HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa'
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Harbor ColC Sex Su1-,,eg
... ' ,., ,,
Gets Fantastic·, Besponse .
mJRSOAY. 4t.F.TIRNOON, D&iCEMIElt ltr, ~9&9
W&..& ......... wtr. ........
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• . ' ' .
Hippie Cult Murder Toll Now, 14?
-' ' .
Probing Six
LOS ANGELEs {APJ -·-· -""11 .. -lpUng -·H
penoos may i.rve been killed .by one or
l'l)ort members of a hippit-!tyle nomadic
Memben of the clan alr,eady are
charged in eight ol the . murders, in-
dadVlg thit ol actrw Sharon Tate.
'Die grim proopect ol addl)lonal dan
rlelims came to light juot beloro today's
lrnignrnent of the Tate ca1e'1 central
llpre, cllll"les M. Manson, 35, the 1riJd.
~ clan lead.,. whooe ro&w... coll tdie 11God" 8nd "Salan. I'
: ~f's deputies searched a movie
rUch. Wednesday near 1 u b u r b a 'n
~worth, ·looking f0t signs of Donlld
O'Shea, to, •a stunt man and beer han
i!<JmlC<I' missing after a reyorled qumnl
wttll MllMOll.
Pollce have been looking for C'Olb-iecting
llreads in the Los Angeles deaths of two
teen.q:e religious cultists.
Repcrts today said police are ln-
.-IpUng poostble-Ilnks between the
rate slayings and the dealhs cl a dope
peddler, o motorcycfist In Bishop, Calif.,
Ind a member o( the Manson clan in .ban yenice. No details Wfft
Battbt Plan
-County Qfflc~Stlidy
' .
·tJay Swap Alterniit~~e
ot "'-Olflf P'lllf Slaff
Orange County officill• today have
under study a new alternative to the Up-
per Newport Bay land exchange which
envisions dredgin, away tidlll ialands and
creating 123 acres ol Oiled tidelandJ.
The alternative to the mucb-Oebated 1
Back Bay 1wap between the county and
tht Irvine Comj>lny was olfend by Flm
Diltrict Supervisor Robert Battin of San-
ta Ana •.
Jl drew a coot reception trom
SupervllOT Alton. E. Allen, wi-dll1rlct
Jflcludt1 the Upper Bay, and his col·
leagues William Phillipa and William
BatUn told the board that he estimated
lho clttdglng project and Jl"rchMe or
islands from lhe ranch company woukt
cost $10 miJlion. ·
Jn the end, aupervlson ordered a atudy
by the county's real estate and 1property
division, the par k a, reCre8tlon and
hirbon department and the county
coUniel'a Office. 'Ibe team is expected ·to
report back lo the Boanl of Supervilon
in March.
The Board.of Supervisonl. however, ap-
the existing Back Bay. swap agreement
BaWn and Supervisor David ·Baker'i
who appeared to be disappointed, bad to
eettle for the study alone Ind deferment
of any serious conskleration cl Battin'I
propoool, pending completion &I 1114
Battin urg<d hi• colleagues lo recoghizo
lhat "lhe !>"bile is becomlngJncr•••i0(11
concerned about environmental jUIJ"
and there ls a demand, Upon 111 today to
protect its interests in this• Upper Baj
The First District supervlsor a1se
pointed to the existence ol. lunds 1*
were not. available to the caqnty wben ti
first agreed lo joint development ol the
Upper Bay ana. And he predicted ~
Ule Irvine Company will agree "to I
mutual reclslon or the trade , , • beca.USIJ
the company has shown a gi'eat concet'lt
for tbe ...,u being of the Jl"blic Interest. : ,
"I do not be11'vt," he said, •!th._t. thef
would want to force a trade ~ was JJ9
}on~ in that interest.1' ~
With o rourt ban on comment bnpoMI
Oft lofl'kt.tJs, police kept mum on dtVelapo
.....,.. and deplties ocourlng the movie
rmieh were tighllipped. ·11u1 the r.mch's owner, George C.
• 111, Aid Mamon ·md O'Shea had
before O'Shea dllappeored. The
ad lived on hb ~ for a time,
UPIT ........
. peand to be divided on \he Back Bay
proposal even before Battlri tacked up hi.I
series of colored charts In the hearing
room WedntSday. 1
Board memben tangled on just whit
th< studywould Imply and the nature of
th< -commitment befOll! they voted for the tine-department analysis.
Battin Is urging the 'boanl to .iUdw'4
six lots that CQmprlSe Upper BayJblanlll
-!<its 101, 102, 103, 104, 139 and 140 ..,. .
from the Irvine Compall)' for· lh!o" 'f
mllliOn valuation placed on the:lahd f ·"'· -1 the Irvine Company. Dredging ·ol
area woUld cost the ~nty a fvrthlr,
fllillion, the supervilor prtdlc!J. ~
&pim aid, against hll will. •
Former President Lyndon .Johnson makes his first
·return visit -to1Ule White•·Hou1e lince..leaving office.
Mitt .ip81lding·:two. hours ~t~q~'st wlU. P.resi·
denl Nixon, the two men emerged on the White
House portico, jammed with early morning tourists.
Prosecutors announced Wednea<fay t1WJ will seek a single trial for Maneon
""" the five .-nb<n ol !Ill -lrlbe . . . ::'~":':1e~~ 1n DeS,ltoyer Sinks ·dne ol the cleft!nlianlll, Susan· Alklnl. .
UD is ~ed in the murder ol m•ian Fi Wn V J G\i'Y mrunan in Malibu. IS . g esse. ·,
·1~d Do It Again~
Mayor Wlio Tore Cong Flag Acquitted ,,,. praoecutors say they npect the
--will seek ..,,.. ... lriab and ' wll try lo oever the cue ol the Au~t , 18 AOOard .Saved
o1'1;inp ol ~ho!ley--and · ... · · . SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The Rlayor ol Chi>waliec, WllOadmA!Odduriil('the'panel i.. otherl killed 001 her· elllale from A :moc1em d..iroy.,.·llleo!nhic ,.__... Santa Cruz, acquUted ol malicitl\IS 8e!ect1on• he had sent a coogratulatory ~; ol """1thJ ...rket aWlier Leno · ., _.. milChlef for tearin( down a Viet Cong lelegram lo the l!lllyOt for hi•-· ~o ..i hll WV.. .killed the nm the pr'lilo"'l' darme.. l<nifedi Ullo • • Dag•at.a prlvale mldtnce on Veterans , Werner testified• <bat he· ripped down UI,. -. ' Filipll1(> fiSUng boat 111 miles .,,..i "(Sin Day, told happy"'~ Wednesday: the Viet ~ flag being Down al the
· Clemente Island today,. ~ • .her "You're damed right I would do it 1 home · of Carry BeD, 211 a ·aubst.Jlute
·n!J.:.. flf.l., .,.;m, lo the bottom. ' • agalil." teacher ond \llolna!p "'!trmt, because he
F 1«1t -V 11Ce ~ II lwxls from the ao.r..i Ci!<nt:_.,.. ButetMo,... ~ Wldemer. a = could find no 1,w , 111111 piohibiled Bell
· •.:-. · · were ~ken aboard ttie USS p..._... " mm "°' wan. -... from flying ,it..
6'h M. 'uhJ · · within •n hour on.. the J :ll a.m:;;:.;: Ibo temptation u he left municipal·court · The : mayor uld Bell, who mad< ~
0 Y. ""~ olter 0 hro<ill)' trial. . • "'--' w ' • anges J tiskln, which forced the flaliennei lo Werner llllshed allghlly ri he ,... c1~zen' """"' on enter, wu "uaUJV
•• <!. · .; • abandon l1hlp. • . --In tlfo.-nhouse corrtdor by 1 U•g ·Whal;_ to. ua velerahl, wu. .. ii i• a
:txpanded quartm ror the Huntington The toaked crew members were chilled 4. young.man wearing a Viel Cong em-holy day. it.oc.L • '
iie°lch-Fountaln Valley edlUonl m the: by icy water and fS.<tegree air tern· blem 85 1 cape. : The Jury, W1ucn1heard (esllJnony TUell··
DAILY PILOT will open Monday at 17175 perltuteS. but no one was injured, ac· The mayor 1&id nolhng and made no day,· retti:rned • vtnlict 'of -irirK.lctnt
8Nch Blvd., Huntington Beach. cording to a radio meMage from the hosUle move toward! the youlh. who :.1::.':"• af"" ~U~ating ~ th~
Localed In 1,,...·olllc< bun.m. ot that ~;· Cout Glllhl.)orid-Identified hlms<U only as "Sleazy." ·, 1 ~ the ..,. J>AIL)', P~ ~ .1 '..,_ ,,.._ Beoch. · , !t -ever, o brief scuffle broke oul when , •
........ will handle loCol .,,.. IOI' ,t!Jt / ... , ""'~ en lM<e men In bwlneSI suits challenged o i i r'--.J.:d IOidre Hun~ VoUei:i..S Wltl.....,.. flt.ti. wlilcft aCtat'ted111f Ir • ~apber who was taking pictures Qf negrv, 8 ,__,..; &~
tftr-the-cl~ ~ -tJier nloUvely colm ses•, but lllo the encounter. • • , . ~" wl~IO ~ .~~ San ~ ~ ou!tllnld no Werner .. Id th< decision by a Jury of ATLANTA, Ga. tAPJ N~ -.O,'
ordtrl . .,. .. .n... •• .. ' .1 • I dam• ~ ' ·~ • • tfghl women ' and four men showed that C. B. Kinj of Albin1'1Md tOdly' ........ 6e
• lephoM •JJUmber for tte ne1f• orflee 'Authorllt1 llkl the Paraoni ~ai 10n a "'Jl good Americans tl'n tell the d\f. a candidate for governor Of G~a nut. ~be the wile u for-tile pre.ent office, l(alnlng ll'l~sl"" when 1he accldenl ~ fert'n<e between right and wrong." year, lhe flrlll ol hi• race to aeck Ille &I· ~ • • • : ' (Sot BOAT -SINK!, Pap I) , The Jury WU heocdd by 1'fheod•re flee In modll'll history. t
i. 1 r· -f : .. .. . ___ ....._ ___ ~_
Supervioon Allen, Phlllip1 and Hln\'ln
, oil reJeded.the .UUestion tha,t tile Irvine
Complll)' be ~ at 11111 time f ..
JU views on suga:eSted abancb11nent of
IiarlM>r GliaIDlier : . ~ . ' . .
Sex Survey Gets,
' • • t
Fantastic Results
By JEllO!IE F.,CjlLLllA
OfllleDmlff'"*' ....
' Respcl\ll • to ' the Nnport Harbor
<!bomber ol CornlM<o'I quetllomalrt
on .et educatlori ib 1f.r ha1 been· 01~
t.utlc,!!..cbalnber manaier J.ck Barnett'
r'e}iorled today. , . ·
Abool 1,500 ~let Of the 11-que•tlon· cl0Cunien1 ,..,.. nijliied ·'"' to paronts
Mondo)': By Weilneo<!aJ,<the fll'1t nplletl
Sl(Oamed Into chomlJlr • heodquulen.
And· H 1'U 0 flood. •
• "We've alreldy nt o llocl< ol about \,000," uJd Blmet~--•
•If& noted that t I ... feltplloM calla o!IO
~·4 bee~ -1...i l!OI" ptmitl 1'ho ....
jected lo the milUIO(. '
•"Moot of them w~ lo bow why ,.e
1lol lnvolvtd In Ibo subject," ,.Id
Bo.;..tt, "I told them 111 th< llmt thing.
~ h" to do IL And wt're just u
t .. 11X SURVEY, P• II ••
ll!oe BAY ,JW.~I'. Po1, II • ..
eoa.r&,.•. ,_
' .. • ·: ,,
• tl'Ntllff ' • ::: . . . ...
Tbe "!JI wur be 11hlting like ::
crazy Frldoy, but)l ,wC11Ji gej UJe ·j
temperalurel ohr the ~
mark olq. Ibo .~Uige COut; l
INSIDE TODAY ' . . . . .
A UC lrt1int profr1sor ~ ... ·:
among thost duuvrd with all-:";
tifipaling th< /td"1't HI ;'l(\Cioo I
loi1lc:ol . procr...,,. ..Ufd. "Shu· • print. ,._Page JS~
j r:;~14-:;·' .. :j
[ I , .. ' • I CHRIST~
-. ,..... ....... ................ !IJ-c..tr ,, ' =--= -. -. :::-... d --.. ---..
% DAil Y PllOT -S r. Thursday, Dtttmber 11 , 196~
UJll Tt"""9i.
Relievi1ag Frustr•t~ons
With final exams upon most of lhi·cOuntry's college students, these
Bowling Green State UnivefSity"(OhiO) Youths finds a way of reliev-
ing their tension -a charity car .. s.masb·up.1, For a donation a stu-
dent gets to sledge hammer the old car; the donation is given to the
local orphans' home for Christmas presents.
Fro1n Pa9e .l·
The finished product Ballin said. · "present temper of the public" demanded
"'ould be """123 acres of filled lid eland~ such a move and that his propo:tal "was
above the Pacific Coast Highway .and not the only way we could move in pro-
below the narrows of Upper Bay with tecting these vitally important areas
over 22,000 feet oI water frohtlige and fro·m destruction through development by
\\·hich at current valuation would be such agencies al the Irvine Co."
''"orth at least $22 million. "We must maintain ecological balances
··This .":~'be ,the result of moving that are unique and irreplaceabJe." he
the pure~ land to coµnly tidelands for said, "but we ere goinr::1o~riaw 1o acl
the bcne~t~~_e the putilll! raUier thail for noW if ft hOpe ,1 to Uve tilclt vifal
lhe ben,efit ,of thC 1rvine Company," B;el· resources as the Upper Bay." ·
tin said,l'A'.iffDt the Upper Jhiiy above t~e. , Supervisors Allen. JUr:itein·~d, PbHlie-
narr ~~be left in its eifJiUng "Stat_e, / Jimited wlaiilt appeared to be their ·o,.
for ·t ol lbt •"'* ol lh< Bay: Ji9.')tlOo to Ille wording '1>!1!. ' · .~11. , ' ··v:· land richOiigo ~t . ing for the •ludy, All a · . · ;;p
._.. by court'8ction atid like4 • discussion ·of the issue wd -' :OCIUible
so: for ~veral years, the uotiJ the study is cotnpleted afld diUverect
C<i~~ contracts to transfer '457 ; lo the board.
acre s of rilne uplands for the 157 Battin funher warned his co!l~agu~~
acres of tidelands depicled in Ballin's that the county "faces a· new .~at if It
charts. " allo~s Irvine to develop the UpJ)Cr Bay
The proposal has been attacked ever under the terms of the land 'e:rdiange .
gince its inception. ll is now locked in the ".RJght npw," he said, "we: tace some
courts wheer il faces a taxpayers' suit SZ9 million in damage suU* from
and its legality is questioned by at least homeowners in the Upper Bay area"'who
two county officials -County Asses_sor : object to the noise and pollution created
Andrew J. Hinshaw and County Auditor by jet aircraft using Ora• County
Vic Heim. Airport.
Hinshaw has refused to remove the ··we'll face a,Jot more than that if 'We
Trvi ne acreage from the tax rolls allow the lrvi.ne Company to ring the Up.
because of v.•hat he contends is an "'im-per Bay with $100,000 and $200,000.
proper and illegal transaction." And homl!s," Battin said. ·
lleim refuses to pay dredging bills 'untll ''My plan would ensure that the area·
the legality of the land swap is proved or would remain . a ¥tater-oriented sector
disproved. free to public access and it's far better
Battin told the Board Wednesday lhat that jet aircraft take off over this sort or
the coUnty's inability to pay f9r the land terrain than by flying Over Costly homes
or ils development was a big. factor ,.,,hen whose owners would soon be after the
the land trade was firt adopted by the county for damage s."
board and the Irvine Company. Battin assured the board· that ac-
'UPPER BA TTL"'I' ceptance· of his Plan would not affect the
That situation. he stressed to the board, provision of a UCI rowing course, a·
does not exist today and he proposed feature which for.ms part or the Upper.
financing what one hearing room wag Bay land swap contract. ,
called the ··upper Batt.in Plan '' through "The rowing course could still be,
•·runds that did not exist when the agree-developed by utilizing the n~tural st.ream
ment was reached'' -revenue~ bed for flood control waters from the bay
iienerated by \he Dana Point Harbor and to MacArthur Boulevard without the
Sunset Aquatic Park developments and coonty having to purchase any land at
.the three-cent tax rate approved by the all,"' be asid, "By deepending .•• Sand
board for protection of public access lo Canyon Creek, the tidal waters could be
beaches and waterways. Battin said lhe extended up the flood control channel
beyond the Jamboree Road bridge and
from there beyond :r.1acArtbur both up
Sand Canyon Creek and Bonita 'Canyon."
T~x Reform Bilf Nears Passagtl
• -• • j . • ' ~
·GOP . Senatvr A rgues Me asur e W ou J4 'Bank ~upt Count.ry'-~
r·..,.~ . ,,
WASHINGTON (U PI ) -The Senate expected to be passed this week , to make Sen. Robert }.,4 Dole' (0..Kan.). lt would Sen. John G. ll'ower (R-Tex.). . ~
drove toward passage of its tax reform a 15 percent increase In Social Security have exenipted the J~.ftlm OM of -Rejected, le to 16, an amendmtril\t
b1D today u a Republican leader pJei.tl:ed' be~fits compara ble to bu~ aomewh.at lbf.Oil !ndirstry'1 chief tax pretereDCts -• Sen. E114'ne J. MCCarthy (0-Minn.~ • t
with his colleagues to stop and order a· less gMerou! than, the increase carried callred 'intangible drilling expenses'' -malt ce:rtaui. that an un~arried ~-'
· major overhaul i<t cQt 'dO\Yn the Coat of in the Senate bill. from tbe 5 KfCtmt lal which the bill im-e . ~
the measure. \\'llliams listed eight sen ~' e poses.• on IUch tax-Sheltered income. w~ld,Pa.y no mon ~n taxea than ~
Senators were expected to reject a mo-amendments which he as.ked that Ult lnstead, after aeven roll call Y°"8 aid an thOse paid by DWTlec{ per900S ,W~qljll!
tion by Sen. John J. Williams (R·De.l.), finance commiltee be instructed to •'111'1~ patllamlatari aoarJ, jbe Senate jOint , rtturnl. 1'h1J , would .btv,,.' '
that the bill -the broadest tax measure delete. Taken together, he said they ad-accl!Pted the~eumpdoa,onJi for oil tlrms government . reveauts by •Lt ~
since adoption of the income tax bill in ded up to $12.35 billion In cos'ls which he with .teed~ "of lW thaft P mil~--~ . Under the bill, wealthy llpgle peoplii. . '
191S _ be sent.. back·· to the-Senate said the government could not afford. -Appro't'id, delpate Admlaiatfatiotl op-pay u mueh U 20 perctot more 1n .
Flnanct CommiUee, of which he is the 'J'wo fellow Republicans, Sens. Gordon posiUon , a Jic:pviakm sr~lldg the Pre* thin mart.ied people with ~ .. ,
ranking GOP member. · -· Allott, Colo., and Charles E. Goodell denl broad -. ~ u~ught -authorjty, amQUllt of mcome. $.
Williams said the Senatf:: added $10.65 tN.Y.), told the Senate they could not lo bar imports Which 'dl!rupt" domestic -Adopted a proposal by Sen. ,T~
billion to the government's cost.s next vole for the bill because of its cost. industry if they come from countries Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.), ~ ex~
year and •rZ.15 billion in 1971. The \\1iUiams argued: "This bill would which restrict trade with the United horse breeders rrooi the full unpact.~
estimates were higher than the figures bankrupt the country." States. the bill's crackdown on "hobby f~
issued by the finance committee slaU. Jn Wednesday's actions, the Senate : -Approved a $140 ,million weakening of those operated as tax she~ters by~
In pleading for overhaul of .thei bill, -Narrowly defeated. 47 to 44. a . $50 a $3.50 million tax reform on depreciation who deduct their nonfarm income ag.u.ft
Williams pledged to support a House bill, rpillio n windfall for oilmen proposed by rules for real estate on the proposal of "paper losses" on lheir f •rm~
I " I "\.
•' l'rom P age 1 ·
interested ln our scbools as is anybody ' else.
"By sending out the questionnaire
we 're only serving as a vehicle for the
i;chools to find out what the public thinks
about a very controversial issue. \Ve feel
that our kids today will soon be in the
same positions in society that you and l
are. so we shou ld look out for their
Another complajnt received b y
chamber and school authorities Is that
each questionnaire had the recipient's ad-
dress pasted on the back by the mass
mailing firm. Some parents express ed
concern that this would make the
responses, to be made on the qu es-
tionna ire, not anonymous.
"Nobody is interested in any names.''
Barnett insisted. "The only tabulation
that will be made wjll be on the basis or
the schools the parents' children attend.
The questionnaires are color-coded for
thst. The addressing labels can be
removed If anyone is really worried
about it."
He erplained that the addressing labels
'vere used beca use they saved hundreds
of dollars in mailing expenses. The
alternative would have been to stuH each
questionnaire in an envelope and pay for
a more expensive class of mailing.
The cost of printing and mailing ·"·as
paid entirely by members of the chamber
board of directors.
Among contributors towa rd the $400 ex-
pense were O. W. "Dick'' Richard, of
Richard's Lido Market ; Bill Ring. o(
Harbor Investments; George Woodford,
-bl Newport National Bank: John Macnab,
of Macnab Realty; and Richard Stevens,
of the Balboa Bay Club.
l'ro1n Page .I
'Violinist' Retires
100 Blacks
Seize Hall -,
A t Har vard
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. lAP) -More
than 100 black students forced their wiy
lnt,o Harvard's University Hall today and
used chains and wooden bars to barricade
the building's windo .... ·s and doors frein
the inside.
Later, however. the blacks withdrew
the barricades and locked themselves Jn-
aide a suite of offices with a group Of ad-
ministrative officials and I a c u 1 t y
members to discuss their demands.
These involved the university's hirin:
practices as they apply to non-whites.
The blacks gained entry to the buildi!ll
by battering down a side door, a universi.
ty spokesman said.
The structure is Harvard's main •'-
ministration building.
Aware that a takeover might be cOm.
Jng. the university earlier ordered tht
build ing cleared of administraU~
employ es. and Jocked.
. Two campus police officers were in·
side, !he university said, and they tried
unsuccessfully to stop the takeover.
The spokesman said about ts minutes
after the seizure that the two officers still \Vere inside.
He sa~d he did not know whether they
\Vere being allowed to remain or whether
they were beini held.
Test Cases Get
Court Hearing
SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The Stale l~istory's first marching band violinist, John Harder of Southern, Su preme Court has agreed to hear
Ill inois University, has "retired" after four years with the school's argum_ents on the constitutiona1ity of the
band, neve r missing a game and appearing five times on national two-thirds majority requirement Jn
television. The thing was. John doesn't know the first thing about a California bond issue elections.
curred and was due to arrive In San violin -he "played" it as a gimmick to accent the band's noncon-Three cases before the high court
lormist attitude. challenge th I The court d Diego about 12:30 p.m. today with the e aw. or ered con·
rescued Filipino fishermen. solidation Wednesday of all thrtt so
Spokesmen at the long Beach Naval arguments can be heard at one time. Two
Station said an investigation will begin 1( h I SI d of the challenges were from San Fran·
quickly il!lq what caused the Orient and opec ne .nquest ate cisco and one from Sutter County. the 10-year-old deltroyer to cross paths in The complaints argued the two-thirds
majority rule makes a "no" vote twice as the darkness. , tr • .. The Parsons. carrying; 276 men, I~ 5 ong as a 'yes vote. causing the "yes"-
equi ... .-1 with vurface-to-air missiles, as EDGARTOW N. Mass. (AP~ -Judge plunged orr a bridge on Chappaquiddick voters to surfer "debasement and dllu· ,,,_. I J llon.'' well as modern electronic navigational James A. Boyle announ ced today that the Is and ast summer.
equipment. long-delayed inquest into the death "of Barie. who will preside at the inquest, The San Francisco cases were filed by
Coast Guard Sea-h and "'-oe head-the law office of Mayor Joseph Alioto and ... we-. Miss Mary Jo Kopechne will begin Jan. 5. made no other comment This was taken ked th t l d the
quarters dis .... tched two cuttefs and a as e cour o or er registrar or ~ Boyle's announcement followed by only to mean that he 'still intends to hold the voters to ce11·11y th t p . ., A d helicopter to the colWJion scene, pin-a roposiwons an pointed' at 100 miles southwest of Long 24 hours a judge's refusal in Wilkes-Bar-prOceedlng here on Martha's Vineyard , B on last November's ballot received
· re, Pa .. to permit an autopsy on Miss rather than move it to the mainland . enough votes to pass. Proposition A was B~!~ misslon WI! cancelled when 1he Kopechne·s body. · The inquest .... ·as sought by Dist. Alty. a bond issue for park improvement;
Parsons ra'dloed that all 18 Orient Miss Kopechne was the 28-year-old Edmund Dinis of New Bedford, who also Proposition B was for school im-
crewrnen had been taken· aboard safely Washington , D.C .. secretary who died had filed the petition in WJlkes-Barre for pr ovements. Bo~ received. a majority of
.,.,•hen Sen. Edward M. Kennedy 's car exhumation of the body and the autopsy. "yes" votes.
by 1:1% a.m.1 and she was proceeding to l~;;;;,;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tij~ Sa~Di~~ng boat, operated by Angel I P••----••Mt.'iiiliMMM••••••••MMMMMMJlllliMM•••••--
o.-ia of Manila and based in Zam-I
boanga, the Philippi~. sailed out of I
Long Beach Harbor at 6 p.m Wednesday. I
The vessel had presumably unloaded its I
ca rgo of fi sh and wa s headed out to ~ea
again 1'.'hen she was sunk by tilt Parsons 1~
In hundreds of fathoms off \he rocky
cha nnel island. •
.At .JJ. J. (Jarrell
F;nely Crafted by
Pennsylv ania House
....,... ................. ..
'-"" ...... c.e. ............. " y~
OllHC• CQUI PUIL.tltl~~ CO#i..,.,lff
ltt\o•r1 N. 'W••'
Prwl*nl....,, ,_.!_,
• -r.'
Tidelands Boat Use Fee s I A GREAT GIFT ITE114 FOR
Orange County supervisors took a step
towards what they conceded was the set-
ting of fees for boating racWUu in county
tidtlands Wednesday when they called for
a study or the physical and legal upects
of such use of county~ontroUed water·
Faced with a report from Parka and
Harbor Director Kenneth Sampson whlch
clearly supports the argument for fees,
the board voted for a further analysis of
the b.asis for levyi ng what would be an
annual charge.
The further study must take Into I C•
count the nature of the Udelands UH -
piers. off.shore moorings and boat slips -
and determine the amount of the fee in
relation to the frontage occupied and the
demands p!aeed upon county personnel in
terms or protection and poUclna: or
Udelanda artaS.
Before the board ls a suggestion thlt
the county levy a $10 reauJar ree and a ti~ usage fee. Jl was not«I .that lm-
J)O!lUon or fees on the 79 piers in county
tidelands would brin& in at leasl '780 a
Cautious tupervlsor• noted lhat an
almost identical study is before the city
of Newport Beach and they urged
Sampson lO seek ••the closest possible
cooperation" .,.,;th Oiat community during
lUs study.
"This Is a complex and bewildering
thing l'l'hen you come to 1ook at the
tidelands controlled by the city, those
O\\'l\ed by the county and j1tsl who should
take foos trom which property}' cau·
tioned Suptrvisor William Hirstein.
"I'm sure the city Will want to
.cooperate,·• Sampson responded, remin-
ding the board that the tidelands fee
issue ia still "a pretty bot one" in New.
port Beach.
"Our difficulty," ht added, ''is that
there can be no real comparison of OW'
county sltuation with any other stetor ol
Callfornl11. The closest uample rnijhl bt
Naples Bay. ntar l«\g Beach, QJ we'll
certainly take a look at that."
SaJT\PS()n "'AS ordered to join Stanley
Kiause, the county director of real pl'1)-
perty .services, In t &tudy of the Udeland!
use ree l1sue. ne team "'as ordtred to
report back to ' board by June I, 1970.
Antique Blue Antique Rad
Foro.t-Tme Maple
F'or Limited Timt
c:hoice of Color1
i ~a RP
W "ll'" --' Fri. -COSTA MESA, CALIF. II l~t~ OfS~S 646-0275 .
~--~--"""°'"·------, ...................... ~-...... ----------..
___ .,._ ~
• • ..
Today's Final
'-N.Y• Stoeu • '
Be.~ch City Schools to Def end Magazi·ne Drive·
or 1'119 oai"' ''"''..-"•"
The Huntington Beach' City (elemen·
tary) School District is going to court
Frld.i.y morning to defend its annual
magiiine subscription drive held by 8th
irade students.
A parent of one of lhose students has
sough\ _!egal ~n to halt the district's
program clalmlng it Is "discriminatory"
and "improper use of school personnel
and time."
Jim Bentson, 18642 . Melville Circle.
Huntington Beach, an attorney. has filed
the suit on behalf of tus 13-yeai-old
daughter, Usa Ann.
The case will be heard at 9:30 .a.m.,
Friday, before Judge Robert Corfman of
the Orange County Superior Court io San-
ta Ana. Deputy County Counsel John
Grisel will de fd\d-tl'le school district.
The project in -queltion involves 8th
grade stu<lents at Dwyer and Gisler
Intermediate Schools selline: subscrip-
lions to magazine•. for Quality School
Plan, Inc., of New York.
The New York firm returns be.tween 25
and 50 percent of the subscription rates
received to the students for the student
body fund._ The drive ls conduct~ once
each year and students who sell $35 worth
of magaz.lne subscrJptions are rewarded
with a trip tq Disneyland durlrig school
00ur1.. r ....
"We've hid the program since al leasl
1945 and I don't remember a single com·
Fishing Boat Sunk
Destroyer Slices Craft, But 18 Rescued
A modirn destroyer steaming through
the }X'edawn darkness knlled into a
FilipinO f19hlng boat &O miles west of San
Clemente Island today, sending her
swiftly to the bottom .
All 18 hands from the ~foot Orient
were taken aboard the USS Parsons
within an hour after the 5: 15 a.m. col·
lision , wh.ich forced the fishermen to
abandon ship.
Th& soaked crew members were qllilled
by icy water and 45-0egree air ~m
peratures, but no one was injured, ac·
cording t.o a radio message from the
Parsons to U.S. Coast Guard head·
quarters in Long Beach.
No explanation was immediately given
for the collision, which occurred.in clear
Schools Give
aiest Boost
Over $100,000
Contributions by students ol schools fn
the Huntington Beach High School
District haYe pushed the Community
Chest campaign total over I.he $100,000
mark , President Steve Holden announced
today. '
In the o\•erall $135,000 drive, Holden
said the col\eclions have progressed more
rapidly this year than in the past. All but
two divisions, retail businesses and pro-
f essional offices have reached more than
75·percent o! their goals.
"The students of the community are to
be commended for their spirit and effort
in bthalf or children n~ing medical
assistance. character buildi~g through
youth programs and adults tn . need ~!
family counseling or welfare assistance,
Holden said.
Pat Downey is Yoluntecr chairman and
Bob Burbank, schools division chainnan
for the Community Chest campaign.
Schools participating are Edis o_n .
Marina and Huntington Beach lllgh
Business and professional men are urg·
td to mall or bring their contributions to
P.O. Box 788, Huntington Beach 92648, or
18582 Beach Blvd., Town and Country
Shopping Center.
' Realtors Host
Mexican Kids
,.\t Holiday Fete
Christmas will come early Tuesday
morning for 17 underpriYilegcd Mexican·
American children thanks to the Hun·
Ungton Beach Board of Realtors .
The yoongsters, ages 3 to 6, will be
guests of the Realtors al an 8 a.m.
breakfast..christmas party al the Hun-
tington Seacliff Restaurant.
Each child will haYe a present and a
chance to talk to Santa Claus as \Vell as a
fret"breakfast. Realtors will pick up the
children \ndi\•idua\ly.
weather and relaUvely calm seas, but the
San Diego-based destroyer sustained no
Authorities said the Parsons was on a
training mission when the accident oc·
curred and was due to arrive in San
Dieg9 about 12:30 p.m. today with the
rescued Filipino fishermen.
Spokesmen at the Long Beach Naval
Station said an inYestigaUon will begin
quickly into what caused. the Orient lnd
the IO-year-old destroyer lo.cross paths in
the darkness.
The Patson1, can-ying 276 men, Is
equipped with surface-to-air missiles, as
well as modem electronic navigational
Coast Guard Search and Rescue head·
quarters dispatched two cutters and a
helicopter to the collision scene, pin-
pointed at 100 miles southwest of Long
Beach. ..J
Their mission was cancelled when the
Parsoos radioed that all I& Orient
crewmen had been t.aken aboard safely
by 6:12 a.m., and she was proceeding to
San Diego.
The fishing boat, operated by Angel
Osena of Manila and based in Zam·
boanga, the Philippines, sailed out <lf
Long Beach Harbor al 6 p.m Wednesday.
The vessel had presumably unloaded i~
cargo of fish and was head&d out to !ea
again when she was sunk by the Parsons
in hundreds of fathoms off the rocky
channtl i.!lland.
Beach~clwols OK Hiring
Of Education Consultant
An educational consultant will be hired
by the Huntington Beach Union High
School District to reYiew and improve its
operation, the board of trustees decided
The man, as yet unchosen, y,·ould 1nake
reports on school buildini use, in·
st ructional materials and methods,
scheduling, curriculum and personnel ad·
ministration, among others.
The idea was conceived at a board oC
Thieu Predicts
'Red Control'
In Coalition Plan
SAIGON (UPI) -President Nguyen
Van Thieu said today South Vietnam
\VOUld be under Communist control in
six months ir a coalition government
wen! formed with the Communists.
"As to the neutrality position, T think
that al best, after one year South Vienam
wilJ be dom..inaed by the Communists,
Thieu said in a communique.
Officials in Saigon advocating a neutral
course for the country "will lead this na·
tion to suicide and not to survival," the
president said .
He iipoke in response to newspaper arv:l
broadcaJI reports of andlh« of his
speKhes Tuesday in Vung Tau, 40 miles
southeast of the capitol.
The reports quoted Thieu as saying
neutralists are "cowards" hoping for fu.
tu.re fa Yors from the Communists and the
Vietnamese Anny would insure that ap-
propriate action be taken against three
legislators accused of being Comntunists.
Many reports were worded _to . "pur·
pose\y distort the fact.5 ... and 1nc1te the
people and the Army will assume the task
to behead these Communists in order to
respect ... the constitudon," he 11id tn
the communique.
trustee-ii meeting two weeks ago by
Trustee Ralph Bauer, who suggested that
someone be hired to come to the di51rict
periodically to in\'estigate certain mat·
ters and make ~endations. ' It followed several weeks of argument
between members o( the board and the
audiencl'l oYer the necessity of calling a
$9.5 million bond elfJctlon tor the con-
struction of another comprehensive high
school, rather than use new methods of
using existing facilities more efficiently.
"I am very much impressed by ihis
statement," "icl Tru,... Jooeph Ribal,
when told about the plan. "It indicate!
that we are deficil'lnt and it tells the
pubUc that there are areas for im·
"Unfortunately the study by this in·
divldual should precede our request for
the bond money," he added.
Riha! has consistently voted against
items concerning the bond election since
he claim! present buildings could be used
more efficiently to absorb student
population increases.
''We've had a Jot of studies In lhe
district before. They're like windO\V
dressing. rm referring to citizen's ad·
visory committees we've sought to
mobilize when we need the money and
then tell to go away after the elec;tion."
Mathew Weyuker, president of the
board of trustees, told Ribll that the idea
behind the hiring of 1 consultant doei in
. no way bnply Iha\ the district is back·
ward , educationally.
Weyul<er point<d out that ho had ju'1
attended a achool boerd conference in
San FrancllCO whlch indicated otherwise.
''We're .~ backwards so fast that
we seem lo. be leading the pack, Dr.
Ribal." he &aid . "We're moving tn direc-
tions that mteht be considered far1ighted,
even though we'rt enmeshed In the status
NEW YORK (A.Pl-The •tock market
lost an early advlJ'ICt and in late trading
today just about held tta own. (See quota·
lions, Pages 3041).
plaint before this," said S. A. Moffet.
superintendent of the Huntington Beach
district. '
Bentson. however, feels the Disneyland
trip discriminates against studenls who
don't sell enough and must remain in
class. He also objeds to helping the
m11gazine industry, parttcul§lrly on school
time. , ~ ·
"The mag14M· 1ales'.lnidullry hu a Jot
of unsavory .factors in it and J think it's
"TOng to ask or coerce kids to peddle
magazines door to door. ll's just
something wrong," he said by telephone
this morning.
This year's drive was held from ~· 8
through Oct. 21. II netted 11,876 for the
Dwyer student body and ·about the, same
for Gisler atuclent.s. A totaJ of 200 yOUng
salesmen from the two acboola: went to
Disneyland Dec. 3.
On Oct. t Bentoon wrote 111< bOfn1 of
!ruslees asking them to hatt the drjve. He
appeared before the board on;Oct. 14 wi th
the same request. BeQtson also offered to
pay an equiYalent amount of money inti>
student funds to allow his daughter to go
lo Disneyland. The board refused his re-
A.n attempt by Bentson to gain a writ of
mandate halting the Disneyland trip fail·
ed, but Frid11y's hearing was scheduled
by Judge Corfman.
In his suit Bentson said he opposed the
use of .school personnel time to prepare
(See MAGAZINE, Page 1)
Presi...;,.i. in Pa~~:_
denl Ni"on. lhe f.\YO men emeried on the Whi(e
House pO'rtico, jan1med \\1ilh early morning tourists. ,
Former President Lyndon JohnSon makes his first
return visit to the White }louse si nce Jeayjng office.
After spending two hours at breakfast with Presi~
Two Christmas
Programs Slated
At Marina High
Tate Ct1lt Studie£1 n1 Tie
Orchestra and ch'orw: ' strike up for
Christmaa this Saturday and Dec'. 16 for
two holiday performances on the Marina
High School canipus. ~
The first concertr 11eheduled for 8 p.m.
Saturday in the schoo1'11 choral room,
features the "Mariners," an advanced
high school Yocal group.
lncluQed on the program are &0I01 from
Handel's "Messiah," as well as lradi·
tional carols. The price of admission ls
some kind of gift which will be donated to
need:y children.
On Tuesday, al 7:30 p.m in the f\iarina
gymna!'l\um, the Marina High School
chamber orchestra . and, several choral
group's will c:Omblne their talentl for a.
yule concert.
Directed by John L. Thompson, the ad·
va:nced cbOlr, male chorus, women's
dlon!s ind girl• 1lee club, and ~·
will pertonne 1pecial17 cf>oatn ChNtmas
music. '
Hlghltiiht' of the concert will be a
perfomumoe ,of the "AlleluJa" motet by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Shenkman Retains
Mosquito Position
Ron Sl'tenkman has been reappointed by
his fellow dty councilmen a:s Fount.In
. Valley's reptt&entltive to the Orange
County MOsqollto Abatement District.
She.nkman'1 ~ term will expire Dtc.
31, 11111. He w11,....,u,1ppointed to fill
the unexpired term ot (ormer· Coun.
cilmu Joe Coum(.,,
To Murders of Six Otl1ers
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Authorities
reportedly are inYestigating whether 14
persons may have been killed by one or
more members of a hippie-style nomadic
Member11 of the clan already are
charged in eight or the murdfu-s, in·
eluding that m actress Sharon Tate.
The grim 'prospeci of additional clan
Yictims came to Jlght just before today's
arraignment of the Tate case'!! centr11 l
figure, Charles M. fttanson. 35, the "'ild-
bearded 'Clan leader whose followers call
him "God" and "Satan."
SherUf's deputies searched 8 movie
ranch Wednesday . near suburban
Chatsworth, looking ror signs of Donald
O'Shea, 40, a stunt man and beet hall
bouncer missing after a reported quarrel
with Man.ooo.
Poilce have been looking for connecting
thread• In the Los Angeles deaths of two
teen-age religioua cultists.
Reports t.oday aald polk:e are In.
vestigatlng possible links between the
Tate slayinp and the deaths of ,a dope
peddler. a molon:ydlst in Blol!>P, Calli ..
and a member o( the Manson cla~n in
suburban Venice. No details were
reported. "
• With a court ban on comment imposed
on officials, police kept mum on de.velop-
.ments and 'deputies scouring the movie
ranch were tightlipped .
But the ranch's owner. George C.
Spahn. 80, said ManJOn and O'Shea had
•rgued before O'Shea disappeared. The
cult had lived ~ hit ranch for a time,
Spahn aaid, ...... hla wUI.
ProsetUlors announced \Vednesday
they will ~ek a Single trial for 1'-i&NM
and the five mem bers oC his desert ~e
<'harged with murder and conspiracf:'ln
the deaths of Miss Tate and six others.
One of the defendants. Susan Atkins,
also is.charged in the murder of musician
'Gary Hinman i~ Malibu.
The prosecutors say they expect the
defendants will see~ separate trials and
will try to seYer the case of tfle August
slayings of the honey-blonde actress and
four other~ killed on her estate from
those of wealthy market owner Leno
LaBianca and his wife. killed the next
Deputy Dist. Allys. Aaron Stovitz and
Vincent Bugliosi made their comments in
an interview Wednesday after lhre•
young women defendants waived ar·
raignment on the charges and a jud,::•
Issued an order sharply limiting pretnaJ
StatemcntJ' Jo the preea by ptincipals in
the case. ·
•Orange Coast
The sun will be shining likt
crazy Friday, but it won 't gel the
temperatures over the 65-degree
mark along the Orangt Coast.
Special guest v.·111 be Mrs. Alice
Medina. Community Action Council
coordinator in •luntlngton Beach. She
lll'O"ided the reallors ~!Ith 1 list ol.
children for the Chrbtmu project.
Pilot Office
Changes MonJa.y Le9al Cause Sought
A UC l ruine proft1sor f~
qmong tltosti charged with an·
ticipating Ute future in a socio-
logical Program called "Bhh!•
print." POQfl J3.
Singer Jiiui H~ndrix
Beats 2 Drug Cotmts
TORONTO !U PI\ -Pop ~nger Jlml
Hendrix was acquitted here Wednesday
night on two charges of drug poSff:Sl.ion.
A 12-man jury deliberated over eight.-
and·•·hRlf hours ·before settina the 27·
year-old singer free. He had been. charg-
ed with two counta under the Canadian
Narcotics Control Act -one deaUng with
possession of heroin aod tht other ~h
liashlsll. ~·
Expanded quarters for the Huntington
Beach·Fount•ln Valley editions of the
DAILY PlLOT will open 1'1onday at l?m
Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach.
Located In a new office building 1t that
addrtss, the new DAlL Y Pllm head·
quarter• will handle local ntw1 for the
entire HunUngton Valley and wUI service
oYtr·the-counter claalfied advertl1lna
customers In addition 10 laking subacrlp-
lion orders.
Telephone 11umbtr for tho ~w office
will be the same as for the present offict,
Kopechne Inquest. Jan ~· s·
Jame1 A. Boyle annou~ t.oday thlt the
lq-delaytd lnquest Into the death of
Miss Mary Jo Kopechne will begln Jan. ~.
Boyle's announctment followed by only
24 hours a judge'• refiJllll in Wllkes-B.tr·
re, Pa .. to permlt an autopsy on Miu
Kopeclme•1 body.
Miss Kopechne WIS the 24-year-old
\\lashlnaton, D,C., 1ecresan who died . ,.,...
. I
' when Sen. Edward M. KanedJ'• Hr tJhmled Off a brMr< on Clioppoqukldlck
Island last summer.
Boyle, who will prealde at the inquesl,
made no other commenL Thls was i.aken •
to mean that he still Intends to hold the
proceeding he~· on Martha '1 Vineyard,
rather than mcwa It to the mainland.
The Inquest WIS sought by Di5t. Atty.
Edmund Dtnl1 of New Dtdford. who al~o
had flied the pctlt~ln, Wllkes·Bor.re tor
ulmmaUon of the body 1nd lhe autopr;y.
Jls purpose will be to determine the
lrgal cause of ~1l1s Kopechne's death. as
opposed to tilt medical .. caLISt.
Reached by telephone at hi! home,
Dini• had no comment on Boyle'5 an-
The inquest ,,111 ht closed to newsmen.
In line with • ruling from the
Massachuae~~ Supreme Cou.rL ..
~ .
•lt!ht '' c •• .,.1. u
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Probe Asked , .. -.......
Of Panther
' dt~· ;;;.-.: •. ~' ,,
"/ASHINGTON (UPI) -For the st·
cottf. ttrtJght d•Y, official~ have re-
qu~ted an investigation to see whether
local police are· using undue force in
cratjdng <Iowa oo tbe Black Panthers....
Illinois State Sen. Charles Chew Jr.,
v.·hOi.s black, askec;I the Justice Depart:
merit Wednesday to investigate the
shoeling-okwe -8\aek--Panther leaders in
Chicago one week ago.
Tuesday, nine conuessmen asked
President Nixon to extend the life of the
National Commission on Violence ao It
can investigate the same shootings.
The congressmen Sa.id witnesses al the
scene say g , appeared Fr~ Hamplon,
head of the··Uiinciis· Black 'Panthers, ~
killed in bed" {n ~the :t~.a.m . raid and _
1. private autopsy seemed to indicate
Hampton was in a ,reclining position
when the bullets entered his body.
The congressmen, all Democrats, In-
cluded four. whites <ind five of the House's.
nine blacks.
1be Panthers' general counsel, Charles
Carry, has estimated 211 Panther party
members have died In gunfights with
police' since January, 1968.
Fourteen Panthers, including Bobby
Seale, the party's imprlJpned national
chairman, have been charged with·
murder and kidnaplng in the death of
Alex Rickley, whose burned, bullet-rid·
died body wu found in Connecticut Apri!
It Doesn't Burl.
Fountain Valley first grader
Mark Lowry e:merges from,
J)Ur~e's room wbere~ be and
classmates are getting tuber-
culin skin tests this month .
Anti-tubercuJosis program is
being conducted throughout
Fountain Valley School DistMct
. ·Jn cooperation with Orange
-County Health Department.
From POfJe 1
~1onday 200 Los Angeles police and ii·
Panthers engaged in a five-hour gun bat·
Ue when police raided their headquarters.
A spokesman aald tbe Justll?e . Depart· . M' j.G j. 7JNE ment "his never had any policy· of Con-:d lU..J • • ,
certed activity with local police in order
tQ harasa any members of the Black . ~Wdenli for -the magazine drive and the
Panther party." ~use:·~ schoql time to reward &ood ·aaJ~men. "Only one member or .the Black "I $700 In ho Panther party has been indicted this xear }lay use tax~s. half of
by a federal grind jury for party-reli.ted "~ goes to the school to etlucate 1ny
activities and that was for makJni a .:·~ cllil~~· ~t to hav_e them ~die
public threat against the"':lile of the Presi• • maga~, ~~ntJon said thi1 morning .
dent " he said D~r_ipt c;iffic1als, however, are worried , • · ~. . th!K '~'s suit might also apply to
The recent l~kient! ol ~lence,took auch relea""' time act.lvities as athletic
place _when police depll't\Dla:Ls were at-trips and debate teams, where some
t~mpting to serve warrants. The 'yiqla· student! art released from school for
t10M. alleged in the w~anb WGJ: in-such events. '
fraction.a of state law'Ud were not unde,t "An adverse ruli th! Id ff federal jurilldicUon lfo. jeieral offM:ial! . ng on s coo a ect participated in the Polke.._KU ,. the entire state educat~al system," said
""I pns. Molfel ·
*. ~\; * ~;'~', -~~~~~'='\:~=rr~
P th t Pl <ducall!Jlt' ~i·doo·t, ,.. · lny objection. an e S &n ' Debailh& Is Obvious ahd athletics hu a
'WJ.' ; j loog~tr~. _I <10\)~ plan to pursue ii
If ~.,.·'1 /)I ;.,
• • • -• . -......... . . . . . . . ' •
J I • :, \. ~·' ._...,•:t...•• ~· t.".
• ·r ••• ' 4 •• • ' ! '.\ '• T~*RJfOl-JU B~ll Nears P~ssa·g~
.. •.,
. GPP~ :S~~a,_tor .J..·r:g~ · .·Measure Wquld 'Bankr11ipi CoJLn.try''
+, ' ~ ' • ~· '; r ') • • W~ltjGTON (UPJ)t--''.'Tlie s,ii&li 'i expected.iO;be ~ this week, to make Sen. Robert J.· Dole ([).Kan.). !( would
drovt"t'oward paaaage 0 Its tix reform ".-a lS perbent iricftase in Social Security have exempted t~ income from one o(
bill loday as a Republican Jea(fer pleaded benefit& comparable to but somewhat the oil industry's chief tax prefe~nces -
with ,his colleagues to stop and order a less generous than, the increase carried called "intangible drilling erp;enses" -
majC>r overhaul to cut down the cost ot in the Senate bill. from the $ percent tax which ihe bih im-'
the measu~. Williams listed eight Sen ate poses on 11.1ch tax-sheltered income.
Senators were expected to reject a mo-amendments which he asked that the Instead , after seven roll call votes and an
lion by Sen. John J. William s (R·Del.J. finance co1nmittee be instructed to angry parliamentary snarl, U)e Senate
that the bill -the broadest tax measure delete . Taken together, he said they ad· accepted the exemption only for oil firms
since adoption of tile ir¥:Ome tax bill in ded up to '12.M billion in costs Whlch he v.·ith receipts ol less than $S million.
1913 -be sent back to the Serni.te said the government could not afford; -Approved, despite Administr1tion op·
Finance Committee. of which he is the Two fellow Republicans.· Sens. Gordon position, a provision granting tbt Presl-
ranking GOP member. Allot!. Colo., and Charles E. Goodell dent broad -and unsought -authority
Williams said the Senate adde.d $10.~ iN.Y.), told the Senate they could not lo bar imports which ''disrupt" domestic
billion to lhe government's costs next vote for lhe bill because of its cost. industry if they come from countries
year and $12.15 billion in 1971. The WIUiams argued : ''This bill would which restrict trade wit:i the United
estimates were higher than the figures bankrupt the country." States.
Jssued by the finance committee staff. In \Vednesday 's act ions, the Senate: -Approved a $140 million weakening or
In pleading lor overhaul of the bill. -Narrowly defeated, 47 to 44: a $50 a $350 million tax reform on depreciation
\Villiams pledged to support a House bill, million windfall for oilmen proposed by •rules for real estate on the proposal of
Youth Rules
Fo1· a Day
City government In Hun tington Beach
w.ill take on a youthful l:xik Monday.
Students from the city's three high
schools will take over the reigns or
government for a day -peacefully -a~
part of the Youth Coalition initiated stu·
dent government day.
Delegations assigned by the three
schools will anive at Monday's 4:30 p.m.
clty council meeting following a briefing
by city employes on various functions of .
Student will aMUme the roles and be
briefed oo their jobs as mayor, coun-
cilmen and various d~partment heads.
Mayor Jack Green and Councilmen Ted
Bartlett and Alvin M. Coen will
per90nally brief studt.nls Crom Hun-
tington Beach High School.
Councilmen Henry Kaufman anc:l'Jerry
~iatney will talk to their student coun-
terparts from Marina High School while
those from Edison _High School will meet
with Co.tncilmen George McCracken and
Donald D. Shipley.
Beach Woman
,Civen $125,000
•f'd Do It Again'
Mayor Who ToreCon.g Flag Acquitted
SANTA CRUZ IUPI) -The mayor of
Santa Cruz, 1cquilted of malicious
mischi el for tearing down a Viet Cong
flag at ·a prival.e residence on Veterans
Day, told happy supporters Wednesday :
"You're darned righl I would do it
Sul Mayor Richard Werner, 1. 75-year-
old veteran of two world wan, resisted
the temptation as he left municipal court
after a two-day trial.
\Verner fl ushed slightly as he was
con fronted in the courthouse corridor by
a young man wearin& a Viet Cong em-
blem as a cape.
The mayor said nothng and made no
hostile move towards the youth, who
identified himself only as "Sleazy."
However, a brier scuffle broke out when
three men in business suits challenged a
photographer who was taking pictures o(
the encounter.
Werner said the deci sion by a jury of
eight wcmen and four men showed that
"12 good AmericaM can tell the dif·
ference between right and wrong .''
The jury was headed by Theodore
Chowanec, who admitted during the panel
selection he had stnt a congratulatory
telegram to the mayor for his action.
Werner testified that he ripped down
the Viet Cong nag being flown at the
home of Larry Bell. 27, a substitute
teacher and Vietnam veteran, because he
could find no law that prohibited Bell
from ~lying it.
The mayor said Bell, who made a
citizen's arrest on Werner, was "Haun·
ting what. to us veterans, waa next to a
holy day."
The jury. which heard testimony Tues·
day. returned a verdict of innocent
Wednesday after deliberating less than
an hour.
40,000 to be 'Summoned'
In School Bond Challenge?
J ' school bOard Is seeking to overturn the
voters Oct. 14 decision nol lo tax
themselves $3' million plus jnterest to
P'Y•/Qr ~ ~tloo, '
Sen. John G. Tower (f\..Tex.).
-Rejected, 18 to 25, an amendme.nt by
Sen. f;uge_ne J . McCarthy, ill:Mll)ll.) •. lo
mike certain that an unmarried perS~
would pay no more in t1xes thsn-h1H of
those paid by married per!iOns who file
joint returM. This would have. cUt
government revenues by $1.S ~tillllon,
Under ·tbe.bHI. wealthy stng~·peoplt can
pay as much. as 20 percent more lo laxes
than married people with ~ the sa~
amount of income. ~
-Adopted a proposal by Sen. Jolm
Sherman Cooper lR-Ky .), to exempt.
horse breeders from the full impad ~r
the bfll's crackdown on ·'hobby f~ms. '
th~ operated as tax shelters by people
whq deduct their nonfarm income ·agaJ~
"paper losses " on their ,farm s'.
• l
N. Koreans
Hijack Plane '
Carrying 51
SEOUL (AP) -A South Kore~n
airliner with SI Koreans aboard Wa!
diverted to North i{orea Thursday. The
government said it was hijacked and .at-
cused North Korea of "another e,iample
of air piracy."
There was no information , howe·Jer, on
Y:hether the pilot, a retired South Korean
air force officer, was forced to fly north
or he himseU defected .
The propjet plane took ofr from
Kangnung on the east coast to Seoul, Hiii
miles away, shortly after noon with 47
passenge rs and four crewmen.
A spokesman for the Korean Air Line1
said a radar network tracked the YS11
Japanese-built plane to the North Korean
port city of Wonsan on the east coast.
'Vonsan is 120 miles northwest of
South Kore a's Foreign Ministry has
asked the International Red Cross to hel;i
in the return of the passengers and tM
U .s. and Korean officials discussed
calling a meeting or the Military
Armistice Commission for return of the
passengers, bul agreed it v.·ould not be
the proper channel, a government aide
said. .
Mass , • ·ta· ~~omap.Jne Sii.,," ~I u11
· J,, , l": "'( thllk ( slppoin . 1 a ,i =-A:-trliJ'"f I . '.Wlll!l~dau . . g . c Disneyland trip," said MoffCt~.t n
. ~(. "!;' .:... • out that the magazine drive is lhe of'lly
~~4 Huntington Beach woman has been
1warded $125,000 in a lawsuit involving
litileaufOf Iler husband fwO yCars ago
' n Laguna Beach.
Apparently the Santa Ana Unified
School Districl v.·i\I have lo mail a sum-
mons to 4-0,000 "interested "parties" in
g()jng to Superior Courl to challen&e the
constitutiona1ity of the two-thirds re·
quirement to pass school bc!.n<ls.
The interested parties in lhis case are
all the property owners and voters in the
school di strict. a Los Angeles Jaw firm
advised school trustees Tuesday night.
A msjOrlty ol voters -55 percent and
59 percent--voted for two bond pro-
posals. but under the California_ con-
stitution two-thirds approval was re-
Choong Hoon Cho, airline presidenl,
klld newsmen two Koreans dressfJt as
army officers boarded the pia.Jlef·bli(·
riedly before take off. Ht uiil' trie
younger of the two claimed the othet was
an ~y brigadier general and he himself
was the general's aide. Airport officlals
did not check their identities before their
boarding, Cho said.
LOS >ANGiCE$. ( APl _ Militant . t.":!i.r~nt a~vity f9f' studept govern·
groups Jn tbe· black community organ.i1.ed """
Mrs. Helen Hernandez, or 7924 Stark
St .. filed a $200,000 suit on March 22,
1968, in Orange County Superior Court,
against Bryon and Constance Hendricks,
doing business as the Ocean Spa Horse
RanCh, claiming their negligence res·ulted
in the death of her husband, Gabino.
mass protests tOd•f~tp.iR.st pOlice aC.tiOn " :Ben*'1 'ttid·-he woold not., allow hi~
involving the Black-· Panther party. daughlfr to sell the magazine subscrip-
Sen. Mervyn Dymafly, a Nea:ro lions. ' ~
Democrat whose district includes Ure
predominanUy black South-Central Lo...
Angeles area. u•ged Ncgrncs to stay '$10 : l\'l~llion Granted
a~·ay from their jobs and keep their
children out of school loday.
Hernandez was 'killed Feb. 18. 1968,
while drl ving a tractor on the ranch. The
vehicle' fell over a beach front cliff,
crushing the operator beneath it.
AlJo called was 1 large demonstration
Ill City Hall in the downtown Civ ic
The irritation stems from 1 series of
pre-dawn raids Monday In the course of
v•hich three police officers and lhree
Panthers were wounded during a bloody
exchange or gunfire. Police said the raids
were staged Jn ..i. successful search for ii·
legal weapons.
Panther party leaders reopened their
headquarters Wednesday in defjance or
the Department of Building. and Safety
v.·hich had posted a sign':rtlding "Uns•fe
-do not enter. Inspected and declared
The Pal1thers accused police of lob-
bing tear gas into the building from an
alley Tuesday and \Vednesday to keep
people out. But officers said the strong
c.dor of the gas merely had lingered in
the poorly ventilated structure from Mon-
day 's siege.
~obort W. W1t:I
'"Uicltlll M'lll ..... ltlisl'IU
J.,~ •. c ... 1.1 Viti !Jrn~11I •NI Gtov•• l,\11111tt
T~•"''' K11•it l::l t!or
T~'"''' ;.., M111 ~~l111
Mt nlt•nt ff11tt
' ,t.lhtd w. ,,,,, ""e<••lt Editor.
HMM•tt•• h•c• Offl''
JGt ltflo Skt1t M•'''"' "''''"1 r.o. ••· 1•0. ,,,4,
OtMf" Offlc. ..
......... ,, 91 .. 111• l 'll' Wttl t1!9olt le\lle\ltf~
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, ... ic. u °' _,,.,,,,, .., "'"'' "!t .... " ... '" 1"'11•!•'1 "'""'' ... '-Utt ,..._,,~ •·
In War Again8t Drugs
Appropriations Committee today granted
more. than '10 million extra to -Intensify
the goveniment's war against drugs.
Mr.s. Hernandez' claim stated the Hen·
drjcks were negllgent in not having a pro·
tective railing at tM. cliff edge.
The . decision in her fav or was inadc
Relieving Fr11stratio11s
\Vith final exams upon mosl qf the country's college students. these
Bowling Green Sla te University !Ohlol youth s finds a way ol reliev-ing their tension -a charity rar "smash-up ." For a donation a stu-
dent gets to sledge hammer the old car: the donation is given to the
local orphans' horn~\"' Chrl1lmas presents . •
They arc interest.eel parties because lhe
W riling Contest
Deadline Listed
District Supt. Charles Kenney reported
lo the board it would cost more than
$5,000 to prepare and mail 4-0,000 sum·
The board then put oif a decision on
spending the money until a date is set for
!he preliminary hearin& in Superior
The tesl suit involves the board's
decision, ratified by the County Board cf
It was the second hijack to North
Korea of a South Korean airliner !lncc
the country divided in 1945.
Parks Director
Gets Assistant
Saturday at 5 p.m. ls the last chance Supervisors , to authorize sale of $8.5
budding young Ernest Hemingways "''iii million in school bonds from the $3J A nev.• pos t, assistant director. has bees)
have to enter their efforts in Fountain million voted on . created in the Fountain Valley Parks 1nd
Valley Library's creative writing contest 1'he Santa Ana board bases its case on Recreation Department.
for ch ildren . lhe one-man. one-vote interpretation the The city council approved the PoSl and
Youngsters In kindergarten through U.S. Supreme Court has used in de<:iding indicated current park Foreman Henry:
righth grade may enter in one of three other st.ate constitutiOnal questions. Agonia would moue into the slot just'.,
categories, poem. short story or essay. under Park and Recreation Director Stan.l
Youngsters of 2nd grade age and below Stafford.
may have help but all others must do Negro a Candidate ''Primary purpose of the moue ," e1-i
their own work. plained City Manager Jim Neal, "is to.
Winners will be named in three age ATLANTA. Ga. (AP) -Negro attorney bring a second man into involvement:
brackets for first, secotld and third place. C. B. King of Albany said today he will be with the city recreation program.
Entries mu st be turned in tG the library a candidate for governor of Georgia next Previously, Stafford was the only one~
at 10200 Slater Avenue no later than 5 year. the lirst of his race to seek the of· working on that part of the department ~
p.nt., Sa tur dny. fice in modem history. program ." · ,. ..... ~ ... :;; .. ;;;.,:;;;;,..:;;;;,..:;;;;,.,.;;-;; .. ;.,.:;;.,.:;;,..;;;.,.;;;,,.:;;;; .. ;;;;.,.;.,.;;; .. ;;; .. ;;;.,.;;; .. :;;;;.,.;;;; .. ;.,.;;;,.;;;;,.;;; .. ;;;,.:;;;;,..;;;,..;;;;;..,;;;,..;;;;,..;;;.,.:;.;,..:;.; .. :;:,..:::..,:: .. ::: .. :::,;;;;;:-;
I .
~ ;1 / J J ~ Finely ~rafted by I '.
I _,H-f .._H. • arreff Pennsylvenie House I _, I i :
I I ~
Antique Blue Antique Red
forest -Tone Mapl•
~ ... '2495
Tor LiltllUd Timt
Choice of Colors
L~ ............. ~..;..-~ • ..,. ............. i' ........ ••••••-...
' I
1 I
, I
OAILY PILOT Slaff ......
Mission Vlejo's Joe Snodgrass, Estancia'•: Sanda Genfs
' I
, omv-·,.-1LOT l"liii. "' ,.,, O'Oon11e11
Costa Mesa Girl a Student at· Mater D1i High School
Blacl{s Seize Ha1·vard Hall
CAJ.i BRIOGE. !\lass. (AP) -J\1ore
than 100 black students forced their v.·ay
into Harvard 's University Hall today and
used chains and wooden bars to barricade
tl'!.e building's v.•indows and doors from
the Inside.
Later, however, the blacks wilhdrew
the barricades and locked themselves in·
side a suite of offices with a group of ad-
ministrative officials and lac u I t y
membe1s to discuss their demands.
These involved the university's hiring
practiCfs as they app,ly to non-whites.
No One Ha s Any Rights
To Unbridled Criticism
or Jiit O.llr P'l .. l Slttf
DRAWING ON his filter king. our columnist who occupied this space Wed-
nesday, th<xight a silly millimeter longer and rea.lized he llad to get aomething.
off his chest. • • ·
Not a cough. That was his business. No, Jt was the drug scene that was
choking him.
How it bothefed him. Somebody had to tell America what unbridled youth
just did to the U.S. Constitution up at that Livermore rock
festival. They ignored it. They were in pursuit of happiness
but they did it in a public place, you see.
For one lhing, they met in a public place, but worse
than that they got •·gassed and stoned" in a public place,
an open field. Not in a bar, nor with booze, but with
amphetamines, LSD and marijuana of all things -stuff
that no one from the gin gencralion would think of touch-
ing. j
IT WAS SICKENING. Three hundred thousand Kids
turned up to turn on lo rock and what they did was Ue up
the traffic for the rest or us. It was as bad as the Rose Bowl.
tlfore terrifying still, four people were killed up there. The world mult .~
told about that. otherwise people might think that sort of thing can hapPen'
only in bars or on freeways. • ·
Fuithermore, we must also lptire reports that the British rock group~ the .
Rolling Stones, which threw the party, was equally horrified at the events.
Far easier to blame them than sympathize with them.
WHAT BUGGED our columttlsl the most, though, was the anarchy of It
all . Oh. the agony of that anarchy. 'lbat, above all eJse, that had to be stopped.
Even If it meant agreeing with Gov. Reagan for onee.
What was lacking at Livennore, we now know, was a good old fuhloned
bit of law enforcement.. •
Not the kind of law enforcement the kids want. Not the kind aimed at
materialism. that enf~s clvU rights Jaws and equal opportunity act.-whet'1
all that got to do wlth drugs! -bui--lhe kind we're used to and can trust-The
plain and a.lmple older than thou kind, lbe law and order that 6reeds a allent
minority. ' ·
BUT THESE drug Jaws better be tnforeed quickly -before sentences
are eased by the Niion Administration and belore these young freaks 1et as
knowl edgeable and Al dogmatic as we are.
They m•Y find that this Is not only a mortally stclrsoclely •bul a liaught·
Uy 1lck society, tot._One that may not blow ita mind, but dou blow lt.s nose
Into Uie handkerchief of hypocrisy.
Thund11, Dtctmber 11; lWJ • H DAil V Pllllf Ii;
.. _ -Title land l:J se
.. • ' 4
Fees · Near ·. I
Win Brain •
Three ol \he l!rl8filu!, best-l'OUn<l<d
stuc!enta In Orange County live In the
Orange Coast area and weft named Wed-
nesday night as flinners, in Academic
Decathlon competition.
Roberta ·~Bobbie" Furness, who lives
In Costa Mesa and attends Mater Del
Catholic htgh school, placed first among
girls. Third best girl finisher countrywide
was , ~a Genis of Estancia High
School in Costa Mesa.
• J~ Snodgrass, who lives tn Jrvtne
and attends Mission Viejo High School,
did the best ol any ol the boy• competing
in the ~'B" student classification .•
They were named from among 125
Senior student.II who took Pwt in Jhe ta.1·
Ing competition Nov. 28:. ;:
"Bobbie Furness said her littlest brother
asked, "Does that mean you're t,he
smartest girl in Orange County?" }Jut
a.nother younger brothef said, '1tt could
be that some girls who were smarter
were sick the day she took the test."
Snodgrass, who was hoping for a third,
said he thought he was out of It when the
third place winner was named. "It was
quite a shock to come in first ." he said.
Sandra Genis said her reaction was,
''Who me?"
''Some ol those tests were a~·fully
tough," she confessed.
The IO-event decathlon included an Im-
promptu speech, a written essay, an in-
terview, and exams in s ct en c e,
mathematics, social sciences, English,
literature, aesthetics and pracUcal arts.
State Supt. of Public Ifll!itructlon Max
Rafferty was on hand to present awards
Wednesday night at the Disneyland Hotel
and said he will try to get the State
Board of education to make the academic
decathlon a statewide evenl •
Miss Furness. 17, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Furness of 340 Alva
Lane, Costa Mesa . She waS captain of
Mater Dei's television quiz show team
and is school commissioner of social ac-
tivities, on the executive committee· for
the liter.ary magazine and the welcoming
committee. She hopes to attend Stanford.
1'-1iss Genis. 16, is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Genis of 2904 Baker
Street. Costa Mesa. She is Estancia's •
commissioner of organizations, is on the
senior class council and is active in the
Luther League at Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church. Her first college choice
also is Stanford.
Snodgrass, 17, ts the son of Mr. and
Mts. 'Richard Snodgrass of 1 f 5 t I
Rockrose Way, l{niversity Parlt. He has
participaled In drama, speech, debate
and the choir at Mission Viejo ffigh. He
said he11 go either to UC Irvine or Ca l
State Fullerton next yea r.
He said the toughest event ·for him was
"esthetics -music and art -because
he knew least about it. Both girls thought
the practical arl.s test was the toughest
because it was all about tools men use
and t.hey suspect written by a man.
Coast Lifeguards
Go Down Under
On Teaching Trip,
Three veteran Orange Coast lifeguards
will forsake Christmas at home and dip
into the ramily treasury for a three-week
teaching trip to New Zealand where they
\~ill help revise that country's mhrine
safety system.
The three are Newport Beach guard
Logan Lock a bey, San Clemente guard
Phil Stubbs and Huntington Beach guard
J\1ax Bowman, all long-time members of
the National Surf Llfe Saving Association,
\\hich is sponsoring the teaching tour.
The three men will take off Dee. 21 for 0 Ne~· Zealand, ,which has its summer i~
December because of . its placement on
the globe.
The teaching Jaunt was at . the in-
vitation of the New 1.ealand govttnment,
which sent a group of its guanb to ex·
amine Orange Coast .procedures during
'its summer last June.
The local guards will help the New
Zealanders c<invert their basic lifesaving
proceduren from hand cranks and ropes
to floating buDys carried by individual
The line and reel system usually lakes
rive or six men to accomplish one rescue.
The~ Southern California version can be
accom plished single-handed. The three
also \\illb teach boat' and jeep rescue
Passage however, will be paid by the
guards themselves.
Tes.~ _Cases Get
Court Hearing -.
SU~ Court has agr~ to hear
afgume:nla on the constitutionality ol the
two-thlrd.5 majority requirement in
California bond i!!Ue elections.
Three ca.sea before the high court
challenge the law. The court ordered eon·
s<illdallon Wedneo<lay of all tbreO ,. argunitnts can be heard at one Ume. Two
of \he challenges were from San Fran-
ci11c<i and one from Sutt.er County.
The complalnll argued the two-thlrds
majority rule makes a "no'' vote twice as
atrong as fl "yes" vote, causing the "yes"
votfn lo 1uller "debuernent and dllu-
tion. ''
0ronce Counly .. ~ .. 1oo11 • mp·
iowards What they CCllCtded WU Ifie It~
Ung of leea for boallng laclllUes In c:ooirity
tideland• Wednooday when Ibey called for
• sludy ol lbe pbyatcal and ·legal aspects
of auch use of county.controtled water.
Faced with a report from -Parks, and
Harbor Director Kenneth Samp~n· which
clearly supports the argument for rees,
lhe board voted for a further andlysb of
the baa.la for levying what would be an
annual charge.
The further stud( must take lnto ac-
cowit the nature o the tidelands uc;e -
piers, offshore moorings and boat slips -
and determine the amount of tlW: fee in
relaUon to the frontage occupied' and the
demandl placod upon COU11ty per-·lti
lmM of prolectlon and ~I -01
Udelandl areas. , ..
Before the board Is .a ~ -~
the county levy a flO negUJar fee ~-a
$15 usage f,e. It was noWd 'thtil 1--
position of fees on the-79 piei-1 in coU~
tidelands would brlnl In at least mo ,
year. : "
Cautloua supervbors noted Uiat'-1ad
almost Identical study is before UM: dt)t
ol Newport Beach ud. they urlfd
Sampoon to •eek "the cloli!st 'Pi!al~
cooperation" with that c<immunltycfurins his study. • H
"This Is a t'Omplex Md bewilderini
thing when you come i to look at the
tide.lands controlled by .the .city, thole
owned by the county and .{Ust who shouW
take "" "'° •hjcll .P"'P"'~"" .,...J' Uonecl Suponilor WlllOm Hlntel&
"l'm aure the dty will want to
cooper1&e," Sam peon ruponded, rtrnJn.
ding thO boal\f !hot u.· 11de~ ,...,
issue is still ''& ft'tlt1 hoi one'' i "I'" .. po_~ Beach. ·
"()Jr difflculty," he add«f, "la that
there can be no teal com~ ot ow::
county situation with any olher aector ot ..
California. The closest e.1ample~·-
Naples Bay, near Long BeJCh, ·:.j• 1
certainlY. take a look at that." ,· '
Sampson was ordered to join Stanley."·
Krause, the county director of real pr'Oo ,
perty services, in a study of the Udelanct.., 1 use ree issue. The ttam was ordered to ·.
report back to the board by Jmie l, 1'70. · ··•• ...
. "
• •
It's iust not Christmas
without a real tree! ·" .'
.. • •
Scotch pin• tree. A· free ·with ks own beaullful·
shade of green ~-•• needres th.it ·are luxuriously long.
Branches retain their needles lof\ger than other fira, so
you con enjoy your tree much' longer.
5 ft.·6 ft.
2'h ft .• 31' ft. Scotth p1..__ 4A9
6 ft.• 7 ft. Scatch pine · 7,99 ' . 7 ft.· 8 ft. Scotch pin•·-·-I.ff
" N1tur1l Dou9l11 firChriilll'IC$ trees! sritatit,.._j,,. ·~ -~lillflon ~n Douglcn fir,,.... A_. poput.-
luihty greent we· Nlked these dQW!f front' A'IOUnlDW.fOr.-' fl'lt (w·to ·"';""' pyromldol symmttJy. Tht co5or oftd
e111 to fltl your home with th• 'foy· Of GhriitmGp;. 'Wio · ~ ef Oougfot flt broncha hove bttn ,..._ lty
from o voriety of tf&ts. · yeorly 1'•"'"'8 ond thop;ng.
2 ft,.3 ft .................. J ......... -....:.'99c 5 ft • .i·ft. _ ................ ____ 8.49
3 It.-' h. --1,99 .7 h: · 8 n.' , '4°.69.
5 h.-6 h. ·3.49 .9.b:·lO h . ..:__6.99
6 h.-7 h. Douglos flt Ire• _____ 9.99
7 h.-· I h. Douglos flt tiff 11.99
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Last July, Hugh Rowland, a Nc-
,gro fal'.IJler, lost everything he
• ·,owned -hi s fann house, t\vO oth·
. er buildings and 20 head of live-
stock -in a Ure three miles north
of here. Last week a 1noving com-
pany brought a house froLn St. Jo-
seph. i1o., that ·had been donated
by Clarence MiU er. a \Vhite man,
and set il on Rowland 's farm.
Rowland's \Vhite neig hbors have
offered to bring furniture and oth-
er furnishings. Rowland, who says
he has '1the best neighbors in the
\vortd." ·added, "Thi s is the w a y
the IJonl intended th at th e races
should treat each other." •
Sa11ta Clauses i;t~ ·~7,;;£:;:7: l
. ...---..... -
San Quentin
Fast Broken
By Sirhan
SAN QUENTIN (AP) -Sirhan Bishara
Sirhan. under death sentence for the
slaying of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy kept a
promise to his mother and ended ; l:klay
hunger strike at breakfast toda y.
Associate Warden James Park said the
IOS.-1X>und Jordanian Arab, who had been
su bsisting on cocoa and cofCee, "ate
something from a.breakfast tray of eggs
and Farina and stewed peaches.''
"He did carry through his promis e tn
lhe attorney and to his mother," Park
sci id.
Sirhan v.·as quoled by his la~·yer, Luke
r.t rKissick, as saying he would go on a
"fast until death'' in 30. da ys unless
prison authorities lessen his isolation so
lie ran talk with other prisoners on Death
McKissick went to the visiting room
\Vednesday with ilny, white-haired Mary
Sir han of Pasadena , who came with her
other son, Mwnir, to talk with Sirhan. It
was their first visit In two months.
•·J-fc's only skin and bones," the mother
said, alld she told him : "If you don't eat,
1·11 fast "''ith you."
• .... ~---
Pa1tthers Arraig1aed
' ..
Ul'I Tt!.,11111
Released '•
•• By Cong . • •
SAIGON (UPI) -l'wo; U.S •. Anny
helicopter crtwmen -one f ,r o m
Wuhlngtoo stat. and tilt other Qllio -
have walktd into a , SoQth' Virbiaoltse
military command pmt after • 'dlys in
Viet Cong captivity, mililary spokamen
said today. -'
Spakesmen said the men apparently
were released by their captors. ney
were identified as WO Michael. T.
Petersoo of Redmond, Wash., the pilot,
.;ind his aerial observer, Sgt. Vernon C.
Shepard or Akron, Ohio, both 21 year~
Both were suffering from "moder"'te
malnutrition" Wednesday when they
rtached the compound near Due Lap in
the Central Highlands, US m J I e s
northeast of Saigon, officials &aid.
Their helicopter was shot down tn
mountainoll! Quang Due province Nov. 1
and they were listed as miSl!iing in action.
Both were admitted to the 24th Evact.11-
tlon H015pital at Long Binh for observa·
ore goi ng to ren1a in white. The
city's largest stores turned down If
a request by the local So utherii I
' Ch rist ia1l Leadership Confer·
encc f SCLC J chapter tliat sever-q
4 al black Sa11ta s be hired. The
SCLC had c/ain1ed black child·
reii could not rela te to a white
Santa, aJJd tlio l So tita wa.~ a
"racist sy111bol." f'red Lazaru.~
Ill. cl1air1na1t of tl1c boa rd of
Shjllito 's a11d presidc·11 t of the
Cincinnati Cliam ber of Com·
m.erce, and \V. G. Stube1will,
president of !HcAlpin"s, 111et witll
Sirhan, 25, promised hif tearf11l mother
he 'vould resume eating prison meals at
breakfast toda y.
But f\.1cKi~sick said Sirhan still. is
r!etermined to end what he called in a
Nov. 28 letter to the warden "Nazi con-
~ntration-likc treatment."
Several of the Black Panthers \Vho fought a five--
hou r gun ba ttle Y:ith pol ice in Los Angeles Monday
are handcuffed and chained as they a re led into a
courtroom for arraignment \Vednesday. They were
charged \\'ilh conspiracy to commit 'murder. con·
::;piracy to commit assault upon police officers and
possession of illegal firearms.
Spokesmen said Peterson suffered
shrapnel wounds on the left leg and foot
'vhen they were shot down. Sheppard was
hit in the foot and back.
Their release brought to 29 the numbe r
of U.S. servicemen freed by the Com-
munist during the war, officials aaid.
Eight others have escaped.
Associate warden James Park sair'I
au thorities would consider Sirhan's re-
quest for changes lo give him more room
and make it easier for him to t.alk \\'ilh
ether Death Row occupants.
It Without Hangups~
The men, who will leave Vietnam
Saturday for home, were shot down dur--
ing fighting around Due Lap and Bu
Prang Special Forces camps, 1itu1ted
within three miles of the Cambodian
1 six black leaders for' an hour,
.. then rejected tile suggestion.
1 '"\Ve don't agree that Santa
Sirhan has asked removal or two floor-
to-ceiling wire mesh fences, which );~p
bim IS feet from the other prisoners. and
their replacement by a single plexigla~
partition with a small opening to permit
normal conversation.
Gals Crusade for Guilt.free Adultery South Vietnamese
Win First Gun
Claus is a racist svrnbol or is im-
f 1noral," Lazarus said.
~' • Johnson Returns
To White House
For Nixon Talk
young ladies who say they ar! "sex·
starved" have protested on behalf or
guilt-free adultry.
A half-dozen demonstrators held a
bedsheet banner aloft calling for "sue·
cesslul adultery for the happily married
rna1''' during the unique demonstration
\Vednesday in lhe city 's financial district.
"!\1arried men should spread their
,favors around mo re even ly," Cecily Katz
told the crowd that gathered around her.
"Admit it to yourself. You do commit
adultery, any.,l'ay," she told the mostly
married genUemen in the audience. "Do
it right. Do it without hangups."
The protestors were bnmbarded with
requesLs for names and phone nwnbers,
Lnt Mrs. Katz, a beautiful Korean
divorcee, !old them "I'm afraid you are
not ready for a guilt-free affair. That's
the whole point of our crusade."
Instead, the dem<>nstrators sold copies
of a paperback entitled "S uct1!ssful
Adultery for the Happily f\.larried Man."
!\trs. Katz commented that she felt her
own marriage would have been saved had
bnth participants been able "lo do a\\·ay
with selfish, possessive love."
She sald that she wouldn't have felt
jealous if her husband had strayed. "Why
should I? As Jong as a wife gets her share
Qf Jove, why should she begrudge her hus,
band an extra measure of happiness?"
After all, she 1X>inted out, two can pla y
the game.
"Women are more romantic and just
as erotic as men," she said. "They love
being made love to on the grass on a sun·
ny afternoon -when thei r husbands are
at work and another eligible male could
help out."
Duel With Reds
SAIGON (UPI) -South Vietnamese
gunners 'on Tuesday fought their first
artillery duel y:ith North Vietnamese
gunners without U.S. aid and silenced the
Conununist batteries ill.'Side Cambodia.
delayed milltary reports said today. WASHINGTON (AP) -Former Presi·
dent Lyndon B. Johnson returned today
to the White House he vacated in January
and held a two-hour breakfut meeting
with President Nixon. Hits Nixon Attit1ule
The report of further Vietnamiialion n'.
the \\'Sr came as the last of 60,000 GT.;
scheduled for withdrawal from Vietnarr:
under President Nixon's pullout plan lef~
for home today. Removal of the member.~
of the 82nd Airbnme Division lel: The t"''o men met in the family dining
room on the main floor of the Executive ~
MansiOn, which Jobflson had not visited •
since the Jan. 20 irirolguraUon,
-White House press secretary Ror'lald L.
Ziegler said later the tWQ.m_en spent most
of lheir time discussing foreign Policy, as
well as such domestic mattm u lhe
budget and fiscal policy.
Red Envoy Boycotts Talks Saigon's defenses entirely in South Viet·
namese hands.
Military sources said the artillery duel
was fought near Cai Cai, 72 miles west of
Saigon on the Cambodian border after
Red guMers fired about 12 rounds at the
Soulh Vietnamese outpost. The report
said the South Vietnamese fired about JOO
rounds of J05mm howitzer fire at Uie
North Vietnamese.
A trip -&o Ott zoo 'really is awt·in·
spiring-' and this little visitor seems
totally enchanted with the animals at
the Philadelphia Zoo. • Sen. Charles H. Percy, (R-111.),
had just begun speaking to an au-
dience of 250 person s in a hotel in
Chicago when Mis• Judith Brod·
sky, 20, \Vilked in and said she had
always wanted to meet Percy. Miss
Brodsky was \\'earing her \Vedding
dress. She explained she \vas on
her way to marry Michael Rich·
ards, 22, in a room in the same ho-
tel but kept th e groom waiting to
ineet Percy.
Chrisbuas Hijinks
No Joke lo Judge
no joke 10 fool \\'ith Christmas decora-
lions in Newburyport.
District Judge Norman E s po v I c h
sentenced three teenagers to 60 days in
jail each \Vednesday for remqving col·
ored light bulbs from Christm as tree
decorations downlown. "To you nothing
is beautiful," the judge told them.
In the foreign policy area. the
discussion ranged over such topics as
Vietnam, strategic arms limitation talks
with the Soviet Union, the nuclear non-
proliferation treaty and setUement of lhe
Okinawa problem.
Ziegler said no specific arrangement
was made for another Nixon.Johnson
session but he said Nixon feels it is im·
port.ant to maintain· good contact \\ith the
fonner president
Fi.red FDA Chief
Quits Government
L. Ley Jr., replaced as head of the Food
and Drug Administration , is resigning
from the govemment rather than accept
another post. a spokesman said today.
The s1X>kesman said Ley sent a letter
of resignation to Dr. Roger O. Egeberg,
assistant secretary for health and scien·
tific affairs of the Health, Education and
Wellare Department. The resignation
would become effective at the close of
business Friday.
PARIS (UPl/-Xuan Thuy. the chief
North Vietnam peace negotiator, boycot-
ted today's 46th session of the Paris
peace t.alks in retaliation for v.•hat the
Communists said was an attempt by
President Nix on to degrade and sabotage
the negotiations.
A North Vietnamese spokesman said .
the chief Hanoi negot iator stayed away
"lo condemn the lack of goodwill and
serious attitude of Mr. Nixon tov.•ard the
Paris co nference.''
He said Nixon, by fa iling lo replace
Ambassador Henry Cabnt Lodge, sho11·ed
that "he is determined to reduce the
level of the Paris conference. So Mr.
Xuan ''I1ruy has not come to the session.
This is for today. For the future v.·e
don't know yet."
Europe Flu Nol New
ATLANTA (UPI) -The National Com·
municable Disease Center (NCDC) ex·
pressed doubt Wednesday the influtnza
epidemic sweeping Europe was a new
strain or flu that would hit the United
States hard this winter.
However, an NCO spokesman said "It
would be a good idea for older persons
with hurt, lung and other chronic
diseastll to get (Ou) shots."
Big Storm Hits Northwest
Travelers' Warnings Issued for Three States
Only a hw v1•l1bl1 tlouG1 mtrtel'I
th1 Soutt...... C1lt ... rnl1 1MllJ. -·" ~· IU,,.,., I nd t!l1flt1 .. Wt.,..lt Wlllllt•
.,, ... 111..i throuollout '"' 1 rt1. ,
Lot A.Melt1 w11 mo'll" 11mrtr wltll
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Tiii A.Ir PollullOfl C1111ll'OI Dlt.lri<I
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LOS AMGILf:$ AlllEA-MOlll'f' Ml~l'lf
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The Viet Cong joined the North Viet·
namese in the accusations against
Ni xon.
Philip G. Habib. the former No. 3
member of the U.S. team "'ho is head·
ing the American cielegation until a
chief U.S. negot iat or is named, sa id the
attiude or the Communists made mean·
ingful negotia tions im1X>ssible.
South Vietnam's chief negotiator,.
Pham Dang Lan, a\sn stayed av,ray from
today's session. Officially he was suffer·
ing from a cold but there were sugges-
tions it was "diplomatic influenza"
because Thuy simply "did not feel )ike
attendlng today's session."
Del!ipite the sabntage chai-ges by deJ>-
uty Hanni negotiator Col. Ha Van La u
and Viet Cong Foreign l\1inister Mme.
Nguyen Thi Binh. Habib insisted there
1vas no downgrading and that he was
fully empowered to negotiate.
Viet Cong Foreign Minister Nguyen Thi
Binh held oot a promise of negotiations
on guaranteed safety for \\'ithdrawing
U.S. troops if the Nixon administration
announces the un conditi onal withdraw al
of . all U.S. troops within a six-month
period. Similar offers were made earlier
to the Philippines and Australia.
The Viet Cong statement already has
been dismissed by Secretary of State
Wiiiiam P. Rogera as "nothing new."
The 3()..minute duel wa s the first fough t
,1·ith artillery across any bnrder in South
Vietnam between the two warring na·
lions. U.S. air and artillery were called in
on all· previous occasions, the s0urces
The military report said the South Vief...
namese did not call for a.id because they
believed they had the 5ituation in band.
The military sources said the Communist
guns were silent1!d although U.S. jet
planes which had struck into Cambodia
the day before failed to knock them oul
"'IJ' li.was the night before Christmas,
When all through the holll!ie,
Not a creature "''as stirring,
Nol even Santa Claus •••
,,.,. • 149so ,, "'' ,,,..,
' • • • ' • ' ' •
' • • • • •
Irresistibly comfortable .•• RECLINA-ROCKER • by LA· Z • aov•
[vr.n. a bu.no Saa.la u.n·r tt~st the rtlaxin1 cotnfort Clf a.
l.a·Z·BoY Rccliol·RCK'l:~Jts smooth rockiog kU ltiot den
oJf ud, when he ,..ants to ~lrctch out to nap, he can rUe
the sclccHvc foot rest Jc,.cr JJ'ld zcc)ine lo •.U1 comfort p
-•,.. eition, even to full beJ. The Reclin~·kCK"l:ef'js -rb.e ltfaaf•
9UllMl o""' ... p L-'-'tol-Cll Ali·ln-Ono Chait •• , the r cr.ect Cw.,,tmu &h~ w f'
).toUtcr or Dad. Sec us tod~y tor )our Cliri!tmu silt
Co1ta itlu•'•
Furniture ·s1ore!
Downtown Costa Me1a
""· 548·5131
I '
: ' .. ,J-_. tiC-"' J ~' *\ "'i7""'""C7-.,,.•~-:.,-.:>":-l"~'.,:v:;:•~ 'Qlt"~_.!~>~,,-._;:JJ;tt:0:.1"''>~°'·-.,...,.,,...,.,....lll!llll';,lr'!<'l<:::;o..,"'9~:1:':n' .. t'l'l!l~~;;:'il~i=:;::::?j;1':""ilil'1f'"'!""'--.... .. ~c:~.,.._?il ..... "'."f-A -~ • • --;;....~ ..... •• •• •• ••
I ;.:
Fonnt.ain Valley
•• '· , .. ••
Beach City SChools to Def end Magazille Drive
OI ._ o.ltJ l'HM Stitt
'fhe Huntington Beech. City ( eJemen-
tary) School District is going to court
Friday morning t1> defend its anpual
magazine subsc:iption drive held by 8th
arade students.
A parent cf one of those students has
aought legal action to hall the district's
program claiming it is "discriminatory"
and ''improper UBt or school personnel
and time."
Jim BenlM>n, 16642 Melville Circle,
Huntington Beach, an attorney, has filed
the suit on behalf of his 13-year-old
daughter, Lisa AM.
The cast will be heard at 9:30 a.m.,
Friday, before Judge Robert Corfman or
the Orange County Superior Court in San·
ta Ana. Deputy County Counsel John
Grisel will defend the school district.
The project in question invol ves 8th
grade stud~nt3 a~ Ow,ier and Gisler
intermediate Schools selling subscrip-
tions to magazines for Quality School
Plan, Inc., of New York.
The New York firm returns between 25
and 50 percent of the subscription rates
received to the students for-the student
body fund . The drive is conducted once
each year .ii.nd students who sell $35 worth
of magazine subscriptions are rewarded
v.·ith a trip to Disneyland during school
"We've had tbe program since at least
194!1 and 1 don't remember a single com·
Fishing Boat Sunk
Destroyer Slices Craft, But 18 Rescued
r A modem destroyer steaming through
the predawn darkness k~ifed into a
·Filipino fishing boat 60 miles west of San
Clemente Island today, sending her
rwiJtly to the bottom.
All 18 hands from the 81).foot Orient
were taken aboard the USS Parsons
within an hour after the S: 15 a.m. cot·
!is.ion. \\1hich forced the fishermen to
abandon ship,
The soaked crew members v.•ere chilled
by icy water and 4:>-0egree air tem-
peratures, but no one was injl11'ed, ac·
cording to a radio message from the
Parsons to U.S. Coast Guard head·
quarters in Long Beach.
No explanation v.·as immediately given
for the collision, which occurred in clear
\ Schools Give
Chest ~t
Over $100,000
Conlribu tions by. studenls of schools In
the Huntington Beach High School
District have pushed the Community
Cliest campaign total over the $100,000
mark. President Steve Holden annou nced
tod ay.
Jn the overall $135 ,000 drive, Holden
E.aid the collections have progressed more
rapid!.v this year than in the past. All but
tv.•o di\'isions, retail busine sses and pro-
fessional offices have reached more than
75 percent of their goals.
"The students of the com munity are to
be commended for their spirit and effort
In behalf of children needing medical
assistance, character building through
youth progra~s and adults in . need ~!
family counseling or welfare au1stance,
J-Jolden said.
Pcit Downey is volunteer chairman and
Bob Burbank, schools division chainnan
for the Community Chest campaign.
Schools participating are Edis o.n.
Marina and Huntington Beach High
Business and professio nal men arc urg·
ed lo mail or bring their contributions to
P. o . Box 788, Huntington Beach 92648. or
18582 Beach Bl\·d., To.,,,·n and Country
Shopping Center.
Realtors Host
Mexican Kids
At Holiday Fete
Christmas will come early Tuesday
morning for .17 uTiderpri\'i\eged ~1exican·
Am erican children thanks to the Hun-
tln&ton Beach Board of Realtors.
'l'hc youni;tster~. ages 3 to 6, will be
guest~ of the Realtors at an 8 a.m.
breakfast-Ch ristmas party at lhe Hun·
Unglon Sc11cliff Restaurant
Each child "'ill have a present and ;i
chance to tal k to Santa Claus as well <1~ a
ftce breakfast . Realtors will pick up the
clllldren indi vidually.
weather and relatively calm seas, but the
San Diego-based destroyer sustained no
Authorities said the Parsons was on a
training mission when the accident OC·
curred and was due to arrive in San
Diego about 12:30 p.m. today with the
rescued Filipino fi shermen.
Spokesmen at the Long Beach Naval
Stat.ion said an Investigation will beg in
quickly into what caused the Orient and
the H)-year-0ld destroyer to cross paths in
the darkness.
The Parsons, carrying 276 men, i~
equipped with surface-to.air missiles, as
well as modem electronic navigational
equipment. ·
Coast Guard Search and Rescue hea d-
quarters dispatched two cutters and a
helicopter to the collision scene, pin·
pointed at 100 miles southwest of Long
Their mission was cancelled when the
Parsons radioed that all 18 Orient
crewmen had been taken aboard 53fely
by 6: 12 a.m., and she was proceeding to
San Diego.
The fishing boal, opcralcd by Angel
Osena of Manila and based in Zam·
boanga, the Philippines, sail ed out of
Long Beach Harbor at 6 p.m \Ved nesday,
The vessel had presum'abl y unloaded its
cargo of lish and v.·as headed out to !ca
again v.•hen she was sunk by the Parsons
in hundreds o[ falhoms off the rocky
channel island.
Beach Schools 01( Hiring
Of Education Consultant
An educational coruiullant will be hired
bf the Huntington Beach Union High
School District to review and improve its
operation, the board of trustees decided
1be man, as yet unchosen, would 1nake
reports on school building use, in·
slructional materials and m e tho d s.
scheduling, curriculum and personnel ad·
ministration. among others.
The ide a was conceived al a board or
Thieu Predicts
'Red Control'
In Coalition Plan
SAIGON (UPI) -Preside nt Nguyen
Van Thieu said today South Vietnam
would be under Communist control in
six months H :\ coalition government
\\'ere formed with 1he Com nluni sts.
"As to the neutrality position, 1 think
that at best. after one year South Vicnam
will be dominaed by the Co mmunists.
Thieu said in a communique.
Officials in Saigon advocating a neutral
course for the country "wilf lead this na·
tion to 5Uicide and not to survival." the
.president said.
He spoke In response to newspaper and
broadcast report.I of another of hJs
speeches '1\Jesday In Vung Tau, 40 miles
southeast of the capitol.
The reports quoted Thieu as saying
neutralists are "cowards" hoping for fu·
tun? favors from the Communists and the
Vietnamese Army \\'ould insure that ap-·
propriate action be taken against three
legislators accused of being Comn1unists.
~!any _ reports were v.•orded to "pur.
posely distort the facts ... and incite the
people and the Arm y Wilt assume the task
to behead these Comm unists in order to
respect ... the constitution," he said in
the co mmunique.
trustees meeting two \\'eeks ago by
Trustee Ralph Bauer, who sugges ted that
someone be hired to come to the di strict
pcriodlca lty lo investigate certain mat-
len; and make recommendations.
Tl followed several weeks of argument
hch\•cen members of the board and the
;11u1icnce over the necessity of ca lling a
S9.S million bond election for the con·
~truclion of another comprehensh·c hi gh
!'.choot, rather than use new n1ethods of
using existing facilities more efficiently .
"I am very much impr essed by This
statement," said Trustee Joseph Rlbal,
when told about the' plan. "It inrlicatcs
that we arc deficient and it tells lhc
public that there are areas for im·
"Unfortunately the study by !hi~ in·
rlh'klual should precede our request for
the bond money." he added.
Ribal has consistently voteri against
items concerning the bond electio11 since
he 'claims present buildings could be used
more efficiently to absorb student
population increases. ··
"\Ve've had a lot of studies in lhc
dis trict before. They're like windo1v
dressing. I'm referr ing to citizen's ad·
visory cGmmittees we've sought tn
mobilize when we need the n1oney and
then tell to go away after the electian."
Mathew Weyuker, pres ident of the
board of trustees, toki Ribal that the idea
beh ind the hiring of a consultant does in
no way imply that the district is back·
ward educationally. •
Weyuker pointed out that he had just
attended a school board conference In
San Francisco which indicated otherwise.
"We're ~ing backwards so fast that
we seem LJ be leading the pack. Dr.
rubal," he said. "We're moving in direc·
lions that might be considered farsighted,
even though we're enmeshed in the status
NEW YORK {AP)-The stock market
lost an early advanct and In late trading
today just about held Its own. {See quota-
tions, Pages 30-31).
plaint before this," Said S. A. Moffet.
superintepdent of the Huntington Beach
district. ·
Bentson, howe·:er, feels the Disneyland
trip di.scrlminates against students who
don't sell enough ana must' remain in
class. He also objects to helping the
magatiilc industry, p&rtlcularly on school
"1"' maga~ne sal'\:!ndUS!r1' bu a lol
of unsavory factcn In it and I ·think' ifs
v.·rong ~ ask or coerce kJds to P.f:ddle
maga1:ines door lo , door. Tt'a ju.st
something wrong," he said by telephone
thls morning.
T:fl.is year's dri ve was betd from\ Oct a
through Oct 21. ll netled fl,111 lor the
Dwyer student body and 1tiout the. 11rne
for Gisler students. A tQtal of ~ ~g
salesmen froo1 the two IChools went to
Disneyland Dec. 3. . -,. •
0n Oct. • Bentaon ,.,... t11e boon! or
lrust ... asldlllf than IO-balt Jlle,drlve. fie
appeared before the boar'd oft.Oct. 14 with
the same request. Bentaon 1leo offered U.
pay '-" equivalent amount of money.ftt.o
student funds 'to allow hia daugllte:r to:ib
to Disneyland. The board refused his 1'6-
quests. ;. ·
An attempt by Bent.Ion to gain a wr1t·o1
mandate halting the llilneyiind trip faiJ.
ed, but 'Friday's hewing w11 IChedGted
by Judge Corfman. .,.
In bis aiit Bentaon aaid ho ..-!'Ille
use of ecbool personnel time to lftPlf'e
(8" MAGAZINE,'Pap 11 "''
.. ,_
PresidMts in Parley. , "' • • t:r:,. .. ' ' . . ....
dent.i Nixon, the t'vo men emerged on the w&fll '
House portico, jammed wilt\ 1:ar.fy morning touris~.; J<"or111er Presidtnt Lyndon Johns.on make~ bis l!rst
return visit to the WhJte House since leaving 0Cf1ce .
~fter spending two hours at breakfast with Presi· • -·
Ttvo Cliristmas
Prograrns Slated
At Mnrina High
Tate Cult Studied in Tie
Orchestra and chorus strike up for
Christmas this Saturday and Dec. 16 for
.two holiday performances on the Marina
11igh School campus.
The first concert, scheduled for 8 p.m.
Saturday in the school's choral room.
features the "Mariners,'' an advanced
high S<;hool vocal group.
Included on the program are aolos from
Handel's "Me55iah," as well as tradl·
llonal carols. The price of admis:rion is
some kind of gift which .will be donated to'
nccdv children.
On.Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m·ln the Marina
izyrnnasium, the Marina High School
chamber orchestra and several choral
gro'ups will combine their talenLs for a
yule· concert.
Directed by Jchn L. Thompson , the ad-
vanced choir, male chorus, women's
chorus and girl s glee club, and orchestra
will performe specially chosen Christmas
music. ...
Hlgh)lghl of the concert will be a
performance of the "Alleluja" motel by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Shenkman Retains
Mosc1uito Position
Ron Shenkman his been reappointed by
his fellow city councilmen as Fountain
Valley 's representative to the Oranae
County Mmquito Abat.einent District.
Shenkman's new term will ellpire Dec.
31, 1971. He was recently appointed to fill
the unexpired ttrm of formfr coun-
cilman Joe Courreaes.
To Murders of Six Others
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Authoritie11
reit'°"'edly are Investigating whether 14
persons may have been killed by one or
more members of a hippie·style nomadic
Member• or the clan already arc
charged Jn eight or the murders, in-
cluding that at actress Sharon Tate. ' The grim prospect Of additional clan
victims came ti light just before today·ii
arraignment 1of the Tate case's ccntr<1J
figure, Charles M. Mansof. J5, the wlld·
bearde<i..i,IJan leader who.!,C !ollowe~s call
him "God" and "Satan."
Sherlff's deputies searched a movie
ranch Wedntsd~y ~~near suburb a n
Chatsworth, kloking for signs of' Donald
O'Shea, 40, a stunt man and beer hall
bouncer missing after a·. reported quarrel
with Manson.
Police have been looking for connecling
threada in the L06 Angeles deaths of two
tffn-age rell1ious cultists.
Report.s today ukl police are tn.
vestlgatin, possible links betwetin the
Tate alay1ng1 and the deaths of 1 d0fl9
peddler, a motorcyclist In Blobop, Calif ..
and a member oC the ?tfanson clan in
suburban Venice. No details were
With 1 court ban on comment Imposed
on 0Ricl1ls, pollce kept mom on develop-
ments and deputies scouring the movie
ranch were tightlipped.
But the ranch's owner. George C.
Spahn. 80, said M1nl0f'I ind O'Sl:lea had
argued befor& O'Shea disappeared. The
cult had lived on his ranch fw a time,
Spohn said, 111inrt bis will
Prosecut'ors anpounced WedntsdaJ
they will seek a single trial far Ma~
and the 1ive members of ~Is desert trfe
charged with mw'.der and COfllPil'lcf·fn
the deaths of Miss Tate and six Otbcn.
One ·of the defendants; Susan Atttns;:
also~ charged jn µie mur~er of i:nuaidari '
Cary Hinman in Malibu. • •.
The prosecµtOCs say they expect the"
defendan.ts: will seek separate trials and
will try to sever the case of the Augu.rt
slayings of the honey·blondc actress · abd
four. nthers . killed on her estate froM.
those of 'wealthy market owner ~.
Labianca and his wife, killed the n"exl
day. . '
Deputy Dist. Allys. Aaron Stovitz and
Vincent Bugliosi made their comments in
an interview Wednesday after lh(c~
young women defendant.! waived ·~·
raignmenl.. on the charges and 1 ii.Ida
issued an order sharply limiting pretri1): ·~"'"'"" 10-.lhe iw-•tiy, principala In tt'ie case. '-,f · ...
Orange ·· ~ ....
The sun will be shining like
crazy Friday, but It won't get the
temperatures over· the 6$-degree
mark along the Orange Coast. . .
Special guest will be Mrs. Alice
f\.fedina . Conununlty Aclion Council
eoordinator in Hun tington Beach. She
provided the reallors wilh a list of
children ror the Christmas project.
Pilot Office
Changes Monday Legal Cause Sought
A Uc Irvin( profea1or f.t
among tho1t cMrgtd with .o~
Ucipating the fuiurt in a aocto-
logic.al p1ogram Called· "Blue·
print," Page 13.
Singer J hui llendrix
Beals 2 Drug. Counts
TORONTO (UP I) -Pop singer Jlml
11endrix was acqu\tt td here Wedntsday
nia:ht on two charges of drug possession.
A l2·man jury deliberated O\ler elg'ht..
and-a·half hou rs before i;elling the 2i·
)'car-old singer fret. He had ~ Charg·
td with two counts under the Canadian
Narcotics Conlrol Act -one dealing with posse~'5lon of heroin and tht other wltl1
ExJ'landed quarter~ for the liuntlflll.on
Beach-Fountain Valley editions of the
DAILY PILOT will open Monday at 17875
Beach Blvd., Hui:itington Beach.
t.ocated in a new olrlct building at that
address, the new DAILY PILOT head.
quarters will handle local news for the
entire HunUngtoo Valley and wJU sen-let
ovcr·lbe-counter classified advertising
custoRiers in addition to taking subscrip.
lion orders .
Teltphont number for the new office
\\'iii be lhe samt 11 for the present oflicc,
~I .
.Kopechne Inquest Jan. 5
' '
EDGARTOWN" Ma!I. (AP) -J~d!•
James A. Boyle inrlOl.11lCed today that the
long-delayed inquest tnto the death o(
Mlts Mary Jo Kopechne wlll begin Jan.$,
Boyle's announct'm<'nt rcMlowed by only
2• hours I juda~·1 rehiaal M Wllkts·Bar•
re, Pa ., 'to permit. an •u•y oo Miu
KopechM's body. •
Miu Kopcchne wai the 28-year-old
Wa!hlncton , o.C .. letrlW)I •ho ili•d
.JYhen Stn. Edward M. Keontdy'1 car
plunged off a bridge on ~ulddlcl
Jsland last summer.
Boyle, who will P"'ide ol lhe lnques~
madt no olber commenL 'M'lis was t.aken
to mtan lhat be atlll Intends to hold the
proec<dlng !)ere on Martha'• ,Vineyard,
r1tber than move It to the mainland.
The inquesl WllS I011Sht by Dist. Ally.
FArnund !>inis or Ne, Bedford, .who al'°
•had tilCd the pcUtJon In Wllkes-~arre for
exhumatl"' o( tJ\e !>Ody and the autopsy.
tis purpooe l!Ui be to determine tho
leaal cause o( ~tiss Kopechne's death. u
opposed to the medical -· Ruched by tel~ at his hom<.
. Dinis had no comment on ' Boyle's 1n-
The lnqueal win be cloted to news1ncn,
tn line wllh a ruUfll from lht
~fu11chueeUs .suprtm• Court.
.:\ •
I!"'---.. I ~·,14~ I CHRISTMAS , ................... ..., ... -. --. :::::: ...... ";; --, ............ """.... . --" -. .... --. :=...':';.. ,:,:
•• .; ...
:· ••
; .
f '..0,41LY PILOT "
Probe Asked
Of Panther
\\'ASHINCTON (UPI) -For the ie·
col)d straight day, official! have r~
qUf.Sted an investigation to see whether
local police are ustng undue forct in
cracking down on the Black Panther's,
lOinoi.s Slate· Sen. Charles Che'~ Jr.,
w~ lJ black; asked the Justice Depart·
menL Wednesday lo investigate the
shooting of two Black Panther leaders in
Chicago one week ago.
Tuesday, nine congressmen asked
President Nixon to extend the life 0£ the
National Commission on Violence so It
can investigate the same shootings.
Thr: congressmen said witnesses at the
scene say. it •l!J)eared Fred Hampton, -
head of tne· Illinois Black Panthers, w..,
killed in-bed in· the 4 a.m. raid and
a private autopsy seemed to indicate
Hampton was in a reclining position
when the buJleU entered hi! body.
The congressmen, all Democrats, In·
eluded four whites and five of the House 's
nine blacks.
The Panthers' general counsel, Charles
Garry, has estimated 21 Panther party
members have died in gunfiJhts with
police since January, 1961.
It Doesn't Burl
• • Re.f6~in
" ~ ~
-------I I
Bill Nea:f:s Passag ~
".... ' , ~~v>· -~·' ' . \ , . ..,. ' ..
' : GQP $eft:q!Qf , ;!.T.g·~~ M~a.sur.;~:4fZ.tJi!tlil 'Bankrwp t' Count t}'i
~ .wMHINGTQN~ (t}pij-' ...... 1'\e ·~ate . elJ)ecltlji 'to~ pai,ed this ~eek. t~ mak~ Sen. Robert J. note (D-Kan.). It \riKild Sen, John G. 1'9wtt tR-Tex.l . ·.;.
drOv't toward passage· Of~ it! ta i re!Otm 1 1$ pefctnt 'incre•se in Social Security have exempted the income from oni dt -Rejected 68 to 25 an amendment ~,
bi.II tod:ay as a Republican leade r pleaded benefit! comparable to but somewhat the oil lndwtty's chief tu prelertnces -Sen Eugene ' J McC ' th (l).M. l" '·
w1ll_l his colleagues to stop and order a less generous than, lhe increase carried called ''intangible drilling ezpe'llses" -· . · ar y. . IM. • ~1
maJor overhaul t~ cut down the cost of in ~he Sena~e bill.-. from the 5 percent tat which the bill im-make certain that a~ unmarried periOn
the measure. Williams listed eight S e n a t e poses on such tax -sheltered income. would pay no more in taxes than half Gf
Senators were expec~ to reject a mo-amendments which he asked that lhe Instead. alter 1even roll call vote1 and an lhose paid .by married persons wbo ,fUc
tion by Sen. John J. Williams (R·Del.), finance committee be instruct,ed to angry parliJ,mentary snarl, ~ Senate joint returns. This would have !&t
that the biU -the brOadest tax measure delete. Taken tog.ether, ~ said they ad-a~cep~1pte uemption only ror oil finns gover!,'llftCnt revenues by Sl.6 biJ~.
since adoption of the incorhe tax bill 'in ded up to $12.35 billion in costs which he with receipta of less than '3 million, Under the bill, wealthy single people f1n
1,913 -be. sent bpck to tbe ~nate said the government could not afford . -Approved, despite ~dminlstralion op-pay as much as %0 percent niore in-Uius
Finance Committee, or which he is the " Two fellow Republicans, Sens. Gordon position, a provision granting the Presi-lhan married people witll the same
ranking GOP member. Allott. Colo., and Charles E. Goodell dent broad -and unsouglt -authority amount of income. -~
.Williams said lbe Senate. added -$10.65 !N.Y.l, told the Senate they could not to bar imports which "disrupt" domestic -Adopted a proposal by Sen. JO?pi
billion to lhe government's cost.s next vote for the bill becau.se of its co.sl industry if they come frOm countries Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.), to ei:eill.pt
year and $12.15 billion in 1971. The Williams argued : .. This bill would which restrict trade with the United horse breeders from the full im pact of
estimates were higher than the figures bankrupt the country." States. , the bill 's crackdown on "hobby farms,"
issued by the finance committee staff. In \Vedne&day's actions, the Senate: -Approved a $140 million weakening or those operated as tax shelters by peoyle
In. pleading for overhaul of ~ bill. -Narrov.·ly defeated , 47 to ff. a $50 a $350 million tax reform on depreciation who deduct'their nonfarm income aga.tn1 t
\Villiams pledged to support a House bill, million windfall for oilmen proposed by rules for real estate on the proposal of "paper losses'' on !heir farm 1 .
Youth Rules
For a Day
•J'd Do It· Again'
Ma y or WhoToreCongFlagAcquitted
N. Koreans
Hijack Plane
Carrying 51 ' I
I Fourteen Panthers, including Bobby
Seale, the party's imprisoned national
chairman, ha\'e been charged with
murder and kldnaptng in the death of
Alez Rickley, who.st burned , bullet-rid·
died body was found in Connecticut April
Fountain Valley first grader
Mark Lowry emerges from
nurse's room where he and
cla ssmates are gettihg tuber·
culin Skin t'ests this month.
Ant14.~e~u.lQSis 4Jrogram is
being ,. conducted';,.throughout
Fountain_VaUey School District
in cooperation with Cfrange ·
County Health Department.
Cily .gi;wernment in Huntington Stach
v.·i!I take on a youthful look Monday.
Studen ts from the city's three high
schools 'viii lake O\'er the reigns of
government for a "Clay -peacefully -a ~
part of the Youth Coalition initiated stu·
dent government da y.
SANTA CRUZ tUPI) -The 1nayor of
Santa Cruz, acquitted of malicioui;
mischief for tearing down a Viel Cong
flag al a private residence on Veterans
Day. told happy supporlers \Vednesday :
"You 're darned right I would do it
But ~1ayor Richard Werner. 1 75-year -
old veteran of two world v.·ars, resisted
the temptation as he left munici pal court
after a t-n.'o-day trial.
\Verner said the decision by a jury or
eight women and four men showed that
"1 2 good Americans can tell !ht: dif-
ference between right and wrong."
The jury was headed by Theodore
Cho\vanec. who admitted during the panel
selec tion he had sent a congratulatory
telegram to the mayor for his action.
Werner testified that he ripped doWl'I
the Viet Cong nag being flown at the
home of Larry Bell, 27, a substitu te
teacher and Vietnam veteran, because he
could find f19 law that prohibited Bell
from tlying it.
SEOUL I AP l -A South Korean
airliner with 51 Koreans aboard WI:\
diverted to North Kor_ca ·Thursday .. 1be I
government said ii v.·as hijacked. and Jt-
cused North Korea of "another exampfe
Monday 200 Los Ana:el es police and 11
Pan thers cng~ Inf> five-hour gun bat·
tie when police raided their headquarter•.
A spokesman aaid the JUJ!lce Depirt.
ment "hu never had anY policy ot con-
certed activity with local police in order
to haras.s any members or the Black
P anther party."
"Only one member of the Black
Panther party has been indicted.this year
by a £ederal grand jury for party-related
activities and that was for making a
public threat against the life of the Preli·
dent," be said.
'The recent incidents or violence took
place when police .departments wue at·
tempting to aerve warrants. 'Ibe viola-
tiona alleged in the warrants were in-
fractions of all.le law ancf were nOtunder
federal juriJdlctlOn. No .federal OflicJals
parlicipoted In tbe-police-actiom."
.t'rom Pqe J
Mi<\GAZINE •..
~ for the maguine drive and the 'ua~ of ~ li me to reward good
salesmeo. ~. "
"I .pay t700 ln house taxes, half ot
which goes to ·the school. to educate my ~ch]ldre~, ?,Ot to . ha~e them peddle
. ma,1~, ~ntson wd this morning .
Dis tr id off1c1als, however, are worried
that Bentson's suit might also apply to
such Teleased lime activities as athletic
trips and debate-. teams, Where some
studenta If'~ i'tleased from · school for
such evenL!. :,
t·An adverJe ruling on UUa1coukl alfect
the entire ita.te educational system," said . Moli.t. -···--·
Delegations assigned by the three
schools will arrive at Monday's 4:30 p.m.
city council meeting following a briefin;::
by city .employes on various functions of
Student will assume the roles and be
~tefed on their jobs as mayor , coun-
cilmen and various .department heads.
Mayor Jack Green and Councilmen Teel
Bartlett and Alvin M. Coen will
personally brief stud1~nts from Hun·
tington Beach High School.
Councilmen Henry Kaufman and Jerry
Matney will J.alk to their student coun·
terparl! from Marina High School while
those from Edi.son High School will meet
with Councilmen George McCracken and
Donald D. Shipley.
* :·* *
Panthe~ Plab Beach Woman Bent.son qen.ied ~ny aUch .application.
•. ~r the .~vitJ ,~ ~e ~ton. to ·~.. ~""'~ ... .,..,,~~·"!'· Debattfta/:151 .,., ... ~ and athl«ics ifias a •
1on«'ttadltion. 1 don't plan to pursue 1t Given $125 000
M P •~ots .f~~an ~;-eaa:azine sales," ~e sa.id f' '
88,$ . f0&<(e ·. 'v :~· .!11~~·~,~l,) bi :.,.,,~ · •.fu.!,,, A Huntington Beach woman has bern · .. _, _ ~ f .,, ;: .:rf'~lk>as ?'IP"'!"" • ..,,.. . "'!~-" i1Warded $125.000 in a lawsuit involving A~·· st ~_Jli~a , · ~isney1~dd 'ii;p'' ~~~d d:; R a1:.ft.6t death of her husband two years ago ,,__· C.U. ~ t•tbat the ' · c1r·::u r .. w.;.._,. • t 1' · Lagtina Beach. , '; .-.. ' ou . . ma~~ine 1""·.wi 'Olll! -Mrs: llelen Hernandez, of 7924 Sta rk
LOS . ANGELF.s (AP) .-Militant ~~ raJsuig activity for student govern-~t. .. rued · a $200,000 suit on ~1arch 22,
i:roups in the black com~un1ty ~rganl~d rii. . . . . 1968. in Orange Cou nty Superio r Court,
mass protest.! today against pohce action a.nt.son said] he would ~t allOlf ~is ttgainst Bryon and Consla nce Hendricks,
involving the Black Panther pa,r ty. d.aughter lo se I the magazine subscnp· doing business as the Ocean Spa Horse
Sen. Mervyn D,Ym.any., a Negro IJOF\!.. ,Ranch. claiming their negligence resulted
Democrat whose d1stnct includes th! in the dea th of her husband, Gabino.
J.iredominantly black South-Central Los -i ' · Hernafidez was killed Feb. J8. 1968.
Angeles area. ~.rg~ Negroes lo sta.y $10 J\JiJ}iotl Granted wltile driving a lractor on the ranch. The
av.•ay from thell' Jobs and keep their vehicle ·rell 0 ,·er a beach front cliff
children out of achoo! today. . Jn Wat_• A.,oain8l Dntg· 8 ~rushing the operator beneath it. '
Al9o call ed was a large demonstration Mrs. Hernandez' claim slated the Hen·
at City Hall in the downtown Civic WASHINGTON (UP!l -The House: clricks were negligent In not having a pro·
Center.. . . . Appropriations Committee today granted 'tecti vc railing at the cliff edgt>.
The 1Ir1tat1on stems fro111 a series of 1nore than $IQ mill ion ertra to Intensify The · decision in her. f11 vor v.·as 1nade
pre-dawn raids Monday in the course of the government's war against ,drugs. Friday.
"·hich three police officers and three ·
Panthers we~ wounded during a bloody
exchange of gunfire. Police said the raids
v+ere ltltged in .a success(ul sea'rch for ii·
legal weaporm.
Panther party leaders reopened their
l1eadquarters Wednesd ay in de!iance or
the Department of BuJlding and Safety
\•:bich had posted 1 sip r eadirlg "UMafe
-do not enter. Inspected and declared
danaerous." .
The Panther! accused p:>lice or lob-
bing tear gas into the building from an
alley Tuesday and \Vednesday to keep
people out. But officers said lhe strong
tdor or the gas merely had lingerf;d in
1he poorly ventilated slructure from Mon-
day's siege.
Rob•tf N, Wtt d ,,_\ft ... .,.. ~1>1111 ...
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Relievit1ff F~1utraaio1u
\V ith final exams upon ·most or the country·s college students. these
Bo"•ling Green State University {Ohio) youths rinds a _\v.ay of reliev· -
ing their tension -a charity car "snlash-up." For a donation a stu-
dent gets to sledge hammer the old car: the donation is gi ven to the
local orphans' home for Christmas presents.
Werner flushed. slightly as he was
cOllfronted in the courthouse corridor by
a young man wearing a Viet Cong em·
blem as a cape.
The mayor said nothng and made no
hostile move towards the youth, wh()
identified himself only as "Sleazy."
However. a brier scuffle broke out when
th ree men in business suits challenged a
photographer who \vas taking pictures of
the encounter. ""
The mayor said Bell, who made "'
citiun's arrest on Werner. was "flaun·
ting what. to us veterans, was ne1t to a
holy day."
The jury, which beard testimony Tues·
day. returned a verdict of innocent
\\"ednesday after deliberating less than
an hour .
40,000 to he 'Summoned'
In School Bond Challenge?
'Apparently the Santa Ana Unified
School Districl will have lo mail a sum·
mons lo 40.000 "interested parties,. Jn
goi ng to Superior Court to challenge the
eonstiWtiona\ily of t})e two-thirds re·
quiremenl to pa!s school bonds.
The interest.eel parties in this case are
all the property O¥lneT's and voters in the
SQhooJ district. a Los Angeles law firm
advised school trustees Tuesday night.
They are interested parties because the
W r~ting Contest
Deadline Listed
Saturday at S p.m. ls the last chance
buddi11g young Ernest Heminr'ays will
ha ve to enter their efforts in Fountain
Valley Library 's creali\'e \\Tiling contest
for children.
Youngs\ers in kindergarten through
eighth grade may enter in one or three
categories. poem. short story or essay.
Youngsters of 2nd grade age and below
may_tiave help but all others must do
their own work .
\Vinners will be n11med in three ag•
brackets for first, second and third place.
Entries mu st be turned in to the library
at 10200 Slater Avenue no lat~r than 5
p.m .. S:i turday _
school ~rd If" sieJdlig to overturn the
\'Olers Oct. 14 dec ision not to tax
the mselve" $3.1 milli<>n plus intertsl to
pay for_ fdjool CQ:flSlruclion.
A rn#~ty. •f?Ottrs -as per~nt and
59 percent -vote4_ ror two bond pro-
posals, but under the California eon-
stitutjon two-thirds approval v.·as re-
District Supt. Charles Kenney reported
lo the board il would cost more than
S5,000 lo prepare and mail 40,000 sum·
monses .
The board then put Off a decision on
!ipending tM money until a dale is set for
the preliminary hearing in Superior
The test 5Uit involves the board'~
rlecision. ratif ied by the County Board cf
Supervisors, to authorize sale or $8.5
million in school bonds lrom the $33
niillion voted on . ,
The Santa Ana board bases lls case on
the one-man, one-vote interpretation the
U.S. Sup reme Court has used in deciding
other state constit ut ional questians.
Neg ro. a Candidate
ATLANTA , Ga. fAP) -Negro attorney
C. 8. King of Albany said today he will be
a candidate for governor ol Georgia next
year. the fir st of his ra~ to seek tht of-
fice in modern history.
of air piracy.''
Th ere was no infonnation, however, Of! f I
whether the pilot, a retired South Korea;,
air force olficer. was forced to fly north
or he himseU defected. -:
The propjet plane took off from
Kangnung on the east coast to Seoul. 1•
miles awa y, shortly alter noon \vi th •7
passengers and four crewmen.
A spokesman for the Korean Air Lines
said a radar network tracked the YSJ1
.Japanese-built plane to the North Korean
port city of Wonsan p n the east coast .
\Vonsan is 120 miles northwest ft
South Korea 's Foreign t-.1inislry hu
asked the lnternali ona l Red Cross to help
in U1e return of the passengers and the
U.S. and Korean officials discussed
call ing a mee ting of the Military
Armistice Commission for return of the
passengers. but agreed it v.'oold not be
the proper channel. a government aK(e
Choong Hoon Cho. airline president.
told newsmen two Koreans dressed as
. army officers boarded the plane lnfr-
riedly before take off. lie said tbc
younger of the two claimed the other WL~
an army brigadier general and he bimMf
\.l'as the general's aide. Airport •officas I
did not check their identi,lies before the}r
boarding, Cho said. ...
It was the second hijack to North
Korea of a South Korean airli ner sinCe·
the country di\'ided in 1945.
Parks Director
Gets Assista11t
A new post. assistant director. has been
created in the Fountain Valley Parks and
Recreation Department
The cily council approved the post and
Indicated current park Foreman Henry
Agonia would move into the slot just
under Park and Rec.realion Director Stan
"Primary purpose of the. move,'' ex.
plained City Afanager Jim Neal. .. is to
bring a second man into involvement
with the city recreation program.
Previously, Stafford was the on ly on~
v.·orking on that part of the department
program." ·
l!llM •MJA••••MM-M •M MMMMM•MW•MM•••MJliiMM MMM•MM MldM_.. i I ~ ;1 I I 0 /7 Finely c .. f+ed by i ~ ~ --Hf ._,H-, {/• '::Jarrell Pennsy lvenie House f:
11 I
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AntiQue 8111(' ."-ntlque Red
Forest-Tune Maple
ror Limited Timt
Choice of Colors
~ .. Moo.-&M.-
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r.-------.... ..................... _______________________ , -
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yoL. 62, NO. 296, 3 SECTIONS, ~ PAG~S
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• •
-· -. .
·Laguna Eyes Ea.rly County Pact · on Library·
, ' Of IM Dflftr ,, ... II.rt
:;t.aitma Beach city officials are looking
\Oward a date in mid-Aprjl, or perhaps
.Qoner. for conclusion of library negotia·
dOns with the county, Mayor Glenn Ved·
der said today.
. "There are many details to be worked
'Out," aaid Vedder, "but I'd say we're on
the way to agreement With the county."
'lbe City Councll voted Nov. 25, to ac-
cept the recommendation of the mayor's
library committee and settle on ex·
pansian of the present library site for the
new facility. .
this wlll .involve abandoeina: a portion
of Park Avenue and purchase of an ad-
jacent triangle to permit enJargement of
the library buildilli and provision of
The Planning Commission Is scheduled
to making a recommendation on the
street abandonment Dec. 15, with C1ty
Council action on the Park Avenue mat·
ter to follow Dec. 17.
The city, Vedder said, is considering
abandoom'ent of ~t portion of Park
Avenue between Glenneyrt Slrtet and the
alley. The action must be accomplished
by ordinance, which requires lwo
rtadlngs and a 30-day wait before it
becomes effective.
John Kille fer, executive assistant lo
Fifth District Supervisor Alton E. Allen,
said that acUon or the Board of
Supervisors on allocation of funds for the
new library will depend on when the city
council "comes up with a package." This
he said, would include land appraisal,
now bein& conducted and abandonment of
the street. KJllefer •Ito h>oked toward
conclusion of negotiatims by Apdl.
He and Allen, he aild, are meeting
regularty with Vedder and City· Manger·
James Wheaton oo the library matter.
The COIJ!l&y llbrariaD bu recommended
that the Board of SUperJbors authorize
expenditure ol ~000 on the new
Lagun• branch library and Killefer said
he foresees no budielary problem in ob-
Ill s oa
J "
More Probed
C.ult Death Toll
May Reach 14
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Authorities
reportedly are investigating whether 14
persons may have been killed by one or
more members of a hippie-style nomadic
Members of the clan already are
charged in ei&ht · o( . the murders. in-
cludjn& that of actrem: Sharon Tate.
The grim prospect ol additional clan
victims came to light just Wore today's
arraignment of the Tate cue's central
fi~. cherles M. Manson, as, the wild·
bearded clan leader whose foUowers call
him "God" and "Satan."
Sheriff's deputies searched • movie
ranch Wednesday near suburban
Chatsworth, looking Jor signs of Donald
Judge S lutes
Inquest Date
EDGARTOWN. ~1ass. CAP) -Judge
James A. Boyle announced today that the
long-delayed inquest into the death or
Afiss Mary Jo Kopechne will begin Jan. S.
Boyle's announcement fGllowed by only
24 hours a judge's refusal in Wilkes-Bar·
re, Pa ., to permit an autopsy on Miss
Kopechne 's body.
Miss Kopechne was the 28-year-old
Washington, D.C., secretary who died
when Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's car
plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick
Island last summer.
Boyle, who will preside at the inquest.
made no other comment. This was taken
to mean that he still intends to hold the
proceeding here on Marthe's Vineyard.
rather than move it to the mainland.
The inquest was sought by Dist. Atty.
Edmund Dinis of New Bedford, who also
had filed the petition in Wilkes-Barre for
eibumation of the body and the autopsy.
'Jts purpose will be to determine the
Jeeal cause of Mi~ Kopechne's death, as
opposed lo the medical cause.
Reached by telephone at his home,
Dinis had no comment oo Boyle's an-
The inquest will be cltRd to newsmen,
ln line with a ruling from the
MuSIChusetts Supreme Court.
Laguna Accident
Brings Widow
$125~000 in Suit
A Huntington Beach W1>man has been
1wanled fli5,000 in a lawsuit Involving
the death of her husband two yean •IO
in Laguna Belch.
Mn. Helen Hernandez, of 7924 St.ark
$\.. filed I $300,000 sull on Morell n,
1918, In Orange Counly Superior Coul1,
aplnst Bryon and Cooslarice ll<ndritks.
dohac business as the Ocean Spa Horse
Jlonch. claiming lheir negllgtnte ""''led
tn the death of her htL•nd, Gabino.
O'Shea, 40, a stunt man and beer hall
bouncer missing after a ~ quarrel
with Manson. '
Police have been looking for connecting
threads in the Los Angeles deaths ol two
teen-age religiou1 cultists.
Reports today said police are In-
vestigating ~ UnU between the
Tate alayinp and ·the deathl of a dope
peddle!-, a motorcyclllll in Bishop, CaIU.,
ancl:'.a '"""bot ci the ~ ...... Clan in sulilrbO Venk:e. No detail!· were
W'rlh a court ban on comment im~sed
on off1ci.als, police kept mum on develop-
ments and deputies scouring 'the mo\'le
ranch were tJghtllpped.
But the ranch's owner, George C.
Spahn, 80, said Manson and O'Shea had
argued before O'Shea dlsappeared . The
cult had lived on his ranch for a Ume,
Spahn said, against his will .
Prosecutors announced Wednesday
they will seek 1 single trial for Manson
and the tive members of his desert tribe
charged with murder and conspiracy in
lhe deaths of Miss Tate and six others.
One of the defendants, Susan Atkins,
also is charged in t~e murder of musician
Gary Hinman in Malibu.
The prosecutors say they expect the
de'rendants will seek separate trials and
will try to sever the case of the August
slayings of the honey-blonde actress and
four others killed on her estate from
those ol wealthy market owner Leno
LaBianca and his wi:fe, killed the next
Air Conditioning
To llelp Festival
Board Keep Cool
Cooler heads should prevail in the
Festival o{ Arts administraUon building
next rummer.
The Festival board agreed by 6-3 1pllt
Tuesday to airaJndltion the structure for
about $1400, Dissenters thought fans
would iufflce unlll a new administration
building g.., up.
Direct.or Paul Griem, who works in Los
Angeles, didn't think untreated Laguna
weather was uncomfortable for more
than about 10 days a year.
"I'll take that bet," said Robert Lep-
pert, business manager, who works In the
admlnlstrau6n building,
"Last {.ear," said direcctor Helen
Keeley, ' I thought It was awfu11y un·
comfort.able and smelly in here." SaJd
director David Young, "I doo't see a
~y~tem that may be used two or three
years and then we remodel, ~·1 1et blc·
ger fans."
Board President Wiiiiam D. Martin
sakl the.re la no bolrd unantmtt1 0\1tr
corutructlng a n e " adminiltrltion
building in two or three yt,an. "U we pt
it, it's golni lo bt by a 1pllt voet/' 'ht
said .
He said the working staff should be
made more comfortable by alrcon-
The cooled alr carried with dlrectorl
Young. Griem and Rlchanl Brooks
uernaildc.z ,.;, killed F•b. i1, JllA, Capitol Repa:p Bill whUe driving a tractor on tbe ranch. The .....
vehlck> f<ll ov..-a b<ach !r<>al clill, WASHINGTON (AP> -A 1344.S·ml\Uon
c:niahlng lhe operator beneath It. leglslaUve approprlaUon bill that incllJdes
Mn. Hernandes' claim stated the Hen-a compromise In the HOUM-Senate
drlclc1 were egJigent in not havlna a pro-dispute over what to do about the
tect!ve railing 1t the cliff t<fae. Capitol'• crumbJlng west front was Pl•
The decision in her favor was made ed by \he Senate \oday and aent to Presl·
Frlday. dent NJ100. " l « ' .•
. . .
Hotel Plans Abounding
Seven-story Structure Proposed for Main Beach
Of t11te O.IW '11M ll•ff
A study on hotel development to help
pay for Laguna'1 P million Maln Beach
has &m0ked out these elements :
-Th·e Danish-American Hotel Corp ..
armed with drawings, proposes to rebuild
the Hotel Laguna into 8 seven-story, 200-
room facility with .Scandia Restaurant
utilizing 200-feet o( city land. but has not
talked finance with the city.
-An<>ther po.ssible hot.el, southerly and
uphill from the Hotel Laguna, has been
broached by building designe r Brent
Tobey who lalka or an initial ~ units ex-
pandable to 200 or 300.
-Private: development of a hotel on the
Main Beach Is probably not attcactive tG
the hotel industry because of the high
cost of money and a projected ~ percent
occupancy factor.
-The council will likely decide <of-
ficially) Wednesday whether to continue
to terminate with Bud lfolscher &
AMociateii that was initially signed on to
put together a holel-conlerence facility
package on city land .
-Bud Holscher dirtcted ·a feasibility
study of the hotel to zero in on a city
financed facility -this touched orr a flap
-after private financing seemed a lost
-The council, as usual in Laguna. has
a spectrum of opinion on how It should
develop U!e be·ach. These Include pure
parlr, parking lot, hot<konlerence use,
.ii.po and park and othert.
Councilmen and a large audience
Wednesday saw architectural renderings
ol llOphlsticated future Hotel Laguna and
heant a rundown by Kenneth Hansen,
would be two-story shops, mall, un-
derground parking and S c a n d i a
restaurant. lt would include abandonment
of Laguna Avenue.
There would be conferenc.e room
seating for 400 persons. Hanson said the
Scandia Restaurant would be similar In"
quality to the one in Hollywood and saia~
it should be at least as suct'tssful as
Corona del Mar's popular Five Crowns
Hansen said he had many promises of
financing and with a public offering
(stock), "I think I can swing this thing."
lie added, "a lot of things depend on
what we have to pay the city." He said
this type arrangement could be based on
a percentage of gross take with or
·without parking or coold be on a square
foot basis.
Mayor Glenn Vedder said the city is
looking for '8(1,000 to $130,000 annually to
help pay for Its Main Beach.
Hansen responded. "that piece of pro-
perty there will never pay thal kind of
money." When Hansen sat down the au-
dience appl.uded his colorfully inlonnal
presentation. ·
Building designer Tobey said later that
the Main Buch ahould be kept open. He
said a good haU or the town is interested
In keeping the be ach and getting rkl "of
the crud " that is on it.
Tobey said he has drawings for a hotel
"quite a few hundred feet south <of Hotel
Laguna) to ... :ard the top of the hill" and Is
aiming at five or six stories above street
Questioned later he mentioned starting
1vlth SO units -and expanding to 200 or 300
but said the project is still being analyz-
During general discussion, Holscher·
said the hotel study for ~ city had
zeroed in on city financing because in-
lereat was so high.
''Because of the high Interest rates, the
only way we felt it could be run was
through tax.exempt municipal bonds, "
be said.
Cou ncilman ruchard Goldberg ques-
tioned a section of the study which men.
tioned the city rinaocing 50 percent of the
cost of advertising and promoting such a
hotel. He said the city promotes the com-
munity as a wtfole.
Charles Kaiser of Har ris, Kerr, Forster
& Co., which conducted the feasibility
study to r •rolscher, said 55 percent oc-
cupancy is not a feasible hotel package at
today's interest rates.
Questioned about the 20lk'oom figure,
(Set UOTEUi, Page I) •
Mayor WhoToreCongFmgAcquitted
~sldent of the Danish-American llotel SANTA CRUZ CUPI) -The mayor of Chowanec, who admitted duting the panel
Hansen said he wanted 200 feet of Santa Cruz, 8((JUltted of malicious aelectlon lie had set1t a congratulatory
belch frontage lo leaae from the city for mischief for telllng down a Vict. Cong telegram lo the maYot for hl$1acUon.
a two-story development. The seven flag at a private res.ldence on Veterans Werner tesUUed that be rl~ down
otort,. would b< built• on ulatlng i'Kl(el Day, lold happy '"-Wed-ay: lhe Viet Cong !lag b<ing flown •l the
1 ·-·.. Jiit" ·ivou'rt darned right l W'OUkl do it home of La""' Bell, 27. a 1ubstitute
-;;;a ~id include UJe of ,,_,t o£ 1 again." teacher and Yit'tnam veteran. because be
trilll&le of ~y behind the Main But Mayor Richard Werner, a !$-~"'" oould ,find no u ~Ppro1116ltac1 Bell Beech whlcb tht city bu eyed bot doet old veteran ti. two world ~~~ resisted frQm Oytni i ,;
not own. A apeculoilv• price lagged lo. tl)e ·len\ptatloa 11 he leltm""l"pil COi\"! The ,._ o.tld" B,<ll ~ mid• 1 a. ll't.I bounded by COUt Highway, FJ I &(ter a t~i·y trlll. tjUsen'a mest."'on ~ • is J.'Oamt-
P-and oLipna' Ate. llas been ,We~r nu.bed allghtly u 118 .,,,. Unj WUO,<t<l ua'vet.rW, ·;n1'nhl lo l
••• -'. c<l"l-.d ~tha-corjidor h~ "9lY 40)'.' .r • n.e ~I~ ori 11,otJO.f<et of <itt • Y""1i m""'.....pnr •zVlet ~ em-,,,,.,,_Jury;~ he1rd t"Umony. Tut•
land (hic!uding 1 portion ci th< tri~•nat(! b~ ~~illothftl ancll.-it no .llci. 1,.wmed • v!!fdlet'. of lnt10C<11t __________ ._.;,;_, """"" move lo.-IJ'll tlie ~ who' W'ldnnday after d<llbel'llill( 1 .. a than
Si-le M•rlcet • ld91~ hliNelf~onlt " .''SltU!'." •:""·"':''· · ------~----''--.., HoweveJ.,.1 brtef·9ffle We ~t when • '
NEW YORK (AP)-The otock i Ihm n>ed in~ Nib •bal~ a 'i..i -C d" '1 t i..t an wly advanc< anc1 In Iotetrjljf • '~~·""".,las l>Idng pl~.o!, ;~~~ro a . ~l ,I'{~ C ••
todayjuataboljlheldltaown.(Ste ~~' ;__ ./.''• 'liM".:,A 0 rAP"-"•""'' M '<y Uons Plfts lll-30 1 '.~-Qld~-~.b,.ajW'yo( ·-"' • •· • •·•• m s,.;.,ks that decUriecf In pr1ce had ' ' '• etglit•~'jji,t IWI' iiitn ahowed that . B. King ol ·Alhany aald today he will b<
fn the minority in early'tradJng but with "II' good Ametletnt can tell the dll· a candidate ror #ovemor ol Georgia ntxt
little more than an hour hetort lhe cloK fe~e between right and wrong." ye•r, the llrat of his race to actk lhe of.
had dr~~n 1ven with adv~ .. · -, ~, lh•Ji,lrf ..... 11. b7 ~e. ot ~. od, !~:. ,_~ .1 •
\l.I • ( . . ... . ~ ~ ... ·• ·~ ,
~ . ·~
" .
tailling funds for putchase of the trlabgle
and const.ruclion of an addition to tha
present buildil)g.
Vedder l>Ointed out, however, that the
supervisors must specifically vote on all
e.rpenditures and in doing so will be guid-
ed.' by the county's Rea1 Property
Services which Is charged w 1 t h
evaluiting all county property in-
Fish Vessel
Hit by Navy
A modern destroyer steaming through
the predawn darkness knifed Into a ·
Fil ipino fishing boat 60 miles west of San
Clemente Island today, sending her
&'ol·iftly to the bottom.
All 18 hands from the SO.foot Orierit
were taken aboa rd the USS Parsons
within an hour after the 5:15 a.m. col·
lision. which forced the fishermen fo
abandon ship.
The soak ed crew members were chilled
by icy water and 45-0egree air tern.~
peralurcs, but no one was-injured, ac·
cording to a radio message from the
Parsons to U:S. Coast Guard head·
quarters in Long Beach.
No explanation ..-.·as immediately given
for the collision. which occurred in clear
wrather :ind relatively calm seas, but the
San Diego-based destroyer sustained no
Authorities said the Parsons was on a
training mission when the accident oc-
curred and was due to arrive in San
Diego about 12:30 p.m. today with the
rescued Filipino fishermen .
Spokesmen at the Long Beach Naval
Station said an investigation will begin
quickly into what caused the Orient and
the IO-year-old destroyer to cross paths in
the darkness.
The Parsons, carrying 276 men, Is
equipped with surface.to-air missiles .. as
well as modern electronic navigaUON)
equipment. · "~::
Coast Guard Search and Rescue head·
quarters dispatched two cutte~ and a
helicopter to the collision scene, pin·
pointed al JOO miles southwest o( Long
Beach .
Their mission was cancelled when the
Parsons radioed that all 18 Orient
crewmen had been taken aboard safely
by 6:12 a.m., and she was proceeding t'o
San Diego. ·
The fishi ng boat, operated by Angel
Osena of Manila and based in Zam·
boanga, the Philippines, sailed out of
l.oog Beach Harbor al 6 p.m Wednesday.
The vessel had presumably unloaded i~
cargo of fish and was headed out to !fil
again when she was sunk by the Parsons
in hundreds of fathoms off the rocky
channel island.
or .. IJe Cease ·
Weatlter ; '
The aun will be shining lik~:.
crazy Friday, but It wOfl't get th~:.
temperatures over the 65-degre1:
mark along the Orange Coast. ; '
A UC lrvin.i professor b
am011g tha..1 cl10.roed with an-
ticipating Utt /11.ture in o. iocio-
logi.cal program calltd1 "Blue· \ .vHnt.~ Paoe 13.
! ·.· . ; ~.; . . . .
. '
-.. I
. • ' -~l' , Th11r~ ~ l ; t4st
'Violinist' Reti1·es
J-fi story's first 1narching band violinist. John Harder of Southern
Illinois Universi ty. has "retired" after four years with the school 's
band, never missing a game and appearing five tiines on national
television. The 1hing \Va s. John dbesn't know the first thing about a
violin -he ··played" it as a gimmick to accent the band's noncon-
formist attitude.
40,000 to he 'Summoned'
In School Bo11d Challenge?
. . :. '
•• "'I ~ ... ,\ ,. ,; .. !t • I 1 1.._ • • • • • ~ ~ .. 1 TAX; RCfbrlJl Bill Nears Passag~
.. -~ ' ;~ .....
.Woifld :'Bankrupt Country'~ ~I ' I -f lb t~ I \ ,.;,.{~. ~~#Q.wr· 4 ·,.g~$. M~ur e
• ! •' ~ -•· ' ~ ... . • • ,. • ~ , •• ,W~llIN<it\>N '<Ul'lt"':-'.~. Seniile ~·lo be ~ thl~woek, to mau
drove toward · passage or its tax reform a ts percent increase in Social Security
bill today as a Republican leader pleaded benefits comparable to but somewhat
"'iLh his colleagues to stop and order a less generous than , the increase carried
major overhaul to cut down the cost of in the Senate bill. · -
the measure. V.'illiams listed eight Sen a t e
Senators were expeclcd lo reject a n1o-an1endments which he ask ed that lhe
lion by Sen. John J. Willlams (~-Del.), finance '-:Committee be Instructed-to
that lhe bill -the broadetil taJ measure delete. Taken together, he said Ibey ad.
i;ince adoption of the income lax bill in ded Up lo $12.35 billion in costSwhlcfl he
1913 -be. sent back lo the Senate said the government could not afford.'
Finance Committee, of which he is, the Two fellow llepublicans , Sens. Gordon
ranking GOP member. Allott. Colo., and Charles E. Goodell
\Villiams said the Senate added $10.65 (N.Y.J. told lhe Senate they could not
billion to the government's costs next vote for the bill because of its cost
year and $12.15 billion in 1971. The Williams argued : "This bill would
estimates were · higher than the figures bankrupt the country.•r
issued by the finance committee staff. Jn \Vednesday·s actions. the Senate:
In pleading (or overhaul of Ole bill, -Narrowly defeated. 47 to · ff, a $50
\Villiams pledged to support a flouse bill, million windfall for oilmen proposed by
N. J(oreans IJ11d1ie Force?
Sen. Robert J ... Uole (0.Kan.). It would
have exempted the income from one or
the oil Industry's cltief tax prermncea -
called "intangible drilling expenses" -
from the 5 percent tax which the blll im·
poses on such tax-sheltered income.
Instead, after seven roll call votes and an
angry parliamentary snarl, the Senate
accepted the exemption only for oil firtru1
with r~ipts of less than $3 mllUon.
-Approved, despite Administration op-
position, a provision granting the Presi-
dent broad -and unsought -authority
to bar imports which "disrupt'' domestic
industry ii they come from countries
.,.:hich restrict trade with l~ United
-Approved a $140 million weakening or
a $350 million tax reform on deprecia.Uon
rules for real .. estate on the proposal of
Hijack Plane
Carrying 51
Panther Raids
SEOUL ( APl -A South Korean
airliner \~ith 51 "Koreans aboard was
di\'erted lo North J(orea Thursday. The
gove rnment said it v.1as hijacked and ac·
cused North Korea o( "another exa1np!e
or ai r piracy."
There Wall no information, howe·;er, on
whether the pilot, a retired South Korean
air force officer, was forced to fly north
or he himself defected.
The propjet plane took off from
Kangnung on the east coasl to Seoul, JOO
miles away, shortly after noon with -t7
passengers. and four crewmen.
· A spokesman for the Korean Air Lines
said a radar network tracked the YSI I
. Japanese-built plane to the North Korean
port city of Woosan on the east coast.
Wonsan is 120 miles northwest of
South Korea's Foreign Ministry has
asked the International Red Cross lo help
in the return of the passengers and the
Probe Requested
'iVASH INGTON j UPI) -For the Se·
cond straight day, officials have re-
quested an investigation to see whether
local police are using undue force in
cracking down on the Black Panthers.
Illinois State Sen. Charles Chew Jr.,
who is black, asked the Justice Deparl-
moot Wednesday to investigate the
shooting of two Black Panther leaders in
Chicago one week ago.
Tuesday, nine congressmen asked
President Nixon to ext.end the life of the
Nationa l Commission on Violence so it
Can investigate the same shootings.
certed activity with loca l police In order
to harass any members of the Black
Panther party."
"Only one member of the Black
Panther party has been indicted this year
by a federal grand jury for party-related
activities and that was for making a
public threat against the life of the Presi-
dent,., he said.
'The recent incidents of violence took
place when police departments were at-
tempting to serve warrants. The viola-
tions alleged in the warrants were in-
fractions oI state law and were not under
federal jurisdiction. No federal officials
participated in the police actions ."
From Pfl!Je l
Sen. John G. Tower (R-Tex.).
-Rejected, 66 lo 25, an amendment t.1f·
Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, (D-MiM'.l •. ~
make certain that an unmarried. per~
would pay no more in laxes than hall ~
those paid by married persons who1· '
joint returns. This would have
government revenues by $1.6 bi · ~ .
Under the bill, wealthy single people c
pay as much as 1ll percent more in tax
than married people with the sa1· amount of income. ;, •
-Adopted a proposal by Sen. Jo · ..
Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.), to exem ..•
horse breeders from the full impact
the bill's crackdown on "hobby fann~~ ~:\
those operated as tax shelters by -peoplt "'
who deduct their nonfarm income agai~
i'paper losses" on their r arm~
100 Blacks
Seize Hall
At Harvard
CAMBRllXiE. Mass. (AP) -Mor~..,~
than 100 black studenls forced their wax ~
into Harvard 's University Hall today aR<I •
used chains and wooden bars to barricade
the building's v.:ind ows and doors from
the inside.
Later. however. the blacks withdrew
the barricades and locked themselves in-
side a suite or offices with a group of ad-
ministrative officials and r a c u I t :y
nlembers lo discuss their demand&.
These involved the university's hiring . ·
practices as they apply to non·whiles.
The blacks gained entry to the building
by battering down a side door, a universi-·
ly spokesman said. .-
The structure is Harvard's main ad-
ministration building .
Aware that a takeover might be com-
ing, the university earlier ordered the-
building cleared of adminlstrative •
employes and locked. -..
Apparently the Sant.a Ana linifif(J advised school trustees Tuesday night . U.S. and Korean officials discussed
The congressmen said witnesses at the
scene say it appeared Fred Hampton,
head of the Illinois Black Panthers. was
killed in bed in the 4 a.m. raid and
a pri vate autopsy seemed to indicate
Hampton was in a reclining position
when the bullet.! entered his body.
l'wo campus police officers were In-
side, the university said, and they tried -
unsuccessfully to stop the takeover. . ·~
_ The spokesman said about 15 minutes. -_
afler the seizure that the t"·o officers still ;-
"·ere inside. School District will have lo mail a sum· 'Ijtey are interesJ,ed parties because the calling a meeting of the ~1 ilitary
mons to 40.000 "iMtresled parties''' In $cho61~rll~js/,iltkis1$ to 9'erJuntxthe Armislia Commission for return of the
l S i ,.._, t to challenge the vo ters Oct. 14 d ..... ision . not to lax passengers, but agreed it would not .be g01ng 0 uper or vuur h ..... the proper channel a government aide constituhonality oC the two-t 1rds re· themselves $33 m1!11on plus ioteres~ to Id ·
quirement lo pas.'! SC~\ ~1\ ry ~· ,, construclJon ... ; • t Sa .
To Join Groups
The interested P1rt1es In o;.s case·tt~ >•~A ~·:of vot.en j -:...Jn....ent.1~: ~11 the property owrlert and ~r!r(jfl !AA'' ~ -per t :..·. Votld ·r'fir. j;;J"i'""ti6Ga .. .tpr~~-T· "" '
iChool disttict, a 'Lo.! Ailieles 'Jaw firm Posats, but 1in?er the Calif~~'l• ~gttl13 S
Rites .·Conducted
For Mr. Haisman
Graveside services \\'ill be held at 3
p.m. Friday at Pacific View J\1emorial
Park for \Villlam I. Haisman. 29-year
Laguna Beach resident who died \Ved-
nesday at his home 316 Holly SL , at the
age of 87.
Mr. Ha ism an i:s survived by a son,
\Villiam G. Haisman of l..i>s Angeles: two
daughters. ~1rs. Louella Knight and 1.1iss
Kathryn Haisman of Laguna Beach. anrl
by four grandchildren and eight great
grandchildren .
A nath·e of 1\ew York and formC'r
general building contractor. Mr. Haisman
came to Laguna Beach to retire, but
delayed his retire~nt to spend five
years working for the city as a plumbing
Nixon to Meet Wives,
Moms of Missing Gls
\VASHINGTON (APl -President and
1\lrs. Nixon will meet Friday morning
1~·1th a group of some 30 wives and
mothers of servicemen missing in action
ur prisoners of war in Vietnam .
.... rt N. W11il
,.,......., ""' ....... 19'tcf
J1i\: •· c~.1..,
Viet ~f.-4 M14 CO-.. -..~''"
T~t11u1 Ktt•if
fltt,..t• A. Mv,,lliftt
.._...~ft! ... flllll••
Jtit~tr4 '· N•ll L-ltatft ,~, flfiltr
&..,. .. a...:~ Oflk.
111 ftr11! A~t . Mtlli~t A4,•1111 ,.0 . lta 666, 91111 --(Mii loltM· .ht Wnl l tt '""' ,..~,, ""'ft 1111 """' ........ ._..,.. ~"""'"'19<1 at11:~. lM Jth llrnl
GAil. T f'fl.01 wlllt .... Kii .. ctMtl""' ,..._
,....,._ " ""'NI--.;t, UCO! "-.... Ill ...... Wl!IMI aw,_ ... di.
....... -"'-' .--.. C.01• ......_ Hvnl...,_ l .. UI w.4 ,_Ill Vt l-
...,. or._ '"" l'l!IMiltl... ~~· •flo!tllt ,..... -" Jtll ... , ..... • ,.,. .• , ........... •••U., """' J. Wftt .. , a1r ... ,C...Mah .
T1' p' 1·0 171•1 4••·••6&
st1\btion IWQoth1rds approval l/llt }'f.
:· District SupL .Charles Kenney reported
fo !he board it "'ould cost more than
~5.000 to. prepare and n1ail 40.000 sum-
The board then put off a decision orr
spending the money until a date is set for
the preliminary hearing in Superior
The test suit involves the board 's
decision , ratified by the County ·Board cf
Supervisors, to authorize saie of SB.i'i
million in school bonds frofn the $33·
1nillion voted on.
The Santa Ana board bases its case on
the one-man. one-vote interpretation U1e
lJ .S. Supreme Court has used in deciding
other stale constitutional question~.
Laguna's American l.cgion Post 222
\Viii join wilh 25 other posts in Orange
County District 29 at a joint 1neeting of
lhe Legion and its auxiilary Friday even·
ing in .the Orange post clubh ouse_
Legionriaires and thei.r Wi\'es a,re asked
lo bring suiLable Christmas gifts (ex·
cluµing candy. ·rood or r.oise~akers) for
the children in the Albert Sitton Home .
The hoine cares for abandoned or
n1allreat.ed children.
T~e Friday meeting will . open at 6:30
p.m .. arid dinner reservations may be
rnade by. calling Commander \Val!
Seaborne al 538·-5801.
U I' I T t ltt>lttft
The congressmen. all Democrats. in·
eluded (our whites and five of the House 's
nine blacks.
The Panthers' general counsel, Charles
Garry, has estimated 28 Panther party
members have dted in •1unCigbLs v.·ith
police since January. 19611.
Fourteen Panthers. including Bobby
Seale, the party's imprisoned national
chairman , have been charged v.·ith
murder and kidnaping in the death of
Alex Rickley, wbose burned, bullet-rid-
dled body was found in Connecticut April
f\·londay 200 Los Angeles police and 11
Panthers engaged in a five-hour gun bat·
tie when police raided their headquarters.
A spokesman sa id the Juslict Depart-
ment "has never had any policy of con·
Renfro New Head
Of Rest Homes
A former principal or Laguna Beach
I ligh School has been named president or
the l,IOO·member Califomia Association
of Nursing Homes.
II. Dean Renfro, .owner and ad.
minis trator of the Laguna Beach Nursing
1-lome. will take office Jan. I, said Donald
\\'. Gonnly, retiring president.
·Renfro began teaching. in Laguna In
1949. He received his degree and teachlng
credential from Whittier College.
he said it ls an ideal operating size that
cci n be run as cheaply as a hotel of 108
He said it was also the optimum size to
handle a major portion of the convention
trade of Southern California.
Commenting on reasons 'that the report
hall recommended municipal financing.
Councilman Roy Holm told Holscher. "If
this had been shared with us back in
September or November, it might have
saved a lot of misunderstanding and
maybe some money .
"I think private financing is part of our
cor.tracl with you." The city has paid
$4,000 for the study thus far and may
decide to stop there.
The counci l heard a recommendation
from the di.amber of commerce that the
city terminate its contract with Holscher.
The chamber recommended that the cl·
ty in three months refine a program of
ti.fain Beach development and then con-
tact hotel interests and give them 90 days
10 prepare competitive proposals based
on private finan~ing.
Loren Haneline, a hotel owner, told the
council, "\Ve're fortunate to have
somebody like ~-Ir. Hansen and his group.
\\'e should give them every cn-
Anthony Demetriades. civic league
president. presented a position paper and
also urged thal the council nnt get ttie
cart before the horse: -not forget that
the main purpose of beach acquisition
was esthetics and recreation, not C-Om·
mercial development.
He sa~d he did not know whether they
were being allowed to remain or whether
they were bei'ng held.
PO Site 01osen
In Laguna Hills ..
A new $50,000 site /or a Laguna Hi\11
branch of the Laguna Beach Post Office
replacing a present rented facility, wa~ ~
announce.d today by the U.S. Postmaster .:_
General 1n Wa shington.
The office will be at the northeast cor-. ·.-
ner of Paseo de Valencia and Calle de
i\1agdalena, covering 77,000 square reet ol
Postmaster General Winton M. Bloui:i.t
said the land was purchased from Hie _ .
Rassmoor Corporation, which currently ._ -
rents out a postal facility in the Laguna ·
Hills Center.
He did not announce a timetabl e for-.....,,
conslruction and opening.
. : $10 l\tillion Granted · ·
p•--------~---------------------------------1 w . i ! I /} J J !) g Finely Crafted by I ' ~ Jeff --""· • arreff Pennsyl••nie House I
I i r
i I
Antique Blue Antique Red
Forest·Tone ~Iap\t:
ror Limittd Tim.t
C/sok1 oJ Color•
' .
QI 11' t'-..... MJ ... JJI
~,..,,.., .... Or..... (.... ,.~ ... ---,...... _ ... ~ .. ,.i .... i.1 111t"-< ., W-•k-"" IWrtlOt ...... ... '"""""".. ........ '"''" -.,......,..,_n•-·
Relievl119 Fr1ast1·otio11s i H.J.GARRETf ~RN~URE
~ OtM -I· M4 11 hf,.Mtt ltldl
-C..lt ........ tal~ S.UIWt .... '• um. st.• -"'lf1 tr .... u It.Ill -ii.1,1
( "'"""" ...,,.,.,_, N ... ,.,..,IMy.
\Vith rinal exam s upon n1osl or the country·s college students, these
Bowlin~ Green State Univer~ity tOhiol youths find s a \vay of relie,--
ing their tension -a charity ca r "sm&sh·up." 1'·or a donation a stu·
dent gets to ~led ge lfa1nrner the old car: lhe donalio11 is jl'.ivcn to the
local orphans' hon1e •!or Christ1nas present s.
Ii ~s•-., 221 S HARIOR IL VO. i • '""""' ~ °'-" W... -& "4. -COSTA MESA, CALIF.
• INTHIOtl OfSl&lfDS ' 60-0275 l..,,..,..,..,,. ... ,. .......... ___ ..;. ________ ...... _________ ,. .....
! '
' ' I
, •
' -• ----......----·-----------~---------•• •11; t •
Th11r$Aay Deeembtr lt, 1%1J DAILY PILOT $
Decked J,y
CfltTI FICAT• Oii 1\11 NEI$ ,Ul\.tC AUCTION SCHOOL IONO ILfCTION NOTICE POlLINO PU.Ct IPl'rt ~ $1'.I I be • SCHOOL OtSTlllCT T•JC IATI 11.lCT ON l"•ICIN(T NO 11 "IJ)~I ~ S• boel (l"t.5118P llored 11~ 1lfllfll WOOCll•"" S<l'loo tFtClil ty D n M ltooml INCltlA.SI l llCTION lllOTIC:l ,1\.1 1 Int uU. •I fhf •ff tmb Keel 1l ClltTl1'1CA1'11 011 COll,.OllAflOM l'O• "1Cflf10US HAMI! ll C~IY>•ll llllCI Sanlt Luc e S fttl FO<.ln Nol ct 11 lltreb'I' • Vtn It IM: •lltl I td :I07S T~ 111 #.vfll~ l;.1>1!• Mf'W Ortnge Countv ~llng pt~ nc, _ Cotlt r~M$ACTl01ri Oii 10$.INIU UNOllt d~~:,11n:t ~~:, • .ic: ~;· '"',.:: .~ ~°';, ~~~~" J ,, i::; t,;-1~: =~·~ t T:r"1t! :,1 :·~~~Mlo~~~.ec1s,!'i:~: C• -vr:cT10M PlllC NCf NO ts NOTIC£ 15 llEllEllY 0 VEM 10 "'' Maw 05' 111'1' " .... QI ~1'<1 '"" -·()II , CTJT IOUS MAMI
"""'"'on lltld'l Ctllornt llndtr rt.~ OY~dllt' 1lt"1ot 1 .. 1 lot l'ltl 19SOO "'"Ca IOl'll l fhtl In teco<dtnct W II llW l\al lritl\ICI 1 "t 1 •t tmb ~C1'd In ~~~.~~dSc~~'';\ °'ct ~·o~'.:!°'d::~ ot (0$lj MUI 11?1 'l'"'CI Ow 11 lht THf UNOER!IGNEO C01tPOJf10tl
' .. ,_ '" .. oo ''"'Of! w I bl-~ d Of! TUESDAY 11\t ' ' 1 thwll(lrl Mu. U" I 91;1 "'*>! 11 It! I (I I OU1 I rm n~me ot EXEMPLAR: COtll nc:u n It,. t l\KT Of! W Olll dt'I' O! F~btllt 'I' t1'C n W d 0•~-Cwn 'I' vol "9 Prl( n<I> -(0$ I C• OI'" • 11\tl n ICtotlW!nte with llW POLL N(j Pt.ACE IM • n llll Ill\ ti _. ll~rlD'I' eel'! fy lhtl It I• Cono;lucf 'I'll I
Flu Wave OYNAM C$ ul(f lhtt 11ld I rm I ((I~ '" d 111\dtr W•ref!Ollltn'lfll l C!v c Codf 00 IOU Mtt4 l'l6 OlS Ind 113 1n e K l on .. bt lied on Ille Otn ,.~ Q MO!'I I " I • k~ !Mu I"" 1»'11 bonlnu1 !Ktl•<:I ,, vn H . , .. I I
POlfd of 1111 IO loWlflll otrl(lfl Wf\olt S¢CT on 7~ 1t -Dhlrlct bttwffn 1111 houri el 1 (I ( POLLING Pl.ACll ft\eff n lfl•I! ... ti Febrlllt'I' 910 n w d 0 Ir d btl-n Rooml m MOl'llil' " • AW!Nlt llloulOY• d Cot. Mr1• (II for11J1 lllltlllll ntM• II fl.J I 11\(1 pet• of re11cltn~ Is II Pub 11\td 0 1n" (Oj11f 01111 p ol A M Ind • 00 ° Clo<~ p M i:ill "" wll ell Ht I l(f II• klloot (Fl(ll v 0 nlno ,,.. "°"' I 0 1 00 0 (IC(~ AM end • 00 ,,, ••• ,.. ,, torn. th~ 1)(1 !IOI.II I rm n•mt "' $Ul.L v j
lolklwl DK-btf 11 U6t 22t1.., Pe 00 Ind bltw~n wll Cll !lout> lllt "°II llOO"fl) 2 JO "°"'' Allll Avtn111 (Ololt O' ~ PM ~I I d d~Y OV f10 wl< t h "' -COFFEE SHOP 10\0 1111 1tld firm
.. ,•,~,•,'•!..A,,,",', i... 6011 Kt HY Cr LEGA' NOTICE '111 I •m~" otHn 11 wll t h •IK °" nert Me11 C• non 1 IM"loCI 111d btlwttn wn tll nou , ht po 1 ILlCTION PJtl!CtHCT HO 1t coml'Olo~ ot fllt 10 lowlnf CIH'OOl'tllOI\ LONDON f UPI) -Euro-,., '"" ~ wl boo \llbm ttt<I Ille a11111 on °1 nu "' El lCTIOH PRe:C MCT NO U IM 1mt n llPlll" 1 w~Jd1 c~~ on 111 t lfl• n<luC• 'I lllt • " em11r1cfll n w~t p 11'1<"' o Ut or blil ,,. .. LI M
0. td 0.Ct mblr 10 Utt P.J.Ul2 tnd 1~1 flO bonds of Nd D illlcl thtll ln(lulll' t Ille 1 11 imbrttld Jn wl M 1ubm lt<I 1111 QUell on ot 1111 I In• 0 ·~ C-r V(l1 1111 Pf•dr>elt lo IOw.1 peans turntd lo everything Oovelt• "-H•r ,Y llAlt ,,.. !Prev °"'' v e11lho• 1td 11 • m111lmun1 rite 0 ,,.11, Coiin 1 vollnt P Hine • _ Co'1• ,,.,,. mum •~ 1 • lo •• d 0 , lei bit " P•u, ~o 102 end 111•! 120•I on o1 Su 1 v•n ,,,., G• 114, En erp f),.
from medic.I Clinics to IJQU.r ~I~ ' ol (I '°"" 6 Ot•n•t (Ol/fllV CERTl,ICATll 0, I UllNlll ot 1""''~1 OI f .... Off(ttll U ... l " '" ··-·· -· '"' "' c e•Hd I om ll 2t .... ••en t!OO llMUt<I Jt111!• lno 00 YlnQ within tlle NIWpoll Inc nn He llor IOU......... Collll tletllon ll<llcl Oii f'tbrwi.,. 11 lt~t •nd '"" ... v ' .. ><·-· ., ' "' b
cd t r On Otte 10 1969 btlor~ ,..,, " Nol•f'f FICTITIOUS PlltM MAME ••• '"'' ·-,, .. ,, •• , •• ·-··"' -"'"' PO" •••• ,,, ,. ' • ' .. ' v• YI on 0 u., Ol'r ••th ' 00 •ntHfO Me).& n '""' ' Miii C• I lorn. ca 1ne I ay In ques o "''', " '"' •or •• c:1 ~,, "'""n' tv , --""' • , ... V" ... " ""' '" .... .. "''' n 1"' • •. , .. , •• ,, ., ......... Y••• ,,_,,,, 0 POLLING PLACE 11t '"' "'"' bt • w '"''' • .,., '"' ''' ''' • .. ht undtnll·-... ~Oii cer ,, Miiion Do tr• cnoooooo tor !hi PU Pini Ll'dbt . $Cl'IOO fMu Pur-A:OO<nl : • .::.. -•• , ... , ::·,-, •• ,·.~~ ....... -•• • •• VO• ,,~-· CM11l .... PO,. o,,~-, ,.:,· " r elief rrom a wave or lnOuenza •-• ed 00<.111 ••A Hariev known 10 tTK thu 11, 11 ((lllllud no '" •t"''" In. • -·• for the 1o 1cwlnv m £111 "d ~'"'1 c01 , Mei• -...... ..... " "" ....... • _, • '""" ~ , _,,_ -lo bf 1111 '"rMm Wl\ott na'l"I h >ub$cr II< lltvmenl $1 fl and rtlNI r bl.l•loe~ I• tn fl 1 II "~~ Ct lfomla 1!11 >CllOO yea 1911 tn in<:I o M 16 pa Room\ ?lll ~ E 0 (hi d Or ._. l(OltPORATE S~,1.l I t\\ eeplng :JIOTIQ: 30 Cfl at JC path f<:I IO 111t W II n ln>INmtnt Ind nd y d111I II 141 Al PO t Wtv SOum PU PO••• Ell!"CTIOH PRliCINCT NO 1P e•Cll S QO ~ "l!Utd v• utl on tor Ille Stn • Alla (I lo n t S.. v•n tnO Ot ntr
aCrQSS the COOLiOCOl •tknow ftdted he 1•ec11lllcl 1111 tlmt ~nit An. C11 lornl1 11nd1 1111 tlcl!I OtJ1 l•I tilt PUr<l\a1l11• of ICllOol lolJI Shi I Incl~ 1 I ll\t 1 ti fmb f(td In M;hOO ye1 •n UIJ >f d l<K .. Itel I•~ ELl!'CTIOH PRl!'CINCT NO Jt Enlfrp Stt. n
!SEAL) fl m n1m• OI AERO NSTRUMENT lbl 1111 bul!ci II ot purthll n~ ct o inve CWlllY vol flt Pn!C llCIJ _ Coalf 1 • 0 ~mt n n 1 lflcl fat •n ndfll n f tflf nc uO• 1 I II• I e1 1mbt~tW n How• d ~u lv1
Medical ex-rv-rts clas51fled ll M~'Y St II Mo nn sEA:VICE •nd 11111 wlcl 1 m 1 com,0110 H:hool bullcl nvs Mui 0~ ••v Vltw o.st nnd th•t oott""' Pl oo 0 mt thf revt~u,1 01 w11 <II 1 1 o •nQ• coun1v volln11 P ec ntll -Co1 • Pr11i<ltM r Na ' V l'utl le C• !Orn I or 1111 lo !cwl119 H •IOft, wllose n1m1 In (Cl 11141 mtk nt ol • lt.t• °"' o l c:I-01 Cos!• Mt:s• 011 Iv "" w It! n lht 10 bl u\!Od lor , 1 GJl'll! 1 t<l\/Ctl on. M' 1 f.I •nd 161 M Ch•el Gerlnt as a comparallve ly mild fonn P nc Pl Office In u •nd 11 •<• o1 es <lent• I.I 11 to owJ. 't on1 to the l<Jlool 11<1 a"' or N-POl't Mii• uni ec1 Scllool 0 , ct pu PO!ti. POt.LIMll PL•CE t~t11ln 1111 ~ec ''' Y r th d k ] Or1no1 CountY tow tlvllcllnol other thin such •• m1v be POLL NG PLACE Ptult !no $(1\oo1 15.pec I AllrucHon ~T ... T£ OF CAl FORN A 0 e isea~e nown various Y My Commll1 on E~PI " Jetom~ w Voum•n 107 Sw d er netttairv for current mt nlt"fntt M v s !~~t e "1 ~11j ~ 111 Fo t~ llv P<l$P of hOIC! "II S• <I e 11<! on llOO!ll) 1060 P•u 1rlno ,lr,ven11t Co' t COUNTY OF OltANGE ''
as Asian flu Mno flu and AP I o i.11 P •t• o •M• c111orn • OP• ,, on or ,...,, r• °"" ';J '""" v PU "°" 1111 a K on "" bt ~1'<1 1 h• tb¥ M•,. C• torn 1 On 1111 111 Gov ot l>e(tmller AO 1t•
K I C'A Pub1 1llK Or•n111 (1W11t Ot'I' P o O•leclDtt1mt1tr f ,... (<:l)th, •t111rl1111 ~to llfl Of ~=]Me~• c:"io~.v·0 Avenue o,o:terltcltc,n\~d•t<1,wlh!~M.,,h00v' .. ,.. ~LEC.TION PRl!CHCT NO :It '>flln • l'l'IP ltCJl•O IA. l row" Jr~
t long ong gr ppe .-,,,;Jent1sts Oe,ember '' u 15 1969 100 JllWlt'I' 1 /1 Jtrtlmt w VO\~m•n ·~bu Id tit IJI t nY itllool bl; Id "' l!Ll!CTIOM PREC HCT NO ,. K on 0 lhl IWPC> "' n 111• nt ll(!t • It. ..... •mt) .,..,. n No ~ v Pulll t In .tnd !or I• d '°"'"'"" • 1n Br1ta1n said lt w a s tJ(I nto-6f STl'I TE OF CAL FOR NIA 1 01m11HI In 11rta OI' ckt1lrvYltd bv f t sl\a Inc u<:lt 1 1 lh• 1 11 embteclld In )(/\00! 0 c wlllCJI t tel on • "'I"' o an11e CO<.ln v vat f'lll P tt ncl) -Co~ • S • e ti d 111 "'"' 11 dul'I' commfis o
CE COUNTY OF OR ANGE ) U or,,,,,. Pllb C u Im IV 0 tnOt (.ounl'I' votlna D .-.: n $ _ had on lho l'lmt di I ~NI lhU !ht Mt,. GU 111d 11 """ •-n ot M>nt IY OPPt•flCI Mowt
Npread1ng an average of 20 LEGAL NOTI On Detembtr 1. fft MIO . ft'l.I • ftl Ille 111P1>IYl119 of IClloo bu dlno1 P111 • "" l'lll 111(1 th-I 00' on ol pt.Cll'lc!i Jltl 11(1 pllte• tflll 0 ~' I ·~ POLL NG PLACE lh•. n 111• I tit' •I ~u VIII Ind M eh1e Otrlnt• known " miles per hour Na 1 ~ Pub c n •nd for "'d Countv •nd •nd t rQund1 w 111 lurn lure eQll PMlnl P•u • "" a..1 y "' w Thin lho New11<1 1 ~" ed o '°"duct lh • t K M • • n• K 1 y~ ockt Scl>OO (Mu PU 1101t "'' to ~t ~ P ,~lc:ltnt •!Ill seerell•Y 9 T-4H'1 s • , Jlef'°"' v t P'Ptl M Jt Ol'l'I• W o n1ces1t v 1111>1 11111 of t " m1neAI M,,~ u~ fl! khon 0 1 ,1 s1me •~ llf' 11 ~• n<: ~ PC> ng P 1ce1 t nll Room) 315S Kl vb ockt l•n• Coi. • hf <o PO • Oii h•I ~~O!(Ultc:I I~~ w lhll fn 1t~ y. akc m llhons of SLIPl!ll Olt COURT OJI' THS voum•n known to nw lo b@ ~ " •on n•turt POLL NG Pt.ACE 11,,.. 11 ,111 II• ~ off te • •""° n td lo <onauc:1 "d bonc1 Mt•~ C1 o n 1 n• romtnl on ~ho I or tt.e torao 11 fff
E"r.™'"0' .. ere m•serablc IT•re OF CAL!,.OftH " FOlt Wl\01• name • 1ubstr btd IO 11\t w lllln !I II\~ Pf ..... nenl lmProvemenl or Ill• 11 .. v II tw k llOO {Mu PU P01t t 0( on ELECT ON PltliCIHCT NO ,, d ... !lit t in namod •"11 IC~llOWlfdOed to ,,... ,,~., ·' .. THE COUNTY 0, OllAHGI n• ument •rid IC know ed•ed lo mt lh• Khoo II OUndl Room ,,,, s E 0 cll~ro 0 IY~ The vet l'ltj p t ( n(f1 •~d PO "' 0 •tel •h•ll ll(lu<lt t t !ht a ti emG l tf '" 1111 1uch co PO • M fW*<U •d lltt ~-ti h f d Ct !IS hf t~f(ultd Ille ume !Ill l~I Cl t'l'lng OUI ol th~ Pro lee ' or S•n Ano Cn !~,..., o llll y (jt1 !Ill~ 'd e t I~ o AW~ 0 ll\llt Coun V VO nt lr1't "'"h -(O• I n W ln•11 Wh• O<(}f I lllY' h~rlunlo Jd \\I l CQUg S ever an 1J Clst Numbtt 0 l Ol W l!le'lt mv hind 1~d ..et pu pm,e• Aulh(lrlltd !" Std on 15' ol l!LECT OH PRl!C NCT NO '' ELECT 0 , Pll£C N(T NO 1 MA!•• 01) 1110 I ""lld R ve V tw ,, tnY l\l lld Ind •I Id "1Y Glf c •I ~· 1tM
-one fourth of !he popula SUMMONS MIU e~ A Peth•""' 11. E<:IY(.11 on (Ode fo w p °" d 11(1 ifll. II( lllle a I tr-... • t• • ...,,br•c·~ n POLLING PLACE Ill• t in lh8. l>e ti d~Y '""¥el II th, cert I c1t1 first •bollf r d I L LL l<N GEftfRLIOE MOR•N p ~lfl II No•• v Pub c Ct ror11 . ftWI ' tnd dlri n• 1<:1 ... 11• t IO ' etl 0 1nge c ' ' I 1 '"' n( u<lt • ne I •• •mb eced " 8t• 5 "'' SCflOlll (Ot! c• 3100 a.. w lltn lions 0 France a n !ta y one Vs RAYMOND GEORGE MORAN Oeltn 0 lntt CounlY Incl OI' d ,11(111 of WWIPt •nil d ~ lllllt M~•· ~ ~~ y ,;0 11(1 ,,..~ nc \ -Col . 0 •"!I• Coun y YOl "9 prec nc. S•ree Cat a Mtll C•I orn a OFFIC •L sea ) lh1rd of Spain fewer 1n oo,•, •• , E •• ,,, ,.,,, ... My Comm Hen E.1toln11 Cl<' or IWIY from .,,,11 l(hoo p -tv POLLING Pt. ... CE Ill " I ... Ntw<IO' Bftch °" •nd 0, EL!rCTIOH f'tlEC MCT HO ,, p • ' ' J ,. • ,. Nov 6 lf7l A of 11'tt forttane P ll po1 es p 1 t!"en 1 ""ti POLL NG PlACt' !hf e" ~·t bt al 11\fo lncl!/llP ""I tt.e •~• •mb c•d n Clll ff;W n Portugal Wesl Gcrn1any and CALIFORN A o lit 1!>0ve n•med Ray COMEH I TOKJ(I! & OWIHI AHTI t nun11 ettd l\l'rtln , e ht"bY "" td 10\0 R~ ~Jc~ CSoec: n• t"' on Cook Rt• ~nee ~)• $sv II! A•tfllll: o •no r ccvnlv vot "q o ''Inch -itoi • 111" a Y P~h tCt <orn 1
Bl I ta in mAv!. o,~.~,·~,',,''••'',",Mw'~ '' ''' 0 1112 Ho •rN<:lw1t Su Ht Jlt •h• be voted uPOll 1• ont slno 1 p a. M•ia C• 0 n ~u 1 no •enue ost1 Ba l>M Ca lo n • ttor!a i»r 166 an<I u :; •":~:$ Co~niv' In w~ ·• " $111 1 Ant Ct II PO• Hon ELECTIOH ELECTION Plll!CIHCT MO I PO\.L NG PLACE he t n she ~ • f fi h 8()0 QOO Of al 11 s Cou I In wll ck II~ lt>OYe rnt I ed p11hl lhed O •nlWI C0111t D1 IV Plot Saki beMls 11rot>Olltd lo bfl ss11td tnd l'REC!HCT NO XI 111• nc udt 1 l h• l flt t n b 1ct<1 In 50flllrl )(hOO (S~llt ln1 vCI on My Comfll •on E~n 8l n ome W ere 1tt on t1 1>rouoll1 1 wr en P ••d ng In o ..umber u 'S INt 1nd J•n ,,., 1 1akl es" 1ulhorl1ed b'I' Ille • e<I Oft <•I e'CI •lwl 1 nc v<le '1 he ~ 11 •n ~'•c•d In o a ~ Counrr vot flO p telnc • Room till SOnor• Ra.d C~ll Me.a Ju Y 11 1'" the Clly S 2 {I mil!Jon In •~on•e la Ill• vt I td Comp I nl w Ill n ]9111 Ut7"'9 bY th s n(>! <• 11\j beer n I •1 t i • 1• e O l fllll Co.m!Y Yol flO PK 11th -(Ot!I Newp11< !\11th 016 and 0t1 (;1 Mn ~ IU)BEllTSON HOWS~lll ,loND GAltLAMll
I b IJ ft J l•n dlY$ l fltr l~t 11rvlc1 on y1U II 11111 nal txcHC nv s1..en Pert1nl 1 •I Pe an. M~•a C4l tnd 11 POLL UQ PL ... CE 11\t ~ n •Ill I be ~ ELICTION Plll!C NCT HO t1 '14t Ctmtll> DI" vi
la it ants were I a Jans ,",'.:~ .. on,•,,,,!.. w,','"• _•,,•,.' ,,•,, •. ',", v~ LEGAL NOTICE: 1111.,, Pav ab• ennue IV tor Ille 1 ll vea POLLING PLACE Iha • n ·~• t>t • N~woort E ~mtnti .,. 5,1100 1, ~ ~1111 "' ud• 1 .,. 11 e• tmb a(td tn ~r:::.~, •••t~ C•I fo 111•
\}'..ere try1n; a variety O[ cures '"""" ,. "' -" he t>onas tlfv• lo nm 1nd i•m annua v ~1 Yb col<• s cr.oo !Mv t toY POH ~ ~ .,nil 81 tio.t B<>u f~• a 111 bO<ll Ot•M• coun1v 'IOttnt ..-ec1nc; 1 -Ccs • Pub •h•d 0 •"~~ c.,..,1 0, IV Pt~• l d 11rw1d • 1twlltrt ftxcept 11111 r lit 1c T-4ffJI 111~ ell e ooml 1 53 K llYDrO(ll(1 LMlt Coste Ct 10 n 11 M•)• o t ~n<:I 020 0 !IP , 11 1 '1 96t n s '4t inc u 1ng one newspaper s llon 'ao• nll lhl •• t PUflUln lo Stt> NOT CE TO Cltl:D TOllS The flllmber of 'l'tlTI !he W~O!e 0 any M;~c~ro~o ~~E ... ,. NO '' ELECT ON PllECINCf NO J POLL NG PLACE "'• f,,, ~h· .,.. •t1--K_•_• __ • ___________ _
recommendat1on thal two 11cn na s or lht COO• or Cl~ 1 P ocldu • OF 1ut.K TllANSl'Elt n1 1 01 111e 1>ooo, a , to un $111 no er • ""1 rn: u<:le • 111e ,,.., ~mb iced tn o ~"'• CO¥! co e'' (P•re son Gvm
Id d w thln 80 d&y! You t e nol l!td tn11 IS.ts '101 .. 111 UC CJ c~td ?S veer• from !he Cllle ol lhl bMd~ "11' Inc Ude • "" • ~· 'mD •c•d n Or•r.g~ Cwn v v~t II(! p IC nct1 Foye l 1101 Ft ••ltW flo.d Ct>.511 LEGAL NOTIC E
aspirin m hot water WOU 0 u~ ~n You '"° t ., w '" a 1>11n1 ve "'° ,, s 111 ebv tlVll'I to tttt c fl! tors or 111e dt ., 01 1nv "'' ,~ t/\le .01 Oranqe Counh Yo ""' "'ec; nci. -Centi NtwPO 1 llt,,ch oil ind !(IS M•s~ c~ tor~~ 1---------------the tr1ck p Pad ng the p •Int If w ake llldllmtnl ol OSCAR J ALSPAUGH •nd OOROTHV Fo Ille PU POJt ot llD dlnll •• d I K nn Me .... Oil Ind I~ •nd It ... ~ Vl~w 163 POLLING PL ... (f lllf"'" t~a ~ II l!LECTIOH PR'llC NCT NO 3C lo ~n• mone~ or dnmall~I demanded In A ALSPAUGli T•i n1terot• 1t11i'lole ~e O 1 cl W be ,,nd It 11 lit tbv POLLING PLACE 11\t en !Ila!! Oe "" w~ ,on R~ ll~nct Ga oge ]Sftl th~ I ochJde 1 llw I Pl emb ~c~~ In
A favorite 111ed1c1ne tn tne Como ant at.. 1 1lng 11pcn tont act Du1 ntH add eu 11 191t No lflerrY L•M d v ded n o lortv our (44) Bol'<I E « on Bta S ff Sd'•OOI Orr c• l 00 Bee S.O~•llor• o v~ NtwPOfl B~tcll Or"not Coun.,. YOI "II a tc nd1 -COi a
I o w I IP<' v a !he Cau I for Inv o!Mr Un I 11 Si ta Ant CounlV ol O 1119t P ed..c 1 numl)e td f om 1 '" u con S eel Cao a Mtst Ct ton• ca lo "8 Mtt• Ct:I 0$9 and 11'0
l'lCT flOLIS NAMI Portugal \vas b r andy n rr ~ drm•nded n 11\t (OIT>P a nl s •• cl C• lo Il l lll•t' bu k ansltr 11 ~Kiii Yf ¥ •• ht•eln•I ,, d•1cr bl'(! l!'LECTtON PRE( NCT NO " ELECTION PllEC NCT NO POLL NG PLACE ll'ler~ln tl\I! be 8
E I d ti C C Id You m•Y snk lhe 1dvlce OI an lllorntY abou to be mt<:le to PERRY M The vol no p K nc s end PO 1'9 p IC•S 1111 1 nc ull• • llt a,,, '"'~ l tt<f n 1110 nclud~ •I 11~ tn!t tfl'lb i ctd n Co ltoe P~ k S<l'IOOI (Ft 11 v 0 "nb lite Und• 'on•d doe1 C~ IV ~ I• t'llt
ng an le ommon O on '"' m•tt•r connecltll ,. th 1111 torn McCOLP "' i nd MICHELLE M <:111 v dt• ~n• ed 1 e 11 to cwt Or1nge CO<Jntv •ot"" "''' nc 1 -Co1 a 0 a"9e Co< n ~ vn r>o !>"•C nc , Room > ?310 Nolrt o•m• Road Coit• due ng • bus"""" ~1 8•~ No 8 °"'~~"
Unit al Salisbury c a me up ' • "' ,, th' iu'l'lman1 Suell t ttornt'I' McCOLPIN T ,n. e en. wllO•e bvl "'" ELECT ON PREC NCT NO 1 Me•a 031 u •nd " N ' R ~ II Oll5 •nil 00 lld II Vt ''"' N·•~ C• l0tn. S~n1$ An.a Ca ro n. uncle !Pie f c I
Id 1hou d ff COlllu ltd ~th~ Ille I mt 1 m I 1tdd ess ~ JlOli N~o une A~e!\Uf NoWJl(I l /\I I II( \Ide 1 I 1/\t t H tmbroctd In f'OLl NG PLACE • • n 1/\• 06~wf)()r e a ELECT OH PR EC l<ICT NO lS... m nnmt O S II SPEEDY tN ST"-N
Wtfu 11 \ a cc1ne it ~a ld \\IOU lltlfd n 111 1 1~,..m~n• la 1 111 1 wrll ll"•och countv g1 Orantt s e e a! o 8,,~, Colintr vol n~ p e net$ Sonc a Sthoo fSpec 1 rOLL NG !'LACE 1111 G" '"" bo 8 ,na nc vile a 1 n• a "n •ml>r•c n PR NT NG CENTE It •Ml "• ll d t'~
o ffer better prolec\!on against ltn p ttd nt 11 th• comPlt 111 C• o n • N~wt>O t !'!etc/\ 099 •nil 0) Room 9M Sono • ll~d 1 0 nvnQ ~t GPntt Ga ·~· a l)8 0 ~nor Co<.m volln'l P tc nt 1 -Colle 1 com1>11std of lh~ '°low n~ ct :,d
b t 'h I t (SEAL Th• p ne• Iv to b, I •n~fe rtd IJ POLLIMG PLACE tllert n 11\a bo I Ce lorn• N ~ A " e N !!entn M n • ~nd "l1 w/\os,.;tmt n IU arid P ~ct O •• C• the current varie ty u ~ a I w E ~T JOHN OC•l•d ~ 1664 NfM'l)rl II va (0114 Cock Rtl Mnc• .ua 5tv It ... v1n11~ fLECTlON PRECINCT NO )I en un Vt u tWl>I' POLL NG p~"'"' ·~~,.. n ~. ~· • I ~~ -·
lkl !db S b)eiQ CnnvCe k ~nd(~k M~~~ Covntrol 01nQt Soteoi IUl>na (al lone lh8 ncdea h~•t•tMQtt!lln C•f0tne McN~vH o~S~n MeTnSdnQ S~Pl>t Po ~ ]'1•Btlll•tt l e y wou e llllpo SI 0 /\e Su1>er 0 Covt1 0 "" (8 orn I ELECTION Plll!'CIHCT NO I 0 •"!I~ Coun v VO ng p tC nt ~ -CO•. ELECT ON PRECINC T HO l'OY• Oil N WO~ 8ov 'v& d r~·•aen• C• 0 " •• 01
produce enough o[ 1l 1n lime s•~. 01 ca '"'"a 1o he "Se d P 01>e11v ! <:1e1< !)f'll lft 11enua ~11111 ~t ud1 • 1 111e • •• emb ece'CI In MK• o ~and 010 '"" Int u<1to • 1h• • ~• ,,,.,o •<•d n c~. ~ "' ~ c~ ~ n 8 °•"" Decfl'flb<!• 3 fit
Coun y cl O enge 8~ A ~lot~ n lrld~ l Y Un!• tou Pmen 0 &1\11@ Coun y vc n11 p ec nc!s POLl NG PLA,(£ t~ en 11~ ti.-II 0 l "flf Covn vo "II preC ..C \ £ll!'CTION PllEC HCT NO '' S~ PD• Ros kt
BY Mare y Kenn•c:IY lloi'Du v lflO aO(ld w of he! t>ee •vf n bu• o>eH NewPO I Bttcll OM t nd 091 0 11 oe Cot Co ~' p~ en Gvrn N•w1><1 B • ~I •nd ~81 \he n ud• • ""' • •• emb •e•~ "IS Mr Of Ci lo n t O~ M Ot 11 1969 known •~ lHE ESCAPAOE BEi!' ft POLL NG PLACE lllt eln ~Ill be a Foy 1701 r1 v ,w R~•d Cos 8 POLL tlG PLACE r>C r" >~•I ,,, I 0 """ Co n Y ~o ~ D ~t nc -(01 ~ O ~r;:• O Covn v 00 0 < m• 0 --~~=ccc-=cc-=-~""::-::---1JAMES LOYD ll!OGIORS TAVERN end IOCI M • 166• N~woeo"'l Newoort E!tmenlr y $cl\(lll • h Meu C• le n I N~wl)(l 5ho ~· c~m.,.,vn Al ot. M• ~ n ~II ~n<I OloO , 'mb> l 9u
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE t"OTTl!R CRE M & ROGERS B Yd CO$ a Mtll Coun y cl 0 •nge S <! end llllbol !IOU...,., d B• bol ELECTION PRE( NCT NO 34 I Ofl Bu C ll<l 11 C411i SI te PO L NG PLACE II • n 1hn bf" • No ~ry Pub c " ~1'<1 or )t d $!~!!. STATEOl'CALll'ORN IA~OR 50IW•llMfnSIHI Stll ~ofCa famn Ca Ion a '1•a !n,1ide 1 ~e a r• •mb.iced n NPwPO B ~c ( nn" W~tt •r Scllocl Sn!'C ~ ln•I P~ onev l<>Pe1 ed SklPPfr Ito ~II
THE COU"TY OF 011: ... NGE A llambrl Ci lo 1111 t\10 lhe bu k I 1n1fe W I bo ton1umma eO ELl!CTION PllECINCT NO J 0 Inge Coun v YO no f)l"tt nt _ Col 8 ELECTION PR EC NCT NO 6 R OM HCO No h Wll koown o m• c be lie 11t SOfl W/\01
HO •,.,OJ AttGrMYI tor P 1lnUll on o 1f er 11\t ??rid d8Y nl O•c•m~ >he t nt IXlt ~ Ille • e1 ...,.,,, 1c"ll tn M•H 02'1 019 •nd 10 !hi I nc u(I• e r • •• • b a d n " ~ r~ nr • n~''" 1 Vb~c btd to lht w 11 n 1~
NOT CE OF HEARING OF P ET T ON Pub •/\rd O ingt Co"~ 0• y p ot ~~ ;of O 00 A M a GROVE fl ESCROW 0 ante Coun y vol II<! P e' nc!l POLL NG PLACE h, < n ~· ,,,.. 0 O ""llflt (O<Jn y vo "II g ~' n ELECT ON PllEC NCT NO l7 ~,'",'m"o and •c•nowJedg~d II~ ex,cuhl
FOii P ROBATE OF W LL ANO FOil Otcember 11 18 25 1969 1nd Januf VI CO RPORAT ON 111 So no1 Anaheim NtWPO I 8~aCll 013 1nd 01 CG ~t p8 k Schoo tl'acvtv O 'J flq B~~cn 0 5 h~ n d~ • lh~ ~ t• ~,..h ac•~ n LETTEll~ TESTAMENTARY 9 O 2'/85 69 (<>Univ of 0 1nat Sii t cl Cl to n I POLLING PLAC E tne en ,~. be 1 ROllm '380 Nol e Dame Raed Cos I PCJLL NG PL ... CE Ike e n sha be & 0 •no• Coun 'I' VO flll P K nth -Co I E~la ! cl JOHN HEt RV FORD So It ~I knowrt to lht T ln•fe:ffl & WI son ReilCenct IG• ate J50l MtlO Ca ornlt (lgrme Rt <1 nc• fGa ilQ~ ? 1 Va Mt1! 01! O~• 1n(I O"' O""'•~HI LEGAL NOTIC E t>u1 nfH n&mt1 arid •O<:lrt1"1111td bv Ille S•t •hO e Drlvt Newp0 t Ilea'~ ELECT OH PRECINCT HO u O jon Newon I !'!e .. fll C& on I POLL NC: PLll.CE Mt n ~h• h • ' NOT CE IS k ERE!'!Y G VEii fl\• T 1n$letO ~ lor ffM th fl )fl s .,, pas! Cl IQ n. Sha t "' ,,, • ' , ••••• om•,,,, " EL£CTIOl<il PftEC NCT NO I ,. Pe• s hoo ( ... ll lo U'" Ill RoOHIC Foll Ill' I P<lh•entPOI on 1---------------$ ECEC•ON••ECHC• O " ' $ C M
0 pQOa eol w endlarhiuan<,OI a e eme ,1 I N 4 Oange Cwn vYO!l"'Clptttntl -Cos i ~lll n~<le& he•••~"'tl~<ed ""'" t! 0•1 e 11 L• 10 , T•itamenla v 10 Pe one T-41119 Oa td Ottemher 5 '"' 'r sl\111 nc ude & I Ille I ea emb aced In Mesa o 1 .,n<:I on, o •r>Q~ Ci:.un ~ •o ng p ec nc NewPOO nofe ·~ e ro v.h ti\ ~ mlltle la u "'' HOTICI! OF INTt:NTIOH TO Pe rr M McCo p n •n•hl •• 0 lll(lf Covn!V VOi ng p Kine 1 POLLING PLACE ,,,.,. t" !h~ .... a 6e1c11 Ol'J
P• IC~ I ' and lhal t/\f I me •nil p l(f CREATE SECUR ITY IHTEJtEST M <hec~~ ~ia,~;Ai1~1:1• et Newpart Be1c/\ Ol5 end 100 Ind Rive yew McNa y H gll $tl\Oll CM•" llu d no POLL NG PLACE th t II •II•
01 ~a n~ tP!e gem' h•! been set fo {Sffl. '101 '101 UC Cl GROYEll E~ Ml Fove \ 1901 Ntwr>a 1 Bou evard 0 ltfl r:i~ lden(r 1 V • Men on• Jenua 'I' 1 19)(1 •I t lG 8 m " l~t NOTICE s lie tOV (I ye o 1t1e II S~ t I~ :tor tlltl POLLING PLACE lht In Iha be •I Cod& Me._. (& lo n a NrWJIO' llt•Ch Ca on~
t aurttocm (If Oeper men• No 3 of :I.Id c td 0 . ol PERRY M McCOLP H And Anlhl mH '1S11 ~1· Homvno A:t1dence Ge tDt) .aoe ELECT ON PltECIHCT NO H ELECT ON PRECINCT HO I
t l"urt t i 1l)Q C ~ c Cenle O v• V ts! Jn ~.:;sH0E~;sEntJ~ ""°M~~.o~: rl116 ~~.~~Se 11'::;~w5h:i O el\Gf (Ol ll OI V p lol ~P:~n~lf Avenue NeWPO I Be•,~ s0he t "' 11df 1 I ~ a ea embr1ce11 !fl 0sha I "'',~ •,I ~ ~.~a :.':cb n~:d
11\e C !Y ol San~ An .. (I tor n a Ot(ttnbe 11 960 1181-69 ELECTION ttRrt:CllriCT NO J 1"111 CounlY VO nq P'eC nc S -(oslt anqe ~ " Oat!d Oec~m~r 9 ~' Av...,vH t eWPD I Btecll Cauntv OI '" MO'..t o 6 OSI 1n~ 1)60 N~wpo.-1 Po~ h 09' a"d 116 .,., E .ST JOHN Or•Mt Sn e otCalorne l~el ~ttcur LEGAL NOTICE 11\ell lrn:ude el tllt a et embraced POLL NG PLACE lt>trn ~ta l,,.. • POLL NG f'l AC E lo ~n ~h• lit" (oun v C erl< tv n e n l h ebool 0 (I• c ee ~d bY Dell-0 •n~e Countv YOllll'I P tc nd1 Wll "' Scl'Oll Snee 8 Ot er E~ 0~ $en<:>a XIOCI c THOMAS ( J(ING or trl<I g ~n td lo OSCAR J ALSPALIGl-l NOTICE TO Clll!OITORS N•wno I 11 .. acll 011 Ind 081 O N I !!~~ell Ce ton 11 1S01 W•llC I D YI end OOROTHY A At.SPAUGH SKll ~o SUPElllOR COURT 0,. TNI! Pt'lLL NC PLACE Ille en ka I bt" • Roam) 1800 "°" h Wh v~ WP<l Su II MumllCr Ul Pa •I Whost b;J~ n .. u tdd tH I 9 9 STATE: OI" CAL l"OltP(IA l'Oll NeWJltl I ~llo ts Commun v Ali.ot I MoM (1 On I ELECTIOH PRECINCT HO '
Newport aeecll C•I tor" 1 9?6'0 Nr Sher y Lint Un I ? Sao 1 Ana THI!' COUNTY OI' OllA NOI I on Bu d mi Sl CtneF SI ~l l!LECTION JtREC HCT t 0 31 Ill~ 0 et ~mh a ed 111
Tt 1104419741 Cout1 .,. cl o a"!l'll Sit e of Ct lo n 1 Ne A 44231 N•wl>OI" l'••cll C• o n 8 •hi I nc vde I I he • 08 "'"'" •~~ n P fC nc
AllorN!V for Pe I oot r Tiii! o oe>e v n wh ell /\e SKu Iv E ~ rt GEORO A WI N IF It E O l!'LECTIOH PllEC NCT NO ' 0 ""11" Coun Y vc ng Pl•t n 1 -Co1 &
W •· < '' od , " otne "" " " " slle I ot vde 1 I lh1 a ti t mb •c•d I~ Me ~ 018 004 nnd O~ Pub ~h•d 0 ~~~• Coa•I Oa > f' ol ""'" W LOER Deceased o c N POLL NG PLACE h b Oect "'be i 1969 11',~9 1 ~1u ,•1ndtqu pmrn ofOeb o cove ng NOT CE S HE llEBY GVEM lo 1~1 •~Ge ouny vo f'lllPftntl ewoot etn ha t" ===---· orn<>l' v now )ota td a 1"64 Newoo Bt•<ll C7S e "' Rta S'~Oll A d o um R Cl Co 11 Mtl& Countv of O l"91 c iod Ol"S ol I h ~ •bcYe namt<:I cl«eden POLL NG PLACE lht t ln she! be ft Hom ~ ~ et c ... I
11.rr.11: 21ri
No A 614'! Est~ e "' ED TH M ... R E WEST I so •~own &~ €0 T. M WEST 0• t.o~ea llOT CE s HERE l\V (,IVE:N 0 he < 00 o ~ ol lie abc"llt' fl•med dtcffifnl
!h~ ~ t "~ s~n' ll1v nq c I m5 ana "~' tne ~I d d cea~nt 1 " rtou e(I o I ~ hrm
w th lh~ n'ce ,~...,. •ouc:hrri; In 11~ 11n '' " the cJe ~ ol ha above en ed cou I o
lo D e.en hem w fl fie ntces•• Y
llotJCll"'s I" hi U"d• s 0"'11 ~t C 0
P unk• I & P vnl<e ! A o n•v• • L8W
A l 0 Y( AvP Bo~ 7 f Hun! ng!on
ll•atll Co I c n • 9764! wt> c~ I• the 1> I<"
)I bus nf" nf Ill~ tind• • 11nad n a I ma
t••~l'l•nno ~ heP•o•ol>&<:l dtc• den w!ll n 4 menh1 &le• lhO l fS
p b ~•Ion el lh • no c•
01ttd o~t"m!to s 96' Gartlnv ! Schw1 r
Admn s ~ •w ~ h•wl onnP•e<l ol II ,. a e a 1111 1bovt
na"'l'<"I <l~ced~
A ornav1 11 t.1w •UO v11<t &t•'6•
Nunt n•ton a eatll C•I I •HU PllOl>H ti 4) 5l6 XIJO or !lo\ HTI
A a MVI lor Adm n nr11r If
"' Ill lllt w I 1nnt~1d Pvb 111~0 o ano1 co~1 O~ ~ P lo OP-ttmbe 11 a 15 1969 ~no J•nue v 1
1970 l~U..it
KNOW All MEN 8'1'
T!'la !he und" 1 9111d dcu
t i I fy The lo ow ng
I The Unde 111ned 1 en•ect ~~ o
" OPOStl o tn~oc 1>u1 "" • n he S t e
nl Cl le n & unde !he I c ou1 name OI PEN l>IR CONf ROt
1 The o nc Pa p "'' of ••!I b1is n111 11
s ~ e ol ca fo n • •nd bus n!"Sl kn(>wn es Ila ""1 Pt sons ll•vifltOI < 1 ms 108 h•I 1111 8onnt R•!ldtn(t IG• 1ge 1 ~ V • C~ orn •
lHE ES(l\PAOE BEER TAVE llN -Id Cltcedenl • ~ e<iu tO o I t lhem 0 lM ~ •w1>or"I B•&(h CA o n • ELICTIOM PRECINCT NO U l ho i!o e•l II !KU IY t lnJ&C on w w rt. !ht ne(t•SI V Yl>llthe ' n th~ oll Ct liLECT ON PRECINCT NO 7 •hi nt ud~ a ~t •ea r nb ~ced In
be cM•umma e<:I on or Alf llt ?'2n0 c:lav of /\t c ' k ol The abcve t n I td tc..-(It 11!1 !"IC YC• • Ille a t• •mD •<~ In 0 tng• Covn y vo ~t I> f( ~t (OJ a ol Oecem~• 069 • O 00 A M ~ o r> ••en hem w Ill !lie n!'Cen1rv 0 Ince Co.in .,. vol "II P e<: ncl -NtWPO Me •11 nJ1
GROVER ESC~OW COQPORAT ON l vouc~..-J 0 ! II• Ullilet5 ooltd 1n t& e ol 8P• ~ !193 POLL NG PL,I.(£
So I nos Anahtm Ca c 11 1 JAMES l RUBEl JR AO ntY • LJW POLLING PlACE 111~ en 1hr hr a Pomcnt Schoo S<""Ce n
1 8 mtMI~ l'l1 V a ~~ o ~ 11 N•w~o I Se•ch 0 •Ni ft et ~nee ~ V • Mtn ont Room ?O~ PomMA Av~ ~
So 1 "' ~nown n lh s~cv &<! Pe IV C• lo n a 91-.. w c • ht P &t~ 0 Ntwon 8eacll Ca 10 n • Me"1 Ca 0 n" bU1 n!"Ss of !he ul'de -d In A met trl ELECT OH PllEC NCT NO I ' b 1 ntJ• nam•• and add '""'"~ bY p~ ta ""0 !O 1ht t51& •of std dKedtn >II~ I ric uot " the ft ti ...,brited In ELECT ON PREC NCT NO 3' """'Oehto lo Ir-... lh It! Vt& S rast P&sl w h n 10<.lr mo~ II• t iter !Pie j 1t p~b I<• o ano~ County vol na p tc nc , 111& Inc 11dt a I he a e1 •mb 11c d ~ 1 e Sam"' 011 of 111 • no! te N•wDorl eeac~ 09t •nd 316 0 f flOt Coo o v vc l'l<I P et nt -Ca• a
Oate'CI O•ctmb• 5 '6' Oa K Novtmb<! 1! l96t POLL NG PLACE tt.ert n il!a ! be 11 M~• 0' 019 and DSS SECUREO P/llllV /I J(llln P W m, !-i,.,..1ce Ens 'n Sclloo 1900 C! If POLL NG PLACE; ~· • n >llA
O!.CI J AllP~\lllh Admnst al(I o ve Newport S•acl! C• lorn • 'I son Schoo lfc1chc • l11flfh Doo/\y,O. ,._,.,~.,.,11 0 ' OoO"• ESCROW CORPOll,11,TION Of llt f'llA e of ELECT OH P•ECINCT NO t oom 80 W ton S ff! Cos I MtH the abov~ ~•m~ dtt!<l!nl (.a lorn a 11 So I no 1 JAMES L RUaEL. Jll •hi I rn: ude a the '"'' fmb iced In ELECT ON PREC NCT HO 60 An1111lm C• lorn 1 A lorMr 11 Llw 0 Af19! Counlv vet no P K nd1 5111 nc voe 1 ll'tt • t• tm(I iced n
l 1ctOW No l:H 0 J02 v . O~orro N•wPOrt B••t h 071 l!'td 08• 0 ' ' l'ub 1he<l O an~ (Oil 08 'I' I' ol Ntwl'Ol'I l tach Ct I ,,,61 POLLIMG PLACE tht en ill• be Al t "!ft ounlY YO nq P<"tc nt 1 -0111
Otc•flll>e I 1969 1289 69 Tt IP .... M (110 ,,, •11t NeWPO ' He htlr H 9h Sc/loo MlC Mes• 01] 1nd II Vtr v tW 6!
Allorntr '""Adm n 1rritor rv ~t Avtn11t Newoo Beatl! POLLING PLAC<' /It' n ""I ~ I
LEGAL NOTICE P11b 1h<!d 0 anoe CO••I 01 v P cl C• fo n 1 ~0~1';; ~-~"'fa 10®~ ~Vt 0 1 SI •t
O•cember ' 11 II 'IS 196• 1250 69 ELECTION PltECINCT HO ,. ELECT!Ol<il PllEC NCT NO 0
Jhl nt !Ill~ a ! '"' lfN tmbr•<•d In LEGAL NO fJCE 0 anoe Coun!V vol ng p f't nc, •~• AC udfl ' 11• ""~• •mD ""'"" " -------, NtwPO t Beac~ oto and Oil O •>Ill• Coun v vo n11 11 « nc • -co.ia
p ™'' POLL NG PLACE lh~re n sllA bf" ~ Mt1": 05 l~d OU CEllT FICATI!: OF BUS HESS Ml ne~ Sclloo (CMt!O vm 1 CO POL NG PLACE I~~ e n •111 1 be •
FtCT IT ous NAME M 0 NewPO I Btt(h 8" ~· c $(1100 (P nc ,,,.., 011 c~ Tiie ul'lfle 1 gn•<I do•1 tt ! !• he 11 con-c: ,~;n 11 ve 1915 81 oa c 0 Vt C.cs I Mose
due no a bui ntH ~t l I Mt n S '' l!LECTION PllEC NCT NO l Ce loo A Hun "9 on fltlth Ct lo 110 nd• Ill .. 1111 nt ud• I I !fl~ 1 ff emb IC~d In ELECT ON PllEC NCT NO fl
f c ovs 1 m name of THE ESQU IRE O •not coun y vol no p et ric s _ •hi fl ud~ a
and 11111 •• ll t m 1 (OmPOled of !lie Nrwl>ll t !leach MO tnO :JCI
lo ow no te son Who•e name ~ lu Ind POLLING PLl>(.E lie en sha b• a
P ICC OI res oenc• Ill IO ow• Ma ... ' LI brarv IMu OU"°,
Ravmond F inc 1 0 M& I $ ~ A 11 ftocm) 1Clll1 Oovtr Or Yf NtWPO I Ba DO<'! 81'1' C 11D NtWl><'I Bel(h Btlch ("" lo 'l.'• D11eo Nov~mb• 19 1969 t"Lt:C TIOH Pltl!CIHCT NO ,,
R1vmond F 0 Hera II& l11t ud« a lhl ~ ea ~mb •ttd In
Sin f cf C•I fQ n I 0 nnq1 CDunlY vain n p tt ncb
0 ange CO<Jntv NtWllO<'I B11c11 06!I &rod 307 On Novembe 1969 l>tlc. me I POLLING PLACE Ille f n !ht l>t .,
No 1 Y Put> c n 1nd le 11ld Sitt• Stuc•ev R•1 Gene~ Ge ate 7.\01 v ,
""''Olla v &Doe• fll R1vmond F 0 Ht • M• ... "'""'"" ,., •• ~ C• lo " • known 10 me 0 be '"" DI 1cn Wl\Olf ELECTION ,ltlCIHC T NO u
nemt s ~ubsc Md '" !hf W h n n sllft t n<luOt " lllr ~ et tmb etW In 11 um,nl and •<kflOW fdgfd ~a Ultul9d O IA~I CounlY vol no Pn!C nc s
~f s1m! NtwPOrl 8etch :iot J!D 311 and Iha "°
focated a 1610 Eo•I 11 fl $! te San t I {OFFIC AL SEAL on ol N~woo 1 tlt•cfl 064 Iv no wn11 n 11\f Jt~" L Jobst Newpa I M•11 Un I ed Scl>OOI 011 r ti Ana(alt'o•
J The u n~mt c l\P ~ndt 1J;otd 11 MERMll.N N PH LHOV ER
I The o ace of 1 n~Ace ol the Un
ti~ • 11ntd t 10 tlo n P eten e AYe!l~i
AParmenl C Fu eon C• fO na
Oe ed Nov 6 969 Ii~ men N Ph how'r SfATE OF CAL FORN A
COUNTY OF ORANG~ 1 55 On Novernt>e 6 969 119to e me 11\t
r><:ll' '9""d "No a Y Pub!< n •nd lot
S~ d Slllf Pf >Ott Y 01><>•1 e<I HP 1>111
M Ph llOwe<" known lo mt o be hi 11~ s°" whc>e Mame • 1vb1C btd to Ille
w h n I'll umrn ~nd ac~now edv'd to
m• ~•I lie executed Ill• '""" WITNESS my !land tr.ti ot.f c 1 sul
K~ Ill C We Pull
llote v Pub t -C~ ro n •
P ncp~ Olf ce In o •n~e Coun y
Mv comm ~1 °" e.11 es Mer~~ :t. 191'3 Pub !htd Orenoe DtcemDtf' 11 le U. "ro
Now Throu9h Sunday, Janvary 4th I DELANEY BROS. SEAFOOD I
28th St -On Tllo ky -NEWPORT IEAC:H
Phone 673 3450 Pho•• s••-nn
SHRIMP PMl..t & o .. eln.td
(J Lii IAG)
' " OPEN DAILY I I\ M • 5i3o P.M
No I Y Pub c Cl lo l'I t POLLING PLACE th~ • n s~•I b~ 11 P rn: Pa Of ~~ n COl'Ol'I• (It Me H oll S llool (Gvm
O •no~ Counlv Fove ' 01 Ea~tb ull D lvt Newi>0 r MY Comm U nn Exa r!~ fl~ecll c1 le " ~
Pub 1~:0'"o1e~!~3 Ce&• DI v Pllo fLECTION PllEC HCT NO H
November 10 '1 tnd Otttmbtr 4 11 .i.a ntlu(I~ • tllr I! •• rmb •ted lt6' 1 11 ..i9 0 anoe Countv vol oo p K nct1
----------------INtwno I Beith 103 elld 378
TI POLLING PLACE !II& en S~I!' be ,, LEGAL NO CE Jonr1 "'' ort1e• fGer,o• Jo1 G •nd
P US47
C•net B"IDO<'I • 4nd Ca 10 n •
i Ll'CT!ON Plll!C NCT NO 1'
Illa I nc \Id<! I I 11\t a ea emb &(•(I In 0 an1t Countv vol on p ,, nct1
N1woort B•e II 00 11111 08?
The 11ndtfl g""'d doe1 <~I Iv llt 1 con POLL NG PLACE Ille en 11\1 t 1>t u
duc!ln11 t bus nen el 17?11 A t1m r1na HQ\ls on Re~ Ctfl<'e 106 Rvbv Avenue
Lane Munl "' en llle•cll Ce tom I 111\otr I t bot ll And Ca ler"l• 11\t t ti I Q\11 I m name 01 STONECltAFT fll:CT OH l'lllCINCT NO 1'
OA: ROI< A:AJ( end 11111 11 d I rm II '°"" Sht nc U<I! I Ille I ~• rm(I 11cftd In
POltd o• II& lo !cw n1 P~,.on Wllln• 0 •no• Counlv vol no prrc "d -Ntw~ort
name In fy 1nd ~lee• or res del"Kt 11 11 ll••cll Of\9
to OWi POLL NG ,.LACE tn• In )l\A ' ~e t i
Gen E Sm h Hfll A """ 1no Lint ll•v• d~ v 1 eg• :!Ott E•sl Coa•t H11nl np on Beien C• orn • 9MO H o~wav Ntwpn 1 llle1ch en lo n t
Otlcd Otcembi!' l Ht e:t.t:CTION PR€CINCT HO 11
G tn e §m th $1'11 Inc udt • t!'le " e1 rmb •<W In Stilt! of Ca tCl!"n a Oranot Coun v Ort!'IM COll!llv wit no fl'nlt ncli-New~ t
On OK l t69 belo ~ m~ 8 Noll t 8t1cll Oll4 Ind 1(16
PuD t In Ind I 0 ~ •• d s •• p(I IOtlf I• POLLING PL ... CE '"'e n •h•11 tPPl'a .., Gltn E Sm th known to m• lo Trut Re1ldtnct fGe 1111rl
bf "'' l>tl'IOI! -lllfl')f I IUl>:IC btcl Sttvi.w Avtn~ c.a ont de to Ille w II n ln1!1"11Mtnl tlld •Cknawltd9 (1 lo n t
ed 111 e~eculed lllt: stm• fll:CTION l'llKtHCT NO 11 LEGAL NOTICE
(OFFIC IA.L SE•LI \ht l Mlllhl all lllr '"' .,..,brt ted ln l----------------1
Jee" L JOblt O '"" county \'Ot no prr1elncti -p lJJO
Nol1rv PuD kc. !O n. N,Wl>(lf, Bt•<ll °'' .,,,, '"' I nd "''' pe>r Pr nc 111 Ollkt In llon of 91Y \'Ill'*" °'' rv n 1 wllh n !hi CEllT II" CATI: 01' COllPOltATION FOil
OtlnO!i C.CUnh N-I M.,. Un fl"ll $chllel 0 llrtcl TRAMIAC.TIOM 011" aUSINl!SS UNO ER Mv Comm 11lon E~ll rr1 POLLING PLACE lf'ltf'l!ln 1hll bt 11 'ICTITIOUS MAMI:
M• ell 2 1971 Col'Otl• dtl Mir ElttnenltrY SchOtl ''' V"OEO$ GHEO CORPOROTION Pvbl 11\ld Or,o.n!lt C0111t 01 IY P ol !Fovw\ 1 o C1mtt on "'v•nue " Of'C,..,bff .. II 11 2.!i Ifft 2'6S.6t Coron• lld Ml!f C• IOl'fl. dOf'J II• tbv Cf ,,.,. Illa!! Is condutl"" • t:Ll!CTIOH PRt:CIMCT NO 1t bul fl•Os Otllfll II _,. l?lld ~I H
LEGAL NOTICE llt fncruM •11 Ill• • et •ml> t<ed In N'WC<I I ll otth Ct lo fl• u...,. fl• I c OrtnM C01JnTv ...,, ,,,, 0 H: nett I°"' I m nam1 OI COit'!' S CORNER
Nl!W<>Ort e~t<ll 014 .,,., 3'1 '"d 11111 .ad f m s comi>01t<1 11 flt p t .. I POLL NG PLACE ~ttt n ~h~ll bf ii fol ow"" Cll DO ti on whe11 P Inc 0.11 CEllT ll lCATE 01' IUS NESS Marbor-v , .. 5cl\oo IT~. c II r r I 11 ICI nt IWI n~H ',,to'°""'
FICTITIOUI NAME Lou ... tl toO Gollltnrod Aven~ Al.MAUii; PROPERl ES T~• un~u1,nM dO tefl lY lhf'I' '" Col"Of'lo di'! M• C•llo nit 3?nd llfltl Nt-1 lleeth c<:Wtdull "G • bl.II lleJI ,, ,,, 10 h SI ELl:CT ON PRfCIHCT NO H t ?MO
N•Wllort B,acll C.!Heffllt 11nc1,r !Pie 't Jht Inc u~ ~II "'e •r•• t mbriclld ln Wlll<I ESS I ll•nd lh1• lrd d.1v I!'°"' t m "'""' ol NEWPORT MAR INE Or no c ' ' '"" o.,ctmller '"' SERV CE ll'ld 111•1 .. d f rm ,, «MTllMl!d w!.i.',, B•~ ~' ~~ 1'so p tc I (CORPORATE SE Al)
ol lht lolOwl.,. 11•r10M. llf\OM lltffm n POLLING PLACl lhtrtlfl st\11 bf ti ALMAVll PllOPERTIES N(.
lu trl<I olttt! of rnlt enct I • '' Fl•e Sit! on 410 Ml 1101/l Av•llllf A c1 M Find ~.,.
lotJOW> COl'Ol'I• dt Mar Ctl !$"" • p K~nneth '°" ~tt U4'1 Ou•n HI I D, ILICTIOH PllSCINCT HO ft fll<:lt~l
Dtnf Point Ct lorn• tlll lflclv~ tll "" 1,.., tmb Ktd 1n ITl>lE OF CAl FO lllll"
Pttov Pt kif" ""' Octt11 I-Int Or °'"'" Covnlv VOi r141 P•tc1ncl1 -COUNTY 01= OltAN<.OE u
0&1'111 Point (.ti tom • "'-' Stteh Ott '"" )21 I nd ""' -on lhll , .... d.IY ot 0 t(lnlbll' A D l'6t Al"Mlcl Po "-'" t1QS E Vtl',-,-1 tlon of (~ tkf l1v UO rvll'ltl wfmln ~• bllor• me Jo~~ll E Otv 1 1 no 1r~ An$~1: p;::.=~ 'l'OJ I< VtNnOnl N-rt Mf~ Unllled Sellool 011 rlc:t Pl.lb! e I" Ind lor uld C0Ynt1 i nd Slltt Alllhf "' Calttwnit POLL HG PLACE llltrtlfl lht t bt 11 •I) d no INrtln du y comm n O!>!'d t l!CI
Dttl!ll D«ffllbf!• '1 lNf Pt1ff R~ldlflCe 111 Eve~ln1 C•t'l'f'Ofl IWOl'n PfflOlll r tPf)!• HI A let ,y,
l(f-tft "' -~' llHG ,_, de Mt l C.l lo•n • PJrl(f tY known lo"'' o 1Jot 1111 P e1 a,,., p •t.ICT10• ,11ec1M1;T MO n of lhfl toroor1t on "'•' ••ttuled .,,. :r.•: ,.:,~"' ~~~!Mc=1v"!ot n: :~: ,!T.b ~c'to, '; :,~~t"onln'~~=n~.:'"11 be~!.: :.::. :;
SI• e ofAC:':'or~c;llmOlllll Mtw OU. l4ewPOtl ll1atll Dl7 II~ •l!CI )7J fd lo ml l~nl ,\IC.II CO J)O e!lon IJf'tul~ Or•ftll~ C-1¥ 'OLLI NC PLACE fl!oni n fll•I bl-II 11'><1 ~•mt In W ltu•u Whertaf I hfVI
On Otcm-ibt l 1t6t btltlr1 mt I N-rt He•~'' khoo fC~l~torluml tu.min o "'' my h•"d ~nd lllh •d m' of ~IOllN P11llllc Ill t r-.11 fW 1• 0 STt l• : :;::. l.ffll St, .. ! NtwPO I fte8cl'I 11<1"1
,.f!9 11'1" Cl I' I"' .... r 111 lh I
1>•r1en.tl1Y t POt•r..t "•"II!!'~ ........ 11.ICTIOlf P111e1~T NO. ,, Cl ' ......... Ur11 1hov• wr!T .. n
Pfllff P1tklf" Afl'lf)hf "°'•~I~ Shell• iM 1 Inch.Ide t i '"'-4 11 t ml)ri(l'd I" COF"I' C AL !(•I.I
P!!rt!Ol'IOlll!! ~llOWll ro "'' 18 bt lht o t11te C01111tv \'Oflr!41 o"'efll(h -(Ot!a J~ ~ E o~ .. •
"" -wht" nan1" t • 1utu c ltlt<I ta ~,... 001. fll.<I 006 "'" oot t~ .. "' II n n1tr11me"' tfld tt•no•ltclltd POLLlllG PLACE ,,.,.,. n lhl I be •
,,,.v 'v'-" ll'd fl"' Wm~ M~'llel'" kfll'ol IT•4(1>1! I p n ~ !OFFICIAL !EAL) ll;Clfl"lll ..,, ftd ltlh U1•tf COS14
Ow1nr A FIU1' M•~ C'°'l!l!lf"~ I My C10T11Tt!n lo11 e,. '" l'.l.KTlOH PltlC!NCT HO ff
Stl'Olf!'flMi' 10. U?I WI! llKlollt Ill 1M '"'' tmllrtcf'lf In l'vt>n 11..0 On1nt• (oMI 0111" ,. lo! Or•• '-"' \'fllt .... Pf'f(IMh -CO.It
Dl'Ct'I' lier t H It 15 Ifft ?~ott-ff ~ OOf 040. encl IW Vltw 060
11011 Y I"' hl eCtll!lf"la
lnc;IPll Ofll«o ~
OtPlfl<t• C&1mf\I
MY C-tnton E1tltf1
Jl ne. 7! '"' 'ub 111ed O••no• c~~' o~
l>fl:em.bl!t 4 " 11. t J ltl!t
.,. "~~t
• . " " 1? ~·
Marv K H.n•'I'
NO Ot'I' Pub c Ca toml•
P nc Pl! Off ce In
O ~"'I" Countv
My Com"' u on E111' rt1 Novtmb& 1l ltn
f'uh shed O>'ltnae COlltl flt IV P o Ot Ctmbe l I 25 INt ftf? t.!
T 4160
SUPIRtOll: Ct UllT OF THll
STATE OF (&l,.ll'OftNIA l'Oll
L~ V• n• Mew •m\
1 ola v Pvh c C• rorn • P nt 11<1 Olf ce n Q~ ,o.np~ •• Coun v
ltv Comm "OI"> E•P ~t St!!> tml>f ) 91
Pub sh!!d 0 ~ng~ Cc~•! Da v P of
NoYem~t )0 1T and Oecem~r • I ·~· 114J.f! LEGAi. NOT ICE
r: ........ ~ .... -.............................. ...
30 Dlll Y PILOT
Sccw·ity Nantes
L Ti111riday, Otttnibtr 11, 1%9
l\ew Office1·
been given• divisional
tr.a.lning a&signmenl al the
bank"s lie.ad OffJCC m Los
OVER THE COUNTER lt1 lchar:l I... Thompson lw
bttn named lrauung ofliccr
for lht Coastal Reg100 or
security Pacific N ' t I o n a I
B 1 n k, headquartered 1n
Newport Center. He suceeeds
Gregory A. Zaret. who has
NASO Ll•llngl for Wedneu.ley, Decembtir 10, 1fft
ThomplOn ls 1 forrner l•_, ... ..,,IZ:ICl:E .. Oll_,..,,.,,..,.,,,.=.,..,,...., ____________ ,
supervisor al the bank's
Perunsula Ctnte.r Branch in
Rolling Hills Estates.
Opportunity ·for Experienced Mana9er
and Additional Re9istered Representa·
tives in Our Laguna Beach & Huntin9ton
Harbor Offices.
lft~llM>ll FlllMllftt·SKWtlll•t Im<:. "llleft•t lftvt1llMlll tit"' t,_.tlkly
........ 1. MHlllll ti.ck• ...... 11111 h,111111, IHI lft111ranc1. MlellCM iKCll""' .. ''°"
,.,..tlmt tlltrl llMtil ,.,..,.,IHIOJf"' Ifft~ •ltl-, •V«tltltf,
,_. A1',.illhM11t, S.d l"u-., Cafl W. F. MarUall fCallectl
21J·211·7100 or Write la1 Jlt7, lettrlr Hill-. Cot t 0212
J. P. Connole O .D.
644·1212 EXT. 301
•nnou nc•s th•t
! formerly Orange University l
For inform afion cont.,ct
The Pepperdi ne School of L•w
12345 We$tminster
Senta Ana , California
(714) 531-8581
Applic•tian s should be on
before De cernber 20
247 Bro1dw1y
lagullll l each -494·•174
Hours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Until Sonye Color TV. ..
Better Color . t . was JUS a promise.
Senf ~mplttied its lV system and
got bettercotor. They can it Trinitron.e
Sony invented Its color TV as it was
meant to be· all colo rs a re shot
through one big color gun.
The Trinlt ron9 system has a bigger
M?ns, too. Twice as large as other lVs.
With the larget" lens you get a sharper,
brighter picture ·
There are many ~ features too:
AutomatiC color control: 1ntegrated
contrast-ce>ior control : pictures stay
cnsp and brilliant at all points on the
screen; all sohd state ci rcuitry for'
greater reliability; rontemporary wood
c-abinet styling
Come in and watch the Trinttron
System with 12" diagonal screen de·
hver a sharper, brighter, and a better
col« ptcture. SONY·
T "tron : I
--Color TV --
' ,
..... ·,
' •
Stop waitin&' for better Color TV. It's here!
411 E. 17th St. ~D A VIS -BROWN Costa Mesa 646-1684
Daily 9.9, Sat. 9-6
65,000 MILES?
l h1 •v1r•9• "'"'•r•c•" ,..;n w1lk
tlt1j m1ny 11•ul1• on 1 l1f1tim1 1n
1dd1!1011 lo th .. h11 ft1! 1r1 111b·
j1cl lo r11bbu19. 1cuff,n9, 1cr1p·
1119 i nd ~1tk1, 1• will I I l>1i119
1•po1•d to th1 1l1mel'h·-r1•11,
h11t 111d cold. Add lo tk11 1h1
d1 ily fr,cl1on bu1ld'"'1 up i..,.,
in11d• tn • 1hoe1 •nd no;m1I
flexing t111t t1k11 pl1t1.
II 11 ••1y to ••• !hi t, lo
,1,nd th• 1lr11n o•tr th, y•4•1
you ll'lult t•k1 •~lr1 1p1t1tl c•r1
of your feel W. he~• • com·
pl111 foot°C11• D1p ••lm1nl i11
our ph1rm 1'v to h,1p you woth
•v1ryd1y fool n•1d1 .for 1p1,11I
problem• w1tt>. your f11I w1 .t.
w1v1 •1~0Mm•nd you ton111lt
woth your doctor or pod1•lri1t,
CAN ,HONE US wh,11 yo~ n11d
• t'1l1v1ry. w. wnl d,1,~.,
prom~!ly w.thouf ••t•t ch •191.
A 9•••' "''"" p1opl1 r1lv Oft UI
lo• ""'' h1•llh P!ttd1 W, wel·
com• •equ~o!t for d1!f,.1rv •••v•
Ice 111d ch1r91 ttcounil
351 Hosplt1I Ro.4
Newport 1 .. ch M2· 1 HO
frff Delivery
)lllWl'O•T CC~"Tca
l>•ttlk:; Co•O Hlal'l-y bttw""n JtmlloNt •l"ld Mt~r1~11r rreew1y !'llnutn 1w1)'.
Wins Pact
IUPI) -General Ele ctric Co.
has obla1ned fo11r ne1v defen se
contrac:L~ totalling $ ~ 2. 4
mHllon. Three, totalling $51.3
m1lhon, arc for jet a1r~raft
~g1ncs and the other Is ror
propulsion components for
nuclear powered rubmarlnes.
Yorli Stock List ..... ...,
1.._I Mllffl LfW C1-Cllt.
~~ ~ ::J::
lJ I \6\'I + '• ,... ,,
7(1 ) 201; , ... , ... -.,
11'• 711 • '~'· 26'• ~·I ~'\ ,. ,.
'9"19 '1 +1\ :!fl'• 701,. 11, ~ -j. I\
lJ"o B~• -'• lC'o 10'• -•• 27'• 11\~ -...
3611 lll'o -'• 3•~· " + "• lJ I] _,,
17 1 1·~ +•, ,,,,, It~~ -,.,, , .. ,. -'.
11'• 1~ + I\ i~~ ri:4 = ·~ IO 8111• .+\ • U'o U'~-'• ?9~ 191 , ... '• JS JJ -•1 51') 511> _,.,
&oj\, 61\lo +1
11,, -'· 57'•l1'1 -'•
19\'o ,.., + '•
21 ?J -'• 10'• 10'• .... .,., ,,,, -1 15 tJ _,
ll''> IJ.I\ -'' 19'• :IO'• + '• ;191, )fl, -1 16l, \1\o + \~
"'• -•\ ,, .. -'•
IRI -'• 61 -'l
71 + '•
II -'• ...
10~ -'• SI +1
JSV. -\~ '" ' . . . 11l o t \-. -...
15 -'4 151\ + '. •• -'It ,, -'l I + 1, JJ + ~, l!'"' + 1:
JMO -?o
11'• -'' 271t + '• 31''> -·· ~ -'• Jl)'h -'• ?•', -.•
ll'o + '• 16'~ ... '•
'"'" -1 75 ... '' 26'9 + ~) 1''\ ..... Sl\.i +1'• 151 o fO'• + ... ,,,, -~ll .....
11'• u•o ..i. ,~
" 11•; -'• 16''1 "1 -•I 16'\ + .,
3l -\ 661 1 -1•\
77''1 -ll ,,. n•. + •;, 161~ -"• 21'1
561). -•i 18~> -·~ 1(1•1-I .. •I'~ + \~ 5~·· 11~ •.... ,
z z N N N
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N N \Z N
' N
N H •Z I ~
1lE M
Thursday's Closing
Thursd«f Otttmlw 11 , 19" L DAILY "LOT !t J
Prices -Complete New York Stock Exch~ge List
• '
.... ""'/•1111111.., .. 111111111111., .. ..,,.,,.""-"'""IC>""""'"'"""'""'"'"'I mill..) .... ~ CINt C•
'Ut,"'''t" II ]'"' U'l • ~ uU ~ F!i,~ t E
l nlll n ... 4 .... -..,~.,.,, m ~tl n~ ~:: t ,,
Wall St1·eet Ends
With Mixed Note ·~·l 14l ~.1 !~ ~ ~ u u n\1-" ti if~ J?t t ~ NEW YORK (UPI) -Absence of fresh incen J n tt ffiii _ ¥\ ttVBS and COUttnUed year end tax selling put dO\VO
'!l C1w. .,.~ ~\? !,ll an early rally on Wall Street Thursday as stocks
\I l~'~ 11tt •1~ -114 fuu shed nuxed in moderate turnover
,tt I" n:; l1~ .t.~~ The UPI marketw1de 1nd1cator \V8!<i orr 0 06 per •1 •r •r t •. cent, whlle the Dow Jones average of 30 selected
11 -~ ml :l: + .! blue chips gained 0 13 at 784 12 ll mt r!~ n~ -t.'t Of the 1.604 issues traded 662 declined a nd 643 nt !lit !.:t !~ 'f ..; advanced A turnover oC around 10 m1ll1on shares
,,1 ~:1 tr_;. tt; "' ran about 2 milhon shares below Wednesday s 1"J ft 1:. 1:i; =4!t Electronics ranged to more than a point 1n ~ach 12, u~~ 0~~ n" + '• direction while mo S1 point si zed S\v1ngers 1n the S7 ltU IOI-. 10\.11 -" 1 !l~ ll1' w~ oil group were 1n retrea t
3r l:t! ~t1, ~ +.:? Airlines followed an irregular path as did rads
" u :u•. u -\\ and aircrafts
2 M\.'t llU a+" ' '"' lE l -1, Chemicals conglomerates and gold m1mng 'I :,1\\ ~ 11 t " shares were weak in most instances but motors tt f.~ 31v. ~.,; = ~ showed scattered strength Car makers scheduled 11~ 1r" fr-ir'-\ a 7 percent reduction 1n production this \\eek
1 Hl:2 f; l f'ri: = ~ General Motors closed up 1 at 67 1/4 Ford gain Ir J,~ a"' _i,7" t ~ ed 118 to 4{}.l /2 and Chrysler rose J 118 to 35 314
11 ~It 1~~ fr• _ t. Steels traded 1n fractions U S Steel c•oscd 4 Ei :;\(! ~·· +1 dO\\n 5/8 at 34--l/8 and Bethlehem losl 1/2 to 26-3/4 ,tt ~~ ~'" j!tli = 1~ Alnong the day s most heavily traded issues u AL 11" 'lJ i:~ R'~ ~:~ _ 411 \Vere Standard 01! of Ohio Common" ealth 011 Re. 8~11::~ ~ ,g .1 ;~, 1!., ;~~ f1n1ng Gulf Oil Colt Industries General Motors 8::'.c c~nd '°n
1: ,~w, 1U1 1Utl _1 Texaco Jersey standard and Litton 8~ N~'d 1 :g: ~ lrt, 3P"" 3~' +", Prices \\ere mixed on the American Stock E x 8~ c~D"'de 2 111 1 '~ 7 + 'o b od un 0~ c~ o ~ 11 • ""' l s + ~ c ange in m erate turnover vn Ee( 711 :rt 7~ '9 +oo Un E 014 50 ~ 110,:, "ii' -~ \in El of • 1 ~ r.\2 ~:: J ee:""""""'"""""""""'""""n•r<"'"'"'"'·"""'"' .... " .... ~ iwc~ ':,, \o~
.... ...-~~~~~~~~~~~-.
1a-.1 Mltll L.,. ci. CJtt
... ..
1-.1 ..... L .. CttMC... DOW JONES &VERAGt:!l
1• 1t :a.. Ulo -h WtllrM I 10li 1,j • .~ 'it't ~ -T-~ '•''"llil.No Do'""'°"" ave.-W•llMurry l n .. :n -I! Wt lWOr l'I Co lt 111 I -•
la ~ 1 ~~ r~ =I~ St: Kl OPlfl Ml l'I Low f\_'-He! ::~..:to I Jr ~: lf,1 f.l Jj._ 'i' ~ ~ ~ " " _,. ~ ~"I \!l:ll m 11 mi: :~ a-:i ··~ ••" · •· ·· • · -" "° n1 i,• .. ,,, !' !""''' 1Mri 1051' ~1~:+1 w .. ,..co 1'4 I ,n. ~ l'l'*-" ~ .0 ·~-1 .,. ~·•-~"'•• 0 Wtrltm I 0 'l JIU. 70\9 ~l U'o 1J o t)~-..V. Ill U1.JI '60.114 ~n ,,.,._ Wtrn$w 160 ll l'" 11~ 1\'t ... " J ,, 6"\I -h rtllWtlklnl In 1lock1 UMd In •vw rm Wt1G11 1 1j )I "" 1 ... ' 5 "1 6 I• tt•,.,, + '• lld~I 1 )::: Wai.MU 10 ' II-lo 4' lt'o -11
\ff M "" U • -lo a II ~.300 W•1 Wtt I ti )3 ltl• ,... I"'
I Ul\.'i 'UVi 'illi"' -1\.'t ~111'n.: • ,, .. tOO W1fllll)._2olHl1 ii 1'\io •tt )h "~ ,J f: .. lt \; -h ;=~J.iit ~ 1J \~ \f" \l\\ +. .~ '", »l< HU -h WMn otAl ,, uil ··~ ,.,. ,,., .. -~ ;:o\ li' ll ... l l .,.,. -1 Wt.irvd .JOI SI l~"i 5 15 -~. tll ~ :It :I Miit +"'" ..... ..., Wl!Oll Doll 11! 111 11 4 IOll 10h -lo lC• 2~\'o l!.i! ,,_ t I,. IMI t Mll!I LN Cltw ~~I Wtll Mkt 4 j :HVil U :U -\:a
1 I l\'4 3!\i V. WtlblU 0,1 i o fl<o fl\ + 'tt, ,.~ ~ -i'il': =1 \lo Un PK Cll ' llff +H• n~• ~ + ~\ Wt1«1F l 311 ,, 21 ? .... ' I\ -• ,. ll » _ • Un on Pac I ) )th )f ~ ~ > -It WtstTr1 Ue ) 14t• tl~o ti~ -, UnPKololO '1\« 11-. 7 •-1"WPPpl4.sCI 1 51>60\.'i li "' 11 I» ' I t I Utll -'WO U 1! I <10 10 4' 4'~ 4~t + \\ WPP PIC4 10 .~, H
U '' • 4''\ •1lt f ~ n lllllm )II Jt • 11\.'I *f't -"' WstPtP I 9'1 1 7m >\ U -• 3~J lf~ ~:: ;~~ ,_. 8~! :::1 ,'f, '"° 10' 10.'1 lo + -G WnAlr L $Oo .-Ill~ 11\lo 11 + \o
M n· H"' n . Un ·~Olll :IO l ? d , •• 'v. + l'o Wn ,_, l JO ]1 (lh """ ., •• -\t " U•jlAlr< \'° 13' 42~• •1 • 41 l -I Wlln Ma 1 '° I 1• ,, 11 71 11t ,'~j1":;1;uri ic oo 01 \'l'I! '!' w,tnPK170 ~;o~ •l•10 -~ ''l 'l\1 fo1, 0 Uni ,r,, C&I s• ll• 'I , ~·-•W11UT1I 1 «I • o.I~· ol.l)(i o.I ~ -.. ~
It "'' "_ 1 Un Fr11l l4CI lt "2 •1 '1 +~ w11u11 oft 14 1• I• -
J 11'• ,,_, 1~ -l•·l U"I' '"' 1N I 2 '• I'• -• Wn Ur of• .O ••I " 11 11 i' '111\.tll ll 'o~llt Un l flCIP :O 4 Jo 7\1 ,\, W .. loll llO Y\S .. •J!tio \ .I U11 tMMl lO 1111 01,l t 11 l Wttll p.I'). 11.0 S..\ U V. 14\lo
ll ~11 ~ : ~\ = ~ \ii\ "f11<!r 91! 44 11 t II... I O Wt l Y((I 1 0 101 1.S 1.S 'l ' -O ",. •n 1• ~ ,.u .. P~ M~ ll1 •• "' •••-•ww1rt1v to 10i1 a~. o• •u.-~s JI ,, ' ,,., ..._ •• VSF0<5 ' lh II :0 "'" " • -• Wtvnr •" 7S J 101 1Di1 IG ~ t119 t 'U l1>-)USl'"rf911 4CI t119o2'~211 -1 w.,-.,tt~I • J•\lt11 ITV!i' IS J :14 3~ ~ 1 USGYP'lll lll ._ '3 f 6J t] -'~ Wll .. Pl! fl• i1' l$>1 l$ ui1 10
' 11 11 ?I + '\ UIO~pl to 2 J.I J.I J.I _., h Wlltt PH 5 l JO S'-" 14~ !re' ""' ' 11>.i 1 " 11\li +""' u I II 45 111 25 ''"" lolloi W~lrl Co • lot " sa~. + \.\.-
1 A.I M M U P l'I ~ '1 P.:i.a n~ n~-!::w1111.C11 e SJ \lo 11\'I 1h -\o.
' •• • .~ •• ~.,~ ?!!, -I ~ ~''... ,, ,, •• 2Ho ,.~ +"' WhltCn PIA 3 I J.1'-J.I'• ,...... + ~ • ,, Ul •--' '' SI ~ ,,.,,.. lflt >t WhllC11 llfC J 1 31,_., 3? nu. -• I 2i 't l'\' 15 > .+-\o .. ,,.. •>a J.I"' 3' , l •I\ = ,_ Wll!ltCru M • ~\ 7t 'o "'-' + ~~ i;•: 1~ ~: + ') e TS' 1 ~ U lt • ,,_ lt\. ..,. Whl!t Mot 2 U 2'\• f!\\ ?ti• -1 r~ 1Al 1~1 1A7 -J~ U11lt I • Ul n~. 1'2 • 72 + \ Wllh alter 1611 111/t • ,, -
11 Hti 11 '> I ·~ -'lo UnUI~ p I 21 S ~, 71 711, t 1 Wld<•sCoro 1 '1 Jt'I. ll 3.,, + + U"u' /"' •• > • , .. , ..,, \~ WleOljlr XID lO lD'o t • t 1 -17l )I 10 '1 I • "" ' ,,• ,.~, ,-,,, _ ..._ WI t OH )t 1 t2\1 '1h ,111 + n 1 ~· ,,,._ U'"'Lu 15CI _,... 'l -~+, 7'~ l• 1 J.4lo 3~'• .._ U11lvO l"CI IO 711 ,, 1!\t. 11'' l•mt l!ro 101 11t i • ""'" ,, .. \ i~'lo ,.. , + !II UnlYll' Cmp 111 10• 100~ 10 'l +1 m16r pl II) I 17 ~ 1 \o 11\~ +1
lO ~ ... J , ) UPloloft\i.o m Jl'o 5CI~ 51 +hW nriD ~ ., l, ll•• JI 31 -· J 1•'t \.I ~·~ U !1&1d11<tel 11 11.oll~•lll~i WMO•lel! l ll ll ll • ~·, ~ • '~ • -• USLIFE so 111 31 l JOI~ JI •• Wl1E Pw IO •o 101o 10•• :JOl.1 -5) l<,._ 1" ,.., of.\ UjM (p lJO J .O•o M!l.<o oo>o ~W1PSvc l 0 II 1, U 1 fl• i1~ 1• •1 UM pl'l \O ....... 4 ~ -V.W11coCh91 ••2a1li2a o 70 o -llri • • 119 "' U •~CJt Slo ' d•1 ~2 •l -loWovWW 50 3t J o 1110 111•-"' I.I l'lt 11 •1~ -" 'U1'11 1 IO II JO I ;ll~o ~. + '1 W-!Co .i) 14 11\'J 11 • 11~1 -11 1, 1,. l••-•tV•lv• P olO 1 :Id li'\o ~I~+ o WOl)(lsCp •I 7 17 21 0 1''>-~
U V v~ .., "'no m 21, ?I r. 21 -to Voclw 1>1110 l u J• • J• ~ -'' --Vtl'Clfl' I to '11\1 rt 11 +v.wo d Arwv 51 10 . 10 o:w.+ Zf~ JO, ,.,.. 79\11 +to VtndO Co .0 31 ll:i. !Sh S'o -h Wr vey :I.II ldS 'J JG.I"' 10$\l I l4 :U J.1 VF CDrP I 0 lllo l' :U WY ll~ 1C1 I Ii~\ Uo Uo -11 Ip lt ~ It ; + \4 V c::1C~P JO lo.I 17'• 16 1~o -1 o Xtf'O• (p ~ 145 107' !Oil t 107'\1 + "°:-.ii 21 M 16 1~ -JVll .. .,_. lip ~ I 7'> I J +•tx7RA Inc tl 1'• ll't JJ l -2W
6 9 ~ t1• tlo -\, Va,IPw 1 ! 11• 21 1 2 4 11 • Ynos!SD l 20 ' It II~'. U~ ~· 1 ):n.t. 11~ ,, ..._ ""Va p Pl!/2 1 10 '' •• ff -1 ZI f Corp " ,, -«. 0 1• 0 • -
,.1 ll t lll1 l '• .f. y, I.I' "' S 1100 &7 'I 67 -.... Z•l9 pl A Ill ?3 34 '> :u:lll WI -\IP :11 ll~ l 1 .+-\a V~ P PU.IM ilO SI Vt $1 'I S1 't -Ill, %101 a Norn llJ 32, Jl"' i1•• -" -356 11 • :Id\ l6•1 -Vornado II 2fl\.!o ~t lO>o t to Z1p•Nll pf 1 l 60 60 60
U 9 1 th 91• +1 VSI CNP 41 41 )! ~ XIV. ~ .. + ,lo ze~ t Cop ll :lf\IJ 3t ~ + .. 131 l>o 11 lo -Vu~nMtl I 1 11~ II 11 Zen !hlt 140 U1 l5 J.ll&. lS
I In r St 59\lt -'• 'IWl:t Un I n ' IS I•~ 1J + '~ Zu n Ind 11 1S 2.no 14\.o 2•1• -'t '-
11= :::: n•; ~·;:-; W•19ten ,-W"'uXJ·Z;;, 1t COPYr 11h!H trf lM Anocl111dPrtultU •
Co1nplete Closing Prices -A1nerican Stot·k Exchange Li"t
3% DAILY PILOT Thursday, Otc:tmbff 11, 1%9
:;~~· ~ J_:.-·~~ • ;~1-1 ,(,·_ . .,.
• l" ----·--------------- - -----=.-;.-------·--...-,..:---=-=>0"""'~-~~~~ ...... ~----~~.·----_,
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• I • ·--r.J,+,.~· • • " • '•"• •· • . .,.,,..,,."' •;.•• . •-' ... :-;-~-,i'.t; *: • ' •. • , ;./. :r ... ~.r •m·· • ·-1 -\ • t: •
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• • • • •• .'t'\ • ' . ··.t
Ahoy ... Jni11 t hr (,irolcr ~ 011 <Ir'\ k ,11 I .1-.hi(l11 !~la nd and Sail into
I ,1 ,hi\l/l l\J I l'h1i:-,llll,l~.
See our gaily decorated Columbia 57 sailing boat now on the mall at
Fashion Island in Newport Center -Visit with Santa in his Santa House
11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. (Noon to 5 p.m . Sundays)
Free parking for 5500 cars close by your favorite stores.
P&dfic C:O..t Highway between Jamboree aiid MacArthur, freewq minutes ;iwq.
~~~..,,...~-"::'l,.,,.,,..~~~~~~~~-ir-~·~'T'~/~17"'~·-·~•~••···~1~P~·~+--:o•·•~i'f'!'~fllr""'!llUC"'l'":"'"'J~"·0o;-~,,.... ••. ~.-·~·Tnl"'"'•0••-~~r1•c~0•1 ,..:z"""~".,.'~,-,-~.-·~··-~-~·-..,~.,..,,...~.~-~ . ....,::-~• -,.
• Saddleha~k -
Today's .f'l•al "
N.Y. St.eeks
·Laguna Eye~ E~rly Co.unty Pact on Library.
,. Of ,... .,.,,, f'lllt S1.tf
~ Laguua "Beach city officials are looking
'\Dward a da\e in mid·April, or perhaps
§poner, ror conclusion of library negotia-
tto111 with the county, Mayor Glenn Ved-
der slid today .
"There are many details to be worked
out,'' said Vedder, "but l'd say we're on
1)le way l9 agreement with the coonty."
The .City Coun<;ll voted Nov. 25, to ac·
cept the recommendation of the mayor's
library committee and settle on ex-
pansion of the present library site for the
new facility.
This will involve abandoning a partl.qn
or Park Avenue and purthase of an ad-
jacent triangle to permit enJargement of
the library building and provision of
The Planning CommiS1ion Is scheduled
to maJdn& a rtcoounendatlon on the
street abandonment Dee. 15, wilh City
Council action on lhe Park Avenue mat·
ter.to follow Dec. 17.
The city, Vedder said, is considering
abandonment of that p:irtton of Park
Avenµe between Glenneyre Street aod the
alley: The action must be accompl~ed
by ordinance, which requires two
~adlnp artd a 30-day wait before it
becomes effective.
John Killefer, executive assistant to
Fiflh District Supervisor Alton E. Allen,
said lhat actio~ of lhe Board of
SupervisOl'J on allocation of funds for the
new llbrarY will depend on when the city
council "comes up with a package." This
he said, would include land apPraisal,
now being conducted and abandonment ol
the at.reet-. Killefer also looked toward
conclusi~ of negotiations by April .
He and Allen, he said, are . meeting
rtgularlj with Vedder aod City Manger
James Wheaton oo lhe library matter.
The county librarian has recommended
that the Board of Supervisors authorize
expendilllre of $150,000 on the neW
Laguna .branch library and Killefer said
he foreseea iio budgetary problem In ob-
Ill s oa
More Probed
Cult .Death Toll
May Reach 14
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Aulhoritiu.
reportedly are investigating whether 14
per30TIS may have been killed by one or
more members Or a hippie-style nomadic
Meinbers of the clan already are
charged in eight of the murders, in-
cludffil that oi actc"ess Sharon T1te.
The grim prospect of addltional clan
victims came to light just-befcn today's
arraignment of the Tate case's central
figure, charles M. Mansoo., 35, the wild·
bearded clan leader wbtSiie foliowera call
him "God" and "Satan."
Sheriff's deputies searched a movie
ranch Wednesday near subur ban
Clatsworth, looking for signs of Donald
Judge Slates
Inquest Date
EDGARTOWN, Mass. (AP) -Judge
.James A. Boyle announced today that the
long-delayed inque!I.. into the death or
Miss Mary Jo Kopechne will begin Jan. 5.
-Boyle's announcement followed by only
24 hours a judge's refu sal in Wilkes-Ba r·
re, -Pa., to permit an autopsy on Miss
Kopechne 's body.
Miss Kopechne was the ZS.year-old
Washington, D.C., secretary who di ed
when Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's car
P.lunged off a brid ge on Chappaquiddick
Island last summer.
Boyle, who will preside at the inquest,
made no other comment. This was taken
to mean that he still intends to hold the
proceeding here on Martha 's Vineyard,
rather than move it to the mainland.
I The inquest was sought by Dist. Alty.
Edmund Dinis of New Bedford, who alsG
1 had filed the petilion in Wilke,s..Barre for
exhumation of the body and the autopsy.
I Its purpose will be to detennine lhe
Jegal cause of Miss Kopechne's death, as
opposed to the medical cause. I Reached by telephone at hi s home,
Dinis had no comment on Boy!e!s an-
The inquest will be closed to newsmen,
In line with a ruling from the
Massachusetts Supreme Court.
1 Laguna Accident
Brings Widow
$125,000 in Suit
A Huntington Beach woman has been
aYt·arded $125,000 in a lawsuit involving
the death of her husband two years a10
tn Laguna Beach.
Mn. Helen Hernandez. oC 7924 Stark
:\t.. filfd a S200.000 suit on Matth .n, t•. in Or!nie County Superior Court.
a.galnst Bryon and Con~ance Hcod!1cka,
doing business as the Ocean Spa Horse
Ranch, claiming their negligence resulted
In the dea th of her husband, Gabino.
Hernandez was killed Feb. 18, 1961,
while driving a tractor on the r1nch. The
vehicle fell over a beach rront cliff,
cru!'hing the operator beneath it.
Mri. Hernandez' claim stated the Hen·
dricks were t:gllgerrt In not having a pro-
tective r11illng at the cliff edge._
The decision In her favor was m11de
Friday. I
O'Shea, 40, a stunt man and betr haTI
bouncer missing after a reported quarrel
with Manson.
Police have been looking for connecting
threads in tbe Loi Angeles' deatha rl. two
teen-age religious cultists.
Reports-today said. _police are ino
vestlgathJC possible links· betw.ttn the
Tate alayinp •nd the deatl:i of • ~
peddler,. motorcyclist In Bishop, Calif ..
an:I a member CJl the Maman t1an in
suburban Venice. No details were
With a court ban on comment Imposed
on orticlals, police kept mum on ·develop-
ments and deputies scouring the movie
ranch were tightllpped .
But the ranch's owner. C'.eorge C.
Spahn, ~. said Manson and O'Shea had
argued before O'Shea disappeared. The
cult had lived on his ranch for a time,
Spahn said, against his will .
Prosecutors announced Wednesday
they will seek a single trial for MaMOn
and the five members ol his desert tribe
charged with murder and consptraey in
the deaths of Miss Tate and six others.
One of the delendants, Susan Atkins,
also is charged in the murder o( musician
Gary llinman in Malibu.
The prosecutors say they expect the
defendants will seek separate trials and
will try to sever the case of the August
slayings of the honey-blonde actress and
four others killed on her estate from
those of wealthy market owner Leno
LaBianca and his wife, killed the next
day. ·
Air Conditioning
To Help Festival
Board Keep Cool
Cooler heads should pre\'ail In the
Festival of Arts administration building
next summer.
The Festival board agreed by 5-3 split
Tuesday to aircondition the structure for
about '1400. Dissenters thouglit fans
would suffice until a new ildmiriistraUon
building goes up.
Director Paul Griem, who works in Loi
Angeles, didn't thiilk untreated Laguna
weather was uncomfortable for more
than about JO days a xear.
·~ru take that bet, 11aid Robert Lep-
pert, business manager, who works in the
administration building .
"Last year," said direcctor Helen
Keeley, "I thought it was awfully un-
comfortable and smelly in here." Said
director David Young, "I donft see a
system that may be used t1vo or three
years and then we remodel, let's get bl&·
ger fans."
Board President \Villiam 0. Martpt
said the~ is no board unanimity OVet\
constructing a n e w admJniltl'IUon
building In two or three years. i•tr Wt get
it. it's going lo be by, a split ~," tie
He said the working 11taff should be
made more comfortable by al.n;m..
dltlooing. -'
The · cooled air earned with dire""*>
· Young. Griem and Ri chard Brooks
Capitol Repair Bill
WASHINGTON (AP) - A IS«.1-mlllion
~gislalive approprl1UOn bill that includes
a compromise · in the House-Senate
dispute over what to .do about, the
Capitol'!! crumbhng west front wa1 pa~
t d by the Scnt1te today and tent l.o Presi·
dent Nixon.
' .\
l •
Hotel Plans Abounding
Seven-story Structure Proposed for Main Beacli
Of "" Ptllt f"llfl Steff
A study on hotel development to help
pay for Laguna,' a W million Main Beach
has smoked ' out these elements :
-The Danish-American Hotel Corp.,
armed with drawings. proposes to rebuild
the Hotel Laguna Into a seven-story, 200-
room faclllt7 with Scandia Restaurant
utilizing 200-feet of city ·Jand , but has not
talked finance with the city.
-Another po.ssible hotel, southerly and
uphill from the Hotel Laguna, has been
broached by building designer Brenl
Tobey who talks of an initial 50 units ex·
pandable lo 200 or 3>0.
-Private development of a hotel on the
Main Beach is probably not. attractive to
the hotel industry because of the high
cost of money and a projected 55 percent
occupancy factor.
-The council will likely decide (of.
ficlally) \Vednesday whether to continue
to terminate with Bud Holscher &
Associates that was initially signed on to
put t.ogelhtr a hotel-conlerence facility
package on city 18nd.
st~u:f ~:5=1 ~~~ I~ ~u!b~~~;
financed fJlCillty -tbLs touched off a flap
-after private financing teemed a lost
woJ1ld be two-story shops, mall, un-
derground parkirlg and· S c a n d i a
restaurant. It would include abandonment
of Laguna Ave"nue.
There 'i\-'OUld •be confer'ence room
seating for fOO persons. Hanion said lhe
Scandia Restaurant would ~ slmllar in
quality to the ooe in HollywOod and said
it should be at least as succes..ful as
Corona del Mar's popular Five Crowns
Hansen said he had many promises of
financing and with a public offering
(stock), "I t,hink I can swing this thing."
He added, "a lot of things depend on
what we have to pay the city." He said
this type arrangement could be based on
a percentage of gros' take with or
without parking or could be on a square
foot basis.
~fayor Glenn Vedder sakl the city Is
looking for $1),000 to $130,000 annually to
help pay for its Main Beach.
Hansen responded, "that piece of pro-
perty there will never pay that kind 0£
money." When Hansen sat down J.tie au-
dience applauded his colorfully informal
81illdlD1 ctespr Tobey said later-that
the Mola Beoih lhwld be kept open. He
said • good hall of the town b Interested
In keeping the beach and getting rid "of
the crud" that is on it.
Tobey said he has drawings for a hotel
"quite a few hundred feet south (of Hotel
Laguna) toward the top of the hill" and is
aiming at five or six stories above street
Questioned later he mentioned starting
with 50 unita and expanding to 200 or 300
but said the project is still being analyz-
During general discussion, Holscher
said the hotel study for the city had
zeroed In on city financing because In·
terest was so high.
"Because of the high Interest rates, the
only way we felt it could be run was
through tax-e1emJ)t municipal bonds, "
he said.
Councilman Richard Goldberg que~
tioned a section or the study which men·
tioned the city finaocing 50 percent of the
cost of advertising and promoting such a
hotel. He said the city promotes the com·
mWlity as a w!lole.
Charle.. Kaiser of Harris, Kerr, Forster
& Co., which c:onducted the feasibility
study for Holscher, said 55 percent oc-
cupancy is not a feasible hotel package at
today's interest rates.
Questioned about the 200-room figure,
(See HOTELS, Page J)
-The council, as usual in Laguna, has
a spectrum of opinion on how it should
develop the beach, These Include pure
park, parking lot, Mtel-conference U!e,
shops and park and others. •I'd Do It Again'
Councilmen and a large audience
Wedne3day saw arcltitectural renderings
ol. sophisticated future Hotel Laguna and
heard a rundown by Kenneth Hansen,
president of tht Daniah-American Hot.el
Mayor Who Tore Cong Flag Acquitted
Hamen said he wanted 200 feet or
beach frontage lo Jeue ·from the city for
.a two-story development. The seven
storii:o woold be built on exl.!llng hotel
IA/IWl& lond. 'l1lil would include Ult of part of a
trl..,.le of property bel>I~ the Main
Beoch which the city· Illa. <red but does
no1 own. A IJ)l<Ul.Uve prlct JQa<d to
111e ""'" bocmded P1 i;o.at Hllhway, ti Pueo ucd ~'Av•. 'li~ M
'*<II'· ' • ' 'llill'clovt(_.;1-ocl 21,000.feet ct city
land (JncJ:idlng '·portion ol the ~angle>
Stw~ M•r1tet
SANT A CRUZ (UPI) -The mayor of
Santa Cruz, a:cqultt.ed • of maliciou•
mJschief for leafing down a Viet COna
nag at a private ruldence on Veterans
Day, told happy IUflPOrlen Wednaday :
"You're darned right 1 woukl do it
q1ln." •
But Mayor Richard Wer-,r', a 'l>year-
okl veteran of. two world wan , nsfsted
the temptotlon u he left rnwilcipol court
alter a twQ>4ay trial.
Werner. flusbed allgtclly .. he WU
-led in' tho c:outlhoulii cor'ddor by
a }'<144n8 .man wurtns • Vlei Cone· eip-l)Jem u ·1 cape.
The 1110J<Jr said notmg ,and ftllde ,no
hostile move towards the youth, wbo
idenUned hlmteV only .. "Sleozy."
However, a brief KUffit broke out when
NEW YORK (AP.)-Tho sfock morket , "'~ J!l4!n in buolness 1411ta cballenced • lost 1n early ad\faDC'e and In lite t.r•dirw: photogapher lfho waa: takin& plcturts of
today just about li!liJ !ta OlfCI· <'ff quota-, the encounter.
u... P•&" IHI.~·--. . 1 w~ Hid the decision by • jury of StDcko that' ~ltpitci . • I eJJilit ,..men and:rour men •1J:Owld tli3t
Jn the mlnortty i, • "'-'1loi~l ~ I "JI good· Amerlcon! can !•II the dll-
Uttle more than 1n hour before the clote ference between rlghl and wfong."
.bad drawn even wttb advanct1. The Jury wu heaedd bJ Tbeodo~
t! ~
' ,.,.
Chowanec, who admitted during the panel '
selection he had Hnt a congratulalory
telegram l.o the mayor ror his action.
Werner testiOed th.I\ he ripped down
the Viet C..C, n.1 belnc flown at the
home or Larry Bell, \27"; a subsUtute
teacher and Vietnam veteran, because he
could find no low !hot prohlblled Bell
from flylns It.
The mayor said BeJJ; wbo made 1
-c:ltlr.en'• lrrUt an Wernff, wu "flaun·
Una whit, to us veteran1, was next to a
holy day."
The Jury, which hem! testimony 'Illes·
day, n.tumed a VtTiflct of lnnocent
1 Wednesday aatr dellberaUng leas than
1n hour.
Negro a Candidate
ATLANTA. Ga. CAP) -Negro attorney
C. B. Klnc.ol Albany 111d.tot1ayhewill be
a·candldate for governor of qtorgia ntrt
year. the first of bis race 1o·teek•the of.
fie< In modem history •
-• ---•• p ______________ .'&.,
lalning funds for pccrd:ase of th6 trlang!•
and construction of an addition to &h1
present building.
V~r polnted out, however, that th?
supervisors must specifically vote on al\
expenditures and Jn doing so will be guht-
ed by the county's Real Property
Services which is charged w 1 l i.
evaluating all county property In-
vestments .
Fish Vessel
Hit by Nary
A modern destroyer steaming througl':
the predawn darkness knifed into o
Filipino fishing boat 60 miles west of Sar.
Clemente Islaod today, sending he;
swiftly to the bottom.
All JS hands from the BO-foot Orien'.
were taken aboard the USS Parson.:.
within an hour after the 5:1$ a.m. col·
lision, which forced ' Ute fishermen ~
1bandon ship.
The soaked crew members were chilleC
~ by icy water aod 45-degree air tem-
peratures, but no one was injured, a~ ....
cor1f,ing to a rad.lo me•ae from the
Paraoru to U.S. Coast Guard head-
quarters in Long Beach .
No explanatlon was immediately given
for ll>e collision, whiCh occurred in clear
\Ycather aod relaUvely calm seas, but the
San Diego-based destroyer sustained no
Authorities said the Parsons was on a
trainJng mission when the accident OC·
curred and was due to arrive In San
Diego about 12:30 p.m. today with the
rescu ed Fillpino fishermen.
Spokesmen at the Long Bea.ch Naval
Station said an Investigation will begin
quick ly into what caused the Orient and
th e IO.year.Old destroyer to cross paths in
the darkness.
The Parsons, carrying 276 men, ts
equipped with surlace.to-air missiles.¥
well as modern electronic naviga~
equipment. · · •·
Coast Guard Search and Rescue head-
quarters dispatched two cutters and -a
helicopter to the collision scene, pin-
pointed at 100 miles southwest of Long
Beach. ·
Their mission was cancelled when · the
Parsons radioed tha t all 18 Orient
crewmen had been taken aboard safely
by 6: 12 a.m., and she was proceeding to
San Diego. '
The fishing boat. operated by Angel
Osena of "°1anila and based in Zam-
boanga, the Philippines, sailed out or
Long Beach Harbor at 6 p.m Wednesday.
The vessel had presumably unloade(! its
cargo of fish and was headed out to sia
again when she was sunk by the Parsons
ir. hundreds of fathoms off the rocky
channel island.
Orange «Aue
Tht sun will be shining likt! ..
crazy Trid1y, bUt it WOn 'l get thi; ~
temperatures over the 65-degrN·
mark along the Orange COaist. • ..
A UC lrvh11 proft1sor l•
amona thoie chcrptd wi!h nn·
ticipatina tht future in a 1QCiO-
loaical progmm celled "Blur·
print." Paae 13. r ............. 1
. ll o.~ 14 °'*J I CHRISTMAS ..............
' • -t. Th .... 1(-11, 1'69
'l'ioli:taist' Retires
History's first marching band .vioUntst, John Harder of Southern
Illinois University. has "retired" after four years with the school's
band. never mis:Si ng a game and a~e~ring five times on national
television. The thing was. John doesn t know the first thing about a
violin -he "played " it as a gimmick to accent the band's noncon-
formist att~tude.
40,000 to he 'Su1nmoned '
• •· . . ~ .
Ta:X llef orm Bill Nears Passag~
. ' r .. • -' . ' ,
.Gf!l!.Senator A rg~s Measure Would 'Bankrupt Country'~
W,\SHINGTON (UPJ) .,,.!. The Senate expected to be passed this week, to make ~n. Robert J. 'Dote (0.Kan.). 1t would Serl. John G. Tower (R·Te1.). ~
drove toward passage o( its tax reform a 1$ percent increase in Social Security have e1tmpted the income from one of -Re)ected, 66 to '2S, an amendmenl~
bill today as a Republican leader pleaded benefits comparable to but somewhat the oil industry's chle( tax prelerenetS -Sen Euitne J McClrthy tD-MiM')~
wilh his colleagues to stop and order a less generous than, the increase carried called "intangible drilling expenses" -k rtaln ij,' t ' . ...,. ' '
major overhaul to cut down the cost of in the Senate bill. from the 5 percent tu WhJch the bill im· ma e ce_ a ~ unmarrl~ ptr
the measure. Williams listed eight Se n ate poses on auch tax-sheltered income. would pay no more in laxes than half .:.,,.
Senators were expected to reject a mo-amendments which he asked that the Jrutead, a(ler seven roll call vote:a .and an those paid by married person! who. fi ,
tion by Sen. John J. Williams (R-Del.). firlance committee be lqstructed to angry parliamentary ~I, the .Senate joint returns. ThLs would have
that the bill -lhe broadest tax meaaure delete. Taken together, he sa!d they ad· accepted the exem~on only Irr oil firms government revenues by $t' blll ,
since adoption of the income tax bill In ded up ~ $12.35 billion in ,:osts which ht with rectlpts of le• than '3 'million. Under the bill, wealthy single ~pie c ,
1913 -be sent back to the Senate said the government could not afford . -Approved; delPi.te Adm.lnfJtration op-pay as much as 20 percent more In i.u
Finance Committee o( which he is the Two fellow Republicans, Sens. Gordon position, a provision grabUng the Presi-than married people with the sa
ranking GOP member. Allot!, Colo.. and Charles E. Goodell denl broad -and unsought -authority amount of income. ~,
Williams said the Senate added $10.65 (N.Y.), told lhe Senat e they could not to bar imports which "disrupt" domestic -Adopted a propos;i;l by Sef!. Jo~,
billion to lhe government's costs next vote for lhe bill becau.se or il.!I cost. industry if they come ft'otn countries Sherman Cooper CR-Ky.), to exem
year and $12.15 billion in 1971. The Williams argued : "This bill would which reatrict trade with the United horse breeders from the full l!Tipact ,,
estimates were higher lhan the figures bankrupt the counlry." States. the bill 's crackdOwn on ''hobby farm~•
issued by the finance committee staff. In \llednesday's actions, the Senate: -Approved a $140 million weakening of those operated as tax shelters by ·peop
In pleading for overhaul of the bill, -Narrowly defeated, 47 to «, a $50 a $3.w million ta1 reform an depreciation who deduct their nonfarm income aga
Williams pledged to ,support a House bill , million windfall for oilmen propo31ed by rules for rtal estate on the proposal of "paper IQS.$Cs" on their far 111: ~
N. Koreans
Hijack Plane
Carrying 51
SEOUL I AP\ -A Sout h Korean
airliner "'ith 51 Koreans aboard was
diverted to North Korea Thursday. The
government said it was hijacked and ac·
cused North Korea of "another example
of air piracy."
There was no inform'ation, however, on
whether the pilot, a retired South Korean
air force officer, was forced to fly north
or he himsell defected.
The propjet plane took off from
Kangnung on the east coast to Seoul, 100
miles away, shortly after noon with 17
passengers and four crewmen.
• • • ~ ~ l!:tadde Foree?
Panther Raids
Probe Requested
\\'ASHINGTON (UPJ)_ -For the se-·
cood straight day, officials have re-
quested an investlgatlon 'to see whether
local police are using undue force in
cracking down on the Black Panthers.
Illinois Stalt Sen. Charle.! Chew Jr .•
who is black, asked the Justice Depart·
ment Wednesdaf to Jnvestigate the
shootina: of two Blaek Panther leaders in
Chicago one ·week ago.
certed activity with local poliee in order
to harass any members of tile Black
Panther party."
"Only one member of the Black
Panther party has been indicted Uris year
by a federal grand jury for party·related
activities and that was for making a
public threat against the life of the Presi-
dent," he said.
100 Blacks
Seize Hall
A t Harvard -·""·
CAi\1BRIDGE . Mass. (AP) -More
than 100 black students forced their wa: ~ -
into Harvard 's Universily Hall today a.ml'{:
used chains and wooden bars to barricade
the building's windows and doors from·
the inside. -· _ l:
Later, however. the blacks withdreW -
the barricades and locked themselves in-._ •
side a suite of offices with a group of act."·_~
ministrative officials and f a cu I t y -
members to discuss their demands.
These involved the university's hirini ''
practices as they apply to non-whites. -• ·
The blacks gained entry to the building .;:
by battering do>A•n a side door, a universi-
ty spokesman said.
The structure is Harvard's main ad· n1inistration building. · '!
I 1
111 Scl1ool Bond Challenge?
A spokesman for the Korean Air Lines
said a radar network--tracked the YSll
Japanese-built plane to the North Korean
port city Of Wonsan on the east coast
Wonsan is 120 miles northwest of
South Korea's Foreign Ministry has
asked the International Red Cross to help
in the return of the passengers and the
Tueaday, nine congressmen asked
President Nixon to ext.end the life of tht
NaUonal Commission on Violence so it
can investigate the same shootings.
The congressmen said witnesses al the
scene say it appeared Fred Hampton ,
head of the Illinois Black Panthers, was
killed in bed in the 4 a.m. raid and
a private autopsy seemed to indicate
Hampton was in a reclining position
when the bullets entered his body,
'The recent incidents of violence took
place when police deparbnenl.!I were at-
tempting to aerve warrants. The viola-
tions alleged in the warrants were in·
fractions of state law 'nd were not under
federal jurisdiction . No federal officials
participated in the police actions.·•
From Pege 1
Aware t~at a takeover mighl be com-_ .•
ing, the university earlier ordered the ... ' I
building cleared o l administrative
employes and locked. _ . 1
Two campus police officers were tn-~. I
gide, the university said, and they tried· · ,
plane. ·
ApparenUy the .santa Ana Unified advised school trustees Tuesday nigh t. U.S. and Korean officials discussed
School District will have to mail a sum· They are interes~ Parties because the calling a meeting of the Military
mOM to 40 ,000 ~terested parfle5'' in schooJ,J~i.li~.,.,ktil tol;cive;tlftn.:-the Armistice Commission f~r return of the
· · h ' Oct.' :. ~ · ~ .; · passengers, hot agreed it would not be g01ng lo SuperM>r Court to c allenge the voters 1-. d .. ~s1on mt to lax th h 1 a government aide
conslitutioqality oI the two-thirds re· themselves $33 milllon plus interest to ~ d proper c annc '
quirement to~ school ~5· · pay. far school consructioo. sai ·
The intertst.ed.' P,.~rties tn Ws ca~e •l'e' \'' A rq.;}orilf or xoters -~ percenland I
"II the pro~ Oibers~rllJ dters 1~ 59 pe.tt:ent 't.., vof«i 'for •'1' L ' Le • o:hool.diitr1ct,,~-i.o.;: '6 i•" , . ''~sals\ bu( WtJer '!Ae ca'' 1 ' I ag una S g1on
: · fr .. stltution two.thirds approva :.S' e-
Ri. t'es Co_nducted qui','~'" supt coor1es Kenn.,,·~~ec1 To Join Groups
A • lo the board it would cost more than $5,~ to prepare and mall 40,000 'sum-
For Mr. Haisman
Graveside services will be held .at 3
p.m. Friday at. Pacific View Men)Orial
Park for William t. Haisman, 2~ycar
Laguna Beach resident who died \Ved-
nesday al his home 316 Holly St ., at the
age of 87.
Mr. Haisman is surviv ed by a son,
William G. Haisman of L<ls Angeles: two
daughters, ~trs. Loue lla Knight and ~1iss
KalhrYTI Haisman of Laguna Beach, and
by four grandchildren and eight great
A native of New York and fonner
general building contractor. Mr. Halsman
came to Laguna Beach to retire, )lut•
rielayed his retirement to spend Jive
years working for the city as a.plumbing·
Nixon lo ~(eel \Vives,
iVlorns of ~J iss i ng Gl s
\\'ASHING TON I AP\ -President and
~1rs. Niiton \•:ill rneet Friday m<lrnin1ot:
1.1·ith a group or so1ne 30 \Vives ;ind
mothers of servi~men missing in aclion
or prisoners of war in Vietnam.
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1 ........... Oflk.•
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Mi ititlt -"'¥•Ml1 ,.o .•••• ,,, t265:Z --(•141 """'91 "' .. , .. ,, , ...... , ........, '"'°"' :nu .... , .......... "".,.. HIMrllliltCllll ludo: • 11• Sll'ftl
n1onses. The board then put off a decision on·
spending the money unt il a date is set for
the preliminary hearing in" Superior
Tht test suit Involves the 'board's
decision. ratified by the County Board cl
Supervisors, lo authorize sale oi $8.;;
million in school bonds frpm the $33
million voted on.
, The Santa Ana board bases its case on
the one-1nan. one-vote interpretatiat;i the
U.S. Supreme· Court ha s used in deciding
other state constitutional questioos.
Laguna·s American Legion Post 222
\Vilt join with 25 other posts in Orange
County District 29 at a joint meeting of
the Legion and its auxiilary Friday even-
ing in the Orange post clubhouse.
'tegionnaires and their wives are asked
lo bring -suitable Christmas gifts tex·
eluding .candy, food or noisemakers) for
the '.chll{lren in the Albert Sitton Home.
The home cares for abandoned or
maltreeted children. ,
The Friday meeting will open al 6: 3<I
p.m. and dinner reservations may be
n1ade by "Calling Commander \Vall
Seaborne. ·at 538-5801.
R e lievi:tag Frtas t1·otio11s
\Vlth final exams upon most. of lhe count ry'.! college students. these
Bowlin~ Green State Universi ty !Ohio) youths find! a way of reliev-
ing their t ension -a charity car •·smash-up.,. For a donation a stu-
dcn·r ~e t.s lo ~ledge h A1nmer the old car: the donation is j!:lvcn to the
local orphan.!.· hon1e for Christ.ina s presents. ~
'Mle congressmen, all Democrats, ln-
clud'ed four whites and five of the House's
nine blacks.
The Panthers' general counsel, Charles
Garry, has estimated 28 Panther party
members have died in gunfi&hts with
police since January, 1968.
Fourteen Panthers. including 8-0bby
Seale, the party's imprisoned national
chairman. have been charged with
murder and kidnaping ln the death of
Alex Rickley, whose burhed, bullet·rid-
dled body was round in Connecticut April
Monday 200 L<ls Angeles police and 11
Panthers engaged in a five-hour gun bat-
tle when police raided their headquarters.
A spokesman said the Justice Depart-
ment "has neve r had any policy of con-
Renfro New Head
Of Res t Hom es
he said it Is an ideal operating size that
can be run as cheaply as a hotel of IOI
He said Jt wa.s also the optimum size lo
handle a major portion of the convention
trade of Southern California.
CommenUng on reasons that the report
haiJ recommended municipal financing,
Councilman Roy Holm told Holscher, ''lf
this had been shared with us back Jn
September or November, it might have
.saved a lot of misunderstanding and
maybe some money.
"I think privat~ financing is part of our
conlract with you." The city has paid
S4,000 for the study thus far and may
decide to stop there.
The council heard a recommendation
from the chamber of commerce that the
city terminate il.!I contract with Holscher. The chamber recommended that the ci·
ty in three months refine a program or
rifain Beach development and then con·
tact hotel interests and give them 90 days
to prepare competitive proposals balled
on private financing .
L<lren Haneline, a hotel owner. told the
unsuccessfully to stop the takeover. ·
The spokesman said about 15 minutes j
after tht seizure that the two office rs still •
were inside.
He sa~d he did not know whether they . :
were be1ng allowed to remain or whethe: '
they were being held.
PO Site Chosen si
In Laguna Hills ~ . -
A new $50,000 site for a Laguna HillJ
branch of the Laguna Beach Post Office·
replacing a present rented facility, w1;·. !
announced today by the U.S. Poetmaater;
General in Washington . ;
The office will ,be at the noctheast cor· ~; ·
ner ol Paseo de Valencia and C1Ue d•
Magdalena, covering n ,000 square feet oi __
1 space. ~
Postmaster General Winton M. Blount
said the land was purchased from I.he
R:::issmoor Corporation, which. currently ·:
rents oul a postal facility in the Laguna ·:
Hills Center.
A former principal of Laguna Beach council "\li'e're fortunate to ha ve
High School has been named president or somebody like Mr. Hansen and his group.
He did not announce a timetable tor_.
coostruction and opening.
the 1.100.member Catifomia A"ociation We should gi" them e"ry en-$10 Mi'lli'on Granted -,' of Nursing Homes. couragement."
H. Dean Renfro. owner and ad-Anthony Oemetriades. civic league
miriistrator of the Laguna Beach Nursing presidtnt. presented a position paper and 111 Wa t• A!!ainsl Drugs ·
Home, will take office Jan. I, said Donald also urged that the council not get tl'ie ...., .:
\\'. Gormly, retiring president. cart before the horse -not forget that WASHINGTON (UPI) -The House
Renfro beg an teach.ing in La1una ln the main purpose of beach acquisition Appropriat.ions Committee today granted
1949. He received his degree and teaching wu esthetics and recreation. not com-rnore than $10 million extra to intensify
credential from Whittier College. mercial development. the govtrnment's war against drugs.
rMJlllMlt:l!liMMi=M: ... = .... = .. =.=-=-=,..=-= ... :;:,..:;:..,:::. ,..::: .. :::,..:;;,..;;;;; .. :;:,..:;:,..;,..;;,,.;;;,..;;.,..;;,,..;;,,..:;:.,:;:,..~ ... ;,_,;;,, .,.;;,.,.;;,..;;,..~ .. ;;; .. ;;;,..;,..~ .. ;;;·1·
l J J o /7 Finely Craft ed by I I A t JV. (/• '::Jarrell Pennsyh<1ni• Hous• I
~ I
Antique Bl ue Anllque Red
Forest-Tune ~tap!•
For Limited Timi.'
C:hoic1 of Cotor1 --
INT!tta DftJSCi114S ... -..-...... -2215 HARIOR ILVD.
-' . ' '
. I
, I,
. -~ -· ---·-----.........---- -
; NeWpo~:t· lfftr:hor
ti • •
-. 'T~• Fl••I '.
N.Y. Steeb
i:t ;. ,
~-°62, NO. 296, J S_ECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORAN6E CO!ilW• ~RNIA' THURSDA '!'. ~EMBER II, 1969 TEN CENTS . ' ..
Scouting Their Campsite
Git! Scouts Quita Woolley, 16, Balboa lsland: Diana ~badie, 16, Corona del Mar, and Robin Sc~isher,
8 Ba16oa Island, study model of camp rollowmg an·
n'ouncement Wednesday th.at James Irvine Founda-
tion is donating $100,000 to Girl Scout Council o(
Qrange County lor a multi·purpose building at coun-
cil's new ~acre camp near Idyllwild. County GirJ
Scouts raised funds for Jdyllwil~ campsite, plus ,n.
other'near Big Bear, through anriual Calendar and
cookie sales. Irvine Foundation grant is largest sin.
gle gift ever made to county Girl Scouts.
Qarher's Poll Disputes
C_ofC Bay Cl~h Findings
cJooa .del ?vlar businessmen are not al
all riinlnimoosly opposed lo a new lease
toi lhe :Balboa Bay Club, dtspite what
that communiy's Chamber of Commerce
"i;hat's the opinion of barber shop owner
James·-R.'· Bradley, who sough(-and got
-su-pport of his views from 15 other
tieichants. They s.11 signed a petition en·
ddrsing the proposed new lease.
'Bradley took strong issue with the
cOrona del Mar Chamber board 's
declaration last wetk urging a vote
qainst the Jan. 13 lease extension ballot
proposition. ~"The businessmen here that I've con·
ticted are for it.." be said. "It will mean
to_ HOSP IT Al; -
· 'Most of the patients at Fairview State
ijinJntal in Costa Mesa would never have an opportunity to visit the circus, so the
clri:us visited them this. week.
'The elephants couldn't get through tbt
dottr° and there wa s no Big Top as such.
but; the show went. on. thanks to 110me , OJ<I. troupers who take their pleasure
Once a year· io making life just a bit
brighter for Ehut..-iJL.ci. See how t.h'ey do it
on page 28.
11 lot more Income for the city and help
lighten our tax load.''
The sigriers ol Bradley's petition, hi?
said, include many members of the
Chaml;>er. Bradl(ey, who operates Conte
BaJ'ber Shop, is not a member.
The petition-signers are, in addilion to
Bradley, 0. D. Purdue, of Purdue
Tailors; Robert T. BUJ;lhalaugh. Corona
de! Mar Auto Parts; Terry Field, Russ
Thompsons ; John A. Legge, Golden
Palace Imports : Al E. Bertram, Ye Olde
Sewing Machine Shoppe ; Mp.ria Sacher,
Elsa Gi'egoir, L. A. Modicti: Lucille B.
.Johns, Lucille's Juniors; Rolf Swenddal,
Hansen's Fashion Footwear : Garf Knox ,
House of Art : Marilyn Walker, Judy Kaye
Salon; Robert H. Hillis, Corona del Mar
Foreign Car Service; Joan Pereira,
J.'Extraordinairc; and George Thomas,
Riddle & Ross Realtors.
Bradley said all but two or three
businessmen he approached with his peti-
tion agr~ to sign il
Capitol Repair _Bill
WASHINGTON (AP) -A $344!3-million
legislaUve appropriation bill that includes
a compromise in the House-senate
dispute over what lo do about the
Capitol's crumbling we~t front was pa55·
ed by the Senate today and tent lo· Presi·
dent Nixon.
(;Jaanabe1· Gets 1,000
Destroyer 1-{its,
Si1iks Fisli Boat
But Crew Saved
A modern destroyer steamin~ through
t~e predawn darkness· knifed ·into a
Filipino fishing boat 60 miles west of San
Clemente Island today, 1 sending her
swiftly to the bottom. ·
All 18 hands from the 80-foot Orient
were taken aboard the USS Parsons
within an hour after the 5:15 a.m. col·
Usion. which forced the fishermen to
abandon shi p.
The soaked crew members were chilled
by icy water and 45-degree air tem-
peratures. but no one was injured, ac·
cording to a radio message from the
Parsons to U.S. Coast Guard head·
quarters in Long Beach.
No explanation was immediately given
ror the eollision, which occurred in clear
weather and rel atively calm seas, but the
San Diego-based destroyer sustained no
Authorities said the Parsons wa s on a
training mission w~en the accident oc·
curred and was due to arrive in San
Diego about 12:30 p.m.' today with the
rescued ·Filipino fishermen.
Spokesmen at the Long Beach Naval
Station said an investigation will begin
quickly into what caused the Orient and
the 10.yeai-old ~ to cross· paths in
the darkntss.
The Parsons. carrying 276 men, ls
equipped with surface-to-air missiles, as
well as modern electrofljc navigational
Coast Guard Search and Rescue head·
Back Bay Buy Due?
Swap Alternative StudiedByCbuntY,
By TOM BARLEY Of .... Mir ,...,,_ ...
Orange County officia.ls · today have.
under' study a new alteru,alive to,-the Up-
per Newport Bay lone! exchange which
envlslons dredging away Udel 'islands and
creating 123 acres of filled tidelands.
The alternative to the much-debated
Back Bay swap between 'the county and
the Irvine Company was<i>ffered by First
Dislrjct Supervisor Robert Battin of San·
la Ana.
It drew a cool reception from
Supervisor Altqn E. Allen. whole. district
includes the Upper Bay. and his col·
leagues William Phillips and William
Battin told the board that he estimated
the dredging project and purchase or
islands from the ranch company would
cost $10 million.
In the end, supervisors orde red a study
by the county's real estate and propt?rly
division, t.he parks, recreation and
Police Investigating
Hippie Cult Death Toll
May Reach 14 Persons
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Authorities
reportedly are investigating whether 14
persons may have been killed by one or
more members of a hippie-style nomadic
Members or the clan already are
ch11-rged in eight of the murders, in·
eluding that of actress Sharon Tate.
The grim prospect of additional clan
victims came to light jusl. before today·s
arraignment or the Tate case's central
figure, Charles M. l\1anson, 35, lhe wild.
bearded clan leader wh05e followers call
him "God" and "Satan."
also is charged In the·rnurder of musician
Gary Hinman in Malibu.
The prosecutors say they expect. the
defendants will seek separate trials af)d
will try to sever the case of the August
slaying~ of the honey-blonde artr-esa and
four others kin~ on her · estate from
those of wealthy market owner Leno
LaBianca and his · wife, killed the next
Deputy Dist. Attys. Aaron Stovitz and
Vincent Bugliosi made their comments in
an interview Wednesday after thtte
young women defendants waived ar·
raignment on the charaes and a judge
issued an order sharply limiUng pretrial '"'""'''¥ to the ,. ... by prlnclpoll in theClUL -~ilf's deputies searCh~ a movie
ranch Wednesdaf near i u b Jl r ban
Chatsworth, )ooking for signs or Donald
O'Shea. 40: ~ atunt man and beer hall {';ty to R,,,;;_,1·eur
bouncer m11S1ng after a reported. quarrel ~ . -'-+ Y .,-..
with Manson. • bi" '·" Police have been lookirij {or coit'*tlfig · ll~J p • --.ti·• · ;
threads In the Los Angelea'!iieaths ol two e:a .OSI on
teen-age religious cultists.
Reports today sajd police are in· 0 B E h
"'ligating possible link• between the n ay xc ange
Tate slayings and the deaths of a dope .
peddler, a motorcyclist In Bishop, Calif., Newport Bea'.'!h city councilmen w'ut
and a member of the Manson clan in ~uddlt behind closed doors Mond~y to
suburban Venice. No details were ~eview the city's legal position in the
reported. Back Bay tidelands exchange.
Wilh a court ban on comment imposed City Attorney Tully Seymour said today
on officials, police kept mum Ofl'deyelop-he does not believe any decision on a
ment.s and deputies 8COl.lfing the movie eoQr8e of action is · "imminent" as a
ranch were tightlipped . result of the scheduled executive session.
But the ranch's owner, .G~ge C. ·"Eventa are moving very swiltly on the
Spahn. 80, saMI Man.!IOll and O'Shea had Back Bay swap and the council wants to
argued before O'Shea disappeared •. The be brought up to date On the subject and
cutt had lived on his ranch fur a time, all its potentialities," he explained.
Spahn said, arainst his-will. Prosecutors announced Wednesday Seymour conceded it is likely that there
tl}ey will seek a single trial for Manson will be some discussion on whether the
and the five members of his desert tribe city can or should exercise a legal claim
charged with murder and conspiracy in for the Upper Bay tidelands, as urged
the deaths of Miss Tate and six others. last month by conservationist opponents
One of the defendants, Susan Atkins, or the exchange between the Irvine Com•
pany and Orange County.
Back Bay Ducks
Still Not Safe
"Mostly, though, we will review the
legal issues," he said.
Mayor Doreen Marshall called for the
ex.ec:utive session. which is permitted
under the Brown Act because it involves
legal strategy.
harbors department and the county
counsel's orflce. The team is expected tO
.. report back to the Board of SuperviaorJ
in March.
The Board of Supervisor11, howev.er, ap..
pcared to be divided on the Back Ba.1:
proposal evenJ>efore Battin tacked up bis
series: of colored charts in the bearinf
room Wednesday.
Board members tangled on just what
the study would imply and Ole nlt11re ot
IS.. BAY SWAP, Page%) . * -tr *
6ac)i Bay Swap
Foos Win Oite
Round' in Tiff
Of .... Oettt' Pllft Steff
Orange County Superior Judge Robert
Corfman Wednesday awarded a major
victory to foes of · the Upper Bay land
swap in allowing them to freely introduce
hundredli of points of evidence in the
coming trial over lhe legality of the
Corfman, acling on moti ons by · the
Irvine Company and Orange County gov·
emment to strike the points u possible
evidence, disagreed with the two par·
ties' pleas and said ~ foes• points_;
Including the important i.asue of equa)
value-were valid ,a tvidegce.
Ralph Perry, L9I Aft&ele1 lawyer
npr~ntlng tHe iii; Jriman litigants
challenging. !he·-'ox~.-'tmned th•
court decision-as "& ~jar victory ....
ln Pf<s_enlaP.J• Il~ city. coun-
cilmen _rectnOy, Pli-ry ,.aid ~ -was
a key rlctor l!thb'cllenta'!filtt fli1bloct
the: excha~e. · ~ "'
Judgt ~~ struck 9fll1 · ~ dbzen paragraph~ lrOni tht hundreds of lengthy
points which Q,e. six litigants WIJtt to
expJOre in ·courL Perry termed .the. dele--
tions •1only very minor."
"Otherwise, the judge said we can
Introduce just atiout anything we want in.
the trial," Perry added.
The main issue the foes are bankinC
on is the question over value of the lands
which the Irvine Company has offett:d tn
give the county in exchange for the Back
Bay tidelands.
They charge that ihe parcels to be
exchange are not of equal .value.
The proceeding tn quash specific
points of evidence was sparked by the
county and the development rirm. .
Trial dates for the examination. of'tht
exchange are still not set. •
The lengthy list of points which can b8
Introduced in the coming trial (it is ex·
pected to start some time next year)
follow the standard arguments of the fotS
and involve most of their objections to
the exchange plan.
"What it really says," Perry said, 11is
that Judge Corfman has said 'yes, you
should have a chance to challenge J)te
exchange with whatever evidence -f6u
He said that had the judge ruled Jo, the
Irvine Company.County favor, the •llti·
A few days ago, the Newport Beach
Parks CCl"linilssion reported that a lin·
can-bangiilg duck-chaser whose apparent
aim was to send the birds flying over gun
clubs had fled Ule Back Bay.
gants would have been severely limited
T-hi u Predi' cts in what hey could introduce as evidence C _ In what they could Introduce as evidence
That may be so, but it doesn'l mean the
ducks are safe, Mrs. J.; M. Treneer Jr.,
3021 Clll'Ob St., Newpor~ said today.
"My 'grandson and I were walking in
Lhls area Sunday." she reported, "and
we saw and heard two men shooting al
the du cks.
"l\1aybe a jab occasionally in your
newspaper might give these gun-happy
men a coo science," she suggested.
-.. _ -· uwe had' only the r'emotC!t hopes or 'Red Control' having his action work in our favor. I am pleased, and, certainly, my clleDtl
are elated,'' Ptn')' added.
111 CoalitiQn Plan
SAIGON (UPI) -Pre!<ident r:rguyen
Van Thieu said today South Vietnam
would be under Communist control in
six months if a coalition , government
were formed with the Communists.
"As to the neutrality pasition, t think
that at best, after one year South Vle~am
will be dominaed by the Commim1sts,
Thieu said In a communique.
or .. ge Cou&
The 11un will be shining like.
crazy Friday, but it won't get the
temperatures over the ~egree
mark along tht Orange Coast.
Sex Education _ Replies Pouring In
Officials in Saigon advocating a neutral
rourse for the country 1'will lead ttlis na·
tlon to suicide and not to survival," the
president said.
He spoke in TtSponle to newspaper and
broadCast reports of anoO"ler· of tli.I
speeches 'I\lf!'lday In Vung Tau,. ¥l miles
IOUtbeast of the capitol.
A UC ITvin~ profeasor b .
among thoac ·charged toi'h an·
ticipating tbc fkture in a socio-
logical~ program called "Blttt ·
print" Page l3. · By JEROME F. COi.LiNS
OI' flit 01llr ,llf! Siii!
"Nisponse to the Newport Harbot'
Chamber or Commerce's q1.testl0Maire on sex education so far has b:eelf1"£an·
tastic," chamber manager Jack Bamelt
reported today.
About 8,500 CoPies of the 11).quesOon ·
document were mailed out lo parents
~tonday. By Wednesday. the fiNit replie~
ii.reamed into chimber hcadgijartcrs.
And it wa~ a nood. ,
-"We·ve AlreadLgot a slatk of about
J,000," Mid Barnett. -
-lit noted.that a few·telephone calls alliO
hid' been ttcclved from parents Who ob-
Jt<lld to tht malli11&-
• 1Most of Ultm wanted to koow why' we
-Involved In the subject." said
'rmtt. "I told lhem all lhc same thing. .
. SOme~y has to do il And w~·re·jU1t-aa
inie!"sted in our· schoo!s as is aii)body
else. ·
"By sending out the q~lonnairt
we 're only serving as a vehicle for the
schools to find out what the public thi'1b
about a very eontrover•I issue. We feel
that our kids today will soon be Jn the
s11me positions in society that you and t
are. so we should look 01.1t for their
Another complaint received b y
chamber and school authorllies ia that
eaeh questionnaire had the reclplent'5 ad·
dress pasted oo the back bY e mass
mailing firm . Some parents expressed
concern that Uris would make the
resjJonses. to be madt' on the quet-
Uonnaire, not anonymous.
"Nobody is Interested 1n any oames,''
Barnett insisted. "nit only· taOOlaUon
·!bat will ·be maclt will be on lhc ba•i• or
ihe l!Chools the pamrta'·chilclrtn•1tt.nd.
• 'Q!e ·questionnaires are color~ for
lbl!t. The llddrelilJl4 labels can _be
removed ·K anyone 1s really worried
about tt:"·
He ex plained that the '8ddrming labelf
\Ve re used because they saved hundreds
of dollars In mailing expen ses. The
alternative would ha ve been to stuff each
Questionnaire in an envelope and pay ror
a more expensive class of mailln~.
The com of printing and malling was
paid entlrtly by memberi' of lhe chamber.
board of dlrtc~on. •
Among contributors towatd 1he $400 ex-
pense were O. W ... Dick'' Richard,~ of
Rich8rd's Lido Mtarket: Bill Rlng. of
ll1rbor lnvulmenta: Gtorge Woodford, • r •
ol Newport NiUonarBank: ,John Macnab, · or Ma<n1b Realty; and Rlcl)ard si.vens,.
ol. lhe Balboi Bay Club. • ·
Dr. Nola!) Frtueile, chairrn11n of lhe . . . . ' Chamber's educaUon commtttee1 seld to·
day the .quesUonnairea wet. mJlled in
about fqual .amolinla.-to both Nt.w'port
Beach and CoSta MeS1 homes. Earlier. it
had betn understood that only Newport
pareriu of chiklrtn in the 5tb, 7th, tth and
1Jth,SJ11des were on the malling list.
Dr. Fr1%Ztll< explained that the
Chamber. tn. cooperation with the school
district,· Is 1eekina: • , district.wide
respgn!i. · ·
Ttie ta~latlon of the_ rttumtd q~
tlonnaim is not expected to .,.,gin for at
least two wetks, to 11Jow ttnw for 111
panmta to i<ply.
· The-reports . quol'!I ·'lblell "-saylog
neutrallsts are "~tdi" "hoping for fu.
turl? favors from the CorYunUllist.s fnd th.e1
Vletn11mese Anny would Insure that aP'"'
prepriate action be. taken against three
legisl1tori; accused of being Comn\unist!.
Many report' wtre worded to "wrr·
poseJy distort the facts ... and i'nclle ~e
people and the Army will assume °'e l.llsk
to behead Uttse Communisb in order to
respect •.. , the constitu tion:•· he said In
tht1 commUniqut.
Stork Marice~
NEW YORK (AP)-Th• stock . market
JOO' ~n early ad•l!lnce and In lat.e trtdln&
todoy just •bolll held ill own. '(See q11011-
tions, P11es 30-31 ),
°"' 14 'T&'
!.~'!!.~· •
,-.;~~ .. "'""'""""""pm;""" r ' .. ~ ' I
.. .F •• -
!-rrArtY PlLDr -"
OCCStudent ..
Bod " Card . ' .... y ... . . -' . ' . . ' . . .
Pi·ices Cut
•, .qrange, Coast College student bOdy
cad! prices have been sJashed in half.
io far only abou t · t.000. qu~ of 7,200
daytime students have plunked out $20 to
b11y ct. card, so the sttident counc il ·this
\\'etk decided to ma:ke t~price 111ore at·
lrtcUve. > .
A stµdent body t''ai'tl lor the second
semester' which \\'Ould have cost $10 "'ill
n(l'l'l-(."QSt just $5.
Student Body President To1n Hubble
said to be fair to those who bought cards
lor the year at $2f) will be given a $10 re-
The student government is running the
risk of losing money if new sales don't
equal t~ rt!fund.s , .but Hubble says if that
happens (t will have: been 'worth it in
public relations ..
He said a "high salesmanship" cam-
paign is planned to recoup on the refunds.
Old Sa1itu ls Witli lJs Again
DA ILY I'll.OT ll•ff l'M ..
'Ba1i1cr..;i;'Jti ..... re1 .. ' ·,:• ··<--,:j
.1.. " • + ••
Tax ~ef orm ~ilf
Nearing Passag~l
WASH.ING'l'ON (UPI) -The Senate
drove toward passage of its tax reform
bill today as a Republican leader pleaded
with his colleaeuea to stOp arid order a
major overhaul to cut down the b)lf. of
the measure.
Senators were e1Pected to'Teject a mo-
tion by Sen. John J. WUllJmS (R·Del.),
that the bill -lhe br9ideSt tax me·as~
since adopUon of the Income tu bill in
1913 -be sent back to the Senate
Fin~ Committee, of wb.jch he is the
ranking GOP member.
Williams said the Senate added t10.6S
billion to the government's cost! next
year and .12.15 billion in 1971. The
esUmates were· higher than the figures
issued JJy the finance committee staff.
In pleading for overhaul of the bill.
Williama pledged to support a House bil • expeci.ed to be passed this week, to mak
• 15 percent hicrease in Social Security
bell!fits comwable to but S-Omewhat
less generous .than; the increase carried
In the SellJle bill -
Sen. Eugen& J, McCarthy. ( O.MiM. ), to
make certain that an unmarried .persen
\1•ould pay no more in t~xe.s .,than bal!.of
those paid by married persons woo· file
joint returns. .J'hls would 'hive, >Cirt
tovernment r,evefUle( by .;·41,S blPJon.
UAClet"the bill, wealthy single pe&ple ~In
pay as much aa 20 percen' .m.-e in taxes
than married · people · with..-p.e same
amount or income. ~ ---~d~pted a proppsal· by Sen. John
She~man COoper (R-Ky.), .to eiempt
horse .breeders frcm the full impact of
· the bill's crackdown on "bobby .farms."
those operated as tax -&htlters by people
who deduct theft DMfann income against
"paper 10£8fli'' en theif f a.r·m s.
OCC student body sales first plum•
n1eted las t year after County Counsel rul-
ed the college was coercing students to
buy thetn through a hard sell. The praC'-
tice had been to require students who
didn't "'ish to buy t.cf listed to Dean or
Student Acti vities Joseph·-ltroll ex plain
the be nefits to card holders, including in·
In.. a changing \\'Ol'ld, it's nice 10 kn O\\' -there are
some things yo u can count on -suCh as 'Sa nta
Claus s1niling do\v,1 on passersby fro n1 his perch
hi gh atop Newport's Ci ty Ha lJ. Ci ly 1'lorkers .John
Standage. (left ) ~nd RaJph Van Houten \Vere among
those seeing to 11 that Santa once again rose to the
heigh is.
'Williams !isled eight S e n a t e
ameridments which he asked that the
finance committee be instructed to
delete. Taken together, he said they ad-
ded up to $12.35 billion in costs which he
said the government could not afford.
Judge Slates
Inquest Date_;
.. \"
sura nce. • Hub~le said that althouih stud ent body
card 1nC<>me !his year ·ha's been we-n -
beJo,v the budget estimate of $30.000 ,
football. basketball and the bookstore
have been doing better tha n expected so
the $145,000 student budget seems sound,
Newport Council
Okays 'Islands'
For Cul-de-sacs
:,•J'd Do It Again'
Mayor Who Tore Cong Flag Acquitted
sA·NTA -CRUZ (UPil -The mayor of
S<il'!ta ·Cruz. acquitted of 1nalicio us
fnischief for tearing do"'Tl a Viet Cong
·nag_ at .a private residence on Velerans
D.ay, told happy su p1l9rters \Vednesda y·
,.··Yqti1n> darned right I would do i'
Werner said the decision by 11. Jury of
right women and four men showed tha1
··12 good Ameri cans can tell the dtC-
fe rence between righ t and wrong."
Owners or homes located at cul-de-sac But Mayor Richard Werner , a 7~ye<ll'
(rounded dead-end ·@lreetsl no ·longer old' veteran of two world wars. re sist£
The jury was headed by Theodore
Cho\1'anec. who admitted during the panel
~-:ol ection he had sent .a congratulatory
telegram lo the mayor for hi s action.
need look out on just a v"lde circle of lh I asphalt. They can hav'"tv.a landscaped_ is· · e temptation as he ert municipal cou·
\Verner testified that he ripped do11·n
'he Viet Cong flag being flown al the
:iome of Larry Bell . 27, a substitute
1eacher and Vietnam veteran. be<!ause he
could fi nd no law that prohibited Bell
from ~lying it.
land out there. The Newport Beach Citv after 8 two-day trial.
Council has ruled . , · W.emer flushed slighlly as lie w:•
The ruling, urged by the cily staff. confronted. ln tti;e. courthouse corridor b:·
involves adoption of a new policy per-a young man weariog a Viet Cong eln·
miLLng such landscap}.Jtg in the pubhc· blem as a cape . right-of-way. . • The mayor said noth ng and made no
The mayor said Bell, who ntade ::i
· citizen's arrest on Werner. was ·•naun-
ling what. to us veterans, was next to a
holy day.'' Homeowner WayTlt Schaeffer ' ...,.ho n•ue mov e tow·ards the youth, who
lives at Aldean ~)Joe, a cul-dHae in ide:Ptlfied fii~l!. only a5' "Sleazy."
Newpor_t H·~jil,.J:r~.ll)' reqUo¥led l{bwe~er, .~j"Jr~f ~ufl\e _bm~e. cut when
lhe pohcy ~-R! :~a! s_evep ~6tbu 11 ·ffu-~mcn, ~-b'ttstf\C~su1~l1H1.ged 11
'l'he jury, which heard testimony Tues·
rlay . returned a verdict of innocent
V.'cdnesday after deliberating less than
an hour.
homeownl>.l's.xwant~ to . be!aulil)' ~ 1 be phot_qgTaph& whc w'~S lak il't•"f»ctures of
spread of asphiilt in f~on! Ot thell' prop-the.'encounter,
~rlies. But ,i(fYiB!>n 't perrQ.ittcd. It now _
s Assis~11t -a,. M~naR,t, Ji~\s !!>t• ' · ,,.. \ ~ ~-i,F1"0~f~ Page I ;~i~~~~=~~/~tj~~ fA; . ./r :i w'\1. ri·'.·"" ·.(in: NATIVE
incllfdf.. .. . ;A i 'ft;lt •1 . ;Jf I ;:, .. .fl.r • . . .. -S'u~fpp "!·al~ plan's for lapdi'p.1 · ·' .. · ,;.; • ~ ·
Ing to fhe .~M·~~r~c;~ for approva l. tl'ti bo_?rd commitment before~"vOftd. lhe legal ity of the land swap is proved nr
--:-lnstall3li~ ..... C?f .a ··:~~ter meter a~ 4 fo~ the lhree-<lepartment analySis.' ' disproved . spr inkler system ·Jn the-landscaped JS· " land · • • :<'Jllpervisors Allen, Phillips and:Hirslein Ba~tln told the Board Wednesday tha t . I , . -, ... --· .. • , -:_Allo>A'ance for sufficient emergency al! rejec~fd th,o sugge_stion that..th:t. lrvine. 1 ihe cciupty 's inability lo pa y for U1e land
\"chicle. movements. C~m~n.y be approached at thiS~lirne:for ?f·lti ~veJopment ll'as a big fa ctor ,.,.hen
-1Wr1itthten hsupport from_ atU. lcasl 17J per-Hi viC\\'S Qn suggested abandonment of the !and trade \\'as firt adopted bv the cen o e omeowners in 1e cu -ue-sac . . · area. l.M cxisting Back Bay swap agreement. board ~nd the Irvine Company.
-All costs to be borne by the home· -~Battin anti -Superviso r Davit;t Baker, That si t~atiOn, he st~essed to the board.
owners. w~O appeared' to be disappoint¢, had· to does not exist today and he proposed
Schaeffer and his neighbors will de-settle for the study alone and deferment financing what one hearing room \vag ~~~~rici. ~ ci:!~~e ~~tel" landscaped 9r any seriou~ consideration of Battin's called the "Vpper Battin Plan" through
Bout Rejected
TAMPA . Fla. IAPl - The Tampa
Sports autho rity refused today to rent the
C"ity"s 48.000 seat stadium for a box.ing
match bet"·een Cassius Clay and Joe
}'razier. raising speculation that the right
t1·ould have to be called off bec ause no
other sui table Tam pa sites wer e
The Sports Aut hority apparently bo"•ed
to strong pressure. Crom veterans groups.
the individuals who had called by the
tOOusands to say they opposed ha ving the
fight in Tampa.
l•t.••I N. w.,~
T~'""'' Ko••il E•ilo•
. J,,,..,, F. Coll••1
,._, lt6Cll
Ci!I' f<ll!"'"
111_1 w .. 1 ''"'•• ••~,..,.,,
M•11111t A44"u: P.O.'" tt7J, 1J66J --
pro1>9Sal, pending com pletion of the '"fllnQs that did not exist when the agree-
analys.is. ment was reached" -re v en u e s
Battin urged his colleagues to recognize ~enc~ated by the Dana Point Harbor and
!hit "the public is: be<!oming increasing ly Sunset Aqu atic Park developments and
tancerned about environmental issue.<: the three:cent tax rate approved by the
fi nd thefe. is a demand upO n us today 10 bQard for protecti.on of public access to
protect its intcrcsls in this Upper B<1y beaches and waterways. Battin said the
are:f .. , "present temper of the publtc" demanded
The F'irst Disl ricl supervisor <1lso !luch a nlovc and thal his proposal ··11'}1s
pointed to the existe nce of hinds th nt not the only way \Ve could n1ovC in pro·
>A·ere not available to the county v.·hen it tecting these vitally ilnporlant areas
firsl agreed to Jo.int development of the from destructioo thr0ugh development by
Upp:::r Bay area. ·And ,he predicted that such agencies as the Irvine Co."
1he Jrvi Ae Company will agree "In a "\Ve must maintain ecological bala nces
mutua l recisioo of the trade •.. because that are unique and 'irreplaceable." he
(he company ~as shown a g~e~t concern said, "but v.·c are going. to have to acl
for the well bemg qf the pub\lc 1nt~rest. now if we hope to save such vital
"'! do not believe,". he said. "that they resources as the Upper Bay."
\1·ould want to force i trade that was no Supervisors Allen. Hirstein and Phill ips
longer in that inleresl." , limited wh at appeared to be their op..
Battin is urging the board to purchase pos ition to the wording of the motion call·
:-ix Jots that con1prise Upper Bay islands ing for the study. All agreed that deep
_ Jots 101. 102, 103, J04, 139 and 140 -discus~ioi;i of the issue was not possible
from the Irvine Company for the SS 11nti l the study is completed and delivered
1ni1Uon valuation placed on the land by to the board.
the Irvine Comp11.ny. p redg ing of !bl' Battin fu rthe r \1·arned his colle agues
arra \vould cost the county a further $2 ti1ot the county '"faces a new threat if tt
1nillion. the supe rviso r predicts. allows Irvine lo develo p the Upper Bay
The finlshed product. BaUln said. un der the tenns of the lan d exchange.
"oHld IH' "'123 acres or fille d tideland~ _ .. Righ t now,"' he said .. "we face son1e
:1bove the Pacific Coesl Highw;iy and $29 million in damage suits from
helov.' the narrow..s -0f Upper Bay '''ilh hon1co\vners in 1he Upper Bay area V.'ho
n\"<'r 22.000 feet of water frontage and object to the noise and pollut ion created
\l'h\ch al current valuation would be by jet aircr~f\ using Orange Count y
1vnrth at 11.:ast $22 miUlon. AirporL
"ThiS would be the result of nJO\'ing '"\Ve'll face a lot more than that if v.·e
the purchased \and to coonly Udelands for nllow the Irvine Com pany to ring the Up..
the l)enefil of the public rather than for per Bay with $100,000 and $200.000
the benefit of the Irvine Co1npao y." Bal· homes," Battin said.
tin said. "All of the Upper Bay above lhe '"My plan would ensure thal the area
narrows could be left in its exisllng state would remain a water-oriented seclor
for the benefit of the ecology of the Bay." free to public access and it's far better
Uoder the land exchange agreement ttiat jet aircraft take of£ over this sort of
CurT.ntly frozen by court action and like· terrain than by flying over costl y homes h \\'hose own ers \Voold soon be after the Jy to n maiil so for several years, t e county for dan1ages."
Irvine Company contracts to transfer 4$7 B:Htln assured the board that ac-~cres of rrVine uplan,ds to: -the·-.1~1 ctptanct of his plan would not affect !he
acres of tideland s depicttd in 811111n 5 11roviskln of a UCI ro"'ing course, a
cha rts. feal ure which forms part of the Upper
The proposal has been anac~cd. e\•er B:iy l:ind swap contract.
:since iU lncepUon. It is now locked in the "The rov;ing course CQU]d still be
courts wheer it faces 3 taxpayers' sult develo ped by utlll?.ing the natura l stream
and it! legality Is questioned by at least bed fo r flood control waters from the bay
two county offitials -C-Ounl y Assessor to 1.TifcArlhur Boulevard without the
AndrC\V J. 11insha'v and County Auditor county hllving to purchase any land at
Vic Heim. all ,"" he asid, "By deepending , .. Sand
IUn!>ha"' has refused tn rtmov(' thf' C11nyon Creek. the tidal 1va1ers could be
lrvine aettage from the tax rnlls tXltnde<I up th! flood control channt!l
beeause of what he conttnd.~ is an "im-beyond thcr Jainbortc Road bridge and
prope r and Illegal tr11nsar.llon." And from lhere beyond MacArthur both up
~!elm refuses lo 11oiy dreclglng bills unlU San(f Canyon Creek and Bonit11.Canyon."
No Morato1·ium
Plans Brewin·g
At Coast Colleges
No Vietnam moratortum activities are
planned at Orange Coast area college
campuses this month.
That was the word today from student
activities offices at UC Irvine and at
Orange Coast , Golden \Vest and Sad-
dleback junior colleges. But o n e
spokesman warned, "It ·doesn"t take them
Ieng to plan something 'il they want to."
Nationally, the Vietnam Moratorium
Committee has cailed for observance Fri-
day and Saturday this week and -0n
Christmas eve.
The nearest demonstration known
scheduled is a march on ·Sunday from
Oceanside to Camp Pendleton Marine
The org~nizers are estimating J0,000
persons \\'Iii participate including con·
tingents or antiwar marjnes .known as
The Green Machine and antiwar sailors
\vho call themselve~ Duck Power.
One reason for the damper on activity
;ii UCI, usually alway~ good for a
demonstra tion. is final exams coming up
nex t week .
l'rom Page I
Twe> fellow Republic;:ana, Sens. Gordon
Allott. Colo,, and Charles E. Goodell
tN.Y.), told the Senate they could not
vote for the bill because of its cost.
Williams argued: "This bill would
bankrupt the muntry."
In Wednesday's actions, the Senate:
-Narrowly defeated. 47 tQ $4,' a $50
million windfall for oilmen proposed by
Sen. Robert J. Dole (D-Kan.). It would
have exempted the income from one of
the cil industry's chief ta:r preferences -
called "intangible drilling expenses" -
from the 5 percent tax which the bill im-
pose& on such tax-sheltered inC<>me.
Instead, after seven roll call votes and an
angry parliamentary snatl, the Senate
accepted the exemption only for oil firms
with receipts of leJ.S than $3 million.
-Approved, despite Admi(listration op·
PQSltion, a provision granting the Presi-
dent broad -and unsought -authority
tG bar imports which "disrupt" domestic
industry if they come from countries
which restrict trade with the United
-Approved a $140 million weakening or
a $350 million tax reform on depreciation
ruits for real estate on the proposal er Seil. John G. Tower (R·Tei:.).
.....;:Rejected, 86 to ZS, an amendment by
" EDGARTOWN, Mass. (AP) ..:. JQdit
James A. Boyle announced today ·lhit.9Je
long-delayed inquest into Ott' . «¥>Vf~r
Miss Mary Jo Kopechne will beglir'Jih,~.
Boyle's annou11cement followed 1f1 o6)y
!4 hours a judge's refusal ·i9 .WilJte..Bit·
re, Pa., to Ptrmit an autopSy oft :Miss
Kopechne 's body.
Miss Kopechne was tbe ta:year-aJ:d
WaShington, D.C., sccreta,Ty ~lio "died
when Sen. Edward M •. Xtonedy'11 Cir
plunged of£ a bridge on Chippaquiddick
Island list summer. '"
Boyle, who will preside at the inqu~.
made no other comment. This was tai:l!n
to mean that he still intends to hold the
proceeding here on Martha's Vineyai:µ,
rather than move it to the mainland. i
The inquest was sought by Dist. Atcy.
Edmund Dinis of New Bedford, who alSo
had filed the petition in WilkeS-B~re fbr
exhumation of the body and the autopsY,.
Its purpose will be to determine t~e
legal cause of Miss Kopechne's death, Js
opposed to the medical cause. ,
Reached by telephone, at hit·_~Or,ie.
Dini s had no comment on Boyle'• a)i·
, .. Jrouncement. ' d .~{ '
R · 'd·: .. { .. Tue inquest will be closed to~. es.i. ent i.. In,, line with • ruling irortif the
.. .. . Aflissacbu.setts Supreme Court. .:..-7
Of CdM Dies
Of Heart Attack Students Offered~
Clyde Austin Burger, will known cor· Trip to Japan ,
ona de\ Mar Mobil station operator, died ,. BOAT SINKS • , • of an apparent heart attack \Vednesday. A tw o-week study trip to Japan begin·
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday ning Easter vacation is ·planned. for
quarters di spatched t"·o cutters and A 111 the Comm u nit Y Congregational Newport -Mesa Unified School -Distric..t
helicopter to the coliision ~ne . pin-Church. Corona de! Mar. students grades eight through 12.
pointed at 100 miles southwest of Long ?<.1r. Burger, 52, had been a resident of So far 38 students have signed up fot
Beach. the area for 19 years. He was a member the 60 airplane spots at 1 perSonal cost
Their mission was Cancclled ·when the ol ~ Newport Harbor Elks Club, Al or $835 each. r.
Parsons radioed that all 18 Orient Malaikah Lodge, Newport Harbor Ex· Fay Harbison, coordinator of sp;ecial
crewmen had been taken aboard safely change Club and Corona del ~far Cham-projects for the school district, said tl°Je
by 6:12 a.m., and she was proceeding to ber of Commerce. students will take a one evening a week San Diego. He is survived by his wife. Lucille or course beginning Jan. 5 in Japanese hi$-
The fishing J:>oal. -Operated. by Angel the home. 615 Marguerite Ave .. Corona lory, language. customs and art to prt:-
Osena of Manila and based in Z<lm-del Mar ; daughter. Clyda Burger Guidry pare to r the stud y trip. They also will bt of Corona del ?<.Jar : three sisters. Iren e gin corresponding wilh a Japanese !!tU--hoang a. the Phi.lippines, sailed out of 0 r Oki \' t T 1 d t
Lo "'ens o a .. ·e nia ay or an A ice dent their age whom the y will later visit. ng Beach Harbor at 6 p.m \Vednesday . r. bo h t T t b th .Jowers t o exas; our ro ers. \Vh ile in Japan they \.\'ill visit Ex""' "iO The vessel had pre sumably unloaded its " ·r r c 1·1 E t d R d r •·
f r 1 d va1 o a 1 •• ar an aymon o ir. Osaka. cargo a is l an ivas headed out to sea Okla .• Donald of r-.t is.s. Students v.•1sh1ng to go should s1gn up
again v.hen she was sunk by the Pa rsons Inlerment ""·ill be in ~taysville. Okl a. by Dec. 1n. ~lrs Harbi son said, so it catl
in hundr.eds n{ iath-0ms off the rocky Arrangements are under the direclion he detrrmined fron1 their number hoY..
channel island. . ·~ __ of Baiz l'\lortuary, Corona ~el Mar. many teac he rs to send along. ,
pMMM~---~~-----MMMMM,....MMMMMMMM•~~~---MM __ M_
i I j .At .JJ. J. (}arretl ,'.:'.:,,'::;'.'~:: .1 ~
W An tique Blue Antique Red I i ·1 I Forest-Tone Maple I
Tor Limited Tim.~
~ I " ll ,ij ·a
Choict of Colors
I H.J.GARREi fURNflll~~"~"""
I l'IORISIOMM. 0,. --. a I'll. -COSTA MESA , CALIF.
• ' • •
• • • ' \
! • • I l fNTtlltOI DBICHUI 646.0275 t
~-:;~t<e:i:M._.. ............................................... ~---..... -.. .)" . '
\ I
---~ -----·--· ----------.,,,... ..,~ ""'--....
Vet Proposes Caniers
As Homes for Hippies
Obloltte aircraft carriers 11
homes for blppl,.?
'Ibat's the Idea of a l'"year
Navy veteran whO will present
his plan to the National
lnJlltuto ol Mental Health In
GPO John McCartney ol
11 ........................ .... ,.., .... .....,.. , ..... ,..
-J•mft Al19n
.. UIP.IC SEii.ViCE l!V~Y DAY I Y; '
t4 'YMl't Ill lvtl-
16'* .......... A-L AG•n:d
North Quincy said the idea
came to blm Jut October
when be watChed the decom-
missioned can1er USS &sex,
once hailed u the
"Flghten'ttt Ship" in the
Navy, bemr towed out of
Bolton harbor.
M~ lllld Wldtr bls
plan the carrl'"i wblcb he described as ., 1clt1es t n
themselves," ,,; o u 1 d be
••donated by the ,government
for use a s rebabllltation
centers for dnJ&.adcilcled blp.
pies and as schools where they
could learn a trade."
McCartney, 35 and the
father of six children, said
each carrier "would be a ·
a YWCA, a youth club ....,.
--everything whapped into one
-where kids could come and
really have a ball"
i MERC~~! ... ~!YINGS i
: EVERY . SATURDAY ·j i 10 a.me•4 p.me i
: BUENA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH : ! Mercury Savlnp Bid&. Mercury Savlnp Bldg.j
;;: Valley View . 11 Uacola · Edfa1er at JlelCb • • ...........................................
J.. Pre-tletelf htfi,.._I Ht W•1 with
Gocl, th• Ftthtr, from th• b•9i11nh19. IY
HIM w•r• th• world1 crt•t•d IHtb. l:ll.
Ht 1•1cl, "l•for• Abrtli•m wt1, I •m1'
(J11, l;5ll. Ht pr•ti:litd thro119h Noth,
b•fot• th• Flood, II Ptt. l :ll-221. M•nY
thi11li: of J•uii •• • btb• in B1thl•htm
!t1p•11i•lly •roo.rncl Chri1tm11, tho119h th•
lib!• t1y1 NOTHING tboo.rt Chrh tm•1l. lut Gocl wt11h 111 to
think of Chri1t 11 th• MAN. Jt1u1 !tqu•I with God -Phil.
2:5-111, who humbltd him11lf 111d liY1d • pfrftct lif1 for 011r
•K1mpl• ond w11 crudfitd for our 1in1. Ytt, Ii• liv•1 NOW w:tli
God, hi1 ftth1r in H11Ytn !Aeh 6:56 ). h1 vin9 bt111 bc dil·t
rt111rr1i:ttd frcm tht 9 r1vt . THE REFORE, th1 •uur1nc1 i1 OURS
th1t WE too i:1n livt •fftr dttfh, witli Chri1t •nd G od in H11-
1<1n! Doti net thi1 liop• fC ol. t :J-6) q ui cktn yoo.rr puh 1 i nd
h•1ftn vour br•athi nq1 H•"• vou don• tnythin9 •bout thi1 hop•1
Th•t• IS 1c m•lhin9 for YOU to do, •v•n •1 Chri1t heel HIS duty
fJn. 6:11 ). ltli eve on C hrl1t, ·Rlptllf, It b apti11d, livt • 900::1
lif1: be ••vtd •• 1 r11ult. !Mk. 16:15, 16, Ai:h 2:18, G al. 1:27,
A11t1 22:16, I Ptf. 3:21 11.tv. 2:10J. Vi1if Cho.rrch of Chri1t 287
W, Wi11en St.
B1UJJMwi.cR ·~
C:ON•IJMlll OMtlON/tlllUNl-CJt COlll~OflATIO"'
$275 AND ur
AND SI! ..
UPIT ......
Do%ens of Oolb
Kathy Fitzmaurice, Maryanne Fitzmaurice and
Christian Burkhardt, all daugq~s of New York
Telephone Co. employes, found their way into a
room full of doUs at the company's Manhattan of·
fice. Their reaction , predictably, was gleeful The
dolls, along with other toys, are contributed annual·
ly by employes to children in metropolitan hospi·
tals, homes and setilement houses.
Crossword Puzzle
" Cliucl j BOWLING & BILLIARDS h.-., t-t-t--
r.:-1'-t--t-"1 w
7'1"-t-1-1 11 w ,,-+-t-+-i ~
_.__._ ........... ~
In College Center -COSTA M~SA -540-7303
Frigidaire BIG 20 Side-by-Side!
7 .OS cu. ft. Freezer!
M1re Room!
No Defnstlnl!
~, .... --
Mt~ll Fl't£1.20Cllll'
il.O c~. ft.
Easr MoYint.
S11100lll·1lidt _,.Oii let-
lers 11111•1 lllOYifll 111t1
cleanlll( e1Sy.
Special Feature!
Add Ill A11lo1111Uc let
M•••r now or liter. •• pl1ces 011 1K•1111t lei sel'Ylc:t ii 9hk retrt..,. .....
:::::r· ............ -·-.,. • C91t!!lel cw.w.
Wlttlolll: tee Mlbr
411 E. 17th St.,
Costa Mesa
Dally 9.9, Sot. 9·6
Phone 646-1614
ThursdQ', Otumbtr 11, 1%9 ~AILY PILOT J7
Estancia Honors Top Students .
Estancia High School Jn Cos-5:.:1~. b'.tr~~·u, Kl'l,1 l(w~1tft,A G~•"' =~~:';;,.~••kitt1, w11111m" J•n• :.:_n~~~~i~"!''':;1;i.~'f4ru.tin• Pi>9f!,
ta Mesa has released. ita honor E=:~· Jani• L~,. ~.n; ~i!:r~""""ir,:·• c~1l'<IK•,,'r!'.;'"~·,,.t.,.oi•'· roll for the Or• nua~·r 11'"'4>h"""" -Jtnkt Andt•10ll· Cl\1•-~ ""' ,... ~" I ~ ' Nl111 ,.,,..,..,,, J1ne Mll lef, Ao.rdr.y •t .... _,. """' ........ ••11•• •• lo,.,.,. 1\11 ;m· 01 • l-J, •nt•r Stral hf A StUden'• ..... N-n. SMrvl Nlcl!Ol1, Pt ltr O.S.. !"'' -...... rtlnei, ~· a: ~ 14 ' .... Vttlfl• fll'lkt, Trac" t.Uer, N .. I M tr;M!, Ml 1¥1IU'lltom.,9· J~n .,.. seniors M .. ..., DreLa1, Barbira . INI~. Jon Olson. Tim OllOtl, L.ffNK tllvev. D•ll llll!Ot, SUUl'lflt lrtlt-"ii"" OIMn, COl\nll lstn. 1~11 -J Ow..,, Dttll" Ptlmt r, ClltrVI ll'trilt, 1..,. Tom llOdr,loW11111, Dtborlll 1..-flt Sv4nl RC1beno11. llM; orilr,
Hou1ton, Sue Jundanlan, Nickl Mtrll •1c:11tv. J1H Rori~ LlncM s.w-.,,. ''"'' <-•· '"" "'~· w111• fob n •ov•1 Jt•11111 1tv111. "''""" llY111, ·-"'' •-I • •' • •-·• l111ne Scnrotder, 8•hv $diw•flJ, Plwlo, Karen Tlprwor and ,......, ........... , ., • 'c ...... ' °" COlllton • .H11 crum, J•nl\lftr 0.1..,, ~., s...11e11, cr,11a s11111roff. Laoi•lt r-Mirr Sit!«, llobtrt $tod09rll. Doro-JOlll O.n1Wllk, G10tl1U• F1rnllldfi1, 'Yffl,·· S.Uw11 wiu, Gt rrl T•vlor. K at h I e e n W h I d d O n i 1t1y T1y1or, Tt1om11 Tt1orru•ton. c.11111 11.rct 11ou11c11, ~1tr1c11 0111t11. Allton •rc11.,o Ttr1o1t1. l\.•tnd• r m..,, ,.,,,.
.. ••omorts Jo~• An"·ny, V-rd. J t Mll• W•lto!I. MerHYn W•t-01m11r. tt~'""' Gott1nl111. MtlOdY T~rin, ''"'di Wff/lt111r.,, JteQuel!,.. l'l'' ,,...... UN _,,.. llkhrnond W••llellt, C.!'01 Htnltv. Ct tl'IY ....,,, Wllllt l'l'I Ho.rl>flet, V'hlle, Dl'bble Wood, G••Y Wrlllnl.
Malt Leo and Jean! Miller. Ir============================; Honor roll students received
at Iealt two A's and two B1s in
academic subjects. They are:
s..1--1(1y1 Atkllll. DWI Andt,_~ Nini 8K it•• Grqorr lffl~I IMa 01r 1th, 1111111 II , G itt0M••.1. Q"lflCY l rouwe•1 r.T'no:1, Cl~•
'lllltt 1;•111-rl. ClrOI tlJ!IH lo. ~ C0.11, Lindi Dt~b, John D•Vl1~ t•n O.P1tu1, M1rll\l'11 !•ntt, Giil' "'"I Andl'H l"ll'IV, llot>trl1 F1!1,
CMn" l"lfhw, '"" "'""'u"', t11om· •• ..... Grtnt '"""net. 0.11t.! G•r1kk. ltw Gr-.
S.llCI•• Gtnt1 81rb1r• Otort•• l llonltl Good. M1e11111 Grldv. John Gr1ttlll, Grtll. Hio1vor1•n, Mlltt HIYI, Vlclorl1 Hl1111rw, 5u11n HUlllTl1n1 P1l1lcl1 JIN.Mil, Kirin Jofl!llOll. Kur 1Ctr.t1n. J1m.n IC1rw ~' Anlll l(n1pp, Wlllllfft .P.1Jdlaw, M•r•u1 r l t• M1r1tudoll, "'::lwl11 Marlli Ctl\dl(t M11fr!tw•, JI-Miller, 1t06Jn MoOcly, Ja-ek Moorl, D•vld MufloMn. l ttl'I Newman, Shl ron, Nlck1l1, Dot\. f!I P1rt.IM011, Dr '\ Prlct, M1rk 1tlllh1rdl0f\, Vlvl1n oblnl(>n, Terri 11.0lllfi, OltM S111CM1r1, Dll'VI Sdlltlln, L1wr1nc1 SOirotOlr. ktttt knw191tr.
Kii• Stvon.c. Mleh111 Smith, C~nlt!lt ~,,,.,,_., u•vll '"Ji.l11k1, •l•lln lt\llM. Ptul h,ltrt, dW1rd wl11
1 •l1Une Tllom11, t ullt llP*lft. Gil Vitt, 1 111 Wl1>111r , Slit Olfl, ltlChlfO'
WJ::j.., -Ol111e Astor. ICIH'llltn Ilk.,, (Mol l1rn1r. "-' Bono, Jull1
i11U1rd, ~'111• C1mobeU, C•sey ••Ill. oi-Ctrl&on.·Jli,trlcl • tr Dl•nt .Clrt.,-, Vicki Ce~, olln llMfa. ~lae Cot G•rt eont11 fttll 1lll11Mt, Dl"'lfl Bemuo. AQrll DodJOn1.. . ., Dwl1hl, ltlct.ey 1E"r1UI, J1n1t ,.1_.,., Loll For1st, D.OOr1h Gerr. P.lllCl1 G1ud1n11, M •rt 1r1 t G"netl. C111C1r l'i1bllor>t.. Gi ll GUI, Gre11or, Gii• • A n tMllY ~nls Groeefl, P.•11~1 HJ , S'1net Her.Chier, Mind¥ Holmt1, Su11nne Ho.rbt\er, N1ncv J1t1-
c1r, Tllom1• JotlnlOll, lecltv Jurntv,
Mii! 1(1w•t1e, Anni L .. , Olnne lf~~f,
Ml ....,... L01!kt1, NOil M1r .. ud0n,
A11111 McGn!1, Jl1nd1 l1 Mt¥1r, Normt
Menopit, Alln Mltsdt.•, Oou111s Moe, Ann Mont1no, l1r~r1 Olsori, MtrrllH 0•-11r11n Ptrcv, JOln Prfnll(e, II.ob n ll.111'1, Ml'9tr•I II.Md,_ Brink• 1llen~1, C1r1 11.l>od\1' Lindi 1<obln10n Mtllrw:11 11.-l•M !IPl'ltn Rv1n, Weril Sto.rnder,, Anl w1r11:. C1rolee Shep. P"llrcl, M•rlettl tllV, C1rl $ttven1, 11.ty Slodd1rd.._ Ellen Sul'!'tl l!, Robin T11tu11••wt. olll Tl"f'lor, 5111111 Terri • Curt lllomt1t. Dtbbl\ Thomt s, Debtt e
Thom_, ,.,.,, r.1-· ltrrv 1ov1r, K11t1i.tn Tr! 111. J ilt Vy", 'f."" W1ll1te, Wtnd Werd, C1Pldee Y t llOll, $tev! W•'"f.• Dolle W1t1tr, T:;r.1WIQ 1rldLAll 1on Wood. ~ -MllodY l•nlon, Chrl1-ty r1nc, art lrA11J1. Jlldllh Ce.f1111m,
SUIJflnl 'For ..... •n Cocriru11, VIVtl·
It Crum_p1 ''i A r Cr111, ~"' Dll 5-·, Crt • tnnf9, CYfl11111 OOO'IO!I, onn 1t1T11r, II Fl<Mt1, P•m Gol'dofl
HGertld Orott ntl\I ~1 1(1r111 Htrrln. S!fvl o~. Co11n1t Ho11n, M.rY Humpt.,m.
If you hav• bt1n planning to •dd a gracious ntw look to your homt,
wt invif• you to vi1it our show room and ••• th• most brt1thtakin9
collection of domt1tic: and lmport•d custom li9htin9 fiKfur•t, lamps
and lighttd wall sconcts.
(Acrou from Grttnhaven Nursery)
•, 295 SQ. Ill. SCREEN
••• for the mott llf•·llke
••• .cld• thrilllng depth to color:
wermth to black and w.hlte I
•• , ellmln1tH warm-up-giws
"Instant" plcturu end sound I
.D•nl1h Mod•rn 1tylln9-mod1I 9912 ••• kffPI •II picture. pure.:..
even if 11t It moved I
Your ChoiH of three styln • AUTOMATIC .
Automt tic Fit1e Tuning-inven1ed by Magnavo~. keeps 1ll 1i.tio111ign,Js locktd-
in 10 elw1v• giv• you a ptrl1ellf tuned, preci11 pictu,.-in1111itlv ind 1utometic11ty
-0'1 •Vtr\' ch•nnel ev1rv 1imel Come in tor e demonsl•~licm today!
Plcture·Sound Stablllnra
(Keyed AGC) for optimum
perform,nce I
Colonl•l-modtl 191 4
.•• 11 Nlurld by f1mou1
M1gnavox 31.F. Stage Bonded
Circuitry Ch1ul1 that glvn
y1ar1 of viewing enjoyment I
.•• requlree no more
floor space than 'small
· tc,_,., compKtt I
Selec t fro1n over 40 Magnavox Color TV n1odel s fron1 259 "'
La11·A· Way For A Colorful Christmas
Magnavox Home Entertqlnment Center
Faetor11 Direct Dealer
2666 Harbor Blvd.
6855 Westminster
12J16 S. Brookhurst
' 12891 Chapman
Costa Mesa, Calif.
Westminster, Calif.
Garden Grove, Callf.
Garden Grove, Calif.
• v
!'218 DAIL V PILOT !NI Thursd1y, D~trnber U , -1%9
• "' t
" I
Spe~ia.I Cir~ns . Folk Periorlll at Fairview
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DAILY PILOT Photos by Rich•rd Koehler
A. circus that performs just once a year -j11st for you -is 1vorth wait-
ing for, but the 1vait ended Tuesday for liundreds of veru special people who
saw a very special show.
Tiie extravaganza was staged by 11iembers of tlic Paul Eagles Circus
t 101cheo11 Club for mentally retarded youngsters at Fa irview State Hospital,
Costa }.fesa.
The big cats prefer the fresh air and the elephants couldn't get through
the largest door, so the show went on outdoors.
A circus that performs just once a year is also worth waiting for .whtm
yon are one of the perfonners -a retired clown dedicated to the profession
of brightening lives.
"With it and for it," as they say on the circuit:
Tl1e11were1vi.th it and for it Tueaday -the men and 1vome1i who meet
eac1~ Mondtly at Philippe 's Restaurant in Los A ngcles -those who save up
each yea r to thro w ane big, professional circus fre e of charg e just to make
so111eone happy at Chrisl·mas time.
Each year they go for broke, ac cnmulati11g funds for t.he next Christma.r
.~cnson shou1. Some of Ute animals and equipnient are donated.· Union musiciani
also play without pay,
And perforn1era currentl.y W()1'king also d.011ate tl~eir tinic to the Paul
Eagles circus, although it gives the old· tim ers a chance to get back into the
Ponies, jungle cats, acrobats, clo w11s, concessionaires. Santa Claus and
Captain Wil/.iani !lorn the ringmaster were all there under the sun and broken
clouds Tuesday, doing the work that runs in their blood.
They were with it a11d for it -as they say in the profession -and tht
.~parh"les of joy were visible in their eyes, as welt as in those of tltt: cheering
~oung audience •
. ' ' I
' " I
""-----.~-------~------~--~_,....,...--------~----=--_ ..... ,-:=.,.. •
' T•y'• l'l••I
. N. ·-=~'"-&Ueaa .·
Scouting T~r Campsite
Girl Scouts Quita •Woolley.16, Balboa Island; Diana
Labadie, 16, Corona deJ _Mar, and Robin Sc~isher, 8~ Balboa Jsland, st~y m~el of camp following an-
nouncement Wednesday that James Irvine Founda-
tion is donating $100.000 to Girl Scout Council of
Orange County for a mul'li-"purpose building·at coun-
cil 's new SfiO..acre camp near ldyllwild. Cou_nty Girl
SC(luts raised funds for IdyUwild campsite. plus an-
other near Big Bear, through .annual PiJlendar and
cookie sales. frvine FouildafiOri grant is largest sin-
gle gilt ever 1nade to county Girl Scouts. .. . ., . ' ·-,r (: .• ;,
tomedy Opening
Run Tonight
At Estancia lligh
"You Can't Take it With You." a tradl·
tional three-act comedy by Moss Hart
and George S. Kaufman opens tonight at
Estancia High School in Costa Mesa,· for
a four-day run.
eurtain Ume is 8 p.m., featuring 16
school Drama Department players, plus
supporting technicians with production by
instructor James Stouder.
Tickets are available at the door at $1
ror students and $1.50 for adults. with
nightly sho\l/S running through Saturday.
The popular play centers around the
r:onflict of a pair of moonstruck young
lovers and their two sets of parents. as
one couple shows up for a formal in-
troduction -on the wrong night.
Cast members and their roles include:
J;laryl Schlin, grandpa; Laurie Probasco,
Penny; Carrie McLeod. Alice: Mike
Ure8de, Tony~ Ralph Vest, Depinna: Jeff
Sperry, Paul and Jeff Johnson, Kolenkov.
Others are Tim Constants, Mr. Kirby:
Ronnie Ratti, Mrs. Kirby; Pat Beartl,
Ulisa Kenchu : Paula Capello~ Essie: Tim
MacGreagor, Ed : Ron Langford, Donald;.
Carol Cappello, Rheba, plus Keat. Smith
and Doug Dagle as· the cops.
Bedridden Jorclau
Won't· Quit Says Wife
SACRAMENTO IUPJ) -Sccretnry or
Slate Frank· Jt>rlJati. 81. bedridden sine:
suffering a stroke l\1ay I, docs not plan to
rellign before his term ends next year. his
l\'ife said Wednesday .
"There is no plan · to resign," Mrs.
Jordan said, in commenting on reports
Jordan wiM)ld step down early to allow-
Gov. Ronald_ Reagan lo name a
l{opecl1ne Inquest Slated
After Refusal of Autopsy
EDGARTOWN, Mass. (AP) -Judge
James A. Boyle announced today that the
long-delayed inquest into the death of
Miss Mary Jo Kopechne will begin Jan. 5.
Boyle's announcement £01\ov.·ed by only
24 hours a judge's refusal in \Vilkes-Bar-
re, Pa ., to pennit an autopsy on Miss
Kopechne's body.
Miss Kopechne ,.,.as the is.year-old
\Vashington, D.C .. secretary v.·ho died
\\•hen Sen. Edward l\1. Kennedy's car
plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick
Island last summer.
Boyle. "·ho 'viii pre side at !he inquest.
made no other co1nment. This was taken
to mean that he still intends to hold the
.proceeding here on ~artha's Vineyard,
rather than move It to the mainland.
The inquest was soUght by Dist. Atty.
Edmund Dinis of New Bedford, who also
had filed the petition in Wilkes-Barre for
exhumation of the body and the autopsy .
Its purpose will be lo determine the
legal cause of Miss Kopcchnc·s death, as
opposed to I.he medical cause.
Reached by teleph o11e at his home,
Dini5 had no comment on Boyle's an-
The inquest \Yill be closed to newsmen ,
in line ·with a ruling from the
f\:tassachusetts Supreme Court .
ViceSquadWarns ·Youths
Of Male Sex Da.ngers
A warning aimed at P.r o t ~ct i,n g
unsuspecting young men from dlsturbinfl:
enCounters \Vas is.~ued today, as COsta
Mesa poli ce rev ca led 10 recent" arrests or
men on mora ls charge~.
The 10 suspects -moslly rrom other
cilies -were charged with solic iting
plainclothes policemen to engage in
homosexual activities.
Sgt. Jack Caloon, head of the ad-
ministrative vice and intelligence detail.
said six officers have taken part in the
investigation, resulOng from numerous
CalnOn emphasized no perse.s:utiQfl of
Olis unfortunate segment.of" 3octet)"tb in~
~ended by the crac~down in recent weeks,
but merely proteclion of local citir.ens.
"We're not making a full, concerted ef·
fort , but we want it knO\vn this will nol be
tolera!ed in our city,'' said Sgt. Calnon.
Investigators in th e JO recent case~
were allegedy approached either through
striking up a conversation or handing
over a written note, according to formal
The suspects were then accompanied
out of ·the building and placed under ar-
rest on the mildemeanor charge, if they
provided adequate evidence to support
Chatnber Gets. J,000 \
Tate Toll .Now 14?
Police; Probing 6· More Deaths
' LOS ANGELES (AP) .:.. Author!U.. Pnloocutcn annoanced Wednuday !oor otben killed on her estate· lnml
reportedly are lnveotlpllng -.r11etber If they wm oeek a liqle 'trial !or MllllOll thooe of wealthy market -.Le!o
persons may have been 'killed bf'one or• and the fiv.e membln:of bia desert fribe LaBianca and Ns wife, killed the next
more members or a hlpple-Jfyle nomadic ~rdg~"~ith murder and conapiracy in day. -~ • -. •
cult. • · . w.io: ea1.11.li of MJsa Tate and six others. Deputy Dist. A ttys. Aaron Stovit1 and
Members of lhe clan already are ·· Qne of the defendants, Susan Atkins, Vincent Bugliosi made their comments in
charged in eight or lhe murders in· also Is charged In the murder of musician an interview Wednesday after thiee
eluding that of actress Sharon Tate. ' Gary .IUnman in Malibu. young women defendants waived . ar-
The grim pros~ of addlUonal clan The prosee~tors say they expect the .raignment on the charges and a judge
victims came ·to tight just before today's defendants will seek separate trials and issued an order sharply limlUng pretrial
arralgnment of the Tate case's central will .try to sever the case of the August. statements lo the press by principalS in
figure. Charles M. Man!On, 35, the wild-slayings of the hoMy-blonde actress and the case •.
bearded clan leader whole followers call
him "God" and "Satan."
Sheriff's deputies searched a movie
ranch Wednesday near suburban
Chatsworth, looking for signs of Donald
O'Shea,' 40, a stunt man and beer hall
bouncer missing alter a reported quarrel
with Manson.
Police have been looking for connecting
threads in the Im Angeles death! of two
teen-age religious cultists.
Reports today said police are in-
vestigating possible links between the
Tete slayings and the deaths of a dope
peddler, a J1l()torcyclist. in Bishop, Calif.,
and a member or the 1'tanS011 clan in
suburban Venice. No details were
\Vith a court ban on comment i1nposed
on officials. police kept mum on develop-
ments amt deput ies scouring the movie
ranch were tightlipped .
But the ranch's owner, George C.
Spahn. 80, said Manson and O'Shea had
argued before O'Shea disappeared .. The
cuh had lived on his ranch for a time,
Spahn aaid, against his will.
Scout Having
• . i -
A Ball Earnirtg
Eagle Ranking
Not every Boy Scout eari1s merit
hadges by sleeping oul under the stars or
lashing together teepees, and Jimmy
Scott , 13. is throwing i party for his next
step toward Eagle rank.
The affair will be Friday at 7:30 p.m.
In the William J. Scott home at 1901
Lanai Drive, Costa Mesa.
Christmas giving is the theme,. and the
Life rank member of Troop 188 will host
20 to 25 neighborhood children, each of
them bringing a new toy, coloring book or
other such item.
Scouting stresse! toughness a n d
physical achievement, but other virtues
are included, such as Community
Service. ana that's the merit badge Jim-
my Scott is after this time.
The Te Winkle Intermediate · School
pupil needs 21 to make Scouting's highest
ran\.:, and he is almosl halfv.'ay there
nov.'. according to his father , an
aerospace hardware sales representalive.
flo.sting a party for neighbor children is
a kind gesture this Yuletide sea.!On, but
the toys they are giving -sharing in a
sense -bring out lhe community service
They will be delivered to less-fortunate
youngsters at Orlldren's Hospital of
Orange County, where someone alwaya
needs hi.I or her day brightened,
especially at Christmastime.
There are times -like for two weeks
And after last year -when Jhnmy
Scott's Scouting activities must be
, curtailed whlle he lakes it easy .
"He was there himself at Children's
Hospital," said the youth 's father, "in
serious condition with asthma."
Sto<'k ,Unrl•et
NEW .YORK (AP)-The stock market
Jost an early advance and in late trading
today just about held its Own. (See quota-
·tions, Pages 30-31).
Stocks that declined in price had been
In the minority in early trading but with
little more than an hour before the close
had drawn· even with advances.
·1~d Do Ii Again~
Mayor WhoToreCongFlagAcquiUe'd
SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The mayor of
·Santa Cruz:, acquitted or malicious
mischief for tearing down a Viet c.ong
flag at a private residence on Veterans
Day, told happy supporters Wednesday:
"You're darned right I would do it
But Mayor Rirhard Werner, a 75-year-
old \"eteran of two world wars, resisted
th~ temptation as he left municipal court
after a twQ-day trial.
Werner flushed slightly as he was
confronted in the courthouse corridor by
a young man ~earing a Viet t;:ong em-
blem a,s a cape.
The mayor said nothng and made no
hostile move toward! the youth, whO
identilied himself only as "Sleazy."
However, a brief scuffle broke out when
three men in business suit& challehged a
pho;tocrapher who waa lakinl pictures of tbf "counter. , .
Werner said the decision by a jury of
eight women and four men showed that
"12 good Amerlc•ns can tell the dif·
ference between right and wrong."
The jury was headed by The-Odore
Chowanec, who admitted during the panel
selection he had sent a congratulatory
telegram to the mayor for his action.
Werner testified that he ripped down
the Viet Cong flag being flown at the
home or Larry Bell, 27, a subsUtute
teacher and Vietnam veteran, because he
could find no law that prohibited Bell
from flying it.
The mayor said Bell, who made a
citizen's arrest on Werner, was "'ffaun-
ting what. to us veterans, was next to •
holy. day."
The jury, which hea.i::d testimony Tues--
day, returned a verdict of iruioeent
W-day alter delib«lling le11 lhan
..~. . •
;BCC Studenr Body-·Card
Prices Slashed to $10
Orange Coast College sludent body
card prices have been slashed in half.
So far only about 1,000 out of '7.zoo
daytime students have plunked out ~ to
buy a card, so the student councll this
week decided to make the price more at·
A student body card for the second
semester which would have cost ttO will
now cost just .a.
Student Body P..resident Tom Hubble
11aid to be fair to those who bought cards
for the year at S20 will be given a $10 re·
fund .
The student government is running the
risk of losing money if new sales don:t
equal the refuods, but Hubble says if that
happenS it will have been worth it in
public relations.
He said a "high salesmanship" cam-
paign is planned to recoup on the refunds.
Toomey Nearing
WorM Record
In D.ecathlon
WESTWOOD-Former Laguna Beach
resident Bill Toomey appeared to be, on
the threshold of a world record In the
decathlon this noon, after completing
seven events in the grinding, tc'n~vent
competition here at UCLA.
The 30-year--0ld schoolteacher ran the
1 lO-meter high hurdles in 14.3 seconds
and hurled the dlscus 1S2 feel , 6 inches
this morning 10 further strengthen his
grip on U>e world mark of 8,319 paints
held by West German Kurt Bendlin.
Toomey had 1,183 points with tli'ret
eevnta: remainlng-pole vault, javelin,
and J,500 meters run.
Toomey need average only 712 Poinis
per tvent to tie Bendlin11 ncord. ln &he
first aven events, he averaged SU per
OCC atudent body sales first plum·
meted lut year alter Coonty Coonse! ~
ed the college waa coercing students to
buy them' through a bani sell. The prac-
tice had been to require students JVbe ·
didn't wJsh lo buy to listen to Dean or
Student AcUvitiea Joeeph Kroll explain
the beneflll to card holders, including in-
Hubble said that although student. ·body
card income this year· has ~n well
below lhe budget estimate or $30P.CKJ,
football . basketball and the bookCtaitt
havt been doing bet_ter than e~ sO
the it45,000 student budget seems sound.
TO HOSP IT AL . • Most of the patients at Fairview ~te
Hospital iri. Costa Mesa .would never:tiave
an oppoi'tunlty to visit the circus, IO tM
circus visited them this week ..
The elephanll couldn't &el through the
door and there was no Big Top as such,
but the show Went on,. thanks· to soma
old troupers who take their plea.!llre
once a year in making life just 1 bit
brighter fGr shut-ins. See how they !So i1
on page 28. •
Orange Coast
~' .•
The sun will be shining like"
crazy Friday, but it won 't gel t~e::
temperatures ovtr the 65-degref' .
mark along the, Orange Coast. ·
A 'UC lrvirie. profeuo,. l.i
qmo1tg thoa• charged with on-
tldpaih•g the fliture in o socio-
logi<al program calltd "Blu ..
Sex Education '.Replies Pouring In use Elected to Join
University Group
print." Poge 13. '•, ~:
--~-----, ~14°Tr.
Of tM OeUT Plitt Sltff
Response to llle Newport Harbor
Chamber of Commerce's quesllonn:ilre
on !lCX education so far has been "fan-
tastic," chamber manager Jack Barnett
reported today.
About 8,500 copies of the l~stion
document were mailed out .16 paretit.s
?itonday .. By·WedOHday, tbi first replies
1tttamtd into dlambel' headquarters.
And it WIS a flood.
"We've already got a slack or about
t,000," said Barnett .
He noted that a rew telephone calls alt10
had been received from parents who ob-
jocled to the mailing.
.. Most QI !hem wonted lo know· why we
got . Involved in the • subject-,"' aaid
Barnett. "I told them all the same th!ng.
Somebody has to do Ill. And we•re just as
Interested in our SchOols as is anybody
else. ,
"By sending out the que.stionnaire
we're only !erv!ng as a vehicle far the
schools to find out what the public thioQ
obout a very controversial issue. We feel
that our kids today wlll soon be in the
same positions in :;oclety that you and t
are, so we should look out ror their
Anothe-r complaint received b y
chamber and schOol authorities is lhat
each questionna ire had tile-recipient's ad-
dre,. pasted on !he ba~ by tht mass:
mailing film. Spme .,....,11 •-•d
concern that thit 'ft'DClld make the
responl@S1 to be made 00 the qqu..
tloMairt, not anonymow.
''.Nobody ls interested in any names."
Barnett loslstf9. "The only labulaUon
that will be made will be on the basis or
the schools the .parenta' chlldren attend.
The questiOMaires are color<Oded ror
, &hat. ·The addN!Slin& labels can be removed U anyone ls ... 111 worried
I ·about ff."
ile.eJplained •thal 1he l<ldrelling labelt
, -were used because. they saved hundreds
or dollars In malllnJ. eaplldd. The
altttnithe woUld have been to stuff each
IS.. SEX S\IRVEY, Pa .. 11
!,OS ANGELES (AP) -The Universlly
ti Southern California has been elected to
membership in the Association of
American Universities, the association's
president said today.
Harvard University president Nathan
Pusey who allO 11<6cls !he AAU, Nkl
mtmbenhip it d<tennined .by an i..
1UtuUon'1 general excellence in tt.s
educallona!. •fl«I. Th< aoocialion l•
_, Jo both public and private
. ·'
' 2 OldtY PILOT c -,.
Blaze Delays Coi.ast~uetion
'• : ·•··-·-..-· •
DAILY P'flOT 11...-""-It
Costa 1vJesa fJrcn1en and \vorkrnen ·on apartment
project at 557 Park Ave . combined their .talents to
douse fire whi ch broke out shortly before noon \Ved-
nesday. Fire Inspector Kenneth Blakken said today
that cause of S3.000 blaze is still a my6tery.:.~Vor~·
rncn tvere plas~ering_ i~erior of structure when
flames \Vere noticed licking out of room in another
part of the building. Structure is owned by Richard
V. Jordan.
New Bay Plan Weighed
Battin Proposes Bil'ying a11d Dredging Tidal Islands
By TO!\I BARl;,.E\' that' "the public is becoming increasingly ing for lhe study . All agreed that deep
01 '~• o•tio '1i.1 s11n concerned about environmental issues discussion of the issue was not po&sibll"
Orange County officials today have iind there is a demand upon us today In until I.he study is completed and delivered
under study a new altetnative tn the Up-proleet its interests in thi.s .Upper Bay lo the board.
per Newporl Bay land exchange which area." Battin further warned his colleague!!
rn,·isions dredgigg aW~y tidal islands aqd The First District supervisor also tha t the county "faces a new threat if it
creating !23 3cr6iof4We<l-tidelaJ\ds, ' poinled 'IA) 11'lc exf~ence ol fwids that <illows Irvine to develop the Upper Bay
The illternative to the much-<lebated ,,·ere not available lo the county when 1t under the terms of the land exchange .
Rack Bay swap belwel'n the county and first agreed lo 101nf development of the ·'Rigllt now." he said. "we face some
the Irvine Company Was offered by. F'irsi• l,;pper Bay area. And he pred icted that $29 million in damage suit! front
f"listrict Supefvieor RoOert Batijri Of. San· 11. t11fi: lrvlfie' Company wifl p.gr~ ·~o :a hon;ieo .... ·ncrs in tht. Upper Bay area who
t;1 Ana.\. ~ -,. ~ •" · · ,. • ... mutual. recislon or Uie trade..' .• 'fibecause object to the noise and pollution created
It dr'N'.Ji ~·· ro6 . Tr~~rPtifii"l!~.rro1n • U1e cbriipany;Ji'fia ·~O\Vn ~ '™tee :n b~.l:.!et aircraft using Orange County
Super\!is<i11'lilto{I E. A 11~1 11·ho6, disp-ict ; tor the welt.being of the pub~.1(4!1 . 1 ··AJ"1Qr~.
includei'·Utc Uppe't IJJ.aY, and •tits ' col· "I do · not believe." he said' f•b.J t ~ ..... •''We 11 fac~ a lot more than. that If we
leagues \\'iltiam ·Phillips and William \\'OO!d want to force a trade •ltiet was no .allow the lrvi_ne Company lo ring the Up·
Hirstei_n. . •. longer in that interest." per Bf,Y W!lh !100,000 B.:!!d $200,000
Batlln told the board lh.it he es\1matC'd Battin is urging the board lo purchase homes, Battin said.
the dredging project iintt putchlise ol f:lx lots that comprise Upper Ba)' lslarid~ "My plan _would ensu re ~hat the area
islands from the ranch company would _ Jots IOI. t02. 103• 104• 139 and liO·--.would rem~1n a water-0~1~nted sector
cost $10 million. from the Lrvine Company fol' the $8 free ~o public access and its f~ better
In the end. supervisors ordered a sludy million valuation placed 011 the taod by tha~ J_el aircraft la~e off over this sort or
by the county's real estate and property the Irvine Company. Dredging or thC teha1n than by flying over cosUy homes.
division, the park s, recreation and area would cost the county a further $2 \f osc iwn~rs woul~. soon be after the
harbors t1eparlmenl and the county ·mlliion !he supervilKlr prtdict!. · OOWllY. or amagcs. counsel's office. The team is expected In ' . . · . . Ballin . Usured ·the board that ac·
report back to the Board or Su pervi:;ors · The rin!~he:d . product .. Battl~d 15~1:· ceptance Qf his plan would _not affect the in March. · \l'Cluld be f.23· .a.~es of filled ti e an s provision or a UCI rowing course, a
The Board or Supervisors. however. ai• ~boi·c the Pacific Coast Hlghway a~ · eature ·which form:s .part of the Upper
peared to be divided on the Back B:n o.c'lo\I' the narro1~~ of Upper Bay wit J ay land swap contract.
Cr 22 NW'I feet of· water lronta0e anit ....... , ro , -·Id t'll •· proposal even before Battin tacked up hi; 0~. ·""" r 1 va\uatio ~Id b lll wing_ .C?urse .. .,.. s 1 U'C
series of colored charts in the hearin 11 htch at .cur ell . . 11 tleveloped by utiliimg the nalural stream
room \\lednesday. 1\·orth at lt:ast $2'l m1lhon. . \Jed for flood control waters f'r~m the bay
Board members tangl<'d 011 ·just 11 h:i: "This 1vould be lhc result . or mov 1n·. 10 MacArthur Boulevat~ without the
1hc study ivould inipl~· and !he nnllir~ <i( the purch~sed land to C?unl~ tideland s fo1_ cou~ty hav_lng .. to purchase_ any land at
the board conimitmcnt before \her vo!1.'<I the bencf.1t.of the pu~hc ~ather th~n fo1 all, he ask:!. By d_eepending .. ·• Sand
!• the three-department analysis: the benefit of the Irvine Company. Bal· Canyon Creek. the tidal wate!'3 could be '~ r AIJn Ph"I!' " . d Hl ·tcln tin said, "All of the Upper Bay above Lhe t'Xtended. up, the flood control channel · uper\ isors ~n. .1 1P· an r~ narrows could be. left in Its existing slate Ucyond the .lamboree fJoad bridge and
"}l r<'JCclcd the sug gestion !hat. th':' lr vln~ f~r the benefi t of the ecology of the -Bay .• from there beyond MacArthur both up
I oitrpany be approached at th1s.t1mc. fo1 Sand Canyon Creek and Bonita Canyon." 1L~ vie1\·s 011 suggested abandcmrne11t or lJnder the land exchange_ agree~ent
1hr existing Back Ba y Sl\'ap agreement. .currently fr_oien by1court action and hkt'-
Battin and Su pervi S-Or David Bak~r . ly lo remain so for several years. lhf'
11·ho appeared to be disappointed. had to Irvin<' Compa~y contracts to transfer 457
:.ettle for the study alone and deferment acr,e!i of }rvine upla~ds fo_r _the .1~7
or any seriou5 consideration of Battin'." acres of l!delands dt:pictcd 1n Battin s
proposal , pending completion of the charts. .
analysis. . .The . pr~posa~ ha s ?ten auacked. ever
Battin urged his colleagues to recognize since 1ts.1nception. ll 1s now Jocked in the
courts 'A'heer it faces a taxpayers' sllit
and its legality is questioned by at least
f\\·o county officials -County Assessor
Andrew J. Hinshaw and County Auditor
Rob •" M. We•4
l'rU'-!f'I 1~• l'""lll"tl
rh.,..., x .... 11
Jhtm11 A. M ~r,lii,,1
Nl<IMOl"I £••!Or
c.,.. M.ffl Offke
3JO Wo't l1y Sf,.,,
M•lli111 A'41rt•n ,,Q. 111 IS•O. t~•2io
. OfW OfflcH
,,,.._, •ttt11; 111 • ""'"' ._._ ..........,. l.-l1H"' 111 I' ..... A-
Hll!lllNIOft ....... »t illl 3"etl
Hinsha11' has refused lo remove the
Irvine acreage fron1 the lax rolls
because of \vha t he contends Is an "im-
proper and illegal transaction." And
J·leun refuses lo pay dredging bills un!il
the legality of the land s11·ap is pro\'ed or
Ballin told the Board \\'ednesday that
the cou nty's inability to pa y for the land
nr its development was a bii;:: factor when
1he land trade was lirt adopted by the
bosird and the Irvine Company.
That situation, he slressed to the board.
<loes not exist today and he proposed
financing whal one hearing room wag
called the "Upper Ballin Plan" through
•·funds that did not exist when the agret·
n1ent wai; reached.' -r t v e n u e ~
generated by the 03na Point Harbor and
Sunset Aquatic Park derelopments and
the three-cent tax rate approved by the
board for protection of publlr acces~ 10
beaches and waterways. Satlin $8ld t~
"pre.sent temper of the public" demanded
such a move and that hi!> proposal ··was
not the only 11•ay we could move in pro-
tecting thest vitally in1portant .area'.'
from destruction throogll development by
such agencies as the Irvine Co."
"\Ye must 1\iaintaln ecological balanCt!s
thjtl are unique and irreplaceable," ht'
11aid, "but we are going ID have to act
now If we hope to save such vital
rtsourcet as the Upper Bay."
Supervisors Allen, Hirstein and l'hOlir,
llmitrc! what Appeart-d In be their op-
posiuon tn the \\Ording of lhc 111011011 r;11!·
Hershel L. Funk
.Rites Scheduled
In Mesa Friday
Funeral riiis for a 33-year-old Costa
Mesa residenl who died Tuesday after
a three month illness will be held Friday
at Bell Broadv.•ay Mortuary.
TM-service for Hershel L. Funk. 66. of
2533 Orange Ave .. \\'ill be at 2 p.m .. v.•ilh
interment to follO\\' al \\'estminster ~1 e·
n1orial park in \\'estminster .
Mr. Funk, a local heavy equipment
operator since 1936. died at Hoag Memor-
ial Hospital. He was 1 member or the
California Equipment Owners and Oper·
ators Associ ation. .
Survivors include his wife Lovena. or
tht home, daughters Mrs . Jean McMll·
lian. of Newport Beach, plus Mrs. Ltola
B"arkley and Pi.trs. Verna Delisario . both
of Costa Mesa, and IO grandchildren.
Back Bay Ducks
Still Not Safe
A tew days ago, the Nev.ixirt Be<ich
Park! Commission ~ported that a tin·
tRn·b"nging duck-chaser ••bolt apparent
~hn was to send the birds flying over gun
club! had ne<1 the Back Bay .
That may ht so. but it doe.sn't mun lhc
ducks art safe, Mrs. J. M. Trtheer Jr.,
3021 Carob St, Newport, said today.
"~tY. grandson and I were wa1k1n& In
1hls afe1 Sunday." she reported: "a{ld
we saw and heard two men ahootJng 1t
the duck.1.
"Maybe • jab occuionalJy In your
Tif'\1•spaper might aive these gun·happy
1nen a conscience," !!:ht suggested.
Senate 01\.'s Tax Bill ~ ' . . ~ . '
Bui Cuti E~pec~ in Joint Commit~ . ' '
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbt Senate billion to the pernment'a costs next
brushed aafdt a veto threat and .1 Wt· year and flJ.1$ bllllon In 1971. The.
ditch Republican plea for economy today estimates were higher than the figures
and passed a massive tax bill which will issued by the finance committee staff.
louch ~e life of every American t.n· ln pleading for overhaul or the bill,
payer. \\'illiams pledged to support a House bill ,
The bl&1e1l tax meuure aince the expected to be .Jl&ued this week, to make
adoption of the income tu ln 1913 wu. a 15 percent increase in Social Security
approved by a vote ol et lo 21 with most . benefits comparable to but somewhat
RepubUclnl voUna: agalmt lt and most leu 1e.nerous than, the tncreut "carried
Democrats for jt, Only two Democrat.s in the Senate bill.
voted no. . Williams listed eight .s e n a I e
Both.thost who lllPPoriod It and tho¥ amendments which be Qked that th•
Who . oppc>Rd it.-tameUmea with acldk finance committee be instructed to
and iarcut.lc laniuq:e-ajX'eaeed ce:r-delete. Taken :· he uld they ad·
talnty that a House-Senate conference d~ 1o f•• • · colll ru h he
Comm!"-, whlch now teceiVCI. the bill, ~ up uo,.,,,, m w c """"' said the aovernment could not afford. would tone doWn lU 'tu: cub and make Two fellow Rt ... •""licans, Sens. Gordon its tu rtlcrms more severe. ,._... ell After the vo(e, economy-minded Sen. Allott, Colo., and Chari" E. Good
John J. Wllllalllll, (Jl..l>el.), ,.,., fl01'I (N.Y.)/1old the Senate they could Dot vote for the bill bec:aUR of ll! coal. his 1eat and-in a move that abocked Na w. llll.lftll. ar"".a.t: "This bill would coU111 .. 1ea-rcfUJtd to 1e"e on ffie ....... --banlttupt the country." ~ House-Senate committee wblch must
reconcile the Senate's bi)l with one ln Wedneaday's actions. the Se~~:· pa.wd by the House Jut summer. ·-Narrowly defeated, 47 to 44, a $50
"I could 'not in good conJCience serve million windfall for oilmen propo5Cd by
as a conferee on a bill which I feel is Sen. Robert J. Dole (0-Kan.). It would
so radically wrong," said the Senate's have exempted the income from one of
daily advocate of 1 baJi;nced bud1et . ln lht oil industry 's chief tu prefe~en<:f:s -
his characteristically 1of~ and hl1n. called "intanJible drilling erpenses" -
pitched voice. from the 5 percent tu which tl)e bill im·
\Vllliams said the Senate added $10.&S poses on such tax-sheltered income.
Instead. after seven roll ca ll votes and
angry parliamentary snarl , the Sena
accepted th.e exemption only for oil fir
\\'ith receipts of· lesthan $3·mlllion. • 't
'-Approved. deSpite Adr:ninistraUon ci
position, a provision granting the Pre ";
dent broad -and unsought -authori
to bar imports which "disrupt" iAomest ·
iodu!lry ir they COfl'le from countri~·
which restrict trJde _ witll t~ UnJtt!f':
States. ,,
-Approved a $140 million weakening~
a $350 million tax reform oo delpreciali~
rules for real estate on the prOposal ~
Sen. John G. Tower (~Te1. J. ~i
-Rejected, 66 to 25, an amendment bf;
Sen. Eugene J. McCarlhy, (0-MiM.), '°1..
make certain.'that an .unm-rri~ persot\.
would pay no more in taxes~ half o£.
those pa.id by married perllOM who fiW,
joint returns. This would bave ~
government revenues by $1.t billi~'
.Under the bill, wealthy single paople.clit}
pay as much as 20 percent more iQ tu~
lhan married people with the qnie;-~
amount of income.
-Adopted a proposal by Sen. John
Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.J, to exempt.
horse breeders from the full impact of
the bllfs crackdown on "hobby farms."
those operated as tax shelters by peopJe. •
who deduct their nonfarm income again¥
"paper losses" ·(ln their farm1 •. :
Services H&ld
For Mesa GI
Killed in War
Lalld Swap Foes Earn .
Major ViCtory in Court
• . '.
' ..
A funeral service .was beld today ln By JOHN VAi.TERZA
Costa Mua for a )'OWll soldier killed °' ... oeHY """ 11.tt ....
Nov: 30 In a Vietnam War ambush. not Oranae County Superior Judge Robert
Iona: before he would have returned to Corfman Wednesday awarded a major
America. victory to fO(ll or lhe Upper Bay land
He was Army Spec. 4 John W. l\olu, sw.ap in allowing them to freely introduce
21, son of .Mrs. Lois A. Roles of 1615 hundreds of points or cvldee;ice in !he
Gisler Ave., Coit.a Mesa. coming trial over the legality of the
Interment followed the Bell Broadway exchanae.
Mortuary service at Good Shepherd_, Corfman, acUna: on motions by the .
Cemetery in Huntington Beach., t;: trvlne Company and Oranee County JOY·
Besides his mother he leaves his fath--ei'nment to &trike the points as poasiblc
er Wayne Roles o(1 Vista two sisters. r.videnct, disagree~ with the two . par· · ' ' . . ties' pie.as and said the foes' po1nLs-M~s. Carol Pomeroy of Tusll!' and Mt55 including the important issue of equal
Shirley ~oles or Sa_n Francisco. value-were valid as evidence.
The Villa Park High School graduate Ralph Perry, Los Angeles lawyer
and former Orange ~st College ~-represenlin& the six layman litigants d~nt ~ed as !fl•ch.~ gunner during challeJllinl the exch.anae termed the his Southeast Asia m1htary duty. · · • '
Friend Departs,
So Does Loot
A Costa Mesa man who spent a night in
Oan11; Point and returned to find both an
acquaintance and $337 in valuables miss·
ing told police Wednesday they went ttlat·
Robert L. Payt.on, of 2283 Pacific Ave.,
said he had been notified by police in
Reno, Nev., that his birth ctrtificatc and
other ktcntification ()( little monetary
value bad turned up there.
The grand theft occurred some timt.
1go at 2020 Fu11erton Ave ., said Pa~.
\\'ho has since move.d to the Pacific
Avenue address outside city limits.
Nixon to l\'leet Wives,
Mo1n~ or l\'lissing Gls
\\'ASHINGTON (AP) -President an<l
l\lrs. Nixon \l'ill meet Friday morning
\1·1th a group of some 30 '"ives and
n1o thcrs of servicemen missing in action
'.If prisoner5 of war in Vietnam .
From Pqf! 1
questionnaire tn an envelope and pay for
1 more expensive class of mailing.
The cost or printing and mailing was
paid entirely by members of the chamber
board of directors .
Among contributors toward the $400 ex-i>eiise were 0. W. "Dick" Richard, .of
Richard's · Lldo 1'-1arket : Bill Ring, of
Harbor Investments; George Woodfo rd,
of Newport National Bank: John Macnab,
of Macnab Realty ; and Richard Stevens,
of the Balboa Bay Club.
Dr. Nolan Friu.clle, chainnan of !he
chamber's education committee. said to-
da y the questionnai~s were mailed in
about equal amounts to both Newport
Beach and Costa Mesa homes. Earlier. it
had been understood that only Newport
pannts of children in !he 5th. 7th . 9th and
!Ith grades were on the mailing list.
Dr. Frizr.elle o.xplained that thf'!
Chamber, in cooperation 'A'ith the school
districl'. is seeklng • district-wide
Tht. tabulation of tht. returned ques-
tionnaires is not expected to begin ror :it
least 11\'0 \.\'eeks. to allo1v tin1e f(lr all
parent.s to reply.
court decision as "a major victory."
In presentations to Newport city coun·
cilmen recently, Perry said the luuc wa' ·
• ke}' factor in his clients' fight to block
the exchange.
Judge Corfman struck only a dozen ·
paragraphs from the hundreds of lengthy~:
points which the six litigants want tf~
explore in court. Perry termed the delc•~
lions •·only very minor ." ·~
"Otherwise, the jiidge said we ca11.;
introduce just about anything we want i,.
the trial." Perry added .
The main issue the foes are bankinl ...
on is the question over value or the land1
which the Irvine Company has off~red to.
J!;ive the county in exchange for the Bf(! •
Ba y tidelands. • ~
They charge that the parcels. to b!-'
exchange are not of equal value. •
The proceeding to quash specific!
poirus1 of evidence was sparked by thi'
county. and the development firm. . ~
' , ·Trial dates for,. the examination otJ
cxrhange are still not set.
The. lengthy list of points ~·hich ca
introduced in the coming trial (it is fl.~. ·
peeled to start some time next year'
follow the standard argumen ts of the ft;ies.
and involve most of their objections to
the exchange plan.
· "\Vhat it really says," Perry said, \;J!\1
that Judge Corfman has said 'yes, y,oii:
should have a chance to challenge lhe''-
exchange with whatever evidence you
He said thal had the judge ruled ln the
Irvine Company.County favor, tije Jiti·
gants would have been severely limited
in \\'hat hey could introduce a.s evidence
in what they could introduce as evidence
"We had only the remotest hopes ot.
having hrs action ~'Ork in our favor. r
rim pleased. and. certainly, my clienl~
are elated,°' Perry added .
Negro a Candidate
ATLANTA . Ga. (AP ) -Negro attomt~ ;
C. B. King of Albany said loday he will be ·.
;i candidate. for go\'ernor of Georgia nex· t
year. the first of his race to seek the of·
fice in modern history.
P•·------------------------------MMMMMMMMJIPI ... I
I ·• I
' \
Finely Crofted by
P1nnsyfvani1 House
An tique. Blue Antique Reel
Fore.c;t·Tone Maple
~ ... 524'5
For ·Lim i~d Tim t
Choice oJ Colort
. .
' • • •
. i
' I } IOIAIOI LB &JaJ 6-46-0275 , ,\ . ~ ~----------------------------..,. ................... ~ I
. .
' ' ' •
. .
' '
------------~ --~-------------------.
OIJ&.Y·,JLOT·hlff .......
Mission ViejO's Joe Snodg rass, E1t1nci1'1:Sanct. Genia
Three Coast Students
Win 'Brain Decathlon'
Three of the brightest, best-rounded
students in Orange County live in. the
Orange Coast area and were named Wed·
nesday night as winners in Academic
Decathlon competition.
Roberta "Bobbie" Furness, who li ves
In Co:Ka Mesa and attends Mater Dei
Catholic high school, placed first among
girls. Third best girl finisher countrywide
was Sandra Genis oC Estancia High
Sclk>ol in Costa ]i.lesa.
Joseph Snodgrass, who lives in Irvine
and attends Mission Viejo High School,
did" the best of any of the boys competing
ln the "B" student classification.
'I;heY were named from among 125
serii.or students who took part in the tax·
1 Ing competition Nov. 28.
Bobbie Furness said her littlest brother
11sked, "Does that mean you're the
&mart.est girl in Orange County?" But
another younger brother said, "It could
be that some girls who were smarl.('.r
were. sick Ule day she took the lest."
Snodgrass, who was hoping for a third,
said· he thought he was t;1ul o[ iL when the
Rites Sch eduled
For Beryl Orr
Services will be held at 11 a.m. Satur·
da y for Beryl H. Orr of 496 Cliff Drive,
Laguna Beach, \Vho died Wednesday in
South Coast Community Hospital al the
age of 77.
The Rev. Phillip Happenstall \Vill of·
fidate at the rites in Pacific View
Chapel. En tombment \viii be made Mon·
day in Pacific View Memorial Park.
Mrs. Orr is survived by her hlisband,
Lester, of the homP, and by a sister,
Bernice Hubbard of Pontiac, Mich.
. Pilot
Log book
third place winntt was named. "It was
quite a sln:k to come in first," he said.
Sandra· Geni!--said her reaction was,
"Who me?"
"Some ol those tests were awfully
tough," she confessed.
The lkvent decathlon included an im·
promptu speech, a . written. essay, an in·
terview, .and exams in s'cience ,
mathematics, socja1 sciences.. EO£lish,
literature, aesthetics and practical arts.
State Su~ of Public lnstructim Max
Rafferty was on hand to present awards
Wednesday rUght at the Disneyland Hotel
and ·said ]ie" will try to get the St.ate
Board o( education tp make the academic
decathlon a. statewide event.
Miss Furness, 17, is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. ;John Furne.8s of 340 Alva..
Lane,. Co&ta Mesa .. She was captain of
Mater Dei's tele.vision quiz show team
and is school commissioner of social ac-
tivities, on the executive com mittee for
1.!Je literary magazine and the welcoming
com mittee. She hopes to attend Stanford.
MW-Genis, 16, is the daughter of. Mr.
and Mrs.· John Genis of 2904. Baker
Street, :~ Mesa. She is EstanCia's'
comm;ilsklier of organizations, is on the
senior claM council and is active in the
Luther League at Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church. Her first college choice
also is Stanford.
Snodgrass, 17, Is tqe son of Mr. and
r.1rs. Richard Snodgrass of 1 7 5 8 8
Rockrose Way, University Park. He has
participated in drama, speech, debate
and the choir at Mission Viejo High. He
said he'll go e"ither to UC Irvine or Cal
State Fullerton next year.
He said the toughest event for him was
aesthetics -music and art -because
he knew least about it. Both girls thought
the practical arts test was the toughest
because it was all about tools men use
and they suspect written by a man.
No 011 e Ha s Ai1 y Rights
To Unbridled Criticism
Of the Dl llJ P'llDI StlJff
DRAWING ON his filler king, our colunmist who occupied this space Wed·
nesday, thought a silly millimeter longer and realized he had to get something
off his chest.
Not a cough. That was his business. No, lt ·was the drug scene that was
choking hjm,
J~ow it bothered him. Somebody had to tell America what unbridled youth
I.: just did to the U.S. ConsUtution up at that Llvermore roct
~ festival. They ignored it. They were In pursu.it of happiness ~ but they did it in a public place, you see.
For one thing, they met in a public place, but worse
than that they got "gassed and stoned" In a public place.
an open field. Not in a bar, nor with booze, but with
amphetamines, LSD and marijuana of all thing.s -ltuff
that no one from the gin generation would think of toudl-
IT WAS SICKENING. Three hundred thousand kids
turned up to turn on to rock and what they did was tie up
the traffic for the rest o[ us. It was as bad as the Rose Bowl. •
i1ore terrifying still, four people were killed up there. The world must be
told about that. Otherwise .people might think that sort of thing can happen
. ooly in bar.s or on freeways.
Furthermore, we must also Ignore reparts that the British rock group,Jbe
~!ling Stones, which threw the party. was equally horrified at the event&
Far easler to blame them than sympathize with them.
: WHAT BUGGE D our colHmniSt !he most, though, was the anarchy ol ft
all. Oh, the agony of that anarchy. Tlia t, above all else, tha t had to be stopped.
E'ten If It meant agreeing with Gov; Reagan for once.
J. Wh3t was lacking at Livermore, we now know, was a good old fashlcmed
bit of law enforcement.
· Not the kind of law enforcement the kids want. Not the kind aimed at
materialism, that enforces civil rights lows and equal opportunity acts-wbat'a
aJl that got to do with drugs? -but the kind we're used to and can trust. The
plpin and simple older than thou kind, the law and order that bteeda a ll1ent
• BUT THESE drug laws bottor be enforced quickly -before oen!ences ate eased by the Nixon Adminlstratlon and before these 'young freaks get u
knowledgeable and as dogmatic as we are.
They may find that this is not only a mortally sick society but 'a haught-n; sick society. too. One that may DOt blow Its mind, but dott blow Its DOM
Into the handkerchitl ol hypoeri!y.
• •
20-vear Collfttl on ,,
'l'be 1atlvll ol <\rU II leyln( to 19ette Marlin. Director Paul Griem looked pain-............. 1lle -..... -,lranl
·Dewn tfae
Mission Fe.stival s ·eeks Back Ar~
'· '
Ila art. ed. . ' • 1'hlelt ... ~ llllll!>orr7 lnle bU .... "'
Tral•.1 Thi 11'1.,•thll lnlilnCo be ..... ·to the "Does aeybody bow ll1lere Hall II!" moved, · · , ·
1eotlvll, nol Ila...,..; uhJbllon, a·•~ ~-.•••'Dayjd YM.•n '0 .'.~ •• u -Agreocl,'to l fund.rala!nr 1i-pr-"'!l(tmtm"' d
. It II a ~ «llledlon acqulffil --~-~ '""' -M.Vdl 1• for lbt ,lllillrllD """'a :IO-yOll' period. Much 11 -k ac-it woold be easler ·to flDd the ut -Unlvenalllt.Fellonlllp to be liiliflD llM
F• Seekin qulrodbyfllmllhlnatJll!'dllletwardlfor than .In IO years. He wu ap~ to F..unfll'orum. ··; · Iremen g ut ........ '!'be l1'llll pll the ~; the find the 11'1 Md In inventory and control -11 .. rd • letter' ol thanks ~ .. a1
F-11 recelvoa the wlDnlna wiir'k. it· · · ocholanhlp recipient wbo' llid· ••llJ
T f T ts "W•'ro begiMlna to·Pt a n\111'!' 1.,-ge In otlier'l>osiness, the board:. ol 11'1 students Uve in a .llale ol'perpeUI . oys Or 0 colltdion and I'm not IU~ ,u.e.;•s .lflY -tellmed '!lie qew Jrvll)e :"'1WJ .en-poverty. "lt'a training fO< their -,•
motllod ol control ot, lnveolorJ.•" stiiart lr~I"" lll1d )\41~. ~ may be com· added director Richard Brooks, a,.,u<r.
LAGUNA lllLLS -AJ!ione wllhlng to Dume told fellow boird\_,.,bers-Tuts· pleted Ji)• ·early_. 'Jllll1llJY, 'ahead of -Ai>'e<d to rcitate ll'~yll Omd•
don.ateatoytotheToyalor'T<ill<Pl"S?lm day;' · • . schl:du!e.• '· ' .BmQngthree!ocalbankson·· ,Ya.I ~ by tlie u.s. Marine Cirps "I wilb we could 1o1e ...,. ol tl!em" -Au~·'li(ldlca~ arctiitk Fred basis ra'tlier Ulan d!anamr · . ;;.a
Reserve .may leave the item ln the quipped B<>ard Prepdent wttttam D. Lang l ,to m~~ ..... rec&rdmendatlons on year •• in the past. ' ,, I
Laguna HUii Flrt Stellon, UGO! p...,, de. I..:...:.:. ____ ..;__-,.,.':".----=---'""--------"' ----'·-'----·"'::i'._":"
Valencia. . ..
'l'be toys are eoUected IMUllly and
distributed llJDOllg needy lamWes.
e Y•le C.-ta Slated
Presbyterian churches will p re a en t
Oirlatmu concerts Sunday,
'l'be, choir ol the Com m·u n II y.
Prosbyterlan amm. of • San Juan
Capistrano wfl1 pment a conetrt ol
Cbri!tmaa favorites with excerpta from
the .. Mesldah" at. 4 p.m. in 1be d:iurch,
32002 Del Obispo St.
"A City of the Kings," a Chrislrqp
cantata written by Jack Coleman of San-
ta Ana will be performed by the
Presbyterian Church oI ' the ' Master,
Mlssion· Vie~ at 3 -p.m. in La Paz
Intermediate Sobool, 2$151 Pradera
Both ACOO~ICA>e1"4"'ts -art ·open to the public
without charge.
e JCs s-r.1 .. Jlfe...bers
EL TORO -Men·between the ages of
21 and 38 ~ hJ,v\ted to an tnformal
membership cocktall party 1po1-ed by
the Sa<ldlebaek Valley J un1or Chamber of
The ·event will take place· Tuesday.at
7, 3ll p.m.· in the lounge of the Golden Bull
Restaurant tn El Toro.
Information CQDCeming the crganiia·
tlon can be obtained by calling John
Langdon, 831-0726, or JW.13113 (evening.).
It's iust not Christma.s
without a · real. tree!
' ' ; . .. ~ .,.,".
·,~ ,. ,
" Coast Lifeguards
Go Down Under
On Teaching Trip
" .·.
Three veteran Orange Cout. lifeguards
will fonalte Clni!tmu at home and ~Ip
into the family treasury for a three-week
teaching trip to New Zealand where they
will help revlla Illa! country's marine
safety system. ·
The lbfte are Newport Beach gu1rd
Logan Lockabey, San Clemente guard
Phil stubbs and Huntington B~ach guard
Ma% Bowman, all long-ume members of
the National Surf Life Sa ving Association,
which is sponsoring tbe teaching tour.
The three men will take off Dec. 21 for
New Zealand, wh ich has its summer in
December because of its placement on
the globe. The teaching jaunt was at the In·
vitation of the New Zealand goyernment,
which sent a group of its guards to ex·
am ine Orange Coast procedures during
its summer last June. The local guards will help the Ne~
Zealanders convert their basic lifesaving
proceduren from hand cranks~~~ to floating buoys carrled by individual
guards . The line and reel system usually· takes
five or six men to accomplish one rescue.
The Southern California version can bl
accomplished single-handed. The three
also willb teach boat and jeep rescue
Passage however, will be paid by the
guards themselves.
Trustees Balk,
But Saddlehack
Using New Rules
Saddleback College does have a student
COMtitution. Student President John Bothwell said.
he has decided to go ahead and put the
constitution into effect even though col·
lege trustees Monday night did not wholly
approve the constitution as voted last
· week by the students.
Since trustees In effect changed the
constitudon by deferring one clause, the
question of legality of the consUtutlon
without still another student election
comes up. But Bothwell said be will ask 11tudent
senators to skirt the Issue and mak e the
cOnStitution f'jfectJve without further
delay. "We are going to operate on the
assumption tt is in effect because &0
many tbinp here havo been held up
•aiUng for the constitution," said
Botli'"'ll. "To bold It up now wouldn't be
a wise rtactJon to the Board o I
Trustees.,. liotliweD hid oald at the board
meeting, ••t don't believe the studenta
vot.d 90 ~ In la•or ol thll con-
•Ututlon to have It changtd."
The pert trusteea did not approve
would give the student senate authority
to confer hooorl!Y and Uletlme lludeut
body memberlhlpo•
Trulleel noted lllCh membenhlp could
be ~to_,. like Mao T_,,
Boord members 11ted kr a legal opllioll
from the County Counlel on whether such
provWon might havo the ramlllcaUon o1
preclodlng the boerd's rlg!ll to ..-
unauthorized pemlll from comlnc on
, ,
Scotch pine tree, A trae with its own beautiful
shade of green , •• n~tdles that are luxuriously long.
Branchet retain their needles longer than othlr fin, so
you con enjoy your tree ·much longer.
5 ft.·6 ft.
m ft •• 3~ ft. Scotth p1...__ 4;4~
6-ft .• 7 ft. Scotch pint.. 7,99
7 ft.· 8 ft. Scotch pin• .. -~ l.'tf
Natur1I Douglas fir Chri1tmm tre11l Stro1Qht, tturdy,
lulhly 9reet1, wt nishtd the11 dqwn from mountain fot·
tlfl to fill your flome with the foy of Chrlmna .. Select
from • vatJety of tlzts.
Pl1nt1tion grown Douglcn Rr.rrw. A MOltat'}i. •
-M 'I0 111 full pyramldal IY"'motry, '11* 41111
dnlty of Dotiglas fir branches ,,.,. -onhaocod i.,
Y'°"Y thlatfng and lllaplng.
2 ft •• 3 ft. ·--··-.................... _ ... _ 99c
3 lt.•4 It. __ l.99. 7 ft ••• ft. 4.69
5 lt.·611. 3.49 9ft.•10 ft, _6,99
5 ft.•6 ~. _,, ........... ,, ____ 8,49
6 ft •• 7 11, Dovvlat flt------'·"
7 It.· I ft, Dotiglas fir -11 .99.
11 '9 IP.&
" •
' '
> '
• • • ' .
' ' ' ' ' .
. •
' ' '
----- - ----- ------------------------ - ---------------------
·~ \ •
~W .. DllnrPlllllhfQ
. La~ July, Hugh Rowland~ a Ne-:gro iarmer. lost everything he
owned ..!... bis farm house, two oth~
er buildings and 20 head of JivO-
slock -in a fire three miles north
of here. Last week a moving com-
pany brought a house from St. J0w
seph, Mo., that had been donated
by Clarence Miller, a white man,
and set it on Rowland's fann.
P..ow . ~'s White neighbors have
offe . ~ring furniture and o·Ut·
·ngs. Rowland, who says.
e best neighbors in the
~ed. "This is the w a y
intended "that the races
t each other." • l!ll=n=E=m:=~ I~ Sa11ta Clauses in Cinci111uzti t
SlUI Quentin
Fas't Broken
-.By Sirhan
SAN QUENTIN (AP) -Slrl>ln Bishara
Sirhan, under death . sen~noe for the
slaying of sen. Robert F. Kennedy. kept a
promise to bis mother and ended a 13-day
hunger strike at breakfast today.
Associate Warden James Park said the
105-pound Jordanian Arab, who bad been
• subsisting on cocoa and coffee, "ate
something .from a breakfast tray· of eggs
and Farina and stewed peaches." .
"I-le did carry through his pfomise to
the attorney and to hls mother," Park
Sirhan was quoted by his lawyer, Luke
l\1cKissick, as saying he would go on a
"fast until death" in 30 days unless
~rison authorities lessen his isolation so
he can talk with other prisonets10n1Death
Row .
McKissick went to the visiUng room
\\'ednesday with tiny, white-haired Mary
Sirhan of Pasadena, wbo came ,with her
other son, ~fu'nir, to talk with Sirhan. Jt
\vas their first visit in two months ••
"'He's on ly skin and 1>9µes," the mothet
said, and she-told him: "If you don't eat,
J'11 fast With )'OU.11 Panthers Arraigned
~Soldiers. . . .
By Cong
SAIGON (UPI) -1'llO U.S. Army
helicopter crewmen -one r 'om
Waahlngton 1tate and the olliOr Oblo -
have walked into 1 South Vletnamflle
mUltary C«Mlllld post after 31, days Jn
Viet Cong. captivity, military s~en
aald today.
Spokesmen said the men apptlrinUy
were releued by their captors. They
were identified as WO Mlchael T.
Poten<>o of Redmood, Wuh., the ;Ilot,
.and, his aerial obffrver, Sgt. Veroch c.
Shepard of Akron, Ohio, both U years
Both were 3Uffering from "'modtr•le
malnutrition" Wednesday when they
reached the compound near Due Lip in
the Central Highlands, 125 m i J e s
northeast of Saigon, officials said.
Their helicopter was Shot down in
mountainous Quang Due province Nov. t
and they were ll!lted as missing in action.
Both were admitted to the 24th Evacua-
tion Hospital at Long Binh for observa.
tlon. ·
, are going io !remain µJhjte. The
14 city's largest 'Storti' turntd down
J n request by the local Southern
"t Christian Leadership l'onfer·
ence (SCLCJ chapter that sever·
t at black Santos bt 1}.jrtd. The
SCLC had clainied black chi ld-
Sirhan, 25, promised his tearful mother
be would re'Sume eating prison meals at
breakfast today.
But McKissick said Sirhan still is
determined to end what he called in a
Nov. 28 letter to the warden "Nazi con·
centration-like treatment."
Several of the Black Panthers \Vho fought a five·
hour gun battle with police in Los Angeles Monday
are handcuffed and chained as they are Jed into a
courtroom for arraignment Wednesday. They were
charged with conspiracy to commit murder. con-
spiracy to commit assault upon police officers and
possession of illegal firearrn S".
Spokesmen said Peterson suffered
shrapnel wounds on the left leg and foot
when they were shot down. Sheppard wa s
hit in the foot and back.
Their release brought to 29 the numbe r
o~ U.S. servicemen freed by the Com-
munist during the war, officials aaid.
Eight others have escaped. 'l ren could 11ot relate to a white u· . ... Santa , and that Santa was a f ''racist symb ol." f'red Lozar1u 1
111, chairman of tlie board of
, Shitlito's ancl president of th_!!
~ Cinci1111ati Chamber of Com-
'ij merce, and \V. G. St ubenvilt,
1 president of 1"1cAlpill's, met with
•Associate warden James Park said
authorities would consider Sirhan's re·
quest for changes to give him more room
and make it easier for him to talk with
other Death Row occupan1s.
•no It Without Hangups~
The men, who will leave Vietnam
Saturday for home, were shot down dur-
ing fighting around Due Lap and Bu
Prang Special Forces camps. 1it.uated
within three miles of the Cembodian
six bt4ck leaders for an hour,
then rejected the suggestion.
"We don't ag ree that ,Santa
Claus is a racist symbol or is im-
Sirhan has asked removal of two Ooor-
to-ceillng wire me'Sh fences , which keep
him 15 feet .from the other prisoners. and
. their replacement by a single plexigla~s
partition witb i. small opening to permit
normal conversation.
Gals Crusade for Guilt-free Adultery South Vietnamese
Win Firs't Gun .
Duel With Reds
·ii moral," Lazarus said. b . .,.---.r: • Johnson Returns
To White House
• For Nixon Talk
SAN FRANCISCO (UPll -A group of
young ladies who say they are "sex·
.starved" have. pro(.ested <ln behalf of
guilt-free adullry.
A hall-<loun demonstrators held a
bedsheet banner aloft calling for "suc-
cessful adultery for the happily married
man" during the unique demonstration·
Wednesday in the city's financial district.
"Married men should spread their
favors around more evenly," Cecily Katz
told the cro¥i·d that gathered around her.
"Admit it to yourself. You do comm it
adultery, anyway," she told the mostly
married gentlemen in the audience. "Do
it right. Do it without hangups."
The prolestors were bombarded with
requests ·fcir names and phone numbers,
Lut Mrs. Kati, a beautiful Korean
divorcee. told them ''I'm afraid you are
not ready for a guilt-free affair. That's
the whole point of our crusade."
Instead, the demonstrators sold oopie'S
of a paperback entilled "Successful
Adultery for the Happily Married Man."
Mrs. Katz commented that she felt her
o\vn martiage would have been saved had
both participants been able "to do away
with selfish, possessive love."
She said that she wouldn't have felt
jealous if her husband had strayed. "\Vhy
should I? As long as a wife gets her share
of love, why should she begrudge her hus·
band an extra measure of !happiness?"
After all, she pointed out, two can play
the game.
"Women are more romantic and just
as erotic as in en," she said. "They love
being made Jove to on the grass on a sun-
ny afternoon -when their husbands are
at work and another eligible male could
help out."
SAIGON (UP!f -South Vietnamese
gunners on Tuesday fought their first
artillery duel with North Vietnamete
gunners without U.S. aid and silenced tAe
Communist batteries in.side Cambodia,
delayed military reports said today.
WASHINGTON (AP) -Former Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson returned today
to the White House he vacated in January
and held a two-hour breakfast meeting
with President Nixon. Hits Nixo1a Attitude
The report of further Vlethsmization «.
the war came as the last of 60,000 Gls:
.scheduled for 'vithdrawal from Vietnam
under President Nixon's pullout plan left
for home today. Removal of the member.:;
of the 82nd Airborne. Division let: The two men met In tlie family dining
room on the main floor of the Executive
MansiOn, which Johnlon had not visited
since the Jan. 20 inaugw'ation.
White lfuu.e prell oecretary -L. Ziegler aald later the iwo· men spent l1IOll
ol theJr tlme diB<:uaslng foreign Policy,.,
well as such domestic matters as the
budget and fiscal pollcy.
Red Envoy Boycotts Talks Saigon~s defenses entirely in South Viet·
namese hands.
Afilitary sources said the artillery duel
was fought near Cai Cai, 72 miles west of
Saigon on the Cambodian border alter
Red gunnen fired about 12 rounds at th9
South Vietnamese outpost. The report
said the South Vietnamese fired about 100
rounds of 105mm howitzer flrt at the
North Vietnamese.
A · p _to the zoo reall11 is awe-in·
spiring ~·and this little visitor stem1 ·
totalty enchanted with the animals at
tlte Philadelphia Zoo. • Sen. Charles H. Percy, (R .. 111.),
had just begun speaking to an au-
dience of 250 persons in a hotel in
ChiCago when Miss Judith Brocf..1
sky, 20: wilked in and said she had
al,vays :wanted to meet PercY. ~ss
Brodsky \Vas \Vearing her wedding
dress. She explained she 'vas on
her way to marry Michael Rich·
ards, 22. ln a room in the same ho-
tel but kept the groom waiting to
meet Percy.
Chrisbnas Hijinks
No . Jqke to Judge
N&WlJIJJ_IYPORT. Mass. (UPI) -It's
no jo{e•to fool wrth Christmas decora-
tions in· Newburyport.
District Judge Norman Es p·o v I ch
sentenced three teenagers to 60 days in
jaiJ. ta<f!· Wednesday for removing Cill·
ored light bulbs from Christmas tree
decoralionS doWntown. ''To yoU nothing
-is beautiful," the judge told them.
In the foreign policy area, the
dlSCU18ion ranged over such topics as
Vietnam, strategic anm ltmltaUon talks
with the Soviet Union, the nuclear non-
proliferation treaty and setUement of the
Okinawa p£oblem.
Ziegler said no spedflc arrangement
was made for another Nixon-Johnson
session but he said Nixon feels tt ts im-
portant to maintain good contact with the·
former president.
Fired FDA Chief
Quits Government
WASHING TON (UPI) -Dr. Herbert
L. Ley Jr., replaced as head of the Food
and Drug Administration. is resigning
from the government rather lhan accept
another post, a spokesman said today.
The spokesman said Ley sent a letter
of resignation to Dr. Roger 0 . Egeberg,
assistant secretary for health and ICien-
tUic affairs of the Health, Education and
Welfare Department. The nslgnaUon
would become effective at the close of
business Friday. ·
PARIS (UPJ)-Xuan Thuy, the chief
North Vietnam peace negotiator, boycot-
ted today's 46th session of the Paris
peace talks in retaliation for ·what the
Communists said was an attempt by
President Nixon to degrade and sabotage
the negotiations.
A North Vietnamese spokesman said
the chief Hanoi negotiator ·stayed away
"to condemn the lack or goodwill and
serious atUtude of Mr. Nixon toward tl1e
Parts conference."
He said Nixon, by failing to repla ce
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. showed
that "he is determined to reduce the
level of the Pari! conference. So f\1r.
Xuan Thuy has not come to the session.
This is for today. For the future we
don't Jrnow yet."
Europe Flu Not New
ATLANTA (UPI) -The National Com·
municable Disease Center (NCDC) ex·
pressed doubt Wedne.sday the influenza
epidemic sweeping Europe \\'as a new
strain of. flu that would hit the United
States hard this winter.
However, an NCO spokesman said "it
would be a good idea for older persons
with heart, lung and other chronic
diseases to get (flu) shots."
Big Storm Hits Northwest
Travelers' Warnings Issued for Three States
Coan cl
Slll'lllY •ncl cool l!:llUf . t.i.111 v.,1.
•b*• wlnclt "19hl ffld mornlll• '*''• to.cOl'f'lr,,. wt11••tf 10 1& t• tnott '"
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Dei Mo!nri
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,, 11 .... .. •) ,. ,. .. " " " •1 i 1 .. 11 .. ,. ,. " .... 24 ,,
!I •I .. " .... " ., .... .... ...
" " " " ..
The Viet Cong joined the North Viet-
namese in the accusations against
Philip G. Jlabib, the former No. 3
member of the U.S. team who is head·
ing the American C:elegation until a
chief U.S. negotiator is named, said the
attiude of the Communists made mean-
ingful negotiations impossible.
South Vietnam's chief negotiator,
Pham Dang Lan, also stayed away from
today's session. Officially he was suffer·
ing from a cold but there were sugges-
tions it was "diplomatic influenza"
because Thuy simply •·did not feel like
attending today's session."
Despite the sabotage charges by dep-
uty Harioi negotiator Col. Ha Van Lau
and ·Viet Cong Foreign Minister Mme.
Nguyen Thi Binh, Habib insisted there
was no downgrading and that he was
fully empowered to negotiate.
Viet Cong Foreign Minister Nguyen Thi
Binh held out a promise of negolialions
on guaranteed safety· for withdrawing
U.S. troops if the Nixon administration
announces the unconditional withdrawal
of all U.S. troops within a six-month
period. Similar offers were made earlier
to the Philippines and Australia.
The Viet Cong slatement already has
been dismissed by Secretary of State
William P. Rogers as "nothing new."
The 30-minute duel was the first fqht
with artillery aCl'O$S any border in South
Vietnam between the two warring na·
lions. U.S. air and artillery were called in
on all previous occasions, the sources
The military report said the South Viet-
namese did not call for aid because they
believed they had the situation in hand.
The military sources said the Communist
guns were silenced although U.S. jet
planes which had struck into Cambodia
the day before failed to knock them out.
"1~·as the night before Otrisbnas,
When ell through the house,
Not a creature \-Vas stirring,
Not even Santa Claus .••
..... '149" ......... ...
Irresistibly comfortable ... (RECLINA·ROCKER)" by L.A • z • • ov•
:Evco a busy Santa CD'Q'r tt1irt 1be rtJWDc cocnfalt et a
La-Z-Boy Rcclina·Rock~Jtt $lll()O\h rod-in& ha him b;e
oJt •nd, when he 11'ants to r.ttclch out to nap, he can nN
the sclecli\'e !ootrut lever ;irnd r~cline lo llJ~ cornforl po-
~ilion, even to full bed. The Rcch.na-:Roel:el'Js "Ibe M&&f-
tvLC. • U4Dl!llt c:•I All·ln-Ooo Cha.it" ••• the perfect Christmas al!t f~
).{othu or DM1. Sec. m today for ~'out Cbrisl:mal sill
Costa Me••'il
Furnlt1tre Store!
Downtown Cost• M111
Ph. 548·Sl31-
I • ·cASH
m YOUR BUDGET l:llllU!tQJll: ____ Wll __
" ..
•Y r .
•• •
'Y in
n. ·-•·
" n-
" •l .. ..
~· "' er ,.
th •· in .,
----. --------·----·-----~-~---------------------------------------~
J ,_
Singer Falls in Lovt With Another Woman
Dino Loves Somebody-
So Wife Asks Divorce
1ttartin's theme song is "Ev·
crybody Loves Somebody
Sometime" and for him, his
wife says, it's somebody new:
"It i,s painfully difficult for
me to announce the apparent
end of our marriage," the for-
mer cover girl Jeanne Rieg·
aer, 47, announced Wednes-
Air Force
Clubs Probed
In Scandal
scandal of alleged financial
hanky-panky involving opera-
tion of Army service clubs has
&pilled over to the Air Force
-accompanied. with a "no
coverup" pledge from the
The Pentagon di :s c I os e d
Wednesday the Air Force bas
unearthed a 11 e g e d ir-
r eg ular I l ies , including
kickbacks, in the operation of
aome o(fice r a n d non-
commissioned officer clubs.
Clubs in Thailand were
singled out but with no
Secretary of the Air Force
Robert C. Seamans Jr. said
the alleged irregulariUes were
~vered in an investigation
that is 18 months old.
"You may be certain that
there will be no 'coverup' of
any irregularities wtrlcb are '
uncovtred as a result of the
Air F o r c e investigation,"
Seamans said in a letter to
Secretary of Defense Melvin
A. Laird.
"My husband informed me
:several weeks ago that he had
met and fallen in love with
someone, and he asked me
for a divorce. I have assured
\llm l will comply wilh his
wishes. Proceedings will be-
gin immediately." She gave
no name.
Martin, 52, a $5-million·a·
year television and movie en·
tertaincr, could not be reach-
ed for comment. A spokes-
man denied knowledge of the
identity of the "someone."
Even the gogsJp columnists
gave no hint of her identity.
The Martins, married 20
years. with three children -
Dean has four more by a pre--
vious marriage -separated
in 1955, but reconciled.
In a statement issued by a
Jaw f i r m , the attractive,
blonde Mrs. Martin said:
"My deepest concern at the
present is for our children.
It is my hope that all con-
cerned will make every ef.
fort lo see that their lives are
kept within -. nonnal a pal-
tem as the 1Jtaation will per-
"The children tiave always
felt great love and respect
for their Cather, and I fully
intend tha t it remain 80."
Lord Harlech
Weds Editor
LONDON (UPI ) .:. LOrd
Seamans promised to pursue
the matter vigorous l y.
"Although the investigation ~' has not yet been completed, il
is quite apparent to me that
we have a problem," he said.
Harlech, once the escoct of
Jacqueline Kennedy, marTied
fashion editor Pamela Colin
today in a ceremony attended
by royalty and a procession of
Harlech's flamOOyanUy dre51-
ed hi ppie chiklren.
Nearly 150 persons, In·
eluding fonner prime minister
}larold M ac mi-ll an and
Princess Margaret and her
hwband Lord Snowdon, at·
tending the wedding in the tif\y
18th century Grosvenor
The Air Force cltlef said he
had advised appropriate con-
gressional committees of the
:status of the case, actions the
service has taken, and other
perUnent information.
Harlech's daughters wore
Tndian robes, wild ha!S and
AVOID-Freewl'/ drMng end Plf1ting problems.
8ERVICE-Every30 minutes during popular travel
hours from Ofal'IQ9 County Airport to LA lnll
Airport (In both directions)
COMFORT-In modem. doluxe .-conditioned rnotdr coaches.
AELIAILE-No weather problemt -Dalivery direct to yoiur air terminill-No lranstar by tram
between lermlnals at the airport.
T ... TIIO l'lnt llop OI ·--lbo Eny,
• For Your CIOIM!nienoe-an Sthedule• ooerata
'Mth through co.chea between Orange County
Airport and LA Intl Alr?Ort (In both dlteetlontl
• • •
Free Again
SPACE CENTER, llou•l<ln
(UPI) Apollo 12 's
utronauLs. ln good hea1th and
delighted bY warm sunshine
and fresh air, were "free1'
Ple'l1 today.
-nie space agency released
Charles "Pete'' Conrad ,
Richard F. GordQn and Alan
L. Bean from the plush Im-
prisonment of their moon bug
quarantine Wednesday af-
temooo, 18 hours ahead of
schedule. A cheering croWd o(
300 greeted them when they
stepped out.
Jersey Mafia. Purge Vowed
Attorney General J ob n .
Mitchell 88.ld In ·I' Io r Id 81
Wednesday "mass l v e" in-
dlctn1ents will be brought
again.st public gfficials In a
federal cri.ckdown on Mafht
controlled gambling and cor-
ruption in New Jersey.
In another development,
New Jersey Attorney General
ArUtur J. Sills announced he
was considering using a state
law to remove Newark Mayor
Hugh Addonlzlo from offlce
for refus ing to testify before a
grand jury Investigating cor-
ruption in the municipa l
government here.
Mitche • In ·ID •ddrtss1 to-•WU apeeJdnl about New
the annual meetiDi; or the Jeney.
Investment Bankers Auocla~ "Jn thi1 atate ;within the
tion of America In Boca fta. next wetk or 10 days," to~. liked gambling in New Mitchell said, .. there b going
Jersey to the. presence In the to be .. massive indictment o!
garden state of I large nunr public officials oo the local
t>er of t n t er n a I Revenue level, and also ln thJ1 atlte,
Service personnel "controlled through the activities that we
by organized gambling ayndi-have CllTied on, we're 1olnl
cates." to break up probably the
Two IRS agents were in-Jaraest gambling syndicate
dieted recently 1n the Newark · that's ever been brckea up in
area. this country."
1ttitchell did not name the In Newark, Sills aald he
slate Jnvolvcd during his talk would discuss the possible
but \Vashington sources con· ou.sUng of Addonlzlo with
firmed the at)orney general Essex C o u n t y Proeecutor
liurMtay, Dtttmbtr 11, 1969
J..,.ph P. Lordi I<> tee ff the
statute under consideration
"will be effect.Ive ln. lhts
particular ln!tance ."
Glemi ·Runs
For Senate
COLUMBUS, \)l>lo (UPI) -
Former · A!tn>IWJI John It
Glenn a~ l<lday ht
would seek 'the DemocraUci
nomination !or the U.S. Senatt
In the Ohio prllnary election
next May.
Jt wu Glenn'• second at-
tempt to win • Senate seat. H1
e~ the De mocr a t ic
prlmory In 1961 ogalnal 1 ..
cumbent Sen. SLepben M.
Young but an Injury forced
him to withdraw.
Young, 80, decided not to
eeek re.election, leaving the
way clear for · Glenn, first
Ameri can to orbit the ea rth.
Prieee Efl'ective Brginning Toilay
12"9 Cbond
11.llx'J Chand
12xB.10 Chand
9.8x8 NorjaJ.wa
12.lx8.8 Norjaban
11.9x8.9 Attar Auu
ll.l lxB.11 Ra.ikot
11.<JxB.8 Raj kot Rajkot
12"8.9 Chand
10.h7.9 Norjabm
15.lxll.IO An.r
3.ISx2.7 Paki&tan.
6.10x3.1 Pakietan
6. 7x4.l Pakistan
5.bJ.I Pa~•tan
J.9z2. 7 Paki1l1n
S.lO:r-' Pakistan
8.6x6.2 M,h1n
ll.Is:7.ll Afghan
5.llx4 .. Mshan
6.9"4.ll Mshan
7.9"~ Mghao
12.Sx9.IO Afghan Afshan
9x7.S Afgbm
2Sx2S-ia. Kay.eri
39x71M0s Ka,seri
39"70.U.. Ka,...-i
-40s90Jn. K1yeeri
:?Cb.40-in. Ya1tic
For A Umited T°llDfi'
S Thi n-....-! ·r .. ee 8 c no<aOUB:~.l ...
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Tbe followins l*'ial llidng lndi< II I ...
..... , ... aiid'biobeo, ...... mcl lld!oe •••
plhend from Indio, P ........ '•\!'1/+' ...
Iron. V-wt all r--... nd -... fab-U-eolleetloa-nlaed at $IJ)OO,IJOll.
i• Tbe S30.000 Bicijar Rag will be mi dlopIO, It
the Canop Pork !!lore thnl Doc.12111. Coota
M.,. Store thrmtgh Dee. 19th.
ll.2"8.8 Kermm Blue tl29S
14.2x!0.9 Saroak Red 11!!.!S
10.9"6.ll Saroak Red lc•S
ll.2x7.3 Miraband Red · t699
ll.Sx6.8 Mehraban Red t67S
11.fixB.10 Sbahribaf Blne ·tZl 9S
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10.2x7.l Kabn..,.bqCrum '599
1L7x7.9 Sanband Red 1'85
lbB.% Soronk Blne llSSO
lil.lrl. 7 Kermm Red 1950
ll.bB.8 Saronk Crum .• 1195
11.srl.2 Kerman Crum 11091>.
}~~~7.8 = ~ .i:r~
16.7x9.1 l Kerman Cream SI.650
17.Bdl.8 Kermon Cn:om 12890
17.2xlOA Kerman Red IZ290
21.5xl2.3 Saronk Red 151115
4.1 W .5 S.ronk Creom SI 99
2.7xl.IO Ghandjeh c,...., MIS
6.JxJ.2 GhU11dieb G.... 1119
5.lx3.5 Bortchala. Red 199
S.6x3.8 Kotahad Red 11411
1S.b9.IO Saronk Red 11995
22.W2.3 Kennan Cream 15695
20.llxll.6 Shahribaf Blue · ~---
23.7•13.6 Bidjor Blae t8 :ut0
11.10.B.9 KabatuohqBlae • illJI
!2.lb9.9 Herin Browa 11695
I0.7x6.'6 Yud Red 1575
14.W0.9 s ...,ak Blue 12350
7.lx4.S Mehnobm Red 1199
6.7x4.4 Ramadan Red 1140
6"4.J Lilian Red 1185
6.Bs4.3 A.on Red 'Has 6.10.4. 7 DmlJHin Red I ZS
8.5x4.3 Dordjaain C..... I 5
lllAN SAllOUKS Color 7.bS.f H .... lnhod Red IUS.
1.6.LlO Gbandjeh tlS 7.5.S.2 Knlabad Red •ii&
:.Bxl.9 Ghandjob tl5 S.b3.5 Dardjuia Blae IU,9
2.9"1.9 Gbandjeb 125 S.2.S.7 Danljuin Cream •119
4.W.Z Saroak Red · S99 S.bl.8 DardJnl• Croom 1$9
5.b2.7 Saroak Red 1119 4.b2.6 Dmllma C-... '65
7.Jx4.9 Sarouk Blne t52S RUNNERSIZES
5.1"3.2 Kenni n en:-ti 99 14.6d.6 Kerman Creom
6.ls3.7 Kutabad Reel. 1145 ll.7"2.8 s...,uk Red Mebnban Red 1199 14.2x2.9 Darjui• Red
2.5"2 Sarouk Paahti 145 16.8"2.8 Mebnban Bhae
6.Bx4.J Saroak Mir. Red ISSO llx3 · Mebnboa Red
7.!x4.IO Oolrrand Bl.. 1299 13.7"2.4 Sbahrlbef Blae
6.6d .. 7 o.&......i Red 1z99 13s8"2.8 s....0: c.-1.ws Slialuibo( Blao 1675 1"2.6 Saauk Red
Many More C.olors And Sizes to Choose From
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• >-
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•. ~
Helping DrQg Victims
-, The Idea ol lrtatlllg dru1 use -and abuse by juv ..
niles as a health and educaUoo problem instead of a
crime calling for immediate arrest and prosecution is
gaining ground at both federal and state levels.
President Nixon has urged, Congress lo thlqk in
tenns of educating our youth on the consequences of
dnig abuse. pointing out that the objective is to k e e/.
young people out of prison, not put them in. He woul ,
at the same time, strike at drug sellers, levying heavy
penalties on the pushers.
Here in California, the Legislature earlier this year
passed a Jaw to help fear·stricken" parents obtain, with·
out ri sk of arrest, medical treatment for their chll~
d.ren's mental illness brought on by drug abuse. The
law will aUow parents to have their children involun·
tarily committed for treatment at local m ental health
centers. It also permits adults or teen-agers 1o seek
treatment voluntarily. ·
Aimed mainly at youngsters damaged mentally by
serious drug abuse, not occasional manjuana smokers,
the law is intended to remove.the threat of arrest.of the
victim as a barrier to action by a parent or friend to got medical h~lp.
The new state Jaw may Mt be enough, however.
And it may be misused. lf parents try t.o use the clinics as detention halls for children suspected of having
· smoked pot, they will be disappointed. The clinicS" are
available only to persons with actual mental disturb--
ances caused by drug use.
The law provides no panacea for the drug problem,
marijuana in particular. But it does bold forth a prom·
ise o( help in serious cases not 'previously available
without risk of prosecution.
As a veteran Los Angeles juvenile narcotics officer
put it. "Forced treatment probably doesn't get the best
results but it's better than anything we've got -let's
"face it. \Ve need something like this for kid s. 'Ve g e t
requests Uke this all the lime from parents. Right now.
when a parent calls me up there's no place for me to
teU·hlm lo go."
the major point is that parents who want to make
use.of this new law can feel secure in the fact that ap-
pUcatlon to the Su,Perior Court will not open their Jives ,
or the lives of thelI' children, to public inspection.
lt'a a move Ui the right direction. And ll the J a w
nefds to be strengthened, the word is that the Legisla·
ture is of a mind to act when its next session convenes·
jn January.
Natural Gas vs. Gasoline
Enlightened self~interest has prompted a utility
company to work with a government entity on a project
which could in time produce major profits for the com·
pany -but even greater returns in clean air and lower
fuel costs for county residents.
Pacjfic Lighting Service Co. has offyred to equip
six Orange County-owned vehicles with natural gas con•
version devices that reduce air' pollution and cut oper·
al.ion COits. The units, costing $300 each,lus about three
hours of labor to install, will be free o charge to t h e
county for a year. 'The supervisors ..have accepted the
oiler. ' ,. 1
Natural gas, it appears, can b;e used in stOP.and-g:o
driving, in high r.Uution areas within a 90-mile tn p·
range. The vehic e can then be switched to gasoline
for other types of driving situations. ·
In . various tests. pollution reduction has been so
great that the detade of the 1970"s may indeed see a
return to the relatively clean air that once made South·
ern California one of the healthiest areas in the world.
But it will require. heavy and continuing pressure on
both the automotive and oil industries, the major pro--
ducers of air pollution.
. --~----
~ .... ~
11TAKf 1l{AT! ANI> THAT f AND 1HAT ! 11
• •
. •
~ Teenlwod Is Dear
Critt&e l'olunae llp 122 Perce1at Since 1960
~A Period of
' -~Mourning
:t. "" ~;· :.;·· #~ ." ;!, . ' f · ~v· J· • Ha,...if•-% \ ~. l .IJ,, ''i ' ,.. ·~~'.'ii 1, ~ ... iJ ' ,": ~ ~ • : ~ . . ~
t We cannot under~ the so-ealled ~'revoll" of the adolescent today unless :;.m until we understand that teenhood is
=!a __...... of mourning as well as of ~ ..--. :irebellion.
;.. Adolescence has always been a time of
?'rebellion -this is a natural and normal
ttem of growth, even in primitive \.ocieties, where ttaaition aod aulhority
haveJFMiMd strong. 1n order l.o grow
up, the youth hu to team how to "grow
away" a tittle.
But teenhood is also a Ume of mess
. became it signifies a change In ~
child'• \riew of his parents -and this
change may be regarded as ·a kind of
••mourning process."
TO A SMALL ClDLD. the parents are
omnipotent. They can . fix thi~gs. make
things well' again, relieve misery, ·and
perform seemingly magical acls that are
beyond the child's comprehension .
In adolescence, the child begins to
perceive that this is not at a).l the case.
His omnipotent parents turn into quite
limited persons; they are seen as more
or Jes,, ordinary people, who can do some
things and not other1, who lhemselve1
are often baffled and frustrated by ex-
ternal circumstances. .
THIS CHANGE in \1iewpoint also i~
quite normal and natural. and in past
tirqes adolescents were able lo adjust. to
tt -becau se. until the r e c e n t
t.echno~cal era, parents were people
"'ho decided things and had a large voice
The Russians once said they were
going to "bury" the U.S. econom-
ically and in military might. Then
they ,,,.ere going to beat us tD the
moon. \Vell, at least they sure
know how to brag.
"Thit ffflvr1 rltltcli rHM!T' view._ net
llKHlltllJ lhMi II rlll MWWl "r" 59114
JIUr "' '"" .. GIMmJ ow .. Delh' PllM.
in their own fate and the late of their
Today, however, the indi vidual has
been reduced to a slate of relative
powerlessness. Change is awift and ino
exorable. New knowledge overwhelms old
expectations and confounds old attitudes.
The massive weight of riocielal in·
teraction -which is unpredictable as
never before -has compressed the im-
portance of the parents not merely fro111
demi-gods to human size, but nearly
down to pygmy size.
ADQLESCENTS HAVE alway s mourn-
ed this loss of "divini ty" in their parents.
Now the mourning is greater than ever,
for their parents stand revealed as
pawns, not as kings or queens, as people
with little control over their oWn
destinies. much Jess the guardians or
their children's fates.
This profOlJlld mourning tuma: int.:>
resentment, and the resentment ex-
presses itself in rebellion that is more
bitter and intractable than any we have
known before. Part of their compla int
against us is rational -we have failed to
be strong and consistent in our ''alue·
system -but another part is the ir·
rational cry fDr the all-knDwing parent
who can make things well again.
An Evaluation .of Law Enforcement
Federal Bureau
of lnvesdgaUon
The 1960's will soon be history. This
juncture in our busy lives affords an op-
portunity for a brief appraisal of law en-
forcement's role in our society during the
la.st 10 years.
Any evaluation of law enforcement in
the sixties would be meaningless without
at lea st a cursory look at the crime pie·
lure . for that periOO. During 1960, there
were 2,0l4,600 serious crimes reported.
While complete. statistics for 1969 are not
yel available, preliminary reports show
that crime rose 9 percent during the first
6 months when compared with the first
ha]( of 1968. AlmOflt 4.5 million serious
crimes were recorded in 1968.
THUS, THE VOLUl\tE of crime has
soared 122 percent since 1960 while
population has risen I I percent. Also,
since 1960 the risk of being a victim of'a
serious crime has nearly doobled. Indeed,
crime has become such a heavy burden
on our society that many authorities
believe it to be the nalion "s most serious
internal problem.
Americans have good reason to be con-
cerned about the wretched record of
·········-· ---·"•. ' ;
Guest Editorial ·
crime and violence during the sixties, a
decade \\'hich coold be referred to aa a
revolutionary era of permissiveness. Cer-
tainly, our cilizeni; were subjected to
some shocking and rebellious criminal
events. A President was assassinated .
Some of our major cities were put to
torch by rioters and looters. Open de·
fiahcy: of the I a w s and constituted
authority was urged by many SD-Called
public leaders. Colleges and universities
were overrun by mobs of misled young
people. Organized crime was exposed as
a dangerous threal to our economic and
social structure. An Increasing number or
our nation's youth turned to dangerous
drugs. And as crime increased, t.he
public 's safely diminished,
INDEED, IT IS A tribute to the tough
fibe r of our democratic society that i.t
\Vas able to meet these traumatic events
without giving way lo hysteria. Why \\'as
·thi s possible? There are. of course, many
reasons. Basically , it was· because of the
increasing efficiency of law enforcement.
the innate structure of a societ y under
lav.-, increasing civil liberties · fDr all
('!Uzens, and the strooi;. inherent Ideals
e.mbodied in our system of self-govern·
\Ve cannot. of course. expect thal our
complex and fast·changing society will be
trouble free. Problems still remain, The
causes of crime are many. and there is
enough blame lD be 5hared by all. Law
enfDrcement has not been without its
shortcorning5: howe\•er. in public service
only those \Vho make no effort are ell:·
empt from misla kes. ·
IN FIGHTING CRl~1F., as In many
other struggles, the \'al.ue of good work
cannot always ·be measured by ihe
results achieved. Often credit is due for
\vhat men and wo1ncn do, although there
may appear ID be no appreciable gain. r
believe this can be said or law en-
fDrcement's efforts during the I96(l's.
While crime increased at an alarming
rate, vital enforcement responsibilities
were discharged effectively and tremen-
dous prDgress was made.
Overall , law enforcement can be prDud
of it s contributions ID the cause of
democratic justice during the sixties. In
spite of increasing den1ands, ne1v
responsibilities, and many obstacles, law
enforct;ment ha5 reached new heights or
erficiency, public servicr, and protection
of the civil rights of all citizens. Giant
strides have been made in the pro-
fessionaliiation Of police~ Standards have.
been upgraded, and training has been im·
proved and ;;iccclerated at all levels. New
federal legislation enables local and slate
po lice to better meet l h e l r
responsibilities .
munications systems pennit enforttment
agencies to operate with maximum ef-
rectiveness. And the FBI National Crime:
Information· Center and its supportlng
met ropo litan and statewide syi;tems
represent. one of the mDSt-significant
achievements in the annals of law en-
forcement. Because of this vast network
and repository of criminal information,
the elus ive criminal is findfng it mort
and more difficult ID evade jµs:Uce .
Today. law enforcement is: more
itrongly united In the fight against crime
th an ever before. It vah~es t~ sa<;r~
trust of heJping to preserve the high
ideals of this great republic fDr future
generations. Ho1vever. as we know, we
must be more successful in this worthy
cause. ·1r ·we continue lD mDVe eve r
fDrward in the tradition of free men, our
efforts will be rewarded. Through
dedicated service lD our nation and with
the · help of public-spiriled citizens, the
soaring crime rate in ' the 1970's can be
The Terrible Truth About My Lai
\VASHINGTON -An unconsciDus
yearning does much tD explain American
shock al the massacre of fo.1y Lai.
Unconsciously. Americans want the
~fankiewi cz
and Braden
comfortable \Vhe.n he discovered th at the
'~oman "he shot had been unarmed, but
she h::id moved and he l'>ad a right to be
afraid. The 20 to 28 bodies did not. scen1
Lo him to evid ence atrocity. or delibera te
action aga inst civilians.
or "gooks," a~ the soldiers say-neither
can anybody else.
Foreign Aid at New Low
war in Vietnam lo be like the wars
they've fought ·before. They y,·ant
"front s." "battle lines": progress in
cities found, taken and held. '11ley want lo
think of lheir boys upholding the
right-fighting against enemy soldiers
upholding the wrong.
The press, because it also yearns, has by
and large given the people what they
want. 'l'he daily communique from Pen·
tagon East becomes the ·wire service ac-
count of action in Vietnam. The body
count indicates "progress," and it is
nam veterans: ''Sometimes it's awrul
· hard to tell the difference between a run
and a fast walk."
The terri ble truth is that Medina was
describing a rather typical day of battle
in a war whjch is largely a war against
ci vilians.
In the past fou r ;tears. 300.000 Df them
have been killed. mostly by U.S. troops.
mostly by bombing. The Senate sub-
committee. which released these figures
cannot say how many of these <lead are
Viet Cong and how many are ''friendlies ''
\~"t: KILL Cf\llLl~S because the
enemy is among the111. We kill their
livestqck because it may feed the enemy.
We use chemicals forb idden in the United
States bec ause -although they may
cause deformed births-they defoliate SD
that the enemy can be round. ·ey these
standards. can Medina be far from the
nl ark in suggesting that there was no
"atrocity" at My Lai?
\VASHINGTON -Foreign ald, Jons. un·
der vigorous congressional fire, has
received another smashing blow.
It.s budget for the current fiscal year
has betn slashed to $1.6 billion.
That's a new record low. Last year
Congrus voted only $1. 76 billion -up to
then the smaJle1t budget in the two
decade history ·or large.scale foreign aid
The $1.76 billion tot.al was ap-
proximately $1 billiDn le s s than the
amount recommended by President
J ohnson.
The new low of $1.6 blllion is $1 billion
under the $%.6 billion proposed by Presi·
dent Nixon. It is also approximately S600
million less than the $2.19 billion contain·
ed tn the foreign ajd authoriz.atlon bill
p1ssed by the House only two weeks ago.
11JE LATDT DEEP axing was done
by the ll o u s e Appropriations Sub-
commillee headed by Rep. 0 t t o
Passman. D-La. He ha1 long been a mill·
lant opponent of massive roreign aid
The budget 11pprov!d by the sub-committee 11t·Ul be consldcrtd by tM full
.Appropriation& Committee in a few days.
7"be: !WI committee rartly ovcrtum1 the:
work tl IU subcommltteet. In this io--
lil.DCt. k Is '"lrtually ctrtaln the
M. A. r.p, Vaca\•llle -"'The ba~ic
~ loda1 ta I/lat while the Com·
manlltl we determined to ruppreu all
.,...a11m1 a:nd ntp-111 revolutions In the
bild, 1t .,,, ~ U"lt. democr aclcs are htli&aflt and apologehc even In sell·
·-AUen-Go lds111ith . . . 1 always the "allles"-that comfortable,
nassuring and In OU., war ·totally mean·
ingless word-who are making it. Passman committee"s recommendation
will be: upheld, because the re is strong
opposition in the full rommittee to more
big fDreign aid spending.
U lhe lull committee complete s its con·
sideration speedily. it is very possible the
House may take this appropriation
measure. by the middle or the month.
Howe\•er. ii is still uOO!rlain Whether this
long-pending issue \\'ill be disposed or
before Congress winds up by Chrisllnas.
REASON lS THAT the Senate has yet
tn pass a foreign aid authorization bill.
Thal leglslatlon ii; still pending In the
J<~orelgn RelaLions Commlt let!, with no in-
dicaUon when It wl\I conclude..
There is i;trong bipartisan sentiment in
this eommilttt to suspelld all roreign aid
3pcndin g for al least a year.
Committeemen ronte.nd the "pif"line"'
for such rpendlng Ms se,·era1 or n1ore
billions of unexpended funds. "Al!IO. that
v;ithholding new money for a year "would
malle those countries Iha! hl\'e btnelil td
sn e.:rtensive.ly from our foreign aid ap-
preciate Jt mort when it's cut off."
mittee minority report 1tf"onily atruse:1
this polnl as follow1:
"l\'lth lhe lncreasrd unstttltd con·
dltlons abroad. how n1uch longer can
delendm of the foreign a.ld progrllm
argue that it is in our national lntertsll;
that ft will promolt security and develop-
mcrrt ? "tany of the recipient.s o[ our
larause are destroyina: their resourtts
and ihcmsel'lles al a ratt. faster than we
can try to &a\'t them."
THERE HAVE BEEN excepliom to
th.is standard fare and those ex·
cepti~filmed scenes of U.S. troops
buming villages or 1\'ritten reports by
special ct1rrespondents on the use of
chemicals-ha ve shocked .t public, long·
Ing for the familiar past.
The result of yearning Is that
Americans v.·ere unprepared for ~1y Lai.
\lice President Sp iro Agnew was right but
ror the wrong reasons. The press,
yielding to Pentagon direction and public
f'xpectalioo~ has largely railed to make
Americans see what this war w111s.
Take , for example, the p u b 11 c
testimony of Capt. Ernest Medina. ft
reveals the problem in \vhole. His orders,
he said. v.•ere to destroy My Lal and i~
livestock. He did not find it in tht least
extraordinary to receive an order not to
kill women and ch.iklren. The village. he
explained. was a "free: fire ione:: mean-
ing a !Choot.ing gallery lntD whkh death
could be poured wlth9ul nice distinctions
a boot lnnoctnt people. CuslDmarlly. he
explained. It is permissible ainyhow to
shoot anypne ~·ho runs. 1nd hi!! y,·ords
recalltd the familiar complaint ol Vlct-
f By Geor9e ---,
TLE ONASSIS: Try the Acme Judo
Sthool -their rates are a llUJe
hJgh but It's: a good course.
BUT l\tEDINA °"'ENT on : He saw 2t) to
28 civilian bod ies, and he didn"t bother to
count how many were those of women
and children. lte felt · a little u~
Auto Insurance Pitfalls
Nowadays families often have two or
more cars and reg\>lar use of other
"ct1mpany" cars. If you do, make sure
your accident coverage CQvers all tM
family activities.
In a recent case. Charles had tv.ro car~.
He, his wile, and their two teenagers us-
ed them. Chir\es' insurance policy
CQvered them on any other car he might
drive from time to Ume. But the. policy
did not cover a car which he did not ov.11,
but drovt regularly.
As a 11ale$m&n, Charles drove a com·
pany car. A good opportunity came up for
dlarlts and Sam. another salesman. Sam
lea.sed a car v"hich the tv.·o used on
buslness, but Charlts also used It for. bis
per!iOnal needs after working hours.
WlllLE DRIVING the leased car on 11
weekend pleasure trip. Charle& hit
another car. The other drlvtr sued htm .
Charl's lacked lnsuranct on the leased
car but he esktd hill insurance company
to defend him In court. \\'hen ·It refustd,
Charles sued his company dem11nding
lhal it defend him and pay any judgment
he might have to pay.
Charlts lo!l. The. court ruled that he
~·as regularly ustng the other car for
bu1ine~ 113 well as 110Cial purposes. not
temporartly. ,
\\'Mn you buy or transftr a car, by all
means see !hot )'OU are lnsurtd. Take
Law in Action
\ . .
Lucy, for instance. wlm had regular car
insurance. Her insurance covered any
driver using lier ear with her penni!lslDn.
But Lucy transferred the cpr to her
brother. Although she dld not notify the
Department of !\totor V e h I c I e $ • h e r
brotMr J acll now owned It fDr ln~rance
purposes and could drive It "'ithout her
permiss.ion. When Jack had an accident,
Lucy's policy no longer covered his drlv·
~tOST POUCI~ cover the named ln-
sund and any -drivt113 wtth his
pennission, but tha t JM!f'30n rannot allow
a third ptrSOn. to drive without the
owner's ptrmisslon. Info/Jn your in·
su:ance company a.s soon as a Ltamtr"s
Permit or a Driver"s Llrcnse ls bsued to
a minor In your family.
Notify the Department of ~totor
Vehicle~ Immediately when )'OU lransftr
a car. The Department has forms for lhl1
otc: Colf/ornfa lawucrt ojjtr lhl.t
roh1m1t 10 l/O" mou kno1c abotit o u r
The press is guilty, nDl for doing what
Agnew sald it was, but for rot doing it
enough. It failed to bring home to
Am~ans that they were sending their
wlilormed sons inlo a baUle-not
primarily ~ainst other uniformed sons
but againSt civilia.r\5. women and children
and aged men. Americans have never Ullo
derstood that there are no young men In
the--villages. Young men are gone to the
-unifonned ARVN or are out in the coun-
tryside with Lile civilian-('!ad Viet Cong.
The American people are: gu ilty.
100-"'C dicln 't.~nt to hear it lhe way it
\\·:1:11. In a 1var 1vlterc. friend is
<ii~linguishable from foe only by what is
In his heart and mind, you ca n always win
the count of bOclies. bul you must a.Jway1
lose 1!1e count o( souls.
Dy Frank ~tanllie"'CI
and Tom "Braden
Thursday. December 11, 1969
The· editorial page of the Dallrt
Pilot setts to inform and 1Um--
. ulat~ rtcder1 by rrresenU11g thi1
t1 notp0ptr'1 opinio ns and com-
mento rv on topics of interest
and slgnf/lcance, by providtng Cl
Jorum for tht czpruiion of
our reader1• opi:niont, and b11
pretntirig the diotrtt view-
point" of i nformed ob a-crvcrs
cmd spokes-men o•· topics of ihc
Robert N. Weed, Publisher
. '
. ------------- -----------~-----~------.--------------------------------------
Of Mars
Santas. Sought
. .
•UP• Men With, Guts Needed
One W,oman in Six
Wants to Be Man
BOSTON (AP) -Charles
Demltt ls Jooking for men
"who want to be yelled at,
clawed at -who will pretend
they are something t h a t
means everythlog in the world
to these kids."
M3riner Olg?tts past Mars
have gi ven scientists the first
of the diameter of the planet.
The new measurements give Dermitt recruits S a n t a
Mars a radius of 2,125 miles Clauses for about SO New
. grow1 a couple of inches a
; year • • • HALF THE
' WORLD'S Eskimoes b a v e
never seen an ice Igloo • , , A
. MAN BAS 10 pockets, il
, average •.• MOST POPULAR
' TOY of all time is tho teddy
· bear , , • ONE . WOMAN In
every lix would rather' be" a
~ and a diameter of 4,200 tniles. England stores, and says onJy
at the same time, tvm tfiough UJrto-date textbook 'figures one out of every seven or eight
miles apart. What's their place the radius at z,lOO and men he interviews is hired. alinal! Some experts contend . they wait imW just a few the diameter at 4,200 miles. "I'm not interested In
hours before the first big snow Dr. Arvydas K1 iore of the physical appearances. I'm In·
stonn to cover their tracks. A California I o st i t u t e of terested in the guts inside the
guess. How do they know when Technology, in a report to the man inside the suit," be 5aid
the first storm Is due? Serious-13lst meeting of the Am erican in an interview.
Jy,'if you have a theory on this Astronomical society, s al d "One man I hired was a
'matter, I'd certainly like to even more precise figures wUI Negro, 61h feet tall, But he
pass , it along to th e result when the figures are had feeling and tenderness
re.searcbera. who so far are analyzed further. and wanted to be a Santa
'mystified. The new figures are based Claus. These guys we hire au
FAMILYFIGBTS-Uyour on experimenls Conducted want to be Santa Claus, and ONE 01.11' OF EVERY eight with ~fariner 4 in 1965, when they~e inside that red wile and your mother got into cl"··-h ts ta"···• · •--I ~~ w 0 ge ~ 15 a Mariner 6 last July 3t and suit. they are." a hassle, w1~ side wou d you woman. And do you jmow the M · 7 I t A 5 take? Your Wife's, I presume. anatomical wbereabOUta ; of armer as ug. · As-manager of the Boston
, That's whal's e i: p e ct e d most of these tat,toos 00 The measurements also con· branch of Western Girl
hereabouts. In C h i n a , females? Seven Inches above finn that Mars appears to be lnte"1ationa1, an employment
however, it's different. Or the knee •.• JUST AS LONG a sochmelik"."'hatthflattenrtehd spKlh~e, ag1~ncy w1h1edichNreeenrth plly1 bo5ughtat
: was. A husband was supposed D Pullh f Taft Cal mu e e ea , 1ore a 1rm ca o o e an as r. am o , ., 'd. Cl De 'It j · ·to stick up for b mother, continues in his pr&ctice of sa1 aus, rrru s un·
always. Why was ~lear. If dentistry, I see no reason why Previous estimates of the p\ementing a. Western Gitl
1 necessary, he could get he can't be a member of the Mars measurements, he said, program to spruce UJ> the im·
another wife, but never could Proper Job Club, do you? • . • were based on photographs ~ge1 of department store Kr·
~be get another mother. and ranged from 3,370 to 3,400 mg es.
NOTHING IS FREE but the kilomaters for the radius. The The agency's Santas g et
lour bou'" oi adlool!ni based
on a training manual 1 'iii
Inches thick.
The manual includes re-
quirements that Santa use a
deodorant and mou~
freshen~, and have.a box of'
tissue.s bandy for the times
when young•""" try to Im~
bis cheek with their candy
canes. U also gives answers
for questions that are as
sticky as Santa's beard.
1If the child aays: "I saw you
a few minutes ago at another
store. How come?" Santa
replic:.: "I saw you, too, but
we didn't get a chan~ to talk. ,
1 guess I just beat you over
Dennitt aald t1tudies show
that one of every 13 girls Jlt'ho
talks to Santa a5ks for a baby
brother. Santa's reply: "My
job is to bring gifts to nice lit-
tle girls like you. What you
ask is out of my department.
HoWever, if you go home and,
pray to )'Qut God, I'm sure
things will work out."
"You have to be honest with
them,'' Dermitt said. "The
days or promtse·them-
anything are gone. These klds
are sharp. Besides, tbey have
enough problems without San·
ta lying to them ...
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. air we breathe, the fellow new f 1· g u re is 3,394 . •'What do starfish eat?" A. said Maybe once. The nation's milometers, with a possible . .
Oysters, when they can get skin divers pay about $175 error in either direction of 4.5 ~----~~•.alla~JllliS~M•Jdlli•dw:A
them ••• Q. "HOW MANY of million a year for air. kilometers. It! _the missing persons in this p; country are murdered?" A. WRITES Mrs. Steve \Vith a better knowledge of I .\\fJL\DAY SALE About one in 3,000 ... Q. "I O'Leary of' Harlem, Mont .: the Mariner orbilal figures.1 SAY IRISH WHISKY ls not "So your remote control TV Dr. Kliore said, the margin of
riiade from potatoes." A. Cor· turns on with the vacuum uncertainty could ·be reduced
rect. It's a grain liquor ••• Q. cleaner. Odd. Ours changes to 1.5 milometers. I SAVE ON OUR PRE-CHRISTMAS
channels when the phone The measurements were lfi CLEARANCE AND CLOSEOUTS
"'IS IT POSSIBLE for a baby rings." Remarkable. ls this a made by radio occultation, g ·---------.---------to be born with an ulcer?" A. common condition? The marking the points where the R.
Certain1y ls. About one in 100 technology is revising our l.-1ariner radio signal was cut W All Plastic
are :so bom, in fact ••• Q. most elementary experience. off and then returned as the ~ Mo. dels Ml~copes
'XVER BEEN-to Plus, W. For instance, I never saw a space vehicl e passed beyonq W
Va .?" A. Not yet. Havan't purple cow, until we got this the planet. . If 1 o·~OFF ScltH• I Oo/o .
riiade It to Minus, Ga., either, new TV. Tn another report to the ~· _____ 7_• __ _, __ su_p_p11_ .. _____ 0ff_ but am not giving up. Your questions and com· Astronomical Society, D r . CLOSEOUT BEARS -What the !den·. me~ts are welcomed (lnd Gerard T. Wrixon of the CLOSEOUT
lists itiU can't figun> out is will be used whenever pos· University of California at fi s-mp & Co"1n Cooking Crystal
why. the bears In Yellowstone sible in "Checking Up." Berkeley said he had con-If •w M • Tiles ~
the same winter day. A dil· L.M. Boyd in care of Dail.y suspected existence or am· • Albums-Supplies Textile Paints Park all go into hibernation on Pl.ease address your mait to finned for the first lime the g OSGIC I i"
.ferent day each year, true. Pitot, Box 1875, Newport monia in the atmosphere of W 250,_ 250'-
_B_u_i_w_h_en_th_ey_g_•_. _th_•Y_•_l_l g_o __ B_ea_c_h,_C_al_if_. _9_26_6_3_. ___ s_a_tu_m_._-.,. _____ 1* /0 OFF 70 OFF
~ GRUMBACKER . l! n Oil Paints and Mediums 100/o o .. w '
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Here is bow:
Savings account dividend for 1
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Free safe deposll box for •• long
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our famous 111111 ski 14ulpment and apparel lncfiidea
Fischer, Nordica, White Stag and many others, Fiber·
glass skis by Rossignol Strato lor him, 110.oa
Rossignol Stratix for her, 148,00
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Some boots as low as 35.00
c.omplete ·ski rental service available
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NIW Garcia Benttl IL-4 tYlf•lllHlilll''lllllpl
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Th11t$day, Dtctmbtr 11, 1969
• Built-in soft food disposer
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colors: pink, blue, yel·
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· Ou111t.'-o• · PIKI S.•t
tOlllf~E~l ~6,$1 .
s\1lrl ,\eeve shill w'1\h
tashion collar teamed
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never-sl'link Cll!!focl\
Black. brown'. Mue.
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Store it under counter or on a
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Poc~et size radio with big rad io re-I .Operates .on batteries or built·in line cord. I Solid state operation on battery or line
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Ttu1nd•1. Decembtr 11, 1969
~-.Fa1••.e~ ~ntli;or~~ Mining Camp llis ~useu~
• By DEL MILLEI\-the "fillv.rado-·mlfte end tb. ~lantallon • .n tJpoht, samo., 111111. wm .JL 1-contaJns ~ • lock.of J..,.W· .. ~
11 ll 1-z
{, ~ '
ST. HEl.El!A; Calif. (AP) -str .. m lhe mine shalt trap-where he died. more lllllj .two doMot GI 'wbln be na t.
The desola~ mlnlng camp ped. The circular mirror ls part Stevemoa'1 l!Uft to Low, in-·Above the cw ls the
where Robert LOa.ls·stevmaon Said SteVen9Cll'l -ol t.hat of a shipment ttceiftd this .no'8t:ef ~ lM artllt. · ·ori&lna-1 , oll portrait of
honeymooned 90 felt•·' ago undcrgroand C:U(ten~: • week from the hel.nl of Auatln The exlellllft dlariee of SteYeDIOD a•, age 4 bf J.
is now th~ site of w)>.lt ~ caUed "4 ••• It' wanders eunltss Slrong, Steve!lson's 1 t e p. SlevetllOll' voyages to the ·Atcher. r ,
the _West s ruost: ~naive col-among the iOlnLB of the moun-grandson. Norynan H. Strouse, South &as lnclude-notes Fin· ·On the walll·ot a canfermce
lection of the authors memen-tain. No wonder that It should foundation board chalrmtn '!)' took and p11e1 written by nJOm ii 1Prud a p~graphic
toes. bel\er its pace when it· gees, and retired board chairman of the autltor. 1 ~ 1 and documentary blop'1pby of
A mlrt'O!' which cast the far before it, daylight whi ten· the J. Walter Thom p 1 o n Stevemon'1 mahot:an>' desk Stevenson. · ~fl~ion of Sir Walter. Scott Jng in the arch, or ·that , it ad vertiaing agency, ha 1 and ink well are ln the col· Included an bjs fint potma
Jn Edinburgh1 Stolland, m the should come ·trotting into the donated his e .x t e n 1 l v e lecdon, as.are varloua editions at aie 9. A ball nee lbeet in earl~ 1800s and saw Stevenson sunlight with a spng." Stevenscn collection. of Stevemon'a ·"A ~d'a his btmdwriting .ot 1 mondl'a
at hlS Samoan planta~on two Numerous manuscripts, Tucked away in bookcases ·O•rdfta of Veraea." accounta at his plarltltlon
generations later now .lodks journals, ·letters and first edi-of the musewn is a collecUon Stevenson. dedicated th e showed 1hm he WIS apending
over the . volui:otnous cUariea tions have been donated to the of bound v o 1 u m e 1 of work to ~ ewu,tnaham. regularly at the·rate of 110,000
from which Stevenson drew non-profitVallima Foundation Stevenson's original mBDU· hia nurse, whom he deacribed a year on plantaUon upkeep.
details for his nuT.aUves. whlch will admlnbter . th~ scripts. u "~ aneet of rqy infant There is the p r a y er
They are among .the more mr.iseum. A two-volume colle¢1on of life." At one end of the case 11 Stever.on wrote just before he
than 1,000 ltefll3 housed in 1he Vailima was Stevenson's stevenson letters donated by a Jock of her hair. At the other died and whicb wu given at Silvera.do Museum,.named for ·
the mine SteveMOn and his
bride, !he former Fanny
Osborne, explored 1n the
months before his return to
The museum will open Sun-
day, 11 days after the an·
niversary of Stevenson's death
75 years ago.
Close enough to cast a
shadow over the stone building
is· the ~tain unaelcut ~by,
) ,, .
Make Yd'ur In¢oor
hi• funer1l. • • s1ev..., apent two mocths
In lhe old bunk hooae ond
U11J1 olllce at mme ofter liis
m&rrlage to·F&My on May 19',
18'19. in the mountain at r ,
Stever.on enjoyed one of hls
rare perioda ot good health.
Ye1111 l iter ; after
stevenson'• delth, P'-a n n y
returned from Samoa to her
home on Hyde Sir.et In San
Francisco and later moved to
Santa Barbara.
On her death her Stevenson
collection was inherited bJ· her
daughter, Stevensoo'a atep.
daug'bttr and aecretary, Mr1.
Salilbury Field, mother o1
Auatn strong.
Divers Urged to Kill Killer$ , Decorating:Ext1'a. Nic e
• • ' . . -' " !
This Christmas ,wit}; WASHINGTON (UPI) -A
sci enUfic t~· f o r c e today
recommended that teams of
diver51'1f9 poison guns be
sent CO fhe Pacific to attack
"Crown of Thorns'' starfish,
whlch are qijng coral.reefs.
The "Crown of Thoms" starflsh.~·u1et1 unchecked, will
cause serious ecoJIOmic and
physical damage lo Pacific
Islands, the 'task ·force said.
"Destrutfii>ri .6f·cor81 reels is
going on at an alarming rate.
The divt!rs wouJd be a
-stopgap measure · until a
means of biological control
was found.
The scientists said death of
the li ving coral could wipe out
fish populations dependent O'll
il, thus depriving island in·
habit.ants oC a food source, and
also coUld Cause considerable
Shore erosion of island when
reefs no longer"protect against
The report summafued· ·the
findings or tearilS of scJ~sl!
directed by the Westinghouse
Ocean Research Laboratory
under contract to the Interior
Depart;ment. -·
The field tean'IS al\ in-
terpreted .available evidence
to mean that the sudden
population expl06ion of the
Crown o[ · Thoms in recent
-years apparently was "man-
induced" and not a "natural
I !
! I
I ~
N0¥11.TT IOU
,... rumc 11"1\1
1'rlce 100 ,,._ "" ,. __
RAT • --· "' .·· ;i: FIR!-'"".-.Ill, 4ts WRAP ~ . tfC .... """
=3s~ .............. ... ~
>· ,..., , .
l J •
~;Q .
--~ ;~
"Gr11ti•9• t h , t
la1t for1w1r." Yo11
wlll call thall'I f111-
t11tlc. i 2 ch1r1c·
~ yo11 ll\• c).1l-
~119i119 iit••• , .. ,.
,,., fry a-ti• •f
the11, Ma 11y .tiff.,.
•"' ptltllfl t.. ~Sd~~~ t1r. t. c hto1 1 ~==='····198
HYNn N•TON CINTll-M-1 ..... lch.
Sl.6o hold$
until Otc..2J
"For those who enioy eating!"
FROM ••• $3995
Free To
All Kids
TREE , ••
plant It tn the
yard after
Christm·as and
Vi'atch it grow!
FOR .••
Broiling & Baking
Frying & Roasting
Smoking &
W reaths and
Ce nterpiec.es from
Holliste r s ...
In Colors You
W oukln' t Believe!
2 ·to 7 F.+. Tall $395
I ' I
Come in and see • doxen fully decorated trees in different
themes with tons of decorating idHs..
up to 16 tt.! An are
beautiful & reasonably priced.
Excellent Chrismtes Gift for
the Yechter
RAIN GUAGE ..... $ 4.50
BAROMETER _ $17.95
THERMOMETER __ ....... ______ $11 .95
HYGROMETER ------···_:__-... $11.95
Christmas Candles BE SAFE!
Flame Proof Your Christmas Troe • Lemon • Bayberry
• Rose • OrangeBlossom
• Cinnamon • Tuberose
• Lemon Lime
" . . .,
. $4t49
CALIF. No. 55-1 QT. I.
enough for e 6 foot tree
• H~ll~trs. "Quelity and s ... 1 .. Since 1946"
2840 Harbor Blvd.
.CALL 546-5525
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"""'411, -"" II, !'JM .
Draft Boards C-ope With Confused Q·uestions :
By Ulllle4Prwt~ .. 1ect1 .. oeM:e, e,cboed Wt expect to fl<\ other Jn. who wanted to lm>w wtuit Mn. ·I-. llj>kumb, .. _ -i.1-reduceco-mplalah llJ~rolllat.f~lbey'roplnfto
Local draft boards° have ~ ~~.1,.~ \'." ~ ·~ .~~ the neat lhetr acn'• chancel were. '1ben ecuti .. aeer<tiry.of the Da!IN agafnlt tht methods of tho •!alt ltftlmlng aod· we'H be
been n~~ ·'th q -"• ~ .. -'"~" ,. -•-·or 10 _,.. · .. lied ·•• ·-•ed ·~ draft board -which haa he<n local •--~-. . rl&hl blck where we,..,..,• ~ "W;t ue:n.1-ons local draft boards hfve .not Jn Statlle, \fpb., a draft "'"'~ sons ca anu -'11'.flll' "rwamped" with oalll -,aaid Ul.ISlVil
llnce Monday•, lottery. In T<eelV.d inslt1lctions fl'Oll1 clerk told caners aIJ sbc·Jmew aame question. We simply '!don't ••'-•It I.I any helter . "I ~-1 fcel 'the IOtWy .
many cues Ule boards don't Waahlngto t ••-·--• ha ·•· h d ~ don't •--what lo tell them. 1.1111-1.11> -'II ~ .. _ '-•~-but know ·the R.lSWers; in others, proe<dure.~' ye on u~ """"' wu w t Oll'C a ~n .u"'"' than lt,wu. The boys are still w1 """ .. ...., COD'lpNU1M, the ques11oos _ such •• "will '""Ung in the new1i>epen. In ;. lot of people· w Ith in 1 quanda<J'. They • don't we mJiht have a 'dUfemt Ml
I be drafted?" have ,no MOST INQtDRIE8 ChJcll[O, Mn. Be)'lha Lech, deferments are thinking of Iulo!' if they ar•. l!Oinl.to be · of peopl• doing ·the . com-...,.,.i..r of i!rift' boards far • d f'"' -~ "
Giv.e.n to Two answer. M)'jrs , aal.d ~ inquiries the city's north",li.de, Uid -·we • livinl them ~p., A teacher, for . ra i.vu n!CA~ year. plaklinc. ~ rtductlon " tbe
A UPI tUrVey abowed the centered on bow the lottery oeem to be·\ietttnl mpre cells eximple, ml1~t "° pllMIDC_ lo BA VING' m anxiety of Waiting "'11 have. a The lA&llna · Hills ~
loltery left many l"'l<nllal -.Id affect -turnlDC II than ever.-." go to Jaw ·llcllool. He WW Io She aafd aome mlllWy hearing on the 1ene.ralatU~ C1lb baa named· two married
clr<!fteel, and some draft during 19711 (It will oqt alnct .. · Saddl<blclt Collep -boenb, In confuaion. The they will have to.wait for Ille FACE QU~DARY pow U Illa number I.I lllxh recrull<rs "are having a flt. of the [lllb,llc towards the rectplento ·d f 11 check al8o inWcated some next lottery) and· how ·u will Maj: , Willi.Im Sangemifto, e:tqUgh to en,gure ~ won:t be They say It ls really ruining dra!t." , u $
draft boards feel the IQtl<ry hit those with delermen" director of menpower tor :the drafted, but we can't tell him. their bust-:· Col. Paul · F .... y, director llCholanhipl;• ·
wlll not take the pressm-e off (Ibey will retaJn{iheln). 1" SelecUve service ·Sy.tem in "They're gambling: They Manydraftofflcials;llloet.t. cltheMas!acbuaelJaSelective Awarded -_acbolani141< on them, and the gamble lnh'fenl Miami draft ~ repor!i!d New York City, menlioned !he don't JfuOw hoW the''hoiaes are Col. Jack<or, J •. 'Ax<> 111,.olllef Service ·Sy.tem, lllid "IV• -cl the Sad-
in the fniUal draWIJll will eon-the samt•thing. , . . quandary lacing many young · going to nm 'and we"ckln't of the 6eld dl)'lal!IJI .of ._tjle ou~tuU!,,one complatner for dl;bacl( -'cl Trustees \ill"•}•~ aome ¥<llr;lg 111en wh~ ... Col .. ciiar)~.'L.. · ch!OI me1 "'.ho !inisbed in. the mid: either. We're ,Juli!. l[Oi!Jg lo Loull!janji s .t·a t.e 1Se.lecUve the other, '.·and ,in1New York, ...,.. l>&Vlil• C. 8mlth· alld ~-decide' whether ·their ·c1"·the·-M1o1ts1ipp · ~ dle·ofli)edrawfllce: .. have to wJilt and·aee how ~ •• w'!"·>k,~~·t\i cil Sanliemhio'.aaid:· ·:, · .. ~:)( Skl!li!ip, both'of ~~ \n.1be ~aw ,was gpo;ct ~eer rjtj . :l di~~·:"''~·Rftm~·~··'ilt"";·w;:;u7'."tbe':::".~~:-7,~n~~tl!i!'l&~·-~-~w;or~k.~ou~-t:."~'?i· ....,:-:-wh_•_tber-7'.j'thet. ~-~!Qt11'!. ~fi'I~. '#'~Q'llelllm.7-lTi'-i'Whe~n~·~the~people~~-Who;;,;;;;-' .,.;;.;.-:!'l)iatln'~~';:;· ~-·:-;'it:. ::' ~· ·:;,.::;--:-' -.-;:· ~~U:i'firr~~':-'~ ;~lo .letthem .. dft?ppro-.sa1d ".We'rerecet~a ·mr ·· 1 .. ,.)':ft.,,;:•.):.;:./• 0 1 .1.i ~.-.. ~, ""'...._, ,, ~ ~···.,l·. 1 1 1,.._.,.t,,....-~•' ,,,
·teetive.defennents. · · nianyque~·iiilee .tbtilot·d ~ f .r--.: <':' i\-.. ?> ~ • ' 1,a( ;-.., Lu. Co1. W. J.· Myer.i .. ·terJ.»drawiQg ·andfhnkly 'we ~r~ t ·r. • ,,.r ·; ... . 1 ;; ... , i •
Michigan's deputy ~reetor: ~~ ·coUl~'t ~er all of 'them. ~. · ' "'-X ' .... • • . ' '
... . ' ,
. ~lii~lltlCA'S LA"G••'J'. P"A""11.Y CLOTHING CHAIN ·
. ! .
~1 •
.. ,
~ ..
\ ; r
STYLES at this
price, you can
have both!'
At this double-vafoe prk!e.J'""
don't have to choose! l..oYe[y,
colorful I OOS acetstes, cut good and
long. perfect over your slacks and
skirts. Two feminine stj.le.-<>nt
with cloep U neddloe ••. the other
wi\h P<"""t drowsbin& -ldine
•.• bot!i with S;hort eJastidud·
aleevcs..Si&e> S.M·L.
11 TO S
casta Mesa, 1&81~11ewpart '"' af lia , '
' . I
. .
' -
546·7080 COSTA MESA
WEEDAYS 9 to 9
SATplDAY 9 to 5130
SQNDAY 10 to 5100
~~iii10ME EmnAlllllDIT Cl
0 lttutifuf
p111ntlit1f •I
9r.111t 11vi1191,
,..;;::,,;_ 0 ChooM from
A .. oe1clo, er
Cherry ftfttl.
'288 I PANEi. ...
' . r
D lt1f lnftrior l1ft11 1fti11t !ii:; told 1nyWlt1r1, 9r11t •olon. ' . . ;t 0 5 iYtt 10 .. llltff• flf1ith,
. i clri•• il'I 20 111i1111+.1. x·· ·~~ 0 Qvick cleen up In ••rm
, ~ · to1py Wt+.r.
f~ Ii~ 6~7
... .,, ~·· • l
0 U.L •PP""'"· · ,
Pf/,:;:),'J 0 Ac1' 1!MI •If '"Ttt1rit.-
" •
a ;. ''"" ,.., .. , t11tt ,e.11.,
C M1•• yo11r ••II "'ouldlftft,
cr••t. ell •nlit of 4•tijn ...
D •ou•er "'111uel lncl•detl,
meke1 t r••f t lft. I the
J•ut.r, Mt the lfltlllNl.t,
' •
' I
''• .
' r· I N I ' ... I •
' .
a Put th··~ UIJ allH '"" thty 1tey Ult
''""'"'"fly. . ·a FrOM .... 011,•Wl·Hty
t.,p.11t •It tftt holi.i..,
lithta. . ' · D Et,.cltlly'Jf,y•u 9,.w
• t1oupl• of f••f lt.twee11
11ow •Ml M.t Chrl1tni11,
CAAD 29C ·OP 12 . ·
0 A h'..111v •f • , • ., fltht
tli,t fiYtl Jhi1"ll'fl•rlnt
hi9hUthtt. 0 . Clioo1t fro111 c•Mlilt11tiel'lt
ef lilu• •114 ffttll, rully
1!MI told, •r c,Y1MI •11111 ··"· 0 Will look much lietter !11
v•ur hou1• th•11.ha119!11t 11
•vr 1tort.
. . ' ,., ' '
D n,,, ,,, •• pr•ttv l Ju•t
we11t ft cry whtMVlt I·
l•ok tf the111.
C TexturM 111•tt•r11 •11 •P•C.u•
ti••• ti••• look of el .. 111••·
D D1el lnch1d11 th• n.J~t.
1w19 t1h1i11, hooks, l11-H11t
24. 88
' .Ne. in'9
D Hw• lltht. 111u11c
t.IPiJi•11 wh•r•
you w111t It. CJ f·I w•11t It 111 In
th• ,., .. ,.; I h•f• I
· luy t•Y•r1I ••
.,.u·n "'••• '"' ii~"·
0 T.telly' .,.,.. ••t1••Jt 111
•Nkli.t, ftilt ll•W "r•lll--t "''t\o4 ••tit i• •II th.
fle .. rhl, heelthf.I .. I•••·
a ................ ...
....... 1t111••·· ...
' • ~· .....
' ·'
' ..
. 0 •••11tiful 7 plM• fi,,,.,,,~ .tn.imltl• ef
pollthed brett lncl11de1 lirttl hood, tCtl ..
with lil1ck '"Jllh ••rf•in. · I i
0 AH th1f1 not ell, 2 ur11 ~Hir•111 111d •
. he11iy fll•tchi119 t-l .11t .. cof!lpl1:t•:the 4fff •.
0 N•w 111 yo11 11e•d.J1 • fir•pltc •• : ,
' ...
,. ..
' .
I '
f 'T,i ;' ' ,. 1 •'•>i . ' r. • . • I
: '
. '
D .Nif•. fa~ litJiti111 th• ..
fire, th• ce111llff, 'tfi•
. litrb.c:ue. ·
D '•c:k•9M. Ii•.••\ •tfr1cti•• Mxiltit~Hh
9ood '011 th• 111t11tl• D' o 1trike1 11'1• •• ,
hot Jtil, -
.a 014 Ch.rlle W.tl . c.a.11 .. t •• ..,.
ttlCUt if th. tlo1etJ
•r• full. 1 0 , If yovr .wif• ll1y1 like
111y wife, the clot•ll ,
. • ere full. , .
·D ·-Nice for wil1, .....
arid •thtr cru1helt1 ... 3~~
,. '
•' ..
tliCTI.11, :UNiena·
a w.·,. '""°'"' .... tft• •11tir• 1tock.
a ... Cll1t1•n. """ ,1,r •• liffl•_ '"''· ~, .......
' • 0 'WMl•,ftt.Y l•1t. 14•.oo IMk• fe, 11.oo. Ula, re• •••'t lll•et It, Ht .,.u c•• rlM It.> ' 500/o OFF ·
~· -· '
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·'""'' ... .. .. ~ ..
~I!·: ,;;) . .,,. ..
• -• .
----,-. ---,.......,.............~~------,......-.....---~~...---------~----------. ----~ ---......------.
•' ' I
lnsurance ·Prohed ~. .
Hearing on Cost, Cooerage Opem
SACRAMENTO !AP) -A · Uen~ and he hao little In· the -to keep coslt low,
Jeglslatlve committee opeoed fluence on lbe matter.'' the doctol'I and the hospitals,
a hearing today into the eo::;ts When 8 pel'IOn ls sick. Song have no economic reason to do
and coverage of health in· ·~'"' 6'be 11 In ...,..,1tlon to ao. They have the freedom to surance policies, and I t s ~ no t"M< 0 Rt I.heir own prices, but they
chairman promised to see if shop for the best baraaln. are not subject to t be ·
neW Jaws are needed to a&sure And hospitals don't compete, restraints cf compeUtion."
"that \hOM: who work and pay he added "You and l go to a Song 681d research has 1 taxes will receive the health partlcular hospital not because shown that a person who buys
care they need." it is cheaper or baa: better an individual policy w 111
Se Alfred Song (0-Mon· service but because our doctor receive an average return o( ... .. , :.:~.;....~~~~~~~~-
n. sends us there " 52.8 cenls in benefits for every terey Park), chairman of the ~A..... said ihe committee dollar he pays In prertdums . Senate Business and ~46
Professions Committet, said also wlll loolt into the practice "He pays a very high
most insurance policies don't of d~rs. referring patients to premium In relation t 0
cover actual medical costs. hospitals in wbJch they have a benefits received. and as a
:;\Jail' Death Instead, he said. the typical financial interest. result, b not able to afford "1b~~-. the medical adPnuate he a I t h insur~nINUr~ ulan--"includina-a ft!Iil/'-song Uli!;-utMle Wt1li -co~.-8ae,"-&;;;~i8la: ~" Probe Rules
Out lnsu]in
state sponsored plan for stale o INl'6
employes -allows $35 a day
for hospital room and board.
"Yet cn1y t() percent of the
hospitals in the Los Angeles
.area have accommodatiorui for
u little as $35 a day," he said. SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) -
•• Laboratory tea II disclosed
Wednesday that a dlabeilc
man died in city prisan cf
"severe hardening of the ar·
teries and a blood clot" and
not because. of a 1 a ck of
Song aald there are several
rusans for high health care costs, but "the biggest reason
•.• is that n~ one cares about
reducing costs except the pa·
·2 Rescued
From Blaze
Mn;. VirlP.Jlla White, 26, had
charged lhal be!' husband
George, 30, al. San Francisco
was murdered by prison of· PALO ALTO (UP!l -ficials due to alleged neglect Firemen rescued two women
ol bis medJcal needs. trapped by a blaze an the top
She claimed her husband noor of the plush Cabana
had been begging for an in· Hatel after they waved sheets
wlin &bot for three days but and towels out a window to at-Jrison Officials ignored the tract attention.
pleas. The firefighte rs, who con·
Dr. Henry W. Turkel, c~ fined the three-alarm fire to
jy.;coroner, said Wednesday the top floor of the 198-room
:ibaf.· while White was a dia-luxury hotel, climbed down
't.etic, the "lack of insulin from tbe roof and rescued the
.. Wash't a contributing factor s a o t. covered middle-aged
U.S., Indian Pow-wow
Held on Alcatraz
Federal olficlala have talked
at length with some of the In·
dians who seized Alcatraz-, but
the subject of how or when
they might leave the 152and
was avoided. · '
Five government official!
and three dozen Indian men
ancf womea met for two hours
W-y In the crumbling
auditorium of the maximum
""'1Jlily prison on Alcatra~
The Indians tried repeatedly
to bring up theb-assertioo tbat
the island belongs to them
under terms()( an 1863 treaty.
But the U.S. officials com-
mented that the quest.loo wu
out of their jurisdiction.
About 150 lndlans liom a
coelition of tribes have C>Q
cupied the island in the middlo
of San Francisco Bay for m~
than two weeks. They claim i' aa abandoned fedenl lancj
lllnce tile government left tho
loland In 1963.
'I11e Indians say they want ·
the bland and that ii will
"take an anny to get WI off."
GSA Regional Administrator
Thomas Hannon, who was not me ci the olficl'1s to visit the
Island, ctmrnented "I'd still
like to see them vchmtarily
leove the !tland and bcgio
wor1dng on their clalm fr0TI1
the mainland, but it's obvioq•
that lf they doo"t, Ibey will
have to be remove(l at somt point." .
J7~ deoth" lut 'l'lluraday. women. Tiiey wer• •ot h•rt. State Board to Hear
.pirds Reeovered Revised Mor~ty Guide
Z'Feathered Friends 'Home' SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) -guidelines emphasize hwn ...
1 • The Slate Board of· Educallon • dignity and Integrity and dQ
Two lOJt J:t\fds, including one
that weighs 250 pounds. have
been rlcovered In the bay
'Ibe big one Is t•Bird in
Repose," a statue b y
Benaimino Bu f a n o whlch
someone _ pried Jooae from a
en a Qaly City school
playground after an
anonymous telephone call.
.. 4iJl>lll' iJt llClllptures at the : ·~ Buildll)C. It was found . .
The other bird is Polly, a
white mate cockatoo a t
Oakland'• Baby 1.oo. It vanish·
ed from a station wagon in
San Francisco after a TV ap-
pearance, and was returned
by a youth who saJd he bought
Polly from a hippy • t
Farmers' Market for $20.
' ...
.. "i.I • ...
Tb• Ide.a.I da.n ctn .. belirht
heel a.nd 1lx d&lnty crosl
l ll" ... DI t ied In, th• m.Jddle
w lth lo'ile knotL M .. tcb
•nv out/It w ith bla.ck p1.·
tent. a-old. 1llTief or b\11.(lil
DN.U dt IO!t.
The de l'ting of the p1tent crowd. N1c.9 for*
IOW, ·~· holid1ys ind 111 drtny OCCI•*
tioM. Si111 81/1 to 3. .
convene.s today for a two-day not recommend "returning to
meeting at which a revised the moral commitment of cur
versicm of the controversial founding fathers."
"morality guidelines'' for "If we were ta return to the
California school children will religion of our £ o u n d i n g
be presented. fathers •. many of us would be
The Rev. Dorm Moomaw, dlsapPomted in their lack of religious orthodoxy,'' Moomaw
head oC the cunmiUee cbarl-commented. He said the revis·
ed with ~ up the ed guidelines do not even deal guide~~~~· a meeting of with God because ''I don't
educators that ~ . revllled want God ~uced to sl~ns."
Th• hehtbt or t11h!on l ti * tnch tall Full len1rth tn· sld• zirir:ier. Snub no1e. Staunch heel . .Browri. or bl•uk Rmooth. Bia.ck 1111.• terat 11.nd &1-.bute.r pa.tent.
41/J to 10 513
The A·A·A·H 1ettera tbll Chrlatmu.
Soft comfy Insole. Conies In Lt. Blue
-Plnk -Ume or Yellow. Christ·
mas special! · I''.
Col)' 11.r11I eomtort• *
&bl• from our •lit>•*
l>l!l1' trtft. Glv• the
warm eomt:r "Clll'" •
this Cbrl1tma1. ' *
plush cotton1 end furry fe~rics.
Cushion1d inn•r lining ind
composition role1.
Pa.!r.d to all !&11\.lon 1boe1
and they ma.lte tubton&l
rnatcbma.tea to r &11
The quick 1llp·on. Makes A
nlcl! "gift" for "hin1 !''
J>adde insole and lin-
ing. Antique tan.
847-9125 962-9178
WEEKDAYS 9 A.M. until 9 P.M. • SUNDAYS 10 A.M. unto 7 P.M.
Anticipating Future
Irvine Scholar in 'Blueprint' Study
ly THOMAS FORTUNE year 2000, we do IMist th,Jt dest1n a good future for hit °' ,... OtHr ,...., ,,.., l'low men think about and act fellows, a relatively rew men
IRVINE -.. Wlndi of chanp toward the futurt a r 11!1 will exert enormous influence
are blowU.g around u.e world t h e m s e 1 v t: .t m a j or ovu the lives of many men.· r dettrminants ot. that futu re. sometime• on the basis ·ot
De! no one knows euctly how "Men tend to fulfill their allegedly supe:rior knowledge, ~le will organize to make or.1 prophecies." legitimate authority or on the
their wants better. knqwn In The Blutprint program hu basis or both," Snyder said.
the future. developed out Of research cur-"If there is Indeed a
Bu,t a lf'OUP of scholara, ·ln· renUy being done by ust•s knowledge or information 'ex-~luding UC Irvine's Dr . Administration part I a 11 y plo&io.1', it seems Ukely that
spooaored by i ·N a t I o n a I our i1norance is increulng at Richard C. Snyder, In a pro-Aeronautics and Sp ace least at the same rate."
gram called Blueprint, are Administration (NASA) grant "Uncertainty, fear, dist.nut,
trying to anUcipate v.·hat emphasizing or1anizatlons of and selC-doub t seem to be
pvmunental, business and the future. abroad in the land," Snyder
IOclal organiialions of ·the Not all future organizations said, "and these factors are
Nelv Dean
Named in
IRVINE -Ch a n c el lo r
Daniel G. Aldrich has an-
nounced the appointment or a
new dean and associate dean
of the UC Irvine School of
Biological Sciences.
Or. Howard Schneiderman,
r o r m e r Jartd Potter
Kirtland Dist in guished
Profe~r of Biolol)' at Case
Western Reserve UnivfJSity,
has been named dean effective
In 1970. He succeeds Professor future might be like. will or need be di!ferr:it from clearly enemies or calm, in· By Alamitos all existing ones, said Dr. farmed reappraisal or our Vast chzl1ea In our way of Harold J. Leavitt of Stanford sltuatJon." James A. Mc(;augh, who will
life already are underway, University. Historically, \.\'C h ave LOS ALAJ.tITOS -J\telhod.! return to full..f.ime teaching
foreshadowing even m or e Just as businessmen are assumed that we ought to ol financing new police ·and and research.
Bi.alogltt Schneiderman
Don't Wait
Out Trouble upbeavals, some of which e,an-talking about world' cor-organize for stability and then public works buildings ha\'e · Dr. Howard L e n ho ff ,
__. be forecas• accord.inn to pcratlons which will transcend cOU11t orl rerorm 0ccurrio.1g been submitted to the Los Al· forinerly direclor of the -" ·~ ti I bou·-·--1 ha h id ..... ANAHEIM --: San Francisco ~akers for Blueprint in 1 re-na ona 1NA1 es, per ps w en necessary, sa v•.· ant.it.cs City Council by City Laboratory o[ QuantitatJve
·r-world oraanizations may be Robert P. Biller of UC Biology at the University of Police Chief Thomas J. Cahill cent · preaentaUon at the the answer for some future Berkeley. Manager \Villi am Kraus. Miami, l'las been n a m e d said it -a guote for the times
Ulllvenity o! Southern problems, be suggested. "A transition may be oc-Estimated cost of the pro-associate dean 8'.'ld director of -in a recent talk to college
California. Snyder ~lained t h a t curring wh1cb would make it . posed structures is $193,()()9. the marine biology program at professors gathered for a con-
Examplta are Nader• s Blueprt.1t "is a calculated risk more reasonable to "organize Included in the proposal is a UC L rere .. lce here.
Raiden, a group of youni col· experiment to d Is cover for change and then count on 3,SOO.square-loot police-public Chancellor Aldrich also an-hi 1 C h 11 ten· whether certain gr.ave persistence emerging when . 1r-and tTt nounced two other ap-C ·e al was mg leitl' law student! 1 n d weaknesses hitherto evident in . necessary. . . wor1';1 garage u 11 Y area. pointmenli in bi 0 Io g y . about last year's violence at
eraduates brou1ht together by both our thinking and action in "Under co ·.1 di ti on s of The expansion will be de· Profes.sor Robert \V a r n e r . San Francisco State when he
Ra Ip h Nader to uncover the domain of critical social change, complexity and uncer-, signed as part of the city's e1;. forn1erly at New York said:
defects t.1 manufactured pro-problems can be corrected or lainty it may simply become isting civic center. Uni\'e rsily School of Medicine "You should know what's
-1 d ameliorated. necessary for people to figure Kraus said he did not think and one or NYU's "Great
ducts and to try to 98 eguar "There is every reason to out ~·hat il is they choose to a bond issue or a raise Teachers for 1969," becomes brewing in high school and
con• u mers; anti-pollution believe that errors and pitfalls do and do it.. wou ld be necessary to finance chairman of the Department junior high school. If you're
or1aniiaUons springing up all in the future will have an ex· "Attempts al forming the1n the new buildings. of !\1olecular and Cell Biology, thinking of ta king a sabbatical
over the nation ; Synanon, tremely high price tag. This is into stable slructures, and Plans call for bids on Ule and Professor Peter Dixon, until this preleflt bunch
formed by former drug ad· one kind of effort to reduce then reforming these struc· new structures nex spring \\'ho joined the UCI faculty f.1 graduates and you'll be gone
dicta to help others break the such coat.!." lures at intervals. may \\1th construction to be Ci>rn· 1967, becomes chairman of the wilh them,·don't take the sab-
habit; black preasure grqups ; "AllhoUJh no ma:.1 oc group become both too costly and too pleted before the end oC U1e Department of Population and baUcal now. Wait, you'll be
student protest ora:anizaUons ; of men knows enou1h to risky." year. Environmental Biology. ,1eedlng it later."
and community, aoclal and • .....-~--••••.aw.1MJ111111i:fllE'tJ1S.J1M••~•-•••~•••--J11R••••~ .. ----•llll•••M1
pet schemes or gllb answers," I
SANT A ANA -Fire Chit!
John Garthe he.s resigned,
11ylng, "I have reached that
time when In my judgment 1
ahould reUre and let some new
leadership take over.''
Garthe, 63, has been chief of
the Santa Ana Fire Depart·
ment for 21 years. City
Manager Carl J. Thorton, who
amnounced Garthe's resigna·
tion , said It will become ef·
(ective March I. 1970.
Garthe joined the depart·
ment as • volunteer in 1925
and became a full -time
fireman two years later.
HT~·"•o ~~we O>fN ( f ;30 .
• 'fll -· · .. ,,,o
~~f.:~t1r~~0::.1 . . DRUG & DISCOUNT . ~~
1aid Dr. Snyder, professor of I • ~ ::1:~uo~ie~ 1~k~1maa~ STORE ' SAlE
~~';: ~~W.an Blueprint I
1'Membera ol thie council are I neither astrologers nor
medicine men. While we make
no preteMe of predicting what I
the .world will be like in the I
Marked Down
Drastic ally
N1ul Con,.1tion. JI For Roll of Of 6 9 ,i
R19. 99c
10 01. Sl11
Milk of Magnesia
·AntMld·Lautlwa. Set· 88¢
ti• 1t11ntt1ch In MC•
efMll1. lt .. vlar er Mint
11anr. 1.26 2' u. Sia•
Fonnula 44
l•tr•. Str•ntth C•u1h Ml•tvr•
Caimi, 11u.l•h n•t· 119 elftl ceuwhs •f c•ld•
fe1t. t.n 6 ta. Sia• •
"Triaminic Syrup"
....... , .... tt-hl1t•-Oto! noNI ....... 1 69
"''"'c f• ttwffM • •IMI "'""ln1 ~ . . ....
•"44~·-·~ ,.., .... , .. 1'1
3333 Newport Blvd. (Acro11 from Cl~y Hall)
Telephone 675·6611
OPEN 9:30°6:30; SATURDAY 9:00·6:00 ; CLOSED SUNDAY
With 4
Recommended by dentists-and Santa! Pttcl· sion. seJf.Jubrlcating motor with motorized
handle, push button on-off switch. Over 1500
bristles dislodge tiniest food parti.clts. 'Thor·
ough but gentl('.
For H•~d Cold•
Rog. SI.JS 89~ 25'1
HAIR DltESSINO for tMn a.-.....,.,..._ ....
c ..... ..., 79' ....,,llff '.' .... ,,, ... -· I.I t 4.1 OK. S-.
Mlsl for MEN
!~ ... , •• u-.·99c 1.lt 70t.
For Children
Reg.'1.49 79'
CHOCOLATI MINT-CHOCOLATE 1UDOI $ ... AYDS 1.1~.. ..... ••• 1
~ ... $3.25
·2 ,.,. $1
For Fiat P'1in
R19. 99c~a
OPEN SUND.A YS II TO 5 fl !•· l"l•'
• ' .
---------~---·------------------.. ----.
l 4 O~ll Y PILOT ' Thursday, Otttmbf' 11, 1%9
Ii _:for the Record
Y"!lj M Photographed
and ~~nted on a Pin
·<ff ': ' ..
~I!. ! ~(
Dec. 1 Jth ,t '!¥':? 1 r .M. 011ly
lrf119 Yo11r Pet • le Early -
SI Fashion Island e Newport Center
opposite Broadway • 644-0980
Open 7 Day• !
HUI, SMIHh lntrld 'Ill a I I IJ II .t.MfCf'1111'\blt . t-=:~~'r' v."'.EYr.t l1111, Wrl!W A ..... Jrmi:1, Mclrldt Linn. Ctrol AM VI w.ii.o ~ Ed~r. e1mr1 J • ..,, wm1am T.
Ho •• PfftY Jova 'Ill iii: •a• W I 1141, Rtl,...,. ¥1 W1llr1 HI Hlrf
A 1m .. Cal!'"' Let "' Max .,o
l"INAI. DICRS•I Ollltl'lln. A•lttlf S. Yl All.ii M. I M. lnu. t:nWfll Ci. VI E I ••
ff114111dtr .... d, C•rt Ervin VI J~ll HOH
Gflbfft Slrl ~!-1, A11PUl1 VI (lfltl& McC•~· Jr •• Htl'CV E. YI ⅈA:f"lll c . Clilrl!;, Sl'IH~n IE. YI lJncJl,Jo Lan-~n<IOl.11 · P~ E. "' knlamln s~!!1r.'oenn11 c. v1 lolll• R. oav11. Kt_lh.rlnt A. V5 Alfld•ll Wlfnfl', l:lmt VI 01v1 Hiraki lltlltf, TMlma Ellen 111 Gllr•kl J1mes Le ... , Comtlll A. VI Tllomas T ..
(KICt. OlanM Y. YI Wlllltl!'I .... Zlt11lff, Murie! l.1111111 VI Colle EIJ9tM
Cutler, E1lelle YI Robert Ol!leker, Allllll!ll P. V1'WIUIW11 I!, L1rl0fl, OorlN L.. VI Qfrold l.
Allon!, Su11tn 0 .. 11 VI &e11nt1 Jot._.. F1rrw1•1het JtMI ... Vf Otvld L. ...... Hotmtt. Aiifti ei.1 ... ..,. Mtlll• ,..,...
11m1n. Jr.
Pertz, JQl.ff>lllne F. VS l!'u.elllo A.
HenrY, Oorl1 C. VI Thomt1 Arlhllr st11w, lernlc1 VI Otl!no, Jr.
e1una.o, Jewell Y• Vlnc:"'I C.
Yo.h!m<lf•, M•rv JI... vs T•keo ..
Mo<ttts. Jo'f(• L'fnn n 01nlel ••v
01vi1, E1rle M1rsh1!1 Y1 Jlu!ll JltbecCI Ev1~, ... ..., K. YI Ivor Gorclon
Jtober11. Wltfldi1 Mlcht!ll v. ltnnle
:Jl)I ' OurKH<n1n, Jov Ann Y1 1(9'11111111 G.
Creighton,. S.ntt M. VI llldlard l . De Pierro, Robbie Rowtn• Y1 Theodore
Mlcll1el Melnemen, Vtr1lnl• R. YI Ruuell O. Feldman, Rebtcc1, ..,. Frtdrlc $.
Mcivor, .i.,1ex1ndlr w M•rY I(,
ROffrll. Shelli A•e ¥l·P1ul l.I Rue 01\beY, M1rlhl Ellen VI ND<mtll C.
Wal.er. Euoe,,. O. "" Jetn Albtrt• Jolln1011, Carle Jtll' v• Robert Georot Krsl1, Ool>N M. VI Rlndall H., Jr.
Sehetedtr, J•coue!lne 0 . v1 StephPll 0.
Rloes, Ooro111v G1rtrvc!I v1 Mttdt
llKk. Frt'dl'fkk W!tlltrn Jr, VI Ctrol
8•~1JWtH, Hubltrl M. YI Josltlhltll
Cha~en, Ze!dt YI Irvin C.
RHe111r, Marlorle M. YI l(ennetll P.
H1rrl1011, A!v1r1 Er~llnt VI Wllll1m
Smith, Oorls A. VI Rlcllt•d "'·
Offlw•. J1Clluellne Al'l(lr11 vs Alt11l1
Welch, Mtr]«it Detr VI llrrv lN
O.vl1. Madne l . vs Sidney H.
TUl"ll•I, Jo An ¥1 J1mn Lewl1
elite•. P1trlel• J . v1 James II.
P1!?old, M111rffll An,.. vs R!thtrd
All<lerson, Gltl\n.I Kt,t YS Ntll Chris·
llMI \ 9cdle, Slllrltv 0 . YS Wtl!.r II:.
P1itl1011, leort A. "' Chtrles e. Ir,
Kipp, Rltllard °"VI Mathe-II•
P11f1non. F1Y G. YI J•ck Wood
L-. Mtrvar.i fr1nces v1 W1!1tr
Wlll!1m Krtul, $1'111'1111 lOU~I YI P1ul 81rton
Miiie., JO&n It. YI Oonthl F.
POPPe, Jo-nnt L. ¥1 Otnlal G.
Summ1r1. Merl.,,., Doris 'Ill Tl'loml!
Do•M llrMn. E1"'1 l . VI Nllcht-el J,
Trotter, P•rrv o. VI Miidred M.
JUC>GMINTI Olllffll, OIV!d W. VI Kalhe<lM 8, !tn• nu1m1111). G~l\t9')er; OOnnl M. VI ltobtrl T. C .... nvlmtnll. av11~1m.~ti~1e1 G. v1 Jovce M. C•n·
Abtrcl'Ol'llble, C1r111'rn Je vs Cov 001J11l1s (1nnulm1ntJ. Williams, JKllUlllne M11 YI LtWret!Ct
AndfWI (tnnvlm.,.I),
Santa size sale!
AVE 111 4~~·
L?RfifQ-f, Luxury King
.C21q. ft. of aoftcomfortand solid valui! OtJuxa mattress' ind ~
m1tchln1 box springs wit ti diamond·stitched ticking.
The bargain buyot th1 ye1rl
* Fieldcrest no· iron King or Queen Size sheet * Fieldcrest no·lron'King or Queen Size titted bottom sheet * 2KingorQueen Size bolster pillows * 2 p!llowcases * King or Queen Size mattre$S pad * King or Queen Size metal frame·with ~
easy.rolling casters. DOUBLE BONUS :* King or QueenSizeheadboard(not
as illustrated) *King or Queen Size quilted bedsprea d with Your
purchase of anyKingor 'Queen Slze Sleep Setl
.. The Regal King
SAVE 111 40
Spacious. elea:ently qultt.d Kini-7 ft. lone •nd t . ·
6 ft wide m•ttresa with m•tchirt1du11J boX sprin1sl ·
NOW $}59
The Crown King .
£Xhawaaantly quilted, pattern tickina: on milttress
with. match inf box spring. let your holiday budget
Ortho's newest King Size Sleep Set!.42 sq. ft. of
quality·constructed mattress with quilted cover
.,_ end m•tching box springs. Your best Christmas a buy! PRICE INCLUDES ORTHo-PAK AND 'f'R llOUBl£ -USI eg. ..t
The Quilted Twin or Full
Oecorator·quilttd mettress end m1tchln1 box
spring. Your choice of twin or full size -
·• special Holloey Buyt
Reg. $69.95
The Super 'IWin or Full
SAVE 5 11915
ftic:h, quitted COYer wtth Ortho't m11nific1nt
dtcor•tor ticklna. Twin or full size mattress 1nd
matching box. spring!
16131 Harbor Blvd.
(Next to Iody'1l
Phone: 839-4570
4433 Candlewoad Dr.
(Across from Lakewood Centtr)
Phone 213-'34-4134 ,. I
1811 W. Uncoln Ave.
(Just E11t of FodM.trt)
Pho111: 776.25.90
.... -------------·-----------------------------""'!"'--.... ~
•• .. Thursd11. Dtetmbe, 11, 1%'
Vital Statisti~s for the Orange Co~st
INT•llOCUTOIV DIC:ll~ P:1lrc~Ud, R-V. '°' c:hW1t1 ;1!,
Down1. 00r9ll'IY O.ri.n. Jl5 (lallotrt
~Oil•"· ll•,,_ l:CH vt Gr•nl ....,,~
Abtlolt, G9DrM A. YI '4tf'flnl• $.
it:r.,,_, JM-lM w •ai.11 Edw1rt' Sft!y,, $.tOlldfl 1(11ttl.., Vl R*r1
Hlll"l<lldO, Witt« A. vt l!Mro1rel M,
Cylt!.tn., ~1trlda A., "'1 Rkll1lll R.
All new Decorator pieces and rooni
~roupings returned from display stu-
1os, model hQmes, movie studios.
ecorators Cancellation: Houseful of
Spanish Furniture1 items1 as follow s :
Gorgeous 8 ft. Spanish sofa & ~1atching
chair, Custom quilted with carved
\''ood trbn R.; heavy ·Dark oak end
tables & matching cocktail table', 8
Piece King size Mediterranean oak panel~d· lledroom stlite with lull King
..size box springs & mattress. Large
Spanish decor dining room. 'Golf leaf
Spanish tal>le lamps. Hanging swag
lamps, etc., etc. Each piece can . be
purchased individually.
Whole hou5eful was regular $1295.00
~~:To~~R~fl~~······················ $598.00
$100,000 Spanish or Mediterranean
Furniture to Choose From
Terms Available -Ne \vcomers to California
('redit Approved Immediately -
B D F11r11it11re
1844 Newport Blvd., at Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa !only)
h.ry •ltht till t-Wed., Sft. •IHI S111t. till 6
~ erry~
ENDS Sllft., DEC. 14
HIGHWAY 87 llBM"'"' -111(.Dom:Jil.Jl< .. --499
"'rm stPEI CHllREI
nIIWAY SEr •ec. 11.f1 1497
•EW T..ul
rrr Bors ad G.ils 2·7. lt(.1f.H
.. ,.s.u 3ss
lOWEl LlftL-COSTA MUA ,__ 14f.1Jll :=::=:·-... ,.._,.. cum:t
UN 1U1 ...... Nli --WUT-Nll .. ..--.iu.anr ~--.__
·~ _ ..
~ &IW-
l:!lWlf".1111 .... ....,,_IJW .. _.. ...
•&SM 'flt.UT ......
• ULIRl .. MllM"
South Coast ?tua ..
O~EN SUNDP, YS ..• 12-5
I .
Formerly Muflen I BIUilt •
• I ' ~ (. Our,,,., Semf·Annuer lll!FORI! CHRT•TMAS, Afte,.Chrletm•• •• ,., ,, . . a
Choice of the House
' ' ~·
Clothing Saldi
' ' .
. ·;:
.• ' l t
' · .
• .. ' j:
OUR FAMOUS BRANDS INCLUDED!· ·· . . ----· •\• Petrocelli • Eagle ·Timely Clothes ·OGG \:
Cricketeer • Dominic D'Bruzzi • Rams Head >
Single Br111ted1, Double 1ru1tod1, VMted 8ulll, Two Pants 8u"S
Rog. $89.95 Rog. $100 Rog. $115
$66 $76 $8§
Reg.$135 Reg. $150 Rog.8210
$106 $115·
YOU SAVE $29 YOU SAVE $34 YOU~Vl!$44
"Ex.capt FairTr1d1 lllm1
Sinai• lre11teds, Double 8re11ted1 ind B111ar Styles
Regularly $55 now s44
Regularly '69.95 nows54
Regularly $1QO · now•76
Extra Savln11s.Bonusf
with zip-out-pile liner
colton & poly .. twfabrlc-
ta", olive, black
GRODINS First Seml·Annual Clothlng Sale Is an
Not odds & ends or limited groups
Not unbranded orunknoWn labels
You know everything is new, because Grod ins is new!
Grodins lets you save now.;.. BEFORE Christmas,
Bott Loop, Tab-Wol1t ond Front Top Pooket Modol1
Reg. $23.95 nows17.90 2/'34
R~g. $2 9.95 now'23.90 2;s45 ,
Reg. s35,oo now *26.90 2;sso '" . . .
• ... ( i)
Open • Gnlcllf!' Ch1rge
or UM llenkAmerlcefd
or Meeter Ch~ •
':A'.'. •
SOUTH COAST Pl.AZA, Costa Mesa -ANAHEIM, . ::".'\~ Broadway.Anaheim Center-LAKEWOOD, l.akeWOld Clntlf
' '
.. '° . ' · ....
·> .. -:•: -~ ;;
·~-. ·' :~.·;;
·~ '-~· ... · .. .,,
" ·::
.; .. ~ ..
. :-~··.:
'··~ ..... .-
•• ..
• '
•• .,
"" -'• ~~ ·.
• • ,.
. ' . .
• tiouii: MONDAY Thra FRIDAY 9 to 9
SUNDAY 10 to •4 . .
l , M BOOKSHELF GAMES . -.... ~ ' . ' .
I ~ ~ ..... ACQUIH iQiiil Miii .........,... In t1w Mtlll
., """ flnMc.. .. ' ,..., .......,. 1ttempt ..
'(11111 ti,. ~ -'*,..., lllnldfnf .,.... lrt-
_,..,. "' tiottt dwin.. '°"'"" ~" ~
&llM llfM bolrf. hoti1 .tlln, cNll'I merk·
.... t1'1ck ctf11flalls. pll)' ~.·il'lltnict
klM A ~ ~ G1me.
FOIL II ~ d!lfltfllhilt ntw l&me ol wordt
•nd will. Plartr Is pllt9d .,aw..1 ll'lf'ftr-
1tl(I fl,,,._. 11(11 form. WOrdl Will! lt!11r
Cll"llS. ,,...,, 'ICrMtibln ),.,,,,, I'll "loll' his 119'
f'Ollll'llS JloolcW ll Cl$1 COl'llaim ~ler card\,
ward l'IOldtrs, ll!Tltr, trl)' 1nd lmtrvctions.
A ~ 8oofof11Jf G1,.,.. •
. ~ i~ob11tl')' Inn" c;OOK-11nd~~RVEWARE
'·. ld elegant Avocado or g'olcfen Harvest
• e ,...,,...,, 1t1i11 rtlilbn~ dbhwulllf· ...........
' • ICllllolHnisllnt Ttllon lI inllrion ,,..... nltd scourinal
e aluminum b111 spreads hut fast, 11ip atn "hot spots•
WMi flied'• Jl.p!oe» "Country Inn" coobet pull new
oolOr, .-~ftll!ence in your kitchen! Genuine por·
cel1ta<MHUuminum exteriors are fade.proof and atain-
r~t, even lf you wuh them day·in~y-ou.t in an
autolbltlc diahwuhc. Each piece baa a ''heart" of atur1hlcl< alwn!Dum that 11Foada beat fut. el!mi·
na• "'hot tp0ta'" that ICOl'Ch. Handl• and knobe are
owM llfe. for ran.J:to-table MrYice. TEFLON D lin·
lncJ9, "9llt llCra ?.· welcome metal apoons and
sp.thlul Come ... 'Country Inn'" ••• in A'fOQdo
9'9911 «new golden HuTe.t.
Set lnclud11:
e 1~ QT. SAUCmE
e 2~ QT. Hl·BOJ
• 10-inch SKILLET
e 5 QT. DUTCH OVEN (C•'ttt fitl lkllllt, tM)
...... 111RECIP£
11\.... I 9.95 21> qt. 11.95 31> qt. 12.95
2lf.i: QL $11.95
31h qt. $1 2.95
5 qt. f 14.95 8 qL ·!9.95
J ..
s42so ---
On e step dishwashing, less wear, less repair, savings on d eter-
gent, hot water savings, hygienically clean, no awkward hand-
ling, no need for scrub pads.
Automatic temperatu11 CMtroL Hliavy alumi!Uft with - -tDugh Teflon 11 lnterio< and colQrful scratch-mis~ flnisfl. W1t11 .~ stainl!'S steel forks and Oster Electr~ Fondue CooldlooL Tab your choice of beautiful colors. •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1)1)
by Gerber
the number of
jobs it can do ...
A ~•I kitchen Mlper-lhe PIXIE
by CiE ,IElt llCENDAllY
l lADES. The ih11p cutting
fdgf is 1rovl1d from f111l!!lt tool
steel . .Shitpef IO bl!gln with,
this e~ll"I hud ttteJ keein 1
kten ed&t lo111er. Ci11ceful
hu•dlf Is bo1h funcllo111I ind
be1utHul, i nd the Plitit won't
111111, um11h or rust,. ).(.~$
S•t• of Gerber s 11 00
Knlv11 from ............... .
Sup1r-Pow1rsd I
Co n stint ·lo rQue. perm1n111nt ·m1snet.
motor &Ives this hind 1rlnder over
twice tht' po'Wt!I' of previous inodels.
Turns out 30.000 rpm-wUI not stto11
under norm11 io.dt Runs COOi and
vibr1tlon·fru. Wel1hs only 11 or.
likes 1/8", 3/32", l/16'", 113r COh
~t5. U.L llst9d.
.... 171 Moto-THl IDt with 34 Ken-
tories •nd c.se " tllowft ... , ue.11
No. 170 Motif.foot ...., .•• , , Ut.tl
* _ _,__
f abaforu "Open Hearth" Electric Broiler/RoU•1erie
Tht perfect combination of the
"Open Hearth" broilln11 with d"
liclou1 rot111trle cooking. Extra
he1vy duty motor turn1 me1t
1l1wly for EVEN.aclf.Oaat)ng. NO
<' ·• ~p iR,NQl_M<l!<Er.il!lt!b•
· "'"" -~ i ., ., I .. , ,, t...l."d)'~'11·"'9r •rwl ,.~ ,,, . .1 ~j,~. . ... . ··' ' ' -. . -... "IPll 111rrr nictalo lllGIW-beluslve "co:o1 zOne'' brolllnt _,.. ·
In tllt flnoc eiid Nllrteftts-1ives that dllicious 111tldMit fl,avoc I~.
Compltt. ••Y·t~Nll STAINLESS S~EEL broiler with alumll'IUm drip tl'll,
HO SMQKE. NO SIATTEA mtlllS elenr kitchen walls and ·Clllllllll, too.
£xlr1 ltrp 10"' x lY brolllna Mlrfact .•
has fivt stainless steer skewers In rack for
shish·kebab fans! Just load 'em up with your
favorite variations and drop them Into pllce
on ~r wonderful ••open Hearth" Broiler Rolf•W.
,_. eay can the livin' be?
. • ' r··
No unhappy retµrns when you SBJT it 'With
Blacks. Deckar-power tools ·
Save $6.-42. Versatile jig
saw plus six blades,
blade pouch, hex wrench
and holder, in c:ustom-
fitted pl•sllc ease.
Everything you need tor
last, easy sanding: kl1 M
1>7511). $19-99
Powerful 1 ~41P motor
lakn the toughest
cutting Jobs with ease.
7V." blade. New handl•
design gl;vej better
balance, control Rist ••nco. iu-111~s3 4.9s
Seve $6.33. Kii lnc:ludel large capacity~· U-12"4
drill, wheel arbor, grinding wheel, 3 drin blta.
rubber backing pad, 15-5 .. abrasive dlsca.
dwok kty .-nd M>lder, In l:115!om-fitted
pla1t\e C1n)lng caa..(_47116) ·s19.99
Squeez• the tr lgg9f fOf the
epeed you need, from zero
to hl;l't RPM. Then aet the
ltigger IWitdl lock and
hold ... _, 1•10201. s1 a.ee
..-_, (~11201 nus.
Includes finishing sander ~t\"
and 10 sheets. of abrasive
paper, klz. can of waod
filler, spatula. In hand-
aome plastic canytng
case 1~7411) s24.aa
1/4'' DRILL
America's best
dr111 buyl Drill•
all ma1eriats
last. ac:c:uratety.
With accessor ..
;., "'° """' s 11.aa WJldS. &harpens,
potls keg. (IJ..100).
W"modef ~124 '*"· ., ......
Squeeie the.IPeecl to wit the Job,
PLUS, drill reveraes for ~Ing
tcrews, nul$, bolts.
A talented tool. (.-7050).
W"model (*7150) onlr tH.n
. . ' I \ . • •
....... -. -... -...-----~~------------------------. -. -.. --.. ··--------. --.... ----,.. -·-----. -~ --~. -------.... -____.,.. __________ __
Wives Host
·sa·nta Has . .
Ball ' ·Date
Santa Claus will leave the North Pole early thfs
year to fit a few extra dates into his· schedule be-
fore be empties his bag and hurries back to his
One of those dates is for a guest appearance at
the annual Christmas Ball of the Officers' Wives
League of .Orange County on Saturday, Dec. 20, in
the Officers' Club, El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta-
tion .
The club will be decorated with garlanijs of
greenery with gold and blue balls and matching
candles, according to Mrs. Raymond Booth of New·
port Beach, decorations chairman, to accent San-
ta's ·red suit.
The evening's festivities will begin with a cock-
tail hour at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is. scheduled for 8 and
dancing to the music of the Warren Saylor Orches-
tra will conclude the evening.
Special guests will be members of the Retired
Officers' Association, Orange County C.tiapter, and
their wives. .
Mrs Ivan W. Sturgis of Newport Beach is gen-
. eral chairman of the semi-formal ball, and she is
being assisted. by Mrs. Saylor of Huntington Beach
and Mrs. Tyler Dixon of Whittier.· -
Reservations ai'e to be made by Tuesday, Dec.
Appropriately chosen tor the
9Wistmas Season, the Laguna
Beach Civ~ Ballet will present
the Nutcracker on Sunday,
Dec. 21 at 2:30 p.m . .in the
Orange Coast College .audi-
Under the direction of Lila
Zali, the performance' will
benefit Services for the Blind,
Inc.. ahd the proceeds will
help support the work of the
newly opened nursery school
for the blind and visually han-
dicapped children of Oi'ange
Mrs. Clifford W. Thomas or
Corona del Mar is cha.innan of
the event and assistihg her is
~Jl'9. Leon Axelrod of Laguna
Girls represenj.:ing various
service clubs from area high
schools will serve as ushers.
Tickets now are ava.HaDle,
at $3.50 and $2.50 for adults
and $1.50 for children under
CHRISTMAS REFLECTIONS -With the annual Christmas Ball
Of the Officers' Wives League of Orange County only a few days
away, Mrs. Bruno Naczkowski reflects upon past ba!Js and antJci-
pates the Dec. 20 date while Mrs. James P. Aynes and Army Maj.
·1·.:: ~ ::_-. , ,
(rel.) Billy C. Hall decorate the tree to set the mood. The gala
will take place in the Officers' Club, El Toro Marine Corps Air
. ' . ' '
Florists . Meet.
•i"••}'.J v '• _, IJ ,' · Thei 'r ·.Models
' .
. Talk centered around the 1970 Bal Masque last
week when Mrs. Fred Kay of Fullerton hoS'ted a din·
ner fo-r ·mannequins and florists who will combine
efforts Ior the "March benefit in the Anaheim Con·
ventioll Center.
The dinner was one ·of many. events on the cal-
endar for participants and planners of the annual
· eveilt sporisored by Dam"as de Caridad to raise funds
· for St. Jude Hospital, Fullerton.
Flo1is1·s creating the lavish headdresses will be
Carl Freeman, Oarl's Flowers, Corona de! Mar; .,
John Corriveau and Keith White, Pacific Florist,
Long Beach; Mildred Gluck, La Crescenta Florist,
La Crescents, -and Ed Stauber, Flowers by Mr. Ed,
More a r e Sam Yagashira, Burbank Florist,
Burbank; Carol and Alex Reile, La Mirada Florist,
La Mirada; Dolores Sharar, Sharar's Florist,. La
Habra; Ida Fortner, Chapman"Florist, Orange, and
Mace and Susan Taylor, Golden Lion Florist, Ana-
Names of the florists were announced \V hen
members of Damas de Caridad met in the staff
room of the Hospital with Mrs. William Ulrich pre--
siding. . .
The format of the masked ball will be changed
this year, according to Mrs. Calvin P. Schmidt of
Corona del Mar, ball chairman.
The mannequins will. parade after the cocktail
party for guests and dinner will be ·served following
the parade. The parade traditionally bas followed -
dinner. /
Roo Johnson, president of the Oran~e County
Floral Association, will ·a·ct in the capacity of dis···
intere~ted advisor to the judges of the masques.
Reservations or information
may be obtained by calling
Mrs. Thomas, 673-3266; Mrs.
Axelrod, 494-~; -Services
fOI' the Blind office, Santa
Ana, 541-33$4, or Ken Ross
. Lighting, Costa Mesa, 548·9.'14L
READY FOR DUTY -·Mrs. Clifford W. Thpmas of
Corona del Mar, chairman of a benefit performance
of the Nutcracker, assists Jan Purcell of Tustin High .
School, Sue Minkley of Corona del Mar High School.
and Andrea Fahy of Estancia High (left to righl)•as
they prepare for their -duties as ushers. The per·
formanc.e, to ~e given by Laguna Beach Civic Ballet
Sunday, Dec. 21, will benefit Services for the Blind,
Inc •.
Guests.will b_e_inviled to wear masques and a .,
first prize oJ a weekend at the International Hotel,
Las Vegas ~ill be given for the best guest masque.
Music for the ball, themed Bal -Masque Carna-
val , will be provided by Barney Sorkin's orchestra.
Proceeds for the ball will help underwrite
Phase ll of. the Damas de Carida'd pledge for a tin-'
ear accelerator for the hospital, to be used in the
treatment of cancer patients.
--. .
'Sugar Spice I n I
• • • Thats What Obesity's Made of !-
wwks in a fine cahdy shop whose con·
fections are nat..ionally kriown. \Vhen Lena
went to work there last year, she was
told the st.ore had a policy ...:.. employes
can eat an the candy they Want in the
shop, but they caiinot take even one piece
home. Lella ha s gained 30 pounds on this
job and she wa6ll't skjMy to begin with.
Now she is oot ol sight. I think I know
what is causing her piggishness. Lena
feels she is und&paid and she Is trying to
get even with her boss by eaUng up the
profits. Al90, whenever she gets mad
about somc!Jling. sht eats a few pounds
oC chocolates to make herself feel better.
In once bad a fat aunt whom I couldn't
Mand. My wilt Js getting to loo~ more
like that aunt every day. Jt is ruining our
marriage. What's your advice? -
DEAR BARii, Lou ahofild get a Job In
• tertWzer plant, a a:tue factory, or •
bardware '""e -"any place wbtrt: abe
wcia't be tempttd to tit up Ute profits.
Sbe •Ito could utt tome cou11tllng, alnce
f& i1 obvfoa1 ltle 11 • eompult1ve tater.
QEAR ANN LANDERS : I am 27 years
old, auracti.ve, have a wonderful bus.
band, and to look at me you'd trunk I was
the happiesj woman in the world. But l 'm
miserable. Please listen to my· story. If
you think 1 am eraey, say so.
I m3rried at 16 to get away from the
home and bend• o! a fll!hy s!Cpfa!hu. l
bad seven babies ln less than ll years
and they are all healthy and beautiful.
My husband is the world's best. li e com·
e.s slraigllt home from work, helps wtth
the children, _,,t drink or -ble and
he nevtr. looks at other women. He is a become aware of the good We you now good ,prOvid~r. very consfdtrate and . bav,. Get some counseling. If you unload
never Jets a day Ao by without telling me your guilt on a paid llatener, you ·wlll no
he adores me. longer feel.the. need lo "col\ftss'' to your
My children keep· me busy, but I slil\ bus band, •blch would be: a big.mlatlke. •
have . litpe to• dream. And what do I -· · · · •
dream aboot? A real romance. I have DEAR ANN LANDERS: To be
never. Deen in Jove and 1 resent being · perfectly hooest, I doubled the value ·or
cheated oUt. of life's most beautitul and yClt.lr column till I read yOUr advi~ on
excttlng -~~nee. At times I feel so . tranquilizeis. t rtallzed then .how much
guilty -aboUt, nol.hclng in love with my good you do. I now know that your col·
husbarid th'at l ~me physically sick. wnn can save lives.
Would 1 feel belier if 1 confessed that-I J was given tranquilizers by my pby•I·
don't love him? Jam -DEPRESSED IN eian to get · me through .-a marital
MICHIGAN <l isaster. IMte&d of going for periodic
DEAR O.: I'm not sure you don't love , cheek-yps, • I • simpl~ kept reguesting
him. Your adolestent ronta!ile!i have reOlls on the· telephone, w6ich he
g!vttt _you e false concept tf Jove. You granted . I didl\'t realize I was becoming
aeed tO'gnJW ·~p. rubape yov yatues and bypenensitive, overemotional, argumen-
tative and ~alisUc in my approach tO
everyday problems. Nor did f realize 1
was dangeyously close to cracking up. X,_
dear friend, during a biUer argwnenf
shooted, •(F.or God's sake, those pills are.
making you a sick girl! See a doctor .•i
I did and it saved me. Please,~. te~
your readers that a doctor can't watc:b.
every patient for wrsonalily cb8ng'"!
'J'he pa~ent and his family should ~-
to bchavorial changes and report tb"1I at
the earliest moment. -BACK TO
REALITY L.t :.11 ~
' DEAR ,l\EAJ;, Glad ,,..rN~bec-:
Thanks for th 'testlmeny. ,·~
Ann Landcrs.,;111-'be glad to'litlp'y..t
with your problems. ~ them to her in
care o!' lho DAILY PU.OT, encloeinc a
,.lf-adtlrmed. slrunped mvelope.
-------------------------------"'!"'----------------------------·--. -l ~
. 1
I ,.
Weatherman Ignored
Rain ar shine, boala will
parade In the Hunllngton
Harbour chlMel Salurday and
Swlday, Dec. 13 and II, deck·
ed out la the si>lrit ol
'fhe occas1oo wW be the
seventh a n o u a I Clu"istmas
Boat Parades sponsored by
the Huntington Harbour Com-
mittees of the Orange County
Philharmonic Society.
Boats will parade at 1 p.m.
and again at 6 on Saturday
and at 6 p.m. On Sunday.
Judging will take place from
the waterfront home of Mr.
and Mn. George Hatch and
the results will be announced,
following the final parade, in
the Huntington Harbour Beach
Residents now are busy ,
decorating their craft wiib
eyes oa lbe numenw ttophl.,
to be awarded. Boala Jlllfaed
best for humor, beauty U>d
theme wlll receive prtzes, u
well as the one selected best"
done by a child.
The boat parades w I 11
preface another Huntington
Harbour tradition , the
Christmn Crv1se of Lights.
a1'o an. endeavor of the Hun-
tington Harbour Phllhannonie
From Dec. 15 to Dec. lt,
OOats will leave the Informa-
tion Center located at 4211
Warner Ave., each half hour
for a tour of the channel and
the brightly decorated
waterfl'Olll homes.
The multicolored 1 l g h t s
reflecting in the channel,
alon~ with the panorama or
the festooned homes, make the
tour an unforgettaDle ex-
Tile public is Invited and
tickets may be purchased at
the information center for $1
for adults and 50 cents for
children. W...rs. David Meyer,
cruise chairman, advises those
attending to wear warm
Numerous parties to view
the parade will take place In
homes around the channel
such as the gathering planned
by the Huntingto(l Beach-
Fountain Valley Democratic
Members and guests wtn
gather in the home or Dr. and
Mrs. Neil Friedman oo Satur-
day evening to view the
parade and socialize, including
Congressman John V. Tunney •
GLEAMING PRIZES -Participants in the seventh annual Christmas Boat
Para<les sponsored by the Huntington Harbour Philharmonic Committees will
vie for the gleaming ~hies examined by Mrs. Glenn Richardson and Mrs.
R<>y ·Hugbes (left to rigbt).
.!J'he champagne c o c t t a 11
party, featuring hot and cold
hors d'oeuvres, will take pla ce
from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets
may be obtained form Mrs.
Robert Houseal, 846-9556, Mrs.
Fred Voss, 962-8955, or at the
door. HERE'S TO SUCCESS -Offering a toast to the success of the weekend Huntington
Harbour Christmas Boat Parades are (le£t to right) Mrs. John Virtus, l\1rs. Robert
Kerr, .Mrs. Eric Seh,varz and Harry Palmer, grand marshal of the parades.
Are You an Average American Woman?
When President Nixon and
members of 'his administration
talk about "the silent ma·
jority," they clearly mean the
average ( u n s u n g) and un-
heard-from) American.
ls there an "Average
American?'' Is there an
Average American Women?" . various other things. herself performing her house h.o 1 d
-has two children chores, three of these hours in
-she and her husband share the kitchen.
one car and the same religious
--auends church twice a True Brunettes
Pacllk: coast Highway bellften Jamboree and MacArthur. freeway mlnui.~ away.
According to author Irving
Wallace, whose novel "The
Seven ~inu\eS,, b. airrently
high on the national best~ller
lists, there IS, statistlcalJy at
least, an "Average American
"\Vhile I was preparing
"The Seven Minutes," says
Wallace, "I decided ttJ include
at coorttoom scene in which
the prosecution places the
'Average American Woman'
on the witness stand. They
have found her by f:mploying
po 11 s t e r s and computers.
Through her testimony they
hope to show how t h e
'Average American Woman'
feel.-atnrt Sl\ch thiligs as X·
Rated .motion pictur es ,
pmqi-aphic literature and
''To create such a fictional
character I had to do a great
amount of factual detective
work. I spoke to many
pollsters, riad a great number
of statistical surveys and delv·
ed very heavily into trying to
learn the characteristics of
'The Average American
-is married to a husband Women have a1ways sought
who has a manual or service the beautiful look of thel--------------------------
job and earns $7,114 a year brunette.
According lo facts Wallace
unearthed, the "A v e r a g e
American \Voman"
-is Protestant
-is Caucasian
-has had al least 12· years or formal education
-is 24 years old
-is 5'4" tall and weighs 130
-Y."as married at the age of
20 to a man 2 years old er than
-resides Jn an urban area, a In the day past, women
city under 100,000 in popula-darkened their hair with
-has a five-room home
\\'orth $11,900. Half of the
house is mortgaged. Tile house
has a bathtub or shower, a
flush toilet, e1ectricity, One
telephone, one television set, a
washing machine, no air con-
ditioning, no clothes dryer, no
food freezer.
-spends seven hours a day
almost anything at hand -
black sulphide of antimony, a
liquid prepared from leeches,
ashes and shoe polish.
Or, they wore heavy black
wigs like Cleopatra who,
although she was a natural
strawberry blonde, knew the
power of being brunette .
Slazenger Xtra Duty. Tennis Balls -
Binoculars ~~~ :::;; "'c'" $21.88 • . . . . . Can of 3/1.75 Doz. 6.95
Stadium Seat ;:;~ .... -. .. c,u $4.89 Pennsylvania Xtra Duty Tennis Balls·
wv.'"" •••«-.. ,.,." __ ,,.,.,.'"" $l."9 3/1.89 Doz. 7.50 WIND SPEED I Dlll ECTIOH 7 " • • • • • "
Putting Pan·ner.~~~ •. t; ,,.c .. , $5.~9 Dunlop Fort Te~nis Racket Frame On~ 14.95
LF90 Football ,~'.ls ,,.c,., $5.95 Strung Nylon ~· • • • • • • 18.S5
Swim Mask ::;: . ., ,. "•<••• $~.'¥9 Kramer Autograph Frames • . • . 16.95
Door Bar Gym .... "'t,.c .. , ~l!.88 Da vi s & Bancroft Rackets 14.95 to 40.00
Kul • Pak Ice Free Ice Chest Men's Tennis Shorts • • • 4.95 to 12.g5
Sporter 3_25 B:y'~ Tenni_s Sh~rts . • • . • . • 4.95
C"ll M t. • • • · • • • , 09 ten s Tenms Slt1rts • • 5.00 · 6.00 -7.00
m ras er • · • • • · : • '·~ Sleeveles s Tennis Sweaters • • • • 9.95
Turner P~opane C<.m,~ Lz.n_tern • • . 11 .~9 Ii.en's Tennis Shoes
LPeokcterra Ch1pS0Rax ck V.ilh CR.,eu~s o'nr' S~ec. 37.~~ Converse . • • . • 7.75
· · · · . . ... "'"J ~ · ·•," lack Furcells • . • • • 8.95 Halldwarmer & Jone Fla1d . . . • • 4.en L ••.. T • SI 12 95 Daiwa S~inning Reel . • 5.~a ~,~er en:11s taes • • • • • . .
Rapala Knife • • • • 3.£a l.4d1os Te~ms Shoe~ • : • • 7.25 & 7.95
·"'o S"le Te nnis Dres•r-s •o ~r,~··· ,, c·s' or I •s s,eedo Sll'!m Suits & Trunks
""\. . • • • .. ... L u ....... , • l n·· Tab!e Tenms Sets & Paddlas
Thermos Quting I.it • · • • • • • "·99 Horse Shoe S~s & Cru1p1et S.e!s
Basketball· Bc:ckbozi~s 1 /2 & 5/0 Inell -l!antlbaD Gloves & Balls
$ Buys her
this great
Christmas gift
now! ·
A 1Tell gift Idea to deli&frt every
sirt on your list. Comes with carryi~ case.
She'll sew
zig·zag stitches.
From line tocxtr.J
wide Sfl!' II even do
satu1 st1tch1ng.
Singer gives free lessons on llow-to--usc a sewuig
machine with every machine purchased.
FREE GIFT WRAP anywhe<e ;n the U.-SA 1ncJuo;;l:g Alaska and Hawau. -
-au bright and be-ribboned.
you Choose, defer monthly payments until
February, 1970 .•. OR use the Singer Uy.Away Pt.ln-
a small deposit will hold
any item t1nt1I Dee. 20. atf.1'.bJ c
J:.'t'1'9'1111f: ·-
SINGER "11.-tt MW}llr"""""-lt.rSI NCIR ... r
v.mn:t.FFPlAZA Waterproof l~asoniia • • · 12.fi 5 & 1~.S~
l7thAN)""""' """" · Basket~all Goal & 11et • 3.95 & 5.~5 C!'EN Mon, "'"' Fri. "11 9 p.m. cosTA MESA cosTA MESA HuNr1NGToN BEACH 1'£W'Cffr-~CALE 1 Basketballs • • • • 5.95 to 12.95 s;; ~=ri~,.:;:· '''"·;.~.::;~.... "",~;:~;;,"·'· "'':;;.;;.~"'' ....,~~~~~~~[,...,..,...., ............. .,. .................. o::;;;.,,... ...................... 11111""' __ s_._,,_,_c._._,,_,_1 .. _. __ c...... __ "_•_•b_"_c_._••_ .. __ _;__ __ "'-'-'i"~''-"-'-'-"-'-e'_''-"-
..... -4 • ·~ 4 •• 4 4 •••• ~ .....,._____.. --•• -.--------~-·-·~·-·-·---~~--·-..------------·...--------------------------------------------.......
·Regal Mien
Miss Teri Thornton; daughter · of Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas Thornton of Laguna Niguel , has been in-
stalled as honored queen of Bethel 167, Internation4
al Order of Job's Daughters in Laguna Beach. Patti
Phillips, retiring honored queen, crowned. the new
queen in Laguna Beach Masonic Lodge. Other offic·
ers are the Misses Sue Lowe, Sherrill Kellogg,
Tracy Osembaugh and Laura Townsend.
New Lighter 'in the Fire'
1'he newest cigarette li ghter h<r.1dle. There is no flint to
for a table is sphere-shaped replace; a · large f l u l d
and stands on a tripod. The reservoir lasts for weeks, the
top ' of the sphere is slighlly manufacturer says.
concave lo hold the "match" ----------11
- a \Vick encased in metal ,.----------,11
with a sculptured handle.
Unlike most table and d,esk
lighters, you don't pick up the
entire unit, just pull up on the _
W e•ry, Deorie 1
Rood ·Bin Leory
Co.uple Repeat
-wedding Views
candles in mOS5 green J.ames Holman, the bride's
shades, chrysanthemums ahd ~rothtrs usisted q ushers.
fem decorated lbe altar and ~ home oI the ,bride's
aisle of. Christ Church by the patents wu tbe reception
Sea 'when Jtene Holman 8nd see& ·where Nrs. Rudolph
Robert Bruce Brown oI Costa Majlk circulated the bridal
Mesa exchanged w e d d J n g book. Among special guests
pledges anc:1· rings before the were Mr. and' Mrs. Jack
Rev. Murray GibboQs. . Bafcul of Newport Beach;
Parents of the bridal couple Mrs. Lola M aJ t b y of
are Mr. and Mrs. James Bakersfield, the bride 's
Holman o( Huntington "BeaCh gri.odmother; Mr. and )i.tra.
and "tr. and Mrs. Warren A. Richard Ingram of Bakersfield
Brown ol Tehran, Iran. and Mr. and P.trs. Daniel
The bride seleded a Door McAlezander of A r r o y o
length taffeta gOV.11 . with a Grande, the bride's uncles .and
cathedral train adorned with aunts.
seed pearls and .appliqued The n e w 1 y wed s boney-
petals. Sbe carriec,f a French mooned. on Catalina Island
nosegay of white butterfly before making their home in
roses, baby's bre&th and fern. Costa Mesa.
Dressed in a floor length The. former Miss Holman is
moss green velvet· gown wits a graduate of Marina High ~1rs. John Robert Viall, the School and her h~band is an
bridegroom's sister an d • alumnus of Wilson High School
matron. of honor. 'Viall was in Dallas and attended Orange
best man while· ~hllip and Coast College.
•' . . . .
aagine! r111e caslwre sweateis,
sweaters, 22..00 lo Z4.00
'(.!J~s. now at Utis
SP,ecial gift ixice. All
lllree classic slyles are
fRJol a ll3ker bawa for
q131ity and style. An
are fully fashimed.
.Ute, yellow, pink, ••
navy, beige or black. Mock
turtleneck and U-neck slip
on; 36 ID 40. Cardigan
36 to 42. llatveloos gi Its
for her.
Smchaal Sportswear,
ali iiae stores
Regularly 12.00 ID 16.00
gleaming patent bags !<Ike great
shapes_ Show off shoolder
straps, smart llandles-Unusual
golden appoinbnents add lots
of fash ion dash. All in black
patent Handb.1gs,
all nine stores
Nowport C.ntW # 1 Fuhlon lsfaftd
MRS. R. 8. Brown
Ntw Bride
Thursday, Otctmbff 11, 1969 DAILY PILOT J. ,
411' ·~ 17th St.
Costa M-646-1684
Dally 9.9, Sat. 9-6
Monday thru S.turdoy lO:oO A.M. Ill 9130 P.M. ,.
• ' ' • • • • •
. •
• DAil y I'll.GT -· -11, 1'16'1
The Tee Tattler
Clillftn. Elderly, Convalescent
HOUR • DAY • WEEK ...... ~ .. ··I ._ ............
642 ·3274
~ .... .-
~ hristmas
· ~weaters
HAINDI -· -----........ ---.... -
.----Othor G;ft s..-----,
Kiwis Join
For Party
A party to celtbrate
Ouistniaa will be shared bf
Km ChllJ memb<n and their
husbands Saturday,~-13, ai
a p.m. in the CypreM home of
Mr. and Mn. c. s. Coronado
'lbe Newport Cbapttt has
planned for a late buffet and
dancing Reservaliom may be
madt with Mrs. Mel Ormerod.
chairman. at 162-62!M.
Fonntt American Airline
stewardessel .mo ~isb to join
the mm:ibe'ibip may contacl
Mn. Fr<d a. .... chairman ..
sOuth Coast Junior Wom-
an's Oub members and the ir
husbands will greet the Christ-
mas season with a et>ektail
party Saturday, Dec. 13, in
the home of Mr. and ~lrs. Joo
On December 21, members'
children will be entertained
by 1he drama Mparlmeot ol
the Fountain \'alley Parks·
a.nd Recreation Department
in tht Fountain Valley Com-
munity Center.
A skit appropriate tD the
... ""' will be pasented and
Santa Claus will appear wilh
gifts fa< !he childml. RdrW>
men.Ls ~ cooclllde the e\·e-
Leads East
In Jewel Soles
ACTO!S the natio n. retail
jewelry store sales soared· to
more than S2 billion last year.
nearly a 40 perceni rise since
California h a s di.spla~
New York as a leader in
jtwelry store sales and in the
number of stores dolng $1
million or more worth o f
bu.siD5s in a year.
Teu.s is running third.
Breakfast Date
IUCll aw. """'·"' & ID-AT THI WI -ll&WAT
11».T 1H1U DIC.. 16: WlllCl>AYS 11 AM, 1 l'M. 3 PM, 7 PM
SAT, 11 AM, 1 1'M. 2 PM. a PM; SUN. 11 AM, 1 PM & 3 PM
EVENINGS (Except SAT. & SUN.) 7 PM ..• In The
To Me rry in Summer
Margaret Daily
Future Bride
A formal tea las-t Saturday v.·as the occasion
for hlr. and ~lrs. J\lilton Ffancis Daily of ca.mar~
iJlo to annourice the betrothal of their daughter,
Margaret iiary Da ily to John \\rilliam Given.
The Los An geles Country Club was the an-
nouncement setting. Among the guests were ?.lr.
and ~lrs. \\'illiam Oliver Given of i\ewport Beach,
the bridegroom..elect's parent.~.
The 1uture bride attended ~laf)inount ih Santa
Barbara and is an alumna of ~tarymount in Los
. .\ngeles. Presently she is a senior at the Uqiversity
of Southern Ca1iforn ia and a member of Kappa Al-
pha Theta sorority
1'tiss Daily, a fifth generation Southern Califor-
nian, V.'as presented at the Cardinals' Ball in 1966,
was a Las Patronas debutante of the Ventura Coun-
ty Assistance League and \r as a princess at the Los
Angeles 1'-larch Gras Ba ll. . .
Her fiance is aJJ alumnus of l"SC and affiliated
with Beta Theta Pi. Currently he 1s in the l "SC
School of Dentistry.
The couple have selected .<\ug. 2i for their "''ed· ding date.
In Store
E m b I e m Cl u b !~iiii5iiiiTiiiARiiiiTiiiiSiiiiDiiiiEiiiiciiii. iii1 7iiii1 h;;;;;;;;
The Elkll Lodgt is the Kt· GlANDfST MUSICAi.
Memben of the Women'!
Civic League of Newport
Harbor will b a v e • double
Ouislma:I treat awaiting them
when &hey gather in the
Newporter Inn Tuesday, Dec.
. · The Madrigal Singers of
Corooa de! Mar High School,
directed by Doo Haneke, will
p-nmt a program o( holiday
500g5. and members of thel
Childrl'D's 'J'beater Guild will
present "A "\\'estem Christmill
t Story."
Mrs. Elbert C. Smith. league
pregide:llt,. will w e I c o m e
members and their guests,
&Sisted by the Atmes. T. Dun-
can Stewart. p r o g r a m
chairman; John Gll5la!son,
reservations chairman. and 1
Elizabeth Loogridge. L. s. \
Sunderland, and C h a r le s
Flickwar of the decorations
The event will begin .,,,ith a
social hour at 11 :30 a.m. and
mntinue with lunch at noon.
The program is scheduled for
1 p.m.
Reser\'ations are being ac·
cepted by ;\!rs. Gustafson. 6-16-
6360. and ~:rs. Sunderland,
Wig Mini Cose
'Ibe .. flying cube., ls the
la.test pack.aging for wigs for
1 women OD the go. I
It's a folda"l\·av minicast
that totes like a h3.ndbag, fits 1
undu any airlines seat, and '
still ~Ids a \\ig in shape.
MEN •••
ol-(~-"'' '~'-"' !"' ~ ... ~~' .. "'"'" ell"CN"il pr!Y!1t9ei, ""'9-
Citl ..... """"".
ting rcr meetings of the OP THI lUI
Emblem Club 2:01 of Laguna SHIRLEY M~LA INE
Bead!. Memben galber the "SWEET CHARITY"
flrlll and third Tuesdays al 81 LIDO, NlWPOtt
January Prices In December!
$500 ..
PIANOS "~~~YM~DELS CRfOIT lERMS Discounted Up To 20°/o
50 0/ nELIYEltl
k~Juer Now F-or New ClaUt<i
Be<jlnning lit Wttk in Jonuary
Wailichs Music City
5outh Coast 'Plaza
I P--\,_€:~ (_~ '?/(,,
$•~C E !•ll
JC •~Slit(l'I ISlA'iD e l'E"''PC~f (!~f(lf
,.,EWP(lll,T P,£.t,(1'4 e f ll!Ml
Leopord, Cheetah, Ocelot, Mink, Sable, Lynx, Bro odt•il, Be ovor.
Fox, etc. Jockets, Coats, Stoles, Capes and many others.
' • • • I
---~ ------.... --------~·----------.... --------------------~------------.... ·------·------·--·-------·---~--.... .-.
Celebrate Sanely, Do·n't · Give an Accident for Christma ·s·
Tb.ls year why not give your them, fold Uiem and put Ulem especlahy if you att having a that the mmbe!' ot. traffic five years, coontrywide, 3,820 suggesUon that 'you're next.'" can go out o( cootrOt al thil driver to veer to left,« ,i!gbt. ~argy a, gUt of safety for lhe away In a safe place away party. dee,thl during holiday periods persons have k>.5t their lives 1n Dr. Wheatley aald. time before the person CQPlea perhaps jump a divider &r.d so
0 1 ays · from heat and fire. The holiday season oft.en l! bas been 26 pertent higher highway crashes occurring "The worst time Is after lO. ~t 60 or 70 miles an hour• a crashlng Into cars comillg th6 Every year In the United slight lapse couJd cause the other way." States, the period fr 0 m 1£ lights are desired in win· when the first cold spell of than. durin·g nonholldays at the during the Christmas holidays. eat.mg; the third or fourth1.=-==="========='°"'====="'"1
Thanksgiving to New Year's is dows, never u,,e candles . .Keep winter hlls. So, if you have same tµne Of year. Of these, "It's a good bet that each hour after dlnlng or driving
a time of unparalleled io· y for curtains and «her flammable reason to believe your healing sadly, Christmas is the most and everyone of those persons conUnuously, almost un-No Walklllfl • ltJfJe • • •
t · I Ued ha k 1 plant is not in perfect order, .i .... ,.erom of aIL In the last would have laughed at the control.lable fa11 .... e ruts. A car some families, bitter sorrow ma ena po c rom ._.'6 "'6" for others. • electric lights. Turn off all have it checked by an expert. 1---=.:;;iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiij;;::---11 tllett maltln9 a ecltUe • ... Dr. Wheatley reminds usj "Let's keep the jingle hells ~lstrnas lights at nl3ht. Our Gift Wrap Is 1 .. t ••., ringing and the sirens quiet Never leave Christmas lights ORANGE COUNTY'S
this year," urged Dr. George on when everyone is out. Court Stella LARGEST FA~HION CENTER our clerks unsurpu1ed.
]\.f. Wheatley, vice.president Take the tree down when 14 STORIS-ALL tz• MCI .,..,•ltllttr tlll t :JO
.and ~bieC .medical director of nd:C~ itbe~~Md'°e lhefall,houal!dse.. Membe1"11 of Court Stella The Bookstall ··
the Metropolitan Ure ""'~ Maris 1448, Catho l ic ~ th Ci sf" Insurance Company. Never burn h iD the fireplace Daughters of America meet cJOU oa aza 333 E. I 7tlt St., Costa Mesa
Form.er member of the or incinerator. each sero.id and fourth Mon· 5~811
President's Hig• .. ·ay Salely-~Be~sur~e~th~e.-~e~a~re~pl~en~t~y~ol~id~ay~atJ8~p~.m~. ~in~SJt.~J~o~ac:h:im~·~·~-~~~~~~~~~~~··~-~-111111·~,~~111111~~-111111~-~,.~·~·~v.~~111111 .. 111111-111111111111~~~:_~~=====~~~~~~~:;,,=====J ·~ """ il bl to "'' . h h II C t M fbefllnd Tri. P•~•• HouMt Committee, 8 member of the a .... w ays ava a e sm\111.ers, par1s a , ~ a esa.
board of. the National Safety
Council, and a member of the
board or tbe Greater New
York Safety Council, Dr.
Whea.Uey had S<lmc advice Cor
all of us at this holiday season.
Abov~ all, don't mix drugs
and/or alcohol with a motor
vehicle. Together t h e y • ~ e
fatal • • • sedat.ives a r e
dangerous. f'eople may take
them, and forget they ha ve
and repeat the dose. Even the
antihistamine drugs m a y
cause drowsiness. Remember,
motor vehicle deaths totaled
Mi ,?m in 1968. Many of these
involved use of alcohol or
"Falls" Were the second
largest category in accidental
deaths in 1968, accounting for
19,900 accidental deaths. .Be
slow in moving revolving
doors in department stores,
supermarkets and betels. The
elderly very often move at a
slower pace than others. and
thus, may be pushed off baJ.
ance and injured.
The fifth leading cause or
accidental fatalities is the
misuse ol firearms. In 1968,
there were about 2,600 deaths
from firearms. The majority
involved those in the 15 to 44
age span. Flreamis often are
given as Christmas gifts
wilhout regard for the reci·
pient's age, abilities or mental
stability. These are dangerous
gifts as are aB guns, archery
sets and~ kni ves. Good judg·
ment should be used, too, in
selecling chemical or elec·
trical toys.
Keep your Christmas tree
outside until you are ready to
use it. When you set it up, use
a sturdy stand that can hold
plenty of water and position
the .tree away from sources of
heal Use flameproof decor&
lions. Inspect lighting sets for
fraying and loose sockets and
make sur;e they bear the ap.
proved label (UL) of the
U n derwriters Laboratories.
Don't use electric lights ori
metal trees. ·
Use heavy-duty cords for
Yule outside lighting. Rain can
cause short-circuits in sizings
or lights not specifically -made .•
for outdoor use.
On <::hristmas mpming, pick
up gift wrappings immediately
after presents have been open-
ed. Place them outdoors in a
trash can. lf you wish to save
Rites Set
Phyllis Ellz~beth .Zrebiec of
San Diego will become the
bride of John Joseph Connors
Jr. of Pacific Beach during
nuptials in St. Brigi.d'.s
Catholic Church, P a c 1 f 1 c
Beach on Jan. 3.
Parents of the betrothed are
Mr. and ~1rs. F. Frank
Zrebiec or Costa Mesa and
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connors
of Arlington. Mass.
Pt'liss Zrebiec Is a graduate
or Corvallis Catholic Girls'
High School In No rt h
}lollywood and her fiance is an
alumnus of Brighton High
School Brighton. Mass. He
served' four years with the
U.S. Navy.
Ol'~ltTUNITY-SMAltE llU•EllS!S .. ACAl"ULCO er CAltllllAl'll
N1w :St"KlO' Lwi. Ca t•rMflfl. Slttlll 10, LIP!. Ilion, I M. C.Oltll. 2 Heh,.
) Ovl!tll 8111., TH• Dtc.•1, ltlk
CabirlS -&.Ill Sllt'd lll 11"°"-
,,0, 4fl lfU
N.....,.t1 It.Kii, CA. flMJ l'Mftf: Cn4) ..U•tnl
With Slngl• Purch•M of $29.00 or
•With a birthstone "jewel" for eoch
precious t hild or grandchild. Space for
11 birth$tonel In sterling silver or ootd
Made of Phlllpplne mahogany finished ii"! wolnut.
This chest is o collecton Item. Musical wooden
jewelry bo-"H Ovoilob!e.
• Lighted dial view.alarm
• Qyiet, accurate and dependable
Miniature Wood Chopping
Block With Knife
e Ideal for Coc.ktoils, l'lors d'otU'lres.
'" Korot yellow gold. Thrt enc:Hts1 rlng of gold.
..... _ 5)350 $)200 Hit--·-
Mon. thru Sot., 'Ill 9 p.m .
Sunday, 11 'Ill S p.m. 'Ill Chri•lmH
14 Korol white gold corn·
flower blue. Styled to cop.
tlvo1e 1li.e ITIOSI fashion·
lo MEN'S
featurf:'S Include: dvst~t, waterproof, sweep
1ttond,.hond, stoinle~s steel bock and unbreokoblt
5695 .... moin spring. And electrits.
3.45 CARA TS ______ .......... --...... REG. 5,500.00 ___ ...... ___ ,, ____ .... _ .. _ NOW 4,300.00
2.88 CARATS _ ...................... -REG. 2,800.00 ·-·----.............. -... -NOW 1,97S.OO
1.01 CARATS -·-'-.. ·-·-.. ·--... ·---REG. 2,349.00 _ .... _ .. _ .... _,_ .... _ ... __ NOW 1,566.00
.75 CARATS _ ..... --.. ---.. ----.. ·-REG. 950.00 --.. -.. -... -.... -------.. -NOW 750.00
Mod ...akh bor'ld.
LtMITID 5 J 295
HEAD CHARMS' .54 CARATS ____ ................... _ REG. 685.00 , __ .. ___ .. _____ ,, ____ ·-·-NOW 565.00.
.33 CARATS ,_ .. -.... --....... ___ .. _ REG. 250.00 _ ... -.... -_ ... _ .. _ .... ____ NOW 185.00
(j et Sttrll"Q Silver, 12·Korat·,
Gold f illed or 14 Karat
Gold, .·
,_5)21 ... ~,.,75¢
Select group of mognificent culturtd pearls In gold
fi Ued pt!'ldonts.
A most foshlonobl• way to 50Y "well done" to
your favorite relol'N• or fri.nd.
A, CMILOllH'i llHGI BOV$' & Girls' 10
f!:orot 11111d. c;.,1,• wllh blrthl!OM, B(>)'l' •l!Odv to be tnQt0>r1d. flOM
•• INITIAL lt\HGI 14K Vold .euloMtd S6900 J,.illol •l"'Q. In.al tor ttw man II'! Voll' 1111.
Young or old.
(, flHI CAMlO llHGJ Atwt.d rtyltt to '27'0
0.-irom. 110111
D. PIAlL llHQ.s CuUu11d pearl mot. 5995 Sewrol itvlon to dloaM l•om Ir! ..tilt. ol!d
yr1117W IOIC OOld. n11rt1
--·~·--'\,_ n.-'/liat Conldoac:o llullt
2300 Horbor Blvd., c .. 1a·MtM
Huntington Beach
7 PC.
: (ti, I .. '· •
~------------...... ------.--........ _,...------~~~·--· ..... -.
Beta Sigma Phi Clubs
·Preparing for Holiday
Newport·ll>rl>or Ar.., Coon-
cll of Beta Sigma Phl will 'o\'el·
come vislUng memben ol
West Crave Area CouncU and
tho Huntington Beacb Area
Council to a Christm83 meet.-
Ing at 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 15,
in the HunUngtoo Beach home
ol Mrs. Michael Hoel!"'.
Among lhose allending will
be Mrs. William T. Barry,
president oC West Grove COUD·
cil, Mrs. Deal Beck, vice
pre.sldent and Mn. Charles
Higley, recording seMtary of
tho Hunllngtm Beach cowicll
and member of Delta Alpha
Alls School is the meeting
place for Huntington Beach
TOPS Pound Pinchen at 7
p.m. each Monday.
Phi Chapter.
Mrs. Frank Reed, Newportw
Harbor council president will
preside during a s h o r t
business meeting and wtll
welcome 1 0 transferees.
Hosting the gathering will be
Delta Beta Zeta Chapter of Ute
Newport-Harbor council.
A holiday mood will prevail
when members of Xi Mu
Lambda Chapter and
husbands come together for a
holiday party Saturday, Dec.
13, In the Huntington Seaclill
Country Club.
Prior to lhe di.Mer and
dance, members will gather in
the Huntington Beach home of
Mrs. Allen Fell.J: for cocktails.
Also on the chapter agenda
Is an eggnog party Thursday,
Dec. 18, at 8 p.m. in the home
of. Y.rs. J oel Vail of Costa
Bal Rites
Link Pair
The Rev. Aaron Driver of-
ficiated during the morning
marriage of ~1rs. Rene Fair
Kroeger of SouUt Pasadena
and Ronald Russell Spicer of
Los Angeles.
The Balboa Island home rA.
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Thompson was the setting for
their daughter's single ring
nuptials. The bridegroom Is
the son of the Richard W.
Splcers of Los Angeles.
Mrs. John Balian was
matron of hooor and Karen
Kroeger was her mother's
nower girL R. Laurence
Spicer was his brother's best
The reception fol.lowed in
the Thompsons' home. The
newlyweds will honeymoon in
Palm Springs and after the
holidays will visit Me~co City.
They are ma king their home
in South Pasadena.
C1ockwlae from 12 o'clock:
s~ Chrono91aph stainless steel
11 worn by astronauts. $195.
Stainless steel Omega 8llde through strap watch, $11 5.
Day.0al8 stalnlesa steel case with metal bracelet. $205.
Ope1 MoMar l'ttn Scrtwd., 011tll •:lt
own thin~
Enzymes, the protein catalysts
amolutely es"nti•I to the digestion
of foods and the chemistry of
health, are specific In how they act
That is, enzymes can onty do
their own thing! Each can only act
upon a certain substance or a group
of chemically rela ted substances
and no other. And, each has its own
temperature at which It acts with
greatest efficiency for maximum
Acoordlng to Tabe(s Medical
Dictionary, enzyme activity can be
rmrded or lohibited by high or low
te mperatures, the presence of salts,
dehydration, or rad iation.
That means enzyme aclivity in
heat-treated milks mu st be reta rded
or inhibi ted; that Alta-Dena Dairy's
unprocessed, unheated Certified
Enzyme-Rich Milk has full enzyme
activity to give you a better food
chemistry for the maintainan ce of
maximu m health.
Certified Enryme-Rich M ilk is
in specled dally by the Los Angeles
County Milk Commission as' part of
Alta-Dena Dairy's ri gid produ ction
Alta-Den1 Dairy dtfiYers from fann to home 111 OY1r Orance County.
Fot home delivtiy call 832-0800.
,. \
Newlyweds Pick
Home in Tacoma
Rivierans Trim Sails For Holiday
Avast Gad-abouts, Riviera Newport Harbor, l urn l n I
CJub membtn and mates, f1lryland :w1Lh homes and
dates and suest.s will set sail boats twlnklln1 a ,..km>e to
on Sunday, Dec. 31, at ti p.m. tbe hoUdays.
The seasonal sailing ls oc-Rlvierans and guata will
culoned by lighting up of cru1'e tbe Harbor Area, then
u maid of honor and "~~
bridesmaids were M I 1 1
Pamela Sherman, Miss PatU
Jennbgs and Miss Mary
Drew. 'Illelr gowns were She I• wishing for
Making tbelr home l n
Tacoma, Wash., are Mr. and
Mrs. David Alfred Berry who
el'Changed their wedding VOWS
and rings dwing a MOD
ceremony In SL Matthew's
Catholic Church, Long Beach.
The Rev. Jerimlah Flanagan
conducted the nuptials uniUng
the fonner Verooica Michele
Drew, daughter of Mrs. Mu:-
ine Fountain Drew of Hun-
tington Beach, arid the soo of
Mr. and Mn. Alfud BerT)' ol
burgundy velvet trimmed with et e pink peau de sole collars. ~ 6
The bridegroom's faUrer QIU 'JtRRMJ served as best man, and in
charge of aeaUng guests were
Allan McMurray, Richard ~ Carlson and Mlchael Dick.
St. Anne's Catholic Church
ln Seal Beach wu the rttep-
The bride was escorted to
the altar by her brother, Joel
Fountain Drew. She wore a
gown of imported lace over
peau de sole and holding her
fingertip veil was a crown us-
ed by the bridegroom's oldest
sister for her wedding,
Miss Christine Doyle served
tJon setting where Miss Suree • Champagne
Ellen Gould circulated the ~ suest book. · • Hot Pink
The couple planned a wed-• I ,_ ding trtp to San Dl•ao-B •«
The new Mn. Berry b a • C Bl senior at calilornJa State open Ut
College at Long Beach where
her husband was affiliated
with Phl Mu Alpha prior to bis
Business, Pleasure ~
Planned by Chapter ~
Christmas sweets will be of-mittee, chaired by Pitrs. Ken-~
fered when Delta B e ta neth Sutton, iJ plaMing the ~
Epsilon Chapter al Beta Sigma . event. Other comm l tt e e
Phi sponsors a bake sale members are the Mmes.
Saturday, Dec. 13 from ll Steven Vida, co-chairman, and
a.m. to 4 p.m. in front of Sav-Anthony Gonzales, J e r r y
on ~gstore, Huntington Kramer and Steven Stultz. fA
Beach. Children of c h a p t e r it'
llHI It. 11
Willtht AA te I
dl!Unbark at Balboa Pavtllon
!or dinner and dancinfl.
Gad-aboull chairman Mn.
W aUy L. Tait will take
ruervatiom for the event at --
The ways and means com· members will be special M
guests when the chapter hosts t\
a Chrisbnas party Sunday, ~
Dec. 14, from 2 to 4 p.m.
PHO.NE 548-97 44 ~----,· Dutch Boost Mrs. Keith Eckman or Hun-
tington Beach will host the fit
event whlch will feature a l't
Some of those colonial era visit from Santa, games and N refreshments. New Jersey families ran pret-
Lorge Families
t 1 Heading preparalions for the .
Y arge. parly is Mrs. Donald Shelton, '1':.';;Ef!i.'~~~~~~~~·;~f:.'fiE~
Christian Virn Doren and his social commiltee chailmal),
wife, A1tje, for Instance, mov-and assisting her are the
ed to Somerset County in 1723, M Deni T Eck ~A~ setUed there and produced 17 mes. s erway, -• ce / man, Dennis Huish and Tooi . young Van Dorens. B ':J"'/ When A1tje died at 95, she · rannon. v;. h. left 352 living descendents. ~ations will follow the 3.:2'-~ /5$(:, John Cunningham in his traditional ;ed and green
book, "This ls New Jersey," Christmas theme, according to
assures us that the prevalence :==M="=· ="="ish=.=====;I of Dutch names ti the area
wasn't because the Dutch
were the onl y ones to !etlle
They just had larger
Penny Pincher
Ads Turn Sense
Into Do'.lars
We've on
collection •••
glowing with
luxurious sotin
to feel, warm
but whisper-light.
(shown) Mondorin
ne ck quilt, $21 ,
long, $25.
fashions for .••
'-" Fashion l1land, Newport Be.1 ch
Stonewood Cen~er, Downey
.,,. • ....., eltllt 'tll f p.m.
l.,,Umtr1cor4, Mntl'I' Chart•• Ml Fem-Chart•
;.70 £ 17-rL
.5/f't!'· /~;J.?-
----~------... -~---~--~-~--~-~---~------------·--~-~---------------..----... --..----------... ·-...-·----------------............ •
Conviviality ls tb8 ke7 lo
dlaiQ&, liv ing, rt.latlnc· to
ethers. Break throuab tradl·
tlon. Create your ow1 tradl·
tions. ll ii that kind Of dly. ..
ARIES (IV.arch ll·Al>fll 9):
Accent on friends, rhopes,
desires. Key is to com·
mun.icate. Let loose. Don't at.
tempt to suppress emotions.
You need to.let others know
that you do have definite point
of view.
TAURUS (April 20·May 20):
Some obstacles are obvious.
You Can prepare to overcome
ihem. Speci!ically, one in
authority seems to be testing
you. Maintain balance. You
wln with kindness.
GEMINI (May 21.June 20):
You have feeling that you
want to get going. Wherever
you are, Uie desire to move is
present. You perceive what
could be. You are not satisfied
to stand stilt ••
CANCER (June 21.July 22)1
Concern with the occult, the
hidden comes to fore. Also,
you become aware of neeessi4
,ty to protect assets. Good
financial adviser is invaluable
to your welfare today.
LEO (July 23-Au(. 22):.
S~s on partnership, mar·
Nge, how you relate lo those
wtio are important in your
scheme ol events. Some con-
fide iotimate problems. Offer
tea and sympathy. But don't
become fooll.shly involved.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Your health, ability to keep up
with loved one are em.
phasized. You caMot bum
candle at both ends. Know this
:.. and respond in adult man-
~er. Be mature, not foolilb.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
Hunch pays off. What you feel
today is apt to be valid.
Trying to be ultraobjectlvt
would defeat your purpose.
Accent is on speculation, love
and adveiltUl'e·
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)1
COOceulrite on the pnctlcal.
Love dreamlq for onother
time. A UMti associate bu
'knack cl lludlnC rilbt place •l
right Ume. Your task la to
make most cl 1pedllc op.
8AGmARIUS (Nov. :ii.
Dee. 11): ObloJu bllrt from
Seorplo mesuge. You get
chance to aee people wbo
previously shut doors. Now,
the doors open. Have ideu on
paper, ou\llned and in format.
Be ready. •
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan.
Ji): Money comes your way if
ideu are ezpresaed with air of
confidence. Let others know
Ulat you are aware'. Exchange
suggestions. Be cooperaUve,
but adhere to principles.
AQUARIUS (Jau. 20-Feb.
II): 'Cycle higb; tUe In·
itiatlve. Start a project. Be ln-
depeudont In thougb~ •ctlon.
Kuow that thtre Is something
vital about you. Oppoelte sex
is aU!'acted. Your ego soars.
PISCES (Feb. Ill-March 20):
E1peclally · good !or filmiug
Ask For Mr. Foster
The ldHI Penon1I TV-Thit comp1ct
••IY;rc;:c.rTY Mignavox brings you 38
aq. In; picturneven from diltlntllationa.
Model 5004, with chaMel Ind ta.tor win·
dow. t1leacoping d lpol• 1nt1nn1 end
cany;og handia-io .. row l'flc:od, It'• !he
perfoet oil!. Welgha 1'!11 lllan 13ll lbt.
Why settle for 1111? Thelo
-orming portables wilt bdna
)'OU photo-sharp pittufes-.lnd.mor.
viewing enjoyment per dollar with
depGidable Magnavox Bonded Ciralit:rj
• clluaisaudK.,..iAGCforlhebcst
nooptiou ..... under advmc couditlaus.
· rar.ct in auy room!
DocorotMI PortlW.-wflll 125 oq. In.
""""'"· Por!oc:t for ,..... """'-or on option i i ctrt for wonderful room.tcwoom
mobUity. Model 500<5-youye111of
delightful viewing plealln4 Tlll•copng
. ....... •nd corrytng ~•ndle.
You1l Oflfoy TV morw-wlltn you Q..
1f10.-1 Thio bMutiful M-Will
olv• VoU.172 oq. ln. «1-. l!Ndy .,._
plua yen of lntiog Nllolllllly, ,._Fine
Tunlngforexll'I convtnilnol, MOdllf#ll
Wftht l11c~dipolt......,c:hmnll ln·
Direct F..cte.,, Dealer
lrookhunt & Wener 401 Ma111 St.
Fountain Valley Huntfnglatl leach
962-2456 53&-7561
' '
Tiiul'sdfY, Otcembtr 11, 1969 DAILY PILOT llJ_
Phone 536-3534
k_arls ·TOY~ HOBBY SALE!
lllCORD Pl.A YU ._. .. ~ .......... ..... ................ _..._
........ _MIMI ............ .... ...... tu,n.• Diil. • _. 71 ... _.. ...................
ASTEROID IEFIACTOR ............ ......., ....... ......... _ _, ........... 11
.~.;; $12.97
Grand Prtx t/24 .e.ale home
raceway complete, ready to
run with lapcounter, cars, "'""''· .. .,,.. "'4.87 Reg. '50.00 value I.
MATYIL HOT WHEELS ,.... ...... .,,.. _ ........... ·-
IAT1UllG Tors .......... .:-......... ...:-..: ::: er-' ..... ., .. -... lot ... i.... .....
l~CIAL $1.99
w.. fMMt•ll ..tfkkll .... ... • .... _.... ...... ,.tee. -.... ..... Only $2. 99 ...
TOOTS swrn
TI9y ................ ,... ....... ,.....,, .... ,,_ ... ........, __
...... , ...... .w.t'-.... -,_ .,w:.:-.:""· $5.98
COX MUSTANli p.51 .,..,_ .......
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PUT• DOH ,_...,. ... ..., ....... ....,.. -•••. ,,.,c ,1.00 .. ,
I ~ l ~
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SIT Ofl 2 WAUOI TALllllS ...., ................................. . .......................
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(Oppoolte tho Broedw•y)
Other Stor11:
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Only 99c . ._._.. '""'"•'" ......... .........,.. fttwHooM•1 i....tltltllyl Ket llHlll ·-:it&p& -.iii facet yM -h .... .,a11 OS .. .,.i..t '11111 .. •
.... ~ Wti .. h >a .. .
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IOOK TAPE UCORDU ..... ...,.. ....... .,... ...........
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•••• '17.00 """ $12.97
-ntl FRlllJHT HlfSn&•
IY TYCO . -.._ .... """
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_ ...... $16.87
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TRIP Tl.Al' ._., ___ ....... __ ..................... ......-.. ......................... ................ c:-... ............. 2 ........ _.,... $8.96
TIN MAN IOIOT -,.._ ........ ,,, ... ""'"-.... ..... ·-~-~ ......... ... -........................ .. .... ~ .......... ,,.n ..
..... ..... $12.66
3M lit.MIS
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Al'OUO/SATURN :.,.w~N-=~ ,. . .. --~ .............. -~-................. la ...... ,_fNt ._.I ... ........... ,_.c..-....... ....... ......1..'-........................ .. ..... .............. . -,,.,,. $8.•
l.u ,..,.. .................... .. -............ -.... -..-. ............... -..... ttit-..... ___ ........ ...,.... ......
._ ..................... .-
....... - -,.., ... It. ... . $1.99
SHOW"ll TILL ._.__. ............ .................. ,. ..............
Slllll'CK-A.TUNI ............. ~ ..,. ...... ~lor ................... -......... $4.96
Rao. •.oo
IAS1' ..... _
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... LE PklC~ $7.61
ALL-PRO llOCKIY .... ...... _ .... """...,... ............ ..,,..., ......... .._ wlMlt .................. ......
... ,....ii ............... ......
.. ... , .... c .......
C:orHtt. Stle9 R"J ......_._......, .......... .... ...... -. ........... ,..... ... c;:-=-............ .....
ae. SUI '6.76
..., ................ ... ~ ............... .... .... ............. .... ... ... ....... -... = lw ·~~-·$14.84
., __
_, • Sot.i'*rf ,,. . ,. ...
' " •
.. I
' H DAil y l'llOT -· Oectmber 11, 1969 .
C 'atholi~s Divisions Britain Reveal • ID Angli~ans~
LONDON (AP) -A•qU<$>
tJan of .. -brOllght oot
tllll -000 ol the dJI.
oal<I ht lhlnb die ·time Is
"moat oppcrtune" for the
.. -ol Ill martyrs who died und« the directlon
U Ejngl.llh m o n a r e hi.
Bring this handy shopping list with you.
It will help to remind you of all your
_ Sweethe<irt
-Sister, Sister&
-Brother, Brother
-Son, Son & Wife
-Fine folks
-House to House
-Across thci Miles
_ Spcci.:il Friend
-B<iby's First
-Christmas Cheer
-Gift Enclosure
Archbltbop Mld1ael Ramxy,
the Church ol E n g I and
primate, uya such a move
could hann the ecumenical
cause in thiJ country, and
speak! ol a "~e,e mentality"
1n Roman Catholic ranks.
'I'he 40 martyn, more than
hall of them priests, met lhelr
tai. In the reigns ol Henry
VIII, Elizabeth I and James t
soon after the Church ol
England -e with Rome.
&me were banged, drawn
and quartered -the traitor's
death -because they wooid
not recognize the monarch as
"supreme bead <Ill earth" of
the <laurch of England.
Others, including a ever a I
women, died because they hid
fugitive priest5 in their homes.
1be cause of the martyrs
was first rabed in 1874 by
Henry Cardinal MaMing. In
18118, Pope Leo XDI beati fied.
20 ol the Ill, lhus permitting
their veneraUoo..
Two ol the most famous -
Sir Thomas More and Sir John
Fisher -were canonized and
added to the church calendar
or saints in 1935. Both died in
wu oougjlt thtn by the vi...
Poetula.Uon for the Cauae of
the Far\)'. Martyn, whldl
operalel from E n gl a a d ' s
Jesuit headquarters ln
Mayfair, Loodon.
old " lbelr -...... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiii~iiiiiiii~iii~iiiiiiiij Ramu calbcllc Cl>riltlam inlii Enclalid may be bnlallll
within the Bon\ln obeiflen-""1,"
1'le memorandum WU id
published at the time, but the
arcbiblmp11 oppositkn 11
clear from extracts j u a t
printed in the Roman Catholic
weekly review. 'Ibc Tablet.
"ln England our history
creates inevltab.le dif.
ficuJUes," the Archbillhop's
memorandwn says In ei:-
P""ini fears !hot the act
ln Rome "wou1d eOCOlD'age
Canllnal Ji,.... had no
commeol bUt the Rev, 0..
ment Tlcar, a.Jmt who"""'
the campaign 10< eanonlzallon
" the llartyia, lnBisted: '"l'hll is D:lt an aggressive move.
We're not condemnlng anyone.
We are holding up as ex-
ample.'! men who dif.d for their
c:omclence, who put God
before the ltlie. We are not
attactlng other ttllglona, and
c:erlalnly nol the Ollln:h "' En&land."
tMoe emotms wblcb militate -
agaimt the ecumenical -
cause." · Rapid Transit .. ,,_ Is not only the pre-
~~~ebeol ~~,:. System Begun I
"By 'siege mentality1 I for tbe Was b Ing ton
· Brouaca11 Flower Shop
''Flowers" For Your Christm•s Gifts
Is also the 'siege 'mentality' W ASR!liGTON (AP) _ I
wbidl Is apt to possess Roman Ground bas been broken for a I
Catholics in England. 97.7-mile rapid transit system I
mean a kind of polemical sell-metropolitan area. It will be 8' :;,~ SJ'h cooscioosness which ls far dif· JO years before the project is /
ferent trom the spint o1 the tinisbed. 11 an , ... according I roadwau ower on
meeting between His Holiness to plan. • I d ,-
the Pope and myself in March Ma Yo r W a It er E · I 2750 Harbor at Adams
1966. Washington and Secretary or IN COLLEGE CENTER Transportation John A. Volpe
dug the lint spadefuls of i COSTA MESA 546-8284 MARTYDOM COMPLEX
Fisher, cardinal and bishop
of. Rochester, was beheaded on
Tower Hill. More, once Henry
VIIJ's krd chancellor, had hls
head struck of! and affixed to
London Bridge.
"The 'siege mentality' is, I
believe , bound up
psychologically with a kind of
martydom cm1plex· deeply,
and of course, intelligibly,
rooted in history. Ought we
not on both sides to be geUing
away from this?"
earth for the $2.5 billion pro-I
ject Tuesday., l'Wdll(••••••••••-•••!Wlll¥•••tal
-1!1 God's Service
_Minister and
Fam ily
-Boxed Christmas cards
_Christmas Gift Wrap
-Tags., Seals, and Tape M
-Christmas Ribbon & Bows Y/ ._~~--;;.;;..C~h~ri;~~m.a;•~f'art)'.:,;;~Goo:::;d:•~~~~.J~
Choose from our Beautiful Selection
of~~ Christmas Cards
A new list of 40 remaining
martyrs was drawn up by
England's Roman Catholic
bishops in 1962. It included
some, such as Jesuit. F..dmund
Campion, who were beatified
in 1886. A cause was presented
to the Congregation of Rites
for their poosible canonizaUon. "
wmcHnn1 -12st w. 11tt1 sr.
LOS ANGILU -Jl74 W. Sat. lorboni
CA.NC>eoA PAii -Fal"--' 541-.
While in Rome for the re-I
cent synod meeting, Cardinal I
Heenan told the Pope: "It
would hearten the Catholics of I
England to see these cham-1
pions of the Pope's authority I
raised to the altars."
Ardll>lshop Ramsey has not It
commented on this but has I
referred inquirers to· a
memorandum he drew up
three years ago. IDs opinion I
--CM'AllDICA .. --·..,, llDWllL •
._. PAiiie: 110un9ua
MOllll PLAN CO 0, CALI,.
llCHAID"S UDO ...... "
ncuarrr IANc
IHAYIM• .. u.
"TOI' Of 1H1 11.A.r vu UllO & VIA Ol'OllTCl-NIWPORT IEACH
Dr. Ramsey suggested tbat
''while some ecumenical
language is used, the final out·
come is that the Martyrs are
to be Invoked .. that with the
South Coast '1ua
-·-. --------...-..--..---........ -.... .---........... --·-----............ ~ ........
ThursdaY, ~mber 11, 1969 DA)l Y Pll,9.l u·
OPEN DAILY 10 to 10; SUNPAY 10.10
a f
R ' I
I l
Stoek up
for the
Pol•roid .Color p•c~ film.
Color '''"' ............. -... ·-········-·· ........ :-. ...•...... M.~
l/wfiln 'nm ..... _ .... _ .. _ .. , .............................. _
Economy Color Pack Camera
The economy model of the n.w
Poleroid folding c1mer•s l11s fee·
tures you'd •xpect to find only on
more expensi ve models. A double
window, coupled range and view •.
finder. Electric: eye. Tr1n1i1tori1ed
shutter, Automatic 'exposure con·
tiol for flesh , l ight weight. Detach.
able covir, Big 13 1/4" x 4 \4 "I prints
-color in a minute, black and
white in seconds. Don't miss ou't on
the chance to own a deluxe in1t1nt
c1mera at such a low frice,
$7.77 $3.97
·$14 66 ·
No more flashbulbs ever!
Stops action at l I 1 OOOth of • • a second!
The "super" Polaroid Land camera!
F R E E D E M 0 N 5 T RA 1 ·1 0 N ! !
The POLAROID CAMERA GIRL WHI Be In Our Store December 12tli, from ' 6 to 9 P.~ •• and December 13th, from 11 to 5 P.M., to toke your FREE
color picture and .demonstrate all the new Polaroid Colar Paek Cameras.
It Buzzes •••
This new automatic Polaroid land
camera h•s a buift.i11 developm ent
timer that tells you when your pic-
t ure is reedy. Dou ble win dow, 5upet-
impose d im•ge, coupled r1n9 e and
viewfinder. Electric eye. Transistor·
lied shutter. Sherp triplet lens. De-
tachable cover and adjust1ble car.
ryin g 1trap. Enjoy color pictures in
a minute, black and White in seconds
with this exc iting ne"t ~•m'er• with
its special. deluxe fee1ures.
It Buzzes •••
The most versetile Pol1roid Color
Pack Camera ever sold fo r le11 then
$I 00. T ekes in1t1nt bl1c~ ind wh ite
pictures indoors without flesh, some
colc;., shots by window light alone. A
foldaway rang• and viewfinder.
Four e"posur• ranges. Sharp triplet
lens. Soph istic;eted electronic shut.
ter. Bu jlt-in cfe~elopment timer.
Complete acc14sory cap•bility -
even m1k11 portr1its and 9·inch
close·ups with the option1I •ttach-
ments. Why w1it any longer to find
out for yourself how much fun in•
stent photo;rapHy cen be?
It Beeps •••
An exceptional cemer1 for color
pictures in a minute, black and
white in second s. Deluxe styling,
rang• and ver11tility. Superb ·elec•
tronic photogr1phic:, mechanism.
Single window, Zeiss Ikon range and
viewfin der that folds aw1y when not
in u1e. Comfortebl• even with
glasses. Electronic timer th a,t
"'beeps" when picture is re1dy. Four
exposure ranges. Sharp triplet lens,
Brushed chrome fin ish. 3Y4 '' x 4Y4 ''"
prints. Most of th• features of
Polaroid's finest c1mera at I muc:h . ' .
lower pric•.
SPECIAL SALE .. PRICE '., $11411
• ..
ON SALE .• • •
200 HARBOR BL VD. Cor ner of Wilson and Ha r bor COST A MESA
1 1 •
I ,
! I ' f
. •
; •
·I ' '
' '
' '
, .
r,:""'"""-""''""""'""' ....... .,.,,.,..,..""..,. ....... ..,._,... .... ,.. ........ ....,.,....,....,..,..,,_...,.,, ......... -.-.. -, ~ .. """:~.'"'.'""'• ,.,..,,...._..,..~~--~--~~-.,,"'."._ T~ '. j Jt ; i'', ' ,t IS ) i: !" I P i 't4 S f "-t •r-..-o • • '" .............................. \•""!~ ..... .
If OAILV PlLOT Tllursday, DKtmbef 11, 1969
Bwitlngt.o~ Program Britain Still Magnet for Americaµs
Sclwols Provide LONDON (AP)-Amerlcan.--------------------------
Work Experience
touri.sts are swarming into
Britain .In ever greater
numbers, the British Travel
Association reported today .
And the lure that brings
them here Is not the "swinging
Britain" of the miniskirts and
Ot Ille O.llJ l"llrlt Sl•ll
"I know you're capable of
doing' Ute Job but I'm
somewhat concerned abou t
your lack of e1perience."
It's a familiar phrase. heard
all too often by the pavement·
pounding high school graduate
in search of his firs t job.
which has been In operation beat groups but the Old World
for some time is called "work appeal of stately homes and
experience" and this yea r in· pageantry.
volves 4t6 students. JW!t under a mi 11 ion
The largest portion, or 273 of Americans vacationed here in
the students, Jre enrolled in the first nine months of 1969, a
the "general work experience" 31 percent increase over the
division wbjch allows lbem 0.1 same P,eriod last year, the
the job training through part· association said. The Sep-
lime employment. They also tembe.r lotal alone was 163,000,
"'Artistry in Moving" for the
And that kind of talk l'an
even dampen the spirits of
most enthusiastic teenagers.
receive a minimum of fi \'e up by 34,000 from Seplember
hours of credil in addilion to last year. \---===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=======---
their wages. An association sJJOkesman
At the Hunt ingt.On Beach
Linia.1 High School District's
five schools it is possible to
get that all · important ex·
perience. eYen before the stu-
dent is graduated.
Another facet of the overall 1.11•1 , • .,._. said extensive mart et
program is called "vocation C·tilps Part research had shown that visits work experience" which has ~ to stately homes and London
ari its purpose the extension or theaters rated higher with
\'OCational l e a r n in g op-.<\ctor Robert Culp, 39 . filed a divorce suite against tourists than the pop culture
porlunities of the s en i 0 r his actress·\\'ife. France Nuyen, 30, Tuesday charg· of London 's King's Road and
Basically, the pro g r a 1n through part time employment ing extre1ne cruelty. He asked for an equitable di· Carnaby StreeL
in a1 occupation for which his vision of community property. The couple, married About 25 percent 0 f
CQurse in school is preparing l\vo years ago, is sho\vn in 1.his 1967 photo. Each has American tourists travel on
him. The 67 students in this been married twice before . all-in package tours. OCC Noting
State Fete
phase also receive class credit·------------------------'--....::..--'---1
Students at Orange Coast
College have celebrated
Califomia ·s Bicentennial an-
n1\'ersary by planting 1"'0
red"'ood trees and implanting
a time capsule in cement.
The trees and time capsule
1.1·ere placed on the \\'esl side
of the new OCC library during
a ceremony attended by Costa
:\lesa city officials, college of·
ficials and .students.
The time capsule contained
microfilms showing the OCC
campus. the City of Costa
~1esa. scenes fro1n arOund the
state and pictures of national
interest. A met.al plaque iden-
tified the eontents, Y:ilh in-
structions to open in one cen-
and wages.
College-bound students who
are interested in entering the
teaching profession benefit
rrom the ''e lementar y
teaching work experience''
program by becoming exposed
to studeals of different grade
levels to gain insight into
primary education. The 97
sludents in this cou rse do not
receive a \\'age but are av.•ard-
ed class credit.
Some, who are unsure of
what career choices to make
enter the "work exploratory
program" which currently
has an enrollment ot 12. It
provides them with course
cmiil and an opportunity to
visit for short periods time at
\'arsity of training stations in
the community t ohelp them
identify their interest and aJr
Heir to the Gino Paoli tradition·
A Go-Anyw"-look
A c'ean, fresh classic. FNle gauge
full fashioned Or~ knit by 1t11li1 ns
who love kids. A mock. tvr1leneck, stripes
and pocket tabs give just the right look
k> !his bewty. Easy for Ncm too,
because il's l"lliOChine washable.
Hu11ti11gto1 leocli.
14•·1 ••• Hourt: Dollf 10·6 frl. 'til I"·"'· • '==============================='' ~····································· .. ··:! :·YOUR PROBLEM: l • • : y OU Wint to Mii ..... item ·: :t thot you no longor .-1 but
•, torne•ne else c.1n UM for i i NOT OVER $50 ;, i .,.,.,.,.,., 1
i YOUR ANSWER:. . • i'
i You coll THE DAILY PILOT, .. k fOf" 1 i c1 .. ,u1..i Mvwtla"', •nd p1oa • i
Your choice
of five
Contemporary model 6922
E1rly Amerlc1n model 6924
NOW ••• the flrst •nd only, f1buloualy
convenient TOTAL AUiOMATic"coLQR
TV ••• a new and u:clm!v1 Electronic
System which combln1a aU the function.a
of the ihrn Mal1UJl.IOZ innouatioM
described below. U Ibo Color TV brand
you're conaiderin1 do11 notllave all
three; it iai.already ob.olete; for only
Magnavox TAC banlth• annoyin1 color
variation. and the need for bothenome
picture adjuatmen.ta or tunin.1!
TAC-ao slmple a chlld c1n
tune It perfectly I
Mtd.iterranNn model 9928
... eliminate• green end purple fecea.
Magnavox ATC lets you select the flesh tone
colors most pleasing to you and keeps them
that way-in every picture, on every program,
on any channel I Set it once and forget it I
ma. New and improved
.. , reduces variations in color int1n1Jty.
Magnavox ACC assures uniform color inten·
sity from station to station-no melter how
often you change channels.
• .•• eliminates the need for critical pie·
tu re tuning. Invented by Magnavox in 1964,
AFT keeps all station signals locked·in to
give you a perfectly.tuned picture that Is
always precise-instantly and automatically-
on every channel, every time I
TAC-plua these other advanced Magnavox features contribute to the
unequaled enjoyment of owning today's finest Color TV: New Brilll1nt MX500
Color Tube-gives you vivid, natural color pictures which are clearer and sharper,
for more life-like picture fidelity and realism. MX500 with huge 295 &q . in. screen-
• combination of engineering advancements to bring you the ultimate in viewing
pleasure. Chromatona-for thrilling depth and dimension. Quick-On pictures and
sound eliminate annoyjng warm-up delay. Bonded Circuitry chas1is 11111 new
1tandard of lasting reliability, 82·Channel Remote Control for UHF/VHF is
optional. On concealed swivel casters. Also in French or Italian Provincial.
.AND YOUlt CltEDIT IS ooco t Dlrert Factory Dealer
• price 95
sl,ashed ...
SAVE $JO on luxurious ,.;orsted and silk suits for
year-round versatility and well-groomed good looks!
SAVE $JO on the season's most-wanted lashion-
right models in pace-setting patterns and colors!
SAVE $JO on the best-eelling !IUits in our stock
at the regular low price! In regul4rs, shorts, longs.
11 TO 5
DIAL NOW DIRECT' I Brookhurst & Warner 401 Main St. Costa Mesa, 1681 Newport Blvd. at 16th
t ......... ~~ .. : ........ ~'~~-·-~_•_M_' ___ ~-~-~-~-~-~-~~~-"_'_Y ____ ·_H_u_n_~_~_~_1;s~:-~--h-~--G_A_R_D~E~N-G_R_o_v_e_-__ 12_3_1_2_a_~~·~o-E_N_·_a_R_o_v_e_~~L-V_o_. __
~ I • "t I .,, J
----.-----· ·------' . -... -. ---. ·-· ---•c-•
tltursdtf, btctmbff 11, 1%9 OAIL Y PILOT ,Jr
Vet Proposes Carriers
As Homes for Hippies
Obsolete aircraft carriers as
homes for hippies?
'111at'a the idea of a It-year
Navy veteran who wW present
his plan to the f\atlonal
Institute of Mental Health in
GPO J ohn Mt'Carlney of
H• .. !In~ ....... Mill ,...,. "" ~..... ''*""· -J1mt1 All~"'
14 YMR Ill •1111-
11,!J 111,...lor Av•. AG·ntt
North Quincy 11ard the idea
came to him last October
when he watched the dOCom·
missioned carrier USS Essex,
once hailed as the
"Fighten'est ShJp" in the
Navy, being t09red out of
Bostoo harbor.
)1cCartney said
plan the carriers, which
described as "clUes
themselves," w o u I d be
"donaled by the government
for use a s rehabilitation
centers for drug.apdicted hi~
ples and as schools \Ybere they
could le am a trade."
McCartney, 35 and
father . of six chUdren, said
each carrier "would be a
a YWCA, a youth club -
--everything whapped into oo.e
-where kids could come and
really have a ball."
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .............
Do::ens of Dolls
~ MERC£~~.,,~!YINGS I
: NOW OPEN .. •:.• EVERY SATURDAY !£ Kathy Fitzmaurice, Maryanne Filzmaurlce and :; Christian Burkhardt, all daughters ol New York
Telephone Co. employes, found ·their way into a • 0 i room full of dolls at the company's Manhattan of-: 1 a.me• 4 pem• « fice. Their reaction, predictably, \Vas gleefu1 . The
• • dolls, along with other ·toys, are contributed annual-
: BUENA PARK HUNTINGTON BEACH ,.: ly by employes to children in metropolitan bospi-• tals. homes and settlement houses. _ :-J\1ercury Savings Bldg. J\1ercury Savings Bldg. i i----------------------
• Valley Vien• at Lincoln Edinger at Beach !
:.. ............... ** ••••••••••••••••••••••••• t
J11n Pfe.dllted hdilelletn! He w 111 with
God, th• f•ther, from the b19i1111in9, BY
HIM wtr• the world1 c.r11atad IH1b. 1:21.
He 111id , "Before Abr11h11m w111, I 1m,.
!Jrt 8:58 ), He pretched throu9h No11lt,
b11for11 the Flood, I I P11t. l : I 1·22 ). Meny
thinlr of Je1u1 111 • babe in Bethl1h1"'
l e1p1ci11ly 11ro1111d Chrislm•s, tho119h the
l iDle 111y1 NOTHING tbout Chri1h!!a1I. But God w111h us lo ,
th inlr of Ch1i1t 11 tht MAN. Je1111 (11q111I with God -Phil.
2:5-1 1 J, who humbled hin"elf 1MI lived • perfect life for 011•
•••mple end wes crucifi1d for our 11111 . Yet, he liYtl NOW with
God, his F1fhtr in Ht evell (Acts 6:56 ), h1vi119 been bodil•t
re1urrecl1d from ffie 9reve. TH EREFORE, the 011urenc 1 ii OURS
th•I WE loo cell live after deeth, with Chri1! •nd God in H•••
¥111! 0011 nof ti.ii hop• (Col. I :1-6) quicken vour pu l11 111d
h11!111 your br•alhing1 H1¥1 you don• 111ythi n9 1bouf lhi1 hop1 1
Th1r• IS 1011'11 lhin9 for YOU to do, 1v•n 11 Chrill hid HIS duty
IJ11. 6:11 1. B•li1v1 011 Ch ri1t, R•p•11t, Be b1pti1N, liv1 1 good
1if1: be 11 v1d 11 1 r11ult. !Mir. 16:15, 16, Ach 2 :11, G il. 31Z7,
Ach 22:16, I Pit. 1:2 1 Riv. 2:101. Vi1it Chure li of Chri1t 217
W. Wit1011 St.
CONSIJM'" l)IVllOON / !l ~UNSW!Cll COllPOllAl<ON
$275 ••• "'
Crossword Puzzle
l Bum
5 Titlt ia umrire'~ ' Clll i 14 Doughnut ! featJJre 15 Of lhe
arm bone
16 Walked on
17 Provinc e
of Italy
18 Br llliant 20 Groups 22 Form of I verse
123 Loose
r over blous e ~ 24 lrr ilall'
• 2& Centta l I 27 Palm fru i1
:JO Forebod ii.!J
ev il 34 Yukon's
I neighbor
135 We_athercock
136 Number 37 Fruit
038 Rqyal authority 40 Fashion
'41 Time of day
42. Heating
' devi ce 43 Highly
gieastd 45 ear lo
the hei:rt 47 Oepressicns
111ade by
meleor ites
48 Dilrllng
49 Bllllilrd
3 •
50 Baker's
unit 53 Confrere
54 Useless
~8 Sooner or
61 Key
bl Cook in
W•Y b3 Modify
b4 Particle
b5 Ice vl'hlcl'
6b Deliv ers
aloud from
a tex t b1 .Advertistr's
tradema rk : l11fo1mal
1 Conversation
2 Gard ener's
3 Canad ian province:
4 lnfllct anew 5 Prizefighter:
& With fu !I
2 words
7 Desi gned
to dtccivt
B An emotion
9 Wile 10 Ltngthy
walking step
11 Barren
12 Loving
• '
" t. ~ { t
"' ~ l t 0
lJ Nf rvous l'f Frenchman's
21 Go under 25 Musical
2& Habitual
soci al deportment
27 Biblical
"'" 28 Color
29 Beast of
bunlen JO Paper
31 Civ il War
32 In the
shelter or 33 English
35 Througl1
3'1 Finish
40 Be ing
of real
importanc e
42 som,thing
of remar lt
44 En d111e
<tb Unfolded
47 Titled
49 Island
south of
Sicily 50 Certain
JurM or
ltaguers ;
51 Race track
52 Footballtf
53 Ash:r
55 1 1th
to: 2 words
Sb Hit hard
51 Blood:
5'1 Nasser's
realm : Abbr,
bl) T lme periods:
Abbr ,
Frigidaire BIG 20 Side-by-Side!
7 .OS cu. ft. Freezer!
S1de·by·Si dt mtkn hee1-
n1 as handJ is rel1igt11-
More Room!
Get lhe el11a sciace you
w1nt 101 lresh and ln>ztn looos.
No Defrostlnf.
Frast"1'oon YcWI ...... _
~:, •. /I '~0·200VP
~~O t~IL
In 0..r 22nd l'ear Serclng IJ'lte Harllor Area
Easy Moving!
Smooth·flide nylon RGI·
lers m1•1 mowina anti
cleanifl( 1asy.
Special Feature!
Add 1n A11lom1lic Ice
M1k1r now or titer ....
pl1c1s tll• pr11ent kt senlct ilt tllls refrt11r• .... .
Arlll•"' iii Hlrwut 0.11, a.we:,... Wllltw. """ ... Or.-& c..1111111 c:..r.w.
MIOll lice Mlk1r
I" ii
Estancia Honors Top Student,s
5-llo -K1n Ad.Ill\-Otbrl ~. Nina BN.1r. GrlllOfr lll'lllOlll O._ Btrrtlh, lhnt Bot, Cit l llrac111n1w~ N1n.:v llroo.ow1<, Lind• C'I"· Gln91f 1.1111ontrl, Ct rol Ceo11e lo, Jlntl Cotti, Lindt Oeub, JOl!n Oavl&, ksln DePlaua, M•rll)on Ern11, Guy Ftbrt1 Anclrtt Fiiiy. Roberie F t lf!, Clll<'Y F1tlllr, Pem Ft!lll'llnf, Thclll'I·
11 f'"OJI. Grin! Frt11Mld, Denlt l
G1r1kk.-Row 1>r-..n..
S.nOr• Gtnl1. B1rti.r1 Gtortt. T"'°"'t!i Good, Mld11tl GrldY. Jolln Gr11e!la, Gr1T1 MaiYori.en, Mike Har1, VICIDl'll Hl99(n1, S1.t~f.n Hut!man, P1lrlcl1 J1nu1n .• Kt1'11n JohnllOfl. Kurl Ktr•lfn, J1mt 1 Kerwin, Anl1a Kn•PP· ·Wl!llam Lll(llaw, M a r g u, r t t t ,.,,.,udon, Edwin Mlr!ll, C•ndlt~ M•ll!lew1. J1mH Mll~r. ROtlln Moo<IY, JKk Moore, 01vl<1 Mu-. llttn Newrn1n, Sharon, N1ck1ls, OOft.. n1 P1r*lnson. Otbr1 Price. Mark RldllrdM;JI\, Vl~lan Robinson, Te,...I Roush, OlaM $1ndtr1, Oarvl SO\elln. L•wrenct S.O.•~er, Seal! kllwa~tr Kalt SeYOl'I Mld·11rl '>milh. Cvn1hli Stamper, 01Yl(I ~rernl!zkr, l(riilln S!1vrn•. P•u1 StuU!. Eciw1ra Swr ... Krbtlne T11Dm11. Julie TflDmPson, Gill Trlt-<. 8 111 Win""· Sue Wolff. Rltl'11r(I ....
Juftlon -Oline A•'Ol'I, Klthltff ll•k.,, C1rol l••fM'r. Pl! llano. Jull1
llutlard, M1r9lr Ctm~ll. C•Stv Car1ill, Oli ne c~rl10fl. P a 1r1c 11 C1rl~o11. 01,,... Cartrr, '(lckl Cti,a,1 Jolin Cnlld~r1, Otnl•t C!H' ... arv Cohtnl ~I Dr lllnver. Oawn 01!f11aro. ,t.ori ' IOll, Otborall Owllht, Rlekt f Ernl!, 1111 Finney, Lois Forrsl, Otbor1n ~11~1ndt Gal/dent/, Mar I I r t I
C1ndf Glbbon1, Gail Giii. Grt9'l•• Gllrov, Alln Grttlev, Dtnnl1 Green, L-vrlt Hele, JaN'I Htrldller, Mindy Hotmn, Suitnnr HubM<, H1n.:v Jin· (Ir, Thom11 JollnlOll. 81(kv JurntY,
Milt K1w1bl, A.nnt ler, Ol~nt Ltn~r.
M1r1tn" Loel~ei, Ho.al Marsau<!On,
Anne McGM1, 11.tndlll Mtytr. Horm1
Menaoza. A.l1n Mltldle, Oowlls MM, AM Mont1no, ll•rti1ra OllOl'I, Merrllll Ollon, llrl1n Prrey, JGln l"<tnllce. -Obi" R11!1. Marvarrl Reed BrAl\ll;I Rtt'lk1, c.,.1 R/lodn , Llncra Robln•on Mtllnd1 Rowl1nd, !i!ftllllen Ry1n, W1rii Saunder~, Anl Scllwart1, CarolH Shtp. pn ;ro, M•rle111 Slallr, C•rl $0lrvtn1. Rav STOdd1rt) El~n Sumflll. Robin TJku•~tawa. 8111 Tarlor, Su•an Terry,
Curl Tllom••i. Debbi\ Thom~t. Drbblrl Tlloml'$0fl, MlrY llompson, T~rry Tovar, Kalllletn Tr!dr.erl, Jell Vvn. LYM Walltce. Wffldl Wlrd, CtlldM W1llon, Stwt Wtb1ttr, Clout Wellfor, Thomes Wldl;lt nd. AU/14n Wood.
..........., .. -Melody Benton. cnr••·1 tv ll ltnc, Eire llrl111, Judltll Cldnum, 5uranne C1«11nt, A!1n Coc:llrant, Vlvet-te Crumpao;ke'..t Arlllur Cruz, Maril Dal Corso, Cr1l9 uennl1, cvn1n11 Ooaion John Firmer, Sip: f'"ld'fkt, Pim Goraon' Gl'rakl Groltnlllll1, Keren Herrin, S11..t
Hola.,-, Connie Holm. Mary Hum11t>r•1.
If you keve been plilnn ing to •dd • gracious new look to your hom e,
we invite you to visit o ur show room •nd see the most bre1tht1kin 9
collection of domestic •ncl Imported custom fighti ng fixtures, limp•
a nd lighted wall sconc1s.
(Across [rom Greenhaven J\ursery)
• 295so.1N. SCREEN
••• for th• most li fe -like
pictures ever I
•• , adds t hri ll Ing depth to color;
warmth to black and white I
• , , eliminates warm-up-giv•
"instant" pictures and sound I
• automatic
D1ni11l Mod11n 1ty1ln11 -model 6912 , •. kHps all pictures pure-
even if set is moved I
Your Choice of lhrea styles s549so
Autom•tic Fine Tu nlng-invenled by Megn1vox. ke~ps 1ll 1ttdon 1!1111111 Jock.cl·
In to 1tw1ys give you 1 perfeetly lvnld, pm;IM picture-in111n1ty end 111tom11le1lly
-on IYlry ch1nnel l't'ery 1lm1 ! Come in for• demon~tr1lion 1od1y l
Colonl11t-mod11691 4
Picture-Sound St•bilizers
(Keyed AGC) for optimum
performence I
... ii 111ured by f•mou1
Magnavox 31.F. Stage Bonded
Circuitry Che1si1 that givu
years of viewing enjoyment I
• , , requlru no more
floor apace than small
screen compacte I
Select fro m over 40 Magnavox Color TV n1o rlels fr o n1. '2!i9 '"1
Lay·A · 1l'ay For A Colorful Christmas
'Magnavo:r Dottie Entertainment Center
Factory Dlt•ect Dealer
2666 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Ca,lf.
!" 6855 Westminst~r Westmi,nster, ~atif.
411 E. 17th St., 12116 S. Broolchurst Garden. Grove, Calif Costa Mesa
Dally 9•9, Sat. 9•6 1 12891 Chapman Garde~ Grove, Calif.
_____ P_ho_ne_64_6-_1_•_M _ _,.1l,_.~ ... --, .. -.,!~;! .. ~..,R""Y-•s .. n .. _..,v.ic11;,_,.....,_.__..., __ _.
----------------. -··--...
:. Viet Pacification Program Showing Real Su-ecess · ,
;· · from there." said o n e Officials aL the Saigon level Uon security duty ln their c e s 1 f u 11 y . by certain weapon he a c c e p t s a hamle t chief and three. othel'I crease lhe total of lhese funds , . CAN THO, South V1elnam next year and put them. on • (UPJ)-At rice paddy level, Amerjcan who work.s ~·Ith the put It slightly differenUy. They home areas. Americans in the pacification responsibility and he Is also stood their ground and were sliding scale acco nhng to
,, indlcaUcns are tbat the pac--teanu. say that with towns and areas As a result, Utt South Viet· effort. putting himsetr undeniably on killed after sending lhe others
.' iliclUon prograrn to wln the Americans in the delta ar~·nd ••em now firmly In the ... "mese regular army with Its The PSOF works on the the government side." back wllh moot ol the precious populatia,i . .• -·· ls beg; •• ;.. to catch uu UI ·-I r u lo[[ The percentage or hamlets l""'l" -.. realize that one reason for government co.lumn, the effort reputation for looting and prem se o put ng cas De s p I t e this, PSDF weapons. witl'I elected offi cials is
' up with years of opUmistlc pacification successes ha s now must meet tM test ot mistreatment o( civllUms has weaPons in the hands of lar~e-members in defense ol their In the delta more lhan 1.1 surprisingly high in some
&taternenls from Saigon and been the relative inactivity or solid ifying government in-been removed from areas ly untrained civillan.s and glV· hamlets have shown little milliOO'l civilians have joined delta provinces with str~ng
i.. Washington. the Viet Cong since the <lf· fluence in outlying rural areas where the government is ing them part time defense reluctance to get in sOOoUng the PSDF and 437,000 have ac-Viet Cong influence, but Viel·
A year and• hall since the !ensives <ll last year. from which the Viet Cong trying to concentrate on mak.· duUes in their home hamlets. scrapes wJth the Viet Cong, cepted weapons. Countrywide namese offi cials have often in-
program virtually had to bt The ques tion 'is whether the have always drawn their ing friends and has been sent It appears to be working allh6ugh more often than not the total Is about 2.7 mill'lon dulged in gerrymandering to
begun again in ~ ashes of Communists have the abilit y greatest strength . out to do its primary job of despite feare It would be uir they have come orf second with roughly a third of lhem make their figures look better.
the 1968 Tet offensive. field lo repeat the campaigns of o.1 the plus side In the fighting. controllable: best. armed. In a li ke ma nner. American
workers still wince slightly 1968 and what will happen if overall picture is an increase Another plus is the creation "Whether the weapons are In one Bae Lleu village IO Cash incentives have been officials have also found
when they hear the o!ricial and when they do. The in· since Tet 1968 of more than of the Peoples Self Defense ever successfully used is PSDF with a meager supply of offered to hamlets and elected hamlet officials car-
' figure that the government centive is to gain ground l'.'ilh 155,000 Vietnamese men in the Force (PSDF), which, like the beside the point," said one ammunition chose to fi ght a \lillages which elect their own ried on the books in so1nc ~· controls 92.S percent of Viet-the pacification pro gram size ol the regional and .st.iffening of regional and U.S. ofllcial. "It ls more a stronger Viet Cong force officials, enabling them to get cases where the hamlet was
nam's popu]aUon. before it may be necessary to popular (local) forces and popular Forces, was an jdea political thing. which came to their hamlet. more money for self-help pro-Viet Cong cantrolled and the
Bnt these workers now have find the answer. their assignment for pacifica-that had been pushed unsuc-"Once a man accepts a When ammunition ran low, the jects. U.S. officials plan to in-officials lived elsewhere.
; langihle ~gns of progreM l~-~------------'-----'-----------------------'--------~---'----..:....------'---------------
never seen before as well as
plenty of problems st.ill to be
.. A lot of this prov ince is
pacified mainly on paper.
There's a Jot <lf preMure to
keep the figures going up,"
said a U.S. source in one Me·
kong Delta town. ;,But we
tiave been doing a lot lately
- just take a look around
)'OIJ ...
The Mekong Delta ricebowl
south of Saigon holds half of
Vietnam's rural population of
about 12 mill ion and is re-
garded as the birthplace of the
Viet Cong movement in South
Experts agree that if the
Saigon government is to defeat
the Communists, it must win
acceptanct: in the fertile pad-
dies and hamleU <lf the delta,
where the Viet Cong's roots
are deep.
-In Dinh Tuong province,
a problem area, it is now safe
to travel roads the Viet Cong
harassed at will both befor e
and after Tet. At the back·
woods district town of Vlnh
J(jm, where a year ago the
Viet Cong could come in to
kill a government supporter
and post his death sentence in
the town square, an Amer·
ican advi se r now walks
through outJying hamlets .at
night without a weapon.
-In An Xuyen province, a
tradltional Viet Cong strong-
tiold of the Ca Mau Peninsula
at the aouthem t.ip of South
Vietnam, pacification has
pushed into deep mangrove
1• s w amps untouched since
French colonial days. Amer-
icans were amazed when
7 .000 peasants ma(erlalized
\lirtually overnight to start a
new village in a recent pacifi-
~ caUoo area. "I think we may
have done a Jot to destroy the
m~ of the VC in Ca Mau,"
said a U.S. official \here.
-In Bae Lieu Provine•
w b tr e American advisers
were 1Ubject to ambush on
routine supply runs prior to
1968 Tet, major Viet Cong
units are now forced to base
themselves in neighboring
provinces. All roads are safe
._ and American and Vietnam·
ese officials travel remote
canals with only minimum se-
curity precaut.ions.
- Although well-informed
U.S. sources say that four of
the delta's 15 prov inces still
have 00 percent « more of
their population under Viet
Cong innuence, two provinces
are considered pacified enough
to require no troops other than
local security forces.
Despite such evident gains,
pa cification is a complex pro-
' cess in Y.'hich pluses and mi·
i nuses often do not appear in
, quick glances at slee py vii-
-lages that all lend to look
the same. U.S. sources sa y
the minuses are there. some
at the surface and <lthers at
various levels beneath it.
Among them are mistru st
of the government, corrupt
' <lfficials who have not been
. weeded out in periodic reshuf·
f!es, poor quality <lf some
~ cadres and security forces,
and the always present Viet
The biggest problem, ac.
cording to some U.S. sources,
ls failure to remove the Viet
Cong shadow governments, or
infrastruct\U'es as they are
known in Saigon jargon, even
after they are identified and
their members arrested.
Sources tell or one delta
province where almost 300
infrastructure members were
captured in six months. Yet a
committee or offlcials failed
to give • single ooe the two-
year aenteoce required to re-
move them permanently from
Ute province. Some went free
tbe day <lf their capture.
"Every member of the com·
mtttee is well known through-
out the province, and their
needs far money are known
also," said one U.S. IOOJ'tt.
· •'The infrastructure 11 worth
a lot of ptasters to the VC or-
pnlz.atlon, and there i!Lll'l
much attempt to hlde the
• bribery
; 0 As iooi as we tan to get
•. these people the war will nev.
t er rtop even If we 5top shoot·
-, Ing at eacb ot.htt. They will
lt.iJ1 hive the cadre they
.. PaclftcaUon teams. known f as Rrvolutionlr7 Development ~ ,(RD) cadnl, wltn tne job of
moving Into recenUy 50CUred
vOJaaa Ind showtn1 the pe~J
antJ the government I~ therl:
ID help ti.em. also could ""I ...,. pn>ppln( up.
''l'd·ll.ke to swt wlth what
I've gOI now, keep about 60
ptrtenl, weed out tne ,.st and j
~ ....,, aod I. .... "·
RUMP ROAST ....... -.......... u. 79c PORTERHOUSE :::ts' • ..ov ........ $)25 ~!~"~~8..~.".~.P.~ .............. i• $)29
Price~ me Discounled Except 011
foir-Troded ond Government
Controlled lfeffls,
CHUCK ROAST canunr ....... 1• 47' LINK SAUSAGE =.:W~u ...• 89c ~.~~.~~ .. '.".~.'.5. ....... -.u. $)59
SIRLOIN STEAK ................. u. 93c SAUSAGE ::::::.'::s ....... L,.• 33< !e~~£.~.~~.~.M..8.~~~~•<•n• 7 5 c •';¥,~• 7 3 C
BEEF SAUSAGE =·~~~~-.... 29c LEG OF LAMB "'"""'· ....... u. 89< ~~~A.~ t.l.~V.E.~ 8..~~~~ ..... , ... 85c RATH, HORMEL or SWIFT
79 !J!!!~~~-~-~-~-~~~~.~ .. 1~oz.r•'· 79c ~~!S!,~,!:1f.9~r....................... c
AND TlNDEIJIW .,,, •• , , • ,, , , , , , , • ti.
TntDll,JUltY, TMIClC
MEATED CNIClllNS •••••••••••••••••ll,
······39c ••• fU.VOI
. LB;
JUNIOR FOOD :l.~.:~~'. ... -........ 11'
FOO llKllllllJIJIAffHO 8' BABY D •1'1 01.,, ......................... .
ME Ts SWlfl'I 2S' BABY A 21\Gl.J•I ................... .
MJB COFFEE uou ..... 73'
MJB COFFEE,,,,,,., .. 'I"
MJB COFFEE""·"'·· '2"
MJB COFFEE ::;:.~~ .... •1 1•
FOLGERS \':'J:~~~~~.1 ..... 'l''
TASTERS CHOICE ••UlfDtllDtOfrU $VS I OJ.JAt, ••. ,., •• ,,,,,,
LIPTON INSTANT TEA,. •. , ......... '!"
.. ·kif Tk.Jt.-....
DU MONTE PEARSu ... m ...... _33'
V-B APPLESAUCE "'Lu ....... _ .... 19'
CHERRIES ::~t~:~;.-·············-·· ..... :29<
PINEAPPLE ~:~V:r.' f.~'.~~~~~ ............... 20'
P/A)110l.CAll .•••••••• 1
CRANBERRY JUICE ~~1~:~~~~ ........ ssc
APPLE JUICEll~~~;,, ...................... 6S'
DOLE DRINK •••r111UrPU1 ... rUllllT 35'
..OLU.11 ................. -·-·
STEWED TOMATOES :'!'o':.':'.'ol ......... 26'
POTATOES ::~~~~~.~~.~ ..•. .69'
GREEN GIANT PEAS ,.,.,, ........... .22'
• tflllllll 17 HARVEST DAY CORN UOL<........ '
~~~~;.~;~.~ ... 1.l•.••'-59c
:!'~':!~.(.~~ 68( wa.....11KU .............. 11.0t.t••·
lll('l'f 1UCR .. KQ. PICIU & .... 1110, 3 5 C
llAUlllll & <MUl •••••••••••• ..01. '''·
ltf1c.MAVO.tt1.tt•t ........ 01.nr
PILLSBURY BISCUITS 9' ~ & llOMI Sffl.l ••••• a.OLtlll
~~N~AMS $497
.... COl9 .... (IOAll'f "'' s ........ .
~!~.~~~~ ........... 01.tw 41<
~,':!~~ ............. a.ti.CW 34 (
~=~7~~.~~~&0LP•L 52(
14"411M......, ••••••.•••••••••• 11.or.
.' ' ·~· ................................ , <
.... { .;.,,. ~· ~~.~ . .;~;-
CUT GREEN BEANS;:::~~ ............ 2S'
REFRIED BEANS:.~~~;: ... _ ............ 29'
LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT "'L"• ..... 20'
CHILI BEANS :::l'.';;;~~ .................... 18'
V-8 JUICE::'~~ ........................... 42'
~ SHlllMP ~d.i~.~~ ....... -~ ... 43'
CARNATION TUNA ~t\:L ......... 36'
BEEF STEW :":i~~ .............. -...... 61'
DRESSING :~i.~~~-~.~-~ ........ _ ..... 42c
DEL MONTE CATSUPuoulC ........ 22'
... kif&,~-...
SAUCE ::rt::~.~.~~.1.~~.~~.1~~ ................. 27'
RIPE OLIVES LJNllSAf'lnlDLAl51 36' O""'" •Ol.(All, ............. ..
DILL PICKLES ::1o~~1.~~~~.1.~ ............ 45c
HEINZ RELISH;;',\';., ................... 31'
.,-. STUFFED OLIVES l:.~'ill~: ..... 49'
.., ~,. T ~ •
t• f ' ~ I
"' ..... "-'... 1 J ..
PACIFIC CRACKERS :-:0:~: ......... .3S'
Hl·HO CRACKERS ::s:r ..... -...... 37'
OREO COOKIES :::.'.':.~~ .......... 47'
BREAD ~::l':~:t.~.'.~.~.~~ ........ .31'
RAISIN BREAD :O::r".l:t.'. ....... -..... 33'
Our LOW Ever)dayPrice!
CIGARITTES ., ...... s30' 10 P'ACI CAI TON
(rt.VS fl.IQ
•r.t.c1~11 ttkl Mml ...... ,_,.
R-llOltU ........... ,,.,,,.,
BEEF STEAK ROAST USDA GRADE A ..... 49c CENTER 79c ······a3c WNOLl29c BODY • •• CUT ••• (HICICIN
BANQUET DINNERS ,.,.,. •. _ .. 37'
OH BOY BAG 0 PIZZAS .......... 89'
i<llfhl. l'fPPQOll~ UISAlll
SOLE FILLET ~:·:t·~;:~ ....................... 87'
BREADED SHRIMP ~~·r:::~.~ ........... 1sr:
JOHN'S PIZZAS \~";}~~::.~~.~~~-~~~ .. -... 79'
SWISS MISS PIES ,.,..,,, ............... 29'
111'1.I, PLl.(11, ClllllY, IOTHllllllY, PUlll'•lll, Mlll(I)
REAL WHIP ::U~~c111 ........................ Sl 1
KOLD-KIST GRAVY !l\'.'l:,~'.~ ........ 43'
BAGGED STEAKS ::l'i~~.' ................ 89'
COTTAGE FRIES 1:~~'.: ................... 28'
{!) ' •· .. kif Tk.jf. CORN CHIPS
ENCHILADAS VlllDllAMP flllJ,Clllll(. 40'
' Cllltlllll Jl'o DI.Pl5 ••• , ...... .
ALASKA COD :~~.0:1~~~: ............. -... 63c
WAFFLES ~~-~,:~.~~.~~~ ...................... 14c
BANQUET SUPPERS ,.,,,,,., ...... 'I"
UIU/illYT -Clll(llll lllD DUMPLlllOS)
ORANGE JUICE ~'o'~,~~~ .................. 27<
FISHSTICKS ::~~~~1•11:.~~~ .................. 65'
MEXICAN FOODS ~~,:~~~, .............. 49<
lllD anu IUlllfDLilHll(lllU IUlllTDL lllf TACOS!
HASH BROWNS ~!~:~:t ...... .,., __ ,29•
CORN ON COB :~::~~~ ................... 45c
ONION RINGS ~~~~!~, ..................... 45<
ri:.. ' •.. kif Tk.jf.
RUSK ET BISCUITS\~:.~::• ........... 39'
C H SUGAR 10WOlllDAllD l•OWll 17< & 1601.IOX ••••••••••••••••• , •••••
~ POPCORN :·~:.~':': .............. : .... 35c
CRISCO!:~~~~~,:~ ............................ " 37c
K CHOCOLATE llllfLH'IYllU.Of S7' Mil 1•01.101 .••.••••••••
SPAGHITTI ~~,~~.·.~~~~~~:~.~ ....• 75'
BOOK MATCHES :!~:.~'.~~~~-~ ..... 31'
ALPO DOG FOOD~:~~~::: ........... 30'
HOUSERQLD 119'1 .....• '
PAMPER DIAPERS ml':: ............. 83'
LADY SCOTT TISSUE ~::•::.".:~~ .. 26'
IVORY SOAP FLAKES ,,,, ........... 82'
SAL VO PELLETS !."~:.~':: ................. 74•
CHEER DETERGENT ................... 11'•
DREFT DETERGENT ,., ................. 82'
TOP JOB CLEANER \~':i~nc ............ 66'
SAFEGUARD SOAP ,.,,, .............. 20•
Ori RUG SHAMPOO ~~~~~c111 ......... '1 ••
... klflkf!.-...,
. ~ MIRY:laOD..llCts
FOREMOST SNO BALLS "'·"• .... 79'
NUCOA MARGARINE :~:.'.: .... -... 28'
COTTAGE CHEESE :~~i~:.''. ...... -.... S9'
LADY LEE BUTTER ~~'o'l~~~~~····-····79'
PAPER TOWELS \lm ................... 27' .----------~
SCOTKINS ::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~1.~~ ............ 17'
BAKING CUPS ::'c~::~'.~ ................. .'11'
JOY LIQUID ~;~:.11.\11~ ........................ 58'
Our LOW Ever)'dey Price!
Gladly Accepted
,, c...-~~~-·-·-
C rf!_~fG!/.
Stiel •• IR tllt 1••• tastiq
ca,,ity 1111111r tllat !las~'"',,,,. 66C tR 111r1 ell1ctlw1. &c 1lf 11 r•1·
lltr If JlllRL
' .
7Y2 FEET -213 TIPS
I h•f• 1111rt11111t 1f 238 .,~;101111 Jl,tts It wra,
,, 1111111111 1l 11tts..
Dtc' 1 tr11 1r 11111tl1 34 tlli•llf wit• 1lltttrl11 ••••tJ.
• WNIJI fllt
, •• lNO T"(l .Ut Ill IT lOW lV(IT
DAT ,llCE~ U IUCKT. $ ..,,,.,.,~.~.~.<:!~5. F_I~~. 118
I"" tllllUlfA 11.t.llD ....... .,, •• 11. Ctltrfll IC,llh II 1•• II 39c ~:_c•ttrJl••e•t1111,..r ~'?_~~!~~-~······ l•!~~10 39 C
6-ROLL CHRISTMAS WIAP A ••rrJ Mit lf ,.,., ,Oils
1.•• •••11s ltr •htltcth• "=:=AV:'O:'c::'"=O:'S:'A:'T ,,,'o='w':'l:=V=""O':='',.,'='=';;";;";,,' ='!
125-FOOT RIBBON . -'THEY A.l:f_ EXTll•·SAVlNGS "'""DE POSSll lE • .,
l~t. tltUJ ti••tl ii I ffl·59c AANUfA.CTUl:ll:'S lEMPOkARY Pl:OMOTIONAl ..,l• ary •l•l&'t Ctlm. t i • In, lOWANCfS ••• AOOING u~ TO (;1:(4 1[1: ~AVINGJ
It• ptlct. 'Ot 'l'QU •
"' ........... 1 ..... , ... ttt ... 11111.lt••J,.
Decked J1y
Flu Wave
28th St -On 'Ille lay -HEWPOU RACH
Phone 673 3450 Phone 549°103
SHRIMP Pttltd & Deytlned
t• La. IAG)
ttuitsday Otetm~r 11 1%9
p JH4'
The und~ <in•d doe• ce v ~e h tllf <Ive no • bu• ne•• 11 l~S No lrudw8V:
5"""""" t• l<lna nllt he l c o~ rm name o S II SPEEDY lSTAN
PA: NT NG CENT EA: end n~ ,~<I f
s CQmPG1'°' of tt.• lo low n~ Pe 51!1\
who1t n•mt n tu i nd p 1c1 o es dN•d
• •• lo ow• ~kPP' A:o ~· 3 16 !11h !t II
P~••dtne Ca o n • • 01 Oa ed Dtcember 3 1"9
Sk OP! Rm !•er
s 111 of Ct fe<n 1 0 ~n9e Coun v
ON D•cemllll 3 96' lle!o • "'' f No • v Pub c n •nd lo 11 d S111!'
11e son• tv 1P1>e1 ed s-potr Ro•tk~
known lo "'' lo bol Ille per$(lfl wl'IOt n1me 1ubst btd to the w II• n I•
•frumen 1nd 1cknow edg1d ht ex~ule>
h• ~~m~
Ma v IC H41> v
No • v Publ c Ce fornl•
o~ ~Coun v
Mv Comm •.,., Exp •• Novem~ar 14 un
Pub thed D .tnQt Cot1! DlllV " n
Ol'teMbt 4 l 8 l5 1t6' ,,,, ..
NOT ce IS •11:11 EBV GIVEN lo ~ °"" 10 ' o• h• ebove •Mm'd dece-dtn •! " ""'on\ hav not" m' 11q11 n\I ii.;
'" d d•tl'd~n• " • •Qu •d lo " h•"'I
w h hl' lltC~• " v ~outht • n he ot! i;;
Tht und~ 1lgne-d do.u ce ! Ir h!'I' .,
condll(I Il g a l1u1 ntu I 18211 M B•ICI!
c c ~ F~tm "" V1 er 9?1!Jt Calfof11la unde he I cl I ou1 f m name •
FOllMC IT INOUSTIUES end tl\111 1•~
I m i CO"'l>°'e-d of II• lo low 11!1 a• \Onll
whou: names n u Ind I> 1ce1 •
•s dtl!Cft I • 11 lo OWi
Jo••Ph O L"c•v l~ll? Mon ttllltr. San 11,..n11 C• ki n •
John S Nale 10<1 "'""b d9f. Le"" l>l•borC:tv CA on• 0•1.cl NoUt'l\l>I' I 1911,
Jo •oll 0•~11cer
John S Na • $!11 • of Ca fo .t Lb• lln~• • C911n v
0'1 Novembt-11 909 ~o • "'~ I
Noll v P b c n 1n<1 fo '"" Sl1ta
""' 1llll• .., .,,.,... NI Jo1e1>h Oe~''" •I'll:
John S Nele k!'IOW'I to me IO t. !ht
Ot WM Wl\Ol.t n1mt1 1rt 1ubl~r bfd ft
lie w h n n1 "'''""' •rid IC~llOW e-dll61 thev e•tcu NI ht ••m•
•• . ,, .....
' '
.llf DA!LY PILOT Thursday, Drcnn~ 11, 1%9
Sccw·ilY Nruues Nen' Officer
MESA MINI BIKE announces th11t
22•7 Hort.or, Cott. Mft•
T Mile SI. 1111 DI..-l"Nl-IY
I formerly Orange University I
For information c:ont.,ct
The Pepperdine School of L•w
12345 Westminster
Santa Ana, California
(714) 531 -8581
Application' 'hould be on
before December 20
247 Broadway
l .. u ... lffch -4f4·fl 74
Haurs: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Until Sony" Color TV ...
Better Color
was just a promise.
Sony simpllfied its TV system and
gotbettercolor. They call itTrinitron .•
Sony invented Its color TV as rt was
rneant to be: all colors are shot
ttvougti one big color gun .
The Trinltron9 system has a bigger
lens, too. Twice as large as other TV's.
With the larger lens you get a sharper,
btigtiter picture.
There are many ~ features too:
Automatic color control; tntegrated
contrast-color control; pictures stay
crisp and b(illiant at all points on the
screen ; all solki state circuitry for
greater reliability: contemporary wood
cabinet s.tyling.
Come in and watch the Trinitron
System with 12"' diagonal screen de-
hver 1 sharper, brighter, and a better
color picture. SONY.
Stop wafting for better Color TV. It'• herel
411 E. 17th St. @DAVIS -BROWN 646-1684
65,000 MILES?
Th, ••1re91 Am1•icen Wiii wel~
the! menv ll'lil11 in • lif1 tirn1. In
1dditio11 lo this hi1 f11t 1r1 sub·
j1ct to r11bbin9, tc11flin9, 1c•1p·
in9 1nd kick1, 11 welt •• b1in9
1xpo11d lo th• 1l1m1nh-•••n.
~1 11 end cold. Add to th is th•
cl1ilv friction b11ild!n9 up h1•I
i111;d, th1 1ho11 11111 norm1I
ll111in9 th•t t1k11 pl1c1.
It h 111y to ••• th•I, lo
\ltnd t he 1trt lfl ov1r the v•••I,
yow m111I 1-'lk• •~Ir e 1p1ciel ''''
of your f11f , W• ht•• 1 com·
pltlt Foot-Cer1 01p•rlm1nl in
our ph~•fft•tv lo h1lp you with
ov1rvd•v fo ol "''d1 .For 1p•ci1I
prebl1fft1 wilh veu1 f11t w1 ,I.
w•v• rtcomm•ncl you con111lt
with vour doctor or podi1ffi1l.
CAN PHONE US wh111 yeu 1111d
I d1liv1fy, W1 will dtlivH
p1ornp ilv w1tlo.eul 111tre ch 1r9 1.
A g11•t "''"" p1oplt rely on 111
for th1ir h1•lth 1111clt. W1 w1I·
f.011'11 r1q111th fer cl1 liv1•Y t1rv·
ic1 i nd cher91 •ccounh.
JSI HM,lt•I ltu41
N•w,.rt luch '42-1510
FrN DtlJwery
Complete-Ne'v Yori\: Stoek List •
a..i.i. '"' th.,,.J Httll L• CIW tl\t.
i;t~ ~i.( ;;· •• ,, . . ' r.n t :. ,,.,._ ~.
4 \\ -11· Jii l. -~. 't\I + '• i;i'-;-:.''
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23\11 -'• ~. + '• ,,~. -'• . ~,,, -'• 16\I -•; H'o ,,
321• -'· :io•o -:i-. ~-t '• 39\t '.
Jiili -""
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W ednesdar's Closing Priees-U.mplete New York
Late Buying Give s
Wall St1·eet Boost
NEW YORK (UPl)-Late buying helped stocks
to thetr best performance of the wet>k today, al·
thou~h declines still outnumbered advances by a
conS1derable margin Trading was moderately ac-
The UPI market indicator measunng all stocks
traded, showed a loss ol 0 50 percent while the Dow
Jones industrial average of. 30 selected olue chips
was up 0 66 at 784 45
O! the 1,601 tssues traded, 839 declined, and
479 advanced
Volume of around 12 n1ill1on shares \Vas about
1n line with Tuesday's pace
One analrst said the list "could go do\v n to 760
on the Dow, 1 'but be expected a rally before long
He pointed out that volume has belm relatively
light dunng the downtrend, an indication much
buying power on the stdelines soon may find its way
into the market
Motors were weak ln most cases General
Motors srud it will close 11 assembly plants for an
extra four days at Cflnstmas ChrysJer \vhose
sales so far m the 1970 model year are off 7 percent
from the year-ago pace announced 1t will lay off
28,500 workers dunng the holiday penod
Conglomerates, chenucals and steels generally
traded narro\vly
Stoek Exchange List
UAL Inc 1 UARCO I 10 UGI CP 170 UMC Ind n fJnarco 411 Un C•,.,P l Un C•rblllf' 2 Union Coro "' I"' l N
U!I I pf «I u" 1 pf•'6 Un l D"50 U11 I of ~ lln I D!l 50 UnOllC•l I flO UOC•I 110 50 ~~1~~1~1~ l
TllUP'$da1', Dtttmh.!' 11, 1%9
. ...... ,
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•. f • ' . .... 1 . . ..,;,{_ • • •·1· • ••••• ,• . . . . ••••• :.! •J. • • • • 1' f • • • • : . ~ ~· .. · • • • • • • •t· • • •
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• • •
J! • • • • • • •
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:· • .,.,I!-.,
' '
:. "''··· ...
A hoy ... ,loi11 !he (,1rnlf'r' n11 ci<'l k .~1 I .1 ... hin11 \~land nnd Sail into
I .1 ~hi o11 101· Chri~l 11lrl'.
See our gaily decorated Columbia 57 sailing boat now on the mall at
Fashion Island in Newport Center -Visit with Santa in his· Santa House
11 a .m. to 9 p.m. ·daily. (Noon to 5 p.m . Sundays}
Free parking for 5500 cars c lose by your favorite stores.
. ..........
---':; ISLAND
Pacific Coasl Highway belwttn lamboree and MacArthur, freew•y minu1 .. away.
, .
• •
··1-;·-· •r ... -·----·----•• ---. . • • . • • • • -
De·cathlon Record Within Toomey's Grasp
MOM, DAUGHTER }AKE TIME OIJT -Mary Rand and daughler
Alison (7) froli c og the infield at U(;LA's track stadium while Bill
Toomey toils 1owar~a world decathlon record. TOOmey.~nd Miss Rand
. ' ·'
4:09.6 fo1· lt'illiai,is
' f(. I
Bruiji Coacl1 Finds Ge111;
" .
Two of Elite ht Bowl s
,• • r • • : ~ -· Jim Bush, track and ~ie.ld _guide f9r the
UCLA· Bruins, has iTl' eye·-on· a gem he
dug up at Huntingtcn Beach •••. a young
man named Paul Williams.
Williams is a sophomore, yet he's
already bloomed as the Bruins' leading
distance triple threat after cutting a nifty
4:09.6 mile in practice Tuesday.
Bush feels his young phen om is capable
of going under 1 :49 in the 880, thinks he'll
run a mile in 4:05 or 4:06 and says Paul
will probably run the 440 in 47 secondS or
Not bad for a second year man.
· Bush says Williams' greatest assels are
"" i 4 i I 41 <WILUO fUOU0"4
•••••• •••••••••••••
attitude. de sire and the fa.ct he's. so
coachable. "He's the All· America.~
clean cut -just a fine young man.
reveals the Br u i n chlef, a former
Newport Shores resident. .
W i 11 i am s is ticketed for ru nni ng
primarily the 880 this year. although he is
a mile relay alternate.
* * * Two of the nation's exclusive 500 club
membership will be in bowl action New
Yeilr'a Day v.·itb Notre Dame (511 foot-
ball -vtctorlesl at the Cotton Bowl and
Michigan (518) In tbt Rose Bowl.
Texas bas a chance at becoming the
seventll school to record that many grid
wins In its history -U it can beat Notre
Yale ('34), Princeton ~598), Penn 15781
and Harvard ll77) are other memben of
~elite 1~.
* * * D11mmlt Defe11ded -Dear Sir: As tasteless as the UCLA badge and
the .SC banner was your column of Nov.
24. I cannot imagine what could have pro·
mpted such irrational comments about
Dennis Dumm.it. Irrational in that: how
can a quarterback throw wht.n .he i&-get·
ARCADiA -Santa Anita race tra ck
probably won't open its winter meeti ng
as scheduled Dec. ~ because of a con·
ltact dispute with parimutuel employes.
a nego.tiator for the track said W~cs
J ack L. Speyer. labor relation.! direc-
t.or for the Federation <J.. California Rae.
Ing Associations, said negotiatlMJ ~
t~·ecn the £ederalion and Pari-Mutuel
Employes C".ulld of California Locfill 280
are deadlocked.
Union pre ldent ChRrlc!i Mahoocy re-
tused lo comment on the situation.
ling "creamed'' as you so elegantly put
it? '
I always thoughl the front line was sup-
posed to give the quarterbJJck time to.
throiv. \\lould Nader have had more time,
or Andrusyshyz n?
I also question the rationale behind
such an attack on a 21 year old playing
his first season for UCLA. The tone of
your colun1n w::is such that it might ha ve
been taken as the ""·or k of a freshman
sta ffer of the Daily Trojan but h::irdly as
that of an adu lt writing £or an objective
nC\YSpapcr ..
SC won thC game' in the last t.wo
minutes fron1 a tean1 you characterized
as "about as Consistent as a drunken dart
thrower." JfJ.t \Vas so hard for mighty SC
to win against such a team. then how can
they poss ibij fare against the team Iha\
beat Ohio State? Perhaps they will
"merit only one thing -defeat."
\Vindmi ll-tilting letters such as mine
usu all y have no effect other than voicing
the frustration of thr writer. However, I
hope in this case it pr ompts you to
reconsider what you ,.,.rote.
Costa Mesa
Veteran Coach
Ham1u111 New
Rockets Bos!_ ..
SAN DIEGO IUPI) -Alex Hannum ,
who Jed Oakland to the American Basket·
ball Association lille last yea r, was nam.
ed Wednesday lo succeed Jack McMahon
as·coach of National Basketball Associa·
Uon's San Diego Rockets.
tlannum, a veteran of I I years or NBA
and ABA coaching, will handle the
Rockets fOl' the next l\.1-'0 seasons. lie will
make his debut tonight when the Rockets
oppose Allanta at the Sports Arena .
Hannu m leU the Oakland club when it
moved to Was hington. D.C, U1is year. H~
previously co::ic.hed SL Louis, Syracuse,
San r~rancisco and Philadelphia in the
NBA ::ind com~iled a 458-366 won-lost
record' over Those 10 seasons.
McMahon was fired Tuesday arter the
Rockets compiled only a 9-19 rrcord arter
finishing fourth in the Western Division
last year. lie blamed selfishness or his
plaYCrS eausir\g 'the ttam to play as in.
dividuals instead of as.a unit.
''The sad part of this is that my very.
very good friend Is the coac.h who is le~n··
ing," Hannum said.
"r broke him in as a rookie at
Rochester and we were roomies there."
Regarding aneged lndlviduallsm of the
players, Hannum said. ''l have an open
mind and am Inquisitive as to whal they
can do pllifing basketqall t1nd playing
together. Whal went on in the pasl
doesn 't co~rn me."
After tonight's ga1ne the Rockets to on
a one-week road trip. Hannum said this
would give him a chance: tn ll ve with. the
!lam for ll wee.k so UM:y could learn a lot
aboul each other.
1968 Olympic Champ
S.hould Do It . Today
plan to be nlarr icd \Vedne sday.
Olympic long jump.
DAILY l'ILOT l'ltGl9t '' Ciltll11 W~ltt
r..1i ss Rand' won the 1964 \Vo1nen's
'"6t ... DliW ,. ... '""'
Wq'CWOOD -Barring some Un·
loftse<n dlsasltt, Bill Toomey should at
long last lay chllm to the world decathlon
record as he competes today at UCLA in
ttte rinal five events o:f the two-day com-
The fonner La~una Beac.h resident
needs 3,172 JJOints today, which would
elve hlm a total of 8,320, one m<ft than the current global standard held by West
German Kurt Bendlin.
Toomey put together five !11rong
performances \Vednesday to chalk up
4,448 points. He's 93 ahead of ttis llrsl day
total two months ago when he chalked up
an American record 8,277.
However, today's remaining hall of the
schedule includes three of his weaker
events -pole vault, discus and 1,500
meters. The latter has been his downfall
twice In the past two 'months as he ha s
had a pair of near misses at Herr
Bendlin's mark.
Toomey was highly pleased, ii not
tired. after Wednesday's show.
"I'm in good position." he admitted
when as ked what he £elt his chances are
for the record.
"I was especially pleased with the shot
and the 100. But the high jump was im-
portant., too." Toomey came within a
whisker of being shot down in the higtt
He had twice missed at s.21,:. He ad·
justed his approach to the pit by slowing
it down and barely slipped over the bar
on his final try. In fact, the bar quivered
for several seconds as he brushed it going
Then it wm raised to 6-4 ... and he
zoomed over on ttte first attempt. The
difference between clearing M and the S.
1 he might have had lo settle for was 80
-vital points.
' You knew he was going to be a strong
LIFETIME BEST -Bill Toomey unloads a life-
time best of 47 feel 21A inches durjng Wednesday's
shot pu't competition, one of five decathlon events
contested that day at UCLA. The former Laguna
Beac h Oiy'mpic champion returns to the Westwood
institution today with a great shot at Kurt,Bendlin,'s
wo rld record.
35tli Year in Coachiiig
' Brown AFL Coach of Year
NE:W YORK (AP) -Venerable Paul fo r runncrup ~fadden, Urst.-year pilot of
Br·own. whose precocious Cincinnati Ben· lhe powerful Raiders. Striim, who won the award last ~ason, gals became gian t killers while sLiU in the drew ~ix votes and Rush, another
cradle, h'is been named the American treshmiu1 head coach. got the remaining
football League's Coach of the Year. thrtt Jn the balloting of a committee of
The t 6t•yea)..old· sultnn or the old sports writers and SQOrt.scastcrs -three
Cleveland Browns dynailty, who.came out,_ fror.i each AFL city~ · ,
or rttil'~ment last year to l•ther Cin·• Brown's 1968 'Bengal5, a collection of
clnnall 's AFI. expansion club, beat out•· expanilon drtft' Cast.aways and untried
Oakland 's Jolm Madden, KaniM~ City's ro:>kln, won1 three games -matching
Jlank Stram and Boiston's CUv Rllllh in • tht·best pre.vious first.year finish for an
the Annual .Coach of the ¥enr poll con· f!xpanslou team. I
ducted by 1'hf: A~lated Preu . This year, with ooly seven Gt"-(he 40
Brown, n111rklng Ills 361h year as a borderline players from the txpanslon
cmich • with stunning vlcl.Orles over draft slUI on their roster, tho Benials
Oakland and Kansas City. the Jcague'a t..'Qualled last se;ason'11 vktory total In
jugge rnauts, received 12 votes, to nlne their first three starll, knocking off
Miami, San Diego and Kanaas City
behind the Hot puslng hand of rookie
Greg Cook.
An arm injury shelved Cook the foUow-
lng week, however, and CincinnaU lost
lour straight before the ~fOot-4 tdgnaJ..
caller returned to enatneer a 31·17 coup
against the Raiden.
Although the Bengab have not. won
since then. their early maturity in lhe
tough Western otvlsk)o has b e e n
testimony lo Brown 'a: coaching skUb:.
"We went prim&rlly with youpg players
IMst year and "'e'll conUnue ·to do the
s11me tttls season," he had promised at
the ouUet. "We're buUdlng. and we lfOP'\
mortgage our futurt lD any way.11
, contender for Bendlln's mart just to
watch him confidently move about He
opened the day with a 10.3 for the 108
meters, then came right back to long
jump 2>5 ~'?.
All three jumps were %5 feet or better.
He got off a lifetime best o( 47-21/4 In
the shOt and v.wnd up the afternoon with
a creditable 47.1 in the 400. He felt be
went out too rast in the latter.
He nearly lost that lifetime be st sho't
pot when an official erroneou s ly
measured the heave as 46-9. Fortunately,
Toomey had gone over lo watch the
\Vhen he noticed the official wl.:l
measuring from Ute outside instead of the
inside of the ring, be asked fot"
remeasuremenl and the error wu
discovered. It was worth eight points
more than the shorter distance.
Competitor Barry King noted that
Toomey had the right start and the right
attitude for breaking Bendlin's record.
And fiancee Mary Rand .•• Toomey1s
bride·to-be Dec. l? •.• says Bill iii the
best prepared mentally and physically
that she's seen and also says he seems to
be more determined than usual.
So today tells ttte story for the 1911
Olympic gold medalist.
The 110 meter hlgtt hurdles, pole vault.
discus. javelin and theri the grind ci run-
ning the metric mile -1',500 meters?
That's all that. stands between. .him and ~ wOl'ld record. · , 1
His other compeUtors !lf.e far'i>e)tlnd;.
George Pannet of Weiltnonl :eoueae hai
3,801. John Warkentin.of FreiAo S\lte has
3,796 and King tallied 3,758 ...
Pannel's, marks include: 100 (10.9)~
long jump (21·101,~); shot·(4f.2Y4); high
jump (:>!Olio); 400 (49.1 ,).
Warkentin's were : 100 (11.3);· long
jilmp (2i-2Y•): shot (16-9%); high jump
(~): 400 (19.2).
King's e£forts : 100 (11.Z); long jump
(Z2·51/4): shot {&3-5); high jump (&411/4);.
400 (51.6). .
And Toomey: 100 (10.3): long jump (1$-
51,!): shot (47-2'14); high jump (6-4); 400
nesota· Twinl announced today a major
four-for-two player trade, involving
pitchers Dean Chance of the Twins and
~ Tiant of the Cleveland Indians.
Tiant and Stan Williams, another right-
h&nder, go to the Twins Jn exchange for
Chance, outfjelder T~ Uhlaender, in·
fielder • outfielder .Craig Nettle,, and :1;
player to be named later.
BOcJ1 .Tiant and' Chabce had o(f.years in
1~. but rant . ID)Ol!C the top right'
handers in the Ame~n league.
' . .
Rruns to Start
Sweetan .at QB
Against Lions
LOS ~GELES (AP) -Karl Sweelan,
fofl'1er .Llons quarterback who 110\\I'
operates In the shadow of Los Angeles
star Roman Gabriel, will start against hia
okl teammates Sunday when the Rams
visit Detroit.
"We'll probably start Karl and play It
by ·ear from there." Los Angeles Coacfl
Geor" Alltfi l said Wednesday, adding
that the .reet of'·tbe starting lineup woukl
remain generaUy.mtact although many ol
the reserves would be used extensively.
"One of the rewards of clinchlng yollt
division early i.!i the fact that you can
rest some of your regulars," Allen said.
... "If I don't do it Sunday, I may regret
It." The game is the Rams' last one on
the road. They close the season againat
the visiting BaltilllOl'e Coll!. •
"But this doesn't mean we're not goln1
all· oul to win," Allen quickly added. "As
you know, I can't stand to lose."
All<n has aold be would like to givo
""'"' of hit atanera time to rest up for
the Western Conference champlonshle game Dec. 27 in Mlnnesota between thi
Rams, Pacific Division winners, and tht
Vikings, the Central Divis.ion champs.
BOth teams are oow U-1 as a result of·
last' Sunday's 20-13 Mi1Ule90ta• victory
ovei: Los Angele.. Detroit ls 7-4-1 Jn lbt ~ J)lviston.
The Lionl, holly pursued by Green Bay,
need a victory· to ..sure themJelves . .._
se«>nd-place flnllh.
Gabriel, 2t, hasn't been a backu~
quarterback In four years. Jt was In tbi
lOtb game of 1115 -the club was en
mrte to a dismal 4-10, aeventh-pllft
seuon -th1t 8111 Munson, now the 1JOftl
startlnc -· Injured a lmee and 1ave way to 1toman. • ,.
Slnce then he11 •tarted 51 consecuUve
game1. The llama bave drowed but II tC
them. MWllOO WU traded to Detroit 11111
year while Swt<tan, n, moved to N-:w
Orleano, then to Loi Anplu bdore the
Start of lhll HUOl1. .-
Sinc.t t.hen Karl bu made rew •
pcarances on the field.
"S-lan has ..,..ked V.ry, very bonl
and he '• lmprovlnc," said Allen. •·1111o
llke his atUtude..11 ...
~f DAILY PILOT Thursday, Dtctmbet 11, 1969
KC Await
OAKLAND (AP) -For the American
football Le.ague's title-questing Oakland
Raldert, this has been the year of the
w\de receivers, and they're drilling hard
to keep it that way in their "game of the
siason'' against the Kansas City Chiefs
b&e Saturday.
Just one-half game se?atates the
Raiders and the Chiefs in the Western
Division. Oakland holds an ll·l-1 rte0rd
and Kansas City 11-2.
\\'ith Daryle Lamonica . throwing the
ball-snaring dua of Fred Biletnikoff and
Warren \Velis has taken one of every four
catches into the end zone thus far in 1969.
They've accounted for 26 of Oakland's 44
.ouchdowns, ,scoring 156 points belY.·een
'Each exceeds every other receiver in
footbalt in catching touchdown passes.
With Y.'ells' 82 points and Biletnikoff'_,
72; they're one-two in AFL aerial tallying.
'Against Cincinnati last Sunday, Wells
caught tv:o from Lan1onica f o r
touchdowns and Biletnikotr one.
For Lamonica, the luxury of such
dependable selections has helped n1ake
him the circuit's ''player-of.the.year."
He's now vo'ithin three of the AFL season
scoring pass record of 36.
Lamonica says \Velis \\'as ahead ot
Blletnikoff Sunday because, on one pat-
IQ"n designed for Fred, Warren "fein~
a· young Cincinnati defender out of his
sl;loes" and was running so freely the tar-
get \\'as shifted "for a cinch six points."
"Against the Raiders potent aeria1
gimc, the Chiefs are exJ>t;Cted to depend
again on their hard-runrung ground at·
tack. ln a previous meeting, Nov. 23,
land beat the Chiefs on their home
nds, but K3.nsas City coach Hank
s ·am declared after the game that his
c ges had beaten themselves.
ak1and coach John Madden said
sas City showed enough that was di!·
f . ent ip that contest for his players to be
a1'rted to the possibility that "anything
cp.Tt happen."
Usually, he said, In playing a team a
~nd time "you get a ~tu: ~over;
l'dth Kansas City everything is differenL
' ' '
iJN $1,250 BOND
'.LONG BEACH -\Vorld lightweight
boxing champion Mando Ramos was ar-
i'aigned. Wednesday in Long Beach Court
op a charge of marijuana posse6Sion and
ordered to retum to enter a plea Wednes-
Ramos, 21, free on $1,250 bond, also
faces trial next Monday in nearby San
Pedro MwUcipa] Court on a charge of
~nken driving.
' ' '
ACES COOLED -Marina High's one-two punch of Rick Mosier _(23)
and Kipp Baird (45) was contained Wednesday at Compton H 1 g h
when Tarbabes failed to get referees for the ~ame -thus no c~ntest.
Marina however has a shot at Compton 1n the 41st Huntington
Beach invitation:it next wei?k if it can get by Edison in first round
. Sports Clipped Sliort
~hapman Helps Sink 49ers
lAs VEGAS -The University of
!ada at Las Vegas, led by former
ta Mesa High and OCC star Bruce
pman, dumped previously unbeaten
g Beach State 86-82 Wednesday night
if,non-conferenre basketball action.
ng Beach played without 6-7 super
s r Sam Robinson, \lo'ho hurl his hand
d ing practice this week.
he Rebels took the lead lloith 14:31 left
1 the first half on a jump shot by Tom
\ tklns and never were beaded. Tiley
a 1G-poin1 lead with 1:50 left in the
g e.
hapman, 6-tl. scored 24 points,
tkins, 20, and Lou Snlall had 22. Billy
,Jan kins scored 19 for Long Beach and
George Trapp added· 14.
BOSTON -·The Los Angeles Lakers
literally Dad their last ball game stolen
from them by the Boston Celtics in Na-
tional Basketball Association action.
The chief thief was Emmette Bryant.
.,...ho stole the ball away from the luckless
Lakers eight times \Vedncsday night, in
addition to scoring 25 points. .
The Celtics were sailing along looking
like the last place club they are. in the
NBA Eastern Division, when they went
on a scoring craze. The Lakers \\'ere
leading 64-58 and the time was fi ve
xt1·overted Tiger Quits
s Clemson Grid Coach
I ..
EMSON, S.C. (APl -Frank
ard -the bald, slow-talking ex·
ert of the Dixie gridiron -is retiring
• head football coach at Clemson
·versity after SO years at the pogl
ith typical candor he told a news con-
nce Wednesday that the decision
ll not what l wanted personally b~t
t 1 think is best ror Clemson ."
he 6().yeaMJld Howard said he \\'ill
on u athletic director and a suc-
as coach will be named by lht:
of the year.
the 1Ut lhrtt decades, lloward has
more rames than aey current ~h
stJ1l)e major c:ollege. Hia record is
victories, 118 losses and 12 ties. llis
of Uw!. Atlantic COasl Conference
a 4-6 recOrd this season.
I had to do It iOOnet or later," he
Jattd, "aod the reports gel out C\.'eTY
and it ruins m,y recruiting. The only
we're ever going to build up rs to get
t:h Jn·bcre. wbo isn't rttirlng every
-thal his bealth "Is as good J1 ever: sa.a'' and thal il was not 1 f10o
arcl ·-lfdged lhot Florlda
Coach Biil Pt\mOfl had been of.
tht job as his .-r. but "lhal
ngement dld not work 'out. ·•
dremtt1l rumors reached lheir
~th arttr Clemson wound up this
Milson with a 27-13 loss to «ch T'l val
~ "" .
Soult-Carolina .
"I'll retire \vhen I gtt good and rct1d y
and not be£orc," Howard said at that
time with some gruffness.
"No," he added quickl y, "1 didn't say T
would be Ctlach next yea r. 1 just said I'll
retire when I get good and ready.··
t1'le colorful !To.,..·ard has been know n
for years as "the Bashful Baron of
Bar\ow Bend.'' a J"C!ference to his place of
birth in Alabama.
The nickname also belies his pench:1nt
for storytelling _and off.the-cu ff "'it,
delivered iD the rich speech or his native
When Ho"·ard. then an a!tsistant, "·a~
told he had been no111inated for head
coach, he quipped, "I second the no1nina· tlon ... '
In his stint as coach and athletic dirCC·
tor. Howard c.'tn1t'>11tcd Clemson's place in
big lime college lootball. Thl• Tigers had
~n ln only one post-season bowl berorc
his takeover. The)' "·ent to six bOWls
under Howard. winning rour.
In addition to his o\'erall TttOrd. his
tea1ns have the bc!st re!Ct>rd In the Atlan-
tic Coast COnfercnct slnct It v.·as formtd
in 1953. T'bat record Is 62·29·2.
Howard took ClemsQn lo the Gator
Bowl In 1949: to the OrRflRe Boy,·! In 1951 :
to the 1952 Gator Bo\\'l J:'.llmt>: the the
1959 Sugar Bowl; and the 195~ Blue
Bonnet &wt
Jn :.o of HO\\'Rrd's 8"ason~. the Tigers
won more games than they losl. • •
minutes into the third period.
Four minutes later the Celtics, Jed by
ball-swiping Bryant, had scored 19 more
poinl6 to just four by the Lakers for a 71-
68 lead, They went on lo a 111·99 victory.
GREENSB ORO, N.C. -Lawyers for
American Basketball Association star
Doug Moe announced Wednesday that
Moo had filed a $2.5 m.illion suit against
the National Basketball AssoclaUon.
The sui t in behalf of lhe hlgh·scoring
Carolina Cougars forv.1ard was filed in an
Atlanta federal c:ourt. It accused the NBA
of denying Moe the right to play NBA
hall because of allegations that he failed
to report contacts \vith gamblers in 1961.
MOc was a standout for the North Car-
olina Tar Heels at the lime the report.!
circulated. The charges were never for-
mally presented or proved, ?<.Joe's suit
NE\V IIAVEN, Conn. -Yale Unlversl·
ty faced possible expulsion from the
Eastern College Athletic Conference and
disc iplinary ac tion by the National
Collegiate Athletic Association ror con-
tinuing to use an ineligible basketball
Kno.,..·ing ii might eventually have to
forfeit the ga1ne. Yale used the player In
question, 6-foot-8 Jack Langer. for 12
minutes in Wednesday night's 75--65 Ivy
League victory over Brown at
Providence, R.l. He scored six points .
Earlier in the day, Yale had been
censured by the ECAC for using Langer
in its fi rst two garnet, both defeats,
agalnst Fordham and Connecticut. The
Elis next play Saturday at Holy Cl'06s.
There apparenUy will be no rurther ~
lion against Yale until the NCAA Council.
including the eommilt.ee. on ll'lfracUons
begins a week-long meeting I n
\\"ashlngton. D.C., Jan. 9.
ClflCAGO -HOUAton, Clev,land. Bur.
falo nnd Portland, Ore . ." remain in Ole
running as 1970-71 expansion cities as
the National Basketball As!IOClaUon (toes
trom 14 to 16 c:lubs.
Commissioner Walter Kennedy. after fl
St'1;!lon wilh club awners Wednesday, seid
3nn'luncement of the two new fr•nchlses
will be made at a meeting In Philadelphia
J an. 18. h\'O days before tha All.Star
£Rn\l' tlltre.
One 11oon:e said llou.\ton and Cleveland
liave the insidt track.
Compton ·can't Beat · Vikes
-But Streak Stays Intact
a. ... ci.llr '"" ... "
COMPTON -If the Marlna w.ii
School track and ....,ball !<ams follow
the pattern established by the Viking
food>all and b~ketbaU teams, they can
count on at Jeast ane game being 1ehedul·
ed. without officials a.ssigned to work the
Coach Jim stepbens took his wen.
balanced Marina quintet to Compton
High Wednesday afternoon for a game
with the most talked a bout team in CIF
annals -ane that has won 63 straight
The two teams dressed and moved to
the court for pre-game wannup drills and
a large crowd filed In to witness the ac·
tioo. It was predominantly a home crowd
with only a handful of Marina boosters.
Game tim,t of 3:15 came and passed
and -y_ou guessed it -no officials show·
ed. Unlike the football game with South
T01Tance, this one was pressure packed
wlth the Vikings given an e.1cellent
chance of halting the Compton win string.
No calls for volunteers were sent out.
Coaches Stephens and Bill Armstrong of
die Tarbabes mel with athletic directors
Tift Recalls
Road Hazards
Basketball is a game played indoors
before Wildly enthusiastic, partj'san fans
and when you are 1,500 miles from home,
the 'odds grow out or proportion many
Coach Tim Tift and his UC Irvine
basketball team found this to be the case
on their two-game junket to Nebraska
and Colorado early this season, especially
in the CornhtJsker state.
Midway through the second half, with
the home team leading by a JG-point
margin, Steve Sabins (Anteater guard)
stole the ball at midcourt from AU·
Conference candidate Marvin Stewart
and drove for the basket.
Stewart hastily chased the lrvine star
and grabbed him from behind before he
could get the shot off, the' two tumbling to
the floor.
They came up swinging. according to
Tift, and immediately players from both
teams squared off against each other.
"The oQds were a litUe against us,''
Tift relates. "Something like 8,000 to 13
when fans started ooto the noor."
The Irvine coach then showed his
humorous nature by staling he remained
calm on the bench while assistant Jerry
Hulbert raced to midcourt like a 9.6
"When he reached midcourt, ~ _had
sl1>wed to a trot after looking at the fans
pouring out of the stands. And when he
reached the action, he was yelling, 'get
those dirty UCI guys'."
It took eight to 10 minutes lo restore
order and after that fans kept throwing
things (like pennies) on the noor.
"I think they Jost some or their com·
posure and that the delay helped us," Tift
recalls. "We closed the gap to one point
in the last eight minutes and they were
lucky to win."
Turning to the Colorado game, Tift
"lt Is easier to play in Colorado but it
is still tough. There is so much com-
petitiveness in the Big-8 they boo
automatically regardless of who they are
"The crowd {6,000) 1vas farther from
us and it didn 't bother us that much when
they booed our starters as they were in-
troduced before the game.
"W~ got off to a much better start in
Colorado and the of£lclating was as good
in the first hall as you could expect
anywhere. They did make a few bad calls
in the second half but nothing like
Gonion On-ll!d Jack Kennedy al the
edge ot the court and reporters began to
safff a shafu.
"It's my fault enUrely/' Compton
athletic director Orr said. '"The game
wasn't scheduled until this season and In
a haste to get oUiciala assigned, I had
our secretary tall lbe CIF office and ask
for officials.
"I didn't follow up with a written re-
quest and that is where I made my error.
I will take the entire blame."
A brief discussion between the rour
men was held to check the posslbjllty of
Compton school instructors who are·
qualified officials working the game~
"I don't think it would be ,.ise to use
your officials," Stephens told the group.
"l woukl rather not play than use these
men and I know they would be on the
spot. You have a fine streak going at
Compton and this is no way to jeopardize
Armstrong and Slepbens tried lo work
out a time for rescheduling the game but
when they left the gym, no definite date
had been determined. It definitely will
not be in the immediate l_uture although a
confrontation b{!tw,een the two teams
looms next week.
Compton is scheduled t.o face Magnolia
and Marina is playing Edison in first
round action in the Huntington Beach
tournament. If both win, as e.1pec:ted,
they would meet an Wednesday night in
the Marina gym in second round com-
Compton, in the meantime, has two
other games this weekend in Lompoc and
Cabrlllo but isn't expected to have too
much difficulty in either one.
"I am disappointed because we couldn·t
play in a way,'' Stephens stiid. "But it
might be better the way it has turned
out. Now we will play them the first lime
in our own gym.
"The big Lhlll( about II la Iha! lhey
have only bad one pme before today and
we have played four. By the ~ we
meet next week they will have at least
three more games and I am sure this will
help them."
The Marina mentor 1lao quelUoned the
mental aspects ol the situation. "Our kids
were delinlt<ly ready to play today and I
don't know just bow much they will get
up the next time. And we can't overlook
Ectisol!, either. They have a fine team."
But the crowning blow for this reporter
came on the parting statement of Ken-
nedy : '
"Yau did a great job ol officiating our
football game but this is going too far.
How many more games are you assigned
to this year that involve Marina?" be
asked in a jesting tone.
lt was our pleasure t.o work as referee
of the Martna.SOUth Torrance football
game but there was no way we would
volunteer for such a chore as faced of·
flcials in Compton on Wednesday. ·
And we did see the Viking football
team later in the year from a seat in the
press boz: as we hope to do with the
Marina basketball team on numerous oc-
·Casions during the balance of the current
When the Vikings left Compton to
Teturn to the confines ol their own gym-
nasium for a workout, no commitment
had been made for rescheduling the
The coaches talked of playing tt It
season's end between conclusion of the
league season and participation for ooe
or both in the ClF playoffs.
That's where it stands at the moment
with no chance or an early meeUng other
than in the Huntington Beach tourney
next Wednesday.
Fullerton, Fresno
1967, '68 State Titlists
Collide for '69 Crown
'f\YO schools seem to have a lock on the
California state junior college football
championship in the large school division.
This is the third year of the playoffs
and the two combatants at Anaheim
Stadium Saturday night were the winners
in the first two such tiUe games.
Coach Hal Sherbeck's F u 11 e r t o n
~ornets won the first time around by an·
nihilating American Ri\'er, 41.0, In the
Last year it was Fresno winning the
championship by defeating East Los
Angel~s. 16·7.
Apparently the hvo teams decided it
1vas about time Lo seltle the dispute about
No. I ranking in the state and both have
reached the finals this season .
While the battle on the football field is
of primary concern to both schools at the
moment, a long standing argument has
been ¥.'aged between them for about S5
Fullerton Junior College opened its
doors in 1913 and has been going strong
ever since. The Hornets lay claim to the
title of being the oldest two-year com-
munity college in the state.
Fresno City College opened In 1911 and
then closed down for several years.
Ho\\'evcr. Fresno claims it is the oldest.
\Vhatever the case of the longevity of
the two schools, superiority on the foot·
ball field can be detennined in quick
* * * The 1961 1eason was 1 peculiar one
for the Rams of F~sno. After dropping
three of thelr fint four games, the
Rams came on strong to win the VaUey
Conlerentt wltll a 5-t record. The
overaU regular season was 6-3 but don'&
let that fool you.
One good example ls the aeries wllll
College of the Sequoias. In a practice
game just before start of league play,
the Ram1 lost a Zl-11 decl1lon. But ia
the last game or tbe regular season,
Fresno scored I resounding 54-7 victory
over the same learn.
If this isn't proof enough, the Raml
demolished a strong LA Harbor team,
36-13, in playoff action. Harbor had lost
to Orange Coast by one point and the
Pirates defeated Fullerton by a similar
Fullerton fans can look for an
outstanding passing game engineered
by All-America quarterback candidate
htike Rasmussen and a 1toat defense.
Rasmussen is a left-banded thrower
and does· a bit Of r11nal..a1 Mt ket:p tlM:
opposition bonesl
• * * UC Irvine freshman basketball coac!i
Jerry Hulbert may have the greatest col4
lection of first-year stars yet assembled
at the Anteater inslilulion.
The fQrmer Orange Coast captain wi ll
send his charges into action Friday night
in the Pirate gym and on Saturday night
will take them to San Diego State to fact
snother of his alma maters.
Kf 7-2545
#I. El.AN SKIS. lnt11loc.lr •d911 -pl111tic top •d91 .,.;th 1•lo·
l'!lofl •••P ill blndi119 I: ... IT pol•1. $51 .90 v1lu1 , , , , SJ4,9S #2. A&T GLASS SUN \/ALLEY SKIS. C1lte• top, l'o1.,m;c , bot •
to~l11t fib1t 1t1:11fo•ctd-Step i11 bi11di"9· A& T Pole1.
e FI SHING -l rownin9 Si1.fl111. G1rci1, Sh•k11p11r1 1od1 •
11111, Tow111111d Fl1h Sklrin111, Fhll11,,,•n't F111nd, 17·i11-I Tool.
l ittl1 Clli1f s,,,0.111 •.••...•. , •••.•••••••••••••••• Sll.H
e GUNS -~row11i nt , W i11ch11+.1, lt1lflintton ,S1.,•t•· 12 91,
d11ck & ph1•1•11t lo 1d , ••••••• , • , , •••• , • , , •••• , • S2,lt h a IOI .IS .. ,111•. • •••• , , •••.• , •. , •.... , ..••..•.••.• S79.9S * IOOT HEADQUARTERS-FINEST IN LEAlHElt I Pl.ASllCS
Nonlfc1 -ltl1k1r -Molitor -lto11,,,ont -L•n91 Cfrom
SJl.St ,_ $161.00J. S•le ~ .,., l•119• St1"d•rd1 •••• S6f.IO * NEW KILLY HEAD SKIS
Ad .,•11c1d 100 S•rl11 •• , , , • , ••• , , ••••• , •.••••• , •• 1200.00
f11c r••tio111I •06 S1ri•1 •.••••.• , ••••• , ••••• , , • : •• St 65.H
Al10 Hert, ICn•l111, Fich11 ,Volk!, Ro11 i9n1I. Vetil, m•"Y "'011.
TH E NEW LOOK "0 .. 11 Thi l oot" S~i P'""
Th. "'"' f•1hio11 loo• +hit 1•11on -•~d "'or• COll'lfort tool e1;,,,;,,.t,, do ... 11 pull -
SAlf -1910 o ... , Tll• l oo+ Ski P1rih -'/1 'IUCE AT S19 .tl
Ln11a1oov 11111ired·l11st1n1t Credit-Gift Cert i/fcatcs·Ba nk
e-CAMPING -Z•bco Sptc• H11t1r ••• ,, ••••• tr.. Sit.ti
C•'"P fool 11h, Woolrlch J1ck1h I Shirl1,
SPECIAL -Voit Swi111 M•••• • , ••••• , , •••• , ••• , tr.. Sl.Jt
SPECIAL -Voil I BLEM·~ -Duck foot Ffn• • , • , •• , ••• St.ts
e GOLF -VOIT CELEIRIT'I' Compl•I• 11i. W1od•. lron1, P11f·
t1r, 1·l•9•, 11111, CoW1rt. V1111 $267.JI , ., ••• SALi S1Jt,tl
e TENNIS-METAL RACQUETS (All 1f th1ml •• "9111 SJ:J.tl
KN IT TENN IS SHORTS Sp.s11ji•11 ••• ·····•••···••·· $11 .tl
e LEATHER SHIRTS, PANTS, JACICElS •• , ••••• "9111 St•.Ot
A rnericard·i\lo&ler Cliargt·Dlner's Club.Cort£ BtoucJ1t -'
Boop Bostllltles
Griffins Smack
Barons, 58-41
By RON EVANS or IM O.t'1 '1111 l!aW
Fountain Valley H l a: b ' s
Barons dropped their third
stralght non·leasu< basketball
game Wednesday afternoon u
the impressive Los Alamitos
Griffins spoiled the Barons'
upset plans with • routine 58-
41 win in the winner'& gym.
It was never close as the
hoots stmned to a quick IZ-0
lead and were never seriously ·
challenged ..
Coach Eua Van Hom's zone
defense was so effective Foun-
tain Valley wasn't able to dent
the scoring column witil five
seconds remained in the first
period when Dave Lynch hit
from the corner.
The hosts quickly put It
further out ol reach in the se~
cond quarter, upping the
margin to 26,.6 before relaxing
a bit with subs.
Despite the one-sideness or
the hassle, Fountain Valley
received some good work from
guard Dan Shaw and forward
Gary Valbuena.
Shaw did a fme job or-
fensively and defensively. He
scored a d~n points on six
field goals, mostly f r om
out.side the tenacious Griffin
Valbuena accounted for
another 12 counters but that
was the end of any scoring
punch for the Barom.
Fountain Valley nan-owed
the margin lo 12 at the end of
three quarters but five quick
field goal!: by 14! Alamitos at
that point put it out of hand.
Mike Grimwood hit fw.r of
tha,,e five buckets and he led
all scorers with 2Z for the
Mate Don Soderberg added
IO for the Griffs in a fine ~ ..
display ol outside shooting. '
Coach Dave Brown's Baron
contingent tallied on IS of 49 I'
attempt.! from the noor for a
32.7 perctntage while the win-
ners were hitting at a 51 per~
cent clip on 25 of 59 shots.
Fountain Valley's next try
for it.s first win of the cam-
paign is Friday night when the
Barons host Crestview League
representative El Modena at
POUHTAIH VALLIY (41) . h tt ~ ~
Goodektr O 1 a l Power 2 011
Reider 1 o 2 2 l(rfst)NI 0 1 1 1
Cl'lamplon D 1 I ? Shew 6 0111
Pl1n 1 1 2 3
V1l-.it • • 0 ,,
LYr><:ll 1 0 2 I
To!•l1 16 f 10 41
L.nrn1n Grimwood
Q\lln" Smltll
Slel>Mns llrlrendlM
"""" Tot11l
.. tt ' . • • ' . " . . ' . ' ' ' ' . 1 e J • 2S l 14 JI Sc.nff~
l"ou!lhln V1lley 2 1l 61
LOI Allmltc.1 11 1r 12
Mater Dei Zooms
To 86-53 Triumph ·
fl.tater Del High'!i rampaging
Monarchs meet Pacific
League foe Arcadia tonight in
a 7 o'clock tilt at Bassett High
in the Bishop Amat Invitation-
al Basketball tournament.
Park offered little resistance ·
to Tardie's grciup which has
now strung -wins in • 6oi1•n f OJ' Rebound row. ·:1
The 1.fonarch! or>ened up Edison High School's junior J ohn Fisher (43) fights for r ebound in re~ent
with an impressive 20-0 lead bout \Vith Long Beach Poly. Looking on is Charger !\·like Bat.es (44). E _d1 son 0
before the 1.t:ontview League meets 1\·lission Viejo tonight in 7 o'clock encounter at Los Amigos High m La
representatives could score Quinta Tournament.
with 2:24 to go in the nrst--=-----------------------------
-...---..... --
Van Horn Strikes It Rich ·
With Perseverance, Griff s
By ROGER CARL&>N Griffins' offense. ·'_),
Of t11e ia.lly P'ltlt Sl1H He has excellen~ passtna a"'.
timing ability along wiU•·" When the champions of the tremendous vision to both
filth an nu a I Westminster-sides.
Marina Jnvitational •balketball His brothera, Mike and Pat,
tourney were announced performed for Van Hom ar.._
Saturdal night somehow the Western High. The oth~.~
names didn't have the familiar starter Is senior Bruce.,,
ring Jong associated with win-' Lehman (6-4). .,
ning basketball. It was while at Western •.
Los Alamitos was the looe that Van Horn gulded lw~,.
team to survive its !our-game varsities t o back-to-baci
set and the Grlffms had done Sunset League championsttipt-~
It with ~'inl over Loara, San-in J~-'5 and 196>66. , ".J
tiago, Long Beach Poly and Then h~ moved to ~.,
\Varren. Alamitos hvo years ago. .
Presently tbe Griffins are Jt would seem a healt\l:·
undefeated with five wins 1 hazard for Van Horn to suffe.r1:
under lhelr belts. through two years of agony foF,.
Now, suddenly it seems Los · the sometimes volatile meqr:-
Alamitos IS running around tor. . . .,.
successfully in that kind ol But Van Hom shrugs it off'='~
company. EZRA VAN HORN "I've had ul~rs in the past However, it hasn't been sud· but I love the sport. I've cal~~
den. ed down considerably &ince
Coach Ezra Van Hom and I was at Western. May~.
his Grirfins started competing tough for the most part. It's because I feel I've got . .a
against varsity competition The lessons they absorbed pretty good ball club this y~a~§ ....
two years ago with the past two years have ap-"OnJy JI turnovers againlf \
sophomores only in what some parently paid off. \Varren helps calm th JJ
observers called a suicide The Grlflin!J picked up three nerves," says Van Horn. •''\
schedule. all-tournament selections in van Horn agrees with lltO.
Van Hom, a Costa Mesa their ~nt conquest including obvious. The adversities of th.e:
resident, was a star player at the outs ta ruling player of the past have strengthened h~;
Orange Coast College and tourney award. contingent considerably. .
Chapman before getting into That went to forward Don "\Ve knew we'd take O\.lfy
coaching. · Soderberg, a 6-1 sen Io r · Jumps for a while but we also,,
Despite the adversities, the Soderberg ha;; developed into kne1v someday soon we'd ge~ ~
Griff.ins posted 9-15 records an ambidextrous shooter after back. ..
1 their first and second years. failing to make the ninth •·we weren't so concern~!
Included in the initial r.eason grade team in junior high. . about winning right away "
were some wins against junior Another fo~ar~ who we i,o,·ere about instilling in~)
varsity competition, b u t couldn't make his run th grade the players team u n i t y.;.
nevertheless they were in team in jwijor high, Randy . cohesiveness ~ discipline~
Christensen (6-{), made the [
all-tournament team along SPORT -Ski -DRAG
with guard Mike Grimwood, a IOAT IUCkft' SlATS
6-1 senior who's Y.'On the MVP cuii.m MM•
h '" t EISERT award !or t e team Lue pas RACING ENTERPRISES t1\'o years.
Prep Fives
Vie Friday
Prep basketball action tn·
creases at a rapid rate this
weekend with several top
games on tap ouUl~e of
tournaments in non-league ac-
Guard Rick Quinn. a 6·3 Mi ~=~~.·, ·~-·-f.:~1:0M"' ,.,;•~op~h~o~m~o~re~,~i~s ~lli~e~ke~y~to~th~e~~~~~~~~~~~~
YAWi lld • HOllY SHOP
Costa ?-.1esa and Newport
!"!arbor combine for a trek to
Las Vegas for a two-game set
\\'ith Valley and Bishop
Gorman hlg~.
Piiesa is at Valley at S Fri·
day night while Newport
meets host Bishop Gorman at
lhe same time.
• ~sc..h..w1.n.n..:;
sJ. s!,,M; --
Coach JeTTy Tardie's
fl.fonardt five made t h e
quaNr finals after crushing
outmanned Baldwin Park, SS.
53, Wednesday night in the
openlnf round ol the 16-leam
affair. Mater· Dei used a press that
lotally deslroyed its opponent. Wise Chosen MVP
For Oiler Gridders
In TV Clash
They switch opponents
Saturday night.
, ..
Arcadia turned bade West
Cov1na. Ill-IS, r~ the right to
meet Mater DeL .
There was no turning point
during the game as Baldwin
Mesa Lauds
Polo Stars
Rod Ross and Dave Bannon
shared water polo honors
Wednesday night at a fall
sporU awards banquet for
Costa 1t1esa Hiah School's
water polo and cross country
Ross was named most
valuable and Bannon captain
after leading the Mustangs to
a second-place finish and a sec-
ond straight berth in the CIF
Doug Maclean garnered
-most valuable In cross country
and Richard Priest was nam-
ed captain.
Water Polo
Varsity -Captain: Dave
Bannon; MY : Rod Ross; Most
Improved: Kirk Price.
Bee -Captain: Kay
:·MacLean; ~fV : Mike O'Brien;
::Moat Improved: Mike Squire.
:: Cee -CaptaJn: Tom
~Stover; MV: Randy Alms;
-':Mott Improved: Frank Galea.
•. C..U C""""7
: Varsity -Captain: Richard ~Priest; MV: Doug MacLean;
MO!lt Improved: Bob Gollnick.
•· Junior Varsity -Captain:
. J eff Haight; MV: Jeff Haight;
:MO!lt Improved : ~lik;e
. Holliday.
Rangers Vie
In Torrance
Tardie lhowed a humane
nature by taking off the press
and began ishuttling h I I
players in and out before the
end of the fim period.
In the second quarter the.
margin swe1led to 31 points as
the Braves fell behind, 40-9.
Tom McMenamin Jed a host
d acorers foc Mater Dei with
17 followed by Werner Raes
with 14.
MA.Tiil DEi CMl fG l'T f'I' Tf'
CllllldH ' l I f W11tr.er •021 M~tntm!n I 1 S 17
1111H 1 I 1 ll
Klk't' 202•
M1~i1u11 2 O S ' 1(-~ 1 1 0 l
Rabe1'tt ' O l I l("lffl" 2 034
G<::irTTMn t 2 ! ' Fri!! 2311
H1u1>ert D 2 3 1
To111t y 10 26 16
•ALDWIN f'AJll( (»I
Ml1!1 H1tt1beu;lt
McNeil '~"' '""' Orlll a1111..,1on
OIVll Sc~le!'f
s~"*'er ......
fGfTl' .. TP'
' ' 0 10 1 1 0 3
I s l 7
2 0 1 • 0 2 1 2
O I I l
7 1 0 1S
I 0 I 0
0 2 1 t
2 l 3 7 0 ? 1 ?
11lf l2.53 Scor• •r Clull'fffl Mill!<' 0~1 JO 11 U 20-U
ltldwl!'I P1rlo; 7 14 16 16-Jl
Cage Scores
FOfd,_"' 14, S.""1 Htolt f1
Vile 75, I~ '5
LIU jQ. lrld-rl ff
LIS.I~ M, Elll, KtftfUckr II
Connedtcul II, NtW lil,,_lllrt 61
llolloft Coll..-10. CtnblW U
Nl•t•• a llul'ftlo St. IO 1'1lrl1llli.O~-"· .......... it ~rl..el'foll 7,, Mrrl•lld •1
VU11nov1 107, No. Otll.0!1 n
W•~• FwMt 11, A~11.a.i.n n
W. V1. TIKtl ts. Ollertllln 71
IC:l'l'!tvdcy Sf, N. Unlaft, Kr. 41
lol.llll c1ron,,. "· E1it c.ro11n1 It V1"1lftl1 •S. \IMJ (,j
&Ml.I n, G110t111tt Ttd! " MIDWIST D~t. 1S. Mlch'-t" " DtTrolt 12. wni. Mlchlti.., n
llradln" 74. tni:lltl\I &t. 7l
NO'IA O.me 111 , N.lorllltrn Ill. '7
0-.... MUll~ln 7),
The Coast Rangers and their V•INr•lto ~A:'~~'Sr"
reserve team will trek to El Nw. L•• v.... "· L-'"C'h .,
Nido Park in TofTance Sunday O<"eV01'1~rt=1:._ ..
fer a pair of Pacific Soccer ''"" """'
Garth Wlse captured most
v a l u a b I e player hbnors
Wedne~day night at the fall
sports letter awards dessert
honoring the varsity football
team along with water polo
and cross country athletes at
Huntington Beach High School.
Wise and Paul ?.foro were
named co-captains of the
Oilers' varsity, which finished
its season with a 7·2 record
and tied (or second place in
the Sunset League.
Most valuable awards in
water polo and cross country
went to Bill Rice and Jack
Varsity Co-Captar.1s :
Garth Wise and Paul Moro ;
MVP ~ Garth Wise.
Junior varsity -Captain:
J im Martin; MVP: Whitney
Bee -Ca ptain: Steve
Pickford; MVP; Scott Whit·
field , .
Cee -Captain: JI m
Nitzkowski; ?\.1VP: D a v e
Water Polo
Val"!ilty -Captain: Bill
Rice ; MV : Bill Rice.
Frosh -Co-Captains: Scott
Stevens and Kyie V a n
Amersfort; ?tfVP: Kyle Van
Cros1 Country
Varsity -Co-Captains: Stan
Davenport and Phil McGee;
MVP; Jack McQuown.
JV Basketball
",._.... M11Mr (111 UM g,. ..... IQ)
1(1_,. (,Sj I' (!) JRW
Swldc: 1111 ft {1 J Slmuell
Htl•le (!) c 1i1 llddlcoTt
CllM 421 G Ill l'fn!IJ'
Je11"1hlt~ nu o f'> S'-'
kWl"f I Ubl: NIWll(lft Htfbot-
Ttdl:mtn .. Mt1Cln"'1' "" tl!UOllM!le
•. Adll 1, 0 .... ll•w.trt J, llOIN
Gfl,....._lrock 1S. M1rnl"" T,
k-~ 411•"-r• League duels with Sparta and ~ s1 • .,, Mh1. "· 1•
• T111M 74 Arb-"
Its 51.lbs. , ;;;;;;;;;i;;;;i;;;;;;;i~~~"!"!~~~~~=~----; The preum lllalU •\ u ::ioli WORLD'S LARGEST whJI! the major dlvisi011 same
NtwPOt1 H1rbor 11 16 n 14-111
l lllN Grtlldl t 16 11 lJ-..0
bet:,b•l ~ri3!, Mceaughey's DUNE BUGGY SUPERMARKET
Rangers had a forfeit win last
week. However, thtlr reserves
tuned up for Sparta by lam-
buthll' West Covina, 21.0, al
A-fariners Park, N e w po r t
• Andr< Cou~n pumped In
el;tt goals for the victors.
Jl1ttlng two aptece were Hulh
G111Joway, Vic Cousin, John
• ...., .. 4ft ... --From
It!?~ C•mpl.,•
s.4fttl•• ., '""' ...
Junior varsity Captain:
Peter Brueggem:rii; ht: V ;
Richard Espil.ia.
Bee -Captain : Mike Fox;
MV: Mike Fox.
Cee Captain: JI m
Barnes; MV: John King.
Coach Don Leavy's
\Vestminster Lions will be on
display in living color Dec. 27
when the Sunset League
representatives meet Santiago
in a non·league basketball
Channel 4 will telecast the
event beginning at noon from
the Westminster campus.
Estancia' 1 once-beaten i
Eagles will try to get back on
the winning track when they
vC11ture to Westminster Fri·
day night.
Westminster , a solid can·
didate for Sunset League
laurels, h a s lost three jn a
Other Friday night action
has ?-..fagnolia at Huntington
Beach El Modena at Fountain
Valley' and Laguna Beach at j
, WAlllll
MOM.I fll.~·f
DAILY 9·6 x
Used Tire Clearance
Buick • Cadillac • Chevrolet • Chrysler • Comet • Corvair • Corvette • Dart • DeSoto • ~ge
F-85 •ford • Falcon • T·Bird •Mercury• Lincoln• Oldsmobile• Plymouth• Pontiac• Rambler• Tempest• Vahant
If • tlrt purchaHd . henund•r foll1 J.r AH't
'9CllOn befote 12 1Mnth1 aft1r defe., o··•
prepMlertate alJ.wonc. Pff mOftfh •
$5.00 pdco wm be-mode Joy .. y 11 ....... -~ ., ., ...... llste4 ... ,.,,. f9WCl"9 putch ... ., •ny
MW flNltlM fiN •r NfNOd..
s5aa Per Tire .
ls All You Pay!
Ho Hidden
Ford, Jim Morrison •nd Ore-a..111 Ml•1ir ..,.,,._ HUNTINGTON BEACH
Jon Gumffson. ,._,,. '"'' 11.m •11 M•k.. COSTA MESA, NEWPORT BEACH Fl RESTO NE STORES ""' ... CH lln .. ...,_,
Colin West, Steve Johnson 3623 W. WARNER, SANTA ANA 1 __ ':':':1.:t~"~'"~·~· ··~~"='"~":'~'~---:.:.::i:=.:;.::~;..:.mi:..im-.iimiililiiiiiiiii.-oi°"'iitll"ll"•'•"'•'•'•"•._...--··""•'-· and Roy Roberta: each polled 546-4045 o,.. M-.·M. I ,. J-s.t. 'tH I one. ,._ _______________ ..
' ' \
< '"'O • • •oo • o 0 L ,-, ... , ••• ". ,•, ": 4 • •o '." ...... ,w 0 ,7 ,"';-,··,-•• -:;--•0•• ~--~--"'i'iC;"l!C::CZ'::ll:~"".'"~•~t!!""'"."'!!11"!:'•'"."'!'!,1'"':\~'!.,*~~~~·:"":•"":'•':-"T-:-'~·::-;·-·~·:-:·.""':''."".'".,-'O:--.:".-·~.-·,.....,·,;-:·.~-·~.,--,..,~,.,~~~,....,...,-,,...,.~~~-~~~~~~ -. ·.;: ,7-;: .• -. -. . . ---. ·. · ... ·, -. ·, ., ..
)II DAILY PILOT Thllr$d1y, Dtctmbtr 11, 1969
bJ J.clr -..,
~ ~ Russ Cleary, o"'ner and operator of Irvine Lake, ~wiced this week that Lhe !amous Orange County
£ake will open its gates on Jan. 16 at 6 a.m.
The Jake will be stocked with more than 7,000
pounds of trQut prior to the opening and, weekly plants
jotaling more than 100,000 pounds ivill be made during
the 1970 season, "'itil the average weekly plant of 3,000
pounds being niade every Thursday as long as water
!Conditions permit.
; For the first time since the Jake operations were
taken over by Cleary, the lake will be closed through·
but the season on Wednesday and Thursday (except
1'olidays). This closing should make fishing better dur·
~ng the days when the lake is open.
: · Reservations for opening week are being taken.
Only paid reservations will be honored opening week.
~servations will not be necessary during week days.
, Ed Will will have a fleet of over 300 boals and m<>-
tors ready for opening day, incl uding more than 70 pfw glass boals especially designed for lake fishing.
· ' .FOr .information and reservations phone (714) 633-
~520 or· write Irvine Lake, Star Route Box 38, Orange.
* * *
Down et Veil lake ell preperation1 are complete
J or th• ba11 fishing clinic scheduled for this WHkend.
The clinic is open and free to the public and is sponsor·
ttd by the Southern California Bass-m111ter1.
. Thi Bas1-mast1rs will b. fishing the lake Saturday
.and Sunday mornings and will hold a clinic each after· -n.
j '. Representatives from major tackle manufecturers
•ill be on hand to give tips on the proper use of tackle
''-'nd memblrs of the Bass-masters will advise interest·
id anglers on how to fish the lake.
: Last WHkend the lake was reluctant to give up any
bf its bass population as only a few bronz•backs were ~ighed in. OPENING LIMIT -Chuck Frei o! Newport Beach
• had a good morning shoot at the Hidden Valley
Better Goose Hunt ·
Reported at Wister
GOOH: hunUng took a sharp Saturday, by advance reserva-
uptum on the Wiiler unit of tion. Reservation holders who .
the Department of Fish and don't check in at least 11,'A
Game's Imperial Wildlife Area hours before shooting time are
111e band:.tailed pigeon bun-last weekeoct as the second re-placed by first-come, first:. ·
ting season for the southern half ol So&.ithern Califm'llia's served hunters. Last Saturday,
two-thirds of California opens spilt wa,terfowl aeason got 89 ot 200 reservation holders .
Saturd~y and cont j nu es under way, The aeason con· failed to show.
through Jan. 11, but hunting is tlilues lhrouih Jan. 11. There are ooly 12 vacancies 1
t d t be • Saturday, Wister produced for .Sunday. However, last
expec e 0 poor in 64 geese, 788 duCks an4 7 coots Sunday only 60 of 150 reserve-
'\ Southern California unless or for an average bag cf three lion holders claimed their .
until migratory fiocks from birds. per hunter. The goose permils.
the north arrive to augment kill included 33 bonkers, 27 On each shooting day on .
the relatively few resident snows. 3 white-fronts and 1 which Wister's hunter quota iS
birds now on hand. Ross. filled, replacement· bunters '
The Department of Fish and Sunday, 246 hunters took 32 are admitted as shooters :
Game reports only small, geese (including 24 honkers), check out and leave the area.
scattered flocks in t h e 246 ducks and 8 coots for a 1· Wister area bunters Jasi
bandtalls' favorite Southern b1rd average. weekend had two disad··10::::..:::..::::.
c,urornia feeding areas. · Wister's quota of not more vantages -muddy access T odey's Final
Those areas l n c I u d e tha_p 200 hunters at a time has roads within the area and
Figueroa Mountain in Santa been tentatively filled for windless, bluebird weather. Stocks Today
Barbara County, F r a z i e r , 1-;=================================::;-Pinos and Alamo Mountains, I
Tecuya Ridge and Grade
Valley in eastern" Ventura
County, Running Springs and
Heaps Peak in the San
Bernardino Mountains, Black
Mountain in the San Jacinto
Range, and Palomar Mountaip
in San Diego County.
A fair to good crop of pinon
nuts and acorns awaits the
birds in the Southland, but the
DFG notes that in past really
good seasons on bandtails the
major flights have arrived by
late November.
The heaviest bandtail
nesting occurs from
California's north coast into
British Columbia . Central and
Southern California .are the
birds' favorite wi nte ring
. ... .. ' ' .. : . . . . .. ...... \ ..... ,• ..... ;,,;.".'to: ~ ..... ·· ·.:'.: ..... Give
l·:··· .. ' . . '••' ::····... . .. : ..... ·. . ·. · .... : · ..... : ..... . ... . ··· . .. ·. ·. . .....
·.\ .. .. .. .. · .. .·· .. . ' . ···"~:··· ' . .·· : :.. :
so that others
may sip
.. : :···. ··.;i:" . · : .. ...... . . .
: .. ~,: .... . ' ~ ··•. ... •''. •, .. : ...... : . . . . . ..... · ...
lllAL $1"'1N' WHISKEY • l((NTUCllY STllAl&H IOUft ON .WHISKEY •
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : : Al Alexander of the Quick Corporation 1n Costa Gun Club in Riverside. Frei bagged his limit of
~esa picked up a couple of small bass and a few nice sprig in the first hou r of hunting last Saturday. The
crappie, but ht reported the popr weather kept the outlook for this weekend is good.
fllh from "turning :)n." -------------'"-----------!• ,
For more Information on the clinic and boat restr·
/"•lions phone (714) 676-4611 • . Resort owners along the low1r Color•do River are
•.tndlnt their guests home with 1miles. The fi1hing and
•unting has bHn very good along the southern stretch· t• of the river. .
~ Bass and catfish have been active in the coves and
lhe outlook for the striper run in lake Havasu is good
iccording to officials at Black Meadow landing,
i t· · Duck, goose and quail hunters have been bagging
F number1 of.birds along the river. The waterfowl
ulation is building up daily and the quail are being
nd In large coveys in the bru1hy draw1.
:· Even though the outlook for the Bacdlailed Pigeon
ppener ts poor in most areas, scatter gunners can look
Jorward to good duck and goose hunting.
~~ According to game officials the populations of pi-
1cons is do\vn and the birds are in small coveys and
•i:attered. The lack of pinion and acorn seeds is con-
•fuered the reason for the poor outlook.
' ~ . The limit on pi geons is eight per day and in pos-
liession and the shooting hours are from a half hour be-
fore sunrise to sunset.
!! : The best areas for unattached hunters will be the
~nter-Legget area \vest of Paso Robles and the moun·
t.clin areas east of Fresno. Very fevv birds are in th e
Ji't-azier-Pinos mountains or in the San Bernardino-San
J acinto mountains. ~ Due~ hunters should have good shooting in a 11
lreas tins weekend. The storms this week have driven
Jlany birds in Central California farther south.
~ This \vriter hunted the Hidden Valley Gun Club in
lUverside last \Veekend \\'ith t"""rank \Vatts of Anaheim
fll~ Tom Forbes of Costa Mesa. lf last \\'eekend is any
~1dence of what is to come, then hunters can look to
96~70 as one of the best waterfo\v] hunting seasons
many years.
~ .T~e Gilbre~th Bros. Duck Club in \Vasco reports i big increase 1n the waterfowl population. The d u c k
Club has opened up 200 ne\vly flooded acres to unat-
~ched hunters. and shooting has been excellent in this
Qe'v area on \Vednesdays and Saturdays. For reserva·
~ons al the club phone (805) PLB-6337.
$ Big Bear and Baldwin Jakes will also be good bet.~ t r hunters, bu1. the hunting will be cold and mostly
. Pheasant hunters will have a rough time finding
1rds f~r the rest of the season, as the birds have been
retty well shot up and the only way the birds will be
ushed is by a good dog working the heavy cover in
c!Pen fields.
1 '!'he wet we~U1er is not making quail and chukar
unting any. easier as the birds are widely scattered.
hus far this season the chukar hunting bas been a
mplete bust for most hunters and even though the
ail population is the best in' years these upland
mesters have been difficult targets foi-most nimrods.·
Top Golfers W orkOut
At Mission Viejo CC
Bob Lunn, defending cham·
pioo in the Southern California
PGA Open scheduled for
Mission Viejo Country Club
late this month and early i1\
January, played his first prac-
tice row'ld at the new site of
Prep Mat
How t'l'luch do you 1..,,.. lo
~now abo11I m•clianict 1
lhe tournament Tut: s day
Lunn is one or many pros
taking advantage of good
weather conditions to play the
Mission Viejo eourse these
days according to tournament
director Jack Fleck.
Dave Stockton, playing out
of Westlake Village In
Thousahd Oaks, and Jerry
Barber are two o[ the top
names. having played the
course recently. Barber had a
7~ Monday.
Chuck Green, a young pro
from Lcmpoc has fired rounds
of 72 and 75 recently.
Fleck has received an entry
from Bob Rosburg and is in
contact with Arnold Palmer
al1hough he isn't encouraged
at the moment that Pal,n
\ViJI play.
"l played with Arnie in Las
Vegas recently and this course
is ideal for him," Fleck says.
"It is his type of course and it
would be great for l1im to
start the 1970 season \\'ilh a
\Vin at Mission Viejo.''
In ttle list of money \vinners
for 1969 through the Hawaiia'i1
Open. Lunn is 22nd with
$73,606.17 \vhile Stockton is
24th with $70,707.43 in earn.
in gs.
1'rout Plant
ded bv highly l•1i111d m1ch•n•
ic•. Yc111 do11't htw• to do 1ny·
tltlng •~c•pt l1 1rn to flv. And
lh1t'• 111oro f1111 th111 '\'Oii c•n
3 DAYS ONLY • .,
Now ... gst the traction
-you nssd ta start-stap-
rain or shine
4-ply nylon cord
"Marathon" tire ...
round shoulder
... ,. ' TfttltM
6.00)[ 13
6.SOll 13
.35 )( 14
7.75 )( 14
8.25 )( 14
8.55 x 14
S.60 K JS
7.7 x 5
8.25 )( 15
8.55 )( 15
9.00 )[ 15
tubeless pl~
Fed. U Tax $1..5'9.
No.trade needed.
l~ar,,lce 511• l'rle• r1n ,n.ll. •
... u 111cmn PvTtrt ...
lrHe lltfttl
$14.15 $11.95 $1.59
--Sll.55 $15.52 $ .79
$11.15--Slli.69 $2.07
$20.75 $17.36 $2.20
$23'.1°5 _J~.79 $2.36
$2$.85 $21.lil· $2.5
$11.00 15.90 $1.7
$2 .75 17.31 $2.21
$23.15 $19.79 $2.46
25.15 $21.lil S2.6l
$31.10 S26.0J S2.8l
"MOTR-SPINR" ....._
hlYT"""-f,... l•stallltiell BATTERY
Titli MOe1 Fo.da. 'll·'S4, GM, ct .. , .... .-......ano.n Moton, '11.!tl CHAIN-LINK
, AFI t lr plen• en9ine h 1
fo1blddin9 thin9 to • noYice.
lh f1ill of more p1rh thin vou
can n1m1. Sf\011lcl yoo.1 kl'fo"'
10f!'ltlllin9 tbo11t !t bel11ro ,,.
l•111ptin9 lo flv 7
I! VOii .. ~"I IO fl,, you .. fnl to come 10 HA11:8011: AVl•TION, FAA
ll!Cl"'VtCI tl'O!Jnd 1clloot l flO f!lflM
ltl>OOI '"'""'° ll'ld 00.rtttd llY t lr· l!"I p!IOll Wf\O tlrl ltloOll! ~Ollt•
1lon1ll1m. Come In 1no '" 111 to-cl&y 11 HAll:8011: AVIATION, SIO
W•mtf AYI~ •1116-1100, OJieil ll'Ol'l'I
11111fl11 ro 111111et 11111v. "llnnt '" our colu"'" efld ,., Yo\11' ht lllttlt
tor °"'' U,00''.
-·· Thet'1 1om1lhing yo11 do,.,'t
htYt to wouy 1bo11I ri9hl
now. You don't "•"'• to •11ow
• 11111 from a bolt. 01.1r i11·
1lri.rcton can lotch yo11 '"'j'"
thl119 yo11 noad lo k11ow. 111!
btin9 • Jo1iro lo fly. Yt111 ct n
91! t•t1'{illln9 t 11t from u1,
Ph. 548-9:113 CO!TA MESA
' I
LAGU!IA l' '-~~--------~-----------.llG:TI<,,,.~.-,,,,,:;-,,.,,:;:~~""&"~~·-,~~ -,~""~-=·~•~<"'~O,...,.<<Z<="1'1C:..;.?:J"-'5,:S:"~~;::;::.::-:;::c;.,c_l.....,:!J~::-.~-:.::::..:~~""~
Flyl119 fod1y :, 10 t!mpla
l~ol if'1 p1ally mu~h roulint.
A11d Pnod1ri1 plan11 ~r• v1•v
will t:on1hucted. ,._II tho
111ct11arv m11!1!1111nco 11 ho n•
DAILY l'ILOT Steff I'~
Out of Uniform
Alan Hart can hardly "bare" it as he's caught by Dorr Rhoades in his sweet-
ie's apartment draped in a towel, but Barbara Garlich keeps them apart in this
scene from "Any Wednesday ," the Santa Ana Community Players comedy
closing Friday and Saturday evenings.
Brothers Play Brothers
In New Disney Picture
; Disney has a way with kids -
• in the audience and on the
· screen.
The fonnula i's basic. Kids
enjoy seeing other k i d s
perform in movies a n d
television. Disney studios ob-
liges them by producing mov-
ies and te1evision shows with
· · kid &tars, throwing in animals
· as insurance.
• Youngsters see the movies
. or video programs advertised
: and · yammer away at their
• parents until they are taken to
iiow yn can SEE
anydllDC )'tV Willi
"A a1 •••
..... ARl.O 1lUTHRIE
see such as "Rascal" or "The
The latter is a new film
which co-stars Ronny and
Clint Howard.
Ronny, 15, grew up on
television for eight years
playing Opie on "The Andy
Griffilh Show," in addition to
appearing in many movies.
Clint. 10, co-starred on the
tube for two years with a
fatuous bear in "Gentle Ben."
Now they are playing
brothers in an 1885 story of
settlers in Wyoming .
"We worked togeU1er twice
In the series wittt the bear,"
Call 673-6260
For Information
•' '•
SEE IOTH P'EATUlllll AS LATE A5 lO:a l'.M.
J sv,.r 11111 J1 ticlt1 ''WILD ANGELSn "'GLOllY STOMl'l!llS"
'°"' l!itr'lll C•rr9H L"'lt'I' "OIKI Ytv KIM A Stn,...r' (M)
II'"" Mtkll11"' _,._ KIMldr ''TNE GOOO •U'f'S AMD THE IAD GUYS"
,__, SMfr Defttlfl llft Mc:K1lllll
Cllrl1t9pltlr P'lu-SlrHl!Mll Ywll
,....,..i )"LOCK UI' YOUa OAUGHTEllS" Ill)
ol -"THANK 'l'GU ALL !Ms.1.llJ \IEllY MUCH" CM)
' ' ' . ,. ' .
~ ·~ . ··~ S OISNaY l'ICTUll•I
"DAllY O'•IU. &
wllll OHn J°""
Cll'I ...... S.t. a S11111. 11• l'M,
Ba1n.lei's a Dame
Judith Anderson Girds.' for Critics
Fox~~ ... °""" ,....., _ lrhW. Mf.2711
"CAMILLE 2000f' (X)
D1ni1l1 G1ub1rl
Perun UMef 11
Wiii N9t le Pllffllllf-.4
Ovtdoore or-"'~··
MOIR °' PAlll wiH tri.i, Mor" ffiiittt "IJI
' 511 eur c-,l•t• Lfote
•' P1rly G.M1 a h1¥it1flo111 bf
HOUll Ofl PAPll
YOUNC " , .
auct: .......
Kl& II '·~~ ii!1 Clllr~P£11Jcr °' I ;,,. WllllU llO$..UWU &mlll.
'f,?-J .Jhuth Coast Repertor_v
A~ 1¥1~1f>t el lpa11!'1 MM! C:ot!ll'l:l\lt<1111 l'l<IJ••rri911t
l'l"IUV lllrv SllllC!ey -l:ll •·"'· -1121 N.wpert, Cot11 Mt~ -Ml-U ...
l\llldlt1 -I 1!1d 21», ut1lll DK. 11
Dllftl• Hefh!M Ml•1Ferrow
JOHN lft!I . MARY ·
• • •IACH I.: • A.T IU.1• • • • •ET. C:OAIT MWY. I .AN 01100 ,,,,__
-7·..0• o HUNTINOTOlol •IACH "lllltlat,_.. __ _
.... ""'""' .... Liza --• I llljlr lllilr' talfttr'-t,...-111.1.4119111 .....__,._.,,,, ..
~~ Cu -·-~l.1:-.--~ ... _,,_ U4J 1vii1g .., -V\4iridel NOW!
·G, ti
.. ApES
WALT lllSNEYS 101 · ......
2•d 011tstftdl .. c • ....ty
Dkll Y• Dyll•
fllllcllrr llNMY
..... lfltff "fill "
·c stereol03FM .!
·the sounds of the harbor ·· L' ~
1 I
. H DAll.Y I'll.OT
E'iEl\'t'90V'( JUST
CAtlS trE "K1P'
' ' •
• i' ..
PEANUTS ly Charles M. Schull
Cash Preview
Too Majestic
NEW YORK (AP) -NBC, probably quite un·
wittingly,Jrovided air time Wednesday night for a
preview "The Johnny Cash Show" which next
month will have its midseason premiere in the same
ti.In'! spot on rival ABC.
THI! POPULAR C01111try and western singer
-wu the star al. a '1Music Hall" show and a tuneful Dow-it wu, with soogs ran~g from the 1870 "It
'Ain't Gonna Rain No More' to lhe 1989 "Is That
All There ls?" It was a forceful demonstration how
far country and western has traveled in the _past
three years: Cash worked with guest star Peggy
Lee, about as city and eastern s'tyle singer as there
is around, and it_ came off as smooth as silk.
The theme of the hour did not fit the stars and
their style as comfortably as the music. Most of
the songs were introduced by Cash reading exerpts
from Carl Sandburg, and i\ was all just a litUe too
majestic and high flown. Ca1b seemed more at
eue when, guitar over shoulder, he was singing his
own songs.
"MUSIC HALL" has been quietly around for
t1everal seasons, steadily picking up larger audi·
encea:. Now it has moved into the t?_P third of the
NielJen list, an ascent that seems tied up with a ·
format of making each weekly show a sort or
'podai !or comic• like Alan King and singers like
.Cuh and Eddie Arnold.
The series that follows, "Then Crune Bronson,"
)las to be one of. NBC's major disappointments · of
the season. The 11eries, shot entirely ·on location, is
off-beat and distinctive. But somehow it just doesn't
seem to be cutting it in the ra·Ungs and its future
after this season is uncertain.
Wednesday night's episode had the peripatetlc
hero, Bronson, fin.ding another solitary motorcyclist
stranded with engine trouble outside Phoenix. In
.spite of rebuffs from the cyclist, a young and very
hostile Negro, he helped get the machine to a
garage and helped pay the excessive charge for re-
THE REST of the story centered on the other
man's problems -flndJng money to repay Bron-
son and making his pea<:e with his alienated fam·
ily in Phoenix.
Michael Parks as Bronson has an irrteresting
reserve and laconic manner. Robert Hooks aquitted
himself well a1 the angry young Negro - a char-
acter which threatens to become a television stereo. type.
DIANA ROSS and the Supremes will make their
farewell TV appearance as a team on Ed Sullivan's
Dec. 21 show. The trio's breakup, wlUt Diana Ross
becoming a single act, has been in the works for a
long time and, in retrospect, they seem to have been
making as many farewell appearances as the late
Sarah Bernhardt. This time it wlll be for keeps be-
cause the two remaining Supremes will be Joined
by Jean Terrell as the new lead singer .
Deani• th.e Menace
MOU> "" ~ wwm. PAii.! Ml5S .1A5PE2
QIZOW UP. ?;;::\
~ ,,,, ..... , ~ .. -:.. . . ~ .. ,
----. By Harold Le Doux
By Ferd Jahnson
By Mell
ly Charles llanottl
p., """"""' ••••••.. ? -....·-·
D!ClMIDt 11
a <Him Ill"" .., (C) (!Ol '1"Dlifn'f'KM tht Yt1• Motioa. ..
Part I. Ann Marlt b: tlll*t to da • thow with star Mar11 Ktl11t1
(.Itek Cisaldy), I notorlDul pnctlca1
)GUr, ind Don tcCOlllPlllits tw to
Lit Vqas.
m -"' • .., (C) (30I ·-._,, __ (!O)
•:• 11 •1c -(C) (60) i.r.. ''""'·I 0 m • .,..,.,..,..., CCl !3~
rmw-....w ... •-(C)
(10) B1lllnd lllt lleadllnu 11111YJ1s
of C.pltol Hin lllWI llr Ntl W.t·
Neil, Peter Lbaror and Cbar!es
Cordd17. Q ...,_ AllH llllw (C) (90) Din
Row111, The T\1111 SqU111 Two, Miii
ll.1111111, Frtrten fl)'t, Rtdd Few
ind Rod Redd'Wln1 rutst.
D Sb O'Clodi: Mft: "n•ndtr Ill tie &Ir (adwnture) '5J-AL1n
Ladd, Deborah krr, Ch1r1tt Boyer,
Corinne Cllvel A toldier of fortune
1nd tht blind d1uefller of 1 mi•
lian1ry fall In love elltr they 1ie
trapped in moll·torn ltdla.
0 Did: Yu V,U (30)
ai -''"' (30) m .. r ,,.. (C) (60)'
ll1l CD ""' -(C) (00) @m n.t'I fllw1' (30)
Qll !IJ ... -(C) (30)
Ill._ .. -(30) m ..... (C) (60) Jaca: Whitt.
1:34 D -"'™"" !Cl (30)
ll'J "' -·-(C) (30) G Tt Telf llit Trllll (C) (30)
__ .... _(30)
Ill@ ..... ·-(C) (3<l) m DOUT T• SM r ...... (30)
A new 8-wtek llfl•s dMlld la tll•
sludy of mantal Illness. "W•llmtl
House'' is • h1lf·w1y hou11 In Bos·
Ion whtfl 50% of th1 ruldents
art menlllly Ill and tilt others trt
liwi·ln tOll•r• 1tud111b Who help
prep111 them for re·entry inlll nor·
mil society,
~ !IJ "' ·-(30)
IE -34 (C) (60)
m-<Cl <30l
7:0l IJ , ........ -(C) 130)
0 WWI "1 LIM (C) (30)
Ill I LM "'1 (30) m .., ., """' (CJ <'~
Ill ... _,._ .... 130)
9!IJ'-"" -(C) (30) rm...,, <3~
ClfJ (l)Trdt tr C111 es&aCll (Cl
m '"' -(C) l!Ol
li!ll>ol ·~ (C) (30)
'"' .. Qll !IJ ,..., ..... (C) (30) Their vacation In Boslon rou badly
for t~a Dnim 1spec:la1Jy Franch
-who ls remlndlcl al Ml)' turn ol
tllt ,.rt plt)'ld bf tht Blttltll iii
8) Fllllnl n Madrid (30)
l!JO D ~ @ m lraMid• (C) (60) ''8t)'Ond 1 SJildow." Dana Wyntar.
1nd Mort Sahl 1uest in this dram•
of 1 wom1n found 1~Uty i11 the
11es of tilt world despite .antr•·
tion by 1 Ju17, and 1 min whcls•
lust for power excteds his trllll of
O hxlnr (C) (90) Joey Val6tt
vs. Lennr Brice in 1 lO·round b1n-
tamwel1ht botll
tJ ll1l CD li!l O.lk"' !Cl (30)
"You•,. So Airfflble.. ~ Datrin kites
hi1 job when Sam1nth1'1 lllOthtr
casts 1 spell Illa! makes him 111ee
with ew1rythln1 en:! ewerybody.
m..,,. '"" (C) (90)
ID Ill V1lllp (C) (60) IB""""'"'..,<SOl fE JIB ,..,..._. (90) ''The Dull."
A television 1d1ptltion of Chlkllaw't
short stDI')' ol 1 w1nin1 loft eff1lr
in 1 CrimNn aasidt lowrt.
el Nusia J Ellrlllls (C) (30)
t:Ollll9 (J) '" --· (?) i{ftMi11 (dr1m1) '.59--0Uvia d1
Hrvltlalld, Dirt Bo11rd1, P1ul Mas-
ai•, Rabtrt: Mor1q,
0 l!?l CD 111 T,. ""' (C) (SO)
Slnd!e Shaw, Th• b Truciln1 Co~
Joel Gr•r ruat. m hltD•• <3o>
t:lOO@ OO m'""" <Cl (30) "Bunco--S9,000." !rt rridar ind
Officer c,nnon lnwst111t• th•
cl1im of 1n ll:·Vludevllllan·lllrned·
wino th•I hi was bilkld out ti
maner he found on tht II.reel
Q Nen (C) (30) Baxter W11d. m"' kid, "' SoW (C) (30) Ill""".,... c50l E M•lcal o-1 (3-0)
11t:ooo9m mo.a1 Martin (C)
(50) B aifiiir1 Fll6on, Van Jol!MOn,
l11nt ltyln, P1ul Lynde al!d JackM
Gayle ire D11n'1 1un1J.
o m -(CJ c"'> 0 @ (]) 0> It Tabs ii T•iff (C)
(&0) "Thi Did Who Clmt in f1t1tn
lht Spp," 011 Lancheattr iutst1
11 Molly Taylor, 1 v1rue Srltisll
11ent wlKI Is to htlp Al Mund•
rKOVtr 1 111lcn>dot hidden In ••
E1st Berlin museum.
fJ Deni! (Cl (60) lellft rrencll
(D hrrp Naton (60)
Ii!) ........... (C) l!O) (I!)
IE Ca'"I de MuJtrM (30)
11H1 Allllrlcln Rwolutlcllt. 10-.30 IE Crittlu C1m11 (30)
DQJ @ ll!DooW -(C) (liOJ "Th.• T•rrlbll Tarboll." Stroth· 11:001J Q D OJ Nm (C) er M1rt1n, Anthonr Cast1!lo and
Z1lm1n Kirt1 ruett tt 1 ftHdr old II T1ll ,......,..
1111n llld hit two IOM wtlo hold 0 Jtfl ·-If ...... (CJ brttl 1*11119 and thr•t•n him un.
Im Dlnlel tvm1 Ollll' 1 alllpm1nl m Dwl:w lhlfb
« ""' " --lll)(Jl@ Cl) 9 ()) -(C)
a -., -(C) c!Ol Ill mm -(C)
B !Ii' CIJ Q) Tiit llloll 1H Mt1.
Muir (C) (30) M1rk L1tl1r 1uuta 11:301J f3 ())Mn Criffin (C) 11 C111d'J'1 first IO'lt, 111d Ult C{p. •
llin dteidts to liw Clftd'J I Miid CJ ID Ci) m IDllMr Cant• (C)
when he flllds that ttll tlttl• boy Allred Hlkllaxt. RodllfY D1npr·
ls lnttrlltld In 1nat111r alrt fitld ind Riff Ro. 1unt.
0 MMlllll $ W.k (t) .... tilt 0 Mllrit: "fib 1 llttlf Dlflllt&" Cf'(' (dr1r111) 'S~Yan Heflin Aldo (comedy) '42 -Rou!lnd Ru11tll,
R1r, MORI Frnm1n, T1b H~nttr, Frtd M1eMurrar. Macdoneld C.rlJ'.
Jama Whltl!lart. Dorvlhy Malone, D @ (J) m *" ·-(C) Anne Fr111tls, Nancy Olton. R•1· mond ,...,.,.. m,,... • .....,_<Cll3~
• ..... "' .. Ml1111 (C) (60)
• , __ (30)
D Mn!« "Al Capqe• (dta!M)
'5"°i--Rod 51111•. r1r s,.in. m••"" .,.. ""* ,...,. (rn)'llt11y) '35 -Edmund 1.0111,
C11tr. Trmr .
m n..tr. 111t <C> 130> "'The u:oa m 111w1r. "DMf .. ......,. <dra·
GllU MltNlprlt." The Inner Cit)' IM) '47~ Portman, Gr.ti a,..1. R1p1rle lr1 Com111ny performs
XIMI from this work br T •nnts·
'" Wlllltms.
llil-.... (30)
""•lllJ(IJ ....... (C) (60) Jane Wrm•n •1111 Jutl9 llldd IVtft
wltll rtrul1ra runa: Sutton, Ro!lnl1
Schell and Kfrtn Morrow.
tJ Wtddinr bells In Yeps * on THAT GIRL tonl1ht
Don't miss hi
f P IO llY
1:00•-(CJ -...... Dtw1" (Wtlllfll) '53 -lritn Don·
"'7. Rod C.mll'Qn, Ella R•inu.
8 C••••"1 lllltdl a.I (C)
m ee."" ••• nw tc>
l~ GI AD.fliclrt Slltr. "fr1cl the
t.11n DoWfl," "Th• CVnt of Nos-
tr1d1mlfl,," ind "Thr Great Ad· 11tf!lur1."
S'llrill(" (df1m1) ~RIJ MllllnC,
Joan Ca1Hn1, Farley Granier.
m """""'• P'relrt11" (=imedy) '55-Rldl1rd Alltnboruup, Ttrry-
lllom11, Dllll'lb Prict.
lZ:OCI 9 (C) "lrJNI ~ llu HoriM"
HO 8 "Ml....,. (dl'lme) '47-M (•dwl'rlure) '42--0orllthJ Lamcwr,
RldMrd Denni111o Wwrlc:t,, Wtlttf Brtnn1n, "tlalit -. ..... ""' ....... _. ( ...
1111) 'J2-fl'ldrk Marth,, Cltlldlltt
""""-CM"" --·i'I""' ......... _
Z:JI D....... c.#r W• -1111"
(ODlllldJ) 'IO -Chtrlll Cllt11Uri.
1-. Kllfon. 1.1.i I H1rfJ .
4:11.(C) ........ h ........
(CDllttdy} 'ID-Cal)' Qf'lnt, DfllllClra•
Mirr. Mitt Mf1thOM, .>aa sr,... -
,...-----------------------·~-----·--·--·--~·--·.-...-..... -. ... .,._ ______________ , .... ----..---........----....--
• • • • .
' • •
<Any Item Priced $50 .Or Less)
' , .
Pin.;h You1•seli A Pile Of Pennies
(01· Even Dollars)
Penny Pinchers
Pile Up Profits
· Dial Direct for DetaHs
North County, 540-1~. Toll Free
' ' '
, I I
' ..
r•I lDDO Gwr•I 1000 Genor•I 1000 Gwr•I 1• lmno 1 • 11311rvlno : _ 1~
0 AN ABUi ' -··· -FOREST E. D09ER SHORES ~ v~~S~ITTLE' Wagon Wheel Cho
0 L S ·O N Beaut!JulJ, ~.z.,..., ""''" ~= =::"' ~.~..::; . TURnE. ROCK HILLS
ln-·The M1,1t,.. Plarinod Commuitay·
of lrviM
$1AS. • Be. looeed yd. np!e,
bltlll, W/W, drt-· Avail now. OUdreti O.lC. mer
53loaiJ ' ' '
· yard leads 10 thil maa:nifi. room "4th a wet m.r -l"<tr-
Jnc:. Realtors cent bomt. BciPt. sunny mal dinitW room -VttY
~y do \\'t oHtt 'th\11
beautifully land9caped, rus-
tk, ranch .tyle barPie. on
the nicest 1treet in Meta
Del Mar. Jt'a the tirtt time
liat:ed ., don't mill it if )'Oil
want the ultlmale'in corxlt..
lion • 3 btlnns. Spacious
family room hu rustic post.
& ()J>t'D beamed cem... &ck
yard with pati() is trul,y
UKE A PARK. Ouistmas
special at $28, 750.
4· BDRM$ J.112 IATHS
1/4 MIL& FROM . llACH $175. S BR + fam rm. Nke
cond. (:biJdttn -· BlllO~~C.M.
$17,250 EACH 1!
\l,1here can ~ bey a near
new borne for $17,6?
Here's r.vo on One big lot.
T\.\'O extra large bedroo!ns
in each. All the privacy and
, oonvenienoe tor your tena!JI.
, Just Jike his own hame.
Earns $4,400 per year and
$3,(0) pots ytlU in! Let yout
, dciuars worlt for you. Priced
!10\l' at $35.450. Dial now. -
liW. room with view or en-clKn -A cuner kit -2700
tire baek ~. Dtn, 4 lqe sq. ft. Garden kitchen -
·bedroon., 4 spaciQm bath1; Pride ~ ownerthi.p area -
all electric kitchen; dining Walk to . sehoo1a -Jl,300
room; rnarole firepla~. Ov-do\\'n. $32.950.
er 3200 1111. ft. $89,500. Call 1546-2S1J
for app'I.
john macnab ·
(714) 6424235
901 Dover Drive, Suite L"O
Newjlort Beach
Spacic>u:s famif.y bome
on Via Genoa.
0 THE RL.l\L
"\,. EST,.\ TERS
2043 Polom• Drive : . • co:n
Attr.ctlve 3 + family room
in beautib.i Newport Beach ...... WM.LACI .. -. u..........., · ltEALTOU ~%assumable bm. OWN· 14• 4141-
ER ABSOUITELY MUST '°""" -· SEU.. Quick pmession
don't delay.
Ar, now olfertng for sale, their .... ~ard win·
nill:g 3 &: • bedroom MOOEL H..,...IS. · •
These model homes are magnificenUy a~
pointed. with the finest o( carpeis -drapes
__ ,.wallpapers; plus every model ts prof es.
$ionally landscaped with special walkways
& patios.
These homes are placed on quite large &
< very .Private view sites that may be purchas-
ed on either leasehold or fee title owner·
.. s20,990
Cal Now 962·1353
1$1. 1 Br .. ., .... Small yd.
O:illd-pet OK. Avail Jiow.
Blcr5.14-8) •
"'!!!!!!!!!ls135. 2 Br prden tri-plex. ::;: Stow, refrig, w/w, drpB.
Coron1 del Mar 1250 Laguna Belch 1705 Avail now. l,lkr' 53Ml9lkl
$150. 2 BR duplex w/p.r1
DUPLEXES BEAUTIFUL r.noe< yd for cltlidren!
We have at this time avail.' BEACH HOME Blue Beat:on. 64s..{)IB, C.M.
able an 'outstanding selec-in lo".ely Laguna condo. com. COLLEGE Pk, !Ang Bch. 2
ition ln Corona de! Mar units ~uruty; lronting on magnif-atory, 5 Br, 3 Ba. $3(lO mo. ~ from duplex~ at icent heated pool, 1~_ steps ht & lut mo. Ref:s. 6t6.&593 •nsoo~~ tSl45""" from prlv. bch., teruus ctl:.1.,-=-,-,-,,.---= .,...,, "'¥")""~a .......... etc. Comp. attractive furn. 4 BR + .family rm. $215
Even aome sing\e residences include w/w ttPt'I, drps., 3 ~· ? ba. Apt, .$175
. on R.2 lota starting at $31,500. kgsi. muter bed; location ~v11 Rea1ty _ 00.TOOtl Most of these properties are
3 UNITS R al E Exel.~ and decor. 2 BRI, 2 BAI, aep. CUSTOM e stater umvel Iv., dln. nns; laun. with w/d, Cost1 Mite
33 02 I I h I f . are not on the general mar-,,,r., 2<ar gar. low'"' lev.1----D-U_P_L_EX ____ I 941·511f
4 Bedrooms, 4 baths,
family roam and
farmal din\ng room.
Owner may finance.
Follow the signs to TURTLE ROCK HILLS,
one mile east of the UNIVERSITY -of CAL-
lfORNIA •I IRVINE, just off the intersec·
!ion of CAMPUS & CULVER DRIVE. 1100
NEW ENGL •ND Telephone: 8 ·11 or ur t er n orniofjon.. •··1 u · th ket •• ~ $29 950 .'=. you are m e mar el. See to apprtt:iate. Sllown ---~~:= $89,500
F•RM :for income p-· in CDJ'-n • • ..,.... •. ,,. by owner, cilll for app't 2 Bedroom, carpets, drapes, Eastside Ooctt. Mesa. 5p&n-ona del Mar~ Just Call 499-2152 or 837-0791. all ekctric kitchen, ~t :s~:s5i~~;:~~h2 ======== f 6.lh tile roof, rentals <>n large: 0..ral lCOil Newport S.Kh 1200 673-1550 HANDYMAN'S La:-x• fenced y•rd for
lull bow. Fann kitoben • = ~·..,'7';;:m,s:!' A Most Spacious WOND~RFUL Spocial! < Incom• nni1' J20 chi dron & pots.
pantry _ dt'luxe built-ins. Call us now! We have thrtt turn in area. Upper Bay EASI'SIDE borne WESTCUFF yds, to beach. Patios, declts 111 ~:!~1748 Hugl' 35 Ft, New England brand new 4 BR & FR horn-Exclusive With on quiet cul-de·sac. Ex,....n-w/ocean view. Nds. pajnt, · familyroom11'llhlonsofold REALTORS es in good Joe. of Cost.a Ne .. -The gleaming fioors ·an·d etc. '69-'70 G~ $9500 yr.LARGE 4 br hse. Ju.t
673 4400 wport sive carpets, dmpeg and ex. · · "~ bric k fireplace. Winding • Mesa for <>nly S29,175 llO'W freshly painted mterK>r de.. Balboa Peninsula 1300 Pr. $69,000. Olnsider trades. painted, wlw" crpt throu&h-
staircase-10 unique hea\')', ,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""" incl at no extra cost are quisite derorating greets note true pride of owner-MISSION REALTY 494-0731 oot. f!i>?ace. Woodland Sch •• d. H 1' at you as:you ..,,•allc inta an ele-. Ex . Uy ....,amed siu )() or • uge M-• Del Mar wl \V cpts/drps. Rear fenc-ship here. ceptiona MOD~ Duplex. 2 Bdrms. VIEW, 3 BR, 2 BA. all elec., Dist. S2].{J mo. on yn Ise. !Ith bedroom. ~'lo annual •-ing. front landsc A IP!'ink· Victoria gant living room with raised fUnctional floor plan with each unit, Garage. Nr. bay beam ceili.......,, crpts, .. _.. $15 cle&n chri. Call 536-3323. ~ 1 il bl U B' 4 hearth fireplace. Three ex· · d~~ 1 llbr TLC. ·~· -~ ,o rate oan ava a e. TI· ICJ len + all blt-ins. spacious rooms .............. or Ii ary. Needs . . lg cor lat. Reduced to $135, 3 BR older, near 19th A ~~~.al $38,000, Di~ Nl»l'! Here Is 8 gleam;.,., friendly 646-8111 tra large bedrooT m•b ~ real family enjoyment. Tall Prine. <>nly. $ 4 a, DD D •. $36,000. Owner 494-4'126 Abahei.m. "I).,_. 6 re...i. .. ~ -... pUllman baths. Ile ng t shade trees and beautitully Own/bkr. 673-1355-!um. Cb";:::.~0·K. • .::-~. 1amily hOme in a choice PAIJl,.iWBtl'B ·(•nytlme) cheery kitchen has built-ins 1a d ped ground Excel uw~1 ~
TR I PL Ex area. Newly painted and CAI.NA.BAN 1..;!!!!!!!!ii!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I and dishwasher. The family le~t ~ .. 81 ·~.oc:;. · . Linda· lslo 1306 Apts. For Sale 1980 Call 3 to 9 PM _only. 642-46911
carpe!ed. Texas siu bed· ••.&.LTT c•. 1: rooin has sliding glass door! WE SELL A HOME $7000 DOWN * COT.I'AGE 1 Bdr. SfDY@,
EAST SIDE rooms, 1% baths, drea1n -to a huge aluminum rover. EVERY 31 MINUTES 90 Linda Isle Dr. Asswne ..... at 5v% Xlnl retrig. Util pd. SJ«>. No kitchen with refinished satin cd · dcd by 4 .... , .,. • Pel.& 545-6294 557-8400
E·RNS $5 800 patio surroun a Walker & Lee Exquisitely decor. 4 BR, O'Uo#entifll. 2 Br 4-ple)( apt . . . n , l'abinets. Best ol all <>nl" be tilul l Th>. pn'de BA ho ~1·d & d ~ ~ # au a'A"n. s me ...... 1' ra~ .. , bldg. Call 5-10-1915. HOUSE in court. Opts, drps,
lrreml'ndous value:? 3 large $29,400. Golfers-Take Hotel MESA VERDE or ownership hame can be landscaped. B<> at slip. 2-4+l2 ar 24 units. carport 97!1,B West 17th SL
units. 't bedroom and 2 baths ColeSWort:llJ & CO.. We have new liatingi ol sev· :Beautifully kept _ quiet _ yours for <>nly $34,950.00. 20'43 Westellff Dr, $135,000 ~ Wa1k to beach. Apprec. Costa Meaa
each. Deluxe kitchen with e ral large Custom ~ Built safe -Mesa Verde neigh. 646-Tn.l Linda Isle Development iatin& area. By Owner/ IMMACULATE 1 BR duplex
built-ifl'!I. Only $6500 down "Agent" "'Foir A Wial BW-homes along 1he fairways b>rhood. Wa!k to library and BEST BUY. VACANT Bill Grundy 67S..3210 Bldr. Lindbol'I Co. w/ gar. Apt B, 131 E. 2ht
and just 7 years young, Lux. SG-Tm ol beautiful Mea Verde ichooL $queakJ Oet.n 3 bed. $33 ,_ POOL St CM ,,_ --;-·-• d--' --:::-====--·I ·-. I 1351 536-2S1> . . ,....,.. -# ---r--....... . . .,...Q • Coolltry Cub, Up to S6SO sq roam 2 bath holne. Larre Bluffs, $4.2. rno. assn fee. 3 Lido 11 •
throughout, Manicured 6 UNITS ft & 6 bdrms, C'all now for muter llUite 8epal"ate from Br. 2323 East BluU Dr. ---------RCNTALS 3 BR house, lge fenced yd,
grounds. Enclo9ed garages. further detail&. the other bedrooms, Low ~ 107 VIA EBOLI HouMs Furnished gar. S16D. Pttf Ise. 54&-3124
Priced now at $36.$0. See RETIRID.tENT SPECIAL. ~ maintenance, large yard. FORECLOSURE: 3 BR, 2lL 4000 SQ. FT. 1~0'~54l).-0~~1~"'------
today. Dial 645-0003. Live rent free in ane of S.U·SllO Ready for you at $29,950 ,. 4 BR, 3~ BA, 3 car prage. General 2000 3 BR, 2 BA hause; drapes.
these well ... kept 2 bdrma (11e1tcinlmltheat1tl with easy terms. · 1--E=-'~'-"'-"•:e.'_.c.C•_l~l _6164~'-'-'~ BA. Townhouse, lrplc, pool. Crpt.s, drps, unusual featur-lrx back yard $170 mo. 645-0303 homes. "-~..1.1;n.. built-ins, OLLEGE REALTY 546.2313 5 Bedrm + Pool Needs paint. $27,SOO. es. Built 1967.· Owner C. R. Beautiful Bayshoro • 548-4156 * ~ "'M"' •l!:ooAdlms at tRnor,tM. Liaison Co. &16-0'732 at Harbor Center all forced air heat, w/w G I T -·-·-· Gang\. 213 I 244-3101; eves FOR LEASE 2 BEDROOM, $135 mo. New
2299 Hartxir Blvd., C.M. carpets &. separate enclclg. • • erm5 Newport Heights 1210 213 I 246-{)700. Open. Lovely 2 bdrm hame in Bay-paint. 1 child, no pet&. Call
ed. garages.·Give plenty at A BIT OF HAWAII Very ~pacioUs home with --&hores.Nt>"''POJ'tBeachhome 548-2802
Open Daily .1 ·5
11220 Dolphin Terr, CdM
Formal dining room, J BRs
2 baths, huge living room
with fireplace + family
room averlooking large pa-
tio. 2500 sq ft living area.
Re iltoi
1860 Newport &vd., CM
CALL 646-3928 Eves. 644-1655
Fixer upper - vacant & wail.
ing for an after. Attornty
!or client says sell this prop-
erty NOW! Try FHA, VA/
FHA tenns.
Asking S23,500 .. -
~" ,,. .,,. .......... ~
* 642.1n1 Anytime*
Cllffhaven-VI EW
Exclusi\'ely ours, this 2 bd·
rm, dep home ha~ lo\l'('ly
view or Bay & Ocean. En·
closed patia & garden. \Veil
priced al $43.500.
Barrett Realty
16<X; \Vcstcliff Dr., NB
thought to thit one al Tropk::ally landscaped, with large healed & filtered Home and Huntington Beach 1400 te-atures FA heat, nice ~1,,-=BR.=-~1am,--nn.--.-nc1..,.--..,-.
$'16,(QJ. CAIL 54&34:H Capen guest rm. poolme. Fa.bu-swim pool. 2 batM, large BIG HOME temporary charm, Jar g e crpt.s, drps, fhcd yard. Sl?S
eve.), Soultl Ole.st Real Ea-.... _ ·""-·--from main_, A family room. Built-in kftch-Wo.L.L-p ---er bdnn •-pia•· .• 21~ Fod--' ••• ·-~ v...-w 2341 Irvine ve •• N.B. en. Di"' ... ··ash«. EI-ant ' rllMIV 3 bdnns 2 baths, kitchen/ !'~' 1 ed. ,.,,,, vo: "' mo .. "" <:l·iu, ,,..,....JJIJ;I . tare. OPEN DAILY 1-5 °"" ·• T-m•-~··· ~-H•'~ ~n mm -·--Fabll<IUS Bade Bay view firep1ace. '"' '""""" '"'"1''"' -&••... :family I'()()m ~bination, • · "'"""r--#· ALLERGIC? 1121 Sabrina Terri C9 .._ • --J 4 + f il. loc8.tion • 3 Bedroom, 2 fo.rmal living roam with fire-Lease thru. June 15, 1910 ·Mesa del Mar 310.S Don't suffer! Imrnac, 4 Bd-Cor-· •-1 u.r ..,..,e. ~ ~ am Y Tarbell 842-6691 batl) with extra large 2 car completely furnished. Can _ _.,;....;..;;... __ ..:_;.;;;;
--u. '"" room, nmhting low, Call-I-==::::::::::::::::::::::::= g•-•• a·• a ·~~ w·ork· place. Featuring a rarity in tx1'R for f··~-itilonnah••, 4 BRr2RA. Newly painted. mi. 2 barbs, w/electronic DON V. FRANKLIN famia ranch style. Boa.f l· ~-nu ,..,,_, a lonna! dini.ig room. 5 . w·u~· ... , Vac. Lease rx:i::. bf ,._ , _ _.
filterino hea'i"'" .t coolino REALTOR. -~--• C , u. llOO l!hop, • Just 2 blocks lo 1 od & ,_,.,. _.., • .ai1t ··• ... ,. ... st<ll'&ge area. ~ lol os1a misH yean new, enc ........... + $100 deposit, 843 St. Clair
system. Beaut. k>w main!. e 673-2222 •· Vacant -owner's exfremelyl----------=~s!~ping, ·Owner scaped, All tttl5 lor a low PAtJL.WBl'IE S43-l505 days.
yard, Lge. tam. rm. Cov. i '"""~~~!'!'~!!!!!!!!!' anxious fer <>ttcr • "divorce MOST BEAUTIFUL price of $26,500 • you.r temu. CA.RNA.BAN
patia. Xlnt cond. thruCJUt. 2 TROUBLE? ending.". Near S.A. Q:luntrY Clu b on 646-7171 ta.a.LTT co. 4 BR. 2 Ba. Crpl Ir Drapes.
car gar. w/auto, doOr open-~~~If IJM'P I '~~~~~~~~~i~$225=;~0no';;:':Y~•':ar=l•;:;aso=.~Call~ down, • up • r financing. property? The difficult v.-e ........ ly modernized 2 bdrm,, den
er. Mesa North area. L<>w You wish to dispoae of your ~l·SllO comer lot SOxllO. Complete-___ , _ 1093 Baker, C.M. 546-5440 544-8580 eves.
SJ0,500 oo right away! The imllll& E REALTY ~ ... "''bebar: bb~t,-inl s I& 5Dbr1. R ~1 to s•· 200ff Men VerH 3110 Riddle & Ross 675-7225 sible .1akec a little longtt. ,..llHarW;rJI w• e auL i·ic rp c. · Owner Desperate •n•• 1 , .. re ~ ~---------
CAUDELL REAL TY "'"""""!!!!!!"""""'"""""! detho ached . gar,. V•al'Y d~a~e A LITTLE Must sell. transferred olit of SINGLE working ""ri wanted VpaA~o. fned• 3 !:1:,.2B!BtiAn, TV"".
Divorce Force.s Sale
Lovely view hame • Back
Bay area. -4 lg. bedrooms,
Jam & din. rms. Vacant. Im.
med. JXIM. See it • Make
ytlW' of1er -Buy a harp.in. -----Oli.EGE REALTY -·-.tit.
~·~ E 54'3310 51v2 •'0 FHA LOAN me W>lh 0~ ..... PRIVATE KINGDOM >rl I •• u /~U ~ ves, .r /t rm. &. l6x1S msfr, bdrm. state, Take over 5x 'lo G. . to share furn. apt. with ..... "'. Call all•r 6 ~· •139 \Valled patio, '.i Br. + din. + Joa N t • & t / -.. -.. ~ New VIEW Homes 5~~% annual percentage Huge living rm. Call any-,n. ea" am. rm. w same . ._, mo. 842-7?J91-'o-====~===·I
Bayttest in Dover Shore!! loan. May be auwned with time: 61"3-3211 or 541..6613 family,+ 20x22 ft. all Pill'-fully eqpcl. Anlhany pool. days; 646--08'15 alter 6 4 BEDROOMS. VACANT
Ivan Wells' 3 brand new :rent like payments! King • BILL HAVEN' pose room . $49,000 $191. incl'a. taxes &: ins. ROOMMATE wanted· al to 1 year lease $260/mo. Walker Rlty. 67S..5200 Wide open for oiler on list-.... _ 3 Bd .. :..~-e A.gt. 546-4141 homes: 4 bdnns, 3 ha, pow. sized bedrooms, 2 bathe, de-REALTOR 3JEi6 Via Lida, NB Open Sun. . of $34 950 ....... re rm '"""""' an
dcr nn, tam. rm w/trpic, ligtitfuJ family room. H~ 2111 E. Coast CdM 6'J3.32U UW ' · Bal Isl~. Call 615-2569 aft. Newport Belch 3200
cotrt)'al'd pool s. From 'bonus room. Yard with 1018 S Main's.A Mt..fl613 Dover Shores 1227 &545-5880 S p.m. ·------
$100,IXXI. Roy J. Ward Cb. «lately trees & cascading . ' . -----2 BR Beach furn apt Young ADULTS ONLY
1430 Galaxy Dr. 646-1560. "''terfall! $171 /MO. PAYS ALL *Irreplaceable ,View"k GE REALTY m&ie adult. Avail eke. 20th. 2 bdrm, 2 baths. Nj!w pain!,
• BEACH BARGAIN. ·Tarbeff 846-0604 $3800 down & assume 6%.'A. Bay & Mountairisl MMllM....-,Cll 20ol'h 28th st., NB. new. cpts, new dm~ ...
, BR 2 riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•l loa.n an this large 3 bdrm Regal "Old World'' Contem-•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!' S.INGLE GI . Available Jan. 1st. $225. .. . -$10ry; vacant, quick 1 • · Mo I R Ch · f rl 10 find & share
$25,5001 posse55, Comer lol, E-Z 2 HOMES 1 LOT ed2 ~ttidra':::.e; !~,Y ~'; porary picturesque home w/ ve n _-y r1s mas house in CdM . 3 bdrm, 2 baths, split-lewl.
"HAPPY HOME" walk to beach, $2'7,500 • Or ... .,... .... -..6 1.v•<:1.,,.. unobstructed view -most Sharp 2 story 3 bdrm 2% 675--0120 F.P .. Bit-ins -2 car g•--, 3 Bdrm 2 ba'"' ~-lace, patio· Fullpri-on1y •~500 roo-· s~"' • 4 Br'• bath, On comer l<>t. ~·--~· Designed for active family best cfter! u., .... qo ·· '""'" ....,, • '"'" '"""' • ••. ' ....... I"' faces pocl. Avail Jan. 15th. living, Boe.t & trailer park. CAYWOOD REAL TY built-ins +a 2 Bdrm borne, Great location _ walk to all 4% Ba + maids qtrs. Easy eb:/drapes, all built-ins. For-New-.. Betch 2200 $275.
fireplace -$32,500 with $6<XXI schools. CALL 541)-1151 Her. maint, Immed oecup. Furn-mal dining room, service '""'
ing, Dream kitchen, rich 6306 \V, Coast •lwy., NB dawn owner will ....,......, @ itag• ""al E•tat• i-n "·" 1 ~ ~ Co ·~-h f il •--um birch cabinets. Texas &lzed • 541-1290 • ...._.# ~·""''· ~~ ~...... is,,.,.., 110,uuu. ns1ut:r pare , am Y room.~ e , -=.,,-:-,.,,.---,----7~~% $225/rna. f18 years). "y"' trade/vac. lot. Assume 6%% 6% GI loan . pritt $35,900. bedroonis. Pool siled yard. 1 W II M C di Rlt p I J R I f>4().1"72{1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS e •· c er •· r•· J!!!!!!!!!""'~~~~!!!!!!! loan. MS-72'19 au ones ea ty
TARBELL 2955 Harbor Near Qift Dr. 2 BR. d~n. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. ., LARGEST ---------MT-1261: Eve. 847-8919
ranch sty!" with ht!avy 548-7T29 644-0684 evtlll. PROPERTY IN ~U;;n;;i;;vo;;r;;•,;;ity;;;;P;;•;;r;;k;;;;;;l;;l;;3;;7;f4 BDR, 2~ Ba, kitchen •
LIDO SANOS i;hake roof. Expoltl'd beaml '"'""""""'~~~!!!!!!'I MESA DEL MAR • fam. Lrg den wfbar. 2250
5 BEDROOMS ·. ceilings, used brick fire. $26,950 By Owner 4 BR, 2 BA, dbl INTRIGUING AND gq ft. Assume 6% GI. By
2 Baths. Large yard. plai:e. ~ted. $28.951>. Kin. 5 Bedrm • 3 lath gar, e~ main .?Mlia + PRACTICAL Owner. 962-a923 or 546-7770.
$2',950 gaard R.E. Ml 2-2222 2 open patios. Unique en-Designed for modem-day HY· REPOSSESSION Big Fie!lta pool. Full dining ·trance. Shrubs, tree&. Many ing. Jlas a tailored interior
George Williamson BY Owner -lrg assumable room. Rich paneling, hand· ~xtras! $32,500, Call 546-3767 that \\'ill allure )'O'll. Our LARGE PC>OL. 3 & tam +
TOWNHOUSE; 3 BR, 2% 3 BDRM. 2 ba.h, split·lewl.
BA. frplc, patio, pool, 2 car Available Dec:. ~-$265.
gar, all bllns, cpts, drps. Bay &: Beach Realty, JIM!.
Lse $325. mo, unJurn $300. 901 Daver Drive, Suite 126 NB
Avail ll/L Bn--8811 <>r 645--2000 Eves. 548-6966
642-2497 2 sroRY 2 bdnn. family
BAYFRONT 3 A: den, pier & room, 1% bath, lin!place.
fioat. Furn or unfurn. $600 Large play yard. Patio, Near
ma. Na. 2 Balboa Coves Oill Drive. $225/mo. Rltr.
67S-Oll Ml l--22'J2
REALTOR GI loan 3 Br, 2\' ba.. din 90l1le bar. Best buy oo to-favorite "Julliard MOO.el" fonnal din, 1% ba, cpt.a/drps
'42·5200 673-4350 673-1564 Eves. rm. fam nn, walk to 9Chls.. day's market1 Prime area. MUST Sell 1 yr old 5 Br, 3 witb the banus room in ad· aU eltt. Lesa than 1 yr aid.
1..,..,..,,,;,,;,;,;,;,;,.,..,..,, [:;-~:;;-;;;;;::-;::--;;:;~ bch, princ, on I Y. S33,500. 54()..lTlO . bath. custom home with dltion 10 three bedrooms. Quick poss. Assume 6% %
OCEAN fn:inl OOuae, T<>Pll! 2 BR home A guest oottqe 4t 2 BR, 2 BA. Frplc, crpta, completely new inside a
drps. yard, patio. $250. win. out. Newpart H.gts. 642-9950
ter. 673-8C8B 2 BR. 2 ba .. den, din, rocm.
2 BR. l BA. % hick trom bay In Citthaven. $300
I! FIXER UPPER UNITS oos..noo TARBELL 2955 Harbor rn'.15oo ~e:.;;e;g:~. = tp $35,450. VA loan. Can for compl in. Cm efree Uving 8 Unirs all 2 Br. Good rent-3~B;;:R.:-.2-BA."""-f'"am_,,ily-room-. • d b. 11 1 tion
The deluxe condominium is al area. Nt-ed cleaning up. prof decor. 2 yr old-xlnt NO matter what tt is, you agt. 5t0-8381. or 546-414! re •• WsHEAR REAL TY
now an t«tablished way of 1nc. S925 mo. gross. cond. $32,500. 21382 Fleet can sell it with a DAILY OWNER-A good buy. 3 BR 847~ 431..J?G!J !ISS-1178
life. Jt surl' beats renting Pyramid Exc:hangon 64G-2Q9 Lane. HB. Owner 646-4328 PILOT WANT AD!! 642-5678 ~. \Vest side. Cpts,
in cost, •it.e and prestige. I~========:.!.=========;;.,::=========-! fltlJS, stave, gar. Sl9,950.
& beech. S160 + util. \\'inter George William$1ln, Jtealtor
rental to JUiy l. 675-.2539 673-4350 673-1564 Ewa
La111:e 3 bt'droom, :.i bath General 1000Gener•I 1000Gener1I 1000 546-8026
close ta C.OSta Mesa Civic 01.1' style Spanish 3 Br. l Ba
~nter. and only $21 .;.()0. house on double l<>I. $18,000.
Colesworthy & Co. s~~lA-/tt.~s·, lo"'~""'1ER""",....,-,~~=R..,,."""",,,-;;· 2-=car
"Agf'n\ .. "For A \Vise Buy"
~ batbll. bu1lt·in kitchen, COY·
~red pa(io, Cua&• &. CU •
TARBELL 2955 Horbor
Beautiful T -Plan. Lavcly
MHI Del Mar nri0.b011locMt.
~ DC" earpeta, drapipi,
Jllllnt. pant:Ui,._ 6: wallpa.
pers. Lar&r yard wtlh boll!
door Ii r-Uo. $$2,5(11). lhll"
rY· OU ls primtl -.,. -3 BR 2 bttb nome. comer
lat 1»C1IO ~ add 5 mar'f: ....... om. by 1513 Suto
Alta A 'ft. thm ~
Bania lltalty
• Tlte P11Ule wiflt tlte luifl-ln Choclile gar. I.rg Jot -aultabl• f.,. buildi~. 54;H;001 .-. ............
four tc:tawlbled wardt b. f
tow to '°"" '°""" lllllJ)I. ..._...
INOWPEA I ' 1 1'1111
College Park 1115
Open Daily 1·5 PM
LG. f bdrm 2 ba. Auumable
kw.> int loah. 2339 Colp.re
Dr. For inlormstion call
PERRON RLTY 642-1771
Newport Beach 1200
Nood A Pier/Slip?
Ptrfcct for owner/tenant. A
duplex • lovely d!'!Ck Iron!
In iov.·er unit I view of wa.
t~ in tiPPtr. ~.IXIO.
R. C. GREE!! RHlty
1155 Via Lido 613-9.100
Live on an Jaland ff"itw11(1f't).
Buy lbis deluxe duplex. Ll\.'11
tn one: It rent one. $39.SCQ
Groh•m Riiy. 646-2414
NNr Newport Pell OUlct
GIVE 1"0W -United ~
don,. bt-11 '
Univ. Park Center, Irvine
Call Anytime 833-0)2()
E1stbluff 1242
3 BR. 1!% ba. Nice fpl. Din.
area. Shaws unusually well.
Call /or price & terms.
REALTORS 675-1662
3006 E. Coast Hv.-y .• Cd?ot
Corona del Mer 1250
, .c_o_r_••_•_dol_Mo_r __ 2_2_so N'!!e!.'!__Sh_o_r• ___ 3_22 .. o Fountain Va lley 1410 , -3 BDRM. 2 ba. house, 1 blk. 3 BR Home-Lease $275, 3 BR ,
CHATEAU BLANC to beach. $250. Furn, Month Apt-Lease S246 Frank
$500 Moves You In . to Mooth. ~lanhall Rlty m-tfM
Ooeing cost & impounds in-Bay &: Beach Rlty. 67s-3000
eluded in financing 7'iiio/o in-========= JUniWf'sity Park 3W
tettsl. 7\4 % intemt w/1°'9 BalbcN 2300 --
down, 3 Bedroom, 2 & 3 ---------Av1ilable Lea"'
Ba "" i~· It. ·-f SPACIOUS 2 sto111. 3 Br. 2 All have frpla &: bJt.tr. t,..,, •<N sq, ._,sq. I. Ba, bayvl<w. family. $1""' ~ finished bonUs room abave 2 ~ car 1aragcL All built-Ins. winter or $325 yrty. Kl Tv.·o 2 bdrm 2 hllth
Private patios w/ B-8-Q's. 6-9574 TGWnboUsts.. 1 @ $2.u •
$23 3CS S25 950 l @ fr.JO/mo. Im.med. · rnf TEAu st.ANc Lido 111. 23s 1 occupancy. Jsmo Bruokhum St. -JM.,;M;.;E;..D=IA.;.TE __ lkcu __ pancy_..;.;. -'3I 3 Bdrm It ram. nn. home ,n
HIGH & DRY % mile S. of thP Br. 2 BA. Sunny pa.tin, 210111 Turtle Rock. BRANO NEW.
Reduced to Sl.'\.900, lmmac· San D~,.:W•Y fro1n bc.h/bay. New cptg &. Avail. @) $300/mc or partb'
ulatt 2 broroom hornfo. Hd· dooar. Owntt. 642--542~ furn. ({V $315/mo.
"Stratford Sq. Home" Immed wd. Doors; fireplace, Lari· · occup.
er 1i""1 ooom. R-2 Lot. 25CIG Sq. Ff. Bol .. l1l1nd 235S
UNIVERSl'l'V REALTY 15xJO" fam , nn. fonm.I dln. S37S mo/yrly Avail Jan. 3 Bdrmt & llUGE tte. room .
3001 E. Cout Hwy. 61USJO nn. 3 c•r gar. Compl rum. 3rd. 2 BR. 2· BA. J)'plc. 2 1.lany txtru, VJE\V. Avail
CAMEO SHORES H~F~~Alf~ patioo, dock. Adulll only, J an. 6 (ij) !300/mo.
lsl Ottering. I...ovtly hOtne. A ......... "S 67",)-1S80. • •• _.,._,, u-•rm1 le ram nn, lmmae. magnUicmt vil'W from .t.P.1---------FOR Ren1: Ji\lrn. l Br Hte, cond. $350/mo tmmed -
pro.-.:. 31x30 ft. !Iv, mi. Spac.1 ---------• 1 &I. laL Wlnttr at Yfb' Lite.. ' ~·-·
k>ut kitll home for enter-Lasrun-&.1ch 1705 Phone -54&-7ll4
talnlng, $7t.~. ----Bolo Pettit & Ai-.
~Ire Reil Eslete 675-2503
ClaS1ilicd'1 aclion power.
For 11n ad to Bt'll arnund tht
clock. dltt.I 6~2-G61S.
ot oct.1n k ~ &mall
but buiWable tot. P11.vlnc I:
11HI. In aftrr b l Of )flt.
1.o"' dn. \\'/low nio. fmYtl.
41!1"'8100 or 494-1137
IJ3.GIG1 D ... Point 2740 c-..,_ or m«»I
2 Br. TirtPI•~. carpeting. BEAUTlFUL a bdnn, slnalt
garbf.it dilp. $145 mo. until f11.m\ly home, Lease al
J"une 20. No children or ~/month. "DOUG JOY
ptl!i:. 49&-2&53 REAL TOR ~
1111!1'!1'!!!111111•""""""•!!11""""'""'"" ___________________ .,. __ ""',.. ..... -----.---------.,,,..--=~-""")-;r.-r:;-.-· ..... · .-:-.·. ,--;:-;--..-·'"'...,_.,,.. ... ,.... .... --........ ,,....-... ---~r--•
Hon111 lJnfumlthed Hou ... Unfurnished HouH• Unfvrnlthod HoulM Unfurnl,,,.. -Unfuml~ Aptt. l'umllhtd Apll. fumlshod
""... ; U,_fUf'nlshed A""' UnlurnlsMd·
-T ---~ock lly 3240 Coron• dol Mar 3UO B•lbH 330o HUllH'!f'!""""' 3400 Llflllll -· • f70S ~llftli~~!!!,~ 4400 _!:l!lnl~.'!gten._B!och 4400 .. ~0;;';;;";;;"'°';;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;5;;;1;;;00,1~t!uif ' 5242
EXECUTIVE .Home 5 BR, 3 IMMED; OCCUPANCY BEACH HOii", 3 Br. wjll HOME ... Rent .. Lie.. Br. LAJtGE. newly -i-er. l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!i!!!!!!!l!!!"!======i!!!!==~I 0 NEW DELUXE •
&. Cpta. ctrpa. elee bltna. New Harbor·Vltw· lllllt·Lusk tum. $160 mo. + util. ~ E. Macco. .Nr. • ~Adams ' A dupltt. Oceu view. Adt<t:, s'INGLI ADULTS MERRIMAC WOODS 5 Br ... 2 Ba apt IM tea3ll
. $300. !116-&740 ~-Exe ·•-· ~· •-BAiboa. Bia~ M..,,.>la. #15. Pl-.ne <It t no pell. J\15 mo.,..,.;. . Tl-.1. _._ ..__ Mob ..SC-? Juat compl<tod .. l od BR. 2 Incl. -c. m,.tr. IUlte din & ..... i~ICPd.' A;;:~~ .,,,,._,,.. 961-2109 ' PLACE REALTY f94-8104 rwu t1n~n1S BA turn or Untum-with air rm. A°dW. l&nJ~.-~ulQ. _
hit Bluff 3242 & ..... ''· ,,.,..,_ • BR. 2 Huntlntton aNch 3400 2 -~ clean, LGE. 5 Br. 3 ... To ....... See the· New . HuntlllC)toll Capri A-. <ond, com•I "'""'"""'"'· door '"'"'" ovaU, """ ••
• __ , ba., tam. nn., din. atM, 1~ YRLY 3 BR • BA fnCd yard, dbJe 1 a r , alb.le WnUy Rent or teue. -r• • se~t clear ovem, wood rec. area, Nr. CltboliC ( ~' 3 Br, 2 ~ ,,,11• drpo, rel ll50 Ind. 1~ • . • • $185/mo. l!ltr. 531-119"1 "'· F......,. ·ala. -WHBE UVll"G IS FUN! .. u...,, d• ··'"· IUlh land· O>W'cli. Condo. View. Nr shp e.. grdnr crpls, drpl, very small Ew 55-732? 1eapi.nQ: with rtl't!&mAI &: wa. e ONLY $24S •
Pool-dub. Y'.Jl A: refrlc. Kltntfn Raulston kneed yd. Dbl gar. lat &. 4 B~ 2 ea, Tam 1 Dina Point 3740 Just lS&-Custom I, 2 & ' hcfrln. Apt.. · terfalls, elevators; ~ 865 Amigm Way N.B.
"$%15 mo."'"' lie. Immed ...,,. Jut It <l<P. .,..,, pd. Van trplace Scbool·l bik. Pio -ARRANGED WITH 9 PRIVATE COURTYARDS "'"""°""'· ,.,.... jacu'" ~ •
occ. CTif) '7U-n6S 1 _.. 1 . -"""',!.A N~an (213) _ .. ,..:,1• -~ -. • Overloo~ing Marine swim pools <prlv .. gar w/ SPACrous 2 BR. 2 BA apt. . ~· ·---FROM $140. FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED ,.....,; •. E;.rythin. ~.w. E"'tbhill. Frpk, bltn •.
Coroni'clel Mir 3250 LEASE 4 BR l% BA 2BEDR00Mliouse.Leue ,Beautlful executive home, l11low,11S8SFurn.ifsh1'r•d by2fri•ndsl Starting at "$140. Adults Adults, no peta, Call !er
2 BR, So ot hw)'. Frplc, Colftell, .... I Co. Town~. c'rpts • • ~ ~ Adults only. ::;!:,'·d~~m:~~ FUN & GAMES AVAILABLE: WHEN DESIRED. please. J ust East ot 2600 appt to see. 644-4293
crpts, drps. bltns. Beam 550 Newport Center Dr. drapes. Pool· I clubhou1e thru~t Phont tor appt., to TEN~S, BASKETBALL, GYMS, BILLIARDS. 1-larbor BJvd, next to Nabers -------......-
d""t. 6'J3..6904 -· Newport Beach, CeUI. tncilitiea. $190 mo. Ph. see 496'.Di9 PARTIES & TRIPS BY YOUR SOCIAL DIRECTOR. C.adW•~U.. ~::. :!w, '25 Alerrimac Corona del Mer 5250 ' 1-·~~------1 1334700 6'4-2A30 962-1544 '""'· Fountain V1lloy 3410 · . ~ ~
2 BR. 111 BA dptx; Pri bch. DUPLEX. mo ... ft. 4 BR. WALK to ... ch. 2 Br/<kn. s BR. 1% BA. 1p bont11 nn. Dupion Unfurn, 3975 6200 EDINGER AVE., HUNTINGTON BEACH ~wmo., frP.~c~ ~i.. m Jlt!'· .,,L 11.._ bl 1 G .r.tow tn now. Cpts, drps + Oilld's pMyboue in rear. l~ NEW APTS ~--~ ;;;, ;;;.;'11 ... ~~· "'· "'""" $225, "~ ""' + d'!'. Stde yud lor .... or' Well, BR,""'·"'"· -yd, 1 l4 Ml. w. OF BEACH BLVD. & SAN DIEGO
2 BR. -nlce patio, 54().MTI ~ 963-7l00 stt 5 gar, bit-Im. A<Iwi.. m peu FREEWAY, JUST" EAST OF SPRINGDALE ST. ~~;. gardener •. $210 month I y. ITS Beach ~ time. Bl&· c 'LARGE BR. 2 BA, frplc, ' . $140 mo. 548-4:573 ot 548-2884 PHONE (714) ~19
675--0137 . seat eetection evert See the new cpt. A' drpl, dbl gar, THE QUICXER YOU CALL. RENTALS $150 & $175 ON TEN ACRES
White Ele~ts! DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! kncd t.dl: yd, $250. 962..!!IM THE QUICKER YQU SELL •-t1. Fuml1h-• ..,. -_N_ow_,_po_rt_Bo-'-•-'ch.;..._42c;;,OO; G•rdei1 Grove
1 le 2 BR. Furn & Unfum UTILITIES PAID Fireplaces I priv. patios I
1 & 2 Bdrm, 2 swim pools. Pool!. Ttnnfs • C.ontnl"l Didst,
Adult11 only, no pets, Furn 900 Sea Lane ·CdM 64-i-:!fill
if desired. 6l2·3T22 !MacArthur ~r. Coa.st Hwy)
Are You ·Letting Cash
Slip Through Your Fingers
See If You Have Any
Of These Things A
Will Sell Fast!
1. Stove 29. Bicycl• 57. Electrlc Train
2. Gull•r 30. Ty-ltor 58. Kitten
3. B•by Crib 31. Bar Stools 59. Cl•11lc Auto
4. Elo<trlc SIW 32. Encyclopodl• "60, CoffM T•ble
5. Camera 33. Vacuum Cleaner 61 . Motorcycle
6. Washer 34. TrOplc1I Fbh 62. Accordion
7. Outbo .. d Motor 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 63. Skis
8. Stereo Set 36. Fiie Cabinet 64. TV Set
9. Couch 37. Goll Clubs 65. Workbench
10. Clarlnet 38. Sterling Sliver 66. Dl•mond Wokh
11. R1frlg1r1tor 39. Victorian Mirror 67. Go-Kirt .
12. Pickup Truck 40. Bedroom S.t 68. Ironer
13. S.wing Machine 41 . Slide Projector 69. Camping Triller
14. Surfboard 42. Lew" Mower 70. Antlqw l'urnltvre
15. Mlchin• Tools 43. Pool Table 71. Tape RMOrder
16. Di1hwHhtr 44. Tlrn 72. S1llboot
17. Puppy 45. Pi1no 73. Sports Cit
18~ C1bln Cruiser 46, Fur Coit 74. Matt,..., lox Spg1
19. Golf Cort 47. DropH 7S. lnbo•rd Spoodboot
20. 81romet1r 48. Ltn1n1 · 76. Shotgun
21. St1mp Collection 49. HorM n. Siddle
12. Dinette Set 50. Airpl1ne 78. Dirt Gtme
23. Ploy Pon 51. Org1n 79. Puncllln9 Bit
24. Bowling Bi li 52. Exorcyclo 80. Boby C1"I"°
25. Weter Skis S3. Roro Book> 11. Drumt
26. FrHior S4. Ski 8"0011 82. Rifle
27 •. SultcHo SS. High Choir 13. O..k
21. Clock 56. Coins 14. SCUBA Goer
These or any other extra things around th• house may
be tumed into cash wittl a
so • •
Don't Just Sit There!
Gonorol 4000
DELUXE, spacious I Bdnn
Furn apt $135 pluS util.
Heated poOI, ample parking.
No children • no pets.
1965 Pomona. c.~r.
$140. 2 Br, 2 Ba 4-plex.
Family welcome, Bk r. -$130. l BR. Nicely furn.
Adults only, avail now. Bl~e
Beacon, 645--0lll, C.M.
$1IO. Util pd. Bachelor.
WIW, drps. avall now. Bkr ........,
Cost• M ... 4100 * SUNNY ACRES * * Motel-Apts *
Studlo If 1 ledrooms
D<ly. Wm, M .. 111
• Kirehens &: TV's
• Phone iserv ., btrl pool e Maid ~ avail.
548-9755 * LOVELY APTS. Very low
wkly rates. Ide&l for singles
or married cpl, Linen,
maid, laundry, TV, all
util's.. Steps to bch,,
Laguna. 49t-!M36
$25. Per Wk. & Up
Bachelor &: 1 BR, htd pool,
ma.kl iierVice. Kitchens &
TV avail. 450 Victoria (Nr
l BR furn. Tastef\illy
decorated, Adults only, $135
mo. 1004 El Camlno.
$150 il up· ATI'RACTIVE, l
bdr., pool, util pa.id, garden
Jiving, adult!, no pets, 1800
Wallace Ave., C.ttt.
SUNNY 2 BR. Partly furn.
Will complete fDr employed
couple. Infant OK. 646-8226 * NASSAU PAU.,:S *
I & 2 BR. Pool
Newpert Beach
OCCUPANCY Luiury prden apartments
otferin1 complete privacy,
beautiful land.scaping A: un-
paralleled recreatiooal facll·
lties In a country club at·
mosphere. Now leasin&: in
.NeWpOrt Beach.
Fumish@d or unfurnished
Models open 10 am to 8 pm
Rents from $155 to $310.
l71X) 16th Sh'ei!t
714: 642-81'70
SINGLE Adults Lu x ury
garden apts with country
club atmos(lhere and com·
SlNGLE Adullll Luxury
garden apt& with country
club atmosphere and com-301 Avocado St. c.r.t.
plete privacy. soum BAY NEW DUPLEX
·CLUB AM'S JllOO CbaPfnan 1 UNI
See ?.fgr on premises
A .... can1en Grovo in•> HARBOR ~nrrus T LEFTI 63S-3030 tlllttn 2 BR. 2 Ba. ($250). PriY. pa. -====<=====I tio, cov. g&l'llge, cptd., drap-... BACllELOR untum tr om ed. Comp, bltns. Best loc, L_19-""u_n_1_e._1e_h ___ 4_7_o_s 1 suo. AJ90 avail 1 • 2 & 3 101~1 OROUO
-Bdrm. J-Ieated pools, child * LOVELY APTS. Very low wkly rates. Ideal for singles
or manied cpl blnen.
maid, laundry, TV. aU
util'a. Steps to bch.,
Laguna. 494-9436
CHARMING Partly furn
seaside studio bungalow,
garden ~tting. Lease $170
inc gar, all utilit ies,
Tele-clear. Refs. 494-Z775
Apt1. Unfurnished
care center, adj to shoppin&. >,. 67J-'O!:O o
No pet.s. 1-~~-;-~~~~~-~ 2700. Pelel'90n Way -·!''? I a.&
Costa 1.fesa 54&-0370
MARTINIQUE 2 BR. Ap~. Frplc. dock,
GARDEN APTS ::: ""'· bltns. 1100 ,.
Elxcdlent park-like surround-NEW 3 Br. 3 ha., cpl11, drps,
lngs w/heated p00ls Extra elec. buUt-ins, dishwasl'ler:
parking. Near shopping. fireplace, patio. Unusual
Adults only close & 1torage space.
· 2 & 3. BR APTS Don V, Frii..nklin, Realtor
plete privacy. SOUTH BAY· Gen•rll
'1m santa Ana Ave. C.M. 32SO E. Coa.'lt Hwy. ~2222
Mgr, Apt 1l3 64s.s542 3 BR. 2 ba., unusually 5000 -Fal·rway V"1Ha A t ''"~"'· Frp1., 811 ""v•, CLUB APTS. Jrvlne at 16th, 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Newport Beach. I• · p S refrlg., F .A, heat, w/w cpl, ,
drapes, Oceans1de Hwy. On-
Near Oranr Co Airport & ly $285 mo., lease. .
UCI. Adults only. 20122 Oef..ancy Rt!al EJtale 613-377D '
CTI4) 645--0550
NEED an Apt. Jor the
holidaya? Baytront 2 BR-(1·
King s:i:., I-twin) Comp.
tum. W/linens, ele. $550 mo
(Will consider a !easel. Call
546-7602 or 642-4641
* LOVELY APTS. Very low
wkly rates. Ideal for singles
or married epl. Linen,
maid, laundry, TV, all
utll'a. Steps . to b c b , ,
Laguna. 494--9436
34th & Seashore, modern 3
BR, 2 BA beach apt. New
crpt & dJi>s. Furn or partly
furn. Families preferred,
yrly lse. 675-3315
2 BR Balboa Apt, $160.
Adults. * 675-1070 *
DIMAcut,.ATE APTS! Santa Ana Ave. !>I0.2796 COROWDO AP"i'S. 2 Br.
ADULT ,A: FAMILY .-:=,.,..,-------1 Lower levels, studiO!I, pent.
SECTIONS AVAD..ABLE NE\V 2 BR-1 BA. patio deck house, Frplca., pool, dbl.
Close to shopping, Perk -self cleaning oven • high carports, patios, $180 • $220. * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba grade crpts, new drps w/ 673·3378 * 2 Bedrooms black out shades. Adultsl:::-=.,,.,,.,------* Swim Pool, Put/green only· $165. Xlnt close in loc CLEAN 3 BR, 2 BA. Upper, * Frpl, Indlvllndry fac'la Call 645--0128 · Open view. 1 blk to sbo~ .
1145 Anehelm Ave. .-=-=-------I ping. 3 adults prefe.n"ed.
COSTA MESA 642-2824 2 BR. Cpts, drps. New tile & $285. 401 Jasmine. 675-6832
"""~""!!""~~""'!~!! 1Yallpaper. Couple. Child OKI:==--------· I e RENT .-$145. TIO No. 2 Shalimar UNF. Duplex. 2 Bdr. 528-7343 · Frplace. range & relrig. ·
3 Rooms Furniture
$19.95 & UP
?:onth-T~M,,ntb Rentab
HFRC Furniture Rentals
517 W. 19th, CM 548-3481
2 BR + d 11, ba Adlt.s, $115 mo. 620 AcaCia, en, 11 , cpl/ C&ll.
drps, bltll!, w/d nr shps &l;;;c=-.:=-;;-.,,;::----bch, pets ok. $li5. 545-'Tl'47 NICE large 2 BR upper.
Crpts, drps, refrig, range
2 BR, hrdwood noors. Adults, gar. New tlcetir. Adults,
1 child ok. No pe ts $1 30 mo. Lease $170. Owner 673-2755.
2093 Wallace. 546--0379 ==~· ~~---~ , CUTE 2 BR upstn. Newly 2 BR. Studio &. Nr OCC. $140 painted. Crptd & drps,
$135. 2 BR. tri-ptex. Stove & mo: Avail now & Jan 1st. J stove, gar, pri patio. (21J)
$150 1 BR furn apt. C?pts. re!rlg, Cpts, drps, gar. Blue Child OK. 637-2943 4Z4--l6TI 422-343l
;i:~nu!'.tns. Poot 1525 ,,ee~·-"'~"~·~"'~>Wl~.::·~C.:.·.:.M::.· __ 12 BR duplex, nr. achool, Jge 2 BR., 'So. or Hwy. Yrly. :========: $145. 2 Bf'4-plex, Gar, w/w, .Yd.5 · $ll5. C.all 53fl-19il after Utlrs furn'd. $19:i Mo. d~. dllldren O.K. Bkr pm. References required.
Coron• del Mer 4UO
LOVELY 1 br apt $200 a
mo. 547-7743 a1t 10 AM
day11. Or 673-3751 aft 7 PM.
534-6980 2 & 3 BR apts, built-in range, t.1r. Forney, Bkr. 540-3862
$122.50 1ILflle 1 Br. Bltns, carpets, drapes. 1552-A LARGE New 2 BR. 2 BA
retrig, pallo., w/w, drps. Coriander, 5'16-5268 plUs den. Crpts, c1rp3, bltns.
Avail 12/15. Bkr 53f...6980 2 BR, $155. Crpts, drps, View. 712--036'7, 53.>J864 or
bltns. Pvt patio, encl gar. &17-4177.
177 E. 2Znd St. 642-3645 --------C
B lbN 4300 °'11 -5100 Adults. 549-0433 IN'=EW=,~So~. o~f~H7wy-.~,~Bdrms~-.,
1 Br. Furn. Apt. Older -'--------tenants Prefen-ed. $110.
Call • 642-1804
2 BR furn apts.. Avail now!
Adult Jiving, htd pool, rec
1 BDID.f, furnished apt. Util
incl. Located on Balboa
Peninsula. Single girl 13-25.
$125. 675-7589 att 5.
room, good loc. 646-5824 1 --CL~EAN~-B~.-,-,,.-· ,-.,-.-,-"--
1 & 2 BR. furn &: unfurn. aY.!O All util Incl SSS up
Fullerton St, C.M. Mgr on 315 E. Ba.lboa Blvd.
premises. BALBOA 67~9945
---'--2 BR, J~ BA, hlfins, erpts, beamed ceil., with declc a
2 BDRM. l ~ Ba., blt·ins. dflls, garage, patio. Adults, fireplace S23o Mo.
Utility rm, gar., patio, new no pets. $150. 549-1806 Don V. Franklin Rltr 673-2222
crpts new drps, J. mi. OCC NEW lovely 2 br. Cpno;/dps, 2 BR. So. of Hwy. Yrly,
No pets $160 mo. + $50 dep. nr W-cliff. Gar, patio. Util's. lum. $195 tnOSl.th. 968-7772 or 54&-4767 'l'rlplex. $175. 548-3664 Relettonces Required.
BRAND New 1 & 2 BR. 2 BR w/w crptg, pool, no l'>lr. Forney, Bkr. 54G-3862
W/W cpts, all bltns inrl. pebl or children. $130 mo. 1 Bclr. Apt. Unf. Stove &i
sell cleaning oven. Patiru., 313 E. 17th PL, &IZ--8499 refrig. Sun die. $150 a JDO, garages. AdiiJts. 645-2108. l BR furn, utll pd. $120 per 3'Tl' w. Wilson. Call 675-0737
mo. yrly. 310 E. Balboa LARGE 2 BR ts drp _N;o;w;_;po;n;. ;;;·Bo;;;•;c;h;;;;;;5;;;2;;;00~1 =========! Furn units avail, see 11.d. un.
der dass 5100. 425 Merri-
mac Way. 545-GJOO Blvd, Balboa. Adults, no pets cat'Pi>rt &: ~l~rp Kids o~ • Balbo1 5300
BACHELOR Apt. lncl Util. 2Zl4 Colleie, Apt No. 2.
1 BR apt. Gas &: water pd.
$120 mo. No children, no
pets. 646-8592
Yrly., $120 a mo. Call .640-7095
637-5342 or !i.1&3101 "°PVT=.~1'°1v71n-g-, -.. -w-,,.-,-. 73~B~r
Newport Beach 4200
BACHELOH. .. APT -Ulll apt home. Walk-in closets,
pa.id. $80 ptt mo. 310 E . frpl, charming patio, nr fwy
Balboa Blvd., Balboa $250. 546--4016.
2 BDRM nr ocean. Bk
dl.lplex. $145 )'l'IY, nu eplB,
patio. 128~ 46th St. (213J
H ti •--h _._._ E-SIDE. 2 BR, 1,ii BA. _ un ngton u.tiC -~ Crpts, dri>S, bit-ins. Fenced
dock. 1.Dvely 2 BR. patio.
BACHELOR & 1 BR furn,
$140 up. Adults, no pets.
17301 Keehon Ln. 842-7848
(West of. Beach nr Slater).
Yrly lse. 673-9060 or NEW QUJET 1 BR, nr ocean,
697~8 $145 pri deck or patio.
LARGE 1 BR, or ocean. Singln .I: cph only. :In 14th.
Upstaln. Sundeck. $140 yr-1 _SJ&._!3_19_, _67>-~l-'84--~~
ly. Students ok. 673-8088 STONEHENGE APTS. 2 BR,
2 BR, Ocean fmnt rear. 2 BA. too F1orkla, nr
Garage. $160. Winter. Beach I. Adams 536-2700 * 67J.8Jlll * -1-Bdrn>~-~&=d:..en"".'"-,w--pa~kl-,· I Orange County
$215. mo. yearly lBe prefer·
red. 673-82ll
PLANNING to move? You'll
fi!)d an amulng number of
home11 tn today'• Oustfied
Ads. Check them now.
patio. Gar. Adults. No pets
$135. 548-9632
1 & 2 BR apts. 2 split-level.
CJD, bltns. No p e ta.
545-5421. See Mgr, Apt A
2 BDR. 2 Ba. Pool. bit-ins,
crpta & drps. $195 a mo.
Call -64&-9683, Agent.
2 BR, crpts, bltlns. frplc,
pa.Uo. Adult.! only. No pets.
$145. 548-8882
SPACIOUS new 2 ~rm Bi.Or Bayft, llOfabed, patio
2 bath. Nr. shopping. yd. w/w crpt, util pd $125.
$240 per mo. Prof penon only 673-6765.
Mariner Square Apts. 1244 Irvine Ave., N.B. H-'-un_1_1n_,g'-to_n_B_1_1e_h_S400_
~~~~I 2 BORMS. · 2 BATH
2 Br, 2 Ba, hi-rilie bldg. Ex-$150/P.fo. JrEATED POOL
citing bay &: ocean view. fncd, cpt/drps, Kids OK
Jacuzzi pool , elevitors, DE/.f\\VARESTUDIOApts.
11ubterranean pk'g, boat 26'1{1 Delaware, H.B.
slips . avail Jor tenants. 642·2221 anytime 536-1816 .... ,,.,
~ I
'" I
, DAil. V I'll.OT Thunday, -11. IM
* * * * 5990
.... 1•L•*"*
• ..... ,Misc.ta ....
When You
·-Wont-it clone
right •••
-=--.joiWlllUU •'f'IMll& --•-Ti IUYIUt.
APT. \Vanted to ttllt for
perm. rn.ldenee. 2 Bdr unf
nr bch. Single woman.
875-6980 ~inga. """
Coll one of
the experts
listed belowll
Whaddy1 Wont? Wh1ddy1 Got? e LANDLOROS e
Broker SM-6982
Spocl1I R1to
Room& for Rent 5995 S Linet -S times - 5 buck•
Baby1itting 6SSO Carpet Loylng &
Rop1lr 6'>26
P•intln.1 6150
F1JRNISHED room. Priv'att
home. Near shopping. Cor.
Baker & Fairview. 545-3298
~ "°"' """' ,. lfldla, »-Wlltf 'fOll ••"' In trlda. I-YOUR '"""° 1rt0/or tdlllftt.. •...S N11e1 of t4wrtillft9-~0TH:NG FOii: SALi! -TP,AOES OMLVI
PHONE 642-5671
BABYsmING Pre-6chJ age
children, potty. trnd. Lunch-FOR CARPETING JNT./EXT. Aver. Ext.
snack:'l, 8 ain . 6 pm. $25 OR CARPET LAYING $1Zl.50 labor only. a yr.
\\'k Mon thru Fri. Ca.II blwn C. A. Page -642-2070 guar. painting avail. Al.so. To Place Your Trader'• P1radl1e Ad 8 am-8 pm, 536-7995 JiB Apts & Comm'I. !)48.1546
Shoreclifls 3 Br on fee land.LCH!;;;.:;:LD~r'.:are:O..:my=.::ho::mc.:•:::.::..,.,.,.~-.• I ElectrlC•I 6640 EX·PAlNTER, now s c b I $15 \VK & up w/ kitchen $30. 2 Jovely townhouses Ne\\'•
wk studio apt 2376 Newport por:t Beach 2 BR. 2 BA
Blvd. 548-91a5 eaCh '$500 nlo income $9000
S25.t\1 eqty + clear S15M vie· Sonora School. ELE--CTR--,-C-AL--,---.,.-.--lr. teacher will pa.int eves &
Glendora Jot w/O&lc!. Want * 545-5481 * repair. 24 hrs. 7 days. No v.·knds. ·Xlnt \\'orkn1anship,
-~uiiy, TRADE for ·home.
Mot.ls. Trlr. CrtL 5997 car, boat, ?? Agent 646-0732
Spaees avail now. 1.iax 26'. SER. 75 HP. Evinrude. Nice
Call 1)46..9681 condltlon, $1000 value. Trade
\nc prop, trlr park or ranch WILL babysit by the week or job too small. Re-model & Free est. 646-4519, 540--0062
nr coast. Owner 673-0176 eves. You furnish trans. a.dditions, II it's electrical, HOLIDAY SPECIAL, Int. &
Handmade unusual carved Call 642-1407. wt' fix it! 646-4m Ext. painting. Lie & in&urd.
resin covered tables, ban; B~A::;B;cY,;S'°'I;,TIJ:=,N;:,G,.., -,,,.--;,~.-w I=========~ Free es ts. Locil rets. 30 yrs
& cradle!, Trade for car or Heller Prk. r..g tncd yd. Bal. Gardening 6610 exper. "Chuck" 645--0809 ' "'"==~....,---:---,-., lo VIV .. """" 1WEEKI.Y rates Sea Lark r • 08.J0.29«; boat. lunch. Xlnt cart'. 64~2754 PAINTING & perha . 548¥a32 t s GARDENING & landscapin&. pa ng1ng,
ldotel, 2301 Newport IDvd., • Coeta Mesa Trade up -house with back
l='========'lba.y view at 235.1 J.nrine
Mlsc. R1ntal1 5999 Ave., for vacant or 4 to 100
f'.'Xcep un. · • BABYSI'ITING, my home U yrs ex p , CI ea n. up, 25 yrs exp. Old country
JfALF ACRE with $3600 an. on Flower, CM. Reliable. sprinklers inst'd & repaired. workmanship. Rcu, Free
nual income Back Bay for Reasonable Rates, 548-7801 673-1166 est. 642-1322
clear land San Diego Coun··I ;=:=:==::=:::::=:==;,I-~--------* PAINTING • Jnt./Ext. TD' k AL'S Garoenlng & Lawn 1::c::::.::;...:.o:.;;o;;;c:.. _ _;.;;.;..; units. Agfuit 61;>6252 or
ENCLOSED garage.s n r. 673423 aft 6 pm. ty or s. Bric , Masonry, etc. ~faintcnance. Commercial, Loca! references. Immect.
Hal Pinchln, Rltr 675-4392 6560 indusbial I: residential. service. 646-5242, 646-3657
Palm Springs, 2 BR w/ fr. BUILD R od l . * 64&-3629 * EXTERIOR·INTERIOR
pie, + 2 baehlr units. Inc. , • em e' repair ~-~=-----" MAINTENANCE
airport, !ultable boat HAVE: 50 acres F/C Orc-
stcirageor . Broker541)..3862 land WANT· U .1. 1 ~========' gon • • n1 Ii,
I P rtv 6000 OOUse or .. ? 't in Orange
ncomti '!P' _ County area. Nancy J,
Moore, Rltr. 642·7000
$275 mo. $37.500 for Orange Brick, block, .concre te , JAPANESE Ga rdener, e s,;s..:.al85 e
Co. houSe or units, Lynch ~arpentry, no ]Ob too small~ cxp'd, comp. yard service. ==='==''"""-=----Rlty. 838.5361. &J2.3lc:.i Lie. Contr. 962-69-l::i Free estimate. 968-2303 PROFESSIONAL Painter
1967 3Z' Oaris Craft, twin
eng, fully equipped, very
JI~t·s Gardening & lawn will trade work for furnlture
LAGUNA. 2 Duplexes nr. Busine11 Service 6562 mainlenance. Res & com-or "!? 642-4558
beach. \Vill lake hon1e ip -mer">·al. * . ., '831 PAJNTING-E I I I 18
, clean. Will trade eqty for
Save those tax dol~ no""" home or car or anything. Excep~nal <ippo~nl~ for 548.2434 alt 6 642-4741 aft 6
exchange. TYPING by prof. secretary. -'-='==~~====~ x -n · yrs, ~fr. Conrad Riviera Realty General & Engr'g. Student CLEAN·UP SPECIALIST Exp. Ins. Lie., FT'tt est.
solid investment 1n 1ndus-·
499-2800 494--1330 Eves. rates. 962-9824 111owing, edging, odd jobs. AoousL Ceiling. 543-5325
Palm Desert 2 Br foothill! Re~sonable. 548-6955 F'or Better Painting, Inter· trial income proper!y. New 71.l St. James PI, N.B. 3
leased building. Selling for Br. 2 Ba, ocean view. Chvn.
$80,00J. Can be handled for er &a,ys submit income or.
as little as $15,000 down land for $30M equity. ?t1ark
with abo\lt 113 tax deduct· Les. Rltr, 543.m1
home on 5 ~cres, 5 ruin. Carpentering 6590 -==='======= ior & exterior, acoustic cei-General Services 6682 Jings. 646-4077, 541-35Cr.l fO\\'n. Will exchange for TRANSFER Panel trucks & ===''====='==,II
able, Far more information, please call K. w Small ~i Acre, Country style liv·
Eckhoff & Alioe., Inc. ing in city, J ~r. 2 ba, pool,
1818 w. Chapman Ave. horses or units OK. Trade
Orange Calif S18M Equity for local prop-
5U·26Z1, Eveg..~knds '538-59n erty. ONner • 531·7636. !=:========= Jwant to trade 5 year old
IN SMOG FREE electric dryer .in excellent Pauma Valley rondltwo J'JJ!i,,drYer·
iimall house or duplex, V\V's to Campers. Rebuild
beach area. $25.0IXl eq uity. or r e model boats.
492-6160 prefabrication. Custom·built
£.side 3 br hm & 2 rear cabinets & f ix lures.
apls $29,950 val. or 2 hms Formica Work. Put up fen.
\V/ 5 rear apts, mo Inc $788, cing. General remodeling.
$59,500 val. Trd $33M eq for 646-5219 or 548-1()5,1
s.Cal hm. Chvnr/bkr 646-3750 CARPENTRY
40 ACRES rec. land with MTNOR REPAIRS. No Job
, lrees lll?ar new lake NE Too Small. C&binet in gar-
Utah. Valu~ $100 per acre. ages &: other cabinets.
Trade all or part for car, 545.8175, U no answer leave
dian1onds, boat or'! 6444185 msg at 640.2372. H. · O.
Anderson Good investment. Unusual
fam ily sty l e restaurant. i * * * * *
beautiful patio. Next to ~!"'!!!!!""""""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1'![!!l!!!!!~!J!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I hole golf course. also lovely REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE
Remod. No job too small.
qual \\'Ork. Call 646-2576
Esperienced BARTENDERS
sr.rvin& all Orange County.
H•uling 6730
YARD/Ca r . Cleanup.
$10/load. Salvageables tree.
Remove ivy; grade ,
Anything -trash to furn. $8
load + mlg. 494.1003
Clean Up and Haul
SlO a load. 640.2528
Plastering, Rep•ir 6880
All types. Free estimate
Call s.iG-6825
~mbing 6891)
No job too small ·
• 642-3128 •
Roofing 69501
ALL TYPES; rock, Wood &
asphalt shinglc!'i. LEAKS
REPAIRED. Work guar.
H __ o_u_••_c_lo_1_n_i_n~g~~6_7~3S =84='=-=11="========11 home for owner. Barns for hoJireS. All on 5 beauti1ult __ G_o_n_o_r_o_1 _____ General REPAIR, Partitions, Sn1all * APT CLt.ANING * Sewing 6960
landscaped acres 6240 Ren1odcl, etc. Nile or clay. Fast & thorou gh &12-8164
GROwrH AREA Office Rental 6070 R. E. Wanted Reas! CaJI KEN 540-4679 \VILLIAMS Cleaning Sciv. • Dressmaking -Alterations
RE AJRS Special on coat hems TRADE OR SELL LAGUNA BEACH NEED MONEY? P • ALTERATIONS BAY & Beach .Janitorial. * 646-6446 *
BY OWNER 644-1721 Air Conditioned CABINET. Any size job. carpets, windows, noora, '"· ---------tt To buy a new home? Investi. "" 1:.0 Alt 1· · 642 5845 ON FOREST AVENUE "::i yrs. exper. ,N0"6713 Res & Comme'I. 646-1401 era ions-•
4 UNITS Balboa Peninsula Oe5k space available In gate our guaranteed trade •. Neat, accurate, 20 yrs, exp. Winte~ rentals $500/mo. newest ottlce building at in pl~n. 1..e1:. us answ~ ~ur Cement, Concrete 6600 CARPETS, Windows, firs,
Potential summer rentals prime location in downtown quest1ons with no obligation.j.:.:;.;;:.:c.~:;.;;c:.:;;.;c:..;;= etc. Res or Come'!. Xlnt TILE, Ceramic 6974
$500 per week. Owner leav· Laguna Beach. Air condi· Fair enough? CEMENT \VORK, no job too work Reas! Refs. 548-4111
lng'area. Price $45.000. Ceil tioned, carpeted, beautiful small, reasonable. Free e WINDOWS DIRTY? * Verne, The Tile Man*
Martin Rltr. 548-Qll entrances: Frontage on estim. H. Stufliek 54S.8615 Free est. 15 yea.rs exp. Cust. '~·ork. Install &. repai~.
Forest Ave .. rear Jeads to Johru1:.: Dtinn 642·2364 No job too small. Plaster
Buslneu Rental 6060 MuneipaJ parking Jou. $50 ORANGE COUNTY'S Contricton patch. Leaking s ho wer
per month for .space. Desk LARGEST 6620 Ironing 6755 I ~"':zP•~'':=·=84='-o:1;95='='-==:==·=ll
ATl'RACTIVE Shop, 1200 sq, and chairs available for $5. 2629 HARBOR BLVD. Additions * Rl'.modeling
ft. OH~treet parking. Loe. Business hours answering 546-8640 l'~rcd H. Gl'.'rwick, Lie. IRONING In my home, $1 Tree Service 6980
nr. Lido Isle in picturesque service available !or no. OPEN EVES TILL 8:lO 673-6041 * 5-1g..2170 hr. Alterations . Also old NewporL Ideal for Inter. All utilities paid exeepl babysitting. Call 545-7641 TREES Pruned, to pped.
decorators, architects. an-ol hon BUSINESS> ena removed. 26 YJ'5 exper.
t ep e. C Cl J •t I I Aerial tower ""p0d. tique1, arts & crafts, etc. DAILY' pn..or FINANCIAL arpet eaning 6625 an1 or a 6790 ~ ..
owner/agent 6'5-4747 m FOREST AVENUE ---------1.:.:c.rcc..c:c;==<-..:c=. 494-4500 and 638-7234
STORE Or office al 1842 LAGUNA BEACH: Bua. Opportunities 6300 CARPET & upholstery steam SPARKLE Janitorial & \Vin-=T=R=E=E~S~E~R~v=1=c=E-, -.. -,"·1_y_anl_
N rt BI d CM Aru n•= cleaned, also carpet in; do1v cleaning Serv. \Vin-cleanup. SPRI NK LER
ewpo v • · · ...,.........., Af1>0liat• d ·• ml •=t I cl l 1 · slallation. Results guar. }~or ows, rest ., co , consl. REPAIRS '"" ~o·s ~ n u i 1tie 11 • PRIME CORNER CANDY SUPPLY free est, call 64~5m Cleanup. Free est. 968-2691 GENE'S ~jf'E--S-ER-V-, -
ROOM Suitable for gift shop, Office or sto~ in Lido sho~ ' ROU!E A-OK shampoo Christmas
men's shop or ladies sho Plllg area Csurplu.$ space o! (No sel~ing involvcdl spCcial $7.50 rm-less for
Call J' Be ksh' G73-~ Lido Realty). Excellent income for few halls etc. Also comp
im r ire, LIDO REAL TY INC hours \l'eekly work. <Days housecln'g 827-3182
Sl'ORE or Office -Bayftont 3377 Vi• Lido 673-7JOo and Eveningsl. Refilling andl ----"--'------
Balboa Island. Will decorate I========== I collcctiog ~oney fro"? c:oin CARPET & }"u rn cll'.'aning:
to suiL Lo Rent. 673-4300 Commercial 6085 operated dispensers in ?r· for 1 day service & quality
ange Co. and surroundu1g '\'ork Call Sterling for
Office R1nt•I 6070 LEASED Stores ,For Sale. at-ea. \\'e establish route. brlgh,tness! 642-8520
MODERN 3 room suite, 19th St. Nr. Bethel Towers. tl.fandl('s name brand candy
-ts., air cond, janitor ser. 54&-1768 or 646-7414, Agent, and snacks). Sl575.00 cash DAILY PILOT r, l ME. A. ~... required. For personal inter· LfNES. You can use them viee, ample parking. · vie · o c So. Calif. 1st Nat Bk Bids. Industrial Rental 6090 iv Jn range o. area, for just pennies a day. Dial 230 E. l?th Street send name. address and PILOT Classified ad.
NEW Bull phone number ro MULTI· eo.ta ""• 64~1485 DING STATE DIST .. INC., 1681 IV.
L 6810 Trees, shrubbery trimmed, _•_n_d_sc_•~p-in•g~----&/or removf'.'d. 549-1359 I
WINOO\V \Vashing, Clean-up
& General Yd \Vrk Done.
College Student. Needs
\Vork. Reas. rates. Call
Perry af 642-7362.
LandscaPe Q.intractor
Landsr:aping, Spr inklers &
f\lalntenantt. Af1 5, 642-6400
Talevision, Rep•ir 6985
Color TV & Stereo
Emergency 557~733
Upho!1t1ry 6990
CZYKOSKl'S Custm. Uphol.
European Craftsmanship
100!/0 fin! 642-1454
1S31 Ne,vport Btv, O.t
?-iARINER'S CENTER 1260 Logan Ave., Costa Mesa Broadway, Anaheim, Cali.
Ottice in Store Bldg. Rent or ~ach unit 1725 sq ft, 2 off. fornia 92802. lTI4J 778-5060 1=======================:::::===
Lse. $ia-Sl25. Beauty !ihop, ices, 2 rest rooms. 1101220 COIN . . . . . ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS JOBS & EMPLOYMENl
scme equip, 149 ruverside electric. Amp~e parking. From ~::ri~~-F;~g~~~1;;co. and NOTICES and NOTICES
Ave .. N.B. ~2414. C. Robert Nattres.& Reallor Anaheim, Costa ltiesa, Found (Fr11 Ad&) 6400 -p-,-,,-.-n-a-J1------1Jo~':'!:~•d,
200 -1000 SQ. FT. Newport Costa Mesa 642--14&5 Buena Park, Fulle rlo n, :.:;::::;:..;:.;.::::..::;:;;:::...:::.::: 6405 1--'-'-"'-'----_:.7..:02.:.:0
Beach Civic Ctr. area. Garden Grove, J-Iuntington FOUND Beautiful I 0 n g
Sectttarlal gef'Vices. 3345 3CXXl to 7000 gq ft. West 17th Beach, Santa Ana. Tustin, haired tiger sbipped kHtcn.
Newport Blvd., N. B . St. Qma.Mesa. 9~c per sq ft Lil f\lirada. About 4. mo's. old, w/Ilea *Alone? 67>1001. W1ll1-McCardl1, Rltrs. cau Charlie S2S-7833 coll•r. Vic. of Arts Landing.
BAY LIDO BLDG lBlO Nev.-port Blvd., C.M. 673-L'l83 YES IT'S YOUR 5m--7729 6#-0684 eves, 3700 Newport. N.B. Investment Oppor. 6310 f\10NGREL Male dog v.'hite FAULT ()!fices available. Rn1 301 • \v/ bll> face &. blk sadrllC'. For ~corded messaie that
675-2464 or 541-50321---------Partners $ Investors Collar & flea collar, no JD. \Viii change your life call
SHARE lrg deluxe offiet Lotl 6100 Active or inactive Pfll'licipa. Vic ?-lcsa Verde area, ORANGE CO. 547..£667
suite. Mutual $a\'1ngs bldg DOUBLE lot with Old Span. lion. 10'1.i rt'turn & gro1vth Corica Pl Call 545--0807 24 hour recording
<:orona del Mar. Ca 11 style house, 3 Br, 1 Ba, potentiaJ In successful real * LICENSED * 675-6171 anytime $18,000 C&ll 546-3767 f"State & building venture. COAL T3LACJ{ kitten, 2°3 Spiri!ual Readll'lJ;, arlvll-e 6~14;j · mos. old, Vic f\larincrs Dr. on all matteI'll. Lo\•e, OFFICE Spaoe 12x30' C-3, ________ I ;:;;;:::::::=====1 64"'44
115 Dbl h~,-J• -.::~c.:.;.::_ ______ t.farriage, Business. 312 N.
zone • attac ~ A 6•00 -El C . R al aanl" a190 avail $30. 404-A crNge ~ Money to Loan 6320 T\\'O ~-a-poos. Vie 01 amino e , SA.n 11th~· H.B. 842-5206 FABULOUS JS% acres 2 d TD L California St. Mesa Verde. Clemen1~.A~'f:9{~pl\~92-0076
SMALL ~ffice on busy cor· prime R·T profl('rty in n oa n c54:c""":.,,:.c:2c:,1 -~----1 "=c=--,,,-,--,--~
ner Costa Mesa. $55/month Riallo, Calif., 4 blks.from • . . fO.UND Tan Ien1ale \VOULD y0u liXc us 10 hang
utilities included. 642-6560 ·golf course & directly Prompt, ooniiclenhal &erviee Chth\).ahua 548-7349 your outdoor Chri stm as l "'~-~-=7"'=·--, acrou from new Jr. I.fig/I, 642-2171 54S-0611 li):h\11'.' Licensed Contracto r. 17:,1; Anaheim, C.M. Off1Ct'1-2 p . II S7000 &·rvlng Harbor al't'a 20 '""' !"HS-2861 nobby nd Door $125 rice rm acre. Box ... ,, Lost 6401 w ~ """'• • • M 110 Deily Pilot Sattler Mortg•g• Co. ::.,. _____ ..:.;::.: ·--------SctrM'.:ftr, uo.r~ 33G E. 17th Street NEWPORT OFFICES S .ACRES on SAeramen lo LOsr • yng blk male. min Fr. Announcements 6410
Rive r Nr Red Bl ff 315 poodle, (Cosmo). \Vht gooiee LI I: aml, beaut bldg .. Cout ' u · Mortgtg•, T.D.'1 6345 v.•/und<"r slung ja.,v. 0\1'tM."r·
"N""O· ~W'-S·~ 8J8.T1H•2SE ~==a1nu~~~~~ SEASONED-=:ts~Pr Contllct Nwp t ~."""". • ,13m00":n. ~ ... ' r2~!; 4-h;t TD's, $5,400 Approx. 'N. , 1 · --~""" .r-.H !4M bal. each· 8% all due: 2+ FA\\ -....o orcd Boxer ans lo
TIME FOR 40 Acre!I, So. Calif. $25. yr11. 12',i:-'oisc.'494--llJS "Chi <;~i", C.!\I.. area. Lie
DOWN, $25. PER l\.fONTH, ANNOUNCEMENTS ~.~· ~~;~ll. Re1vard $10.
Coin & Sta.mp Club
The: 1.aguntt coin & slainp
club v.ill meet Dec. lith,
i :OO p.m, at !he L.'.lguna
f'e<i<'ral Savings & Loan, 280
Ocean Blvd, 3rd floor VIS.
lTOR.S \\1ELro~I E, r~REE. $2,495. FULL PRICE. L. .r ""'JJ<>.• QUICK CASH Sbewftll. 326 \V. Third St., •nd NOTICES BRO\VN/\\'huc Uing H!'lred SENSITIVITY TRAINING
L.A. Phone: (2131~01 Found (Free Adi) 6400 Te1Tler. 14 ~·--0lrl, Los l WOltK SHOP
THROUGH A --· ........ V1<'. Bak<'r St. 5pn11, alls A program of intC'rpc>~t\I
. · L1k1 Elllnore 6202 <;Ai\1ERA It tripod. Call & LOST: Lra. r.. .. lish Sh«p r.xcrc!scs tor smo.11 :w:U-<JJ.
1denttf Btt s J0.-6 oo ...... f'f'Ctf'd aroupg, l\.Tinimal DAILY PILOT 3Wc~~U:? ~I~~ 642-247;· • : : p,m. ~~r~~~~~~~~s~~I~ ~h~~~ call 642-87.lO. 10 A~f.
$3.IXXI. S36-2«9 \VHJTE l\la.lc pncxllc. Vie ========== WANT AD l ~th St. & Placentia Aw.,
3 ACRES 40~e• north of NB. C1tll J4!h"l.l20 , !erson1l1 6405 C•m8..!!r!._Lot1 6418
&42 5878 Reno near Honey We: al FOUND niale Gray Poodle ALCOHOL.JCS Ann~mou' FOR $file by <i"''tl('r.0 ti
• toot ol SictTu. Le\ltl, clcu, w/blue collar. No l!ce nse. Phone ~·7211 °' \\Tlfe to P3eiflc Vlt-\v com('tery Iola.
Home Care avail. 546-4570
• Allied Nurses & Aides •
Of 0 .C. Nurses Registry
2729 \V. Lingan Lane, S.A.
JAPANESE • ExpeTlenced.
Daywork• 8 hn:. $2.25 per
hoUr. 642-5196 aft 5Pr.1
Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100
Accounts Paya ble
Ccrk. Lite typing:, $4Q) to
Personnel Agency
1716 Orange A\'f'.', Suite C
C.l\f. &12--0026. 545-0079
Adverlising Agency
Sh•rp S1cr1tary for
fast -paced Newport
Beach Agency. Type
65-70. Shorthand 100,
or91ni1• & f o 11 ow
thru. Under 35.
P honeo 642-391 0. 42S
N. Newport Blvd.
r•1-ep1u"f!d resume must havt
'"''0 yrs. dental e.xperienet.
Eve. hrs. All union benents.
Salary $.l.44 per hr. C411 for
appt, for intervit'\\'.. 633·rilll
$3.000. 536--2449 Glen M•r a.rtA, 962-1434 P.O. Box 1223 O:>c:ta Meta. Call mornings &U-1323 ~--~-------~---..,-~•
YOU: ••
If you sell e service end don't advertise in
the DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you 're
doing ·busineu the herd way· The Service
Directory I deuificetions 6500. 7000 in the
deuified ad section daily) g 1 v es you en
advantage you get through no other adver-
tising medium. It reaches customers who ere
reedy to buy. Be there when your prospects
come into the market looking for the services
you have to sell. If your service isn't listed,
' '
we'll start e category just for you.
Pick up the phone right now an·d reserve
your space in the "Sellers Circle" • •
Your Direct Line to
Directory Results
Tlwnday, llt<tmbtf 11, 1969 DAILY PILOT 43
' -.Mon, w-7100 J~'-Moon. w-7100 ~~E ANO TRADE SALE AND TR.4DE Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7100 •ob• Mon, Worn. 7100 lot. Mon. Wam. 7100 J1ooi.~~ .. -~--.• --·· ---_..._ ----.-Furniture IO:?O ':, ... n1ture IOOO
Auembty. DENTAL office netda exp'd •HWCOPTER MECH• ~ rt SALES CLERK. How's 1 pm. -----..... ' CLASSIFIED INDEX
FM' Fut ~ _. h,.,t AatldMce
DIAL .DUIECI' 84%4 878
EXP'D. ELECTRONIC tront deak lirl. typq, Owtwu Opportunldn nBWpO • 9 prn. Mon ttru Fri. Cuhier
Wlrin(AP.C.Boudtab-· ·bookwo rk. Pleasin g Call tnt) 77 .. :lllll -personn~ oxp. ln<uvlewo •• Goodwill PRICES m.Am~Ell -YEAR END
11on. ~sl"cclM"COBP. ='"'· N.a. ..... ean _uoMEW=~ BADLY agency ::"~0:1;!,:,. St. CM. CLEAR ANCE-U-, To BG0/o Savings!
~ W. lStb st., C.H. DENTAL ASSI S TAN T Addreu enw:k)pH ln .-part SALES: $300 week In Q
OUSl;S FOR SALE t;.~fc~Trc':f.~f~, :; AUTO wanted In Newport Beach, time. Mlrrlmwn ot SIC per 833.DOVER DRIVE fuhlon tletd. Nffd 5
o•NlllAL ..................... , .. 1Nco,1i11 n o1"1•n ............ to •tart Jan 2. Intv. now, lOOll.Send1tam.pedenwlope NEWPORT BEAOI ulesptl"IOna, potent i a l
COSTA MSP. h ................ n• IUllNl!ll l"ICOf"E•rl -5"-S60:2 tor lmmed. FREE detail• to 6C2-3870 u nl Im I le d . Call Mn. M.ISA Dll MAS .............. II• TICA1ll!ll l"AICl(S .e:I ~II frUIU ., ~~ 9 MISA va•DI u ............ ·-~n: tu11•111s RINTAL ..... .-.... 1-'11U.L)rllftn DENTAL REX:EPrIONISf, MAil..CO, S40 Jones. SUtt.e Roblnaon &t.-n4
OLLI•• , •• A .............. o,,ICl llrlllTAL ......... "'°' ·-__ ,a_ d ·-· :n San Franctsco Cal Wi h' SECURITY omECTOR NIWNlt'f t UC M ............ ~:: INDUST•IAL ,.0,11,TY ....... Exp'd. WI' u......,,.-u en\a.I • • . IS 1n9 you t11wroaT N11eNn .......... COMMlltC IAL .................. Must have import uperl-office, Hunt. Bch. 962-3319 94102 One Qf So. CallJor n la 's . IALIOA COVIS ............... ;~ INDUtTl.tAL l lllTAL :........... ll •bund•nce in 19701 ·-d lo ··-... ~.T sMOalt ........... ,m ..on ....... : ................... ,. e11ee to ae "Toyota, Vol.YO, DEPENDABLE YQ.Ullg man HOSPITAL H E LP: Ex· large1t 1t1nd eve pen 11ci.o11
1avcalST .................... 1ns l.ANC'fl&I ........ -... -... _ ... ,,. Jaguar, All lnqulrles held 1ar ....... time, oteady work. perlenced l1W'Sltll aid lot full an Immediate openln& tor a tAYSNO•l.S ................... 1ttJ Cl'flCUS •aOVU .. •••••••!••• '171 _,..._.,_, Call ~·-~· "-and f (•--UI for d'--"-r of Its __ ;__...,pro-DOV1• SMOll'S ............... ,m Acau.01 . .................... ....................... Mel ...... -Gardenln&: & misc. Car req. ..... .. e mature woman ot ~-e w~w .a.,,..,.., WllTCLlr•... . ............... IVS -~K• IUtNO•• .................. IAnd $7503 or 50-llOO. l<M\ .....,... part ti.me kitchen help. "Pl"08Pt!'rlly inlw'ance".) gram. The p:lSltion otfen KAii~ Nl•Ml.AN ........ ll!SOIT PICOPl!l.T'I' ........... ~ .l..o uNIYIUrn' PAI.I( ........... ~= OUN•• co. l"llOPl •TY ..... 6111 BARBER, to manage new ----------1 496-5102 Challen~. future •nu good
\ICVIMI ....................... , ... OUTO,&TA'fl ,.01", ............ Barbe-~.~-.. ·--Be--'-Dept.Store *********** \VO r kini:'. co nditions. aAC.K IAY ........ -........... 1'41 ~UNTAIN .. DUl!l.T .......... ,. ,_..,,, ;;!QI: ...... <K;!J J w ROBINSON HOUSEKPR/COOK a.uttLU•' ................... ,144 5UIOl'tlllON LAND .......... &JU Inn: for M taila. call Lou • • Individuals makin g ·~ 11 Tire ,._. •,uL1x••TATa 1s11.v1c1 ..... .au Ev .~1~... Mature worn•" Er.a, --.i.. PlrIME: lncreue: yo u r :plication mu.It have ex· lllYINI tl'llllACll ........ -.. ,.. .•• CMANO ................ am ""!V" '4'.l -... ... .....,..... t __ ,__ f I COi.OMA Ol!L MAii ........... ,,. ~ •· WAJITllD ............... •1 =~=""===-~-HAS OPENING FOR tnr. live out. mwt drive. presen e""'....,.;o rom perlenee In aw en-:~i~i~ :::·.~~~~.:::;::·::1• BUSINESS •ncl BAB y S I TT ER· Pn!r. SALESPERSON 5JA. days 9:30-dl.nner $115 wk sm-.ssoo
a mo., p/time. TV forcement, either ctvillan or
IAY ISi.ANDi ................. l:i FINANCIAL bouaewlJe on welfare. Vic. lo start, NB. Write Daily eads furn. Call for appt military. Salary com· i~~!L~iLA.Mii '::::::::;:;:::~iu 1u1 1N1s1 OPl'OICTIIMITlas.... New Port Elemental')', at. WOMEN'S Pilot Box M-16. Enclose· 546-4680. mensurate with experience. HUllTINOTIMI t lACM ......... 1: IUllNl ll WANTl:b .......... ,Aal temoons. khlldren 7 & 8. CASUAL SHOES photo ba lq[ro nd r Send ~sume to Box M435 HUN'fUIGTOtrt MAlltOUll ..... 11* •:v•sTMI NT 0,..,....1.._ ... tn• Aft. 6 PM, call 613-3l73 , c u , res. TO $700 0 11 Pll t • LIJIDA ISL.I •••I I Yl!S'fM•NT WANTI D ...... &JU I =====-~~~~ HOUSEKEEPER Neod e d . Portier A--and aevera.11_._Y __ o ____ _ POU NTAIM v1.urt~ .•• "!'"!'"1uo MON&Y TO LOAN ............ ,ime BABYSI'M"!dt Part time, 11 -···· llAL •••CM .................. ,.. PlllOMU.L LOANS ............... ilabl ........... Top commiuklns, r u Live-In. Motherleu house. 3 yean busineu experience, SEMI Retired htan to Wrk iUNJIT •IAC" ............... lllW•L•V LOANS ........... "NII re e. \.AllU. Refs nee. time. Excellent benefits, ·~'-•. -'""~-. --nth. M U6l ~ v.illina to travel. p/time ln yd It he.Ip to care OAROI N GIOVE .............. 1,"',.. ~C?,';,U.TIRAL 1.0ANS ...... ,,.OU AfJ. 6 PM PH: 6f4...S937 ,...... csuw=i1 _.... auu
I.OMO tl!ACN .....••. -., .•.... ,"' ~~:,,SJ::.•T~NC:...·::::=: Hunt. Bch area. 968-3629 Call Ann, 645-lnO, (Miley for 2 horses. ~7241-o.AKJ!WOOD .................... 1611 M<*l!Y WANT• me BABYSITTER for ocea.&.ibnal Apply Ptnonnel other f~ a: fee pd jobs) •"u',"0'.•,~u~.::::::;:::::·1"5 ANNOUNCEMo .. E .. N ... T .. S.... da.ya, Mna dd Mar area. lG.6 pm, Mon tbrU Fri HOUSEKEEPER-live tn. ' . * SECRETARY (hospital .. 1&0t ,.._,, ., • ., ,,_ ' Own rm It TV. Must like. PBX Answering Servtce t.d mlnlatraUonl. Hospital ouT o, STAtt: ................ ,,11 end NOTICES . ......., ~ FASHION ISLAND n....----Exp -•d Will STAMTOlt ....................... NEWPORT BEACH children & 1peak English. v~a.WI . . pn:.1. . eicp. required, know medbl Wl!STM4MSfall .. ~ ............. ',',,", POUND,.,... Ml) .............. BABYSITI'ER Needed, 6 da. 557 ·-CM ooruider .. lo ...... trainee Eve t I I t k MIOWAY c1,n ................. ,,,. L.OST ......................... ..., Equal opportunity emplcyer -o'IUU ......... l' • · erm no o gy, a e SANTA AMII: ................... ,.,,. P•rcsoNALS ...................... for 7 mo. old. Own trans. HOUSEKEEPER ·1 hrs. 536-8881 shorthand, accurate t.ypist, JAJITA ANA "°Ts. ............ 1Qi ANHOUHCIMl!MT$ .............. 11 6'73-nT7, alt 6 pm. DISPATCHER • -61 ter, PHONE WORK mature and well groomed. orcAt1ell .................... --1 ... t trcTHS ........................ '411 MATRON live In or out 2 girls 2 & 4 rust•M .... : ................... ,.,.1 l'UJIEICALS ................... t-111 BARBER. Very progn!uive CLERK ' ' Women It ...1 .. 1s. Pleasant Call for app't. NOICTM TUSTIN ....•. : ........ ,.,. PAID OllTUAllV ............. ,'411 _ .. _ In ... Wul ··-·--··-···Beach "'-H-Dept Spanish O.K. 493-1706 5u I ANAMtlM .. '""'VOM"''"'"'"1us l'UNl!ICAL Olll!'C'TOICI ............ .. .. p u ...,....._ ........... r w ... .: telephone work from OW' off_ Westminster Co mmun ~y SIL\lllCADO CAif ......... ,,.. l'LOIUSTS ... --............... '411 Beach. 4~ Sa1aey $493. to $591. HOUSEKEEPER & child Ice no e.xp nee Full time. Hospital, 214 Hospital Cu·· v.oUMA IULU ................ 17'5 CAllO 01" THANKS ................ , 21 Good -'-·-care 51,i da wk $50 wk + . . w tml t -· ·-~GUNA taACl'I .............. 1101 IH Ml!MOll lAM .................. 11 BARMAID Nigh ts, exp'd, Mlnlrnum aae · l""1 "' • • ' $2-$5 per hr. Apply 230 W. C1f', es ns er. ~
U.GUNA Nl•UIL ............ 170t CIM•Tt:ltV LOTI ............... 11 Apply in person U I""" Tide, teal condition. Type 50 wpm, l'Tl & htd. I'd. vac. 540-9212 Wamer, Nile 200, S.A. SECREl'ARY lo work tn ~~s~f::M~:.r':sT~~:~~::::: .. ;r,: ~==~==~ ~=~~ ::::::::::~: '127 w. 19th st, c~M:" Work various shift&. hoU-lNVENTORY Taken by • PRESSER • estate administration, typ-s.t.N JUAJI CAPI • .. .... 171J CICllMATOltlES ................ '42t d•-and weekends. Ph.: recorder. Men & women. I .. ,. ht ho-·-~ CAPISTICAJIO I EAC ......... 17JI ~•MOlllAL PAltlCS ........... 6411 BEAlITY Operator, female, ...... Part time, tor ~'001 l inish-ng wpm, lg s 1uiauu, O'MA POlllT .................. ,,,, .. UCTIONS ...... ................ 494-U.24 We train. Work pt-time --•,.rv comm•·· .. -t. with •• •v pr•f•r w/c ll•nttle Ing. N•-auto. -•tp. Foun· ""'"'~" ......... CAICUI ................ ~ ....... ,u. IATION Sii.ViC• .......... '4U • yr-round either mom or .. .,.._ b'I' I 25 to 45 ocr•Nllo• ................... ,ns trcAVEL ........................... u.......-..tve new salon. ••DISHWASHERS: ·13 or tain Valet Oeaners, Harbor a i ity. 1' ature ·
U.H OIECiO ..... , .............. , .. AllC TIC .. Jlll'OICTATION ............ ~'"Ir''"'" M t •• t In n.. eves or days 646-1446 Ability to u•• Initiative • RL\llltllbl! COUNTY '"""'"1tot AUTO TllAHSl'OaTATION ........ 494-5054 ov. ua "" nea a.-. at Edingir. 531-2070 ,,...
H GUU.I PllCI NOW $449.95 •••••••.••.••••••••• $299.95
Buy of • l lfatlme 8' Olvan & lovt Seat
Our Christma1 Gift to youll * 5°/o OFF WITH COPY Of THIS AD *
3 Roomt of Spanl"' Funilture
R"l $695. Doo't Min Tltls NOW $388. 95
• 5 Pc. Au thantic Spanish G1me Set, pedest•I blise,
oak chair1. Reg . $269.95 Now $169.95 • 5 Pc Au·
thentic Maditerranean Bedroom Si t. Rag, $249.95
Now $ 159.95 • Oth1r 8' Divans plus matching Lova
Se•ts low as Reg. $2 79.95 Now $159.95.
No Down on Apir.;oved Credit •d
No Poym-HI M•ds 1'70 u ... ,, Store C ..... pl• er llt.ir flHKI., + p ..... ·•1e Wife's C hristm6s Pre1tnf Now-
While O ur Stock • Is Complete!!
5°/o Off
with od
140UIEI 'fO I E MOVED ...... LEOAL HO'flCl!S ............ ----------pearance, 3099 Bristol, C.M. 8-noon work with minimum of
coNDOMINIUM ................ ine oercMAN • TUTOll:ING "'" ORIVER JANITORS, Waxe.rs. Part &: PRESSMAN . wanted fo r supervisio n cle1ired. Esta~ '1'1\'::~~r:~~~il~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~~ri~~=~/s0:o~At_:La ·::·::l: SERVICE DIRECTORY BOAT full time Ex ced 1 ~llehlc vertical. llshed local Jaw firm. 83o-o150 'j
NTALS AccouMT1NG ................ m1 TOURclGUl11DE1,_ Good pay. &pe~er':,; .... 0~~: Ask for,Be.ryl 548-2071 tot appt. JEB~.~-EMPLOYMENT Fumlturo -RE ANsw1•1No sa•v1c• ....... .-CARPENTERS •1 ... 1 hav .,. "-"""se ...... ..
H ulft Furnished A'•LIA Mca ""'""111" Per!S . ..su 'A."; pxl ~ng knowledge ditlona. 543-9393 Public Rtl•tion1 Rep. SECRETARY Schools·lnstructlon 7600 -----
orNr:AL ................. = :~~~A~~'~'~s ·:::::::::::::::: ~ N-. Abi• to m•-r· Keypunch "-rator $450 plus conunisskln. Local Top skilla needed. Xlnt ru-1;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I SELLING Complete houseful rcENTALS TD stu.•• ......... auto. JHt ltlll. r-. lk. '-Ml EXP E R I ENCE D ...,. "'""''' u.v -.-company 11 of Mediten-anean funt:1Df.a, cosTA Mils.A .................. ;~: 1A1VS1TT1t10 ............ we he a nazrative &Clipt, send to $450 to start. · lure, Co. pays fee. App · Jove aeat, 2 -mmode •·-· Mli.SA DllL MArc .............. 2110 aoAT ""''"'Tl!NANca ........ ..ut _, ....... to 816 .1.-i--way, lndopondent Independent cant_ pay fees available. ..... ........ MESA vireo& ................ 1115 ••1cK, MASONICY, .tc. ....... aue Apply ........ ""' .... ..,....... p 1 A y nd nd tables, coUee tabl• lampo, coLLro• ,,,..,,~H ............. m1 au11NEss 1t:rcv1c1Es ........ .,., O'DAY YACHTS Apt E, NB, 92660. Personnel Agency eraonne 9enc I •pe ent color TV, din 11e~ l"efrig,
:::;g:l ~:rs ..• ::::::::::::1211 ~:~:~,:: ,m;········ ........ .m -PULLMAN * DRIVERS * ln6 Orange Ave, SUlte C c.'M11.6 ~rw!v,e, ~!e ~ 111P6eOrangrsonne, IAAvegeSunc,.tY• C stereo, king sizt! bdrm set ttl!WPORT SHOICl!I .......... = CAtlNl!TMAklHO ...... , ... .,.... --C M 642-003) ~ ........-vv...., ~,., 1AvsH0•1s -................ tm carcPaNT•1t1Ho .............. ..,. COSTA MESA · · • • 1 Queen bdrm set, n llze ~~;:Lrr:•l!S :::::::::::::;:rtH ~~~~>"~:~·::::::::::: ----,..,------No Experience *LADI ES• Pk. up Recept/Secty C.M. t>t2-CXX'l6. 545-0979 1 bedrm set, swag lamp, plc-
UJrflVl!ICSITY •A•K ........... = coNT•ACTORS ................ 6dl BookkMping Nec-••ryl Chrlstmaa mo ney. Put out $600. Lovely new otflee. Ir· LEGAL Secretary must be tures, washer &: dr)'er.
1•v1M• ........................ '"" CARPET CL•.&HINO .......... '6U Jlofachlne Operator. Exper. ••-cat. & pk. up orders for vine area. Very pleasant cxp'd, ~ -"ills• , ."1"-'" misc. Must Sacrifice Call tACK 8AY ............. , ..... 11•2 CARPllT LAVING .. lllE,AllC UJ• M ha cl """""'-'• L.... 5"""" ""' .,,.,,,..,_ liAIT •LUFF .................. 2144 orcAPl!rc 11:s ................ ...... necessary. lo $400. Ult V• ean ........,_.._ Fuller Brush, $3.00 hr if working cond . Nice ~. open CclM GTh-2677 I 894-5875
I I T•~ no DEMOLITION .................. uas lndepondent drtvlnr ftCOl'd. Apply qual'd. 642-1403. Top benetlts. Call 'Kay • ----------llCV1fll! TE•ltACI! ........... 22H D1tAP11 No Sl!ll\llCE .......... '"1 YELLOW CAB CO SERVICE Station Attend· co1toNA oeL MArc ........... DOI 1L1cTrctcAL .................. "41 Personnel Agency • d 546-54.10 · ! LEAVING state, fcrced to lALtOA .......... :::::::::::::m1 s:outPMIHt lll!'HTALS ....... Ult ins n.-........ Ave, Suite C 186 E. 16tb st t.1AIDS, Exp' ' mature JASON BEST Full or p/tlrne empl. 7AM· 1,~;;;;:;;iiil::i sell, hlde.-a·bed, never used, llt>O ISL• ........ USI ll'IMCIHG .......................... ... .... ~" women preferred. Apply 4PM &: llPM-7AM shifts • 1AY Ill.ANOS ................. tui l'LOOllS ............................ C.M. GC-0026, ~79 Calta Mesa Ben Brown'• Motor Hot•' Eipployment Agency opon Sal•~ + Comm An.. $100. 8' Sola 6 Jove 1eat, aAL90A ISi.A.Mb ............ PU•NACI 1.l ,.Alal, Ilk. ••.•. WI a, Ana -,. .--~t dln MUNT1N•ToN ••ACM ......... ?_.-: 'U1tNnu11111nT01:1Ne DRIVER· part time, $2.20 to 31106 s. Coast. So u t h 2207 So. Main, Santa pl/ tft ........,,..n, MIUt .... iocal rm set w/6 POUJl'fAIN VALLllY ............... 'IC l!P IMISNIWO U7S ..., .. hr 7 9 am ...... --chairs, Span oak coffee & Jt!AL t ll!ACN ................. MH GArco1 N1H11 .. ............ *BUSBOY* ~· per · am -' Laguna resident w/local r e f e r . MEN & WOMENI
LONG t EACt4 · ..............•. uoo Gl!N••AL Sl!IVICIS ......... "81 2:15-4 pm. Call 642-3.157 •• MAINTENANCE See Be~ Bruce at oa•-hore Rlchfie.l ..I ...vi W. CO""UTER PROGRAM· •,.ndt. tab,lce'cqul 1ecnn•r'"°. hodrmlamp, OICANGI COUNTY ............. MOI OllADIN9, CllCllllO ........... IMU L>OJ0 u, -;.-1.r
SANTA """Est"'""'"""'"'::; GU.II ··· .................... MN dAyl A ninhts DRUMMER starting; group; Plaatlcl molding CO, hal m 6 Coast Hwy., N.8 . 1.1ING IS THE KEY TO refrige.n.tor. 894-1418 WIE$1MIJrfST1'Y ........ -·";"2611 CICll!'N THUMI ............ ., .• ,.. • need bass on!tar and/or 1 ........ f M · • MIDWAY Cl ii0Hi-S ....... "u31 GUN SHOP .................... 111 • •-openu,... or atntenance "',d XeC YOUR PROm ABLE SAtrtTA ANA" ........ 1100 t4EALTH ctuas .............. •1H Apply •• , .. _,, 3 • PM organ. No r angu Pa , :P.fechanic, exp'd, in hydrau-SERVICE station ne e ds FUTURE! BRAND new 30" kl'·"·n COASTAL " .................. HAULING •1>0 ""' "''" -... " -tO =~ LAGUNA IEACtt .............. 17os HOUSECLIAN1N'0'":::::::::::::.1,, 18 or ov.,, 67,)-V" · lie &: electrical systems, and Agency for Career Girls exp'd man for clays. Good range w/look·lhru 30" oven. LAOUNA N1GUl!L ............. l 7•7 INTllUOIC tll!COllATINO ...... 1JJ ain I ~ u 410 w Coa t H N B kin d!U u . O asses start soon MISSION VIEJO .............. 27~ INCOM• t AX .............. ,,_,,., Foremen m tenanee o t''""uc on 1 · wy., · • v.·or g con ons. . ruon • below whole.sale $119. Save
;AH CLIEM~l;~sTR . .\iiO"···· ;'~ 1rcoN, Orqm1ntei. etc ........ ,,,,. REUBEN'S equip. By appoint. 646-3939 , Oil, 393 E. 17th St.. CM. Pilot program offering the $300, frost tree lge '2 clr G.E.
"'" JUAN l!ACH ...... ,no 1RoN1No ...................... •1u M••ufactun'ng Xlnt pay and frlflie benetlts finest equipment and Jacil-Retrlg w/ice maker Sll9. CAPISTRANO • ......... ,,41 INIULAT1t10 .................. •1•• COCO'S """ .,.,00 SALARY !lies available! Real-tim e OANA POIJIT, .• ,.., .............. _ IN5UIC .. JrfCI! ................... •n• hit) plu.igoodgrowth opp. +J. SE RVI CE S TATIO N computer programming. The Factory, 1885 Harbor. rc1vrrcs10• c u ............ IHVIEITIO.f.TINO. Dlttdlvt .... 111 (D s . Co B ~-~--, .. _ t I Mill"·-Servico ••• "°'" VACATION llENTALS ......... JAJrflTOl lAL .................. ,,. 1555 w Ad c M ey I ntact ud '-"".,,...n -~OU 0 ...... ' ATI'NDNT. Full time eves, ...........,...
IUMMErc 11EN'fALS ......... 21111 111:w1L•v •IPAt rc, 11c. .......... ---~·--""'-~·-·-· -California Injection Molding train a.a service ~anqer Exp'd, Neat ln appearance. The Academy WHITE secUonal couch ~. coNOOMIMIUM ................ ,,,""• U.MOICA,INO ................ wee ......... B"-• Ave C.M. -·" ••"• Mfg Fi-tee -ou,LIXEI FUllM. ............ !.OCklMrTN ................... w1 BOYS 10 .. 14 """' ,._ ·• "'""" ,....... • ·-.. See Jim 2590 Newport Carle bedroom suite with
RENTALS . MASOJllV,llC ICK ........... .... ,.__, __ Routeo n..-* * GRINDING DEPT,.-........ clNegiJfoPtla~:..-:~AgeocyAnn, w~~ Blvd., c.M. -1.c mattresses •An, Bio·nde
U I 1-L-..1 MO\llNG .. fTO •A•I!' ......... aMI \...&lTH;:i' v~ erao:ou-,,,..,,",,;==;;;;--;;;;.,--;;;;;,..-= g :1'11111111.... .-ov G1!!C::~ ..... ~.~~.~-~-~:J:i:::::~~.:::::::= (Of MU5tbave ~ntaupel'Vll-MANAGEMENT Weftclllt Dr., N.B. 645.molSERVJCE SfA ,ATI. Full ~m sturdy bedroom sulta W/ COSTA MEil .................. 11• l"AT1os ............................ Laguna Beach, So. Lacuna Ol')' experience over close TRAINEE $IOO $l2S A WEEK time evet. Exp d. Neat ln IUIU&1 mattress $75. Rollawa,y bl!d MESA OEL MAii .............. 11• PNOTOOll:A PHY ............... ,. DAILY Pnm tolerance grinding work. PREFER COU.EGE GRAD. ' appearance. See J"un, 2500 $12.50. Parachute $25 , MISA \IE ROI .................. 1111, PU.STl!llll'IG, P•t'l::ll. •••Tr .. All Q"-'lty In ll p•--·• ol Sal I Ith mJli+...... ~" ~-COLL.IOI!! PAICK ............. Ill l'LllMllNO .................. ..,., _____ sc.4321 ______ 1 ..... a '"""' MARRIED. EMPLOYER ary or man w .... ., NewportBlvd.,C.M. ..... .... u.u.
Hliw,.orcT 11EAC.N ...••....... mt Pl!T 011.ooMtNO M4ll 1 · grinding operations -SUJ"-PAYS FEE Call Ann, Mer. comp leted. Travel. Fee ne-A , Union l•nk S"u•N USED 7 pc antique white NEWPORT HGHTS ............. 1211 POOL Sl!'ICYICE ............... , .. CHRISTIAN man or woman t I . _,, p SERVI CE Sta ttend Exp d South Towtr NEWPOICT SHORES .......... mo POWl!IC 5Wl l ,IMO •.......... ttu face, OD, ID, ~n er e&s, chants Pereonnel, 64>2770, gotiable ....... Westcliff er· . • dinette let ~. Used s pc
•• '."o •• s ................. :ms PUM, 11rcv1c1: ............... ,no to care for blind man for --'UI •~ borung· and -·• cliJI ~. N -•no! ~-...:U ,.,...,. West-full .t pt time help. 1476 Sult. 4D :n21 rcoo, No mw OrtD .. -\Vest u1-.ve, ew· ""'' "'l>~""'J ..,......, Pal'-·d Rd SA H ') C Ill -u• beige dinette .set..,,. U·~ S DOvarc 1Horcas ............... 1 ...................... '"' three weeks. No &moking-or •-pp'-•. po-n-~. cl'" 0 ,., N.s.' °'"2710 ...... ca · · · ti. r•ngl, e " 7 -..... walnut d;_ .. •,~ set";;'· wa stcL1,,. .................. nH rcA010, rc ...... in. ltt. ......... ,,,,. ... '"• ,., DCOI .. ..,, m !;J'I.,.. C II 547 9471 ,.... ....,.. ~ UNIVl•SITT .,. •• K ........... nn llEMOOELING • REPAl lt •t41 drinking. Live in or out. I:':===""=--,,--,-SALES A-ON M bil SlNGLE bed, box sprlhgs, • -....... F t ·-u.~ ICYIMI ................... ''""I: ltlMOOl!LI NO, KITCJllNI .... tMS 548-5962 * * LATHE OEPr -M111! 11.UN~GER-Older COU?le for : • •£><~ •• . 0 e mattress, beautiful chif· I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • "" ac Otj', .lDOo.J n<U·uur tACk 1AY ... .. .. ... .......... •1 scissoas JKAaPl!N · .. ·· ..... •tu 1----------. • . 6 units. " rent & Util. 1209 hrn. owoora. Ladies that .__1 n d la 1 , • .( ..... I · 540-6842 :~s,:,,:LuF' ··· ···· ········· ··:!: ~~:\:: M.&CM1N'i!' .SPi.'iU ,::;' CLEANING -Bay front have supervi!orj expen-w s I boa Blvd, NB want to supplement )'OW' in-'"'' er a d es dre..,_,. Ir CORNER
1rcvi N• Trrcu.ca .... -...... ms sePTtC. TANKS. s-. •tc.. •HJ Trailer. $1.TS 6 hn wk. Own ence over clOSe tolerance 4s.i-stS: · come. No phone sollcltlng. table. $300. 494-fil70 The ~..... Section of Sec-
corcONA DEL MAIC ........... 1111 TAIL01t1NG ............ "'''" tra "'"7331 ghort nin production. QuaJ. Do -t ha·-to leave yoor STOCK Clork.· S h Ip p I n g • & ... ...,. • tlonal Divan & table, $15. IAL•OA ................... SMI Tl!ICMITI! CONTICOL .......... ff'1t na. Jl<P'" fi.1ANICU RIST l K Alla ..... YO<' Conversation bench $20 '"" ISL.ANOS ................ llSI TILi, Cll"lmk .............. .,.•t74 ~C~L-E=R~l~C~A~L~-~F~l~N~A=N~C~E~ tty ln all phases of lathe , o.r en n, hm. P/time wrk. For info, Receiving, Filling orders, & ONLY . LIDO ISL.I! . .' ............... m1 Tilt!', L1n<111um " Mllrtii. : ..... fUJ oporations -chucker, tur. Jlofen a Halntyhst. 2620 E, call ·-"'" 1""' clellv. No Ex-.. necesa. •i::M rugPull 8~P14~xJ3· 1.1,0,$15.~ IALIOA isl.ANO .............. :su5 TICl!'I Siii.ViCi! ................ Sec-..... ·.cashler. Minimum Coast H OIM ~,,, ~. 11"'<1 ...... ......... n ,._. Nl!'WPOllT WEST ............... uu T•Ll!V1110N, rc1 .. 1n. l ie. ... ,.., .~ .... ., ret, engine, hand screw, wy, "'~ 0 Sales per mo to start. 5 day wk. franchised NUN'f1NGTOJI •EACH ....... Moo UPHOLITl!ICT ................ '"' 1 year rtnance co. exper. tl and 546--7457. HUNTINGTON HA11.eou• ..... u•1 Wl!LOINO ......... .,,'" XI 1 tartl &al good automa Cl tracers. MEN, early morni n a Rohl , h irin g Chance to advance. Write flOUJITAIN VA LLS.V .......... :M11 w1trtoow CLl.,NING ..... ""'"' • n 1 ng at'Y. neW!lpaper deli'very tn MOn 1 now Quallllc•tlo"' weight • •r R ETCH 6' While rattan rola w/ linen srAL el!'ACN ................. l41t JOBS & EMPLOYMENT working cond. Ca I l Mr. Qui.run.a te be.Ip ' "" <It"' --• • -GAii.OEN a1ov11 .............. JOJ Bi··~-lo 't ~·u~" Excellent fringe benefits Newport Beach area. Call Appl P' ~~l"S · height to P. O. Box 145, & SEW (T.M.) uphol tloro.I cushions $150. 8' LONG •EACH ............. ,,,.. JOI WA NTliD, IMR ............ ,... ..,...,>I: r app . .,..,... "" 64" A""" Y' ersonn.:i V" • Co t ., blk & white ta-· ao'" oRANG• coUNTY ............. a.oo JO• WANT•o. w-........ 1n1 Fortune Fln1ncl1I Co. _........, s a "e&a. Store or Orange County ............ ...., IANTA AJIA .................... :Mii Joa WANTED, -APPLY -* MC7I'EL MAID * l:SURF==E~R,,...~'""' --=,......,..~s":"'.'. decorator's nyle $225. H•STMINJTErc MU M•N a woM•N ...... ,.,. Collea:e O!ntu J. W. ROBINSON • .._una or a n OIRISTMAS SHOP 67>7203 MIOWAY CITY .::·:::::::::::::,.,, ICl400 LS . lt'l l'flCUCTION .... 7• ZTJI' H--'-Blvd., Part 'I1me Over 30 'C'•_,_lan f·'and NB Clemente: resident, for film U.NTA ANA HEIOMTS ......... :Mii IOI f'll l!l"ARATION " ..... 7ffl ...... IUUUl' Cadillac Con~•s ~ ... ,. r tuu .,. ' ' • pl!·•-· • ~1.i-.. 'd IDEAL for Bcb Hsc Dr
co .. sTAL ................ :1111 TM"'e'R"c'cAL FO ,,.. Costa Mesa JTV1 ~ Equal opportunity emplcyer ' ..... ,. "" """'"'' exp · THE EASY WAY!! overnight ""ests. Conv t LAOUNA ••ACM .............. 1111 HANDISE R: COASTAL AGENCY e e NEEDED T 1 Mop-Fri. 2 to 8 hrs/d&¥. •u LAGUN A NIGUEL ............. aJH SALE AND TRADE 01·•-1on· of Ex "·!lo Corp. Sal•• ra nff Surfer Magazine. 496--5733 Leam to ll!W on "knit fab-Danish Iv.seat & 2 chrl. Sil Ml$$10N \llEJO ·•""-""" )JOI p of ' 1 '" ~ Good iAN cLEMENTli .............. 1111 ,u1tNtTu1t1 ............ t001 r e111ona Jn IChool srad. oppor-Teller Tr•lnee rtcs". Make stretch pants or ale.ep 4, $75. 646-4614 CAPistrcAt10 ................ 3n t ol'Ftc1: FURNtTurc1 ........ 1111 Employment 1166 Whlttler Ave. Two 'Office Glrl1 tunity In 1 hr, 1 bathing suit for STEREO hi·fl. mahog•••. CAPIST•ANO t l!ACN ......... 1731 0,FICI! IOall"Ml!M'f ......... ton •·iJstan•• Must be 25 and able to drive 'lndepondent iU IChool grad. SJ50 fo start, _,, oANA POrflT ................. s1•1 IT01e: EOUIPMINT .......... ton ~ -M y I d ncl t $5.00 -even a girdle! Im-CoUee table, ma hog . CONoOMINIUM ........... 1'M CAll'E, ICl!STAUIANT ......... tol4 A member of Coste es• -APPL -Personnel Atlency n epe en aglne -T·11hirts for th~ Leather chair, eggshell col· ouPLE XEI uN,u•H ......... ·1...,"1 1Arc aour"•M•NT ............. 11111 8 u· ~-Ill 1 186 E. 16th st.. C.M. A 8 1 •• C Per1onnel A11ency IUMMllC ICINTALS .......... HOUSl!HOL OOODS .......... lftt ne ing &: ~"' ng nc. 1716 Orange ve u""' • wtio:e (am.Uy. or. 5.57-8793
RENTALl> hed :c::?T"u:L:ucriON":::::::·.= 2790 Harllor Bl, CM 54().Q65 F.qual opportunity employer NCR Proof Operator C.M. 642.roz6, • SfS.-0079 c 1;i6 ar::~ve, s~~ LESSONS M aft moon
Apts. Furnl1 AP,LIA HC•I ................. 11• Harbor Blvd. al Aclama SALES: Attention Beautl· · · • : om, • • Gl!NEICAL .................. •• l NTtGU Es ,, ............ 1111 1 -~-=~~--=-TRAVEL SALES 6: eves. cosTA Mis.A · ................. ,.,. saw1tto MACHIN• .. , ........ e1tt * * CO OK E X-Front Office Rece pt Experienced ciana and X-Beautidana ~l!s.A Yl!llOI ................ 4111 litUSIC.AL INSTICUMINT ....... IU PERIENCED Over 18. Muat for ·-·· ~tor. tt15 to •tart. l"-k on an ~·-ly bu'-that want to aupplement M-• Wom•n. lull ---NIWPOICT al!ACH ,,, ..•.. ,.,,4Ht 'IANOS 6 OICOANS ........ ,.,,Jlll ...,..... '-""" ._, ""' ,...,... "' '"" "' i'""' NIWPOIT 141!10HTS .......... 4211 ICADIO ....................... be neat In appearance. 3099 lndeponcltint Apply now: )'OUr' Income. to style .I: &ell time to oiler recreational
m E. Kat.U., Orange
633-2842 Nl'#PO ICT Sl401tl S ........... 4JM JI LIYISION ..................... BM toi C M b I __ ,.....,_-'_ • 'NtSTCLlll'I' .......... ,UM "'·•• • sTaaro .............. n it s • · · Personnel Agency our fa u 0\111 i•eot..-...•= ... 16. travel to clubs, anociations
uN1v•rc11TY PAICK ........... 42J'I TAPI! 11aco11:01:111 .......... ltM Cr -"lt sa-r. Tre1'nH 1118 ~n,, Ave, Suite C BANK Of AMERICA Far Intervw. call 836-5«1. &: etc. Good ---1-&: trav· I========== IACK tA y ................. 4241 CAMl!ltAS A IOUIPM INT ... ._ 9U '"'V VI• ea-i •,...,.
IAST •LU,F · ................. 4141 HO••Y SUPPLIES ............. ..-r.o. wflJ reimbune fee.. $433 C.M. 642-01.!6, ~79 el bonu1. Phone Dee Kirk t AIRLINE & co•oNA DIEL MAil ........... ttSt s,PoRT1No oooos . ............ ... ---. A1ao '" ,..... IT'S WONDERFUL t be n 4/ 646-5COi or n4/ MS-Om •ALIOA ................... .,. tNocuu.rcs. SCOPIS ........ -.., ,...,., .,.. F I C ...,,_..._ • -..i-.1ate ~.u .. -e-r Branch -11........ TRA EL CAREERS * IAY !SU.NOS .................. ,,. MIKILU.NIOUI ................ lnde--..lenf or• gn er ~,.n1c1 "'!''"'5" • .......,.. ~flndbuyiln !~-·a·~ ....... -.. ! • ·c·wAITRESSES LIDO llll .. .. ............. US! MUC. WAN'fltl ............ .,,.Ml4I ......... Good CO, benefits, incl paid _.vH "'"" __ _,!!cu 1ALaoA 1sLANO .............. ~2u MACMINlltY, ate. ............ •1'41 P•r•onnel A9tney va•atlon, -•p ,_ ""' 156nsprl-•olo St. A•·.,..... _ _._ ... __ -··'· Experienced, over 21, night HUNTINOT'OH t l ACH ........ , ... LUMl l!• ...... , . .,,,. .. , ....... Int 1116 ~-A S I'" C .. • ... ~ ......., ''1f"' WI '-''""Cl\ u>e.111 1-..w l'OUNTAIN vALLIV .......... 4411 iTo•AO• ..................... mt ..,,..,15e ve, u "" fonn1 lurnlahed fret. GOod Huntington S..ch . shift. Apply: Kona Lanes,
Sl!A L ••ACH .................... ,. ·~l~~lNG MATllllAU ...... := C.M. &C-0036, 545-0079 __ tc.hedule. Ask I« DJ.AL d'--" ., • ., 5678, '"'""-2699 Harbor, C.M, I.ONO l lACM , .......... ,. ... Ult I .. .,.,.,.,,.. U'I:\.:• ,,....... ""'"&'5"
:i•ANGI! couNTY ................ PETS end LIVESTOCK DENTAL Re cept i on i1t , J<>e Moore Ph, MG-1784. Eq ual opportunity employff your ad, then sit be.ck and WAITRESSES. ,Exp. Apply
OAICOI" 011.0V& ................ ,. l"l!'T' ,OIN•••L ............. -Laruna Kill• El Toro area. l*T-"F"u"L:';LC'E;ioRC.a•R"u"s"H:i":*i'.l·::O:=-::::!:::.:.:::::<....:::.oc:::c:: lllten to the phone rin&:I 1n .... ...,,n. Swl&s Oial•' 414 '#lll'fM1NSTl!IC , ............ .,.4'11 CATS mt .---.. ••DWAY CITY .................. ,, .......................... · All ....... _ mutered. $5r5(I to Whit El •--~• N-t N. N•-Ave, NB ...,. ooos .... ....................... i',_,,..," ~1403 e ep ..... ,... .,... -....... .
'AMTA ANA · .. ~ .......... ...,. NO•SIS .................... --start. P. 0 . Box 32.5, El 1 ---~,;;:CC::C:.,=--1 -::========="-'=========:::::'::'liWENi'-;;h;;;;~O,wii!in.'~fr,;;-"';;I "'"""AHA H•to"'"' ......... t rvarrocir: .................. .... T Cal 92830 Un: HAIR STYIJsr 1·J-~ M W 7100 ave an open n11: or a
TUITIH ........................ ,-,.. aro, ·• rtp WIFo"~·-. Excluilvt i-~~;;M~oo~n~,~W~om.iiii~7~1~00~~J~oba~iiii~:"~"~·i;i~omi;ii~·~~il be:'""""r tn circulation COASTAL ... ,,............... CALIFORNIA LIVING confidential .......... .HM~ LActUMA 11ACM .............. ~"' I===~==-=--=-•• management Pennanent L,!~¥1::. N~r.uJ~L .::::::::::: .. :: :~r..::~~:s..oou·:::::::::::::: DENTAL ASSI'. Exper. Chr. Shop. Call M 642-685'1 c INISTS situation for high tehool JAN cLIMtMT• .............. 4nt PAT IOS .......... ,. ............. 1t1s aide. El Toro -t.aa:una Hllll 1 ~=====....--..,.,.;;-:: MA H graduate who bu completed ...... ,., .................. .,. t WNIN OI ..................... "" ..... 8').1130. g,31).5,30, •HEAVY EQUIP. MEO!.• "" mlllla~ obl'-tlon and TlllPL•.IC, 1tt. , ....... .,.,,, ,,4tff VACATIONI ...................... ....__ t-£--•.i..D ,._,, '-' llloa. r.oNDOMINIUM ................ .,. DIAL direct 60-5678 Chtr;e vv.:rttU •WM1UaOAo1 ....., ll\ looking for a bualneaa
RENTALS TRANSPORTATION YoUr id, then tit back and <n4l 774-2610 with a bright future. C.OD-
Sta tion Agent
T\cket Sales
Air Freight • Cargo
TraYel Agent
Inquire TOO.y ..._
610 E. 17th St., Santa Ana. Apts.. Unfurnlshtd ::itro:J·~~.::::::::~:::=: listen to the phone rbwl UNITED nJND -Jla;ve l!xperlenced tact Benton Williama at lhe
0•M•rc•1. ..................... • l"ow1:11 CRu11111s ............ tnt N~! You Contributed? DAILY PILOT tor an Ii> I~=====..,,,,.,== COSTA MISA ............. " ... ,. •• , •• 0-SKI IGAT ,.. :=========:...======::==:o L th 0 s MEN WOMEM Ml!SA YllCOI! ........ ,.,,. .... 1111 ............ a e pen r lerview, -•• NllWl"OIT ll!ACH ............ Pit •gA~ TltAILlltS ., ... -..... tat M...,, Wom. 7100 I a BECOME AN "''IW'°•T N1:111NT1 .......... 111• :O:T tl"J:C':~::c• ......... : Jobs Men, Wom. 7100 Jeb1 Nl!WPOICT INOl l S ........... nw MA•. IOU , ........... :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;; School•lnstrvctlon 7600 ~~W~;:.!~~-.:·:·:·::·:·:·:-~::5 !Si i~~~~~:'~·t:·:·:·:·:~:·::~5 r * EXEC. SECRETARY * Mill Operse Sr. •• JOIN nm nELO ANNOUNCER COll:O .. A H:L' MAR'--"""ftse toAT CKAICTlll ........ _........ WI'ni A n.rruREI
""1'""' ·-,1m•O IGATI ................... •-t·•uco"·· 00 ~--IALtOA . .. ........ \ ....... -'°"T MOV•.. ..................... Profi'le ... ., ..... ...... Ul"-.1, .... , "LEARN" SAY ISU.NOt ..................... tOAT tTOllAel .... -...... ..... L'i us help you quality. On -••sslonal ~·"pmont In LICO m., .................... ,.., •OAn WAlfTU ................ Must be. a"'Je to lake shorthand •I 100.110 .....,.. ERS JN............... r•v ~,w •ALIO,t. iii"•o ............. 1211 AlllCllA'T ............... ,.,.. 11 u1,.KEEl' ->111"'•""' 1 local racJlo 1lttlon from
wheat finish,
Nylon, red, .........
Se~ 9 pc,
$150. Rue •
9x12', $15.
7' GOLD Traditional C.OUch
Ir m atching oventutted
clutir, gd <nod. $95. All 5,
BEAUTIF"UL Kine bed -quil t..
eel rnattresa. c.otnplete, un..
used SlOS, w or t h $250.
8'2-6536 eves.
V E L VE 1 Mediterranean
I01a. antique gold, never u.
ed $156. Ma~ loveaeat
195. (I) .,,...,.,.,
ltOUND Woven rattan G
lotb dW~ table with
cryatal plate 1laa mp,
never used $50. 49$..33)T
SINGLE bed, box lpl'inp,
mattr9sa:, beautiful chil·
fonJer and ladles' dresmw
table. $3()0. •94--6110
TWIN beds W/COVf!r&. cuat.
made farnrlca rop delk a:
tornl!r ~tlon. $125. Balbolll
8-) Oub ~ew
ORIG E1lltellxoll ma"1o HJ.Fi
.. btn.4 end, -thla lamp1, lib mw. M8-«M6
DW.. room tabJt, 1labt
oU. one leaf. e: dmln. * .... 1291 * HUNT•N• ••AcN .............. ,LY1No L•1sow1 ............. ,,.. wpm. E YTVITfence at the executive Jevel in S INTERNATIONAL _ _...M, b--·'"-·•-,ouMtA1N 'tALLI Y .......... 141• MOllLI MO•••.................. -r -D .,, p 0 u~vH v Mgm ~-'-' ............. , .............. .., ... saAL l l ACM ...... , ........... MM MOTO• NOMll ................ ftll 8 sales Or marketing acUvJty p referred. r1 ress pers, r, ...,..,.. olC Apt l -For compl~tc voloe analys1s SOFA I: chal.r, newt Wied LoN• 11M:M ............... IM a1eYcLas "" A D1vtSlON OF CAU. $1.0CI, Lam pa • c:offH tablet:.
g::NHtl ~ ....... ::· .. ·= M"••"•' •'ix"'u"'•I·::::::::::::::=,_ WUl also handle phones &: travel arrange-ANTifON\' SCRW..S THE INSTJTUTI OP flt --
w11TM .-..::::::~ .. :·::..., "°"''"CL"'f """"";"" menta. E xcellent opportunlly. Sal•~ com· 1n1 s. BROOKHUR>"r BROA DCAST ARTS FR=,.-,°.'.:'.""'=---=o"'•-,-,--,-----,1 T~':: ,.:,,".:::;;::::;:;;::::= ~fo~~~~~~~·~·~·'in'-':':'::,. mensura•• ~th background _, CADILLAC CONTROLS I ANAHEIM, CALIFORN IA . I sr"'."~·--....':: SAN'fA ..... lfllGlfTl ............... TO TOOU • IQUIP ........ NM i.c WI • OutN roi;;,m ~ weelr l6Q1 N. Brlttol, s.A. w ..... -~-fllSTI ......................... := r111A1L1~ Tu.v•L ............... P le1se apply fn person or call Mr. Kue&ter PHONE FOR A.PPT. m.aoo fnlltwood. $450. 115-llD , ....... •""""'"""'""' TOAILI ..... ,., ................ In DMSION OF EX.CELLO CORP. ~-t -·---. l.!=3 •111c:L ............. ::= cANau ............ -••••..• -Cor appo tment,. 83S-4804. ,Aile 1.or Betty m.sMXI .-.. cetMa te,"YJI.,,. KING 11r.e Ddnn Stt Itallan
u• ,.,:w,i, :::::::.~: .. :.mo roucu ....................... -1866 Whittier Blvd. tduastlon loon ...tnut. °"' 111"1. -. .. • '"'" ••··-·•• rm
........ , .. ,,.,, GENERAL AUTOM TION ucnONEERING ....... ~ .. -..... ,_ ..... c.lMl"llR llllllT,/oU "" A ~ SINGING L ESSONS ... ! ... gow-..,,g, DAMA,.,.., " .......... IHI DUl'te IUMl•I tm ULAR WEEK TERM • ·==~~.,...~-~-1 RIAL ESTA TE, ...... ,.. ..... ............... Costa Mesa REG 2 Bui• t11ChnlqU• for '"" oly1". l<'NGSIZE Bed <laa>plaO!. Oeft1r1I ,,01.1 c••s ........... ,.,. Be In bul1nea for )'OUl1lelt! Tbe -ea 1Ut1 Fl:in mattr'elll. Jlllt lOce AMTiou111. cu.s11c:s ....... .-... u 140:2 E. CH l!STNUT ST., SANTA ANA I.elm to be an auctloncu. ~·:.,.,,,.. 1:11:n18 ••• ~ .. ~·-
"''",.· "" ................ U<• <"''· '00' ........... -An Em••! Opportunity Employer M/F 64~2491 WEST·BEST ~• of Au· -·~ '"' ~~" """· ---. CONDOMINIUM ............ ,,,. •uro l\llN'tl ., ............. HJS .. -. .,. ~t\Nl ... --
ltlHTM.S WANTtO ......... :.""' .. U10J WAM'f llD .............. ..,. . 1 "'----"-, 20; w. 4'" Santa srrrCltERY a.ASSES 2 ~1atchtna commod 11, l:OOMf 'Oii: •l!lfT ............ .,.. NIW c,t.rc1 ................. -WW be moving to Irvine complex 1970 AN EQUAL OPPOlTUN/TY EM.PlOYEl """on:.;~~ l1 -. Se~ ..... H•'" w1tb 'Oirlst.mu It.aliall 1-..-. derxa.tor't
lt.OOM A t OAICb .... .. trtt AU'fC LIASIH ............... t'l'll i:.. ............ l!,,..,..,.., ........................ ..lil!!!!!!!!!ll!!!ll!!l!!!l!!!l!!!!ll!!!ll!!!ll!!!ll!!!l!l!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!I Ant -t -"• ._... ' .. ....,.._ :OTILL T•A1Ll'lll cw11:n "" IJSfll CAii.i ..,. .................... ~ ,..,..,· ............... """"""' ldcu. 64.$-1400 p1l!'Cel. fl!Q "ea. ~'l203
I ·
Thut!dot, 0-ber ll. 1'69 •
• ~· --TIADI ' IALI ~lllO TllADI !!or 1121 s.nr.Mto fOIO Mini lllkft 9275 ·-rlod ...... "°'
8000 Ger-Sale 8022 Plow & O.W-tra ~11 1 •11u11 • Moo MhcolllnilOw leOO PIJT .,. •-your )I' ISLANDEJI ,i..., r.G. '69 l!ONAl<ZA BC-1200 , ALFA R0..-£0 1
20·-• MA IUD" FURN dishes b<ddi,,. • PRE unr 'DAY SAl£ D.\JUC Walnot dinette tl>te." awtmu tr... """-lnb. aux. Pulp!~ lltad. ......,, " .... auspenatoo.r--------·I n.. ' D odds ~ ends. i.J&ec1 7 mo'a. ~U * B"J• * 4 chatn $191); 1p. maple male puppy ARC reg'd. plley, bllce pump. Full Leu than 5 hn: uae.. Uke '65 ALF'A Romeo 1600 Y1odllfll
J t ·-G Tu •-· -.. -657 ·~· • dn>!>lfol tbL i:;o. St·~-Cllamp blood, line, I ""' ""'"' and """"""'-st-new. ero.1 1ar Cbrlaunu ~-~-Red WI bUr tnt = "'1'"" •~• u-Pr•wos & ORo•ws -~ '· 0 -"---i. ~-~ ~• n~ ·~·--~· --l'RID•Y -..&.. ma,le twin bed • OM1.cn,......., . c .--: Am •·-.............. t. ........ .....,.._.., AbaolutelY lmmaei:s2ate! FROM MODEL HO St.. C.M. Som ol ~ -·•·• . " -DIC. l•m /11 lrt -all 1 ollp avallable n<· m-Ull • ., ~ ~-• -· Quilted oota and GIRL Scout Sale f'rl & Sal e . u• °*' ~ 7':a P.M. " ' oom or TOY POODLE PUPS , , S !IP BONANZA MINI· =·FM, 5 ·~ trant. ~
dlalr -J end talllea 6 eo£. Butttt $35. refrig $35, blcy-model! l.ncllad.~: Hammond NEW TOYS A~ n-~ :"~~·~ Black wipe~ 9 wee!<' c:Md. Ext 22l wlda.)rl. * BlKE, ~ ~ & ja: Weber ~arbltc!u~ =
feetllll9-21&m(>f-drnt-de, toys. clolhl!s. 330 X77,H·100,E-l00.IW.T.JJO diof.. Jow.J,y'"B«lroom ..ts. ~ ot dftwen $25 ft. m each. )Ja~nts u h1ah. **•****** * ahltt. t • $1 . Cl.ml. new IL •-~ -headboard -Esther, C.M. 646--2646 etc. FR.EE 3 DAY LAS Dlnlnc aets Ala,te. dl.nq'. "-LA, u •••• -" .... .,., botti black, M2-429C Chrlttmet 5'6-4193 Asking $1300 Ph. dlys
cutllld "°" -a ,..,. VECAS uouoAY wtlb """ tabl.. " ci.alrl. captaJn" ~-··-· ·-~ . SAIOT 646-2486 • .... ..,_15811
rwm -5 pc. dlnlnl' room: A II 1100 cl.ase!!J ha.In Dtv Occ halrl. ntlac. Ever7thlna new oond. ~ lblnd, AKC , Motorcyclel 93001===:-::=====I table•• hl·baclt chalrL pp •Mii Trade-Ina accepted• tmnl. ~utcht.. = tanlcCedar ~~1:c,!ti!,P~·al~; :a ~ 2~~!.:& ~le'~ ~~ •• ~ ~-,~~· :.;;:.., .. ;· .. • SCRAM LETS AU$TIN <DMPARE AT .$7'8.95 NEW 2 dr. CE rdrig .• from HAMMOND cbeltl Cbeltl Gt dra -.._ """'" •
$399 model home •••• ,, •••• SJ.78 tn CORONA DEL MAR Blcyc18, Mattrtwt. IA':~ POOL TABLF.8 61>18«>. &Ito Pl)'ehedeUc colors • AUSTIN COOPER s. ~§..
2 d n••" to .......__, •-"""'• '"" ............ Huru ~ ~ .... _ _. Pool S MO 'old Min 111 u re & deluxe WEI.I'S WAR£11DUS£ r. _,g.,. r, ~-•=· -~-~· "' Plcturn, TV'I, M•ple oolJd -· 2912 W ANSWERS 24 ,000,mi .. new radial._ I ~~.::·~ r: Open Eve. 1' Sun. a!tmaoon = .:~ ~~ ~u:mSWI~~ ~bahund. Pape~ A tbolll. Newport Be~~ H~JO Gd cond. Bst olr."~. ,i
No dowll-l'mb .,., Ill mo. Conool• Color TV, <ontemp Gu Dr,er, TC>CU ~up! oa1y >rom $289 * c.Jl '646-<0ll * CAL J1l No, 286, with ~Ip, _w·~~~ --PlnkyKNEW-a LOTTuned AUSTIN AMERICA ,; &.:I W. 4th SL, Santa Ana cab., new picture tube • $2Q a few boun), 10'' Crifttman 100% ·Financlnc HOUSEBROKEN Christmal clasa race 1ear. OutboArd. l.AJUIC1 •·
()pea Daily 9-9 Whlrlpoc:X auto waabtr •• s SO lF )'OU are-bl.l)'lrw a Piano table ••, Crattlnwl band * SECAR.D PC>C>U * Preaent:AKc male Poodle Desperate! OOu! lik r •.. !:.~. ~'!, t•i~e:._"Shebrok~s AU S.TIN . A"ER' ICA'
l--Sa=l...;U;,.:.._...;Sun=.::ll:c-6'---I GE Washer/Dryer •••• $100 or Craan thla Ou1stmu A aaw wttb stand It motor, &" l23 S. Mainsa;.1992 OrafW'! ~~· !A~;,,_ W i 11 bold 'til ~ 673-2rl0; Eve 1 , "''V •~ .,_.., ,., M
USED dbl or twin box DUNLAP'S are interested in one real· Jointer with motor, new -----,--,,..:,.,--~ .IJU .. _,....,..,., daug'trter, but ahe CU'tainb' Sales, Servklr, l'Vts
springs A mattre.11se1 WNewportBlvd.,C.M. lygreatdeala,pleueihop PowerToolMotorAMUOI flREWOOD CHRISJ'MAS Pups. AKC 17'0'DAYDaysailer KNL'WaLOT." lmmediateDtltve17
W I ·--. -·•·t• ... , 541-77A WARD'S BALDWIN Sl'UDIO .. .._..,.,_,_,, -~ -mo ··~ u~ 1119' All Modds u..... ''"'"Y"" ...., .o .. , CM ..... oAoA "'~ 637.QC ...........::nnans.. Good "Homes., '-""' ..-~ lll6S Honda Scambler, 350cc,
(Sterilized in 1ccordance ....... N;~ry Ni;--" WINDrs AUCTllN Prime Con1ideratio n. 14' O'DAY, \lied $4!1; Webco klt, new top end,
wlttl Slate ol CaJil. boddi"8 *COLOR JV SALE* & Sunday Aftemoon l6IO 6'U96L run 1.one Boat Co. BaJbor ,.bll u.n., new tirn, new
laws.l Used antique white 5 COME s·~·SE •onUND "Ml"sc""._W_•,_n_l_od _____ 1GERMAN ,.. .. _p•·-pupe, balt., custom aeats. Like .,,.. bedroom Rl •oa. Used .,..,..,, 23" Color TV, hand· nu"' ~ -,,..,. u1>1u
J~rtu~1Ll1 ! I
)l111pll1 I•, .--~" 21115% N...,.... Blvd $ WE BUY $ .... , bred for •ae. 9 Woeks Spud Ski -9030 new """ cull. S48--0109 alt silvergreySpcbedroomset some walffut cabinet, while Behind""-" · old. Males ... n1 ••• l<S. 5:30 pm
$59. The Factory, 1885 they l.ut $299. Perfect Jor !!!~!'!'~~~~!!!!!!j •-v'a Bide" Mat'ls ... ., .. ~.... ..,.'Y FOR SaJe: 15' Runabout. b1 .. l =~'-~~=--== 3100W CoutH ..... NB.
• ORGAN SALE II Coot& M.,. * '*-FURNITURE $ ~·· whl -"or. El-,•-~ 69 Yamaha llScc AT-!M, ·~ ~ • "'" • ..;,~. Hartior. 540-ti842 Otr\stmu. First payment TREl\IENDOUS SAVINGS! OPEN DAILY I to f $ ulUI "'"'"" wai-~ N ndltlo C _............. .,.,. 1"'"
SINGLE ........ .-ioc., 3 plett March 19'lll at Henderson's ~!!!!'~~!'!!!"'!"'"""""'"'! 'PPLIANCES GCJVE a llA.$E'IT for ~. $895. 837....fi662 e,w '°8 . n.. 1omp . Authorized MG Dealer ~ ....., Large selectk>n of pre..Ofo'ned "' HRISTMASI & wk, reeaR. 1g air ceaner.,.,,=========I &ectional $35., poker table 1877 Harbor Blvd., C.At Wou..ENSACK s~~-•-I .. N ••-t N -..1 ·
I I 00 548 78(11 organs. Special diacount on , ... ~......... C• •r TY-Pr•11•1-..tH••• ~~ $35. 675-1865, Marl-E111Jlp. -•5 ew lll..,,, e c. ever ra .. -=i AUSTIN H"''"LEY .$12 .• 8 It pool tab e 1 · · mod Is tape recorder with tapes 1 Piece M tt.... M u.__....,. ,,.. ,-nl'lill $495 or best otter. 49rr3207 ..,.., .
xlnt cond., Cott.. ~ble & 2 PRIVATE Party; Beautiful F RE'Ee '* FREE $75. 2 Chrlstmu mobiles, l CASH IN JO MINUTU $AIL $ALE • Ouistmas '66 YAMAHA 250 cc Good, ::
end tables m., ping pong O'Keefe & Merritt gas ...1·. with jemled t.. .. 11. 1 -i...v.-el· • ••r '531 • ST. Bernard, female, 8 mo. S I I N .. --nd'tlo •~ bet 3 P•I 6T AUSTIN _Healy. Wirt .... •-ul 18 Mt............ Cusen.e pll.Yer w/purchue -. ,,.... "" ...,. Obedient tral ....... , -•-·• by p e c a • ew, ......,.., co 1 n ..-.. ore: w•-•-, ovonlrive, -.ooo ·-1.1W1e • ell P. • '''"'" ranoe $75. Refrig $45. Small n-ed rare.....,., $0 e&Ch 8 -1..1 ·~ •·iuot:U ncla •~ •• --nick nack.11 & vario111 other ~f;ig $40 2114 Continental ol any ...... an. aefvice sii:-12 gobletB, bl; 1----------I 5 children. $200. Mrs. Spear. u Uned: Mains, 'I b s' on weekdays, all day wknds. tual miles. Best otter ov.rr
items. Must sell, all items CM • • COAST MUSIC ---------1 830-5189 genoaa,aplnnaken,ulsor 897-6969 $2200Ph.53l-4443
as advertised. Prices as . NEWPORT&: HARBOR !.a~:.~LuJ!:te:1':.at.' FREE TO YOU C'hrlitma.s Puppies will alter 10 suit. 3 Daya on·Ji66i61>)f°HiioO.nd;;;;>a""305iii5:.-X1nXint.1.-;co00nndd .. l~~;,;;;;,;::;;~;,,.==~I
listed or best offer. MS-Ql33 NU Du;poser Installed under Cotita Mesa * 642·2851 board It aprea;d $50. ~75(1 Chlhuahwu 9 wks old. AKC Jy; Dec. 12, 13, 14. New rebll eng. Xtras. Must DA TS_ UN
-$45 exchange. Water Day110.9 Sat 10-6SUn12.fi FREE fu good h?me Rei. 54&-3746 HANNA -SAIL.MAKERS sell $425. 9675 Kensington,, ____ -'-----·!
FURNITURE "'turned from h •at• ro, under $100. DON'T BE MISLED I POOL w/f""""' yard, small mixed 861 W, 18th CM 54s-3463 H.B. r
homes, decorators cancella· KENMORE auto washer, & cute, 9 ~. old, lows poodlstocklngSSO! 7:-:'..k ,,~ate black props., controls, etc. Perfect ·~UN~AM~~! :'ro~~ I.WI MlSUM ....
-oY .iudios, mod< I 642-Z755, 642-0420. • .._, torrior 10 It>• """' PUT Th~ pup in YoW' Xmu McCUU.OCH 75 I a c k' ·=--===-::,,--=c I e
tion. Spanish &: Medlternn-laie model, xlnt rond, 8 by fictitious wu-ls prices. TABLES children. 846-3818 e . ....._,..59 running cond. $250. ~7732 ean .IC ~ •· th 1--•-· G 548-5572 Aft. ~: 540-8308 , · cycles . .$65. S46-8672, .,,...,t-w ... re e fl!:n:uun u FREE to qua!. honie, fncd. ft.EAT PYRENEES, AKC. RD FURNITURE 847-8115 greatest &: the prices att Ouiltmas Special SZl5 Loveable little polar bear Boat Slip Mooring 9036 '67 DUCA'l1 250cc, used YU)' ''Leader in The Buch Cities"
1144 Newport Blvd., CM WHIRLPOOL ,washer & ...... rigtit! Oioose from Conn, • CHUCK'S up, re~· t!::.l ~. b~= Guar. 842-U25. . liUe, like new $3!!0. ZIMMERMAN .,-Wurlitzer, Knabe, Everett, ~ 30' to 40' BOAT for sale that 56-2297 every night 'til 9 dryer, tx>th late model, xlnt Cable·Nelson. 2750 Harbor at Adami, CM children. A house pet&: gd. '-""-"-L"' PUPPIES l,;::-:==c-:,,-===~I 2945 HARBOR BLVD •
Wed., Sat &: Sun. 'ti! g cond, $125. 546-8672, n....n Eve1 & SUn 'til X·mu EXQUISITE_._._ ... , __ watctidog. 846-3818 12/13 Bull,~· $75 -$95. = ~$2-~ ~ '67 HONDA 305 Sc:n.mblet, 540-6410
.. 7 •115 "'t"" .....,. • u.aa Call ~n.... ·~·e1 good condition. Must sell! •----o==c:---
SPANISH Che1t-deeply ...., GOULD MUSIC mond rtna. Yellow rold VERY i1!fltle il J.oving, good --u•..-'"· -"'~'~',,'~94-39~~"_,,,,_,.._,..=~I _1215~-~S<~S-~"""=~-~~-I·· c.aJVf!d, lg 9 drawer, SACRIFICE brand new G.E. 1hank, wht/KQld setting watcbdoa:, mixed col.lie & 1% YRS old female German BALBOA Slip. 40, boat, With "":"" NEW!
37""89'', cost $600; now as !"in WS.'iher & gas dryer, 206 N. Main. S.A. 547..(168) wn sapphires, •-., K Shep. expectant mother in Shepherd, AKC, exuberant 1968 DESERT Ready Hodaka '70 PICKUP
$250 Inl id ntlque U·"• 3 ·-BALDWIN A . . r r•v .. ""Mo J needs __... ho but .frle-'1 .. $100 548-8008 shower &: head & parking 100 cc. Great bike! $325. or new · a • copper. """' mos . .....,.,. crosoruc p18.00. ea. 4 diam .• ffl ea., 6 diam an. .,,,.,.,. me. ·~ · tll611Sno. $81). mo. OR:>79.50 L--t offer. 644--0266 , W/camper, 96 hp ovtrhi!ad table, 5.2x26", make offer. 4 592-1661 $600 like new. .03 ea. Appraised at $875. 646-:i641 12/12 ERMAN ·Shepherd pup, 10 UIOl!L pd dlr 6 ply tires.
dra1'-'f!r Jiling cab • .$25· FRIGIDAIRE retr1g·, apt ~ll21 Will sell•at Sacrifice. 6 BEAUT., healthy, wks., male. A Beauty! $35. FORrent.Pierspa~forl4' '66 BSA 650 ex:; Lightning. cam.4 s ·' ' 646-l5l3 6'M ~...... Lkio or equivalent. Call ..,..~·-rod M ... __ ,1, back up lights. You mme
d size, frost-proof. avOcaOO, EVERETI Spinet piano & ,.......,,...., Christmas kittens. 8 wlgi., 54&-tl116 after 2 pm. 67l--0774bet10:30 ams '",•-uw" OFFER, 81"7"~_. .... "'°' · it! Serial # PJ..3lUlll873,
WE have many u sc 61" tall, 24" deep, 30" wide, bench. Nearly new. Cherry. LQCAL Man needs Santa's Need permanent homes. 1. BOSTON Bull Tenier 8 ~· · ........,... Full price $2099, Take amall
furniture items retW'ned 646-2863 F'r. Prov. $475. 6'J5..7203 Help! 1 wciuld like to buy or all white;-2 blk.; 1 KOld: 2 weeks, AKC, Champlon line. B0.tt·Y•cht '68 KAW A SAK l 175 dn or trade. can Phil,
from td our ~e ~ta Is. fRe-6 CU FT Frigidaire retrig. get free an old 30 tu 45 Ft. Gray & wht. 897-1618 12/12 $100. 545-1415 Ch1rters 9039 .. Bushwhacker" Street & 494-9773 or 545-0634.
man actu in our ac· w/top freezer. Perle c I T I 1205 boat that floats, to" fix up a.s OOXY, ma1e, 2 yrs old, 7 MO. old SL Bernard, dirt -"xtras. Call 642-6473 on •NGE COUNTY'S tory w/many, many ~ears cond. $75". Call 673--0079 e evitlon 11 board f C good ho """ of l\.'ear & use remaining. . ;.;.;.:_;;c.;C'-----'-'"'"' •Pt ve •_,, D" ork mKYseU. AK • to me. Poodle, registered, make offer. CHARTER A BOAT Auto S.rv1cei NO. 1
The Factory, lB8S Hartx>r. KENMORE washer & dryer. Lease Color TV or Black c~ <;<LI IC uru:e, female, 11 mOI o Id , 67l--3905 and see! 9400 DATSUN DEALER
540-6842 excellent condltlon $50 each.. & White. Option to bey, 673-0900 Ext. 66 54g...2171 12/12 BEAUTIFUL Alaskan Husky Newport Christmas Parade & Perts DOT DATSUN
BEDS: Twin $44.!l'i, Full 833-1252 Riter 4 pm Free seivice. No deposit 8~' CAB over Camper FREE to a home w/fenced, Pups to pull Santa's Sleigh. Parties ot 6 -S20 per hr
"'.9S, Qu-n $89.9S, King FREEZER chest JO' ·s75. A·AcUve TV Rental Co. Romer has everythir.-."$650, older children 3 yr old male Love kids. S42-T121. Inc boat, skipper, mixers l.8&35 Beach Blvd.
...,.. ~... (lJ 522--ll53 Bum-r pool table -Dix. o--AKC • <<7-•2 Reservation ca11 646-9000 199.95. HEADBOARDS: Twin Cross top Refrlg, $40. Both r--........,... .. , re • ""' ""Oll'"l12112 AKC S & p Min. &i. ....... ~-I =~~==~o---,---c~. BEACH Huntington Beach
Auto Supply 1~~=,1=-21"=-o'A=~=su=N,,_1 21" RCA Color TV. Xln't ltoner .$15. Wonder hone $9. '>' ... '"""'" CH ARTER beaut 45' $4.$, Full SI0.95, Queen Gd. Cond. ~ 12 bass · accordion " case Ready for Christmas! Days
$12.9'5, Kings $15.95. NCo.Bnd. 'c$1att9S54. ~165~gtwater, .$40 Call 962-1861 LOVABLE 1tfa1e kitten. um. 842--6911, eves 646-0121 Schoodner.12/IN9 P~h X 1~1;3'
SIESTA SLEEP SHOP Antlqu• 1110 =~=~-~~~~-~ · que tiger markings. Hsbrkn. T Poodle Yoril"° J\lal. para e. n.i · -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 18" PORT. black & wht RUAfMAGE Sale: Ci rl ' a Has shol$, 4 mo's. old. oy s, les or . Low rates. MS-2592, eves Wholesale PICKUP
llll7 Harbo~~I~ .. · COS!a l\1esa • J\!agnavox 1V v.·/stand; Club Of The Harbor Area 64&-5607 12/12 teese, 2 lb stud service. 494-2671 Prices to All All original inside & out. 4 .....,.~, ANTIQUE CLOCKS XJnt cond. $99. 842-3)74 1815 Anaheim, C.M. r>e-c'. NICE black 5 mos old pup. Lease or sell $45.nOO. Complete l'ifachine ShQp spd, dlr, v.'ill tine Prvl prty.
DON'T GIVE UPI 12th 10AM-5P.l\!. l)e(:, l3th py, aood w/ children, has BASSETT PUPS,. AKC Mobile Homes 9200 SPEED EQUIPMENT Full price $1075. Call Ken
You may find lt at America's 20 Antique clocks incl., 4 9AM·2PM. aho"• to lovt.... home. 847-8204 eves le wknds IUY J• HEW REBUILT ENGINES 491-9773.
largest, most unusual un... Grand.father clocks, Cuckoo HI-Fl & SteNO 12l0 HOTPOINT buUtirl stove top ~O .. ,. 12112 SELL Im USED llZ> Victoria. CM 548-6550 ·-~w'""D7A=Ts°"u"'N"'°'1000=°"0>no--,,.-rt1""'b,-lel
finished furniture store. Cor, clocks, old School clocks & AMPEX st ere 0 Tape $35. Hood over stove $20. C~ Shepherd., good HorMI 8830 Cooper 18361 Beach Bivd, HB 847-0991 Like ne""" low mileqe, ~
Redhill & Santa Ana Fwy, European wall clocks. Other Recorder, AM I FM, teak Double bed, chest A night with children, Pu re bred * OPEN 7 DAYS * J\lust sell. Best o ffe r . Tustin. 1 mt So, of Newport misc Antiques. No junJr. Sale corl!iOle $42'i 5'S-7302 1tand, Drexel Touraine-, :dnt rnale llM>da attention&: lov· PONY-Palomino, gentle 4 TRAILER SALES 646-6308
Th')'. Open 362 days per yr. Fri & Sat; Dec 12 & 13, at cond. 646-6129 inc hom~. 543-6934 12112 year old. Well-trained with ''Buy from • m11n '69 Datsun 2000 Sport Car.
544-Sr10 226 The Grand "'1nal, Little C•merll & Eq.lp. U00 WOOD Snow skis w/ poles, 5 Hp I . bllc Lile nddle & briddle $200. who lives in one!" Low milea.ge, radla.l ~s,
USED sofabed &: <:hair $35. ,."'~lboa!!!!~hland!!!!!!!!• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!9 I . complete. Elec broiler. Elec $125.. ·A~ nH'.o. tr•·aJn .,•LneExw: 545-7873 WE SERVICE Truckt 9500 _M~ok~•~o~ff="=·.,.,.;~2.."3"2'"19~=-I • ·-rted -~ lo I BRAND NEW Buper deluxe ~ WllA WE SELL -~ ~ Uocu occas na ANTIQUES: Retired couple 3Smm camera· outfit, 3 10 key add1ng machine, cell. cond. $70. 54.0-4095. 3036 HORSE stables for rent, lge T l *'6J CHEV V-8 PICKUP '67 DATSUN 1600 Rdster.
chairs $12. Assorted used moving into small apt must lenses. Cost .$685. sell $15(), Royal standard typewriter Java Road, Me5a Verde arepa S3S mo. 1616 Orchard, 324 So. Harb::lr, Santa Ana 8 Ft Fleetslde w/Radio/Htr, Xln't Cond. $1395. Prlv. Pty. :1~u:;:1~";!1~~. ~b~ac; liquidate: Fri, Sat, Sun. ~-=:.moi::====== ~~~.n54~43 ~~4pV.,:,ey TO good home, p art S.A.Hgts.M~. lBlc~:v~:i;0::·l006 Load lveler shocks, New 1_CaJ_t_4!M-844 __ 9_. _____ 1
The Factory, 1885 Ha.rtx>r. b'Um 2 PM to 8 PM. -BEAUTIFUL band painted cocker/Lab. ret. all s~. TRANSPOM: rATION Mobile Home S•l•t Clutch, recent vo:Jvc job, bigl----------1
541).Q42 Yel low \Vood Way, Sporting Goedt 8500 11 portra.I ot male, 8 mos. old. Loves &ide min'ors, W/walla, ENGUSH FORD
BED Sofa $50, 2 piece lll"C·
tional $50, n:ick"r $.25. all
like new. 642-SlTI
Office Equipment 8011
University Park 1967 9% HP Evinrud", US ~dren ~a~: children. 962-2972 U/11 Bo.tt & Y•cht1 ~ i;hS:ra~~~~ Ho~~:: !:'2'·.,vReorarwrau·-~.•ownebur~~..1'..:I ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! ANTIQUE Walnut chest of FREE .,,_. ts f ""'"' """' wio:u]1 drawers, fruit & oakleaJ Divers twin 5::1 cu In tanks, A wonderful idea for that . ~ ..... _, coa. or MANUFACTURER'S Kit • Prestige • Sa.hara for towing a. boat! Sparkling ORANGE COUNTY'S
design $180. 5'16-7505 J.vaJve. Schwinn 10 spd spedal Christmu sift. Christmas, kitte_ns betwn U CLEARANCE ALL SIZES Turf iJ'ffn. "Only in VOLUME ENGLISH
Vuslty bike All ib xlnt 646-3629. mos. old, vanoui colors. T 8w 0-~ 1 • .,,,, NOW ON DISPLAY • 836-4493 l2/ll wo 7Jl 1.'6 .. ys """-'J ea. Laguna could you hope to FORD DEALER
cond. 67H728. JIM BEAl\f Collector Bottles, SL"t 12' MINISPORTS $400-1423 Baker St., Costa Me!a fl~ a low mile~e1cared for SALES _ SERVlCE
Stwlng MlchinH 8120 NEW Voit snow sic\.!, ideal wide ~ection, Elks, Reno FREE to iood home, S tiny S550 in blockEutofHa.rborBlvd. Pickup as this. ONLY OVER 60 IN SI'OCK
LEAVING state: Only 9 mo . --.---f(Jf" Ouistmu gift, $175. &:: etc. $19.95. ~neral Li· black ~ haired Doxies. One .new 22' SUPERSPORT Costa 1tfesa Cn4J 540-!M70 $1095! MARQUIS MTRS. 900 e 2 &: 4 Dr. A1odels
old. Crown t e I e phone Slr\CER Automatic zig u.g, Call f\fa.c 642.-7888 quor Store. 2200 Harbor 546-5780 12/12 Deep V Sport Fisherman w/ 24 x 60 S. Coast . Hwy. Laguna. • 2 & 4 Dr. Del1.1Xes
answering valet. Warranty 6
1 mdos ~!~~.No attach needed ........ "r'DnARD r 2 .• , V·sha-, Blvd. CM. 548-3883 BEAlJTIFlJU.Y marked 140 hp hotercruiser $4300, Awninp, raised porch, hill Beach. Ph, 494-7503, • 2 & 4 Dr. GT l\lodels remaining, attract. v.·ood 0. 0 ....,.igns, monognuns_ • .;>unr DIV .... ,._,........ kitt I aJ 7 0 ... _. -· SUPERSORT -t.· . -i.a~ 541)..3100 bl nd he t 1 bobb eood condition $45. NEW, ~u 11-wn, natural ....uo.;u en. em e, ne "'""""' -..... 1rt.1ng, ... ._ crpts thruoul, • Station \Vagons finish, plays casseltes too. .1 ms e c.: au 0 m S4&-al7S tourmaline mink atroller l1l09. all shots. 540--0904 w/ 200 hp Interceptor $3100. bit-ins. Set in 5 Star Park, CAMPER TRUCK Many v.·it h tully automatic
Orig . .$330. Sell fur %. wuxler. 5 Year gua r . coat from Robinsons. Cost AUST. Sbep/E ..... Spriog. One new 22' SUPERSPORT one mile from ocean in 1970 G.M.C. % H.D. eqwp' ., --·. -•r, radial 01~ .... 6T;>--2S03, anytime. Assume pymts of $5.27 or .• ., f Costa u .... ..,,. ... UI...., ~· $42.00 cuh. 526-6616 Mltc•ll•neous l600 Sl595, llf!ll .$975. Aft l PM, Span. mix puppies, 6 wits. :.._: .. ::!. Jong.shaft oUI· •l\.1esa. ru
. vs. Ser. # 2250031. dio, vinyl roof, v.·sw tires.
TYPEWRITER -Royal stan-. 6#-0578. mos all sl"ots 54CMSCM 12113 _.....,, 642-1 • $2995 BRAND NEW STD. 2 DR.
dard manual .,,., 1;," car-1---------CLOS&-OUTI Pre-finis~. FOR SALE B . maJ &r:, l f Call FIBERGLASS Rare opportunity. l\10BJLE UNIVERSITY $1785 Fl!U. PRICE
riage, very good condiUon Music1I Inst. 8125 Kitchen & Bathroom cab1 1 LK e em. co FABRICATORS INC OLDSMOBI E ORDER NO $50'~.9S24 ----------Hardi E ..--i ·eo11ec!onltemOrt1lnal kitty.3101.aPerleLn.,C.M. 2ll7 SoL nSanta.Ana LIVING on the BEAOI. L W ==-===--.,-,~-120 BASS Accordion. Good nets. n nt,..t-.. ~ "MICKEY MOUSE" watch 646-ll79 12/13 · • ~ ,.;,,,., Limited spaces, in new ad· 2850 Harbor Blvd. Theodore
TYPEWRITER, Adding Cond. !las connecUon for 815 W. l3th St., CM. 642•28.U .. perfect running condltion ..-uw.J dition to DriJN1ood Beach Costa Mesa ROBINS FORD
machine, calculator, very AUnJENTIC Spanl1h swords -$150 837..-4239. YOUN{; Female Chihuahua, SELL Or trade 4 characler Oub -Models on display 540-9640 ~asonable. Xlnt cond . ~1~~: S~L~~seeaff ~ak~ wt sheaths, mounted, green NEW POOL TA'BLES ~adult home ~;:i3 boat, orig 22' lnbrd launch soon. 21462 Pac Hwy, H.B. ,68 CHEV 4 4 'Costa3:sallarbor Blv:U..roio
1192-:2423 wknds. velvet, it>ld .lfame .$45. • from G o o d w i 11. Huxley 536-7513 X
96'J-9824 5'ate or ooinpolitton. Factory CUTE manx kittens. 3 built, ahip to shore & trlr. '68 DELUXE 20x 43, S-star Suburb11n V11n
8022 ELECTRJC guitar amplifier, 24 .. 10 pd Bo Schwi to you. HARDIN VARSITY, months old. Good Christmas Write ReOection Lake adult ...,1 nn .. k, 00,..,, fenc-3 seats, V-8, dlr, spc 700xl6 FERRARI
Silvertonc, rn·in 12, piggy • , s YI nn 815 w 18th SI CM "'*' 2842 a>fts. 54&-4740 12-13 R....,_•Oon Traitor Park, ~ ,_ All · · T back tn"!molo & reverb.' Xln t cond. $45. 2 bench · " • ~· •· '°'""'"' ed, awnings. sk1rtlng, cem tirt:s. original. ake ---------
G1r1ge Sile
2~ 2lrdv:1.an:fui~: Good cond. SlOO. oog....115.1 ::u
0/C.for car, .$10 ea. Carpet layer has Hi Lo FREE to good home: Fe-36151 Cottonwood, RR 3 patio. Call Thurs 642-3264 trade. 34tl.3~. Cali Pat, FERRARI r~--& furn aal Pine:ar.. =~~~~~-'-'--'--u1 .... °" J"l,)llom: .$1.99 yd. Shaga male Bassett, Loves child-Hemet, Cal. 24xfi0 MOBILE Home. 1968 494-9T13 or 54;>0034. N-.-..t Im...-.. Ltd. ()r. ..,.......,,. e. r NE\V Style Sllvertone · from 3.50 up + my labor, ttn. M7·132!1 12/11 CORP. EXeeutive "..,,··"ng '64 CHEV .-T --~· ~-pie 4·--'er bed $50, Drexel 1-1--nd 125 S POol tablPI 4~x9 Proll. .....,., model. Localed in adult .,. on Pickup, anp ,._.....,,, cmJ, autbot-.....,, amp 1 1er, pe11ect co · · 90c -r ·--'. M7-JS19 6 WK old puppy, part ~1.-deluxe cabin cruiser, J0..35 n_... ._ t · cond ~~ dreSBer $40, 100 yr old w. peak power. .$"200.. size, Comp) equip. S350 .... _, .. ,,. """""'"'' f park. Call 54!J..2094 until S naulO, ,.,.a er, &II' • lzed dealer.
cuckoo clock from Jesse 644-4086 each. Holiday Center, Baker BEA King ~ill· & beagle. Male. 60-48Jl t Free US8gt! in excha~ pm; aft S pm, 962-3503 Side tanks, overhead SALES.SERVICE·PA'RTS
Jame• home, pwr mower c:-==-=-=--~-,,,,,.-1 Ir Harbor. 540--0190 Complete-un. after 5 pm 12/12 for priv. slip &: upkeep, (ex· sprlnss. camper e q pt. 3100 W. Coast HW)".
$40, pwr edger $35, dishes, 12 srRING Fender Villager 8' pool table. White w/gold ·,,or t b $250. BO_XER & Beagle Com· Mrclu._ ~ .. ~~owrepalrs). -.._,_ Mo_ tor Hornet 9215 548-8719 aft 4 p.m. Newport Beach
il --•·ti d b · Accouslical gi.titar w/hard UWi."' .,, ... uo• 6'2-9fm 540-1764 o -rigs. econ.tar nc 11,._11 c"~". SJ'5, 673-U06 felt. Brand new. $200 ca.th. b1na.&n puppies. 3 mo'a old. , '59 FORD % ton PIU $650. Authorlz.ed Fernri Dealer
brae, Span. wrought iron "" .....,. CaO 642-3237 CARP Good wt children. 544-6369. BR AND N e w 4 4 • 23 1969 EXPLO~ l\lotoc Minney 5'8-4192 or 548-50391 -:;========;t
dinette set, etc. From Sl Ul roll lofl ""':,;....;..;.;;:;,_;:,;__,_---!HOUSEBOAT 2 priv Home, Exira.II! $8495. NB I ..
9. Pi1nos • Org~ns 8130 PCXJL Table, Sean 44x.84", • • '1Y carpet, FREE -Tnaller frame on staterooms See to apPtec * 642-8741) * =-·=-· =====~~ JAGUAR
cues & rack, clean .$35. doubJe jute-backed. ~ill sell wheels. 8.1S-7297 ~2434. aft 6. 642-4741 aft 'li6 DODGE PICK·UP, long ---------2HP Mower. 2UP edger,
Scott spreader. Ellcl gun
cabinet, oompl flresilace set
w/ps logs A other good
ltema. Thurs thru Sun,
lllAM·SPM, 2323 Irv I n e
Aw .. N.B.
GARAGE Sale: Sal .. &:: Sun.
3063 l<illybrooke La., 01
Arf'<fW Quiver, beds, hdbrd,
vanlly lb.I, lamps, (igurines,
bamboo din. 5et, chra, boat
carrier, Chevy truck rear
end &:: mite. &f0..1417.
PIANO SALEI 548-7302 all er P.U1. $3/,p.rd. stG-7'245 SMALL Germ. Shepherd· 6. bed, good cond. stk shift 6-1963 Jaguar 3.8 Sedan. Blk
WE ARE For Sale Firewood. 24 BASS aca::intion. .oo.mer Collie mix. ~ 12/12 SACRIFICE • 26, 1968 Ch . Bicycles 9225 cyl. sum. 547-0JlJ w/ chrome wire "''hl•. Auto.
OVERSTOCKED! n-.. -.. '""'·-1·-rus pa 1to-vt '19cc SUiukl pt v •tg • ru SCH OODGE Truck 1u Ton. Xlnt Disc brks, Pirelli ttm. >Ont
• k ....... ,. .. • """"......,._. mot........,-•-' ... 11,__ A·l CENTIJRY ants, .,.ou n · Cavalier, 2'10 hp, radio, WINN 10 Sp Super Sport ,. fust ma e room for new • ..., ~ --""' .. _,.,..,.., 531 71193 ••n1 b"k v1 , ·1 1 de for Plumber or electrician. mechaJJical cond. $1100 or ~•• •'·-, •= -1 -.u tat_ho. load~ w/extn.s. For race 1 e. " n t or & u nt shipments arriving dally. =,.,,,,,-.,,--,,---,,--1 ,...... .,_...,.,,. ,__ ~taJ It Ca.b HI Util bxes. 833-2613 best otter I his week. ITALIAN 10 spd me:n·1 rac-1 "==~~--~-Kittens • 11.1 ma I a ya n . quick sale $6500. By owner, or exer_t...,., "'V"" a oy Pri~s slas-hed on.......... Ing bike. Electric -I~ VANITY mlrr'Or. cost $00. NU """ • ..,.. 121'" &U-7277 springs. Fa.st &: light. Cost '68 CHEVY SPORT VAN 108 493-42'l3 days, 493-Jlill eves. Spine ts, Consoles. Grandi I t hr Slide ~0•u u '67 XKE 2 8 Chriitmas deliver,,> "''at. bed. 646--4319 ~I "'Pot"' Ide ·0 .... ~ 2 CABLE n!el topo, tor ta.ble MOST beautiful TrioCab new $130. A nu bike for a Perfect condition $2350. Priv. . 4. l .000 actual •-==.-:=:--:==-=c= I ,,....... or. oro · 1Wllll9U1e. 1 1 used price. 968-2957 before 6 Pty. 642-6574 miles. Nf'w Pe r r 111 e COAST MUSIC FLOAT avaJI. 14'x18', pert. M Ml&c M&-44U lO(lC. 646-2939 12/12 lvabrd n bay, 4.)' TIS, NE\VPORT & HARBOR cond. See al 222 Lido Nord. &.n)' • F /B, lop condllk>n. (Dr) & wkends. M6-2350 wkrl11,ys 1965 RANCHERO 289 4 Radial.!'>. Perrett. Urse.nt
Costa Mesa * 6U·28Sl N.B. Mn.ke oUer. 4!M-M.l;) SKIER.S _ Hun!en! ~nt my 2 Guinea pigs plut cage, Only $23,000 491-3916 aft 6. Ask 1or John pd $600 • eng, ~12
mobile hoim ln Mammoth. 646-M93 ' ]2/12 Wiiiiams. s 'Att 4· pm, &42-8574 '•'=>1'"G"'"J°"A"G"u"'•"R,-,-4"'Dr,_,s.d~•-n-.1
Days 10.9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12-6 ERMINE 1tole, tlzwmall. nilly turn. frplc. C. NeW MALE Penlan cat, to good 12' ALUMINUM boat w/trir. ,68 , Stevens Dune Bugll)' Top c:ondltion, All auto + ~. cuh54• c.,a~~IT SSl-3374 home, S46-G:r7 l2n2 10 hp Evi*~~'!'°*tor, i;n-Crttn melal fiake. Corvatr Recrait'n Vehlcl• 9515 aten:o. (7141 8J8..6509 OfRTSI'MAS gifts -11am· ....... ~ nglne • Inns /CUit
PAIR Of &tahog. wina: cha\:11 mond, Steinway, Yamaha. 7' rurfboa.rd $45. Dinette tel 2c?i:!,~~ S:-i:;hPI It 2646-~ut ch ra b~1't; BOAT J>' Owe111 Lapttrake, ~ " intmor. ·~ u=. Go cart. good eondlt1on. KARMANN GHIA
$25. Studio couch SJ;\. Sm&I N11w & used pi8l"IOI of moir.t $27.50. Paflo table at $15. · •• A-L Ideal for fishlrw or div· With trailer. ~145.2 eves. McCulloch e,.tne. $95
kit. table I: 2 chn fl .50. makes. Best bu)ol In So. Table• ~ MW700 !!,t ~ c.M. wlcdl1s alt & UNU&UALLY pretty kltttn. ln(. OUer. 675-f713. 613-9352
Mlmn • mile:. 1M Mtrrtll CallL at Schmktt Music CD. ...... Frtt to You. 536-1668 12.13 43• M tthaws FJyi BridJ[ Several ~ ~tot VW Kerm11nn Ghl•
Pl, CM. ~7890 1907 N. ?-lain. Slnta Ana. ~:'s1:· ~t.':t.'t:~ ':'de~~~~= PEn eM LWESTOCk ~: 196.\ .$40,~ gu ; A=.~ :;'s:.. Cempert 9510 Dark lft4!~2·:,pe w/con.
8'' TEJ.,ESCXJPE; nauphyde: 5'18-7009 -'-'--Ill ••• ~ N .$50 000 Dfe1el 8t&-fOOC $75 ea.ch. 714: 540-8814 tru"'-t •-II .u_ ldQI me bed. blond .aunmer A it .,......"t. tw Pm, Gener•I 8800 • · 19411 SCHOOL Bus.. 16 pua. "'"" nter. ~ 1 cnm-
dl"tllll!lj commode w/mlf'. .,-OPEN EVEN1NGS FRA NCTSCIAN diahet. 1'95aac:rific!OXl.&9S-330&. B>fURRAY R.am·Rod 20'' Convertedtoc:amper.Must ed & Mrvlced. Only 2,100
ror, plll cooct. Roll aw1,y AND SUNDAYS S'teTV"'°• · ~~I new ... ~~1*1 "* * • * 'Ts NU! S..llboett 9010 Girls or boys w/training ""· TTy ssoo. $U...o974 mlles! New car .,,.m.nt;y. bed. dtil rnanlfta. 5J6.li97 Untll Chf'l1tm.s m~ rems._,....._. FAMILY Membership In :i:.ota \.ol.BUI Specl.at1 8t whb, Uk11 nu. S20. 64-HClllJ t TON lnt. step vu Camptt
GARAGE SALE' N • w GOULD MUSIC BALBOA Bay Oub membo~ !"1"' Coos Country Oub 'TIS TROPICAL FISH SABOTS SClnVlNN Slln;ray, plum Chev. v .. •noi,.., "" -
-•-dlmtta ..., I' -id ship for ale. Ca 1 l f213) for Nie. Pvt. 11t7. l73-IUl !WIKI F.dinatt (at Magmlla) new conqilete •••..• $249. colored .2 Yt'•n old .$2S. talned. 1750. !i4MI04$
,.,__ .,.... JOt'i N. Mall\ SA Sf7.(1681, ~or <2Ul ~ ,.,....,, ......,..,.... ....... G--.a F.V. * * 842-fS30 TRANSPAC * &L\.0222 673-4961 '!"ilfod ..ra. clrl, t.mpe, nv~•-n __ , ~ W1nted: C.m.,.r Shel
J~rlu~H1 11
31illlJLll I'' chmfm... ta<-• trqh. JD VERY rare pl~ piano /NEWPORT BEAQI TEN· $100. Hllnd pr1lnted lamp Great Ctiri1tm•1 Gift SLOOP U' complete r-
o.w-11 t.11 (\\'estdlU) N.8 hlb)i lftl'ld. -.'ttb Ampl~ NlS MEMBtR.$1iIP. ~tab Iha.de $25.. Sil¥tl'r etwina Nandq Can.ir. $35 with w/tnUer and aails. $750. Ml I I lle 9275 6Wi". 548-0192 ot 67J.l:200 3U:l0 W. Cot.rt HW)'., N.B.
L"f liill~tbl A 6 r.lln, pecan expression. Hf'ar offcr. Call 54g...1333 mach.. $73. fi13....Ut1 cqe. MO-OOOT 21128 Monterey, CM. 540-14.Z " H _ 9525 &U·t.KG 5«).l7tc
C'Ol:fM tbl, Pd tNy cttr ,Rachmaninoff pt., b I 1 8' POOL Uible. Bnuwwick DREXEL S pc bdr wt. SSS. OLYMPtO 1'111 No. 10. 3 R.ts TWO 3'' hp minl·blkts, 100 Dune luggl" Authorlud MG Dealer
.. 1oteoim.n. AJI xJnt rond. music hhl wrq. Aak ques-Monterey MOdtl .$200. Olli'• Schwinn Sting Ra.:r, ~ 1115 ol 1ail1, 1~teL1b.ller a mt [ll!f'"p.I, rd cond. fl9 ~a. 1968. Like Nu. Dune B1ia1rY. BUSIEST markc!Jilaee bi
Mllc lllaby lttrruL 962--5844 Ilona! 194.6261 Ml-3294 afternoon or eve. p$. 1 lamps. 54M860. AKC Afehl.n Pups. )!ale .l tlttnM. 67)..12Sl 646--41&4 Ute blue ml'tal flak• -body tll'Wn. The. OAU.Y PILOT
SAT N. l'Umittn, ttrr11, ORGAN, allwr tone w/cord.11 FOR s.te: Tlrt cha.Ins, FOR SALE -lrvlnie COut Female. f200 & up. Wiii UDO 14. like new full racing litlNl·Blke Taco 100, & hp, I: tp. All chiwn. ena: + CiauUled iicction, s av 9 ..,_ anOtrua· tm Acada ~. Hardly UllOd, Ccct rwvtt" ull!d. 'm>x15. 7fl>xl6, Country Oub l1'llmbenhlp. hold 'lU C'hrtlltmu. Only 4 gear A hlJ!:hWl1 trailt r. used le11 t~n 5 hn Coa1 l'Mllo. ti.lust 8t'fl ro •pprec. money, Urne • e.Uort Look 'It. OIM. f7)..1JU s.-. 11111 for J150. 548-t90J a:nitJS. c.u 175-«MJ.. e&ntad 541-lOZ. \t:ft.. Call !WO-~ 11495. 644-1370 • $239, sac .$159. ~5 X1n't cond. Call IB-1'753 now! 1 !
, I
·-------·-·---------~ . --·-·~-·--· ------.. -···· ....,,....
lrnpomd Autos -Imported Autos -Anllf!!'• .cloiolCt HIS Uoed tin f9llO Uood Cult • -!!?!!_C1N d' · fMI UNd C1n 9J'lO '(~~MA NN GHIA ROLLS ROYCE R~·!'.'~ -u,: H~~ iUI~~ . CONTI_Nl!NTA~ . . FALCON .. I t -Ml!RCURY
1'1965 Karmann Ghl11 54 ROLLS ROYCE Immaculate ~IUon lns.Jde '67 BUICK C\lll. Electra .. * PARADE CARI . CLEAN 1961 D.clww Ft.Icon '10 MARQUIS Brougham, 4 12'®r Coupe, X1nt ~W.I. SILVER DA\VN &: out. UoolllciaJ. ~ Full P"'T & a.ir, Xln'I cond. 1964 OONTINENTAL CON-Statton waion. $300; 548-2533 dr hardtop, l'ltetto, air, full
1mm1Q&1ate i11.11ide &nd out! SUN ROOF ratlni ot S2 pointl'I. Ria;bt Orig , Owner. $2800 . VERTIBLE Beautiful Orig ll.ll>'lime. pc>wtr. $4795. 642--1~ or
. o~ owner. $1300. See. at 480 Coocourse.-.condition. This hand drtve. S7l0>. Appt only ~· T..!f.1 mue WI ·~~rand 1'{ew'1 .ua r ~Ns..GOOo. ~ ~d~, C.M. beautiful a.uto will be sacri-C1!4) 63'7-95'75 '62 Buick Special. ·White. ·4 while Vinyl lop, black "Na-. [150 :• l-,---.-.-------
'68 CONVERTIBLE, autom, rillced for quick sale. 1926 ~fODEL T Ford Coupe. Dr. New Urea. Good ~nd. tural" leather inter. Air I Call _ ~798. .......-
radio, belp, low mileage, 541-6609 Completely ttstored from '420. Call Phil &t~2430 Conditioned \Vith. all space-~, • 1
; • ?-. ~ ~:. _i•~~, .... NG
frame up. Sl;ll)O. B 111 age P\\'1'. ll8£itits Pren1iun1 -
DAILY Pll~. 45
TRANSP ORTATION ---u~•d Cars 9900 Us•d Cera 9900 _.......:;,;;__ _ _;.;,~
'66 Olds 88
Dynamic 8S. Con\.-trtlble.
Pawer steering, power brak •
ea, facto•'Y air. racHo;-heat-
er. This car $hows very per·
101ia.I care. Lie. mK228
*-~Of ffi-1666 ey~"' ~OLLS1 ·, '33; .W~.~ls.i newr 1i.ockara iJlJJ!' IB>-l401 or , ·rADILLAC: .... 'Y/walls etc. "A collectors •..... • fORi>
.,, • .__: .pen~ne'!Wl!ftltti,$4950.i (215)9£.Tn4 -~ ' .. · ,Jtem!'' Goes to th.e fh11t -----
MERCEDES BENZ ""'· ••b< -· 64~ ·s1 MORGAN + 4 '&l Eldorado ·s1w.;.,_ MARQu1s MTRS. 1969 FORD LTD """""" • SPRITE· New Top, new brakes, Ex. 900 S. Coast tlwy., ~guna Squire Cl V-8; air oon-.
ccllent c 0 n d I t ton, $1500. Owned by little old teacher Beach. Ph. 494-1..00, :>40-3100 d!Uoned, poWcr' steering,
642-1724 after 6 PM. from 1...quna Beach. Full '61 LincoJn ContillentaJ. $595. power brakes, all flttury
1926 Chevrol•t 2 Door pwr, fact air, dlr, extra, ex-Has everything! }'i~ns: trtitt: Only 6700 miles. ss:ooo
Q, 11 "1·-' (.i;Jn t y ·~
l _i•q• ,I S~·L:rl1011
~J. 1~ s. u.,('d
./ ·~ ' SPRITE.
Good condition.
· '66 Must•ng Convert ~ ~~~~:~Uc, radio, beale.. fth d
$895 ~... OP
Ha,rbour V.W. 'o .. ;.tfS
'6S PONT V-8 "Le Mons"
"Premium" Fibe~ -!· ,
Nylon-w"/Wilf11 ele.~sji&rk. 1
ling ortg, !lwflkado Cream
Xlnt. Black ·Vinyl top, Im.
mac. saddle inlet. Loc:a.I
teachers car since new! Pay
you lo investigate this !;roe
yr, end winier "BARGAIN"
!lwITRS, 900 S. Cowit Hwy.,
J..a&'una Beach. Ph.: 494.7500,
I • ,., ... _., ,(·J ... ~ u .. 11, $1500. 542-0074 tra clean!! Take trade or OAC. 642-1432 ;;;:'.fu~; will aell for $.1,500. Call eves, 646-5919 AUTHORIZED '~, P"' SALEs &: SERVICE J 'G& BONNEVILLE, 18,000
• ml, orig . own&', full pwr,
fact air, nu Utts. $2750
644-4889 'Jim Sl cmons Imps.
•/J.1• 11{'1 & M<11n St.
S,1nl,1 An,1 546·41 14
arnall down. YCL SM. Call SUNBEAM Kon, msm od<""'-'4: · CORVAIR
---------Autos Wanted 9700 1968 Cad convert. 19,tXXI .
ALPINE Roadster, ---------1 miles. lOO% new cir war-1962 C'ORYAIR sedan, stick~ '· ren10veable hrdtop, \lo'ire WE PAY · • ranly good until April l910. 2f,000 m1, nc~ brakes, baf.
'68 300 S£L. 'auto. PS/PB, whls, disc brakes, r&h. CASH 5 yr, or 50,000· miles. ·Full tery, carb. SJ:il. 64~3431
0$.tf, s~ t,.pt, a i r j Days 833-2400 ext 449 power. &t air includes stereo.
• ~ i.ginitlo!\.I========= Black on black private par-CORVEm
\ ' hlBck leatl;ler. 1.18.ire TOYOTA ty must sell. 968-5.3U 1---------
;.b.t"" ..... or.6'15-<060. . L '---------1 for med can Ir trucks just -1965 Corvette Fastback -· 1 c:aD us for free estimate. '63 Cad. Convt. Good Cond BIT T MAXEY am Air cond. Fully equi~ $ave $6'0., ~1. one ow~r
59 Mercedes 190 "Runs 1,.'00d.
N~w paint & chrome. $650.
720 Himilton. 646-1096 aft 5
._.., . GRODI CH,1110lfl ~ -Call c 'I cu, auto 1ra ...... !act a"· ~· ....,.,.. r a I", pwr wlndo\\·s & n1uny ex-
(T@VIOITIAI Ask for Salff Manager ~=·de Ville '64. Full tras. s'!~!ly ~C:k = • -== ~· lJ2ll Beach Blvd. 1818.1 BEACH BLVD. Hunttnaton Beach power/air. Xlnt cond. BAYSIDE ?1-fOTORS
Hunt. B•ach 1474555 Kl 9-33n Original owner. $1750 . 1200 W, Olast Highway
644--0324 Newport Beach * 646-50.la
.'61: Falcon Futur11 . isru·BEA,Of BL., 8fMUS ~.n.. HUNTINGTON BEACH
• -·-'""""' ... -Dlz~1.,· ==c--7"-..,--$695.· '67 · ?tfustang, hdtp, cham·
Phone 642-602.1 pagne beige, &addle lnt., 289
'55 Ford Bomb. RWlS, ci, auto trans, coll!IOle .air
Good tires. $45. cond., hlr, tinted glass, n.?ar
141 Virginia Place, C.M. new W5W tires. 673-5167
m 1S68 FORD C.untcy 1965 MUSTANG CONV.
sedan "''tlgOJUL L«ded! Yellow w/black top, V-8, 3
J2100. * 534-5200 5J)eed manual trans. 4 good
'65 "Ford . Sq · W "ull wide ov[ll tire's, nins ~c<'l· uiro . agon. • lent. lln111;; 6734493
po\ver, new clean w/w ===~c.c·=..,-,.-=,.-,"' $1275 or otter. ~mt 1969 GRANDE. Air, P/S. dlx
'67 FORD Sedan1 air, flO\\"tr,
excellent condition, $995.
642-1150 or 548--4326 ·
int, 5 new Michelin radial
tires. 2500 mi. $ 2 8 5 O , -MG 3n:UN,o!CoastHwy.onBcb WE PAY WH '59 CAD. Convt. White, lo ml. '63 STINGRAY. 2 Tops, 340 '63 \Vagon 8· cyl stick,
TOYOTA X1n 't cond. Best ofter. Call HP, 4 s!)d., 411 PoSI., lthr. overdrive $.150 or offer.
'63 MUSTANG 289, auto,
PB/PS, RH, console, ne\v
tires, $1050, V.e1·mol c.n
Sales, Servic~. Parts
lmmed!ate Delivery,
All Models
1970· HERE NOW fOR' YOIJR (AR 1213) 596-6106. seats, Al\f/Fl\f. 52,000 li-11. Call 646-4481 LO\V PRICES ON '6S Eldorado, one owner, Outl'ltand\ng orig. con d. I~,~=~~=~=---
J1rlupo rt
REh1"AINING '69'• 847 A""" ' 7 4 On FORD,.T-Bird eng,
0 co NELL fully ""Ui........!. $a800. -.01.<. Your Best Deals Are Still At N -, •~· I:::::::::::=:::::::===-! good tin's, radio, needs 642-0900 1----\vOrk. Jk>st oUer. -546-Sf.w· __ .. DEAN. LEWIS CHEVROLE1 '66 IMPALA 2 d• . .W, pwr, DODGE
1966 tlarbor, C.i\1. 28'28 Harbor Blvd. R&H. auto. Xln't cond. ---------
1968 TOYarA Corona cUx 2 Costa Mesa 54&.J.200 $1095. Will take clean trans. '69 Dodge
3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.8. Dr. Hrdtp. Al\l·FM. 4 spd. l--W.,-E_P_A_Y_,,T_,O-P--1 trade. 4~3441 O!' 496-2500, Ch
642-9405 540.176t 10.000 mi. Orig ownei' $1575. Dr. Winesap. , arCJ8r l-~A~u~-~~~~ol~M~G~De~'1-'.;'-· I S45-ll41 DOLLAR 19j 9 cad. Sedan. Good Cond. 2 Door Hardtop. VS, power
MGB--'67 GT Coup1 =========dfor good. clean wed can, Gd tires, $350. Call 548-41835 steeling, pow c r brakes,
Ruby r!d wlblk. leather in. 11llUMPH all makes. See George Ray aft 6pM · automatic tral19 b u c k e I
'63 ECONOLlNE $595. Call
aft 6: all day Sat 673-6214
1969 Mere Colony. Park
1965 MUSTANG Convt. V.S,
auto. Xln'I l'Ond, Lo mi.
Orig. Owner. $1275.
'65 CONVI'. Stick. Xln't
Cone!. ?i-1ust sell! $800. Call
'65 V-8. PIS, PIB. Racing
Green. Low · dn. W 111
finance. $995. Call -6731300
AMIF'M · h.eel Theodore Robins Ford er ' seall vynl root' Absolutely ;:~rive, ~·w wi~d:.i ~~ TRIITT.IPH. GT6, 1967 $1900. 2000 Harbor Blvd. '60 CADILLAC Sedan de like ~ew Lie y\yg..279
tires. Lo miles. See & drive While good condition Days C.M. 642-00lO Ville ~Y6~;;r !Her. . $2699
Full p\vr, air, radio stereo, I---------doot locks & many many
extras. Th.is car ha.! 7,2f2
ml. Local car, frOm an
eiotate. ·Kelly Bl Bk $455o.
Our price $3995. J1rll11J0l'I
JI IllP o rt s
"'"""· ~ .. , '"' .,...,.; W1"ll Buy ~ '64 CADILLAC. All pov.·er.
J.l extras. Reasonably pric-VOLKSWAGEN YolU" Vol-n or Poncbe <d. Call alt 4 pm. 540-1549 ft~ ~
& pay top dollar.I. Paid for I=======:::=; I~
3100 W, C'.oast Hwy., N.8.
632-94()5; 54(}.1764
' Authorized MG Dealer
'55 MG TF, rebuilt eng, wire
wheels, no dings $800. 5.16.<134
FROM IMPORTS WANTED '65 lmp11la Coupe V~" p Orange Counties · $399 TOP $ BUYER Radio, h eat e r, automatic,
power stffnng, yellow w/
BILL MAXEY TOYOTA black interior. RIB693. GOOD SELECTION IB881 BeaclJ Blvd.
IL S.aoh. Ph. 847..,,,. $1095
549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67
cpsTA ¥ES.A
1200 \V. Coast Highi•ay
Newport Beach. * -~6-50:>5
SACRIFICE! Europe-Bound.
'67 · Mercury Sta. Wag. 1
owner, Jo ml. 642.-0828
'64 4 dr. Pnrklane Mercury,
air, 1ui1 pwr, xln't cond. l
Owner. t9P0, 84~2302
'63 OLDS 1''-85 "CUTLASS"
PIS, Recent W/walls elc. 1
lady 0'<1."tied. Glisteni11a;
Ennine White W /Plush red
Vinyl -bucket seat Inter.
Smooth Power and winning
looks!" ONLY $895.
Coast H"'Y· Laguna Beach
Ph: 494-~. 540-3100
549-3001 Ext. 66 or ST
COSI'A MESA '61 TD.lPESI', x1nt cond.
'67 Olds 442 New radio &: tires. Very
2 Dr. J.i.T. Radio, htr., air =~cal & "'peppy''.
cond., pwr. steering&: brak-=====-==== es, landau top. XGV420 •
Harbo1tr V.W •
13711 BEACH BL., 842-4435
'Ga ),-85 Wht Wag. Sacrifice
Orig. owner. Exceptional
SHfJO * 673-1232.
'64. RM.tBLER Ambe.uador
Low mileage. All extras.
Clean. See to appreciate.
'66 T·BIRD
2 Dr. lIT, full pwr, air, d1r,
P"'r seats, brakes, wl.ndQws.
Biue Book $250o • SACRI-
FICE $1899. or foreign car
jn trade, NPVl32. Call Phil
494-9773 or S4!Hl634. 57 PLYMOUTH Belvedere.1 "°===,.-..,..,-,..-...,..,, Good n10tor, good tires. '67 T-Bffi.D 2 dr. Landau, full
:r.Jakc Oller. 892-3843 aft pwr, air, nu tires, 8 trk
4: 30 Pl\f stereo, wiles car. Call
'69 PLTh10UTH Fury Ill. J .,-644--=2!li-=1.="'""""-,--,-1
Air cond. R&.H. Vinyl top, * '67 T·BIRD, 2 dr Landau,
10,000 mi. Call 548-7227 air, all po\\'e r, immaculate,
low miles. 642-0574
PONTIAC 1957 T-BIRO, port bolts'.
1'1u.st see to appreciate!
$1800. 838-7675. '67 GTO HT $1850 of '65 Bon-I -~~~-~----.1
nc Conv ruoo. Both xlnt, '66 T-Bircl. Pert eond. 1
mus t sell one/offer. Owner owner. Lo mi. Sacrifice!
842-1039 64&-8760, 64&-26Tl
'57 T.BIRD • a..ASSIC 166 BONNEVILl.E 4 cir, Looks new! 30,400 miles
hn:ltp, pis, p/b, p/w, Fact S48-0736 alt 7PM
air. Nu tires. Gd gas mi.
$1775. alter 5 PM -548-8'J06. '60 T·BIRD, white, all pwr,
DAILY PILOT DIM E. A_ fact air. A·l cond. Bargain.
LlNES. You can use them Priv party 54p..4211
for just pennies a day. Dial GIVE Now -and later
PILOT OU!lified ad. UNITED 1'l.JND
MGA A;;;u;;;'";;;L;;;••;;.•1.;;;"s=;;;9;;;a1;.01 ff arbour V. W. Naw Cars 9800~aw Cars· 9800N•w Cars 9800N•w Cers 9800New Cars --'-"-"""-'----""-"-'-;..;;...;;.;..;.;_ ____ .;....;=c.,;;.=----. -------
•Q 1\-IG~, itARK It 1600 -
Dt'afted mu!lt sell!!
Good condition. 673-3512
lmmediete delivery
on 1111
1970 FORDS &
18711 BEACH BL. 842-4435
549. 3031 Ext, 66 or 67 All popular makes. Ford '66 CHEVY 11 V-8 "'NOVA"
'53 MGTD. Xlnt Cond . 1970 HARBOR BLVD. authorized leasinr; system. HDTOP Arr, P/S. R/H,
Wht/blk. $900 Priv. Ply COSTA ?i-fESA Get Our Competitive Rates W/wall.s etc. Spar kli n g
Eves & Wkei'ids 673-3489 LBU=G~.-=='-"'•"'a=ree-'-'n","'n::.,-,,-cu-Theodore oris:. Glenn Green. Hardly
guar. tranfera:'ie, under ROBINS FORD lookt"sat in! ONL~ $1695. OPEL
'68 Opel Station Wagon
Big engine, tro \V/blck il1t.
Very clean thruout. Kelly
Bl Bk $1510. Sale pric.-c $1195.
Save $215.
IS•YJide Motors
l20o W. Cha.st Highway
Newport Beach * f;46.5ffij
'69 OPEL GT. Red. Black
Int. 4 spd. 9,IXXJ mi. lm-
maculate. Make otrer or ~-613..,.,,
9CKKI mi. auto, stick, radio, ......,n Ila bo Bl MARQUIS' ?Yn'RS. 000 S.
onloU lug. rack. Res. ,j;,,_, r r vd. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach
Costa Mesa 642-0010 Ph. 4"'7503, "'"3100 67.;;...1898 Bus. 645-1992. · """" .,.........
$18.1l. LEASE ANY MAKE '68 01EVY El Camino. 375
'62 VW. GOOD COND. OR MODEL hp, 396 cu •n1:. UO · . posltraction, Mags, $600. * 646-8191 Let our lease experlS sho\v Goodyear. 548-7883 0 r
'66 VW Sunroof, xlnt you the best plan for your 642.:4252
coqd. Many extras. personal needs without obli-• • · * 84&-5257 * gation. '55 CHEVY V-8, ~ewly rebll
'67 VW SQUj\REBACK UNIVERSITY eng. Needs trunor work.
OLDSMOBILE ~-~-OFFER. 642-0281 or Excellent condition. $1550 o.>:r\l'IOU
83J-ll32 after 7 PM 28So J-Jarbor Blvd. Costa l\1esa '66 Caprice 2 dr. p/b, good 1967 VW, completely o/haul· nd 26 ~ · s'~ call 540-9640 co . ,......., m1. ....,.,.
eO eng, xlnt cond. Real sharp --:-:-="""=:----=-1 540-4ll5 belw 8 -5; 549--0087 PORSC~E Ow•"' 642·7374, 67'>-0144 V' LEASE V' all 6 pm
------'---· 11968 V\V Bug. Lt blue, blk 1970 FORD Torino GT, air I• ·64=1.c.~IP"ALA"--.~fac-t-. -all-~,-.wr-.
PORSCHE'S. Every possible int. Xlnt cond. $1700. Call po'<1.'er brakes & steering, steer., R&H. New tires.
type, all colors, all years: Phil, 644--2430 radio, wide oval \V!iW, 351, Xlnt cond. $995. ~3530
1958-1969. For the finest jn '69 vw Sunroof, auto shift, 4 V engine, $99.50, 24 mos. •64 El Camino Auto V-8 4
used Porsche's, Sec.: 24 ,000 mi. guarn. \Vhite w/ SOUTH COAST good tires. J~ tuned! $7-:i0.
J1 cluport
3\inport ~,
red leatherette. 642--0701 CAR LEASING 545-8801
1970 V\V Bug 4.000 n1iles, ="='=\V=·=c='=' =ll=w=y=· =N=B=64=;.="=8'-1"64.::..M=AL"rn~u~.-xl-nt_<0_nd~.-.,.,-w 1
private pa.rt.y. Best offer. ftftftl'I. tires, 1 0\\7M!r $850 fum. 530-7848 _u_"_d_c _ •• _. ____ ,._~-1 673-3663 or 548-6203
1964 VW, 1 owner. Must sell, '66 HONDA 450 CC. $475 '57 ~~CHEVC,:,:~Y~l-m-p~'1~.,-.·I
3100 \'V. Coast Hwy., N.8 . make ofter. Corvette, 28 t\1odcl A }lot loaded! _J>ric:ed for quick
642·9400 54(}.1764 675--1328 rod Roadster P/U. '61 sale! $1775. 534-5290
Authorized l\1G Dealer l :,"'66~VW=-,-,~da-n-.---.,.-,~l-oa-n Ramps,ldc. Chevy P /U. 1963 CHEVROLET ood
'68 P, orsche 912 Couna condition. $1100 Call after 6, Custom Chopper. '59 GMC 1 . . ' g r-T P!U w /10~l:' Alaskan running S47S. Fully equip, inckl. AM/FM, 675-4305. 546-6604 ...__ heel b campei'. l\fakc offer. 2044 <:11.1vme w s, umpcr 1965 VW Bus, rebuilt engine, l\tonrovia fi42-1J 37 CHEVY '64 Malibu Hardtop.
guards, etc. Tangcrlac fin· sunl'oof $1200. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I Auto p/s, p/b: new tlres,
ish w/hlk. inter. ln1n1acu-531-5677 brakes. paint. 54&-6925 lale thruout.
jl1nµort s
3100 W. C'.oa.st Hwy., N.B.
SC.9f<l§" 54()..1164
Authoriz~ l\1G Dealer
'66 PORSCHE 912
5 SPD. Sl-tARP ! l ! ! $3595.
Bayside l\.foton:, 1200 \Y: Cst
Hwy, N.B. 646-5055
1968 ~RSCHE 912 5 speed.
Tan w/bro\\11 u fl ho I .
1'eauUful! Must s c 11 !
714/5J6-.83S4 or 5.1&-9441.
1!(18 PORSCHE 1600 S Coupe.
Xlnt mechanical cond. i\lulrt En $1400 or offer. ~o
'66 PORSCHE 912. xtras,
new eng. Musi sell, best ol-
ftr. 675-6177
'62 VW Bus, r&h, new reblt '63 SPORT Fury, hdtp, 57 CHEVY IN EXCELLENT
cng, headers. S1095. dlr. good runner, full price CONDITION $250. 646-8680
CaJI 6Th-Oi69 $499. l\-tDRn7 Call Phlll:::::;::::;:===;::== 545-0034 I' '66 V-S Sq. Bk. Black, red CHRYSLER
vinyl lot. Good «>nd. $1l95. I --------1 __ _
Pvt pcy. 830-2866 '63 RAMBLER Amer, hdlp, '67 Chrysler 300 I
'68 V\V. Needs little body dlr, runs good full price $29!1. . .
'<1.'0rk $1300 DOL920 call Ken .f94..-9773 2 Dr Hardtop, factory air, * 64.2-5534 * ' ' power steerin~. power brak·
'°'64i'V\VWY'i7~pa~.,;ee;;;os;;, ggO<oodXi<oo;;;;;,,.: J ~~~~~~~~~~1 es, vinyl roof. A real Bar· dition. $995. 1aln. Lie, YOK-476 * 642-4H8 * BUICK $2099
'69 ·vw Square Back, Xlnt
Condition, $1985 or offer.
Call 546-7457.
1966 Volkswagen 1300 Sedan.
Lo mileage. Good cond.
$1250 968-~.
'67 BUG, new tires, new
bt-akes. low mileage, ex-eel.
cond. 645--0446 or &1>2026
'61 PORSCHE SUpe_r Qu'omc whls. AM -1',l\1.
rack. $2295. 644--0716
'66 V\V xlnt-cond, radiaJ, orig
O\\'net $1050/oifer.
00. 673-4648
'62 Por.9che S u fl c r 90,
sunroof, 1Ui nclc. n11dnighl
blue/black Int. 54Sw8985
'67 ~ ... ult $795
R.ecentl)' Oftrha~ by our .;ervict dept. Absoltrtcly pc:r-
fe.ct for eeoncfmt.:al nlOlor-
q .
J ~rlu µo r t
311 11 po rt~,
llOO \V, c0ul llwy .. N.O.
&g-9-t(l) ;)40.1761
Authoriied MG Dfoaltt ..
'6.l VW Camper. lncl'S, bed,
tbl. lC(!bX. faucet. Best ottc.r
over $900. 673-8002
1966 VW Sedan. Xlnt cood.
New brla, hJw mile. Aft CONTINENTAL
5:,,, all dit.y Sat 673-4008 '65 Wildc11t Convt. 1966 CONT'L 4 Dr Convt.
'64 VW C.ood Condition $8j() Radio, he1t.l~r. PQ\l-tr 1lttl' Ruuet W/· blk tDp, blk lthr
Call 50-7 lng. wlndo.,,·s & brakes, lnL, stereo lape, air, Ml
---.~6~3~vw='"""c"'a_m_pe-,--1 \lo•hlle v.·alls, automatic trans. pwr, IWrury plus. Lo ml.
Xlnt, O:>OO. 548-1s.t9 CU18976J . Ortg 0\\-ner. Xlnt cond. $895 ll.850 . ........,,
VOLVO H b V W 63 I:r.IMAC. Pamporod, Ex. ar our <"Ond. Leather. Facimy A~.
VOL VO • • All power. 642-1522 aft 4 1: AUTHORIZED wkntls
1910 HERE NO\V SALES ~ SERVICE 1-'=::,_,==-=:-:---1
LOW PRICES ON !87ll BEACH Ill.., 842-4433 MUST SELL
REMAINING '69'1 HUNTINGTON BEAOI '63 Continental 548-S442 Your Rr~I Deal,oi: Ani !=1111 J\I
DEAN LEWIS 'GT 4 "'· SP<cl41. PIS. PIB, '68 OONTINENTAL l!tdan.
27.000 nil. A·l Cond. Call Alerro, a.Ir, Ml powi!r.
1966 Harbot, C.M. &t&-9.JOO ~ $.14~ 642--1450 ot 548-4326 -~~-.,------·
1st Place
'VI. aulO., P.S., P.wl~
dowi. f1c1nrr 11r, R&H. INPOs999
770 Cl1ssic Cpe.
Air Cotld .. AT, lliH,
(XVY.t:-01 '
Po11f1 4 dr.~H.T; \It, AlllO., l"ICI. 11f; f'.S.,
ll .. H. IWTE710 '
'65 Barracud11
Vt, 1111om1ll(;, R&tf, P.S,, fKI, air. fNMP·
11 1)
Choose From Over 300 law
Chavrolals, UsM Can & Tricks + The Largest S.lection of Ne w Corvettes
In Orange Countv
Biggeal Money Sa~ing Eoont In
Orange County
•M DAILY •PILOT Thursday, Otermbft' 11, 1969 ••
• • • • • A· B•tt-r ·W(lf-.. ~Jo . G.O
CADii3LAC . .
Even when measured by Cadillac standa1ds of ex-
cellence, the 19'ZO Cadillac is sure to exceed your
greatest expectations. Lel's get together soon for a
demonstr.ation drive.
2600 HARBOR BLVD. 540-9100
Are Here Now For '
842-7781 or 540-0442
I om-9 pm Mon-Frie Sot 8·omc5:30 pmeClosed Sun
From Pickups to Heavy Dutys ••• From
Camper -Utilts to Four Wheel Drrves
• • • Wffther o Single Unit or a Large
Fleet ·• • • .
NEW 1970 G.M.C. 1/2 TON
671Xtli fibe ,gl1u l:i~lt1d lir11, b1e~11p 1ighh, h11d1r, em•r·
g1ricy blink1r1 , duel minon, 2 1p11d tltclric wiptu, 1p1r1
COSTA MESA ' 540-9640
Choose From Over 300 New
Chevrolets, Used Cars
& Trucks
Plus 1'e Lartn t Stlectlon of New Corvettes
In Orant• County!
Bro"d New 1970 NOYA COUPE --o
~::: 546· I 230 ~:~546·1200
. ·. --· ;. --·-· -.. ' . ' . ..
' ------
• •
· , On Display
.. j. . Ready
" To Go
. '~ t '
' . : ' '
H1rbor Ar•11 0 Jlly Aufhorit~d VW, Ponth1 D11l1r
l 1970 HAltlOlt ILYD., COSTA MESA
67l·O•oo HOME OFT.HE LOVE IU~ S·PECIALS 549·llll
T;:l;;:~~;~;~w $19. 94
Including .
3100 W. COAST . HWY.
Orange Ccn111 fy's Only Authorized F~rrari De~!~r.
642-9405 CLOSID SUNDAYS ' 540-1764
2 Doon -4 Doon :...;,c;t's ....: .w.....-. ~ .. . '
12;000 MILE or ONE YEAR WARltAN1'1'
lf6t CORflNA l'ROM US
WI WILL l'.\Y 1'011. .\LL THI
Hurrv Ttil, Ol~tr
ll!">T•H>dtd to Dec. II.
Prl<t, Ter1n5 & W:Q!Jlp.
O<'I :Z.'Or.
Mo!Of No. BA92JAIOl'6
TE~MS : • , • $1f1.M Dclwll,
CIMI tr Tr1C11. >6 f11y '-•Y·
mt<h!I of UJ,:12.
AttNUAL l'Ell'C!:NTAl;f ltATIE n .u OIEFERP£0 ll'AYMENT
PRlCI $141:.:::.
'65 MIRCURY 2-Deor
M111«;la11 H.T. rDD SOJ
'65 IUICK RIYIElt4 Sltl l40
'66 PORO GALA.XIE !iOO. 2-Dr. He1d1op SYfOS2.
'66 IU ICC ILICTlA· Lie. YPU M t
'67 CHltTSLIA JH 2 Dr.H.T. Tilt
'66 CONTININTAL 4°Dr. Sd11. Lie. TfH 021 • .. J. .•
I L1'.'~ •• ;. ~ QU t:-ru. I Tl724
'69 ' POltD TOltlNO ' c-....nible 11'.SI 2J1
$1275 • $1375
' 1 ~1575
" ... ;:;$1975
" .s2295
.. JO~~~~~RC;~0r -~
. GUIDE· oF .-NEw: ·1r .-usiD i liTos &'. Accl sst>RIB ..
FULll Pl lCl
'70 F-250
BIO' 240 CID
•11illM. I plV llrt,, imp &.
oll,&•11'11••· Ser. Ho. F2'AltG7· Stl!.
EL DO!tAOO. Full CIO o ... r OTTOWAc~,
No. '°'-"'
540-7780 842-661 l
l 970's HERE. NOW
ALL MODtis lll'Jl'DY l'o 1t'.1M1it1D1ATI DELtVlltY
1970's HERE NOW
De-.n _Lewi• lmpo.-:ts
Orange County's Largesl.an,d Most Modern ·
1966 HARBOR · -~9303 COSTA "'6SA .
Over. 80 Quality Cadillacs
' To S~lect From!
Lar gest Selection In
Orange County!
1969 CADILLAC ·-. . . . . ' . . '
Cordovan exterior with brown tc5p · ana: cor-
. dovan cloth .and leather interior. Full pow-
er. factory air con4itioning, AM-FM radio,
po"'·er door locks, elec'tric seat release, etc .
(J9154770) . $5 SA~E 4 4 4 PRICE
2600 HARBOR Bt VD. 540-9100
1200 C.C. Corolla • Land Cruisers
Corona .• Crown • Fantastic
New M!<ll •· Toyota Pickup, Tlte
Woitc Horse of. the '70's! ·
___ BIG~.:.S$t SAVINGS ..
7 q~~l~(:~gfJ
llllfJliACH BLVD. PHone: 147.9555
I Ml. N.m ef P.clflc c .. t Hwy. H hec• ...._,_.,
2 Dr. H.T. R1dio, It.it.,, •ulo111•tic,
powor 1t11rlt19, f1ctory 1ir. CYWFJ5(1
'69 . PONTIAC s3977
Ex eeut; .. , 6 p111. w•9011. lt1dio, hoef.,,
1wtorri1trc; power 1tt1riti9, f1 ctory •oir.
[I] . Kl 6 4444 ~ -·-
770 Classic Cpe.
Air r.ond., AT, Rl H
'67 CHEY.ROI.ET ' . .. .. ' . •,
.V1 ton pitkop: '11Jlt7',ol
'65 FORD '64 CORmTE
Country Squire Cci"Po .. •P••d, ,.1Jio,
• V.1, •uto ., r.S., P~wirtdows, hit.ft r, (U'7. 07,I
· fi ef. 1ir, RIH. ! NPOl 19 J
$999 $1.899 . . .
282. HAil.OR. !ILVD •. COSTA . MESA
· UllD . . N-IW .It. .
CARS 546• I 230· CAU 54.-.'! 1.200 . . . . .. . .
Auto ·Acce11P.rie1
M.ke Gr .. t Gifts
For Tb• "1W 0w"9!',
"Sh1rP1" Chrorn• SK1.11Ack 'f4 pfifl . for your v.W. $14.tl
E"9 li1h 9lov1 l11lh1r STRNG WHL. COVERS, lt co 011 $6.11
COCOA MATS, vorioly oolor1, cov1r f11ll floor tr••, from 116.fl
l1r91 ••l1i:lio11 of h1MI rubbe• 101i.I w1/"ut I l11tlior
GEAR. SHIFT KNoas· from • $1.71 •
K11t•1I "Custom 500" WAX KIT, tho vtry bt1t SI.II
"LOVE IUG" lo./ b1tt1ry op1r1!.G ~ Non·f1ll, lump'11 Sol SJ.ti
"FORMULA VEE'' lt1li111 d11vtt wood ,,,,,;"' whot 1 S4f.tl
"1 961-70" Chromt Offltt. Wh1tl1 5" wid1 "Sp1ci1I frit•"
$14.f!i t l (h
"MG MITTEN" Cor Cover for t ll V'W'1 from 521.11
"Autom1lit" AM ·FM:Mullipltx ~ t!ld I lr1ck -!Jivf"3 $149.fl
l"clude1 4 1pookt r1 !ln1i11l1tio" not Incl tdl
l1nk Am1rit1rd-Mo1!1r Ch1rg1...:..Am•rit1n Ellpr111
' St1r1d1rii Oll-Chovro11 ·· ·
• 445 E. COAST HWY.
(at Bayside Drive)
Yes, ~;,. 1 00 Gols. of Gels wltti the
Purchase of Any New 1969 Cortfno
·or 1 9 6 9 New Ford, Executive Cars . -or Demonstrators.
FREE • . 100 o~Akl~Ns •, . FREE .:
• o. I ~ ... ' ... THIS W!EK!MD ·oNL Y
2240 S. MAIN
' I •
' •
' •