the cream. The ,011/y Lhtnu j available til e first day of I he Ii hthring.1·was a cream substitute. ~ s wsw:-,,, "':".io • .'i.bout 4,000 Americans a year are going to the down-under conti· nentof Australia. Why~ "We have- n't been able to discern a pattern," Sir Keith W•ller, Australian am- bassador to the United States, ~ays, adding that the estimate or 4,000 Arn~rican s moving to . his country is conservative. "The one underlying reason, \\'e think, is that Australia a ppeals to those looking for a ne\v frontier, fo r those who '"ant gr.eater scope for indi vidual initiative. There ii:; al!o I.he factor that during \Vorld \Var 11. and since th en, many American servicemen came to kno\v and like Australia." WASHINGTON {AP) -Here by calen· dar order are the draft priorities dra\\'ll Monday nlghL DATE AND DRAFT PRIORITY 1--JOS 2-159 3-251 4-215 ~101 <--224 7--300 8-199 9-194 11)-325 11-329 12-221 13-318 14-238 15-17 16--121 1-86 2-144 3-297 4-2Hl ~214 6--341 7-91 6--181 9-338 ]~16 11-150 12-68 13-152 II-4 15--81 1-IOR 2-29 J-267 4-27.'i S-293 fi-139 7-122 8-213 S-31 7 10-323 11-136 12--300 13.-2.j9 14-354 15-169 !-32 2-211 3-83 4-81 5--269 6-25.) 7-147 8-312 9-219 4 10-218 January • February "larch April 17-235 lP-140 16--58 21)-200 21-186 22-3.17 23-118 24--59 25-52 26--92 21-355 26--11 29--:149 30-164 31-211 16--212. 17-189 16--292 19-25 20-302 21'-363 22--290 2.1-57 24-236 25-179 26--365 27-20S 2R-29'.l 29-28;) !li-166 17-3.1 18-332 19-200 20--239 21-331 22-265 23-256 24-258 '25-343 26-170 27-268 28-223 29-J62 30-217 31-30 16--148 17-260 18-90 19-3:l6 20 -345 21-62 22-316 23-252 24-2 25-351 11-14 12-346 l:J-124 14-231 15--273 1-3.10 2--298 3-40 4-276 5--364 6--155 7-35 8-321 9-197 II)-65 JI-37 12-133 13-295 14-178 15--130 1-249 2-228 3-301 4-20 5--28 6-110 7-85 6--366 9-J35 10-206 11 -134 12-272 13-69 14--356 15--180 1-93 2-350 3-115 4-2i!) 5-183 6-327 7-50 6--13 9-277 11)-284 11-248 12-,.. 15 13-42 11-331 15-322 16--120 1-111 2--45 3-261 '1-145 5--54 6-114 7-168 8-48 9-106 10-21 iUny June July. " August Nice Weather Prevails 26-340 27-74 26--261 29-191 30-208 IS-55 17-113 IP-278 19-75 20-18J 2I-2M 22-326 23-319 24-3L ·26--361 26-357 27-296 28-308 26--226 JG-103 31-313 IS-271 17-73 J8-34L 19-!0t 2th160 21-60 22--211 23--109 24-358 25-137 26-22 27-64 28-222 29-353 Jl)-209 ,. 17-98 16--190 JS-227 2Q-187 21-27 22-153 23-172 24--23 25-67 26--303 27-289 26--811 29-270 30--287 31-193 17-154 16--141 19--311 2<h144 21-291 22--J39 23-116 24-36 25--286 26--215 But Gale Warnings Up O'ver <;rent Lakes, Enst Coast California JO<Jtheno C1ll~lllf w11 Pl •lly (11!!,JdY toclt\I wltl! $t l!!t•ed Wlowtrl 1"6 lh~ll· dtrtlorlf'J, ""'' !t-mr t 'llur11 cc...!1mrf11 Wt •lf' W!lh h lt hl '" t~t JOI !11 lf'Oll .... ,. Tht l ot .. 11nJn f:•t t W~• r~•tl~ cloudr with • t.w 1Mwtr1 ""' '"' lf'OUlllt ln1, Th• hfth Wt\ 1! tor !ht ucer!d 1l•1lthl Cltr. T"' "~""'"'' "°" 11 IS. Tt!t Al• "llll11tjll"I (t>totrol "•\!•h i n ld """' w11 "II -111 l~t b11·~ _,_ l .. c!'>t:I h.ci Ytrltbl~ t lOUd' lr,1 ..... , ,....11, ""' 11 '""-''"'''' 'flt 11110 ...... 111$. ,,,. .. ,,,, .... , ., M-!1"'9 _., N rth• tlO\lllF "'''~ K tttwld """'""'1-ffl t 'ld !«Al ...,,..,. wll\ds, TM ..,..,.. ltvel "''' ttMd\I t i t 'W•d 6.«1111 fHI. H""I 11 .. _.. ~ 111 "'' «II. Dftlrfl Wrt'I Pt r11¥ dM-W!llt Kt llertd -·I ..-~r 11'1!1 """'"11111\. Hit ... ~"'''d l•IW'I l!\t .. '" lll'l'tr Yfll~ I'll !flt JDt Ill i....r \1111~ ''"'' MOii~ ~ .... ""-"' ""911 ~ ... t i '1. '"" ""' tmo"•t-N•t 1•1 '"(!'ltlf 11 todt, ._ Olf1..,. h~ Mo'ldt., t lOCI 11'1'1'1 ..,Cl IM•i"""!!'f fOolt~ IMlodl Lant l ,••11 J'-111. ""'"'"" IJ.17, Ml. WlltM JO-w, •11""1l1i. ,..,., ""'-"l<lt JO.n. "''"' ... ,,,.., '1'·7', ll .... t nflfl!d IJ.6j, I•~ 01'"' ,,,,, '"" ~tlllt ... 11er. , .. , •• . ~01)1HlllN C.t.Ll,llO•Nl.rr, -•••"" ti~., 1"-11 Wtd.,...,tr. k1!1 ... P'.1 l ..... '1 -I ff• ll!tm!Mrtte""I "''t"'" -'""""''""" ,...., ,,.,. .. , l'H• •·000 lttl, Ll11 1t Vl1t191: 111 It"" J!tftlu••· • Coa6tal 11•1•1• '"" hldl., $0\/lttt.nt••!¥ "''""' l'••M 1"4!1 "'°""!"" houn e to It .""., 10dl1 tt'\11 Wtdnftftll' • .,tfl to- di ., 10. cn.u111 '""-•'111'9t ••not ''O"'I tr 'ci tt 1,11....t forn't_.llltt~ ,,,,., I~ " le '1. Wiier """'Mrt ltJ"t f !, Sun, "''"'"· Tides --. , TUllOA'I' l«o'ld Mt'I 3 11 "m J f S11;0llll i,,w ' ,.. II m 1 I WIO,.ISDAY ,l"ffh•t!I J (lo'!l l'!I ~ f l•r! low ........ 11 74 • .., 'o \tC6f'td hll ll ............. t1 ""' '-.-\ f,t(Ofld la• •.• , ....... It .XI f' 11'!. I I ... ··~ •1tt\ A n t ,.. I J1t1 1: D "1 V.S. S1un11tnr11 P lfltf"t -l~Of rrtYt lifd t't~t lf'f:nl of "'' l'.,IOft """~" wot!! '""'"''" •IVra ,,~1.,. IO ll'l'ld ltYt!'- H"IWYtf 11'1 ol!C• ~llKll Of I ,1.,.,.. '"°"'~, l!Yff "'" M1e11 trom 11111 NO<!'" "" ltl! (Old t r\11 wlfldl' wrt!l>tr rn1•1 wllll ,,,., .. ti.•11t Cl rt•ecl bv blu1!err "''""' M110f'11, N.Y, lwl~ I low ef , .. ,, d~•~\ !Mlow tt•e II "'' <OI,,. 111 11•0! In !lot l'l!IOfl !lolt -~;"f WI ... I Utll fl' l •Cll\ 61 ~ "'llll•lllo ~t'Uf l!lo!ltt"fl Nll'J\IC-" 1~11"11 Q•lt "'8'"''"" •rmt n l'.t''Dlt rM 1lonl •~• tit"!' t:"'l'••n<I (0.)1, C.1!1 w~•t1!t111 ;1,., ""''' oro:11•1d ~V•~ '"' Gru t L•l.tl ~• 1 rew tlorm twv1~ "' mo•• !~ •r~111 c1111a1. Tl•• W•\l Wll ••~••ti!~ l<•~l'Y •"4 ,..,,.., ~C'l!~f·~ C1!1loo•11l1 "'Cl .afTll '~""I 'tl evtf '"' ,.°"'"'•·~~. • ll-324 12-142 1~1 14-195 15-102 16--H · September 1-225 2-161 3-49 4-232 5-82 6-6 1-8 8-18·1 9-263 10-71 ll-158 12-242 13-175 14--I 15-113 October 1-359 2-125 3-241 4-202 5--24 6-87 7-234 8-283 9-342 10-220 11-237 J2-72 13-138 14-294 15-171 16--254 l\'ot:ember 1-18 2--34 3-348 .4-266 6--310 6-76 7-51 6--91 9-80 19-282 11 -46 12--66 13-126 14-127 15-131 Decen•bei· 1-129 2-328 3-157 4-165 5--56 6--10 7-12 8-105 9-4J 10-41 ll-:1!1 12-3\•1 13-163 14-211 1~20 16-9G Atheist's Suit 27-3.SZ 28-167 29-61 :l0-333 31-11 16--201 11-255 IP-246 J'l--li7 21)-63 21-204 22--160 23-119 24-195 25-149 26-18 27-233 26--257 29-151 J0-315 17-288 16--5 IS-Ml 20-192 21-243 22-117 23-201 74-196 25-176 26-7 27-264 26--94 29-229 30--:l8 31-79 16-107 17-t4l 16--140 19-203 20-185 21-156 22--9 2:l--l82 24-230 25-132 26-309 27-47 28-281 29--99 :i0-174 li-304 18-12R 19-240 2-0-135 21-7() 22-53 23-162 24-95 25-84 26-173 27-78 2S-12J 29-16 .'t()-:l Jl-100 01i SJJac e Does n't /lave a Prµ.yer AUSTIN, J'e:<. (UPI) -A federal judge today dismi ssed Jl.ladalyn 11-1 u r ray O'Hllir's suit setking to ban the broac:l,- rast of spa ce prayers by American astronauts. U.S. Di!i!rict Judge Jack RObt:rts said a decision in favor or ~trs. O'Hair, 1.n AusUn atheist .and hou~ife, would have '·1olated the rrligious right.111: of astronauts. "The first amendment does not rtqulre !he stale to be ho!itile to religion, but only neutral," Roberts sajd in his opinion. f.frs. O'Hair "'on a U.S. Supreme Court decision six years Jgo that prohlbited compulsory pra yer in publk: schools. In ~r lale~l suit, she critici~ the f.pacemen or APJHO 8 and II for engaging "in rnllglous-cc rtmonlts .•. to establish the Christian religion of the United Stat es i;ovcmment be.lore tht \l'Orld," SELECTIVE SERVICE ADVIS!iRS DRAW CAPSULES John Lynt Fl•1ht1 Pt•c• Sig n •1 He Pulls Numbers Here's .What Birthdays -Mean to Draft Targets WASHINGTON'iUPll -Here~ a rule- or-thumb guide for draft.-age )'OUthS l.o determine y,·hat the birthday lottery drawing meant to them: You are involved if your birthdily falls between Jan . 1. 1944, and Dec . 3l, 1950. If your birthday was drawn in the first 122 numbers 3nd you have no deferment such as college, it is almost certain you y,·ill be called for induction in 1970. Ir your birthday was ·drawn between No. 123 through 244: the OIJtlook is touch and go that you'll receive your draft board notice. There are varying factors :such as the quotas assigned to your local selective se r vice board, deferme nts, whether your birthday· comes high or IO\v on Utis middle grouping. If y~r birthday was drawn in the bot. tom third from numbers 245 through 366: there is small likelihood you will be sum· mooed in the draft and you can probably plan your life and J:areer in the krnra·ledge you will have no military service requirement barring national emergencies. Jf you are temporarily deferred because of college or jobs: your exempt status continues but the priority level in which your birthday falls in the drawing v.·iU be effective for the year your ex· emption expires. • Thus i! you shoold graduate or drop out of college in 1973, if your birthday Was the 15th number drawn in the Monday lottery. you would be placed in the l~tn level of callups in 1974 even though a di!· ferent birthday was drawn 15th for tha t year. . Tie Breaking Order Listed WASHINGTON (AP) -Here is the order of drav.1ng the first letters o( last names to be used by draft boards in thl!!I event more than one man in a call bas the same birthday: . I J : 2 G: 3 D: 4 X: 5 N; 6 O; 1 Z; 8 T: 9 W: 10 P; ll Q; J2 Y; l:J U; 14 C; 15 F: 16 I; 11 K: 18 H: 19 S: 20 L; 21 M; 22 A; 23 R; 24 E; 25 B; 26 V .• Number 388 Rests Easy, But Number 20's Worried . . . By United Press ,lnt.eniatiooal ''At least l can go 1to school withou havilig fears of Uncle Sam taking me into the service hanging over my head." Fred Wilds, a student at American University in Washington, D. C., had one of the mildest of the mostly negative reactions by young men af•ected by the nc1v national drart lottery . Fred's birthdate was No. 338. Another American Univer:;lty student 'vas Jim Alle n. who said, "They got me. J'm going to Vietnam lo get killed . Oh, \\'OW." Jim was No. 20. Another whose number came up injhe top 10 v.·as ~fanuel \Vright. 22, a senior and SOS member at lhe University of New r.lexico. "1 want everyone to know how happy I nm to ~·in a national cont.est," he said, "but with a sense or humility and great mental anguish, I'm going to have to refuse the priie because there are more deserving men over 30 who want to fighl communism and I think they should get the prize before 1 do ." "I'm not'pleased," said Chris r..toore of South Nyack. N.Y .• a studen t at Prin· celon Unh·ersity "·hose number was in the _lop 00. David Eisenl10,ver . " In 30th Place ·\VASHINGTON tUPI) -The draft lot·. tery has made an accurate forecaster of David Eisenhower. President Nixon's son-in-law said last v.·eek he was tired of school and "might just decide" lo enlist in the anned forces. fl.1onday·g lottery probably made his decision much easier becau.se David's birthday, fl.larch 31, appeared in 30th place on the list. Any number in the first hundred Is conskl«ed e 1 t r e m e I y wlnerable ta a draft call . COl'll'S ESCAPE ONLY A SLIP PERTif. Australia <AP) -Whllt ""Ork· ing on a prison wait. con\1ct Gulseppe Privitera. 29, slipped today and fell into the s1reet outside. lie got up, limping oo an Injured ankl~. ~nd went to the front door of the prison wh err gua rdg let him back In . Prtvll.er::i, nn ttallan, ls-:o:en•\ng a four·to se ven-year ~ntence ror flfl(. "I'm going lo send a tw1>word telegram to my draft board and it's going ro say_. 'No Way.' I never intended to go, bul I never thought I'd have to find a way to get out of it so soon." At Boston Universit y. a boy and a girl walked into a lounge where students werfl! listening to the radio while the numbers "'ere read. Just then his number wa1 called. "Oh, my. god,'' the girl said, and the couple left the room. "Jl's the fi rst lime T e1·er "·on something,·· said another youlh who was "hil." At Purdue Uni versity in Lafayette. rnd .• Pete Dorman, a sophomore from Noblesville, Ind., heard his number -11. "Right now. T doa't know what to Uiink. I just talked to my parents. This ntight affect the job I'm going to take. My one consolation is that I won the pool." A senior at Indiana University, J im \1/anko, 23, of Chicago •!eights. Ill ., was no. 125. His deferment expires next A~~st. bu~ he took th~ news gracefully. I look kmd of good m green," he said. Birthday, Name Point to Draft For Lottery Loser \\·Asurr-.:croN cOP IJ -Scot t Jenkins \\•as born Sept~ 14, 1949. That makes hint a double loser in the new draft lottery. Because he holds the first birthdate and the first letter drawn in ihe lotter)', Jenkins has no doubts what he'll be doing after he graduates from American University in June, 1971. "I expected to !ace the draft at the end or college," he said after Monday night's dra\\". "Tht.re:'s jui:.t no elrment of nn· Certainty now. l think in .some ways it"s nl~ to know." Jenkins, whose father is a truck driver said he bad gon" tll a tavern otf cam~ lor a break from stud};ng and IM?gan di!C'Usslng the draw with another patron. "I asked. him l! he knew where Sepl 14 WCUI dra\rtTL ··t--couktn'I. ~lieve him when be tokt me. but other people there s<1ld he was right." He said he then ca11t'd his molher. "She \\'asn "t exactly ecsta!lc." he said. Jenkins ~aid he opposes tne Vietn<1m \\'ar and U it ls sllll golng on wMn 1lf! g~aduates in 19il y,·JLh a poliUca \ scl~nce -• degree he \\'ill try to enllsl In the medlcal corps. But he 1\·ori'l attempt to·doctge1 lht. dr11ft. ''Thi~ lonrr.r 11'! a rreUy fair system 5o1nebody h~d to be No, \,"he said. l I / 1 I ; 'I .... ,,.. .... .,.'!!'!!!!l'"""" ......... "" ............. ""! ................................................................................ ..,,.,, ... .,,"r-'.-.<T.'"°'""'-""~""""•~..AfAWUJ&=VP"Tr<"".,.._,..,...,~..,.. .......... ~~'~'-~•-"~' ' 'I ' .. I ,, I ' ,, " ' • I • ' .;i.. < • \ ••• • ·· .. ~·~men .,. . JOOEAN HASTI NGS, '42'4321 ,.,. ... ,, D!'< ... l. ,,., .. • '"' ll l\~y · Unloc.ks . . . ' . Fie .sta . Sc,ene· ' . Com bin.in~ ·the ~aiety ~of a traditional fi'esta \Vith a variety o'r holiday decorations. g1.Ns and foods fron1 many nations \Vill be mem- bers of Golden Key, support group for th e Child Giudance Center of Orange County. Christmas in l\1e~ico \vUJ ·take place in Huntington Beach be- t,veen 10 a .m. and 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 6, in the Communjty United Methodist Church. Members w~o will be on hand to assist the public during t h e benefit bazaar will be· ~fmes. Richard l\1 . Teske, chairman; \Villiam Dav..•es, co-chairman; Frederic Forester. cashier; Robert ~1ackie: boutique; Raymond I\1orehouse, baked goods and candies; Bob Good· son. cookbooks; Paul Frizzell, JOys arid' games; John .R. Peterson, flea ·market; James Hughes, Christmas decorations; Andre'v McCijn· tick, hand stitchery; Chick Nelson, refreshments, and Rogert Hol· .'Jlan. publicity. -· ,> ·. Crys~al Key, lb!;! -Garden Grove support group for the center, will sponsor a booth of g}ft wrappings, ribbons and novelties. Jn addition to coffee, punch and cookies, I\1rs. Nelson will have some food 'Specialties from Mexico v.1hich shoppers may sample. The cookbook. "Viva L'Appetit." compiled by ' all the support· ing groups of the Child Guidance Center a nd a featured item during the bazaar. contains a large selection of excellerrt So uth of the Bord· er recipes in riddition to many other outstanding favorites, accord· ing to Mrs. Goodson. • -· · lncl.Uded iii. the boutique selection v.1ill be decorator and. gi.ft ·Items in collage, decoupa,!?e, papier · rilache. cre\ver and free.for1n stitchery which were ha nd-fa shioned by men1bers who have been at·· -' • " tending MOnday \vorkspop$ conducted by~ Mrs. Teske. ._ '- All proceeds from tSe holiday. bazaar will benefit the center '"hich provides lo\v-fee psychiatric care for emotionally troubled chi!· dren. The group recently presented the center a cheCk for $450. pr°" ceeds from· r~s· 0ctober fashion show, F ete d'Automne. Ol:.D AND NEW -Old cuStoms and crafts borrowed from other countries \Vill .be combined \Vith modern boutique articles whert' Golden Key sponsors Christmas in Mexico next Saturday in the Community United Methodist Church, Huntington Beach. Inviting ' the public to sample their wares are (left to rightl Mrs. Frederic. Forster, Mrs. John R. Peterson and Mrs. Richard M. Teske-,. bazaar chairman. All proceeds will benefit the Child Guidant.• Center of Orange County. ' •, " . ; ,,, Women's Division Continues Se·arch , Preparing a toast 'lo an unknov.•n woman \Vl'lo has made outsta nding contributio ns to her co1nmunity and In service to other!> a re •l\1rs. Harry Bowman (left) and ~trs. Neil Pearmain. members of the \Voman's Di vjsion. Huntington Be~ch Chan1ber of. Co1nmer~e \Vhi ch sponsors the )Voman·of-the-ycar • contest. Nominations \Vii i be accepted on'ly uritil ~·Jonday. Dec. 15. and the wi nner \viii receive a trophy during a banquet in her honor in January. E ntries need 11ot be. affiliated v.•i1h any parUc1,1lar club or organization but activities n1ust be within 11168-1969. -' ·-, . : • I'.~~ .... ,')>i'' ·~!· • Harmon (!?us Chords ln~fude • Hu i t/'1,ll fon Valley . . .. :.1.; ._ Huni1ngton y,Uey.1\vomen .. and ne\v members \Yill Richard A. Stockett,: lr\vin D: Hodrriitt," )1ich--· bc .honore~,\Y!\en 1tne Costar M~sa Committee of the Brick and Jean·Paul Jean~ '.J'he 06mmittee:.,_op~· Orange Co\lnty Philba~orpp Sdcie~y meets for a 10 its membership to include Huntington ~ach .~· a.m . bruri'ch and Chris~~ program Thursday, Fountain Valley \vomen .fnterest{d in the \Vork·1· Dec. U. in the "NewpQTt 1fkaC~ bot(l e; of Mrs .. J. R. the society, and additional infofmation .may be Betson. Attending will bc' (le(t tO rtg h3J the Mmes. tained by calling Mrs. Brick, 1168-21162. · :,. -'") ··\ ~,. • I ., • ' ~ ' • ~ sender's No Card When SeaSons .GreE!fi ~~s:;e)ffer :Nci JC>y! ·DEAR ANN ~~RS : The best col-• i· easy but l am ~ invotved than ev~. '). Lind: •if ~lected·..&ce Piesident or her . Bob h4~·t had .a' haircut .Since 'A i~' t urnn you ever wrOte was an assault on accepted• .\ht Ylce .pre:aldency 'Of the cJau. horn~ ~n, Yweethearl of • and 'had' to·~ his guitar· to pa~r Qhristmas ney.isletters. Please do a . •. Garden·Club Ind sUll am active ig the the Pht' Dtttt and,i. a f1pa1ist ln the : repal\'ing ~Is., Honda .. 1'I'hank G°'1he "' Id DAR' I ran th• ·bak'e 8· ale ror t'e c-.~ ... ~; reg16nal !wimming t." ~ . di~n't I~. tila leg. \Ve wer'e plenty~. rerun. Those w)lo.Jlaven'~ seeo It; ou . "l . .... n ~111 And 50 ~t goei, i , un II· you · could' rietJ: r , 1. ' , .:. Those who have seen il sl'lould see' It istar again arld WC~ m;!dC $680. I . a1!0 \'Omit. N.,Xt year 1-'pt sending a news\et-.. l\1ary b protesu ni something and ~- again. Thanks. ' · .:..~. FAN . ~' -·rqueezed 'in if ow er" arranging class' of. ter to 1aJI the borts ~o hav~· been seri· ed. htr head two weeks igo.'Der fa~·, DEAR K. C.: 'Here It 11, not n1rrur--. .,, .>..' ·,. _;~ -C fsrd by a,JapaJ1ese ,cr.chaoge $wil~ot. dlnA us t~elrs. fter~ It' Is: _ _ • • not ,peaking-t~ her w~lch is just &St'. 11 you bat for J.O. of Vallejo, R.R.L of · tit. It the height 01 eg<>-<:ent.ricity to Jiril was Rimed vice president or the 'All lhis.~'lth 01y le~ \ti a cast DU,mb n1c OEAa"'f·fRJENDS: We've hDa a rot ten bcc1?.u:1e 1 think she l!'! deaf rrom aJ1:1'3t Alma. l\1lch.: J.T. of Amarillo, I.~ of • assllme·that anyone. save a few intimate bank! We celebrated by bu~lng a f::!ll nff a !~<Ider \Vhlle hanging curtains a\ )'ellr. l!fll was passed over for promotion loud music. My mother·ln·la\v·s Ma~I Bismarck, E.G. of BurUngton, Vt.. 1\.f &9d friends. would wade through all that f\tercedes and nylng of( ICI the Orient. In t:11? USO Ci?nter. aga in so "lie quit . his · job. He hasn't l!sted di Augu~t f'fld t &m ba~ F of Superior, \Vis., S.T. of Lafayetk, verbl'a.ie. 1 am galled by the attempts 10 addiUon to his Boy Scout work. Jim \\·as Jim .Jr. 1vas t!lected class president and Pflythin11:·llned up yet but he's listed wUh therapy. AJ I write this the whole '""'·V fnd and otl!en. • Mrtray glowt'ng plctur .. or ff] d co-hat'rman or "tc Unt'led Fund Dr.'ve. '"On ~ls letters ln football and b:?s$.tetb.all. the erfiployrrient agencies and looks ifl the i• down wlth the nu and I'm ~. DEAR ANN : \Vhf. do normally In· "" a uence an "" u Ile is~on the All-SlaM: deb"te ~m and \Va nt·adJ biery day. l.'l the meantime, he 'Ve hopt next year Is belter. ll cou!Cfn't t'elligent folks take teave of their se.nseS succesS. I have before me several Family •te continues en the boo.rd of Grace plrced third la the n.1tion~l oratorY con. ... i~ dttnklng Uke a fish. Having him :iround be ml:Ch \\'Otse. Lo\·c. ' at qirlstrnas Ume? J refer tQ people who Nel11sletters from which I shall lift bits or l·losiilal and is trea.Wrer of kl\1',lnis. His test. \\'e "'ere suryrised to rtad Jn the the house all day hasn't done n1uch ror .. • -~. ccmtme in,tcrnli:\able. chr0nlc:1t; bF lhe p(~; chang\ng the lftllines and piiact1 Orst love. ho~ever. is stin' conservation 11aper't1':!1 be h11d \\'On I S100 Orlie In the mv ditri>Sltlon. ' -; ~ · · years activ ities and mall lhetn . to tor ob~s· reUOOI,; t'.vt.sl.rung. together end he is heading \Jp the Committee to American Legion tw,y contest We neVEr Bill Jr." \V8S' defeated fOr homeroom ,\nn Lander, will be ~tad to btW everyone who has sent them so much a~ 10 inaiJings to mustrate the Point. Here's Fight Dutch Elm Disease. cre11 kne\v he hild entered? ,Junior lu\!I mor.itor: fie nunkcd French tnld \\ill ha,•e "-1lh yovr nrObltmJ. Send !hem to'*' In a rummage 1alt: announcement during lhe composite ~ After completing my tenn a!I Ju.nior been nccepted by both lrarvard und l'a\c t•J go to ~ummer S;ChOOI to graduate. Cl'lrt "' the DAILY Pll<OTo1 tnclodq 1 the }'ear. "DE1\R FRIENDS : \Vila~ a great year! Le.igue president, I ¥wore I'd take lUe ond can't make up his mind . College Is out. lie ur.'t g~l ln ttnyplnce. 11cl{·nddrc11ed, stamped c11Vclope. I • '• r I . ' - DA!LV itlLOT MRS: STEPHEN P. GODSHAL L Wedding Vows Exchanged '" .Newlywed Godshalls At Home Following a honeymoon in 'Hawaii, newlyweds Mr. and ·Mrs. Stephen Pay.1e Godshall are making their home in Athambra. ··':The bride is the former ~ *rlstine Ann Gitt, daughter of ··~Jr. and 1'-frs. Richard P. Gitt 'oJ Long Beach . Her husband is 'fhe son of Cmdr. ·tret.) and 1t1rs. \Valter H. Godshall of :1J)unlington Beach. -• '!'lie couple exchanged \\'ed· '•ding vows and rings i'.1 the ·Whittier First Chnrch of the . .;:Nazarene during an afternoon ·tftremony conducted by the Rev. Charles Ogden. ~ .For her weddi ng the bride '.Club Gives ;:Yule Gifts ·ToCnildren Members o( Laguna Beach :PJnhellenic will arrive at their JJ.MUal holiday luncheon in the ·~rigger restaurant tomor- ..rqw bearing gifts for children \.iq Hope Haven Schools of ;Orange Coo.1ty . .., . A special Christmas pro- .aram will feature Thurston :Ju'nior High School Glee Club .Under direction of J a c k Foster. Social hour will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by a 12:30 \uncheon arranged by Mrs. C. . Stuart Lewis and committee members Mrs. Harold N. :Moore. 1'-1rs . Harry W . ~1\0binson and ~1rs. John Valentine. :·,.Congratulations 'A'itl be of· fe'red to wt.1ners of thl' 1969 Bridge Tournament , ~t rs. 0 e or g e J. Ca..rpenter and ··Mrs. Clyde \V . Phelps. first ·place. and r>.1rs. \\'llliam Beal· ty and r>.1rs. L. T. Rosser, se- 'tbnd . ' . Alhambra Dante Session Aims at Waist A new slimnastic session in Mission Viejo Re c re a ti on Center offers a fun way to dance to health and beauty. Residents are invited to bring their friends to Wed· nesday morning classes under direction of Caryl Davidson. The session l'Onsists of JG l'lasses begi'.1ning tomorrow and running to Feb. 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. fee is $4 for recreation center members and $8 for nonmembers. .-..L ....; . . " ,, MAKE IT THE MOST DELICIOUS DINNER EVER f This new look in diomond dinner · rings will look just great on you. All in 18 karat golc;\. Clockwise from top· Pave'. ~1 .400. Bark finish. 51 ,000. Bark finish , 5895. SLAVICK'S Jt.11 . ,:,,, t.191 / I ! FASH ION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -o~4.I !80 Y-Cllf'tJ .\((-! \llfff.--llf•-4..,er1<•rd, ~l~ttr ,,. • ...,, IN, OfN" Metuley thru Satutd•y Ufttll 1:30 • Horo$cope - Leo: Spotlight On Ne.ighbors WEDNESDAY DECEMBER l By SYDNEY 01\lARR Grooming 11 of 1peclal lm· portMlce today. So are 1ound1. Modulale your w.lce: avoid 1kouUn1 aid 1arisli atUre. Ac· cent 11 on harmony. l\1ucb could be bappenlng ht world to make people yearn f o r balance, peace. ln dealing wtllr 1Dcilvldual1, keep tbl1 hl mind. · Turn in. Fora sharp offer .. • ·29~ I s-.. 11 .. 1-k '"'.., __ 'for on1y29~· ••"' -.Ith gotolln• p1.tt<hose ot por .. • -ti<ip11tln; T ••o<o Jtet11iler1, Hollow-g roul'ld "Magic £do•"' blod•1 never ne ed 1horp•ftino. Simvloted 1109 hol'ldle1. Di1hwo1her·10fe. un~Ol'l4 ' dltioriolly guoronte~ bt tnonvfodwet for Ji )"tlOrt. •s '' .. ,,,..,no..,-.-.. Friends Open Library Wing Date Set By Couple The eni;:agemenl of l\fary Kathleen -Jeffries ·and Dr. David Leonard· Rodibaugh hl!:i been announced by l\1r. and Mrs. Jay Harold Jeffries Jr. of Huntington H a r b o u r , parents of the bride-to-be. t.1is.s Jeffries is a eraduate of St. Anthony's Girls' Hiah School arW. auended Colden West College and CalifQrnla State College at LA>na Beach. Her Uance, son of Robert K. Rodlbau&h of South Bend, lnd.. and the late :P.·trs. Rodibaugh, is a iraduate of Northwestern University and received his MD degree from the Indiana University School of Medicine. l I ,• The coup~ plan to marry in MARY JEFFRIES April in St. Anthony 's Catholic Betrothed ,, Church, Long Beach. ----------- For You Who Wear Half-Sizes 141h to 261h PENING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lid, IN • • • Huntington Center HUNTINGTON BEACH HALF· SIZE SHOP With The ,Young Look In Half-Sizes 141/2 to 261/2 Wo 1r1 prouil to bring our traditionolly fa r9e ielection of famous label dresses, sportswear and lingerie to our many fr iends end customers in W•st Orange County. OPENING SPECIAL -----.. 25°/o OFF on ALL WINTER COATS Size• 12 -22 -Thru Solurdoy_ Only _ .. 10 FREE GIFT CERTIFICATES-., Come in and reglstar thrv Saturday s2500 Winn•rs wil bt notili•d lST P•lll No purchat• nactssary • Phi Mus Meet • • • e DRESSES e CAPll lS • BLOUSES • S.Wl-ATERS • "-OBES, • GOWNS e SLI PS e PANTYHOS[ e BRAS e GIRDLES e HOS IEllY • t Effa ~,. • .,. • "" '~" • "" '"'""':" Nor's HALF-SJZE SHOP • O,EN SUNDAYS 12 TO S (bcopt C.M.) • I ... 84 HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTIN.GTON IEACH (Next lo Berkor B•o•.) Aloo: 224 ORANGEFAIR MALL, FULLERTON 1105 NEWl'ORT BLVD., COSTA MESA • • I 1 / I I , __ ' I l I .. I ., .... t-.... -• • ... ~-,. • . .. , • .. -.-. .. " Fountain .¥atl~y -\ -. . *· . . . ·v ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ,:- -' > ·\, VOL. 62, NO. 288, 4 SECTiONS, 46 PAGES -• • • • •• 1' •• . ,. , I , 'F~~Jc.j"·flippie' B4rt{l ~ ,, •. . : . "".Y ~ t• .. . -. '·-, ... -; ...... ': .. .. . ' . • \ I • • • ', • ' .,. -.... ... l· .• • . .......... .: Joday's Fl•al2: N.Y. Stoeks . ,. -..... < TEN CENTS lµ-. 'el~jjou.s ? .. ·1·· ·o, -· .. " . . : ... ~·Sect ~. . - DAIL.Y Pl\.OT 11111 Plttl9 ... -~ -_ . ··'1e~,fo{·T ~!~~J;!J:d~.r~ • ''• -,.. -~ ~-'--~ ) ' 1-. ) tQs •ANQtf,~ -(UP.I) ~ At least IO ' ,.,;!. . , menlti;erS. qf ..a .J>teudo-feltgious cult. in-· ' : eluding-the le!ider kno":n as "Jesus," '''ere tn custody today as suspects in the bloocty el1yJngi of actress SharOii. Tet_e and at lea$t six other persons. POlit!e / off!Cia'Jly v.·£.re feluctant to dfscu~s. deta'ils .or the montb.s-long in- ''estigatlon because of recent court rul- ings. Poliee Chief Edward Davis' told a news conference f\-1~nday · that ihe SU:!iP,tets "-"ere members Of "the· Family," a NPpic band that roved through Death Valley 150 miles north of here. The 1tader, Charter Man~n. 34.' IW a · lengthy >eo<iri! lbaNnoludes. aisaulf, lhrit ~nd ar59n, Ht Is htld al Inyo County Jail' · 1n lrn;lependenCe, Galif., on a minor charge. . . . . , _ ,.. • . . . , HUNTINGTON BEACH'S TOM LLOY MAKES UP FOR ANOTHER STINT AS SANTA'S He Walks and Ta lks Li ke Mr. ClauS •nd Has a Ball Mak ing Ch11dren l:i•PPY STAND-I N At le,aSt five wotnen-ate bein1r held in' Sybil Brand Jilstltute' here as tnaterial witnesses and " anqth'er w'oman ,. Susatt · · Atkins , 21 , is in custody on suspicion or anot~r murder. Sl1owdown Due 011 Edison Plant Expansion Plans Ca.1troversy over proposed expansion of Southern California Edison Company's ~luntington Beach generating plant 'vill continue Dec. 17 al a St.ate Public Utilities Commission hearing iri Fountain Valley. · The PUbUc Utilities Commisilan; the body \~1hich ha s poy,·er to de.1y or grant the '179 million plant expansion. has set !hat dale for the hearing in Fountain \'alley Comn1unily Center. The addition of 1\1·0 nc1v 750.000· kilowatt geiierating units to the local plant has been stron gly opposed by William Fltche.1, Orange County air pollution control officer. Last week he denied a permit for the proposed ex- pansion. Perfe~t Santa In addition to the slayin& of Miss Tate and four other persons at her rented estate Aug. 9, the group of nomads is believed responsible for th e slaying of a ·wealthy middle-aged couple the night . following the Tate murders. Beach Man Has Ball in Role In custody at McKinney, Tex., where he surr~ndered S'unday"night was Charles O. "Tex" \YalSon, 24. Pal r i c i a Kernwtnkel. 21, was arrested Monday Uy TERRY COVILLE Of tM Dtll1 l'llOI 11111 !f.ules "'nd r_eeulations for a good Santa Cl~'lf'·' ,, . . ~Must .w~ar while &loves. No hairy hanCs ailowed: · · ,:' ' · ·' "7tWhite eyebrows requirep. ·-Jovial expression -at 111 times. -BWd consisleatly cleaned and com· bed. • ' -Good personality~ ab1 llty-io-talk-to kids. Tom Lloy. 409 7th SL, •lunUrigton Beach, seems to match .that d-escripllon. He walks and talks like a real live Santa and has a bail doing it. large company that supplies department near the home of her.aunt in f\.lobile. Ala. store Santas, but quit and went 6n· his Officers were ~n route to both cities to· own last year when lbe compan"' asked ta~e the 5;1i1speCts" into custodf. The last. ~ stl.!peet, Linda.· J{asibian. f9, wi.s ar. liim to work !ight :io·te~ hOurs a day. reltt.d ,i'! Cdnc:Ord, N.H .. 't,oday,' . ,,''!19iN ~¥'!1111.·an •llr! joO,''•l>I .,-~ In <lbi'._,.._,. e• - said. ''those wh\skecs are hat. and stkky ytM'.iilimiftfold ah Informer i:.story or and it'• hotter than a aon-of4·&wl under m:iss 111U111er and recounted details or tbe · tho,. brl!iht stOl't Ugbts. Four or ·nve T.at,_;,,-·,,.hJcli ~.bett .. ed hounadaylsenough." onNIY~_kllltt1lledeotJ~hatbevt . 'n •. 1- . , • -,".u,.1 T ... Now Toni just works wtiere he wants AJllt:111 atpp , "'/ woman· ed ol· ·-~ · • , . · .. for !hort intervals. He does charity worif---11~ 1lo.-~1 led. h wie~· -.-. -----'HELD-1N_ALAMMA· for a few churches and riaturally visits ~ antic pa. ~ ~t an additional · 1. T•t• Suspect'kentwink91 . . • ' tour '?" five persons will be named 'in in· ~ · ' · .his own family. dictments which will be sought· from the "Kids confide in me," he grins. "Of Los Anaeles Cou;1t~" Grand Jury "· Davis course when I ask if they eat thei r said. . , -_ ' · vegetables, drink their milk and go to The criminal complaints committ~ ot ~ early, they all say 'yes.'" the jury Will be hroughlup to date on the "You have to know how to talk to case toitaiy and "We are seeking before· Fitchen charges that additions to the plant will resull in the release of 90 tons or pollutants in the air daily . ;'I've been a clown all my life.'' he ta~ghs. "but only a Santa for four or five years." . ·"'I like -lo entertain kids," explains Tom, "I like talk.in& to them, make them ~lte~·", he contin~e_s-·:You call boys' the ntnih day of December to bring ad· juntor . and. glr~1s sister and tell them ditional potential sqspecls In before the so~e~ ruce_. . gtand jury for the culmination of the Valley Planrters . Get 3 Hearings ' Three Public hearing.5 top the agenda for \he 7 :~ p.m .. Wednesday meeting of th"< ·Fountain Valley Planning' Com- mission.· Edison Company officials den'y Fil· chen's contentia.1 citing recent break- throughs in the -control or emissions. They ~!aim that by the time the local plant ptoposed expansion '5 completed in 1916 emmission will be reduced by one- lhird. Thoma s Moran. a member of the fi,·c" man Public Utilities C:ominission, \\'ill preside at the Dec. 17 hearing in Foun· lai-.1 Vall ey. City ofricials said the Con1munity Center auditorium has been reserved by the PUC for three days, indi"cating that protracted hearings are anticipated. A decision by the PUC "'ill not be an- nounced at 'the conclusion of the local hearings. 1'he testimony will be studied and the utility control body will hs:.ld down .a final deci sion some weeks Jatef. That decisi on ,viii be final unless it is appealed to the cou rts. Expansion .of the Edi"on plant was the subject of a day-long h~aring of the state Environmental Quality Control CoU'.icil held in Huntington Beach Oct. 16. At that lime council members indicated · lhe group's opposition to any·expansion of con\'enUonal· power plants which bur.\ gns or oil. ~ The 'council is advisory to state control agencies.. . Ediso1i~ts appli~n ~or expansion tSee EOISO e ZI " Orange t:ousl Weather There's no rain behind Uiose cloudy skies. the weatherman as- sures us. Look for temperatures to drop down into Lhe upper 60's 'Vednesday along the Orange Coast. I NSIDE , TODA. Y ' Selecti i:e SP rvicf' official.I like 10 point otit tlint tlte /ir&l draft. was ordered by God. Whf.'n J\fost~ led t11e Israeli tes out of bondage. Page IS. ClenllllHI C.ml<1 C,._1¥MNI ONll'I Mllctt ..... " f.itetloll l'IH lll!trl•IMntllt l'lll&MI --""" L1ndtn MtOlll• MttHnt1 - '1·11 " " ' • ' " i..u .. " ' • "It••" u M~tul l'llllfl 11 1'1 ltlenll Nt•I 4· 1 • Ort1•1t CHnlf I '""' ,~,. S!1<11 Mlrlttll l"'' TtlHIMH 11 T1"1•l .. 1 11 Wtftllel • • Gll~n Wllllt 11 Wt rlCI r.~wt .. , Wlt'l'ltflt·l'ltwt 1).14 foe! nowy .". . JJoy a retired railroad man, has spent' the pest four years making kids happy around Christmas Ume. He started. with a Planners Sti1dy Apartment U11its Developers of two polential apirtment complexes \"iU take their cases before the Huntington Beach Planning Com· mission .at 7:30 tonight in city council chambers. a AUantic Oil Company o[ Lds Angeles will seek a permit for ~nstruct\on of 15 un,ilS at 2nd Street and Olive Av4t(lue, in the old downtown area. • The other appl\cation, by James Hodges, of Anaheim, Ls for the con- . striiction of 10 units near 13th Street and Walnut Avenue. A lot of kids, and_ adults, come to case 11 Davis added. sit ·~ sa.~ta's knee 'lbr a pictu!e," ~-additionsl suspects . were , ac-s~ys Tom. One woman brought h~ httle cording to .Davis. in · custody in Joyo g.i~I for a photo wt.th .~anta-, but said her County. Tw~ mol)lhs ago a she riff's pbsse ch1ljl was wet. ! ~~Santa s all wet too, rounded .up 26 young men and women ~ her .. over· who were living a namadic life of But kids, you lmo\V, outgrow .. San!a thievery. The group had a conimunlty in A.bout the age of seven or eight, said t.it! Death Valley' area near the Nevada Tom sadly. "But a lot of them tell me (See ARR&STS P•~ t) t.n\I' much they love Santa," he added, ' ::milini again. .. , Slorl• JUarl<et < NE\V. YORK (AP)-Prices on the stock n1arket began to firm slightly In late aft.erneon trading today after 'tumbling lowef on a bro8d 1.front In ear Iler trans-- ; acUoris. {see quoraUons, Pages 16-17). . Five times since the 'low was set July 29 the Dow-an indication of Blae Chip .stock performance -has hovered near that point blit each Ume resl!ted a breakthrough. ALL DRA.FT DAT A LISTED ON P. 4 Want to .kno'v when your number's up~ The DAJLY PILOT carries the complete reJUUai ol . Mcinday .night's .selective servl~ lottery on -Page' 4 today.· . J< Weapons Cache Suspects · .. Arraigned; Still in Jail J ' Two store managers. a Los Alamitos Naval, Air Station enlisted man and a Naz.i souvenir collector remain in jail to- . day, toflowlng arraignment ~1onday on federal illegal Weapons charges. The case inVolvlog ·t)\e tWo -Orange C(!unty m~ was br~en 'Sunday, with seizure of '62 machineguQf and SCJ,00> rounds of· ammunili'*1. lergest such haul· in California hiltory. ' Gary s1<114.'~. of 1131 ~A~•·· Anaheim, and Charles Hat )I, of 7431 El V1r1DO Drlve, Buena. "Patt, wtre cflarged'"Monday. with lllegal trinsfer or weapons. James . G, Steuard, ;2,, Rowland lfeights. was charged before a U.S. Com- missioner with possession or a n unregistered machine gun. His brother·in-law, Alan R .• Otto. 32, Baldw in P-at'k, v.·as charged with pos$e~\on of destructive device, an unreglsttred hand grenade. tr convicted. all four men rould race $10,000 fines and 10.year pri50ll senlcnces • • ~ under tfle Federal· Gun Control Act of 1968. ·aimed Primarily 'at prevention of paramilitary activ\Ues. Fedet;al Grand Jury, ind i ct men ts aaainst·Stell8; Hatfield, Steliard ·and Otto . wlll be sougbt to •guarantee possible ap- . plication of the maximwn ,penalty, a'c- cording to U.S. Attorney Mati Byrne. Bail for 111 fQ\ll'·defendanis b currently set at-'5,000 and they remain In Los 1•ingeles County Jail . Trtaury Department a1ents arrested Stella, firing ra_nge Wtructor at Los ~Alamitos -N,AS. and lfa.tn~ld I n coordinated raids after they allegedly agreed to sell 45 maclllneguM. , . Steuard was arrested Friday at his Lo! Angele' County home. where llleg:11 weapons were seized and his brolher·ln- law was subsequently arrested In rural Irwindale. Stella was a Los Alamlto~ Police t:Jepartrnent reserve ,of£icer untll resign· ing about twO week~· ago after ,e:ceivlng Navy orders.transferring him elsewhere. ' . .. Planners , will hear t:equests-trofn '.th! Ocean Vi.vi' SchOO! Dlitrict to ·""'1ruct an elevi~nt:ary school nea r Mignolia Street and ltei\. Avenue, a request for a wOod storq:c· yafd at the southeast 'cor· ncr of Warner Avenue and Newhop&; Slreet alid a zone? change propo61i.I' te> allow commercial development on ·the cast side of Magnolla Street and between the San J)l~go •Freeway and Ocean VJ~w. flood control.chanoel. · · A progress .report on the pl&Ming deJ>1111mfnt's· Sjydy of 11J>011ments ·a1s0 wU11>c 'prtsent'ed. . · ' -· ' . ; . . . . .. 1 ' { ~· UPl':r""""" HELD IN TEXAS Tat• SUIJMCf Watson .. Seal Beach Girl F 011nd Slain Ill Illinoi~ ft.m Wlrt·lertleet Authorities 'in the oil ·and coal town ;ti! Caibondale, JU. hunted & fiend tod1y, following,_ diiCQYeQ' .or the pre tl y daughter of a Seal Beach educator Mon- day, stripped and strangled with her1>wo jeans.· Lisa Levering, who WOIJ!dltave becn.1t ~aturday. had been ml Minx since ont ~eek ago today, the subject of a ~ide ~earch by all area authorities, includlnc FBI agent:;. : · Hei; f~ther. David Lev_erlng, ol 1191 Seabreeze Drive, Seal Beach, left Satur· day to aid in, the search that began di-aw· ing to ~ close w9en an Ir~ setter loped home from a wooded area four mlle,J south~·est or Carbondale with a· gh'!'1 shoe. 1'1.rs. H. Dan .Piper, who lives aboul :MJ9 ,_,;ards from -where Llsa'11 nude'body-wu found -her pea coat draped over it .:. c!illed poli~ when the.dog broqlit homi ii1e shoe. · · · .. A sheriff's deputy jlmon&, the aearcheri finally found the victim's body, a few reel off, U."S. Highway 13, the main draf into the .city of 20,000 persons; also location Oi SoutfleTn Ifllnois University, :' Authortues said she wu apparentlf '°ur~ered elsewhere and the kUlei' drag· ged her body off the roacfway ahd over 2 ihai'p, rusty barbed ',Wire fence bef<re , 11!« SLAYING, Pa1e jl ' ; ·, • • I • • ·' • • ~·· .· " . • H Board Asks ' JJ.uling on T idelands -=.Orange County Supervisors today asked Hli! State Lands Commis.SiDn_for an "ear- ~ cst.ablishmenl or the boundaries or public tidelands," in the county. Supervisor David Baker got unanimous b~kini; for his motion that the state ~i;)up be urged to carry out the survey, r rarticularly in the light of recent ac- ttons on this relate<! issue by our board .'' .. llr explained those actions as the hOard's recorded concern for public ac- c~ss to public lands, taken in the wake or the Salt Cr~k Road furore, the ac- t1Uisltion Of shoreline fr.ontage and the hoard 's cieclslon to itself rule on all land n1ellers affecting shoreline property. Baker noted that th~re hnd been numerous re\•isions of the county's n1asler plan of shoreline development ~lnce ·ili; inception in 1941. ··Sul the is.sue of public and private ownership of 3horell ne land has become ~ heated and subjected to so much n~bate that it is time for the stale to take ~band Jn the matter," he Said .. ·'The commission will be ask!d lo CK· aniine and redefine if neceasary the high Ude lines on Orange ·County's 42 miles of ... shorelin.e. Beach Student , Penies $5,000 Extortion Try -.;·A plea of lnnocent1has been entered by tt Huntington Beach college sh1dent on fharges that he attempted to extort $5,000 from Or. Ralph Bauer. a tru·stee of two local school dislricls. Victor Yee Tsao. 23, of, 220 12th St.. <'ntered his pica Friday in \\'est Orange Coun!y il1unicipal Court. Westminster. 11c v..·as ordered lo appear Dec. 11 for a preliminary hearing on the charge s filed by Huntington Beach police ._, , Investigating officers allege Tsao sent Dr. Baue r a threatening letter Nov. 19, Qemanding that the money be left at an undisclosed location or physical harn1 \\·ould be done. ,',Dr. Bauer told Huntin gton Beach police who \\'orked with him to effect Tsao·s ar- rest two days later. -Tsao ·was represented in court Friday !Y Hunti ngton Beach attorney Fred M. f.l elson. Tsao is free on $5,000 bail. . • ! l l 'ro111. Page 1 EDISON ... ~•f the plant. cited ,;ower grov.1h needs in range County \\'hich. they said \\'ill more an double from 6.1 inillion kilowatt ours in 1968 to nearly 14 million in 1975. • Even with the expansion of the local ·~ant. 20 percent of the electric energy ceded for Orange County \\'ill have lo be ported. Edison officials co111!_nd .. i If the. local plant eKpa-.1sion is denied. &ht" only plausible ans"•er to the po"•er t roblem . is nuclear energy generating plants. Edison officials say ~uch a plant \·ould take about 10 years to build. ! ' ~as t Ger1nans Arri\'c ' };arl y fo1· Red Sununit : ~10SCO\V (UPI\ -An East Germ11n l elegation arrh1cd in Moscow a da.v )head of their Soviet-bloc colleagues for Jlriva te consultations in the Kremlin, diplomatic sources said today. : The ·sources said they arrived without (enfare or public notice at midafternoon Monday, 24 hours before leaders of the ither five east bloc slates begai't arriving ~ take part in a t\\•!Hlay summit. It was ~ot immediately kno\\•n if party chief ""alter Ulbricht "·as among them. • DAILY PILOT ~obo•I N Wied r r<\'61•1 •ftd ~ue111~•r J1~k R. Curlt y • Vice PrU•d•nl i nd C.~n,•tl M•n••fr T~oll'•I Ktt•il La.10, 1ho"'•• A, Mu•p~i"• ~'tn11•~t El•To:H" Allo.••I w. 11••1 .i.uoc;••t EOllOO" H1111th19t1n ltoth Olfl'• lC9 S!~ St.t t t M1;1in9 ,t.ddrt u ; P.O. le• 1t0, '2••1 Otlltr Olllct1 Htws:o'1 eroc,. :111 W••• 1•1111'• IOV'-"11' C~•t ~ ... ll~ ""r<' l•v S1rttt L11J11-. lt..tll. JlJ Fort~1 ~•c•..,. ~· ~~J D&IL" P t~or, ,.,,. """''""II ICMt<'lll '"' l>ltwt•"'(" " oVll!,.~•O C••" r•(tfll '""' ••r •c<l"•" 1a·t•1 fo• l'uft•ll\tlt1 a1W. fcu''•"' V• •rr. C""I• M~. How. ,..,, •tU" , ~ LIOlll'' l••Cf<. t :0019 '",,. , ... ,.,. 0'•1 t0·' .. "' 0 .. "91 (ootll.I r'*'""' .... (Cmt•••· °''"'"' P•••<> "'I! :111 W•·• a11~~· 11 •O ,., .. nr• lr•ch, •"" )JC Vil•l ~ •• ""''· (Oii• MOit ,,,,,htlllt 171 4) t 4J-•121 '''"' W1t11"'1"''" e.u J40.1210 Cl•H.tffltl At1,ertl1l11t '4J·l&11 'too~ri.M. •fit O•fl•'lt (0111 P~'""''"' (llt"t•~• t.o -• • ••• ;, • ""'•'''' e-1. 1 .. IC .. •I ..,.,,., .. tO•••'·•-"'' •tff"' "'Of No ,,,,._ ... ,.,.....,, INC"' ,trll'•I\"" eo <UT·-• ~·r• !•tt ·o • '•" '• 1 ·~· • • e "' .,, , t" ,,., ·~· 1•' ttl't Y•u. <• <1<'• • • t '• r• !' L• ''" •• ~; ;( ""<'!' v. &•• '"'·"' I''~ ..,.,.,~'YI ...... , d• "···~~1. l l{'O ...... 1 • .... ~ . . .. . .. l'ieis Probe Massuc1•e . . , ' ,, ., ·-. . . ... • .Lease Bids Surprising Investors Flock To Dana Harbor Tntense investor interest In the poten- lial of Dana Harb(Jr c111ne to county of· ficials Monday in dollar sign form, as bids for lease options on 10 parcels in 1the new harbor soared lo 3i,1 ti mes the minimum. In all, 43-sealed proposals wJe opened showing vigorous competlth>n for leases on all but one of the 10 parcels in the $16 million harbor. The only. segment not receiving In- vestor attention was the boat repair facillty, which had no bldders. But Kenneth Samp5()11, county director of harbors, beaches and parks. said the lack of bidders po3es no real problem, because the admitted high investmen~ re· quired tends to make bidders balk Until. they acl.ually see their markel bobbing al docks in lhe harbor. The bids will probably be readvertised, he said. But if the boatyard went unwanted, !he rest of the facilities did not. Gulf and Western Petroleum Com- pany·s land development division placed the highest bid for the total of 10 parcels -1510.000. repair yard. ininimum bid.sought SJ,300 \\'ilh no bids received. -PARCEL 3, proposed dry boal storage yard and boat sales ·area on 111 ,000 square feet; high bidder w1s Dana Point W.arine Corp. of Marina dtl Rey with 125,000. -PARCEL 4. boat launching 3crvlce occu pying 51 1,000 squa re feet : hlghe 3t bidder the Dana Point Marina Corp. with 125.000 . &PARCEL 5, a sporl!ishing landing on 230,000 square feet; highest bidder North American Building Technology of Beverl y Hill,,. $68,500. -PARCEL 6. the large marine area with Marina Capital Ltd . of New port Beach the apparent high bidder wi th 1263,000. -PARCEL 7A, a proposed retail com· plex on 260.000 square feet, with apparen: high bid by Dane Point Associates o: Sherman Oaks y.rith $70,000. South Vie'lnamese Sen. Tran Van Don <right) ques· tions Mai Lai villager as the-government's defense committee chairman conducts personal alleged 1'1arch 16, 1968 incident. probe of The highest individual bid came from Marina Capital Ltd. of Newport Beach. They offered $263,IXXI for the option or lcasin1 Parcel 6, an area totaling l.021.000 squa re feet for boat slips. -PARCEL 8, the motel site, with higl: bidder Paul R. Good man of La Habra , representing \Vestern Motels Co. -PARCEL 9 not up for bid -PARCEL 10, a 1-million·square·foo: Sheriff Calls Suspect In Slayings 'Nice Boy'· McKINNEY, Tex. (UPI) -Twtl Los Angeles police detectives Monday in· lerr-ogated a "clean cut" 24-year-old !\tcKinney man, the first suspeCt arrested in bizarre slaylngs of actre55 Sharon Tate and fou r o~her persons. Charle~ D. Watson· was arrested Sun- day on a murder .warrant is'Sued by the Woman Recounts Tales of 'Help' To Beach Police ''la·lhia the traffic department!'', "l -hope not, I'm as naked a~ a jaybird.,. , ff Tile abo\'e convtt"1ation was relayed tltis week to the Huntington Beach PoliCJ- Department in a Je tt-er from ~1iss Ir"? B. Frazier of Santa Ana. For lhe pasl two years !\liss Frazier has been lcllding a hand to !av• en- fo rcement in Huntington Beach in an odd, often con1ica! manner as an unofficiul telephone operator. It Seems Miss Frazier's phone number. 546-6571, \\'as sin1ilar to the Huntington Beach" police number. 536-6571, and she \vould receive numerous calls pleading for police help. • ··1 informed the sundrv and diverse callers that they were diaiing inoorrectly and always n1adc sure they knew your number." wrote ~1 iss Frazier . In her letter. f\1iss Frazier told police how comical the calls often appeared to he.r. The traffic bureau call. for instance, came while she \\'as bathing. But the phone con1pany has ch anged f\fiss Frazier's number. ·•[t's a reHef In many wRys." shc ·concluded. "but I nlust say I miss those calls. i really do n1iss our intangible connection and I really do like the police."' •' Ol1io Girl NO\v Hono1·a ry Citizen An Ohio girl has bcCt>mc an honora ry citizen of Fountain Valley \\'ith a pro- clamation issued by Mayor Edward Just. The city's newest cilizen is Patlie \Yhite of Akron, Ohio, who was honored btcause she returned a postcard attached to a balloon lofted in the ai r fr om here by Dean Olsen, 9924 Sage Circle, Fountain Vellev. T~ balloon managed to travel all the \\'ilY to Akron, carrying with it Dean's postcard and 1narkings advertising Foun· tain Valley's ann\)al llalloween Parade and Rar bccuc. T eaching Fihu Set Fo1· Hwitington PT A. 'The PTA of Mesa Viev• School in Hun· tington Belch will show the rilm "To Make a Mighty Reach " at its 7:30 o'clock meetlna tonight at· Hope View School. 17622 Flint3tone Lane. The film, produced by the: Kettering Foundation, de.scrl~s such Innovation (cchnlquei fn educaUon lls team teaching. tieh1vlor11l QbjccUves, open space school and indivldu1ll y prescribed lnatruction. Astrouauh Parade PASADENA fAP l -The Apollo 12 J1Stronau1~ will be grand marshals or the 81st Tournament of Roses Parede on New Ye .. rs· Day, of!lcials say.· Charles Conrad Jr., Alan L. Bean and Jtichard r. Gord091 Jr .. accepted the in. vitation ~1onday1 a part1Qe .spokrsma n said. Th~ J)llr:ide precedes the Rose Bowl football game. .J ' Los Angeles Pollce Department. "You could kind3. ·say he walked in and gave himself up,'' said Sheriff Tom Montgomery. Montgomery described \\'atson as "clean cut" and said he grew up in the nearby agricultural con1munity o ( Copeville. where his parents stilt live. "He's a nice boy,'' the sheriff said. '·I've kn own him-all my life.'' \\fatson. about six-fool-tv.'o with short brown hair, was being held in Collin County Jail. The California detectives ar- ri~·ed aboul 6 p.m. to confer with Wa tson and his attorney, Blll Boyd of McKinney. California policemen had described Watson as a member of a roving, desert commune that operated like a modern· day Indian i;aiding party th;i.t .tr~veled in dune buggies, stealing and robbing as ' I.hey went. One -0f the Los Angeles policemen,; . f\1ichael Neilson. sa id he didn"t know when \Vatson would be extradited. "It's up to him and his aLtorney. '' Neilson said. Neilson said \\'atson was in lhe Los Angeles area for a limited amount of time \vhcn the murders were committed . but "for exactly ho\v long, "'e don't know." Murde r wa rrants were also issued in Los Angeles for two "'Omen suspects in cunnection with the Aug. 9 Tate murder. Patricia Kemwinkel. 21 , \Vas arr~ted Monday on one of th e warrants in !\1ob1 c, Ala. 'fhe other suspect Linda Ka sabian, \vas <1rrcsted today in Ne w Mexico. Fron• Page J ARRESTS ... line in southeast Calirornia. Davis al so said "there may be some connecllon" betv.·een ·the group and the stabbing death of Gary Hinamann. 3-t. in h:s Topanga ·Canyon home July 31. Robert Bausolil. 21, allegedly a leader of the group. \Vas arrested in connection v:ith the sla ying. A mistrial was declared in his first trial on murder charges and J1e will bC retried in January. Police. said the \YDrlds "political piggy" had been scrawled in blood on a v.·all in J-linmann 's home. Film director Roman Polansky said r.1onday night he would not comment on the ·latest developments in lhe murder of his v.1ife until after the suspects arc bruught to trial. ~iiss Tate was eight months pregnant when she \V a s murdered. ' ' , Pearl Harbor Break£ ast Set The third annual commemorative Pearl Harbor breakfast will be held S~day at the American Legion headqu,ii"ters in Memorial Hell Hunting ton Beach. The event is iponsored· by Huntington Beach POil of the Am erican Legion and the breakfast will be served from a a.m. lo 10 a.m. A motion picture, "!\iariju11n11". will be sbown, 11ccordlni to Leaton Commander Jra1 L, \Virtt. ·Producer \Vol per, Wife Tell Di\'orce HOLLYWOOD (UPI \ -The 12·y l!'a r marriage of motion picture and telel'i~ion Producer O<iv\d L .• \Volper •nd his wife. Dawn. \\'Ill end in dlvorct court lhi:. \\1tek. the. couple Announced. The couple said in a slltemenl the~· have atlen1pled for some time to rrsol\'(' their problcn1s, Including ft trial separa- tion last sumnler. I ., • From Pa11e 1 SLAYING . . ... beln£" dumped. "We don't know when she was killed or \1·helher llhe was killed where the body 11•as round," emphasized Richard E. H.iehmand, Jackson County State 's At-. torney. . ··we do have some physical evidence," added Carbond ale Police Chief Jack Hazel. The m1..rde r has the earmarks of a se x killing, but it will be sevci'a! davs before 1bc results of an autopsy or cvidCnce of matesta tion arc rcv.ealed, he said. Tentative estimates were that she dicrl shortly after she vanished. !\-1iss Levering, whose father is an in- structor al Cal Poly, Pomona and coni- mutes from Seal Beach. lived \\"ith her mother Ann, 1vho is apparently com- pleting a doetoratc in urban planning at SIU. Sia1ne~c Twins BOSTON (UPT) -Siamese hvin (iris, separated Wed n cs d a y, successfully underwent Jollow·up surgery Monday at Massachusetts General Hospital. Their condition "'as described as "excellent." The .smallest high bid came from La Habra hotelman Paul R. Goodman. It totaled $18,0oo for a parcel earmarked for a motel. His bid exceeded the minimmn re- quired by $6,000, ·' All of Monday's bids were on nine· month optioru to lease the parcels. In lhe next three months, county aide! will study all of the 4.3 offerings, and will examine the f i n_a n c 1 al capabilities, reputations and other qualities of the ap- parent high bidtler. Estimates of the total of capital in- vestments which lhe winning bidders would inake at the harbor reach $7 111illion , Sampson said. The bids did .not include money con · stituting actual lease payments. "Those annual. pay1nents for !he first five years will be pegged understandably lo\v so that the investors can get on their feel. The investment is quite high," Sampson said. After ihc ri ve-year period of relatively minimal lease payments, the lease fees \Vi ii be gradually heightened on a formula basis to a more su bstantial level, he ad· ded. Broken down. the parcels and their high bidders \vcre as follows: -PARCEL I. water and land area set for marine fueling o-g_erations with the apparent higR bidder Atlantic Richfield with $50,750. -PARCEL 2, 245,000·squ~re-foot boat .. • parcel for boat slips (different from Parcel 6) Marina Capilal Ltd. of Newpor: Beach bidding $237,000. -PARCEL JI, a restaurant facility or. about 64,000 square feet; high bidder is Goldrich, Kest and Stem with $36,000. Burglars Rifle Doctors' Offices ' Thieves rifled $93 in cas}l from four cloctors' offices in the Huntington Beach ~1edical Towers. 18742 Beach Boulevard. nexl to Hunting ton Intercommunit y Hospital. . Police sair! no. damage \\-"BS foun d In ;iny of the offices and no drugs \\"ere 1aken. Entry was made son1etime durini: !he weekend by forced entry 1hrough th~ door of each office. Offices where money was found mii-.· Ing were those of Doctors Wiiiiam Thomp- so, .John Forte, John Hauck and Ronal rl Blatt. The burglaries were discovered Monday morning, said police. Jet ]\fakes Debut SEATTLE (AP ) -The age Qf the jum· bo jetliner was previewed tOOay as ;, Boeiqg 7i7, des igned to carry almost SOO passt!r(getS, tbok off for New ~York with 110 JM;rsons aboard. -.- Maverick • For the same kind of value in a larger size-your best buy is The best small car value in the world. IT'S A FACT: Our smaU ear has sconad a big success. And lhe rea- son ts very simple-solid value. FACT: Maver ick rivals the imports in gas mileage. FAC T: Maverick gives you lots of leg, hip and he11d·. room, .. plus 10.4 cu. It. of trunk space. FACT: Maverick is easier to main ta in than an economy impor1. FACT: Now en1oy a!! !he features , you"ve ever wanted in a car-at a 1960 price that lets you stop worry· Ing abou1 rising costs, Torino Lowest·priced hardtop in its class. ~ A ~CT: Noihing can equal Torino-not in appea r· ance, features or price. FACT: This h1rdtop has th& same sleek styling ol th• mo re expensive Torino models. ·FACT : It has the same 117-inch wheelbase for a smooth· er ride . FACT: H has the same 60·inch track for better road holding . FACT: It has the same roomy in terior that seats six in perfect comfort. FACT: It has new sound- p_rooring that le~" everyone enjoy a qu ie1 . more relaxing ride. FACT: 11 gives you 16.2 cu. rt. of trunk space. Look over Torino and Maverick soon. Pick the car lhat measures up to your needs. THE FACTS FAVOR FORD. For more /11/01m1t•On 1t10111 l/Jese c••~. s&• your Ford 011/•r or wrJt•: M~ve,.c• C11111og_ Dept. N.i~ or ro11no Ca111op, Otpt. N-13. p O, Bo• 1~J3. Oe11llom, M•cl'tiQlfl ~11 21. ~~. ~. ~:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .... ~>· «>. ' Your Ford Dealer fights the price rise ' • ' 7 } 7 • ' . ·. • . ' "t· ·' ,. • · Saddle.ha~k . ~ .-i"8p"'~ L . ···-~ ! J-~·~=~'-'· -~·.N•Y. St'.dek 8 :- VOL. 62, NO._ 288, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE" cOUNTY, ·CALIFORNIA TEN.. CENTS r ·' Planners P _onder Protests, Delay PD Decision After listening to more than two hours of discussion -mostly r.egative -on a proposed planned commll',1ily concept for 118 acres of Laguna Beach hillside pro. perty, city plannlng commissi onen decid· ed Monday night that many questions re- inain to be answered. Public hearing on the pr o p o s a I presented by developer ~1ark Gumbiner and architect Peter Ostrw.1der for a plan- ned development above l\1orrtlngslde Drive \\'as continued to Jan. S, wilh a ·Capo Sets Override Electio1i By P A.\IELA HALLAN Of the D•llT l"llM Sleft Approval of an 85-cent tax override ma y be sought early next year by the Capistrano Unified School District. The override election \\·ould probably take place in ~1arch. The specific figure has not yet been officiall7 approved. School officials say an override \.\1lll be needed to balance. th e budget. Superintendent Truman B e n e d i c t rreserited prelhninary 1970-71 budget figures at Monday'$·· board meeting. Revenues \\'ouid tota}-$',063 .. 103 wtlile e~ penditures would run to $8,292,312, he estimated. "In large part tl1is budget "M'as . prepared µi ttie dark," sai~ Benedict. \Ile don't kno\.\' wh al our assessed valua- tion will be or what state legislation may allow. But we l:lo have experience and can generalize and come close enough to present sometlrl.ng reasonable for next year." One or the largest increases wilJ be in teaching salaries caused in part by the anUcipated addition of 45 more teachers. Also anticipated Is a five percent pay in- crease for teachers . Trustees Stan Kelley and Tom \Vinget .suggested that the board begin negotia- tions ~U1 teachers 00\V whHe the budget Is flexible rather than waiting until April or May. "I think this ma tter should be openly ~ rlisco~." said Kelley. •·Jt shouldn"t re- main" underWowld "'here it can fer· ment.'' \\'inget asked if five percent \vould be a re31istic fi gure. ~le was ansy,·ered by Al Pierce, representin g the teachers: "As l?ng as \\'e're being honest. six percent \.\'Ill ~ bably be asked . Since teachers rec.ei ved ouly four percent last year they \\'Ill be looking lo make up \\'hat they didn 't gel," (See BUDGET, Page %1 ALL DRAFT DAT 1L LISTED ON P. 4 \\'ant to know "'hen your number·s up~ The DAILY PILOT carries the complete results of Ptlonday night's selecUve ser\·ice lottery on Page 4 today. Orange (;oust \\'catbcr There·s no rain behind those cloudy skies. 1he weathe(lllan ,,.. surcs us. Look for temperatures to drop do\vn Into the upper 60's \\'cdnesclay along the OfAngc. Coast. ·-, INSIDE T ODi\Y Sclectit:e Strvicc oJJk:ial' likt· 10 pOJn t ollt tllat tllt fi rst draft 1r o.'.I ordertd by Cod. whe11 1\l ost s led tht liraelites out of l.lo11dagc. PoQe JS. (ltl$tll~ fl·U "'•YIM II Ct ll'lcl 11 MYhl•I ,.,,... 1' C..u"'erf If Hltleftll H•WI 4-P °'""" Kttlf11 t Or-C.-tr ' Otwf'(.H t • $"'11 11-1' Sltd M•t1tttt 1 .. 11 Tttwr1,·c11 11 T/ltM.., 11 l dlltlrl.ll ,.,. 6 l •tlfltlflfrlll!I ,, , ... _. , .. " -" w-. 0,..,, Wl>l!t It ....... Mew. .. , w-•t Ht'lf1 ll<U "'°" l•l'lftn 11 Mli'llll • MM!lflt'I t I • preliminary study session elected ror Dec. 22. A packed house of property owners ap. pea.red shocked by news that a four-lane collector road probably will be going up their mountain, via the exlsUt11 Cress Street-Bluebird Canyo.1 Drive route, to join a rour-lane extension of Alta Laguna Boulevard, "·helher the adjacenl pr~ perty is developed or not. They applauded loudly when \\Titer Arnold }lano CQmmented, "The question e , seems to be whether one rt!pugnant method of bulldlng should be superseded by another repug.1ant method." Gumb ine r and Ostrander displayed large maps Illustrating the planned com- munity CQncept for which they seek ap- proval. The area, now zoned R-1 (single residential) Gumbiner explained, \\"ould allow qne d\\'eiling unit per 6,000 sqU:are feet of land. nielr phtl for 715 unit& v1ould comply with · this ov~rall density, • Ill but. because ol the steep contour of much of the' land, ·would achieve the density by varying development from sln~le homes on sites 'as large as one acre <>r half an acre to mulUple d\velling! ·\Vi th up to 75 or 100 urrlt.s in o~r areas. Asked if this did not mean simple rezoning lo R·3 (multiple residential) r.1 these areas, Gumbiner said this pro-- cedure \\1ould not be advisable because of.-. the possibility that some builder in the future could buy up only the R-3 zoned land and fill It with aparuDel\t.s •. without r~gard to the deveiop111c.u~ of .the rest of U1e area. "What we really need ls a Planned Community (P.C) ione," be said, ""'·hlch would provide for complete develOpments ,y\th. green areas &1d mls:ed construcUOn all under control of lhe city ,',"'"' · · City Planner Al A1:1try C9¢"11med that establishment of such P-C zones will be con.,sidtred lo the ~~ gelieral plan. Alternative to a plaiined c<>mmUnUy ol FBI JJl01i1ats Search Board Asks Seal Beach Girl Ruling on Tidelands Stripped, Slain Fram '\\'Ir~ Ser,•lces Authorities in the oil and coal to"TI of Carbondale, 111. hunted a fiend today, following discovery of the p r e t t y daughter of a Seal Beach educalor ~[on- Wife of Toro GI Plan11i11g -11·4Lto Laos An El TorQ hoosey,ife w~ose happiest Christmas present would be "M'Ord her missing husband is alive and well in a North Vietnamese prison plans a pllgrimage to Laos later this month. Mrs. Carole llanson arrives In Paris on Ch riSt1nas Day for an interview with North Vietnamese Officials. She will deliver a sheaf of letters from America .• The notes are requests from .children \\'hose daddies -like Marine Corps Capt. Stephen Hanson -won 't be home for Christmas, and .they want to plead for word that someday they may bt. "[f world pressure becomes vocal enough, they wllr reSpond," says Mn. Hanson, whose three-year-old son has never seen hli missing father. Capt. Hanson was shot do\.\'ll June 3, 1967 while piloting his helicopter over North Vietnam and has been listed as missing, although his wire believes she saw him as a PO\V in a photograph. Authorities know for certain -at least based on information supplied by North Vietnan1 -that Capt. Hanson's copilot was captured alive. After presenting the children's letters to the Paris delegation from Hanoi. Mrs. Hanson plans to go to Laos, where many American prisoners are kept m capti vity. day, stripped and strangled \\'!ih her o\\·n Orange County Supervi.sOts today asked jeans: the: State Lands Commission for an "ear- Lisa Levering, who would ha ve been IS ly establishment of the boundaries ol Saturday, had been missing slnce one week ago today, the subject of a wide public Udelands," in lhe county. search by all area authoriUes, including: Supervisor David Baker· got unarrlmoua FBl agents. ha.eking f(lr his motion that . the state .lier father, David Levering. or 601 group be urged to carry out the survey, Seabreeze Drive, Seal Beach, left Satur-''Plirticularty in the light of i:ecent ac-day .to aid in the search that t>egan dra,,... · tng to a clost.v.·hen an lr\sh setter loped t.lail.s'.on ~ls rel.at~ issue ~y ~board." home . from ·a Y.·OOdCd ·area. four miles , He . ·exp].aine~. those atUons· as the southwest or Carbondale with a · girl's board's recorded coocern '(or public ac- shoe.. . ~<i.. '-··"· ··;.,.i!'J!lll!i.~ take•,!li".,U,lr~oq,~' Mn:. ll:Dan Piper,""~ uves aoom•' ·tllC· la~X'"'l'"f\Oad fur~, tli~'"l.c yanla from .wbtre-Lila • nude body \fll' ouislUoo l'f!" .. sliiitlllii ~and the found -her pea coat draped over lt -• board 's dtc&ion to ttseU rule ~al\ land c:llled pollcc·wben lhe dog brought home mau~s affecting s6ore1Jne ~y. · the shoe: B k ndted lh l . the • had bee A sherifrs deputy among lhe searchers . a ~r . a re . ,n. finally found the victim 's body, a few feel numerous revisions of the co~ s off U.S. Highway 13, the main drag into J?aster ~I~. of shor~llne development the city of 20,000 persons, also location of s1n~e Its 1ncepUon lri 1941. . ' · . Southen1 Illinois UnJverslty. ' But ~1e _ lssu.~ ~ public ~nd pnvate Authorities said she was apparently ownership of st.orelme land_ has become murdered elsewbere and the killer drag· so heated and subjected to so mucll ged her body off the roadway and over a debate that It ls time for the state to take sharp, rust.y barbed wire fence before a hand ·in the matter." he said . being dumped. The commission v.'ill be asked to ex· "We don't know wben she "·as killed or amine and reciefine ·if neceSsary the hi gh whether she was.Jdlled ~here the bod 5' t~de llnes on Orange ·COunty's ·42 miles or '1'8.S found," emphasized Richard E. i.1ioreUne. Richmand, Jackson County State's At· 10mey. "We dCI have some physical evidence,'' added Carbondale PoUce Chief Jack J-Jazel. The m~der has the earmarks of a sex killing, but it will be several days before the results of an autopsy qr evidence of molestation are revealed, he said. Tentative estimates were that she died shortly after she vanished. l\Ilss Levering, whose father Is an in- structor at Cal Poly, Pomona and com- mutes from Seal Beach, lived with her mother Ann, \\'ho ls apparentl y com- pleting a doctorate in urban planning al SIU. * * * Laguna Awaiting Court .Ruling s On Beach Access By BARBARA KREIBICR Of ""' DellT l"l'et 11•11 . . . u,,,..,... 'HELD IN ALABAMA:' . · Tate .su1pec;:t K•rnw1nktl · ' .. . ' ' ' . . . Hillside Lot Pro~sal Wins Split Vote Okay La~a Beach, like other coaSlal com- munJties' is awaiting wllh interest Supreme Court .Tullngs In both Oregon and California regarding legislation per- taining to beach preservallon and access, Laguna City Planner Al Autry told his co1nmlssioners Monday night. lnstructed by the planning commission to look into Ute matler of beach. access legislation regarding . preservaflon of vised by George Log'an of the-city at- torney 's office that a decision expected from the Oregon Supreme Court v.·ould be of sufficient lmport.anct to warrant delaying any local l'glslative action. • By a 3-'2 spilt vote. with archi tects Fred Briggs and Cha.-les Johnson· dlf.sentlng, Geoffrey Riker P..londay won Laguna Beach Planning CommJsslon apprOval of a plan to re-subdivide sl:c: steep hillside lots into four usahle building si tes. !'he proposal for developmenl or pro- perty on Fontana, Duarte and Encina \Vays, at the top of Alta Vis ta "'ay, will · go to the city councl: for final action. Planners agreed that a s Im p I e ffi!ivlslon of lhc difficult lots lo make tNJr larger building sites posed no pro- blem , buL were doubtfOI about plans to bu ild on Ulem In a ma Mer that \vould eliminate or greatly reduce side end rear y::ards. Riker maintained that his puiidlng plan was deslped to giv'e each of the .four "bous:s on stilt&" .a clear ocean view, \Vl1boUt dlsturf»ng the vie"M' ror homes already built higher on lhe hillside. "That's flne with me," sild Riker. He pointed out that under present zon· Ing he would be permitted to build at l:?nst five "box-like structu~ on the Jots, assuming the sixth ·1oould be eliminated as "unbulldable." "There would be no setback problems lf I did tbat." said Riker, "but it \lo"ould look terrible -like a railroad train." HIS proposal, Riker added. would give the comm iss ion ''an opportunity to con- trol the '':hole package from lot develop- ment to putt ing in the last shrub." Commi!sloner Charles Johnson leaned t''va rd a more conventional division of the lotl. "l'm DOt sure If )'OU divide the lot! in a more reasoni ble manner you'd wind up with a dumpy d'!velopm ent," he told JUker. '"YO'J'd have 40 by iO lots and Jhat's a lot better than the 25 by JOO lots In Arch Beach Hf'lghts. •• Johnson noted that his n.,.,TI !.ouse Is on a '° by D:z lot. "It Can still tiave ch.arih,'1 he Insisted . The Oregon case is testing . state tegislatimcukevarct.lng 'Preservation of beach property for pllbUc use· by making all beachfront publ!c. ln Cali fornia, att.orrlf!)' general Thomits Lynch has filed briefs witil the State Supreme Court for the protection of . .. u;;.-,.~ HELD IN TEXAS-'' ·-' T•t• Su.spec;:t W•~tO":... ; · - Ousted Gu~i:d · public access to bea.cqes and tldelandJ. . •' l.ynch said Monday Illa< only 179 miles :"l'o Get Hearing of the state1s 1,051-m!le coastline Is set . .1 · ' aside for sWimmlng beaches, and onJy -Discharged San Clemenle.Llfegi.\ard Lt. hal f of that ls publicly owned, Steve Cboft k will have hfs iiay .before the TI1e two ~ses. whlcQ arc expected lo city persohnel board at 7:"30 p.m. Dec. ·a be a~ed m Feb~ar)', Involve Navar~ 1, a 'he r1ng of the appeal of his ~ach m W.:endoc1no C°';ffitY and pubhc dis niW8l • , . • • use of paths lo a beaoJ1 in Santa Crux Cl'HJreK .. *bo led Ufeguards in a walkout County. 1 threat to Increase guards pay was fired Both beaches had allowed public.access for a1Jeged · .. unsh lisfact.01')'"·service: !J'hc ror fl'!Ql't th3!1 50 years. Lynch said. The senior guard \\'ho earlier had Ttctlved or- court s decls1ou ~Id have far reaching ficlal city"' praise ror "faithful acrvlce" t!fect ~ future use or qiuch of lhe charged the nrfng was retaU.Uon: • CaUfqnua coasUinc.. · . The -five city councllmerr are the • fn ~r acUvlty regarding Orarigc persbnhel boird. The heartng ,,111 ~ C:runty s 42·mile shoN!llnt. Autry told the privPle unl ess Chorak rtqUtsts an -opea · t'Ommlsslon, members or the Laguna ti earing... ' • Jleu ch r.ity staff ere w.orking wllb lhe · • """"ly to de"l\>P • shortllp c stu~y to .• ''"'i.o' -. J• . ••--.lo:.t" .. , . dettm11ne \Yhttt JealslaUon· ls nteded lo · ,;, ... 1r• -· .,.. some-sort, said Gumblne.T, would be tO • chop the entire area t.1to 1,000-square-fooi hl.!Jldlng sites, whl~h ~·ou~ requlre' 111any n,iore roads .and building pada for difficult SJtes lnvol9'lng dancerous cut and rut The only member of the audience speaking In ravor .of th~ project, Roger \Vllllams or 1036 Dyer Plact, said, "This piece of land Is going to be developed anyway when the road goes In. Let'1 have the best development po.ssible, not (5« PLANNED, Pa&e Z) I ' s Religious Cult Band Arrested LOS ANGELES (UPI) -At l<ast 10 members of a· pseudo-reUgioua cult, in- cluding the leader known L'l "Jesus," were in custody today as SU!ipeds in the bloody . slayings of actress Sharon Tate and at least six other persona. . Police officially were ieJuctant to ~iscuS$ details of the monlhs-lpng irl4 vestlgatlon because of recent court rul• lngs. Poli~ Chief Edv.·.ant Davis told a news 'COilference 1'o1onday Uiat the suspects "·ere members of '"the Family," a kippie . !;>and that rovtc,I tlll'ou&h Death Valley 1~ •ttlRi* north of 'here. ~ 'fbe Ie~er, Chartef Afan son, 34, has a 3 ""'~ lllof ll1<:lud01 ..... 11, llitlt indlililOii. ·Hi 11·11e1i11t Inyo County Jall 111 Independence,· Calif., -on· a mlnot charge. + At,leist five Women· are beiiJj held b,- Sy61J Brand Institute fitre 85 material \vl!Msses · and arioiher woman, Susan Atkins, 21, is in custody on suspicion o( anottw.r mut'der. . · Jn addition to the slaying or AfiiS' Tate and four other persons at ber rented estate Aug. 9, the group of· 'llOJ'nads is believed responsible for the slaying of a Yte~lthy middle-aged couple the lllght foliowlng the Tale murders. In cwtody at McKinney, Tux., where be surrendered Sunday night was Charles D. · "Tex" \\'alson,~ 24. Pat r 1e 1 a (See AllllUl'S, Pap Z) * * * Slayi1ig Su~pects . -. Part · il f Desert Nomadic Group INDEPENDENCE. Calil. (UPI! -The ·three suspects in ~ Beoedict Ca11y(ln murders of aclres& Sharon Tate and four other persor\s belonged ··to a nomM:tic b&n<I called "the Family" which lived on the edge of Death taUey, depuli£.s revealed P..londay. The.group waa ·broken up'ln October ••hen sheriff's depu.tiea·Taided its camp and arrested 28 young men and women. They were charged With stealing feeps and dune buggies, which they used in their travels at nlgtit, and other goods. Men in the group .ha.d lhoukter length hair and wore "love beadl.11 Some of the women were nude when lllfesled, otheis wore panties. Depoties said eJght chiklren were with the group. 'l'wo babies sulf~Ina from malnutrition were hospitallzed. 'lbe group had set up elaborate o!>senoatlon posU sumiundJni II! camp tn the parched, stony and aomeUmes noi· ious -desert known as one of the most in- hcsp1table places in the country. The observeUon posts were equipped wi th •v.:alkie-taJkles. 1 Only a relative rtw prospectors and rangers inhabit the area. Tourlsta and rock coUectors viii( Death Valley but do not linger tn the bluing temperatunis whle}\ readt '120 deJrees. It ls the site of the lowest point tn the continental United States at m feet below sea level. Commlsskmer <:Ari Johnson said after lnsf"(tlng the ~lte he fell the lot. were "~ unusuol'' a variance \\'OUld be war- ranted. Or. Jose ph Tomehak ahared 1he vi~·. bu t u•anted some a.ssurAnce U11t all four \\'OUld be ciciveloped s\multan'?ously to t;.trmlt overall control or lafl$1scaplng and oth~r Jtetails. Assured by City Planner ,Al Autry lh:it i1lx-<'Ondltloni could ht! placed on the de,·cloptr. Tomehak romm tnt.ed, ''That nu1kcs me feel much bettt.r." ru1:cr reiterated tus desire tG arrange the buildings in 1 'manner that \li'ould prtM:r\te "an open feeling alld a dtcent vie"' or the ocean.•· ~hlch, he saJd·Wou kl lll volve sacrificing s!deyards. - Carl Johnson mAdc the motion to fJ'l'!Ut hls requCl t, with the provillorl thti l all the lots be devtloped' al the wne tlme and the commission review the· slto pla n · bcfore. l1su1nce of buHdl.n.J perrolts. preserve beech at:cers and make. possible t•cquisl tioa and preservation or beldltl. fot patiueuse. . -, Tho lhoretine-•tudy.Auttl" aald.,w~I ~' part bf UJ< Orang• County aeooal(plan• 1tud}I. ~ .. ..:..." •; NEW .YOOK (,l p):...Prlm:on ti>•~ ~tket be1•0 to lltm slighU, In.lite, ·111tem6oft lradlrc todly attet'-lumbl:Og lowtr·m • broad fronl tn wll,r lrinl-' 11cdon1. (Set quotaUonc, P"Jgu 16-l~r. Los Anceies PoUce Oiler Edward Davis r:a!d the three wspecta and othtr members of I.be grouµ h&.d ll\'ed ·~ UM S.t a\vn Movie Ranch. a • mile y,•est f. Topanga Canyon Road ntar Chat.swot ~h~ t!t "nwtdeh: ~on commit:ea, Th I;• latet m'oved their ·~ .e,r .Bak ~ , Randt htte, •• I ·~ - ' Doputy Jttry Ilildteth Uld, "lt .... ··-tr:.nfdln.arv the wav tl\l;y coverid lip tM.lr tracks and would make dummY . cl!-:np& to Lhrow ua oU." .... • ' l ,, 2 DAILY ,!LOT L • f 'rom .... .I PLANNED co~•T.Y -: .• - ' • . . -somethln&: lilt lt1Wton Viejo. l! we ha\'e 1 liilllioo that not more thll'l l50 st:ru<:turu 6.000-foot lots aolng up and downhlll it .~ bt allowed under tke exllt1n1 R·l \'till look tei'rible." ~ because '9 much of the lpd area 11Mpoodlo1 lo qoeotlmll "lardinl the la ~ u unbulldablc. • city ..,i.eu·· -lhoti•p to JD Im· Aut17 Nl4 .lJle luat rtqllirtmtnl !1 t.-ent" of the land tn the. area ls W\us.able , •,too IQ~• feet ottolal land, P!f. tl9H IJt ·t>ecausc of · geological problems, Gum-... ~ R:l ~\)'. , · ' biner said, "\\'e are aware of th is. In . ~r:--11W tbt estimate ol ~3:-o fact our own surface geological survey single building slles came out of their • . geological survey. made this estimate. . . "It's not that only 3SO could be al: "\~c have done . on~y preli"'!lnary lowed,'' Gumbt:r .explained. "That's the &uches but .,..., fel,t it was essential to maximum number of R·I sites we would eome before the cit)' to seek your view consider usable. Another bui lder <.wld go before we spend thot.u1ands more dollars in and legally cut out bad land. build ror furlhtr geological, water and pada and get a lot more site.a. We don 't engineering studiCll. v.·ant that." "\\'e may find oot that it doesn't '\"Ork. . The concept presented. Ostrander !:Mlid. \\'e're certainly not going to '\'alk out and 1nclu~es 118 s!ngle family d\11ellings, 107 starting building all this ri&ht now. We1\'e multiple d\li·elhngs (duplexes etc.) and <190 got years ahead, even If the concept i.s apartment units for the total of 715. • approved.'' Seyeral persons expressed concern over By including lots up to one acre in siie, posstbl~ flood and land slippage problems he s&kl, the plan \\'OUld provide that !111ght be caus~d by the development. omethl.n& oot avallable in Laguna now . ~arldJg back to ddflcul~les encountered s . ..., d . 1n the area during last winter's rains By_ the same to~en, the hili" ensity Matters of drainage would be a~ong ;u-eu atop lhe hill would ~It ~· the many to be considered during subsc, :i.itucti_on Qf ~uxury apartme~ ~·1th their quent studies. Autry said. ow n recreahon centers. sw11nm1ng pools Retired civil engineer Merritt Trease, and ot.ber features. 1449 Bluebird Canyon Drive, emphasized FEW ROADS "\\'e want to have as few roads as possible." he said . ··The more roads, the· more cut and fill. It's better to leave natural grttn areas. \\'e would Oope to bulld the \Vhole R·1 area wltb no pad& at all." • Questioned about Lhe (our·lane road , Gumbiner said, "This is something ·we \\•ould be required t.o do byrthe city and the city is required to do it because the state "·ants it. The road 11i·ould join the Alta Laguiia extension and probably l'\'entually the inland fret"Way. We cer· tainly don't like the. Idell of this expense aod if you can back the city in trying to get out of it \\'e would cooperate." AOS\\'ering objecli00.!1 to the suggestion that the entire community would be •·private." the developer said. "'!ie don't ,1·anl a private community. but either you have no green areas, no trails and \1'a]\..l\'ays, or yuu have such areas that are privately maintained and carry private liability, as through a J1:xneowners Assoc~ation." • DEDICATE AREA Gumbi ner said he would be glad to dedicate the whole prop0sed 28 acres -0£ greenbelt to the city, "but th~ city couldn't or wouldn't malnlaJn It ." For a dr:ve\oprnent of this size, he noted . it \l'Ould be required to provide on· ly eight acres of park and recreation apace. the unstable quality or the land and sug. gested, ''Because of the extreme danger vf slippage, any deve loper should be re- quired to provide a bo.id extending for !levtral years to protecL the city from lawsuits.'' Commission chairman f'red Briggs liaid he favored the idea of a Planned Community zone but felt it might be ad· vlaable. to c<>nsider requiring more than 6.000 square feet per unit in such a 7.one. "We might even \\'ant to require 10 or 15,000," said Briggs. Autry said the applicant was seeking •rproval ol the general concept on'ly, ·.1ot o any specific density. Moving to continue the hearing and schedu1e another study session, com- mi.uloner Dr. Joseph Tomehak said, ··1 thJni: we all approve many of the ideas in this' ~l maey important quesUu.1s have been brou&ht up tonight and we ~ more Ume, more information. There JS a poulble_hardshlp on the developer in further delay, but there's a po.tSlble hardlhlp on Laiuna, too:' ( . SPECIAL HAZARD FOR PLANNER Lall:lt1&'s picturesque terrain holds special hazards -even for planning com· missioners. During discussion of an application to re-divide a small group of partlcularly 11tcep hillside lota, commissioner Dr. Robert French said Monday night, yes. he ht<f ihspected the site -"In fact, I almoit tell off it !" ' ~ /· ' /I I ly Phil lnterlendi "/ .. Lease Bids S1irprlsitag ln~vestors Flock To Dana Harbor Intense Investor Interest In the poten· tial or Dana HarbOr can1e to county of. llclals t.1onday in ~olltr :11Jn form as bids for lease options on IO p1 rcels In the new harbor soared to 3'ii.i tlfnes the minimwn. In all, ~3 sealed proposals were opened :showing vigorous competition for leases on all but one -0f the 10 parcels in the $15 1nillion harbor. The only segn1ent not receiving in· vestor attention 1vas the boat repair lacllilv. which had no bidders. but· Kenneth Sampson. county director or harbor1, beaches and parks , said the lack or bidders poses no real problem. because the admilttd hllh investment re· quired tends to make bidders balk untll they actually see their market bObbing at docks in the harbor. The bids will probably be read verllsed, he said. But if the boatyard 11•ent unwanted, the rest of the facilities did not. Gulf and \Vestem Petroleum Com- pany's land development division placed repair yard, minimum bid sought $3,300 \1'ith no bids rccch•ed. -PAJ{CEL 3. µroposed dry boal $torage yard and boat sales area on 111 ,000 square feet: high bidder wa5 Dana Point N.arinc Corp. of Marina del Rey with $25,000. -PARCEL 4. boat launching serV'ice occupying 511,000 square feet; highest bidder the Dana Point ~farina Corp. with $26.000. &PARC EL 5, a sportfishing landing on 230,000 square reel: highest bidder North Anlerican B'uilding Technology of Beverly Jlllls. $68.50!h -PARCEL 6. the large marine area with ~tarina Ca pita l Ltd . of Newport. Beach the apparent high bidder \\'Ith $263,000. -PARCEL 7A. a proposed rel.all com· plex on 260.000 square feet, v.•ith apparent high bid by Dana Point. Associates of Sherman Oaks \vith $70,000. South Vietnam Officials the highe8t bid for the total of 10 parcels -$510.000. The highest ind ividual bid came from 1\1arina Capita\ Ltd. of Newport Beach. They offered $2&3.000 for the -0ption of leasing Parcel 6, an area totaling 1.021,000 square reel for boat slips. -PARCEL 8, the motel site. with h\gh bidder Paul R. Goodman of La Habra , representing Westem ~1otels Co. -PARCEL 9 not up for bid -PARCEL 10. a l·mil llon-square-foot parcel for boat slips {different fron1 Parcel 6) Marina Capital Ltd. of Newpor~ Beach bidding $237,000. Probe My Lai Massacre The smallest high bid came fr-0m La Habra hotelman Paul R. Goodman. It tolaled $18,000 for a parcel earmarked f-0r a motel. MY ·Li\l~Vietnam (AP) -$outh Viet.- name5C legislators investigating an alle&· cd 1968 massacre of civilians by U.S. troops entered this shattered hamlet to- day after being delayed by a South Viet- nan1ese military operation. Riding atop two tanks, the legisl alors brought "'ith them four civilians who said they lived Jn -0r were near the hamlet during the alleged massacrc ·ot 100 or n1ore villagers. The legislat-0rs said the civilians told them they had not actually seen ,\merican soldiers shooting unarmed men, \li'Omen and children in l\fy Lai on tllarch .f67 1968, but heard shooting and civilians crying. Despite indications armed Viel Cong His bid exceeded lhe minimum re· remained in the area foll{)lli'ing the South ~ quired by $6,000. \1ietnamese clearing operation, the All of Monday's bids .,.,·ere on nine· t.amlet was found empty. month options to lease the parcels. Twc,> men amonr the four civiliahs ac-In the next three months. county aid~s companying the legislators said they \'\'Ill s~dy all or, the 43 offerings, and \1·111 survived the incident by escaping into examine the f 1 nan c i a I capabilities, nearby paddy fieldS. reputatio_ns an_d 'other qualities or the ap. . . parent high bidder. Ther lold the l~gislators they sa\v the Estimates of the total of capital it1· ~mer1cans .. entering the hamlet . an~ vestments which the winning bidders heard finn g and people cry1n~, would make at' the harbor reach ~7 reported Se n. Don, who acted . as in· million. Sampson said . t.?rpreter. The bids did not include money con· The two men said lhe \\'omen, children stituting actual lease payments. and old men In the hamlel -which at the "Those annual payments for the first Um~ "'as under •strong Viet Cong control rive years will be pege:ed understandably -"gathered together in groups to sho\v low so that the investors can get on their ,they weren't firing \li·eapons." feet. The investment is quite high," The men ran -0ut of the hamlet and Sampson said. came back "'hen the Americans left at After the five-year period of relatively about 4 p.m .. Don said. The two men minimal !ease payments, the lease fees pointed at a water-filled ditch ~bout 1.000 \\'ill be gradually heightened on a formu1a yards from the hamlet and said they saw basis to a more substantial level, he ad· 30 bo<:lles lying there alter the U.S. ded . ~PARCEL II, a restaurant facility on about 84,000 square feet : high bidder is ) Goldrich , Kest and Stern 11·1lh $36,000. U.S. Gls Sttffer Greatest Losses To Red Sl1elling SAlGON <AP) -Enemy .shelling kllleC n1ore Americans during the paat 24 hour" . i·.1 Vietnam than in any other 24-hour 1>eriod r-0r nearlv fou r months. the U.S. Command reported today. U.S. headqua rters also announced tha f American artil\ery bombarded North Vietnamese troops in the northern half c: the demilitarized zone for the first timJ in l\1'0 months after the enemy soldier.! fired on and damaged a small U.S. · observatio11 pla".1e. Inclusion or a small commercial uine atop the hill. with convenience shopping services "'as made at the. "informal ~ug· gestion of the city," Gumblner said. ;~'They thought it could be a service cir1ter for To:p of the \Vorld peopl&to get their groceries too. when Alta Laguna Sen. Tran Van Don . -leader of the in· ,·estlgatlng team who is chairman of the Senate Defense Committee, had been held up in nearby Quang Ngai with his in· \·esligati.ng team. South Vietnamese. of· Heers told them they could not enter ~fy L;ii until milltiamen secured the area and made sure it was clear of Viet Cong. troops had gone, Broken down. the parcels and their · Don's nine-man legislative t2am -four high bidders \\'ere as follows : senators and five House mtmbers -ar· -PARCEL I. water and land area sr:t A U.S. spokesman saic! 30 encm~· artillery, rocket and mortar attacks ~·er<! reporled bet\\·een 8 a.m. ~1onday and 8 a.m. today and that seven Americans 1vere killed and 19 \\'Ounded. The spokesman said this was tht highest American death toll from ~uch attacks since Aug. 11·12, when It U.S. troops "·ere killed and 122 "'ounded In 149 shelling attacks. Boulevard is extendf;d." · Fron1 Page 1 ARRESTS ... :Hano said he alsifound the idea of a pfivate community .. repugnant ."' The Lag\ina area already has too many such l---c0mmunities;-hc·said:-"I know that ~lark~flk"il~-21 •7:1 Would not place any restrictions on sales. near the " • was arr~si.eo. Mond1y blJt people "'ho buy in private com· Off home -Of her aunt 1n ltfobile. Ala. munities think in lerms of restrictions klcers were en route to .both cities to !hat there 1vill be. no Negroes or no Jews. ta e the s~spects. into .custody. The last This too is repugnant ." suspect .• Lmda Kasab1an, 19, was ar· . . • rested 1n Concord, N.H., today . :MAN CONCERNED The break came in the case when a : •David Hagen. 1045 \Vykoff Way, was -young woman told an informer a story of cOncerned about the problem of providing muss murder and recounted detalls or the !iChool space Jor the estimated 2.000 peo· Tate murder scene which police believed .p1e who eventuhlly would Jive in the only the killers could have known. :development. Names supplied by the \\'Oman led 0r. ··'You can 't get any more money in th is ficers to the desert contmune. ·town for schools.'' he said. "'Would the "It is anticipated that an additional ·developer build one or what ?" lour or fire persons \\'ill be named in in- \ ·Autry said that any such major plan dictments \vhich vdll be sought from the "!'OUld be submitted to the 5ehool district Lo.s Angeles Cou;1ty Grand Jury," Davis which has indicated ;n~·areness or an llaid. ·twentual need for another school in the The criminal complaints committee of hilltop area. the jury will be brought up lo date on the . ·David Munro. 802 Bluebird Canyon <:ase today and "\\re are seeking before • Drive, suggest.cd that the commission t~~ ninth day or December to bring ad- ctcfer aclion until it establish the status of 1hllonal potential suspects in bf':fore the . an easement that used to exist through grand jury for the culmlnatlon or the Aliso Cany on. "Thal \\1ould •provide <:ase," Davis added. simpler access than the four .. \ane The additional suspects were, ac· ioad\\'ay up Bluebird Canyon," he said. cording t.o Davis, in custody in Jnyo ·"The easement stlll exists,'' Autry said, County. 'l'\vo months ago a sheriff's posse "And it is one of the proposed arterial rounded up 26 young men and women loads, in addition to Cress Street. Boat '"'ho were Jiving a nomadic li fe of Canyon and El Mnrro Canyon." thievery. The group had a communite in ASK CLARIFICATION lhe Death Valley area near the Nevada -l\trs . Bonnie Hano asked for clarUica· line in southeast California. Uon or an im pre.5sion gained al a study Davis also said "there may be some connection" between the group and the sta bbing death of Gary Hlnamann. 34, In Fro.m Pflfle 1 , Bt.JDGET -.. -. - said PJerce. Olher it.~ of parlicular concern were : -Loas or $70,000 . from agricultural preserves and !!JI» of a like amount from government sources usually paid for students who6e parents are Jn the military. . -Spending $90,000 for nine. elementary teach.Ing specialists {one for each elementary school) probably to be. used for reriledial reading. -Spending $40,000 for data processing. Trustee \Vinget argued that it was not ~ "'Orth the money as there \\'ould not be a !\avlngs in personnel. Benedict answertd . that m«e sophisticated information could be obtained from a romputer in less time and emp\oyes who would ordinarily spend time se11rching for facts \li'OUld have more time to spend on other "·ork . -The necessity of adding n i n e groundsmen at an increase of $24.COO. 'l'he board was told that many schools in the district were not landstaped !md many had slopes and other topographic features difficult lo maintain. -Adding 14 custodian!. The board was lold that the state formula f o r detennining the numbtr of custodians v.·as one custodian Jor every eight teach~. 225 students.. 11 c\asaroom•. and l ,500 ,,. .. 11re feet. These figures are rived t>.1onday in Quang Ngai. He said he for marine fur:ling operations \vlth the \V&nted "to get at the truth'' and learn apparent high bidder Atlantic Richfield why the massacre "was kept a secret" if v:ith $50,750. it actually occurred. -PARCEL 2. 245,()()l}square-foot boat Maverick The best small carvalue in the world. .. ' For the same kind of value in a larger size-your best buy is Torino Lowest-priced hardtop in its class. • Oh!IY PiiO I his Topanga ~anyon home July 31. Robert Bausolll , 21. allegf':dly a leader or the group. \\'as arrest!d in connection with the slaying. A mistrial \l'aS dec\ued in his first triRI on murder charges and he \\'lll be retried in January. •led to gather and then dMded by four and the ......... c1' JS t.oe nUmber oJ Cl;l&to-> dlans needed. • IT'S A FACT: Our small car has scored a big success. And the rea· son is very simple-solid value . FACT : Maver ick rivals the imports in gal mileage. FACT : Maverick gives you lots of le'g, hip and held· room ... plus 10 . .t cu. It. of trunk space. FACT: Maverick ls easier to mainta in then an economy impon. 'ACT: Now enjoy all 1he l1a1ures yo u've ever wanted in a car-at a 1 ;60 price th al lels you stop worry· ing abO ut rising coets. IT'S A 'ACT: Nothing can eQual Tor ino-not In appear- ance, features or pric1. !'ACT: This hardtop has th• same sler:k styling of the more expensive Torino models. FACT: It has the same 117-inch wheeiba:i;e foi a smooth· er ride. FACT : It has the same 60-inch track for better road holding., FACT: lt has the same roomy interior that 1e1ts .six In perfect comfort. FACT: ll has new sound· P:roollng that le~s everyone enjoy z quie.t, more relax ing nde. FACT: II gives you 16.2 cu. 11. ol trunk spaca. Look over Torino and Maverick 'oon. Pick lhe car that measures up lo your needs. THE FACTS fAVOft FORD. Fo1 "'O't rn,01mafi0'1 100111 111111 c•"· '"' rour Ford Ottl•r or wr1ft • t.!IYtrlc~ Ctlllof, Otpl, N;12 01 1otmo Ct /1/0Q, 01pr, N·fJ, P 0 So.- 1!0.1, 011rbo1n, M/c1tlo11141T21. ' . ' .1., .. •· c .. 1., V>Q Llr•--0.-~ M-W 1 ........ , k••·fl ,.\ ... Tht...i11 A. Mtr,hlflt ~n1111'f •-11..- Jl1h1rtl '· N•ll l-lff<fl , .. , l!"lw L.,... .._. Of"41 ?Jl ,,,,~, ,. ••. M1ill"t 1144•1111 ,,0 , Its •••. •1••1 --(Mii MIH• JJt wtfl llT ,.,.., ,.,.,.,, l tlll:ll. J111 """I .. "'" ...... .,.,. ttllMll!tMll kl(.ll: • "" llrftt I P-0lice said the \\'Orlds "palitical.pigey'' had been scrawled in blood on \"'all in Hinmann's home . Fihn director Roman Polansky s11ld r.tonday night ht \l'ould not comment on the latest de\'elo~mcnts in tl1e mui'der of his 'Aife until alter the suspects arc brought to trial. ?itiss Tete '~as eight months pregnant ,1·hen .she · w a s n111rdered. . ...... \ I ~• 'l'een Ce11te1· Up For Council OK -Approval of the addition -0£ two nurses. Krishna Society Seeks Laguna Soliciting Okay The lntemaUonal Society for Krishna Consciousness will be back bcfort coun· clln1cn \\1ednesday seek.ii,c 1uthoriiatlon to solicit funds on city streets. The city council .,.,·ith only thrte me1nbcrs present dtferred action Nov. 19 An agretrnent that would creale a teen on the cult's appll.cation. centtr eight months of the year In The group, which chants and plays Laguna's old Barefoot Bir Is expetted t~ musical lnstnnntnlS. would 1ollclt funds get city council approval wect.1e&day for by distributing Its mag.ulne "Back to a trial run untll .~tay 30. / Godhead" on city strtelJ in return for City Afanager Ja1nt1 O. Whtalon 5aid don111lons. . ltssees ol the property art ready lo t.fember1 nf the orgal)italion, housed \*Beale Immediately. The project would locally on \lloodla.nd Drive, appeal lo cost the chy about $2.'iOO annually in r~n· drug users to tum '"'''Y from drugs to tal on the building which It acqulred 35 the tentts of the sect. They said I? • part of the tdaln Beach purclu1se . pc:r!OOI have begun rehabllltttlon from mettln1 aave tacit approval of the ar· ltmpte opened 1bout thrtt months 110. rangtment '03" a trial basl&. Spoke?s1nen for the group descrtbl th11ir The bulldlng 111 Ocean Avenue. fronts religious doctrine 11 1 culture r1ther • FORD ..... (' 'TOur Ford Dealer fights the price rise ' Thrte councilmen present at the last dn1g uae 1lnct1 the Woodld-Dr\ve l on the board~alt and be1ch near the t.h1n.-1 ttllglon: Tt was e1ported to the , main llfeguard towe r. U.S. from lnclln ln l!IGS. '----------------------------------------- ' , I • I • • ' • • •• 4 • • = •• U ; p :so QLSCS!i --~ ... _ ... • -. ' -~- I • Laguna , Bea eh '.f.oday'it: F--lil~ -... \ . ' Y• :N: Y ~ Stectiu • r • .... -.ff .., 'I VOL 62, NO. 288, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAG!S ORANGE COUNW, CA!:IF.¢~NIA TUESD.A , .DECEMBER ·?; 1 ~6?· TEN CENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~,....~----... --'.,.;.~~--"~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--.-.~.~.~.--.... ~~~~~~~~~~.:..:.:...-.::.;:;;;;.:.:. ' . Planners Ponder PrQte stS; Delay P J!;De~isioll • '> After listening to more than t\\'O hour! of discussion -mosi1y r.egative -on a proposed planned commr.r.1ily concept.for 118 acres of Laguna Beach hiUside pro- perty, city planning commissioners deci<f.. ed Monday night that many questions re- main to be ansv•ered. Public hearing on the p' r o p o s a I .. presented by de veloper Mark Gumbincr and architect· Peter Ostr<r.ider for a plan· ned develop1nent above Morningside Drive v.·as continued to Jan. 5, with a Capo Se ts Ove rride Election By PAMELA HALLAN Of IMo Dilly ,llot Stiff Approval of an 85-cent tax orerride may be sought early -next year by the Ca pistrano UnHied School District. The QVCJTide election \\'Ould probably take place in ~1arch. The specific figure ha·s not yet been officially approved. School officials say an override will be needed to !jaJance the budget. Superinlendeat Truman . B e n e d i c t p~ted preliminary 197~71 blKiget figures at hfonday's }?oard meeUng. Revenues would total $7,063.103 while ex - penditures would run to $8,m ,312, he preliminary study session eleclcd for Dec. 22. A packed house of property owners a~ peared shocked by n~'S that a four-lane c.'<.lllector road probably will be going up their mountain, via the erlsting Cress Street-Bluebird Canyo.1 Drive route, to join a four.lane ext.ension of Alt.a Laguna Boulevard, whether the adjacent pro- perty is developed or not. 'They applauded -loudly when 'vriter ') Arnold Hano commented, "The quesUon e seems to be whether one R~pnt method ol buildlng sboulcl be ~ by another repu1.llnt method." Gumbiner and Ostrarfer dlaplayed large maps illu1tratlna: the planned CODF n1unlty concept for wbich' they seek ap. prov al. The area, now zoned ft..1 . (stn•le residential) Gumblner explllned,, would a!IGW one dwl?lling unit pd l,000 squart feet of land. Their pl&1 foi-71$ units .. •ould comply wllli lhls Overall ,deniil)I, • • Ill E'BI Mounts Search Seal Beach ·Girl Strip-ped, Slain ~ .. From Wire Services Aut.horities in the oil and coal town of Carbondale, Ill. hunted a [lend today, following di~very of the p r e t t y d<l.ugfiter of a Seal Beach educator i\fon· ' Wif e of Toro GI .PlanlliJig Trip to Lao s day, stripped and strlll1jiltd Witl\ her own jeans. Lisa Le vering, 'i'.'llo would have been 15 Saturday. had been missing since one ·week ago today, the subject, of a y,·ide ~arch by all area ai,ithorlties, including FBI agents. Her father,. David Levering. or 601 Seabreeze Drive, Seal Beach, left Satur· day to·ald in the 9earch that began.draw· Ing to a close \Yhen an Irbh Sitter 1QPed 1!o1Ji9 , frwn a Wpbdocll Ill,? lfl\llf 11!411! southwal ol Caibondale wi!ll a lllfl'• aboe.:· .. -..... Mn.'H. Don Plper:wflo u ... ,,~JOI· yatds from. wbei-e Lift's nudl~ wit· found -her pea coat draped over it - c:illed police when the· dOg brought·homt . . but. because of I.he steep contour. of much °'i tht land, would achieve the dWity by v~ng development from single homes «l'1 ~ is large as one acre ~ half an acre to multiple d•.ff:IJ!ngs with up to 75 or IQ& units in other AfW. ., MW It Olis did ·not mean simple rtlOl'llaC lo .R-3 (multiple residential ) r.1 ·thele areas,,,Gwnblner said ·lhis pro- ~ would not be .. a(Olvlsable because cf ttie possibility that some builder In the J uture could buy,up ·on1,y lbe R-3 zoned . a .'e Board Asks Ruling on Tidelands OrA!lgt c.ounty Supervlsors today .. keel the State Lands 1lommlssion for an "W· Jy establisluntnt o1 the boundariel or publk Udelands,'~ in theicounty. Supervisor David.J£J.ker gol unanimOW!I \,acklng f-0r hls mptiO!l tbat the · state group be urged to carry out the survey, "parUcularly ·in. the llgbt of recritt •c• tiona on th.ls related issue by OUr 'board.''- .. ~-~~~-·-"· u,. boatd•i fte«dtd,concem (or Jiu.bile IC> ' ' . land and Oil It wltl\ 'aparlnlenf.s, ••l\hOCJI regard tO the d1velop1m:n\ O(' lhEi .rest of the area. , #• •· -' "What we really neeit is;.. 1 Planned Conlinupjty CP-C) zone/' fie said, "wbtch would' provide ror co'mplc\e de,·elopments wltp ~ areas .a.1d mtxecl cpnstructlcn ~II under control of tht c,it.f." , •• CJty Planner Al Autry. cOncinned· that est.ib11shment of Such P~ iOOes-'wUl ·be .consiaii'e(J In the neW general· plan,_ ~ ~lerll{IUVe to a. p~ COJQlDUDity. of •• . --·-· -. . .. " a ·~ ... . ' • ~ ---.. ~ ---!' •. -·~ -. some sort, said Gumbiner. wouljl bt to c:hop the entire area i.rto a,otJo.oqUari-foot ~l~fll sl~s, .,1;hlch would. require many more roads and building pads for dlfflcult sites involving" dangerous cut and flll. The only member Of the audlenct spe81ilng in favor of the proJeet; Roler Williams of 1038 Dyer Place,. aaid, "This piect of land Is going to· tie developed anyWay when the rvad goes in. Let'• have the best development poss.lb~ ~ IS.. PLANNED, Pap %) , ' ' • -.1n s Jl.eligio-.,_s ' Cult Band Arrested •. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -At !tall It niembers of a pseudo-rell&ious cull, In- cluding the leader known as 11Jesus," were in custody today as suspects in the blOOdy slaylngs of actreM Sharon Tat1; aoo at Ie14t Six other persona. • Police officially wefe reluctant to ~i~cus.s . details of the months-~ong lg· vestigatlon btCaUse of recent court ru). in gs. Police Chief. Ed\vard· Davis tokl 1 new;s ~trence . ~oodaY. that Jhe llU!pecti were lllembers of ' the Family," a hi pp ill b""'1 lhal 'l'Y•d through Death Valley •1541 milt. no~ tf here. , 1• ----t.d. :'.a El T-oro hot15e•Nift who!! happiest Christmas present would be word her missing husband is alive and well in· a North Vietnamese prison plans a ~ pilgrimage to Laos later th is month. rn-e shot. - O!SI 14~biic iands,. taken in' tM W Ike cf . thO Sa-' en.Ji. ~i·furori; ·lilt '-<-. oul~tlon 'of allololllie -~·· arid tl1e board's decision' to Useir rule Oi1 all land matters alf~ llholellrl<)¥optrtr. · Baker noted 'that • ~ . had beien: numerous revitiOllll. of the county's master plan or lhoreline deveJOpmtn~ slot. Its lflceplion I~ 194U • 1'lie ltadet, Chartei Manion; 34, has a kl1Cl1tY record that lncluda Wlult, theft and ·aracnt He di btld at Inyo Cotm&y Jail in Jhdependtnee, .Calif., OD I minor charge. • . • . ' ''In large part this budget was prepared in tne dark," said Benedict. \\re don 't know wh at our assessed valua· tion will be or 'vhat state legislation rilay ' aUo\v. But we do have experience and can generalize and come close enough to present something rea~able for next year." One of the largest increases will be in teaching salaries caused in part by the anticipated addition of 45 more teachers. Also anticipated Is a five percent pay In- crease for teachers. Trustees Sta n Kelley and Tom \Vinget suggested that the board begin · negotia- tions ·with teachers now '"°'hile the budget is flexible rather than waiting until April or May. •·1 think this matter should be openly discti~." said Kelley. "'It shouldn 't re· main undergroul1a \\·here it can fer· ment." \\'inget asked if five percent \.\'OUld be a realistic figure. He was anS\\•ered bv Al Pierce, representin g lhc teachers': "As long as ,,.e·re being hooest,.six percent will p~ bably be asked . Since teachers received only four percent last year they ¥1'ill be looking to make up "'hat they didn't get,'' (See BUDGET, Page Zl ALL DRA.FT DATA LI STED ON P. 4 \\'ant to maw When your number's up'! The DAILY PILOT carries the complete results of r.tonday night's selective service lottery .on Page 4 today. 1 Orange Coast Weatlaer There's no rain Sehind 'th0$e cloudy skies, the .weathehnan as- sures us. Look for ttmperatures to drop· down ln.'9 the upper 60'1 Wednesday alon1 lhe Orange Coast. INSIDE 'TODA:t' Se lective Servict o/J-tdal1 li~ to poi11t out that tlte flr.s' draft - toot ordered b11 God, whtll jlfotes lect tl1t Israelites out of bondage. Page 15. Clt\tlllff 11-11 C-Ja 11 c ... ,.,."' ,, 0..1111 1'19"c11 t 01-n ' 1:.1""'"' ..... • IRllff•~ U .. IRMC• 1 .. 11 --" A11~ Ll'llftn 11 ,,,. ... ,..l • "'"""'' . ·-• -- Mrs. Carole Hanson arrives In Paris on Christ1nas Day ror an intervieW with North Vietnamese officials. She will deliver a shear of letters from America. Tbe notes are requests from children whoSe daddies -like Marine r.orps Capt. Stephen Hanson -won't be ho1ne for Christm8$, a'n~ they wanl to plead for word that somed ay they may be. "If world pressure becomes vocal enough, they will respond." says Mn. Hanson, whose th~·year-old son bas never se«n his missing father. Capt. H8nson \\'as shot do~·n June 3, 1967 1,1·hi1e piloling his helicopter over North Vietnanl and has been listed as missing, although his wife believes she saw him as a PO\V in a photo}raph. · Authorities know for certain -at least based on information supplied by North Vielnam -U1at Capt. Hanson's copilot "·as captured alive. After presenting the children's letters to the Paris delegation from Hanoi, Mrs. Hanson plans to go to Laos, where many American prisoners are kept in captivity. A sheriff's depUty among the searchers fi nally found the victi m's body, a few feet off U.S: Highway , 13, the main drag into the city of 20,000 persons, also location of Southern Illinois University. Authorities said she was apparently murdered else\\•here and the killer drag- ged her body vff the roa<lway and o\·er a sharp, rusty barbed wire fence before being dumped. "We don't know when she was killed or whether s~ was killed ~here the body Wl{I ·found," emphasized Richard E. JUch!nand. Jackson County State's Al· torney . "We do have some physieal evidence " added Carbondale Police Chief Jade: Hazel. • l'he m~der has the eannarks of a ~ killing, but it will be several days before the results of an autopsy or evidence of molestation are revealed, he said. T.entative estimates were that she died shortly after she vanished. Ti.liss Levering. whose father Is an in· structor at Cal Pply, Pomo'na and com. mutes from Seal Beach, li ved with her mother Ann, who Is apparently com· pleting a doctorate In urban planning at SIU. / Hillside Lot Proposal W ins Split Vote Okay . By a 3-2 split vote, with architects Fred Briggs and Challes Johnson dlssentlng. Geoffrey . Riker Pvlonday lVDn Laguna Beach Planning Commission appro\•al of R. plan to re-subdivide six steep hillside lots into four usable building sites. The proposal for development or pro- perty on Fontana, Duarte and Enclna Ways, at the lop of Alta Vista wa y, "'ill bO to the city counci: for Unal action. Planners agreed Ulal a s I m p I e redivision of the diffi cult lots to make • rnur larger bui lding slies posed no pro- blem, but were doubtful about plans to b.iild on them In a manner that would eliminate or greally reduce 5ide and rear yants. ~er maintained that his building plan .. -as deslgned to give cacl'I or the four "hoti.n1 on slilts'' a tlcar ocean view, wt1bout, dlsturbtng the view for homes alre>dy-1>ulll higher on !he hlll11de. Commlslioner Clrl Johnson ,.Id alter lnspectl/11 the site he fell th< lot. wer< "so unUSUaJ'' • v1riince would be War- ranted.' Dr. Joseph Tomehak shared the \'few. but wanted some a~urance that all four would be <ieveloped slmult1.1n:?Ously lO pennil O\'erall control of landscapin; ar.d other details. Assurtt1 by City Piinntr At Autf'y tllal six Cf.lfldllions could ,be plaetd on the dfvtloptr, Tomehak comn1entcd, "That makes me feel much better." ' ,. "That's fine with me," said Riker'. He pointed obt that under present zOn •.. lng he would be'-•pennitted to build at least five "boi·llke 1structures'' on the lot!, assuming the t.lxth ·Nould be eliminated as "unbUUdable.'-' "Thtre would be no setblck problems if I did that." said Rik~r. "but it Y.'9uld look terrible -like a railroad train.'' •lis proposal, Riker added, would gi\·e Ute commission "an opportunity to con· trol the whole Package from lot ·de\·elop- ment to putting in the Jut shrub." Commissioner Charles John10n leaned t:>>A'ard a more conventional division or the lots. "I'm not sure: U you divide the lots ln a more reuonable manner you'd wind up wltb--a dum17 d!vtloptnent," he told RJ.ker. "YooJ'd hive 44'1 by to lots and tl1'lt'1 a lot better than the 1$ by 100 Jots ln Arch Bucll HJi&hll." Johnson not«I that hl1 own ;r....,. II on. a 40 by 82 k>t. "It can sUU have charm," he insJ~. . ,, . l • Riker reiterated hli deslrt.a'~ arrange the bulkUnas ln a maMtrt' that · Yi;OOl~ preserve "an open reeling and a d~nt view of the ocean.·· which, he sa1d y,·oWd lr.l·olve sacrificing side.yards: Carl JohniOP made the motlon tiJ grant llls' reques~ wltl\ tlll! pmil1Gn bm all1he lots be developed 11 the ~· time aDd fhe commission . re,lew tM alte plaa bclore lssuaoct ol)lullcllna pe!D\\1$. _ \. . I "But the l&SUe of public and private owntt.hi~ OJ shon!IM' land has ·become Bo' M.ttM and sutijected to eo much debite that\lt 13 time for the state to take a l\and·in:the r111tter ," be s4id. The commission will be asked to e~ lmirie-and redCfine .ll neces'8tjl. lhe high ticje Un~ On-Orange.count)l'a 42 miles·of shor'ellne. ' - *' * * Laguna Awaiting Court Rulin gs On Beach Access By BARBAllA KREIBICH or ,... o.nr ,1:.t s-.11 Laguna Beach, like other .coas1al com- munities is await\111 with interest · Supreme Court . rul\ng.s In· both Oregon and Ccllfomla regarding legislation per- taining to beach preservation and aceess.f Laguna City P.Janner Al Autry 'told his commissioner' Monday night. · lnstl'\,lqted ;by the planning cor:nmlSsJon to look fnto lh~ Jnatter of beach access legislation regar'dini preserval!on of vi.std by George Lofl:an of the city at. toll,leY'f qffice that, a dteis1cn expected from the Oregon Supreme tourt ffould be of sufficient importance. to warrant· delaying any local legislative action. The Ore&on case is testing state legirlatfmcukevardlng prieservatlon ol beach property for public US¢ by· maklne all beachfront public. In CaliComla, attorney general Thomas Lynch has· filed briefs with \he State Supreme Court for lhe protection of public .acceS'.s' to beqches 1md tidelands .• Lynch said. Moltday th"at only '179 n:illes of the Slate's J,Oit-mlle coastline ls stt aside fdr $Wimming beaches, and . only haJf ofJhat is publicly owned. • • The t~·O raseS. which are ex;ected to' be argued In Febru~. Involve Navarro Beach in W.endoch10 County "and public Use of piths to a, beach in Sal\&.& Cnu Gounty. . '. · ., · Both beaches had allowed .public Rccesa, for mote thtfl 50 years. Lyndl sald. The coul1'1 decision could blive rar' rea~lng 1 effect ort future -UM: of much of-;the- CaUforola ,coaslllnt. . , · In other octMty !llan!l"i. Orange, . ~uni)"• lil-ml1"shoullilt, Autry told tho com~lnloo., members of . U'le Laguna· Beach , city st.aff are workl:flg \\'Ith the county to develQp a shoreline aUJcty lo dttermlne what le1lslatlon is ntedtd to preserve bu:ch access Ind make poulble •cqulslUon -and' ~·"'" ol b,ucllts: r.. pu')Jle jlsc. :. ' · . ;, 7" , 1bt thor<JIM atucjy, Autry,sald, w1U be I pat( ol U>t,OrlDp Gounly .1e~t1al P,llll 1tudy. • •• ' · .At ~ut fiye women are belnJ' held In SYbil Brand lnsll\Utf: he re la. tnalfrlal witite6ses and another wom" Susan At.kins, 21 , l's In custody on suspicion of anoth<!r murder. . In addition to the slaying of ~~ Tate and lour •lher-persons at · her ren\ed e1tate Aug , 9, the group rof Doinad& is bellev~1 re~ponsib~ foe the 1ll)ling.of a wealthy mlddle-1;1ged couple the · Di&bt following the Tate murders. . · Iii .custody at McKinney, Te1.;,wJ>ere he surrende~ed Sunday night was Oiarles D. · ".Tex" Wll!lson; 24. P, a.t r i c·I • (See ARllES'lli, POp %) * * Sl.a ying Sus~cts Part of Desert . . '. . JYom ad,ic Gr pup 1NDEPENDENCE, Calli. !uPI) -'-The three suspects Jn the Benedict Canyon murders of actress Sharon. Tate imd four other pt.nOl\S. ~longed •to a ilomadic band called 'Jthe. Family" w~ich-Uved on i.\ ~he ~al~eM!-' ~. Valley._ deP!Jti~ \I ~Ve ~ Vl:l\lay. · , The gtollJ' '\IU • ~~ .. up . Jn October Mien 6herlfl'1 ~I raided Its can!P and arrested • 10'fni men and wOmen. : . V~t T"-""' -HELD' JN, TE-ns . _:rtit9 Suspet:t Watson ... ' Ousted Gua:rd . . To .Gel Hearing' Qi~ha.m;d San Clemenje Lifeguard l:.t. Stt\'t dlOrak. wW have his Gay ,befQr.e I.be. city pehonnel bo&rd at 1:IO p.m. .Dire. ·1 Jn · .a: bea.rlna oC the appeal ·Of· .his dlmll.Mil.;,. -·-,, ' .. ci>oi>ll .ilio 1ed llieiu•rds ui' a lia11..,1 tllrtaL· to lriereUe guards pay was nred for allejed-'Junsatllfactory .... sefvlce. ·~ ,.,ioc: P.Ard wlio-earller baij-n<tl~d ol-, fldaf"<li1.1>n1't ·for · "falth(u\, !ml\11" c!>argtd JJ>e' Dl'.ln'g wu tellllalloo.o • , The five) city . c«mcJlrnen • •re ~~ pertonneJ 1>oan1. The wnnc ·"Im "" J>rivate· wllesa1 ptlorak request.I <-an open> hearl•r .; S~k 'JtJarliet ' I ~ NEW ~QRK (AP1'-P,rl~ ot>the jloclo marktt .. bet~ to ,rirril ~tlbtly ln -late} 4fl"1'9'J'I .iladlng lodot afitr ·tu\llblina lowtr· ~ al broMt rront tn tarlier ¥anf-, actlO... '(Set qiJ<>laU\)llO, l'.•aes 11;111. ' •• ntey_,..,. chail'd with· 1teal!ng jeeps ·and dune OOggies, · whkb they used 1n lheir travels ai nlJht: aQCI other goods. _ Men In lhe J1'0UP bad sl»uJder length • hair and wore ."love' beads.'., Some of the women were nude when arrested, othets wore panties . · •·· Deputies salcl eighl childnrl were wfJh Jhe group. Two 1>1111.. suHtrln( iroin ma lnu trition •ere ~talized. The group ~ · "si\ up elaborate observation post. surrounding Its camp in· the parchta, sl9fl,Y 1nd-§om'eUmes noX· lous,desm1kn<JWF as Qoe of the moet ·.io. hos:P1table plaCtsJn,,,~ cquntry. · The obstrvatlon poill were. equipped wllh• walkle-taltles. 1 : Only i relaUve, rew ·~ and tangers lnhabl\ JM areo . Tourilll and ~k collecton •Ill~ Dtat~ Valley but ~ 't"."' linger in tbit. •Jkiiog temperatwes •'hlch reach 1111 ... It is 1lle ~It pr the !6-1 poll)I lit Jhe ~-Unlt!d. • ~i.ta at 211 feet l>tlow ,.. level. Loa.Anltlt' Police Chlel EdwatdJ)11;Ja o ld I.be thret.. suspeot.s and other ii\cinlien of the grou~ had lived at ult" Spawn Movit Ranch,' i mile. we.st ol Topanga.(:anyon . !load near Cll.tts~ - 1·nen lM murders wre comroiUed. They 1;1ter mo~'1) Jhelr ca1n11 ntar-Bak ~ hei't. ' ' • · Dt11J11Y Jerry Hlldttth said, "l~wu a • . l<f'dlnary the .war ti>tyf ~ vp tpetr trac.ka. and would mike dulnn\7 ~ to throw us otr." . . . • ' t =-z:x; e: -& e= ' . • .. : DAILY PILOT • Fr•MLPqe ~· ·.._ PLANNED COMMUNITY .. -••• sometbtnl Ji~ ,Mlasl.on Viejo. ll we hi.ve . lflllic11\ tMt not more than"'° Slnlctum 6JIOO·foot lots &Ging up and downhill it .~ld be allowed under Ole ex!Jtlns R-1 v.'ill look terrible." ~ becaUle so much. of the land aru llolpoodlftl 10 qu..U0111 ftiardll\& the b reP*<f u unllulldable. cllJ tngineer'a eitlm1te that \1P to 30·jier.. • Autry 1ald the le1at requ1re.ment 11 cent of the land in {be · irea I$ unusable 1,000 aquare fttt of: Iota! land pet unU ltt t>ecauk of geological problem$, Oum-determln(ng R·J demtty •.. blner said. "\Ve art aware or this. In . Ostrander said the est:mate of 350 fact our own iUrface geological survey single . building slt(!.s came out o( their _ • . ge0log1cal survey. ~de th11 estimate. "lt'.s not that only 3SO could be al-~e hive done only preliminary lowed." Gumber explained. "That's the ~ud1es but we felt ii was ess_el))ial. to maximum number of R-1 sites we would come before Ute city to seek y"Olfr view consider usable. Another builder could go before we ~pend Lhousands more dollars in and legally cut out bad land, build for fw'l~er eeoloilcal, water and pads and get a lot more sites. We don't engineering studies. waru that." "\Ve may find out Lhat ii doesn't work. The concept presented. Ostrander said . \Ve 're certainly not going to \V&lk oot and lnclu~es 113 single family dwellings. 10'7 starting building all this right nO\\'. \Ve've mult.Lple dwellings (duplexes etc .) and 490 got year1 aheid, even if the concept is apartment units for the total of 71). approved." Seyeral persons expres~d concern over By including tots up to one acre ln site, poss1bl~ flood a.nd land slippage problems he sa.ld the plan v.·oukl provide that m.J.ght be caused by the development. lhin' not ilabl in Laguna now . ~arkt.ig back t.o difficulties encountered some g ava e . 't 1n the area during last winter's rains. By the same token, the htgh ~ensi Y Matters of drainage would be among areas . atop the hill would pe~it coi,t· the. many to be considered during subse- atruct.i.on ~f !uxury apartme~t.s ~1th their qutnt studies. Autry said. own recreal!on cent.erli. swunmmg pools Retired civil engineer Merritt Trease, and other features. 1449 Bluebird Canyon Drive. emph!!iit.d FE\V ROADS the unstable quality of the land and sug· gt:sted, "Because of the extreme danger of slippage, any developer should be re-' qu ired to provide a 00.ld ex.tending for several years to protect the city from lav.•suits .'' Commission chairrnan 'Fred Bri ggs aJL'' said he favored the idea of a Planned ... Questioned about the four·lan~ road, Community •Zone. but felt it might be ad· "We want to have as few roads as possible." he said. "The more roads, the more cut and fill. ll's better lo leave natural green areas. Yle i,1.·ould hope to buila the whole R·l area with no pads at Cumbiner said, "Thii is something we visable to consider requiring more than \\'ould be required to do by the city and 6,000 square feet per unit in suc h a tone . !he city is required to do it because_ the "We might e\•en want to require 10 or state wants it. The road would join the 15,000," said Briggs. Alta Laguna extension and probably Autry said the applicant was seeking eventually the. inland freeway. We ctr· approval of the generaJ COllCflpt only, ·.10L ta.inly don't'like the idea of lhis expense of any specific density. 3 nd if vou can back the ci ty in trying to Moving, to continue lM hearing and 1 schedule another study session, com- gel out of it we ""'ould cooperale.'' . mis.!ioner Or. Joseph Tomehak sald, "I Answering objections to tbe suggestion t.h1nl:: we all approve many of the Ideas in thal the entlrt community would be lhia plan, but malty important questla.1s }>rivate." the developer said, "We don't hive been brought up tonight and we \\'anl a private community. but eilher you need more time, more Information. 'J'htre have no green areas, no trails and is a poplble banish.Ip on the developer in v.•alkways, or you have such areas that further delay, but there's a possible are pri v!tely maintained and carry • nirdlbip on Laguna, too.·• privale liability, as Utrough a • ------------- Homeowners Association.'' DEDICATE AREA Gumbiner said he would be glad to dedicate the whole proJ)OStd 21 acres of greenbelt to the city. "but the city couldn't or wouldn't maln~in it." • For a development of thls size. he llQted. \~would be required to provide on- ly eight acres of park and recreation space. . . Inclusion of a small commerc:al ione ;\lop the hill. with convenience shopping services was made at the "Informal sug- gestion of the city," Gumbiner said. ... "They thought it coold be a service f:enltr for Top of the World people to get Feir groceries too. when Alta Laguna oulevard is extended." Hano said he also found the idea or a ~rivate community "repugnant." The j..aguna area already has too many such ~mmunilies, he said. "I know that Mark )'tould not place any restrictions on sales. ~ut people who buy in private com- muni ties think In lerms of restrictions that there will be no Negroes or no Jews. ~bis too, is repugnant." htAN CONCERNED : David Hagen , 1045 Wykorf \Vay, was toncerned about !he problem of providing ichool 5pace (or the estimated 2.000 peo- i>le who eventually would live in the J:level opment. : "You can't gel any mot'!: money in lhis town ror schools," he said. "\Vould the ~eveloper build one or what~" · Autry said that any such major plan • .. ·ould be submitted to the school district .1o1·hich has indicated av1areness of an ~\'entual need for another school in the hilltop area. -David Munro. 802 Bluebird Canyon hrive, suggested that the commission ~efer action until it establish the status of :8n. easement that used to exist through .Ahso Canyon. "That would provide l;impler access than the · four-lane )'oadway up Bluebird Canyon." he said. • "The. easement still exist11." Autry said , ~'And il is one of the proposed arterial roads. in addition lo Cress Street, Boat -Canyon and El Morro Canyon." ~SK CLARIFICATION -~frs. Bonnie Hano asked for clarifica- lion of an impression gained at a study O~llY PllOT OUHG• C:0'41 ru94 1IMlll~ UIM ..... M't' '-•"" w. w •• 4 ~ r rislM!I .,.. '"'....., i ' J1e1r Ill. C•rlty VIClf ,, .... 1119 Delllfll NlllllMI lh•IJl•I IC••·ll ··~ Th•,,,•• A. M••11~;,,, .... INllM ....... a<ch1r4 '· N1!1 1.,....,,. lfK~ (llW Elliff kit• ....... Ofrke • JJ1 F•1t1l A••· Melll"t A.H••t1• ,,o. ••• '''· tl612 ' ~. -"""" Cftlt MtM; bl Wnl It• Y""t N._tl tff(IH ttll """' ......... ltWf9 l"lilflMllloll tMQ!l lll Jiii llfftt SPECIAL HAZA.RD fOR PLANNER Laguna's picturesque terrain holds s~ board.a -even for plaruling com- m1ssaoners. During disctwion of an applicatiQ.!1 to re-divide a small group of particularly steep hillside lots, commissioner Or.,, Robert French said P.1onday night, yes he had inspected the site -"In fact, i almost fell off it!" F.ro.m Page 1 ' ARRESTS •.. Kernwinke.l, 21. was arrested Monday near tht home of her aunt in fl.1obile Ala Officers were en route to both cities t~ take the suspects into custody. The last suspect, Linda Kasebian. 19 was ar- rested in Concord, N.H., today'. The break came in the case when a young woman told an informer a story of . m:1ss murder and recounted details of the Tate murder 'scene which police believed only the killers 'tould have kno\\'n. Names supplied by the woman . led of· ficers to the 'desert commune. "It is anticipated that an additional four or five persons \\'ill be named in In· dittments which will be. soughL from the Lo~ Angeles COu~1ty Grand Jury," Davis s;ud. The criminal complaints committee of the jury will be brought1lp to date on the ra.se today and "We are seeking before the ninth day of December to bring ad- dlticmal potential suspects in before the grand jury for the culnlinaUon of the case,'' Davis added. TI\e additionll suspects weret ac· cording to Davis. in custody in Inyo County. Two months ago a sheriff's posse rounded up 26 young men and women \vho were living a nomadic !Ire oC thievery. The group had a communitc in the Death Valley area near the Nevada line in southeast California. Davis also said "there may be some connection" bet .... ·een the gro!lp and the stabbing death of Gary Hlnamann. 34, in his Topanga Canyon home July 31. Robert Bausolil, 21, allegedly a leader of the group, was arrest~d in connection with the slaying. A mistrial w1s declared In his first trial on murder charges and he will be retried in January. Police said the worlds "political piggy" had been scrawled in blood on a wall in Hinmann's home. Film diret'tor Romen Polansky said r.tonday night he v.·ould not e<>mment on the litltst developmen ts in the 1nurdcr of his 'rife until after the !!U~pe:cts 9re Orou ll:ht to trial. ~1 i~!I. Tate v.·as eight rnonths pregnant ~·hen she was murde red. Teen Center Up For Counc~ OK An 1grttmcnt that would create 1 tttn center eight months of the year in l..agun•'11 old B&refoot Bar 111 expected to get city council approv1l \Ved.1esday for a trl&I run untll ?>.1ay 30. ' City Manager James 0 . '\Theaton said lessees of the propertY are ready to vacate immcdiotely. The projec~ would l'Oll lhe cily about $%500 annuall y In rtn·· tal on the building v.•hlch ll acquired a• pan o1 the M~lln Btac11 purcha~e. 'Mtret councilmen prt~tl'lt 11t the la~ mcetin1 (I'll: tacit approval or lhe ar· ranaement 0,1 1 trial besis. The building, 111 Ocean Avenue. fronts nn the boari:™·tt1k flnd beach near the main l!leguard tower. · .W ~I / l ·· ly Phil lntorl•ndi ----~--. ---=·:--. . • Lease Bids Surpr-Jsi1t9 Investors Flock To Dana Harbor Intense Investor Interest In the poten· tial of Dana llarbor can1e to ciounty of· flclals ~1ondaY in dollar sign form as bid~ for lease options on 10 parcels in the new harbor soared to 3~ times the 1ninimum . In all, 43 sealed proposals were opened showing vigorous competition for leases on all but one of the JD parcels In the $15 million harbor. The only segment not recei \·ing in- vestor attention \\'RS the boal repair facility, which had no bidders. But Kenneth Sampson, county director of harbors. beaches and parks, said the lark of bidclus poses no real problem. because the admitted high Investment re- quired tends to ma,ke bidders' balk until they actually see their market bobbing at docks in the harbor. The blds will probably be readvfrtised, he said. Bu.t if the boatyard went unwanted, the rest of the facilities did not. repair yard, minimum bid ::sought $3,300 with no bids received. -PARCEL 3, proposed dry boat storage yard and boat sales area on 111 ,000 square feet : hi&h bidder wa~ Dana Point W.:arine Corp. or Marina del Rey with 825,000. · -PA·RCEL 4. boat launching service occupying 511,000 ,quare feet : high~t bidder the Dana Point f\1arina Corp. with 125,000. &PARCEL 5. a sportfishing landing on 230,000 square feet : highest bidder North American Building Techn<llogy ot Beverly Hills. $63.500. -PARCEL 6. the large marine area with Mai'ina Capital Lld. of Newport Beach the apparent high bidder with $283,000, -PARCEL 7 A. a proposed retail com· ple:i: on 260,000 square feel, 'Vi'ith apparent higll bid by Dana Point Associates of Sherman Oaks with $70,000. South Vietnam O.f ficials Gulf and Western Petroleum "Com· peny's land development division placed the highest bid for the total <lf 10 parcels -$510.000. The highest Individual bid came from f\tarina Capital Ltd. of Ne\1·port Beach. 'rhey offered $263.000 for the option of leasing Parcel 6. an , area totaling 1.021.000 square reel for boat slips. -PARCEL 8, the motel site, \Vi th hilh bidder P~ul R. Goodman of La Jiabra, repn!:senhng Western Motels Co. -PARCEL 9 not up for bid -PARCEL 10, a l-n1illion-square-foot parcel for boat slips '(different fron1 Parcel 6' l\1arina Capital Ltd. of Newpor: Probe My Lai Massacre The smallesl high bid came from La Habra hotelman Paul R. "Goodman . ll totaled $18,000 for a parcel eannarkcd for a flJOtel. Beacll bidding $237 ,000. -PARCEL 11, a restaura nt facility on about 64,000 square feet : high bidder is Goldrich, Kest and Stem with $36,000. t.IY LAI, Vietnam (AP) -$outh Viet· name.st legislators investigating an alleg· cd 1968 massacre or civilians by U.S. troops entered this shattered hamlet t1>- day aft.e r being delayed by a South Viet· namese military operation. Riding atop two tanks, the legislators brought with them four civilians who said they Jived in or were near the hamlet during the alleged massacre <lf 100 or more villagers. The legislators said the civilians told them they had not actually seen American soldiers shootin& unarmed men, women and children in My Lai on ?>.1arch 16. 1968, but heard shooting and civilians crying. Sen. Tran Van Don. leader or lhe in- \'tstigating team who is chairman .of the Senate Defense Committee, had been held up in nearby Quang Ngai with his in- ,·estigating team. Soulh Vietnamese of· licera told them they could not enter My Lai unUI militiamen secuffil the area and made sure it was clear of Viet Cong. Fron• Page 1 BUDGET ... said Pierce. Other area.s of particular concern were : -Loss of $70,()(IO from agricultural preserves and loss of a llke amount from government sources usually paid for students whose parents arc in the military. -Spending $90.IXX> for nine elementary te;1ching specialists (one for each elementary school) probably to be used for remedial reading. -Spending S<l{l.000 for dala processing . Trustee Winget argued that it was not \Yorth the money as there would not be a savings in personnel. Benedict answered that more sophisticated information could be obtained from a computer in less time and employes whO would ordinarily spend time searching for facts would have 1nort time to spend on other work . -The necessity of adding n i n e groundsmen al an increase of $24.000. The board was told that many schools in the district"' were not · landscaped and many had slopes 8.nd other topographic features dlfflcult to maintain. -Adding 14 custodians. The OO:ard was told that the state formula for dttenninlng the number or custodians was one custodian for every eight teachers, 22$ students. 11 classrooms. and J .500 ~'"'&re feet. These figures arc (led to aather and then divided by four and the ~.:.>l't:t 1s tne number of custo- di1ns needed. -Appro\·al of the addition or l\\'O nurses. Krishna Society Seeks Lagu,na ' Soliciting Okay The tn temaUonal Society for Krishna Consciousness will be back before coun· cilmtn Wednesday seeking authorization to solicit funds on .city streets. The city council 'o\'ith only three members present 'deferred action Nov. 19 on the cult's applic1tion. The group. which ch1nls and plays musical Instruments. would solicit funds by distrlbuUng Its m1gulne "Back to Cod.head" on clty strttls in return for don at.Ions. -~1embers of 1he org1niza Uon. housed locally on Woodland Dri ve, appeal to drug usrrs to tufn away from drugs to the ttnt\3 or tht stet. They said 10 persons have ·berun tth&blllllttion fmm clnlg use since the \Voodland Drive temple opened about three months ago. Spolcesmen for the group describe their rtllgious dOctrirre as 1 OJlture ralher lhAn a rellJ'on. lt v.·1s u:ported lo the U.S'. (rom India in I*. Despite indications armed · Viet Cong remained in the area follow ing the South V:etnamese clearing operation, t he t.amlet was found empty. Tv:o men aJllong the four ci vilians ac· companying the legislators ' said they tiUrvivcd the incident by escaping into nearby paddy fields . They told the legisla'tors they sa\v the Amtricans entering the hamlet and ·'heard f\rin~ and people crying." reported Sen. Don, \vho acted as in- t.?rpreter. T·he two men said lhc women, children and old men in the hamlet -which at the time v.•as under strong Viet Cong control -"gathered together in groups to show they weren't firing weapons." The men ran out or the hamlet and came back when the Americans left at about 4 p.m .. ~. The tv:o men painted a.t a wate'r..f.H!e'd dit ch i:lbout 1.000 yards from the hamlet and said they saw 30 bodies lying there after the U.S. troops had gone. Don's nine·man legislative team -four senators and five House members--ar=-- rh'ed ~1onday in Quang Ngai. He said he wanted ·•to get al the. \ruth·· and learn why the massacre "was kept a secret" if it. actually occu rred. • M"VEAlCll His bid exceeded the minimum re- quired by $6.000. All of Monday's bids v.•ere on nine- month options to -1.ea!e the parcels. In the next three mOQPls, county aide~ v.·ill study all of·the 43 dfferlngs. and v.•i\I examine the fin an cl a I capabilities, repulations and other qualities of the ap- parent high bidder. Estimales of the total of capital in· U.S. Gls Suffer Greatest Losses To Red Sl1elling vestments which the wln!Ung bidders SAIGON (AP)_ Enemy shelling kllleC would make at the harbor reach $7 n1o re Americans durlng the past 24 hour,; million, Sampson said. i·.1 Vietnam than in any other 24-hour :rn~ bids · did not include money c,on-period for nearly four months, the U.S st 1.~~t1ng actual lease paymen ts, . Command reported today. . fhose annual payments for the lrrrt-U.S. headquarte rs also announced thai five years will ~ pegged un?erstandabl.Y American artillery bombarded North IO\Y so that ~he investors .can get on .the•,~ Vietnamese troops in the.northern half 0:: feet. 'l'he !nvestment is .quite high, the demilitarized zone for the first tim.? Sampson sa1~. . . in t1vo months after the enemy soldiers ~t.ter the five.year period of relatively fi red on and damaged a small U.S. m.1n1mal lease pay'!lents, the lease fees obser\'ation pl B'.ie. v.•111. be gradually heighte~ed on a formula A U.S. spoke sman said 30 enem~· basis to a more substantial level. he ad-artillery, rocket and mortar altaclu wer~ ded . . reported between 8 a.m. Monday and t .Brok.en down, the parcels and their a.m. today and that seven Americans high bidders were as fol\o\vs : were killed and 19 wounded . -PARCEL 1. water and land area set The spo kesman said this was the for marine fuel ing operations with the highest American death toll from such a~parent high bidder AUantic Richfield attacks since A'\Jg. 11-12, when ll U.S. \\'1th $50,750. troops were killed and 122 wounded in 149 -PARCEL 2. 245.000-square-,foot boa.t shelling attacks. ., .-. . \ . ! . • ' Maverick For the same kind of value in a larger size-your best buy is The best small carvalue ·in the world. IT'S A FACT: Our 1mall car has scored a big success. And th e rea- son is very simple-solid value. FACT: Maverick rivals the impons in gas mileage, FACT: Maverick gives you lots ot leg. hip and head- room , .. plus 10.4 cu . ft. or trunk space. FACT: Maver ick is easier to maintain than an economy Import. FACT : Now en joy all the features you've ever wanted In a car-at a 1960 price tha t ltts you stop worry- ing about rising costs. Torino Lowest·priced hardtop in its class. IT'S A FACT : Nothing can equal Torino-not in appear- ance, features or price. FACT: This hardtop haa the $&me sleek styling of the more exp ensive Tor I no models. FACT: It has the same 117·inch wh eelbase for a smooth· er ride. FACT: II has the same 60-inCh trick for beller road hold ing. FACT: tt has !he same roomy Interior that-· saats six in perfect com lqrt. FACT: II has new sound· ~roofing !hat le~s everyone enjoy a quiet, more relaxing ride . FACT: II gives you 16.2 cu. ft . of trunk 1pace. Look over Torino and Maverick MX>n. Pick the ctr that measures up lo your nteds. THE FACTS FA.VO" FO.-D. Fot "'ore ,,,,ormel11111 11>0111 ""'''' c•r11. '"~our Ford Ot•l•r 111 wrilt ." Maverick C1t1lop, Oept. N·12 01 101/110 Ctlfllf, D1pt. N-13. f> O. tor f$o.1, D11roor11, Micll101n 41121. •• ti::;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..,,.4~-~~· •• • • Your Ford Dealer fights the price rise I ' I 1· I It • " el • SI lh '" lh ly " rl th n nt or !1 a ol 11 r on " ec "" ur s ia ;h • m "' s TI) r I t '" lhe >eh s 149 \ I 1 LEG.U. NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • • • • DA.IL V PJLOf l~ LEGAL NOTICE Long History Draft Was First ~ Ordered by God 01 y p (I 222~· NOTICE TO CREO TORS SUPERIOR COURT OP THE By DON McLEOD WASHINGTON (AP) -The Selective Serv ct System hkes to say the first m1htary draft was ordered by God No sooner had ~1oses led the Isrnel1tes oat or bondage 10 Egypt the Bible say~ than Jehovah ordered lum to Take ye lhe sum or all the congregation of the children of Jsrael alter their families by the house ol the1r fat hers \llh the nuinber of their na111es every male by 1heir polls from 20 ) ears -0ld and upward~ all lhal are able to go forth to war 1n lsr.ael thou and Aaron shall nwnber lhem by the1r armies By this means ti.t o s e ! registered classified and 1n ducted a conscript ar1ny of 603 550 citizen soldiers Betwetn Gods draft and the tr S 11duct1on system which undern ent major reforn1 Mon day night with the 1mpos1t on or a lottery selection method history 1s studded v.1 th ex amplcs of mandatory nuhtary se1 \ICC EARLY DRAFTS ... --LEGALNOTICE I" lSSOS . . ' nn ' CEftT F!CATE 0, 9US NESS l'ICT TIOUS NAME Th• unde 'gned clOI'' ct !y 11• 5 co Clutl n~ • busnt•~ • t) W 5 (;9 t utl• P S•n • Anl C& lo n • 0110• unde n~ e OIJl l ,.. n11"'• of STl!AM T CLEAN ancl hll !ad m 'comP<ntd o flt !o ow no per on wllo'e nl,..t " u 11'111 o • e ol res dtntt 111 O IQW• Norm1n M F~f tic t? W sr r;e udt P S•n I An11 (1 om • 01 td OecemM 96' NM Fede ck Sl1totC11fon1 O •n!lt Coun y On o~c 1 ttt beto f me • No •rr Pb c nanclfor!lldS•r Ptlonov 11or>e• ea Nor,..1n M F'recre ck kriown o mt to be J\t Pl! 3M whos. """'e 1ub1c bed to ht w 1\ n n• rum~n! 1 d • ~ ~w edq1cl ~~ e~etultd ht slmt (OF'F CAL SEAL Mii~ I( Htn Y NoavPubcC1 on • P ncp/I Ofice n 0 llnqt Coun y My Co,.. 11 •on EJ1p •• Nov ,. 1012 P b ll!d 01n91 Coit O•Y P o Oee~mnt 2 ' ' 23 969 n1 6' l EGAL N01 ICE STATE 01' CALIFORN 4 (10R T~fllt THE CO NTY 1"' OJIANGI" iU,ERIOR COURT 01" THI N• "•nn STATE OF (AL ,OJIN A '01t E1!1te ol' ELV lilA CARR,..,NZA SHINN THE COUNTY OF OllANGE o.~asecl N• A41QU NOT ce s HtREllY GIVEN to "' .-f'tCE OF HEARING 01" l"ETITION er'<! (I' ft! "' .. l)O\'I! natne(I dtcllite<> ~OJI l"ftOIATE 01" WILL ANO Ill.& I lie''°"' ll•Y "" c. m, •;• n1r ht coo c L ANO ,OR LE TT e: It s u d dKelli!nl ' t •eQU td lo f e l\tm TESTAMENTARY Olt ,Oft L~IER S w lh lht 1'1Ct5P \' VOUCht t n lllt {)If ti 0, AOMINISTltAT ON WITH TM E al IJ\t t e. Of 11\t ll>OYt enl 'ed ~I OI' WILL ANNEXED to Pftltnl them W Ill "" ntc.tl!I y E• n ~al JOSEPH A COAO 0KHIO!d YOUCl'le I (I Ille 11n!le 1)01\td ., '"" Of Cl NOT ce s HEREllY G VEN Tnf! LU OI II I A o ney HARRY ALKOW ~ COAO SOGGE rtlt •Cl o n lie w 11 N«lh Me" s ·~· Stnl• Al'lt Cl !ll'n I MAfl.Y LUC LL E COAO sor.Ge hi• I fll 111fl unOe 11(11\M n I "''"'"' PO! • nll'oll lie en 1 ~ on 111 II ab1 e cl w ~nd 91101 w11 tll 1 1111 11 It• ol' bu• n111 cl eOd c 1 ancr •or hw1nce or Letten Ollle11l1tol'$•C1d~e<kn wlll"'°"' T~s l tn •nllf\' o Lt. t1 ol' monlllt f lf!r lt>r f n 1Nb l<•I Oii of 11111 Adm ~ 11 I on w 1\ II~ w llnne~e<l I~ no! er 1111 lit 1 one t•ff!rence o w11 ell ' ,..•d• Ptled Oeamber 1 lt6t •or lurlll• Pl t tu• 1 and 1111 11\~ 1 mt £1 S •n on Sn nft ~nd o K e of t>e1 nv 1\e 11mt 1\11 ~ Admln 11 1tor •I! lot Oecembe ' t6t 8 t )Cl • m n Of lie E"tlf! ol ht "' COii I oom ol O~p· "'fl"' N~ ) ot ellove 111mtd Cl~!deflt t~ Cl Ulurt ~I 700 C ~ c Ccn t 0 "f NARftY ALICOW Weit le;-m, hi Wll E •h II Slrt'f l n '" Neri-Mein ''"'" ltt~ C tv Of S.n • A.n• Ca !Corn I Sl~I• An• Callf1tr11 t tt7fl Ot eel N11V1"'be 11 lffJ Tfl 011) JU MSI W E ST JOHN Allltfltt'I' I., A•m nlllr1ltr IOOICl~~':t~s~rNll.& LUOOY Pub ll•d O!'an11 Cot~! DI v p ot •1111 HAllftY A OLIVAR Ote•mber ' t ' 1!I lflt 21H It 1100 AYtnut If lllt s .... $U • UJ Les Allt•ltt (I H tOU, T1I 0 J) l?f.J'fl LEGAL NOTICE .. ,.,"'' f9t ,.., ''"'~ Pub t1\ld Or1noe (OISI 01 v p lot DKtmter 1 l t ltllf '2 .. ,,. times on and Capt John Smith brought the drafl w I t b him when the first permanent English colony was tonned Jn V1rg1n1n 1n 1607 with each set lier a soldier But as New \Vortd col 011lzat1on spread forms of rl"- qu red mlhtary ser\1Ce. chang cd a ld the millll 1 system replaced sU"a1gl t out draft Colon1al m1ht1a rought the lndians the French and the British thernsel~es Sl at ,. troops were the 01a1n units in George \Vashington s Revolu tionary army a situation that railed lo please the future first president Shortly after he became chief executive \\ ashmgton asked Congress for a unlform a id effective system for the m1ht1a of the United States ACf OF 179% Congress responded W)th an act in 1792 requ1r ng service 11 miltas v.h1chrema1ned however, unde r state conlrol as to length of service and training But the act set a precedent by pro\1d11g lhat ea.ch tand every free able bodied white male citizen who 1s or shall be of the age of 18 year~ shall be enrolled m Lhe m1ht1a Other efforts to ma1nta1n a large national army under federal control failed in the face of strong obJectiops against any pennanent st8n ding military force and cotn pulsory training Fear -0£ a European st:Y,le standing qrmy under ledf#:~I control defeated attempts 'tll create a national m1htary force or compulsory trainWg 1n the early years of the CO\all try Most m1ht1a units \\(ere manned b) volunteers and 1t was such forces that fought the \Var of 1812 the Mex1cart \Var and much of the early C1v1l \Var Bedrv1led by short enlistments and badly lra;ned niht amen President Lincoh\ nbta nc t a la v 11 1863 authorizing h m lo ord1 r states to meet their troop quotas b} drafts \Vhe n tlus d ct 1 I vor k Lin coin had i lstituted 1n 1663 th e first national draft act which stated All 'Able bodied male c1tize1 s between the agt! of 20 ar d 45 constitute thP. national forces and shall be hable to perform military dutv in the scr\ ice of the United S!at"s "hc1 ca lled out by the Pres dent OBJECTIONS ROSE The tradillonal obJecUon to m<.1ndatory military servtce rose anc 1 fueled by the JaW ~ m 111 r loop! ulc -a prov1SJOrt .-illo v 1g a draftee to -0bta1n his O vn suhslltute or buy hjs way out with a $300 paymen t to the government Critics charged the dr~t v.as designed to make {~e poor man do ' the rich man s f1ght1ng Riots fol101vcd the worst t ik1ng place in New York City where rr sh 1mm1grants and other [}()or people fought police ;ind Arn1y in ts for four days Property d mage ran into the n11ll1ons ar d de 1!hs have been cstrm:ited [lL I 000 Folio y1ng lhe C1\ 11 \\ ar t11e nation r~vcrted to a L1ny army stationed ma nlv on the fron tier to fight Ind ans Although a draft was inshtutcd during !he Spanish American Wer the fighting ended before the: 1nducllon system "as really 1 put into effect MODERN DRAFT The modern draft ,.,,as born May 18 1917 as the United Slates prepared tp fight 11 \Vorld War I More than 24 mllllon men were regBtered from whom 2 810 296 were in ducted Each regi strant was assign ed a serial nun1ber and these numbers determined the order of induction The number_,. W"rc rlrawn 1n a national lol tery Wllh Secretary or \Var Newton 0 Baker drawing U1e1 first number from a big fish bcml lrnfJctlon was slopped but tht' draft mc chruusm ,.,.;u kepLI alive alter the war by a Joint Army and N:ivy Selecttve Service Comm1llee \Vhen the! Selective Training and Scrv1ce~ Act was passed Stpt 16 1940 on th~ brink or U S entry in I \\orld War tr the draft machinery was ready ~ 0ec 13 1941 SlX days a( Pearl Harbor Congress a1n" d«I the act lo remO\C a1 ~~~~1cll~r!~at ~~I: u in l e ~!J \V't'stem Hemisphere or U S , territories aritt the penod orl mlhtary service was extended to the duration of the war plus G inonth.,-1 " ~ ... -. • T8 DAILY PILOT L Tuudq, Df<tmbtr ?, 1%9 Vour Money's Worth. \.~;~~~~.~!.!~~~Ne': .. :~~~~ Stoc~~ ~~~: .. ~ • .. Stores .Expecting OVER~THE COVN'FE-R (-fl.I Hltll Ltw Cl•M Cllt 0~ PK 1 0 ! •1' • •1''t 61' I -<) ~ Pit Fli 2t I Ill• l!'' 1111 -o 11 .... ,.,,,. .. .,,,.,,..,.0"""_r--.t:::""a""c:;:,,,;"''""'"""'"""'"""".,""•., .. ., ... .,,"'"""''i Cl"•C fll)ftl 1 f1\' fJl o jhf FtOPtoBll l 7 1n1,1 I,,!,' ! +" l l ltt NM ld8rtW Cl! 71 I • II~ I\\ J'tO"lt f lee 11 1111 11 11~• + ... A •••lll:d l 10 l ni. 2ll< J>.., -'• FtllSlgn$ ~ ftl 1 • -I.. - -•• C •dell 3 3J'1 33 33\o -$6 FtdC!ptStr l 1)3 Jflt JI 1\1 -•t . ·' Huge Toy Sales NASO l 1st1ngs fo r Monday, December 1, 1969 ... ~v' '" ! l'"" u ,, _ /1 •rtlfv" ' •o 1 ·~ • •S • ..s >" F~ Ml9 1~v , 10,. 10~. 10" Al)bll.tl) I 10 t I ''> 14~ 1l!r +l :it t<ll1lf ;.~ 31 J~lo l•b U~1 + It F•"O CP 70 7 ,,,, 11 f 11•) -1 ACF lllCI 1 tO ?J ,; 1 ff"i 4t'lt -~t l tt C&...., I t:lSO Nlo II fl'• -o FIO<lbrO 10 'a~· 11lo 1)1, 71 + • ••trr .. tllllllVt ln!tr .. 11ltr IUl'!•lltttl II ·~·""''"' ' AM. tt.lft HA,0 ~t1<U M Ml lnclllOt r.1111 t 1 mttl~• !Mrlt.._. tr ttmmlu•11 .&cmeC.1 1 ffll 'I '' tt\~ 1) +I c .. oPLI I 4 " 31'• , .. , • ~ -11-. Fle\GclM ''° )'1' !t~ 1t. li" Acmt M.o.I ?ti 1 ~'' Jf\'t .0 -II C.1rpTCfl 1 Ml I 11 • ?I FJllrol 1 t ......, ll\.o 11 -• NE\Y YOIUC: (APJ AICC lier -Tht fcl!-ln1 blo Auto ~d .&~mE lilt 2J 1S~ U11 IJl\ ~1rr11r<;p Ml 5J fOl~ <fO tO!o + '•F11 F~rfltt tS Jlli 70'4 1\-\o " ,, (Ol•m f" 411 7'-'11.lllCt I~ '11fi H lrooltl JI 31'l W l':ttdt "'' 1-. ..I.II MllUJ '9 n \)'' 13 ... 'l" -.. trtffW .«it t6 30\. 7'\.11 :IO• Flrt•lne I 60 •I S2•1 JI:!_ JI"--•o iy SYLVIA PORTER nus Christmas !ltason, Ne.'Y Ynrk's famed F A 0 &hmarz t oy store Is offtrlng a rorn · v1ett mag1c1en set f o r • rhil<lrtn CDSl 'SI 250 Dallas' "fl:eunan r-.tarcus 1~ upstaging Seh\lioJ.fZ b) offering it , h1Jdre1, s zoo \\1\h burros .Shetland po111es goats a11d ojier animal~ cost $13 750 a \ear !t'ICluded 1~ a zoo keeper ,\Jso fur less t )!tra\ agent Tex 11.ns, Neiman ~tarcus will pro- v ide. a baby elephant cost 11 n1ere SS 000. ND matter lt0\v hnanc1ally pinched you may feel as \le move into"'the peak of the hob day season. all signs pornt t oward new records for toy s ales The expectahon is thal we. 11 buy no less than $2 8 billion of toys this ) ear (fully half during the Christmas season) That 1s more than double 19!18 s total IF YOU LOOK closelv at thr. tovs on display and in the bet· ter toy catalogs this l ear you sur ely \viii be 1mpresAed by lhC' 1mag1nat1on a n d 1n telhgence involved in pro ducing t.hem Here are the ma1or trends Toys whlch-leacll ate pro- bably the slrongest trend, for -toy makers today are employ· 1ng psychologists and other specialists as designers and making educaUonal toys for children down to and including infants One of my favorites this season, by Crea t 1 v e Playthings, 1s a plas tic pouch y, 1th water 1I1descent nuggets -Tiit fellow1119 btO AY..,,tO f erent sized buUons and bul· ~r~'N 1 ~~u..:111VO~'i le:f*t 11A1 1onhole3 so a very small child ~~f°" ·~i,on•JK~~mi, l\:~e~~ini h I t t Oe11er1 Inc: tre 9~nls•r C can practice t 15 n1por an noi actual 1r1ns.•c 111.w!,'.lt lloni bul •<I •ti>-ll~lltt P f ~lll rt!le"'•llv• lnltr 91Yl'llrl clNler P<lcHJ .. C>l :•~ltH \Var 'A)'S again are oul •P••o•lma1•1v ' tedlm W • m ti whlcll lt>f~ &•Ii.it hit One m&'-"r comrutny, Hasbro 1oecvr111,. could >elm 1no ~~ !"' lllVf ~n PY1 l\e.'k H~ Inc has transformed its gun-~~roHct lb~;;1teoini•~' lri'1t0;~ !Olin!! ' (, ( Joe" Into an 0!!•1tr m1r~t•t el•ll S.,.. ~ cll1n11t lhrougn !.lrl<h' 1 ndcn1•aler and oul<.'r space cv• 1n• div Price\ s1~u HI ~o l\Ol rn:ludt B<Mt~f El explorer ~~~~down ;•r~o~ g~11~:fC SPACE fOYS l'l\ulo" Bc1 C•P 1nean\lih1le, are JN Now on !!t c~~ 1!"' 11 ~::!v$vd s ale IS an enormous array of ~f-tf' 1~ 70,; lll~ :;:.•n ~~ spa ce stalions moon 1\alkers AVM ~ 10 • n l!r11.,, Be Acme I 9 , 10 • euckeY rocket 1aunch1ng outfits and til"f. :f" ~:\~ 3~~~: I moon gloves drawn from a<; Air 1n<1u~ n, 4 c1c L"'' .&lrllrn F 1? 171) Ctl W $V lual photographs Rem co ..1.tttee H 11 111• i-· A\t>flrl! l1 11'1<, •nPll NI I ndustries is offering, for ex Alco Lnd u•, l'~ an~M e d Alie Bt~ • > J 1nrld ample, a fully e q u I p p e Alig Peo s , 4 •• Sow astronaut base \\ilh rocket !lJreoAE: ~~: ~ ... ~::T~1A I h h I opt AIOI\ GM no 1"h{•rlt et aunc ers, rescue e IC e rs Amadc 1 , 1:,; ~•"' G" e!ectroruc headsets and ~"'E111~:~ ir: 1: 1:~,.Nu d of ,_ h g od ...,.. E••r n~. IJ. en VPS recor ings wunc m a m Am Fvrn "• 11 , 11a11 RA flight conversations !,,,ur1~~ ~ ..... ;,1 ~ ~~~t L~• -In dolls the main trend A M~11 a ' • •1• Chemia ..& Mell CP ll'o Jt>, (~f$ Ind continues to be t o w a r d Am Ploe 20 2~i c~e• u1 1 A S! Gob j SI'! <'.M Br&I reahsm Dolls not only now ..1.s1 G Pt 1 9 c~r1s1 s Am TelY 11 H •· ~hrfll pl \l.&lk, talk wet and sleep bu! Annt v• e n•, ni.c t•<kl t d t .&N:en c n, I c1111 UA a so n e go-cars grow .1.rc111 N Jt '° cn11 ue t h k S h d d ..,,Cl lllCI 11 'J C.l~r~ Ill! eel , s pca pan1s an O Aroen M u , 1 1, c11y1..,. h Th I Artoe" pf )t 16 ~llnl M~• pus ups ere a so IS a Ar-MoP u , 111o C:hnlon o g rl'ally expanded 'anety ot !:~0:. H ~~ 1~ , c~':r 't,, ethnically correct black dolls -In children's books the Allllrt••LIO I il.51441 f l, lstJt n1 ... u1~l•"'-'~F11cnr11m llltOli.O,.'°"'-~' ' II ' 1 (ollliu F 1• 1J~ LINlt 111 1'• )\t f~...., l'cl 1•'• ,,,,., Wl rs/lvll •1~ t ~ ,1.o,,.lrl l l• 1Po 11>.. 1111e01t 60 !It 31\o 311!Wo :IOlo -\ F>1N(111 ! 4'.I ~9 tt'• ...... fO, -• ~: '~ Cololl Sir 7• lS Lint Wd 14\i lJI, Unl!tc; 7•~ t\, WI~ NG lt'n 17 ~! ... Lit 1 tO 2J1 '1 1 40 > t0 1 -11 !'lttTr 1 :IO llt 11 \t .«llo till,:•,=·.~ ,•,•.''t•O<"•!r I~ 4 ~ )S JJ -o , !'•Cornett ,. 41 Lo"°" 5 , ,1~ Un Oollr 371'1 )t 1.i. RE lO'o !l'lo !!11lrr1 Cc 14 l~ !!lo ,,._ +Yo I CcrP "' ~. l'I , .. 60 l? ll'• 32 1 J?h "" '1'~ 1 4 (om (Ir OJ• 4<1\• L•rwn M "'• 111. Un lllum ?ti• ,.>lo t! tr 111-~ 1jllo A< Prod 70ll '1 lSU ~ \;l lSlo (I Cp 1'11 1~ 1 111.1; 111 1'10 + \'; Fh,_r FIS Q.$11 ,n, ~ • 19\t 1911 -1 • I 11\ cni ln!I fl~ l loL•iOv Lcl ?t 791,unMcGU l IU tbll Rt II I A rPd p!111 lilt 111 Ill -1 t«1 Ccrp 1D IS 1•:rt 2• 1l -... FjVl.,.Scl ti, 11• 11 171'1-• ,., ~·~om G•~ 11• .. U1<tL.r1 coat tlt J•,Un Rtlc I 1S~1W11a1rn lj'•l1llo ... !rll.ed 11111 16' I\•• 11\' 111~-·~Ctlr,nn.CPl J1ill Jll~ S.l'o Siio -i l'emlttD ~ It 1,µ, lllo 1J.Q.-• 10 11 'I I 1111 2l\ll L I G 30 , ll\o Ul !.~not 11,,.', ", WN'•'•'•",I 'GI 1 ' 2•' .&J lndu•lr e' 10 U r • 1 • -lt lte In Pf..&• !II ~I U~1 16'1 5'1l :t.0 Flln!~oft 1 U ~3"° 7' ~ 7J~~ -' 1: 1 , ~HT111 u,1s L:,,,~rTtt \ 1 U !""" • 11'.•1l•Aa Ga•!!~ I 1~1 1~o UI<> ~\\CHKOI"'• lO '6 •JV. •11'1 •l <'•Flin! ofAt JO i•~ 10 19~ 19•-1'• •&. ,47,,. Ofrl P1Y lJ' .. 16 Ltw!1 ei: II 11l, us n•el 11 7:1 Y••t~I p • t \'r A!l>erloC 11 '! ~. l•'• n. + ~ntFdv •Oil 1 ljh 1l I) -"Fla E (Ol•I lt 'U-Jl•• l• + • HoUlO Dlt'IP A J'lo •l:oLlllV Ell t t1.,t1 1 V5 u1~r t7111 4 Ui ,in NA 1~>1lll'ill ,1.lc1nAlv170 t Ml, ~'o 1' tnHud 14 1 1 11'• 2l -tFltGts Ml Ill \9t•""lf'• ft'l-' )6 ,J) !m1>Cm fO d Lobltw ,1 1 US Tri. lll\1:llV.~1lnNI• t hll•AlttS•rd 11 J2U 71U11 '• nlfllllll H~lio?llo2l l,_1~1!1Pow l60 16•1 t6'••61o-1• u ti\~ ,,., .. lnll n ,. Lolt Cdv \\1 •• Uo PtnP ?l 'JI Wun Pull 14 U'· AleX<lllrt JCd 1t , .... 1'\o ~ -} c 1111,.1 pit J.O 1tO ,, • ll'o ll'o llo Fl•Pi•" I ~. 61 61 • ,,. + • 1Q 11 mo In,, 11'1 U lt LCHI El•n 71 )J\1 Ul•ll Sld .!'• •'" •w',•,•,,Wh '0 111~ Alleq '" 20.o 11 u' 1l 14-. -lo fen UIP~ 1 " ... ". 1r I 11 ~ -•1 I• "•I 11 11 1S ~1•l1m1>Nltlt )11 ,~LYndl~ 31 3.\~Uhl!nd"" b )0,:~11•~ ... lltg6~60 1Sllo S.>o5.fl.:.-'•tnl LIEI I 11?1'o'1-oJJ o *l•l'luor(o20l! l'll.\11,.1lJ -• '','" , mo ''' --· "" G 1 1l lJV. 1/11 LO tli 10\\ Won•lw T • All-Lull 7 fO 29 •l .&0'> olO).. _ \.lo 1nMPw 116 11 "'• I•'• l!'o +\1 Flu'f "i' I • ""' • •Sl1 ..,,~ -1'• •• Olt'lft\ ,,, ;Qt; M•ilr It II 11•. V•nu S• " :PD\~ '''"' PL 1n-. 1 ·~ .1.nf;Lu11 cl l 16 •). '4lo '5\i + • Ctnl $W I 80 15 '°. :iJl • :194 -•• Ft...,·,· ,,o lot. "1• • )) • 2]\1 -I l6 :)t Con RDCk JO 11 1,MI R!IY Ii u,Vl1!r011 •O '1 Wrdtw E lo '"AlltQPwl.l? ... 21)1~ :PD'. tDlo -0 Crn1So\ll Ml J• 7* '1•o ,n,-,FM If t1 •4, Jl 1 '1'1 -·1,, • <'.1 S!fa18 ' 41..Ma~rt 61 6J ,VI~ Woll 17>,1',W•lght~V ltl;olfl>AllltdCn 1)0 U& 111, 11'1o t n o -•o CtnTllU NO d it•o 1• lto -l o~MC D!12S 4 ll'o. 1 31 31 l?'+Can!rld e. 1'-.Mcl"I A• JI• 31,WtC:llW p n 2' Vfdn~ E ,, I AllidMnl ~ • .)t,, J4\i :U'o -•o Ct rro 1600 1•6 l• ?•l.o ,, • '·~-F·~~ ~ 11 1:: r?: ?f,:=1, J, 3i Co,.lren J{o 3i;, Ml" n NI • •'• ... Ultd.',\11! IS 1Z JJ\o J5 '5 , ~ '(tr! lrt<I 10 2• ?l ' 71 • n • Ot>lr 1: l ll' t 1•1 ll •10ootrL :lll ?1 Manor( 10~\1 ~";:.::'.&led Pd ta ,,OJ? Jlhl1 "-•(tr1!tdpf~O l ?1ZJ1ll 1-1 ~g::!:'1jnlO .l~~l.~)~:13,0 ' 1• 11)\ OIP S 11 :19 Mtrm Gr n 1' Allle-c!Str I lO .SS JI• JI ]Ito ~lo Ctnn1' tOI> 11 ?l • ?J' ll'• F dM~ l oO 4n Olio tl lo •P o _ 11•, lJ , o'm vr ?t ?9~, NI B•owr ll ll MUTUAL ,1.u e~St cl • JlOll 55l1i "'• !SU -, (Fl sn I01 3 10 • 'o 'Q • -, F"' 11 8 ,. 1 'I + ll. d, Crwh d li > U, Ml~tr 0 .n •0', All lt'llSYD &O IOJ 1) 1 ll U, -•1 (h•dbtll Int 61 U>o It IO" + • F~M; 111 ./f, :; <a• ls 1 ~!~ ::~: ;~: r: !? ~ ~~'-' ~~l~y H ltli ~ ~ ~!~ift"'1Too •; ~::: 1::: f:~: = :: !C~~:,sN~ 11 ?i 1:,? !'': !:1: + ~1 ~::: ~~y .,t°r 3f a; h' 16 1l 1& •u!CI\ II: 10" ll Ntdll" ]1\~ JI• Alco& I IO )07 fflo ff? 6f'> -'• lltMM" 1 IO 11 '9 1 .. ·~ -~ Fo•DDro 00 I Jl>o l3 , l1,, ..i. lS • '~" ~J>rtl c II 12 Melot• l \1 ai.-. Am•ISug I 60 J 7'l\ f1'i '"" -"' hKkll<' Mol I If I 19 ' 19 .. • ,, F<Nllt S!r OCt 1 J'1 31 31 101.l 11 'J g•nlY NI 12'• ll~t Mlcll G•n ... 11\ AMBAC '.!Cl JI 11'0 111'> 11>, Ct>ernelrn lD ?J 1"• :!llo 2fll• -1'J Fre..,SVI I o!O Ill '1 0 11', 11" -, lt•, lf'o 11~ DIA If 1 ll • M did Ct 11 11 ~ AmtrE1 1 '° I :l:Ht 21 1 12, -•'J """NV 2 60 41 J111o JI 111 _., FruellCI' 110 !'f.5 :19 0 :it , Jt>l _ t I ~• It•\ C1111" P I 111 Mldtrx ..!. • ,'," FUNDS ,••.•,','••"'/360 I .0 lfl"" 3'1~ -V. t>emwv 20b 11 11 llVo 11 -'> Fu<1VI In oll Jl 31 , JI, Jl'o + I • '1• C•v 1 Fd 11 ' !lit. Mldw GT "' 1 .l 1110& ll • Jllo lift -1' llH 1/1 I 60 • :Jt•> :J..l:U :Jtl, -• G 2''• l'N CIY Mir 11>, 21~\ MPll Gtl Jl\, ll .&l'l\l'H pfJ :IQt 1l 701• IOh -r..1 Olllu t 61 !>I\~ JJJ.,, JJ•o -, --?01' 71 Cta1r In l1 ~ 11 Miii VIG 111 .. 11~• AAlrF1llr 10 Jl t0 :» ~ .in +"I 1 ll tt ti'• d \O -\o GAC Co 1..Jlt S2 SJ#, S71• 'n' ,•, '.·.·.~.·.•,•, ,•,',•.!.·.~ .. ".','" •,!,,,.. ••• •• ·.·.·."•,,•,o 31• 31 <• 3(1~ ll -\lo 111 '1l 11'• 111•-•f';AF (CfO •0 151 "'· 16· • "..., "" ~:1 ,. '6 'j'• u , in. -'Ii ct 16 1•~~ 19 it, -\Ii C\AI' oil xi 1 2,,, 1, , ~'• 6 0 01! C•nT 1J lo U •Nlollwt" It 20ot.,1•4 t •l!:JQ!Mff-£fk&AmElkNolt 1 I 2 11 21 -IJ P PIS I"'' 6lo 14•+>,r; • ..,~~o lJD •t ni~ 1? 1u . 15 , Dtl I!.• ?1''1 n "' Monm Pk lfl'r 1.1\1 Am Brtftdl , 12• •v.. ll"ii Jn'o -pl Cl } s ,. l ~ • •l'~ _, r.amS •11 11 I ,,, • '"• '" !\'I Ctv Am 1'" lll:o Mocte P 114 1' O.c 1 1nv11tors G•OOJP AmBdcil I '° 31 .U ,._ .Y\4 .56'0 -" (hi Mu•lc I '' 1• 13 Jt + '• f:•m5 oil ~~ 10 1l'i ?J ~ ·~ '~ Otv APP 13-loo lllt Moorl 5 1;, ~~ Nl!W YORIC fA P) IDS rid! 5 7J J 10 Am C•1> 2 '10 191 '1"" ~ .iv. + Vt !hlPneuT 2 11 J1 36•~ 36'• -J1 Gannrl'I •I $ 16' 16'• '' "' ,•,.-, 00•,,w" ,e, ,•,•,, J ,, ~','",,.~. >,.' >>U -Tho IOllowl"' <iu• Mui t •1 10 IO A(•~ pf 115 16 2~'.li 2f'\ 2l"i -"I llllP Cl UP I 21 ~ 7H~ 11 1 -\, Cit W-12 61 6 , ' I!\ •• """ v ... ' ··--''"' b PtO!I J 11 J'"' Am Ctrn 60 3t JH~ 11 l ll• -"' hAIP dNW 1 ?O . '10\, ?fl . -• Garw pfl 691< I ?I n 11 .. 11 Ol•c 11\C S"ll 6 Mutller 101!\,l~,.1~"",:.'11i:x:rAi11Xr. Slack lt•l2lltACllaln 1611 lt >1M1 JOV1 Jlllo -... !tlockFvll 60 21 10~, lC~ 10 1 -•,r.•..:tCl'fl 130 l~ 111,. Yl•l tlV.tJV.Olv~rCM '"" 5•,MulRI Et o•• ai'.'tllon ol Se<.u•l!iff S.!«I llD t.MAmCrMl!I t0 ?O 2J 1t 25 +v. llr11Clt Old 1Jl T?\ 111, 11•,->,Garloct 10 J l'll• 70 , 11 111,0lvM /n" ?l:Wltl!<NCC Lt• 12v;21\;o.111,. Inc 1,1 V1• Pv 1"6 lllACrYSUO 100 1 n•~ 271\ 21•0 -v. Cl! c;ypfftlll 1 ?l~ 21. n •,-11,r.11"""1" lSo I'! I~ ~ 'rn, ',,,• ~~ •• •,1e.,~ 311,,, flo, ~·.rr~g'~ J' ,,_ the o>ritfl 1! Whldl !nu Aestl 5 lit S JI Am(~an I l-li 7SJ JI\~ 2610 11 + ~1 Ctt O•pf J • lt 11\~ ll 1 -11 ~emll•I c,~ 1 1~'~ I~, "" ""' " 11 ' 11, lllt•e 11cutlllei 111e1 '1JIll11 Am Chi II 1 5 201iii 20 :JO -V. Ch•om•lt t4 5' 7''• 71'• :n>•o -~ tm n n •1~ l ID • 10'• l?o13 Cow Jon 4l1&J.N1tC1r R 2,~ J~tOOJla "•~• l!te,.1ucil JSJlllll..&Ol•lle! olOCI 31 1~1 261' ll'•-'•C.hO'll" 2 •'6 3.1•, JS•o JJ•o -\1 ~n•"o"" 11'q 10 1~h 1~• ~:: l': B~:~ s~ 1J1) ~~! ~~i"'~o~~ 09 ~1 1old (bldl o• 1'ouc~1 I¥¥ • O? 167 ..l.OvalV! 12g s~ 10\1 10. 10. -• ClnnGE 1 •0 .n '''• ?l'• 24. " .,, I '°" .. •I tn. l~ lO Cun~ln D 20 ,11 ,N FclPd lQ)Jl v.(1,ked) Mondfy J Mncoc.k ISO f7•.&0U8! cllta l ll Ul\ l!'t -\1C.lnGE PlllS Z110 66V1 4.1'~ 65 1-l ~ATS~ l~S~ 11 ~\-, J~ 64 '1 611\) Durlrcn ,, • 1.1 ' N•I G&O H \1 " • .,. Al~ J""n•l1> 2'261 n •• AmEIPW 1 M ,60 ?fl, ,. ,. -~ Cln GE pl • 1130 51 • JI~ 31 • ..,:~ c-b1~ 1 ~~ 1~·· l:'' i~ :g; JE ,,r•i~t 2f~ 2i~ ~!lr i,j~d j~ ~'· ~~r~r~ 1 ~; l tJ K~v1~~'1 ~~~\, n !:i: EE~"..~a 1n<1 3J~ fl ' ~; ~ ~ ~ -•1 ~l~s.~1~' ~ :g 1i ~:': j~ : ~'': = ~. ~~0~$,1 11,~ !i ~1 : ~.~ I I conl~ll 54 ,55 'J Nat Ptl J J .&fllli•ld 1•1101 Cu• 82 1t•l2l .. AE•lnd olA6 1110 14> ltlo l<I> CITF1n lto 161 JI l1• 11 , ~"•nCv"a"' I lll ,, '~' 1ft!o 2~o ll~t5V• n, l l>Na!SecR 11 '1,'Atyl" \Dl010l6 Cul BO 9Cl fllAGr<1ln> J.0 •!0 2t 23124 +'•Clll!l'ISv(l l}l •2'o l l ti•• I "~""l~cl •' lGI 10 , 781, 16, 26 .. I PftEI 1)t, ll•o Nol :M>ow s>' 1•, ..l.H Am F It ti Cu> l(l 71' I '• ... Gnln Pll to 11 J.t r Jt\1 lt'• -11 City l'IV Jtt;l It.I 111, 11 21'• -Ir.., F •nt 1•., < 1,, 1,, 1• lJ l lNlle 9 >10\JNll\lvr 1 '1 AIPll•FllllG•1'll (utlll 5405 '111.t.mHolOI 10 Jlll"ll\?ll'·-~CllYl"vpfBl 1•!41 •7••7'•-l •r.•1 Fttsl60 1n1 ~1 !l>\ 1' l IN 13 1' NII 1'1~..&mc~o •Olt63Cu1Sll~Ol\96IAH0111~140 150•''•4f 6•1 .!.>o(ltyS1r5 .o'.I ~IJ<.10io1Cl'.->or.o<1 Hnt ·~~T "o l''J ll ' 17 ' lclc~~ 1 ; 8, Ni~ GE 11 ' 11>1 ..&m Bui l 2il l 4J. Cui S) lD !1 ll GI A HOM• Pl I I tjl t! • tS>, 1 1, (ll•~Eq 1 <0 ll lS , l<>o ]J ' > (;e<1 t" ! l•r ltO 1n 0 Jl , 9 t, f'll'°'" S '1 6 NJ NalG 18' 191 Am DYi" l~Sl 11 J.0 ["' Sl 111 10 Am Ho10 74 l l • t5 o t]I, tP • -I'' (1•1'11 011 fO 41 •7 lb 1 16'\. -, "'•r M!lk ~I l~O 'I'• )<, n , n , £1 C SY• 41, 5\i Nlc~•n F 31'' 31 ~ AE" •Pl 10 10 Cu> S< S lJ Sn Am!nvu 110 •O ll'o 1610 1710 t '• ClllvCll!I 160 J •l'• O'• 41 lr;tn.Yol •JO<> io1 1n • 1~ 11 lb 1=1 O~I~ 1l1 !tl 'llel• A 36 )1 ,Am G•ll? AO' IS• Pol~r •ll tll .1.mMFd~ 9ll !l It>, t', 19 >-••(leY(ltl! 2Dt 1J l'• '2'• Jl o •1r. Mot 5.,11 1l 1•, n F.I MoCSul I'• l~i Nels B ~ ll ... m In 119119Kn!clib 7o5 7n ..&MdCIK 14(1 f't l •o 33 , Jl(•-'•CloroK lg 90 ~I• 11 , 71 •t -r, Mo! ol)ll t 55 .. ~1 1 F.•c (no J?>Jl\l NA Re>t 1! 10..&m Mt tlltt1Kn<k GI lll!l1tl,1.MttCI~ o!• I II 81111 II + •(IUfJ!Pea 90 \"6 1•1 J1 1 31'o-1or,•nP!'.om to J '~'• 7f11o ErriPSO I 2S>'ll N(&r NG ',"1~~·:i::N ~h ~~; :~t:~ ~·:~, ;rt1gta ... ,• •. !,1'o'.',", 10• 9'• •• 91• CN ... Flnl }() di 1(•1 l •· '"• GPybU! 160 ll' 1~·· 7111 SI , -16•--14''1 -I " 17lo -• 13•• -• 26 .. - .i:·=1 .... JI -I• ,. . I -'• l~ ~ • 10•1 ... '• ?IV. - ' °" • l!" + , 11\o -' " ' :i<'l1 +' JO -'• 'If• • 0 " 1• ' -•• 11'1 trend 1s toward experiencing: as well a s reading One baby book, otrered by Ctuldcraft Education Corp has bunny fur and whiskers to feel, flowers to smell mirrors t o ad· m ire yourself 1n Other books have 11ppers, s naps and laees !'~et!IY C 50 JJ NEut Cll ''>>>I'>' Ant , Grouo L~x Rich IS It n 15' • ••• ,, •> 10 llla ll > ll•o -1• CN.& pl Al lG Ul ll ' 10>, JO< f lo r,,., ~·fr~<• u ll<, lllo fntt9 ll:t •'o 'l\NPA G~s 0 '" lM '''L!Hrlv 671 IM m~"" '""" t.it 13 1 11 0 ll~1 f '>Cc1119! Ga• 11 ••11 t3J •to -•Cen s 9 !20 ~2 tt •at. produce the 1naterials 101 tea E,n,,is B 9 10 NW Na1G 9,J " Grwi~ 1 01 1, 16 Ll!e Stk s 11 , 01 ARe.ou "" 161 7f'• 11'• 11•1 -1 • ~ilSG• pll 19 s '6 , •6 a • -"'•n s 9 01 , ~t ., ~ t d h Th I nlw11 1! :n NW PuSv l!•,", lncmf 911101,uie lnY 1611J1,••. }!a,,1 ~ft • tlVt 1l\~ 11\11-~ DCICol lll 109 11'• n , II GtnSl lfld 10 u 15>, ll'o pary san w1c es ere a soe"" Ccro 1•1 J\~Nucl Asc ·~ " t LI~ 560 111 ¥' ... .., 2ll 1t>l 10 oc1Bllo 12'1 'n•o 2t, 2''• • •1r.r~1E 1 111 310 ll'. lll o Eaull Oil 13 • U Ortic Ari 11>:0 11 • d lf\Y f • !Olt l 1 S teo A Smelt 11'11 101 J) JI!~ 31>o -'• olo Pfl 1 :IO 109 •6 • d t6 1 Glot p!Ell )I) 170 11, 11'• are Seahorse ' corrals ' With Er t T~ IO', 11 , Ol'tlt W~I 11V. ?t\> :~~· In : :! ~~ 1~1 40 41 tO Am So.Arr 70 I• la lfl, J.I o Co!<! P oU ~ zlO S? • 52 51 r...,,T m~ It> It 31>, lQ • 1~ _, ll _, l' > -I 111'• ~ • 71 -' ~· I -1 1!1'• -• 1l•t -ll'o ~ I <111 -lo .. . ll -• ll•1 .. ' 11''1 • Jn,_._ ]'"< seahor••s •nd real ant'•'''',':,, '•' ~.,, g°',!..!c,•n :JI '° ..&lie HouuM011 c • .,n 111111 11 Am s111 i 1•1 11•1 11 • lH1 -•• co1unl ..&Iii r 10 is Jo 21 -1 Gon Tlr• 111 111 11,, 11 ., ' ~ <> ,_ ~· "~' ' ' 9 Fund ... I tl 6" MYI 117' 1416 AmS!d ft" 7S 10'1 1!M"1t lOlV. lllt -1 Co!ll" •d ICI II 0 1 t l 1 tl'• -1\1 Gtnt•to I 60 ts 19>o 19~ farms in whic h you can watch•,•,',',',•,, T •'•"· ,,'~. 0•,•,•,• !,• ',!1 1f'° Fund a 1 06 1 " MaM!n 1 J.I 119 ..&m Ster I •• n 11 n n + ·~ co101n1•• 1 60 11 3'l. 361• l6:i.., r.on1r1r L!d 10 o 1 11 " ' S!otk 6 JI 6 ~l Mau Fd 11 OS 11 OI ..& 5ua1r 1 60 31 1tl1 Jll'i 11\~ -J.~ Cole !toll ell ' 150 11 Jl 11 *I G•nuln•PI> 1 1 l!>i JI the ants tunneling through aF~,•,,M,•0,",', ",', ~·,•,",',,1 lV1·,H ~ sci co s06 5~M811r.1n12sa1J1 ..1.mSYePI '1 s "" '' •~\+l.itco111ric1 JQ 111 ''' ,.. 21,• 1·Ga ""' tob ,,, so , 4•~ ,. &eb111n lt1191MauTr U5116t5..&mT&TlliO 7185111$0'~51 -toCa.n•~oll~ 12••1J'•2~•+'·G~P•cPl1a~ 111 11 <>Jass =rrt1l1on 11,','••'~~~\~,'"•"'•'••"'•·~•r ~~·45 • Berg ICnl •et tatMa!u 601 101 AmWWk1 !6 1.S 9'1 9'• '"-\~CBS 1~0.tl 51 •I •P o 17'•-llio1Pac; o!!•O 19 11 1 511 t> ,..-lPu ., vro ,•, ,i Bl~lr I'd 1! It 11" Marher1 l ' 'j 11 'l AWW51ff 11! 120 16\~ 1' o 16 'o -I\ 1es ell 1 11 1'I I fl'o j''' -'4 r.• II•' 1 10 11 Jb>o )~ I n SUnl loday's fO)S no (ar F•I Wl'ln l\• • ~ P1c Fal' ' "" !.ondilk & 10 7 ]l M(0otl 9 I t 9' AW prtf 115 110ll II U 16 ->\ oluGat I 60 ti 16 > 1' I -~, Ge!!•O I 1h 7~ 50 ~· ° Fl c~n9 lt 19'11 P~kco Co J!..) 6 80-ton )I , ..., 11n Mid.& Mu 110 1 a AW' 1Pf I~) l300 20 • 2tl \ ?O, -"-c!uP!tl 6'l<I n 11•, ~1 • ?1 • -• r.•Uv ~!I 70 15 0 " " , be}ond entertaining and ac FitM !I~! 14 1s P•ncol \~ • 1~ ~ Bo-1 Fdn to ts 11 " Mood• CP u s1 11 to Arri Zinc 11 11 , 21•1 2u. -\' lo1so0~ 1 16 11 JI JO o Ol'• -1 r. •nt PC 60 :a 10,, ,0 , t 11 d h chi Ft>OOFP ~6 PkWY 011 10 •,, Bo•!on Q11t01NIClldvs \313U01..&mllfk6o. l;:J11:0..21•1Hi-l OfrlbEn2•0 llH 10111 '-''GIOUF 55 ,,, 71 ua y o engross 1 e 1d 1n Forst 01 U~U'oP1r11.w H ,,,• ,~ B•old 51 uuussMOr!on Fu""• Amttc111C ., 16 Jl~ s1.,. J I\,+ 1, OME p!IJO 1 JI'~ n' 11, -'r,"~~L n• ~ 1~,· 16 • "~•IG•nl )l"'l''~P1non R '•-•, , ••• , ,,,,,,_ Grwtn 91910111•"< CP 311 l11 16'• 25'• 21•-\• omlSotv 4(1 2'1• 71'• 74lo l1 '"21.' ew .. • construct11e act111ty I gotlaFo!OciU 2'• ]l,P8u!ev p 10 10 ) u... "' .ll...,.. .\] .... »·~ 5J••-1 omlSolo!N I) 11, 11 . 11>1 -112-111·~~· •• ·~. 161 .,,, "~ Fol 11 It\ ··~Ur 1.1 11 (('j Fd tJt lOIO lnc""' l•S ' AMP Inc •• 191 .. '"" " I ..... wed 1 2~ ~ Jt l7 JI',~ .......... -' '11·~ ,7 , 11' I -I ?t\, - " u -· i.oni -•; n -\1 51"' • ' 36 -1, ,, ' 17•~ \(" '" -• " ,.,,_, • , and goldfish lo be suspended on a bar before the eyes of a small 1nrant Another 1s a 1'Crahgator, ' a lo\v platform on casters on 'Ahich a baby can naVlgate around the noor eX}>lorlnj? things on h l s own Still a-1other. developed by Litt.le Learners is a furry puppy wearmg a coat with dlf· A RT ALSO IS being stressed There 1s an a s· toundmg choice of washable chalks, unbreakable crayons. clay which can be baked in a home oven, string sculpture kits , soap pain~ for use 1n the bathtub, c:rayon melting kits to make co!Jages etc -Plants are sprouting too lnclud1ngch1ldren 's greenhouses for g r o w 1 n g vegetables and f 1 o w c r s "mustard and cress ' farms to findmeahouseofkidssolF°"~mS•8 11!19!Pf"•"'T 25 1~~~:~:~, 1:;J~~f.,.J~1u~d =~=~~~;';'~~oi lllt•o J•lkJ•,-'comEono ~,,,,,,,,,,_,GitnAld•n 91 I'•!•• I thth t J "'"~ICP 1 1 1 Pen OlxL •1o r,0 c:1pl?ln,,. t .)Ct •l!t.llFG!I\ i1••'1..&mtotn llH lJ•o lJ>,-\)ComwOl 60 lJltlO>o liJ •l'O •-l•"\olHIM~rn MJJ0'1 l9•o Can pay \Vl elr OyS \ JIS Frnkl" E 2•l• ?SJ, P• En<1!n .,! '!'~ C:aP I S~r 1 Jl I OJ A\v Om(; 11 S ll Anaccnd l '° )'l~• 2''• ?O ?t•o .\-~, 1omDU! Sci 611 29'• ll» 21 , C.lobeUn 80 ~l! 16 1 1~'• Dec 25 "F.~.~~.· '' •,,', •'•·' ',',,,o•,•,•, ·~, ;' Cent si.r ll IJ ll.12 Mu Om1n f 19 10 71 .1."c'1H~1t 10 JI i\>, •OI~ 411• + , om111 1 11 SI'. i6 56'• "-G.cei:k tll In 1" JPo l'l'l • • .. ,," 10,• c~8nnlnq l'ur•:h \oly t Shr• Ull UJl AnccroNSv I ' 71' 71'? 71 " ~ .,.,.e Mills 1 U !I • !I• u > Goollve1r IS l~f JC ?9 1 ~<av-•o 10.11 P•~nll:E • ,, ,,,,,,,~MYtTr$1 1J?t'''''' ·-'' .~ •O• ,.,-, (l)f>r~r(o 60 '1 ll 37) 11·-•f'CfdJlvA •• 1171'• 11'1 C.~rl/11<1 H '. 16 Pto(I WI 9'• 10 ' (~n SI I 7J l I' • EA My! 10 11 I 1 tJ A:achraCo i~ ]4 711: 10 ) 11 -,: Con Edi\ 1 10 l~l 76 15 1 1S , • Gou dine I •O " •P• ~O ;.>I ! Svc 1•'• 15 ' P-.t"T ,•,,, ,•,~• f:fwl~ 6 J.~ 6 91 Na! Vl5"'C 10 Oo 10 SS Aoc;oOll I nr 11 JI 11 0 37, I~ ConFOI• of 6 11 10 • 10 1n , -, (';•~t•Co 1 10 91 ?Mo 7s1, ''l«!t S>, 6 •Pelrollt ,. ~ l~c""' 11llONa!'!lnll 111S111!Aau1 (~em ?1 tl!U; •6• ,,~·+1 (011Elll1clS 19 6J, 65 f.5 ,+ •G•anbv 17"1 t Jll, ll': ICnellc; 3> 1•,P~lld!" •,•,, ~., Scecl II• 11otl1t'1,,v11 ''J 911.&R..& svc '' 51170 11•>1?0 '-•1,ConE olC•IS 1110 6(), 60 6ll -•.r,r~ndUn "° 1n 11'~ ?I C.~I E~I I• t l'ft I ub ' • C~"le Grouc N .. 1 SIOCW Ser ArchO"n 160 t JI _\6t o S1 _ \o ConFOCd 110 UJ 4J > 41 o '2'o .._ 1 "•enl!•C SI! !8 I 1" Cro!tl l l 'I Pl'IO!on 2,1:•1r1 Fund !16112 11 61l1n 1041111ArlzP5~c1 01 l0ll•?fl~i?l l 'o1 ConFdo!l50 llOS !Gt 10.1 -1 GrJn •ev l•~ 611\.1111 Git~n lJ•.16\~Plt Pd 1• Frn1 10CU10•.ll Bond JJ0601Arl•ni0S ?O 1i 2?» ?l 22 _,,C.,..Frelont I 111 29•11 • 11 ~-'•r.r .. nlW l•O 119 .12'• SI '• Gino' U •5 P!nltrln 11,s,: n,,, Sh•ftO 11-161163 Clv!d 11' ••I ArmcoSI 160 f(I 27 ?6'• 16'~ Con LN1lno '9 lO•o 10, 1~'• ~ •Gr~nl ol ll~ ''~ <s1, SI., gltlfetl ll J.l'h Porlr ~IC "' " Si>e<I tSllOJt Grwlh t'910U..&tmour \6() 6 411 oJ > Ol'> !PllN11G 116 16 '5h ,5 0 ?S •-'-l G•ayO•o 110 l! 111 , 17, lt11n w 09 J.O Pio Gell n,~. 1',' Chtrn<I nu 11 OS Pf S•lt ',. 7 ,, Armt pf ',, I 5tVo 59i;,, 5911 -'• on1Pwr I'° •I l) • 33 ll~. + ,, GI .&ILP 1 ::0 SJ 19'. :ll'• loO Rull •• 5 ~ Pr1111 ... "~ ' (OICl'l 11 11\C..... 5 JI '10 ,l.rm•IC~ 10 ,,1 ll ~ 31'• 331, + '• onPw oll..52 150 6t II 11 -1 C.INOrlr 1 JS<! 16 IJ ll • l'iold(Vc; 11 '10 Pull5NH 26,)1 £qutv •76 52() Sloe~ 121tOJ ArmRull l60 st3l JJ'oll•t (P11Pwoft...S01Jl0'1•61 1 61 _._ GtNoPool60 101'P1SS Goor! LS 101. 111. Pubs NM ',•,;·',·.~I FYnd 10 tl 11 95 N11 w.,, 1 M 1 n ""ra.,, Coro 91) l 7fl. 2'0 ?O -., CPlll ... lrL 50 ~s I• • ll'• I< -• t;1NntP nl •O 1 l'i ' IS ... GOG<lw~ 1V>A PullSNC: I• G..wlft l,.110Nt1Grtn fllOlO ~sArvnlllCll 1D1•1t1''•1'•-•CcntC•n11!1 211171 76 0 1' ~t GtNorAul 4411,fl NSC Sale~ Jump ,131% l 1'• -"' ~'! i ~·-19\~ 71 ' -11 to . -11 711, -JI~ -" l"o -'" J2•1 "'1 5s~. "' " Jl ' -'" '"• - • • . " " . r .. I I I I t I I I -I .. J f J J: Earn 6%, 7%,8% or MORE In today' a market, top-quality bond1 car-ry the h1ghe1t JJ1eld1 1n thi1 century! 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There's no cost "r obligation involved, l\nd for a free copy or our latest. research report, "Time to Look at Bonds 1n Your Investment Strategy"', teleph on e or v151t any of our offi ces or use the coupon belo w . You'rt elo1t to Ml'n who knolJJ uJhtn you 1nve1t with. • DEAN WITTER. ai: Co, JNCOJ\PORATED Srtnton n Opden Vic e Pre.slde11t S50 7''c1vport Center Dr1 t1r in thr. f111ancia t Plaz:o Ntwpo• l Beach -Telephone 644 2292 • DEAN WITTER •CD INCORPORATED Plt!IM l!nd ml'! ~py(1r1) of )'Out Irie rl'port •Tun! lo Look 111 Bond' in ,·outJnvntm•nt Sttatl'ry" ,l'l1t1M•'--------------CI ___ _ Adtlr•"---------------- .Motktt Neira:. lll!!ar A concu1e 'umm•ry of the market open· ma and I.he latest bu!ineu and firutncial neYo'I hishliibLJ. on DEAN Wl1'fflR MAHKE'I ltEPORT KfAC, Di.al Po~ihon J:l.10 8 o.; t m , ~fonday lhroui;h Friday N t I S I C Gr a Pl! Cn ?O 20"1t Pu1111~r 16 • 11 Von! 6 1$ 1 tt Nevwl" 1S ?O 25 ?O A!>hld 011 1 10 Jll 1~ 1$\o 1s•, _ o.:, Con! 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Fii 1Jl11•!1Pu!n8m Fund• Fl&nql' cfl 1 11,, "' 11 ~-•C~wCol tGll 11'0 30> 2t, 19;_1,HanclH~r 11 ! ?I ,,,, 27'• •• cents, a J J percent Increase l~f ~~ sr~ {r,, j~,? :•:1~.::, ~~:,; ~l~ Ct!vl I " U 49 ll 6' Eqult 10 ?l I! 17 BanQf' pfl ii 1 ?t , )(\o 1, '!t ~;rown Co•k 713 16>o 11 16 ,. H1ne1Co tn 71 16>, 16'• 16 1 -, (rOJTI earnings rv>r Sh·•rc Of 45 tnt 8W.t1 6'~ )>, Se<ivVI 1'\< !Jlo E1:~~!.nHow1~;~ 11 6S g~~~g l~~ lt ~~ e,',",,,.",,' ,•,•,•, lOo 611, 6' 61': :j: \, (rvml• I 1 60 118 ll'• JI l! = ~~ Nann~M 1 >0 J )I ' 36 ' J6 1 I'~ '-' lnl Mill 76,. ll•. S~Ytn Uo •? Al 6 51 1 SPi .JPlo _ \ti TS Coro tQ 1J 1-'> 1710 17>. -~' Hlrtourl 1 ii SS , S• 1 I• 1 -! Cents for tile ·an1e period last '"' .. ,,, ,,,, ,, ..... , "'II <ID •S Grwlft 11 3• II JS Int om I •1 I~· Fllrd CR )I ..ia 5• ,,,, SI CUd4~Y Co 19 ,,,, ll 0 ~? • -• Harri' Int 1 110 13 • "" JS .. ~ n • "'"'" Ince"' 1 1161' rnve•I 76'tlllo 1 ,,,_ l>l>'ll>•o >"'',,CUd~Y o!17S J17~>1 1>-,M~rccCP• 2119 o19>•lt•-' )'ear In! ~ pl 1J 16'~ SC1I w~t 13'• l• • ··-· '' '' •• ,, v.... ''' ' ,, "•'•"• ", ·M•,.1 JO t lOO '° 1 ·~ •n ~ _._,,~ u oan ).~ "'• 'P• "'• -'. H~•!~M·~ .1.6 12 11' I :!('>, :1(11, -I In! SV$ 21 14 Sljlntl Co 8 ' 9 So•<I 11 1111 21 Vi!ll 10 '2 '' 19 •• t "'' .-o ~ '! Ill 11 --. • ' ·~·· ' ' ..... , ~ I~ n lft ''> ' .. -' UMmltt lllb 10 '°'' JOI'\ Mt --t ,, H•rv ,I.I 1 ?Cl 1Sl 11'1 :is . ;J•• -M"Neughton po>!d t "' &If• 1'•'~ ...... ' '"'Etwor11 lJJ1un ••oTtd!SaJS'll 11a1•1MIPfl t lJ'olJ .llt ;un"Or!IQJO 12"7 19•11'l"o -~.M11C~ro•o • •~• 9i 9,1 -'-1 lt e 011 lnlrXI ll lt 5oUn G1 7s~,1~•E9re1 1l11 1't1Rtvt•• ll )O ltJlBe!~ tnot 1' 11,~ 'ltt>I '1 '=•o U<llnWrl I '6 lt o l"o 1u,.1. H•wUEI 1:!1 1 lD> 30 30 Iha! the 1969 figures include ::n1~~ .. 111 ~ ~ ~ , s1: ~1's':c ' • • • "mrt St 'IS I 51 •mtn111 1.s:i 1 JJ 111uschL11 10 11 "" 11 • n !u'' "'' A 2 6 ?9 111, N-\. _ '• H•v•• Alb 1 ,, 111, u 11 '''"' "'• U1, ttfrQY 1310 1J 1n Sell!'m Fd 6.61 I 2J l\e~trl~ll 1n 17• JU\ 31110 "''• ., Yllt' H I 2'I 6 l l JI 31 He clllni ti 16 lJI• 15 ~ _ results from Anthonv Schools 1~~:~~ ~ 1 /~· 1j ; ~d•cRrevaf• ~~ • ~l' Entor1• • l• 9 11 Sc~v•!r 16 11116• e1vu~C!Q \II 76 lD'• 101 • 10,, :_"" vc101• 1 ID • J, JI JI -1 , 1otcc1~MnQ 10 11 JP\ '"• 30 , _1 ''h'ch ''as acql''red by Na J~m W~I 1,, U>S!O Scrw l0'301'[qu 1Y 31\\D ~Scvdder Fu~dl '1!8'""1 1 l '' 47 '1 _ YPruoM 1tO 11 !I ~> 31 +,Heinl HJ I( II Joi 35 , l\'o - '.m>>• ••>»>SlanHPd !J 16 •;avlG!~l9111Jt! l"llnv un11v11ll Be11Fd1l ?O:itv,:J11 1 ll\1 -0-Mel•n~Curt 11 1,,u ,11 t I S ,,,. 1111 Soc! J1 11u11eecltm1~ so 15 ·~··•I • 41 1-'•o. '' Htll Coll ao 11• ;1 ?•'• ,,,::11 )Ona yS!emS In JUiy J968 1~1(1;.•D;d! 1~ '; l~\IJ ~:~:: ~!r u~• ~; ~ ~~~~~~ In ~l ~: \i ;~ ~~ S! n ~:ii~ a:~~~A~~ ,jg )'49 6G>, 60 /JO , _ I> 0. n Vtr 17 61 Ulo ll , I? ~ I, H• •r !~I ~0 50 Xf U 1 19'o and s1xmonlhsoforu•rations11;~1s••Sl n,1.1su11•cTY 4 zA'•••• ,, , 1 01 '' " ?11A >11~111'> oa~r 1~~'.Ji. ,1??!i•1'•1l'o -•He11er~i.01 11s,1•1>!t>-• •"" '' ... ,. 1 F t~ 1, •" I ~ 1 ll •c v ST 11 It Belco P•I 511 JO 77'• 110. 11'• ~·• ,_. "'• , >..v • •~ • JO M~lme Pd! 1 11 1' , 1~ 15 1 4 or Atlantic Schools 'vh1ch \I as ~:le~~ 01 ~~ , •i s;.~ I'd ·~~ 9 : ~:;;mG~~ I:\': l~ ~ ~~~ fu'tYll l :r : ~ R:lrn~~w ~ s& "'' lf 1Pio + .... '6~~co'c."'p 'i'11 n 1: 7 ~J:· .S• • t '. Helmrl\P 10 6 11 • 11 11 ac:qu1red on April 1 1969 ~:~~mGrn ! ~ ~lo f :::;-:,~ 21l,~ 2/Q F d ca., n •• 111~ seiec Am 10 lS 11 ~ B111 1n1ercnl) &6 .s;u_ '1 ! ''1~ :_ 1 i. o:~l~~~ 1 ~ 1t ;f1! '"': :~. = '! ~=~:1 ~~ ~i: '; ~'; ~ , 1~ = , National s~ stems IS an ,'•,•,,•,,,' ", •• l~"· ~a.·.~!~' w IJ • 1• ~I~ ~~~ u Jri ~: ~ ~I 6::.s ~ ~~ ~ ;j l:::'d1'. ~CliOl x~ u.. lr; ll \ CPL ot"' 3 15 1\30 51 • ~ ~~ ~ : ~ ~·rc~ia' ~o:'o ?~ l''lo 17 J7 "" 11\~lt Flflanc111 Pr09 I<!• IOU ll lJElemu~olJ ~161'~6' 6l'l-'-1 •CPLP'!.3'5-15050 so~ "ler~.,.1 ., ?D:fi,,jl"1;~.J.I educational 1nstJtute \\ t l h K~,~~. , •,; , t~'· r,~,:,:•,•, ~ 1l Cynm 611 11• s1,,,.,. un•v•ll B•~IFln 1 60 191 sn, 50V. !111o + \, g:'•"••"••'•' ,1... 1"6 ,,,, •1 ~ 110, -1 M~P~c"1r !It 1, 97 , 91 : .., , =• II'. -lndu ! 4 I I •St 'ilg Inv un1v11\ DPn!I!' ofJ •o 1 Ul 1J1 151 -l "" 10 19 • It.. 19 , -, Ml 1 '" more than 33 O<MI students Kf~! Fib l! 1J 'T111rm A 1~ 1~!· 1nc0tt1 'll 6 91 ~19"'8 Tr unav81 etnllF cl• so 11011 61 60 61 _.1 1 Mn , 1 111 ., ,,,, ,, , ,~ 1 _ ,, o~ vn t•P• " i1 :n • n enrolled Ill accredited res1clrnl ~=~:,(PUC ':,: 1:'. ;::~: J~ 11 ~ n. F,':F"'.... I~~; iii~ ;:'nth,~~ : !~ : j! li~~F ,::: ~g .~~ n' J! ~ TI., -,,, g:11::~1• n1'0 l ~~ ~~:~ t;': 1~' ~ ~ ~il~~H~~el 1 1~~ ;; ; ;~ • 11 7 1 "ndcorresponde nce stt•dyplO ,",•,•,••,•, ",,",',,",',',,,'" ,','•,',,1 F,rlnG1h10111111~w1nuG1 1 01 111e~n<rue1 ;JJ 1J>, 1J ~ u~,_._ ,ee0nnM!t ~o s1?1•,1•, 10 1 ~,1 H1eoptA.t2 l ?1 21 ?• + ., G 1 • F•I l"SI~ 'Oil 9 16 Yer Inv U U l! .U 8fnOutl In 1l ll l~\0 lJ t"nMl1 Of l ID ?O>, 2~ ?(I I HOb~rt I 10 A •1 > 41 •J 1 + \ nran1s in a 1J 50 s tates and 2'> ',',',", ',",, ,',',', •1•,, •, ',',",~~t .~ ,J ,' ,,',' F•t Mulh 9 6110 11 ~•Frm Gt 5 51 5 (5 De•kPhn 1n o0 n 11 , "'I -·~ OennYRll O• 101 111, 2'1•• 10 , + ,, Hotrnw~1 n 1 is '''' JJ t> '"' I • F!I 1'181 1 !I I 21 ~l~!e St SI 00 !1 00 Bfrm•c Ca o l&I 1 ''• 6' _ '• Cnhply 1 lO• t <I •I ti _ Mo!! Elft!r~ ?! 11 1! , I~~ - foreign COUntrleS ,'.",'",,, ,>, ,'.,',,',,",,," ,m,,",,~ F~t Sltr1 ~5:1t ,tll1tt1dman Fund• BP!ft Stl \80 l90 l"' 11 71 _,,conRGr 110 6 II 11 • \I -HOldvlfln ?\'I ~! U "'• tl•-' • F1•1 (•~ 11) Am I~ 1111\111 8HM lnd JO 16 t'o t•~ 19~,.J. \i CerKC P!-'8 16 !l o !1 >st l 1 oMD !tS o l?fl 1 12 ?Po 12 -4-1--------------~~~-~------------·JF l~I f'nd 6 6• Flllut 1 Jt I 10 110•,•,,',"o'•"• ,~, ~ •6 ; •s•i ~I'~ ~I Of!M>lolnc •o 3! JI o la , 31 , -! , Momooi~e ,, 7l 1a 1t ~ 19 ~ -F l~ (!ft urlY~l Sci"' •11 J16 11 7l '1 n -1'~0.tEOI, 11Q 91 17•o ?!I ?2 , Hor~vwl 110 tS l•I lU 1'6" • ~"II Gtft $7 ~l•>leln Raf Fd1 Bl~itJo~n 41 '1 73 72>4 11 -•4guEa P!SSO I IJJ, 81 17 Meov8! l?CI II 3], 33 33 ·.~· •• '," ,•,,•,,·,~ ,',',' •• ",,',',",,!! ,",'!..',,",",,1 ,, 161, '''\ 16\-•o OISIHI JOo ',! l?o ,,. 11>0 -\.tHo•I ln!f JO 1 .,., .o•o "'•- l"t8r~lln GrOOJp S!ocJc U '6 1' '6 P.I • 11'11 1 !O ll 'I Sl'• S3, -1•, DltlFl111n SO I ll lO'o 10•1 - > Moud Ind 91) ll Hlo lS 1!' -,..,,., St &1' 1 JtSuP lnGt 71111•llcbftl! !.1'111 I• J, "'• 11 1 -,011mlnllJ t O i3 •!o .oio f l -'~HD\1<1 c!IT1 1 Jl n~ 31>-I '4" 4/5 Qt ~ .., ... ·-JI µ, SJ''> Jl•o -1 C1x!fr 1~ :14 o ll • J.t•o _ ''[Hottl(o .&m •a 17 , 11 o II o - ONTC. 10 ''!I 11 WPlnSI 9 t• 10 19 llMlnq 1 ?0 ,,1 JI • Jrl'o ;wi.:, -~ 81tS~lm 1 10 t6 1''o U•o 1'•• _ , Mou~ n! 111 .\ ?f'• ?I>, 1&i... -J UHi 'IS 'IS ~Y"t' GI 11 :JO l? 3J P.01'(•• 1Sb 2/l 11. 75 '> 71. .... • laS~ Pl C.7 • '9. 21 ~ ?l'o ~ • l-lou11 Miff •O ,, ,, • 1\ • n Seagram's Extra Dry, The perfect martini gin. incl!"' 1112J1fMRAo1011210180N1$lrsl •11 ?1>~7p, Cl1Sorc1•0 l013'·11~15'•"'-'•H(l<!S~~F'l1Q &QUztJ•otl o - Frel'dm I l 7 9 15 fe~t~r• JO 1J 10 6il lleokMt~ 1 11 J 171 n•~ n•. -'• Clct1pf\cn •I 51 16>1o 2J is_., -'• Houi F pU •0 J 13? , 1;1 , 1J1 1 ~ Fd ffMYI 10 711g 1' Teclln.cl I t6 I 06 Elcrden 1 ?0 '" ?J I 15 Ii 15 , -'• Clfb<>ld 'Ill I 1o,1h 61 '> '' ) -1 , M1>11sF' pf7 ll I 61 61 61 • Fund A"' 9151 IJ lec~v•I 111 llor11Y1 .. r 1 )5 Jl H ~ 1110 )1', t iaCGorp!c 60 11 ?l 'o ?1 -·~ Ho~'ILP ! 17 ~0 •O? tll , fO I\ ! Gen Sec 10 5t 10 St tec~nol 7 ti 111 6o•m1n' 10 •S 1•'• 14•\ 1' ~ 0 G!or g Pl ti ! JS'> 35 ~ 351, --1 , i.tw•ING• '0 1J •~ , 41 , •I , _ Glllr1!1r IJ"ll76letnP GI 2'i116JQ llo•Edl1 10& '~ J!•o ll • ,p,_ Cllllnohm •O 7~ ?9 fl>,''' MouGI oll50 s If 41 1 '' Grouo Soc T-r MR 6t0 7Sl Bev"'• Inc 70 7•'> ?tl 7,,_,{Cllng 1>1 A1 I 5J1• 51> 51 J l'IOwJonn )0 Jl It ~ 19 It .I.fro Sc 16,,t.STranC•o 77J lt'/Btan!lA" J.O IS? 11 , 11)>0 11 _ ,CllloftCe Ji.II 3 16'• 16•116".l-'•Howmer 10 111 tt 'l 11>1 11••-1 (Ofrl St 12l&l).ltTr•v Eo 10 tt 110&6rlg;S1 1•0a I S1 3l'J Sl •o t••8111V(tvb 50 l9 17't 11 1 1111-'•Hvdine JtC'• i eP 1 1t1 , 8\11 -Ful Ad I Sl t lS Tl.Ider I'd 1d " 11 JO erl1t MY 110 111 1ft>o t••o ''" _ >, l•nr~ JOb It 110 , 111 1 !ti<, -, Ho"" M•I ·~ ) 1~ 18 11 -• (';rt~ lllCI 'I fl '1 to TwnC GI •st • tJ e•l>tMv pf 1 ID lo\ 0 '6'1 46-'t _ ,~ O!~eoslncl :l6 11 18 o 17J o 11 o ldtl!oPw t 6() ,',', ',,> ', 1,,1 , >,,> Grvolln II 01 17 'Ill lwfl( l"t • 6J 5 Cl& ~dwY >iii• I t fl) ;JI ~ JI'~ -1 1 CrPtPPll' 90 1' ft •t •t , lllf~I B~•lt I -' t.u••dn 1t 6l111JUnll Mui UMVfl llwvM~ pf A) l u•, 111. ... DO>'llM!n 10 Jj '''· .... ., I!! Crnl 11 • so J1 JO JO -1 H•ml!TO!l Unl!d tl6101lBiilynUG111 ll TS>o1S 7.1 _,,ComFcll1"1 1'11,n ll -~olllC•nc!l!O 1~'1'•50 ~51'•-' MFI 4 67 510 Unl!..cl F~nlll Brown Co II 10'• 1C , 10 1 -1, COfl"llil'v 60 10 )1'11 ll )11 1 -~, Ill PO~/e• 1 •O JS14 )J ]l > -GI~ OJl lOll Actm 113 llj•ercwn Co pl • ll'• ll• 15~+ ,Doric Co 32 I 191, '8'• 7~'•-"'111 Pw pflJS 11JO J1 Jo , J M"nour 1 :Jt I .Jl !ncom 1' ·~IS 0 ewn 511~rP 1 f !I 15,~ lVi _ ,1 gorr Ollvtr 11 lJ•1 11\o ll, -•1 111 Pw "'I'' 1 30 JO ::"I , 79, -1 ~•tl>Qr 8 '' 9 11 Scl,n l 10 115 BwnS~~e 1 so J 3!'i ll 1 31 ~ ·~ ovtr Co 10 7 •• 14 '' 111 Pw "' IJ 1•0 .)Ct , 10 , JO , .0-1 fl•,1w11 110111ltUFd c~n un•vtl le•u~iWll; 10. ,,1 ,., 11 11 -~Oowcnm100 l~• '''• 61'• ~1•1 -lttll t>w o!flO 1110 19 , 11 i'~•-M&C l•u 11011211v~1ue Line Fd llvtvEr l l'O ?J lt~ "• 19,,-CreYoCol •O 11 \9• 21 ?l'o -'o!mnCpAm $8 u , 1'o •1+ ' '"1,',G" ,•, '•' 1•, '••' ',!-1.,!:;I" ', !? •, ~ Dudll Cc 11'.1 711 11 16.. li.>i _ ,. Drtl!lnd l •O 1 It f'• '''• 1J • -'o IN" Co 1 •O 115 l• • ll'o l• H~l!1H l fl J 1~ s'pi"'Si1 ,.ti I ;a !.lldt F Ol 60 l ''· 1~. ,. grtn~ 1'11 ?\'I J• 31\o lQ•, lQ>, -1 • nc!l'f'~ (•Dll .I u • u • 14 • .._ • 'M."" l'n,.-.. ,,,,,,1 ''' 0 ,,eyd~etln If 71 t1•, 1J•t 15 ;f.~ •tJJr pfBl 11 ,.,, 28'~ ll'•-1 •1 "VC"'(l•D 1 91 •• '' ·-~ • B HF 1 10 1• ll'' l • .,, • O,tYtu1Co Ill 11 300-. ,.., ,. .. -a, Ir.:! In Mil (,!) 11 1.1 l•'• ?• • Hullsmtt 1171'\.iVJr>drllt 1 01 1111 u or£ 71 _,,.,.•::.,•-,•CIJlttPWl tO l31•o ll\tJl ••-~1'1dol•F'll.$C 31 ~1 7l)?l••-ISI GI~ SU S•SVlnfld J6 ~13 8VllWI to ,,, ,.,, ·,·,, .. ,,, -~CV-·• Pt67S 110] 101 \OJ ~,,lftdF'L p/IJJ • " ..... 8•1-11 • \51 Inc '" •15V•r Ind~ ••1 ,,,Bun-R~mc 1 t • Dun8rcl 1101 tt !I•, S.o .16•o -l•i l"fJMe~ Jl1 I To ,,, 1••-! i\ molt• r< •IO Joas l/lkln!I 70! ''' euntll llf l loll •1 •I •1 " -• Ouolan co 11 ?:J>o ,.1~ 75 _ 11 1nclB•ncn fO & 211, "1 11 11 _1 lmlf C•o t II 1n.l! WI. Mor1 ia XI 11 1J !.yfl Ind I <(I 10' J1>, JI • 11 ~ dUPPlll 5 ?So IJl IOI , 10l4 107 -1'1 l"oe'll~.,., I •• <(It, AO •O • Imo G111 I ti I Tl WA!IS! In 11 '1 'l 'l llv•ndv 1(1 ?• ?J\, nlli 73 -'' duPPl\I pt• la 1' 141 fS 1 6~ + , lnQRd pll iJ I lJ!, J• > JI ., -• 1 l"c Fd!. •Kt I.IS w1111 Mu 111 l l By•""'! 611 3•1 IJt I.IS 151' -l duPonl fll.$0 I 51>> 51 51 _'•Inland Sii ? llt 11 • 21 t ~7>o .I !~d~Pnd 10 71 11 11 Wl~IO!~ unavA I 8$1'\.Unv I 12f J JO 't lO 10 ' + I) Ou11 Lt U J6 73 , 1l 2J -\, ln!l'on/Ce 76 1,', •'> ', ,",, 00 1 1 0 1 ,, 0 -,'/ c" •,,M,,,',,'"d 1,",,'",",.~1·,•,,.',M, ,',',',,',t!. --C-Cq '?0ohlo uo 2• ~· 21 -1 '"•ll<O 7011 -~· .. n " •v go 4 1Stf1 nl r70 11•, '''• 11>, -, In• le ~1~1 '~ 11 1~ 1•'• lf, -• 1'l lll~B~ 5>• 1 71 T II \\11"(0 ~d t 70 10 ~Ol(lbl)I (1 60 11 J1 • Jl 1 31 't -1\ Q 4 10pfl Ol tJO ?I 11 11 f , l"~P, Con l~ 1~ l"• 5• , J'1\ -t lln• CoA 1J l.S115t w1nd\OI' t l6101tc11 "'"'"1 JJ '• • • -~volt 'Pl i tni.rco l '~ 11, 11 ll -l~y GYd Ill t)!Wln!~ld !fl 6J)(lll&hM 7Jf 11 lJ o tl~ 1So ->j, tl?IO 1if•' ,.., 'I •-,tMr•l•~t l 'Q 1• ?l•t '1 0 l71t-• Inv 1"'11c 1'll0170llWI,. 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"M! n 100 ?6'• 'l'o 16 '• I • THE OPENING OF ORANGE COUNTY 'S OWN ct•n:J J 20 Jl\l l , Jll• -., dl'flfl!.fot I • 16 1S,, '4 I G&G 10 }I J•1 1•1 1•• 1 IMuslt Oto TO• J 1to ' • -\o • Mya l0t9 ll t'O I ~ l~-------------::;=:-----------'{!ltcl Al~ ll,t 1l1i 11, l ''o -•1 I IMemM wl l JI 31 1llarket 1 IMMIP P I 11 l' • )6 '6•1 -~, yin 0 I 'e IMem Ml~ ti 11 751, " _., s b ls ,~~' :.·, Yiti 11 tt 1r.: :~ l!., -'• Tiit fellewln. ,, ..... "' lYl'llbot. .,.., 11·::;~0'"•' ~ .. :: ~·: .:::=:: ftltrYAI{ to 5 Jil't t~ ft.~ : \,>, In !ht •foe.• mtrlttl rtDOH .. 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Molla.co o Mnn1 (h 70 ~::::oa:r ,~ MOl'I neo 60 Mon,111 10 Mon,. 1112 1$ M<'.W'IDUI 1 6& Mor.I Pw 16& Motl<' Mt.Cor MOf'lltnJ 1 •0 MoneShO 7D Mar Nor .ao MO!or~• ,-l•llFvel~ 1 ltl M Si.TTl lii MSI. llld «I MUl'llnvwr I Murlll1Y 1 :io Mu PhlP 7flf' M11 Ol'IO I ao Mv p0 QIS '° ~vrrrO~ 60 -M-' " "' • I11 "' 11 " • " 1 " ff " • • .. " "' " ' ... " 'I ' . ' • '"' ,r• " "' ' ., 13 ~ " ' " i 790 1•7 '" ... • " • ,J ' • '" • " .. ,1: '" ' ' .. ~'" , .. ... JO•• " " ' , . ~" ... .,,., U> ,.., ••• .. • • '" " . " .. • • • "' ' " • • " • • ' • ' ' " ~ .. '. ' 00 •• ~ ,,. ' ' " " " "' ~ . " 160 ~6 " . ' 0 ~~ 1 ' . 3l Ja 1Z g 5: I 00 \I •O I 1 • • " ' ' ' . eo 11 ? 6 Ol -QR- " " " •• ' " " " '" ,,. ~f" •• .. • .. Prices-· ~l!lplete New York ,! .~ '" • .. ' " ,: .. " • • " " " ' ,. " ' " " • 00 ' " "' ,. '" " ' " " ., ' " • '! JS JS • . ' l ' " ,,. " ' " • Market Slides To Low of Year NEW YORK (UPI) -PT1ces drilled lo11 er tn rnode~ate trading Tuesday on the New York Stock Exchange THE UPI n1arketw1de 1nd1 calor wa s off 0 77 oerceot Of the l 600 issues traded declines ou t numbered advances 950 to 386 The Dow Jones 1n dustrtal average of 30 blue chip 1ndustr1als \vas off 3 83 to 801 21 low for the vear The previous Jo\v \Vas 801 96 set July l9 Volume o( nearly 10 m1U1on shares \\as about 111 line with Monday s pace AnaJysts said the dro p was a continuation of Mondays shde and most had expected the OJI to show some res1s tanct. around the 800 level The main depressants continued to ... ~ tne poor outlook for corporate profits, the adm1n1strat1on s light money policy and uncertainty over Vietnam Electronics were among th e hardest hit 1ss ues although most rebounded from their earhe1 10,vs and some moved into the plus col .. nn f8~1 closed off 4 to 356 and American Telephone \\as dO \Vn S/8 to SI Steel s chemicals a nd rail s also \\ere 10,~e1 as were oils and rails U S Steel closed off JB to 35 and Bethlehem was do\vn 3/4 to 27 Texaco closed down 5 8 to >9-J;8 bu t Terse} Standard gained 318 to 61 Prices fell across a broad fron1 on the <\n1c1 t can Stock Exchange Tuesday Dtcembtr 2 1969 L Stoel,. Exchange List " '" • .. ,. " • " .. " ~ " ., . ' .. ' 11 n 3 l) )l . ' 1a l l n 1ll 21 lf • 2~ • 26 " '" ' .. • ... ' " 'l "" •• '" .. ' > "' ' . s• '°" ' . , . " '" ' ' . " " .. ' ' " . ' .. . ' " DAILY •ILDT 17 Co1nplete Closing Prices -An1erican Stock Exchange List ' ' • "" • • • • " • ' " l " ., " ' • " " 11~ • ' ' " • l • " "' " .. .. " • .. .. ~ ' ' ,.' " ,. " .. '" ' • " " • ' • ' .. • " " " " ' ' " • " ' • • ' ' " " ' " • • '' • • • " 00 • ' .. ' ,. • .. .. ,1 " • • 1 I~ " "I ' l " :! ~ ., ... l ' • •• • " " , . , .. •O •7 o " • • " ' •• • " • "' ' " .. ' ,. l. ·3~ • " " •• .. ' " .. " " "' " '" " . ~ .. .... ,,. •• " . ,. ' .. n " "' "' 10\o ,.~. • 1 • " ~ • " " .. " • ' " ' > '4 I o " ' • • ) •S 1i ~· '~ ' . . ' 13~ ,.,, -H 1- 2) J ..... . ' ' • l ' " . • • . .. 106 3" ~ . " ~ . ' ' 1 .. ' .. 3'711 I• I ' ' ', ,~~ ,, " : ·~ S• lf It 71 UVI " ' ,; i . .. ' ~ • " ~;~ 11 ,, • l r. ' • • "l ' -JM- • ,. • ' " 1)50 " ., ,.. • ' : • " ,,. • ' • " ,j " • ' ' ,. ,, .. ,. • ... "' • ,,. • "" " " ,,. 11' .. ' " ' • • '" • ' •• "~' ,.. H H • ... "" 1t'- " , .. ·~ • ll em•d• '4 • Rame nd . ::rhd ~~k wt • R•vmEna ~ Re• nv 10• II•• Iv!': 25 I " . " . 11 "°'' . "' • " • ' .. .. " • "' ' " • • ' ' " , ... " ,. • • ' " ' " • • ~ " " • • ' " " " ' , " J " 1 1 • •' • • : ' ' "' .1 : • • • ' ' • • .. " ' ' • i ,J l ~ SJ • 13 5 • 4 !1\1 ; l ... ' . t " , 2500 ., ' " ' " 11\'ll '17 ~ ' 11 JO • • • " J5 • " . ' ? lt ' . J: ~~ . " 6 '1 I ' u ~ ' .. ' . ' " 1 3r-,. ' 4 11• . .. 7 14 I " !'' . ' . tt ltV. lS ll'~ • I -- .. I• , DAILY PILOT TutsdiJ, Oectmbtt 2, ltib~· • ~uc1 Near_ly • - Suffers LINCOLN, NeO. -"It was like Cin· rlert.Ua battling a giant. But we had a grea\ chance to, win it ... I'm proud o{ our kids, they really did a fine job," Speaking v.•as UCI basketball coach 'rim Tift following his team's 76-73 loss to ·Nebraska in the season opener for both clubs Monday night. Down by 18 points at one time in the second half. the underdog Anteaters bat- tled ,.back to within one point with a minute remaining before the taller Nebraska team put the game away with a paµ-ol free throws. Guard Steve · Sabins, hilling on drives along the baseline and an outside Played 'e11a Both 76-73 jump shot, led the Anteaters ln srorlng with 23 polnls. The gan1e v.•as f~tured by a brief fight involving Sabins and the Cornhuskers' All-American candidate, Marvin Stewart. \Vith six minutes remaining and UC! trailing by si x points, Sabins, on a steal, drove for the basket. According to Tift, Sabins was clubbed frqjn behind aod driven to the rloor by Stewart. The two players came up swinging, both benches emptied and some of the 7,800 partisan fans started to poor onto the floor before order was restored. Ste\\•art was then ejected from th e game. :Washington's Owens Tabs SC in Rose Bowl Jim 0¥.•ens is hardly what you'd call a locky guy . Hi~ strife-tom Univ er s ity or, Washington football team went to the post 10 times. Once it came...away a win- ner; But that was in the last contest of the season so the Huskies will be on a one-'game win string y,•hen the 1970 cam- paign gets under way. And as was the case in 1969, Owens will have a tough row to hoe . 11is first two games are y,·ith Michigan State and J\licl'ligan. Later he gets USC, UCLA and Stanford. You could hardly say he has it made. Owens took time to chat \Vith this col- umn about the upco1ning New Year's get- together in Pasaden<1 . Since his Huskies played W.ichigan and USC-Rose Boy,·J W4uuueuueuu"oo•A ... WHITE WASH ~ ........... ,,,,,,._ participants come Jan . 1-we asked ior a fi rst hand comparison. "rtlo does he pick to \\'in? Surprisingly. he tabs the Trojans. That's startling since f\.1ichigan ran roug_hshod over lVashington. 45-7. and use could only tcfple the 11uskies. 16·7. J1t!re are soine of his comments: "(ihink SC v.·i!l be able to run against i\lichigan. Overall both teams have aboul the Same quickness bul SC's defensive line probably has more physical strength. Don Moorhead iMichigan) is an outstailding quarterback. He's consistent in his play, accurate on the passes he throws and runs the offense well. -· "Their tailback (Glenn Dough£Y) can covet a lot of ground and that end (Jim I.1andich) is a solid threat as a receiver. "We moved the ball well against them on the ground but l was highly impress- ed with their secondary. It has good re- action, ts e1tremely alert-it's as good as any we met thi s year .. ··But \\'C playe~ a much better game ·against USC. It was 7-7 going into the last quarter then we fumb led twice to se.l up a touchdov.'n and field goal. ··sc has proven il c:1n win again sl 1he best in the country and has had to come tram behind to do it. I don't kno•\' hu1\· n1any times ~1ichigan ha s had to come lrom behind (twice). ".89th teams y,•ill br well rested up . And anything can happen in a Rose Bowl game. Michigan is as good as any of the ' I =, Rams Slate i I Ticket Sale teams Washington has met in the Rose BO\\'I. But I 'll have to stick with SC." Regarding his Huskies for 1970, Owens says most of his offensive players return bul that a number of key defenders wi11 depart through graduation and that's where the major rebuilding w i I I trans pire. He also mentions he's a bit di sgrunlled over various comments regarding fooling on U of W's synthetic turf. "They griped "'hen they had to come and play in the mud. So \Ve bought the astroturf and no1v they complain about slippery footing on it-you can1.t ,fin." -::r: * Out of proportion? Haw about Saddleback College being nailed for 16 penalties while Reedl ey was called for one infraction during Saturday night's jaycee football playoff game at Santa Ana Bowl? Officia l Nick Varona appeared to be the principal antagonist. But he's apparently a highly touted official. Varona runs an etching-business when he isn 't wearing the. black and white shirl. How e1·area prep and jaycee grid types fared in lhe college ranks : Bill Redding (OCCI is lhe starting center for USC's Rose Bowl-boand Tro- jans. f<~rank Weirath (~farina, OCC) a\•trag· ed 4.3 yards per carry for San .lose State. Randy Vata ba (Golden West~ wafslxtb In Pae-8 receiving \\'bile performing for Slanford. He caught 35 lhrows for 69l yards and five touchdowns. New Look Bruins Blitz Arizona, 90-65 I.OS ANGELES (AP) -The "New Look"' resembles the old look in one respect for the UCLA Bruins, national collegiate basketball champs the pa st 1hree seasons. The rese n1blance; win· ning. The "nev.· look"' n1eans thl'.! Bruins for the first time Jn three years are \\'Ith· ou t the se rvices of All-American Lew Alcindor. 11·ho 11•as graduated to the Mi!· v.·aukee Bucks of the Nationa l Basket- ball Association. . UCLA openC\J its title defense Monday night and romped to a 90-65 victory over the University of Arizona. Now that ·th~ have a mere 6-foot·9 center, Steve Patterson, replacing the 7-2 Alcindor, the Bruins went back to their run-and·shoot offense. The Bruins raced lo a 24-9 early lead and were never threatened. Forward Sidney Wi cks scored 21 points while guard Henry Bibby hit 15 and Patterson need 12 with 18 rebounds in the UCLA LOS Ar\GELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Hams announced t>.1onday plans for the salt' of tickets to thC.. .... cause. John Vallely had 12. f National Football League cham· -, pionsh1p gaml' Jan. -4 -if they de feat ~h nne~la For lhc \\lt'Stcrn Confe.rrrn:e litll'. Th~ Hams. 11-0, 1>ac1fic Division \\"inners, to.•111pl;iy1he Vikings, 10-1, Central Di\'isio11 champs. in J\1in· nesota Dec. 27 for the \\'estcrn title. lf the Rani~ v.•ln, 1hev'll hosl the :\ Eastern winner. ballas or Cleveland, in ~,e1norial Coliseum for the NFL crown. -··rm \\'ell pleased." allov.-·ed coach John "1oodan, \\'hose teams \\'On 88 of 90 gan1es in racking up the last three Na· lional Collegiate Athletic Association tit les in tht' Alcindor era. •·Our s!r('ngths v.-·ere the ones lhal have been fairly evidcnl in pra t'ILce ... good outside shouiing and strong inside: re:· bounding," \Vooden said. "Both off the offt'nslve and defensive backboards. UCLA is tremendous." la- mented Arizona coach Bruce Larson. "( think they ha ve to rank with any club in the country. I can't think of anyone who's more physical ••• " It; Defeat According to Tift. the fans threw ice and ~es on the floor throughout the game. "They (the fans) were breathing dov:n yoor neck" said Tift, adding that "it is a tough place to plby in." Sabins was credited by Tift as doing a "great job 00 Stewart" on defense, holding the high-scoring guard to just 13 points. UCI hit 45 percent ot its shots fron1 the rloor while connecting at a 75 percent clip trom the free throw line. The Anteaters will now meel the University of Colorado Wednesday night in Boulder. The highly-rated Buffaloes opened their season J\1onday night with an 81-58 victory over Air Force-. Colorado is defending Big Eight champion. The UCI coach also said that he was "somewhat disappointed in what they fthe referees ) allowed in physical holding and hand-<:hecki ng. ·· UC lllVINf 17ll NElll.ASKA Hll II II Ill " ,, 11'~, (11nnlr.gll1m ' ' ' " Jur1 ' • ' Moore ' ' ' ' (hl lk • • ' GeGfOI ' • ' • Ni>len ' ' • $1DlnJ • ' • " Stew1rt ' ' ' B1rne• ' • ' .. Moll<t ' ' • Ft rwt ll • • • • Mtr!in • ' ' Be~n ' ' • s,:nllebu•y ' • ' '" ' • • w11:1e • • • GtA!OW~ • • ' Sroo~• • ' • ' lor1ls ~' 11 26 " lCTtls ?I 16 19 1-11Hllm• •core; Nebr1•~• "· "' 1,.,,,. " Bring.Back Zone Def e11se ,° Cries l\lu~aney " " " • " • ' .. • • ' " LOS ANGELES IAP) -"Bring back the zone defense·• says coach Joe Mullaney of the Los Angeles Lakers. whG admits_ he practically designed a ne\v of- fensive lactic lo help achieve that ob- jective. ··1 can't sec any_ reason why oullav.•ing the zone makes basketball any better .'' he: told the Southern California Basketball Writers meeting Monday. The zone was outlawed in the National Basketball Association this year, and fi~ !di:;~k».tJ' tl~ like it. The alternati ve to the zone is the man-to- man defense. Mullaney's strategy in recent games is lo line-up four of his men on one side of the court yt_hile his speedy scoring ace Jerry West drives up the middle of the court for a score. \Yest is regarded as tough to check ii\ a man-to-man situation. "Last summer at the first coaches' meeting, \\'e \Vent over th e rules."' Mullaney said. "The commissioner said there were some changes in the zone defense rule. The only change, they said, required the defensive man to stay \;•ith hjs offensive man. He was not permitted to stray for'more than three seconds." ''I asked them how close the defensive man had to be and they told me four to six feet. I told them, 'that means yoU"re forcing me to play a bad man to man defense.' Atlanta coilch Richie -Guerin asked what would happen if a defensive man peeled back into the key and guard- ed the opposing center. lt was ruled that would be okay.'' "Then I asked what would happen if there was no center· there. I got no answer." ·'So when we got into injury difficulties. T decided lo use the rules . The league says the defense must play thr offense 1,•:hereve' they go :' Since th is iS true. \Vest is to ld to take his man one-<1n-one and try 10 score . "\\'est is one n1an I don"t think n1any people can defense rrian·to-man. l 'm sim· ply playing \vithiti the rijles." Mullaney says "the rule should be taken out and the resl of the season should be played witJ1out it and see if the people mind zone defenses. I personally feel that with the 24-second clock, zone def~nses won 't be bad for bal!lketball.'' AP Grid ~oil ,,,,,.. W·L·T l"tlftll I. Tt~•• .. '~ ' Ar-1~1•• ••• "' l. Ptnn Soal• 10.0 '" • OMO Stet~ ••• "' J. Soul!!••" Ca!•~•n•~ ... "' • Mlnout! " '" ' Mkll'al~ " '" ' Loui1l1nu S111._ .. ~n • Nol rt .. .. 'I' ~·1 " UCLA . " "' " Auburn " "' 11. l tnnn lft ' I "' " Ntbr11-a " ·~ l•. Ml11!11lppl " " lJ. l'urtl~• " " ,. Wt1t Virgin It ••• .. 11. 311nforot 7 )·l ~ ll. l'IO!"!d• I \,J ,, i•. l"OO.Oll'On '" " 70. ltltdt 10·0 " Oltlt rt recel~m1 votft: (oltrtdO. ' • • • , FORMER CCC STAR ·BILL REDDING EARNS ALL.COAST HONORABLE MENTION Broyles Finds No Weaknesses For Lo11ghorn s FA YETIEVILLE. Ark . (AP\ Ark ansas coach Frank Broyles poured nver films of the JKl;verful Tt'xa.~ Longhorns i\·lonc!;iy 1 o o k i n g for \l'eaknesses. ' Find any ? ··1-leavc'ns 110:·· Ile said. BroylcS· second-ranked Razo rbacks \\"ill take on !ht' top·ranked Longhorns Satur· day at 1-'aycttevillc y,•ilh the SouthY.'esL Conference championship, a spot in the Cotton Bow l opposite Notre Dame and a shot at the nalional championship going to !he \\"inner. Both are 9.-0. "\Ve kno\v they're great:' Broyles said. ''\Ve thin k ,1·c're pretty good. N_obody is· ever ernbarrassed in thi s one,. That's for SU I"(' Texaii" offense, \\'hich is averaging 4t~ points a gainc, is built around !he triple option 11tiich Broyles says ··11•ill be the' rage \\'i1hin i\l"O ~·cars."' The play begins 11·itb quarterback ,J;uncs Street faking 4)r gi\"ing to fullback Sieve \Vorster. depending on lhe reactio11 of 1he defender. Then, Slrect keeps or pitches to Jin1 Bertelsen. · '"\Ve charted the play." said Broyles. '"\Vhen 1hey run it to the right and pit· ched they averaged si x yards. \Vhen Street kept they ayeraged 6.5 yards and when Worster got it they averaged seven yards. "If they just 'vouldn't fake or hand to Worster on every play, I'd feel better," said Broyles .. Broyles says that many teams aban· doncd the st raight T formation. where three bucks arc lined up behind thl' quarterback, becaust' ii was difficult lo get outside on a SY.'Cl'p. \\"hat 1nt1kes the \\"ishlxine·T of Tt'xa.~ so devas1:it1ng. said Bru~!cs. is thll1 it eflables Tex;1s ··10 gt't outsille quickrr th:in an\' ll'ain in ,\n1eril':i ·· BroyJC~ noted that !he Longhorns 1lh\'11}'s ha\"C' a le;id blocker. "(In 1nost option series. the pitt:h bal'. C'1u·rier Is onc-011-o ne against a defensi\'e hnlf'oack," he said. ··He's gol to make~ move on l1in1 to get by. Texa s has Ted Koy out there to bloc k for Bertelsen, and Koy jusl doesnl miss putllng his man on the ground." _. Reddi11g, Vataha Honored Former Area JC Stars Earn All-coast Mention T\\'n former Orange Coast area junior <·ollcge st ar s ha\'e bet'n given honorable rncnlion recognition on the AH-Pacific ( ·oast te:.im as selected by The Associated Prei;s. Bill Reckling, ce nter for the Rose BO\\'\- hound University or Southern California tean1. and flanker Randy Vataha ol Stan- ford earned honorable mentions. Redding played at Orange Coast College and is a center al USC. Vataha starred at Golden West College as a run- ning back. Southern California's Trojans and the UCLA Bruins dominated the team. Six members of the undefeated con· Garden Caugl1t Holdin'.g Empty ' (Punching) Bag NJ::\\' \'ORK (1\Pl -Joe Frazier vs. .!i1nrny Ellis for the hcavyY.'t'1ght title in Illadi~n Square Carden. yes'.' No. The proposed bout bct1vcen Frazier, t·han1pion of seven states. and \Vorid Boxing 1\ssocialion king Ellis has been called off in New York -leaving J\IAdison Square Garden holding the bag. "I learned a long time ago never to an· nounce a fight until I ha'le the signed contracts on my d~sk," Harry Markson, president of the Garden"s boxing division; said ~tonday. i'olarkson said the bout. scheduled for 'Feb. 2, 11·ouldn't be held because Ellis had changed his mind. ~larkson said Ellis had agrttd to n1eel l~razier. but apparently v.•ill n1eet <:regurio 1)eral1a 1n ~Ion I c v I d cu , l'rugu:iy. Der. 20. Ht' s:iid that Angelo Dundet', \\·J10 1nanuges Ellis, had originally agreed last 111onlh 10 accept the Garden's offer of Sl00.000 against 30 percent or all receipts. li e said Frazier had agreed to the salne trrms through his trainer-advise r, Yank Durhain . But in ~Iiaml, Dundee denied the fi ght had ever been se t. feren ce champion USC club \1·erc named to first team positions and five from liCLA were honored . California , Stanford, Oregon an d Oregon State each landed a pair with \\lashinglon State and San Diego State having one each. Only \Vashinglon failed to gain a first team position. Stanrord·s Jim Plunkett, who set three Pac-8 individual passing reco5ds, won the quarterback first-team spot in close com- , petition v.-·ith Dennis Shaw of the un· defeated San Diego State Aztecs. This year San Diego State, accorded major status by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, winds up its year in the Pasadena Bov.·I. ~ Tickets for the .Jan. -4 cham. pionsblp game will be priced at $12, $81 and $6, lax included, Com- l missioner Pete Rozelle 's office an- nounced. ~ .Season tiCkel holders y,·i!l be given the firsl chance to buy St'a ts, Rei~~ardt . on Trading Blo~k~ ooly as many as v.-erc bought for each re~la~ season g111ne, the Ranu said . ~fail orders starling \1 11 h postmarks of 7 p.m. 1on1ght ltom per~ns not holding sea.son tickets wjll then be nlled on a first -cnme. fw-:tt·serve basis "'ith a 10·\lcket limit In all prices. JC the n.irns v.·in tM \\1e5lern Ii· tle. Uckets will be mallM Ott. 28 with no refund/ii, the R&ms sakl . lf Mlnnealta wins, refund (Jhec.kx y,•IJI bt ient ., prorilpt.ly lis po3slblc. /' FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) The trade y,·inds stirred anew today - v.·ith Mike: "'Epstein. Fefipc Alou and Rick Rcichardl among the name-players in the <fipc<:ulatlvc vanguard -after a becalmed opening session of Baseball's annual y,·inter meetings. The trade mart v.•11s at a slandsllll 1'lnnday as club offici als fenced for bargaining position after b r e t i i n g through the major leligue draft in 3:"1 1ninutes -\\•lthout turning up so much as • Bo Be.llnsk)'.__in the hopper. But ~chon was cxptet«i to pick up hr1s-kly tnd ay, with most of ttw! 24 lcam!I admittedly sttkJng help before the De<'. 15 deadline for inter-league: swapping. .\nd f;pstein. Alou\ and Reichardt reportedly were on the block: Tilt \\'ashinglon Senators, hopef ul nf returning slugger Frank H<M·ard from the outfield lo rtrst bast in 1970, possibly v.·ould part v.·ith Incumbent first baseman Epstein. a 30-home run man in hi11 O\\"n right last season. in a package deal for a second baseman and catcher. tlllnager Ted \Vllliams has ser\1ed art· \111.ncc notice lbat lhe Senators might make a major trade "just lo liven thing~ up." The New York Yankees. among other-3. 11rc ready to do bu.c;Jnes!'i -for Epstein and al the right price. "\\'c '\"e al\\·ays h;id a hankering ror Epstein,"" s:ild \'anks' Gell('ral f'o!anagcr Lee l\l acPh:ill, ''bu! y,·c haven'l been able lo put anylhing together. \Vhenc\"Cr \\C •1k trade v.ith anybody. thry \\ant our i"o. I and 2 pitchers " Alou, a topflight outfielder plni;oed by Injuries In r~cent )l'11r. hils been men· lloncd as a po.o;slble sho\\·casc attracllon in the Atlanta Br1n <'s· swHpplng bng The Bra\'CS :ire looking fQr pitching help. pflrtJcularly the southpaw "arlcty. Tl& Angels are among severat..clubs \Vho have CXj>t'eFsed 1t1l(l1·es\ in~Alou . ~tany le~1ns, lnclwding nattlmore"s 1\mt'ric:ln Cali focllia smith. League champs. righthendcr Andy love ~lesser· But Hl11thnrdt. the former $200.000 bonus bab~·. appeari the Angel most nv a1lablt•. 1\nd the recent acquisition or hard·h111\11g outhelde r Alex Johnson fr om Cincinnati n111J..es Reichardt all !he more expendable. if the Anglils can get a No. i or 5 hilll'r In return. Tht' Cl~veland lndi11ns could be among tht' most activr. traders. with such as Tony l-lorton; ~illX Alvis and Larry Brow n a ~ bait. for dl'ic of more pro\'Cd pitchers. • LA SCHOOLBOY IN NEA R-UPSE T SRISBAi\E I A Pl -Tom Krell!!, 13- ~·ear-<>ld Lo,c Angeles lChoolboy, gave 1\ustralian Davis Cup star Ray Ruffel1 a hard flghl in the men's singles ~ccond round of the Queensland Tenniis Cham· plonshlps toda y, but finally lost 8-8, 6-.1. Kreiss hid three set points in the !lrrt set. but was unable to break through. The match w;s played in temperatures up ~ 140 degrees on the center court . , ' r ·. I l I -----,,..-.,-,--~~-..,..,_,.~-,_-~..,..~~~~-,.-...,-~~~~~~~ •• .--~~·~-=--c-;--.•r=~•'"'"'"1~·~ •• ....,~.,..,.~.~~-=~-~-·-=•r---, ' . : • • '· -·------------· I \ • ---" ' rToday'*"'~ VOL. 62, NO: 288, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES . -' '<?RANGE '<:;-OUNrf; CALIFORNIA . TUESDAY: DECEMBER 2,· 1969 , ' TEN CENTS -I . ,,. -. -·-~ Parents .Get Co_fC Sex Class Que·stjQnnaire·s· By JOHN VALTER.ZA Of IM g11llr 1"1111 Stitt Woman volunteers today began mailing more than 7 ,000 questionnaires on sex education to parents of Harbor Area studenl.$ in a survey sponsored by the Nev,.port Harbor Chamber ot Commerce. The survey, part o( the chamber's months-long inq uiry Into the concept of sex: education in schools, will affect parents of stude nts in grades 5.7.9, and ll in the Ne .... ·port-~Jesa Unified School Diestrict. The funding for the printing of the two-- pages of questions and postage fees was provided on a donation basis by directors of the chamber, More ttl.an $f00, enough to cover all ex- penses, was donated ~t a recent board meeting. In recent months the education com· m.itte'.! of the chamber, led Qy Dr. Nolan f'rizzelle, has heard from e_xperts speak- Ple a to S tate fko111• Supervisors Ask ' Tidelands Ruling Orange County SuperviSors today asked lhe State Lands Comm ission for an "ear- ly establishmeot of the boundaries of public tidelands," in the county. Supervisor David Baker got unanimous backing f-or his motion that the state Seal Beac h Girl F ot1nd Slain 111 Illinoi s From Wire Services Autho rities in the oil and coal to\vn of Carbondale. Ill. hunted a fiend today. follo~'ing · discovery of the p r e t t y daughter .of a Seal Beach educator Mon· day, stripped and strangled with her own jeans. Lisa Leveri ng. \Vho would ha ve been 15 Saturday, had been misSing since one .,.,·eek ago today . the i:;ubject o( a wide search by all area auth~rilies, including FBI ageuts. Her father. David Le vering. of 601 Seabreeze · Drive, Seal Beach,)eft Satur- da y to aid in the search that.began dra .... ·- ing to a close when an Irish setter loped home from a wooded area four miles southwest of Carbondale with a girl's shoe. Mrs. ll Dan Piper, "'ho lives about 300 · vards from where Lisa's nude body was found -her pea coat draped over it - c:J\led police when lbe dog brought home the shoe. . A sheriffs deputy among the searchers finaJly found the victim's body. a few feet off U.S. High\vay 13. the nl ain drag into the city of 20.000 persons. also location of Southern Illinois University. Authorities said she \Vas app arently murdered elsewhere and the ki ller drag· ged her body off the road way and o\·er a sharp, ru sty barbed wire fence before being dumped . •·we don't know when she \Vas kl\led or ••hether she \\-·as killed where the body \\'as found ," emphasize d Richard E. Ridtmand, Jacli.son County State's Al· lomey. "We do have some physical eviden ce," added Carbondale Pollce Chief Jack Hazel. • · The mljder has the earmarks of a sex killing, but it will be several days before the results of an autopsy or-evidence of molestation are revealed. he said. Tentative estimates "'ere that she died ihortly arter she vanished. . . f\fi ss Levering. whose father 1s an 1n- i;tructor at Cal Poly, Pomona and com· n1utes from Seal Beach, lived .,.,·ith her mother Ann, who is apparently com· plelins a doctorate in urb~n planning at SIU . Orooge l:oost Wea ther There's no rain behind those cloudy skies, the weatherman as. sures us. Look for temperatures to drop down into fhe upper &O's \\1ed nesday along the Orange Coast. INSIDE TODA\'· Stleciive .Servi.J:e off icU:zl.IJJke. to polu t out.that the f irst draft 1oos ordert!d by God, w heii i'fo$es ltd tile T.~raelites 011t of bondcgt. Poac 15. c111,ulfll 11·'' 11.1v1., " c:eml<• " M11tufl ~""~' .. (tM'wt'• " Nttto•tl Nt-. " Oflll~ Ntt!Ctl' • °''~"' c-1r • EJlvtrtH • ~""' lf.to r11·01111 ,,.~, • ..... '·'•rkt!I 1•·" 1E11ltn11nm~I " Tt/1¥111111 " r!11•~• 1•" T~teil'l"f ' -" H9f'tl¢.,. .. w.;1~1• • A/WI \.ll!fe" " (l!oft" Wllllt ¥ " MIHM• • \'""Ill Ntwl "' ,.."""'' , Wfffltfl'I N"" 1t-U . group be urged· to carry out the survey, "particularly in the light of recent ac- tions on this rela.ted issue by our board ." He .explained those actions as the board's· recorded concern f.or pubJic ac- cess to public lands, taken in the w-ake of lhe Salt" Creek Road futore, the ac- C!Uisi tion of shoreline frontage and the board 's decision to itself rule on all land matt~rs affecting shoreline property. Baker noted U1at there had ~n numerous1 revi sions of the county's master plan of shoreli11e development since its inception in 1941. "But the ·issue of public and private O\Vnership of shoreline land has become so heated and subjected -to so n1uch debate. that ·it is time for th e state to take .a hand in the matter," he said. The comm ission will be ~sked to ex- am ine and rede fine if necessary the high t,jd~ pne.s on Orang~ COO!lty's 42 miles of ~reline. - Wi fe of Missin g Toro Pilot. Plans' .. Trip to Laos An El Toro housewife whaSe happiest Christmas present would be word her nlissing· husband is alive and well in a Nor}h Vietnamese prison pians a pilgtimage to Laos later this month. Mts. Carole Hanson arrives in Paris on ChriStmas Day for an intervi~w with North Vietna!llese officials. She will deliver a' sheiif of letters from AmericaJ.r The notes are requests from children \\"hose daddies -like Marine Corps Capt. Stephen Han son -won"t be honie for Chri stmas, and they want to plead for .,.,·ord that someday they may be. "If world pressu1·e beCQmes vocal enough , they will respond," says Mrs. Hanson, whose th ree-year-old son has never seen his missing father. Capt. Hanson was shot down JWle 3. 1967 while piloting his helicopter over North Vietnam and has been listed as missing, although his wife be lieves she saw him as a POW i.n a photograph. Authorities know for certain -al least based On information supplied by North Vietnam -that Capt.""1ianson's copilot was captured alive. Young Athletes Honored Tonight At P arks Board Thirty-eight youngsters who hare cx- c<illcd in flag football and soccer recrea- tion progran1s sponsored by il1e City of Newport Beach will \vi n win _awa_rds ~o night at a parks board n1eetlng in city hall. ' The children. selected from all city parks where the programs have been -offered. were chosen by their choaches on the basis of. good sportsmanship, posi· live attitude, cooperation, willingness lO help others and athletic ability. - The winners in the boy's flag football program .are: ., • Kurt Brockman, Scott Sherman, Mark Calder, Greg Peter&cm, Joh11 Parsohs, Slew Qmifl, Mike Flamlon. JJm Addis. Giry LeGrand, Roger RlwllnP.:;. Mark Harri!, James Bergeson, Marcus Hurl. burt,· Mike Pantuso and Gordon Adam.:"· ' Ted f\fcGinley. Brian F~an, Robbie lfotthki~s. Leonard Ric~: ""-"e Sitton. ChM"les J\fcGu iness:T~_ i1\CClean. Doug Mader . Kirk Linn. Brian Wild, Danny St~kol , D.a\'e Adanu, Br.ad Sell and J\Uke r;ash . Girl"~ &occer winners arc: Lori \\'ebb, Sabrina J. Johnson. 1'1t'rl Hat<J,s. Kerry Grant. Patricia fl.furray • SuUn11e fl.lacy, Kc.Ille Eichner, Kathy Barrington and J1in Hillary, ing on both sides of the controversial . ' issue.·· _ The .. committee inquiries nave. been keiit-"o-a an Impartial. basis, ita 'inem~rs sa:/, and.the questionnaire project-wlll ·be no different. -' . Mrs. Willlam R. Muon, reprtl8ntlng the chamber's Women's DivlsiOlf wtl1ch has volunteered'-to i:ollduct ~':iDN.ey, said the only identification of lqc;tlvldual pireni.s on the questionnaires .etn?• iri the ,'fonn oC ~ color ~' Whic'li VPI T1l1,ltttf HELO IN ALABAMA T11t• Suspect Kernwinktl ' establiS:het which schoolr the parent's chlld attends. . The parent also Is laked to prOvlde the grade .. « gades the .students attend, otherWise, the responses are anonymous. "We have strived. throughout. th.is pro- jc: ~ to stay iinpartial and unemotional. nus survey will provide us wlth·solid in- formattOJl .en· how the communiiy feels about the -islue," ~irs. J\fason said Mon- dav. .i · The' qutstionnaires :will be di stributed fleligious Cult ' through lhe Newport.l'il,..,Unifltd School District, wbJch proVfded the parents' names and addresies. · Chamber ·spokesmen stre.ssed , however, that the district's i'ole is "simp- ly a matter of convenience." ..The district aid; they added, doei not imply ""distrlct endorsement of the'Educa- tlon Committee, its actions or its fhi- dings. Among the questions asked in ·the survey are: -Do you believe your ehil4ren need adequate instruction in sexual anatomy ~d behavior, venereal dlseue, drugs, smoking, drinking and similar , family health problems beyond present in- st.ructiOrr.presently available to them? -Did you receive adequate instruction in these areas as a child'? -Are · you willing to freely · and ad~· quately instruct your children in the (See SURVEY, Pal' IJ • ... 10 Suspects Held . ~ . In Tate Slayings LOS ANGELES (UPil -Al least 10 members of a pseudD-religious cult, in- cluding-the leader known as "J.esus.'' were In custody today as suspects in the bloody slaylngs of actress Sharon Tete and at 1~.ast siX other ~rsons. Police orflcially wE:re relu ctant . to discuss d~ails of the rnonU1s-long in· * Tate Case f'.igur£ ·called -. -. 'A JYice Boy' McKINNEY, Tex. (UPI) -TWo Los Angeles police Oetective~ J\.fonda,Y in·. terrogated a •Jclean cut" 24-year-old McKinney man, the first sU$pect arrested in bizarre slayings of actress Sharon Tate ~nd four other persons. Charles D. Watson was arrested Sun· day on .a murder warrant issued by the Los Angeles Police Department. "You coukl kinda say he walked in and gave himseU up;' said Sheriff Tom l\tont.gomery. ve.stlgation because of reCent court rul- ings. • Police Chief Edward Davis told a news conference ~1onday that the suspects were members of "the Family," a hippie band that roved through Deatlt Valley 150 1ni\es north of here. The leader, Chartef ~fan.son. :W, has a lengthy record that includes assault, theft and arson. He -is held at Inyo County Jail in Independence, Calif., on a minor charge: At least .five women are being l\eld in Sybil Brand ·Institute here as material wi•e'flt• ~nc1 1?•lh~1 wom~., Iii!..., Attdn s, 2l~ IS llkC\litOdy on au11nclob. of anotber:murder. In ad~i~ion to the &laying.of Mi§.s Tate and four other persons Al her rented estate "Aug. 9, the group of ~omads ta belie".ed responsible for t11e slay.in1 of a wealthy middle-aged .couple the night following the Tate murders. Jn custody at McKinney, Tex., where he surrendered Sunday night w·as Charles D. "Tex" Watson. 24. Pat r I c I a Kernwinkel. 21, was arreS~ Monday ne·ar Uie home of her aunt in Mobile, Ala, Officers were en route to both cities to take the suspects into custody. The last suspect. Linda Kasabl<in, 19, was ar· res~~ In Concord, N.H .• j,oday. The break came in the case when a ~'OUng woman told an informer a Story of m:..ss murder and recounted details ol the Tate murder 11cene which pollc·e believed only the killers could have known. HELD IN TEXAS T att Suspect Watson_ Sla y ing Suspects Part of Desert Deadline Nears For Override Vote Registr~nts ~fontgomery described Watson as '.'..clean cut" and said he grew up in the rearby agricultural community or Copevt\Je. \i.·here his parents ~till live. Names supplied by the-woman Jed. of· ficers to the desert commune. . ..~. ~--.. ----- The deadline is drawing near for regis- t~ring to vote in the Feb. 10 ,Newport- ~1esa-Unified School District tax ove r-· r.idc aild ~bond interest r a I e increase election. By law i person must register to vote Si days prior to the election, which in this cait, nieans by Dee. 18, a little more than two weeks away. Pp,rpcns who voted in~ the preSidentiar election last November and have not m~ved 8.utomaticau.Y ar~ registered even · thOugb· they have ·nol voted lb·toi::af elec· lions since. Purges on rion-voters' names from ~he. voting rolls only .occu,r follow- i11g ~eneral electJons. Those who are nof. registered because they have recently moved. or have just I.urned 21 may do so at either·the Costa Mesa or Newport Beach City Halls dur- ing regular. busine$1 hours. To arrange registration during •ev~ning hours. tele- phone the county Voters RfgistraUon Bureau at 834-Z'Ut Or 834-2269. Th~ Feb. 10 school elettion WilJ be fer an override tax increase or up to 86 cents per $100 of assessed valuation and an in· cre Ase from fi ve percent to s2ven per- cent on the n1axin1um interest rate for sale .a( S9 million in school bonds. ~ "He's a nice boy," the sheriff sa id. '·I've known him all my life." Walson, about si"x-foot-two with short bro1vn hair, W'as being held in Collin. County Jail. The California detectives ar· rived about 6 p.m. to confer with Wat.son and his att~rney, Bill Boyrl of McKinney. California policeme"n had described "\\'atson as a member of a roving. desert commune that operated like a modern- day Indian raiding party that lraveled in dune buggies, stealing and robbing as they went. One of the Los Angeles policemen, Michael N8ilaon, said he didn 't know when Watson would be ettradited. "It's up to him and his attorney," Neilson said. Neilson nid Watson was in the Los ,\ngeles area for a limited amount of time 'vhen ihe murders were committ!d, but "for· exactly how long. we d-n 't know.", Stoel• 1Unrl•e t NE\V YORK ( AP)-Prices on the stock market beg an lo firm slightly in late afternoon trading tOOay· after tumbl!ng lower on a broad front in earlier trans- actions. (Sec quotaUons, Pages 16-17). .. ··it is anticipated that an additional rour or five perS"o-n·s will be named in in- dictments whi ch will be sought ffom the Los Angeles Cou;1ty Grand Jury." Davis, said. 'For Sale' Cars Against Law Do-it-yourself car · £lllesmen who park the autos , on public· str~ets with signs attached drew a wa rning today from Newport Beach police, responding to city council di rectives recently to en- force the city's ordinance banning the sales practice. Autos with sale signs parked on public streets or on private property without the ownet's consent are· Hsble to. cit·auon under the cHy's sign ordin~nce. Complaints have been received by in· • dividual councilmen from persons pro- testing !he abuse of the ordinance, several members of the council said recently. Many of the Infractions, Councilman Paul J . Gruber sa id . have occurred In the \Vestcliff area of Newport Beach, his dls lrict. How to Hand.le Revolt ,Scho t;1ls 'Se.ek Funds for Course for Admi1ii$trators " The NU'pOl't·Mesa Unified SChooJ -Dtg. Development· Act enacted by Congress In.' d"em_a.hds, ·n::iore ·boycott~, more demon-- tric't l s seeking fedet.al.fUriM"to nn8:nce a "1987'. -No· ptiee •tag is included...:. in the-stratlbn'"i arfd _mori schoo) :clbS!n"'-. m9re . ~ 01r:iadic Group , INDEPENDENGE, Ca)if, (UP!) -'111< three suspects in the Benedict' Can)'ot murders of actress Sharon Tate and fou1 other persons belonged to a nomad ii band called "lhe Family" which :lived Of the edge of Death ya!Jey. depuLie; revealed .Monday. The group w8s broken up · 1n Octobet when sheriff's deputies· raided its carn1 and arrtsled 26 young men and women. They were charged wjth stealing jeep! and dune buggies, wtiich they used ii their travels at night. and other goods. Men in the· group had sho(llder lengtl hair and wore "love beads." Some of ttu w~men \\'ere nude when arrested, other1 wore panties. Deputies said eight children were \"ill the group. TWo babie's 'suffering Iron malnutrition Were hospitalized. - The group had set up elaborali observation posts surroundin g its camp iJ the parched, sto"ny and sometimes nOx ious desert known as one of the most in hospitable places in the coun~ry: · • lrhe observation posts \7o"Cn: equippet: "'\lit walkie-talkies. · 0 !1\y a relative few prospectors an1 ra'.ng'ers inhabit the att:a. Tourists ant rock collectors visit Death Valley but de not linge'r in the ' blazing t'emperaturei whlcli 1'each 120 degrees. It ls the site tr the lowest point Jn tht Continental UnitCt States at 282 feet below"sea level. Los Angeles Police Chier Edward O.avb said the three suspects .and otbei members of the group had ll'lled at tb1 Spawn Movie Ranc}i . , a mlle west a TQPanga CanJQn Road near Chatswortl when tie marders wre committed. 'l"heJ later nioved '.their camp Rtli ' Ba.ktl· Rfnch hm. special course for t)4h· school adminls.. pi-osPecf.us• ' : .arrests1 morl!: in1'ur, ies ..... t more polar~ 1 • • Wilson not is ·that in one docum ent ed • ..., trawr-1.and tt.a.chers on ~~to dQl with recent four-month period 239 disruptive ticm ." .. ~ " 1 " • ' slud•n( rtvo~ • • ''. episodes took place al high "hooi• aero" Ills. plan is lo hold an •igh t-w"k f"'" ALL DRAFT DAT A A pro.spectus for a !\lrmnt r cour!M! at the country. A randoin ~ample survey · lw~ next rilmm er Joi ntly iponsortd· b1 UC Irvine to tralil the educators Ill "coo-of Jligh school prlnclpaJs last 1prlng i"{ewport·Me311, UCJ,· The Constltu~onal L}STED' Jl\TSJDE met reso lulion" has b<cn propared· b.v lound 60 percent rePortina significa nt Ri&hla. Foundation of Los Angeles and · • • Tllom:>s C. \Vil son. assistant prmcipal at s:udent protc.st •• ht said. the California Tt?acbers As.90Ciation:a • , Newport Stach High School. .:'The eVidence ttems cl~ar tha t tht Il'lstitu te for Teaching. WAAI to l:no'""' wlien your num~r's up! The amou nt or fui\dlni will d•P'!'d dl.ltupllon Is becolnin& lncrlislngly wid<> Newport,Mesa trusle" rtcenllt a~ -Tlle-P,\l!\Y PJLOT c;miu ~be "lJ1lllleh upon_ the amount Of federal. money spread and Jn~ri'aslntly Y!Oltut." Wilson prov~ Wi]Jqn'i .pt.an and __ asre~ to Jts result.I Of f\tond:i.y--night s &electiVt available. allocated7 by.-geogaph1c....rC. 'lvr.ote' Jn· the pt'fjsptclus. fie said lt ~ >b¢Jng· forw.atded to the ~.__Qfflcut service lcilt~ry on Pace 4 today. liOl!(Und~r the EducaU0...1--fl'of-al ·"http predicted· "there will be' more~ ll<l11colion-for contideroUon; · -• ,, -'·-~~··· ---,... ....... -...... ~·-a ··; .......... m . . ' . .. ,/"] . ·~· . , I ' • I ' • -. .... ·-' . • . If o;.!LY PILOT • Tut14p, ~ t, IM ••• s ' N Jury Ask e· fuformatio11 :r1J~~~1,~~19~,~~ Vtry few members or the general pijblic understand the aims and duties of the Grand J1,1ry and one way in which the gip can be bridged is lo supply the press \\·ith as much inlonnation as possible, Orange County supervisors were warned loday. That recommendalion was one ol three basic suggestions offered today by the Orange County Grand Jury in its four- J)lge public informalion report. Bac14ng tile report is a seven-page treatise "what 1s the Grand Jury?" a 'manual aimed at "telling the story of the Grand Jury in Orange County." In other recom mendations the Grand .Jury urged that ··superyi~rs, t.he legislators and the bar assoc1at1on be in· tormed of legislation regarding the Grand ,fury and Grand Jury positions on legisla- tion.·· ·And the panel asks lhat ''Supe rior Court judges make a careful check or nominees to ensure thal they have the Hh"le. interest and potential abilily lo serve as grand jurors." ihe Grand J ury argues in its report !hat lack of knowledge of the panel"s Junctions is not confined to the "average 1·i"tizen'' but is often shared by "many legislators and lawyers.", ·The report charges that '·proposed legi:5lalion relating to the Grand Jury fre- que ntly is ignored," and it points to the recent failure of Assembly BiU ACA 57. ··a· bill the,jury strongly su pported ." · ACA 57 would have made possible more lh·an one Grand Jury· .. in those counties \vhich felt it necessary", a move to c;reale two grand juries, one for criminal malt.ers. the other .for investigation into tounty government The Grand Jury states that failure or .t.CA 57 was attributed by legislators "to rile lack of interest on the part o! cttizens. lobbies or tG other groups,'" Currently f{iiider study by the Orange C-ounty ~ Association is the Grand .Jury's sugestion that there should be leclllation advocatin& the .impaneling of mulUple juries and spec ific limitations on rht kind of cases that the district at· ioroey may bring to the Grand Jury for possible indictment. The 1969 Grand Jury urges SuperiGr Court judges to ensure that those i;elected for Grand Jury duty -all of . 1vhom are nominated by the county's 21 .Superior Court judges -"should be ad· 1jaed that Grand Jury service is different lrom trial jury duty." ·"Utmost care should be taken to fully ~orm nominees of Grand Jury demands ~fore Qiey-ue selected to serve," the P:.nel states. . The report. praises Orange County !)1iperior Court judges "for their effort to ~tain a jury which represents a cros!'I stetion _of racial, religiou s and political rrlentat1on. \Ve believe that the ¥terogeneity of the 1969 Grand Jury not "!liy has ser1•ed to educate grand jury members but. more important, it ha!'I (er\'ed the county by representing the .fide spectrum of opinion found in Orange Qounty.'' • Sillipl1ant I\iller Face~ Sentencing LOS ANGELES ~UPI l -The penally 'hase in the trial of Chest.e r Allen Tohnson, 22. CGnvicted of first degree 11urder in the shooting death of l,.ortn 'illiphant, son of screen writer Stirling ;iJJiphant. ~'ill begin \Vtdnesday. A 11uperior CGurt jury returned a .Wtlict of guilty of first degree murder ~onday after seven hours of delibera- i&ns v.·hich started \\1ednesday but were nterrupled by the holiday weekend. Johnson was CGnvicted of shooting :oung Silliphant, 18, F'eb. 12 at the vic- m's Hollywood apartment after deman· ling heroin. When Silliphant said he had 1one, he was.shot. DAil Y PllOT lllllfGt (l)ASl "Va~ 1IH11fl$ C0M'ANY 1111.••+ N. w.,~ •r••'"~t '"' •w"fll1hu J1c• I . Cy1l1v YIU ~rn ........... G•llPftl ,,., ... .., Th ...... ltttYil ...... n. • ..,,, A Mw1,~I •• Me111.ift. l~lt6' J., .... 1 ~. c.111., "'-' ltt(ft City E•ltw ---.. 1111'WM+111~11 l•wlt .. 1"' : M1!1i11t M4r••u P.O. I•• t111, f_!»>. --c"" """"'' 211 w"' ••" &tr.-t l ...... --~; "'f" ... Jt .. _ ........,,.'-" IMdll -II~ llNtl ' . ,, ?"-..... '· Viets P1•obe lllossocre Lease Bids ~urprlsing " ' . • To Dana Harbor tntense Investor Interest in the pofen· !!al of Dana Harbor came to county of- ficials Monday in dollar sign form as bids for lea se oplions on 10 parcels in the new harbor soared to 3* times the minimum . In all, 43 seal ed proposals were opened showing vigorous competition for leases on all but one Gf the 10 parcels in the $15 n1illion harbor. The only segment not receiving· in· vestor attention v,•as the boat repair facility. which had no bidders. But Kenneth Sampson, county director of harbors. be.ache! and parks, said the lack of bidders poses no real problem, because the admitted high investment re· quired tends to make bidders balk until they actually see their market bobbing at docks in the harbor. ihe blds will probably be readvertised, he said. But if the boatyard \Yent unwanted . the rest of the facilities did not. f;u]f and \Vestern Petroleum Com- pany's land development division placed the highest bid fo r the tota l of 10 pa"rcels -$510,000. repair yard. minimum bid sought 53,300 \Vlth no bids received . -PARCEL 3, proposed dry boat storage yard and boat sales area on l 11,000 square feet: high bidder was Dana Point W.:arine Corp. of Marina de! Rey with $25,000. -PARCEL 4. boat launching service occupying 511.000 square feet: highest bidder the Dana Poinl Marina Corp. with 125,000. &:PARCE L 5, a sportfishing landin& on 130.000 square feet ; highest bidder North American Bullding Technology of Beverly Hiiis, $68,500. -PARCEL 6, the large marine 11rea with Marina Capital Ltd. of Newport Beach the apparent high bidder with 1203,000. -PARCEL 7 A, a proposed retail com- plex on 260.000 square feet , 1vith apparent high bid by Dana Point Associates Clf Sherman Oaks v.·ith $70,000. South Vietnarnese ,Sen. Tran Van Don (ri,ht) ques· lions !\1ai Lai villager as the governments defense committee ch airman conduct! personal alleged March 16. 1968 incident. probe of The highest individu<1\ bid came from Marina Capital Ltd. or Ne11·port Beach. They oflered $263,000 for the option or le<ising Parcel 6, an area totaling l,021 ,000 square feet for boat slips. -PARCEL 8, the mole] site. with hi'h bidder Paul R. Goodman of La Habra, representing \\1estem Motel s Co. -P~RCEL 9 not up for bid -PARCEL 10. a 1-million·square-foot parcel fl'.)f' bGat slips ~different from Parcel 6) Marina Capital Ltd. of Newport Beach bidding $237 .000. Former Teacher Hired As Students' Chaperone By THO'IAS FORTUNE or tM 0.111 ~1i.r s1111 Students at Corona del i\1ar High School have hi red Ken Koury, a teachrr until this year, to chaper one their after· school events. Students are paying Koury $1.200 o! their own money in addition to .ohis reg· ular salary he draws from the Newport- i\1esa Unified School District. Koury, who is 36 and married. re- que1ted the extra money as the condition by which he would take on the jGb or full•time activities director. He chaperones "about three nights ~ week, he says, and there is ,something every 'veekend. _ '"All the student officer.'\ arc yery happy, overwhelmed with the job he has done,'' said Randy Nelson .. senior class presiden t. - "We would have pa id more H he had 11sked for lt ," said Arnold Clark , assoc.i· ated student body \!ice president. The student executive CGunci~oted to U.S. Gls Suffer Greatest Losses .To Red Shelling SAIGON (AP) -Enemy shelling killed mo re Americans during the past 24 hours r.1 Vietnam lhan in any other 2~-hour period for nearly four months, the U.S. Command reported today. U.S. headquarters also announced that American artillery bombarded North Vietnamese troops in the northern half of the demilitarized zone fGr the first time in twG months after the cncn1y soldiers fired on and damaged a small U S. observation pla·.1e. A U.S. spokesman said 30 enemy 11rUl1ery, rocket and mortar attacks were reported behvecn II a.m. ~londay and 8 a.m. today and that seven Ame ricans "·ere killed and 19 v.·ounded. The spokesman said this v.·as the highest American dealh loll from such altacks since Aui;. 11·12, \\'hen 1 l U.S. troops V.'c.rc killed and 122 "'ounded in 14!1 shelling attacks. ~· ' pay Koury $12Q per month for 10 month.o; from studen t body funds raised by $6 student body card sales and income ftGm · student activities. Koury said he asked for Sl.200 extra· because that is about the county averai:e for aci vities directors. The Huntington Beach Union High School District. he said, pays more than $2,000 for the job. Koury is the Newport-Mesa District's first full-time activi ty director. The other three district high schools don 't have one. ·rhey are the only public high schools in the county th at don't. Last year KGury taught internallonal relations and handled the student ~01·ern- 111ent. Another teacher took care of danc- es , musical concerts and athletic events. Koury said he v.·ou]dn't do it again , but some students went to Princi pal Leon Meeks who came to Koury and Koury named his terms. ihe school district hasn't picked up th e extra cosl becauie the job hadn 't exist· 1 ed before ana new budget apprGpriations were frozen upGn the toss of Upper New· port Bay assessed val uation revenue . "J don't think there is any doubt the· full-time position is needed." Koury said. "Our calendar is just unbelievably full with activities. Somebody needs to co- ordinate them ." Mildred Lillie. TappedforCourt? LOS ANGELES (UPJ) -Appellate Court Justice Mildred L. L i'l 1 i e, California's highest ranking woman jurist. is reportedly under consideration for ·appointment-10 the U.S. Supreme Court. F'riends of the \\'Oman have disclosed lhat the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Secret Service have been making rliscrttt but widespread inquiries about justice Lillie. Justice Lillie. 54. 11·as appcJinted lo thr municipal court bench by former Gol', Earl Warren in 1947 and was elevated to the superior court in 1949. Former Gov. Good.win J. Knight appointed her to the Sta le Court of Appeals in l~fl'. Uneasy Opera·1io11 Grenade Plucked From VC's Fuce SAIGON I AP) -Using a pocket knife for a scalpel, 111 U.S. Army surgeon removed a live grenade from lht face of 9 Viet Cong prisoner while a den101itlons cxperl steadied the pa!ient's head , !he li :;;. Air F'orce reported tocla y. The ope.ration 1~·ils performed stveral \\"eeks ago. and the pri551.ner is nov1 ··in good condition ... _ u,-and 1valkln6 around," the Air Force said . • The oprrating roon1 "'as 1he helicopter that !anded !he \\'Ounded man outside an Army hospital at Qui Nhon . It 11•:ts .con· Nidered too risky lo carry the wounded man inside. "Aod as ir v.'e didn't ha,·c enough trou· blr already, It befan to rain,'' said the i>urgeon. Lt. Col. Thomas H. \Vltschi of \Vadlng River. N.Y. Al !"ta.st lhrf!f: ~uch operations havt!: been performed by American mllit.ary doctors dur1n1 I.ht Vietnarn \\'ar. All ha\"e bten successful, In tach the rrenade has httn a U.S.-madc-t-.ti9 "'hlch musl travel a ctorton dl.'itancc through the air before' it arms llsclf lo explode ... The Air Force gave this ar.count · The wound@<! Viet .Cong pri.soner 11'11s pul aboard Rn Army med lcal el'ICU illiOl'I hellcapttr which took him to lhc Tuy Hoa Air Base. 240 miles northeast ol Saigon. There X-ray technicians discovered Lhc arenade~tmbedd"ed In the left m11t:illary sinus and concealrd by facial wound~. "Eiplosi\'e ordnance disposal Pl'f50nneJ • \vere called immediately to look at the X· rays and assess the d1:tngcr.'' said the Air Force. ~ ' '"They assumed the gren ade to hr arm· ed and ready to detonate." The clinic at iuy Hoa had no surgeon skilled enough to ren1ove · the grenade. Accompanied by ~taj . Alfrtd B \Vat.!!On .Jr., of KeyslOne Height s, Fla. the com· mander of lhc clinic. the prison er \\"as flo"'n up the coast to the Army hospital a: Qui t\hon, 30 minutes a1vay. ··we took every possible precaution (luring the fllght,'' said \Vat.son. "\\"c knew tha.t any minute a bit of turbu· Jenee. a seizure or pain or any one of a number or things could put pressure on the fu se and blow us all up. My prim e concern was keeping the patient quiet and the tr1cheotomy (a breBthl ng lnci!lion in tilt throltl clean and effective." At the Qui Nhon helicopter pad , \Vitscbi and ~I Sl!t. Let R. Miller of llealdton, Okla., a demolition man. took over. ~filler held lht> wounded m'::ln 's head ;il'ld warned WiUchi that his surgical IOrt'eps might clctonalc lhe grenade. Tht surl!COl'I enlarged 1he hole in the chee~ 11·ith his knife. then gingerly reached Int;) !ht man's mouth with his other h111)d and pushed the grenade out. • In a few niinutes, the Job 1va! done. All lhc lime. Witschi said. lht patient was "alert. coosclous and extremeb· , cooperative."' 1vhllc Miller was "rock tittady" duri ng the operat.ion. .. l'roin Pnge J SURVEY. .. - a!>?ve subject matter? .:....Should the instruction be coeduca- tional? -Do you believe that if schools become involved in this type of education it wlll Jead to ;reater promiscuity? Other questions examine exactly which aspect of sex and famll y life education !he parents would choose for instruction in schools: who would best be responsible ror the ed ucation, ·and what lhe effects of the education would. he ·on parent-child relationships. It also examines whether the in· struction should be done with or without examinations and academic credit. Tabulallon of the results of the survey should begin some time in the next three weeks, spokesmen forecast. The eXact date depends both on how soon all the in- quiries can be mailed to parents and how soon the parents return lhem. Twins 'Excellent -BOSTON (UPI) -Siamese twin girls, separated Wed n e.s d a y, successfully underwent follow-up surgery Monday at Massachusetts General Hoapltal. Their condition was described as "excellent." The .smallest high bid came from La l·labra hotelman Paul R. GOQCtman. It i.otaled $18,000 for a parcel earmarked for a motel. His bid exceeded the minimum re· qu~e<I by· I0,000. • All of Monday's bids v•ere on nine- month options to lease the parcels. In the next three m_mt.hs, county aides \VIII study all oLthe....43 offerings, and will examine the f i n a n c i a I capabilities, reputations and other qualities of the ap- parent hi gh bidder. Estimates of the total of capital in· vestments v.'hich the winning bidders 11·ould inake at the harbor reach $7 million. Sampson sa id. the bids did not include mon~y con· 1;tituling actual lease pi.yments. "Those annual paym1!nls for the first rive years will be pegged understanda~ly low so that the investors can eet on their feet. The investment is quite high," Sampson said. After the five-year period of relalively minimal lease· payments. the lease fees 11·ill be gradually heightened on a formula basis to a more substantial level, he ad· de<!. Broken down, the parcels and their high bidders were as follows: -PARCEL t. water and land area set for marine fueling operations with the apparent high bidder Atlanti c · flfchfield \\'ith $50.750 . ' -PARCEL 2, 245,000-square-foot boat • -PARCEL JI, a restaurant facility on about 64 ,000 square feet: high bffidcr is Goldrich, Kest and Stern with $36,000. · Ki'vanis Travel Movie Friday "Arizona," the sttond in the series of six travel. films sponsored by the New- port Harbor Kiwanis Club. will be pres~nted at 8 p.m.. F'riday at !he Orange Coast College Auditorium. Stan Midgley will narrate the film In \vhich he explores lhe Grand Canyon by helicopter and visits Tombstone and the Petrified F'orest. Tickets, priced at $2 for adults and $1 ror students, may be purchased at the door or at the Nel'l'port Harbor Cham· ber of Commerce. Proceeds from the -Serles of travel films are used by the Khvanis Club for youth programs. J et i\fakes Dchut SEATTLL (AP) -The age of tht jum- bo jetliner was previewed today as a B<>eing 747, deaigned to carry almost 500 passeT1gers. took off for New York with 110 persoNi aboard. Maverick For the-same kind of value in a larger size-your best buy is The best small car value in the world. IT'S A FACT: Our small car has scored a· big success. And the rea· son is very simple-soli d value. FACT: Maverick rivals lhe imporls in gas mlleage. FACT : Maverick gives you lots 01 leg, hip and head- room ... plus 10.4 cu. It. of trunk space. FACT: Maverick is eesler to ma inta in than ,an economy import. FACT: Now enjoy all the fea1u·res you've ever wan ted in a car-at a 1960pric e1hat lets you stop worry· , Ing abou1 rising cosls. Torino Lowest-priced hardtop in its class. IT'S A FACT: Noth ing can equal Torino-not In a1?pear- an9e, faa!ures or price. FACT: This hardlop has !hi same sleek styling of lhe more expen1ive Torino models. FACT: 11 h~e same 117-inc h wheelbase for a smooth· er ride. FACT: It has the same 6Q:inch track fo r batter road holding. FACT: 11 has the sa~e roomy Interior !hat seats six in perfect comfort. FACT: It has new sound· proofing thal ,lets everyone enjoy a qu iet , more relax ing ride. FACT: II gives you 16.2 cu. ft . ol lrunk spece. l ook over Torino .and Mave ric k soon. Pick the car that measures up to you r need s. THE FACTS FAVOR FORD. For mo11 ,n1orm1f1011 1110111 lh•s• c•rs. 11• yo111 lord 0111/1r or''""" IA .... ,,ck C1111011 . Ct p/. N·l2 01 10"110 C111/oo. Dtpf. N·IJ, p 0 aoi I ~'-1. D111llor11, .Y•Clllg'tfl 481 11. 'rbur Ford Dealer tights the price rise - • ' I I I I' ' I i ' ' • • • ' ' l " '. ' L .. --~-· .. '· _, ,. ·~ ... .:. .. ...._. . ..... (,.,. ,. • .. ; \ &EA ANDERSON , Edito• T11eM1r, 0.Ctl'I-t. 1Jtp M l'ltt II • . V • I 01ces Cause Earns . Praises . . since the 1no_ment cif Hi s birth voices ha ve sung Hi s praises. - • • j ... .. . ' .. ,<\nd so it \vi ii be during the current Christ1nas sea son \\'hen t ~ e · Christ Child is ren1embefed. for the Voices of Chri st1na s again \\"lll ·be·.ra1s· cd in song, ·and again· the program \Vi.JI be prese nted fol_' a \Vorthy cause. The special evening \\1ilf be Thursday, Dec . 11, in the BaJboa' Bay Club . and the featured performance \\'ill be by Sonny Burk.e. Les ~rown pnd his Band or RenO\\'n and a group or Holly\vood persona lities \vho aJt- nually lend thei r \'Dices for a lo£ty co1nmunily goal. The Voices. who originally caroled in neighborhoods for the inspira· tion it brought, now perform in memory of Bllrke '.s · young son \\'ho died of a h e a r t ailment due to a lack of necessary meQicaJ. eqaj.pment. Tbeir benefits n~\v a~e de~oted to secui;tng equipment. and facili~es .~or hos.P!· tals. anti tiere 1n Newpqrt Beach prpceeds bene(it Hocig ,Memorial Hbsp1· tal, Presbyterian. Blending \vith the Voices dedication is' that of diligent workers in the }IA'rbor Area, for 'each .year the black-tie "voices ball ," a social highlight of the holiday calendar, is a sellout. Patrolis and patronesses' \vho are in hannony "·ilh the c~use include D~s. 3nd Mmes. Alan V. Andre\\'S, Arnold 0 . Beckman, Hansel Benvenuti, Allen 0. Cottle. Robert \V. Crecca, Frederick J\1 . Grazer. John K. Hamel, fiobert A. HariJey. John P. f\1iller. Ted R. Nehren'be rg. Robert,E. Rakel, '.rvlaurice l'vI. Rice, Richard B. Simpson. Gerald B. Sinykin and D a n i e l ~tring~r. and G.en. creLJ .and J\1rs . Thomas P. Riley. , •• ' 'OtHers itre the ~less rS .. an'a 'J\.fm.es. Dwight P . Ander!oi!, Albert J, Auer, Richard Bertea .. La\vrence ~· Bro\vn, Donald S. Bun;(!~ Dennis E. Carpenter. CharteS .P .. Cotton, Alvin S. Gox. Rich;:1.rd L. CrU~~er . Walter \V. Cruttenden ·Jr., Ralph ·H. Deaver. And y··Devine. Thom~.<r. Dougan , l\1afsha ll O!Jffie.J~. (,":bristian· EDsen and Rob son English. Others are the 1\1essrs. and Mmes. Byron H. Far\Yell , Lyman l-1. Far- \V,ell , Charles J .. fish.b~cb; Charles \Y. Hester. Edgar R. HUI<, Edgar f'. Hirth , George G. Hoa g II. G, \Vill iarh Grundy .. George r..:.:ijoedinghaus, \\'illiam Hol stein. L. C. Jacobsen . \Vard ·E. Jewell. A. Vin cent Jorgehsen, l-lerbert \V, Kalmbach. John 'Killefer , Ralph· C. Kiser and \V; E. Langs~on. Co ncluding the list are the Messrs. and 1\1mes. Ed,vard F. Leth'en, l\1artin J. Lockney. John D. Lu sk. T. Ptrillips l\1org.an . Richard \V. Nabers, .Jol\lf H.'iforter .J1.:._~0. W.,. Rich~d . &rnl!i!t C~ safttg; Harell·! T. -seger .. ~~m,. ~ So~e~s1 .Leooaal \Solil&h, Ri@hard ~~. Jo~.\Vayne and ~gar s:. \\iltmer. , ~ '" -.. ; ~~: . . . . • ' ' •, .. ' • ' ' . ..~, , ..... . ~~~~~~~mt:r1~;':n~!sttc~~~r1~\Vitti5n'm1~~~n~.ra~~~~:-~----~;h~~1t1 ~i~~H2g9.M~5i1~19H~s~J~~-~1J)~r~g~~-~~~~~- ate tables in the Balboa Bay Club IJ'hursdAfo.D:~. 11, :r.·Jr.s. George A. Cox · (left} and 1'ilrs. Leonard South. .:: \vhen Voices,..of Christmas again perform at a benefit · ' ' ,, ,. ' : Thinking of Others Less Fortunate • :;..'-. • . ' Clubwomen · Cheer· Christm·as] . . . . ~ \Vherc \vill you be on Christmas ev e? ~eit.,d at a candlelight 'dinner .• / ta.l,king arouna a 'I glowing fireplace ... \\'rapping presents ..• caroling ... attending religious services , •• relaxing around a brightly lit Christmas tree! Most everyone silareS many of these qiotpents on the eve of Dec. 25. But not 'the chi ldren. at Sitton Home <Ind Juvenile 1-lall. \ A g'entle. man. roly and pol}', has sorQethi.ng to ask of Lido Isle \Vomen 's Club n1ombers. I.l's a .. simple idea, one that millions have thought ~ of ; before~ :~ , : ·.· AcCbrdiitg to Mr. Claus, your Ohris~rri"as will be , merrier,U;'you i;nBke a child.happy. Mem~~rs ot the I Wom8';11 ~b Will be making 'hundreds J>f young- sters at "Sitton Rome and · Juvenile Hall' happy 'th.is Christmaa with presents collected durii1g lhe 'fues- day;· Dec. 9 meeting. · ' ! ... , ~ .... I ·(;,o, man. "Toys and clothing. ·ro1-Y"('ngste'rs ranginf: fron1 infancy through 17 yeara;of ·aae .witl ~e grat .. fully 'received: Books. c9sm~tics,;re.cords .af!d mosf'f articles enjoyed by teenagers' aNo ·hled.ed. ' . ~ ' . l ... -l f -i "Please have these ·,nc-\v · guis~ wrapped and~ tagged as to their contei;its ancf· age or the . Child,":.' she concluded. ·. . · ~r Du{!ng the same me~tiilg car'Ols and · carillons; of Cllrisln1as will resound on Lido Isle v.·hen the".• club's caroliers make a de.but. , · -:-· ~.; The first of ffiany group presentatio~s Will -~~ direc.1.ed by h1rs . Joe,Gaudio, whose musical back-~ ground is similar to that Of. her hUJband who will ; star as the major· soloist. Members lnc;lude tbef J\lmes. Cliff Schmiesing, Basil Bookasta, Richa(d • Mailander, Richard Fuller, Jean ~ Jones, Tony ~· sfiepattt.son, Pat Hadden. E. Terrance Moran and ~ Roger Garrity and Miss Nina Gaudio. • ,, .:" -;j 'the festive gathering v.'ill take place In the Opening with tri.~utes to Christmas will be a --; . decorateefl clubhouse. A luncheon and ptlncheon at duet with . Mrs. E. Morgan Quinn and. r>-V!. J~ck · 11 :30 a.in~will precede a musical program.,> J\Jarshat(.playing one or her composer:Jiu.sband's 'r · • •originals. . . . ·..;.: The gifts brought by •members \vlll be donated . )I'; to the group's favorite philailthropy-thdse chi1dren Other soloists \\'ill include Cam Quirin singing"~ \\•hO have no homfs. absent parCnts or nb relatives. his, original ballads. i\1rs . ~·Iailander, Mrs. Bookasta ·~ WRAPPING IS HALF THE FUN -Enjoying their job and '''rapping presents for th e Sitton l·lome and ,Juvenile Hall arc (left to right) i\lr~. Edward Hayes and l\lrs. l\J. 1\. Richley, president of Lido Isl e \Voman 's ·Cl ub. J\·Tembcrs are urged lo bring gift~ to the OCc. 9 meetini;: ,,-h,i ch inclµde s a musical This is the reason many of lhe1n must remain in th e and "hlrs . George Godfrey, juvenile laci!Jtie_$ \vherl most children are happy in The program is being coordinated by the com·~~ the secyrjt-y ol their O\vn ho'i°es.. ·hlncd effort.5 ol i\·frs. Ralph Tandowsky , i\lrS. Ralph •J program. According to :r.Irs. Gu)" A'fincr, ,.,,elfare chair· 1-lolden and .lVlrs. Loyd McCUiley. ;,. ' j I Sender's , No Card When Seasori~:~~~etif.l~~i!~ffer No ·Joy J DEAR ANN LANDERS: The best ool· easylllt Iain mo,re il'lvolyed than ~r. I Lbxla 'fll e_leeted••praldent of her Bob hasn't had a haircut since Au;I umn you ever wrote was an assauh on J •ccepied the '\'Ice presldency or the'. elau:. tlQftSecoming ~; sweetheart o( and had .to .bock his guitar . to. 'PIY! • ristmas newsletters. Please do a Garden Cl\lb ind still -am actlvt In Oft the. Phfbelta and ,•• a fhWist In the repairing his Honda. {Thank God l~rei-un., Those who haven't ~n It. should. ~; DAR. J ran the ,bake safe'for the Eutem ~er:a~s1t~~~=t.~n~l ydu could =1 lose lfts lea. We were: pleiily :• · e who have Sttn lt sbould gee it • ~ Star again . and wef"m~ $683. I also von1lt. Nut year I'm 'tendlftJ. a newslet-Mary is protes.UJli lOmtlhin( anil ah again. 'J'hanjcs. . . · ~K.C; fA.'l . ~;~ 1 ·.,,., squeezed in r¥Wer arrariifng ' class Of.. ler lo 811 lhe bores w~.haVJ ~a sen· ed her bead two wetks,ago. Her fath DEAR K. C.: Han 1111, tot,.o•'f (or ' ~~It ... · · fered by a J1P.anete t:rchange student. dlnJC ut~thelz:a. Heredt.-lS:-·~ .• not speaklnJ to heflthleh Is jus\ at 3·ou but for J.O. of 'V1Htje. R.R .L. bf -ls the height of ego-tentHcity to Jim _ wair named vice president of the AU this with my leg· In·~ cast. Dum~ me DEAJl iF,RlENDS: We've h~· a rotten because I think she is deaf from all t -Alma, 1\llcb.: J.T •. of Amartno,, 1.0. ()r lisume. thll~anyone. savt a fe"V .intimate bankJ \Ve celebrated by bu ying a fell olf' ladder while hanging curtains at year. ~ill't'W•s passed over for promotion loud music. My mother-in·law's Mayi !tman:k. E.G. of &urlinJton, Vt .. M and frteilds, would wade through all that • Mercedes and nyinc {,ff to lhe Orient. In the l.'SO Ced . • • . again ~ be quit h\! job. ·~e hasn't · l!lsted UI Augu'!t 11Dd I al!'l b.:>e--: .,y of Superior, \fls ., S.T. of Lafa)'tlte; verbiage.Jam.galled by the attempts to ndd,iiJon to his Boy Scout v.·ork, Jim was Jim Jr. was electe41 clw preskknt and t nythlna Jieed up yet l>Ut-he's 11$ted wW. • therapy. A! I write this the whole fa IJtd. 11d oUtf:rs. """ v I · · "·-· of rn nd WOil hit-letters in fo6tball Ind beJtet.ball ... the eqiployment q:endes and looks in lhe IS down with the nu and 11'm exhaust _ ' • DEAR ANN : \Vhy c!o normally Jn. t"" .ra,, g owing ptc .... = 8 uenct a co-chaltman or the United Fund Drive, JJ~ is on the All.St.ate debate te&m and '\\tant.ad1 rt.·ery day. In the meantime, he \','e hope next year Is better. It coul _ teJligent folks take leave or the ir se .. ~:: ~. I-have before me several FamiJy He cootinues on the board or Gra"ce · pit~ thlril 1n the ·nnUonel ora~C'Olf-l.s d~ng llke: .a fish. Havtn1 him aroond be much worse. Lo,·e. • -:,. L Christmas time? I refer to people '\W" Ne~·sleUers from Whic~ J ~han lift bits of HoSj:tttal aod is treasurer of Kiwanis. His tc.il. rWe wer}: r1urprlsed to read' b\..llle . the bouiil all day hasn't done. much for • -M ~mpo$e interminable chronicles ·or the pieces, chanaing the 'nlmea and plam first love, ho~·e1,--er, is. still comervation paper 'that ·hfl-&d won a SlOOipri:ie ~ lhe rpv ,di11position . . • ear's activities and mail them to for OOviQUs reasons. I've strung togelh e'r llnd he Is heading up I.he Committee .to American LeglOn e.saay contestj \Ve neYU Bill Jr. was defeated for homeroo1J1 An_1· l:Aiiacftrt wtn be "'II to Wp ; vcryone •'bo has se nt them so rpueh "~ • 10 mailinp lo illUstl'ltt. lht. pi.lint. Htre.'s 1-Jght Dutch Elm "Disease. *''~n ~'''tit tlad tntered! unior .~ft' rnontt.or; . .Mt ~ French and will hive 1 • "10 )'tlr ,nMtmL Seed &Mm w ruthmage sale announcement durlns the composltt:: .,.. , After <.'Om pleting my tenn as Junior . betk ~Pied tt,-t1ol11l11".rd and Yate to go to turhmer school to cr~uate. un· ff dte DAILY PILOT, e1eltela he )'ear. · ''DEAR FRIEN'DS: \Vha~ a great year? Lcugue president, J '"'ore l'd t.•ke lift and ca n't make up his mind. Collcie i3 out He can't eel In anjph1ct. •df..dthiltd, acamped tive)ep8. -. • I • ' . . • < CA!tV '1LOT MRS. STEPHEN P. GODSHALL Wedding Vow1 Exch1ngMI ":Newlywed Godshalls .At Home In Alhambra . . . ... }l'ollowing a honeymoon in , i11waii . newlyweds Mr. and "·Mrs. Stephen Pay.1e Godshall are making the ir home in ·Aihambra . ~.·'•The bride ls tfle former '" _ Kristine Ann Gitt, daughter of .:.Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Glit . -of Long Beach. Her husband is the son of Cmdr. (ret.) and Ji!rs. Walter H. Godshall of , .Huntington Beach. '" • The couple exchanged wed· '.1filig vows and rings i'.1 the ., Wbittie"r First Chnrch of the · Nizarene during an afternoon Ctremony conducted by the Rev. Charles· Ogden. : ' 'Fof her wedding the bride ·.:. :'Club Gives : .. ·Yule Gifts '.":To Children ~fembers of Laguna Beach iPanhellenic will arrive at their •·annual holiday luncheon in the ;Outrigger restaurant tomor- TOW bearil\g gifts for children ·.io Hope Haven Schools of Orange Cou.1ty. . A special Christmas pro- Jl ram will feature 'Thurston ,Junior High School Glee Club . under direction of J a c k Foster. Social hour will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by a 12 :30 luncheon arranged by r-.1rs. C. ,stuart Lc\Yis and c,on1mittee . members ~!rs. Harold N. l\ioore. Mrs . Harry \V , Robinson and Mrs. John Valenline. Congratulations will he of- ' fered to \\'t,1ners or the 1969 Bridge Toornament. l\! rs. Geo rge J. Carpenter and • 1'.lrs. Clyde \V . Phelpi;, lir~t place. and r..1rs. \\lilliam Beat · I~ and l\1rs. L. T. Rosser, se- ~ond. . ?i . .,.. " j• '· .... ., ii'' ' l• '"l r I • • Do nee Session Aims at Waist A ne\\' slimnastic session in l\1ission Viejo Re cr eation Center· offer!-'11 fun 'A'ay lo dance to health and beauty. Residents are invited to bring their friend s to Wed- nesday morning classes under direction 'of Caryl Davidson. The session consists of 10 classes begi'.1ning tamorrpw and running to Feb. 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. f'ee is $~ for recreation center members and $8 for nonmembers. MAKE IT THE MOST DELICIOUS DINNER EVER J This new look in diamond dinner rings will look just great on you. All in 18 karat gold. Clockwise from top: Pave·, S 1.400. Bark finish. s 1.000. Bark finish,. $895. SLAVICK'S J•.,.,t ,., S·nt;t I 9 ! 7 I I ~ASH ION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -b44 . J l80 •• " . ' .. . . . . . . ' • -'• Date Set eo ·. S potl''1·,~g' ._nt-1--•F~r~ie""n....-d s-,.;-· '0""p"""e;-Kn-1_:13y-coap1 The engagement of Mary Kalhleen Jeffries and Dr. h b• L, b w • · David Leonard Rodibaugh has On Nel.9 ·0·r,s· 1 rary 1ng :.·~;o;;.~db1e1~~.a: of Huntington H a r b o u r , parents of the bride-to-be. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3 .By SYDNEY OMARR Groom.lag ts ef 1pecl1I Im· portance l.Od•f· So are sounds. Modulate )'OIU' voice; avoSd •*di&" ud 1arisb attire. Ac· ttat Is Giii harm•~· Ptfucb could be Uppeabl1·ht '!'•rid to make people yeara f o r baluce, JIN«. la dealing wltk Jndlvich&al1, keep this in mind. • Turn in. Fora sharp offer .. S1ainlels ..._._k Jn,;.., -YoVrS 1oronly2SI(• Oad< "With gatolin• ' p!Jl'chas• or par• ticipotin9 T axaco ••talltn. Hollaw.ground "Magic Ed'oe'' blade• ,,ever need 1horptnin9. .Simulot•d slog hol'!d l•r. · l>i1hwo1her·sof•. Uncon• clitio11olly guaranteed by • tna11 vfactw•r for J yeors. .,....., ,...11 ,,itt,,.,.. ... Miss Jeffries is a graduate of St. Anthony's Girls' High School and attended Golden •l\'est College and Calilornia State College at Long Beach. Her riance, son of Robert K. Rodibaugh of South Bend, lnd.. and the late ~trs. Rodibaugh, is a graduate of Northwestern University and received his MD degree from the Indiana Univer.;ity School of Medicine. The couple plan lo marry in April in St. Anthony's Catholic l 1. MARY JEFFRIES Betrothed Church, Long Beach. ----------- Phi Mus Meet For You Who Wear Half-Sizes 14'h to 26'h PENING WEDNESDAY, DECEMllR 3rd, IN • • • Huntington Center HUNTINGTON IEACH HALF· SIZE SHOP • With The Young Look In .Half-Sizes 14'/2 to 261/2 We ert ~roud to briag our traditionelly l1r9e selection of famous label d resses, sportswear and lin gerie to our many friends and customers in West Orange County. OPENING SPECIAL ------ 250/o OFF on ALL WINTER COATS Sixes 12 • 22 -Thru Saturday _Only --10 FREE GIFT CERTIFICATES--. Com e in end regist•r thru S1turd•y $2500 Wi11ners wil be not ifi ed \ 11T PllD No pur~h11e n•c:•11ary CR ESSE S· • CAP RIS • I LOUSES • SWEA T~RS ' . ' ROBES GOWNS SL1 PS • PANTYHOSE • IRAS • GIR.O LES • HOSIER.Y GIFT CEll.TIFICATES E([a LAYAWAYS • GIFT Boxu • Nor'sHALF-SIZE SHOP • OPEN SUNDAYS 12 TD 5 !Except C.M.I • I ". 84 HUNTINGTON CENTER • HUNTINGTON BEACH-iN'ext to Borker Bros.) Also' '224 ORANGEFAIR MALI., FULlfRTON I 1105 NEW,011.T ILVD., COSTA MESA --------------- • • l I • TOday's Final EDIT IO N N. toe kt; • VOL. 62, NO. 288, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TUESQAY, DECEMBER 2, 1969 TEN CENTS '" Parents Get ~cof C Sex Cla·ss Que·stionnaires I ' By JOIDI YALTERZA 01 lMi DtllY l'l~I Sllll \\'oman volunteers today began maili ng nlore than 7,000 queslionnaires on sex education lo parents or liarbbr Area !Oludents in a sur\'ey sponsored by the Ne">11port Harbor Chamber of Co1n1ncrcc. The su rvey, parl of the chan1ber's monU1s·long inquiry into the cuncept of sex educallon in school s. \\•ill affect parents or students in grades 5.7.9, and I l in Ult Newporl-Pilesa Urlificd School Beach Coed Fou11dNude, Strangled From \\'\rt Ser,•ices Authorities in the oil and coal tov.•n of Carbondale, 111. hunlcd a fiend today. follov.·ing discovery or the pretty daughter of a Seal Beach educator 11on· day, stripped and strangled with her Ol~'n jeans. Wsa Levering, who 1vould have bccn 15 Saturday. had been n1issing since line 111eck ago today. the subject or a wide search b)' all area auUiorllies, including 1''BI ageuts. 1-ler father. David levering, of 601 Seabreeze Drive. Seal Beach, lefl Satur- day to aid in the search that began drav.·- ing to a close when an Irish setter !oped home from a v.·ooded area four miles southv•esl of Carbondale with a girl's lihoe. J\1rs . H. Dan Piper. \\·ho lives about 300 ~·ards from v.·here Lisa's nude bod y V,'aS found -he r pea coat draped ovC'r it - cJllcd police when the dog brought hon1e tSe c SLAYil"iG, Page 2) Disabled Vet Looks for Work As Holida y Naars Jan1es Blood is luckier than n1any di sabled Vietnam \llar veterans. He has legs to \.\'alk on hunting \\'Ork. •·r ve rea\lv been hi tt ing the pal"e- ment:• said Blood. 2188 Placentia Ave ., Costa Mesa. whose classification to receive federal disability aid won't come until welt into the holidsiy season. The 24·year-old cx·GI , whose service 1''a5 ended the lla y he stepped on a J3nll niine , la st v.•orked <three weeks ago, m::ik- ing less at a servict: station than he had as a private first class in the Arm y. The former landscape "'orker and gardener was forced to quit finally after aggravalin~ the hip mutilJted in Vietnan1 by shrapnel \\'hich also tore into his ab- domen. The ronner Pre., who has his ·wifr. Diane . t-0 support, recently slopped by the tJAILY PILOT office. carrying his discharge. his Purple Hea rt and his DlsablPd American Veterans membership certificate. Secreli;ry of the ,Arm~ Stanley R. ReSfir signed the Purple Heart papers, but Blood Is the man who has to sign his name to the checks to pay the continuing bills. "I do prefer outdoor type v•ork - maybe \vithout so much bending -bl1l lhe n1ain lhing is, I "'ant a job." he ex· plained. • "I understand they can dn notl\ing until l'm ·rate<:: but I've got. to get S()ltlethin-; l can hold out on until after Ottembcr." lhc forn1er Laguna BeacJl resident ex- plainetJ . "Then Y.'e're over the hump.'' lie plant. -after they're over the hump -t· enrol: in a special trade school witll GI Bill help. Blood said rather bitterly of the service !ltation job lhat he occasionally worked tv.·o Ahifl.s in the hop.: of mai<ing ends mert, but t1!!.2VCrtinw ne ve r showed up on lhe check. "If you don ·1. like ii." he qu otr-d the sla· lion o~ ner as ~ylng \\'hen he questioned the rairne~. "then you can get out." "I "·as so angry .• :· he said, "but I ju~t lt't It hang.'' And v.·ith that -afler telling hi.s ~tory -Jim Blood hit. lhe ptt\·ement again. because Christmas Is lhe worst time lo be Jobless. even ~·hen there ·:i; just you !----Mi ~·Uc to sup.po - Diestrict . The funding for the printing of the two- pages of qtieslions and pc.stage fees \Vas provided on a d?nation basis by ,S irectors ol the chamber. ~lore tl':an $400, enough to Co\·er all C:\· penses, was donated at a ret'i!nt OOanJ n1cetlng. In recent months thl: education coin· mille:! of the chainbcr, Jed by Dr. Nolau Frizzellc, has heard fron1 experls spcaJ;;. e ing ():'I both sides of the controversial issue. _ The committee inquiries have been kept on an impartial basls. its members say. and the questionnaire project will be no diff:;:rent. . i\ln. \Villiam R. 11ason. representing the chamber's Woinen's .. Division which h3s volunteered to conduct lhe survey, said the onJy ·identification of individual parents on the questionnaires come!! In the form o! a color code which • Ill Nude Ba11 Due~ Mes a to Consid er Nei v 'Topless' Latv A ne}V law banning nude or se1ni·nude entertainment and a rezoning of a chunk of industrial property to single fa1nily homes are among items on the Costa J\1esa City Council agenda tonight. The legis lative session will be at 7 p.n1. in City Council chainbers. City Attorney Roy June: said today the top\ess·botlomless ban ta1~' is one pro- posed by the California Leagu!' of Cities to give local control over such contro- versial entertainment. A group of Orange County entrepre- neurs ha ve gone to court to fight the la1v as drav.•n. wh ich v.·ould doubtless make il tougher on their cen1ral county estab- lishments. "This is the one that's under attack.'' said June. •·but I think ll-'e're going to just go ahead and fight it as it comes." Costa J\tesa ofUcials fought the battle of the ban againsl the· old Baby Doll's beer bar through the courts to a bitter ~ but negotiated end n~arly three years ago. The element which has flourished In more liberal sections of Santa Ana and Garden Grove has appare:itly not ser· iously CQnsidered niovlng cnastward in U1e interim. A public hearing is scheduled tonight on the city-initiated bid to rezone land along Valley Road 400 fee t south of the ce nterline of Victoria Street from manu· facturing to residential use. City Clerk C. K. "Charlie" ~rlest said much interest has been generated and his ofrice ·has had a number of calls for inforn1ation about the proposal. Another: public · hearirig ls·' ·scheduled arter the "\talley ROad project, this one to switCh 2S Jots along Clubhouse Road bordered •by the l.iesa Verd~ Country Club golf course from multiple to single home designation. Ow11ers Vote on An11ex Bid Set fo1· February by Mesa A property ov.ners' election on an- nexation of a 40·acre section of land ad· jacent to the city in the Back Bay ar.ca l\'as tentatl\'ely set for February by the Costa J\·lesa Ci1y Council ~1onday. - Next step in the encirclen1ent of the Back Bay Nurnber One proper~y is ar- rangement with the county Registrar of Voters for the Feb. 5 election . One affected property ov.•ner. B. Doug las Sawtelle. cf 2668 Santa Ana Ave., v.·ent lx?fore councihnen lo ask for a delay. but his objections v.·ere evidently smoothed out. Several n1eelings were held to exnlain the annexalion plan -requested by a majority or area properly owners -llul Sa v.·telle said his job prevented hin1 rrotn attending. City oHicialt; suggested that he discus~ the matter with Da1·e Leighton. senior assistant Planner ror the city, \\'hose job \\·as lo prep3rc the case !or presentation lo the coun1y. The Local Agenc:\. Fonnation Coin· mission (LAFCJ approved the annexa· toon, last June. Sall'telle sai d he originally understoo..1 the alteniaUves by election were joining S toel< ltlal"ket NEW YORK fAP )-Prices on the stock market began lo fir m slightly in late afternoon lrading today a'fter tumbling lo~·er on a broad front in earlier trans· actions. (See quotations, Pages 16-17). Costa Mesa. Nel\l)Ort Beach, or re- maini~g unincorporated . "\Vhll t would ·we galn~ The only ad· vantage I can see is having our streets :iwept," Sawtelle told the council. The property involved is betv.'cen Tustin and Santa An3 Avenues. north of La Canada Way and north and south of J\1csa Drive. 1vhich bisects the yroperty. Sawtelle also said one original theory behind armexing lo Costa h1esa was that · It would b:? an effective method of keep- ing the "hippie element" oot of the neighborhood. Councilman William L. St. Clair said !he hippies anct so-called "probl~m people·• are Quite happy to stay C"Jtside !he city limits because local police know how to deal with lhen1. City to Purcliase More Road Boocls The City nr Costa Mesa Is about to huy 1nore beads th~n a dol.fl Girl Scout troops. .... They v.·on't bl! strung, however. except along city streets wiU1 a J>ipd~r of thick white' paint. to. serve as reflectors when hit by aulomobile headlights. Cotmcilmen grBnt.ed C.'lty hfanager Arthur R. McKenzie permission l<l buy more than 19,000 of the tiny gl1ss beads at $2,iOO, l<l be stirred into highway strip- ing pigment. establishes which school the parent's child attends. The parent also is asked to provide the grade or grades. the studenta attend, otherwise, the responses are anonymous. ·:we· have strived throughout this pro.. ject to Slay Impartial and unemotional. Ttt1s sur,•ey will provide us \Vith solid in-- formation on how the community feels abaUt.•the issue!" Z.1rs. 11ason sa1d ~Ion· day. 'l11e 4uestiorulair'es w~ll be distributed · • Ol'l l •"""'9 ',HELD l.N ALABAMA° . Ta !I! 'Su.apect Ke~J1W i~~tl ... JuUe Andre'v~ Gets Protection . I.OS ANGELES (UPI ) -Actress Julie Andrews and her new , husband .. Bleke Edwards, "'ere given police protection ofter an unidentified man haraSSM then1 • last .ll·eek, it was revealed Mond.;ty. Edwards told police the man first ap· pearerl Wednesday demanding to sec 1tiss Andrews. A maid said she was not home. The man returned Saturday eveninr; :ind Ed1-1ard5 said he warned. the man, "Y0u'd better not come back," He said the m.an replied. ''You 'd bettrr not be her.e wher. I.I.come back."· ALL DRA.FT DAT A LISTED I NSIDE· Want to know wt.en your number·s up'! The DAll.Y PILOT carries the complete results of Monday night's &elective servict lottery on Page 4 today. · through the Newport.Mesa Unified School District. which provided the parents' namCJ and addresses. Chan1ber spokesmen stressed, h01vever, that the dJstrict's role is "sin1p- Jy a matter of convenience.." The district aid. they added, does not imply district endorsement of the Educa. lion Committee, its actions or its fin· dings. Among the questions asked in the sur\'ey are : • a Religious Cult Band Arrested LOS 'ANGELES (U PI) -At least 10 members of a pseudo-religious cult. in· eluding the leader known as "Jesus." ""·ere in ctistocly today a.s suspects In the bk>ody slayings of actress Sharon Tate and at least si~ other persons. Polict orficlally YiE-rt reluctant to discuss details of the months-long in- \"estigation because of recent court rul- ings. Police Chief Edward Davis told a news eoflfefeft~· .Mond!I)' 1114t the 1u$pecta were members ri '4the FamiJY ,'' a hippie band that roved tbrougl\ Death Vallt:y J:ia miles north Of here. · ;tie .l•~der. c~artef Mao!pn. ·341 has • lengthy record that Includes assaw(. theft and ·arson. He is held at Inf o County .tail in Independence, Calif., ·on a n11nor charge. Al least five women are being held in Sybil Brand JnsUtute here as material witnesses and-another woman. Susan Atkins. 21, is in custody on suspicion of anotll"':r murder. Jn addition l<l the slaying of 11iss Tate and four other persons at her rented · estate Aug. 9, the group of nomads Is believed resp:insible for the slaying of a 1\·ealthy middle-aged couple the ni1ht !ollowing the Tate murders. In custody at 11cKinney, Tex., where he surrendered Sunday night was Charles D._ ''Tex" Watson, 24, Pat r l cJ a Kernwinkel, 21. \\'as arrested Monday near the home of her aunt in Mobl!e, Ala. 0£ficers were en route to both cities to take the suspects into custody. The lasl suspect. Unda Kasablan, 19, was ar- rested in ConCQrd, N.H., today. The break came in the case when a young wornan told an informer a story of m:..sa murder and recounted details of the Tate murder scene which pol.ice believed only the killers coo.Id have known . Names supplled by the woman led of-· ficers to the desert commune. "It Is anticipated that an additional rour or five persons will be named in in· dic1ments wh ich will be sought fr om the Los Angeles Cotr.1ty ,Grand Jury," Davis s.1id. ').; -~ First Man Jailed On r &te Mw·ders Called 'Nice Boy' McKiNNEY. Tex. !UPI) -i'..., Lo! Angeles police detectives Monday ln- t ~t'~ated a ''cle.a'h cut:• 2t·year-olct ~1cKinney man, the Jirst suspectJrrested in b!iarre slayings·of actress Sharon Tate How to Handle Revolt anti four other persons. O!arles ·o. Watson was zirrestM S·1n- <'aY on a murder warrar.t Issued by tl1e 1..0-'I Angeles Police Department. "You could kinda say he walked in and p3ve him.sett up,'' said Sherl!( Torn i\fontgMJery. Sc ho ols See k Funds for Cours e for Ad~nini.strators l\1ontgomery descrlbed \Val.!00 a! "clean cut" and pld he grew up ln the rearby agricultural communlly o f The Newport-Mesa UnlDtd School Dlf' triet is seeking fcdr5al funds tO flnonce a special course for h.lgh achoo! adminis- trators and teachers on how to deal with studenl revolt. A prospectus for a summer cou rac at UC JrvlM to lrain the educators in "cori· fllct resol\Jtion" has bc!cn prepared by Thomes C. Wilson. a~istant princi pal nt Ne"'Poc; Beach High School. The amount of fundlng \\·ill depend upon the 1moo11l or federal money 11vnilable, allocated by acographic rr· io11J1nde~Educt1.lonallio.f.e.ssio1M1 I ' • Dcvclo~tent Ac' enacted -by Congress in 1967. No price tag is jneluded in the prospecws. Wiison nottl!I that In ()nt document~ recent four-month pet1od 239 dfsruptlvo cpllOdes·took place at hl1'1. llChooll a:cros~ Hie country". A random sample wrvey of high school principals last _ si;>rlng round 60 percent reporting slgni11cant s~udcnl protest, he said. ''The tvidencc secnu c!e11r that the disruption is becoming increaslnf.ty wide- spread and increasingly \•lolent. • Wilson wrote Jn.the rospectus. He e:aid It has been · t "ihor will be !!lj(" ' . demands, more bo)'totU, triore demon· Copev1Uc. Where his partnb 1tJU U\·e. matlons and·mor~ school Ciosttigs, more "He's. a nice boy." .the sheriff said. • ''I've known hJm all lflY life." ~~~· more•lnjuries and more potlri, 33· V/atJOn. ab6.lt 'six.fooMwo wtth ahort blown hair, was being held in C.llln His plan is to ll>ld in eight-wed Jn11*I· County Jail. The Callfoml1 detectives ar- tult nut 5UIJ1tntr jointly spontOted by rived 1boul a p.01 . to ~nrer·w1lb Watson' Newport·Mesa. Uct. The COnstJ.f.utlonal and his attorney, Bin Boyd of :.tcKJnney. Rights Foundation ol Los Angeles and the C1lifornia Te1cher1 ~alioo's CalUomf• poUcemen hid de:5'f"ibed lnstltute ror Teaching. WallOn Dll • member of a rovlna. deRtt Newport·lfesa truitees icWttlt ,ap. tommunt that ,9perated l\ke a modeni- provrd w1t.son·s plan and •sretd to Us day lndlan raiding pN't)' that U'lve~ In ~ing fo~arded to u,,, U.S. Ofqce ol duno buggtea, stealing and r0bbin1 al· EduCalion_j_i>r C,Q(!J!Oeration. _ ~lbe~_w_en~L~- • .., • -Do you believe your children need adequate iristruction in sexual anatomy and beha~·ior. vcnereBI disease, drugs, sn1oklng, drinking and similar family henlth problems beyond present in· struction presently available to them? -Did you receive adequate triStrvction in these areas as a child ? -Are )'Ou ll·ilU111 to freely an_d ade- quately instruct your children in the (See SURVEY, Page 2) s Ul'I Ttltt>Mll HELD IN TEXAS .. Ti1t• Suspect Wa,tson Deadline Nears For Override Vote Registrants The'deadline is drav.·ing near for regjs- tering' to vote in the Feb. 10 Newport- Mesa Uniried School Oislrict lax: over· ride and bond interes~ r a l e. increase clectiQn .. By law a person must register to vote 54 days Prior to the electlbn, which in Uiis case, ineans by Dec. 18, a little more than two wee.ks away. Pe.tsoos who voted in tile· pre$identia1 election last No\'ember and have not moved automatically are registered even though they have not voted in loco! elec- tions since. Purges on non-voters ' namei fron1 the voting rolls only occur rollow· ing general elections. Those who are not registered because they h;ive recently moved, or have just turned 21 may do so at either the Costa Mesa "or NeY•port Beach City Halls dw- ing regi1lar business hours. To arrange regis~ration · during evening hours, tele- phone th e county \·~ers Reglslration Cureau at 83+2251 or 834-2269. Th2 Feb. 10 school election will be for an overrid~ tax inerea_se or up to 86 cents per $100 of assessed Valuation end an in· crease fron1 fiv e percen.t to seven per· cent on the maxtmu1n Interest rate for sale of $9 million In school bonds. Orange Coast Weather. There's no ratn ~bind U1ose Cloudy skte1. lhe weatherman as- sures us. Look for temperatures t() drop down in!() the upper 60's \\'ednes<loy along Utt Orange Coa51. I NSIDE TODAV Selective Strvicc ()fflclalsJil;t: to point out that the first draft 1oos Cl1'dtrtd· by God, v1ht11 Morea I~ thellircelllt.t out of bondage. Page 15. ~I ·- • -, lfAILY Pl~OT . c ' Jury Asks P1·ess Get r Information By TO~f 8Afl.l.E\' or th• 0•1"' .. ,,., SI•" Very few members of the aeneral Public understand the aims and dulies of the Grand Jury and one way in which the gap can be bridged is to supply the preu with as much information as possible. Orange County :supervisors v.·cre v.·arned today. That recommendation was one of thrM basic sugaestions offered today by the Orange County Grand Jury in its four· page public information repo_rt. Ba.eking the report is a Seven-page treati~ "what is the Grand Jury? .. a manual auned at "telling the story of \he Grand Jury in Orange County." • In other recommendations the Grand . Jury urged that "superyis?rs, t_he legislators and the bar asso:c11hon be 1n- rormed of legislation regarding the G~and .Jury and Grand Jury positions on legtsla· · • lion." , - I ' ·-·- \'i~ts P1·obe Massacre No lnsurunee qua ear R1 Plan, Delayed e nefusal by the cily's liability insuran ce carrier to cov~r citizens riding as observers on patrol has !ed to a delay in l J abll!hing a new Costa Mesa Police Department cominunity relations pro-- gran1 . The city counci l agreed r-.tonday lo hold off ac tion on selling up the project. particularly designed for high school·age ,·ouths. until other methods cf insu rance Caverage can be ex:plored. A letter from the Gre<1.t American l nsurance Coinpany. 2021 E. Fourth St., Santa Ana. clearly spelled out the firm '~ refusal. leading to a suggestion to take municipal insurance business elsewhere. ''He's turned us down. It's tirne for us to open it up," said Councilman William L. SL Clair . Councilman \\;1l!ard T. .J o r d a n . however, ncted tha t agent Henry Vaughn himself hadn 't made the c:ompany"s r!eci&.ion, 1vhile offering to _hu~ dawn 1:ther potenti<tl carriers for-th':fC limited program. it alone if necessary . "Any time you men make a dtcision lhal keeps one kid ou~ of reform school, y:iu ha ve my support." continued Yarnal, \1·ho has been a vocal critic ol other coun· cil actions. He said he was raised in a white ghetto and knows \Vhat goes through the minds of deprived youngsters \\'ho feel they must fight their way to achieve "'hat they doo ·1 have -even if it means crime. Ht also praised the concept of the soon· 1:>-be appointed Costa Mesa Crime Prevention Committee as a positive ap· proach to police-con1munily relations. Courity Seeks Quick Ruling Ori Tidelands .. And the panel asks that ''Superior Court judges make a careful check of nominees to ensure that they have the time, interest and potential ab ility to ~rve as grand jurors." • South ViBtname se Sen. Tran Van Don (right) que.s· tions Mai Lai villager as the govern1nent's defense co1nmittee cha1rm4n conducts personal probe-of alleged 1'.1arch 16, 1968 incident. City Attorney Roy June-noted the ride· 11.long-0n-the-beal concept was pioneered locally in Newport Beach and LaguRa Beach police have enthusiastically follow· cd that lead. Orange County Supervisors today asked the State Lands Commi ssion for an "ear· ly esta blis~men1 of the boundaries of public tidelands," in the county. The Grand Jury argues j p its report that lack of knowledge or the panel'5 !unctions is not confined to the "average 1.:itizen'' but is often shared by "many legislators and lawyers." , F orrner 11eacher Hired SU RV EY ... I Three alternath,es ren1ained l\londa.v night. June added. going ahead and assuming city liability: dropping the idea. or stalling for two 'l'eeks to find -Other "'illing insurance carriC'rs. Supervisor David Baker go.l unanimous backing f:ir his motion that the state group be urged lo carry out the survey. "particularly in !he light of recent ac· tions on this relotcd issue bv--our bOard.'' The report charges that "proposed legislation relating to the Grand Jury fre· quently is ignored ." and it points to the rectnt failure of· Assembly Bill ACA · 57, '1a bill the jury stroflilY Supported." ACA 57 would have made possible more than one Grand Jury "in those counties 'vhich felt it necessary", a move to create two gr@nd juries, one for criminal matters, .the other for investigaUon into county aovernment. As Students' Chaperone ;:ibovc subject matter~ -Should the instructicn be coeduca· lional? -Do you belie\'e that if schools betomt involved in this type of education it \\'ill lead to. greater promiscuity ·~ He sa id he 1vculdn 't recon1mend either the first or second. The cornpa,ny rather testily asked to be nclified if the program were to be ;:iuthorized. at 'vhich lime they would ap- parently review thoughts on the re- mainder of city liability c-av.erage. He explained those aCtians as the beard's recorded concern for public ac· cess to public lands. taken in the \vake of the Salt Creek Road furore. the &c· quisilion or shareline frontage and the board's dec isioo to itself rule on all land matters affecting shoreline property. · The Grand Jury states that failurt of ACA 57 was attributed by legislators "to the lack of interest on the part of citizens, lobbies or to other groups."' Currently under study by the Orange County Bar Association is the Grand .Jury's suggestion that there should be tegislation advocating the Jmpanellng of multiple juries i.nd Specific Umitatioll! on 1.he kind ·of cases that the district at· torney may bring to the Grand Jury for pouible indictment. . . The 1969 Grand Jury urges Superior Court judges to ensure that those M:lected for Grand Jury duty -all of whom are nominated by the county's 21 Superior Court judges -"should be ad· ·vised that Grand Jury service is different : froni trial jury duty." ;: "Utmost care should be taken to fully IJnform nominees of Grand Jury demands f.before they arc selected lo se rve," the ! panel states. • ;: !:Y outl1s to Open •· .:Business Center .. .. '.]n Costa Me sa '· ·: Dedication ceremonies and a p-and ;4,pening are sel \Vednesday at 4 p.m .• '.:tvhen a new Junior Achievement Busint!s '.Center serving southern Orange County :npens in Costa Mesa . : AMouncement of the new JA plant al ~:1240 Logan ,Ave. carne from \\'llliam n. ·:~fason. president of the lrvlne Company. ·:"·hich Is a heavay supporter of the pr<r ·.g ram. . ·'. Under the JA concept. high school ·~tudents . learned about the American ;:<ystem of free enterprise by ope:raUng .:their cwn profit-making companies with :professional guidance. -The new center which will house 14 JA . =eompanies operated by 250 teenagers and :ilS dedication ceremony will feature G. '.Robert Truex Jr., executive vice presi- :dent of the Bank of America .. : He is Southern Califomla president of 'the J A program and noted Gail Horton, :11. Miss Junior Achievement of Southern ·:California, will also be pre.sent. .. .. '· •. .. . .. '· .. OA\ll Pl\01 ORl llGf; COAi>! llU.l llM•NO C&M,AW"! l •lio•rl M, Wt•' '•ttloft"' ,,., 'l'll!li.l>tr J.,~ Jt . Cv,111 Vott ,,.,,..,,1 "'" 01~1r" MIW-' T~•"'•' 1(,,~a Ef•lt• T~'""'' A. Uv1,~l•1 ...,..Nfk'll Et•let C.... Mft• OMM ' )JO Weit l •'I' ..Sll•.li_.- t.f1ili•t Alll4••u: '·0, l e• IS•O, 'Jl26 --*"•~ "tel' ft1 I "'•I .. llltl •t1111v1 .. L1""'1 ••9Cl'I' 1n J-1 &Y'!'Oll l'l\tl'll""le<I -.-~ ... lit• S•nt By TJIOMAS FORTUNE 01 1M DlllY ~1111 Sti ll Students al Corona del J\Jar High School ha ve hired Ken Koury, a teacher until this year, lo chaperone their after· school events. Students arc paying Koury $1.200 of their own money in addition to his reg· ular salary he draws from the Ne\\'por l· Mesa Unified School District. • Koury, who is S6 and marr-ied. re- quested the extra money as the conditiOn by which he would take on the job or full.time activities director. He chaperones about three nights a v.•eek, he says. and there is so1nething every weekend. "All th! student officer.!i arc very happy, overwhelmed with the job he has done," said Randy Nelson. senior class president. ··we Would have paid 1nore if he had asked for ii,'' said Arnold Clark, associ· ated student body vice president. · The student executive council voted tn pay Koury $120 per month ror 10 month~ from student body fUnds rai sed by $6 student body card sales and income from student actlvilles. Koury said he asked for $1.200 extra' because that is about the county average for acivities directors. The l~untington Bea ch Student Den.ies $5,000 Extortio11 Try A plea of innocent has been entered by ~ liuntington Beach college student on charges that he atten1pted to extort ~.000 from Dr. Ralph Bauer. a trustee of two local i;chool districts. Victor Yee Tsao. 23. of 220 12th St .. entered his plea Friday in \Vest Orange County Municipal Court. \Vestntinste r. tie was ordered to appear Dec. 11 for a preliminary heering on the. charges filed by Huntington Beach pollt·e . Investigating officers allei;i:e 1'siio sent Dr. Bauer a threatening !ettl'r Nov. 19. demanding that the mcney be IC'ft at an undisclosed location or physical harnl would be done . Dr. Bauer told Huntington Beach police "'ho .worked with hin1 lo effect Tsao's ar· rest t"''o days later. Tsac was represented in court 4"rlday by Huntington Beach altorncy Fred r-.t . Nelson. Tsao is free on SS,000 bail. Garage Burglar .Gets $50 From Crippled W oma11 Christmastime crime n1ade the C~ta Mesa police log toda y, when a crlppled housewife told or hobbling out too late to hall a $60 garage burglar~' wltl'i JO vases and 20 dolls the miss ing loOt. Jo;ephine W.. ~ficham. S.S. of 2236 PlacenU1. Avt., told Officer Randy Nut~ DAH.1 Ptl.01· """' ""'"" .. I ..... ~ "" h I h -l 'I d• h "~••··-· • 91111111.,,.. ••!ho •n•t s..... s e was n er apa, .men 1• on y w en "' "' ••••i. 1111111-"' Cllll ...... she heard the g11.r1ige door open and close """"" leK'I· i....-hlctl. ~•lllf ... ~ wA ,_,,. .... v11!ff, •• _.._ ""'.. . repeatedly. • <::::,,. ".!'::i, = .;:'~', ~":...: Realitin« no one had tin y business ''"" .,.,. • """""" a.eflo _. Jal WIM lhtrt. She tried to· aet OUt.!lde, but ''' 11'" 1 • , .. ,. --· frightened away the Intruders who T•ltJ'•• 111-1 Mlo4Jl1 ticaped btfprc she could even get a. Clswll•I M•~I 641·1671 gllmpu of them or a car licl!n~e number. c-;.,,.... 1w. °'..., '"" ~*'~ The viclhn 5ald 1hey ~et a maple rock· :;_.,.., ..... "'"' ,..... •Mltll...... I ,.:..,,,, ""'* • ~..........., ..,.,..... Ina ch air down in lhe dr ve\'13Y 11s they ,.., " . ._._.. ...-.. _.... n~ . -. ....... ""'""' ....... . ~. ' W<or .. u.., ,.,_ ..... """'"'' "'°' ~ ·onl)' lo~ \\"llS her collection of ... C11>I• .,... ... Cell!-......,.tltll h -+-l''~"~"';•"·• ,,_111ry1 ~ -•• v .. """illl'f' ceramic ,·ase:f;. the array cf doll~. __ _. .. ..,,,.,....,._-'--11--;:cinnartri ~ biSOKs attd 1srortcl1 nthi!t hou.sthold belongings. ' Beach Union High School District, he said, pays more than $2,000 for the job. Koury is the Newport-Mesa District"s first full·lime activity director. The other three district high schools don't have One. 'fhey are the only public high schools in lhe county th"at don"L Last year Koury taught international relations and handled the student govern· ment. Another teacher took care of danc- es, musical conctrts and athletic events, Koury said he wouldn't do it agaui. but some students went to Principal Leon ~leeks whO came to Koury and Koury named his terms. The school dis!iict hasn't picked up the extra cost because the job hadn 't exist · ed before and new budget approprialions were frozen upon the loss of Upper. New· port Bay aase!sed valuation revenue. .. "[ doo't think there is any doubt the full·time position is needed," Koury said . "Our calendar is just unbelievably full \vltb ac~vities. Somebody needs tn co· ordinate them.·• Wife of Missing Toro Pilot Plans Trip to Laos An El Toro house"·ife whose happiest Christmas present would be v.•ord her missing husband is alive and "'ell in a North Vietnamese prison plans a pllgrimage to Laos later this month. t\1rs. Carole Hanson arrives in Paris on ChriStma:SDay ·tor an interview-witn 1-\orth Vietnamese officials. She will deliver a sheaf of let ters fro1n America . T~.e notes arc requests from children "'hose daddies -like r-.1arlne Corps Cap1 . Stephen Hanson ..,.... 11•on'I be home for Christmas, and they '4-'anl to plead for 11•ortl thal S-On1eday they may be. "If \\'Orld pressure becon1es . vocal enough, they \Viii respond ," ssys Mrs . Hanson. whose three-ytar·old son has never seen his missing father. Capt. Hanson was .shot dO\VO June 3. 1967 \\•h ile piloting his helicopter over North Vielna1n and has been listed as missing. although his v.•ife belie ves she :iaw him as a PO'V in a photograph. Authorities know for certain -at least based on information supplied by North Vietnam -that Capt. Hanson's copllct 11·as captured alive. f 'ro11• Pnge 1 SLAYING • • • the shoe. A sherirf's deput y amMg the ~earchers finally-found the victim's body. a few feel nff U.S. High\vay 13. the main dras inlo !he city of 20 .000 persons . also locallon of Southern Ill inois University . Authorities said she "'R.~ apparently murdered elsel>\•here and the killer drag· i;ed h<'r body off the rOC1(h1•ay and O\'er ~ sharp. rusty barbed "'h'e fence before being dumped . "\\'e don't kno1v \\'hen she \.\'as killed nr 11·helher shr "·a~ killed \.\'here the body was fou nd." emphasized Richard E llichmand, JackS()n County State's Al· lorncy. "\\1e do have :90me physical evidence.'' added Carbondall' Police Chie[ Jack !laze\. The mi.rdtr ha s the earmarks of a set killins. bul It wlll be se\•cr11I da y1 bcforr tht rtsulls or tin"llutopsy or evldrncc of molti:sttllon arc,revealed. ht SJid . Tentati ve estimates "'ere lhet sht die~ tihortly after ~he v11nished. ~llss Levering. 11·h0Sc hither i~ an 1n· ~truc:tor at Cal Pol)'. Pomona anfl com· mutes from Sei.1 Beach. lh·cd 11 ltl1 lier mother An n. \\'ho ts apparently con1· 'Othe r questions examine exactly which aspect of sex and family .life education the parents would choose for instruction in schools; \\•ho would best be responsible for the education. and \''hat the effects of the educalion would be an parent-child relationships. It also examines \\·helher the in· 6lruction should be done with or without examinations and academic crcdil. Tabulatftln of the results or the survey should begin some time in the nexJ three weeks, spakes1nen forecast. Th e exact date depends both on how soon all the in· quiries can be mailed to parents and how .<:oon the parents return then\, Twins ·E xce ll en t' BOSTON t UPT) -Sic:mese twin girls . separated \V e d n e s d a y . successfully underv;enl fol\ow·up surgery r-.1onday al J\1assachusetts General llospital. Their condition "'as described as "excellent.'' • June said after SL Clair's suggestion lo drop Great Aincrican Liability entirely, however. that Santa Ana recently opened. its insurance program to public. bid and got nol a single taker. He added that since sister cities on the Orange Coast have gone ahead with thi! method of giving the young a 100~ at police in action fr:>m the right side of the lav.• that il must be reasible. Under current procedure, the observer .. patrol vehicle sticks to rout in e assignments to keep young passengers out or harm's \\•ay, such as code three emergeocy runs, or crimes of violence. Normallv. the new Monday night business ffiee1ings do not include personar c::>m1neill by the public unless during a previously scheduled hearing. One citizen. however. Dave Varna\. 25113 Santa Ana Ave., told the council he v.'holeheartedly su pports the community relations program and the city shou ld go 1 • Baker noted that there had been numerous revisions of the county 's 1naster plan of shoreline development since its inception in 19~1. ,_ "But the issue of public and private nwnefship of sOOreline land has become so heated and subjected to so much debate that it is time for the stale: lo lake a hand in the matter," he said. The commission will be asked to tX· 11mine and redefine if necessary the high tide lines co Orange !County's 42 miles of shoril ine. J ct l\lakcs Dchut SEAITLE (AP ) -T·he age of the Jum· bo jetliner wa.!i pre viewed today_ as a Boein& 747, designed to carry almost 500 passengers, took off for New York with 110 persons aboard. ,. .. ------, . ,, , \ ' ..... \,.. ~ \ .. (' . "!':. • I • '.. '·\JY::-· 1/'" ( "' Maverick The best For the same kind of value in a larger size-your best buy is Torino Lowest-priced hardtop in its class. ., • small carvalue in the World . IT'S A FACT: Our small car has scored a big success. And the rea· son is very simp le-solid value. FACT; Maverick rivals lhe imports in . gas mileage. FACT : Maverick gives you lo!s ot leg. hip and head· room ... plus 10.4 cu. tt. ol trunk space. FACT: Maverick is easier to maintain lhan an economy impon. FACT·: Now enjoy all the features you've ever wanled in a car-at a 1960 price that lets you stop worry· Ing about rising costs. IT'S A FACT: Nothing can equal Torino-not ,In appear- ance, features or price. FACT: This hardtop has th• same slel!lk styling'Of the more expeliltlive Torino models. FACT : 1t has !he same 117·inch wheelbase for a smooth- er ride. FACT : II has the same SO.inch !rack lor better road holding. FACT: It has the same roomy interior that seats six in perlect comfor1. FACT: It has new sound· prooling I hat lets everyone .eniOY a quiet. more relaxing ride. FACT: It gives you 16.2 cu. ft. of trunk space. look over Torino and Maverick soon. Pick the car lhat measures up to your needs. THE FACTS FAVOR FOAD. ,ormo1• ln/01m1/ron 1boul I/let• c•t•. 1e1 you1 Ford Oe1/11 01 ,,,,,.. i.,t~v1.1ick Clle/og. Depl. N-12 01 To rino C1f1/og. Oeo1. N-13, I' 0 8or 1~"3. 0111born, M1c1Ji;1n 48121. FORD .. Your Ford Dealer fights the price rise pfcting 11 1:h1thll nlrin-tlrbnn-pl1t1'rlllftl·.,_-t----~---------------- S\ U. ---~--' • • ' .. I. I Mission ·Trail r Capo. Trustees Nix School Site LAGUNA NIGUEL -Trustees of the Capistrano Unified School District have approved the deletion of one school site in Laguna Niguel. The site which Is on a hill top overlook· lng Mooarch Bay half a mile from Pacific Jsland VJllage was in an area yielding very few School children. Trustee Fred Newhart Jr. wanted to keep the site and later trade it for another but was outvoted since there are already .a total of 15 school sites -on Laguna Niguel property. e Sel1ool Start Slale(l J\11SSION VIEJO -Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Viejo Elementary School \viii take place Wednesday at 10 a.m. Officials of the Mission Viejo Co. will join members of the board of trustees and other offi cials of the Capistrano -Urrlfied-School Di!trict. at the ceremony on the site which is located in back of Granada Home model compJcx on Via Grande. e Jtfedlan St11d11 Set EL TORO -f..lembers of the Board 0£ Supervisors will continue deliberations Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. on a plan to build a median strip from the San Diego Freeway to Rockfield Road on El Toro Road. The median was proposed al their last meeting by William R. Mjllan, president of the Aliso Valley Homeowners Asrocia- tion. The idea is to plant the median witt1 trees-to beautify the •·rront door" tCJ mountain areas. e Y 011tla Desi911s Cover MISSION VIEJO -Ru ssell More.ton, Mission Viejo High School senior, has the diSti~ion of designing the \Vinning cover for the Saddleback Valley Chamber o! Commerce's first "who's who" directory. For his efforts the youthful artist received a cash award and a dinner for two. Russell is an art major and his de· sign depicted homes in a valley neigJl. borhood with Saddleback Mountain in the background. e Trail Bikers JUeet MISSION VIEJO -A trail biker5 ex- cursion is planned for Saturday. Mission Viejo residents with motorbikes are invited to sign up at the Recreation Center for the excursion to the desert. For further information on the trip call the Recreation Center at 837· 4084. e Capo Sel1ool !!loved CAPISTRANO V AM.EV -The con- tinuation high school serving students in the Capistrano Unified School District is being moved. Trustees approved the move from San Clemente High School to the old Capistrano High School which now houses sixth graders. 73 _Seclring In Laguna Seventy-three applications have been received fGr the position or busines11 manager of the Laguna Beach Unified School District, Supe rintendent D r • William Ullom annouriced Monday. "We hope to make a decision and hire someone by early spring so he cM work on !he' 1970-71 budget," Ullom said. Ed Hind, business manager for the district for the past 20 years, recently an- nounced his intention to retire at the end of the current school year. A screening committee comprised of Dr. Claude Fawcett, professor ol educa- tion at UCLA, Ernest Norton, deputy superintendent of Orange County schools and Roy N. Barletta, business manager of Saddleback College, will receh•e the applications \Vednesday after meeting with trustees to discuss district needs .. /\pp\ications for the vac ancy, con- sidered a key position in thC district, \Vere sought through new spaper ad. vertising and professional agencies. -Responses were r ec e i v e d from throughout the state and. !rom as far away as t-.1ichigan, according to assistant superintendent Owen Tait. Applicants in- clude several men now employed as school disUict business managers, two superintendents of school s, a scientist. several purchasing agents and a number or men now working in industry systems management, Tait said . ' After the screening committee has completed its study, Dr. Ullom said Tait will Interview top applicants between Ded. 16 and' 19 and also visit their present areas of employment before making a final recommendation to the board. Ag Chief Bans P'esticide Use 011 County Crops Agricultural commissioner William Fil- chen today banned the use or DDT and DOD on Orange County crops effective Jan. I "except for limited use as a 5pray on several crops for which no effective alternate pesticides are pre s en 11 Y available.'' Fitchen stressed that appli cation of the chemicals Lo those unidentified crops will be made "ooly under specia l permit issued by my office." Fitchen said hi s action was dictated by "recent findings-by the federal govern- ment which show DDT and ODD to be a serious threat to fish, "''ildlife and the total community enviro nment." His action, he said, is geared In the an· nounced policy or the state'"and federal governments to phase out the use. of Dl_JI' within the next two years, starling with complete eliminalion of Us use on crops for which other effective pesticides are ndw available. Tue:sdir. Dttembe:r 2, 1%CJ s . DAILY PILCT '3 Ove1•1•ide StJulied • Trustees Weigh • Money Matters ~ l!SYCHOLO.GJ.SLl'IJ,IH_NIKHUVEN TESTS KINDERGARTENER In LagUna, Yar n, BloCk1, Biad1 •nd-Street---S-19n1 ~ ' Kindergartens Using Odd Tools in Evaluation. t.aguna Beac~ Unified School District trustees are expected to take action tonight that will bring in a little money, 1pcnd a little and also save a little. On the evening's agenda Is a re solution calling for a tax override vote in Febn1ary, bids for refurbishing lhe high school audilorium and a proposal for prepackaging school lunches that could save $33.98 a day in cafeteri a labor costs. An election resolution being prepared for the district by the county counsel will lnculde three separate propositions on the proposed override, each calling for a separate yes or no vote. They involve tax rate increases of 65 cents. 40 cents and 20 cents respecti\'ely. Each propositibn seeks funds fOr separate dist rict needs and any one could stand alone if passed . M econd resolution being prepared for tonsideration of the board would call for a vote on' a proposed $400,000 bond issue to purchase school sites, make modifica· tions at the high school and additions to Thurston lnLermediate School and to con· strucl a bus shed. A simple majority of the vole is re- quired to pass the override propositions while the bond issue would take a two- thirds majority. Last April a proposed 58· cent override was defeated when it received only 43.6 percent of yes votes. Trustees also are scheduled to acc.ept bids and a\vard contracts for new scaling aJlkt carpeting in the high school auditoriu1n. Favorable action is expected on a pro- posal lo institute airline·style prepackai{- ed lunches for Laguna's elementary school system. Under a plan studied by the district and demonstrated for trustees last month, lunche s will be prepared In a central kitchen at El ~lorro Yarn, blocks, beads .and street signs and self·motivated. School and transported to Aliso and Top are being used in Laguna Beach k.in." Mrs. Nunnikhoven &aid the children of the World in Mt and cold packs. dergartens to evaluate the learning move along In the tests at their own ~ce Total investmenl for the district, ac-and following completion or charts d. 1 food · M M · abilities of five.year-olds. · 1 cor 1ng o supe rvisor rs. ar1an teachers will go over the resu ts with Garrett, will be $455 lor three dollies and The tools are part of a kit used in· the parents. 10 cases of specially made stacking Kindergarten Evaluation Learning Polen-baskets for transporting the packaged tial (KELP) program instituted thi5 year lunches. A mileage paymrnt will be made in the district's three elementary schools. Talk Set i 11 Lagtm_ a ror delivery to the two outlying schools. Information gained in the t{'sting, ac-Existing oven and refrigeration equip- cording to district psychologist f\.1rs. The general plann ing program for menl in the present school kitchens \V iii Patricia Nunnikhuven, will give both Orange County will be detailed in Laguna be used for heating the hol packs and parents and teachers a better picture .of Beach Monday by Forest Dickason, coun-keeping the cold packs, ice cream and each child 's potentials and lim itations ty planning director. -• milk. and make it possible lo give him better Dickason will speak as guest of the The progr am, Mrs. Garrett reported, school guidance at an earlier age. Laguna Coordinating Council. The can be handled by four. instead of the Problems identified during testing can meeting is at 7:30 p.n1. in the new present six cafeteria workers. and daily Present labor cost for maintaining three separate kitchens is $89.54. Cost for cooking, packaging, delivering and selllna: the new style lu nches would be $M.56.1 Mi ssio11 Viejo Stude11ts Now :• All 'Clean Cut' . Once there "·ere 118 offenders. Now there are none. All the J\1isslon Viejo lligh School male students with long hair or long sideburns \Vere back ln~gchool to- day with conforming haircuts. Assistant Principal Dwight f\.fcCracken said there y,•as no need £or suspensions and no students dropped out or school over the hairctfi enfo1cement. The day beJore the Nov. 21 deadline for conforming to the school district's dress coi'.le letters went hortre"lo the parents of 118 male students. ~ All but aboUt 20 showed up with ac,( ceptable haircuts the next d a y , f\1cCracken said, and in subsequent dayi the hard case 20 have complied. .: "A couple of parents didn't agree wltft me and Jet me know their feelings in lel· te~~" McCracken remarked. t. He said two students have bff9 lransferred to continuaUon .school but rt had to do with reasons o! discipline and truancy, not hair. McCracken pointed out the halrtut restrictions for males were relaxed last summer. Sideburns now are allowable to' the bottom on the ear instead of required cut Orr at the middle of the ear and hair. need not be tapered but can be blocked In back as long as it does not extend below the to? of the collar. · The changes were recommended to tM Tustin Union High School District board after a committee of students, parents:, racu\ty and adm inistr<.itors conducted <· sur vey. The rest of lhe year. McCracken said, physical education teachers will notify. students individually ir their hair grows out too long and give them a few days t.o comply before referring theiri to the of· rice . be worked on immediately, she ex· Festival of Arts forum. saving in labor cost will be $3.198 plained, and students "'"ith ex~ptional li";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'i ability can be given special attention. Bklck tests note coordination, slrert signs indicate perception and work "''ith · calendars and numbers, beads and .yarn helps ideritify students who are creative Laguna Mother Learns Son, 18, Sliot in Vietnam An 1 8-year·~ld Lagunan ·who tEift Laguna Beach High School in his senior year to enlist in the ~farine Corps: has been wounded in Vietnam, his mother ~BUSTER ._ BROWN. The continuation school will be in session in a quonset hut converted lo a cl<issroom placed near the gymnasium , far away from the regular school ac- cCJrding to Joe E. \Vimer, director of ad· ministrative services. Classes will be in· structed during the early afternoon hours. •·11 is my responsibility under state law." Fitchen said. •·to lake the ncces.sary steps to restrict or eliminate the use ol pesticides when they arc prc>- ven to be serious threat lo our en· vironment. ··learned Sunday. 'Flo•ve•·' Ope11iJ1g "DDT over the years ha5 been a tre r1endous value to Orange County argiculture but, due to se rious side ef- fects that are .now being uncovered, the damage to the environment far outweighs the benefit to agriculture." Michael Adami; and Chris \Veath crhead play young lovers in "CactuK FIO\ver." opening A l\vo-weekend run at the Laguna Moulton Play- house tonJghl Robert Engma.n and Betsy Jicwclt al so star In th'e Abe Burrows comedy. (Sec Theater Notes, Page 10 .} · ------- ) ·' • Mrs. Phil Dennis, 3155 BcrnlDrive, said she ·was informed her son, Lance Corporal Scott Storm, is in the 95th Anny' Surgical Hospital at Da Nang alter suf- fering multiple fragmenlation "''O\lnds from a hostile explosive device while on a search and clear mission out of Quang Nam. Young Storm, who \\'ould have · graduated with the class of 1969, left school to enlist in October, 1968 and was in the second month of his Vletnan ~ur of duty \'llth the Second Battalion, Fifth Marine Division. He has a brother, Jeff, 16, at Laguna Beach High School, a brother, Kirt, 13, at Thurston lntennediate School and two sisters, Joy. II, and Lorette, 8, al Top of the World Elemntary School. . Laguna Canyon Speed Reduced The speed limit on a half·mile stretch of Caguna Canyon Freeway will be reduced from 65 to S5 miles per hour ef- fective with posting of signs. A spokesman for the state Division of Highways said the area affected will be from the Santa Ana Freeway lntercMnge to a point one quarter mile north or the. San Diego Creek bridge. The i;peed limit reduction is because of work on a crossing for Valencia Avenue and because of the speed at which many driver5 are now traveling through the area, the~kesman said. New J ersey Forbidden To Arrest Sinatra NEWARK. N.J. (UPI) - A federal judge Monday dlsmissed an injundlon request filed by Frank Sinatra's at- torneys to keep the state invesUgaUon commission (SIC) from compelling him to teMify about organized crime but a t ircult court later Issued a temporary resti'ainlng order f~rbldding New Jersey authorities to arrest the singer. Fashion ri9ht, liut most Important • , , every lit guaranteed by our hi9hly trained personnel '.Jwo Con11enien.l ofocalion.J WE GLADLY ·GIFT WRAP FREE OF CHARGE OF COURSE I • • U.S. District JudJe James A. Collahan TC)ect<d the suiJ aild Sinatra's attorneys 30 FASHION ISLAND 1052 IRVINI e WESTCLIFF PLAZA ... i t t ·I lmmedi•tely left lor Philadelphia Io ap-NIWPORT HACH e '4\4•1064 · NEWPORT HACH e M•·l6M pcaltotheclrcultt:ou:r~t~o~!:ap~pe'.::al:•~-~~~~"'=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'!""'!"""'!'!"!" ..... '!"!"~~ ....................................................... ~"'!""'!""'!"~~~~~~ I • .------------------------------..-----------------------------·-------------·-------------... T~. D«tmbtr 2, 1%9 • ~SepL-14?. You'fi_£et Greetings . . Fitst Lottery Sin~e W .Wll Goes Smoothly 1Clllftlllt4 Iii: 1119 DI UP. l"lltl Slaff I Tobacco Road, made famous in Erlkin• C•ldw•ll's novel about poor whites in the depression, may have its name changed. The notor- iety of the road, on the outskirts of Augusta, Ga., is a deterrent to real estate valu es. according to How- •rd W. Poll ard, executive director of the Augusta-Richmond County P lanning Commission. "Interest in this has been expressed by differ- ent sources." said Pollard. HJ'rn not trying to destroy the historical significance of Tobacco Road, but it's image is not understood out- side 0£ the Augusta area." • WASHINGTON (AP) -Men from 10 to 26 years old born on Sept. 14 who have last names starting with the letter J will be the first ones drafted next month under the nation's first Selective Service lottery in a generation. In Jess than an hour and a half Monda y night, all 365 days of the year plus Leap Year's Feb. 29 were drawn at random from a big glass laboratory jar at Selec- tive Service headquarters here. The order in whk:h they emerged, roll- ed up in blue plasUc capsules, determines the order in which men with matching birthdays will be called for the drafl neJt year -or, for those now deferred or ex- empt -in any future year when they become "l·A." Rep. Alexander Pirnie of New Yock, ranking Republican on a llouse sut>- committee on the. draft, drew the first date from the jar shortly after 8 p.m. Then a succes.!ion of young men and v.·omen -representaUves of state youth committees created earlier this year as uoofficial advisors to the Selective Service System -iook turns drawing the rest of the dates. The 5eCWld one drawn was April 24, then came Dec. 30; then Feb. 14, Oct. 18, Se pt. 61 Oct. 26, sept. 7, Nov. 22, Dec. 6 ' • '.fi.u.ee youth advisers iJd refused to help In the drawing andl~!oortb balked "'hen his turn came: four others helped in the drawing !>tit only after making unscheduled statements -one reading a mild protat signed by 14 participants, and three others more or less supporting lhe proceedings. Otherwise the drawing moved smoothly -so smoothly it was fmished half an hour sooner than draft officiala had an- ti cipated. Following the drawing of the dates, another drawing was held in which letters of the alphabeL were scranibJed and pull· ed out. This will be used by local boards to decide the order in which to draft the eligible men. First out in the second drawing ws the letter J. The new lottery system was signed into law by the President last week and pro- vides the first major reform in the draft liince Lhe Selective Service established a complicated rorm of Inductlon during World War 11. The previOUJ system, which included a long list Of deferment!, was criticized because it left young men uncertain about their fate for as long as seven years. The new lottery system Is designed to reduce this period of uncertainty to one year. T1te last time the draft was based on a lottery was in 1942. Every man who reaches at least 19 years of age but not 26 by the end of this year now has his place in line ror Uta draft in whatever year he becomes 1-A- "available for military 5UVice" -or l· A-0 "consclenUous objector available for noncombatant military service only." Another 350,000 now deferred or ex· empt will lose that status -many by graduating from college, for example - and become 1-A or l·A-0 during the year. That makes mo their "priority" ex· posure year too. ,; Of this 850,000 total, about 290,000 will probably enlist voluntarily in the armed forces, officials anticipate. But another 260,000 must be drafted. SELECTIVE SERVICE ADVISERS DRAW CAPSULES John Lyne Fla1he1 Peace Sign as He Pulls Number1 How Lottery Ca111e-Ont Here'f What Birthdays Mean to Draft Targets Prince Aya, SO'll of Crown Pri11ce Akihito and Princess r.-tichiko of Ja· pan, enjoys a bike r ide witli the hetp of elder brother Prince Hiro (right) In the garde11 of Togu Palace in Tok- 110. Prince A ya just celebrated 11 i! j ourth birthday Nov. 30. • A co'v and a bull led Salt L a k e C i t y police on a chase th.rough ireeway traffic Sunday night, leav- ing three battered cars in their 'vake. The bull finally was stopped by an oUicer's bullet, but the cow escaped. The pair fell from a truck en route to Ogden, Utah. livestock auction, said Highway Patrolman Ivan C. Orr. One of the beasts 'vandered into the p ath of a car, setting up a fender-denting chain collision , Orr said. There were no injuries. • :-:~~-0:::1:01r::inf11 ~ i ment for the i\1ontana i\1ilk Con· ~. , rrol Board ii1.hearings held last r I 1 week 111 Helena. The board had I agreed lo siipply coffee and , cream fo r oil participants and t newsmen u·h o atte11ded t.he !. l1earinns. 011/y the board forgot ' to gel the rream. The onl!I thing 'J nvaila b/c the f irst day . of t /1 e I •I l1car1ngs wa s a cream substitute. > • ---~-~ • 1\bout 4,000 Americans a year arc going to the d0\\1~under. contk nent of Australia. Why? "\Ve have. n't been a~le to discern a pattern" Sir Ke ith W•ller, Australian Mi .. bassador to the United states says, adding that the estimate of 4,000 Americans moving to his country is conservative. -"The one underlying reason, '''e think. is !hat Australia appeal s to those looking for a ne\\' frontier, for those who \\'ant greater scope for individual initiat ive. There is also the factor th a t d uring \Vorld \Va r 11, and since then, m any American ~er\'icemen came to kno\v and like Australia.'' WASHlNGTON (AP) -flere by calen· dar order are the draft priorities drawn Monday night: -DATE AND DRAFT PRIORITY 1-305 2-159 3-25t 4-215 f>-10 1 6-224 7-306 8-199 9-194 10-325 11-329 12-221 13-318 l!-238 15--17 .. 16-121 1-86 2-144 3-297 4-210 5-214 6-347 7-91 8-181 9-338 10-216 11-150 l2-68 13-152 ]!-4 15-89 1-lll8 2-29 3-257 4-275 S-293 6-t39 7-122 8-213 9--317 1th123 11-136 12-000 l3-259 14-354 IS-169 1-32 2-271 3-63 4-81 S-269 6-253 7-147 8-312 9-219 10-218 Januaru February , /llar.,la April 17-235 18-140 t9-58 20-280 21-186 22-337 23-118 24-59 2:.-52 26-82 27-355 28-77 26-349 30-164 31-211 16-212 17-189 18-292 19-25 20-302 21-J63 22-200 23-57 24-236 25-179 26--365 27-205 28-299 29-285 16-166 17-33 18-332 19-200 70-2'9 21-334 22-265 23-25" 24-258 25-343 26--170 27-268 28-223 29-362 30-217 31-30 16--148 17-260 18-9'l 19-336 20-34!; 21-62 22-316 23-252 24-2 2:>-JSL 11-14 ]2-346 13-124 14-231 15--273 1-330 2-298 3-40 4-276 S-364 6--155 7-35 8-321 9-197 10-65 11-37 12-133 13-295 14-178 15--130 1-249 2-223 3-301 4-20 S-26 6--110 7-65 8-'366 9-385 10-206 11-134 ]2-272 13-69 14-356 IS-180 1-93 2-350 3-11 5 4-279 S-188 6-327 7-50 8-13 9-277 10-284 11-248 12-15 13-42 14-331 15-322 16--120 1-111 2-45 3-ZG I 4-14.'l S-Sl 6-114 7-163 8-4R !l-106 10-21 /lla!J J11ne Auymt Nice Weather P'revails 26-340 27-l.4 28-26l 29--191 :J0-203 16-55 17-112 18-278 19-75 20-18.1 21-250 22-326 23-3]9 24-Jt 25-361 26--357 27-296 2lh108 29-226 :J0-103 31-313 16-274 17-73 16-34t 19--104 20-360 21-60 22-247 23--109 2l-358 2$-137 26-22 27-64 26-222 29-353 30-209 17-98 18-190 19-227 20-187 21-27 22-153 23-172 24-23 2:.-67 26-303 27-28!) 28-88 - 29--270 30-287 31-193 17-154 18-141 19-311 20-344 21-291 22-339 2,'l-116 24-36 2:.-286 26--2-IS But Gale Warnings Up Over Great Lakes, East Coast California !oul~t'" Ctlll"!l'!t w1• Pl•llr r lOllllY lodl Y will! tt1t•1rt'd IMWl•I ..... 11111"· dlrilor...,1, but trm,,.r1!11re1 co•Ul»Ut'd w1rm "'''" htth1 l" 1111 l'OI In moil •'"'· r"' LM 1-11,11e1 '''• ..,,, ,,.,11 .. (!O\ICIY w"" I lrw 1110\liUI ""' lt>e m01111t1l"'· fllt i.!011 ""'' 1J II!" '"' *o"" "''19M dlr. Tiit O•t•ll•fll! IOO'ev, ' Temperature• Albu<111tt11ut A"Chorllfl A!l111l1 flllttl";lllCld fl l1,.,1rc11. flolH Bo11oft a..-... ,.,nr, Clllclto C l~!"11•!1 °*""'' Coo~ Molaol Df'"C1I ~·"~f/\ltS r•e•"" H1l1111 t<-•111u i.:1t11e1 City L11 V"11 • LOI Al\ftltl Ml1ml (I S S Mt-•POlll . • ••mntar" Nrw 0r1H111 r 111.,M ..,..,,,,,., ••n1119c1 K'''' New vonc 1'1'1611 of ltlt ,,,_,iO<I IOd1Y Wllll ffiY>Hf• 011tl1r>O tl\Ortl h•l'll to ,..,Her !1wll. Ol<l1"""'1 (•It How ... •• "'' ··~· C!lt(!I of • ,,,,,.., O!ntlll "'IJYl"9 0¥1• Ille OC:l l l'! ''""" '"" Nor!ll-Patl!'I kf/ftfl t:ISI left rold t l'ld wlt'N!y Wlfl~• li\tr.-111$0 ltOf>!U WUll lfll!W N I,,. c.-.~ r blu1t1ry Ph°""la ... 1,..,, M1n •"'· N.Y ..... I ,.,.., of ll lltSll\/"911 l(ll,lr dff•tu tltlO• 11ro •• lllt rolJI• Por1•1!1d •~' •DOI In tl>f "'""" "''1 MOr"I"' 11.tf!d Cl!y Wllld IH/Jtl '" l •CfH ft! ~ mu.,..... II.Id 1111111 llovr bu!ltlt(I N•"'~CJll! 11111~11 Gt•r. Jtt"o "~'"l~t• '""'~"' 11•1,11vfd t lono tl'l1 ••cr•111•"to Ntw lll'l~IUl('I <otll &Ill Llkl Cltr " " .. " ., ,, " " " " " " ., " ., • ., " " " "' " " .. " ' " " • " .. " " " .. " " " n " ., " n " • " " p ~ " " JI " A M " " A u .. " " " " " .. "' .. •• " " " ·" .OJ ·" ll-324 12-142 13-307 14-198 lf>.-102 16-44 1-225 2-161 3-49 4-232 S-82 6-6 7-8 8-184 9-263 10-71 ] 1-158 12-242 13-175 1<-I 15-113 1-J59 2-125 3-244 4-202 S-24 6-87 7-234 8-263 9-342 10-220 J 1-237 12-72 13-138 14-294 Jl>-1 71 16--254 1-18 2-3l 3-348 ·-~66 5--310 6-76 7-51 8-97 9-80 J0-282 11-46 12-66 13-126 ]4-127 lS--131 J-129 2-328 3-157 4-t65 5-56 6-JO 7-12 8-105 9-4J 10-41 JI-39 12-314 ll--163 14-26 15-320 l6-06 September October • 27-352 28-167 29--61 :J0-333 31-11 16--207 17-255 18-246 19-177 20-63 21-204 22-160 2.1-119 . 24-195 2S.:-l 49 26-18 27-233 28-257 29-151 :J0-3t5 17-268 1t24i 20-192 . 21-243 22-117 23-201 24-196 2S-t76 26-7 27-264 28-94 29--229 w::. 38 31-79 November ' 16--107 17-143 18-146 19-203 20-165 21-156 22-9 23--182 24-230 --25--132 26-309 27-47 28-261 2!l-99 :J0-174 De.,enaber 17-304 18--128 19-240 20-135 21-70 22-53 23-162 24-95 25-84 2S-li3 21-i8 28-123 29-16 30-3 31-100 A theist's Suit WASHINGTON (UPI) -Here is a rulc- of·thumb guide tor draft-age youllis to deternline what the birthday lotlery drawing meant to them: You are involved if your birthday falls between Jan. I, 19!4, and Dec. 31, 1950. If your birt.hday was drawn in the firs t 122 numbers and you have no deferment such as college, it is almost certain you \Viii be called for induct.ion in 1970. If you r birthday was drawn between No. 123 thiough 244 : the outlook is louch arfd ·go that you'll receive your draft board notice. There are varying factors such as the quotas assigned to your local selective service board, delerment.s, \\'hethcr your birthday comes hlgh or low on this middle groupins. • If your birthday was drawn in the bol- lom third from numbers 245 through 366 : lhere is small likelihood you will be sum· moned in the draft and you can probably plan your life and caretr in the knowledge you will have no military service requirement barring national emergencies. If you are temporarily deferred be<.:ause of college or jobs: your exempt - status conlinues but the priority level in '~hich your birthday falls in the drawing: \vill be effective for the ye ar your eJ· <'mplion expires. Thus if you should gracluate or drop out of college in 1973, if your birthday was !he 15th number draw n in the fl.1onday lotlery. ~ou v,'()uld be placed in the 15th level of caltups in 1974 even though a dif· ferent birthday was drawn 15th for that year. Tie Breaking Order Listed · 'VASHINGTON:. (API - Here is the order of drawing th~ first leUers of last names to be used by draft boards in the event more than one man in a call has the same birthday : 1 I J : 2 G: 3 D: 4 X; 5 N; 6 O; 1 Z; 8 T: 9 \V : JO P: 11 Q: 12 Y: 13 U; 14 C; 15 F ; 16 l : 17 K: 18 H: 19 S; 2t1 L; 21 ltI; 22 A; 23 R; 24 E; 25 D; 26 V. Number 388 Rests Easy, ButNumher20's Wo1·ried By Uniled Press International "I'm going to send a t\vo..won:I "At least I can go to school without telegram to my draft board and it's going lo say, 'No \Vay.' I never intended to go, having fears of Uncle Sam taking me into bu t I never thought I'd have to find a .,...·ay the service hanging over my head." to gel out of it sfl soon.'' Fred VVilds, a sludent at Ame rican At Boslon University. a boy and a girl UniversHy in Washington, o. c., had one y.·aJ ked into a lounge \\here s!udenl s wei"e . \ lisll.!tling to the radio '11hile the numbers of the mildest nr the mostly negative \Vere read. Just then his number was reactions by young men affected by the called. ne1v national draft lotlery. "Oh, my god," the &irl said, and the Fred's birthdate wa s No. 338. couple left the room . Another-American -University-sludent-='~'l~l'""s the first time T ever \von 'vas Jim Allen. who said, "They got me. ~·h~~~hing," said another youth \vho \vas I"m going to Vietnam to get killed. Oh, "'·ow," At Purdue University in Laraye!!c, Tnd., Pelc Dorman, a sopho1nore fron1 Jin1 \\'OIS No. 20. Noblesville, Ind ., heard his number -11. Another whose number came up in the ':,Right now, I don't know \vhat to think. top JO was Manuel Wright, 22, a senior t Just talked to my paten~. This might ;ind SDS mem ber at Uie University of affect the job I'm going to take. My one New l\lexico. consolation is that I won the j>ool." "I want everyone to know how ha_ppy I A senior at Indiana Univers\ly,.Jim 11m to y.·in a national C1'.lnlcst." he said, \Vanko. 23, of Chicago Heights, Ill., was ''but with a sense of humility and gteat no. 125, His deferment expires next .mental anguish, I'm going to have to Augu st, but he took the news gracefully. refuse the prize because there are more "l look kind of good in green,'' he said. cleserving men over 30 who want to fight commun ism and I think they should get the priz\ before l do." ''I'm not pleased.'' said Chris fo.1oore or South Nyack, N.Y .. a student at Prin· ceton Universlly v.·hose number was in lhe top so. Birthday, Name Point to Draft David Eisenho,ver For Lottery Loser WASHINGTON (UPI ) -Scotl Jenkins Jn 30th Place was born Sept. 14, 1949. That makes him • a double loser in the ne1v draft lottery. 01t Space Doesn't WASHINGTON (UPI) -The draft lo!· Because he holds the fi cst birthdate tcry bas made an accurate fore caster of and the first letter drawn in the lottery, Ha ve a Prayer Da vid Eisenhower. Jenkins has no doubts what he'll be doing after he graduates from A1nericaa President Nixon's son-Jn.Jaw said last-Vn1versity in June. 1971. AUSTIN, Tex. ! UP I} -A federal i·udroe \\'eek he was tired of school and "might "I e1lpecled to face the draft al the end • ·J·ust decide" to enlist in the anned focces. of cOl lege " he sa'd •ft M d · h · today d i~n1isscd ~fadalyn Murr a y • 1 er on ay nig t s Monday's lottery probably made his draw. "There 's just no elrrnenl of un· Ollair's .sui1 seeking lo ban the broad· rleci.sion much easier because David's certainty now. I l.hink in some ways it's c~st of space prayers by American birthday, 1'1arch 31 , appeared in 30th nice to know." aslron:111I~. place on the list. Any number in the first Jenkins. whose father i11 a truck driver, U.S. District Judge Jack RoberLs said a hundred is considered extreme I y said he had gon~ lo a tavern off campus d · · · \'Ulnerable to a draft call . for a break from midy ing and began ectsion In favor Of ltfrs. O'Hllr, an discussing the draw with another palron. Austin atheist 41nd bou.sewife, would hJve "I asked him if he knew where Sept. 14 violaled the religious Mghts of astronauts. CO N'S ESCAPE waa drawn. "The first amendment does not require "l couldn't believe him when he vtoJd the state lo be hooUle to religion, bu! ooly ONLY A. SLIP ~;ht~?' other people !here said he ,.., nt'ulral,'' Roberts saJd In his opinion. He sajd he then called his mother. "She 1 !\1rs. O'Hair ~·on a U.S. Supreme C.OUrt PERtll. Au~trnlia (AP) -'\11ile y.·ork-v.·asn't e1lactly ecstatic.'' he gaid. decision six years ago that proltl.blled Ing on a prison wall. rnnvlct Cui!·;eppe Jenkins said he opposes tho \11~lna m compulsory prayer in public schools. Privitera. 29. !'lipped today and fell lrllo v.·ar and If It is still going on when he In her 11\test suit, she criticized the th e s_t.rett out11lde. J1,radua1cs In 1971 "·1th a politicnl science ~p11cemcn of AJ>Jllo a and 11 for engaging He gol up. limping on an Injured ankle, dl!grec he y.·lll 1r1 to enlist In the medical • G111 W~'"'Otl .. ho Wtrt orll••td Siii Olt10 "Vfl' 1111 Grttt L~•t• .. , • 11tw uor.., $11'1 '''fl'heo Mt• I lo "'O+I Ill II om t'l!'IMl~.=:_.;;.,,;,.==-- t~1 Wtll w1• •-••!!v 1u~l!V f lld i ...y111 " M .. ' ,,. and went ht lh.e front doo~ me prl90n rorps. But he won'l attempt to dodge Lhc 1n rell lous ceremonies .• ·~ ~sh---whau...iuard.i..Jct..hln'l b:ick hi....Priviiera.~-"""":'-,,--,-,--,..---,--.,-.,--.,----_..- the ChrlsU11 n religion or 1J1e Unlled States an ttallan, Is servinG a four·to seve n-year "1'his lottery 1 ~ a pretty fnlr system. " " • ' .......... "°"'""'" ! •• IQ<''lll ~.d Mm• l~·m•I IDrl"~lf• ov1r '"'' IT'OU"l ll"'· W11M"9f0" " .. , • u r 'O\'crruncnt be fore the world.'' 1 ~nte11ce for rope. . ~nrnebody had lo be No. I.'' he sale!. • • • ' Ul'IT.i.Mfll POSTHUMOUS MEDALS OF HONOFt PRESENTED Sgt. Eugene Athley Cllfford 'Sims Heroes' Families Presented Medals WASHINGTON (AP) - Families <lf two Army se- geants and a Mar i ne lieutenant killed in heroic ac- tion in Vietnam recei\led today posthUmous awards of the ?i.1edal of Honor from Vice President Spiro 1'. Agne\11. Winners of the nation's highest award for military valor were Marine 2nd Lt. Terrence C. Graves, 24-year· old soo of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Graves of Groton, N.Y.; Sgl l .c. Eugene Ashley Jr., 38, o( Wilmington, N.C., and Staff Sgt. Clifford O. Sims, 27, a native of Port Saint J Oe, Fla. Ashley is su rvi¥1!d by his v.·ife Barbara of Fayettevjlle, N.C., and Sims is survi\led by his wife Ma ry, also of Fayet- teville. Graves, a native of CQrJrus Christi , Tex., was killed Feb. 16, 1968, when enemy fire downed a rescue heli copter in whitjl he was being evacuated. His eight-man patrol had come under heavy attack near Con Thien and, despite wounds, Graves called in air strikes and artillery fire, guided in helicopters and went back to try to save a wounded soldier. Ashley, a senior advisor with a special forces group, was killed in Feb~ary 1968 while on a mission to rescue a trapped special forces group at Camp Lang Ve!. He led five assaults against the enem y, exposing himself to intense enemy fire during the mission. His citation relates that Ashley di s pla ye d •·ex- traordinary heroism in risking MARINE HERO 2nd Lt. Terrance Graves his life in an altempt to save the lives Of his entrapped com- rades and commanding of- fi cer," because o( his efforts, the survivors were able to escape. Sims. a squad leader with the lOlst Airborne Division, was killed Feb. 21 , 1968, near Hue when he hurled himseU on ;i booby trap to protect the lives of his men. N. l(oreans to Return U.S. Ht;!-licopter Crew SEOUL (AP) -U .S. m i Ii t a r y headquarters an· nounced today that three Ame rican helicopter cre,vnien downed in North Korea Aug. 17 will be released Wednesday at th e Panmunjom truce village. A military spokesman said U.S. and North Kor e an representatives would meet at II a.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday PST -for the release of the three fl iers. They are expected to be sent to the U.S. Army's 121st Evacuation Hospital 20 mlles v.•est of Seoul for a medical checkup before being flown back to the United States. • The three men arc Ca pt. David H. Crawford of Pooler, Ga., Spec. 4 11erman E. Hofsta ttcr of Lowpoint, Ill .. and \VO 1'1alcol m V. l.oepke of Richmond, Ind. The North Koreans r e p o r te d that Crawford and Hofstatter were seriously injured and Loepke was slightly injured, then later reported them in "normal con· dilion" after treatment. They were shot down in a small helicopter while on a lraining flight. The U.S. Co m· mand said they got off course, and the North Koreans said they \\•ere do\i,.11ed near Kumchon, 15 miles north of Panmunjom. DAil Y PILQ"I !j · • may co costa mesa will be open sundays noon 'tll 5 p.m. . . . /. Shop Sundayi from now 'Iii Christmas. Every merchandise department and the rHlaurant wl!I be open lo make your gift shopping easier. five-piece game sets dt fun-for-all savings Hospitality is a breeze, whelhe r for casual d in· ing or fun and games. Each five·P"f«• group· ing features '.t8" no-mar plastic· top Sable and four vinyi upholstered tub chain in block, gold or avocado, on casters •. Mediterranean 1tyling (as shown), reg. 399.00, 299.00 may co fvrnilure ·14-' sale on home fashion finds the elegant etagere a. •tag•r•: of intricately scrolled gold leaf wrought iron, with handsome dark fruitwood f inished 1halve1, reg. 110.00, 19.00 ' b • .tog.,.: dark fruitwood fin i1hed hardwood sl'teht•s Gr9 complemented by gold leaf wrO\.loh\ iron, reg. 100.00, 79.00 may co furniture 144 Roma swag panels with a full 4-inch adjustment Rayon boucle yarns and clo1ely woven cotton. Button top1 allow up to 4" odiu1tment, Gold, .... hite, olive, blue or melon, 2-3 week1 delivery. reg. 9.00, 50"x36",.eoch • •• , •••• ,.,, .6.99 reg. 10.00, 50"x45", each , , , . , , , , , , • ,7.99 reg. 11 .00, 50"x54", eoch ., ••••••••• , .1.99 reg. 1 ~0, 50''x81", each , , • , •••• , . 12.99 may co draperies, C'Urto in1 113 Savings On Home Furnishings for your Holiday Decorating . • • • 9' sofa, In Lawson, Tuxedo or pillowback 1tyle1, reg. 400.00, 119.00 8' 1ofa, in Lowson, Tuxedo Or plllowback styles, rq. 380.00, 2".00 7' sofa, In Lawson, Tuxedo or plllowback 1tyl", reg. 355.00, 279.00 loveMOt, In law~on, Tuxedo or pmowback styles, r.g. 250.00, 1".00. may co south coast ~laza, son die.go fwy at bristol, costa meso; 546-9321 m ' I ,. • j • .. ' r-------------------------------.... ----------------------------------~------.. --,....-,~ ...... -~ ... _,... -. • c. 6 • • - • • DAILY PiLo'i.' EDITORIAL ,.PAGE -• .• A Nation Tht National Commission on the Causes and Pre- "vention 0£ Viole.nee bas a stern message: Unless Amer. ica takes drastic anticrime measures, the nation is turning into an armed camp -a place where citizens will not dare walk the streets at night and families will live in "fortified cells.••. Crimes ol violence arid the resulting pall <YI fear will continue to increase in this t.'Ountry Unless immed- iate steps are taken to upgrade the system of justice and to reduce the incentive to c01nmit crimes, the com· roi!sion has warned. Consider the bleak outlook for the big urban areas as painted by th e commission~ . -Central business diStricts in major cit:ie-s will be "partially protected" durin~ the daytime by heavy po- lice patrols when substantial numbers of people are on the streets and s b o p p i n g, But they will be largely deserted at night except for police patrols. (This is already e>ccurring.) -Families with incomElS to supPQrt the protec. It.ion will live i.n prime locations Within cities ln "forti- fied cells'.-in high -rise aparttne'nts ~ residential co~pounds protected by private guards and securi'ty devtces. A system comparable to this will obtain in the suburbs, but wiUt armed citi;en volunteers supplement- ing police patrols. (This, too, is already occurring in some areas.) -Extreme left-and right-wing groups wii!' have "tremendous armories'..? or weapons which could be brought into play with or without any provocation. (A large cache o£ heavy arm:s was seized in Los Ange1es and Orange counties only last-weekend':) · -High speed patrolled ezpressways will be'"&a11- ftized corridors connecting safe areas." Armed guards will "ride shotgun" on public transpodaUon, (Tliis lat- ter bas already occurred In Los Angeles, among other • • Ill Distress crime, perhaps entittly out of pollce control during nighttime hours." Armed guards wlll protect all pub- lic fa cillties such as schools and l'laygrounds ln these areas. (Observe what bas been gomg on in nearby San Bernardino at its Cajon High School.) America -land <YI the free and borne <YI the brave -leads the world in the number of homicides, rapes, robberies and assaults committed in relation to popu- lation. Even if •·e began a massive program involving a guaranu.ed annual wage and overhaul of city ghettos and alums today. continuing escalation of urban crowd- ing will make the crime problem worse before it can be improved.. Those who fear such projrams as an income floor for all and the flaw.filled business of government hous~ ing for the poor will have to make a choice. If these are not the measures to prevent escalation of urban crime beyond · control, then what alternative do we have'! ' .. • An End to Rice Throwing? Rice-throwing at weddings , that age-old custom, ls in jeopardy. Upward 'movement"<Yl .workers has left fewer. and fewer persons wllling-lo>do menial labor. So dean-up bas become a problem Afr priests and pastors. Also, they complain of the hazards of beiDg •truck in the eye or slipping and falling on the ~. But perhaps more importanUy, the Oriental sym- bolism of rice as an emblem of fecundity is 10l5ing its charm in a world suffering from over-populaUoo. , il"---: ---:o NAN\.."'C:-1~ places.) . · -Slums will be "places of terror with widespread Could lt be that rice will give way to The Pill as something to throw at the bride and groom In the years . ahead? "W lTHOVf I H.E P/l.f;)S1 1~ERE'P 8~ NO PlfllKVILlE-ScAN D.AL." . . . Rural, Urba n Poverty No t Tlie Same ' Dear Salvation of IJ.S. Moral Position lfp to Nixo1i Alo11e Gloom)' Gus: Common· Front La~king on Tragedy · ( Sydn~y J. Hartis ' ' ' i Walking downtown at night in a big city like Chicago, which is ·quite typi~_aJ, I thought of the dramatic difference between "poverty" in rural areas and "poverty" in urban areas. They are hard- ly the same thing at all. I spend my summers Jn a part ol Wisconsin which is officially classified as •·economically · distressed'' -meaning that the average tncOrne b o v e r s some\\·here under $3,600 a yea r. This is hard and tight, but it is nol mean or cheap or ugly . Poverty in the big city is mean and cheap and ugly. The downtown· districts. despite their best (if belated ) efforts, are los ing ttie.ir more afflu ent customer$, and have been forced to seek newer and more prosperous markets in lhe suburban shopping centers. ~ TUE SIGHTS AND sounds and odors of a downtown nlght-Ume crowd are depressing and tawdry. The people are ill-clad, sullen or frantic, badly behaved, ~eeking for bargains that don 't exi&.,ar pleasures that tum out lo be exp€nSive'1 and joyless. Conce:mlng sex education: Sinct! the schools :.manage to ruin every major subject they teach with rigid and boring curriculum. I'm afraid or what they might do to sex in the minds of our young. -R. N. Tiiis hP1tur1 nnKb ,.....rs' vlftrt. Mt n_,,.rlly !MM ltf tM-~"'· l4rl4 f91W "' ..... • GllM!Y lkto DAllJ PllM, WASHINGTON -Sen. Eme!I Ho!Ungs (0-S.C.) wanted to know if this meant that tht! Army would court-martial , now, every .soldier "who made a mistake in judgment. Sen. Peter Dominick (R-Col.) thought the networks' treatment ()f the story -particularly an interview with a self-Identified eyewitness w a s "outrageous.•• House Minority Leader Gerald Ford blamed Lyndon Johnson for covering it up. Secretary pf Defense Ke1vln Laird said he was ".shocked and sick-11 And the next day President Nixon said lt "was abhorrent to the American year: ft can no longer be clean and conscieiice." dignified and prideful, as it can in an The massacre at My LaJ has been slow agrarian economy; It can only be !qUalid Indeed to penetrate the American con· and bitter and resentful. science and sensibility. The President When we consider that nearly one·thlrd spoke through Press Secretary Ron Ziegler, although it was on national of all Ameticans still live near or at the television that he told u.s f>f the Viet Cong proverty·line (which is defined by the massacre at Hue.-By Thanksgiving, no~ Bureau or Labor StaUsUcs as under word had been beard from former Presi· $4.,000 a year for a family), it become~dent John.son, from Hubert J:Iwnphrey. easy to understand why the clties are in from fonner Defense ~cretaries Robt_!rt McNamara or Clark Clifford, from Chief such fiscal trouble -as well as why of Staff William Westmoreland ()r from crime, disorde r and general rebeliousness the Rev. Dr. Bllly Graham. threaten the stability of all u r b a n governments. FOR THAT MATl'ER, the Vice Presi- dent, always ready to summon the great Silent Majority to a moral judgment· on those who wear their hair too loog or wash too Utile. has yet to· assess the morality of Americans in the uniform of their country shooting down women and )'OO!lg cbUdreo herded logeU!el' for that purpose. With few exceptions, the only outcry has been from those opposed to the war > . ' . ·~-~.:...-~ti<~ --- Itself, and this typifies better than anything else the temble gulf that has opened in the nation. My Lai is a national tragedy -and ln history it will stand not as a judgment against a .party, an ad· ministration or a faction, but against a people. And that judgment wilt stand if we are a people who do not protert-who do not cry out and who respond to ootrage with a "War is hell: nobody'! perfect" shrug of the ·shoulders. What Is at stake, in Robert·Kennedy's words, ''is our right to moral leader.ship on this planet." PR.ISIDENT NIXON has spoken well. But we a('e so sundered, so fragmented, th at il be wished to present a common national front to show the world our uni- fied honor be woold be unable to sum· mon 1 leader from the loyal oppo5ition to share the plaltorm. ror' none now sum- mons the nation's moral suppart. Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Dean Rusk? Surely not. Edward Ken- nedy? Not now: George McGovern? Eugene McCarthy? Too narrow an an· tiwar base. And nowhere ls the lack of leadership betler demonstrated than .bY the dilemma of Sen. Edmund Muskie. Muskie is the only figure not in the AdmJnlstraUon who ls untarnlsbtd by Lyndon.Johnson. he may well have been the most popular of the four national can· didates in 1968, It does not stretch politiCal credulity to suppose that if the Democratic ticket had betn reversed in 1968 Muskie might now be President of the United States. WHY THEN IS HE NOT, as Adlai Stevenson was iil the Fifties, an obvious spokesman for the opposition when a commoo frorlt is required? The answer is thilt Steven.son's America confronted many issues -the .Middle East, the hydrogen bomb, McCarthyism, civ il rights. Muskie's America confronts only one. Try as he may -and he does -to alert the country to the encroaching destruction of our environment, to the disorder in our national priorities, to the need for tax equity -in all of which sub- jects he has earned expertise -l\luskie is trapped by the national preoccupation with Vietnam. Confronted with the atrocity of My Lal· -bigger than Vietnam yet inextricably a part ()f it -he holds back. He thinks the ()Verriding national concern with Vietnam Is wrong politically, that Mr. Nixon can remove it as an issue almost at will, leaving his opponents trapped on a withered limb. SO l\tuSKIE'S political doubts depri\·e the nation of polit ical leadership. Viet· nam in Nikita Khrushchev's phrase. "is a bone in the American throat," and we ,cannot swallow another issue until it is over. . ,.J,l'I> •we grl!Ved, we sighed, we wept: We never blushed 'before.' \Abraham Cowley,1618-1667 • Polititally, r..1uskie may be right. Art.cir all, he has an election comtng up nexL year in Maine, and \\'hen that is over lie can speak his mind. But !here is lh<' possibility thal by that time it \\'ill be lnn l;ite. another may have assumed hi,;: rightful role, in which even t he will ha\c been proved politically \\'rong. So lhe salvation or ou r moral position depends on the President alone. Only h~ can prevent a war v.·hich bega n v.ilh DeaJJ Rusk talking about a1unirh fron1 ending. v.•ith the world talking about Nuremberg. Bv Frank l\1 anl!lcYl·it ~ · and Tom Bradt'\ In contrast. the "poor" people shopping in the county seat on summer nights: are clean and well·mannered , self·rest>ecting and proud of their ability to "make do" on a meager income. BUT THESE PEOPLE are dying out or moving away, while the urban complexes are growing at a frightening rate of population. So that tile very character o( "poverty" is changing radically year by IT IS NOT "POVERTY" as such that breeds crimes -this is an over· simplified and outmoded view -It is a particular kind ()£ urbanized poverty, where tile sense of community has been lost, where the future seems nothing but a repeUlion of the past,-where the old· fashioned values that sustained the farm family and the town family have ~n broken up by the rooUessness of .m. du.strializ.ed living. It is relatively easy, and sometimes almost bracing, to be poor in the coun· try; it is bard, and usually demoralizing, lo be poor in the tjty -with so much opulence at hand, and so little to obtain it .with. We must recogniie th is difference before it is too late. 'Communist Beachheads G . . ' a1ning To the Edit«: Pos ta l Reform De"layed This is to extend a firm, congratulatory handshake to Leonard Wright on hls recent. excellent Mailbox letter "Four Reasori.! to Ban Red Teacher.'' Such con- structive conclusions certainly indicate that he keenly analyzed the "Communist Manifesto'; instruction.! of J(arl Marx, along wtth tho report by J . Edgar Hoover, "Communist Target -Youth - Commun!!! Jnlillralion and AgilaUon Tactics." Other studies revealed the same propaganda job with the news ml'dia. LttUn from rtadtn art welcome. Nortn4llt1 writer11hotdd conve21 their tntnage1 in 300 word& or lest. The right to condense letten to fit space or eliminate libel iJ re1eroed. AU Ut- ters muit incl!«U dgnaturt and mail- ing address, but name1 mav bt with- held on request 1.f wfffcitnt Ttalon i$ ap parent. Poetry will not be pub- Ushtd. WASHINGTON -There will be nc ' reorganization, or "restructuring." ol the Post Office Department this year. Long-pending legislation to do that Is s;ti ll hung up in House and Senate com- mittees -with virtually no likelihood oC being reported out before the end of this session, shortly before Christmas. Privately, congressionaJ leaders are writing off any possibility of postal reform unti l next session -that will Ctln· vene arOUtJd the middle of January. ,,. , ""' " ·~·€,"'~-,,.....~ ,..,. .... ( ... ~ . ' . ,'- J · 'Afle~~l~tp•th J . - poration, romparable to the highly suc- cessful Tennessee Valley Authority, or reorganize or "restructure" wllhln the ANYONE WHO 1L\S taken the time to existing establishment. read anti·Amerkan documents such as There is strong bipar1isan backing for these, can quickly diagnose the prime ob-w\th lf.eir ·~bing philoeophy In both formulas . jective of communism, viz., to pursue an --'"'"r .., .. aggressive policy of sttking to Isolate the action, in 9eCking to ael1 their destructive THE HOUSE POST 0 FF ICE ~ United Slates (internally and e11emally) ldeok>gical object.Ive, througb these well Committee. headed by Rep. Thaddeus In order to destroy our form ot established, relay stations.. Dulski, O.N.Y., favors sweeping reforms government-an objective which is being With the passive endocsement oC these within the Post Office Department. That pr~ with or without war, by means of deplorable developments by so-called was de<:idcd by 8 hair.line margin last diplomacy, propaganda, trade and "Academic Senates," and--or chancellors month. But since then the commit.tee has 5tlbversion. Tn the framework of our m--these Communist beachheads are been stjmled on other important phases temal political and social order. their f!&lntng 1n widtt\ and depth -at the ex· ol the legislation. "diuy-lsm" is being spread, by seeking pense of the very taxpayers who are 'to Impose its dogmas ()TI lhe ''ast ma· jority of patriotic citizens. " Al. N. SEARES Gh'" T hem Alcalra.:: To the F.ditor: After some thought and discussion about the American Indians of today, ( have reached the cooclusion that we must help them. Since one can't change the past, the struggle between while man and Indian, we must improve the future. After reading your Nove mber 20 article about the 89 Indians seizi ng Alcatraz. I'd like to state my opinion. J feel lhe Indians are entitled to this unus!<:I federal prison a:ite because (I) they stale it will be used as a cultural center, and (2) this land has no use to the federal government and the federal government doesn't want the land. 1 reel this Is one st~p toward hclp1ng the Indian . JUDI 1.VNN Bra lnmn1hi11g Reuon for th is unannounced view Is that even if one or both postal com· mitues should cpmplete action on a measure, there would be no time left to give ¥'it floor consideration. Too many urgent major bills have p r I o r I t y • Foremost. among them are a number of appropri ation mea sures, the big t~ reform bill, and Increasing Soclal Securi.. I}'• Biggest hurdle facing th e ad· to influence, paralyze or disintegrate the unwilling: victims of this cancerous ministration ln both chambers ls labor. very processes of our way or Hfe, disease. As a rtsult, til~r "',, yoongstera To the F.ditor: Sf.:N. GA LE f\fcGEE. D • W)'G., The large and politically powerful operating under the facade of os!ensibly, become pawn.sin this despicable process. In answer to ~1iss Noel's (student al chairman of the Senate Post Office Com-Postal Union , vigorously backed by the re:sp<>Mible citizenship. Misi:ion Vlejo High). letter of Nov. J9; mitlee, ls stiJJ hopeful rus panel can co1.. AFl....clO, are vehemently against the STRANGE, TOO, Isn't It that, while the There·s a Jot or sens1Uv1ty training - today teac h Acts chapters four ::1nd Mtc as com1nunism. where believers in 1)1" early church sold and sh:-i rccl in con1n1on all they had with fellow believer!'. I Rrn rr Acts 5:4 for a description and pron1or i0n of private property and contr.::ist this with the fact th at under cor.1munism tht? stale owns everythi ng and th~re is n~· ownership of priva te properly ) Jn the early days the Ron1an persrc11- tions were so bad 1hat ;inyone who became a bclie\'cr in .IC'Sus Ch.risl as hls savior was lrn!'Q..ediately turned In to th!' authorities who sei1.cd his properly an d gave s percent or the proceeds lo the in· formant as re\rard for helping stamp out Christia nity. T1tOSE 'VllO d~reri to b<'Ji .. ve surldrnlv found themselvC's and fnmrl1('~ JOble~s and homeless. Thus m;in~· wrrr ;iblc lo !Jc helped with the bi!Sh.' J1CCCJ.i:il1ei;; O( life by those who h11d v.·callh and \.\ho \lo"ill· jngly gave tiut of love, not coercion, to thooe in need. folloy.•ing ChM..,-l's teaching: in Matthew 26 and elsewhere. MRS. KEITH DAVIS, JR. elude consideration ol a reorganiz.ation public corporatlon plan. They say they IN THE REALM of atrategy, the c,,,n. Food ind Drug Adm1n1rtration tells us bralnwash.ing-going on these days. For mt:aM't in the remaining week.I of this favor postal reform, but are innexibly muntst's .1'Trojan Horse" ta now using about the dangers oJ cyclamates and cig· example, the st<ltcment Ulat the Lord Tuesday, December 2; 1969 ~on. But even lf the com.mHtee does, agalnst the adm inistration's proposal. almost f!V«Y kind of intellectual and •rettes-we permit th!s other, even more Jesus Christ "preach<'d pure and un- ht ad.mltl there ls no ch3nce of the With the 19'70 rongtessh>nal elections im· cul'"l'lll .~1v1Ues (~"-at'-, li'teralure destruc:t1ve, ~ to undumine the defiled commtmism." This is not a i....1cal Tilt tcfitorial page of th.I! Dofly ~ k by (he•-pend ' "I I I ""' \;u """"' ''-"' 'al and I •··"' of "'!. Pilot seeks to inform and itim-legl!latloa'1 f11Eing la en up .-,coale 1ng, ""'s aggreu ve abor oppoaitlon and art _ with 80me segments of the very 10C1 econom c ~.... our st.itemenl Why woukf the Son of God ad· 11:ltzte reoddrS by J')trsentinu tliis untU oe:xt. )'ear. is making Ilse!! strongly felt. ~ and TV) in order to destroy all great countty. · vocate a C<>dless system, which lie newspaper 's opinions and cont· "'nMft Is no nish on this matter.'' Po&tmaster Oene.ral Bount has earrfed oy Iles-olh-tllan "··e lhat co•-i'de While these unthinking students yell didn't? A !V, st~m which removes tiny . I h bee I h b f " u~ •~ lh 1 1 ,_ 1 me.nrar y OIL topti'S of i ntert!$t r,;ntJ -McGee. " t as n pend ng t e runt o the fighting for the about e ack o rel'l:vance n our educa· chiklrtn from tht!lr horn-10 slate d 1 f ~a "'"' Ott .s gnl rralll'l', h!J provitl1n~ • mm1f month!, and a few more won't Aduunlstrallon's measure. He has work· ticmal lrutltutions -and are at a loss to nurseries \\'he re they learn l""'aity to I I u -• .----B11 Geor9e "'J orum or it eorprcssio,1 1 f ma ll:e IQ)' difference. So we're not putting cu earnestly and hard, but is going to explain what they mean by it -their state. not love of God (J esus 5aid, "Let Ollr T('cders' npfnions. <iiirl h it on lbe: bNI. to ni.sh out a bill. Al lhe same need much Whlte House help to put lhe CONFIDENTIAL TO 1 H 1 N. very actions are creatJng ad verse rtac· the liUle children come to ;\fc); where prPseutlna !he dirersr ti r r.·~ time, n tn worklnt ateadUy on IL" public CCJrporatlon plan through. PUFF, Inc.: Actually, I'm not &Ute Uons b)l.t.axpayers, to the nttd and cost they are taugh t to st and up and denoW1ce point.v of iiiforincd nbJI'''"'°'' 'J'btn 11 no ind lctdon what course the From the prtstnt outlook, It may well that, public relillonswlse, th is· Is of more educational facilities. . par~nt-s. Instead of rollowlng God's m. alld. spokernicu ou ropics o/ rlic ____ ,ScnutQcpmmjttec J_tJlkl)'.':l<>':";ta;Jk;;•;;••:;;;olh";l.s;--;be~'f.-'rl=n~;,,r."";;;r=or"'e-'lhls=..:f:=ar.:·'c:'='i::h:::ing"--'q"u"'es-::__~·1-ithe.J•erv Wt p:wlble-Ume-1<'-f rn surpmary, how Idiotic can we be lo strucllon~t•_".;H_on-'o_r_~•h~y~l'-•lhc..cr~-''-'nd.'-'-+-d"'c"y"-. ----------Jl---hotq c:ontnwersl.al Laue -w e r tion u IC launch an ad campaJgn for 1 low· ---wrllJW"ltie mlnot'l1Y«\hifft "'trait~ ... will favor lhe ~nlstr1Uon's plan to By Robert S. Alica calorie t lgarctte. ~ pig•" 1o thtnk til1t, as In RU!Sia. a Robert N. \Veed , P ublisher lum lhe poctal· 11Cn·l<1t I<> I public cor· and Jobl! A. Gold1mllb m!nority ol ,lhe population h., the rlgh l MANY ~USGUJOED peopl• U, pulpllS /, I • < I ...... .,. ............... ___ ..,..,_ ... __ '!"'_ ...... __ ~~-------------,.---~--":"".:-----:----:------·----~---r---~ ... -. . -. • ' fOAJLV •JLM 7 ' r 1 ' ' ., ) ' ; ' ' • QUf iNIE By Phil lftttrlandl ...... , -' I ' . 11.-Z. '"Don't be silJy, dear-how can I be 'girl-watching'! I'm 28 floors up!" CHECKING •UP• Vocll{a Least Likely To Give Hangover? By L. l\I. BOYD STOPLIGHT NOTIONS \Vail . , . ThaL lat specimen in the habit is no real nun. Nl.l'.1S don't sit on fireplugs •.. A barefoot lioy \Vith trite guitar . .. The shoeshine n1an·s spec- tacles arc heKagonal. his cap ,,·hilc fur. his earrings brass, and his audicntc indifferent .• . A brai;e of afghans is camp, isn't it .. , l"d guess the candy l:idy to be 75 and somev.•hal seasoned for a pa.1ylail , •. By their affectations, ye shall know ·them •.• So go, it's green. llANGOVERS -Now a set nr scientists in Boston claim.I the hard liquors least apt to bring on headaches are vod ka and gin. }fangovers, they say. can be traced lo a pair of chemicals in alcohol. and it is their contention vodka a·.1d gin c o.ntai n less of said .-;ubstanccs . Next least sicken- ing. in order, they aver, are $COtch. bourbon and rye. No, $if, I have no proof their rf'scarch \va s financed by the vod ka and gin ma kers, no nbso!u!c po::;ilivc irref1;1tablc proof. A SU RVE'' A'.\IONG British hatmakcrs sho\vs it ordinarily requires a ma·i seven minutes to buy a chapeau if he's alone, •about 15 if he's \Vilh his wife. . , IF TllE AVEltAGE man could handle his en ti r e lifetime job of shaving in one stint. it y;ould take him two n1onths of 24-hour days. That's 500 million \vhiskers, all in all . CUSTOl\1ER SERVICE: Q. • •·is dandruff contagiou s?" A.· No. sir ... Q. "Can a light car hold t h c road as well as a hc:-ivy c:ar~·· A. So I'm told. It's "not tltt weight. but the suspension that m a.t t er s . evidently .•• Q. "How many nudis1 Parks are there in the United States?" A. About 1,000. referee has the poli~ power to jail any onlooker who boos at a game, and right now ••• TWO OUT OF THREE men have fallen in love at one time or another with women older than themselves .•• NEVER, BUT NEVER do you see more than l\vo eggs in a hum- mr.igbi rd's nest ... SO~IE \\'IIISKEY MAK E R S in RomaOia are reported to be getting their alcohol from cat- tails .•• DID I TELL YOU • polar bears only use their front paws when they swim? RAPID REPLY : Sir, your Wenatchee, Wash., barb er named Mr. Shaver is ac- ceptable for membership in the Proper Job Oub, but, I'm sorry, your Other nominee, Mr. Boozer, the tavernkeeper, does not qualify. Your ques tio11s and com· mentS are welcomed and will be used 1vherever pos· ·sible in "CILecking Up." Address mail to L . Al. Boyd, in care of DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Ne11Jport Beach, Ca li./., 92663. ~laxicoat Help To Shoplifters MINNEAPOLIS, i1inn. (AP ) -The new style maxicoat is a great boon lo shopWters, Deputy Police Chief Joseph RusinkG says. .. Rusinko told 200 merchants attending a fraud preve':ltion clinic that poli ce departments generally were delighted with the introduction of t h e miniskirt mainly b e c a u s e mi niskirts "barely cover what they're supposed to cover. let alone hiding merchandise." Fish Like Sall FEET -\\'ha! I can·t figure HAA1BURG, Gennany (AP) nut is v;hy our feet are getting West German fish bigger. Just about every .20 researchers rep:irted fresh Yl'<irs 1he average shoe size v.•ater rainbow trout not only Jumps by a little less than one survive and thrive when full size. Tl)8l's a third or an planted in the sally Baltic sea inch. mo rc,ror fess. As far as but some nearly double in men's shoes· go, lhc av".!rage weight withi'.1 50 days. TIO\\' runs so1nc\rhere bch\'een ;============,I !l ilnd 10 in a B. In our grand- dads' day. the a\'erage was .a 7. If 11•e v.·alkcd 1nore ·.1ow than 1hf'n. !his odd evolution would be ~erstandable. But we don't. Only One Final stocks ln all homt ed llion.sf I That's a big dta!? It Is in Orange County. Tht CAIL Y PILOT Is tilt I only daily ntwspape:r that dtllv· IN ITALV. a ers Ult packagt. basketball Bi.bl e Thorights IAP'T ISM : It .;, •t NECESSARY 1 1 RE- PENTANCE! IAc:h 2:ill. It i1 REQUIRED to 11v1 ut, 1 Pit. ):21. 11 will ''. •.. w•th •w•v thy 1i11t •• ."' •• 1~1 lord'• 11•m1 i1 c:1ll 1d upo11. Aih 22 :16. It i1 1 NECES- S ... RY 1tt of obed!111c:1: Jltut 1•id to DO it ,Milt, 21 :1'9·20, Mk. 16:16, Jn. J ,],5, Ath 5:11, H1b. 5:1·'· I Sim. 15·12. j l pul1 0111 INTO Ch1ill: into hi1 body, th1 thurc:h, Gil. 1:27, Ath 1:"7, ONLY t .. 011 IN CHRl!i.T li11 .. ;, body, th1 church) 111 111••d: M1 i1 tl>1 "11wior of th1 BODY"', Epll. 5:21. BAPJJS M i1 • BURI AL of 0111't body ;,. w•t1r, • COVERING U, of th1 wl>ol1 bodv, M•lf. l :IJ.17, Rom, 6:1-S, Col. 2112. A11 1••mpte of BIBLE BAPTIS M it giv1n ;,. Ath l :ll , " ..... rtd th1y w1nl dow11 beth ;,.10 !h1 welpr.,, •"d h1 b•plittd hi111", IOTl-f lh1 p•e•ch 1• ind lhe on1 b•pli11d w1nl down i11fo t+i1 w1ltr, "MUCM WA TER"' i1 tPq11;r1d, J11, J :2l; I cup.full or di1h0full or '"'"II bf1l11.f11lt i1 NOf p110114h. Tho11 SPRINKLED. or who h•d """l"' POURED ov•r lhtm 1hould 11k tk1 qu11fio11, "HAVE I IE~N BA.'T1Zf01. 1'e t Acl1 19!)·5 for 1om1 who THOUGHT l .. 1v w1r1 preri~ 11• b•Jili1nd. but wh., wt•P NOl BAe.HSbl ,, ,.,.,.iv •" ACT OF-pBEOl[NCE to Ch•ill, "' ••• ,.,,~v ofh•· r~! 1110111 ath. C•n on• b1 1•wtd NOT OBEYING \~ht11 t 1 H••1 YOU obev1d Chti11 :11 l1pli1m? ., ·may co costa mesa will be open sundays noon '.tn 5 p.m. • Shop Sundays now 'Iii Christmas. Every me.rchandlse d~partment and the r'"'aurant will be open to m.ak• your gift shopping easier • sale .•• imported French Tergal® voile sheer panels Sheer joy! O ur Tergol® polyester Tria non pan· els never need ironing! Most unu1uo1 with deep 12" bottom hem1 arid a 1" tuck. White,• champagne•, banana•, fuch1i o, coral, blue, green, gold or pink. Pleose allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. r99. 6.SO 47"Jo15 4", each ••••• , .•.•• , .5.49 reg. 7.00 47"x81", each ••••••.•••••. 5.99 reg. 10.00 60"x81", each .••••• , ••••. 7.H (in starred colors onlY) reg. 20.00 118"x81", eoch ••••..•••. 15.99 one-week sale: custom covered chairs and ·sofas delivered for the holidays • last Wffk . to order Trucraft custom draperies for Christmas If you w ont b.ontlful new.d roperi•t in tlm• for Chr,ittmot, w•'.H hove to get tog .. her here or in you r home before this wH lc ii.over. You1ll chOOM from ov.r 400 fabrics and co~r• in connienb, 1hHrs, damoaka, decqrotlve print1 and mo .... , • rnony with ma tching bed1preoc:l1. So, come in first thing tomorrow and bri~ your window meosuretMnl1 -or, telephone and o con1ultant will" brin_g all of our Tr1.1 craft sompl" to you. Lo.bor, hardware and lntlollatlon not included. for the -4cH si:te 11 17 pri ca1 start 01 lo w as 1 pair Sh., hen.,..,_, .... your n.are1t May Co to ... th-.. aampleiobrics i" your _hoMt , ThH't no charge, no obllgation. may co cv1tom drup«le1 11 '· '~/ ... ' , • ~;;;,;.,00 16>.oo s109 .. s204 ::~~·355.oo-•oo.oo s279 .. s31cz The elegance of custom coverings in a marvelous selection of loveseats, 7', 8' .or 9' sofa, and complementing chairs, available to your order for this week only: Choose fro.m tuxedo, pillow back or lawson styles, all with comfortable cushions cif Dacron P?lyester wrapped polyurethane .•• (Fairflex or spring down construction slightly higher.) Then, have us custom. cover your choice in the weaves you select from ex- citing prints and solid colors. . may co furniture 141 use one of our convenient credit plans may co south coast plaza, san d iego fwy at bristol, costo mesor 5-46·9321 • shop monday through sa tu rdoy IO am to 9:30 pm .. " "tlrolt er eho111 fo1 b110~!,1 on BAPTISM: VISIT u1 •nd d<1t111t +-------1--"'·.,.., ... .M11.,.~11..E..Mibj1~........c.twu.la . .oJ..OUU.U.l 7..::tJ.....J#jlu "-1 1---------------'-------------~'---------------~---------------;~; ./." c 011, M•i•. c •. 91 62 7, PHONE '"1.s11 1, 1545·2"4 1, I ..... _._·'-'-''-·-~~~-~ .... ~~~~~---~-~· • , • -' r I I ~~~~~~~~-~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~-~.-,~~-~-...................... ... .. .--.--..... , ...,.. .,.-·---. --- ' 8 · DAILY PILOT Air West Holders to Vote on HughesBuY- MR.MUM FL.y - (t'. 11 SAN FRANCISCO (UPIJ - Air West, Inc., has completed I financial arrangements for its sale to billionaire Howar-0 Hughes, liut the deal still must be approved by stockholders ot the airline. The announcement w a s made Monday by Edmund C. Converse, board chainnan of AJr Wesl 1be re1ional airline's board agrud last Dec.mber to sell lo lhe tlughes Tool Co., wholly owned by the v.·eallhy Las Vegas recluse, for $94 million. Hughe s tool also agreed to pay -0ff $45 million in Air West debts. However, the 0 ec ember agreement, approved during the summer by the Civil Aeronautics Board and Presi· dent Nixon, required the airline to have a minimum net \\'orlh of $16 million when the r sale 'A'U completed. A 1 r r e d u c I n g the amount Grace Securities Corp. A :ipokesm1n )t ll'lt of tht \Vest's worth drop~ to $1 stockholders wUI ~eetlve for Coaver3e saJd the airline financial hOYJeS handllnl the million in the red at the end or their shares of common stock. will issue the euct amount of preltrred stock eidlanae 1aid the third quartet. The preferred stock will be preferred stock needed to Air Wtst hoped to complete Under the · plan announced sold to Glore Forgan, W. lt.. meet the required fll million · the sale lo Huchts by March li1onday by Converse, up to $10 R. Staab, Inc., and Sterllna:, net worth fl.(ure. 3J, 1970. .. million in Air We&t prefer~d1;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;y stock will be sold immediate1y prior to the closing of the sale to Hughe;.,, The airline will redeem the preferred stock with proceeds from the Hughes purchase, "SUPPORT !·HE -PR.SIDENT" ltod, White •ntl 11.,. I~ Stlckor 2/$1,ft. M••• ...... L, le1 1417, C." ... Ctfff'. flfll $122.9 Million Hike In State Money ToUl Califomia Federal has a11 office SACRAMENTO .(UPI) -~general !und owed $171 Revenue received in the state million.. . . Ut3.SW"Y in July through Spending totaled $1.34 bil~JOn October totaled $122.9 million during. the four.month period, higher than a year ago, Con-S1&f million more lb a n troller Houston 1. Flournoy receipts through-Octobe.r. 'The reported J\ionday. spending total 'vas up _$93 F'lo:.imoy said the re\·enue million over Uie same time 'Jncre.:i.se in the general fund last year. . . occurred during the first four Flournoy pointed out this months of the current fiscal year's difference i n C:t· year although they are "slack penditur.es and revenues is income months" of each year. smaller than the $ 2 3 3. 3 8 He said cash in the general million recorded in the same fund at the end of October was period in 1968. - $20.62 million, compared with The controller attributed the $5.2 million at the same time revenue increase to greater last year. He aJso said there yields from tu prognma. He was no ~d borrowing said the wpending boost was from special funds as wu the due to rising. costs of most case last year ~·hen the government programs. Unruh Ai111s for State Despite 'Blu11t A~vice' SACRAMENTO (AP) Some of Assemblyman Jesse ?l'. Unruh's legislative friend~ say he is running for governor despite their blwtt advice that he try for the U.S. Senate. "There is a lot of sentiment that Jess ·run for senator:' said George N. Zenovl'th of Fresno, chairman of the Assembly Democratic caucus. Student, R eagan T alk To Contin ue SACRAl\1Ei'<i'TO IUPI) - Gov. Ronald Reagan <r.ld stu· dent leaders have concluded a second round of "free swing- ing" talks they hope v.·ill close a breach bctv.·een the ad- ministration and disgruntled collegians. Student spokesincn agreed !o.tonday the 2 ~~ hour session produced ·.10 r i r 111 coin· mitments from the governor on giving thctn a greater say in how their schools arc run. Another .meeting \1•111 be held Jan. 12. But the governor to I d nev.•s1nen aflern·ards he en· dorsed a suggestion tha t a group be created throug h 11·hich students could bring their gripes di rectly lo hin1. ""l\·ly reply \\"as Iha\ l"d be delighted," Reaga n said . He and stude.1t leaders held lnitlal talks Nov. 20 on grievances students complain go unrecognized by cainpus administrators. State college students al so requested that a s econd session be held to discuss the budgeting process for tlHt 18- campus system. Reagan said lie told them that the college system's budget "would not be as much as "''as asked for:· but said no rinal figure had been sel for ·.1ext fiscal year. But he said hcp!ffirmcd lo the leaders that stu dent enroll· ment should be the top item in ~ budgeting for a college or the university of California . • "Bui l don't think he is going to. He is morally committed, he is psychologically com· milted to run fer governor." Unruh., Ass e mbly Democratic leader, announced Afonday that he will hold a news conference at h i s Inglewood home Thursday to disclose his political plans for 1970. Assemblyman ?i.fike Cullen (D-Long Beach,) said he was informed that Unruh would announce his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for governor. Cullen said the in· fonnalion came from a member of Unruh's camp. Sources close to Unruh in· dicaled that Unruh is entering the race. If he does, he will probably be opposed in the primary by San Francisco f.1ayor Joseph Alioto, a Democrat. Republican Gov. Reagan Is expected to run for a second term. Beatings 01arge Filed SAN DIEGO (AP) - A ?ifarine veteran er VieLn1m has · been formally charged \\'ith aggravated assault in the alleged beatings of six recruits 1vith a \\'i re coat hanger. a recruit depot spokesman said. • The spokesman said f.1cr.1day lhat S.Sgl. Roger D. Osbom. 23, of nearby El Cajon alleged· ly beat the recruits on the faee, head and neck for belna • • u n d i s e i plined" duriag haircuts and taking too lone for meals. Osborn's bat ta I ion com· mander, Lt. C-01. E. R. Larson, recomme ·.1ded a general courtmartial. T h e depot commander, hlaj. Gen. tohn N. !o.fcLaughlln, is e:t· peeled to act on the recotn· mendalion within a few days. Maj . Michael Slyles, depot lnforn1ation officer, :said Osborn was relieved cf drnq iMtructor dulies and hi!! p111y was stopped Ocl 8, the day of the alleged assault. 2. lt tt.t '"'" tJMt, eoutntllrlOID lttf to $OClll• •ltd pnlKI lllfll ... u•i. J, COUll'Tl•~DID 11!111 Ktu.llt stttllll r•rn htrd ''°*" ff.r .. rt.,. p1111ct. I t 1111tr1~Plln1 tbt frlct1t!l•S••ll•lll · t•llf tJtlt ti l11111l11t1iOll, Ill ""'1 'llfl1 ICOllll'T(l!IDlD IU1 tWOllllll, l•fttlflt• '''""' '~11ftl .• ,111blt1H,. (.DU~ I\.~ "'(')tO, tr""~ic1~"~' l~"'~"i'ii' ""ii"'1• j.t • ,... .,.I' .. ,. ""' ~ .. If .~.,. ll!Kht '·•ill"' "'"'-'"'""'-'""11•1.ft•"'r'"~ I on evttry cot 11er. ltS called a U.S. mail · I • When yon save by mail it makes life a little simpler. No traffic snarls. No waiting in line. But lots of convenience. Plus lhc knowledge that you can count on the u.~. mail for prompt, safr delivery. Californi a Federal will su pp l)' yo u with handy mail-saver envelope' for your deposits and withdrawals. Stop by and pick some up or phone us and we'll send them to you. We pa y postage both wayB. And you'll get fast service becau se we pay :;pecial attention lo alt n1ai l transactions. or course, if you prefer to drop in :i nd see us, ,,·e'rc al,,,·ays pleased to see you in onr CQUfenient bnmciies throughout Los Angeles, Oranp and Ventura counties. • But on those days when there's too m\lch to do and not eilodgh ti me to get everything done, let ,.our comer mail box be your handy California Federal Savinp branch. 1 t's the oon~enient way to aft. California Federal Savings arid loan Associa11on • Ass·e1s over $1 .6 Billion -- Nation's Largest-Federal "-"(1 I i{i. ' . . ' ' ' ; " I I . . I ,;~· i ?1-..·· ·:·~~' • '<;;< ' '\' ' I J ___ , I Record MEETINGS TU8tOAV H11"ll11tlon l"th l1rrtckt No. 'MO, , \11!•t•n• cl World Wtr 1. V.F.W. H111. 31' YDfklcwn. Hunlln'lllM l•l!d'I,' P.m. lllottrv Cl ub or Nrwoort·lt!bol, Irvin• Co11t COll'llrY Club, 16.00 E. Cu11 Hl•hw1v, CDtOrll dt! Mir. •:JO "·""· (o•lt Mn.t·NfWPO•I H1rbor Lion• Club, Mt11 V•rdt Counll"l' (lutt. ciutt M111, '"s o.m. II~ llY Llonl Coull, V 111 1 M1rln1, 1045 llYllcie DtlYt, NtWitOrt lt•ch. 1 11.m. Hvnllllflllln Be1ch Elli.1 Lod;.e, Elll.1 Club. IQ.I Oc11n Avt.. HV1111"'9!Cn Btt<~. 7;30 11.m. Vt1tr1n1 of World Wtr I 1nd New Mtlf B1rt1ck1 Utt, A.rnerlc111 L• tlc'I Hill, 54S W, 11111 $1., Coslt MeSI. 7:30 11.m. _>M{r1 (tub, $:1nt1 Ant Public Libr1rv, • Sfonl1 AM, I P.fll. H.,tlo,. Are1 Yovnt RePUblic1n1, N~ter Inn. NIWPOf1 Btlcll, I "·"'· Btlbct Ski Club. Newoorter Inn, NtWPOrl llta(ll, I P.m. Odd F~lcw1 LO!lt• No. 113, Odd Ftl)0""1 Ttm1111, 2'/6 Mtln $1rtt!, Hunt!n;ton llt1ch, 1:00 11.m. L.0.0.M. Mocst No. 11!1, "'3l E. lllh Slrft!, (01!1 MUI, l:U 1>.m. Socleh' fer '"-Prt11r111tlon ~nd Encourttemt nl ot B1r~r $hop Du1rttl Sln'llJnt In America, Co1rn Mtll ChtPl~r. Coll"I P1rk Scllcctl, ?3*1 Notr1 Dtmt, CoJl1 Mew, 1:u P.m. C~lllornl1 Soc:!elY ol P1ychl1lrlc Technlcl1ns, Ftlrvltw C h t p I 1 r , F1lrvlew $1111 H01pl!1I tudlfurlum, 7:30 "·"'· South Co11t AcllYt 'IG.30 Club, Vl!lttt Inn. l:!t M1r!nt, B1t1»1 1111nd, 7:30 "·"'· WIOMtSOAY l ive Fl1m1 Toe1tm11ter1 c I uh , Kt1>ltn'1 R"l111rtnt, Soulh CNSI Platt, COlll MtU, 1 t.m. C01t1 Mtlt OP!l1T1l1t Club, C01t1 MP~I Golf Ind Covnln> Club, 1101 Goll Cou,.... Drive. Co111 Mtit , 11 ._n. Hunll11ttcn • llttc~ E..-ch1n11e Club. S~trtton 811dl IM, HUflll"'!l!on BtlC~. I!-... We11..,111,1er Opllmllt C!ub, IC.Ing•• Table Re1!1ur111t\ Wt1!mln1ter, 11 ,_, Co1!1 Mtst Rottr¥ 'Club, Cost1 MH1 Goll Ind Covnrry Club, Co1t1 Mt11, 11 noon. · Divorces cuvo111C1s l'tLIO Helli. Mlch.1'4 SllJVlll YI Jt nt tl Jt hlMI llttl, Ptlrlc!1 An11 Y' Dfllf R. P"'Plr. Louin YI John L. KtllY, Min> Sitt YI Ch t rltl A. smnh. Elmer D. Yt AllYI N. Pow1r1, Dorl• Dltnt vt Jottoh 0 1nl1I McFtdden, lllOb9rl G. YI Al111-1 c. Ferd. Edith VI Rolltrl H. M<Dcntld, M•rllyn L•• YI C1rl EU· ,.,,. . BruHev, Ktth1rl11t J. YI H1rry Paul Demron. Judv R11 YI Jerold Smith. D41Yld Winford VI J1ckqu1lyn E!Jnbt!ll 1HTEltLOCUTOlllY 01!Clll1!1!S W!lltlktr &.. Gtlt lrv1n YI Joy Clti•e FtlrchlelO, ROii .... VI Ch1r!et E. ~nur1, N1oml Fra...:11 YI P11<1 ro Ctml>bfll, Ro~rl Wtvne vs Virtlnot litckntv. Glvn WlUlt Jr. v1 M1ry Rull! Brito" Mtr'll C. lit John M. T1rry, M1rlh1 L. Yt Willltm I!'. Cr1111, Judith M. Y• Rober! L S..nk>rd, Thomas W. vt Charif MU"<JZ, CiltCr,I• VI Pete KnOJI". L1von111 A. vs T.,,..,.,o,.. JC. l\Ylll, Eliltbt!i'! Y. YJ Thcm11 £. AfenltH, Guv J. VI JOHPhlnt 511shv11, Marllff Ci. ws 51!•91 V, Fo~1n, L\lld1 J. "' Thom•• L. Jt:oca.rs, Rcbtri A. v1 Tll..,t L. P1trlck, J1me1 lllot>tr! Yt Ttrrt Jtan L"f'Oll, w111i.m s. WI LUH<ll •11~1. Etlt" F. Yt Stmlt91 I!. Wtll•<•· Rodrick M1ur!c1 YI l tdll M1rl111ne Colllnl, Ju1111t1 111 Wllllt m Ltwls ~c1rctlll, Hlldl Mlt w1 Jg.lin lloums. Cralo Tl>cm11 vs Nencu Htl•n , C••llllc, Fr1ncl1to Lerm• ys Yon•clo PtchtcO Nttto; Arnold A. YI JOlll A. Hell. Doreen Ys Wllll1m 5. Porter, Pt mtlt Rulh YI Cherlts Etrl Giibert, Erline M. wt J1mu L. JUOOMEHTS t1r1llt, J1nt H. YI Joh11 A. litlt:I, M1rl!y11 S. w1 Elmtr L. , J 1me1, Juli• I(. vs Hapcle Bttdlord j Lewter. Rulus C, Jr,. wt Awtll St- "'''" Hft•t, Rober! ThlYlll YI Gertldlnt Louise lfn11011, Oe111111 Jttn vs Dtle Edw11<1 Lut•t•, Ta-iko v• Jutml1h Jtc~ Horchler, Fred Dtle ~• L!nd1 YvOllf'ot TtA'lUt. ~l>btr• E. WI Rlch1rd L~· Helli , R~rt w. WI NAncy Jt ln DeTtllr. M1rl1 M. YI JOllPh a . DE"AXH N OTICES GOTr Al!elt A-Gott. Ate l , el' 4'1 Lu· ponl1, Ceron• dt1 Mfr. Dtlt cl .,..lh, Nov. :It. Survlvtd by Pl•lnlt. Mr, ~"" Mrl. A,llart Goll! broti..r, Ch1rlt 11 l!epbro!htr. M1rk Allin Oll11ted; two ~11pt1tt1n. Ttmllll Ol!tllld H~~1l1: Ml1 lVM O!ln!1d1 m1ttr111! 11rtftd. mo!~t•, Dorc!hY McDontld Griffith; ,ie.-.gr1ndmoth1r, Et~el lur"lll Grlf. 111~1 p1tt1n1I 'rr1ndo1r1"!1, Mr. tnd Mr1. How1rd Go!!. S11'Ylce1, Wld'ltl-- dtv. 3 PM, l>1clflc \lltw Ch11>el. wllh RtY. !<dtml Lov••ln otlltl1!1~1. In· '''"'""'· P1elflc VI..., Mtmorlt l Ptr~. DlrKled b"f Ptcll!C Vltw Mcrlu1rv, ARBUCKLE & SON Wcst cliff Mortuary iU7 E. 17th St., Costa P.tes1 '46-4811 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del ·P.far OR J.NSO Costa P.lesa fill 1-%414 • • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa P.fen LI 8--1433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley l\lortuary 17911 Be1cb Blvd. Hunt111gton Beach 8~Z.7771 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e ~foriuary Cbapd 8$08 PaclUe View Drt"e Newport Beach, CalUornil 614-i111 • PEEK F AMII. Y COLONIAL FUNERAL ~ llOP.fE ?Ml Bolsa Ave. Westminster PS-35!5 •• SllEF{ER MORTUARY Llpna Beach 4f.1·1S35 San Clemente 4'2-0108 A~n 1.!f;CitJes teague"May Noise Cuntrols SAN DIEGO -The National League ol Cities may attempt to do something about en· vironmental pollution during JtJ current meeting here. The League's environmental quality comn1ittee will unveil two new sections calling for action by member ciUes of the nationwide organization, ac· cording to Robert: M. Wilson, Costa Mesa vice mayor and member of the ccmmittee. Dubbed "Control of Noise''· and "Urban Aesthetics," the new suggestklns may be in- cluded in the League's 1970 Municipal Polley statement. to be hammered out during the four-day convention. Wilson, a representative to the League of Cities since 1962, is strongly in favor of the noise control sect.ion. Said Wilson, "The engine ot a jet plane is to me the most critical problem Orange Coun~ ty has." The committee's resolution urges establishment of "A na· tional program to establish reasonable levels.., of noise tolrance. Methods of noise reduction and control should 'be identified, adopted and en- forced as a matter o( public policy." Other measures of noise study and control suggested by the committee are: -Go ve rnment-aided rrsearch · into the effect of noise on physical and menial health and human efficiency. -lniUation by cities of voluntary programs to reduce urban noise. County Firm Wins Contract SANTA AHA -Rep. Jam~ B. Utt (R-Tustin) has an- nounooi that the Sun Battery Company, Tnc., of Santa Ana has beeir awarded a $1,351,840 federal contract to rllake 112,000 12-vPlt batteries for U.S. Army vehicles. ' Turn in. fora sharp offer. ·2~ Staini.t:s st..i lloak' hlv•-,..,. for ooly 2?~. -.,.;,i, (IOIO(lae ~-llclpc611T-......... Hol0W1••rcl Establishment and en· forcement or anti-noise stand- ~nls '.'as rapldJy as science 1dentif1es appropriate levels." Jn the field of urban aesthetics, the comm It tee says, "Too little attention has been assigned the aesthetics of urban devekrpments by either the public or private sectors. As a result many of our cities art unnecessarily ugly and depressing. "Our goal should be tn Supervisors Study Extra Parks Plan refurtlsh each city into an at-SANTA AN A - A proposal tractive and inspiring place to that ·would , jJ· a ppr 0 v e d , live, work and play." quadruple the acreot:e devoted The committee suggests : to parks and recreation sites -"Leadership in good design" in public investment in Orange County's unin- in buildings, transportation corporated areas has been facilities and o t h c r im-held Cor a l\\'o-week study I provements. by county supervisors. -A review by cities or their Supervisor Robert Battin zoning and building codes "to urged board backing for his encourage attractive use of plea that current county land and architecture style." demands on develoi>ers -one -'The use of city design acre of park site for ~very panels to review existing and 1,000 persons -be hiked to proposed public and private four acres per 1,000 re.!iidents. buildings and to recommend Battin argued that county ways to enforce commurUty requirements were far below aesthetics. . those of the county's 25 cities The National League oL and that the board should take Cities represents more than the action in the light of im-mediate future fncorporation 14,000 municipal governments of several areas _ among in all 50 states. The League's them Mission Viejo. annual statement of Natiooal h1unicipal Policy spells out "It's the duty of this board . . to look ahead,'' he com· goals for better Ideal govern-. mented. "Park and recreation ment. sites in Mission Viejo are very Founded in 1924 as the inadequate, for example, and American Municifal Associa-we should ensure that this new tion, the Nationa Le.ague of standard is in e.ffect before CWes pr O Vi de I legislativt these people decide to in· representation, conducts corporate." urban research, and ad· The committee's report ts ministers a Sister Cities pnr scheduled to come back to the gram, board on DeC. IO. • • • Tutsd~r. Decfmbrr 2, 196~ DAILV PILDT 9 Deadline for Disnev EuUe1·ton Out of Co llegCfBowl -' FULLERTON -T h e r e pulled up to a Ue at 114 all .,.·on't be any roses £or a With ju5l lwG' minutes 1't· SltiM: Fullerton's Bowl COO· rn a in in g. Bu l the tenders. ti>fassachusttl5 coUtglaru Service Awards Nears 9 ANAHElt-.1 -Only rour part of their activltl's are Trailing 120-165 at halftime, outgursaed them from that . the Orange County scholars point on. weeks rem111n to submit ap· eligible to participate in the,---~-'---------'----------- plicatlons for the I 9 6 9 Disneyland awards program. Disneyland Communi ty Thi Service Awards , Dr. Arnold 0. s annua l awards pro- Beckman, chainnan of liie gram was inaugurated by Community-Service Awards Disneyland In 1957. With the committee, said today . presentation or the 1 9 6 !l Those plaMing to apply ay,•ards, nearly $23,000 will • should file the necessary have been distributed to "Notice of 1 n I en l' ' Im· Orange County groups through ~~ mediately, Dr. Beckma~id: 208 cash grants. fl; All official applications must Organizations that have not \ be completed and filed with as yet filed "Notice of Intent" the recording secretary of the should contact l\1ary Jonoo. awards program by Dec. 31. awards administrator. at Disneyland will . grant !4 Disneyland for f u 11 In· ca.sh a\.l•ards totaling $30,000 formation on ~articipalkln. U11s year. Top grant will be The awardees will be $5,000. There will also be three · nounced in February, 1970. $2,500 awards; tl1ree for;=========::::=::=:;ll fl.500 ; nine $1,000 and eight $50 awards. Make • Sharp Trade; Use Dime-A-Lines All organizations In the coonty scheduling one or more comrnunity sen1ice projects as MAYTAG 11988 At This Price Ewf'l'y- 011• Ca11 Afford FIRST PAYMENT M~~CH 1970 '4" 4/1 Ot. This Christmas • , a Moytot Washer MA YT AG'S POWER• .FIN AGITATOR me.an11 really clean clothC'S. lls LINT FILTER works und<'r waler to trap lint. It~ AUTO· J\1ATIC .FABRIC SOFT· ENER DISPENSER distrlbules fabri c cun- dltloners to thC' d<'f'I) rinsr cycle for soft, non·clinglng fubrics. give the martini drinker what he really wants. Gin. 1877 HARIOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 548·7808 OSMn Mon.-Wed.·Thur1;-l'"rl. tlll·t -, \ ! Seagram's Extra Dry. The perfect martini gin. • ' ' \ • Your Service Representative's job is to heJp you. I•" So, if you have a question about your phone bill, if you 're moving to a new address, or would like an extension phone installed, just give her a call. She'll get right to work on it foryou. Whatever it is: You can reach your Service Representative at your local Telephone Bwih088 Office. We promise your problem won't go in one ear l!Jl~ out the other. Pac:itlcTolophono @ - 're here to .help. ·- -l , • •Mogle Ed;." blod• fl...,.rneed .tKrrptnin'"' Stmu1oted atog hondltc. Dishwasher-soft. Vricon- dUTonatty guorantnd by manufacturer f« 5 yeart. • I • S~RTllS' MORTUARY 1 Mala S• ~~11--1-~~~un::;;'ngtOirBllCfr"T~-ti..~~~~'"""'"""'""'"1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---:;-·._;::!:!::!::~2!!'!!!:=:~!!i!!!~ 136-6531 • .......,,_11pdct-,pMI& I l I . 10 DAILY PILOT lutsda)', Dtctmbtt ;, 1%9 ·Open E1id Tlaente1•. -~ ' Theater Notes · Storch Stars HOLLYWOOD !UPI) -'AIIL _,-..I p I ' -~--ii)· 'C t VJ ...... ___ ~, £} • a at LatY.lf,ll(J, Larrystorchwill;,..,,arwllh • · 011e y eop e _,~~~-~ac US -~e-F-Vpenin~ ~-. -BU'"rtlloyii013S 111.- , . ~r.tfil. ~ Uy TOM TITUS number is 492.o465. Buena Vista Dcive. Fullerton. ~~!~~" for Cin<ma Center Stud y 9£ Wl· 111· a1ns ~ oo ·~ '"" ""' '"" * ~-reservation number is 527.,------==- to its i.t:cond of th r e r To some people, acting In "Any \Yednesday" heads in· :G~~~~~~~~~llir By ARTJIUR R. VL\'SEL 01 ..,.. 0.111 l'1i.1 s111t "All the lonely people . , , where do they all come /rom?" 1'he.line is from the Beatles' fiOng ''Eleanor Rigby ," and 11.·hile one doesn't know where they all come fron1. they can be seen Friday and Saturdays, at least through Dec. 13, i·.1 the Harbor Area. "All the Lonely People." is the title of director \Varren J. Deacon's anthology presented at the Open End Theater. 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach. Some o( those lonely people ;i.re dredged up out of the dark .imagin;ition of two· t i me .Pulitzer Pr I z e-W inning playwright Tennessee ·\Villiams. Part of lhe \1·ell-t>x- ·rcuted production is also a <:haracterization of \Villiams himself. Not all or ii hr would hap· pi ly confirn1, Deaca.1 admit!i in a synopsis or ·what he sel out to do -put the author into perspective through a framework of his ov.•n writing, 'plus the factual ac.counts of others. "The CQncepl is ve ry much like a motion picture," says Deacon. "We've tried to give it fluidity. motion and po\1•er. t\•itb rapid movement th rough and around Williams' life and art." The .overall effecLJ.L_fast- paced without being jumpy. 1\·hi!e color slides of San1ucl .Crump, 4, repre se nt i ·;i g \Villiams as a child add a catching illust ration to the show as it unfolds onstage. Deacon's own representation of the private world of Ten- nessee Williams i n c I u Ct e s recorded readings by the playwright hin'!selr, one or the most important i n con· temporary drama. If anything more dismal than "The Sound of f\1usic"' depresses you. ''All the Lonely LET'S BE FRIENDLY It you have new nelghboni or know of anyone moving: to our area. please tell us ao that we may extend a friendly welcome and help them to become acquaJnted in their new autTOundings. So. Coasl Visitor 494.0579 494-9368 Harbor Visitor People" will be S3 \vorth or despair. or SJ.75 at the student discount of that commodily. If -on the othe r -hand -you find pleasure in well-e\:ccuted dramatics combined \Vith a flair in presentation, th e Open End Theater offers a good in- vestment . The cast is b character with lhe premises -small -and noile can be faulted. Ex- perience and 3easoning onstage over the years merel y briwkets certain heavyweights TAINMENT New TheatC'r Sci1ed ul ed For College 'like David and Betsy Paul \Vhat may become one of above the relative newcomers, most progressive and versa- in this case three young lile community theaters will persons. be built at Golden \Vest Col- The Pauls join forces with lege early next year. Genevieve Murray in "The Working drawings for the U·.1satisfactory Supper," one o( 3SO..seat facility have just been Williams' lesser-known plays. approved,by the board of trus- Other cast members Caro l tees of the Orange Coast Jun- Arnone. of Anaheim . Robert ior Coll.:ge District. with bids Hov.•sley, of Santa An<1 and expected to go out Dec. 8. Walter PJlelps, of Newport '.The theater, which is sched- Beach, are also accomplished uled for groundbreaking Jan. performers. but be co nl c 26 will be used for dramatic. nolicably as enthralled as the as \veil as full-scale musical audience while the othei-thre~ prodtictions. c o n c e r t s <l'nd portray the lonely uselessness choral performances. of the aged by wrangling over Designed by Nf"'port Beach a mess or badly cooked fat· architects \\'illiam L. Pereira back and greens. d A · 1 h b ·1d· One of Williams' rarely ex-an ssoc1a es, l e u1 ing hibited tale.its is also wriLing 'viii be adaptable to a variety of uses. ballads of the haunting, but richly barren south in which It will contain such features he was raised and Jim as an orchestra lift. centr11I Diedrich Is featu red singing main stage and \vrap-around four. side or thrust stages going 1'he only criticistn Set'tns lo halfway into the audience . and be that on the more spirited , lilntinental sealing. such as "Gold Tooth Btues." A l•vo-story rear wing and lhe singer·guitar pla yer could outdoor court will house space inject more of himself into th e for set design, workshop an d delivery. group practice rooms. This Besides the JI plays. three has been located lo serve both short stori es, seven poems. the theater and two studios four ballads and record ings· of In an adjacenl ielecommuni- \Villiam s reading his ov.•n cations center. work, the Deacon show i·.1-Entrance will be pro1/ided eludes quotes from materia l through an enclosed arts gal· bv the ,vriler's mo1her and lery instead of a foyer. JL will biographer Signe Falk. be available for shows at all Depending upon incoming times \Vhether or not lhere is reservations, "All the Lonely a theater prod\lclio11. People" may be extendNl Cost of thC"Nlti re project is through Dec. 20. and hopefully $\,982.000 of which $807,000 l larbor Area theatergoers \\'111 \Vil! be av?ilable from state respond to the possibility of seurces. this extended run. Dr. Jt Dudley Boyce, pres- ro1n1nunity theater would be weekends, p~ented by thf - a1s hard as pulling teeUL Santa Ana Ccmmunity Player'. ~r[l'TII DIOI ~ Not. hov•ever, (or Bob in their ne\~' theater Jo'rida~ il W'Jil Engman, who's been "doing and Saturday. Tom Titus I: h 0 • r .. directing. both on I e range t:oci.st or ' 13arbara Garllch, Alan Hart. , Lhc past JO years. Don Rhoade~ and Edith Good- Engman, a Newport Beach man make up the milced dentisl. has been seen in the foursome in the Muriel Resnik leading roles of a variety o{ <X1medy. The theater is at 6th comedies in Lagune. Beach, ~ and Ross streets in Santa Ana Cosla W.esa and Lido Isle. with reservations available by ll e's been Henry Higgins in calling 543-7647 or 83a-1417. "~1y Fair Lady" at Orange * Coast College, Elwood P. Doud r· Also going into a second in "Harvey\' and lhe "Father ,veekend is the Fullerton of the Bride," among many Foollighters' production of others. "Harvey'' under the direction But "Cactus Flov.·er'' -of Tony Brandt. W a It opening tonight at the Laguna DENTIST'S DENTIST Assenheimer and Rosemary ,Moulton Playhouse -just has Actor Bob Engmt n ~·•lcGough take the leading lo be the rote he 's always been roles in Mary Chase's vener- \Va1ting for. 'fhis lime he 's able comedy. - playing the part of (you guess· Hs rinal performances Friday Perfonnances are given Fri· ed it) a denti st. <ind Saturday. · day and Saturday evenings at Engman takes the role of a Thor Niel sen directs and the Muckenthaler Center, 11!1 swinging bachel<ic whose stars in the musica l satire method of remaining single is with Jayne Hamil laking the lo tell his many flames he's married \vith three children. female lead. The playhouse is This backfires when he located in the Community decides to really He the knot Center auditorium on the and his fiancee ( C h r i s Orange County Fairgrounds Weatherhead) demands to \vith tickets, being re served at meet the wife and children. 834-5303. Desperately. the dentist asks his nurse (Betsy Hewett ) to pose as his wife. * Two more performances of "Invitation to a Murder" will be given this weekend at the , lluntington Beach Playhouse. BALBOA 67l-4048 o ... 6:45 70tl. ...... ...... Pftli..la Also cast in the Abe Burows comedy are f\1ichael Adams, Phyllis Stroud, Chuck Colgan. Chuck Schicker. Doug J3armentier and Judy Hirsh. Directed by Phil DeBarros.ll oii"""'• the myster'y drama features Annabelle Quigley, Ron Lpmbcrt and Cheri Sumrow. Given Yarnell . recently ar- rived on the Orange · Coast fron1 Cleveland where she worked with the Cleveland Playhouse, is making her , Orange C o u n t y directorial debut with "Cactus Flower." Miss Yarnell has st.aged more than 125 productions, most or them for children. The thriller will be staged :Friday and Saturday at the playhouse , 2110 Main St., Hun- tington Beach. For r:eserva· lions, call 536-8861. * "All the Lonely People: The HELD OVER ......,,. ....... _ John= ... , .. _,.._~ RlxkH ~=. ·the Unilefeafed ·the ... ~CCllC* ...... l!l llndelated ... ~c:oor .. _ ' -Also- IF lr.51UESlllM PLUS THIS llCITINGo HIT 1Hi51111151' BC George Kennedy in aeu;JIJlll "GUNS OF THE Ii!• MAGNIFICENT $MN" ICli + • lll!ACH llLVO, ,AT l!L.l..19 • • •~. C:.O•IT HWY. A .... N ot•GO -· ••7·•eo• • "UH1JHOTO"' llllAC" MGM presents The John Frankenhelmer· , Edward l ewis Production I fXCLUSIVl AREA' '" SHOWING •oa1 of tff yelf's 111st ..... atilt per1onnaces. tiE1 Millll 1mer1es aa; a major actili taleat r• -a.itn(;bllph.LLW.. • "Cactus Flower'' will play two v.·eeks, Tuesday through Saturday, at the playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach. Reservations are being taken al 494-8061. Private World of Tennessee Williams" coatinues its four-. \\'Cekenrl run on lhe slage of the Open End Theater rriday ;ind Saturday. \Varren Deacon has compiled and directed the \Villiams anthology. I 11urtL::aster I ~: ·· , .. I rm;.~~ * . Da vid and Betsy Paul. Carol 1":=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~11 Arnone, Genevieve J\lurray.l r Robert Howsley and \Valter Phelps comprise the cast at the Open End, 2815 Villa \\'ay, Newport Beach. Call 675-1120 for reservations. Deborah Kell' ___ ..._.,,_. ~~ "The Gypsy Moths" ~ ·-Lie Minneii .... -l/'kncleft NOW I Ringing down its cu1·tain after a successful three- weekend run is the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse pro- duction of ''Stop the World -I Wanfto Get Off," which givfl'I Top off the Open End ident of the college, said thr 'Theater's current off e r i '.1 g new building will add im- wilh a post-Act Two visit to mensely to the cultural oppor- lhe Golden Anchor just around !unities in the community. the corner for music plus 15--------------~-------- cent·beer and you have an im-* Final performances of Mur- (!] !G l Mm!OCOLOlt ! 2nd BIG /ITTRACTION Burton 1mMckW. lND ,OPULAJt FIATUJtl P1Hy Ou~• in mensely pleasing evening. Jory in Casi HOU.YWOOD (UPI) -Vic- tor Jory will play the part o( Wounded Bear l\lr. Smith in "Nobody Loves a Drunken ln· dian" at Warner Bros. ray Schisgal's "Luv'.l. will be staged Thursday t hr ough Saturday at the San Clemente Community Theater. Rh;_harrl Andersen is directing the'f:om- edy. HELD OVER 2nd BIG WEEK ~Dirty Mi ~ Doxeia Wlifl :i; '""'"'" o--1mm COMING DEC. 17th D11ti11 Hoffmari-Mlo Forrow "JOHN and MARY" "ME, NATALIE" FAIR F•1t, fair, f~clu1I, Tho•• thr1ot wonh 1um up f1cfQfl i11 oper1tion on ih1 DAILY PILOT 1dilQri1I p191 1v1rv d1y, Crossword Puzzle Bob Moe, Karen Moe and Gordon Harris make up the romantic triangle at t h c Cabrillo Playhouse, 2 O 2 Avenida Cabr illo , San Clemente. The reservation I I --ISllTI t:· . Doitiy OlJlll4nd '£~' dKJ.Litde ~fl I • ACRO SS 1 l11s trume11~ 5 Tumult 9 Ranke d 14 E. lndi.ln pdncei s 15 Concerning: 2 words 16 Black material 17 Geraint's "'i fe ll "Two Yrais Before the Mast" author 19 P11\ ou!: Inform al 20 Rep1esenl· ative: Abb r. 21 Kin d of chord 22 Re medi td 23 Orda in beforehand 25 "Oh MU1er !" 27 School i ubjec.t: Abbr. 28 Featu r" of som~ 11!anes- lnlorn1 ~I 2~ OtSlltSS signal JZ Quick ~· .r ~t!lve JS Mcsl show ily stylish )7 Sma ll en ima! :8···Smllh : Alaska outlaw 39 Ki11d ol .,allty 40 Sharts in a,> 'nl,rpris' 42 ltss tltva\td ~J The stir r <14 Mr, Pftm!llger 45 Slu t grass 4& Elrctrica! sa fety device 4] Went lorth 51 Carry ing . cargo 54 Frequent co!l t c!ive bar?in1ng IOPIC ~b Pitch S7 Warntr -· .. : Form tr movie g1ea! 58 Ntgative cootrac t1on !19 Herb t>O Chtl's prid t and joy bl Dainly &Z N icknaon ~ for f 1tanGr bJ Riv er ol Eu1op e f.4 l!ishmao b5 T 1me of d~y: Slang DOWN l r~a1 2 Gro 11p or 11ounta111 s J. Si11gle 1h111gs 4 Ha11-wJy ~ Elt ctoial constitutncr ,, ' r " • • • • I Yesterday's Pvzzle Sol ve,!: H ~ l I ~ Fco11·. 1 WheU:c· 2 wotd \ a Si 9ns or pa111 or sorrow 9 Aupo1t rn1ployees: ColloQ. 11) Approx1matelr 11 .... of duty 12 Noun end ing I J Stained 21 lrnportan! food 24 Test !lit l!avor 2& OptimlSl•C 28 Greek philosopher 29 Ra\\!y JO Formerly Cllristlan i,1 Jl Worry 32 Chrest 33 Ladder part 34 Preposi11on J.5 Encouraging • ' • " .. ... ,, " " ., • " lZ/2. li 9 3b Rl'9ardtrl ~s perlec l 3S Ha rdeno;- 41 WJ n\011 l111er 42 Trun': 45 Kind of color 4& Participa\t i11 an Olym pic sport '17 lnasm11c~ '/ " 48 Rom e is • il§ ca p 1t~I 49 Symbohc blfd 50 Rever1t 51 .. - -• - Hori zons" 52 Ja1 -··· 53 Cove1 wllh plaster 5S West ol t11 e Serinn Straits 59 Kind of horse • " " ~ Dren1tiy Mtisic Jose F'eliciano (left) accompanies Engelbert 1-lum .. perdinck in "The Shado\v of Your Smile" on Chan· . tie! 7 tonight at 10 when the "Englebert Jlu1nper· dinck Show'' airs. ~ Jbuth Coast Repertory HELD OVER "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" U11 NEWPORT &\.VD., n11r Htrllor T-11fl., Fri., Stl. -a:JO p,111, ltfH1V•li.n1 • tnlor,...litn -'46-l)U "Wlnnlt "" ,_ .. -DELIGHTFUL ICR C.HILDREN'S THIATRt Sv"ll1y1 ti 1:00 •ncl i::MI p,m. C11t l•r ltllt•vllkln• I I SEE BY TODA Y'S WANT ADS • rror Chr\•lrn;i• hrllr~. , • foin1els N>n1im: 1111 :• f:1'00o \ ~· :<cnH·fo1·1naJ. or lltlilt' l"ni.:lh g,111•n,•, 11·urn ~Inc-I', g1zc 9 S20 ,!( S?{i, e \Jt:ht np for 1hl.' paradr ioplt'r!rl.,r, •. br1111tiful 41' Nonvt'i:lan MLhni; y1u·ht, 1011ngly cl\ ml for ;~nrl fnl- 1,v 1'({\lip[K'd, t 1'l:ldr f<1r ho1'l'I"" or l11mn1c cw 1·ar~. $\6,00J f'tlUl!y, • Tu ll \.\~![' lhf. b1t11:~ Rntiltf ne1v '"1:·1'·1rmg hho•q:;1Allll lr1tilt"r, built rur ,,;J'll'lrl~ r;1r. •t"t up for \'\Vor Co!'\'l'ltc. 2001 --Al so--- • • I "-" I l(Clll#CDl.011 WEDNESDAY MATINEE 1:30 P.M. FREE • REFRESHMENTS Adults $1.00 KRAJaO"OA :r.!'!!!~ ! AND FJl:OM lHI SlAJl:S OF "IOJl:H Fltll" COMIS "RING OF BRIGHT WATER'.' STARTS CHJtl5TJri4A5 DAY Barbar• Streisand Om1r Sharif ."FUNNY GIRL" ~,t!~f ~ 2905 fost Cont Highway Coroll• del Mor~ft. 673-6260 now you can SEE anylhiJI& you want 'J\ilcii:'s US'fAUMN'll'" • ..... ,AHLO GUTHRIE COLOR by Oelu~e Un1led -'rhs1s 19 2nd BIG WEEK Call 673-6260 For Information Also Playing -''THE FIRST TIME'' '"'""' FilxsauTH coAsT CIM!RM PLAZA THEATRE CflRPOAATIOM San Die10 freew1y at Brlst°' • 546-2711 * ACRES OF FREE PARKING Office Open 6:45 -Showtime •• * 7 P.M. ~lt .... ""t ... , ... •· l..alf-tn!,• ~ Gwof.actrie cn'!'felle n::ason ·rursons 'Don't IDrink 'l'lii'Wate.r ••TliE CUMIC•• DICK VAN !JYKE MICH~lt LEE -MICKEY ROONEY " • -------·+·-----------. TUMBLEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan SALLY BANANAS By Charles larsoHI fUE5DAY DECEMBER 2 1:00 8 l l& Ht'ln (t) {60) Jer1y Dunphy Q m HunUcy·l ri nk111 jt) i30~ ! 1J S11vt Allin Show (C) (90) Gue,t1 11t Soupy Slits, Carmen McR11. Sue Gossick. Allan Drake. O 6 O'Clock Movie-Color * "CONQUEST OF SPACE" cmor 6E M'l'ORM! L():)I(: i<tl?P.9"Ml'-M€Atrt:IP,-M'(·EVE 8ALL ON THE 111R6ET, II!( llOW ARM SlAAIGllT .... · 0 Q) CiJ m Julil (Cl (30) ''Tilt [ve of Adam:' Jul1i l111d1 lh11 1 cha1m1n1, talented artist who 1e- luHS to hkt 1 io~ h in1luencmt her son. Gt0ra:e Slenlo1d 81 own 1ue5ts. 0 (i! (_j) m ABC M•vi1 of lh1 Week: ''lllrtf's 1 Crewd" (romantic comedy) '69-lirry H11m1n, Jeislc1 Waltu, £. J. Pe aker, H1r.·e~ Kor- m1n. Norman Fell. Stu G111iim, Shelley Morrison. Slcry 11! 1 )IOU/II C•!CO pilol Y!llo meets;and ma111e1 JtJSica 811ir :ihor11y 1lter tht .. death• of his llrst wife. m 01vict Frost (C) (90) G) lht I ii Y1U1y (C) (60) Ei) S111brush Thtllll {60) m I t!IClll I A Galler, ol Children !Cl (30) Mfs. Edw•rd M. Kennedy nuratn 1 unitive cultur1I p101ram !hat 5llr¥tys childre n's parhaits 1n !he Nlliona! Gallery ot Ar1 in Wash· 1n11on ~nd !~l's !ht s~ories behind them. !.?.-"/. PLAIN JANE l'ERKINS 0 Sil O'Cltck M0Yi1: (C) "Con· qu1st al Space~ (sc1·li) '55-(r•C\ fltminr. Ross Mallin , Phil foster. M~key Sh1uahn1uy, Waltu B1ooke Arm y vclun tee1 5 mannlnt 1 ipa ce ll station a1e ordered lo !ind 111w ma , 1tf1als on Maa. I !:00 0 '11 "6; m Fi!St Tu1sd1r (C) (2 hr) tltllii l~atu11s: ~" report on 0 Dick Vin D1t1 (30) a~ortion fllme~ in London; 1 re· JUDGE PARKER m Peyton rt1c1 (30) port on James Brc.wn. m1tnon1i11 en1ert1iner tnd busi~essman -to m S\11 Trek (C) (SO) I whom black ll'!Wtl m~ans 11een (ct/ CJ) Mile Doo1l11 (C) (90) powtr: reports on I 1i1orous train· l 'l.4. .'.LL DOIJ 'T LE.'.VE \IET, D._R'LIM6! in1 p101um !or Japanes~ s.ilesmen fIJ Wh1t'1 NllW? (30) "Science (who leain to quibble, bickir, bn 1 fire." I ~nd tear down the /fpu!ali~n of 9 (() CIS News (C) (30) 1he Gt her m~nl: and a study ot lh1 I !ti Gf motion araph:cs. lncludin& IJl T1t111,_ dt '11dtn (30) Q) Nil'Ws (C) {60) Jae~ \'/hi:e. I tht wOrk and Qpinions of John Whit· r.~y. one af !ht foremost 11tisl! •n 1h1s ret~tive;y youn1 "art term:' ml I s,lcl"l I Hunte r: A Nationil l :JO Q kNIC Htw111vlce .(C) (60) 9Tlit hmt Gtl'llt (C) (JO) QI To Till thi Truth (C) (JQJ fm ~Hice tf tk1 Pr11id1"t (30) @ (~ HMnlll)'·l rinkl1y (C) (30) Dtsv1ce--P1rt I (C) (2 hr) Cover· lit of \h1 current conlerenet en t()(ld. n~trilion and health, loilcwed bv Bob Kenntdy's d1sc11sslcn ol 1hs tmdin2s. ~Hey (30) 1 fD J IJICIAC I l\1 Art. ti l~iti LU·] 9:30 fl )f (fj The Go~trnor I Rd. J. I. clan1 . (C) (30) "· v1s1! llillh t~t (Cl (30) Gov. 01inkwller's s1c1et11y Amu1c1m p;1nler tn h:s home in beiins to · act tike 1 woman in Vumo~t. I tove. Gov. Davi~ r. Carao of New Qt; (lJ The M11n1ttu (30) Me11co 111es1s as himselt. UiJ Nolicieto 34 (C) (601 a;) News (C) (30) 7:00 I) CBS Eve~int H1w1 (C) (30j O What'1 Mr Un i? (C) (JO) (Q I l1v1 lu'J (30) m tc1t 1111 Clock (CJ 130) m ComJllOdilJ/MutMal Fu nd (JQ) It.I (6j Br1nd1d (C) (30) fE Allor•! (30) ' QI·(}) Truth or ConJH1Uence1 {CJ ' sr;, Islands in th1 Sun (C) (30) I m Th1t Cirl (C) \30) O News (C) (30) Bailer Ward. (D Ht Said, Sht Said (C) {3!J) EE Horst Optra (60) @!)Chucho Av1H1n1t (CJ {30) 10:00 0 :2i (i) CBS fltJMrls (C) (601 "A Trmt\ablt for V1ttn1m," An ·1n. ~tsli1.atKin of whdhM Sou1h Vilt· n~m. h eed with American military wotlldrawal, tin' continue 1o l11ht \ls bii!tl1s 'aa:ain5t N~rth Vietnam and tht Viti Con&. Charles Col!int· .,..·ood reports. 0 ~ (~ G') j $P\li'-l i [nttl•. berl Humptrdinck (C) (60) Ptogr.1m 5ET ! I MAVEN'T SEEN VOU 11<1 J. COUPLE Of WEEKS! MOON '-t>4ULLINS STEVE ROPER ® i ! • ! • I 7:30 I) ~ (IJ Nition1I Geo1r1phic So· clrty Speti1I (C) ISO) "Sibe111: The· f.n d!css HOlllOn ·• A pictu rtSQUt study o! the land accupyin1 mo1el thin one tenth of the (1r1h's total SQlid s~il2ce ind 1111rded by 1n irnptnt1rable tirclt ol cold. Jos!phl Campanella nu11lts ind shows how · i~ 1 previe·" of the s1ngei's u~· coming weekly show. Guts!s 111 Torn Jones, Dionne Wa1wick. 8~1· 1 b~ra [den, and Jest Fe lkiano. 0 Della! (CJ !60) Oa~a Valery, c::::=========fYiiAfi?-::;;;IAPi(;'s:'\J W N~ws (C) (60) (!) ,trry M1uin (60) fD Homewood (C) (30\ lhe fioten earth ls 1iv1n1 w~y to 10:30 g News (C) (30) lom Reddin. min. I B Ql (6_, ffi I 011u11 ii h1nnlt ff) Le11cy of Hopi (C) (30) (l:) (30) "The Wtdd1n1 .. Altet iI) Cristina Cu1m1n (30) heclic ~rtpar1hons. lonr ind Jt1nni~ 111 m1r11td in I l1en11ed 11 :00 0 Q 0 @ Mews (C) t11emony. I g Stump the stars (C) {30\ Guesls 0 l ill1 lir1tllm Crll»Clt (CJ (R) u 1 Jean·Plul V11non. funco1ct fl Thi Movit li1m1 (CJ Rur1ieri. and Rober! Clary. m Oultr l imits rt Cl) ~ :Jj ~ (i, H1;..1 (C) ffi Re111n Pr«S Conlertnct @ll@t)CDNtws (CJ D Ob r1J m Mod Squad (C) (60) •'{ Pl1e1 To Run , 1 Hearl To· Hide In." Pelt. Linc and Julie pose 11 coll12e !l11denl1 for investi1at1on1 of 1 1cung man's mys1eriou\ dtalh.I Don De fore. Tom Tully, Chr1s ·Ston! tild Geoff Oeuel auest. 111 :10 0 ®) (il Mtrv Griffin (C) 0 Million $ Movit: "Tht li11 Sl11"1 0 :fi (ii:) i?i) JohnnJ C•rlGn (CJ (w1s!e1n) '57-Henty Fonda. An !hony Perkins. B1t1y P1!mt1. Ne~1ll! 0 ~7) [JJ CD lDtJ l ishop IC) Brand. Bounly hunter helps yo ung 0 Movir: "ll1ttlt al the StttlM 1htrllf h1ndlr tou1h !own buly. cr.omedJ) 'GO-Pe1er Selltr~. Con· (Q Trul-or Can11quenc1s (C) (30) stance Cummin1s. Rober! Morley. (II Judd tOf lht D1!enM (C) (60) m Mtvit: "Puo!r. lnt.M (my!tPry) '•9-Michiel a·Shea. l ylt T1lboL @Ii) lht C1ly W1tthAn (C) (60) it) Chucho ti Roi• (JCi) 1:00 0 Q} r4, m Dabbit lltJllOlds (C) (30) ·The Sw1n11n1 S1n1l1s." In I Z:OO IJ ~lovi1: ••.t.Ji11 Nie\ 1111! .. {my1. t•ry) 'C!-R1v /A ,l1•nd, ~udiey Toi· ter. Thomas M1tchtll. m Movit: "l•dJ lut\'' (r.amedy· dr•m1) ·•&.-Rebtrt Young,' fr1nk Mr.1,1n, B11b1•1 Hale. starch ol ~ story. Dtbb11 c~.tt~! • Into an 1p1tlmtn! houM for "sin.f l :OO l)Movit: ''Wt W111 St11n1111'• 1111 cnlJ" poi1n1. 11 an tlun1u11n l (dram•) '49-John Garhtld, J1nni· model. • ltr Jones. A IUn11 Hoc k11 (C) (21/: hr) L.A. O O News (Cl Kl'iits vs. Oakland Seals It 01~l1nd I m tountrr Music Tilllt (C) m QuMn tor 1 DIJ (C) (JOI m Stet-M11\tl Summ1ry/ft1tu1t 1:45 UJ All-Nl1ht Shot1: "Set Tiaer.~ Ci> D!sutl'lt~ut t·lio·Go (C) (60) I "Isle ol 1h1 Otad." i nd "Vitt V1 rs1.• l 8:30 • :i_t ·• Red Skehan (CJ (60) JIPll Lel1 ~ tnd Tht Mills 81G!h~r:1 1u1st. WEON£\OAI DAYTIME MOVIES 2:00 O Co111m~nil'J Bulletin loud (C) I 2:30 O Nrn (CJ \0!00 O (t) "Optt1tio11 t 1k1111• {ad vtnl~lll ''3-t1~ Hunltr, fr1n~rt l AValon. G1ry Cccully, JGdY ti1cCr4a, Stott llrf~Y. E•• S1J. IZ:OO 0 (C) "Ctutttt ti l ltc• t1111tr• (dr1mal '!11-Jo~n Craw101d, 011111 .. -,._r(~n \'\ ,I ""' " "'t' l C"" I ~ • .... , ; {'' ' " I\ I ""' . . '"i -~ • t r ...... , •• ,.,.,~., ....... c. ... ., ............ . GORDO MISS PEACH I By frank Ba9inski Two QLnT1~!1! By John Miies IH• l'lt trr-'"' J (f).Jpi ~ ............ ,, I ,,---·---- I CAN'T OOIT! By Harold Le Daux By Ferd Johnson PLUSU80TTOM 1 TH' FIRSr l "'THING A BARTENDER LEARNS , 15 N6VER TD YAWN B<FOl?E CLOSIN<;TIME!! ,_ R, ' . By Al Smith By Mell \\>-10 >!AS C.L0Tfi€5- HOOK$"? I PEANUTS ly Charles M. Schu!J.- ~IA'i'/£ I CO\.l.D LOAN HIM SQl\E'TlllN6 TO 50U Of KELI' KEEP OFF THE CHIL •· ' " ,. ,: " " ,; .. I A~ fEEl~ Rllt 81RP5 Mill6 COtJ> WEATll ER ~ ' ' TELEVISION VIEU'S CBS W·atcl1es Numbers Game l ~I ~ )' - By CYNTHIA LOWRY . NE \V YORK (A PJ -:---CBS preempted a sit.ua- tion comedy Monday night to report on the fir st lottery dra\ving in the ne\V draft procedures. THE SPECIAL hal f-hour report in midevening sho\ved the blue capsules being pulled , one by one Jrom the plexiglass bo\vl in a ceremony but con· centra tcd 1nore on the results. Essentially the special report served to end the suspense ol you ng A1nericans of draft age and their families by show- ing the order of hirth dates in the lottery. · NBC '''rapped up the story by interrupting its fea ture , inovie broadcast later in the evening and ~. -> ABC handled it in their late ne\VS program. :: On the entertainment front , ii \Vas a big Johnny :; ('arson night. Carson popped up in so me gags nn ·:: NBC's ··Laugh-In ." <tnd \\'as the guest star on the riva l CBS ··~ferc 's Lucy." .Johnny and Ed ~1c i\lahon ~ pltiycd lh!'n1 selves on Lucille Ball's sho\V and they didn·t do it very \Veil. LUCY AND FAMILY attended a Carson •' broadcast and. of co urse. became .involved \Vi.th the ;: s tar.~. l\1iss Bait can give Carson lessons in cotnedy. :: The vastness. the cold. the \vealth and the rug· :;. ged pioneers of modern Siberia are the su6jects of ~ another fine CBS special in the National Geographic ' Socie ty series to be broa dc<1st tonight. ~ The hour-long:. treatment is a change ot style ~ for the series-a broad survey of the hu ge but little ~ kno,vn ''booming ne\v frontier '' of the Soviet Union. SIBERIA still n1eans. to most of us. an ice- boun d place of exile. Cold il is -'temperatures drop as low as 96 belo\v zero abo ve the Arctic Circle and to 50 belo 1v in son1e of its grO\\•ing cities. But de spite the climate, it is attracting Europ_ean Russians by the millions to its manufacturing , its hydroelectric power . its mineral \Vealt'.1 One portion is devoted to the develop1nent of Trkutsk , a to,vn of a half million that looks like a sno\v-covered front ier lO\Vn of the 1900s. Others sho\v no1nad tribes o[ the far north with !heir herds of horses and reind eer. ESSENTIALLY it is a story of the railroad - the trans-Siberian -v.1hich is the steel lifeline of lhe 5-mil!ion square miles expanse. RajJs between Mosco •v and Vl adivostok have resul'ted in increas- ing the popul ation from 6-1nillion to 26-mill ion. It not onl y 1noves supplies and people but brings 1nedical---flnd dental care. provides shops on \vheels and even lectures on current events. It \vas brill i<intly photographed -some or the northern Si beri a scenes are so vivi d one can almost feel the bitter cold -and had a com1nen- tary full of small hu1nan detail s. Dt>111ii~ tlit.> ltle1tace ! 1, I I • • ..,, .. " ' /Z.•1.. 'WEU., 111AT WAS FIF'IY SUCKS ~NO™l/llG . Iii OIONT ~VON 8AJ!IC AT HIM ! · • }"'fr. Top Sports Coverage ~J heJJ!AlL J!ILOcT ..... __ • • •. -. • • ;• ,% DAILY PILOT ' Refugee iilift GirIS liel11 1 · -Push-Nixon1 Goes. 011 ?lffAJ\11 fAPl -The refugee 11irlinc between Cub:1 and J\liami ~gan il.3 firth year t\londay Witb oo e.nd in sight: About 173,000 refugees from _ Fidel C a stro·• s.COirllll!lnist island have arrived bf the airlUt since i( bega n Dec. I, 1965. The · fligh'U ha.vt cos~ U.S. taxpayers 'nearly $2 million. ' Tw~ e(loh v.·t:ckday. two plane loads of peA,niless refugees lan:i hete-fron1 varadero, Cuba, 200 miles a\vay. About one-fourth of the 850 \\'ho arri\·e each \\'eek crowds into the Miami colony cf a quarter-mnlion.. Cubans. The U.S. government buyi; plane tickets for the rest to start a new life in some other An1eri· ca n city. Castro 0 h.:i.l.ted applications four years ago. appare nlly 10 catch up . U.S. observers believe thete is a \\'ailing list of I50;ooo and tl1at four times lhat •,1u1nber are \vaiting to ap- ply once the lisl reopens. While a\\'aitiag their airl ift lum, applicants arc-fired from their jobs and mus( work in sugar cane fields at mini n1al pay. Before they leave, they 111ust turn over all their possessions to lhe Castro government . Business and professiona 1 l 'PI T~'r:>IHll'9 'Apollo' and 'Cu1ldles' . . people, clerks, f-a-r mer s, -This· iO-pound hippopotomus na1ned " . .\pollo" \\'a s lishermen , housev;ives, people born Than ksglvin g Day at the San Francisco Zoo. from all 11.•alks and or all The first hippo ev er bor;n al the zoo, "1\ppllo's" firs t adveni.urc \\"C:::; J s\·."n1 ,.,·lt~l his n1ol1 -.:r. d!es." ages-except military a g c _____ ...:..; ____ '--------'-'-------------------------- n1ales-arc r.1cluded in lhc n1igra t.ion. The oldest has been lfll- year-0ld Herminia Capo Lun1- bard. JI.Jany ne wly born babie!! bave made the trip. An a1n- bulance met a recent flight to rush an expectant mother to a hospital. Twen!y 1ninutes laier she gave birth to a baby boy-an American citizen. Dr. Alberto Garcia sai d \\•hen he arrived l\ro 1nonths ago that he \\'ailed three years for his tur.1, lhen delayed his· departure a month to perforn1 surgery on Foreign J\linister Raul Roa. who had req uested it. The Oighls began afte r Castro said in a broadcast speech in 1 oo.;; that he t1-ould Jet dissatisfied Cubans lea·:r. Turn in. Fora sharp offer. Gene Find: What It. Means So 111e Scientists Fear Jl1 ot:e to Control Heredity NE\V YORK f AP) -The i~')\alion or :\ gene for th~ fir: t ti1ne, dis::losed recently by Harvard ~·•ledic.'.ll S::hool scien- tists, takes n1::1,n ano?hcr landmark step t::nvard control of his C\\'n heredity, b!.lt there's sti!l a long \\'ay l:i go. Genes. the ch~n1ic:i! letters of J1e ali;!1abel of life. r-orm a prinlini; press that prlhts out people. and all other. rorn1s of life. By altering or substil'llini; (1enes. man ma y be able lo control or ccrrect hercdil~~ry . disea ses, such as hemophilia, or turn cf! the grO\\'t:1 o[ cancer cells. ' By mnking and a i v i n ~ subst;talc genes to p.?:oplr, man inav be ?.ble to n1 :ike these peOplc, smarter, taJler, ·happier. But some l'Cicrlists al~o fear 1 thal man is closer lo the 1langers or 1nisusing such an a\vesomr mastery over life. The latest advanc.?: In • 1110;1ern ge netics. isolalinti t!1c i.; teing r!:ine lo seine liny ex- basic chemical 11nit o f tcr.t \vith animals. hcrcd:ty, is a significant step The fun::lamC'llal siinp'.icily in the t::en::Lic revolution, a Is that the genetic e:dc cf lffc swift, ~weeping a n d ac-is a kind of ~lor~c c:o~e. F.11~ ce!crn tlng uphcaral ticgun on-instead of <lo:s ar.d da o:1E'; Jy 25 years ago that i.~ pro-rtrung to;,;ctber to ~::ell out a '"lelicr."' a" in N1 Gr3e; 111e viJing 1nan 1vith l'.1c t<isic: r ,.,., · -· I "' .· en , c-c::ic u~~s :u1· ,-· · ,,: knc\v~cdge ol ho\\' !He itself r:hcinicals, and t !~s th::nt . \VOijs. . 1 together in 1 on g: ~C· But it· c-:n1l:-I he 2'.i tri HJ.'l qucnces-f.u!l of r)1yr;ad rnria· years berore the kno\vledgc ·or -: lions thtreforc-to make diC- hc:\v safely and easi\v to a!ter l'erenl "letter.->" o:· instructions th~ gen:>tic code or life can be that print c.uL a hi'lhly c;;rn - put tJ u£e in man. r ·he ,gene plex Jiving organism,. front isoli::led by the J.larvard team , virus to man. 2fter all, ceme from a com· lsolotin3 a gene. e v·e n· mon ir.tcstinal bacteri•1111 call· 1'1curlf frc1n ;i low ly org;-nisin, e:I E Coli. <l'l or:,:anifm r::ir i:i con5idcred i n1 po r ta n t fron1 U1e comp!e:·dty of man or te::ausc it ca1l be ~tu:!icd ether high fcr1ns of life. \vit.i:cut lr.lerferencc f r o 111 On the other h'.lnd. \vi:t1 lhe o~her ge nes. The l'cie:itis:s s\vianess or tr.e gen ct i c hc9e to \\'at'.:h ho\v it v.-or!;~. rerc'ulion. 1nore dra1n~rc h::w il dire::'s the prod•.icf·:r1 di<;~overics n1iP.:\Jl be nea r. an1 of proteins. the basic building n1i-rl·t cut ttie tlme hi p~c · blocks of living t!ssue. t:efcrc the revolution g.:;t<;. to Then lt may be po!O£ible l'l niall. Son1c "g':!nctic engineer-rind the e~n1ct se-qucncc of ng," cc:n!rolling 1\'hnl g()CS in· chemicnl 11nHs that tn ake 11µ to the printing pre~s. already . individual g~nes. From this. sci enti~ls might be aO\c to creat~ genes then1sclves. · The g~net.ie revolution' be· g'.ln in the l!HO's \•:i\h lli:? dis::o1:ery 1:1:.i t gro\\ th ~nd heredity are ccntro lled by lhel tl":n1 ical substance c a I I e d D:'\.\, ·or dzo xyribcnucleic ;;::id. Ge nes nrc 1nolc::ules oi T'XA, o;nd t'.1cre are about 150.000 genes clustered in cl~romosorn es in the nucleus of c;ivcry humiin ·cetr The genes co•1tro1· 1he cells :>s thev 11sse111ble ainh10 acids int:> pfot~ins. 'J'he DNA con· lairs the four ch~n1ica\s, the f::;ur-l2tt zr ~lph!lbet rr l;fe. that ho\(I tl•e i'lherited infor· n1::ilicn • thrt prints out the ~haoe r f yovr 11ose. your £ex. 'everything th:t 1nakes yo~i you. S~ienli~ts exocct to rorlrol this P"CCi'S~ some dav. It ha.'" bee•1 done on a printili\'e levei in the l.:ib. \','h:ther man \l'ill l•a\'C the · \\·isclo111 to handl e all t~is con- cerns 1nany of the n1en \\·ork- ~1g in the rie ld. .._ ' Stainless steel steak: kniyes -yours foronly 29~· ..... with ga1oline p1.1rchose of.par .. 'icipoting Texaco Retollers, Honow-ground "Mogi,Edge'' blades never need sharpening, Simulated slag handles. Oishwo1her·Jofit:·Uftcon· dltionoUy guaranteed by monufacturitr for .S ye ors. . •s ... w ,.i.;1 11ri(t, ,1,,. '••· • ' ' A.nAllierican HolicJay tradition tor seven· generations. • Ever since Dr. James CrO\V crcat.::J smoother, mello,ver O ld Cro'v in 1835, using th e fi rst quality· control distillin g p roccss1 Am ericans have given it for special occo.sions. Nothing finer has happened to Bourbon in seven 'ge nerations. Old Crow . Ur.Janlt'~ ~r01\·: father of his countr/s \\hi~kcy. SPECIAL: SAVE $140 Old Crov-1 1/z Gallon now onl ~114·9 I • Virtues I .NEJW YORK IAP\ -Jolie E\se1ihower and .. Tricia Nix-1 on -th c Pre.si d e n t' s dbugh'.erS-:....lre their rati~er's ~ '.'front-line troops in l~ battle to re-establish the traditional virfues," Ne\\'S\vtek 1nagaziile snys.' I 1Julie, 21, 1r.1d 'f'rlcia. ~. 1 "k"eep looking' for things to l, ~po~itlve things-to b el useJul." the President ls , quoted as saying in Ulc ma,giµlne·s current issue. ! , The article says: I 'Nixon praised Julie because I' ~·,.is .. marrie:l. keeping hou~. going to colle_gi?. get!ing , ~grades and still finc;inq, tlnlc1 lo pitch in and help out wlth, t hing like • • • cal'IJ· '. Pidg.1ing."' . :· !W,as h I ng ton scc1ety · tlOW OPEN for LU~~CHEON \•Jt:EKDA Y!i ot 11 a.m. LUNCHcON ~UGGl:ST\ONS Omel:.ttcs . , ............. · · · ·.·, · · ·. · · · · · · Filet of So:.,, Almondln~ .. .' .. , ..•.••. , ..... C~iici:en Livers ano:t /,'\:;r:1r?,~ . • ....•••.• \'!ai,rWatch~r·s Sp:?=ial Plat;oi .....••.••.• Cho~p·~ ~irf'ain Stea~, b_roilt;<.I •..•..... :__•. Ctlf!s LW$r1 bacon or 0:-1~1'1 .• , .......... -~. io~ Sirloin 5teak Sn":e.:v1ich ·.· ............. . • -•1>tr•c.1-1erweCI wi-111 po :•tco~1 oi l/'•9ii•tti- ~. ' 1.65 . 1.1~·, 1:5$\ 1.75'" 1.85 ~ 1 .7S~~, 2.9~ reP.llfters expect ·an cngagc-1 n_lenf behvccn Tricia and her j steady date, Ed\var:l Cox; 2:1. a · Harvo.rd La.\\' Schoo I 6t(1dcnt. . 1 .J-'J. j_" t: PRIMr; em ~PEC!ALS ---'1'...I lla~:)ecued B&tf £onbs : . '. · .. : ... Cox is described a'l co1ni11~ 1 f,ron1 •·a \•:ealtl1y Ne\v York 1 lega.1. f~mily" and be i n gl p~ljUcally to the lert of the: Pres1denl. l-Iov>'evcr, •'he fit~ L"lc l'\ixon requirements of , \Yorkirg 1\Vithin the syst~n1.' " Da vid Ei.::e!1ho1\·er ·wa s r esc;tibcd by J ulie as ''1norc liberal t!tan his grs.~1dfather. . rormer Pre,sider~ Eisenho1ver., and _maybe 1ny father." · j other Nixo n family vignet- la1 ""'"Y •1 you l+k1 .• ,.· .. ! Fr.~nch· Di!> or peo ~e~~ San~vt!c;h· .... Pr1m<J Reui,.!1 .;,i:P nt:w1C".l ..••.•••...•••• f.tot Pr.ime· P..ib Sl'ndwith '. .. , ....... , .. . Cold Prim;., P.ib Pli"t~. c~i:led frvit ... . -Spe~i1 l1 w;th Po!•lo61 ' or S'p-'fhitll'- l'l'r ."!so l'eai,..,., < d'h <'d " .. ar: w1c es ... a.a s Oc:ser~s and Eever&qes HC\'I ~!:~YING D!NHEll 7 •DAYS P~IME RIC ·CINN ER [4-6 p.m. weekdays) 1.7$. . ' l.4S 1.65 . ' 2.10 ,. 2.4S ,, " ' 2.95;. ... tes c'escribed include : r --Tricia is drive:1 to a black r.cighbo rhood to tutor children f:ir several hou rs once every 1 e_,ers & V/ines -COC KTAIL LCUNCE \VCek. . ! ~ulie and 'fricia play I board ta1nes and ··sardines."; a foi::m of hide-and-seek. at tho;' \Vhite fiouse \\ ith · \iisiting I' friends. ' fOpei. :'oo'll .. -~esernit!o11s Accrpt•d- 428 EAST 17i h STR~ET COSTA MESA 645-0990 * * This Christmas, instead of a check, give a Savings . . Account Certificate! ... it keeps on giving! When you know that the most needed and apprecia te d gilt of all is money, give an LFS high-earning Savints Account. instead! Certificates are available in two Gif t-Worthy styles: ~$100 iNVt:$'1MEHT CERTIFICATES~ (or multiples of $100) earn 5.l3% interest when the cu~ rent a:1nual rate of 5~~ is comr.cum::ed for ooe !'ear . ~$1,000 BONUS CERTIFICATES~ (or muliiples of $1.000) earn the nation's highest rate of • insured interest: 5.33%, when the current annual rate of 5% is compounded daily and thf dividends are left in the account for three years • . PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNTS-in any amount-add to an exi sti:i;:: account or open a new gift accoY)l:. Remember-an .bF5 Savings Account • is the most I NTERESTing Qift of ell! bll6DNll FEDERllb 5llVIN6S ANOLOAN • ASSOCIATIC:l l1:111n1 Bcit!I. C;li:~mla; 260 Oct!n Av~nue • Telz;ihOM: 4S4·7~~1 lasur.a ll1;11el lr1nc~1 3 r.:on.;rcll f!ay Plaza • 1 elt~~,r~, (~9.;c.~O • 4!~·1201 $;• c;:incnte l1flltfl: 601 f\Jrl~ El ~mino Real • TelrpJcn:~4~2·11&5 ........................................................................ .., ..................... ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-·~~~~~.~~~-- 1 Rl f'1G,ING A WELCOME --:-1-Iostcss .Afrs. J oseph Cote is rea4y to \\'elcome l\1?-s •. J _lupe.i Ma,nning. (l"eft.) qntl iVIrs . G'ene· Llewellyn l •, , ._ . I .., ( r1gbt) to ('oral Key's annual . Christin as cocktail party. The c,venl will take place in the Cotes' ·ocennfront heme. -... . , • ' Au xiliary . ~e f~,bra-tes ' . •' . l\Ieinbcrs of the Co ral Key Auxiliarv. f'hild Gllida)Jce Cen ter .of Or-' i:~: ange County ·and their hu sbands '"'·ill enjOy thei r only p_urely social rune~ ~: tion ot the yea: n1i-,.'::iw1d<:1y evening, De~. J4. , l .. _ · \\10J}len_qt)~1~Ca.E!.isi~a~o Ba,Y~rea 'Yho 1t>eii'(,countlcss ~ours W · days Of the year 1n .f~ra1s1n&i proJec .. s .\~dqw>te~rly evel.)iljg ho~'.t' to holiday ch~~r in twe ·eyprus:·Shor_~sld eii-;f·•cf Mf. and Mrs . .Jos.fill~. Co~a. l;lot and cold hors d'o.?uvrcS Will be servOd \Vlth cock'ta1\s fron1 6 to·.,,;+ ·. p.n1. · ·•1 The auxiliary. for1ned in 1952 iiith ei3ht "·on1en, no'" has a n1em .. .: ~ .... ~. ber~._:p in excess of ~O. 1'he !Jrin1ary saurcc of inco1nc #for the center lit • Co stJ l\lesa c:on1es. frcn1 operating a thrift shop six d~ a \veek. ' . Those interested in 1naking tax-d dducti ble.donations or useful clot~. in g. hou.&e\vures. linens. books ,or toys are ask:e1i l6 bring articles to t~~., shop at 532 El Ca1nino Re al, San Clemente, k • BARB ARA DUARTE . 494-9465 l~tsd1y, O.t1rnMr t. lHt I ,.,,, 11 -· The Lagun q Line ~ Busy C.lubs Take Brief Holiday Break By BARBARA DUART~ Of fM Dl llY .l"il9t 11111 \Vith .T}Ja riksgivl·ng· filed neatly a\vay for anoth~r yeat....SOlll > Coa sters are turning their thoughts to the holiday season. f$St <lj)· proaching. Deceinber pai:ties sport a h~lidaY .~pping and ~lu b£. busy the year .._round with ph1lanthrop1c act1VItr1 are taking <.. \\'ell earned break fbr Yuletide festivity. SOUTH :co~ST CLUB \viii be enterta ined \Vith a progra111 or sacred music by S.add leback Coll ege Choir under the -direction of Richard Raub and ,a t>resentation by the college's oral inter· pretation grou p led by Dr. Doyle l\1 cKinney ·;01norro\v in the To\v· ers. \V-elcoming guests to the Ghris~1na s luncheon at 11 :30 a.n1. 'viii be Mrs. Howard Switzer, hospitality chairman, and assist· an ls Mrs. Paul Hill s and Mrs. J. \\I. Long. <. RINGING IN i°H.E. SEASON for Three Arch B.:iy \\10111cn's Association Thursday night at 7:80 in the Ti1ree Arch Bay Con1· tnunity Clubhouse \Vill be Jack Krefling a nd his . .\rlisl Choraliers. Following a program of unusual so ngs of the season. refreshments \1'ill be served by: ·the Mmes. Richa rd R:icich. Thorton Bos\vcll, 1 .Joseph 1-iin\~·ood , 110\vard Cusic, George Cunningha111 ~nd Dan Tarbell. BRIN GI NG THE MOS T recent moon landing Into an cxcit· ing _perspective. th e Charles F'. RolJerts of Emerald Bay joined Sanla. Moni ca fri end.s I\Jr. and i\-lrs. Charles Vincent for dinner on 1hc Hornet \vi th Capt. Carl S\viderlick the nigh·~ before the suil' clepatted to pick up the Apollo 12 cre\\1• The captain is a high schcOJ friend of Jl.1rs. Robe:i:s. so talk o[ the n1oon shot \Vas sprinkled \vith men1orics of the good old da ys . GOLF ANO BRI DGE sec tion s of Ri viera Club kick off Dc-- c:::mber nctivitles \Vi1li a luncheon today in the Stuft Shirt in Nev•~ port Beach and a golfing session at Laguna Beach Country Clu b toinorrOw. Tee.off tiine is 10 a.n1. \vith a Chrishnas gift exchan6C and luncheon lol!O\ving in Ben Dro\vn's restaurant. 'CANADIAN FRI ENOS \rere \velcomecl to Laguna's prrfcc t 1vinl.ei;-by 1nemb crs of Laguna Beach Shuffleboard Club. Coffe e hour at l·le~sler PDrk .officially laun chell u season or happy shuf~ fling for visitors \vho coul d be called na·tives by virtue or having spent • more than 20 seasons on ·our cbast. Gu es ls und men1 0ers numbering G5 en.ioyed th e party along \vilh special guests l\·layor Gleru} Vedcler and ]\frs. Vedder. ... "LOV E AND \'J ILL ," a book by Dr. Rollo i'Jay outlining the problen1s of modcri:i 111an in bringin:;: 1ne~nlng and value 'into a 1ne~hfi11ized \vorld 1\·as ,gi ven an outstanding revie\V by )t1rs. Gor· clon Forbes for me mbers of Ebi;.lls' Literary Section. • " : . • ' i • ' ( ' I ' ' • .. -' ' .;:;;.: "' ,_ ... ~,,... .,, . :.::t . QECKED OUT FO~ CHRl ~TMAS ~Members of La~ Damas Del Mar are ready and \vait.jng for their gaJ a .seasona~ dance 1n _the b~ll roo1n of San Clemente Inn . .i\.waiting the Dec. 6 affair are (lef" to right) Mrs. Tho1nas O'Keefe. club president; i1rs. Fr~d Greenberg. patrons chairman. and l\[rs. Thomas Peden, ball c:ha1rman. Proceeds further \\'Ork of the Children's lio1nc Socie ty. Seventh Annual Event Las Damas Formally Pre.pares .for ·oance The Christmas season 1vill be \velcomed aGo in thif.)•ear In bla.c_k ti e and fo11nal s as 1ne1ni.Je rs and guests or Las l.Jan1as del Mar ·Aux1hary, l11ildren's J·Icme Society of San t:le1nente 1• g~ther fOr their an nual ball. -Those attending next c;;aturday evening's B<:iOe d~l Navldad, marY- in g a seven-year hi story for the auxiliary, \Vii i b~ \'/elcon1ed to the San Clt:!mentc I nn e1nids·; a gala a.tn1os ~l1cre o~ attrac.:t1.vel:¥s ~ecorated w alls and tables carrying out the theme 01 a -I\1ex1can Chr1stm_as._ Follo1ving a cocktail ho.ur, guests \\'ill dine on ~ io~r1nct prilne."rib • dinner and dance to the 1nus1c of Ben tl'IcLean and h11 orc.hestra. . . ~ . . . . Under .the leadership of ~trs. Tho1nas Peden, general chaim1an of the event,, busy com1ni'ttec member~ hcivc spent cou1,ri:1ess hours in prepar· ai.ion for ·Utls holiday aUai r. A seasonally appointed hOrs a·oeuv'res table Is under Ute direction or 1\lrs. Ralph Grassi and her co1n1nittee. \Vall de cor and table center· pieces \Vi ll be prep ared by Mrs. ,Donald Divel and l\{rS. \Vilriartl 1'aylor, assis tej by· M1is. Gordon I-l odge s. • • · ,.\ Chrisllnas tree entirely de corated \1• i l h 'handmade orna- ments. the \\'O rk of.; the three acLlve Las Damas cl ecoration committee n1e111bers , \Viii (treet guests on arrival. Reservations for BtUie de Navidad are on a limited basi6, and 1\1rs. Robert Dri scoll repor ts 'more tfia n half the tables already a re reserved, Getting inv!tatlons an d patron \e'~ters into the mail \Vas the responsibil ty of Jl.1rs. La,vrence Peltier and Mrs. Fred Greenberg and their-respective com· mltlees, • Proceeds fro1n the ball "'ill further the eUorts oC Children's Home Society. a nonprofit agency serving the ent ire state oll,rCaliforni a. Found· e:t in 1891 by medical nUss1onaries , the society serves natu ral parents, their childre n and couple~ wlshing to. ado pt children. ' Las Dan1as de! l\Iar Auxiliary is one qf the more th311 22Q au:tiliaries dcdiceted to the as si5~ance oI tnc society.in achieving its ,goats. · , Auxiliaries JaSt Yea; prov:ded 21 percent of the s~ie1Y's; total oper- ating inc.-ome and took an active part in clinic and adminJstrative pro- grains .. The society seelts to bring toge·Jier children and families in need of each other and provides counseiing to D&'~U,\Bl parents who are trying to reach a decision concerning U1e fu ture of lheir child. The i foup this year has been under the lc:adership of I\frs. Thomas O'Keefe, serving her seco nd te rm as presiden t; l\Jrs. Ralph Koc h. first vice president ; 1Ylrs. Pe~an. second vice presid ent: Mrs . Driscoll , treasur .. er: f\Irs. KenneU1 Carr, recording secretary, and Mrs. Robert Cassi, cor· \ ARTISTS WIL L DANC E in hol ida·ys "'ith a dinn er dance in the Golden Bull restaur:int. El Toro. ~1Jcn1bers of Niguel Art Association and their guests \rill gather £t 8 p.n1. for a soci?l hour. Door prizes v>ill be a'varded and some luc!ty participant \rill receive an oil seascape by Vernon Kerr. The evevt is open to th e _ public. and those 'vish ing tickets may cort~ct i\'Irs. Laurence Jay at 495-4262 before Dec. 8. Follo,ving the revie,v. luncheon \Vas served fro1n a beauaful· ly appointed table dc :::o rated 1vi th a fall n1otif by En1erald Bay hoste~s ~1rs . ;\lfrPd A. t1 aslic, c:issisted by i':Irs. Kev in J. Carroll ' and A•fr.s. c:iarlic F. Dean . responding secretary.. - . f ' ~ -"-~-., .......... ~-...... ''1'."'<-.,..,-"""""'"""""==..,,,---=-=-,,,,.~t . : ... Sender's No Card Wl1en S easons .~Gre.etings~·:Offer No Joy DEAfl ANN LANDERS: The hc!:t rol-ca~y bl.ii J :im more Involved than ever: T Linda was elected vice president other Bob hasn~t had ·a Hair.cut since Augu9t un1n you c..-·cr wrote was an nssnul t on accE-ptcd Uic vice presidency of the rltu:, homecoming q~een, sv.·et:lheart of and had to l10C'k his guitar to pay rOt ~b · 1 I 11 Pl · Go-'en Club an·' s"ll am ,,,;\'' in .... the Phi Delts an<! was a finalist in the repaiting his Hollda. (Thank God h't '"Iris ma!i ne\rse crs. case CiO a ''"' u ... .. "' u~ l'Cgional swimmi'ng meet.'' didn1t l6se his leg. \1e were plenty v.~or- ren;n. Those \\'ho ha1·en·1 seen it. shou ld", DAfl . I rtn the b::ike Mle for the East.em· And 90 it goes. A.nn. until you could rkll.J • .. Those \\"ho ha\'e seen n si1ould sec It •........ Star ascin and \'tC. rf'ladc ~J. 1 also von.it. Next year l'm sendlnz a nc\vslet· ~iary is pn:itestin!;'SOmeUUng and shav. ~&in. Thanks. -Ki.C. FAN" SGUeezcd In flower .arrangin::t class of· ter to all the bores who have been sen· ed her head t"·o weeks Igo. Her father ts 'DEAR K. C.: llere it Is. not oulr for fe •ed by a J;ipane!e exch nnge student. din;~ us theirs. Here~ is : ' oot speaklni to her which 1.J JlCBt as well )-Ou bul for J.O. of r aUcJo, R.R.L. or It "Is the height ot egCH:entrlcity ·lo Jim \Yl!!i name·I \•ice pre~ide1t or the All this "'ith 1ny lc3 In a cast. ·Dumb me DEA.I,\ FRlENDS: We've had a rotten bCCl:lQ:e I ttilnk she Is dC::f trorn all lhnt Alma, flflch.: J.T. of Amarillo. r.o. of ~1ei 11\at ::nyone. sa\'c a few intin1ale bi:nk '. \Ve -cc!cbr:itcd ll.v au yin!{ a r.~1 1 cff n l:xlC:er \lhile hang;n~ curtains 6t year. Biii was passed over ror pronloUon loud mufie. M1 mothtr'·ln-law's 'Pt1ay visit lim 2rtk, E.G. or Burliogtco, \'l . i\1 Rod frlencls , w~ld \Vl'ldc through all t:u:t l!lcrccd:s an:! rly:n:; ort to ti!~ O~ien!. In t:le USO Cenlc~. again· so · he quit his job. I-le hasn't 1 .. sled tU Augu•t Pnd 1 am back IA F of Sl•pcrfcr. \Vis., S.T. cf LaI:iy(ltt, \·crbk:ie. l ~m galled by the nttempts lo ut.!tiitio.'l to his Eo:it !:co:it \·:od:;. J:m 1;.21 .J'n1 Jr. r.·zs elected cless presi~cnt an1 tnylhlng lined up yet,but he's lls\ed with th:!rapy, As f':Wrile ·lhis the 1vhole fantny Ind. end others . rooriray •low,·n• plctur '• of ,f,'lucncc ond ,. on pis lc't=rs in foc;ili><:lt find b.-:.skctball. the employment agencies and looks In the •I• ®"·n \Viti.I :1e nu and I'm exhausted. DEAR .f.NN: r:hy do mmially in-,. i. 0 """ ~ c:>-ch:iirmall cf the l'ni'e:t run·I Drive. JI:: Is on th~ All-State dcb 'lte tc&m and \',';nt·ads e\·ery d::iy. l'l lhe meantime. he \\'e Nipe flC'.'Cl' 1tl'1r Is better. Jt couldn't telli~ent fol k3 take l:?i:re of Cleit 5C·1t;t~ svcce_!S. I have 1!efore n1e ~everal Family He conilnucs rn 1:~~ bo:lrd cf Grace p!:-c::I tlilrd in the n .. Hon .. I orrtrn'Y CM,. i ~ d-lnkln3 like a fish, f~,"V lllg hhn cro1:nd L;;: 1nuch v.~'St. Love. '' Chrlstm i:-' tirre ~ t rcrr r to ncop!c \\·ho Nc~\slct~ers fro1n \\•hich I sh:ill l!ft,b'l1 or J:or.;:::ui l c.-nd is lrc:~:.irrr or Kir1t:l1is. lilt t:sL \"'.'c \\'Ct:.? rUrpl':?.ed to fe::t In th~ a_ic house all d01y ha!n'L done much for , -l\IARY, compose intennlnable chron'clc'I of the p:ect.•. changing the n:"mcs and plrr-c, first lr;·.c. ho\•;rvc-. Is ~rH coiiscr\·,i1l':'I r-11rr 1=1"! I::.? Ji~1 \\1l'l a $1!;) p .. iT" i 1 ll1c ~" r11::riosition.___ rear's n.cti\•Jl !es <'li-mail 1he1n lo for obvl'ous reasons . I've strun-: to_:;:?.:·er <l\d hr iJ hZ'.H~:n.'.: up 1:1c CommHtce to Alncric::n Lc.'(''l essny contest. te n:vc r eu1 Jr. 17~S dc1coted for hoMe"OOm """ t.rn"t 111·DJ be fltd lo k fn r • t\'l'l')'Ofl!-\Yho h.:is serit then1 M much '" 10 mrdl ngs to Ulu$!rate the point. llcre'1 f'i~\11 Dutch Elin Di~'.'asc<. crc.1 knc•v r"? hcd r.1t".lrtd! Junior tv·, r-or.110~. T{e nun1•ed' f';'fllclt rnd TJlll hl \ c ,.,11"1 yrnr "rot:'e~1. Selkf tfttm t• Hr Ill ---4~1a_annouuccmcnt durlng_y... fn?J"°~'l~:;;;;;~T,,=.,..-=~~-.--...J.A\l!lleu;._r 1·?n1nlc1J!!s. my tcnn •~ .Jun:nr bcC·1 :i~·"~i:t:-1 by bri"!h Hnr,·ord tnd yo.le t1 l!.'J ti S'Jmmer sc'io"JI to grtd11at~. (~~ ,., Liie .DAILY PILOT. ~I a thc~car. "UEAR rr..IEXD : \'hata·crc.:t yc::ir. C~i,'UC 1:rcsiC.:e!lt~ r s1vorc I Jlffi(l:l,: ... --..;;nd"'""'""lr'i,'111FflD;C<'ump'111n1i.-s111nl!llTI1'd!:.--~--euuc?'.! 19 out. tie cs1.'t 1ct Pt nnyplf~tt,,.-.. 1ect!;,,·~ .. 1;'11reasedrfiaatpff-d ' , • • . l -• - ., ' -\ ff DAILY PIL OT I I • .. ' " .• • Lr. ~.1 ., .. ~Cl' t f;. ' .. ., 1 .. ·:. .. Tuesdar, Decembf' 2, 196'1 • --~ --·~ Horoscope WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3 !JY SYDNEV OMARR Grooming 11 of 1peelal im- portance today. So art sound~. ~1odulttt your voice ; avoid 1bO\f.lll1 aod 1art1h a1Urt. A<'· ceat Is on harmony. J\lueb could be bappenUt1 In world to make people · yea111 r o r balance. peace. In d88lin1 wltb lndlviduals, lf.etp tbii In mind. ARIES Ito.larch 2.l ·April 19 ): "''hich restrict progress. Pace your~elf. SAGI'M' ARIUS I Nov, 22· Dec. 21): Some of your hopes, wishes can be fulfilled. Key is to be aware of facts, fl1ure1. Check details in thorough rnanner. This could be op· portunity day . Don 't miss. An e~hibit of Ma da.me Modjeska memor- abilia a n d special tours \viii highlight a r~ ceP'iiOn in the ne,vly expanded library of UCI on Thursday, Dec~ 4, Hosted by directors and members of Friends of the Library, the event is open to the ~ubllc from 3 to G p.m. with courtesy P,ark1ng provided in lots 1 through 4. Tours will include special collections con· taining not only rare books, but aJso a treas- ury of Orange Courrt y historical material. . . . . . ' MARY JEFFRIES llatrothld \1,-: Cycle has been higher: lie JO\\'. Do mort listening than talk· ing. Orie connected "'Ith legal profession Could piny pro- llffnent role. alate or partner needs reassurance. Give ii . .;TAURUS (April 20.~iay 20 1: CAPRJCOnN (Dec. 22-Jan. l9J; Ideas related to basic ambltlOll, career and prestige prove corutructlve. Accept ch a I l·e n g e o f ad.de d responsibility. W.ake report - on paper -which illuatrates your kno\\'ledge. AQUARIUS tJan. w.reb. 18): Lcok beyond mlnor faults of one who 1nean.s much to you. Take overall view of im· portant relallonship. K e e p communication lines clear Harmony at home is of utmost significance·. Friends p,resident Eric Slrutt. past presi- dent John \Vright a n d founding prefiident Bud Desenberg will greet guests. In charge ol arrangements are Mrs. Carl Wiley and J\1rs. 0 . A. Ma,'lkin. CM Juniors . Dining Out Phi Mus Meet 1, .. , ... • •• • 1' • I MRS. STEPHEN P. GODSHALL Wedding Vows Exchan91d • PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 ): \Vhal is mysterious Is not nectssarily a problem. Reallze Others assisting include the l\1essrs. Don Meado\vs, A. J . McFadden and James Han- r~han ; the Mmes. Duane DeKalb. Kenneth Giles. \Villys Le1nm, Thomes Pole. John Paxson. Richard Poucher. Edward Shsn- brom and \Viii/am Redfield and the Misses Lota Blythe and Ca therine Briggs. Newlywed Godshalls Know tha t you can be of service. Know your O\Vn value. Then others "'ill fo llow suit. You gain son1ething of beauty toda y. Admire and apprtciate; but also maintain balauce. this. and ride \vlth the tide ~------------~~--------' ~ " At Home 1n Alhambra f'otJowing a honeymoon in lfawai i. newly,veds !\1r. and ~lrs . SlcQhen Pay.1e Godshall ~re making their hoine in Alhambra. • The bride is the forme r ·K·ristine Ann Gitt. da ughter of ·~tr. and ~lrs. Richard P. Gitt of Long Beach . Her husband is lbe son of Cmdr. 1 rel.~ and ·}.frs. \\'alter ff., Godshall of l-luntington Beach. Th~ rcuple exchanged "·ed- ding vows and rings i'.1 the \\/bittier First Chnr(·h of the ~aiarene during an aflernoon ceremony conducted by the Rev. Charles Ogden. ~.f'or her \veddin g the bride Club Gives Yule Gifts To Children select ed a Juliet goy,·n featur- ing a venise lace bodice. fu ll pu ffed s]Ce\'es and a llO\Vlng train raste·.1ed ""lth a bo\v at t)1e "·aJstline. lier ~houlder . length \'Cil "'as caught by a floral lace headpiece and she ca rried a bouquet of wh lte·an d yellow roses "'i lh stephano\ls. Attending her were her sis ter. Miss Nancy Gitt, maid of honor. and ~liss Lori Godshall, the benediel's sister, ~liss Cindy Bailey and tiflss i\laurecn Coble, who \\-'ere al· tired in turquoise empire go,1•ns and carried nosegays ·of :.l r<Uv fall flQ"·ers. 1 The bridegroom asked his brother, Stuart Godsha ll. to scrl'e as best n1a:.t and seating guests were \\."illiarn (;it\. th e bride 's brolhcr and \\1illiu1n. aiikus. F'ollo"•ing the ceremony ap- proxi1nalcly 200 guests n!· !t~ndctt a reception in the t'hurch, and a fa1nil.v rl.'ception for the bridal part.v and relat ives took pl11ce in the ho1nc of the bride's parents. GE!'tflNI (Mey 21.June 20): Your desife to create, express cJn be re,alized. ~1uch of what occurs-t6 you today appears il- lusory. Don't fight it . In fact, encourage aura of mystery - and glamour. CANCER 1June 21 .July 22): Accent is on esse n tial s. G~ncentrate on pr a c ti ea I issues. These include hon1e . property, possessions of )Rating value. Throw off no- tion s based on the superfici111. LEO !July 23-Aug. 22): Take one step at a time. Jn travel, <ivoid excess speed. You ac. C!lmplish most today through steady pAce. Spotlight on deal· ings with neighbors, close relatives. Sound idea cowcs to fore . \'I fl GO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22 \: J\e111 ar.proach to financial problem could result i n ultlmule gnin. Your Ct'ealh·ity, percepli\'eness nrc spo hi· ed. You gai n so1nelhing \'<!lue. Be confident. LIBRA tSept. 23-0ct. 22 1: Jntu1tive in tellect is spollightcd. ~·l e<ins v ou r hunch. judgn1cnl is AcCu rale. Follow !hrough. Much is <H:· co1n plished if vou ;i 1• o id needless del11v. Tiike initiative. SCORPIO iOct. 23-Nol'. 21 1: Keep resolutions concerning basic schedule. Don't be fr ightened off by n1 ~ re rumors. Secretaries In Spirit Of Giving '-1c1nbers or La guna 8Pach P anhellenie v.'ill arri\'c at their :annual holiday luncheon in the Outrigger restaurant tomor· 'To\1' bearing gifts for children In Hope. Ha ven SchOQls of ·orange Cott,1ly. Thr ni::w 1\1r~. (;ocJshall is a graduate of Sierra Higtt ~hbol and attended California Slate C-Ollege at Long p each. Her husband was gra~uatcd frorn Golden \\'est Coll~c and also Obtai n hint from L l'b r al messag~. You need to exercise ----------.,II se lf-<'Ontrol . But kno\v ·that r A special Christn1a s pro- tram \\•ill reatu re Thurston J unior Hi gh School Glee Club under direction of J a c k Foster. Social hour 11·i1\ begin at 11 :30 a.n1. followed bv <i 12:30 luncheon arranged b,Y ~trs. C. ·stuart Le"·is and co1nn1i\tce ·members !-.lrs. Harold N. "l1oore. :'.\lrs. Harry \\' . ·Robinson and !\lrs. John '\1alentinc. Congratulations \\'i ll be cf· ·fercd to 11·i lners ol the 1969 Bridge TournamcnL ~I r l'. .(i·e or g c J. C<irpenter <inrl i\!rs. Clyd<' \\'. Pnelps. !1rst 'place. and ~lrs . \Villiain Brat· tr and f\.·lrs. L T. Hosser, i;e- alte.1ded CSCL B. . I., • Da nee Session Aims at Waist A new sliennasti c session in ~lission Viejo R c c r cat i o nl Center offers a fun \\'ay lo' dance to health and beauty. ' Residents are invited lo bring their friends to \\'ed· ncsday morning classes under yout cycle is moving for"•ard. 1 You soon "'ill break bonds direction of Caryl Davidson. 1 • 1' The session consists of lO ~-~ J <:lasses bcgi.1ning tomor ro,1· Q.h\0\.-- and running lo Feb. 4 from 9 APoonw".f tr. !I a.111. I ~ LIVI.. center n1en1bers and $8 for 1 , IN_ .Mtl.4 · Ct~ ·f.:Ond. F« is S4 for recrcation 1 J J.,I t.. ~ 4 nonn1e mbers. I . I t ;=============. WaMn Mlf.--. ~ ~ . '•' " ' ;r " ... . " ' " 'It' I • ,, ·•i. .. ... ,. ·.• '•I ,, " ,. II t1 • ' • < • •• • • ... ., ';. .... · MAKE IT THE MOST DELI CIOUS DINNE R EVE R This new look in diamond dinner ri ngs \AJ1ll look jusl greet on you . ·All 1n 18 karat gold. Turn in. Fora sharp offer. ,. ' "~~'' ' •• ... t ' • ,. Civic Leader Honored For You Who Wear Half-Sizes 14\.'i to 26\.'i PENING WEDNESDA r. DECEMBEr. 3rd. IN . . Huntington Center HUNTINGTON BEACH HALF· SIZE SHOP With The Young Look In Half-Sizes 14 1/2 to 261/2 We ore proud to br ing our traditio nally l11r9e sc~ect ion of famous label dresses, sportswear and lin gerie to our · many fr :ends end c~stomers in West Orange County. OPENING SPECIAL -----.. 25°/o OFF on ALL WINTER COATS Sizes 12 • zt -Thru Saturday Onl y 10 FREE GIFT CERTIFICATES"O ... ' Com• in •nd re9i1ter thru S•turcl•y • • $25°~ -. Winners wil be notified f IST l'ltlll No pureh11e 11ece11ary • BLOUSES • SWEATERS • RO BES • GOWNS • SLIPS •• PANTYHOSE • l ;l:AS . • GI ROLES • HOSJE,l:Y • G"T CERT IFIC ATES Clo ckwise from top· Pave, S 1,400 . .. Bark finis h, S 1 ,000. Bark finis h, S895. SLAVICK'S Stoinle1s steel 1t•ak: iniv•1 -your1 1or only 2f t- eorn with gasoline purch a1e ot par• . Jicipotin9 Texaco ·;:, R•lai11r1 . .,. ~ ~ • Jiollaw-9round d ~~.,.. "Mogic Edge" bladts 'f' E{[a LAYAWAYS • GIFT aoxEs Y Nor's HALF-SIZE SHOP • Jc11.~·· .s.1·c.• 1 ~1 1 18 FA SHION ISLAND NEWPO RT BEACH -6H.1 l80 ' .., "''"''n eed 1horpening. .-J( / ~-_ ~11,.'t~r Simulated stag hondl11. OP.EN -:Oi1hwo1htr•toft . Uncon· •'"'l'Jl•"'l1.::C SUNDAYS ..,_ .._1 ..J dilionolly guorOl'llted by l l TO S Vv'l.HTCl lf r Pl./\lA. 1'!onufoch.irer for .S yeor1. 11ui At-0RV!Nl ~1•41;1 (Exc•pf C.M.I .,._ c;..,., M.COVf\t Wll(Olll• ll•~-·,..,,·lc1r6. M•'"' C~···· .... ,.....~ r OCA()-1. CALI: ., ............. i.ll ,,;, •• ''v• hit. • I 84 HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH !Ne.i •• Borkor 22~ ORANGEFAIR MALL, FULLERTON 1105 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA Bros .} • ' ' f 1----=-~~~~~~=-+t~~~~r....L. ___ .J..j __ __:__~ .... o..-n Mend•y tkru S1turd1y untll t :JO ·-·----· • J8 OAILY PILOT s Twesday December 2, 1969 Your Money's Worth Stores Expecting: Huge Toy Sales By SYL\1A PORTER !· This o.mtmas season Nt\V York s famed FA O Sthmarz • ,ioy 11tore JS offering a com· f~rtnl sized buU-Ons and bul lonhole.s IO a very small child ca n practice th is impor ta nt •kill . . • Complete-New York Stock Li st _OVER THE COUNTER ..... .. .. llldt I H it~ L&ll' (i.M C,_ N~SD l 11 tlngt for Mond•y, Decemb er t, 1969 •r• c11 l'.U ~ 2' fi Fil POfl' \to a llltr(I 6.rl •1 t!!,!• '° «t -•• f •llowJ.• 1 s,c~, HIP LIW (19H c7: ~·~=1tt0P.~ 'l",", li"~ tti~ tt:t:: ti: ~I~~ o~ -~ lrrGn l6<! "~ ... 2'1,• '91.o + l'I " 11«C11 t 001 14t>a~u~ •tt 11 ,,,., t••• I''~ + '• •rttrW .n• 11• lilt lo l!O'• -'• fluor p1 al ilibOIL•b I 16 !l """ n 1 -\1 Ill J I "• 1J . I• ~ 1(\o -""'FIY T~· IO tlt--1111'11 l11!1Mtt11tr 01191•11t l\I ot •Nl'l•l111otl1!y t AM. lrtm HAJO. f'rKiat M Mt lrl<lllll• 111111 tr ftt.l r•wP. 1111rtWw11 or <tmm!n~11 ,r.cmeCI 1.io. t 2n, 14 2 ,_ •1tl let IO :n. ll _1,F .. C ... t» ACI' 11111 14 .SO\ "\'f ,,., lftlA1 •t II -'• jjt• 21 •'\,FMC 'tp 15 %1ilitme Mk! tb ,;I 411\~ .o,.} -'Ct\\ "'r r l 20 20'4 •!~ •1'~ • ·~ -•1 '" ... Aa1me l •!' t! 1$1/t lj \• 1~ Cl oro o t !" jli -'• FMCtF•l• oO _NF,.": ;m:,~,J,._:rl:~ftf ~f1 -TM '91tvwl"11 ftlCI .\~o:<:1 ll'ICI l\kfd llUOll IADblH tlotlJ ~uPPlleG or. &lllro Al lf>e N1!1on1I AU« B1~tr tllll'I of Secur!tlt• !Ill !"tint oe11e•~ 11..:... ire 11 ... r,1r c !'IOI 1ctu11 lf11111c-111rwa llOllJ but 1rt rtP. 811!n P ''-"'"'•live lnt~r fltumrl <lff* IH'k:IU ., of 81~ltl\ tPPr1111lm11c1v 3 lltKhm p"' f' wtllch lfl•~ 8flle l•lf ~vU:ll ef...,, c~~ :.'~ ~':' ~~'ed (bf:~l'<l/ .... o; lf111t .. ~·~ d,81Pf "'Orl<ei. 8 rd S@n Clltn11t lhr0119h l!lrtellr ""' 1h• dlV PrltPI Blee~ .... ~:1111 no1 ,.:~~· ::r,v•lle~I ••••• .Ii.cl Mlll!1 70 n 14(o 1 14 _q CI C:o11llH 2 2)\'f 7 ''1 1 '1 .+\)Foolt C~ IO JI • 'l Colf>m e ' 1 Jlo LI N:t • ., 21 lo '' Trnolc• ~I ~!'~ w lh•d• ..... I -' '-•• ,,.. I KoC~ ~ I l'1'' 2•.. 1•'• FOG It M n '}'! 11~ '11tlln\ I' ?• 15\.\ Lt!'lllt lt1 f~1 :f"' fyion Fd 16•\ If\~ Wtr$1\w tl'l ti~ ;:;m'1~~, "" <?:" "" ' ' -I ~ l JI~ Jlloo -2~ F(IO!p P11 10 ... "· Col&tl Sir 14 7S L-Wd U•. 111. llJ\!lt( 1i.. •1~ Wish NG 1,\, 11 .. eoln•t11 11'9 106 ·''1 ~{lo') ~r.~ = tt :::-.,, • .\IV) JI JI -I FO-tMOI 'fO 0 .. z°"'ttl --ll ,0,._0 S'"' i'• Un Dellr !nl~ ).I 1.,, RE 10>1 11\li At fnt f p z 1 )t >f' Jt + ~' t 1• 1• ••to ll)O.. .U\~ -1 \For (Kl 10 2H,, 21,,_ -11~ ~ ''" •._..:;:0 M 1,c IO" ~n il!Urn ,. , )t•0 ti Tf U\11 U,_. Ar;lrrt Cci.. 11 16'o lfl''r 16'• [1' -I•• '> ll • ii;, ll\1 -.. FMcK rl ~ ~.. '"" .. ·~ ,. • M'•I , o• ,.. , 1> 11 .,,,., "'l\: ,._. •& -t>• 2l «"'+1,Fos!Wh '°" 1 J'!lo com nll Hi 3~ Leto .. Lii ,, ,."' " "' .... • ,, .. I>" ••• , ~.,, • .... -"" n Ill I In 241 11'• 21.. lt -\t ""°'' Wh pl I •Vt fl\ Com Gts l!>a U •' L ... Co.I 400 Slo U~ Rtlt l! 1'\'i Woldlfn .,., .,. "'"' 1• I 1"' I IU -1 lllL! 11u~ v60 6J"4 Ullo , + ,, Fo~boto 60 10" 11 11m Ttl 22\) 7Jvo LlilUf G )(I,. ll\<.o US llkr>0I 11\/o 1t W1lln1 M 2l'4 f•1\ A!rlleG 1119 Ill lt\lo 114-lfll -... en[llPS t If ll ll \~, lo Frtnll; $tr 40 11-\, ,,.. orn Hllh u .... lS Ltvln Tn ,! 1?.. ~$! ~::. ,t,,., 21 w::~~I f: •iw loA !i. 1'Cf,"~lt~l,i t~ 1~ ill~ 1~· t n Ctnl Lt El ~! 2,1.•. n.~ 22 -1'\' Fr11pSul I~ ;t!;~:~ ~.Plv 1~1;1!.,',1•,,",'11' -··•ii" .. v Sut&r •1 '>•Vi $111 Nili 1~1f\,ili11>er1oe a 0 iS\~ 3""o lS J~!CtnMPw 11• .... •• 16 ... -\,"rue~Cp 3t ~ )I ;t,'P C"' .i;i ~2 ~ollltW ·~ J ' US Tr~L 311~ lf"' W1!n Ml9 6U. JU. A!(:1n .. tu 120 ,,. 26!'1 26 )6 -l• ::: lo~. I= ~ '' i-ft"' FUQUI lh ti 11 11., mt Ind 21 1• LC!ll C!IV 511 ''• UD Ptt1P 13h !• W1I" Pub H l•W. AlcoS!lnd H 52 ttlo tl>i 21'\ -'' T 1y .. " m'"' u~ \\ -~· 10 ll mp l~st 11" ljV• LM fl•n 22 2l~l Ullll SL~ ,.!V. •"' .·,~.w~ flt 10~ Ale•nO•J XICI 11 21h H\o llh + ~-t n t 60il 71 : s ,,.:: ,,: •,,', '•'' ~·. ~~ ,," -1·, 'MY!'}}',, c, ~ "l uu,1 ,'"'o ~. "" T ",X! 1'1'"•',•,.,·" ':ID. 12 lS ~ H\.'i 14 'I -'l c~r~tlfod Ill ,, ' 1•. 22'-< -, ~".', ..'" I~ 4' JI SI I ., ... ·~ "' ..... E 1l 'I Ve lo lO l\Wll\JIW .. Lud 40 so •I •O\o ,, + \•c111n1A IOb JI 21 Vt ,,,,. "'lo:.-.. , •• M,D.,.. ... Ul 11~ 111. 1o Iii\°"""' ·~·10 \M8~1c c~ II )1\V~nce SI II 21l ~Wll( PL 11l\1 1,Alle1Lud Pll II~-•S •s _,,CFI $11 1111 I 21l' ~ 21)1 ...... •• 13 ''\" '"• J6 39 on Rock .o 31'.,M• 11nv ,,'",,'1~~!:1•wod ~,.;~\.~~?~t~ 1fi!i:tt:llr:t:,'?/ ,:: ~:'• !:~ n\+0'Cllldbrn nc s1 11•! 11•! 1A!+1.g::;:5Skg,1 11~ 2~ J~,: ~~'\ 51'• -,, ,,., -'• 2•1• -• 72 -'• 11 )-'• n~~ " -'• ,.,, -J. • plete magician ~l f o r :children cost $1 250 nallas' , Neunan P.1arcus 1s upstaging ,SchY.arz by offering a children J :zoo v. 1th burros 'Shetland ponles goats an<.1 "other anlmals cost $13,750 a ~ vear l ncluded 1s a zoo keeper 'Also for less extra' agent Tex ans Neunan Marcus will pro. v1de a baby elephant cost, a 'mere $5 000 War t ays again arc out One major company, Hasbro Inc tw: transformed its gun toting • G l Joe" Into an underwater and outer space explorer T O y S ~t;s~g:wn or com ~:th~1.f S PACE S11 6\.1 I Stt•IO 4 do Ml 11111 •• Wad p 2' ll yd E 1 1 I AlllOMol •oti I ~.~t v' l1.~' -VI !~1moS I 20 It 21 it •"I•• -'• G&m$ I'll 60 11 1l 1 u:i... 3J,~ 31;: 1~~:~~~ ~~: ~a~:::;~ !t f: ~:: SW r nr :1: =Mp~ ·U ,1? f:! ,3:1! .m: !1~.· ::~~"1 lo ~it ~'· ~~ •ti~ -\I &:~~l.oa '3 t 11 • '' 14 ,,_U, OOOt• L~ 2ll '1 Manor C 101,11 ___._,Al!/edSlt' lA(I IO >•ll -•• _11 _,, l>l!CktrMgl 1>1 Hli 19'• 1t>o -1•GatOOen !JO 3~1 l~': 3~:~ 1#011\o OfP 3 11 ,. Ma•m Gr 1' 11"'1 Al!eoc!SI Pl • 1110 l6 t;";; htmelrn llo 30 U'• t;t!=>~Garlodr •~ 10" 20.., !?t: !~: c~o .,., l:) ill: ~1r11e'r0 .. 0 .Ji ~.. MUTUAL Allfeoc1SYP 60 lf ,,1~ lll't tll1 -\\ t=~ ~1> I! ~:; 1l '~ 11 l ... 1 C;,rw~•n •So 10 1 • I•• 311~ -1 "" llo -·~ 1Slo -"'• 101, -'• ,.., ,, . meanwhile, are IN Now on """' Ent u1. u 1 • ..:1 Sv• , .Ii.Iii CO<P 6 I rl ww G 11 ~ rt\\ rt61 Mh U .. IJ~o McQVY 11\~ ?f .liUls C"-"tm It 1• U <, '' -It !/\es Vt l 60 J ).! JS lS -1, Gtmln Col' I 11 > U t, saJe IS an enOrtnOUS array Of ~~ff' 1~ 20;1 n~a:!.1n s;_~ spflce stations moon walker s :~:., c11 1~1: lJ , ~~~k~v 8• rocket~unclung o ut rJts and Atm• Vil ~ 31 llu•nvn s 'I' t1i;np II\\ 1' ' Bu1ne1 F nn>On ve..s draw n fr om ac "'• 11>11u• 511 • c 1c Lt/• 11lrbrn F 11 n 1\ c11 w ~ t ufll photographs R cm co Atbtt H 12 u~ c .. nco 13~ 14 1 '""'' Co •1 d M•<llC 1o1 If 10 ililcol I to l?J IOI, •fl • 1fl -\, ""' Chia I jl JS\ Sl 1 14 t -•1 G,mlnln ~ 1 IO'a lot, 13 !4 Crutrt> R 10 l II Medl•n JIVi 31 , A"'tlSuO I 60 l ,,,. 11 71" + a. MHbr-I ll ff 1 4\o It GnAl"• 2 lOQ ' ?t•t lt • J~ ~ lJl. •~rf'I C 11 n M•l111r 111 I .o.MBiliC ~ I J n~, 11\4 11-1;, -~ ChlcE•ll 111 f ll 11 lJ GAmOol 6!'.lb ljJ •l 'a IOI• lOl, 11'~ Da~lv M n•, 'j"l Mich Grn I , 111 ""'erEl I 20 • 2l~4 t l 73 "' ChlMS!PP er XI :10\o 10 1 If Ii -l , GElr1n I 60 129 ~~1• l5 !t>:, 191, Dtlf O~o 1' 1 l , Ml<lld C• I' I > Am•E1 "11 60 11 41 3'1•'> -1 -1 CMSP pl cl S 6 11 ~5 ~ 4S "I -l , Cien ll•nt: 56 ~· IJ\, 1]>\ 1nof11,go•~1n P I l'liMO!f~ 6'~ 61' FUNDS Am Htis IS. 10• j> jl~~ 331•-HiChl Mu•lc 1 '' 211~ ll lJ\lo-ll\Gt"C•Oe lo 111 lto II• 11~ 9~ evl1 Fd 11\'> U , MIOw GT 20 11 AmtH pl)~ '9 ' ll~ 1l1i -l Ii ClllPntuT 2 x7J Jl>o ]61, J1 4 -•• Gen C Q I 10 10 20 > 70 > 1s .. 2'U O•v Ml• 1JJ,,, 7?'!<1 MDI~ <ill J\(, Jl ".~·.•,"1,1, ~.. 11 '1\\ 31'-lo :Ith+\\ Chtlt!P " u ~ t 211. 21'• 21'.\lo -• GnDevel 1•t ~s »'• lO l «11 'o ll -'• 1)>, .;. • ~-; 4 ·~ J.O. -• 15" -, 19 ) -•• \2), -'· 111, -• 14 -• l-1 ~ -.... ~HI ... '• 3S1\ t 'o 10\~ -... No matt.er how hnanc1ally •pinched you may feel as we )Tlove into the peak of thl' hoh· ' day season, a 11 signs point : .tO\\ ard new records for toy ·sales Th e expectation 1s lhal we II buy no less than S2 8 I r 141be•h ll-~ I,_ 1·-M ndustr1es IS of[er1ng, or ex 1111co Lnd 16 17>< ennM 11 I f ll d ilill<1 Bev ' 5 1n•11I amp e, a u y e q u 1 p p e "'~ p,., .s . ' C•P 51iw 21l\1 J7 Of0t In 11 , U Min VIG 111'• 11 • '" Jo l&O JlO'o JI\'< lt\, -1 ChlllP ctNW ~ 21 , l'IJ, 70 .., -~ GtnOvn1m 1 ·~ U • 15 • 14 79 ~tr.I Al' ... t Mo ll:Ki'I 51' 'lo A 81ktr J5p ll 14 I~ 131~ -'' !l>Otkl'V\I t& AJ 11 ~. 101, \0\, _ ~. Ge<i EJK 260 :J.IO, G1, .. >10>i', 1'l IS O•lu~ en SS • " , Miid Stl f ll IO llmBk Nott I ' 21,,,_ 11'4 21\/o -1\ llrliCtl OSO 41 13 Jt, U .,,. 1 gn Flrr. 1"' 1!l': 1f1~ 8!1 Cf&~T ~~\~ ~f~\ ~~ P~ ~~; t~~ ... A;:;(0',0':'',1 ~ 'n ~.: ;r, r,I'• !1~ ~~l·~:.i pt l ,11 1:~.i:. l•~li 1tl. --~ c;;:: FH:i1140 1~ ~~·: f~:O.. b1Wion of tovs this year ~fully hair' during the Christmas "season) That 1s more than •double l !f.>ll's total astrooaut base with rocket :nrtd"E': 1~! :.._ c::T~~rA la unche rs, rescue helicopte rs ::~~d~'01 1 ~; 1~:~ ~:~l~ €~ electronic headsets and ~mr18~~~ 1 ~1~ 'A"' l~~~e~NG recordings of launclung and 1n :~ ~~~~ ~~ {t: l~~ •• v:l U1ght conver sations A GrHt ...i 41-err o "" l"sd 21h ~V, hm Ltl -In d olls t he m ain tr end "Mt 1 e 9•. ,., .. ~Id A Mt<"CI' ll'-. 14•-. Cht5 Ind continues to be tow a rd Am Pipe 20 21l'l:I Chei ur 1 I • •~1 Dev Am .,.,._. 1310. Moore P I.,,. • Ctc I lnvttlorJ G•tvo A";~n'" 01 1 »I •,>1 !,S,\o '•'••! ',', -" hrom•ll 14 7' )(l"fl ,.,, l't 0 _~.Gen lnil Sd llS 1''o 3'\1 •'--s.oev "a". ll•.UViiMoore S 14 "' •. IDS al 575 510 " .., Chviltr 7 "' 11 ll ll -n,Genlnsl• Ptl ? 11~ 4!'1 l'~ 6WD1w1v tO l!.i I Motch M ,,, ..... Ew VORK fAPl n llmCem ~o 71 ,,~. 11•• 11~•-.... ' lO 74\ l •V• 2•·-•.GtnMl/11 18 1JJ JS•• ]5'• )J 2~1t Cllem C• 19\l 111 • Mot Clu~ 14\\ 15'\(I -f~e lollowlp~ QUO Mut ',, )0 10 A C~•ln 1 '° •11 l1 ~~ lO!'I Xiii :I v. ClnnGE I 00 ,,... II I -'· GrnMc 'JOI! 915 11 70~ 1l•o n Oise tnc 51 0 ' Mufllff 11 , 17 l1Hon1 Svl'Dllfd bv PrQ<I S ll 5 ~ AmCredl1 ti) 75 2•~ 24 7•1.0 I Cln GE "1 I 16•0 58) '" G Mel 5 I 5 •1' 1 Ill~ Olvpr CM , 0 51\ Mui Ill E• 4 , 4 ~ t~ NatlOl\81 Auocl S!oc~ 19 63 21 ).I ACrvSu<1 I 40 10 23'~ 7} 73 -1 , Cln Miii I 00 16 d 41 ' II + 1.io ,, ••·t "i> II ',' 1 1 1,'• ,",'° la l""' O!vM I"" 11•, :tf\lo NCC Lea P.o l ''o 1tlo~ QI SKur\lle1 S11«1 110 • te ""'Cr•n I 2S 110 21>1 16'• 26•• _ '' Cln5YTt l 1 IO 1 39\~ iJ'' l'"° -\'I" ""' P 1l 71 10 ~ 5llo .. .._ Oocv1f JQ 37 N8,.10 C 22 "I 2JVI Dftl1r1 Inc lff Var, p., I°' II ?I Arn O!illll 1 IO 71') '70'~ 20 I ->l ClTFln 110 U lll J~~· ,•1,, ~ ,_ g:.o:,~~r'\: !JS 13,, 73 • 1~. i i,, Oc>llr Md ,,, 10 4 Nit BrNI l '• ~·· I~• IH'k t• •I whkll Inv esh 5 o~ .. 1 ADlstTel o0a n 11'• ?T>o ,1,,.. + ..., C1t111 ~vc 7 100 u•-. •.-• "' 11 , ll 00'# JOf\ 62, ll<. N.iC•• R 11 n•. lilti.e iecwrll!•s 1,s1e11 "• •, >>n01 AO u11v1 l?g 11 1011 10 ~ lO'IJ _ l'o Cllv l"v 30ll .. is 19n 2J'• 11\o -1 1'• 5:,M, ,',','",<.!.. 111 !!'1 1101:,• '" ~ 11 +-•; 1l•• +l o IP . 11 • + '• ~ '~ 7'o Oovle DB 121> 131':1 NCmp C<I ?•• ]> C<l'Jld llitVP bffn YfS I I /6 iliOUA! pl I•• , ll ,, •• 1] Cltv1nv "1 fl1 70 ., •1. " -• u •v ,,., 6 .. j o Ortw NL 1 1'4 Nil EDlll ~9 Sl' >Oki lb!Ol or b<l'Jghl Iv~ 161 162 AmEIPw l 64 2SJ 3011 ff>, ,.!o +•,Cl! Y!'" •O 11 111• \l>t Illa -~Gt" ~I~ Pt ' I ~ 'IO 15•• 31 ·-·~ "'SI Gob s Sh cn1 8r&I r eahsm Dolls not only now As1 G Pl 1 9 Chr111 s lk lk Atn Ttlv 17 11~ Chr sl "' 1S 16 Ou11kln O 70 1 11 •, N Fd Pd JOV. ]1111 C11keOl MQ"°jY J Hncock t 5C 9 l• Am Enk1 I • '29\\ ,.11 ,.1• -,, Cle•k ~ 1 40 SI lj1• l •tJ l-1 • -> GenS!llnd IO JI IS'• IS • 61 '> 1111 ~ Durir1>n l•W rJ 4 N~! G&O 1•~• 15 • 91 Al~ Jollnsln 12 •I 21 61 Atn E~o Incl 56 7~~ 14\\ 1• • -~I Clerk 011 •0 II 7 ll 7> ',', , =I >, ~;,•,',', ',11, t~ U0 l? • Jl• o 911 101 I Pelnt 2Sh 16'-Nit Lb •3 4]<;, Abord~ 11' 7 i i Kev•tone Funds AE~Jnd p!A6 •90 6•\li •I'• 64\lt ClevCllll 1 •o 1 i2 ~ '''• " ..., 1 0 •~ J 99 102 •1• Sh 9 ,.,, Nt!I M•d 31 ll Ad~l1rr 7 ll 111 Cu• fll 1114110 'l'1 AGenrn1 OS Ul 23'h .., •• 2JV, ... •1, Clt11E!lll 1 D• 17 13 • JJ 33 • + • Gle F I'll 2i 110 n l 18 1 '" " . 1F YOU LOOK close!} at the '-toys on display and 1n the bcl -.fer toy catalogs this year you surely v.111 be impr essed by the unaginat1on a n d 1n 1va , ta , w e t and s leep, b ut """eu• e 13 • n" c11..ire1 '-d ls ilink.,, C 7l• I Cllll U A I ,., conL•b S4''>55V,Wll Ptt 31/o Jv.Alfllllld ,,, 101 Cul 621961l1'6AGn l~ pl!IO 25 11!'1 ]]>, 3'\i+'hcevPSD!2 J•O 26'• '•"' 1a,. Gfel pfB JO !'10 Ill , IBI~ '16~1 26 .. Educ SI' JJ, 11~ "Ill Stell \J , U .\!ulrt 10 ll 10 ll Cvs B( t 01 t 13 ilimHol1I 10 19 U 1]t0 14 -Vo CIOfO• IQ •1 71 ... 2! .. 21 "> f-I G•nTlrne ID XS3 )) .. ]\ 111. +-'• ll -2 . ll•o -• ai:.o n e go-<:ar gr o \V A•c11• N Jt ~G cuir u a teeth, spea k Sparush and d o ~~~ 1~ Ui.o lh. fl:~~lltl Mi 26 0 16,, El p81 I J), ll"' Ntl Show 5.(~ '"" AU""' F n 9J Cuo IC\ 711 I!( JI. t1ome 1 ~ loct U h lJtt 6'\lo + v, Cl~l!Pet t0 1t 31'• 31'o 32 -lo Gen Tire lb 83 11 o ll'O 2•'•15 EINl!t '\'i lO.,,.Mtt~llvr 11 1,,_Alllh1Fd 12 P•lll& CusK? 5~!90AHntntl'l2 lti 95 fJ _.,.,Clutlll"p/\ 121l•11.,..ll'~ GTl•tPl5 J1D10 JO " 1'1'1 -'• h Th I Aroen ,,1 :i. l6 Crin! /<llfr pus -ups ere a so IS a Ark MIJP IJ\\ Ill> Ellnlon 0 ?~ J .... E N 13~'1-II N!to1 7~ ,..., ... mc10 6 07 ttJ CuJ SI U Ol 19 61 A"' 1-iOSP J4 196 .U''> 44, ll ~ +IV. CHA Finl ~ 4n 2•h 2Jh 74'• +1, GMe$C'1 I 60 6J lO • 29\J 11 '11 Eltlc~ 1 1 I , t<f n GE I J 1 >;, Am But 3 20 '-6 CuJ S2 10 11 ll.G-1 14rnlnV11 110 11 1"• !&•• 11'\ -,.. CHA pf ... I 1e I.loll 3C>lo 910 ~-+ >I Gen1l•r Ltd 19 12 t 11 9 9 lo E 1'Qm J '> ' t<fJ NtlG 11'4 lf Am Ovln 10 52 11 SO Cus Sl 1 11 I -41 llrnMFOV '° XI• 2ll • lt~t It a -~ CO&ll St GI$ 16 44'• ••V• "'--\\ <iff!ulnePll I I Jlls ]Iii 21'!. 73 • El c Sy1 •V· 5 • Nlcn111 F JO ]I vj A Ex SDI 10 lO Cus s~ 5 Jl J 12 AMt lC!• 1 IO lJJ 1414 3• ).l\'o + Vo loc.Col , n tea " .. 11•1 11 GI ... , IOO 1!0 !l'I 51 ~ " 38lo -\• ~ lelligence involved 1n p r o duc1n g them H e re a r e lhe maJor trends greatly expa nded v ariety (If !~~1:ft H 1: ~! ~ cZ':, 'l,, ethnically c orrect black dolls n 1~ El 0•1~ nt 14l Niel• " la ~ JIV, Am GrTh 602 6 5' Pol•• • ]J • J5 AMelCI• pf ' • U<l.:o 16 I.I~. +Ill. oca!llla 1 10 J 19>• :ltl'> :It , -• GePI( "11 61 JS 711, n•. El Modul UO 1V.Nll o 8 3.!o l7\l,Am Inv 719 7991Cn!db 705 113Am Molo•s 2!l IQ\~ t i\ t<•-V• ol<IPel 170 81 460 •S•• A6\o +l1 G1P1c 01140 I !IW !llo ~:;.~iC~~t ~~; ~!V, ~~.,R~ls ~·: l~~ ~~NMi:h ~ J! ; ~ t;~cMGrY~ I~~~ l~ ~ ~:i;Np~:I !~ -'7~ n:: ~~;! ~l'~ ->,co ~:n:, 1~~!~ !~~ ~k, tl04 ~J :j: ~! g:;r:o111 1fav l~f ~to : ~ ~ 51 \\-•• ntio -'• ~HO+ "w 36'"' + • '9 I -•a 11l o + •• 10'• -t .. 10·~ + •• 16l'o -... 41>1 -'• """ +1•. I'• -' , T oys which le<l("h are pro- bably !he s trongest !rend for ttiy makers todav a1 e e m ploy- ing p sychologists and other specialists as designers and making educational tovs for children do wn to and 1nclud1ng infants One o f m y favorites .nis season, b y C re a I Ive Playthin gs, 1s a plastic pouch "1th w ater, mdesce n t nuggets -In children s books, the trend 1s tov; ard experiencing as "'ell as reading One babv book offe red by Childcraft Education Corp h as b unny fur and \1 h1sker s to feel flowers lo smell, mirro r s to ad m ire yourscll 1n QI.her book~ h a ve zippers, soaps and laces , a nd goldfish to be suspended ,. on a bar before the eyes of a ,. Sfl1:3ll Infant A nother IS a , "C ralig at.or," a low pla tform on caster s on v;hich a ba b y can n a vigate a round the floor explor1n~ Uu ngs on h 1 s own Still a'1ot.her developed ~;by Llttle Learners 1s a furry , puppy \vear 1ng a coat with d il ART AL.SO IS being stressed T here 1s an as- lound ing choice of w ashable c halks, unbreakable crayons, clay which can be baked 1n a home o ven, s tring sculptu r e krts soap p a int for use 1n the b a thtub c r ayon m e ltmg kits t o m ake colla ges et.c -Planls are s prouting, tq I n c I u d 1 n g c h 1 I d r e n '"'! greenhouses f or g r ow 1 n g \egetables a nd f l o w ers . •' • . ... • .. .. . •' I . ' I I I I ~· I l :~t" ;(t ~!f ' I I ' mustard a nd cress ' fa r m s lo Earn or MORE In today'• marke t, top-quality bonda carry the h111hut 111eld• ln thUJ centur11! High grade corpora te bonds a r e c urren tly a v a ila ble a t yields a pproac hing 93. These are top-quality issues •• backed b} l'iOme o f the la r gest a nd financially stron g egt. corporation s in t his country . A n d m ost of them ere protected for u p to five years a gainst a call fo r r e f undin g a t lo wer inte r est rates The re 15 also a wide c hoice o f mun1c1p el hondl returning c lose to 7%, tax-free Many o f thes e bonds are non-callable for 10 years or m ore T heir tax a dvantages make them espec1aUy a tt r a c tive for invest o rs who a re 1n higher Jncom e bracket.s Hist.oncally , this comb1nat1o n o [ high hon d y ields plus h1gh quality has been r a re Clearly , you owe it t o yourself to look into the poss1b1hty o [ m aking t hese high-grade, h 1gh-y1eld1ng bonds a part o r your investme n t. 1t rategy Desn Wit t er & Co can help-w ith com p re- h en sive 1nfo rmat1o n and o b1ecl1ve evalu atio n Contact y our n earest. D e an Witter office t oday fo r fu r th e r d etails, Ther e's n o <ost or obhgat1on involved A n d for a fl'i!e. copy o f our latest research ~report, 1'T1me to Look a t Bonds in Yo u r ]nvestm e n t Slrategy?"J t e le p h o n e or v1~!1 a ny of pur o ffices or \1se the coupo n belo" ' You re close lo men u;ho kno11• nihen you 1nve1t tuath • • DEAN WITTER i1C: C:o. JN CDJlPDRAT ED Brenton It Ogden , Vice Presiden t .SSO Newport Center Dnvc 111 tlir Frnanc1al Plaza Ne wport 6cac/1 -Telcplionc 644·2292 DEAN WITTER lo CO. INCORPORATE D , Pll!tl!M'! Mnd m t! oopy(1~•) tif your free n'fYI'' Time lo Look •I Bond • in )out Jnvnlme nl Str•tf'IY"' ' J.lark~l 1Vm.r: Hur 11 r.oncl.!le.!Un'Lm"ry of lhe m1rk ct opcn- inr and the t.te.t butmf!llfl nnd fiMnci.J news highhahta. on DEAN WITTEi! MARKET REPORT KFAC • ._Dla,1 POtUtion 1330 8 00 1.m., Moodmythrou1b Friday-• ~ .. • Entr!IY c jO SJ NEur Doi 4 ' ~ Am Pee 1 S9 I l'f Le~ tn••I '11 10 so Alle,DY 10fl ns llh 111. 1t~. -l 1olllntlt1d IO 16 "'\ ll Ii •lV. -.. Gerry ~11 ?Q 11 11•1 17 ~ Enrrg r;ie • 0 Ji. 'fPA Gas 15 It 11"' A"<l'.O< Group Lei Rich 15 6t 1115 Am S••I I t 1' 7lh lJ~ + i.,, ololnl&I 160 15 36'• :16i.. 36'• -·~Glint PC 60 15 1e•o 101-produc e the malerJaJs Jor lea Enn 1 fl , 1D NWN•1G f "f'l4 C1Dl1 '"'"ubutv '"'MAmShlo 60 112ov.20 10 -\lo 0111nc11. 111n.,.,21 21 .-•1G1o••n""1n n?t.1•• Entw .i 71 n 'fW P uSv U~ n G""lfl ll 01 U ll Lift Sit ! 57 'OJ A Smell 1 fO 1~7 12~1 31\\ ll't + '• Coif 1n o!4 15 • 54 JI S• -''>Gao LeH IO ~ ;5 16'• 1611 party sand"tches There also t:001 C0<P 1•. 3\\Nucl 111c ~ 1J tn.cme f1111011 Llt lnY J11 I ll ilimSllAtr 10 31 Jn~ lllh :i..•o-1\\i!ts 1•0b !'•I~ ~J'. '8•-'•c;11@n~ 110 iao '8"J •1,, Eau11 ou 11 .u OMD Ar! 11•,111 Fa 1~., tt•IClt llnt S'° 1n11m Sid 1 14 33, 11 n -I olvGe• 1J60 s• 'I'• 76't 21••-~•Gom~IBr 1 •I 4;~. ,lV. are seahorse Corr:lis' \\.'1th E:rlt T~c 10 , 11 , OhlD W•t 11~. '' ~ Auocl• l ?t 141 Loomh s1v'91 Ams111 l>f .. 1s 21 1°'\• lOJ 10s oluPlet '°" 4t ,.,, 11111 21 ~ -'• Gitn Aidt~ 69 , 1,, E"trln ·~ 41 OoT Scan ~1 60 ll1!ton 626 •I• Can~d •140•1IOA"'Sff•ll •I 19 31~, Jl l1>, .. ,}COISoOh 116 6 Jl'> J! 11 ,,Gl@nA!d t>IJ 1 601o 60,, J!Ve Seahorses <:ind rea( ant ~II Ceco 6 6'• Dnnon! a • 9 A•e M0<191ilon Cat> I 11 II ll 11 A SU<llt I 60 22 25 1•'• 1••• -~. CombEn 1 •O 2'i 71 • 7Q 1 1,0,1, --;-'•' Glen/41 pl1 7S >II< ,>,>,, >'•' f Fo\frlld T 6, 1,_. Otttr T"' lN• J7 0 Fund A 'IJ 6 ff M~I 14 16 l• 16 AmSyq_pl 61 10 tt1 ' , t , • ComE pfl 10 1 ~~ Jt ~ GI b L M arms 1n which you can "atch F•rrlng I•: 16,,. Ov•• NA 8 , F~nd e 106 111 M1n~1n 151 l:lt AmT&T 2•0 '" ~11, 11•• 5110 _ ~. tom1se v 40 :.16 " ?•, '''•-I'• 0 0 8' n '" 35 -l l 10 -'• 16. -'• JI -1, 19\, -1 • 71'• -•• 41'. -• 76"• -'· 3'I -'· oc 1ot'11 , Slock •M•tJMen Fd l1os11otAmWWk1U n10 f a 9,,_,~corn""Eal:IO 11 ll'o 31'•31 ~-.Glot>tn ae 1716>111~ the ants tunneling throogh a F'.dN .~h:~\ 615~ p~( '/sri 11 ; ,. , Sci CD s ooi s 50 M•~i Gth 11SI1111 """ ~ 1p1 1 •l 150 201, 71!\li :nt•) +.,com E nil•? 1 a 1• , '', ~ ·~ Gooorlch 1 n 11111 ll ~ 30'• fl 4~•1 4510 B•0>0n ltl lflM•)S Tr lSSllltSA"' Zinc 50 t7 ;i 11•, ComwOll to0 ,11 11•\ 70'• 20'1-'~Gooaiear IS 20l JO >, 211• {:Jass parlJUon ~~ F11.!."vMSv~~ • .1'•~· =:~'.Aul~ ~ I 8~•9 Kn! 919 te• 6D1 601 llme1t~ 60• ~16 27'. 77'• :tH. + ·~ ComPUI Sd o~ ]l ,.\, 19. -,Goro IV .. 1• I 1s .. 1110 I tod • [ r F p FE 35'•.J6 8 1alr F011t' rt 1''7U'7 Amfocln.cto 11!1~o .5Cl\o1J1 +11,Coms1t 147 56 0 ~ !il•-1 ~Gouldl11<.I~ 11•1 411• 11 sum ay s oys go ar '' WF" ~ .. '., •c 1 si 6 aonastk 6 10 'u '" AMK '" JO 2132 21 16 '"• -H• Cont MUt1 1 6 1.,, u • .. 141, -•• Gr•ceCo I ~ io n '~'• be d I l d ~llCkl'>gs 19 1'"' =o~co, (O ~\-. • BO!ilOn St 1 t6 Mu 61• J 41 AMP In.cc .. 40 SS\• S4 • 5•~1 -"'C""r•tCD 60 ,. 31'• Jl•1 "'' + •• Gr•ntlv 1 ,.,~ • ;r.i, :n yon cner run1ng an ac F~,F~ 2;,,.21 P~::,<.,0 DI• ,.:1~;s,,.1 Fdn10951 CD1•511s M11im,,.~ coro 175 4.1 , ~•'•«~-I ConEdf11110 1!6 16• 71!• ?6 _,,G,,ndUn IG J1 21 1 114• ""' tually d o engross the clu ld Jn Fl1"$t 01 ll~ilt•t P•rkw H 11 .1t 8111•on '"!Ill .,, ll1lU01 Amsrt111~0 !t u>,o :i.~ 3'~'J-'h ConF011 a 6 n ta '• ao w -••G••nllrC su lil1 1l•o 1J Fo•f Grnt Jll~ JO\, Pff•Oll ll 16'o 17"' flr9ad SI t4 6' 15 IS Morion FunOs Atnlfl J2 l2 IS l•V• 1114 _ 'h C011Edl1 l'I S 11 6S • 6! 6S -'•Gren !tV I olO I~ 11'r1 11\• lJ -... 11 • -'• SI, -o 11V. -~. .... + '• 1>0 COnSlr UCll\.'e actJVlly. J g O'!a Fo!ochr l'i 311, Peult r. p 10 101/J llullock 14 6t 16 ot Grw1h 9 n 10 i• .. nt<OnO I 90 HO 301' ff'!• "'1\ _ ~ Conl"ood I I~ 97 •2~. 4\l1 '7 • .f-•Ao Gr1ntW 1 40 J1 SIV1 51 ~ F 15 1, CG Fd tl4 1010 !neon> l9J 4 lllnchHO<;k IO 21 l1 41Vt .i.l11o -lloiConFa Ml ~ 610! 10• 1o.t -1 Gr1vor11 l lO 30 11'• 21 • find rne a house Of kids SO l F~s.-1 ~I~ ~)I,> ~~:/e: T 75 16V. C1nean 1~ 93 1(1 •l ln,ur I J6 ' 16 An.coroNSv I ll n 21~ :n C""Frtlohl 1 ,111 ,.\~ :tf 79 ) + "'-GI A&P 1 JO 151 ?t 4 21'o F k " p OI l\ P i C101mr I 76 9 OJ Mii' Flf I IO f Cit Ar.:I Clav I 70 29 •1 4(11.:, 40>, .'.j: 14 Con L•"llno lU 11', 10 '.> llll, -'.i GINorl• 1 l.!o 11 UO.:. 13~& can play with their t""S th.is F~~kln CE 2!0:: 2~,, P!"en:i~ !;) ,,, !'P' rn., •JO • 11 MIF Glh SJ~ 621 llDttMC" 10 H 2211, 21•;, 2n o + \~ ConNa!G 176 •9 ?S'• '''• 7"i -V. G1NoP10 160 26 ss•, JS~ ".1 I' p G&W 21 :ill t D!I Snr J ]1 I DI Mu OmG 5 21 5 1' llotVO/! lat •1 lf"• 31~'l )l>o _ ~ C""$Pwr I fO '1 JlV. 31l• Jl + '~GI Nor tltv l ll 41l.o 014. Dec 25 F~~vue: 7J ii.'.' 1g ', P:nn Pac Hto 1 ..,, Sh• 11 JJ 1211 Mu Omln f n 10 1J Aoua Crit'rn l J l T'h ~. ll\\ i ~. ConPw "1• 50 Gt W11I Finl 151 2S 1 24\'J "" ' Chon~lnO Funai Mui Shrs U 3111 JI ARA Svc '' 1 111 """'no"" I'" vUto 6Jt, 61 '' ""-'\ GtWnUnll fO 21 .CO i0 ~" 55. -'• •1'~ -,, ,.~. -,, Fu<1u1 IO 10,11 Ptnn RE 1i,,J0(! B1l1n 11691111 MUI Trsl 757 25JA•chDan 160 5 51~ $61.IJ SJ(r, i"Con!Al•L 5C t? "'• u , U \o -l7 Gl't'Un ,,111a J 1'I 72>i Gl'lnkl B • 16 Peo•I WI I\ 114 Com SI I 13 1 ti' NEA Mui 10 n !1 f ... ,lrPSvc I 01 31 21 • mto 21 Vt '" C(ln! Ca~ 1 20 6• J~·· 76 16 A. • GIW11hln 5 0 I IJ 0 l~r Gii Svc H'olJ/,Per!"' ~l\~~)\'1 Grwtll 6 U•t1 N~IWSec 100ol1015Arlani DS ~ 16 ?2'J 12 71\io -~~f(:~O~lll~ 11~ 11> 10 o lH•-'"GteenGnl 96 17 :J0 1 2'' gll~l~~;c r: li:~:ri~r:g• ~~.o ~~. ~~ri ~;1~~~:\11~:~1 1~~1 1~1!~;~~~1 11~ 5t lli: ~~ ~i~=:Z1rc'oc1>~Al~ ': !!? 11;~ !~~=1~g~:;~shd~.2° 1S: n:: ;:~; le; 1 1 J ~Pho! 211i. 117 Ct.•se Grouo Nol S«~r Ser •rmolC~ ID 113 lno JJ\o J , \lo r_ 41 • ~A•~ 41 Grol!or 90 11 31 JI•• Gf:'t.ofn 1·h, 16 '> Pit ~II lh A 1 Fvnd 11 6t lJ 11 ll618n IQ -II 11 4! ili•mC~ all 15 t50 " SJ SS =I .-:;:::,.'." j~t 1~ ~:.: 11'• ~~ ~ -1, ~ g•vtnmnCD I 14 76'• 'S'• !';l"o J u .u Plnkrln 'J.5l 1 71 Frnl lCIO 11104 U 80"" S '>'I '01 .li•rnllub 1 60 1111 J• , 33'• 3J'o -''> Cont (II! 1 ,., 90ol l••, ~:\• ,. 1 -1 ~ ,,\:l •~old 40 61 J..1•, l•'• G1011p1t 31 :i.,Portr t1K J~,11"11 ~~~ 1~}~1~~ c~~11 :~~1~fi !;:1,,c11j::C,'f 1 j1 ~!; lf.r ~·-~~roMOlr "' 1 1 111, JA•1 :v.v,=1 1:cui'i"ri'i1 1111"~ 1,1~ 1l:~ ~:: &1~g11'~~ •:,~,~;~~~o~~ 1~• 1;11 Ch«nct 1tl61105 Pf St~ 61' 131 AsnldDll 110 150 l6'o'1s-,'16 •_-,\con! ~ti I 21 Jl lll'• l l "11" Petre•• 1:i.1 1»1'o 110,", '• bS ?(! 0 ?l ' Colon .. 1 l"<Otll S ]1 J 10 l.1hO 1 oil IQ 1 ~ .56 s. 51 Cont Tel ~ 1•1 2'1 • !!>, 11 -'• Gull!;lts n!? {',.gl<f Cvt 11 1 20 Pub NH ' 1 FQUIV A16 S1'0 Sloe~ 176 ·~] ... ,., l!tfW J5 lj 13 1, 12 .=•:conlr~I 0•! J1111'0,.11 s>~11~·~-i.r.!IR•• nn~o 10 "' !~. g=w~s 1?'; l~ t. ~~g~ ~~ ~ti• i;.' Fund IQ 93 11 ts Nor w,,, 1 ll6 1 n A'>O CG 1 70 211 "'• ,. 0 40 , _ ,~ CnDftt "" 1110 60 6~ 60 -'• r.uu~• .. ut ~· 1n 1• , 11'' • " I I',· I'. <il'W1t. ~St 1 lQ '(ti Grth 'IO 106! Aud Seo '10 l4 I Jl\l JI,,_ ronwod 1., 1 34 ~l•· ~31. +'• Gull~U "" •O 11m 51 I 5•t, Nat10 at s ste c ..,,.,,1\ Cn 1'0 ;o• • .--ub•hr I Vent 615 IAt Neuw!h 15l01S20 AHdTr•n "° I llt 11'• 13,o-\loCookUnlt so 7• '°" 39~ N.. ;.,11<11 o!•70 7'1'1 51 •s NSC Sales Jump 131 % ~-+ nv. + ' lJ\o -\, ~· 11'• -11. -'• Jl>O -' ,,~. -"' 3''l + 1irr. -'• ,. . -'• 10•, -· 11'• -'· '~"-"' 21 ... ' n y ms 0 ( p • G•al'll Sc J9 40 PurfDI 2~ ) 30 ' Col Grlh lJ 19 1J II New Wl<I ll 4' U 14 ll!ICl'l'EI I l• Jl 73i 1 211-. 7).;, COOPtrl" l IO ! 2~'• l6 '> ?6'< l':ullWln •Q~ :l!J 2t•o ln ~ Ne•port Beacli, toda.,g;~~elMr 1},1,,',,1~~~;.,.,,~v"'!/ 16 ~11 Cornmc 'lllONV Vent 1•,s2101At1ce1 "15 11 J ,,,,. '6'• •6'~-·oCoo""r TR. 1 ?l 11~ 111. 1J> .... 1.c.unw i-lllJ 1 •• Al\~ ·' Grl>Vf p, u ... >!:: POuo Co , ComS 8d S 21 SU 'fowton 11 Al II 01 "II A chlkl ? 251 t•'• ti>~ fl'~ -W. CoopT Pll 15 J 1!'• 11 ~ 19 r. -1, GuUll'\ Ind S6 21 1 70 reported r ecord sales and g~-;;: ~';, i:~ 11. C~~""'C:vn iJ~i 1?·~ c'tiZ'1d11~~01'0J13"g-..;:;.' 1i~ 1i: !:i "'A(l~ho~l,7~ 11~ 1~.,. i~W 1ilZ:-=l"~ l!:~~ 1J: s~ ~.: ~'· :~.: + '• -H-1- '··~-1 ~ 5~ ~ ' ""~ -1 ~ ...... -1 20 -'1 .. lncom 9 11 '96 mt~a II'' I J9 A!lll,11 on 90 17 62 61 11 _, CoPWIStl I 10 11 11 . 11•1. l!l) H1c~W1! 2 20 • 31 .u. Ml'\ + • earnings for the rune months g~,~foe1~"1 9 • 10 • 11•11 T-.i 11 n 1nv~~t 's1 10 :l'I Hiil Fd 1• 10 H 41 A.II•• Cht in 1 21 11 • in. 21'. -•, cor n1t1e :io. 137 26•'o l!J.l 7p. -'• M111 Pr! 1 &o "' 19 311, 3'I -• t~, lo~, R.ansb El 32 • JJV. S!ock l 00 'II TO! Fd 9 Jt JO a All~· Co•n I! 11 , '" 111> -\lo CorGW l 50A 12 719'• 151.,,. 159>, +1'h t1tlll burl I ~5 JO;Si '5'~ ll 1 5S '> -', end ed Sept 30 ~!;f,,':j' J ?l 7 1' 1 Raycn CP 2n 111 Cwl!~ At! I O l Sl On~ WmS 16 39 16 lt ATO In< OI• 11 lJ'• lJ 11 -1 Ccront!I~ ll •6 lt 11 11 fl1mW~1 561 I~ 11!1 11\.'J 111• ~ , S I He•tn In lr• l~!'o ~=~;;; ~~ 1~ '> ll'! Cwl!h co 1 69 1 ll 0 Nell I• 98 u 94 A~ro•A Pl•~ ,. 16•~ I& .. II 1 COW-If! 10 2? 11'1 II ,, -~-11•mm P8D t l 76 71 • 26 1 Jj a es for the nine months 11 1~ Mc• ,, • 111' 11e,, Min 1.,. 11 ' Com" A• ll 111 16 61 Op11e~h 1 90 t 6l Autnmin 1n<1 '' 12'a 11!, 17 -... c11~flOc•1 ~& A 47''o A1•i ,,,, H1mmn<1 10 11 20•, 20 , 20'Ao H edl" JS~l!!~A•I C•t<I •lt ll\~Com1>tt 8 31 t 111'1ceFnd1141!251111ivc11 Cnl10 7! 21 24'> 74'>-'~CPClnll 110 ln5 3], )4 1 J•>o Hlndl"'n 60 IOI J~"o llh 39•.:.-+1 \YCre $7 692 325 Up IJI percent H~ Int I I' ll!lev 5Tn 2l 1! C°"'" Bd I 69 t •! Ptnn SQ I CIO I CIO Avtn I'll 10 l Jl't 5ll• .53-'~ + '• Crane I 40b l1 CJ•, •1'~ IJ'• _ ~ Htnd Her 72 11 ll\a 11 21 'l -•1 t1UI 1,,,11,,'.•-·< E• ll">O'· Como Fd l lllOl•P1 MUI 1611,JAYerv P<I 20 11 l2"o:I :171\ lll•-'•CrfOltftF!" I 6 11>1 11,,_ 11'-< litr>e1Cn tO 6 11 1610 T61o from Sales Of $3 :JZ3 J49 (Or the Hol~vnE~ '" ~ "' " Corn>!lt I 21 S 14 l'hll1 lS IJ 11.511 Avtlll Inc oG 1M 13 • l'h 11'• -~\ CtompKn 10 11 1Jl, 15 15, --l->\ H1nn1M 1 l~ Ii :U ~ Joi > 3" 't Ii• 61 •ob n M 25 29 COf\c"'O \'I! II 1S P l<1r m '7t IO 10 11von Pd 1 Ml 51 u.1•, 161 161'11 -v. Crou.,.Hlr>d\. 1 l ?"' 1• 1, ~ ... \~ 11••cour• I :111 -"'~ -'S'• 55' • + •> same per iod last year Net irr ~':i'E~, ~l" i~, ::r't. , ~1~ ;, conso1 •n 1 oo n ~ P11o1 1 ll 1 s. 11i11~~si11 G1 11 1J ~ n 13 -\4 crowcoi 1.o)r .. JOl• ,.,, 30 '• + ...., ~:~~t~ 'C~ 1 i-1~ 15 1•'• 14•1 -\o come for the nine months rose tJ~,," M"i' 2 ~ 2•. llu• sr"" ~1.,. 31 ~ ~!:i~u Gl~ 1~ ~~ ,Al! =I~ Wn1 1~ ~~ 1~ ~l -B--Crown co,k 1» 16'• 16 • 16 ~ '+ "• H••tSMr~ 6~ M ~1 , 1;!: ~!:;: + 1: "-I 1~)llY~':\HO :tf ~Corol.d J411162'P111t1Fncl ll601J11 8 tbckW 13' llJ :1l'•21 'o tt ,._..,,c •wn7.t ll 60 '13.\ JS~ll\1 +\~H•rvAl170 181?1 26•16 o -I 45 percent to $743 064 com Mud PP 3 3 'II S~ll•r 71.i llh Cn!v c~P 11n 1114 Plan 1nv 11 n 1 18 8 ~'°IT 6s ,1 2311 ?1"\o 2i•: ~' Crn z "" io 1100 SIU, 51 59 -1 "Mei co,, ., • ,,1 , 1 t>a cd t1vg Gtl 15l• UV• Stlntn E I '1 -t C•<'I WO v 6 95 J60 P•kf Fund• fl & GE Ml Jll.I. 30•o JDh + v: CT! Corp 40 ' 111> 1! 1 T~'t +. '• H1v" Ab 1 )ll) ll'o lJ 1 l l \i _" par to $5 13 731 for !he Sarne 1i~ri1 P 7J ' 1•b scnon 1~ 11 '· 1' '> C•n wo~t 11 1~ 17 SI! c;rwlh 1611J 2j OJ 11!ih ,,,~~1o ino ,1,, 61 , ~l' Cud1hv co 55 17'• 1?•\ n ~ -~ H11•11 n• •7 u , 161, 1~ 'I _ " od HY11! (11 l5 > 36 Scl CDtr l'h l o dPVQh M 6611 6611 N Erl tlJ aJ B~nQPun! 60 '' lf , 11'' 111: _ 1, CuO~• p!11! l 17•1 11\.'J 111> ->1 t1KlaMnp 10 11 :ll , lOlO 31'";. , pcr1 a year ago •n0G11 2?•?J•~Scl 11>11 ~\l)S o~He Tr a 1,,11 NHor .,,,11 t4 11,ntPo!1 ?s 174,,21,,7,,. Culll<1•n 11 un ~11\l11 -~H•~: HJ 14 Hlr.t.lS•»~-·· Earnll'gs per Share ror lh lf>(I r.iud J'1 • ll S(OI ~nl 77 11 D Yid Snr J IOI l t7 Ptn Fund JO S6 10 y ··-• ?o l 14 =rJ 61\o 61''1 61 .. '• C11mtnln tob 11 ID>1 39'4 :ll'o + ', H•ll CD l IQ Hnl 26'• 16'o + , e Info toe • •1• lcoS 4"11 11 Oownl F 6 ll t 17 l'rovdnl • &J J Oii lla~'bCJ,1 7 :iar 10 ~1 51>( 51'\ -, Cu~nDr"" 7lt ,., JO't. ?t>l 1'1'\ -! • "l~llfr Int 60 '77 :111 19 1 19 'I _ '\ nine month period were 59 1,",'i"c'~I 5'• 6,!.crlpos H ~· 15 DrtiPI unavf!1 Pu•ll1n 1'219M !lat"dCtlt 15 1 Ja>o 51 1 Sl•o+ ,CutlerH110 11 31 17 31 -'l HetmfPOi I x3& II'• 17, ll'o ~· 1'1•161Scrloto ll I'• 1'1ore•IFdll74US1Putn1m f unO• Bi •IClrc 10 115,,. 154' lSl•-~•CvClol>J Ito 6 l1V. ll\\ 11•, ... •\t1elm•hP 1'0 1• 11'\ 11'• 11•~-·\ Cents a 3l per cent Increase 1,,"'1,1!_ sr,s 11 11 I'> !tarle l>I' 17':t ll'lo Ore.,.-f Lv 11 ff ll It E~ult 10 72 1117 fle!f$ 1~111 I "• t S 9~1. CYDru1M I 00 35 51 50\1 JO > + \l Hi!m 'Ill> C~o 1S 6 ~ 6 , ''' + I~ f ... lP 4 l71• ., Cmp 15 ) 16 1! e~ton&How1ro Geer• UHIJJI 81te1 MI Pll I lJ) llll 1'-'i-'• D Hemll~c 6Jo a I•• '' l\1 ro 1n ear nings pe r Share of 45 11°,11 •.w, •,~ 6~. ,,, Se<lu~~ 1 4•~ 1si. a~l•n 10 u 11 6.1 Grlh 10 1116 fl h 1 d ,J ,, , ?1 1"• --Herc I~ 1 10ll n5 JJ 31 , J2~, + ,,. f h I d I 71>, 711< Seven UA '2 4] G•wth l l ''HSI lncom 1 5 I 6t fl:~Jcti'l.b 10 •144 11) 11 \ 77 + V. 01n ll lvt r lo 51 1l 11 • 11 , -'• Hus~l"<I 1 0 11 11 > 21'• 71'\ -•o cents or I e san1c per 0 asl Int Nclr 111', 11 1. i~~D N11 40 •s 1~to"'1 , 1~ 6 n 1nv~1 l 6' 1 lll ll•xlrLib 10 230, ~10• lll , 31•~ +1 Dani ca 1 2s 19 24 • 11 . 2lh + "Hevbletn so 11 10•. 1~11 39~ _ ~, In! Svl 17 2• l~ntlCP 1•'1 9 5o'1'1 1111111? V s!& 10•11!lt 8evvkCIO SO 11 11 11 Olrt!nO XI!! 32 S(I~ 191~ lO -l '>HewPec-70 95 9''• 91 fl -l't year l"t S• pr 1! 16V. SC•I W1t J JJ,, 14'~ S•oc~ !4 71 161• V<JV•g I 31 t 1S Bea•!M I I ~ •I • 11 . •1. D .. t rno 0•1 16 S.I • Jl'> S4 • t , High V11ll19~ 75 1l'o lJ 23 McNaughlon pointed 011[ 11,"11,,'1a"" 8'• 9'111 s...NE Tel 31'\, 39 • 1ti.·~• lJ SI u 11 tl:to Tech l 01 J ~ Be•I Fd• 1 !1 Jt 11•i JI! \ + v, OavcoCp I 1• 16 7•\• 1lh 24 , ... 11 MlttonHolol I n '' , 63 \ '4''\ +1 ~ ll 1• SllU" G5 15'• 1!•, aret 11 •1 h fl Atvtr• lJ 20 I• lJ 8tckmtn 5 o 11 •9't d>,O -II'• -1 , D1•lnHv<1 .SO 71 O IOI, 41 t11tco U 203 11 • 16 15'" -•, I hat the 1969 f 1 nures include •,,'" s'~ .. 11 10 21 s .. v.c.. 1' • to>, m•<1 Sc 11s 1 51 11,,..,,,n J 53 11i II Pct Dick 10 '' 61 s• 60'1 ->-1~~ g•vtnPL 1 eo 11 n•, '5 1J11 + 11 Hnco Pl A •I 15 11•. 2J•~ lJ>.Q. -1 , ,. "" 1''' JOI, t'"' El Svc 1"-• u~. ·nergv 13 7ll 1] 70 Selem Fii '•l 175 Bff<llili• J5b '' 19 11 ~ 1S • -i~ PL Pl!I ) n tSO so 50 • ~o _,,_. H""~rt I 20 11 4)1• •?\, 42'• - results from Anthohy Schools, 1:~~~~ { ••• s • 5P•cf{v 10 • " !n1""' 1 :u ' 11 k1u111r 16 11 11 '4 BP'"' erk 1 120 11 , 11~. ,,,.., -1~ PL l'IC J 90 ''° S• ~J , s • .1. 11 Hotrnwa1 n 10 i!•• 2s 1s -'' ' "hi Ch was a C"Ull Cd by Na !om W•• 11 ' 1''~ • !d egl• 7!\• 21•, oull~ 9 61 10 'o(I Scudd-er ;unds flelco Ptl 50 6t ?I'> '1 i 11•o -1V, Detre Co 1 35 •l •? , 41•o + " Ho'/ f ltC!rn 14 11 , 10 1 101, ~ '• v 'I /l, ! 1 ,,Id Scrw lO 10'• Qui (;I'll 11111e91 Int In ... nt VAlt !lt•dnDH 6(ib S 19 lt'l 11'1 + IJi D•lmArl> l OI l! 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Grth U 1115 50 Sec Inv I 11 1.4• BfnelFln I 60 lDll 51 5! SI _ ~'o Oen~vRst 04 IS1 1?>o ~ 20 1 _,,, HO&t 1"11 JO t lJ •l Al" + >, aCQU1redOnApr11 J 1969 1C,•010t._Grn '• A'•l•ml'• 'ti 1t• Fl(I C11> 11~91!HSel« A"' 10J511,Qllf n!IF oU ~ i4G St St Jt Onholy 170t I ,1u d'~-'\H111etCo An• 31 1110 11 , 12'<i -1 ~.. •• l Ttnt•r l1lQ Fd FunO 11?11190Sel s,,ecs 16 •'179!11,nllF of•JO • "• 11 "-Ph 8''et0 Pl!I 11 511.o 51'• 51'>-1•,HOUd Incl 10 14 u. 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Jj -1 ... ,., ·~ -~ Wall Street Eases Along Broad Front NEW YORK (UPI) -The stock market eased along a wide front today 1n active trading Turnover oC around 10 million shares exceeded Friday s pace by some 2 million shares The UPI marke'lw1de indicator was o!f 0 82 pe_r· cent The Dow Jones 10dustr1at average wa s down 686 at 80544 Of the 1 573 iss ues traded 918 declined and 434 advanced Analysts sa:d the market \Vas dull and un eventful \v1th n1any investors holding back be- cause o( Vietnam and economic uncertainties Among the most active tssucs were AMK Corp Ryde System Emerson Electric Standard or Cali fomia Gulf Oil, General Motors RCA and Ame.r1 can Telephone General Motors closed oif 3/4 to 70 114 and AT&T was down 3/8 at 515/8 AM.K traded an early block of 254 600 shares at 26 oft 2 Motors and chemicals attracted selling pres sure while a n_mber of oils ranged more tha n a point lower Du Pont closed down 11/8 at 108-114 Electronics swung \Vtdely in bolh directions al though most ~int sized movers were pointing low- er t:n.~~ '°• r.n;;. fWI T1mtN IEI J' Tfl'lllY c.,.1 J ,,..,..tlCo •ll Ttcl\Mll Ill r.-Niii x Ttll4il~rw Ttl"'1' itlS SI TtlMlynt p1 4 T.,.._leln lS ,.-..w,c, I l2 Ttfll't9(: p15 .SD Tntc1 lM ~::S!.~ \1; ~:~&Lir1JO r:J,. "" 1> T1x111n1t tO TtllO IGt OS TtKI' l• ~lo<! Tuutll IN TtKlrM ffl TtXIJn ot2 °' tewt rn or •O T~ okol Cl 7homBel 1 0( Tllom lld olO thr nvo .o r .... rn ''°' T meW so TmklllllO T1~1t:1..a ~::.i~i.:ki 10 To .-!fd liO TOOllloll 0 lb Tr•M Co '° Tr1ruun l• trnWA\• •• TnW,.rP 2 Tr1nWF ,ltf T tn1mr XI& TrtnKll'I II) T 11\ICI Inv T tf'lt lon Tr1vt trl I e T l~•rsDl7 Tr Con l Sa T \C°" on so T '""?Sa TlllW Inc I Tll\V 11 • SO TllW11 •10 TllW 11IA1 ,5 TSC 1"41 ~ TSC n<I 1110 Tuc:snG£ -"' TwtnCnl .l011 x 1 ~ ' " B ~:. ~ Pnces also b3cked off on the ~er1can Stock uAl inc ' ~~ Exchange In moderate turnover ua ~~ 1 J 1~ ~I ~ .. ~ " " , .. .. " 2 .. o -1 o .. UMC nd 12 71lo + ~ Uni t 6 d S:1 t ': 8~1 ~~ ... ! ... n '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"""'"'"''"'"''""""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'''U" C• 11 dt t Co111plete Closing Prices -A1nerica11 Stock Exchange List " " ~ • " ,' , , " • ~ ' "' ' • , " "' " l ., " "' ' ·~ ' " .. . ' •• J • '"' ... '" • •• ' ' . .. ' . " ~ ' • 1• • " ' ' , ' " ~ .. •3 2• 11 1"• . , ... " " " ' . '1 IT ' .. ' " . " ,, , ' '" • ' ' ... );. ,:, ,. l~ • ' . " • • n • l ' .ii .. ' ' ll 'l ~ 'l " 2 " " ' '" r, ' " ,I "" •• • '" ii, '" l1' .. :~ '"' ' " .. " '"' ' " " " ~ " ' ' '" •• " "' ' • ,• ' • " ' •• ' " • ' " ' , • • " • "' , ' >M .. .. . .. ' • ,1 • " ' .. " • " "' " " ' ' " • ... L 1 ' •1••••:•::1c~a•&~z~:•:.•;:11~:~u•:•:~q•::~:~z~c~•~c~2~1-~2~2·•~¥~:~10~•~•~-··~c~e~.•••1~.~:·s•_•s~<~--·-~·~·-~-~.~·~·-··~,-~-····~.-·--~-··~·=--~-~--·~~,--~~·~-~~~-~~--~~-~-- ' ... J • DAILY PILOT Tutidar. Otttmbtr 2, 1%CJ ~l u-c1 N_earl_y Does It· -· ' • Suffers • LlNCOL.V. Neb. -"It \'Ill$ like Cln· fleretla battling a giant. But we had a ,creat chance to \lj\ln it ... l'n1 proud of Q(lr kids. tJ1ey really did a fine job." Speaking "'as UCI basketball coach Tim Tift following his team's 76-73 loss Lo }iebraska in Uie season opener for both f lubs ~1onday night. Down by 18 points at one time In the ~rtilncl hall, the underdog Anteaters bat· tied back to within one point with a 1n inute remaining before the taller \'cbraska team put the game away with ;i pair of free throv.•s. Guard Steve Sabins. hilling on rlnves along the baseline and an outside Played 'e111 Botla 76-73 jump shot. led the Anteat«s in acoring "'ilh 23 points. The game "'as featured by a brief fitht involving Sabins and the Cornhuskers' All-American candidate, J\.tarvin Stewart. \Vith siJ: minutes remaining and UCI trailing by six points, Sabins, on a steal, drove for the basket. According to Tift , Sabins was clubbed from behind and driven to the Hoer by Stewart. The t"·o players came up swinging . both benches emptied and some of the noo partisan fans started lo pour onto the noor befoi'e order was restored . Sle"'art \\'as then ejected from the gan1e. ~Washington's Owens Tab s SC i11 Rose Bowl Jim Owens is hardly 1vha! you'd c.:alJ a lurky guy. • ftis strife-torn U n i v r r s i I y of \\'ashington football team .... ·ent to the post JO times. Once ii c~e away a \\'in- ner. But that was in !he last contest of 1he ,season so the Huskies \\'ill be on a one-game win string 11·hen the 1970 cam- jniign gets under \Vay. And as was the case in 1969, Ov.·ens 1vill havt a tough row to hoe. His first two ga~es are with Michigan State and J\.tichigan. Later he gets USC, UCLA and Stanford. You could hardly say he.has it made. Owens took time to chat v.·ith this col- umn about the upcoming New Year's get· together in Pasadena. Since his Huskies played W.ichigan and USC-Rose Bo\YI "'"""''''"Aili<<••• ... WHITE WASH .... , .................. ~ participanls come Jan. I-we ask~ lor a lirst hand comparison. \\fJ!o does he pick to 1vin? Sutprisingly, he tabs the Trojans. That's startling since Michigan ran roughshod over Washington, 4S-7, and USC'could onl y topple the Huskies, 16-7. Here are some of his comments: "f think SC will be able to run against 1.lichigan. Overall bolh teams have aboul 1he ·same quickness but SC's defensive line pro~bly has more physical strength. Don J\1oorhead (Michigan) is an llUts\anding quarterback. 1-le's consistent in his play, accurate on the pa sses he throws and runs the offense well. "Their tailback (Glenn Dought y) can l11ver a lot of ground and that end (Jim Mandich) is a solid threat as a receiver. "\Ve moved I.he ball well against them nn tbe ground but I was highly impress- ed wjlb their secondary. It has good re. action, is extremely alert-it's as good as any we met th.is year .. "But we played a much better game against USC. It was 7-7 going into the last quarter then we fumbled twice to set up <i touchdown and field goal. "$C has proven il can win against the bestjn the country and has had to come I rom behind to do il. I don't know how 1nany times Michigan has had to come lrom behind (twice). "Both teams will be wen rested · up. And anything can happen in a Rose Bo .... ·\ Ji~. Mi chigan is as good as any of the Ra111 s Slate Ticket Sale I.OS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Rams announced ~1onday plans for the sale of u,kets to the ~alional Football League c~ 'lon.ship game Jan. 4 -if they defeat Minne!lOta for the Western Conference title. r i The Rams, JJ.O. Pacific Division winners, will-play the Vikings, 10·1. Central Division champs. in Min- 1 nesota Dec. 27 for the Western lillc. Ir the Hams v.·in. 1hev'll host the Eastern \\'inner. b11llas or Cle veland. ln Me1noriaJ Coliseu n1 for the NFL <;rn1\'ll. teams \Vashington has met in the Rose Bo\\'I. But I'll have to stick with SC." ·Regarding his Huskies for 1970, Owens says most of his offensive players return but that a number of key defenders \\'ill depart through graduation and that'!!• v.·here the major rebuilding w i l l transpire . He also mentions he'~a bit disgruntled over various comments regarding footing on U of W's syntheUc turf. "They griped 1vhen they had to come and play in the mud. So we bought the astrotur{ and now they complain about slippery fooling en il-yoti can't win." Out of proportion? How about Saddleback College being nailed for 16 penalties while i:f.eedley was called for one infractiQ_n during Saturday night's jaycee football playoff game al Santa Ana Bowl? Official Nick Varona appeared to be the principal antagonist. But he'.s apparently a highly touted official. Varona run~ an rtching business when he isn't wearing lhe black and white shirt. How e.1.area prep and jaycee grid types fared in the college ranks: 8111 Redding (OCC) is the 1tartiDg ~nter for USC::s RoR Bowl-bound Tro- JaDS. Frank Weir.ath (~larina, OCCI averag~ ed 4.8 yards per can-y fOT San Jose State. Randy Vataha (Golden Weit) was 111'.tb In Pac·I receiving whlle performin g foi- Stanford. 'tie caught 35 throws for 691 yards and fil'e touchdowns. New Look Bruins Blitz Arizona, 90-65 LOS ANGELES (AP) -The "New Look" resembles the old look In one respect for the UCLA Bruins national collegiate basketball champs 'the past t~ree seasons. The resemblance : win- ning. The "new look" means the Bruins for the first time in three years are with- out the services of All-American Le1v Alcindor. who wa s graduated to the Mil~ waukee Bucks of U1e National Basket- ball Association. . UCLA opened its title defense f>.tonday night and romped to a 90-65 viclory over the University of Arizona. Now that they have a mere 6-foot -9 center. Steve Patterson, replacing the 7-2 Alcindor. the Bruins went back to their run-and-shoot offense. The Bruins raced to a 24·9 early lead and v.·ere never threatened. Forward Sidney \Vicks scored 21 points while guard Henry Bibby hit 15 and Patterson need 12 with 18 rebound s in the UCL.\ cause. John Vallely had 12. "I'm v.•ell pleased." allo\\'ed coach John Wooden, whose le.ams \li'on 88 of 90 games in racking up the last three Na. Uonal Collegiate Athletic Association titles in the Alcindor era. ''Our strengths we.re the ones that have been fairly evident in practice ... good outside shooting and strong inside re · bounding,., Wooden sa id. "Both off the offensive and defensive backboards. UCLA i~ tremendous." la- mented Arizona coach Bruce Larson. ··( lhink they have 10 rank with <lflV club 1n the countr~« I ('an·t think 'of 3nyone \\'hos n1ore physical ... •· Defeat According to Tift, lhe fans threw ice and pennies on the floor throughout the game. "They (the fans) were breathtng <lown your neck" said Tift, adding that ''it a a tough place to plaf in." Sabins was credited by Tift as doing a "great job on Stewart" on defense, holding the high--scoring guard to just ll points. UCJ. hit 45 percent of its shots from the floor while connecting al a 'iS percent clip from the free throw line. The Anteaters will now meet the University of Colorado Wednesday night in Boulder. The highly-rated Buffaloes opened their season Monday night with an 81-58 victory Over Air Force. Colorado is defenditi.g Big Eight champion . The UCI coach abo sald that he was "somewhat disappointed in what they (the referees) allowed in physical holding and hand-checking." UC' lllYINE f1JI .. ,, " ,, ft II pl " Cu1111ln11h1m ' ' ' " J~r• ' • ' Moort: ' ' ' ' C1111t ' • , Gl'Ol'OI ' • • • Nlutn ' ' • !.1bln• • ' • " S!twlrf ' ' ' 81rnn ' ' ' " MOlltr ' ' • F1rwe11 • • ' • M1t1ln • ' ' Bein ' ' • • ~1nrlebu1y ' • ' '" ' ' ' • Whl1o • • • GrllOWP • • ' Brooiu ' • ' le111~ 16 11 24 " l01•1J 1~ 2• It Ht ll!lme 1C0tt: NtDrl~~~ "· "' lrYiM ]J Bring Bacli Zone Defense, Cries Mullaney " " • " • ' " • • ' " LOS ANG.£LES (AP) -"Bri ng back the zone defense" says coach Joe Mullaney oC the Los Angeles Lakers, who admits he practically designed a new of· fensive tactic to help achieve th.at ob- jective. "I can't see any reason why outlawing the zone makes basketball any better.·• he told the Southern California Basketball Writers meeting Monday. The zone was outlawed in the National Basketball Association this year, and rirst-year coach J\.1ullaney doesn't like it. 'fhe alternative to the zone is the man·lo- man defense. Mullaney's slrategy in recent games is to line Up four of his men on one side of the court while his speedy scoring ace Jerry West drives up the middle of the court for a score. West is regarded as tough to check in a man-to-man situation. "Last summer at the first coaches' meeUng, we went ever the rules." Mullaney said. "The commissioner said there were some changes in the zone defense rule. The only change, they said, required the defensive man to slay with his offensive man. He was not permitted to stray for mote than three seconds.'' ··1 asked them how close the defensive man had to be and they told me four lo .six feet. l told tbem . 'that means you're Jorcing me .to play a bad man lo man defense.' Atlanta coach Richie Guerin asked what l\'Ould happen if a defensil'e man peeled back into the key and guard· ed the opposing center. It was ruled that v.·ould be okay." "Then I asked what would happen U there was no center there. I got no answer." "So when we got into injury difficulties, I decided to use the rules. The league says the defense must play the offense ll.'hercver they go." Since this is true, \Vest is told to take his man one-on-one and try to score. "West is one man I don't think miiny pecple can defense man-to-man. I'm sim- ply playing within the rules ." Mullaney says "the rule should be taken oot and the rest of the season should be played without it and see if thr people mind 1.one defenses. I personally reel that with the 24-second clock. zone def ens~ won't be bad for basketba ll.·• AP Grid Poll •u• l'll·l ·l rtln•1 ' l lAI' •• ,. 1 Atktmt• .. , "' J. ,,.,.,. !olt1t l C·O "' 4 Ohio Stll1 ••• "' .s. Soutll•m Ctlllornl1 •·0-1 •• -MIUOUfl ~' •. "' "' 1. Mlci'llOtn .. m a. Loulllena S••ltl " "' •. Notre Oe,.,. 1·1·1 '" IQ. UCLA I 1.1 "' II, Auburn .. , '" 1'. T1nnn11t " '" " Ntbrf lk• " •M I• Ml11lu1ppl n • " P~nlu• .., " 14. Wt11 v1ro1~11 ••• .. 11 J1tntoro '" " " FIOr~1 "' " " l<ouslon " " • TdltdO 1n.o " 01~"' •·ec:e""~G ~·· lol~•tde, FORMER OCC STAR BILL REDDING EARNS ALL-COAST HONORABLE MENTION Broyles Finds No W eal\.11esses For Longhor11s FA YEITEVILLE. Ark. (AP) Arkansas coach Frank Broyles poured over films of the pov.·erful Texas Longhorns 111onday 1 o o k i n g for weaknesses. Find any? ··Heavens no!" he said. Broyles' second-ranked Razorbiicks 11·i\J take on the top-ranked Longhorns Satur· clay at Fayetteville with the Soulh11·esl Conference chan1pionship, a spot in the Cotton Bowl opposite Not re Dame anti <i sho1 at the national cham.pionship going lo the \\'inner. Bolh are 9-0. "\Ve know they're great:• Broyles said. "\Ve think v.·e're pretty good. Nobody is ever embarrassed ln !his one. That's for su re .·· Texas· offense, v.·hich is al'eraging 44:4 points a gan1e, is built around the triple option 11•hich Broyles says "11•ill be the rage within t11·0 years." The play begins v.•ith quarterback Ja1nes Street faking or giving to fullback Steve \Vorster. depenuing on the reaction nf the defender. Then. Street keeps or pitches to Jinl Bertelsen. "\Ve charted the play.'' said Broyles. ''\Vhcn they run it to the right and pit· ched they averaged six yards. \\'hen Street kepi 1hey al'eraged 6.5 yards and v.·hen \V orstrr gol it !hey averaged seven ya rds. -"If they just wouldn't f:.ike or hanfl to \Vorster on every play , I'd feel better ," said Broyles. Broyles says thnl many teams aban· (toned the straight T formation. \\'here three backs are lined up behind thr , quarterback. because it was difficull to get outside on a s11·eep. \Vhat makes the \Vishbone-T or Texas so devastating, said Broyles. is that it e.nables Texas ''lo get outside quicker than any team in Anterica.'' # Broyles noted that the Longhoms ahvays have a lead blocker. "On most opl.ion series. the pitch ball c11rri er is one-on-one against a defensive halfback.'' he t<m id "He 's got to make a mo~·e on h1111 in grt by. Tcxa~ has Ted l\oy ou1 there to block for Bertelsen. and l\ny Just d0(.'sn·1 n1i~~ putting his man 011 the ground ." Reclding, Vatalta Honored Former Are.a JC Stars Earn All-coast Mention T\ro former Orange Coast area junior college star!t have been given honorable nienlion recognition on the All-Pacific Coast team as selected by The Associated Press. Bill Redding. center for the Rose Bowl- bountl University of Southern Califo rnia team. and flanker Randy Valaha or Stan· ford earned honorable n1entions. Redding played at Orange Coast .College and is a center al USC. Vataha starred at Golden \Vest College as a run- ning back. Southern California's Trojans and th e UCLA Bruins <lominated the learn . Six members of the undefeated con- Garden Caught Holding Empty (Pu11cl1ing) Ba g NE\V YORK (AP) -Joe Frazier vs. Jimn1y El lis for the heavy1veight title in !\1adison Square Garden, yes? No. 1·1ic proposed bout b<!tween Frazier, rhampion of seve n stales. and World Boxing Association king Ellis has been c.:a\led off in New York -leaving l\ladison Square Garden l:olding lhc bag. ··1 learned a long lin1e ago never to an- nounce a fight until I have the signefi contracts on 1ny desk." Har ry !\·larkson. vrcsident of the Gardcn ·s boxing division. said Monday. !\larkson said the bout. schedu led ror Feb. 2. 11'011ldn 't be held because Ellis had changed his mind. Mark son said Ellis had agreed lo mcel Frazier. but apparenl\y will n1eet Gregorlo Peralta in Montevideo, L'ruguay, Dec. 20. He said that Angelo Dundee , \\'ho manages Ellis. had originally agreed la sl month to accept the Garden's offer of $150.000 aga inst 30 percent of all receipts. He said ~·razier had agree<I Lo !he same !f"nns throuph his traincr-arlviscr, Yank J)urh0n1 But in ;'11 ia1ni. Dundee dcn ircl Ille fight had ('vcr been sci. ference cham_pion USC club were -named to first team positions and five from UCLA were honored. California, Stanford, Oregon and Oregon State each landed a pair with \Vashington State and San Diego State havi ng one each. Only Washington failed to gain a first team position. Stanford's Jim Plunkett, who set three Pac-8 individual passing records, Won the quarterback first-team spot in close com- petition v.·ith Dennis Shaw of the un· defeated San Diego State Aztecs. ' This year San Diego Slate. accorded major status by the Nationil Collegiate Alh\elic Association, winds up its year in the Pasadena Bowl. 1'ickets for lhc Jan. 4 ch:irn• pionship gun1r will be pricNI al $12. sa. and $6. 1alt included . Cu1n- missioner Pett Rozelle 's office an- nounced. Season ticket holders v.'ill bf ~ giv~ the first chanct to buy seats. .-Bei~hardt on Trading Blo~k~ Of\ly u many as w~e bought for FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - racb. regular season game, the The trade winds stirred anew today -Iiams uld. with Mike Epstein. Felipe Akxl and Rick Mall orders starting w I t h Reichardr among the name players In the P,OStma:rks of 7 p.m. tonight from spcculaLive vJnguard -after a becalmed perSOns not holding season tickets opening session or Baseball's annua l 'llll then ~ fl/I~ on a fi.r"1-come. winter meetings. fli'$l'8Cr\'t basis 11•Hh a IQ..tlckct The trade ma rt was al a standstlll llmlt In all prices f.1ondav a~ club official~ fenced for ~ If the Ra m! win the \\'estern Ii-· --barga tnlng position after b re e ii n t: I tie. tickets \\'Ill bf mal led {)c(:, 28 lhrough the major league draft in 3f1 with oo refunds. lht Hams .';aid. If m.!nutes -\\'ilhout turning up so nluch as Minneaota wins. refund checks 1•dll 1 Bo Belini>ky in the h.opper. 15 deadline fbr inter-league sv.·apping. • .wd Epstein, Alou arxl Reichardt reportedly were on the block. The Washington Senat.ors, hopeful of returning slugger f'rillk }'loward from the outHeld to first base in 1970, possibly v.·ould part ~'ilh incumbt!nt first boseman Epstein, a lO·hnme run mnn in his own right last .season. in a package deal for 11 second baseman and C3lch<:r. ··,Ve've al~·ays had a hankering for Epstein," said Yanks' General ~tanager Let P.lacPhail, "but v.'e hovtn't been able to put .an)1hlng logether. Whenever \\'C tnlk trade 11•!th anybody, they want 'our No. I and 2 pltcherfi." t\lou. a topnight outfielder p1aguc<l by injuries In recent year. has bctn rnen· tloned as ci posslblt' sho\1·cnsf attraction In !he Atlanta Uraves' s1vapping bag Alll(!rican Csllfomla smith. Ltague champs, , righthande.r Andy f OV e ti.fesser- But Reichardt, the fonner $200.000 LA SC I/OOLBO Y IN NEAR-UPSET bonus baby. eppeers the Angel mo.st BRISBANE (AP) -Tom Krei.u • ..i :i- available. And the recent acquisition or year-Old Los Angeles schoolboy. gav1 hord·hitting outfielder Alex .lohnson from Australian Davl8 Ctip star Ray RurTe11 I Cincinnati n1nkes Reichardt all tl1t niorC' hnrd right in the men's singles ~nd t'~JX'ndnble, 11 the Ange.I~ can gel a ~o. 4 round or the Queens le.net Tenni~ Ch11m· or ~hiller 111 return. pionships today, but finally lost 8-6. &-:!. The Clcl'eland Indians <.~uld be <unong Kre iss h;id thrre sel 1,X>lnts in the first the .n10~1 active traders, "'ilh such a~ set. but was unable to bre11k through. Tht ' ' f---J;-1Ll<Dln...Rmll1.RLb:..1.s...pouibJ,.I ~~-..;B;iu'T.l :''r.'';r.lon-we~ ex~ted tn pick ue_ ris y ay. wifh miiSf oC1hTITTCa1n~ ~fflnager Ted \Villinms has st'rl't'd ad· 1•11:net notice 1hal lht Senators might make 8 n1ajor trade "just to Jil·cn thing~ up." The New \'ork Yankees. among olJiers, are re1fcJYlo-no usln~ss -nr- Epstein and at the right price. The HrH1·e~ arr IQOklng for pltch111g hrlp, part1l'ulnrl~ lhc .southp1nv \'ariety. The Angels are t1mong Sl'\•eral clubs who t\!tl'C r~prcssetrtn1c1't'st in Alou Tony llorloa. l\lax All'iS and 1"'1rry match \\'as plaY,Cd In temperatures up to rt)'l'l'fHl~~..,~~pmwve..,0i-l'll4w.O deice.cs. on.lhe..cen1e.r..oourl ---1~ --., ....... admitttdly seeking help befort lht Dec. til11ny tram~. Including Daltinit>re·a pll che ro;. - • .-------------------------... ----..-------................................... -~-~--~~~~ ...... _..__..___...__..... .... ...--... ·-·-...-··-·-·-··• ..... O-O•---·• --F ---·--·----- ·Yuba~et For Gaucho s By GLENN WIUTE • --, Of ltM 0.llY PUlt Sl•lt Up Marysville way you'll find good duck and pheasant hunting, 31kleiree weather at night. some dredging for gold and a first class junior college football team. It's the latter that interests Saddleback College as lbe Gau~ gird for Saturday night's state jaycee championship duel \Y:ith the Yuba College 49ers, champio111 of the Golden Conference. Yuba apparently has everything e1cept l'I large stadium to play in. Coach Cal Gower's talented forces are big, have speed in the backfield, can run and they can pass. They can also kick -evidenced by a 31-yard field goal they made in the last 80 seconds «(_ their 11).7 semifinals verdict over Hartnell last weekend. About the only thing they seem to Jack FLIGHT TO. GAME Anyone interested in taking a possible charter flight to Marysville for Saturday night's !Ute football championship,.game between Yuba College and Sadd leback is invited to attend a Wednesday night booster club meeting. . The gathering will be In Room R·l a& Saddleback and gets under way at 7:30. ts the killer instinct, according to Gower, as he explains why they've yie1ded an average--of nearly lT points per game. "We seem to play loose in the easy i::ames ••• again& Napa v.·e led l!Hl after a qu arter, then trailed at halftime, 21 -19. But we came back strong again and won, 46-31.'' Yuba has the conference back of the year -tailback Freel Riley. And it has the circuit's lineman of the ye.ar - de fensive guard Bob Aguirre. Five other 49ers Were placed on the All· Conference unit Monday, including both offensive guards. Riley is fa st -he runs 100 yards in 9.9 ·seconds. Ji e's the state's leading jaycee (small schools) ·rusher with J,535 yards and he hasn't picked up less than 100 in any one game this year. He had 118 against Hartnell and is averaging 6.7 per cany for the season. And giving Yuba an inside threat is fullback Bruce Porter, a 6-1, 225-pound dynamo who averages 4.5 yards per car· ry. Adding versatility to the 49er assault is quarterback Tom Ponciano (an all-circuit choic~ like Porter and Riley). Ponciano has thrown for over 1,000 yards 1n each of his hvo seasons as Yuba field general. lie has prime targets in Bximer Williams and Mike Hancock. Williams - an a11"°'1£erence ace -has caught 39 aerials for over fiOO-yard1, Hancock has 29 receptions for 450 yards. Yuba has a beefy offensive line, one which averages Zl5 per man. Gower ls impressed by Saddleback quarterback Tux! Graves and running back Toby Whipple. And he says the Gaucho secondary displays excellent movement and height. CIF WA TER POLO DREAM TILT LOOMS With the possibilitie.11 of a "dream game" betwe,e.n defending CIF waLtr polo champion Newport Harbor and No. 1 seeded Corona de! Mar in the making. the two Orange Coast area powers move into semifiiµl crucials tonight at Long Beach's Belmont Plaza pool. Corona del A1ar opens action at 7:30 with Freeway League cham pion FuH~r· ton and Ne.,.,·port Harbor foll ows with its showdown ~·ith Anaheim . -Newport won the Sunset League title and Anaheim finished second. T h e y split during li{!e season, Anaheim win· nlng in loop pt:l.y and ~ewport follow- ing with a non-league victory. TIED UP -~'.Iarina High's Rick Mosier <on floor) and Valencia's Bob Pulnam fighl for possessio n in first round action of the Westmi nster-Marina Rotary Invitational basketball tourney b·Jonday Seniors Pace Newport Five Against Ki11gs Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar open their prep basketball campaigns for the second straight year with head-on clashes to highlight tonight's action in the Orange Coast area. Ti poff is at 7. Newport Harbor will be featuring Its best team in several season s as the Tars present an all-senior sta rling lineup led by cent.er-forward Lee Haven, a 6-4 blue chipper. Jn all. coach Dave Waxman has £our ... returning varsity lettermen . Je£f Malinoff and Nels Tahtl will start along with Haven, whlle monogram wiMer Dave Eccles (6-4) figures to see action at center. Corona del Mar's contingent Is untested Jn varsity action. The Sea Kings of coach Tandy Gillis are composed of last year's junior varsity outfit that compiled a 16·5 overall record and finished second in the Irvine League . Corona del f\tar is led by fon11ard Dorl Killian (6-3) and Tim Conroy . a S-0 guard . Conroy was lost for the majority of last year due to a sledding accident. He's at full strength now. Corona de! Mar's attack features the slow-down ball control style, a direct con- trast to the rapid transit system employed by Newport. Last year the Sailors broke up a tense duel with a 24-10 outburst in the fourth period to wln, 62-49. Waxman says his club must force the Sea Kings out of their deliberate style of play and says il has worked on several defense11 aimed at doing just that. JtlWPO•T "" •·• Stevt ·~· ' """ k ll!lan •·• ., Stew SIU~ ' M1rk Grlo~b~ •·• •• "' H1v•n c J!!! Goelllr ••• .. N•l1 T11111 '· G SlfVf. 1-!Gllfncl•r •·• •• J!lt Mt llnort • l'm co~ro1 •• DAILY PILOT PhllD5 b1 Jllch1rcl KHhlcr ni ght . Marina 'l'on. 96-58 . breaking the scoring record set by Long Bea ch \Vil son (90) last year. The Vi kes meet Long Beach Poly \Vedne sday night in second round hostiliti es. D:)!LY PILOT 19;:, Mari1ui Eriues R ec ord ~ l'-s:~ __ Big: _Guns Unload :-.:! . ··~~ In Cage Tourney .,.; By• ROGER CARLSON by forward Steve McLendon's 21-polnt • . 01 11M1 0.111 '11•1 ua11 output along wlth the shootinc of Phll , , All the favorites \\'on with room to -----Newbol1$e..(14)~-(ll) and '·• spare in flrst round action Monday night RJchard Reid (10). • ,. in the fifth annual Westminster-Marina The Lions led by 24 after three ,· Rotary Invitational basketball tourna-quarters. , . .' ment with ho.lit Marina setting the pac;c_ All is not well at Westmimttt, , , with a tourney record ocoring mark. howe\·er. with the dlscklsure of Erle·. Coach Jim Stevens' fast-break outfit Southwick sustaining a knee injwy in, . 'raced to a 96-58 &masher over outmanned practice. , Valencia and Long Beach Poly pulled ~thv.·ick. a S-7 transfer . ft.om .·~ aw ay in the fine! period to hang a 75-1% M1raleste, was counted on _for Jird-llne . defeat on Edlson in play at Marina. duty at forv.·ard. . . Things also \\"ent according to ex-It'! not known how long the lnJury ~ill : pectatlons at Westminster where the host sideline IUm. Lions toyed \\'ith Pdagnolia . 75-~. and MARINA 00 VAL&NCIA Ull Long Beach Wilson manhandled 1968 MGsl•• '? ·~ ~ 'r, 11oarlQu•i 't ~ ~ '', cha1np ion Garden Grove, 68-46. ~i~~· ~ : ! ! ~;...~;1 ; : ~ :~'~ The result! pit Marina and Poly against cr0Mri1• o o s 1 Ec11•v•n •• , J t ·J • each other at Marina and \Vllson against ::rr': ! ~ : ,; ~~": ~ ; ~ ~ - host \\1estminster \Vednesday nlghl ln the ~'!.;i:'" ~ : ~ •: ~::.t;,;. ~ ;. ~ , j \\'lnner's bracket. a .. 1 l 1 ' 1 '"'"'°" • o J • M llllly 1212f'UIMm l ll1~ Edison 'Yt'lll meet Valencia In a battle 11!1er 1 o 1 1 J,s,,,.11 J o o • f · I l M · (7 ) T<it•lf ,.. H n " Tot•I• 20 11 31 51 or surv1va a arina p.m. • scer1 ty ctY•rt••• Tonight it'll be Huntlngton Beach M1r1... 1,,• ", ,. u -" F . V II V1 lencl• 1t 22 -JI agu.lnsl Bolsa (7) and ounta1n a ey versus \\1arren at 8:30 In tiffs at \Vestminster. The' only conlesl of the nig ht with any resemblance of a doubt l() the outcome \\'as lhe Edison-Poly clash . Coach Dave ~fohs' Edison outfit, in its firsl-<:ver varsity baskeU5all encounter, shov.·ed surprising poise and know how . Poly jun1ped off to a commanding 22-4 lead 1nidway through the first period and it appeared that it would be a runaway of the first magnitude. ' But the Chargers hung in and fought back to a 39-37 advantage at the half. It was only in the final quarter thal the .Jac krabbits of coach Will Foerster were able lo put it out of reach, breaking out of a 61--56 lead with .5:40 to go, cannlng 13 .straight points before Edison could hit the nets again. Junior John Fi.sher "'as the leading scorer ror the Chargers with 20 followed by Mike Bates (11) and Jeff Ratcliff (10). Edison ma intained Its poise de.spite an effective fast break and pressina defense by Poly. f..f:trlna's triumph seemed little more than a workout for the Vlklncs. Key to the issue came ln the second period when the Orange-'Le a g u e - repre sentatives went stone cold, scoring one point while missing 13 shots from the fi eld. Marina. meanwhile, was busy scoring J9 to end any doubts as to the final out· come at the half. By then it was 43-17. The Vikes were impressive, particular- ly since it was their first outing of the 1969-7tl campaign. Despite several turnovers, the Vikes maintained a de vastatin1 fast break of- ferue and shot with accuracy. Jn all, they hit 34 of 87 shots from the field for '°·7 percent. And the Vlkes hit 28 of 45 free lhtows in the foul pl1gued contest. Wesbnlnster's easy victory was keyed Aztecs Ready For Bowl Tiff One of the great football r ecords or modem times in collegiate football is currently being procesaed at San Diego State where the Aztecs are in preparation to continue the trend Saturday afternoon ln the 24th renev,r al of. the Pasadena Bowl. Coach Don Coryell has led hls Aztecs to 1n amazing 78-11-2 record since taking over at San Diego Slate and since the middle of 1965. the Border City gang has compi led a 45-1·1 mark. They're 10-0 for the current campaign and on to p or that, they boast the quarterback who got away from use, Dennis Sha w. &OIJON llU fl t!,,,"' 4 l 4 II S10•20 l 0 1 I ~ J 1 10 ' ~ J • 2 I S J I J I J Lt l"OLY 011 ·- ••tes FL$fter i-ttrmon Jl•!(llli Tftom.on Wrl;M 1t1yrnond l Dtl l• Eoi~ LS Poly 1111 Hiiimen Slll1r o.1i.1 $1ml)kin5 ••lltt• Sc11t M•~•.,, l ullt r ;on II 12 Tot1ls sc..-1 •r Clvart•r• 11 Jl 21 10 ,, " ,,, ,, I J J 11 1 t 1 I 1 l • 15 l 2 .<t I ' J ' If J J l I I 0 I 0, , I l 4 J · l 0 I ' ' lO IJ ll 75 ll 10-1' u 22 -75 .. , WISTMINITIJI OJI '•""'" MA•NOLIA (ft) ..""'' •, I 1 I t.1 .. , P11'5on Mel..l!\don 8rodtrld; M•nn Newtio~•• B•nt SttYWHOn ... Tettll 2 I l S 8o<'tn t l 1 21 lttchunok l5ll\JOM• l O O I Murr11 1 2 J 11 tllh•n•n 2J\6W1bll IOltKrfute I 1 I 10 TtMyton XI 1s n 1s Totai1 Sein lllr Q111rttn Wnlfnh•tter 17 16 72 IM1noll1 12 I U l • 1 " J I 1 'f, •, I 0 t 2 . ' , • 11· l • 5 ' • 1 2 t ' . 1 1 •. ,,. • 22 1 l5 )f . 20 -7S , , lt -U Saints Upset Mater Dei In Opener . ' ' ' Santa Ana'11 Chris f\lay hit a pair or_ . free throws with 17 seconds lert In the' game to earn the Saints a 49-48 victory over Maler Dei in the season b~ketball opener for both teams on the Monarchs'· court Monday night. , Mat.er Dei trailed through most ot the game. but with 1:47 left in.the contesl,. knotted the score at 44-44. s~ts· center Bllly W1liia1n1 thin hit a: 1hort jumper and May followed with •· free throw to give the winners a 47-41' edge. . But the veteran Monarchs were not . through yet as 8-5 forward Ralph Cba11·" dos countered with a short jump shot or. his own to keep his club just. ooe point back. May then put the game away .with his · t"•o clutch free throws. Tom Walker's 10• foot jwnp shot for Mater Del ck>sed the • fina l margin to 49-48. The Monarchs jumped out to a 2.0 lead; but never saw the lead again until 5:30 : left In the game when lhey went aheid, • 39·31. ·,· Taking advantage of numerous Mater' ·· Dei turnovers In the flnt quarter, Slllla'. Ana jumped out to a lM lead, befcn the':· Monarchs decided to play cat.ch-up.-~ .. Mater Dei then out.scored Santa Ana,· 11-3, to tie the game at 15-lS, but a two-- pointer by the Saint!' Ted Hoover 1ave- the \\'inners a 17-lS flrst qu'arter ad··· vantage. The two club1 battled on even terms. through most of the second and third: quarter.s with the Monarchs finally mak4 ' • Ing a ru n at Santa An a at the start of tht ·: fourth stanza . Gurney Aim in May s 300: ·Beating the Big Nanie s Shaw has thrown 39 touchdown paues tn leading his mates to a perfect reconl this year. San Diego State's final win was a 36-32 decision over Cal State (l..4ng Beach) after the latter bad led after three quarters 32-21. . He'll get his chance to 1et Into the 40s Saturday when Bost<>n Unlveralty (9-1) furnishes the opposition at l p.m. It's the. first-ever Bowl game for the Massachusetl.'l strong-boys wblle Coryell's group ls maklng its fourth post-season appearance in five year1. May took scoring honor1 for the niabl with 18 points whi le Wi lliams added ll IOI' the SaJnl.'l. Thrte Monarchs bit iB double figures with Wallier leadinc the- way wJth 14. Both Chandal and Werner Raes pumped in 11. COach J erry Tardie's club will seek lt5 fint victory or the young season Wed- nesday nlaht when it host& Saddleback at 8. Dan Gurney of Costa Me!a. the win- nlngest driver at Riverside International Raceway, takes a philsopbical view oi the Rex Mays 300 mile race Sunday af- ternoon. "You can only get around that coum "° ra·st no matter-how much faster you'd like to go," he says between trial runs. The handsome 38-year-old driver isn 't making any predictions on Sunday's race bul doesn'l hesitate to say he's as pleased ,vith the calibre of competition as he is wilh the prospect of winning first place and the $20,000 prize money. "The money's nice, of course. and. it would also be nice to gel another slrm.g of victories going. But the main thing 1s to beat the big guys, the guys with the reputation." Beating Ute "big guys" Is nnethin~ Gurney luls done with a ""1aln ,.....iar1-• ty at Riverside over the pest decade. Nol only has he beaten Mario Andreltl, A. J. Fayt. the Unser brothers and the like in the first two Rex Mays champlionshfp car races, but he also won fi ve o( the rint seven ruveni!de 500 stock car events. Gurney fctls his stlffest com petition in the 300-miltr will come from Andrettl, Al Unser and i 1ark Donohue. "Al Is an extremely talented driver and he gets better every race," Gurney says. '"At I.he same ti.me, Donohu e may be I.h t - most underrated driver In the country ." Donohue gave Gurney his biggest pu!h last year, chasing him for 35 laps before a suspension bar broke and put him out of the nee. Gurney and Donohue are con· sidered two of America·s best road course CQmpetitors and the Rex ?\lays could prove to be a ren1alch. Gurney hopes thls is the case. Ifs the kind of racing competition he likes best. "You never wait for anybody in a rat r. You go out· and get away from C\lerrone if you can. but when the top guys or r close. you 've really got somethi ng:· he adds. • Gumey's All-American Racers plant io; located in Santa Ana and he docs prac· tically all of his car testing at Riverside. During intermittent testing periods in NO\'.ember} Gurney improved his lime in his Rei: Mays enuy, at'l Olsonite Eagle, mcire than two seconds around the 2.S. mile coune. His best time was almost three Seconds under the Indy car COUl'!t! f'tCOl"d he sel last ye11r In qualifying for the race. Since he lived in Riverside during hi! higfl achoo! and college days, the natural question to asll: is whether or not he has some sort of ad vantage going ar Riverside. Dot5 the cheering. and responsive crowd act113!ly give a driver the psychok>&lcal lifl il docs lo athletes in other aports? FAST BREAK -Edison 1-l igh's John Fi sher (43 ) move s in for layup in Mond ay's action at th e fi fth annual Westminster·Marina Rotary basketball tourney. Edison Jos t its ini tial test ever, 75-62, to Lon g Beach Poly. Seen for Poly is Fred Batiste (35). occ ~ Be~omes a It's lhe ttnt appearance ol an Eut Coa,,t football team ln a post-aeuon ef~ fort in .Southf.m Callfomla 1lnce Colum· bla upset Stanford, ·7-0, in the rain New Years Day, 1935. tANTA AMA lff ) MATllt Dll 14'1 · ''"" ,, """" Cr•n4•11 4 I I e Cl!•flclol a J s , 11 "'l l •Jl6Wt ltr.er J 41 l4 w11 11mi s a l 11 McM-mlll l l a t Hoo\111' l••>ll•n '''\! Pkklrlfll t 1 4 1 H•fl'ltl•\111 I t 1 '•'" lOIJKilt'( 1 1 4 1' Ttloll It II 11 4t TINlt 1' 16 1' -Ill s.r. •r ... ....,. !9ntt M l 11 II • I) -#t M1i.r'Oll IS 0 t 16 -· S hootin g Galle r y Pircites' J(indelon A'i;eraging 43.5 Points Per Ga1ne, .Hits 66 P ercent flv CRAIG SHEFr 01 '111 0•111' Pii.1 Sl11t If Jim Klndelon spent an hour at a shooting gallery1 he would probably oome away with every ·cuple doll in the place. In two Orange Coast College basketball garhes the 11h3t(M!hooting soph~ore guard hai; poured In 87 points, hitting on 8 fantastic 66 percenl or hb: shots. \\'hen he misses , it's a surprise. Against El Can1Jno Friday night, Kindf lon clicked nn 20 of 30 st?otR fr()m the rield lo setlrc 45 111 OCC'11 127·102 .season-OfK'nlng victory. Ill! followed thot· by \)11mping in I ~ of Z'I sMI, Snturd:iy In !hf' 101.S.1 \\1in •J Vl"f GCl1den \\'est. 1\ !'K'ff<'<'I' nigh t at Lhr fret' lhrow lino (12 for 12) gave the b1ggrsl Pirate star 'I 42 poin!s Sa turday. "He fKindelon l Is a pure shooter, the guY has excellent touch" say~ OCC coach llcrb Livsey, addi ng, "I think the of· tensive movement that he is 11lciwed 1n our pattern puts him into his bast shooting position. "lie is Ye t to be pressured , so he get• his shot and he makes 68 percent of those." Livscy conlinurs. "all v.·c work on hi! pas!lng and his rirlhhll11J:. hc~\vlll become a more l'frective pla yer." The OCC cu11rh al80 h~1d pro•~ for tram cnptatn Phil Jordan ilnd gu1rtls Troy llolph, flon Love and Cary Red· tnond. · Jordan, a 6-4 l11rw;1rd, lu1 uled dowri 12 rebounds aaatn.sl El Cimino, but played wbtn lhty face H1ncock and Venturi In only half the llm\ In the Golden Wm back-lo-back doubleheadera al S..la Ano contest, he plcked off 19 rebow>dJ, el&ht CoUtae. on the off wive board. OCC claohes with Hancock TINnday at Jordan al,. shot well, conneclllll on II I and thoo meet. Veatura al 7 Friday.: of 20 sholl (!O percent) Friday nJcht and Salli.\ Ana College 1 .... V111tura Tllllrl'· hllUng 10 of 24 (42 percent) Saturday, day and Hancock Friday. Rolph was credited by Uvll)' 11 doing Haneoct thus far la: 2-0 on I.be seaaon~· a fine job o[ handJIJlg the ball. Love, I lncludinC a ..... w\n OVlf Rlvertlc:fe f'tl;t" reserve, has added a IOI. o( hustle to the day. According to IJney, Hancock hU a OCC attack when ht has betn lnatrttd In-t-7 ·centtr,--two Mi r°"'arU ind lhl. to the lineup and Redmond's pusln& has iuard• are W and 1-1. ·· been sharp. say1 Livsey. Vtntura has five lettermen b~k "I can't htlp but be pleo!W!d at lhis (including lhrte st.arlt:rt) from last lime .'' 1ays tht Pirate bou, "but we've-yttr1t-tt+-elub. Ventura flniahed aecorid"-- got ~ long way to go. u In Wt1tern Stale Conference play with a' 1·~ Plrat ts get their biqest tests of 12.f re<:ord. It opened lht: aeason with a· the you nc teason Tburlday and frlday 104-90 win over Riveraldt. ....... ~"""""""""" .. """"' ................. -...... ""'""""' ... -"" ......... ,_ ... __ ...,..,. .................................. ~,...., ...... .,,..-.....,,""'..,-.,....,~~-----;-~-.'I'. . -. . r-w;-7 .,-.:: ..----.----7 .. """; ,-; •·• '''"' ''"""~ ..... " ,, '. '. . .......... , ' . ... ~-.: "·-•. · ... ' " "•" . --" . . . (' ··~--..... I ' I. : IO DAILY PILOT Checki~g_ O_ut Coast The 1969-70 wreslling cam· the 106 pound level where assistant. Snell wrestled at ltfike Wells, a I 4. I · Pound .paign officially geU'Under way three athletes are vying~ It's Cerritos and Cal State (Long senior. Wednesday afternoon \Vhen between sophomore J 0 h n Beach). Other • varsity monogram \Veslmlnster lligh travels to winners are sophomore Jolm PaciDc ot the Citrus Belt Bandel and rreshman Mark E•t•ncia Romero, a heavyweight, Rick League in a non-league test. Bandel and JeH Allyn. Anderson, a 157-pound junior J.forris also has a coup!! of Another tough ouUit seems and Jesse Her.1andez (157, The season is highlighted by lo be tn the making at Estan-junior). tournaments at Orange Coast promising transfers. They are cia High School as coach Jim h 1 • College and Fountain Valley brothers John and J j m Warren rtadies the Eagles for p i bps e.ipects major help -Wgll SchooL --Graham-:-The formtr. ls a the-t969 wrestling campaign. from JJ?hn Rush (106) and --====eo'-'-1--·11··--1-~"-.._-=~,;;;,~~-a n-· =~Benny..Mason (123). a couple Orange as annua Y pu s senior al 136 while Jim is a . arren s squa as rusnci• of last year's juniof varsity on an all day affair that in-123.pound 1.unior. 1n ~·tie for second plac~ in tbe standouts along with freshmen eludes most or the Orange Irvine League for the past two Dan Cannavo (tl5) and Chris Coast area teams plus several Costa ~lesn rears· and . have seven rel~ Russell (98). other fine ouUits from Orange 1ng varsity letterme.1 1n-S . ked County. It's set for Jan. 17. Coach John Sweazy has a eluding the state AAU 115 an Clemente pie up one Founl.l·n Valley H1"gh has f 1 pound champion in summer transfer, Kurt Requarth f~om corps o returning ettennen action J.1assachusetl~. Requarth 15 a taken over the prestigious Fi\'e back for the 1969 season and . 168-powd seruor. Counties Invnational and will Tom Foss, a senior, leads The Tritons pet · th host me extravaganza a week the ?11ustangs figure to be the Eagles. He won the league . com e in . e later. prime contenders to the Irvine title the past two years in the Crestview League along with Fountain Valley appears to League title that has been 98 and 106-~d divisions. ~s~:i:i·v&"a8ig;;k~oothlll, be a solid bet for Irvine dominated the past two years Other varsity lettermen are El Modena is the preseason League honors but should be by Fountain Valley. j~nior Jerf Floyd (106), senior favorite. pushed for the tiUe by Costa Grant Freeland (123), ju"!or San Clemenle will compete itesa. Estancia and Corona Dave Gleason and Tom Marc Fretty (130). se:uor in tournaments at Pacifica del htar. ~toore have since graduated Mike Todd (148), junior SteVe Bolsa Grande and Corona dei The Sunset League is in a ~Jim Lowry and Jim Gilio-Snyder (157) and senior Bob Mar. total scramble. New Port Jy transferred out, but Seazy Fate (l68). • .... Harbor has won it the past still has plenty left. Up from the junior varsity But1ti11g'ton· Beach two years but appears to be a Leading the returnees are arc Doug Brant (157-pound Jllde 1lght after seve re Dave Edwards, Dick Fer· sophomore), Charles Kehler graduation losses. J .11 d R {98-pound sophomore), Greg Observers sav r.1 a r in a, ryman, ini "11 er an oger Ashley (148-pound sophomore), \Vestminster, Newport and /l'loore. Blake Free1and (130-pound Edwards (175) \Vent to the ) · · G · Huntington Beach hav~ equal sophomore and JUruor ary CIF finals last season and shots al the crown. Anaheim Ferryman (157) just missed Gailey (136). and \Vestem both figure to be making the finals. \Varren says the most much improved over last year r.tiller is considered an ex-notable improvement in the and may turn the league into a cellent potential heavyweight Eagles' attack should be in the five-way dog fi11ht. and Moore t J06J is in his third lower \\'eights. Coro11u det ~101• year. Other varsity lettermen are Corona del ?\lar High·s JOOy Deehan (14 1).. Gary King ~'testling fortunes in Irvine (115), Paul J\lanix (123), ?\1ike League action appear to be on Purcell (130) and Jerry Reilly solid footing as coach Dick ( 168). .r.torri s has IO returning varsi-Reilly \1•as listed as a 200- ty lettermen in which to build pounder in football, however. a title challenger. Sweazy said his band of Leading that group ls Doug grapp\ers figure to be much Hill iard, a 178-pound senior improved over last year when \\'ho is the 1968 Jrvine League the .r.1usta:.1gs tied for second 168-pound champion along with place "•ith Estancia and took winning that division's crown third in the league meet. in the '68 Orange Coast Those up from the junior College invitational. . varsity that figure to play hn· Other monogram \\'inners portant roles~-.<are D a I e "'ho figure to start for f\-torris \Viiliams (148). and four who are Steve Wade (98·pound are fighting it out for the sophomore), John Blanpied starting tole at 98-pounds. (115·pound sophomore), Bill Included in that quartet are Curland (123·pound junior) and Wayne Jones. Terry \VQOClard, Don h1ahon (I 3 o-p 0 u n d Harry Shigak i and ?ltike Mur- l!iOphomore). ray. Edison 1'01111taln Valley It's rather obvious that Fountain Valley's wrestling team is loaded. Coach Vern \Vagne r's Barons have seven returning varsity lettermen plus the en- tire junior varsity back for ac- tion this year. Between the two teams, they were 24--0 overall, both winning the Irvine League champia:iship with little dif· ficulty. Included in \V a g n er' s arsenal are three lr v ine- champions and two runnerups despite the presence of only three seniors in tilt turnout of SS for • varsity. jJnior varsity and frosh-soph teams. Leading the way are Mike Hollinde.1, Dan Lewis and Bob Walker. ·Also Gary Casey (136-pound sophomore), Steve Jones (141- pound junior), Mark Bear 1148-pound junior), T im 'Bandel (157-pound j11nior) and . John Casey, a 168·pound Hollinden (a senior) won the It would appear that the 136-pound title, Lev;is the 157- wrestling program at Edison pound crown and Walker was ~igh ~ basically in the same the J94-pound titlist. s1tuat10.1 that the football pro-Ted Lyddon (hea\'yweight) gram was at the start of the -and Jerry Combe (123) are the senior. year. . other seniors. Never have so many schools been inentioned as being serious candidates for the Sunset League w r e.st 1 Ing championship, and one of the prime contenders appears to be Huntington Beach. Coach Bob Rice, formerly of Morningside High, has seven returning varsity lettermen, two transfers from .W.arina and three or four other can- didates that could tum the Oilers into a formidable group. Leading the "'ay is let- terman Tom Lazano (98) along with Mike Orta (115), Larry Costa (130), Ed Loos (168 ) and Mike Feeney 1148). Also Mike Mast (157J and Tim Sloane (178). · Two excellent grapplers from Marina are John Downs and Ken Otsubo. Both are ju- niors in the 136-pourul class and figure to alternate at 136 and 141 for Huntington Beach. Steve Ambu er (118) is up from the junior varsity .and Dave Brewer is a solid can· didate in the 168 or 178-poun d division. Brewer is up from the ff'osh-soph tea m. Two others that could help the Oiler cause are Steve Pic kford (130) and Steve Duval {heavyweight). Pickford. is a sophomore transfer from Marina and Duval is up from the junior varsity . -Rice was an assistant under Del Tanner ·at Morningside The Caseys are brothers or Doug Casey, the 178 pound CIF champion of two seasons ago who is now at . the University of Washington. Tw~ varsity lellerm_en from Olhers from last season's Huntington Beach w11l form varsity juggernaut are Paul .---------- the nu~leus_ of the Chargers' La Blanc (106) and Chuck team wi th Jim Sweeney, a 1(16.. Kirchner (178). Cameron Winton and Greg Rose are looking good at 194 and heavyweight. Winton was injured last year but is ready to go. A spirited battle appears at Ftmny Cars End Season pound sophmo~e. and ~ug · The best of a solid group of Renn (1 23)_ leading the pack. jll.1ior varsity returnees are Coach V1~ce Asaro .says the Cary Davidson (13G pound Chargers will be starttng_froi:n junior), Kelly Sones (115) and scratch and the assumption is J1 arold Stirwalt (106 ). that none of t~e prospec).s are The Barons have a tough ou.~ of the novice class. schedule, opening up with a \Ve have to assume that quad ra ngu la r with ·.1one of our ':><>Ys kno\V much Westminster. Eisenhower and about \\'rcsthng ~nd as the El Modena Dec. 6. ones advance v.•e II start to specialize a little bit." says Asaro. Sa11 Cle111e11te · Some promising prospects The Tritons have a new :ire Ross Jennings (J:i7), Fred coach and (our retur.1ing Orange County lnternatlonal Dulaney, Frank lsse\hardt, \'arsity lettermen in whictr to Raceway's 1969 racing .season Bob Lynoft, Steve Joannes, build their v.TesUing team comes to a close Saturday Brent ~1 u 1 for d , Glenn v.'ith. night ""ith fwiny cars Morimoto, Bob t.1urz.i and Stan Coach Gary Phillips hrui 45 featured. Petersa..1. candidates out far the varsity 'The quickest eight qualifiers Asaro has Dennis Snell as an and junior varsity, Jed by will begin racing for a $3.2001-------------_.:_ ___ __::.:._ __ .: cash purse at 8. Qualifying begins at 2. Racing Will resume after a three·week break wilt. the grand opener in the $33,000, !970 a 11 • p r o championship series sel Sunday, Dec. 28. The four race series for top · fu el dragsters and funny cars ~; will take place Dec. 28. Jan. · 18. Feb. 22 and March 28. In Sunday's second annual : W h ee\Stand championships, • Bob Perry of Tucson drove his i Corvette ''Fugitive'' to vie--i lory. Chuck Poole of Sacra1nenlo l\ set low~lapsed time and top \ speed for the event during the final round of 12.03 seconds (115.68 n1ph). Poole lost his bid for o\•erall honors whe n his ' supercharger backrired during the second round of com- petition. NIGHTS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS '4" 4/5 9t. Turn in. For a sharp offer. High for four years 1Dd prlor cbampiomhip for the past t'A'O have only four returning varsi· and Bob Membrilla (bot.b at to th'at spellJ. five yeii.rs under yean but the major share of "ty lettermen frpm last year's 98), Frank Membrilla and Ted Tanner at Sco t ls b I u ff. athletes who helped coach Joe a.3 team and third place Vandermolen (both IOI), Mike Nebraska. · Fox's outOt to two..titlu have p1·n .. y and Cbarles Landers • fin isher in the Sunset League. Morningside woo the Sky since graduated, Leading the quartet of (bolh at 115) and JU.pounder League championship the past Gone are such standouts as monogram wirulers is David Jeff Noon. four consecutive years. Bob Curry, Kent Jtammeras, Wom ack, who pl~ctd third in Rick Masters ( 14.l), Randy Bru~ M,artin, John Dye and the CIF last year as a lSG+ Overstreet (157), Todd -'lariua Mario D Amico. pounder and Jim McNaughton, Nathanson (heavyweight ) and Marina High's Vik.in 5 a Howe,ver, Fn still has a few a fourth-place athlete ·in the 194·pounders Tiro Mack, John pear to -oo a solid conten r cru:ds....~SPetlaJlut Ule_l41--divi!ion of the·GIF-llnals-..-Suter-=-and---Bart-Erankbouse 143 pound d1v1slon where Chris Others are Robert Erb (148) round out Lhe list for the Sunset League chaql-H r t t rns H l plonship in wrestliiig with sev-0 pe .re u · · 0:iie was and John Baize (168). The Lioris picked up one en returning varsity lettermen second 111 the CIF finals last Up from Lhe' junior varsity transfer -Tim Flynn, a 136- back·from last season"s ""'· season and "".as lhe Sunset f9 help out are Gene Fenton pounderfrom FountainValley. .n... League champion. r~·~~;:~~~;;1i~;~;~;rn ond pl ace team. A coople of other outStand·l Leading the pack Is Tel'T)' ing candidates are Doog ; Wa1czyk, a junior who won the Miller (130) and Steve Lan-. league's 106 pound cham· drigan (157), both seniors. pionship. Others Who figure to play Other monogram winners major roles in the Sailors' try are Harry Harbison (J.2.1. for a third Sunset title are Jim pound senior), Bob Haun (130-Currie (106), Brad J ohnson, pound senior), Tim Jennings Tom Schick and Steve (157-pound junior). Steve Ab-Kopanslti (all at 115), Don Sl. bolt (!~pound junior). Pat • Clair (123) and John Magilavy Beasley (a ·senior at 106 or (136). 115) and Steve Eredia (a 93-Fox also has Cr a I g pound sophomore ). Rothenberger (178), Jim Cur- Coach Mike Meek, who ry (157 or 168), Bill Parker spent two years at Bakersfield (148) and· Eric Bluenke (141) High and a year at Quartz on hand. Hills High, also has a couple of The Tar outlook took a blow I candidates in camp who have when it was learned that had prior w r e s t l i n g ex-heavyweight Dan Hen1lig will 1 perience, but did not letter not be available for duty. ! last year. Herring will be graduating They are Dave Jackson. a at mid-year. junior who'll w .rest I e ' heavyweight and 194-pounder lt' e st11ai11sler Dermis Kennedy. Bo.th were standouts on the varsity foot-Westminster High has a cou- ba\I team ple of outstanding re turning1 Up, fro~ the junior varsity l7ttermen, but ~v~rall i t, to help out are Dave Kieter -figures to be a bu1ld1ng year 1106). Randy Mark (130), Ed for the ~ions. 1 Andrade (1 41 ) Greg Smart The Lions have a new coach, f 14.8' or 157) a~d Dan Buhyer Boh Cossarek, who comes to 178). Westminster after g u i d l n g Mcek's Quartz Hills team Domi!1guez High ,to five con· last season finished eighth in s~cuti~e le a g u ~1 cham- the CIF Southern Section p1onsh1ps. finals and his 194-pounder, But in numbers, the Lions Tony Kamminga, won lhe CJF title. Andy's Fun .Ask any kid. "Ask And y" Is fun. See it Saturdays lri the DAILY PILOT. Omega's Stainless Steel Seamaster watch. Waterproof with day and date, $175. Also available with 14 karafyellow gold top · and steel back. $210. From our delicious world. SLAVICK'S Jewelers Sinctl 4 911 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644· 1380 Yoor Ch•rge Account Welcome -B1nkAmerlc1rd, M1st1r Ch1rgt, -. Open Monday thru S11turdty ulatll t :30 Ne1t·port Harbor Newport Harbor's Sailors have won the Sunset League ~~~~~ GENERAL TIRE BUY3 Fiberglass Belted GTW •FULL PLIES OF NYGEN' NYLON CORD e TWfNPLY FIBERGLASS CORD BELT e THREE WHITE-RING S IDEWALL PATTERN •FAMOUS, DEEP DUAL-TREAD DESIGN General JET WHITEWALLS REGULAR $ LOW PRICE 95 . ,.,,,,. Jl1'l011 COllCll ot..,il79ttd •Dll,lll•Klll'I' Ea. h1: site ' lli.tlll• TlllAll 6.!>0-IJ lubelen. • FAMCUS DUAl J~IAD DISICM LARGER SIZES AVAILABLE SIZE PRIC[ fED. EX. TAX $19.95 $2.20 $19.95 $2.21 $20.95 $2.36 $20.95 $2.46 $21.95 $2.57 • MATCHED SET OF 4 NEW TIRES Siu COMPACT CAllS: .,,, Pr let ol Tlnl De~oct ·-Tl•• ... "'" 4 l l,..r E79-14 7.35·1( 1187.60 $41.t t '$140.70 MEDIUM CAllS: F78-14 7.75--1( F78·15 7.75·15 Sl99.00 S41.1S S149.2S 1.ARGE CAllS: G78·l.C 8.25-lt G7B·l5 8.25·15 '$164.00 s21g.oo SM.TS H78-14 I. 14 H71·15 l.ll-15 '$111.lS $a41..&0 uo.•s J78·1S 8.9!>-15 SZOll.70 sa15:-so SU.to Ln..15 'J.15-15 '214.65 $286.20 111.SS s21g.ao Slt.15 9.00.15 9.00.15 .H '"· lt. ,. fl•·'"' '$?.4t .... ... ..... la.61 ll·" ... " "· ·" Pric ed 11. shown 1t Gene,..I Tl•• 1tore1. Comptlltiwilt prlc.-d 11 Genef'll Tire de1lers dl•Pl•~lna the General 11.rn- DELCO ENERGIZER BATTERIES WILL TURN YOU ON!. Let us cheek Y''"' today! BATTERY INSPECTION • Testcellt •Inspect_. • Clean poets • lnaPect c .. AYERY GENERAL TIRE SERVICE Gu1r1nteed BRAKE REUNE OFl'!ll • Rellne .:11 tour wfl•la • Inspect brake drumt & cyllndef'1 • Clean and klbrlcate backing plale • Repack rront wheel ......... • Adjust Drakes, restore nuld . • Road last your •lltOmoble : d~:.,., '24 "'"· ··-· IOI! qv•lltr rm1. W11n1r Cll.l'nlMh, ···~· l lri!"fl ~ QUAMNTllD lw 14,000 MI LIS OI' TWO YIAM Wt fllll•nlM Ille W11111' ••••• l ll'!!na -11 .. 1111 on ,_ "' tor "" 91N'Glfled llVtlllllt Of """""" ., 1111t11, w!l lClll•1r -.... Mo Wtlllltflt PfOfll.cl Oft ll'llJ9 .... .... blMd e.t current 1tHitlt M1oM lit tl-Of ldfWl"'"fnt. WrltlM tvlr• ...tee ""*" It tit• of Nl:Mltlloo\, :..ooo .. u ... , ••• f)0.00 GENERAL TIRE SERVICE '-~-..... ~------------------------------r------• • ---~·e~~~~~ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 General 1000 Huntington 8Hch 1400 Hun!lngton lloach 1400 La9una lloach • 1705 R~-.TAL$ HoUH• Unfurnished Mesi del Mir 3105 4 BR. 2 Ba. Crpt & Drapes. $2'lS: One year lease. Call -FORESTE. VACANT OIANIOI 0 L s-o-N -LAND- NEW HOME IMMEDIA fE,.MOVE-IN 4 BDRMS 1112 BATHS 11'4 MILE FROM BEACH e Dl!ITRESS SALE e Oceal'lview home, Low down lo a.uume x1nt loan. 5 yr. ol 3 BR.1% ha. home. -,--•-=f[;{JUCe<f-fOS41~W-~~t!'K!S, __ --~ - ! • ! • • I t ' COUNTT'S LARGEST Inc. Realtors E. Bol11 Ave. .. in Weit S•nt• Ana zut llAllOA ILYD. 146-IMO Open IYHI"" tll 1:30 Live At The Beach $26,500 452 Prd!jiect this is beach Jiving at its best-2 big bedrms. plus a den-2 baths a nd 2 atrium patios-all on- ly 6 years *· Owner will carry the financing with only $2000 down- \VO\V! . 3 Bedrooms and Den $131.00 Month Total Payment ~ BDRM + FAM + RUMPUS WHAT'S THIS !! $18,500 And only 6 year:; yaung. Fan. tastic terms too! Get togeth· er $1.~ and thal's all you need! 4 good size. bedrooms -2 baths -kitchi?n with built-ins. Family + rumpus room. Beautiful, well kept, ~ lir1~ community. Where in the world CAI\ you find a bargain like thk ~love last! Dial &&5.0303. 645-0303 at Harbor ·Center 2299 Harbor Blvd ; C.M. DOYER SHORES VIEW Beautilully landscaped court- yard leadS to this magnUi- cent 'home, Bright, sunny living room with view of en. tire back bay. Den, 4 large bedroon1s, 4 spacious baths: all electric kitchen; dining room; marble fireplace. Ov- er 3200 sq, ft. $89,500, Call "for app't. john macnab (714) 642-8235 9Cn t>Over Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach and anyone can assumt!' lhe FllA Loan with an an- nual percen!age rate of 5\4 % without qualifying, In model home q:indltion with beautiful olive green deluxe cpL 2 l a rge bathrooms and a roomy living room and den. See it today at $24,5ori full II•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! price. Private Work Shop Here's Your . $22,000 Price This Y;ell localed properly is situated at 4717 E. Bolsa Ave., l mi. \\•est of llarlxlr Blvd., in the city of Santa Ana, All utilities avaiJatil('. Many toning uses possible: Convalescent home, .apart- ments, commercial, and re- lated uses. Inherilance la.'< paid on appraised value of $60.COO. Selling ptice $63,600. OWNER MOVING · Phone j.,ll-ll;ia3 Prire reduced lo S22,7Zl0 on 3 or 546-189!1 Evenlr«s Call 5'1.>8308 bdrms l~ baths close to Coo B-'e ............................. 1 """'°"e --=-=-"cc.,;,_Y.::'°='~:::'=-"=--FINEST VIEW CAUDELL REAL TY ON THE HILL Sl&.>IGO E"'e >15-331D t'1'0nt the top of JN MESA VERDE Ha1'b1ir View Hilts. BY Owner -lrg assumable Lov~ly fan1ily home G[ loan 3 Br, 21 ~ ha. din A beautiruI 4 bedroom, 3 bath f · \1·ith 3 bedrooms. 3'..ii baths rn1, an1 rn1, y,•u.lk to schls, home wiU1 a large fonnal m<><•nir1·ccnt .. ~nclcd dc11 brh, pt"inc. on I Y. $33,500. dining room in one or the -. ,~ 96S-7109 most peaceful, quiet neigh-v.·ith full bar and borhood In the area. There stone rirep\arc. 3 BR, 2 BA, tamt!y room, is parkifli for your boat or Big vicv.·-side kitchen prof deror. l !, yr old-x.lnt camper. Your youngsters $119.000 (:ond. SJ2,500. 2L3S2 Fleet ean v.·alk down the hill to Owner IA'ill I-'inance Lane, HB. Ch1T1er 646-4328 school. Be-autiful carpets and HORSES OR. UNITS drapes. All clcct.ric kitchen for the wlft', Stone fireplace adds beauty and wannth to your living roo1n, AU this and much more ror only $44.~. 546-2313 1-0e THE REAL \~ ESTATERS ' '' . ·. . '·: Vacant and Ready You can be settled in your own home for Oiristn1as. :: bedroom, 1%. baths, buil\-in kitchen, Fenced yard, 2 car garage, $17,900 and lets talk terms. 1; acrr :i Br, 2 Ba, pool, as· sun1e 6~1. ': . Owner :'131· 75.16. 1100 FANTASTIC VALUE MESA DEL MAR Large 3 bdrm 2 bath fully FIXER UPPER carpe!ed, draped, covl'red S mastrr sized bedrooms &: patio & deluxe in1e.rcom ·with THREE BATIIS come with S3&Xl dawn payment assum.! this 2,300 sq. fool tarnished 5;4 'iO loan payable Sl 7Vmo. gem! If )'OU.re. looking for pays all incl ·raxes & ins. th;1t slcrper in a $-10.000 Full price $23.500. loan b3J. TICighborhood, this TRE-a.nee U9,700. To see this J\1ENDOUS' VALUE can be beauliful value call 541).1151 yours for just $4.000 with a lferi1agc Real Estate (open SJ0,000 mortgage! SEEING I .'~~~,,~~~""""""'""' IS BEl.IEV1NG! Do it NO\V! 1;: , s20.990 HUNTINGTON BEACH Call Now 962°1353 PLACE REALTY 494-9104 RENTALS Houses Furnished Rentals to Shere 2005 \V0f.1AN w/serored income "·ill share lovely. ne1v 2 Br apt wl&ame, over 30, CJ\!. 545-8729 eVf!S !!!'!!!!!!!~ Mesi Del Mar 2105 Newport B~:.:•::<h:;_.....;1:.:2:::00 Huntington S.acn 1400 4 Bedrm. 2 ba, gardn Inc. LOVELY ·4 Br, custom built, i\10DEL }10l\1E?1 ? It sure $295 mo. lst & last mo. + 811ycrest area, lge backyd, looks like it. Absolutely SUIO dep. Vac, 15 Dec. 843 2001 Lc<!"'ard. 548--0n3 gorgeous 4 bWT11 (3 &: den) St. Clair. 54~74 rondonin1ium in a l most Newport Heights 1210 unbelievable con d It io n . Newport Beech 2200 c.o.=;;;c._;.;===--_;.;;;..: Owner transferred -priced A LITTLE for immediate sale at PRIVATE KINGDOM $26,950. Call 5-15-8424 (open \Valled patio, 3 Br. + din. + e11esl' Soulh Coast Real fwnlly + :l0x22 ft, all pur-E~latr.. pose l'OOOl. $49,000 Walker Rlty. 675-5200 Owner Transfer.red 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. Sharp 2 stol'y 3 bdrm 21,li bath, On corner lot. Carp. Dover Shores 1227 ets/drapes, all built-ins. For. ---------mat dining room, service i;flrreplaceable View-tt Bay & Mountains! Regal ;'Old \Vorld" Contcn1- porary picturesque home \v / unobstruc!cd vie1v • 1nost room~. 5,00() sq, fl. 4 Br's, 4',~ Ba + n1aids qtrs. Easy niainl. ln1n1cd occup. :Furn- ishc'd. $178,0CO. Consider trade/vac. lot. As.sume 6'i:'i~ loan. 5-18-7249 po:-ch, family roon1. Assume 6 '?~ GI Joan . prif.'C $35,900. Paul l ones Realty !1·17-12&: Eve. 8~7-8919 SACRIFICE 3 bdrm 2 ba, hti""d firs., 14 month old 2'lx36' ht"aled & filtered pool. $1 n per month pays all. The Real Estate Mart 847-8531 $24,950 J\lUSf SELL 3 lara:e BR 1% ha. dining room. Adult oc:· cupied only. Lo\11 down to present financing. Quick pos. BRASHEAR REAL TV TO\\INHOUSE: 3 BR, 2~!i BA, frplc, patio, pool, 2 t r gar, all bltns, cpls, drps. Lse $325. mo, unfum $300. Avail 1211. sn-8811 or 642-2491 - FJJl£pLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2 ba., pallo, adults. Bayside Village. Until July 1st. $200. C II 1213) 222-4300 or 673-S.ll!I. OCEAN front house. Lg 2 BR. 2 BA. Crpts, drps, yard, pntio. $T.){I. winter. <73-81188 2 BR, 1 BA. t1 blck rron1 bay &:. beach. $160 + utiL \Vinter rental to J uly 1. 61;>-2539 22SO CUTE 1 Bdr separate house. Yrly. Adlti;. No Pets. $150 mo. Call -673-1953 RENTALS H,9.ur• Unfurnlshad Gener ii 3000 Newport 8e1ch 3200 ·-"'--= TOWNHOUSE l e8nn1., 2\.1-balhi. Adults only. t'acts pool, sm ~lo. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. 001 Dover' Dr .. NB Suite 12' 645-2000 Eves, 541-6966 FINER RENTALS Bayl.ront 3 & den. Pier, float. Immac. SI~ month. Magnlficen! 4 bdnn., 4 bath \'\C\Y home. $1,000 n10. ~ Joh n Mf,cnab 642-8235 \VATEifrRONT Lux. Apt on the Penin. New 2 bdr., 2 ba., pool. Lse. adults. Boat 1;.lip.s avaiL Ca.Jibe Balboa, 10 Fern a ndo Rd., ITI4) 673-JOOl. WI NTER RENTAL . 'TU June -The Bluffs. 3 Br, den, crpts, drps. frpl, 2 p.aUoa, pools. 675-4497 or ~9 3 BR horne, Bal Pt. yi;ly $300. 3 BR apt, Ne111. Sh. yr. ly $235. Frank J\1arshall JU 1.Y 67H600 CH.DICE Of 3 lovely 3 Bdrm homes nr. ocean, $j?SO-$Z15 yrly. Caywood R l 1"'¥. 548-1290 CHARJ.11NG, pool, 3 Br. ~ m1. 2323 East Illu.lt Dr. * 675-6044 * Ne~port Heights 3210 JMMAC 3 BR. 2 BA, frplc. New .hld pool, Nr. school.a. $280, 12131 421-1634 Corona del Mer 3250 University Park 1237 LOW PRICE LUXURY Ipimac. 3 + fam. f.iarqueUc model on greenbelt by adult pool. Lo111 dO\\'n, 1''.P. $38,500 [-\l'Ol'lh it! •red hill 847-8507 431-3769 968-1178 Free Rental Serv;ca 3 BR f , am. rm, din, USO mo BY Chvncr • Assume 51A for example: • ~ BR, 2 BA, 2 story sm Loan. 3 Br. dr.n, ll'l:'. fam. Beaut1ru..1 :\ bednli., 2 bath 2 BR, den, frplc. $200 Doll House in ~xcellent Costa J\lcsa. 3 Nice sized bedrooms and a house full of rresh carpet. Oversized lot IVith BIG, BIG l.f ic 30 WORKSHOP for Dad! Towering lrets oU hUge custom CO\'Cred patio! $1,250 OOWN "for any buyer or NO DOWN VETS! WE SELL A HOME . OLDER 2 BR hou:;c, 2 car EVERY 31 MINUTES &:~· .Lrg lo_t -suitable for REALTY buildmg. 54.HiOQl u rni.. f1·placc. 2 ba. Island home wilh heated 11nd f\1-:\BR. 3 BA I..u:<wy apt SJ25 kitchen, bit-ins, 2 pantrys, tcrf'd pool in l\.1e$a Verde, University Rf'alty 673-6510 Boal gate, Covered palios. it has .huill·ins, lh•rplac,-, E.xceptional 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Home located fn . best Costa Mesa· area. D@luxe shag 'carpet:mg throughout, richly paneled in walnut, big covered patkl with professional landlcapin.g, w a t er I a 11 W I k & L · niv. Park Center. l rvinl) a er ee Mesa Verda 1110 =::c'::"::"::"::''::'m::'::"':::'::""'::'°= EZ care landscaping. Close forro:I air heating. \Ve have· EXTRA~~'·. 2 Br. house.1}1 lo all schools, shoppng, bch. mo1'C. Ba., lgc, hv. rm., formal WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee and garden Jighll'i. All 7190 Harbor Blvd. al Adams built in kitchen, forced a ir 110ii54iiii5-iilllS5ii"iiii0..,;;i;;oiiii'liiilii9iiPii>iit., ~ta~ It's one of a kind at I ! 12<.m NICE 2 BDRM HOME Sparkling Chateau onJy 2 years old. 111is home is a housewife's dream, beautifully ap- point~ island, t 11 e d kitchen all rooms are overs:ized ... 2000 sq. ft. In all, ... A~ ?i.t:aster Bedroom suite fit for a King and Queen, e.xpel\liive Palos Verde s1one fireplace, Very \veU built older home-in Newport l;leighls area, Built • in g'a s kitchen. service' porch area, near all ·schools. $29,500. J&rr.,. COATS ~WA~CI REALTORS 546-4141- (0f*I Evenings) Colesworthy ,&. Co. ''Agent''·"For A·\Visc Bu_y" oo-n11 Beautiful Bayshore FOR LEASE Lovrly 2 lx.lnn hQme in Bay. shores. Ne\11port Beach hOmc features FA heat, nice con. temporary charm, I a r g e master lx.lnn, fireplace Jn L/R, lmmed. occuQ;ancy. Lease thru June 15, 1970. call no'v for further infor- m8lion. heavy shake roof. IJ you II========~ ":ant a real exeeutive PAUL•WBI'l'E home. nu. I• 11. BALBOA ISLAND CARNAHAN 2 lxlrms & den in a terrific j Jt.JlALTT co. WHY RENT? locatioo. J<!!;.'l><>"''" from ~ CJi!. <~544() South Bay Front. BiCJ[ y -- -• -"£""'" $12~~d=nth ~~,;oo~ :~'."~~:. .,'f"1'1 Everything Barrett Realty ~ 5 BR o~p:~::,e Split Jt'1 a 3 bedroom home In 1 1605 W"tcliH l>'e, NB ~.. '"t ' h • g <Pl" 2 C.OSta Mesa, there's no frplcs, \1•ct bar, rumpus qualifying to assume the 642-5200 rm & a huge bark yard. 219o Harbor Blvd. at Adams 5-i5-!»91 Open 'Iii 9 PM 4 BR, 2 BA, fm rn1, exec oiiiiiii,ii;iiiii;ii .... ;;;i;iiii .... I home. B!tns, good cond. Pvt \\'aUed frnt palio, lge htd GREAT VIEW swi1n poo1 ,111s1tde & div LUSK brd. Prof landscpni;:, lo lfarbor \1icw Hills, ' BR. 2l::m::'::'"::t.::l::U0:.9::50::e::54::0-=75::73=::: Ba., 3 cur gar. Combo kil- Ja.tp. rm. Landsc:apiJli: prof. College Park 1115 done. "Sparkling" clean. S:>9.000 Open Daily 10-S PM Al Fink LG. 4 bdrm 2 ba. Assumable , low int loan. 2339 · Colgate •a:.i:,.a __ ._ __ Dr. For inrorn1ation call. ..__..PERRON RLT).' 642-lm Coldwell, Banker & Co. Nawport Beach 1200 550 Newport Cen!ar Dr. BLOOD Newport 8each1 Calif. 83:1-0100 644-2430 SWEAT TEARS -$2,650 DOWN for a lift'!ime at good family Have gone into this cha1".71 ing Jivi ng, Tlir!y ihtmaculate ;i & unusual Newport llc~g!1ls Bed1wn1 with large FAM-home, 3 bro~ms, dining lLY H.001\1 and 2 baths. N>?m, ('XC:llcnt 111 every _cJc-TRE~1ENDOUS storage clos. tail .. S32,9j0 good financing els and LARGE PANTRY. availablr. Complete \11ith FIREPLACE, 646-7171 carpeting and drapes. }landy to EXCELI..ENT SCJloot and shopping. All for $26,500 \VITI[ 10% down! ~-Oe THE REAL ~ESTATERS t ,., '"' • ' • WE $ELL A HOME' _. EVERY 31 MINUTES Mouern Duplexes W I k & L On The P1ninsul1 a er ee 2 BR, rittplooe, <od=d gar. age. each uni!. Near beach. Only $~.950. 2043 \\11.'stcliU Dr. 6 16-7711 On Btlboa Island existing VA Loan with an II=========;: S73,500. annual percentage rat.e 0111 3 BR lower + 4 BR upper, elcc bllns, fh't'plaC'C . $85.000 1220 Dolphin Terr, CdM Riddle & Ross 675-7225 ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii:iiii~!Formal dining room, 3 BRs STEPS TO OCEAN 6%. Full price is $21,SJO - Best Buy Around! Can You Answer This Golfers-Take Note! \\1c have new listlngs of se\'- eral large Custom • Built homes along the fa.il"\o,•ays of beautiful Me58. Verde Country Oub, Up to 3650 s<r rt &: 6 bdrms. r11.1 now for further .details. OPEN DAILY 1·5 ~ Pools-Pools.-Poolsl 2 baths, huge li~ room Likt" IK'W 4 Br. 21,i ba!hs; Question! 546·5110 (Illar tin ... "*'111) LLEGE REALTY ~ Adami at H.:ilbor,tM. If Interest rates are high and money for housing ls hard to get,. how can you, as a buyer, obtaln a loan of over 90'>0 of • r.iarket II"""""~'"'~'"'""""" Valut!' at a rate of 87o per $26, 950 year, 1U% le~ than S Bedrm + Pool you've been pa.ying on l bath!!, full dining l'OOm . your car every year. If ruch wood paneling -hand- you're a Veteran and you 90me breakfast bar. Real can 1et a JOO% Joan at 7~% and llOt put one f.a.mily living in an &rro of de do ll _.,., most convenitnCf'. 540-1720. ime wn. you .. -. TARBELL 2955 H.arbor answer lhil question (and you can"l) then you must A Private Glimpse agf'Ce that now is Uie tlme Into this t!'Xciting world nf to buy. the most exclusivt" resident. Mesa Verde Lease Option la' !lectlon on ~ Bliek Bay in DoVf!r Shores. 3 brand OC\11 models. ' bdnns, 3~i baths. Sparkling pool. Roy J. Ward 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-15j(J QUIET STREET 4 + family room with GI 1vlth fireplace + family bllns, Street-to -stret?l lot. loan of $22.200 at $191 incl. room ovt!rlooking large pa-Room for boat. Only $3.1.SOO, all • or lovely Mt>sa Verde tlo. 2500 sq ft Jiving area, CAYWOOD REAL rY 3 + family • dining rooms-6300 W. Coast Hwy. NB Can1bridge Series. e 548-1290 e' Lachenmyer 546·5880 ''*" cinerN theetrt) LEGE REALTY !500-•-,ell $38,500 5 Bedrm + 3 Baths Full dining !'OOm for those holiday banque~. 2 fire· place. Pool sized gmunds. Prime • prestige location. 540-1720. TARBELL 2955 Harbor Mesa Del Mar 5 bdrn1!', l ba!hs. dlnini; room. Walking dist1tncc from Kindergarten --Coli('gc. $38,50lt Wells-McC1rdle, R~trs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.i'.t. 548-7729 644-0684 eves. Realtor SANTA ANA HEIGHTS $23,90) ('XC'rl {('rtnS. 3 BR, lxf\o,'/I fll'l!, eptd. trplc, patio, bit-In R&O, Lg cor. lot. • • • • 133."" 962 or.r.., din rm., !pl. Pri11. 30 x 30' Corona del Mar 1250 · • ""· -oJVJ. 1 e enc . palio. $275 mo. )'rly Do You T"'INK 4 BDRl\.I, l~f. Dalh, 2 yrs old. Scenic Properties 615-5126. n Bltn~. frplc, pa!io. Nr achls YOUR FAMILY & shop'g center. Assunie 3 BR. 2 ba. home With 6% GI loan. Call 0,vner. ORANGE COUNTY 'S outstanding view of bay, le IS IMPORT.AflT? 847-111124 2629 .J-t:~oEiTBLVD. ""'~~ v. Franklio, ru 1r BY O\\'NER, transr.. n1ust S46-a640 673-zm WE DO Y-ll 3 BR +den, 2 ba, frplc, hltns, 1v/111 crptg, s~~ GT OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 2 BR, 2 BA. Electric Kit- That I.!!: why v.·e olfer you not l 125 ~ BJl uo .. ~ <!hen. Gar, Vw or Oct!'an & Onr, bu1 6-bea-Utiful, luxur. oan. ·""" · .-o<IUJ. LARGE llamil Y home Bay .. Adlts, .no .pets. S300 )nus homes in the exclusive 4 BOR, 2\.1, Ba, kitchen • Baycresl. 4 bdrm, fam. rm, Lse yrly. Call -613-195.1, Bluffs for you""! your ram-fan1 . Lrg den w/bar, 2250 dining rm, den & pool. Avail ft • G ' G 642-5200 2 BR, sundeck, n)ce patio, ily. 2 to 4 bcd1'00n1s, some llq · nssumc 'io I. By l;-c==.,.-~~-~= with view, all wiU1 swim-Owner. 962-a923 or 546-m O. LARGE 2 story 3 or 4 BR.! f~.;r· $2l.O m on thly. ming pool, putting srecn, llx2I' rumpus room, bit-ins, greenbelts, clubhouse, ten ... Fountein V1ll1y 1410 newly decorated, $270/mo. 2 BR.,11,~ BA dplx. Pri bch. nis club, and many more Ge l. RESALE 4 Bdrm., 2 bae, 557-1&18 540.1151 View, lrplc. Adults, no pets. $22.'l mo. 646-2290 ex!ras. Priced from $41 ,500 room tor !railer and/or $225. l Br, 2 Ba, bltns. Frplc. to S53,SOO. Call Us no111 whilr boat. beautiful yards, close Children \l.'t!lcome, Bl u e $250 mo. 2 BR, frplc, bltna. ""e slill have an outs tanding to schools, $7,000 down, Beacon 645--0111 Newly decorated. Walk lo selection. 6}l'iio loan. 839-6081, 11882 Sl!iO. 2 Br townhse, 2 Ba. beach&: town. 675-7.wl 673-8550 \Vlsteria F .V. Pool. Teen &: pct OK. Blue DUPLEX · ml sq. ft. 4 BR. "Better Than New" LARGE 5 BDRM Caqicted, drapes, fenced. PM"stlgc area. HAFFDAL REAL TY . Beacon 645--0U l 211 BA, blofs: frplc. Gar. S1nt1 An• Hgts. 1630 $l4b 1 Br Cottage. Stove & $325 mo/lse. 540.-7j73 ~~ ACRE. 2 Br., frplace. heated pool, rm for horses. $33,500. Owner. 545-6948. Lagun• Be1ch 1705 BEAUTIFUL BEACH HOME refrig. New cpts. Ava il now. Blue Beacon 645--0111 $180. 3 Br. Big bencd yd. Children, pets OK. Avail 12-1. Bier. 534--G980 $325. Lea!!e 5 BR, 3 BA, \iv rm, din nn, elec kit. 2600 11q ft. 54&-1713 Lido Isle 3351 WRITER'S hideaway :ii Br for lease or sale. 213: 845-f.628 or 845-9173 ='==='="=~='"'=·=== in lovely Laguna rondo. com-munity; fronting <1n magnil-RENTALS • Huntington Be1ch 3400 LEASE $275 per mo. 2 story 3 BR. 2% BA, Shorectts! tract, H.B. Call M&-4905 aft 6 or wknds. Linda Isle 1306 16 Linda Isle Drive Exquisitely dC'COr. 5 BR, 5 Bl. llC\\/ home \•.'/ upslah'S vit\\' of Corona del Mar hills. 3 frp\es & BBQ,J:antllcvcr. a: patio deck. Dock. $145,000 Linda Isle Development Bill Grundy 675-3210 LidO Isle 107 VIA EBOLI 4000 SQ. FT. 1351 4 RR. 3~ BA, 3 car garRge. Crpts, drps. unusual fea 1u.r- e1. Built 1967. Owner C. R. Gangl. 2Ll I 244-3101; eveg 213 I '2-16-0700. Open. Huntington Beach 1400 $22,000 4 BEDROOM "VACANT" $1.JO per month includes all on e:risting loan anyooe can assume without quaUfying! Featuring 4 huge bedrooms. 2 lux1niou~ ba.th.<1. Charming "Queens" kitchen. Great liv- ini;: room with rich paneling:. Ankl<' deep carpr.Ung. F.x· ttOt'nt cul-de•$"\C. \VUI &ell f'HA and VA. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee lc<!nl heated pool, 100 steps from p1iv, bch .. tennis els. etc. Comp. '<lttracllve !urn. include \l.'/w carpt'g, drps., kgsz master bed: location rlccor. 2 DRs, 2 BAs, sep. 111., din. rms: laun. with w/d, stcrr., 2-car gar. lo"'·er lev· el. See to appreciate. Shown by owner. call !or app'L 499-21j2 or 837-0791. • e HANDYMAN'S Special! 4 Income units 120 yds. to beach. Patios, decks w/ocean view. Nds. paint, etc. Should gross· $9,000 yr, Pr. $69,900. Consider tradt 5. i\flSSION REALTY 494-0:731 Houses Unfurt1i1hed 3100 /2 BDR~I house. l or 2 children OK. Fenced )'ard * CCYM'AGE 1 Bdr. Stove, $80 mo. 847-3833. refrig. Util pd. U40. No 4 LARGE BR. 2 BA, frp\c, Pets. 54~294. 557-8400. new cpts & tlrps, dbl gar. 3 BR, frplc, cpts, drps, 2 car fencd back yd. $2.'iO. 962-8004 garagl!, $200 mo. No pets. FOR lease immac 4 BR. :ii ,.."'-"'=~lc-3'_,,....,,_=·;.,,.__,-· I BA.· $195 mo. 3 BR &: den, 1%·ba, crpl~. +968-7448 *. 3410 drps. trpl, blt-inl, clean. No. .;cC,'.M'".;,1215:::,::mo.:::.:'4::'-:.'::153=· ::,·--,-·I Fount•in V1l11y HOUSE l n court. Crpts, 3 BR. 1%. BA, lge bonus rm. drp1, carport 976-B West Child's playhouse In rear. ~l7"1h~SIO-e .:"°':::.:la:.M=,'"=c.,,---1 Side yard for boat or ! Well GIVE Now -and later landscaped. Close to IChool. UNITED FUND ~7100 af! 5. 2000Genaral 2000 S©"\\c!UlA-LG$2rS9 • Tlte Punle with · tlte Built-In CltucUe 0 Rtorron;e letters of the fOUf' 1t1ombled words be-low to forll'I lour Jimpi. word&. ISEKNIC, I' I . I I I' . . Beautiful 3 btdrooni, 2 bath home with sparkl- ing heat.r.d arid tllterl!d pool, built-Ins kitchen, cozy brick fireplace. Won't Jut.. Call ~. $300 per month lnclud· ing pool aervlce. 3 BR, J "'-ba. 27 fl, llv. rm. Cpt1, drps, bHns. tee lot, cov. bo&t storage, $27,200. CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS $24 950 4 Bl\ 2 ba. nr \Ve11:1c11rr 7fl82 Edingt'T' • • ....... 127.900. Cptd, 4 a.drm + Family Rm. gcreened patio, sep. bloc:k BY owner, 4 BR. 3 Bl, fam S-tl-4465 Open 'tU 9 Prit 615-1662 557-Ev<. 3J36 'E, Coast Hwy., QIM Pleuing home with mod('rn llouk \l.'0!'1Wlop, awam nn. din rm, CUS bit. End of • $11,lOO built in kitchen. Covered 1''lnning child's tttc house cul-Oe·5aC. 363 Villa Ba.ya 4 bdrms 2 bath.~. 6tbr!OO' fcnc- 3 BR 2 bath bomc, comer .. A "'-·--.. A I I e e e e c•ii1,_..,;.;;;;;':,· ==-=-=~"'I ed lot, electric bull! • ln1, OIANAI Jot 130x180 • ttdd 5 men pduv. vwm:IY•~lps w th 1 n. ;;; RECLO w unl Orl e J"' San ~ulS)in~. 5'0-1720. , f . K1nga~rd Rt!'AI Esta\j? t'O SURE: 3 BR, 21~ range', <1vrn. FA heAI, dou. •COUNTY'S ts. ve by '"J ta TARBELL 2955 Herbor MT 2-2'122 DA. TownhOU!lt". fl"J)lc, pool. bl~ R:lll'Rgr V.'ith RCC\f&' to LAIGIST Ari• Ave. then cnu OCEANFRONT l ---5=2=8co--,5c.0-0~--Needs N!int. $27.500. . kltcticn. 1nndscape<1, $.1800 Dania ltealfi• Liat.'IOn CO. 64&-0732 movt!' In • no rJo:iing cost • lo II.YD :11 5 BEDROOMS S Bedrm.+ F1mily rm. URGENTLY ....,,, 2-<I ''"'e'·e, pa,yments ki&s than ~nt. Jizt HAR A • 6'2"60 ldHI Location "'v ~ MMO 2 halh!I, dtn for relaxinR. iM'arh arta. 11-..~ buytrs! M \VANT To buy duplex <1r $54,000 Elt"ctttc kitchC'n, new dish. 642.-2752 Anytime, Dkr. 0 ........ small bousc in &-CM area. Geot9e WllllamlOn washer. El(g:Ult firrf>!•~-ji----~-~~;;;""";:~;· :;;;;;;;;;;;;II Pri~ipals only, 675-0617 or REALTOR Room for boal. SID-1720. TltE SUN NEVER SETS on ·fm;t~ -'Jl.4UO-EYN.-6U:.tS64 TAR.BE.LL.295.5..H.ar.bor_ AILX PILO'.tJ:YMII S! GIVE the "'United Way" • SCRAM0 Lm ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8800 - .. ........ "'""""""'"""""""'"'"""" .. """" .. ""'"""'""~""""'""""""'""""""""""'"''""~ ... ~":"~ ................... ~.~ ... ~.,.. ..... ...,~ ..... .-~~-,..,,_:-~-c-~r--,. . ~~~~~~ -;---•• . ... ... ... ... ....... ~ .. ,.,,, ................ ,\ ..... ,1.......... ·-······· .~.. ., •, ~---:'....-.-.~ -,, ,,,..., ,.,, ...... , . -: .. ........... ..--..-• l -- c • i<cNTALS RENTALS RENTALS lt.INT~LS HouMs Unfvml11Md Apt .. P:umlshod AplL Unlurnbhod Apia. Unfvrnlallaod AplL Unlurnlahad Santa All• 3610 Naw(>!rl llHch 4200 Nini• Ana '5620S1nta Anr' 5420 Hunt1"91.., ... ch ~ 'BR, 2 cblldren OK .No .... SJ~N~G~LE~A~d~ul; .. ";:~; •• ;..~,~.1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~~ ... u;;:~;r12~elloMR~MS~.::.~2~BA~TH~ !!.~M~-r at mo Ca-~:::,:'·;~':i,.;.:thand""';';:r. coco PALMS & SANDALWOOD APTS. plete privacy. SOUTJ·l BAY D.a.ie 1 story G•d• A,.rtmffh $150/Mo. JIEATED POOL tried, cpVdrpa, Kids OK DELAWARE SI'UDfO Apts. 2620 Delaware, H.B. &.._un11 le1ch 370S CLUB API'S. Irvtnc atl6Ut, For Distinctive Ten•nt• in Tu5tin Ar•• -""---------Ne~'P»<'n"'41 ~n~ n="" Fin•st in Or•ng• Count11 ELEGANT Ocean V w. _...._.... ' Hom" LI<'. or Option, 132; ~~~--~~-1 I, 2 l l BEDROOMS ADULTS ONLY 612-2221 anytime 5.16-1816 Bcti 1 BR lnuna.c.-pati~lose to a POOL • PAT JO a mo. 3 bdr. Laguna . bch. 1 single man or m&rT • SOUNDPROOF • AIR CONDITIONED 2 BR °'"·Jy decorated. Days. l.1lr2970, eves. crt N~ chlld./pets. S14D nio • FIREPLACES BUILT.INS Refria &. blt-ins, epll/drp11, -194""'390 vrly-uttl pd. 9 • 12 11..m. ol!J¥ • ocean vie1v. S 15 5 / p e r L.A.RGE, newly rede<.. l-Br. 642-3656 . e CARPETS e DRAPES month. Adults preferred. duplH". Ocean view. Adults, s1;i0 1 BR furn 11.pl. Q•pts, N.••r 17th & Tu.tin. Clo•• to shor.pin9 Tradewinds Realty M7...&JII no peU. $11a mo. yearjy. rlf'llS, bltnL .fool. _1525 210 I Po ndtr:o1t ..:..:.... -Mgr, Ap • 2.L;. 1. BR Medallion Condo. Qll· PLACE REALTY-~9704 J>JBt't'ntia -1nr,--refrtg, -\\'Shr,-tlryr, LGE. 5 BR. 3 ha. To ~~B~,,~, -~N~---u~ l. 4 . I Palk>, pool, Quiel i130. 1 argc. car ocean. """ U\'>o reapons,ible family. Rent or .,,.........,.., leaae. Upstairs. $150 Yrly. UW pd. Gerter1I 5000 Cotta Men 5100 l\tOO 2 bdr's All X"--=~SU~oo~oc~k~.~61~~~~;;;~ 1·;;;:::;:::::::;;:=:=;::;::;;;;; "~ .\tr. Forney. Bk1'. 5<10-3862 -::: LARCE 2 BR. crpts, dri>S, Some w/pool. S135..$14J mo. VENDOME c:irport & pool. }{ids ok. Kids OK. Furn. avail. 4250 Condominium 3950 Coron• d1I M•r ===='---'.! Bdr. 2 Ba. Pool. bit-ins, STIIDIO APT nr Cocalhl. dSllS L\1f\tACULATE AP'l'S! cr pt!i & drps . .$2.00 a mo.-mo includes util. ays ADULT k FAMILY Call · 646-968.1. Agent. !Hz.4210, eves ~5-2.183 SECTIONS AVAILABLE RENTALS St~ Spacious furn. sgl Jrplc. Clos e to 1hoppln9, Park privacy, so of h\\'Y· No pcl.!i, • Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba Apt1. !=urni1hed busine11s1nan. 6Ta-4859 * 2 Bedrooms 4000 * Swim Pool, Put/green General Bilbo• 4300 * Frpl, lndlv/lndry fac'ls LOVE Ly APTS. 1145 Anohaim Ave. \'ery JotV v.·kly rates, Ideal A Great Bal' Vie11'. 1 Br. COSTA MESA 612-2824 for silliles or manied cpl. Apt. al 222 10th S '·I'"!!!!'"''"''"''"''"''"''"'""' Comp! linens. laundromat, .Balboa. \\'int".r • J!1"e 15lh. $115. 2 Br. Redec. Lov.<er. TV, htd. pool, steps to beach. $l60. Incl. util. 67...-20l2 or Patio, 1r/v.·, drps. Family Ph. anytime 494-94.36 La· 633-8.580 1velcome, Avail 12-1. Bkr. guna. CLEAN Bachelor Apls. 5.3~ The GORGEOUS New All util incl $8WJp S~J02S'.-;;2-a~,~.-,to,,.-v.-,-c-rp~1'--,& VAL D'ISERE 315 E. Balboa B!W. -d»•· ChHd & pet OK. Bluo BALBOA 673-9M;;i Beacon &15-0111 Sin;le-1 br-2 br. Furn.-unf. Sauna, Aet'y Rm, Billiards Lido Isle 435'1 1--------- Therapy & 45· pool, BBQ~ BAYFRONT }{omc -1 Room1;c;0;';'•;;;;M;;;';a;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;5;1~0;;,0 2C:J Parsons Rd, 6-l2-86i0 --Choitt Apt, Attract. Furn. HOLIDAY PLAZA &p. Entr. VI\'. No pets. MERRIMAC WOODS DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdrm Util. Incl. $175 per mo. Call .lust con1plcled, 1 Or 2 BR, 2 Furn npt $IL plus util. _ 673.3000 BA \1ith · air con<l. l..'Om· Hfatt'd pool. an1ple parking ----------1 pletely 11oun<lproofcd, sell i'-:o children • no pets. ----------1 cleaning ovens. .....OOcl ccil· 1965 Pomona. C.J\I. Huntington 811ch 4400 ings. aishwashers, 1 u s h SIIO. UtU pd . .,Jiachelor apt. landscaping 'vith streams & :rl14' College, Apt No. 2.1 ,.."""="'~'~'==-~~--fi4&..7095 NE\V QUIET 1 BR, nr ocean. BRAND Ne w 1 & 2 BR . $125 prl deck or patio. \V/\V cpl&, all bhns incl. Sh1gles & cpls only, 20214tb. i>eU cleaning oven. Patios, 536-1319, 673-1784 garage!!. Adults. &l.5-2108. $125 PER month Uni. 2 377 \V. \Vilson. bdrm. Apl., s tove, carpets & NE\\1LY decor. 4 BR, 2 BA. drapes. 1st & last month's huilt·ins, dshwhr, c:rpts, rent required. 536-1963 clrps, patio, dbl gar, pool. NICE 2 & 3 b(lr!;. Crpted & NO PETS. call 830-4976 drpcd. Nv.•ly decor. 3 blks ATI'RAC'TIV&clean 2 BR lrom bch. 3 bdr w/dbl at· crpl!, drp!I, bltns, C'arport: tached gar & frplace, 536-1711 Adul!s, no pets. $13 5 . 1 BR, 4 bl ks to beach. 5'18-6769 College students ok. $100. 1028 El Camino Drive . mo. l st &. last reqd. 962-I961 Deluxe 3 BR, 2 BA apt Drps. 2 Br, 1 Ba. Crpts, Drps. \V/1Y cpts. 548-3481 or Bit-ins Nr. Sch. $135 mo. 540-0154 Call 842-4035 2 BR, l~i Da. crpt'd, drp'd & 2 & 3 BDtt!\IS. 2 BA, pvt. bl!n!'i. 1 child ok. $140. patio, heaied "pool, "'asher 842...5827 hook Up. 962.13!$4 Newport Beach 5200 D1n1 Point 5740 NE\V 3 BR. 2~; Balh studic. E1'ST8LUFF Carpets, drapes, refrig, N r \V 2 hdrn1. '! ba. Cpts.. sto\'e, <l!h\1·hr. $245. Call dfl's., bltns. O••erlooking 714: 870-042.1 art S back bay. Xlnt Joe. ru'. shop.1---------- cntr., churohe!I, schools, etc. REAL ESTATE 816 Amigo,; \Vay. Apt. D. Gen•r•I STJO .per mo. yearly. 1---------- 1 •--"'!'11-mi!--llJll--pllm-•*" llUSINISS •114 * * * * * l'INAHCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES luL 6ppom,nlt1H 6300 Found (frw Ada) 6400 SOMETHING NEW: SCH\VlNN Bicycle, ariults. COnUnenl.al, )'cllow, comb. Jock under 1ea1. Poor cond. ldenll(y S48-5494 - l'OMERANIAN, Vic. 17th & Pt>alona. SIAMESE cat lound I.tu nea collar. 67J.IS62 c.w. In this day when tranchtsine It reachll'lf the ([ood ~.PU. talion It etljoys -it's sreat to find • truly sood ~ chi11e that actull.lly 1lves the tranchbee-a aound inwst- n1ent. One that oilers him a very hl1h and fas t return on his inveslment dollar, ~ without tying up tht' enor. OR.ANGE Tom Cat Whaddya Want? Whllddy• Got? nKlus capi1al that moet tran. \'ic Irvine Terr, SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR . 1;hl5e:s d<>. ·fh~ we ti,1ve-un. 61~332 NAT UAAt 60RN SWAPl'EltS---1 __ tlte.b<¢oppor. SMALi. Slatnu•-•le--OI Special· Rite !Unity for tM small investor Tustin & J9th, C.l\f, s Lines_ 5 tlmM _ 5 bucks Jn • Iona: lime. You can &ali-173.5 ll:ULEI -AD Musr INCLUOI "'Ork either part or full lime BLACK Female kitltn found 1-wt1111 YOU "'-vto tto fffft. ~tt you .,1111 .,. ~.... and earn ~xc.plionally high In Ne1.11J(lrt Shores. &12-s5U. a-vou1t ~ •fldl w _,,... •....J n,.. ef Nv•rtltin.. earnings. Ycu do tleed at ....,..OTHING FOlt SALi! -''>DES Ofr<ILVt least Sl.495_00 caih tc start. 428 Colten St. PHONE 642-567t ,-r th< 1 1 · FOUND' 1o-• .. lull -wn To Pl1ce Your Trada~1 ParadlM a.. or ur r n orm11.tion '""V ··~ '" MG wrlk! lncludlna: telephone to ('cJllt', vie. Paularino I< ,FA!\fILY ~Iembership in Jr. 'Vine Ccast• C'ountry Oub. No transfer fee. T1·ade for TD or submit. Valuation $2500. Pvt pty. 673-~131 Full ramUy membef'Ship Jr. Vine' Coa11t Coun tt"y Clubt Exchance for late model car or ? ? 642-7374 or 675-014-1 let's talk . 1932 Chevrolet Pickup, 331 Cadillac engliie with beefed hydro • trans. For motor- cycle; . 6~2-2'150 8 2-BR apt! .• blt·ins, near E. 17th SI. shopping. l;x. change equity Up or do\vn. Fortin, Realtor 6-t2·5COO 1701-1\ \\1eslcliff Dr., N.B. Beautiful •11' Nor.vcigan Sailing 'iachr. Lovingly car. ed for & equipped, $16,IID t'quity for . home, income, TD'r.. car!! or??. 644-4265 1 acrp improved vie\v lot.. Tustin area. Equity SlS,500. Tt·ade Jor T.D.'s or?? * 548-0397 * Stamp Olllection~ Ft n e: <.'Ond. l\tounted. '61 ca talog valu ovr SSOOJ. Trd 1/3 catalog for mob'! hm. or all down on Orange Co. hm. 497-14:16. North American. 445 East Fairview. MG-8487 2nd South, Suite 33. Salt I "'""r~07· ~,i1.~1=e~m::;:i,=odo-:t=.,=T=ie=-r. Lake City, Uta h S-~111. \\'C behaved, vie Adams & AWliale Har r. :ill-379:> CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE Trade up. hou.sc \V ith back (~•o &elling involved) FEi\1ALE Terrier. gold rol- ol'. vie. Cosls li.tcsa Golf. rourse. 5'10-3701 LARGE l\fal,e lri!!h setter. 1•ic. of Victoria & P acific. 642-3843 bay view at 2353 lrvine Excellent income for· few A11c .. for vacant or 4 to 1 lll'I weekly work. {Days unit11. Agent 675-6:?52'oc "' l-,1\t;r\"venings). Refilling and b'73-0823 aft 6 pm. collecting mcney front coin Fallbrook for peninsula. operated disper:sers in Or. ' Lost 6401 ang.::. Co. and &urroundlng .;..;.;;,;.. _____ _.:;,;_:.;! Adobe 3 Br, 2 B«, 1.2 acres, area. \Ve establish route. HI GH REWARD! tack rm, stables, game rm, U-landles name brand candy SCJiNAUZE& dog • malt • 2 frpl. Ca11 OC 547-65ll er and snacks), fl.575.00 cash amall -salt & pepper col· 728·n14 Bud Coulter nquired. For personal inter-or. sllort ears & tall. name 6 Ac llwy 74. betwn Paris vie1v in Orange Co. area, "Blackie". Lollt vie Bak-, &. Elsinore, cir. S21.000. send name, address and t>r & Bristol Cf, Fri, · Want Oen V\V, hm or units", phone number to J\tULTI-NDv 28. Contact 546-6300 Laguna-CdM . Central Rlty, STATE DISI'., INC., 1681 \V, days 5-16--6.178 nites. Dog P.O. Box 2588, Riverside, C, Broadway, Ana heim, Cali. can't live without prescrip- Laguna Beach, 3 BR, &: den fornia 9'1802. {TI4l 778-5060. lion. PLEASE. home, oceau view. Ex-EXCEPTIONAL EARN-FELAl\lE ~.I. toy poodle. change for lot or duplex. l NGS. Part-tin1e snack Black. Lost \'le .Beach & Mt'. Conrad Riviera Realty routes. Avail in many areas. Newman, ll.B. Rewanl: 499-2800 494-1330 Eves. J\1en or women lo restock 847-2016 San Oement 4 Commercial snack m1:tchine!I & collect ~r.o=sr"°'B~l-ac~k-,&_w_h~ite-,Bos~~to-" 1 Jot.s; Across st. from bank, nioney ldayS or eves). NO Terrier vie Alllll)la, & nx to Al bertson's l\Iarket. ~TNIGON-S \VE FURNISH Brookhurst, H.B. Rew'd. Sl25,IXXJ. For Shopping Ctr · $900 req'd for 968-12'l8 conv, location. Avail 12/4. AVAIL. 1 &. 2 Bdr. Spac. \1'3.tcrfalls, elevators, BBQs, Blue Beacon 645--0111. pool, bit-ins. Enjoy the bell. clubhouse, saunas, jacuzzi & ·=,.._,=-,"'°'-__.,-.,,.,-I Adlts $135 .+. 219 15th St .. sv.·im pools, prlv. gar. \Y/ $160. 2 Br, bltns, v.•/v.·, drps: =>71.~B~. ==--~~~-I storage.. Everything n e 1v, children, prts wel c..o me . BACHELOR & 1 BR furn, Starting a t $140, Adults 1,,A~v=a=U~"°-"-'-· 8_"'_·_5.14-6980 ____ 1 $140 up. Adults, no pell. please. Just Ea.st of 2600 Cotti Men 4100 17301 Keelson Ln. 842-7848 !{arbor Blvd, next ttl Nabers {\Vt-st of Beach nr Slater). Cadillac at 425 Merrimac Rentals Wanted 5990 ,, , &75-6050 0 2 lovely townhouses Ne"'· • • NOT.ICE port Beach, 2 BR, 2 BA- UW lltll'=m CL,& -each, $500 mo iJlC'OlTle. $9000 If you have a 3 or 4 bed· equity, TRADE for home, or Apt.a Orange Co. 6~1883 part-time route, full time routes also avail. ACT NOW \Vha t do YoU have to trade'f FOR OiOtCE LOCATIONS List :It here -in Orange in Orange County. Vending C.Ounty'a llll'K'f'Sf read trad· Div. 1001 Avenue of the lng post -aivJ make a deal. Stars, Suite 585, Century DALMATIAN Pup, 8 mos old. male, vie Cork Ln (off Fairview & SC Frwy)_ O J. RE\V. 557-0346 $35.00 Wk. Up 0 Studio &: 1 Br Apts. • e Kitchen ~ TV jncl, • Phone Setvice & Pool • Mald seivlce incl. • Da,y, week & l\Ionth 2376 Ne\\1Mirt Blvd, 548-9755 $25. Per Wk. & Up Bachelor I: 1 BR. htd pool, maid 5ervice. Kitchens & TV avail. 450 Victoria lNr Hlll'bar). Sl55 -ATTRACTIVE, l bdr., pool, util paid, garden Jiv. irii:. ndults, no pets 1800 \Va.Jlacc Av<'., C.r.t room home for §ale or rent, car, boat, ? ? Agent 646-0732 call us today. \Ve represent the employees of a large oJl 12~=s=R~=&--ba-c7h<717o_c_a~,-,,-.1 Way.54.~ * * * * * 1-Icated pool. Util • paid.l'"'""""""""""""""'""'ISPACIOUS new 2 bdrm Viceroy Apt!!, J014 Georgia NEW APTS 2 bath. Nr. 1hopplng. St, Apt A. H.B. 536-2914. $240 per mo. firm 1noving to the harbor I '!!!!J!!!!\!!!!'!!'!!!!!!l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!'!!!!!!!!J!!~~!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!! area and they must have REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE NE\V QUIET 1 BR, nr ocean. Sl4.5 pri deck or patio. Singles or cpls only, 202 14th. 536-1319: 673-1784 $150 & $175 housing! All cash if desired. Mariner Square Apts. Call r11rro\v 546-8640 G1n1ral General UTILITIES PAID SI'ONEHENGE APT'S. 2 BR, 1 & 2 Bdnn, 2 swim pools. 2 BA. 2320 Florida; nr Adults only, no pets. FUm Beach & Adam!! 536-2730. il desif't"d. &12-3m 1244 Irvine Ave., N .B. Income Property 6000 lndustri1I Rent1I 6090 301 Avocado St, C.r.t. Or1nge County 4600 See l\1gr on premises 3 BR., 2 Ba.. SPACIOUS, Crp!s, drps., firepl,. bit-ins. i · bik. to beach. $250. c: &16-4391. •Jt. W. Ulll. CHI• 11\n• "'= f45·01J 1 -::=._., .tJU1•1'1S'• !111111111 ~ 4 '~~·~"[ llUICI~ AN OPENING 3 BR, 2 BA, near ocean, SINGLE Adults, t ux u r y GR D frplc, dish\vhr. cpls, drps. -~==~~~,=~- garden apt:s, w/full recrea-.THE \llCT01~IAN :S23J. 1110. yrly, no pets. RENTALS \VANTED lio n tacilities & complete Neiv, large:2 BR, l .~ BA. Sl50 5'18-0897 1\'kdays. * 110l\1ES privacy. SouU1 Bay Club Adults only. Crpts~rps·bltns. • DUPLE.\.'ES Apts. m So. Brookhurst. Sound proofed, prt gar '"/ 1 Bil, 2'~. BA. Dish,vhr. * GUESf J;OUSES Anaheim <nf.> m-4500 slol'age. Fenced yd ,v/patio. Studio ci pt. 1 hlk fron1 * APARTi\fENTS \Valer pd. Gardener main-beach. $300 yrly. 673-245.J FREE SERVICE GOLD MINE! 8 one bedroon1 units ~ 110' frontage on 19th St. $900.00 nlonlh potential income. As- sume 6% loan • Tax sheller • Spendable, OnJy lO?'o down • $80,000. HURRY! 646-7171 \-O' THE REAL \"'-ESTATERS '-.. ' I 'l ' ' ' ', G.rd.n Groy. _ 4610 tained. 66i Victoria,. SI. 2 ·dlt. unfun1 apt, .$150. Patio GOLDEN WEST RENTALS 7.:'::'':"-".':"::"'--:-'----1~63&-4~~1;'20',,_=_'.==~-1 & pool. Crpts, drps &. bits. 530-6600 NEWPORT Beach -High en t ooo TO 11,000 sq. fl, Nu bldgs. Near Harbor & Baker. Su 111 van , agt ~29 Lots 6100 HAVE $43.000 ln R-1. See view Jot. ll2' x 75', Located 21 JS Leeward Ln., Dover Shores area. \Viii seU lo do\\'Tl, trd for gd trust deed, or make cash offer. H. C. E rickson, 547-4019. Eves. OR 3-07~ City, Cal. 90Q67. In Orange Co. call (Il4j 645-2493 LOST 2 cats. 1 orange tom, with collar. Heartbroken. 536.3947 COIN laundries-Frigidaire. F AT Female Beagle From $6,500 to $42 ,500. Cypress &: Orchard, Anaheim, Costa Mes a , J~gts. fuward 546--0567 Buena Park, Fu I I er ton • I-"========= Gltl"den Grove, Huntington Personals 6405 Beach, Santa Ana. Tustin, \•ic. S.A. La Atlrada. Call Charlie 525-7833 BOAT Yard & l\tarine Sales. Take ever opcaring boat repair, hwdw sales & boat sales, Business in Newport Beach. No investment re- quired, \Vritc Daily Pilot Box f.f '134 NE\V f 'ree standing drive in restaurant, hi tr&llic loca· lion, good business. Owner must sacrifice $3,SOl dn. THE REAL ESTATERS 646-nn Ask for Van. PALMISTRY & CARD READINGS Bring Your Problems to Ma -I Will Halp You Solve Thim. I give advice en all matten of life, su~h as love, ccurt- shlp, marriage, divorce, bus. lness lraneactions ct all kinds, Reunite the separ- ated, caUSe speedy and hap. J)Y man·iages; overcome r i. vals, lovers quarrels, evil habit!!, stumbling blocks ot all kinds. 'Ibere. ts no be.art BACHELOR a p t, frplc, beams. pri, patio, 1 adult, no pets. m. yrly. ~7629 FURNISHED 1 er. apt, $120. F'Um studio apt SllD. 2135 Elden, C.l\I. See ?.1gr apt 6. AVAll. now, 2 BR furn apts., adult living, htd pool, rec room, good Joe. 646-5824 $130 / mo, 2 BR furnished. Utilities included. Older tenants only. 642-6560 SINGLE Adults Lux ury ARB ENS 1525 Placentia. MlDDL,.._,,,.ed cou..;e, no dlh •I Bhtf!s o.v,er the bay,all8 1.:========= g·arden apts with country H OR GRE .... ~ .., e uxc u ~ 1 5• new, Acreeae 6200 dependents \vish sm8.ll cot-leased, f1ttplaees, many• ---...0..0.~-------club atmosphere and com-East Bluff 5242 Ea c ' LO nt tage st .r.r. or N.B. · xtras. Call owner 64~1200 40 Acres, So. Ca!H. -. plete privacy. SOUTII BAY BACHE R ll urn fr om • .., CLUB APTS 13100 Chapman $110. Also avail l • 2 & 3 e NEW DELUXE e 64>lJ88 or 675-S535 DOWN, $25. PER MONTH, Ave .. Garden Grove (Il4) Bdnn. Heated pools, t.!tild 3 Br 2 Ba apt. for lease BURNED·OUT family $2,495. FULL PRICE. L. 638-3030 care center, adj to shopping, Incl.' spac. inas!r. suite, din dcspcralely need large or 3 Business Rental 6060 Shewfelt, 326 \V .. Third St., EUROPEAN Delicatessen, repos&essed We. r.tust sell all or part. Rea!!. 17214 Beach Blvd. •I.B. 8-47-2151 sa bad er home go dreary that r cannot bring swuhine inlo it. In fact, no matter what may be your hope, , , tea.r or ambition, •. 3 BACHELOR UNITS sro. $SO. $100. 833-7440 aft 6 S';O -Clean Bachelor For Quiel Man. No drinking, no pets. Util, tum. s+S-0059 1 & 2 BR. fum & unturn. 2000 Fullerton St., C.J\t. Mgr cin premises. ==-'========I No pets. rni, & dbl. garage, auto. BR house, Cr.I $150 1110. Balboa-1\lain lnterseclicn L.A. Phone: {213)623-5101 Lagun• Ese1ch 4705 2700 Peterson \Vay door opener avail. Pool & 548-674:1 Bldg 1o be rcniode.led, 4000 10 ACRES -PRll\fE, Nea.r c csta li.lesa 546-0liO ... Calhol' e ANDLORDS I lak 125 r~c. area. ••r. JC L e sq fl. all or part. oil street arge e. a mo. CHAR'!'NG Partly f urn Ch I Cati (TI41 89' '743 " u UN." 1. F'REE RENT . .\L SEf{VlCE parking also avail, Briggs ..-. · seaside s~dio bungalO\\'. Fa1'rway V1'lla Apts • ONLY $24:i • Broker 534-6982 . Realty 673-8110 garden setting. Lease $170 gs.; A · \Vay NB . . niigos • ' ' \VA1\'TED Garage 10 rent for SfORE o' OUicc. Ne\\!l'V>rt & Lake Elsinore 6202 Money to Loin 6320 2nd . TD Loan Prompt, confidential setvice 642-2171 545-0611 Serving Harbor area 20 yrs. inc gar, all ut1lit1e s , ,,.. Tele-clear. Refs. 494-m5 Nt>a r Orange Co Airport & NEW 2700 sq It 3 BR & ~ storage. Costa l\teu or Bay Center. 2052 Ne\vport OCEAN front guest apt en UCI. Adt:!ts only. 20122 rm, 3 Bi\, Owner's lux apt Nc\vpl Bch. 675-1841 Room S. Blvd. &16-12j2 3 ADJOINING h i 11 s id e Sattler Mortgage Co. Iakevlew lots, near casino 336 E. 17th Street 13,000. 5.16-"" I========== I SEE THE"' PALl'yf,ISl'RY READER J will tell you just what you want to know, Avail. for parties \\'ith This Card and S3.00 Receive $5.00 Reading Open Daily 10 M l to 10 PM Fully Liet>nsed Off. (213) 697-9272 pvt beach. 2 rooms, 2 ba~. Santa. Ana Ave, 540..2796 7ri2 Amigos \Vay. &75-5033. • l>'rce Rental Sl'rvlce • ROOl\1 Suitable for gilt shop, D-h 4200 patio, garage. $225 inc. util.1-,=,..,-..,....,..,.=~~=~· I Broke1·s I Mgrs, I Owners mei\'s shop or ladies shop. 1,N_•_w-'po'-rt--_•_<___ 499-3768 or 213: 792.£163. VILLA MESA APTS Coron• d•I Mir 5250 Properties West 675-1642 Call Jim Berkshire. 673-9405 210 \V. \Vhittier Blvd., Reil E1t1te Lo11n1 6340 La Habra 3 ACR!:S 40 miles north ct 1-----------1 ·---:-:;:===---". ". ". Newport Beach GRAND OPENING IMMEOIATE OCCUPANCY Luxury garden .apartments ol:1ering complete privacy, be11.utifu1 landscaping & urt- paralleled recrealional faSJ· Jtiea: in 11. country club at· niosphere. No\v leaslng in N~rt Beach. 1 BR. view, close in. $125 2 BR unfurn, p~ patios, h!d mo. inc. util. Adults cnly, no pool, 2 car encl d gar. Clnl· ts 837·2933 4~ drcn 1vclcome, no p e 1 i; Rooms for Rent 5995 ~- pe: · ' pleaae? $160, Al~ fum $18.:l, RENTALS 719 \V. \Vilson. 646-1251 ~ DELUXE In C.l\I, Prlv ..., ·~• home, professional or stu- dent only. f.lale, $15 wk. Apts. Unfurnished 2 Bdrm i1~ Ba Blt·ins, Util. ON TEN ACRES 540-2754 1 ~ 2 BR. Fum &. Unlurn FU~R~N,,_;S~l-.,,-,-,,-.-,.-m-. -p-n7· ~B~A. F1rcplate5 I prlv. patios I pii ent. S60 nio. 213ii Elden, Pools. Tennis. Con~nt'l Bkfst. C.l\1. Sc>e illgr, apt 6. Gener•I 5000 1ty rn1, i;ar. pa tio, new crpls nc1v drps, l n1i. OCC No pets. $160. mo. + $;)0 dcp. • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $19.95 & UP 968-727'.! CON001'4'IN!Ul\l, 3 BR. 2 BA . 2 car gar, swin1n1ing 900 sea l.anc, CdM 64~·26ll l='=~~c--='-~~c-, tl\1aeArthur nr Co111st Hwyl ROOl\I Jc Pl'lv. Ba Fo1· Rent. !!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!I Garage. ss;; per n1onth. F'urni.sl1ed or unfurnished ~todels open JO am to 8 pm Rents from Sl.55 to s:no. 1:onth-To-i\fonth Rentals pool & rec. Jacilitics. S17.i NEW DUPLEX En1pl. Lady Only. 493-4171 . I UNIT LEFTI SIJ WI\. & up "'' kitchen. OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS \VlDE SELECTION mo. :>1B--1G67 or 557-0829 all 2 BR. 2 Ba. tS2&0). Priv. pa· Sl:i. 'vk studio apt. 2376 lio, cov. garage, cptd .. drap-Newport Bllld. 548-9755. NO DEPOSIT 0 ./\.C. l ~··~=~~---- llF'RC Furniture Rentals VALUE, Adult couple cnly. 2 j17 \Y. 19th, 0 1 5'-IS-3481 BR, no pets. Orps, cpts, $110. 2 Br. Stove, relrig. dlshwhr, htd pool, quiet. \V/\\1• drps, Avail no\1'. Bkr. $135. 2295 Pacific Ave. 534-6980 548-6878 er 642-4,129 1700 16th Strett n•~ 642-8110 ADULTS ed. C.omp. bltns, Best loc, 707!'..I OROtlD M '754050 O" -···· MIC&..S. Molala. Trlr. CrtL 5997 SANDY'S TRAILER COURT Spaet'& avail now. ?-la.'< 2G'. Cnll 646--9681 Huntington Be1ch 4400 Huntington &each 4400 2 BR, I Bi\. Fircplaoc, blt-\p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ins, private: palio, No pels $1•10 1110, 681.C Plun1el·. MS-Oj27 3 NEAR ne1v apts. 4 Jge. 2 \:t::EKLY rates Sea Lark Br. 2 ba., frpl., <'lee. buill· i 01otel, 2301 ,Ne\vport Blvd., ins, deck. $1!}5 to $260 mo. 1,,c="=t="='~''='="o=:====oo THE NEW HUNTINGTON CAPRI APARTMENTS FOR SINGLE ADULTS ••• ••• WHERE LIVING IS FUN! -CUSTOM I, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS, Furnished Models Open Daily 11 1m·6 pm. FROM $140. FURNISHEO & UNFURNISHED (As low as $85. ~·urn. 11 Shared by 2 Friends) SOUNDPROOFEO PRIVACY FOR RELAXING OR ENTERTAINING AND SHOPPING WITHIN Vi BLOCK. PLUS FUN & GAMES TO MATCH ANY MOOD. Enjoy• fist Ht of T1nnls, 1 91me of Vollev· bell or Bllli1rd'L Sh 1 p e up In one of the Gymnasiums or rel•~ in a S•un• -the J1cuui or In the' sun around th• Pool. NF.:\V 3 B1·. 3 ba., cpts. drps, 2 BR. lie\\• p1'lnt. cpts, drps. clcc. bullt·in!I. dishwasher: Misc. Rentals 5999 Stove, refrig. Fen~ yd. flttpl:ice, pa.Ho._ HOOSIERS Trailer Court, Gar. Xlnt k>e. No pels SU:,. !>On V. F'tankhn. Realtor S2j Fairfax Dr., C.l\t. Adi! 642-5531 3250 E. Coast 11"1'· 673-2222 Park ln heart cf tO\\'n. 2 Z BR. iresh paint new OOROLIOO AP7S. 2 Br. spaces ulT 1o JS'. !J.18-23i0 drapes, crpts, bllns, patio. 1 Lo\1-er levels, .studi~. pent. STORAGE Lot: Tr ucks. chilcl ck, no fX'ts. Stl"J. house. Frpl~s.. pool, ~bl . lrailen, camper!!, boats Or &1~~'62. 7S3 Shalin1;1r l>r. ~lll'J>Orls, palLOs. $1SO. $220. 7. NB-Cl\1. Call Lon T\VO 2 DR apts. J lo"·er floor iii'l-3378 646--2 186 &. l split level. Crpti;, chT111. lsSi1~1A~nii'pi>'i2l.br~.<i'o;;,--;,;;;ld~o~o:,',l5,~TO~R~A~G~b~--,-,-..,-,,-,-. ~~~i;~,_-pe-r ~~s:~11t.. 2885 !\lcntlozn H~·y, Drpll, crpts, 11un rlk ; nion!h. 20x2~xl0' h i G:h . pnv. In 1-car ovt'r g11r. ~1:50 Schl\'Ol'('r 67:l-2G:,.I Nt:\V Jo~el)' Jgc 2 Ur. •·rp1~. n10 + Sl00fll'J>O~. 421~~ Iris,--""-~~~~---= I 11111~. f'll'I 11alio . ..;und1•rk . Cd.\I. i;7;>-0&33 rULLY EnclCIM'fl '11rasc. S20 .. ,, ·•dults •i1·, ,,, 0 c""C J B pc:-n10. Cos1t1 lilcs;j, . I,. • • <f ' • ,,. o • 1: itpl , l\'f\V (.'i\1'J>f'I, .. :i.l8-2!J2l -ft '.")..18-366-1 U\\'n("Y drps. n!lng I: f'.'lC"C stovr,l=======o=:== LAHCE t BR. Carpets. drp:s, .sundeck, ~-o! h"'Y· Quit! I Pro-rty 6000 sto,·e. 1-elrlg . .$11,j. Adulls, couple SJ;;() 613--6063 1-;;;";co;m;;;;';;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; no pets. 64i.&m 2 BR., So. of Hwy. Yrly,1• 2 Bt:DROOl'-t duplex. prjV<llC Utll 's fum'd, $l9S l\Jo. IN SMOG FREE Garage & back yard. $l:i0 'Rt.fr rtnce:s required. •646-4386• 11-fr. Forney, Bkr. SI0..:?862 Pauma Valley Office Rantal 6070 LAGUNA BEACH A ir Conditioned ON FOREST AVENUE Desk space avallable In newest t1Hlce building al prime locaUon In downto\''n L.'\gu na Beach. Air cond!· tioned, carpc:ed, beauUiul e ntrances: Frontage on F orest Ave., rear leads lo 1\funclpal parking Jots, $50 per month for space. Desk and chairs available for SS. Business hours answerins service a\•ailablc Jar $10. All utilities paid exet>pt lclephone. DAILY PILOr 222 FOREST A VENUE LAGUNA BEACH '194-9466 PRIME CORNER Office or store in Lido shop. ping 11.rca !surplus space of Lido Rt>alty). LIDO REALTY INC. 3377 Vie Lido 673-7300 11-fODERN 3 room suite, c-p!s., eir cond, janitor ser. ''ire, ample p11rking, So. Calif. 1.st Nat. Bk Bldg. 230 E.. 17th Street Co~la l\TeSA &12·143:> 200 -1000 SQ, 1'1'. l'\e\\·port Beach Ci11il' Cir. a1"'"· ScCl'E'll'lrlal 11t'r\'ICCS. :.l4;i Nc11 port lih'tl., N . B . 675-1601. Ji36 ;\NA11£1l\1. C.l\L 01- hccs • 2 "'/lobby . grounrJ Door, $125. Sc:h1~1orrr. 673.26.).i OFflCE \\'ith ans .... ~ring service furnished for ~nt. 535 Center St. (upslrs) C.M. Commercl1I 6085 Your Social Director will 1rrange parties In the f1bulous Capri Room & thoH fun trips to Mammoth, Yeo•• or ? NEAT 2 i!l."drooms. Cll.rprit.s. URGE New 2 BR, 2 BA I drAl)('S, bul!~-lns. Quirt. $130 plus den. Crpts, drps, bltns. Lovely home & '""m pool NEW BUILDING mo, 962-.3896 , Vlei\', IT.!-0367, 5J5.386·1 or Mxl ro 9 hole i:oU covrsc. 2 BR. r lec bltn~ nr OCC no 837--4177. Also an unuru1tI flamny style 1760 Logan A\"T .. Cost.a f\.lcsa TE"stal:ront, wirh nepprr !rtt EAch unit 1725 $q fl. 2 oH· SEE THE HUNTINliTON CAPRI AT 6200 Edln1er Ave., Huntington Be•ch ' . 1 '.4 Mlht WMf el.._. 11 .. d. &. th•~" DT .. • hww-r, JWll l41!1f ef Sitrl•tiel• St, pets, Sl4.). Balboa .5300 path>. eo1n plrlt>ly equipprd li:Ts. 2 rt'~! roomt. ll0-'120 11,===c-o\4()..!l&S~"'~--,f.,: In opt-r<\l lun.4 Bnrns-tar ~lcr rnc An1pie parkini. '.'-tODER.'1 2 Ult CJJ1-.. ilrpo, UACll Bayt!, ~111.lM. pftil'I 1 ot'!I('~. Alt •Jn s beaulilully <'. P.ohcr1 NaHre~~-fte:lltor rclrht. 11tm.'I"°. l.ollr~ ~unny ;1-·tl, \\./1v t"1'j}I, uUI pd Sl~. land~<'ll f'('rl nrrc~. C'o!lllA ~fr'§.1 612-1~ ronm~. Infant OK f'i;r...,...22ii Prof por30n cnly 6131TG.i. BY OWNER 644-1721 i-1 1 ~; St;N NE.VF.n SETS on Reno near Honey Lake at CALL HARDESTY ACTING loot ol Sierras. Level, cleai::, For Financing " '$3.00J. 5.38-2449 * 675-2866 * Subdlviaion Land 6212 ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES 35 ACRES -Laguna Beach. o c ean ·v1.1.. Cose • in Found (f rH Ads) 6400 11-li\LE & Female Pug, hroll'nlsh and blackish grey, 1o1"lth black face & markings, 1-larbor & Fairview. Reward. 54;;...o&lS Suitable for clusrcr hseing, Apls or ? All city 11til. Some sub01'd1nnlion. $6j()() p e r 11cre. Central Realty, P.O. Bo:oi: 2588, Riverside, calll. 682-7440. ========o=:· IOLDER Type cocker mix dog, may have trave.led. grieving. Owner p I e a s e claim. 545--lSj() er 546--3566 \VElr-.fARANER Or Visila puppy vie Goldenrod &: Csl }lwy,, Qh\1 on W2-t. Call GT.h\277 R. E. Wanlttd 6240 NOTICE If you ha\'c a 3 or 4 bedroom home lor sale or f01' rent, call U!I today. \Ve represent 1hc employees of. a large f lnn moving lo the Harbor Area a f1d they must have housing! All cash if desired. Call }>~arrow 546-8640 GIVE Now ~ UnJted F'und done best FEl\IALE, TetTler. Found Friday l\lie.ea Verdi" Ave. East in Costa Mes a , 54.)..6177 NOV . 25 • grayish cat with orange streak en nose. 642.-5736 aik for Gre.tchen Do yoo want to hi!-a tun time · · working profeSsional? Do "' you have the self disc.ipKne ·:· to subject yoorself to a rig-· id British training course & the artistic humility to ac- rept minor roles unlit th e train~ period is complcte? If so THE LONDON LA· GUNA A CTORS \VORK- SHOP might be able lo help you . No previous exPerimce ne-ces.i;ary, no age barrie.r. 1'1embers of this ('Xclus.h:e group will only be accepted lllpon a satisfactory personal interview with the dil't'lCtor. Call 49444<» for a.ppt. LICENSEO Splrltual Readings, .11dv\ce on all malleM. 312 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente 492-9136, 49'W076 10 Al\1 • IO Pl\1 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE .QUICKER YOU SELL .. --11-----""1HON'-'-7.14J Sil!> Pl:rl. inn. Z nn. I ~mo ll IT'S Btnch hnu5e lime.. Big· Cln,sillC"d'.11 11c1lcn 46.Q6.l.7----lfl..•Clh11d-0K..-No-pcLs....JlU..W... ...J;CJ;l..KlCCUOn. C.\1.ecL.See.J.he)'!llllt..,lll!lllt ____ [...Eor an ad to sell a crpl•. drpJ. !t.18·9t62 Aft !S DAii.\' PILOT \VAl\T ADS! DAILY P ILOT \VAST ADS! r lnr.k, dlal 642-56'i8. ti... ..... ~ ..... ----~~~---) ' . ' :· : . --------------..--..... ----------------------..,...----------------------· ----------- Are You Letting Cash Slip Through Y ou_r Fingers • See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT ...... WANT-AD 1. Stove 2. Gult1r 3. Biby Crib 4. Electric Saw 5. C1mer1 6. Washer 7. Outbo1rd Motor I . Stereo Set 9. Couch 1 O. Clarinet 11. Refriger1tor 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sewing M1chiM 14. Surfboard 15. Machin• Tools 16. Di1hw11h1r 17. Puppy 11. Cabin Cruiser 19. Golf Cert 20. B1rom1t1r 21. Stamp Collection 22. Dlnotto Set 23. Pl1y Pon 24. Bowling Bell 25. Wet .. Skis 26. FrH1tr 27. Suitc111 28. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31. Ber Stools 32. Encyclopedi1 33. Vacuum Cl11n1r 34. Tropic1I Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. File Cabinet 1 37. Golf Clubs 38. Sterling Silver 39. Victorl1n Mirror 40. Bedroom Set 41. Slide Prol1ctor 42. lawn Mower -43. Pool Toblo 44. Tiru 45. Piano 46. Fur Coat 47. Dr1pe1 48. Linens 49. Horst 50. Airplane 51. Or91n 52. Exercycle 53. R1re Books S4. Ski Boots SS . High Choir 56. Coin1 57. Electric Tr1fn SB. Kiiton 59. Cl1s1fc Auto 60. CoffH T 1ble 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 6S. Wo~bonch 66. Diimond Witch 67. Go-Kort 68. Ironer 69. C1mping Tr1il1r 70. Antique Furniture 71. Tape Recorder 72. S1ilbo1t 73. Sports Car 74. Mattr111, Box Spp 75. Inboard Spoedbo1t 76. Shotgun 77. Saddle 78. Dirt G1m1 79. Punching Bog 80. Baby C1rrl191 81. Drums 82. Rifle 13. Dosk 84. SCUBA Goar Tliese or any otlier extra things around tlie liouse may be tumed into cmh with a DAllY. f!llOT. WANT-~D .SO • • .Don't Just Sit Th.ere! • DIAL DIRECT • 642-5678 <YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> • When You Want it done right ••• Call one of the experts listed below!! ... As....i11 mana.qer of n:ettatlon- al land development. Tlgin aptitude. con1act custo. mus, J.ront office Appear-.,,.., SERVICE ·DIRECTORY 5ERVll:E"blRECT0.RY SERl71CE'DIRECTORY 81by1ittlng 6550 G1rdening 6680 Paperhenglns P11ntlng BABYSJ'ITING l\ty kome, OSCAR & TONY'S gardening 6150 vie Brookhurst & Adams. ser. Tree & hed~ trim-* PAINTING, int & ~t $12 wk. 968--7156 ming, hauling & clean up. Back trom Vietl'lam. l}ack Complele gardening ser. in business again. Frtt Brick, M1sanry~ etc. !-~ree est. Also tree pruning. estimates. \Vill !"ubcontract. 6560 "<~93-4_30_2______ MS.-1089 ---------GORDIE'S L a\vn l\tain-llOLIDAY SPECIAL, lnt. & BUILD, nen1odel, repair lrnan<:e i\to\I'. Edge'. Power Ext. n .. Jntineo. Lio.! & insurd. Brick, blOL·k, c oncre te, ... -.. Vo.cuurn. 1st phone %8-1970, Free csts. Loc<:.I refs. 30 yrs '""""'nh'Y, no job too small. 5 ~.-lhen 5-ii>-8734 a.fl P~t ex""r ... Chuck" 645-0809 Lie. Conlr. 962-69'1;) 1~ C1rpenterlng . 6S90 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Too SmalL Cabinet in pr- qes & o t h e r cabinets. &l.5-Sl75, U no aniwer leave msr at 646-2312. H. O. Anden;on CARPENTRY, Cabinets ,Ren1od. No job too small .. qual work. Call 64&-2576 REPAIR, Partilions. Small Remodel, etc. Nitc or day. Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINET. Any size job. 25 yrs. exper. 548-6713 GARDENING & landscaping. EX-PAINTER, no1v Ii ch I l~ yrs exp.Clean-up, teac.~r 1vill paint eves & l'iprinklers inst'd & repaired. 1\'0rkmanship. :rrtt est. 673-1166 646-4519 or 54D--0062 AL'S Garnening & Lawn SUBURBAN Painting/Dre l\taintenance. Commercial, Expert Guaranteed Work industrial & residential. Free est. No job too larite * 646-3629 * or too small. 494-3190 \\'OULD like to buy garden. Painting ing route in Nwpl Bch or Interior &: Exterior Fences-- Costa l\lella. 968-1928. block walls. 546-7887 CLEAN-UP SPECIALJsr f4\TERIOR-1NTERIOR. ?1!011•ing, cdg1f1b, odd jobs. I: 1'1AlNTENANCE Rcasonahlc. 548-6955 e 646-3185 e TREE SERVICE, gen') yard 1-~or Better Painting, lnter- cle11nup. SP R 1 N KL ER ior & exterior, 11.coustic cei· REPAIRS. 64&-58-tS linp. 646-4£177, 541-3502 Jl~t'S Gardeni ng & Ja,vn RENTAL READIER maintena11cc. Res & cont· 54().39:?4 mercial. * 540-4837 Ce~nt, Concrete 6600 PAINTING-Ext.-lnt., 18 yni., G I S I 66•,. Exp. Ins., Lie., Frtt est. CEMENT \\-'ORK. no job too ..;..•_n_er_o __ o_rv_c_os ___ •. I Acoust. ~i\ing, 675-4938 small, rea.c;onable, Free ExJ)t'rienced BARTENDERS * PAINTING Interior/Exler. estim. ti. Stuflick 54s.8615 serving all Orange County. ior. Local refere~. Im- PATIOS • DRIVE\VAYS 639-2233 med. service. 646-3651 Planter.!! • Block FC!tlt"t'S Room additions 642·9852 * CONCRETI: F'LOGRS, patios, etc. R£asnnablc, Call Don, 642-8514 Contractors 6620 Additiort"S * Remodeling r~red IL Ger\.\·ick, Lie. 673-f.i041 * S<l!J..2170 Carpet Cleaning 6625 CARPET & upholstery stca1n 'leaned, also carpet in- s allalion. Resul ts guar. For free est. call 64&-5971 A--OK shan1JX>O Christint1s special $7.50 rm-Jess for halls e1c. Also comp housecln'g 827·3182 CARPET & Furn. cleaning: for 1 day sezvice & quality 'A·ork, Call Sterling for brlghWss! 612--8520 RENTAL READIER 540-3924 Carpet Layfng & Rep1ir M26 FOR CARPETING OR CARPET LAYING C. A. Page 642·2070 cH"-o-'-ul"-;n_,g,_ __ ~_6_7"'-'30 Plesterlng, ReJ)lir 6880 Y.ARD/Car: .ell'anup S 1 0 / I o a d . Salvageables fl'C(?! Remove trees, ivy, grade 962--874:\ •PATCH PLASTERING All types. Fm! estimate Call 540-6825 Plumbing 6190 llAULJNG. Have ~CT P/U Anything • lrash to furn. $8 ~oand + mii:;. 494_1003 PLUJl,IBJNG Repairing & -'-,..----.-.'~-..,--.,---1 Remodeling. Eltt.tric sewer Clean Up and Haul c ·eanln·. :\II y,·ork $10 a load. 646-2528 guaranteed. 642-65&3 =========I PLUMBING REPAIR Houucle1ning 6735 DAY & Beach Janitorial Serv. Cpls, winclo1vs, floors, C'lC'. Res & Commc:I , No job too small • 642--3128 • Roofing 69SO 64t>-1~01 ALI,,..:rYPES; rock, wood & -,.~W~l~N=o=D\~V~3-0~l~R~T~Y~.,-I asphalt shingles. LEAKS Free est. 15 years exp. REPAIRED. \Vork guar. Johnny Dunn 642-2364 847-1136 * API' CLEANING * Fnst & thorough 642-8164 \VILUAl\fS Cleaning Serv. RENTAL READIER --f>-lo.3924-· Hou1ecle1nin9 6735 CARPETS, \\ilndows, firs, rlc. Res or Comc"I. Xlnt \\"Ork Reas! Refs. 545-411 1 S.wl'!f 6960 e Dressmaking • Alterations Spec\!! on roat hems ·-· Altera lon~2·5145 Neat, a rate, 20 yrs. exp. TILE, 6974 Draperies 6630 Ironing -'------67SS * V rne, The Tile !\fan* Cust. 'vork. Install &. repalr.!i. No job too small. Plastl'.!r patch. Leaking s hower repair. 847-1957/&l&-0200. Riviera Employment Aj:ency, Inc. G1 i\tacAnhut Blvd .. Ste 201 N.8 . $.I0-6.170 +AIRLINE & TRA\l!L 'CAREERS~ Stalion ~\gi>nl Ticket Sale!!: Re11ervations AJr Frei&bt • cargo Communic& lions Travel Agen! AIRLINE SCHOOLS PACIFIC Inquire Today 543""6 610 E. l7lh sl , Santa Ana ATTRACTIVE YOUNG WOMAN WITH SUPERVISORY ABILITY in l"l!staurant management, to act as I-Jostes.<;, Cashler, Asst. t-.lgr. on night shill. l\fust be responsible person. Top 118.lary to qualilied per. ron, plus advancement ·po- tential. PRI:\fE RIB INN 428 E. 17th St., C.i\t. 645-0990 Assembly !EN ....... ASSEMBLERS Electro-meehanleal assembly including soldering, Call Personnel Dept. 17141 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING Leguna Be1ch Equal opportunity cmplo~r APT MANAGER Mature couple as assistant manager arld maintenance superintendent for new Hunt. ington Beach apt. compl<'X. Prerer \.\"Oma:1 with some oUice and typing experience. Free apartment plus good salaries, Phone 846-5107 Be- twn. 5 & 6 ~- ASSEMBLY Trainees, day ii;hltt, female age 18-28, no exp nee., but must have good eyesight &: fingi>r dcx· lcrity. Apply Jn person SAE Advanced Packagi11g, 1357 E. Edinger, S.A. ASSISTANTS & RECEPTIONIST CUSTOM DRAPERIES Free Installations Any window treatment. Hun- dreds of samples & dl'sigus. J\fake an appointment w/our decorator. Call Steve Jones at Complele Drapery Scrv· ice 645-2206 IRONING In my home $1 an hour; also alterations & babysitting. ~J.-7641 Janitorial 6790 SPARKLE J anitorial & Win- dow cleaning Serv. Wln- 1Jo1v.<;, resid., coml, cons!. Cleanup. Free est. 968-26.qf PN.'pared resume mll:"il have Trn Service 6980 two yrs. dental E'xpcrience. TREES pruned, t 0 pp e d, l."'ve. hrs. All union benefits. removed. 26 )TS exper. Salary $3.44 per hr. Call for A er i a I t ower e q u l p . apPt. for interview, 633-T;NI. 493-5405, 638-723~ BABYSITTER for 2 children, ~G~EN=E~'~S~TR=EE=s~ER=v~,-4 &: 5. Live.in or out. Trees, shrubbery trimmed, 646-5745 aft 10 AM Electrlcel 6640 ELECTRICAL i;ervice & repair. 24 hrs. 7 days. No job too small. Re-n1odl'I & additions, ll it's eleetrical, v.·e fix it! 646-1n2 BUSIEST n1arketplace in 1011i·n. The DAILY PILOT Classified section. S a v e money, time & eUort. Look now!!! &.!or rrmoved. 54~1359 Banking Upholstery 6990 CZYKOSK1'S Custm. Uphol. European Craltamanship 100% fin! 642-161 1831 Newport Blv, CM. Job Wonttcf. * COMMERCIAL TELLER Exp'd-Apply in permn Newport N1tion1I Bank Superior &: Placentia, N.B. BARMAID • exp. P .M. shift. Apply in person. Vegas R80m. 686 W. 19th, CM BEAUTICIANS Women 7020 Personals 6405 Person1ls 64115 S NEEDED AT ONCE. FEl\lALE. -------LOSE. WEIGHT I \\·ant 10 women \Vho are 10 pounds or mo.~ overweight to t&ke part in group weight Joss program of specialized reducin£". All inquiries con. fidentlal. Ask for :r.tr. Ken- nedy 537-SfU. *Alone? YES IT 'S YOUR FAULT For record~ n1cissQt;c thal \\'ill rhange yo111· J il~· call ORANGJ-: CO. 547·6667 24 hour recordtn~ DISABLED Vet JegaJly bhnd urgen1ly requ,.sts pcnonal volunteer aid Mon/'\Vl!d/Fri &. drive n1y new Renault 500. Visit mt at 711 "A" 4lat St., NB. • SINGLES dance every Wed, 8; 30 to 12. fox trot, swing, laUn, J\feadowlark Oub, 11.B. 3 ml. \V, of Beach, oU Wamer, Adm. $2 SONCS. poems, idc.!ls v.'8nled by h1t comnoscr. Pub. rto:irds. ~W--919-1. lf('rrinA 20()j St . Anne, S.A. !IZ70-I LA URA. ]ilea-st· can lhU: number: .. 547--&160 • IT'S Beach hooMi 11~-811· S:Cl!__! } tlo • OAtt.y PILOT WANT ADS! PERSONALIZED Christma., D i 11 c r iminatC'-Reasonablc- ralt'll. Call 545-6392 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Phone 5'2-771.l o..· write to P .0. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. Home Care avaU. 546-4570 e Allied Nurses & Alires e Or O.C. Nurs;ts Registry 2729 \V, Lingafl Lane, S.A. T.S.O. Operator. Dictaphone Secretary. Personal Sec. At· tractive &: Exp. ~7485 Announcements 6410 ~IOUSEWORK wanted. Costa SENSITIVITY TRAINING Mell8. area, $2 per hour. WORK SHOP 642-858.1 A program at interpersonal TYPING, COllllatiJll", e t c. exercises for amall 11elf-di-done in my borne, pick-up le reeled groups. Minimal dc!llW:r. Rel 536-4545 charge call 00-8730, 10 AM-I========= 5 PM. Cem~.Lot1 6411 f'OR &.le by owner. 6 Parlfl!: Vil?W ccrriclC'f")' Jots. Ca ll n1orning~ 642-1323 PRICl::D to sci! fast! 'l lols. Pacific Vic1v J\f e n1 or J a I Park. :i49'"--06i4 Jobi-Mon. Wom. 7100 Accounting Clerk We re turning way buslneSK ryday, Need capable 1 r'11. lo take care or re- queJl customers. Re c e n I grads welcome. Oientele, not rw!ttllsary. Call Viola Loving, 548-9919. Or apply in penon, 267 E. 17th St., C.M. BELL MAN Sheraton Beach Inn · Is now accepting a.ppJi. cattom tO'l: the position of bell man. P/time &t n, ti~. 11 pm-7 am 11hift. Apply In person, 2lll2 +Ocean, ! .. uni. Sch. BOYS 10-14 Carrier Roulq Open "' Lq\lna ... ch. So. Ll(uoa DAil.Y PILOT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, Men 7000 SCHOOL Teacher-, )'OUlif Ir aggl'eaalve, wants apt.I. to manage or house to main. Posllion available immedia!e. ly. One or more years ex- pt"rirn1.>t. Able 10 OJll'ratc adding n1achlnc, typing k h<oavy filini, 3 11--eek.1 vaca- tion after 3 yean. croup in- surance, credit union "-other IC2-C32l be""""" ·* BUSBOYS .Apply It DAILY PILOT Experienced, Top Jl.larJ. 330 West 88.)' St, Da, lhl.ft only avail. Costa ?ofesa. or can Mn. Greenman, 642...f.321 lllln. 5 yn expericnee.1 ·A~d~,.-rtl~•~U.-... --ncy--- 4!r).37'97 1fter 4:30 Sharp Sec:r1t1ry for EXPER. SAnta Cllu! 1 or fast • paced Newport hire, Par1it's, Schools, Beach AgMC.y. Type Slort'll etc., for n'&ervatJons 65.70. Shorthand 100, !i36-8296 org1nl1e & f o 11 ow SECURITY or r ICER t h r u • u n d • r 35. Bf?ac11 attf.:""d~ Phone-: 642-3910. 42.5 &16-1537 het. g & U a.m. N. Newport Blvd. DAILY PJLOT Oli\IE-A ·l---~---- LINES. You can use them lo us nnles • dA • Dio.I PILOT Oa..,,Jficd a . • • • PRIME RJB INN 428 E. 11th SI., c.M. 64>0090 , .BUSBOYS: 1 days, l nlaht.. Apply In penon. 329 E. 17th St .. Costa Me.a. C•thler • Ho1te11 Net\! apptara.nee, v~ ;,, full Hnlc. App~n pctJOn. BOB'S BIG BOY lM E~ tnh, CM. ··-·--.. - DAJLV PILOT 2J-'.;_ I & MPL N ' Office Tomporery Proud to be an A . m merican ... Glad you're a GIRL??? Join up with ual 11 AMERICAN GIRL AL( NEW Red, While & Blue temporary servic.• M1rchfng along with TOP. RATES MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS TOP BRASS COMPANIES We're recruiting NOW for: Newport Be1ch Office & ell Or1n91 County & Beach Cities. "Master" Stenos 'Finl Class" Typists "Private" Sec+ys. 'Rank & Fili'.' Clerk! AMERICAN GIRL needs YOU C1ll our NEW Nowport Bolch Ole. for 1ppointment 673-4176 IEGISTER NOW! AMERICAN GIRL .. . -. ' >,I i ' ' -.. '. , ' . . " -'. ... . , ., ' . " .. \: .. ~.I : '. j. ·I . ., • •• .. • " ' , . •• . ~ : . .. " .. --'4 · . '. ' . ' , ... .. ·-.. .. '• ·-.. :::. i; •• f :' --·• . •' ,. .. ·' " ·' f; ., .. •' jj . ' ••11!111112~! 011111¢~. ,Q"'$~f!5'1l$l'l"'i~k11"¢¢I $$~f2""P$ff'J$1~1$2'4"'$~Sll$P$! 11_.,...,£,..i~l•••ll"!""i~E ''"''"·~4 ... 1.~¥*"'¥1"!•§""""'"'""""""'--~•·•""'·'""''751,..,""T..,..-.,..-...,,,....,~,~,--,=:;._;:---r>~e~o-~:· -r~~~~-r-r--·r.....,...·-:----.-T:--: ,.. • 1 •• •T ,, .. ,. ~ -. •• • • "·· • • ..--.,. . ' -'•0¢ Tunh/, DKtmbtt 2, 1~9 :!4 OAILY PILOT JOBS l:EMPLOYMENT J O.BS i EMPLOYMENT JOBS I. EMPLOYMENT Jo~n. w-. 7100 Job& Min. Wom. 7100 Jobi-Men, Wom. 7100 ~OIS lo EMPLOYMENT J.:I.. Mon. Wom. 7100 JOBS .. EMPLOYM!NT JOBS .. EMPLOYMENT I JOBS .. IM'PLOYMENT MER~ANDIS! FOR. MERCHANDISE l'Olt SALE ANO TRADE SA1.E AND TRAOE : Jobs Mon,' Wom. 7100 Jobo--Men. Wom. 71 00 School.,)nstructlon 7600!'-======:..;;.. _______ "."."'.:I e Salts 'hta.na.ger tor new Furnlturt 8000 F urnitur • -~ _::l !::t CHECK HERE G*ral * WIT.H THE. H~usewives and Mothers E arn e •tr1 m oney for JOB KINGS! * CHRISTMAS * ~1.ALE Lega l Secrtl•ry ... Trainee Dietaphol"IC', S.wl() to start. Independen t PersonM I Agency 1716 Ora.rigto,,SUile c C.l\1, 642.rmti, 545-0079 lJTE FACTORY \VORK, 1'1etal coo.ting plant Prer. m~hanlcaI ability. Start $2.2{1 per hr. Gd. WOl'k MOLDERS Youna, a1creuive Alumtnum I; ?.tagneslum foul'ldry has present open inp ror cll:.p'd, SAND &: PERJ\1ANENT MOLDERS Pald holidays & vacations. sunny Arizona. s u b m I l resunfe lo: PAi\1CO, 2S20 E. Dllni, Phoenix, Ar I z on a 850-UI or ~ (OO'J) 268--0268 dreu-4bop l..Dguua-Beaeft. 1'tust have previous u.lts &; rranagerlal experience. References. 713: '12S-0144 SALESLADY Curtain.!i, ·D1'Hperie11 & Gil~. UDOFF'S Home Furnishing s South Coast Plau savings ~ Loan BRANCH ·Mainl. Mech. 1L'01lt $3.aQ hr. 3 )In. e:-.]lCr as n1lll right. J. C. Penney Company F alhl0ftlilir1d -Newport Beach Has positions o pen in cond's, vac., holiday J>llY. J\fOTtiER'S llELPER, 3 or 5 reg. sal<1ry incre. Ph: daya wk-Must have own 963--21'12 bef noon trans.' Hnt& H a r b o u r • * Maids * F~-11 o;-part I.._ ;;;;;=92&3~· ~-~',,,-..,,-.,.-- lime. Ken Nile!! Marina MOTHERS He I p er or J\1otcl 1021 Bayside Dr mother to help bus. cpl. ear. N.8. ' '' ly dinner-meal only,-5 d~. MANAGER-~ -Ml!N-&-WOMENI COMPUTER PROGRAM· :;~.~::~.~"~~ ............. NOW $199.95 \\'a.rehouse E.'\'pcd. 1o S:? ,6j 2 ~ e,.\pl't, in gen. "·arc. house procedures. Grinder and Shop J\lach1111i11. Sl.50 hr. 2 )TS, e.~pcr wl pind. mach. 1''1:."'l\IAll:: Rl'ctpt •• Steno/1yp1st. Jlli "'k. fiO type, :IC> SH, Acct. -· *Sales Schedules including afternoons, evenings and combination of both. Finest conditions - Top supervision -Ex· celle.nt benefits including discount privilege. * Apply Now * 10 A.M . to 9 P .M., Monday thru F riday J. C; Penney Company i\faintenaritc: J. W. ROBINSON HAS OPENING FOR MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Experience Preferred. 675-6291 NCR 395 $500 + NEWPORT BEACH IU101v payables. payroll, brokerage cxper preferred. Riviera Employment Agency, Inc. (\PPLY PERSONNEL -tfiS7 l\facArthur Blvd., Ste 201 FASHION ISLANO N.B. 51~6370 N EWPORT BEACH NURSES Regi1lered • even- Exp'd • Savings & Loan Enjoy a rewarding career and join a highly s:uccc!l&.tul Savings & Loan Association in the Newport Beach area. This po:iiition entails chaJ. lcngini; duties and is adapt.- ell for an individual with imaginetive and creative apilitics. Exct'llent fringe benclts_ Call 1-fr. Hansley t?J3) 869-0317. SEA.1\fSTRESS: Exper. in \YOmen's alterations. l 'ull or pltime. Cd~I. Call -:7-24 Fashion Isla nd Bkkpr_ 3JOO mo. thru T-8 . N · expcr, iv/CPA fJrm. e wport Beach, Ca lifor nia ~\n Equal Opportunity ini & night shlfts. .Ex. Employer benefiu. Apply .Person~! 67>-13&1 * * * SECRETARY * * * Local · i\Ifgr_ needs comb t.1er. front oflice girl. lo $375. ~ Ir: :r f I:: :; 11 :: ~ Dii:ector, So. Coast Com-t.fACHTNIST. Ali-around, for n1unity · Hosp., 31872 Coast 11rtiall machine shop. I Bookkeeper & Secretary \\•/10 or more yrs. expcr. in off employin~ 5 or more pcoplr. 1.1ust be exp'd in payroll. Box M-514, Daily Pilot Acc. type, 1ns. bkgmd. APEX Employment Agency (1/2 blk So. of 19th) 1873 HARBOR BLVD., C.M. 548. 3426 *CLERICAL* OPENINGS · Located in Costa l\lesa. E."<perience preferred, Salary open, Please call Beverly David, f 7'] .1) 546-3300 COFFEE SHOP J\IANAGER Exp'd only. Sia.rt $175 wk. Apply :?-4 J)jl1 daily. TIIE COTTAGE corr EE SHOP 562 \1.7. 19111 St. cri1. C.0.D. MESSENGERS Young men. !\tust be -neat, responsible&: have good run. ninit; car. ~takt up to S35 per day. Appl,t,2~ \V. \Varner, Suite 2C.6, S.A. Credit Manager Trainee High School Gt·ad. si:::: to :!.tart. 1 ndependent P er$onne l Agency 1TI6 Orana;t', Suite C c .rir. -612®&. :l'!5-0079 COASTAL AGENCY P rofe ssional Employment Assistance A member of ~ Snelling & Snelling l ne. 2790 Harbor Bl, 01 5~1)..6ffi.j Harbor Blvd. at Adams Cosmetologist HAIR STYLISTS. 'Top v.'ol"k- lng conditions &. percentage. Pd vaca1ions. 847-2613, 847-9136 ask for Al. COOK ••• £:\llerk>nced Apply in person only 494--8989 fwy., So. Laguna. 499-llll, Jobs-Men. Worn. 7100 JobJ.--Men, Wom. 7100 M c~A7L~E-~T~0 -.-,-,~,~,-,~in ext. 356 Fcnui!c COOK-Pl\'! Hosp exp housekeeping. heavy chores, •NURSES AIDES * Exp'd, pl"er'cl. ContaC't Personnel J\Taid.s, part-time. Apply All shifts. lluntington Valley Drafting DRAFTSMAN ''B'' l!lm1n1um 2 years c.'\'per1encc in the Jay~ut and taping of art \\"Ork for printed circuit boards. II Personnel Dept. 1714) 494-9401 TELONIC SYSTEMS Laguna Beech Equal oppo11unity employrr *DRIVERS* No Experience Nec:essary! l\tust have clean California driving record_ A!Jply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 .E. 164h SL Costa Me5a Driver-Chauffeur 8 hn;, :H:lay \Vk. Call 642-0900 DRUt.L\1ER. atarting group; need bass. gpitar and/or organ. No )!.angup s. 613...JlllO. Exec. Secretary rutu.-e unlimited, Top skills req'd. To $650 to start. ITI6 Orange 4-ve, Suile C c.rit. 6t2-0026. 545--0979 Expl r. T eller Beautiful Office. To S450 to start Independent Personnel Agency ln6 Orange Ave, Suile C C.l\f. . 642-0026, 5»0979 D. ~ c c Ben Brown':ii 1.1otor Hotel, Comvalescent Hosp. 8382 u·eetor . ....,. oast omm. Newn1an A?e., Hunt. Bch. SECRETARIES to $550 Hosp. 3IS72 Cs1. ~h\'Y. So. 31106 S. Coast Hwy, So. !142-SSSl Lagu na , 491.J-lllt Ext :"6. Laguna =-==--------I If you have the skills, v.'e OLDER · have the i·obs in the beach * FIBERGLASS i\1ALE COO!( -Pi\I-Hosp. \\"Oman or senior .,. id : area, call Loraine. J\1er-LAMINATORS exp. prel'd, Contact Person-Cl 1zen as comp. toe. cr y ,,;/ "'' D' .... "'0'". So "-··· lady. LIVE-IN or cook din-chants Personnel Agency, Ex jenccd. Top "•Y· La.J"'c .. ~ ... ' ......,.. ?11 •3 IV t Jill 0 NB ,. " Co1nm. Hos'"'. 31812 est. ner-stay nites. 642-.9780 or ;~._mo es c r., · · ruston1 vachts. \Villard Boat ,. ....,,... \Vorks, 129j Baker. C.M. H"'Y· So. La.tuna. 499-1311 1 ~"'~2-05=·-'~'~'-'~•-m_to_6~p_m __ ==~==--~-" Ex! 3.'ili. PART TJi\1E SALES GIRLS Secr•tary fOOD SERVICJ:: PERSON----------p "I' R I 1· NEL *~IAN \\ith nur sery . &. OFFICE HELP needed Ug IC e e ions I u you dr.sire a pleasant job greenhouse or gardening; to for the month of December . Fee reimbursed. To s:JOO. ,vork in new Jackson &. Apply in person La"·son's Independent Jn new facilitit-S at Hyland p I 1.ahoratorie!I Food Scri:iCT' Perkins Rose Research & Je11't'lers. No. 6S Huntington ersonne Agency in co.~!a i\!rsa, please con-1-·acililies, on l rvine Blvd. Center. H.B. 1716 Orange Ave, Suite C' !art ~tr. Bill Rickn1an. rn1. nr_ Sand Canyon Rd. Work PHOTO COLORIST to work C.i\f. 612-0026. 545-09T9 221. Va::;nbond i\lotor Hotel, involves growing &: care of at home. JACK BARCUS Service...Representative 31;)1 1-larbo~ Blvd., C.i'II. Ap-hybridizing !: test plants in STUDIOS. 646--748~ Advancement oppor. $5CO + 1 · 1 9 greenhouse & gardens. Co ~ all \Vill p y 111 pl'rson rom PLUMBING & H c at in g mm. , car 01v. A'! 0P'f ~-Jth & "ih Phone for appointment; ._. 1' _,, "· '""""'" ' • " • Servi ce i\1an. Fully uain, An t::qual Opporlu n.ity 612-9650 days, 544 -1235 Qualified. Sl2.CCO + hrly Independe nt E 1 C'venings. p I A nip oyer. potential. Ea1·1s Plutnbing, e rsonne gency Foreign Car Me chanics i\fAN \V I woodworking exp. Jnc.. }j16 Ne11'port Blvd. 1TI6 0 1·ange Ave, Suire C Good co. benerus, incl palrl to \1·ork with youth. Tltature C.i'll. c.t.l 612-0026, 5--13-0979 vacation, group Ins, uni-or semi-retired. 642-8372 PUBLIC RELATIONS SERVIC E STAT I ON forms furnished free, Good i\1ANICURIST: Full or Part AllractlvC'. \Ye 11 groomed A17NDNT. Full time eves. C'Omm. schedule. .<\sk for time. Lido area. 1001/f>. Call young lady bcf\vecn 2I & 15 Exp'd. Neat in appeara~. .Joe i'IT.oore Ph. 540-1764. 673-4186. for public relations & ru;sist. See Jim, 2390 Newport Ga l Friday to s:;oo_ Excellent Co. !x_.ne. fits, Plf'asa.n! \\-Orkin; conch- 1jon~. Top benefits. Call 1-\ay 54f>.jll{!. • JASON BEST F.;111ploymcnt Ai;ency ?Jr.7 So. :'llnin. Sa.nla Ana General Office $400 Good 1ypu1g skills, f /O ap- pcaranL--c, call Lo1·a1ne, J\lerthants Personnel Agt'n- cy, 2013 \Vcstclill Dr., N. B. 6-\j-2770 GENERAL Oflice c I erk, good with figures. Apply i'lfcGrego1· Yacht Corp .. 1631 Placentia, C.i\I. GIRL FRIDAY. Good typing, ncRI appearance. Call i\·lr. Young, 642-1749. Collection Bureau of \Vt'stC"rn Orange County GIRL FR IDAY. General of- fice. li\'e1virc. Neill Sign Co. 16842 S. Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana. 531-3:l74 HAIRSTYLIST. male or female \\lith fo\1011·\n~. good N.B. location. 642-0&14 llOUSEKEEPER-1 iv e -in Manufacturing .ant to the president_ Must t-"~'~'·~·-· _C~-'-1.~~~~-- bc unencwnlx>red & free to Shipping/ Receiving EA'PLORER has im- mediate Opcninss !or - * .J--1--1n1sh n1en *I \\/elder • 1 -\\"cider's hclpl'r •I -i\lcchanic/ Auto. -.1 • Plumber * l -Plumber's helper •4 -Gen. assembly •I -Mill man *3 -Electricians \2-110 & 1-12 volt) PLEASE APPLY . -OR CALL - Explorer i\lotor Hon1es :-:021 NC\Vport Blvd. Cos la r.·lesa. Calif. t714l 7'-16-3300 TllFG. travel on extensive yacht lo S2.90 ltr. Top, stable Co. cruises to Acapulco, British Good advancement oppor· llonduras, Jamaica !: Carib-tunity. Top bC'ncfits. Call bean Islands& olh<!r intci·-John 5-16·J.l10 n1rdiatc point:ii on onf' of !he JASON BEST finest, most hLxurious yachts l:n1plo.vment AgcnC'y on !he \J.'rs1 coas1. Salary tl07 So. J\la in; Santa.Apa IJpt'n. CH.\LLl::NGING OP- POr.TUNITY! 6·15-lj71 day System Fun1. Installi>r or c\·enin);:. Leading system furniture store requires man to install REAL ESTATI:: CAREER? furn. iri..customers home. Positio'n -'~uires: Beginning in 3 weeks Paul-\V1'11te-Carnahan. ,wt 11 •Strong, hard \\'orker be starting a comp~ sales e Exp'd 1vith handtools e Neat appearance ~~~~~f,;:r~~~~ r::~r;et •:0~;~ty to work irregular ~ns~~~:sor3Nsti~~~ 1fn1:,~;~;~ c:th~i~~~~t~ ~~~0$~ appraising & seUlng or re.'ildential real cs t a 1 e •1 _6~"~·'~'·~tl~. ==-:.,;-,=oo--l n cl u d cs c ompl ete TRAINEE TO $550 audiovisual C'Olor f i I n1 s S!abli.> old line financial com- i;ho\ving exactly llO\V lo :iiell pany. Some college. i\fili):<ll'Y real estate successfully. cxen1pt. Call Ann, l\1erchants Please ask !01· Doug \Vhiting Prt"sonncl Agency. 2043 West· 546--fi44-0 1·lif( D1·., N.B. &15-2770 RESfAURANT All i!Spi?Ct.l!i TRAINEE f 'or pantry & of 1·rstaurant uurk for a part-time dinner cook , swinging new night club. 333 count!)' club Laguna Bl"!ach Bayside Dr .• Ncwpo11. }'ar ar<'a. 496-:»46 THE RIGGER FACTORY T · area. 2 teenagc1·~. \\'01nan ' Highschool gi~:. 1 nri~i~ita~ \1·ilh 1· sn1I child ok. A progressive manufacturing con1pany, "•ith r~xeellent ''"" o T k i n g conditkins and fl'ingc benefits has immedi- <tte open:;:s fot'. A-Tool & DiP i\taKcr B-General Factory \Vest Service!! l'T~E~A~C~H~E~R~'~S~~C~H~I7LD=R~E~N. RESTAURANT, n1alc. ov 18 need mature won1an to C'Ves, Fernale, ~l-2 day~. babysit 3.t their home. Driv· rt. 2 Pl\! T A STE E ing required. Refs. ne'cdcd. MING IS TliE KEY TO S Pl.ct AVOCADO or SPANISH OAK YOUR PROFITABLE * 5% OFF WITH COPY OF THIS AD * FUTURE! Our C hri1tm•1 G ift to you!! Oasses start soon. 3 Rooms of Spc:nislt Ftirnftwe Pilot program offt":ring: t he Ret. $695. ---·-····--······•······-·· ·······-·-NOW $181.95 ~inet;t equipment and facil· 5 pc. authentic Spanish Bdrm. 'et, 96 in. quilt•d itlea available! neal-Ume sof• Wi th 56 in. ma tching love seat, or ch.air, 5 po. computer prorramming. Spanish Din ette, oak fable top , 3 heavy Mediterren:. ! The.Academy een matching tables. Will sell p ieces individu•ll Y-1 ~~m No Down oa Approwed Credit a nd t No Payments 'tfl March 1970 U•• 011r Store ChoNJ• pin of beAl fl•o11cll'lt * Buy the Wife's Christmes Present Now- While Our Stock Is Complete!! Union link Square SCH.1th Towtr Suite "D '>range. Calif., t211' Cali 547-9471 Tho F!Rsr It ONLY franchised S· T·R-E· T-C·H & SEW (T.M .l Store ol Orangi:, Cou nty OfRISfi\1 A.S SJ !OP TflE EASY \\IAY!! Learn IQ s~1v on '"knit tab- rics". i\lake stretch pants in 1 hr, a bathing suit for $5.00 -even a girdle! Im- agine -T-shirts for th<' Furnifur-9 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FRO:\! l\10DEL H0i\1ES Includes: Quilted sofa and chair -2 end tables & cof- fee table -2 lamps -dress. er -min-or -heac!board - quilted box spring & matt- ress -5 pc_ dining room; table & 4 hi-back chairs. COMPARE AT $7'19.9.J $399 who'.e fan1ily. No dn1vn--l-'mts only Sl6 1no. LESSONS' Morn, •flocooon. WEUl'S WAREHOUSE & eves, 72-1 E. Katclla. Oran.s:e 633-2842 MEN -\VOMEN ... BECOME AN ANNOUNCER 600 \V, 4th St.,. Sari'ta Ana OPf'n Daily !l-9 Sat 9-6 Su n 11·6 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Sicken -Olden -i\loncy - Fiigid -LOOKING "LEARN: Artisrs model: That's a On profess ional equipment in girl \\-·ho \l'Orks only "'hen the a local raolo station from boss is LOOKING . \rorking bro11dcastc1·s. fURNI'fUl~E l"f'IUfnf'd from For complC'te voiee analy~ii; display studios, Ill o d c I CALL homt's, dcroriitors 1·ancclla-I THE INSTITUTE OF lion. Spanish & '.\l('<litci·ran· BROADCAST ARTS can rtr. 1601 N. Bristol, S.A. 772·3800 Plac:cinent i;Ct'\'iee rduc11tion loan JOIN THE FIELD \VITfl A FUTURE! .4.se/education no b>~rit!I.'! Let us help :you qualify. INNh"EEPERS INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL !\'JctcVHotel/Apt Mgmt Sch.I A DIVISION OF ANTHONY SCHOO!.~ 1717 S. BROOKllUR::""I' ANAME!i\t, CALI FORNIA Qasses form eve1y \\"e!:!k PHONE 1-'0R APPT. Ask for Belly 776-5&00 The Newport School Of Bu$iness RD FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd., CM cver.v night 'til 9 ~!ed., Sal. & ~un. "Ii! 6 DON'T GIVE UP!- You may !ind it at An1crica's largest. niost unusual un. fini shed furni ture store. Cor. Redhill & Santa Ana f"wy, Tustin. l mi So. of i\'e\\'po1·t ~'lll'y. Open 362 days per yr. 544-5~70 LGI-; GI'; Rch'lgfll:zr, 1 yrs ol<f $16:J. Antiq round oak tbl 60" $~5. 9x12 shag Span. gold carpel $2:1. Aft 5. 673-2326 Office Equipment 8011 f catut't's 11frkly rPfre~hcr . . courses in}thc Hkills you TYPE~VRIT.l::P., i\dd1nG' need lo get the job you maclunc, calc~letor, very 11·ant • rca!IOna blc. X1111 c on d . . 892-2423 Music.II Inst. 112S ELECTRlC Guit11r Rey. Perfect Cond. $6,j, Call -!Mi2-07~1 Del Pianos & Org1n1 8130 FACTORY CLEARANCE! • Factory orders clearance al1 all overage, dcmonstrato~s. floor n1odels, studio & re- tw·ncd Pianos &. 01ll:ans. Real savings up to 30%.1 EvC'1'yth1n:; gua1an!eed like new. Sale limited to specific stock : !:O hun'Y~ No money do\11n Ot\C, 5 years to pay. This grcRt sale only at: · \VARD"S BALDWI N STUDIO lSlJ Ne1vpo1·t, C.!\-1. 6112·8484 Open Every Nite - & Sunday Afternoon PRE·HOLIDAY SALE PIANOS & ORGANS Some of 1he most populq n1odeli; including: J/an1n1ond X77, H-100, E-100, 6·3, T-2Q"I ~rte. t'REf: ;; DAY J..A.'), VEGAS HOLIDAY 11•1th PW" Trade-ins accrp1ed & !crms, JJ..\:\li\IOND in CORONA DEL r.1A1t ~ :?Sj, t.:. Coast 1111 y 673-8930 Oµen Eves & Sun. aftcl'l'IOl?n DON'T BE MISLED! • by licticnous 1vas·is prices. Shop where the selection js greatest & !he prices arc l"ight! Clioo.r;e fron1 Confli \\'urlitzer, Knabe, Evcre\f. Cable-Nelson. . Open Eves & Sun 'hi X-mas GOULD Music:· 20.1.J N. i\lain, :; .. \. :)47-0681 PIANOS & UHGANS NE\V & USED • Yamaha Pianos & On;ans • Thomas Grgans • Kimball PiRnos • Kohlc1· & Campbell COAST MUSIC _ NE\VPORT & HARBOR·-; Costa i\lesa * 6-12-2&>1 Open 10-ti I-Ti 10-9 Sun tlo5 #16 Fashion I~and Ne1\'port Beach obligation comp!. Gd-basic 1 ""'~'~·~14~'~~·==~7."C-:-7:--:C ma!h. 5'10" or over. HOUSEKEEPER Needed . ritechanical ability helpful . Lil"c-ln. i\1othcrll!ss house.:: Apply ;11 f' EEZE, 2966 B1istol. Cl\t 8-12-4117 li"B. 833 Do\'rl' fir., N.B. !===== Appliances 8100 CHRISTi\IAS girts -llam- mond. Slei n\\·ay, )'amah'&. Nc\v & used pianos of moif makes. Best buys in So. Calif. at Schmid ! Music Co. 1907 N. i\lain, Santa Ana. ·- M8-jt2j !'lchl. childl'f'n. $200 n1onth. :o;1a Fast. Inc. 610 S. Santa Fe St. s LESJ\tAN NEEDED TEAC HERS-Ti ny Tot 6t!-3S7o * COOK -1\pp!y The Flying Butler 673-0977 !).B. e COUNTER GIRLS Three shifts available Apply ONTRA CAFETERIA Salrs Hunt . Bch area. 968-3629 FABRIC SALES\VO~fAN llOUSE-KEEPER, Live-in. Santa Ana 40 hrs \vk. Salary + com· F1~e board &· roo111 + MEDICAL SEC mission. Vacafion & sick selary. Call befr -4 pn1, b e n" ti ts_ ~lust hav~ 548-1211 NEWPORT BEACH kno\\•ledge of·fabric~ HOUSEKEEPER & child front officc·insw-ancc-dict.a- i\pply in person care, 51~ d11.. \\'k, $50 \\"k. + phonC'-biUing. No phone call~ rm I.-board. l'd. vac. r,ivjcra Employment JAN l1<t &11csn1an 'for Nc1v Ath.ntic Richfield Seivicc Stalion on !-!arbor Blvd. at San Dieg'l Free\vay. Full, p/tlnie, &. graveyerd Posi t. Ave i I . Phone 673-3344 after 6 Pi\T Salt's THE SINGER CO. s.1o...9212 Ag.ency. Tnc. # 60 Fashion lslllnd "2.lC{I I-Tarbor Blvd, C:\l 4f;67 l\facArthw· Blvd .. S!C' "lf\T N 1--""'-..,,C-"""="'---HOUSEKEI::PER. liVf'-Ul, :2 " O "'"O ESCROW OFFICER ewport Shopping Center FASH ION N.B. J.i "ti·'' Pacific Coast Hwy at school-agers.. 67a--0310 or M d ' ) R 1 Ou1 s1anding opporiun1!y for l'>fcArth N \Vant your fr C' e Fashion ~S.1197 e ica t c ep ' e_,p·d. sales escrow 0Hicr1· l•==;c-:-,_",'~·=~·"~·.--1 \Vardrobe by Olristma.~".' Be-INSPECTOR. pl'CVIOU!'I exp. Llghl typing. Insur. r:-.per . 10 \1'ork in 0111· nr\Y i\lis.~ion -ASDENTSASLT OFFS-ICES come a Fashion C.Onsultant! inspection or hard\\"at'C. Age Jll'.!edcd. 'T'o $JT;ldlo start. \'icjo. S.av1ngs .t Loan office. I ANT No Investment -Hight-St 21·30. i\lac:Grt'izor Yacht lnde pen ent ~lust be capable or handling • Insurance J:irls EArning:ii • Complete Train-Corp .. 1631 Pleccntia. C.i\1. Personnel Agency lllllrs escro\\·s rvr ronvcnt1on- p• JUottpdtionist. ing_ Full or p/timc, Call i\1r. JONE'S TJRE SERVICE 1116 01·ang-e A"<', ~~ii~ ~7'l al loan.~. :-.'.Int 11orkin:; eonri. repare rc 5un1C' must have }la~n for intervic1v fTI4l · CJ.I. 6-1'! · .J1J·v:..i r. & opportunity for •l'Ol\'lh. " ~ I · Is expanding and requires .,i·o ~ .....,.nta experience. 54.>-4008, 10 A~f-6 Pi\t Daily. r>1EN (21 needed to assisl ContaC'l Dey hours. All union benc-Fashion l\olirror, Corp. mgr. &. order 1·l'rificat10n. 00\VNEY SAVINGS k fits. Salary Sl.44 per hr. Call F /C Bookkee-r EX'"PEr.I C:.~CED $:?.25 hr to st1111 + bonuses LOAN ASSOCIATION for 11.ppo\ntmcnt 633-r;>Jt. r--• Retail Salcsni<'n & 'd . A k I l--;;:-."°-;;:-,--..,,-7",-·IAt1!omotive exper. helpful e Tire Servicem<'n rap1 rar5es. S 01' 837-4911 Dental Receptionist 'knilic oppor, To $fl00, e Front End and Dave. 642-1532 SALES: .$300 ,~·eek in wig ii-fUflt have front ole. cxpe:r. Independent e Brak!' Mechanic~ ritcn fashion field. Need 5 Topsala.iyfortherightalrl. Personnel Agency Salary plu.s bonus itnd *OVERSEAS * sale~pcnons, pote nt ia l lndt~ndent 1716 Orange Ave, Suite c c:ontpnny pnid benefits. Earn more !IC< fl'eC' n n l lmi t ed. Call !>frs. Per1onnel Agency C.M. 6t2·0026; :ila-0079 Qppo11unity for advancement Dt.11 Smitry TI4: 774-2610 _!tobin~n 842'44~9 1716 Orange Ave. SuHe C •. . Ap"ly; 20-19 lfarbor Blvd. ' JD : ES'! N o.: + C.?\-f. oo--0026 • :145-1'.$79 IT'S Beach -house time. Big· I' CO!l ta 1\fc~l.1 l\10Tl'.:L IA SA. l' ,\1 -....... llf")' I ===~~==·==""'= gt>sl selection ever! See tbe Parl Tin1e 0vE'I' lO Cqrn m. + Car Allowcnre. DENTAL RECEPTION JST,1 .D~AI;;:L~Y=P~n.o;:;=T=l~l'~A~N=T=A=D=S';· .'..:==SOC=="~· =IT=TO=;"=;~=J~·===~l ·19-1-~).1:16 Phonr ri h·. Young, 612-7l-19 Exp'd, for modern de.ntal1• =====-=====--======-==== o!litt, l~unl. Bch. 962-3319. Jobs-M.n. Wom. 7100 J obs-Men , \Vol"I. 7100 J o bs-Men. Wom. 7100 Job1-Men, Wom. 71 00 DENTAL !:iecrclllJ'Y • Recep-1~;;;;;;;;;_:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tionisL AG'e ZHO. Call -DENTAL Execu1ary, Newport. Xlnl position for mature ~'\:>man w/dental up. Send qualiflcattons. etc to Daily Pilot Box M-14- DF.:NTAL Aais. Chair Side. 23 + yrs_ 2 yn expt'r. Reply Box: 5l7·M, Dail)' Pilot. DISHWASHER .,.,.,.,._ APPl.Y In penon SU RF I. S IRLOIN 5'30 PAdtfe 0.!f H"'Y· Newport Reich DJSJ·IWASHER, ~xper, full ---·f-ttm. .. -Apply-in !""""" &n1on·1 Coffee Shop U3 8. C...t l(!!'JI• l.aj! Btli *EXEC. SECRETARY* Must be able lo lake shorthand al 100-llO \\'Pm · Experience at the executive level in a sales or marketing activity preferred. \VilJ also handle phones & travel arrange· ments. Excellent opportunjty. Salar;· com· mensurat.e with background. Please apply in person or call ~tr. f\ucchlor for appointment, 1135-4804. GENERAL AUTOMA TION 1402 E . CHESTNUT ST., SANTA ANA An Equal Opportuni ty Employer ~l i F wm be moving 10 Irvine complcx l9io • * PERSONNEL * GENERAL AUTOMATION has an opening In jts Personnel Depart· ment, re po rting directly to lhe Employment Supervisor. Jnitial duties \rill involve screening appli· cants, typing correspondence. handling tele· phone inquiries and making travel arrang~ ments. Secretarial skills, including short· hand \vould be helr,ful. Thi s is an excel ent opportunity \\·ith a growing company. Apply in pe rson. GENERAL AUTOMATION ' PT"f'-School. Tues &-Thurs MERCHANDISE FOR NE\V '2 dr. GI:: rcfrig .. from Ai\I. s2.::io hr. For in-SALE AND TRADE n1odel ho1nc -···· .•••• Sl78 foi·mation call 837--tCS J. 1-----------12 dr. Rcfri~ei·ator, lros!-frec, TELLER -Note & Co\l ec-Furniture 8000 bo11om fl'el.'ZCl" -·---··· Sl·IS tion. Call L'x'per. _Newport Rc!l'i1:;erato1"s ...• [1•0111 .s JS National Bank, ~tr. Carter. SACRIFICE SALE! Console Color TV. coutcn1p &12·31 11 cab., ne\Y picture rube , $248 SLEEPER SOt'i\. bf'nuliful-\Vhll'lpool auto washer •• ·' 50 TELEPHONE Ans\\'ering ly quille<1. cu•loni welted. GB \Vashcr/Diycr ••• , SlOO Servk~ Exp'd pref. ~ DUNLA S Call 5-10-20:12 Your C'ho1ce of eolor.~. P ' RPg. $300 • , .. , . Now S269 18I:i Newport Blvd., C . .\f, VARJTYPER or IBM Com- po~cr operator. Part time. E:.-prrirncc nt"ccssary. '""""" WAITRESS Expe rienced Apply in person SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Newpor t Beach * * WAITRESSES 1S 10 :\5, neat appearin~. Full time. APP. in person BOB'S BIG BOY t:>"I E. 17th, C.~1 . KING !Size ll"il Shablc \'Clvrl 548.-7788 rnscn1b~c. hd~. ~1nd, IJ:"nch, J.J CUB. ft. \\'es11nghousc f'USt qu11tecl. Colo1· 1·ho1cc. rcfrigc1·a101· 11·/bot!om f1"Lr _:-c~. S:..'ID • :· .. • i'°Ol\' $26.<J.JOj Sl'1j, Kcn1norc rice!. d!'ycr f ULL s11.r c11~cmlilc. ~II roll . $7:i, lronritc ironrr Si.l. All cuJl quilted. hcadbd. spread, g(f eond. :Sac. PVl ply/ bC'nch. On" onl~ ! Al"or.ado. !16f634: R('g. $269.50 •··• 1'iow Sli9.j(ll'K7..E~N~>~J~O~R~E,-A.,...<--"-.71-. ~., • i\laU ress k Bo)( Spl'ings e . u 0 \as X-1. _ • King Sc! $99.95 Queen $89.95 spd, J cycle. )(Int ~nd, $1;>, full Set S.'?4.95 1\\•1n $44..95 546-8672 or 847-8l!J f'REE 12 lb Turkey or s lb ELECTRIC stove Canned Ham with min, pur. Frigidaire, pink $2.'i. chase of $89. 540-5113 SIESTA SLEEP SHOP A~~T~~iiN~,~~~ :.:::'; 1927 Harbo1· Blvd C.OSta l\.h.>sa ~·~·m=. =,..-.,.---,-~- • 6~;).'2700 e MA'(TAG auto. 1vasher, Elcc, Dn 1ly IQ.!! ~11! 10..6 ~un t~-~ d1'yf'r. yellon:, $100 n1atchrd ~w~o=-M"'ENT GIRLS OJJ. ''"'"""•by pai1·. 968-7772 "' OPEN EVENINGS: AND SUNQAYS Until Christmat. GOULD MUSIC:· !?&!"• i'I. ~l«in. :->.\ ... 11.M1 PRlVATE PART\' \\'ANTS TO SU\' Pl,\~O }·or. ~ CASI!. :'>12-60.f~, OLD Up1'1S"hl. ~tKlll t'(lllChllol(. Pt•at·11re P1<1no. S 2 2 S . frlli-<1;).11:). . It HA~l 1\101'1) tlR<;,,;iJ-:;:- Sp1nc1 .\13. ,1111 corwl. f'/, S700 ~:\ r~ :14()....()f[M Television 82 Le:a~r. Color TV or Jllaclt(i I &. \Vhilc. Ophon to buy ••• f·r<'e service. No df'po~it: A·i\ctJve TV Ren!al Co. - ! t) .)22-11,J:J U!'E DZENl'l'll TV sr~ S:!a. Cood cond111n11. ti 16-:ll ;~ ' 'f'RNON :,·ERR NORG!: Aulo lldlihcr. 1·0~ Plrlli;ent 1rlcpho11r 1v or k ' , .. C fr(}nl our nt/lrr. 110 r,p, ncr 1111~ "'Goldf'n Sttnd", Jlf'rt ont'. :! }Ts old. h1; size. 1rne r1~ ~Equip. 8300 1-:J38-73:i7 s1:i. ~)46-8671. s~1-s11:. ruu or pa1·1 111nr_ !'.? 111 s:i ==========!\\"II.I. RU' \ii 11 ,111 proj. IJ('r h1· ~~O \V. \\·a1·ncr. :iuitc 8' Sola, llC\rr uli<'d. qu1ltcd S · M h' 8120 ~J!r11t '"" ,0untl ;\1u~! he 1r1 ZO.\ S.A. rlo1·al. S<.'Utch quardcrl $12.'1. t w1ng ac 1ne1 i::oorl !~nrl . rT'as. u1·11.'NI. ~ \VO~IEN, run or part 11n1e ~lale~ilig Jove :scat ST."), Il l SJNGER Au!on1atic zi~ l<t~. \VILI. s~;l-L. f-"f'dr rs1 ncrd«t 1n1n1ed. for: Child 176--0m 6 mos old. No attach flf'C'tli'd l'.:n.(:.l1ui:;rr for ::.i. 1n1\1". Cllr~. ,\id!:!s or Companions, DJSTRESSED"Maple 6' chc11t I<> do designr;, monogran1s. :.!1~".x21, ... e!C'., 1n lolda\vay Ai:t's 21 to G.;i. 642-3274 It mlmir $175. i\faple head-blind hems t'te.: ·auto bobbin r11M" 2/m11!!k1nc rali('I. \Vtn Wt Sit Befter, Inc. board & nlt~ stand Sj(). v"lndcr. :; Year iuer . lrade on proJC'ctor. Call on South Coast Agenty Chest & mirror $73. 612.-Mll Assume pymts of S5.77 or 'vkncl~. Fri f'\'e, lhru Sun .. ~--~~"""'="~.,-18EDROOM Set, rcfria: It. $42.00 cuh. 526-6616 l.;i.guna Beach . .f98-2t5Z Young Fry Cook slove, wringer washt'f', 7 pc G.E. atereo. A . M. -F . :\I . FOTRON camei-a. t3kc11 piC-or dineHr, '"''In or bunk hl!ds. radio, 1'ro:lrd pla)lt'r. ETtill lure in dt11ic. lifetime df'vf:l-Kitthen Trainee odd che1t11 . .>t3--tU3!i !or rt't'~ation roorn. SG3. 0~·;: ronl. ~1 S396 aeJ1 $1 BEAUTif'UL RJng befl _ qullt-847-0310 &l~-:i~;:; c(l ni1111res11! wor1h S?.50. I:==========[ Pt1inanont, full tiinc Job. Sl~-6.iSJ M'C5. Mu1lc1I Inst. 8125 Spo rting Goods 85 O\'er IS. Neat apptaran«. Oinik"r f<ir ~d1•t1ncenH'nl . BRAND 111:•,v Fr. Pl'Ov, :1 pc L1Kt: llf'\1· Conl<>llo n1ot11f•r of RE.\1JNGTON \\"tnJtmaster, APPi. Y IN PERSON bedn11 set for salf'. Co~t pcitrl At.mrrhan. !)tt1tl s.-1iJ. niorlel 87fl Tr;ip, 11.saJ only S!lOO. \viii ~aC'rirl~. 61Z.!lll2 llllcrificc $17~ or bC'!I 01fr1·. !1?" -.,~,.,, 1110'1, •.•• :1.. ,,,.. • --"lab' 5 Big Bo.y~-+"L\L..dlrccE..6.12..:£18...0wv.e.~83~0.~1~4S~t ""'"'"'""""~=o+:f,,1~~'11EEl'-i'':0•:;;""<-;;";;:" ;;,,,_;:H;<;;;;;t;;;o;:'J,:·- 1a.t f;. 17th Sllff! )'0t1r :11.1. th~n itit b11 ck l\nd TI.f.E QtiJCKJ::;n i'OiJ CALL. \111h h1niH n1t!'I ~[1 "llt'h, 2); Co1t11 f>f41qa li111rn l.o llte phone rlrt,1:"1 TIJJ<; QutChr:R YOU SELt. ~Ir 1111"' 1Joo1a. . 614-1.n?Jl.~ • .... ------------------------------------------------------------"--. -· --.... ·---.---·---·----------~ Cl! - 15 t5 ed , •. irt. I ly. 0.1 30 • ofl >i;i. ~ .. U>S. 1%. Iii<• :ific "'" .... )fO ·~ .. E I J.,f 0001 -l!>J ..AS, ,,... ms. 00" I .• ""j -·· --l681 .. 'ans ll> -: ;, ~ .. am- 1h'a. 10St' So. Co, ""'' -"1'S ~ ion, 25 . .. it::-.. $.,. ·' 100 roj_ . .. ' r'1 ,,;,, vay 1VUI ' -on un., -·~· veJ. fl~ '"'· ~ -:-' . : 21; m:~ MIRC J1ANDISI ~O~ SAL~ AND TlADI FREE TO YOU T~,.ll'OITATJO!I Ml•c•ll•nffU• NOO LIV. lti\t. ule: thl"9,"°S 1.0o nice for the pra~. 15 Ta.bl•1, lamps, m ll n • 1 lt\lfll'e cha.Ir, 10f&, Ben~-ood 11\oot..i: lots ot nr. new baby tl'llnt:a. Many plctUN:li. 6 Ft. •rt11 rvc. roldlna; chalra. ~; many \YOmen·., & rb1s clot~s. cuual ,t drft1. Tablt clothl, a 11 1he11 l C'Glon. Dteora tl\•e *Cfl!U. & oo.,,.ltles. All musl Co· :W..5-419T i\le•a Verde · Sall~ 9010 l.Gvely htalthy mltttn !Md J ,;:;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; kitten, •ltiPt:d 1cyAv1u • .t Nr\V 1c us;o ""''· oid, ""' 1r1eo<11y, • SAIO-netdt 1oOa fi6ii1~. ~-T09S -•·• dt)'a $42-1124 att..r ti pm for Ouittrilf,I! Comp1'tt fn:l, BEAlfllFUL 1..01\1 hand Yacht• R•y1 l1 1~/whltt femal• kittan. :!!tl2 W, Cout Hiah\Vay Vtry i"'ftl It lovablt, to Ne11o·part Btach &U410 kind home. 6T3-ll23 or 6~1!38 1212 sl4i'. £1equlpitnt, $1§1. i>liPPIES, l\\'O, t WHb old. Mfri~ llJ*tt avJUahle. Croas of Shellie ana poodle 873-1891. -"."DI1naylaiii1'liifi1a r fti. Dec 1%, S PM to 1 >Ji! Sponsored by Youn; Life aubs or So. CaJlt. TlckrtM only $5.00 each incl all rldl's & prk1. Pl'OCttds to1vard Ou1stlan trainlna: for hi tchOol 1tudtnl.5. Mail cl'leck before. Dec. 8, to Youn: Lile Inc. P .O. &.'>.: IT31, Newpo11 Stach, Cal. ~ do~·n tht a~t. J.ova~le VENnJRF; 21' Xlnt c;Md., 3 llhort htlred pUpe free to salla, head, 2 outbol.rds. sips Sood home. 644-tT~. 1.212 J, Q.!al.....0.tt!r.~ 2 Yr. old ten1alt, black, Scot· ., Pek•. Nttds .,, yaro. s, .. d Ski .. ~~ 'P038 Child 10-U yrs. old. $,IT~~ 1969 BOsrbN Whaler, 40 hp 10 All -J Plil ohly 12/-4 E\'lnrudt ~ trlt 13., 2 fl10I BE.4UTJP'UL Ma1e tabby used, eslatt sale, pu1h·but· cal, I mos-. old, cra,y/wht ton 1!U'ttr, lt>tru UU), &tripes, 11.l'Jt brttd. Good 6'4-4714. P(}OL TAbLES St<:ard Pool BRUNSWIL"K-A:\1F Custom Slate Table From $289 house cat. 530-MSI &ft 512/4 13' Bo1toh \Vhaler; immac. 3 YR old male Toy Poodlt le , 40 hp JoMton \loith fltc 1.5 ITlOll ~Id malt 1-lalmutt. starter, boat COVft. Slf25 or Fh?t to ;ood homes. make offtr.6Ts..553:i 549--0518 12/2 SHO\v Quality ft ma I e .Marine l!ul,. tortoisr shtll cat. 6 mos. tOH 10070 Financini;:: old, ~hots, 11"0nned, ~ut hu 6 CY L dic:sel t ni:. 3 ti) I no papen. 642-442-4 U/-4 reduction unit. Fresh v•ater cooled. Brand ne1v, still in crate. Fact.or)' COit. 613-2910 after 4 pn\ , * SECARD POOLS * • 532-1902 s.."3 S. ?lltin St. Orll11f!: I POOL tABLES Ou11tmas Special $:?75 up. CHUCK'S 2T:>C Harbor at Adams, C~I *AUCTION* U yoU will ull or buy KiVe \Vindy a ti')' Auction& Friday 7:30 p.m. Windy 's Auatie n B1rn 20T:l1,f Nc\\lpo1'1, Ci\I 6~6-8886 Behind Tony's Bldg, i\lii.t'L BEAUTIFUL hand painted oU po11rait ol you or yout' children from a photograph. A "·ond.e11ul idea for thst special Chrislniir.s i If t • 646-36...?9. KtOYING • Sectional sofa, blautilul livi~ room chain, corner table, ne11' Hhlrts. nlisc. 324J State, ru' \\'Uson, Ci\1 V\V Dune bus1Y body; come prt,..red to cany away i.ner 6 pm. 2330 La Salle, ~· i2/4 EAGEh'. To pleast I: IO\'inr. &-10 wkr. old female terrier nib.: pup. Sli-6115 12/4 HUNGRY. younl: fe111. tizer ct.l. ?\Utten-toed. Very lrlendly. 643--1124 12/2 MALE btaa:Je, 1 yr. old loves chlldttn, fret to iood bome. .. , .. .., - ffi!ALE DachShund, l yr. old, &oocl '1'alchdo1, Jovt s children. 19~116 11/4 TWO Frlaky black male kit· tens, part Siamese. T 11·«k.!!I olcJ, ~6-1333 CocKER. Shepherd pupll . 2 ntalc, '.! fe1nale. Days on!)·. :;a; Esther. C."1. 12/4 3 Kittens, part Persian. part Siamese, Porta.fina Laguna. '1!4-9388 12/2 Lrrru.:: Black kittt'n. ap- prox. 7 '''ks. old. needs a 1oo4 home. 54&-6842 12/2 dfJHUAHUA, Te gDOd home "'llh yafd, older pe.rSt1ns pleage. 64:?-9J87 l2/l- SI.U1ESE Cat, malt, about !I mos., 6 5526 12/4 PI TS a nd L IVESTOCIC Pets, Gentr•I •!4 \VQT·s ?>."U? t.IERCURY molar 9J hp like ne1v with 1as t&nk. \Vlli seU cheap. 6-U-0231 11 .. t.S!J~ M°'rln~ Deluxe )\oat Slipis limitrd number available 30' !: 3.)' !ltarina de! Rey f\'r1\I modern marina ?.iarhta City Corp. John Ga.ssman. Dock i\laster (213) 823-5415 BALBOA Sli-p. 40' boat. \Vllh Kho11·1r & htad & parking: lil 6/15/70. $80. mo. OR 3-T9.l0 Flying Lerions 9150 LEARN TO FLY !iO Flite h1'S $4~. 28 dual &. 22 solo. 1969 four seat Cessna inc. grnd. ,1;chl &. i;upplies. Estab. Assn. KI 5-6203 Mo~llt HomM IUY JI NIW SILL m UllD Cooper TRAILER SALES "811y from 1 man who lives in ontl'' • \VE SERVICE \VllAT \VE SEU.! 32.t So. Harbor. Sant~ .J,,na l Bick So. of Bolsa 5'1·106i \VALNUT C!'ib. usr:d 4 n10!, cost $60. sell $30. al>iO 1nat· tress $10. Infanfs car bed $j. 2 inlant seal! $1 & $.f. 10122 Signet Cir. HB 96S-47.f2 bEAUTIFUL King bed~uUt· ad mattrrss. Complrte·Un· used. $1().j, •v o r t h S!iO. 842-6.336 eves. CARPET lnstall•r has one ro;I, avocado nylon carpel. double jutc·backeo. \Viii 11etl all or JYJ.rt $3/yard. 5't0-724j !:'anta Oa.ua Specials at 'TIS TROPICAL FISH 90BO EdingC1· (Rl ?.fapolia ~ r .v. * * 842-4530 iAY HARBOR Met.Iii Heme Sel1i U.sa Loma Roll • A\lo·ay • Sheraton ?ttanor -•fornette • ::::::::::-=:::::::::::::::::::: J KH • Prestia:e -Sahara CHRISTMAS l''onual l.'01ning Dogs 1a2s up~ Groovy fo1·111als i;e1111 I -4'---____ c.:.;;;;: $23 £1001· $23, size 9 CHRISfi\IAS IS N~AR ! lntf'rsted? s.18-8667 * RC!setve, your clxlict", TOYS Childs table & chl'!I. Great Dane Puppy early! Girls clothes sz. 7, pictUl'es \Vill lovll! for Yo u ' I i I & i\tisc. iten1s. All 'ood to Chrizbnas. cropped & shots, lop lines. Xlnt cond. ·1!13-4.ITl l\!ARTlNCREST h."ENNELS t'IRE\VOOD for Sale. Dry * * 54&-0919 * * :i~~~;!.t~.0-~livercd & PUT me unde1· you r . ~-e==--~,_~--,~ I Christmas tttt. PekingeBt \\iAN1'ED: Socia fountain malt puppy AKC reg'd. adaptable for use in home Champ blOOd line, 8 11-'ks bar. 846-32'!2 · old. 847-3449 For Sale. l-'irewood. PUPPIES, two males, $ " Orange k Eucalyptus 11•ceks o.ld. Cross of Shellie 83$-6670 and POOdle dll\lo'll the Strff:I. !\JUST .sell health c I u b Loveablt 1hort-h&ired pups mt 1nbership. 4 years $400. free to iood heme. &14-1T42 8-12-393..I CHftISTP>IAS poodlt 1lUJ>!, !'ING sizt' latf'X matti·ess &. AKC, Champio1\ sl i ver i1prings. Like ne1v! Tremcn· n1iniatures. Also toy l.:. dous buy! 673-2-402 teacup. 142--47-42. ELfC dryer, G.E. washer, ADORABLE Lbua Apso pool table. Otiental desk. pups i~;, mos. old. AKC rt1. 00&-6166 Champ. blood Une 83l.z258 F I REWOOD or "10-970T 637..SS-O \VEI~fARANER Pups born 9/22 no papers, $23 ea. Call p LA y H 0 U SE-swin~ ~ct ~2-82'.?3 con1bo. Has ladder. slide, 1,,,,.,-,=..,-,--.,.--,-- ('lc. Good cond. $fi0. 67a--0737 BLACK Lab, ma.It, 9 n1os old. All Hliot•. s~a. UNICYCLE, delu.xe mod~l. I M8.a263 I new never used. $18. 833-1611 rxt 2149 AFGHAN HOUND B/l\f, silver. male, -4 mo1 I 1..ange ski boots. never 982--9989 U!!rd. Klzr 11 men·s. BEST OFl''ER. Call 6T5-JT70 eves. Ake BASSETT PUPS Tri-color, ~$75. 540-1538 eve ALL SIZES NO\V ON DISPLAY 147:i Baker St., Costa A1tsa ~ block East or Harbor 8 1\'d. Costa "Iru. {714) 540.9"70 24 x '° A":nin~s. raised porch, full skh1\ng. 1ha1 crpts thruout, blt·irul. Set in 5 Sta.r Park. onl' milt I1'0n1 ocea~ in Co.>ta l\fcsa.. $1J,900. • 642-1152 • 'GS i\fobili! hlh. deluxe 20x4J 5-star adlt pet pai:k, cor. spc. fenc'd a\lo·ninp, ikirtlnr •cemnt patio, A·l cond. 642. 326-1 u ·x£)' Sl-.1•linr in ve1y nice park. 2 Br. 1un porch 8"24', patio, spotless. ?IJuzt Stll. Ca11 -642-4430. Mini llk11 9275 J'ofINI-Bikt, xlnl cond, only 1 yr•oJd, srldom used. 3 hp Bn.-as &: Stratton, Bendix shoebrake S12;i. i46-Tm. 19(;9 5HP Poo.1·t ll J'ofini Bike . Xln'l Cond. r.takt Oller. Call -615-2031 NE..\R Ne111 Roddy ::: HP yeUow ~Uni Bike. $100. I 6T3-M31 I ZEBRA 3~b HP. Tecumseh en1inc, 11111" tires " clutch, :-.:Int cond. $90. &4M72:> -===--...:.-~cy~c_i .. __ ~ __ 93_oo_ C•m!!r• 9' CAMPER. 'Sol Ford. H.D. tires, Good Condition. $700. stS..9129 ?lune Buggies '6T i\l1ns type dune burgy h1 xlnt cone!, mags, 11•ide ovals, air lifa, radio, 1500 en:. $1550 or best oUer. Call 5'18-11126 V\V Dune Buggy. 111ns good. good l'Ubbcr. $49.1. 6i2-778S. 2032-D Placentia. C;\J 'GS Tlt.ftGA • $.MOO or filake OUtr. Serious inqulrlt i on- ly. Days 54.1-4.fGJ. Eve1. ~T-85&3 '62 1600 S. Signal rid, blk leKther, chr. 1vhl!., Ai'f-1'7.f. 1·adials. Xlnt eond. ;2200. ---------1 642..-sm 2240 s. Mtll11 546-1076 'H CH,¥. SJStl "C11!11ii" K'iitti,, v.r,-t'i~ - t1m1ti1 h1 ~1., I'''"''''*'''' l11g, r1f i1, k11!1r. Uc. YC\. '" ·it c ouiAi $11., Au t1,,.•tl1 I r t R t • niiultft, '1w1r 1l11ti 1l9, ,IWI , ~ •• ~11, ,,411 •. h11t· 1r, whlt•wellt, Lie. UEU •lf 16' MUSTAN• SlOU_ V.I, t11t11r1•llc tr1111flli11i1R, 11411. h11t1r, v!11yl t1,, ti11t1f t l111. Lie. OYW 111 '64 T·lllD Silts L1nftu tip, Full I c•lll· pl1t1 ,1w11 14111,,,,, 111• cludifl• f1ct1ry •Ir, '67 DAftUll SHI 1600 4 4111, tul11t1 1tic tr111.1111h1i11, 11dl1. h11l11. Lie. UOIC •11 •it FOllt U044 Gt11•l• seo t titer ht rll· te,, "·'· 111t•'"etlc h •11•· 111h1!e11, ,,,..,, 1fttri11 f , v!11yl rttf, w~lt1w1ll1. Lie. MUSTANct WAC "' I"• H be C!l •u13a3 '61 El OOradt, mlpl coM· _....__~-----IU FORD $11H -ar r, '' · '1'IV' Tl'U pow • atr + $800 tn M'U'1'ANG '81 289 V4, air, a 1l1•i• soo, • Jr . lit~ftp '6T VOLVO P-llOO xtru . t.lakt oUtr-trade tin. p/1, dl1c., nd!o. Grey-bJk v.1, 1uto ... 1tlc tr 1•t.,.lttlt11, F\illy eqp·d. Xlnt cond. 6U-t26:J vinyl. Gd. cend. $16 7 5 11•w1r 1lt1rl11f, ' • w • r $2800. 642.2a19 -·f.ll CAD Sedan a. Ville, 1u11 ,_m._"1_,______ ir•~··· whlt1w1ll . tirtt, 1 .. ityi ,,,, tlntttl 11111. 1,ic. ~ntl9ues, ~l111lcs 9615 ~~7. alr. Clean. <11 1---------r1Y 'os ·s7 MORGAN + 4 OLDSMOBILE ''• F.i~cON ' iitl '62 CADILLAC Sedan dt Squirt Wl fOll, v.1, ·~ .. '"~· N11v T:>p, ne1v brake1. Ex. Vlllt $415. Lo·rol;:, lo down '19 OLDS 4..ulla11 ,ztaUon It t,1111111;111111, fi1lorv 1ir, cellent c on d i t i o n. $1000. lo qual. buyer. 54g...,f~:} \Vaaon. trt1hly l't·appt'd. ti; p1w1r 1111ri119, hrttit l 6~2·1724 1fter 6 Pl\!. '83 CAD. Convt. Good Cond . immac. Alr-cend<! p 1v r . r111r: # IVV Rice C1rs, Rods 9620 Air ·cond. Fully Equipped. steer. &: brakti;; &ea ~en. '65 FORD $ftl $99.:'i. Call Cr&ir . 615-2153. $32M. 644--0714 Cou11trv 1141111, V0 I, 1uk• RACING Cam&: !if1er:i:, AFB ----------l'57 OLDS 88, 2 dr hrdtop, fll1tl1 f'1loty 1ir, ,,w1r Imported A\Jt01 9600 '62 Porschr Super 90. auto, p/b. p/s, s-con-1t11rl~t. r1f!1, h11l1r. Lit. sunroof, lu:; rack. midnight carburetor lot• 327 Chiv. CAM &RO Jrol $!"~ "f " D NQX 20• AUSTIN AMERICA blue/black int. 54&-898:1 2-J-4 .. "''ire V.'hrrl CO\'er1. _____ ,.. ____ 1 .,.·~1 IJ· ,.. ttr a: l •1h"'-'~==""°=:ri'1c ll Be1t oiler. 8-12-1962 after 6 .........uu.i '67 MUITlii• $t4tl PORSCHE Sptedlittr. A -4 SPEED, low mlleatt.1--,S"T"A"'W"'T"y""S"°T"E.-A""'"L'"I-Hi rd+i,, v.1, 4 ,_.i., ,1;11, AUSTIN AMERICA Beautifully rt'-CCnd. Belit .:.•m:;c_. ____ ...... __ '1~1 toy,$~.~ s..2002 or 'SJ r-M \Vh~ \Vag. Sacrifiee h11t1r. Li1. MDM ll' Oller. Ball -51s.<M2 .,...,1111. . .,, c"""· .. ,i ~ales, Service. Parts Autos Want-" 9700 ,,..========I ()fig. O<m1er. ~cept1opal. n•• ..., Immediat" D!!live1)' --'-----------'----' CHEVROLET $USO * 613-1232. C1 r.1 Hi'' T111. 4' 1111t,4. All ~fodels ROLLS ROYCE • n y rtllll1, h11l1r. Lie . TTS ,,. w~ ~-A . · , ·~ STARFIPlE, full po"·er CASH Repo•••••io" Birglil'ls Incl. \.\11ldows & geab, 4lt '61 FOID $2Zfl J21•\tlJl'1i ! j\ Ill i Ll l J':, ROLLS '39, &idt mounts. M\\' paint, new \\'SW tires, $4930. Prl\•. prty S4~1. &44--0!9T 3100 IV. Coul H"" .. N.B. TOYOTA lit!-940;) 540-17&.f 1----------Aulhori'.~'.G __ o.~.. TOYOTA AUSTIN HEALEY '61 AUSTIN Healry Sprite, i;::ood condition $1150. 836-7619 DATSUN 1970 HERE NOW Low Prices o" Remaining i'"' \•OUR BEST DEALS ARE STILL AT for used care il trucks lUSI ca1J us fer fnt ntimat1. &ROTH CllriROllT Alk for Sate• Manapr 1tlll Bea.rh Blvd. Hunttniton Peach 1\1 9.33~1 '6' O\•v Imp hi t Coupt $987 cond. i139s .... ~113 •111. 1Di 4' If, H.'f. '63 Chtv II llova SM7 1966 Oldg }~-$5 de& Rd. New V.I, '"*1"'•llc, rtdl•, ~•if• 1r, "1w1r •••• ,1119 f11t1ry Can may be taken over on t~es, p/s, r/~. $1100-~ 11, ,,114., th1!1f t li11. little 01· "° do"''" payment below BB. Pri pty. *40-~ WTE: 51• on •P:JU'O":~ crtdit. Call ti~r-1966 Olds cutlass. 2 door. im· ;;,i'°'6o.;:k>.;;.,l"'il.--""'$"1"ff:r.s Evertrt 5'1 1·~· Hall Fi~· mac. 1 o"'·ner. Bkt scats. G.I. 500 XL ? Dr. H.T. a.nee Co .• !SQ).F N. 'I)lstm * MS--0769 * v.1, tut1m1tit, r1di1, Ave., Santa. An"-~=~~-~-~=II < 1 J 0 ·,9 ·64 F-*S sta \.\'gn. Auto. PIS, "'• 1'· pi wi r 1 • " • Sl=,A-•~p~,~~~·YC~h,-v-'-111-lb-, · ,.,,r. br1•11, f••'•"' ,1, o llO>I' • I• • air, cleen. $32.l. 613-7413 or ·' New tifel, atereo tape deck, ~ co"d., '"'hit• w•ll tlr61, vinyl top. L j k e-n1111! vi"yl t1111, ti11t1f tlt11. WI: PA" WH ~O ti.tween 10 A.i\l-2 .,",,M,.....'•"=:---..;;r.i'i "' I PM PLYMOUTH '" l'ORD $Jfti '8.l Nova SS, bkt seat.I, auto '69 Ply. ~·-."n' i. AuJo., P·.s .• LTD"'"''·· v.1, i ut6ni1tlc, FOR YOUR W ' ""I f11t•'Y t i,, ,, ... ,, •f11rl11f, trans. p/1, rib. economy 6, P.8., tact. aiJ· cone:!., vin)'I ,, ... 1, IN-••••· ,1411, li1•I· The \Vorlds Bt'st· $7000 Car neiv th-ts, ttcent rune-up nKlf. t.1u1t sell. !\like oUer. ••, vi11vl t11. 7,000 nill1•. • CQNN&LL :dnt cond. By 01vne1· ?$. 331-9682 Lli. YXT JI I DEAN LEWIS e CHEVROU1 "'= "'"" s1'-"''I======"' 11""'";...,;:'°""R;:r1'"'.i"'c-ni1-r.4f"s" 1"1.U YSUN wv~ !821 Hatbor ~vd. 1;;;·diEV Jmj)ala 2 Dr. PONTIAC .' :~:~~~~11~•1;1~1:'.''t!.~~~: Bill.. MAXEY Cost• ft\~ l*UOl'I "ire wt\11, alr/cond, auto '61 Catall111,, • dr bardtl)p, "lnyl tip, tf11t•d t 1•11 Vil "Leader in The Beach Ci1ies" ITI~' IOITIAI WE PlY fOP tran&, -4000 ml. Llke new. xlnt coixj. 4 new tires, full 02-4 . ZIMMERMAN • • - -DOLLAR ,., '""· se>-mt. P•T, ·~ $21115. Call" ... al "·1"°1 ."'o"L-=o---s--.,,.,J2 .. f"l 11 2145 HARBOR BLVD. for cood. Cll VI u!Cd cars, '66 l?ifPAU.. Air. P9"''er, Ea1·1 Wllllam1 Texaoo Sta., Cwtl•u J ''· H.T. v.1, IU• S40-64lO llUI EACH ILVD. t1l rnakta. See George Ray auto. RliH. Xlnt col\d, $IT93. lTth & Superior, C . ~!. t11111 •Hc, f'•t••Y •tr, P•'"'~' Hunt. Stich 1474SSS 'I'htodoN lt9bln1 .Ford WUI take clean tran.e car In 646-2503 ' 1t11rl111. ,, .. ,, ~r1•1f, NEW! 3 mi N. of O>a•t Hwy. on Ber. 2060 Ha.rlkJf Blvd. trade. 49$.JSro or 4~1. t959 FIRf~BlllD=-ron~u-.,-.11 ... 111zt 10111. Sh1r,1 Lie, VSX '70 PICKUP ------· == C.M. · ~"°010 IMS IM~ALA °CONiiT. 15,000 eotuol m llu" " n . TRIUMPH w·1111uy Air. ,,,, p/w, "'· Sl313. Llp,,kk oren;• W/ while '66 FORD $nl W/camper. 96 hp ovt'rhea.d Call owner f&.34M a!t 1 PM Cordova. top. $2'ill. Helen Cutt1111 100, -4 ;,, v.1, •11• cam, 4 1pd, dlr, 6 ply ti1-es. TRi '6!. A nt /F~r. R M~l4: to1111+i•. f1ct1ry ,;,, , .... ,, ba,.k up llgh". You name \"our Volbwa .. n or Poniclll' ';)7 Cht vy LI 'Air Convl. yan 1)1,vner. ....:...._ ,,,1,1n1, ,ow1r br1k1, ri· '" overdriver, 2 •nos old, ofltr. """'p it! Full prl~ $2099. TAk~ !TI-6MS or 52!'r1191 leave .. plY top dollan. PaJd for Auto trans. AAtf. -4 n1a l~ ontlac Le Manns, vieyl dl1, h1tt•r. L:c. 5QL fD7 &mall dn or trade. Call Phil, t"Ml!s&age·Dean or not. Call. -R~ • WhN•&l.11. $423. MT-Ui2 top. P/S, PIB, air cond. •&7 tJLISi $1191 41M-9773 or 54.)-0634. ••.-.w 'IS3 CHEVY Bitcayne'Waaon, Auto trans. J\lus~I , make Del111•Rt i i 7.4,, H.T. v.1, ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLKSWAGEN llll'OATO Yi~ llff<l1 ~y \\·ork $3l:i. oiler. Call· 831).. • 1ul1, r14t•, t.•1t1r, ,•w11 "" Ort.nat f'.Quntiff 84MT11 a.tttt 4 pm 1961 PONfIAC. RccinUy 1t11r. pwr br1k•1, f11t1rv DATSU~Oi:>kALER TOP S RUYER I ·I i9J>arCf. 26,ooo mlit i rtblt ensirw. $223 or best of-olr co11d, whltt .... u tir••, YW BUGS ID..L MAXFt TOYOTA ~soo. Call fltwn 1:30-5. rer. Call. 968-5230 viRyl t1111. ti•ft4 1 •••• DOT DATSUN 111111 11o&c11 llvd. ><o-.m '61 4"ron Prix-Sh•rpl 'H COMn · 11'1 la835 Beach Blvd. P'PtOi\t H. •acb. Pl. 147~ Loaded! $1993. ~~ll65 V•v•t tr. f ,1n. st1tloa lfuntlngton Beach $389 \V.u'nED: ii9CADILU.C, '51 Cl\evy lmpala Conv., J=;::i::=::=;::,""=;:Jl •••o11, radii, h1,ti 1, v.,, 80.1711 Ot' 54().11W2 trom private pa'*" Call alt. $293. Good Ttansportatien. •a. MILER. -i 1fto11111tl& tr1111111111,l,oR, P•· •v Call 64i-o!ll-4. IUll w1r 1t1•rl11g, Lie. ~'~ •&' '67 DATSUN GOOD Sl!Ll!CTION -'='=.mc-:: .. :;:"::::1:::11::11=== !'69 i?iNOBWOOD Esta!• · · M '6' PAlRLlNi $1491 PICKUP A.Ute L .. ilnt 9110 \lo'ag, 9 J&••· lets or extras, '85 RA ILER v.1. •ut1r111!11 tr•R1niit1l•11, All · -al · ·o • • -~--)i)nl j)Ond. f .V. 96&-S1T3 ft1tory 1lr, 1'•w1r 1t1•rin9, on11n 1ns1 e · out. ·1 h • • • u ('I tM• e11= 1!..pat&o, ,.\mba1sador 9'0, air, dlr, 1•t1r, '"' v•tr 11.111. c. 1pd. dlr. \lo"ill fine prvt prty. LIASI .. llllNT " -~v' "' d 0 u vcu 201 r·u11 price $999, Call Ken • Oltl)ER YOUR loaded. Prl«d tor quick loade . ne owne r. WI 11 ,,66..,.. .. RS""'R"b--"'ST14"t'"i 49-1.9173 _ l'70 TODAY sale! SlUO. 53~ ta.Ile l']der ""r In tra\Jt. ••• l al 2 • ...,., ;-" PDWl381..B. Ca 11 Ken, Ftlrl•11t 100 1: dr. H1rd11, 1966 Htrbo1'. c .n1. 636·8303 10 Speed PEUGEOT Dera.iler bicycle-. like nc11" $3.), >JJl.0084 Her1M 1130 'fiT STATION \Yan. 96 hp . 4 '" l'OR EA"-LIEST "" mp a, r, 4H nc. 4!H-97T3 or~ v.1, fute, rt 41•, ,_11t1r, '66 YA~11Lt'A 250 cc Good ~peed. ~ cond. $1050. Dll,.IVlftY New tra1t1, lo 1nlc, 4/e, ~t ., 1 · pwr. 1t11r, f 1 1 + •, y .1, condition $300 before 3 P~I 548-6731. All popular ma.kl!&. Ford ceM. lA book. ~1851 ' Ram1b ~n~asXl&lc .no;...~.:!· ,0114, .... hlti wi ll tir••· tlnt· BEDS. l<g size. dual '"''in &: ll\'iJl: \\'aSti.!r, dryer. '3T Chf'vy. d1-es!Wr. 64.)-.1063 on "·eekdays, aJI day wknd!. l\l'lrized 1 taJ ·64-Mweu. xlnt cond, neiv pwr 'ee, .. \&· _ n l .....,,..,.. .; tli 11. STY IOS 897-6969 ·:ke o:~:rn ::~:s. f1~:~ :~~=it~~~;~ ~~~ Our an:Jl9ti"i!ve If~~:· tires. l owner $9541 or ofit r. Best Offtr. 4~ '66 CHM $i4ti 250 HONDA Scramblt'r. Good Equity. &12-3004 COSTA ~tESA ThHlere 61~3663 or ~ STUDEBAKER l itt1y111, •uto ... 1tic ft1n1· ~T,~;;;<i;;;r,m;rr-71 Cond. Son1e Chrome. $32:), O I O ml11!11t, f11t1ry t lr. ptw1t oc ollor. C•ll >18-11511 EN-GLl$·H··. ~FORD l963 VW. Sumwt. Newly R B NS F RD CHRY$' •R ''"''"'· ""'' ''"'"· n • M W t-• 8610 ••lnl•d. Xlnt --·'. Low ~o Har~-"'vd. ._. 1960 srUDEBAKER. Gold f ie, ho1tt1. Lie. IOS•o&ll ,.::;l::t<::·c.::.c•::.":c-:.:----' io1ts & Y1chfs 'GT Y .li\IAHA 100 1'wln. ,.... '"v'... .,,,., .....u-~ ,. ~----RUNS GOOD! Before 5. i .; mlle11te. M7-T18S Cost& Mtsa "2-0016 IS cfttlYSLER Newport. 2 Hawk cpe., orla~nal pajnt •j7 PONTlilC $1ffa $ WE B Uy $ ~ssn. Aft. 5 -540-8308 ORANGE COUNTY'S '64 V\V, VEllY CLEAN, one I ~~!'!'ll'!!'~~~'!'l'~~ J dr. 11.T. Auto. Nlw radial lnttrior. 4 new ttre&, body, 4tNll4 Prls -. .69 HONDA 350 s.s. Going 10 VOLUME EfiGLISH owner, low mi.le i. Best oL· 'LIA.Iii ANY MAKE t1~11 -1h0cks $1~. &q-1M8 e•"'11,~",,'·11~. !~~ '!~t,.ndid con· 2 '•1r li 1r,11~, • ., .. ,.,,11, RE To sacrlflce my :! ca.bin l'ORD DIA.Liit er. 496-S2I7 OR. MODEL f===.::::':'~';;'==j_;;;~;;~~~-:;;;:~=::;JI •••t1tl'lllu l11, f•ctory •Ir, $ FURN ITU $ cnlistts. Both in mint cond. Vietnam~! &-<~Utnt con· i..t our Jeue titPtrta tho• COMET r141•. h11t•'· TUL 04? APP LIANCES '" • 30., fln&ndng.ln•"~ <1111o,,. 64G--<940 &11. s. SALES· SERVICE ·11 BUG, "'w ti"" "'" ,._ "' 1 1 T llRD ... T lliD •1191 ·-Moo~• hi·"••. low mil• .. •. ··-1. you "~ 11 Pan " )'Out ·-::;;'.::;:;;;;-;-:;::-:;:;-::;11--_!;" "" " • C1l1r TV1-Pit1101-Sttr•o• ance avail. flun')'! llum! o':' ~ ~ ltl•. ,.~• ,.._ .. , """"" pertonal needs wlthciut ohli-... CAu•~g 2 dr H.T. _ . ---.,-.---Li '"'•• H.t . V·t, t uli mi ili. 1 "-• ., Hi•" '-" Call Dina _ 6"'3-14-4:?. A uto S.rvlcet tmmedl.ate dtllvtry ~vnu 1" V'f.rvt'KI .1. " ""'' • ,..~ '66 T Bl D I 1 1 "I •' 1 UTll • 9400 LARGE SELECTlON i;::e,....n. YI. Buckets, conMlt, tac-• 1' ''( 'r, 1•1 1• 11•• I r, CASH IN JI MIN 1966 Chris Crall 27~;·. All a Partt Th---'--'6.i K.G. Utaders, ntw PtJnt, UNIVIRSl'JY I AMI'"'! AT ID ~ IU1l I di tl ~yl •JI, full p1w1r, Lle . • 5 '1 '511 • --· b k Ch 11-• 0 DS tory ar, i .-..... , r. 01, pwr,&r, r, H•••'I "' -"' Glau. T1'.'ln 185 HP en.a:·1. r a e '· trey. """'· L "4011 LE P /8, P/S. ~TS. 545-4Ml pM" 1eats, brf.kt•. Windows.I!<°""' ..r,''=~-=,..,• 11 W'"lod-RollJop '"' Fly Brldgf. H .. d & G.U•y. BEACH ROBINS FORD 6'6-6491 :mo Harbor Blvd. a;u. l!oOk 12:100 • SAC!ll· '" CtifiY '$1'91 Needed before QU'istfnu $8600. Call 646-735.1 2CIO Harbor Blvd. 19D7 VW Co1ta Mea CONTIMINTAL FICE S161j, or torej;n car N1v•. 4 dr .. ' cvl .. 111f•· NEED bri~: 10 ttKMl, 1~om~~~~~~.~tt~:, Auto Supply eos~~.~~~_:_ __ R 2 - 0010 ~t~:r~if.Ng~~ f;I Ls;:;E ., '16 C"Anllne":-· 2 .t oor "~~~-~~!;!'·~··~~~~~1"~-~··:..Ca11_,-P.,•u-ll ~~·~·:i'!:'i~~··ri':ti:~·L'"i:'"'.'_:"~l.~t:~!Ji''r'11 '"'""'°nab.ly prittd. 6«--ISS7 clean. $GSO. 54&-6131. Wholes1fe FER• &RI 1937 V\V Sedan. l\fue-t eell. ItTo FORD Torino GT, air h1'rdtop. F'Ull II completely r:e1rd l96T Landau. 2 dr, '61 rvlD $1111 1969 -JI' Glaspar Seara.Ir """' l\1akc olJer. ~3111 Air. Poll..'t" brakes & sln rlng, luxury equipped lncludlnc full pwr, wht w/dk navy T''1111 ''"~•ik. Jt O" v.i , h .700 Vol · ~-rd! t Price1 lo All Brown factory a ir, (I.Ill ltalhtr. top, aJl xttu. I .......... ,, i uto..-itl c, fiit.,, t it, , • .., • I Mi c ln•ry, etc. Sedan. vo m..,_ ou • PllllkAll radk>, \\•Ide ovAI \lo'SV.'. 3.51, be-1,,,1 ., .. ,"' 1, ,,11.111,, , .... ,, M••e•. ! -board exctl. cond. SSG-2.462 Compltlt ?lladline Shop N ... por1 lm--•u Ltd. l"I... '59 VOLKS\VAG£N Sedan. 4 V tn..1 .. ,_ '99.~. 2~ moa. built in laJ)I dtck, •ut '" ahnya lan.tff· E>;c. cond. r•dl•, h11t1r.'ll1. ZOX I I' if'ORJ\WtTS: '3.1.. 2,000 lb ·a --4 SPEtD. low mlleare. SPEED EQUTPJ\IENT ;.-onb' u:: J'o1f'chtuile&lly 80Wld. Radio. sourtf .. .co~fr '!ermuda yeUow 1vtUl con-Pr p!J 6"-Q)T • M t N HI pntu: ·s1, 3.000 lb Solld: ..,.._ Kl"-........i REBUILT ENGINES an,re Coun i •U PIO Cl.II MG--07S8 CAR LEASING cz:-atlni laridau top.1-T·Bl!ID 2 ~ HT. 'II '66 US A •St ·\.000 lb Solid. Your chOlce v!M)'I fJI, _....., -~-or tied deah1r. . Oli'ttpltl• nt br "'"' tlru. ':..-'-d'"w· .. ~ n" Ht t4to,, •·•vi .. i ut.11 1t:1, Sll$0. zo Dlt.y \Vart4'r'll)'. ~-49'-6154. 112J Vlctorfa. Ot 54~ SA.l.£S~SERVICE·PARTS l9TO V\Y 8u'1: 11,000 m\111, lll \Y. Cat Hwy, NB 64$-2182 Phone ~29SO """""'•· ,...,... cv. '" o tr. r141o, ht ,t1r, "lliyl lt1t. ll1, 71t 6-42-8.193 or 114 : 18361 Beach Blvd, HB 147.oo!ll 31~.~Po~~i;">'· prlvalt perty. Bt'st· offer. ..=:ii: 19116 ' cO NTt N t Nf AL ~!,.wlmdo. 'TS-68!!0, da)'s TFX l 97 891-2433 Eves. S•l!~.·~'·----''°=lO * OPEN TDAYS. 642·9403 M0.1'71W "$36-"'1"84'"8=,,,,.-:::=-.---l ·u-'"~-C~a-"----"""-·I ROAN ~ ...... I========= CAL ~f No. 2S6. clau net AuJhoriztd Femri Otaler '66 VW ttdan1 geod clean 'U ··• Soecd, low mu.ap, LOad~I Xln't Col)d. T·~IRD '64, atr. il1 pwf, i FREE TO YOU '"'· "'" champ. OUI· --==-™"'""*'' oooollloo. lµOO Call &Nr I. vlnYI ''· llllOO. Kl,,_ O! l llll<l Call • S!&o™I X lr&1. Am/P'm r'41o. Ask. ... ,,,. "'""•'" OO•ri Traner, Tl'a .. 1 MU KARMANN GNIA 1!"43tt;. ,~. · · 1,,, 19ltl· ~ " (213> I' d ......, """" """"'• ond ,.,.. A !Jc • 1 k ·====-=;::;;:Ot CORV&IR {JMJ19 v.•kda)'I ~l rREE Lawn •n 1r.ape Bkt. Dt.Y1 1111-: ~~ FOR. Sale: !rand Ntw Taa-"" ..,. utoma ...-le , ·"' 1r1,·cl -you Mu1. '7~2'14. m,....t030 a·t..orw rihl'rstass Trailer. KAR.'1ANN Ghia Convt. ntd Rad~. Call Alttr 6 P t.t, •UICK .,--,.-----,-~ T·BlRO. Perl col'd. t l U/4 11· 0'DAY o~sailtr BH for Sports cars. St1 up w/ v.·ht tl)p. Nu Pfll\nt, lop, ~. 1----------''2 COJ\VAIR.. Mtd1 minor O\l"ltet. lo f'!'lllet. .Sacrlfictl · 1FE;\1ALE Ger/Shep puppy, Drmo S15ro UHd $11!1l for VW or C«vtllf:, (nfJ ires. CUs. int. $995. 541-8348 VW ·6.1, Ril1. Nu \lo'/W Uru. '6:i BUICK, "1nt cond. Y.111 work • WOl.lid make a-' &46--tl60. ~ DUNTON FORD 1 "'kl old. &1~2171 12/-4 JC' o·oA,·. uttd it'5 MT.&ll ·ii Convertible. bel!'. radio. Blur rlnlalt XJn'I cond. aelt ffi lftdt fer .sm.iltr OUM Buay '-ii.Mia. $WO. '64 T-BJJtb', wry cl('1\ PET MAU.ARD d u r. k, run ZOne'"Boat Co. Balboa ~13. x 2.1'. \Vas i5000, Cul automatic. SUll. 494--9448 or SUMI. Eves. 49Um. cer-YW, tie. 67s-.!!10. M&-6958 · SS7l 2210 S. Mlitfl 643-1063 U/4 WO·oay flbcl':~au 1&il'bont. to $199J. One block (ron1 •9T-lli6G""'"'"~'-='·~=~-~ '64 BUG $830. Perteet con· 11162 Skylarlc' 2 dr hard lop, 160 COitVAtlt' ·hat, p al &1+.42T9 ·FR-BS-buffl1'e• _ )''O" ha.uL Mil n. 1ho plnr . l~O Newport No. i'H& QUICKER YOU CALL. dltlon by ~rlr O'l\'fltt. V4. BtautUul cond. Full enatne fof bunh1l. ltuns tclr Da\ly PUol \\/'Nit ~4-$46•70..76 CAil btt. 10-2, ~n--2110 12/C * 6Tl-01JT + · J:-rt!:!l~l:"~~:!i!:~~~~:t==!!!;:-:!&0~!!!:==~·,,.~·~·~~~~==;t:~~l!:I ~la!!!:· !!!:!!!:"==~==:::,!;Dl~~~!!:~~lt;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;; • • I ) I . - • .. '• • ~ .. ··- Actress In Fire ' LOS A~GELES (UPIJ - Actress Anna Kuhfi ~·as trealed far smoke inhallfion and shock ~1onday. after firemen rescued her from the balciiny or her b u r JI i n g apartment fl1i ss Kasltfi. 30. former wife of actor ?i1arlon Btando, \\'as cooking in the apartment \\'hec grease in a skill!!I ignited. She apparently dropped the frying pan and the flames spread lo the "·ood p<1neling in the kitchen. She was helped down from lhe balcony by firernen. 'fhc fla1nes \\•ere confined to her apartment, but smoke spread throughout the building caus· Ing an eslimated $ I 0 , 0 0 0 damage. Naz i \V arship Still Target STOCKHOLM /AP) -Tiie :JS,000-ton Nazi b a t l I es hip Tirpitz, sunk in Tron1so fiord by the British RAF i n NO\'Cmber 1944. after preying for four y~ars on Allied con-r \•oys. is still a target a quarter-century later. Sal\'aged parts of the hull . up to ?.8 inches thick. are used by the Sv.·cdish d e f e n s e department lo test niodcrn annor-piercing ·weapons. CoJlege Trouble Charges Slated NORTHRIDGE tUPl)-Ca.m· pus disciplinary charges \vitl be brought against 33 lo 40 students who "'ere in\'olved in th' seizure or tv.·o buildinirs at Sin Fernando Valley Stale College last year. school o!- fie!fals said Tuesday. OTficials said proceed ings will Involve not only students \\'ho v.·ere convicted last w~k of \•arious felony -chorges sll!!mming from L'le takeo\•er but also students who "·ere ac- quitted of charges. A THOUGHT FDR TODA!_) No ont' C8n mA'kf' )'Ou f~1 lnf~rlor \\ltl1out your iX111- 11e:nt. -Eltanor Roosc uclt ""f51!Hff0 AS -"Ulll' se1tv1ct E'IUYI CAY IY; LH R0ofln Co. • f 1 Ytltt IR C.i.t• Mt~• lOJ SuHritr A,.. .U·nlf ( . .. " ...... ~ ..... \* -.t •.-.~'E * .t _s_t ;;;goos a:s:a:. c ea a c ::z; Tutsday, OK.tmbtf 2, 1%1J , • .. D She's Ti1•e•4 Ou(, Seattle Demonstrators · . . Hit RQTC Buildings SEA'I'rL& IUPll -About ·i;; demon!:tralors marehed on ROTG headquarters at tM University of \Vash1ngton Monday and shattered several windows. Vniverslly officials said the clen1onstrator~ gathered in front or the Student Union building at 11 :30 a.m .. then proeeeded-lo N8vy-ROTC • headquarters at Clark Hall and threw an · "i.nctndlary bomb'' through the front door. The missile burned out and there \\'BS no dan1age. The demonstrators, referred to as "hoodlums'' by a university spokesn1an, ne~t niarched on Air Force RO'rC ·headquarters and shattered .s~veral-windoors .ther-erbut. did not enter the building. ''TEED ~\;·:FF''' "I , •. ' ' , ''';./ . \VHY NOT PLAY? A Public Courst with • Country Club Atmosphere, Tht Huntington Seacliff Ch•mplonship Golf Course and Unparalleled Clubhouse Facilities 1i70 MEN'S AND LADllS GOLF OltGANIZATION APPLICATIONS AYAIU.ILI "'"O SKOi" l'R.tCTl[E GllEll!NS DRI VING llANGI II ENT Al' f"4!1;TS LESSON~ DININO 11:00"' COCKTAii: LOUNG! lAMOUIT ROOMS Oirtc!lon1 It Cl~D S~n Oit•I l'wy. II G1IGet1 W1d Avt .• M•ttll M 1'11111 AVN rl•M to C'11bh..,,1 or P•clllt '""" Hwy, '11 Gtlcltn W111 1 ntrth 19 1'11,. !rll to Clulth1111t: The have and holders . • " a personality analysis Read the personality descriptions and select the on'e that suits . .you best to find the right sayings plan for your type. The charts will show you how each one works. We've been matching people to savings plans for 33 years. The kind of people who want their money to keep its buying power. Who want the value of their money to rem ain steady in an up-and-down market. Who would rather have their money earn interest than to pay exorbitanr carrying or loading charges. Who want their money to .multi ply so they can pay C8Sh for th ings . Who want to be able to get their hands ' on their money w hen they need it. Saving people. like you-the kind who want to HOLD their money and HAVE it earn interest. Come in and let one of our people experts get you started on your personalized-to-your-savings· p ersonality program at Newport Balboa Savings. Are you one of the regular people? PLAN #1 Regular Account Thi6 plan is for regular people with regular · salaries who have .decided to save regular amounts anywhere from $5 a week up, but who want their money working for them. They also want it to be some place they can get their hands on it if they need it in a hurry. If they can leave it alone for a year or more. 1t w111 give them the Big Annual 5.13 yield. REGULAR MONTHLY INVESTMENT 125 $50 $1 {" 6 Mos. "' JO• co:. \Yr. .z~s 616 1.:i.z3 2~ "' 1 ,26-4 2.529 ' 3 " 972 1.946 3.89::> i 4 Yr1. 1.331 2.€6 2 5 :;1~ 5 Yrs 1 707 J ,415 6,830 10Yrs. 3.900 7,801 15,602 15 Yrs . 6.71 $ 13,432 2".864 20 Yrli. 10,329 20.662 •1.325 ~II Jr•ltttftn1 '" pl1n1 ]. !, J & ~ 1•• IGJr.d1d tit an.II "'' kit4 "" ""' w"~"l '"""'I r11t tf 5.oo•;. ctmptundtd doily ,,d Pt •d qu.,ll!rl•. l~ tu,..nl liiokltl>ll !flt f';t 1 ,....,. flom lomt 19 l!mt t nd f~.tr.'911 o~r:t I~• rttoi•H 111111, ~I 10 ltr not 1~1>1u"1't111 tlltr !flt •Ion. D Are you one of the other-people people? PLAN #2 l ife Income Plan Th is is for people who have a sum of money they would like to put aside an d receive the interest every month but not touch the principal. Perhaps you inte~d to leave your money to your heirs. In this plan the original investment is retained for a lifetime and you have a regular income every month. If your future plans are for your children's future, then this savings program may suit you. LIFE INCOME PLAN Initial Oepo1it Amount of Check $12.COO ,,,500 20,000 25.000 S0,000 $ 50 00 Per Month €0 00 Per Mon:ii 83.00 Pei flf.oniq, 1 04.00 Pei Mont!'I 206 00 Ptr Mon,., Are you one of the retiring -people? PLAN #3 Monthly Security Account Th is is for people who have a lump sum of money but who know that if they don't put it awa1 somewhere out of sight. they will spend it. Perhaps they are looking t forv.-ard to retirement and know it would be better to hi:lve a certain amount coming in every month over a given period. Not only wrll they get back a lot more 1han they put 1n , but there will b!! a nestegg to reward themselves for not blowing it all at once. INVEST $10,000.00 A~~D: you receive end you reta;n each month '" ~n estate of• $ 50.00 10 years $ 8,675 00 $ 50.00 15yearS" s 11~:;co $ 7500 \0 years $ 4 77$.00 $ 75.00 15 yenrs s '00000 $1(>0 00 iOyeilrJ I 87503 INVEST $25,000.00 ANO: you recl!!1ve ill\d you rdta 111 t!1ch month for an esrat~ of• $100.00 10 years $2~,600 00 $100.00 !Sye11rs $2£.050.0Q $150 bo !Oyears $17.800.00 S:?OO.o6 !O years $10.00000 s2:;ci.oo 10 ye11rs s 2.200.00 •••Jat•ll undtr tlio1 tltn 14l~I W r.it '""'""' ol Stdio• 8101 11 IM ,,11:.ra" fi•111ti1I Codt t•dlf wtlk~ I 1rrinr. "' i<ll• 1nocf1Ho• mt, nat .... ru !ft 1 l)t to r<:~ulT1 up 11 I" n:Oftt~I l>Ollrto ol lfthlnt !$ •0:!14f"I•. NC>OllO<t Ba!bN Sr.o•r• ~fl n'lfl 1"-'f ..itlld<W1011 IO<JUttl 1!0"'0UJ •lrl!IH\ d1!1y o• Q~ntlo• '" •ur 1•1'<1 33 ''"' Are you one of the patient people? PLAN ~" Guaranteed Annual Rale Account, Th is plan is for patient people who already have a sum of money to invest and are wilting to wa it a while for a good return on their money. The . minimum deposit is $1 ,000 {more if you wish. of course), in exchange for which you receive a certificate which guarantees an annual rate of 5.25% for 3, 4 or 5 yeij_rS. Are you one of the patient ones? Then the GUARANTEED ANNUAL RATE ACCOUNT is for you. YOU W1LL RECEIVE Initial after • 1fter 1fter Deposit 3 year1 4 y11rt S ye1rs $ 1.000 s 1.170 $ 1.233 $ 1.300 $ 5.000· $ 5.852 $ 6.168 $ 6.500 St0.000 s ii.705 $1 2.336 513.001 $15.0CO . s 11.ssa s 1a.~c· s19,so2 Are you one of the enterprising people? PLAN #5 3-Year Bonu~ Account For people who wa1lt not only the current yield on their savings, but would like a sum over and above. In this plan you invest a minimum of $1000 which earns you 'the current yield PLUS an extra Y4°/0 per year at the end of 3 years. If you would like to be enterprising an d safe at the same time. then the 3-year bonus accoun t is for you. YOU WILL RECEIVE lnitl•I •fttr 1her 1fter Depo•it 3 yt•r• 4 r-ar• S y11r1 ' "" $ 1,169 $ 1,232 $ 1,298 $ S,OCO $ S,&46 s 6.161 $ 6.493 $10.000 S1 1,69J $12,3'23 s 12,ea1 $15.000 $\7.~0 $18 465 $19,481 -i I ·Q L) • . . ' ' _fimpo rt __ ~~l~@.@: Savings.8 4 •• M1ln Off1ct : 3$66 V,1•L•do, Nev.po1t Be•ch, Cahforn'9 £2663 • Pho I'll 714,Q7J.J1 :o ' CQrori• del Mir Olf1ct f.l'lal'IC•:il Pfai~. ~ N1~po11 L.tnt1r Or1vt • Corona,clel Mir, CAllf0tn1t !!2G2S 1 Phwr;e 714/644-14151 :; l 7