HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa'!•--E Pl i 41 •• i:= • .,.,, t'if ., 1 ' QC ' \f¥C 7 I .,. ·• --..... -. ·-----. · \!{BINE$V6Y AFTERNOON.-9,ECEMBER 3, 11 969 " ,., ....; • .~p. 'fO• "!-\; S•CTION~ 7t'.f'A_•l11 , • _,, ""'' _.,_ .... _, j ' • L =~ -. . --. --·-, . ' .. ~-' .. , " "' . . .. • . •.. . -~ . --- . ,, ; ~ . . . Bas.~11 ,~ L ;J. It!\UrnJ . ' . . c~~D::s T«;>p~~~$ D~c~g •1 ._.~-.,.;~,j~...;,.?.1.· '(. j'~ ... ·;. 1-.·~:..'~, ~' -Ea~; :_ °"'.. ' :'"Ohthy CoUrt . -, . t~,.'~ ,, : r .-• , I .... ~ . .o1~"il0 1·, If # ,I'•',• I' • ..,.,. O' '• .-...... {, ;.~:!:=~'\.it ·;e1;-=~~=~~; Countl'Jlllprllr~ t•·.t.i:llrid-a · irimli<nt. be Oolitlniied, to exempt recent ban on nildeOi~ dl.OC$1i .-the.WS. ~rom mde performance laws to bi ~Ugnl] ~-f , " bal!nfi,g 1ild11hows in bars and laverns. Q acbon came bareJt Uifte bOtJra ~ The victoey wu a b'ie~ for be!,..; Ille Co&ta M ... ·City Cow\ci1 ihror IX-County lavern ,owners who ~It in principle anyway, warnecfof ba,. -....wtinC lj>e 10ple11-bot- an uiunlnent "ltbruk of )lfO!eulbnal un, tom1ea bin from froat.and rear to Ill d· d,.a. ' >" ' ' Ion tolll)' In~ Judp·'lloberi corrmiii !il\I pl.Med to Durinf the proceedings before Judge lssue ·tlb: ruling on1\he ·~ enac~ Corfman, whiCh ended late ,in the day. .,...an_ge Gounty: ,la"w Prtdq,; but dec!d'd 11~t; were corcluded by Deputy theta. waa no pOtnt in;~·attertniuJl. Dlitric rAttomey Orettl seara, and at- ing•over tbi'cue. _1 • ~ • torne.y Richard Quan. npruenting · 1te !Jlcl the· ordinlnCe Ind ~~ly · uveni ownen. ,. billl cltarlll( tbe way lo<'ill aodptlDo by · Quan orgued -succeufully, It turned cities and counties around the' 1tate oUt -Jhat the"· ~ recently vlolateiequal prolectioa -aitd~due~proceu enacted by County Sup,er~ wu ~ _____ _.. ___ _.,"'"'. -constltuUdnal..00,~IOry. -· H• cited l)le same buel later agreed 10 HE CAN'T BACK AWAY FROM THAT by-Judge Corfman, that to do so would unfairly discriminate against bar1 and taverns, while keeping hand-off policies on nudity in theater artl. The action >eaves in effect a court orler re1tralrrlnc sheriff's deputies from Camp PendlelCD~Mirtne Jlobert Watt f taking any action against the three bare got himself arrested in I.'.al\lna 8'ach facts bistros. Tuesday ruatit on charges that he bac~ed Located in unincorporated areas of the his bus van up for ISO feet and wu going central county the three taverns in ques- J6 fast he lmllhed lnto Jbe __ cP~behln4. Uon are ~ey'1-Guest HOUR the hlm. -. · "--Tuscan Room, and IJWe Annie's' Fan- Laguu Officer 'I11omas:-&Ydef~1~ • olee. • "-. arresltd Watt, :z; ·m,lrool o1 11'1 1111<11 '!'till. latfer evidenUy ·has mulUple Cover bar ~-Coast RIOWay, clllmed perfonneis. that the , ~ evu\.1-'e<f lnmllc. Co-j>Uh!tll!J ln thl cue -which goes horn blasts fl1lm the flllo behind as heWto ._ hlgber" -court based on the ln- Watt•i'nii ~ po 'l!ll<kward on iL tenUon · ol Dlotrlct ,i.ttorney Cecil !Dck• Ob ~H"a Olflcer l\OyJter, In his -are the -owners plus June patl'Ol 'cu, wi;-dOlni the born blow-Conover. · ing. • Miu €onover 1ppen in the altogether ; at Harvey's Guqf H-. 6f~ ~o~t Dea~lt (-- 4 + ,., • .. ., .. --·--• 4j • • • • . " . . .. c r , • • • • ·1 •• .. ' , .. . ' • -. . . ' --. ----- . -, - :..~ -, . ·- ' r f ~­' > ~~ 4. -----------· -· . . . -i:-: l:.~;i,7 7'""' .,_. ' . ·-· ---1,1-: ------. -·-· -· . .. -~- _. .:: • . ..,. .. . -, . I ~ • : . -' ,. ., ., . . . . - • • t "I' I ' LE APS 'I'd · PRE E.DOM Voc..11i1t Bl rfla ong ' ' ' , ' ., . . .. . . . Supre m~s Singer .:-. -. -. ------------- ---' c ·--- . ..,_ ----. . . .... . -· --. I *' *" * *· --4 ---· ----- * * -, ' . -ff • .. u I * From Tower ; • Wife Succeeds $700 Ex emption , . T-'-S . . d T· .. . . . . . , . . • Ill . econ ry Senate-V. ·otes TaxRelief ,· E. , S' •• d · . : : . · . · . :· o-·wcl 'e ' • • I , f IJ.. • .:.,,Diti1Utiiilri-·1'~ttil · ) , . -~.;:a· ~~4~k~~:·~~~~~ ~ .._ t. ~~ ., ~-·-..... -~:..,. • .;_;,. ~· ..,. ' ' d.-;rs·go-•--wl.Tllf(lday, tqmblfr!g ~ ;, :; >' I '_.. < ~ f · "( :> olfllo iJt!i '~ ofa ~ ~ Jii -. . ~· "!I'm .-.' liicillO.ll'•l ,:_,_,· -~ • onn,.· .. ...ocw .......,.,tried to .... ~, , ---w .. ilf · ~%'•'1r.rr-~~ be!'· • • nilliid.. .. ' '~ "' ...... ~.-t \ •:t__., ..,:...3.._ ... ""'""' .... ~ . ' . ' ''" ,,....,,. .flllo Olli ,. ...,...., _.,... ~" ,Mn. .Pbyllfl' D., '.B«:k, j5, 'fl.ho, !Hves . I. -~--10 . ,..,_ "" "" Salllte in tlle1 ~.,... L . ~ · · · , · _..,.... ' -;--<«;~ TT . . , . ...,... aeven )'GWll oaughteis, had. been rele,.,. ~!:l\wi. li1ori · · ·, !\'~, . ; .. · · , ea ·1n;ri,-poych!atr1c c•-1 .~. · "l'lli'Priii>oial, ·spo1~;.i \,y ·s.;.,: AlbOrt , .:!r'~·l!'i'!i ele~ lil,tfie,qor. =· atlempl Nov, 13 · at -the same ~~~l':.':/tie 1:. ";;)~~tr!:' · J. Tlj,;.-....1n~e.i.,.tili<'l'to!IOO · Het htisband;M1UI1c,e,:told ayt11llrilie! Pruident 'Ntson "l'Uelday that·hi mlcbt QVtz; i'!O. nan.. · . . ,. . , 1 Tueeday be 1ftlt lbe.\Was•oot.ready-Nov. veld a 'tu bill wJth -auch' in ammdmeftt 2. A $1,000 standard deducUon and knir 22 when given her freedom again. in it. . . r Income allow~. '.P.-~ deduc.. Mn-. I*~. ·or 2p.1. Cf1"$. st:, ~1e, · SPonao" of' fh. propoeai ·emJ>hal!Hd .Uoo now ls t•Jl!lr ...,1 . .i_,odjallod gro11 wu •llllllf,on Ille idge of ltie,Union !lank that the _nrial fonn of· tax·redUc1lon :!JUll ~up to• inaxhn_. , ~1of f.1.~.. . . Square'~ south tower at 12:44 p.m. when wwld hive to be. worked <lit In a Seno!e-.. 1 .. A tu ~ -!_~ iJi\ilt ·penont ahe catmty'benflonvaro·iuid ilove 'to bet House·conference·on the le~latioli. ~I ah' ~hlcb·tbey · death. · I . - They llld Iha~ If IOl!le ·form of Jn-woWd in ·DO -p0y 'Jll!l't, than !O per .A building supervisor'·-spOUed her erei1e In the' uemptlon b lnc!OOed, 11 ~ aboV•'.tho'. tu'liit ·-; <ouplu. chooe llOl 10 dlre<Uy 'lntervene and .Cllled can be done tft a way to make ·tt ac-Son'le Dow1 PIJ' ·U ,'mudl~u 40 per cent police instead, but tt was too late. · E Kid . cepta"ble td .Nixon. more. The victim slid' olf. ilie northwest cor--.Scan.es.; . n. a.per , · Moptlon_· of Gore'• "'°""· . a1 1o_ 11owed · 'l'bele wouta oubeiltute ror the la• ner of t11e sooth tower 'an<1 p1wnmetec1, • ... -___ 1:.-.•• I I' .J -' Senate n!Ject.lon, bf • 'lJ.23 vote, of an reuet proYtitoni 'in tJM(bHI, as h -passed hlttiiig partlall)•cnto·tlietpavemeat Bnd'. ·HPlXY'l'OOD "(~~), -· cyntliia!"AM a!ta-naUve plan prOpooed by Sen. Charles the 8-. ll)d clc!ored,tbe ·r.~e Com· landscaped area ouisldi! lhe' bullamg. ' B~, Ill,'. a, embe . ~ lhe 3001 H. 'l>ercy (R-lll), to lpreld the tu.cvt.. m!ltee:' · · . ~ty Coroner Jim Bricker laid Mn. sing!ngtift>uP'"'I),i ~·;was held over a longer per:lod of 1ime. . The HOu.e Voted TSte' cuta·of at least 5 Beck was app&rently able ·to-reach the for morelltbln. oo,lbo!Jr at ~int by Percy pro~ to increase the P,erCft1t..for each taxpl,Y~;~~· lncttue In rpo( through a nqrma)ly k>cked doof that a ~e ls>qf:-lq00.J>Fr , Tuefday night peraonal e~emption·'50 a year for three Qie ~ dMtuct.i~ to, $2,006 lli VU-ee l!ad. been left open for w1ndow :washers before at>, jwpp;e~ irom a seeedlng ' car years, to a top of f750. His plan, unlike slept, · ·and an 'f~JOO Jqw lnCome workirig On a scaffold. . on the Long BeaCh -FrfewaY. . Gore's, also '!ould have ,cut tome inc<lme alk)y.iance ·~oi: PflOI' f~! , She tried her death dive from the ~ " Miss Blrdsoog .sUffered rDUltiple lacera-tax ntei. • • The only feaJUre illll was the ~·in pOstte tqWer at 'uoIOn Barik Sq'uare Nov. tloQs when ohe jumped ~WIS report.<! The Gore omendmenl 1Rib611tuted the ... ·(Bee til CIJT. Pqe Zl 13, but attorney J ... pli Szabo won Ute in saUsfactory cond.IUon at Lon,g Beach ,. . 1 . m-uggle to siv~ber."!rom.stitclde. . Memorial Ho$ita1. She ·also was treated " " .... · ·· ·· · Hi . · · $i&bo..Jl!kt he IJ.eatd brea~ng gl~u ln ~ "~:,r.:';.ia;~:·:~~per. described.. B_ ·_ l_a .. ck.. R. ob_ ed . .• n."p· ie : B.an ... d. ~:. .. ~.=. ~~·:oohi!r:: wearing a brown , leather jacket. waa . J"': ~ the bleeding Mrs. Bee~ back: to safety. · hldlJli in , a., bedrooz:n of . !Jle slnger'a Surgeons • at Orange County . Medical HoUywood'home when she returned In the · , · · ' -· · · een:-repalred lhe m~ted.,ar.ms.with ev~giriend..-rlesHewlell .. ~. and Blamed for· Tate ·Murders whi (~';'o~~"p:=:-·w·~ Howard Keat,~ •. had go~ to the home . · ~ . .. ~" ; •. earlier arfd we~ wllllil& for Miss • ~. appart!fttly unaw&rt, of the kid· · · · · , -· -· · (••· a~~nNG p Z) LOS ANGELES (AP) -A.llwyer for a ed a w1nl!9lr; ti)'ll1 _opened th< front door • ._, u...,.,., ' ~le girl mtmber"ci 1he 'lllpple, tt.ml'lthked to and uie citheB:mtered. the Sharon T•te murden sald'today 1he . ''Ti\el> ~~.tool<: p\~ce' Parent killlnp· were carried out by five people· • cll!f Lin black ·wpq enterfd ~ roaJllion (Steven Parent, 18,) a friend of the . ' , . '(joari ' < • M esa~·~ Y 9µth-_ -.ElectroritiJed .,, .. .. t • alter one of tbein had cut. uWlty ~-. .car<tiku, wasldlled i>Ulalde-bef ... thty ,'Ille ·IH[lff nip\; ·atli>nleY l'ltif Coruao •J1.\.e'r ~-d • ;F r • k o "a);y". (Volt;cl<' odded, the slll)e'. grfjijp plckld a·11ouse •t Fro•ow"7r, a 'ftfend Of ·Polam~, W1' hit random .and,_stabbed to deathJa W91thy 1 .i on the head ·wtth;the butt· Of a pistol, then t market owner. and.. .hll rwUe ~then took, killeJ! .. Two w~ k,llled on'Ute lawn. They . • iot J73 hOm lhe whole 'hornlc~." lbowen Jh t.\e houae and had a anac.. clns,,)did ·~ idenufy thie other four,· -. -Weadl .. ---... . . .. . . Under partly clOudy, but moat-- ly 1unny skies, the t Orange Coast will bask In ID!d-'TO=degr:ee weatb- eJ: Thursday. 9j A·~.,...;;; . _.;J ind ,wu stlll bumlng when 4 pr t11e Dilr PiitW:----.e ~ Carl Jacbon arrived from A c.ta Mm• polkw5 ... W · Ille "°""1 poll<e headquaNn. · beart.lclt "'~,of !cknuMir•I ........... • Pol\<e ljl>ie! Rofer Neth 1mved lhortly boy whose bli* .couldn'k'"" lell 't*-~ i hlvlnf ...,. 'the explooion day· n!ihl;'-1fl'r hi !ell ~-Inn a _.is 1f)er leaving Colla ille!I City power pole In 1 ·bill Ol"rlre; ioliclnlcniH Council dwnben. ' by il,ooo voll!. ' Bom<!( from entry by a locked gate, Martin E. Rutan, 14 of 2157 ~•lloo S•, polleo aid llmnen """ about to cut would bavi been killed ti,llaldnl on ~ ~thetr WAJ. in to reach the. burning body bead In 111< plunge, •lf.1" .hatii'i been when~ Company employe Wiiliam Uterally'Jllc!nmted bl( II* ~Jill,· Guffy arlfved (tom hiJ nearby home wllh Tbe bl._( fluh ol tl(ht whldt lbred a key. · · the sky' .ver ·tjle ~Ill C.Hfomla The Rutan boy'• body wa1 still bumlng. EdJsoo O>mpany aub!tliloa at til"l"' · A lrlend, Michael v .. rgln, 15. of 1!0 W. Rood ..m WU-. ~ at t-p.m., WU-Sj., ·!Old authoriU" at the o«ne 'broollhl l ptctaton al!d ponce. ' · he. thought lbe v!ctim ml&)l! be V.lrlin A.Ji<rJ ob)<cl 1'U lfJ!ll IO 'plnmmet to Rutan,. and Officer Ri>n Palm<r_ coo- tho-gnllllld -lhe.-....S llldloCUd-flmied It .' ' • I f 1.- • • • I ' J I T)>e Yearatn !>l'Y'~ ~was able to Jdenllly .. the vicUin a1!9,. according to poUce, "'ho Aid be .w11 unezplalnedly , cllinblnl.a:ll-foflt·powu ~ w¥n killed. JJet•n\., have' lkiiihecl ' 1c0ndoctor ~ abooib 'the hffrt-s~pq·l8.'oGJ.vqlt joli; but ..,..Id only need to ptoclose 19 be,.. ~ J., in.talit dulh, .C..rdlng 10 .. ~ Company spokesmin. "Jun '1Jdng on lhe .J>Ok. 100 1n lhe •l&l\y~ol -.vofti .wodld put him In jeop'rd1 of havl9g 'th.;. ~ol11ge arc · thnlullh the Jir an~ llrlk•hlm down," .be es:p\Jfned. • 1 from the ~ box. but ek( hfo Wt.."e woDSentanct tifO tften. Caruto, a veteran-Loi ~gtleicrtmlMt Mia Tate, ·11,2-monu. pregnint, was ' attorney. represtntl'SUSln Den1le Alklnai itabbed after voldng la Pte-to".sive her 21, a member of a band of nomod1c hip-l\oby. bi aalcl, •11!1 Froll°"*' bOd oflered' pies. P.olke say ~veril mem~t of 'the' · ~to the ktUeh. 1 • • 1 1 group performed !be -Tote murders, thtle-~slar!llli the ....t~·he illd, oc-· of lhe morket f•mllv, and_ .... ,. been -~ ,_.,_ Jt wu ·'-"'·Ille' Tito• INSmE ToDA. Y ·Tht l4tc1t production of the Laguna M~ton Pla11house and till annua · olida11 offering from the Ch ldren's Theater Guild are, reviewed• today.· Sn Entcrtafn~nt, Pagt 29. ~~trtto~~ID :~~ ~· ~l.~~~·~~p·\o· Atklni, whO ts cblr,eit •wtth\a murder b\; ~aUne&llllilltlfhlJJIJrils. ~ :=. ..;. U • ="•"" .. ;: the MlUbu area. told1bbh tn t fl1"our 'bthn-..... wse..Mlli Tew. b(r for-~--' : ::=-'C ., llltorvlft <th•t .6 l•• '!M.·"'· lht· ftV.• -'~llJlllC~&!brlnl. and ,_ --_, .. Who went to the Tate mtNJ~ in lttl-Af cclfee . ~ ~ · •. · 5'J:t..-~ = ; tr:.. ,nl: -ne·ia\te~thJ, AuoouhtOtbir lt«y: ' . Anotbw '. a~y, for .. ~.Alt!,., ...,._. . i: ::.•=: .J: ·r.:~.':f~~~d~~M-.: =~a~:t,t:,~~J:~~· 5.::-.• :-.5-'" ·.J! t at wu the ~fe of Polish film dlr«tor 0fantltf"• ~.-w Cl\atiW")f.1Mamon, ...,._. M • ._, ..... ., " Rc1n1f Polniatl). A man Uled a pait of a ... abtIMro· . .aid Mia Amr» '!Md =.... u.1tn ~ "=::..-:-'...,. ~ j boltcutlan, to eul 111t•<Joo1J1c llnel, lhen notbllli lo.do :w1lh tbe mwdcl" aa ohe -•-11 , crept.ll'Olllld Ila aide ol U.1-1,.-... (~ TA"?!1e.W.,.,....,~)., "· .1-_,-""'°..,...~-,----........ • ·"' ,. I ... -,J• f • , l • • , ' ., Mlthew D. Elterle, 17, of 110$ Jefferson Ave., wu the fir.at to notify police dl1patcben of the electrocuU.0, saying 11 -la.. JIOX.l!IJ;EI>, 'hn'.U .. . I , .. . , . .' ' I .I.• I I f • • I ! ! I I I • I j , ' s . ·s~~~~efl " :·On Laguna ~ritg Counts Sf!: penons were arrested on dru& , cliqa In Ll(una Beach 'l'utodly n)ghj Jn a raid that ranged from fashiooatM Cliff Drive to less 1tylish.Eaicywood Lant in IAguna Canyon. A quantity al lwl!him. a small amount of heroin· and hypodermic l<lts were a<lz. ed 1i evidence, police reported. Armed with two worrant!, I,agiina of. fict:r"S and aierits of the State Bureau of Nareot.ics fint arrested Gregory Mathew G<ey, 11, 117:10 p.Jil:Tb< alleged -.. v.·as fOund 1n bis apartment at 210 Cllff Drive, officers sald1 Taken to Oranie County jail and booked on a $6,250 war· rant. be is charged with sale of dangeroua drugs. 11 j 1 The seeond warrant was tter\'ed sMrtly belorf mic!nlghl on Samuel ~ Rusty" Glliiiln. 33, who is charged With " lh• lljl\e ri darigeroos drugs and with -..i1"1maintaining a house where drugs art us- ed. Laguna Beach officers Norman Bab- cock and Nell Purcell accompanied fOOr state agents to Gibson's Laguna Canyon home at 1214 Fairywood Lane where he aurrendered, BaOcock said, with "slight resistance." He was taken to Orange · Col!J>ty Jail. Maxi-Mini . Allo omated at the Fairywood Lane address, and booked into Laguna Beach jail, chuged with !USpicion ol -Ion of dangerous drugs were Jacque.line Rae P:arker, 18, Daniel K. Denenberg;, 27, Freddie Scott aarter, 22, and Charles Paul Becicer, 27. . A small quantity of heroin and nm:olics paraplle<nalia, including the t\ypo kits, were found at the Gibson home, police said. Jn a study in contrasts, singer.actress Liza Minelli, wearing a maxi· coat, is trailed.by yot.ing girl reporter attired in miniskirt during an inte-rview on the move at London Airport. Miss Minelli, daughter of the late Judy Garland, was en route to Paris Tuesday. l Groucho, Wife Reach Settlement BEVERLY 1IILLS (UPl)--On the •ve of an appearance today in court for their dlvorce hearing, comedian Groucho Marx .-net hia estranged third 'wife reached: a Pentagon Calls Medina In Probe Over Song My •. property settlement totaling nearly SI From the Wirt Services million. · WASHINGTON -Capt. Ernest A. Attorney Marvin Mitchelson, repre.sen-Medina, commander of the Army com· . linl Mrs. Eden Man:, said Tuesday tht pany involved in the Song My slayings, • 'woman would receive .$210.000 in alimony was summoned today to testify Thursday ·over a .even-year period and $337,000 before a Pentagon board formed to in· from Marx' television contract. vestigate the incident. ' · He said she wouki also receive hall the J.1:edina is now at Forl Benning, Ga., p'roceeds ftom the sal~ of the couple's and has not been charged in the case. · "pltish $350,000 home in the exclusive The commander of one of llis company's Trouadale Estates area. ,Mltchehon said platoons, Lt. William L. CaJley Jr., has she Would al!O receive certain Stocks, been charged in ' lhe death ·or 109 South . b:mds and other uaet.s under the let· Vietnamese civilians at Song My on 'ttement, bringing the value to about $1 March 16, 1968. 'million. In Vietnam today, the leader of a team Mn. Marx, 38, sued her 78-year-old 1;1~ South yietuamese legislators said his hUaband fer · divorce, charging mental inquiry into reports U.S. tr o o p s .cfuelty.11'e couple wcire m'f.'ied~an..17, ~acred c~villana in My Lal :were in-nUIM ..00. aepar1ie4 last Jan. I. They were cohClw.ive and the truth must aw alt the ~ ·«heduled to appear for the divorce hear~ trial of Lt. Calley. , .in& tJUa ~·in nearby .~la M~ca Sen. Tran Van Don said on the strength . :~r Court. ~;•f what he had~'learned he was unable to ' • ~ • · ~ · .• _ n @P.iniOn that a massacre oc· • ' . . ' tutr ·'It ~ Lai in March 196&-or ,lf it ':p· • C ·' •· te' d ~did _:'the-extij.t of the" killing; the : . ' air onvic ·Saigon governrnont has denied 'there was :;1J,,,.t Judge Agrees . . ' . CINCINNATl,.Ohio (AP) -A Dian and ;,his Wife, who adlil.itted dragging their ·married, 23-year-old son ftom a building · .P.Y his beard, have been reluctanUy eon-- Yict.ed of auault and battery. ~ ' , Judge Rupert Doan of the Hamillml ·County MwUcipaI Court convicted fo.1r. ahf1 Mra. Raymond Koenig of aubutban ·Cheviot Tuesday and fi~ them but : remitted the costs. ·The Koenigs le9tifi«t that their ct..ughter·in·law called them and said that . ~ <;harlel Koenig was in a hippie-populated sectlon here "smoking pot with his ,iirlfriend." · .. Doan said that ''under the circumatances I probably would have done the same thing" as the Koenigs. · . • • . .. . DAIL\ f'ILOT .......................... ._ ____ ,""' CAlllOINLA C11MG8 ~ P\ltLllMtMG 'OMN.H'r •• ....., N. w"' .. ,..... ... ........., J.c• •• c.t., Ylet ........ -...... ..,.., 1"-•• k-11 .... Th-•• A.. ...,,.ht"' -·--c.-...,, ia """' ... '""' ~ ...... :1111#11111 ..... .......... L=~~·=-:.= Fron• l'Gfle f BIRDSONG ••. naper in the be~m. The man put a large knife to her neck ""hen she entered the bedroom and holding the knife under her chin he forced her to tie the two other men with their ties. · She was then forced to her car and held at knlfe-point ·as the man drove toward Long Beach. Police said 1.he woman jumped from the speeding car while on the Long Beach Freeway and rolled across onto the edge of the freeway. She got up and ran against traffic until she was found by two California Highway patrolmen. The two men at her home freed themselves moments after the kidnaper ·abdi.&cted Miss Birdsong and called police: A s~tewide all points bulleUn has been issued for the man, described as about 23 years old and white. f'rona Page 1 BOY KILLED •• appeared to be an explosion at the substation. Police Sgt. Larry Bersch said he was on patrol in the area and raced to the scene as soon as the blinding flash signalled trouble. which was to include a short power blackout. Edison Company authorities said they had reason to believe youngsters had been climbing into the perilous electrical compound frequently in recent months. Police notified the victim 's mother After positive identification was made and he was taken to Balli Mortuary, Coala Mesa. but no arrangements had been made today. ~Ian's tharred B--;xiy • F ound1!1 MexicQ Ar ea, -TIJUANA, Mc.x.ico (AP) -The charred l't'fl\eins Of an un identified man believed m1trderect ·11p to four nlOntha ago bavt . . . t>ten round in a deserted area near La .BlUllurosa. 84 miles ctist .. or Tiju~, authorllles said. -\ a mass slaying at the \'illage. Medina was directed to appear before a board headed by Lt. Gen. William R. Peers, which was formed to look into the -adequacy of the original Army in· vestlgation of what happened at Song My. The Peers investigation is being held behind closed doors at the Pentagon. .Medina has retained the prominent Boston criminal lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, as his attorney. Bailey will accompany Medina to I.he hearing Thursday. The Pentagon made public names of witnesses heard by the Peers group today but gave no indication of what connection they might have had with the case. The witnesses, wiqt only last na~e_s . P.ven, were identified as Maj. McKnlght; Lt. Col. Blackledge, Maj, Calhoun, Capt. Kotauc and CWO Thompson. The Peers investigation is biting con· due~ separatfly from the ArmY~ probe of the oVe,r·aJI Song My' 11ffair ;'Under ordea to detennine why rio repor\of the a,lleged massacre was made aod why no disciplinary action was taken, the board will attempt to determine whether there v.·as cover-up. Meantime the U.S. court oi military ap- peals has turned down a request by both tl;e prosecution and defep9e for a ban on future news media accounts related to the Song My incident. Tuesday's unanimo\1$ decision em· phasiz.ed that the colonel ""ho will preside at the court-martial of Lt Calley Jr. seems to have all the power ~e needs to screen out any prejudicial pilblicity. Publishers have the job of seeing that news stories are proper and accurate, the decision said, and military judges have the job of guarding court-marUals against outside influences. Front Pnge 1 TOWER FALL •• then placed under psychiatcic care for a ti ma. Deputy Coroner Bricker sa.id Tuesday in the wake of the tragedy that Mrs. Beck's husband told him he thought she should have been kept under obserVation longer, but psychiatri~ sent her home. No note was left on the Nov. 13 try, nor Tuesday. v.·hen Mrs. Beck succeeded with her death wish . Investigators said study of psychiatric reports compiled during· her stay at Orange County Medical Center simply ln-- dicate she was driven by a desire for death. She lea"es daughters ranging in age from 20 to 7, according to invesUgaton, v.1lo said the body v.·as ti.ken to Shannon Funeral Service in Orange. Cabi.t1 Cruiser Not 011 Fire Coast Gtlard and Harbor Patrol scarcbm mis9!d tM boat ~ lhey hasttned to Three Arch Bay 'nl<sday in response to a..,.t :20 p.m. report that a cabin cruiser appcred to bt on lire oU'sbore. -When' the tearchm ·arrived they found no sign o{ the boat, pr even ~ the 1moke reported to have been "blUowJna" from it. . • Conc:lualon: the cabJn cntl4tt ap- ;.ttntly got undor way alter II •lected 111 i,tnuaf.ial quantltj Of smoklt • ) 'Lill.Wetter . •• :·' ~ ··r-1 ~ • • r • ·, •• .... •lo! ' + • ·LSD Letider ~Called 'Poisonous Evil Man ?' . ' . ~... . . . ' '~, ••• ,._ -·~ • t -~--• WA's!DNGTQ!f (llPl) -TV ~ Ari ,\t __ lhe llli1f, 1J'*1e~ called It Linld•ll<r IA>df,y c:oo<l"""'11d Dr. ''l'lmotl1y , •:mu_.' II)' lhe, puabers liid purveyors Ltal)', I fonnu Harvard Unl\>udy. pro. ... dnw. feSIOt • a& "tha\ Po}Jonous evil m&ii~ tor ' Jle aiJd' that ht decided· to apeak out in 'promotU1s 1inlDd eXP&ndine' vpp tueh.~~ his.:W and -~tr•a•!' tO reveal to as 11\lflJuona and !JD. ' .. • •t!iiii tho d!JI(~ Involved. ile told 'lhe °'pveriioi's conlett'nce on lie ,.id 1111 doughier had the "htn· narcotlcs and dangerous dru'8 that . dlc:IP'' of c~ "a f~ name'" and Leliryo=•l"'al<lng to---standln1·rocn>o11ly '4'1od lliat ' IUch kldl . ore '* ' crowds al unlve..tu ... h" tieen WUng Jllifiod." He llld chl1*tii iii pcomln<nt students that ta<log drui•'"is 1 way lo peOple g0 put 61 their w~ to prove "they t11m on. Tum out irid ·drop·out." are pa:t ef the·~·" ... Lltlkletter, with· Pretldent NW:m and 1be TV entertainer llaid .. 'Kids are Vlc<.Pr..W.nt splrii T. Agnew 1ltttng trying such a variety-of drugs and with him on t)!e platform at the State chemicals no laJ'i ~Qi'Cfment can siop Deparlmeol auditorium, clloked with th!m." . . . emoijoo ~·ht;_ told tbt aovtinors and He said !le l!as r~i~C! 50,~ ~·tl~r~ tbelr families abOut hls daughter, Diane, "atklni for help" and his answer is: 20, who committed suicide last October "We've got to a:et the k~s tuine•d back to after taking LSD. life ••• lo produce a qualitive life that will m~e them want ti> return to a nonnol way of life: ~ · , '"!be ,~ -~ are th• miaslonarte. W6o ·have· JOld o.ung people on the UM of I.SD and mariJUana." H'e then referred \Q ~ary "Ind said Ult proftslicr wu tnaklng~speeeha to the •f· feet lhl-t "marijuana was· etven to us l>y God.~ \ , '"rte rate at wllich these evil 1ubitanct11 ire be.ini u~ by klda I~ in· ctt<llble, fllllastic and lrl&htentoi," he s!lid .. lie sald the educational procen should start It the fourth lflde and there should be an "ombudsman" in the IChools tn help children wtio Bttk advice. He urged the governors to start cutting led tape to hel p young people "make it out inside" society instead of lakll:lg drugs. ' ·~ Frottl P-.e.J TATE:cASE ·. ' • • H~ppy ,Hippies was under wbatrhe described Q ~ 10n's 11bypn0Uc spell.~ "We belong to him, PoT to ourselves," Caballero quoted her as saying ot Man- son. l\.lanson's followers called him "God" and "Satan," Caballero said. '! • Girl's Enjoyed Commune Life • INOEPEl(DENCE, Calif. (AP) -"nl rnain way we all got together so much was to sing. It wu a spontaneous fetling. Manson, 35, awaited a preliminary hearing Wedn~scUry at Independence, Calif., near Death ,Valley, where the group Uv~ in a mililaryooStyle desert commune. Sheriff:a deputlts aay the group stole cus and four--wheel drive vehicles. Man!OD is charged with poasea- si6n of ttalen property. _ That's what Jllade everybody so happy, I Sunbathing: in the nude was a .common practice for both men and women , Mrs. Pugh said, but she contended sex played virtually no role in life in the couunune. Both w001en said life at the communes was so good "that nobody wlll ~int it tbt way.Jt was." MiU Atkins' attorneys said Manson was not ,at the acenes of the Tate 1laytng11 and those of Leno and Rosemary La· Bianca, the market owners. Los Angeles police, who are prepar· Ing a grand jury cue-against at least seven· perllOOS, have not made any charges against ,Manson in. the slayings. Manson wa1 one C!f 23 peraons arrested, most o! them women, in two raids at the desert commune last October. Ten were held on a variety of charges including auto theft. From l'Gfle 1 TAX CUT •.• both was the relief for single peraons. Both the GQre plan and the committee bill would cost about $9 biillon in revenue a year by 1972, when all proposed cuts would become effecUve. For a four-person family with $5,000 in· come which now paiys 4290 federal tax, the Gore plan woukl mean a flt2 tax in 1972 compared with $J)O under the com- mittee bill. For the llaDle family with $10,000 of in- come which now paya fl,114, the Gore plan would mean a f9ll2 tu • 1•&flnst 11158 under the ~· )>Ill ~ .. For a .tn1i. pet>on with 1$,000 ineon>< wb> now pays 1871 tu, the Gen· plan would cut hlil tu to f$SI when full ef· fective, the comnUttM bUl to $62t. For a olngle -with f!0,000 incom• who now pays fl,742, the GOre plan would mun a $1,MO tax, the committee bill $1,468. " Woman Wins Election _.\s LA Councilman LOS ANGELES (UPi) -M1'. Pol Russell, an attractive ts.year-old mother of three and former area League of Women Voters president, apparently .was elected Tuesday night to the city councU. Jliess." . ·Lynn Fromm sat cross-Iegged:..:on • motie1 bed u she described Ute .t_t two communal camps in California, one ~~an abandonid movie ~·anch near Loi AnP.J.ta and the. other near hett, in Dealh Valley. The 21..year-Qld wanderer with elole· • cropped red hair &scribed ~.er commune compankma as "peaceful , beauti!ul" peo- ple. Police say some <Jf them v.·ert murderers, connected with thti slaying of actress Sharon Tate and six other person! in the Los Angeles area. With MW Fromm was Sandr:a G<Jpd PUgh, bottle-feeding a 21f.r-monlh-o\d baby. They scoffed at reports the communes" were dens ot dross, the occult and free love . ''There was no dope at tither com· mune," Mrs. Pugh said. She added that she had once been admonished for drink· inc beer. And thty insisted I.hey were not hippies. Some arrivals at the communes, they said, med hippie talk 'Ito Cain ac- ceptance," but were met with 0 disin· terested stares." . They aold 15 lo 20 p«>pl< •ha~ both the·movie ranch commune and the nearly inaccessible Death Valley commwie. Most members, they said, were women, some with children. Mrs. Pugh said &he. saw only about five men at each commun e. Mrs. Pugh, with dark blond!' hair streaming to her shou1ders, eald the populaUon of ea'"il commune fluctuated as people wandered in and out, IO!Tle spending weekends at the commune away from urban jobs. 'Mle cood Ille as they described tt soured last Oct. 10 when police moved in· to the Death Valley camp and arrested 2S members of the rommune. *1:r* *** Russian Roulette Victim Missing 'Family' Member VENICE (llPI) -A youth who shot himself to death while apparently pl8Jlni "Russtan rouleUe",Nov. S, bu been Hien· tified as ~ ~1sing member of the "the Manaon family," the roving cult linked with the Sharon Tate murders. Venice detecUve.s revealed tues<ay that Christopher Jesus, 20, alsO known as "Zero," was one of 26 persons arrested when authorities raided the comrrl\me's headquarters at tht Barker Ranch near the Death Vallty National Monumenl He also was with the group whett,tt was at the Spahn Movie Ranch 11<ar .Chatsworth at the time of the Tate mutdm. Dettctlvis aald Jesu.s moved into an apartment ·with another man and two girls follaw1ng the Tate murders. He allegedly entered the apar1ment one iurhl, picked up • pistol on a nlibl stand and to!d witneHM that there wu only one bullet in the chamber. He theft press-- eel the weapon r., his head and pulled lhc trig1er. "We had to Jst it as a suicide,~ a ·detective aald. "'!be gun wu fu1ly load· ed. He would have Pad to be blind not to have seen that." 18 Men File Claims ' LAS VEGAS (UPJ) -Eighteen K>nns City a.ru mm filed more than $1 millian in claims against Clark County Tuelllay charging they ou!!md humiliation and loss of rep.itatlon when they were ar· resltd here last May. The men, wt..n Sh<rilf Ralph 1,amb said .wM"e believed to have mafia tits, w .... lllftS!ed May 21 u they irepared "' board a plane chartered by c ...... Palace Hotel. 'Ibe men were cha.reed with \:airancy and releued on bail. _ IDITION REWARD LIMITID for Early Bird Christmas Shop/HITS -ROYAL AMERICAN IRONSTONE 1970 Calendar CLIP THIS COUl'ON With Your Christmas Purch1sa of $5.00 ,or Mort. !~IMIT ON~ TO ~ CUSTOME'I) CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGIE • • \ J. C. J/umplui16 (}11w11/., t' J 823 NEWPQRl AVE.. 1· COST A MEiA " -Jl'Phone 548•340 I . ' " • I I I I 1, :1 '' t I I ' I I 7 ( l i· \ 11 I I ' I • I , I 7 I ) \ .I I I .... ,;;;1J -._•if •;:r '• • ·"'F.':'C:o;-,....,r.r.,;oy-..,""""'"""'''Y ~~ I \• ·Buntiii-gton'Bea~h _, ' ,. .1.J •. I ,' I , • • J ' .. .. -. - ' ' .N.Y. Steeb . '· .. • WU>N ESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 19M TEI{ CENTS •• ' . ·-; ··1e:s· ·e.w I ..(. Tinae for Sitaging ~ve-year..olds SPelley Shane, Carlene Wiela~d atid Cathy Cormer (from left) are among music ifiideht' rehearsin g for Ocean View SchOQl Dis· trict's Christmas program set for 7 ~30 p.n1. Dec. 11 in cafetorium a.t Mea do\v Vie\v School. Progran1 is open to the public withoUt ch.arge. H~' filgt qn .Gi rl 1 ,· . ' • . ' I ltt .esa Cqµli" . . R . c···· emains rltiCa" · , * • I ,J , De ' :Improvement cllnJcaJly, ': 11 yotu:fg ~on Beach·\voman cr'ltica,Uy • lnjul'tcPnine .days ago·'in a Costa ;M~a au~lo -crash is 11till in critical conCi~on, nu Said today. . tf. Judith· McQuaid, 21, .of 9322 Velardo Lane, remains in a coma ind has nevtr regained Consciousness since the 1hiltering co!Jision on Nov. 2.1, ]ust betGre riiidniahl. Herl :husband, Thomas. 23, was less stvlrely. injured when the.Ir •. small car wa"s ratnmed ·by another, iHpped over lhe seccftl •vehicle and flattened a traf,Jic light'. sttndard as it fell. • • Mrs. McQuaid, suffered a severe con- cuSlfoniind Jl)littlple cufi in the a~ide11t at Newport Boulevard. and .Fair· DrJ.v~. wltbln ':S!.Jht of ·!he Coata Mesa Police Facllief, A' nurse 1t Costa Mesa Memorial Hos. pi\.al sail· she is sUll in the intensive care unit and oo the critical list, although medJCal e.xperts can see by their precise standards that she is slightly better. St.or~ Jllarket NE\V YORK (AP ) -Slock market prices remained sharply and broa~ly lower in late afternoon trading today. {Ste quotations , Pages 31).31). ~lining stocks we~e more than . four times as great as gainers at a ratio of 1,~ to 243. Council Delay ~ Deci~ion ' On Comrle:xiI1 Downtown . . Dirtt;t conJrontaY,on betY•ten a pro- posed apartment comp)ex and tfie Top of the Pier' plan in dOwntown Huntington BeaCb brought much talk but no action from planning commissioners Tuesday. The application for the 15-unit building at 2nd Street and Olive Avei;iue was con- tinued to the Dec. 16 meeting'Of the com· mission, when a decision Is ex~ed. J. M. Free bairn,. a representative or Saddleback Development Corporation, earlier told planners that even .though the property is adjacent to the future p<irklng authority of the Top 9f the Pier plan and destined for commercial u s e s , apartments would provide a "good in- terim solution." "We are faced with a period of transi· tion during the next five years. We have to bridge the gap between now and the Top of the Pier plan," he said, adding that his company could later convert the apartments into office space. He found much support from Ralph Kiser, manager of· the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, who declared that to leave the property vacant for such a long. period of time ' ' s e e m s unreaSOQable." Several members of the planning com- mission thought otherwise, however. 0 To me It jusl doesn't make sense that anyone would consider an apilrlment for the top of lhe pier," said Commissioner Henry Duke, who explained that the area ls a Priine target for conimercial and high rise-deV'1opment. Planher Robert Bazil si.ld he felt sym· p8thy for the dev.eloper \Ybo has at· tempted to get his project approved for the past 10 months but whose-case has been continued repeatedly until the city ·wils certain of what to do with the area . "ll's a' hardship on the developer and property, owner, .I wonld agree. But the idea of building apartments now and con· ver ting .to offices later is foolish," be said . Ex-Edison ,~anqger ·Says -. Pln.nt Economics· Issue • ) \ • - •. ' I . Grisly · Case I R~counted ByLawy~r LOS ANGELES (AP).-A lawyer for a girl member of the hippie band linked to the Sharon Tate murden said today the killings were carried out 1iy fi\'f'; people rlad in black wao entered the mansion after one of them had cu t utility lines. ~ The next nigh'; attorney Paul Caruso add~, the same grQUp picked a house at random and stabbed to death a wealthy market owner and' his }Yife -then" took showers in the house ·and llad· a ~snack from the ice box.. • Caruso, a veleran Los Angeles·criminal attorney, represents Susan ·Denise Atkins, 21 , a member of a band of nomadic hip- pies. Police say several members of the group performed the Tate murders. those of the market family, and may have been involved in others. Caruso told a newsman that ~1iss Alkins. \Yho ls cnarged with a murder in the Malibu area, told him in a five-hour interview that she was one of the five \vho'went to the 'fate mansion in Bel-Air. He gave th is acc~nt of her story : "Five people dressed in blacli;, ap- proached the Polanski residence : (Miss Tate was the wife of Polish film director Romtin Polahsll). A man used a·pair of bolt cutters to cut the electric lilies, lhen erept around I.ht aide of the ~ome, open- ed a window, thr.m opened ."lhe front door and ~ ~~" .•~liffil· . · · · , , "Tlien ult,'homlclile took)~. Parent {Steven Pf:en~ ... ll,) a frilJJd 'ofr the cautake{. "" killed outsldt~tiolorf .l)ley en t e ( eJti-Fro k ow ski <YetitycJc .Frql<i>wsl.y), a fijelljl of Polanski,...., hit '" the "lieu "Wlllllhe llUU o! a pislol, then killed. Twb ,ere killed on ~ lawn. They £ol $73 frorri the ·wbol• homicid!.~' . Caruso did not identify the Ot.ber four, but said two we.<>e wome n and tWo men. ~liss Tate, 81'2-months pregnant, was stabhf:d after voicing a plea to ·save her baby. he-said, and Frokowsky had offered mo~.to the killers. · . The 5Jayings the next night,. he said, OC· curfed because it was fear¢ the Tate killings might have caused the group to .. lose their nerve." Caruso declined. details of the klnings. r0thers slain were Miss Tate, her for· mer fiance,,hair stfllst Jay Sebring, and t~fee heiress Abigail Folger. . 'Another attorney for Miss Atkins, Richard Caball ero. said she told ·hin1 that the hippie group was a. quai;irellgjous (See TATE CASE, Page %) ...... . . 111'1 T""""" 'WE BELONG TO HIM, NOT TO OURSEL'v\ES' Murder Suspect D11cribe1 Cult Le•d•r Manson Police <;et Guns, Dr:~gs ' . ' l ri Raid o-n Be(l~h flonw. ' !" • '. . •!"". ~on~·lodir; rl!Jl<ll'.la!I tl\fy· c;oni!ic~tecf 1i1o --'1lol&lw •• 11otlilaclalilo~ •. qu1nUty of narcotics and~otlllr Wel1181'U1 durlns a oearCh t•i!l'tbii ~"jla ~ Bel!CIJ-. .l c'..J. ~ ' t.iO.ll]«l· . ...i twJJ·~ _ ..... mimbero· ol lhe · !linilnln __ yclo cltib, were atrested. Police' entered thet hoUH at ·'39' Late· St., about 2 a.m. with ·aearCh warrants Signed bY West Oraoge Cowity Municipal Court J udfe Kennetll Sl!illh. / * * Nixon Propases 'No-knock' Law . . For Drug Ui ses Arristed at lhe hd,loe;_., dlirilo· of --of .ot._. clrqs· . ...,.. Ellzal>etlJ.J. Ren-, 11,.and J&Peters, 11, ...,, of ""'· Lib sfoet "°'"" ind ~lani!.M.t.:Js,"qtTOtrance.,Clart JND Jac:t-~.:1'fi0,t111d police" tt was bis home, was ilddlUorialty·dliraeci wtui . ponesaion o(unlair(~l .w .. pons. . Bolh wtmen have been 'placed . In Orange <Jounty Jail, while. ttie men re,. main In Hunttogtoo Be,odi CUy Jail, uid police: -. ·~ .... ·. ·--,.. ...... -· Police identified the four as nielnbers of the Hangmen club by ·j~cketa and ot.her gannents Ll<iey wore. Io addition to the shotguns, a briefcase W~n.i blacJc jack, swltchbtade, dagger, · 1mmuniUon and several ~ves was f~ said in- '°f 1t'ftZ~1d boy, IOOnd In Iii~ ;,..,:, ~~ turn~ ~v~r . to juvenile authoryt{es for. ~ve 'custody. Hia mother was not among those arrested or ~t WASHING TON (UPI) -The Nix Oil ad-when" the bOme wu se~, ." mlnlstraUOn unveiled to state governors Jackson reportedly told polk-e that the today a suggested state narcotics law weapbns were !\la and he dkfn't ~ that would give police the right to enter they ·wei-e ll~egal. ~ dl:sc:laim~ ani homes without knoCking to search for L"DowJedge of the s1ot machine's owner. d · The four are etpected to be arralgned rugs. Thursday in West Orange County The modet Jaw wouli:I allow police to Municipi.J Court. WestmiMter. ·No bail get a search .warrant for a no-knock en-has yet been set on them. try if they had "probable ·cause" to \ believe there were Illegal narcotics Inside a house. Under federal laws and most state la'fS now, police must be,"posltive" of the evidence first: ~ Edison Ba n d Boosters . . Narcotics agents have compl&ined that requiring them to knock aod announce their purpose and authorit,Y, before en· _ tertng a borne gives ~ts~ Ume-to To Meet Thursday The Edioon Hlgb s'cl.ooi Omrcer Band Panmt. Association will hold its second meeting · Ttnnday·at :7::.) P.nt. in 1the high school band. room._ ·Band Director Gary McJllton salcfall band .porenta are invited to _th~ meetlnf .. :: . . .. hide illegal drugs. J ' Attorney General John N. · MltChen unveiled the model law at the White Hqus~ Confere~ on .~arcotia.for..1tate governors. He ii.id it Was in 'draft fotm. and maY .be revisea·. . ~ . L ~ " . The proposed~atate law-woi.Jld . le,ve penaltlea.for possesi;ion •pd·sa1, o~ illicit drugs to the ~iscretio~ .of. lht stae. The Nixon adrr!lnistratlon !JU prOposed at the . fede ral level to make· possissl~ of iny drug a misdemeanor on the: first offen..~. with sentencing ·•t the ,dl$Cretlon of the judge up to a· m.~~qm.one yca,r ~ Jail aud/or a $5f000 One. . · . Narcotics Orrenses a<;cur primarily at the .state antt 1ocal' level.' ·In 1961, there "we 1U;IT1·1tate.·and·local narcotics ar-- rests aunpared ·with just -410QO~l cases. ' . .. . , Mltcbell said lite' model law "w111 re- quire lmmedlite, poo1uv.: adlo!i t>Y tbe" statn If We iarrto'~futly•wact .. COCJnllnate, e(fldM · "'"' ""' ·narColJ .. and dangel'Olll clM ·lraJIJcQrs and U ·we are to ,succeils!ully cantro1·~, flow of· Jegltlmati (!rugs ifid pre:j ent lhelr.· diversion, Into the llliottllrilf m&rkJL'' ' ' . ' -.. ,• L I ··--. -' . . .. f DAILY PILOT H w.......,.-,.19" • ~~,!l:~~e Q~Jir·~ Tax ExemptiOn Boost to ·$700 '-·-' '\..).. ' ~ ... ~. . ·x · .. wASiirnGTON (AP) -The · Senate ;' ~ hav• to ·!Jt ~rked out In o Sena!<>-Gort'f; alao would have cut IOme in<'ome tlon now Is 10 per cenc'o! adJus!ed gro" the standard deduction to 12,000 In thrl< j mittee bill. ~ joclay ~.ct>Dl.rtlit! to -11 the , )lotioe COlllemioe on Ille llP~ ·• lax rata. • • • · locome up to 1 masimum of 11,000. steps..'. and an 11,100 low l""!m• ptl'q'~ :S,:;'° !;,,~ .= .! ~!: :'4the~~~~ ~.1';t . J~:-Garel!•:.:,_'j1:~pl';1!4!~1~1 ~ ~t:Zn~~~~1!0~~~h:r~n; al~:-:Y':.:~ r::u;:~ the same in For the same family with $10.«IO of ln- come which now payt Sl,114., ~ Gore plan would mean a $91.:'2 tax as against $958 under the committee bill. ne.xt year and •Jo 1971 . · cao be done in a way to ~it ac· , rate cub proposed by the Senate Finance .would-in no Ci'8e pay more than 20 per The rol! can 'riM..wu.oa to '11. cept.able to NlJ:on. ~~ Commfttff: lta adoptioo__.mlrked the first cent above the. tu for married couples. both was Ute relief for single persons. ~!_ht proponJ, &ponsored by Sen. A1btrt Adoption of Cort's proposa foUowt<t change bf the Senile fi'I the c6mmlttce Some now pay as much as 4U per cent Both the Gore plan and tPe committee : "'°'"' (OOeM.). was 'WrlU.eo ln.to lbe tax Senate rejectJon, by 1 11·23 vbtf·, ·pr an proposals. more. blll would cost about $9 bi!Uon in revenue For a single person witll $5,000 income who now pays $671 tax, the Gore plan would cut his lax lo $538 when full ef- fective, the CQmmiltee bill to $524. · tt!fonn bill in the face of a wa'rn!ng from allernaUve plan proposed by Sen. Charles There are U1ree elements in thr Gore These would substitute for the tax _. yeilr by 1972, when illf proposed cuts Pre!idenl Nixon Tueidiy"lllal he nl1a:hl • 11. Percy (J;t.Jll.), to spread Uie .iax cuts amendment: · relief provisions in the bill as it passed would bec1:lme effective. :.. ~· tax bill -with""SUch an amendment over a lon~er perlod of lime:--~ I. The lncreaSe in the· exemption to $800 the Hou~ and cleared -the Finance Com~ -For a !our·pe!SQn family with $5,000 in· tn It P~_y· propote<t .to increase the over two years. mittee. come which now pays $290 federa l tax. F'or a single Jterson with $10,000 income \vho now pii:,YB $1.742, the Gor~ pla-n"""WCalil mean a· $1,610 tax, the ci>mmittee bill Sponsors of the 'PfOPQfll en1phaslttd pe:~al exerqptlon $50 a year for three 2. A $1 ,000 standard deduction and 1ov,o The House voled rate cuts of at least 5 the ·Core plan 'would meao a $112 ta x in that the final form of ,LU reducUon still yt&f'S, to a LOP ot.$7$0. His plan, Wllike hJCome allowance. The standard decluc.. percent for each taxpa yer, an J~reasc ip Jp72 coinpared with, $200 under the com-, ~ ' . . . ' Edl•on Expansion . Mesa to :Sniff Huntington Air Colt.a Mesa City Council members are snJHini the Westerly breeze! from Hun- ' linllon Be.aclr this week for potenUal trouble Msmelis ute11ltrogen oxides. They rfieet in special session next Mon· day t.o dilCUSS ise~rll matters and one may be the propo1ed expansion by two genera.Uni units of the S'o u t h e r n California Ediaon Company's nearby oteam power plant. C.ouncilman George A. Tucker Sllggests l.aking a stand in support of Orange Cotm!y Air PolluUon Control Officer \VIWam Fltchen, who has twice refused lo issue a pennit for the exp&n!ion. He noted in discussion at this week's council ses.sion that the plant on, Pacific Coast Highway at Newland Street is close enough to have a maj-Or effect on Cost.a 1ifeaa's atmosphere. The California Public UUlities Com· From Page I KISER ... nuclear plant fast enough to meet po\\·er needs." "You know. this is one of the fastest growing areas in the nation. The demand for power-here doubles in six years ~bile it takes nine to ten years on a national average." "The entire matter will be settled by the Public Utilities Convnission,'' he notes. The switch from private to civic management has presented an in· le.resting ctlal\e.nge, says K~. "\Vilh Edison T had a lot of technical responsibilities J don't have here. but the pulbic relations aspect is about the 1ame." The Edison expansion i1 onl>' 11 minor part ot Kise.r's worries in his new jOb. ''Ac:t.ually we're a'voiding the controversy if we can." he says. "l think the Edison problem Is only lemporary anyway. "That plant was bulll v:lth a life expectancy of only 35 years and It ha1 already been h"ere 12 years. It will evtntuall'y be replaced with new plan~. including nuclear1plants. '' . ' * * * Edison Co. Asks Arllly to Build mission (PUC) noti!lcaUon ol a hearing on the matter Dec. 17 in the Fountain V8tl'ey Civic Center auditorium Jed to Tucker'a suggesUon. Miyor Alvin L. Pinkley said that Al Geistr, local district manager for the Southern California Edison Company. might be able io provide more in· fonnaUon about the proposed expansion . A controveny has deve)oped over the amount of smoe·produclng ni~gen oxide emissions pouring from the generating plant into the Orange County atmosphere. 3 Santa Anans ' Acquitted of Aiding Aliens SAN DIEGO (AP)-Three Santa Ana persons have been acquitted of alien· smuggling charges after two Mexican aliens called as government witnesses said they were physically abused by immigration officers. U.S. District Court Judge Russell Smith,· visiting from Montana, took the action TueS<jay on grounds that the d~· fendants' ri,1hl to due process of law was violated. The defendants were Virginia Long· meyer. lfl; Mary Lou ~1agdaleno-FJores, 33. and Manuel Reyes·Sabed.ra. 42. The two witnesses were Esteban Go- mez.Madrigal and Tom as Ledezma- 1ifena. both' refusing to be complaining witnesses to their allegations. Led~a·Mena told the jury that an lmmigi'atlon officer had slapped him in the face .twice and kicked him in the leg. Gomezo.Madr igal said an otlicer placed his hands on his throat ·and pushed him up against a wall. Smith :>aid that without testimony or the aliens, ·flier~ was inauflicient evidence to convicf tht \hrce. He ordered the aliens' ttstiinooy st ricken on· the basis that the d'ue process clause has· been violated. U.S. Atty. Harry D. Steward said the Federal Bureau or Investigation has probed the allegations and that there would be furthe r investigation. Border Pafrol olficials declined com- ment. The 1wo allens said they could not. iclentify the agent s v:ho allegedly abused them. P ersonnel ]\feet Set ' ~ H ,'f!t-t. ··• ,, LEAPS TO FREEDOM Vocalist Birdsong · Singing Star Kidnap Suspect G~ves Se lf Up LAS VEGAS, N". (AP) A Hollywood man turned himself in lo police here today hours arter singer Cin· dy Birdsong of the Supremes reported she escaped fron1 a kidnaper unharmed. Miss Birds011g, JO, said she was ab- ducted from her Hollywood apartment at knifepoinl Tuesday night bul jumped from the kidnaper's car as it traveled along a freev.·ay. City police said Charles !.:Alward Collier, 26, who resides·in the same apart· ment building as Miss Birdson'g, called them from a motel on the Las Vegas Strip and said he had abducted her. They said he told them he had flown from Lo:-; Angeles and had $2 in his possession alter losing all of his money gambling. •te was booked on a California fugiti ve ch11rge. ~1iss Birdsong suffered multiple l•era- . Uons when she jumped and was reported in sausractory condition at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. She also was treated for minor knife Slashes. Police said the kidnaper, described a~ '"r;:aring • a brown leathe r jacket, \Vas hiding in a bedroom of the singer's llollywood home v.·hen she returned in the evening. Two friends, Charles Hewlett. 25. and Howard Y.eak, 25, had gone to the home ~arller and \l'efe ·waiting for Miss Birdsong, apparently unaware of the kid· naper In the bedroom. 18 l\1en File Clain1s o\'el' Nevada Arrest LAS VEGAS (U PI \ -Eighteen Kansa:o; City area men filed more than $7 mlllion ln clai"ms against Clark County Tuesday charging they suffered hun1iliation and ''·™· Surf Still Pounds Oahu 81 Homes Destroyed_by ~O-foot ·JJrf3akers .lfONOLULU (AP) -A s .... ·ollen lutr ·continued to batter Oahu's devastated north shore today where 81 homes were destroyed or damaged by SO-foot break· ers. Officials called it Hawaii's worst natural disaster since a 1960 tidal wave. Authorities reported at least two storm.related deaths, including that or a man swept 9ut to sea by a monster wave. 'I'hey said at least 15 persons had been in· ju red, thre!! seriously. Dangerous surf warnings remained In effect while hundreds of homeless car· ried belongings from wrecked houses amid a tangle of seav.·eed and coraL From Page 1 TATE CASE. •• "family" headed by Charles M. Manson, 35. caballero said Miss Atkins "had nothing to do with the murders"' as she was under what he de5cribed as Man- son's "hypnotic spell." "We belong to him. not lo ourselves." Caballero quoted· her aa saying of Man- son. Manson's followers called him •'God" and "Satan." Caballero said. Manson, 35, awaited a preliminary hearing \J/ednesday at Tndependence. Calif., near Death Valley, '1•here the group lived in a mililary·style desert commune. Sher1lf"s deputies say the grou p stole cars and four·v.·heel drive vehicles. Manson is charged with posses- sion o' stolen property. li1iss Atkins' attorneys said ~1anson wa5 not at the scenes of the Tate slayings and those of Leno and Rosemary La· Bianca, the market owners. Los Angel~ police, w~o are prepar- ing a grand jury case against at least seven persons. have not made any charges against li1anson in the slayings, ~fanson was one of 23 persons arrested, most of them women, in two raids at the de~t r"'"'""' 1'511' OctoQer; 1Jq wer• h!ld o a variel/ "o char'gts including auto theft. ~ . Nixon Gains Support For Vietna111 Policy WASHINGTON (UPI) -A naUon\Vide. poll by CBS showed Tuesday night that President Nixon was gaining support for his policy of gradual withdrawal from Vietnam and that he had evoked a strong response from the "silent majority." Reporting on a randoi3tionwide telephone survey of 1 ,1~ Am cans over age 21. conducted Nov. 2 , CBS said only one of of four advocat immediate \\'ithdrawal and that three.fourths iden- tified themselves with the silent majority Nixon spoke of in his Vietnam policy speech Nov. 3. " Waves · 20 . to .30 feet high were aa:ain ·On .one street, slx houses in a row wer(' forecast tQday;, and coastal residents ..-pushed from their fOUDdalions. One lan d· aCTQSs the island from Honolulu· were told ed in the stnet and blocked tr at De. they may have to leave their "homes ror lP •1960 a tida:I wave, boiled_ up by an the seeond straight day. Alukan earthquake, hit the island ol Towering· waves spawned by a Pacific Ha.wall, ~lUlng SI perlOllS and causing sz.:: storm 1,500 m1les northwest of Hawaii million in damage. crashed onto a IS.mile stretch of beach. _ Michael Yoshikawa, working at c late Monday night, shoving homes from nearby 'fllllng station, said he saw _four or their foundations and rolling cars· about , five big waves roll down Kamehamehn like toys. Highway, the area's main thorouihfarc. City engineers said the private pro-Monday night. perty toll would exceed $750,000. A survey "The first wave caught about a dozer. late Tuesday found 26 homes demolished people and dragged them across thr :ind 56 heavily damaged.Thirty highway," he said. aulomobiles and 10 boats also were lost. "I saw cars moved around like toys." Happy Hippies ., ' Girls Enjoyed Co1Jlmune Life INDEPENDENCE, Calif. !AP) -"The main way we all got together so much was to sing. It was a spontaneous feeling. Thatis what made everybody so happy, l guess.': · ' Lynn Fromm sat cross-legged on a mr.tel bed as she described lile at two communal camps in California, one on an cbandoned movie ranch near Los Anieles and I~ other near here. in Dcat~ Valley. The 21 -year-0ld wanderer with close· Narcotics Films Set at Library Two films on narcotics will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Friday al the Huntington Beach Public Library Film Forum . The offeilfigs air: ·"LSD. -Insight or Insanity," and "Marijuana." " The LSD film, narrated by ador Sal Mineo. is a reviiled edition ot the Original film. An added sequence deals with the damage L.SD can inflict on the chromosomes of the human body and shows the damage caused by the drug to fetuses of pregnant animals. The marijuana film , narrated by Sonny Bono of the team of Sonny and Cher, <!X· plores and explains in detall the reasons for not smoking the weed . The film showings .are open to the public wilhout charge. Accountants Win The Accountants. managed by Nelson Slagle, have been named winners of the Sportsmanship Trophy in the Westminster Recreation and Parks Department Winter Slo-Pitch league. cropped red hair de!cribed her commune com panions as "peaceful, beautiful" peo- ple. Police say some of them wer" 11rurderers, conntcted with the' slaying 0~ actress Sharon Tate and six other J)t'r1sons in the Los Angeles area. \\'ilh Miss Fromm was Sandra Good Pugh, bottle.feeding a 2Y.:-month-old b&b)'. They scoffed at reports the conimunes '~ere dens of drugs. the occult and free love. ''There was no dope at either com- n)Unt." lifrs. Pugh said. She added thal ~he had once been admonished for drink- ing beer. .Sunbathing in I.he nude was a common p~actice for both men and worilen, Mrs. PUgh said, but she contended sex played virtually no role in life in the commune. Both women said life at the communes was ·so good "that nobody will print it the way it Was." And they insisled they were Mt'hippies. Some arrivals at the communes, they said, used hippie talk "to gain ac· ceptance,'' but were met with ''disin· tcrested stares." They said 15 to 20 pe<:iple shared both lhe lnovie ranch commune and the nearly ilijl:ccesslble Death Valley con1mune. Most members. they said, were \\'omen, some with children. Mrs. Pugh said she saw only about five men at each coinmune. Mrs. Pugh, with dark blonde hair streaming to . her shoulders. said the population of eal.!h commune fluctuated as people wandered in and out, some .spending weekends at the commune away lrom urban jobs. The good life as they described il soured last Oct . JO v.•hen police moved in- to the Death Valley camp and arrested 26 members of the comm une. A preliminary request to build two 14· foot water conduit& has been made to the U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers by the Southern California Edison Company. The conduits 'vould extend into the ocean off Edison 's Huntington Beach plant to provide water for cooling gen. crating equipment in the proposed ex~ pans.Ion of the plant. The Fountain Valley School District 's Personnel Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m .. Thursday, at district headquarters. Number One Light.house Lane. Fountain Valley. Clauified employes have been urged to attend the meet.mg, district of· ficials said. loss of reputation '\hen they were ar· l ·~========================================:;i rested here last May. II The meq, whom Sheriff Ralph Lamb said were believed to have mafia ties, were arrested May 28 as they prepared to board a plane chartered by Caesars Palace Hotel. The men were charged with vagrancy and released on bail. Those who wish to comment on the ap- pllcatlon may \\Tite to the Corps or Engineers before Dec. 26 . The address i5 Department of the Army, Los Angeles District, Corps of Engineers. P. 0 . Bo.l 2711. Los Angeles, Calif.~- .. ' DAILY PILOT ClllANGl COAST PV8ll5HING (0M .. All'r Robert N. Wetd rrt•lde"t • ..., Puti!!•ft•I J,,~ R. cu.r.,, Vitt .. r~•·d<~I ·..ci Gtllf••l "''"'n' T~o"'•• A. tAurph:"' Mtfll•l~t l~•IOI J..lbe•I W, let~1 • ~l1•t Etotor H11>llft4le1> ltttll Offlc• JI)' 5th S!•tt l µ,:1;~9 ).dd<t11: PO, lo• 7•0, ,16•1 Ot ... r Offlcn Nt•llO•! &<'•<~ ~;It W•1) l~T""• l eulf\tlr4 (.&,'• l>'tl• lJO l'.('\I ''" $"C~' L•,~i· •c·•~. n1 f O•f •I "··~~· Linkletter Calls Leary 'Poisonous Evil Man' \VASHINGTON tUPI) -TV star Arl Linkletter today condemned Dr. Timothy Leary, a former Harvard University pro- fessor. as "that poisonous evil man" for promoting ''mini! expal'!ding" drugs !uch ijS marijuana and LSD. ~re told the govemors conference on narcotics and dangerous drugs that Leary~ !!peaking lo st anding.room-only crowds at universiti es. has been telling students that ta•:ing drugs "ls a way to tum on. Turn out and drop out" Linkletter. with President Nixon and Vice President Spiro T. Agnew sitting with him on lht platfonn at the St.ate Department auditorium , choked with emotion v.·htn ht. told. the governors and their families about-his daughter, Dil1ne, 20, ,me, committed suicide l ast October after t&klnc LSD. Al the time. L!nkletter called It 1·murdt'r" by the pushers and purveyors I people go out or their. way to prove "I.hey rtre part of the gang." The TV entertainer said "Kids are trying such a variety of drugs and chemicals no law enforcement can stop !hem .'' lie said he has received &o,000 letters ·'arking for help" and his ans1vcr i~: ""'e've got lo g~t the kids turned back to tlfe ... to produce a qualltlve life thal 1\•IJI make them want to return to a normal way of life. .. The greatest pushers are I he mi~ionaries who ha ve sold young people on the u:te of LSD and marijuana.·· He then referred to Leary and 1aid the profeuor was m1Jd.ng speeches t~ the cf· t1ct that "marijuana was liven t~ us by ~.:· • L I "The rate ill whJch thest evil · m:bst1nce11 are being usCd by kid! 1s in· &redlble, fantastic and ·fr ightening,\' ht \ h.:!'i!I:. ''.t''' 1d that he decided lo •P«k out In ~jd. \ He said the educetion•I ~! !hould start •l the fourth grade and there should be an "ombudsraar." ln the scboola to help c.hildrin who seek ad\'ice. lie .mged 1h1 1ovirnora tQ tLRft.cultlflj t"td tape to help YoUr>I people "n11ke i' ou~ inalde" goclct inste:id ol akin' dru s. I his 'grief a1id outrage" to rCVeal to otben the dangtrt involved. -tte saJd hi& daughter had the • ·hJn· dlcap" of can-pna "a f1mous name" and 14ded lha1 ''auch kids art pre-- -• " H1 Id children ot ineot ' REWARD LIMITED EDITION ROYAL AMERICAN IRONSTONE 1970 Calendar CLIP THIS COUPON "'"*""' W.it h ' Your Christm1s "Purchfs• of· $5.00 or Moro. !LIMIT ONE TO A CUST"Ol,IERl • I CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICAR D MASTER .CHARG E ' ,for-Early.B1¥J .. Christmas Shoppers J. C. . J./u11tph ri11J 'J~wefe1, . .::1 18 ~3 NE.WPOR ~VE . .,: : . .. j.co.s.1-1 M$A ; Ph\1"! s-4ei1401 · • I I 7 J I I ' . ' .. Swap Meet -Fa~es·,-·Eurhs But Mesa Cou1icil t,o Wai-t for Fair Bo(U'd Action ' Mial art you ln the market ror: auto part&, an old lamp a mounted moosehead. fruits and vegetables, cut~ rate clothing, rare coins, keys to lhe back door, or keys to romance? • Chance~ are you'll find them and many rnore at Olat new American mercantile phenomenon the swap meet, but Costa Mesa City Council members are con- cerned with CW'blng them-somewhal City Attorney Roy June has written-two new amendments to an ordinance.which was about lQ become Jaw, untll it was delayed out of courtesy to another goverping agency. The principal objections to a weekly swap meet at the i';>rat\ft Q:Junty Fairgrounds in Costa Mtsa were uJe o.f fresh fruit and vegelables, plus peddllng of brand-new merchandise in compeUtion with local stores. City Manager Arthur R. McKel\!ie, however, suggested wait in; unUI lhe a:&nd District Agricultural Association could ronsider curbing the weekend sales of these goods themselves. The Fair Board was scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss theme, features and other aspects or the 1970 Orange County Fair and Exposition, but the swap meet questi<ln was not on the agenda. Under the original ordinance, con· diUo,ns would have betn established for the regulation of swap meets, including a dollar-per-day fee to cover lost sales tu and city business license revenue. "l was out there over the weekend and most of the junk was purely junk," observed Councilman Willard T. Jordan, "and that's great." City Councilman William L. St. Clair, however, said he conducted a weekend survey of swap meets and found virtually every service offered at a giant meet.in Orange. , He said one young man was-peddling brand-new plumbing supplies. St. Clair said the man didn't own a • retail store, but admitted maintaining three garages in the city where he lived for storage of merchandise between weekend swap meets.- Superior Judge Upsets County's Bottomless Law Basing hil!i ruling on the same pr.in· ciples as Lol!i Angeles County, an Orange County Superior Court judge declared • recent ban on nude or semi-nude dancing lo be unconstitutional Tuesday. T,he -action came barely. three hours befpre" the Costa Mesa Ci(y Council adopted it in principle anyway, warned of an immioenl outbreak of professional UD· dresS: Judge Robert Corfman bad planned to tssue his ruling on the rec~y enacted Orqe County law Friday, but decided there,,was no point Jn waiting after mull· ing over the case. He said the ordinance and Assembly bills clearing the way for its aodption by cities and counties around · the state violate equal protection and due process clauses under the Fifth Amendment There is no reasonable basis or logical argument, he continued, to exempt theaters from nude performance laws banning such shows in bars and taverns. The victory was a breakthrough for three Orange County tavern owners who have been assaulting the topless-bot· tomless ban from front and rear in an ef. fort lo stay in business. During the proceedings before Judge Corrman, which ended late in the day, arguments were concluded by Deputy Distric Attorney Oretta Sears and at· tomey Richard Q u a n , representing tavern oWners. Quan argued -successfully, 1t turned out -that the ordinance recently enacted by County Supervi.!IOl'S was un· constitutional and discriminatory. He cited the same bases late~ agreed lo by Judge Corfman, that to, do so would unfairly discriminate against bars and 1averns. while keeping hand-off policies on nudity in theater arll!i. The action leaves in effect. • court orler restraining sheriff's deputies from taking any B:clion against the three bare facts bistros. Located hi un1ncorporitted area or t~ central tl>unty, tht ~ la't.tm!:ift qud. lion are Harvey's GM lfllulie, tbt Tuscan Room, and LlUlt AMie's Fan-• niei;. • ~ The latter tVi~tn'tJ1'' 1las multiple performers. ·, \ Co-plaintiff.Hn. ~ case -which goes next to a higher court based on the in- tention of District Attorney Cecil Hicks -are lbls'\'. three owners plus June Conoyq~ ~ 9i . ' - -- ~' ~~ "When the city geta on mt," he quoted the dealer as saying, "I ju.st move to another garage." "What city are you trom?," SL Clair ask~. "And you know what he said? 'Costa Mesa'." "ri.1aybe things are changing," St. Clair contin1,1.ed, "maybe we 'hould just forget the whole thing." · Besides swap meet legislation, coun· cilmen .have been setting up means of controlling garage sales -90me of which serve u steady businesses -without in- frigirlg on normal property sale right!. Ted C. BolOgh, 3116-.Del . M.ar Ave., echoed St. Clair'1 ideas ducing..tbe Mon- GARAGf- -:>f'IL.1% ~~µ' i.oc!\°110N s1>!CE tq 5S day council meeting, urging civic leaders to keep a hands.off attitude toward this basic right of free enterprise. fie said t11c city Council should Stick to city business and let citizens slick to theirs, although !i.1ayor Alvin L. P,\Jlkely had said earlier that sa}e of new merchandise at swap meets hurts citizen· businessmen. Bologh, on the other hand, said the popular meets provide a place ror a parlicular tYPe of merchandise to be displayed and it isn't new at all. Little-Old-Ladies-from-Pasadena often find them good husband-hunting f!'Ounds, he declared. Woman Leaps to Death From Tou5er in Orange An obl!ieSSed woman -clawed back from • the brink of a suicide plunge 20 days ago-·sticceeded Tuesday, tumbling off the 12th·floor ledge of a bank tawer in Orange as another , rescuer . tried to save her. Mrs. Phyllis D. Beck, 45, who lea ves seven young daughters, had been releas· ed from psychiatric custody after a suicide attempt Nov. 13 at ui:e ume building. Her husband, Mauritt, t.old authorllies Tuesday he ft'lt she was not·ready Nov. 22 when given her freedom again. Mrs. Beck, of 291 Craig St., Orange, was sitting on the edge of the Union Bank Square's south tower at 12:44 p.m. when 3he calmly bent forward and dove to her death. A building supervisor who spotted her chose not to directly intervene and called police instead, but it was too late. The victim slid off the northwest cor· ner of the south tower and plwnmeted, hitting partially onto the pavement and a landscaped area outside the building. Deputy Coroner Jim Bricker said ~1rs. Beck was apparently able t.o reach the roof through tr normally Jocked door tha t had been left open for window washers l\"Dr'king on a scaffold. She tried her death dive from the op. po.site tower at Union Bank Square Nov, Jl. but attorney Joseph Stabo won the struggle t.o save her from suicide. Szabo said he heard breaking glass in a vacant offk:e one floor above his lot.h flOCC' quarters. raced upstairs and wrestl· ed the bleeding Ml'3. Beck back to safety. Surgeons at Orange County J\.ledical Center repaired the mutilated arms with \vhich she smashed the glass and she wa s then placed under psychiatric care for a t.ime. Deputy Coroner: Brict er said Tuesday )p ~ ~ke of tbe tragedy that Mrs. 'BeCk'• 1*sband told him he thought she shoold ha'(e been kept under observaUon Jonler, btd·psychiatrist.s sent her home. No note. tlas left on the Nov. 13 try, nor Tuesday, '6eft Mrs. Beck succeeded with her death wish. lnvestlgatOrs aaid study or psychiatric repom comll)lid during her stay at Oran1e County Medtcal Center simply in- dicat~ she was driven by a del!iire for death . I She leaves daughters ranging In age from 20 to 7, according lo investigators. WM 1aid the 'bociy ~·as t.8.ken. to Shannon Funeral Service in Orange. Giant Ensenada : ~rina Planned A first class marina four time! the size of Newport Har bor will $horlly grecl yacht,smen at Ensenada, Baja California. Under plans of the Mexican Navy Department. the new marina will be one of 1{ to be developed by lb:! government along the Baja coast, and it will be the largest. The site Is the <1re:l known as Punta Banda Estuary, a seven-m ile-long tidal cstuary·fonned by the mainland and the Punta Esten> Peninsula, six miles sou!..~ or Ensenade. Plans call for the dredging of the estuary to a depth of 10 feet at low Ude. The new recreaUonal area will have ma· rina facilities for more Ulan 1,400 pleas· ure boats. . ·-:4 Also part of the plans for the marina will be an extensive land deveklpment \vhich will include bayfront, beach front i;nd condominium type apartmen~. Oaiin Rejected In Attack on Boy SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The State Board of Control has rejected a $150,000 claim filed on behalf of a mentally retarded youngster reportedly subjected to a homosexual attack by patients at Napa State Hospital. The three-member board, an agency authorized to determine what claims the st.ate should pay, denied lhe claim 'J\Jes- . day on the ground the state is not liable for injuri~ .~ a patient al a mental hospital. : ====================== ====== Open De ily 9·5:l0 p.m.: Mon. ind Fri. tint p.m. , __ -" " liberal Terms AYailable • Army Calls · Commander ·1n Massacre From the Wlre Services WASHINGTON -Capt. Em"t Medina, commander or tlie-Armyco pany Involved in the Song My slaylngs, was summoned today to testify Tjw'sday before a Pentagtin board formed to irr ,ve~&e the.-incident. .--. ' t .. _. • JJ now, •t Fort -~ Ga., anl 'Ou not hMft :cha~ ·the~.case. ~ .. ~ ~ ~· ,., .. ,,. 'i:he "'°""ander qi °"" QI J>t(-.ny's pla~, L( 4wlj11Jm i.:·~;,r,, bas been charged In the death ot1di South Vittnamese civilians at Soni Mr-on · Match 18, !968. \ .In.Vietnam todiy, the leader ot).~am q[ Soutti Vletnameae legislators Uid his inquiry iato repo~ts U.S. 1 t !t'O op ~ massacred civilians in My Lal were in·-·~ . ' . conclusive and the truth must await the trial of Lt. Calley. Sen. Tran V•n.Don said on the strength of what he hlld learned he was unatile to form an opinion that a massacre oc- cuned at My Lai in March 1968 -or if It did -the extent of the k.iUiag. The Saigon government hall denied there was a mass slaying at the village. ~edina v.·as directed to appear before a board headed by Lt. Gen. William R. Peers, w~h v.·as formed to look into the adequacy of the origina l Army in- vestigation of what happened at Song P.1y. The Peers investigation is being held behind closed doors at the Pcn~on. Medina has retained the prominent Boston criminal lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, as his attorney. Bailey will accompany ?i.1edina to the hearing Thursday. The Pentagon made public names or witnesses heard by the Peers group today but gave no indication of what connection they 'Tlight have had 'with the case. The witnesses, w1th nnly last names given, were Identified as Maj. McKnight, Lt. Col. Blackledge, Maj . Calhoun, Capt. Kotauc and CWO Thotnpson. · ·The Peers invesligalion ~s being con- ducted 1eparately from the Army's probe ()f the over-all Song ~ly affair. Under orders to determine \\'hy no report of lhe alleged massacre v.•as made and why no dlsc.lpllnary actio'n v.•as taken, the board ""111 4ttempt to determine whether there v•as cover-up. Meantime the U.S. court of military ap- Peals has turned down a. request by both the prosecutlcn and defense for a ban on future new1 media acoou.nta related lo the Song My incident. Tuesdly's unanimous decision em- phasized that the colonel who wiU·preslde a~ the Court-martial of Lt. Calley Jr. seems to have all the power he need1 to screen out my P"'Judlclal publicity. 1.11"1 Ctb'91>11m Jn a study in contrasts, singer~actress Liza J\.JineW, wearing a maxi- coat, is trailed by young girl reporter attired' in miniskirt dui:ing an intervie\v on the move at London Airport. Miss Minelli, daughter of the late Judy Garland, was en route to Parts Tuesday. Ter1·orism in Marine Brig Charged at Pendleton CHAnLESTON, S. C. (AP) A preliminary study by ~louse Armed Services Committee investigators has disclosed that black Marines in a brig in Calirornia terrorized v.•hite pri soners, Committet Chairman L. Mendel Rivfrs says. The South Carolina Deritocrat sent two inve:rtigators to · Camp Pendleton last September to check into r~rt.s of terrorism. He released ).he report 'Tues-- day 10 The C~rle~ton News 4Jld Courier. "That's very hOrribll?," ,ReP, Rivers said wh@h. con~a'cted by' telephone it hl1 • Charleston home. "l think this thing Will be a pretty bad story when it unfolds." The nev.·spaper quoted the report 1 s saying that the 199 Negroes ln the brig had imposed black supremacy over the rest or the 769 inmates through well-disciplined leadership. Whltes W!re required lo perform menial tasks and submil lo homose1ual ad\'ances, an;d tho6e Who resisted were beaten, the newspaperl!i quoted the report 11.5 say~. · . A Ca!np.P'11dll\lon spokesman declined comment on· t~ report. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~~ I Christmas Hi·fi Sale!~ M PRICES SLASHED· 30°/o TO SOo/o ON ALL C~EARANCE !TEMS.i M MANY BRAND NEW, $0ME DEMONSTRATORS, SOME TR.ADE-~ MINS. EVERY ONE WITH RJLL MONEY•BACK GUARANTEE! « Fisher ''"" M" ,,. .......... ""·" $150°0 Garrard s26" M Fisher SI"" M41. "' ................. 5175°0 ·::.~1""''... .... ...... s95 .. ~ \( Bogen $21900 Garrard ._1 ............... '!'"'' . M ~r. Bogen """· 75w•• •••••••••• ""·" '159" Garrard ,, ................. '"·" '65"Nl.\ M ,. 110X, ''won ' ....... 5209.DD {\ Harmon·Kardon ;:,w•"i~~·.,, '175" e STEREO CARTRIDGES e N Fisher M ... ""_,' .......... ""·" '148" Shure Mil~ ...................... ..,, '18"N· M Sherwood:::o~ ........... Utt.so ·'299" Shure Mtll .................... SJUI s14'°M \( Sh d ..... Slo•M '249" '7" l.\ r. Fi :rwoo 121 w•• ........ Ult.SD '247" Shure M ... , •••••••••• '." •.•••• '"·" '8" ~ N~i s er ""· ,,. -.......... ""·" 13500 Empire ,,. .................. s11.n s 45 ''N M ff Harmon·Kardon ~::;'" ~::.~:/ Emp'1re '" .. l.\ M11u1e elllptlcal , ••• , ,, • S74.,S N • CASSETIE PLAYERS • 0 SPEAKERS • N M Sony Casette TClOO •••••• Stt.50 '6900 Electro-Voice 12. ,.... •• ...... s59 .. ~ M Panasonic "-· 0920 .. s .. """ '29" Lancer '"'· 12" ,..... ...... ...... s35 .. « N ALL $4.98 STEREO RECOW ••• $2.9l ~ . N M NEW PRICES ON RECORDS! SUI,,., NOW $2.89!-, .... ,,., NOW $3.98! .. • ., I I • .. . w~.,~·~, 19'1 ' • •' Ill Good ·conditi'on· Cc-1111 ... °"" , .. tlelll For Prlncus Grace of Monaco, "110 became 40 years old Nov. 12, the milestone "comes as a great jolt." 11It hlts one right between the eyes, 11 the former Grace Kelly told Look magazine ii) an intervielf in the current edition. "So here I am, and you sorl of s1op and think, mf God,. I'm already there.~· 'nl.e pnnceKs said that _et 11Uiil' ad·~ vanced age" she was "an absolute basket case." She said she now • will have to watch her diet and tum io· regular exercises to pre- serve her figure. • Son.. Eugono McCorthy may not have won last year's Indiana Dem· ocra'tic. presidential primary eJeo- tion, but a poem be finished writ· ing d~ _that campaign bas wo.n him a ~ prize. The Minne'sota Democrat, according to the Wash· ington Post, has been given the award by the-!iational Endowment for the. Arts. Sixty.three other writ· ers of prose and poetry were .§imi· larly honored. McCartlly's prize-- wincing poem. 66 lines long, i.S en· titled "Three Bad Signs." ' u,..,.....,.. . U.S. HELICOPTl!R CREW !iSCORTED BY "°RTH KOREANS ACROSS BORDER Capt. David H. Crawford (left), Warrant Offic•r ·Malcoll'lt'L~pk• (c•nttr) and Spec. 4 H•rm•n Hofstatter Removed by Nixon Reds Repelled • Ousted FNMA PresUlent In Delta; 150 _ . PTi.irdent Nixon U flJiing to ,,_Tkansas SatuTday to watch the Te x03-ATkansas game that might determine the No. 1 team in the nation by most poll.! and tht championship of the Southwest Conference. Tema has been rot- ed No. 1 and ATkania! No. 2 by the Associated-.Pf'es1 iince Mich. igan u.pset Ohio State. The game wUL be pla11ed on Af'kamas' home field. at Fayetteville. And in honor of the lOOth anniver· sary yea r of American footbatl, Nixon will pre1e11t a presiden· tial plaque to the victor. What happen& in the event of a tie, the White HoUJe wasn't saying. • The Air Forte·is. losing its only Negro general. The voluntary re- tireinent of Lt. G•n. Benjamin O. DaY,js, Jr. showed up among a Wblte House list of officers leaving serYice. Davis, highesl ranking Neg?o officer in any of the serv· ices, is presenUy deputy com· mander of the Air Force's strike command in the MiddJe East1 Southern Asia and Africa South of the ·sahara region. He had served in the Air F-orce 37 years. The re- tirement is effective next Feb. 1. • VS:r/'llll'? Will Sue .to Keep Job WASHINGTON (AP)-An attorney .for Raymond H. Lapin said today he will file suit in "federal court to declare President Nixon's tt~oval of Lapin as president of the Federal National Mortgage Associa· lion "flull and void." Gerald Stem, the lawyer, said "An ac· iton will be filed as soon as we are ab~o do so." He said he will ask for an ful. mediate hearing, no'later than Thurdsay. Lapin, meanwhlle, said In ,an Interview that the 19 menlbers of FNMA's general advisory committee, representing all areas of the mortgage business, were "all just extremely shocked'' at Nilon's letter removing him from offjce. Lapin sald FaJmie Mae's business wa:i: going on a8 usual, although papers were being signed by senior vice pmldent Harry M. Gilbert at the insiste nce of Sherman Unger, generaJ counsel of the Department of Housing and Urban Development ai:id a member or the FNMA board of directors. "J'm n:ot sure the aut.horily for this ~ from any higher authority. although Jt may," Lapin said. He has contended Unger lvas JtUD's spokes~ in trying to a:et him to resign. FIGHTING FOR JOB FNMA's Raymond Lopln Lapin conten& he was fired to open a s· ial s 't lucrative job for an administration SU~ oc ecun y porter. Nixon fired Lapin Tuesday as hoad of Boost Approved the unique mortpge.buy1na: agency -a neither-pub] ic-nor-privale organliation Lapin thougl1t shruld be more private -and the administration, particularly Housing Secretary George Romney, c thought should' be more attuned to' government. WASHINGTON CAP) -The House Ways and Means · Conunittee voted unanimously today to recommend a t:>- percent across-the-board increase in Social Security benefits effective Jan. I. Announcing the cleclslort, Chairman \Yllbur o. Mills CO.Ark.}, said "I hope we will be able to pass the bill through the House in the next few days." The draft lottery spelled double troMble for fraternal twin8 Kenney (left) and Allen i'fattison, 19, stu· dents at Riverside College. The first draft lojJ e_ry date pulled out of the fiahbowl happened to be their birth- day, Sept. 14. Fannie Mac, as the FNMA ~s usually knOwn, is charged prlmarily with buying FHA and VA-insured home morlgages from lenders, thus putUng more money into the .mortgage market. The supply-running at an annu.al rate of about $10 billion this year-has been credited wilh kerping the 1969 housing market afloat during the current credit crunch. ·He left open the que.slion whether the Senate could complete action before Congress goes home for Christmas. ti.tills said that while the higher payments would be effective from the beginning of next year, social security beneflclarie& would not actually receive the increased sums untll Aprll t. Snow Swirls Over Midwest Travelers W arni1igs Go Up in Vermont, New York I JO . \}, ..... - Temperatures Hltli Low Pl'ff. .. " " " .. " " .. " n .. " ~ ~ ., " .. ~ " " .. " " " n • .. n .. M .. • " .. " .. .. " " .. M .. • " .. " .. " " .. " .. " ~ " " Q .. • .. ... M .. " .. " Q ' • .. .. D .. " ,. • " Attackers Killed SAIGON (AP} -North Vietnamese troops aUacked a district towp: in the :ti.1ekong Delta today, but 300 militiamen, police, civilians and government pacifica- tion workers repelled them and claimed 150 of the attackers killed. Field reports said 29 of-the defenders were killed, 15 of them civilians, and another 50 persons were wounded, 30 of them civilians. Jt was the biggest enemy assault in the delta Jn six months. The attack on Tuyen Binh, 58 miles we.st pf_ Saigon, began with a nightlong barrage of nearly 300 rockets and mortar roundl from across the Cambodian border)IOO yards away. T¥o as many as S09 North Vietnamese army regulars followed up With three ground assaults, 1torming_the town from ap sides. The .Uifrd~ and final assault came at dayllibl,, , 11'9 Ncirlh Vietnamese , withd,o!w into Cambodia 'alttr the five-hOur fight, leijv- fng owly dead hanging on tho barbed wtre perimeter. Some North Vietnamese broke through the perimete,r but were cut down. American advisers said the "defenders acquitted themseJves extrtmely well." They considered the victory significant because of a number of government reverses in the delta since American in· fantrymen were· witbdrawn from the region last summer as part of the Viet· namiiaUon program. Big Four Meet , I On Middle East UNITED NAINS, N.Y. CAP) -Th• Big Four have eed to make new ef- forts to" keep e Arab-Israeli conflict from enqangerln orld peace. TheJr representaUves met for almost four hours Tuesday, resuming talks broken off five months ago, then issued a communique describing the situalion in t.he Middle East as "increasingly serious and urgent." They reaffirmed their con- vict.ion that it must not be pennilled to risk world peace and seCurity. U.S. Ambassador Charles \V. Yo.st, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Jacob A. Malik, French Ambassador Armand Berard and Lord Caradon of Britain declared in lheir communique that their objective rem~ined unchanged -to pro- mote establithment of a lasting w act in the Middle East on the basis of lhe U.N. Security Council resolution approved unanimously N~v. 20, 1967. '( U.S. Refutes Apology After-. North Koreans ij.elease Trio • SEOUL CAI')· -Tliree Americsn helicopter aawmen, nllaaed ttxl&y after 3\)·.months of captivity In North Korea, were reported tn generally .good condition oStU lnlllal rnecllcll checkups. An Army spokesmen taid they are ten· tatlvely 11Cbed1110d lo leave for the Un!led 'Sto1"' '11111rl<lo7 ~ -aboul S p.m. PST Wednesdly. ' I . Col Paul Sheff1", cunmanding officer of the mat Evacuation llosp!W tP miles West Of _t;eoW, ~ ttiat the ·three men "are happJ-be oul" and said their psycholog!cll ~ ii .Good. He reported that all tl1ree had talked to their families. 1beir first destination in the United States was not disclosed . The release of the three fliers was preceded by a five-minute meeting at Panmunjom during which U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adams signed a statement admitting that the intrusion of the men's helicopter into North Korean alr space last Aug. 17 was a "criminal act." A U.S. Army statement later repudiated the admission and said it was signed only to secure the release of the men. _ The helicopter was shot down 10 mile. inside North Korea and all three men were wounded. Wearing navy blue jackets provided by their North Korean captors, two of the trio -Capt. David H. Crawford of Pooler, Ga., and WO Malcolm v. Loepke of Richmond. Ind. -appeared in good health when they were handed over at the truce village shortly before noon. The third man.. Spec. ' Hennan E. Hofstatter of Lowpoint, Ill. was on crutches, and an American official later said he still had open wounds in his right knee. Adams, chief U.S. delegate at the l. ,,...__ - nieMe. &aid the seriousness of Hofltal- let'' wounds could not be determined 1111- tll he t1nderwent a detailed medical ex· amrftaUon. He said Crawford still had .tr~le moving hia right shoulder but LoePke had recovered fully from wounds tn the left shoulder.' A helicopter took tHe three men to the 12lst U.S Evacuation Hospital west ot Seoul for medical examinaUoos and in- terrogation. Crawford arid Loepke 1'alked off the helicopter, but Hofstatter was car· rled on a stretcher. Adams, who interviewed' the three . briefly, told a news collf'erence they were. kept separated until 13 days ago. He said he did not ask them If they were tortured, but when be asked about their life in North Korea, Holltatter replied, "lt was pretty bad." A..ked about a North Korean clalm that the three signed confessions admiWn.g that they were ordered to violate North Korean air space, Adams &aid: -:n>ere was' no indication of their signing any confession.'' The apology Adams signed said the U.N. Command "solemnly apologiz.etl for having violated the armistice agreement and seriously infringed upon -' the sovereignty of the Democratic People's Republic of' Xorea by infiltrating . , . a military aircraft deep into the territorial air of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and finnly guarantees that it will not commit such a criminal ,act again." Repudiating this after the men were turned over, a U.S. Army statement pointed out that the United St.atu in negotiations for release of the men had consistenUy maintained that th e helicopter· crossed the demilitarized zone "'ilhout hostile intent when the pilot Sot iost. Leaders Back oi1 Alcatraz; Federal Pow-Wow Fails SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Tur .. leaders of the Indian force which is oc- cupying Alcatraz have returned to the island after failing to reach agreement with a dozen federal officials. Rjch·ard ·oakes, the %7-year-old Mohawk: elected:_"preiident of Alcatriz't by hll 360 comrades, joined Denis Twiler an11 Mary Reyes in a "pow-wow " with the heads of Gospel Trutli Of Protesters? ~' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Vice I President Spiro T. Agnew, in new ' critlcism of tactics of some anti· war protesters, outlined to a White ¢ · House-sponsored conference of the ~ n1.tion's governors today wbat he I called the "Ten Commandments of Protest": "Thou shalt nol allow the oppon- ent to speak. l "Thou shalt not set forth a pro-~· gram of thine own. r ~ "Thou shalt not trust anybody '1 12 federal agencies In San FrandAco Tuesday. The group discussed the plight of tho American Indian -his lack of proper housing, work and schooling -but !ailed tO touch on the Indians' demand to of. ficially .:ta lie over !be Island 1~ tho federal .. government. · • '--- The three Indian representatives In- vited the federal officials to a second meeting, this time to be hekl on the fonner federal prison island. The gov.m- ment men accepted the invitation, but no meeting lime has yet been set. A small band of Indians landed .at the San Francisco Bay islaod in the pre-dawn hours 13 days ago. They are trying to claim the island, site of a penif.entlary until 1963, under terms of an 1868 treaty. The treaty with the Sioui nation said unused federal land must be returned to the Indians. Oakes and the other Indian spokesmen sa,y they want to turn the island into a cultural and educational center. The stalemate which has prevailed 1inoe the beginning of the Indian oc- cupation shows no sign of breaking. The Indians say they will remain on the ·island. The government-says they must leave, but no attempt seems imminent to remove them by force. w,, ,..... "We "re going to st ay on Akaf!az, .. over 30. f ·'Thou shalt not honor Lhy father or thy mother. "Thou shalt not heed the lessons ~ ~~ of history. ~, "Thou shalt not write anything ~ longer than a slogan.' "Thou shalt not present a negot· ~ r table demand. ~ ~ "Thou shalt not accept any es--~ tablishn1ent idea. · · - ~ "Thou 8halt not revere any but totalitarian heroes. _ "Thou shalt not ask. for forgive- ness for thy transgressions; rath- er, thou shalt demand amnesty for 1 them." ~ I Oakes declared. "Alcatraz offers ua the insulation necessary to develop in· tellectually." Oakes said the Indians' food supply has held out so far. But he asked for more dona.lions to accommodate another inDuX of newcomers over the weekend. He preclicted that 1,000 Indians would be on the island by Sunday. Gov. Ronald Reagan Tuesday criticized the lodian occupation, thou1h he Hid he aympatbiles with their problema. "This is similar to most detnONlr• tions," Reagan said, "which are trylnl to solve problems by demomtration nther than by sitting down at a table to resolve them." • l 7 7:-------........... ____ .... ___ ..., ___ ... ______ ,_ ______ ~-~~----·---~~--· 4 ... -.-.----·· r-- . ~resident ... ' , .. • ~ I· t • --~ . -· -. d aupporte _, By.House WASHINGTON (AP) Presideill Nbron, wbq c!tim<G . ooe-month ago today thll tht "silent "majority'' of A~ support hls efforta to end the Vietnam war. has a :133-55 voting majority backing him in the House -of Represen- tatives. The 6-1 margin came Tues- <iay on a resolution suppc.-ting the administration's "efforts to negotiate a just Peace in Vietnam." Some of ttiose voting for the resolution did so with reservations, however. ,, . ' " DAILY Pl1Df I (;onferenee MW.s 'Immoral' :•fa~.~-, Fast ·U.rged -io Protest Nixon's Speech ' UPL TtlltP""" " WASHINGTON (AP) )hat ends Thursday. M~lican-Americans at the "Spending $11.30 a day ror White House _hunger con· rrtealS, in my mind, is almost ference urged their 3,000 immoral when we are htre to fellow Participants today to help :he hungry ," explained 1ast during the remainder of the Rev. Ralph Ruiz of San the session in protest of Pre.!i., . Antonio, Tex. dent Nixon's keynote speech The call for a fa.!Jt was ju.st and""'the .... ~ay the eonfertnce 'one expression of b i 't.t e-r i.s grurig." criticism following Ni1on's . " The M•e xican·Americ&ns plea Tuesday for stipport of . 11$ked other deleaates to join • his Jeglshi.tlve programs to them in depositing the re-fight ,poyerty. mainder of their meal tickets "'nte President has not call· 1n a box in a hallway at the ed for 111f emergency rejJef site of'ttie~'thfee.day. meettni ror the na.ttoo·~ hungry," rthiz said. "Wi should express to the people w.e ~F.8sent that little has "happened but we are still thinklna of them." Ruli, who oak! he hopeo the protest wiU "impress on the President· he has done little" to help the hungry, ·said his group wllUry to_ obtain a refund for the deposited meal tickets and give· the proceeds to a worthy cause. · There was ' outs°poken disap- pointment over President Nix· on's opening speech Tuesday to ' lbe 3,000 dtlegates to the lhree-diy Conferenct On Food, NutrUIO!I and Healtjl. Nixon apPea)ed for aupport: ,ol his -wettare bUll J;efcre ~. whidl be Aid "sllool<! vlr1!iflly elimlna~ tile problem of poverty u a caUH of malnutrition." "That's not true," said Mrs. Peter E<J<1-,~direclor ol the 'Washington, D.C., lie' search lj'oject, and a member of a conference panel con.sld· ering minimum income. She described the President's speech as "lousy, it 1aid nothin&i new." South f oast 'Plaza A last-minute addition to the resolution nquests Nixon "to continue to press" North Viet- nam to abide by a Gefl'eva convention providing for the humine .treatme nt or prisoners of war. The PO\V vof4! was 392-0. PIONEER AVIATOR CHARLES LINDBERGH .AT. LANDING OF· 7'7· • ' : . 86 STORES ALL 72° • • • But before the two days of wide-ranging debate was over. House leaders on both sides of the aisle came under fire for .bringing the resolution to the floor under procedures ban- ning amehdments. Llndborgh Among VIPs at John F. )!:annldy Airpo rt Largest Jetli1aer · Big Boefug L~ds in Gotham ' . and open nightly till 9:30 • The POW proposal pre\·K>us. ly had been beaten by the House Foreign Affair,; Com - mittee. NEW YORK (U PI) -The \\·orld's largest jetliner, sched· uled to go into service early next year, flew here from the \Vest Coast Tuesday carrying 196 ''guests," about half· its full.load capacity. country already are having ___________ l ______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------diflicukies accommodating conventional jets, many of Joan Baez Has So.n PALO ALTO (AP) -Folks- inger Joan Baez Harris gave birth to a son Tuesd&y night at the Stanford Unive r sity Hospital . Hospital spokesmen said the 28-year-old molJ;ier .and baby are in e:t· celleii;t ~"OOditioo. The 'boy we ighed seven pounds. four ounces . Mrs. Harris said she hoped to take the child -Gabriel Earl -to the Safford, Ariz., federal prison camp at Christmas to visit his 23-year· okt A~._pavid Harris. H~ is serving a sentence for refus~ int induction into the Army. The 23.>.foot Boeing 747 . is almost twice as long as man's first 'heaviu·than.air powered flight made by the Wright Brothers at • Kltty Hawk in 1903. The huge, 700,000.p o u n d plane, designed to carry up to 400 passengers, made the 2,420-- lni.le 1 flight f r om Seattle, Wash:. to John F. Kennedy In-- ternalional Airport in four hours and five minute s, hitting speeds of 700 miles an hour. The p\ane, ~ilh its fi vl'!· story.high· tall, ·14 stewardess· es and $20 million price lag, brought not only progress, in terms of spaciousness, luxury and design, but also problems. Crowded airports across th!! ' which occasionally have to fly holding patterns above th!! bus. ier airfields before they can land. Three 747s landing within a JS.minute period could theo- retically ·unload . over 1,200 persons with more than 3,000 pieces of luggage into. an aJ.. ready congested airport ter- minal. Pilot Jack \Vaddell. a Boeing cmploye, said the 747 could have crossed the continent in "less than four hours" if ii had been givee immediate clearance to land at Kennedy. \Vaddell said the flight was uneventful and the plane was put ·on automatic pilot shortly alter takeoff and remained so during most of the trip. The 747 is "much easier and more pleasant to fly than oth- er jets," be -said. "It 1poils you." Ex-Soviet President Dies MOscow {AP) -Kiimenli Voroshilov'r' one the I as t surviving 'heroes for th e Bolshevik'-Revolution and 11 !orn1er .preSident of the Soviet Union, died today . Tass an· nounced He was 88. The brief announcement by tl;ie ofiicial Soviet ne\\'S agency gave no details. Voroshilov had · Spe'.'1t his last years a lonely, humiliated outcast and had not been reported at an "official function since the 1963 Revolutionary Day parade. ot all the men in the Soviel Communist hierarchy in the 'days when Joseph Stalin ruled he Was perhaps the onlY. one who could call Stalin friend. t1 gpite of-a11 Voros h i Jo v' s blunders, Stalin covered him \Vilh a manUe of glory and protected him from th e penalties of his mistakes. Bu t after Stalin d i e d , Voroshilov, then past 70, fell upon evil days. He threw in with a group of old Stalinists trying to oust N i k i t a Khrushchev from party leadership. Khrushchev slap· ped down the "antiparty group." Jed by V. M. Molotov, Georgi P.1. Ma1enkov and Lazar f..f. Kaganovich, in 1957. Whe.1 KhrushChev brought details of Ole plot into the open at the 22nd party con-. gress in 196t,-Voroshilov was pictured as a dupe: he wrote a letter humbly admitting his part in the plot but claiming he had no idea ""hat was in· ee sy.c1r1 •ctlv--. w1u1r 1., men and boys boy1 1w .. 1t1rs for every oeC1sion: m1chifte w1sh1ble and mech ine dryeble 8-20 I \· •• I volved. Khrushchev interceded for him , calling him "a broken man" and urging the congress to treat him less severely than the others. At the November celebra. lions ol the s:iniversary CJl the Bolshevik Revolution that year, however, Voroshilov's humiliation was p u b I i c I y demonst r ated. Before thousands, he sought to mount the tribune or honor atop Lenin's tomb. from which he and other Soviet leaders. had always taken the salutes 0£ the marchers. A guard stopped him and he was led away. Later his name was stripped from all public places and the town of Voroehilovgrad chang· ed its name back to Lugansk. ~ * 644-5070 " I' 1 •• -~., • • . • . . / . ' • •• , -. -- .. Near hall 1 century of service / Near hall • billion dollars strong ' .o more-inte.rest than banks·t ' 25% MORE INTEREST THAN BANKS on regular passbook savi ngs I Interest compounded dally, . . credited qua rterly. Interest paid fr.o.m day-In to day..oµt. No notice required for wit hdrawals. Transfer your sayi ngs lo THE BIG M today. . , THE BIG M also. offers Bonus Acco unts and Gu aranteed Rate Accounts ($1,000 minimum) that earn even more. Come In o"call for Information. W. R. Sammon•• SotiOf' VU.Pruidmtt R1gionalt...Ma1t0.get" - COVINA W88T Ai.CADIA • w ... D\Alrtt Ao1d TtttllftOM 4'S.01H 200 North Cnrut Avenue Telephont 339·5471 Robert D. A&lon .Vite Pfellideftt Bn:s'IWI JI nag er MUTUAL SAVINGS an&l IDaa •n11:iati• CE>RONA DEL MAR OL8NOAL8 331 North lrtnd lou1tv1rd TtttPl!PM 24:Mt4& ........ .co.at~ '(11ephont 17$-5010 • flA8A08NA (HuclOlflco) 315 l••t Color1do loultvtrd Telephone '44~2345 ·. • r • I • • -' .. ' " • DAILY PROT E DITOR•AL P AGE Civic Center Back in April ol this year. the Huntington Beach City Council, by a f.3 vote, adopted as a site for a new civic center land on upper Main Street near Huntington Beach Hlgh School. Last weelc, the council, by the same 4-J vote, re· allirmed that ;ielection. While a show of unanimity would be desirable, the DAILY PILOT hopes that every element of city gov· ernment will work together to make the project a real- ity as soon as possible. Jn the interim since last April, all members of the council devoted a considerable effort to study of alter- native sites. After all of this effort, a majority of the council still fe lt the Main Street site offers the most for the money. Current quarters for J-funtinglon Beach's munici- pal government are shameful. They are inadequate, in- efficient and certainly no source of pride for a city of more than 100,000 population. No\v that lhe site selection has been resolved once again1 let. the program move lvith all possible speed. No Fixed-wing Airp~anes Airplanes are not wanted in Fountain Valley. The city government has joined the Fountain Valley School District in expressing this simple thought to lhe Orange County Board of Supervisor$ and officials of the State Aeronautics Board. The city and the Marine Corps have both joined school officials in stating that fixed·wing airplanes are not de- sired nor expected in the area. If the county adds it.< weight behind the appeal it should be a routine matter to get the school site and a guarantee that airplanes won't be installed at Mile Square. - Fountain Valley made no mentiol) of Jts own one-- time proposal for an industrial air park1 but the idea hasn't been brought up in nearly a year and should r emain burled with any proposal tor airplanes at Mile Square. · Healthy Discussion 1-luntington Beach city councilmen sat down one recent evening to have dinner with county and state legislators representing this area. The evenmg of discussion which followed was pro- ductive. It opened up the channels of information. lt bridged some commµnications gaps. There are many municipal problems which cannot be solved without the aid of the peoptes' representatives in $:0Unty, state and federal government. Subjects covered at the recent session were varied. They included the proposed Bolsa Island sea water de- salting and power plant, Southern California Edison Co.'a proposed plant expansion, development and opera· tion of state beaches, offshore oil production problems and revenues. the IAcal Agency Formation Conunis· sion and its powers. Councilmen discovered one outstanding truth: The local legislative represerrtatives are not of one mind on all subjects. • Concern was raised that fixed·wing aircraft might be coming to the city \Vhen a request to build a school near Mile Square airfield was turned down by lhe state Board of Education. It was feared that the Marine helicopter facility at Mile Square might be adapt.able to fixed.wing craft and force a flight pattern over the proposed school. The school district is now appealing that decision. The discussions 'vere lengthy but interesting. Those who attended left with the feeling that many more sul>- ·jects could have ,been discussed. ..... 'THll LoDJZS L1K~ f.. fOIJNDR.'f l i.tNKER; llt1<£~ A f'~IUllt> UV{!..' SfG.M EN r FU'i Of f (;Sf/CIPH) AN/> TllErE !.,P.J C~YS'rAU../ZEI> HY~OCA!\~ONS f~OM (OM gusr10N OF PETROl.f OM DE~IVATIIJf~ WITH A l.A'{ER Of S llLfHU~ l>iOXtt>E FROM Sofr C:OAL SMOKf ... oev10USI..V, ~E MOON OIJCE HAl>,INTELLi6EtJf 'Liff IN A FRIENt>\.Y EIJVIRoNM ENT,'WHAT ~o You SufPoS~ H,l.fffNE!>r• J. Thanksgiving Is Best of r:4.ll Holiday s Of all the holidays we celebrale, Tha11ksgiving Is by far niy favorite. It Is, in fact. the only one I wholeheartedly, subscribe 10, ln spirit as well as in body. Christmas, of course. Is a mess, and has been for as long as 1 can remember. lt has turned into a. hectic, anxious, overspending, show-offy holiday that has no more in common with i h e preachments of J esus than a hog has with a hymnal. And New Year's Eve is the end. The 5<1uares and clods have utterly taken over that day, and night, for mindless roister· ing that mistakes bellowing for bonhomie and driveling drunkenness for jollity. WHAT DO \VE have ten? The Fourth of July should be a time to take stock of national inheritance, and what we have made, or failed ta make, of it; instead, it means firecrackers to the kids, and Jong, insincere political oratio11s to the adults -m0&t of whom wouldn't sign the Declaration of Jndependence today even under an assumed name. But Thanksgiving is different. It ha s not yet been commercialized. It is a quiet time. No one has tried to take it over for self-serving purposes, except perhaps the cranberry sauce people. And. most of al11 it is unique among the world 's holidays. IT WAS FIRST begun, as you learned in school, in 1621, t.o commemorale the • Dear Gloomy Gus: ' A friend is one that does some. thing nice for you. Since the camp- us militanl..5 are helping to re-elect ~ Governor Reagan they must be his friends. -H.B. M .. T~l• fMfllrt nf'llctt ,......,.. \111wt, not "ICll.-rll't f!ltw .. ftle H'ftllll Nr. ltnti ,..,, "' ,.." " l lNmr e111. o.ir, l'Jllt, , Jiarvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony. alter a winter of great !larvalion. In that autumn. Gov. William Bradford pro- ('laim a day of Thankskiving -in a feast shared pot on1y by atr"lhe colonists, but by the Indians as well. No other country has· a day sel a11ide for this purpose ; a day that is non· political, non-denominational, non· patriotic, but simply one in which all the people recall the privation and l!Uffering of their forebears, and give thanks for the bounty provided them, and us. NOR RAS ANY other country so mucti to give thanks for. We forget, in our pride of accomplishment, that the New World was naturally blessed with many ad· vantage! Europe lacked : not only phyti.cally, tn tenns of vast land and resource11, bllt also with freedom from ancient grudges, from old.class struc· tures, and from crippling authority. Thanksgiving celebrates the personal spirit and the family unity of our people. lt evokes humility, gratitude, wannth. and an exchange or sentimenb rather than of presents or toasts Or salutes, In being the most. distinctively American holiday. it approaches being the most universal Strange Para.dox iU#en The publicists say Apollo 12 did not stir the public zeal as did Apollo I I, and it \11as inevitable, for \vho remembers the .second voyage of Columbus? Nonetheless, 12 is more important 'than 11 so far as concerns the fundamental purpose of the Apollo program. It turned out as a nawlesa misskln, with one ex· ception. Thal o{ course "'as the fail ure ol the television camera. whi ch denied the \\'orld's vieY:ers their view. ll was a boo- hoo. nol ol the astronauts, bu t of Space Administration planning. Not to provide a backup camera wa s like starting a long automobile journey ,,;thout a spare tire. The Discovery miss-:on·s purpose wa.s to establish that it could be done, Apollo 12, was lo establ ish wh 't we are trying lo :. dG. Wha t '"e seek is to unr avel the true nature or lhe moon. and its relatio n to the earth and so. lo the mechani cs or the Solar Syste1n. lls dist ant goal ls to let us know 14'hert \\'C are, which is a vital part ot knowing v.•ho "·c are. TUJS llAS BEEN the quest of men :i;lnee the first one wondered about th e trees and the rivers, and the mysterious lighta ln the firmament. J An indlspcnsa ble part or knowing v.·here and who you are, is an un- derstand.lo g or \f'blt CUlmologists can Matter. We know a great deal. though not. everything, aboul the matter fonning our globe, but eltretcmstrial matter fonn· ing otbe.r 11lobes1 thou&h unlversa.l, has ...---B 11 George ---1 CONFIDENTIAk TO D 0 0 I ~ GOODMAN; It's not to much he's got more h1ir now, Dodie, tt's that THIS 0Jle'1 name is Carson. But • e ri t. • .)'OU art Jl:mly I . !lQyce Brier . \.. _ ... ....,, .... " 11ublly different properties. The lunar matter the astronauts lugged liomC. over JOO earth pounds of it, tri ples our rock collection, /\ bit of metallic mat. 1cr fashioned by the Hughes Tool Com· pany has lain for over tw o years in a small crater adjacent lo the Apollo 12 touchdown. and the astronaul..5 snipped orr some parts of it. We \1'an t to know "'hat that airless focus of solar radiation and meteoric dust has done to It. FRO~f ANALYSIS or Apollo 11 rock.~. \\'e already know the moon has been around 4-5 billion years. but 1,1·e don·t kno\'t' U il is unchanged in that ti me. \V e don ·1. knO\Y if it ls dead, cold globe. or Jr It cont.ains Interior heal, if it \.\'as once perhaps HliYe and changea ble. as our globe was. and is. /\polio 1i cannot unwind th is enigma. lftlt it can s:arl. Everywhere we look there are radioac. t.ive particles, electric charges "'hlch combine w i l h . and excite. hydrogen atoms which dr:lfl In illlmi table clouds through space. In these clouds are other atomic elt mt>nlii, Bke iron, v.·hi ch can congeal and form the spi nning heavenly bodies we behold. OUR f'OREFATllERS "'ISl!ully use~ to \\·ondt r if there is gold in lhe moon. &nd • we are pasl that \.\'Onder. Colng tht:re Is ~u on the debit-side to a bookkeeper. But knoY:ing evtn a little about where \\'t art, and 1,1•ho. may be bttter lhan gold. Such sessions should be held more often. H Bnrkitag Destroys Night Worker's Sleep Owners., Not Dogs,: Are Responsible· To the Editor : It su rely appears the world is going to the dogs . We moved from one part of the town to another thinking we could get away from the dogs barking under our bedroom win· dows at all hours of the day. At first, for a few mo nths, we thought we really had found a quiet retreat. SirJce my husband 's work requires working late hours at night, we try lo sleep later in the mornings. Not even on weekends can we get to sleep late because of dogs barking at 5:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. across the 11treet. Even some dogs ·bark at 4 a.m. and off and on through the day. THEY S P EAK OF people overpopulating the world.1 believe dogs are also overpopulaUng the world. Most of these dogs are not trained very weU. I\ is not the dog's fault, but the ownar's fault. Sin~ moving on thl$ &treet lhree years ago we now have dog11 above us, dogs below us, and we are rtally sur· rounded by dogs. ti'hey are on the loose early mornings aK'd at nights. How. can ailyone "love thy neighbor" as the "good book'' tells us to do. under these circumstances when mo.st ol. the people do not train their dog11. RECENTLY I HAVE been contacting quite a few people. Some with no dogs and some with well-trained dogs who do not lel their dogs run loose and destroy other people'.s yards. Do not think ror one minute it is ap- preciated by people who work ~hard to beautify their homes and yard . There most certainly is a lack of thougll ulne ss and consideration on the part of some (If these dog owners. In talking with some of these people they • are di~ted with some of their neighbors who let their dogs make those awful messes besides ruining the grass, shrubs, flowers and leaving brown spots whereever the dog has been . There is a noise abatement Jaw and a leash Jaw in this town. ISN·'f IT ABOUT time lhat \\'e do something about protecting our yard s an d proper ties from the dogs? Also I learned from one who 58\Y two vicious dogs tear a small dog ·s thro at 'vide open and to have dogs running loose llke that is dangerous. \Vhat do dog lovers think? Speaking or dog lovers. God's word says that we should have "no idol s," an<t to worship the Lord . God, only." I know sonic people \\•ho practicall y \\•orship their dogs. 1 have seen them kiss their dogs in the mouth and sleep under the shcet.s wlth lhcir dogs. That may be o.k. for them if tAey so desire, but as far as I am concern ed and so me other people I know , that Is "for the birds.'' IRENE HILTON Apology t o Greg To lhe Editor: Read ing I.he Thursday Issue of lhe DAJ LY PILOT I Nov. 2i\, I c<irne across an article on the coolest Pilot Pigskin Pickeroo. You listed n complete Jist10( \1·lnners. Not too long ago. 1 v.·on a rootball from your contest I catn e in second. I v.·as wonder{ng how come my name \.\'8Sn't on the list. All the other pe<iple who won the itame week l did were on the \isl. I'd ap. pttel•te knowing what may have ha~ peued. GREG PHILLIPS \Ve gooftd. It's J11.s t lh at .simple. Grt!)'t 1111mt rs listed in our record$ os .seco11d-placer for the stt ond week of t1tt co nltst. He picked 17 out of a poS$ibtc 19 1vfnnC r$ -a !J l'Cot rtcord. Editor .-..--· .. " . Mailbox Letters from readers .dre welcome. Normally writers should convey theit messages iii 300 words ·or less. The right to CO'ndens e letter& to /it s)tace OT eliminate libel is resenied. All let- ters must includ e signature and mail.. ing address, but name.r ma11 be with.. held on request if sufficient reason U apparent. Poetry wiU not be pub· lished. Interest In the techrucal aspecl..!i of the re· cept exciting Apollp flights~ I am amazed a.t how odd it is that so little recognilion seems to be given to the people who developed the technologi cal breakthroughs and the knowhow lhat made the whole effort possible. For example, con sider the guidance system for the Apollo 11 and 12 moon trips. For years, the scientists and engineers at MIT's b e I e a g u r e d Instrumentation Laboraklry in Cam· bridge, Mass., have been working on and writing about the guidance. syslem prl}- vlding a precision capabillty never before even imagined, let alone developed into a workable system lo carry the spacecraft to the moon and h?c~. ThE DISTANCE and s~ds Jnv olved make this task about like trying to hit a cannonball in flight wi th an extremely accurateJy teed golf ball, but the spacetlight problem is even more difficult due to the changing force of gravily 011 tht way to the moon. Jn the face of these terrific obstacles, Dr. C. Stark Draper and others working in his "I Lab" tack!· ed the problem, improved the cxislini: missile guidance systems, and , with strong industrial support, succeeded morvelously. In the words of "Doc" Draper, as he is affectionately kno...,·n by his students and colleagues at Mil' I where this writer did his undergraduate "'ork), "For the Apollo JI flight. this lab. my lab, had the fu ll re.oiponsibility from lhe gleam In the eye to the splashdo\.\·n in the ocean." TllIS STATE1\1EN'I' reflects the kind or pride tha L comes only from a supreme and s11perb effort and a job well done by the "I Lab.' personne l and by all the many industria l firms "'hlch contributed vital resources, equipment, and talent. [ especially feel that speclaJ recognition should be accorded the men from the .. ( Lab" and all the others who worked on the project. Soihe of them live and work right here in Southern Callfomia and deserve our praise, which we orlen negle<:t to confer in our busy personal \1·orlds. 1 FEEL TllERE is a special need to. day to emphasize and 11cknowledge th11.. perseverance, beli ef in the value of in· <!lvldual respon sibi lity. and the pride in and major news media? ''Government censorship,'' they scream Jn voices so passionate now that their own mouthpieces are beiog challenged. Could it be that they now wish to protect us from the very monster they h a v e th~mselves created~ NO? This bunch of two-raced er s lor~ commitnism (no"matter w cy title they may give it) are up in arms at the prospect that the television networks, newspapers and periodicals that have rallied to the cause of the left for so long may soon, under in· creasing pressure from the American people they have betrayed, preseot the American side of the news for a change. • ANDREW COURT MILES 'No Se11se or Shame' To the F.d itor: \\'ell, I 15ee where President Nixon has signed a fe\Y international agreements - like non-proliferation of chemical warfare or something. Big deal! J am sure Uncle Sam will keep his agreements -that is, as long as convenient. The whole history of governmental agreements is to keep them just as long as convenient. JUST A VERY small, close·lo·home ex· ample: Ab o ut 1930, Orange County, Californ1a. U.S.A. signed an agreemen~ '"ith ~he U.S. government to keep Black Star Canyon Road open. And they did. That is, as Jong as it was coovenient. However, our present supervisors now refuse to honor the signed agreement. They have a lot of excuses, but ap. parently no sense of shame. BILL BOWER Pos itlo11h1g 1\'ems To the Edi tor : A few months ago, I wrote your newspaper complimenting you on a fine presentation of worlh\.\•hile neu•s. Unfortuna tely, it seems lo me it's been all dov.•nhill ever since. Today, Friday, Nov. 28. was the last stra\v. The day after Thanksgiving many p!tOple would probably be interested in the wounded veteran \vho finally got a job (page 4 I and the Indian's feast at Alcatraz (pa i:;e S), llOW tt lANY people do you think rea lly "'ant to know about the cn1ddy unnamed teen.agers performing indecent acts (page I) and the theater theft (p.age·1 l~ Except the people wllo do these things for atte ntion, obviously -as in case I. There does seem to be litlle th at snyone can do to cut the crime rate, but you are at least in a position to cut down on the free pubUclty for nobodies. Please return lo your former policy o{ seeming '"t01>e a ray of light in the "Sunshine Slate." Lately you look too 1nuch like one of lhc crummy. Chicago <1rea--scum .sheets. -MRS. J. SNY DER Bo'• Objerd ve one 's job, one's nation, and oneself e:<· emplified by thtse men. Adoption of .5'Uch character traits by today's rebelli~• youngsterit might create for them · c To the Editor ; • uUsfactlon ('()ming from s u' Just "'hat is the Vietnam war all worthwhile, constructive acUvltye'J'he n~t? The an!Wer to such a simple look· could even flnd themselves pie ;anUZ. fng ucstlon rqulres one to rely upo.n in· surprised! / ... tfill on, Imagination and a few facts. WlLLlAA1 DEVEREAUX ·The prel(!nt Vietnam war really started A111erka11 Side To the Editor: when Ho Chi Minh decided lhat he was i;:oing t1t liberate all or Vietnam from French colonial control. 11lt:re Is no doubt th11t the French Jost the war but Ho .. bcllevcd that he lost Lhe peaet: when Vlei · nam was divided In lwo. Thus. Ho had to adjust to the best of a b:td de.al and he con!Olidated hls J>OWer in North Vlet:oam. would be used by the Communillfa to for~ their political dogma on the rest 0£ the free world. This theory gave Ho a method that he could use to liberate South Vietnam and at the same time either prove or disprove by • ex- perimentation the validity of "Wars 0£ Liberation." In the beginning tlo needed little. material help from China' or Russia and \.\'OUld ha ve won the first "War of Libera· lion" if the U.S.A had not intervened militarily. After the. U.S.A. intervened Ho had to ask for much military eguipmenl from the Olinese and ~ Russians. Both of these Communist giants had to fUmish the weapons because Ho was trying to prove the feasibility of "\Vars of Libera• ti. " ""· THERE JS LITI'LE doubt in. my mind that the Tet offensive of J968· cost the North Vietnamese the 'war. The facl tliat lhe North has lost the war has finally been accepted by Russia and China and yet they are still pouring money down the same old rat hole. Why? The answer lo that ciuesllon Is very -Simple. All one has to do is to look at the division that is taking plaC! in the good old U.S.A. and it only cost the two Com· munist gi ants two or three billlon doJTar! a year. or course. they couldn't care less about the manpower losses of North Viet· nam because the individual in the Com· munisl world is born lo advance the Communist movement. In conclusion, the Vietnam war Is an ex-perin1ent that is being conducted by the Co1nmunists and "Wars of Libera· lion" will be used in other parts of the "'orld if the experiment proves SUC'o cessful. Now those tha t believe that this is just a local war and that we should bur out will believe anything. HARRY B, McDONALD JR, OpPrnl ion TrW1 h Can Tn the Ed itor · \Ve. the Huntington Beach Host Lions Club, \Vish to extend our sincere ap. preciation for the wonderful new5 coverage you ga ve us in our project · Operatk>n Trash Can . Through your cooperation and intere!t In our community. this project wa!'I very .successful -a nd has assisted us in our service to the blind. HUNTI NGTON BEACH HOST LIONS CLUB James DeGuelle President Quotes Dr. Jtnijoy LaBt.Ue, ZS. m.inl~kirted first woman pro(. at all·male Cal Tech., Pasadena -"I hope the students like me. but my mnin concern is that they like rind enjoy the male.rial being taught. .. ....... ~ \Vednesday, December 3, 19:159 The editoriat page o/ the DaJ!11 Pilot 11ek.s to inform and stifn.. utote reader.1 btt J?'f!Stnting this · m w1pa pe-r'1 opiniota and com. mentary on top£ca of interest end significance, b11 prouidtng o forum for the e:rprc.11'4>tl of our renders' op.i1~icn1s, and by presenting the diverse view. points of Informed obstrvtr& and .spokesmen on topica of the da y. . • ' " " It Is a strange parJdox In men. that y,·hile lhey quarrel ~to the death o..,tt tht. ri~es of their ea lht mana c to viii& 11 llr place "·li1at prom scs to y e cm nothing or Jna lerlal riches. 1Ue11 BeJdnd Apollo TOl!i< I or: Is It not really rather str•nge that the very .tame IOClalists who have advocated and promoted govunmtnL rontrol of ev· erythlng under the sun. in order to pro. lecl us ~r s from lho!C greed , WlcKod clifG a s. Rrt su on y eap1ng lo the defense of Ute tclcvlsfon networks \\'lnLE 1:10 \\'AS co'Motidatlng his p11r a VJ ory. AO Tfe-;tung a ven U1Q U1eory'o( "\Vars of Liberation" which -Robert-N, W~ubli•her--f.-- As a Cal1ech 1:raduate .1.tutlenl v,1th an ' , • I I ' . I ,. • I \ j l ' I • Las Vegas. Hon.ermoon Vows, Rings Exchanged MRS. RICHARD A. JONES Huntington Beach Home . . At home in Huntington Beach are Mr. and lttrs. Richard A. Jones who ex· changed theif. wedding vows and rings during a ceremony c.'Onducted in the G r a c e Luthci-an Church by the Rev. Robert Larsen. The former-Norma . Jean lllggins, · daughter of Mrs. Willie Mae Higgins o [ Portland, was given in mar· riage by her brother-in-law, Michael Feldman. For the ceremony she selected a full length A-line satin g o w n designed with appliques of lace and seed pearls and an organta train. Baby rosebuds and stephanotis comprised her bouquet. Attending the bride were Miss Patricia Knapp, maid of honor, and Miss Ruth Anne Naef and Mrs. Vern Hammatt, bridesmaids. Their g ow n so featured off-white lace bodices with long sleeves worn over velvet burgundy skirts and they carried bouquets or white . and bronze chrysanthemums. J ulie Hammatt, flower girl, wore a run length· burgundy velvet dress and carried white chrysanthemums, and i n charge of the rings was Randy Feldman. The bridegroom. son of Air. and "1rs. Harold Jones of Long Beach. a~ked Don Seloff to serve as best man and guests were seated by Duane Higginbotham and Hammatt. Following the wedding the couple were greeted during a reception in the Huntin~ Beach Recreation Center": . _.Officers Seated Assisting' were Mrs. Claude lliggins, the bride's aunt, Miss Alice Raben and Mrs. Keith West. \~ 'l.nstallation Dinner .(;:atches Holiday Glow ;· ~' \ , ... ~made red carnations, Morehouse, second vice presi-·-v4 evergreen trees and silver dent; Harry Bowman, !~eiabra holding red tapers recording secretary; J o h n ;_ q • center tables when the Seltzer, c o r r e s p o n d i n g • . e:o's Division, Huntington secretary, and John F. lrm- The bride attended Portland State University and her hus- band was graduated from .Jordon High School, Long Beach, and served in Vietnam wilh the U.S. Army. The newl y weds honey. mooned in Las Vegas. Chorus Sings For Teachers . Chamber or Commerce, inger, treasurer. . ls new officers. · ·, Appointed com mitt e e Christmas carols sung by ing cocktails at 6:30 · chairmen in~lude thf; Mmes._ the girls' chorus of Estancia P·'.i.1 dinner will be-served <it ~ward Sulli~, Miss Hun· High School will fill the air for 8 ~the Meadowlark Country,. Ungton Bead!. contest; Jake . ctutt~ Frklay, Dec. 5.. Stewart, city beautifjcation: the annual Christmas P~Y S~I guests at ,the ban-Will Jenkins, Fourth of July sponsored by the Retll'ed quet•' will be city officials, parade float; Neil Pearmain, T~a.c~ers o! the Orange Coast member.S or the men• s Woman-0f.fue.year; Dou glas D1v1s1on. 'orga¢zation and their wives. Loughmiller, .. f~nancial direc-T~e Mu.1day, Dec. 8,. event Serving as installing officer tor, and Ph1lhp Elmer and beginning at 1 p.m. 1n the . will be t1iss Fem Green, new George Freeman, publicity. . Cong r eg a Li~al Churc h, ~resident of Wome n 's Mrs. Stewart, retirin g; pr.cs1· Co~ona dcl Mar, 1s open to ~.JI . Divisions in Chamber of Com· dent of the women's division, re.tired teachers and their ; merce for the state. has been reappointed t o friends. •. Se a t e d d u r i n g t h e represent Huntington Beach as Speaker Miss J e n n} e scmUormal dinner dance ·will regional director on the board Session, Southern Are~ vice be ithe Mmes. Edward Casey, of the Women's Divisions in presiden~ or CRTA, will a.d· president; Arnold Podsadc. Chamber of Commerce for the dress the group on You Wi ll fii'st vice president ; Raymond sta te. ""\ Never Walk Alone. ,. rf"'F" -r ... 'l I j' • . ' " Decorating· Contest - Judges Challenged All area organizations are invited to participate in the second annual Holiday Table Decoration Competition, jointly sponsored by the Newport H·arbor Women's Divis'i on and Costa Mesa Women's Committee of the chambers of commerce. .. I I • i ' • . ' • Wrdntsday, dectmbtr J, 1969 DAILV PILDT '$1' Nuptial '::./ o~s Recit_e-d~ ln Cathell~ Cerem,on_.¥ White chrysanthe1~ums and gladioli banked the altar of BleSSed Sacrament Catholic Church in Westminster for the wedding oC Yolanda Contreras and David E. Wentworth. coo·ducting Ith~ ceremony uniting the daughter or Mr, and Mrs. Philip R. Contreras end the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. \Ventworth, all o( Huntington Beach, was the Rev. Raymond Kari er. The bride was escorted to the altar by her fathe\. Her gow!I of chantilly lace and taf- feta was styled '!Vith a fitted bodice, long tapered sleeve!! and a high scalloped Victorian collar. The full skirt had an overlay of bridal taffeta ex- tending into a chapel train and her veil was attached to a flower of lace and pearls. Her bouquet of white . miniature roses and stephanotis cascad- ed from a small white Bible. MRS. ROBERT E. BONNING II San Francisc;o Honeymoon Mrs. Carlos Gonzalez served as her sister's matron of honor wearing a gown o[ avocado green and carrying yellow carnations, and com- pleting the bridal party were "1rs. Steve Arebalo, Mrs. Thomas ttoreno, and lhe N.lsses D i a n e Wentworth, sister ol the benedict, Cynthia Alvarez, Dianne McLean and Socarro Paniagua . Their gov.·ns were yell ow-gold and they carried semicascades of yellow carnations. Double Ring Nuptials The bride's cousin and flower girl, Sylvia Ann Ortiz, wore an avocado gown styled ide ntically to the matron of • Solemnized in Mesa Bouquets of gladioli and chrysanthemums decorated St. John the Baptist Catholic Church when Ellen Patricia Groetsch became the bride of honor's and carried a basket Jlobcrl Edward Bonning IT. of yellow carnations . ... The Rev. Anthony Mc:Gowan Gonzalez served as best performed the double ring man and ushers were Arebalo, Joe Manriquez. Cha rles B. ceremony for the daughter of Gibbs, Joe Hart.ge, Duane· Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Wentworth.· the bridegroom's Groetsch and the son of t.1 r. brother, and ~iguel Gomez. and Mrs. Robert Edward Bon· Ronald Richard Ortiz, the n"ing, all of CoSta Mesa. bride's cousin was r i n g • bearer. Given in marriage by her ,......, MRS. DAVID E. WENTWORTH Palm S~rings Honeymoon • l'jl Beach High School. tier hus. band is an alumnus of the same high school and Orange Coast College where he receiv· cd his degree in business Highlanders ..• managemenent and relailing . Before making their home in · Hun t ington Beach the newfywed s will honeymoon in Palm Springs. Hear Chorale father. the bride wore a After the ceremony more I f l I lhan 450 guests attended a An inVitatlonal Christmas candle ight gown o u esong rettption in the Carpenters' with gokl ·braid trimm ing the Local Union Hall, Huntington progran\ for the Highlanders bodice. It was made by a Beach. Assisting were Mrs. Commitlee of Orange County friend, Mrs. Eric Little of George Melvin Taylor, sister l>hilharmonic Society w i 11 Twin Peaks. A Juliet cap, of the benedict at the guest feature the 21-voice Corona de!Jp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; trimmed with lbe same braid. book and the Mmes. Bill raising funds lo , finance 11 summer singing tour o f Europe and recently made a Christmas record. •·\d •-'\\u · ilin.. d Mar High Madrigal Singers. 1oc 11~ l sioo ve g, an Kingsbury, Richard 0 rt i z, A-fembers and guests will she carried 8 bouquet of white Henry A r g a n d a, Joe hear the Tuesday, Dec. 9, prp- ri>ses. Hernandez, ~atsy Bojorj'.3uey gram at 10:30 a.m. in the Royal blue velvet gowns and Jesus Vega. · home of Mrs. Fred Grazer. wjth pale blue satin bodices The neW' Mrs. Wentworth Is Formed two years ago by NEW &: ANXIOUS •ll<ll T•• H-1 Ill or ..... C-'f ~lac• Ut 111 T .. #1 s,.1, L ... Owl #1. COARDEN GROVE LINCOlN MEICUl'f OAll:IJEN OJIOVS AT lll:OOKHUltST 636-2980 .. , were selected. for Susan Mii.ry a graduate of Huntington Donald Ha.'leke , singers are Groetsch, maid of honor aiid i~;;iiiiii.io.iiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~; sister of the bride, and for the I .. " bridesmaids, Lucy Groetsch, RUTH VAN DEVENTER January Rites Betrothal Disclosed another sister, Mrs. Tom Moore and Beverly Bonning, the bridegroom's sister. The honor attendant carried yellow roses and spider chrysan· themutns, while bridesmaids carried yellow s p i d e r chrysanthemwns. Rebecca Bonning. l h e bridegroom's sister wore a pale blue satin dress and car- ried a basket or yellow roses and ~hrysanlhemwns for her The betrothal of Ruth Elaine role as flower girl. Van Deventer to Kenneth Attending as best man was Wayne Coulson of Costa Y.:esa David Wiilis, and guests were was revealed during a tradi· ushered to thei r seats by Lit· tional candle p.: s s ing tie, Steve Wolff and James ceremony in the women's Bonning, the bridegroom's residence hall of Southern brother. California College, where Miss Circulating the register to Van Deventer is a senior . , .. .. q .... .,J I• ·~' 11 '· ' . Judging will take place during a noon l~heon Tuesday, Dec. 9, in the Balboa Bay Club. . . . . The future bride, a graduate JOO guests attending a cham· of Ambassador High School in pagne lu ncheon in the Costa Downey, is majoring in socia l Mesa Country Club was Molly science and plans to be a Dornik. Special guest was secondary teacher. She is the Mrs. Loretta Kill of Arlington, ~ daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Minn .. the bride's Leland B. Van Deventer of grandmother. -~"t I Winners will be selected in the categories of religious, exotic, tmique, children's and hwnorous. A sweepstakes trophy. meas~ring 24-inches high, is being doryated as a .peryetual trop~y .by Manners Savings and Loan Association. The w1nrung name. \Ylll be engraved on it each year. . . . . . · . There is no entry fee for this fund-raising aifa1r which helps underwrite the New port-Mesa Teacher's \Velcome each year in Sep- tember. However. $5 will be charged each ~rson atte~ding the lunch- eon and reservations mar be made by calling Dr. Hilda McCartney at the Ne\vporl·Mesa Unified School District. ............. In Huntington Beach Bethel Installs Queen Miss Sheri Palmer was in· stalled honored queen of Bethel 3 2 1 , lnter.1ational Order o( Job's Daughters of fi:untington Beach last Satur- day evening. · She telected the theme - . Every Wish Is Like a Prayer Wilh God. Royal blue velvet i:overed Bibles decora~ with a gold star were carried by all officen and choir members as theJ entered the bethel room. Those elected to serve dur· Ing the next six months are the Misses IVicky ~1cCJ!rgar, S(,nlor princess; Laurfe Clark, Lori Davis, musician ; Sheryl Waring, recorder ; Carol· Watson, treasurer ; Denl.se Carrington, junior. custodian; Linn Atkin.wn, senior custo. dian ; Cathy Beny<i, irtier- guard; carla Radcliffe , outer guard, and Sheryl Reed, nag be>rp. Messengers arc the M.iMeS Vicki Gibbs, Rabin LOnderee, Karin Humphrey, Debra Roye! and Linda Wertz. Star." Also helping during the in· stallalion were the Misses Beth Mitchell. e-0rsages; Peg- gy Abernathy, guest book; Nancy Davis and Linda Har. rlngton, programs, and BUI Raines, Tim ~mas, Mlke McGinnis, Gary Malloy, Do:l. Mickleson, John Palmer and John ~tcCargar, ushers. Others serving were Mrs. ~fildred Brown, guardian and John M. Palmer, associate guardian. • A reception and dance featuring R ick Copeland's hand (ollowed . AssisUng at the recepllo..1 table were the Torrance. Following a San Francisco Her fiance . son of Mr. and honeymoon, the brid al couple Mrs. Ola Coulson of Fresno, is will reside in Costa Mesa. a graduate of Central Union The bride is a graduate of High School, Fres110. Estancia High School ~nd They wlll exchange wedding Orange Coast College Dental pledges Jan. 24 in the Ass isUng program. Her hus- C re nsha w Imper i a I band, also an alumnus of EHS Neighborhood Foursquare and OCC, attends California Church, Inglewood. State College at Long Beach. ' VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCti SHOPPE 3334 East Coast Hwy.· • Corona dal Mar Phona 673-8050 MAKE IT FOR CHRISTMAS! • IT 'S FUN TO BE CREATIVE ANO SAVE MONEY, TOO ,,, Todcllt •I on yOM r lilt. u •• t llht t s;"'. p!i(itv # 1011 or 7111 lo m1~1 broO,., tnd ,;,+,r oMtfih . Su9gt1tacl fabtic1 , , • w11habl1 wool. YtlYel1•n o• "'''~ incl "'''' •11tlt clot~ or l•rpoo11. 11'1 l itllt 91h f,om 4 lo 12 would lov1-• "''¥ "9rown •11p" pint 1uil. Si"'plicity # 147l, M•k• it from ltc•. cotto11 borcltr p1inh, corlli0 u1ov or qu1 i11t ctlico print, ' (JI 8Mltt dcok # 15Jl offers a "Jiffy Pon• cllei 1ocl Pt11h" •.• 9r••f icl1a for "II•"''" on your li 1I. No 1ipptr, buttont or dt1l1. U1t fun f1 br1c1, IMCll II lttlh1r Of 1utd1, f••• fur or H1w1iitn t ciylic prinh . Sta you 10011 VIRGINIA P. S. loo~in9 for .. ,1 .... 1 of walwal11 n. w, ha•• eomplel• coltr t•l1ction, • M1Jtii Automatic Wnher. 2 speeds for all-fabric: washing. Automatic fabric softener dispenser. Power-Fin AgitalOf for washine action that's gentle, thorough. Sp0cial soak cycle makes really dir\y ctothes I cinch to ,et clean. \ . . MIJll( Eloctrooic CHtnl lrylr. Fast dl"f clo'thes in &tntle, low temperatures while elKtronic sensors consbnl1y "feer• moisture In clothes. Shuts off 'when clothes are dried just right One setting -no guessine for time and temp. Per· manent press setting removes wrlnklas. ' See Them Today at: DAVIS· BR,OWN • Sloco tU7 '· 411 E. 17th St., Costa Me.sa JC.•. . " . .. .... ; ,, ,,. ·, "• .-~ •,; .·i- ' . . •' ... .r junlOr princess; J a ck I c Johnson, guide, and P.1itzl Eilts, mar~hal. AJ!pointi ve officers are lhe ~1sses lArl PCf.illllr,'1:Pmpll ln: Rouinne Richter, librarian; As.stsl.ing A1iss Kathy Moses. retiring queen, w i t h in- 'tAllatlon ceremonies were past honored queens. Kelly f'reeman, past master of Los Alamitos Lodge 809 wa s master Of ceremo.1ies and SI.an Porter, guest soloiS"t, Sling MiSS Palmet'S lhctt1e • sorig1 "When You Wish Upon a Mn1es. Archie Allison, Robe rt L.e. --'---..1 M c._- Clark, Jack.Johl)M>n,Sl lloiiiwiffiari;ijd~~~~U·~·~Y~o~ur~lon~~~,.~~~-~~or~os~m~~~~··~~~ f-----iDaUf-ll-~9..-Sat. 9 . 6 P.hoau46..J.68,.,_ __ _.,.,. Mccargar. Ronald un ••••••••••••••:0.•••l!ll•••••••••••••·•n.•. and Mrs. l·lt len Eilts. l I ' • . • ·• • • P-T· Groups Worki11g Hard ~ Fulton PTO Mn.RMa1.Welcb ~ COMING UP: Exec.utlve board will meet tomorrow at J :30 p.m. in the multimedia room .•. Pl.'rs. Jamey Jacobsen, h e a I t h and weUafe chairman. reports that tuberculln skin tests will be administered to first grade students Wednesday, Dec. JO .•• PTO members Mn. Joseph DeLacy and Mrs. Ned Prltch&rd and faculty memben Greg Gann and Rick Ha.ma will ac· company 10 studenta on a field · tr.ip. • .to.-S.,t a n ( o r d uiiiversily Thursday, Dec. l I. Siudenta will view linear • acceleraUm program and medical facilities •• , Bond ele'ction meeUng will take place at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, · · Dec: 11, in school. Speaker will be Jack Mahnken, ad· ministrator of bu s i n e s s services. •. Series of coffees will be presented with Ed Lavelle, principal, dl.!cuss· lng election issues. Anyone wishing to attend a coffee may contact the principal at 842MI9 or Mrs. Robert Welch ai 847-0890. tefreshments ... PTO members transported seventh a:nd eighth grade students to a performance or "Oliver'' and "2001: A Space Odyssey" .•• PTO is ft:Ulng pockel·s ize two-year ci11flldars to raise funds. Gol denwest PTA t.1r1. Paul Renfro President COMING UP: E:1ecutlve board meeting . will take place Monday, Dee. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Aaron Hafer. Mrs. Sam DeRose and Mrs. Gideon Pate will report on the holi· day bazaar. and M r s . Donald Lovelace will report on the holiday welfare basket. Mrs. Lovelace and N.rs. Walter Dyer will serve refreshments and b o a r d members will e :1 ch a nge Chrisl.mas gilts. Sehroe.der PT A ?dn; C!wlet Splidt Presld<nt COMING UP: PrA will con· trih.ite SlS for a Chri.atmas lhat'trer co-chalnnan 11 lt'J's. basket \o aid a needy family William Brown and com. mittee members are the in HunUngton Veach. Mmes. Roland He b e.r $, REP 0 RT S: ldenUficaUOn Meivin Mills, D'I q le I bracelet.a and necklaces are Nounea, Myron • E~, on sale by PrA. Price of 11 Wealey LewJs, James Crop- includes a maximum of five dal!• Gary Hol~r. T"11 ._vlni~ Bamell. &!wan! Qalolll~· !lruee-Engeart <fl-o nli-)-wJll be used to purchue Robinson. Daryle Batai' playground equ'-nt. Aft· Robert Keadle, Lu tli~1 er $100 hu been ra.iaed and OeVort, Jim Browning, • equipment purchaaed, Hunt-Shaw, Theodore GI• ington Beach Parka and Bruce Sorell er, 1' o b Recreat io n Depart· Oavb, ,Danny Duns , ment .will s u p e r v l s e Robirt Lamprecllt, W r recreaUon fforn 3 lo 5 p.m. Seborsack. John Rinde~ Monday throu&h Friday of Robert Allen. Four ~-' ': each week on the school mittee members and m·· grounds .•• ·New uecutive .. chalnnan meet each w · board members . reeently the CUrricul.uin Matertll ratified are . Mrs., Sydney Center with member• aerie Shue, publlc1"° cllalnnan ing on a rotating basis.( , . and Mrs. Richard Arras, ' ( block parent chairman. Wa rdlow PTO Mn. Ge«I• Meetlan President REPORTS: Mrs. Don a Id Ew()}dt, teachers' a i d es chainnan, has announced ' Tots' Presents' ,; _!Juring the Ch r I 1 ~~­buying season, fewer th . toy out of 10 is bought· , presence or the child for ~ it is inte;Kied. j' ,;{ I-~ 1· •• •" "'Maz e Aids Percep tually Handicapped Students REPORTS: Award for at· tendance at unit meeting went to Miss Susan McKinsey's class ... P'J'O.. sponsored Girl Scout Troop 206 conducted a bake sale under the direction Of Mrs. Ivan Ubeldlri, ywth ac- tivities chairman, assisted by Mrs. J. D. Simone. Proceeds will be used lo finance scout project. Troop participated In a field trip to 'N.'cDona1d's where they toured f~cilities and enjoyed ~l;Jevelopment of a perceptual maze by members :·at the Nieblas School PTO for use by perceptually Jl~ndicapped children is an "on-going" project of the group. Mrs. Barend Nelson looks on as Kirk Grant and Laurie Epling wend their way through designations pairrted on a concrete slab. Geared for Bike s Before Buyi'ng Check Safety NEW YORK (UP!) -If you're shopping for a bicycle that Santa leaves \lnder the tree, you ought to know about Research Report 1-39 from the National Safety Council. The report on a survey analyzing some 4,000 accide'.1t questionnaires from students and parents is titled : Bicycle Accidents to School Aged Children. Among find ings are these : grow into. Buying a bike several sizes too large, hoping that a youngster wilf grow into it, thus getting a few more years out of it, is a fallie and dangerous ec11.1omy. -Parents shay.Id make sure fhat all their cycling children know and observe the rules of the road . This is particularly true of boys, who m1y have paper routes or other oc- cupations that keep them out on their bikes in the evening hours. Lending a Gentlemanly Assisf Meadow Vie\v PTA will roll out the old year 'vith a skating party in Harbor Roller Rink on Tuesday, Dec. 9, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Preticket sales at a cost of 50 cents per ticket \ViU be conducted at the school, or tiCkets are available at the .rink. Getting ready for the event is Rebecca Smith who gets an assist from Ma rk Smith while l\1rs. Carl Harris looks on . -The relative safety of a bicycle is not determined by its style. -The size of the bicycle in relation to the size of the child is an important safety factor. "The child riding a bike too large for him gets i'.1volved in more accidents." need regular maintenance and ·· l -All bikes, even new ones, ~· npajr to keep them T.l good, · , 5afe operating condition. · -Nighttime ac.cidents. v.·hile fewer in number, arc usually more severe. -More boys are involved in motor vehicle accidents than girls. -Or 4,000 accident reports studied , only 33 mentioned a defective component as con- tributing to the accident, and of these. 20 were the result of improper mainte.1ance. Now what this means to the prospective Christmas buyer. according to the Bicycle Institute o! America: Now If the bike has optional / equipment, such as gear shifts, make sure the child is able to operate it without los· ing control. Also make sure he can bring his bike to a smooth, sure stop, whether the bike comes equipped with caliper brakes, handbrakes or a combination of the two. Ask yourself if he knows about hand signals, the ri&:ht of way, handling traffic at in· teraeclions aid keeping to the right. CHRISTMAS AUCTION -Young shoppers Greg and Renee Meyer and J\1rs. Erv Meye1 look over lhe selection v<hich ,,·ill be available \vhe n the Orange Coast Mothers or Tv.rins Club sponsors a boutique auction next Saturday. -Lig htw eig ht . mid- dle\veight, racing or touring bike, or the very popul1r high rise bike, none of them is less safe than the others because . or its design. -Bikes are like shoes. They lihould be bolight to !it, Dot to I( the Christmas bike Is to be a surprise, as'k retailers to agree to have you bring the bike back after the holiday for the proper fitting and personal adjustment necessary f o r i;afety and comfort. After that, a semiannual In· spection and adjustment can kt!ep the bike .in Up-top con. Publ ic Bids Invited At Bout ique Auction Picklnc lt!) 1hr ga\'cl anti preparing to ~tcp up lo th(' auction bl ock arr. members of the Orange t:oost fl.lothcrs t\I Twins Club. The group will sponsor a Christmas boutique auction twce:i 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. turday, Dec. 6, in the Hun. tin Savings and Loon building. eieJa i1csa .. The public ls 1nv1ted to. bid on many dlfl~nt items h11nd- ! fashlo~d by members of thr young club. f\frs . Michael 1 Stauffer is a ~ chairman of p • w .area family, ...Jn kttplnr with the holid•Y n1ood . the group is plannins a Christn1as part y in addition to a dinner meeting taking place \Vcdncsday. Dec. 10, in Fran· cois r<'Slaurw.11, Huntington Beach. A social hour al 7 p.m. and dinner at 8 p.m. Will be follow- ed by the si nging of Christmas ~arols and a gift grab bag. All mothers of iwins in the :1 rea arr in vited lo attend lhe diMer met!ling.and fl.ir s. Gary Clem!'nt~. 842-35.'Jt Is ac- 1.-cptlng reservations. Later this month, mem~r~· children will bt entertained rin a (hristmas art highlighted by a magician . rlowns 1Jnd a surprise \'lllil from Santa Cla us. ' Educato r Dis cusses Ed ucat io n • An ;:iu\hority on cducatia.1 \\•ill address members of the American Association o f University Women, Laguna Beach Bralfch, on Saturday, Dec. 6, ~t 9:30 a.m. Dr. Robert S~ Hicks u•ill :rp- pear In Clubhou1c 2,. Laguna llills Leisure World, to discuss \Vhat I:; Family Lift Educa· lion : Needs and Objectives. Hicks is aS50Ciate dircttor of t~ tducatJon depar1menl of !he American lnstitult o( family Relations In Los di lion. Prospective Members Served by Auxiliary An invit ation to tea ·i~ being chaifmen. fl.1rs. Th om a 1 extended teens in Fountat.1 Humphrey is junio r VaUey bJ members of the coordinator, and president of Junior Auxiliary of the Foun· the auxiliary is J\liS! Chad tain Valley Woman'• Club. Duhe. The auxiliary, organized to fl.fembers who are a!slstin& roster the developme nt of with tea arrancemenu are poise, tact and responsibility the Misses Maraie Odland, and add to community growth Rene Payne, Diane McCul- lhrough friends h Ip and Jou&h and Diane Jordan. philanthropic endeavors. is The auxiliary sponsored the o~.1 to all you ng women t~\'J hot dog ~th at lhe Halloween or older carnival ihd also participated Youth Groups Sfa ge Crafts Fair Tea will be pbured today to-a!I models in tilt champagne dfly between 3:30 and 5 p.nl. in f~shion. sho~ bconducted by the Christmas is just around the corner (or Newland School as PTA members prr.. ~"1gcles. the civic center, and special wo~•;Jd~: [>&t 12 the pare for a Christmas bazaar. Youth groups will man booths featuring craf(~ ~. r-tt-r-tunm,.--1gu~"'cs'!,ts~w~il~I, be~:;M'!;rs. Laurence 111 · 1u._.:..__.. ..... ~ .. ,.:. ~~1~· made during the year, while PTA members will sell baked goods ::'~e! and The .. spe1ke1 is a fur 111cr Ei'wtn, preslden! orlhe-milP • Hl'Y~~'"-"'v·"'""-' -A----IHll'it.-white+elephant!o"-9isplayin-t'hfiliday-decer-oo-wtle--el--t.he4!uesde;;:..D • , vent-4 pr I n c i P 11: I and i1chool club, and Mrs. Y(allace Short, .s sale w•!b the senior orsanita· from 7 to 9 p.111 . will be In<1ian .Maiden Karen Germeroth, Oavfd Howell CUb ; 1upcrintendenL \'ice presld!!nt "and dean or tion. 1 Scout and PTA representative )'1rs, AJvin l'lscher. ' · ' . ' r -- • I I 7 7 I l I I 7 \ j i 7 I -~· . vot:. 2, NO. 219, 5 ~ECTIONS, '" PAGES ~-• "~:'t , ' : '" I . ' -' . • . ,_ ' ' ' ' '---'-, ~~ ... . ' .. •. I ~1es ew --I.;:-+-' ,. ' -· :: :.' ·:.TD~ . ' -' aro .. • ,.~.,. ,... . • , I A :Tiuae for. Si1aging i . . ' ,4• ... -· ·" ......... ---···· .. • ::-'"" :..; T~ .. :'.l .1o1': '-: •• -' '' . - Twelvt"yeai:-olds, Shelley Shane. Carlene Wiela~d a,nd . eatb)•,Conner (from left) are a{JlOng music students ~-rehearsing for Ocean View School Di_s- trict's Christmas program, set for 7:30 p.ni .. nee. 11 in cafetorium at Me8d9w Y,iew Scl')ool. -Program i.s open to· the .public without cQarge. .. Stork Marh~t -NEW YORK (AP) -Stock market prioos remained , •harJ>ly,, "1d brotoc!aadly loftr in late afternoon trading y. (See quotations, fages :l(f3J). ~lining stock.I· we:re mote than fol,ll" U#neS as great ~ gainers at a ratio of 1.pis IC! 243 .. ~ '· ,,, .• ,, >.~\ ~ _f' •' ' f x-~~.ot.: ~arµz~~r: Says P:kllf .. ·E,~onomJcs Issue : r ' , ' ... ' ~ TlllRV COVU.LE Ol"J.llt DIMJ' f'llM $left • "ll"s an eli>nomlc pr'oblem.'' says Ra!Dh Kloer ""°Qjalking pbout Southern Calfforilla FA.p Compan)':s plan to ex9 p8nd ·its ~ pl.nl m Hunllngton 1 e1pa).sion Is allowed, tt will add' another · f45 mUHon to Huntlngt.On Beach taxes.·· Be~lt-f When he starts• his discussion· you remember that •ite terved 12 fears as dillrlct magage~.ior·Edisoo Cornpll!IY l!o Oflnge Collnty. BUt :o..you...,can'l forget elu.Or, thot be ...... Ii ~11~. HunUngton Baitlt ·,9'-mber• '°'!"' metce. .. ' !lot the two aptiarent!Y pod• Uiril don't scare ,.&lier. frGm; lktnf """"t the be111!1'---"'"'"!be. Edison .aeam pj1nL"·Jn·fad-~lltoeln't feel his 'past aJ1l( present p0su ore con- ruetJne al all. ~ ... ,' "Of' COUf9t I look at ·it difftrenUy a!' cha~ber manager than wllln company manq:er;"' he says, "but there are .a lot of similar views." '.'We must al91> consider a wide eeonomic impac~ , We need electricity, powe~', to attract tmustr:ial development to 'the city. Without the-source · or Power ' ' our other areas won~ Jl'OW." KJ.ir l)lo Jlltagreea 'l'illl' lhe belief that , lh~ ~1 jUnt ii ~lng oul ton& o[ ~Aile Clran11B ~·, atmO.pil<re, . ' ',:Tf',~ With, .. he states, "I.don't ·· tblnl"Jt'.1 :•' poPl!)m' noiJcrr 1t all. J.it• a' !.W. p..;li. ~ oppooe e1PUS16ri OI ffie plant. '.I've ~elf 'lo ll'4llJI l.iidenu near · the plant who slkl they ·hod no amoa complaints for the past two YW1." 'The chamber ltselt baa taken no official stand in the controversy over F..di10n f:t· panslon. Kiser, whUe obvtoosly favoring the plant's expansion for t<.'0110mlc fe810111 adnUts it's now a ".sclenlific· que~:" . ' • Gri~ly Case ',' Recount¢'d By Lawye;r "l•'rom the chambtr standpoint we have to consider Edlson"s econorhlctlm:• pact on the cj>mmilriily," he c;ontl1111b>. "ll ha• PJmpetl In exce11 of !ZS mllUoo In ~-tnlo !oc•I clly IOd ·lcllool tteaourlM -".EVery~ne want!: nuclear planls, ln· cludlng ,lhe uWitle1," he continues, "but the p-oblem Is predictability. There are f t : DAIL.Y••l4-0T lteft ,.._ • -··'WE-HAVI :T~~~SlOER TliE lcoNOMI~· i'Mf'ACT', . • -nvtr the PN\ ten )'e&rs. In the ne~ 10; V -· ·- loo many ob!locl<9 to comtnJcll'lB a (he KISER; P11e-l) . ' -l'ormor ldl~ /;i1n1ger Kl11r SpHkl · 11 Ch1mbe r' Monogor ' ' '( 'I r.I -·--·~-...... , ' "''-, ........ 'WE BELONG TO'HIM, NOT TO OUR5E~VES' .- Murder Suspect · De1crlbt1 Cult L.Jader Manion " Sett .. Brewsier :Ailing' ' ' ' . . ' NAAS ' Ireland (,o\PI -Daniel II, Brewster, • the . formea; . U.S. , 1enator from M"'l'!And aecUJed Oi ac<epUna bribes, b seriouSly;.nt in· a tw¥Jrouraca1 d<partment ot an lttah)lospllli~ hb wile aafd 'today • .t i . • . ' ' Edison Band 'Boosters . . - To Meet Thursday , • \ ' I ( I • • L • I ·-._ .. .,1,,,,.-..-rt·T &Q•.•,-_ 2-Wti_j,. P1 +• 51•? <«=••or ... ~• .. • % DAILY PILOT H 8-enal;e ~Ok~y,~~Tit* Exemption Boost;to,$700 r . .,, . ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate ~have to be worked out 111 ~· -to<WY to ll'aol•flliol•to ell Ibo 'Hi!/lliconlertnce9othe!•~ ....,._,~~ bi ~ Ille •:They laid Ult~ ~ sotne I~· o!'Jo- pirlOlllll ·' 'lntitiftilplloa 19 flVt , ~,,;.,. In tho·~emplion la 1'illlllltlli: II nut 1w and llOO in'lll!. ~ be clone In a way to .-11~11<· The rOl! call vote was 51to37. ctp&able to lib:on. . • _ JIM proposal._ spoDSOred by Sen. Albert · -Adoption of Gbre•s propoSM ttillDwed <lilt (!).Tenn.), wu written in~ the tax i;<nate 'iejectloo, by a 72·21 vbte?_'.OI an Norm bill in the fact ~ a '!f•nrlng fl'O'm al\ematlve plan proposed by Sen. \.i~lts 11feird'ent Nixon Tuesitay that.'t\e m\aht--11. Percy (R-llL):to spread lhe tu cuts \~to-a tax biU with auch an amendm~n~ Over a longer period of time. 1il'1~ ---~ ----.. -.P~posed -:to-~iilcrtase the •f>pontors of Ule proposal emphasiied penonal exemption ~ a year for three that tht final form of tax reduction still years, to a top of f7l0. Iii• plan, unlike ~ . -. .Edison Expanslo~ Mesa to Sniff -. . , ! Huntjtigton Air . MColta Mesa City Council members are 'mi.s.!ion (PUC) noUlicat.ion of a hearing ~ tbe westerly breei.es from Hun-on the matter Dec. 17 in the Fountain tiqton Beacb this week for potential , ..... Valley CiVic Center auditorium led to trouble 'U,at amell.s like ni{rogen oxides. Tucker'• iarggestlon. . They meet tn special session nut Mon· Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said that Al c1ay to dilcual: seven.I matters and one Geiler:, local district manager for the rnay be the, proposed e%PAJ1Sio.Q--by two Southern CaUfomia Edison Company. generating. units of the S o J t h e r n migbt be able to provide more in· California F.dh1on Company's nearby formatipn about the proposed expansion. steam p6wtr plant.' A controversy has· Ceveloped over the CoUQC:ilman George A. Tucker suggests amount of smog-producing nitrogen oxide laking I stand in 3Upport Of Orange emissions pouring from the generating County Air Pollution Control Officer plant into the Orange County atmosphere. William Fitchen, who lw twice refused to iasue a permit for the expansion. He noted in di11CUssion at Uti.s week 's council session that the plant on Pacific Coast Highway at Newland Stnetjs close enough to have a major effect on Costa Meu's atmosphere. The c.alifornia Public Utilities Com· KISER .. _. nUclear plant fast. enough to meet poWer needs." "You know, this is one of the fastest · growing areas in the nation . The demand for power here doubles in six years ~hile it takes nine to ten years on a national 1verage." "The entire malter will be setlled by the Public UtiliUes Commission," he notes. The ~'itch from ptioate lo civic management has presented an in- teresting challenge, says Kiser . "With E(U.90n J had a lot of technical risponsibililies I don 't ha ve here, but l~8 pulbic relations aspect is about Ult Um~." The &tison expans~ ii poly 1 minor pert of Klser's wotrles bfhis new job. '",.\ctually we're avoiding the controversy lf. we can." he says. •"I think the Edison problem Is only ttlnporary anyway. "'I'hat plant was built w1ih 1 life ei;peCtancy of only 35 year11 ahd it has already been here 12 years. lt \"fill eventually be replaced with ne.f ~ants, including .mi clear plants." * * * ~ison Co. Asks ~my to Build ;A preliminary request to build two 14· lQ:Ot water conduits has been made to the l.f.S,. Arm y Corps of Engineers by the SOuthem California Edison Company. .'J'he conduits would extend · into the nee.an off Edison 's Huntington Beach p)Jnt to provide water for cooling gen- eraUng equipment in the proposed e1· i:-nsion of the planl. 3 Santa Anan s Acquitted of Aiding Alien s SAN DIEGO (AP)-Three Santa Ana P,trsons have been acquitted of ilfCn· smuggling charges alter h\·o Mexican aliens called as government witnesses said they were physically abused by immigration oflicers. ,. l!.$. District Court Judge Russell SrTiith, visiting from Montana, took the action Tuesday on grounds tllat the de· fendanll' right to due process of Jaw was violated. The defendants were Virginia Long- meyer, 35: Mary 'Lou ' Magdaleno-F'Jores, 33, and Manuel Reyes.Sabedra, 42. The two witnesses were Esteban Go- mez-Madrigal and T om a s Ledezma· Mena, both refu~ng to be complaining witnesses to their allegatl~ns. Ledezma-Men~ told' the jtiry ~~ !In hn~graUon ~1eer ha~ slap~ him In the face twice and ldcked ltiro in the leg. Gomez-Madrigal said an officer placed his hands on his throat and pushed him up agalnat a ,val!. " Smith said that: without leslimony or ~ aliens, tbe{e "~ insufficient eviden~ to-convict tbe P\r:ee. He ordered the l'llliens' testimony-..,ltricken On the basis that the due process cla..use has betn violated. ' U.S. Atty. Harry D. Steward said lhe Federal Bureau of lnvestigatioO has probed the allegat.ions and that there would be further investigation. Border Patrol officials declined com· mtnt. The two aliens said they could not identify the agenUi; ·who allegedly abused them. P ersonnel l\feet Se t The Fountain Valley School District's Personnel Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m .• Thursday, at district headquarters.' Number One Lighthouse Lane. Fountain Valley. Classified employes have been urged to attend the meeting, district of- ficials said. Gore•a, ailao would bav4 cut aome income tu rate•.· , . • The Gore amendinent .1ubstituted the lncre~~•d !l"r""1~1 l!Wllllllpa foi: all the re~ clits pro~ bf {tit '8J)ate Fina.nee Comrillttee. Its adoptloo u\ed the fht change by the &!nate tn •the committee proposals. There are three elements in the Gore amendment : I. the increase in the exemptjon to $800 over two years. 2. A $1 ,000 standard deduction and 101f income allowance. The 111.fndard deduc- LEAPS TO FREEDOM Voc alist Birdsong Sing ing Stllr Kidnap Suspect Gives Self Up . LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -A Hollywood man turned himself in l.o pollce here today hours after .singer Cin- dy Birdsong of the Supremes reported she escaped frorn a kidnapcr unbanned. ~1 iss Birdsong, 30, said she was ab- ducted from her Hollywood apartment at knifcpoint Tuesday nighl but jumped frllm the kidnaper's car as it traveled ali>ng a freeway, City police said Charles Ed"·ard Collier, 26, who resides in the same apart· ment building as ~tiss Birdsong, called them from a motel on U1e Las Vegas Strip and said he had abducted her. They said he told them he had flown from Los Angeles and had $2 in his possession after losing all of his money gambling. He was booked on a California fugitive charge. Miss Birdsong suffered multiple lacera· tions when 5he jumped and was reported • in satisfactory condition at !..-Ong Beach Memorial Hospital. She also was treated for minor knife slash~s. Police said the kidilaper, deScribed a:'!I wearing a brown leather jacket. was hiding in a bedroom of the singer's Hollywood home when she returned in the evening. Two friends, Charles llewlett, 25. and Howatd W.eak, 25, had gone to the · home earlier and \Yere · waiting for ~1iss Birdsong, apparently una'ware of the kid· naper in the bedroom. 18 Men File Claims Over Nevada Arre~t , LAS V'EGAS (U PI) -Eighteen K~nsas City area men riled more thari $7 million ln claims against Clerk County Tuesday charging they suffered humiUalion and loss of reputation \Vhen they were ar- rested here last May . The men, whom Sheriff Ralph Lamb said were believed lo have mafia ties, were arrested ?!fay 28 as they preP.ared to board a plane chartered by Caesa rs Palace Hote l. The men were charged \\'ilh vagrancy and released on bail. • ThOAe who wish to comment on the ap- plication may write to the Corps or P'..ngineers before Dec. 26. The address is lfepa.rtment of the Anny, Los Angele.~ District. Corps o[ Engineers. P. 0. Box 2711, Los Angeles. Calli, 90053. DAILY PILOT Linkletter Calls Leary 'Poisonous Evil Man' , Rob ert N W11,J llA1~M llM Pl/IJ!IJh•r Jtc~ It. Cu•l•y \'Q l'lrt~!Otnl ..... Gtt'ltrM M•N tet f~or.111 1<11~a .E11o1er Tho""' A. Mu•p~l•1 Mt n11l"f l d«~r ,_1111•1 W. 1~••1 "'»Dt~lt lt·~ H1111ln!f111 htcll Offlc.1 JOt 51~ SirHI 1-4,i1:•9 Acld •111r ,,0 , leo 7f0, t?,~I OIJ11t OflliH t.:l•M•' &tit~. :Jll Wut •11b-.1 IOllll~ll' (M'I ... \cu ~ Yl't>I llv ''t"f' lt1~~· ''•'"· 1)1 ~ ..... , .... ~ .... WASHINGTON (UPI) -TV st.r Art Linkletter today condemned Dr. Timothy Leary, a former Harvard University pro· fe.ssor. as "that poisonous evil man'' for }lromoling "mind expanding'' drugs such as marijuana and LSD. He told the governors canferl!nce on narcotic:ii and dangerous dr.ug:ii tha t Leary, :.peaking to standing-room-only crowds at universities. has been telling llt udents that tali:ing drugs "ls a way to turn on. Tum out and drop oul." Linklet(er, v.•lth Presidtnt Nixon and Vice President Spira T. Aentw sit Ung v.1ith him on the platform al the State Department auditorium, choked with e:motlon when ht. told the governors and tlielt lamlllu about h~ daughter, Dlaoe, 20, who commltt.ed Suicide l~t Octo~ art.tr l.altln1 LS:>. Al lhe thne, Linkleller cJllcd it '·1nurdcr" by lhc pushers 11nd purveyors o£ drvp. · , He 1aid that he decided to spe11k O\lt In his "frlef arid outraae" to rtveal to otbera the dangtra involved. lie "id bla dluit>ttr hid the •han- -<d~p'' or nntln.a: .. _. famM name" ind added thit ''wch kfds •re prc- ged.11 He s.aid cltJJdren of prominent people go out of their way lo prove "they are part of the gang." The TV entertainer said "Kids are trying such a variety af drugs and chemicals no law enforcement can stop them." He said he has received 50.000 letters ;,.lrklng for help .. and his anr;wer is : "\Vc'v~ got lo g~,t the kids turned back to life , .• lo produce a qulllitive llfe that will make them want to return to a normal way of life. "The grelllest pu.shers are t h e m15$1bnaries wha have sold young people on the use or LSD and marijuana.'' PJe then referred to Leary and said the proressor-wu making 1peeches to the ef- fe<\ !bat ''ntlf!Juana )¥11 (liven to us .by God."--.. '"l'he • r•le: :it which the.'ie evil s~tances are being used by kids is in· cmllble1 f•nUistlc and frlghtenln£,'' he .. 1d. He saia the educalional p!"OC(!:l.t should ; ~tart at the fourth grade and there should be. an ''ombuds~r._;'' in the acllools to help children .,h~k advict. He urged the governors to 'hart cutting ted tape to h<lp young pooplc "make ~ out llU!de" soci<ll)' instead of taking drugs. , lion now ls JO· per cent or adjusted gross l!\«>rne up to a maxlmwn of 11,080. 3. A. tu reducUon for alngle ptt1C1na lhrflU&h a new schedule under whfbh they would Jn nO case pay n1ore than 20 per cent abo've the tu for married couplear Some now pay as much as 40 per cent more. These would substitute for the tax relief provisions in the bill as it passed the House and cleared the Finance Com- mittee. The House voted rate cuts of at least S percent for each taxpayer, an increase in lhe standard deduction lo '2.000 In three 1tepg, and an $1,100 law income allowance for poor famllits. The only fe8ture Ui:1t was the 8ame in both was the relief for single persons. Both the Gore plan and the commlttu bill woultt cost about $9 Dillion in revenue a year by 1972, when all J!roposed cuts \Yould become effective. For a four·person fami ly with $5.000 in· come which now• pays $290. federal tax, ·the Gore plan Would mean a 5112 tax in J9n compared "'ilh $200 under the cam· nUttee bill. For Ille Nme family wttb 110,000 of In· cOme , Whtch now payf $1,114, the Gore plan \\'OUld mtan a $9t2 tail: a.s against $95& under the committee bill. For a single per9on with $5,000 incomt- iho now pays $871 tax, lhe Gore plan --vt~cut his tax to $538 when full ef- feel!ve. the committee bill to $524. For~ single person with $10,000 incomt': v.·ho now pays Sl .742, the Gore plan woukl " mean a 81.540 tax , lhe committee bill 51,468. Surf Stil'l Pounds Oahu ' 81 Homes Destro yed by 50 -foo t Break ers HONOLULU (AP) -A swollen surf continued lo batter Oahu's devaati.ted north shore today where 81 homes were. destroyed or damaged by SO.foot break- ers. Officials called it Hawaii's worst natural disaster since a 1960 tidal wave. Authorities reported at least two storm-related deaths, including that of a man swept out to sea by a monster wave. They said at least 15 persons bad been in· jured, three seriously. Dangerous surf warnings remained in effect while hundreds of homeless car- ried belQngings from wrecked houses amid a tangle ot seaweed and coral. From PlllJC. 1 TATE CASE. •• "family" headed by Charles M. Manson, JS. Caballero said Miss Atltins ••bad nothing to do with the murders" as she was under what he described as Miln- son's: "hypnotic spell." ,;We belong to him. not to ourselves,'' Caballero quoted her as saying of Man- son. l\fanson's followers called him ''God" and "Satan," caballero said. Manaon. 35, awaited a preliminary hearing Wednesday at Independence. Calif., near Death Valley, where tht group lived in a military-style desert commune. Sheriffs deputies say thl'! group stole cars and four-wheel drive vehicles. Manson is charged with posses. sion of stolen property. Miss Atkins' attorneys said Manson wa~ not at the scenes of the Tate slaying!J and those of Leno and Rosemary La- Bianca, the market owners. Los Angeles police, who are prepar- ing a grand jury case ag!Unst at least seven persons. have nol made any charges against Manson in the slayings. Manson was one of iJ persons arrested. most of them women, in two raids at the <lesert commune •last October'. '!'Jlen ·were held on a variety of charges including au to theft. Nixon Gains Support For Vietna111 Policy \'IASHINGTON (UPI) -A riationwide poll by CBS showed Tuesday night tha t President Nixon was gaining support for his policy of gradual withdrawal from Vietnam and that he had evoked a strong response from the "silent majortey." Reporting on a random natianwidt telephone survey of I, 154 Americans over age 21 . conducted Nov. 23-25, CBS said only one of of four advocated immediate withdrawal and that three-fourths iden- tified thtmse!ves with the silent majority Nixon spoke of in his Vietnam policy speech Nov_ 3. Waves. 20 to 30 feet high were again ·0n on!'street~ six houses in a row were foretast today and coastal residents pushed, from their foundationa. One land· across the island from Hooolulu were told ed in the street and blocked traffic. they may ·have to' leave their honies for In I"'! a, tidal wave, boiled qp by an the second straight day. · Aluk&n ~hquake, hit the .islaod or Towering waves spawned by a Pacific Hawaii, killing 61 persons and causing $25 storm 1,500 miles northwest of Hawaii million ,m damage. . crashed onto a IS.mile stretch of beach Michael Yoshikawa, working al ;i late Monday night, shoving homes from nearby filling station, said he saw four or their foundations and rolling earl about five big waves roll down Kamehamehu Uke loys. Highway, lhe area's main thoroughfare. · CJty, engiPeers said the private pro-Monday night. · perty tol!.W~uld exceed 5750,000. A survey "The first wave caught about a dozen late TUeSiay found 26 homes demolished people Mid dragged them across thr and 56. heavily damaged .Thi r I y highy,•ay," he said . automobiles' and I~ bo~-also were lo~st~, __ "I saw cars moved around like toys." Happy Hippies Girls Enjoyed Commune Life c INDEPtNDENCE, Calif. (AP) -"The main way we all got together so much was to sing. It was a spontaneous feeling. That's what made everybody so happy, I guess." Lynn Fromm sat Cross-legged on a mete.I bed as she described life al two communal camps in California, one on an <'lb;i,ndon ed movie ranch near Los Angeles and the other near here. in Death Valley. The 21-year-old 1vanderer with close- N ru:cotics Films Se t at Library Twa films oh narcotics "''ill be shown at 7:30 p.m. Friday at th_e Huntington Beach Public Library.Film Forum, 1 The offerings are "LSD .,....Jnsight or lnsanily,'' and "Marijuana." The LSD film , narrated by actor .Sal P.11neo, is a revised edition of the ori&lnal film. An added sequence de31s with the damage LSD can inflict on t h e chromosomes of the human body and shows the damage caused by the drug to fetuses of pregnant animals. Tbe marijuana film. narrated by Sonny Bono of the team of Sonny and Cher. ex- plores and explains in detail the reasons for not smoking the weed. The film showings are open lo the public without charge. A.ccouutanls Win The Accounlants, managed by Nelson Slagle, have been named winners of the SportsmatlShip Trophy in the Westminster Recreation and Parks Department Winter Slc:rPitch league. • cropped red hair described her commune companions as "peaceful, beautilul" peo- pl e. I Poli~ say some of them \,.er~ 1nurderers, connected with the slaying 'Of actress Sharon Tale and six other persons in the Los Angeles area. \\lit h !\fiss Fromm was Sandra Good Pugh, bottle-feeding a 2~·month-Old baby. I . _ They scoffed at reports the rommune.~ 11 ere dens of drugs, the occult and free love. "There "'as no dope at tither com- inune," Mrs. Pugh said. She added that ~·he had once been admonished for drink· ing beer. Sl.il'Jbathing in the nude was a common practice for both' men and women, Mrs. Pugh said, but she contended sex played virtually no role in life in the commune. Both women said life at the col'Qmunes was so good "that nobody will print it the way it. was:· And they lruistcd they were not hippie s. Some arrivals at the communes, they said. lJSCd hippie talk "to gain ae- ceptance," but were met with "disin· terested stares." · They said 15 to 20 people shared both · Jhe movie ranch commune and the nearly inaccessible Death Valley commune, Most members, they said, were ~·omen. some with children. Mrs. Pugh sa.id she saw only about fi ve men at each commune. Mrs. Pugh, with dark blonde hair streaming to her shoulders, said the population of ea~h commune fluctuated as people wandered in and out, soml' .spending weekends at the commune away from urban jobs. The good life as they described iL soured last Oct. 10 1\·hen poli ce moved in· to the Death Val!ey camp and arrested 2fi members of the commune. IDIT ION REWARD ltMITID ..,tor Early Bird Christmas Shoppers , ROYAL AMERICAN IROllSTONE 1.970 .Calendar CLI P THIS COUl'ON With Your Christm1s Pure.hist of $5.00 or Mora. !LIMIT ONf TO A CUSTOMll.1 ' CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .JJu111phrieJ 'Jeweler 182 3 NtWPO.R+. A VE. COSJ A ME.S-A . Phone 548-340-1 • ' I I \ I I 7 I j • ) I 7 I I ' . . • t ' Lag11n'1 Beaelt-~ . . . .. 1 . ~.'Ti.diy11··~-...... - .. ' ' VOL 62, NO. 289, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER :i', 1969 TE~ CENTS • . -------···-• .e I 1es ew • Tax ElectiOn Grisly Case ue llecowited I . ,. -. ':' ·. Override Geti-Lagunn OK Th~~sday • • By Lawyer A multi-proposition tax override elec-tax overrides totalling $1.25 by majority tion le> finance needs of Laguna Beach vote. while ruling on a $400.DOO bond issue Unified School District 'viii be approve\:! at seven perunt per annum. by trustees it a special sesSion Tliursttay--Oistrt~wlll-have-an-optlon-to 1~ighL · vote yes or no on"three pro~t!ons: • Tbe election will follow a 53-cent tax -The first increase propos1lion would override def~ted last April. · add 65 cents1tQ Lhe 'piesent $2.20 tax rate, rrustees ae1errec1_ action on the bond with moneY J to-be ij&ed ·ror classroom and tax rate increase Tuesday night to materials1 tektl,-library books, insef:vlce allow a necessary 43-hour posting period. training, health service and additkmal The Feb. 24 el¢ti!l'O will allow voters to slaff. 1 .~ ~. . , approve or ~pprove all or part of three -The: second ballot item would add 40 Six Arrested In Laguna On Drug Counts Six persons were · arrested on drug charges in Laguna Beach Tuesday night . Jn i ,faid that ranged ·from fashionable Cliff Drive to Jess stylilh Fairywood Lane ( . . in Leiuna CW>yon. · . cents to the ta11: rate for educaticnal sup- port programs of transportation, opera- tions. maintenance and fi xed chargts for rcplace~nt ~r e_qM._ip:ment and main- tenance. -The third issue al the rate of 20 cent! would be used for capital outlay ex- penditure for> equipment at the high school, elementary schools and junior high school and purchase of new vehicles. On advice of J>istr\ct .Supe:rinterxlenl [Su SCHOOL TAX, Pace I) Nixon Urges N~Knock Law 011 Drug Cases WASHINGTON .(UPl)-'Il!e Nixon ad- , ministration unveiled to state governors today a suggested state narcotics Jaw that would give police. the fight. to e.nter homes without knockin& to a,arch for drugs. LOS ANGELES (AP) -A lawyer for I g1r1 membet of !he hlwlt band linked !O the Sharon Tate murders said today lhe killings were carried oui by ·ovt: people lad-in-blaek-wM-enlered-the· manskln after one of them had cut utility lines. The next nigh~. attofney Paul Caruso added, the same ITOUP picked a house at random and sW>bed to death a weaUby market owner and h1s wife -then .took showers in the house and had a an.a.ck from the ice box. Caruso, a veteran Los AngeteS crbnlnal attorney, represents Susan Denise Atkins, 21,. a member of a band of nomadic hip. pies. Police say stl'Veral memben. of the group performed the Tate murders, those of the market family, and may have been involved in others. Caruso told a newsmgn that Mls.s Atkins, who is charged with a murd!r In the Malibu area, told him in a five-hour interview that she \Vas one of tht five who went to the 'fate mansioo in Bel·Air. He gave this account of Per. story : .. Five people ·dressed ln b!ack ap- proachtd the Polanski residence (Miss Tate war the wife of Polish film director Roman Polan1ki). A man used a pair of bQlt cutters tQ cut,,Ul~ electr,lc lines, then crtpf arou.ftd the·1kie of the ~;·~pen. od I '!$ld!>Jr, th lopen,_i !Ill•~ !l'!"f -1,,i:n r.~:;,,~;.ok ' ~·"~ f~~ t ' • • • . . 'A ·~llllllf 'of hdhlslr,-a small amount of heroin arid hypodennic kits were seiz. ~d as evidence, police reporte;d. ArrQf!d wiUI two warrants, L!lKUn' of. ficen and aafnts of the State Butt.au of Narcotics um arrested Orfgorr Mathew Gref, 19, at 7:10 p.m. 'Ibe aOeged hashish was found in his apartmerf at 210 Cliff Drive; officers said. Takeft to Orange CountY jail and booktd on a·$&,250 war· rant, he is charged with ,.1e of dangerous dncs. LEAPS TO FREIDOM Voci.list Bl~t0n1· Tho mod•! lijW !'!\!111 ~!low ~'<' 1f get a searcli warrant for, a no.~ en. try lf they had "f.rot:@ble quse" to believe there wer~ ii e1~na~inside. a ... haple:--Undir'iedeftl; lf!iw;:i a~na ~ost state Ian. now, poUoe tn1J1 ~.::pcslUve" of the e.!')aence fll'SI. .. • , J NarcOdcs aginls hav~ complained that requirfna tMm to knock and announce the~ purpose and authority before en- tering a. home gives oct:upants time to hide Illegal drugs. [St.vaa f'!fea~ ta.I a triad• of the 'tlrotak"""aa-ldlled outside :belor.;llley - ci.a t_e-red5 •r Y-t.o•k: o W sky .: (VWJCk Frolcowsly J, a friend of Pol ... ld. waa hit on !he bead wtlh Iha butt ol a .pjolol, then killed. two were kltied on lhe. liwn. The)' got $73 from<the.whole. homlcidt.'' .. 'lbe second warrant was ~ed shortly before midnight on Samuel Robert Rilsty'' Gibson. 33, who is charged v.·ith the sale ·of dangerous drugs and with maintaining a house where drugs are us- e<!. ' Laguna Beach officers Norman Bab- cock and Nell Purtell accompanied loor state agents to Gibson·s Laguna Cany-0n home at 1214 Fairywood Lane where he surrendered, Babcock 11aid, with "slight resista.nce." He . was taken to Orange County Jail .. Also' arresled at the Fairywood Lane address, and booked into Laguna Beach jalL charied with suspicion of possession of dangt.l'CIU.5 diugs· were Jacqueline Rae Parter, lB, Daniel K. Denenberg, 27. Freddie Scott Barker, 22, and Charles piuf!e(ker, 27. A small quautity -Of heroin · and nareotics paraphernalia, including the hypO kits, were found at the Gibson home, police said. Stock Jtlarket NEW YORK (AP)' -Stoel< marl<et prlOOI -alnod shaQ>ly al)<[ broadly lower in late afternoon tradln& today. (See quotations, Pages 30-31). Declirrlng, atoc.U were more than foul' UmfS m great u.. iamm at a ratio of t,03S to 2G. Coast Weather Under partly cloudy, but most· ly sunny lkles, the Orange Coast will bask Jn mid-71>-dearee weath- er Tbllnday. INSWE TOPAY Th< loltrt production of th(. LaguM-Moulton Ployho"'• olld Ute a11nu4l holi4411 o//erht.f/ .Jroni the . Ch_Udrtti'• T.he.aur Guiul tire reulewed todau. Ste _ E11,t~rune11t, Paoe 29. Siit,g~ng Star KU1,1tap Suspect Gives Self Up LAS VEGAS, Nev, (AP)· -A Hollywood man turned himself in ta police here-t.oday hours after slnger Cin- dy Birdsong of the Supremes reported she escaped from a kidnaper unbanned, Miss Birdsong, 30, said she was aJ>.. ducted from her Hollywood apartment at knJtepoint Tuesday night b~t jumped from the kidnaper's car as it traveled a1ong a· freeway .1 .. City police s's.id Clfarles F.dward Collier, 26t who resides in the s!tne '.apa.rt:- ment building ·as Miss Bird90ng, called them fr-0m a motel on the Las Vegas Strip iJnd said he fiad abducted her."They said ·he told them he had fl awn from Los Angeks and had $2 in hls possession after losing all of his money gambling. He was booked on a California fugitive charge. . . Miss Birdsong suffered multiple lacera- tions when she jumped and was reported in satisfactory coodilion at Long Beach Memorial Hospil&I. ~he also was treated for mlnor knife slaslle~. Poll~ uld the kidnaper, described as~ wearing a brown leather jacket, was hldlna: In a bedroom of the singer's Hollywood borne when she returned in the evenint Two friends, Charles Hewlett. 25, and Howard N.'iak, 25, had gone to the home earlier and wt_re waiting for Miss Birdsong, apparently unaware of the kid· naper In the bedroom. .Attorney General John N. Mitchell unveiled the model )aw .at the ·White House Conference on Narcotic.! £or state ·governors. He said it was in draft form and may be revised. The proposed state law would leave • penalties for possession and sale of illicit drugs to the discretion of the stae. The Nix:on administration has proposed at the fedetal level to make possession of any drug a misdemeanor on the first affense, with sentencing at the discretion of the judge up to a maxlmum one year in jail aud/or a $5,000 fine. Narcotics offenses occur primarily at the state and local level. In 1968, there were 162,177 state and local narcotics ar4 restl compared with just 4,000 federal cases. Mitchell said the model law "will re- quire immediate, positive action bf the states if we are to successfully wage a coordinate, effective war on narcotics and dangerous drug traffickers and if we are to successfully control the now of legilima\e drugs and prevent t!leir diversion into the illicil drug market." Caruso did not Identify the ot.)ler four, but said two we:e womeh and· t~o. men . Miss TS:te, 8'h·months pregnant, was stabbed artu voicing a plea t.o sive her baby. he said;and Frokowsky had offered money to the klfler1. . The slaylnia the next n.i,ht, he sald,·oc- curred because il was feared the Tate killings mlt:lit have caused the iroup io 0 )ose their nerve." Caruso declined details of the killings. Others slain were Miss Tate, her for--mer fi~. hair ltyltst Jay Stbrlng, and coffee heiress Abigail Folger. Another attorney for Mias Atkins, Richard Caballero, said she told him that the hippie group was a quasireliglous ''family " headed by Char!ea M. Manson, $.'Caballero said Miss Atkins "bad nothing to ®.with the 1J1urders" u she was under what he deacrJbed u Mart- son's "hypnotic spell." "We belong to him, not to ourselves," Caballero quoted her as saying of Min- son. Manson's followers ealled ·him "God" and "Satan," Caballero said. Manson, 35, awaJted a preliminary hearing Wednesday at Independence , (See TATE CASE, Pag< %) Linkletter Calls Leary 'Poisonous-Evil-Man~-- WASHINGTON (UPI) -TV 6lar Art peopfe go out or their way to pl'.()ve "they Linklelter today condemned Or. Timothy are part of the iang." Leary, a fonner Harvard Uni\'ersil1'" pro-The TV enltrtalner said "Kids are ressor, as "that poisonous evil. man" for trying such a variety of ·drugs and promoting "mind expanding" drugs such chemicals no law enforcement can stop Drug Program "marijuana and i-so. lhem." • He told the governors conference on He said .he ha.s. received. 50.000 lett.ers Topl'c of Boa1·d narcotics and dangerous drugs that "aEklng for help" and ·his answer is : Leary, speaking to standing·room-only ''We've got to g:.t tbc kids turned back to crowds at universities, ha& be.:n' telling life ... to produce a qu~llUv.e life that Plans for a new program conce.ming drug abuse will be disclosed at ~lght's students that ta~ing drugs "is a way to will make thefn want' to rtturn to a meeting tJ. the San Joaquin School Board tum on. Turn out and drop out:" nonna.I way of We. . of ~ Llnkletter, with Prt1ldent l"!Jon and •'The grealelt · pisher1 are t be The tneeting wtll'take place al 7 o'clock VJce Pres.ident Spiro T. Agnew sitting mlssionaries who bavt IOld Y''"..,s ~pte at ln1lne Sdlool. . • -~ ~-~ board instructed the administrator wllh him on the plaUorm at the State on the use of LSD and marijuana." th N bet II ,_ · llepertment audilorlum, chol<od with Ile then rerem.i io Lear/ and '"'d the -:mp~e~~~':m ~~:~~ ,emoUon when bb told·the governors arp professor wU-tnJklnt.~ to~e tt,._ abuse· after a plea ~ by assislant their families alJoul hl! da-ughter. Diane. fect that,"marljualfa was IQveh to Ul 'by. superifitendlnt Willian\ Fox on the nee:t 20, who commitl'ed suicide last Ot1ober Cod." ; ' 1 1r111' J: Mttt111t1 u (or such a program in the Jlstrict. after t11!1:lng LS:l. ''The rate 3t v:hich 1 these· evil ~~~. • ~~~: •viw. , .. ~ Also on the agenda will be the adoption .At I.he time, Llnkletter called it subiitances ai~ b.!ll\I used by'kkls ls 111-~~a':ffi..ttnitt 1,.1: ~~.':."::•.= ~: or a resolution to sell $1,900,000 In school ·~'lnµrdcr'.' by the. pusbers and purveyors crroible, ffnt.ast!c and :rri;ht4ninl.'' ht c-1n " '"'" • bond1. Bonds c111n n"ow be sold In tbe ti drugs. . ~ a.:ikl. • · 1 ~T,::.k" ~ :,.,~;"'ll(rwtt• n-~~ di.sir let since voters approved a measure He said that he dec:lded lo speak out In Ile.said. the 'ec1qnuon:at process' should, · ~= . .,. ~ ii.-Mm,...,, •l1 Olf"Nov. 25 raising the jnteresl rate from his "grief ,ai.d outrag~1 • to reveal fo start aft.be fowilf itadc arid there ahwld sl::'--' ._n :::; ~ five \o,M•en percent. othera the dtngers Involved. be an "6mbudJnWI'.' tn f. schools to -' ~ ..... ... H Busf .... •Manager Rex Nerlson said He said hiJ dailghler had the "hon· lielp.chl~n who .... at\• .'lle.urff'd =~....,. ': :::.!.."': .. ~ tbif the 'aIDounL to be approved bu not dJcap" of carrying "a fam011S name" and the &ovtrnorS to •tar1 cut I \ed tlpe to: .:;.1 . . ~ . . -- Bids Scheduled ·in ·March · ' . . -.. ; . For Missio~ .Viejo Lihra.I'Y • • • J . ' . 'Bids \vfil be 'taken .~ 0 ear.Jy ~farch 00 Mi$si0Q ~lejo's .new library. · Fina1 dra"lngs ate·betng.compJeied for the reipQO,al llbraiy wlilClj will be design- ed to ·serv~ '!l'!llio;l'JI Sol1?'l' "\"11\llunlllea Jn_tbt s.ctillc~k Valk!y.. ' • . n.e flf""""""~.oi 1 'rut .• ;in hf ·~~~ •.. ac Y , localed on Chrlslana .Driv' .near La. Paz PJ8ia on 8 orle'. acr,e.-f9t ~~:I' by Uu; M~iQt>..Vie:jo·CornPIDY· -, 1 , i II' Wm QJSt approximately t,!30,0i!\ am\ win tie Construct:ed'in the early <;allforttia architectural ·111.yle which ls tequl(ed in Mls:sioo Viejo. · · · · . The Jll!trary ad1.11t ~al serViceiarea will contain "18,000 volumes initially wtlb Ml,000' by· tv?5. The juverillt ai'ea will 'cdn· taln 7,590 tnlLiflly with 15,000 volumel!i uJUmately. .. ' -HE CAN'T · BACK " AW Ai: FROM T.HAT. · Other materials tentatively plaMed are flO periodicals [4!) on mlcrofilml, 12,000 pamphlets, 2,000 reference bOoks, 1,000 40CUlllents and · l,ooO pttlur,. and a ~etq'd ,)Jbrfjllr)'. . I ' ' , ,I • Other !ea~. )\'Ill .hf a recJonal ft:lerence ~e ·and a real onal ibrarian's Office.' · i Con.<trucliori ia sdiedulecj ,to J>ei1n ln laie 'tlpilng. Archllects for lhe lacnity are Tom and Tniiklet ·o!·lluntlnaton Jlarbol.ir. , ' ~laim Again.st • Laguna' Alter.ed .. ' Lljsuna stacb """"''lnlOn lll!Illbl will be asl<ed to allj>w a II.Ill -..,., plaint agalnot Ille< city raultlol rr.m a ~•1 7 tral!lc acddeot ln..tvlni I pOllce ~ar. 1 . ; clalmanl, Lemllle F. Qweno, 2018 cam~,_ Mlrlno· Ro!>:rt Walt . ~ ... ~i1't:P,~o ~=-.~.: got blm9olf arremd: la Loguna Beach• .enw.J.~~--•ea, T\JiJdly Jtlaht on <hargeS ,that-be.backld • --his bus van up for 60 feet and WIJ going• rne cl&imant. ~ her northbound ao •fut he' amUhed Into the .cor behind car. ,....,pod. , ior, u.llic oo Coast hlrp1 · • · . . · · IUghway, wu struck in lhe rpr by 1& l,aguna Olllce< Thomu • RoY<let, 'w!in rior1hl>ouod pollee cei drt..., by Olflctr arrelled Wa\t, JI, In tr<1nl el tho H~lch, Ke~ Ca~., , · . Cloftt;, bat <III• Coast Hllthway, claimed 1 Aa elrller cltlm, irlJ 'fi1'<! by Mrs. tho! ""' , ...,... IVOll', Jgildrtd. fraDiic-Ow<JIO' :,.,, , ....... el !he tor ft'WU ho<ft. blaall rr.m llie .aoto· behind u drtvjng, ~iC!iero c. ~1• 11111 Santa' AN W•W.• ... ,bin -blchatcl-.. IL ' ,A .. ., COila lllil • "'!'""' L'"'-*' been 1pecllieall)' dttennlned a1 to ill-ust added. tMt 'ltuch-kidS are -yre. Help young people "make Jt .ot4 Wide"' · -1:---t::!::==========:f--"1~lt.ililttr-.:_-,----------ju4fled.'"'-H•...,••"ldi.clcblilll<ldiie·ean"a!Lprompmmlilne<Jnllll~a<x:itly inakad of J!kln 'dr6 • · · · ;\· ... Oflloer Roffttr. la hll j Tlle lln\ clalia WM -ti, .. at& e1r1.~1">-dellc ~.bono bl .... • ~nee carrier 1*'9 ... 11 di<! Ill&-~ • • Mil. oww.1 1111!1• aa clalmanl. ... ' l ' ' .,. 1 ,. ' t . ,) ' .} • I ·- l "> DAIL V PJLOT .• L ~v alidity -of0 Laguna-San~~ lbi,li~g Qµest,ioned ... Jn an opinion that may have substantial ail!llll<Mt<t for La1una Beach p<eperty ownen rutng variance applicaUons, city attorney Jack J, Rimel has questioned the validity of a resolulion adopted -OCt. g by the Planning Commission. 'Ille resoluUon granted a variit.nce re· queM filed by Richard Burt who seeks to e.1.pand__bii~h!>a~_proper,.!l. 160l S. Coast Htghway. wilh e addiUQn of 32 units and underground parking. &cause of lraffic problems in the area, the variance was st rongly opposed by owners of 'the neighboring cooperative FNnt• Page l TATE CASE ... ~ Calif.. near Death Valley, where the group lived in a rnilit.ar)'-style desert commune. Sheriff's deputies .say the group stole cars and four-wheel drive vehicles. Manson is charged with posses- i;ion of stolen property. Miss Atkins' attorneys said Manson was not at the scenes of the Tate slayings and those of Leno and Rosemary La· Bianca, the market owners. Los Angeles. police, who are prepar· ing a grand jury case against at least i;eVen pusons. have not made any char1es against Manson in the slayings. Manson was one of 23 persons arrested, moat of them women, in two raids at the desert commune last Oclober. Ten were ·held on a variety of charges including auto theft. * * * Girl Returned •To Face Charges In Tate Slaying CONCORD, N.H. (UPI) -Linda D. Kasabian returned to California today to face murder charges in connect.ion with the bi,iarre murders of actress Sharon Tate and four others. California authorities. already in Con· cord, drove ~r lo Boston for a flight to J.os Angeles. • Dwarfed by two slate troopers, Mrs. Kasabian was arraigned Tuesday on a California fugitive warrant. The »-year· old mother oC one child, who is five months pregnant with another, wu asked by District Judge Donald G. Matson for her pl.ea on fugitive charges. "I'm guilty," the sandy-haired girl aak!, twisting a rtng on her left hind. She agreed to waive extradition proceedings. A Los-Angeles murder warrant accuses her, Charles D. Watson. 24, and Patricia Kernwinktl, 21 .Q of killing the preen.ant adrhl' and four friends on a re11tcd estate. :Rafferty Aide ·:.T?lks in Vi~jo UM of youth far a ,'l,:revolutiofi-:., )n 11onirlci io the loplc of a talk Tuesday ,by Dr. .Max Raf(erty ~J Co 11 le r . 1dcDennon, assistant state Superin- : ~~:,;~~~lli~l:~=~~·rget Youth'' 'js scheduled at 7:30 p.m. in the multi· '])urpo!e room of ri.fission Viejo High .,";chool. It is public. .Constructive Action Network Council (If . A spokesman for the sponsoring "6addleback Valley said McDeqnon will . ·document plans of Students for a pemoe:ratic Soc.i'!ly lo turn youUt into tevolutionarics. .· J>oison Gas Returning · \VASHINGTON tU PI J -The Dtfens' Department announced 1oday it would "rtlurn huge quantities or poison gas from Okinawa to a mllitary base in Oregon. .but Y.'Ould nol give advance nolice of the date or route or shipment. UAllY PnOr #. 0U.NG~CO.U1 ll'\la~11"1Nlio ~N' ..... ,, 'N. w •• , l'ralllrlt.,,.,, l'Wli.r.t J•<k •· c.,1.., • Ylq !"-""'' •llf Gtfltrtl,...,...., Ti...,.,, IC""il ••w T~o"'•• "· M,,,M~• ~"lllM £d11tt i1c~1r.I P. N•ll LM-ke(P! (h If ... L.,11 .. IMcll Offk• ?ll ,..,., ........ M1Tll~t .t.44••11 1 ,.o. 101 t6k •?6lt Ofter.°'""' tftlt ,,.,..., ,. w ... ••r '""""' fil~ """'1>: ftll Wtf! ......... ....,. ~11111 &Mc.Iii • Strl ihtt. I •partlnent development. ~guna Sands.~ However; p I 1nnln1 commlNJ.onen, atter sevtral study 1t1Slom, approved Burt'• l'OQll<SI, ofH<in& IS cont!I~ !P their authorization. Sanda:. uecuUve Don S~ and Diclt Grant appealed the planning commission ruling lo the City Counici. on Nov. s, maintaining that the commlS!ion 's reaoluUon Js i\legel because it falls to set forth lhreeo r-the stx statements or justificatiog ~w rtqulred in all variance applicatlons. The six statements y.·ere included in Burt'a original appllcation, but did not appt!~ in tbe ~nal iesolutloo because the city ls atUl \!llnl .old prtnt.d forms ael· ilnf out ""'1 tliiOe qi the ttqutr.d olx i••A1int.~"'1 Bet.,lUte oilhi. omiulon. the city it. torneY has suggested that a new resolution. spedficall)' making all the re- quired findings, be prepared. or that an entirely new hearing be ac~uled. The City Council had referred the Sands appeal to th~ city attorney for an opinion at its Nov. $ htarina and wil~lake up the appeal again tonight. The legal tangle raised its head at a U"I T•lollel• 'WE BELONG TO HIM, NOT TO OURSELVES' Murder Su1pect De1cribe1 Cult Letdtr M1n1on Senate Votes Tax Relief; ... Dediiction Total Hiked WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate voted Wednesday to grant relief to all the nation's t'ix#ayers l by rais&ig ···~ personal income tax exemption to $700 next year _pnd $900 in 1971. :. The roll .call vote was fll to 37. Th< pnipol4~ •Pon•ored by Sen. Albert Gore (Q-T.~.). waa)wit~n into tbe 'tax reform bill in the face of a wauUn1 from President Nixon Tut,eday that ht might veto a tax bill with such an amendment 1n it. Sponsors ot the propo1al emphasized ·that the fmal form of tax reduction still °Woukl hav• to Pl. worked out in a Senate- 'Houae conflftnt'fl on the legi!laUon. . They saJtf that, if some fonn of in• "\reue Jn :P.ie ftemption is included, it • 1 can he.,. dllie iii a way to make it lc- ceptable to NixOl'I . Adoption of Gore's proposal followed Senate reject,ion, by a 72.23 vote, of an a\lernaUve plan proposed by Sen. Charles H. Pe·rcy {R·lll.), to spread the tai; cuts over a longer period of time . Percy proposed to increase the personal exe9lption $50 a year for three year.!, to a lop of $7$0. His plan, unlike Gore's, also would have cut some income tax rates. The Gore amendment subsUtuted the Increased personal exemption !or all the rate cuts proposed ·by the Senate Finance Commitlet. Its adoptlon mar,ked the first chahge bf the Senate Jn the committee proposals. There are three elements in tht Gore amencl~ent.: 1 I. The increase in the exemption to $800 over two years. 2. A $1,000 standard deduction and low Jncome allowance. The stinda.t:ci deduc. lion now js 10 per cen$. o(adjustei;I gross 1ncome up"to a maximum··ot $1,!Xlf, ' . ' . ~. . 3. ·;. tax red.uction for ~ngl~.:1filersons thnlugh a new achedule undtr which they would in no case pay more than 20 per cent above the tax for married couples. Some now p~y as much as 40 per cent more. These would substitute for the tax relief provisions in the bill as it passed the Hoose and cleared the Finance Com· mlttee . Laguna Trustees Approve Quick School tunch Plan A new program which wj!J speed up i-erving of elementary school lunches and probably lower cost y.•as approved by ·Laguna Beach Unified School District tiustee s Tuesday night. f>rE·packaged. hot and cold lunches prepared in Aliso Elementary School will be distributed \o El Morro and Top of the \Vorld by· lwo vehicles. As outlined by htrs. Marian Garrett, district supervisor of food servltts, pre.packaging. greatly reduces laboT C06t, saving the district an estimated $33.98 per day . l!:ach lunch consist! of a "hot pack" or main dish packed in a two-compartmenL foil container which can be healed at the satellite school immediately before serv· Ing, and a ''cold pack" including such Items as bread. jello, cake or fruit dessert. Sole investment to tht. district would be tn carryina baskets and foil and pla.stic Mrs. Drumniond Rites Thursda y containers. Elementary school prineipal Al Haven noted the new meUtod would speed up service and eliminate con1rol problems. He estimated 200 meals could be ·served in 10 minutes. An estimated 325 lunches ure now being served. From Pqe l SCHOOL TAX •• \Villiam Ullonl. the· bond will be broll"en down into 10 areas in order lo allow tru~tees lo approve future capita.I outlays. "As we can·1 look into a crvstal ball and determine wh::it our needS \\'ill be fl\·e years from now, I think "'e should lecvt' somt. latitude Jn future ex- penditures," ~d board president Larry Taylor. The bond, which needs a 66 213 percent _yes vote. to pass, would finance purchase of future school sites. Taylor cit~ the .advant.age·o( buying a site now at a klwer COBt. even though the land might not be developed as a tchool for five <r. 10 years. I e:!l.:.tLO' •l!tO -.flKfl 11 ~ ,.,. Memorial funeral servicts will be held The JO items whldl will be added to the _. 111 _-:,;-:::= :t.;.:..•..::::. Thursday for Blanche 8 . Drummond, 473-bond clisslfic•Uon with ,trustee approval ~ .,... N_, a-..-. °"""' D Calle CJdil. Lacuna HIUs, who died include: purchase of lots:. buildings, ad .. ~o:'..~!t9'dl~~:.'!"1"'-.v.~ Tueaday. She was 11 . dl!Jons, rtpalr wort, purchase of tqulp. •lllt-..._ .,.. 11 nn ..,.. ...... The Jtev. Edward Caldwell Will of-. me/it, lmptt.1vemtnL of school grounds, •P¥L M~ St-'Cfl,. tr4 » ..,. .,, .-,,c.ttt• ""'"· · riclale it the 7 p.m. service fp Geneva re runding of out.standing indebtedness. tr et l7141 ..,..... Prtsbyte.rtan Church. Olr~n Js by demolit ion, purchase or 1ehool buses and .. Otll'-":*°'=-· ::!..u:'. 1 i • 8t<tdlt~apel1 • " stwart 1nd dralnaie projec.is. • :. .>r ' ' _,-' I Pllllll\!!li r..l..o..oon -~ ' Monday ~ _, .... --,...= eve "~1 1.. "'""!"'!" v~~ ap- .ptiea uJiia" ~ """*''-" op. -~t'l!t't-"' ·.....-11 .,.. ~lll(ll- ed to iM appUCuit" with a requeit" for mOre speCitic )utements of ju1,l1Hcation to inaurt tlle legallty of the cwnmlssion's ruling. The matter-or comet phrasing or variance aj>plications and the resQlutions granllng . them datls back to January, 1968, when Plannipg Director Clyde Springe advlttd the city of court deci· s.ioOI m.iwo c11es tbal bad been aucce&> ·fully appealed oo this technicaJlty. • 'Al ~l"tlmt. the prlnltd uriince ap- J>!kallqd .Jotm used by Ille dly was changed but the •printed resolution form remained the same , according to the Planning Departmtnt. Un!il new form s can be obtained, a ' spokesman as.id, it will be necessa'ry to paste the complete statement of justifica· tion on each resolution adopled. The Six statements of justificalion re· quif.ed for au var.iances and included in the printed application forms are as follows: Congresnnan's Clait1i Brig _ ·Terrorism At Pendleton? · " CHARLESrbN. S. C. (AP) -. A preliminary : study by H~ Armed Services Committee inveittgators has disclosed that black h1arines in a brig in California terrorized \vhite prisoners. Committee Chairman L. /lfendel Rivers a;ays. The South Carolina Democrat sent two inve:;tigalors to Camp Pepdfeton last September to check into reports of tefrorism. He released the repon. Tues- day to Tht Charleston New a and Courier. "That's very horrible," Rep. Rivers said when COl\laCted by telephone at his Charleston home. "I think this thing will be a pretty bad story when it unfolds." The newspaper quoted the repqrt as saying that the 199 Negroes in the brig had imposed black supremacy ever the rest of the i69 inmates throl.lgh \veil-disciplined leadership. Whites were required to perform menial tasks and submit to homosexual ad\•ances, and lhose who resisted were beaten, lhe newspapers quoted the repon. as saying. A Camp Pendleton spokesman declined comment on the report. Burglars Shush Dog, Make Off With Home Cash Appartntly using wieners taken from a refrigerator to quiet the family dog, burglars ran sacked the Laguna B_eaclt home of Mr. and Mn. Anthony Demetriades Tutsday and made off with approxiJnalely $47.50 in roins and bllls. Mrs. Donna Demetria.des. 1175 Temple Hills Drive, told police she roond the house in disarray and bureau drawers in three bedrooms pulled open when she returned at noon after an absence of three hours. The cuh was taken from the bureau drawers, she said. Police theorize the burglar gained en· try by reaching an inside door knob through a pet door, installed in a downstairs workshop for the dog. Remnants of wieners. evidently used to keep the dog from barking, were found in the bedrooms. The visitor also served himself a can ci chilled grape juice from the refrigerator, police noted. Rivers aild he has turned the report over to a ~bcomrrUttee beaded by Rep. William J.jbndall (0.Mo.l, 'which is in· vestigatinJ)iisorders at military bases. "\Ve 're ping to make these Marines . . . put their house in order," Rivers said. "And if ihey can't do it, we 're going to put somebody in thert who can." Council EyeS Annex Land ' Zone Chqnges A city application to change zoning (In five parcels or rectntly annexed land will be considered by Laguna Beach coun· cilmen in a public hearing tonight. The Laguna Canyon Road ·prope rty , 212 acres beginning at the old city limits, contains the new post off\Ce annex. The land came into the city, as does all newly annexed land, Y!'ith R·H (Residential. hlllsid~) ionlng. The change sought would make tht pro- pefty M·IA (lighl industrial) in con· formity with adjacent land use. la other businesl, the council will : -Hear a city attorney's opinion on whether the city has any jurisdiction over a proposed bus rate hike for Lagl,lfla Transit which has an application peodlng \.,..ith lhe Public Utilities Commission. -Probably not protest notice of sale of a liquor license at the Cellar Restaurant. 220 Forest Ave., lo Jerry M. Long and Latry J. Polk. -Consider an application from lhe Orange County Heart Association to con· duct a solicitation from Feb. t to March 2 by means or a residential march"' and special gifts camJ)lign. -Take up the request of Takashi Kawaratani for a street light to pierce the "inky blackness" in the alley behind his Laguna Nursery. 1370 S. Coast Highway, from which plants and supplie s have been sto&n. -Cons.ider plaMing co m m I s s 1 o n recomm~ndations and condiUons on r~loe:ation within Heisler Park of a prcr posed clubhouse for the lawn bowling club. • -Consider resubqivial.oo of hillside lots sought by Geoff Fey Rike/ on the strength of a 3 to 2 planning commiss.ion split reeQmmending approval. REWARD ~:iiii~: I~ That thtrt are ~cepJloqal ·•~ es:- trtMlnary' cli'<tnoJI~ or CoiJiljUons applicable to .the pro\>eity which do not apply generaUy to other property in the sa1ne'. vicinity and zone, tojWlt : 2. That sucti ctrciimstapces and con· dltiona: produce practical diUlculUes or unnecessary hardships in the way of adhering to tht striCt letter of the law, to wit : 3. That such variance is necessary ,for the preservation and enjoyment ef a su~lantial property right of the ap-- plicant whlcb right is possessed by other property owners under Uke condltimy in the Same vicinity and zone. to wit : 4. That the granting or the variance d0tt not con.Stitute ~ grant of special privilege inconsistent with other pri>- perties in the same vincinity and zone : 5. Thal the granting or the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public health. sa(ety. convenience and 11·eifare or inj urious to property and im· provements in the same zone; 6. That the grpnting of the v¥iancc will not be contrary to the objectives of the zon ing ordinance or thagener~ plan. On the application fonn , space is left after each justification for the wrillen statement of the applicant. HoWever, on the printed form used for granting the variance, oaly statements I. 3 and 5 are included. These are printed onto the form, with no 1pace for the ap-- plicant's statement. Rimel maintains that the resolution may be ruled invalid if lhe resolution form does not include all six justifies· lions along with the appl icant 's statements. , The Sands appeal is based on the charge that juslifications 2. 4 and 6 were not included in the planning commission's final resolution, even tholl(h they wer e romplete<I on the application form. " I Murph y Foe Guest of Honor At Lagrn1a ' Fete nep. George E. Brown, Jr. <O.Mon· terey Park ), "'ill be guest of honor Sun· day at an open house and reception in Laguna Beach. ' Brown, a d~clared candidate for the U.S. Senate seat held by Genrge Murphy, was one or the earliest Congressional op-- ponents of the Vietnam war. He will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Engelhardt, 1723 Thurston Drive, from 4 p.m. until 7. the South Coast Demoeratic peace Club announced. Brown will speak briefly and answer questions at the reception which is public. A $1.50 donation will be requested ai the door to cover cost of refreshments. · Brown since 1965 has oppoeed military spending.bills brought to Congreu, main· t.ainlng lhe defense budget could be whlt· t.led by one !_hird. Laguna Higl1 Art Gallery to Open The student art gallery and store at Laguna Beach High School will open for the Christmas season this weekend. Reasonably priced examples of top stu. dent art work, available for Christmas shoppers, include crafts, paintings, draw· ings, jewelry, pottery and batiks, Refreshments will be served from 7 to 9 p.m. during the fonnal opening nighls, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5 and 6 and lhe gallery also will be open dwing lunch periods and on Saturday afternoons unt il Chriilmas. ROYAL AMERICAN IRONSTONE 1970 Calendar for'&rly Bird Clitfatmas Shoppers CLIP THIS COUPON With Y e_ur Christm1i Puteh1st of $5.00 or More . 1' ''"'!!•.,;";,,'"o.'.'.,o•",;';.,,'oi:..i;..,(;_,u;,;'1i'oio"y,';,'o,'-.,...~ ,.. .... '*""' ~ · Mn:. DMnmtlnd ~Is suMvecll bf two Ullom. noted' a nvt percent eittnslon or :.C':. "::!:::=t'':l.L ..,.. .,., Dr. Jtmt1 E. Drummond, Jiead.or tht present ·budget. allowlnz . for SS !l : "I"""-• I"""" -. • • '· PWma Pby1iC3 :Wboralory, BMJn1 mllllon gro\flll in assemd valuallon , . 18? 3 I NE.W. P.ORT AYE. ·f 1/ CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER .CHARGE • ....,._ .... "• •....., ~ Campany, Seattle, •nd Dr. WU!t1rn & within, the dlst.rict, .would ea.UH the .. ~ ... ; 1 ~":1 a,: ' Dnmunond, 1'111•ic1 protuaor, UnlvtmlY <1)1tr1ct 1o dip 1n1o an ~ flll,000 or Its COSTA ~ESA ,. · Phohe 548-340 I • ( I I ,, . ' t ( I , I 7 I 1-~~~·-i=o.'i;il;;·•' -=··.,.,...""""' .. .., .. ·.·.·.1--,ct.Tuu: 111'1tr.K1therlnoih·~c~n;;::mm~o!:._~""i'Hii~;str•lbu::;;.l<ddd;~rtler\'ff;:;j~im;''amowrtUl~::~'~1:0J_l.=:::::::~'·=·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=-=-=::::::::::::::::::::;;:;:;;;;;;:::;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;::;::LJ~~~I 1 , ~ldJtJc ltltl,lltlO In deficit spendln;, -L , - \ I I • • 7 I I ( ) I " . 1 I I I \ ' usuni :Ptaylioue . - ' J . 'Cactw FlOWer' Priekly Offering By TOM TITUS Of "" De"1 ,..... ,..., 11Cactua ·Flower" 111 e e"Tn • made to order for the .spacious it.age of the new Laguna Moulton P1aybouse, a multiple let ahow played acl'OSI the breadth oi the yawning pro- ICelliwn, yeL there a r e moments too m a n y ~mts -when it rattles ...... Miss Hewet~ who lives one al her finellt lnw,ret.UOM U Ibo oplNler llUllO waltlq to bl...,, fib the cactus plant on her deslt. DevastaUor dellviry with a !harp cutting qe II her stock in trade, and ii II plainly evident in' the Laruna show. HoWevec, while theae two are 9'a1iili a biting comedy, two :oil¥!'. ;najor ~ , "CACTUS •LO'NEI" (pla--..1 ,'L.,_ ~. ur t~--i...-...a A eomtdr_bv Abt t111rrow!i, dlrecitd b<I' ,~.9' """"',. ....... -~ RI:,,, .rr~ 1~1c.1~1::,r.c~ and );'icbft\ Adamsl ~ to L1wrlflOI Old«. llthll"\ br Stt'r. be AN .. w & --.·-"'"" and ftt1-..,hlrMI by WI Pttty, _... !>';"-~ ~~ .r~·~'tr:''" ••turi= . tWO'more C<hlci: Schicter and ..... ~ 1. ... M !:' .... "'Ir.... Judy .HJnb) &re mllkinl ™' WT slapltici ~ for , all the ~-Julian Wl11ilol! .••. Robt!'! IEt19fNll'I 1 • ..._ f~, -.......,. Dkk11Mon ..... B•hl' Hewtlf "'\lauo .. ,.,, un get. It II a ... s•m-...... chri. w"t!i-ui·-.. SUtllVt ll ........... MlcNtl '''"' q 1111' cunour;' and Uftle&tllng, ~~tld ••..• Clluck klJ di... -:--e. Ull'I Durlnf ..... PllYllll Stroud UIJ.&"" A o nci.z .... Dwt PM'in""1er Jr. M'·· W tberbead' 1<: IDvw .............. c11ue11: S~" '-N ea s ten- 1:111'ii 'SWiNiim• ·:::~~~ H1~ dency to take her role too """~'ortably, upstaged by aeriously hamper 1 an ! own !environment. otbirwi.se fine wformanc~ Abe Burrows comedV, while Adams is never qWte up ' to bis character, the ,mUICU!ar a pt<d from ·the French, II>" •--xt •-•-~ ~y has lost' something in wr.,,... ne uuw-• .-x:i11cker'1 UJe .t ral<t la•fo·n. ·WhUe txx.ish unemployed actor ls . - DAILY PILOT Sll tf , ..... 'WHO'S SHE ?' -Judy Hirsch and Chuck Schicker attempt to l earn the identity of mink-draped Betsy Hew ett in a scene from "Cactus F1ower" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. • done with all the subtlety of a g~lly well acted, it is pie in the face-all be misses oierwrl~ .and ovenlirected, is a p-atfaU. and th.it is pro. a: P1i>'--i:.~ at~mpts to do \>ided by Miss Hinh, with an !!!~J.'~ 1f.ith t<>o ~1! ~IW aettnt that makes her ad- ··.-mirable Adelaide ol a few :Given a simple enough story eeasoos back look Ii k e---------------------r -a bachelor dentist who something out of Jane Austen. s off his many loves by Round' •'-· By TOl\I BARLEY Of ... ~ "'" , .. ,, 9Yr favorite Chrlstmu card bears the seal of t he Children's Theater Guild of NewPort Harbor. Md it takes about to minutes for delivery of an eagerly awaited mu4ical message that bas become as much a part oC this crit.ie'I Christmas season as the mouth-watering mince pies baked l,000 miles away and shipped to California by a very dear and sraclous English lady. A.'ld that, gentle reader, is praise of the highest order for "'TH• MARV•LOUS ITOR'f OF PUIS IM IOOT$" A 'llY br Nl<:IWt.1 Sh11rl Crty wlll\ •C1C1ltkln1I rl'lll•tlll llY N.,..:y Eb&tn. mlltk; Ind tr•la llY Je111 T~sllY Ind Pn.i. Holda'I, dlrKltd llY NIM'f Ebltn. Pt'OCllK!lo!I COOl'Clh,.!H by LYlllt Dowtr, 1!1M m1na1.,. II. J, lk1UI~. TM• CAIT Pun ht l coot1 .......... C1rol C.•llt C..r1nl ...................... Klf'I &row" T,.,. 09r1., ................ Gino G•lldlo TM caoo11r .............. cou., ou1wr Prlnt1i1 l5*1 .•.. At1,..•!v1 N-1t111f 0111dY .•••••..••••.••••.•••• llr1d a.den JMltl1 ..•..••..••.•..•. Cll'ldy M1"""'lll Liv-., ....... , ......... P11tr Ch•vU. LOJCY .................. Pim Arm11..- Gt"Mt"1J O!t'°"'······'""""I llr1ndon Tiit Ch1ncellor •.•.•. O.vlcl Scllr'Mrllt Tl>t Klftfl ................... Tom Moore Smelt Oort ............... Todd Pldt.n S~ Ch1~tn1 .. S11rr LY"" Hudlln.. LIM Dorwood, Lrnn Dowtr • Kim :s.kHllnt this series ol. holiday pro- ductions and thost bustling. be.cit 1oo~ple _deserve_ a review and a round o( ap- plause all to themselves. Miss Carol Cappello will, we predict, go a .Jong way in her chosen vocation of tfieater if this beauUfu1ly d e 11 v e r e d portrayal of the name role ls to be our criterion. She had a spell or her own to cast in this tale of magic ir:id fantl!y and she wrapped it around fl.II those delighted youngsters from first to Jut curtain.· This Is not to say that she eclipsed her co-worker! in tllls glittering rewrite of the old fairy tale. Full marks, in<IUd, to Gino Gaudio, an lmmeme and...suitably terrifying ogr.e, Colin Guiver as the simple.and utterly charming cobbler, {can he say "The Rain in Spal1,'' we wonder?), Ken Brown as Gerard, the fantasUC cat's master and Anna~Eva Newstead, as the bewitched Princess Isobel. SUPERB MUSIC And once again providing the lilting background for this happy holiday show is the superb music of tireless Jean Tandowsky to whicb Prue Holde.1 has once again added , ·-------.-• •• aew.-111 ~ m · 11)'tlllal-rtl ·WUI 'lilCn ~ ..~., ARLO iUTHRIE COi.Oii! tft.Delu•e U•1ttd.Am1t1 ~ ~"'I 4 TI I o.111.Y Pilaf , ..... --2llil ( '· . .. ,,c.n,fn.4260 F0< lnhmlatlen-..... ' . Alio Playing· -"THE FIRST TIME" I ~ ~ he's iftarried, ing oot wn:: company meeU *J!t he'd like to are Phyllis stroud in a solid perl~e .. the ublqultooa ti ::n~Pw wi~ is..Jr~ dental patient; Doug Parmen-~ -"Cactus Flower'' tief-J r., less polished a.s 1 ·~-' . ~·~-. Latin diploma!; (llucli Coliao, ~ao manym .. ~g-m---••--'"'""'al,.. Benny Says Tonight's Special 'Best Ever' the Guild's grand and glorious her witty and ear catching 1969 successor to all the splen-lyrics. This fine combination did holiday shows that have provides a musical backdrop,1---- gone before it; a "Marvelous that is unerringly geared to Story of Puss in Boots" that ha\.,'e the child tapping lUs feet v.·as exactly that and which and clapping in Ume lo the ' i+ :· h stew and stlri ao ~~ •u~ .,.. PC aa a .wtftly, .that ·~ . ...wt falls '£'!1 ~ !":2~ "f!rt of. .....,-fare. In for the llred buslnemnan ,'l'fj. ,fadlitale audi~e ID-'!be plly makea,a D bet; of. tlttoi on the *" • three false . .wt. iip ' ttie com.me dnall sel8,, d'ir-Gwen !add.,. -one of. the beot being a r n e 11 ha s 1 d d e d an embrace between Engman perflouous movement t 0 and Misa W e 1 t h e r h e a d vet SJ!Ol5 ~i;.. dialogue .. 'Whereupon both begin wrou: one c~ ~f!lcl, .notably Ing the rollaway bed -but ~ f~.s f}.rkr meetmg there is too little meat and loo th the wife.. Howev~ • much dresSlng to give the ed of ~se gt"::i~a~;:, &how much staying power' the script fail! u in despite ~ CClll'UnfmdaJ¥ ef. cenes between the 0 dentist fH<JrU .:to~~-~ ·~~ and his nurse. ew <_...eep.i-..in:: ..... u.,..-. : It is these two character• coming. ··, tho save the evening (from The vat}ous settbip, by •cellent the brink of f:nnui. Law1a~~· .o lder, are well !lob Engman as the dentist (a dooe, . . Y the ftj:<7rd bit of. ooting, that)1 and ahop . . . ...,veils llllo a y Hewett as his dopble cocktail ·Joonp. R l e hard y nurse are uniformly ex. Anderlen -bas popped up on tllent. lhort notice' from s an Engman carries off his role Clemente to handle th e th the smooth, polished.Dair technical direction, 1nother 'Inned by many a comedy fine piece Of work. ~~ ~itb him , ti!· ''Cactus FIO't'fi'' continues Ing 11-lin 'irt lri iJSelf; and'tie this -k iiiil-nrn;-TUe.i.y ao;n1na!Jlmd ii 1a ·ueao-lhrough Salurday, at the FloWer:''' · playtv.Jse, 606 Laguna Canyon iftie . ...., may be said .o1 Road, Laguna Beach. delighted capacity audiences music long before the show in the Orange Coast Colle1,e opens and long after it has By BOB TH. Oi.'\fAS Fein} said, "Ask him -the closed . •. ~ he d . ,, auditorium over the wee ken . We should know. We'Ve had HOLLYWOOD (AP) -'-w..-:.1. can ° Js say no. We do not allo our own 1·--l'Ul Bennv n•i.ed P-k pondered w .. ..-to ,live wlth "Yum, yummity, advance review on Jack Ben-,, _... • ...... • mense pleasure at these an-• later said, "Why not?" p~ yum, yum, you' all weekend .. ny's television special for vided that his salary go to the •nual pantomimes -for that is All right, boys, I haven't tonight: "Sensational!" The what they are in the truest forgotten your very special pet re•"'--·. Jack Benny. Motion Picture Rellef Fund, se.1se of the British Christmas · th! ·a1 h "'"" ~which Peck Is cha1·nnan of in s very spec1 Ii ow; 1111 producUons -tG dete~· e L k Eb The reviewer bears tile be.st the fund dn·ve. . 1 . Wh h u ey sen. a gorgeous of credent: ais for his evalua our crit cism. at we to ginger tom who rorgot all ti«!: Jen~y service in ~ You know something? .. said say is based on what the about. the "show must go on" fiekl; sagacity in judging Benny. "I couldn't get Peck to Barleys' four buckling critics tradition on Saturday and P erfo rmances·, articulate stop rehearsing. I finally had have to tell us and here's a decided lhat he. should go olf J·u•--•-. --only thing he to say to him, 'Greg, l 'm sampling from the l w o --just be!ote the opening cur· "fi" .. "'1""" 1J.K: ti ed w , ~ lo 1 1 younger theatergoers : t in · ml,.. •--k is ob).ectivitv, r : eve&"" sop or a a . &•• ~ ' while!' " Simon (7): "Ooob, it was A next door neighbor, Spice, Yet Benny, ageless, though "In 35 years In radio and lovely. I thought all that took over the Lukey role at 75, remains as enthralled by television, 1 don't Utink I've magic was lovely and the way short notice but it appears show busine!s as the mosL ever had a guest star who was they made that pussy irito a that Buddy's mannalade baby green of juvenil~. The results more cooperative and ·offered big eat, that was lovely too. heard all about the meowing can be seen tonight en "Jack 00 probleins." But 1 was a bit frightened of that went on through IOme Benny's New Look" over NBC. the ogre .•• n pretty vital ace:nes:. It's a fairy "I think it's just great," he Those 35 years comprise a OGRE FUNNY tale in ill own right, you r .... -~ed wi"tb SlllC. ->h. 1·n an remarkable record in broad-might say, but there • .was ...... "'""; Nicholas (I): "Oh, t wasn't interview at his office in casting for ~y. Most of f . h ned f th Lukey 0.1 Sunday raring to go Bev-I• Hi·11s. "Ev~ -•ow that Tune he starred in. his ng te 0 e ogre (not in bis own part and pdttlng in ... ,, . ~·:r .,., mucbt and I thought he was •-'I and I I've ev-done on •-•-•-,..· own weekJy show; onlv m the f a si.ei ar -noise ess -... i.cic•l{I ' very unny. Yes, and I ,was a rf · I 've found some fault with. I past few year~ has he .clll bit sorry when Puss turned pe ormance. mean, I always find something · down to occasional specials hhJ1 into a llttle, tiny ogre. l HAPPY ENDING1 that could have been better, ~t hguestd •piieart f 1ances.bl N: liked Puss, daddy, and wam't Like Lukey said, there's j · once the show was put e oesn ee capa e he a clever singer and dancer nothing like a happy ending. together. doing the weekly stint. , .• ? We got it on all counts in this "This one, no.'] liked every "I sW1 get offers to go back Yes, Nicholas, you put yotir splendid Christmu sbow. fnch of the film, and I even to the weekly show,'' he finger on the star of a show in A lot of people bave put In a saw it without color. Now if a remarked. "[ got two just. which we shouldn't really look tremendous amoo.1t of tim'e . show looks good to me in recently. But I told the for stars bearing in mind the and talent for a show that has : black and white, you can irn-fellows : 'You couldn't afford-overall exffile.ice ol this pro-been limited to just five • ducUon. To our mind, it was perfonnances agine bow it would Jook in col-me. the best casting we·ve seen in We still c~n't understand LATE i HOW TON IGHT -ALL TH•ATRl!I Sl!I IOTH FEATUll:ES .I.I L.1.TI AS 11•• PM. Arlt Gvlltrll "ALICl'I Ra STAUll:ANT" Ull Thi -II .. "Yl!!,.l.OW IUW Al lNI!" LM VIII CINI "OAY OF .I.NOii" IMI PlttY Dlllt• ".M• MAT.I.I.II" IMI ""'llllllt ,.._ Mkllffl YM "JUITIM•'" Ill •ldll,.. a.,.. ltt11 M11T1- "STAIRCAS•" ltl. , ... _ "MAH• .. M Ml9M" IMI ......... TM• U.t.'f,. CM) TM• U.L'f" Eva Show Starla 7 P.M. CDNTfNUOUS SHOW . SATUltDAY,SUNDAY PltOM 2 P.M. orum~ Returns t SCJ! j;omedy1 Hel<J, Over ~The ~Y of' tick.ts has -Oraore ~ audiences will n too ·~ for the demand set ti the thow becluae the or!" "Not that ·1·m that ex-------'----------------11 iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii Benny was proode.st of his J)enslve. The point is that if t I coop . in snagging Gregory did a weekly show again, I Crossword Puzzle HELD QVER 2nd WEEK Peck u song.and-d ance man woold insist on a three-year SOARING the playgoer. -.. South bas , ~ is bringing company sche<tuled • two- "A tlmnY Thing Hap-1'eeitDd engagement of three · ·on Q>e Way lo the short plars by Fernando ,,,_ ·"'' ·: .. · rabatfor a Dec. 12 opening. ~ _. . more1'r{Ormances of Bill 1t1il1er will CODtinue to inu~cal lc\fuidy· far& set play the lea~· role of ancient Rome will be given Pseudolus in "F , " having ls weekend-; Friday,,Satur-tateo,. over for A Koust.ik and Sllllday -at ~·s li'hen the latter lost bia voice. trd Step Theater in Costa Toni $hearer will play tht role a. of Gymn asia, originally done We hadn't plaMed to ex-by Toni Oouglasa, for the final the run of "Forum," ex-weekend. ' ~· SCR executive direc-Performances are scheduled Jidt Dnkl Emmes, "but we for 8:30 p.m. at the Third )iit can't crose a show that siep, 1827 Newport Blvd., ~e still ~ant tp see." Costa M e s a • Reservations ;· ~ three ho I d o ve r may be made by calling the t"f<W?nances wid be the 1ast box off.ice at 648-136.'I. ' ·. -.. CHILDREN'S lontlut- tholont • MATINEE oWoitN ; l•""'9ftC• Satllrday, °""""'' ,..,, 12:30 teft'lff te JERRY LEWIS .... _ 00 ~ ,_.,.C.lltlllllil "Hook, Line & Si"ker" Xllll Ctllhlrrftll "'"""' m •u 11111111 PLUS EXC ITING ADVENTURE on the show. He admitted his contract. In that ray, the ACROSS 56 B!tomts Yi!sl!rday's Puzzle Solved: reluctance to approach the ac· network ~·t ~me off less sl!vl!rr ADVENTURE !0£, but bl. producer, Irving the air if I ahow like. ' .got a l Hurried 5'1 German tltle T"'T ~ S Greek bl Equal ity M 'Dear Liar' Scheduled ' In Anaheim A special performance of "Dear Liar" will be presented 'I'hunday evening at the Ebell Clubhouse in Anaheim. The production will be the first fUll-l ength play sponsored by the Ana·Modjeska Players with all proceeds going to sup- port the newly.formed theater group. The stars: will meet the aildience at a champagne ....,..,Uon follQwlng the 1:15 pet fol 111ance. Grace G:odino will play Mrs. Patrick Campbell and Melvin Winon will portray George Bernard. Shaw in this touching romantic comedy of letters. "Dear Liar" recenUy com· pleted its run iri Santa Monica and bas been imported by the Anabeim theattr group for 1'nnday evtning oni)'. For tlcketa or furthf.r tnrormaUon call~ or 535-5814. "A REMARICAILE flLM" --c-. ... ,,,,...., ....... ~--'!!.'="'"'"' 1 ' [!le I betterratingoppo6tte·me."He Jetter bC-·--Dvor1k LIVES mentioned with dladain the 9 lilarblt •s Furthest name of a now defunct 1eties IC Grant bound fOl~ERI about . •-·rt 15 Preposition 67 Holy L111d SUl"VlVOl"I on a UCll'C lb --Gabl t s 70 lmltatlvt We. I promised not to usi: ita 17 Admiring 71 Untrusl· name. .. s1rvllely worthy Benny already bas an active 1'1 Labors ptrson schedule lined up for 1970, in-20 ~:~~Ing 72 !11i1 1,~std volving concert dates and 21 Fairy ind mltl engagements BL Las Ve£as 23 Fish · 7J lrrltablt and Lake Tahoe. But he is 2C Knock out 7C Sharpness 27 Curst 75 Part ol keeping the year fluld SO he zit Aboundtd !ht body can participate in more 31 PHc:htS ' t.elevision speciali. 35 Form t r DOWN PorWgutse Albee Drama Tryouts Set Auditions for the Orange Coonty premiere of Edward Albee's "A Delicate Balance," the next production of the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, will be hekl Sunday and Mon- day evenings at the city's Community Center auditorium. Howard "Hap" Graham, who earned the playhouse's best actor award lut seuon playlng the leading role in "Middle of the Night' on three days' notice, is dlreclint the Albee drama of alcoholtim and insa.nity. A cast of. four women and two men is requl!'~. w!Ut tryouts scheduled for a p.m. both nlihlo, The Communlly Center is located on the Orange Counl)' Fairgrounds, co ldny 1 Htm of J7 Hardsh ip· att!rt 39 Entertain· 2 l'roptl a mtnl fo1m blcyclt' 40 Spanish J Capablt dukt , of bting 42 Swollen lnstructtd patt 4 Remov1 44 Shamrock S.Howtver land . • Fln ial 45 Numtrlcal 7 Mus lclan'5 prtflx concern C7 Dark brown I English: •• Foot: Sulll• Comb. form SO Lllt fll')' 'I !'lay If''' form" 10 Capt o 52 Make st1li le SC Enlarge a hol~ • --·--: l!/l/6' 12 Soapy •J Ci!r!mony min t ral ~& Wrath 13 Besides CS Ltg81d1ry 18 Flowrr strongman Zl Distant 51 Talk 25 Eject lnttsSantly 26 Eth io pian 53 01 a 1 tltle .r~l.l11_iJU S 28 Al5o pttftiu JO Ctrta ln 55 Toronto -roofs L!1 ls • 32 Hiv ing 1 57 Gin and ....... wind ing 58 Go lurttre·f course S9 Ow1lllng 33 Sm all group un it 34 Grit LO Ma\ur1 35 Englishman's &l FrPnch umbr ella fr iends 1b Medlty •l Mllltary 38 Rodeo action part(ci pant • b9 Blbllcal • 41 Ont dt'fOttd to welf1r1 of others -,. "flHl~O'.' ........ • I ·':•THEWDT . M•LD OYt• r '· h!'I t.•"'*,., '".TH I •TPlf Jiti01H1'" :\ ' . ' • -A'l:l.-SEA U Jk -Iii----------_____ '!f!'flll.J•mftGt•ntr • ._ ____________________ __, I ~ MJiNf;'I!• '·"" ' ,. ContinUOUI Show Sunday From 2 p.m. HELD OVER I \ r \ I DAILY PILOT l • -8tate Work -New Ga8 Force Grows SAN FR...,.CISCO !UPI ) - Callfomia'i work force grew by l,1134,200 during the 19!1 lo 19111 period. the U.S. Depart· mtnt o( Labor nnnounctd Monday. ' Charles Rouma55et, regional director of the Bureau of Labor Slatistics1 .said the state's nonagJ'icullural payroll sweOei:J to-i 1968 total nf 6.630.300. He said the grt>wlh was the l.1rgesl in ad.uaJ num- bers or any stale. Look Out Numbtr 4 ..,,.. ~.-... A11ai.v..-w1•,.. ........... ll'lv_.tMlt °"' ""'"' .... "'"'' GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY eilDUf •llOYlf AT 111.0011.HUll.ST 06-'2'80 GAS PRESIDENT W. Morton Jacobs FOi CALlfOlNIA lU1DINH ONLY Village One Investment 'Company I h•' li1•11 forr111' to purch11• 1 14& 1>1111 1p1rh11•11f co111pl1r now 1>rtd1r c.0111ti1o1ctio11 i11 S1nt1 An1, C11ifarnl1 n••r tb1 Sowtli Co1ll Pl•l • Shoppln9 C1nt1r • • Tw• l.1111.dr.d 12001 lirnit.d p1ttn•ra~ip u11ih 111 b1ln9 off.rM fop 111• ~r•wth Coldw1ll, l111k1r & Co111p1ny 1t four Tli•1o1J1nd SeV1• Hundr1d 0011111 ! $4, 7001 . p1r u11ll. 111¥1,f.n •hould h1 .. 1 111 1nnu11 i11co1111 of et 11111 Twenty fiw1 Thou1111d 0011111 1$25 ,000) 111d I 111ini111u111 ••t worth of at l•11t f ifty Tli•u••rtd Ooll1n ($50,0001, 1Jcl1o1dln9 ho1111, fur· ni,liingi ind 111to111oliil1\; or, 1 111ini111u111 nit worlh of 0111 Hu11• dr1d l"0\111rtd Oolt-.rt l f t00,000 ), Fof f11rl"•• infor1111lion ~·II 1714) 644·24)0. COlDWllL. IANklJl & COMPANY 1!51 NlWPOlT ClNTll DllYl NfWPOIT IUCH, CALIPOlNIA 92660 ThlJ ~Chl<'l11tmenl Is neither •n otter to ••JI flOi' I "llcl11!ion of •n Of/tr le bu~ er stH unl1' In Vlll•Ot Ont ln~tilllltol Compnny. Tll• nfler I~ mtGt only ny mt Ollerlng C!rcu11r. NOS Merrill Lynch invites you to a free Mutual Fund Forum T • .-,. Decembtt ' '" °"' Saitta AfKI offic.ir ,,. S19entrom Center ot 7 ,30 PM """P WNnetday, December 10 lalboo lay Chlb Clipper loom, Newport leoch at 7,30 PM -p (pie.Ii th• mo1t conYenlent date & locotlon) Mutual funds are multiplying atanamazingrate! More than 400 different fund s are available today. There are funds that seek growth . Funds that seek income. "Go-go" funds. Balanced fund s. Funds for farmers, airline pilots, docwrs, teachers. Even fund s that invest mostly underwater ! So much is happening in mulual funds Wday, that almo~l any inveslor needs guidance. - That'• why Merrill Lynch is having these special "guided tour" forums. \Ve'll explain what mutual fund s are, how they're run, what risks and rewards they offer, how well they've done, what different kinds are available and how much they cost. We'll also tell you how Merrill Lynch can help you make an intelligent choice among them to try w meet your personal investment objective. ' . Thel'e's no charge for attending one of these forums. For your free reservations, simply call or return the coupon belo,v. --------------------------------- ~<'Ht.\ for )'our J\.lutu11J f'unU forum Uei111; held on .. -..... _.l iocat1on 1 i;i11.-~------Zip-----Pho•''-------- MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCll, F•NNllR & •MITH INC SEGERSTROM CENTER 92702 Tel1phone: 547·7272 ' 11000 N. M1 inl SAlllTA ANA Complet~New. -York-Stoell.List I ' \ I " ' Trip Ahend I Housing I l l I '·------, I L DAJLY •ILDT 31 ' . Complete New Prices-Y'Ork . ' ·' f Sags Below 80() ' . I ' Final Stocks In All Home Editions Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List · \ " \ I ' i I l ) \ - I l • • Wed~r/. Doctm"" J, l '169 ... UNIEATAILE VOLUME SAVINGS AT TH~ ~)tOMt bF. ~-"THE SHARPEST PENCIL IN' TflE wPT'' - . l i, , r . . . . . • ' ' • I • ' ' • : IR~tllD ' _NEW ' sto ,·2~DR. , ' • . : • l , I • ! I ' I • I ' • INCLUDl)iiG •AlL 1HISI: . • SHARP :P~NCIL . ,_;.,...,;;..;_>I!<.._,_.. . . . SMCIA~ · ~:_-... ;~:..."""'~ ;,,q· ·z(s ..... s· .. · .-•T•• .W _....,. ... _ _.....,. 'I,, . • • .._ -..... -.·~-"' ,,..,.,,;,\>• . ,._ . . .;i· .. _, ';. ~ .. 'fill ....... ~,....... f • ,f • ' '• · •' -·· L "\ ~'--1-~~ · • ' ~ ' ~~ ' , • ....... tfltit,,· ~'.\~I .... ~~ . ' ' I . .",~"'; . '•. • ' ....... · . · -· : · · "· -· '" ~'. · . · : .. Filu:.l!lt1ct . ' ' / '• ; •I • ' • • • .~ I' . ~; ' . --.USED ' <AR vSPiCJALS I -_· . . '... . . ; ·-' . ' ............................... FREE ·: .. ;. fo<::!'-~~ ...... ~ s,;,.";..., w......... FREE 100°/o PARTS AND LAIQR WARRANTY -- .: .. ' _· : . 4000. MILES QR;.tg DAYS • · -· · - Cewrs ell IHCM;ttlctjl ~ 11~1"" .. , ...... !'~"!' t1rn, . .»11e, ,_,, "'··'PLUS ..,.": ~ ... ,_ ~.•JftM-..4~ -~ ~ ~-··:--! ~-~~-~~""'-'· -, II ' :; ''• Ir, . ·-" ' •• -... ' ::.:•·.> .... ' SPEC,1"'1;:4"!' 'ffP. . -· ,,; ,..; .'65 aiJfcK ' ELECTii 225 . ' C Or. H.T. Autom1tic:, pow1r 1!1•tillt ·br1•11-wi11ilow1, FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING. I Motor No, 2Cll14) '1 090 • 64 Continental ~ 4 DOOlt SEDAN Full pow1r, FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING. IULF 7791 Stock 1600 '66 CHEV .. "'\'la .TOM V.B, l on9b1d, 1lick, r~dio, h1a l1r. iTIJ511J $1190 '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP Va, r1dio, h11l1r. 5'1nd1rd 1hift. !OTO 5291 Slo(k 513A. $990 '66 MERCURY MONTlltlT 2 Or, H.T. V-B. 1ufom1tic, 'adio, h11i•r, pow1r 1!11r· i119. ISL W 1651 $1090 '68 GOLDLINE f;b1ro;il111 t 0 Ft. C1mp1r in eic1ll1nl condition. 120· 1 104111 Stock P1427TC • $1290 '6 7 Chevrolet IMrAU. 2 DI, H.T. VI, 1ulom.1tic, P.S., r1d!o, h11!1r. iTSM 9661, Stock P11ll $14.90 ~68 FoRD lliALAXll JOO 2 Dr. H.T. low mil1191. VI , ~i11yl roof, 1uto., P.S., IWlCG 47Sl Stock 27llA. R1m•i11d1r of fief, w1rr1rt· ,., 1¥1il. ---S1990 '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP J90 VI, 1uto., P.S., RlH. "THE HOT ONE" IFO! 145) Stock 1287A $1.590 '64 RAMBLER A!i41RICAN JJO W1gon. low mil1191, 1ulo· m1tic lr1n1min io11, IKJF 6921 Sloe• l171A $690 '69 COBRA Sport Roof, P.S .. P'ow1r di1c br1•11, crui10,.,1tie, 421 VI , poly9l11 wid1 0¥11 tir11. tZLH llll $2790 Z Dr. H.T. 4 •p11d, r1dio, h11t1r, wir1 whL eov1r1, rid w/hl1,k i11t1rior. ( PSC- Olll. $790 '66 FORD fAllLANI $00 2 Dr. H.T. FACTORY AIR, ,VI, 1uto .• r.s., IRRW 137} Stock Pll2S $1390 '65 FORD GALAlll JOO 4 D1, H.T. FACTORY AIR, Auto., RlH, P.S .. P.I .. p. window1 , P-1 111. f PJlC ]J7) Stock 2401A S990 '67 PONTIAC · LI MANS 2 Dr. H.T, 126 VI, 1ulom1· lie, P.S., R., H .• 41 ,243 mil11. Bur9u11d., with bl1ck ¥inyl int1rior. IYWS 049) $1890 '64 CORVETTE HARDTOP • R1mov1bl1 lop. 4 1p11d, r1d io, lt11!1r, pow1r win· dow1, AM.FM r1dio. I RHC 9011 ~1890 . '68 Continental 4 Or. Sid. Full power, fie· lory 1ir, AM-FM. vinyl roof, l11lher i11l1r. I own1r. IZVCI 9561 ~~990 GALA.Ill 500 . 4 Dr. Sid. 3•o V8 , 1ulo., FACTORY AIR. P.S., P.B .. radio, lt1•t1r. fZVE 7121 90 d1., or 4,000 mi, w1rr1nt.,. $1.590 '64. DODGE 11, TON Pickup, lon9b1d, V.1, 1u!O· m1tic, custom c1b, h11t1r. {l26J421 $990 '64 PONTIAC TEMPIST STA. WAliON FACTORY AIR CONDI· TIONING, 111tom1tit, ,,. dio, h11l1r. pow1r 1i11rin9. ! FNA 646) $790 - '67 DATSUN WAGON Sticlr ihift -low 1T1i11191. (TWV 0791 $1290 '68 DODGE COl:OHn 4-DOOlt SIDAN V-1, pow1r 1!11riif9, pqwer. br1k11, h11t1r. N1wport 01!1tli¥1 Cir. 1]15171) $1350 ''69 FORD CUSTO~ . 4 Dr. Sid. 429 VB, eulo., power 1l11rin9 & 4;,, brake1, h11l1r. City of Co1· 11 M111 Police cir. Com· pl1t1l., m1int1in1cl 11 lh10· clor1 Robini. R1m1ind1r of f1ct. w1rr. 1¥1il,'!9J51Kr. 1401tl (St•. No. 914111 $1700 ' . . . . . • • • ., . -.. I~ . .. , . . . . " All ·it·emC.lninCJ '69is NQw · Slashed :to koC.)f . ~ · · · e·ottom :: ·For · Immediate Clearan~e! ... .-StlLt A GOOD J.ELECTION t6. CHOOS~ FROM.-' . ' . , "' SKI SAVINGS! SAVINGS! '66 CHEVY. WAGON v.1. 1ulom1tic, r1dio, h11t- 1r, power ol11 rin 9. IYCP 3001 $1290 '66 PLYMOUTH '. YALIANT 2 DOOlt S1d111. Economy plu1 FAC · TORY AIR, l 1p11d. ITQC S66i Stock 625A $1790 '69 MACH 1 190 VI, P.S~ '·'11c l1r1lr1;, AM·FM STEltEO · RADIO, crui101T11tic1• ... i81 ov1l.lir1i, white ..,./bl1tk int.rior. lff. m1ind1r of f1clory w1rr 1n· 1., 1¥1ilabl1. IYCU4521 $AVE '68 FORD CUSTOM ltO VB 1119in1, pow1r 1t1er· ing, cr11l1om1 lit tr1n1rfli1· 1ion, r01d i o 111d h1at1r. Police Cir. f 11 s540 I • $12PO -. . ' -' . . ' ... Go Wllere and When.You .Want to Without Reserv~ti~s < -· ••• on a Family Bcidget That Mqkes Sense! _ · ' -\ · ' . ' ' ' . :. ' " \ : BRAND NEW ELDORA® 10~ FT~--CAMP.EI '_ · --. Lisi r'ilcE SALE ·PRICE • . · . orscoukT. '.; • -~ ---$201 ·485 _ !1395~~ $~l7~';i:~ READY TO INSTALL . ON YOUR PRESENT PICK-UP OR A -NEW FORD PICK:UP! > • .1, .•. ,.( .. t .. ··. . \:: ~·1·,';f ~iif-.'.~..fif"' Includes Pressure Wat~ · ~YJl'efii 1• · , ·Sink,i$tove wi~h Oven, lee'llOx, ~at· _.' t~esses, ~ra~'· . Electric \"d G!ls r Ughts, Vinyl Floors,. ~c. . -.. .,,. . ' ' . --: j OVER 40 CAMPERS IN STOCK !'. REDUCED 10 Cl~R! SAVINGS! .. SAVINGS! . '67 • l'IAT 'ill s),i1;111 ' . "A REAL 'Si1ARP CAR.· Come i,; i nd t1it ·dr!v·1 it tro cl•y. 100197001 Stock 25A $.4VE '69 CHEV. WA•ON K;ng1wo od. 196 VI, a11lo .. factory air, P.S., P-di1c br1ke1, luq91i)1 rick. oil ¥inyl inl11r. App•. 16,900 mil11. (02 74141 IStk. # Pl4l 1 I $3290 IUT YOUI TIUCI A C.A:MPll l'IOM THEODOIE IOllNS FOllJ. ~ . ' . AUfHot~D 't1uc.t• CAMPER Dl!ALll WHEIE FINANCING IS AYAILAILE ON THE ENTlll ~A.CXAGI. ·-,_.,., . j 9 < -,.J lit14, .. ? • SAVINGS! SAVINGS! •--Virtually -~~itry ~o!O{ 'A11d .. - OP,ti!ln Made. ~ow In .StOck' And , i • • ' r ' . . ' Ready For lmme~iate· 'Delivery · . . t \ • ., . • ' At Robins· Volume Sa~ingsl' · . -'1'·' < .. . . . . . . - LEASE A 'NEW. · 'lf70t ' \ All Popular Makes And Model~ We Are A Member Of ·The Ford ~ori1.d . L•asing System . . " -. . . 2060 Harbor. " .. ,. I I 7 • 7 • ' . / . ' ' I fiui!k --· • ' . ' . . . Vpt:..62, NO. 289, 5 SECTIONS, 76: PAG~ ' . -.. ·o ·e . . ' .. • ·. . '• Tax Elec.tion ' . -" . ,, . " • ~---··-·-""'·· 'I"" -· • -.... ~ , .. ( ,. " . ' ' ' . ORANGE· f OtlNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBE~ 3, ;f96' TEN CENTS . :._,. -··-1 es . ' .. • ew Due Recounted . ·- ... ~ "l ... . ~~ "J ~. . .. ·~aro. • ----' • • • • . ' I . ~ Override Gets .~ag-,iim OK ·Thursday By Lawyer • tax o\ierrid"es totalling $1.25 by ·majority vote;while ruling on1a 5400;000 bond issue at stVS:n percent per annum. District l(\ters will ha.ve an opt.ion to A multi-proposition tax override elec- tion to fin~ needs oE Laguna Beach Un.ified School District will be approved by trustees at a special session Thursday tlghL , ·T~ election will follow -a SS.Cent tax override defeated last April. 'f.nwlees deferred a~ion· on lhe bond 'od tai: rate increase ~Y night to allow a necessary 48-hour posUng period. vote yes Or no on three propbsi'Hons: · -The first increase proposition would add 6S cenLs to the present $2.20 tax rate, rwlth 'money t6' be used for ·cla:J:sroom " inateMats; teXts, library boo);s, inservice training, htalth service and additional The Feb. 24 election will allow. voters to ap(irove or d.¥pprove all or pai:t of lbree Six Arrested In Lagnna On Drug Counts Six persons' were arrested on drug charges in Laguna Beach TU~ay night In a. raid that ranged from fashionable Cliff Drive,lo less stylish Faizywood Lane ' I . ' in Lagunp. Cany9r\. ·, A quaiility of hashish. a small amount of heroin and hypodermic kl~ were seiz- ed as e'fj.dence, police re~. · ~"I Will' to;~. 'l'.~,a!>l!! Lai:u»~: .i. ficen and agents ol~ Stai..,BF<•u of Nm:otlcs first arrested Grepjl' Mathew Grty, 19, at 7:10 p.m. 'The alleged hasll15h was found in htlf:apartmentrat 216 CJ,lft Drive, officers i'.kt.· Tilkeri to Oi'ang8 cOuufy·jail llJld ·booked ohct 11,250,,,;ar'. rant, he is charged wft.b aale or dangerous drugs. f · · . ~ second "arrant was lfrved !!hortly before midnight on Sal'q!Jel Robert Rusty" Gibson, 33, who is charged with the sale of dangerous drµp and with maintaining a ·houte wbere cfr.u&s are us- eJI. , ' -.; Laguna Beac~ officers Norman Bab- coctc arid· Neil Purcell accon,panied four state a8ents to Gib90n'11 Lanna Canyon l\orne at 1214 Fal!'fWood Lani where he SUITendered, Babcock said, 1'ith "slight tesist.anCe." He was taken to Orange County Jail. Al'!O: art..ied at ·the Fairywood Lane . 1ddress and booked into Laguna Beach jail, ch~rged with suspicion of Possession of dangerous drugs were Jacqutllne Rae Parker, 18, Dan1el K. · Deilenberg, 27, Freddie Scott Barker, 22, and Charles Paul Becker, 27. A I small quantity ~ heroin and narmtcs paraphernalia, including the hypo kitJ, were found at the Gibson hotne, poltce said. Stock Mar ket JiEW YORK (AP) ·-Stock market l)r{~ remained sharply and broadly lower in. tste afternoon trading today. (~e quotations1 Paps-30'31). . , ~Uning atocks were morejban . four · Umel as great as., galoerl· at a ratio or 1,1115 U> ,l43. ' .. . . Oruge • 1t'eatlter ' ' Under partly cloudy, but most· Jy s~r. 1klel, the Orange (;;oast will .bas't'...itf'.tnhf.70-degree weath-er Thunday •. INSIDE ToDAY Tht latest prod•atton o/ th• l'Joa""" Moulton Ployllowe 'and lh< onnual holldaV o/Jerlng ·( ft'om the • Childrtn11 ThtOttr GtdJd,ore ,.eviawtd ·todat1: Ste: Entertainment, Paoe: 29 •. =lit ~: :::"........ ..;: ~ I M\llWI l'llllft M C-C:W.. t H**"'ll Newt ... c .. ,~ ,,... °'' ... c...w w c-kt lt .. TA Je; c_,.. n '""' n.n I .,._ Ntfkn It Ot, Jttlllcf'lll• II ~ ll JIMt Mlttt'b •-" nlWlll ,_. I , TMVhllifl lt· ltit.n1ilwlttM " n..ttrl ,..,.. ,..._ •n w.-.r 4 ""'"'""" "' 0111111 w~n. n Mlt........,.. ~ WWW Ntwl 4oJ. ,..,.... ,, .................... ~&.--.II .. staff. . -'lte:lec~baiiot .item wout4 ';dd 40 . I • LEAPS TO FREEDOM , , Vocollst Blrd•Olll . . . . . I Sin'gi'tl g Star: KU1nap Suspect Gives :Self Up • !( LAS VJU;AS, Nev. (AP) -A Jloll)'Wood ' nian turned, llimsetf in to police ~llere today h04Ts ·after singer Cin- dy, Birdsong or the Supremes reported &he escapee.I fl'Q.m a kidna!:Y. unhanned. Miss Birdsong, .so. said she w_as ab- ducted froh\ her Hollywood apartment at knifepoint Tuesday night but jumped from the kidnaper's car as it traveled along ·a fr~way. City police said Charles Edward Collier, 2&, who resides in the same apart- ment }uilding as Mi~ Birdsong, called them from a motel on the .Las Vegas Strip and said he had abducted her. They said he told them he had flown frotn Los Angeles and bad $2 in his possession after JoSing all o( his money gambling. . He was boQked on a California fugitive ch~ge. Miss BirdS(lng suffered multiple lacera- tions when she jumped and was reported in saUsfactory condition at Long Beach Memorial HOspital. She also was treated for m.Jnoi-knife slashes. Pollce1.said. the kldnaper, described as weartng -&>:-,brown leather jacket, was hldlng in . I bedroom of the singer's Hollywood hcine w}len she returned in the evening. ./ ' Two friendJ. Charles HewleU, 25. and Howard N.'~ 25, had ·gone to the home earlier and : fere ·waiting for Miss Bird9ong, apparenUy unaware of the kid- naper in the .bedroom. . , Drug Program 'ropic of Board Plans for a new program concerning drug abuse win be disclosed at tooight's meeting ol the Sin 'JoaqU!n School Board of Trull.eel. , · The ~eeting will take place at 7 o'clock al Irvine Sc\IOOI. Tile boa'nf.•lnstru<ted the administrator at the Noverpber meeting to prepare a co_mprebeJ!l!fe pfOITam to combat d;ug abuse after a plea by assistant superintendent William Fox on the need for such a program in the di!trict. Alao 911 lhe agenda will be Ule adoption of a reSolutlon to sell $1 ,900,000 in school bonds. Bonds can . now be sold in the district since voters approved a measure on Nov. 25 raising the lnlerest rate from fi~e to ~Ven percent. . Buslneu Manager .ftex Nerison said that the amount to be approved has not been spectllcaDy detennined as U> its use at .. thil tlme. .I I ' . . ' . ---· ~ cents to the tax r!ile formuc cn81 sup- port programs of transpo Ion, opera- tions. maintenante and r charges for replacement of equip nt and main- tenance. ; -The third issue at the rate of 20 cents would be used for cll.pital outlay ex- penditure for equipment a·t the high school, elementary schools and junior high school and purchase or new vehicles. Oo advice of District Superintendent (See SCHOOL TAX, Page %) Nixo11 Urges No-Knoek Law On Dr~g Cases LOS ANGELES (AP)--A lawyer for.• girl member of the hippie b•rid linked ,.;· the Sharon Tate murders said today the killings were carried · out by fiv~ people clad in black wrio entered· the mansion after one of 1hem had cut uUUty lines. The next night., attorney Pa.ul GJrqs.o added, the same group picked· a house at random and stabbed to death' a wealthy market owner and his wife -tben'. took , showers in the house and had .a snack from the ice box. - Caruso, a veleran Los Angeles crimlnal . attorney, represents Susan Denise Atkins, 21, a mem~r of a band.of nomadic hi!>" pif!s. Police say several memberi;· o( the group performed the Tate murders, those Qf the market family, and may have been involved in ottters. Caruso told a newsman that Miss Atkins,· who is charged with a murder in ttte Malibu arta, told him in a five-hour interview that she was one of the fiVe who went to the 'fate mansion In Bet~Air. He gave this account of her story: WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Nixon ad-"Five people .dressed in black ap- . · t · II proached the Polanski residence (MiSs m1n1s ration unve ed to state governors Tate was the wife of Polish film direct.or today a suggested state Jlarcotics law Roman Polanski). A man used a pair of that would give police the right to enter bolt cutters to cut the electric Jlnes, then homes withput knoCking :to search for drtis. cedript a.rounnd d the side ofeclthethbofrus:e, odpen-'lfie model law would allow police to a w1 ow,. tb<m open e ont oor get a search warrant for a no-knock en· and the others entered. try il they had "probable cause" to .. 'rhen the hOmicide took ·-plact. Parent l believe there were illegal narcotics, inside (SteVen Piren~ lJ } a f~ the a h00$e. Under fe4'1'11lt1'.ws •¥ -~.<.;· mi· ' '"" '· ·" .l state !&WI noVf,' polftiimft\be "pijliti~• '· ·="i~.i.t1;fiti~ '-d~~.IJ ·, . .outs~:. ,. · '1'~1y··· r-'• of the evidence first. · , · e n •e 'e ~ I . r !' · o W\.iftl'· · . ijc~ Narcotics agents have complained that Frokowsky), ': frieiid' o~ PolaDs~. wu hit requiring th~ to knock and announce o~ the head Wlth the butt ?:': a pistol, then their p~ . .JDd authority before en· k=ed .. Two Wert killed onlhe la~ .They tertng a hon'ie~sivea occupants '.time to iQ from the.w~.homlclde. hide lllegil lfn!gs. . Ca did not. ldeilll!r' Ille qtller tour, Attorney · Getiera1 t John-N.-Mitchell but. hXl two we.:.e .woz:nen and· two . men. unveiled lhe model law at the White ~tsrTate1;-t'h-.m~ths-prepiant, w14 House Conference on Narcotics for state stabbed after vO.lclng a ptea to eave her governors. He said it was tn draft form baby, be 1ald, a_n<l ·Frakowsky .bad offered and may be revised money to the killers. The proposed stale law! would leave The slayings the next ntght, he said,.oc- penaltles for possession and sale of illicit cur:e<f because It was feared the Ta~ drugs to the discretion of the stae. The killings ~lght ha\re caused t.be group to Nixon administration has proposed at the "lose the1r ne~e." . federal level to make possession of any Caruso declined detalls of the .killings. drug a.misdemeanor on -the fifst offense, Oth~rs sl~n .were .Miss Tale, her for· wi~. sentencing at the discretion , of the mer flance, hatr sty~si Jar, Sebring, and judge up to a maximum one year in jail coffee heiress Abigail Fo l ei:'· · aud/or a $5,000 fine. . AJlo~ ~ttorqey for M111 At~. Narcotics offenses occur ·primarily at Richard Cat_>allero, sa~d she ~ld, ~ the state and. local level. tn i968, there !~at t~e.~lpp1e group was a qu8.Sll'elig1ous were 162,177 stale and local narcotics ar-family headed by Charles M .. Ma~.son, rests compared with just 4 000 · fede 1 35". ~aballero ~Id Miss Atkins had cases ' ra nothing to do w1th~e murders" as she ).~·tcli u ·d th od 1 1 " . was under what be dea;cribed as Man-·:~1 . e s~ e m e aw will re-son's "hypnotic spell." qwre nnmed1ate, positive action by the "We belong to him not to ourselves" stat.es. If we are t,o successfully wage. a Caballero quoted her ',as sayiiig of M~ coordinate, effective w~r on narcotics son. Manson's followeii cailed him "God" and dangerous drug traff1ck~rs and If we and "&atant'' Caballero said. . are _to successfully ?'ntrol tl}e flow of Manson, 35, 8w8ited a preliminary l~gltill)-ate. drugs . !tfld, 'prevent ·their hearing Wednesday at Independence diversion into the tllictt dnfg ·market." (See TATE CASE, Page %) '1 Linkletter Calls teary 'Poisonous Evil Man" WASHINGTON (UPI) ~ :rY star Art Linkletter today cond'emned Dr. Timothy Leary, a fonner Harvard University pro- fessor , as "that poisonous evil man" for promoting "mind expanding" drugs such as mariiuana and LSD. He told the governors conference on narcotics and dangerous drugs that Leary, speaking to standing-room-o~ly crowds at universities, has been telling students that ta~irig drugs "is a way to turn on. Tum out and drop out." Llnkletter, with President ·Nixon and Vfce Prea;ldent Spiro T. Agnew sitting with him on the plaUorm at the State Department auditorium, choked with eJMtion when ht. mrd"the governors and their families atiliUt hi.!l aaughter, Diane. 20. who corrunltted suicide last October after laking LS;>. At I.he time, Llnldetter called lt ••murder" by the pushers and purveyors of drup . He sald that he decided lo speak out in h!s "grief atid outrage" to reveal to others Lhe dangers Involved. He said his··daughter had the "hi~ dlcap" of carrying "a famous nam$'' ah4 added !hat "suoh kids are pr.- judged." He said cbUdrtn of promlnint r' pebple go out of their way to prove "they are part of the aang." The TV entertainer said "Kids are trying such a variety of ,drugs and chemicals no Jaw enforcement can stop them," He said he baJ teceived 50,000 letters "arklng for h~Jp" and his answer is: "We've ,got to g~t the k:}ds tw~d back to life • , . to produce a quallUve Ute th·at wlll make thetn 'want · tO · return to 'a riorpal way of ure-. . '1t'be greate~, · pushers ire· th 't missionaries who have .sold young people on tbe ·u.se·of LSD" and marijqana." !!e then referred to Leary ~lid p'1d the professor was m~klng speechel to the ef- fect that "mari)ll•na wu ll!•en U> us by God." "The rate at ' whlt:h these. evil substances are bein' u~ 'by kids ls In- credible, fantasUc and frlghttnlng, •• he so,.id, He sa!d'the tdu~atlonal proce11 should start at the fQUrth ·grade and lhere should , be an "ombudsman" in the lelhools to • h~lp chlld'ren· who seek advl.,.. He urged , t~ &?Vernon U> mrt ciltil"i ~ tape U> ht!lp young pe&ple ••make It -out lnlk!e" · society inste.d ·of taking drup, I ~ .. .., • ... '.. ( • t ~ • .. -:·.•: f,'11, v,,~f •• ,., ;~,: ·~, -t..~, -~ • !' ~ M'..' • ·-t~lt.T i lLOT'llifl ,._ , · · .,..,,w.:.l•tLJ ·...tit.~. i · . e .'I.,, !IA:•,>·Jr•:••• Oii" , . ., .... ~f]µiJ~s.dn, ,1.~;,~,j,; J~•t01> :a1 '.io:!O~ C)trls~s tree prom~ mg YuloU,~e, cheer al. t~ Paz !\Oa!l; "!)d -Chrls•nla in· Mission Viejo. Ffrat comm.umty tree, brought in ftj>m LSi\e 'Tahoe area is flocked, llgnt.,t "1d wears -volleyball .. iZI! orliaments. ' ntd.e,: S~h,edmed in l\'_Iarch • ..J . ; . ! .. I. .'. , ' ' •• ' ' . ~ .... For Mis sioTI: Vi~jo Librafy ... : ..... · .. :.·-·-·-' Bids wth be 1.ak:~, I~ r.earlr.1tjafch on -Other ~atelial! tentattveJy-pl'al!'.i'ied are !\.fi~sion, V.i~jo's .~ ll~ary. : · • · _ . · 400 periodicals. (40 on mlcrofilm ),.12,oOo Final ~wfngs·ate being cOmpleted for P,amphlets, 2,000 refefe~ ~. 1,000 the regiooal li~rary'WhiCh will be.desJP-: documents and-f,000 _,pictures ·and a ed to. serve ~them courtly cqnµnupities ~d ·library. , . , in tbe Saddlebatk".Vallef.1 ' • • : -Other features . will be 8 region.it The $10,0QO.~uale-rqOt r~ilttY, w111·be· reference ~rvlce and a region at located' on CbriStana Drive ·near· La Paz' librarian's Office. · P\3ia ·on ~a ~oo'e' acre,IOt donat«l by 'the ·Construction' i8 ~~,to begin In Mission-Vlej0o~: : • ~ late spring. ~hitects for the faclllty·are 11.riu ..-;ai>iiMlm11tety !230.000.and · Tom and Trusltier •of HuntLn11on will be cOnstruct;ed. iQ the>i!!arli califomla 'Harbour • architectural -style ·which' 15 required bt . Mission Viejo. '. ' . . . . The Hbrary adult g~n~at. sWzice area will contain 18,000 volumes lniUall)' with • 50,000by19'15. '1'he jil'len1Je· ar'ea·wil heon· tain 7,500: ·initially -With 15,o® vllhames: ultimately. •• :/. . I " ' f, .. · J • t l • ·I I I I .. •• 2 DAILV ~DT L -validity ··of Lagun~ Sa Jn an opinion lhat may have aaba!,anlial ""'1flcanc:o for Lqlma Stach proport)' ownon Olinl vart1nce oppU04Uooo. city &Uorney Jack J, Rimel has questioned the validity of a resolution adopted Oct. 6 by the Planning Commission. ~ The resolution granted a variance rr- tiuest filed by Richard Burt who see.ks to e:xpand his Laguna Shoals property, 1601 s . CGast Highway-, with the addition ol-32 ·, units and underground parking. Because of t.rafHc problems in the area, the variance was stronaly opposed by owners of the neighboring cooperaUve From Page J TATE CASE. • • ... Calif., near Death Valley, where the group lived in a military-style desert commune. Sherifrs depulieg .say the groijp stole cars and four-wheel drive vehicles. Manson is charged with pos&e!- &ion of stolen property. ~fiss Atkiru' attorneys said Mansovas not at the scenes of the Tate sl1)lln11 and those ol Leno and Rosemary La· Bianca, the market owners. . Los An·geles police,• who are prepar- ing a grand jury case against at least 11evtn persons, .have not made any charges against Manson in the slayings. 1.fanson wu one of %3 per10na arrest~. moat of them women, in two raids at the desert commune last Octobe r. Ttn were held on a variety of charges including auto thefL * * * Gii·l Returned .To Face Ch~ges In Tate Slaying CONCORD, N.H. (UP!) -Linda D. Kasabian returned to California today to face murder charges in connection with the bizarre murders of actress Sharon Tate and four others. California authorities, already in Con- 'tord, drove her to Boslolf for a flight to Loe Angeles. Dwarfed by two state troopers, Mrs. Kaaablan wa.s arraigned Tuetday on a California fugitive warrant. The 20-year- old mother of one child, who is five moriths prfgnant with another, was asked by District Judge Donald G. Mataon for her plea on fugitive chargt!!I. "I'm guilty," the sandy-haired girl laid, twisting a rin& on her left hand. She agued to waive extradition proceedings. A Loa Angele.s murder warrant'ICCUJes her, Charles D. Wat!on. 24, and Patricia Kemwlnkel, 21. of killing the pregnant actress and four friends on a rented estate. -Raff e:rt-y-Aide- Talks in Viejo Use of yQUth for a :'!VOlutioft ln America ls the topic ol a talk Tuesday by Dr. Max Rafferty aide, Co 11 i er McDermon, assistant stale Superin· t.endent of Public Instruction. McDennon'1 talk tiU~ "Target, Youth" ls scheduled at 7:30 p.m . in the multi· purpose room of 1i1ission Viejo High School. It is public. Con5tructlve Action Network Council or A spokesman for the sponsoring Saddleback Valley said 1.1cDermon will document plans of Students for a Democratic Soci~ty to turn youth into revolutionaries. Poison Gas Returning opartment deVelopment, LISUNI Sandt. • However, p I a an In I cornmJuicmtn, after tiveral .Wdy, telli~ved Burt"1 requeot, oltbln( IS 10 thtlr· 1uthorb<lloo. Slndl esecuU•i Don" s .. 1 llld Diet Cranl appealed the planning commts.slon nil.Ing to the City Counicl on Nov. $, malntalniiig that the comml!SJon's resolution is illegal because It falls to set forth three ol the. six statements of justification now -required in all variance appllcaUOo&. • The six statements ·were included in Burt11 original application, bul did not appeal11n d ,tlnlJ rtlOlutlon becau.se the · dty It JIUI 1111n& old llrioted foi'ml "". tloc ou\ on\Y,1hnt. o(,'tlie· requlrtd 111 '""""""' ~P Deportmmt 1pot11mon I y .. Btc&UH ot omlulon, tht city at. torney has suggested thal a new resolution. specifically making all the re-- quJrtd findings, be prepared, or that an entirely new hearlng be scheduled. The City Council bad refer.rfd the Sands appeal to the city attorney for an opinion at Its Nov. $hearing and will take up the appeal again tonight. The legal tangle ra1.std iU head at a ' . ~ ;r.!. Ul'I Ttltflht lt 'WE BELONG TO HIM, NOT TO OURSE ES' Munter Su1pect D11cribt1 Cult L••d•r 1nson Senate Votes Tax Relief; Deduction Total Hiked • • ,WASll!NGTON (AP) -The Senate voted Wednesday to grant relief to all the nation's taxpayers by raising the personal income tax exempt.ion to $700 next year and$$)() Jn 1971. The roll call vote was $3 to 37. The propoaal, 1pon10red by Sen. Albert Gore (0.TeM.), wa1 written into the tax: reform bill in the face of 1 warning from President Nlx1r1 Tuesday that he might Yeto a tax bW witb 1ucb an amendment -ln,,tt..:....--- Sponaors of lhe proposal empha&r.ed !hat the final form of tax reduction rtill would have~~ worked out in a Senate. House cont' on the lfllslation. "O>ey sOld ¥. if soijie form of ln- creue Jn the t:Semplioft' is .fncluded, it can be dODe bl 1 way· 10 1J1•ke it ac~ ceptable to Nixon. Adoption of Gore's proposi.l followed Senate rejecUoo, by a 72-23 vote. of an alternative plan proposed by Sen. Charles 1-1. Percy CR-Ill.), to spread the tax cuts over a longer period of time. Percy • proposed to increase lhe personal eiemplion $50 a year for three years, to a top of $750. l!is plan, tmlike Gore's, al.50 would have cut some income tax rates. The Gore amendment i;ubstituted the Jncreased personal exemption for all the rate cuts proposed by the Senate Finance . Committee. Ill adoption marked the first change by the Senate in the committee proposals. There are thret clemcnl.s ln the Gore amendment: 1 I. Th~ increase i:n tbe ex'empt1on lo f800 o\•cr two years. 2. A ,1,000 standard d~uction and low Jncome alloWance. The 1landafd deduc. tion_ now ~· IO per cent ol adjwted gross income up to a maximuin of •t,000. · 3. -A tax teductlon .for si(lgle persons through a new scHeHule under which they would in no case pay more than 20 per cent above the tBx for married couples. Some no.w pay as · much as 40 per cent more. These would substitute for the tax relief provi1ions in the bill as it passed the House and cleared the Finance Com- mittee. -· ·~i Ruling t • ' ..... . . •• \ ' ='f-~"'!.;'. ":: ::r".i;;;, ~'""$!"~ • ~ bldlo-rt Ap-pllcalfao form wod .;,.,-,;r:;.; 1\'U ~... ~ment. was rtlllrn· ch1Dged but Ille printed mohillon fqnn ed to the t with a request for remained the ume, accordiii.g to the more speci ments of jO:stificaUon PlanQing Oe:partrqt.nt. to insure the leilJJ.ty of the commission's Until new fonns can be obtalntd, a ruling. · spokesm8:e: said, it will ~ neces.siry to The matter of. CQtJ'tct phrasing ol paate 'the complete statemen~of1ustifica. vllfiE!{lce qppllclUOOS_atid the re19lutions Uon on each resolution adopted. granting them dalrf back to January, Tl:le .ix statements of justification re- 1968, when Planning Director Clyde quired for all variances and· included in SprinJe adviled the city o{ court. deci· the printed applicatiOn forms are as s.IOM in: two ca.e&~t ~been suece&a· foUoW!: \ Congress1nan's Cl4i n i Brig Terrorism At Pend.leton? CHARLESTON. S. C. (AP) -A preliminary 1tudy by Hou5e ·Armed Services Committee invesUgators has disclose<! that black 1.tarlnes in a brig in California terrorized white. prisoners, Commiitee Chairman L. Mendel Rivers 11ays. The South Carolina Democrat sent tv.·o inve.mgators to Camp Pendleton last September to check into reports of terrorism. ije released the report Tues- ·day t~ 'I'he Charleston News and Courier. "That's very horrible," Rep. Rivers sa1d when conta.cled by telephone at his .Charleston home. "l think this thing will be a pretty bad story when it unfolds ." The newspaper quoted the report a'! 11ayini that the 199 Negroes in the brig had imposed black supremacy over the rest of the 769 inmates through well-disciplined leadership. Whites were required to perform menial tasks and submit to homosexual advances, and those who resisted were beaten, the ne .... ·spapel'!I quoted the report as saying. A Camp Pendleton spokesman declined comment on the report . Bm·glars Shush Do g, Make Of f Witl1 Home Cash Apparently using wieners taken from a refrigerator to quJet the family d0£, burglars ransacked the, Lagwla Beach home of Mr. and Mra. Anthony Demetria.des Tuesday and made off with approximately $47.50 in co.ina and bills. Mrs. Donna Demetriades, 1875 Temple Hills Drive, told police she found the house in disarray and bureau drawers in three bedrooms pulleCt open when she returned at noon after an absence of three hoors. The cash was taken from Uie bureau drawers, .she said. Police theorize the burglar gained en- try by reaching an inside door knob through a pet. door, installed in a downstairs workshop for the dog. Remnan ts of v.•ieners, evidently used to keep ~ dog from barking, were found in the bedrooms. 'J'he visitor also served himself a can of chilled grape juice from the refrigerator. police noted. ruvers said he bas turned the report over to a su~mmiltet headed by Rep. \Villlam J. Randa.ft (0-Mo.), w,hich is in- vestigating disorders at mililar)' bases. ''We're going to make these 'M,arines put their house in order," Riven said. ''And if the)'. can't do it, we're going to put somebody in there who can." Council Eyes A nnex Lancl Zone Changes A city application to change zoning on five parcels or recently annexed land will . -he considered by Laguna Beach coun- cilmen in a public hearing tonight. The Laguna Canyon Road property, 21: acres beginning at the oid city llmiLs, contairui the new post office annex. ·The land came into the city, as does all newly annexed land, with R-H (Residential- hillside) ioning. The cbana:e sought would make the pro- perty M·lA (light· industrial) in con· tormity with adjacent land use. In other business , the council will : -Hear a city attorney's opinion on whether the city has any jurisdiction over a proposed bus rate hike for Laguna Transit which has an appllcation'pending with the Public Utilities Conunission. -Probably not protest notice of sale of :a liquor license at tbe Cellar Restaurant. 220 Fo'rest Ave., lo Jerry Af. Loni and Larry J. Polk. -Consider an application from the Orange County Heart Association tG con. duct a solicilation from Feb. J to March 2 by means of a residential march and special gift! campaign. -Take up the request ot Takashi Kawaratani for. a street light to pierce the "inky blackness" in the alley behind his LatUna Nursery, 1370 S. Coast Highway, from whlch plants and supplies have been 1tolen. -Consider planning c o m m t 11 I o n recommendation• and conditions on relocation within Heisler Par.Jt of a pro- imed clubhouse for the lawn bowling club. :....Consider resubdivlsion of hillside lots 50Ughl by Geoffrey Rlker on the strength of a 3 to 2 planning comtnissloA split recommending approval . REWARD ~~~·I~~ - _ t .. T~!. there .are ~cept.iqlalind n - jr...-dloaty "1:cumJlan(!u ..-/OiidiUon• ippllcabre lo the J>l"Ol)Uly which do not apply generally to other property in thr. iame vicinity and io11e, to wit : 2. Tbat auch circumstances and con- dlt.lons produce practical difficulties or wuiecessary hardabips in the way of arlf>ering to the strict letter of the law, to wit : J. That such variance is necess~ for the preservation and enjoyment Of a 1Ubstantial property rlcht of the ap- plicant wbkb right is po.s.aessed by other property OWJ)ers under like .conditions Jn the same vicinity and i.one, to wit: 4. 'Ibat the granting of the variance does not constitute · a grant of speci al privilege inconsistent with other pro- perties in the same vincinity and zone: 5. That the granting of the variance wlll not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, convenience and welfare or injurious to property and im· provements in the same zone ; . 6. That the granting of the variance will not be contrary to tbe objectives or the zoning ordinance or the general 'Plan. On the application form, space is Jell after each juslHication for the writter_ st.atemen~ of the applicant. I-lowever, on the printed form used for granting the variance, only statemerlis I, 3 and 5 are included. These are printed onto the form, with no. space for the ap- plica nt 's statement. Rimel maintains that the resolution may be ruled invalid if the resolution form does not include all six justifica- tions along with the applicant's .statements. The Sands appeal is based on the charge that justifications 2, 4 and 6 were not included in the planning commission's final resolution , even though they were completed on the applicaUon fonn. Murph y Foe Guest of Honor At Laguna Fe te Rep. George E . ·Brown, Jr. (O.Mon- lerey Park). will be guest of honor Sun· day at an open house and reception Jn Laguna Beach. Brown, a deClared candidate for the U.S. Senate .seat held by George Murphy. \\·as one of the earliest Congressional op- ponents of the Vietnam war. He will be at the home of '-h'. and 1.tr!, Lest.er Engelhardt, 1723 Thurston Drive, from 4 p.m. until 7. the South Coas: Democratic peace Club announc~. Brown will speak brieny and answer quesUons at the reception which is public. A $1.50 don-.tion will be requested at the door to cover cost of refreshments. Broy,.·n since 1965 has opposed military spe nding bills brought to Congress, main· talning the defense budget could be whit· tied by one. third. Laguna High Art Gallery to Open The student art gallery and store at Laguna Beach High School w!U open for_ the cnristmas season thiJ weekend . Rea.sonably priced examples of top stu· dent art work, available for Christ.ma~ shoppers, include craft!, paintings, draw- ings, jewelry, pottery and batiks. Refreshments will be served from ' to 9 p.m. during the fonnal opening nights, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5 and IS and the g!lliery also ·will be open during lunch periods and on Saturday afternoons until Christmas. WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Defense Department aMounced today it v:ould return huge quantities of poison gas from OkiOBwa to a military base in Oregon. but would not give advance notice of the date or route or shipment. Laguna Trustees Approve Quick School Lunch Plan A new program ""hich will spe~ up serving of elementary school luncMs and proba bly lower cost v.·as approved by Laguna Beach Unified School District trustees Tuesday night. co:1tainers. Elementary school principa l Al Haven noted the new method \lo'OUld speed up service and eliminate control problems. He estimated 200 meals could be served in 10 minutes. An estimated 3ZS lunches <ire now being served. ROYAL AMERICAN IRONSTONE 1970 Calendar for'&rly Bird C1liistm11s Shoppers uAllY 1'1101 Oii.AMO~ COUl ..Uat.IJHINll ~~fll'f ••Mtt "· w ••• ·-~ ..... ,.,..,.., • Jesk •· C•rl.., ff' Ya ,._.._, .... 0-,iti ,.._ .. TJi.111ee JC"'U • l!"'IW Tho"''' A. Mur,.hl11e M41 .... I,,. CtllO! li,~114 P. Motl ·--'"' ....... L .......... Offtrleo 2!t h11ll A•t. I> tdtlnftf ... ,,, .. u ,,o .... "" •2•1t. --C...Ut Mui: ....... .., 11 .... ~ ~' 11'11 ..,., .......... ..... l'I ..... '"°"' •• , ...... ' Pre-packaged hot and cold luncha Jlrepared in Allso Ele1nentary School will be distributed to El Morro an~ Top of the World by two vehicles. As outlined by Mrs. Marian· Garrett, district supervisor of fetid services, pre-packaging. greatly reduces labor cost, saving the dl5lrlct an estimated '33.99 per day. Each lunch consists of a "hot paclt" or main dlsh paek~ in a two-compartment roil container which can be heated at the satellite Khoo! immediately before serv· Ing. and a "cold pack " including such item1 as bread, je\lo, cake or fruit dessert. ...!? Sole investment to the district would be. in carrylna b1skels and foil and plastic Mrs. Drummpnd Rites Thursday Frona Pa9e J SCHOOL TAX • • \Villiam Ullom , the bond \\'ill bt broken down into 10 a.re.as in order to allow trustees IG approve future capital outlays. "As we can't look into 11 cryslal ball and determine wpat our needs will be five years from now. I think we should leavf' some latitude in future ex- penditures," said board president Larry Taylor. The bond, l''hich needs a 66 113 percent yes vote lo pass, 1vould finance purchase of future school sites. Taylor cited the advantage of buying a site n°'v at a lower cost. even lhough the land might not be de veloped as a 1Choo! for flve Oi' 10 years. °""'" f'l1.01 -"" e "" ... ""*""" ,,,. Memorial funeral 1ervlcts will be held The 10 items which will be added to the :--::.,:i.-:=:C' :-z=.:t -Thursday for Blanche 8: Drummond, 47S-bond classlficatJon with trustee approval ''""'''*' .,... 111...,.,. ...., """"' n Celle Cadl1, Laauna Hllll, wbo died includt purchase of Jots, bulldlngs, ad· r CLI P THlS COUPON I With Your Christm e' Purch•s• of $5.00 or Mort. !LIMIT ONE 10 J.. CU$TOMIRI SC:"::.""l.!t"~"'l:.:.9!""C:~:r Tuesday. She w·i1 at. dlUOns. repair work, purchAse or equip. ....... ,.!!",.: ~.::•,.*-.Ji::; 1'he Rev. Edward Caldwell •111 of. mt11t. improvement of school ground1, CO~VENl~NT --c-. ....._ · flc.lotc at the 7 p.m. 1en•lce in Geneva refunding ol outstanding indebtedneu, TERMS 111 e• •n•t 4......,,. Presbyterian Church. Dtrectlon is by c!ernolltion. purchase.of school buses and J c. _j.J, /. 'J ~ Cli A••W ""'· MMlft Sad~le a-1. J1t11;agc and dra1n.1iee projecU. BANKAMERICARD • ' -""' "'-"'" -~ m ~ • • 1unp 11•te'1 ewe er ·~-.. -J.,... .......... . rvond Is survived by IWO u om noted a five percent eltension or MASTER .CHARGE ..... '2:ri :=•.:::,.. ~ 80l\I. Dr. amtl E. Drummond, head of lhl' prcstnt budget, allowlf18 for $5 -• --· Plwna Phy&lcs Lobor•19f!· Boeing mlllion rrowth In .. , ... ad . valulllon I 823 NE.WPORT AVE, !i:"J:'~"!:i:,£ :•:;:'!'.~ ~ompony, Sta!Ue. and Dr, WIU11m E. wJtbln tho dbtrlcl, woold ctuse the COSTA .... 'ESA P~o•t s•a.3•01 ;;.-,-,_...,.. 1 ""..::.:.;.__,, Drummond, phy&le1 proftuor, UnJver&lly district to dlp into all but PJ,000 ol Its M n 11 ~ ., l---~--=--"""--------lo-1ob.foilriiir~xuiti: a 1lsttr, Katherine Orlmm of 11ndls1tlbuted reaeryeli, ~=~':'.'.lng!.....'.t'~l-l!=====::===;=============~;::=====:;::::;;' ;;;:;;;===~=:'.] , llls·tnd'sii crandchiik!n:nc---flte;OO&-ln·de!~. • • \, ,, ' r (' I I I I. I i i ., \ .I '· I J I I ' J I I 1 I ' 1 •· I J • ' VOL 62, NO. 289, 5 SECTIONS, 76 PAGES OR>iNG.E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA '· . . .. '. -·--==--. ·- •, • •I. ·~ • I '•11N 'clNTS . ' '· ' , ' • .. L .... ' )._ o • • e 1 es ew aron CdM Claatnber ' Bay Club Lease Called· Bad Deal The Corona del Mar Chamber of Com- merce declared today that extension of the Balboa Bay Club's lease of city-owned ba)'front property would be a "poor Sand Haulers Back on Roacl I~ Newport -West Newport's sand haulers will hit the road , tonight. The lumbering double-trailer trucks Will head for the beach tonight b~ trave1-tn_g along Bro0khurst Avenue, West Coast Highway and Orange Avenue. Aftlr dumping their loads, they vi'il\ return to the-Santa Ana River along the same ·r0ttle. For.1di.e past two weeks, the heavy ve-- hlcle; had been moving at night directlv onto the beach from the river bed. Only in the daytime .have the streets been u~d. "Bat recent rains have made traveling 1longsld'e the river bed al night too dan. 1erous, city · "ndelands Administrator George Da,... explained today. Two ~ks In recent days rolled off levees and overturned. The use of surface streets by the trocks 8tltilght wUI ctritinue every day In the v.·ef:t except Sunday until the '1.2 mllllon rivtt~le.anlng pro!ect is completed. . The trucks w:lll roll until 2 a.m. each dar. 'l)av;es said it Js J>05Sible that the en- tlrt project can• be wrapped up a few days alter Christmas -barring heavy fains. • ., · Flood Control District officials are anx- ious to have it completed at least by then. tf the river isn't sufficiently cleared of 111J(f and sjlt deposited by last winter's 5~s upstream flooding is a distinct ~lbilitf in the event of aimilarly in--tehse: rainfall, district spokesmen said. '-The project contractor so far ha1 hauled about 400,000 cubic yards of ma- terial out of the river and spread it atone the beach in West Newport. An- other <400.000 cubic yards remain to be cleared away. Council Weighs sightseeing })oat Proposal • ' .An application tor city pennlssi~ to operate a sightseeing ·boat with occas-ional sale of liquor and live entert.ain- nvnt mlght be due !or some rouglt-; aaU- ing Thursd•t night. / 111\e pemussion v.1n be •OUillt from planning commhsicmers .b.Y Davey's Locker, Inc., which •hopes to run the ilghtseeing vessel out of ~alboa. Pavilion. busine::;s deal" for the citizens of Newport Beach. '\ Chamber directors unanimously urged a "no" vote in the Jan. 13 special election on the issue. Dee Cook, chamber president and former cJty councilman, said: ''Among the reasons for o~ decision ill that it is l].Ot practical to vote approval at thl s time on a matter that should be· left lo he voters before \he end of the present lease, 28 years from now." The ballot proposal call.S for extension of the lease to the year 2025. The amend~ ed agreement would substantially in- crease the city's income rrom the rental of the site to the club. The Corona del Mar Chamber is the first organization in the city to take a formal stand on the subject. Earlier this week, three former mayors, including Councilman Paul J, Gruber. annoonced their opposition to UM? proposed new lease. They were among a group that submitted a ballot atgument against the proposa1. At the same time, another group of community leaders, amon~ them Edgar "Ned" Hill and 0. W. "Dick" Richard, submitted an argument urging_ an af- firmative vote. The iaue. requires ~ bare majority voter approval. N.ixon P,ropose~ 'No-.ki1ock' Law . ' _.., F-0r Drug Cases WASHINGTON fUPl) -.The Nixon ad· ministration unveiled to 'state governors tod ay a suggested state narcotics law that would g'ive police the right to enter homes without knocking to search for drugs. · The mOa:et ·Jaw would allow police to get a search warrant for .a D?'knock en- try Ir they had "probable cause" to believe there were illegal IJ.lrcotlcs inside a house. Under federal laws and most state la~s now, police inust be "positive" of the evidence first. Narcotics agents have complained that requiring them to knock and announce their purpose and authority before en- tering a home gives occupants lime to hide illegal. drugs. Attorney General J ohn N. ~titchell unveiled the-rriodel Jaw at the White llcitJ.se~Conference on Narcotics for state governors. He said it was in draft form and may be revised. The proposed state law would leave penalties for possession and sale of illicit drugs to the discretion or the stae. The Nixon administration has proposed at the federal level to make possession of any drug a misdemeanor on the first offense, with 91nttoclng at the discretion of the judge up to a maximum one year in jail aud/or a '5,000 fine. Narcotics offensa ocrur primarily at the state and local level. In 1968, there were 162,177 state and local narcotics ar- rests compared with just 4,000 federal cases. : LEAPS· TO FREEDOM Voc•llst Birdsong - Suspect Heltl In Kid1iaping Of Vocalist LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP} -A Hollyv.•ood · man turned himself in to police here today hours after singer Ctn. dy Birdsong of the Supremes reported she escaped from a kidn.a~ unhanned . Misl Bir4sonf, 30. ~1 th• 'IP •Jt ducted from her HollyWOod apartrileilt at knifepoint TuesdayA · nigb~ but Nipped frcim the kidnaper's car .. as it ,traveled along a freeway. City poll.ce Old · cta1It1 ~wai-d Collier, 26, who resides In the same apart- ment building as Miss Birdsong, called them from a motel on· ,the Las Vegu Strlp '.and said he had abdUcted htr. They said he told therri he had flown 'ti-om Los Angeles a'nd had $2 ln his possession after losing a11 ol his ·mon~y gaipbllng. . He was booked on a caUfornia fugiUve charge. M:is~ Birdsong suf fered multiple lacera. lions when she jumped and was reported in satisfactory condi~on ."at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. She also was treated · for minor knife slashes. Police said the kidnaper, described as wearing a brown leath~r jacket, was hiding in a bedroom or lhe singer's Hollywood home 'when she returned bl the evening. Two friends, Charles Hewlett, 25, and Howard N."eak, 25, had gone to the home earlier and were waiting for Mlss Birdsong, apparently unaware of the kid· naper in the bedroom. · . The man put a large knife tn her neck when she entered the bedroom · and holding the knife under her chin he forced her to Ue the two other men wilh their ties. She was then forced to.her ~ar and held at knife-point as the man drove toward Long Beach. Police said the woman jumped from the speedlng car while on the Long Beach Freeway and rolled across~ onto the edge of the freeway. She got up and ran against traffic until she was found ~y two Callfornia Highway patrolmen. The two men at her home freed themselves moments after the k.idnaper abducted Miss Birdsong and called police. . . Grisly t:a~e Recounted By Lawye1· LOS ANGELES (AP) -A lawyer for 1 girl member or the hippie band linked to the Sharon Tale murders said today lhe killings were canied out by five people clad in black w;19 entered the mansion after one of them had cut uUllty lines. The next qjgh•., attorney Paul Caruso .added, the same group picked .a house at random .and stabbed to death a wealthy mp.rket owner and hls wife -th!!n took sho"•ers in the' house and had a snack from the ic..-e box. Caruso, a veteran Los Angeles criminal attorney, represents Susan Denise Atkins. 21, a member of a band of nomadic hip- pies. Pofice say several members of the group performed the Tate murders, those of the market family, and may have been in\·o!ved in others. -- Cpruso told a newsman that f\.fiss Atkins. who Is cnarged with a murder in the h1alibu area, told him in a five-hour. interview that she was one of the five who went to the 'fate mansion in Bel·Air. Re gave this account of her story: ''Five people dressed in black a~ proached the Polanski residence ·(Miss Tale was the wife of Polish film director Roman Polanski). A man used a pi.Ir of bolt cutters to cut the electric lines, then crept around IM aide of the house, open· e<I. a window. thm opened the front door and the -Olhen el\!ef'!I· , ' . ' "~ tht ·~took1~111t (Steven Porent; '1~.l a ~·'<ii the care.taker,. wa1 kUled outside'beloT'! they entered . ':J"rokowsky (VoJtyck Frokowsk:y), a friend of Polanski; was hit. on~ heid.wltll lhe bUtt of.i pistol, theo killed. fio were killed on the la1'h~ They got $73 !tom the whole bomlcld'!.11 Caruso did not identify the other four, but i8.id twO we:e women and two men. Miss Tate. 81i1-moifths pregnant, was s4;bbed after voiclng a plea to save her baby, he said, and Frokowsky had ofrered m-0ney to the killers. , The slayings the next night, he saJd, OC• curred became it wu feared · the Ti~ killings might haVe-caused tbe group to "lose thei r nerve." r· Caruso declined. detaJls of ·u.. killings. Othen slain were MJs,s.. Tile, ~er for· mer rJance, hair rtylilt Jar, Sebring, ~ coffee heireas Ablgall Fo ger. Another attorney for Miu Atkin!, Richard Caballero, said she told hlm that the hippie group was a quasin:llglous (See TATE CASE, Pa1e I) $2,000 Gems . • m Lost to Burglars The weekend theft by bur&lan of more than $2,000 in jewelry was discovered Tuesday by Mr. and Mni. A. J. West who were gone from their Cameo Shores home for most of the weekend. West, 62, told police Tuesday allernoon the theft occurred sometime altel" Thanksgiving. TIUeves broke through. an unlocked kitchen window, cut a 11ereen and entered the home at 4601 Brighton Road. The jewelry was taken rrom a dresser drawer in the bedroom, police !'iaid. The klot Included several brooches, bracele\,s and necklaces c o n t a I n l n g precious atones and pear_>s. -· I; .. ~' : ,..;·~ { ~· • . • ~ • 'WE BELONG TO HJM, NOT TO OURSELVES' Murder Suspect o ,1cribe1 Cult Le•der Manson UPIT ....... Linkletter· Calls Leary ' • 'Poisonous Evil Man' .. ~',\llWill'J'llf' !UWf;;.<'\'YI ~.~,· Llilklttltt ~ ~"11 Dr. Tti&J\h ' ' r ' ' 'Y Leary, a fonper Harv!lf-d UnlveraJ!f pro- f.,SQf, as "that po180pout e•ll m1n~· for prorDotin1 "mind expand.in&" drup MaCb as inarlJuana ahd LS!f. · , He· told the iovernon Conten!n~. on nar.cotic1 and dangll'OUS drugs that Leary, speaking to ~ing-room-on!y crowds at unlve.rslties, has been telling students that ta.hlng drup "i! a way to tum on: Tuin out' and dnp Out,,; • Llllk!etter, ·w!lh P~ :·~Jl\O'i' ailci vfce President _Spiro T~ A,,...,1 !(Wng wHh him 011,:t'he p~a(n>'llt jhe' lfate . ~ent audltollin. ~ Jrlth emollon whon'·Ji..'<oliHlio;JO......., and their fi!liWOo &boot hi&:~. Dtaoe, IO who c:oniil!ltted lldddt Iii&-OCtObtr , . T.4:"1 -' " • .alter takµtg ~· , , .. r At -the •ume, Llntletter ' called Jt "mu rder" .i>Y tlle pushen·and P"'Y!;F' ofdrogs. . He said that he decided to speak out in .,his "grief 8ltd. outrage" to rtVeal to -olhen the dange?J involved. He said his daughter.,. had the-"han- dicap" of carrying "a famous name" and added . that "such ti~ 'are pre- judged." He said chlldreri of prori11nent people go oUt of thelr waY to prove 0 they are part or I.be gang." , The TV eotertalner said 0 K.lds are tryliig such a variety of drup and chemicals no law enlon;ement can stop them." . He said he h~ received 50,000 letters NEW YORK (AP) -Stock · market prices remained aflarply and -broadly lower Jn laje aflernoon tradlni todlf. (See quotallon1, Pages 30-31). DecllnJng stocks: were more Than four times as great as silnen at a ratio of 1,035 to 243. '.'14~1 .-l'!r ~Ip' ,-ml•~ -Jr. I" "W•'ve aot to l"t;lhe kid~ t;..;;fbodi to lif• :· .• t0 prodUf•, ~ quauurWlife that will make them .want to re(W"n to a normal way of U!e. ' "'ll>e .,. ..... :. puohjn"f ate t~· misslOnaries ·wbo have ·aokl yaung people on the uae ot'tsD anif m,rt'1ana." , ' He then referred to' Leary 111d said the prpf~ w41 making ~pefches. to the,ef· feet that "marijuana Wat given to w: .by God." _ "'Phe i-a.Je at ,which , tbeSe _ -evil substances are being ufed by-JddS'1s in- cmlible, .fantasUc and frlghtenh):g," he said. · ;. , He said the educalional j)roces9 sltould ~an1·~·~f::s~C.~~Tn1i!eth~!~ help_Ch!Jm.n Who ,..k adv\ce:.Re ur"gtd the trJ\o'ep1ois to Start ,cutUngited tape to help young people '"make It out inside.". society instead or tJ]clng drugs. . . ' HE CA:N'T BA.CK AWAY ·FROM THAT . . . <lamp ·pendleton Marine Rqberl war. got' hlmaelf arrested in Laguna ~ach Tu"'1ay "lght on.charges that he b:O<Ud his bus van, up for 60 feet .and wa! going so last be smaahed . into tbt car beblnci him.. . , . · Laguna Officer 11\0mu :~,v'1'.er •. who ar,re3ted ~WaU.·~·~iP .. ftjlpt'9" ~Hatch Cover bar oo Coast HJRJiiiay";" cllilmerl that the · amped? -evear~ frantic horn ~lasta ll'oriii;\hO-.,to ;behind a. Watt's van tQe doWD. ~kward on it. , o~ yes,:~ •~1PµiG~~ ~ster, iq hb patrol car, w\fu W!'-5 ,dpilll t!fe born tilow- ing. ' . . ' , ' Or-.e • A similar,reques.t for such a vessel op- erated bY the BaJtioa Bay Club ran onto the rocks about1two years ago. 1lte idea was 8<.'UtUed alter the commission clamped bard mtrictiON on the boal'a ~rati91i'. ·Orioking •• the commission' said, eould Mll).' be cmducted while the boot was dcCked. School Building C·ost Error Told the boat never wa! built. 1 Sightseeing boats presently touring the h.Cbor 'do not offer alcohol to customers. Other Items which commlS!ioners ~·ill consider at the l .'p.m. rneelng include four dry-land prq,...11 by the Irvine Company. ' ntey are: -A request for a planned residenUal davelopment of' 74 resident.la! Iott and a ireen area lot M the south ddt ol Vista del Oro oppo1t\e ViJta Omada in the Northbluff are&. -.A self ter\iice post office unit in the rashlon Island parkJng lot In ·Newport Ctnter. -Creation of a partel of land as the site. for a three-story pfofe.slon!J,l office i,.11aJng It the northeast corner of San Nklbolu Drive and Avocado A\·enue In Corona del ,,far. -CrtitUon of a psretl for a six-3tory J1rofep lon1l offlce building at Ute north· ftst corner of Newport Center Drive West and Santa Cruz Drive. 'I ·- By 1110MAS FORTUNE Of .... • Dl4ly PllM ll•H • A gross discrepancy In school building cost came to light at Tuesday nigh!'s Newport·M"" Unified School District board of trustees meellng. A presentation by architect William E. Blurock indicated that an estimate of the COil of buitdlng a central bus garage and warehouse given tor the-school bond is- sue passed last Februry was totally in- adequate. The (Jgure used during the bond cam· paign, provided by educational consultant Davi•MacConnell·Ralston Inc., was Sl72· 500. Blurock said to take care of Jong· range needs, lnckiding some not spect- fled for U>e bond Issue, the cost would be SI.I million -more than six Limea as· .much. ' 1 ncredulOUI achooJ trustees reacted . th.i s wa1: Roderick P.1acMilUan -"Don't hurry on with your plans.-We have to do· a tot matlon. cross checked and verified 1t of rethinking." with local archltecU. James "Bill" Peyton -"The money Bot the ' one area in the S15.9 million might· well be 'spent better somewhere bond proposal for 1 which they d1d not else." .. have data was cost of a central bus gar· Board President MN. Marian Ber1e-a:ge and warehouse. Jet'Q' Rdn)ck of son -".We'll ihave to scutinize this very DMR was asked if be could auj>ply an carefully1. We can't spend money we don 't estimate. have." . "They were no loriger employed by the Board memb<irs, withoutiteeking to as-,.-=chool district. We just kind of picked sign btam~, then let t.bt embarrassing this up gratuitously," Ans;le"tsen said. matter drop. "We dldn't know the .degre;e to which Ro,y O.' Anidersen. the school district's they had background from thtlr previous adminlstr1Uve usistant for school faclll-work. Resnick gave a cursory off the top tltt, explained in an lntetView today that of Ais hpd figure .-obviously It had to Davls·MacCon11elJ..Ral1ton, financia l and be that -one. he didn't take much llrQe muter planning educatiOnal consultanti. on · and didn't take into account ~ haj. been retained by the achoo! district graphical con1kJeratlona. to prepare data f« two pr1vloua ~ "Pwfy only criticism," Andersen said. election tries. l. 1 "is I thlnk It would have been Wist If ror the bond elec tion in Ft.braury Ulla he bad sald. 'No, we can't really 1\ve year Andersen and other IC:hool district you a valld fliure on that'~·. · alaU mtmben updated the DMR Jn!~... Andersen u id, "I wasn't basically • I I ' I lnvolY<d wtth mi.re lllin the med>anlcs of calllng and asking lbem tb gfvt me a fl1t1te." '1 He explained that lO iet a more rtll· 1b&e esUmate. would·cost the school dis- trict &-0me mOney. The· ·school dJstrict coUld have· been 'cr!Uclzed for 1pendll\J{ that ·money arid if tHe school bond measure failed tt ml&ht have bet.n mon- ey wasted. ~"You never, ctn be thl\ rure· until ~ spe:nd mme money lo let an engineer nl( estimate ind topol{aphlcal survey." n- dersen 11ld. "The pros who give g ,,,!mates don't•ant to·sUck ·thelr ~ka out without dolll( tho~ Th<y know ,thf"< are too many vlfla!>lts." l ~ndttsen llld Re&n!ck uttd a lltlll re footage lanriula ·to flll"re the COil of 11\0 ~-and ~mhouoe !lcllity. "Whentter you~we a f'1'11Jula )op 1re 1:unbtinlicr1 !See SC1'~L. YI&• II 1 ' l I • . ~ I ' .' ' . ' . . ·~ • c! DAILY PILOT N Wtd...,.,, 'Dapnt • Jt 3"' • , i~llate •ys '·Ta:X -E-xe_nip~ion Boo~t-to -$700 -•• ~ ~:(ti',. . ,. .• , ~GT01N (AP)' -The senate .:~ bivt .. b;e worked out in I Senat&o Gor.ta,;~'WOU)d have cut iOmC income ~ *·to oil~' ·~~ IMloilla._.: tu rat«.' 1'' , lij/:nlatu tlioi 1!ijiy aOld 1111!. 'If ..n>rt~ In• 1"' Qw, -QI .IJlbllllulod lht pe ·.Pt •~pue1da l'/00 tmae,.,.6mmpuon II , it lilcl.Ued pellil!ar °'tln;u.., for au the "'xt Jo&r and M.ln lllt~ "'° 1>e •doqrJll le w1y to Dllke .it ac-· ote cula. ll'"POl'd 111 ~ SOnate f)nlqte Tl>t .. u CIU vefp·wu llio 37. ctpiable to Nt<oo. • Committee. Ill adopllomnarkod the lfrll 'Die ~P*t., .tponlored by Sen. Albert Adoption ''d: Gore's propolfl· ·followed · chanie by the Senate in the committee , a.ft: (0-Tehn.), wae written into lhe. \ax Senate rejectJon, by a 'n·ll vot.t,,'Of 1n proposals. rlform btU·tn ~ of 1 warning from ,· a~ttve pit.in proposed by Sen.--c:NrlH There are three ek:;mtnts in the Gore .,President NjJcon 1'uaday that be might H. Percy (R-111.), to spread the Lu cu\.s 11mendn1ent: ... ~-. ta~blll Wit\. iuch an amendment ~Vt!__ a 19«. plriod of lime. I. The increase in the exemption to $800 • ~ f!l It. ~ ~ ... ~ Pef'!=f _propOfeil to I ncrease the over two years~ - Sp<NOra of jhe p~l emp.hasiled ~nonal exemption $S0 a year for ~e~J' 2. A $1 ,000 standard deduction and low that·~ fiolt farm of taJ reduction 1t.lU • 1)'eara, io a &op.cl f15CI. Hia plan, unlike income allowance. The atandard dcduc-' . F rom P,..e.1 SCHOOL EIUtOR ... "" 1ppllcabillty or it," lie laid. • An<lemn said that ~k p.-,.~IY. did not take into acCount •arlpby ·nor •pecial cbarecterlstioo of, .11.t'.type o/ buildlna such. as tbe • beilht' ~\for · the bus prqe and ~ <ill!/" the l~ dQfllr1. ' • 1 Diyif.Mic:cjone1~lWltoil, Ihm known •~ O'lleD·/!flcC0111iell; ~ ~od !ijth • rlltmer Newpo<l-Mea · Slipt. ilr. ,Le14Ad 'N.....,mer"l'Mft he beldld i)!!e w Vepa khool ll)'Btem. DMR ·openad 'll &!Jiliem · Cllilorn!a , i:olioMI Offi,. In c,.ta )\...; then cJ...,i, ii whm .Ntff· comer fUlgnod from Nriport'M .... A Cl!J to the Palo Alto'beadquarttt1 o/ .. . Solon 'Egged' At Fresno State ~1[itm: now collod DMR of WOJling· ~. ~e~nod that Remick no longer JWbert'H<11<h, atthltect from Blutock's CarOOa dU liar office, ·':Ji bis 'I'llesday ,night presentajjon said Andersen had uked him to wort with the ~· tion a.Qd maintenance departments to de"'1nlne' what facilities they thia they will need over the long hauL Htt saicl.lt woohl cpl\ $U,7JO to ·pay the City al .Costa Mesa for street .develop- ment adjacent lo the Baker street site. Pbale I construction, the bu1 «84'age, -wotlld cost $215,000, be said. Pbue lr. a hl1inttnance and ~ operaUons facility would Cost $230,000, Pbue III, the ware- hou!e, $459,0QO and..,Pha1e IV, a central kitchen and food 11torage f1cllity (not menUoned in the bond lasue), f l84,000. Andersen said tCMU.y · the preaentation to the boar dwas unfortunate in I.hat it did not stress the facilitie.s were being designed for the ulUmate needs of the school district with twice the preaenl enrollment , 20 years from now. Hench said the facilities would be 75.- 000 square feet for the eventual 50.000 students-"not out of line with what the state recdtnmenda." Hon now is 10 per. ~nt or ... adj~teQ. gro:ss income up lo a mQ.lmum ol fl,000. 3. A tax reduction for singlt persons throua:b a new tchedUie under which they would in oo case pay more than 20 per cent above the ta:r: for married couple!. Some now pay as much as 40 per cent ·more. These would substitute for lhe tci.x rellef provisions in the bill as it passed the House arid cleared the Finance Com· mitfec. The House Yoled rate cuts of at lei.st 5 percent for eacb taxpayer, an incre~ in the standard deduction to $2.000 Jn three mlttee bill. steps, and an $1 ,100 low inctlrne·--t'te.ll!e 1ame-family wU.h fl0,000 ot,ln· allowance for poor families. come no"· p1ys •1,114, the GOra ·rhe only fealure that was the sa1ne in plan Y•o d mean a $9'12 tax a.s against both was the relief for single persons. $95& unde the c:ommiltec bill. Both the Gore plan 'and the committee For a · le person with $5,000 income bill "'oulci cost about $9 billion in revenue who pow p s $671 tax. the Gore plan e year by 1972. when all proposed cuts \\'ould cut s tax to ~ wbe:n full el· would beco1ne effecliYe. fective. the mmitlee bill to $324. For a four -person family wlth $!>,000 in· For a sin e person wilh fl0,000 income come which 1\0W flays $%90 fed eral tax, who now p • $1.742, the Gore plan would the Gore plan would mean a $112 tax in mean a $1 640 lai.:, the commitlee bil l 1!172 compared with $200 under the con1· $1.468. DAILY ,.ILOT $,.It 'h•lt Mesa Youth Electrocuted Climbing Pole By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of Tiii 0.11~ ,Ill, 119" A C06ta Mesa policeQlan had thr heartsick task of identifying a neighbor boy whose buddy couldn't even tell Tues· day night. after he· fell to earth from .=i power pole in a ball of fire, electrocuted by 66,000 volts. !\-1artin E. Rutan, 14 of 2257 Avalon St • '1·ould have been killed by landing on hi~ head 1n the plunge. if he hadn't bee11 literally incinerated by the po11,'erful jolt. The blinding fla sh of light which seared the sky over the Southern Californla !::dison Company substation at Fail'\liew Hoad and Wilson Street at 9 p.m., brought spectators and police. FRESNO {UPI) -Aasemblyman Clue ll<rll'blll, (JI.Ceres,) WI! 'fled by stq.dents at Fremo St.l~ Coll~1e 'l\t_ead,ay altU one of them accused hlm of beiq: a "racial dog." • "I don't think: your staff la aaking for anything UM'elllJatic," Blurock added. Blurock .alao said, "Fortunately, "'" weren 't 'involved in the previous cost estimate." POL IC E SGT. GARY PETERSON CHECKS CAR DEMOLISHED IN MI DN IGHT CRASH On Coast Highway, A Mesan Escapes S•rious In jury, But His Car Ooein't A fiery object was seen to plummet lo !he ground inside the fence d and locked compound and 11,1as still burning "'hen Detectil'e Carl Jackson arrived from nearby police headqua rters. Police Chief Roger Neth arrived shortly !hereafter , haYi ng seen the explosion seconds after leaving Costa ?<.1esa City The asstD)bJyman was hit in the left · shoulder by one of &boot a doztn egs tolled from the audience durin1 a q\l~s. tion-and·anawer session. The disruption occurred when a student uked him what he thought or the Mex· ican·American culture. Berryhill said he thought it was a fine culture. The student then said Bt.rryhill had ii:aid during a speech in Stockton Nov. 7, "You're going to have a real problem trying to upgtade this culture. For ex· :unple, they just want to eat their tacos and you .can't get them to eat a balanced · diet." The student then shouted. "You're a racist dog," and the eggs started nytng -apparently thrown by several persons in µie audience. · Asaemblyinan Ken! SJ,cty, ( R • BaktrsneJd), who was with Berryhill, was not hit. About 45 Me1ican-American students walked out of the room alter the · egring and Berryhill werit on with the session. , He later described lhe eggin1 ·•a l•a typical reacUon of a group which ii not inte1'1!11ted in solving problems but in creatlilg them." He said the quote at· trlbuted to him had been taken out of con· ·text and said "t distorted Jt:s meaning. Police Jail Man In Bar Bra,vl · A Newport Beach pitr buil<ler who ' allegedly traded glasses with a Costa . ?.lesa bartender-a beer in the head ror · a ·cocktail be fel t the house owed-wound up in jail Tuesday night. Charles G. Kaiser, 26, of 1906 Holiday Road, Ne:wport Beach, was booked on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon .=irttr the altercation over payment for a :stinger cocktail. Ted Owens. owner of the Little Big 0 , 1934 Placentia Ave., called police after" bartender Ferdinand Gerbecker, 28, was stunned by a burled glass which smaahed against his ..temple. Officer Phil Donohue was dispatched to the scene about mid-evening and a.rrrsted Kaiser after finding him crouch- , ed behind a car in the rear parking lot, aceord ing lo police reports. \ UAllY ~1101 OlANOI (')Al1 toult 111.iNt COVi•,A,lil'f ....... "'· w •• , "'""'-"' "°' "1ltlll9'>tr Je e~ It (,,,.., Yic. li'fmi.llwll •NI OeMrtl ...... Tktit•• J:•eril .... 11i-H A,. lrllt•tphl11t -·-. J., ..... F. c.u;~• --"" -....,.,. .... °""" 1t1 1 Whf l•lltea l•~l•rar4 M1IN11t M4t•1.~1 ~.O, l ta 1111, tl6•J. --c: .. j•llMM· :&M ,.,,.., •• , '=~ L-8Mc1': m "-tt A M ........ ludl: lllll Jtlil ....... ' • ' Council chamber$. · The propoaed fa.cility is located on the north side of Baker Street across from SL John the Baptist Church and _School, where ~ Street eventually will tie in whep the Corona de! ~far Freeway is built. f<'rona Page 1 Cars Demolished , But Occ upants Escape With Cuts Barred from entry by a locked gate. police and firemen "'ere about lo cut their way in to reach the burning body \\•hen Edison Company employe William Guffy arrived from his nearby home with a key. The northend Costa ~tesa facility. which was called ·•central" during Uie bond campaign, will pro,·ide quick school bus.access to all parts of the school di~­ tricts when the free\\'ays are in, Ander· sen said. The present bus garage at Newj)(lrt Harbor Hifl School will not have to be moved during e1pansion of that school as earlier thought. Andersen said. New buildings to be built al Harbor High for September, Ig'II, with already sold bond money, will bring the school to capacity of 2,350 students, not 3.000 a! eventually planned, and the bus garage can 1ia.y. "We alight to have lhe space for play area but we can live t't'ith it for a time," Andersen $aid. He said the present bus garages ·were designed only for the hlgh achoo! district prior to unification. ,. ' TATE CASE ... '·fam ily" headed by Charles ~f. !\tanson. 35. Caballero · sa id !\tlss Atkins "had nothing lo do vd1Jl the murders'' a~ sht' was under what he described as ~l an· son's "hypnotic spell." "We belong tG him, nol lo ourselves.'' Caballero quoted her as saying of Man· .!!On. Manson 's followers called him "God" and "Satan." Caballero .said. Manson, 35, awaited a preliminciry hearing Wednesday at Independence . Calif., near Death Valley, where the group lived in a military-style desert commune. Sher1£f's deputies say the group stole cars and four-wheel drive vehicles. Manson is cha rged with posses· sion of stolen proper_.!I.:___. Miss AtklhS' attorneys-said ?<.fan.son was not at the scenes of !he Tate slayings and those of Leno and Roseml'lry La- Bianca, the market OWJJers. O•.ll Y 'ILOT $1111 ,llflt NEW~ORT FIREMEN ATTACK FI RE FROM ROO F On 811 Isle, the Tacos Wtr1 Well Oont . ' Taco Meal Costs $5,000 A taco dinrltr turned lnlo dis1ster for. 1 Blltioa Island couple Tue9day after110M1 Whtn a hol Crying pin 011red Into Olm, Ind. a grtatt flrt eUfd up a Ytnt cauSifli '5.000 In dimqe. FJremen 1ald htra. Laura W~an of J07 On)'I Ave. wu cooking the thK on I.he 11.(lve at 6:23 p.m. when grea~c \. ta\lght rtre The blaie quickly sprud lo a ''en- tlla tlng hood . then upv.·aNI lntq the attic of tbe home . • iii It burntd lhe attic In tteveral placca and ate through the roof. friemen Miid Darnlgr to the house was set flt $4,000. lts cqntcnts had $1 .000 in damage. Los Angeles police, ?:ho are prepar· ing a grand jury case aga inst at least ~even persons, hal'e not made any charges aga inst Manson in the slayings. Manson was one of 2J persons arrested. most of them 'vomen, in two raids al the desert commune last October. Ten \\'ere held on a variety or charges including auto theft. Israeli Forces ~ Attack Lebanon TEL AVI V (AP.) -Israeli troops.raid· ed ,90utheast Lebanon this morning . destroyed an Arab guerrilla base. killed 12 Arabs and woonded many others, the Israeli rriilitary command reported. It said 01111 Israeli soldier was killed and five v.·ounded. 'The Israelis said lhc camp destroyed was Jebbel Rus. on the southwest slope o[ Mr. Hennon. A spokesman said the raiders captured a large number of \\'eapons and destroyed equipment, am· munition and guerrilla positions. ll wa s the first Israeli raid into Lebanon since the Lebanese government early in November agreed to allow Arab guerrillas to operate freely in so me parts of southern Lebanon. The agreement was reached after two weeks of clashes between the Lebanese army and the guerrillas and exlreme pressure from Egypt and Syria on the Lebanese regime. Thret 11arbor Arca residents escaped serious injw-y in a pair of Newport Beach rraffic crashes Tuesday which lert two C"ar-s demolished . T·he first crasl1 occurred al 5.30 p.m. 011 Dover Dr ive near Pacif ic Coast lligh\\•aY. police sai d. Robert l.!!bell. is, 2811 Bayshore Ori\·e, told officers he lost control of lhe Thunderbird he w~s driving and il hit a light J?Ole, sh~ing jt off. A passenger, David Eastman. 15, 2602 Vista Dri ve. suffered several face cuts. Me was ta ken to Hoag Memorial Hospita l by his mol.her, officers said. The second crash aboul 1nidnight in· ''olved a Costa Mesa man and a tiny Japanese sedan. The car. traveli ,l& ea st on Pacific Coast. Highway near Balboa Bouleva rd. rolled several limes and ejected the driver. titichael McNu.ty, 24, of 2041 \V. Wilson SL, Costa Mesa. told police he lost con· trol of the tiny car on Pacific Coast Hig.h"·ay 100 feel west o[ Balboa Boulevard. The car rolled at least twice, police said, th~n "just came apart." Wreckage was scattered in a 200-foot radius. Uut !\-1cNulty, who was taken for l'mergcncy treatment to Hoag 1'femorial Hospital, had only scrapes and bruises. EDITIO N • 'T'he Rutan boy 's body was still burn ing. A fritnd, htichael Yeargin, 15, of 160 W. "''ilson St.. told au thorilies at the scene he theught the victim might be tr.arti n Rutan. and Officer Ron Palmer con- firmed it. The Yeargin boy's mother \\'as able tn Identify the l'ictim also. according to police. who said he was unexplainedly climbing a 25-foot po\\·er pole when ki lled. He may have brushed a conductor f l) absorb the heart-stopping 66,00().volt jolL but would only need to get close to be ex- posed to instant death, according to all Edison Company spokesman. ''Just be.ing on the pole and in lhfl vicinity or &e,000 \'Olts would pUt him in jeopardy of having the YOltage arc through the air and strile him down," he explained. Mathew D. Elterie, 17. of 31 05 Jefferson Ave., was . the first to hotify police dispatchers of the electrocution. saying it appeared to be an explosion at the substation. • Police Sgt. Larry Bersch said he "'as on patrol in the area and raced to the scene as soon as the bli nding nash signalled trouble, "·hich was to include a short power blackout. , Edison Company authorities said thev had 1'1!ason to believe you ngsters had been climbing into the perilous electrical compound frequently in recent months . Police notified the victim's mother Rfter positive identification was made ;tnd he was lllken to BalU ~1ortllary, Costa Mesa, but no arrangements had been made today . REWARD LIM ITED ROYAL AMERICAN IRONSTONE 1970 Calendar .for·Early Bird ($nsim11s Shoppers I i~ ' CLIP THIS CO UPO N iii macs • ./ ' t < ~ W;th Your Chrisffna~ Purchase ~ of $5.00 o' More. lllMIT ON( 10 A CUSTOMlRl > , ........... !'.-~ :\ J.,.,,utt/uJ 11•aU d.wo"'llmt f<W nfl of 19ifl nttd o lrt" "f...,.,itri/ F.Jitiof\" lkJ u..U hfl- crt"W iir co Uector'• h.,.uioo111. p~ for 1J.11 hr· lu"!-DcJignM ft., }rwt Lo"'' /or tht Rnynf ~ C..ompClflv, ortl1 • .~ "'" ol 1~11• ,.lo-let ~al: lw-11n -uJ,.-ir,./ no ""'"' MR be "" fft7S61e°'-. B. ~-fo gtl w:i11n _,., CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICAR D MAST ER CHARGE . " ' • • cos 1823 N~WPORT AYE. MESA f!h~n• 548-340 I . ' • l l I .> I ,\ , I • I \ I I ( I I I I I I I I \ I ! I \ • _eresident r • -' , I Supported By Hou se WASHINGTO)'l (AP\ Presi~ Nlxoh, who claimed one month ago today thal the "silent majority'' of AmericaM support his erforts to ml the Vietnam war, has~a l'lJ.$.\ voting majority backing him in tht House of Represen- taUves. The 6-1 margin came Tues- fiay on a resolution supporting the administration's "efforts to negotiate a just peace in Vietnam.... Some of ~ voting for the resolution did so with reservations, however. A last-minute addition to the resolution requests Nixon "to continue to press" North Viet.- nam to abide by a Geneva coovention providing for the humane treatmen t or prisonel'5 of war. The POW vote wais 392-0. But before the two days nf wide-nnging deb!te was over. House leaders On blXh sides of the aisle came under fire for liringing the resolutioo to the f1ocr ~ procedures ban· ning amendments. " WedltHdQ', Otctmbtr '· 1969 DAl~Y 'JlOf $ , -- Fast Urgetf to Protest Nixoii'sSpeech I PIONEER AVIATOR CHARLES LINDBERGH AT' LANDING O~ 747· ' Lindbergh Among VIPs a t John F. Kennedy A.irporf Largest Jetlitaer . WASHINGTON (AP) Mexi~Atnericans at the White Houae hunger con- f erence ur~ ·their 3,000 fellow participant.! today to fast during the remainder of the session in protest of Presi-. dent NiJ:oo's keynote speech · -·· iiml•tbe "way the conference is going.!?.- Th e Mexican-Americans asked other delegates to join them in depositing the re- ma.ioder of their meal tickel! in a bOJc in a hallway 1t the 11ite of the three.day meeting Big Boeing Lands in Gotham thal ends Thur11day. "Spending fll.30 a day for meals, in my mlnd, ls almost Immoral when we are here to help. '1e hungey," explained the Rev . Ralph Ruiz or San Antonio, Tex. The call for a fast was just one expression of b i t t e r criticism · lolloWing Nixon's plea Tuesday fOt" support of his legislaUve programs to !igtlt'poverty. "'nle President has not. call- ed for any emergency relief for the nation's hungry," Ruiz. $ilid ... We should express to lbe people we rtprese.nt that litUe his happened but we are still thinking of them." Ruiz, who said tie hopes the protest 'Will "impress on the President he has done litUe''io help the hunary, said his group will try to obtain a l'efund loLihe depooif«!Jne•I tickets and give the proceeds to a worthy cause. 1bere was cut.!poken disap- pointme!!t over President Nix- on's opening speech Tuesday to the 3,000 delegates to the three-day d'onCerence on F,60d1 Ndlrltion and llO•llh. Nixon appeakd !or aupporl . ol blJ lhree welfare bills before Congress, which be said ""'°""' ylrtually elimlnllte Ille probte1iOI poverty u a cause of malnutrition." "'lbat's not true," said Mn. Peter Edetman, direct« of the Washingwo, D.C., Jle- ~ean:h Project, and a member of a conference panel comld- ering mJnlmum ineome. She described the President's speech as "lousy, it said nothing new." South ·roast 'Plaza 86 STORES ALL 72° • • • and open nightly tiff 9:30 AiiGL AT saM WO "'92.lY, caaTA. W. · The POW propc&l pr~us­ ly had been beaten . by the Hoose Fcreign Affairs Com - mittee. NEW YORK (UPI) -The world's largest jetliner. sched· uled to go into service early next year, flew here from the West Coast Tuesday carrying 196 "guests," about half its full-load capacity. country already are having ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------difficulties accommodating---------------------~ Joan Baez Has Son PALO ALTO (AP) -f'olkg.. lnger Joan ' Baez Harris gave birth to a DI Tuesday night at the Stanfcrd University Hospital. Hospita l spokesmen said the 2.3-year-<>ld mother and baby are in ex- .. celltnt condition. The boy weighed seven pounds, four · ouncos. Mrs. I-lams said she hoped to take the child -Gabriel Earl -to the Safford, Ariz .. rede'al prlSOTI camp at Christmas to visit his 23-year- nld father, David Harris, He is serving a sentence for refus- inf induct.ion into the Army. The 235-foot Boeirik 747 is almost twice as long as man's first heavter-than-air powered flight made by the Wright Brothers at J(jtty Hawk in 1903. • The huge; 700,000·p o u n d plane, des.igncd to carry up to 400 passengers, made the 2,420- mile flight r r om Seattle, Wash .• to John F. Kennedy In- ternational Airport in four hours and fiv~ minutes. hitting speeds of 700 miles an hour. The plane, with its five-- story-high tall, 14 stewardess- es and $20 million price tag, brought not only progress, in terms of spaciousness, luxury and desigii, but also problems. Crowded airports across the cooventiooat jets, many of which occasionallY haye ·10 fly holding patterns above the bu~ ier airfields before they can ' land . \ _ Three 747s landing with.in a IS-minute period could theo- retically unload . over 1,200 persons with more than 3,000 pieces ol luggage into an al- ready congested airport ter- minal. Pilot Jack Waddell. a Boeing employe, said the 747 could have crossed the continent in "less than four hours" if it had been given immediate clearance to land at Kennedy. Waddell said the flight was uneventful and the plane was put on automatic pilot shortly after takeoff and remained so di.iring most of the trip. The 747 is "much easier and more pleasant to ny than oth- er jets," he said. "It spoils you." Ex-Soviet President Dies MOSCOW (AP) -Kli~nti Voroshilov, ooe the I as t eurviving heroes for t h e Bolshevik Revolution and a former president of the Soviet Union, died today. Tass an- nounced. He was 88. The brief announcement by the official Soviet news agency gave no details. Voroshilov had spe.it his last years a lonely, humiliated outcast and had not been reported at an official function Sinei! the 1963 Revolutionary Day parade. Of all the men in the Soviet C.Ommunist hierarchy in the · days when Joseph Stalin ruled he was perhaps the only one who could call Stalin friend . 1'.1 spite of an V or o s h i I o v ' s blunders. Stalin covered him with a mantle of glory and protected him from the penalties of his mistakc.o;. But after Stalin d i e d • Voroshilov, then past 70, fell upon evil days. lie threw in with a group or old Stalinists trying to oust N i k i t a Khrushchev from p a r t y leadership. Khrushchev slap- ped down the "antiparty group," led by V. M. Molotov. Georgi t-.t h1alenkov and Lazar M. K.-.ganovich, in 1957. Whe.1 Khrushchey brought details of the plot into the ope n at the 22nd party con- gl'e&! in 1961, Voroshilov was pictured as a dupe ; he wrote a letter humbly admitting his part in the plot but claiming he had no idea what was in· •\\~y-c1r1 •c.tiv t ""••r '°' m111n •nd boy' boys sw ••fers for evtry ecct 1io": mJc.hine w1sht bl1t 1r1d m1chine dry1 ble 8-lD volvcd. Khrushchev interceded for him, calling him "a broken ma n" and urging the congress to treat him Jess severely than the others. - At the November celebra- tions ol the cr:mi.versary. of the Bolshevik · Revolution t h a t year, however, Voroshilov's humiliation 'l\"as p u b I i c I y de.monstrated. Before thoµsands, he iOUght to mount the tribune of honor atop Lenin's tomb, from which he and other Soviet leaders had always taken the salutes of the marchers. A guard stopped him and he was led away. Later his name was sUipped from all public plarei and the town of Voroshilovgrad chang· cd its name back to Lugaruik. •· .4'44·50)0 1111ttff •ll•r9• • ... . . • • • • I Neer h11f 1 century of service/ Near half 1 bllllon dollars strong o more interest than banks I '25o/o MORE INTEREST THAN BANKS on regular passbook savi ngs I Interest compounded dally, r.redlted quarterly. Interest paid from day-in to day-out. No notice ·required for withdrawals. Transfer your saving s to THE BIG M today. THE BIG M also 'bffe rs Bonus Accou nts and Guaranteed Rate Accounts ($1,000 minimum) that earn even more. Come In or call for Information. W.R. Sammon• Sr:rWwViolPtwidftl R1giqull.odMGMgtJr • COVINA 200 North CitM Awnue Ttlel)hOM 339-5471 Robert D. Aston Vito~ Br'dllellllnag•" MUTUAL SAVINGS and laan uucialln , CORONA DEL MAR OIANDAL.• 338 Nottti I rand loulmrd T•pf'tone 242-4148 • 2811 Eat.CO.at Hfghwey Telephont 175-5010 l'A8AD•NA (H ... Offlco) 31 S Eat Colortdo lloul•Vlfd Ttltphone 449-23<&5 I ( :---- BAH,¥ PILOT EmTOR.IAIJ-PAGE ) Best to The die now appean cast. Fees will be charged the owners o! 314 residenUB.l piers and 1,269 ci>mmerclal boat slips in Newport Har· bor for their exclusive use of city-administered public tidelands. A City Council majority all but assured this last week by once again refusing to yield to the vigorous objections o( th0<e affected by the proposed fees . An ordinance establishing the rates -never before charged -was sent on to its second and final reading (oo Oct. 15) by a 4-3 vote. · lt was a decision not easily reached by the council . . Two lengthy public hearings, more Ulan 200 letters of prot.esl and innumerable telephone calls frqm and personal confrontations with opponents of the plan made it, in fact, an agonizing decision for the council majority. But in the end , none of the arguments against the proposal shook the majority of the council from the basic principles upon which the ordinance was pro- posed. Simply Eummarized, they are: The public, a s represented by If.he city, should be directly reimbursed for exclusive use of the public property -the tideland s -by a private citizen ; and, funds for the enhancement and administration of this p ublic ~roperty ca n properly be derived from this source. Let It Rest clear Iha! lhe COU11cil majority would not liend -state- ments were made to the e!!ect that such hearings were mockeries. That ?J>lnion, of course. is belied by the changes in the ordinance !ince the first hearing. ' UnhaPP.Y foes of the ordinance also declared that the council decision would become an election issue next April. ThalJuvhat_el~ion.! are tor. But we wonder whether it wowd not be In tire best interests of the city's pitMWners to let the matter ~st. lt is, after all, pqosible that an anti-tidelands tee candi· date 'vou1d fare poorly at the polls. And that might be construed by winning candidates as a mandate to consider even heavier tidelands use fee s. • Preserving the Marsh \Vhen urban sprawl fills the still undeveloped pock· ets of coastal Orange County -as it seems it must - wate'rfowl, paradoxically, may still fly overhead. -. In the two months that have passed :!iince Vice :h1ayo r Lind sley Parsons' council committee first re-- commended the imposition of tidelands use fees the fee structure itself bas undergone significant chanies. At first , all those affected were to pay $1 ~nnually for each foot of boat slip. A more complex formula aimed at achieving greater equity, has since been in; corporated into the ordinance. What it adds up to is that everybody pays Jess, and residential pier·owners pay less than commercial pier-0wners. The new fonnula lo\vers the anticipated municipal revenue from $67,000 to about $40,000. If they do, in that year when the glut of people is complete, it surely will be in large measure because the Irvine Company directors and University of California r~ents were able to get together to preserve San Joa~ qwn manh near UC Irvine. Being money-con.scious -as most of us are -some might react: Why buy a reedy bog of mud? Is the Uni· versity tossing away my tax dollar? It is a matter of perspective. Con sidering the rapid rate at which marshes along the Pacific flyway are be. ing converted. to golf courses, the land seems well Wor1h the $1,000 per acre negotiated selling price. And hall ot the $202,150 is to come from the Ford Foundation. Jr. vine Company directors are expected to accept the Regents' purchase offer. ~~ ~ . ' '";_.---' ... , ; ..... r"''·--~~~ ' - .A.t last week's public hearing -after it became It is good to have another indication that our head· Jong rush to grow and build here on the Orange Coast need not totally engulf nature. "' IN) ''THIS LoDJi~ l1~f A FoV/JDR'< lLtNKER; llcR€~ A fO(fJUUO UVl!. 5fG-MENr Fini Of fl STiCIDE5, AN!> rm:n: /..,P.J c~YS'rA u.riEI> H YDP.OCA~ONS f~M CoMR\JSrl ON OF PETROl.E llM DERIVATIVE~ WITH A LA'l'E.R Of SULfH UR l>IOXll>i: FROM SoFr COAL SMOKf ... o8VlOllSL.'I', TllE MOON ONCE HA!> INTEL~ll~ENr LIFE IN A FRIEl'Jt>\.Y ENV1RoNMENT,'WHAr '1>0 You 'SUfPOS~ HAfffNEb~· Thanksgiving Is Best of ~ll Holidays Of all the holidays we celebrate, Thanbgiving ls by far my favorite. lt is, ln fact, the only one J wholeheartedly, 1ubscribe to, in spirit as well as in body. Christmas, of course, is a m~. and has been ror as long as I can remember. It bas turned inlo a hectic, anxious, oversperxling, show-offy holiday that has no more in common with t h e preachments oC Jesus than a hog · has with a hymnal. And New Year's Eve Is the end, The squares and clods have utterly taken over that day, and night, for mindless roister· ing that mistakes bellowing for bonhomie and driveling drunkenness for jollity. WHAT DO WE have ltft? The Fourth • of July should be a time to take stock of national inheritance., and what we have made, or failed to make, of it ; instead, it means firecrackers to the kids, and long, insincere political oratiOM to the adults -most of whom wouldn't sign the Declaration of lndependen~ today even under an assumed name. Dear Gloomy Gus: Who are the sadistic fiends re- .sponaible for the posted speed Jim.It of 50 m.p.h. on San Joaquin Road Jn back of Lincoln School in Corona del Mar ? -M. J. A. n.1. ........ ,.,..,. ........... ,,1...... Ml •«•IH,llY flllM et ""' ••w•'•"•· ,..., ""'' Hf _,,. " 0111111'11 •u1o 0 1llY 'lltt. harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony. after a winter of great s~at.ion. ln that autumn, Gov. William Bradford pro- claim a day of Tbankskiving -in a feast ah.ared not only by all' the colonists, but by the Indians as well. No other country has a day aet a.side for . this purpose; a day that U non- poliUcaI, non-denominational, n o n • patriotic, but simply one in which all tht people recall the privation and sutferlng of their forebears, and give thanks for th'e bounty provided them, and us. NOR HAS ANY other CQUntry so much to give thanks for. We forget, in our pride - ()f accomplishment, that the New World was naturally-blessed with miny ad· vantages Europe lacked: riot only physically, in terms of vast land and resources, but also with freedom from ancient grudges, from old.(lass 1truc- tu.res1 and from crif.pling authority. Thanksgiving ct ebrates the personal But Thanksgiving is different. It has not yet been commercialized. Jt is a quiet Lime. No one has tried to take it o~·er for sell-serving purposes, except perhaps the cranberry sauce people. And, tn06l of all, · spirit and the family unity of our people. H is unique amoni the world'3 tJ9lidays. IT WAS FIRST begun, u you learned In school, in 1621, t.o coaunemora141 the • It evokes humility , gratitude , warmth, and an exchange of sentiment.a rather than of presents or toasts or salutes. In being the most distinctively American holiday, it approaches being the most universal. Strange Paradox in Men The p.ibhcists aay Apollo 12 d.id oot i;tir !he public zeal as did Apollo 11, and it \.\"as inevitable, for \Vho remembers the liecond voyage of Columbus? Nonetheless, 12 Is more import.ant than 11 !O far as 't'Oncems the fundamental . purpose or the Apollo program. It turned nu t as a nawless mission, with one cx- l"eption . That o( course v.·a~ the failure or the televi sion camera, ~'hich denied the ·world 's viewers their view. lt was a boo. boo, nbt of the astronauts, but of Space Administration planning. Not lo provide a backup camera was like starting a long autonlriblle journey \Vithout a spare tire . 1'be Discovery n1i~n·s purpose was to estab lish that it could be done, Apollo 12 was to establish what we are trylng to do. \\lhat ~·e seek is to unravel the lrue nature of the moon. and its relation to the earth and so, to the mechanics or the Solar Sysle1n. Jts distant goal Is lo IJ:l us know y,·hert ¥'e are, whlch is a ,·ijal part of knowing t.·ho y,·e are. 'nllS HAS BEEN the quest or rne n 1ince the first ooe wondere d about the trees and the rl\-ers, and the mysterious lights in the flnnamenl An indkpensable part of knw•ing wbert and y.·ho )'CM.I art, iJ an un· .-Oerstendlng or what COL!llJJOloglsts call At1Uer. We know 11 great deal. though not everything, about the matter fonning our Jlobt, but extratemstrial matter form- Jn& other globes. though universal , has .---B!J George ---1 CONFIDENTIAL TO D OJ> I E GOOD.\1AN: lt'1 not10 much he's 1ot more hair now, Oodlr.. it'1 that nus one's name la dirson. But 7001re right. • .you are ~eenly -n11nt;'hp'l<l..-po·mt---- . . -. \ ' Royce Br ier . ' subtly different properties. The lunar matter the astronauts lugged home. over JOO earth pounds of it. triples our rock colleetion. A bit of metallic mat· ter fashioned by the Hughes Tool Com· pany has lain for over two years in a small crater adjacent to the Apollo 12 touchdown, and the astronauts snipped off some parls ()r it. \Ve want lo know what th at airleM focus of solar radiation and meteoric du st has done to ii. FR0~1 ANAL'\'SJS of Apollo 11 rl'\Cks, \\'e 11lready know the moo n has been around 4.S billion yearJ1. but we don't know tr it is unchanged in that time. We don't know If it is dead, cold globe, or 1r It contains interior heat, if it y,·as once pe_rhap.s alive and changeable, as our globe was, and is. ApoUo 12 cannot uny,•ind this enigma, but it can sta rt. Everywhere \VC look there art radioac· tlve particles, electric charges which combine w i t h . and excite, hydrogen atoms which drift in illimitable clouds lhrouib spact. In lhese cloud.s art other atomic clements. like iron, which can congeal and form !he spinning Jica,·enly bodies l\'e behold. OUR f'OREFATIJERS ~'istfully ~lo wonder U there is ROid In the moon, and "'e art past !hat wonder. Going there Is all oo the debit side to a bookkeepe r. But knoy,Jng even a Utile about whtrc w' arr. and who. may be betttr than gold. - It is a strange paradox in men. lhat '''h1le they quarrel to the death nve:r lhe ndtes of their eanh, they manage to visit :i tarplaec whlr.h prnmlsts to )'icld them nothing of material rlcha, Barking Destroys Night Worker's Sleep ~ Owners, Not Dogs, Are Responsible To lht Editor: It surely appean t.ht: world is going to Ille dop. . We moved from ooe part of the town to another thinking we could ~t away from the dogs barking under our bedroom win· dOW! at all hours of the day. At first, for a f~w months, wt thought we really had fourid a quiet retreat. Since my husband's work requires working late hours at night, we try to sleep later in Uie mornings. Not even on weekends can wt get to sleep late becauae or dogs barking at S:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. across the street. Even some dogs bark at 4 a.m. and ()ff and on through the day. T H EY S PE AK OF peopl e averpopulating the world. l believe dogs are also overpopulating the .world. Most of these dogs are not trained very well. Jt Js not the dog's fault, but the owner's fault. Since moving on this street three years ago we now bavt dogs above us, dogs below us, and we are really sur- rounded by dogs, They are on the loose early mornings and at nights. How can anyone "love thy neighbor" as the "good book" tells us to do, under these circwnstances when most ci the people do not train their dogs. 11.ECENTL Y I HA VE been ci>ntacting quite a few peoplt. Some with no dogs and SC1me with well-trained dogs who do not let their dogs run loose and destroy other people's yards. Do nol think for one minute It Is ap- preciated by people who work hard to beauUfy their homes and yards. There most certainly is a lack or thoughUulnes!I and consideraU011 on the part or some of these dog owners. In talldll&' with SC1me of these people they are disgusted v.1th some of their neighbors who let their dogs make those awful messes beside" ruining the grass, shrubs, nowers and leaving brown spots whereever the dog has been. There is a noise abatement law and a leash Jaw in this town. ISN'T IT ABOUT lime that we d0 something about protecUng our yards and properties from the dogs? Also I learned from one who saw two vicious dogs tear a small dog's throal wide open and to have dogs running loose like that is dangetQUs. Whal de.. dog lovers think? Speaking of dog lovers, God's ¥.'Ord aays that we should have "no idols," and to worship lhe Lord, God, only." I know some people •ho practically worsh1p their dogs. I ha e seen them kiss their dogs in the mouth sleep under the shttt.s with their dog That may be o.)i:. for them if they so des , but as far as l am concerned and some r people 1 know, that Ls "for the birds . ., lit.ENE HILTON Apology to Greg To the Ed itor: Reading the Thursday issue o! the DAJLY PILOT (Nov. 27), I came acrosi; an article on tht contest Pilot Pigskin Plckeroo. You listed _a complete list of winners. Not too lon& ago, 1 y,•on a football from your ronlest. I came in sewnd. I was wondulng how come my name v.•asn't on the Usl All the other people v.·ho won the same wttk I did were on the list. I'd ap- predate knowing )"hat m&y have fiap- pened. GREG Pl!ILLIPS \Ve aoofed. It's j u:1t ,,l1at si1nplc. Greg's nomt '" /lsit d in our records as sccond·placer fo r lilt -'tcond week of thr. conttst. Ht' picked 17 out of a possible 13 Win~rs -o great rt.cord. .'1me1'icn11 Si de To th< Edttor·- £di tor ls 1t nOt really ri lher stra.ng(! lhat the Letttrs from 'l'eaders are welcome, Normally writt'rs should convey their messages in 300 words or les s. Tht' right to coiidense le ttera to fit spaCt' or eliminate libel is reserved. AU let- ters must include si gnature and mail· ino address, but names may be with- held on request if sufficient reaso1~ i.s apparent. Poetry will not be pub- lis hed. very same socialists who have advocated and promoted government control of ev· erythini under the sun·. in order to pro- tect us poor peons from those greedy. wicked capltallat.s. are suddenly leaping to the defense of the television networks and major new1 media? "Government censorship," they scream in voices so passionate now tha't their own mouthpieces are being challenged. Could Jt be that they now wish to protect us from the very monster they h a v e themselves created? ALAS NO! This bunch of two-faced crusaders for communism (no matter what fancy title they may give it) are up in arms at the prospect that the television networks, newspapers and periodicals that have rallied to lhe cause af the left for so long may soon, under in-- creasing pressure fr om the American people they have betrayed, present the American side of the news for a change. ANDREW COURT MILES Soft••poketa JII011ks To the Editor : Monday, Nov. 17, civ ics teacher 1'-i ike Mang of Corona del Mar J-ligh School brought four Hindu monks to school. l feel· his purpose in doing this was for hi11 students to observe different types of religions, to see other ways of life around 1JS, and to THINK. They talked about themselves. their relationship with God and their religion. Thty were very soft-spoken people ·,1·ho in no way tried to force their beliefs upon us. Approximately 1,000 students Jlstcned to their views on God and life. TllAT SAi\tE afternoon , s e " (' r ;i l parents called principal Leon ~ieeks and complained. Their reasons were that lhey didn 't want their children hearing \.\'hat was being talked about. I feel ir that person didn 't want lo hear the Hindu rnonks talk . they could have just gotten up and left the room. I'm sure ~1r. ~lang \\·asn't going to pu]J hi1n or her dov.·n by the coll ar and force then1 to liliten. If they didn't want to listen. fine , Jea1·e. but don't make the rest or us .suffer because the rest of us just might "'ant to form our own opinions on life by llsteninl! lo other people's views on Ufe. How do you fctl about this? DONA DUCHON . IJppe l' Bay'3 Ecology To Ille F.ditor' To emphutze once more briefly the 'Issues involvtd in the Upper Ne~'J)Ol't Bay situation: AK.'11 drastic int.ervenUon" in nature as are contemplated in pro- PQ8ed dn'!dging and charlit of i;horeline are bound to affect the bay's ecology ir- r evtnibly; and the tenn ecology here In· eludes the Cfltire human situation, I.e., lht bay 's functlonlng ln and for a human conte xt. Scientific knl'.IW!edgr rtgarding U1e rf· ftell of de\'elopmcnt on e!tuarine ll')'stems m•y be suck thl..1 one cannot make 1urt. forecasts, but e.ipericnce haJ proven that devcJopments sinUJar to lhe ones envisaged for I.ht Upper Bay result in destruction, not jusl. of some natural environment, b\Jt of a complex ecological situation. WATER POLLUTION is problem number one in virtually all estuaries which have been fully developed. and, as a Yale ecologist found in summarizing the effects of such pollution : "we are ultimately offering insufficient protection to ourselves. • .• the possibility of ecological catastrophe is real." No threat, this statement Is the dispassionatt' exposition of a real liability, one which is taken seriously by all scientists and humanists. Technology, originally a tool in man's fight for survival, is now threatening to enslave and overpower-indeed, to destroy-man, its creator. i\IAN'S EFFORTS lo inodify nature tor his own benefit are going awry. "Progress can no ·longer be regarded as sheer bless· . ing. Development or the bay-demanded In the name of "progress," ror instance, by our Chamber of Commerce-is therefore • poor argument to use in this hour of ecological crisis. '!be common citizen, confronted everywhere with the adverse effect. of "progress" (air and "'ater pollution, closed~own beachCf!), knows better. THAT IS WHY he is reluctant to give up so rare an open space area as Upper Newport Bay. If we are to avoid the head-on collision with e c o 1 o g i c a I catastrophe prophesied by contemporary thinken. then each one of us .,u.q pro. tect whal'.s left ot the natural en-- vironment, and y,•e had better start wJLh \\'hal is nearest to home, the one open ispacc left in our community .. MRS. HOWARD S. BABS •Highly Orga11i;:ed' 'fo the Edil or : This Jett~ is the only Y.'ay 1 can ex- press my appreciation to more than a_ hundred concerned citizens ~·ho patiently listened to our hour·long report qi the Upper Bay at the recent Newport Beach City Council study session. lam sorry "'e could not acknowledge lhl!ir support wi th n more entertaining presentation. \\'e ride white horses on the side oE truth, virtue and justice, but \.l'e sure are dull . this to he another batUeground between the city oCficials groping for more tar dollars and the landlords for more leaseholds -another no man's land or should J say another "Salt Creek." The pr~iple is the :same, but tht stakes are higher . Are we loo late? If you rlon 't think sO and you want to help, call &<H.1n . JfM lllNES Co11tl1111 e to F ight. To the Editor: Ont of the commen ts made by Newport Beach traffic engineer Robert Jaffee, a! reported in the Nov. 17 issue of the DAI· LY PILOT, is a marvelous example or using a prediction lo justify a need wtuCh will make the prediction come true. Mr. Jaffee predicts that by 1990 traffic: In Newport Beach will reach 125 ooo vehicles a day, thereby justifying 1the need for the Pacific Coast Freeway. He's rjj'ht. Construction of an eight-lane freeway through Newport Beach and Corona del Mar will raise daily traffic levels lo some unbelievable le vel, and will also bring even greater increases in dirt, noise, smog, and traffic congestion on side streets. TWO \\'ONDERFUL freeways, the San Diego and the Santa Ana, pass within to miles of Newport Beach. and wide straight streets reach from these freewa ys to all sections of Newport Beach, Easy access is provided for local re_sidents traveling to_ Los Angelu, San Diego or the Anaheim-Santa Ana area. In ()lher words wbo needs the new freeway? Certainly not the residen~ and tax· payers. l\tR. JAFFEE concludes "the freeway .has to go somC\vhcre." Presumably his cominent expresses the opinion of the Stale High"·ay Commission and some of the Jarae expansion-minded 1 and developers. However. from the viewpoin~ of local residents is the conclusion really in the best intere st of Ne1vport Beach? t don't think so and I hope the City Council '"·ill continue U1e fi ght to prevent the Pacific Coast Free way from passing through Newport Beach . D. g, GARR Solid White Linc ·To the Editor · I ·ALSO WA!\'T lo thank Chambe r or \\'c have just returned from a delightf ul Commerce President Oick Ste ven s for his vacation 10 northern Callfornia .. Our letter accusing us of a "highly organized California highways art great. However though misd irected campaign '' of "half· r \\;sh ou r own ri.tacArlhur Blvd .. fro~ truths, fiction and irrelevant comments." University Drive to Coast Highway, had Thi$ gave us a beauliful chance to call the life,saving so lid while line on the his ~l~tff, and it gave us ~'a~uable r_ree righ t hand side of the road. On dark, fOjt· pubhc1ty, but most of a111t IS l?,'_f1rsl . gy nights on that dark. \Vind1ns: road it 1ln1e ~nyo~.c has ever called. me highly \\'Ould be a tremendoos help. The renec- organ!zed, 1 plan to k.eep his \eUer a~ !ors help, but the .solid y,·hitc line v.•ould read 1t aloud to my \Vlfe at frequent 1n-I 1:1' an even bigger im pro vement. lcrva!s. ~tRS. J, P. A YNES Al.I.AN egEK Bnt'I• Ba!J. Ditgracc To lhe Editor ; \Vhy hasn't any body d on e anything aboot Bliek Bay? Driving over P.tllsades Bridge. you can 9Ct the damage ol the oast flood : it devastated the are3. n1ined the salt mine and wrecli:ed the ski zone. It 1s now a tn0,1Quitoes' paradist, pollutat '1nd not good for man nor beast. This: area h.1s become a smr:ll,v. i;tagnant sw11.mp. 11 disgrace to Back Bay and to all of Newport llarbor as well. · 'I 1 CA~T 8EUEVE such a lac:k l)J enn-- c-cm m·er this area. I ean remember a ~·e.1r ago and be.fore when Back Bay ,.,.a~ not U1e finest siding, but it wu there 1 Joarfs of fun ). Art we 1oing to let prTvatc intues.ts rob the pubUc o( anolher recrcauonal ~·atcr front areu': Again, 111 • - ' -~-- \ Wednesdey, December 3, 1969 ~C editoria: PfJ'ge of th• Dail!I Plloi .sef!ks to 1nfortn and sf-irn- tdote reader$ bu presenting thit newspaper's opinions and com. nttntory Oil topics of interest and significa11cc, by provUltn g a f orum for the expr1ssion of our readers' opinions, and by presentin g lite diverse iiit'w- poini,, of i11formed ob.servtri 1111<f spokc.s n1etl ou topics of the da u. Robc1t N. \YeedLPublishcr • , I ., /, ·i I I I ,, I ' ·~ I .. I - ( . l . , ~ , .. --- • ' VOL:. 62, NO. 289, 5 SECTIONS, it PAGES -Oit>.NGE COUNTY, CALIF6ftNIA. • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1969' TENO~ , . . . . Toples·s Ban Throw~ --Out as ?.'arned of an impending business in town-nude and new-the Costa hlesa City Council Tuesday adopted a la1v already said to be unconstitutional at lower C-Ourt levels. The method used presumably leaves the city semi-protected from topless and bottomless both in front and behlnd, at least until the matter is eventually resolved by the state Supreme Court. City Attorney Roy June had already scheduled a report on the new law, listed on the agenda 33 prohibiting certain obnoxious conduct, when two new devel· opment.s came. Judge Robert Corfman ruled in Orange County Superior· Court three houri ear- Jier that the county law on which Costa 11-fesa's ls patterned violates sections of the Constitution. ·Police Chiel Roger Neth then dropped the bombshell that ctrlain entrepreneurs are poised to locally open up shop where · the performers will drop their aUire. • ' . . COl!JNTY JUDGE DUMPS TOPLESS LAW, PAGE 3 "Costa:·Mesa is the immediate 'target of· the reopening of one aOd mafbe ail. other establishment, aCcordlng to intel- ligence reports from another law enforce.. ment agellCy," laid Chief Neth. He · said the city's lack ol the newei;:t • I , f nudity ordinance. was the precise teason Costa: Mela was teledei. · - "We ~liue this 'is valid information," he added. Chld Neth later decline<! Ip '"'"'"late on uactly wbo was behind aae bottoril· Jess c:;>er. ~· --., · Sip of soine type of re6ciemnt of the old Ball1 Doll's bar-blttlelrouncf lrt the 22QO block of Jl4rbor Boulevard however, have been evldenct4 recently. Vader turtber coun<ir queaUonlng, Chi~! • I Neth sald that knowing the persons involved, he believes even passage of the law now und er attack would sUll elfec- ti•ely· keep them out. Based on the city's. Original anti-nudlly ordinance, the plan required all enter· lainers to apply for a permit from the city council. City Aitorney June explilned that thia created an enforcement problem ~ cause the constitution .fdfblds retu'sing a permit without due cause~ Mor.! dlMpprov.J of ?udlty i3 nol due caose. · The. cqnlrove{sjal county law District A~t.or~y·C~il Hicks rope·s to push all the way to the Cilifornia Supreme Court, howeVu,. &ivet c1Ues the option of taking just that• moral 1tanCe.. • "I think it's up {o the council whether . ybu want to prohibjt it-you're· on the horns of a dilemma," said June. "I'm (S.. MESA-BAN, Pace II 0 e I 1es aron Boy Electrocµte _d Mesa Youth Was Climbing Power Pole •' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot me 0111r !'Oat s11tf A Costa l'\1esa policeman had the heartsick task of identffying a neighbor boy whose buddy couldn't even tell Tues- day night, after he fell 'lo earth from a po;11er pole in a ball of fire , electrocuted by 66,000 volts. Martin E. Rutan. 14 of 2257 Avalon St .. would have been killed by landing on his hea5) in the plunge. if he hadn't been literally incinerated by the powerful jell. The blinding flash of light which seared the sky over the Southern California Edison Company substation at FairYlew Road and Wilson Street at 9 p.m .• brought spectators and police. A fiery object was seen to plummet to- the ground inside the fenced and locked compound and was still burning when Detective Carl Jackson arrived from nearby P.91_i~ h~dquarters. . Police'Cfilet Roger Neth arrived shortly lhereafter, havine seen the ex;plosion Mesa Council Wrinkles Nose at Huntington Air Costa Mesa C'ity Council members are miffing the weslerly br~zes from Hun- tington Beach this week for potential tr..ouQle that smells like nitrogen oxides. They meet in special session next Mon- day to discuss several matters and one may ·be lhe proposed expansion by two generating units of the S o u t h e r n California Edison Company·s nea rby l.iteam power plant. Councilman George A. Tucker suggests taking a stand in suj)por~ of Orange Do'v Jones Index Falls Under 800 \ NE\V l'ORK IUPJ )-The bruised and battered Dow Jones industr ial average ,.,. 1sagged to its lowest poi nt 111 nearly three years today as the stock market's slide con tinued unabated. (Sec quotations, Pa ges 30. JI ). The average. which measures price movements in 30 selected high grade commOn stocks. broke below the 800 level for the first lime since January 1967. At the close, it was off 7.99 points at 79.1.36. Analysts who closely follow the DJ! regarded 800 as an Important support Je\·el-a point where buyers norinall.v ~"Ould be ex~ted to move in end bid pri ces up agairi. But the market put up hardly any resistance at all today as the <1.verage fell past 800 and selling acce ler- •ted thereafter. Conn~ Air Pollution Control Officer \Villiam Fitchen, who has twice ref~ to issue a permit for the expansion. He nated in discussion at this week's council session that the plan t on Pacific Coast Highway at Newland Street is close enougj to have a major effect on Costa Mesa's atmosphere. The California Public Utllitie! Com- mission (PUC) nolificalion of a hearing on the matter Dec. 17 in the Fountain Valley Civic Center auditorium led to Tucker's suggestion. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said that Al Geiser, local di strict manager for the Southern California Edison Company, might be lille to provide more in· formation about the proposed expansion. A controversy has de\•eloped over the an1ounl of smog-producing nitrogen oxide emissions pouring from the generating plan t intJ the Orange County atmosphere. Police Jail Man In Bar Brawl A Newport Stach pier builder who allegedly traded glassea with a Costa Mesa bartender-a beer in the head far a ~ktall he felt the house owed-wound up in jail Tuesday night. Charles ·G. Kaiser, 26, of 1906 Holiday Road. Newport Beach, was booked on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon after the allercatlon over payment for a sti nger cocktail. .. seconds after leaving Costa Mesa City Council chambers. Barred' ftom entry by a locked gate, police and firemen ·were about to cut their way in to reach the burning body when .Edison Company employe Wllll,m · Guffy arrived from his nearby home with a key. . The Rutan boy's body was still burning. A friend, Michael Yeari\11, U, of lllO W. Wlls<J\I SI. lold .al!ll>or)~ ... al the ICtllf I~ Jl!IV Kll~-!11!. f•1• 1.1 W omJn Injured Itt M:t:a Crasli Fights for Life A youi,g ru'stin woman whose small car was ctushed beneath the rear of .a llUck it rammed ·Olf the san Diego Freeway ln Co6ta Mesa was {igbt1n1 for her life to: day. Two occupants of the truck were alao hurt in the accident this morning in Southbound Ia.nea of the freeway at the Bristol Street overpass. • ' Susan H. Grontmeyer, 21, of 15Ml}KJt• tie Ave., was taken to COStt .Maa Men10rial Hospital in extremely crttlcal condition with multlole .Injuries after the colUsion. Truck occupants were Identified as ,John Norwood. 42. of El Segundo, and Harry f\.1itchell, 29, of Torra.nee, ·but California Highway Patrol authorities had not concluded which was the driver. HE CAN'T BACK AWAY FRO~l THAT Camp Pendleton Marine Robert Watt got himself arrested ln Laguna Beach Tuesday night on charges that he backed his bus van up 19l" 60 feet and Was going so fast he smashed into the car behind him. Laguna Officer Thomas Royster. who arrested Watt. 13, in front of the Hatch Cover · bar on Co'aat' Highway, claimed that the suspect even Ignored frantic horn blasts from the auto behind as Watt's van bore down backward on it. Oh yes, it was Officer Rcyster, in hi! patrol car, who was doing the horn blow· Ing. 'WI' BILOHC)'ro HIM, NOT rel OURSIJLV&s:"" .Murder Sutpect De~rlbea Cult ·Lt-.d•r Men.On · · ' . ·Grisly Case Recounted By Lawye:r. LOS ANGELES .(AP) - A lawyel' for a gtrl member of th< hlp~le ~and Hoked to the Sharon Tate murders said today the: killlngs were .carried out l)y fiYP. people clad, in black wiio entered the· mansion after one'or them bad Clit 1uUnty lines. ,The next niah• .. atto.rney Paul Caruso added, U1e WI\< ()'OUP• p~ked a "°"" al ·, r;indom. 111d, stabbed to 4'a1t\_ a w.Jllthy rn¥ket owner and hla wlJc -theth tqok ~hov•ers in the house •n4 had a mack from ti!• lc.e Ii!>•· , . ' Caruso, a veteran Loi An1eles crtminal attorney, represents Sunn Oeniie Atkins, 211 a member of a band pf nomadic hip- pies, Pollce say ~veraJ membeD of the ifOUP ptrformed the Tate murden~ those ol ~ llJ'rkel famtly, and may ho" been Jnvol~ lii otJltr:I, · , ; earu.o ' told .• ' ll6*1!'Qo lhtl r.11 .. A~, ,!W Is cilarged with a murder in th< Malibu art.I, !old blin In a fiv~-bour ihtervlew that iii~ waa one Of ,the five. .. TraShCollectiQn .Dumped ' lYho w~nt to th~ Tai. m~J(1l!)ll in ~I-Air. He gave this accoUnt of her story: • "Five-~pie dressed ln black · ap- proaC~ the Polamkl residence (~iss Tate was the wife of Polish1 film director Rotlllln Polanski). A men used • pal:(' of ' . On Board's Agenda ~ioi-8 of IU Costa Mesa Sanitary Dist'ri,ct arc going .to . hear a lot or: g.irbage at their meetlng ·t'i>rrlgT!.t. It sat out on · the strtel$ ThaltksgJ~ing Day. . , .. -. Ri chard DeWitt', 2973 Rqyal Palm Drive, in the' Mesa ·Verde. area, is ex· peeled to spea~head .. the. campaign .• He got unexpected support Tuesday night from Costa ~1esa ·city Councilman Georke A. Tucker, also a ~1csa Verde resident. Councilman \Villiam L. St. Clair lent a hand with the load too. "My su~jeet is a complaint,'' said DeWitt, appearing during the oral com- munic8.tions" period at the city council meeting. "Costa l'\lesa trash pickup is the pro- blem," he-satd, "and ·l'v.e been very, very patient, IM r don't thlrlk we are _getting the real gopd se:vice we de.serve." "Th,ey are so very, very fussy !'' he said, of the. men who make the v"eary rounds ·in a ti.me-honored OCL'Upation. "U they can't.Pick it uP with one hand, they leave a· sign ·saying 'ToO Heavy'," DeWitt continued. also criticizing Jack or notiflcaUoo of no Thanksgiving Day pickup. De.Witts' dinner guests,1 alt.hough both the DAILY PIL<n and a 'Central county paj>e.r repotted 'the no<picltup schedule. · Councilman1 Tut:kef said he planned to brin,s:. up the sam.e. t~ing lfl.lder coun- cilmen's cQllUllents. · · City Attormy Roy 1June and Mayor Alvin L. Pbikley1eXplalned Ure sanitary district, which meets tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Center." ddes.n't handJe trash pickup. · · It is done. by a private contr3.ctor paid by the district. Councilman St. Clair joined the garbage-slinging debate. t;>y "·aming peo- ple not to buy large, heavy duty metal c8{1s becl!u.,e \heir weight is ~vi~ntly ad· ded to the 50 pound load inaxlmum. "It got so I'd be taking my bathroom scales 09.t to_JJ'1'-lte,s1re they weren't over the limi{,",.he quipped. Dog ~Bite · Victim . ' .. Faces Shots if bolt.cutters·to ci.Jt the el ectric )Ines, Uten crept. a found th~ side of the house, bpen- ed a window, th'?n opened the front door and the othen ent~red. . "Then the homicide took place. Parent (Steven Parent. 18.) a frie nd of the. (See TATE CASE, Pop II Young Cyclist Hurt in Crash A young Costa Jl.1esa bicyclist Ls hospilaliz.ed today ifter being atruck from behind by a car Ttiesdar. The driver of U1e car waS ufeated and bocked into Orange County ,Jail oi') a charge of felony drunk drf\ting, with police requesting a sooiplalnt ~ the Diskict Attorney todt)'. • ThOmas R. Meyer, ·t4, o( 2214 COUege Ave .• was lb\ed ,in..1ood c:oodlttOp al C:OSta Mesa Memoriat,Hospltal. where he is being tree.led foe bead tacerations. Police. idenl;ilied the drlvei; in the,col- lision at Wllaon ,Str~ and Fordham Drive as Mr;a. Agnes B. Spella, 44, of;2421 Richmond Wa)'.. Costa.Mesa. Orange Cou& School Building Cost Error Told AnimalNptFound A San Diego housewife Is In the Harbor • Area today, as time run.s out in her hunt· (Qr a litt le dqg which nlpP1!q her on the face, leading to imnilnent Pasteur anti· lt'eatller ' /lY 'l'HOMAS FORTUNE /, Of nit 0.lly ~!tit SlfH A grosS discrepancy in school building cost ca,ne to Jlght at Tuesday night's Newport-Mesa Unified School District board of trustees mettln,. A presentation by architect William E. Blurock indicated that an estimate of the cost of building" a central bus garage and warehou~ gh•en for the school bond is- sue passed last February was totally In· adequ ate. ~he figure used durini the bond cam· , gn, provided by educational consultant vis-~facConnell·Ra1$ton Inc .• was fl72- 500. Blurock said to take care of long· range needs, includlng .so1ne not specl· fled for the bond issue. the cost would be $1.1 million -more than six times as much. tncrtdu\ou& i;chool trustees reacted this way : ---1•,.arJd;...Mao\11lli.an , "OoO:Lhurey • - on "'ilh your plans. We have lo do a Jot mation. cross cbeclted and verified It or rethinking." with >ocai architects. James "Bill'' Peyton -"The: money ·But the one. aru in the $16.9 million might we.II be spent be.Uer somewhere bond proposal for which they did not else." have data w1s cost of a central bus ga,... Board . President Mrs. ~farian Berge-age and .warehouse. Jerry Resnlck of SOii -"we·u have to sculiniz.e this v~ DMR wu asked if he. could supply art care.fully. We can't s~ money we don't es timate. have." t "They were no lon1er employed by the Board members, without seekin1 t1> as-school district. We just kind of picked !'lign blame, then Jet ihe embarrassing this up gratuitously/' Andersen Said. matter drop. "We dJdn't know the degree to whlcb Rov 0. And ersen. the school district·s they had bickground from their previous admfnistralive assistant for achoo! facili· work. Resnick gave a cursory off the lop ties, explained in an interview i'oday that of ~· ~d flgure, -·obviously It had .to Da,tJs·P.fa cConnell·Ralston, financial and be that -one he didn't take much time master planni ng educational consultants. on and didn't take Into account topo- had ~be.en reta ined by the school district graphical conslderallons. to prepare data for t"·o previous bond "llfy 9nly crttlclsm." Andersen said. election tries. ~ "Jn -think "lrwot:IJd have been wise if For the bond election In Febraury this he had said, 'No. we can·t really give )'ear Andersen and oth9" school district. you a valid figure tn that.'" ata!Unem~\!<(Jht DMll.Jnlm:'-· _.llJJY'mll d • w••n'I bnlcal in\•olved with more than the mechanJcs of calling and asking them to.give me a fl1ure." • • He explaJned that W g~t a more reli- able estimate ~ould cru;t the .icboor 1Jis- trict .somC money. The :sc)KIOI district could haVe been criticized tOr spending that money . and if •the. . school bo'1<f measure failed It might have been moll- ey wasted. "You never can be that sure until you spend some money to get an engineering estimate. and toPOgraphlcal surv¢y.'' An· dersen said. "The pros who give good estlma.t.e.s don't want to stlck their necks oot without doing that. They know there are too many variables." · Andmen said Resnick used • square rooiare formula to-figure tht -.or lht bas and warehouse. laclllty. '"Whenever you use 1 formula you are gamblliig on tSet SCHOOL, P110 II ' rabies treatments. · i\frs. Alice Keithly said the incident oc- curred at 1rv1ne Avenue and 19th Street In Costa Mesa and the little boy and his dog lnvokied·must bt found by Sunday. Purilshment 15 OOl a consideration, but only prevention of the. discomfort o( a ser'les of 14 hijectiOns, which h••e stron1 side effects to tile pntlcilt. Mrs. · Keithly said her doctor-hfli '81re.ady 5'~ aside the serum, but lt may not be ni!eded If the oollle pup four to fjve months old, with bro\\'n 3'K1 white col· oMilg can be u1trnlned. .. She sald'ljle' dbg waa with a lhln llltle boy she to el1h.t years old who seemed to call tne do& Queenie, and said the dog was Just oV.r·frlerldty when f{.n. Kttlhty WU bitten. -.:._ ....}_. ~ Her 10.il phono number I• MS.2721 ond shej1ala)'ln1 11 41t E.:19lh St;Colta Mesa. 1 • Under partly cloudl, bul most· 1)' sunny skies; the Oranae eo,.& wilt ~k t~ fnld·'IO<loi>'* w,.th. er Thurllday. ' ' INSmE .TOD-'\' Tht latest J)1'0(fuctfon o/ tha Logu11a Moitlton P,iauhouse and lh• •••llol llO!ldo~ o//mno /~om the ChUd~c"'' Theottf" Gull~ •'• r••lewlil IO<lau. Set Enttr.~hLment, Paa• 29. ,. > • t • , • O.lll. Y i1LOT c Wodnadcy.-J,IW! ,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~-...~~...,..~---~ . ' e~a . c--O kays T11x· -Exemption Boost to $7UO .. . f .. , • . •I· ~,1. j,, • WASHINGTON (Al'l, -The Stqatt lllve to ao worl<M out In a Stnate. '-....i today to~·J'.1l!<if IO ~U 1J1o' Coo/-lll~l~tlan. ' nation's ·.ta1paytrt .1· b\''· -reiaip& Uit ' y lfld ~\> ~u some · form O/.tn. n<uolll~ 11":ome t.r U!njpllon tn fl1JO cte.,. Jn 1111 tnmpllon' la .,.,,,.,.. II nexl yeir ind $800 ic 1171 . c1µ1 be dooe -.. ,,. way to ~ti' .. ac: 'n\e roll call vote was 58 to 11. cep¥.ablt to1lU.1on.. " J Tll< pr<posal; •ponoOre'd by Sen. Albert · Adoption o1 GO<t's propora( roUowed t.,iOfe (Mtnn.), wa11 \\Tilten into the l.aX, Senate ·rtjection, by a ?i-z.1 vate ·qi an :'1'farm DiU.ln the face of a warWng frotn alte matlve plan propoaed by SerCCh1r1es ~sident"'Nlxon "l'ueS<ray 1hat ht fiD:ibl H. Percy (R-Ill.), to spreail'ltit1ax Cuts veto 1 tax--bJU ·With iueh an amM<f1ncnt over a longer period of-time. .,lf1 ll., · -· , · · Percf ' proPQ6Cd to lnerct se the ~ ~·or the . propoUI empl)tiiµ,d' • ~rsonal exemptkm $50 4 Y.'fl' ~or three lhat Ille fli>al lorm of laa reduclloo adn i)'ClllS. IO a !OP ol 17!0. ll!a plan,.unlikt • f'r'on• Page 1 SOIOOL ERROR . • • tilt appli~bility of it," he said. Andenen said that Resni<~ llf<lbably · did not take into accoW1t ,topoara)by Dor i!!peclat chaT-acteristics 4)f lh111' "'" or . bulldlng ·•ul:h as the hclghl n.,ded IOI' the bUb garage and expensve ~t· of the · large doors .• - • OaviJ-Mal'Conriell-Ralston, 1hen ·known «s 01>ell-t.1acConncil, had 'vorked with Jormtr Newporl·fl1esa Supt. Dr. Leland Ne.wcOmer when he headed the Las Vef8.~ sc~ool system: DMR .oJ>!lled ·~ Soutbetn callrornla regicnal of~ce in "Costa M~~ tbe11 cl csl!d fr when NeW. comer r esigned from Newport.Me!a. A call to·the Palo Alto headquarters ('lf the firm, now called DMR of Westing· house, determined that Resnick no longelf Robert Hench , architect {rom Blurock's •· Q,rona de! Mar offi ce, in his Tuesday night pre.ae:ntatlon said Andersen had asked him to "'Ork with the transporta· lion and maintenance departments lo determine what facilities they think they 'vii.I ileed 9ver the Jong haul. He said It would cost $25,700 to pay the City of Coil a Mesa for street develop'.. hlent adjacent to the Baker Street site. ·Phase I construction, the bus ga rage, Huntington Girl 111 Me sa Crasli Remains Critical D!spite improvement clinically, a ~"oung Huntington Belch waman cr::ltlc11ly :injured nine days ago in" ;i. Costa Mesa .auto crash is still itr critical condition, nuMies said today. J\.1rs. .Judith McQuaid, 21. of V3U Velardo l.Ane, remains in a coma and 'haa never regained consciousne ss since the shattering collision on Nov. 2.1. just before midnight. Her husband, Thomas. 23. was Jes!' severely injured when their "small car -"'II rammed by anothert, illPJ>td over the second vehlcle and flattened a traffic lii:ht 1tandard a5 lt !elf, ' Mrs. McQ\.lald suffered a severe con- russion and multiple ¢tit1 in the accident !It Newport Boulevard and Fair Drive,, 'lvithin sight or the Costa ?i1esa Police ·Facility. . . A' nUrse at Costa Mesa Meinorial H05- pit1l 'said she Js atllJ. in the inteniive care unit and on the aritlc!l llst. althou1h ·medfcal experts can see 'Dy their precise ''llndards that lihe is slightty better. Mesa Bo y, 17~ Kicked, St omped · A 17-year~ld Costa J\iesa boy was kick· rd and stomped in his own driveway 'rucsday night by long-haired strangers "'ho accused him cf stealing a need le for i.hooling narcotics. \\'illiam A. Bradley. iz.1 \V. \Vilson St , !old police he had never seen the four men who attacked hi1n about 5:30 p.m., ..Tt>peatedly kicking him in the head unlil lli~ mother ran ou tside. , He was taken to C01ta ?o.1esa ti1emor ial Ho.spita1 for treatment of a possible frac- 1ured left hand, broken jaw and -illsl(l(atcd jaw, but \Vas later released. Ohl~V PltOT <A&HO& COl.~1· "Uil 1~11•• COM,Allt ••Mrt N. 'Wt tl ~,.. ...... , .,_. "911111tf Jae~ •· C111lt'1' Vlell ~r"lfto'lt •lld G"'ttl' M .... tel' T~·"''' t:'t••il IO•ltf' Tlitll'll' A.. "4111,hi"' ~"' .. c ......... OffllN llO Wt ll l •Y Str••' J.i,;n"f Alll4111t1 P.O. to• I S•O, tJl26 o .... -..._.. tf.tC11 nu ••~ ... _. ....., .... LI-.... II: m ,..._IT •¥t-~lll'f'9<1 .. "" • .,, '"' ~ w6uld cO<t 121!,000, ht uid. Phlte n. a malntenince · and operations f&dllty woold cost a .coo. Phase. III, the ware- house, '469,800 ind Phase.IV, a central kitchen and food storage facility '(oot mentiQned In the bbnd issue). SIM,000. .Anderaen • &aid today the pre•ntatlon tq the boar .dwa.s unfortunate .In th1t it did not strw the facilities wue being designed lor the ultim ate needs of the school district with twice the present enrollmeat 20 years from now. Hench Sa.Id the faciUties would be 75.· 000 square feet for the eventual Ml,000 stu dtrlta-"not out of line with what 1he 'state ·recommends.'' •'J don't think your staff is askin& for anything unreaUstlc ." Blurock added. Bluroek also said, "Fortunately, wf' weren't inv olved in the previous cost estimate." The proposed facility is located on lhP. nor~h side of Baker Street across from St. Jo~n the Baptist Church and School. ~·here Bear Street eventually will tle in _w.hen-lht Corona del Mar Freeway is buill. The northend Costa Mesa facility, \vhich was called "central" during the . bond cam.paten. wiU pl'(IVide quick school bus access to all pa.rta of th~ school dis· trtcts when the freeways are in, Ander· .sen said. The present bus a:arage at Newport Harbor High School will Mt have to be moved durin1 Upension ol thlt school as urlier thoutht. Andersen said. _New buildings to be built at Harbor High for September, 1171, with already sold bond l'tlioney, will bring the school to capacity of 2,~ .ttudents, not 3,000 as eventually Planned, and the biu garage can atay. ;'We outJrt to have the space for play 11.rea but we can Uve with it for 1. time,·• Andersen said. H_e .said the pruent bus garages were rlt!ngned ooly for the high school district prior lo unjflcatkln . Ca1·s Demolished, Bq,t Occupants Escape With Cuts Three Harbor Area residents escaped serious injury in a pair of Newport Beach traffi c crasties Tuesday '"'hich left two ·cars demoliJhed .. The Utst crut1'occurred at 5:30 p.m. >oh DoV!r Drive near Pacific Coast Highway, police said. Robert Isbell. 16, 2811 Bayshore Dri vl! told officers .he lost control o{ Lh~ 1:hunderbird he was driving and it hit a hght pole, shearing it off. A passenger. David Eastman. 15 2602 Vista Drive, suffered several face' cuts. He was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospit1I by his mother, officers sakl. The second crash about midnight In· vol vM a (osta Mesa man and a tiny Japanese sedan. The car. traveli.1g cast on Pacific Coasl 11ighway near ·Balboa Boule vard. rolled several li mes and ejected t.he driver . li·lichael ~fcNu,ty, 24, of 2041 W. Wilson St.. Costa Mesa, told police he los t con· lrol of the tiny car on Pacific Coast Highway 100 feet y.·esl of Balboa Boi.J levai·d. The car rolled at least twice, Police said, thsn ''just came apart." Wreckage was scattered in a 20Qi:foot radius. But 11-tcNully, who was liken for emtrgency treatment ta Hoag Memorial Hospital , had only scrapes and bruises . P robate 1'opic For Bar Mee t A program called ''The Truth Abou t Probate" will be prcSented by Ule Oran1e Counly Bar A550Clation at 1 p.m. Thurs- da y night at Ne"•port liarbor High School auditorium. Four speakers from the Bar AMOCiA· lion will talk on '"\l,'hy Have a \Viii." "Com mon Criticisms of Probate." "When Probatl! Is Not Necessary •· and "Procedures and Problems Relative to Probate." A half hour qul!sUon and answer period '''ill follow . Adm lulon is fre~. 18 Men Fil e Clai.im Over Nevada Arrest LAS VEGAS !UPI) -l:llblttn Kaniu City arta ml!l'I nled more th•n f7 1t1il1Hon in claims against Clark County· Tutlday charging they 1uUcred bumlllatton and Jou of re:putatlon when they were ar- reoted hore last M~. ,,,. men. whom Sherill Ralph Lamb 5lld were bf:Ueved to have. me.Ila tie1, weft amsted May 28 as they prepared to board 1 plane chartered by Caesars Palace HOte.I. Tbe men were charaCd WfOi ,11grlritY ea relta~ on ball. Gore'a, 11'.lso would bfv4 cut some income tu rates. 1 Th< Gor< amendment 111Mtltuled the · ll\\lr!IP!'i ....,..Ill ~-!or all the , rate~ cUu propoaed by S.Uie Flnallci Committee. lU adoption marked tht flrst change by the Sena.ti! in lh'e committee proposals. There are three elements in the Gore amendffient: 1. The ,increase in the exemption to $800 over two years. 2. A $1 .000 standard deduction .and low Jncome allowance. Thi! standard deduc- LEAPS TO FREEDOM Vocalist Birdsong Singing Star Kidnap Suspect <;ives Self Up LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -A Hollywood man turned himsell in to police here today hours after 1incer _Cin- dy Birdsong of the Supremes repdrted ahe escaped from a kidn1per unhilnned. Miss Birdsong.' 30, aakt sHe wu al>- ducted from her Hollywood apartment at knilepoint Tuesday night but · jumped from the kidnaper's car as It' traveled along a freeway. City polict said Charles Edward Collier, 26, who resides in the same•part· menl building 1.1 Miu Birdsong, called them trom 1. motel on the • Las Vtlga~ Strip and saki he had abd ucted her. They said he told them he had flown from Los Angeles ind had $2 in his possession after loalng all or his money gambling: ~ wu booked on ii Caijlornia _fu,iUvt ch1rge. Ml.ss Bird!ong suffered multiple lactra· tions when she jumped and was reported in satisfactory condition at Long Beach Memorial Hospital. She also was treated for minor knife slashes. Police said the kidnaper, de!lcribed as weiring a brown leathar jacket,, was bidio& in a 'bedfoom or the singer'/! liollyv.1ood home when 'she returoed in the evening. Two friends, Charles Hewlett. 25, and Howard ?f.eak, 25, had Qone to the home earlier and were waiting for Mis.s Birdsong. apparently unaware of the kid- nape r in the bedroom. The man put a large knife to her neck when sht entered the bedroom and holding' the knife under her chin be forc8d her to tie the two other men wilh !heir tics. ' She was then forced to her car and held al knUe·polnt as the man drove toward Long Beach. Police said the y.·oman jumped from the speeding car while on the Long Beach Freeway and rolled across onto the edge of the freeway . She got up and ran against traffic until she was found by two Cal ifornia Highway patrolmen. The tn·o men at her home freed th emsel\'e.!i moment! aflt!r the kidnaper abducted Miss Bircbong and called police. From P .. e J BOY KILLED • • he thou1ht the victim ml1ht be Y.art.!n Rutan, and Officer Ron Palmer con- firml!d it. The Yeargin boy's mother was able to Identify the victim al110, according to police, "'ho said he ,.,,as une xplainedly climbing a i~foot poy.·er pole when killed. He may have brushed 11. conductor to absorb the heart.stopping &a .'lOO-voll jolt, but '1'ould only need to get closf! to be ex- posed to lnst1nt death, according to an Edison Company spokesman. '"J ust bein g on the pole and in the \•iclnity of 66,000 volts "'ould put him in Jeopardy of having the voltage arc through the air and strike hlm down ," ht expl ained. 1'-1athew 0. Elterie . 17, of 310S Jefferson Ave., was the first to nc11fy police dispatchers of the eleetrocuUon, saying it appeared to be an explCN1iO n at the. ~ubstatlon. Police Sgt. Lmy Bersch Pid he was on patrol in the area aod raced to the 1cene 1s goon as the bllndln1 fla.1h gignalled trouble. "'hlch was to Include a short power blackout. Edison Company authorilie5 said &My ha<! rtason to believe youn1ste rs had been cllmbl n, into the perilous tlf:ctr\cal compound frequtnlly ln recent rnonlhs. Police notified lht vl<tlm'• motlier afttr ~mve ~nlJfJC.Oon "'as made and he wts Llktn lo Baltz Mortuary. Costa Mesa, but rto 1rran,emcnts bad been made today. • I tion now Is 10 per cent of adjuated groas inecime up to a mulrrium of $1,000. 3. A tax reduction for atn1te persons through a ne.w schedule uoder which thiy would ln no cm pay more than 20 per cent. above the ta.i for mirried couples. Some now pay as much as 40 per cenl more. These would :iubstitute for the tax relief provisions in the bill as It passed the House and-cleared the Finance Com· roiltce. The House voted rate cul.l!i or at least S perce nt for each taxpayer, an inc:reue in • F ro•" P a ge 1 MES A BAN • • • glad I don't have to decide." This is becaU!e the two laws are not consistent together, he explained . City Councilman Geor1e A. Tucker. however, noted the original ordinance requiring entertainment permits-while a costly one in whi ch the city never won a topless court battle, but finally wa s conceded victory-did have il.!I intended effect. ··fl,faybe we should keep the old la w an<l not adopt the new one,'' said Tucker. add· ing that Costa Mesa won the fight because no topless bars arc now in existenct. Jwie then explained that he had been preparing:for another lest of the enter- tainment permit law in the Fourlh District Court of Appeals two years ago when Baby Doll 's owner H.arry A1asselli threw in the b~rtowel. Legal re.es were eating up his bankroll raster than beerdrinkers could fatten it up. But the entertainment ordinance wa.~ nl!ver upheld in court "We might have to fi ght the battl l! all over 3.1ain,' said J une, who repeatedly tried to prosecute dancers, waitresses.and managers. On the other hand . he explained . the overall design now is to carry the topless- bottomll!.SS ban back to the California Su preme Court. in the hope. it will be held constitutional. Supreme Courts may take such action based on what ·mem!)eri; feel is best for the public-and what public pressure mirrors as its desire-and this mav finally decidl! the battle, authori~ieS believe. Lower courts must strictly interpret the Jetter o( the law, which has resulted in clearcut decisions against the recently enacted nude entertainment bans. Councilmen finally held onto both horns of their dilemma Tl.lesday by keeping the old ordinance and also giving the newe st one a first reading tow1rd becoming Jaw. Second reading-without amendments- or a complet~Jy re!.'ised ordinance based on 1he l!ventual court decision wilf follow. Davis Sch.ool ' I ' . I . l . Ilit by V andalsi' ' ' . Vandi\s went \.Jt1 a rampage at Maude B. Davi.s Intennediate School in C05ta Mtia, committing burglary, arson and malicious mischief, officials told ' pollce Tuesday. -Robert A. Noel discovered the various acts Tuesday morning on the campus at 1050 Arllngton Drive. including theft o[ dozens of ice cream bars and food items worth $25 from the snack bar. Olfl<:er Gene Norden inspected the scent and said windcws were broken, fire extinguishers emptied. sound system speakers stolen and two lockers set on fire . The damage was committed at random spots on the schoolgrounds and was not <..'OOCentrated in one area, such as the $2,000 spree committed al Wilson School nearly t,,_,·o week.; ago. , mittee bill. the standard deduction to $2,000 In three. 1t•ps, arid an $1 ,100 low • income .allowance foe poor families. 'rbe only feature that was the san1e in both was the relief tor slngle. persons. for the same family wjth $10,000 o! in· come which now pays $1,114, the Gere -plan would mean <i $9\:2 t~x as age.inst $958 under the con1n1i1tee bill. Both the Gore plan and the eommittee bill would cost 1bout $9 billion in revenu e ~ year by 197?, when all proposed cuts would become effective. 1'~or a !our.person tamJly with $5,000 i~­ r.ome which now pays $290 federal tax, the Gore plan woul:t mean a $1 12 tax In 1972 compared with $200 under the com· 1-~or a single person with S5.000 tncomt. who now pays $671 tax .. lhe Gore plan would cul his tax to $538 when full cf· feclive, the commit tee bill to $524. For a single person with $10.000 incon1t \1·ho now pays $1.742, lhr Gore-plan-wou\(i mean a $1.640 tax , the co mmittee bill $1 ,468. Linkletter Calls Lea ry 'Poisonous Evil Ma n' WASHINGTON (UPI) -TV star Art Linkletter today condemned Dr. Timothy Leary, a former Harvard Univel'!ity pro- fessor. as "that poisonoua evil man" for promoting "mind l!xpanding'' drug.s such as marijuana and LSD. He told the a:overnors conference on narcotics and dangerous drugs that Leary, speaki ng to standi ng·room -0nly crowds at universities. has been telling students that ta ~ing drugs "is a 'vay lo turn on. T,urn out and dr op out." Lini letter. with President Nixon and Vice Pres(dent Spiro T. Agnew sitting y.·ith him on the platform at the St.ite Department, au<litorium. choked wi\11 emo tion when ht. told the gove rnors and 1heir families abvut his daughter , Diane, 20, who committed suicide last October after taking LS~. AL the lime, Linkl clle r called It •·murder" by the pmhers and purveyors or drugs. He said that he decided to speak out in hi~ "grief and outrage" to reveal to olhers the dangers involved. He said his dau~hter had the "han · dicap" of carrying ·a famous name'' and .:idded that "such kids are pre- judged.'.' He. said children of prom inent people go oul of their way to prove "thty are part of the gang." The TV entertainer said "Kids 111rt1 trying such a variety of drugs and thl!micals no law enforcement can stop them ." H~ said he has rccC"ivcd :.0.000 letter~ •·<l~ldng for help" and his answer is : '"\Vc've got lo g-1 the kids turned back lo life , .. lo p~oduce a qualitive life that will mak e them y.•ant to rtturn to ;i normal way of lite. ··rhe greatest pushers are th r missionaries whu have ~old yr,ung people un the use of LSD and tna rijuana." He then referred lo Le<1ry and said the professor 1vas 1naking speeches to the cf- lect that '"marijua na "'as gjven to us by c;oc:1.·· "The rate al wh1th these ev1I si:bstances arc b:?1ng used by kids Is in· crrdible, fantastic and frightening," he? S.'.Jid. lie said the educati onal process should ~tart at the fourth grade and there should be an "01nbud sn1ar." in the schools to help children who seek advice. He urged the governors to star!. cutting led tape tn help young people "'make il out inside" society inste ad 11( taking drugs. ' Jiron• Po9c 1 TATE CAS E. ,• . carElaker. was killed outside before they rntered . Frok owsky _ (Voity ck Frokowsky), a frfend of Polanski, was hit on the head with the butt of a pistol, then kill ed. Two were killed on th~ lawn. They got $73 from the whole homicide." Caruso did noi identify the otber four, but said two we:e women and two men. rt1~ Tate. 8~~-monlhs pregnant. 11·as :;tabbed after voicing a plea to !'.ave her haby. he said, and FrokO\!.'Sky had offered rnaney to the killers .' The slaYings !hi! next night. he sai~. oc·· curred because it was fearecl the Tate killings migh t have caused the group to ··1ose their nerve." t'.aruso declined details of the killing s. Others slain were 1'.tlss Tate, her for· mer fianc~ hair stylist Jay Sebring, and coffee heiress Abigail Folger. Another attorney for Miss Alkins. Richard Caballero. sai d she told him that the hippie group was a quasireligious "family" headed by Charl es M. ~1anson. JS. Caballero said ti1iss Atkins "had nothing to do with the murders" as she was under what he described as fl.1an- son's "hy pnotic spell." ··we belong to him, not to ourselves.'' Caballero quoted her as say ing of f..1an· son. hfanson's followers called him "God" and "Satan,'' Caballero said. Manson, 35. a1vaited a preliminary hearing Wednesday at lndl!pendence. Calif., near Death Valley, where the group lived in a mllilary-style desert commune. Sheriff's deputies say !he group stole cars and !our.wheel dr!!.'P \'ehicles. Manson is charged with posses- sion of stolen property. Ml ss Atkins' atto rneys said f..1anson W.'l! not at the scenes or the Tate slaying~ and those of Ler10 and Rosemar.v La.- Bianca. tbe rnarket O\!.'ners. Les Angeles police, who are prepar- ing a grand jury 1..·ase agains1 at least i;evcn persons, havr not made anv charges against Manson in the slayings. "lanson was one of 2.1 perso ns ?.rrested, most of them women, in two raids at the desert• commune last October. Ten wen~ held on a variety of charges includin~ auto theft. A11tique Clock Taken n1 Theft A big antique clock decorated with angels and a shopper's pin-striped suits left in his car were carried off by burglars Tuesday in Costa i\·Iesa. Richard A. Epralin. of 194.l Sherington Pl1:1cc. Ne"•port Beach, said S3SO worth of clothing was taKen from his car parker! at 241 E. 17th St., 11.·hi!e he was n1arketing. Bertha .J. \Vi!liarnso11, of .1066 Trini1y Drive, Cos1a 111csfl. also said burglars pried a door al her home to cart off t.hc anliquc cl!X:k REWARD LIMITlD (DITION ROYAL AMERICAN IRONSTONE for Early Bird ' Christmas Shoppsrs l9l0 Calendar CLIP THIS COUl'ON J W ith Your Chrii.tmai. Purcha11 of $5.00 or Mo re. IMlf ON l iO A CUSTOMER! ~·~J"'~-o.,C:-:,0""''""'"'.,."i CONVENIENT TER MS 8ANKAl.1ERICARD MASTER .CHARGE J. C. .Jli111 phr ieJ 'Jewele r I 1823' ]'!~PORT AVE. COSTA MES'A ' Phone 548 -340 I • • .. I I I I I \ I .Pre§ident~ . .-~ "' ~ \ -' ' . ·Supported By House WASHINGTON (APl President Niiron, .who claimed one month ago todaY Uiat the "s.ilecit majority'' o{ Alnericazu support his efforts -to end the VJetnam ,,ar,-has-a :u3-5S voling majority backing him in the House of Represen. tativcs. The 6-1 margin came Tucs- rlay on a resolution supporting lhe administration's "efforts to negotiate a just peace in Vietnan1 ." Son1e or those ''oting for the resolution did so \vi th reservations. however. .. • DAILY PILDf & . . Conf erence__Meals 'lmmo.ral' F~-t Urged t~ Protest Nixon 's Speech\ WASHINGTON (APl f.feJ..ica~Americans at the White lfousc hunger con· 1erence urged their 3,000 fellow participant! today to fast dbrtng the remainder of . the seosi<ll1 in protest of Presi- dent Ni.J:on's keynote speech . ' and the "way the con!ererict ' j5 going." -"--_. T·h e Me zican-A.meriCans J.Sked other delegates to join them in deJ)ositing the re- mainder of their meal tickets . in a box in a hallway at the . sit~· of the three-diy meeting that ends 'Mlun;day. "Spending $11.30 a day for meals, in my mlnd, i$ almost immoral when we are here to help h hWlgry," explained the Rev. Ralph Ruiz of San AnlorUo, Tex. The call for a fast was just · one expression of b i t t e r criticl&m. followJ.na • ..Nixon's · plea Tuesday for auppart of his legislt.live programs to fight poverty. "'nle President hu· not call· ed .for any emergency relief for the nation's hungry," 1,tuiz 1H1id. "We should express to the people we rtpresent that little has happened but we are sUll lhinking otUJem." Ruiz, who .aaid he hopes the protest wnr "impress on the President he has done litUe" to help. the hungry,_said his group wlll try to, obt.ain a ~d.!OUbe def)Ol!l~ meal liclcets and give the proceed! to a worttiy cause. Theni was outspoken disap- pointment over President Nix- on't opening speech Tuesday to th&--3,<ro delegates to the lhr~ay Cqnference oo Food,. Nutrition and Health. Ni1on appeakd for !UWort of his three welfare bill~ before Congress, which be said "should virtually eliminate the probleni or poverty as a cause of malnutrition/' 4"Jbat's not true," said ?iotrs. Peter Edelman, director <1( thL,l\'iii!JinB\00, p.o;;,. Re· search Project, and a member <1f a conference panel coosid· ering minimum income. She described the President's speech as "lousy , it said nothing new." South .foast 'Plaza • A last-minute addition to the resolution requesb Nixon "to continue to P!ess'' North Viet- nam to abide by ii Geneva " cmvention providing for the humane treatment of prisoners of war. The PO'V vote was 392-0. PI ON EER AVIATOR CHARLES LINDBERGH AT ~ANDING OF 747 Lindbergh Among VIPs et John F.' Kennedy-Airport. 86 ·STORES •• e AL.L 72~ But befoi'e the two da ys or wide-ranging debate w~· over. . . and open nightly tin 9:30 · llouse leaders on both sides of the aisle came under fire for bringing the resolution to the floor under proceduics ban- . ning amendmeuts. . The POW proposal prcviou.~­ ly had been beaten by thP- llouse Foreign Affairs Com. miltee. Big Boeing Lands ht Gotham • •&lot. AT UH D&leo PRUWAY, COSTA MSM NEW YORK (UPI) -The \\'orld's largest jetliner, sched· u!ed to go into service early next year, flew here from the west Coast Tuesday carrying 196 "guests," about half its lull-load capacitY. co~ntry already are ha ving ___________ l ______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~··~~~~~~~~~~~~~--_:.·-~--difficulties ace<1mmodating conventional jets, many Of Joan Baez Has Son PALO ALTO (APl -folks- 1.nger Joan Baez Harris gave birth to a son Tuesday night at the Stanford University 11o s Pital . J·fo s pital spokesmen said the 28-year-old mother and baby are in. ex- cellent · coridition. -The boy weighed seven pounds, : four ounces. Mrs. 11arris said she hoped to lake the child -Gabriel Earl -to the Saffcrd, Ariz., federal prison camp a t Christmas to visit his 23-year- . old father, David Harris. ,He is Ret"V1.ng a sentence for refus- ine induction into the Army. The 235-foot Boeing 747 Is almost twice as long as man's fin;t heavier-than-air po"M-·ered flight made by the Wr~t Brothers at Kilty Hawk in 1903. The huge, 700.000·p o u n d plane, designed lo carry up lo 400 passengers. made the 2.42(). mile flight fr"Om Seat.tie,· \Yash .. lo John F. Kennedy ln:. temalional Airport in four hours and five minutes, hitting speedS {If 700 miles an hour. The plane, with its five- story-hlgh tall. J4 stewardess· es and $20 million price tag,' brought not only progress, in l.erms of .spaciousness, luxury <ind design, but also problems,. Crowded. airports across the which occasionally have to ny holding patterns above the bus. ier airfield! before they can land. Three 747s landing,wiUtin 1 !>minute period could theo- retically unload over l,200 persons with more than 3,000 pieces or luggage into an al- ready congested airport ter· minal. Pilot Jack Waddell. a Boeing em ploye, sald the 747 e<1uld have crossed I.he continent in ··1ess than lour. hours" if it had be_en given immediate clearance to land at Kennedy. Waddell said the flight was uneventful and the plane was put on automatic pilot shortly after takeoff and remained .so during most of .Uie trip. The 747 is ''much easier and more .pleasant to fly than oth- er jets,." he 1a.id. "It l!l]>Oil.!i you." Ex-Soviei Presiden-t Dies MOSCO\V \AP) -Klimcnti Voroshilov, one the 1 a s t iurvlviJlg heroes for I h ~ Bolshevik Revolution and a ronner president of the Soviet Union, died today. Tass an· nounced. He was 88. The brief announcement by the official Soviet news agency gave no de~ails. VorO!;IJ.ilov had speat his last. years a lonely, humiliated outcast and had not been reported at an official function since the 1963 ' Revolutionary Day parade. Of all the men in the Soviet Communist hierarchy in the days when Joseph Stalin ruled he was perhaps the only one ,.,.ho coo.Id call Stalin friend. l 1 spite of all Vo r o s,h i 1 o v' .~ blunders, Stalin covered hln1 \Vith a mantle of glory and p'rotected him from th e penallies of his 1nistakes. But after Stalin died • Vorosbilov, then pa.st 70, fell upon evil days. He threw in wit.h a group of old Stalinists trying to oust Nikita Khrushchev fro1n p a r t y leadership. Khrushchev slap- ped down the "antiparty group," Jed by V. M. Molotov. Georgi M. · Mal enkov and Lazar M. Kaganovich, in 1957. \Vhe.t Khrushchev brought details of the plot into the open al the 22nd party con- gress in 1961, Voroshilov was pictured as a dupe ; he wrote a Jetter humbly admitting his part in the plot but claiming he had no idea what was in- tl~$Y•C.4r• ec.tiv• w•er '°' men •nd. boy1 J:iey1 'w•efer1 for every (!C.c.,,iic n: mec;hin11 we1h•ble end mec;hi11t dryeble a.20 . . volved . Khrushchev interceded far him. calling him "a broken man" and urging the congress lo treat him leS! severely than the others. At the November celebra· tiQns of the zmiversary of the Bolshevik Revolutioo th a t year, however, Voroshilov's humiliation was p u b I i c I y demonstrated . Before thouSands, he sought to moont the lribune <1f honor atop Lenin 's tomb, from which he and <1ther Soviet leaders had always taken the salutes or the marcher'!. A guard stopped him and he was Jed away. Later his name was stripped from all public places and the toYln of Voroshllovgrad chang- ed its name back ta Lugansk. • • •••·1070 • - I - ' Ne1r hill • century of service/ Near hill a billion doll1r1 1trong o more interest than b.anksl 25% MORE INTEREST THAN BANKS on re gular passbook savings ! Interest compounded dally, credited quarterly. Interest paid from day-In to day-out. No notice required for withdrawals. Tran$1&r your savings to THE BIG M tod ay. TH E BIG M also offers Bonus Accounts and Guaranteed Rate Accounts ($1 ,000 minimum) that earn even more. Come in or call for Information. w•aT AllOADIA 990 W•t OU.Ni ROid T1!eptloM .wt-01M \ COVINA 200 North Cltr\ll Awnue Te~S3W471 Robert D. Aaton viol P....;am& BnulMt1Mg,,- MUTUAL SAVINGS ad laan •••i:iatian ' eORONA DEL MAR O ... NDAL• 338 Noftt. lrtnd Boulevard T elt pflont 242.4 1 'I . • • 2M!T Eatl.COUI Highway T1l1ptione 175-5010 , . • I~ ·. • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Eye on School Vandals School authorities are looking to the heavens for at least a partial solution to vandalism such as that which aeverely damaged t wo very special Costa Mesa class- ·roorru recently. 'their other investments in such facilities as schools and campus equipment. Some ~ta Mesans are stilll not entirely satisfied that the police helicopter's value to the city justifies its cost. . ' ' ' . Tue costly rarnpaguLl\'ilsQ!l School is eslima!ed at $2.000, more lhan all the damage commltted dunng a four-month period or the summer. when Lhere are fewer hours or darkness. No single weapon in the arsenal of moder:n law en- Iorcement can be regarded as a single solution in I~ sell either, but the city has bought the package. The return on the investment should be one wel- come dividend to school authorities and taxpayers who otherwise foot the bill for senseless destruction. ': \Vhy are They looking up? Divine intervention miBht "" help, but that's not what the Newport·Mesa Unified School District has in mind. Costa l\fesa is buying two helicopters and experience elsewhere has proved the efficiency of a police helicopter patrol as a strong de· terrent to school vandalism. The rate was cut initiaUy by 80 percent in Long Beach, during the dark months of the year. Other cities such as Lakewood report similar re- ductions in the vandalism loss rate. Neighboring Hunt- ington Beach. which only recently began helicopter pa- trol s. already reports gratifying results. \Vould-be young vandals in Huntington Beach have been seen to scatter in panic when the HB Eye chopper whirs in over a school when youngsters have no bufil .. ness being there. Campuses throughout the city now get a thorough aerial inspection and vanda1ism has vir .. tually vanished. Preserving the Marsh \Vhen urban sprawl fills the still undeveloped pock· els of coastal Orange County -as il seems it must - waterfowl, paradoxically, may still fly overhead. If they do, in that year when the glut of people is complete, it surely 'vill be in large measure because the 1rvine Company directors and University of California regents. were able to get together to preserve San.Joa· qwn marsh near UC Irvine. . Being money.conscious -as most of us are -some might react: Why buy a reedy bog of ·mud? Is lhe Uni· versity tossing away my tax dollar? :i.'' --·· ,. , :<ii;~·', .• ~;J.'; f',W .A,._... • •• ,..___,~-! '2..'l.1&..V:<r'~: . ·. , ~~ • ._ . . , The same procedure will be incorporated when Cos· ta 1\1esa's police helicopter system goes into operation in about six months. 'vith the same anticipated effect. Chief Roger E. Neill notes that all helicopter patrol plans give priority status to covering schools and simi .. lar public buildings in their role as tools of law enforce· ment . Taxpayers \\'ill be underwriting the cost of the eye· In-the-sky and it should naturally be used to safeguard It fs a matter of perspective. Considering the rapid rate at which marshes along the Pacific flyway are be· ing converted to golf courses, the land seems 'vell worth the $1,000 per acre negotiated selling price. And half of the $202,150 is to come from the Ford Foundation. Ir· vine Company directors are expected lo accept the Regents' purchase offer. It is good· to have another indication that our head· long rush to gro\V and build here on the Orange Coast need not tolally engulf nature. (C) ''.THIS LOOK~ Li~f A fOV/JD R.'I lL l/JKER; HERE~ A FOl>JUUD l/V[!- SEG-MEN f Fllol Of P~Sf/CJPH, AN!> T~HE /..~t cRY5tAU-llfl> HYD~OCAf\bONS f~oM CoM li'USrloN OF PETROL~UM D£~1VATIVH, WITH A LAYER Df suLrH V!l. \>lOXll>t FROM SOFT COAL SMOKf ... o6ViOllSL'1', nlE MOON ONCE HAI> INTELL!6ENI LIF E IN A FR1EtJl>\.Y ENV1RoNMENT,'WHAr ·be You 5urPoS~ H.l-ffENEb~" Thanksgiving Is Best of "All Holidays Of all tbe holidays we celebrate, Thanksgfvtng ls by far my favori 1t is, In fact, the ooJy on• I w WtedlY. &Ubloibe to. in splrit u w as In body. Christmas, of course. ts a mw, and has been for as long as 1 can remember. It has turned inlo a hectic, anxious, 0vmpending, show--0ffy holiday that has na more in CQ"ihmon with t h e preachments o( Jf!sus than a hog has 'with a hymnal. • And New Year·~ Eve Is the end. The squares and clods have utterly taken over that day, and night, for mlncUess rolste~· ing that mistakes bellowing for bonhorrue and driveling drunkenness for jolUty. WHAT DO WE have left? The Fourth of July should be a time to take stock of tiaUonal inheritance, and what we have mlde. or failed to make, of it; Instead, IL means firecrackers lo the kids. and long, insincere political orations lo the adults -most of whom wouldn't sign the Declaration or Independence today even undtr an ammed name. But Thanksgiving is different. lt l1as not yet been commercialized. It is a quiet lime. No one has tried to take it over for &ell-serving purposes, ex«:pt perhaps the cranberry sauce people. And, most of all, it is Wllque among the world's holidays. IT WAS FIRST begun, as you learned lD school, iD 1821, to commemorate the Dear Gloomy Gus: Thank goodness the noisy motor- cyclists have been banished from those unused open spaces in Costa Mesa. Now our adventu resome youth can quietly smo~e pot. Evi- dently that \\'On 't disturb the neighbors. ...:o. c. harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony. after a winter of great starvation. In that aUtumn. Gov. William Bradford pro- claim a day of Thanksk'iving -in a feast shared riot only by arr the colonists, but by the Indians as well. ., No other country ha! a day set aside for this purpoae ; a day that is non· political, non-denominational. non · patriotic, but simply one in wh ich all the people recall the privation and suffering of their forebears, and give thanks for the bounty provided the'!', and us. N08 RAS ANY other country 10 much lo give thanks for. We forget, in our pride of accomplishment, that the New World was naturally blessed with many ad· vanlages Europe lacked: not only physlcally, In terms of vast Jan~ and resources, but also with freedom from · ancient grudges, from old-class struc- tures, and from crippling authority. Thanksgiving celebrates the personal spirit and the family unity of our people. It evokes humility, gratitude, ¥.·annth, and an exchange of sentiments rather than of presents or toasts or aalutes. In being the most distinctively American . holiday, it approaches being the mo.st universal. ,. Strange Paradox in Men The publicists say Apollo 12 did not stir the public zeal as did Apollo t I. and il \\".U inevitable., for who remembers the second voyage of Columbus? Nonetheless, 12 is more important th an 11. so far 1s conoems the fundamental purpose of the Apollo program. It turned out 1s a flawle.u mission, with one ex· ceptlon. That of course was the failure of the television camera, which denied the v.'Otld's viewers their view. It v.·as a boo- boo, not of the astronauts, but of Space Administration planning. Nol to provide a backup camera was like starting a long automobile journey without a spare tire. The Discovery miss:on·s purpose was to utablish that it could be done, Apollo 12 was to establish "''hat "'e are trying to do. What ·we seek Is to un ravel lht: tn1e nature of the moon, and ils rel ation to the earth and so, to the mechanics ol lhc Solar System. hs distant goal 1s to leL us know where \\'e arc, \\•hich 1s a vita l part of knowing "'ho v.·e are. TRIS BAS BEEN the quest or me.n ainct the: first one wondered about the treel and the river1, and the m)'slerious Ugbt& in the rirmamenl Ari lndi11pensable part of knowing where and who you IUT., Is an un· derlllnding or what coonologlsts call M.U.C. We know 1 gi:e1t dtal, lhough not everything, about the matter fonninR our globt', but eitnterruttitil matter form· ma other globes, though unlversel, has ~--By George---• CX>l'll'IDENTIAL TO D 0 D I E GOODMAN: lt's not 50 mucb he's tot mare h1lr now, Dodie, tt'1 that 'hns one's name it Clnon. But ,.,.,,,. filhL • .)'!IOI ""' keenly -!an!, up to I poinL . . ·-···~··"'· Royce Brier .. ~ ,., -" subtly differj!nt properties. • The lunar matt.tr the astronauts lu gged home, over 100 earth pounds ot it, triplo& our rock collection. A bit of metallic 'mat- ter fa shioned by the Hughes Tool Com· pany haa lain for over tv.·o years in a small crater adjacent lo the Apollo 12 touchdowo, and the astronauts sni pped off some parls of it. \Ve \\"ant lo know \vhat that airless focus of solar radiation and meteoric dust has done to it. FR0~1 ANAL\'SIS of Apollo 11 rocks. ,,.e :i1ready know the 111oon has been around ~-S billion yeilrs. but \l'e don"l know ii it is unchanged in thal time. \\le don't know If 1t is dead. cold globe, or if II contains interior heat. If It "'as oll('e perhap! allve and changeable. as our 1lobe was, and is. Apollo 12 c~t unwind this r:nigma, but it can i;;tart. Everywhere. we look there are r1dioac- tlve partic.les, ell'Ctric charges which combine. w i t h , and excite, hydrogen al.oml which drift in Illimitable clouds through spaet. In these clouds arc other atomic elements, Uke iron. ·which can congul and fonn the spinning heavenly bodies we behold. OUR FOREFATIJERS ,,..·1s1t\Jlly used to wonder if there is gold In the moon, and we are pa.st lhat wonder. Going there ls all on the debit.. side to a bookkt'eptr. But knowing even a little about where we arc, and who, may b!: bt:tter than gold. fl is a str1n1e paradOJ' in men, lhal ""·hlle they quttrrtl to the dtath over the r1ches or lhc.1r ~arth, they m•nage lo visit 1 far piece which promises lo yiekl lhtm nothing or materta1 riches. Barking Destroys Night Worker's Sleep Owners, Not Dogs, Are Responsible_ To the Editor : It !:urely appears the world is going to the dogs. We moved from one part of the town tG another thinking we could 1et away from the dogs barking wxler our bedroom win· dows at all hours of the day. At first, for a few months, we thought we really had found a quiet retreat. Since my hw:band's work requlrea working late houri at night, we try to 1leep later in the mornings. Not even on weekend• can we get to sleep late because ol. dogs barking at 5:30 a.m. and g a.m. across the streeL Even some dogs bark al 4 a.m. and off and on through the day. THE.lb.S PEAK OF pe o ple overpoimmJng the world. I believe dog.!I are also overpopulating the world. Most of1hese dogs are not trained very well. It is not the dog's fault, but the owner~s faulr. Since moving on, this street lhree yean ago we now have dogs above U3, dogs below us , and we are really sur· rounded by dogs. They are on the loose early mornings and at nlghta. How can anyone "love lhy neighbor"·•• the "good book'' tell.s us to do, Wlder the&e circumltances when moAt of the people do not train their dogs. RECENTLY I HAVE boen ·contacting quite a few people. Some with no dogs and some wi th well-trained dogs who do not let their dogs run loose and destroy other people's yards. Do not think for one minute It is ap- precisted by people who work hard to beautify their homes and yards. There most certainly is a lack of thoughtfulniss and consideration on the part of some of these dog owners. In talking with BOme of these pe'Ople they are dl•illlted with some or their neighbors who let their dogs make those awful meue.a besides ruining the grass, shrubl, flowers and leaving brown spots whereever the dog has been. There Is a noise abatement law and a leash Jaw in this town. ISN'T IT ABOUT time that we do so1nething about protecUng our yards and 1iroperlics from !he dogs7 Also I learned from one who saw fl.1'0 ''icious dog s tear a small dog's throat \1'ide open and to have dogs ruMing loose like that is dangerou s.· What do dog lover& lhlnk? Spu1'lng of dog: lovers, God's word 11y1 that we should have 11no idols," and to worship the Lord, God, only." · I know :some people who practically \~orship their dogs. 1 have seen them kiss their dop in the mouth and sleep undu the sheets wllh their dogs. That may be o.k. for them if they so desire. but as far :is I am concerned and some other people I know, that is "for the birds.'' !RENE HILTON . .\polo911 to 6re9 To the Edit or : l'teadlng the Thursday issue of th<" DAILY PILOT tNov. 27 ). I can1e across ;iin article on the contest Pilot Pigskln Plckeroo. \'ou listed a co1nplete list ill winners. Not too long ago. I won a football rrom )'our contest. 1 came in &eCOnd. t was wonde:rin& bow come my na.mt wasn't on tht Ust All the other people who won the same week 1 did were on the li!l. I'd ap... precl1te. knowing "·hat may ha ve hap- pened. GREG PHILLIPS lVt goofed. Ji's J11st rhot simple. <irtrfs 11amc 1s listed 1n o!lr records ns second-placer for tht second ft:tek of 111c co11ttst , fie picked 17 011t of a possible 1~ wl1111crs -a great record. American Side To Ibo EdJtor : Editor Is il not really rather strange lh:il the r MailhJx j Letttrs from readers are welcome. Normally writers should convey thei·f mtssages in 300 words or less. The right to ccnule11se letter• to fit space or eUm.inate libel is fesmied. All le t- ter• muat include signature and mail- ing addre.!s, but names may be toitJt. held on f"eque.!:t if suffici£nt r eMon is appartnt. Poetry wiU not be pub· l ished ... very ume socialists who have advocated ind promoted government control of ev. erything under the sun, in order to pro- tect US: poor peons from those greedy, wicked capitalist.a, are suddenly leaping to the defense Of the television net"'·orks and major news media? "Government censorship," they 1cream In voices so pasalonate now that their • own mouthpiecel 1re beilll challenged. Could It be that they now wish to protect us from the vrcy monster they h a v t themaelvet created? ALAS NO? Thia bunch or two-faced crusaden for communism fno matter hat fancy title they may give it) are up arms at lhe prospect that the vl!1ion nttworks, newspapers aod perlodlcali that have rallied to the cause of the left for IO long ma y &OOn, undef"in· creaalng prea!W'f: from tbe American people they have betrayed, present the ·American side of the new11 for a change. ANDREW CX>URT MILES BRh •11 Dugrace To the Editor: Why hun't anybody d o n e anything about Back Bay? Driving over Palisades Bridge, you can see the damag e or the p;ist nooc1 : it deval:.1ated the area. ruined the salt mine and 1\'t"etked the ski zone. It is now a mosquitoes' paradise, polluted and not good for man nor beast. Thi~ llt'ea has become a Smelly, sta gnant ·swamp. a dlltnce to Back Bay and to all of Newport Harbor a1 well. I CAN'T BEUEVE such a lack of con· cern over th.ls area. J can remember a year ago and before when Back Bay was not the finest skiing, but it was there !loads of fun ). Are we going lo let private interest8 rob the public of another rtCJ'e•Uonal water fronl arta? Again, is this to be another battleground between the city officials groping for mor e tax lfollars and the land lords for more • Quotes Dr. Jenijoy LaBelle, 25, mini-skirttd fln;t woman prof. at all-male Cal Tech, Paaadma -"I hope the 1tudent3 like me, but my main concern ls that they Jlkt and enjoy the malt:rial be.ing tauahL'' Patrick c...hlpam. Palo Alto - "VH')' tew people -black, whltt, )'oung. old , art happy with the direction we are moving, probably because It has been a \'ery king time since (a great many) Americans actually knew ~·here they ~·anted to go." At. W. l't111d1en, Sunnyvale -"I think 1t Is time It Is pointed out that the la&L 1ener1Uon produced such things 3l radio, televl1lon. and the Salk vaccine. in spite of lw'o World Wars and " 1 major dopl'fulon and b1va thro\ijll It all k•pt our fa I lb Jn God." leaseholds -another no man's land or should I say another '1Salt Creek." 1'he principle. i.s the same. bul the slakes are higher. Are we too late~ If you •'on'l think so and you want to help. call 644-2577. JIM HINES Do'• Obfectlce To the Editor: Just what is the Vietnam ~·ar all about? 'l"be answer to such a simple l~k· ing question rquires one to rely upon m· tuition, imagination and a few {acts. The present Vietaam war really started when Ho Chi f.finh decided that he \\'a~ going to liberate all of Viet~am fron1 French colonial control. There 1s no doubt that the French lost the war bul tlo believed that he losl the peace when Vici· nam ,,..-as divided in t .... ·o. Thus. Ho had to adjust to the best of a bad deal and he consolidated hii power io North Vietnam. WHILE HO WAS consolidating hii'i partial victory. Mao Tse-tung advanced lhe theory of "Wars or Liberation" which would be used by the Communist.! to force their political dogma on the rest of the free world. This theory gave Ho a method that he could use to liberate Sooth Vietnam and at the same time either prove or disprove by es· perimentation the validity of •·wars of Liberation." In the beginning: Ho needed litllt material help from China or Russia and would have won the first •·war of Libera· lion" if the U.S.A had not intervened militarily. After the U.S.A. intervened Ho had to ask for much military equipment from the Chinese. and the Russians. Both of these communist giants had to furnish the weapons because Ho was trying lo prove the feasibility of "Wars or Libera· lion.'' THERE ts LTTI'LE dnubl in my mind 1ha t the Tel offensi\'C of 1968 cosl lhe. North Vietnamese the \var. The fact that the North has losl the \\'Sr has fi nally been accepted by Russia and China and vet thev are still pourin~ money down the ~<1111e o·id rat hole. \Vhy:" The answer to that que.slinn ls very sim ple. All one has to do is to look at the di l"ision that is taking place in the good old U.S.A. and it only cost the two Com· munist giants two or three billion doll ar.!! a year. Of course, they couldn't care lesl! about the manpower losses of North Viel· nam because the individual in the Com· mun1£l world is born to advance the Communist movement. In conclusion. the Vietn am war ls an r.xperiment that is bcin~ conducted b.v !he Communists and "\Vars or Libera· lion" "'ill be used in other parts of the \\'Orlrt if the experiment proves sue· ccssful. No\v those that belie\·e that thi~ is just a local "'ar and that \\'e should bug oul 'viii be\iel"e any thing llARRY B. h'lcDONALD JR. Po•ldonlng /\'e1cs To the Editor : A fc\v months ago. r wrote your newspaper complimtntlng ypu on a line pre11entatlon of worthwhile news. Unfortunately. It Rt:mS to me It's been all d0\\1nhlll ever since. Today. Friday, Nov. 'l8, wa11 the last Jtraw. The day •fter Thanksgtvlng m11ny people woold probably be interested in the wounded ''etcran "'ho finally lj;Ot a job fp;i,ge 4) and the Indian's ftast at Alcatra:i: fpage l i. 110W hfANY people do you thi.nk reelly want to know about the cruddy unn11mcd teen-agers performing indecent act! I pa.ge I) and the theater theft (page I)' l:;xccpl the pt0ple who do these things for attention, obviously -11s in case I. , There does: seem to be UUle that anyone ca.n do to cul Ul#" crime rate., but you are at lea.st in a position lo cut down on the free publicity for nobodies. Please retum to your former policy or see ming to be ;i ray of light in the "Sunshine Stale." Lately you look too n1uch like one of the crummy Chicago area scum sheets. MRS .• J. SNYDER 'iVo Sense of Shante' To the Editor : Well, I see where President Nixon bas signed a few international agreements - like non-proliferation of chemical warfare. or something. Big deal! l am sure Uncle Sam will keep his agreements -that i~. as long as convenient. The whole history flf governmental agreements ii:; to kecv them just as long as convenient. JUST A VER \' small. c1ose-lo·bome ex- am ple : A b o u t J930~ Orange County, California, U.S.A. signed an agreement with the U.S. government to keep Black Star Canyon Road open. And they did, That is, as long as it was convenlenL llowever. our present supervisors now refuse tll hono~ the sigried agreement They have a Jot or excuses, but ap- parently no sensc:. of shame. BILL BOWER 1811• Slreet Drainage To the Editor : , Doesn't the city care about Its children·.• Every lime ii rains for any len gth of time in Costa h1esa a somewhat serious problem arises. Children , on their way to school, are. faced with a river of drainage water flowing down 18th Street. Knowing they have to cross lhe water t,, get to school the children usually just v.·ade across. IN DOING Tins they are forcOO tn spend the. \vhole day in school with wel Jeet. Al the Tustin intersection alone more than 200 children cross tlvice a dav. ll seems to me that if the city carCd anything about its children It would find some \\'ay or corr~t1ng this problc1n. ll 's nol lhal the city hasn't known about it, it's jusl thal they haven 't done anything . TOi\1 O'LEARY Solid lfl1ite Line To the Edllor: \\le have just returned from a delightful \'acalion to northern CaJifornia. Our California high"'ays are great . Ho'>'·ever. T \!Qsh our own MacArthur Bl\'d .• lroni University Drive lo Coast Ul"ghway, had the life-saving solid \\'hitc line on the right hand side or lhc road . On dark. roi::· gy ntghlS on that dark, \1inding roafi 11 ,,·ould be a tremendous help. The refl ci::- tors help. but the solid \\'hitc line \VOuld be an even bigger in1provement. i\lRS. J. P. AYNES ---- Wednesday, Dccern~c r 3, 1009 1!1c cd ltorio : page of the Dafl11 Pilot .seeks to 111/Mth and .'itlm. td11tc rt:ader.s by pre.senri111:1 lh13 11e1D11JX1per'.s ophr;ons anrJ com· '11.cntary on lopics of tnlere.st und significance. by pro vidi-11 17 a forltm fo r the c.tpreaaion nf our rtadtrt' opinions. and b11 presenting r11e diverse view- points of 111formed. .observf'r,1 ori4 spokesmtt1 on to?tcs of tht . oou. Rob<rt N. Weed , Publish er I I t •' I' I I . I \ I I I l ' t I I I I t • 1 \ ) I I I I ' .. . Doum tfae~ Mission· ' . . Trail ' Medal Presented To ·Capo Wiaow CAPISTRANO BE AC H • A J>Ofltn,1mou.s award of the Jlronze Star Medal to•Caplaln Wlllard D, Marihall has been 8ct-epted by his widow,· Mrs. Marie Y.arshall of 34336 Calle Narallja. _ Captain Marshall was killed•io action in Vi2tnam on June 11, 1968. Cited for exemplary perfonnanct of duty while serving wilh the.19th Int.er· rogation-Translation Team for four months prior to his death, Captain Marshall was COl'flillended for~Rn>-· fesilonalism. and sincere C.OllCUD for the welfare of· the Vietnamese~ (which) enhanced the relationship tietween the Marines and the local Populace." e Sale AW. Student MISSION VIEJO -A gar8ge sale to benefit l>onald1 Bomli, a Mission Viejo Higlr1School student who was critically ' lnjared· .in aa autoinobile accident last May· will take place Saturday aild Sun- day, Dec. & and 7. • The sa!e is sponsortd by the junj(lr high club of Mission Viejo's Presbyteriap. Church of the N.'aster. Free coffee and cookies will be served on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Suoda)' from 1 to 6 p.m. in the home of Afr. and Mrs. James Amthor, .24583 Akoba, Mlssion Viejo. e Y outla .Jobs Neede d MISSION VIEJO -Mrs, George Dicb, chainnan of the Mbsion Viejo Youth EmplO)lllent Service, reports a pressing need for jobs for young people ln the Sad- dleback Valley area. "We have students from age 14 up available for almost any type ol work in the enUre Mission Viejo, El Toro and Leisure World area," says W.rs. Dicks. .. The special .need now is for Christmas holiday jobs and for pan tlme j~bs for older" students, ~ aa box boy, clerk or fillirig station attendant We're always glad to have baby sitting and yard work jobs for your younger students." The Youth Employment office, located in Mission Viejo High -School, is open from 2 to 4.p.m., Monday through Friday, phone &».Z830. ~ The office will be closed dllf1nk the Christmas school holiday so early calls art requested for jobs during that period. •. £,apq CJlKlc to Open. • ' ' SEEKING UNIFORM FUNDS WITH A CAMERA Cril l Team's Nancy Wiley (Left ), Lo ri Irvin ' Drill TeamRaisingFunds !laving washed cars, sold candy and tapped .ihe parental purse, girJs. of Laguna Beach Drill Team have turncll lo the camera as a fund-raising device. It's working pretty well , they say. The girls pose in uniform in front of Laguna busi!1ft.Sses. The owner is lhen given the ~of a $5 print or a',12' prinft.O help the cause. The cause is purchase of uniforms for the high school drill group whlch performs at sporting events. The uniforms, which cost $50 each, are maroon with flashing metallic silver pleats, white boots, white blouse and maroon plumes. There are about 30 girls to outfit. CAPISTRANO VALLEY -A kidney and urinary tract infection detection clinic will operate jn the Capistrano Unified School D~trict In late Juuary '"L "'·" · ' ''" •'Old Pl . · h 'and early l:ebruary, ·-' aguna s ay ouse 1'le clini~ spomored by tbe El Camino · Real JUnior Woman's Club wu approved by the district board of trustees Monday night. I& will be conducted for three elemen- tary achool gradea bf the Kibney P'oun-- datlon of Orange and Riverside counUes. To Tumble for Parl\:ing? The clinic on the average find! 10 per· cent w)th mild disorders and two percent w:ith 'Serious ones, accodrlng to Ray Olivtr, an assistant supfiriJ\tendent. e Crahs S how Slated SADDLEBACK VALLEY -A tw<Hlay arts and crafts show has been planned for Saturday and Sunday. Featuring their 8.rt will be members of the Mission Viejo, San Clemente and Laguna Niguel Art associations. The event will lake place from ll:30 a.m. to 5 p.rn. in the Lake Forest Be~ch and Ten· nis Club. Baby Abandoned At Stariton Home A sir-month-old baby girl was aban- doned on a Stanton doorstep late Tuesday nighL ·, Roger·F. Booth of 12741 Sycamore St~ told j>olice he was 1ittiJlg in bis •living' room at 11 :45 p.m. when.. the dedrbaU rang. He aMWered thi:JirW:-and·foand tlie.. child In • -.. hll "°"'tep. Booth aaid ~ saw·-a · 1962 to 1964 Ford station wagon leaving the area with the lightl off u he picked up the baby. The -c.'bildl 1'as taken to 'the Stanton police ticl(''*1Kf then to the Albert Sil· ton ·~hlldren. ' DAILY l'ILOT Sl1H l'MM TO BE F~j\TTENED • Laguna's1Wd' Playhouse Open Daily 9·5:10 p.m.; Mon. •nd Fri. tin 9 p.m . • I • The boards of Laguna's old playhouse may come tumbling down by Christmas to make room for parking. Laguna Beach councilmen tonight \\'ill consider bolh a $2.500 }ow bid to perform demoliUon of the structure that is more than 4a years old and acquisition of adjacent property from an estate. City ~tan.ager James D. Wheaton aald today the playhouse sile would be rough graded and.used as temporary free.park· ing until councilmen approve a total 'parking project design . Wheaton has reCommended that the council accept the low .bid of John Verdugo to flatten the building at 319 Ocean Ave. The work would begin this month . · Councilmen1will also consider an agree- ment with the Bank ·or America in Santa Ana to purchase Jots QCI Forest Avenue that a're part of the Hugo Lindberg Estate. The property adjoins the playhouse property and would also be used as of!. street parking. The city would acquire the property In five annual installments totaling $60,000 and would pay nine percent interest which wi>uld <1:n1ount to $10,800 over five years. The property has 60 feet of frontage on Forest A":enue while the old playhouse faces Ocean Avenue. ---- tlberal Terms Available --·---.. --------,.. -• '• Wolmdat, Dmmbtf J, I~ S -- ~~a~:-~ee~~·j~~~s -~ ' -:cu.rL s~!· 8rit Mesa Council t0 Wait 'for Fai r Board Actio1i i Miii *'"'Y"ll \, tbe maik<t for : auto parta, u old lamp, a 01ounted ~ad. frults,."and vtgetables, cul· ral/ddt,bJnc. rn coins, keys to the back dOor, or keys lo romance? ... ·~ a.re you'll find them and manr more at that new American ~~le phmomenon the swap meet, but Costa Meao City Council memJ>era -"'"' Ceryied 1'Jllf curbing !hem ...,.what. ----- • . Clt~~.,ey Roy June~"' wt;itten two new aiDehdmmts to an ordlntut:e-wbtch--"--- "wu "ibidut to become law, tmtil it w• -del>yed out of <.'OllrleSy to anotber aovernlng agency. ~ ':P'lnc!J>I! objecUont to a weekly twap-ID'JC!l ~t the Oran(e County Fair~, in Costa Mesa were sale of fresh fruit ind vegetables, pl~ peddling of brand-new merchandise in compeUUon with local Stores. -. · 1 Cily ~ager Arlhw !\. . M~i~ •. however, augaeste<t wallln& until.the 32l><t Dlslrlct A¢cultural Asaoclallori" could con3lder curbing the weekend ulea ol tbese good. lhemselv.,, ' ·The Fllr Board waa scbedul<d tomeet Tue!day to discuss them~. teatulii and oU. aspect.. of the 1970 0r81)8e Coun.ty Fllr and Expos!Uon, but ~ "'C•P med q~ wu not on the agenda. Under tbe orlglnll ~. con- diUona would have been establlsbed for 'the re~Uon of swap meets, inclUdlng a doJlar·peMI~ fee to coYer lost 88.lea tax . and city buslhesa Jfcense revenue. · "I was·out-th!ere over the weekend-and . most ,of the iunt waa purely junk," observed Councilman Wlllard T. Jordan, "and that's great." City Councilman William L. St. Clair, however, said he conducted a weekend survey of swap meets and found virtually every service offered at a giant meet in Orange. He said one young man was peddling brand-new plumbing supplies. St. Clair said the man didn't own a rel.ail store, but admitted maintaining Oaim Rejected . In Attack on Boy SACRAMEmo (UP!l -The State Board of Control has reject'ed a $150,000 claim filed on behalf of a menta1ly retarded youngster reportedly subjected to a homoseiual attack bj patients at Napa State Hmpltal. • ~~ three garages in the city where he lived for storage of ~~handise between weekend swap meets. "When the city gets on me," he quoted the dealer as saying, "I just move to another garage.'' "\Vhat city are you from?," St. Clair asked. "And you know what h~ said? 'Costa Mesa'." "Maybe things are changing,~ St. Clair continued, "maybe we should just forget the whole thing." Besides swap meet legtslalion, coun· cilmen have been setUng up means or coot.rolling garage sales -aome of whlch serve as steady businesses -without ln· friging on normal property sale rights. , Ted C. Bologh, 288 Del Mar Ave., ' eehoed Sl Clair's ideas during UJe Mon-. day council meeting, urging civic leaders . to keep a hands-off attitude toward this basic right of free ent.erpr(se. He !aid the city counci l should stick to . city business and let citizens stick to': theirs, although fl.fayor Alvin L. Plnkely,. had said earlier that sale of new merchandise at swap meets harb citizen-· businessmen. · Balogh, on the other hand, said the popular rneets provide a place for ' a particular type of merchandise to be · displayed and it isn't new at all. · Llttle-Old-Ladies--from·Pasadena often find lbem good husband-bunting ground s, he declared. · County Seeking Return Of Property Tax Refunds The three-member board; an agency A claim for more than $13 million exemption value for each homeowner. authorized to determine what claims lhe representing refunds of property taxes Assessed value represente4 by tht: state should· pay, denied the claim Tues--for some 184,500 Orange County refunds amounted to $138,374,900, the day on the ground. the state is not Hable homeowner.! and t'OWlti jurisdictions has county auditor said. for injuries to a patient at a mental been filed with the state Controller's of· S3nta Ana tops the list of cities who hospital. nee in Sacramento by County Auditor Vic will benefit by the refunds with a claim TI:ie denial clean the way for the 14-Heim. of $134,949 and Garden Grove Unified- year-old youth's attorneys to Ille a IUlt in Pr~ssing of the $13 ,214,286 tabulation School District heads the educational court. · • by state officials should bring about $75 OrganµaUons· with a c18im 6f $925,1$2. The parents of the San B!rU:no boy call· in refund!. to each. homeowner, Heim Schools iet ·the bulk of the refunds-~ ed attention to the incident at the said. The refund ls the result of the $7,343;226. Making up the balance are, children'• ward of the hosplial in a letter Property Tax Relief .Bill J>¥.sed by the county, $2,457,956 ; special 'districts, . lut tllllllller lo 00.. Ronald Rell"J\. _ 1968 Legislature 3"'! l• based on a #SO J.l,95<1,841 and cities, fl,462,ul. ~¥1!:~~~~~~~~~~~:1tt':~~' ~Christmas Hi-Fi Sale! I *PRICES SLASHED 30°/o TO SOo/o ON ALL CLEARANCE ITEMS.i *-MANY BRAND NEW, SOME DEMONSTRATORS,SOMETRADE·~ *INS. EVERY ONE WITH RJLL MONEY-JACK GUARANTEE! I ~ e STEREO TUNERS & RECEIVERS e e RECORD CHANGERS e N- * WA• 'A" Garrard "M•. "· •35•1 Fisher $150°0 -1 .. ,,,. ... • .... -"'·00 * ...... M" ''° .......... ,,...,, Garrard ''826 5 • •. Fisher $175°0 "· -1 .. "" ....... "'·00 S~ M1H. JJO •••••••••• SJtl.00 Garrard 11 • 11 • ~ Boge·n $219°0 ._1""" ......... ""·" fJ: ff """·" .............. ""·" Garrard '6500 ~ ~ Bogen '159" '" ................ ""'' t.t ff '""'·" ........... -....... i\ M Harmon·Kardon ~:.·"';;\~';, '175" • STEREO CARTRIDGES • M *Fisher M•1. ,.., .... , .......... '"'·" '148°' Shure Mt11 ..................... "'·" '18"~ ~Sherwood::.•:.., ........ ,,,,,., '299" Shure •• , .................. , .. ""'' '14"~ ~Sherwood ,;~o:.~ • .'~-~-.. -""·" '249" ShureM'"' .................... ""'' '7"i r. Ft h · '247" E • '8" . s35oo "'VI ~1u eUlnl1lll •••••••• $74.t l e SPEAKERS e M Sony Casette tc100 ...... ...... '69" Electro-Voice 11. ,.,,. •• '"·" '59"~ * Panasonic c-•• 9,.,_, .. "'-'' '29" .Lancer '"'· 11· '" .......... ""'' '3500 *~ ALL $4.98 STEREO RECORDS ••• $2.98 NEW PRICES ON RECORDS! $2.89!.:-SUI ,,., NOW ----.. $3.98! ~ •• ' te-e.. ............ ...., For Prine••• Gract of Monaco, who became 40 years old Nov. 12, tlie milestone "comes as a great jolt." "It hits one right between the eyes," the fonner Gr•ce Kelly told Look magazin~ in an interview in the current edition. "So here I am, and you aort of stop !llld thinll;, my God, l'm already there. u 'l"he princess "'laid that -at ''this. ad .. vanced age" she was "an absolute basket ~case." She said she now will have to watch her diet and tum .to regular exercises to pre. serve her figure. • s.n; Eugene McCarthy may not UPIT ......... • ·v~s .. Refates Apology After ·,North Koreans ·Rel.ease Trio ;.· ~ ,..-. . .. "-I ~ • ~l \WIO\JL~ 1AP) • .,.. ,,,,.,.....,._ ~ .. ....,.., ""8Uid todoy Ill« 311 mont!Y'..C eaililv!IJ In 11or111 Konoa, •. were' reperted ID -aDy,gOl)d p>ndWoo afttt lnlull-meclletl..,... • . ~ ' . An Army opo11....e.,aid 111<1 /flt .... tattvety .. beduled to~vflor tlll 11- Slates ·fbunday mirniic-i!Jou! I p.m. -w-~--...... -, .. i-01•' ~y. t ' ~ I • • :"\ CoL Paul illiemer, ,,,....,.;;.,., oil!..,. ol the Ulll Evoeuatloi!·l~•llaqimue. . mt "' -s,ouJ. ~ ·uiat t,iie ttnOe men "att Jiappy to bf out11 and Aii the1r • (ilychologletl outlook li ,.o.i. . He repOrled that alt tmellad talked lo their fomllles: 1belr first destlnalioo in the United States wu DOt diaclosed . . retea.,, said the wio<JsMos ol llolltal- ter's wounds could no! be determiiied ... til be underwent a diitalled medical.ex· amiaBPon. • He said Crawford stUl Md trouht. moving his right ahouJder •t Loepte had recover'!! fully from .......\ , in the left shoulder. A helicopter took the three men to the 121st U.S Evacuation 1i01pltal west cl. Seoul for medical examinati.ona and in- terrogation. Crawford-and Loepke walked off the helicopter, blit Hofstatter WU car- ried. on a llrttcber. Adams, who lntuviewed .lhe lbree briefly, told a news cOnference they were kept separated until 13 day& ago. He Wd he did not ask them if they were tortured, but when he asked about their life in North Korea, Hotzilatter n:plled, "It was pretty bad ." • have won last year's Indiana Dem· ocrat~ presidential primary elec-- tion, bu\ a pQ:em he finished writ .. ing d~_g _that campaign bas won him a $500 prize. The Minnesota Democrat;; acCQrdlng to the Wash· ington Post; has been given the award by the""National Endowment for the Arts. Slx1y.--tbree other writ .. ers of prose and pOetry were simi .. larly honored. McCar!hy's .j>ri• .. winlling._poem, ti6 lines long, is en-- tilled "Three Bad Signs." U.S. HELICOPTER CREW ESCORTED BY NORTH KOREANS ACROSS BORDER The releue of the three fllera was preceded by a five-minute meeting at Panmunjom during which U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adama signed a statement admitting pi&t the inlrualon of the men'a htllcopter into North K~ air space last Aug. 17 wu a "criminal ad.'' A U.S. Army statement later repudiated the admission and sald it was Asked about a North Kattan claim that the three-signed confeuiona 8dm1Wnc thaf they were ordered to violate North Korean alr space, Adama aaki: ''There wu no indication of their lignina any confession." Capt. David H. Crawford (left}, Warrant Officer · Malcolm Loepke (center) end Spec. 4 Herman Hofstetter ' • Removed hy Nixon Reds Repelled Ousted FNMA President ·In Delta; 150 Pre!ident Nixon is flying to Arkamas Saturday to watch the T~xa!·Arkansas game that might determine the No. l team in the nation by most polls and the championship of the Southwest ·Oonference. Texas has been. rat· :ed No. 1 and Arkan.!(l.! N o. 2 by 'the Auociattd Prua.tiJU:e M&c/i.. i gan upset Ohio State. The gam1: will be played on Arkansas' hoim fi1:ld at Fa yetteville. A net in honor of the 100th anniver- aary vear of American football, Nixon will present a presidtn- tjal plaqiu to the victor. What ha~ in . the event of a tie, . the White House toa.S'n't saying. • The Air Force is losing its onl)' Negro general. The voluntary re-- tirement of Lt. Gen. Benj•min 0 . D1Yl1, Jr. showed U.,P amonl a White House list of officers leaving service. Davis, highest ranking . Negro officer in any of the serv .. ices, is fresenUy deputy com· m•er o the Air .Force's strike conimand in the Middle East, Soulhern Asia and Africa South of the Sahara region, !:le had served in ~e Air Force 37 years. The re- limnent la effective .. xt Feb. l. • 'The draft lottery ~lled double trol'ble f or fraternal twins Ken11ey (Ii-ft) and Allen Mattison, 19, atu· de7~U at Riverside College. The first d+aft lottery date pulled out of the filhbowl ha~ to be their birth- d4y, Stpt, 14. Will Sue to J(eep Job \VASHJNGTON (AP)-An attorney for Raymond H. Lapin sajd today he will file IUit in federal court to declare President Nixon's removal of Lapin as president of the Federal National Mortgage. Associa- tion "null and void." Gerald Stern, the lawyer, said "An ac-. iton will be filed as soon as we are able to do so." He said he wil! ask for an im~ mediate hearing, no ·1ater than 'I'hurdsay • Lapin, meanwhile, said in an Inter view that the 19 members of FNMA'S general advisory committee, representing all areas of the mortgage business, were "all just extremely shocked'' at Nixon's letter rtmoving him from offlct. Lapin said Fannie Mae·s business was going on as usual, a1though papers were being signed by senior ':ice preaident Harry M. Gilbert at the Jn.Wtence cf Shennan Unger, general counsel of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and a member of lhe FNMA board of dh:ectors. ''l'm not sure the authority tor this comes from any higher authority, although it may," Lapin aaid. He baa contended Unger was Huo·s spokesman In teylDg lo get him to re~gn. ' ·FIGHTING FOR JOB FNMA's Raymond L•pln Laptn contenda he was fired lo open' a S • l S • lucrati .. job for an admini•tration sup-ocr.a . ecurity porter. NU.on fired Lapin Tuesday as head of. Boost Approved the unique niorta&#'buying agency -a nellher·pubiiC-nOr:prlvate organiu.Uon WASHINGTON (APl _ The }louse Lapin thooght ihould be more private-Ways and Means Committee voted and the admJnlstraticn, parUcularly unanimously today to recommend a If>. Houslllg Secretary · George Roinney, percent across•the·board increase in tboogbt , ~Id be more attuned to Social Sec~ity ·benefits ~~fectlve J~n. 1. goVemmenl ·• Announcing the decision, Chamnan . \Vilbur D. Mills (0-Ark.),"5lid '1. hcpe we Faruue Mae, a1 th~ FNMA ~s usu~lly will be able to pass the bill through the known, ls charged prunarily with buying House in the next few days." FHA and VA-insured home mortgages lie left cpen the question whether the from lenders thus pu tting more money Senate could complete action before into •the mortiage market. Congresa gees home for Christmas. The wpply-runnlng at an annual rate fi.iills said that while. the higher of about $10 billion this year-has been payments would be effective from the credited with )leeping the 1969 housing beginning or next year, social security market afloat during the current credit beneficiaries would not actually receive crullcb. the increased sums until April 1. . './ ' Snow Swirls Over Midwest Travelers Warnings Go Up in Vermont, New York l'll'tt'f <"""" NM1 wttll I clllMI _, 1 m, .,.....rt. Mltll flld1r 711, CM1fel ~IUl'M •rl-l'Ol'l'I SI ft n. lnl1N 1-.111,.. re"" lr1111 "' .. n. w ..... ..,.,..,lllrt "' St1tt, M-, !'Illes WtottltOAY *-"' 111111 ............. t:n ,.11'1.~.I l«:tflf IM , ......... 1t:a •""· 1.1 TIIU•tDAY ,lrtl llltfl .............. Jilt 1.m. I.I ,In! law • , ........ , • .,, U :N t ,lft, 1.t •llicor!d 111111 , ... , • .,,., •• f ;M 11.m. l.S ~ low ............. l1 1U •·~ 1.1 v.s. s ..... _... SllOW Wlltl tt'r«!f, l lllt'f wind!. I Wll'!ld I Cf'OU I WWII ll'ft ,,...., fM 111t1n1 G,...1 lt~n to tlWI llOtllltn! 1!MI tMtr•I A-..lfclllf"' 100.,, Tiit "'"" Wit IM¥1fll t t.wl't' ••ttwll"f. 0111 w1n11ftt1 rwn.1Jntd In llflct et1 tl'!f G,...t l.tkn . Tr1v1!ttt wfr"l"'t .,.,.,, ot111rH tor ~ v-1 ,,,. ''" M11111wtc: v.u.., ef l!!ltflW "'""' "f'Mll 111i.. ~HlllM 111*11!!$ 111¥1 .-r1t" btll! ""'' l lfllwl ll lw9 ·~ ef -'911 •f Mtl'lllut lft 1lt"'1 tn _.,. Mldllflll dvrl"' 1 •l~·hollr -lod. Tl tl'!f WHI !""' -· .,._,.. 0 ..... Temperat11re• Hltll l""' l'rK. Albu,llUtl"QUe JS l4 Andlortl t ll _> A!l1"11 JI Jl Bt-erslltlcl 11,,...ra '"" !IOl!on !lrown1w!H1 Clllct to Clni;l...,111 l:'i!river ee, 11101~1 Dl!rOll 1'1lrblnk1 "'''no ··-H-iu111 ""'''' (lty l 11 Vt!111 lm A"•tln Ml1fl'll M-h New Ort11n1 New Vort; 01~l1nd ott.lthomll Cltr ....... 1'111'1 &fflMI l'tM 11:11111-. l'llotoll!N Pl!ttt!Urtll l"ortl1"4 11: .. 111 Cll'I' ll:td Muff ·-••cr1Mlfll9 Slit L.tkt CllY '" -Stfl l't1Mlk11 . " ~$ ll . " JJ ,, " n !: . ~ ~1 ?~ .. ~ " n ,. " ,, " " N " n " ~ " " II II " " .. " " M ~ " .. " .. " " " '' 11 n ~ ,. " ,, " ~ " . " .. ~ ., 1J !I :: . .. Attackers Killed SAIGON (AP) -North Vietnamese troops attacked a district town in the ?\fekong Delta today, but 300 militiamen, police, civilians and government paci!ica· tion workers repelled them t nd claimed 150 cf the attackers killed. Field reports said 29 cf the defenders were kiUed , 15 of them civilians, and anot.her 50 persons were wounded, .30 of them civilians. It was the biggest enemy assault in the delta in six mpnlhs. The attack on Tuyen Binh, 58 milei west cf Saigon, began with a nlg~tl g barrage cf nearly 300 rockets and m rounds from across the Cam ian border 800 yards away. Then as many as 500 North Vietnamese army regulars followed up ~·ith three groWKI assaulU, &torming the town fro m all sides. The third and final asSaul l came at daylight. 1be North Vietnamese pithdrew into Cambodia after the fiv~ fight, leav· Ing many dead hanging en the barbed wire perimeter. Some North Vietnamese broke through the perimeter but were cut down. American advisers said the "defenders acquitted themselves extremely well." They cons~dered the victory signilicant because of a nu mber !>f government reverses in the delta since American in· fantrymen Were withdrawn from the region lalt summer as part cf the Viet· namizaUon program. Big Four Meet On Middle East UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -The Big Four have agreed tc make new tf· forts to keep the Arab-Israeli confli ct from endangering world peace. Their representatives met for almost four hours Tuesday, resuming talks brollen off five months ago, then issued a communiq ue describing Uie situation in the Middle East as "increasingly serious and urgent." They reaffirmed their con· vicUon that It must net be pennitted to risk world peace and security. U.S. Ambassador Charles W. Yest, Soviet Deputy Foreign Ministe r J acob A. ?o.falik, French Ambassador Armand Berard and Lord Caradon of Britain declared in the ir communique th at their objective remained unchanged -to pro- mote· establislunent of a lasting peace In the Middle East on the basis of the U.N. Security Council resolution approved unanimously !"Jov. 20, 1967. aJgned only to secure the rtleue of the men. . The helicopter was sbOt down 10 m1Ies Inside North Korea ~aoo all three men were wounded. Wearing navy blue jackeU provided by their North Korean captors. two of the trio -Capt. David H. Crawford of Pooler, Ga·, and WO Malcolm V. Loepke of Richmond, Ind. -appeared In good health when they were handed Over at the truce village shortly be!ore ooon. The third man, Spec. ·4 Hennan E. Hofstatter of Lowpoint, Ill. was en crutches, and an American official later said he still had cpen wounds in hi!: right knee. Adllll!, chief U.S. delegate al the The apology Adams signed aid the U.N. Command "solemnJy apologbes for having violated the armi3tice agreement and seriously infringed upon t h e sovereignty of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea by infiltrating ••• a militery aircraft detp !nib the territorial air of the Democratic People'• Republic of Korea, and firmly guarantees that It will not commit IUCh a criminal Kt again." Repudiating this after the men were turned over, a U.S. Army statement pointed out that the United States in negotiations for release of the men had consistently · maintained that the helicopter cr06sed the demilitarized 10ne without hostile intent when I.be pilot aot lost Leaders Back on Alcatraz; Federal Pow-Wow Fails SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) Three leaders of the Indian force which is oc- cupying Alcatraz have returned to the island after falliag to reach agrttment with a dozen federa1 officials. Richard Oalles, the 27-year-old Mohawk elected "president cf Alcalraz" by his 350 comrades, joined Denis Turner and Mary Reyes in a "pow"'WOW" with the heads of Gospel Truth Of Protesters? WASHINGTON (UPI) ~ Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, in new cr!Uciam of tacUca ol some anti~ war protesters, outlined to a·Wliife· · House-spooaored conference of Uie naUon's governors today what be called the "Ten Commandments ol Protest'': "Thou shaJt not allow the oppon- ent tc speak. .;;: "Thou shalt not set forth a pro-ai gram of thine own. ~ "Thou shalt not trust anybody .over 30. "Thou shalt not honor thy father ie er thy mother. ~ "Thou shalt not heed Ule lesscna of history. "Thou shalt tot write anything ~ longer th an a sfbg an. ~ ''Thou shalt not present a negot· ~ labl e demand. "Thou shalt not accept any es--I tablishment idea. -· · - "Thoo shalt not revere any but totalitarian Jleroe& "Thou shalt not ask for forgive-~ ness for ·thy transgressions; rath· ~ er, thou aha.It demand amnest.,.(or them." • l! federal agencies In San Francilco Tuesday. The group discu.ued lhe plight ol the Mlerlcan Indian -his lack of proper hoos.ing, work and schooling -but failed to touch en the Indiana' demand to of. flclally tak"e over the island froril the federal government. The three Indian representatives fn.. vited the federal olficiala to a aecond meeUng, this, time to be held on the former federal prison island. The govom- ment men accepted the invitaUon. but no meeting time hal yet been set. A small band of Indians landed at the San Francisco Bay island in the pre-dawn hours 13 days ago. They are tryiq to dalm the jsland, site of a penitentiary, until 1963, under terms of. an 18A truty. The treaty with the Sioui: naUon aid unused federal land must be returned to the Indians. Oakes and the other ll'ldian spokesmen say they want to turn the island into a cultural and educational center. The stalemate which hM prevailed since the beginning of the lndlln oc- cupation shows no 1isn of breaking, The Indians say they will remain en the island. The government ·aaya they must leave, but no attempt teems imminent lo remove them by force. ''We're going to stay on Alcitrb," Oakes declared. "Alcatraz offers us the insulation necessary to develop in- tellectually." Oakes said the Indians' food supply has held cut so far. But be asked for more donations to accommodate another influx cl newcomers ever the Yleekend. He predicted that 1,000 Indians would be on the island by Sunday. Gov. Ronald Reagan Tuesday criticilf:d the Indian occupation, though he Aid he sympathizes with thelr problems. "This ia similar to moat dernonstra. ,,..- ticns," Reaeaa aald, "which are tryin& to solve ~ltms by demor)ltraUon -nther than by sitting down at a \able to reaolve them." til!ll ltlMt 6:• IJ!!, .... I:" '·""' ..... a:1-U:e '-"'· lttt I :00 P.1'11. MUlfltrll Atf(Or!t 1/ld tdl•tlllt Mllft't. """"' (•lfftnllt '**' ,,, ... • ltt 11r1tlkt1 cw.,... mv<ll 01 n- l'1c111~ NOl111Wl tl W!ltl Cltl'Ulf OI' '""" s..-.,,. '"'''"'t . W111'1!119h'.lll " n Q " tJ ,, " ,,. • u Ol'IT ....... INDIANS PADDLE FROM ALCATRAZ TO •pow.wow· WITH FEDERAL OFFICIALS • T•lk1 Failed to Touch on Fut'l{t of Former Fedtr•I Penlt~ntlary WIATMla: CALU•Oa:Hl4 I 91' ''""~' ClrlUll Ill tM l!'ll1rlor. • \ l I • • ' ' • P,resideµV s·upported s,.House: WASHINGTON (AP) f'IJ'!lael(t Nixon, who i;J'U!ied roe month ago today il'.the "silent major i ty'' of Americans suppcwt his efforts -lo.end~the Vietnam war, hal • 333-55 vOting majority backing him in ttJe. House of Represen- tati ves. 'The S-1 margin came Tues- 't1ay. on a resolution supporting .the administration's "efforts to neg-Otiate a just peace in Vietniim ." Saine of tho~e voling for the resolution did so with reservations, however. A last-minute addition to the resolution requests NixOn .. to continue to press" North Viet- nam to abide by a Geneva Cilnventioo providing for the humane treatment of prisoners of war. The POW vote was 392-0. But be!ore the two days of wide-ranging debate was over, .House leaders on both sides of the aisle came under fire for bringing the resolution l'tt the floor under procedures ban- ning amendments. Ul'I T.i ..... PIO!'IEER AVIATOR CHARLES LINDBERGH AT LANDING OF 747 Lindbergh Among VIP,s at John F. Kenn.dy Airport Larg~st Jetli1ier Big Boeing Lands in Gotham WedMsda,, l>ectmbet 3, 196' J • • 1 -' I! • ~ \ 4 ~Fast Urged -to Protest Nix~!l's $p~ecT,, WASHINGTON (AP) Mexican-Americans at the White House hunger con- . ference urged their 3,0lfo felJo\v participants today to fasi during the remainder ol the ses!ion in protest of Presl· del"'~ Niion's keynote speech apd lilt ··~ay the conterenee .ls g~lj!g." - T h e M e xican·Americans asked othefl delegates to join them In depositing the re- mainder of their meal 'tickets in a boI in a hallway at the &ite o( the three.day meeting ' that ends Thursday. · said. '"We should expresS ~to ' "Spending $18.~ a day for the people we~represent lhat meals, ln my mind, ls almost llUle has happened but we are Immoral when we are here to st.ill thinking ol. them." ~Jp ~ hungry," explained Ruiz, who said he hope$ the the Rev. Ralph Ruiz of San protest will : "impr.ess on Antonio, Tex. the ·President he has done The clill for a fast' was jUst Uttf" to help the hungry, said . .one . expresslon or : b i t le r his group ·will ,try to obtain a criticism following Nixon's refund tor the deposited meal plea Tuesday for iUpport~ of ti~~giVe' the proCee<ls his legb:latlve prcgrams_...w-10""" a worthy cause. fight poverty. There was outspoken disap- '1The J>lrts.ident ha:r not calJ. polntment over President NIX"· ed for any emergency relief on's opening speech Tuesday lot the IM!tion'a ~ngry,:• Ruii. to the S,000 delegates to the . . . lhree-day-Coolerence oo Foo!I, Nutr11lon and U.allh. , Nl1on appeated for support ot hlJ three weUare bllb before ~. wbld> he ll8ld "~ ~ ellmina~ die problem~of poverty aa a cause of malnutrition." '"lblt's not. true,'' said Mrs. Peter Edelman, director .of the WasQington, D.C., Re- search ProJect;"and a member of a conference panel coruid· ering minimum income. She described the President's speech as "lousy, it said nothing; new." r •••• .. and open nightly till 9:30 MllUL AT_... W Pfl!Z AY, COSTA ....._ The POW proposal previous- ly had been beaten by the House Foceign Affairs Com- mittee. NEW YORK (UP1 ) -The 1vorld's largest jetliner, sched· uled lo go into SP{Vice early next year, flew here from the \\'est Coast Tuesday carrying 196 "guests," about half its full-load capacity. country already are having ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::_ _____ ~ difficulties accommodating--------------------- Joan Baez Has Son PALO ALTO (AP) -Folks-- I~ Joan Baez Harris gave birth to a son Tuesday night at the Stanford University Hospita l. Hospital spokesmen said the 28-year-old mother and baby are in ex- cellent condition. The boy wefgfled seven pounds, lour ounces. 1'1rs. Harris said she hoped to take the child -·Gabriel Earl -·to the Safford. Ariz .. federal prison camp at Christmas to visit his 23-year- old father, David Harris. He is !rervirig a sentence for refus-- ing induction into the Army. The 235=foot Boeing 747 is almost twice as long as man's first heavier-than-air powered flight made by the Wri&ht Brothers at Kitty Hawk in 1"'1. The huge. 700,000·p o u n d plane, designed to carry up to 400 passengers, made the 2,420- mile flight r r om Seattle, Wash .. to John F. Kennedy In- ternational Airport in four hours and five minut.es, hitting speeds of 700 miles an hour . Tt\e pWie. wiU1 its fi ve.. 4 story-high tall, 14 stewardess- es and $20 million price tag. brought not only progress, in terms of spaciousness, luxury and design, but also problems. Crowded airports across lhe convenlionat jets, many ol which occasionaJly have to fly holding patterns above the bus- ier airfields before they can land. Three 747s landing within a 15-minute period could theo- retically unload over J,200 persons with more than "3,000 pieces o( luggage in to an al- ready congested airport ter- minal. Pilot Jack \Vaddell, a Boeing cmploye, sa id the 747 could have crossed the continent in "less than four hours" if ii had been ...given immediate clearance to land at•Kennedy . \\'addell said the flight w.as uneventful and Vie plane was put on automatic pilot shortly after takeof! and remained so during most of the trip. The 747 is "much easier and more pleasant to fly than oth- er jets," he said . "It spoils you." Ex-Soviet President Dies 11f • • • !(• • MOSCOW (AP) -Klimenti VoTO!hilov, one the 1a1 t 1urvtving heroes for l h e Bolshevik Revolution and a ... rqrmer president of the Soviet Union, died today . Tass an· MUnced w He was 88. The brief announcement by the ·oft'icial Soviet news agency gave no details. Voroshilov had speat -his last years a lonely, hiimiliated outcast ~ had hot been reported at an ·official function since the 1963 Revolutionary Day parade. Of all the men in the Soviet Communist hierarchy in the days when Joseph Stalin ruled he was perhaps the only one who could call Stalin friend. l·.1 spite of all Voros bi I ov ' s blunders, Stalin covered him with a mantle of glory and protected him from t h e penalties of his mistakes. But after Stalin d i e d . Voroshilov, then past 70, fell upon evil days. He threw ·in with a group of old Stalinlsts trying to oust N i k i t a Khrushchev from pa r l y leadership. Khrushchev slai;- ped down the "antiparty group." led by V. M. Molotov, Georgi M. Malenkov and Lazar ~1. Kaganovich, in 1957. Whe.1 Khrushchev brought details or the plot into the open at -the 22nd party con- gress in 1961, Voroshilov was pictured as a dupe ; he wrote a letter humbly admitting his part in the plot but claiming be had no idea what was in- ., iasy•Citr• .active weer 1., men •nd boyi boys sweeters for •v•ry oce11ion: m•ehine w.sh•ble e nd m•thlne dry•ble a.20 . ' I . ,. "IL' volved. • Khrushchev Interceded for him. calling him "a broken man" and urging the congress to' treat him Jess severely than the others. At the November celebra- tions of the 8':lniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution t h a t year. however. Voro.shilov's humiliation was p u b I i c I y demonst rat ed. Before thousands. he sought to mount the tribune or honor atop Lenin's tomb, from which he and other Soviet leaders had always taken the salutes of the marchers. A guard stopped him and he was led away. Later his name was stripped from all public places and the to~'TI of Voroshilovgrad chang. ed its name back to Lugansk. ' • Ii • 1 fe1hle11 id1...I, .,..-port lte1ch -t 4 .. 4-SD1D • ,, ' " ..... " ~·11l1•.,;&.ar~ .. f!lltf'1 ""'''' I I· ' •• .. • I . -·· ' • • \l ! ' Near hall a century of service/ Near hall a bllllon dollare strong more interestthan b.anks. 25% MORE INTERE"ST THAN BANKS on regular passbook savings I Interest compounded dally, credited quarterly. Interest paid from day-in to day-out. No notice required for w ithdrawals. Transfer your savings to THE BIG M today. THE BIG M also offers Bonus Accolirits and Guaranteed Rate Accounts ($1,000 minimum) that earn even more. Come In or call for information. W. R. Sammons Senior ViotP18'idetU Rfgiq!W LoallMGMger COVINA W•ST AltOADIA teo WMt Ducuu Road Tt~ptlOM 446-0180 ....I 200 NOfttl Cnrus Awnue TtlephoM 339-5478 Roberi 0. A•ton Vic• Pruidt:Jtt BniW'MfJ:IVJ.f/t:I' MUTUAL SAVINGS and J..n u•ciaii1111 CORONA DEL MAR GL•NDALa 331 Nonh ll'lnd Bouleoltrd TtltptlOrtt 242 ... 148 2ea1 Ent.CO.st lflohw•Y T•lephone875-5010 .. A8ADaNA (Heed Ofll<o) 31S East Colo redo Boul•'ltrd T11ephont «t-23-45 . • • ' ' • • • ' ' \ I • I • DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE Laguna~s EUorb of half a dozen LaJW!a Beach citiuns' groups on devel opment of the Main Beach point up one or the Art Colony's most valuable resources -an lm.- pressive pool ·01 talented residents, willing to expend time and effort to improve their community. • Similar effort was put to vaJuable use l n the work or the Citizens Advisory CommJttee. Its survey and re.- suiting-recommendations told the-general plan-study people more about Laguna than outsiders could have learned in years. - Citizens' eUorts have been of paramount importance ln establishing the offshore oil sanctaary, obtaining the inland freeway route and seeking a library site. The talent represented is impressive. There are scientists, architects, planners, engineers, geologists. designers, hotel experts, lawyers, artists, writers and businessmen from ti dozen fields. They devote hundreds of volunteer hours to helping Laguna become a better communtty and are an asset second only to the lgcal scenery. Saddleback's Invisibility •' Night visitors to the new Saddleback College cam• pus could be saved a fe\v bumps if the college would catch up \Vith the s.tate Division of Highways in the sign deparln1ent. ~ The college is heralded· extensively on the approach- ing freeway, Ylith huge, brighUy.Jtghted signs announc· ing "Saddle back College Next Right," ''Saddleback College Exit .Y.c. Mile," etc. J~aving arrived without pain at the appropriate off· ramp, the driver finds still another large sign directing him up the hill. From there on he's on his own. At the crest of the hill a large sign announces Mis· Talent Pool slon Viejo's new Coronado Homes. A litUe farther oil a .small yellow sign reads, "Road Ends 500 Feet.'"' It's not kidding. The pavement ends almost lmme. diately and the road ltsell vanishes Into a hillside after a few bumpy yanls. A cautious U-turn and a closer inspection or the last Intersection reveals a small, unlighted sign with an ar· row aiming ln the-dire;ction of-the-near-by~ampus. • \Vord is that college oUiclals are "considering" the situation. We respectlully suggest that the solution is either a visible sign or a tow truck stationed at the end of the pavement when lhe mud season ppens. 'Only God Can Make a Tree' ' Laguna Beach Chambef of Commerce beautifica· tion chairinan Lloyd Milne thinks that wonder of na- ture, the tree, might well ,be added to motherhood, the .. flag and apple pie as a subject above all criticism. Charged with heading up a-project to get more trees planted on Laguna's high"•ay5i._and byways, Milne expected to encounter the usual re!istance to his sug- gestion that merchants might care to chip in a dollar or two, along with the customary cynicism that certain segments of the populace aim at all "do good" pro- grams. Not so, says Milne. Everyone, apP'C!fenUy, is in fa· ., vor of trees. People are practically waiting 'In line lo belp hi• projecl The phone rings off the hook. Businessmen want trees in front of their establis hments -even if it will cost them money. People want to help buy trees, donate trees, dig holes to plant trees in. The late poet Joyce Kilmer. author of the immortal "Trees," '''ould have found plenty of soulmates in La- guna Beach. s Thanksgivi1ig ls Best of Barking Destroys Night Worker's Sleep All Holidays Of all the holidays we celebrate, Thanksglving is by far my favorite. It is, in fad, the only cne I wholeheartedly 1ubscribe t.o, in spirit as well as in body. Christmas, cf course, is a meS!, and has been fof as long as l can remember. It has turned into a hectic, anxious, overspending, show-offy holida~ that has ·no more in common with t h e preachments o( Jesus lhan a hog has with a hymnal. And New Year's Eve Is the md. The 1quares and clods have utterly liken over th.at day, and night, for mind less roister· ing that mistakes bellowing for . bonholllle and driveling drunkenness for JOility. WHAT DO WE have left? The.Fourth of July should be a time to take stock of naUonal inheritance. and what we have made, or failed to make, of it; ina~ad, it means firecrackers to the kids, and long, insincere political orations to the adults -most of whom wouldn't sign the Declaration of lndependence today even under an assumed name. · But Thanksgiving is different. It has not yet been commercialized. It Is a quiet time. No one has tried to lake it over for Rlf·serving purposes, except perhaps the cranberry sauce people. And, most of all, it la unique among the world's hollda)'S. IT WAS FIRST begun, as you learned In sch~, in 1621, to commemorate the Dear Gloomy Gus: A fri end is one that does some- thing nice for you. Since the camp. us militants are helping to re-elect Governor Reagan they must be his friends. -H.B. M. Tilll fMtwr. r'tn.m rt ... tt' 'WleWt, Mf -r•l'f ...... .., tlM MWIJINr. Sl!!C rwt ,., ,_.,. M •IMrll• Gu .. Otll'f ,lltl, harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony, after a winter of great starvation. In that autumn, Gov. William Bradford pro- claim a day of Thanksklvlng -in a feast shared not on1y by at? the colonist3, b\tt by the Indiana as well. No other country has a day set aside for this purpose; a day that i.9 non· political, non-denominational. n o n • patriotic, but simply one in "hlch all the people recall the privation and 1Uffering of their forebears, and give thanks for the bounty provided them, and ua. NOR RAS ANY other country IO much to give thank s for. We forget, in our pride of aceomplishment, that the New World waa naturally blessed with many ad· vantages Europe lacked : not only physically, in tenns of vast land and resources, but also with freedom from ancient grudge~. from old-class struc- tures, and from crippling authority. Thanksgiving celebrates the personal spirit and the famUy unity of our people. It evokes humility, graUtude, warmth, and an exchange of sentiments rather than of presents or toasts or salutes. In being the most distinctively American holiday, it approaches being the most universal. Strange Paradox in Men The publicists say Apollo 12 did not stir the public zeal as did Apono It, and it v.·as inevitable, for who remembers the seC<lfld voyage of Columbus? Nonetheless, 12 is more important than t I so far as concerns the fundamerilat purpose or the Apollo program . It Jumed out a.s a flawless mission, with one e.x· ceptlon. That of course was the failure of the television camera. ""'hich denied the world's viewers their view. I\ was a boo- hoo, not or the astronauts, but of Space Administration pla~· g. Not to provide a backup camera was e rtlng a lorig automobile journey \\'il a spare Ure. The Discovery misst0n•s purpose was to establish that it could be done, Apollo 12 was to establish what we a~ trying to do. What we seek Is to unravel the truo nature or the moon, and ils rel:ilion to t~c earth and so, to the mechanics or the Solar System. Its dlsla nt goal is to let u~ know where \\'e are, \\'hich is 11: \'ital part of kno\\·ing v.·ho we are. THIS JIAS BEEN tht! quest or men s1DCtl tile lin;t one wondered about the ttets and the rivers, and the ieysterious Ugb&I In the finnament. An indlspen11tble p a r t' of kno.,..·ing where and who yoo 1rt. LS an uri· del"IU.Ddinl ol what cosmologists call •tattu. we know a grtat deal, though not everything, about the matt.er Conn ing our gtabt. but ertriten'eslrlal matter fonn· "11 other 1lobts, though universal, has ..---B11 George---, OONFIDEN'TIA~ TO D 0 DI E GOODMAN: 1r1 not so much he's p more hair now, Dodie, lfa lhat THIS one's name Is carson. But you're right. • .you are keenly oblirYanl, up lO a polnl. • ~-~ . ._. .... ,_,_ .,-... .. --·'""l'•.r ... ,---. '(,,.., , .R~xce Brier 4, ·~ ' • '4 ........ -.-...!...-.1..-----~--·-..-/ subtly different properties. The lunar matter the astronauts lugged flome, over 100 'earth pounds of it;-triples our rock collection. A bit of meta1llc mat· ter fashioned by the Hughes Tool Com· pany has Jain for over t""'O years in a small crater adja~nl to the Apollo 12 touchdown, and the astmiauts snipped "Olf some parts or it . We want to kno\v '"hat that airless focus of solar radiation and meteoric dust has done lo It. FROM ANAL,'SJS of Apollo 11 rocks . "'e already kno\V the moon has been around 4·5 billion years, but we don"t know if it is unchariged In that time. \Ve don 't know Jt it is dead, cold globe, or if il contains interior heat, U It was once perhaps alive and changeable, a!I our globe was, arid is. Apollo 12 cannot unw ind this enigma, but lt can s.an. Everywhere we look thqe art rl,.Cl loac· tive particles, electric charges which combine with , and excltl!, hydrogen 11toms which drift In illlmlt.1b\e clouds through space. In these clouds are other atomic elements, like Iron, which can congeal and form lbe splnning heavtnly bodies we behold. OUR FOREFATllERS 1Ylstfully used tn ""'ondtr if there Is gold in the moon, and 'A'C are past that wonder. Goi"' there Is l'lll on the debit ~de lo a bookkeeper. But kno\\·ing even a JJtUe about where 'A't art, and 1vho, may be l:itt~r than gold. It Is a stran1e par•dox in men, that \1 hile they quarrel to the death over the riches of their earth, they manai e tO \·lsU. a far place which promises to yle.ld them nothing of material riches, .Owners, Not Dogs, Are Responsih_le To the Editor: It surely appears the world is goins to the dogs. We moved from one part of the town t.o another thinking we could get away from the-dogs barking under our bedroom wiir dows at all hours of the day. At first, for a few month!, we thought we really had found a quiet retreat. Since my husband's work requires working late hours at night, we try to sleep later in the mornings. Not even on weekends can we get to sleep !alt: because of dogs barking at 5:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. across the street. Even some dogs bark at .f a.m. and off and on through the day. THEY SPEAK OF people ovupopulaUng the world. I believe dogs art also overpopulating the world. Most cf these dogs are not trained veey well. It is not the dog's fault, but the owner's faulL Since moving on I.his street three years ago we now have-doga. ~bove us, dogs below us, and we are really sur- rounded by dogs. They are on.the loose early mornings and at nights. How can anyone "love thy neighbor" as the "good book" tells us to do, under these circumstances when most af the people do not train ~ dogs. RECENTLY I HA VE been contacting quite a few people. SOme with no dOgs and some with well-trained dogs who do not let their dogs run loose and destroy other people's yard!. Do not think for one minute it is ap- preciated by people who work hard to beauUfy their homes and yards, There most certainly is a lack of thoughtfulness and comideration on the -part of some of these dog ownerS. In talking with 50me of these people they are disgusted with some of their neighbors wbo let their dogs make those awful messes besides ruining the grass, shrubs. flowers and leaving brown spots whereever the dog has been. There is a noise abatement law and a leash law in this town. ISN'T IT ABOUT time that we do somelhlng about protecting our yards and properties from the dogs? Also I learned from orie who saw tv.·o vicious dogs tear a small dog's throat wide open and l-0 ha\'e dogs runniris loose like that is dangerous. What de. dog lovers thinkT Speaking of dog lovers, God's word ssys that we should have "no idols," and to worship the Lord, God , oaly." I Jmo'v some people v.·ho praclically "'orship their dogs. I have seen them kiss their dogs in the mouth st!.d sleep under the sheets .,..;th their dogs. That may be o.k. for lhem if they so desire, but as far a~ I am coricemed and some other people l 2now, that is "for the birds." IRENE HILTON Apologu lo Grc11 To the Editor; Reading the Thursday lssue or the DAILY PILOT (Nov. 27l , 1 came across M article ori the contest Pilot Pigskin Pickeroo. You listed 8 complete list of winners. Not too tong ago, I won a football from )•our cont.est. I came in second. I was v.·ooderlng bow come my name wam't on the list. All the <1lher people who won the samt week I did were on the list. I'd ap- ptt(fate kDowill$ ""'hat may have hap- pened. GREG PHILLIPS . l\'e goofed. It's ;u.st rhot simplt:. Creg'.s w.nmt i.s listed in our r~cord.t o..c second·placer /or rht second wtrk of the conCl st. lie picked 17 out of n possible 19 wittners -a great record. Ediwr 1"e11. B e/1lruf 1\pollo To the Edllo<: As a Caltech iflduatt student \\'It h an r i ..•. ·--...... .,,"~ ~ ~\.f , Mailh6'k "·"""· ··-·· .. -.u - Letter.s from readers art welc011te. Normally writers sliould convey their message.s in 300 wards or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or tliminate libel is rele"'ed. AU let- ters must include signature and mail- ing addres.s, but names may be with· held on request if sufficient reason 11 apparent. Poetry will not be pub- li.shtd. interest In the technical aspects of Lhe re-- cent exciting Apollo flights, 1 am'amated at how odd it is that so little recognition seems to be given to the people who deveJo.ped the technological breakthroughs and the knowhow that made the whole effort possible. For example, consider the guidance system for the Apollo 11 and 12 moon trips. For years, tht scientists and engineers at ·MIT's beleagured Instrumentation Laboratory in Cam· bridge, Mass., have been working on and writing about the guidance syst.em pro- viding a precision capability never before even imagined, let alone developed into a workable system to carry the spacecraft to the moon and back, THE DISTANCE and speeds involved make this task about like trying to hit a cannonball in flight with an extremely acrurately teed golf ball, but Lhe spaceflight problem is even more difficult • due to the changing force of gravity on the way lO the moon. ln the face of these terrific obstacles, Dr. C. Stark Draper and others working in his "I Lab" tack!· ed the problem, improved the e:tistirig missile guidance systems, and, \\'ilh strong 1industrial support, succeeded marvelously. In the words of "Doc'' Draper, as he is affectionately known by his students and colleagues al t.11'f (where this writer did his undergraduate \\1ork), "F'or the Apollo 11 flight, this lab, my lab, had the full responsibility fron1 the gleam In the eye to the splashdo\\'Jl in the ocean." THIS ST ATDIET\'T reflects the kind or pride that comes only from a supreme and superb effort and a job well done by the "I Lab" personnel and by all the many industrial firms \Vhich contributed ''ital rcsources, equipment, and tal('ril. I especially feel that special recognitio n should be accordcd the men from the "l Lab" an<! all the others who worked on the project. Some of them live and work right here in Southern California and deserve our praise, "'hich ""'e ol.ten neglect to confer in our busy personal \\'or Ids. I FEEL TllERE is a 5pecial IWetf to- day to emphasite and acknowledge the perseveranct, belief iri the value of in- dividual responSibllity, and the pride in one's job. ont's nation, and oneself ex- emplified by these men. AdopUou or such character traits by today's rebellious: youngsters might create for them the sausracUon coming from such worthwhile, constructive activity. They could tvtn flnd themselves pleasaritly >w"pril<dl WILLIAM DEVEREAUX AH1erlca11 Side " To lhe Editor~ ls it not really rather strange that the very same l()('iatlsts who have 11dvocnted and promoted. @:O\'Cfnment control oC CV· crything under the sun , In order to pro- tect us poor peons fro1n those greedy, wicked capitalists, are suddenly lcapi.ng to the defense ol Lhe telc ... tslon nct\,·orks and major news media? "Government cerisorship," they scream In voices so passionate now that their own mouthpieces are being challenged. Could it be that they now wish to protect us from the very monster they h a v e themselves created? ALAS NO! This bunch or two-faced crusaders for communism (rio matter what fancy title they may give it) are up in arms at the prospect that the television networks, newspapers and periodicals that have raUied to the cause or the left for so long may soon, under in· creasing pressure from the American people they have betrayed. present the American side of the news for a change. ANDREW COURT MILES 'No Se11•e of Shame' To the Editor: Well, I see where President Nixon has signed a few International agreements - like non-proliferation of chemica l warfare or something. Big de81! I am sure Uncle Sam \Vill keep his agreements -that is, as long as convenient. The whole history of goverrunental agreements is to keep them just as long as convenient. J UST A VERY small, close-to-home ex- ample: About 1930, Orange Coonty, California, U.S.A. signed an agreement with the U.S. government to keep Black Star Canyon Rood open. And they did. That is, as long as it was convenient. However, our present supervisors no\V refuse to honor the slgned agreement. They have a lot of excuses, but ap- parently no sense o( shame. BILL BOWER Poaltlo11h1g New• To the Editor: A fe1v months ago, l V.Tole your newspaper con1plimenting you on a fine presentation of worthwhile news. Urifortunately, it seems to me it's been all dov.·nhill ever since. Today, Friday, Nov. 28, "'as the last straw. The day after Tharik sgiving 1nany people \Yould probably be interested in lhe wourided \'Cl('ran who finally got a job (page 4J and the Indian 's feast al Alcatraz (page S). _, 110\Y ~IANY peo~le do you think really \\'ant to kno\V abouNhe cruddy unnamed teen-agers performing indecent acts fpag(' 1) and the lheatcr theft (page!)"! E:tcept the people Y.1ho do these things for allention. obviously -as in case I. There does seem to be little that anyone can do to cut the crime rate, .but you are at least in 11 position to cut down on the free publicity for nobodies. Please return to your former policy of seeming to be a ray or light in the "Sunshine State." Lately you look too much llkc one of the crummy Chicago area scum .sheets. MRS. J. SNYDER Uo'• Objeclh:c J'o the Editor: Just what I$ tht: Vletnam war alt nbout? The amw~r to such a simple look· ing question rquires one. to rely upon Jn. luitJon, !mag nation and a few facts. • The present Vietnam war really started when 110 Chi Minh decided that he v.·as i::oing lo liberate all or Vietnam from French colonial etintrol. The.re is no doubt thet the French Jost the v.·ar but lfo bclleved that he lost the peace when Viet- nnm was divided in t .. 'O. 'Thu~ Ho had to adjust to the bf::;t or a b:id de;il and he conM>lldalcd his powcr In North Vic:tnnm. ,,'HILi•: 110 '''AS consolidating his partiol victory, r.lao T!e·lung advanced I ' the theory of "Wars of Liberation'' which \\'ould be used by the Communisls lo force their political dogma on the rest of_ the free world. This theory gave Ho a method that he eould use to liberate South Vietnam and at the same time either prove or disprove by cx· perimentation the validity of ''Wars of Liberation." In the beginning 110 needed little material help from China or Russia and would have won the first "War of Libera- tion" if the U.S.A had not intervened militarily. After the U.S .A. intervened Ho had to ask for much military equipment from the Chinese and the Russians. Both of lhese Communist giants had to furnish the weapons because Ho was trying to prove the feasibility o( ''\\1ars of Libera· tion." THERE IS LfMLE <lnubt in my mirfd I.hat the Tel off('nsive of 1968 cost the North Vietnamcse the war, The fact that the North has lost the war has finally been accepted by Russia 3nd China and yet they are still pouring money down the san1e old rat hole. Why ? The ans\l'Cr to th at queslion Is vei='y simple. AU one ha s lo do is to look at the division that is taking place in the good old U.S.A. and it only cost the two Com- munist giants two or three billion dollars a year. Of course, th ey couldn't care less about the manpower losses of North Vi el· nam because the individual in the Co m· munist "·orld is bom to advance the Communist movement. Jn conclusion, the Vietnam war Is an experin1ent that is being conducted by the Communists · and ''\Vars of Libera- tion., "'ill be used in other parts of the \ror!d if the experiment proves suc· cessful. Now those that believe that this is just a local war and that we should bug out will believe anything. HARRY B. McDONALD JH. Solltl W/tile 1A1w T·n the Editor : \\le have just returned frnn1 a delightful vacation to northern California. Our California highlvays are grea t. Jiowever, 1 wish our own 1.1acArthur Blvd., from University Drive to Coast llighway, had the life-saving solid v.·hi!e line ori the right hand side of the road. On dark, fog- gy nights on that dark, \~inding road it 1rould. be a tremend ous help. The renec. tors help, but the solid white tine would be an even bigger improvement. MRS. J.P. AYNES Quotes Or. Jcni joy LaBelle. 25, mini-skirted first woman prof. at all-male Cal Tech, Pasadena -"I hope the students like me, but n1y main concern is that thcy like <:nd enjoy the material being taught." ---- Wednesday. December 3, 1009 Tiit editoria! pooe o/ the Dai Pilot .stt~ to inform and 1tlm- ula!e rtadtr.s btl presenting this newspaper's opi11ions and com- m1ntary on topict of interest and significance, bu providing a jmm for tht t:tpressio"' oJ our readtrs' oplnion.s, and by presenting the diver1e vftio- point.t of Informed ob.stroer1 and $pOkeSfnen 011 Lopic.s of tht day. Robert N. \\'cod, Publisher \ QUEENIE . . .. • ~;f ' . ' . ; By Phil lnltrlqndi .. ''Now I know whal they mean by the 'long lunch'. I don't know how long I can t.ake it." ColDDllssloner Angry Stre .iSand Snub Brings Protest NEIV YORK (UPI) -The commisaloner of the New York State D1vlslon of Human Rights sald Tuesday he "re· grela" the-dlvl!lon does-not have jurlsdl.cUon over situa- tions such as the rejection of Barbara Streisand's applica- tion to buy a Park Avenue apartment. Comml!llioner Robe rt J. Mangum, in a statement re- ~=~b~ft:i; o~~~~t~ :c~ lions such as those taken by the cooperative apartment be- cause th e y . are "morally wrong." "I made an application as required by the ~managing board of this building," said ~1iss Slrelsand ... This applica- tion included references by my present landlord, a banker, a doctor and a well·known figure in government." ently under the aaaumptlon • f\-U~s Streisand was rejected because she is an ac.treas. "When I think of the jobs, the recognition and the joy and happinesr, which members of the theatrical profession have brought to the city, 1 find it hard to bf:lieve that she is not acceptable as a neigh· bor to certain people along Park Avenue or any other part of the state," t-.iangum said. He said cases such as ~fiss Slrtlsand's pointed up a "dis· t.inct weakness" in the 1Slate'1 human rights la\v and he planned to discuss amend· ments to the pre.sent law wllh Gov. Nelson Roc.keleller. Brothers Held In 5133 Theft Howev.er, she said her appli-SAN DIEGO (AP) -Two CHECKING cation was turned down, with · brothers were arrested Tues· "no explanaUon offered." day in connection with the"tl33 Although no reason .was gl~-robbery or a M o r e n a • P • en br the. c~p for Miss Slre.1· Boulevard drive.in restaurant sand s re1ection to buy the. after a high-speed chase, -$240,000-ZO.room -apartment sheriff's deputies said. '------------~ ~o~~t A.P~:n:S~~··wif~~f Booked for investlgalion cf cne of the building's board of a~~ robbery were James dlreclors, said Sw'lday the Ctain, 28, and bis 17·)'ea~-old actress was turned down !)e.. brother, both cf San Diego. cause she was a "flamboyant Teens May Dress At Nude Colonies Iype." NIW FROM GROUND UP Miss Streisand said Monday ,:::i,:~~ :::":t0'.D-...::•11:•R•PT the rejection may have come GAIDEN GIOVE partly because she is Jewish. LINCOLN MllCURY But Mangum did not men- By L. M. BOYD ONE OUT OF EVERY three women has fallen in love at cne time or another with a man younger than herself .•• SO FAR AS 1 KNOW, nobody in the world has ever bee.1 found to be all ergic to rice ••• OLD STAGECOACHES are selling ·for as much as $5,000 no\V • , . YOU WERE AWARE thc ,lncas of Peru were highly civili.zed, but did you realize Uley invented peanut butter? •. , IT HAS BEEN pretty well confirmed that men tend lo blush more readily t b a n \Vomen. NUDISTS -At hand is a report from a journalist who has been investigating nudist camps. S o m e assignment. Says he: ''1'.1ost nudists lhink it's all right to wear certain articles of clothin·g such as hats against the sun and san- dals tG protect the feet. Newcorrlers arc permitted to shed gradually. Teenagers must be accompanied by parents and =ieed not shed at all. Toddlers must "'' e a r diapers. Most nudists regard religious and p o liti c al arguments as out of order. 'They frown on body conta ct and at dances they all wear clothes." CUSTOi\IER SERVICE : Q. ''\Vhat did you think of 'Hair?" A. Believe you refer to the play, do you not ? Sorry. haven"t seen it. All I know about hair is you normally Jose more of it in November than i'.1 any other m9nlh, and less of lt in May •.• Q. "IS THERE SUCH a thing as an albino snake?" A. Must be. The London Zoo paid $14,000 for a white python. The ex· perls said such a snake only showed up once every 1,000 ycai;-s. SPOTLIGHT NOTIONS - Wait , , • Thal 1nakc of car tion this aspect in his state-GAllDIH •6j6~2 ... 9'10llOOKHU1t1:r. wherein occur the mos t . ...'.m~en~t 2Tu~esd~a~y:_, ~ac~lin~· ~g·:..•~P1_!par~-~~~~~~~~~:!j matrinlonial proposals is a horse, so to speak . ·• , Eleanor Parker must be the best ac· tress off TV .• , How many men shave with their glasses on? Those pollsters, t hel .. -------------------1 slackers, have failed to report a.1 that .•• The smaller the poodle, the larger the lady, that's axiomatic ••• Why was Mencken so revered? Why likewise Shaw? or ulcerous outlook, both • , . If 1 were Howard Hughes, l'd move the delicatessens west and put everyWng I owned i n to pastrami ••• Big round purple spec tacles are sadder than bandages .•• So go, it's green. RAILROADS -Clearance bet\veen 'vheels of t h e Itomans' chariots was 4-feet· 81,2-inches. They took their chariots to England. · The English built earls, to fit those tracks. A:.1d later trains with rails the same width. Their locomotives were good. So Americans bought them. And lay rails to fit. Thus, the modern American· railroad gauage came to be 4·feet-8\2· inches. NOW A HJGHLY reliable source reports that infant in the Gerber Baby Food ads \vas not the late Humphrey Bogart as rumored, but none other than Dan G e r b e r himself, the bo.ss ••• THE TURKISH POLICE have in· itiated an interesting wrinkle r.1 dealing with d r u n k e n drivers. Inebriates c a u g h t behind the \\ileel in town are taxied 16 miles into the coun- tryside and turned very loose. Your questions and com· ments are welcon1ed and wilt be used wlterever pos· sible in "Checki11g Up." Pl ease address your 1nail 1.0 L. r.1. Boyd in care of DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Ne1vport Beach, Calif. 92663.' THESE PENNEY STORES • WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK ~ • CANOGA PARK -. DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON Senate Group Shelves • GARDEN ~ROVE •GLENDALE -Plan for War Inquiry • HUNTINGJON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate .Foreign R e I a t i o n s Committee has quietly shel~·ed Sen. J. \V. Fulbright's bid for an inquiry ltlto the impact of the Vietnam war on the mood and morality of America. Fullbrlght. the Arkansas Democrat who heads the com· mlttee, said his idea was motivated by the alleged massacre cf South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. so ldiers. "I suggested we have a Gr ay Whale Migrating SAN DIEGO (AP) -The ilnnual California gray whaJc migration Is under way. The first official slgfltlng or lhc giant mammal$ movi ng l§Olllh to breeding grounds wa' reported Tuesday by Ed Caudillo, an ernploye ol the Ct1brillo Nallonal MonuRM!nt ok Potnt Loma. heari'.1g on what's happening lo America, that being thel trigger," Fulbright said in an inte rview Tuesday. But he said the committte consensus was against his idea. "I couldn't see it," said Ver· mnnt Sen. George D. Alken, the s e n i. o r RepubHcan m'!mber. "There are too many investigations already," ~ •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK Fulbright sai d ~e did nol propose an inquiry i.1to the alleged slayings at ~1y Lal itself. Instead, he said he wanted a hearing soon on the significance or the incident: "\llhal is happening to us as a result of the war?" • NORTH HOLLYWOOD A committee majority In· dlcated oppasition tG such hearings now. Fulbright 5aid they may be proposed again after Cc.lgrcss reconvenes 1n Jaauary. - No Soul l\1 usic DAR ES SALAA~t. Taiuanla • SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE • VENTUltA • WESTCHESTER (AP) -American '"Soul • WEST COVINA mu sic"' is the latest product of "alir.n culture:" lo bt banne WHITTWOOD In Ihis Easl Alricon capllDI. • Previously banned were &lrl.ic ' . I • f\-1onument Supt. T om Tucker said othe:r reports of v.·hale sightings hove been coming in for abou~ two \\"etks but this was the rlrst hy a monument employe. ma g .. in ... minlskirls, wigs • WHITTIER DOWNS and skin IJghtencrs. '---------------------'I -- ' - • WtdntMfay, Ot:etmbtr 3. 1~9 OAllV PILOT 7"' • . OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WW: F6R VOUR Sf-IOPPING CONVENIENal The .Hearth Shope e. everything . you need to give your fire that special glow! For all the pleasures of . a wood fire! 13e99 With our 18" 3 oak gas log set you can enjoy a fire in your fi replace without the mess of ashes and smoke. Hurry in fodayl LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! 24 inch oak gas log set. Just tum on, liglit and enjoy a cozy fi re --·---------17,99 Your 1~holce, Deluxe oak log set ar Man· :ianita log set ______ .:_ ... -39.95 7 pc. antique brass fireplace ensemble 39.99 38" x 31 11 black mes h curtain with pu ll chain, 4 pc. tool set, 2 l 6~11 high andirons. 3 pc. black&brass fireplace ensemble 19e99 Attradive rose filigree ensemble, Pull chain adion on 3B"x31" black mesh screen. Set includes hanging poker and brush. 3 piece brass fireplace en• semble -------·-------21.99 I 5 pc. antique brass.& black fireplace set 7 pc. copper Americana and black ensemble 34.99 features black frame curtain screen. Hood and l1g1 In an· tiquit bran • ..( pc. flreset. 49.99 Black frame and mesh. Match- ing fln ish andirons and firesef. Hurry lnl Cultorn mod e firi!ploce screens l!;l fit your tirtploet In 5 flnld~eL-----·······--24.9t, Solid brrus log basket 10.99 Black & brass or copper log basket ·········----·-····--··-6, 99 99 boxed matches, multi· colored ---;-.79 Shaker can of flre-<olored crystals ···----.79 TlflSE CANOGA PARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH STORES OPEN SUNDAY TOO i 12to5 P.M. LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA • • ·- • • • .. -· "'--·· -Mi~sing (_;irl, 9, Found Dead SAN )IATEO (UPI) -Mr. and Mrs. DM2ld Nason sat on a couch .ill rAe quJet room Tuesday nilht with their 10. year-o1d daughter, Shirley, a d<>i named "Sooopy,1' a ted· dybear and a doll 1athered about tl.tm. "We had not prepared -ourselves '"for this.,'' -said-the father. ".We always thought she was being cared fof by ' someone _.,: somebody who wanted a child and kidnapped her." Tben Nason broke into tears. The couple had just been in- formed that the body of their daughter Susan, 9, Who dJsap- peared near ·their 'home '10 days before, was found near an abandoned gravel p'i t near- ly 10 miles away . She ap- parently died from a blow on the head. Tbe Nasons live In th e residential Fosler City eom- munit/, a man-made island in San Francise-0 Bay. T h e neighborhood is fairly isolated, with only one road in and ouL DDT Find Halts Fleet Opera ti ons . LOS ANGELES (AP) -Th e mackerel neet in Los Angeles harbor has completely suspen- ded operations in the wake of a health department finding of high amounts of DDT in the fish. The shipment or fish.. in- volving more than 4,000 cases, was withdrawn voluntarily by Star-Kist Food Inc., a packer at San Pedro, the harbor of Los Angeles. Tests by the State Health Department three weeks ago · showed the shiPQ]'enl con- tained . up to . 10 pa~ per. millloo of· DDT·derl:vatlves, of- ficials . aitd 'l\JesdlO)'., Thi; federal maximum limit is s-. parts per mUllon. 'I1le h~llh department s.&;id . the same packer recelv'ed 40, more tom of mackerel Tues- day which wodld~be'ttst.ed and held off the market if found to contain excessive DDT. Packer spokesmen could not be reached for comment'. A spokesman for the fishing fleet said all mackerel rishlng out of San Pedro bad beeq baited. He called for the federal DDT safety maximum to be raised, saying a multi-million dollar annual business would be ruined otherwise. Fired B1nck Studies Chief Susan came" home from school on Sept. 22 and asked her mother, who wu working on a-pew -dress for Susan's .10th blrthitay, ll she could return a friend's gym shoes a block and a hall away. That was about 4 p.m. When Susan failed to· reach the friend 's house, neighbors began searching. -the. many canals in Foster City. The search failed amid reports that other girls In the area had been approaebed by . a stranger In a car. ' i'.'It seems like )'QU warn them so many times, but it just is not enough,'" Nason said Tuesday. "It seems to go in one ear and out the oth!r •.. th•J probably-~nit par- ents should warn them about important things, not · trivial ones." After S u s a n 1 s di.sal!- pearance, parent p a tr _o IS bega n watching children as they went to school and home, fearing · the lddnaper · mllht strike again. Police questioned one man about the case, but released him . .,Nuon'' .employer offered a . $79.ooo rewlp'd for the. safe re~u111 . of the llUI~ girl -but sUll, there was no sign of her and no Clues to h er wb~ .... bouts. TuetlaY~ n:iornlng, a pairoltIUUL for the San Fran- cisco Water Department found the remains of a young girl In bruslt near Crystal Springs Lake, which nestles in the wooded hills that separate San Francisco Bay from the Pacific ClceJR. . The ·Nasons. Identified the clothing as belonging to Susan. The girl's· dentist made the positive identification, and a search_ beg.an for her slayer. "She was always so bouncy, always busy, always happy," said Mrs. Nason, gently pet- ti111 ~.Susan's favorite. "We've been praying right along," said Nason. "I'm sure God was listening, but it's too late -she's already gone. At least, I know she's with Him now." Prosecutor of Sirhan A ppointedNew Judge SACRAMENTO (UPI) - The deputy district attorney who prosecuted Sirhan Sirhan for tbe murder of Sen. Robert Kennedy was appointed Tues- day by Gov. Ronald Reagan.as a Los Anqeles County supetior court judge. , David N. Fitts, 47, bead deputy or the Santa MOniCa branch or the county district attorney's office, succeeded Judge Emmett E. • Doherty, who retired. The post pays $31,816 a year. Fitts,' a Republican, is a nattve . of . Los Angeles who received his laW degree fro m Stantord .University. nie governor also.),.ppolnted Francis J.-Garvey;. Covina at· torney; Vernon ll. Foster, Los Angeles atto rney and lecturer at the USC law school, and Municipal Judge Thomas c. Murphy of Los Angeles to the Los Angeles superior court bench. fll'.'urphy is a Democrat and the others are Republicans. They replaced Judges Mark Brandler, Aubrey Irwin and Mervyn Aggeler, who retired from the posts . Reagan also announced the appointment of Joeeph W.' Chandler, a l.<lS Anieles Coun- ty deputy district at~y to fill a newly created judgeship on lbe Santa Monica municlpaJ cou,rt. Chand1er, a Republican, will ·~eiv:~ an annual salary of $29,l'IO. Reagan Urged to Expand Rehabilitation Program ' " . SACRAN:ENTO (UPI ) - Gov. Ronald Reagan was urg. ed today to embark on an am- blticu.s plan to annua11y ex-pand · ta.e Depal1ment o r Rebablh18Uon by 10 percent over the next five years al a coat of $68.4 million. The proposal represented the key recommendation of a citizens CGmmlftee appointed by Reagan two years ago to - study the vocatloqa l rehabilitaUon situation I o California and make remedial suggestions. · The group reported that there are an estimated 375,000 disabled Californians w h o could benefit from vocational rehabilitation but that the cur- rent state prograni serves en- ·Jy about 28,000. The advisory committee, whose staff work was financed · by a $200,000 federal grant, found that "California not only has a backJog 10 times its capacity to, serve, but Is fall- ing further behind the need each year." "The Depa r tment of ·Rehabilitation i s presently serving less than a fifth of the disabled people who could benefit from its services," the committee told Reagan in a reporL Forfeits Bail11;============I SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Nathan Hare, fonner San Francisco State C o J I e g e teacher, spent $300 in forfeited bail and about five hours In ci- ty prison for missing a court appearance on a coneeaJed weapons charge. Municipal Judge J o h n O'Kane schedUled hbn to come back todaf. Hare, wtio was rtred from hls job as head of the college's Black Sludieii Department, wls · due in court Tuesday I morning but did not appear until the afternoon session at 2 p.m. Judge O'Kane cut shprt at- tempted explanaUons t h I t Hare had gone mistakenly to City Hall instead of the Hall of Justice and ordered Hare taken into <?UStodY. He was released Tuesday night on his own recognizance. Two highway patrolmen said they found a loaded revolver in the glove compartment of Hare's car early Monday while It was parked in a turn- out section ot Park Presidio Boulevard. Bottomless Ban Action Upheld SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Rect!ltl)' enacttd ardlnanctl barring bottomless and topleu entertainment In the city and county o1 Saerimento -were upbtld Tuesday by Superior ~ Court Judge Wllllam M . Galla&h<r. ,,. O.Uq:her-re}6ded a reque 1 for an lnjunctr.1' to pre vent the enforcement. of the city tnd county laws wh l:.h wc:-e to· hive liken effect !~st month . The action was brouF;lit by owoen o1 the Pink Pussy Kat and ,,. Lui, two sacramento aru bat> ft•lilrina bottomless dAndng. . A Gift with a Lift • • • when yqu "need it most! SONY'S CLOCK RADIO A radio that pours out full , rich AM from a cube sound-chamber cabinet.And any· thing a big clock radio can do, Sony's 6RC·23 can do too-but in less than 5" x s-of space. Front cJ\lck switch makes time·setting simple, and the ta;ge clock face· is designed for ·'easy-reading. Charming cube·shaped set comes In a walnut·looklng finish that's very rich. But you don't have to be to buy it. SONY" JUST $19.95 .' ' .. ,. 'd .... ,. ~ . , . • -. , "~a '1 ,._ c•.•J ·~•·· D-A V I S -. B R 0 W N ~ . ..~ :-.... • "'q..oJ .. ~ ·"'· '. ~ "· ... ~ ... -:.9' -~, ••. :. :~.; . . 411 E. 17th St., Costa Meso Dilly ~9,_ Saturd1y M "!6-1614 I '· • I . •' OPEN 6 N!GHTS A WEEK Fok YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! enne••t ALWAYS FIRST QUAUTY ... ' ; Our lifelike Scotch pine trees stay green year after year after year! 6' artificial Scotch pine . Beautiful, care-free trees ore a cinch to a ssemble, have rugged ponderosa pine trunks painted g reen, realisti!= bristles made of polyvinyl chloride. Dis. mantle for easy, compact storage, •• they lost and lasf a nd last. Complete with stand. 7' artificial Scotch pine. 16.99 24" green or white Scotch pine 2. 99 16" leg span metal tree stand 88• 22.99 Penney's red brick pattern fireplace and chimney ..• 3.88 Made ol heavy corrugated fiberboard, UL lis~d co rd and socket. Penney's 25 light indoor or outdoor light set Indoor Outdoor 3.44 3.99 Addi 1porld• to your Oitistrnml Indoor bulb1 5/29c Outdo~r bulb1 5/3'9c Penney's assorted colored SO-lite miniature set 3.88 UL listed push-in type bulbs. Perfect for decorating trees or windows. Box of 12 Shiny Brite"' or rayon spun ·ornaments 2 1/4" 1.10 2 5/8" 1.19 Spun rayon Tinsel gorl1nd 1.49 1.88 l}ifS E _ DOWNEY • FULLERTON STORES OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 to 5 P.M. LAKEWOOD MONTCLAI R' • Come to Penney's and get ready fo r Christmas Poinsetti1 Wreath $1 3.98 Christmas wreath assortment or flocked poinsettia arrangement. -25' unbreakable green extension cord ... 99• The green color enables the Cord to be blended in with the .tree foliage. HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH - I I l ' • First of S_ertes _ Are You Tr ying To Find a Job? By JOYCE LAIN Dear Miss Lain: 1 am a 17· year-old girl and will be graduating from high~ school this June. I know this may sound dumb to you C1Jming from a high school senior, ~ut would y.ou be good enMJgh to tell me what lhe pr~ures are ror gelling a job? WHO:tt do r write to or see about getting a Social Security card and work permit? Where do I start looking r or employment? \Vould you please answer my questions? It means· qu jte a lot to me and l'm anxious to get a job. I thank you for any p~ I REEH I ~ 0 ~ ·~ ·~ I . office ln your community (by personal visit or telephone re- quest), or at a Post Office. State laws vary; so you'll have to get the facts on' the work permit question from 1ocal school authorities or a public employment service of· lQl!:il fice. BECAUSE your rirst. job can serthe style of your whole life-----------! for years to come, locating and landing it is one of the most crucial challenges you will ever face. And ... "Although you didn't say It. t think you mean you want The job -nol jU$t A job, If so, you 're going to have to Put considerable effort a n d strategy into your hunt. There are no short cuts, no cop-outs. Westminster , Students To Aid Fund FIRST, you need a clear Students at Westminster plan of attack. And since High School are determined you're waging a campaign, it's a good idea to outline your Lhis year lo raise a lot of mon- plan in a spec?! notebook, and ey for the West Orange County seeret to the \Vhole job-finding to keep records of your search Uriitfd Fund and to have a business you may give me. notes and progress. good' tHne doing it. and the time you may have You're fortunate to have six For the week of, Dec. 1 to wasted reading this. months to prepare, begin Dec. 5 they have scheduled a E.L.H., Washington, D.C. reading and ~ipping this fi variety of activities, all of A. _ You happen to be an newspaper's c\assi 1ed want-.ds (in the fi Id f · which are designed to provide "ntr1"ed teen on the trial of · 1e o .. your tn-" t st) oth" g h I hilarity and jlngling coins. )·our firs t ,. ob and this special ere • n in s u c n-formati·oo as requ1·rcrne11ts A pie U1row'iiig· ·-event has series answer is direeted to · you. HO\\'evcr. lo a large ex-:~~ .:~ ~:r::;:~i~~r!~~ ~~~h a;t~dne~~~ ~~e ~~ ~ri~~ tent, the san1e techniques ap-employed in your interest ilege or ~idding money for ply to the experienced worker area, and ask them questions. the opportunity or heaving a searching for new car(;Cr1 Let t h d merinL711e at camnu o::t per'10ll· satisfaction or the homemaker•1 your eac ers a n o· r- \vho wants to return to work. I counselors know you're mak-ages. Your letter is typical or ing a search; empl?yers may Dec. 2 will feature a water thousands I've received and , caU them to find good balloon fight . with fund drive please don't be concerned • employes. . . representalives filling and abollt the u·rne I '"""'nt reading Resea. rch now. will give you :;e!ling the missiles to be used ·.-b r in lhe frer-for-all. iL If my answer helps you in ·' a astS or ac4on later. any wax, it's Ume well in-' The fa;ct that most people A pre-school "Su n r 1 s e vested, not wasted. roam randomly on job safaris Dance'' has been scheduled TO ANSWER your easiest ,can work to your advanlage. for Dec. 3 from 6:Xt a.m. to 8 a.m. with donatiOM to be question first, all you have to f3y following a planned ap. applied for fund purposes. dG to obtain a Social Securi ty proach, you'll have the edge Students will also have the card is nil out an applicai_ion on other applicants seek.ins privilege of wearing bermudas which you can get from the Vie same job. during the same day-provid- Social Security Administration THAT'S THE SECRET of ed they pay for iL ireat Sucti!SS in· your job A cake game and water search: System. For the next dunk comprise the money rais- several weeks we'll talk about ing activities for Dec. 4. basics for your system, in-The United Fund Dr Ive eluding resumes, j o b in-terviews and how to avoid cos- \Veek on the \Vestminster cam-pus will end Dec. 5 with the ti~ mistakes. announcement of the "Ugliest New Flower 1'o Honor Sen. Dirkse11 Miss Lain is happy to have Senior." actually someone who your career topic suggestions has collected the most money for her column, but the for the drive during. tbe week, volume of mail m a k e s and the lucky winner or a stu- Cl-llCAGO (UPI l t.ast personal replies impassible. dent activity card. 1.-ebruary Sen. Ever e tt1;::===============:=:=:;=:;=:;=:;=;1 h1cKinley Dirksen, (R.-111.), Addressed the Senate for the last time in bchal£ or a cause dear to his heart -making the marigold lhe national flower. '·It is actually a-.1 American native flower and really not nalive to any olhrr place on earlh. It is grown in great pro- fusion in every one of the 50 states and strangely enough is not the official flower of any state," the late se.1ator said. "t grow thousands of them every year for my own delighl and the delight or m y neighbors, and I know what this flower will do. "! class it. thereipre,_ with lhe American eagle when it comes to a symbol ·of our country that manifest s stamina; and when it comes to beauty, I can think of nothing sreatcr Qt more, inspiring tha·.1 a field of Ooomln1 marigolds tossing their heads in, the sunshine ·and giving a glow to the enlire landscape.'' Next !\larch 7-15, !he Sen. Dirksen Marigold will make it.s first public appearance at I he Chicago \Vorld & flO\\-'er Show. The hybrid marigold is the lastest and "best" marigold creation from the gardefls of lhe W. Atlee Burpct: Co., the firin's president. 0 avid Burpee said. "! had been u•anting to na me a marigold in honor of Sen. Dirksen, but until now never lhought I had one good enough," Burpee said. B1·adlcy to Run For State Post? SAN DIEGO CAP) -Los Angeles City Councilman Tom Bradley said P.-londay he willJ decide·late t~is month wheUter he will seek the Democratic nomination r 0 r lieule.llnl governor. Bradley, in an Jnterview al the League of Cities meeting, sa id : "I'm giving some thou~ht lo lhe possfbilily of n1n1nng lor 1 i cu le nan ti governor In California. Man y or my frie.1ds and supporters have asked me to run and. wllhouL giving them a qu.jck ans"'· er, I decided I \vould study the matter v ~ r y carefully, and I'm going to do that" Sl:l IDDI! YOST NtW I!> 0f•Jtf• COlff\11 lf!IH!t •!If lt••ll'lf C'ontl~t!ll•h, Mtr<ftH"P ,,,.. C'~n '' GAR~EN GROVf LINCOLN MERCURY OAlllll:N Gll:OVI AT 91t001("Vll5T 636-2910 I\.~!'~· , Come in now, before the rush, and save! HOLIDAY SPECIAL! Beautiful 11xl4" Christmas · Portrait of Your Family •• ~the gift that lceeps on giving 695 ONLY • Now 's the ti•• to bring In the. cMdren far a fin. family pO<tratt. Y.U~ beat tho crowds ..,d tho cold weothar ••• ond SOY•l During thts blg Holldcry s,.. d al you a1n hOYt on•, two, fhrff or four •1111ben: of yol11' famlly in o big, "-tiful 11 x 1 <-~fat )int 6.9$, lemembtr, you can charge rt at Pennq'tl -ln.LIRTOll Grtflfri11r Clfl!w tn11 ,_, m -4-d MUMTIMltOM •s•cM HutitiflO....;-c .. , ... ,,,. 11-', "1·11" frll:WPOl:f llACM ,. • .., .. blMI hf''°"·""""'' ·----------• WtNsdty, ktmbtr '· 1969 DAlt.V I'll.Of Q ' I •• , OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEJt: FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENlENCEI enne.••1 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY ... ' Capture the ex.citement of Christmas on film this year! LIKE IT ••• CftARGE ITI .. . , 1111111 ' Complete Bell and Howell 111ovie outfit! THESE . With the Bell and Howell Filmosound 8 Movie Out· ---fit, sound makes your movies come alive and they are so easy to take. Just plug the tape recorder into the camera and as you shoot, the recorder aufo. n;atically records the sound in perfect synchronization with the film. STORES OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 to 5 P.M. CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD DOWNEY MONTCLAIR ONLY! 399.95 Bell and Howell complete home movie ' outfit ··' 199.95 Super 8 movie .camera features Optronic eloctric eye "that Mis ex• posures for each shot automaticalli • The Super 8 automatic threading projector features fo.War.d, still and reverse projection, -1 beam movie , light and a iable !Op SCl'Mll. FULLERTON HUNTINGTON' BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA \ • .< r '' • • .>JI DAILY "LOT / ··: .. ... ... •. ., ' ' ·' .. .. -· .. :· -- ~ :· •• 1 ~i • • ., •• :! ~ .. :! • :t •• ~ • • 1.0A G\'.NEl<QU$ co. '"" Car Inventories Up-,~ Pasadena. Opens New Museum/. . I • '· ~, • Sport Models Begging PASADENA (AP) -"What enlirety by memberships, ad-ipe:nt • lot of my Ure thinking · we want is for the world to mlslion fees, tutUon from ita about this musewn and. plan. know that art is iilive and weU workshops and todowments. ning for it." In Pasadena," said Thomas Nearly 350 patrons were "For my husband, this Scheduled ror next year Is a showing of the Andy Warhol llelrospe.cUve exhibition . . To commemorate t h e opening of the museum, Spanish artist Joan Mirq ~·as co1nmissioned to create a col· oD Uthogtaph emphaslilng art of the past quarter century. ~DETROIT (AP) -tn an ef- fort to snap out of a 1969 profit squeeze, the u .s. cw to lndustry madt a large investment i'.1 hlgh·J><lVtred sporty cars for !910. Now lhere a"re signs that the American concumer i s n ' t buying and the squeeze could turn into an l!Conomic bear basis were: Pontiac Grind Terbell, acting director of given a preview of the new museum means hJs life," said Prix, 48; Chevrolet Monte Southern California's neweat facillty at I buUet dinner Fri· Mrs. Terbe!I. Carlo, 58; Ford Thunderbird, art. museum . -day night. Later a reception Thomas Inch, a trustee, told 66; Ford Mustang, 66lfi; Terbell made the comment was held for 1,500 aft.Jovlng newsmen: "I don't lo6k at it Dodge Charger, &a : Dodge as the $8.5 ml 11 1 on, friends of the project. as a museum in Pasadena bull ullramodcrn Paaadena Art "I think this kind of as a museum in .Southern Challenger, JI; Mer c u.r Y MUleW?l opened olflcl&lly at museum should happen here." California. But putting it p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cougar, 89. Colorado and Orange Grove said artist Craig Kauffman, •anywhere else but here would1 The Trylnqest Dealer The industry as a whole was Boulevards. who.!e work was oo display. have been wrong." Wt ,,.. ... w. Wt ,,, •h•m•r s ed h ped "th "I d IR Ort1191 Counly, 1.eok flll 14. report to ave a s alty The event has climaxed a ",But then the town has always In keeping Wl 1 s mo em GARDEN GROVE -hug~ · . car inventory which would last 47-)'tar etfoi1. to establlah such ~ lhl~ in a spectacular deoor, the museum will give LINCOLN MERCURY 75 -days. -The Inventory-or-all a museum atan appropriate way. Lo(lk af lheROie llowl." high recogniUon lo 2oth , Cen--: oA1.oeN o1.ov• AT 11.ooKHu1.n, Inventories are higher this year lhan last and specialty cars top the list. An indication o( the high iiventories came Thursday when Chrysler Corp. said It would lay off 17,800 workers on i;everal car llnes for the four scheduled working cars was estimated at 451!.a location. "It means just , ab ou l tury wor·u , a colleclion that 63'-2910 days, 6¥.: days lllgber than a Except for $19,000 to be con· everything to me," s a Id, offlcials boast Is comparable11,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ year earlier. triboted by the city annually, Robert Rowan, president of to that of the ~fuseum ofl= A hi,hly regarded Uhl\l(l'si· ~the~m~UHUm~~w~ll~I ~be'_•~u'.!'.pporl~~ed~~the~Boa~~rd~o!_I ~T~rus~t~ee='':..· _:":.t_l'~ve~~M~ode~rn~Arl~ln~N=ew~Y~or~k~C::'.i''.!:Y:!· ========== ty O( Michigan ~~I· Council Hears The California Coordinating Council for Higher Educa tion J\.fonday discussed a "flat fee'' tuition for t.he slate university and state college systems. Action on establishment of luili~ will probably be take-.1 da ys next week. It 1'8S ·the first cutback for -_______ j l1 • inventory adjustment by an a u to m obile manufacturer since the start of 1970 model Tuition Plan by the legislature this year. After the council's discussion; President Charles Hilch of the · University of California said he would "reluctantly go along" with a flat fee type of tuition although he preferred a graduated charge. RAMS produclion. Afnerk;an Motors had stocks of 1970 Javelin and AMX models which will last more than 100 days, the trade publication Automotive News said this week. Chev rolet Camaro and Pontiac Firebird tt.1changed rrom 1969 each stood at more than 100 days along with Plymouth's Bar- racuda. Other specialty car in- ventories as listed b y Automotive News on a day CHARGIRS George Katona, said today he sees trouble ahead for the auto industry with Indications of a ! to 10 percent drop in sales for 1970 cars. Kalona, speaking at the 17th annual conference on the Economic Outlook, said his survey on conawner sentlmenl showed • sot'tenb1g splrit to buy among the American con- sumers. A month earlier Katona said new car salas might escape the pellibnlam that was beginning to grip buyers. The current luue of Ward's Automotive Reports said the automakers have scheduled production of about 2.2 million cars for the fourth quarter compared to about 2.5 million a year earlier. • ·Get a Rams or Chargers uniform .•• helmet, pads, jersey, pants, socks. A complete getup for the young "pro" with a lot of go! ORIG. 14.99 NOW 8.88 UK! IT ••• CHARGllTI · • NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH FASHION ISLAND HUNTINGTON CENTER I OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCfl • Skil®power tools great for the handyman at your house! Skil %" basic drill kit the one that does the job! 18.88 kit features double insulated drill with a sturdy plastic carrying case and a .5-piece wood auger bit set;J amp. motor, 1000 RPM. %"variable speed drill kit ....... 33,88 ., Skil heavy duty, e1sy to use 714" circular saw kit .•. 34.88 Featu res include sawdust ejection system, powerful 10 amp. motor, easy-to.use occu- rott controls, blade guard and more. 714" double insulated saw kit ... 39.88 SKIL f1ctory Downey Canoa• Park Skil )4" basic drill kit.,, a must for every handyman! 14.88 This quality %" drill kit features a double insulated drill, plastic carrying case. 2.5 amp. motor, 2100 RPM. 14" varTable speed drill kit ....... 29.88 Easy.handling Skil jig saw kit. •. excellent starter kit! 22.88 Great for scroll work, notch ing , ripping, circle cutting and more. Kit incl udes 2.5 amp. si(lgl1 speed jig saw rip fence and circle cutting guide and molded carrying ca ~e. Frld1y, D1cember S, 5 PM to 9 PM Frid1y, December 5, 5 PM to 9 PM representatives wUI Hurtt1ngton ltach Frid1 y, D1cemb1r S, 7 PM to 10 PM conduct demonstrations M9tttcl1Jr 1 51turd1y, Dec1m bet 6, 12 PM to 6 PM V.mvr1 S.turd1y, 01ctmb1r 6, 12 PM to 6 PM 1t the following ful._ S.turd1y, Decemb., 6, 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM stores ••• ~ Newportltech S1turd1y, Dtc1mber 6, 12:30 PM.to 4:30 PM LlktwMd 51turd1y, Decem ber 6, 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM lHHI CANOGA PARK STottlS OPIN DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH SUNDAY TOOi 12 to 5 P.M. LAKEWOOD . MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENT.URA ' • , . . ' DAILY PILDT ~ Attorn~y -Gerieral Mitehell I.n·sists ·He's 'L ~heral -Soft i e~· • ' •1 WIWAM IAl\'ION do," he nld in an lnttrvlew. WASKlNOTON (AP ) -"No "They are tempePed ·only by question about it, I'm the my desire to do what lhe JJberal ol the Ntxon ad. President wants me to do." miniltn.Uon," lau•bed JOhn What Mitchell dOes for Nix. Newton Mlkhell u ht leaned on stretches far beyond lhe back from hls desk and puffed narrov1 cOnfinea ol the .JUIUce on h1s ever--present pipe. D e p a r t m e n l . As the The former Wall St.reel Presldenl's · la\l')'er, he cl vt!1 lawyer, now U.S. attorney advice on isrues ranging from 1eneral, joked about such urban arrairs to the Vietnam ltbell taaed oo hbn a~ "Mr. war. -Tough," _.,Mr. Law-1-n d And from lll-indicaUous. Ute. Order," "Old SlOlle Face" and President tlves hln1 an ear ''lnq4_lsltor General." and a free rdn in rUrullng the "Actually," Mll!hell said , de,.,artment. .. l'n1 a softle." An enlgn1a to n1 any Some of hla Justice Depart· \Ve~b.lngton .pol i ti c i ans , ment underlings agree. They .Mitchell appears to be A 111u- hllist that Mitchell's tough QUI figure in the Cabinet - guy image, stemming partly cool, calculating. and tvithou t from his role as President the ambition Lhal r.h!u•ac- Nlxon's 1968 cam p a i g n t'!rizes so many top govern· tnanager, is dettlving. n1en t clficials. As fur the 56 -y ear -o ld . LONG FOR DAY ifltchell. he dismisses all such He prcfea1e1 to lung for lhe label! \\'Ith the ca u s l i c day ,,'hen. he c111 return t(!: remark. "other than t~ fact \Vall Street whett he y,·as an that I don 't Utlnk they're ap-ackno\\'led3ed expert on pl\cable, I don't give a dan1n. ·• muriicipal bonds. He claims a • RELUCTANT OFFICIAL higher government r.c~ilion, ~11tchell gives every ap· such as the Supreme Courl. is pearance of the reluclant the furthest thing from his public servant, called to mlnrl . Wa6'hlngton at the sacrifice of Nevertheless, Mitchell has 1 lucrative law practice and been UU'Usl into the stonn Cit:t of loyalty to Nixon whom 'center of controversy sur- he met only three years ago. rounding Nixon's policies on "I had misgivings when T the "'ar. dissent, crin1e and, came down here, and I still most recently, the non1ination of Clement r . H•)'nsworth to wu no taoaer pennlaslble. rampus disturbances I as t "honest and very ~lncere the Mttchcll said, "l'\'e not read 'l\'ull Street back-ground. lhe Suprtm~ Court. Although the • department May , also r;tronl(ly condemned Overwhelming majority" or any of thcn1. I don 't hnve \imc Although he was boJ'l\t On VlelnfT, hs slands solkJ-argued btfore the Supreme leaders of the Nov. 1$ antiwar Otoit who took part in the lo." Introit, ~11tchell hrui ....,_,,,.. ty wllh the President. Court . lhat ' ' Imme:! I a t c de.mooslJ'aUon that drew mare November demonstration. f\4itchcll n111\nt:il11s 11 flr111 rnost of ht~ llfe in Ne w \W U Mitchell's· approach l 0 desesregaUon" should not be than 150,000 perJOns lo Ute "Sonic others. a very few hand over his deparllncnl. /\ ~·herr L u'ntlt thi!l y~ar, he we:-.. crime, un like that of his ordered ln 1.tisslssippi, he con-cnDilpl. others. had ulterior motives," shrc\Yd edmi •1l:il rator . .v.•hosc 11 :1cnlor partner m the IN predecessor, Ramsey Clarr. Is tended the "c1'se I• wo rking But he ssld this criticism he said, citlng mililants who. mun;igerlttl ialent n1el the te~t firm of Nixon, Mudge, · stricfty fronl t:ie law en-out" because the lower court 'vus made only because he felt he clahned, caused ;300.000 111 of a llJUSh presidential c~n1-Guthrie. Aleiander & Mlt (crctnient anii:le. And his granted th e districts unUI Dec. the sponsors did not do enough damage to 503 pr Iv~ I c Jltlign, he st1:1mps hi11 personc1I Despite his rc putallon ... ' legislatJve proposala _ none ol 31 to inttgratc. to prevent milltant elements buildings in the city. ' flk11y 011 every law suit that ls taciturn. s c o w I I n g ,,t ! which 11,~ passed either House This, he said, Is ap. from getting out of hand. Although some other ad· filed. every staten1enl that is ministr8lor, ~tltchell rit ~ \VOUid rtlnforce police proximately the Ume~blc· "The right to dissent has to mirtislraUon officials followcJ relcused. displays a v.1ry sense 1' ••-It 900ght by ,the government exist; \Ye have to protect and Vice President Spiro T . In bct\\·ccn, he sand~·11:hcs humor. . , " auu.air y. when It gave-the school-preser.:ve.. tt,'' he said. Agnew.'! leii.d in at~.Ckil!J! _llin.l!.J.W"_r..C£ll.l<i.r ~\'bite H.Q.UliC Al an Interview, d ;. CHANG~ POUCY systems a delay unUI Dtc. 1 to W.itcheJI had high praise for tclcvis.ion con1mcntators -;i.nJ m~ling~. accomp:inlcs Nixon y.·l1lcfl two pholograj)hers~ • On clvjl right!, ~lltchell ha.!1 submll plans !or dese!rtga· the Oct. IS Moratorium thal so1ne ne\\·sp11prrs. lilitchell on "lrtunlly all out--Of·lo~ n constantly snapping plcl moved to change lon1standlng Uon. brought millions ac ross the .refused to join In the denun· retrcut.~ tu San Clemente, he quipped : "Now, don't , department policy. Ht. and Mltchel\, wh"o set forth lhe nation into the slreets to pro· ciatlons. Calif., und Key B1scuync, Fla. me srilillng. lt'U ruin my Robert H. Finch, secretary of administration's hard line on test the war . He also prounced As for Agne\v's speeches, Ir~ all a far cry fron1 his age ." • 11 health, education and welfare,1-----------------------------------------------------. \ adopted a policy ststement Ju· t ly 3 era1!ng arbitrary • : deadlines for a chi e vi n gj ~ } : ... deseare1at1on. Then, .1ust over a moril' Inter, the department pro- pQSed and obtained 11. delay Jn court-ordered dcsegregellon of 30 Mi ssissippi school districts. This d~lsion prompted a revolt by 1•irtup!hr all nf tlir departinent's clvll r I g ht s la11.•yers. ~11tchell took tne at· titude that the attorneys ro.Jld cairy out hls policies or leave. i But all this \vas muted scme,Yhat earlier this montl1 when the Supreme Court declared lhat the ' • a 11 deliberate speed'' c:<tncepl for achie ving school desegregation OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENI ENCE! FOREMOSI" PLUG·IN AUTO VACUUM CUANER I KHp Y'"' coi' m. from dust and dirt with thi1 rugged YGcuum. Plugs into your lightft", works off your battery. Pack· apd in on attractiv• vinyl carrying • Colling all cars·! · Proceed qui_ckly to The Christmas Place! SAVl120 THIU SATUIDAYI 'PINTO 23' Cl IADIO, RI0.1129. SALE! s109 MHll• tranCtlHr M, •11 23 ch•nnal1 comp19tt with ' crydllt. hUd 1twift ..... no woltlng ~r W•nft•up1 0.5 mtcroveft ltfllitlvlty1 10 db. llgnol r. nof1• rttlo; no chonnel '•UI ovtr'1 lllumlMtt~ chonn1I ••loctor with color .. 14:1M dlol. All PCC typo CICctJ'fl,, SllOUlt "l•PIRPOlMANCI Gl"S IN TH• DICIMlllt lllUI OF "OT ROD MAGA%1NI Pin"' 23B ~ ... 1t1tion. This h•°''""tly d• tigned l>ote station comes compl•I• with o boM 1totlon microphone that con Iii eotlly t!litconh1ct1d ahd r9pltctd lly e mobi/1 mluophen1. All PCC typ. occeptH; Gtlden Pinto CB radi o. F1otur11 in,lude Dthe fine tunln9, a silencer contrcl, solid ttol• circuitry, color ·codff dlal, more. Your Choice $159 '!HISE BUENA PARK(0·~~'111:") (~!> SUNl>AVlll CANOGA PARK FULLERTON MONTCLAIR" VENTURA STOllS OPIN sliNDAY TOOi 12 to S P.M. , CHULA VISTA DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH f Cllt. ••••••••• ..•.. '. ·•• 13.44 PLUQ.IN AUTO/HOME COf· PH POT KITI f,loY 1 .. shly petlod ctft'H on tt,. rea'I Just plUg thlt 6 cvp pat into yovr lighter. Kit Includes cupt, pet. •poctft'-. bracket •.• every~ thing yH n.-d tndNing the cofl"ael 13 .95 Mini I tT1ck tape dick hos vol- ume, iof'l1, ieporolian and manual 1elec1c>r controh. lncl ud11 " instant mount specakers. Con be installed in glove (omportmen1s, under seoll, or other smoll places. 69.95 Cu1tom I track tap• deck wit h two Indoor mount speakers. Ploys all 1tonllard 8 track cartridges a nd .4 track cartridges. Incorporates uhro modern thumb wheel des ign. 79.95 I trick tape corlridgts. f1aturlnt "The lond", "Toln my Wyn1ttt'l Gr1011st Hlt1'' aM nled Ztppelln VolulTI• II". Come In and '" OU( comjllel• selecl\on of 4 and B tro(k fdJMI airtridges. 5.9811. 33 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH . 17 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE CUARANTEC ACAlflST TRU.O WEA.ROUT If yo11r lira w1111 ot.11 durin1 lh• llrsl h1lf cl Ill• 1u1r1nt111 p1rlod, return It with your 1u1r1nt1•i::trtlllt.1t1 1nd "•nniay1 Wiii r1pl1'• your tire with • new lire, c/11r1tn1 you !(),;, 1111 l1'11n th• currianl 11llln1 pril:• inclu<Tln1 f1H11ral t:ac!11 T111 Ir your t1r1 w11rs out our· ina the lttGl'ld h1lf, 1ou pay 2~'Mt less '"'" tl\1 curr1nt 111tln1 pritl incLudln1 F1de.r11 EJtCI .. llK. GUARANTEE AGAIN5f fAILURl It WI repllC• Ill• Uri durin1 !he f1ee·repl1Ce· m•nl p1rlff, lht,. 11 no ch1r1e: if we r1p11c1 Int II•• 11t1r tht l~•·flPllCtmen t period, you p1y 50~• or 2'~" 1ts1 thin t hs ~urrtnl lt!!llint prk:1 of U1t1 llrt lnchldln& ft6tr1I [Jicl1t T1i. COMMEltCIAL U![ Tn11 1u1r1nt11 11 void whlrt p111nnatr !Ires ,,. u11d on tr110lla. u1td I« .-u,1n11s, or drlw•n OWf J0,000 111Ut1 In -yNr. Htrt'• how ,_ fll•rtl'ltH 111ln1I tlJl111 WOl~I: H•r•'a 'hlllw yeur 1uaran t1• aealnst fellure worln1 Entire gwtronfff ptrlod .•..... , 33 month• frte rtplot1m1!'it pttlod , , , • , . 1-17 month• ~O,., off ptriod •• , ...•••• , • 1 a.25 month• 2''4 off ptrlod , ...... , •... 26·30 month• 1 BLACK TUl!LESS 20.95-700· 13 plu• 1.94 ltd. tax l old tiro 20.95-C78-14 plus 2.18 fod. tax &old tir.• 22.95-E78-14 plus 2.4 1 lid. tax l ol\l tl,.. 24.95-F78· 14 plus 2.54 led. tax l old 11,. 26.9S-G78-14 plu1 2.66 led. tax & old tire 28.95-H78-14 plu• 2.89 lod. ""' & old tire 30.9.5-J78 -14 plus13 fed. tax & old tire 20.95-560· 15 plus 1.76 ltd. tax & old tire 24.95-F78-15 plli1 2.45 le~. tax & old tire • 26.95..078-15 plus 2.62 lod. ""' & old tire . . 28.95-H78-15 plus 2.85 fed. tax & old tire WHITEWALL ONLY ••••••••••••.•••••• ~ •••• 33.95 -900-15 plus 2.83 led. tax laid flre # WHIT!WALLS 13 MOREi DRIVI IN •.• CHAIOI IT! CHULAVISTA DOWNEY CANOGA PARK BUENA PARK (0'~:H;:":,~:·) (CLOHD SUNDAVSI THIH STORH OPEN SUNDAY TOO I 12 to S P.M. FULLERTON MONTCLAIR I ' , HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA f , ,- j t I rr ' - I • I• • ~ OAILY\PttOT -Dea• -Santa: ..i>ur Mr. ad ?lrs. Santa To Santa Qaus, Dear Santa 1 would like Lo w b have Barbie and Ken, Kute -' ould you ptyse ring me 1 Kuddly Klddlyes, Crll<N and --tiltit and some record,, and ~~ .lllillne ftltpeos and 1 jwnp the doll that has long halr, ...-«iat and a record player and baby<atch.a·ba1l. S w i n I y ' -.·1amp tmd a set of walkie-Baby Fi.rst step, Dancerina, tllllkie!. and a baby doll and a Thumbelina, strol.ler, ZIG-!~ machlne and 1 tea set ZAG. Easy Curl, Rmgs n Bag , " lid a boy and girl barble doll n Things, Blzzy Buzz Buu, ··~ .W 1 d\'Sk and 8 book.. shelf Hoppit)' t12J>J>lggy bank, Suzi ~ a baby-swing and 8 Homemaker set, S·u per : : ~ ~ • blgh chalr and a_ SpirograP.h• 1ogo boots. ··' radio and a pair of pajamas Love Donna '• ~...-Nth:robe and-rgulta Dear SantiC18.uS, - ... • ,llld some pairs ·of elephant Will you bring me a western .•. ~wria;tr ~ !1°:~k=~ bedspreads and will bring me M • ~~ TV and 8 pair of Ice-a sleeping bag. fates and a light ror my bike Love Mike ._ and a bike basket and a long :: ... Wli and a hoppity hop? Dear Santa Clatl! ·• ;[ just want to write and tell ' 'ou I've been a pretty good &irl. How are yours reindeers. Are they all ready to fly. How I wouid like Sears Fashion doll Page 606 -Vittoria . .. • -.. . .. -.. •' -.. " -- . ' • ·~ ~ ·J .. ·. • Love, Shelly Nobles Dear Santa Clause e your eUs. Have they made .-., "" ol IA>yl. u tbe(e anytbini call you want for me to out for yoo and raindeei'S'? ve two brothers and two rs. One of my sisters is 2 ks the other is 8 and my I am getting my mommy to write my list for <llri!tmas . 'Ibis is what I want. Bike with two wheels, gun with holster, train, cowboy hat, Boots, play TV, little books, get Rosie a doll, get Richard a shirt and pistol, get mommy a purse, g e t Grandma a dress, get Grandpa a pair of boots, get daddy a pair of shoes, can, color book and crayons, wallet, play sewing machine, coat fish, own cups, TV, squirt gun play house, trucks, get Beccl a dress, get Stormie a dress. , rs are 6 and the.:ither is • Are you and mr:s. Santa getting reayd for df!lllk.!~·ving and do you have your bags ready to go. Our m1y has to use our own y so i'm asking you for expensive things. It was cold and I didn't have thing to do and so I wrote christmas Jetter to you. e don't have a chimeny but can get in the window or door. This year we might a Dok tree. hope you have ood CHRISTMAS to the ring me some toys Chrissy Arthur Newton 1 Santa: ~ Jove you Santa I want 1ttib and a stroller and a anil my Little Sisler ts a Dancerina From Candy LyrmTaylor Bobby and Billy ~om Dear Santa, I would like a kitten for chrlstmas. I would like a doll; 1 want a Bunny baby or Tippy tumbles. I would like to have a baby bed for my doll. I also like Baby Know It All. I need a new robe .and some slippers and shoes and socks. I am Cyody Thonet and I am 3 yrs. old. P.iy mommy is helping me write this letter. I will be a good girl. Love, Cindy Dear Santa Claus Will you bring me some toys, dear please Santa Claus A crook took my bike. Michol GOOD-OLD FASHIONED ,.._.FECIALS " SPIRIN • ,, __ , ... , .............. 9c Theragran M High Potency Vitamin Formula 11o·s PLUI 31 f~ll .... 17.lt $5.89 Alka Seltzer Plus Cold Tablets ;;:·... .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . SPECIAL 69c 1• Vitamin C 100.., 100·. • • . • • • . • • . • •• • SPECIAL 33c Contact 1 O's ::."<, . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. SPECIAL 79c Crest Tooth Paste-6.75 oz. :.-:·. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. SPECIAL 5~ Right Guard Deodorant :~. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ... SPECIAL SOc Maalox-12 01. !~~---···································"' Lavoris Mouth Wash !'.,~·,;~.. .. .. .... .... .. . SPECIAL 89c Kodacolor Film T••r Cltelc• ex 126--12 89" ex •zo, 121, 120 ••• •••• •• •• •• •• •• • • •••• •• •• •• ••• ... T ek Tooth Brushes :;:·. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . SPECIAL 16c Gillette Foamy · Shave Cream ~~~$1 .,, .. • . • • • • .. . • . •• • SPECIAL 79c Style Hair Spray ;;:'. ....................... SPECIAL 3k Brylcrecim :~.s1.11 . .. . . . . .. . ... . . . SPECIAL 99c Johnson's Baby Lotion ~·. . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . SPECIAL 69c Doe East Cosmetic Wipes .. ,,.. .................... SPECIAL 33c 39c • Contessa Hair Styling Gel ,. o....... .. .. . . .• .. . . . . . SPECIAL Triamlnlcol Cough Sr ~~su• .............. SPECIA $1.89 K-MAC DRUG & DISCOUNT STORE . 3333 Newport llvd., Newport leach r Of'POllTI MIWPOR IU.CH CITY HAU. I ~-, 1 s. , , 1 1 ·I'd · ~ik~ These--. ~hing~ . for-Qar-~-1.-ias -" ' Dear Sanla, 1 would like a baby kitten for Cbri!lmae. ·1 would like a new pair ~ skates too. lt would be tun to have aomething to knit or sew with. 1 would like to have some new clothes or dresses. I would like to have the llBJll" Cll!led Mysiery Date. I also would rea1ly be happy if I got scme ne.w slip- per3. My name is Sandee Thonet, I am 10 years old. I promlse to be good. ~e,-san<tee Dear Sant.a 1 would like a baby kitten for Christmas and Bunny Baby and a new pair of skat" and a Slinky and new clothes. I will be happy if I got some playdoh for Christmas and some .slip- pers. My name is Debbie I am, 8 years old. In.ie, Debbie Thonct Saota Htre b my Olristmas Ust.- 'lbank you for whatever i get. SE A RS·C UT S-PRfcy:8. popular-Doctor ml N Ur!e Kl~ Automatic Knhtlng Machine, Sears finest chemistry set, M1gbty zogg. Mickey Mouse, 8Noo-splll Playnts $1!88 AutomaUc Knitting Macll;ine $34.24 Play cassettes $333 Booby Trap $339 Jn the-Garden~ $299· Winnie the Pooh to Santa Dear Santa I want a Baby first Step and a peter pan book, Docton K.Jt, Power Puff, Jego, go-~ts. Raggedy Ann, record player Rings and Bags n 'Ibinp Bizzy Buu, Hoppily Hop, Piggy Bank Love Brenda cud and tole bai olid ba1s !Old. wbeo~set an<h~rt!Wgtt ~Izard bf Oz. and b<JO!s! AND•1;::=======;;;;;j thinv ironing set and a cash and a !toity:· sno-man and a A radio .•. ! ~ • $entice •Uast rqiater,, Walk~ ttJkie and 90Und I round and a all]y&and AH MOST CINTkALLY LOCATIO IN funey face .. d·I mostly want and a Tanrlng Switchboard ·~IUIY CHRISTI,!AS S TA Grt'"DE~~RoVI boots and • pumper float and arid • a KookJe kameta and a CLAUS. • • a art·a·mailc and don 't break Boy's world tblngmaker aod a YOUR -LINCOl,ll MUCUlY D111'AD OAllPIN ••ov• AT ••OOKMU•n the Ice and Polo sticks: and-a TNT train and a green gtlost ~"\ 63""2'IO '- hopplt.y hop arid silly sand and and a fascination and a.snakes ll;;o;;;;~A~NT~I~G~O~N~E;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~ ice skates, snow white watch· alive and a hands dOwn and a EW'.ING Cood bye operation for christm~. Chuck ' -Love Ann Jacobs Dear Sant.a, nurse and Docter Kit Smlllng I -·"' Ilk f Chr' l Baby Boy Santa, Those are "U'<&IU e or istmas • the thin I wOO!d lik B t the a &eopard.coJored-banana..bike~ _ gs__ e~ big enough for a six-year-old t~itjil want mos.t are-a boy. 2. a Jeopard colored 3-v1aolet hand brake blke aql a speed phonograph r e c 0 r d ~wbom Th.~bal~ana and plyer.j 1 am tryiJlll to be, 8 giant troll Wb.ite haired Stacy goOd boy. Thank you. Crade1 and ptarpen Love Diane McKamey George Dear Santa Claus, · Deat Saota, how are you and your ~-I-SEE-BY TODAt'S . .WANT ADS •LIGlfi,NING onl)' strikes once! ~61 BSA 650 cc, vecy clean and rarln' to .:o, For Santa I want a Barbi and a art My name is Sherry. I have reindeers Santa Claus,. 1 have ·been a good girl. I wou\d like been a good girl most of the to have beautiful -Qrlssy, time. I would like a Barby doll Darteerina, silly s~. Don't that talks and· a ska tes wi Dear Santa break the Ice, · Anta in the bike bask4 to. I special want My name ls Deb b I e. Pants, Suzy llomemaker ·overi .a bathrotl. and a jwnI>t\r.s • McKamey. I am 7 years old. and dryer, and s 0 m e and blouss with it. · And e For more. miles to the foot, exercycle4Vtth 1peedomel. er, excellent condition $35, gismo. Lori Weinheimer Most of all I would like a new storybooks.. Thank you. eiephant pants I also would bycycle for cbristmas. A 20-16 Love Hke A chalkboard. And a • Santa WILL pay yuu a vis. it i! you c.-all and niake a date. • .for schools, par-. ties, experienced, jovial. Dear Santa, I would like for Chri.atmas a l'<?J>8nl colored' banana bike big enough for a six year old boy. 2 a leopard colored surf board screamer is what I really Sherry Chinescheeker. And dish of want. 1. Baby know it all 2. rose soap to. Aod a slinky. Tubsy's in her bath 3. silly Dear Santa. And hippy beads. And Bike sand 4. Mobe Bronco 5. speed-I want a Fire engine and a lock. And a Wooden play house orneter 6. ca$ey 7. spring l·iP~io~occh~Gio~P~u~p~pe~l~a~o~d~a~s~u§per_.ia~od§!airo~ki~ng~ch~a~ir~. ~one~m~ore~==================~ skates I have been a good box and alego motor and a hot thing I want is A book of the girl and Love you very much. George Dear Santa Claus, I'm a good girl sometimes. \Vill you please bring me: Pop corn maker, lacing shoe, tinker toys, new' shoes, ball, Happy jump Ball, skate board, Toy Togals. Thank you kindly DeAnne Del t:>up Dear Santa Claus, l have tried to be a good boy this year. 1 go to school and l try real hard lo learn and listen to my · teacher. For Christmas I would like Ice Cream ~1achine, Sno· Conemachine, racing lrack Pan-Am rocket ship, baseball and bat, records (sugar, sugar), skates Thank you very much Rudie Del Pup Daar Santa I'm three years old a good boy. Please bring me a hot wheel house and Electric car. I Love you Al Pate Jr. Dear Santa Claus I want a bagii and things. My brothers wants a shooting target. My mother wants a patio ancl' a cement walk. And my fatber wants a boat. From Jody Lynn Anderson . &.IJ!!!,'11 ' Have a very Aferry Christmas. Love, Debbie P .S. Dear Santa, If I get a new Bike Please take mine and give it to some other little girl. Thank you Deer Santa How are you. I hope you are fine and rudoffe to o . Christmas is coming soon, so I thought J'd send you my Christmas list. Here is my Christmas list. Please send me : 1. a pogo pony, you no that pony with springs 2. A camera 3. Silly sUrng Thank you. your friend Joyce Daigle To Santa Claus Dear Santa Cla~ I Love you. This is what [ want for christmas. 1 want a slacy doll. and Skipper. aod a kiddie sweet shop. and and Crissy and a Skiddo. And Teach keen and little bo peep doll and baby bunny and Dancerina and !lathtub baby and Midn.ite blue and a sleeper stroller and a Dollys bath or f~lng time and all steel kitchen and food maker and 2 speed blender "and knitting machine and zig zag and a suberban home and asupermarket set and easy . Its. gift -giving time again! Towncrall has the best time to give. for her, 1 21 jewel a=urate and dependable time piecL The fashion bind adds beauty to accuracy, For him, a timely 1ift for sports or dress. Choice of stainless steel or yellow micron cases. 21 jewel movement for dependability. YOUR CHOICE 1995 CHAltGf"lf·AT YOUR PfNNfY'S '1NI JfWfl.R.Y DfftARrMfNr --STORIJ O,IN MINOAT lOOt It I• S ,,M. I ~ .... Jot,...°'"""' .. .._....,._i..t.W ..... ... __ DOWN6Y FUU£11TON HUNTINGTON Bt ACH l.Ak!WQOO _..MONTCLAUt NEWPORT 8£ACH VEN TVA A Great Penney Savings! New self-adhering LIKE IT ... CHARGE IT! Place'n Press Excelon• tJle from'@mstrong lodios ••• you can cover your old kJtchtn or famny room ftoor with colorful Armstrong EJCcelon n1. while your hUloo band 1 .. at work. It's so tGI)' with Armttrona'• new 'Placs 'n Preti' method ••• jult petl off th• tile bcxlring, place In poolllon on )'OWr !loo< and -lnla placo •• , and )'Oll'ro roody for !ho nm fll .. Yov'll bo amazod how _, • ~ b on~ how qukldy ,.....,. ~ Iv! -""'*'"'•!, yov• ,.,. E<celon floo< wlR bo o tlilng of "-Ir ..r ev•r so easy to ktep er.a,,_ Of coun., ll'i 5ofto' "'41!111, · to« TakH all IOrb of punl.hment froN dlclrwft ploy and r..m !ho -I"· too. Con!" tn a ...r.iy cl ..ion ood doolgos to flt your d-"""'-C.... .. lilt\o. package off 11•11 lolliHI" 3.50 DOWNEY 889-4541 LAKEWOOD 834-7000 COMI IN OI PHON! FULLERTON 871...s.43 MONTClAIR 821-3811 HutrnNG1'oN BEACH ee2-n11 NEWPORT BEACH ~7i2 • • ~ I ' .. ti e<l. • ~ • • t • '• ,' /JI u1•i11es :r:~a've ·rhe las t· cOntingent of the Tlirrd Marine Divfsion lays out equipth~~!'for~· in~ction before its departure from;.,.Vi~tnam,J~sf iD.onth; The marines \\'ere \Vit.hdtawn t o Okinawa under Presiden t Nlxon's "second phase" withdrawal. They lost 5,000 killed in Vietnam:· Don't Blame Child for Wetting Bed By Peter J. Slcincrobn, AID f e111 co:-iditions in parent- child interrelationships are-so cl1,sconcerlin,; as bcd-\\'elting. Tho child bln111cs himselr. The )"!arent blan1es himself -but inore often, the child. Each n1ay be innocent. At last, most paren ts are beg inning to realize lha l the youngster is not "trying to get back al them." No child likes to sleep on \Vet sheets ~ or wake up feeling guiity "'hen the mOther shO\.\'S her di sa ppoirrtment ; or A THOUGHT FOR TODAY The real test in iol( and in hf" is not kel'plng out of the r ou £h, but In i;etting out nftc1· 11·c are in. -Joha ,Yoorc Pl!E$!:;:NTEO AS ,,_ PUBLIC SERVICE EVERY DAY 8Y; Lee Roofing Co. 14 Tta~ I" Coil• Mn• 16U Superifr A~•. ' 40 ·1222- resorts tO 'physica l and emo- Honal punishment. IF YOUR CHILD is a bedwctler; the first thing You must learn is that the ch ild hates it as much as you do. NCver hil him, make him wash his sheets, or' opei1ly castigate DOCTOR IN THE HOL•SE him in front of hli f~ends. Sometbnes a lifetil'he r,<iMOt wipe out these early. emotional visit is long ove rdue . J as3ure you the doctor 'vill not think less of you because of this c;ontmon , stubborn problem. He may even ha\·e it l'l his own home. Your doctor will investigate and try to help. Meanwhile, here are so111e practical suggestioru;. Your boy will reqWre coin· plefe study of hbl urinary tract -bladder, kidneys, urinary o.itlet (urethral; and of his gerieral health to make certain that the enures:ls (bed·Wei· ting) isn't caused by S«De organic trouble. affronts. 1 If your son's bladder capaCI· Dear Dr. Sle~rohn: l\1y, S. iy is too small (a common year-old son sUll•wets his ~d . fault in bedv.'elters) he will be We have tried being kind and told to drink more fluids daily. understanding : bul we've also and t.aughl ho\V to \Vithhold punished him for "bei.Jig bad ." .urination as long as possible to Nothing seems to help. DO~ Increase bladder capacity. think it's time to see his doc• T,his may take months, so you tor? \Ve·ve been too a.shamed will ha ve to be palient. t.o go. Silly, but somehow we Al30 ask him about elcc· believe it· is all out fault _.,..!.. l trjcal "alarm" or "buzzer" and the doctor is a pen;oT\11 systems wh.ich wake the child friend of tnc family. -·l\lrl . f!tl n1gbt, and ofteil are very O., • , eflect!V.. I r~: lie patient COMMENT: 'Tho doOlOiO ond undintihlillng. Dear Dr. Steincrohn : Is it WlUSUal or unnatural to reach age 50 with no menopauJal sym~? (Starting: age was 12 yean). I consider myself lucky. Also, I ha ve no gray hatr, although l have heel a ' worrier all my life. -Mrs . D. COMMENT : In fact . most women reach the menopause without dis comfo rting symptoms like hot flashes, nervOU1ness, etc. Tl should be -a netural gradual process. Most women have been unduly ecared or the change or Life . 6inct their teens. D ... -r~O -· Divorces DIVOll(lj "ILl'D McCr1ck111, C1rol Ann YI G1rv WU!t, P1rrlcl1 "· YI Arnold w. Beck. su ... n A. YI Cito ll•'f CMm1Hrl1ln, Deborah LH vs ll:adnwt1 Wrl9/11 Evi ns, KIY L VS JD!11> C, WtdntSdfy, Dfcembtr '· 1969 DAILY PJLOTj· J~ ·You-le •11-lt.m thol you no 1-r .-llut . aom••• el• can we fer NOT OYll $50 ? ? ? ? ? YOlll ANSWER: 1 You call THE DAILY PILOT, otk for Chilllfted Advortllllnt. •nd pl-• • . ' ' I • i PILOT j PENNY _ j PINCHER · i CLASSll'llD AD i AT OUll SPECIAL LOW;IA'll 3. ~ 2 TIMis 2 DOLWS .AND YOUlt CltlDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DlllECTI 642-5678 I Bring this handy shopping list with you. It will help to remind you of all your CHRISTMAS CARD needs .. ~ RELATIVE _;Mother _Father -Wife -Sweetheart _Husband _rarcnts _Sister, Sister & Husband -Brother, Brothei- & Wife -Daughter, Daughter ·& Husband -·Son , Son & Wire -Gr<1 ndrrtother -Grandfather -Niece -Nephew -Cousin -Aunt -·Uncle -Godparents -Godchild SPECIAL TITLES -Fine folks ~ -House toHouse -Neighbor -Ftom OurHouse -Across tho Miles -Spcciol Frlcn~ -Boby'sfirst -Bondholder -Moneyholder -Christm<isCheer _Christmas Birthday -Teacher _Bou -06ctor -Gift Enclosuro RELIGIOUSTTTlES ·-Rosary -Priest .. _Sister -:Pastor -'P God's Service -Minister and · ·ramily. -Pastor and Wiro -Boxed Christmas Cards -Christmas Gift Wr&P. -TagS, Seals. and TePe -Christmas Ribbon & Bows -Christmas Party Goods Choose_ from our Beautiful Selection ~ ..... of~~ Christmas Cards SO f.ASHION ISLAND NEWPOT BEACH e 644.otll *THll LOCXTISAI WUTCNUTllt -611f W. lhlt ST. LOS AN•llU -1674 W. S-. ....,. CANOGA. PAltl hl!lwM ...... 'Prom yout"'Pl}1!1outJi dealet"! .. -- LA dar-mg deal Oil ~ying 'Cuda! . . ..... Lee White Chrysler•Plymouth0 16661 Beach Blvd., Huntington leach. Calif. Atlas C rysler·Plymouth, Inc. ~ 2929-HadMll..louleYard, Costa M-, Cqjlf. ·· ,,... • I - • • or Tlie Record . , ~MEETINGS >' Wl:DMISOAT STEWART ~1"1' Sl-•rt. Atl 4'!, el 90'2 Shtr!oc- ICll'i:.lt, G1rdtn G,,,.... Dllt of "-'1'1• DK~hl-wl1-of Mt• Y. $1 ..... 1rt1 lovlnD l'rlOTll¥ ef ·Lon'· M.9'11. Gr" trod Nldd1 deutl'ltllf ·of Mr ...... M,,. Jahn S.nl11ll11 1l1t1r of Jotln ~ Lou S1ntu1l11-Servltn will 119 ht!d ~ ·Th11n.cl1y, OKembolr •· In Gtrftft Gro¥t First "'"'b'ftsi... CIW~ _, ~ Mn.. .si.w1rt with dofworlortt '° tlw Gtl'Mll GfO'l't Fll"lt ~rnll'rlwl9n Chvrdl °"""" Funol "' ,.... C.-Socleh'. IKk., · i K<111"'9,.. Mortul!'Y, M17 W. Lt PtlrN i Avt., ANl'lelm, "Dlttc..,._ '_ . . . AllMJCKLE. • SON t Waldllf M-"'l' r E. 17111 Ji.a c.u _ • • i,..!.,"!'TZ MORTUARl!ll =~~ dei Mar Oii um Costa M,.. 1111 WGC L BELL B.:,Al>WAY ' MORTUARY I!. 110 ar.dway, C..tll &IHI f uS:W DILDAY .BROTREllS I Jmdqtao Volley M..-,. lltll---1 llullqtoo -I UZ.7771 • PACIFlC VIEW MEMORlAL PAIQI. l • C.-loo e M-.Y i...,_P~Drfn I Newport Beacl, Calllonll I "'!"' PEEK FAMILY I COWNIAL_. nooaw. '1111-.A ... Westadu1er • I I Who C.m7 i lie °""' ,,.;,,_ "' "" world -.. ablat )'OUf: ~t, - JOU' commuflltJ' d•llJ newspiptr ._ ll'1 U. DAILY PILOT. " r Switch • • , •1 '!0M IAllLZl' . ., ......... .... . ' . ........ . SA!ft'A ·ANA -A move to lll!llc:b -~·· .~ ............ ..-;:.,,ioy .. Iran .. control . •·! • prtva~ .·.riud pla•, wu de~ for 111 ltul In -b Tuuday wilh Ille ob~ "' ;'the 1,aoo.mendlr or ~.II,! CG!ln!Y. .ErnJ>lolel. Auod_!J... .... County Hai . Sa~~~~ •'mustve chanP•• in. urltnc 'Angels' "'pervlHn ·to· 1tv· 111s .,.up On Wheels TUSTIN -There are ·J7o .,..1a In Orona• County, each .d. them capable o! avliig llvu in a very apecial 'flttJ. • ' . • in· Will you .n9ec1 a$l0,000. loan They do not ·~ ,haloo, wlna:s or nowtna white 1'0bes; nor,«lo they pliy-1>a!J'.t11 Anaheim, but they are rta~; ure-aaving angels. . · "dUr angell have , iuun!d autcmoblles, a Californll Qrlftr1a liceri.se and · a" wUJ.. i~S!I. to tramport.-Or~ County cancer victims : tD realfe treatm@nts, cUnlcil ~kupo °' ·fillinP I• r 111'1111cial limbo:" . said r.;n. Wesiey Dlerberger, V~ frJll!portaU(ip ~::. lef the American Cancer Society, Or.aote County B~ .. IQ send ·yqur child throUgh ? Angels on Wheels •. a·t • businessmen, widows · i 'il _d yoong people -a.Jr<!!· them dedlca!ed. lo the bushias.:"' savlq live&. Some have m&qy bOun to give, dlien:peibipi only an hour a week. Jt is-~ unt11Ual ·to ~ a young motbei: bundle her baby· In ~<;or en route lo_lf P•!l~nf•'~· I .Mrs. ·Dier b tTfl'e r, .. an Anabeim mldelll; has bfeo schemllng ·driven ·lllld· I'"' tienta for seven 'year&. , : . . ·~I _(tll1ecfas-.a ·ctrlvec, ~ there. were1oiily three of usj&i the r;ounty;" . ~ Jaid. . ··') became chalrman a yell later. Since~. our fon:e ·Ms grown ' tq ·&bout . 170· ~~; but .we sUU ~· mor:e.'' ~- Last year the A:~els_ ... ·°" Wheels traveled -~ miles to go fCllC . times · around the earth, .c omplding. a -r.ecctd t ,788 houn -of voflliteer."dtft-. . -l mg. "· "Many Umes a patlent ·""1i say he ·doesn't want to~.-.f his treatments arrt ·m:ft.• said Mn. Di ....... ..,. '11ilt our devo\ed; driven tac:UqJ!y encoara1e·tbe paOenb:. to con: Unue these n e ce11 ar~1 treatments. "Som' the palienl larpU about bis · 111 n •·•·• , talloi cheerfully and enjoys·· the r!.ile." - Volunteer drivers are .WI needed in all areas ol the couJ... ty. n-who would lib .to learn more about the ~· on Wheels may cGritad ' thi American cmeer s ·o c l·e • .,.. 11356 1rv1nt Blvd.. 'l'llolln; or call Ul-0510. . . ~ .. Fair Board Plans Idea Showcase . ANAHEIM -A spoclaJ meeting desiped .u • showcase ol ideas for the ll70 Orange County Fair and Ex· poolUM will be held by . the Und D I s t r l c t AaricutturaJ AslodaUon Tuesday. . 'Ille F1lr Board Invites the publ!c lo the 7 p.m . ....ion at the Umvenlly of Calijomla Arri-culture Enendon Bulldln1, lllllO 5. Hlri>or Blvd.; Anaheim. A · the.me, 1pecJal evfnta, features and eshiblts will be d1'cl!lled .. lui-lot pll':1lllng the •vent 'Juij' 11 through .JI of DOI yul'."' . "II Is port of a3_C>llllnalnl policy.lo biln(~M'IJIO On\,le llOanl7 Fair lllld, u · JIOl!Jlon .cloies; ilo .the dl!l!M of Qie .coonty lt ·-.~·sald Allred llltjeans, -Otary. ,,,.....,, . ' ~ lnlemled In Pl&<!!>a llOl!lel_litlg: on. the •;end&' for the ~. meellnl ·-contact Lutje&nl bet.ft tlill ~. "The• lliee\!n( '11111·-be .. -meillfti ai ~ . nltm.af a 'lkull teu:lan' to e1. pion ---·mii ;oait" "' eiplatn;d. ' .. .J. .;..... -.:.: J:.:.~ .·· . . . , -.; '·· MC>Qll Lan~lf3g • -'f' .. ,; Topic -of·Group Ca I has a • • Saft.,,. A'l'llid bonowiog later. T!laf1 the idea. F_.,_.a nll1 atacbool far ~.i.., « lirl will eost from ~GOO too$1S,OOO, ~to the u:s. Oiftlee ,ol F.daeatiart. . · so; w1ien the tiJDe·comes-you niay liiiwe to bariow. Unlem you atart a college fund at Carifornia Federal before the time comes. Save monthly with a regular Passbook Aocount. Or, if you want your college fun«\ to bm1d faster and you have $1,000 or more to deposit, open a California ]i'ederal Growth_A=unt. ..... --e • . ... .-: •• ·.• .I ~ -,, '~··: .. ·. . ". ' / / i .. \ ''1 • Ca. lifo • F I. I Savi ~" .;+ .·;. ~· . , ·:· 'P • . . m1a ~cuera .. · 11gs~·1, •. ~::\.~:. ·~-' and Loan Association • Assets<:Ner $1.6 Billion ·---- ' Natioi i's Large$t Federal \ • ....... ,. .. , ' •• I SANTA ANA"-.. 'USA, f'it.t on the _ .. win bo Ille lolljc •t 1l)ursd07'.J0 meedar, 'of the . Pacific Cod Archaeolocfcel Society at Bowm MllleUin her<. -. ' . , ) ~ • Cot;w ... i..t Oftictl fhfoughout Los AnQtlH. Ofttl'IQI Mid VtnlUfl Countl11 • Accounts Insured up IO 115,000 by IM rt d1r11 S1vlnQt l Loll'\ lntut11"1e1 Cofponllotl, a ,...RlfOIOl I~ et•~ ..... -- 'l'lte .,..iq; --lo the public wllhout charp. · ii 11Cbi!i!Ul'1! ror 7!10~. at' the mUlellm, 200Z N. SL I ,. 1 i l • PILOT.ADVERTISER II .,,., r.! • • •. ' I .1 I I ~r11~: 3 DAYS ONLY --WED.,DEC.3 THllU FRl.,DE<;.5-· , ................. "' c, ..... .. ..... hllfVH 11.'19. Af CllNIMAW IMPttlAl MW1'. A1..lf~U•ll --_._.__ • • .- ' ,,. .•• . ,,, •.• t ...... ~. ·~-· f:•· ·-' OAJLV PILOT J& _______ :~· _1.J_ . • -:-;e. " It' - . :•I'""';'~ r'· < ~-.: '::£-;.:· 'l'•i .~, "'• . . __ ;;:::., =.====::::::====== * SPECIAL STORE HOUR•s OPIN.MON. THRU SAl• 'Tt~ . ·~ -~ :~ ·.:· • ~ SUilDA'I"' ..... , iOT07 . ~.~·-: ·i;ro· . i ) ., :~JJNLY t_ .-f - Kooky Carnivlt. BRADLEl-1~ your o>ill antluck~agd .will a fortune! 2 88 There are-hine different · ~ ron\esl'.;. all it! Ol\f game. •. . · · "Cut Up" 'G~e ~'. BRADLEY-A, groovy a~-. ~.uspenseful fashion gamt desig~ed ~er thf·~!oth~s. 4 -19 ronsc1ous y~ng girls of . 1he Now generation. • . ·,~:'"Paint Set" ~ ···. C~ N,ISIH-Conla>ns ~erythin:gJou.neefl to tlf" · al~ a. beaufifiil · TO"x2Q'.' 011 1 89--pa1ntl~g 6f·~·e1g-ey~ kids"., ~ , . · #II • Pop~u~:.Pat1 '_Phone"· FISHER PRICE-Push .bul- t1Jn type, with j)Op-up "jack · in-the-bo(' ..fl8d. tovely musi-· 3 66' ral chimes:lf, wiU delighf& · - 1)1rll!'l!fe -)pie youngsters. •' • i'- 1, 00 HOLDS YOUR , 'PU~CHASE . •. '. ! . Race :Set ELDON -DouMe Banked . · Curve ··a·:·-race up to 3 . times as fast without spin· 24 · 9e· ning out or slowing down at 1 u;ves ! .--#95.52 11, • • AstrOlite HAS8RO -Build111g htrA:~~ .ot the future • ·• • now you 1 0 49 can . build. lu\llfist1c Cities ~· wrffl ... hRhl! -#~495 _ • __ 31"x21" : COLECO -llandoom e grained p\fllels, /7" toe~. ~. I" balls. :1,i~e_ a~tion cush· 1 s 88 ion and. b0Jlt-1n scorers: . ~ . . -#7031 • MINl!MOTORIFIC "'Spriflt ,Racing 200" IDEAL -Thrilling super fast dual traf t ~rt .. -.~ si!le -by 12 ea· side racing. 11•10 hot cars-- two cool lanes. #49403 .. "·. --. TQ~hmg Clock -. ·· · · _ Mustang Car - . FISHE' PRICE ~ Moskal .. · ~AMF .JUNIOR -Over l I' e·ducaijplf~ IO'.f~ache~ ~ 4 99 · in length, pedal dnve, dis- .•• ilS·m·usic plays, clock l~n~five _Mustang gn~I, Red 17 88 1dte & minute hand revolve. • ltn1sh with black, while and silver trim. II-535 • P,syclle-Paths .. FUMTASll( .i A most fo-.. · tngurng and slimutatrnR · : • -: gooie PUllle in· years. It 2.·.·.19 ~ftSelll:s ne)lt. thallenges iac'liime il'{JJlayjd. . ' ' stat Car "illF •iuiuol-10 ' long, ~tutdy i;tissls bicycle !)'PP. chain drive w/fuU length 17 88 ~dlain guard. Red w/black &· white trim. -#C-591-• Tea Set ~, · 10" Velocipede ,95a IRWIH -Colorlul "HaNe>I .IMF JUNIOR -10'' lront •ruil'' design 32 piece set.. '2." .. 69 : wheel, magenta frn1lJh vi/ 12 99 Be !'lie ,perf~ct ho~\e~s ~t ''< · · white trim. 2" tubular steel . )Otlr te1t pill7f #&3ZI • · backbone. w/double detk. •. • . :. ~ Close'n PJay;'"~iio - KENNER -Sa!Wf operated (not included),. Clo!e ~Jui 1 "' , , •• and record plays, lone arm· -6 99 :.els ;ind r~:>el~ auto· ma!ically. 11-1&7 • ·~rouble" 1iAMf ' , · KOffNEI.-~ frustrahnR -• · • " rtf11se Eam'e!. Move your ' •·men". Oop.;! ·ooR't land 2 49 · )Our oppon~nl'$ •'meh''' er · t~rk he &o~~. #llO · • . , • ' ''Pftish' ~Stockings ' ~ poit, lu.~~r.1ous, 1ed 3Jld ~ wil1!~ acryfic -~lush that Suzy Homemaker ovEN TOPPER -Bakes all sorts 11011 ot delicious treats! Cookies, 14 98 pies, brownies & many other .ROOdies. Completely sa_le. • 1,2 Chord Organ MIGNUS~.3/Treble Keys, , -" hand volume control, ma· 29 "95 llogany cabinet, music light onloff switch #411 • Game of. Headache Doll Coach . )J som BENO · Dutchess spring action - Avocado wi~ while body 13 98 decGr~tion, storm shield and - shopping bag. • Training Rifle ~Y MARX -cGnstructed p~ heavy duty plastic in r~1 · istic wood grain. Basic riHe meas. 3014" long. #513 Ass't Plush GUND -lrresistib!e as~-or1 · rnent of colorful and cuddly toys and animals that will warm any child's heart. u . -ATLANTA -Large sitting -or standing bear that .~ids will tind lovabfe and hug. gable. lie bow ~t.neck. 11. • I'> machine washable. Highly i>alished for lus- ·, _ 1r~'-fl"!W-,Meil .Jor . ·mall gifts, tree · orna· men\, window or mantel df'Co1at1on. ·Mathie Raceway A"Model" Ships . HOASIAR -foor gianl co l REVELL -1/96 scale ol orf111 plastic Jiefs, l 5·1nchec; famous shi~ that onct t igh. Pl~e tire marbles 1n:2· 49 sailedlhe7seas.They'rebic: 9 98 _.._. the slartmg gate. Release !. and "professional" loalung. . lhey're off! • _ ~SZ1 11cll • !roeA~~!.~~d s;.! _ing" and a sunny way to start Utt , day. All metal -dishes ·Wit~ pla;)t 1c JC· tisSorl_eS. ~ - Tiny "Pick-Up" TONU. -Rugg'" replic> of the real thing ••• all '!eel body, lifetime tires. Non-tox ic bakP.d enanie l J1nish. #51l Car Carrier MINl·TONU · -Modero steel-bodies over-ther.;oad hauler loads aod unloads from top or bottom. Detach· ~le cab. #1 191 TOPl'EI -"SU! M111- M1kor" -m.1kes 111 flavois " ol real del iciolis. ice treats. ., Great for helpinciMother witll lamilr dess"1s.#lllll -88c 4.29 II .wc.td:.cllfsd=':::'''-'-"-:.Cm-'bw'-C-3.:..r _l 96-'-9""-'-' _• "-J"4'-l'll-O:"'T_-A_DY1i_R_ns_t_R___ _ "Nativity" Set ·: .·, lriljortd fro• !Illy .•• m"'l'f sctnt\ 4 49 · with 10 c:olorful roounled figures. : . • 11,4• Size 2"1" Size 8111112 8DX If 9 Tree Ornaments "5'i•1 1r;11· .-c11oose trom 49c gee hJxes at one color Of boxes oi a:.- sorted solid colors. 3~~~~~~~ 1.59. I Floodlight PENETRAY -150 watt $1le in assorted colofs for indoorfoutdoor 1 88 bse. ae1. 219 • Tinsel Garland "011~11 Cl1 .. - 3"x50·tt. lengths in p ld or blue/ ~reen combina-1 49 hon. • Magic Snow Flakes .-co• ·I Aerosol tan spray 49 · I • •.white foam for C Foil Icicles "011~!1 Cl1" - &l of 325 In~· proof strands l" I Weath er proof, heavy duty colorful printed & etl'lbossed 119 _ toil. 311 ft. llN , Tree Li&lll HFLECIDU -colorful loll ia ""8ld '49c and star si1p!!; S1t1f 15 . Cbaia Garlaii \ "h•ll• c~· -· ~ I 5 fl 11 coloriul 1 59 lll"'9foof 1at11r1d "'"""'°''· • • '(~~.silver coif\! Icicles ' "'DHll1 ll1" -· I Box ol 150 metal- l ite d strand s i11 4nc two-tone colors. ii- : 11" Tree Top Combination clear and frosted with ossort'" rolorlul' 1 Gesitns. I ~ ' ··~ I.:~ ~ , .' • . . • ' --~---------i!""'!"--------------~~-~--------------------~ ---. -' ~ .. . !!]~. -~~ I • • ~ tlo\lllllEll . •.. . Wld"'"1, -J,-1'169 Gifts for M .. SKIN HA'*l "Vari~ Pack" . l'h o" ea<\ ol .. · • .. Dry Lime, BlflliSh . ' le~her. Mile!J 2 29 Spice ind Wild Moss. • • 2-Pc. ~lft i!lc Skin Bra"' and 1 69 1.00 Cologne. I • ' · "Bacchus" Alter S~111 an• Spray Deidorant \ ' ,I • •j -~"-IZ • Ji I ' ' ' "April Showers" DUSTING POWD1l li1' l1nri1u l'lfl 1" Persialo Ulac alld Muguet l 00 alao. n. • · a Shoulders SHAMPOO ~$1.19 UQUID "Sani-Flush" . ' DISlllFl(T AHT T1ll1t lnl C!i111r 1E;.11c 29c 11 IZ. SIZE i ·Alka-Sfltler· COL:~~~tlr$ , · 99_c ·'..~ OUTDOOR -. light Set ... In•""'"'" .... .,. • Clllr -Ill upu z:j._ "'J t X" e -........... .. For an type.s of cleaning jobs. Set inclujes "Jet-X" 1 o ·95· washer and 2 quarts of magic suds. • DINNISON . "Botto r" nee lk• s.s ..... 1111111 Attaektr ••• tt1mplete kit with buttons and a big 1SS«lmetlt ol synthetic f23tenen, jn the latest 00"'1' Md GIUITTI ·-·· ~~~!~~~~1!~~-~·~"-• ta 69C I.II 1 29 . l's . 11'1 • · Wrought Iron Bowls I•""" fro• S11i1 .•. itioose fram assorted sllapes and sizes wittt Nfie black tiosl1. .Idell 'for holding fnli~ etc. 11. "SCHICI" IUCTIOllC 3.88 '"hot lather" DISPlllS•• Instant ba"be~ho~style . lather at Ile flick ol ' 19 9· 5 ' switdl. lnclodes 2 sllM cram cartridges. • 111111 Cartrlq1 Ill, I~ tr. Sin 1.11 '1English Leather' ~~ =-==:=::;~ =====;;:: ' , . ~~::~:. 2.00 ~ss't Banks • Pap1er mache banks 1n as· "Saunda" u•MnD S-1111 lalli!J lllmr - Reces.,.i, ~llused lights • "Jad 2-Pc. s East" 5.00 i • sorted animal · shapes in .., ~~i~:':':,. 2 • 50 ::I mjij~rr. larp 1. l 9 • .tffer maximum shadow- AJnlh,. ~ free cosmetic illlimination 23 98 withoot &lare~ Maanified rmrsible ctnter mirror. • . .,,.. ,: "ClllAI." .:.4oz.each 6 50 ol Allor SllVe Lotion .and (:l~gna • I ' "Slti1 Snels" IJ LUIEN'S -4 so:lion btautilul~ R<oratel tjn 1 78 witll asstfrtJ1lent ol all . . filled candies. · 2~'111. • . "SW!ipt" Ills Altroctive (ill jar liled :119 with deliciotts •Sbr· .ttnts." 1?• . • c.-..liMIH wars -rololful 3gc striped Jilltoo ol lnlit tn4 09ico flliors. 11 _ar. - lss't Brilli~ l • lllACll'S -essortlilllt ~ ~:c;rr:.1 39 ..... . "lipy Mil , ltM:ll'S -,,_,_. ol cololfvl fnlij'Mlj ;;;; ' 'Xk kald canllls. 12~ IL llJOJ . • "Nuts and Bolts"~ ' ' 15.88 . • ', .:; . . -·r.., -...... ~ . . \ .. ' . " 'J - -' __ ...___ I ! I l . -l • l .r l ··--1- " ... , , • I l . " I ! . ·- ,, lf DAil V PILOT ~! ----· *'* PEANUTS I• aADHi • UKES HIS ' NBol CAP " "'!" ·.- ... TELEVI SION VIEWS Indians Bad -' " . Plight T~id. Sy CYNTHIA LOWRY ' -' ' ' • NEW YORK (AP) -H1D1ger; poverty and dis,,. elimination sullered l)y •Indians in the United states were sl)pwn with· force :8nd impect OIJ, (W<> teims- ion program.I Tue!day ni&bt. , .''. . The National Edtlcatlorull Network -pre1ented an hour ~rogram .built around tlie current White House corifere'nce on nutritib~. It opened wlth S!)rJ'\e shocking film of Navajo ~blldr~ auffertng. from malnutrition, and moved on to· famili .. on an Indian reservation 'trYIJfg to feed Jamilies on inadeqµate funds all(! fQOd ,upplementa. · · LESS ,l!F FECTfVE was a big discu!'sion group that follciwed , ·With representatives of varying groups '~o~lail)ing about wellare b'ndouts, the quality of' free commodities, and often moving away from"the cen_trc:µ ·subject : hunger. Sen. Geerge 5. McGovern , (D-S.D.) ol)servei! that "15 million people in this country don't lta_ve enough to. eat .• , We've put a man on ~moon but we haven't pll'l people in a pooUon wbere they can feed their fam ilies." · . Lateri on NBC's "First TueSday,11 one long seg· ment was a Case hlstor;Y of a young Sioux, Thomas \Vhite Hawk,. W~o last year Was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and rape to which he corifessed'J .1 P RO.Bf NC> his background, NBC res.earthen found a boy'. raised in urban . and· ru)'a} 04lildian · ghettos" and o;phaned at 11. He grew lip tp ~e a , loner in boarding schools _and his trouble carpe 1 while he was a premedical s'udent an~ star athlete • in a \Vestem coUege -one-of a handful of Indians .~ among thousands of stiideuts: · . , After his cqtlyiction, e~~at.ions showed he had Jong '1eeded psyciwitrtc~elp .. The NBC report contrasted the handling· Of his case with that of a ,. white 11111\1 iiccused of killing an Indian. ·A jury found the man innocent in two h6urs. . · · ENGELBERT Humperdinck, the BriU•h singer who next ·month will have an ABC show of his own each week, gave viewers a preview. ·of ·his, style and attitude in his first·TV special.· · It wa1 .a'rel~ed1 tuneful hour.· The handsome ~tar has a good, effortless voice; an ' easy; rttanner and a Blee feel for casual comedy. Witl! his. low key manner ·he should . wear a tittle better. than the more aggressive entertainers. · LARRY HAGMAN sure was the matrying kind Ttiesday night. First he was '\he· astronaqt bride- groom 6! the 2,000.year-old genie o! NBC's "I Dream 'o( Jeannie." .Less .than 8n bOUr later, he was going through ~o more marriage ceremonies-· se tting up the hectic c:!oQledy of "Three's a Crowd," on ABC's .t1Movi e of the Week.'' · Maflil)io~y for Jeannie could change· the whole focus of th!' series. There ·ougl)t \o be a lo.t of f1Dlny s1tuationa when a mere mortal Is married to a sorceresa t..'. or bas th•t ali'eaO.y been' dOne? De 1mls tlae Mettac~ . , -- . . .' --=-- . . . .•.. _,.. ' .. .. . " . •'· . ' .. .................. " :Pl-AIN JANE • 0 0 JUO GE. P..ARKER . ' - ~,t.VE 't'OIJ VO!llt YIS, I PICKEP IT IP WMell .wtU. JIST J6 SOON lS r ·PLANE TICK!T VEITEltPAY! :C ALSO ;t seE YOU-. PISTllSllTE M.Y MEl'· FOK' NEW YORkl lUPE THE MOTEi.. Pi.UC.~ CHA.N~SE! rr SMOULt'N'T· I'--RESERVAn ON ! :f,t.KE ME OVER TWO OR: THR'EE PAVS! MOON MULLINS AWAJ<EWED ·ay 'THE FlffST ~S OF THE MORNING W,H.AT THE ···!"/ rf'S NOT BEEN SL~PT IN! SU>J, MIKE GLANCES ,l.T THE~ li#ftliUP WllJA BED AJID RUBS HIS EYES Ill DJSiJEuE;,1 . - GORDO - ~ lf.·I' MISS PEACH l. -!I • • • • • • • •• • • • • • . . • ARE YoU GONNA • • • ttEL'P ME GET RID ••• OF ol-115 SNOW OR • • AIN'T YOU! • , • . • " : ~"I I ,.., ,, '''···'.:'·~··-··=······ ·': .... ~;~;;;:; .. ,:;;;,;;;i;>? • ' • ! ... .. ll -.. 1-' :1y Frank lacJlntld ly Joh!t Miies By Harold Le . 'Dciux • .. , • ' '' ~~"'-'"' . : ~ --:~:~~i~;;;~~:m;~r:~ ... • • f7 ' ... .._ .... (C) .... ..... ~ (dtlll'll).'61 - Mt~<,Quhu1, YOllo T1it,....-httr 01-:ie.r11 Glultlnl .Iii'·~ illl•:.t.iulonlry who 1111 .. rtintly lntUlll · wilt. , _IJ -1"' .... (30) Gl --(30) OJ .. , ... (C) (60) mi(]) .... -(C) llO) • """' ""' (30) "SdlllCI flit... ' Ill! II> .. -(C) (30) 111-.. •-(30) Ell -IOI llOl ~I<> "'~ ~---·-(C) (I!) llJ "' --(C) (3~ m T• Tel ~ Tnttl (C) (30) ~JO IJ -(C) (30) --OJ ............. IC) (10) ·-" ... -(])) \ tJJ CJ) H"'°'1-lrin!lr (C) (~) ·--(60) By Ferd Johnson f'Ou, ilYTfif! WAY, I M~T /r1n. HARTBURN·· Sfil' WAS THoRs ,700. l'l'-- I'M A • SNOW &t.OWERI • • • • • '· m -Toe (30) I a !D"' •-!'°> I Ill -34 (C) (60) ·-(C) (30) l:OI 8 CIS [--(C) ()IJ) 11J -. ., u.r !CJ cso> Iii I "" IMJ (30) m ... ,.. _ (C) <30l f.1 1:.Md!IJ/llllltnf FIM 81 (I)-(C) (30) fZIAlllrl! (30) 9(f)Trdl ., C1 cc l!IH m W&sJatwl {C) (30) Ell "" ... (C) (30) a Enjoy tile fun as * Llo,d H1yoe1 11trs In ROOM'222 )f1Uf\J0hT 'Mai; ' z:aa••t11 -1- - .. , I I loll ... "S •• (Ill) ,,.._ .... .... = -.._. .... •• ... ... .... .. -:: . ' ~· ' .- _Nixon_M~n To Get Auto Post LEGAL NOTICE LEGM. N011CE LEGAL NCYnCE DAIL V l'flll1' JR \ LEGAL NOTIC,I: -T~ M.a·t1 ... MOTKJ OLI al,ILC Tlt.Uill,-•I "°TICO 1-1T-1101 " . ... MOTICI TO CllOITIUI' SULllttOll cou•T o• , •• NOTlll II HEIUEaV Gtvltf TO THI Nef!ct" """"' '""" .. , .. 1Mr4.. Slll"lltOll COUllT °' tit• ., ... ,. o" c •• '.REOITOll:I CW hf.., lillMfw ..... _. nim.. .. .,_.at.... c.a.t Jr. Gali.. SfAfl.M CAi..INIUUA J'ff. ALI INIA , •• ,lmlt.f "'"""''""·· Tr1Mffror. ""-' , )blfkt .. or.,.. c.ritY. tallfllr11"9. wlll TJll COUM?Y ., Ol:A ... l THI ' 0 ':.:.'!M"OIAHOr- "". "'"""' h .ar.ut to M ..... b'I' •.afW ffflMI Wd\ W tlf 11 :00 e.m~ Mt....... ~OTICI 011' HIAlllNO Of' f'ITITIOff rtettllttf!r, ~~ ..... ~II,..!!~ N~. 0.cemNt 11, ltff, ,'\ ?hi ltltlt tf ITE,K.t.Hlf 14. f'ltM\l'TON flOlt .. ltffATI Ofl WILL AlfO f'Oll ,....._. leulftflcl, Ill h Oh' ......_.._,._ P~ o.t. _, wM Witol ~ t lu ~ 11 ITlJ'Hll J4. fl~TOH, L•n1111 ll~rAMINT.UY "'tleQ;-"°"'""'-°' .. ._ II*-• ltdtW It 7M hWW-llcl., c.t. ,.,..., o.c..-. _. 5..._ ..,._MUHAM • <ONL•Y :111fomlL ..... 111 ., .,_ ........ (tllf., 11 wtlldl tllnt ~ -Wiii w .. oTtee .. Mt:1tl•Y OIY£N ,. "" ~ -.~ ) ... Wlllft trlll _..,._ .. VMlll ~ ~ llUlllldY ...... ft rMlil •: (1) 0-"rwl ~ f1f IM Mlf¥I ,..._.. ~ NOTICI IS HE1te•Y C """ 1111 NII, .. fir .. ~ tCI ~ IWR, UI Air C...,..._ tNI "-1 tt<I --1Mvlftt dtlrM 1 ... lntl 1111 ..,_ Ooutilll L ... -1 "-11~~ ;::!. TltANWllSIQHi ,_JN(,, 1 .U N-1 ~ wl"'·ltil ~O' ~ .. M 9"kl 1 rr..,.., ... "W: ¥.II """'' ,•UTOMAll< TW -SCllbl orv1 .... ,,, WM*f"I ....... w. ~ 1r1 ,_.,.. .. 1111 ~ " • "'"""' far ,., ..... Wiii ..... ., ltulw9rcl. 1'0.\te.t, c.•nl•, to AN tlch ll't .. M \ft icwUll« wltri of f1W dlf1r. et b ~ ... ,._,. C#t. ot llW(l(I tJ "-''"" TUtemtnlatr 11 WASHINGTON (AP) _ The •OGElt A. JOHNU>N, TrtfllftrH, wlltP "" tlllfnKt.._ .,.., COMllllM W i. "'-' ---. with ttw -.uarv ~'~It~. ~ ~ wllklt II ..,..,. ~ 1111111 .... 1 11 n6 Allt A-. "' SHdfkltlw.I wtlldl .,.. -Ill fl .. •NI ~ " IM Vllffn'9nM ,, h ofllct .. ~ Hrllcui..-.. •1111 IMI 1111 time poisonous war gases from till Cllv " llnle Mol\ICI. C-1'1' ol Lii ""'" -MWrtd Ill ""' llffM, " till .. M.KI Lii .llttO~. Aftll-. ~ '111111 •llCI" llMrl,,. ~ .. ,.... 1111 .,_ A,..... tl1tt tf Ct'"-"'-• el' tM ton-. hfdllollnit Awit ot 11M MMll c11Jtrlc1. Ct~ A-$011t11 Gell, CtLtltnl.11 Mt fW Dlt.,,,._ It. JM, ti t :JO 1.111., OklJlawa l'D"1 Involve ship-1"' oucr111t11 .. _, ,,.....,., ti' l!Jdl....,. nwtt.....,,. w1 .. bb w.i • ..., wflkll 11 t111 •IKif " MIMH o1 111 "" ~ ot .,.,_,""""' .... , , '} ___ Tr_,....., ..._It; ~ dwdt. ctl"lff'ld cMCa. w W9-tM Wlcltn1tM1 Ill 11' rl'\fftlrt Ml't•lnl"f ~ •IM CIOllrt. •I 1'DO W, Cl¥1c ( ... l•r mtnt flf Upward& of 10,000 lOfl.I All 1-" In tredtl, fldura. Mur-t .,._ ~ medt HVlbie to fllt ~r tf tC1 IN emit' of MN ~. wllll'" "°"" Orlw, 111 lilt CHY .. knli AM, C11llor· • • IN tMCI wll~ f'rllKNH Al•flh trlll WM °''"" eont J11n11r (lfftH Ollltlct "*lllls 11'ftt tN nrt1 N!l«lloi! " tl'lli nt.. of packq:ed m1ter1als u~ the LH'9fllkl 1n11r.,1 ot • c.r111" ~ of Trv."" "' .,. MIOllftf Ml r.u Mlle•. D11e.1 NovetMtr ''· 1Mt U 'led S ,_ din Alllllmofl.,. Tr1MmlUlor4 lll,lllneu t!'llft flvt Mf'Uflt IJ!l,l "111t ,_ b!t1 It O•ltll N•vllfnMI' 11, lMt. W. E, IT JOHN. ru tai.cS, aceor g tel k-•• .-.mce .-,utor'l'llKc T-1'111 .. I ·~''""' the!"".,....,. ..... 9ntw Intl LINWOOD T, •DOT (Wiit¥ Clll'tl:. Pe~llOUlCH ,...._ IM". •!'Id toullCI •I IYolS Newpcort ,,,. ,,._. Cot1tr•ct If !Ill Mme 11 SMel1I Mmlnllt,.'°' w1fll YOUNO, P'lllNll•• • "1ws -• ~IN, Ill fM CllV ·ef C.11 Mltll~ twl11111l.tU\IM..'.lft. ~ w.l'lt ti' t1!Nr9 ft OIMl'•I .....,,.,, ti' tM lllllt lllt·W ... Ttlln Str:IM THe. -of the ahipment countv '' .,,,..,.,, Stitt et ct•tor.U.. t11t1r \J!lo tvdt it111tr1Ct, 1111 .~ If .,.."'-,_.,.~MIMC tl6Cedlnt 111111 A•·<_..,.... mtt • 0; •··-·1y" hinted t ..,_, __ .,1_ M'ld tll.t till fllrHlll ..... but; '-ft!' wlll 1t19 '(Mdc Wiii be fott.lttd, tr Ill tillll Clll All(I I.II Ill~ T ........... 1 l'H) 111141 w...., ua1:1;: a '~y be COMUnlfNI .... " lflw FrMl•v "" " I Mfld, till full """ ""'11111' wUI -"" Ct.U.-1111 A-• A"""'"' fw ""'"'-"· ln a Pen•·-armouncement 1""' ur et 0ec1m111r, , ... ., .,..,,..; •• ~11t1S-.. 1111 .aw Klloll lllltr1et. """"•" 1,•,M,,~.'-·-, 11 ,_ , P'tlblblllcl 0r,,,., co." 0111.,-''1a" ... ".. c,_ Ho. \0).4111Q6.C, It 1111 llCrOW """ ... l>ldHr rnlY wllhllrr# hll blC "' I ... ao> NO\"Mllltf' 21, n •nd D9(amblr :i. that.-lethal chemkal weapona .. rtmlltf-·• f!'ll-Llnt ._11 ••9!!Cl'I " ~ "fotl¥.flw .. ,._.rw . .,,. c•i.. .. 1 ~...,_ .., ••"' ....,..~"'"'· • '"' na.w, in Okinawa·woukl be relocated SecvrlTr f'lrtt H11111111 11'* 11 lt2 P'IM '°" "" ....,"" !Mrwf. ~~,. 0r:::• ~~0'i" lO "1ir,. LEGAL NO'l1CE • • , • AW1111'9 lft till CllY of t... ltlofll, Thi lolnl of Trwi-,_ervn 1'111 • ' 1ll thiS counb"y begtnning this Ctuntl' of L• ... ,..._ Stet1 .. -"Yllllt ti rel ...... 111'1' tftd Ill MW ., llff lltMt T..tNlt month or in January. ~!~."...-· .. ,~,, !!._: 111-::.; _::11:'i:"J1t11. ~ LEGAL NO'nCE ·tu,.••1011t cou11T of' THI ""--_. n "'"""" . STATI DI' CALlllOaNIA 'Ollt . 1 1r; ~tqon_' said ooly that ~:.:,:... JIMlorl ...:..~a'"':M :i,1:aa: ::::-.=~ ,._114'4 THI COUNTY OJ' OllANOI five shipments would be need-Publllhld Or.,... ·CoW 01llr ,not. ·-.~ldvt'lfo Iii~ Ill"" Cl•Tlf'IU'ff °" 1us11111• NOTlCI ~ Ml~~ °" J'lf1'1TIO/'I ed to complete the pullout Otc""'°"" 1. 1'• 22«Mt mt. Ill Cilfwl\11, lllCTITtoUJ ..,... f'Oll "-OlATI Ofl WILL ANO f'Oll rd I •~GAL NCYrlCE Ah ~~ -~ ll\t9\ftl'I 11111 Wei TM 11~ . ." .. urtlfl< ...., .,I LITTlal TaST.t.MINTAllY 0 ered ast July after 24 """"' ""'" '°""l'I' wllll Glo/WNMnt CtH Ste-All~ • bllll!Wq' 11 an Cl"""" Ethll .. ANHA LEAH•OllEEHHOOO. Americans on the Waod bad • HOTICI Of' U.LI lllnl OIMXIS .liwJusl ..... T on ..... H.-rt ... di. C1llfor!\ll. uftd1r Dfctl.i. brush 'th d th f le i;., TO MIOMIST llOOla(ll :MA:a.~ V:,AJ!~ect tM ftclllllUt flrl'll MIM If LOT f'IVI! CO. NOTICE IS MEllEll"' GIVl!N Tl\11 Wt ea rom a a .. ,,-....... m 0.. o.c 'i? 1Mt n·• •!Id 11111 Mid """ II ~ .. f1f 1111 MENllY w. GltEEHHOOO "-' lltld nerve gas container. Nelle• 11 11w.w .ivll'I 11111 '"....,""' 'ub~i.Mll -0.:-1 c0.111~111., l"llot. followtlltl' ....-whnl """" 111 full 11«1111 • 1111111or1 for pro1wi1e 91 w111 •nd AJ~••h •'--• bid• wm '-ACelvld fw wit to' 111t o-w s. 10. tm :n>oH' 11111 •l1Ct$ of rltlOlftCI "' •s fellows : hr 11-1\Ce of L'"er1 Tnlamen11•v to .. """li uK: quantitteJ were l'llthnt l>!OclMtsi ., "" tei1ow1119 uuc1 . 1rn Mttllr, cMrll Loult• Mllltr, ""lf'lltlontr, r.,e•troct to wl'lkll 11 m~C"• not officially disclosed Pen-"111-1 wlflcl'I 1111 blln *"'" LEGAL NOTICE Oml• w. LOfttl, Jwnt1 E._ Hook. Dlnnll for 111rt11tr ••rttQ111rs, -tflll 1111 fl"'• ' •Witlus ti 0Wrlcf 11HC111 (1) 'f\#t •rllhl K. Slilfl, t+GMrt A. Smllft< nt! CIMPIM tncl •IKt of htlrl119 f!\e llme hts -...~ tagon sources Said the Jirst t llnat -ll'llY -f1I Dt IOld -wl'llcMwr IUP'lalOll COU•T GI" TMll! Drtv1, Hewioort INC~. C..Hf9mlt. wt for Offtmber It, ltlf, -' t ::IO 1.m., \~ hip! d Wl 'Jj W · h bout 1000 bl'lnlt th<i •rttlat r11Un'I to !hi Plltrlt;t: STATI Ofl' C:ALll"OltNIA f'Ot P1ttd Octolllf 7, \m. tl>t CMlr1,._ ot D~rlmtnl No. l cl S Oa eig 8 , UI Mofol' T"1tr1 UI kllba DIVlll9 TM• C:OUNT'r 01" OllANOI lrtd M111tr-• llkl c.oo,ort, 11 100 Civic Cenler 0..lv• tons including crat1n,· and •"w11ton 1nc1 T•nlt•. Tiii .oovt 1t1rn1 NI. A...-i ci\1111' loullt Mllltf' wnt, lforlftlf'!Y w.,, El1111~ s1ree11 •~ ' • • ...... lonler lllldtd tot !tit lllllructloftll °"'"' w. l.11111 "" Cttv ol ""II AM, C•tllorntt. protective packaging, 'Jbe four •rot•lm iNI ir1, ll>t Wflllrt'I' of Ille NOT~~'( 0~ IAt.I 0' ltlAL P•O-JllMI E. Hoalr 01tlll Nowmber 26, ltlf. subsequent Shiploads by ntxt Or ..... Cot•! Junior Col .... Dl1trkt. r"I ~A M::,_vA'.,I s,::-a Eslllt OI ~~!! ~· ~~ "!f· E0• SCT'-~0.HN, , Sill bld1 wlH bt -lllCI ·&fMll HOl1ctv 1 J .. ~ """"" ... "'" -... au" ,... · s prmg are expected to be read 1tQ1111 for '"'"'"" lflm• II lf•letl WILL AM • ADAMS. .............. SI•!• of C•!llornt1, Or•"'' C&ufttv: Mllct! MAYO ' • Oft ""' ,,_,1 FOl'n'I II IO·Ot , I· NOTICE IS HE•E•Y GIVl!N ""'' ""' Oft Od ...... '"'· blfo ... "''·I Nj)l1rv 111 .....,. O•rflllf AYllllll roughly the same stze, Ute ~11 Dec1mlllr ,, 1,., 1~ t.:;"'911~ llftlllr11tir11d, 11 l!~tC\ltor or till 1!11111 01 P'ubrlc In 11\d "" .. l<I s111t. ''1"1ontll1 .......,..., c:111ttnolt ft64I sourctis said. R~ 01 !ht Admi"lttrii1o" •ullllllrll of wm11m J. Adams. nc:1111d, wm wll 11 •-•Id ar..:I Miiler, Ch1rl1 L.oulu Tel: CtlSI mus• . . . Ille Or111tt Coe1t Co1t191, 21'01 Filrvltw ,.,,.,, ... 1111to!ht111 ...... 1 11'111 blst bhUtr Mlll1r, O!Mf' W. LI!f!t• J1m11 E. Hook. AfttrMY fir J'~ltll1111 The Army Cited military •otd. Coif• Mftl C•llfor"l• All Mdl ~ 1111 term1 •Ml conc1111-Mr1111ft" Ofl\1111 tC. Senft .,., Hoblrf A. Smllll P'11bHlllN Orlfllll Cotst 0111¥ '1~1. -security reasons for n 0 t llill'll be dtllwred ' Ill 1111 ottiC* ef !ht 11ilflti-t1, Ind &lib!ICI lo conllrm1tloi! llY k-ft t. mt le be tllt MnOl'll wlloH Novtmber 27, ll I nd OecHnber 13. Purcllli"'9 A•tAI It 1111 lbovt IClclnlll Hid SllP1rlor Court, 9" Otc11'1'1btt IS. Mnlll 1r1 11/b1C1"1bld lo tl'll Wlll'lln In-Ifft ttOl"9 publicly stating how much gas pr1o.. to 1M Hmt ut fOf' tt.. e,11111 ... lft lff,, II the hour Ill 10:00 A.M., ·or 1trvm"'I Ind lcMOW""" llleY l!XICUfld . I ed bu . ed onler f1I -•llt1bll fa.r COl\llcltr1Hon llltrtlltll' wlltrln "" tllnl 1llowtd Irr tlw, ,,,. ""'*· LEGAL NOTICE was 1nvo v t tt appear ,.r_.11 Form• •lld c-ieti 1,.. 11 "" etttCI! of Fr1nkll11 111d Fr1"kHn. tO,FIClJriL Sl!All likely officers were aware of ''""c11or>s '°' bhkllnt '"'' bt oblilned 1, Al'frornen 11 L1w, 101 E11t ltth strnt. R1e11en1 A. •row" Jr. ••• 1117 . 1111 P'llrd'ot•lnt D••rlmlftl of 1111 Dlltrl« Co••• Mtst. C1tffot"t1, I ll rlt h!. !!tie, 111-Notarv P'11bllc.C1llfornl1 SU,l!llO• COUltT OP' TMI! the potential for a new con-II lht 1bo .... lddreu or bv tel9'11\onlftl '"""'i nd l$t.t1 ti Frank A. 1"1ll1y, 1lllO 'rlnclHI Ol'lle• Ill STATE Of' CALl,OIMIA ,011 troversy to arise over gas !TIO SM-SJ.SO. ffltm """ bt 1.._1ec1 by·!trw:: :~r:;~:::;: ~"'·u~~~ ~:1:.ii;..~~:. !•Pl•H THI! COUNTY (If' oaANOI • Prior IPPOlnf,,,....I. C1ll ~ 'lo 11' ' 1 r · Uftt-Y .... Shipments. r1no1 for lnliHctlon. lie Ind ln19rell thll Mid .,t11<! l'llJ It-Jul'( Jl, lt7t LM HOTICI! 01" Ml!AlillMe f'Oa J'IOalTF E l" this the •-Bkll mu" be •ctom-llCI b1' 1 "ulred, br oow1tloft of Yw 1r 91f!HWlst, aOllaTIOM, H<IWll• I. •A• 0 0 , WILL AIOIO .. Oa LllTTl•s ar let year tu•uY ctrflllld bf ctsJ'll&r"I dlKll midi ••r •bll Diiier 11'1111 If In lddlllen '° 1'1111 ti' "Id A,,.._• TllTA"llllTAIY ran into strong criticism from " flit °''"'. Cotti Junior Col'"• Wini•~ J. Adlms. ., ""' lltM el "'1 Oii c-Oriv•. E1i.i. !llt JEROMI! l , HISHIALL. . • Olllrlct, II' alt!, In ft'tl lrMVtll If lll'Mo '91 dllltl, '" a/IC lo ft'tl P'lll •r"'"" In tl\I .......... 1-.11. C1liMr1N nMS DeatsH -' . some members Of Congress 1111 tcQI 11U ,.,_,..l ~ 1ri flOt K -COlll!fr el Or11111e, $Ille I/ft Cilllwnlt , P'ublhllld °''"" Cotlt DtO., P'llGI, NOTICE. 11 HEltEI.,. GIVEN ,,,_, "" · dlt(rlbld u followl: No......,lllr 26 111C Otcitmlret J, to, U, over a plan to transport •• 000 r;eet1bl1, Dt-1!t .. lllCCllUl'UI bkldtr(I) let 11 In l lodc It of TNl;I NI ll! Ifft 11Pl-4f SHlltLEY M. NISH&.-.LL 1'111 llltd lltrtln --. J .. • • ':~:::'1ried . a11d True Weapon o! obso '-f ' wlll bl •~lled f1I .uri;t\911 ior1ct. oth<ir iohown ,._.... In book' 1a1 1 P11ltror1 IOI' ttMr iorttllll rJf will Ind lo~ tons n:le gs.ses rom d-11 dllet.1 •ftd c1111 wltt bl rttol'llld _" 1°{' .:C ";r., Mk t• .. _!-· LEGAL NOl'ICE 111u1nc1 ., klttn '"'--"'"' to ""' . . . ~:~·.)n an',era·of ultra~sophisticated weapon!, a bow . and arrow seem to be · out ·of .. ; -place. But the 1st Air Cavalry's own Robin Hood, SP5 Graciano Hernandez of .1: • -Bi:idgeport, Conn ., found his bow a trus.ly weapon after running out of amm~ni­ ijon iiuring a fierce gro'Md attack in defense 6! Fire Support Base (FSB) Bui· tons, home of the division's 2nd Br.igfilde. Col d .st for dump. g m" wtthin t\O'lntl'-•1• efltt' 1o1rc1 11 ce nteU• ..._.., """-• "'"-to wllldl rs madt fDt' ora o, e 111 rrulfte.s IC~tlftCI of h1tfl bld!sl wl'lldl rl(:orft of er..,.. C11.1ntv. C.tlfl!rftll. MOTICI TO C:ttlDITOlll klr111er rtltvlln Ind 11'1•1 "" tlmt .nd ... At! "c Oce off New 111 bl •141 °" oHffl.•re 1nY11M1 for 111• .,,,. su,.1a10• c:ouaT o' TMI! "' • u m aDu an w Oii JlnlllO' U, 1tl'O. iDertr 11111 rn111I be 111 Writ! tl'ld wltt Ill tTATI O' CALIP'OIMIA l"Oa 1>t.c. of ht1rl"f till .. ,... 1'111 ~ tel Jersey All ·~-... "' urn11 ind ,_I, 1r1 nulvtcl In ""' Clflkolt of ~r111klln •1111 TM• C:OUlllTV ... OIU."9J for DIC. It, I"'· 11 •.• 1.m . I~ "'" • • IM rn-lbllltl' ol bldclerr11. n•;, .-in Frinkl!n, a1tome'l'I tor sll• ,.1111, or ..._ ,uoN • cwrtroom -"' OIPlrtmMt No. 3 • otkl But public fears of a 11w wu1 bl ~ to 11t 1meu"ts unln• m•r be Jlllcl wtrtr 1111 Clerk . at uw l!it.it tf FaAtOC 11:. USEDOM, court. 1f 700 C1¥k Cen"" OrlYt We~t. In tast j>hi" 'dent • n v1lld re1111 uln t1x H rmlt c1rd 11 ,,,. ~1or C111JM or clellvtt'tcl t "" E• 0 •Nd "'" CllV ti Slnt1 Ant. Clltfon'l11. Ca ro C aCCI I flillllcl wlfl'r bid. ..cv'1tl' PIOOMilY, ti lllY !Im-o lfltr ~ ~6TiC£ IS HEllEaY GIVEN !!> tt>e Oiied Nev. 2f, Ifft populated areas nrn.mpted the Thi a-c1 r•Mrve-J 111• noht "' ••le<t 11r11 Publlc•tkol 11 1111s Milot eftd beflrr• tc1ltor1 o1 ""' 1bov1 nemH lll(ldt11I w. I!. I T JOHN •• r-• v •.. •nv tl>cl 11t b!d1 or to w1I~ 1ny I,.. kl Id ' U 1 t.l 1 •! 1111 Coon1V Cler11 Pentagon to seek altemativ~s fom>tlltl' lrr'IOlltll'llv In 1111 bldcllnt AU !NI 1\111 .. Hie. 11'1•1 •It l'tlrltlftl lllY nt ( m• ••• n. OONALO KLEIN 1150 • 1 1 t ~ " .. • 51111 tile will bt m1llt II'°" !hi fol'-w t• cltetdlftl·1r1 AOtUlrwl lo flll 1!1111'1. UI N ,,._111 11;,;_. Jn June the National Academy ~ '~h1~1:;-m1~~" 111.,.11~:, c-'1'1!!"· 1,... term•: ''"' or "" c1111 11111 1 F1,.1 w1111 1111 nKtil•rv Yeuclltr1, 1" lhl ettlc• .. '"'' • """ ,, "n' . led ~-A · ne 11, wr ntll l !'\l!lt Dlfl:I of Ill• clerk ol 1111 •Ill.,. t11tl'lllCI court, or T<ll 1 ' ~ of Science sugges 1.110: nny • Implied, 11 to "'' conc1111Gn of '"' oittd: oK1mt1er 1• ,,,,. to •-' 111em. w111r ,111t nae....,.., 1 7141 M hlll l t d • pose of the obsolete lltfni. .wm11m o A111m1 voirdlen. to tll• WlffWtn..:11 •f c/o Atttr11tv fl!' "-ry o. IS J'1vment In hill IP!Ud be m1•ll wlllll" f •tcytor ~!Ill lllllll WALSWORTH, SllDEL a, CltAIL. At· l"ublllhecl Ortntf Cont C111'1' '°Itel. materials by such means as ti .... work I.,., d•~• 1tt1r 110T1c1 ot. 1w1rd "' wlllllm,J. Adlm•, df!Ct''", torntV• 11 L•'f· 1111 wntcllff Drive. Omcarnbtr 2• '· I. 1 ' 69 t21'-4f d. "in bomb! •· and 1rd "" tlem!O must ii.. rernovtd '"'"" P11bllll'led ~11111 CMll 0-.1¥ l"ltot 1~11• JQt .~ lt9Ch. C11tlllrn · LEGAL NCYnCE ismanu g gu · el4 IM· Col'"• um-ti 1111 """' of tull 01etmbtr 3, "' ,, 1m 2237-4f ""°' w11.di 11 ti'!• 11t.u 91 Mln"' of burning their contents. ''''""'~OlltMAN E WATSON LEGAL NOTICE lht 11ndtln1ltr>td lft Ill mtftlll'I i:~·1=01--,c,-,-.-,-,c,c,-,-.-.-.. ~-.c,c--,-,c,- ::Electric Car No Solution science s at UCLA told an caused by th e internal com-CE Secl\I "'' d "' Tr sl<! 10 111' " 1 ' 1 ' el ..-i~ dectdlnl, i .'} ttoi' STATI op u.Lif'oa"1.a. ' LEGAL NOTl ,ublt1hed "(ff,,;. C111tu o:fl'I l'flot. HGTtCI IMVITIMO llOS "'r,:S tfllf 1111 flnt iwbllc•l Oft , .... A...S:N Atomic Industrial forum COO· bustion engines, "but you are NOTICE 011 SALll 01(9'1'\btr J, 10. 1t6' m.s-.• 110 ITIM HO. 1lt n•o.19cl"NOYtmber, lHt MOTICI 0" H•A•IPI• fcrence. only replacing one kind of Mot1c1 b t.errbf tlven PVn u1n1 to ~ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE ~s ME•11v o1vEM 11>11 1111\. , oorat11v I!. Ui111offt oio P'l!TITIOM l"Oa ~ltOllATS o,. . SAN FRANCISCO IAPl ·"r-· '~!··'I)·q.experb on national power :::·~uirements say any develop- •: .. ment of a feasible electric car =; :· Woo"t cure all th e cn- ::,:_vironmental poUution now ;~;.eall9ed by internal combus tion tleM 3071 encl 3072 of !hoe Clv\I Colle ef 1111 td PIWOM wlll Ill rtctl\<ld bV 11'11 Cltv UNLTeO CA\.IFOllNIA tANK. .~ILL ANO P'O• Ll!TT9•t TllTA• "It would take • true II o; 'th th .. h Sllltr of C•lllDl"ftll ttle unde.-.l•Md. Cl!llTtf'ICAf• Of' •ut1N•tt Ill Cost•-.. to wit: TM Cltv·COUM.11. • (Ofl'Or111oo'r 1.\llOITA•Y 190JIO WAIVIO) po U1-100 ~'I aOO er, e Hlrbor Tewl"f wlll w11 1t public 1udloi!, f'tC'TITIOUS NA.MS ' P.O. lo• IJOo. of till City el' CIS!t Mnt, •V: Darhl D. HtrlTllY d • not 'ust •-b J -·d 11 "' wnt 17th Streel. '"'' Me''' Thi 11lllllr11tlllll co· urtl!Y lfllv 1,0 Cilltornll. or1 or bttor1 1111 hour of ll:Oll Trll'lt Adlfllfll•lritor l!tl•tt tf Wlllllm loll. DK .. ...t. 1scovery, J ~ no ogl• Sal • ca11tornr1. It • 1.m. Oft Wedl'ladlY, "" con.IUC'flnt a blrll ... 1 II 211 O.t s1 .. •.m~ Oft Fr1dl'I'. Decembtr lt, 1'"· Biiis Co-l!•ICUliol'I .. 1111 wm NOTICE IS MEIEIY GIVIN Th•I cal imnrovemenls, lo make He explai·ned lh•l elect<i·cal nrtr c111 of DKtmber, nit, ""1ouew1,,. L•tvnt 111c11. c.111or1111, uNl•r !ht lk-.. ,,n,.1 bt •111111clY ~-•NI nH 11tuc1 11 11 1111 •bovl 111....c c1ecMlftlt Jn11 H1mio11 Ill• 111ec1 Mt'9ln ''"'I!~ ..'T ~rilled p-rt"f', to-WI!: tttt1111 firm llllTll of COUNTIY HEALTH : 1.m., or II _, llfler II 1r1c-Wt.._,., Stlollll • (1'114 tor prelMlt ol wlll lftd fllr IHllll'CI .,. the electric car feasible,·• he energy "must be produced Vt•• o1 Ctr. M•k• of C•r. 10 NO .• aAa OF LAGUNA 1ftd 1111t 111c1 tlrm 11 ',..~!:. "",, ',"", •,.· Okc-••"'• •1•, ,,"", 1" 1n1 wtddfll Dr.. L11t1r1 T .. ttnltfll•rv to 1"1111i-r i•e""' Llcent.e Ho. (51111) ~ el' "" lallowlnt ""°""" wl'lesl ........ nc t m ra. • tlr SIHI• ,.. W11¥ed}, reflortnel lo wl'llell 11 f!\ldt tor expl";.....-1. somewhere." 1 lt+J Chev 1. 2 ~· 3M337S106l21. n•mn 111 11111 1M1 •llc•s f1f rfll<Mnct 1,1 ~~.~:.,Casi•_,"'""'· C1t1fornt1, fl!' "" N_,.... ••teL C•liflrlll 11111111• N rtlwt1r1. •M 11111 tM !!me 111<1 ....,.... NebrHk• ... 5136.I II followt: """'"" ng -1t.«XI POllndl GLASS l1h 1n'1 .. ,.,.. -Mf.4.ln •lie• of h11rlnt ""' ·-· hit bHn "'' . .-eitgines. The energy to provide po~·cr for electric motor'!. they ·:··pointed out Tuesday, will have -~·to be generated by some E ven if th, at unfo reseen Some good hydroelectiic itst 11111 " tMnltAC, tt205AFA311156. Jol!n ''"""' 1i So. Enclr11. Sout11 SP'ME1tl!s. P'••"' • swc11:11111 tor 0teembtr 1t. ,,.,, 1t t:10 1.1J1 •• 1'• b C•lltornl1 6J·Sllll! Ll1U111, C1lllom!1 A ttf el' 1111 uedf1t:81lOlll ,,,,., bi lb-1614 w111111'1 atv.i. "" court'-" et D1p1rtm•fll No. ~ o' r eaithrough did occur , the siles still exist, he said, "but s.111 111e is for""'"""''"'°' u um1... c. Mlchltl ~d. 1,11 ic11111 11.c., i111Wd 1t 1111 llfl« o1 tll• c11v Cll•t, at Lit"'"''*· c.1i..nK& Hllll Qllltt, ,, 1011 Clvk c.....,. o .... , production of poite'r for elec-j' proport' t d th lien ol 1111 11ncllnl111H fot Towln1 11111 H-1 •Hdl. C1lllwllll.. n f'tlr Dr1ve. C•I• """'· C1lll6r"lt . T<lll IHll HU MMI .,. "" Cl"' of S•lltl AM. Ctlllo<~lo, ll n ion o nee • ey 51,,,.1,, IO!letllet w1111 co1ts"' ,.....,,111ne Ltrov MIYtn. l!lt Klflt• 11.i .. lllh.~ M rftlll'l'llM "'·""' ""'"11on f1f AltlnltY• .., c .. 111ellttfl 0.1111 0tc;1mblr 1. 11., tric•cars would SU result in represent a s ma J J op-11'1d npeMPS "' ""·-· Newioort 1ucti. cintorn11, ,,,. Cltv ciert. In a ••lld ....... -.. ldfft-l"ubll1hld or1111• coo11 0111Y · '11ot. w. E. sT JOHN po llution or a]l"ration of the portuni'ty." Oiled tnlt 2NI dlV of December, 1Mt. 01116 Hewmbtr Hr, 1,ff. llrlld _,. .Siii ovlllde wllll lhl •Id ll<!m HoYllTllllf lf, -u -,1111 Decembtr S. lD, Coun!Y Cllttl: II y FloY<I C. Condlll ~ 11fM11 numblr lllC #It ~ .. II. I"' tllMt --H -- enYironment. said, Com· Genera"·g plan•-w h ,-ch H1rW Towlnt L••ov Ml'rtr11 IEacll ~·""" llol'ICl'IY _. •!IC wtr1 T 11 ...si -. ""' means and most known pro- .. ~l!tim methods entail pollu· , •f< tteii'' ; ~;·-.. '1t Is unkind lo lhe public t.o ~.,~;¥velop its ,enthus iasm fon. ...., ~ "ubUsf>tod 0n,,.1 Cotlf 011tr l"Uel, ' o . MkllHI Hertltck IM II.--': tortl'I Iii lhl tHClf!C11tlon1, LEGAL NO'nCE UI ••it 1 ,. ,.....,, lllltl ~ 111 missioner J ohn A. Carver Jr., ~ coal, oil, natu ral gas or 0tcember 3. 1"' • 22~1-4• s 11 ef c1111orr111. °''"'' C011111'1': ~ ':'uit11-~.,:..,"\ '::~1:' NoTic:t: To c-.aoJTo•s ~::-1:Ma.~.,,.._ '*'~ ~-tJ:ie Federal Power Com-other fuels are more efficient N~~,., D•~:'","1, .~ ... '°'~' -,,· t! 1M ,,1111,, 1o '" fortll 111, ttem 1" ~ su,11110• cou•T o' TNI!' .,.,.....,. tw ....,.,,_. M• .. 10n Jhan •'nd1'v1'dual 1'nlemal co I I • -.clflcel!DM • .,,,, .. ,,-.,.. •·r -JTATI <I" C:ALIP'Ol:lllA f'Oll Publl9'>tcl Otanol COllf D•1tv l"llet. .. ' ' , e1'ctric cars,' Dr. Chauncey St.arr, dean or the school of engineering and a p p I l e d ,.,,_ • • m· 5 JI • T B PIFIO<l•llr ••-rM Jiii" 9tm'ltl. D. ltctleft ef tl'lt b1d "" '" ,.,.. 1111 cou11TY Of' Ollt.IMGI OICKnlllr 2. J. t, 1"' .,.. t2314t ' Theimpact ~r electric autos bustion engines, but they still • Y lS op •n•n•s Mlc1t11• H•ict il'ld L••or Mtv•n1 t-n E1ctr 11111·1h1H • ... fortll the tun n•m.. ,.., ""'""' on the environment would be create a ir pollution, Carver On Aiiy Comics Page :b~'r1~111,.1111~:,'~111Wj':!tru11~':: :~: •nd r•kltN:K of 111 -"" ,...,1.. l!•lltl o1 MA~!, waioMT w.-,ooeLt LEGAL NOTICE · I th · JJ ti teknewlldtfd 1111'1' ••tcutld tfll wmi lnte""ttd In 1111 •r_.I n ,r1nc1 .. 11. In JOlllOAN, OKtt.-. 1 ___ :._=:,:::,:::..:_:,:::._:._ __ _ ...,..,11 IE Oivlt !ht P'reslcNnt, Stc:rtl•r"f• Tr"Jurtf Incl crH!tll'• of 11>1 ~1lllvt nllftld drcedMI tUl"lalOlt COUIT O" TM• ess an air po u on now said. ,O,,ICIAL SEAL) • 1C1• ol cor,.,..111-. lnc:1VC•"" fttMH of NOTICI! IS Hllt!l'f GIVEN ta !Ml ...... flh .. 1,,.·cn·-11.,..:,...C rr~.,....,,...,-.-""-".'---_, .. 1 ,·,,1 • 11,_ 1 Mlfllttr. 11111 111 ,..,IOI!, 111vtnt c111m1 "'lnll t11e 1 0 , '"'''''"'' ,01 --· _____..--.::::~~~,,.,-~ .. o ll'Y U c-..i ...,m• Thi CllY Council ot 1t11 City of Colft Id dtcldenl 1r1 nl'li!!'ld le flit lhem. STAT '" l"rlnclHI OH1c1 In M-rnervn 1111 'rlihf to r•llCt •nr " ::'1111 tM necn11rv voucher1, 111 tM oHtu THll COUNTY O' 01lAMCill Or1np1 C-lv I ll bldt. Ill !hi cttrk el lhl l blivl t1111tle4 C011rt, Ir Ml. A-44116 • DAILY PILOT CARRIERS ,,, , HONOR ,ROLL The· DATL Y PILOT U proud of i4 c o r p s o/ you11g sales n1e 1i wlto deliver tlie ne1vspaper to your door. These voung men are thf cream of tile ~ommu nity. ~Each montli, tlr.e beit of theni will be selected for listing on the Hunor Roll. Eacli carrier :is ted hl!'rc llas obtained at le11st four new customers during the past 111011th, had no . ~more than one e11stomer complain' for tl1e n1011tl1 an:.L musL have paid his biU for rite news papers lie bought ·.-'wholesale" on time. Numeral in front of itar <•J preceding his 11amc i.ndicates ·ttuniber of consecutive numths .,; .that· carrier has bce11 011 Uie llonor Roll .. •on1ld Sh1dowtn l ltly Wil10" Nick Hod911 ' ' ~1ndy Condi~+ ~· J1111t1 Di"1d1l1 •ob.rt $111trv .~.,. WtWlft Schtid1ll Kiri Flowt 1' Jiff Kroir1I K1ith Hill • ''"'' l r•wtl 01nnT Crutcher Mw1rd '•l11ki N1il AncltrtPft llkrc• l1litu •ot•t E1t9d1I Sc•lt St. Cl1ir Merk'"Wri9hf Merk' t1rtl1tt lom Ou11l•P Ml!thell K1c:l1r Ktllh St1fforc:I Peul Oobb1 C1rl Arum St••• wa,on Ctll'I Crown1r J;ift C11rl1v l l111 M1rtt G111 Vo9! M•lt Sp•1t9l1r Mike Joh,,10"' R~ntld Curri•r J09 Guy lr1d 01yiol1011 01v1 lhomp1on Grt t c ;1t1r lob l 1119 ~on l eo111tr M1 rk Holdctolt St1" C 1r!1on Sft~• !1rr 1C1~in Bourl•nd llob1rt Mtii• Tino lnnt1 Robtrt •uuo l len 6tll19htr Cr1i9 F1lf1111ft 'hil W11t 011• Nick111011 lrrlik1 ,,,,, J i'"mv Tu•11tr Jot Tttlhwtv ?" Mik• ll1ir 2 ~ W1yft1 l1rk f1I+ 1• Robtrt Holl1ftcf ?'11 1>.ndv Wh11loft 2• G arrtft Ak1rdoo" 1" Ctnnit l 111chtft 1' lri:c1 Ostr1ndet )' loftCI l111tl1 11 ,,,,.., Meo.iy l' J ehft c.1o1 .... 11 J • Miki l 11c;1 1• M1rk A iiehi10" J• Birney S11ydt 1 J" Heeto• Go"11l1J 1• Mtk1 B.u~•t MY Cornrnlullll E•1lre1 DA'7EO : Dec11Y1bef 1, ltH Ill 0,,.1111 Thim. wllll rl'tl n1cM$•n< MOTtC• 0' SALi OP' 111.-,t. P'IO- Junt t1, 19'10 P'ubltll'letl Ortt'llt ·Cotti 0•11'1' P'ltet YOllChl" t1 1111 wnd1ul1nfd ti 1111 el· 'llllTY AT P1llVAn I.ALI P'llbllllled Or1111• Cotlt 0•!1r ,.1lol, 0-W ,, 1m ~ !kt of hir A!MrftlYI Hit-.!. W.11 1nd I" "'' M•lltr f1f"" E11tll d : ll:Ot+.-. Otcember J, 10, 11, U. 1"f !23Mt' MlltlMn MO "l'Wl"0'1 (lnllr Orlvt Sulll MATTIE ALEltANOEa, tllO known t• LEGAL NO'nCE LEGAL NOTICE 434 N~_,. ltidl. C1!1lon'l1' ''2'60. "-EONA KENHEOY ALE>CANDE• i nd 11 """"°'i'j;;i,T,ffi;;ii-i;i'ii;;;wiil----===~=::-:==----1 wl'lkl'I Is !I'll pllCI of bllllftllt.t ef tllt LEONA M. ALli>CANDEll, Ind MATT It lfOllCI OP' tMTllOITIOl'f TO .,..,,.1 T-4taft llfMf .. 1 ...... In •II INlttrJ """1"1"g to LEOMA ALEXAHOEa. O«ttlld. IM Tll• IAL• Of' ALCOtlOLtC •IV· 5U,la!Ollt CotlllT Of" TM• ""'··"" " ttld C1e1C1111!, Within four NOTICE IS HE•E•Y GIV~ "'" ,,.,. IU.Oll STATI °' <A'l'°HIA ... -•or !Ill rlrsl ,ublkt llon tf tlll1 ufldeftlgl'lld wlH NH tt prlv1!1 Mii, M Dlctmbef' 2. 1ff' .. IN>ftm$ 1 ll'lt l'llgllttl 1NI belt bidder, wbltcl to !hi TO WHOM IT MA"' CONCEltlOI : TH• C:OU"TV Ofl O•AllOI l'IOl1(t. corrflrm•llon of 1111 I b •Y t •I" 11 t I•• S.,,bleC1 111 111 l11111nc1 11 !I'll lkl'!ISI IP-IOIOTICI OI' 11":..= OP' J'ITITIOH Otrtd :,ov~~~· J:!:in' Suptrlor Ceurt, Oii or 1t11r Tflt 17th lllY If tllld IOI'. netlc• II II"~ t l'lfll tflll tlMI "°" ...... AT• OI' wtLL AIOIO l!x!6.1r1."' tllt wm Dtuml)lr, ""· 11 ID100 A.M .•• , ,,,. ef· \H'ld.nltned •r-11 W11 11C.011tnc COOtCIL AMO J'Olt L. TT I • t el' lllt t boYI flee ef PLUNKETT & .P'L0NKET1 • 411 tle¥tr111e1 It "" pr1ml1H, cucrlbed " TISTAMIMTAIY o• •o• L1TT••1 nl!l'lld clecffll'll 011¥1 A-· H¥rtt1ftg!Oll I 11 c ~ • tollows: Gt! ADMINllTilATtoM WIT#-TM•· MAIWOOO, tOOElf ANO AOIUIUOlll C1lllfrr"lt, (lllll'llr Ill Or~-"111 _!.! 1'16 NtwPWI 8tullY1111, Cnt1 Mmt WILL AMlifalllO IM ,._,, C:illlll' Or1•1 Ct!llwftll, Ill 1'hl rJol'll. 1111t, .SI '"" P'11rw1nt ti well lnt.nllon. flll WI" Erlat1 Ill JOS•P'H A. CO.lo, 0-Md. ~ .,. ' ""I• .flf Mid dtetdlfrt It 1111 """ ol dlnl.,,.a: It .. fllYI"' "° flll OtPt,-1 of NOTICE IS Mllll!•Y GIVl!N Tfllt LU ~ a..c1rr. CIV"'~ taU1 de1fll 1MI 111 tllt right, till• tllcl lnl1r•1I Alc:ll'lollc ·-·I Centrtl •fot IUUll'KI COAD SOOGI. rwflfrtd 111 lft flt wltt 11 T•t tnt) Ht-U'll 11>1t t11d .. 1111 1111 Kqll1rtd bf' 0111rll!111 b~ traMftr of 111 1teollollc tie ..... 1 .. MA.aY LUCILLI COAD SOGOi!, lllt 111.c A""111't't fir •nc"rt• ol ltW, or ollllf'WIH, ofllw 111111 ot lft .•O. "Qlrl,I' !or llCMlll) tor ll'ltH _,...,, ... II llfrtln I "'"""' for •roMtl .. win Ind l"uOlltl'lld O"nt' Coll! 0111Y Piiot dlllon f11 lhll "' .-1c1 decedlnt. ,, the ti .... krlloWI: COOlcll •ftd fol' 1UUlllCt .. Ltllen ,...,.,.,,..., ,, 11111 O«el'l\bet " to, tr. ef de•"'· In 1nd 'lo Ill lhllf tlr111" re•I ON SALE llEElll AND WINE lllDN T11l1 ..,1ftt1rv or L•lllll't ol lt6' 21'3-4' pr0ptrtv sflu1ttollfllhtC-1Yo!Ort"lll• Fide ,ubtlc 1!111"' P'11cel. Mlml111ttr111eft-wM~n Aft11111 .. "' CE Sb.ti f1f Gtltlornl•. 111d m«t Hrtk11lt •l1' ..,,~ c1 .. 1rl111 to ''"'''' fllt 11111.11nce lhl p1t11r-r. ttflr91'K1 t1 wl'llell 11 mldt LEGAL NOTI deKrlbed 11 lollowt, f1I wit: et 1\lcll 11e11111 ""' rn1 1 wrHllCll ~ 111r-.furflltt' Nrl1cui.r., •!Id 11111 1111 l1m1 •A• ftft Lot• 2 •NI ' 1n B1oc:k IOT. M1ln Slff'tl wl!l'I •nV oHlu of l'hl Dl••r1!'1\en! of 11111 lillct f1f hurl"' 1111 .11rn1 1'111 Min au,lato• COUltT 0' TMIE SKr!orr of Huntll'>glorl ltlCJI. •t P"r Aleellollc llt'lf'11 .. Control, wtt!!ln 3111 Stl k>r Dtctmblr )9, IN,, ti t :IO l .M .. 1n tTAT• or c:.ALW09'MIA 1"01 m1p recorded lft lloak l. l'IOt 4l ol dtv~ of !hi •II lllt prwotlCI ~mltft !lit courtroom ol Oep1rf!!ltnl N1, J ol TMI CWllTY 0, OllAIOIOI! Mlt«llllllOlll Ml~ 111 the lrff1CI el t~t ~ w•re fl~I JIOf!IC il•tlng .....,...,.1 kt w111 eo11rt. 11 7'Dll Civic C1n1tr Drl.... ... •""'"'1 CllU"I¥ aKordllf tor Or~t C1111nlv, denlll 1$ ,...,Jdecr' bv law .• The Pt91'11!~e ~H~l~~e:: ':''" C~~flllfl I SlrJll) In NOTtC• fll e.foiAltDIAll't tALS OP' C11lfornl1, COl'llll'IOnlY known '' 601 111'1 1rt _,, lic:-H tor ll!f: 1tlf rJf 1ICol'IOlle: ~tied Nowmi!.r ~· im ern 1• a•AL PaOl"l•J'T AT PalYATa SALi Streit, Hllfltlnglorl ltltlo, C1lllornl;1 111--. Thi torm If Yt•lflctllon """' w I! IT JOHN ' '" 1'111 MIW·Of 111t Guanlll1M111o al 1111 SUBJECT 70: Current f I • 1, bl o11!1IMCI lrOl'll '"' efflc1 f1f tl'lt c0unJ., c .. rk ' Pll'IM ind. l!lltfl 111 MILOaEO H. cevlf\lntt, c(lll(l111onS. re1tr .. lct 1 on~ OW1rt,.,..n!. . IOl)KtM, a•llLllOI a LUDOY l"YJriTT, lnctfl'llltttlll. r1serv•llol"I• rlOl'lh, rlglltl Wl'I' ' Oberndlrt~ E"'eritrlu,. Inc. 1,.. IOIA••v A. Ol.IVAt NOTICE 11 HIEaEIY C1Vl!N tllll tllt 1tllffllllll tf t-.c~ 1j f'ubll'lnllCI Or111tt C011I OtllY P'11et. 1• A.,._. tf lllt lftn, Sib US ulldt<11tntd. JAMEi I!. HEIM, P'ubl1c AH bids or .,,_,, Mllsl ._'Im wrll1"1 1!1od i ·•c~:~::::"':::.c':· c•N:::_•---,,,,.,--~::;;Qc.,c 1 tn A~ Callf, .,.., G\lolrdt.n, 11 0~1111111 f1f tl\t ""'°" 111c1 wm 111 rec1IYlll '' 111e 11or1M111tllllltd ti· 1-Tiit Ulll ~:Diii " 1!1t1te el Mtlitlltl!O H. P'YATT, !let or rM'I' be ftled w1111 1111 Cltrk of lht LEGAL NO'nCE Attw...,. "'' .,..,..._ 1ncom••""'' wt11 Hl1 11 •"'"'" " .. to 1bo'lt ltlllr!ICll cwrt 11 tllY tlml 11t1r "" I ----c=:::::=-7:-:c::-::----1 P'\lbl ....... Ortnt• (01$1 01111 l"lllt "" "'"~ Incl '"'' Ml ·11!cldfr, tfhr first jlllblklllofl" 11111 Hollcl. Incl be!Pr9 :-09ctfftbtf' I. I. 1. 1"' tnwf ~uctltn ol -rt'lllllild b('oker'I ~ mtklnt 11W Mier. MOTICI 01" IALI , , mi.tltft, UOlll 11\t tt~l'llt 11'111 Cll'CIJtllnt TE•fl'.S ANO CONOITtONS 01' SALi!: Notlct Is l'ltt"'tb¥ 91vM •11!"Wlnl to 1ee-A=a; NCYnCE hlf'tlftlfl•r """"""""' MllC'I 10 COii-C.111 In 11wf111 ll'IOftl'Y ol 1"' UnUH Slltn tlorll 3t7l ""' JDn If ""' Ctl'n CAMI• el' 11'11 LrAaAL """''1111 ..,. 1111! •bovl lftfllltcl SUH•lor ol Arnerlu. or ,.rt ~M •rd p1n crHll, Jiiii of C..11fln\ll !Ill undtlr1lefttlll. ILUE c .... n. Oii O.Clfl'lbtr rt. 1Ht. ,, n :oo tl\t ,.,,,,. f1f ludl 0'"11 'lo be ICCfl'!I~ Ct411" AUlO SALl!I 21.U }'t1rtior l lW" MOTIC• ef' TlllUITll'J ULa e'cllldc "°""' or ll'l¥Hl'tlr wllfllft lllt ltf!\I II !I'll pl(ufrlx. i.n plf'C:ftt OO"llol Ill ~ Cuti M.,., Ct!W., • n•t7 010 5#-"'2 No. Mll iltowtd Irr II'#. 11 lllt ~ti' tllt l"ullllc 11fiioum bid Ill 1111 'ftrM Ill I uM1tr•, It w11t Nil 11 .ubl1c 1l/dlin, 1t 2w t41rbor en OtcM1ber 11, INf, 11 10:ot A.M.. 011111111" f1f ""' Ctl.lfllv 111 Or-•· " n n Clfl1nlldl clllck pet tbll 'lo "" undtlr'kl""" (IMI .• Cos!• MtH. C1lltln'l\I, " 1G '·"'· AA.A. INSU•ANCE JEllVICll, I 1!111 c""""" StrMI. l•nf• ""'' 1llt(Vll'I• lo ICUl"llllt"V "" otter '""' "" _. MOfld•V· tflto 111'1 nv f1f Otcembtr, Ctlltor11!1 COl'M,..llefh 19 dutl' 1-ln!H ci •flrfll1, 111 t!lt1'11111. title. lnttr"I •NI bet.net 111 be ""' llPlll cenflr1111tloi! flA ,,.., 1111 fo.11-1.,. e.crlbM ,,_..m, Ill-Tr\ltltt llndel' 11111 ""rw t"I to OM 91 nhlt ., .. td MILDltlEO M, PYATT, It .,, lllt Su""°' ~ T"' 111• wll: -Tnnt llllM Jul'I' ''-lffl •~«Vl<!d .,, 1-Ptfel\I, 111 11'111 to t1111 u"•1n ,..,1 "mlMllOfl tf tltll ttrl'llll l lft1Pect1or1 '""' .. 1ff? Pent\ac, n.t.a.10S11, T11111, l",I( OUN a , HEYDIN lr.d CAltOI. YM J. fll'°"'r'IV llll'te•lbtd 11 lollewa. ~ wtt: • 1 ""'8t ml~lll_. c II 1 r o ~ t, ~ m . MEYOl!N, hlllblnll 1no wlft, 1ftd rlCOO"d-AN UNOIVIOEO OHi-HALF l\~l ,,.. '"' ldUOW i lllli tlllt Siii! Mlt ,, tor ""' iturHM ., HlldYIP'lt H Jlll'I' 2'. ITU. II "'-Ir. Nt .. tm-f, I" """' In ltll '"'""" loc•led II on FICOl'cllfta ~ ~"'~r:.·· ln-IF'U tl<llkY Utn tf 1111 llftd1rtltlllll tor mte111n~r boOll "50, ''" '74, f1f Olflclll llKGrds '" ll'lfl!iM s1,..1, 1111n1 ,.,,., Or111111 chi~ 1 1 1111' ••Plfllt ., 1111 purcl\llK work 11'1d l!Or"I 1n fllt •INllllll ol IU0.00 "" elfkt ti' "" CIUlll"t •KOl'ftr .. c.trn1Y. c..1ttornr1, mtr• 11r1tcul1111' st\I I • t1111etl'l1r wllll eotll f1f •fYtrfllllll IM IK• Drlltsif ceuntY. Clllflr'lllll, WILL Sl!LL c1ncrftltd et '911ewu SI~ "=1~ ~.';::s:::.. ls.r-rvn lilt ........... 11t.. AT ,UlLIC AUCTIC>f' TO HIGMIST Loil el Trtcl No. ')t\I !n thl C!t't of bid O.tld tlllt t!1C •tr '1f Oec1m1111', \hi. llODE• FOlt CASH f111Viblt' ti lllM Oii lluenl P'M'k, CllUlllV of Or111tt. J11t1 of rl(lllt to Nied '"'-•lwl.,ll~ttt " Slllt Chi• A""° Siles 1111 In 11Wfllt rno11tY of 1111 Unlttd Sttltll Ct"""'ll It ptf mW rttmltd !n boot DA.TEO: tM111 r ••• " ~:;.-: W1rr•11'£iclt1 l•n• W1bb1r J~ D'l•v Brent Kru11 Tom Goldtlo11 Allt~ Row ScoO l1b~1 K111 M11nb Mlkt Grou R1"clv Hil1rio Joft G-1r1111h1111tft Gr19 M1lht1 Miki R111b '4' Richerd Tho11111 4 • o ... 1d Colli"• 4• R.obtrl s1.11.,.., 4• 01v1 ll.uktt1li1 i""' IC111 Johnso" , _ 6' Mi~t •11k1t1U1 t• ,hll Brri" 11'S "I"'°" IM, ti tU Nortll ll'OldwtlY. S11'111 AM, C•11-1.M. Nffl '' trill ,,, Ml,Cllf•neovl Eun1ct fll'ltl Min:""' C"»fl M .. ~. C•lllolft11 '2117 twni.. I ll rlthl, lltlt 1M 1""'"' _..,. Min. In "'' OlflCll ol "" c~ E.oeci.rtrlll of 1111_!111 ... __ ,, ' t71'l S4G--Uf! .JI tC lo •Ml new ltlkl 11'1" 11llftdtr111d Ditti ltKOrdlr ftf 1tld Covi'r"'· • of till,..,......,,. ........ ........, " , I -Cf.ft CorCtl10 .il~ SMtt ,Carl1on ..... J\y CttbOft ·~, ,.lkt Gr•h•m 1 J0hfl Moh • 1f Mirlk s1,11f11" Lvf• H11k1I I • •• .. -.. I l ill Bttm lony .Kro9i111 lim Hinkl1 l1nt>rd Bri9hl K111 How1r !-'Tom Coli 2• l1rry G'.1t11 2• J ot C11ho11 '· . . , . :.~carrier of The Month .. • • 8* SCOTT TERREU, NEWPORT BEACH .. . ' . ·:Sdtt Torrtll, 12, ef 1715 '•I Ch•f-111 Pl.co, Nt•itorl l•tclrr, h11 b11n 1 DAILY P1LOT c1r- etet>for t+.1 pttl lwo y11r1 .,d ht• ..,,J, tho.honor roll 101 1i9hl con1ec11li•1 .1111nlh1, A col• liefer 1f c•I~\ •nd l1oplcel ~l1h, ht finc:l1 hi1 rout• ptoYi4t1 f11'"'1 I• 1c:ld 11 hit st.c~ ol 20 ~it1 a-4 JO ••b19 fltk'' ftd t l10, occ11lofttlly, IP t1, 111d hl1 collt t llo11 ef 1 150 •orlh o( -""'•~ctitc1in1. Ht n•..---&lk1fl:."'iTl--.-nclToOID•ll-11ii'".1 '""''OU lor lht \11•11b11I ,,.,.,al l.fi\ctl" Junior Hith School thi1 1111011. .. : • li . • • -1• Se.of! Ti rrell 1• Robiftt l ulltfllfl l• W •Y"' En9tn 1• 0011 JohftlOft IY •ellKCI Cllllonll -of Tr\1'1 '1" !111 llftCID/'lv tllulrfld lft 1111 11Cll or off"1 1'9 lnvlletl 1111' t a1' pro-PLUHICITT • P\.UIUtln ,.ul'llllMd Oran1• CNtf 0111¥ t"llo!, County of Or1ntt, Sii" If Ct111Gll'ftll, ,.,,., 111d l'llll'lt bl 1" wrltlnt en • bl<I llfllrlllfl It UW ••t Oectmber s, 1Ht '1Q.4it 111scrlbed ••: """" f\llftlilltd bY 111e 111!.,., ""'lcl'I wl!I •n Ollve Avt,, P'.O. 111 .. LEGAL NCYnCE Lal S1. Tr1d 'o o . II "' ,,.,., IJit ltcelvtd •' tlMI .. 111e1 al thl Pulrf\c Mllftlllltlllll •.-cit. C11lfltllll n44I rKOrCed 1n Itel l_U. •••• , II •NI u f1f tllfrC .. n. 1Ul E•st Cllt!llftl.ll Slrt'fl. $M-T<ll: UUI n .. -.. PHPI Ml11e1tll""'11 Ml, .. rKllnl~ f1f 01'11111 N AM. Clltl111'"1t, or 1111'1' l'>t ll!ed wllll Altt!'N¥t !tr l•IQfrft • IOIOTIC I 0' IMTIMTtOM TO 9NGAOll Ctuntv C1illtrfll1 1111 011<'11 ef tl''t • ....,. lfllllllCI SuPtrlor Publlllll'd Ot•no• COIJt 01nr "llnl, IM T"' U.La Ofl ALCOltOLIC Said 1'11e wltl ~ lftldt. IMll wltllOl.ll c_.i tf 11'11' tl!M tflt• tint 111tTicetlon,1:°"'=~-=~' ~··~·c•::-:'":::'::::;:-;;;;;-C,,,.....:C-••V•~A~ll NOYl'mbt ti."" CO¥-nl OI' Wtftt ftl'll. _....," ll'llt11 ... of t1111 NlffCI •llCI lllfor• m•klllt tlldl ' -•<•• •. rt111111n1 t111t, '°""'1111, ., tno .. ,.. ' Lr.GAL NOTICE TO w~ IT""""..... "· """brlftCH ... , • ., Kl• r-lnlnt •l'lll-TIE•Ms 01' SAll!!t C111'1 "" 1'""'''1--...:=--=c,,,-,c,-77:-:;---- SllblKI Ill IU\lolft(I "' '"" TICe11$e ... Clhl -f1f ""' ~ t l(ured "' .... "' <of "" Untttd Sll1". .., ur9'1 , ~llf'd i,,r, notlet 11 htfl'IW ,..,.,. !NI lllt Oted el' Tri/II, ~~ '400).Jl', •tlfl ""' =tt tf f'IYt ... ftctrwl C\.il.Ofl D01ttP1 MOTIC• OP' Ill~ .-... ltned°1 ';,"~~-" tt~1~ri lff'9,t 1....,, .-,tw11 :11, 11'U. 11 Ill utoll Mt .,,u~f ·~•n• •tdl wr1fl"fl tild ~r ~· .,-..., L., ~*' le v--;t!JtS 1 •• ,t , ""' •fD'il'Jfte. lllYlllct!, If 1ny, ~ 1111 ttf'r ,.,_ NllM* ... lht .. '!Tf\1$" 1rlt1 "' _ _, Ill &N ~~ 1,. lollO' "' l'lnM ol t1MI OfH f1f Trust 1-. dli,..a ... ,.1. 1, Mt w!llllD ihllY lllYI 1tter llO'TICs: IS Hti.tllY ~~ -· ~ 119 E•tt l1111f-l euthtN T tff ftd tf flit Ill 11, ~..+ ti 1111 lnr !MM -,,~ f lllbol/Nr-.1 lflCl'I Ind ll!Mflltl fl tlW 1'\11 I C.Urt (1Wrfk'm1I'"' " ltltd H ""'*"" ...... wlll ltl! II PllO!lc Hie 11 "'""'"'•nl le _,, l<'rl'll'llllft. lr.1 '"'° ,,,,.b er.IN br talC 0tM DI Tn/tt. All bldl II" Clfl'I" """' to-Wiim "" lllt olf1cl flA 'fottltl Alf'Uflfl 11 °"""" dlrllOrrtll II '"'"''n• It !Ill Def!"""'"' T~, ~.~"'ot ~:.er~:::"= . .;;:r~.-:",.t'ct":'~":i 111 bld1 b c°"""" ..,IPMf1, kfll• AM. C1tlf«11:)..•· cf Ak'tflOllC lirrn.,nt C"""9I for flt-lblltllilftl .. MC¥fW" •t1t1re11 ,., ~--· 'I ~ 11__,J,,lSl r.t;IOct l".M., Ill Miflll/llY, hMltllCt tr111tttr' tf 111 11oerttllc: ~ ~_.!IC ,.,...,... 11o ftlt DA.TIO• *" ._ ,.,,. •t If DIC,'llrlMr. lift, lllt IDlllM trirwefl .. lk t1111 (or llctftttll '°" t:.e """""...ci 1 ~ Otdlratlitll el' JA~AEI 01 , t4fHM. ~ .,...nr, ,...,II! Prtn'lt"' " t111ow11 Ofliulf •1'111 Dt!Mnll_. 1111, Ind wrlltlll ...wnc G11tl'lll~n, M undWIRf, tnt-11111 ll'll lrtttfHt Oft SAl l 11!1!1 no!!c. .. brttc11 tl!C 11 elKllDll '9 e<allll OIHrdlll'I 111tw "'"°"" , ·-bf Mt. Clfl llf'HdlR Ill t!llt'I AM-clttl!I"" ft P"°"'ll llil lltlllr!U !M llllftn'ltftlMf 111 wlt llM "-"" lo 1N1 """''Ill Miid,., M. fl•l!f, (tl'lllfl Al~lll ~ M foflowl•' -wd! 11c-c11 ll\IY "" I -lrlld -"""" .. Ml llbl .. lllOnt. anC 'IM1ffftlr,.... ._....i.nt °"' Ill .. ,, twr (0 "*' ,...,.,. ' • tltl wl"' "'' ol'llR of 1111 0-rtm..-st 91 AV111tl 12, ltff, ll'lfl lrll'IClltnfll .... wnt' olDlllllM lt'VY,••. ltQblrtt\ofl HumOfl' lloli!U ~ ~ .-,IClhollc .,.,.,... Cfnlrll. """lo\ JO Mllll ftol1ct ot brlltli 1!1C ol lllC!ltll 1111 tit C:OllNTV COUJll~•t. tt I Hlft 1rl1llll urt6ef' Ct~_ Ltw ...... 91 ll'lt clllf tflt ., ....... lll'M\llls '--'" 111 ~ flML ,.... '51. II .. 1. •"' ....... M. rAn•lllGN, fol' lledDWl'I I-O'lllllll ti _,""" -flr" ~tM. tl1n,,. ,,...,,,.. fll' Offk111 11~. ttl!IP'UlY Alri;rlft Inc.. - de"'ltl flt lfOYklN "' i.w. Tiii """'"" O"e: No.....,,,wr 12. ltd. 1111 lllf CMJhnrl ,.,_, ltlt """ II 1(11' "" ,..,,. .... "' '*"'"'' .. • ,.. MW 11cM<Md fCll 1M ••II o1 1IOll'llllc A,l..lt. INSU•AICE llaYICI •lflllt A~t. C1tlfll'"lll ""' !Ifft of Ille lllldln "'*' !tr •• ... -... bnll"lll!~ Tiit loN'ft el v.rlll<"*" IMY •i"••hl TfWflt, ™' 1n•1 .,..,..,. IOttlllft wlll'I Ollh .... ...., '"' ... be eot••nfi!Trom -&n~ efl'lct--9' 11\e -.r Ch•rltft• enr.·--,......,,...,...... ,.,.... ...,.... ..,.... ol Hit. o..tnm.~1. St<ttt•" •r """ ""' "•"-" 01t111 H""""""1 ,., I"'"" M, M~U!I Sl"t IU•I lllttfllll?S "" J-a. HM. Torbel Alrcttlf, Inc. lltl'mP~ 0 . ~Int P'\lbft:hetl Or.,,.,. Cotll 1)111'' l'llef, ,..,_ fl_.,,.,. l"ublll>td Or'IMt Cotif Otll'I' 1'11(11, ~llll'lfd o.--· C..lf 0.ttf "'""· ~ It-. " .... o~ s. Publ'•'~.C Or•,.. ~ Dll., l'ja,t. ,, ,,......,.,.... ,.. ,7, .. " ... ~ '· Otnrilbtr a. 1,.. tm4t ltt' J_IJ7-4' a. t. ,,.. ~ nn_.. '· _,., '-" e. lff' 11....,- • f ' • ' ... .. • I · •o UILY PILOT • (!!_ • 1 .. I HAVE YOU VISITED OUR NEW STORE AT: P'OUNfAIN VALltT~IUl1 M•,..,-_NC.-• ,, __ ......., HUNTINllJTON allAC"-'U n 9Mctt' l lW. .. ;....-'. 9861 Adams at Brookhurst in Huntington Beach IL TOllp-11 T-11 ll9CtttMf .... HUNTINGTON lllACK-1..cll a lllllllfW 'OUNTAIN VALL&Y-17'M MttMfM. St.,af T•-.rt _,... -- " Kodacolor ..... De-,reloped &. Printed . - ::..":~ ;;: .!"'.;, 'lZf 297 ""'. ~ • ..w 1211. ........ ,., ....... .............. ,........ . • Norelco Triple Head • Remington Lectro Blade 6 Famou11 Noreloor .f-.tura 3 ·~ heads". Remington h{l..J·-----3 big ~vmg .hcad!. Men's or Women's Leather Billfolds . Complete v. v-a- lectlon ill tex .. tures and col $178 Fancy Folding , Slippers · $247 • Jalta Vodka o Castle Gin Fifth Gallon Great buys at our e\'eryday law price -·now priced even lower t~ holidays! $279 Your Choice Fifth Gallon Monogram •. Bourbon Regularly 11ells f or ·----· $3.49 -DOW '3pee• i.&lly lJriotd for J.ha .holiday& ' yai..r old. • Mira Loma Table Wines 1oos<,. vlrgl.n orlod acrylic :sweater With' Mmi bel[ llJeeve, llnk eUtch. ftide butto:n. trim. ' FaMloD. colors t n sizes S-M·L-XL. Women's Deluxe Plush Slippers $198 Sott 'P tu ~h ln aaaorle4 t5lzes 6 to 10. Cornes in pink or Ugbt blue. )takes an Jdeal gift. .Fullfaahioned, double bre&sl· •d wtth 19ld. llutton trt :in (ln lllecvc and pockets. Brushed Gowns $298 Lon;; gJeeve "·altz l ength gawn11 .of 80~;. acetate "and .20t;;. :nylon. ·Sort 1oU>b. 1abrlc. S·M ·L. $2.98 Infants• .Gift Playwear ··--,, $229 • p,._ -6 Jn,.,.. \! Your • ...,_. • .,,_,.... $9tl 1' Choice • l Pc. ltH S•ltl. TAq~re l'i!rm& Prus :Cabric.s ·that re-.W igulra :no lronillg! Siz~ D le> l S monlh!!. Lady· Wilshire Panty Hose Gilt Box of 2 .Pair or' '" y 0.,. $297 Acrilon Nylons, lox of l Choi«. G!ve panty .h03c or A~llon l'l~Slf Rlrt!lch nylons ror Chrtatmu. All the girls on "8&.nta.'s list-trom \eenage.r to gftl.lldl:Dolher -Will greet !these gttta wlth leriJ.rur~. $4 to $6 Debbie Eyelashes Finl 'J.U&llty llumlJl ha.lr- "Yelashr11 •• : pre·tritnmed 111.nd feathered • .AdJteei\·r. too. Now 11.t thi11 e~l .;rand openlftg price? . ~1" $1.39 Satin Lined $2.50 Currier & Ives Shower or 2·Piece Sets Ste~! .. Caps J. ~ ~7i:t~:::· $ J 07 Choice ftftli! \ [iiJ~ .. -• sue ••• '"'' 96' 77-·SMott9.4 ... ~- GlamoNU.11 • l y I e • •• • SJ.• ""'· ~. 'J a and color!": 4 ... ----- $9.95 Value! 12" World Globe $594 Pun color ])Oliil· "al globe, ll inch diameter. 'COln• plcte wtt.h. stand. ldeal for 1W· dent wie. ..., S•0Jo11'J Gnetlltfl Chocolates -. ..... ~ $J99 l:P""A-l Pond ·• ... IH I>eUptM gi!t8-'• men~ L~. 99c Tio Old fuhlaned ncipc. VJtdntsday, Dfctmber 3, :969 8 PILOT-ADVERTISER ~-tANTA AMA-Hll \111, • ....,.__._IJ'lde.I )L -- WISTMINITlllt....,_W........, •I~ WUf (OITA MIJA-4)1f H•rMI' II~. 11 Wllttft $1. coSTA Ml:U.-W a. Utb II. SOMITHINIP Bl! Home Perma11enfi . ,. lii·!ashion;u. ard grain vtr ly hat ·liox .t · a\·ocado'gr~ -}'our .liDI¢ p. . :sitlOJl!:l.; • Reg. $9.95 Ronsai • Standard Lig~te~ . • ~ .. JI ! f4 s4 .. : 1 ' , . . . Hazel Bishop !>fcgir Spray::'.':.( 39~~:·: ·, : . . x • >' ' 9l -HI ·e~ u !' 1 . fer . . ... PlLor. OVEl\T1$£1l ~} 9 6 $1.3 9 \'a!~c uti~:-'.:i -- - HAV ~ YOU VIS ITED OV R NEW STORE AT: ams at .roo khu r~t in -Huntingf on 8e.Qch ,. FOUIOIT.t.IN V.t.LLC'l'-1,610 Ht,._, l hlll. a t:'111tt"r HUNTINGTON l l A(H-llln •ue~ ''°"'· •I ""~" IL TOlt0-11 T-el lttcldltld ltNll ~~:==y~~~::~-,:.!.~~l';i..1 Tt ... rl • Jumbo Plast ic Sewing Che ts ) 97 ~otlter Goose 5~ory Books $3 19 Big 9xl2'' 'book (If 1~ page11 or l"hym.ea· le. color und. black and ~Ind Whi.te \IJU*- t ratlonll. $19.98 Baby ·~Catch-A.Bait . " $10.94 toll the bill lo htt '~ ·utcbes it and then she rolls it b:adc to JOU. r Crystal Plastic Serving Pieces · Re<J. sac West Bend Party Perk 12to30Cup $1288 l n11nl11ted for hot "I' co I d bever. a ge111 , l de .. 1 for burfet. Jndooni "" out! E a ay )Xl~r i.-poUt! Sketch· A· Tune $394 $13.88 Value! -· Doll Crissy Id'!., $7" 171, ". Her halr can. be rombed, .et .•• made oto grow trim ebort bob to t1&r . Jen£lh. • .. ,. $t •4~ . Crystal Plastic Cake Savers 99c Cake sn.fe with. c.ov e r keeps cookie~. cak<'!, ie~ froMhe Jumbo Bucket Bed Rest $398 $9.48 Fostoria Iron or Toaster $12.88 Mattel W•twa Wotlcl Injector Set · s19•1 Pres• ou t. h~_Ulem· ble i n t o a,c.. Uon. poaeir. $1.89 Novelty ') AnimGls I ;._ Cute •. t.u f fed C.-. vln,yl -1n bot CC>lora -D o r. Elephant, Poodle, - • IVF<fnesday, Oecem~r .), 1969 DAIL Y PILO T 21 IANTA AN A-I* W, l!d11199r '"" .,., .. 1 St. 'Wl!STMINSTl!lt~1 Wtilmilllltr " 0.ldtn Wt'I COSTA M•5~ H.,lltr 11 ..... •I WI!• $1, (9JJA Mt.U.,....W e. 11111 SI.• $12.99 to S13.95 Va lues ! Christ ma s Tre es • 6 Ft. Flocked Alumin um • 7 Ft. Ponderos.;i P ine Choice of .i:> bran("h uh1111in1un <1r -101 branch ).:l"C'Cn pin•···-----...-Bo I h \1 ith n1rtal .;tands. eas i ly as· .. ~ ..... .-·;;·";"';"·;"'~· ' . . ' . $. $1.98 Deluxe Sofa Pillows Decorator · , · · · · Grape Clusters 99' ' ' ) · 1 ' ! ' • f ,1 1. •• . ' ~ A1~Ka nsa·s · Going --Hog Wi ld ~ ._• :: . - FA\'IITl'EVllLE, -a.rt. f.u') --SoutllWQt c.ar...... clwllp1onslllp0 a Ark:insas bu IJlllM ftq:;: v•ild over 11.!I spot ln the 09Uon Jowl opposlte Notre •~'On<l-ratlked R8lOl'bec ka thls 'A"Mk. { 'Dimi and 1 cblnct 1t the naUanal cham- Nr\'er restraimd J1, hls io)•alty, the plonshlp. It wu an:nouDCtd Tuelday that Razorback. le lpprOiches Saturday's President Nllon wUI atttnd. • !-lho'll·down wbll ~nftd Tetas \\'Ith Sinct Sundl1, a UW. Rock newspaper ('\'en niore anklr. has embluontd "Belt Ttxu" Jn red ··Bfat Tens'• stiekel"i 1 d o.r n across the top or Its front page. The ('1 er)'lhing. '"'"'n lhe rore.head of a words art nannd by the fttures ol two l.onghom titer' in tie Little Jlock ioo ~r charging Ruorbacb. • a short time before. It f'-11 off. A LlUle Roclt.)41lk &ave aw~y 10,00I) At stake Satar&\Y at P'-a.yeUt\'ille is the "Beat Texu'' l1pel pln1 ln \Ms Uian tv:o ~~-· v---------.. ---------... I V of Chicago Savor~ $62.15 Grid Profit; ·Eyes $70 for 197Q CHICAGO I APl -ln these days 1''hen Ohio State Is said to be hard pr~.ed \1 ilh a $10,000 allotment for football shoes. and bo\\'I ttan1s are drool- ing -over a $3 million mellon, and mo£t all big collegiate plants are s"·ea!,ini to rnake ends meet- It 's ni ce to be 1ble to report that the Univer&lty of Chicago showed 1 $£2.15 football profit this sea90n. And there was no TV. ' "It would liave been more." says Athlttlc Director 'A'ally Ha ss, ~flnnQ.SOta r•1otball captain of the early 19'30'1, "Ir some of our fans didn't go wUd"one l ciay and tear down the goal posts -a oostly item." < I Chicago, once U1e rnid11t·est Gen;his Khan under Amos Alonzo Stag&, .' fielded its first varsity grtd team since 1939 thi1 fall. It played agai nst junior L varsities and freshmen leam1 Jn the aria and had a 2-t record. I~ Victories c.arne 12-0 over North ~tral's jayvees and 14-0 over Mar· t quette, 111i'hich dosen't even ha ve rootbtJI but celebrated homecoming anyway. 1 . "Sometimes \\'e couldn't gain a yard against a gust of wind," s.ays Hiss, .. But ifs been great run and we att looldng ahead to 1170. \\'e used tht double ~· \ring and sometimes even a pn1 offense wh.icti the kldl noticed on TV. But with an offense and d~ensive line averagi.na Ofll1 IIO pound&, ?.'t couldn't make Jt go. "\\'e had only one boy drop out of the 31 who reported. And of those 31, 1 abcut IS never had played football before. · [· "All but nine \\'er.& frotn other states, coast to coast, and 'you \l'OUld tl1ink I dJd a helluva recruiting job, but they took the academic road! in. Our \.l·hole squad \\'as a \Valkon. "\Ve played Friday afternoons and so1netime.. had to start late.because " our quarterback, Jim Stankiewicz, a senior medical student, was held up in classes. We had to use I! minute quarters to ftl the games Jn before dark. t. ··we didn't ha\·e a day of practice but that sJ:s: or 5t ven kids were out I• because of lab work. and the only time l ever saw a complete ttam at one r ti1nl' was U1e day of the game,'' Hass continued. - ··Our le1nporary bleacherl!i at ne1v Stagg Field ho.Id 500 and ire had cro1l'ds up to 1,200 -mostly .students, but also others wt!@ paid $1 per head. •• c:tl for Oie.rokee lligh in IO\.l'a." •·. "Never sa\1· such a s\1·arm ol fins up and do"11 the, sldelines·sinct I play-1 Se1·eral things highlighted the Maroons' season. Their 1Uard, 1tlitch Kahn. also was sports writer for lht school paper. \l.'hen Ch.lca10 lost 6--0 to tile \\'heaton junior t•arsity , he created a furo r by writing: "The modem Mon- slers of the ~tid\\'ay have turned out to be paper draa:ons." ~ •·t think the funniest thing came when 300 studenls followed us up to r Lake Forest for a game, "recalled Ha:;s. "Among 'em "·as a bugler who toot- ed 'charge' all through the 1ame. \Ve lost ~4-0. Then he ble\\' taps. The "''hole learn chuckled over Jt." One ol the student fans, Bob Turner of Lincoln wood, Ill.. said that the return of \•arslty football has "craated some unifying spirit so lackirt& On the campus -but the team was not the main attraction. "I thlnk our band ls the greatest thing to hit the campus ln 30 years. It plays kazoos, lnd bangs on Un p1 ils, and has informal mass marchlni bet\vetn 1 halres, and does a great job spooDn, ti101e big unJverllty outtlls." Hass proclaimed the season °ont of delltht, and run, and participation, and retwn to the old campus atmosphere." "\\'e don 't care how many games we lose ne1t year," he laughed. "Our l goal is W '1iow a $70 profit." l ............... -....... --.. --... --.... -~·· ~ .... Heviewi1a9 Shockers Football's Upset of Year? BC Ove1~ Syracu se, 35 .. 10 KE\\' 'YORK fUPl l -Upsel nf the year? Artistically. Michigan's 2~12 stun. ner O\'er Ohio State \\'as tops in college football's IOO!h anniversary year. But it 11·a~ only No. 2 "·ith t~ odd5maker1. To lhc fin nnc ial fraternity more con- ccrne:l \1'ith points than alma mater, the -y~l"s leading shocker was Boston College orer Syracuse. JS.Ht, In a ha.stlly- arrangrd game that wasn 't on the oriiPnal schedule. Syracuse \lt'ts favored by 20 points. big- 12;est poi nt spread placed all year on a faroritc that 1.1·ound up losing. It .ras a game that just happened. Syracuse ~·as an obliging ftll·ln on the Boston College schedule When Holy Cross ebandoned football for the y11r arter a hepatitis epide1nic hit the squad early in October. Until that upset. Michigan·., victory 01·f'r Ohio Ste.le led the {lekl on all counb:. Ohio St.ete "''as fa\1ored by 1$1~ points and· £till r:inks as the second biggest I011lng :a1·oritc of the year. 28-lt ; Indiana to \\1isconsin, 36·3~; Prtnceton to Colgate, 3S-28. U Syracu• was U1t most. o\·errattd team of the staaoo, Oklahon1a State ''11LS most 1md1rrated until the Co"•boys finally proved their strength. Then they \\'ere made the favorite -and lo•t. The expe.rta had no reason to suspect anythln1 was brt\.linf at Oklahoma Stall. ll w11 com1n1 off a bad year wltk a new coach, a murderous schtduJe end dismal proopects. But tht Cowboys knocked off Houston, 24-111. as a 14-polrit underdo1111d bun1ped Kansas State, 18·19, \\'hen the apread wes 12 points qt.inst them. ln the v.•lndup, Oklahoma Slate rated me point over Oklahom• and loll by one when a t•~ point convettlon play ended 1n a fumble near the fln11h. Plttlbur(h ne\·er did convince tilt point spreaders. Its resurgence ••P for real. Pht upset Syracuse (1 4) Duke (II ) l.Jld Amly (611). dayl-and has ordered aoother 5,000. A Uttla Rock rldio station dl~ttlbulcd 15,000 bumptr stlckan and 4,000 po.sters. A spokesman for the :;tation . said 5,000 penonJ were t:s:pecrted to 1l1n up foi: 11 t•lesram to be 5ent to tht team lalur- dly. The Ruorbacks hive t.ktn ove'l' the rock mualc fteld ln Li ttle Rock. The No. 1 acrig this "''eek Is "Short, Squashed Tex- an." \\'hlch was record~ in 1985 after the Razorbacks knocked off Texas 27·24 when Adios Coatta; Poets Nearly Upset 49ers MADISON', Wis. -\Visconsin coach John Col.tu, whoie beleaguered football Badgers WOl) only tlu'ee ga1nes in his three years at the helm, "'as fired Tues- day night. Athletic director Elroy Hirsch said a search woukf begin immediately for a succes.t0r, preferably among established head coaches di top assistant coaches. Hirsch sat grim-faced and red~yed for the news conferenct announc ement that he had recommended the contracts of Coat14 and his assistant.s be allowed to expire. Coatta, whose co1ehini never equaled his star quarterbacldog perfonnances of tn·o decades ago at Wisconsin, bowed out "'Ith a dismal record of 3·26-J. An assistant coach. who asked that he not be ideiitlfled, said : "We've given three years of our li\'e!!," he said. "We've "''orked dlrn h.erd. Now, it's goodby. John deserved more than v:hat he got."· • LONG BEACH -An ~tonlfQrnery's i~·o free throws \.lith 4: 49 remalnlng put Long Beach State ahead of Wllitller to stay a5 the 49e.rs nipped the Poets 61~ Tuesday night In the basketball opener for both teams. It was a seesa\v battl e with Whitti er (lpenlng a 33-28 lead at halftime. But the .;,eers rallied at the start of the second half and knotted It 39-39 "ith about 16 1ninutes remaining. The leall continued to change hands for the next 11 minutes until Montgomery, a 6-5 forward. gave the 49e.rs a 53-~Z lend they ne1•er relinquished. • DES 1.101N ES. lo\lt·a -The ad- ministrator of the estate of the late Rocky 1.iarciano, fonner w o r I d heavy'l\•eight boxing cham pion, has filed a '10 million d'1nage suit against the owners and pilo\ of the plane in which Marciano 'l\'U killed Aug. 31. • SEA'ITLE -The president of the \\'estern Hockey League indicated Tues- day that coi:isiderable negoltttlons re- n1aln before Vancouver, B.C., enters th~ National Hockey Leaiiue. The 'NHL said ·Tuesday It bud awarde:l conditional franchises to \1ancouver, a member of the WHL. and to Buffalo. "The NHL has assured tile WHL thal no franchise would be granted Van- couver. conditional or other\.l·ise, until 1lettle1nent \\'ith the WHL was achieved. "The '\rHL has not received con- linnation of thls iuarantee fro m the NHL." a :;pokesman said, "and plans to negotiate with Vancouver and the Medicor people regarding t h e ln- denmlflcatlon fee of $1.2 million as establl el1ed by the \VHL board or governors Oct. IO. 1967. The WHL has re- quested from the NHL conflr1natlon of tis guarantee." • SAN DIEGO -Ron 1'.flx. the San Dir10 Chargers' "Intellectual as9 essin."' wl\I retire after the end of this season . The All·Pro offensive ta ckle plans to 10 intu politics. Mix, 31. a 10-year veteran of the American Football Lea(Ue Chargers, an. nounced hla decl&lon Tueldty. "I want to devote the rest o( my life to doing 90melhin1 u.sefUI," he said. •·\\'hat It Is I can't s1y but a decision w:ll be 111l'l<ie In the next couple of \\'eeks:· • LOS ANGELES -By the nar!'o\\·est of margins the Los Angeles Kinas are back on U1e wlnnlna: trall in the Natlonal Hookey Leal\Je '\\'tit and hope to keep it up against Philadelphia tonight. They ir.apped a I().gaine losing streak Tuesday night ln beating the Seals al Oakland 4-3 aa rookie hflke Corrigan icored on a break with less than sir mlnutrs left. the Longhorns 'l''trt ranl;ed No. t Ooc Little Rock tclc.,•ls\on station - 11uptrin1poses the wotd8 "beat Texas" on the television scrten during its regulllr- proframmtns. . "tea; the Year of the Swine" Is I.he roclamatlon on a motel marquee . The ga1ne has been a aellout ror month!: and Fayetteville's &00 motel and hotel room1 have been reserved since before the start of ihe seazon. "J:he 50-men1btr ABC lelevlslon crew handling the game Is housed SO miles rrom f'uyeUe\'i!le. Dr. Andrew llall, pastor of the First Baptlst Church al Fayetteville. recel\'eJ nationwide publicity \lt'htn he placed a 1logJn 011 the church's bulletin board berore the 1965 gaine. The slcgan read: "Football is Only a Game. Eternal Things Are Spfrltual. NEVERTHELESS. BEAT TEXAS!" ~Iall his received several suggestions fronl across the nation for Ulis llt'etk's' -"'· s:olj:an. • ·one nioo nsfrutk fan suggested: •·one .• S111all Tear fur Texas, One Giant Cheer •:t'°l -.• ' for Arkansas." • '. llowevcr , the slogan tlull \rent up Tuts-- day 1nornlng reada: "AUenllon, Darrell !loyal -Do not Cast Your Steers Before Swine." Hall ended his llermon Sunday morning by saying : "Sel'.'vices will be held on Sun· ;j day, Qec.. 7 -regardless." • -.A ------------------------------... 1 " r ' .·' ... ·-..• ',,·.'." ·:· '" j "· '· . ,. .. ... ·t "· , ... . · .. ; ·. :· .. . ,• ,•, •,• ' .. 1.·. ,• .t "' . . -. ,, ... PUTT ING THE KAPP ON RAM S -Minnesota \likings' offensi ve coach Jerry Burns e1nphasiies the i1nportance ol execu\ing plays correctly to quarterback J oe Kapp (11 ) duri ng practice for th e first of t1vo gaines wi th Los ;\ngeles Ran1 s U1ls Ul'ITtle~ month : The VU(i ngs filce the n a1ns in th e Coliseum Sunday in a regular scL1son ga1ne then host the Los :\ngetcs cluh on Dct:. 2i in th e -\\lcstern Division ti.le ga1nc. ... ., ll'lth Up e o111 i1\' Jl1ove High e1· Moit ntai1i Loo 1n s F 01· Saddleback Coacli You could altnost feel sorry for Sall· dleback College coach George Harln1an . By lhnt we rnenn Hartn1an could reAch jeycee football's plateau this 11•eekend by defeating Yuba Col!cge for the stale (!mall school!) cha.inp!onship. Jr he does that -and we believe he will , ~C-7 -lhe only pinnacle left to rcAch l\·ould be an undef~ated seasQn \the Gauchos lost his year's t1pencr to Southwestern, 31-28). However. It appeal's Har\1nan \\'i ll have higher mountains to scale in l9i0. Saddleback seeins destined to be --~- WHlTE WASH _ ... ............... ' .. .. elevated to la rge schools stulus bccaus<' the (;auchos are Uekete:I for 19iU me1nbersh.lp in the Mission Conference. They ue due to lca \'e the Ocse rt Conference at the end of this school year lonly official state raUfication or the move is needed to finalize It). The seven-school ~1\ssion Conference /San Berdoo, Riv('rsldc. Citrus. Charley. Southwestern, Pi: !·unar ;11u! Gros&1non t I is looking for anolhcr 1nember and has invited the Gauchos tu join. The Desert loop has given lllt' Gauchos its blessins for depa rlurc. And sine!.! t.:ypress is apparently also in1c re:s1cd lr1 joining the Mission group, llart1nan can Ol·afford to bypass this chance.. C\Cll though he 'd probably prefer to beer u11 his sucC!ssful proaram for another yeClr in the less forn1idable Dcstrt Conferl!ncc. ~eddleback \1·ns rilated for re-leaguing 111 1971 , 11·11ich 1net1ns the Gauchos might be lhro"'n into th e grinder of J\ll!t rll, Southern Cal or South Const Conference · con1pelilion and Martn1an is ~oxy enough to sec lhc·ramificalions of th:Jt when he con dr aw tolent from only five high :ichools -Laguna Beach. Tustin. San Clemenlc, Foothlll and J\1issio11 Viejo. In1:igine the short-benched G;1uchus trying to battle il uut on a 11·cekly ba:.is \'lith talcnl rich O\lponcnts like f'ull ertrnJ. The y'll be in tough as ii is. B111 HarLn1an·s record makes you belie\.£? Sadd leback 1vill successfully nieel the 11ew chotlenge. * * * 'rhe J an. 4 National Fot)\boll l.coguc chan1 pionsbip game \\·ill be blacked out in l.o!'i An~tles and Orange counties if it Is played In tbt Coliseum. Tbe game '!'·ill be ln Los An1elc~ ii thr Rams dereal 1\1\nnesula in lhtlr l>ec. Z7 confrontatl of' .. * * * r.tarina l!igh Is accepting appllcat i(lll~ from head \'arslty rootball coaches nn!~1 in its que:;t to replace Jin1 Coon as Vik - ings boss. That rule appiles nnly tn non-district applicants. however. Appari·ntly the Vik - ings wi ll take a long hard look :it sonic of th? Hun!ing\011 dl!lricl's prom Ising assistants. * * * Future tip : Don Lent i nd Herb Hiii ~ i,, the running for the rcCenlly \•1c111tcd Cypres~ College football c0Achln11 job. Their both 11ugg111s and if tbe Chargers ltre lucky enough to land eitllet on1, they 'll soon be In p0tlthm &o 1lvt Fullerlon a run ror Its n1oney In !anding lop athl etes fNl m tbe Anaheim area. Ra'111s to Get Cold Weather •" ... Accli111atization . ·} ·: 1 I.OS ANGELES iAPI -Living and - \11lrklng In Southern California creates a ; thermal disadve'ntage for men when Uity ~ rnust do thclr mid-winter job outdoors in _ ... Minneso t1:1. ~ Hecognizins lhal fa ct, Coach Geora~ ~ Allen of the undefeated Lo! Angeles· 11.ims \\'ill take his National Football League squ ad to the land of Paul Bunyan early enough lo acclimaliie in the land of -:.; the "'hitc Christmas. ·:· This Sunday , the Rams and the Min-~.: neaota Vikings battle in Los Angeles in 1 NFL headline. but more im port.ant will be their clash at the Vik Ing s '· r.1etrnpolilan Stadium on Dec . 27. ""·; That nne deci~ the We..tern rcham-' '# pion since the Rams ha ve \.\'tin the Coas tal Division and the Vikings the Ce:n-·: lral. F'or that gan1e. the Rams \\ill leave.'··, Los Angeles 011 Dec. 23 end spend the r!'Sl of the 1veek in Mi nnesota. They'll live In Bloomlnglon. the stadium site, and ·=·• !rtiln al f\.1aca lester Colle~e in St. Paul. The Rains thus spend Christroas away ·< rroni honle. Allen declared, "There are going lo be •. , a lot of Chrlstinsses. The thing that counls now Is getting ready for the Vlk:·'~ ing~.'' -:! "The Vikings will train at the Unlverst-,. fy "' Minnesota and we could have ione ··; there also except we would have been "'· forced lo practice early." explaJned' ·· : Allen. "II Is lmpcirtant lo keep rel\Jlar '•! hablls and RI Macalester wt will practice at the san1e lime we do at home." About lhe 1veather, he commented Tuesday, "You never get UJed to the Cflld. You still shiver. Uving out here is ro n1e\.l•hat of a disadvantage when you go back to a cold climate. "It hurts the rcctlvers and the ~rs, anyone who gets his hands on the ball. tf ; you stay ·here all week and get off the ·.• plane i11 sub-1.ero weaU1er, il hlt.oi you as• ·: shock." The boys from Syracuse baffled the OOdsmen most of the 1es11on 11 coach Ben Sch\\'.ertZ"A·aldtr stru1&led to pt some contln1•1t1 lnt.o his orren1e and never quite made It. .. ~'fi!CUR al&o blaw I tame U a 14- polilt• 11\'0rile lpinrl Ylttlburlh and anitther tc. West Vlralnla whtla fa\•ored by l\.lil. Like B~btg Ba~k Fro1n Dead1D•P al111er So on Tues<lny. Dec. 23, the Ram& will practlct 111 Long Bett ch and then take thtlr plane to t\,inne.sot.e . "By being there Tuesday, 'Vtdntaday~ 1'hurli<lay and Ftlday. I think we'll better acco1nmodate ourseh·es to wha tever \Tt'e' ._,. mey encounte r.'' Allen told a news con· fcr~nce. ~'\\'e kn9w this is the only way to go. •. Three othtr 14·point favorUa Ytrt be1te·1 or titd. North Caroltna State. fa\lored J>y 14. \\'I& tied by Dukt. AlabJma Jolt to Vandt1'bllt while lavortd by' it and fl~o went down 11alna1 Okllhoma St.Me •bile favortd. by 14. M~ WIJ d.e onl)• J).poinl fi1'Drlt;e &o '° do•'TI,' 1o&1na to Kentucky, ..... ,,., -la .u. -1ar11• or tlJc .. ""°" Other tecu~ who •·ere btatcn as favcrllCI ln double liiw-es •·trt KIN!n 'ltolt, Indiana and l'rt!IC<IOll, eldl fa\ored by I! ovu their upsttt.er). Kan.u State Jmi1 to Oklahon1a Stute, HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP) -Arnold Palmer hOpo aot ol bed each lllOmlni aJld dot:s a betch ol al.Hip exe:rcltes. 1'bt rt.aors we r.peated Jmt before cltmbln& llllo Iha ... t al nigh!. "When you're 48, your mu8Cllet nttd 1s:tr1 attention." slid aoU's bl11tst name. "I fael crt•t and l1m actually d}'1ns for the lt70 tour to au.rt." Palmer -I fout-tirnt Mu&tn kin1 - \\·nt1 hl1 t1nt kMttlmtnt In 14 monlh& 1111. weekend taldn1 tha tn1ugural llor!La1e CJUilc 11 Hiiian Heod . S.C .. on o course bulk by ftllow IJnU mJUIOoa~e J111ck Nlckla111. "Peoplt are slapplna: nlt-on lht back, sartn1 l\ow &lad they are for me :• Palmer said. "Not jolt rans, but p\1yer1 and people l've known for yean. I feel like J came back from the dead.'' Despite going from his Keniper Open v~ry In September 1961 to the Herlta1e Claak .tthoot tcratchlnc, Palmer still rake-: In d"llars by the boatload . Outst<le lnter•ta r1ngtn1 from golf aweaters tn dry (Jeantl'1 ire pillfll up rnilhons and Arnold's r,u etmln11 art now up w a rCJ1pectab e '80.ID for 1969. "For l\lt'lille I tried to do too niany cut( t.hln11 with my eoll clubs," he Aid Tues- day a~ he '"·ailed this \\'etk's $125.000 Dan•iy Thornas·Dlplon1at open. '·Vou \·c got to find \ht 1n~th00 that you can best hanrlle -and then slick '"·Ith It all the Um~.'' Pahnc r cl;111ns thal not even shot- n1ak ers or the past su ch &Ii Ben flogan , St1m Snto11d And Byron Nelson could have played each shot on I~ O\\·n merits. "I became a big "'Inner by hitting it low and hnJki n{l: lhu1 b111l. ·· he said. sip- ping a b:icr. "I stuck \Yith ii tor years. l:ul then t:cca1ne a lillle tou ~1owre:ccaUI~ fur 1uy 0\\'11 gocd. 1 started hitting a high ho1k - Jnd thar s ~hen I shuuld ha\>C Ktovi.ocd C'hansing " The ta nned, no1\' grayin g • Pennsylvanian thinks he coul<I hl'IVC done bcU.-?r over the past rew yean "if I hadn't kno\.l·n so mlfC'h ."' "I tried to fade at times, hll a tOw hoak and then a high hook and 11 hundred other shots." he said. "A pro golfflr has tn find what tie df'l('s beJ:t and stlck wttti It.'' Pt'tlmer t11id the par-three holes at the Nicklaus·Pelt' Oyt<itslgned H • r b o 11 r Tov.·n Cour!c at lllllon Head "are lhe most ~Vl!rc I have ever sl!en , You ml~s thc,grcen on any sh.le anrl you're dea 1. I rnusl h1n " seen a dor.cn guy1 hit fron1 one s<ind trap to ancthcr on one par- thrce. 11 T"'" yr:.rs ago, th' Hanis did not go to .• ~t il"'·aukc<' untll shortly oorore lhtlr. •• \\'cslen1 title battlr agains t Gretn Bay .. t and lo8t .23-7 In tempe.rature1 ranctna •• :1 do"'" to eight degrc~~. ~ "1'1n nnl 11.:iylng Wt IOI!.! lh•t same.'. ~ause r.f I.ht wea1hcr," d~.lared Allen. ' "\\'(' lc~1 bc:·au"C Green Bay played bat.-•, ltr foo1t•a!l " • Yet he n1,1tlc 1t obt·ious that he wan ted , "' '" IRke ell fl'l~iblc precautions a.gaiPSt a . recurrence. • .. • 1 l I .' ' .. ·'. .· •• .. .. " .. •. ,, ,. .· .. ,· ' .. -'. ,, .. '.• . " ·~ -·· •l .•. • ... " ., . " ··: ... ' .. •! •• . . ... . , ·' f ·.'l -I . . • .. '·· ' .. ea~~gs -~­ \nock Off By CRAIG SHEFF Of Ille O.lly ,llM lt•fl Not.ice to all cardiac paUtnU: lt woukt be aclvlaable not to attend any future Newpoi't_ Harbor-Corona del M.11 basket- ball coatesta. The two tea.ins put on quite a show for a jam-packed crowd Tuesday night with the Sea Kings coming away with a S8.3e upset win on Tim Conroy'• 14-foot Jump !hot with jmt aeven seconds left in the ' game. Conroy's heroics Wtre set up when · Sallor guard Nels TahU stole the ball with IO seconds remalntng and lbe host Sea K1n1s holding a 36-34. lead. Afler the steal, the Sailors took three zhots at the bucket before TahU picked up a k>ose ball and pumped in an 18-foot jump shot to knot the score at 36-38 with 27 seconda left. Following a Sea King Umeout, Corona fon1ard Mark Gri11by was foultd but missP.d his shot. The bal~ bounced free, was picked up and thrown to Conroy who tosaed ln the game deciatr. , Both clubs ran hot ~cold all evening. Feahuiiig Ila usual slow-down ball con- trol attack, the Sea Kh}is jumped out te> an 11-4 first quarter lejd with Newport able to get only one rteld' goal in the open. lng quarter. The Sailora came to life in the second quarter, outacorlng the ~a Kings, 16-8 to take a 20-19 halftime adv,antage. Corona det Mar regained the lead a mlnute and 11 seconds into the third quarter when Doo Killian .. n a drive i;hot. Steve Kent of Newport countered with 1 16-foot abol from the baaellne to put the Tars back in the lead, but :II seconds lattt Grigsby hit another close-in shot to for1e the.Sea Kings back in Cronl, ?3-22. Corona maintained a thtte to five point lead unUI a minute left when Newport's Jeff Mallnoff fired In a· pair of free throwa to cut the margin to 38-34. Kllllan tol>\ ~lnr honcn for the nigftt l\:Jth 13 while Dave Eccles had IO for the Tars. Both clubs are in action Friday night. Corona d~I Mar faces Call!omia High at Costa ~!eaa at 6:30 and Newport travels to Estancl1. pij.Wll'lrl H1 rbclr CUJ f11tpt1, 7 0 3 ' 1 0 1 2 I l l ' 1 J J .5 1 l 2 s I 0 i 2 .s 0 J 10 1 0 0 1 IJ1014.10 Ktnt Sf I ton H1~tn Tt~H M1llnoll Young E cclt1 aec~f! Tott I' Cgrwn1 dtl Mtr Ull KIUl111 Or/ti I DY Goellll Hollf ll(llr Conroy $1..,tlll Stv!tr To1111 It fl pt 1, t I S U 1 0 1 4 I J l S I o 2 7 ' 0 ' • 2 0 1 ' I 0 0 2 ·Ulllll S'trt 111 O.trltts NtwpCrf H••bo• ' 16 1 t -.:Iii Corone de/ M~r · 11 I II t -» Gauchos Clip UCSD Frosh Outfit, 81-70 Saddleback College·s basketball team parlayed a balanced scoring attack into its first victory of the 196i-70 season Tuesday 'night, a 81-70 win over the University of Callfomla , San Diego, frosh . Reserve forward Jim Helm, who prep- ped at Tustin High two years ago, took scoring honors for the night with 22. 11µ-ee Of the Saddleback starters hit in double fliurea with Cam Smith getUng l6, Bill Noon contribuUng IS and Randyr Lawrence adding J 1. The Gauchos took an early lead in the game at Mission Viejo High and were never headed. Coach Roy Stevena' club held a 40-31 lead at the halt. Saddleback hit on 21 of 29 shots from the free lhrow Une fur 72.4 percent. The San Diego team connected on 18 of 31 free throws for 51.1 percent. ~--~ NO ELBOW ROOM -_Golden West College's Jerr Powers (right) finds htUe room the dnve as Orange Coast's Phil Jordan applies pressure in Saturday's game, won by the Pirates. Both teams will be in action Thursday. The Rustlers face San Diego City College at 3 in the first round of the Moorpark tourney \vhile OCC faces Hancock at 9 at Santa. Ana College. In Boop Tourney Marina, Westminster In Co-feature Games By ROGER CARLSON O! tl'1t Dflt,r Jiit.i Sl•fl The first round is over in the !&-team fifth annual Westminster ?i.farina Rotary basketbaJI invitational ~·ithout an upset. Tonight's quarter finaJs features LOng Beach Poly vs Marina at Marina and Long Beach Wilson against Westminster at Westiillii.$ter. Both games are rated tolsups and are at 8:30. F.dtson battles Valencia at Marina in the 7 o'clock opener. · Huntington Beach moved into the win· ners bracket with a hard ·won 86-56 decision over Bolsa Grande and Warren will provide the next opposition after handling Fountain Valley withqut too much trouble, 61-39, at Westminster. · Los Alamitos ripped Loara, 72-49, while Santiago was taking care of North High of Riverside, 83·56, in other action at Marina High. The only mild surprise in Tuesday's play Wal the difficulty Huntington Beach had . The Oilers held a shaky 31-26 halftime lead. But a quick outburst at lhe outset of the third pe:ricxl swelled the margin to 13, Bolsa took one last shot at the Oilers midway throogh the final period, rattling off 10 straight points to cut the margin to 54-47 before coach Elmer Combs' troops put the flre out with some clutch shooting. Huntington hit 28 of 61 atlempt.s from the field for 46 percent and displayed it.s usual style of play -running and pre.ss- ing. Lee Walters led the Oilers with ex- cellent control of the boards and good shooting froin close in from his forward pnst. He sco re<l 19. Garth \\'ise and Bob DcBrltton chipped in with 12 and 11. ffuntington took the lead for the first and last time with 5:41 left in the half on Curt Carlson's theft and subsequent layup to make it 21·19, • Fountain Valley was overpowered by Warren's big Bears but despite the final score, turned in a creditable performance. The Bears presented a tall front line of 6-8, 6-7 and 6-~ and topped It off with two &-2 gua rds. Dave Baker (6-8, 235) was the high point man for the Bears with 16 counters. All of Warren's front line displayed shooting ability and the agility that so ofte n lacks in prep players 6-6 or better. \Voody Tollefson, a 6-2 senior guard, canned 15 for Warren and v.·as credited with numerous steals. Dttpite the preponderance of material for Warren, Fountain ·valley's quintet refused to panic. ~ The Bears jumped to a 41-19 lead mldway through the third period, but coach Dave Brown's five fought back to narrow the margin to 43-30 vdth 1:22 to go in the :itanza. Warren. however, applled more of its dominating board strength and moved out to a 53-30 lead. Dan Shaw and Dave Lynch led the Barons in the scoring column with 15 and IO. Brown was pleased with his team's ability to hurt Warren at times with the press and indicated his team would be concentrat,ing on that facet in the future. • B•lN Gr1M • !UI The Gauchos, now 1·2 for the season, will host GroaBmont Friday night at Mission Viejo and lhen _m .. l Golden Weit AREA TEAM TOPS next Tuesday at Orange Coast College. Bolh aam .. wW gel und~ way al a. ·-MEXIC AN POLOlSTS Huntl111t1n '"'~ !U) fttl,tl, j I 1 I ~ 2 2 ll 7 0 0 ~ S I l II I l ~ J l 1 ~ 1 I J ' 1' C1rlS011 Wl1t Tl'IOm11 0.lrll!on H•rrtll C111- W•l1t" ktr!I~ ··~ Elll1 Fotltr Folev Ml,.montn ,, II " t, • l l 1J j ' 0 lt J 1 J 12 0 D I 0 2 1 I .S I I I .S * * * UC 1111 D'"' Un "f1f1" ,, o·a~ '''' I Mllllloac• 1111 '!""~ lmlltt • ' " l-2 1 J J E1141M 1112 "'"' 2 ' I I A~!n1 I 1 J ltwrlMI' I I J 11 CllrltlfllMl'I ' o J I C1rll1ll ' 0 2 U Moatl 5JOU Jol'llllOll ' D S I Mftrltl 1 I O 2 J.., IODI l 1J1Vter ~41U L1111r 0112 WeodbutY I 1 0 I Mt111I• I J ~ J Mfl\tr 21JJ lffly '''' Tottl1 7' If ft 111 Htlm 1 J 2 It Toltl:I lO fl " II Hfll!IN SC<lrt: 5•do:lltbldl: )0:, Ut ltn Ol'fO JI M1k"e Martin and Dale Hahn paced the Corona del Mar Water Polo As!lociaUon team to an 8-5 victory over a touring f.1exican National squad Tuesday ln the UC Irvine pool. Martin and Hahn ellch scored a pair or goals for the victors with Ferdy Masalmioo, Bill Leach, Bob Netly and Jim McDonald scoring one each. Totlli 71 10 19 6' ToTll1 k1re 111 0111rttr1 Huntl"!]ton 11e1c.h n 1t 11 II -6' 11.olN G11ndt IJ 11 10 2' -36 '"•wnltln VtH•r 13'1 ft II ,i '' w1trwn un ''""'' 1 I 1 U Tof1l1, F-t"n W•rr•~ I D I J J 0 J ' 1 , 0 u 5 0 I lD 1 D 1 1 0 I I I I J 1 s TOllriion l'r11191 klll 5rrom G•lll•Y '"" Alt•tndtr lltkt r 17 S 10 3t To!•l1 '''" •r Qllfrlfn \11 1111 I 11 11 IS I 0 I 2 0 0 s • 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 ' 1 0 I U ' J 0 10 • ' 1 " ,,,,2.1 11 t -n IJ 1•-61 Bonwell Golden West MVP Freshinan quart.erblck Tony Bonwell wa!J named mm1t valuable ·pt,yer and Mlle Corrigan, tight end, was picked u Rustler of the Year at the Golden West Conqe fourth aMual football awards banquet held al lhe Hom O'Plenty rtslaurant 1\Jesday nlghl Speda1 1wardl we:re allo pNstnted Jo offtnaive capt.aJn Jtff Jorgtn~n and defensive c1ptain Mlke Jonts along with letters tc.. 53 players by I.he Rustler c°'ching staff. The speci~ an •eled<d ~y vote ot team members, climaxe:d Utt banquet i;rogram . Bonwell, formef Hwitlnrton Stach Rlth School star who missed the season opener a£alnst Orange Cout, guided the Ruatle:rs to their besHver season (6-3) and a share of aecond place ln the SOuthe:rn California Conference . Bonwell rusMd for 294 yards net iil eight games and passed for an additional 821 while scoring M!Ven1ouchdowns. Corrlaan, a sophomore, won the este-e·m of team mates for h1J Wlielfisb attitude, hard work and Ylllllngneu to play a variety of poattlons • A defensive end on the 19ee team, Cor- rigan switched to the offensive unit this teason and In the opinion 11f coach Ray Shackl@f9rd, became one of the best blockffig tight ends In the conference. Jones wa1 tabbed as the ouUtandlng defensive player on lhe squad and was pr,..nted with the DAILY PILOT trophy. He was the first man to the Mil carrier ~n Sl tackJes during lhe 1eason . • Wtdntsd1y, Dectmb!r 3, 1%~ .. ~e As .Sea Kings Breeze, ~1-4 • Ill •• .. By GLENN Wln'rE 01 "" DeltJ lllltt .,.,, LONG BEACH -There WIS fire in the hole In the ClF water polo stmUlnals Tue!lday night at Belmont Plaza· pool as Corona de! Mar'a clatsy Sea Kings manhandled Fullerton, JJ.t Victory .!!coots ('OICh Cliff Hooper's ~lassy outfit .Into Friday nlght's cham- pionship game against Newport Harbor, a team It victlmiztd, 7-4, earlier this year . Bruce Black provided the fire from in fr ont of Fullerton's goal -a pcsition known as the hole in water polo jargon. Black was devastaUng and the Indians made the disastrous error of not double teaming him the first half. Consequently 'Black riddled •the nets . He scored four Ume!i -thrice fro1n the he>le and once from the side of the goal - to spark his mates to a 5·2 halftime bulge. He wound up wlth .six for the night. Garth Bergeson potted the other score In those first two periods. Black got the unbeaten winners oil to a 2--0 lead in the first 1: 48 of the game as he unloadtd a pair ol efforts fr_om the hole. Fullerton lrin:uned the bulge to 2.-t when Jim Kruse got on tara~ with 2:.0 remaining the first st.aw. However, Corona del l'tfar bounced back. Black drilled In aoolher and then Bergeson moved into the hole and hll a butlseye at the buzzer to make it 4-1 as the second period got under way, Again Fullerton got back In contention on-a Kru&e goal wlth -C:61 before in- termission. But the Indians missed !heir big chance at a comeback when goalle Rick Walker blocked a "penalty throw with 21 seconds left in the half. Then Black ltruck again nine seconds later to make it 5-2 and the Tti.ibe had been !Calped. Scott Newcomb took over Black's posi· tlon as scoring gun t~ final two periods and shredded FUilerton's ntt three times. Bergeson got one more tally and Black had a pair. Hooper was surprised at the ease with Golde11 West Ope11s Play In Moorpark Tournament Golden WNt College's basketball team. still looking for its firJt win of the 1969-70 campaign, faces San Diego City _College at 3 Thursday afternoon in the opening game of the first' 1'1oorpark Winter tournament. Win or lose, the Rustlers of coach Dick Stricklin will play three games Thursday through Saturday in the Moorpark Collet:e gym. - Golden West dropped a pair of-weekend games, falling to Mt. San Jacinto, 102-84, and losing to Orange Coast, 101-83. San Diego City College Is one of the favorites In the tournament. Coach John Early's teams have won three straJ11ht conference Utlu. Last season as Pacific Southwest Conference champions they complied a lU conference mark and a 20-7 season record. Other first round games Thursday mat- ch Cypre~ against Ohlone Colleae of Fremont at 5 p.m., Pierce against Rio Hondo at 7 and Cueala {San Luis Obispo) agalnst Moorpark at 9. If the Rustlers win Thuraday they will meet the Moorpark.Cuesta winner Friday at 9. If Golden West loses, ll will face t.he l\1oorpark.CUesta loser at 5 Friday. ! ! • • l ~ i ~ • ! ! I • I I I i • Pierce, Cypress and ~foorpark are all probable favorites in the tournament, along \Ylth San Diego. Pierce finished with a 19·12 record last season (6-8 in Metropolitan Conference play) and coach Ken Stanley hBJi one of the iinest guarda in the state in Marie> Rojas (5-11) and two tall centers in J hn ~io.sscll (6-7) and Glen Terica (5-8). Cypress has the ta1test man in the tournament in center Swen Langeberg (6· 11) and a fine forward in Gary Schmidt (6-6). Coach Don Johnson's team com- piled a 13-15 aeuon record last year and a ~11 Ea1tern Conference mark. The Chargera have a one-point le>ss to Santa Monica and a victory over Cerritos thus far this year. .... ~1oorpark has a relatively short team with .James Hascall (6-4) as its tallest man at center. Forward-center Ira Riley {6-2) Is considered the top shooter. More Sports On Pages 26, 27 which his team won. 'O>rona had only ·•1 taken Uie Indians 7-S earlier. But at that 1. time Black wu not at full strength and hit only IO perctnt ol b1J 1hott. HOOper feels that Fullerton thus underestimated his abJUUes and did nol IUard him tighUy lhe Orst haU. " Sailor Victorv . ~- Makes Dream Co1ne True LONG BEACH -Newport }t3rbor Jligh's tough Tar~ made a dream come true for Harbor area water polo afi- cionados by dunking Anaheim, 7-3, Tues- day nlght at Belmont Plaza pool in the CIF semifinal.!. So now it'll be that Ion& awaited dream game -an all N e w p o r t District showdoWT) tor CIF hmors u the Sailors face unbeaten Corona del Mar Friday night for the Utle. It'll take place at Bel· mont Plaza· at 8:30. The Tars have won CIF polo crowns in 1967-68. Corona has earned CIF honors in 1965-M. Newport exploited Anaheim 's errani passing and inablllty to atop Tom Warnecke. Warnecke scored three times and made four key steals In front of the Sailor goal. 1 Jeff Wilcox allO had three while mate • Jim Smith picked up the other for coach \ Bill Barneft'a chapl. Warnecke's goals were superb and came at crucial roomenU . Hiii: first came jusi 10 seconds after Anaheim had moved Into menacing posi- tion, pulllng even with coach Bill Bar· nett's outfit, 2·all with 3:51 left in Lhe third quarter. Wamecke had to surge foni,'ard for a pw and v.•as almost prone, face down, In the water when suddenly he un1eashed a shot from 12 feet out that whistled by the stuhned goalie and in to the net to make it 3-2. But again Anaheim fought baCk for the equall:ter, thla time with 3:27 left in the third frame. And agi.in It was Warnecke who got the Tars ba<:k In front. Thl1 time he popped in a slx-footer from in front of the goaJ with 2:54 sun to go In the quarter. After that Newport steamed steadily away with Wilcox nailing two scores and Warnecke one more. . . i " .I .. " .. , • I ' '.I ,, , " , '; ' I . • - D~ILY PILOT Tllt1rsd11y, Novtmbff 27, 1%9 SALE IN EFFECT AT ALL 3 PEP BOYS QRANG~ COUNTY STORES ., WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA FULLERTON .15221 BEACH BLVD. ·120 E. IST ST. AT CYPRESS 1530 S. HARBOR BLVD. OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 'TIL 9 PM Ho1 •111111)' VNI 111 h•••· work , .hop •r fOl'09•· SAVE HOW liEPlaCEMENT FUEL TANK FOR PROPANE TORCHES 2'9~" UOMU ON, UOHU 249 \If ••. A\ITOMATIUUYI HOUSE BULBS YOUR CHOICE OF 60'7·5·100 ,,;111 .... 1 ,,, ,., .. , .... 1 .... flo"'t 1r1okt1 a brlg~t 1i9nol day or njght. Bu1n1 lo• 15 111in11tu, Corry H•tro! lo• 10/oty, , ..... tis ... w,. 19 88 '"'"· dMh O< I• Ii~ ~·· po~l'Jt. full "¥0h11111, tono o!ld Jf>eOlr.1r 1ep•uotlo11 Ctll· 1r1111. ~ptrhet cl,.u!t, b11l!t-in on- ltnno, Iorgo 1ptoker. COMPLM WITH IATIERY & EAlt PHONE 2'' OUTDOOR TV AERIALS TV LEAD IN WIRE EASY TO INSTALL QUALITY REPLACEMENT l:tph:ico "'""' old COf· rM.O •trlol 11ow. 111. 111r11 fftt.r rrctptlon, 1horp1t cl1011r pidvrn. tur °"' totlor et P., loyt epociol low Gronlll Opining $o1t p1ic1 1"4 •ftl P[vg in bttwHn Ml ofKI "'II oul· l1t; llt!p1 •kip lfotie ond ouhidt in!Hlt nonct . JP~59c HEAVY DUTY PLASTIC UTILITY BAGS & TRASH CAN LINERS FITS UP TO :ljJ GAL SIZE .. ldit0l ot o !oundt-, bot. • Utt for tio••11• of • dosltf lle'"I • UM In lawn ,1~1n up j~fi': • ltokp•oof·,.·u1obl1 • Co.,,plt+t ... 11h •i•t +it• PKG. OF 10 39c I • 1J 9l 89.6 5t1 '" i:l~::; l5's 1196 7'7: :~r ' lac~ T11bele;s • 1 ' • . . " ' • .. • -: • .,, .. . , ~ ., .. .. ~ •' • OH&.Y ·•• 9~ 2295 2&5 1Jl5 'l.9'° 3145 8.0Cht15 3J45 8.85x15 .,__,........,...., ............ _ .. _ 1:••d1•. 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Pep .loy1 gvorantM c:on..n 11,.i for a specified number of MOnthl aQOIMt cill road ha1a rd1 i" normal paueng., <ar ""• Damated tire will either be repci1red wifha out chorge, or replocecl with odju1tment chorge pro-rot9d monthly ·bcned on r.gulor t elling price at time of pUrchaM. , . ... . , CAll'I' PILOT " STARTS 9:00 A.M.' THURSDA¥ ·AT OUR BIG NEW STORE ·AND S-JIVICI CEN 1Ell • WEST Ml N STER -··rr•w•r•EN-•0.1,.sA.·A·H•D•M·''·A•o•oE•f!• ' . . OPEN THURS., FRL & SAT. 'TIL· 9 P.M. ~ ~ W!STMtNSTflt VD. -PLEll1Y Of flff PARKING -- PHONE: 893·8544 HEAVY ou·ry • HYDRAULIC , B AKE FLUID SAE 70RI .w.. ..,.., witti .. .,,..-.. Mk9 hl4. ... ...._..,. tti. ,.... .J C.il'-"i. . 110?.CAN A PEP IOYS24C SARTY . SPECIAL • ,. I ,,,_ , 11v•lity .... ""' ~· .11 "' · • C.111omi11'1 COAST a·· GU ARD APl'JIOVED Qvell1, r1111lecu1,.11t fluid._ .. • l1w 111rlw. ,,._ IKt your -l1111fto • .,.i.e. oltl fhoW .... ONI QUUt UH OHlY · 22c STURDEE. Hl~RIS E BIKE "V11tfety of b111..tif11I "'lo,. wi1h c~rom1 rim~ cea1Nr brok911 rv99ed, h111yY d11ty fr11111.., ~=='ii GGltlr "'knoMH _,, Kiiobb)' tira .-co;,.n lt1 .erlgllKll "'rtoll. ~""""'.!'.\ BUY NOW fOR CHRISTMAS BUY ON CRm lTI •CUSTOM COATfD .• R~!T10R.ESIST;R . AS ~.J' , ...... ' ' • ltOWOUf PROOf ~-, llflTfMf MUffUIU FOi OrHffl CAIS AT IOW Pl/CESI ' •• BUY A MUFFLER -'T OUR · ~o,w SAU PRICE ••• WE~LL 149 UFETlllE GUARA INSTACL " ............................. , ~-IT FOR POI _..,. .. _';.~~~.,.. ..... iw ONLY ~ TAlL PIPE INSTALl:ED ' FREE ... ' WfflN INSTALllD wmt MUfflER PURCHASE - r • , _/ , I I • I • ! .. •'. I -' ' .. ff DAil y PILOT \Vtdnt~, Otumbtt 3... 1969 JUN IOR ~ WINNERS -lrvinc Coast Country Club junior golf trophy winners are pictured \Yith assis tant pro Rusti Byrne and include: ({ro1n left) John KUngerhofer, boys champion; Jody Ceithaml, girls champion; Byrne; Julie Ford, girls runnerup; and Peter Bradstreet, boys runnerup. Riffians, Griffin s To Clash Los Alalflitix lligh School has one more obstacle re- rna in.ing in its quest for the Clf AA football champion~ shi p-but it's a ve ry big one. The undefeated Griffins face Barstow in the title decider at Barsto1v 1-ligh Friday night :ind it should be an offensi ve da.1nybrook. Barstow, eq:.ially unbeaten with an 11~ mark, is an a11·esome offemive team. In the 11 games the Riffians ha1'e scored 412 . points , :ivcraging 37.4 per game. Seve n times Barstow has scored more lhan 40 points and twice it has proQuctd more than 50. A pair of brothers lead the \\'ell-balanced Rlfflans. Senior fullback Robert Evans has picked up 1,210 yards rushi'.1g this season, averaging 6.2 per carry. He has ssored 162 points (27 touchdo\fns). Robert's brother Garland, a sophomore, has averaged !.3 per carry at right halfback \\'ilh 882 yards, n i n e louchdowns and six t'vo-point conversions. Garland is the bigger of the two brothers at 190 pounds \1·hile Robert is a 17~pounder. Left halfback Dennis Owens does :iot take a back si:at to either of the two Evans brothers. Owens, a l O • O i.:printer, has scooted for 550 yards and a 9.5 average. He has scored seven touchdowns and three tWo-point con- versions. The passing or Paul Veloz. 1·ompliment.s the Barstow run - ning game. Veloz, the total of- fense leader in the Golden League. has completed 71 of 159 passes for 1,210 yards. He has a-.1 additional 2i0 yards rushing. The best or the Barstow linemen, according to coach Art Davis, is center rtiark Beckham, a 190-pound junior y.·ho plays on offense onl y. Barstow ~11--0 ) 2.1 Carpinteria 12 19 Rubidoux 7 43 Quartz Hill 11 42 Palmeiale 6 '40 Vi ctor Valley 14 59 Kennedy (Barstow ) O 52 Antelope Valley 27 4~ Burroughs (Ridgecre~t) 8 2~ Apple Valley 12 JO 0 .1tario 6 4.'.I Santa Paula 14 Bishop Amat Has Haden -And a Crushing Defense By HOWARD L. HANDY Of 1M Dl llt Pllol Sl1H fifuch has been said and \\'ritten about the great Bishop Amat High ' School offensive team that features the son of USC coach John McKay, and quarterback Pat Haden. Little has been said about the defensive unit that has given up three touchdowns on only two occasions this season a-.1d has held opponents to an average of 12 points per game while the offense has run up 32.6 points per tilt. The Lancers meet Anaheim Friday night In the Big A (Anaheim Stadium ) with kickoff at 8 o·clock. The game is a se mi-linal contest for the CIF AAAA championship with the winner advancing to the finals against the wi'.lner of a ' clash between Lakewood and Blair, one week later. "\Ve have 45 kids on our varsity team and we feel fortunate that we can change our entire lineup when we are on defense," Bishop Amat coach Gary Marinovich says. "These kids nave done a great job~or us this year. Our offense has overshadowed the defease but we feel we have a strong group on defense." -lfarinovich's statement d~n't take any of the lustre from ·the offensive unit that features the two junior stars. Haden has thrown for 3,902 yards during the season to set a Southern Section C I F record. fn tl'l'O playoffs games he has COn';lected on 28 0£ 45 attempts for 335 yards. Mesa .Golfer A1nong· First Open Entries Arthur A. Noel of the Cost a 'Bob Dicksan . winner of U1e rt1esa Golf and Cou ntry Club 1968 Haig National Open at became one of Uie first en-t.1esa Verde Country Club, trants in th e s 0 u t h e r n was the first pro to sign for California Open championship the event. Charlie Sifford, 1969 p r o . a m a t e u r event at Los Angeles Open champion, fi1ission Viejo Golf Club this has also submitted his entry . week . Others are expected from The 1969-70 open y.•ill be held George Archer, Bob LuM, Dec 29-J an. "'with the pro-am Billy Casper, Lee Trevino, event carded Dec. 27-28. Orville Mood y. Bruce The open "tself · 54 hol 1 Crampton, Gene Littler, Al 1 ~s a · e Geiberger,BobbyN i chols, test for top pros with many or Dave Hill and Da ve Stockton the entrants from the Los · Angeles Open expected lo According to Fleck, the 1969- sharpert ·the'& game ~t the 70 Open has boosted the priz.e Orange County course one purse by $16,000 from last wetk prior to the first stop on year \Vith the players com- lhe 1970 pro tour. peting for a purse of $52,000. Noel Is a 12.handicapper at First place is worth $7,000 Cos ta Mesa and Willowick. He with SJOO going to 50lh place and ties-a feature of the has been an avid golfer si nce tournament. his college days at Ca l State (Fullerton) where he '"as 8 Season tickets are no\v being member of the golf team. di.stributed fo all golf courses in Orange County by members Bus i n es s committmenls of the Tres Osos Guild, af- curtailed his play until recent filiated with the Children's months when he has been able H~ital of Orange County. to get hi s handicap down from The hospital has been nam- 15 to 12. ed as the official charity by The South e;. n California toornamenl directors. Open championsh ip will at-fi.1ission Viejo Golf Club ha~ tract man y of the nati on's been undergoing some major leading touring professionals, changes according to club of. says tournament director Jack ficials Anthony ti-1oiso and R. Fleck. J . O'Neill. fi·IcKay's receiving statistics are as impressive. The ~I I, 170 pound end hits caught 93 passes for 1,450 yards and 14 touchdowns this season. Ironically, the only touch down scored in play-off competition through the air \11as to McKay but" was thrown on a fullbac k optio n play by Paul Barthelme, not Haden. Manuel Estrada, ~ 165 pol.rid tailback, does most or the run· ning for the Angelus League champions. Estrada Is a senior and has picked up 982 yards and 10 touchdowns this season. The Lancer forward wall is sparked by tackles Ste,·e Busch (6-l, 205) and Dave Christopherson (6-2, 205) along with guard Steve Haskell_ l6--0, 190). These three open the holes for Estrada and drop back on pass protectia.1 for Haden. The Lancer mentor is wor- ried about the s tunt i n g . .\naheim defense. ' ' T h e y present a lot of problems because they do so many dif- ferent things on defense,'' Marinovich says, "We know they have a well coached, well disciplined team wlth good speed and it will take our best effort to win."' Asked lo compare t h e Colrolsts with ~ previou s op- ponent, the young coach says : "They compare favorably with El Rancho except t h a t Anaheim has a better passing game." Bishop Amat defeated El Rancho last week, 22-1'4. to gain a shot at coach Clare VanHoorebeke"s An ah e i 111 eleven. BISHOP AMAT 110-1 ) 42 Damien 30 La Puente 59 Dominguez 27 Loyola 80 Pius X 42 St.· Anthony 28 Mater Dci 5 Servile 34 St. Paul 32 Monte Vista 22 El Rancho . Pro Cage Standi11gs " 12 12 14 ~ " 7 7 II 23 14 Loaded With Underelass1ne11 E'9ttrn DiY!l'r9n W L l"tt, GI 1' ' ,,n .. 11 7 .1'• • 1! 11 .S17 t Bear cats Rea4y for Bear N""' 'Yarl{ 1!111tlmort t.<Hw111~ft Cll'IClnNtl PMll!MIPllll Ot!roll ae1mn 10 H .•17 ll 10 ,, .117 11 1 11 .~!4 , U .lU 15 Wtlllf'll Dl,lllM Ry CRAIG SllEFF 01 l1'MI Dlolb P'Utl Slt ft flow often does a junior· 50phomore-laden football team J:O undefeated in a season? Not very n1a ny. But thus far this sea!IOn, Bonita H.igh, a team composed cf 31 iuniors and sophomores, Is unbeaten afttr 11 games. The Bearcats duel Foothill f'riday night at Mt. San Antonio College with the win- ner advancing to the CIF MA finals the following '*·eek. In ils starling offensive lineup, Bonita will open with four juniors and I h r e e M>phomorea. aloag with four lt:niors. ' The Bearcat. are. prlmatlly 111 runnfn& team wltb hllfback Alan Carter and tailback Oiarlle Schuman c a r r y I :i g most or lb< rushing load. Carter, a 19'4·pound junior, has thus far ru&bed for 1,Sio · yards, IC<lfing 150 point!. Schuman has JCOred 126 pointl, while picking up J ,390 ~·ards. Both were namtd to the All&n Antonio League (lrst of(tnll\e tea1n. Quarterback Ray Anderson. just a sophomore, has co1n- pleted 47 or 110 attempls for a litUe over 900 yards, acC1Jrding to Bonita coach Brent Carder. Anderson '"'as a second team all-league selection. Four or the starters up front on of£en&e ar~ all-leaguers. Sophomore tackle S t c v e Branam (202 ), junior guard Brad Baughman (170) and junior tight end Mike de los Cobos (170) ·were flnt team picks. Senior center Ste ve Grlbdon (165) was named to the secood team . Five of the Bonita dch1nslve players were also stlertcd all· ltiague. Linebacker S c o t t Thompoon (195 ). ta c k I e Garland Chandler ( 2 5 O I • halfback Dennis \\I-off ( 170) and tod f ritz Sahl ( 195) earn· ed first team berths Yt·htle guard Ray Croil ( la5J was a stCOnd team selection. Sahl is a junJOr while lhc other four are: seniors. "' In both of its playoH gamtll, Bonita hns betn ~hind at lhc J1.ilf. only 10 turn the g;imr in· A.ll1n!1 lo 11. rout aflcr LI)(' Jn-c111c,.., S.n "1•1Khto Lo1 AnHln Phot!ll~ u • ll H U II II U • u . f.l2 -.J-11 11 I ·"' ' .•It 4 termission. Against Northview, t h e Bcarcats trailed 7-6 al the half, then won by a 34-15 count. Last week Bonita \Vas on the short end of an 8·6 score agains t Glendora, but ,,·as victorious, 36-14. In the It games, Bonita hris scored 373 points, an average or 33.9 per game. "Foothill is an excellent football team" says Carder. adding "they are as good an AAA team a1 we·ve seen lhi~ year. They are strong in all enases of the game and lhey ha,•e some impressive J>tOPle. 111ere are so many ways they can hurl you ." Sen 01,90 SN !tlt . " . " .:ilS ,,., .l .. ''• .:Ul t Tltud1T"1 lluvtll tl~lll>nort 1:1'1, Clriclnn•ll 101 Nl'W Yer~ U•, Sttflle HI• Ml(WIU~H lll, PMlld•ton11 11' Pllat nh 111, Cklc1110 110 .Stn Fr1Ml1CO 116, Dolroll l~ 1'14•J'I G-1 1!11llllnl)l'e 11 8c1Ton .Stttllt 11 Clncln,,.!i Chic•• 11 Join Dle<;o1 Ottl'oll II $in ~r1no::IKO Tl1""'41T"1 Gt""" S•tlrtt 11 A.1t1nlt LD.1 A.nHltJ 11 Ptooenl• lnGl1n1 k.~111<-t (1rellne Nt w Yul. Plrt1bll11~ Ml1ml ... l11ler1 Dh•l•l9~ I" L Prt. G• Ii l.J;J - 1• •.ttO, t H.tlOI 10 U .OJ lh t 1J ·"°' • ' i. .'7l 11 Wtllt"' Olrlli... N""' O''""' 11 I .• ~, -BONITA (II .. ) 34 Lawndale 14 W11~fn1ien 1' 11 .,l7 l :n 28 3<I 31 46 • 38 44 20 34 J6 '''arrtn Pomon1t ~1on1clitir Gantisha Gar<!'y Claremont Ch loo Uphv1d 11 Nor1h,·1r<¥'· Lilcudora ...._ 7 l.C11An1tlt• 11 11 ,.CO l'1 Otllf• 11 n .411 • :!7 ~"''' • 16 .~ 1 ' 14 ,. 14 12 6 ' " II TlltH•1'• llfl\fll\ 011111 11t) Ntw York 11:41 Oe11..., 12 • Pltt)lltl~~ 101 r.,..,.., •-• O•llt \ 'II\, Ktlltvdlt t i IM/ .. n1ff1., Mii"'' 11 INli.111 tJ1ilo 'Yori{ 11 LOI A.nfflt1 Dtn'l'tt 11 Wttll"'9tlfl T~11rl'f•1•• Olm" c.1i.i vs. 11'11111,... 11 Lo•"l•IMr, 111. Mlt..,I •• Kcnluc~r Nt,. O•ltfnt t i Pltt1burDli • Off the Area Greens George Archer, the Masters the weekend with Hank Duffie John Kll.ngerhofer, age 13, who fil rs Harry Cottam and '91rs. champloo, hu entered the second with a 70, ,1·on low gross honors for the Paul ~ Bach in the seml- 44th annual Los Angeles open Seaclltf boys. He lives In Santa Alla. !Ina". Mn. Coltun h'1 d 10U t~u{l'Ulment at Rancho Second place weat to Peter previously beaten titrs. Carl Park, Jan. 7-11. Ceru-ge Che.Illus and Bill Broadstrtet of Newport Patterson to takC her kl the tl· Archer, a bundle o f Ross lied for first place in a Beach. Peter is 11 and is in tie match with ~lrs. Holmes. dynamite from Gilroy, had b\s low net sweepstakes event ;it the ailtb grade at Mariners •w.rs. Lackner took honors biggest year on the tour in Huntington Seacllff Go I l Sc=er of low gross bonon from ti'lrs. Ed Sherrick 1 and 1969, highlighted by bis victory Course. Jn the girls division is Jody fi1 '°'. Richard Roos in a Pay- in ont of the s2_0rt's most Competition lasted for one Celtbaml, age -15, a student at off under both sunny and win-e -'-·' dy° skies. presUgiow: tournaments. week with players allowed lo orona ~ Mar High School. In the C flight, Mrs. Craig He has played in the LA enter as often as Possible and Second place went to Julie defeated Mrs. Verle Ohlsen in Open several times but has as a result,. Roas grabbed un· Ford, allo 15 and a student at the finals having eliminated disputed possession of second Corona det Mar. Both gir_ls M-. Don Smith ,,nd Mrs. never scored well He ill ex· place with a 67 and Ued for Uve in Newport Beach. G~roe Kane. ...., · pected in Southern Callfonlla fifth with a round of 70. 0 Sa11 J'ua11 Diiis Also receiving honorable early to play in the PGA event Other winners 11;\cluded Herb mention and "mod" alann t M. I Vi · th din Jarries (68) !bird·, Jim a 1ss on eJo e prece g Playing in the first annual clocks for their efforts \l'el'f: weekend. Tollefson, Bob Ughtcap and President 's Gup match play Mrs. Remi Chabot, Mrs. Gene Vance (69) fourth and The W:V event gels under Earl Oakes, Ross, William tournament at San Juan HUis Frank Hansen and w.ts. Barry way Dec. 26 and runs through Klick and Tom Weslin (70) golf course, Y.rs. William Hichens in the consolation Holmes was decla red winner competiUon. Jan. 4 including three days of Jrviiae Coast and champion or thl"newiy'l r;;;;;; _______ _, first round competition, the r formed ladies' golfing group. MalateMnce LMSi pro-am event and two days off Winners in the junior golf Mrs. Woodrow Lackner and '4 _,~ '"111111 _. w1111 1ac..,., tor the New Year's hollday. tournament at Irvine Coast Mrs. Kelly Craig took the •'911•,.. -"''-"'' '4'91r•• GARDIN GROYE Consensus of opinion among Country Club were announced flih~ts". in the two remaining LINCOLN MllCUIY the men's club members at this week by assistant pro is'-' GAJIDaH 011ova AT 1J100KHUJ1ST Mission Viejo is that a score Rusu Byrne. In the finals or the A flight, 636-2910 of 210 will win if good weather 1p;~ln~cl~u~d~ed~l~niit~h~e~go~ru~p~a~re~~M~rs~.~ll~ol~m~e~s~t~rl~u~m~ph~e~d~ov~e~r~;::;:;::;:;::::;;::;:;::;: prevails. This is for three Ii rounds of play. Charlie Sifford says the win- ner will not do much better than 216. Sifford was 1968 LA Open champion and recently played a .. practice round at Mission Viejo. Jerry Barber, former U.S. PGA champion remarked after playing the course that none of the tour professionals would take the course apart. Jerry Steelsmith has been inactive on the tour recently and is undetennined about his future as a touring pro. "My game has been .inactive and it will take a course like-Mission Viejo to put it back in shape for tournament play. 1 \l'i\I know after the LA Open wheth-; er T will play on the tour in' 1970," he said after playing the ?t1V course. \Villie Barber summed it up perhaps best of all. "Mission Viejo offers rewards for good shot.oi and penaliies the player for his mistakes. This makes it a true test or golf.'' 1Ueadoiclarf< Flight winners-in the men's club cham pi onships at Meado"·lark were released '. this week. Larry Brown was the cham· pionship flight \Vinner over Rick Brown with Keenan Smith defeating Don Nichols for the consolation title . Finals in other flight s· and the winners were as follows: lst flight-Jack Pl c Mu 11 en over Don Shirey; 2nd flight-Mick Ambrose over t.1arshall A x c e 11 ; 3rd flight-Ralph Adams over Jack Rogers; 4th Flight-Ed Shepherd over Jim Caul; Sth fligbt-Herb Firgins o v e r Gene Morehe.ad; 6th flight-George Troski over Ken Irwin; 7th fl ight-Lee Houston over H. Forsburg: 8th flight-Dick Wood over Ernie Lucero. Richard Zebas scored a hole-iri:<>ne on the 16th hole "'hile · pliyihg in a· company tournamerit this week. Zebas used a thfee \11ood on the 17a yard hole for his ace. Rancho SJ Virginia Ide v.•on a two-day beat the pro tourname nt at Rancho San Joaquin with a low net score of 72-7&-147. Second place went l o 'fiiarilyn Jones (71 -77-148 ) and Carolyn \\lalbridge ( 7 2 - 76-148). In a low net ladies club tournament, f>.larilyn Jones y.·as the winner with a 73.''Tied for second \\'ere Z o I a Bartholomew and Charlene Colllns at 74. Bev Cornwell "'as third with an 80. Don Barney wound up \\1ith a low net JCOre or 66 to "''in the men'S club tournament over Lacrosse Ai1tea ters' Next Sport? liC Irvi'.ie may add the sport of lacrosse to future pla ns and at the moment Gary Adams or the recreation and physical education department is seek- ing players \Vho will compete \\'ilh the Orange County clud team in 19§.70. "It doesn·l look like Yt'C \1'111 have enough s tudent s available to 8eld a team this year," he said. "\Ve would Hke to glve those lnteresttd an op- portunity to play with the club tenm." YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS at ••• Drive in today. Let our skiHed mechanics. get your car ready for S A F E holiday travel! 10-Point BRAKE OVERHAUL ' -~1 "' NOT JUST A. RELINE ... we do all this work: GUARANTEED 20.000 MILES OR """· TWO YEARS ',. We guarantee ou r brake lining for the 1pecilied number of miles or yun frorn dal• cf irutalb.ti on, whichever com• tint. Ad ja,tments pror•ted on mileqe •nd ba911d on prioM current at time Df adjwtment. I )Vplaee brab lining on all • four wheel• ,. . 2 Arc liniflr for perfe<:t con!."!ct I with druml J, Rebuild all .f wheel cy:inch.•1 s 4 Turn and lnlolnbdnum ~ ----· ·-. 5 l mpecl masfer cylinder ' . ,. 6 Rept:ck outer wheel betrinp ' Dft both froot wheelJ: 7. ln1ped bnbhooes 8 lMpect brah ahoe return • 1prin11 9 Add Super H Mvy Duty ' brake fluid .- 10. Roadteo!cor PTlc. tor drum-tnie lint• wi moet fords. PJymouttw. cnwy·a. Amsric1n compectt •nd llght truclt1. O~r1 1tlghtly hltn•. Just say ·:charge It" Buy on convenient term• Front End Alignment Buy 3 1hock: •btorber• at our everyday price ... GET TRE 41'1-{ FOR 99t $ Csra with tor1ion bar• or •Ir cond, •lfotury hlttMr. FIRESTONE STORES Ada1ns added U1at ir there i11 <'nough t Kerest shown by students, a UCI team will' be formed for tht ensuing year ror undergraduates. COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH Lacrosse claims to be the rasttst grow1118 amateur sport NEWPORT BEACH 16171 BEACH BLVD. in America and the annual 475 E. 17th St. • 646-244'4 ...., 8'47-6081 North-South till·slar g11me \\'Ill Open Mon .-Fr-i. 8 to 7 O M f · 8 8 •-I ~ · s f' · I J>en on.-r1, to •JC P ayw in an ro.nc1sco in Sat. 'Iii 5 Sit. 'til s fitay, 1970. ._ ____________________________ J • Engines! by Deke Hou/gate At the age. when most youngsters are riding t1icycles or pulling . wagons, Dino Oioguardi was learning to flee into the hills and hide from the soldiers. ' Born in the village of Alia, Sicily~ .Dino was caught in the World. War II invasion of Sicily and the furious fighting around Palermo. . ''My family always ran for the hills when a Nazi plane flew over or there was fighting in the lown " he said. · The fearful onslaught of war didn't leave near- ly the deep impression on hii:n. as did the peace that followed \Yhich brought to Sicily the Cerda. The Cerda was a road race through the 1treets of the villages and across the. countryside _on what U1e natives -and only the natives -call highways. "I loved speed from the very start, motorcycles, cars, everything fast, and I loved the motor race," Dioguardi said. The Cerda cafe to be known as the Targa -Florio the race of one thousand corners, one of the most 'brutally irying motor sport events in the world So tough on car and driver and so dangerous '10 spe~tators, the route of the Targa will be'changed next year. The distance for one lap \vill be cut from 45 miles to 13 miles so as to miss many of ~e town~ previously along the route, towns where D1oguard1 remembers the peasants used to stand in the middle of the road to watch the cars approach them at 150 m.p.h. d Immigrating with his family to t he Unite States 10 years ago, Dino became addicted ~ong with his older brother, Nick, to sports car racing. They have both worked thelr way through small production cars and sedans to formula racers and Group 7 sports cars. . .. This Sunday, on the 17th anniversary ?r Amer\ca's entry into the war that .swe_pt their tillage fWith doorstep to doorstep f 1ghting,, t be Dioguardi brQthers gradu~te to the big league of American motor racing. Both will drive in: the Rex Mars 300 USAC championship race at Riverside, Nick m a car own· ed by another Italian immigrant millionaire Frank Arciero, and Dino in perhaps the most unusual In· dianapolis car entered in the race. Dino will drive Bartiey Navarro's American "tt-totors Hornet SpeciaJ, a car so radical in handling and power characteristics that few men dare to drive it. * * * Another driver, who tried the car at Phoenix two weeks ago, spun so many t imes in practice that officials almost refused to let him qualify. On his qualifying run he crashed. Whats• different about the car? Nothing, if you ire used to a t urfx>.charged Rambler 6. The turbo 6, Dino reports, gathers nearly its full quota of power -about 640 horses -at 3,500 r.p.m . and peaks out at 7,500. At something like 6,500 r.p.m. it delivers 3,000 foot-pounds of torque to the rear whHls. Ford and Offy engines don't really get serious about racing uolil they reach 6,500 r.p.m. and higher. As a consequence, Dino says, ''You have to develop a feel fo r when the turbo is going to kick in and deliver you the extra power. It happens awfully fast, in a tenth of a second, and if you aren't careful 1t can knock you right off the road. "I think this is a great car. I am very grateful that my first chance to drive in this t remendously competitive lea gue (USAC championship trail) cam• in a car with so much potential." Special Breed of People "t\fter every race I never leave the track until I thank all my crew and their wives. They've got to be a special breed of people, to go through_ what they do." So says Dick Otte, safety engineer for Riverside International Race\vay and one or the leading experts on racing emergen.cies. _He explains why special people are needed to fight fires and cut injured drivers out of \Vrecked racers. "Well a race driver , he knows why he is out on the track. all buck.Jed snugly into his car, and he knows the risks are offset by the rewards i! he can win. . "But think about the emergency crews. Those guys are hanging onto the back of a truck that ts speeding do,vn the track right among the race cars sometimes. "I really gel to kno'v i! my guys have 'vhat it takes after they handle a particularly bad accident and then come back to work the next day. Some great professional firemen have quit on me after bad experiences on the race track. "It really tears a guy up, pulling a burned driver out of a car. or \Vorking in a dangerous. spot. t rying to rescue.someo.ne while t~e racers go by at 80 or 90 miles an hour JUSt a few inches away. "They come out and 'vork because they enioy the sport and like to do something worthwhile. \Vithout them we wouldn't have racing. But you know in seven years I have never known a driver to come' up to anibody on my crew and say thank you after a race." • During those seven years Otte.has become one of the nation's leading experts on spectator and race driver safety. Safety oriented groups like the Snecialtv I::quipment f\.1anufactures Assn .. National Hot Rod Assn. and Sports , Car Club of America, plus a number of large manufacturers, seek his counsel. * * "* Right now Otte is trying lo upgrade five suit standards for drag racing. He is helping one com- pany dec ide ir its proposed new line of safety equip-- ment is worthwhile. Ile helped to develop Riverside's •i,vater wall," a safety innovation that abso rbs crash energy by squishing \vater into a set of plastic ba~s upoh impact from a race car. The "water wall" "' may one day be adapted to freeways. Hi~ most ser:ious concern is that as race cars become faster they c reate new haza rds fo r course workers and spectators. Otte's latest crusade is to pet tracks to replace nag1nen 'vith signal lights on d8.njl'erous comers . "The most important thing we have to do Is keep cars away from uie spectators and workers," he said. "It's 8. never ending job. because just wh~n 'We get safety upe:raded the cai;s ~et better. Their improved capabilities create a whole new set of ~roblems for us. Today's race car.!I are crasbipg lnto places they could nevl:!r get jo before." -Artists In 4948 .. Triumph Laguna Qeach Hlgb optned UJ> ita lllf.70'vanlty boa);g. ball seuoo with a 4MI vic- tory ovrr Invading Fallbrook Tuesday afternoon in a clutch effort by the Artlslll. Coach J«ry Fair's quintet Uploded in the fourth period and went on to take an eight· point "'8d midway lhnlol!i tbe quarter, then hung on with a stalling tacUc geart!d on fJ.nd.. Ing the easy shots lo keep the verdict out of rttieh. Laguna toot the lead hr the la.st time with 1:05 to IO In the secood period, and then beld off the Wani.ors. Mike l\lcMurray and Bart Taber keyed the ... pd out· bunt by Laguna lo put the Artists in a ~ position. McMWTay canneCl two free lhroM wilh ~09 left in the game and tabor (tbe tallest Artist ta "1) came tbrooih with a t!Jree.polnt play. McMurray then hit a 12- footer to give Fair's outfit its eight1>')int margin. Fallbrook narrowed 1 t somewhat with three straight Jield goats, but, D e n n y Sctmitz put one in from eight feet out and Tabor added a free throw with 1:09 to go to clinch it Laguna hit 20 of 60 stiots Jrom the floo< or 33 pen;ert /aOO made 11 of 26 free throws . McMurray led a balanced Laguna scoring attack with 14 poin.ts followed by C b r I s Powers (9), Mike Abbey and Schmitz (7 each) and Richard Beach (6). The Artists invade Katel!a Friday night (8) for their se- cond test. LAGUNA aa:ACN 14'1 Power1 ...... ·~ t;•rbcld '"'" M~llH6Y Sc~mltl TOll ll II n ttf" ' I 2 f J 1 ! 1 l t I ' I f S 2 1 1 ' ' ' 'I 2 14 2 3 • 1 to f ll4f P:ALLOllOOK 141! Mcl:>on•ld Ltc.lol'I' Slmmc:n1 Jff9"1M!> El'llmlng.er Flioner "" Mlllfr O•PPer Tct11l ,, " " ,, 2 1 2 5 l I J 6 4 2 '10 1 2 J 1• ? ' ' • I I f 2 I I I I 0 I 1 I f I 'I I lt lG !J 41 s~ '' Qu1rf1r1 L111ur. llHch 1J 1• n 11-* f l llbl'oolr, II II ' 14 12 -' 41 .MV Drops 73-63 Tiff To Katella Inability to hit at the free throw line after coming back from a first quarter drought cost "Mission Viejo High School a chance for victory in open- ing basketball action Tuesday afternoon as Ule visiting Katella Knights won a 73-63 dec ision. The Diablos surged to an early 8-2 lead then failed to score for the next three and one-half minutes as t h e Knishts tallied 20 consecutive points to take a 2U edge. It took the next two periods for the Diablos to get eve!\ as Ibey brought the count lo 5().50 after three stanzas. In th e flnal period, a ragged defense and a hot shooUng Kate.lla team that scored 23 points ( 11 of lZ at the free throw line} left the Diablos on the short end of the score. Mission Viejo was able to hit ooly one of six attempts frGm the charity toss line including several missed first shots on one-and-one situations and this enabled the visitors to pull ahead by 10 points at the final buzzer. ruch Aberegg hU hali of the fourth quarter free throws and wound up with high point honors at 24, Dan Kratz was high man for the Diablos with 20. Shooting percentages found Kalella hilling 25 oC 75 at- tempts from the floor ror 33 percent while Ule Diablos hit on 25 of 60 fU' a 40 percent average. It was a different story at the charity toss line. Katella hit 21 of 31 and MV had 12 of 2S. Rick Wadsley wilh 16 and Rudy Holmes with 11 aided I.he Diablo cause. SOFT SELL SAM By Marvin Myers ________ · ...... ""----- "HE'LL PROBABLY 5AY 1M !?H~/6fRENr, r..or DON'T LISTEN TO HIM a~ I1LL SMACK YOU ONf.111 ' --------- -· HR-Sets Pairings Pairings for the 4lst annual HunUnglon Bucn·Hlgh School t·.1vitational basketball tourna- ment have been· ann;~ with a stellar field of 16 s gunning for the title be by Compton. The Tarbabes haYe won the tournament two yean running but this year they face the challenge of Westminstec. Marina , W-arre:;J, Hu~on Beach and Rancho Alamitos. Battle begina Dec. 15 and C"OOcludes the 19th. Here are the pairings for the first day : Warren vs Tustin (3) Newport vs Santa Fe (4.:301 Ramon.a vs Corona del Mar (7) Huntington B e a c h vs Fullerton (8:30) Dtc. 11 Games Compta.1 vs Magnolia (3) l\1arina vs Edison {4:30) \Vestmill.!ter vs Vllla Park (ll Costa Mesa vs Rancho Alamitos (8:30) • Wtd11tsday, DH:tmbff' 1, 196'1 DAILY PILOT t 7:· San Clemente Cagers- Trip Anaheim, 60-53 San Clemente Hilb starttd , !an C I e m e n l e • 1 Brwi the 111!t70 basketball season on a wlnnlng note Tuesday night with a I0-53 vlClory over Anaheim on the winner's court. McCa.slin was the top scortt for the game with II p>lnta wh.lle teammate Sal Lombardi also bit in double fiiurea with II. The Ttltons jumped out lo • 23-9 firn quarter lead ancl AMAM•1M cfl ,T '" 1,, were never beaded after that. , , 1. it. Anaheim ootacond 8 a ft l I • • ciemente, 11-lS in lhe second ' . ' , l· f 1t quarter but the Tr1tom 1UU 1 " 1 • maintained a 36-27 lead at Ult ' ' I I ,: 2: ft Jl half. -.. ci.-te i•• The ColonUts cut. the lud to 11e 111 ,,. T, 4.5-31 after three ,:ar1en of ~··14 k··· 1 a • i play but coach J Ba w ·I • ? i • club maintained its polle and ! ~ , l battled the Colonists. co even I l 1 1 1l tennJ in the final quarter. • • ''•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1l 14 l t 141• ICWt ltr G!Yflftw'l ""'"'''" .............. ' 11 11 1S--5l SI " Clttr>tlllt .......... :U ll t I~ Weary, De1rie7 Read Bill LHry Look Out Nombar 4 W .. ni N-Wt',. ~Wt'N N•""'1 I'~ o.t N....., fl.W GAIDIN GIOVI · LINCOLN MllCUIY GAllOI N OllOV• ,t,T altOOICNUlttt U6-2tl0 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. lo I 0 P.M. SUN. IO lo 7 EXPIRES SAT., DEC. 6, '69 WHEEL ALIGNMENT · Mlll'S WHAT WE DO : 299 • Aoijw.t. tutu &: ~Dl Mr • Set itlf>.in I:~ .. ~ Ait Co11ditio111d • l11"Jlf'<'l ,(eenni; C its I Chrysl1r BATTERIES Nationally "dvtr-ac tised. Fisk ~- proo( betterin. ~l()(l).20-50 Melli . • Prod. $2 Mor• M0 11 AMl lllC.AN C:AIS • • . '.) EISK CUSTOM , 36~0 · •, ./FULL 4-PLY.N'Y LOH CORD IOOY t .J WRAP-NIOUNO TRUO DES1GH 1 -·~ --•'It • TU8El ESS . ' . ./ ~RIL4.GMXIV£ TREADOEStGH ' ~ .,! LONG W&AJllNG 12132"' rnlAD OEPTH ~OR BnTER TRACTION --i$17 $19 $21 -, TAPE PLAYER ··;::::·~4•• .. " 9, -...... STEREO TAPE PLAYER 43.aar-:-~- Thumb whrelcontroht for .afely J 2' wnt~ of power 1>er chllllDl'l dual bot.an~ cm1lrol11. DELUXE AUTO VACUUM CLEANER J397 I Our d._-fln< m<Kkl. l'Mnl)l)C.'t .fld l1~ht•o·1ti:IH. II n::iche an~· pl~'t 1n the car. C\t:ll lhc trul'I\:, Ju" 1)111£: 111~0 )OUt r1.,nn;1lc Ll;lnrr. !7·11W REVERSE WHEEL 1288 J J.leevy dut, chl1nUe Jl,ldllg throu1ha.J1.. HtlRA •PPJO"d- Sperilll tuc nvla not nquir'.i. 28-1000 SEAUDIEAMS .,,, .. I ' 1] ( , Power J.Joats 6th Hennessy Cup Highlights Race.s 'fhe sixth annual Long, and APBA rules. bot last Beach Hennessy Cup classic year's Development Class for next Au~. 15, a 200-pluS-mile smallef ~ats hu been split ra~ wbtch will offer points inln 1twoJ ~w classes -the toward the w o r I d cham· PasJjk: aodr SPort. pianship as climax to the fifth s'~a\let!", essentially r~ annua1 California lnter.1ation11\ deslgoed , boats from IS to 24 Sell.Festival at Long Beach, is feet · ~long, inboard. 1 o r th e reature ,event on the. 1970 outtioard-powered, will tangle West Coast offshore power in the ~ew Pacific Class, ex- boat racing schedule an-peeled to be the mo&l co01-- nounced today. petitlve or <1.ll and open . to First of six events to be ww.,ld-be racers at moderate staged by the Pacific Offshore investments. Power Boat Racing Assn. will Sport Class boats will be the be this Saturday's Rum Run more luiurlous, fast day IV, starting.off Belmoot Shore cruiser · boats such . as the Pier in Long-Beach Harbor at Mag;upn and ·Thunderbird 10 a.m. It's a 94-mile sprint lo stock 'hulls, .usef.ul for sports . :l\1alibu Pier and b~ck, and as pur~ either than racing many as 20 starters art" ex-alOne. • , peeled. t b'e lirger, not quite as fast Wel sh Captures ' ~ -l~ .. ~ Leh.uu1n 1'ropli>•: \Vlth '°me of Ute Wc:st Coast's top sailors stlppering 2S boats, Roger \Velsh of Newport Harbor Yacht Club \:aptured first and the Barney Lehman Perpetual 'I'toPtiY in NHYC's Lehman 12 fleet championship@ last weekend. Behind Welsh were Peter Parker, NHYC, Barton Beek, NHYC •. Henry Sprague 111 . and' ~orge 1\Ylst, )Jo l l'I NHYC. Clown -of Yeai~ , CATAN IA, ·sieily (AP) - Comic Drej Nikolajev of ttrs- Moscow Circus is the only two-: time winner of the clowQ-Of· · . . . the-year award. the Groc~ , Prize. He woo it in 196S and a·' jury rl. journalists awarded it _. to him again this year. The Hen nessy Cli p will be "dreadnf.ughts" will continue part .of the Union of lntJ!ma-to race 1n the Cruiser Class, tional Moklrboating schedule minimum length of whieh has of world championship events been increased from 1969's 24 as well as an Am~rican Po~er reel to 30 feet to provide more Boat Assn. nahonal por.ltS equitable competition. ' ALDRICH, WIFE VIEW UCl 'S SHIELDS SLOOP Mrs. Aldrich.' Christened Cr1ft 'Jean~ for Hersalf WE'RE NUMBER 5 Look Out Nr.ambtr 4 GARDEN GROVE ' ra~~· L?ng Be~ch will be the Complete rules for the new or1g1nat1on point of another-class structure are available APBA lesl. the second annu al by wr iting Pacific Offshore Long Beach-Ensenada (Mex-Power B99t Racing Assn. in ic?) lnternation.al April 11. A care of Kemp at'48S5 Naples thi rd APBA points ev ent, the Plaza, Suite 208, Long Beach. Catali'.1a Challenge "trophy Calif. 90803. UCI .Christe11s New I (, . l /l!.: J-~~ . i~~'t;~~.J\1 i ~ 1 ~ Shields Sloop Jean HAIL TO THE CHAMFllON -Troj)hy' originator Ernie Casale (left ) congratu· lates Peter Rothschild of Ne\vport Beach as 1969 Pacific Offshore PoV.'er Boat Racing Assn. high point win ner ·by presenti ng hi m with Casale Trophy at ao· nual P.O.P.B.R.A. A"•ards Dinner as his son, Andy Casale. observes. Roths· child earned a\vard \Vilh second place in annual Lo ng Beach Hennessy Cup classic. " Drake Left Treasure . -' Plaque Tells of Visit . to West Coast ''One of the world's long-lo11l lteasures has been found!" So spoke Or , Herbert E. Bo lton in announcing the diSCO\ltry of Ute Drake Plate at l!j meeti.ng flf the California Historical Society on April &. 1937. The oet·asi on was brilliant ; the sub jecl exciting. Bollon held in l!ir; hands the lan1ous plate of brass. bearing an inscriplion prtpartd by rranci.!1 Drakt and his men. during their brief stay un the Californi a Ci>ast. This episode \Yas a n outgroYo'lh of the greatest Jo:nglish voyage ul the 16th century -Drake's circu1n- navigatio11 of the globe. Drake had sailed from his home lo\.•:n entered Plymout h harbor, io to the descri!)lion in ''The the amazement of his caun-\Vorlcl Encom passed." The trymen. In his th ree-year fih1i created a sensalion. But voyage. he had crossed the at once questions arose as to Pacific and· circuinnavigatcd its authenlicity. Under direc· the globe -the f i r: s t ti on or Dr. Bolton,, then Direc· Englishman to accomplish the. tor of the Bancroft Library, feat The queen knighted him and Allen Chickering, presi· tor his exploits. v.1hile Britons de.it . of the Ca Ji f o r n a hailed him as the most ra1nous Historical Society , exhaustive man of his time. No\v the tests were undertaken . Pacific Ocean could no longer Metallurgists af)d ~hemists be c11.1sidered a closed Spanish or high standing m a d e Sea. mic~pic te stS and · con. The precise point of Drake's eluded that it ·was bras$ of a landing in California remains character thal could have obscure. There are those who-been contemporary · w i t h belit \'e that he careened his Drake and that it had lain a ship somewhere on &he shores . long time in contact. with Ule or in an inlet of .Drake's Bay, soil. The crevices of the lel- under Point Reyts; others tering were packed with earth that ht sailtd tbrougb the and the patina formed on thef Gold tn Gate. and landed on the metal was the •,1atural result l\1arin County 1bort of San of chemical changes caused Jly Francisco Bay ; still others atmospheric condition an d favor sites on the coast contact with soil minerals. All 'tar,ther 'nottli, such as Bodega tests tended to prove ~hat this Bay or Trinidad. plate is indeed the very ··Plate race sponsored by California The I 9 7 O P.O.P .B.R.A. Yacht Club of Marina de! Rey. schedule: is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, Dec . 6 -Rum Aug. 29. Rll'.'l JV , Long Beach-:1\1.alibu The second annual Catalina • Pier-Long Beach, 94 miles. Island C rui s e · Ra c e for Saturday, Suoday, Feb. '1-8 P.O.P.B.R.A. points take 1 -· Second annual Catalina plaet Feb. 7-8 and .anoUler In Island Cruise-R,ace, L'o I! g the Long Beach-Malibu-Long Beach-Avalon Harbor-Ldng Beach races, Rum Rull V, Beach, 110 miles. -. • _ completes the sc.hedule Jun~ 6. Saturday , April 11 -Second This Saturday's fourth Rum annual Long Beach-Ensen<ida Run also will see the in-lnternationaJ, 180 miles. Also auguratio.1 of f u r t h e r APBA ~ational championship refinements in the West Coast points. racing classes s t r u c't u r e , Saturday, June 6 -.Rum changes designed, according Run V, Long Beach-M alibu t o P.D.P.B.R.A. Preside'nt Pier-Long Beach, 94 mil es. Sandy Kemp, to heighten com· Saturday, Aug. 15 -Sixth petition among si milar boat! annual Long Beach Hennessy and to continue the 1969 pat· Cup as part or California tern o( increased participation International Sea Festival , 206 in the sport. mi les. Also UIM world and The Offshore Class Will cu.1-APBA national championship tinue lo be governed by UIM points. New Type of 'A lice' On Boards at GWC .. - ' The University of California, Irvine's new Shields Class sloop was christened "Jean" in recent ceremonies on the UCl campus. Donated by internationally known y.achLSman Cornelius Shields; the new 30-foot sloop was named in honor of Mrs. Jean 'A:~ich, wife or UCI Chancellor, Daniel C. Al- drich, Jr. Slated to be used in UCI's instructional, recreational, and intercollegiate s a I I i n g pro. grams, the new sloop is the third to be donated by Corne· Jius Shields. The others are UCI Sailo1·s Sco re High Uni ve rsity o f California, Irvine sailors JeH Allen, Dave Hodges and Greg Maxwell \\'ere key members of the vic· torious North Team in tile £irst annual North-South Sail· ing Series recently at Ne\vport A µsychedelicized ".Al.ice In Hayes, Sally ~1izell, Sylvia Beach. Wonderland" will be presented Symank, and Cheryl Wood-:.tade up of skippers from Dec. 12-13 and 19-20 by the ford. UCI, Orange Coast College,, Golden West College Drama Also included in the cast are and the University or Southern Department as its Christmas Mariane Melton, Dan Brown. California, the North team l production. won four of seven races from Curlain time for lhe eve ning Steve Mutschler, R 0 be rt the south team, \vhich in-. th Act • LaMonte, Bob Pone. Velia performances in e or s eluded skippers from San · · 7 30 T Fisher, Joretta Worden. Guy Playbox. 1s· · : p.m. wo Diego State. Un iversity of San named Dainty and Charlotte. A member of the Intercol- legiate Sailing Hall or Fame and the guiding force behind the development of UCl's pro- gram; Robert Allan presented the sloop for Cornelius Shields to Jeff Allen, Cilptain o! UCI's sailing team. ---- .. ·~ - • • B•ACH· BLVD. AT l!LLIS • • ..... COAST H...,.... •!IAN 011!00 'r'W't. e 47·9•DB • HUNTINGTON Bl.ACK Exclusive Orange · County Engagement .. . "'Giit ti Ult. yur'i •GSt llllJltf• lblt ,enwnaaeces.. Liu ll••lfl •••111s u a 1111jer actini: ttltnt r• -tn1r1 .. , .... ,1no, tA t1 .. u of Plymouth, England. late in 1577, with five small ships. The motive, although never definitely clarified. v.•as pro· bably to open trade wi,lh the :"iloluccas.in the South Pacific. as much as to attack Spanish commerce. but after passing lhrough the Straits of '.\tagelian and getti·Jg into the Pacific -by that time he had During his visit, he kept on of Brass" set up by Fr3ocis friendly terms with the In-Drake in the year 1~79. dians. met with the m at The Plate, as here ii- various times. and listened lo lustrated. is about five iachcs the spteches aI\d ceremonies. wide and eight inches long and The Christians also cond ucted an eighth of an inch thick. solemn services, to the delight rather crudely shaped . The of the natives. Before they surface is U',1even and rough left, the English ~iailed a brass as though hammered. The. let- p\ale to a rirm post as ters are cut into the metal ap- evidence of their discovery parently by a chisel or other an4.,P( ha\1lng tp;en possess ion sharp instrument The holes al of:._t_!\e ~. •, the top and bottom appear to · f Cockerum, Roland Barajas m a t 1 n e e p e r onnances, Diego. and UC. San Diego. especially for youngsters. will -~·~nd~D~i~an~e;.;B~a~ty~·===•~llF.=========::=\11 be given Dec. 13 and 20 at I: 30 I p.tn. All tickets are 3S cents, available from the college 1rn fV\clnti:e ••TtiE CVMIC., 1 only one ship left. the._ Pelican. "·hich he renamed th~ Golden !find -Drake found the · Spanish po rts and ships com- pletely defenseless. In keeping \.\'ith the spirit ol the age, the t.'Qntinuous struggle, ~tween Spain z.1d England. and the opportunity for plunder. bC al· lacked and filled his vessel 10 overflov.•ing wilh S p a n i s h treasu re.. Off the COillil of Peru. !or rxample. he sei1,cd th l' Cacafuel!\O. liO heavily 1<1den \vith Peruvian silver that her capture :11onc gavl' Drake a lull cargo. His \'Oyage. now : "made;·• he sailed on up the t coast. plundering and ter- M0st OFWhat we kilow about have been made lor nails by Drake's' Landing in California which it was fas tened to a 1is derived from a book called post The odd -shaped ·hole in "The Warld 'E ncompassed ." the lower right-hand · cprner publishe4 in 1628. long arter \vas designed lo hold "her lhe events described., It wa s highnes p1ctore and armca; in compiled 1from the notes of a pecre of sixc pence_ of cur- Drake's eomp·ania:is : Drake rrint EngJish money ~nder the himself~had no hand in ii. His plate." A sh::-pence ·,of lhel log;:!'~:affll "'ou* •record s were period fits. exactly J nto t,be V;en to Q1,1etn E'\izabclb and. slots of the hole. I doubtle~ to 'ieep ·them fron1 Spanish:eye~we.re filed .awa y Tile above was written \ so secrJ!:tly.' that they hav!'· hy GCOT!/e P. Han1n1oud. ne:.'•,.anne to Ugbl. 1·e1ited dfrector of the 8an- .QiJUrkr1 GI . tbe Pla1e of -~· ~ro-·o~/:L ::::::;,;=:,;::;, bookstore. Featured in the play are an of Lewis Carroll's familiar characters, includ ing t h e ~tarch Hare. Doonnouse and the King and Queen of'Hearts. _The set will have psychedelic colors and design. with guitar music providing the transition betv.·een !icenes. Cast in the title role is fl.tin- dy Middough. Supporting her are Bonnie Hackworth, Renata Florin, Laurel Burne, 'Vendy Friedman,,'irginia Trela , Don COSTA MESA CIVIC PLAYHOUSE pr111 11l1 Th ... Hl•IM• ,, ... lrlK11,M·H•.,.lr M11ilcel "STOP THE WORLD- 1 WANT TO GET OFF" ffld•r & S.t11rd.., Dec. 1-6 t :JO P.M. 2001 and IFIT51UESm 11115 lllUSI' BE 111!111111 lil• -- %(4 Jouth Coast Repertory HELD OVER LINCOLN MIRCURY GAllDEN GltOVI! AT allOOKHUllST 636-2910 BOTH "G" RATED KRAIC4IUA USTOF~ .' 000 TECHMCOLOft . s and from the stars of · "Born Free' comes ' "RING OF BRIGHT WATER" STARTS CHRISTMAS 0.AT Barbara Streisand Omar Sh•rif "FUNNY GIRL" SK011d Pop11hw Attroctio• ·-·,.....ti TIM""' ·--!MM -11oo-· BurtL.ancalWl Deborah IW'r if itjfu@I{, ttij.(q~. COMl .... DICIMlll 11 '\ D ... "•"---'U• ~,_.., rifyi ng lhe Spaniards as he \\'ent. Roundr.1g L o \Y c r C11 lilor n ia he pushed north\\•ard until the "stinking logs" of the Pacific Norlh\vest caused him lo turn back to !>eek a safe port in v.1hich to recondition bis ship and resl his men. On June 17. 1S79, he h:id the good fortune to fini:i a ''conu e ·.1ien1 and 1it harborough ," v.•here he an- chored and took possession·of ; the land !or Queen Elizabeth • and England, calling it Nova Albion. or New Engl!llnd . Brril''wu· a i,bttr accWent. A I yeon11: .~~ .Btryle Shinn. stoppbi&:' fOf' a piclnie cm a bill ai.ve .Lbe told ner Greenbrae, a.,Maiti eooi,. and lbrowin r; roCu doWlt "l II.Ill , noticed a mitat .-fl.a~l. which he pu_lltd lftF fmn ·.-.e 11:roand. It w111 not Rtii15Gil.e Ume later that Let~~ ,.a. discovered 1 and U. na"qM "Drake" dilcloied. ~)t 'was brought ·to Or. Aerbert E. Bolton . Prores~or ot History at the Uni versity of Calilornia. v.'ho recognized it as cOrrespondt.ig in every w:ry Community Rec:re"tion Center "A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM" Plus Dic:k V•n Dyke In. 1Hl MIRISCH · . 'Sftila* · f'Rllfl',!;l~N -IO CoMPANY " ••• KllDOF A. l\fter about a month's stay In California, refitting and .carte.ting the ship, Drake sail · Ml on, and a year la ter safely Wnt G•t• 01crttt• Ccrcr11r, fcrlrt,.u11d1 Adlfti"1.-s2.oo a_,..tl-: 134-IJOJ c MUT' !U1 NEW!'OllT llVO., "°' MtrMr Tlllfrl., l'ri., Sil. -1:30 •·"' lt1tHN1llD•t . 111,.rm111en -,..,11,u HW!ft~le "" .....,,, -Ol!L1DMTl'Ut.. S(JI CMllDltl!N'S TMl!-Tll f SwlllltYl ti l:M tllll 1,)1 '·"" ( .. I h r lt111nlll•~1 stereoJJ the ·sounds of the harbor heard it so good . . 1 _Ld~~7 youve never • • • ' ' ' . ~ l • ! I • I • ! I • ' ~ • . ' . ; ) ' ' ' ! • t • t • t ·~ ' " " i ' ~ ' • • . .-: ~ ~·-· ~yh•• . -- ' 'Cactus F"lower' · Prickly Offeri~g 81 TOM TITUS Of ....... Pllll • ..,. "Caclos Flower" 1 e em 1 mode lo cnler for the -lous stage fl the new Lacuna Mouilal Playhouse, a mu!Upl<i set lhow played acrou the broadth ol the yawning pro. scen!am, yet there· 'a r e mcments -too m a n y moments -wben it ratues .,;' Mias H....U, who 1iV9 ..,. cl her f-lnterpnlatlonl u the ~ ·-nlltnl to bl-like the .. -plul ... ' her -· llevuj&Unr d'1tvtri with a lbarp culUnr qe la her llDct ln trad•, and It la plalniy evident ln !he Laguna sbow. ~~ ·while tbeae twu are ~ a bit1nc c(mec1y, two .-J1!8Jor chanclas ' "'CACTUS llLOWlll" (•I•~ ~. ~-W-~~ A CIOtMllr.W Alie ....,r_i. dlrtetm bf ,..-.,:::_~~ \,IUl.1--~ G-... TIW"Mll, ltdlnlctl dlrtctor and MJCDllei .1...1 .. ~1 aeem ·-l'lld\11'41 Al'ICIWlllft. Ml duleft tlf AOl&I... W L•wr-OllJw, nthrlnt · W SM:Y't be doin& (< -c~.1 · .and Ntltoll. Cllllllrin-. llY Birt Pirttf, . ~. ,. "'""''"' T"''''"{ throu91'1 s.111n11, two mon 0mct and r.:ifhOllo.:;, ~·t,:n.L•~"°'~= Judy Hlrahf ire m8'lnf tHli ·-9"CllTM• CMT alaJ*lci: . roles fer . ·an the . ifi~~~":f~":!rtoii ·::~£~= laugb.1 they Can pt. Jt 'II a '~' flm-...... chr·1;·W.'ihf~~ I'--·~·-, ........... lf:"ni'1~~itld ":::::~=~ ~qu 11c: o.;11.livua, tnd -"Ir ,, Ol•Ol'I Cur111t ..... l'l!Ym1 Stroud e. A urt St!ICl'IM •• -.Otut "!a~ Jr. u 1;... W tic loYtt .............. lluctt Co!Hn =-ee.therhead's len- a nFt 'ij,;iftttim9 ·::: ... JudY-= dency to take her role too llllc<>mlutably; uM+ ... ed by "'1ously h a m p e r s an ,..... otherwlae llne perionnaooe, Ill own envlromnent. while AdarDJ ii never quite up .'Ibo Abe Burmvs comedy, to hll characler, the m\llCUlar < !~~1 = i:e~~aJ: writer next door. Scblcker'a. OAIL Y PILOT llttf l"Mte 'WHO'S SHE?' -Judy Hirsch and Chuck Schicker attempt to learn tile identity of mink-draped Betsy Hewett in a scene from 11Cactus Flower" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. ,...q,. . -·--.. boorish unemployed actor 1' the t r I n 1 J a t l o 'n • While dooe with all the a.ibUety of a PneraIJy well acted, it is pie in the face .:.... all he millel of ea written and ovtrdirected, is a pratfall, and that is ~ 'i play ""icl! attempti to' do vided bY Mias Hinh, with an tqo much , with tiOO little ratr accent that mikes her ad- rQaterial. rnirable Adelaide o( a fN :Given a simple ~&h skry seasons back look Ii i: e --------------------lOte -a bachelor' dentist who smnethin1 out ol. Jane Austen. off U:: ':!'? ~~ , Roondlng oot the company meoll a ..._, be'd ·me 1o an Phylllo &n>ud ln a IOlld a .. ~ perfmniaDce as the ubiquitous the trlot wllh and ii lot<'Od dental patient; Doug Parmen-~ ~Cclne '.f!P with • wife. to tier Jr., less polished u 8 lih.--1~Cactus Flower" ... -.. -l -. Latin dlplolbat; Chuck Colgin, -80 ,,_, lngredl"'115 Jn. ~ wajk!lla: ot,i.t Pl u a tO the stew· and stirs so awiohy rtC<lld bonvwer, and olriftly, that.~ reault Wis KMlo· Benoon, a lre1t thrown llhort of·go0rm<1 lare. ln I« the tired ""'lnemnlJ\. 'To fadlltate audleoce IJ>. The play.,_ 1 number ot tirest on the lhow's tine lfDall ..i.., d~ector G•en 'false start.. up the comedlc Yarnell has added !lldder-~ofthebestbeing , -en embrace between Engman ~ movement tci &nd ~ w·eath er!iead, .,,..r .,... where d!aldrue whenlzpcl1 both begin u'""11- •one ca111U suffice. ..otai>IJ Ing the rollaway bed -but ifi the fiancee'a first meeting ·there iJ.'too little me.at and too 'fith the "wife." However, i:nanY of Uiese·toucbes are in-much !1"essing to give the 11Pired and glean lau&hter =te ~~.~~~a:":;: yhere the script falls, 11 ln ,forta _, E.:;;;;:;;-rand M'·· ~ scenes between the dentist QI· ..... -oao Ind bi.< nurse. !-=~ ~,eep the lauattt<r : It ls these two characters . , Who save the evening from ~ ~ settings, by •ce0ent the brink of ennuL Lawrtnee Older,. ,are ·well ~ Engman as !he dentist (a dooe. particularly the reoord ce bit of cutlng, that) and ~ wti""1 ~~ into a etsy Hewett as his .do.Ible cocktail Jwn1e,.1·RJ·chard y nurse are uniformly ex. .Andet »en "~ popped up oo. ftlient. llhort nollCe from s •• l ~an carries oil his role Clemente 1o handle t b e ?fth the llllOdth, polllhed Ila~ tecJmical, direction, anolh<r -by many a comedy 'fine piece ol worl<. ~;.wJth hhn, .. tim-1 ''Cactus. FJowei•• continues fn&-la anc¢ ln Itself, and.be !his week and next, Tuelday hos l(alnmulerod tt ln •'Cac-through Saturday, at the ~ Flower." playhoooe, 608 Laguna Canyon .. The ...,. ma1 be Aid GI Road, La(llna Beach. i ' . ' ·-Jorum'·Beturns • • ' l SCR Comedy Held Over ' : -I The 8Upply ol Uckell •has Or-Ooalt a-ll'ilJ l>een loo 1111all for the daftand aee ol ihe show because the bl;the playgoen 7 '° Sooth compaDJ has acheduled a two-t:Mst ~ IS brlniing . b£ck "A Funny '!bing HaJ>-weekend. <ll&li<ment ol three ' oo· the Way to the short plays by Fernando At' 1• • rabal'for 1 Dec. 12 opening. more perfonnincts of Bill Miller will cmtinue to JM musical comedy fare< set plBy the leading rol'e of 1n ancient Rome will be given P~olus in "Forum," having :lhia weekend....:. Friday, Satur· tat.a· over for Art Koustlt illy and Swxlay -at SCR's when the latter lost his voice. !ntird Step Theater in Costa TorY, Shearer will play the role ol Oymnasia, originally dooe hadn't planned to ex· by Toni Douglass, for the final e nm of. "Forum," ex-weekend. SCR execuUVe dlrec-Perfonnances are scheduled David Emmee, "but we for 1:30 p.m. at the Third I can't cloae a show Ulat Step, 1127 · Newport Blvd .• ' 1e still want to see." ' Costa M e s a . ReservaUoris I ~ 'three h o I d o v e r ml,J be made by calling the I ances will be the last bcDI: office at 646-1363. ·-j~'. .._ ...... l -ftW' •OUTH COA91' : -UA<PL&ZA~ •I ....... ,_ .. _,. 1146.271 1 I • ~ . • . ! ~ NOW PLAYING • ' I t l~ THRU TUISDAY Sl'E CIAL CHILD REN'S MATINEE Sotvrday, 12:30 JIRRY LEWIS "Hook, Line & Sinker" . • PLUS IXCITING ADVINTURE l'ILM ''RHINO" ALL SEATS SO. B enny Says T onight's Special 'Best Ever' By BOB THOMAS HOU.YWOOD (AP) -An advance review on Jack Ben- ny's television special for tonifOt : "Sensational!" The reviewer: Jack Benny. 'Ibe reviewer bean the best d. credentials for his evalua- tion : lengthy service in his field ; aagaclty in judging per f 0 rinances: 'articulate judgments. The only thing be might lack ls objectivity. Yet Beriny, ageless, though 75, remains. as enthralled by flmt business as tbe most green of juveniles. 1be result& can be 9eef!. tonight on "Jack Bermy's New Look" aver NBC. "I think it's just-great," he remarked wllb since!ity in an interview at his office in Beverly Hill!. ''Every show I've ever done on televiskin I've found some fauh with. I mean, I aJways find nnething that could have been better, once the 8how was put 1ogelher. . "'Ibis one, no. I liked every lncb ot the film, and I even saw it without color. Now if a show loolls good to me in black and white, you can im- agine how tt woold IQok ln col-or !" , Bmny wu proudest IA his cOlip ln ,>nagging Gregory Peet: u long-and-dance man on the sfiow. He admitted his reluctance to approach the ac- tor, but his producer, Irving 'Dear Liar' Scheduled Jn, Anaheim Fein. said, "Ask him -the went he can do is say no." Benny asked, Peck pondered, Jater said, "Why not?" pro- vided that his sa1ary go to the Motion Picture Relief Funtl, for which Peet Ls chairman of the fund drive. You know 90mttlting!" said Benny. "! cooldn't a<t Peck 1o stop rehearsing. I finally hid to say to him, 'Greg, I'm tired : We 've got to stop for a while !' " "In 35 years in radio and television, ..... I don't think I've ever bad a guest star who wu more cooperative and offered no problems." 'Ibo&e 35 years comprise a nmarkable record 1n broad· casting for :Qermy. Most of that lime he slarTed In hJa own weekly show; only In the past few years has he cut down to occasional specials and guest appearances. Not that he doeln't feel capable of doing the weekly !!llnt. "I still get offers to go back to the weekly show," he remarked. "I got two just recently. Bui I !old the fellows: 1You couldn't afford me.' , ' ' 0 Not that I'.m that ex- pensive. The point ls that JI l did a weekly lllow again, 'I wou1d ioslst on a three-year c:ontrad. In that way, tbe notwwk couldn't throw me oll the air il a "'°" like ••. got a better ratln1 oppolite me." He ri>entloned witb dlldaln the name of • naw defunct serltl aboot strVivon on a de9ert Isle. I promised !J!il-1<> use Ila name. Benny already has an active schedule lined up .for 19'10, in- volvlng concert dale> and engagements at Las Veps and Lake Tahoe. But he is A special performance of keeping the year fluid so he "Dear IJar" will be prtaented · can partldpate in more Thur.lay l!Vening at the Ebell ttlevlsion apectala. Clubhouse in Anaheim. The production will be the first fuU ·lenglh play llpoDSO<ed by the Ana-Modjeska Playm with all proceeds going to sup- port tha newly-formed !healer group.. 'Ibe llan will meet the audleoce at. a champagne reception following the I: 15 pe1 fon11ance. ' Grace Godino will play Mrs. Patrick Campbell and Melvin Wixson will portray George Berna.rd Shaw in this touching romanllc ccmedy of letl!n. "Dear Liar" recently com- pleted its run In Santa Monica and has been imported by the Anaheim theater group for '"1ursday evening only. For tickets or further information call 533-4637 or ~14. ' Albee Drama Tryouts Set Auditions for the Clnllge County premiere of Edward Albee's "A Delicate a.Iance," the next production ol the Cost.a Mm Civic Playhouse, will be held Sunday and 1>1on. day evenings at the city'• Community Center auditorium. Howard "Hap" Graham, who earned the playh-'1 beet actor ·award Jut staJOn playing the leadilW role in "Middle of th! Nllht' on tbree daya' notice, ii d~ecllng the Albeo drama ol alcobolllm and'lruanlty . A cast of fror women and two men 11 required, with tryoui.. ocheduled la< I p.ID\ both n1gbts. Tbe Comnumlty Ce1Jl<r ii located on the Orqe Cemtly Falrl'Ollnds. Mll\.D W'lt '"""Lt-• "'THI emY MOTHS" ... . t"MAILOWr Wiii! JtrMt Ot r,.,.,. Ctflllltvtft lfllll•r• ti•'·"" Wtdnt"'1, Dfctmb« S, 1969 ' . ''P•• !1t Boots'--·--' Delightful Yule Program By Children's Theater Guild 11• TOM BARLEY Of .............. Out favorite Clu11tm11 card bean the Hal of t h I Children'• 'l\qler Guild ol Newport llirbol\ And ~ t&W obout ICI mlliulet 10< delivery ol an eatVl1 awalled muakal ,,,_age that bll become u much a part ol this crlUc's· Cbrlltmu aeuon 11 the mouth-watering mince plea baled 1,000 mllu 1w1y and lhl~ 1o California by a very dear and aradaus EqUlb lady. ' A.'lll tha~ · ...ii. reader, la pralle ol the hlgbett order lot "TM• MARV•LOUI IT•lY 0" 'VII IN •OOTI .. A tllf 9f Nlcl'ltlu llllllrt G,.., WllPI •fflHIMI "''twt.I .,, NlllC'f EbM!I. mu.le tlllf IWla bf JM11 ,........, told l'fw ........... 111rt<1911 •bf Ntl'ICf • ..._ •rfMllletltn ~lroalet ill'f Lfftll Dowt)I, ""' 11'111-.. J, lklllllle. TMI CMT r 11H Ill l..t1 .......... CINI Ct.Miii Gw1r4 ...................... IC" .,....., TM O.rt ....... , ••••.•..•. 01M G1....ei. TM Ctllblt'r .............. Ctlll'I Ol.llvtf' ~Inc .. ltobtl .••. Alltlt•EYI N-ttM Otllff ........ , ............ , '"' o.n J-"9 ................. C~ Mt ,...ltl '-•-........... , ... ,. .. ,.lltf ClllYl:r. L.llcv ...................... l'I'! AltNll"OIW G.,,.rtl OIHorY ...... $1-1 l,,_llMll TM C~tnc .. lw ...... DtYkl Sc~ TM k.l11t ................... T"" M-. SIMI! 0.N ............... Tidd "lckttl Sc-Clll-1 .. Sllrr lflWI Hut111N, LIM Dtrwood, Lfnl'I OowtV, Kim ~1111119 this .. r1.. cl bolidll' prt- ducllona and U-bultllng, back room people deaerve· a review and a round of ap- plause all to thtmltlves. Mias carol Cappello wUl, we predkt, IO 1 long way 1n her cbORn vocation of theater if this beautifully d e I i v e r e d portra)'JI '11.' the name role Is to be our crilerian. Sh~ had a spell of her own to cut In this tale of magic 1"'1 lantuy and she wrapped It around all U-c!tlisirt<d y011ngslers from first to lart curtain. 'lllJs ii not 1o say that she eclipsed her co-workell ln thb gllttertni rewrite of the old laity· tale. Full marks, Indeed, to Gino Gaudio, an immense and suitably len11ylng ogre, Colin Gulver u the simple and utterly charmklg cobbler, (can be say '"Ihe Rain in Spab," we wonder?}, Ktn Brown u Gerard, the fantastic cat's muter and Anna -Eva Newlltad, u the beWltched Pr1nce11bobel. BUPERB MVSIC And once again proyiding the llltln1 background for this happy hollday -" tbt superb music of tireless Jean T&Ddowsky to which Prue why tt lhouldni ,.. tlnJ<h the Cllrlltmal ' -..wi. acknowledgtn1 the, flllll um 1Ulld workers mall baft n- plalned !he -to .. .a -~ tbollland !Imel. -... II bow out alier just OM wrona, aomewhert, wtM;i lNt weekend'• uposure. • tailor-made .-to Ille · Weil dooe, guile!. Another boob lube'.•. uwarylng dlo( of winner ,,. • dossier be<kcftd • sex and vloleritt la a.llcrftd to • wt~ blue.~·· . • 1 ·•w:r:•cutu uJl!ibr·J R , WUI )\ijCn USTAUllNT" '"'"" ARID 1lUTHRIE COLOR by Delu~e l•ttt• Art1111 [!f:> ........ ~ •• 2nd 110 WEEK Cell 67J.42IO lo " For In ,rmation Al to Playing -"THE FIRST TIME" Holde'.l hu once again added the Guild's Pn.i and glorlOlll her witty and ear cllching !In IUoctSIOf 1o all the apien-lyric•. 'llll1 fine combination did hoUday sb<;;;-a that have provides a musical backdropl'P.•Piiiir!iir. bef · "M I that ii unerrln&ly geared ID gone ore it; 1 arve 005 have the .chJld tapping hJa feet Story of Puu in Boots" that wu exactly that and which and clapping in t1me to the delllhted capacity audiences music long before the show in tM Oranae Cout College =·and, long after it has auditorium over the weekend. we sbouJd mow. We 've had We do not allow our own bn-to U.Ve wUb ~rum. ywnmlty, menae pleuure at these an-" all ke d I yum, yum, you wee n . nua pantomimes -for that 11 All rlpt, boys, I haven't what they are in the true:8t forrotteil your very special pet 1e.11e of the Brlilih Chrlatmas in this very special lhQw ; productions -to determine Lukey Ehlen, a e«eeous <JU.r critkiam. What we have to ginger tcm who forpt all say ls hued on what the about the "abow must Co on" Barleys' fOW' budding critla · tradillon_ "" Salurday and have to tell US and hert'I a decided ~ b.; lhould go cU 1amplln1 from the t w o -Just before tM, openfn1 c\ir-youn1er theatergoers: lain. · Simon (7): "Oooh, it WIS A next door nelghbor;Spict, lovely. I tbou&ht all thlt took over the Lukey role at magic WU lovely and the Way short not.lee but it appean they mtde that puuy into a that Buddy'& marmalade baby big cat, that wu lovely too. heard all about tbe meowing But I was a blt frightened of that v;ent on through aome the ogre. , ." pretty vital acenu. It's a fairy OGRE FUNNY tale in its own rlcht, you Nkholu (8): ·"Oh, ·I wasn 't might say, but there wu lrt!lhlened ol tha Oil'• (not Lukey"" Sul>daY raring to f: much) and I thought he WU ~n :=-~mlJ:l:I - very funny. Ya, and I wu a performance bit "'"Y when Pulll turned . him lnlo a llU!e, tiny ogre. I 'ft.u.py ENDING liked Puas, daddy, and wun't Like Lutey said, there's he a clever lin&er and dancu flOthlna: likt 8 happy ending. • .. ! We got It on all counll ln thll Yei, Nlcholu, you put your splendid Chriltmu lhow. finier on the ltar of a show in A Jot m people have put In a whlch we lhouldn't really look tremendoul amou;1t of time for star1 bearfn& in mind the and talent for 1 lhow that hu I overall excdleoCe of 1hiJ pro-been limited to just five ductlon. To our mind, it was performances. the best cutlng we've se.en in We 11:111 can't understand Crossword Puzzle ACl\OSS l Hurried 5 Greek letter 'Marbl e 14 Gr1nt lS rreposlllon 16 -G1lllt1 11 Ad•Jrln1 strtlltl)' 19 Lab0t'1 ZO Garnllllng Mtdla 21 fifty I 2) Fish "t knock out 2 C1K1t rt AbcMlnrlltd ll l"tl'chts l S For•tr l"orWft!es• "'°"' ' 37 H1fdlhl_p .Jt EnltrtJJn· ment fOrM · 40 Spantlh dllkt 42 Swollen 44 r:-.~toci l1nd . 45 Nu111er1c1I prefix 47 Dark. btown 49 Foot: Sulf iic 50 Literary f~· 52 lll•ke sl1bl t 54 f.nl1rge a hol• 56 llCOlillfS !tlS llVtrt 5'1 Gtrman lltle 62 Equality 64 --Dvor1\: 6S Furthest - "°"'' 17 Hal, L"'d 70 1111•t1v• 71 U'Atrv1t· worthy ...... 72 Ending used With ArM •nd Miii 73 lftltlblt 74 .Sl\lrpntss 75 1"11t of· th• body DOW N 1 llflll of 1tllr1 ~ l"rop1l 1 • bk'''' , c1,.b l• of 1Mln11 ln•ttvclld 4 1t•ve 5 However • Flnl1I 7 Mu1 lcl1n '• '""'" I £noll1h :. Co111b. form ' '°lay a r" 10 C1pe o --·-: lZ Soa py mlneril 13 Be sides 18 Flower 2! Dl1tant 25 EJtct 26 Eth iopian .title 21,Also 30 C"!Tta in .l roofs >Z Hi ving a winding courst 33 S111ll 9111up l4Grlt 3.5 Engllshman's umbrell a 3t Mtdley 38 Rodeo partlcl p1nt 41 One dtvotrd to wtlf1re of others 12/J/6'1 43 Ceren ony •6 Wrath 41 Ltt111d1ry strong1111n 51 T1lk" lncess'1ntly 5) Of I rellglous ptrlod 55 Toronto - Leafi 57 Gin and --51 Go f\rrtl vtlJ 59 Dwtlll119 unit t.0 Maturi t.l French fr iends 63 Mll lla ry action 6l Blbllcal ........ 61 F1il bthfnd '' Befort LAT• IHOW TONIGHT -ALL TH•.t.TllES Sl!I! IOTH ,..ATLlll.1'1 Al LATI' A1 lt:lf r.M. Arl9 Guffin. '"ALICl 'I lll!lfAUllAHT" Ill) Tht a .. tlff ''YELLOW SLllMAlllNE" LM V111 Clltf "OAV 0 .. .t.NOlll:" IMI "'"' 0"*• "Ml HATAL!l" (Ml 11\tJ.lrnUlltll khtll OllM ••~Ill'" "KllAllATOA" (01 , .. ''lllN• O" •IUOHT WATEll." 101 A.wk A1-Mlcllltl YtA "JUlflHE;;o (Ill •klllll'll 111'1911 au Htrrl-"ITAlllCA11" tlll Cflllr ••lfwMlll "KAH• 'IM HIGH" lM) . •• Wt llldl TH• U.LY" fM) THI UM.Y" 'Evt Show St•rta 7 P.M • CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY, SUNDAY FROM 2 P.M. Continuou1 Shaw Sund•y From 2 p,.m. ,HELD OVER ' . • r I I , • :JO DAIL V PILOT S W!dM'lday, DK.tmbtr 3, 1'69 State Work Force· G1•ow~ SAN FRANCISCO !UPI) - Callfornia's worl force 11.rew by t,634.200 durlog Ille 1961 lo 1968 period, lhe U.S. Deparl· menl ol Labor ilJlnounced ~fonday. C."harl~ Roumasse\. reglooal director or lhe Bureau of Labor StatlsticJ. said the state:s nonagricultural payroll swelled to a 1968 total ol, 6.630,300. He sald the growth "'as the largest in actua.I 11utn· bers of any state. Look Out Number 4 we're N9W-Wt"re t.11~..,.._wr'r1 Mu,.,..r 'iv......u.tt put NWmlllf Fii>• GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY CAtftDlN !1111:0111! AT •Root<HUlllT GAS PRESIDENT W. Morton Jacob• • 636·2980 FOl CALIFOINIA IESIDENT'S' ONLY Village One Investment Company I!,, b1e11 l1ttm1f:I ID purch11e • l•B unit •P•rlmtnl compl1~ n11w undtr con1hutlioft i~ S1nt• Ant , C11llo111i• ~••• th1 Soulh Cot1I Plti• Shoppi119 C 111ter. Twci h11ndr1d 12001 lifllifed p1tf1111'.\ip itnif1 1r1 b1i'19 ci lfe11d fo• 10!1 thro11qh Cotdw1U, l111~er I C11inp1ny 1t Four Tho 11,1nd S1vt'1 Hu11drtd OoU1r1 ($4,7001 P.•• unit, fn ... 11lori should h1v1 1n 111nudl income of 11 11111 Twonly Fi~• Thciu1•nd Ooll•n IS?S.000) tnd a minimul'O nit wcidh of •I le11t f iltv Thou••nd Doll1r1 1$50,000), 1wctUd!n9 hom•, fur· nlihin91 •nd 1ut<1mobil e1: or, I mi~imum 1111 wcirlh of 011L.tl1tn• dr•d Th11111e"d OoH111 IS I00.0001 . f,.r furlher inlcirmtl;on c1ll Rich•rd H. 1'1ul1., (71 4 1 644·2410. COLDWELL, IANKEI & COlrrlPANT 550 NEWPORT CIENTIEI DllVE NEWPOIT IEACH, CAllfOIHIA 92660 11r B1rry !hi. •d•f"lhe..-! I• ntl!tw!r 1n offer lo M!lf nor e 101;c11111on ol 1n 11lfer TO !JY• or •t ll un•TS in Vlll19e Oftt lnvt11menl ComJWtny, Tnt all1r !1 maoe only b~ Ille ouet1r19 Clf(uler. ~. ~.Cw Gas..:-Complete-New Yo~i'-Stock List (lftlt1.'JIE COUNTER c -·-:::;~;~;;;;;~~;:;~~~::~::-N~!W~it~J:'•~J:~.:ltc!.'r~ 'd::.1 Hltlt-L:. C-;_ c":. . oJW>any. --· &..l.."':o -== .;..·: .:..:" ..:..::.:. ....... 'll:" .. --· i ~s j,~ ·nm ~:~ ~3~1f! F ed -A-, 1 _ 'l fl~ ?!• -.-F=b':111srr 1 orm ~~""f!11 J J;°\l f~ ~ ;,: M1~ .. ~'"" SI U.1 f ... 1"" +·~ ~~r•M~,, 1.~0 , Hl!'f' YOtft5, 14") ~w "'L •l'I JY, N flll f'C h .. ifu ~111111 t.• ti 4"h 4'o;ll ~ -* ,. l.un S dJO "" .. ._.. -... I'~· d .JO •-J~8 F8b ~Jll 0 ,!\Ii 11 '''l ~ 1... ,~ -...-'.I 1AOll ~ :P ~ il _:!:1.,.. I~ t 1 • ., ft Jl" ~ 30\i -jlli f' I tM I.ti w,J.1ortonJICObs,pris1deDt ,fttiM~~,l: !711.r' ~~21~air • 'Mv. ~~r.:f,.11 !f!1 :R: !IJ!1~:.:·•:. '~1 d ! L ~~+~~ 1J.,,i,, 01 Southern ~-"'or-'a Gu!:..~,.. Ill(~ .,. CAMI l•• S•YI: J .... ,.,, • ~. !Jhl ~ ~ 1.li' 1U ., S(' ••••. ~ • ,, 1"11 11\lo r~, :::u ~J~:h~ ::lit v.&iU .u "'°" ICIUl l lrtmK• "9l:tl SI 'I :JO Mii" Cn1i a AiMiii-11 1' I IN 1 ... I .IO st Sl\lo )O;t ."'° -F-rf (II'/ J • .0 . • 11om but •• r•o-dvC Sy! a>.1o N.t s. "'r 1 \jj Alflllllt 1.• Oj l't ,f/J'lt -1' 1.2' 1tt 11\'I 'II~ llC\lo -1\\ "I' 1111r 111 Co., v.·111 become president and r114nt1lfv1 lftltf· 1r: ,..,[ lJ\lo 1)" a~.. M ~ ~ """""' Ca 1 ffl2 .... ff:! ·~ I ... !!': ta. N -" l>Cllbcll .Ill .... , or cu '' or nit• f 10 n GI! 1 I • ,.. Afr,.,... .Mb 1' WA-~~111.2:1 1 JJl,ji 2J~ + 14 "IW1r I'd .OSd chfe( eX"ecutiVe Of a nt:• ••••lmalltv I llC 1i14 II HllO 1 Air fid pli:PS SI 2 111 11 :.:;" llCt.(;Of~ N l! 1111 1' 21 --fmi.llH$cl ,II ~., ti wfl.cfl thlu CllY 1Yt f 1h ti ~n 1' C Wt 1 I loll Alr~M lf! '" I~ lt)1 l\'!l =: """-~ xt3 SA:i 56* mt -I II 1inl~ .50 unified gas distribution com· dlajed F .. 1 ·~:r· h'OY• m J'.4 H ~ t tl I j~ n; ·; .... !!'. ~· i. : J ls~ lf~ ~m ++~ ==I~ .• ~ ~~ r,t; !t\.'I + n ~ .::~0prAlso pany to result from the plan-::'111r (~ 1' m1ri:r. Mo!:'ut ,,~I 7V. =~., ·1:~ ;... ,:r: : ~llY~ 11~ 11 ~= . tS 2'14 m) 1f .... ..: i~ I ~f"' ~""' a = ;~ ~l: !1~~· di•~ thr~"' K '&T: L ~ ~·" l)'ll' r. f 1 111 u :m:&:'r™' ,, tt 11w tt ... " .,. 111l1 11n ,. ·ur ,f1~ *"' .... 1·· ,.~ "or 11 .. otd CfWOlldaUon of Soutbem...f J ~}', it"ruJ: rir~ ~ '° JI !i/'.,1,! 1 ~ a ~~"... I If>' ": .. ,: ~ 1; m: ~" i=·:: ~ i111~~t~~ff ':i tni _tv.1 ' ~ =•5 c '"tr'eef California and Southern Coon-""11 m1rk11D, 111111 111 4'11 1 l't w P "'t f \lo I:.,~~. Vi Yll ,.. ,.. 6'11 '·'° 1 Mw. Soi'-l SAio -\ tnt lA 1 1 11 tr.;, !2\.1 n,,. + ~ llOrCP i.Olf ""'kdow11 er Cllll'I· 1111 I a "f II: I ,_,.. 14 ~ All1111Lucl 2.<IO 2t 41 o!O'A-... -"'°"~W ,l, 21' lff~ U\t 161io + l"lvM H Ii l ties Gu Cos. ,. flllMlon, ~rw~1 20\oll 2l,~ Art, l .-~ trt"! , A !11• p1J '' 4Sl't '4V. .&S\\ + lw 1.111 u """'° tt~ :lf\t -"'~tVT1w 1~ ..,, • !" .,.. 'Wit \.'I 2'.. _,. ~ .. l·lJ: l(.41 !014 ~ XI .. -~· ..10 54 21 2nl mt -~ MC Cp .~I Paci!ir Lightinr is the ~&'! 11~ JI\ :f-11 TJ ?~ lf: ~ , :g:1 ~ ;11 ~11 .~ 1~ £,. ~ 1N -14 eer11T.~ -tS 1t1j; lt l.'1\ -"' MC on.tJ" parent of lhe two ps com-:r,J r.~ ro: n: ~19'f:co 1tl i ~ NI 1 \'I I~~ T= 11• 21~ ~11 ~ ~ .~ fft: ri: ~rr }.i ~= ~~ I~ ii.~ ~'ii ~~a e=·~ll:: pa':lies. ~ merged com. :t .... '11 1:~ 1l... ;~~1.:0 T if: 1' m 11t I j:V'1:t"w ~M 11 ~·l~H< J·"1 sill M ~ ' :\% ~'rt,t .:1: 1J = ~ ~~ ~·,,. ,.=:"™"'2./.°11C ~ Vil ifV. ll\Q 1"1dN Ml l!j I!: ~lbll Ir Vio4 111111.llt lt'4 If"" A~ £.~ " I~ !~ lS IJ -n 11 IJlc '1 I~ 14 \4 ... +~ PY,!'I~'' .M panie! will be called •Southern ~ = .ll.'t 2i ~:~·o:~ tS U .. : ~'I l'I ~ T1'.~~ AJ. , : P4 A 11 Clllliii -._ U'lo ™"--tllml'S 1.1' Sf n' ... 1~ WV. + \'I ~:J.f rl,IO Call·romla Gas Co Alrbr11 F 12\ .. 1n1o F11M 1nv 2!J! 2'~ fiMco c. • jF. c. u.,.,, 2614 ~ ~"f'\MI :zJ l:; l;~ 1:: = ,~ E"~"'i . .\ lJ ~ :,n. ~ :.:.:· .. ""°''' 11 J°1 • Aio.t H 11\'J U\oll lltl 11"'4! I P....cGI 4 \If tfnY hi 10 JW Alft41Jui 60 ,.s ~ :t1\.t 2~ _ ~ ... Mflt I If';, ltllt l~ ...... Fa•bo,,, .IO B A 'fcCandl d Al!Jtr'l 11 11\' F•I W"ln ~1 l\lt Pk\lt\I Dl.J 1' f 1111 Gil 11~ 11fio AMIAC-id Ut'o HV. "" ... . htmtlrll lb 2j ~ ftll4 311.._ _ \\ Fr1n• Irr .<Ill tUCe , II fSS In Al~ !Id 16U 11\lli 1111~., 1' 1f l'I Ptf'llw p 1 rK CM 11'1 f A~~· 1:1 r ~l'o tt'h tt'io -Y, mNY !,;.! • .. ff'i\ S1 .M 1-\lo ,.._~I 1·'° Harvey A. Praetor have been ~1111: J,~ i~ ~ ~::: ~~ ~ jt\ ~=1r. T lf'tt l , ~~"'"I 1~ 1lYi 1J~ ::::."~1f1·r .,111 u11o m: ri: =1l: ~ '\70 23 ,!u lln liv. = ;1 ~;:t~ i"rt ~.W d · d I' · A l.C Ell 7:j; 11' l'"MI Grnl l11ll JSIA l'9fl 'ilxL 4~ ,. ~¥1 ~Iii Arnett CllJ. '9! 11 70'4 70'11 -3\lo Mt Olllt 4 6' 5"111 JW. J~; -U es1~ndate , ethXeCU l:~..: I C e ~~Ide°;" 1 ~ IF ~=r 1r..t. 1~~ ~= l~ ,m 21 1:=~1 d ~If~ M~lrl1~f{n •.• JJ1 tt1~ ~~ ;t ~tt hr:~~:illl 31 ~ r,,,_ tt: = ~ ~~, c':-1·~ pr est ents m e prof"""""' new Am au." 10 1 "°"r '-• 2a ~ ,._ Ptc 4ii: .s ,,..,.... ,, 1611 1, ~-l'•r .15o "' 13"-in• u~ -"' 1M'StPP:{l 1• 1.,.. 1 it\>\ -" KA"" p11 ,,0 • A El L•b 7\' l'rnkl Cn tvo No P--tfte: 10 10 Ut1ltlC~ N ii: '''" Ol't l I 71 21 21 -" llMSPI" S 1 641/o 6"'4 lllA + ~ 1.'m Sk&' I :Ill company, McCand.1e SS 15 now Am ExDt 12\ii 7jl!o f'Cflllln E 1jV. ~ P ... 1 W1 f._ U• f." 11m ~.· .. N•""o 2 UI 3114 3n\ 3Jl~ -(\ MSll l>f S S U\'J 'l\!t 4V. -2 •mi 111 71 • Am 'U"" t'4 l P11lww V. 61/o Ptrll\1 tit. :I Un lum "'" ·• 27 il'lo. 5'14 ~ -411 II M11,!c I l7 1• U 21 + ~ 'Im .. o,.·-pres1denl of Southern Counties A Gtttl 41 4•,\ F1111u. JS 10 10\li fittrollt ll... I "" Gii ! ·~ ,C•!, i.20,, ''~ 4~ U\ii .UV. + '\>\ ",.....,T ,, 11 17 ~· NI .. --Glnlltll "" Jmd 21 l't 11uau1 llO '"" 10\lo Plll!.dQ l>f ' u11 R•lfll J 1 11o AC• "' I. ,, l-N i""" 2''k-a ChRJ' t;t utt 1 ti\~ 11\\. 11ui -v. r.1r worid Gas Co Proctor will resi...,, aS AM•lt 11 t tv. 1r1Wll 15 lSU 1"1111 Sub 2 ._ m1. ul &knot 1 1t\li A,m,.~,-,1! ~ 11" 1 ni.a-1• ~!!' ctHW 7 ~ 2014· '°"' -11 G1rW on.~ ' "O" A MeOk:I> ,,..., J.IV. It ~t U V. I~ Photo!! f 11 -' 8 ~ 3\'6 4 ,,..11 ·"" lf io.. Jl!lll 30\\ -~ Chrit'.(FuH .61 21 10"' IOV. IOI' -\lo f.•~tn l.lO executive vice president of ~1 "6:t 1}\.'I 't~ ~Utt = ~ ~~ 1 jl,:• u S:.": ~iv. ~~" 1.: 2; g,,.,. ~ ~" .! 1~ ccA.c~.~ ''f ~~t': ll~ ll: =1~ H:t-111 ~ AS! Ci pf I t .r lf:1t. 1141 f ~ MIC u Trt<L 2'1h litl """"''" J.21 :m '"" 2''11o 21 + v. ccn p•pf I I 1, 1]V. 1tv. -1-l>i r.em1n1 CID Pacific Lightbg Service Co., Am T•IY 17\.\ uv. 1e1 1 :M ,.,. eotf Ro lJ!:>'!nit ~· """ 011111 1 s 201.li 20 20 -,,.. t11,_,.11 ·" '' 2'1k 21'/o ~ -v. r.em n1n .~. , , Anr.u1 9 7l 7lV. ~ 15V. 1"4 '~ A<~ S• ~ SL.d 7 ADl1.tT1I ,q 31 fJ~ 2'16 7"41 -1" ChMllr 2 .ti.I 3'1141 35~ .15'\ -" GMtn1 '·"' to become executive vtc~ Allk.,, c 1.0 1 1111'• .w. 'N P ,. -.. ii!! 'I '"' :!ID ,, t.Du11Vt ,,,. SA 1011i 10\lii 101Ao .... "" c1MOe , ,... • :a 2~ ""' 2.,i. r.t...,o r ·'°" Arail1~ ~.,llO 11f11t 7) :IO'llJP N '115! •LO t'Ao10 -'Du1I fJfMI 1 lJ lH~ 12'"" -V.Ch1GE fJf4.JS 1110 "\\ 6SYJ .sv,~j ' r.t.Tr1n I.to president of S o u t h e r n ~S?.. 1 ~Ht. im u\~, ~~ 1"'~ :~blJllr jm-117, .. :-!r..~, s. ,.u'h !. .. ::"tr:, 1.~ 160 2914 ,, " -"" c111 GE Pt 4 illllO SJ\li SJYJ 57YI r .. n 11ne .5' C Ur . G C Ar:i:n " :M :Joi . CV< J' lf Pu•oo: Ill~« Vf;, 31',... ,..,,_ ~ .... Am {~p Ind f tt\\ 2'\~ tfV. .. " !In MIU l,olO ll 41"' 411./o .C\4 :.:.· ·~ ~en Ct1bll1 l1r a orrua as o. Ark MoP 1Jl4 '™ ood u O\l 11 P • n"!t ,, W.chw-P ;r~ m., t.E1onc1 "'"' ,?J: I!..., ~ ~~ ~.'? 11~ti\!''1.lo.o 11t ~"' t'ri\ ~tt ~ tt n~;..v.i .ii'/ H P '"(lo II Arrow H 4 50 oodwv 1 1V, Purl t 17 V. W lllt•dt • 1"'-t\I, "e.1nh11 .10 110 '14 Ul'J 24 +"' tt11 Svc 7 15' ll4l ~I 41W -lV. r=enDvn1m I arry . LC n, curren y ArVlcit; lJ'i~ uv. r1ci11 CJ! 1~ 20v. PDuo c1 sv. w1,..11w t\lt '"' t.G111n pfl.to 11 31\.'I ~ :M"'-" 11v Inv lllll l<& 27~~ 2J 21tt "~en EIK '·" • • A3CC 'f' "" 'J~ •••oh Sc 3J "~ lt1d · DY1 "~ I •ttl NG 61 v. 17 AmHoltf 10 31 1:1'.0 1'"'~ 1>• " o-o • '' '' " • , • ~,, .,. Flrllf 34ci executive vice president of Aufa sc 1sv. 1 Grnn Mt 1 v. 17'111 Rau Tr•. 11 1111 RE 10~ 1111o A Home l.11 • • .,. ~ -a •• nv • •,.. -~ ~ ... F,rJ• i 10 AV1mco I j G<"" r· )' 20 R•mb ~ 22'.~1""° Wit Tr UV. 1.W. A Home ,, 1 l I it; t..I 9.N'. t "' ~rkl':1 1:: ~ l~lt = ~+ ~ 2::: r;;ri•·~ Southern California Gas Co. ',•'*t" ~ 'A Grl""' 1 rnu,,ra ••!:c" ,., w.~ R• "\.\ '"" "'" Ho.., ,,, Ju •si~ 111.,.~ .Ql.i'"' -+1"' cia 011 .• • •1 21 i.11o U\.0->.1o ,,_ •'• ,, • ' •l!'_d At ~ t t'ifOYt l'r 14 R•Ym 2JV. ~ Wl\f~r" 16'Mo 17U -'mlnvit 1.10 II 17Jlo; 0 \9 C (lff 1 to $ 42\' .a\lr. 42\' ........ , II • will succeed Proctor as ex· l:r-~.int 1 ~ 1~"'~,: ~1~ '!" 1114 D~M.:. ~! 1 ::,1:1 ~ ff.. 21!_, 'Mm~MF:!_~ ,·'2. 11 lt,. l~ ltY.-~ 1 u11 2:114 23 "~ 32~ n~.:..:.·" 2"'~1 s!or'°t II •--• 1 > lo>.r. R Crld ~ r '"' '""'"' "' -rt,_...._ 2:1'4 JJ\4 -tr. loro• lo to tl\6 ?!'Al 21"-.f '\G Mot Q1S ecutive vice pre&kleni of PLS ,:~' 1~~ 1T ~,'~ ~ 1ov. "11~., 'r: ll :z:~··M: 1= 1j,z ~ • .i~-.•,i 4 • 17 111Yt 11 + \~ 1uenP•• ·'° 146 21~ 11v. JI,,., -~ G!'nPc.! .., •• • ' •• •• H ' -·· , ••• ·-· • .. , •• , ... ... ' ..... .......... tel tti f¥i B • . . . CHA Finl .10 "51 '"'' 2•111 21~ SP\·~uo ..... and will report to Joseph R '"' "\ •-r ... ,. ·• -"" ... ~ .. .t.mM•IG•• 2 10 21i.;. 3n., 11 '"'-~\CNA PIAl.10 u1 Jl\IJ ::io:wr. ~+"-~-Rtf R."""h p-si'dento!PI.S ·::~~ ff~t~i-'J!:,~ 1~1m::!~M 2:v. n~i!.:~ 1~ir-~~"t;ot",J,t _... n\lt 12"'-u""+"'C••11s1 G•• 11 .,.,,. .ov. u~-1~G1n s11 'i'lo p;ific Lighting Service' Co ::r.~T.11 f; J!Sv. ~~~ •• ~ k"" ~n:. :: f,'c:J ~ 3f~ :Zi~~~ 1' '~,; .. 2l'M "•mm''1,:•,,1· ~-1'1 ~~ ~ ~~~ =':.? ~~11CJ·1' 1J ;:~ #v. ~\l :-:.v• &:::sl1\~ ~ • l1ltn Ind 10 I H1do( lnl 1"' IV. RYlll HI 71Vt :ltt~ Wisc PL 21 2Hlo .. DU '° '1C 1''° .lQ • · · · OCll!lo I 6 :It~ 2'Va 2"'t + 'Ill ~Ttl El I °s2 Is an affilia~ of Southern !•rk H• 'I •J Hl11hvn 1•\t 1s Sadlllr 1\io 1 Wr~r, ~ Ill· • j 'i:::',.m,•,', ':!! llll J1 JP~ JI.,._ t\ olo P11 1, lot .U.\lo .u. "61\ ..... Ttl pf!t'JD !,_Llb~'j·-···· '1 St1ritnE 1'.'i~, o I J•"'-·•• 11 31 36'4M~ .... loP11U J10J2 S2 !2 ,, '''m•'· C I'! ' d South r--! '• n·, ,.. I S I I 1 ;,o .,., m $Id I 79• 31'1 JIV. >IV. -.. 0101'"' Al-l 71 25 2• 24 .:..1 · --a I Ornla an erp vvu.o-lluos W 01 ~-tr :JOV. 3w., chol n I l2'4 Yrdnv E 7VI I t.mStd Pf( 75 In! 10•\lt lllll/t lN -1 oL lnllltd .IO 11 .U\'t llV. •21'i -'Iii .~,~.°!:~1 o'•~ ties Gas Cos. engaged in gas li~h~llfl ~;. ~:w,. H:t• L.11 r'" 1v. Am, 5!trll1 ... ·... » n :>7 32 + 'A o1a1nt11 l IO 11 ~ 3'-.. 3"llo .... 0 ............ 1"'." l•ck HI ,, M ,.,. :tl'h nv. A ue1r 31 1•'rllo 14\I 21v1 -v, ol& Soll of 4 tJ4 n 52 52 ii •111t•r LrG acquisition and transmission. '::ri•t. .,1 1 ~ ~= G•• 1." 1ru NnSwlJ>' ·,,, s •v. '"' '"' + •.~ ~J IMI 1ci 1» ,...., 11v. uv. v. G1n111n1r11 ' • ' .. ' .. ''" ,, • ~·· ..... MUTUAL .t.m T T 2 to 1U Sl" ~ 51 ---111 Dll " 1 Ullo 'T.ll• 111" "' G• l'lt ,IOI) PLS also provides ·certain e:.. C ,,:~ 27\li H~~tt C• \!:'' W , • <se ?s tr• ''.t t"' -'"• ! 1.• !7 .. •m 41'i -"" ~·"'•c 011.,, .. -·;ce !unctions 1o·r 1·., af. e.,."'!111 12>.~ lJ'.t 1nc1 G11 .14 u ~wm', 1.n ~ 16\t H\• 16•\ -"' a 1111 11 ttY. »fo 2lli -'·' •.!;:.e f"·'° '===========================::!'......'.::::~:::·----------lnts Stl 2™\ 241,(,, lnlf1rd SV. 6\lo t.tn Zinc: 21 21'11 21~ 21~ -" I I.' 11 JI 301' OJlt -\~ ~1HY 1111 ,20 llrwn Ar 1 11\lo 1111 CQnl 16 IM< t.tntlelc . .0. :Ill 11'ilo 2114 21'rllo -1 " 1.llO :U 11 nYt 11 + ~ lint PC .'4 filia'~ lrkwy G 71 n nf'o!IC m 4V. AW 4.lpf I 43 rX10 '10\~ 20''t 20\\ -'!'a 11~Plcl • 22 21"" ?~ 27\~ .;...."' rlt¥011 .llw ,. • 11r1d sv1 ,, 12 I"' NIKI J7Vi 3l'lo -'W pre 1.!S 1100 16 1' 16 • -'l'l 111G•1 l'r.MI ff 2411:1 26 26 -'-t r in • • ruth I• 2N lllC" Sv1 1~ 17\~ FUNDS Aml/'lnc: .Ill l• '1"4 Jl~ SIV. + v. om 1.711 I ~ lWr l7V. .-. \':! lbr11! "'" lucktY lCW. 11' .. -'<m Oo 1>1• 11 AM <o .» -o ,.-••• '''' -, .. Dnl • .0 2CW 2,... 2446 27 m ldd LtW .IO RI.If"-~ ,....,,."int IW•ll ~Al AMP Int ••• ~ ffli ~ .. ~"'=1:: w .~:Jg ll ~ .... ~~ lf:ti1::g1:~,i·.i: GUIDED ~u.!"T,.. 1~ ~· i= rtJ~ iGn ~ ~:=. ~"Jl 'jj ~ 3'v. iii'> -om E 1".a J 21~ 21\lo 24\lo -V. Gltn Akllft :rwsv 2441. 1111 s-.. l! u Amtel..» 11 11 13~ ,,.., "'vi -o• ·" t51 '°"' 20\'o 2<l'h-"IS'M••ln rnc1 '° tilt ,.,. DI 11V. An1«1111l l.te 1111 2f\li 2' "~ + ~ ~.,, Sci '" ""' 21~• '21-. -"' lobtttn .IO ~ M 7J n. Int T•N I" ti~ AMhHock IO JI 41~ olGVt lllolo + 111 omt1t 1 71 s1u ·5' ~ + v. r1e11 1.11 ln!IM I 11 71 ntt•I 1 1h lM AneoroNsv· 1 4 21~ 21\'a """-\'o -MUii 1 IS I~ !IV. 1•"1 .... , O<llh'11r .ts C1nred S'llo '"" 10(0"1 lt 21 Dec.. lll'llf IOI 12.Cll lJ,20 """Cl•y IJO y IO~~ "°'"' olO\.'I " tlll'ICC.. .IO ~ IJ 32\'t J1~i -~ GohlJIYA 24 C10 Sow 1<R4 UV. 11 SCIUlll 7"h JO'J, MEW YORI( lAPl '"!f!lon Grv1111: t.oicl>IC1> 20 Joi 21'.lo 20YI 21 -~ en{dfi l.IO 2fl ff 2.R< 2S' -I< Ge><11dlnc 1'..c lOUR OF t.111 '"'A p,~ l*Jtcobs, ~ !v. -Thllolloloilna11uo-ndl s.21 s.""oco0111.i.tt 11 39 lr\lo 3T'<=.4" oft 111""'' 11 &!)'.'.it to14 +1'Gri'01Co 1'so ~•Tch l m jtcoun C 11'M 1 \to l::f:'llom' IUDllllH llV Ut .f.19 10,Jj A<IUI Chlin 21 ~ "fl ~ +1 Ill dlt<-' J It 6Sl4 U 6S'AI -+ \.\ Gr1~bY I 201 mi 91 \IJ 1 1m Wit 714 ~ N•ll-1 Anoe!· fi'" .m J..S t.ltA Svc .f6 51 120 11,,.., 120 -v. on ofC4·'5 hlO aov, to ~o -\~ Gr1ndUn ·.80 , rtr Go t:tV. 21 J•mff F 16'.lo .i ~ <If S.Kurll!tl tock0__. 19.Sot2 .21 ArchOtn 1 . .0 t SJ 5''-S1 \'t In 11911 1.10 l:H .,...., 4'!• 11~\ +.,.. Gr1nlfoC Sii Jt NG 11"4! 111' jtm1 bY 12\/o :Alo l llf't, ll'IC.• 1r1 V .. ,, !·IO t .472 ,\r11PSvc I.Oii to 2!1Jo 20~ 11\\ -::. ~~tl~1, ltf l~~ l~V. l~,L .!'• !''"lflY 1,4 lftft• • 2\lt 4:W. ~,,.,. "d' I~ 1 I DflCft ., whldl I< y .. 01 .. I Arlin• OS .20 24 '2'1!. n 21 -Vo on L1111M ff ··-,·,·.. ···11'"' ,.. r1ntW 1.olO en v's 1ro. 1111. "'!' st 71>,i nv. '' 1.1e11r1t1n ','%1 R11h 114.tt S.u "rm1;0St 1 60 '° 21 26lolo 26\.\ ..... onNJtG 1.71 '' 2~ ™ ll + i:; ••nt pf /·" NOS Merrill Lynch invites you to a free Mutual Fund Forum T11rnday, December ' i• our Santo Ano office SIH)entrom Center at 7 :30 PM sharp Wed•ndoy, DKtmtler 10 loll'°" loy Clvb Cllppw Room, Nowpwt loac~ at 7:30 PM sHrp Cpick th~ mos t c.on•enlpt dote & loc.tlOl'I) Mutual fund s a!'e multiplying at an amazing rate! A'lore than 400 different fund s a re a vai\a blr · . today. There are funds that :ieek growth. Funds that seek income. "Go-go" funds. Balanced fund s. Fund~ for farmers, airline pilots, doctors, teachers. Even funds that invest1no8tl 1 underwater! So much is happening in mutual funds today. that ahno:, a 11 !J investor needs guid~I nee. That's why Merrill Lynch is having these special "guided tour" forums. We'll explain what mutual funds are, how they're run, what risks and rewards they offer, ·how well they1ve done, what different kinds are available and how much they cost. We'll also rell you how Merrill Lyn_ch can help you make an intelligentchoice among them lo try to meet your personal i nveHtment objective. ..... There's no cha rge for attending one of these forums. For your free reservations, simply call or return the coupon below. ----------------------------------------- Plea lif' 1 •\•Cl'\" •. !if"als. for )Olll' ~1ulu3l f'und Forun1 beini: held on . .. ,,_ ...... _.~·-.. ··· .......... ._ ..... -... ~ ..................... .. tlocation J. tltr·---------ZiP-----Phonoe--------- MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH INC SEGERSTROM 91701 CENTER Ttl•pno.,•: S47 -7172 11000 N. M.;,) SANTA ANA l'or Ilic «'fil1Vtn ier1e·t of f1tlit.!tors our office ic 'orr.n doily fron1 1 a.I'll. lq ~ p.nt 01id Satitrclays from 9 ·a ,fll. to 12 UOOIL 1hm RA ~ 114 ·~I or ~ 21 could 111.,,. bHn 1 an..11 Al'!Tlour 1.60 • .UV. 4V. .av.... oniPwr fO 41 31,., 3J + \'.o r1vOr<1 .10 f:.rt L<:. ,!.11 lm !:"·~, .. •.:z ~ r.i.t.:,~1dir~.=~"'f,1::i.• ' '•,tu,.~ ~~.ti ~fo• 4 "~ !!'\.Ii Y"' -l• .,rw "'•'.52 t50 " •1 •1 ' g~1.P ,\~ h•mld f1'l ~ 1v1,... •1-'t j •IO •1111 ncoc .-:S ArmRub l .'tl •n J3\ nl'o ·~+\lo onpw 1111.50 1110 f"" ,,,,.. '2\j, +Vi a N<l~r· '1-:-6i ~lltl I~ 6\li Al 11, T f 41't I 14 AblrOn J.11 2.59/colwlll ,2J.;:12..SO Aro ("11,. .M s; ~~ ~'i ~W. :.:·1\ Olll'Alrl jJO ,g 4\lo 1.Jl'I 14 -\.\~:N..,~11,.(llC hi ar&-1 ... ,,., H~ El :u S1'.~ AtfH 11d 1.» '·'' 111 '••' 111.11 it.17 t.sl'old 0 11 t.:>0 ).IJ 1A "1'il t<'4 ~ · Gt wnt 1n hrl11 $ t7 100 •utf ! 1•V.1SlAo Aluln 10.JJIO. UI t.6111.•T ......, llrtw It UVr 13' ll =ti tCoc>,,PrLH uo, !fh !~llJ 11v. .•• .,G>1WrtUrM! ·" CIV!tl Ill " 101 ' eve f ib lfl'l ls:\lo All Am " ... .ff UI I• I"' t.11 """ OG 1.711 lS '"" ••'4 "'"' . .. °""•' I ' , • n ~.. ... lm-... GWV11 Dfl.M cn10.t I 11>'1 I C.111 n 21V. Alohl Pd ''·" n.13 UI ",,1 1,10 I.SI AHd s ... l .20 l :U\4o """ ~ -"' 0 0 Al. " -... -\~ r.1w1Poln .50 c1111 u ,. :is.... " ~" 'c. 1u. ''·~ Arnc10 6.0. '·" 111 j Y j.17 ... ..,.,,,,. .IO 43 1111o l7V. u v. -,,,., 1.,.c•Mt.tei.54! ,i "" ~""' \lo -11. EttnGnt .ff Cllr u g UMi 2•14 I"' lnl 12\lo 1'li4 Am B~1 l .1 1 J.U 111 jl l .971 .tO -'llC""EI ,l~M '1 2l,,., HI\ ""+\Ii OlllM.:i•Jlj/'!t .~ ~ i"t•L 430,, -+ tt' •"""~ 1.10 ~I'\: Ml 241• H na1 El 1'AI 11!. Am Dvl11 10.17 H.u ui •'> lj-0710.rt A I Rl<:hf.., 1 569 t] 91 '1'1o + ~1 °"I Oii l!1 2'~ .,;'! ~~ <"""°"1ftd I 'ltoPI N 1\'t Irk c • 13'.~ 1'" AE• •Ill 10.n .. . UI .n 1:.u Af1r.dl Pfl.1.1 t610 s• 51\'J J:!\7 -1 011 ' :Miit ~ ~··~ -n11f11r .!'II n1 Mtr 11>\1 11'i ICn•~ v,.. 1~ " "'" Gr!!\ 'fl I"' 0u• S' J.21 J.n l\tt Jch ~ 3 J 1Sol>l lSI 15' -1'~ Oftt Sii 1 1 ~ :=,, :::.:1 "'i'; rum1T111C1 1 I nlon o R t "'' Ir 1 JV. "'" 11111 1 J Al -•°''•' •1.ll •.n All ell .. 12.IO 1,. 6! St\~ 60'1• -'14 ont tel 11 !SJ tt ,J ......,. -• !llfHllkl .40 1-Cp 211.t !Ni 1.M D1t n '1 W.-"" MIU f . 1 '" f"''~ .GO 7.17 I\ l•1CllM1 I l< 21'"' 21\'t 21"4!..!..Y, ontrol .. :10 '" IO""IO"~IH +"•';,· llMOh 2,IOa Oll•r co 70 11 ~n<:• In 2J 2~ AmM om J.02 J.30 nlcll GI 11.M 12.t1 All~' Cor1t 1<< 41io 4V. '"' ""' -,,. .._ 17 ult 011 l.lO ot11m E ''" 1v. 11111 tn :ni 1.,.. Am PK 7.5' 1.21 •M Gr!h t.n 10,61 ATO Inc ·* io ll\/o 1"' 13'4 +·v. onWQCI 1.IO.I I 3' 3' 3' 14 ult Rnrcn CoLlllll " '' tS.,., ... Wd ,l lAI. Anchor Gr111111: L,ft '•""''! '5' 10.•J A.ur f~OP!11 2 16\l MV, lA'l:i oolc Unit .:50 lS l9',lf lf'.4 3''4 -!Jo 1111111• llf.20 C&I"" Sii' t( 21 t:rwn \Ii 1\lo C111ll !·'"' t .12 ,1.' ICn 1.5.'9 11.<M Automff! 1nd •& 1' 11"9 11'4 .:..:·v. rl\ IA 374 1~ ~ 11'4 -1 llRn afl.JO 'MIC-' ,, 1 ...... n M 11 u:rw ~rwtn 1 .u u .a1 ir'"' 1.:12 uo Avco co 1.20 se '"• lll• · 21~-+ "" _,, 01~.J 2~ li-11. ~~1:% 1ra +·~ 111 1 ',j''u',,·!i ~ C!r a ._.,,., LlildV t.d Xl'lt JI~ 111cme f.2l ll ,0 I"• flk .S.d 5.rt Avco O"fl.'JO 'I 1'\'t ~\lo 5114 --llnd l.20 2 "'l'lo '° .io _ \.\ 0 u" •, : f"tt 1"' w. Lth (;Ml ~ sv. Fo lrr;o tl!lu.u f nv J,SI t.21 Avervr,ot ,711 I ll U n -+ v. ~! •• " f'"" ~ 641~ ... "•-•• o<• G11 11"' 11V. Ltlt11 rG S2V, J3V:i A11Kl1 I. IA 1111 I S ~SO 1.01 AYIWI nc . .io 17' 12'\i ltV, 11V, -~ cia·.w! t i .20 2' IV. 1114 111,1, -"" ~iW "m'l: Ttl 21Yl21\/o t •vln Trt ,.,.. 6V. Altrcin ' 6Mi r:i'• "o" Avl\I lp,f~ ,..!. '°") '°••"' '"'""-~' "'1nt I ,30a )tS 2214 ....,.,. -=·+·:.:; u.,u ·,, Hlltl 1•'4 15 -It &F 11 lN A.lie He11>al!ton: 1"" • .J2 11.32 A-I'd 1,llO "''I~ 1 IMV. GW 1 -· -2 """" _.... .... ,., · Ps\I 15 ... INllLIY Ell '61,1,'"" "UM A ... l.f] M~•"' •,1 :'611 ... .1.r!K 011 G1 .55 13\\ n 13 ...•. or -•• g>,1,2SJ'¥.12rri-1~ llllW DIJ.7$ Como A si,i, Ali l.alJllW 11'1 7 Fund • 1.01 L11 \I 1.n u .n II-"""'''" .:rt 6 21~ J7'1'a -'ti llDft Incl '"" Cm "1'.1111'1 Loft Cd'I Wt '14 Stodl 6.2' 6.IJ M•""''" 1 SJ 1n -<IWIH .lt 4 II ... 11 I ..... Cm11 Incl 2 t t4 L .. Etr11 2! ll\~ Sci C1t $.02 j·O M •u t.' •111.011 .J.J !•lock W 1.U Ill "" nil.. n"~ ++ ~ J"'c'f;J' 1 ·~ 1.: ~ ~,. 41 + ·~ ~= knr.: li.r:~l~t ~~hG~ ffl: ?5. ::~Kiit J·Ji 1:~ M::: tr JS~ lt.3 a:~(ft!TI.~ g i.k, " "" flnt I 6(lb J:14 '2'\'l • MV, = y, Htlt Prt 1.60 Cll'IO Ttc: IN ~ MIOlt h 11 lA !:!'tr PO 11.12 1 ·" M tt?. ,',·" s.n 1·1G Diii.-" dO '21~ illO .. ~v. = ~ redltfl Fin J "~ lt mt 11:t + ~ ~~n=: '.;ft ,_,.., r.-. . ,.. M11 ·• lli t'lli ..... ·'' 1 " ...... r. .35 12.35 lffO pfCI 1100 SI SI ~°::~l'..d· 1 IO ~m ,,"' Uloio -'II ~.:mnc1 ·.ro t:on lftocll :11 • :ti M• lkfl '2 '3Y:i ton SI 7.N l.'3 eOCln l.tS t.tl 1n1l"u111 ·" If 111-\i ~'t 11,,. .:.:.·\(,, l'IWC.oL l.OJf 1111 30!1o ~ ~ = ~ 1ndlmn .60 CJ Slrlhl J'4 4V. Mctmt A' :J\~ ~ IOI! ,~n 10,'° n.~ M~=., ~u ,•.13 1 . .61 IMP M 2 21\.'o H V, """ .. . <OWll C<lrt j1l l~ II 11 -"' lf'!CI Hlf .11 torolfld Mil ·~ Mtnl" M '~ «;, lklllGfl 1.21 II , o 4..4S1S.1't 11-P 1'tl.2J 1 jl\4 21'A 241/o -V. rwnZt lt 160 ·JI ]s;ti >> '' •~ lnffCO I'° Ccintr1n J~ m Mlnof" C to lMI. BrOld SI 1C.il0 15! "t~ • F'u!Ji" 11.tJ 'i•"k Tr J.U 1114, ,',~ lk: 61~ + '-4 l~ Coro :.i U 11~ 111\ 1\,'l =;,; •0oMM 0.» c_,. L lj" 2ll\li M1rm Gr l2Vr I• a1111oc11 11 . .M 1 ..! .,~ " trtlOll J.W •o .. " :Ill 51!: -.•. "' \Id~., ,I,•.. 191 '•"' ,,,,. J"' _ •• HITT•"'""•, •0 1 Cori S 2 \':o ~ M 11i<1fWr 31 1't\.'I lG Fd •·a 10.w rw t.9' 10.76 •((! CR ,,! ,,. SI... "' "' )'1 7 ,. w H ffl1 L., tasm Yr ,. M•vor o "">A 41 '""" .11. 20.«I Jnc:arn 3.f5 l ,!:I II••!~ Inc .11!1 ,,ll !!,~ .,•s'+lo t .. s~ +0~ 111 !<11,11 :ie •1' 21~ ~1"-,'(• = !? '•"'rt Mo,','~ Cl'Wffd U\':o 16• McOuv 2'1\'> ""' 1a1mr I. t Od n1ur 1.2t t .07 ll11!t of 2.50 "" ..,,. ,. ~ 11mm IOI> 10 <11\lo .. ... rtS .., t':r!ll Mh UV. 1:1\~ M1dle H ?!I 2U':o 101! In¥ •• 1 4.61 :1F, •••• .,.n f.01 1 ... ·"· Ml<r )] 1~ '"" .,,.. -un11or':i.r' 70 ' 3~, .0 + "" trY Al 1:20 CrOl!.I Cci 41 11 Mt dlrn VV.311\ili acilt Shr 7,:111.ff 1,, .7l •.lt ,11,1 otl 10, ,•1:~ l!V, !]\~-·.~ l11Wrt"1 16 ~ r,,; fr~+~H~"o'o'<'o'i·• Crvlt~ JI ln!.4 I Mt1n1r 1 t t~I Shr 11 .6S 12.TJ M~ 0mG J."' 'S.n 811!1 Ind l ·~..., 10'41 21 -'\ rt Wr t. 2 6 ?t 'I~ 3'' -tw .n Cy()I'" c 11i' " Ml~1 °"'" Pio ~"' hlft~!na Pulld•· Mu Omln ··•j 10.JI !llU11Chlb .IO 71~ 1i ul\•< H 1... • '' ' -... •Ytl Alb 1 h1~1v M 1•~1l•tr.MI Id Cl 111,1;1"4 a111" 11.6112.nMuf Shr111.l 11.11 B••t•l•b .IO 174 ,, lMI. lMll:.;'io, 'llllDS 1W' ':11 ~ ~ "j\_4Ht1t~lne 0.11 °"' 11\t 111'1 M t.JI '"" Mio Corn SI 1.)7 I.II M~I •TJI •2 !1 2.51 ll1vukCI• .~e '' 11~1 Joo;. 10"-li -" v~ru.M l.IO 11 SI SO'ii 51 + ""HKl1Mn1 .70 ~11111 ,. N I~ M GT 1ev. """ Grw1h •.M '·" M A M'\lf 10.n 10.r• "'• ... ,~. ' " -· ,.~l •1 --~ .. l.(e1fll HJ ,u vis I'd 1%1.4 lJ MDIJ foll 31 Jl\lo lntDITI 7.ff l.«I Mti WSK t ,N 0.IO tll di I ... ,.. .., llYJ v-le C rf 11 Mir 211.;ttviM!it VII> l•'ltll ... S..CI 2.U JNN•1 llld 11.0711.Cl2 he-min .SO 1S 11"'-4*~ .,....· ·,~ H'11'1:ot1lul0 Decor 111 10"" lllA M& Ric~ 5111 '" Ch111 Grouo; N1 l!\Ylf I .Cl t .ot Beet Die!! .JO ,., ~ 60 &<Jo -\It ~ 11 1 ... 1r J! IT 1:m U!.~ 12t':o + " ' · n.1111 Al' ,,... l't\ Moo:L Sci .,,., ,,,., llund n .6112.ff Mlt s.a.ir hr: llt>tdl-'r .1$b ?l l•~. 1","1· ,u .... :: ... 8::1,c~· I •"• Mm. ~~. m i -.... :t\",.~ 1,,11~,.# O.lu• Cl! ~ .$41' Mollwli; R ,,, 21 Frnt tt.Odlij·" 1!11l1n 10.d 11.12 llitk:o I'd .SO ..., m • N ., .50 _, . k •• , •• !:"' •• -.... Ion~ S1t1001tldnttHIOll l lt:lliu !tV.+\\ I 1112 , SJ:li5'\\+·"Htlmtdll .,.., •nT !!l~ 111/o M<ln'" P 1 ... ~'"' ' •"' 8"'' '" ' Biii How· .M " -.. , •• _,,_ +> O.vcoC11 l ,11 2t '•'lo "'" '' _ \ H1lmrt1P 20 Oo!t tBr V. ,.,,,.. M-I' 1'4 9 ate\ f.4610.ll '·"' I o · ~" .. ~,.,. o .-.H·-' 10 ·-" o"' c lltY -'m 1 "' l:W. IJ,<lf)l"t s ,,..., 1~ l:"''"C lt.1111,01 rwlll 'IO I0.10 II ln~rcon .. ~ ti\ f\~ -1\ ..... .... . i:' ~ •.• •olt .tMtr -~, rm . l!P -' '' ,., Stk '" J29 tml1 D I 1t ,, "~ 2l 0.Vff\PL '6D ~ 'l.'l ll ... Hemline ,6]1 .,..y Ao~ l'"'h 14"-' •.lcild• M Tllo I ., • I lncCllTI s'n in llilno!!• '° •n 3'llo 3S''ol 3'~ ..... OPL plA J.7$ II SI so so +"Herein 1.109 .,.,wov E 1 ~ Mcil Club '' 1~ Eouty 14·11 S.1'1 Stock 1'21 1't1 l!'lldl• DI l xi 6l'h 61 '3V. :i.214 l)PL Dll~.1S ~ 50 .so,,,, so • 1-flf'lloFd 1.10 ')!tm Cr l•V:. '° "IUfl'~r 1114 n Fund o.u 11.1 Nil WtJI ,." iu ,...,Fin l 60 "' SIV. JO"' !1\lo + \ii Oetr1 Ct 2~ ,,, •l.lil .,~ .. .:..:.,. Ht~b!tln ,Ill ~~r 1C~ ~ ~ ~t'"Li: :~ ~ ~:.'" ~ '6:U ~..:, Ntl· Gr!,h .:1s 10:1o0 l'ntrF pf,:so I 151 lSI IS! -J t:'"•~f' I, 10 ,,..., Ul\ ltV. -~~ ....... ,.,k ,'JO !llYM r~v '11.\ ,i;u: ..... r~,, c-2"''1 2•v, !ol Grfh 1s.fl 11.100 "•"'•w""w• ",,-~u,,.•,•, ,""',,,,', ~·,·~ uoo •1 .o-,, -+..,-'M1111 l . • .w 2flill -ff'lo m. -~ Ml'11 Vollffl -y '! ..., ,., "" 1• 7f\lt 17\'t n'li -•L en1A!r .l>Q 155 ~ Jl"4 J2'1o + <L Hll!onH0!1I 1 l)oc~lt! 711 :l'I NII lrntl l~\ 4::4! Ofl'lrnC n • NY \I I 19'0 . 111111' 5Pf2 °SO 1:!0 31 31 3.j "' ll!K In! 21 U'io 12\lo 12111 -i~HllcD .U 0o11Y Md ''" ~ O:•!Ctt II l• '~ ornS l!d s. I ,,, NIWI.., I' sr·16 Btl'!llUtt ' 231 13'.~ lll'o IN +·v. Otn11MM•'' .69 52 2'11, 24\.iF ,, ••• Hll(O l>IA .•2 !low Jn~ '"" ., NCn.,. C" "'M \\Ii orn~w1111 F'Ot: Ncire """1 ,oM J,tJ ll-Jllf ITi 24 lj 12.;i, ll , , Dtnh o Ill I 10 ?Olli » 21J -1 Holl.I•! 1.20 D&Ylt Olli :1'2\.li n NII F.:aut ... Jl Ceo d t ,ll IO.n ~""·~ ~·n 1:·~ Birk"""' ·"' f!I 1 11\lo 17lli -· .. Dtnl!YRSI ,6' 107 21'" '°" 70fo + ~ .. HounW•I .I? l: ::= ,::~ ....,j, 1'.20 1:n l5lf'm1c C0.1t 1•1 1 ''~ "" -'llo ~~•PIY 1.109 j '' II .q -,; Hott E ~rn .S <!Ck 1.t4 t .11 ,• '•'• •,•·~ 1s.:w, lrJ"jh f~ \:~ 4fO ft"' 27 17 -.v. ~ll:Gr 1,10 II 17''9 * -\i. HolldV1nn '° • •,. 'c' •,.aH \ H ~· wm• ••"' '•'• !, 1• '/!;-."' '' "' 1rl>li lA:. t • °'1!Ko ~' • l• n"" s11; "'-1"' Ho11vs..1 1'20 " 0 .... ... ... "" so "41'1 1$\4 .u.4' I tolnc .M ,. )1'4 X!Vr :JI~+ "" H<lft'IHllct 011C _Al 1$: 11; 'H111 11.t115.tl ,•,1~1t ..... 1.20 1' 11 n n -1\~Dtr oto 1.1~ ti~"'" 2214 ..... Honi'fw1 120 -· I 4 'j! 11h 1 14 UJ 1!r.--,11 .d '! JS n:tl 2] -•1\ 8tt l!d l'IS.11 I ll\lo lj 12 ..... HOOY &I 1 io1 .. """" Id 1't0 ' Kl "'"' 11.u 12.• 811.._ l-I I 26"' 'im 2•141 -'Ii llS!ttl ~ 2S 12~ I "" 12" -.... Hot! Intl ' :JO -F'd .:)I Kl: J P,•MM·~a ',·?! 7.tJ ',"',.~·.".•,, ,-•.· ,. 57 s~ -IV. •• ,... .21 l ,...... ""' ,.,,. -\' Hotel Cl' Am om 111, Sn S 10 I v• n I St ~ · 13 54.\lo !l $N -1\li l)l1IF'I""' JI I 111/r. 10'",. IOI:. -V. ~ Incl IO -:.,d 'un1vi n Pnll• 1s:ot 1&:s1 llobbl1 lrt;t 11 1711! 17\lo 11\'o -\.Ii g111111nn 1 ID '2 ~1\.'t .w,o 11 -Vi K011d flfl li Clllnl Ill 11.111j -{' ',o 1 11r1m t.1' 1o,to0 =~~01 1.201111 2l7 31\lo ~ ~ -I'> llSh1m l AO " 1m It._ 1 ~ -\lo Houd pf ·2.ll DftfU In ,,11 I lot u111v1I I _.. · 213 771.~ 15\0.I n\'I +V. ~ltSh pl C2 t "'" 111V. 11 ... + " M-Mitt llC ... , G•h , .• 5 l!:li p nt SI 10 ... 10... a.,., Sit• I I " 21" 211.4 i.s DI 01.20 " \Wt If' I"" + \{o • • " I' P!lln E~I 7 '° o •• BookM!h I 21 J 22:\i :n~ -• .:..: '• lcllpllon ,41 57 2~ .... ii&-.._ HouutoF 1.10 ~ ~:11 .,:;t t' Pion ,nd 12'• 11'.U lktrd1n 1.-MJ 21• """ 1S'" 1J"1Z -\lo OTtb<lld .... 1 ''"' 61 v. I .,., _,·;z Hol/JF' ''1..«I ,.,, WOlv tfO •..k Pl1n lllY u111v1ll llo"11Wlr 1.lJ l7 11V. 27"" ?N + ~O!~lar•\o 60 14 1J 2'1'n 2 Ya -\.'I Hw'F Pf1.l1 rfl WO.I 11 'U \ IJ Ptlee Fund" lliofm1ns Ill d 141 4 11~ 11\'t ... 0! lor• ol.11 1 l!\.1 lS\~ --I'll HaUlll..P 1.n 01V11h M 66: ... ":" Grwlh 25.H 2S." llO'l l!dll 2.01 21 ll"lt 3114 ~lV. -''t 1))1 lnanm .di ,, " ?!\Ii 2~ HoYllNGs IO Ott•I lt'IC' 11 .u lj,11 M E•t '·" '·" llOU•n• Inc '° 21V. 2414 2•1'1 -"0=11n• of A, 1 it\~ s'"' 5f"' :~· H<l11G1 pf1.SO °'!'-. 12 ~J n N Mor 21.11 H.74 !l•~nll.r.lr .so lS2 II'-' 10'.I< 11 _ \~ Dll~o .Mb J U"" IW. 1~ + \\ tl~~ John .24 0.11 Tt 1'. f.OJ Pro Fund IO.n liJ.'9 &rtaaSI 2.«lt I 5l n v. 51~' + Vo Din tub .!O 1• 1 ~ 1)'11\ 17\lo -•\ ...uwmtl .10 s~r J, !·f,j PrDt"dnt '·'' J.IM llrl1t M~ 1.10 '17 70,,., It(~ .,,,_ -* ~Qo0 1.Xlb tl I '"' Ill lltV. -~~ ~~~.,,.3·1~ I F i.I ,71 ""llln ,,IS 10.111r111My "'' 10 16l .. 46:\t> l6'Mo -v-. v nd .2' 17 111'1\ 1 ~ 11'" . 1d•hoPw 1"to ul u.s u.n fiul~•m Fulldl: dW'I Hilt 1 t, <!Cl "llt >IV. -l\'1 "-.,, ·?2 i~ "',,. 1., '!t -'4 de•i llihl~· l o ,. I"! 1•.Q e:ou11 10.1s n .ot awvH• M A2 ._..,. ._."' u 11o ... ,.. _,, ., vt 0 YI L~ 2.• U.61 GtorD IC,lflJ.SI &k!V'nUG 1.72 1S 'N 2J 'X .:..:·,,_ omFCI I.I ..... l• lfO.'o 12 12 ="' 111 tnl ,U E1t11111.Hciw1•d~ Grlh 10 '1311.11 arvwn c11 12 1ou. Ul\/o lOVi "' onMlllv to 10 m.i. 31 37\'o "'I" Cirn on.so a.tin 10.12 n.tl lnc&nt r.ts '·' lif'vw11 co llf 4 lS(!i ln'I 1n \ +: "!!::;." ~'•' : n 11 ~ 21~ 21 •.1= \.\ ill ~e."'1~· \s Grw1h IJ?tl..iJ '""''' 7,'° IUllwn S~tl'I 1 t 1• l~o 15"-'"' r """ '1~1\ ll"" 1l!.t-'l\ul '" ·11 -6.lJ ,.711 Vh!I 10,JJ II 13 llW11$-l.$0 l Jl'.lO JlV. ]IY, _ \~ D ,711 1 ~ 44 41 .. 11 P'w D 'l 11.vt 1 ,I, VDYl<I I :II f 16 BfllMWk IOI 111 11"11 11 11 _ \'o Dtwehm t.to 1'4 ~ 61'11 6J:\ -1 11 1 a '11 l •.to 11 j :ev l1d1 s.02 s.n l!u~l!r 1 20 1J 1tV. 19\lt 190, Ot1V&C":,\"' \' 2'V. H~\ 1''1o -n 1.,,.. 0 A;,. lblffl lJ,411•. J tvttt 1) 1• 14 '6 !lll(kl CD .IO "I U 1''111 16'111 .:.: ''l\i Ort1slnd «I I t 1~ 1-1'1 '~ -~ !NA 1t 1,40 ""'' 'j·" u ," ROMnth d 14 1,15 lliwllt F "'AO J N 7'!11 l1li 1• 0'1'1N" .l'O 3" jJ" lOV. lOV. -11Ai lncarr,_t ~w" Emn1 k 7' Id ~11'" " t.st '·'° llllO•et In a1 21 Ullo 15--lm + .,.; ~''" D4 12 11 2''AI 21~1 11'.-, -11Ao 1 n ucm 1 ~ Entr1v lJ.lOl .~ cllul!f 105lf.S11uttF'cir11'10 It l!l>':t 3_~4 lllAI-~ .~c',.10 7•, ""'M" »,,~ »fi•"-"~ll'llll1nH '.Ml E11lor1• 1.21 • eUlldlf l'11ncn: lluloYtW .o 2J -.. ,. -~ ~-• .. " -':i'I Pl 1 so Eoull'I '!\ 10. Int Inv 16 M 16.Sl ll unk llen\o Ul fJ;i\ lnlt 1;; -" '" 11fdi1S 6 I IOI 1 +1 1 p\'. llff1S E11ul Giii 11. 7 lt.IO !:)' •,,.01 u, !! llunktft pf! 50 •I 41 11 41 ... ., n&rd f · 01 " jN .WI\ '.-'I -2" In IMn -'.J! In•• u 1 1 .:21u •• , ,, •• •• ,, ~· .-.... ~pt1n ! 21 s\lo 1•10. 1 -\'t i-• ~It'll In 11.'li fl'lil orn SI 11,Jl 11.3.• ur "" · 0,, '11•;, !?"• ',','" _ ...... duPonl . S! 154 IOI'~ 10d'~ 10 -1~ ,.1,~,~ITT · ! •r,lar ,. l tt SK Olv 11.11 11·61 lliuflldY .10 "' " .. duPonl Pll 0 •• iM 6>'• .. + ••• 1 rfd 11 :1 :it '" Ea1111 .ra 1.1 aurr1111 ·'° ,_.1 tst 1.w um 2 ~,. 1 13·.so .. .... l"'"d of J •rm 111 11 , I Jt c 11111 ' 7.X .• &111\JnY l.ftt ? _llt\lo ,. 20\'o + \\ u a"rt :liy H ~ n:.: fl fl :: tt 1~=ie~. J6 Fed 9r1~ 14.0& J . ~·I•\ Am !G" 11 lS -c-•. ,OP .1, 1611 :re 111 ti -1 ,..11a l'Ob ~1= ~~ \\ .t ' ,~I 6;~$ \t,i! lJ.~ Ctllol C• .Ml ll 31 SI'\ 311 ' I. 5 ,0 120 11'4 77\lo ml! -V. nit~ £!t.l.U Fld Trnd 15'i} Y· l.X lft,:ll ll,12 C•I f l"•nl lJ t... ' ; '= ,i .~t1°Cl·0,S 1SO ,. ,. " + ~ I= r or Ji Fl~~·1 "~""; 7.lj ~'"r"" lt .. ll.~~ ~:::i-::t ·.1J. z: 1r.: w~ n~ =~Oil 1.1J..n •• , 11~ J~ ~ r.~ :.~~ :rz,~s' 1 ..... Smile from Al Hollister lnclonl 4f'.j 4.J !omt T, t!tlO.M CemPSt 1.10 !l :M~ UI\ Mtli + ~.1Dltf2.1D 110 H 211 ti ... lrttFfllFr .«lb rKll'Tl 1:1.i 't 1ml!fl I t ,f(I tJ'6 Incl ,01 l.f I~ lf'lo 1.-. + t\ lnlHt N l.IO Virnt '·!i l -Inv •.:. t .f<I ~,........ ... St 11:\a 1 * 1Ht -,, llllHold 116. ackn<>'A'ledges n e w s FslF VI 10 I ~ m"· ,()1 •. 03 • 61 E 11\f Incl ,;:i f'1tl"~l1 I. ' er ,,.,. 1111415... ~ .... _ 111 llld ~-'° that he won cruise l'Jt I "'10 11111 otctr• '·" 1cN Ai'd ,, .. ,,, _.. -..... 1n•M1~1r 'q, F11 ~ 111 1 '' :J'I Tl'rm Gt J,\l !~'·' A ded "" c -~ '7 .,. " '"" + " · aboard Dutch ocean Fol Mum fU '· !'·~~ S! SOJO!l,SC ' war :~~1r',,·I' • ..,11.,ff,'h ni~ 22\i -1\ 1:1 ~ '~ rl F11 Mil 1.so 1.20 ''""''"'" Fu..m· n 11" l1v. 1~ -1~ 1"1 I"•• I" liner as grand p ze ..-1, s1 ... ..,,o, "·'° A"' inc 11,14 1,,,, :;/ u1i. i~ 11 10,. 20 ~" + ~ •~11 11:...:1 i •-· a r de d Hollister's ".1 c10 7.IO .... l'ld\IC 1.l-\ •.o5 For Pl • ""(ljj'•t '' "4 14"-li ,,,,, '~ + i lflf lR" ,,~ -• !I" """ 1.611 .• Scllft • 11 s.11 annina •lotOY• 1."0 "' ~1'h 41 ... •1'·-_ •. '"' a..T .os N I l _. 1 GIP! l·I• 1.!i! S"'I~ ll:t11 •~•: · -~ll~Mt ,J) tc ~• "" ursery n c o n e s ·~ "~~~11 i:tI 6!:1l·i"( ~~ °" TI:;;t: ?;:i! ~ '"' J .111 ff, lo,',~ 'u'!*n.,: ?t~ = ... " sored by Bandini rtour1y 1 461 StKll 1•6014.'1' WASHINGTON (UPI) !:"''.~•' 1 2 ~ rtll; •• r Co. '•~k 111 o1]' ""'•-~na1 r .lll 1·"' l.G M ,.1.. 24\e -•• '/fla~ket ~ SI • 1·n S..o .,., '·" 1 ·'' ""' n... ~·k .°'9 IOI 1 •"" ·~ -,, 1-------------1 " 'I· 1 . ~""'"" 01 11.111 .n ,.,e ~partment <>f Housing r~Y'.,'~ q •'" ' . V!ll . 1 .. ,;"'• A• u . .,21.n u.r ........ "" u!,; uu ~t·-·-., •M'9fll '·H .• ff(ll•t .i110.,~· ind Urban De v e J o p m ' n t ~""M MW:! • -ll-· '' -,, S fJ l ' · Frft•m 1. r.Dt 7"1:hllc f..ln '-" '" ,.... F• tT...wt 16. ~.20 '"•<~" 1.1s .... Wedn'etday announced a series :t• '' •1 21'~ 2••• -~~ ••m O • ' ' Grant ~"Ufld~'" 1"1·.t:2·tr t~:-~. 1?::fJ~ or mm. granta anc1 fund ,,,.:~0:~ ti lm" ill! Y~::~ ,.., 0 :;·. llt'l ltr I 1; 1Q:i towr MR ,,I 7,• ,)rite 1 :JI -$1\li ~~ ,'" ..... """"""'9 ... "'"" "'-::.: -\';_Ci t,,,. r1a 1.$9 ''' reservatloM. They included : :;:.,Air .tO I Im ...., [ + • ... _ WASltlNGTON (UPJ) -~i AJJc 11.~•1'·; [fr~~ ;::;:1::; Com ~lvt planning i:l,~11ffl 1J .J n: . =if ...._"" .-et ""I'\:" _.., Hou.sin& authorltlts In three 1~..,,"' ll·· ! ·U 'u':i",c. ,)",f ,,'-l: ,·,.~ uslstance program: ~ :ni~ ... ~ ,1(l _ "4 """ ~ 11'1 unefllt11l : •• ' ' Af These grlO'" C0VL I M)dj~ ., ~ l ~ ~ n :tt-' cities were awarded contracts 11•rRron1 1 · '' ~~~~ J:u~~ 10 20 .. lllr ~M111 ..., o ~ ll · · "' !fi 1 m ... or tii~~1 1· • ••, •·u t:~ ~er-l •• •.,. lhirdt of ~ --l of pllMln" ·nn t.1100,• "'. !! I.a t~ !J. = ''o H 0!'!!-,,-1 -·" :;i,::-• ~,., .. tct.. • Wedn$Jay tot.alln11 1750,000, "•'• 1, 1 1 1n~ 14•• ,.-,., """ a 11 1·2t • »~ si ·~ ... '" '· -11' a tl•,....., 1 • ~.i,~ 0, 15 ~... for tht growth needs of the •11C .11:1 fl\ lf' 1tu = •\ :i:t d1~lt~. :t!:o:~,..:,~ i::r J ·: Secretary George Romney or M:~b 1::!! , 1 . ~!.~ .. c:7n1 1-!"~1 ' t• area unless otherwise in· ::r1~~1 ·f.10 10~ Ii li~ fJ?~ : :: :..,~ii;'''t.ld-""' v.e~ ~=!Cflor C: ~ tht n......anment or Housinn H&...,c •11 11:¥, ~·· v,~J;1~ 1,~ •• ~-r. dlcated ·, •.!. Sr.,'].' 1 ,...., , .... -'• •fttf M • ,,...i,,;;.,· "" •llt • ~. • !llJ ~... -··--"r\)1'9 , u' fR tro\-t~1~""""m••:S:=~-·•.11dd-... \:'",ti::" and Urban development ar>-dOt '~"'' • Sot s1• 1 ·~ ••• Sta•--• Calllonu'a, 144.911 !:!_0t,~ -· ll.,. -.. ~ _.. •1111 1111 in ... rn· II~~ ofll •.!'4 f t• u:: Ul •• .,. • . ...... 1 !'ffrt, I Wiit ftllf, _, ,.< nounced H M-t , , ' "•~ • ~· • •• t I I I lck Uf"~ vtnht"I' I E"' le u~ rnc o~,. hltJ h>Qft V " • """•" 11._.. ,,,. .,. o ass s n n 3.n• 11r1v 11_c.i1e 1.11 J!_.. ,11 ?l"-,-, ... , :--• .... .,-,'•• ·-.-:·. Romney Slid each of the 1111 fi"' ,., s'.t1 ... ~·,.,.. ; ... ;-... de vtloplng statewide •b;;k: ,.:-..~A"':'M z ..,, 1r1ra--· t--11.'" "' autboriUu -ln Cleveland, I-~..-vrMIV'i'rl~":"..,.. ,!~1 ;~ 11tatbtlcs and resean.11 on"',•_.._·"'°• "~~~at'-£,!! ~~. 1111n1 ~':-ft; Ohio, AUe•Mny County, Pa. I:: /J~ l1:1111:;i:t:"::::'~; ,~·;:·,.!:: hou!ing lnvcmt ....... and markei ..-:~fl.,1'.."I" 'I! '1'~-,: :~:-\t.<11111111"" " d•tt. : .. -\"' 1'"49 ~If .,..,,._.., I'•'"•"' U -·, !'" • M ll \lo 1!14 -•t l-$tlttin1111L ,. Housing ' . . ' and San Francisco, Calif. -~o"" 10:u11' ...... 1~ ·-... aggng1 Oh'.-• '"' 111 1 ~ ' 1~ ~·· • lo h · '"' T,nd ~.....,11• .. , .. ,....,., 1' •• ••" S....., "'''"' I~ l . I 1~ -•t d11ftltivffoi\. v -IE1 tlltllt, •-With"' .. \\'OUldv.•orklodeve. pt.tc n1·l'"1<'rv , ._,,. .... _.,, , .. ,~·· ~ro Woolley, Wash ., ''w"'"'" 1,n11 ,,.,, ,,..""""'.' .. , *•tt'lnb _ _.1111 .,,,,,1,,,· I j ~. th living "''k sni , '•• .• .,R~·~· ......... ,.,., 000 I •-I 111r1M1f .IGb ,.. m D" -, ~ queJ Ot' mp1utn1e C • llY (OI. l/: l4:;l ''"11'11•.f '•, • •• '1"'"'1 Q8n \oY p In CM-flAlj,,nl ~-tt_ ~\to if ~Uflllrs • .,,,.,. In tucf'I. a;,11..,,. :•-------------------------------------~• environment of pubUc hoU.sln(. :=: f~~~ :_:tn ~11 '' ;,;; ;,;; struction of 80 houstng unit&.. ;:.,_..,.~ t iit 1:z »M u.: ili, ~:._ .,~~,1~~-~-~~, .. " ' I " '· .. ' ' • • • r r , . • •• .. . .. ' • ' .. .. .. .. ,. ~ ~: " ~· ' , . • • • ( • '· • • ' t r • • r.: ... ' ' ' i . .. .. ~ .. .. .. •'. .. . : " t: ' t ~ " " .. f ~· • ~ ~ ,. ' ,; . • ~: .. ~ •• •' ... " f .; .. ~· ~. ··: •• •• ... •• •• •• i~ ' ~· . .. • •• •; •· •• :t: ••• ... i; I:. 1-' ~ Ii: ., ;: i: I: .. 'l ' "' ••• ~· .: ,. " . ... .. •. " .. ~ ·~ i; ~" g .. i" .. .. .. •• . ~:-.. .. • , .. (: .. .• ~ II ·. ·---------------------------------~----~~--~.---.-,.....--=----~--' --------~-:;---;; '•·' -DAILY PltOT • - • • I • ' I • 1 ( • I I \ ' • • • I I. • ' .. •• • .. . . ~ ----~'~ . ~·-'4,-... --I • • NG"_Ll-SH-~ ;, :~· · FeRO-S! ;: : :.q;·# ',~ )ii • • I . ' ". . UNBEATA•LE YOLUMI! S,AVINGS AT ·'rtfl-HOME OF '·'TH--~SH~RPEST _f'_EJ$ji/l~ IHE;WEil:~ : ~' OVER 60 IN STOCK!. e 2-AND 4 Dooll STANDARDS • • I , 2 ,6J,ID 4• DOOR. DELUXE$ I ·e~7'!10·4 ~'"4T MODELS : . ~ sTATION W~IJONS I • I ', I MAtN WITH FULLY AOTOMATIC TRANS., AIR i:oi!iCi.; RAD!AL PLY TIRES, 1RAD1'0, \llNY~ ROOF, WHITE WALL TlllES. • I ,BRAND NEW ~TD 2-DR . 1- INCLUDING ALL T,HISI . ..., .... ff-.:. ffMt lfllC ._. .. ,.. SHARP PENCIL • SPECIAL ~ .. r8sts., lat. llPt • .....,. ,,,., 17 8 5 : ~. -·!'•• ............. ....,, . $ . .................... _., ... .,... '' woiMn. .... CMlj. brtill;n, ,...... "°'' . Mcit1 "" trl ... M,d lettNlats. , .. .i .w. ~ULL PRICE USED CAR 1 SPECIAL S ...... FREE I ....... "" ......... c-.... " ... wi......... FREE 100°/o PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY · 4000 MILES OR 90 DAYS c--.n ...ch•lc'llll ,..,. hlcl1dlllf ..,Sile, trwlllbllM 4'"e n ...... -PLUS ..,.... ~ ... .._....,.._,AM...-, ...-rk ....... -......... Ila, ..... ' . ' . SPECIAL OE' TBE WEEK '65 BUICK I EtECTitA 225 •.Or. H.T, A11+0,,.1lic, power t l11ring -br1lt11-wi11dowi, FAClORY AIR CONOITIONiNG. I Motor Ne. 243114 1 '1090 '64 Continental 4 DOOR SlDAN Full power, FACTORY AIR CONDITJO NJNG. IULF 7791 Stock 1600 $1290 '66 CHEV. '12 TON V.B. lo119b.d, 1t!ck, r.dio, li11l•r. IT13512 l $1190 '6 7 Chevrolet IMPALA 2 DI. H.T. • VI, 1ut.om_1tic, .r .s., rid~- h••+••· ITSM 9661. Stof k PllJl $1 490 Ir '68 FORD fiALAXll SH 2 Dr. H.T. t.w 1111ilt19t. VI, viP1yl roof, 111t•., ,.S., IWX6 4751 Stock 21llA. Rtm1irKltr of f1ct. w•r••PI· t._ •v1it. $199 0 '65 MUSTANG '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP VS , r1dio, li11ler, 1!11K11rd 1hift. !OTO s 2•l Stock £8lA. $990 '66 MERCURY 2 Dr. H.T. \l.f , 1ufom1fic, radio, h11t1,, pow•r 1+1tr· i119. ISLW 865 1 $1090 '68 GOLDLINE F:b.r9l•n 10 Ft. C1mp1r In 1•c1ll111! conditien. 120· 7104311 Stoclc P8427TC $1290 HARDTOP 1'0 VI, 111to., P.S., RI H. "THE HOT ONE" IFOZ l-45) Stock t217A $1 :1 90 '64 RAMBLER AMEllCAN lll W•gen. l•w mil119i, •11+0· m•tie tr1n1mi11lo11, IKJF 6•11 Stock l l71A $690 '69 COBRA Sport Roof, P.S., Pow1r di1c br1~e1. crMi1em1tic. 4JI VI , poly9l11 wid1 ov1I tir es. tllH 1131 $2790 ''65 CORVAIR MO NIA 2 Dr. H.T. 4 1p•ed, tidio, h••l1r, wi re whl. co~•rt, red w/bl1clt interior. I PSC- 0111. $790 '66 FORD FAllLANI 100 Z Dr. H.T. FACTOR Y AlR. Vl';'il.lto., P.S., IRRW •~l7l Stock P•l25 · • $1390 '65 FORD GALAXIE 500 4 Dr. "H.Tt FACTORY AIR. A11to., RlH, P.S., ,.I., '· window1, P-11•t. I PIX ll7l Stock 2401A $990 '67 PONTIAC LI MANS 2 Dr. H.T. 126 Vt, t 11tom1· tic, P.S .• Jt ., H., 4 1.241 mil11. 811r9undy will! bl1ck vinyl int..-ior. IYWS 11491 $1890 '64 CORVETTE HARDTOP R.1mo~1bl1 top. 4 tp1•d, r1dio, h11t1r. peW1r win· dowt, AM -FM r1dio. I RHC 901 1 $1ll90 '68 Continental 4 \'.)1. Std. F11t1 pow1r, f•c· tory tir, AM.FM, vi11yl roof, 1 •• 11i •• i11!1r. (owner. ! zvo 9561 !;3990 ' I '67 FORD I GAU.XIE Sot" 4 Or. S..t.··JtO VI, 111!0.1 FACTOAt: "Ill., P.S .. P.I ., r1dio; h11!1r. !ZVE 71!1 'O ,Jiy or <f,000 mi. w~rr1nty. $1590 '64 DODGE 1/J TON • f'i*11p, lon9b•d, V-•. •11ki- mitic, cv1tom c•b. ht•l•r. IL2U4JI_ $_990 '64 PONTIAC . FACTORY AIR COND I. TIOHIN6, t 11+o"'tOc, r•· dio, li11ltr, pow1r 1!11riP1g. IFNA 6461 $790 • '67 DATSUN WAGON Sti c• 1hift -low mil119t. tTWV 0791 $ll90 '68 DODGE COllONIT 4°Do01 S!DAH V-1, pO.wer 1!1111119, pow1r ' . br•k11, h11!1r. H1wporf Dit"tc'tive _C~r. 111 8171) $.1350 •, '69 F<>RD CUSTOM·· 4 Or. s.d. 419 \!I. t ulo., pow•r· tl1•rlll 9 . I di1c br1k11, li•tfer . Cit\. of Co1· 11 M111 Poli.:1 cir. Cor11· plet1lv m1int1in1d •I Th10· dor1 Robi111. R1m1 ind1r of fief. w1rr. 1v1il. (9J5lKI· 140191 IStk. No. 914131 $1190: . . -. • \ ' 'OllO~OH • -• I IOllNS, Sit. .-:1:i~,i: - I -· . ' A_u ~.R~ln-~!n!ri.9 .. ·~,~. N~Y' _,·s1os~ecl. 't~ Rock , BQffom ~or lmme.daate · C,learance! : , 'Stu.L ·A G.b6D SELECTION To cHol>'s.-FROM':\ ' ' '· ' ' ' \ SKI' WEEK~ND$ ~ •• .... ,~ NO, 1112 I 'I ' Ir I \ ' ,. 1 < I Go Where and When You Want to Without Reservcition.s ' . I ' ' ' , • , • ~ ., on a Family 'Budget That MclkeJ Sense! ·. BRAND NEW ELQORADO : 10~ ,j!.; C~PE8 ·'r' I ' • ',LIST PRICE :; ~l(~I! PR!¢• '. ·~:· '~SCC)U.i\l.~ J ·I ' ;" i.~' '· I ' ,, l ~AVINGSI SAVINGS! '66 GHEVY. WAGON V-1, 111tom1tic, r1cli•, h11t· ,,, pow•• li•••ing. IYC; 3001, $1290: .. ,, '66 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 2 DOOR S1~111. £cono.my·pl 111 FAC· TORY AIR, J 1p•1d. ITQC 566) Sfo,k 62.SA' -,.. $1790 . I ': '69 MACH '1 l •O VI , P.S .• P-di1c br1ke1, A~·FM STEREO RAD IO, crui1om1tic, wid1 o~•I tir11, whit• w/bl1ck inl1rior. Re· m1tnJ1r of f;-c.+o•y w1rr111° t., 1v1 il1~l1. l¥C_~45il ~ . ,···~AVf '68 FORD . CIJSTOM 190 VI •119in1, pow1r li1er- i119, cr11i1om1 tie lran1mi1- 1ion, r • d i o i nd li11t1r. Poli.:1 Cir, 1115540 ) .. 1:,$20148.5 · $1.39·5P 0 · :-.~~ ~61~5 :: ; ·-I ~· \ I READY TO INSTALL ON YOUR P~ESENT , PICK-UP OR A NEW R>Ri> :Pl!:K.UP! lncl~~tSc ; ~re~ura w~ -s,•: • Si~ Stovewith Ov~i l~ '°x, Mot. tresses, . Drapes. Eliicfrlc: anl;I . ~. I Uejhts, YinYJ •flool'S, Etc: , , OVER 40 CAMPERS ·IN STOCK! .. ·REDUCED TO GLEAR! IUT·YOUI TIUCI &·b.M"IR FliO. THIO~ ioiJN5 FOii " ,, ~AVINGSI '67 FIAT ISO SPIDll "A ··REAL"1 SHARP CAR. Com• in pftd t1 S:t drive _it + .. a., .. 101191001 •1fo1k 25A ·- $AVE '69 CHEV. WAGON !Ci1191wood. 396 Vt, 1uto., f•clory tir, P.S., P-di1c br.1k11, 11199191 rick, 111 vinJt i~l1r. Appl'. 16,900 mil11. 1&274141 IStk. · # P84l I I :$3290 ·, -. ' AUTHOlllUD TRUt;l-_CA.MPll DIALlll WHIRi FINANCING IS AYAl~ .. ~ .... iitt .... 1AC~- i.J\ ,. ..a. . . ,~ »(~:f . t :. t.: ... SAVINGS! SAVINGS! Y/rtuqJly Every Color And Option Maci.. Now In $tock And leqdy. FO:r fm~i~e Delivery · At Robins Volume S4:1vin!s! ': I • • lcASE A NEW 1970! All Popular Mokes And · Models We Are A Member Of the f.ord Authorized Leasing SysttM < r • • ·-· , • ' "\ ' , -• -. -:·•~·.--~'."'""'-~ ·~<P." ', 1; ~ 8•/z acres of t~e m~t. inodern: Ford . ales iln!I • . . .=:=::::=;,o:::;' iiJ. ~ ~ ~ ,:~!'. ~~ : SINCE ;:; "' 0 ~ ',:' '1';. 1 1 ,1,21 co~·H "' 16 !!:~ ' '\\ '~'Q : , , IGHiWy ' 5 I \ I • . . " 2~·i°7TH ¥5 ._,, .... .,._ ... ...., llAUl ., 2l>60 Harbor Cost·a· Mesa '@ 642.001o , ! • l , ' • l ' ! ' ' l • ' • ' • i ' • • I ' ; ,., ti-~ l • I f ' • ... • ;. ·-· '. '!. ~ '"" > t· < ' ( i;; ' • . , /I ~ .. ' "-~~ ,. • ' \\ r. ' ,, . ,_ ,. :-,. • ii'· • ·{ ,.. . .> ~· ~· •• . " ., ,. , • ' ~·· ;;....:. • r· • .,. ~. .I;, ... ., -'' • '-1~ • ' • t ••• i'• -1!, • .. • 1· . "· ... { ... ' ' , •: • ,. ' ' ' ' ' ' • 'V'-\-•-to>-1 . ' • . . . The sale.of the M11son--waim acrylic electrlc blarilteta7 . in a·~de ~Oice·of 11~;:MI are 'Supemap' finished/ · f~·minimum·pllling and shedc;ling, with snap-flt· l '~ . .. bolt~ corr111rs to make•bedmaking easier. 12·footi , ' . . cords. UIAlstecl.Avallable-ln·tha. latest ~tor. . , .... , fashion shades. Maclilnew.S~abltt'ln•lu~arm~~~< . . . . . ' '-': ' REG. '16,:Now; .· 13 .. Twin, single control . . . . Full, single control, reg. •1 s, NOW 14'88:.: Full, dual c~ntri reg. •23, 1'19W 1;f~4:· Queen, dual control, reg. •2a, NOW 23•: ., . . . ' - King, dual control, reg. •39, NOW·32.:88' !l • ?' . ALHAMBRA BUENA PARK CULVER CITY GARDEN GROVE INGLE\'t'OOD .MONTCLAIR NORTH HOLLYWOOD PASADENA. SANTA MONICA ,WEST.COVINA " ARCADIA BURBANK DOWNEY GLENDA,LE · ~1.<EWOOD MONTE;BELLO NORW(ILK , POMONA TORRANCE WESTCHESTER AZUSA CANOGA PARK EL MONTE GRANADA l:fiLLS. LON.G !;I.EACH MONTEflE¥ PARI,< Ol'!ITARIO RESEDA VAN NUYS WHITIIER · . ·• BELL COMPTON FLORENeE AVE. HUNTINGTON·BEACH 11.0'SALTOS MOtf,TROSE , . OF.IANGE . y '1 l>AN~RNANDO VJ:NTURA , ·WHITIIER ~S-~ 11,-_se_. L_L_FL_o_w_E_R_co_s_:i:_A_M_E_s_A..,' ...... F~ ... (-:'~~ .. Fl .. T~O""N~-~,..1:1 .. ~-i-"";p-~N .. ~T-ONl'::r~~p.'!!.!~R~·l<~. ·0;;•M..;;.!'f"~RO~.Y!A~.._NEW..,_.":."'!'.r_o_~_r~-~~EAE::..:· ;.,;·~-".:..'O...:iX~: N..;~.,:.~..;~-·--.-.• 'T .... ~·:~.·.,.1 ... l;i~l\,:r':t~i'-'A":"NA--::' .... ':'",;..: _v...;..E.RM_o_N..;·"-·>-_v_~ ... --·.:...wJ-1_1nw_;:..,o:...bo....-f1'i.':.,.;.·-~·_, ·' ' I ' ' I '. ~ I l • ' • . ' --------------...,.., ...-------~-· ·--I ~. . . . -. . . •• ' " - • ~· " - • .m OT .. W!dn~. ,t>ectmbor s. 1969 -__ .. • J • , ., • • • ·' • :; "' ·. . l I (' ) ~ -•I.·~ 1' •} . -~ . , • • ' J • . . -. . ~-·· ;, : . • . . • .. • , . -~ -' ·. ; -. . -; .. . . P .... "· ·-· . , , ' ~ ~----~~ .. :.-~-.. ".:" ·: -~~ '"kt} t ~ , 't'...,..,_~~ !'"•-'"', ·-,- !_.·,::,.-· ." - ' -~· '> t.·, •:..: ... ~'" .. ' ' I'•· ~ -~. . .. ' " Your undercover . story •.. pretty exciting here ••• iust right for you now! Nylon Icici bras ... stretch straps, in white, pastels ar blade. Nylon/Lycra• spandex elastic, A 3246 B.(; .32-31 cu; HI~,~ nyl•tt lillllnt,fl'l11tle1 ... l1cU.~ 1-pretty llnlerle, you'll f~I prettier w-arin11 them, in an C111!iihn1nt of colon, mi~ sius S-M.&.. . ·~ ~ ·I' I . ·CHAI •11INI pllllty ...... ovr ... ·~'IN!,' L~ ~1tylen · t~ .,..... lirlef ~ ~ colon with : ~, .......... thGt hlidt hlth 01i the thigh. . .:. .;-$M. • . l '4 ·. . """"·_.:_ . " ' f ' -•, • • r -~-·, --- ... , I, ,____ ~ ' J ' ' ' .,... ... • .. Crepe stitch P•IY••t•r pant Cut with the IOok· of tod\IY ••• in 100% double knit .po1°yest1r. Black, navy, olive, light bl~ ... MIJses 8-18 average. ' .,. $11 . -' .. l . ' "' ' ·• ... • i • ~"-----'-~ • I I / ' . . ~ -. . -·"' -• I • All sr~s OPEN.~ ~GH-rnJEK -· . FOR ·YOUR S\K)PPING ,OONVEN~I. . \ . .. •' ' I ' . i' ' ' ' . . .... --~ . Casu·al coordrnates . . . ' .'with the. Cafife»rni~ look tha-t you 1.ove _I h casually elegant 111"8 pelyester teP 'The Wfl'/Yllll~ to look in.yoiw ·~ w11 .. .-I a long. slHYed knit tap, In striking florals ' ' Choose nm ~I c0lor i:ombliiCiflonl, •• -~1c ti~ ... 1n u.~·31.I . .$9 The perfect mat• ... Penn Prtlt• polyelter p1111i1 In a Wlcle range of mix and ma1~·,cob:s ... Dke ' blaclc. navy, brciWri, light blU. and 41iw.-Double-lcnits · that llMr need ironing ••• with the -y Iii of tlmticlad waistbands. In misses sizes S.18 mrage,.and.J2·18 tall. .. "" •10 • I .•. ... Polyester shirts ••• tied at the neck .•. gift boxed • I I, .· Llll!IJ sl.-eved 100% Dacron9 polyester ••• with ' the Jaak of the dandy ••• in White, pret!y.pastel tolld colors, ar prints. All readr fer gh4iig In a box' Misses, :i2..io. .... .. - ' P'f°!!:~=:'. .. :"::.,;:",~~~.?....:'!o:t;!o=i::!~oll"'-"~~~1':".':"l.~i!!'!, ~!-,,-0':",.!'!',t!""'.",":'!"". ~-~ •• !"IP"l':',-... 1 ~ •• ~,_!"!.z..-s~ ... lSC"!'!'!IJ"!'lJ!"''s""·"'*f"'•F..,,,.,,--------..,,,..,,,..,,~, ,..,._,.., ·--.--·.-" ... , .. ..,.,-------·~~~-· , . I . j • 1 A I .. • . . ,. .. ' ... • • • • ' • All STORES OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEBC FOR YOUR SHOPPING WMNIENCEI - , . • , . ,_ , • SLEEPWEAR ·:SALE ' THRou ·c;,H . r . SATU.,RDAY\ ' Save2~on Gaymode gifts io any length •' Whal better way to spend th-long cold winter nights than in a beautifully atyled Cuclclle-up from Gaymode. All fashioned in the softest bmhed t.Olllale/ nylon blend. Sa supple and feminine and colored to mah:h your ewry mood. Choaa the long or sliort gown ctnd pajamaglfts now-and-I Full.J•ntth pwnwith ._ ~- 11111111!11111 nocldinos. Try a MW colarfar 1ighsl ~XL-XXL Reg. $5 NOW'·" Short shift gowns an boaulifuU,. dtlalltcl with lacy trims. In r.r... ii• laohlan shades.~ Reg. $4 NOW S.19 ~Rtg . .UONOWU9 ,fuRJt"llih pola-fanclfuly 11tt,...i aild llYltd for """"""· """""' ..... , S-M-1.Jteg. $5 NOW ... 91 loce lnMlf mini ohlftwlth soll parilr ... in a dtl'idoul cliaa of oolan far pretty rou· r.s:M. Rtg..$5 NOW'"" Shift !.ngth cuchlly .,.,.. pwttily ll'Lnn.cl. In tho pmtiost•al•n,;too.for rou ot for gilts. $.,Iii.I. Reg. $6 NOW 4.79 Lons 11-W, hil,I....,.. ~forthe i"<at~ •S..llyhk1Mdand · dttai1ocL $M.L Reg. $6 NOW 4.79 Full I.....,, ~cosy, bu! dllftnffely . ......... '-lycolan, r-lylrlml. r-lyyoul $M.L Reg. $6 NOW 4.79 , UICI m,., alAm ITI -AVAtLABLE AT YOUR LOCAL l?ENNEY Sl~ORE • • I I .. • I I ~ .. I - ' • . ' " . • . DM.Y\lllOJ• We4Mld'1, Dmmbtt .!, 19(,' • . Print flannel pajama buy ... A gift he ca n olwiiy_s . ~, .. a.~d they're Sanforized• cation flannels iifsizes 6-16r ··· 1.99 • ... • Penn Prest• sport shirts ... Palyester/colfon buttondown collar tapered model in solids and stripes. No ironing needed. 6-18. 2.98 . ltich toned ·rrevira ties ... F'our in hand polyester t,ies in o variety of colors for perfect blending. $2 • LIKE IT •.• CHARGE IT! -. '· - . ' ' • \ - • Link 'stitch c.ardigan for him ... for oll 'round; wear ••• wormth and good looks in lOOo/oOrlon ' acrylic. Av.~iloble in all the good · solid colors in sizes 6· 18. 7.98 All STORES OPEN 6 ~HTS A ,..,.. FOR YOUR SHOf'!'ING0 CONVENIENCE / • Holiday clothing values from our • boy's shops : .. 'Penn Prest" n1ver·iron sport shi"' Buy him lots of the~e polyester/cation •hirts in sharp solids and plaids that are machine wash and dryable, Short sleeved, in boy's sizes 6-18. 1.99 Penn Prest• wide wale corduray slacks Never-iron 50% Kodel•polyester/50%cotton yoke back Western styling in blue, green, whiskey, or beige. A handsome buy on hand· some slacks. Boy's sizes 6-16 reg., slim. 2.99 He 'll like our 'uptight' knit shirt Ribbed ... new ... Fortrel® polyester in assorted sma shing solids. Short hemmed sleeve and bottom. Boy's sizes 6-18. 2.98 Penn Prest• pants in checks and plaids for beefing up his wardrabe. Never-iran Fortrel~ polyester/cation far easy care, Great tapered &tyling for big or little brother. 6-12, 4.98 1-4-18, 5.98 -AV Al !::_ABLE -AT YD·l:JR-LGGAL ~P-E-NNE¥ -ST-GRE .. , . ' - • l. 1· • ,. rn J 322 """¥ < ] i j .. " ,.. J >" j i' 4 4 ..'. ><I I ... I • I f I f 1 f f f : ! . • r --. . . --' ' .. . . ..-·---·--~,--..... · .. ·, ,. I All STORES OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK FOR YOUR. SHOPPING CONVENIENCE ! We a ·nnounce . \ ' r ; • ... I a merry price redUction ·'The Christmas Place at ) FOR HIM ••• HANDSOME LEATHER GOODS ••• ALL READY FOR GMNGI • ~ Pleoie him with any or· all of tflose fine quality key cases, bill· fOlds, money clips and combi- nation sets ••. 'gift box~d ... at low Perney prices. 2.50106.50 'l I .. !I ;j .. ~l SURPRISE HIM WITH JIWILRY FROM THIS HANDSOME COLLECTION! Tie tacks and tie bar' in boxes all ready to give o s handsome gifts. They ju st look...,...sivo l $2 lo$3 Several collar styles. You know which he'll like. Full cut cotton/ polyester flannels and polyester/cotton broadcloth models. Small, medium, large Gnd extra large in tho latest color and pattern selections. ; •' Ptnn·Pr11t, too, so ' , 4 thoy never noed Ironing . JU1t machine wath, tvmble dry. .. - • • OUR OWN TOWNCRAFT• PAJAMAS, REG. $5, NOW T H E PENNEY STORY • Give a big smile for Christmas .L By ROBERTA NASH Getting set for the big beau tiful Holiday isn't al· · ways easy. We PenncJI fo lk s can't help you roast yo ur .turkey but )we ct111 help ma ke your Christ- mas shopping more fun. 'Vhen you Christmas- >hop at Pcnneys you'll find a great selection of \vha t you 'vant at. those < I 0 •.; , famous Pen ney prices ..• ~· \ plussomcthingmore.Like '~l /riendlintsst: Co·nrle!}'• ·~ Smi/ts. Smiles are 2. tradition . ' at Penncys.·You're in-:· . vi tcd. Please tee! free to smile back. ·t r " ' .1 --• - ' -. • ---- •olRL'S CUDDLY JACKET ••• ..., aaylk pllo ..... -baclt wttt. ---u ..... pol,..,.. 1n..ratioo. G.'111°"9 OM In whitt or colon. $inl7-14. feryowfcnroriteprince• 13.88 SPECIAL IUYI D•eu..,p .b1..,.., fo• girls( Crisp, whit• blends of polyester/Avri19 rayon that n• rtffd iroriing, thanks lo Penn. Pmiltl W• haven't overlooked a thing - we'" gift-boxed 1~ to make it easier for elwsySantolS;.os4·1"4. 2 for •s SPECIM IUYI aable b it .. n11.., .. lor llit·.-M littllll! slttt-rl f11ll foahtonecl bulk· '-.f wothoble daylic in 1ftDWY whit.. Ivy. ..-..tDI crt fheee gNGt 1d¥i11p ••• thtiy mcilte .... _,Ifft. -wx-2.99 "-1:163.99 . . ' , ----· --· . . ~~·~ ' • I " ' . • SALEI HAPPY HOLIDAY DRESSES REDUCED TH RU SATURDAY I Wrap these up early! Chris!mas treats from Pemeys for the luckiest little girls you know ... and who wouldn't love ti.. dresses for all the things that are happening I Aaylic knltt. cotton lace, cotton dreu and pant sets for moppets, and polyester aepes, pleats, shifts, A-lines, pastels, brights, morel Such marvelous values you'll have to pick more than anel .. 488 3-6X REG. '6 •.• NOW • 3-6X, 7°14 5 8-8 REG. '7 ... NOW . • 1 ·14 6 88 REo. '8 ••• NOW o • AVAILABl..E AT -YOUR LOCAL PENNEYSTOR.E · • ' • .· I I ' ' ' ' . . . • • • . .,. . .,, The gNGt organizers ... k~ani%ed , for all her sewing_ chores, a great gift! A clelightlvl array of ·;mported toyo cord baskets """' l<lpmlry, needlepoint or cut cotton ielour tops. Plastic divider tray for keeping things in their place. Hcny shape$, sizes and colon: and the pric~ is won· derful. 'You'll find one to· -.h her color tostes. ~In today for lint chol.,.. •s to•7 • h11~1te electric scissors lets you llllik•'lhort·work·of-cutting out-patte•nrn.,.s~­ ~ fecrtvrt stainleu .st"I blades, comfort con· flDl.ncf handle. Now you con cut out patterns; ..;,,.ial with less effort on your port. Great gill' Ideal UL tdr.d. ,_.,,_ 1-..-.I sci-with light ............... 9.99 SI I • ..:........( h -·-699 "I • .....-nots own)................... . ----·-·-· ·-----, • \ DAit Y PILOT 8'1 I ·-.---·. • ~-. > • . " .. ' I. .• • \,. " " . . , , . . . .,. .. . ~ -:. . . • 'MON·TEREY'·~· • • I TOWEL .· • , -' 'I I -••· ENSEMBLE • - Bath towel ....................... 2 .25 •. Hand towel .................................. t••••!•••l.25 Washcloth ••••••••••··~····················~···-••••65~ Our.own Fashion Manor towels glow with all your favorite decorator color,s. Thick 'n thirsty cotton jac- quard weave towels ·haj deep fringe trim. Available in gold, oronge, moss or 1 1!J..e. Get several sets10doy to liven up your bathroqin. I ~ • I I :/ J . -. , I , ~ ' I.£'~ ! •• • ' :'! : I I l Start, Packing! SALE! ' . (THRU SATURDAY ONLYt~ .. ., .. "" .. • -~ ' •• ..... '"'\ < ' • wOM•N's ,,.;.~ .... --~,·-'." ._..,_: · 15• beautycate. Choi.:.of willoW9fWll or.,{~~ Reg.~ ... ;.1::.f ;NOW'!fJO~: 16" teft tot•. Zipperopening,2 OUllide pocbb. Mi(.'22 .. : .. ::;.,. ~.~17~ ·· 21"-bnder sultca••: ·flc!rol lining. Hondl9 "'acts. hi· 29.5011'1"°?'-23~ 26" pullrnan in willow green or blue. Reg~ '45 ......................... ,,!,,NOVl'36 MEN'S . , · . . ~ . 2.1• Companion. A~ In oafonl 9NY oncl ~Reg. 29.50 ..... Nqy.t 2UO 26" two wlttr In mcforcl ~· o1Jvrt,·1teg, '45 ............................. NoW'36 ' . . .... -... - UICllT ... ~m ' • . . AVAILAB-LE AT-Y.o uR LOCAL PENNEY'_STQRE ' --.. ~ - " I I I I - '1 I . . .. ----------------,~-----..-.-~-~----~ ...... ------;"""'-----~;-, --~--... -.,.. ~ ~ ~ -.. _,--......... ' • 11...DA!l.Y PllOT 3 ways to clean-up~enncrest®! 69.88 Reg. 74.95 Penncrest" rug and floor con- ditioner. With it you can power scrub, wet pick-up, appfy wax, polish and buff, damp mop, shampoO carpet. Complete with 14 piece accessory kit. High powered reversible mo- tor. 3 position handle and 21' cord. 79.88 . Reg . 84. 95 Penncrest3 canister vacuum cleaner. 2 hp motor with 3-way I . \ power se ector. Lorge bt.g ca- pacity witli audio and visual full bag indicator, 2 vinyl bumpers~ Automatic cord reel. Vibra-beat nozzle. 10 piece at· tachment set with handy too\ carrier included. 84.88 Reg. 89 .. 95 Penncrost8 Imperial upright vacuum cleaner converts to a canistervac·at a twist of a dial. Special triple fllter. king size disrosable bags. Attachment tool ut includes hose, 1elescoping wand, crevice tool, upho~tery bnnh, floor and wall brush .......... s19 ' . . . . ' \ $1.99 F.OR A COLOR ·TV? " ONLY A SALE MAKES IT' POss·tBLE!.:. Penncrest• .Portable color TV " with 12" screen measured diagonally, Reg. 219.88 ... NOW $199 • All channel reception • Built-in automatic degausser • Uniform picture contrast •Pre-set VHF fine tuning • 4" front mounted speaker • Earphone ·jack with earphone included • Fully molded, high impact pl.astic cabinet TV'lo radios a11d phonoa avallable at these atore, ... BUENA PARK;'BURBANK, CANOGA PARK, CHULA VISTA.COLLEGE-GROVE, COMp:fON, CUI.VER CITY, DOWNEY, FULLERTON, GRANADA HILLS, HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON PARK. INGLEWOOD, LAi<Ewoop, LONG BEACH, LOS ALTOS, MONTCLAIR, NEWPORT BEACH, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, SAN FERNANDO, SANTA ANA, TORRANCE,. VAN ~UYS, VENTURA, WESTCHESTER, WEST COVINA Vacuum cle1ner1 lnd floor polllhera ... BUENA PARK, BURBANK, CANOGA )ARK, CHULA VISTA, COLLEGE 'GROVE. COMPTON, CULVER CITY, DOWNEY; FULLERTON, GARDEN GROVE, GLENDALE, GRANADA HILLS , HUNTl.NGTON BEACH, HUNTll'!IGTON PARK, INGLEVfOOD. LAKEWOOD, LONG BEACH, LOS ALTOS, MONROVIA, , MONTCLAIR , NEWPORT BEACH, NORTH HOLLYWOOD, NORWALK, SAN FERNANDO, SANTA ANA, SANTA MONICA; TORRANCE, VAN NUYS, VENTURA, WEST COVINA , WESTCHESTER, WHITTIER DOWNS, WHITTWOOD -· - • • • • • • • ~......---........... ~~------------..... ------~--~-~ ~~-~----~-,,..--~ -v-..---.......--.---•• . . . . . - N swiss SlCAK MAK ES FOR A MERRY FEAST F'east,qf yig h~s Fes t ive . t 'I ' . . ' .. S t resse ~ . - ~n " . ··-.... ,~.:. : .; ~ ·r-' ' •' 1~.. : On 'nbmbet"'Slh, ~~s the ' occasion. No''.om;. knows .. sides. · -:a~OVe s"ak ·from world . over will },t;efebra\e 11 potato pancikes got into ."'skillet: ·add 1noUr, ,alt, pepper Chanukah, ·the anci9· F.east th~ act. but there they are and 1sugar; sLir to a smOoth of Liglits. evljr~ Chanukah, .. . . _ p~. The m,enorah candles will be Swiss steak teams . up y.iith GrMiually stir in grapefruit lijhttd 'in the rilual faShlon, the: pancakes on the. hol_id.ay juice; add meat. Cover Ugl}tly presents will be exchll:lged menu, and grapefruit JUiee and cook slowly until tender. and .the traditional crisp a1l4 seclio.1s taste wonderful about 2 h<Wrs. To serve, Pota~\pincakes will turn up witp the beef. The steak siln-gairilsh. ste·a:k with grapefrut for .~r. ~ . me rs in a skillet with the sectioJlS. yiELD: About 12 ·Cll~h has been a joyous juiqe, and grape!ruit sections sei'Viogs., -. holldaY for the Jewi~b people pl'Ofide;the g~nish. •;ro. ses;tion grapefruit. cut Since 115 BC, when the mighty With the main course. Car-slice fr9J:'l top, then cut off Maceab~ warriors recaptured rot ! Tzimmes, a marvelous peel in p:·~iJ>s...from top to bot· Jerusalem from Antlochus. SWlel:-tart combination of car-t9ni, s:!itting "l!eep enough to . The Maccabees entered the !'Sib{ and p,runes. Honey goes remoV! white membrane, then temple and were borrilied ~ 1ntV U)e mixture and so does cut slice from bottom. find the traditional etei:nat ortijge juice concentrate. Or cut off peel round and li&bt extlnSJlished &1d statues F¥ dessert, the classic round, spiral" fashion. Go over tO Zeus, honeycake that's. found frlJft again, removing any re- 'A small (task or consecraJ,ed thr_oµg~out; the. M1dd1e Ea.st. maining white 'membrane. oil that hadl not been polluted Thi~ vers1a.1 1s made with Cut along side of each by the pa.gins was found in orange juice concentrate . . • dividing 1nembrao.1e f r o 1n the temple, enough for one the bake has a honey and or· I outside to middJe of core day's consumption. Miracu· ange sauce. Remove section by section, Iously, it lasted.for eight days. Aiid there you have a over bo.wl to retain juice from Llgbtlng the Menorah · Chauukah menu that will con· fruit. Jn the home, the miracle ls tribut~ much lo the joy of the POTATO PANCAKES enacted symbolica11y. Tb e occasion. l~i pounds potatoes (4 menorah, or ~linebranched SWISS STEAK t medium), pared candelabra, is lighted on the 2 tablespoons shortening . I small onion first night. 4 • pounds boneless round l egg The center or "s~vanl" steak or shou lder steak. 1;, teaspoon Tabasco candle is lighted first and with Ct.it 2·ihches thick 2 tablespoons flour. it one lights the right-hand 3 tablespoa.1s flour lh teaspoon salt candle. . .on the ..first nisht of l 1h t' as~ salt . . . .'fa teaspoon .nutmeg-· Chanu](ah. ' \ ~• t spqon pi!pi)er 3 tablespooris1 shortening On the _second .night, the ser· 2 te ~l>(>Ons brown sugar Grate potatoes and onlon on vant c3':1dle Jighl.s ,~e -~cond '1 c 'grapefruit juice medium gratert drain well. fnlm the right and, so oo . 1 g a~lt, sectioned• Add egg, Tabase·o ·and flour. througlr\he eight nights.·· lie sbortening ·in a heavy SprinkJe with salt and nut- ·1'1'1e-Chanukah dinner is a skill ; br.own steak on all mea; mix thoroughly. Heat 1.-tablcspoon shortening in skillet over medium beat. Drop Potato mixture by sCanl · Y•-CUP.fuls into skillet. Spread into flat cakes. ·Fry until golden brown on bOth sides: Add additional shorten- ing as needed. YIELD : 6 serv- ings. (Recipe n1ay be dou· bled.) CARROT TZ!MMES 3¥.t cups (about 2 pounds) scraped and sliced carrots 'Vat.er ''.? teaspoon salt ~4 cup honey 6 tablespoons (1,~ 6-ounc:e can) frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed, un- diluted 8 cooked prunes Orange slices In a large saucepan, cook sliced Carrots in water to cover until tender ; drain, reserving 11~ cup liquid. Com- bine reserVed 1,4 cup liquid, salt, honey and undiluted orange concentrate with car- rots. Let simmer gently about 10 minutes. Add prunes, s\mmcrir.g only 11ntil prunts are heated through . To serve, j!arnish \l•ith orange slices. YIELD: 6 seo'ings. (Recipe may be doUbJ~· . ORANGE HO!'jEYCAKE . I CJUl (6 QUnces) ftoten orang(! ju!~. ctipCe'rilrate, thawed: undiluted I cup lioney • •, r .. · . .. . ' 1 cup very strong blac~coe-~; fee ,. .r ~' 4 eggs , 2 lablespoons salad oil . ' . I cup sugar · 3'h ~up~',aifted, all-purpose t! flour . ~ ¥ .. _teaspoon salt t1easpoons baking powder I le;aspoon baking soda ~ 1 t~aspooit· allspice I l teaspodn cinn~mon ~ Combine undiluted . orange ~. concentrate, honey and coffee. lf Beat eggs until light and 11 lemon colored, then gradually lj add oil. B~at in s ugar -~ gradually. Sift together dry ingredients ] and add to the egg triixture .., alternately with the orange r mixture, about a third of each at a time. j .. r I I . , I , . ,. ---- , -.. • ; .. ______________ . , ...... • • Ii . 1Mandlebrot , Mon..n i 'Kosher fa .r_ Bake~1n~ Take approximately 35 enlhusJastic· women, dust lightly with '• flour-and a sprinkling of sugar; stir id-am~e chatter end· a heap-of laughter -and with luck, the end result will Mandlebrot and Monn cookies. , . A·COOk-in to preserve the art of traditional Jewish· cookery was staged ·by the Sisterhood of Temple Hillel,.. Huntington Beach. PI'flvidin g the catalyst !or the hMl'P)'; sessipn was Mrs. Ralph De Koven, wife of the temple'~ rabbi, who aptly ~emo~trated the making·of two pastries appropnate for any hc>liday, 1ncludwg upco~· Ing Chanukah. The "class" ranged iri age from young mothers to ~rhndmoth· ers, who set about their task ~ith equally varying dextenty. Mrs. De Koven who never. uses prepared· mixes for her bak· ing, explained that Monn· cOOkies, Which Jtroba~ly originated in P<>- land, are basically a sugar cookie with poppy Sf#!dS. Mandlebrot, which see~s to.•be-.different 'things to dif!e_rent pe!>" ple, she likened to a rich cookie. Bir reci~e probably originated in Germany where almonds were used for the.fittts. · A student before she and her husband: were married'¥in Israel 35 years ago, Mrs. De Koven learn~, to cook from scra~h. She likes to coUecl recipes and invariably Will ask [or 1f recipe w.tien >he ?ats something she enjoys. Tossing aside a mixing spoQD< and diving into the heavy doug~ with her hands was Mrs .. H·atsey Cb~noweth-, who mixed her ingred1· ents with a practiced skill ~ · · ~ "My grandmother· was from Hlingary and as the oldest grand· child , it was my responsibilitY, to help her on baking day each Frjday. She never bought anything from the store -even bread -and she taµght me lo use my hands for mtxing. She claimed it sealed lhei dough." l\1rs. Ed Farber, president of the sistCrh~' and mother of three, also had never made l\1andlcbrot, but she remembers her French grandmother making it wheriever sbe \Vas iu· a baking mood, or for Chanukah. which will beg·in D~. 5. "This tyPe of baking is very in- volved," sJ]e explained, ''because of the,double baking process." Mrs. Harry J. Rosenthal, mother Of three teenagers, is not of the Jewish faith but she m,akes Mandleqr9t often for b~r family. Her- husband, of Hungarian descent, reme~berS. his mother making iL "This recipe is different from the one J-use," Sh·e commented, "It calls for a different flour and the oil is used differently." Mrs. Rosenthal defines l\1andlebrot as a sweet nut bread which is excel- lent for dunking. -. · ~ "It's a ravorite "'jth mr, family," she says, and-~'because it's slighUy dry, it §tores easily. · " . ·· . . "We always.had it for 011 holid&ys'..-but Of.cou~ nly grand· father was a baker in a JeWish bakery.J' remembers an exhuberall£ · Mrs. Melvyn Miritz, whose family is from Russia and:,,Poland while her husban~'s ancestors came to this ;eountty frOm Gr8ece. . "I remember i'l more .as a flaky pasiry, aqd it might be filled w 1i th ch~e?e or ja~ and fo~ded: ~ had pever made i·t but we had· •it, when we v1s1 ted relatives. It's del1c1ous." · · Mrs. Paul Lehrer, 27, had made MQ.nn Cookies but never,Mandle- brot. She also remembers her grandmother making,:it. wheq she was a child, only her grandmother's recipe included fruit, arid· :Mr·s. Leh- rer compared it ~o a fruit cake. . Cookie, nut bread, pastry, fruit cake, or toasty bread -Mandle- brot is impressive enougll to recall happy childhood memories even !or women who themselves baked it for the fir st time. MANDLEBROT 4 eggs 1h' teaspoon salt t cup sugar 3 cups flour I cup corn oil 2 teaspoons chopped nu~ Beat at high speed eggs. sugar and salt for 20 minutes. Add oll, flour, vanilla and nuts. Mix (Dough should be very thick). Fashi.on two "~oats" from pieces of folded foil and coat witQ oil. PU't half the mixture in each and place on a cookie sheet. Bake 45' minutes at 35<> · degrees. Remove and slice while still warm. Place slices on cookie sheet and return to the 350 degree oven for three to five minutes. MONN COOKIES • . ' ' ' • Mix until smooth. Pour into r~ 2 greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf ; pans. Bake in 325 degrees F. fl, oven 1 hour and 10 minutes or 1~ I ~?'cups sugar 'h teaspoon salt until tlone; cool. (Cake will ,11 I cup margarine I teaspoon baking soda have a heavy, coarse texture.) 3 eggs, unbeaten .1 cup chopped walnuts ( &lice and serve with Honey ~ 1 teaspoon vanilla ¥.i cup poppy seed 1~ Orange Sauce. YIELD : 2 J 4E cups Wondra flour R loaves Cream margerine and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla. Sift !lour, :r. Hooey Orange Sauce salt and baking soda. Add nuts and poppy seed. Chill one hour, then b' I can (6 ounces) frozen shape dough into balls the size of a walnut and place on a cookie ~·l orange juice concentrate, sheet. .With the bottom of a .gla~s .covered with a cloth napki.a--and tha1ved, undiluted dipped in sugar" flatten cookie balls. Bake at 400 'degrees for 10 I ~:, cup honey nunutes . Blend together. undiluted ) "' nrange Concentrate and honey. ; . To serve, ,garnish cake with :.,'.m;iouz""""''lll!l!ll•aa!l:!mw""""'u::mm:"""'°""'"":!i:lll!9..,.,,.m,.,,c"'-·· l orange slices if d c s I r e d . ·YIELD:· l'hi cups. .. "' ·Ounce ,pf Prevention Alleviates Pro 91ero of losing 'Pounds 1!y DOROO'HY WENCK I I whipped cottage cheese lD5ead or sour 92805) and study it now, while there's stilt sP<>t to absorb Ute grease, or the spray-on .... -..--i-~ Ho.me .News and V iews. craem .. cre•m ch .... (odd yoor· time! · · brush-oll'"tl'Pe that ha• •n absorbent \Voe'to the wefgh(.~~t¥1 <?" .• ,9\~. favorite dip rtd1J; ·ase . fryslJ'-vqetables QUESTIONS WE ARE ASK.ED powder in it..' ,lf obJrx still remains, rub lino" hol'idav 1•8 -." and.-~•., 1•8 "-•I • soch a1 carrots, celef')', . cqcumbet,. , . . detergent into the spot, then launder . .. 'O J _ 1"¥'" auvi.u 10 REASONABLE GOAi! ,. ~gg'nog. Ribble api)rectati\>'e.ly and slp · f dJ Q. Somewhere l saw .a rfetpe for mak-' __ ;._ .... the , ct: ...... r. Only th -with u. I ~••· •• t· k 1·11•-' I' cauliflower, green ~P"1"• etc. '!',-P' , lag· your own 1-\calorte ••lad dre11ln• Q. 11 lhe-oo-· prt1rrv1Uve tha.t I a.i.vw... ~ •• ,. So a rtalODI-goal or -y;·eaung ow y -ma ea 1 !C''IO a ong way. I JD lace f potato of com ,ddpt· qe "r & '"' .. -. !"~~~: .will~~· are. able ~::': mlgbt be 1lmpl)'1i> 'not g:.ta Weight. How (3) Prepare Yotlrielf for' big meals ~y !v:~~ed 1~m milk 'for ~·-pt~ -t;J:$ peeda. C,OW yoll &ell me bow to do ctlldd ~ '° .ada;o cab l am'baklag to :we1g , ,· unng . . ay season't. 1 to do lt? Hett art IOllle Idris: eating' extra-mnali, low 'calorie mel!-ls the \ IDJte•d of evaporated wboleJllA:; drlnt.7 • ..-A ·-Start wtlb .1, packace of y~ur teM to-rii)' ·tOD la VltlU.m to th•t Jt ua ca;n.t even ~ain ~~tall! C{\lo. . (1) Get more 't:tercise. 'Exerobe help$ ae1 Or two beiore.. • . . tomato juice Wtudf ol rrd--• tavU-ue dfr.Mlad d-log iniL Instead ••• ,, ~ ...... ?, • ~-The, dects~on is alWI)'.~ with ;us: eat, to use up extra -calories .. Take a dally , (4) :where pois!ble, aVuid.,or cut down soft· drinb. --• · • . · of iddlng oU,.ada 2 tablesptllfil pcwdered · ~·: lJik'°ers soinetiineS 'use mold fn..' drink and be merry today an·J be sad brisk 30 minute walk.; ride a bike to the on the high calorie ' "extras'' such as (7) Prepare foods in ways that do not pectin (the kind u~ In je11r making), 3 hibitors such as sodiuin propionate, lacUc tomorrow when we weigh in; Or Stlfler store inslead o( akln the car ; park in gravy, salad dressing, whipped cream, dd alories. broil or roast meat Instead t.ablespoons lemon JUlct or Vlf!e~ar and ~ acid, or acetic acid in bread. However, as · u hil the ti I • ~ a c · ' . cup· water. For French drtssm:g you can · · · st~1ca .Y ~ e o rs gorge ltmse ve.s the rar corner or th shopping center pastry, rolls and butter. of .fry; season vegetables w1lh herbs, use a cup of tomato juice in place of the far as l know these are not available on V.'dh goodies. parking lot anti yoursel( to walk ; (5) Watch out for "hidden" calories -vinegar, o( lemon 'julce instead of butter vinegar and wate.r the retail market fnr home use, and I Basically ifs a question of v hether we plan heavy cleaning jobs such as floor fats and sugars -found wi~in Coods Uke or margarine; bdil or bake potatoes In-would also question the use of them II \vanr to pUt off ii']l.mealate satlstaction i~ .. waxing and window washing; give your -sweet Pot.atoes (high sugar), avocado stead di fry. Q. My son, wbo wa11 wearing bl1 brand cake. I suggest you discatd the idea of children • gifls that require a c t i v e d new polyester jacket, fell down on • Javor of a future goal. parUcipaUon _ like bad min 1 0 n , (dhitgh f(ahtgh), nu t! ()high fat ), l'aisins an (8) Lose a few pounds now so you can strett that bad just been resurliced. llow making cake to send ~Vietnam and irt- • Ooe thing to consider is Lh11t it is far volleyball, tetherball, jump rope -and 8 es 1 sugar · cat more over the holidays. ·can J remove. this black oUy stain? stead send something leM perishable. Wier to keep weight Ott U1an to lose il play along. S~BSTITUTES •. • .... _ • ~ .• _ t9) Send for the ..!..,~ ~P~f_.:_-6.~.c,~..soWent.. ... spoLICJnov ~uch aS fruit cake, bar cookies (brownies. _ ____.. ·-tifiN""-Yatf\'t"~i:llm!d" "fr."Pri:vcnuun-·ts (2) 'Eat small 1>0ttion11 --01-oouday· --.. CS) SUbSlitule kiw caloric fOOds Tor fifgJi t1('!'a'Tor1e on ro '' rro·m. our -olftce (liome would be )'Olli' best bet. Use eithtr the II· date bars, r.;olasses. chews, etc.), or other easier than cure, )'OU might say. goodies tuch as cookies. fruit cake, can· caloric. t'or examplc1 make dlpi. out or Advisor, 1000 S. llarbor: Blvd., Anaheim, quid type, with a pad or tissue und er the types of no n-crumbly cookies • ' .. • DAILY ,!LOT Afte.rnoon Nupti als Elizabeth Morris · Weds Elizubeth Jean Morris of Newport Beach became the bride of Gale Irvin Whitaker o{ Balboa; Island du r Inc ceremonies performed in the Corona de.l J\1ar Comm unily Church , Congregational . The Rev. Dr. Philip G. J\fur- ray performed the afternoon double ring nuptials for the daughter of Mrs. \\'illia1n Mathev.·s l\1orris of Cherdkee, Iowa and the son of J\fr. and 1'frs. Leroy Whitaker of Leucadi a. Given in marriage by her brother, Richard F, Pi1orris, the bride selected a canielot style gown of silk orgam.a with a venise lace em pire bodice and high cameo collar. Her ful! three-tiered skirt was gathered in back to a detachable chapel length trai n and 1Jace flowers held her three-tiered French silk ii· lusicr.1 veiling. The new J.1rs. \Vhitaker ca r· ried a bouquet of cascading butterfly o r c h i d s and stephanotis. Mrs . John Ohslund of Laguna Beach was matron of honor and l\1rs. John Hunt of Laurel, J\1d. was l h e bridesmaid. They donned soft orange faile gowns styled with empire bodices and full bishop sleeves; and carried autumn flowers . Oh!hr.td was best man and us~ers were Keith D.arrah of. Fountain Valley and Rodney Hutchinson. the bridegroo1n's brother·in-law. The Balboa Pavilion was the A.10 ... l"l'lei. ' -Newlyw.ed .. G. WJ Silkes Honeymoon Candelabra aµd baskets of gladioli and chrysanthemums deeorated Christian Center Church, Anahei m. when Karen Ann Keller of Costa Mesa became the bride of Gerald \Villiam Silke of Orange. The Rev. Floyd McWhinru!y, uncle of the bride. performed the ceremony and assisting was the Rev. Glen Aaderson. Parents of the bridal couple are ~1r . an d Mrs. David D. Keller of San Diego and ?i1r. and ~1rs. Paul Silke of Salem, Ore. Given . in marriage by her father, the bride wore a silk orgam:a ·over-peau de soie gown with alencon 1ace tf)m. Her tlooi.-length veil was at. tached to a fabric bow and sl}e carrJed ·a cascade of white r9ses and stephanotis with gold colored roses. Gold brocade gowns and. bronze c o I o r e d chrySa'J· themum nosegays w e r e i;elected for Mrs. D a v i d Sworder, the bride's cousin and honor attenda nt, and the Misses JoAnne and Linda Rubiy and Lee Anna Moore, bridesmaids. John Silke was his brother's best man, and ushering guests to their seats were Da vid Keller, the bride's brother, James Holt 8'.1d Jeffrey Parks. A sit:OOwn reception for 200 guests followed in the church halt . After · honeymooning In • Hawaii · setting for a buffet dinn er dance reception. Assisting were Miss JoAnn Frey and Miss Sharon Bruhy. MRS. JOHN SCOTT GRONEMEYER Home Selected in Tustin Hawaii. the newly\\•eds will reside in Orange. The bride is a graduate of Cra\~ford High School, Son Diego. altended Sa n Diego State College and earned her BA at Southern California College: She now is working lowards her masters a1d MRS.; GERALD W. SILKE Home in Orange Following, the '.iewlyv.·eds departed on a honeymoon to Carmel. San Francisco and l\fammoth. When they return, Balboa Island will be their home. The bride attended the University of Wiscopsin where she was affiliated with Delta Zeta sorority and her husband "'as a student at San Diego State College. Couple Marry In NB Rites teaching cr!!den\ial at Chap- man College. Her husban~ Is a graduate of South Salein Higti School and earned his BS and MS a.l Oregon Slate University. MRS. GALE IRVIN WHITAKER Newport Beach Bride Horoscope Aries: Make a THURSDAY DECEMBER~ ~ By SYDNEY OM ARR • i . , Bert Buy1 : account books, anU.epUc1, medicine, rue1 and ·~Wl"lten. eople iend to be analytical, K riminaUng. Some public orites may fall from grace. x -~ ARJES {J\tarch 21-AP,..il JS): .~Em phasize the practtcal, the "\here-and-now. Sep a rate ~.daydreaming from genuine :: \isiao. Koow there is a choice. .. ~ ·: :: '-•• ·: •• ,• • '• .. Pleasure Includes .? Business ~ • is~~: b~r~,~ Or=~~e ~ou~~; :•Chapter of the American ttnslitute of Architects and the -:\1,r om en ' s Architectural :.t...eague Friday. Dec. 5, dur ing ::a dinner dance in Ben Brown's !'.restaurant. Laguna Beach. :· The annual affair. lil ~ ~pr.eceded by a 7 p.m. cham· j pagne reception , will begin at ;:&:30. :: Ed\\'ard A. Killingswort h. in· •!slalling officer. will seal the ::ne\v AIA officers. :: New off icers for the v.rAt. ;:are the Mmes. K. Stanley Bell . ~president ; David Klages, l'ice '> :Opresident ; James J\t Sink , ~secretary, and Tom 11oon, ~~treasurer. • ~ J\1usic for dal'ICing vdll he •:provided by Eustace Rojas, ~according to Mrs. Cared N. ·:Smith, chairman. !· " , . 1\1.ake the best one, based on experience and prove~ quality. TAURUS (April 20-?..1ay 20 ): You may not be as free as desired. You cannot "''elk away from basic duties. Ob- tain hint from Aries message. Day when you can learn from member of opposite sex. GE!'t11Nl (May 21.June 211): You may have .to reach back to past to solve current dilem-· ma. Older individual knows something of value. Ask ques- tions. You could obtain an!\\ler which provides Yitai key. CANCER (June 21.Juiy %2): A void tendency to base actions on impulse. Important lhat you are patient enough to review situation. Study Gemini message. A message could prove misleading. Respond ac· l"Ofdingly . LEO (Jul y 2S.Aug. 22): Spend ror necessities. Stock: up on basics. Luxuries may ha\'e to wait for anQther day. Check safety measures. Ob. viously, practical approach is a must; use V.'ili power. VIRGO (Aug. 2J-Scpt. 22 l: Cyc le continues hi gh. bul avoid unnecessary tr ave I. Relati ves exhibit tendency to be argumentative. Stick to principles. R e m e m b e r , diplomacy never hurts ; use it. lJBRA tSept. 23-0ct. 22 ): There is some wheeling and dealing behind the scenes - t.•::>uld ultimately affect your rinancial sta tus. Be alert 10 Toy Population Adul\5 in the 25 to 39 year age group represent about 11 third of the population but make up almost half of the toy.buying populaUon. Choice trends. Follow through on hunch . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)~ Some of your ideas are subject to revision. Doo't be confused by enthusiasm -or lack of it -related to Criends . Make your own decisions. Refuse to accept second best; highlight quality. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Maneuver brought about by surprise source aids. St.anding, prestige rise. Stick to course whkh leads lo ;,:oal. There is room for you al the top . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan \9): Some who are close to you may have disagreement. Slce.r clear of polit ica l arguments. Follo\v your con- science; it is your best guidr . Don't confuse desire with necessity. Selecting a pri ncess line satin gown with puH sleeves and organdy trimmed cuffs v.·as Susan Lynn Haramia 11.·hen she became the bride or .John Scot t GronernC'yer u1 ceremonies conducted u1 the 0 \ CAROLE EDMONSON May Bride News .Told At Party AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Vl'b. 18): This could be a day whe.n past 8cUon:i. 1 efforts come home to roost. Money is in- volved. Gain shown if your methOOs are based on ex · perience. OthCI"\.\o"ise, lhere News of the engagement nf could be loss. • • Caroje Edmonson lo .Ja1nes A. PISCES (Feb. \9·March 20): 1-.:rma<:'Off of New_pnrl Beach \llhat you think you know may \~as disclosed during a parly be what you do not know . Be in the home of io.1r. and J\1rs. analytical \\ithout broodin~. Robert Edn1onso.n of Pomona. Know that facts you really parent.~ of the bride-to-be need are avail able Have faith Guest~ \l'l're ~lr rind ~1 rs and be observant. ' A. R. EtmaCQf{ of Founla111 lF TOD AY IS y OUR Valle~•. parents of t h c BIRTHDAY some of the loose bcnedict-elect. ends are going to be put J\1iss Ed rn n n s n n "':'as together. \Vhere confusion ex· ~radualed from P?mona ll1gh isted, there will be cohesion. School and ~-IL San 1\nton10 Where you wasted time and College .. money, you will become pro-• Her f1 anct': a g~a{lunle ur ductlve. This takes some sett. East Bnkersf1eld lligh School. discipline. But you nOW' are IJ11kersficld College and 1he ready. School of Pharinacy. Uni\'ersi· t v of the Pacific, served as ,:ic~ president of Phi Delta Chi fraternity. They will exchang1• wedding pledges rilay 2. Luthera n Church cf .J\1aster. Newport Beach. I he Performing the alternoon rloublc ring nuptf'dls \\'as the Rev. Willlam Etier. Parents of lhe bridal ccuplc are .J\1r. and Mrs . George ll aramia of San- ta A11a Heights and J\1r. and J\1 rs. John JI. Gronemeycr of San ta Ana. Co1npleti11g her "1l~cn1ble the bride \·hose three s;ili n 1·oses to hnld hrr two-tiered elbow length veiling and she carried a noseg;iy of feathered \1•hite chrysanthemums and baby's brea th. 1'o1iss Ann F.lizabel h Tl aramia and Miss J ean Stephanie Haramiil, I he bride's sislers. were maid or honor and bridesmaid. They donned burgundy velvel gowns trimmed with ecru la ce cuffs and carried burgundy porn· pons. baby's breath a n d daisies. Miss Turrey Boultinghouse was flo\ver girl in a burgundy vcl\'el go\vn. Michael .J\'tessina \Yas asked 11) stand as best man and Jay C.roneincyer ser\•cd as usher h1r his Urnther. Sixty guests congratulated 1hc llC\\'l)'\'fCds during a rcccp-- t1on in the homl' of the bride'." p;1rcnts. Circulating the guest hook w:.s 1\irs. l~ichard Callis. 1he benetlict's sister and ;1~ist111g \!-"ere J\trs. Paul (;rahani and .J\lrs. Richard Boultinghouse. Special guests were i\lrs. Charles Haramia of Syltna r and i\tr. and i\trs. Horace Thornton Barber of filln1ore. the bride'' grandparents. and i\1rs. Howard Stickney of Palos Verdes "Estates, the bridegroom's grandmother. Running · Springs v.·as the honeymoon destination or ihe 11c11'lyv.•eds and Tustin will be their home whC'n they return. Thc1"ormer J\iiss Haramia is an alumna of Corona de! Mar Jiigh School and is a senior m<ijoring in education <ii C.:i!ifornia Slate College vt Lons Beach. She is on fht• President's honor list and 1~ a n1e1nber of Kappa Della Phi and On1icron Nu honoraries. Her husband is a graduate of Tustin High School and at· trnded Orange CO<£st College, Worldly Tree Grows Mo.ney Partygoer s from the Ainerican \~on1 en's Return lo Education \vill c el.e· brate the return of their president J\lrs. \Vi lian1 Roley from lt aw a 1 i \Vith a Christmas dinner party Friday. Dec. 5. in the Officer's Clu b in El Toro. Admiri ng the 1noney tree decoration arc i\lrs. R11dy Burton and l\1rs. J\1argery J\li l\er (\e!t to right) \\1ho have \\'Orked on detail~ of the event which Will fea - ture entertainment by South Coast residents including the Sonny Budds and Paul ?..Iar'Lin. •• :: r. ~ ~ ,; 'W.C. Fields' Reappears to Be 'Catty' About Children '~DEAR ANN LANDERS: I \\'as Ugtud to ~ad the letter from the all' who hates cats. I salute her UJe she had the guts to knock an erican Insti tution. you think I'm a cat hater. you·rr g. I actually ll-e cata. Jt'1 children t tilte. It tUll me the way parents allow .~ kids to pester people for. hours on Our, dtUd-dOminated !IOClety IS R Cold ttq k'l observe. Oilklren !i~m be evelywt>ete -in st.ores. 1novles. il.!t.turantl. beauty shops, at dinner l---1libl•tt -anti -~ar1.-4WrACLioA ~ ivm. AcconUng to your column. pro. brine them to weddings, too. I know position Is unpopular. but therr are ally more of us around thnn you Un· lne. -LOS ANGELES BUB I ., • ' ANN I ANDERS /. OEAR REA DER: Jeepen! \V, C. flelds ii all\'e •nd well ind Jlvlna In Lo• Angeles. Tb1nk1 for fixing )'O\lr position. 1"11 llttp niy ir•ndchlklrea aw1y fro1n yoa, Bub! How ln the nan1e of hearcn c11n \Vt J:CI the public to understand tha1 "'e oirr trying to help the1n ·.· One operator is ex · pectefl to handle between 6j 11nd 85 llne,. Can you imagine hon· difficult it is to bf' p\ea~ant n·hen someone yell~. "\\'ho 1hr -iJJ:'.olLA.b'.N J..A.i~.O E.RS:.. You~\·e..helpctl. .... ..hcli a.m X OU1. LAm. alifng long..dW.ln~ a lot of people but you'\·e nt\'ef said ~ Gt>t off the line! 11.·ord about the most abused, pushed· It"! lrwd to be t·11•11 11h('n 11·l' inform a around folks of all -tha«e of u~ \\•ho <'aller that i\lr~. Sn.and-so 1.s noi 1n al\lil work for the telephone a n~werini ghtl replies. "V0tt. arc lying. I kno\v shc'i .scrvice.s. ~{\ere. l~ul ~r on." The ntos1 exasperating of all callers 1~ months ago I was oot of work. sour on says I sli.1uld keep quiet or I'll get m)"9CU lhe Oflt' who asks, "Is U1is a recording?" lhe world and drinking heavily. I v.·as sit· u~to R re1I jackpot . J find that I think I ah,·:iys rcpl)'. ··1 beg your pardon, wlll ting 1n a motel room n·it.h another boozer nbout the c people more and more. He.J.p ~OU pica&-repeat that quMliOtl ... " "'~ .1 • .1 th I CON'SCIENCE STRICKEN 1·1 ti•• dumbb II I -· d , 1 and v.·c "'""'ivcu lo get even with e pco-me. p east. -• i 1en e urns arVMn rrp a! the question ! Has anyone ever heard of a nle who had done us in. We wrote several UEAR ('ON : t suggest that you wrtte ti;}cphone. recording responding to a ques-letters to former employer,;, neighbors lo .thr people find confess lh•t the leUtn 11011 \\'it h ,1nothcr QUeStiCJ'll ? and rehltil'eS. Qf CQ\lfSC, lht" !llOre \VI? Wtl"t writ11'.ll during a drunken l ptff, I rouid RO 011 and on but rm sure you tlrank, the 1111slier the lcllers becan1e. th:u lhry \\('re rilled \\'Ith lies and you are J;:rt the.itlt•a. He itn 1:1ngcl nnd print this. The stuff was mostly lies and ,;cious 1nily irorry If you IUl\'t n1t lbe coarapto Those of us who lnbor in U1c telephonic ones at that. Unfortunaleh". we maileil tlJln yoW' name. send lbe letters 1·1n£'~'Ar1is 1rill be cte.rnally gratt.£ul. -. . · anonymou sly. lf )'OU ean somehow fu.d 1 ·~SEE:N VfilE NO the letters that \ery night ft•(' t'Ou ragr to sign, I urge you lo do ... -· DE.All.t:Rll::.."Q; A.'i .Qn.t..l\.ho_la.bor.s .ln _. \Vor,d hasAgQ!.lCll ta tha t J11c.l~IJtC'-·· .U'J~.bclp yu rca,atn some self.rupett. __ _ ~h~I) (lO!ttfp,hicAf ... \ll ne.ysu·dliQ I . sym· ·hlch v.erc unsigned 1 ha\'C causOO ,, Cl 9Pi.1 )Our teller Ml hof>c tt great de..ol of troublt. ~01v th111 l'n1 on llr s1 , ~ !he \\·agDn I df'Cply rrgrt":t the unhApp1· DEAfl 1\N,"i L1\NDERS . Sever i'l 1 ncs1 I've eoust<I. \\'ha~ sl1culd I do. i( anyUung, lo set things right? J\1y v.·lfc Arm L3nd·r~ 11·HI bf glad lo help yoo \1 1th )Ol.lr p"Oblem11. Stind them to her in c:arc of !he DAILY PILOT,,cncl<>1ing a se!f·:iddrCSSid stamped envelope. I I Wtdntsd11y, Dtcembtt ,, l %9 DAILY PILOT §;) Las Vegas Honey moo n V~ws, Rings Exchanged Nupti·al Vows Recited In · Cathol.ic Ceremony At home in Huntington Beach art Mr. and Mrs. IDchard A. Jones who ex- changed their wedding vows aOO rings during a ceremnny conducted in the G r a c e . Lutheran Church by the Rev. Robert Lar.sen. The former Nonna Jea,n Higgins, daughter of Mrs. Willie Mae Higgins o r Partland, was given in mar- riage by her brother-in-Jaw, Michael Feldman. For the ceremony she selected a full length A-line satin g o w n designed with appliques of 1ace and seed pearls and an Ol"ganza train. Baby rosebuds and stepbanotis comprised her boo.quet . White chrysant.hemums and gladioli banked the altar or Blessed Sacramen1 CaU101ic Church in \Yestrninster for the wedding of Yolanda Contreras and David0Et Wentworth . Conducting the ceremony uni Ung the daughter of 11 r. and Mrs. Pliilip R. Contreras and the son of Mr. and ~1rs. Vernon E. Wentworth, all of Huntington Beach, wa s. the Rev, Raymond Karier . Attending the bride were Miss Patricia Knapp, maid or honor, and Miss Ruth Anne Naef and Mrs. Vern Hammatt, bridesmaids. Their g ow n s featured off-white lace bad.ices with long sleeves worn o..;er • velvet burgurxiy skirts and tbey carried bouquets of white and bronze chrysanthemwns. The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. J1cr gowt1 or chantilly lace and taf- feta was styled with a fitted bodice, long tapered sleeves and a high scalloped Victorian collar. The full skirt had an overlay <lf bridal taffeta ex- tending into a chapel train and her veil was attached to a flower of lace and pearls. Her bouquet of white miniature roses apd stephanotis cascad- ed from a small white Bible . - Mrs. Carlos Gonzalez served as her sister's matron of honor wearing a gown of avocado green. and carrying yellow carnations, and cont- pleting the bridal party v.•ere Mrs. Steve Arebalo, l\1rs. Thomas l\toreno , and the W.isses Di an e \V entworth, sister of the benedict, Cynthia Alvarez, Dianne McLean and Socarro Paniagua. The i r gowns were yellow-gold and they carried semicascades or yellow carnations. Akin Pl!Ohl MRS. RICHARD A. JONES Huntington Beach Home Officers Seated Installation · Dinner ·Catches Holiday Glow '. · Handmade red carnations, : live evergreen trees and silver candelabra holding red tapers ·will center tables when the :women 's Division, Huntington :Beach Chamber o( Commerce, iftstalls new officers. Following cocktails at 6:30 p.m., dinner will be served at 8 in the Meadowlark Country Club .10 Friday, De<:. 5. Special guests at the ban- quet will be city officials, members of the m e n ' s organization and their wives. Serving as installing officer will be Miss Fem Green, new president of W o m e n ' s Divisions in Chamber of Com- merce for the state. ._.sea t ed during the : sem iformal dinner dance will : be the Mmes. Edward Casey, : J)residentj Arnold Podsade, :nrst vice president; Raymond " ... Morehouse, second vice presi- dent; Harry Bowman; recording secretary: John Seltzer, co rr esponding secretary, and John F. Inn- inger, treasurer. ' Appointed committee chairmen include the Mmes. Edward Sullivan, Miss Hun- tington Beach contest; J ake Stewart, eity heautification; WJll Jenkins, Fourth of July p&-ade float; Neil Peannain, Woman-of-the-year; Douglas. Loughmiller. nnancial dire<.:- tor, and Phillip Elmer and George Freeman, publicity. Mrs. Stewart, retiring. presi- dent 0£ the women's division, has been reappointed t o represent Huiltington Beach as regional director on the board of the Women 's Divisions in Chamber of Commerce for the state. ) Julie Hammatt, f!Ower girl, wore a full length burgundy velvet dress and carried white chrysanthemums, and 1 n charlK of the rings was Randy Feldm\ln. The bridegroom, son or Mr. and li.frs. Harold Jones of Long Bead>, asked Q!x> Se)off to serve as best man and guest! were seated by Duane Higginbotham and Hammatt. MRS. ROBERT E. BONNING If San Francisco Honeymoon Following the wedding the couple were greeted during a reception in the Huntington Beach Recreatton Center. Assisting were f..1rs. Claude Higgins, the bride's aunt, Miss Alief: Raben and Mrs. Keith West. Double Ring Nuptials The bride's cdUsin and flower girl. Sylvia Ann Ortiz, wore an avocado gown styled identically to the matron of The bride alt.ended Portland Slate,,University and her hus- band was graduated from ,Jordon High School. Long Beach, and served in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. The newlyweds honey- mooned in Las Vegas. Chorus Sings For Teachers Solemnized Bouquets of gladioli and ' chrysanthemums decorated St. John the Baptist Catholic Church when Ellen Patricia Groetsch became the bride of Christ.mas carols sung by the girls' chorus of .Estancia High School will fill the air for the annual Christmas party sponsored by the Retired Teachers oC the Orange Coast 1- Division. The Mcr.iday, Dec. 8, event beginning at 1 p.m. in the C o n g r e g a tiogal Church, Corona del Mar, is open to all retired teachers , and their frierids. · Speaker Miss J e n n i e Session, Southern Area vice president of CRT A, will ad- dress the group on You Will Never Walk Alone. RUTH VAN DEVENTER January Rite1 Betrothal Disclosed 1n Mesa honor's and carried a baskcL Robert Edward Bonning If. of yellow carnations. 1be Rev. Anthony McGowan Gonzalez served as best perfonned the double ring man and ushers were Arebalo, Joe Manriquez, Charles B. ceremony for the daughter of Gibbs, Joe Hartge, Duane Mr. · and Mrs. Peter ·H. Wenlworth, the bridegroom's Groetsch and the son of Mr. brother, and Miguel Gomez. and Mrs. Robert Edward B:on-Ronald Richard Ortiz, the ning, all of Costa Mesa. _ bride's cousin wa s r Ing bearer. Given in marriage by her After the ceremony more ·~-MRS. DAVID E. WENTWORTH • Palm Springs Honeymoon , Beach High School. Her hus- band is an alumnus of the sa me high school and Orange Coasl.College where he· receiv- ed his degree in business Highlanders :~ 1nanagemenent and retailing. Before making their home in i'lunlington Beach thr newlyweds will honeymoon in Palm Springs. Hear Chorale I rather. the bride wore a than 450 guests attended a ndlel. hl f 1 tesong An invltationa1 Christmas ca 1g gown ° u reception-in~lhe Carpenters' with gold braid trimming the Local Union Hall, Huntington program for the Highlanders bodice. ll was made by a Beach. Assisting were Mrs. Committee of Orange County friend, Mr&. Eric Little or George Mel vin Taylor , sister Philhar1nonic Society w i 11 1'wiri Peaks. A Juliet cap, or the benedlct at the guest feature the 2l·voice Corona del lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,: trimmed with the same braid, book and the Mmes. Bill raising funds to finance 11 su mmer singing tour o f Europe and recently made a Christmas record. h Id he ·11u · ·1· d Mar High Madrigal Singe rs. e r 1 s00 1on veetJ mofg, h•nt Kingsbury. Richard 0 rt i z. Members and guests wlll she caniOO a uqu .,.., 1 e Henry A rga n d a, Joe 9 hear the Tuesday. Dec. , pro-TO..~s. Hernandez, Patsy Bojorquey gram at 10 :30 a.m. In the Royal blue velvet gowns and Jesus Vega . , home of Mrs. Fred Grazer. with pale blue satin bodices The new Mrs. Wentworth Is Formed two years ago by NEW & ANXIOUS ••l"'I Thi NtWt11 Ill Or•11tt C-"J l'l.tcn U1 111 TIM H S1191. LNk Out o'C. GARDEN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY'. GAllDliN GROYS" AT allOOICWUltST 636·2980 .... were selected for Susan Mary a graduate or Huntington Donald Ha.1eke, si ngers are Groetsch, maid <>f honer and ji;iijii;iiii,oii;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;.iiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!I sister of the bride, a.Jld for the II bridesmaids, Lucy ·Groetsch, .. ~fh another sister, Mrs. Tom , , .. ~;t\'} '"-!L., · •-; ·;~•f#:f'f)'f: · -.. 1 Moore and Beverly Bonning, • .~-.'";'"' .,t,i. .. ·"· ·-·~··"°'· '""""'1 ' the bridegroom's sister. Ttie DEPENDABILITY = ·~~nd·~~i~:'i~~~: "' ' rw1 ~~~~ms, y~~li):,, bri~~:~d; i~i MAKES THE GREAT I., 1 ch=~7mu:;ning, the ~· MAYTAG A606 bridegroom's sister wore a pale blue satin dress and car- ried a basket or yellow roses and chrysanthemums for her ;_; ·','+¥ . ' . . . . . .. ~, ' ., ' -, . \! .., .... ' i ' The betrothal of Ruth Elaine role as flower girl. y Van Oeventer to Kenneth Attending as best man was r .. · 0 u r Decorating Contest 9 I ;}t \ . , ' C I r Cost ., '" Wayne ou son o a 1v.esa David Willis, and guests were ~ was revealed during a tradi-ushered lo lheir seats by Lit-; ___ · ... ·. Best Buy•. tional candle Passi n g tle, Steve Wolff and James .. reremony in the women's Bonnlng, the bridegroom's M<· • f ' Circulating the register o ... ~~ Van Deventer is a senior. Judges Challenged :\ All area org8nizations are invited to participate in the second annual Holiday Table Decoration Competi.t1on, jointly sponsored by the Newport Harbor Women's Division .~nd Costa Mesa Women 's Committee of the chambers of commerce. C"'a1i,.dfoernnce,., CohalllelgeorwhSoueretMh~rsns brother. . t ~~,~1-. ~-~Id7 ,,i..;;., ct·:,' ' The future bride, a graduate IOO guests attending 3 cham-• , • '' of Ambassador High School in pagne luncheonCI inb the M'4~a l1,,,..""-J. Downey, is majoring in social Mesa Country u was o .Y 1;'.~ ·' Judging will take place during a noon luncheon Tuesday, Dec. 9, in the Balboa Bay Club. . . . . . science and plans to be a Dornik. Special guest was secondary teacher. She is the f\.1rs. Loretta Kill of Arlington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Minn ., the bride 's Leland B. Van Deventer of grandmother. Torrance. Following a San Francisco Winners will be selected m the categones ol rehg1ous, exoµc , unique, children's and humorous. A sweepstakes trophy, meas1:1nng 24-inches high, is being d~ated as a _peryetual trop~y by Manners Savings and Loan Association. The w1nrung name W1ll be engraved on it each year. . . _ . . Her fiance, son of Mr. and honeymoon, the bridal couple Mrs. Ola Coulson of Fresno. is will reside in Costa Mesa. J a graduate nf Central Union The bride is a graduate of High School, Fresno. Estancia High School and · There is no entry lee for this fund·ra1s1ng affair whic~ helps underwrite the Newport·Mesa Teacher's Welcome each year in Sep- tember. However, $5 will be charged each ~on atte~ding the lunch- eon, and reservations may be made ~Y c:alling Dr. Hilda McCartney at the Newport-Mesa Unified School D1stnct. ~ They will exchange wedding Orange Coast College Dental [ pledges Jan. 24 in the Assisting program. Her hus- Crenshaw Im per i a I band, also an alumnus of EHS f' N e i g hborhood Foursquare and OCC, attends California Church, Inglewood. State College at Long Beach. ' In Huntington Beach Bethel Installs Queen Miss Sheri Palmer was in- stalled honored queen of Bethe~ 3 2 1 , lntemaUonal Order of Job's Daughters of ""Huntington Beach last Satur- day evenltlg. Sh'l selected the theme - .Every Wish ls Like a Prayer With God .. Royal blue velvet covered Bibles decorated with a geld star were carried by all o(licera and choir members as they entered the belhel room. Those elected to suve dur- ing the nut sli monthJ are the Missea Vicky McCargar, -senlor..pi:.lnces.s;..Laurle C:W:k, junior princess; J a c i 1 e Johnson, guJde, and fl.UUl. Eilts, marsh&!. Lori Davis, musician; Sheryl Star." Waring, recorder : Caro I Also helping during the in- WaLson. treasurer; Denise stallation were the Mis Carrlngton, junior custodian: Beth Mltchell, corsages ; Peg- Linn Atkin.9on, seni9r custo-gy Abernathy, guest book ; dian; Cathy Benyo, ln.'ler· Nancy Davis and Linda Har- guard; Carla Radcliffe, outer rington, programs, and Bill guard, and Sheryl Reed, flag Raines, Tim '{'homas, Mike bearer. McGinnis, Gary Malloy, DcrJ Messengers are the fl.1isses ttfickle.son, John Palmer and Vicki Gibbs, Robin ,Lnnderee, John McCargar, ushers. Kartn Humphrey. Debra Others serving were Mrs. Royes and Linda Wertz. 1'1lldred Brown, guardian and Assisting Miss Kathy Moses, John P.f. Palmer, associate retiring queen, w l l h in-guardian. VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SH PE 3334 E•st Co•st Hwy. • Cor. Phone 673 -8050 MAKE IT FOR CHRISTMA IT'S FUN TO BE CREATIVE AND SAVE MONEY. TOO I I ) Todd1tr: o" your lht, U11 1it+.1r Sim• plicity # 1011 or 1111 to m••• broth1r •nd 1i1ltr outfih . Su99tll1d f1bric1 , . , w11h1bl1 wool, v1l.,1!1tn 01 with 111d w11r ••ttle cloth 01 t1rpoo11, (2) little 9111 f,om 4 le 12 weuld le¥1 • v1ry "91ow11·vp" p111t 1vif. Simpl icity.# 1411. M1~1 ii frem lit.I, c:etlo11 bord1r pri11h, COfd• 11roy or qv1i11t c1lico pri11t. (J) l i.rtttrlck # ISJ) effers •"Jiffy l'en• ch., •11d Pe11h" , , , 9re1I ld11 ft1 "ll1m1" '" your U1t. Ne 1!pp1r, b11Ho111 or Jerh. U1t lv11 f1bric1, tvclt 11 l1elh1r or 1v.cl1, 11•1 lvr or Heweiie11 1c1ylit prl11h. Se1 you 1oon VIR•tNIA I', $, 1Loo~t119 lor •11.,11 or v1IY1l1111. W1 h1•1 ' -·-"' compl1!1 l1ftf-\1l1ctle11, ' Use Yow lankA.,,erlc•d or Mcntlf Chart• Appointive officers are lilt fl.fisses t.orl Po.1tlu11 chaplain; Rozanne Richter, librarien ; .stallation ceremonies were A recepllon and dance ..past..honow! q®<DS •• Kelly _ 1 .. 1..,log. B.i ck • ..CDpeland's Freeman, phst master of Los band followed. Assisting at the AlamitOs Lodge 809 w a s recepUo.1 table were the master or cerem11.1ies and hfme~. Archie Alli50n, Robert Stan Porter. guest soloist, Ch1.rk, Jack Johnson, J~oward sang Miss Palmer's theme 1'-1cCargar, Ronald Schlund!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! wng, "When You Wish Upon a Bnd Mrs. Helen Eilt.s. I~ ' ·- Maytac A1tomatlc: Washer. 2 speeds for all·fabrie weshinr. Automatic fabric softener dispenser. Power-Fin Agitator for washing action that's gentle, thorou.gh. Special SOik cycle Mes reaUf dirty clothes 1 cinch to get clean. MIJtll Dlctr111ir; Ctntrtt Dryer. Fast dry cti;ithes in ge;ntle, low temperat ures white electronlc sensors comtanlly ''fael" moisture in clothes. Shuts off when clothes are dried just right One selting -no aueS$in& for time and temp. Per· m1nent press setting removes w1 inkles. See Them Today at: DAVIS• BROWN Since 1'47 -411 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Dally 9 • 9 .. Sat. 9 • 6 -Phone 646· 1684 >.) .. ·~ ,. • \ ·" • • ' I· , PPS ~ JS .:;s;s.a .-• p. P .*"· ,•J''' . •' ..... . . , • '-~LY PllO~ Groups _Working Hard Before New Year J ( .< • • Ensign PTA l'lm and ba1aa!' wUl take p'-ce at T p.m. 'I'Ullday, Dec. II, In the mulUpurpcoe room. P.rogram wW be preaenled by students tn tblnl, fow1h and f If th grades. Sonora PTA tnvlted • . • Chri.6trnas pro- gram aL 7 p.m. Tue!day, Dec. I, in the multipurpose l to 3 p.m.. Saturday, Deci 13, in !be .muJtipurpoM rocm. Admission of S5 cetiti iocludes a bor. ol popce» 11: Mn. Bantd ... Mrs. Richard Rlley President Adam$ PT;\ 1'1r1. Paul Ohl1ea President Pr..tdenl COMING Ill': Family Jlilhl """glletti clim>er with en, . tertainment and door prl&es will take place from 5:30 to a p.m. Frldey; Dec. 5, tn the cafelorium. Tick& will be sold at the door. REPORTS : Generation Gap: Fact or Fancy wa.s the topic dllcuued by Mn. Howaid Franee'• speech and debate clus at the November ge~ e<al meeting. - Mre the Mmes. Jac.t Glenn, Oeor&e Hylkema, Hubert Kunz. Calvin McLaughlin and Jim~Cbamberlain. C01'11NG OP : Movie. "Horse With the Flying Tail" Y.ill be shown at 10 and 11 .a.m. Satl.!fday, Dec. 13, In the multipurpose room. Admissioo 25 cents, public is """"· Wilson PTA . Mrs. WUUam OUUaw President COMING UP : Fibns for children will be shown from PuOch Will be .oo1 for 'II cent.a during intennllllon. Public Is Invited to atkocl• REPORTS : Prolill from ~ rum-shown-in-NOYemllilt were $104. .o} C01'tING UP: Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 9. in multipurpose room. REPORTS : Gold sweatshirts and bookbags for girl! and boys may be ordered for Christmas gifts by COO· tacting Airs. Gerald Doan. Bay View PTA Mrs. \\'llliam Frost .President COMING UP : Bay View chorull, directed by Mrs. .J ohn McKamey and Mrs. Anita Butlerworth will sing at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10, in FaQ!ion Island and at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 11, ln Soolh Coast Plaza. Parents are urged to attend. Beor PFO hlrs. John Hecker . President co~tlNG UP: Long sleeve • sweatshirts in school colors of gold with royal blue let· tering and design now are available in sizes small, medium and large at $.1.75. Orders are being taken by f\1rs. Everett E. Biegf!!' Jr., ways and means chairman ot 540-1761. REPORTS : Capt. Bill . Killybro'oke PT A Mn. -Boyward Pmldent REPORTS: Winner In the PI'A membermlp drive wu Mrs. D. A. Mamtnc'1 third grade class .• .Mrs. Jamee Marron, mothen wambop chairman and volunteers have made counttng tooll for studflts in 9tCOnd grade and dld!ooaries for the fourth grade clalie!!I. Mesa Verde PTA r.1r1. Nancy RtlUarf. President COMING UP: School chorus will sing at 7:Xt p.m. 1\Jes. day, Dec. 9, in Fuhion II· land ••• A~ociaUon meet...,, ing and Ch!istmas program at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16 -· • • • School aweatahlrts and identification tags will be sold Olis month. Monte Vista PTA Mrs. Mark Morrll . President C0~1ING UP: General meeting, OU'istmas pro- Newport Hts. PT A Mn. Do.i.t CUvil Prolldeot COMING UP: Deputy rec!Wll' wUl be oo duty frun 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. tomorrow and Monday and Tueeday, Dec. a and t to repter new paresU in the ana. Persons unable to ncW« at this time may contact Mn. Ralph E. Stevena at f.U.1321 for an llp!IO!nlment. REPORTS: Volunteers are needed for teache!'s' aMt. worklhops from I a.m. to noon, two Moodays a month . Mrs .. James Currie, chainnan may be contacted _ after 7:30 p.m. at 54M390 f<r f u r t h e r information. Volunteers during November were ~ Mmes. Frederick Piroumlan, Ron M i 11 e r , Slevel\S and Currie. Geared for Bikes ,.Heavenly Boutique Benefit Crookshanks of the Or.:inge County Fire Departmen t spoke at the November general meeting. Members approved the spomoring of Doy Scout Pack 301. George .Johnson is Scoutmaster. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hjortl1 \Yon t he Th11.nksgiving turkey. Mrs. Ed w a rd Starnes, hospita l ity ehairman and mothers of first grade students host~. Before Buying Check Safety -·An angelic Robin 1'liller poses \Vith items featured ';;, Our Lady Queen of th e Angels School Auxiliary •··Boutique de Noel sc heduled for Sunday, Dec. 14. fro1n 8:30 a .n1. untll 2 p.m. in 'l.he school. Proceeds wn the sale under the direction of 1'1rs. Will ian1 Magruder \Vill go lO\vard purchase of audio uipment for ipe school. NEW YORK (UPI) -II you're shopping for a bicycle !hat Santa leaves under the tree, you oughl to know about Research Report 1-i9 from the National Safety Council. The report on a survey analyzing some 4,000 accideo:.t questionnaires from students and parents is tiUed: Bicycle Accidents to School A1ed Children. Among findings are these : grow into. Buying a bike several slies too large, hoping that a youngster will grow into It, th~ getting a few more years out of it, is a false and dangerous etCQomy. -The relaUve safety of a bicycle is not determined by ,its style. -Parena shoold mm sure that aJI their cycling children know and observe the rules of the road. 'Ibis is particularly true of boys, who m1y have paper routes or other oc- cupation,, that keep them out on thefr bikes in the evening hours. -A111tikes, even new ones. need regular mainten1nce and repair to keep them tt good, 1alt: operatlnJt cond1Uon. CHRISTMAS AUCTION -'\'oung shoppers Greg and Renee 1'1eyer and 1'1lrs. l~rv l\l~yer look over the !:.election \vh ich \Vi\1 be available when the Orange <'oa st l\1others of T\\'ins f~lub ~pon so rs a boulique uurtion next Saturday. Public Bids Invited At Boutique Auction Picking up the ga\ el and prepar"1g to Sl<'fl up 10 11\e auction block are members of !he Orange Coast f.lolhcri; or ,1'wins Club. The group will sponsor J CbrislmU boollque ~uction betwee.1 11 a.m. :ind 4 p.n1. saturday, Dec. 6. in the llun- UngtOn Saviog$ and Loan building, Costa 1t1esa 111e public Is Invited to hid on many dlrft!:rcnl ilt!.mS ha11tl· fashioned by members of lhc 1 young club. Mrs. , Pt11ch;it•1 1 Stau(fcr I! 1erv1ng a "' , r:hairrnan o~ the event. a-.itl l ~oceeds Will benefit a n~ area family. Jn keeping with the holiday , 1n00tl the grou p Is planning a t:'hr1stn1as pi!rty in addilion lo :1 dinne r m('('ting taking place \\'cdncsda y. Dec. 10. in Frnn- co1s restaura-.11. Hunti ngton Beach A social hour at 7 p.1n and dinner at 8 p.m. will be ro\loy,·. cd by th{' singing or Chr1slmas carols and u gift grab bag. All mothers or twins in tht• area are 1n,·ited to attend the dJnn{'t 1nccting an d r.trs. Gary Clenicnl . 842-3534, is ilr- t'i!ptlng reservations, t.atcr th1i; tnonfh, n1c1nher:.' children \\'ill be cnt erttilnt d during 11 Chrlstnins p::irly h1ghl\ghtcd ...IJy a magician, i ·Jm1·n~ nnd a surprise v1s1t 1rnn1 anta C.:laui:. Educator Discusses Education An au thority on educatia.1 "'ill addh!ss members of ·the American Association of t:nn·ersity Women. Laguna Reach Branch, on Saturday, Dt>c 6. at 9:30 a.m. Dr. Robert S. Hicks will ap- pear in Clu bhouse 2. Laguna Hills Leisure \\'orld. to discuss \fhnt Js Family Life Educa· lion · Needs and Objectives. I-lic ks is associate director of the education depar1ment of the American Institute of Frnnlly 'i\ Rehllions in Los A.1ACll'S 'fhe !ipe&kt.r is a former pr inc ipal and school i.uper.intcndenl. -The size of \he bicycle in relation to the size of lhe child is an important safety factor. "The child riding a bike too large for him gets ttvolved in more accidents." -Nighttime accident., while fewer in number, are usuajly more severe. -f.fore boys are involved in motor vehicle a_ccidenta than girls. -Of 4,000 accidenl reports studied, only 33 mentioned a defective component as con- tributing to the accident, and of these, 20 were the result of improper mainte:iance. Now what this mearui to the prOlpective Christmas buyer, according to the Bicycle Institute of America : -Lightweight, mid- dleweight. racing or touring bilre, or the very popular high rise bike, none of them is less safe than the others because of its design. -Bikes are like shoes. 'They should be bought to fit, not to Prospective Ser'(ed by An invitation to tea Is being extended teens in Foo.ntai1 Valley bf members of the Junior Auxiliary of the Foun- tain Valley Woman's Club. The auxiliary, organized to foster the development of poise, tact and responsibility and add to community growth lhrough friend s hip and ph.i lantlu'opic endeavors, is Now if the bike hu optional equipment, such as gear shifts, make sure the child is able to operate it without los- ing control. Also make sure he can bring his bike to a smooth, sure stop, whether the bike comes equipped with caliper brakes, handbrakes or a combination of the two. Ask yourself if be knows about hand signals, the right of way, hand.Ung traffic at in- tersections cr;id keeping to the right. Jf the Christmas bike Is tn be a surprise, ask retallers to agree to have you bring the bike back after the holiday for the proper fitting and personal adjustment necessary f o r 1alety and comfort. After that, a semiannual In· sptction and adjustment can keep the bike in tip-top con· di lion. Members Auxiliary 0,1 Friday, Dec. 12, the aux. iliary will co-sponwr a bake sale with the senior organiza- tion. Toy Survey For Adults ope.1 to all young women IS1.2 Do vl!ions ol sugar plums or or older. other thin1s danct through lht Tea will be poured today to-day between 3:30 and 5 p.m. in heads of adult.& who go to the civic center, -.rx1 special . toyland in quest of Chrisbna1 guests will be Mrs. Laurence p~ll? Erwin, president ot the senior Probably no v"ions in the club, and f.1rs. Wallace Short, selection of • toy, reports the vice president and dean of Toy M • n u f a c t u r e r s of chairmen. Mn. Thom as America (TMA). Re as on s. Humphrey is junior given for purthase of a coordinator, and preaident of partlcular toy, in the order of the auxiliary is Mlu Chad impc>rt.lnct, according to I Duhe. TMA survey Of toy-buying f\1embtrs who are assisting adults: "·Jth tea tlrrangementa are -Thought the child would the Misses Ma rgie Odland, like It. Rene Payne, Diane McCut.. -It was 11fe r°" the child. laugh and Diane Jordan. -The toy looked like fun. The auxiliary sponsored the -The 1ppearance of the 1oy. hot dog booth at the Halloween -Tt looll:ed well-made . carnival and also participated -The m~tcrlal it was mtde as models in the champagne of. fashion show conducted by the -It looked like it "'ould last. \\·oman's club. -'I)e price. Sliding Into a Weighty Finish Hopin~ their respective classes \vill slide into a first place finish cOr Killy·: brooke.s ~TA paper drive on Dec. 11 are Linda German, fif~ grader; Bob Consoli, sixth grader and .Brent I-lay\vard (top of sli de), second grader. Bookworms Bone Up for Book Sale Books n1a~e sreat Christmas presents as University Park School students-: Arthur Engu1danos (seated), Kenn e>~h Uselton and l\1elissa Bo'.'•en can attest. Book s, lols of then1 . \\'ill be available a t a ' preChrisl111as sale in the school'• multipurpose roon1 <>n l"riday, Dec. 5, fro m 4 lo 8 p.111. and Saturday, Dec. G, from 10 a.n1. uotill 4 p.nt Proceeds \viii bol ster the PT.i\ book fund. , P""!"--------------------.................. ,_._.. ....... -........ .....---. ......... ~~-----~---·-------. ' • • DAIL V PILOT 31 Ingredients Glitter on Tree Baubles Come From Kitchen Want to have .i!Ome unusual decorations for your Christmas tree th.is year? Ones wh.lch children can make and wh.ich will be treasured by the whole family for inany years? Get together some im· agination, a few everyday k.it- chen items such as· flour and starch and.,.some eager young fingers, and you're on ·yoo.r way. The tioliday-stason also is a time to create festive fare, so home economisU at South Counlies Gas Co. h a v e prepared a folder ol rtcipes for the ornaments and a numbel' of dishes for en- tertaining. CHRISTMAS ·olt.NM1El\'l'S I pound (Z cups) baking soda 1 cup cornstarch 1 v~ cups water Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a saucepan combine all in- gredients, mix thoroughly. Us· ing medium name and stirring constantly, cook mixture to a }ow boil. ' Continue stirring and cook· Ing until a dough -like con- sistency is reached. Turn out on a plate; cover with a damp cloth or paper towel. Chill lfi hoor. a variety ur cookie cuuers flip- ped in flour. Pull away exceM dough. To make holes !or hanging, inserl straw thro.Jgh dough 11~" down from top edge of ornament while dough is still soft. Place ornaments on cookie sheeb and put into oven ; turn oven off. Dry 1-2 hours, turning ornaments 2 or 3 times. When thoroughly d r y , remove and cool. For smootl1 suriaCe, lightly sand with fine sandpaper. Decorate w i t h colored felt.Up pens, poster or aa-ylic paint. These may ~ stored and used for several years. Makes 20-40. BAKER'S CLAY •ORNMIENTS 4 cups unsifted flour 1 cup salt l \': cups water Combine .all ingredients: 'mix well to form a stifr dough. Tum out on noured board and knead 5 minutes. Roll oul dough to 1/4" thickness, cut in- to shapes with variety of cookie cutters. Place on cookie sheets. If desired, decorate Y:ith little balls or ropes of dough and use an y handy kilchen tool to create textures. For hanging, insert straw through dough l/4" down from top edge of ornament. ping). Ph\ce ornaments Qn <t rack \o cool. Decorate with watercolor or poster paint and t'Oat with varnish, spray lac· quer or plastic. This will pre· vent their getting soft and spoiling. These may be ttlored and usod for several years. Do not double the dough rl>cipe and use withir. 4 hours. STA1tCH 'N STRING ORNAMENTS Balloons in variety oC shapes Liquid starch. undiluted. Heavy duty thread, variety of colors. In oven place one rack on top glide and other rack on lowest glide. Blow up balloons; ra stcn ends. Pour starch in shallow pie pan. Loosen end or Jlread and place whole spool in starch. \Vind dipped thread C1ver · balloons to form mesh cove r- ing. Using a wire ornament hanger, hang balloons in oven; place cookie sheet on bottom rack to catch starch drippings. Dry in oven at 140 degrees for I hour. When dry, puncture balloons and carefully remove from inside of thread : decorate vo'ith ribbon bows or color with spray paint. LE~tON BARS Crust ' 1'URKEV DIVAN AL FRESCO J pound raw or c turkey , cut In ~" cu I pound fully 'cooked cut in ~4 " cubes ~ cup oil 3 tablespoons wh.i.te- vl negar ~~. I t eas p o on m~ glutamate • .• I teaspoon garlic salt ~~ ~: teaspoon pepper I teaspoon minced .parsl 12 teaspoon sweet basil ~ 2 JO-Ounce pkg. lrozen braa- coli or asparagus spearl ~ I kunce can HoUandai:*- sauce :-: 1 1 cup whipping erea)Q. whipped (optional) ,~: 9" skewers ..., • ._ In a large shallow paiS._4f p\asUc bag, marinate tlB\i)1 and ham in a mixture _of·':@I· wine ~inegar, MSG, garllc~­ pepper, parsley and S'llli;I basil. Refrigerate ovemi~: tum several tii'nes. Rerndft-/ meat from marinade, ·reSet!· ing liquid. ~~ thread meat onto skew!"!. alternating cubes of ham o t turkey. Using high flame . c§r* on preheated gas gpn: f l'~r minues . for cooked turkey ~ G to 8 minutes for raw tur)fC)'. Baste with marinade; hl(l1 frequently lo brown ~11 ~· : DO IT YOURSE-LF -One way to have an original Ch;isbnas tree is to make the ornaments you rself. Home' economists from southern Counties Gas Co. ..,: (left to right) Mrs. Gerry Gerken, Mrs. David Oling- er and Miss Beity Jane Doerfling decora~e tree w~th flour and starch orna1nents made in their company kitchen. Ornamerl'ls can be kept for several years and arc an ideal children's holiday project. Knead 3 to 4 minutes. Flour large piece of waxed paper and rolling pin; roll out ,dough to v .. " thickne!s (use flour liberally). Cut into shapes 1vith Bake in 350 degrees oven for 1 lloo.a or until hard (when tapped with a fork they gh()llld USC Auxiliary Planning Party 1:: cup bu lier 1-: cup wgar 1 cup flour Jo'rosting : I tablespoon butler. melted 11,: c ups confectioners' sugar Meanwhile. prepare br ,0 1 or asparagus spears ~ to package directions, us~• medium flame on top ~ Heat Hollandaise s a u e.t . Fold in whipped cream )i,st before serving:, : ~ To serve. arrange broctQli or asparagus. spears on stJv. ing platter. place grilled mbll skewers on top of \;-.:e vegelable and top with llollan- daise sauce. ; Ballantine -Blalack . ;:,Nuptials Solemnized Honeymooning in San Fran- cisco and at Lake Tahoe are Frederick David Ballantine and his bride. the former Deborah Lynn Blalack "'ho ex- . changed vows and rings in SL .Andr ew 's Presbyterian .-Church. .: The Rev. Or. Charles 11 · 'Dierenfield performed th c :ceremony for the daughter of ·-~tr. and Mrs. David Blalack of ·Newport Beach and the son of Clubwomen Host Tea Dr. and li1rs. David Ball<lnline of Corona del ~ar. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a noor length gown of Ca'.1d!elight satin with beaded sleeves and empire y,·aist. Her short il- lusion veil was caught lo fresh lilies of the valley and baby's breath. She carried lilies or the valley and baby roses on a satin-covered prayer book. In cognac colored e1npire velvet gowns and Carrying nosegays of chrysanthemums in autumn shades were Miss Theresa Blalack, b r i d e · s siste r and maid of hcr.1or ; Mrs. Erick Van Vleet, l h e bridegroom's sister: M is s Pamela Bl~lack, the bride's l'Ousin. an~ Miss Ch ristine Lane, bridesmaids. Douglas Ballanti ne was his Officers of Orange District. brother's best man, and guests :•californ1a Federation o f were us hered to their seats by '.wome'1·s Clubs will host a Van Vleel. Denis Olsen apd ·Christmas tea honor mg club Craig Buhler. ·presidents. deans. d i s trict .. l\1i~s Peggy Bl~lack: another '. ·chaim:len and committees at I cousm of the bride. circulated <p.m. Friday, Dec. 12. in the the register to 200 .guc~ls al- · woman's clubhou se in Ora:1gc. tending the recep!l~.1 1n the .:: The Vocal Ensemble froin ~ewporter Inn . Special guests "Villa Park High School will of-y,ere li-1r. and Mrs .. o . R. :1 . al lcctions. ~1 rs. Bl~lack oi Dayton , Ohio. t.he er mlJS1C se . bride's grandparents; Miss .:?tiurray J. Granger 15 program Chloe Baird of Masssillon .;C;tiairman. and . l\.1rs. James Ohio, her great-aunl. and l\1rs: :li;f<:CaUa 1s president. Edwin I. Bartlett of li1ilbrac. MRS. F REDERICK O. BALLANTINE Special gues~s will be i\lrs. grandmother. Lake Tahoe Honeymoon Vernon Cunningham, state The bride is a graduate of -------''------'-------- 1 \~ tablespoons lemon ,iui.:e ~~ teaspoon vanilla Dash salt Filling: '2 cup fine coc:onul 1 \i cups brown suga r 14 teaspoon sail 1 teaspoon vanilla It's a fi rst for the Uni versity and Mr. ~nd f\trs. Oby Wood.~. 2 eggs, beaten or Souther.1 California's Town Mrs. t.fcCunniff will assisl 2 tablespoons flou r and GoWTI Junior Aux iliary of l\1rs. · \Vhile wilh the ar· 1/4 teaspoon baking powder Orange County. rangeme.1\·s, I cup chopped walnuts On Saturday, Dec. 6. the Auxiliary officers are the For crust, cream butter and new chapter will host a Mmes. w 0 0 d 5 , presides!; sugar.Stir in flour. Press into Christmas party in th e Devine. vice pr e 5 id c n 1 : 13 x 9" pan . Bake at 350 Ney,·port Beach home of Mr. Brumleu, recording sec retary; degrees ror 3-10 minutes. and Mrs. Jan1es Kirby White. James D. Hewitt of Corona, Meanwhile, prepare lllling : Fiesta Navidad has been cOrresponding sec ret 8 r y: l'Ombine all 8 ingredients for chosen for the theme and 70 Hazewiiikel. treasurer and filling. Bake 20 minutes al 350 If using broiler of gas rangP., hroil meal 3" from full flan1e. 6-3 minutes ror cooked turke~' or S..10 minutes for uncooke(! turkey . Would you like to lose weight " and kee p it ~· off for go_od? guests are expected to attend Leckie, publicity. degrees. WEIGHT Alli • the dinner. The cou nty chapter was Frosting: Combine 5 lo· 'CJ"~ Among those arriving at 7 founded this fall to· assist the ~redients for frosting spread WAli(HERS p.m. will be Dr. and Mrs. Los Angeles Chapter in fund-over bars jusl as they are re-. ~1 1 ' ~ '" James ~1cCumiff anl;i Dr. and raising events: Each year the moved from oven. Cool slight-So~lilking. some lisleriing ..... 1'1rs. Harold E. Sanford J r· a u xi JI a r y will award ly, cut into small piec es. Store d th M r d Mm • pro;r1m th1t works. f•,· an e ess s. an es. scholarships to aspiring senior in airtight container. ·Makes Philip Anshutz. Horace Ben-h~w~o~m~-en~a~l~U~S~C~-=====~·~·;~d~o~=~-======~~·~'="~'::'::"0::'::""::"::'::-::'•::'::'::'::"::·'= .. ~·~ jamin, Richard Berfea. Robert Brownsberger, Edward C • .\·i: Brumleu Jr., John Cashion, M· Donald Clarke, Craig Combs. FOR uouR ,,. Timothy A. Devine and Paul 1 1 -...· ~::1~~\~!s~.·wport Beach HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING. Also coming from the same area will be the Messrs. and Mme s. William C. Hazewinkel, Bernard A. Leckie, Derek l.ewis, Gordon l-1 o r r o w , Frederick Myers, Rw.Xlolph Parker, Richard Ramella, Dan Rogers, Douglas Simpson and James Tyler. Arriving from Huntington Beach and Seal Beach will be litr. and Mrs. Rene Caron. Mr . and Mrs. Edward Halligan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Folk Dancers first vice president; ~·lrs. Corona del Mar High School Ruby Harrison, state geron-and attended Orange Coast tology chairman : ~1 r s . College and Souther.i Oregon 1bomas Pierce, slate hyla1v College in Ashland. Her commlltet member. and ~.1rs. husband. a CdMHS graduate. 0. \V, Freek, stale non1in aling also attended OCC. 'J'hey will committee member. rr.side in Costa Mesa when Council Decks Hol iday Hall s A Chunukah party 1vilh they retum from their wed- ding trip. Harbor Are a Council of Bet<i Sigma Phi plans to deck lhe Dishwashers Gobble Up With Assurance Israeli folk dancers and games hall.~ for an u P c om l n £ will be enjoyed by Temple Christmas party Dec. 6 in the Sharon's Sisterhood and Young ho1ne of Mrs. Mlchael Hoeg~e Couples Club on Saturday, of Huotington Beach. Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. in Temp le I h be · Sharon, Costa Mesa. I A I c apter mem •rs arc Jn-Admission is $2 (or adults , vited to join in a gift excha_nge and SI for teenagers, plus a l and feslivilies beginning at gift under SI for the grab bag. 7:30 p.m. l\.1rs. Phil Lally, vice Those interested in in· president. will be hostess: formation may phone Mrs. i\1rs. Hoegec of Delta Beta Denis Fenton al 54&-3237 after Peering Around Club Cited For Effort A new line of dishwasher~ Zet<t will coordinate plans. 7 p.m. literally gobbles up n1ost le1t-r1~~~;:;:;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;,~j;1 INVITED from the Harbor Acea to attend the 14 th annual <:weatherby Big Game Trophy ·::award dinner are the Messrs. -~.:aod Mmes. And y Devine. Phil i.Anthony and James Niemiec. !,'i ll of Newport Beach. ·> ·Colorado Gov. John Love ; .will make 1he presentalion .·Friday. Dec.~. during the gala · 'jti the Century Plaia hotel. " A special aw1rd has been O\•ers, the manufacturer says. presented to Junior Ebell Club You can even put in plates of Newport Beach for ac-with mashed pol.aloes on them livities planned by the club in with complete assurance that observance of Junior Involve-ment Week slaged by Orange tney'll be flushed away. District Junior W o m e n · s A recirculation filter on the CJUbs. appliance also eliminates the] ri.trs. Eugene Kovach, sc· bugaboo of food be Ing! cond vice president a n d redeposited on dishes during federation chairman I o r the final rinse. Junior Ebell , received the -----------11 award at a November district G loomy G us Is meeting in Fullerton. Your Kind a G uy Special activity included two ·-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= < SERVING on lhe newly 30 minute cable-vision pro-!1 jormed Scripps College Coon-grams outlining club pro- . . ;ell o( 75, an advisory group . grams, a poster d i s p I a Y ~'Will be Mni. Ted' Gregory aod throughout the Harbor Area. a ·:jtrs. Lillie Hicks, both of membership tea and addilion ,;s..,guna Beach. The gi:oop of of new members during the MOBILE C HE S T X·RAY U N I T !:&Jurnnae will work w1lh thc ri•mO-.oo~th;;.~~-----o;ll :,college board of trustees. . ~ ~ CELEBRATING hls iOth ·.. lrthday with 38 friends and ·:relatives at an open houae Yt'as '•Herbst E. Carter of Costa ::Mesa. WE'RE NUMIH 5 leok0utN...Oor 4 GARDIN GROVE LINCOLN MERCURY tA•OIN •1tO"I Af tllOOICHUi!;St I '36·2t80 WILL II AT TH RIF'TY MAR T MARKET H•rbor & Adams Costa Mtsa Dec. 1st thru 4th I Mo11. thr• Till•n.J HOUAS: 12 Noo1t to I P.M. Noml11ol Chor•• of 52. ,., X0«1y l11thHtts: Rodlolo9ltt M1111dll119 I Mollll19 lOMG ANO LAllMY SCAAYfS llOOVIC\.TS rLLIOM fU!IKYlOOll ~ p GUCll¥ COSTIJlf[ Jl'fCl'1 1NE • --·••u.-1•, ... DRESSING RooM BouTIQU£ """"·-··· lll!t .ll'G~QUI• SlRllf llUJlllN51DN WIGIM Ille! l4t-l1M 58-PIECE SERVICE FOR 8! $5995 From left: VOLETA Gold scroll design on ivory chin1. LEEANN L1cy-itmboued shoulder design with platinum border on ivory china. SHIRLEY White chin1 set off .by lacy-embosaed GINA Black and gokl harlequin design with gold border with gold edge on white china • Seldom have we seen such lovely china 1t anything ~ppr~ing this exceptional price. Each beautffuny designed ind richly ambeWishtd service for 8 Tndudes: B dinner plates. 8 ulad"P(ates. 8 bread 1nd butters. 8 cups, 8 11ucert, 8 IOUp cert1als. 2 vegetible bowls, platter, sugar with top Ind cre1rner, grri'f. P'UI 3 tlttrl cups . Our exclusive import! Truty 1n extr1ordinary "aluel SLA..VICK'S 18 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -644· I 180 "'""' CllttM A<c_.1 V.t ltomt -tan~A~r1C1rd, M•tlt~ <1111,11, '-• o ,.. MeM111y ttir11 S11t•rMf •lttll .t :ll ' /" • , • ' n~ _,• Wtdn!Jday, Drcetnbtr 3, 1%~ - ' I • • .!\";.., .~ .. ---- • ' ,, • • • ..... . . •, ---- 'it ,. • ·- ~ ' \ ~ -' • ..J \1 ' ' • ; Tee Tattler '. Look Out Number 4 Wt' .. N.,._ ..... ,. Allxlwl-W..,.. Nwmaer ""'.....uelt OVt N•,....... ,,_ GAID!N GIOVE LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD -'rhis festive hooded cape is destined for gay 0,.~~~;~~~E ~E!~~~~1tn ALL A-BUZZ -The phone will never stop ringing alter an appearance in your panne velvet twosome. ·The likimpy, clingy tunic 'n fl ippy skirt comes in s ilver grey or copper and the page-boy tunic 'n pants feature the same flattering colors. Either \Vay you've struck a rich vein in th e fa~i1i on scene. Call' s· Out for Style holiday parties and not just grand1nother's house. In lush rayon velvet with 636-2980 jeweled buttons, it comes in vlvid red and sophisticail~;·=:~~~l~~c~k~;,,:~:;;ii;;-:~~=======f~ ~\~\ti rf/a ffie~ ANNUAL An active ··party-line" calls ror a varied wardrobe · nf festive holiday fashions. For entertaining, p a r t y -·pants rated high. A print pant set in brilliant colors oo a clingy acetate knit has grace- ful wide-legged pants and a se.U sash ••• fringed, natural- ly .. Other pant sets are in newly revived panne velvet. Again these are body-confonnlng and clingy, Cokn here are subtle ,;ilver grey and copper tone, making the most ot the surface play of light and shadow that Is a distinctive feature of this lush pile fabric. Black velveteen is another choice for party pants. In this c.:ase the fashion accent is on long. lean slimness and the contrast of the rich pile fabric \Vilh its (.'Ompanion full-sleeved blouse in sheer white. Devotees of the mini-skirt are not forgotten. Several out- fits will appeal to the discothe- . que zealot who takes her "au- dience participation'' serious- ly. One such outfit teams a full-sleeved crepe blouse with a ~rief skirt Iha! is just a whirl of tiny pleats. At the other end ur the fashion spcctru1n. deceptively prim and demur. arc lacy hand-crocheted \1·001 dresses c:onipletfly lined in what used to be called China silk. These, in little-girl white. pink or blue are perfcel for theater. party- going or restaurant dining and dancing. Finally, what lo do about a party-going cover-up for the young v.•oman who doesn 'l covel mink and shuns an even- ing n1axi. is solved handsomc'- ly with a hooded velvet cape buttoned in jewels. Jn nite black this is especially .smart and in jewel red it is certain to be an entrance-1nak'er. ( . ' ·~ . ·~. .. / . . . . ' ... .... TWO PART HARMONY -Perfect for U1c holiday entertaining sceite and par- ty-goi ng is this brief ski11 in a \l'hir\ of tiny pleats. Sell-sashed, it's the perfect 1natch-up \\'ilh a V-necked blouse \vhich featu res a 1iny collar and full sleeves. 'rhe skirt comes in black. 1vhite or purple and is priced at $10. The blouse Ln 'vh1te. purple or lilac is SS. The outfit by Saxon is the perfect gift to fi nd under the tree Chr1st1nas niorning ... or as a special Nc\v \'car's treat. These ne1v oulfits are jusl part of the fashion scene at Sears. .M I ~ ~, ;s a Le .j ... l ;ti ~1 ! l ~ ·' FINAL DAY-DEC. 10! "MIRACLE" WIGS Weill ·~ &. wear •em, cr1111 your own 1tyl1 from thl'le HID'° KtMlt•IOn flti.r wk11. Tiii utmost ln conVtllltnCI IOI' trl Vt l, bollllng - wh1r1 "''' you nted 1n "ln1!1nl"' llalr fa, Reg. 24.95 Reg. 29.95 1795 2295 HUNDREDS OF WICiS TO CHOOSE 29 95· I FROM, IOTH MACHINE Giid HAND TllD, · SOME AS LOW AS • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • .) e --------- 'j --CASCADES . .I ~ Fer !ha! "SpKlll Evenln11" -Wear 1 gl1'""r- cm 100% human hair c11cld1 -& look truly lovely! They'•• "' ver~llllt, )'(II.I'll lirod I mu~ Utuoe Cl 0<;ca1let11 to -Ir I CIKedl .. All sh•des! 1295 Reg. 17.95 ------- FALLS F•1l1 1dd th1 c.rown i119 touch lo you• crownin9 9lo•y! -Stv1 now on cu• , ~ ouhl•ndin9 1el1ctio11, DEMI FALLS-Sove $4 to $7 ........... NOW $22.'5 18" to 20" FALLS-Save $4 to 7 •... NOW $32.95 WIG FALLS-Save $7 to $12 . ·-·······SAVE 42.95 LONG FALLS-S•ve $8 to $17 ··-···-SAVE SZ.'5 --------' .. ' I~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ WIGLETS ' STAGGER THE STAG LINE -Hand crocheted body dresses of 100 percent 'vool, lined "'ilh pure silk, give the appearance of see-through fashi on I.Jul rl'- veal nothing but your O\vn d imensions. Yule Purchase n uring the C: h r i s t mas sc:ison about 2;; percent of the tny buyers go into n1ore than on<' .~lor<' before r1nally mak- ing a purchase. South Coast 'Plaza . 86 STORES •• ALL 72 ° and open nightly till 9::30 ' ' ADMIRAL COLOR T.V. 1177 HARBOR BOULEVARD COST MESA 1970 A1tomotic fl11e Tunl11g ••• ln1ta111 Sou11d ••• Plctwre All Chatintl OPIH-MONDA -WEDNESDA.,.....lHUltto•Y-FlttoAY Ttll-f"'' FAST DRAW Di'"•·•-l ln• Adi 1'r1w f~• f1tle1t •••POlltt 111 th e '"'•If C1tl 641 .1611 et'ld t11! lh•ll'I •91it'11I YOU! OWll clock. Compliment '!'OU• Cciff•ut witi<i • f•b11lou1 wi9l1t! I" 101itl1, 1111 I P•PP•fl, & froded 1h1de1. HIGH FASHION WIGLET CASES K11p your wi9l•lt & c11c1d11 n11t & cl11n & 1lw1y1 r••dy for w11• wi!h 01'11 of lh111 c1111! Witt. P11rch.. of Wltlet Rog. 3.9Si. \ 2.00 \ ..-c-•"' Rog. 4.95 3.00 ' • ""!II ..... ----· ............ '"" ...................................................... -............... -... --........ ~ ..... -~~~~----___,,........---·-·-· - • / j! PILOT-AOVERTIS~R • WPdntsday , Ofttmbtr 3, 196<> DAILY PILOT 3f>..r~ Pins and Needles ~Mistakenl y Sew Up Portion of Food Dollar · Needles, pins, lipslick, swim Your family isn't average. So what's 1vrong with buy· one stop for everythin& shO\\'S chases ·on yoor food bill, hrre lars there, the health anti food stores. of course. bllt how much money and 1vhat fins • • • you buy them all in bul n1aybe your neighbor's inc nonfood items in a food in the fuct that, lu the past JU is a list that will intcre!)t you. bl!1:1uty aid department is very ninny shoppers Uo. Pure ly on itcn1s. As your family grows, the food store. You know you ls. You know the average . . . 1 ., N thin lf d .1 years, nonfood sales 111 food Food shoppers spend n1ost of unportant in a food store. hnpulse, they buy snuill k.Heh· in age, if not in numbers, your shouldn't rount them as part a family or four "'"ith a couple sore . 0 g. you a nii stores haYe increased I.fa per-. their nonfood mo n ~y for t-.1ore than half of all tooth en utensils and gad&ets, snack food bill will increase. ol the food bill. But yot1 of school age children. U they aren't part of the food cent while food sales increas-household supplies and house-paste sales, half of all the as-sets and patio furniture. Uke-You will t.'Qntinue to bijy probably do. Il's easier that ~ir weekly food bill is 25 to bill. You like one-stop shop-ed St percent. Don't gel nerv· w:i res, aki>holic beverages, plrin sales and al n1ost half of \1•lse, well 01'er half of all food nonfood items in the food way. 30 dollars, they may be spend· ping. It's far more convenient ous. That's f\Ol price lncreas· tobaeco products. health and all the shan1poo sales in the s1ore sales of nylons, socks store and they will be tota lled You aren't all that differ-ing more than seven dollarll a than running lo flve or six dil-es. ll's sa les increases . . . beauty aids, soft drinks and country are made in food and children's wear are spur-.in with your food bill. How~ ent lrom ·other rood sDoppers. wee k for nontoods anti count~ ferent 111tores for all the t.hl.ngs pur.chases made. pet produeL.s .stores. of-the-moment. ever. they aren 't food and Alon~ wllh most ol them, you ing them as part of the food you need. U you are gett ing ready Ah hough f o o rl :-l1uppC'r~ You don"! cfn much impul.~e That's the story of nonfood should never be counted •s cons1der money spent Jn the bill! How well you like makiiig to check _up on nonfood pur-dun't .spend n10.st nonfood dol-buying of nonfood itents in purchases in food stores . . . money spent for food . rood store as money spent for _____________ _: ___ ~...::...---~--~-'-----------------------~--------.,------ food ••• and blame the food \ bill for being at lep,st 21> per- cent higher than it actually is. • That's right • • • About 2.1 cents of every dollar spent in a food store isn't for food at all. It'~ for 30ap, paper goods, magazines, hand lotion and so on, and on ancf on with tl:e list. Great for campus, suburbs -tops pants, skirts, dresses. Dash everywhere in the most dashing style of all - the fringed cape. Knit of worsted with cable panels in short or long length. Pattern 7481: one size fits 10-18. FIFl'Y CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add IS cents lor each pattern for first-class malling and special handling; otherw1se third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Allee Brooks the DAI· LY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box: 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York. N.Y.10011. Print Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. BIG 1970 Need l ecraft Catalog -40 pages, ove r 200 designs, 3 free _patlerns! Knit, crochet Instants, a r g y I e sweater, hats, dresses, swim suit Quilt. embroider, weave. Make toys, gilts, gay afghans. send 50 cents. SO INSTANT Glftl. Make today -give tomorrow . 50 cents. 0 16 Jiffy Rugs" to knit, crochet weave. sew, hook. 50 cents. Book of 1% Prize Afghans. 50 cents. Bargain! QnUt Book 1 hos 16 beautiful patterns. 50 cents. Museum Quilt Book 2 -pat- terns ror 12 superb quilts. 50 cents. Book 3. "Quilts for Today's Li ving." 15 patten:is. 50 cents. Chocolate Drops Easy And Tasty Drop cookies are usually ca!)' t.o make. CHOCOLATE ORANGE COOKIES 2 cups sifted nour I ~aspoon baking soda 'It teaspoon salt ~1 pound (I stick) butter or margarine I cup suga r I egg 1! cup cornflake crumb~ 1 V4 teaspoons grated orange rind '~ cup orange juice l package (6 ounces) or I cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces On war. paper siIL together the flour, soda and salt. Jn a medium mixing bowl cream butter and sugar; thoroughly be•t in egg. Stir in flour mixture and cornflake crumbs alternately with orange rind and orange __ jdlct;_ mil ·~well. Sti.r .... :Jo chocolate. Drop by 1eve1 lable- 1pooofuls, a few inches apart, onto grcastd cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated 3~ degree oven until lightly browned -abou1 15 minulel. ~t.slccs 11boul 4 dozen . - GIVE BlUE CHIP STAMPS -PlUS . ADVERTISED SPECIALS PRICES GOOD DEC. 3 thru DEC. 9 LB. FRE SH PI CNIC PORK ROAST 47~ SEMl·BONELESS FRESH SLICED RUMP BEEF ROAST LIVER 86~ 49[! GROUND BEEF :=,":::'.'.':':· .............. 1b. 49i SIRLOIN TIP STEA Kc, .................. '"· I" FRESH BEEF HEARTS .................. b. 56i FISH & CHIPS :'.:ii::'.'.".'.'. ........ e.-.-., .... ~•b, 69i SWISS STEAK ;.:;:.~ .................... 1b. 86i TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ~"::~:~ ......... 1b. I" FRESH BEEF OXTAILS "•~"''··········lb 37i FILLET OF PERCH :;;:.";!~::.-.'.':' ............ 69i POT ROAST ::;:,-::,".~'. ..................... 1b. 79i PORK BUTT ROAST ,,.,, ................ 1b., 73i CORNED BEEF "'-"''""" .......... , .... 1b. 98i FINNAN HADDIE '""'""'·············'"· 89i T BONE STEAK ~::.::.:'~ ................ 1• 1" PORK STEAK ""'"•• ...................... 1b. 79i . CHICKEN FRIED STEAK :;;,:;;., ...... ,.. 79i .HALIBUT FILLETS ""'"""''""''·""·····" S6i PORTERHOUSE STEAK ~.=::''.' ....... '" 1" FRESH BEEF TONGU E ................. 1b 56i SLICED BACON ••••'•'" ......... ' .. :.1b 76i SLICED BOLOGNA ., ... ,~ .. •~• ...... i.o •. 69i DASH GIANT SIZE I 0¢ OFF l ABEl PEACHES HUNT'S HAl VED ORSllCED·2·1 /2 -4/1. APPLESAUCE 1;~:1~e...... . .... 6/ 1. MARGARINE PARKA~ ....................... l S. 2 6~ BREAKFAST ~s~~~~~-·········· ........ 59~ CAMPBELL'S SOUP~:E~~T1A:~~1 a~ CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 8 B~G 69 C TANGERINES ~:~·~:-:~~~ ............... 19 ' ARTICHOKES ,,.,,,~, .............. 2/29• PRUNES 1"''~"'""" 3 1 CloroE11rofofl('f'o ••••"••"""'" lblo. • LARGE WAlNUTS -c-., .......... ia. 39• FRESH DATES ,_,..c-........ ,,o,. 25< A VOCADOS ::,';;;;;;:.'.:'.'.~ .......... 4/1. · FINEST QUAllTY·NORTHWESTERN CUT CHRI STMAS TREES AVAllASl.E AT 1 B lOCATIQNr,..frort11.49 SWEET JUICY PINK ' GRAPEFRUIT 110 for1 °0 ' I -LB . SKI PPY a~ , DOG FOOD ................ .. ~~~K ~E5,~~-E.5. ....... 7 6:~ ALLONS -s·6~ PUREX BLEACH ..... ALBERTSON'S 411 CHUNK TUNA 112'1 ••• Del iccitesse n ·WIENERS ' 1 LB.PKG . 63 AM ERICAN TASTY-TENDER CHEESE PIZZA '""",. ................. 110. 98 ' PEPPERONI PIZZ A""""'· .............. 1" TA MALES ""'o"'" ." ....................... 19' BISCUITS '"""""'"""" 9, Bu!!ffm•ll ........ , .... , '"'" ,..,,., 8 Or. DANISH HAM ~;:~~0;: ,IQ ................. 59 ¢ LONG HORN CHEESE ~:::.·:".'.~ ..... " 93< Frozen Foo d ICE CREA M COOKN' BAG '"-"'""'-······· ........ 4/1. POTATOES 0 " "' ''' "'''"'" 4/ I ~'"'"'' ................ ,,.1201. • FRUIT DRINKS """"""' .............. ,o.10• VEGETABLES '"''""-'""· 3/1 M"edY'1lf"obit1.,.,,,., •• 2,0I, • CREAM PIES ..... .,., ...................... 28 ' . HEALT~ .. &. BEAUTY AIDS · ; . •' ~'~~~ '··t~:-· ·'. ' LUSTRE CREAM· 12 OZ. 3 8~ •m1~num GLAZED APPLESAUCE CAKE DONUTS 20/1°0 HARD ROLLS BREAD ~~~~ 5/ 1· PlAIN OR SEEDED 3iA. WHITE • BANANA-DA TE NUT ~LOAVES '(JJ 311. Wines and Liquors "DO N Q " RUM 9,!!L FOUR ROSES· CAl VER TS· 7 CROWN BOURBON SUPREME· CANADIAN ,MIST· BUY 12 ANO SAVE TO % P• k Chabl' ""~"" I'' •Ed R B d 311 1n IS oo11onJ•t·"' en OC ran y ..... f;fih D ltB "•'-"'· 85 R &B d ,.,. 411 ra eer vort•/1101.Co.... ' um ran Ycfflt fihh ···· H d C'd -····~···"79 Bl d d Wh" k """_..,, ar 1 er "'"'wi_,,,11. ' .. en e · 1s ey12r,..w . .1,. '-"'-"-"'lRE5-CO.NYl NlEN.Il Y LOC.AHD ~ SAVE YOU MONEY 7 DAYS A WEEK r ! I ~ ........ ,~~'1!!"''""!'~¢""'!,~,~z~,s~-•.•0~1,..~,•0~1.,.:.•a•a~.=~=~•...,.,-.,•~w~.~.~t~'~'~~--..,...,..,.,.~..,...~....,1""1'..-.~::-...-....,r:-~,...,..,...~-..,~..,.....,...~"°",_.,.~~-"'"'--~·-·-r-,--r rr .r • • , t , , •• , , .• ~ ~ , , • • .··"'."'""!',.•• -.-• ~ •• ~··••·••''• .•,,,' ••••••'••'J., ••• .t .1 .• . •I • •••1 • ~ .. ' ,. • '. .f" ' I . I Marble ~Cake . ls ~ opped Since ~great-grandmother's Ume chocolate marble cakes ~have been popular i n American kitchens. So here · P>mes something new on the ·'·same theme; a chocolate mar- ble cofieecake with a deliciow ~ut topping . f . ntis:·cofleeeake Is made the ~em short.cut way -with 11&ci..aged biscuit mix. It should take only about IS minutes of preparatio.1 time, ~}O minutes tor baiting. " Wben to sttVe this cof- feeeake? For morning coffees. For an after-school treat for the youngsters. For 't\'eekend company brunches w h e n guests enjoy nibbl i ng something sweet while they . linger over coffee. COCONUT MARBLE COFFEECAKE Coconut To p p i n g, see below 2 squares (2 ounces) semi-sweet chocolate 2 tablespoons plus ~· cup mi lk 2 cups packaged biscuit mix \l cup sugar t large egg 2 tablespoons salad oil : Grease an a by 8 by 2 inch ! cake pan. Prepare the Coconut Top- ,, ping and set aside • . t In a I-quart sau~pan over : low heat , stirring constantly, !• melt chocolate . with the 2 tabiespoons milk; r em ove from heat so mixture will cool ~ slightly." , Into a mediu m mixing bov•I I tur.1 the biscuit ml:r, sugar, ~ cup milk, unbeaten egg and salad oil: with a spoon beat vigoi'ously for about !i2 t minute. I, Pour half of this mixture in- to the :saucepan with 1he • melted chocolate; stir to blend : well. • Alternately spoon chocolate f mixture and remaining biscuit ~ mix mixture into prepared l pan. Wtth a knife cut through r batter in a zigzag pattern to , '!marble. ' : Sprbkle batter with the . Coconut Topping. Bake in a preheated 400- degree oven until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean and top is browned -about 30 minutes . . If top browns too much before coffeecake has baked through, lightly place a sheet of foil over top. Platt! coffeecake in pan on wire rack until just warm. Cut into squares. \Vilh a wide spatula, remove. Serve at C1.1Ce. If you like, you may serve the coffeecake cold. Makes about 9 servings. Coconut Topping t tablespoon butter Z/3 cup flaked coconut I tablespoon sugar 1,;, teaspoon cinnamon Tn a small saucepan or skillet over low heat melt tile butter; remove from heat. Stir ;1n the coconut, sugar and ci~· ; namon. f Coconut 1'farble •, Coffeecake ~fuffint f Use the Coconut. Afa rble Cof. •.feecake recipe; alternately 1 spoon chocolate and plain bat- \ ter into greased muffin pans, { rilling in to 2/3 full . Bake in a preheated 400-degree oven for { 1% to 15 niinutes. ' ' ' . } Refreshing . • ~ Sherbert' s . . l Pretty Pink . Such a pretty pink, so easy to make. so refreshing a balance far the g e n e r a I ~richness of holiday meals. ~Makes a wonderful ac-~companiment for p a r t y :;luncheons, especially w ith ~chicken salad or any ham •'dish. Or serve It as dessert. " ~ 'CRANBERRY SHERBET 1 can jellied cranberry sauce 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind - 3 tablespooos sugar l ·&abltspoons orange juice t-stiffly beaten egg whites OR 1 cup cream, whipped Whip tl:e jellied cranbefTy puce with • fork or, i( you MARKET 6118 EAST BALBOA BL·VD. STORE HOURS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. PHONE: '673-8310 . ll'E DELIVER Priees Effeetive Dec. 4tll, 5th & 6th . . HUNTS TOMATO COM-PARE -THESE - ' SAUCE 8 OZ. TIN l\l: WE GIVE BLUE CHIP. STAMPS CHECK THESE OTHER /llONEY S.4. VIN6 ITEJHS DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL GIANT 21'2 SIZE TIN REG. 4Sc . : ........................ . SPRINGFIELD-Yellow Clin9 PEACHES s1iE2~1N MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING I FULL QT ..................... . FRITO'S CORN CHIPS REG: 53c Pkg. .. ........... . GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 33~ 49' 45' NATURAL OR. TEXAS PINK 46 OZ. TIN REG. 53c DRIVE DETERGENT GIANT 49 OZ. PKG. WE FEATVHE ONLY TllE Fl'JliEST V.S.D.A. ~llOICE BEEF I LB. TIN GERBER'S 10~ BABY FOOD STRAINED . . . . •· ... . . . . . . . DOVE 49~ LIQUID DETERGENT LARGE 12 OZ. REG. 69c ........... BORDO GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 303 TIN LARGE NAVE L ORANGES Boneless SIRLOIN TIP ROAST or Full ol 'J . u1ce -17~ ' Boneless RUMP ROAST I C&H SUGAR S LB. BAG '· COMET CLEANSER 14 OZ. TIN CAMPBELL'S 10~ .TOMATO SOUP JO OZ. TIN ..... . ......... ' ......... MORTON'S SALT 10~ REG. 2 FOR 29c .................... DEL MONTE SWEET PEAS 303 TIN f 0 R WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT BALBOA MARKET ha-tea amsD but fairly deep , TEXAS --·-:;~-: ~~1~: ·G1lAP!FR:UfT · -- ~~"'~!~:~~;c:1:.~~ 98C 10 F $1 ON THE PENINSULA 608 E. BALBOA BOULEVARD PHONE 673-8310-Hours: 9 AM to 6 PM ~~~-~ lb ~ • r11a.e tn retri,er1tor tray till Reds 1 o•/, DISCOUNT ON ALL CASE PURCHASE OF WINE AND Ll9UORI Dissolve sugM ln the orange ~ juot l"drlly ..i. Remove, whip / r,tn ltiffiy beaten egg wrutes orlJ.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..:;;::;;;:;:;::;;:;;:;;::;;:::;::;:;;;;;:;..:;==;:;;;;::;;;;==;:;:;;::;;:;:;==;:;;;;;.J the whipped cream. Return lo Jreezer for complete set. ' • -~- 0 £_£•,...• 'J*).9 J5ff>J$$ZJ;tPWS$JWGP:l¥J04ipP•i : z .• s py , ,s;pss;p;:pff <.•f f ·i < &• .•if >>(.i'!' f t"f<!t • • ··~,~.--:----.~-----:-~·. · .. , ,, , . • • -• ........ __ • -I .. 79~ .............. 98~b. i:usDA GRADE "A" . . 59 ~FRYING LEGS . c ::CHICKEN THl~HS lb :· 1. :: I ,!, ~iFRYING 65¢ i~REAST ............................ lb. . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . .. . . • . • . • . . . . . . . -. , .. .• :· _. .. .. . ~ ·,. ~ •• ~ .. .. :: :: " :: ~.~ .· ~~ : :: :: ~ .. . 7: . . ' . -~.-. ,: :;-: ., . -· i-' ·~ " : :-! . . . . . l . • . ' .. KERN 'S -TOMATO SAU(E AJAX . REG.~!TERGENT GIANt Sil£ STRETCH N' FIT lit QUALITY NYLON PANTI· HOSE WITH TH IS-COUP O • -LIMIT 1 PAIR PER COUPON-ONE COUl'ON PER CUSTOMElt-\1010 AFTER SUNDA Y DECEMIER 7, lt6t ' fft Mlaffnwm ,.vrtl\He •ttlili'141 Goat ONLY AT IAllGAIM IASln ,. DAILY PILOT ,, , _. ' USDA CHOICE 79~ U.S.D,f<. CHOI~· ~N~LESS $109 . SIRLOIN1.Jlr ROAST . LB. ROUND STEAK 'CENTER CUT ' U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS 98~· SIRLOIN TIP ROAST LB . YOUNG-N-TENDER FILET Sliced Swordfish . BEEF LIVER · LA CHIQVITA 79~. 69~. SCHILLINGS BLACK PEPPER 4 Oz. CAN KERN'S TOMATO CATSUP 14 oz. BOTTLES 39c CORN TORtlLLAS 1oc I Dp,, PACM lA . BAR M KNACKWURST KERN'S NICT ARS • APRICOT •PEAR • PEACH • APRICOT-PINEAPPLE 12 01. CANS NALLEYS CORNED BEEF HASH ......... . . ...... . . "" '" 39• FOREMOST OOTIAOE CHEESE ....... ... . . ...... '"\' '""' 59' FOREMOST BUTTERMILK • . . • . • • .. , .. OU411T 19• PRUF SPRAY STAROH . . .......... . · l2 OJ. c4M 59• SUNSHINE OATMEAL COOKllS ........ . BEHOLD FURNITURE POLISH WITH LEMOll OIL " " '" 99~ ""1"c •. a. , '" lSc ••111co 11 ... """ 49 .. •CbA OR.&cr.r•s •••• '. b•• . . . • oaso COOMIH •••• bot ' .....•. ' ~ ' ROYAL HOit PREMIUt.t ICE CREAM . 69' '!1 GALLON STOUPl'lli 49' e TUNA NOODLI CAHliRQLE OR e MACARONI & BEEF WITH TOMAtOU .. - 'lll lN511tl~rt S'llN•1111LD • COi" 1110•1 2 I 25' ORANGE 5/$1 8 PIM 111 Di.I 8 1111 ACN llJO,.I JUICE t.:f • MIXID VllS 111 Or.l ----------PR 0 DU CI ______ _,,,·..-----'----~-,. .. APPLES EXTRA FMJCY DELICIOUS 10~ U. S. NO. 1 RUSSIT POTATOES 10 POUND BAG FOR -···--·-·---... -·. ·-·-----~·-·-'----- -----------~------ PRICES •PPICTIVE THUU., FRI,. IAT. & SUNDAY DECEMBER 4, 5, 6, 7 PRICH IUIJllT TO ITOC !C ON HAND LONG 611££11 WE GIVE SWEET·N·JUICY 5 ~L ·$1 3 '29 BLfr~~~P WE GIVE ILUE CHIP • STAMPS TANGERINES CUCUMBERS ~ c COSTA MESA :..-..--------...-----------"PLACENTIA . 1 "h and Placenfl1 710 W. Chap1111n • • .. f • • , -· -41 I ' • Wtane~ay, Dtctmbtr 3, 1%"1 . . ., ,, ' . . JOMll IATZl!llf STORE~R TORRANCE.;. , • l { l 29.ill wat!ES 1111DER 'tlo SU .:· >o SWISS f AMll.Y RDllllSON ;·r' '> itt£ YIRSllUlll • JUNGL£ BOOK ' ; , •Sll!RlDCK"ftDlMES • PINOCCHIO ! · .:Tit[ HEIDU • ARIBWI NIGHTS ( • •. • ADIOOORES Df RDllN HODD · · ·• CAU .Df TllE WILD • PAUL BUNYAN 1 ~ ',. '$4.00 ,v Al~ ~Ot. :\\"YOl.UMES 2 thrii'12, OOLY \ . , . "' ''. CQt,jf~E.W t ·-' ' 12 GRUT CHILDREN'S All,.. TIME · CLASSICS WORlO'fAl!DUS 'CMIUlR!JfS STORIES, £ACM C~. 11,0 LIJME I ' ANO UlfASlllllGlll. · WCTlY AS rr m · .. ITTElt ~G 81\>U . INCH PAGES, MAGNI· FJCENnY 11..LUSTRATED WITH IULL 'CO.OR HARD ~ BINDING. TRULY A LIBRARY YOUR fAM ILY1SHOULDffT BE wmrour. 'i AN OUTSTAllOlffG VALUE WlllCM Will llAl<E AFI NE, lHRILUNG GIFT FOR ANY CMILD. ''TREASURE ISLAND" $-4.00 VALUE, ONLY'. ...... SPECIAL . '~ . : INTRODUCTG>RY OFFER!• ... : ·; . ,.. :t ....... I• ~ ~ ·~I' -1 I 111.EDilM FOOD STAMPS IN ANY LOS ANGELES. OAAHC;E 0111. RIVIERllDE COUNTY 111111 JUI • '· I .I • I ' ' I I . . • .-a --. . in this ad, including 49 DOUBLE lDISCOUNJS, !O-OU!fCE 90TTLE -·UYllRIS 'OUTHWISH $]It SOM? fi!ORE!I CttARG !1.49 7-0Z. llOTT\Z SOME STOllES CHARGt ?9f 634 574 17cC'. 1-0%. Afl'IOSOL CAN SECRET DEODORAIT "'"' 'STORES CHARGC 11.$9 si.CiiET CREAM DEODORART SOME 6TOR£S CHAJIQC aSc: 21/i·OZ. ilJIOSOL CAN' s121 681 PRISTEEI SPRAY DEODORAIT SOM! STORES CKARGE 11.3~ son I DRI Anll·Ptnplr11nt so•' "o"" s 1 n CHAl'IGE 11.:IS l[J[Al li ·~C(llJ NTS l~lP~ OA, Better Produce at DISCOUNT PRICES NEW CRllP • LARGE SIZE NAVEL ORANGES CALIF. GROWN c u. A°iliiclioic1s 2 i 29' FRESH CRISP SPINACH 20 ll. u i: • All l'UIU'OSE •RUSSET POTATOES 10 l l. IU.IO • NAVIL ORANGES "'" 97' CHOICE SOME Al,HA 10 I. "' BUNCH 10' HOUDAY DA_TES EVEW DAY LOW OISCOU"'1 l•ICESI rtOfl[S PlSCOUl'ff r---- - -----·r CitM:C£ PltltC I iESPREDEODORAIT 1 • $) 51 I I I I I I I 11omz OF 100. AKIMAL SHAPED MULTIPl.t • S F1!UtT FLAVORS PALS YITAlllS PRELL CllllCE•TRATE SHAMPOO LAAGE TUBE SOME STORES CHARGE SL.09 871 •WALNUTS •ALMONDS • Rl.aDIS • MIXm MIX 'EM OR C •llUZILI 41 NUTS MATCH '[M ; lb IUIAL DISLOll NfS [VERY O A~ ""' ""' m• STORO OISCOliKT atA~IOf l'fllCt WHITE o~ . .'ifSORTEO COLORS • ·~De::'----.. AUROllA • 2 ROLL " TOILET TISSUE 27c 231 : .. ~ 11tGllUl'I. SuptR o'Rvtt-TORM .: ~itloD'E'ss 79c 64~ @ctll'csrlluP 15c 65l • .. I I r AMlLY sr:r. TUllt $127 SOME STORES -------------------I C!fARGE ll.S9 !a' rAMILT sm: TUBE • JNCLUtltS lOe OFT I I ~ REGUlAR OR SPEJJIWIITT ~·~CLEARS r-----------j .--=TOO--..TH_PAS---TE __ 99c_7_3-. 1 : PRELL 1 --"' TElDEWxE . LIQUID I De::' TOOTHBRUSH • 69c 331 SHAMPOO 11-0Z. AEROSOL CA!t • RE:GULAR, MENTHOL. i LE:MON LIME OR ilJRF SPRAY I aiLi.EfrEwFOAMY 11' 931 ' I 4.oz. TUBE • REGUUJI. OILY OR DRY HA!R I IRECl CO•CEllTRATE 871 , SHAMPOO 1• 1 I 7-0Z. AEROSOL CAN• REG. OR HAJID-TQ.!fOLD HAJR 1 COllAllD HAIR SPRAY 991 , FOR IEI 111 : ~-OUNCE ADIOSGL CAN I TAHITIAN UM!• f'OR MEN' 79' I Ctmlnand Deodorant 1" ' 1 MED!U).f Sitt aonu: SOME ~k'kiust "' 551 I i FAMILY SIZE/ BOt1U ,.,-• I SOM< ~IPNJc $1J2 I Sl .6~ ----------------.J--------------1 I f·OUMCE aonu: j I HAI KARATE I After Sha•• Lotion 1" $1 11 • I I I I ·-----------------! I I I ~· . ~c~!s•e-·­ c1EsT USTERllE DOLD TllLETS I I I I I I PACX OF' 24 SOME n.!S $101 I CHARO 11.29 TOOTHPASTE EXTRA-Wot T\IB( 69-REGUlAR OR MINT SOME STORES CKAllGE 33c 1 I I FAMILY SIZE TUBE 72" r -2~0J"Nci" ,ra,---- ---.I ""'"' OR MINT . I RUH STICK SDME sr"is '"'"' 11." .f : DEODORAIT-721 l -----------------SOt.lt STORES CKAJIOClk , . ~§j-NBJ>rtWfC 111 791 OU.Y OR.PRY HAIR lS.0%. BOTTLE $1 '" 1 roR NORMAL 111 -. OR ORY f{AlJI • , . '.,,\.. . ···r " • ., < i I I • ( ' I I ; I , ·' ' ' \~ [ ~ ' I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ (~ •PPl'l••••t•C"'""'· ,... ~:·..,.,.,,.~. """!~.,>~.>.,.,,4,..S)"'"-'.1'"'"'' •s Jl"••i::e::e"!:.!5•"' ,,., ______ ,_, ______ ,., '"'' __ ,,.,.,..,., .:-•~•..,..>-• ~. ,,.,.,,_, ,.,.,,,-,,....~.~ .. rY• ~•:>. •"";7rc....-,,-;r•;;,e;r,7.._.,."·""'"•'-;,• or--·.· 4 • ........ :r. •'7"• .•• , .-.. , ... _,,-..:; .. -.. ..,....,.-~ ,,.. ....-.. .. • W!dnrsday, Dtcrmbff l . l961J ~---- '\\~ ' • 11 I • . save you 514.84*''· •Jou/ ll't'i11p ls 01mputt4 on sin&le unit pureMses. Thi flaur• would b111Wth hl&fitr If m11t l Pf0d11tt urinp wtrt lnclllded • STOil HOUIS. llDN. tin Flll.10 A.II. ta I P.11. SAT. 1111 SUN.10 A.IL ta l P.11 • ro · ~ r 1' er 1 >jJ • I• I " ' ~I @ ~isl'f«AYHE TAMS 3'c 26; @ REGUW, DRIP Oil El.EC. P.tRX- 1-LB CAN 69' HIW IROS. CDmE l3c I REOUUJll OR ELEC, PE!U'. 3-LB. C>Jf 2.0i 12.DI ~1fi'.!"iior1 .. 1ant 1.111111 REGULAR. LRIP CR ELECTRIU!]U( 731 i. · " MJI COFFEE 1 lb. . l3c :J..UI. CAN • J!EGUUR OR . ELECTRIC PEJIK: 2.09 a.a lti'i"Url'rrri'r 1.111111 ~LB. BAG • GRANUL\l"'ED ~·, 14;· SPRECKEU SUGU i JB-1.!. BAG • GRANUU.'itD 1.i' ti.Ill t:::i:ii;\ I-LB. 8$?,~ • l.JGHT BRO NOR ( ~ ;m1m SUIAI lie 16' KERN'S • 6-PACK ~ 51/, OUNCE CANS 53' ' ~APRICOT HECTU '3c /.)i;;;\ 12-0Z'. lAR • Hcnrcrl.i Fruit 31' ~KING IU:UY JAii'. 31c PACK OF 6 ENVELO~ ~ CkiMtflW.S~ 68 -=:"::/ Instant lrul:flst lie ; ~ IOKNSON • !·INCH ' 12' ~ Grall. ·Cracker Cru~ 39c @ t-OUN.GE S:zt ', 171 DREAM WlllP l3c · . ' @ 3·00NCE PACKAGE ALL FLAVQRS ROYAL IELATIHE IOc Bf: •--------i-' •Q.qNCC CAii • 16! COKTADlllA TOMATO PISTE lie \I XlNG-StzS PACUGE ;:\V1K~hcNER 1.111111 I ~!ANT-SIZE Pi.'.G .• INCL. lOo Ol'f' 581 \ WHITE KING 'D' lie I ~~lit \'lli1 SOAP l5c 73; fi·OUNct CAN 16 lllL KAN TUMA CAI FOOD lie < @ 6-0Z, CAH • MtATIMt 2Ce lk I g..az. CAN • Chit/1\mo; 17., 15e 6-0Z. CAN • l:WNtY me: I 7c Ne'NI •HALF OALJP.!f • 98e VII.LUE ALPHA BETA • mll RICH 891 IDURllET ICE CllWI' ~ 8~UET~FJFllt •50UNCt ~ £ilfi111'ij\'W-c.iren 28c 211• 11IOZEN •St"~· ?lie '{ALUt 88' ALPHA B[JA<DKN IO <DI ~ SAM LEE • T!J<l2'N 7 .. 'e./ DOOLS FOOD CAIE lie u· ® lWJi1iS ""'''" lie 78' t::i;;'\ SENEC~ p_JO?tN ~ i)'jll'tTIEf' 43c 38! • • t:i*\ ~Jt°}'.fgO~ .. .. 'e./ ONION m.s "° ... . lltKI lfTI • t OUNct PACtAGE ~ VAL0E lili' IMPOmD sucm HAM =""'-=··~¥ ... ,·. ~ GENUINE EASITRN QLJAUTY ECONOMICAL l . DELICIOUS FUILT·PAK DHDPI SLICED PC>RK LOIN IV!CllUS l!IDC BARBECUED .. COilKEO JN THE 8AG"68 c CHICKENS ~t, 'RJ.~:rss • 1b AllMOIJll • 1U. 1104.l A IREAKfAfT TllEAT PURI PORK SAU IA GI .@591 CEll11·ntaM f~E5ff f'llOZDI HAUIUT flLLIT l·LB. $119 PKG • CREENLAND £COHOUICAL FILLIT OF TURIOT DELICIOUS 59:. Your ALPHA BETA Ntljhborl:oOd Butcher (the Man In the Red Ap10n) Proudly DtfOll . BUTCHEl!S P!tlDE MEATS ~TS YOU'U II PIOUD TQ.StlVI • DISCOUNT PRICED • QUALITY I SATISFACTIOff GUARANTEED • U.S. GOVERHMEHT IKSPECTED 8EEF ALPHA BETA mncnri Ml • FRESH GROUND BEEF •BONELESS FAMILY STEAK 99:. • T·BONE STEAK -si 2t • BONELESS RUMP ROAST 99:. • ROUND STEAK ML CUI . as:. • SHOULDER CLOD ROAST ~W'J· 19:. • BEEF SHORT RIBS 43:. THESE MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY th10ugll WEDN\SDAY, DECEMBER 4 lhrougll 10 U.S.D.I. INSPECTED • FRESH FROZEN NEW ZEALAND IH~INl IPRIH WHOLE DR HALF SHORT SHANK LEG OF LAMB QUICK M AL PAVOUW l'll(·SEASOflm • •WY TO COOK FUIH ULIHUKY STEAi &9:. c LOW, LOW PRICE f::i;;;\ WIUDl'I ~CRllPRl!E SLICED BACON """"62c QIJ"UTY ~WEo lb r, ' "., • ,. i' , . • H . . ~ ' ~. ~-· ' ' • :; . ' . ' " •••• HAPPY CHANUKAH lo all o~r Jewish friends I Ol~l [11,c"' 'i~S f~£Rl Ot.1 11: .. ~~ CHMltt "'IC[ ~ll~'i'l 'ltia"i'i'rAlsilli" fi.1111 ~~ 1Ri~ktL • U.OZ. 'f1il1 I I TOT AL OISLllU NTS EVl R' OAY Jl/c.OVN'CE sm: SCHILLlllS CLOVES SOMt AJlllA 1£tA ITOltd 01S¢0UNT Cl!MGt nltE 49c 45' I TOTAL OISCUU NI ~ [V [RY OAY GIANT Stz£ P.(CU.Gt OXYDOL DETERGEIT I I IHCUJOB lOc OFF SOM< STOIE.S CAARGE7l< Ste i,..; ____ - -________ 1 HALF GALLON WISl LIQUID DETERGEIT I SOM£ STQ:U:S CIWIGE 1" $14f l I I tASCCO • l·L8. l,0$ 881 HERRIN~ WCl"81TS lll1HA IETA • Wl&OOJl'SDf ~,llCK'ctmE •• lll.Ptlll I[~ • WlSCONSIM l'O~lMo~~°HHEDDAR CllUS£ •~• llPMll IETll • KAPPY HOIJOAY 15={1; CARTON•~ VALUE CIWllURY SllJD . i-t.a. CARTON• 69c VALtn: 2-1.8. c"Aftl'ON • 89.:VAWf ALPHR IETII WILDDRf SALID JUMIO SIZE PACKAGE INCLUDES Xie Off DASH DETlRGEIT . 1-------------4--------------- I {.S) I~ I I 33 Ol BOTTLE DOWNY FABRIC som11ER INCLUDES 7c OFF SOME STORES CHARGE 119c _ .. --~ .. - BATH SIZE PALllOUYE BAR SOAP rtNI( DI Gl!Elll SOl.t STQ«ES CMIAGE Ille • -' ~ 1.ux 'uou1n DETEllGllT 85c 83' r------__ "7' ____ -- 69c 58~: i-----.- 1 I I I ------ ---.-.. KING SIZE PACKAGE INCLUDES 2lc Off " ' ACflOll BWOH 111 81'. REGUIAR SI!( INCLUDES 2c OFF AJAX I .1 I I OIWIQ 181 13' SAYE WITH ALPHA I A'S 1 II TO Al DISCOUM ·Sm..evtn.m01uitll.Ooubl& lli£colllll._ Thoy mun nlr1 S1Vinp for you. Midi possible ly spocill p!.ll'Chall$ with the coat rlduetions pt$$ld an to'JOU· l.ooll tw tllom thrOllhoollM store. • ' • . . . I • , , • ' l • r t( DAILY PllOT \Vtdncsrl.:iy, Drct mb!r 3, 1%1 fl PILOT·ADVERllS ~R I n. PRICES EFF~CTIVI THURS.·S UN., DliC. 4 °7, 1969 \ ' . . I ,):; ·~ ' "" .. I ·;t I ' 'I" • .-it] ' . ~ I .,_ BEEF SHOR T iilS l u.s .D.A. INSl'ICTID FRISH FROZIN .ROAST LAMB SHOULDER 49 :~ ROLLID CROSS Rl8 ~~· BON ELESS ~· ROA ST U.S.D.A. 89C CHOICE "'""'iiiiiB;_;EE~F ,,, . lb, FRYllR PARTS 5~.~R ER IBS U.S.O.A. 1NS,.fCTfO flOZfN l AMB RIB CHOPS l'REli;J •-v:.1 ~ C@U!llTilY ST?J?.le 6 9.~ U.S.D . .\. INSPECTCD FROZEN SM.All LA MB LOIN CHOPS ftOZfN PLAIN 01 l llADU> VIAL STIAKS C R~AMY JTALIAN, CREAMY FRENCH, C REAJ.~Y RUSSIAN , ITAUAN 4 •1 SEVEN •lli Jt.g P~ISSINGS !.~:. FRES H KIST . ~~~obi~ 2 9 c !i'INllEA\~Pl.E J U ~~~ '°' , ..... 4 9 c , .. MAGIC CHEF SMOOTH OR CHUNKY PEANUT llUTT, 12 :::'. '1 REGULAR, VARIETY OR CHICKEN Vl'li5' DOG FOOD g;•,•4 9 c 49-oi . bo~ ' FOOD GIANT -All PURPOSE-INCL. 10c OFF ~AUNDRY DET ERGENT 2 .v,..,.21! C con5 ~ PETS' FAVORITE TABBY CAT FOOD 2 ;~ 29c C.CllU FRESH KIST PORK & BEANS • :,., . . DELICATESSEN · U,$,D,Jl, llO !ill'li&:'•L.) s· 9c WHOLE LllGS . OR THIGHS Ill. O·o•.29< pkg. ea. h•.53 c pk;o. ea .. ·1· . ' . . I : ' . ' : ANTHONY NOODLES 33' • MEDIUM 1.LB· • WIDE pll(G. • lXTRA WIDE NEW PAifiO DINNERS • MEXICAN DINN ER • BEEF ENCHI LADA DINNER •COMBINATION DINNER ,,. ... 49c pkg. GRAPE J ELLY ~RESl!l KIST 3 9 c BE EF BUllR!TO "OllS or BEAN & BACON ROllS, p~g. of 6 6t1 Van de Etamp's Seafood HALIBUT 951:-ciD :;:65c ORE-ID.\ POTATOES SHOESTRINGS 3 "···· $1 pk gs. SA RA lEf DANISH 6 7c Clflfl AMOM ~OL L S ~:: [~lt(LU51Vi] •REWED IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST @il.&JI! Er4G LISH "600" FOOD GIANT SllCED WISCONSIN AMERICAN, SWISS O il" ~~l'\•"•NTO CHEE SE MAI. T LI QUOR Pa----··--·· .. ~c .. , 49( 8 ·02:, P KO. RIG. 1 1,74 ... :. e:::1 2s Quart 'ip Cana S~lf OPENING CANS ROCKINGHAM BlENDED ~ KENTUCKY ,: WHIS KEY ""' s-'.29 3 99 FULL QUART fOOD GIAt-IT PREMI UM QUAllTY DANISH HAM tro!AlllT'S "'XlNr' l'•PP•lo~i $1 .091 CHEESE PIZZA ~.,$11,., 59c '·Or plg. ""'" 99c ,,,. 10·ROLL CHRISTMAS G IFT WRAP 6 ROLLS PAPIR $199 4 ROLLS FOIL 10> SQ FHT s"ii:f' sil('i(' otl"i ows 59c . CALlfORll A'S Pl~IST FRESH ·D A TES 2;,• .. ~· 79' I PA!~ 4:•1 EXTRA FANCY WASHINGfON STATE -LARGE Delicious Apple! THICK MEAT, GOOD roR BAKING Banana Squfls t~ A.tl VA~I ETIES f\!lew ~l"iti!P ~.iw11"' Johnso111:1 PledQ"t. ~:--or wfl:emcrr.-M>r:.·tQ n"1'1111un1"""',,.,.85'-. _, __ OEfElffiOO _ _,-D(ODORANLSQAP ~Glode D1sinfectont, 6Y2-0z. con ................................. SSc All GRINDS Eosy-Off Oven Cleoner. 16-oz. con ....................... $1.25 H R SAFEGUARD . Contod;no i'eor fomOrOe., no. 2V. con ........ ... ...... .... c BUTIER:NUT --- Cotte!·MoieCoffeeCreomer.18-oz.jor ...................... $11 9 DIS WASH[ ALL Hunt's ColSup, 26 ·oz. btl. ............... '. ........ -... 39c Coffee-Mote Coffee Creomer, 6·oz. jor ............ . . .. .49c 2 b,,~ 31 C Ceisha Solid Pock White Meat Tuna, no. Y:con ............. 4lc COFtEE S1or-~is1 Chunk While Meot Tuno, no.~~ con ............... ~~c JS.oz. 61 C Inc.I. "Moium Freeze-Dried Coffee, 4-oz. jor ........................ 11.02 Flonte rs Popcorn 01!. 12-oz. con ................................ 41 c pkg. I 2c off 2 ~;~ 41 c Nabisco Ritz (rockers, 12·oz. pkg. , ... . . .. .............. 39c 1 ·lb 73 c ·8c11y Crocker Potolo ftuc!s. Incl. Sc Ott. 16'11-oz. p,~g ........ 70c • Sun~lline Cinnomon \Vaftrs, l 2·oz . .E.~L·..:.· .;..· -'-'' ·-···;;.o··;;.·· J·3~5c:._.L_::::::::_.:!co~n.....;~~ ' ' • ' ILOT·AOV'ERTISER 11 N Wed°""'1, Oo:mb<r S, 1969 ( • DAIL y PILOT M • DOU.B.LE . ~~~:"ST AMPS• ON ALL MEAT DEPARTMENT PURCHASES "TENDER-LEE" FINE ouAurv Eastern G1·ain•Fed tEAN TENDEp. ROUNDS ~:~~~.~~ 85~ PORK CHOPS IJ.S.D.A. ·~choice"" RIB ROAST LARGE END LEAN RIB STEAK c LB. SM ALL END RIB R0"'5T s1o9 LB. BONELESS SPENCER STEAK 89~ 5 1~9 Turtlt 12-01. 69C VIAL DRUMSTICKS ••• , Pk9. Breakfast Speelals Wiho~·, C•itprilt 1-lb. 69' SLICED IA.CON •• , , , •.. Pk9, Oictr Mtytr 12-01. 89C WAFER IACOH •.•. , , , , Pk9. 01c1r J.41yer I-lb. 85C LITILI FRIERS , , , , , , • , , Pk9. 0 1,,, M•y•• 12-01. 79c SM OKIES • , ••••••• , , , • Pk9. Seafoo1l Specials Fr11h Fillth-OCUN ,,, 79c PERCH or I UTIE ll FISH • Lb. Fr11h Fill1t1 Per S 1 Ot DOYEi SOLE , .. , , • ." ••• , Lb. Fro11n Wh ite P1r 98C HALllUT STEAKS ••••••• , Lb. ---Del Monte Dollar Sale--· BIG' 20.oz. BOTTLES . . -RIB c END LB,. CENTER CUT LO IN OR RIB , 89C PORK CHOPS .... 1b WAFER THIN 98C PORK CHOPS ... " 1b fRESHLY MADE BULK POR K 49c SAUSAGE ...... :..... 1b RIB HALF LO IN 79cl COUNTRY STYLE 69c PORK ROAST ..... 1b! SPARE RIBS ........ 1b U.S.D,A, INSPECTED -GUARANTEED FRESH • · Fryi11g Chicke11 Pieces All WHITE MEAT i FRYER l TASTY i FOR SOUP OR STEW FRYER ! DRUM : FRYER ! BACKS & BREASTS 63~ ! STICKS 59~ ! THIGHS 55~ i NECKS , • 8~ PILLSBURY -NEW CAKE MIXES 9 VARIETIES MIN. 19·0%, , •••• IERSIYMAID -ALL YARlmU····· ~:~:E~6~~2 9~ ~:=i~ ................ 4 FOR BIG 4b-OZ. TINS ~~= ~~ ..... , ... , , , ... 4 FOR l . WESTWOOD CATERING -HALF GA~ crlCE -59-c-- ea. CREAM .. 303 TIN S EARLY GREEN GARDEN PEAS ....... 5 FOR ALL GRINDS LANGENDORF KREAM KRUST 1 FOLGER'S I.L B c . WHITE OR WHEAT . I coFFEE ............ Tl·N· 6 7 SLICED 2 5c I 1·vAPo'ilAll0i> MILK 6 f s 1 BREAD . '~~: ... -----------r-----------' ' -··········································-! ' Liquor Dept. Specials LONDCN BRIDGE-90 PROOF $329 DRY GIN ............. "~" GRAND PRIX CORDIALS GRAND PRIX CORDIALS CREME OE MENTHE GREEN CREME DE MENTHE WHITE CREME DE CACAO BROWN BLACKBERRY BRANDY PEACH BRANDY APRICOT BRANDY CHERRY BRANDY TRIPll SEC FIFTHS s2s!. .ZEE -ASSORTED PRINTS & SPICE TONES ·= PAPER TOWELS GIANT 170·CT. ROLLS 25~ GiANTcL. io. o FF, 69C DRIVE .......... . Quail Dolla1· ~Stretchers---. 1 303 TIN -CU.T . · · ::i~~ .................. 8 FOR 303 TIN FRUIT COCKTAIL 4b·OZ. TIN .............. 5 PINEAPPLE FOR FOR HILLBROOK CANA~IAN ~ $399 SKIPPY-REGULAR & CHICKEN 8 c ._J_U_l_C_E_,_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•.;_• .;_' .;_' .:_' .:_' .:_'.:_'==-----==:.I WHISKY . . . . FIFTH ~::D ......... ~1:6~>1.~. ea See Hen! Produce Dept. Specials CREME DE COFFEE Blue Chip SlalllPS Del~catessen Dept. Specials ~~=· WILSON CORN KING -ALL MEAT FRA KS c XLNf-t.oz. PKG. 25c i KRAFT .PROCESSED-12.oz. PKG. 68$ BEEF TAMALES, , • , , , : AMERICAN CHEESE , , , . ' . JANE ANDERSON-ll·OI. ,ICG.-fROZEN 29c : FRIGO WHO.LE MILK-I-LI . BA LL 99c AU GRATIN POTATOES ; MOZZARELLA CHEESE, BUDDIG'-S:-BEEF, HAM; CORNED BEEF, TURKEY, CHICKEN, PASTRAMI 3 5 . .SUQD MEATS ..... ~~~ ~ - SOLID HEADS GREEN CABBAGE 5~ TREESWEET ORANGE JUICE HALF GALLON c TOPS OFF -TENDER BUY A BAG PULL CARROT$ ....•...... c lb. EASY PEEL -ALGE~IAN . • ... C '-----GERINES ..... ~ -IH-- PRICU IFFKTIYI THURS. THRU SUN., DEC. 4, S, 6, 7 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 13922 BROOKHURST, GARDEN GROVE . e 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH e 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO . , .. ,. .. ' ... 1 ... ~~"1' ~~·';'"'17'~>:,-;o ... .,.,,,,,,_,,..,,-.t,.._,:..., . ..,, :..,~....,,-, ""~44"""""<"~V'~"~"~::;sp~""'~"'~<~.·~.,-~.,.-.~=t-"f,...,'1~1-' .. '--r":'" •. ('#/ *''* • 7 • '* '": .. -..~~ ... • • '"''1""'r ' ....... i>AtlY PILOT ALLMEAT WIENERS MORIELL'S PRIDE • 11-0l. OSCAIMJ.."fflAUMfAT 47( SLICED BOLO,llA .. 1.oz. OSCAIMAYll Al1MfAf 69' SLICED BOLO,llA ... 1 z.oz. OKAIMAYll 75' SMOKIE LlllKS ......... 11.oz OSC:AIMAYlll.Ol.SllCID 69< SUMMER SAUSA'E .... ii . \'---/ PILOT -AOVERTJSER 7 WedM$day, Drtembef ), l %9 • f ~ _/PRO • .-__ ..,\.YOU'LL FIND T.HE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT YOUR STATER BROS. MARKETS. ::. • • a. FRIEND LY SERVICE • LOWER EVERYDAY PRICES • PLUS BLUE CHIP STAM PS . U.S.D.A. GRADE A FRYING ICKE · s WHOLE BODY LB. CUT-UP FRYERS ................. 33' USDA CHOICt 0 11 ~TA T(ll l~OS R!BSiEAKS ......... . USDA CHOICI 011 ST A Tlt llOS. STEAKS >1Rl0'N np ORCUll , ... 89' .. u98' U5DA CHOICE OR ST ATER BROS. CERTIFIED BEEF 4 9c OUND BONE ROAST ... LB. BONELESS BEEF 5HOUlOER 79c ~@LL D ROAST ....... L•. ·USDA CHOICE OR STATER BROS . CERTIFlilEEF 7 7c UMP ROAS ......................... LI. USOA CHOICE OR 5T ATER BROS . CERTIFIED BEEF 99c CLUB STEAK .............................. LI. CHUCK ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STATER IROS. CERTIFIED BEEF c LB . ROUND STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE OR STA UR BROS. BEEF B~~E 77c LB . BONELESS .-......... .LI 87c GROUND BEEF FRESH• LEAN DELICIOUS GROUND HOURLY c lb. DRIC10USL Y $U.SONlD SLICED MEAT LOAF ............ . ....... L•. 59c BACON COOK'SG0t.DLABEr11EADlDBONELESS C MOIHLL VEAL STEAK ......... .. ..... LI. 89 YORKSHIRE STATER IROS.ROUNOSOllllSKfT ~6·~~~5~1~: CORNED BEEF ............. u. 99c C LEAN-EXTRA FLAVORFUL LI GROUND ROUND ........... LI. 77' !!°!!,EN BEA 1PINEAPPL ·········~······· 303 si CANS . 11 0. 111. si ' CANS · NESCAFE INSTANT· COFFEE 6-0UNCE JAii: ~ 'J04fi "Pat«e<i! UL.fAMEPU•l ORANGE JUICE . -----5~:::.·.$1 VAH Dl KAM' lllf 0« (HE[1'[ 39 ENCHILADA$ ___ . . ... rn-o•. ' ciiiCKEN PIES ·-· " .. __ ,.,,.o •. 39' (fRE:ioA POTATOES _4·.'<~:$1 DINTYMOORE CORNED B Ei .l .... 1~~0NZ HORMEL'S r;) SAUSAGE VIE NNA .... 4·0*MIS FARMER BOY SALAD DRESSING ............... 2-1-0Z JllR . . RANCH MAID . i], • PEANUT BU TTER ............. Lo.J:.11 £1 STATER BROS. LOW FOAM ~ [:! (;: DETE RGEN T. ......... L0BG~ .;> , KAL -KAN IDOGFOO BURGER RO UNDS CHICKEN ROltJ-iO:i Pi:T STEV/ CHICKEN '.>T£W CHICKEN PARTS APPLES LBS SMAll fA tlt'I RED DEll t lOUS CORN lARCiE EXT RA FAN(\' /~' f'/, sWEETT EHOER / /U/ c '1 .;~' r~ .... r,f · \ .... rJ ,f . !/ .• . HAVEL ORAllC.lS LONG TtllDIR C:RISP GRElN . 3 2 9 C ~~;~~ 2 LI!. 29' CUCUMBERS ............. . ...... 10 • l l{illUllES 1.ARGEfXTRA FANCY 2 2 ( ll.19' DAllJOU PEARS ........................ Lil. I UfflllN GROOM Mt:IJfH , .. ~, u .. t&O UILl\I 1••~1111\ ~A'l lllOIWG l•VOll\ Jn 'll s249 59' 79'.,, 99' MAii CUHASIL COTTON TOOTH COLDI YAHISHIHG SWABS PAST( STRt'\"!1[0 ANAHEI M iiii:tloK.IOY ASSOITID 11.00N([ J . ... Flfl'-OLJAICllMOIA MEXICAN DINNERS -..... !Aot 39< i.;,;.. WI,._ DUL IACl:AGIOf GINO"S ... , KAVA~-.51~59 CHEESE PIZZA ....... _______ ... oz:5CJ< C•IN•TJON 83( Olf.I Of 39' DASH DDIRGDIT SOLi FILLETS __ '·" BEEF TACOS ·-n .ou•• GIAHTSll( 65c U.IN.f.TIOtOO.ll!~ 65( MAM-•Ut-••n•.uot 69' • .',",.',, COD OR PEACH ·-··· 1-l• SANDWICHES ~:1: ,.oL __c;::• =·=---=::...=;..._ U.IN.f.flON 39( ON·-0' 79' GAIN DDIRGINT FISH STICKS.-.... " PlPPEROlll PIZZA"~' OAHT i111 71 c iicff-S ECLAIRS . "c o, ,57' -· FiJiDHAUiuT_.1.oi.79' DlAL •U"'IOT 33c 0111-10.f. 4 $ J ,_:;":::"':=":::..' ---=--=--FISH CAKES .. __ •. or COTTAGE FRIES ._ 1•.0L YUBAN INSTANT '°"tr •. -toL 11.29 niu .. n 4 s1 '"111•111 4"' MAXIM COFFEE ... ---·"odl' ORANGE JUICE .____ •·'" ORAllGE JUICE ... · . "·" 7- BOB'S ROQUEFORT DRESSING ... .. 8 OL 59' * PLANTERS SPANISH ~:Xrl'.?A'.~ ............... -·•oL 49' BOB'S BLEU CHEESE DRESSING ... soz. 49' PLANTERS PEANUTS ORYROASf .............. 9-0Z. 59' BOB'S DRESSINGS 1000 "''"o·'""'" 39' . 11AL,ANTARTAR ................. a.oz. MAXWELL PLANTE~S MIXED NUTS ORYROAST ....... s •-o~ 79' WOO LOVE LIQUID 1s oz 49' POWDER ,..oz. 39' HOUSE CONFIDETSANITARY NAPKINS .. iz-.39''"' 73' KERNS NECTARS AssoRno . . ............. 45oz. 39' COFFEE FAMILY SCOTT ROLL TISSUE ................. PKG.of4 38' BOYSENBERRY SYRUP SMue<rns ............... 12 o~ 49' SCOTTOWELS BIG ROLL. .................. ~ ............... ••cH 33' CHOCOLATE SYRUP SMUCKERS .................. 12·0Z. 31' ,.7 3' SCOT BATHROOM TISSUE ...... --·-PKG Of4 33' MliXWELLHOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 1ooz.'1.39 t.. SCOTTIES FACIA~ TISSUES .. . ·-·· 2oocou N1 28' STAR VALLEY SWISS CHEESE ....... .. ;.oz 35' $20 6 LADY SCOTT FACfAL TISSUES --··" 200-cou•1 29' ).U. ,,CINNAMON ROLLS ~'0~~·.~"Ji.c< ........... ' 1.1-0~ 43' <•N LADY SCOTT TOILET TISSUE .................. PKG OF2 27' TREATS ~~F •............... RICE . NEWS :************** ~Efu~~s··· .. . 39' !~~--················ 79' ~:~.-59' . Jl~~~St:,~:::~~~u~i::~·~: ;~~: ~~ .CHALLENGE ( 3 I 5 9 CHUNK WHITE TUNA i~~'s't: .. 0 '. ,,,, 41' CHEESE C C WHOLEAPRICOTS ~l'f«,g'.~:-~~l'c •• 29' SUPERIOR COTTAGE .... PTS. QTS. APRICOTS ;~g,'[ ~~i~tt~ ............... €2~ 29' TAMALES 10' VETSNUGGETS Jg:~:i!llL ___ ,5, .. 67' ................................. 4-0UNCE TAOLLMSAWTO JUICE """"--·-2 c~'ll's 29' CHOICE EET MARGARINE --1-LB. 29' COOKIES ASSORTED 411.oz.$ 1 NESTEAHOTTEABLEND ..... 1.01 57' CREMES ......................... PKGS. WHITE KING 'D' """"· '''"' 59' REG. SIZE PINK OR GREEN 1 0 SMUCKERS TOPPINGS ~~~ii:' .. .,oz 33' PALMOLIVE SOAP ~ .... =:CED c ........ ~., .... , .. _,_ ........ . BUTTER-NUT 7 3 .COFFEE .............................. 1.LB.cAN c · COSTA MESA LASAGNA cw1r1ov.t.11D1 t _ -..0-01 79' BEEF RAVIOLI rw1 r IOY A~ Dt r .. •o O! 79' SON AMI CLEANSER-. _ ! ,.~,35' SANTAANA 111•0•*• fOIMULA 0""\!ll(Ol.WT c"" ..-nn• :"J.1aW llNCQLr~A ,__'., ~ 7 180 NEWPORT BOULEV.'\F.r 7(;7 Wt:ST 19 Ttl srn~ET 2630 EDINGER AVENUE i'603 WES,T 17TH STREET WEITMI NSTIR 1.01.73' 69' \i4' 1 ~~ .. \ [ 2-,64-.,.VEST BROAD\'. 'iY GAR DIN G~OV E B68 CHAPMA N AVLN UL 11 i"S BAK~F. STREET HL•NTINGTON 6EAC:tl 6862 EDINGER AVE. BS22 WESTMINSTER Bl VO. WHITTIER-14212 MINES AVE. .. i c c c c • 49' 59' 1'1 73' 38' 33' 33' 28' 29' 27' * 3'1 29' 41' 29' 29' 67' 2'1 29' 57' 59' 33' • Com flakes :.~.= •:o..· •Chips ~~~,":'iic ;:: • Grapefruit Juice J:: •:;:· •Gift Pack Olives .~~; '!t" r • •Tomato Catsup = ·~-::- f • Peaches ~i:'.:0: l:. STOCK-UP AND SAVE! ~ • Paper Towe ls ';;-.:.:!7 ';::· ~ ~ • Soft ~rinks 'l:.-:::'l:l::: ; i:: ~. · • Dressings ~:":;:., ··~· ?i ~ · • Tomato Soup i:'."r.': ·~~:· . I •Soda Crackers ':.::' ~;~ ' ·"t , •Cat food ,';".~.=.. •;::-I ~~~ a . J.o ilQ Margarine ~=·~:.. ::~ • Golden Corn r!:.:i\';;. •::: r:;::.::~· ~ ~~~J1~YA ~·/,.;; "..,.., ~ ....:;;~~-Dtmm..;.;.~~ Dubuque Brand ••• All Lean Eating ••• Canned Picnics $ Boneless°Fully Cooked :!:.~: $ 99 ' u.s.D.A. .......... Mayonn~ise :_,...,r,::.c,.,~.:: . •••rt 58C .°'.......... . Jtr , .. , .. ,., .... ,. O.l•M•Ml White Flour r:::-..::. ':'I.. 5 ... 53c ;,-,::;; .., Cake Mixes :~.=~= ·:·~ 3Sc 't':" Tide·XK Detergent ·:~ 82,,,'r' M~rgarine "~~;:~· ~;'!: 27'"?..'r' Scot· Tissue \.".::.~= nl 14'~" I Tampax Tampons r.t. 'ln'll.:l' . "' Niblets Corn Yf.:.':J ~~· •:;· 23c ,.':" Tomato Soup :t'.J-R~ i:,. ''.!:" 12' 'L'l' Baby Foods ,~~~~::::. .... Sc 'L'l' ..,...,.= ,/ , CHRISTMAS ALBUM FROZEN FOOD BUYS! . ..... , Fruit Pies Pr!milll'I Quallty-Assort_ed Vlrielies. 3 ~~$1~ Hamilton Beach Can Opener - ...... , Creallil Pies """'""a.I~-. 3,~$100 DISCOUlf1 PRICES 1 II lltlllll I 111111r 1 llli Fuli Pacquin Lotion ' ' • .fllt~r-· $11• I:'.. "I::. ioo: "t:~ 76c Ottl.oboL .. I• Mell Pal's Vitamins Bread Sale! ~:= .... :..:.. ... ,2. 11 ln.-Wrt1llt'I. 2 5c Jhll:riticnl lllllfrlt. .t 11 • Super Solt-Wh1fll Or I l·•t. • Whut Re1. or Sand. J11I ' U.S.D.A. . Choice Ifft Boneless Roast Cholcelfff '· c Chuck Steak 4~ Cotton Swabs 89' Large AA Eggs ··--·-·-... :;:.~~:-· ·, ..... ,3c !!~!~~~!Y .. 36'. r111wr Perlett '''' • 11• lllUJ 11111 CIM · 1L • ..,. • 11111 C1llCI: .. DrRo111Hil1deCut lb. Boneless Steaks- • ....... a..... .................. ~ round · Beef·-..... .._ ......... (14-111) " 49c ..... .--..... ,~. • Fill Celter CUI ROlld 98C • lloltl111 Fa•lll Sleak lh • Pork Tenderloin;E"":,~$129 ~~:~~ 51~;~. T·Bone Steaks -::E.~1~$129 ~~ch .. 0~;. Top Sirloin Steak S i..$1 5'. ;[.~ P~;. Sneed Ba F k ..... , .... 1 .. -con ran s . ~ ':::"' .::.:;:~, ,_,,. 59c ··~ """....,,, ..... '*' ,.,, ._ .... , ... ,,, ........... ,.. "'" Reith'.• Sausa1• ,..~~ •.a.59c "' ... ~ ... 11911 Beef Sausage ii-· -~stc .·Link Sausage 1tit M lk:Cf(I W-•-33c A lrtlMM TIMI flll• Perch or Cod '";::".. :•~ 79' Shr·1mp .. ::"':i:~.::.•,,:.,•t l .. L ,,, Jn1 ""'I lreil • ...,.,., ''I• Lunch Meat • -=.. :::: 35' JI~ ..... o;,. .......... ""*' ....... tlll f....., Or 5'tM ..... Liii a.tCm1U.ct:.1::,.,s9' LMGtep1 ~:, .,tl" Fre• Olfll11 ': ::": .. 49' 1.111111 cH;1 Do:.~ .. '1" .... Unr ",~:C.'" .. 69' Lat Of ........ = = ..... I . Ice Cream totilll«l "lll"&-11 Auor1*I f1-t lOW ... < 69' PlllOU l•~t• Laundry I .,,, ~~,,,...,, I lO# ""119 33' t111111 1•11•• .Mushrooms llulkll' S11tt--811U-. SI'* ..... ., ... 4 11\.::-$)00 . Dog Food hodi -.. u. or CMcl• "'"' lOW I~ 1' ..• ,, ... . Edwards Coffee fKIM~:-•n.cMcM u w '" 63' •111111 '" Granulated . Sugar tlrllon ........ ,....illlt ..... -5 ~ 53' • Crisco Salad Oil Hal Kame !ft.::. $1:..~ s100 ,.,,.u • .mr•,.. 49c ~~ AIM For CookinJ 24•1r. • loti<lt lltnl _ Or BM& U!.t. 1111, Califomia Navel Oranges ' ·lb. Plio Bag c S-1 Ind Juicy. With ~Tol'lel $lii..t Tops for llllCh Baul, Slicq ~to fl1it Sallds, Ete. Ridt In Yl!Jmltt C Tool • Bananas I~ 11C 10~4tc 1 ~4tc 3 fir $1 P I t toes U.S. Mo. l bsset a To Bil•. Boll, Frr OI' lo Mnh! i.. ~ POO! Dates ,:.~:, Avocados ..... Clllfoni• -ffubllioul Md Oellclolo ""--IW!.IMll' Gr•,.J11it "l.!" ... ~... .. 15' L1.11.. --.. 1•· Apples "'.! != :.:::'. 5 .. '1 ... i•• Pn111 2 • If' Anioa Pean _..!'.\, :::::: 4r Orii&t ~·• ..t::.. ~=. w- 'Artichokes ~·. = 2 ., 35' Yellow Otion .:'i, S :. zt' • -1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, Sa. Laguna • 636 N. Coast Hriy., Laguna Beach • Santa Ana Freeway at La Paz,_ Mission Viejo • Wilson & Fairview, Costa Mesa . • " '• ·. . ~. . : . ' ' .. . . .. . :; ; .. :: ·' • . : " . . . ' . - Di. CS:' l "'t ' , f tJWJ • :t <?/! r.;''!" ':" • ~Y'1lOT Time-saving Ti p Cooking,.s Fun If Spontaneous By JOHNA B~N terribly rlch, we hired a slu· .-dent-boy from New York -8RENTW90D -"I llke to University, but we -never gp into the kitchen and vamp , really made any money on It." it," said actress Hope Lange, Her mother now Jives in Ver• sealed on a Victorian couch in mdnt. her cheery country kitchen a combination playroom-kitche». DID OWN COOKING The parlor section i s Hope used to do all her own brightened with a pegboard cooking at home before the wall adorned with paintings series started, and has only a · and art work brought from cleaning woman to help out. 21Chool by her children, 12-"When I went back to work, I year~ld Christopher and lG-got a couple, he 's•German and year~ld Patricia. The yellow-she's E n g I i s h . Everything and citron room is complete 'seems fine now but before that with a serving island, table with working, and doing the and chairs. cooking, too, it was oh boy!" "Cooking-s much more fun she exclaimed. when it's spontaneous. We "I like good rich food, but don't like cocktail parties, S() we really prefer more simp le our parties are generally the fare . There are certain things entertaining of a few cl()se 1 don't like, Uke OOtUed salad friends. Now that I'm working dressings and floured gravies. so much, they come into the We like fresh herbs in salads kitchen with their drinks while and vege\ables not drowned in J fi nish the meal," she said. water," she said. "J prepare something at the "I'm tired or cooks who say, Jast minute. You can .only do 'I'm a fabulous cook!' and thi! with close friends. I look they don't really care. Their in the pantry, go to market cooking shows it. It's a big and see something that in-joke! I say if you don't like to spires me to tum out a dish. If cook, and many women don't, it turns out f() be a disaster, I J can't imagine a worse job. can always pull a steak out of And many times hired help the freezer." act like they're doing you a •Her kitchen ad· 11 b bing big favor besides, it hurts to l!Jark.5 her shift from part-pay someone who can't cook ~ to tult-time actress. She as well as I do." pcii'trays the pretty young Success in the kitchen widow Carolyn Muir with tw() depends upon knowing when to cute children, a lively dog, a discard something, Hope said. crotcbety hoosekeeper and ••Making things on the spot a ghost to romance her on the takes skill and a lot of AJ!C.1V series "The Ghost mistakes. J made a soup wit.h and Mrs. Muir." She had been the wrong ('()Olbina.Uon of in- semi.retlred before the series gredieDt.s and had to discard becaU9e she disliked making it. Sometimes you can rescue movies away from her famJly. a dish, turn a disa5'ter into She ls married to producer something, more olten you're A1an Pakula. better' off to say forget it and LOVES BOTH ROLES throw it wt." She was enthusiastic about He-specialties t n c 1 u d e OOth her roles -on TV and in chicken tarragon and hearty real life. "I'm ki'nda busy, in salads. "We like to do the fact, it's pretty strenuous, but Cobb salad similar to the one the show's going very well. at the Brown Derby. My 'Ibe scripts are better and the husband's very enthusiastic characters · are much more ovef it, and it's interesting to fun, more Jike people. l have cook for children. beCome much more involved · "Most children like what with the character." most adults enjoy, especially Her infrequent cooking on if their parents are r~tive camera usually gets fooled up to good food. But I do think by the ghosUy captain who it's a mistake to force food on adds sherry 11to booze up my children, for their tastes cooking," Hope said, laughing. ~nge olten. Six months from Hope, who enter.ed show now they Will lik"e something business when she wast years · they have an aversion to to- old, got her culinary grounding day. lt's amazing, too, how .in her mother's restaurant, receptive children are t() a 1£innette of \Vas h'i n gt on variety ol tastes. So you just Square. ·Her late father, John have to kind ol play it by Lange, was a m'usical , ar-·ear,'' she advi~. ranger with the old Ziegfeld "Our ·children are fairl y .company. Her mother is Min-&OJJhistic!lted. They boU1 like :riette Buddecke La n g e • tima beans, lobster a n d 'fonnerly a Broadway and artk:hokeS. They a d o r e Shakespeare.an actress. macaroni and cheese and I've "Mimette'1 doesn't exist never been a big fan of that. anymore. We a11 grew up in it. although I do love spaghetti;' Now that we're a11 grown up she said. it's run its course. My mot.hu "As a result, when }'ou're :was left with four· children. We\ cooking for the family, you ;at Jeast knew where our next have to learn to stagge.r meal was coming {rom. tastes. YQU feel sometimes .. "The first couple of years It like you've turned into a short J1terally was our hlmle. We order cook. There are still sle~$ t»e!1ind screens and lived some day8 I feel J'm going there · with 30 cats who ate up back into the restaurant much of the profits !" As a business." This seeme.d highly youngster, Hope used to walk improba~e. Fala for Mrs. E.1 ea nor Hope I:ange's two recipes koosevelt who . hved o n will be worthy ol repeals. Her trfcDougal at the time and w.as baked chicken tarragon and ~ften a customer at Mm-Cobb salad follow: nette'1. ~ "It' was a small place , HOPE LANGE'S Seating onJy a dozen people. CASSEROLE ROASTED We offered two or three ClllCKEN WITII tirings., a roast, casserole er TARRAGON thicken dish, homemade bread 3 pound cleaned whole and OOmem.ade desserts. We chicken bad a woman from the Sout.h Sall, freshly groond pepper rwned Geneva who dkl the Aboot 5 tablespoons butt.er ~aking while Moth« did the g sprigs fresh tarragon (or I Jneal and dessert.. teaspoon dried) • "She still believed in serving l tablespoon vegetable oil fresh vegetables. It was very 'n cup sliced onion bard gOing, for all the help we Vt cup .U~ carrol3 }lad was Geneva. When we fell Season cavity of chicken :Advice to the Shopworn . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • .. I' • •• .. . '" . . No Muss, Fuss It's in · the Bag Food p~n kMp on doing their thing. . .finding newer and more efficient wa}'s to market food. Some Of their m()re succesaful things are frooen, bcll·in--g Vegeta• bles. In alln06t any frozen food counter, you M:ve a choice of 10 dlffeient vegetables, ready to boil, bag (the proeessors call it a pooch) and all. 'There ii oo.nw$!1, no fuss and no pot washing. The lack or cleanup is listed as cne of the major ad- vantages of pouched vegetables ... along with bttjlt· in seasonings, reduced cooking odors and variety. An ad- van)age that seems to have been overlooked is the fact that the packages are ideal for small family use ••• no lef· tovers. Speaking of variety. pouched vegetables come in all sorts of i n t e r esting combination... When they made their market debut Jess than 10 years ago. they came only in combination with "sauce". . . 1 a t e r specifically identified as either butter or cream sauce. almond or sauleed mushrooms, broccoli au graUn and. CJUmed peas a n d potatoes. More •wear all the time . If you skip the frozen.fvege- tables case en one s6cp. ping trip, you may miss the newest arrival. The big question for pro- cessors still is: Wbich of today's new products will be tomorrow's old favorite? They depend on }'OU and what you buy or pass by, to help decide. They know sales of frozen vege tables h a v e increased noticeably. But they aren' sure yet whether this means you are eating m o r e vegeta.bles or limply substltuling boilable pooched vegetables for other plain· frozen ones. Another question processors have is whether you might like other foods to cook in pouches. S<>me have been tried and ap- pear to be acceptable. Frozen fruits and berries come in pouches and need only heating in boiling water for thawing. Some cooked meats (mainly ham, turkey and pastrami) are cold but not frozen, and also need only beating in the pouch. ACTRESS AD·LIBS IN THE KITCHEN Actress. Hope Lange i Now, depending on the vegetable, they may be pouch- ed with butter or cream sauce, cheese, mushroom or onion sauce. Some favorite com- binations are available . . , green beans with toasted Some sealoods, just now starting in a few areas, may be successful. with salt, pepper and I table- spoon butter. Insert 3 sprigs (or pinch dried) tarragon in cavity. Melt 2 tablespoons butler and J tablespoon vegetable oil in skillet (or fire-proof casserole) until butt.er . has stopped foaming. P I a c e chickep in hot fat, breast side down. Brown on all sides until golden. Add more oil if ·need· ed. Remove chicken,, pour off fat. Add 3 tablespoons fresh but· ter. Saute onion and carrots for 3 minutes but do not brown, add I teaspoon salt , 3 sprigs tarragon (or 1,'! tea- spoon dried). Place chicken on top of vegetables, season- ing chicken on the outside with more sail and pepper. Cover, bake in 325 degree F. oven about l'l/, hours lor until drumsticks move easily in the sockets). Baste several times. Serves 4. COBB SALAD For the dmslng '·~ cup red wine vinegar 1i cup water r tablespoon Jemon juice 11,1 teasPQOllS black pepper, coarsely ground 1 teaspoon, dry mustard I 1h teaspoons \Vorcestershire sauce 1 clqve garlic, pressed 1 '~ cup vegetable oil 'i cup olive oil Combine ingred ients In a jar. Cover, shake vigorously to mix. Chill lhorotlghly and shake~well again before using. For the salad I head lettuce, shredded 2 chicken breasts, cooked and diced 2 medium hard-boil ed eggs, chopped 2 medium tomatoes, diced 6 slices crisp bacon bits 2 medium avocados peeled. v.•edged (squeezed with few drops lemon juice) I stalk French endive 1/i teasJX>OO chopped chives minced fresh parsely about ~~cup salad dressing Place lettuce in Jarge _salad bcwl. Add a row each of chicken. egg, tomatoes and bacon bits oo top of lettuce. Garnish with avocado and en- dive stalks. Top with minced chives and parsley. Pour dressing over aU. Tosi at the table. Serves 4. HnrMll'f, '"'· \ ··FOR EXCITING GIFTS ••• A. 8. Hor 1 e Cf Gift Shop IS A GIFT TO REMEMBER A. VASE, ha nd turn ed in lerro cotta and • golden beige. 12.00 B. CA RVED BOX, hand co;ved, stained in wood tones and inlaid with fin e s,,.opper .. 10.00 C. DIVlDED BOX, ~and carved, stained in smoke a nd gold' wood. 8.00 D. RARE SEA SHELL, mounted on o slim brass rod ond motte black base. 40.00 E. TH E GOOSE GIRL, el~a ntly modeled bisque, imported fr om Spain. 26.00 f . YVES ST. lAURANT L TOWELS. He does every- thing with superlative finesse! Fingertip 1.50 G. TOWEL STAND, Florentine gold finished metal from holy. 14.00 H. MATCHING SOAP DISH, 12.00 ' • \ • t ;Book Gives Food Facts J. EGG WHITE BOWL, Hand· hammered copper from Fronce. 35.00 . • WASHlNGTON (UPI) The 400-page book iricludes What is a strip ateak! A 46 articles by government and ;chateaubriand"! See pige 95. academic experts on subjects : Which is the better buy -ranging from the ftOnomics of nw ahrimp 1n the lhell at food production and marketing p.38 I pound, or cooked, peel· to buildhig better .. 11ng id and cltantd ahrlmp at a habits, menu plaMlng, dieting Centi for fcur ounces? Page and "money alrttchlng ideas ~3:iow many cupg ot coffet ~r::.~ our food dollar go Ooes the aver1ge American The USDA his b e e n drink a year? How much docs this cost'" Page 18 pubUshin.e yearbooks since What • 11 lbe · dlffCf<!nce 1849. Slnct 11136. the yoarbook htnea !white meot!'-tuna-Jias UJ.ated _o.oe subjtcL In and "lipt meat" tuna' Page depth, and recently the: '"" .121 • nual.t have gont beyond purely How much of oor take-home a,ncultural matters into SUI). PIJ' -for food ! How doe• Jtcll o1 , ... ra1 lntett•l 1111 COll1jlln! with l!llO? Page Congre11 gel.I 232,250 «>i>I" Iii !or free dblrlblJUon. Olhen Ttie u.s. Department or can be. purchased from lht AJrlcu.llurt (USDA) a a k 1 government printing office, &tlt:le quesUons -and pro-Washin;ton, for $3.50. v1dea the answe r• -ln I.heir PracUcal advice for food new yearbookt this year en· 1boppers in the book ranec1 titled "Food for Ua All." from a simplt warrunc I I "'don't pio.1ch the "prClduce'' - to a moderately co mplex table which a cautious consumer can use to determine if he is saving or losing money by buying sides of beef for home freezer storage. It also pciints out that rising marketing costs -lhe mid· dleman's share of U1e food dollar -ha ve ~n responsi- ble for most Increases in groctry prices over the past decade -not the farm er. But -it nrs p1 ofits of Tl!t311--fro!:i f-'11 --- chains have dropped a third during the 10 years a:1d now are about one cent per sales • dOllar. An<l it 1ns"·ers quest ions: How to make 1 menu for nutrition.ally adtqu111c low-cost meals? PRge 285. The secret or success in coooklng gretn5? Pagt 186. l low to ,judge the rre.,hncss of • coconut? Page 198. RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER OPEN DAILY 9·6 K. COPPER SYRUP PAN Cordon Bleu from Fronce. 26.00 l. CORDON BLEU WHISK 4.SO M. Tht CHRISTMAS COOK BOOK Stories of Christmas custom• -plurwondttflll Ul:lpt1 from around the world. 4.00 3433 Via lido, Newport Beach 673 -636011 Ea I ' ... WITH SALLIE IT'S A LOVELY ATIITUDE .. LIKE A PlECE OF PERFECT ATh!OSP • • • Think big, perfect, flawless, (I fe elegant ... and you a+ with a guilded package. <ii ed satisfacticm • . • ti; many, many times Ju wonderful people fri'9!'.1 assure us through their Jet ters. " ... in preparing tJi the event we received mfni recommendations fr lfo well-'!leaning friends. ~1 like to shop at Richaid~ and decided t() go t5a · route. The party w'as a iii tastic success ! 250 gutiti ate and drank their fill ju perbly taken care of by ~ men and his staff;. Qli& tions, questions, all evenjM long .•• 'Who handles .. wonderful catering?' Jtlll 'Who took care of tt bea u tifu l floral ~ rangements?' We sincer.., thir.1k all of you for the we derful service received .Id. are still ronvinced that •t quality -shop Richard's!~' •.. This one got us so gio1r- ed up we could hardly w~ to get up the next morntaC to see how beautiful te ~:re going to look In 'f mirror. ~ ~ THEN ALONG CAME JOE WITH ONE OF HIS FAMOUS t "SEZZES" :;. • . • "'The fresh Calilomj grown Zacky tu r k e ~ ahnost outdid the fr" Calif()rnia grown Z a c k:lt chickeru:. How colild i turkey outdo a chicke Well , he's bigger for o thing .. :But those tendfit grow.1; fresh fr()m thi farta right here each mornirt Zacky chickens ••• on 3 , mu.st have lists every w · for the fancy chicken eate around town • • ; proveC that anything Zacky frori right here in Calilornja hat\- to be the very best. Tl1' minute we said fresh .zacki turkey, we were practican..t stampeded with phone cal"1. Would yoo believe the- splendid Zacky topped tht popularity listl fo Thanksgiving din.ier,1 10 t(lo• one over bur perfect" No. f1 frozen turkey. 1 SO VERY EVERYriiING ~ FROM EVERYWHERE T\l MAI L TO EVERYBODY~ Farmers ?i.farket, gre colorful boxes of their "el known jams and syrups •• ? Knotts Berry Farm farnou'~ 'boysenberry jam, done ult with other jams, jellies anitt their fabulous vacuum ca~ ned chocolate chip an pineapple pound cakes .• Dickinso.1s of the blueberrl\ syrups and plum butterlt and Marshall strawberrYS: preserves ... Mrs. Carver·~ Fruit cake miniatures •. Gra ce Rush rum cookie and pickled cantaloup .. i Sea Isle from Florida,' jum 00 pecans, glaced ~uiLJJ, orange cocoout. marmaladC) and tropical frui t conserve!I ... Grabcrs almonds, wine jellies and olives • . . ' Hawaiian Sun packs, would ~ you believe 12 pint-sized , jars filled with everything Hawaii from macadamia ; :iuts to pineapple chutney .• BIG BOX NEWS I FROM ~ICHAIUYS I .. ~real hinged ( Callfo Red\voocls . . , : shee r dell ht to give the \ g irl s who have d ecora t ormania and enamelphobia. 2 sizes w'lt.h 3 or 6 jars of Richard's own f lemon marmalade, spiced · peach prese r ve·s and pom egra nate jelly., Richard's fa nt abuJous l Christmas Brocade giver l<lllded with good gourmet lood things like hams. oysters, cheeses, canned salami, Wt'stphalian rye ·end-t."""11Jr>i ..• We mall anything from Utt' Gift shop too ••. Ve.lt· tian glass birds and sliver , pl1ted co11 .... It .. ~ I( f course they"d rallitr maili round rug pillow er 1 bit· tery operated p e p p i r grinder. Richard s is so I vt>ry Christmas m u c ti , much, much for you. :. , • ..-._ ·- ---iii ) 't l l ~ p • 'i1t. I aiiv <ge~ . . iS " ,.. h~1 :ingto ~ !nf<i frfn JiS, -I icJtaJJ:~ :o t5a . ' . ., gu<io fill .Pi byClJ' .~ ev• Jes to ?'. ~ t . :ncer~ he ..... le<! .id. bat .... rd's!~ JO glo'W· Dy wl! noM11111 ~1 .r In 'f. • <NE • :. ,, ililornP, ~ke Yt fr~ :ac t'.; .lid ~ bic~rtr fur ori tend~ ii fartJI; nornllt ·y~~. 1ea:l proveii y froiil nia ha4 st. n,. lZac~ .cticallj le caltSi· •e tht Jed thtl' ! ;t.; fo · ~ 10 t!>' t'No. j i . .. . HING ~ miiX JOY '.f gr.4 ir weu;c Jps ,.: famou~ one uili ies an<l1 m ca~ ~s .a~f Jeberrj\ butter• wberr:fi arver' es •. cookie· op ••• a,'jum frui ts, 1alad iserve1' s, wine ~ , ·,..;,,Id \ lt-sized , rything 1damia f tney •• , I • ngtd ( . . ' ' ve the t have ' and . with J 's own spiced r. '$ and jelly. , ,Jous t giver I lllr!ntt hams, ~anned I rye from l Ve.1e-t silve r , . !I f malt a t • b&t· pp er is so 1 u ch ' . r C::DAILY PILOT ,, .I . . PHONE 673-6160 FOR· l;IOME DELIVERY IN OUR DELIVERY AREA • '• .. ... ...... I ' PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 4, 5 6 _._ ___ -~ • • II OL "OJ. 69c KNUDSEN ICE MILK . Va eAL. 49c LIBBY'S Org•o Serenade For Your Pleasure LIDO MARKET CENTER SWEET PEAS ••oz. 3 ..,51 NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE by Bernice Fay ! 'FANCY, SWUT, NEW CROP . CALIFORNIA NAVEL .ORANGES ' , IEST FOR BAKING, LARGE SIZ! .ROME BEAUTY 6 LBS. $1 ·.·APPLES 6 LBS. $1 ALL PURPOSE, U.S. NO. I SELECTED RUSSET POTATOES 10 ~B. BAG 49¢ °"r~tft§.~N //~ ~~ . BUTTERNUT 69¢ ".COFFEE 1 LB. CAN .. ' 1.37 • BUTIERNUT COF.FEE H•. SUNSHINE OATMEAL COOKIES 59c 22 oz. ... 6eRIER'S STRAINED ·BABY FOOD 12 FOR $1 ., "-ROEN .. AA BUTTER · 1 LI. 79c .CHICKEN OF THE SE"-CHUNK ' · Light TUNA ,~ 3 FOR WISHBONE JTALIAN DRESSING • oz. 29c ' GREEN GIANT • 0NIBLETS CORN 1J Os. 3 ,,.69c GREEN GIANT CREAM STYLE CORN 11 o •. 3• ;,.69c ,, , GREEN GIANT KITCHEN SLICED GREEN BEANS ,. o •. 3 , .. 69c ' ,..GREEN GIANT FRENCH STYLE , GREEN BEANS ,. "'· 3 ..,69c . BEITT CROCKER W"-LNUT I I Brownie Mix 22 oz. 59¢ . . ·LADY SCOTT FACIAL TISSUE 200CI. 4 ... '1 LADY SCOTT BATHROOM TISSUE LET US CREA TE FOR YOV , LOVELY HOME DECORA Tlt>NS FOR • _ Cl:iRISIMAS _ Will Sw1g1, Centerpieces, Door Otcorttions, etc. Visit our Feirylend of beeutiful th ings! ~ .- • BONE.IN BUSY HOLIDAYS YOU'LL APPRECIATE THE HAPPY SMILES AND FRIENDLY, HELPFUL SERVICE THAT IS A UNIQUE SPECIAL TY OF RICHARD'S. • * • And w• heve mor• 1pri9htly gift idea1, fool (u1Cious fetid and wine 9ifts, Nautical· 9lft1 ind sportswear, b11utiful flowtrs ind unusual 9ifts for the home. WE HAVE ALMOST EVERY· THING AT RICHARD'S! RICHARD'S FINEST AGED U.S.D.A. CHOI.CE BEEF • RUMP ROAST Pot roast in wine & 1rom1tic herlts BONELESS • RUMP ROAST Season with ult and pepper and 1 little roHmary & r111t R·OUND STEAK Tonder enough for , beef 1trog1noff SWISS STEAK Lends itself to 1 Ytrltty of uuc11 and NllO~lngs 98¢LI. 89¢LI. 79¢L •. Lean' GRou· ND BEEF Swodloh mootball• m1k1 • 53¢ grfff hors d' oewr11 LI. PORK SAUSAGE Good for mnt loof, ttuffi119, 69¢LI. and of courM, breH:fut CHICKEN A LA KIEV 81;1nel1ss chicken breast stuffed with / butter end chivei.. An elegant dl1h . .____...,. MARINATED MEAT BALLS Merinated in Chili S1!11. STUFFED BELL PEPPERS Stuffed with eur own sptcielly sea·s·ontd me1t 1-+uffin9. COOKED and PEELED SHRIMP . U.S.0.A. PRIME BEEF, TOO ! 1.39 ... LIBBY'S CUT CORN uoz.3..,51 LIBBY'S Cut Green BEANS ••oz. 3 ,.,51 LIBBY'S • Vegetables for Stew "oz. 3 ,.,'1 CHUN KING 5 COURSE DINNER CHICKEN CHOW MEIN ,, oz. 49c CHUN KING 5 COURSE DINNER-I I o•. Shrimp Chow Mein 49¢ 1Jfl~· "-'1't~A-c:;{J/c.J KRAFT SLICED 12· o" American Cheese ZWAN HOLLAND COOKED Sliced HAM 4 oz. NEAR E"-ST WHEAT OR RICE PILAF 6 oz. 59¢ 59¢ PILLSBURY CHEWY ALMOND, SLICE 'N' B"-KE .COOKIES 14 oz, 2 FOR 98¢ . M"-KES A SANDWICH SOMETHING SPECIAL! ' 1 RAISIN BREAD 45c BREAKFAST ROLLS , ORANGE ICED , ORANGE ROLLS 6 ,,.35c . TOPPED WITH SESAME OR POPPY SEEDS Seeded Dinner Rolls 6 ..,31c VELVETY FUDGE ICING WITH NUTS FUDGE LOAF 79c MRS. CARVER'S FAMOUS FRUITCAKE MINIATURES 12 individual little · fruit cakes in a box. Perfect for buffet service. Reg. 2.59 SPECIAL 2.39 BOX When the flurry of the holidays leeves you with too much to do and too few hours, lten on u1J We can htlp you 1ave time in a hundred ways . , , here are just a ftw! READY.TO.GO FOODS No need for worry about dinner on busy days, we've elready wh ipped it up for you. Stop in our dtli end teke home • cqmplete m..,.I! • HOME BAKERY Chri1tme1 9oodie1 baked with lov. in9 cera, GIFT CERTIFICATES In $5, i I 0 or f20 •mounts, GIFT WRAPPING tnd MAILING FLOWERS BY WIRE Lovely floral 9ift1 to ••y Meny Chrhtmes. LOCAL DELIVERY We deliver your groce,y ttlephone orders fin our deliYery eree.) Cell before 11 A.M. ..J.' I I . I I I I &Si&ll&!Mi'IC•1 !¥1lllt ht t nz a 2 st a as o spsl!lw•u n sat 2 n awe tt a ti < · ·°1!tc.l .. ...t-MARKET . HOME &·GIFT SHOP OPEN DAILY 9.7, SUN. 9.6 OPEN D"-.ILY 9-6 LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR OPEN DAILY 9-6, SUN. 10.1 DAILY 9-5:10, SAT. •.5 FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 9-6 DAILY 1:30-6, SAT. l 1J0°S .-I , • ) ' I • • ... I I -/)I) DAILY PILOT Without Proper Pot, Fondue-Chef May(rack U;nder Pressure DEAR NAN: 1 know my slip of paper Inside lhe pot; a to own ao 1ot)g as you Intend ports from other areas-enameled castware. These are for operation, care and clean· spend a little more for .-i r~ likely accessories and iie wife wan15 a fondue poL for sketchy recipe. '11lat was writ· doing only cheese or chocolate largely Hong Kong and the not inexpensive bul you are Jng. cent book on the subj ect. the seting tips, menus and Ch I I h I ri ce ten :a such badly printed fondues. Some ha \re been like -won't stand such liigh mak'"" an investment ln ·There a•--,_ a oood el·ec· !tr. st -mprehensi·,e volunie 011 ably every recipe adap~ r 5 mas u my expe en pidgi!l English it was barely known to crack under the high oil heal at aU. You could nin --o mu ~ ~ .. v to fondue cookery. Any brlgh In buying any kind of understandable. No guarantee, heat of the oil necessary for the nazard of a grerlse (ire somethhig that coqld lasl a lrlcal model on the market the subject that I 1·1ave run buyer for book department cook"·are is nil. Could you no manufacturer's name. beef fondues -like Beef rig.ht at the table, lifetime. Just be sure you get now, thermostaUcally con· across. ll i! "Fondue ~1agic" must surely have laid in ; help'! I ba,·e done a little look· Tb e t y p 1ca1 Swiss Bourguignoone. All depends on Your best bet is to choose a any of those with l he trolled. by Anita Prichard (Hearttuide good supply by now for th ing and l already am con· ca ft hen ware pols are what you want to do. .. high-grade pot of good metal guarantee , or a reputable If I were going in for foodue Press, N.Y. $-1.95). Jt not only Christmas trade. It is wel fused. No ,name, plea". 1 _be_a_utif_· u_l,:_w_e1_i.c_r_a1_1ec1_,_•..:;i..:;DY __ So_m_e_o_f _1be_v_ery.:._c_be_•:...P _im_-_•_r ,_w_ha_l_'•_••_•_n_h _e _t t_•_r...;,_man_uf_actur_:...!':...' f_ull_lnst_rue_Uo_a_• _coo_k•_ry:..;'_I __;_wou_ld_e<rt_run_· ...:ly'--'is_fu_n_l...;o_r•_•d_h_ut_c_o•_•r_s_w_o_rt_h _lh_e_P_rl_c_e. ___ _ "'ant this to 'be a surprise. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - This country has b e e n absolutely .swept by the fasci nating fondue craze so a lot of people have had time to discover, m~ch to their sor· LETS ASK THE COOK by Nan Wiley row. that not all fondue pots are alike. A number of very cheap imports have flooded the market. They aren't all they 9hould be. I saw a very aUraclive display of these in a h ou sew a r es department. v:ondc:-fully vivid color. but the only instruction was a tiny future . Look 9079 8-18 ""11f ,,;.i .... 11f,,..1" ... TODAY is the day to start thinking of 1970 and this is the shape to launCh a brilliant season. Has curvy yC1ke. crisp lines, flattering band collar. Printed Pattern 9079: NEW Misses' Sizes 8, 10. 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 12 (bust 34} takes 2Y.i yards 45-inch. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for each pallcr!l--add I~ cents for each pattern for fir st-class 1nailing and special handling; otherwise third-class delivery will take three v.·eeks or more. Send to Marian Mar· tin. the DAILY PILOT, 44.2 Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York. N.Y. 100~1. Print NAJ\tE, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NU~l· BER. 'Egg' Pie Beats Nog \Vith the prepared dairy· type eggnog drink lhis ~s a breeze. You may substitute whipped dessert topping for the cream if you like. See package dire ctio ns for equivalent anrount. EGGNOG Cll[fFON PIE 2 l'l'l''eiopes gelatin lf~ cup sugar 4 cups dairy type eggnog ( 1 qi.) r, teaspoon nutmeg OR 2 tablespoons rum or~ teas· poons ram flavoMng 1 cup whipping cream Sliced maraschino cherr iPs.. <'hopped nuts, chocolate curls, etc. Mix the. unflavored gelalin .,;u, the sugar in the top of a double boiler. Stir in just I cup of the eggnog drink. Plate over sl,mmering \\'aler un gelatln and sugar dissolve. R('ffi(JVe from heat. Add 3 mart-cups t:ggno8 . -no+meg « rum or flavoring. Chlll till ronslstcncy of unbeaten egg while. Then whip till light and f)ufly. f'old in the. I cup heavy cream . \\'hipped. Tum into ft JO" bnked pie 15 ht 11 . . ' ColiCU.-...wlfltO""-tWl•t fw....._ef s... ,.__Yw.CoU c.lled lf'T ..... START YOURCHRISTM·AS ~/EARL y WIT.H THESE vo1s · ••• Exclusire Importer/ WlnrSa/e f- oow, .. fM.Nef'S fltaSJ,MOSTEXCITING WINES A.TVONS lOW PRICES! ~k<'I, BEAUJOLAIS WINE =-£-~ ..... _ ... $,98 l111j1llk....., ~ 2.29 1111un lll.ltl »«. 111. ••••••• _____ .Jl .. I sr. t•lUll IR •••••Ul :r.<.(ll. •'II. __ ._,,,.11.41 'TIYll llll U«. •n. .................•••.• ., II.ti •GUILlf FUllll II CIUIJI M-OL f!l,..,., •••• u.11 lftlYll Will '"'°" fn. ••••••• : ................ Si.Tl "IDT 1011 f4-0L r11... ....................... II.ti IN.l.TU.Ullll' IU Pitt ...ar.. 111...-........ ,,,,U.Tt OLD CROW Sl1. KY. IOUUOH 16-J'L HAt.1 GAL WESSON ,. -_,__ '1-ali' I Holl~ 1s"'I"' -.( -··- GRANULATED SUGAR HOLLY '"re, line. All· ,,,.,,._ s-i.- SCOTT ··TOWELS Whilt,Anorted.. [168 ~J O.corol.d. Inc/, 3c Off .. ~-_ /VJO/N/S/ -DETERGENT ()EW!GEllT POWDERED ~1,1>.t<l .... ~· Cleon•r BO~ Whit.r Wm"-', •• ¥ED BACON r:mT GWll· c '" "~ ...... 73 SkiolmUnkS.,... 3 ~11 llltn IOlf Oii ""°" IOP, l<>Z. -I. Boneless Rou.. a.::::' 91~ Porltrhotlse ~ '1 2! lop Round Steab ":' 'I~ Chuck Steaks ~=-59~ Long Spaghetti =..:::·;i~-: ·37c Cal Fame Drinks .t1'~.46 ~3:8t Jerseymaid Butter ~~ 79' Full Fashioned-Acrxlic ,, ... , .... M ........ ~@• ,_.. --n .•• lalnl '°"'""'" REG. 1 ..... "" .. .....Md to1ors. w~ ,~ ..... ,...>Oft_,-Nc. !ola•W.. , . r..ftdlotChr-..-...... Wh//e Ouonlifi .. Lodi l ~~NTAC sac I CAPSUllS I I 0 ~. I t Prell Uquid = 57' , Bufferin 60's ~:: 83' Jergen's Lotion :~48' HEINZ KOCH UP PORK&· BEANS FANCY FARIS In 1 ody T omoto SollClt ALASKAN KING 79~ CRAB MUT :!. c--. -,.. ... , ............ ···············"" c-i... ,.... s.~ ................ -............ 1 .. =--Fi•s ..... 1 ... ..._ ........... , .. T-. ""9 ~::.,'": ~1';'.:., ~:··:::::.::::;:;:~-;,~ '"'"' ~ v..i con..."-.............. 11." ~----... ---~· - Ground Round 79 f. Boneless Chuck '= 151. Bo1tless Round ...:.:::... 9S:. Co med Beef -a:=' .C:.~ 69~ Choice Stewing Beef ~ IS~ . ~·, Schilling Black Pepper ~29', Instant Potatoes ... ~ ~o:-. PICG. 59' Choice Purple Plums r;~·~ 25\ \I 011 S DELJCATESSEN WEEK-END VALUES! I IMPORTED DANISH l CHOPPED SLJCEO AMUJCAN I c-c ·-CHEESE _!OLIS leAM !~ 79" 1. ~~m •• 69' =-n · 3r · • ~ Sllced 11111111 Clokll ._ ucrs. "1L -Ot \I 0 II S PRIZE PRODUCE BEST VAWESI APPLE SALE RED OELICIOUS, G0LDEH DEUCIOUS, MclNTOSl-l ROME IEAUTY & PIPPIN EXTllA FANCT 1 Mixor 6'$ Match ; -- ' . • Avocados ~= 3i$J A~tichokes ~~~::. 19! .1 Mixed Nuts ~:: 491 · · 1 ;~ [v/o/N/fuiiii.tjJili,1.1.1 :1119 ... ,.lflCdtDfp NOi.SD .................. ~ ~-liCMk 11 ltV' I ,,__ Wiil. ___ ,.,. • On IU Pble lrlll"9 nm. -... ............ -r. Ore I .. Shlltriq ,,.. ... ttGL .......... t .. _ . Yan De Knip bdollou -. ("l(mc, IU, ~ 7i> OL 1'11'0. llakll C.d .oz.-······· ... 39' ----------------,-------~----·-··-----·-------·~----Fr"1...ori.1Coff .. --~ .... ,,, ........ ,.f7e, Motolci ()it 1111""11'--·••••·"···•·······••••"'"" 6k MaMwtillton.,..IOIOUOOS.-1Mll.J ..... OI."" $<rMt,_ ---.11-IWI · 2 ... :l9t: .. MTU ~.+.VI IOTIOl'4 Hai Karote .. ot. 'I'° on. "91~ '""° leoM"'°'Ylf! .. ~{..tlf ................... ~ Gold Mtdnl ,,_ IKl.1'oOl'l',J•......O.,.,, ...... $,2.1. ttlJftl"• l'~SouotM Ull ...... , •• ,.,.,.. 2 ... J9'1:: 1111 ()' Ho1191 , __ WI ........ , """'"""".,2ft •lod..,..d l'tm -'•lflO.,.. tAM ..................... 15' Oil-I Mlllt Siioch-Mn ......................... £k Huiit'1 Port l lleM "'U.00 ......................... 'J5c '"'I Slic.d Corroh tmll' ---CM., ....... 2lt Kroft ,...,a, Oreufn9 •OL .11... ..................... 331: All~ Morvar!M 11.l. C'IM. ...................... 79c ......,..., Pvpcor.. oa•1« ~ ...................... 3k ~ s,iv, .oi. 9'\. ................................ Slt Kruh ThowMll!d r.lonrl Drwll!e..OC. 111.. •••• ~ ..... ,,.,, ~ Soo9 ·-.-.. --. .............. 19.: ~·, $trllwbl!IJ ,.,__Ml. ................. $1.J' """'1111•..llm.W.n.u.-........... MI. .. ,,,,. ~~3;r~~;il~1~·r.11r:dJh;~ 1011 Adams Ave., at Brookhurst, Huntington Beach ped cream or I 0 pp Ing . 34081 Doheny Park Drive Capistrano Beach ~~U~d~. I 1 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach ' 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beai 17950 Magnolia, Fountain Valli ' ,• --r-~'-M --• -·O -----r·~~~-------...... ~---~-...... ~ ........ ....--~~-~~~-·--·~-~-----·---.. ----~ --~·-·-·---· ..--........--... ---~• • ~-·-• • -• • re ~:d s: adapt.t!' ~ny brigh partment.s laid in a N for the L is well , .. Iii' m IS\. , .. 69~ as~ .. ; .33' • I • ' ...... ~ -M·"" • .... ff' .... ti'. 1!) 1 ·~U I • 1. ~n Bead! 1in Valley • . . • 1hur1.,0ec.,, 1969.,,.' • · • ' .. • •• it< .Get 'em while they 're hot! El Rancho goes wild . with'grQcery specials!.Come in, take advantage of us! •' ,-•• ~ .. I :t Jde .......... ~1~~! ~~~K:4~ ~ ......... ~ . I) • The new, .improved Tide ••. detergent with enzymes added to give more stain-removing po,verl "11'11X ........ ~ -~-........ . t ,, ' ' I) FOf \\'hite.r v.·hites, use Purex! ••. and, for savings, buy the gallon a.ize at El Rancho! •• Cat faad .............. . Tabby ••• 51;. .. ounce cans •.• in varieties your Kitty will love! ••• and you'll appreciate the savings! ' . . • ·-· Scott Towels .......................... 29' Bt4 jumbo rolls ... your choice of '"hite or colora ! Get Scott's .•• for strength and high absorbency! I Aurora Tissue ......................... 23' '[ o roll .packs at this price. Colors, too ... and lightly scented! Get a pair ••• plus a spare! ' q1al Soap ... ~ ....... :'.'~.~R.~ ... '. ..... 2'¢ Fabric Softener ....................... 69¢ Bath size bars alsuper-savin~. · Nu-Soft ••• big 33 ounce size! Inc. l Oc off. 'antastic .................................. 59¢ Lysol Pine Scent ...................... 49' • Whoosh! ••• and it cleans! 17 oz. spray can. Cleans, deodorizes, kills genus! ••• 5 oz. size. • . . I • ' ' .. El Rancho's Gift Guide Happy solutions to gift buying are yours at El Rancho! A galaxy of gift booklets , , • each beautifully packaged .•• attractively priced ••• ideal remembrances for an individual ••. or to show your appreciation to members of a group. Gift Certificates, too • . • are always '''eicomed warmly. See our Gift Guide for sug- gestiom by the score! -...& ~~=====~ El Rancho Meat Specials! Chunky ... heavy ,..,.itJ1 tender meaty goodne~ ... from the finest California King Size fryers! ' Chitken Breasts ...................... 69~ Chicken Livers ......................... 59~ ~fore S\Veet 'vhite meat from California fryers! Ge t some for the freezer at this Special Price! Manhattan Roast ........... ~~~~~~.: .. '..:.~~~.~ .. ~.~~! ............. S12! The heart of the round ••• U.S.D.A. Choice beef ••• rolled. tied ••• an oven roast you'll serve with pride! I Fl1"k Steak ......... ~.'.~~F.c~ ........ '1.49 ,b. \\re Use Cubbison's Dressing ••• and finer beef! ' Sliced Bacon ............................ 79~ El Rancho's own ••• thicker, leaner ••• tastier I ·Dungeness Crab ................. ~~.~.~~~ .......................... 79~ avored for casseroles or cocktails or salads .... and irresistible at this price! DelicateBSen Specials ! El Rancho Liquor • El-Ranmo--sto ................. ~5'9 PiJ,11ry's-.C'ookles-..... ~ ...... :: ..... 49' ' choc;iato Chip or Sugar ••. ready to bakt. Bottled in Scotland for El Rancho ! ... Fifth • Leo's Smoked Meats ........... 3 for '1 Holiday Times Vodka ........... ~3" :W,~cr ~n slices .•. regular 33c each. Smooth mixer. , , blends beautifully! .•• Quart 11 , • " ' .. The one that America prefers for ::ial&ds and sandwiches ••• at a price everyone will prefer? ••• Quart Caffee ....... ~~~~L~ ."~~~E ....•. The last clrop is good ••• and the price is sensational!!? lb. can ••• ;1.17 ••• 3 lb. can ••• $1.75 Birds Eye Peas Froicn .•• s\veet, tender with garden fresh 1oodness! ••• and at a price that invit.es )'.OU to Bave! .· Crisco Shortening ...... ~ .L~: ~~ •••.•• 69 Use it for frying, for baking ••. and knovf that the q uality is pure, and the results are .sure ! Gold Medal, Flour ....... s. ~s: .s~~ ..... 4 t ~ The one that gives you the 'vhite thumb! \\'ith hol1day baking ahead, get a bag or two this week! ·~ Margarine ... '. ......................... 3 '" '1 )!azola .•• from corn oil .•. 1 lb. pk.gs. Cal Fame Orange Juice ....... 6 "' '\ · Frozen! Concentrated! Super-vaJues! 6-oz. e&Qlf S BROWN OR 2 29~ ugar ............ l'OWOUEo. ........... for , C & Ji .•• front H"''"aii ••. 1 lb. pkgs • . Gerber's Baby Food ........... 3 "' 25• Gerber's ••• strained ••• choose Baby'1 favorite1t Royal Gelatin ...................... 3 for 19¢. Fruit Drinks .......................... 4 111 '1 Your choice of flavors ••• 3 ounce packaJes. Cal Fame ••• 46 ounce cans. , • all flavors! Chex Cereals ........................ 3 '" '1 Mazola Oil ................................ 59• Ralston's \Vheat, Rice or Corn! ••• Reg. 4tc Golden corn oil •• , for.salads, or cooking? Quart Nib lets Com ....................... 2 "' 39¢ B .'n' B Mushrooms .............. 3 "''1 Golden \\'hole kernels ••• 12 ou nce cans. Buttons, Sliced or Chopped ••• 3 oz:. cans • Green Beans ....................... 2 1or 39¢ Springfield Ice Cream ............. 69• Green Giant ••. Cut or French Style! ••• No. 303 Half gallon •• smooth, creamy •• popular flavora l Super Fresh Produce Specials ! Appl1s ...... ;; ....... S!l Golden Delicious ••• ripe and sweet, yet firm and crunchy cri.sp ! · Cauliflower ............ ~.~~ .. ~~~~ ................. 19~ · Finn compact heads with 'vhite floret5 ••• brisht .green leaves ••• tenderf Open d4ilv I to 9 ••• Sundav 9:30 to 7:00. I Pri.cea in effect Thur1. through Sun. Dec . .&, S, I~ 7. No salu to deakrB. · Ask the manager.about our convenfeifl Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. _NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently lo.cated stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena f I .\ .. Q DAU. Y PILOT Wednesday, Dtctmbtr 3, 1969 AGAIN THIS YEAR MAYFAIR Will HAVEJHE FINEST SELECTION OF ~C:HRISJMAS ~ TREES· 'A COMPLETE SRECTION OF SIZES 6. SHAPES OF QOUGLAS FIR, NOBLE FIR, PLANT A Tlatr.'"WHITE FIR. SCOTCH PINES 6.. SILVER TIPS -••• CUT FRESH FROM· THE COLD NORTHERN SLOPES, PACKED IN SNOW AND 1a AND RUSHED BY MAY· FAIR TRUCKS OVERNIGHT TO INSURE THAT THE THICK BUSHY NEEDLES WILL HOLD ON TILL WAY AtTIR THI HOLi· DAYS. HEINZ . ,4 ~%. 5 S t KETCHUP ................... lorn! for FlUIT 'DRIN"S 'HJ.C.3s1 · ..... 46.0L for GIANT AJAX es~ DETERGENT ........... }!~~- «p Dt.Wty Spooiats ~ con AGE CHEESE mfillfair Frui~ & Vtgttab&s.-- ... TOMATO SOUP . CAMPBELL'S 1011> OZ.CAN . for$1 ·DOG .FOOD VET'S NO. 1 TALL CAN 2for $ .. • RICH'S WHIP 49' TOPPlllG 10 oz "" .. RU SS ET POTATOES woom~moow CELERY . f fi~~ .......... 15' U.S. N0.1 ~LB. BAG c EMPEROR GRAPES ~ii,EET.. Ls.10c ANJOU PEARS ~;~c~ .... . .. 5 LBS. s1 SPANISH ONIONS ~g._<J ,,.~ ... 3 l~s.·2f . . FUL VITA MULTIPLE VITAMINS ~'3uNr WITH FREE ~~~MG. VITAMIN C 11.39 Van de Kamp's SPECIALS · Thurs.Sun., Dec. 4·7 Chocolate $llS Pecan · Cake .... l·L•r•n Raspberry or Apple ]gt Coffee Cake ..... av. .... Dain ty lfoze n c Doughnuts ... ,.,. 01"39 woooooooomoc . ' : mIDJfair Frozen Food· -...... . T.V. DINNERS SWANSON REGULAR PKG .. BEEF TURKEY 1 CHICKEN ·._CHOPPED ~._. • ......,.; 1 SIRLOIN ~' ... . •. ·ur \~--· ORANGE JUICE : ·'ll' ·I ·~ l MA YFRESH .,l!I 12-0Z. J9 '~11 CAN 1!!11~' 60Z._CANS . for· ~l~u~.~9o~ VA_~ ~E.~~~~F~~~~:;:;~~~<6f • --=-mIDJfair Liquor CASE · ' ' "DISCOU~ OH NATION AL IRAWOS PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT TRANSISTOR RADIO ROYAL OCCASION VODKA $329 BO.PROOF ...... H•·•H··H••·•····••·•••••••••••••••·-•····· flfTH !'o!o1t,.~gy~~~~~~PR00f ....... FIFTH 5449 GLEN RAVEN SCOTCH $469 -86.8PRQ01'; ................................................ flFTH LEONARDO· BRANDY ... '"'" $399 80PROOf _, .................................. . mfillfair Dtf«mkssUt .BUDDIG CHIPPED MEATS SMOKIDBE!F, 3 $ CORNED BEEF, HAM , TURKf'f. CHICKEN·& t>ASTRAMI· • for YOUR CHOICE 3-0Z. PKG .............. .. LUNCHEON ·MEATS OL' VIRGINA lltAND S-Ol. PKGS. ALL MEAT OR BEEF BOLOGNA, COTTO SALAMI SPICED LUNCHEON, SANDWICH, DUTCH. OUYE OR PIOC LE & PIMIENTO LOAF SCHIRM ER'S BEEF SALAMI CHUBS 11-0z .. o ........................ _ 69c SCHIRMER'S BAVARIAN BRAUNSCHWEIGER •<><PKo .... 69c ZWAN SLICED IMPORTED HAM wLPko ............................... 59c BETTERMAID ASSORTED PUDDINGS '"'""' .................... :. 3Sc PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER.:..: •.. "'lll' 99' SMUCKER 'S ICE CREAMTOPPI NG ........•.•... trn~ 3i11 vuuub PJucEs EFUCT.IV't+<fWU>.t~--l--«> t-1~nlSCitMANm ........ ti.til l SM!mR'S"PURfi1!uttSYR _ .... -.... .. . llR gio--+--T-AH..,URSOAY. -DEC. 4th THRU WED·., DEC. 10th KLEENEX 0"UTIQUE NAPKINS "" 21' PATIO "0~" "'"'"" ~"""' " 0 ·"" 49' DU .DEALPA(I(, l~f~O« CHlf!.f ENCHllAOA, MEklCAN,COMllNATlON .. k•• MAYFAIR MARKET-175 E. 17th STREET, COSTA MES A IMO DRESSING _. ·-· ~1 21 ' ·--·· ~r.1 35' PATIO FROZEN BURRITO ROLLS ~J~t.'.l'.~l'~: .... _ 59' OPEN 24 HOURS ' l h, ... ____ ....._ t ' ----------.. ' ---......... -.. -..... ....,,-.... -·-----4 17 'ILOT-AOl'ERTISER Wtdnesd_,, Deurnbtt 3, 1%9 i I I • • I . . CADILLAC NINETEEN SEVENTY EXCELLENT SELECTION OF JUODELS & COLORS AVAILABLE FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE ' Even when measured by Cadillac standards of ex· cellence, the 1970 Cadillac is sure to exceed your greatest expectations. Let's get together soon for a demonstration drive. A 1'lag11iiit±ent Expe1·ie11ce • USED, LOW . MILEAGE 1969 COUPE DE VILLE A l;eautiful Cordcv1n extertor with. brown vinylroof ind cordov1n cloth and l11ther intarior •. Full pcwer •quipmeMt plot· factcry a ir tonditionin9. AM.F.M radic, door lcc:lt1, 1l1c:tric 51•t r1l1111. A lcv1ly -c1r. IJ91547701 1969 EL DORADO Exquisite Sapphire ~ ftttmlst with wl"rite padded t9p _and white leather interor. Fae· tory air, full power, stereo AM. power door locks, tllt and telescopic •teerlni wheel, etc, etc. (H9101792) 1967 'LEETWOOD Brougham. Embalsy black With black fop and black l~t.bl!T interior. Full power, tac· tcry air, tilt wheel, at.etto Altt•FM, power door lockA, pOwer trunk release, Vozue pre. .mlum tires, •t.c.(.etc. -~UPS731) 1968 RIVIERA Shlmmerill&' white with black vtnyl top and black vinyl interim-. Full power, factory air condltlonlng. bucket seats, AM" FM radio. (V\VJ744) 1968 l!IONTIAC Bonneville 4 door· hardtop. Alpine whitl.: \\ith black vinyl interior. Automatic, J)O\\'er steering, power disc brakes, radio, heater, factory air condlUoning, new white wall ti.res. CYWCS51) 1969 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. Ermine whlte"with exquisite aqua cloth I: leather Delpb1ne interior, Full power, factory air cond.IUoninz, AM·F?il ra- diO. <ZRF112J. 1965 CADILLAC Sedan De Ville. Popular Newport Blue wl dlx. interior, Factory Air Cond, Fall PCM·er, signal seekinz Radio, tilt I: telescopic wheel, all Dix. Xtru. lIWD204J • SALi $6444 PllQ SAUi ~233_3 PaJCI SALi $5333 . ' PalCI SALi $1777 PalCI O''ER 30 QUALI'fY CADILLACS 1'0 SELECT FROl\1! LARGEST SELECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY! ..---___ NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 --·· SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN SALE $5444 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC Coupe de, Ville. -Normandy blue with black Landau and blue leather trim. Full J)O\\'er, factory air amdJUoninz; tilt-tele wheel, AAI·FM radio, etc. Local one owner. (VGZ117) I 1967 THUNDIRBIRD Alpine \vhite with black vinyl Interior. Full po\\·er, factory air, AM·Fl'lt", tut steer~ whttl. Ne\v radial tires. (UTC387) 1968 CADILLAC Sedan DeVUle. Emperor blue with white vinyl top and "·hite lea'ther interior. Tull power, factory air cond!Uoninz. AJ\.1-FM ra· dl o, J>0''·er door locks, r~ar window defo1:· ger, etc. Local, 1 O\\Tier. (VTM274J 1964 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllle. ArcUc \\"hite extCrfor with black cloth and leather interior. Full power and air conditioning, Af.l ·FM radio. (KlZS54) 1965 OLDSMOBILE Delta .88 4 door hardtop. Autumn cold with mal~h1ng cloth a.nd vinyl interior. Auto- matic, ~wer s tcerlnJ and brakes, factory a.J r conditlonlni;, radio, heater, \\'hite wall tres. (XEU321) 1968 CONTINENTAL ' Sedan. Glacier ~een \\'ilh zreen leather ln- lt>rior. Full power, factory air, Al\1-Fl\t ra- dio, po~·er door locks, tilt \\•heel, absolutely beautiful throughout! {V\VK492J .\411 ·$4222 P.llCE SALi ~888 PUCE SALi ~4444 ' PalCE SALi s1444 PllCI SA.LE $5444 .. . Pl ICE SALi. $3888 PllCI ( I , NABERS CADILLAC . · LEASE DIRECT lmmtdlatt delivery • Exctlltnt Stltction Over four acres of factory author· i1ed tatal Cadillac facilities design• ed to better ..a and service HW - and used Cadillac automobiles. ---.....,. 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM l\fon. thru Fri. • 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sa t. and Sun. All CARS SUIJECT TO PRIOR SALE. All SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROllGH TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1969 • • ~~ ' .. .. . . · ~:-= I r l ., .-i ... _____ ..... ____ .,.. ___________________ ~~---- " " . • HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS ES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gtntr•I 1000Gtneral 10001-~-------~-------- •• ···~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l c;.ner1I ~~ ' . . ::. :; t :PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOME S • : , · Shown by Appointment 1 L in~a VJ• Drive 4 Bedroo1n. 5 bath h~e in final stal:i.t:" or completion. Palos Verde stone entry & fire· . • places. Familv room & billiard roon1 . Ecauti- •: fully decQratCd. Priced at ........... $15;j,000 15 Linda Isle Dri ve Ne\v & beautiful 4 Bedroon1 , 5 baU1 home . · "with large sunken living roo1n & fan1. rin., Wet bar. Radiant electr1c heat. Carpeted & ~andscaped. Priced ................ $155'.000. 16 Linda Isle Drive : Exquisite1y decorated 5 Bedroo1n, a Ba'th : · · 'new home \Vith upstairs \;'iC\V of Corona de! :' , rrtar hills. 3 fireplaces & BBQ. Cantilevered : . : ~ · .patio deck. Priced 'vi th dock at ...... $145 ,000. . 90 Linda Isle Drive ·:-.Beautiful 4 Bedroom, ll Balh·home with extra .. ;: ,large living room &. master Bedroon1 . Car· , pets &: drapes. Landscaped. Boat slip. ~car p --tennis court & clubhouse ............ $135,000 L ind a I sit De velopment Co. ·~ 1080 Bayside Or., N.B. Bill G rundy 675-3210 • SOUTH 1000 ~neral .1000 Looking ' For A FOREST E. New Home? 0 L s o·N' Don't overlook this, 'fhe fin-, icky owner has PQli.shed thia ge1n to pcrfectlolt !i large bcdroon1s. 1 lbat~ wann family roon1 and flia" living roo1n with cozy lireplaec. Inc. Realton: CUSTOM Hardwood Doors and shake NEW ENGL ND roar chnii11. Perfccl first A home for the 1nan on the FARM way ur ;28,500 11.nd 1vo1·th II!! · At fabulous Newpo1·t Beach. 4 1nfU;lt<r size bedrooms. 2 full baths. F;rm kill'hen - panll'Y -dcluxr bt1iJt.ins. lluge '.'..:. f!. Ne1v England ran1ily room 11·ith tons of old b r i c k fireplace. '\'indin;:: sta.ircl'l~e 10 unique heavy beamed studio or -!luge 5th bechwn1. 51 ~'f. annual ';ii rate loHn a\'<11lable. Un· e qua 1 e d 11t $38,9j{I, Dial No111! 645-030'J. Colesworthj & Co. "Agent'' "for A \Vise Buy" W.7TT7 WHY RENT? $123 .00 Month 4 BDRM + FAM + RUMPUS WHAT'S THIS 1 ! $18 ,500 Aud only 6 yeaL'J young. F'an- lncludes tastic lcl'n1s too! Get togeth- er $1,300 and that's all you rleed! ·I zocld site Dedmoms I HOUSES FOR SALE Oenari l ' 1000 Lot OwtMU'C • • • ·A l·hdtoom Home .. FOrt ONLY $10,995 ' ··BU ll>T ON YOUflt LAND ' FEATun'1NG: f' IOSC. sq. JI. • Double iaJ'Bie e All lath and plaster e Pullman bath e S111ielou1 1vardrobes CA LL 537.0380 •In most Orange Coun!y and othcl' approved areas. STANCO Builders Inc:. OPEN 7 Days 1C666 \Vestminster Ave. Garden Grove Balanced Po11•er Hornes OPEN DAILY 1·5 1220 Dolphin T e rr, CdM Fomllll dining· room, 3 BRs 2 baths, hug~ IJving room v.'ith fireplace -1-family room overlooking large pa- tio. 2500 sq I! living area. Lochenmyer Rr;i/tor 186ll Newport Blvd., CM CALL 6-16-3928 Eves. 644-1655 • ' DI HOUSES FOR SALE ' HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSE S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! G ener1I 1000 Hun tington Be1ch 1400Huntlngton Bea ch 1400 Gonerol 1000 1..,-~~~~~~-sY Owner -lrg assumable GI loan 3 Br, 21,J ba, din rin. ram nu, walk to schl1, bch, prlnc. o n 1 Y. $33,500. 968-TIOO FINlST VIEW r1~m the top or lfarbor Vie1v }\ills. Lo\lely falJ]ily ~c , 3 liR, 2 BA, ramtly l'OODl, prof decor. l~J yr old-xlnt c&wi.. $S2,SOO. JI.r.2 Fleet , !Arel\ 1111. Dw""T &l&-4328 NEW HOME IMMEDIATE MOVE IN 4 BDRMS 11/1 BATHS l/4 MILE FROM BEACH $20.990 HUNTINGTON BEACH 'y,ith 3 ~. 31,i ba1 magnltlcent panelj!d den with fulJ bar and ' .s!one fireplace. Big view-side kitchen $ll9,000 1, "'" 3 Br, 2 Bo. ""°'· .,. Call Now 962-1353 "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I sume 6~ <;~. Owner 531-7636." := ......._ Newport Beach 1200 ) Corona dtl M~~2JO HORSES OR UNITS Owner Will Finanee COMl'ANY REALTORS 673-4400 1100 ' Gov't Foreclosu r e Large 4 bdnn 2 bath in Costa J\1esa for $20,000 full price on -big corner IOt. 'Vilh S1500 down total payment is ;177/rno. including taxes. Available for non-vets or GREAT VIEW ""· Vacant .... !Oday. LUSK CALL 540.USl Heritage Real EstaJe (open eves) 1~~; :w,:~o!!Riot~ I "'!!"!E!!'A~S~J~S!!'!!l~D!'!E~'" lam. nn. Land"•Ping p,.f. . . done. ··sparkling•· clean. - ~;~. $22;950 10"/, OOWll Cozy home on a quiet cul de . sac. Lots of fruit trees arxi Coldwell, Banker & Co. room 1o, • •""'"· The bey 559 Newpor! Centei: .. Dr, of tl)e \11eek. - N•Wf'Ol'I ,&och~Collf,' .~ 646-7171 83M700 . ' -2430 Mod . D le I BEAUTIFUL ern up 'xes EXECUTIVE HOMI! On The Pe n ins ula \Yith a truly spacious ocean 2 BR, fireplace, enclosed gar. 1·ic1i'. Absolutely immacu- age. each unH. Near beach. late! One of the finest 3 Only $54,950. Rdims., fam. rn1. homes. On Balboa Island ro1mal din. rm., 2~fl baths. 3 BR lower + <\ BR upper, Beau! carpeting & draptJ. elec bltn'!, fireplace. $85.000 Lanai' 01·erlooklng Corona Rieldl• & Ross 675-7225 del l\Iar. Dbl. det. l:lr. w/ FIXER UPPER Large 3 bdnn home nee& Tender Loving Care. Bargain pric- ed at $27,950 -Owner gays bring oHer. CALL ~ f open eves) South Coast Real. Estate. BEST BUY · VACANT $.~3.IXXI • f'OOL Bluffs, $'1:!. mo. assn leE'_ 3 Br. 2323 East BluU Dr. c!C'ctric door openc.r. Xlot landscaping & feneing. Ir. replaceable at $59,500! Only l ~i yrs. old. Stop by our off. ic:e al the Jamaica Jnn for vour inspection of man Y ~thrr llornes or call, anytime • 573.;1211 or jll-6613 e BILL HAVEN 2111 ~:. Coast, Cdl\l 673-3211 10!& S. :\lain. S.A. 541-6613 67";..6()4;1 M CHEAPEST IN BLUFFS Searc:h No ore . " SANTA ANA COLLEGE PPR:\ Everythl'ng -z bath~ -kitchen with built-in.~. }"am\ly + rumpus . . . I rooin. Beautiful, well kept, I :::-;-;-;-;;z.:-z.-z.-~~-;-;;; :::;:-::;i;z.:-~~mm:::;: ~ bed I b tJ $26 950 11 5 ~ ,) IM..'(!roon1. hon1e 111 trec lined con11nu:1Hy. \Vhere Golfers-Take Note! $' 100 DOWN !• t e room. 11·o a 1 • I 1 Costa i\tesa. !here s no quaL in the ii·orl·' can ,·ou r•n.1 a ' lo THE REAL \'.'\._ ESTATERS "-l I t •, ' ' , ~ c l''I $31.95() • 4 BR Kew lis1in.I!: in Harbor View Owner desperate • musl !!iell-llill s. Bet!e1· than ne1v, haa easy terms. 644-6488. e1·c1vlhing . r."<cellent view, -~-~~----1 ne•H:ly 2200 sq. fl.. 3 bdrmi .• BY o"'·ner. 4 BR, 3 Ba, lam ~· baths: no extras lo Qey! rm, din rm, cus bit. End of r.tany upgraded feature•. cul-de-sac. 36J Vista Baya Elegant carpets & drapes. 642.-61M6. Beautlfully dl.'C'Oraled & lnd-FORE==cw"'"s"u"R'°E~o -.3,-B"R;;-. "2·,-~ 1 scpd. An honest value at BA. TO'wnhou se, lrptc, pool. $59,:-,00 • nnd you can pur- Needs pa.int. $27.500. chase !he land. \\'hy oot call Liai10n Co. 6l6-0i32 now for an app't. to inspect! ASSUME GI • 'f·"' -•-• nd d-~·d ·1 · I · · u · .,,., \Ve have ne1v listings of sev-',• • WlY ca.,..."" a ... ,,~ · (a Ke n Koll hJl~l°l) 1 y1ng to asstu.11c t 1e e:i:tslmg i.~ .... ,,·n 1,.,, 111,.,,.10,.c 1.,st•. \Viii buy thi~ Eastside J bd-' .. I VA Lo h I ....... ,. " ... era! large cu~ton1 . BuUI 1 ! Built-in kitchen 1vith laundt')' Corner Joi with Spl"!'IJI ii;uk· an "'''t an _annua Dial 615-roOO. homes along lhe faii'\\·ays t'lll fixer upper for a qual- 1 ~ facilities. Double 1;arage. I percentage rate of 6~<.. Full ified FHA/VA buyer, Va-l; • l, ·.t'""" yard. ~.j acre r.inch· ! ing area for bo<lt .t t'.'111lj)C'r! price is $21,950 • Best Buy o[ beautiful J\lesa Verde rant & \1•aiting for a new LOAN with low low interest, 3 bch·m 2 balh home. Pr~ at 23,500 • $111/m:> pays ~ Adult occupietl IJ·nnn wi 1l1 Anl~wxi!'*;, , .. '· . 645-0JQJ , Country Club. Up lo .~ oQ owner. , it : et'"' at end or cul -de, sac ..... l II bo c t fl a: 6 bdrins. f'ill now for v near nc1v carpctill'" \ ;i•·:i nl It er r en er :. :-·street only $22,900 -l'"llA ' d 1 1.1 . • 2299 Hftrbor Blvd., G.M. ."further detail~. 1: ~ 'PERl'olS. ··.rea y or your 'll'"l"!'!S v' ACANT ~· '46·'180 ~· ,«·· occupancy. Cati 0011 In ~t'C, oJ J !. -• (ne1retnema tP\e.lb'tl . /\sk fo1· Dan Lee 540-ll51 Heritage Real Estate (open evesf .· t, ' 2 BEOROOI'' ORANGE COUNTY'S LLEGE REALTY !; " ' II LARGEST LAND '"'""""'~"'""·"" 1:' . 2629 HARBOR BLVD. Hardwood f!t,ll~ ;.;EN ~~~~ILL 8:30 E. Bolio Avo. I " . ~ . . . 1· • : ! ............................ i ·• :• LOWER THY RENT .. _ '.. By owning this line dup!e.11:. ' ;.,, I ·Shows pride or 01vnership. . Safe sh011 walk to licach. I: " Cl.1'J)t\S, tlraprs, buil1-ius. retri~rator in both tUlit..s. A bargain at $:19.0CO in New- port Beach. Never a vacan(')' • solid inl"OJl1e. $20,700 ~ ,;· ' ' . --- Clean, sharp ttop!e "1 It~· futi ~" . ,.. "I 5 in Wes t Senta Ana Near new cprs iii 11ii:r'clult rA.>P•n .Dai Y 1· . occupied home. call 11·i1i· • N Ort H9 hts Tru11 ..... en locatefl property lomon'OW t'.OU!d be '"'" l~lll'. ewp ICJ is ~i!u11led at 4717 E. Bolsa SOI KINGS PLACE live., 1 nii. 11·est of llarbor Newpu1 I ,, V icto• ia 646-8811 Anyt ime l·l bdrms l ~i halhs, blt·ins. frplc, living & h1n1 1·n1 . New pitint Job in8ide & out, l"Ompl l'p!d. Obie garage. Shake roof ~ he11led pool. Lochenmyer Realtor Blvd., in the rily of Santa Ann. All utilities avail11b le . J\1any zoning usrs passible: Convalescent hon1e, apart- ments, contmercial, and re- lat~ uses. Inheritance ta."< paid on appraiSE'd vaJ11e or $60,000, Selling pri~ $63,600. 1800 Newport Blvd., Q.t -f'IJOJtH! 512·!1jJJ $26,950 ·5 Bedrm + Pool 3 baths, full dining mom. Rich wood paneling -hand- some breakfast bar. R family lil'ing in an area or n1ost convrniencc. 540-1720. TARBELL 2955 Harbor A Private Glimpse Into this exciting world of th~ most exclusive resident.- fa. section on the Back Bay In Dover Shot"rs. 3 brand ue1v mOOels. 4 bdrms, 3~~ baths. SPArkling pool. Roy J. \\'al'd 1430 Gala...:y Dr. 616'.l5JO "LARGEST PROPERTY IN MESA DEL MAR LOVELY 4 Br. custom built, Baycrest area. lge backyd, 2001 Lee\\'8rd. 548--0773 SANTA ANA llElGIITS By Ownt'r 4 BR, 2 BA. dbl Ne wport Heights 1210 $23,900 ex~I tenns. J BR. gar, enclosed main patio + A LITTL:E bd"''d flni, cptd, frplc, patio, 2 open patioa, Unique en- blt-in R&O, Lg cor. lot. trance. Slu-ubs, trees. J\tany PRIVATE KINGDOM e • • • extriL5! $34,000. Call 546-31'67 \Valled patio, l Br. + din. + ,--JB HA\' ,\ llE.ll'll llE.u:r\' 1 ~r. EST 1 ~~9 67S lO~O ' - --' Lido Is le 1351 4 BR 2 ha, nr \Vestc\iff 3 BR house on \Vilson $Z3.500. family + 20x2'2 ti. all PUC· shopping S27,900. Cptd, 01vner. By appoinhnent. pose room. $4!1.000 107 VIA E BOLI .sri·cencd patio, scp. block 5'IS-2Q39/646-4TGO Walker Rlty. 675-5200 4000 SQ. F T. hOUlle l\'Ol"k!iho11. (l.ll'ard 33fi6 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. B 3 I OLDER 2 BR 110,.,, ' nn• 4 R, ' BA , 3 r.al' r:arag• \Vinning chii<rs lrec house • L"'-' 0 • • • • gar. Lrg lot -suitable for Dover Shores 1227 Crpt.s, drp~. unusual featur- buildinll' Y"--l:M1 es. Built 1967. Owner C. R . 1'". Kinga111'd Real Esta\e -~· "!If"~ I MI 2.7122 =:.==;-=~:;::;===:I '-h'lrreplaceable Vie\Y1'.( Gangl. 213 I 244·3101; eves ii0i0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0iii0 Mes• Ve....e ,, • 1110 Bay & Mountains! 1.,,213="/="""'==700=·=o="'="=·==·I Pools-Pools-Poolsl Regal "Old 'Vorld" Conlem-4 BR, 2 BA, Im rm, e:..:ec porary piclurecnue home w/ Huntington Beacn 1400 4 + family roun1 1,·ith Gl home Bll"e ........1 ,.,.,_,, Pvt "' · "'" !>""" -.v•ru. uno'--tructed vic1v • most' ---------·I loan of $'12,200 at n91 Incl. wall·• !r•t pat10· Jge htd ~ '· cu " • moms. s,rn.. U'f. It, 4 Br's, $16,950 " PAUL·WIDTE CAR NAHAN :R.B .lLTY CO. ' 1093 Baker, C.~1. (' ,546-&440· Commercial Sleeper 04tsta11ding Jocatir.11 i-! 011e or Coata i'l'lri.;1 ·~ busies! intcrseclio11". CALL 646-3928 or 546-!"'8 Eves 644,1655 646-22001 __ c_._,,._.,,_,_,_•0_B_,_"_••-"--all • or Jovel;,-l\lesa Vtrde 11wim pool w/11llde & div 4,L ~~ +";aids qtn. Easy $23,000 3 + fan1ily -dining l'OOlllS-brd Pror 'landscpng Jo n ..._ Cambridge Series. aint $43 950 'idl\...7573 rhaint. Jmmed occup. Furo- 3 bdnns 2 baths. electric built-in range, oven, car· pets, 60xl00' fenced lot, dou- ble garage, landscaped. ~1700 dov.·n. . . \ $25,000. FHA . --..-~· ~ ·BONUS ROOM ' LINDA ISLE •· Has rcsid"nlial in<v111<• ;1 f\"at College Park beauty: 111111!! at prcsrnt. ltl'( BAYFRONT .2200 sq foot 3 bedroom 3 fninlagc, exl"'ilent 1'0111· , .\ fantastlc bayrront buy. l •,\ ~ bathrooni home • .Canie 1nercial potential & 11 1 Lari;:e br.drooms, 3 baths, ~ '. room has ampl: room for ls 1oned C:!. 1 scp.iratt dinini; room: Ss ft. AMu1n11ble Jo1v ·Interest loan. Located on beautHuJ rree lined street. This l'Jon1e is a real valur. J..01\' down pay- n1cnt -1wn1 for boat or trailer. No credit qu&lillca- lions. ! pool lable or pmg-pong ta- 54'-9521 or 540.6631 r '.ble. a tra large,..:2 c~ gar! .• , COATS of bayfront \l•ith pier & slip. . age . The l't'S\ of th!! borne is & Asking SlCj,OOIJ. :,, ) 1 1o1a"'ily'' sizr.d w~th large, WALLACE iohn macnab •; · S'~parate l il~n::;. room plus REALTORS (714 ) 642-i23S :,. .; .. r'.lmlly C00111: :\r<tl -"·ell -S4M141-!101 Dovc1· Dl'ivc. ::)uitc .120 : ... :1: .,..ev1 yar~;3r3rm~. I =~11o~pe~··:o-e:.-:o.z.n:1"~g~·~>=:i 1;;:;;i:N:'~'~'-""~"~"'~'~~:· ~::;-: l'miiiiiimi 1: -->AJOO._ : YOUR OWN PLACE One . of.•. kind ,,-~·-.,, t . ~. ~ AT THE TOP Preten1ious 4000 sq. ft. hon1(' or goH course fair-vay • LlL"<. J;;;iiiiiiiiiiii ... iiOiiO ... i. I 2'i acrr~ overlooking \-allf'y ut·ious air-coocJ. game rm., VIEW HOME ; , 4--~·Divorce Forces Sale ,(:. n1ountains in 'tucaipa. 12 ft. \\'Cl bar and all that 4 bd1111 spl il level "'·Ilg ; i..Ovely vic1v home ~ Back Sn1all home \\'ith loads ol sort of thing • plus a view run1pus nn, wet bar & ,. i" ~Bas area. 4 lg. bedrooms, 1 ~ntlfbca1·L11g trees .. si~uatcd tha! "'·on't quit. Corm-8ec ii! frplc. View to Catalina• •. , !!1,n1 & din rnis. Vacant. Im. In s1\ch a way that Jt tti pos-lights by nigh1. : med. po1$. &e.it-. l\1nke siblr 10 subdivide parl of ~ 54 6·5880 $47.T~ r your ofter • Buy a bargain. Pl'tllK'l't y. $29,750. • (n!arcillmia lh!alrt) ''l' .. ,., -.,~ .·1,· , . ,. 1 ··~·· ,, ••• \• 546-5990 , ~ LLEGE REALTY : ~ 516·5880 Barrett Really 1500•d•"'"'"'""'·cto1 • (ntarcine(ll.Jl lh!alit) OlLEGE REALTY 100' \\'."""" D'"· NB MESA VERDE -TLIR KEY TIME • J~Mams .11IKarW,Cftl • " COUNTRY CLUB '"''l!""!i:'!'~~~~!'!'"""' ~ 642·5200 ~'-" For litUe nwre than rent, I' """'"""""'"""""""""~I $35,750 you can prepare your Z.:mas ; OCEANFRONT Very spacious bedrooms_ de-1urkcy in this new 3 BR. & :. • S BEDROOMS $19,900 tails lo delight a p1'0Jession-family home \\l llhin walking ~ Ideal Location NE1\R BEACH. 3 Ue<hwm 1 al decora!or. Tasteful '''all distaoce to thr beach, and $54,000 1Jn1hs. pulio, n1.111l.v decorat· pi.1lCr, all C[C'ctric kitrhen. you O"'N the land. CR\l 10. • ·-; • George W illiamson etl. 011·n~r Jea1·int; slate. Inviting famil.v 1'0Clnl. l'"h~ day, 1vr'Jl lr.arl 1hc 'l'ay! t• I REALTOR i\lakr oUcr. 968-35C:i pla rc. 540-1720 .H al P inchin & A ssoc. • l ~73-4350 Eves. 673-1564 HARRY A. BOGGS Ritt. TARBELL 2955 H oYrbor ~ E. Cousi !11vy. 675-4392 2043 Wtstcllff Df-1 .t lrvfne Open Evenings ' ' ?• IAYCRHT ENCLOSID POOL 7612 Edin.tcr OCEAN YIEW m ·' · · · r ished. $118,000. Consider Attr11ctive home ,.,,ilh many ~ 546·5380' . -I BR. 12 B.'f.,'im· rm, exec trade/vac. IQt, Aisume 6%% handy work features. Large fnwdn!l'lllthelb!l home. 'BMrli, good cond. Pvt loan. 548-7249 valtiable Jot, Unobstructed L!GE REALTY "-'ailed f.rnt patio. lge htd ,·irw ;iJI the \va.,v to Lai..'11na. JSOOMMns.11tHlrtler,C.W. si\'im pool Wtslidc & div Univers ity Park 1237 830.6060 TARBELL l ,.;;::::=m=s~==m~ brd. Prof land.scpng, Jo QUIET STREET _ 3 BR, l~ ba. 27 fl llv. rm. Cpts, dfl>S, bltns. Lee lot, cov. boat ~!orage. S17,200. CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 67~l-1662 557.9;,9:; Eve. 3036 E. Coast !fwy., Cdl\1 $38,500 5 Bedrm + 3 Baths Ii main!. $13,950. 540-7573 ·Mesa Del Mar •• 5 b<lnns, 3 balhs. dining room. \Valking distance from Kindergarten --College. S3S,500.. , Wtlls-McCa.rdle, Rltrs. 1810 Ne1vport Blvd., C.til. 548-7729 64·1-0684 eves. Collflo, Pork, • . 1115 Open Cony 10.S PM LG. 4 bitnn 11· !:la.•Assumable low int loan. 2339 Colgate Dr. For information call. Pf:RRO~ RLTY 642-lm Now-looeh ; 1200 THAT NEW LOOK and truly adorable, oru, 2 Br. but spacious. Quality thruoUt & top location. This one has value +! $27,0CO •red hill REALTY -Univ. Park Center, Trvine c;.u Anytime 833-0!20 l' n1t1u1:m1qmt1 961-4471 l ~;: I 54M10J Owner Despera te !lfust sfll • translerred out of state. Take ovrr 5~. ~ G.l, Joan. Neal 4 & fan1. rm. w/ lu\ty eq11d. Anthony pool. $191. inel's. ta.~"~ & ins. \Vide open" for oUer on llit- ing of $34,ffiiO. 5.f6·5880 {near tmm'll tlltlbel LLEGE REALTY f ull dining room !or those holiday banquets. 2 fire- place. Pool sized grounds. Prim~ • pre.i;tige location. :>-W.1720. $20,000. G.I. Terms Spacious hon1e with custom tarpe\ing & drnf)('s. Fire- place. Delightful patio. 4 yr:i;. new. Serene .sunwnd· ;ng. *LEASE 01' .. TION * Larre 4 Br. 2~i bath home. Great area for children be- cause of the pools, tennis, clubhouse. All for S3-t950. Gr~h•m R,lty , 6f0.2414 Near Newport ~ Office Corona dtl Ma r 1250 1 .,~""'"llOO~"""'!!!!~'',."',."°' .... "',,."i Owner Transfer red Sharp 2 story 3 bdrm 2~~ bath, On cornrr lot. Carp- ets/drape~ all built-ins. For- mal dining 1'001n, :i;ervice poxh, family roo111. Assume ~% GI loan • price S3i'l,900. TARBELL 2955 Ho rbor 3 BR 2 bath home, corner lot 130xl80 • add 5 mett l'nits. Drive by 1545 Santa Ana Ave. then cnll il1111!11 ltealfy 642~ $28,500 S Bed r m +F a m ily r m . 1 balh~. den !or rrlaxing. FJeclric kitchen, new dish- 11•ashrr. Eleganr lirt>place. Roo1n fnr hon!, :1~0-1720. TARBELL 2955 Harbor O~l"OSIT• HUHTl/rtOTON C•HTlll 830.6060 TARBELL $24,950 4 Bedrm + Family Rm. Pleasing home ll'ilh modern buill in· kltchen. Covered patio. Owner helps 1vith fin- ancing. 5-K)-1720. TARBELL 2955 Harbor \VANT To buy duplex or sn1all 11ousc in E-Ctit area. Principals only. 675-0617 or (i~Z..-1863 E 842-4455 OpH l•nlngs WESfCLIFI'. $69,5-00 Dlstihcttve, 'aitra.Ctlve owner built. 6 yn, old. 4 Bd., pan. den. Ill5Ulated. Brk. rm, Bl kit. 3 baths. R, C. GIJEE~ !holly 3.3$ Via Lido I • 673-9300 STEiJiS ft;> OCEAN Like neW 4 Br. 2'i baths: blU11'. Street -to -stn!el lot. Roo1n for boat . Only $33.500. CAYWOOD REAL TY 6306 \V. Coast ll""'Y·, NB • 54S-1290 • COS A THE COMPLETE HOME 3 bedroom& •. 3 baU1 s, fonnal din ing, family roon1 PLUS an easily inclosable breere. way to give you an addilion- al huge playroom. Add a large protected pool and ac. cess to. a private beacD and a panoramic view. -* $12,500 * 673-SSSO Paul Jone& Realty 847-~ E1"C. 817-8919 "Better Than New" LARGE l BDRM Carpeted, <lrapes, lcnced. Presfii;e a1·ra. HAFFDAL REALTY R42-~40J 2790 HARIOR ILVD. Opto IH•l•t• 'tfl t P.M. l l. Fabulou~ ft11n1ly home wit.h SPARKLING 22x36 ENCLOSE!) POOL p\u!' badrnin- 1on and shufne board court. Gle1n1ing J.IARD\VOOO FLOORS, FOR:\IAL DIN· ING ROO?il. J .Baths, 4 Bedrooms PLUS DEN. A TRUE bargain at ~61,500. TOTAL PAYMENT $134 PER MONTH ;~o GIMMICKS -$21 ,SOD FULL PRICE I 3 Bedrooma. Nicely carpeted. Situated on oversized lot nesUi:d be:tv.·ee11 l;ill shade t1-ee!i In good Costa' lalesa location near tcbools and shops. NO DO'VN VETS or $1,000 do\\'n to all other buyers. • l . • , ' I ' l _ LAKE MATHIWS -ORANGE GROVE Bto:autilul 10 ACr.E ~Vt> "·Ith 7 yr11r nld trees Just Tf'Bchlng full r11'01luclion. Location Alford! \'fEW of !ht lakP. ll\Cl.UDES lrri~alion 5ys1em. rncf'fl ri;::ht. st 559.~ and ownrr will flna~r. at t.O'V JNTEREST. Exccllrnl TAX SJ-lELTf;r. "ilh PRFJ>AlD 1:-;rERF;ST for Uir \\IS(! ln\'C~IOI'. -'' t c llGFIVl$Jl ,t00 ~-:: " S BrG ~rooms. CUSTO!\IIZE'O ldl.chrn. J-?UGE PATIOS snd brick pl1tnier5. ; !• \Vooclburnlng FtREPLACE, wAll to Wall car~lJ and CUSTOl\I drapes. Ypu·ve . . . ! . l· ver_sttn..1o...much.J1ameJor.Jusl $31,,900 l\'Jlh ;:OQd...t~Til:I., · Sll,000 FULL PRICE H6MI + R·Z LOT Slick i! 'lkdroon1 \\'ilh roorn ror another hon1e. Your toll\[ piiymenlA 11rt': $144 Pfr mMlh tor 1ht~ IS )'t:ftr voun: CuJ1om 1-lomt clOR: to school ftnd Ahopplni:. Rt.Ill:'" &nd Ovt'n tncludt'd anil drapro throui;hout! Jlow about $1,800 down pay • men!! Re"1 i;harp 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Fre:shly painted. 01 loon of ~J~.800 at f>~ "'1. annual interest. You can'ttMat It! Service Porch. Double Garaa:e. Forced 11.ir heat. Completel,y f<;nctd. Sprinklers. carpet.I 8.lld P.rapes throughouL Family Roon1. Lt-t ui sJJO\v ll to you!: ' · ' Sll,9·50 HLIEYI Mii Tota.I p.1yn1rnt 011 lhls high FHA lot\11 i.s ~lZ'J Include~ all '\•\th ~''% annual Tate. 3 ~lrooms lhat 11.rc huge. llugc ynrd coniriletcly enclosed. Covered llx22. This l5 a ~1UST SEE': • ~ $100 TOTAL ·-vou (;.I. ftUyers-:-tiere 15 an-oppor[unl[f:-uie~t!fft1 on t1\l1 •nrrr> 3 ~ l'OOm California Rllntho. 2 luxurlout beth1. Jlardv.-ood noon. U&ed brlok fire· pl3ce. Sf'pe1'8tl" 18x22 fa mily room. Golll'.cous modern. kitchtn. Srller ha~ tran~­ f"rred. JIOUSf' I~ vt1cant ftnd ht: \\'Iii pay a1l your cosla. \\'e'll Sf'e if you're quall• fled on a $24,500 ~lcs prier. MESA DIL MAR FIXER urn• 5 ?i1;isttt sited ~l"OOms and THREE BAnrs com! "i th this '2,300 squart: foot tarnished gem! Jf you're looking for tbal alceper in It $40,000 nei;:hborhood. this TREMENDOUS VALUE can be y'ours for just $4.000 11.·ith a. $30,000 marl .. ;a.ae: S~EING IS BELIEVING! Do it NOW! --FORIVIR VllW ~ ·¢ATA~INA - Ov"r o~n meadow Md hith on a clUf. A low JJ.700 d01vn put.a you 1n this pro. feuionally IAndsca.ped channel' v.ith • ne1;er rndini; ,·iew from living room JM . kin& a:Jze master Mdroom. Plush carpet! thToughout 11.·ith 2 pulln1an blths and paaa-thrnugh "ife 11aver kitchen. Custom calitornia FIREPLACE! All thil fo~ ONLY $37 ,000. • " A DIST INCTIVE WAIU FRONT ADDRESS "~l~~~~~~~~~~~llllllll!!l!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!ll!lllllll!ll!!!ll!ll!!!!!!~~~~~~:j::::~:::!j~[!=~~~~~!!!!!!~!lllllllllllllllll Cr ..._ & Lee '1'lth 11 32' rrh'l'lte dock. -t Bedr.oonu1. Plrn Dt'n. ?'.'t\1• and f\fod'!fn. :· I .... :. WI SELL A HOME EVERY 31 M•Nuns :. .... _ -·~ • 1 ·' ' . ' j I l . • ; --. . • . --. --· --------~-----,..........---------------------~~~ .... ~ _...... ----.-...-.. ~ • ··~ ' ]8 PllOT-AOVERTISER W-, Otctmbtr 1,.1969· WtdM.i.,, Dtctmbtr J, 1969 DAlt'!"l'll.OT $!! HOUSE FOR SALE .... .,,.., K NTALS -UNTAl;S ---!U!NTALS llNTALS -RENTALS-R E NTALS A,,.,,.._, .1." Huntington ... ch 1400 Ho01t1 ·Furn11hotl . -H.U1u Unlurn111.:..i · Apls. Unfurnilltiii' ApH; l'iimllh..t ~ .. "!"'..,,.. -·APIL Unfurnl1hod A•ts. Unfurnlaltacf ~ Unfumllhod SACRIFtCE Newport ... ch 2200 Co1t1 Meao 3!00 ~~-dol JAlr 3250 G.nortl • 4000 ~"'.&°' le•d) 42~ Senta Ano 5620Santa Ano .5620 Huntington 8-" 3'bdrm 2 be miwd Ors 14 TO\VNHOUSE: 3 BR, 2-111 2 BEDROOMS. carpets H/W 3 BR. z ba. home with s· I FUI\N.-.oceo.n.Jront apt. W/W 2 BR ntwly deconf;ed. month old izxss· heated & BA, l<PIC, patio, pool, 2 car noon, ""'""'~· blt/lhl, ~~~. ,. view ol ba¥ & 1ng ~ cartOCU,., beaut. decon.ttd, COCO •11 w t rHIOALWOOD APTS. ~ l< b!l-UW. qiel/dr>o. fillfn!d pool. 11n "''month ..... ail bltn.•. cpts, .,. •. dinett•, .., ... and Iva• --· 11 adult ""'· "" ..... $250 r~ • .Jllll ..,. .. view. $155/pu p all 1M $325. 1no, untun1 $300. yard. Near ahoppifltr a'bd Don V. 'Fnl.nklln, lUlr , monthly. Owner 615--2221 or D.a..ae 1 story 5-4• .,.,....,.,. month. Adulta prdmwd. ~:Rial Es~ete Mart ~".."'~.911211. 811-88U or transportation. $160 a 61S-2222 Ad It 547 .. 1&11 For Dl•tlnctiv• T•n1 nt1 in Tu•tln Ar•• Tradew1nd1 RA!altf 847..&SU 147-8531 ~-month. Broker G46-05SS 2 BR. 2 BA. Electric Kil· ' u· s > BR Immac.·paiiO'.dOlie to Fin11t ·ln Or11t9• County 1 BR Mtdallion Condo. Bll· 1 ---..,c=c~=---FIREPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2 * CO'ITAGE 1 Bdr. Stove, chen. Gar. Vw of Oce&n It , bch. 1 linale mtl.n or nwT 11 2 & l BEDROOMS ADULTS ONLY ins, fttrl&, Wlhr, di)>?. $24,950 ba., patio, adu!u. l!ay•id• ...Ulg. Util pd. $140. No Bay. Adiu, no pet.. $300 Luxury sin.le, I & 2 cpt. No ch!ld./poll. $140 mo e POOL e PATIO Patio, pool. QWef $lllJ. MUST SEU. 3 hlrge SR i% Village. Until July ht. $200. Pets. 54S-6294, 557-8400. Lse yrly. Call -~1953. b dr · e yrly·utll pd. 9" 12 a.m. only, • SOUNDPROOF e AIR CONDITIONED 67S-5034. ba, dining room. Adult oc-C 11 <213) 222-430!! or 673-5419. 3 ,Bl;l. frplc, cpts, drps, 2 car 2 BR, sundeck. nice Pt-Uo, e oom ipartments, ~ e FIR EPLACES e BUil T-INS a=EA='"L"'E°'S"T°'A"T"'l..---·I ~upied onJ.y. Low dO~·n to CX$.AN lront house, Tops! garage~ $200 mo. No pets. gardener, $210 monthly. furnished and unfur-LUXURIOUS 1>lnale apts., e C ARPETS e DRAeES General preaent !inanclrig, Quick pos; Lg 2 BR, 2 BA. Frple, crpts, 545-2813, '540.6~75. · 675--0737 Dished, with complete trom isa, wkly. Just ctt -;;.:;"'-'.;;;.-----1 BRASHEAR'~EAl:-T-'( drptl, )!a.rd. patio, $250, \11in-. -HOUSE in court. Crpts, dti>s. 2 BRi l~B.4.-dplx. f>ri,..bch, privacy and _!!n~cap-beach • i..a,Una. 494-SU& N••r I 7_th &_Tu stin ~los• to shoppin g Rentals WantH 5ttO 847-8507 ·431.J769 !J68..ll78 ter, 673-8C88 carwrt 976-8 West 17th St. View, frplc. Adults, no pets. !Rt COUl'lft'Y. cluti at· FURN. 1 Br. Oplx. llii blks 2101 Ponderosa t.49r, Apt. 2-Li BY O\\•ner -Assume 51~ --• ~os"!-Mesa $225 mo. ~2290 mosphere 1ncludln;g to ocean. S135 mo .. yrly. Loan. 3 Br. den, 1, ... Jam. Coron1 d~r._22_50 $750,000 w or t h of Call 548-2152 -~ 3 BR & den, 1 ~ ba, crpts, $250 mo. 2 BR. frltlc, IJltns: recreational facili ties • · rm., trplace: 2 ba. Island CUTE 1 Bdr separate house. drps, frpl, blt-ins, clean. No. Newly decorated. Walle to d . Ccoo:;-~:•=d~•!!l.;M~o~r:;:~4~2~50~J,C;;o;;1~t1~M;;Oll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;S;,IOO;; Newport leach 5200 kitchen, bit-ins'. 2 pa.ntrys. Yrly. Adlts. No Pets. $150 C.M. $215 mo. 842-7153. beach & town. 675-1488 r 1gned and .ope rat• .~ - - Boat gate, Cove~ patios. mo. Call · G73-l95l ---DUPLEX 2200 ft , BR, e just for SI n g le -LRG attrac l BR-nice Joe. MERRIMAC WOODS EASTBLUFF • EZ care landscapnig; Close ~sa del Mir 3105 -sq. ·,. people· Nu paint & crptg. $190. ~ N l!l'W 2 bdnn. 2 ba. Cpts., to all schools. shoppng, bch. • 2\S BA, bltns, f.rplc. Gar. RENis FROM U45 Seaview Ave. Wkdys aft Just oompleted, 1 or 2 BR. 2 drps., bltns. Overlooking $33,450. 962-855!. Huntington Beach 2400 4 BR. 2 Ba. Crpt & Drapes. $325 mo/lse. 54~7~73 · BA \vith air cond, com-back XI ·-·. o"" year lease. Call 2 BR, So ol h""'. ~1c, ANA HEIM -5:30• 673-2823 pletely &OUndproofed, seU · bay. nt loc. nr. shop. BY Owner-2 story 3 BR, 2~S VERY Attractive 2 BR. con-.-... "J ~-'l" STUDIO APT heh $US cl ••••• il cntr churches schools etc 544-8580 eves. crpts, drps. bltns. Beam nr · e ....... 'l> ()vens, WOOd re · ., ' • · ~ Sho~crest home. Crpts, din1 .. comp!. fw·n'd, in Hun· clngs. $250. 6?3-6004 277 So, Brookhurst. mo include-s util.., £~ days ings, aishwashers, J u 5 h 816 Arni gos Way. Apt. D. drps, elec bltns. Fam rm, tington Bay Townhouses. 1 (1 blk. So. oJ Lincoln) 642-4210, e\•es 54~~ landscaping with streams &: $250 per mo. yearly. frple, util m1. $36,500. child OK. $175. Pref. yr. Newport B .. ch 3290 Lid4 Isl• 3351 ITI4l 172-4500 4300 watmaI.ls, elevators, BBQs, = GI 6'/~ J()a n · tease. Rltr. 546-5880 TOWNHOUSE :;B;..•lc;bol.;.;;, _______ 1 clubhouse, saunas, jacuzzi & . RENTALS 3 Bdrms., 2% baths. Adults CHARMING 2 BR.1 BA. For GARDEN GROVE A Great Bay View. 1 Br. swim pools, priv. gar. w/ 4 BDR, 2~ Ba, kitchen -H 11 Unfurnished only. FaCi?s pool, $2'75 Jl.fo, sale or lease. 118 Via Quito. 13100 Oiapman Ave-. Apt. at 222 1oth st, st()l'age. Everything new. bun. Lrg den .. ~:/bar. 22'j)1--o_u_•------1 BAY & BEACH -'(213.....;;)_8''-->-_9_113 _____ 1 (4 b1ks W, Santa Ana Fwy.) Balboa. \Vlnter -June 15th. Starting at $140. Adults sq tt. Assun1e 6% Gr. By Gene ral 3000 REALTY, INC. 1714) 636-303o $160. Incl. ulil. 673--2012 or please. Just East or 2600 Owner. 962-8923 ()r' 546-7770. -NEW 633-8580 Harbor Blvd, next to Nabers F R I I Se ·ct 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 Huntln ... on Boch 3400 PORT BEACH -==~~--,-~---1 ·Cadillae at ·~ Me~mac LOW INT RATE. Low down. rte tn a rvi 645-:'2000 Eves. 548-6966 »' ...., ''' Owner will cRrry fin. 3 BR for e..-.:an1ple: ffiVINE ANO 16th CLEAN Bachelor Apts. Wa.y. 545-&00 1% ba. Only $20,950! Beautiful 3 bedrm., 2 bath FINER RENTALS LEASE $275 per mo! 2 story (714) 645-0550 All utll lncl $8~ up TERRY REALTY 536-4159 hon1c wilh heated and fil-Bayfront' 3 & den. Pier, fioal 3 BR, 21·~ BA, Shorecrest 315 E. Balboa Blvd. • • &7S.&oSO 0 -·w·wmu..& SPACIOUS now 2 bdrm 2 both. Nr. •hopping. $240 per mo. RENTALS WANTED ·*HOMES *DUPLEXES * GUEST J;OUSES * APARTMENTS FREE SERVICE COWEN WEST RENTALS ·-• LANDLORDS i FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker~ \V ANTED Ga.tap to rent lot storage. Costa t.tesa or · Newpt Bch. 675-1S41 Room fi. 1-:::======::;;;;;:;-j tered pool ln Mes.1 Verde, lmmac. $1200 month. tract, H.B. Call 54S-4!m aft South B•y Club BALBOA 673.9945 I· 6 or wknds. Fount.I" V.11.y 1410 it has built-ins, fireplace, Magnificent 4 ,bdrm., 4 balh 1~~==.-,----,-.,,.--, A rt I \v h · ho $1 ooo ./2 BDRl\f house. 1 or 2 pa men s foi'C'l!d air healing. c ave view me. , mo. i--,..,=-:--;c.-.= John Macnab 642-8235 children OK. Foncnd yan! LOVELY AP'rS:--BAYFRONT Homo -IRoom .$150 & $175 Lido Isle 4351 NEW APTS • Free Rental &orvice • ~~~~~~~~~!\ Brokers I Mgrs. I Owners 3--BR 2 Properties West 1)75...1642 ., Ba., SPACIOUS, Mariner Square Apts. 1244 Irvine Ave., N.B. WOW!! 15'x30' Family Rm. Beller than new 3 bath, formal din. rrn, 3 c. gar. 2500 sq. ft. Block \\'all. more. WIN'rER RENTAL-'Til $80mo. 847-3833. Very lnw wkly rates. Ideal Choice Apt. Attract. Furn. UTILITIES PAID June -The Blufls. 3 Br. 4 LARGE BR, 2 BA. frplc, for singles or n1an·icd cpl. Sep. Entr. Vw. No pets. 1 & 2 8d 2 . 1 den, ctPts, drps, frpl, 2 new cpts & drps, dbl &ar. Comp! linens, laundromat, Util. Incl. $175 per mo. Call ml, swim poo 8· Crpts. drp&., fir.pl., bit-ins. BURNED -OUT family dts. 1 blk. to beach. $250. perately need 2 Jarre _or ' 3 646-4391. BR house, CM $150 mo, Largest lot ever • A must ORAHSE COUNTY'S patios, pools. 67S4497 or fencd back yd, $250. 962-8994 TV, btd. pool, steps to beach. • 673-3000 Adults only, no pets. Furn -Ph U desired. 642-3m 3 BR, 2 BA, near ocean, frplc, dillhwhr, cpts, drps. 548-6745 see! LARGEST HAFFDAL REALTY 2629 HARBDR BLVD. ~9 NEW 4 Br $250, trailer space · anyt1n1e 494-9436 La· H I B h 4400 301 Avocado St, C.M. 3 BR home, Bal Pt. yrly & ulil. includ~. guna, unt ngton ••c. -See Mgr on premises $300. 3 BR apt, New, Sh. yr. ==--,---s:J6..66--,-...,,-lc:1-:--:;;:--,,I The GORGEOUS New n.a-S $23.5. mo. yrly, no pets. Rooms for Rent 5995 548--0897 wkdays. 1----------1 842-4405 54.a640 G.J. RESALE 4 Bdrm., 2 ba., OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 room for . trailer and/01· Rent or Lease Option boat, beautiful yards, close Lal'ge home l'ol~sa Verde. to schools, $7,000 do1vn, • • . . ' " ~ 1 839 0081 11882 New shag carpet & paint. x 10 oan. ""' ' • $250 mo Wisteria F.V. 546-9521 or 540-6631 Santa Ana Hgts •. 1630 AVAIL. 1 & 2 JXU-. pac. GRAND OPENING ly $235. Frank Marshall FOR lease immac 4 BR, 2 VAL D'ISERE pool, bit-Ins. Enjoy the bch. THE VICTORIAN Rlty 675-4600 BA. $195 mo. Single-1 br-2 br. Furn.-unf, Adlts $13.) +. 219 15th St., New, large 2 BR, 1% BA. $150 3 BR, den, 4 ba. \Vatertront $315. 3 Br. 2 ha. $275 &: $250. Balboa Bay Prop. 673--7420 OtOICE Of 3 lovely 3 Bdrm *968-7448 * Sa A • Rm ""--" H B du! • bl ==::::;;;::======! una, ct y. ' Bi.u.icuus . . A ts only. Crpts-ul'PS· tns. S'!ALL 2 BR I n M homes nr. ocean. $250-$275 Th ., 45• pool BBQ !u So nd 1-• · I " year Y· ., ......... F.unt1·1n V_1lloy 3410 erapy"" ' s BACHELOR & 1 B\t m, u proo ""• pn gar w Close 'to shops & beach. yrly. Caywood R I t Y · -----~---l 20CXI Parsons Rd. 642-8670 S140 up. Adults, no pets. storage. Fenced yd w/patio. 6424il8S aft 5. 54s.1290 3 BR, 1% BA, tge bonus rm. HOLIDAY PLA7_\ 17301 Keelson Ln. 842-7848 Water pd. Gardener main- OtARMING, pool, 3 Br.1325 Child's playhou.se in rtar. DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdrm (\\'est of Beach nr Slater). talned. 661 Victoria St. 4 BR, 2% BA. DishwhF. 2323 E Dluf! D ' ,. •J20 Studio apt. 1 blk from 675-6044 * beach. $300 yrly. 673-2455 n11. ast r. Side yanl for boat or? Well Furn apt $135 plus util. 2 BR & bachelor apts. --~::-::-=::=:--:==-:-=--j ..!~~E':''!l'.~~~~ * landscaped. Close to school. Heated pool, ample parking Heated pool. Util paid. ¥.i ACRE. 2 Br., frplare, 96&-7100 aft 5. N() children -no pets. Viceroy Apts, 1014 Georgia HARBOR GREENS heated pool, rm for horses. Ne!'port H9ights 3210 -~· • --1965 Pomona, C.M. St, Apt A. H.B. 536-2914. Back Bay 5240 S33.500. Owner. 545-6948. $195. 4 BR. Bltns, w/w, L le1ch 3705 ==="----~:..;.; pets o .K. Avail 12115 Bkr. New htd pool. Nr. schools. ELEGANT Ocean V w. w/gar. Adults, Blue Beacon $145 pr! deck or patio. $110. Also avail 1. 2 & 3 bttns' pool siss ' drps, Laguna Beech 1705 534-6980 $280. (213) 421-1634 Home, Lse. or Option, S325 645-0lll Singles or cpls only. 202 Bdrm. Heated pools, child ' * 6'ra-as9o * -"''--""'"--~-~= I ="======== Bch 1125 1 BR I drps Bab 14th. 53&-1319: 673--1784 care~nter, adj to ahoppin&. • --------- DELUXE In C.AJ. Priv home, professional or stu· dent only. Male. $15 _wk. 540-2754 ROOM &: Prlv: Ba For Rent. Garage• S85 per month. Empl. Lady Only. 493-;4171 ROOM with bath, private 1!1)- trance. Close to beach.. l70 mo. 675--0771 · $15 WK & up w/ klt~n. $35. wk studio apt. %316 Newport Blv~. 548-975.5, Mntel1, Trlr. Cm. $997 ~ drps. 2 frplc:s. Children & IMMAC 3 BR, 2 BA, frplc. mguna $125. 1 Br spacious 4-plex NEW QUIET 1 BR, nr ocean. BACHEWR unlum l r o m VIEW 2 BR crpts "IRTY LARGE 2 story 3 01· 4 BRs a mo. 3 bdr. Laguna -· • w w, . y N 1- .1# • llx21' rumpus l'OOm, blt-ins, Corona del Mar 3250 Days, 837-2970, eves, OK. Sl'ONEHENGE APTS. 2 BR, 0 pets. FACE 494-4390 Bkr 534-6980 2 BA. 2320 Florida, nr 2700 Peterson Way East Bluff ne\\·ly decorated. $270/mo. 3 BR. !··•"· -,, din, $150 mo ' Costa !'.1e1;a 546-0310 5242 SANDY'S 'I'RAILER COUR'I' ---------Spaces 'avail now. Max 16'. S '""!1-l «" '" 1 ~ ~S.~a<~h~&~A~d~am;•~-227230~. =1-:~==~~""'.~-Here's a11 unusual home, LO. 557-764 .,....,.. :i 3 BR. 2 BA, 2 story S215 LARG.E, ne\\'ly redec. -0 •· C M 100 duplex. Ocean view. Adults, Oita es• 4 CATED IN OLDER LA· $165. 3 Br, 2 Ba. Bltns, gar. 2 BR, den, lt'PIC. $200 4705 F • v·na A t GUNA SECTION, \\'ALK TO Children welcome. Blue 3 BR. 3 BA L~1.1ry apt $325 no pets. $175 mo. yearly. $35 00 Wk u Liqun• &each airway I p s BE AC H & Sl lOPPING. Beacon 64>01ll University Realty 673~10 P LACE REALTY 4s.i-97M • 0 p tl f S I I t LGE. 5 BR. 3 ba. To e St_udio & 1 Br ~pts. ~MING ~ar. y urn Near ·Orange Co Airport &: praw ed ac1'0sS corner o • $120. 2 Br. Fenced yd for EXTRA Lge. 2 Br. house. 1~-:i responsible family. Rent or e Kitchen.& T' incl. seaside studio bungalow, UCI Adults only 20122 beneath tall shade trees. children. Gar, avail now. Ba lge \iv rm formal e Phone Servi & p 1 garden setting. Lease $170 Sant. An A ~n ·"""" Rustic exterior of old brick, Bl"e "-•ron OI' "lll d 'm···m., ·!pl. ·~·, .•..• 30 x 30• lease ce 00 • all t · 1 · t I a a vc , ....,,,.. .. ,:iu I d k .. D<'.".. ,,....,, • .-~ • Mr. F~rney, Bkr. 540-3862 •Maid service incl. inc gar, u l ' es ' , st~ceo. & g~ sun cc . $175 3 BR, fenced yd. v;/w, encl. patio. $~5 mo . .}Tly • Day, \Veek & Mouth Tel~lear. Refs. 494-2775 Unique floor plan could be d . F ·1 & t o K Scenic P1'0perties 675-5726 For rent or sale 4 BR. 2376 Ne\\'PQrt Blvd 548-9145 1 BR, vieiv, close in. $125 VILLA MESA APTS used as 2 BDRl\'l, & DEN, B~s. ~ pe · · THE SUN NEVER SETS on ne\\'. in Laguna. $300. nU'I · mo. inc. util. Adults only, no 2 BR unturn, pri patios, htd SERVICED BY 2 BATHS. =c.·=-"-"-=~~~~ or $41,500. 831}-4079 $25. Per Wk. & Up pet•. 837_2933, 49-H626 pool, 2 car. encl'd ga.i" Chil-Or, 2nd bdrm. 1vith separ· $325. Lease 5 BR. 3 BA. !iv Classified's action power. e NEW DELUXE e 3 Br, 2 Ba a pt. Jor lease Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din rm, & dbl. garage, auto. door opener avail. Pool & rec. area. Nr. Catholic Olurch. e ONLY $245 e 865 Amigos \Vay. N.B. NEW 2'100 sq ft 3 BR & tam rm, 3 BA. Owner's tux apt 752 Amigos Way. 675-5033. Call .... .,,, WEElO...Y rates Sea Lark I.tote!, Ull Newport Blvd., Costa l\fesa Guut Homes 5991 ---,.-1 PRIVATE room It bath -.,, ambulatory person. Lovely home, nice surroundirigs, good nutritious meals. Costa l\1eaa. 548--4753 ate entrance, J.IAS KITCH· rm. din rni, elec kit. 2600 sg For an ad to sell around the DAILY PILOT Classified Bachelor & 1 BR, hld pool, RENTALS dren welcome, no p e-ta °'~E & BATH, \VOULD ft . .,__,.713 ~c~loc~k,~d::;i;a!~64::;;:2·~561~8::;·===-="::c::;ti;:on=N=O.::W:::l =====I maid service. Kitchens & A~ U fu -hed please! $160. Also furn $1&.i. ----------I ..,.. ~'~' • , __ , TV il 450 v· ~" (N ~,s, n rnis 719 w. Wilson. "'°12SI Misc. Renta • <IT77 BE IDEAL FOR MOTHER ••••••••• --4200 Bari:';.. oc.w•• ' ~ Corene dtl Mtr 52501--------I IN LAW, OR WEEKEND Newport Beach 4200 Newport Beach I ;Go;;:n•;;r;;l;;l;;;;;;;;~~~S~OOO=l 2 Bdnn 1% Ba Blt·ins, UW. jiiiijiiijiiijiiijiiiiiiijiiijiiijijJSToRAGE Lot: Trueka, GUEST,S. Cozy den has wood BEAUTIFULLY FURN 11 ily rm, gar. patio, new crpts trailers, campers. bcla& or panen-..a wall, built-in book· I edl I 0 2 B~ Pool Adults. no pet!I. VEN DOME new drps, 1 mi. OCC No .., ?. ....,, ,...... Call .L.on ""' Grand Oponlng -mm a. e ccuptncy $1~ + w -M f s ts $160 + ~v "~" shelves, ~G BURNING • ., u · ...,.,.. ape t, pe · ; mo. $50 dep. fl."" &1~2486 F~PLACE TN USED o· AKWOOD 548--0157 s 868-Tl72 .,. •n• sro==RA7G=E=.-....... -.-."'~=,;-..,.-1 BRICK DESIGN. $155 . ATTRACTIVE. 1 bdr., IritMACULATE APT I CONDOMINIDM, 3 BR, .2 month. ~o· blt:b . Bright & cheery farlll style pool, util paid, garden liv-ADULT k FAMILY BA, 2 car 1ar, swimming ON TEN ACRES kitchen has RANGE, RE-l'he best of two worlds ing, adults, no pets 1800 SECTIONS AVAILABLE pool & rec. facilities. $175 1 &: 2 BR. Furn A Untum Schworer ~26.54 •. FRIGERATOR, BILT -IN your home •nd your country club Wallace Ave., c.M. Close to shopping, P•rk mo. 540--1667 or 5.57-6829 alt Fireplaces I prlv. patios I 1 eo-Proporty BRKFST BAR ETC OUt .... * Spaclo'us 3 Br's. 2 Ba 6. Pools. TeM L!I -C.Ontnt'I Bkfst. ..!!_ ...... " ' ' -h I t f • I ind F1JRNISHED J Br. apt, 1120. ~ h I h For your ome, se ec rom 11n9 •· on• * 2 Bedrooms 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644-2611 6000 of town owner as har t e Fu . h d Furn studio apt $110. 2135 * S•'m Poo' PuV-n VALUE, Adult couple only. 2 (MacArlh"• n•. ~-., H-I rty t d IT'S BAD two bedroom epertments. rn1 s • or un-~· ., •• ~~ ... , .....,.. .. J r~pelN ~~~; 'oy PAINT~ furnis hed each is professionally decorated Elden, C.M. See r-.fgr apt 6· * Frpl, Indiv11ndry fac'la: :l~· ~ ~~ ~s, c~ts, I !i~i!!_!!i!ji!!i!i!!iii!!!f!!i!!!!~ YARD WORK & GENER.\L and includes carpeting, draperies, ell-electric AVAIL now, 2 BR furn apts., 1145 Anaheim Ave. s iw • .. !>00 • qu et. 3 NEAR new apts. • lge, 2 CLEAN UP, but it:s an olJ.t. Westinghous e .•ppliences, st or a 9 e space adult liviog, hid pool, rec (.'()STA MESA 642·282-t $1355.i~a::"~t;':,.· Br. 2 ba., frpl., elcc. buUt. IN SMOG FREE· Pauma :Valley b I • room good ioc "'" ~-· ins, deck. $195 to ·~0 mo, standing buy for aplenty end private e cony pet1 0. ' ' o-~JOQI _.., $26,950 FULL PRICE NOW'S THE d · h I Id $130 I mo. 2 BR !urni•hod. • RENT • ADULTS NEW 3 B<. 3 ba., <pt•, drps, Good investment. Unusual Iamily s t y I e restau:i-ant. beautiful patio, Next tit i hole &olf course, at.> lcivet; home for OWl>t'r. Barna~ fok' horses. All en 5 bet.utthU A REAL BUY Just steps from your ()Or is • ~ () e wor Utilities included. Older 2 BR, 1 BA. Fireplace, bit-elec. built-ins, dishwasher; FOR THE AMBITIOUS of exclusive country club recreation: tenants only. &12-6560 3 Rooms Furniture ins, private patio. No pets fireplace, patio. • Profes1 i()nal si:i:e Tennis Courts $19_.95 It UP $140 mo. 681-C Plumer. Don V. Franklin, RealtOr MISSION REALTY OR * Resident Tennis Profe11ion•I and Shop 3 BACHELOR UNITS 548--0527 3250 E. Coast Hwy. 673-2222 985P-hSo. Coa17'1'4H)wy49 .. 4-0Lag73un1a TIME F • Ol~mpic si:i:e Swimming Pool $60, $80, SlOO, 838-7440 aft 6 ?:o~~~l>~;~cr~~~als: 2 BR, new paint, cpts, drps. COROl.JDO ~S. 2 Br, one I I B h $10 -Clean Bache!-Fo• s '-lg Lo f I d' • W Ir poo at s v• • NO DEPOSIT O.A.C. tove, reu • Fenced yd. wer eves, atu ios, pent- •DISTRESS SALE • • Paddle Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball Quiet Man. No drinking, no HFRC Furnllure Rentals Gar. Xlnt loc. No pets $135. house, Frplcs .. pool, dbl. land~a:;i~cresAREA ~~ '. BY OWNER 644-1721 Oceanview home, Low down QUICK CASH C ourts pets. Uri!. furn. 548-0059 517 w. 191.h, 01 548-348l 642-5531 carports, patios. $180. $220. to assume xlnt loan. 5 yr. I & 2 BR f & unf ........., 673-3378 old 3 BR. 1% ha. home. A nd • 20,000 square foot clubhouse offers · um um. ww $125. 2 Br, stove, crpts & 2 BR, fresh paint, .new Reduced to $41,500 these features: ~~:~. st., C.M. Mgr on drps. Child & pet OK. Blue drapes, crpts, bltns, patio. 1 NICE large 2 BR upper. PLACE REALTY 494-9704 THROUGH A * Separate Men's and Woman's Beacon 645--0111 child ok, no pets. $125. Crpts, drps, refrig, range VIEW. 3 BR, 2 BA, all elec., Health Clubs with Seunes TIME FO• S125. 1 BR, pool. Stove & G45--0562. 783 Shalimar Dr. f!~~e.N~~O. :1~~ Ad ults. be il. -t drps • Indoor Golf Or1'v,·n9 R1noe •e*'·ig.· w/w, d-•· Child LARGE 2 BR. crpts, drps, '"'=.---o-=c-,--,,------, NEWPORT Beach • High oil the Blulli: over the bq; 8 deluxe u n i t 1, new. 'I.ti leaaed, fireplaces, m~ xtru. Call owner ~ueo an1ce1n0.,. crps, , ~, • u .,, ..,.....,,,, & 1 • C B lg car lot. $36,000. Owner Billiards Room QU CK CASH OJ \. Bkr. 5,14.6980 c.,...,...rt poo, Kids ok. SPA , 1 rapt. w/w carpet, 494-4726 DAILY PILOT • Th t TV L • t St d. I 135 2 BR . / 2n4 College1 Apt No. 2. drps, re.trig &: elec stove, ee re ounge, nr u io, $ , ' gar, patio, w w, 64&-71!95 sundeck, so. of hwy. Quiet RENTALS Porty Rooms THROUGH A 534-0980 l-B-RAN--D-N~e w_l_&_2_B-R., .,..ro"u:pl_• ~U,.,50_6""13-<003~-"7.",-- or 675-SS35 · URGENTLY need 2-6 units; beach aru. Have buyeral, •. 642-'1'52Anytlmo.-Hous•s Furnished Model' O pen 10 A .M. To 8 P.M. Daily 1; Coste Mnl 5100 W/W cpts, all bltns ·incl. 2 'BR., So. ()( Hwy. Yrly. Rent1l1 to Shire '2005 WANT AD RENTS FROM $155 le $310 DAILY PILOT oeU cleaning ovon. Patio•, um·, !urn'd. $195 Mo. 1 2 Br, i\i Ba, crpta, drps, gRrages. A~ults. 645-2108. References required. garage. Children ()k. $150. 377 W. \Yilson. Mr. Farney, Bkr. 540-3862 700 W. Wilson. 548-6731 NEWLY decor. 4 BR, 2 BA. LARGE New 2 BR, 2 BA WOl\oIAN "'ants si;I. girl or woman with 1 child to share a beau. 3 bdrm. home $80 mo. 96&-1415, ll.B. 642-5678 OAKWOOD GARDEN -APARTMENTS WOl\fAN w/secured income wtll '""' lov•ly, ""w 2 B< ••••••••• apt wfsame. ()ver 30, Cl'if. -1100 -16th Street, Newport Bee~h Phone: 6'42·1170 ~81'29 eves Refs. General 3000General 3000Gtn'!r•I 3000 SH A RE My e I e g an tl-'-'-"---------------..;,;.;..;...;...;;=.;__-----.""-'-11 watert.ront home w/dock. Man 35 to 60 yrs. $150 mo. 67>-4331 ROOM-MATE Wantt?d : Girl to Rh.are 2 bdr. apt., CdM, call 673-1182 after 5 Pr-.1 ROOMl'ofATES \Vented to share apts. ?\fate or female. Blue Beacon 645--0lll 2 BR 2 story apt, S.A., pool. $65 mo + 1 util, ~·/ employed yng man. 673-5920 ~.. Doi Ml:;.r_-'2_1 o_s & Bednn, 2 ba, gnrdn Inc. $295 f'n(), lst & l3!1l mo. + $100 dep. Vac. lS Dec. 843 St. Clair. 546-85l4 .2200 - 3 BR.. CdM Occanlront. Guest rm .. pool A privtlte. btach. Sl.000 Month 2 BR. Baytronl apt. w/dock avail. $MO Mo. on Jeaae • Al l!IO avail. for short term. 3 BR. Bhlf!it, nr. pool & shoppinr. $32S f\lo. unhtrn. Riddle &: Ro6I! $75-122!i 2 BR, 1 BA. ~ blck rrom bl.ll "-beach. ur.o + util. Wlntu ttntJll to July L 615-2539 $©\\~lA-LGt,~S9 The Puule with the Built-In Chuc*le O Reorrcng" ~tiers a! !he fo11r $Crcmb!ed wards be· low to lcrn'I lour Simple words. IHATCEL I I I I I' I ' SA VUE I .! I' I I _ i I N U GT S I f Judge, "Have you ever been I I I r ... up before me?" -· ' Accused, "I don~ know, c-----------, Judge, whot time do you - I RE F REP 1-?" , •. .., h,,...,.-.,,.-,,-,,sr-,.--i O Complete th• chucltl• quoled • • . . by l1mng ill the mlplng wcrd1 you ~~•loo from riep No. 3 below: £'\. UNSCl!AM8lf A&QV[ tElTERS I I I • ·"'---'~0"-"G~!T~AN""'S~W~!~·--~~.-L.~ . ....J I I SCRAM-Lm ANSWER IN -CLASSIRCATION 9500 lu1lneu Rental WANT -AD built-ins, dshwhl', crpt!I, plus den. Crpts, drps, blln!. Huntlnrton teach 4400HUntlngton Beech 4400 drps, patio, dbl gar, pool. View. 772-0367, 5J5..3864 or Balboa-Main l ntersecUon ; Bldg to be remodeled, 4000 sq ft, all or part. oU streeJ parking also avail. Br!al Realty 6134ll,9 THE NEW HUNTINGTON CAPRI APA~TMENTS FOR SINGLE ADULTS ••• • .•• WHERE LIVING IS · FUN! CUSTOM 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM APTS. Furnished Models Open Dally 11 •m" pm. FROM $140. FURNISHED & UNF.URNISHED (A• low as $85. Furn. if Shared by 2 Friends) SOUNDPROOFED PRIVACY FOR RELAXIHG OR ENTERTllNING AND SHOPPING WITHIN V. BLOCK. PLUS FUN & GAMES TO MATCH ANY MOOD. Enfoy 1 1111 111 of T1nnl1, 1 gomo of Volley- jloll or _lllll1nl1. Sh •.P • up-In OM-of !ht- Gymn•1lum1 or relax in a Stun• -the. Jacuul or In the sun around the Pool. Your Social Director wlll arrangt partl11 In, thti fabulout Capri Room & thoM fun trips to M-mmoth, Vega1 or ? SEI THI HUNTINGTON CAPRI AT 6200 Edinger Av•., Huntington ... ch 1V..Ml ... W-!flfhedllW.&tlle S. .... e ,,..,..,, ,,_ ...... , ......... . PHONE ll14) ·~6-0619 NO PETS. Call 8304916 8374117. ATTRACTl\'t:-clean 2 BR, Balbot 5300 A'ITRACTIVE Shop. 1200:s4. crpts:, drps, bltns, carport. tt. Ideal lor de«iratwa, Adults, no pet3. $13 5. BACH 'Bayft, to.fa.bed, patio arChitecta. ~ or Uta 548-6'169 yd, w /w crpt, util pd $125; & c:nftl. Adequate puidns. 1028 El Camtno [)five Prof person only 673-6765. Located 2 blla. from ~ Deluxe 3 BR, 2 BA apt Orp1. I-:;=======;:;,, Isle. ,Owntr/qrtJt. 6'm-4'flT w/w cpl!. 548-3481 Ot Huntlngffn l•Hh 5400 sro~-w. 19th C.M., ~-. 540-<!154 2 BDR w • 2 BATH . ~".; ... l;" ~ '"""· $13li •• • TWO 2 BR apts, 1 lo~·er Ooor llh}. ,.00 V'U""UoW• _&: 1 spltt level. Crpts, ~drps, bltns. No pets. 288S Mendoza Dr. 54.5-5421 NEW lovely lge 2 Br. crpts, dJ'Pll, pvt patio, sundcck. gar, adults $115 mo . 5'8.-3664 owner LARGE l BR. Carpets, drps, a:tove, rtfrig. $115. AdulUI, no pets. 642--8579 STORE or Office. Newport.A $150/?ifo. HEATED POOL Bay-Center. 3:152 N~ fncd, cpt/di'pt:, Kids OK Blvd. 64&-1252 ;:: DELAWARE SfUDIO A.pis. M SUitable for gift .,_, 2620 Dela.ware, H.B. men's shop or ladies lhi!P. 8'2-2221 IUlYtbne 53&-)8!G Cail Jim B<mhlre. ~ NEW QUIET 1 BR. nr oc:ean. SUS pri deck or patio. Offlte Rentel · "1o Sb1gle1 at cpls only. 202 14th. I ---------•I SS&-1319, rn-1'18< PRIME CORNEi 2 BEDROOM du'Plcx, ptlvate $12i PER rnonth Uni. 2 otttce or s:tort' In Lido .._ -C&raee-•. back ~, $150 bflnn~P.t. •tove ~ti k plna-uea...J$Ul."Plus """~!! •646-S3861r drapes. tn-A last-mantb't Ltdii..Rcalt)tl.-, NEAT 2 bcd1VOm1. Caz-pot~ rent""""""'· 536-1.., LIDO REAL TY IN • ...... bullt-1?>.t. Q'.IJet.,$130 NICE-l.J. 3--._t:rpttd • 23l7 -I Lido •n. mo. 962-3886 drped. Nw\Y detw. 3 blks MODERN 3 room MOI?ERN 2 BR. Cpts, drp.1, ttom bch. 3 bdr w/dbl at-cpts., alt cond, janUW .: rehig, •loft. Lara:e sunny tf>:Ched gar,& lrplace. 536-111J vfCt, am.pie p&rttlnc. ' room·s. Infant OK.. &l~ l BR. 4 blkB to ht-ach. So. Calll • .1.gt Ni.t, Bk Bldl. $115 PER mo. 2 BR.. 1 AtMJI College 11tudent11 ()k, $100. %J0 E. 17th Street child OK. No pets. Blt·ins. mo. 1st &; last reqd. 962--1961 Co9ta Mesa HJ.t,E crpts, a.,,.. 5.18-9162. Att 9 2 B<, I Ba. Czi>U. Drpo. 1136 ANAH!:W. C.11. Of. VERY nice 2 BR. 'W/W cpt, Blt-lns Nr. !kb. $13a mo: fices • 2 w/lobby .... ~ d l•u. Cil.11 842--tOS,; noor, $125.. Schworer, ~ rps; patio, PRI'-iw. :::::::=L: Call 646-31911 2 A 3 BDl<MS. 2 BA, P'L OFFICE WUh ........... pollo, heoied .t>OOI.. -........ --- ....;;SOC:=lt-'rT;.;..;TO.;; . ...;'El>="---='-'up"'.'-'-='----535 C...u St. (apotnf ~- " • •• • ·i i ~: -. ~: '~ ' .~ 1..,. : '\ I' ' _, I • ' : I : i : ·j .. . •• .. ;j ., ' . . -· .. ···' ' .. ~· ~. ; ~ . ·~ 4 ..... ~ :f . . ,, : ;~ ... • • . ' . --'f -, . ' . r •• l" .... I · ' :: I • -· -5 . ,. 'i:· ·~ ., • j { j . 4. •1 ... ' ' : · 1 :. l ' . ' : \ ' :· . . !-i . . • i , .... . \ l . t ' ' ' ! I ! ' ' . . . :" ! : I • • 1 ' -I • " I ' I i ' ' ' I I •• l,~ ·~ - ,, • Offlco lteftt1I 6070 LAGUNA llEACH Air Cand~loned • Wtdnud11, Dtetmbtr 3, l 96~ * * * *-· .. .When You Want it done ON FORESr AVENUE Deak 1pace available In 11e11o'elt ~ bulldlnc at prtme location ln downtown L.quna. &ach. Alr condi- tioned, carpeted, beautiful entnu1ce1: Fronla&e on l'ortat Ave .. rtl.f Jeadl to J\funcipal Pfll'kinr lots. SSO per month for spa.Ce. Ouk and ('haln avall4ble for $5. Buslne111: houn answerlnll" iervtct available tor po. All utilltle1 pajd exrtpl lalephone, ' hf EXPER. S&nt& Oaus for ng • • . ""'· Part1 ... School•. Sheraton Inch DENTAL Execul1ry, Newport. Xlnt po11tkm fot mature ....-omin w/dent&J exp. Send qU4llftcat.lona. I le to Dally Pilot Box M·14. DISHWASHER II f St0tt1 etc., tor reaervaOont Inn Ca one o .....,,. Experlene..i 1!1 now aCCC!pttn&: appli-f he experts SECURITY OFl'ICER "'tloM !or, .. P'"IUoo of App!y lo pmon ~ listed below/I 646-~~tc~•&d:f~.m. ~P.m:-,!~~~ ~big: ~~c1~5J!~0J~. Wh1dcty1 Wint? Whalkty1 Gett Job Wint.cl, Apply in ptnon, 2lll2 N!!wport Beach ~ SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR w-n 7020l l-°"'=an:::;.,··;:Hun::;::t...;B<:.:;h;_.·--1 Olopetchlnt/Gen. Ofc. NATURAL BORN SWAPPElltS S!RVICE ·DIRECTORY SERVICI DIRICTOl!Y SIRVICI DIRICTORY -------'~t llOYS 10 · 14 M"'t b• a cool .. adod por. Specl1I Rate 8abyslttl"I 6550 O.rtl · 66IO p h I Hori\e Care avail, !)t8..4570 CVrler Routes Open 900 work!na: vr/ col\lldential S LIMt - 5 times -S buclrt ,_....-_ _.,_____ tnin1 p •r.~ •"I ng 6l.50 ·e Allied Nuraea & Aidu • ror rnattPI'I. A ditferent atmOI· llULEI -AO MUIT INClUOli BABYSJmNG, near New OSCAR & TONY'S gardening • n "' 01 o.c. Nune• Re&iltr)' J.,.quna Beach, So. Laguna p~re from ordln&ry bUJI· ~~.":-~1111~.,*":-. ~..'; ::_ '::'"::.,!~':; Heller Park. Lg. fncd. yd., M!t. Trtt &: hedge trim· TOP Painting Compaey now 7129 W. Ltnpn Lane, S.A. DAil..Y Pll.oT neu. Must be able to work ,DAILY PILOT :m FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH ........ '4!0THING l<OI &Ale -,,.JliO~• ONlVI Bal. lunch. ).lnl, Cal.'e. ming, hauling & clean up, £Wlt&nlttS Lowest Painting [1,fATIJRE \\'Oman, de-pen-6'2-4321 shiltJ, PHONE 642-5671 64~7754 Complete gardenlna: se.r. Price1 on Acoustic ceilinp dable. own trana. Will * BUSBOYS MISS EXEC AGENCY To PlilCI Your Trtcler'a P•r1dfM Ail BABYSITTING ?tty Mme, Free ~I. Also tree: pruning. & Exterior Painting due to baby-alt afternoons, eve1, Experie~. Top salar,t'. 410 \V. Coaat Hwy., N.B. Stamp Collection: ,.. 1 n e v:c Brookhurst & Ada.ms. 493-4302 de \'el op n1e11 t ol New wttk~a. 642-7951 Day sh1lt ~ avail By appoint. 646-3939 200 -lCOO SQ. rr. Newport Beach Civic Ctr. area. SeCI'etarial. ser"\'ices. 3345 Newport Bhll.. N. 8. 61>-1601. Beaut1fu! 41 • NorYt•eipn Sailing Yacht. Lovingly car. ed for k equipped, U6,000 equity for Mme, income, TD'11. cars or ? ? • 64-1-4265 cond. Mounted, ,61 catalog Sl2 wk. 968-7156 GORDIE'S Lawn l\tain-pi-es.sure 11.irleu spray EUii· T.S.O. Operator. Dictaphone * DRIVERS * -tenance Mow. Edge. Power Ceill11£a $14 per room. Ex-.. _ p ---• •--At PRIME RIB INN ;;:!~~~r =i ~ orl~ Brick, Maaonry, etc. Vacuum. 1st phone 968-1910, teriCJrs $230. Harris Paintlna: ;;-'~~~~ ~';"s:&..m'S -428 E, 17th St., C.flt. No ExperitftCI down on Orange Co. hm. 6560 then 545-8734 an 5 Pl\1 , ...... c:._.::558:=.._~----I HOUSEWORK wanted. C.O.ta 645--0090 Necnsary! lndu1trl1I R1nt1I · 6090 497-1416. BUI.LO, Remodel, repair GARDENING & landscaping. * PAINTING, int &: UL Mesa. area. S2 per hour .•• BUSBOYS: 1 days, l P,tust have clean Calltcsnt1a .t. yrs exp. CI ea n -up, Back from Vietnam. Back 64" ... , nJrht1. Apply in .,rson, 329 drlv'-----'-'. Ap••• 1 acr'" improved view lot. Trade up • howie with back Brick, block, concrete, • J bus1ne · a.in. Free _,., ..... '~""' vv ,..,, .. view at 2353 Irvine c·-•-. no,.. b too small. spnnklers inlt'd & repairtd. n ss aa: TYPING --" u· t E. t 7th St., Costa P.Tesa. YELLOW CAii CO. NEW IUILDING """" ..... Equity 115•500• ~ ~..-. ... ~ 673-1166 estimate&. Will tubcontract. , t.VlU.la nc. e c . Ave., for vacant or 4 to 100 Lie. Contr. 962-6945 -~-------&&5-1089 done in my home, plck-up & C1ahler • Host111 136 E. 16th st. Trade ror T .D. 'a or ! ? 1260 Loran Ave., Colla Meaa * 548~7 * unit!. Agent 67>6252 Or AL'S Gataenlnz & Lawn 1 .,:c=.,=:,.,.,~----delivtr. Ref. 536-4545 C.OSta Meu 673--0823 aft 6 pm. C1.,..nterfn9 6590 1-lalntenance. Commercial, EX·PAINTER, llOw ichl ~======== Neat an....,arance, over lS, --"'°",.-,o-,;,--=--Each unit I725 sq ft, 2 oft---------~­ iet:s, 2 rest rooma, 110/220 2 lovely townhou1e1 N~w­ electrlc. Ample parking. port Beach, 2 BR, 2 BA C. Robert Nattress Realtor each, $500 mo income. S9(XJO Costa Mesa 642-1485 equity_ TRADE for home, 4,000 TO ll,000 sq. ft. Nu car. boat, ? ? Agent 64s.-0732 bldp. Near l~arbor & 32 x u x ~ -Sailboat hull. Baker. Su llivan. aif Ideal Ferro Cement Form. M0-4429 ... Trade ror machinery, tools, WANTED: 500 to-1000 aq ft etc. induatrial • residential. teacher will palnt eves & .... ~ Driver-Chauffeur Lag n B ch 3 BR & den Jobi-Men, Wom. 7100 full time. App. in person. s hrs 5-<l k u a ea , . CARPENTRY * 646-3629 * weekends. Xlnt \'.1lrkman-___ , ay w • home, ocean view. Ex· l\flNOR REPAIRS. No Job ship. free est. 646-4519 w· Call 642-0900 change for lot or duplex. Too Small. Cabinet in pr-JAPANESE Ga rd enc r ' r>40-0002. BOB'S BIG' BOY DRUil-IJWER starting (l'Oup: Mr Conrad Riviera Realty cxp'd, comp. yard service. ---------Accountinl) Clerk 1&1 E. 17th, CM. -·• 0 i·----•i · ages A: other cablnc!l!. free estimate. 968-2303 HOLIDAY SPECIAL, Int. «, necu us, iU UU" a.sou or 499-2800 494.1330 Eves. 568175. If no answer leave CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST Ext. palnti.ng. J..,ic & insurd.. Accoun" •receivable • CHEM. Engr .• Growing co,. organ. No hangups . San Cement 4 Commercial mar at 646-2372. H. o. Free esta, Loccl re.f.s. 30 yrs neecl1 lab engr. for comm'. 673-3910. Jots : Across at. from bank, Anderson fltowin&, ed&mg, odd jobs. ex""r. "Chuck" &45-0809 Billinf. One <tr more product line. Good bens. To --E~--5~e-,-,-e1-1-,-y--I Albe • M k Rea!IOnable. 548-6935 ,,... years of experience, able $10 000 Call F k Rand xec. nx to rtson • ar et. CARPENTRY, Cabinets SUBUJUlAN Painling/Dec 10 operate calculator & ' · t'an FutUl'e unlimited. Top skills electronic mft. Vic San Call 642·8961 Anytime $125,COO. For Shopping Ctr Remod. No job loo small, Jll\1'S Gardening & lawn Expert Guaranteed Wark ~ req'd. To $650 to start. or Apts Orange Cb. 673-1883 qual '""1lrk. C'..all 646-2S1S maintenance. Rea & con\· Fn.-e est. No job too large :~~:!:::ci~':e:';!:,t COASTAL AO ENCY Independent Dieao f'ri.\'Y. 213: 4n-86~. 1 ~!.o-v-el_y_ho~m-,-.-.,,~;m_pool_ 213: 39>9714 &: family style ca.le lbe,JIL. 1967 32• Chris Crall twln n1ercial. 1r 540-4837 or,_---". Att• ~190 Snellinc & Snelling p 1 A • REPAIR, Partitions. Small ..,., :miau ~ 2790 Harbor 81\·d .. or ersonne g1ncy runJ. Ne.xt to go.11 course. Near Valley Center. Trade HAVE $43,000 tn R-1. See for acreage. Owner 644-lm view lot, l12' x Th'. Located '&3 MKX Jag. 4 dr. F.P. Lo 2llS Lttwan:l Ln,, Do\·er mi, Auto-air-new rad. tires, Shores area. \YUi sell lo brks, A?tf-nt, stereo. Trade down, trd tor gel truat deed. SU00 eq. for late P.U., auto. or make cuh offer. H. C. 642--I574 eng, Iull_y equipped, very Remodel, etc. Nile or day. Gen•r•I S.rvlcM 6612 Painting Cadlll1c Controls 1TI6 Orange Ave, SUl!e C clean. \Yill trade equity for Reas? Call KEN 540-4679 Interior & Exterior Fences-Division of Ex-Cello Corp. * CLERICAL * C.l\I. 642-0026, ~79 6100 ho~ or car. 644-1434 days, 1 ··-·"-uo 7881 OPENINGS 6'12-47oll alter S. REPAJRS, ALTERATIONS Experien~ BARTENDERS bock wll.WJ. ~ 1166 Whittier Ave. Located ln Costa 1'les11.. * ELECTRONIC TECHS * AKC Doberman Pups, Ava.II. able for trade ot tools, furn- CABINET. Ally size job. serving all Orange County. EXTERIOR-INTERIOR Cost• Men E.'ipcrienre preferred. Overseas Opportunities 25 yn. exper. 548-6713 6.19-2233 & l\fAINTENANCE 646-2491 Salary open, Call Srnitty n4: 774--2610 iture, etc. Good home. Cement Co;crete 6600 H1ulln9 6730 • ~l.&i • An equal opportunity Please call Beverly David, Exper. Tiller employer (TI41 s-46-3300 Beautiful Office, To S450 to Prime consideration. Call • -For Better Painting, Inter- 642-8961 CEMENT WORK. no job too TREES, Hedges, topped, cut ior &: exterior, acoustic cei· Erickson. 547-4019. Evea. '&°'~"·d"•-3'°·°'•",'°'•"m.,.-,&,._,2-,.-.,. OR l-075! apts $2!1,9JO val. or 2 hma DOUBLE lot with Old Span. w/ 5 rear apts, mo inc $788, sty!' house, 3 Br. 1 Ba. $59,500 val. Trd S33l\f ~ for $19,000. Call ~167 S.CaJ hm. Qy,'nrlbkr 646-3750 !mall, reasonable, Free n!moved, hauled. 30 yn lings. 64&-4017, 541-3502 HAVE clear North Laguna estim. H. Stunick 548-8615 exp, Fully insured. Big John . RENTAL READIER 3 BR. & IH!n, 1% + % ba. 642-4030 WANT bea<'h income PATIOS -DRIVE\\'AYS f>ID.3924 642-2752 _ PlanteNi -Block Fence!ll y ARD I G lU • c 1 e 8 n UP PAINTING-Ext.-lnt., 18 )TS., Call anytime. Broker Room additions 642-9852 S 1 01 /I 0 ad · Salvagea~les Exp. Ins., Lie., Free est. * , * CONCRETE FLOGRS tree . Remove trees. IV)', Acoust. celling. 675-4938 6200 'i * * * * • grade 962-874:> patios, etc. Reasonable, Call 1 1!!'!1!!!'!1!!"~!""!!!!ill!!!l!!!~!!!!~!!!iil!!!!!!i!!~!l!!i!I Don. 642-8514 HAULJNG. Have %T P/U Pl11terlng, Rip.air 6880 PRE·PAID i ·llUSINESS •nd ANNOUNCEMENTS =="='======I Anythin• -tr"h 10 furn. 18 •PATCH Pl.ASTERING FINANCIAL ind NOTICES Contr1ctor1 6620 loand + mlg. 494·1003 tlm INTEREST --------I·~==;.:.;.:.::;:.._ __ -------~ MOVING HAULING All tyi,'~j ~~ ate A amall prtnelpa.I. payment Bus. Opportunities '300 Found (Free Adi) "'_..""' Additions * Remodeling 1% ton van, reaa. 536-iil26 I.========= vdll handle alo"• with ...... --Fred H, Gerwick, Lie. Pl bl 6190 ' . ..., ... -673-6CM1 * 549--2110 Cleen Up ind Haul 2m ng pa.id intereat, this 30 acre I========= $10 a load. 646-2528 parcel. Priced at '240,00J. SOMETHING NEW: lXlG Male; black w/small I..::;;;========-PLUl\tBING Repairing & Aasume 6~•% fina.ncina; &. \\'hi. mark on t"hest &: 811\llll C1rpet Cle1ning 6625 Ren1odcting. Elt'<'tric sewer carry wilh crops. Well ~ Jn this day \\"hen rranch1sing nick in Jell ear. Black coUar CARP '-..C..:.:;: HouncliinJng 6735 c ·ea 11 in · . \II '.\'Ork cated In Riverside witl> ......d is t-eaching U.. ~ repu-\\'/sliver studs C 'l Er & upholstery steam m•aranteed. 642-&a83 """'"' """"' ,..0 .,~no • "" · area, cleaned, also carpet in-BAY &: Beach Janitorial ~·::,::-~c-=~~=-==~ potential. For mOre inform&-talion it enjoys -it's great ""'""""""' alt 1 C PLUl\IBING REPAIP~ t find trul ,;;;;;.,,7;;==,-,,,-~~ I st alion. Resu ts guar. For Serv. pis, wi~·s, floors, tion, please call K. W. Small o a Y good Cran-\VEIP.IARANER Or Vlszla free est, call~ etc. Res & Comm c' I . No job too sman Eckhoff & Assoc •• Inc. chis! that actually gi\'ts the · Gold e 64Z-3l2.8 e 1818 W, Chapman Ave. franchisee a ~und invest-puppy vie enrod & Cit A--OK ahampoo Christmas _6'_&-_M_-Ot _______ "========= ment. One that offers him H67~;.27· 7~1 on 11124· Call special S7 .50 rm-less for C01\1PLETE Housecleaning Orqe, Calif. .rJ hall At "' ll indo Roofln1 6950 ~-am. Eves-wkncls 5.38·~n a very high and fast return ! etc. ao comp \.,.a s. y,• ws & floors on his investment dollar, FElo.fALE, Terrier. 1-0und hou.secln'g 827-3182 839-3053 ALL TYPES: rock, wood & 128 Acres pastUIT land Wy. without tying up the enor-~ay l\fesa Vertie-Ave. CARPET & Furn. cleaning: _ll_W_!N_OO_W_3_D_!R_TY_?_ asphalt shingles. LEAKS o~ipi $15,00} frte ~ clear. mol15 capital that most Cran. ~ In Costa J\f~ aa · tor 1 day service & quality Free est. 15 years exp. REPAlRED. Work guar. WIJf carry paper or ex-chlaes do. This we have un-77 "'Ork, Call Sterling for Johnny Dunn 642--2364 847-1136 ciJan&t'. qllfttionably the best oppor. NOV. 25 • grayish cat v.1\h bri&h~ss! 642-8520 *APT CLEANING * =::======== DAVIDSON Realty tunity for the small inveslor orange streak on nose. RENTAL READIER S.ewlna 6960 ·n 1 1· y 642-5736 ••k tor G-tchon Fast I: thOrough 642-8164 _ ,:c: 1 a ong ime. ou can '"' 541).3924 \VlLLIAMS Cleaning Serv. work either part or full time SCH\VINN Blcycle, adults. CUSTOill dreumakln.g & 5464460 Eves, 549-llraS and ~am exceptionally high Conbnental, yellow, comb, Cirpet Liylng & RENTA~:.ADIER ~!~~~1;~J;eat & "Careful 40 Acres, So. Calif. $2S. earnings. You do need at lock under seat. Poor cond. Repiir M26 DOWN, $25. PER M-ONTII, least $1 ,495.00 cash to ala.rt. Identify 548-5494 -----'==..::.:.:;; ---------• I.Jressmak.ing • Alterations $2,495. FUlL PRICE. L. For further inronnation "PO~~EO.:R'-'=c=~-~-FOR CARPETING H I I 6731: Special on coat hems Sbewfelt, 326 '"-Third St., write Including telepl>One to .• l\f ANIAN, Vic. 17th I: ousec e•n n9 ~ * 646-6446 * LA. Phone: C213JS23-5lOl North American, 445 East Pomona. OR CARPET LAYING 2nd South, Suite °". Salt 00-1452 C. A. Page &42-2010 CARPETS, Windows, fln, Alter ationf.642·5845 CABIN on 5 acres, lo Jo dov.11 ,:>,) etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. e.."'<p. &. e•no monthly pavmens all l,l.ak=;:-' ,.c_i~ty~· _U_t&h __ s_llll_;._ P.IALE COLLIE, llred & D I 6630 v.'Ork Reas! Refs. ~lll -1 .,... hun'"""" vie. Tustin Ave. r•per es for only $3500. Btt<:k-Nott A..Ull.late ., • ., --'-------'- "'""' 64>-9044 CANDY SUPPLY Puk. G4l->;<t CUSTOM DRAPERIES 10 ACRES -PRl?tfE. Near ROUTE SIAJ\IESE cat lound Cd.i.\I. Free Installations large lake. $25 a mo. !No selling involved) Has nea ':~~862 Any windoiv treatment. Hun-IRONING In my home Sl an Call {TI4) 894-4743. Excellent income for fcw dreda of 1&mplea & desigru;. hour: also alteratio~ & 1-========== I ho~ v.·eek.Jy work, (Days ORANGE Tom Cat ?\lake an appointment v.·/our ,ba=b"=":::":;,"g,;·_:S4c:>-:_7;.:641=.. __ Like Elsinore 6202 and Eveningi). Refilling and t•ic lrvlrle TC1T. decorator. Call Steve Jones ·-------- 6755 Ironing TILE, Cer1mlc 697,.4 1r Ve.me, The TUe Man * CusL 1vork. Install k repainl, No job too small. Plaster patch. Leaking sh o 1Y er repair. 8•17-1957184&-0206. 3 ADJOINING h il lside lak~ew lots. near caaino 13.(ltl). 5.1&-2449 calleeting money lrom coin 673-4332 ,..._ ~ d' at ..... mplete Drapery Serv· Janitorial 6790 Tree Servo·,~ operat=o ISpensers in Or-Sl\tALL Siamese vie o! ice 662206 • 6910 3 ACRl:S 4D miles north of Reno near Honey Lake at foot of Sierras. Level, clear. $3,000. 536-2'W9 --R. I . Wanted 6240 ---NOTICE It you have a 3 or 4 bedroom home tor sale or for rent. call ua: today. W!! represenl !he emplo)'ffs or a larst firm ' moving 10 the J1arbor Area and they musl have housilli:! All cash if desired. can Farrow 546-3640 BUSINESS end l'INANCIAL ange Co. and surroundillf Tustin & 19th C.l\f ·1-'-===----- area. We establish f04Jte. 646-'t735 - (Handles name brand candy EllC'fric1I 6640 and snacks)_ $1575.00 cash B:I.ACK Female kitten f01.1nd .-._;..;c;_ ___ ..::;:..;: I SPARfil,E Janitorial & \Vi.n- dow cleaning Sent. Win· dowa, resld., com!, const. Cleanup. Frtt ~at. 968-2691 requirrd, For personal inter-in Newport Shorea. 642-3541. ELECTRICAL service & view in Orange Co. area, 428 Colton St. repair. 2-1 hrs. 7 days. No --------- send name addrcs~ and FOUND: lonely run grown job too :unall. Re-model & phone number to J\fULTI-('ollie, vie. Paularino & additions, If it's electrical, 6840 STATE DIST., INC., 168I W, Fairview. 546-3487 \l'e fix ii! 646-4772 MOVING TREES pruned, t o p p e d , Nmoved. 26 yrs exper. Aerlaltowerequip. 493-5405, 638-1234 GENE'S mEE SERV: Treci;, shrubbery trimmed, &/or rcn1oved. 54!)...I359 -Broad""·~. Anaheim, Cali-FEMALE TeITler, rold col-Local, Medium distance. Upho!stiry fomla 92802 (714) 778 5060 G d Reasonable. 536-612& FOO · · · or, vie. Coata Mesa Gou1_ .. _•_•_ln-'g'---..C.661;:· .:;.;O I~-'===:::...=.=::...._ --'----'----- 6990 D Taff out in Balboa. course. 540-3701 White elephant&! Dime-a-line CZYKOSKI'S Custm. Uphol. fine Joe, gross $651'1 est.ab. TREE SERVICE. gen'I yard \Vhite elephants! D\me-a-European Crattamanshlp 4~ yn: •. includes V.W. van. Lott 6401 cleanup: SPRINKLER line DAILY PILOT WANT .100% fin! 642-1454. Makes lotaa loot and $7,500. REPAIRS. &t6-SM8 ADS? 1831 Ne1vport Div, C~f. 'o\111 get you in. lUGH REW ARD! SClfNAUZER doc . male . small • .sa.11 · & pepper col-Notion and 1rimming shop, busy Harbor Blvd. Fine to kttp yoor wile outa trouble and making money, Full price $9,950, with te.1Tru1. '" -•hon can ~ tall . namo ANNOUNCEMENTS I ANNOUNCEMENTS "'Bt.c!cie". Loat v;c Bak· end NOTICES and NOTICES er & Bristol Of. Fri. Nov 28. Contact 54~ Persenals 6405 Personels 6405 ANNOUNCEMENTS ind NOTICES days 5"&-6318 nltes. Dog -·---------1 Per1on1l1 6405 au.: Oppertu~lt1e• '* Two fine beauty shops. 3 and can't live v.·lthout preacrip-LOSE PALMISTRY .. ----- ' 6 stations in down town tion. PLEASE. CARD READINGS * D 'ti Hfth Profit Pot•ntlal Costa 1-feSll. Get In I OM c"A"'"t.E~~A,-~F~.m-al~. ~Pu~g,1 Bring Your Problems to on • Franchlae Opportunity with buslneu for nnly S3,000. brownish and blackish grey, Me _ I Wiii Help Yo"' Goodway, • -40 :r-e•r old nL tenns to wit. v.ith black face & marklnes. WEIGHT Solve Thim. Ca'I us u you still believe in Uonal prlntjnc company, THE REAL ESTATERS lhr.rbor & Fairview. l I d · all 11 cave style dating. Prvwn concept. pxper\e~ ~1171 ASK FOR VAN gvc a Vlee on ma crs not ne~ry. You 11,a.. Reward. ~f>.-0648 of life. such t1.'1 love, court-2-1 Hr reCOL'ding w.'Ol'k in Center or be an ab. DISTRfBU'roRSHIP Orange LOST :J ca11. l orange loin, r •,rant lO women v•ho are IO ship, 01arriage. divorce, bus. OR.ANGE CO. 547-6663 11entee lnveitor. Prlml' lo-Co. beckground desirable. ,v\th collar. l{earlbroken. pouncla or 111ore ovel'weight iness transactions of nll catkin now available In this Auto oU cleaning vnlt -oiLlfe 536-3947 to take part in group weight kinds. Reunite 1he sep11r. Announcement• 6410 •rea at $29,r:iO, flnanclna • $6500 requirtd. App ta only. fAT Female Beatie vie. loss program of speclallttd ated, cauae 1petdy and h•P. -------~-" !'·"! 1•• ... fil'T-7310 ,...__ & ~-h rd S A reducing, All inquirlea con. py ma.niagea, overcome rL OlR.IST:'llA~ ava..., e. Repy to: Robert -========= [ ..,,...,rtaa v1"\: a ' . . ..... "al k t FLEA MARKET -• lf R ard 546--0567 uuent1 . A& or Mr. Ken. vals, loven quarrels, evil Locrw, ~Director, 670 Money to Loin 6320 . gti. ew nedy 5.17·54U._~=~--habits, stumhlins block.I ol Y\VCA Santa Ana Soutb Vermont Awn11e. Loti LOST -\Vin: Ten1er, v1c. .:: all kind -· ,_ h 1 l-UI. N. Bruedway ~· ••,.-1 Spirltual Readings, ~dVice &o b3d tJr home IO dre111·y ON' S" ti ~oon-9 pm. Accounting Clerk CLERK • Hospital or Dr.'s ore. ex'p, Good hours. Nice people to work for. To $125, ~-1 ·on availabl• ·mm~late Call Jean Brown ~055 • ""' ' ~ . COASTAL AGENCY ly. One or more year& ex-. perienCe. Able to operate Snelltng & Snelling adding machine, typing & 2790 Harbor Blvd., Cilf heavy filing. 3 weeks vaca-COFFEE SHOP ?.1ANAGER tion after 3 ~ar1, group in-Exp'd only. Start $175 v.·k. surance, credit union & other Apply 2..t pm daily, TilE benefits. COTTAGE COFFEE SHOP Apply Bl DAILY Pllfil 562 \V. 191.h St. Cf\!. 330 West Bay SL., Credit M1nager Costa Mesa, or call Trainee 1.frs .. Greemnan, 642-4321 Hizb SChool Grad. SW to Advertislng Agency Sh1rp Secretery f o r fast • p1ced Newport Beach Agency. Type start. Independent Personnel Agency ins Orange, SUite c C.~f. 642-0026, 545-0979 6S.70. Shorth1nd 100, CosmetologiSt or ganize A f o 11 OW HAIR STYLJSTS. Top ,.,·ork· t h r u • U n d e r 3S. ing condition.!! & per«"ntage. Phone: '4t.3'10. 415 Pd vacations. 84 7-2673, N . Newport Blvd. 847-913& ask for Al . =..:..:.:=::..:..==--: ADVER, Gal Friday • cre- ative writer, PR coordinator COOK • • • all rollf'd into one, What an oppty! Up to S600. Call Bill- ie Beek S4().6005 COASTAL AGENCY Snelling & Snelling 2790 Harbor Blvd .. 0 1 AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Ntwport Bu sintss Servic e Centar Announces a new employ· Apply in person only THE RIGGER· # 16 Faahion Island Neivport Beach ment !;l'rvice for men and !--------- women in the beach areas. .. COOK -Apply The Service Center The Flying Butler E I t A l ~--='c:7>--0977:...:::.:...:'.::· ·::"''--mp oym1n gency Qualm<d ;001vldua1, "'"r'"• e COUNTER GIRLS personalized service In locat- in&: the right posit.Ion, regis- ter now at • ;;IX) Nel'.'PI. Center Dr * (Fashion Isll Suite 200 NB call for appt. 6444981 ATTRACTIVE YOUNG WOMAN WITH SUPERVISORY ABILITY Three 1hifts availa.ble Aprly ONTRA CAFETERIA # 60 Fashion I1land Nev.·port Shopping Center Pacific Coast Hwy at htcArthur, N.B. DENTAL OFFICES -ASSISTANTS- '""· Independent Personnel A9ency 1TI6 Orange Avt., Sulte C C.il-t. 642-0026. 5.lMll?! FOOD SERVICE PERSONNEL Ir you desire .a pleasant '°b in new facilities at Hyland Laboratoriea FOOd Service in Costa Mesa, please con. lact ?tlr. Bill Rickman, rm: 221. Vagabond l\fotor J-lotel, 3151 Harbor Blvd., C.1-1. Ap- ply in person irom 9 Al\l-5Pr.·t, Dec. 4th & Sth. An Equal Opt>ortunl ty Employer. FACTOR?' Trainee Highschool grad. f\1Ultary obligation comp!. Gd. basic n1ath. 5"10" or over. r.tecb11nical ability helpful. 548-5125 Sall'.'! FABRIC SALESWOMAN 40 hn \\"k. Salal"/ + com·- misslon. Vacation & 1lck benefits . P.fust have knowledge of fabrici'I. Apply in person No phone calls THE SINGER CO. 2300 Harbor Blvd, 01 FASHION \\'ant :-,·our f r e e Fashion Wardrobe by Chriatmu? Be- ('()ffie a Fashion Consultant? No Investment -H!ghetJt Earnings • Complete Train- ing. Full or p/time. Call Mr. lfansen for interview cn4) 5"5-41l18. 10 AM-ii PM Daily. Fashion 1'11rror, Corp. F I C Bookk11per Automoti ve aper. helpful:. Terrific oppor. To $600. Independent Personnel A1•ncy 1TI6 Orange Ave, Suite C c .r.t. 642-0J26, 535-00'79 Female COOK-Pl\t Hosp exp pref'd. Contact Per!IOnnel DirC'ctor, So. Coast Comm. In 1-estaurant management, • Tnsw'lltlce girls Hosp. 31872 Cst. JJwy. So. lo act as HosteSl!I, Caillier. • Receptionist. Laguna, 499-1311 Ext 356. Asst, JI.far. on n~ht shift . Prepared re11Ume must have P.fust be responsible person. two yn;. dent.al experienc-c. * FIBERGLASS Top salary to qua!Uied per-Day hours. All union bene-LAMINATORS son. plus advancement po-ftta. Salary $3.44 per hr. Call Experienced, Top pay. l.aiie tcntial. for appointment 633-75.11. custom yachts, Willard Boat PRIME RIB INN D I R • • \Vorks. 1295 Baker, C.~f. enta ecept1on11t 428 E. 11th St., c.~I. ~Tusl have front olc, exper. Foreign Cir Mech1nlc1 ~=~~645-:.::.:::0990:::_ ___ 1 Top aalary for the right i irl. Good co. benefits, incl pakl A$EMBLY Tra.iflt'f's, day Independent vacation, group ins, unJ. shift, femalt' age IS-28, nol Personne l Agency forms furnished free. Good exp nee., but must have 1ns Orange Ave., SUite C comm. schedule. Ask tor ~ eyesight &: finger dex-C.l\1. 642-0026, :>45-1)919 Joe Moore Ph, 501764. ttr1ty. Apply in pe~son SAE DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, GAL FRIDAY Advanced Packaging, ~357 Exp'd. for modem dental 2 temporary openings; 1 part. E. EdlnFt. S.A. offiC!', Hunt . Sch. 962-331"J. llme/l full timt. Top skilla - ASSISTANTS & requil"E'd. Call for appoint, RECEPTIONIST DENTAi. >ccretary. R9cep-SERVICE CENTER tionlst. Age ~. Call E I A Prepattd rewme mun ha\'e S46-JOOO mp oyment gency , .... ~ d tal · ~"-"""'"-~~~~~-* 500 Nt-v;port Center Dr. * .. ~·w• rn <':c;>er1ence. 0_-ENTA' • . O . s· F.vt. hrs. All union beMfits. ... .. ss1s. ia1r 1cle. <Ft1shion Isll Suite 200"NB Se.lary $3.44 per hr. Olli for 23 + Yl'S. 2 yrs exf)er. Reply Call for app!. 644-4981 .appt. for Interview, GJ3.4J31. 8o'I. 517·l\I, Dally Pilot. GENER.AL Office c lerk . BABYSITIER for 2 chlldren, ~liED ~ND.,-H.avc good wlth filfl!reR. Apply .t & 5. Livt'-in or out. You ContnQ._u!_ecl . f\1.cGregor Yacht Corp., 1631 6'1Ni45 all 10 Ai\f l,o=N=E=G;";';";i'lll'='='='""='==:.=P;••;;';'";':;;~=· ~c~·';;'·====I Banklng Jobt--Men, Wom. 7100 Jobl-Men. Wom. 7100 * COMMERCIAL TILLER 1-:"T''d. Apply In pt"r110n Newport Natlon1I Bink *EXEC. SECRETARY* ......... CalUornl>, or call 2nd TD Loan BrookhUNt • Ad&m•. H.B. LICENSED .... ~ .. ~no '" ..., -_.wor • P.talt. Reward. 962--42\7 that t canno1 brl11; al.U\Shlnt Snack bar. Anli11ue.s, dolls. OOlN lallndrie~FrtPklrt. Prompt, con.fidcnlinl servlc.! DAI..:\1ATIAN Pup. 8 mos ~: ;:~~i;a:1~1~rU~te lolo it. tn fact, no m11.tter jpy,·clry, gifts plol't -bar-Sul>('rlor "-PlaCt'n1lri, N.8, From '6.51Xt to it2.sao. '42-2171 SU-0611 old. malr. vie C:irk Ln fort 492-9136, 492,,0076 whaf mA,y be youn-hope, gains~ OLAUTICIANS AN.helm. Coll8 Me••· ServltlJ !{arbor area 20 yrs, Fairview&: SD })-wyl 0.f. JO AAJ. lO P~I fep.r or a.mb\Uoii. SENSITIVITY TRAINING 3 •<<nE Buem-Partc, Full•rton, s~--........... Ce. REW. ~1-634& -,,,=,.,,,,...,.,_,..,._,,._...,,_,~---SEE 11fE-• ' ..-. -_. .... ~ D AT ONCE . ~ ,,_,,.. D~ISAB'EO v t t-" 11-.. \VORR'. SHOP FE:i\lALE. Gaden Grow, Jlu.nlllwton 338 E. lith Strttt ~ •"' .u .. e .......... y b •R• .PALl'flSTRY READER A 1 t Bead\ S&Dta Alla, TUil.in. -===='°"'-=;:i;"==d r .., ... 1A~ ,., toy poodle. Urg t'nlly reque~t1 ptt$(1n&I I will ll j "-program o nterpcl"80M.I \\'e att lumina-'>1-11.)' buslnru J-~,--t12'M~ • .Black:-Loll vie &ach & -vW.!Jat.e• ald. Nl>AIW~ IC you ll!if Wnal )'OU f'Xert iscs fO!_!!!!all &cll~I· \'er,,~. N~~bJ I_ Chui"e 525--'1133 R-••I i1t1t. Lo.Ml3"4f Ne.,,'TTlan, lt.B. Rewud! 1 drive my new Rerutult ~•·at! 10,· •• ,.,,._ reef~ R~1P5;..,.,n l'ilin m opr 'a, to takt cart• ol 1,.. Mu•l be able lo take shorthand at 100-110 wpm. Experience lll the executive level In a saJes or mar..keting .... acUvjty preferred. WiU. also handle phones & travel arrange. ments . Excellent opportunity. Sala.ry com- -Wlf~sutlilrwill\ llrn<grouffi . ! , 1;;;;,;:::::::::..,.-:=..:;:;:...;.::;: 847-JJIS AM. Visit me at ...... ,,.. " • '"" ~~ charge call v-12 .... ,~. 10 A.\J. quest cuslomen R • c I' n 1 VC"Ut Flft a:tancf."" drive In CAU.. •IARDESTY •l.I With Thia Ca-' llnd $3.00 -P'I • "g" ·• 41 t st NB ''i ,, "· ira.ds \\"Clcome, Olcntele. ,-rntauran• hf lrafflc loca· For Financin& p1--neli 6405 _!_ " · · Receive SS.CO Rttdlni I ., _STS-• ·-not nectsaary. Call Viola don., sood bul!ne... OwnPr ==,,*_,...,...,..,-~*.-,,-,-I ---------ISINGLES dance evecy \Ved. Open Daily 10 A.'I to 10 PM Cemetery L_o.ct•;__.;.64.;_1;.;I Lcvlna. 54-9919. Or apply mu1t Actlnce S.S.!A» dn. BOAT Yard I Marine St.lei. SONGS. poemii, ldfu wa.ntl'd 8::JO to 12. fo:< trot, twlng, Fully LfCf'~ --· in pel"J()n, 267 E. llth St., ' L ' " .. l• . ' TJ-CE REAL ESfAT£RS Take over opera tins boat rt• by hit t.'!m9~cr. I Pu 1 b. 1Ha1B1,, 3 M 1 H 1 do,. wl1~ Oub. Ott. t2"1!1 8'l7· 1 !"Op R"l Salc 1 by owner. 6 C.~l. ~nn Ask for Van. ,,.tr. h•rd\\'IU't .-le' & boat l't'C'Ordt . ...,,.... 1". •err 11': • • n1 . ~. o ~·ach, ofl 210 \Y. \Vhitt ler Bh·d.. aru c Ve1\• ceme1ery lots. ~ ... "!1'1!1!""'""""'""'•'11 It UROPCA.N Dtlial.lnttn, Wea. Busineu in 1''twport 2005 St. Anne., S.A. 921CM \\'ar~r. Adm, S'l LA Jfabra C.ll niornlnp 642--1323 TII~ SUN NEVER SETS on rtpouea;M!d Ml~. Muat wn Death. No lm.n'lrnent m. l1APPY BIRTllDA'\' PEHSONALlZED Christmas ALCOH()LlCS Ano11ymou1 PR.ICED to sell tut! 2 Iota:. Clu1llit'(fi; acllon pov.-er. all or part. RtJI. 11214 quind. \''rile OaUy Pl1"t CllARI .£;.~ t... SHATl-"ER D I Ac r lm\nat~R.Puonal.llot· PhoM !H2-121t 0i write to Pacific View fl.fem or 18 l F"or tin ad to 54!11 IU'OUnct lhe- Beach Blvd. H.B. 847·2UI Box ?ii <IJ4 \VE LOVE YOU r111e_.,., Call 5G-6l9l P,Q; Box 1223 O>~a ht~. Patk. 5-19--0674 clock, dial SU.5678. ---------------- ! • • ' • Please apply In ~rson or call ~1r. Kuechler for appoint1nent, 835-4804. GENERAL AUTOMATION 1402 E . CHESTNUT ST., SANTA ANA An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Will be moving to Irvine complex 1970 • zt ,tlOU.!YUTl!l"Wtthl~~Dtc~~btr ~1969 WtdntMlq, Dtctn1btr ,, 1(}69 D~LY Mm Gt '· JOBS & IMPLOYM•Nl JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT ·JOU & IMPLQYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINl lM!.lttMANOISI l'Olt MlllCHANDISE FO'R ·-"••""N"l>I l'Oll MkkC"nANUl>a fOii' l ••• • JOIS" EMPLOYMINT-Jobe-Mon, Wom. f ll' w-noo Job1-Men, Wom. 7100 SALi -AND TllADI . SALE AND TRADE '~Cl ANO TRACE SALi AND T1lADf . Jobs-Men, Wem. 7100 .lobe Men, Wem. 7100 OC!lcr, Tmpon.ry • . T ~""Cii"R·s CJllLDREN fumiture IOOO Appliances 1100 Carner•• & Equip. 8300 Mt1cen1nNU:1 MOO Gel Prldey llO sro:>. CcttU.tnt Q:i_ ~ne­ tlts. Pltuant 'Ml~lna condL. tionr. Top benttit1. Call Ka,y $4&-MlO. JA50N .llST MAN w I wood\\-Orldna exp, to worir: with yoYth.. r.t1 turc or eeml-retired. &U-83'1? ?.tANICVlUS"I' for bu1y shop nclll' Bayalde Shoppl n1 Center.~ ut. _ _ SAL.ESNAN, Oucaidt -Pro1.. need mature v."Ornan to · · rornON~cam;ra.-~ pk .1---------v 0 L T ""'""nl<nt co. Sal<• "'JI· babyolt at 111<1• "°""'· Ori,. SACRIFICE SALE.I NEW 2 d1'. GE .. 1r1,., '""' '""'In d&l'k, utetlme d"''· STURDY maple !Win -PNttr collqe educ w/10mo l"I reqi,llttd. !WI. ~d. model home •.• ,, .•..• JlT8 op'& COl'll. Cost $396 1tll JUO white heirloom lpl"tMa, math. 8ondable. To 17200 + 84~lll J-fB, 2 dr. R•t..1-rator, lrolt-fret, 64" .. ?11'1 l...uJ'e . maple d ro p·l •al Put your akilla to work! car allow + comm. Veey SLEEPER S01'"A, beauUfDJ. _,,." ......,... tabl 5 .......... dl-1-•atr.L.. --·'"'-.a. . ti'tns:--c-.11 Gerry TEACHERS-T i n y Tot ly quilt~. custom Wtltcd. bottom fn!eur •••••··· $1"8 -I!. --·-· ..... -· Earn mon•y for thole cxtru Whit•, Ml)-600$ Pn!-Scnool. 1\Jes " Thun Y01.1r <"htice of colors. Refri1C'ratora •••• from $ 38 Spo'rllng a.ods ISOO •·ft!Und pedettal type -• durini the JloJlda1 ~aton. COASTAL AGINCY AM. $2.50 hr .. For tn. Re! S300 269 ConM Color TV, eontemp ctw.lt1. Oei:oratot chnu.: Employmtn! Aecncy MANtCURlST: Full or Part 2"'I So, Main. Saitta Ana Wt need; Snelli-4 SntUln.. fom1atlon C'all S:.1-i08~. J<IJC •lte ·~~~~:eowve~vet cab., new picture tube-• $248 LADIES and mens lletd 1kt1 Cyelo mll.UIO new, at Jn .. ,. ... Whlrlpool auto w11.&her., J 5D with bindings $45 each. 2 price. Picture ~ •• cod ~ Harbor Blvd., CM TEU..ER • Note & Colltc· tn»emble, hd bd, sprd, bench, GE Wuhor/Dryer .... SlOO pair lace boota. JS, 644-l99.S. Jl1h nett!,.:, alua flo&tJ, SALESLADIES wanted part tlon: Call Exper. -Newport cust quilted. Color choice. DUNLAP'S ~-· ____ corU, a.rt objttctJ, maey lime.' Attractive profits, National Bank, 1.tr. Carter. Rei. $330 •·•••• f'i'ow $269.5() iSl.S Newpoi·t Blvd c •1 Ml1c•ll•neou1 l600 milic. Near Udo ltl•. tlmr. Udo &?@a, 100%. ~ T I Gontrel Offloo $400 -YP 111 Good typJnc skWi, F/O ·~1 ..:c6734..:-..c.;.™:.c.· ~------S.cretarles local busl~ss. Ph: 1541$-8670 642.-3111 FUU. size eneemble, aon roU, ·• ·" · rr.>-47•7 betwffn 2 t: 5 PM. TELEPHON!: An1~rlna cU3t quilttd, headbd, spttad, 541-7788 - -· beM_.. ,.._ .. 1.. ALM A • s A NT 1 a· COUCH &i matchlnc chair. -peuance, clll Loraine, Manuf.a.cturln&: • -ke'fpunch ()peratar.1 Men:t11nt1 Ptl"IOl'lnel A~n. -All clerlc1I Cat•1• EXPLORER hcurim--r1e1 sUEs:' llOO '-• In wig S.ivlce ' ' .Exp'd ptt!. ·~·. vnO ,,..,, Awcado, QU ES * AUCTION * l\Mua couch. kit tbl • ' ' .. ••·n ti•ld. NA... .. Call 540-2052 Reg. $269.SO., •• Now J179.50 REOPEN aflf'r i I l 11" s s ..... ,......., ~ .., • P.1allreu & Box SprinJs e Prese11t litock Inc I u de 5 '"''"· 1l\&nl r:het t · It nlte-• ultspe:nons, P 0 tent I a I WAITRESS 1\lng Set J99.95 Quttn S89.95 beaut. cut glass, pitcher & 6 FRIDAY -DEC 5th atand. '61. Pont. Bonnevlll•., cy, ))Cl WntcllU Dr., N. B. 645-2710 mediate ()penlnp • Top Finn• GIRL Frid~ • Excltlna; Co. in tun toe. aeeklna: ambit- iou• prrson to f")lv w/ them. Start .$4~. Call Sally Hart ~ COASTAL AGENCY Snellln& &: Snelling 2790 Harbor Blvd., rat GIRL FRIDAY. Good typlnz •. neat appell'•nct:. Call r-.fr. Youn1, 642-7749, Collection Bureau of We1tl!m Oran&• for - * 5--Finish mc-n *1 Wtldtr * 1 -Welder's Mlper * 1 -?tl!!ehaniCJ AulO. •1 -Plumber •t -Plumber's helpct· ' •4 -Gen. aaaembly •1 -MW mast ~~~~~4;:an Mn. Eaperienced F\lll Set $54.95 Twin $44.95 tumblen, compotes, goblets 7:30 P .M. f:~. ~OYI~ v:itlltooa ll-= -------· ___ FREE 12 lb Turkey or S lb .r,, w111t"s; c hUd 's needlepoint Bankruptcies &: Repossff-12 L. v ' • • Sal.ti li-ta~r for new A I I Can~ Ham with mi"n, pur. rocker; unwiual pint! chest·, •· N •-u--• Fu 1 /l tty reaaonabla pp y n person '"'flll• "' 00 llf;U m · 495-0414 after 6. • Top Dollars • Top l•neflts dress ahoP: 1..Afuna Stach. SURF & SIRLOIN cha.sl! of $89. Kewpie doll; bc-11.ut. areen 1ure. Top name Bedrooml::-;===~,,_~.,..._,,,1 Lona & Short ~nn au:lt•l-Mu.st have prev1ou1 salrs &: .5t30 Pie. Cit. Hwy. SIESTA SLEEP SHOP onyx clock; rare cameo set1, Dlninr lfOUPI, Divan., BEAUTIFUL Kina bed-quUt· ment1 now available. TT'ana1e'r-!al experience. glass. Wed thn.J Sat 10-4. Lo\ueats Oialrs Cheata •d mattre11. CDmp]e~ Relerences. 213: 72S-0144 Newport Beach Appl. anytln1e. 823 W. 16th, O.aks, Dinette&, Cotree ta'. u~. JIC6. wort !I $250. Re1'.lster toda,.y •.•.•••••••••• ••.•••••.• Work lOmorrow!I V 0 L T -SALESLADY * * WAITRESS IS 1927 i-tartior Blvd Costa ~lesa N.e . ~ bi \V. ot Placentia. blet, P.!attttsses. Lam.,, 34u.536 eves. " • 645-2760 • 548-4280 ===-o-~-~--1 . Daily 11}9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12.5 · • Portable 1V's, Stereos, Pie· CARPET Installer tw one Curtalnt, DtaPl!rt•s & GUU. UDO,P'S l!I to 35, neat appeering. Full time. APP. In pe:tiion KE;Nti10RE Auto washl!r. 2 tu~. Cedar cheat.a, Chlnt roil, avocado nylcn carpet. 20 PC. ''MADRID'' spd, 3 cyclr, xlnt cond. $45. cabmtls, Bicycle!,• PoVr"er do@le jute-backed. Will itell ' County * 3 -Electricians 1.H~o~u~s°'EK°"~rn=P~E~R-71 ~, ,-,-.~,-n 1 (2-110 It 1-12 voHJ INSTANT PERSONNEL Home 'Llrnl1hln11 South Ce111t Plaza BOB'S alG BOY lM E. 17th, C.r>.f. 3 R G 546--3672 or 347-8115 Mowers, Honda Trail Blke, all or ~ $l/yard. St0-1"5 OOM roup E LE.c.:t.Rl C stove -Cleek Wrtter, stenorerie, CHRISTMAS FonnaJ cornln& motherle1s home, N.B. atta. 2 ~enqen, Woman with 1 sml child ok, 531-1450 HAIRSfYLJST, male or ff!m11.lc with following, good N.8. Jocatlon. 642--0844 HOUSEKEEPER N e·c•.c.d7e-d7 • Live-In. Motherle•• house. 3 schl. children. $200 month. Hunt. Bch &n!a. 968-3629 HOUSE-KEEPER, live-In. Frtt boa.rd &: room + sa1Vf. C&ll bell' 4 pm, 541-1214 HOUSEKEEPER ~ child care, ~ da. ·wk, $50 wk. + rm I. board. .o'd. va.c. - PLEASE APPLY -OR CAll. - Explorer l\fotor Hoines 3021 Newport Blvd. Co&tll 0tl1csa. CaHr. (714) 1)46-3300 ~tFG . A progressive manufacturing company, with ~cellent w o r k I n i conditions and rrtnae benefits hal immedi- ate optnga foi-. A. Tool & Die !\faker ' 3i48 Campus Drive SU!te 106 Newport Beach 546-47"1 16:!0 Ora"'ethrope Way Anahl!i1n STI-5210 OFFICE Mrr • Pro!;ptroUI co. nearby. Reap for II people. Bendable, matunt per&0n \V/ gd. bkgrnd. Good co. bens. To· Jl0,200. caJI c~rry \\'hlte S.10-6m5 COASTAL AGENCY Snelllnz &: Snelling 2m Harbor Blvd ., CM B-General Factory OLDER woman or senior • citizen as comp. to elderly Apply at lady. LfVE..IN or cook dln- Sta Fast, Inc. ner-stay nltH. 642-9?Ml or Savin&s &: Los.n BRANCH MANAGER Exp'd • Savings &: Loan Enjoy a rewardlnr career and join a h[&hly suecessrul Savinrs &: Loan Assoclatiori ln the Newport Beach area. This poa:ltlon entails chal· lenging duties and ls adapt.. t:d for a.n Individual '"Ith lmqlnative and creative abWtles. Ex~Uenl (rlnge benefts. Call Mr. Hanlle)' (2131 869-0512. SE.UfSTRESS: Exper. in \\"Omen's alien.lions. NI or p/lime. CdM. Ca,11 • fi?r>-1381 tn:i:~ MQ~~ H"Of>atEaSnd Frialdaltt. pink 125. Reltlg~~on, St<>V••. Wash· Up! Groovy fonnals .eml • \VAJTRESS. Cocktall1, ~ 54()...$113 era, ..,,,"rs & J'\.fU CH $20 tloor $25, 1lzir I • exp'd. Apply 1703 Superior chair -2 end tabll!a & cof. ===~-----1 ¥ORE!!! tntersted? 548-8667 • ~A-o'.c.'·.c· ,,-C;_M;_. "64'-S--'3993"-'--~-I ~~ ~~r2 ~';~;,::'~ A&~T~~~ :;~:;ie~ WINIY'S AUCTION TOYS Child• table Ii chn. WOP..IEN, full or pa.rt time quill1!d box spring &: matt-p.m . • Girls clothes a . T, pictures needed lmmed, for: Child reSl'I -5 Pl'. dining room; MAYTAG auto, wuher, Eltt. COME BROWSE AROUND & Misc. Items. AU iood to Care, Aides or Companions. table & 4 hl·back cbalrs. dryer yellov.• $l00 ma tchl!d 2075~ Newport Blvd. Xlnt cond. 493-(171 Ages Zl to 65. 642-327·1 COJ\lPARE AT $749.115 pair. '968-7272. ~ehlnd Tony's Bld1 Mat1s FIREWOOD for Sale:. Dry We Sit Better, Inc. • $399 I =-========!Costa Mesa • M&-8686 Eucalyptus. DeUve:red Ir: South Coast Agency No do wn-1-'mts only it6 mo. Sewln9 Mechlnts 1120 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 stacked. 54()..9887 YoYng Fry Cook WELK'S WAREHOUSE or Kitchen Train•• Permanent, full lime job. Over 18, Neat ap~arance. Cnanct' for advancement. APPLY IN PERSON 600 \V. 4th St., Santa An1 Open Dally 9-9 Sat 9-6 SUn · 11.a SINGER Automatic :r.ig iag, LJV. RM. sale: thin&s too Misc. Wintecl 1610 6 mos old. No attach needed ntce for the rara&:I!. 15 - to do designs, monograms, Tablf'&, ]amps, man's $ WE BUY$ blind hems etc.: auto bobbin lounge chair, sofa, Bf'ntwood winder. 5 Year 1 ua r . stools; Iota of nr, new baby Assume pymts or $5.27 or things. Many plcture1. 6 Ft. s FURNITURE $ $42.00 cash. ~16 area rug, folding chain. APP'LIANCES desk; many womf'n'a. &: Coler 1V.-Pla11•1-St•,•M Mu1ic1I Inst. 1125 &iris clothes, casual I: 1 rte.. or H ... hi ----dress, Table cloths, a 11 CAIH IN JI MINVTll l{OUSEKEEPER, live-In, 2 school-agers. 615--0::10 or 548.-Tl!>T 540 s. Santa Fe St. 642-6574 11 am to 6 pn1 SECTY • Growifl&' co. looking Bob's Big Boy Santa Ana PART TIME SALES GIRLS for rose to tit into !heir l;;.t E , l?th Street FURNITURE returned Irom display studios, m o d el homes, decoratol'li cancella- tion. Spanish & i\1edltelTlUl· ean etc. RD FURNITURE ACCORDION sizes & colon:. Decorative e 541-4531 e Beautilul • 9 mo. old Conte!. acceas. & novelties. All 1==--------1 J ONE'S TIRE SERVICE ls expanding and requires Medical Recept. & OFFICE HElP nl!eded work gllt'den. Xlnt Joe & co, Costa P.1esa ~ th• lh f ~ m•-, be"'. Fun co. kir a --getter -----Light typing. In11ur. exper. •v• mon o Ln:<:e ... • .. ..... 1144 Newport Blvd., CM every night 'W 9 lo, S.11 Offer takes It. must ea. 545-4197 J\ftsa NEED brldal one to 1006, 54&-BT18 Verde re11amably priced. ~ , EXPERIENCED e Retail Salesmen 1\l!f>ded, To $315 to start. Apply in person Lawson's To $500. Co. pa)'! '!!fee. Call Schoola·lnstructlon 7600 lnda:rYndent Jewelers, No. 55 Huntinrton Sally Hart. 540-6055. Other - Wt:d., Sat: le Sun. 'Ill 8 USED auorttd occasional chalt11 $12. Used walnut step tablt's JS.95. Assorted bed headboards J? ea. "-Lge col· ored TV, Salem maple cabinet, works good $95. The Factory, 1885 Ha.rbor, ~()..M.12 -~1 n!~~~~0 =he~7~~ Frt~~·r~~~ P~~11a~r-.1 ~inery, etc. ·~ • Th-e Sen,iccme11 • Front End and • Brake ~teehanics · S&l&ry pl\15 bonus and company paid benetltl. Opportunity for advancement Apply: 204.9 Harbor Blvd. C.OSta Mesa LEGAL SECRETARY No 51-f, heavy dicta~. Mu5t have corporate b}qrnd. Familial' y.:/ oourt proced· ures. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 W. Coast llwy, N.B. By Appoint. fi46...3939 Legal Secretary Tr•lnM Dictaphone, $400 ro start. lncle,.nclent Pertonnel Afency 1ns Orana:•. Suite c C.l\f, 642.ool6, ~79 LITE · FACTORY WORK, Meta! coating plant. Prd. mechanical abUlly. Start $l.20 per hr. Gd. v."Ork cond's, v•c., ·holiday pay, reJ. salary incre. Ph: 992-2172 bet noon *' Maids * Full or par1 time. Ken Niles l\tarlna Motel, 1021 Bayside Dr., N.B. Maintenance J. W.·ROllNSON HAS OPENING FOR MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Expe'•icnre Preferred. ,... free &: fe:e job!! avt>ll. Personnel Agency _c..:_n1:_:"::,·..:llc..B:_:·=~~=-COASTAL AGINCY 1716 Or&n&e Ave. Suite C * PBX OPERATOR 1r 219(1 Harbor Blvd., CJ\.I c.r-.t. 912--00'lG, 545-0979 Short hrs., N.B. area. Exp. SECRETARY • Medical Sl!cretary e prefd. but not nee. Call Pertonable alrl \\'/ initiative ·' ·c.13--;,c::l235~~--~--Good ikllls. New function In . ~ company. Sales or nlarkct· for bu11y surgeon's front of· PLUMBING k H ea I I n I Ing g'OOd, Film or TX exper. fl<:i!. Must have exp. w/ Service !\tan. Fully he.I dlctaphonl! &: all fonns of Qualif!!d. SU.!XXI .;. hrly MIPSflllS ·1 Insurance &: booklweping. potential. Earls Plu n1bl ng , XEC AGENCY Salary open. Call 9-5, In<c., 1526 Newport Blvd. 410 W, Coasl Hwy .. N.B. By Appoinl. 646-3939 64&-4409C -·::,";,;·==---.=-,:-: P.tEDICAL TECHNICIAN for PftESSMAI\ ,vanted f or SECTY -dynamic, expanding 1 &lrl Doctor's ottice ln ~1iehle verticaJ . Co. want good typing &: SH Nev.'J)Ort Beach. \Vrlte: Box Ask ror Beryl 548-2071 skills, X1nt future here. Start ~ ail Pil t>;iQ. C a 11 Billie Bttk 1'1-...., ... D Y ot RADIO Tech . mobile repalr 54C-6~.;)5 l'itEN £2) needed to assist helpfu.1. FCC lie. Gd. oppty. COASTAL AGENCY \ ~· t:. order verification. Start $9,000, Call Frank Rand Shell ing &: Snelling S2.25 hr to sta11 + bonulf!1 ~ 2?90 flarbor Blvd., dot & raplrt raises. Ask for COASTAL AGENCY Dave. &C-1532 Snl!llll\a' & sneHlng * * * SECRETARY * * * -... ~. Bl ~ ~1 L9cal Mfgr. ne:eds comb 1-fen: "'"" n.a.i·uur \·u, ..,i; --Bookkeeper & Secrttary * OVERSEAS * RECEPl'. -b~)'-ottice. Ideal v.·/10 or more )'l'll. exper. in \Ve need you! Joe. Great polen tlll. Lite oU employing 5 or more Cali Smitty, 714: 774-2610 typlna:. Start $371; up. Call people. Must be exp'd in MGMT·. trainee • Calif to~ Billie Beck ~ payroll. Box M-514, Daily 1row chain, Join a winnlna: COASTAL AGENCY Pilot team. No exp. nee. Start SnelllnJ &: Sti•Ulna: S&CRETARY- $5,900. Call Frank Rand 2790 Harbor Blvd., CM S4()..Ga35 ... .,.~.,.., • Kn-•IM•• ot. Ooocl SH and t.rPine 1kllls, A Cy ~--• "" ~-New A il".OWlfti' Co. a111lial· COASTAL GEN Med. Ins. Sharp gal who ia ed w/ a teadlnr Co. P.ftJJt Snelllng & SM:IHll& neat can ao far. Xlnt. loc., be a self-starter. 2190 Harbor Blvd, Oil Pleasant workln1 cond. To MISS IXIC ·AGENCY tifOTF.L MAID $3'15. Ra.ise 3 mos., Cail Jean 410 W. Coat Hwy., N.B. Part Time Over 30 Brown, 540-6C65 By Appoint. 546-3939 49'-9'3C COASTAL AGENCY Sn ~ 111 SEC'fY ·Gal w/ lots of moxy, * M~L ,!AID * elling .er. ,,,.,. nr T ~· v•o -11 ~-Bl d ~1 ype, ,,.n,. ~ver a dull mo-p••! T1"m• ~•;;IV · ar....... v ·• ... ,. XI "· be " -=""=""==C.C."'---'-'-'--· I ment. nt ........ l't!I. 7-. fee 494-9436 RECEPI' .• Med, l!XP. nl!C. paJd, To $500, Call Jean * tllOTEL MAID '* for this job In busy Dr.'s Brown ~. Other frft Apply: 2005 Harbor Bl\'d. orlice. Xlnt v.·orking cond. & f~ jobs avail, Costa Mesa, Calif. ~?5. can Sally Hart COASTAL AGENCY tlfOTill::R'S HELPER. 3 or 5 COASTAL AGENCY Snelling I. Snelling d k M ha 2190 Harbor Blvd., Ci\f APPLY PERSON!\'EL ays V.' • ~ ust ve own Snelling & Snellin~ FASHION ISLAND trans. J.lnta' Harbour . 11'90 Harbor Blvd., ot SECRETARIESto$550 NEWPORT BEACH 846-9268 • _ ~ .. -,'-ta""w-'-an=,==="--''-'---1 U you have the skillll, we An Equal Opportunity r.tonrER'S Helper or have the Jobs in the beach Employer mother to help bus. cpl. ear· area, call Loraine, Mer- ly dinner meal only, s days. * DAY BUSBOYS chants Pemnnel A&ency, MANAGE Apt1. Ideal for 675-6291 * NIGHT 2M3 'Vestcll!t Dr., N.B. ' ii iii\\ !Pl \ !l!!l!di l!l~i ... _J.\. MEN & WOMENI COMPUTER PROGRAM· lt-1ING 1S THE KEY TO YOUR PROFITABLE FUTURE! Classes start soon. Pilot program offering the fl.nnt equipment and facil- ities avallabfe! Real-time computer programmtnr. Union lank SiQu•r• South Towor SUit• 4D ?r•n1•. C•llf., t2666 Call 5'7-9471 DON'T GIVE UPI You may find it at America's largest, most unusual un. finished furniture slo~. Cor. Redhill Ir. Santa Ana Fwy, Tustin. 1 ml So, of Newport Fwy. Open 362 da,y1 per yr. 544-5410 3 ROOMS of SPANISH • 8' DiVan + Love seat • 5 Piece dining room set • S Piece Bedroom set FULL -ruCE $388 Use our store charge plan! Approved Furnltu,.. 2159 Harbor, CM 548-9660 USED 5 pc walnut bedroom set $60. U~d 8 drawer modem dresser w/rnlrror $34. Used 5 pc white & aold French Provincial bl!droom set $89. The -Factory, 1885 Harbor, 540-6842 aa.eriflce $175 or best otter. Sponsored by Younr Ult FORKLIITS: Pneu le IOlkS 839-1481 Clubs of So. CaW. Tickets tires. Flnanclns U nffd~. GUITAR & Cue. Good con· only $5.00 each Incl all rides All machlMs ruaranteed. dltion, REASONABLE. &: prkg. Proceeds toward 783 Newton Way, C.M. off 646-4592 Christian training for hi Placentia, betwn 17th I: . =========I achool student,s. M..U check 18th. 642-8393. Pl1nos & °!-''"' 1130 before Dec. 8, kl Younc Lile Air Comptfuor, 2 bl\ Inc. P.O. Box 1731, Newport 3 hue Good ha FACTORY Beach, Cal, 9266.1 s~ c I fie. CLEARANCE I POOL TABLES . an, "2-4>11 Factory ordera clearance ol Seca.rd Pool all ovtrqe, demolllltraton, BRUNSWICK-AMF noor model•, studio &: re-cuatom SI t Tab! turned Planoa & oraa.i;. JFrom a$~ e ~ savina• up to 30 ,o. 100% Flnanclna E-hrythtna euaranteed like * sEGARD ... POOLS * new . Sale llmlted to 1pecWc 532--1992 ·~ stock -so hum! No money 323 s. r.Iain st. ~ '"·'" down OAC, 5 years to pay TIJiB rreat sale only at: WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO 1819 Newport, C.M, 642-MSol Open Every Nlt1 le Sw>day AJtemoon POOL TABLES FREE TO YOU FREE to rood home , w/fenced )Td, Lovable small bf'l!4 ~L!! terrler type dog, 'J"""" Old W.liho 10 lbs. lo e1 children. 8'S-3111 "" 2 Yr. old female, black, Scot· t)' Peke. Nffda: bl& yard. Child tG-12 yrs. old. W-84 10 AM -3 PM only 121• ... , Christmas S~lal $275 up ~ • CHUCK'S · FREE pe:ts only: a chickens, , PRE.ffOLIDAY SALE 1 rabbit, 2 plnea pip. .. , 2750 Harbor at Adams, CM flock of ho lnl 1 i PIANOS & OlltGANS PROMISE HER ANYTillNG -m >ea;:s • , Some of the most popular But give her CARPETING for · · • model~ including: trammond Chrlslmu or the N BEAtrrrFUL Male tabby X77, H·lOO, E-100, B·3, T·200 Year o. .. · .. ; _.HJ-I N I ew cat, a mOI. old, 111Q'/Wht etc. FR.EE 3 OA Y LAS ' .... _ 0 >' ons strlpe:s, larp btted. Good USED 5 pc: beigt dinette set VEGAS HOUOAY with pur-;:;~le Contr. Free~~ house cat. 530-6956 alt 512/4 • S19.UsedSpeantiquewhite c:l.ase !!! SHOW Quallf1 t•mafe dining room set $39. Used 5 Trade-ins accepted I: tenns. BEAtmFUL hand painted tortoise shell eat, I mos. pc \\'alnut dining TOOm lll!t }IAMMOND oil portrait of )'OU or your old, shots, wormed, but hu $58. The Factory, 1885 ln CORONA DEL l\tAR children from~ photograph. no papen. &U-4424 121• ~-·Harbor, 540-{i842. 285 .. E Coaat Hwy 673-8930 A wonderful idea tor tnat1~,.,;,=~.,;._::..;.;;;c._= ~ AIRLINE .. I.GE GE Retrtg/frzr( 4 yrs Open Eves&: sun afternoon special Chrilltmas rift. BLONDE Afghan -newtered old $165. Antiq round oak !bl • 646-3629. male, 'Ii yrs okl, Good WnUy TRA EL CARfERS * "'" 145-9"12 •hog Span. DOH7 BE MISLED! MOVING • Se<lional .,,., without cbJldren. ~ raid carptt $25. Aft 5. IM!:auti1ul llvina room chaln:,l~==~----..::::.1 Station A,G"l!lll Ticket $a.l('s R.esen'•tlons Air Freight -Cargo Communicatiuns Travel Agent AIRLINE SCHOOLS PACIFIC 673·2526 by flctltiou1 v.·as-la pri~s. corner table, ntw &hirll, LOVABLE black part Oocbr A BEAUTIFUL girt for your Shop wMrt the selection 11 mile. 3245 State, nr Willon, Spanlel,male, 7yn Old,WOG- honit. CARPETING for ireatest &: Ult prices are CM derful companion, 6Q.13U Christmas -or the New r!Pl! Choose from Conn, WAI.NUT Crib, used 4 mos, 1215 Year. Shags -Hi·Lo Nylons Wurlllzer. Knabe, Everett, COit $60, liell $30, also mat· REMNANTS of raraze U . etc. Lie. mntr. Free est. Cablt·Nelaon. tress $10. Infant'• car bed Bring tnick. Take one, tab 546-4478 Open Eves & Sun 'tll X·maa $5. 2 tnlant lie&ta n ' it. all. 646-8226 12/f BUILTWEU. """" "°· GOULD MUSIC 11J122 s1a ... 1 Clr, HB 913410 REGISTERED """"' ma1c Glass top coHtt table $7. 2 2045 N. Maln, S.A. 547.(1681 FOR SALE Siamese cat. 1~ yn old. walnut step end tables $5 PIANOS It ORGANS Collectors Item 0 r I a In a I 549-1314 UIS couple 40 or over wh!l wants 645-27'70 ea. 24" RCA T.V. $35: NEW & USED "MICKEY MOYSE" watch EAGER To JNeaae 6 lovlns, to supplemC'llt I 11 e om•. NURSES Realstered • even· DISHWASHERS Percentage & furn apt + in~ &: night shifts, Ex. utU . Beach &n!Q. 67"..-4463 benefits. Apply Personnel Secretiry Jnquh<e 'Today Recliner chair $20. $100 cash e Yamaha Pianoi & Organs • perfect running condition 8-10 wits. old female Ulrrtft Public Rel1tlen1 543..W,l.'.i takes all. 548-3795 e Thomu Graans a $150 837~239. rnbc pup. 53&-6715 121• Director. So. Coast Com· ~fALE To assist in mun1t)' Hoap., 31872 Coaat houltkeeplng, heavy chorts. So 1 ,._,.,,. 4~13U. Maids, part-time. Apply Hwy., · ..._. .... -. Ben Brown's l\1otnr Hotel, ext. 356 31106 S. Coast Hwy, So. •NURSES AIDES * Exp'd. LaiUna All shifts. Huntington Valley ~fALE COOK _ PM. Hosp. Comvalescent Hosp. 8382 ..._ Ntwmaa Ave., Hunt. Bch. exp. p~f'd. Contact • .,rson· B4i-555l nel Oim:tor. So Coe.st .:::.:::::::, _____ _ Comm. Hosp. 31872 Cst. Office! Hwy. So. t.aiuna. 49'-1311 Work 11nd Pl11y ~135$. THE Apply In person R•ulMn E. LH 151 E. O::>Ut Hwy. ~--'N-'"PWPOrt Bl!aoh Re11taurant e e WAITRESSES e e BUSBOYS -Apply in peraon -*' l\1AN 'IVith nurser y, Western Girl areenhouae or rardlln\fll, lo \VAY SNACK SHOP "'Ol'k In new Jackson -" 3'M6 E. Coast Hwy. Perlrlns Rose Re1eirch & Eam mont'Y on lnterestin; Corona. del Mar 1adJ\tlea, on 1rv1M Blvd. temporary aaslanments, and ~;R"EST="A"Uo;RA=;;:NT-,;:.;,A.;,U:.::u_pec-.,..i. nr. St.nd C&nyon Rd. Woric bt tllrible for our tun di• of ttstaurant work for a I I I • f count tickets. nvo VH crow na: • care o swlnain& new nlaht r:Iub. 333 hybrldlilns &: test plants In Bayside Dr .• Newport rat srttnhoule .r,, garden a . Western Glrl, Inc, \Veit Se:rvices PhO I t •• pointrnent · 4667 P.lcArthur Blvd. 1 "" ' ' SALE~IAN NEEDED 64• -~ d 1 S • • 12 3 5 Suile 314, Newport Beach ~" -IY ' -SfO.CGl5 JAN ht l·°"~·~nins;;•;:·======"===='=::;;===:.~ Salesman for New Atlantic · 71-J ~ ~ W 7100 Rlchfleld Sfrvlce Station on Jeb• Men, Wom. -owww '"'9ft, om. Harbor Blvd. &t San Oleto Frffway. l'\111, p/Umt, a Ftt relmbuned, To $500. 610 E. 17th St.,, Santa. Ana USED 3 pc turquoise 8ec· • Kimball' !'Janos NEW flbera:lus skis w/bln-FREE aood homei· 2 mlnJ ..., I ntl•1Mncl•nt tlonal $79. Used blue.green • Kohler & c.ampbell dlnp, $65. Surfboard, Xlnt, doxtn _ must SU 'q n.r PerlOftnel Afency JOIN TiiE FIElD rofa. only, $35. Used patina COAST MUSIC condition. 1213) 592-2334 no children. 4M-1911a: ll11 ' ln& Ora.nee Ave, Suile C wrrn: A FUTURE! green sofa·bed & chair $49. NEWPORT &: HARBOR 1~H;;.B;;."""-,..=""'""""'--I ALE ·-•· old, __ C.M. 642-C026, '" ~19 ,o\ge/educatlon no bfo!TlerJ The facto?)' 1885 Ha.rbor, Costa Mesa * ~-2851 •J.roGE swimming pool S mot "! ..... ,_~-:=_: 1,.>'!;..... .=:-., "'-.r.i l....'I us help you quaJity. !>40-6842 Open 1().6 Frt 10-t Sun 12-5 \.-nu '"'" ~--_........ ~11 krvlCe Repr•Mnt11tive INl\KEEPERS INSTITUTE old Incl filter, pump, ladder, 847-4945 Ad INTERNATIONAL · 01L painting by skimmer & life jacket. Newl,FE=MALE=~~D~~-... ..,..~1-vancernent oppor. JS(.'(! + VERNON KERR CllRJSTitlAS rltts -Ham· S595 sacrifice: $200. 8934306. achlhu • yr • •-mm + -· all Will Mctel/Hotel/Apt Mgn11 Sehl Id ~ t ~ •--· ...v • ....... O'll'. ,, .• ,_.. ""'-1 .. ·n •-~". mond Stelrtw•v Yamaha o • •"""" wa c .......... ~ train. A DIVISION OF u~ YUN<: .,.,,... ' -,, • • Carpet layer )\al HI Lo dilldren. ID4116 1i1• Inch A.NTIIONY SCIJOO~..S 1-538-7357 • New & uaed plal'IOI or most nylDnll Sl.98 yd. Sbap pendent 1717 S, BROOKHUR..."'I' SAVE $300! UKd frost trtt 2 tna~es. Be1t bU)'s ln So. from 3.50 up +·my labor, TWO J"rieQ black male kit. Personnel Agency ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA door GE Retrla. W·lce Calif. at Schmidt J\.1uslc Co. 90c per yard. IC7-lSl9 tena, part SlarDew, 7 weeb 1?16 Orange Avf', SUite C Cl~.es form every "·eek k $1!9 8 nd t.O" 1907 N. Main, Santa Ana. old. 648-1338 C.M. 642-0026, 545-0079 PHo·~ FOR AP~. tna er . ra new NEWPORT Beach Tl!Mbl,~===-·"511"',.-.. ~.-.. ~---•• 1 • n .c. .-. kitchen n.nge. Below Club charter family""..,...~~ pu.ps-.. SERVICE ST ATIO N A&k for &11y 776-MOD v.•holeaale, Jll9. U!ed 3 dr .,,,, OPEN EVENINGS nienibtrahip.546-4016 me.le, 2 t.Jna1e. o.y, only. ATTNDNT. Full time eves. h I _.. •~ ~ ~ EatMr C.M 121• Exp'd. Neat tn appean.nce. T e Newport ant que an•n w=ienia ...,..,, ANO SUNDAYS ROGERS Snare Drum. Ex· ' . · See Jim. 2.190 NewpOrt School Of Buslne1s The Factory, 1885 Harbor Untll Chrf1tm•1 ercycl e w/spttdometu. SIAMESE cat, malt, about I m,d., C.M. • ...,_,.,, -~ GOULD MUSIC Both Xln'I. 135 ••. -....... -12/f _,;,,~c,=-=------1 Fealu~s weekly refresher !' Sofa, nl!Vt'r u ........ quilted WANTED· Soda fountain FEMAt.I: G9r/Shep P\ll'PY. SERVICE STATION, day courses in the skills you tloni.I, sootchcuatded $125. %04~ N. Main, SA 547-0681 adaptabl~ for uae in home 1 wk• old. '48-21?9 121• man. Over 21. Experienced. need to aet the job you Matching ~ eeat $75. (1) · k 490 E. 17th, C.fl.I, want! 776--0592 VERY ~ pla)'er piano, bu. 846-32"lJ PET MAILAJU> d \I e ' SlhK nNISHER at Expert OLD faahioned hi&h head· baby crand, wtth Amplco For S&le, Fira•'OOd. M~l063 121• Cltane1'll, Costa hftsa.. call 833 Dover Dr., N.B. board. bed, complete: cheat ex.pme!on. Hear RM:hmP. 0ranae ' Eucalyptus rngE Lumber -you haul. 648-6110 642°33?0' of drawers 968-15?1 aft s. inoU plf.Y his music his wiy. 838-4670 Call bet lB-.2. 171-2710 1214 srrtER -Mature woman to SINGING LESSONS A3k qt>esfionsl 4fM..Q1 MUST M'll health cl ab PLi'WOOD1 ICl'l.pe. &•6- c&N for 5 mo. boy, waridfll Buie t!!ehnlque 1or an:y ll)'le, PRIVATE PARTY WANTS memberahlp. 4 ytlfl $400. 23T1 12/t mother.daysM·F.557~'1524 Theperfectglftt Office Equipment 1011 TOBUYPIANOJOR SU--3955 FREE Lawn Jand1cape * PERSONNEL * an.Ye)'U'd Potlt. Ave t I • PhOnt 673.-3344 after I PM ..,.. TRAlf:iia To $550 ~.,;548-~1002~,:·•c_M»~!,!·~·1:.__i;;;.;:;:;;;;;;:;:;;;;--;;7;';;: CASH. ~ EL>l: dtytr, G.E. wuhet, .,.vei • )'Oii 1111111. mm• StahltoW.llneflnanci&lcom· MlltCHANDISI ftOR TYPEWRITER, Addinr *HAMMOND ORGAN• pool tablt, Or1tntal Msk. • 1214 pony. -collere. Mllllall' IALI AND TllADI machln<. cakulator. ,.,,, Sl>lnet Ml. xlnt cond. 9681116 PITI and LiVISTOtk : GINIRAL AUTOMATION h11 1n openlnl In Ill PenoMtl Depart-lTl~~-nportln1 dlrocUy to tbt .Employment _ supervisor. . . . In!Ull dutles will Involve screening appll- ---11--..i;111mu:r,-..typlnJrCOrrt•pomlm=bandltnf-I• phone lnquiiles and miking lravol arrang&- menll. Secretarial skllls, lncludlni short- hand would be helpful. '1111s Is an exceUent opportunity with a growlnc company.\.Apply In person. GENERAL AUTOMATION 1402 I . CHISTNUt, IANTA ANA An Equll Opportunlty Employet I ESCROW ... mpi.Cl11Ann,Mtn:han11 """'"ble. lllnt cond. rroo ]!;,e1 :;l6.-0600 FllllWOOD · OFFICIR l'ettoMd "-'ncy, IOO w .. 1. Fum11v,. IOOO m-m1 m.-!'.!!!, Ootler•I MOO OUllW>dlnc--... cllllJlt .. r,t.B. ~o ' DlmtU!ED'M<p!•·S' -Tel••'""" no5 PLAYHOUsr:-.wina "' J!'.q)''S 11!!1 exp'd. Mln tterOW otnoer TR.AlNEE For l)lntrY A I: mirror $17$. Mlple head-Gar ... s...-I022 I>..ue Color TV or Black combo. HU ~ llii!i, -::.nta Oiut -Sptdalm •t to work In our new MJ11loll ~ • d1nMr .cook• bot.rd • ntte 1tand $SO. CAR.AGE Sale: Thun Thl'\I A. White. OpUon to buy. etc. Good tvnd. ISO. 615-473T -ris TROPICAL nSK t:e, Slvtnp l~t:xra.. • . -..MM C1tat • 11d1101 m 90M3'1· Sil. SOU:p to NQ[S:-Jf):b T t.INJCY~wce model. ~--loat fat Muat bt cape.bl• of handllns A1'tL BEDROOM Set, rerrta A MJIF~t. 1ewlng roach. p. A·Actlw TV Rental C.o. new neYflr um. S18. F.V. * • • 1CM530 Wes rscrow1 fOr conventlOn-TRUCK DriYft'. Pick Up & stove, wrlf\ltt wuhe.r, 1 pc tiq's. Lot• of Goodie•. Hun-<1) 522--US3 ~Wl nt %14' ~ alJoa.nt.Xlntwwldnleond. Dell~, amall truck. dinette: twin or bunk beds, tlnaton Contl.nental USE OZ!:Nml TV set $25. I Lange ski boots. newr ~-.U2GI It opportUnil)' fot P"Owtb. kp d. C..U M0--18Cll odd cl'le111. Ml-0438 To"'nhouR, 9&6 COnrtnenttl Good condttton. ulll!d. 1dtt 11 mrn'1, BEST g-MOS old r 111 at i r• d '• c.;;:;~EY &\VINOS • 11MI FOR ' 8EA\11'1FUL Kl"" bed. quUl-°'" H.B. '!\Im tn !tom 64&o311l! OFFER. Call m-3171l .,.., Hlmelayan m"1• lliti.N, 2 ' LOAN ASSOCIATION ""UICK CASH ... maureu. Compltle, un-Brookhunt. 1210 10 Speed PEUGEOT Derail« S."1potnta, I 81 u •pol• t, &17..Glt T ulled $1te, worth $250. llOO ~~.!~~-· blcyelC',-like nrw, $35. Sfttd by Champion. , DAILY PILOT DIME ·•· THROUGH A 842-'536 ""· Ap_e!I•~"--·-··. G.E. '""°· A .M .. r .M. 5'0-06M 4~zi1e. um:s. You can "" th<m 1 DAILY PILOT · BRA ND new ~. ~'" $ pc NORGE Auto wuhcr, cop-radio, l'K'Ord pl"'"'· snat,BEI>S, Kr 11tt, du"1 twin • ABYSSINIAN K11'ftii1 tor Just pennltsa4!t.,.'Dl&I WANT AD · bedrm act~ tor p 1 Coit pertone, 2 yrs old, Irr 1b.e. tor recreation room. $6&. twin. Washer, deyer, '57 On1Y 2 ldt.10 wkl ... ,· :, Pl.LOT Cl&utned ad. ssoo. w111 JM:rlflce. 8'2-tl.U $7$. M&-8672, 841-1115 8CT-03l0 Che\7, dreurr. MS..1063 ..... • -... - ,.. .................................................................... ~ .......................................................................................... ~~ .............. ~ ......... ....-~_-,,-·"'t'"r- •• Wtdnnd<7, D«tmbtf S, 1%9 P Tl T.~S~T10N __ j Doge N25 S.llbools 9010 Mo!"I• Homot 9200 Trollor, Trovol . ;,.15 Imported Autos 9600 TRANSPORTATION . TRANSPORTATION Wodntlday, Doermbtf '· 1%9 PILOT-AOVl:RTISER 22 TRANSPQRTATION-• TRANSPOR'FATION '":'i'RANSPOR!ATION'-"TRANSPORTATION Imported Autos ~ Imported A-9600 Imported Autos 9600 fmportod Aul<>• 9600 ' •• DATSUN • •OilUSl'MAS ts Nl<AR I LIKE SAILING? -.Y HARIOR FOR Sale : .Brand New Tar· ' -* RHtrw, :your cbokle, DlSUKE THESE? Mobile Home.S.S.1 •·Len& Flbef&lass Trailer.I---------MG MG VOLKSWAGEN TOYOTA VOLKSWAGEN - Gn!at o.m Pu;ppy early! • Payments. high lnterffi, (iu 14ma Roll· Awa,· Bli J'or Sport.a can Set up '67 DATSUN Salt'&, Servlc.?, Paru · 11.---1 w.w low -!1or. You. t.t I depttdatioll. • It P IWJtal. Sben.ton Mt nor • Bome_tte • for vw or-Corvetit en•> PIC KU.P _JQYOTA Ouistmu. Cl'opp!d &: shots. A, __ 1,.~ 1 Kit • Prt:lllge • Saban ,.,-rr · 1mmedi4te Delivery, I . ~, .. ,., nsurance, etc. .., , SIZES _, All ModelJ '65 v.w. Radio, heater, ~·bite wall tires. Runs good. lPEP505) VW BUGS • ·r .. .. •I . . r ! • , top Ines. PREFER TliESE? IU4I AlI original inside &: out. 4 1970 -; MARTINCRESI' KENNEl.S e Low cost, no WORK Ii NOW ON DISPLAY Trucks fSOO spd, dlr, will fine prvt prt;y. * * 546-<l989 * * CAREFREE SAILING! 1'2S Baker St., Coota Meu Foll PMC< 1999. C.U Koo HERE NOW PUT me under your Cal 25 llttle as SI4. in, d&¥ ~blockEutotHarbotBlvd. SCR' AM LETS t94-9773.' Low Prices on Chrlsbnu lrtt. Peldncese Try Our Club Plan C.OSta Mesa (Dt) 540-!M70 • ---Rt m 1ining '69'1 AtrI'liORIZED male puppy AKC rea·d. NEWPORT SAlLING CLUB 12 ~ 50· EXP. liv rm + 'ANSWERS ENGLISH FORD ~100 \V. Coast Hwy, N.B.. YOUR BEST DEALS S.\LES & SERVICE Champ blood line, 8 wkl e 61$.TIOO e ea na , BR. New drps, lg j_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 542.9405 _5Ja.1764. ARE SflLL AT 18nl BEACH BL., 8424435 old. 847-3449 16' O'Day fiberglau-uilboat. porch, pa.tkl. Encl. nar ' Aulhorb:od ire Dealer Di'AN~ LEWIS l!UNTINCTON BEACH PUPPIES, tv;o males, 8 Good -eond.itlon. yard. Chblce spa.Ce. AduIC CbaJet _ Suave·_ Stung _ ORANGE COUNTY.'$ I;:;===;;::.'::'=:::==:=: I It weeks old. Crou of Sheltle * 675-0731 * ~k. $7900. Pvt. Pty. Will Prefer -GET UP? VOLUME ENGLISH O 1964 VW Bus, wide ovals, and Poodle down the street fin.ance.548-9741 Judge: "Have you ever FORD DEALER PEL 1966 1-larbor. C.?-.f, 636·9303 headers, ins!. \\'ood panel. Loveable short-haired pups SABOT, all equipment, $150. '&! Mobile bm, deluxe 20x43 been up before me?" SALES • SERVICE Good cone:!. $l~OO. 54S-3660. Marina space availablo. 5-A ..... •I do • MO ~ o '67 OPEL O.lw" Sport VOLKSWAGEN '~ 'I tree to ..-.1 home. 644-174l star adlt pet parlc, oor. ct'U""'1: ' n t know, '69 o~ C 1970 V\V Bug .,,.,.,,., nu es, &.......... 673-1897 J oupe, radio, w/s/w tires, $895 Harbour V.W. rno~t $399 GOOD SELECTION Git@4' 'o~it'' CHRISTMAS Pups, AKC • spc. fene'd awnlna;s, skirting udge, what time do you tmmedla~ deUvery only 21.000 mi. $ll 95 . -private party. Best orier. Oobennans. qooct Homes, SpMd-Skl Boats 9030 =nt patio, A·l oond. 642-1 _G_ET_~UP=?·~· ~=~--LARGThJ: _S::_.LECTION 546-lSOl. S~. VW-.~000 C .. 0~11019•1 ;53&-:::;:7;:848::_~--.,-~ :>-19-3031Ext.66or67 Prime Consideration . LONG BED -ore auv """ '66 V\V i;edan, good clean 197tlHARBORBLVD • 642--8961. 1969. BOSI'ON WhB.k;1'• 40 hp 112'x55' Skyline in very nice 1910 G.M.C, CS1500 Piclwp. ROBINS FQ~RD PORSCHE '67 VW, 17.00J 1nl. * f\tany condition, $UOO Call alter 6, COSTA MESI\ PUREBRED German Evmrude & trlr 13, 2 mos ~ 2 Br, sun porch 8x24', Ser.# 2252303 2060 Harbor Blvd. Xtras. * Priced to sell. _,•,,;7"'.>4...;c»>c--·-~-~-=~ "!965'°'.,.-,V\~V.=iSWu'ooi:::=r.<NC:,.::;.1, Shepherd pups, 10 >A<eela, used, estate sale, pu.sh·~t· patio, spotless. ?i.1ust Sell. $2695 Costa Mesa 642-00IO '57 PORSCHE. New -tires.. 642-1(),19 or 642-7374 V'iV '69. Autoinatic Stick. males only. $35. 546--0ll6 ~~;,~~er, xtras fl850, Call -642-4430. UNIVERSITY_ chrome rims, log: lites, '67 VW Bug, xlnt cond. Jyk-Rad io. ·Call After 6 PJ\l, painted. Xlnt cond. Low after 2. =~-~~-~-Mini Bik" 9275 OLDSMOBILE ____ .. ___ stereo. Best oUer over ing $1300: ~"'::,.:::"'::::7:_. ---~-mileage. 847-7185 CHR.ISI'MAS .......tJ 13' Boston Whaler, immac. 2850 Harbor Blvd. FERRARI $1350. 673-8593 846-0109 V\V '65, R&J-1. Nu \\'/\V tires. 1957 VW I ~ e pups, 40 hp Johnson with elec f\!INJ-Bike, xlnt --... only 1 Costa Mesa '62 Bio-F'n;•h Xln't --•. IN X. ' l\J'J' CONDmON' I AKC Champ)On silver .. vnu Porsche Su""r 90, '67 BtlC, new tires, new " ., ... .._v1n.1 ..... .., • ~ starter, boat ~t. $1425 or yr old, seldom used.~3 hp 540-96-10 FERRARI ,... r-.1usr SELL. 675--0615 miniatures. Also toy I: ni.ake otter. 675-5535 B . & S N sunroof, lug rack. midnjght brakros, low mileage, excel. ~l::ll::S!l:.. _:E::_"::':...· <.::.,........c...::.=·--teacup. 842.-4142. ngga tratton. Bendix 1Ai Ton '62 OfEVY Pick Up ewport Import! Lid. Or-blue/black i nt. 548-81L135 conc1 $1375. 64S-OM6 .64 BUG $850. Perfect con-'59 VOLKS\VACEN Sedan. ADORABLE Lhasa A shoebrake $125. 646-ra.35. w/s!eel camper shell 8' ange County's only author-PORSCHE S pe edste r. TifE QUICKER YOU CALL, dition by orig owner. Mechanically sound. Radio. pso Marine Equip, 9035 19G9 SHP n-. •. -u M'•ru' Bik•. bed, 6 cy! '""· Imma-:lat• lzed dealer. Call SI" "788 ~•pa 3\1 -old AKC .... .,. .--.,......, ·oe ..... SALES S C Beautifully l't'~nd. Best '"-'E QUICKER .YOU SELL 714: 644-2128 $300. "'"" .,-v -"""'· • "'b· Xln't Cond. Make Ofter. thru-out. New rear tires. • ERVI E·PARTS t •• C'hamp. blood line 833-:J258 DECCA 101 radars., One yr Call _ 6T5-203l Paint like new Must 1 3100 w. Coast Hwy. Offer. Ball -548--0342 9600 or 540-9707 old, remQved for larger . · see o Nl!wport Beach Imported Autos 96"° Imparted Aut.,s 96001mported Autos radar. 12. 24 & 32 voe * * lllin.l Bike * believe! Reasonable as 642-9405 5':10-1764 ROLLS ROYCE BOSTON Bull Terrier, 'l wks. o t U Be U $1950. Jnstalled with guar. EXCELLENT CONDITION wner mua se · st o er. Authorized Ferrari Deale!," AKC. 4. left. Champ. line. . llOO 546-1948 $100. 545-1415 Newpo'.'.l Marine Eng. 714: 494-1548 , , 548-2635 NEAR New Roddy 3 JIP 63 FORD -h Ton, Wigwant JAGUAR WEIMAR.AfrER Pups bom 6 CYL diesel eng. 3 to 1 ;yellow .Mini Bike. $100. eil.mper, butane stove,1 --------- ROLLS '39, side mounts, new paint, new wsw tires, $4950. Priv. prty 8'16-5041. 644--0507 9/22 no.pa.pert, $25 ea. Call reduction unit. Fresh water ./ 673--0431 ./ storage, icebox, 9x9 at· '66 JAGUAR XKE Rdster. 642--8223 cooled. Brand new, still in ZEBRA 3,i HP Tecumseh tachlng room. Very clean J\.Iaroon. Xlnt, jusl o~·l!1·haul· TRIUMPH 6 · MOS old puppy-shOts. crate. Factory cost. 673-2910 . ' <{...: & 1 1 h $895. 830-6324 after 6 or ed. $2995. 846-5041 or --------- Poodl .. "m.,r m,.,10 ,, engine, new L .. o:s cue, wk•nds ,. .. ~ • after 4 pm :xlnt cond. $90. 646-87'l5 .,._,,.,,. Black & white, $11!_ 968-3020. SWOFFER D-10 speed ind. 2 --64 "."EV %. Ton . pickup. BLACJ;( Lab, male, 9 mos ind. heads used less than 1 Motorcycl" 9300 ~d10, heater, air cond. KARMANN GHIA old.' All shots. $25. yr, pert cond. Cost $Z10, ,-S1d7 tanks, overhead Tk6 '6!3, A~T /Fr.t , overdrivl!, 2 mos old, offer. 871-6848 or 5:5-1191 leave message-Dean ./ 548-B26S ./ price $15. ~3387. 66~i HONDA 305 new eni;. spnngs, camper eqpt. LI 1965 Ka rmann Ghia AFGHAN HOUNDS cherry oond. XTRAS ;4'15. 4-4779 aft 4 PM 2-door C.oupe, Xlnt Cond. TOYOTA ~Wes &: females, reas. AKC ~t Slip Mooring 9036 See at 9675 KenW!gton HB '57 CHEVY ~I ton PU, new lmmaculate inside and out! --------- reg. 962-9:9 call 5of2...784J. engine, tires, radio, good One oivner. See at 480 Broad. '68 Toyota Corona ·AKC BASSETT PUPS Deluxe Boat Slips '66 YAl\IAHA 250 cc Good body. $400. Call ~2902 af1,~wc0'Ycc',,:Cc:.•o-1.~-=--2 Door Hardtop. Radio, heat-limited number available nd' · ir'JM .. _, 3 p 6 " Tri<:alor, $45-$75. 540-$638 eve 30, & 35• ce tti:on ,,...,., "" ~ M · KARMANN Ghia Convt. Rf'd er. automatic, radial tires. on weekdays, all,day v.·knds. '67 FORD Ranger, stick w/ v.•ht lop. Nu paint, lop, tVTMZ'lfil \\farina dl!I Rey ....., -'""""" . Ni!w modern marina -~-·--------! w/OD, vl!ry clean, low mi, ires. Cus. int. $995. 548--6348 $1395 Marina City eorp. '69 BSA 441 Victor, 500 ml. see to apprec. $1'l5CI. 842-1694 '68=~eo~.,-.-... ~,b"'1,-'. ;:_bee:',.:••"". :...,.::d.::.io, H b v w . Horses 8830 HORSE !'tables for rent, lie John Gassman, Dock ?tlastl!r Custom seat & oil tank. 4" aft 5. automatic. $1935. 4M-9446 or a r 0 u r I I arena '$35 mo. 1616 Orchatd, (Zl3l 823-5415 tires, wide handle bars. 1959 CHEVY ~~ Ton P.U. 497-1666 eves. S.A. Hgts. 549--0068. SLIP \VANTED for 25• Fork brace, $875. 540-6335. Runs. Need.'> Eng, Work, -======== TRANSPORTATION SAU.BOAT '65 HONDA 25 0 cc $125. Call 53&-1941 MERCEDES BENZ .f Call 548-J95a ./ SCRAMBLER $275. '66 DODGE PICK:.UP, longl---------Solta & Y•chta 9000 Call 644--1647 aft 5 pm .. _ .. _..,._, --' tk hilt 6- AUTI~ORtZElD SALES & SERVICE 18711 BEACH BL., 8-12-4435 HUNTINGTON BEACH -----BALBOA Slip. 4{1' boal With . ~. b""" C01n.1. S S I MUST BE CRAZY '"°"'' & h<ad & park!"" * '67 BSA Llghtn•ng 650 "· cyL Sl<OO. 547-0033 BJLL ]\lrAXEY ' ti! 6/15/70. sso. mo. OR •7950 Ve"" clean. """" or best of· .1 ~ 1,,-.' C-" ,,~: '65 Ford Van Econoline To sacrifice my 2 cabin '"' ..,.,,..,.....,.. 546-9941 ITinlJVllnfrj cruisers. Bolh in mint oond. Flying Lessons 9150 ~2S0ifHHiloi<NDUAfsScra<ii;m;;.bhllee.,::-. GGoodOOdl===~~~=== ~aJ 23' & 30'. Financing-Insur-Cond. Some Chrome. $325, Campers 9520 ance avail. Hurry! Hurry! LEARN TO FLY or offer. Call S48-65TI -'-_;.:."-'-----= 18881 BEACH BLVD. Call Dena • 645-1442. 50 Flite hrs $495. 28 dual &: 2'2 ,68 H nd CL 450 9' CAMPER. '54 Fore!. H.D. Hunt. Be a-ch 847-SSSS 1966 Chris Craft 27~S •. All solo. 1969 four seat Ce~na EXCEL~T a CONDITION tln!s. Good Condition. $700. I=:=::::==:::::=== 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy, on Bcb F1y Bridge. Head & Galley. Estab. Assn. KI 5--62ll3 vertible. Runs Wt"ll. Rnt your ad. then sit bock and BRAND NEW BUGS 1970's ON OISPLA Y & READY TO 80 CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT ••• CHICK IVERSON Harbo r Areas Only Authorized VW, Porsche Dealer TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 445 EAST COAST HWY. at BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 673-0900 HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS 549-3031 Glass. Turin 185 HP eng'&. inc. grnd. sch! & supplies. $850 * i-8314498 548.-9729 '61 MERCEDES 220 SE con-DIAL dirccl 642-5678. 01arg1! 'I -~ c~ 64&-1353 '69 HONDA 350 S.S. Going to !>une Buggies 9525 $1150 cash. 494-7565 listen to 1hl! phone ring! ':1 " -·1;~~;:;;~:;,;::::.,~~ Mobile Homes 9200 Vietnam!! Excellent oon--1-=========.:======='==..!-"'=======~,_================I !• ., : 16' KENNEDY; 55 hp dition. 646-4940 aft. 5. '67 i\tans type dune buggy inl~ · -----~-- .. • .. Homelite~Trail~,.'.bait tank, 1969 HONDA 90 xlnt oond, mags, vo"ide ovals, ~=N:•:w:C:•:';';;:;9;8;00;N;e;w;C;';';';;;;;;;;; eleaft. Si5(1 .. ~1. MODEL SALE ! ! air lifU;, radio, 1500 eng. $250. Call 549-4040 '68 GLASSPAR, cab crus. Now to Jan. 1,+ $1550 or best oiler. Call • I· !t • •' . l: l I l ! I . • ·: ·. .. ;. •. 18', 15.5 hp, 1/0, lge whl trlr Auto Services 1 =""""-="-"''-,~---~ • exlru. ""'! "" 549-2821 Greenleaf Park & Ports 9400 vw Do"" Boggy, ruos good, 68 -4 SPEED, low mileage. . good rubber. S495. 642-7788. vinyl tp, $2000. KI ~2002 or 2032-D Placentia, 0-1 An Adult Privet• Club 494-6754. On• Mil• from the Ocean 1960 • 18' Gla!par Seafair Sedan. Volvo inboard/out- board excel oond_ 830-2462 IN SMOG FREE Costa Mesa Soll boots 9010 Newport Harbor CAL 25 Choose from 20 Models LQADED ' ready to mo\le in today? BEAOi Auto Supply Wholesale P11ces to All Complete Machine Shop SPEED EQUlPMENT REBUILT ENGINES 1125 Victoria, CM 518-6550 .18361 Beach Blvd. HB 847-0991 * OPEN 7 DAYS * lmpart•d A•Jtat AUSTIN AMERICA AUSTI N AMER ICA Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery AU :r,,Jodels * \Vllh Slip * in Newport 64s.o810 Take Harbor Blvd. to 19th St. J1rtuµon 3\in orts Orlve Wezt to 1750 \Vhittier !Il!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Il!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Il!!!!!!!!!I (714) 642-1350 '59 OLDS body pa1ts, chrome 3100 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. CAL 20 No. 286, clase rate gear, class champ. Out-"'"!'!1u'!!y~"J~•"""""!•!'!rw!!'!' board. Desperale! OCfer! SELL 1m USID Bkr. Days 673-2050; Eves. rims etc 642-94«> S4(}.li64 ' * ·~1413 * Authorized l'o1G Dealer Trollor. Trovot 9425 AUSTIN HEALEY ~ Cooper 17' O'DAY Daysaller TRAILER SALES .:.:..=~=..:.:..-"'-"" Demo $1595 UK'd 11195 "Buy from a man 14:' O'DAY, used $495 who lives in one!" n Zone Boat Co. Balboa \VE SERVICE 69-13' x 25'. Was $5000. Cut '62 SPRITE, new eng, new to $1995. One block from competition clutch, much shopplna:. l&W Newport No. more new equip. f.lust 55, CM. sacrifice this week. $650 or IT'S Beach house time. Big· . WHAT WE SELL! '19''HOLIDA't travel trlr. 4 best ofr. 592-5358. iest selection ever! See the 324 po. Harbor, Santa An11. mos old, all xtras. Must ·57 AUSflN Healey Sprite, DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! 1 Birk So. of Bolsa 531-1066 1 sell, best oner. 644-{)197. good condition $1150. Jmportod Auto1 96001mportecl Autos VOLVO 1970'• HIRE NOW All Med•I• leff'( 'f:or 1""'"41at9 Dlill~ry PRICES TOO LOW TO ADVERTISE ON ALL R.EMAINING '69's 9600 fmported Autos 9600 ..USED CAR SPECIALS 1961 Aintt• H ... .., J OOI loclstf. l /H, 4 .,.-4, wire ....... '1895 S«. # "'' 1961 Trl1•pll. GTI Cr. l /H, 4 •'"4• wire W-... 12595 · se-,. w9w 111 .1911 Yel•• 141 Z dr., 1/H, 4 ..... .... '2095 11 .... llH DtJ 1911 Alphi. TlfM' II••• YI, l /H,<...... '1695 s.....,. SYH 147 1911 FeH T·llNI H.T. ••ft pewet • t.ctMJ 91' $995 c""4. rcL St7 836-7619 DATSUN '67 DATSUN 4 door, automatic transmis- sion, whlte walls, 17,900 act- ual miles, drives like ne\\•! CVWJ107) $1095 Harbour V.W. AtrrHORlZED SALES & SERVICE 187U BEACJI BL .. 842-4435 HUNTINGTQN BEA0-1 The \Vorlds Best S2f.OO Car u.u $w•~ "Leade1· in The Beach aties" ZIMMERMAN 2845 HARBOR BLVD. 540-6410 NEW! '70 PICKUP \Y/camper, 96 hp overhead cam. 4 spd, dlr, 6 ply tires, back up lights. You name lt! Full price $2099 . .crake small dn or. trade. ean Phil, 1970'• HERi NOW ttHTo,. .. c"-"·'·c.,. :;E~NTY'S t----'-41--... All"'"'M'°'-4,.. .. ._....~.._...._ . ._-&H~--lo "795-·ll---,.=---.., cH4. WI• 711--. . N0;-1 .. • • l'ltlCES TOO LOW TO ADVERTISE ON ALL REMAINING '69's 1911 s-ClM• C""sft"· ............... 5 0-.. ITO 7Jt DEAN LEWIS ~ 4'111:r1 U!'fO'I ond Most Modorn Toyolo & Volvo 0.alor IH6 HAllO IOULIVARO 649303 COSTA MESA DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. llunUrctoa Beach 8(2. rm or 54o-N42 '67 STATION \Vgn. 96 hp. 4 '""""· good dmd. $1000. 54~1. '69 Datsun Pickup truck, l&.ke ov~r J)flymentt. Free Equity.~ I I SALE PRICES ON ALL NEW 1970'S 2 DOOR SKYLARK F1 tl11ry Ord1r N11. AE7106" 2 DOOR No. 119231'104 BIG SELECTION OF 1970's. N 0 BETTER PRICES ANYWHERE WE ARE COMPLETELY SWAMPED WITH TRADE.INS! MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! :~!. ~~.~~ .. d .. d;,, hul... $1798 WI004)_·~===~~~-----~-----:~,~lo ~~~,!~,~~lu•;•g, ,.d;o, $1096 ht11!1r. PJ M .197 '67 COUGAR Aulci. tr1~1 .. FACTOR Y AIR CONO. pow1r liter .• r1dio, h11lirr. UVN 123 51898 ~~~--:~!.~.~.~~;~oodLE SABRE $3393 Full pow1r. 454l99CI00419. :~,~. e.~~~.,K,~.~ETT $15·94 h11!1r. WIO 04 3;.,,;----------6"..::__..=,__::_.:: '66~T-BIRD $19·92 ~ull pow1r, FACTORY AtR COND. RUJ 275 Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ·-Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.rn. AUTHORIZED BUICK . OPEL · JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE ·: ·: . " ,. :· : . ' • ., . -. ./ TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO~ -" . TuNSl'OltTAT10N TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION W!<lnosdq, lltttmb•'.'· I~ • * TlfANSPORTATION TRAN!PORJATIO~N~j-~r~R!A~s~·p~O~R:!T A~T~l~O!!N~"j"!~A~~~~~ll Imported Au'°' HOO Auto LNol.. fllO IJtod Cart 9'00 Usod Cart 9900 Ustd Ciro -9900 Used C~ro 9900 Und ·Caro 9900 Used Caro -~990-0 Ua d Ciro '900 VOLKSWAGEN --•· FORD MU5TANG OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC RAMBLCR LEASE •.RENT CHMOLET '64 GALAXIE tit)())(L PIB. MUSTANG '67 289 v~. ate. T-BIRD ORDIR YOUR . • PIS, air. New t ires . p/1, dl.sc: .. ..radlo. Grey-blk '&I F-SS &ta wgn. Auto, P/S, '681ntC~na4• 4 dr.,~1'dl<U1 '1•1 '61 REBEL 710. AU ·Ptl\vcr.1 --------·I 5.0 VW's 1'70 TODAY "''Pottt11ien a.r9etn1 515-.2392 alt 6 we.k dH,Y all vinyl. Gd. co11d. $16 7 5 ~~~an. $525. m-.1413 or x ..... ,..., ne.w U&-,:S, u orlainnl ~'fler. UD.Jer 20,000 '66 T·BlltD ' 1960 Thru 1968 ,OR EAtttllST 'M C.v--lmp hlt-COupe $917 day v.ttkends. , 673-SSl t ========~! vwr. air $2295. ·cau or see at ml~ $1395. Evc5 or wkncla , : 'Q ri....... II I '--~1 ---;;======= -"Ea.ti \Villia1ns Tt'xaco Sia., 546-8173 ~ 2 Dr. trr, rull p\Yr, &11, dlr. ,_ DILl\llRY ~---::... -<=-~ .. '60 FORD* .. in, 370 hp.. -PLYMOUTH I -"====-==== b-·-···~-$495' ~ - -OLD$MOBILE 7th & -' C. M 'I· pw., .. 11, ·-~ ••-•· V W ~uJ:t:',;~ ....= »1111 .. no ._ »->-1 IPd 'T"'.::;----"'------64&-25113 STUDEBAKER 1tue Book ~ • SACRI• H b ... on •PPf"OY«I er.dlt Call Mr!========= I '69 Ply. Fu!)' nr. Auto., p .s .. 1966 Pontiac Le ?1-lAnru; . I FICE nw. or foreign car ar 011r • • C.,t Out Competitlv. Aa.tla: Dtrttt ICTG. Han Fin: '57 OLDS 88, 2 dr hrdtop, PB., fact. air cond., vinyl to P/• P/R al I ~~~ 1960 srUDEBAKER. Gold ir. tnde. NPV132. Call Phil Th11•re ·ance Co., 150s.F N. Tustin MUSTANG C'.!to, p/b, p/s, stnog ron· 1'0()f, J\·lusl 8ell. l.1ake oUet. p, ..,. .,, r """'... ' .fU9T73 Of" 5-15-0634. • AU'l'HOJUZED ROBINS U.RD -trol. $125. After 5 ; 3 0 ' 837-96.S2 Auto lrallll. MU:'t seli, make Hawk cpe., original paint SALES &: SERVlCE ~ Ave., Sulla AD:I.. 1 6'16-603! interior, 4 new tires, body, T-Blrd 198'1' Landau,. 2 ~4t"· • 2060 HarbOr-Rt.d. •I N6va, SS. blt aeata, auto 66 M'.!'1t~ng Convert -~===~---oiler. Call -831}..5588 englne,.h'anl .. splendid conr tun pwr, wht w/dk navy l87ll BEACH BL., ~IS Colla Meu &Go<mO traN. j/s. rib. .................. 6, Vt8W, QauWto6!12maJyc, radlQ, heater. '65 STAR1''1XE. 'full po\ver PONTIAC dition $195. 5.16-&MG .top, all xtras. 1 owner, HUNTI?;:GTON ,BEACX-tire ~-v incl. windo"''S & seats, ·air RAMBLER always caraged. Exe. COlld. BUG, Dark.Green, ne~ car LiASl·ANY MAKf = C:OO:: ~~un~ $895 cond. $1395. 5'10-S113 1961 PONTIAC. Recently T ·BIRD Pr pty &14-mo7 OOOOguar.ml~:.'!~~k. :::. OR MODIL ' 137.m dtYf: 673·4566 Harbour v w -,S~T~A""'w~A~G~s=T=E~A~L.:,1-rebll engine. S225 or best Of· '65 RAMBLER --------T-BIRD '&4, air. all pwr_...:& Let our tease -...ru *" evts. • • '65 F-8~ \Vht Wag. •Sa.crUice fer. Call · !J68..5230 '58 T-BIRO, kiok9 -..f, runs X'tru. Aro/Fm radka. Atk· on/off lug. rack. Res. ._.... ,.,_1 •-675-1898 Bus. 6 45.199 2. you the best ~ kir ~ 1il9 dii\i Impala 2 Dr, AtrrHORIZED u• g. O\Vller, Exceptional '67 Gran Prix-Sharp I Ambassldor 990, air, dlr, v1eU $29'J. 831)-6324 aft.er 6 or Ina: $950. M&--0539 or (213J $1.800. personal needs without obJJ. wl.re whl&, alr/cond auto SALES .I: SERVICE SltfJO * 673-1232. ·Loaded~ $1995. 846-1165 loaded. on c O\\iter. \\'ill "'kcnds ~9 wkdays ~PM : &at.ion. · h'anl, .000 m.J. ~ new. 18111 BEACH BL., 'M2M.15 1966 Olds F-85 ~elx &ed. New, '68 LE il!ANN!i Sprl Coupe. takl": older r~r In trade. -~,,.--=~~=,.--'66 T-BIRD. Perf ~, l VW '63 Semi-Ouuper. ~tint UNIVllUITY Sa.c $2995. 96W889. 1-IUNTINGTON BEACH tires, p/s, r/h. SU00-$3W Air, pwr, buckets, Jo mi. PD\Vl38LB. Call l\en, '55 CLASSIC owner. lo miles. Sacrilke! ~~\ ~n~~ ~~~a~~: ~~i~ OLDSMOllLI '66 IMPALA.· Air power '68 MUsr. 2 + 2 Bl ue air below· BB. Prl pty. MS..9268 'Vinyl to11. 8~2-233J. 494-97T.I 01· 515-0034. J\nNT cond $1995. 673-5822 6'16-8760. 646-2672 pty. $1495. (714) 84g..10l7 or ~Harbor. mvd. auto. Jlt&H. Xlnt co~. $1795: cond., po\\·cr, MiJy io&ltd. 1006 Olds Cutlass. 2 door, int· '64 TEillPEST_2_d<--.-,-cy~l. '64 Rambler Classic '170. V-8, 1957 T-BIRD. port holes. '64 T-BlRO, very clean : Office {21S) 439-0951 Cot;ta Mesa WW take clean trans car In Very clean $2200. Dan 1nac. J owner. Ski seats. auto Rill ext.~l . cOnd. !\Iust P\\T steering. Xln't Olnd. J\1ust &ee to appreciate! $8Th V\ . .:'.::"~.61.;._=0n'-,=-• .::.n:=:or:,."""">0°"'iit ~ "ttaiCi"'ll·Oi<rM-ii2Sooi"iji;:•;;-r'ii4ri!l&--;3'4;;-;;1.;;-j'H"il"'to"n". =54=8--84=8=7===!"~-===*="'=S-tl=-'76-'=9=*===="="='='=z;;:,_ 0:67=:5-=:38="-=·=="' Best Offer. <IM-5825 51800, 838-7675. 644-6279 orl&lnal cond. Beige, radio. UIMI Car.e 9900 69 CHEV 108 Van 307 cu In, --~========-==================-! nu tire1. ~ Joei-------~---v.a. ,.nto tran., hvy duty New Cars 9800Naw Cars 9800 New Cert 9~ Nickertz, U6 lndu11trial '68 • C Speed, low milhlf, sprinp..Jow mt. Best offer·I ----------------..;.,;.-'-'---'=;,...:~~'------~-'-----'---'--'--..;;..'"----~--------'--·I Way. C.?!1. 673-5620. vinyl tp, ~-KI 9o:I002 cr 1 "'owr~,..-,_-· 54"""5--0812....,,-~~ VOLVO i--VOLV_O __ 1i10 Hiitmi NOW I.ow Prices on Remaining '69's Y°!':eB~~~LS DEA" LEWIS J966 Harbor. c.r.r. 646-9303 'fT , VOLVO P-1800 Full>":·eqp'd. Xlnt Corid: -' ~ $2800. 642-2029 ~ntlifun, _Cla11lcs 9615 '57 MORGAN + 4 New ,.,p, new brakes. ~ ~llt!ftt c o n d I t I o n. $1500. 6-12-1'24 after 6 PM. 9620 19f-875f.. ' '57 QtYy Bel Air Convt. BUICK Auto trlnl. Rl:H. 4 nu whtwalls. $425. 847-1182 ·ii CHEVY Bllcayne \Vagon, '65 Wildc1t Convt. needs body work ;375. Radio, heater, (>OYier steer-842-fm afttr 4 pm ini:, windows · 6'., brakes; 1-,--=-,.==0-~-,­whlte wan._. automatic trans. * 'Cl COft.VAll\, f"dr, st-r (UI8976) tlon waaon, Sood cond., $2!0. or bc1t 0'1er, 615-0066 $195 Harbour V.W. •g CHEVY Mllltiu, > dr. htdtp, p/1, p/b, bucket its. 32.000 ml. $1300. 5f8-7460. ~uri0~~CE ·63 'CHEV Bd Air sta wag. llnJ BEACH BL., &42-4435 Factory ,alr. p/s,. perf cond. HUNTINGTON BEACH $300 * w..5129. '" JU G S '66 CAPRICE 4 dr. PIG, air, I"' v. Cl,llltum ran p:>rL biC flllr. ·Vinyl top. Yh•t 'All pwr-fac air, n\any t -:;'°;:"::;d.;l:;l595;:;.F':;!6-:,2.loti:;::,· =.,...;;: xtras. Landau top,. new 1• M;oholln U...1. ll!OO. CHllYS'--496-3339, 830-0303 Wift '63 BUICK LeSabrt. Good cond., rebll ena. Ori&- Own!;r, ~Z-SOIXI. 5'&--0390 . ..... ·COMET '65 B Iii autYSLJ:R Ntwport. 2 · UICK, xlnt cond, wW dr. H.T. Auto. New radial sell oi: trade for , smallu tlrt't·~ aboclq $15CKI. &a--19t8 car-V\V, etc. 673-3910. ~;=::==::=::=:=;;: RACING Can1 & lifters, AFB ======"'i'=;; -carb\fttor Jor 327 Chev. 2-14" ·~vlre 'vheel coven. CADll.LAC Btit Offer. 842-1962 after 6 CAriJLLAl! ,68 !2 n...t.. .... 18 14 CAU!N11: 2 dr H.T. 289 pm. • . '"""'~ Vl Bucket&, co11110le, fac-. mos &Ince pure~ new. tory air AM/FM AT 3!H CU. rn, Olds enz. &:. stick 28,000 miles. Exffilent con-P/B, PtS. $575. MS-c558 ., trans. ditlon. Complete extrts. --;;======= * 675-1413 * $5000. Private party. CaU g. "" 6. (714) 540-3530 or -!213) • CONTINENJAL Autos W1ntod 9700 697-4821111 o. ' '-'-"----1966 CONTINENTAL SEDAN \VE: PAY ... CASH [OJ' Ulld can /Ci trucks jQlf; call tll for ftee ntfmate. GROni ClftVROlfl Mli-to.-8*s-112U1'e"'1> Blvd. Hunt:inJton Beach KI 9-33'1 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEVROLEl 2828 Harbor Blvd. C.osfa Mesa 546-1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for good, ·clean used ca.rs, all .r;o.ake1. See PeoJ:'ie Ray Theodol'I! Robln1 Ford 2000 Harl>or Blvd. C.M, 642-0010 ·Wiii Bay SED. De Ville. G4. "1.nt cond. mechan. & •r>Ptaranoe. J\.Iany xtr<lli. Blue w/ bUc vnyl top. Orig owner. 6#-0324 '69 SDV, only 39SO rl\I, Loaded! Xln't Cond. 11950. Call • 516-7'43 CORVAIR Eldorado lir. mlst aold; '63 i:Ol\V .ult. nte>!s mJoor aen. leather seats, blk toP. \>J6rk· • 'MJQJ.d mate good fully ..... d. $5875. Orio llw>e ...... Cbwla, $100: --------· -· --SACRIFICE '80 COJlV AIR. hu CAD. SED. DEVIU.E, '67, en&ine for buggies. J..oaded. Stereo, leathc'r, ~al! 16(1. 6*-5612. 30,(0) mi. $3595 Finn. DIYI !-========= 837-2970. Eves. fM..OllO '67 EL DORADO. FUD pwr ·A: CORVmE air' + 11200 ......_ Pllf '13 STINGllAY. 2 Tops, 340 cond. Lo.Lo mi. Malet otter HP, f lfd., 411 Posl., llhr. 6#-4265. ..,. eem, :AM/nt. 52,000 Mt. '67 CADILLAC conv-ert., ~Ing orig. cond . white, black lfbr. inter.; tun p1\T., air<and. Perr. concl. '68 ll\IMAC. 4 apd, hi-perf. $3,450. Owner 675-4747 327, BP, 2 tops, mags, air, '60 CAD Sedan de Ville, full tape. ~ or 546-0495 poy,·i:r. air. Clean. (1) 538-7357. '62 CADILLAC sedan de Ville $495. Lo rnle. lo dOW?) to qual . buyer. 548-4285 '63 CAD, Convt. Good Cond. Air Cond. FUlly Equipped. $995. Call Cralg. 67~2753. FOltlt ... ,, Johnson .. son alllil@®l!.lt9 ©IIDOO'ii'llll IE OO'ii'&ll. • JlJA\llll:r m . Ill IElll~ll!llY. ®®!llm&ll ' '. • . '• or-• Only Thirteen 1969's Remai.fl We still have 13·_1969 Mercurys, Uncolns, Montegos & Coutars -If you thought we had big savings before --Come se• what we have left for you now . • • J· More Brand New MONTEGOS To Select From . At Similar Savings Plus. Same Near New 1969 MONTEGOS Witl! Low Mileage At Even 'Greater Savings ! We want these· sold regardless of loss ••• THAT'S RIGHT! We are down to our ' last few 1969 brand ' . new or near new Executive Montego•· -.. a. '. I . . . . . • .. BRAND NEW 1969 MONTEGO MX ,2·DR. HARDTOP Beautiful Blue, popular 351 V-8 •n9in•, 1eleCf shift tren1mi1sion, whit• wall tires,. powar steering, power br~k••· whlip•r air condition•r, AM-FM stereo radio, tinted 9lass, deluu •t11f b.lf1, r.,_,ote mirror end deluxe whee,, co••"· WINDSHIELD STIC:ICIR PRlc;f: $4121.70 I '\ NoW REDUC:ID TO $3390.00. Stock No. 3149.,5.,;,1 No. 9HI IH607074 . ' SAVE. s738 •. 70 On Jhls_f'f!l~~ ~· ~rt - i#i ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS CA MARO Your Volkswaaen or Porsche :· & l>&Y. t.op dollars, Paid fur or not. Call Ralph 673-0900 68 -4 SPEED, low mUeage, 'SO COUNTRY 8'dlll Wl&OJI, 10 paastnctr w:lth popular side faaing 3rd seat. Radio, heater, powt?'11teeri n1 , pcrlftr brabt, bil v.a efll'lne. Prictd to move Mfore this Wfflc.tnd. i;UO>, 664-1743 Private Party '67 GALAXIE, Fae. Atr, PIS, P/8. Lo Ml Nu tires. Xln't Cond. s.'.'crtftOe, Goina: •' Joh11 son & Sin• Hos The Rep11tntlon of Ottering The Finest Selectlo11 of llsed Car• In the County! • .. 1--,™1i===-rs"""'w=AN!'ED==-I =~· $~.Kl&-~ or CHMOLET -Countin ToP S Btm:lt BILL MAXEY -TOYO:A 1*1 Blach 91..t. H. Beach. Ph. 14?..-S '61 Chevy Impala Conv., WANTED: ti9'CADILLAC, $295. ~ ~~n. from private party Call aft. ~ KINCswooo Estate ~· 546-3757 ...... 9 ,,..., lots Of t'Xtru. Avto Leising . 9910 xlnt cond. r .v. 968.-3173 • -£51 1!188 CHEVY Impe! ... "' , L£ASE fl' loldtd. Pliotd 1or ou1ck ' 1970 FORD Torino GT, air sale! $1!50. SJ4..S290 power brai(ies & steering, '65 Impala, 2 dr, 283 ene. ': radio, 1'.i!de oval wsw, 351, New lrans, lo ;nlg, a/c, xlnl .. • 4 V enctne. $99.50. 24 mos. cond. Lo book. 645-1852 SOUTH COAST '64 MAL!BU,-xtnt oond, - CAR LEASING llres, 1 owner $950 or Offer. 3Cl W. Cat Hwy, ~ f45-2182 67W66J or 54M203 ./ • - Jn Service. Call -645-0757. '81 GALAX!E<ijlii; > dr, r/h, alt, do enc, aut:o·trana, xlrlt cond, aria: owner S14~ Call ewt I: wkendl &H-«lt8 ''6 F•lcon ,vtur• Fully ~ equipped. Dlr. -Phone64Unl •ii LTD 5'· W11 n pwr, dll<: &: air. $l!lllO +· '65 I '6' Corvair or ? trade. 9G-58lD '62 l'Ol\D Van, fine aha , 310. 5th St., Hunthlcton Btach. atttr 4 p.m. I '&4 FOid C dr budtop,. White W/rtd \nt~, Ill(). Call 11$-1971. CONTINENTAL '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE lloYol Maroon me!a11k tlnbh wllh mntchlng lr1t1r10r. Iii.ck l.nd•11 _roof. LUXll•V equlppld. COmpletelv 1111 t!ttrlnv wtieoe!, r•cior~ 1lr, pow • •r IMIOr Ioele•, rte. 'vtp 7~1 $4195 '67 CONTINENTAL 4-0R SEO. Be.utlf11I HIH'On _blve met11Ut llnt11\ with match· 1119 JMllM!r lnt•lor. Black lllnd•u root, •ully ~ .ciul~' elld 11ctorv 11r conct11lonlng, ""-·'"' radki,' 1terto 11p. dtdl:. one-owner car. a .. ullf\IUy !Nllnlal!led. TTHCZO. MERCURY OTHER '9'AKES '68 MERCURY COLONY PARK '67 PONTIAC GTO .2-DR. H.T. 9 plluengor. Popular c•rdlnel rtd tlnbfl wlrh Gold ml1I mllllllc flnllll whfl bl•ck bt.clt.tl blatk COl"llort w"YI vlr1yl lntarlor, 111110., R&H, 1H ls, 111!0. Ir-., r1dlo &. 11 .. ier, power 11111 .. il~rto Mrie dK k, fac!ory air condlllonlng, P.S., !ng, f.CI01y t lr. 8•11111\11 cor>ellllon. TRJSOl P,e., <1uo1 at llOn NII pt.,, Only 19,000 mlltt. {lfll Ccntlnonll1 Of Statton Wagof'tS.) No, 3614. $2295 '67 MERCURY MONTEREY $3295 1·0aor Hardtop, 111tom1tk: tr1Mmlu l0n. r•dlo, ------------hM!er, POWI• 1teerl119 and brekei, air cOl'ICll- 67 COUGAR 2·000R l ime !roil will\ m1l¢.lllrol YlltYI buclltls, I UIO .• 1119 ""91ne, P.S.\ RlH, nl'W ur tr9de·I", OM cwner •nd 'ervlctd DY our company, VDR2U. l~lnQ. L.lndtu top. l it, UOGOn $1795 1967 MUSTANG 2 DR. H.T. $3395 $2175 11r1111n recl119 lrttn '1rnith w/bleck b\ICket 1M1J, 29t VI 1nglr11, CDl\1011, ffd .. l\lr.:r power 1!rg., c-:--c-:--:--::CC-:::-:-".'""'."C:-::~'.=:'."' I------------pwr. bnt1 .. 111tO, lr11n1., ere. rWYtlO '68 CONTINENTAL 4-0R. SEO. 0 $1795 Aftr1cttv1 Ugh! chrom1 y1l1Dw with black learh. '67 M NTCLAIR · er lfttwlDr MlCI 1anc11u rwi. Full power e<1ulp. 2.0oer Herd~ Arctic white wl!h bt1c~ 111~· J*I, fK!of'Y air, tit. WXFJU lor ar.d Landau root. Full POMr l'!!Ulpoed Ind '68 JAGUAR XKE•2 COUPE !..:;tarv afr condlt111111111. ~ owlllr, Ctr.r11uv $4395 '67 CONTINENTAL ~le •11111111 Oceln Tll'!'quolla flnllh with metchlnll lnllrklr ana wr1111 IOp. CDrTlpltclely lw~· ury tc111ll!Pfd, 11111 po...,., N'l!·FM 1ac11o. 11crorv 1lr, t111 Wheel, lie. •new llr1u. UOAlM. $2795 ""'lnltlned. VOFNO. AttT.ci!W l rllltrl llac:'"9 Green B'oltlt Wllll $2395 .. b!K~ '"tlltr ln,.rlo¥, wlr1 wllalls, 11.ecllal Ply ttrn, uc. ae111Uf\lt COlldltlOll. Wl0601, $459~ '66 MERCURY PARK LANE 2•0!;ior H~rd!OP. Arc!lc whl!1 with Ivy told 111-'66 MERCURY MONTCLAIR ,.rklr 1nd blftk lllldau rool. 1ul0,, 11.aH, P,S .. 4-000!' Saclln. TrulV ....,..... ·~lppld ll'lc:ludlng P.S., l•Clorv •Ir co"'9Ulol'lln11. llt1I IUllllfY II 'fK'°'Y air, l ie. U('U111 ··~"""'$1"995 $1595 ' ' '66 CONTINEf.ITAL CONVT. - lMV11flrl Cardln1I rtd !lnlih With bllCk 10P 1------------'68 CADILLAC SID. DI VILLI ll'ld blldl 1 .. thtr lntt1"1or. All th• lwcurv I•• twrw.. t11n ,._-, MtfltY 111" eondlllllnlf'll, tltrlO .... l'f'lteln. tvttr'lllllc CfVIM UllllTOJ, ~ l!!ll• --CllM!ttoft. 5QAf11 • $2695 '65 FORD ~ TON , s·.~. LK: lmtl $AVE BARGAIN· CORNER · , In Our Bargain Corner; 'W• have numerous u1ed C•r1. S:oiri• 'tltiin; .. , tt' m,. .. ftot .so cleen. Som9·tfi.it · ai a duPIJ.'• tlon1, sorhe 'we've had , too lon9-in any event th••• ~r1 aro rool bar91·1n1. LOOK '!IM OVER! '88 'OltO u.LAXll .... l·Dt. Hl,..r.J IVPtsi. '86 IUICIC •rv11u Ill.I $4' . ' ,_, .. , .. av u...... •TJnc. ·- '88 ,,_YMOllTll ........... .,.,,, $127& $,17& $137& ·S20l& 12271 Johnson • SDD lL D !lil © ® IL !lil © ® !lil 'iY D !lil ~ !liJ 'iY IA\ IL • I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA NEW CARS 1 Mlle South of the ._510 C:~RS 140·1631 140·1630 642·0911 Ian .Diego Freeway I ' I I I I ... t . - I ,._, .. • , ' ' I --- BRAND NIW '70 LE MANS 2 Door h1rdtop. Decor group, •utom1tic, fiP•r· 9l1ss tires, push button radio, custom 111t b1lta, ,.._.,. stfffi•u;, ttfttff winckhi1ld. ,12l5370Z600Ufl . . ' ' New '69 EXECUTIVE · 2 111t ,..,9011. Turbe ~hydrametic, p111h butto11 r1dio, remote mirro r, power 1teerint ·I di1c brekn, tintM 9la14, power windowi, power 1e1t. elr co"dltionl119, whit• well1, etc'\ (25· .•l69Cl2l779J Utt price $145l.04 '.New '69 EXECUTIVE , 2 •••f w19011, Turbo hvd,em1tic, puih-butto" J re4io. deluxe .. lh. power 1t11rin9 " disc br1k11, tinte.J 9l•n, power l•il t•f• window, ~ eir co"'itio11ln9, wftif• we lit. I 256l69C I l 16· 41) llri price $5112.11 . " - ., New '69DONNEVJUE H." T. Cp .. C.rlll•"• top,. turff hyclre7111tic, pvth butt.• r..ii., ri111•t•. 111lrt.or, pow•r 1t••rlr1t •. ,_... l.ral:•1, th1tM 11111, po••r wi11do-., •Ir c•Mitioniltf, front I reer me'1, white well-. ti'u1T edev1t1..1262J79CI 16i45) Litt Pri10 11211.71 RECORD BREAKING SAVINGS ON GREAT TRADES TAKEN IN ON THE NEW 1970s AND 1969 WIDE-TRACKS. '67COUGAR VI,. 4. 1peN, ,._., 1to1rl n9, redio, h1etM, whit• well1. (TkH592J '68 FORD TORINO z. 111,r. H.T .. VI. e11tori1etle, ,.,_, 1t.erlr1to .Wtory elr, whit• we ll .. IXOE202) .. 1' ,_.. I I . -~ .. ;··BARRACUD~· . ' . c....f'ti~~·· ~·•1 ..... fl'!", •11t-1fk. ,_..... 1to.,i11f, Vt, IW1COl71 '68 MUSTANG VI, •vt•111t tl1, pew" 1t"rl119. r1lllio, Miter, fecfory •ir conditio11!119. tVHA2J4J, $2577 $121·1 $2677 ROY New '69 BONNEVILLE 4 c,. H.T, Ce«lo"e top, tu rbo h~r•l'll•fic., r•mot• mi"o', du1I •Xh•u1 h, pu1h butto1t r•dlo~ po-r 1t•erin9, power br1kt1, tinted 91111, pow•r wirtdowi, p_ow1r •••t, eir condi. tionln9, f,011t A '''r m•h, whit• well,, I 26• 2l9tCIOSl65J Li1t Prl~t .$5319.0l New '69 GTO 2 Coor H.T. Turbo hydrem1tlc, puth i.utton radl~, r•rnot. ·mirrOr, d•luxe belh, wir1 wh,el lll!1c.1, con1ole, pow1r tft•rin9 I di1c br1k11, ti11t.d 91111, eir c0Mitte11lnf. 12.f2l7,2126• JOll U1t Pr ic.e $442 1.10 Demo. '69 CATALINA 2 Dr. H.T. Vlnyl trim, 4Mer ·9,.up. turbo hvdr1meflc, lllelux• .. Its. power 1teerl119, power brel:et, tl11t1d 9le11, eir condltioni119, whlte w1ll1. (J52l79Cll0217) Demo '69 Bonneville RE LORD BREA,!fiG (t ,. ... ~~• .. ~ ~AVING. 0 Wholesale Values 0 .... ,.. .. lowKelfr- '65 TEMPEST 5675 VI , 1ut01111tl1, redi•, heeler, peower it_. s777 1119, white well .. Cl'IH099) '67 SUNBEAM s977 s112~ . Alplfte 1p...t. c~tibl•. Re41ie, li•eter, 4 1pe•d IVTLl41 I '67 POtmAC $1877 ~925 4 Dr. eulo., ltlH, P.S., f1cto;y eir, po-r wl11dow., corcf0¥1 top. ITVH 1111 '66 GTO s1577 ~575 2 dr. H.J. VI, ti,dre .. P.S., ltlH, WSW, factory •ir, •IRYI 11111. IATZOOll ' T (' • • -... . " • 1, •'· . tltAND'NEW '70 GRAND PRIX ' Tufb.; hYiir:ama.iic tr1namfs1ion, fiber9liss tires,· ~ : l:Kicket 1e1ts,. pow•t st•erin91 power disc · btekes,. tinted Winclowt, fec:tory air. conditiori,. l•t· .1176-170II 166151. . ' ., .· .. ,... ... ' .. ' --- Demo. '69 CATALINA 2 ,,,;: w19ea. Die.or trfiwp, tw,lto hy4r1W:.etic, r1mote 111irtor, ti'elu1t1 btlh, power 1ft1ri119, pew•r ti'i1c. brak•1, ti11t.d 9la11, pow•' t1il 11t1 whtclo't', elr c1rilllltlo11inr, ,.~It• w1Jl1, •tc. (212JltCl2lJl4J . . . l>emo. ••9 Grand Prix eo,111 ....... ,. 421 .,.,., """' hvdram1tic, lf•r•• .relllie, ,r•m•te ·ll'lfrt•r, delur•· !.1lh, power ri•erint. H••r ~l&e br1k•s. tift wh••I, .tlnt.d 9lett, power whtdow, eir c"•ni itionrng, 'cu1tom wlie•l·4i1c1o f-17617'12~411 ' ' Demo. '69"CATlLINA 4 Cr. H.J. Vl11yl trim., llli1ot t~u;, turlt• hy.lr1metic, pu1h ~11tt•1t-relllt.,. r•1111fe 1ttlr• rer, lll1lure .. lh, .,._., 1tttirr11t, ei~ coitllll• tio11l1191 ti11tM wi"'1h°1;1J, ~It. w1ll1. 1212· J•tCl2074ll, ' , . I . 1 • • \ •. Demo. '69~~19 H.T. Cpe. Turbo hyif111111ft, '"iii \iffo~ re· '· . . . , i io, d1luxe l.elh,. pewet rl"r/!!f, '-ow1r br1l:1s, tfntelll 9le11, plwtr wl11 .. ewt, elr con. dille11i.119, fro11t " r1et rn1h, ,.lute· w1ll1, 4uel erh1uth; (J62J}fCI lillfJ THESE ARE THE FINEST USED CARS IN OUR HISTORY I ' - '68 .OLDS 4-4-2 ' 2 Dr. H.T. Automeffc, pewer tfee rin 9, r1iio, he1t .... f11lery eir, ¥fltyl tep, ''wer "'i11dow1. (VCJ176J ' ' " ' .. '67 CORVETIE $3977 427 VI, 4 ep..4 treftl111i11lon, reJio, he1tot. lt•d. 1Vc;,Jl74) '68 VOLKSWAGEN $1877 .· .. Awt.m1tfc tr111.l'lftMe11, redlo en4 he.i... h it .. IWll:t24J ' '67 BONNEVILLE '$287 t ptt1. S. W. tvrk J.y4r1-flc, ,.w•r ''''"' ' ' 7 1111 I breli•1,'-._ I H, whit. wel11, f~ri.ry air eort4lt101in1. IVl.L047N CARVER PONTIAC --·Ill ~-1 []] 2925 HARBOR 1111.VD I COSTA MES·A ___ ,,.. ' • • ' ' -Kl-64444 ~ ' 7 I .,