HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• r • . . - . Two . . : • • • •• In .-Mi· .· ·.1:r ••• " DAILY PILOT * * * 10< * * * SATURDi' Y,. DECEMBER I J,-'.1969 . • VO\.. '1.. .MO. M.' I JtCTi0..t. 14 PAAS • lf' estminster Man Loses Lile in Leap. from Barge .. ·-Hijaeker8_. Slain ChampagneServedAfter JetShoowut .. AmENS (UPI) -Two IJJnmet carry-to Aden in tomhern Yeman. Both men ll'fg bombs tried to hijack an Ethiopian carried bocnbs ·with fU!tS aUached, the Airlines jet Friday night The ·plane's pa.nengers ·sai~. guards killed them· both in simultaneous Karry Jacoby, 40, 1 trav~l agent from gunbattles in ·economy and fint class Want.agh, N.Y. said he was ip the first cabins before ocruming 'one! coweriD& cw. compmmait when U an started. passengers. He said they were 38 minutes out •of The passengen broke into chem when Madrid en ruutt to Rome and Athens ml It was over and ended the flight to.st-uJumateiy to ·Eth.lopil. mg ooe another with champap. • . "[saw a JJl8D ~.front.of me get ~P · It warlhe ftnf'llme in U,. lti~,of 'from'hil·so,!.·~J'!"'bY·raid'l'.llell•d.a. aerial Hijackjfip liflYODtf!'U allot to .,,.: He..,as·t!'O IOclli1t:Y·'.'l'"·" . deolh, altbougli • ...,or. ~· Ollt:."" ·•: : · ~~ ~~ tlle )bait Wri!ttfe<I with ''!- National t.!rllnes '~t in a hljodi. •ltomPI other .'1'~111 .&.Jt!tol.' l'll• security In 1961i '1et""'1 .llouslon •ncl J;ew' <*· guanf• ni°"' , ,to ..,0 o'(lio ;'hijack~'•· leans • · · l'!!td • , !on:fnll him: to ishoot Jilin. n.i ~lhiopian Alrli\l<S Boel111 7111' )et;' • seif'iW!C.: , ' ' liner-~dtd safely in Athens and look . · ~·Jha.ltCUrlty man fired six more off early today to r~ Jta fUjM to ·~into tJ\e.mau,," Jacoby said. "Thit Aamara aod Addil ·Ababa. liiillhed htm 'Off." Gr•elqliollce. identified oUie. ·11,;n ...,. '. ~i-lhe aame Ume: a wuicte broke oot only U>& 1f.l'O"f<>ldf£:.....u.llllllknt IOd ~ lhe-~·rw 'ol'lhe ic:ol)orey Rction. a ~l""'"*'~ ese .bu,1!ooomlan. Two' mMi' gripilled-irilh·-lli• armed.mall P-aald . hijaclcei> in<llbl· later lilent1!leil aJ tlie Yomeni atudmt. ed they--. trylng lo div«! the J>lloa · · ,Ulot ~ACI, Pop I) • • . . • • • • 4 • • . . '• • • SlO·in ' I ·.· " • Btl:ttle Suspeft lulled Grove Mali . Shot., Fights for Life· By AllTHUR R. VINSEL Of "';t' 011tr r 1i.t 1t1H ·Gunned dQwn in the .parking Jot of a Westminster tavern, a Garden Grove man was ,battliftg for Mi life early today, while the man who allegedly shot him 1everal times was booked into jail. · John D. Kelly, 29. of 1211 Vanguard Ave., wu reported in crtUcaI condition . . $900;000 . Suit F;Iet:J in ·Deatli . . CJt -T~tinMan A wit aotlng '900,000 wu. fil<!d Jn Mt111ine1 Friday by • niltin "°"''" . whoo< husband, •·Shell Oil Co. employi, WU tilled last A1an:b in a flie clused by a psoline pipeline exploeion, ~ · The Man:h 17· !jre at Canyiln .. a ..WI community ea.St cil Oakland, killed Earl J. Davl1 Jr,, 47. Shtll"s superintendent of Bay Area pipelines.· The suit Was filed in Contra Coata Sup- erior CGJrt by Mn. Betty D. Davis and children Jofln, Jaydene and Jacqueµne atl living tn TuaUn. I The tlplosion. aaid· by Pollet to be aahotaie broke the l .. lnch line· and spil~ ed Z0,000 gallons ol avllllon fuel down San Leandro c...s to Canyon. m shael.! of a.me. SQ. fee{ hllb' IOd nearly three miles long, destroyed 11 J>l:l'~ cars and several bulldfnp and mjured .seven persons, Including Di.vis and six sheriffs depuUes. ·Davia died four days tater and the other !IX victims were treated for burna amt released, Defendants in . the Davis suit include Cablldo Corp .. cf Santa Fe Springs, manu- facturer or the pipeline: Winifred Gari· bald!. owner ol lhe San Leandro property on' .whlch ·the 1Jtpeline WIS Joca'ted, and 30 "John Does" who allegedly dynamited lhe plpelin<. So far. there have been no arre5s In connection with the cue. Navy to Mothball Yorktown in March . WASHINGTON. (tiPl) -The Yorktown: oldest airer.aft carrier in the U.S. fleet at 38 years, wlll be mothballed at Boston, Mass., -In Maich. The Nary aald lhe YorI<totm ·wu·beln' retired becaua If qe. The Nayy pre91- ous11· aimlJuiicm It ,;., mothballing the carrtera Kwsarp a1"f llennJnilon be- Clllll of ectm1D1 re&IODI. as doctor• at Westminster Community Hospital performed rugery · to rtpalr three or four-wounds. John W. Ru.shchak, 24, of 10609 Western Ave., Stanton, .... wu a,rested by Westmin ster police tono'trlng the· pplay · and • ~ 1 • 4 • .., • • , , • • , • : , ~ ~ u~i T........_ char&ed with ~I With intent lo com· 'EVEliYadoY, LOVl!-S 50MEllOoY. SOMETIME •.•• .' mil murder. · '1 · , · Inv.estigat.ors were still J¥'0bjng cir· Reports S•y lt'.1 G•il •nd Dino T)ll1 Time_ cumstances ol. the ahOotl.ng at's a.m., , ~ , but said there was apparently trouble at r .• . . . . . ' Daisy May's Number Two, 739% Garden M • · R . 1._ · · · . · G~~.:;~~.;~~~~o;~~~.,:; ' .. artin. egares AUdienee thal ~· _aald j sit. 'A ~n. 1'1>Jn . . . . st4~::f~;J~ Witk~i~t~~B~~lcitp --~ •.. ~"""'trit·~. .._ , l '~fl'r . " . -:.;. , . . =~·oled'liJ tlil-Yidlnl -,W~Yfa.u,~1o. tAP>· -Dean Mir--lat 11rot-. .~ lfllrt. J.looJd ...,.. w !"-' tfD. ~ an invitatJon-on.ly audf.. it aQJ'hY " \ 1 lie .... ,&bit Jtu.lbcJlak, h0ft9et"., Wll eace;'af~. t ll#J ............. as tbe·Rlvl•a Nnanfti ~~hie to learn wbetbo ~·41 the ~olghl ~·"I ~~-erl&s.Henohaw of Arll/lrtoo Va "" ~at~. ,~ . · Hdtel ~Id tti lftb'aMivlraary, ·spokt in the city ind h'ez. nam8 was' not .. l'ftdl.. Inve.tlptor1 Mid the ,munler attempt of Iha ,b~·ol 1bl1 ·20-year marrlaga tionid In lhe coune otMartln's betwee~ ocurred about 11:30 Lm.,. leCOnds a~er in 'a llght Vein. · 1 aonp diAlogue. . . U!-e .,,rsons in9olved left tbe JftD1lsea ~ 52-3'8'-okl Wnger, who OWJll .JO IJ$> 00 'the program wlth the singe-. via tbe rear door followiD&, whatever ~l' ,or-tbe• ~· appeared Friday ac&or-comlc wu hia daughter Gall, a 1parke4 lhe C<ltl!llcl inllde. nJalil a!tOr re!ulfoi comment earlier oo ainger. a repOrt that he has chosen Gall Rtn-In the audience, composed ~ fritnd! •. ~w, IZ, MW World-USA, 11.hiJ _!u\!"! , celebrJll¥ce .an<) !r~,Pl\b:olll,.~,lhe "'"e. . hotel-<: lno, WU ·.ariothiet of • OUU'UD'I Cong Openllig:Up . . . New Ca~paign In Mekong .Delta SAlGON .(UPl)--Viel Cong guerrtllas blew. up a.nether vi\.al bridge-in the Me· kong Delta today In what allied officials smd was a new gumilla campaJgn 1n the -course d. hl1 flO.intriufe ehow~ ' dlt'.i;tittta, 'Qatidla: ' · · .... -' Martin quipped that he didn't h.l.ve to Manin ollppe4 b)'., i.Jl!>!lm,en· t!lUlo pact hia aultca1e to. coihe 'to 'tis \! .... ~ to bis drwlng room btfri the sbow'and "'My ·clotha were alnodi'•on the * went tmmedlately to 1111 Mllte-it•tlit llld walk," be Aid. · ' • of Ills perfonnaoce. 1 He added ·thAt 1IJJ w~e, Jeannie", hi!'• Hit wtle, "!Ul'priaed mn tbe moot aell a onellme beauty conteat wtna.r, lmowledieable liltni.od oblerva/s ,,..... will pt· t,b• couple'• -ll00,000 l!evuly day wheo ahe :ield. lh.ilf ftWT!al•· :1"• HUis esta~. , . over. because her husband had told her Theb' ahrulging blt ·iboulders, he said: he wu in love with someone else. ... against bases. roads and waterways in c s h · ' d J ~=~""~:::'uniquH said American ' -an ·u poenae .. . urors troops killed rt North Vietnamese and · , , , Viet Cong scldlers Jn acittered fighting · · ' c ? ;,r~·t11i:'.1 :·ii::!~-::· W!f• &ted Testif.y. ~ B.eating·~ ase. More fighting wu.reported in the area .. between· Saigon and the Cambcdian· bor· 1 • • der. an ma allied IC<CU conlinl\allY By TOM B~llLEY· abwl whethr hla -~.'lo--!ho endeavor to keep clear of the Comnuuiista °' ... •".'P"" .'left jury wu·prbrilpled..by'deep nhl~l Jest they man for a drive oo Saigon. Lui Nov. ii the>Oi'onp-C«ml)'.Qtl114, •'differer-Martin bu ,.,.;;i-1;'~ The VJ•I Cong deotroyed a 130-!0ot-long Jury_ indtcled ~ Ana Pollce Olflcer men! P\lbll~ 00 the malle< '\ · concrel• bridge over a blg ·canal•a. !ltUe llidWd E. J!'auol <lilcliorwl Iba! ht·-: •:<Jiieri•r al.oclale,_ .........;,AJian,llt6t· more tban 24 hours after hlewtn, up ~~Ve f<irce Ci( ~; a . Negto u-·-'~ .. 9 f another brldi• llli*e' mu .. liray. Tli• ' youth }•ho WU beinr''COltlriiltled . tO • . <-iBVBPOEN.\, Pap-I! ' area iJ about IO milts sbuthwest ol SIJ. .. JUVeruJe Hall. ,.· ..;··-·-'-....i..------..._..., ion. ·Now, a month liter, ;1Ult'11at1cmey, · Th< latell bridge bl11t "'" r~ n-.u E Ow h. .o. •-· •-AJr••'"e aa aUied officials' reJtued a 'p.Viet Cent .IWIHlN • en, 11~ ._ owrl·Wa.Y;.1-...... -._!f ~ document which told ·ot ot: cam t-c1ll-dieted the Grand Jut¥. r; ~ ' 1 1 • I ' .. ~· Owen hH IU~h ~'I ,II . , Ing lot' inkltllfted military IOd ·pol1t1 .. 1 -bm.· acr:usl-',"' •·"-'· ~ olfemlves· "'eapeclally in 'tbe MW.C· .,_.. ·~ w ,... -~11a.•• , prejudice" In c~ 1111ioril dill • . . ~ led to lhe ~~ : . "A.:.:>... ~S..: .1:ii':cryrtrt~~~-:\1.: 11>0.m.,.., thou&li rare. la •iiil;wl-'• ' -"f~ • ,._ 1 • alllel, '°"rn.ienf.~ llid. · precedent in .Or..., Colarly)•,....llnl • V.••r ,I •II i• Jdlh · C-s' believed when tht-~"'l>oo"u were·lfoued ll!rougb. Swlday'",but '~y Court R~ring Bo.osts County W~I{U~ . . ·' •Frkfa1.· ··--··1 . · · " .. · .,._ ~s..LitUe. temper. .. Und~ tbe '"'~· all'lt~.,,. w\Jl tllte; ch~!· • ~ •: be req-. to be,In ~Court Dec.· e ,.....;; ,, . 11. 1ci., lhe heor1nc of -, toi . . .JN11ui&,'1'8D~Y dlomlW( ~the· chqet •lfalnal ~n.' .. ~ "' - trOliDlft Plaat,j17 ' / . ~--c:,~:r--• !'.~ .. ~-i:.:=rc ~to . th< •• ~j~ .• ... c-~~ ............. .............. ..., ..... "'"""':' ~ _..,.. ~--lo W1<klV today; tori-&, ........ -=~::;r'*'11·~:i: .. ··;-~"~-,, ...... J'ar~. --.e doarlol ~...:.;... J .... :ra.m,. .. .111<. • Alie ' ~-......... . -M~~.tl'~"u;;;; . •. I -·"""""" aa f""'*'-·Gt 'll•r':I• • ' 1., ' · =~~~:.~=~=:::· .. ~, ·~ '1C I Upper . ,Biy Ude-I !1'"1'· . 1 CRllT,MU l!o!W~-. ~ aridlllif imn. ce: .._ .... _ ... ---· pany. . . ~ ------llil ·llrud· -Jurr-a11q-t1ia1 ...a.i "'"1"" =... .,:: ~ 1:,, J--· -If, ........ """"" -ti. ;;;;;;-• tbe •pwl. . ' .~t ~ ~ •' ~p ... ~ =·· .. ~ ........ tt II -'*"" .. MaiUn LJ-~~ftil:lf~.~~~-~·~-;_:' .. ~:· ~M: .. J will be~-,_., attuioe11 ' l' r ' ' • .. -·---~---------------. -. I tAILY PILOT Satutda.1, Oec.tmber U 1969 COSTA MESA ONL Yi SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAYJ DEC. l4 10 ·A,M. TO 10 P.M.·.WHILE QUANTITIES LAST ~~~.~~ 3 P~. WICKER DE.SIGN ~ BATHROOM ENSEMBLE ~ 25 MULTIPLE TREE LIGHTS Sunda11 Onl11 J'or f n do or ust. Push ln bulbs in multicolors. When one goes out, ot.he'n: it&)' on. Charge It. •IPLACEMIHT IULll, I ON CAllD .................... 27C J99 SAYE ON 18x26" 3.PLACE GUN RACK S11nda11 Onl11 233 i Ch mywood. hand rubbed to I deluxe v.·alnut finish. FelUl~ed A ~oovt-s "for gun ~Uon. (J Quality bargain! ·. ~ A FAMILY RING MOM Will LOVE S11nda11 Only A bfrth1t.one for each chlld In a "·arm Florentine fini shed rina. l OK wht~. )'tllow aold. ,..,,_ •• ., .......... -··-······· 2.H ea. •tpfllllk ''""''""" Piano hinge, plated han d I e • • Lift out tray. GIFT TOWEL SETS GIFT RIBBONS AND STICK·ON BOWS Sunda11 Only BOWS 48c .. 23 a lick-on star bowl for Chri1t· :nu wrappin&J. Colors. RIBBO"S le 14 ribbons to spool: 8 are ~•"• 4 are ,, .. , 2 are "" "'ldt.h. PONDS FRAGRANT DUSTING POWDER* Su11da 11 011l y 43~ Soft • textured, soft -scented Ponds "~l'lmfJO\\·er'• ))C)\\'der for arter-hllth ls truly refresh- ina and lovt'ly. Charif! Jt. •J 111.11tt ........ ., ...... _,,' Buy one today at no· risk 'A written guarani••! ,with everr_blrdl SINGER CANARIES A beautiful sinRing Canary. Makes a cheerful pet in any home. A written guarantee with every bird. ---- 200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA ' .. . .. ,, • , , ""T"'~r~.....,,..,l"'T;T~.".?""".,..........,....,"'9'T'l..,...,,,_...,,,.., ........... ......,..,~'"'"=.,..,...,, ________ ..._,~.-.=~~;~-'ll"""!~~~"'!'""'·~··--........ ~~~.....,.,.--,,_...,-:--':'--r-:-~...,.-"~,....._ r . -.. .. -~ r- .. , . -.. : .. _~Sky ' ... • -• • '-, ··~ ~ I \ • • Chanipagne ·CServed~After :B;ullets Fly in :iiner -• ' • • ' ,. • <{ • ' . \ . . . ATHENS !UPI) -Two cunmen cmy· lni•bombs tried to bija<k. an Etl\io!Un Alijjnel Jet. Friday 'l!iibt. Tho plane's lilllds killed -both in limulw-s eunllattlei in etonolnf and om class . cabtns before'"1Cl'tlmln& and cqwerine -~-.. :·· 'The ~en: brdke .into.cheers wh'" It ,... over ...i ended the-lli{lbl bloat· il)i .one another will!' chimp&gne. 'If wU the first time in the history a! akial hijackings . anyo~ was .abot to d<atb, al~ aunfire broke ""' on • NationaJ Airlines jet in a hijack 'aUempt In 1965 between Houston and New Or- letn!. . Tho Efliioliian' ~ ~·'1'11 l<l· linet' landed aa!tl1 Jn 11tbtOI ·fild 'look . elf dr1yt tiiday .te i~ "its ·fll&ht to. -and Ad!ID Ababa.' . Gfeel< police ldOntillod the· slaln ·m"' cxliy as a J~y,eer·OkfYemeN jtudent and • 24-year-old Senepleee rbu8ioelirnan .. ~m lllid'tlle llljac~ ~ .,i they ,..,.. trying· to divert, the fl .... to Aden 'in toUlhf;rn Ymlan. Both ,men carried bomlls with fu!es attached, the pWena:trs said. Hany Jacoby, 40. a travel aaent from Wantagh, N.Y. aaid be was tn the first des compartment when it· all started,.· "l!•-aiid ·"'1·,,.,. !O minutts out ol in U..nrat ...,.ol lhe OCOllOlll1'oectlon. Modriif~o·nJllt< lo l!Gme and Athens and 'No"li>Oo 11f'~ with an ~ llltlmately lo-.. · Iii«'~ ai"llle Yenien1··•!Ud<nt· "! aaw 'a ·;,,..In Iron\ o1·me l!<l up · -~-dl:hllli~and • \l'h'd'lllan !-Ilia -~·Ji<oby Aid. "He~ a ~ ";'llif! "°""* • •II'&· . pn.-Ho :was 11•,.~mtY, man." M&ll1 .ol. lhe II _. .ICIOllfted · Jacoby iaid. Ille man wrestled with an-&1ld -down in their -· !-_ t>lh<r mm with a pistol.· The security ."! ~dnl IH what wa ha-.inr ~t guard managed to tum the hijacker·s flfat..:~;aa¥1 ""1'bea. l~ lfllR Pistot· around fCl'C'ing him to shoot him4 and ~ •IUY i. "'P "'8d., ·;~~ sen twice. ' Ray Calc:Utt or London ?Id 'the third "Then the &eCUrity man fired si:t more ~ flftd twice b,lto . the YtmeJJi hi· times into the man," Jacoby said. "That ~~· . ... . rinltbed him off." -t'~&ers said the jet's C'J'~W: Jeartjl- . At lhe same time, a struggle broke out ( ... BUACK, Pfie i) County Panel Subpoen<JM $900~000 Suit Filed ·in · Death Of Tustin :Man. Can Jurqrs Test,ify? ~ TOM· BARl.EY • · or tit ""*' , .... """ . ·1.ast Nov. iJ the oDngo County Grand Jary_ indicted Santa Ana Police Officer IUcha.rd E. Faust on charges that he used excessive force in subduing a Negto youth who was . being C9m1Ditta;1· to JUvenile Hall. .Now~-a. month Jai.er, Faust's attorney, Bah8ld E. (hrea, ia his ·own way, has in- did:ed the Grand Jui)'. . -OWen has mibpo!naed the · panel's JI members. aceusing tbtm' of "bias and ·UcfiC;e" in clOMd-ctoor sessions that l:f to ·the-indic!mt!Jl ol J'a\111.. · · 'l'f!e move, though rare, is not withou t .. ' • Ctove •Mtu ·; Shol . . .J • 11 ... ' ~... -4 ~ Figh~ for Life; ' Suspect Jailed By AR11!1JR R. ViNsEL Of fll9 DellJ Piiiot "8ff Gunned do'frn in the parking lot of a Westminster tavern, a Gm:len Grove fl)3.ll w1s blttling for his life early toda}'. while· the man who allegedly shot him several times was booked into jail. J:.., D. Kelly, 29, ol 621J 'Vanguard Ave~. was reported ln critical' condition aa, ioctors .a\ Wutminster Community Hospif;i ·~ormed surgery to repair thtee Ol''\four.l':runds. ' . John W. Rushchak, 14, of 10609 Western Ave., Stanton, Was arrest~: by y,'estmin . gtu police following the gunplay and ctwg-ed with assault with intent to com· mit murder. Investiptors Wf!re still pro~ing cir. cum!tancts of the shooting at S a.m .• but said there·?r·a.s apparently trouble at Daisy May 'a' Number Two, 7392 Garden Grove Blvd., which Jed to the .incidenl "We don't b.ve anything.to live out on that yet," said Sgt. Bob Brown, when questioned about a possible motive in the :shooting which was witneued by a ll'OOP ol peop~. Sgt. Brown· Jald . Kelly wu wounded three or four timer by a .zz caliber nvol- \'V , but could not uy whether aay other weapon -perhaps UBed by the victim-· wu involved.. · He u.id that Rushchak, however, was erriPloyed at· the popular night spot ·as a ddcirman or botlncer. Investiptors Aid the murder a~pt ocurred about 12:30 a.m., seconds after the peraons itl'Volved left the premises via the rear door following whatever 1parked the ccmOict in.side. pr<eedent In Oranp County; as wis !Int altor the panel took ~des on·the proposed beUeved wbeQ tbe·IU'bpoenas were isaued ' Upper •Newport Bay tidelands · swap FJid&y. . . · between the C()Wjy. and the Irvine Com· Under the subpoenas, 111 19 juriln will pany. · · · bt required to be in Superior Coo.rt ~-Marlin was Johg gone from the Grand 31, . for: the hearirig of motions for Jur'y whtn attegatims I.hat Faust bettl up dlsmiual of the charges: again 5 t Jesse Gilmore, now 11, were aired before PJtrolman FaU.!l, 27. t.he:pai>el. "rhtre are doubtS in legalcirtles ·as to HoWever, lt is expected that Mart.in whether grand jurors can be required to wiµ be questioned by Faust'a .. att"1JfYs testify in open court ·on matters they about whether biJ· decision to quit the d~berated upon socTetly bmind the-pro-jury was prompted by deep philosophical ~ve.docp.of the .Graod Jury room. ditference!i. Martin has refused to com· Also subpoenaed' by Owm was.Wllliam ment.PJbllcly 00 the matter. · · Martin, former mayer ol Laguna Be-.ch OWen'a 'USOCiatt, attorney Allan· S~· who resigned. as foreman or. the 11169 • • , • i : - . Grand .Jury some ·niOntbi ago . shortly . (S.0 su'B_PlliP,!A, P•• ll .. • : .• ~· • \' '.,J. • ::..,;_ \1 " .1 J .~··•,·- W.estm.ipster ~n Drowns -" --' ' ' (.•. Alter Leap · From Bm·ge Biltlng a. leap to safety verSus a nigtft adrift on a b8f'le battt.red by 12 to 14- foot wavf!llS, a Westminster man loet his gamble Ftjday, the lhlrd victim of storm-driven. seu ' in 'Channel Islands Harbor at: Oinard.; Missing~ presumed dead is Joe Mar· ten.au, 35, W)M>ee WeSUttinstu addres! WU:. Dpt iimnedlaielv, fvailable from 'l'.-~Courl!Y aµthoriu ... ~ bQdy. !IJ1d the hW! of i SO.foot out· board .boat were· recovered on, the beach near the central Celifornla foas1a1 ma- rina, as phenomenal swells and Udea con- tfuu.d lo pound the ·area. California Hanging On. VIRGINIA CITY. Nev. !UPI) - '!be State cl California still is f~ UonJn.! today . MlnY. of;the iOOth.sayers who pre- dicted floods and earthquakes woqld .polish off the nation's mmt popuH>us state in 1969 had decided that dJs¥ter wou~~ hJt .at 3:13 p.m. ·FridaY -give ot take a few mo- ments. · . . 'niey gathered here Friday to moom ~allfornia'a Jl8¥ing. There was a "last wPlief"'ln local rest- auraots for local· belleven. Every other drink was on· the house at some local pubs. When the fateful moment came, one penorf yelled in a bar: "Get a radto turned on ; ruxt OU\ where Clllforna broke off." The·body wUhed ashOre was identified ., .Nicholas Bratses. a Greek national, v."ho had been piloting the boat which was capsized just outside the entrance to the channel. · · His unidentified ~ger .,,,as miss-· lftl~~ hope was given up for his sur. vlv~ afler the U.S. CO&'lt Guard search~ ed a two.by-three mJle area around ttie m.oo)lt Of tbe ha-,twi~. . ...Authorities sakt the Westminster man "WU aboard a pipe barge· apchored along ,.,;th a tUg !>oat at the ,mouth ct the ~rm­ whipped harbor" when the vessela broke loose. from their moorinp. • .,,,.8flefl4U reportedly tried to jud\p from the pitching deck of the bara:e to the l•md rooks ol 1he breakwate, but missed' and vanished in the toogh seas. His·body .•u not .recovered, b;Ut Coast Gqfrd sea,z:ehers found lite Ufe jacket be wore. Despite a renewed a55ault on the Call· fornia coastline by the stonn-drlven seas, a s~man for the . Newport Beach Hatbcr Departmmt said today there l''U litUe effect expected on the Orange CouL Pistol Bandits Hold Up Market -A~ pair (,( bandit111 each armed with a platoJ, robbed a Santa Ana Helg!ils all· niafit ~ ol !250 In ca.sh and Oed J. ter forcing the clerk: Into a standup cool· er. sheriffs deputies said eai'ly today; Lan-y Brennctse. on duty at the Tic Toe Marbt, 2000 Acacia St., said he belleVtd the pair escaped on foot. He Mil.her saw nor heard a car leaving the holdup-' A· suit asking $900,000 ~filed fn Martine< •filday• b1· a'Mlil&ir· '!""".,. whooe l:;Jlbmi, .. Shell otl·.C<>. ..,;ploye, was killed 1ast March.Jn a .f}re ~C;~~ by a gasoline pipellne ,o:)!I011t91!. · The March 17 fire at 'cariyoh, a small CQlnmunity east of Oakland. killed Earl J. Davis Jr .. 47} Shelf.a .upertntencfent of Bay Area pipelines~ J,.! •· .• Tli< eutt ... 'filed lnCOmra f:iiita sup. erier Court'. by Mn: Betty'.D. 'Di.vis alld ., ~ . 1 ~" U'IT""""" 'EVE RYiO'ov LOVES SOMEBODY SOMETIME •• : · .. Rtpori• Say IYa G1ll .1nci.'Dlno Thla T~---• ... children John, Jaydene\Ud •Jacqueline • • ~1ir*~~~h~~d·:~: Martin;R~g~les ~Audienee ed JD,l!!lO ·pllona ol avlalibn· Ml down · · · · · Sari LbQdro 'CJ'eek 'to Canyon. ' . I ' ' 1 • • • .' • , • • , ~ • , • i~it:$'3Iw:n · With Quips'on·BJTeakup ln'Gl J)el'SOnl.._ bJclaMlinc DaVlS ond Iii !ller1fl'I cleputks. . I . · ;~ do1a "tor '°4'11M1 J Ml ·~.N"';~APJ-~•Mar- dllfi. ........ -~"*"* '"""·~ ... ~ •cidl' olidl ·' .. .-, ·· '· ·· • \ . ~ tl(Aliottc,1,()00 person,·as ilie Riviera · Defautcf·ln the Qo•I• llldOO<-' if61.1·,.,,_;,~1•· 1•th 1 · k CibildoQ!itp:.olSalitaFeSpl'fligl,.l!I lt·IJia"=·'--d' ann''.:"'Y·'('O e f .... .._. ..... , 1 "---w·-~· ~ " inqup. hJJ SO.Y< r marnage _ _,,,~,-p P<-.. hwuou par!-In•& tJcbt vellJ, . b~dJ, ~ of P.. Sln•Leap<tro property The szzyear-old 11in1er who owns. 10 o~ .~hie~ the .,p!P.eline}'was I~~· •.nd riet'.cint of ttte hotel, .. 1J>peafed Fi'lda.Y 30 John Do;eS w~ a!J~ ~~t'ed nl1ht. arter:i refullng comment earlier on the pipeline.. · · ' .: ' ·. a repo(t that he 'bu chosen Cail Reb- Shet1 ·0lflc1als told c.nYol'\•I 150 r;es1-!haw, . .iz, MIS& World-USA, as hi! future dents March . JI the company Woold re-wfft · ~ulld the post Office and genml store • · demoyed in lhe. fltt and would cle.a In ,the ~se Of bis 90-mlnuti show, up the creek and ~J ~le for per~ ~~~ q:l:se ~tC:e ~;!.s~~·,:. Iona.I property lost. ' · r.-) "My clothes were a..tready on tJM. atde- watk," he 'aaJd. . • ·~ ~r"i . ;. - .. ·. •. . I . ,.u• ~~,:'LJ:.l ~.:~, ·Del Webb 'COnp. will get lb• coup!•···-.@ ... i\,f _ p Hills e5tat.. . -r . lfUI Y.· ~ urchase Tben .lhrugging bis lhoulders, he 'sald: "'". . '' . thal's :4ll:,Tllbl,. I :COuld' nl"ier find •• .... f • ~· I~ • , Jfiltiruen,...,. nnablei 1o 1wn ·wheth-tt MlU Renlb.w,.Of Arlington, Va., ·was in the" city. .lnd 'her,11ame was not men- ticmed In the cour.e ·or Martin'• bet...,. -· dlalocll<: · Alto· on the progrun 'with the aJnger. aetor-<omlc . ')iaa"lll• d;iugl!ter Gill, 1 liniier. · lb -the auc11.n... composed of !r1lnds. celet>riµes · and · frequtnt patrons of th9 hotel-casino, was another of ~·· daughters, Claudia. · 1 Manin sllf>Red by r.portus t11,-. · to his dreum,~rOom ,be(aie the-a&Ota and ··went lmmedlal<,17 lo ~· .llii\e al tile !lld Ofhil~. ...~ ... l-•. Hi• wire., IUl'Jlil* ·1•.~,111e -koowled1ea~Je. lilmland, ~iri,''l'llulo­ day when she said, thtir~miurtap '1'11 over becauet bet htlsban$"hld .told· her he waa in l~e with'aonieone eJM •. ' I t • Newporter Inn Agreements-were being negotiated Fri· day for the purchue of the posh Newpcrter Inn in Newport ~h by the Phoenix, Arlz.-based Del Webb Corpora· tion, reliable aources NJdJoday. Rect ··GIJeri'iUas ·.·Qpen Hp ·· . The inn will be purchased, the sources said, frtlfn L C. Jacobson, a former vice prosident ol the .Webb !inn who lert bis post there to buy the Newporter oeveral months 110. Spoltmnen for Jacoboon declined com- ment on.' Uie r~ , pun:baK. One lpOWJilan !or the Wel>b organlatlon In· lllsted the transaction was ·"oniy In the ~~ ~•f' and.11\'l 'P.!fl•.~d YI! ~· maui::. • , · No. a'mount of' moiiey iirvolved in ihe Ale Wll.J menUoned, but Jacobean reporledly will receive 1 ~tlal .....,I ol.stoek In 'Iii• Webb C«Jlor•· lion . . .•• It. wH conlinned Friday that liel. wfl,i, Vice Fttsldent Robert Dm1.azi· ia ~ over manapment or the Newport.er JM and will aerve in .Uiat caJ)acity· unlit a permanent '""'al managu Is iiamed.. ... .. , .. . . .. . ·~· '. . , . New Camp~ in :Mekoqg • t" \ ,, I .. . Co.µrt .RµJing Boosts. County Welfare . . . j ' . ' A ' .... '' :e .. )', -• ' 1 ' • OPEN DAILY I SUNDAY 10 °10 ---· ' • - COSTA MESA ONLY; ·spECIA~ P~ICES '-OR ·SUNDAYi ' ·oEC. ·1~" :10 A.M. TO .10 P.M·~ WHILE QUANTITIES l~ST .• ' , WIDE CHOICE' MEN'S JACKETS MEN'S l ·SIZE SOCKS . s;i:t,11 9aa S11nll•lf Onllf ~ ii a ll• · B&n·t.on!I> 10cko ol tox· 2 PR. 9 7 ~ N . tral.ized yarn, Fit 10.13. In ~ colors. Char,e l Outstanding selection! Great sav ings! Hurry for . It. · -uu T•"•m•rt .t J_,.. Mftert1t a. 5911., '"'· ~ ~ your choice of t'.Olton co~1lroys, cotton poplins ~l!:ol'Jtl~~~lt . ~~J • and nylons. Not in every size, color. Come early! ~ ~~~ .ri.-.... ._. ................... ----~ 25 MULTIPLE TREE 11GHTS S111Mioy Only For tn doo r use. Puah in bulbl In multicolon. When one roes out, others at&y an. Charle. IL llll"LACIMINT IULll, I ON CARO •.................. 27c J99 SAYE ON 18x26" l·PLACE GUN RACK Sunday Only . 23_3 · . I Chtf"l')'WOOd, hand N'n~ to deluxe wlllnut flnlah. Feltlll'ltd ;roovts for 1un protection. , Quality barplnl TOOi,; BOX 444 GIFT TOWEL SETS 266 COTION FLANNELETIE PAJAMAS AND GOWNS 'rF~'a.-'a.';H'.';~1~:;::.~';H. _, La . ., ..... , ' JUMBO GIF.T PAPER ·~1::;~~'/H.'/H:.'IH'.'/H:.'IH:.'IH!.'/H.~. )l ..,._;:;· ' ~-~ ' . :! N . . ~ ;~ I styles feature lace trim on bodices and sleeves. M Some ruffled hems with ribbon, lace trim. Sizes Four new pattcm11. Avocado, 1andal .. vood, pin~pple or :.: 4·14. blue. Service fo r 4. ' ~hr::n.':H!.n::nt.~':8!.-:n.~':H!. . Sunday Only A wonderful ·&ill at Christmas. -_,,...,...llll!r....,,.,,=">=-""""',_.,....,""""'-~':H!.-:n.~':H!.'iH!.'il~':H!.~':iH!. ~ ' A FAMILY RING MOM WILL LOVE SunUlf Onllf 12 8~ -n•scovIVr PRICE A blrt.J'l•tont for eech. child In a .... arm rlorenUne finished rlns. JOK v.·hte, yellow sold. •'-•· .............. "-'"'"'' 2.Jt ... . •Jr11ttM11c ~.-.. GlfT RIBBONS ANO STICK-ON BOWS SundG" Only BOWS 48c 2l 1tlclc..en at&t bowt ror Quilt-. :nu wrappin11. Colon. RIBBONS 68c 1• ribbons to 1pool: 8 &rt %", ' are ,, .. , :i are "-" width. PONDS FRAGRANT DUSTING POWDER* S1111day Only , .... . ~ ...... --~ Buy one today at n·o risk 'A written guarantee{· -,with everr_blrdl SINGER CANARIES Soft · textured, soft· 1ct11ttd A be U!ul · · C '1 k Pond.a "[)r.,llfTlflower" powder au &na:1na: 1n1ry. " a es a cheerful ,Pet tor after-bath i1 truly refreah-in any home. A Written. s:uarantee with every bird. Ina: and lovely. Char1e Jl ' •J •n. ... wtltht 200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MESA ( • I l I • I I --. ---------------------------------~------------· ----- Senate OK's BanolirY Smoke Ads- WASHINGTON .1¥'l-'l'hooe cowboys, younc 1overs and emanclpited worpen who ""111 clgarottes ill TV c:<lllllYl<r#als wtuld be banned from the airwa:v,e1 .un- der a bill the Senate bas pas3ed over· whelminiJy. By 1 70.7 margin .. $fflators voted Fri- day to ban television and r1dio ci1arette advertising effective Jan. l, 1971. The decision followed by five years the con- trovenial U.S.· surgeon general's report Unking lung cancer and amoldng. 1'he measu~, deaiine<t also to· prt· \•ent a massive shift ol advertising from f!!ectronlc to print media, now goes to a Senate-House conference committee where ii.! differences with a weaker Houst bill wi!J be reconciled. Jlackers of the Senate version predict It will sun•ive the cooference virtually intact. The bill also would require this more direct wording on cigarette packages: ''Warning: Ctiarelte Smoking is Dan- gerous to Your Health." The pruerit language : "Caution: Cigarette Smoking May be Hazardous to Your Health." The House vssion toughens the printed packages warning but bers ·further fed- eral regulation of the tobacco indu!try for six years. The Senate bill wou1d berift network.'! and stali.cm of a principal sooree of ad- vertising revenue -they estimate $250 million a year. It also · would hurt the tobacco Industry, opponents claimed. They said cigarettes never have COfl- du>i..Jy been linked to Ill health, As a coocession to the industry, which Jobbied hard against the bill, the mea- aure prevents the Federal Trade eom. -fl'Oljl requiring health .. aminp In mag1 ziDe, DeW!pllper f1l' billbOlards or 1111'1 olher form « rqulation until July 1971. T!le uceptioQ would be an FTC ~~ "gross abuo•" by the dpmte * * Widow l-Oses Suit Against Tobacco Firm GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (UPI) -A federal coort jury lw ruled that the Liggett . and Myers Tobacco Co. is not to blaMe for the death ol a man with a 1\el'VOUI condition who smoked foe XI years. ;(ft~ L:~.:JOA Mn:. Geraldine Thayer of Carson Ci y. Mich,, hod cuoltiidtd In a $750,000 auit thal her husband, Leslie, died "' lung cancer as a l'llUlt M smoking a brand·of cig.,.ttes produced by Uggett and 'My· ers. · But the "jury of si:r men end sl:r women delib<nted f..: two boun Friday before declaring that Mrs. Thayer hid ''no cau.se for action'' agalnst the company. Federal Judge Noel P. Fo:r, who pre. tided over the three-week trial, Instruct- ed the juror. that lh<lr ..-ng habits lhould not inOuence their decision . 'Thay..-died In Mardi, 1984, at the qe nr ... Doctors testified during the trial that Thayer suffered severe cough.Ing ~pells, blacltouts and blood expulsions from smoking heavily. He also had a nervous condition: which he reportedly controlled by smoking. Auto Wash Slated To Aid OCC Crew Shell 'N ·Oar. a support group for the Orange Colet College crew, will oondud ~ in its winter eeries of car washes Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Smitty's Mobile Service. corner or Harbor BouJevard and Adams Avenue Jn Colla Mesa. DonaUons. gratefully accepted, 10 for IUppori « OCC rowing acUvities. 0All 1 r"lOI ......................... _____ ,..., OkMfOI C04S1 ............ COMllllJllY ..... N. w •• , ~-· ..... J., ..... c.1 • ., Yw. ,,.....,._ .......... ,.... T\etl•• 1: .... 1 1-n.. •• A. ...... iM _I .. -c...~------"-r.',~~,·m.=s ..... --"""" ..... ~. ' Jared Meets Jing~s a .• Tingles the CIO"Nn made his annual Christmas visit to the pediatrics ward at Hoag Memorial Hospital Friday, where be met Jared Jacobsen, the seven· month old, nose-tweaking son of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Jacobsen, 19'll Port Bristol, Newport Beach. Jared has • broken leg and thz:t's no laughing matter, so Jingles tried to cheer him up. Jin.gles doubles as Bill Tischler, a United . .\ir Lines pilot and Laguna Beach resident. 2 Freed Prisoners Say .Cong .Took Care of Them SAIGON (UPI)' -TwG American heli- copter crewmen held by the Viet COllg for 38 days said today they would not want to fight the.ir former captors again. •·1 don't agree with their political views," said W. O. Michael T. Petusen, :n , of Redmond. Wash. "But I feel it would really be hard to fight them again -in that province -because they did aave my life." ''They took the best care or us they could," said Sgt. Vernon C. Shepard, 21, of Akroo, Ohio. "l was never tortured ." reconnais.!Jance missions near Due Lap Green Berets camp. Both men were wounded, Petersen in the left leg and foot and Shepard in the root and back. After their release, the men walked in- to a south Vietnamese anny command post near IAlc Lap. "They dressed our wounds and changed the bandages eve.ry rew days," Petersen aaid of the Viet Cong. Pe.t~sen said he lost 511 pounds during ca ptivity and Shepard 35 pounds but doc- tors said both were in relatively good health. WELFARE ••• creased by about 500 persons due to the high •iut deci!ton,.boli5bing residency requirements. "Despite thi!, the increase In OAS cases ls much lower than in any other public assistance program and is pro- portionately lower than the increase in Orange County's population, age 65 and over," he added. Aid to the blind averaged UO rtciplent.s per month, an increase of 11 percent over last yea r. The average payment per month was $131.41 , an increase of four percent. • The Americans spoke to newsmen three days after they were relUitd by the Viet Cong in the jungle highlands near the Cambodia border 120 milei northeazt of ~ and Shepard, lh ieparale heli- copters. were shot down Nov. 2 while on Asked why lhey were releated, Peter· sen said, "They uid our conduct in the camp was acellenL" They were the 28th and 29th American priloner1 released by the Communist forces in South .Vietnam durin( the war. Jn th e final cate1ory or aid, general relief, Peoples noted an agevage of 4M cases per month, an increase of 2<I per· cen~ over last year. The payments grew to '6&.Sfl pc!r month. a growth factor of four percent over the previoua year. Projecting future wtlf~e ~ ... Peoples •stimated that ill .to jamIIJtt with dependent children w1J1 .,,.... to , From P.,,e 1 JURY SUBPOENAED • • • ~e. indicated Friday one tac]( defense fll'ces will take in seeking to have the charge1 against Patrohnan F a u s t dismWed, "We want to draw attention to the en· tire structure of this particu1ar Grand J1lfY," Stokke said. "They were oot to get a p>lice officer in any way they could and we want them investigated." Grand Juf'y Foreman Mrs. Marjorie L. Weed declined ·comment on the allega· Uons by Owen and Stokke. Superior Judge Robe.rt G a r d n e r , J>fesiding judge of the Criminal Court and the court's liaison with the Grand Jury, said he finds no great ethical challenge in the f.ict that the Dec. 31 hearing-a hear- ing at vfflich grand jurors might be asked to leltify -will come before him. If the matter 1oes before-another judge, it won't be for that reason. J ucige Gardner said Friday. "Jt will be because I eouldn't pos.sibly handle a hearing in· volving that many witnesses in this busy court," he aaid. Gardner currently is handling the criminal calendar. Owen'a: mmmooing of grand jurors was thought to be unique in the hours im- mediately following the ..,.,.., but Judge Gard!Hr ftlt<nd that b<li<I. •·we bad aome IUbpoenu is5Ued soma Sexy Santa Stops Traffic SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A near-tO~ less Santa Claus was arrested Friday bn charges of disturbing the peace in th• MontJorn ery Stree~ financial district. Lola Raq uel. 26, wore a special COAtume on her 44-23-36 frame and distributed holiday candy when San Francisco policr. noting the large crowds and stalled traf- fic. stepped in and arrested her. The words "Merry X-mas" were M il· ten ac:rou her breasts. Htr publicity man admit.ed the .stunt was Nied to promote the club where Mill Raquel ii a nudf. dancer. Top Soviets Leave China Border Talks years ago at a time when the Grand Jury was deeply investigating liquor abuses." Judge Gardner said. '"The circumstances Wttt quite different, but they were nam- ed in aibpoenas by the defense at• tomeys." Here are the grand jurors who have been 11Ubpoenaed in the current case : Warren BlOom. Orange; Horace Caden, Sant.a Ana; ~frs. Josephine Caines, Orange; Joe Cooper, Fullerton; Hilton Dalea5i, Fullerton; Richard Hernandez. Santa Ana; Don Huddleston, Newport Beach; Manuel Jurado, Fullerton ; ~lrs. P~a Klipstein, Santa Ana ; Herman Lenz, ~im: Mrs. Mary Miller' Newport Beach ; Mr. Laurence Reynolds, Laguna Beach; Mrs. Judy Rosener, Newport Beach: Mrs. Beatrice Rus.;.ell, Newport Beach; James Sayer. Los Alamitos: Virgil Simpson, Yorba Linda; \Villiam Van Nat.ta, Fullerton: Mrs. ~tar· jorie L. Weed, and Andre White, Orange. 12,000 cum per year by 19'11. , Peopl• said by 1971 he e:rpects old a&• ge.cw'lty. caaes to grow to about 10,MIO : aid to the to11Uy c1Joab1ec1 hit ~.too: and aid to the blind to remain fairly constant, increuing only to 500 ....... Peoples sald his department ts.planning for the fulln baaed on President Nil'.OR's welfare proposa.JJ. He allowed that the President'5 proposals may not be put into action for a few years, but said, "We must take these possibilities into con· fi ideration, as we plan fur CUrTent aDd future activities." UC's_Dr. Oswald Takes PSU Position BERKELEY (AP) -The executive \•ice president of the University of Cali- fornla system, Dr. John Oswald. has resigned to become president of Penn· .sylvania StaWI University. Oswald, whose appolntment ""'as an- nounced Friday, will succetd retiring Dr. Eric Walker in July. Oawaid assumed his present pool ill S.~ber 11161, MOSCOW (UPJi -The top Soviet rep- reM11taUvcs to the Peking Sino-Soviet bordtr talks are returning to M05COw, Tass said today. Tht: report did not l.n- dictle 1r the talks wm: over .. Jtlom Isn't Needed An111nore 51tunfly, Ottembtf' lJ, l 96t H OAll V I'll.OT I ' War on .. Poverty Gets New Life ' WASlllNGTON (AP) -A IW'J)rif< •ote ill the lblle bu .-the Ille of the OW.. ol l!cOllOIDic Oppartonlt.y JUSI When tt 1ppea,rtd the anUpcnerty qtnej's daya were numbered. 'Ille formldabl• oppoeiUoa to the bill upecled by ill backen ""1D1rclY va- J>Orlzed -• IUbstitute me&aml, --Ing admirdstraUon of the om Jll'Oll'lm over to the atates, wu defeated 1.11 to 113. Tbe vote surprised both trtenda and foes of the war on poverty. A week ago the ~blican-Southem Democrat coalition behind the aubsUtute bill appeared IO strong the House Jeader- ahlp refused to call up Jt.s own bill, ex· tending the OEO procram. for fear it would !Ole. And just before the. vote Fri· day the Democrats sUll were :sure they were beaten. But a non record JS,,.168 test vote Fri+ day abowed the coalittoa plan w11 buten. A Jar1er nwnbtr of eouihem Oemocratl either did not vote at all or voted a11imt tt. Alter that display of weal:ne» the COIJi. tion fell apart. The 231 to 1U record vote conftrming defeat of the substitute was followed by a· vote of 271 to 117 paulng the two-year extension. Backers of extending the prtsent leais- lation claimed turning control over to thl st.at.es would cripple th.e antipoverty pro- i'•m. Even the Nixon administration, whose JlroCl'&m of New Fedtralism envi.sloM Increasing state powers, opposed the measure. OEO Director Donald Rums- feld claimed the coalition measure would kill off the program. No one on either side credited the White House with influenclna: the relLllt. - -Although Praldlllt Nixoo had aWil for aa -bill wllhout ~ Bouao Jloplbllcan ladtr Gerald R. Ford of Mld>Jpa ... ludlni the llPI I« the -lute and 1t ooe polnt'apptand to hHe all but 1boolt 11 R<publlcaol with him. In the flCO al ouch I -· defection unonc Ill own p1rty lD<ll)l>m the liblte lllole mnaiDed pwlve. _ From P,,.e l HIJACK ••• .. tht deld .,.,, and fouoil eacli .... carry!Jll llOO llonl with the 1Jom!>s. "Tbtre WU a moment of hyslffll If• terwardl." Jacoby aald. • .,,,.. ... Ill had cbampagne and ~ -for CIU? good fortune." Ml!IY « tho _. .-.i If. tor an Interval of lrih!nce, .......i ._. lffl said later. But IClml were frighten• ed that the IUDflre had damag<d the plane and it -1d cruh, The crew pulled tho boclllo out « the aiale and served .everyone champagne aauring eecJt _ ... the dlnl<r WU past. ' The pilot « the plane, ld«IJlfled only ., cap<. r .. « Orlaodo, rta., notifted the Ollltrol tower at Rome'• Let.mrdo da Vlnci lntemltional Airport be was not ll!ldlng and that the pWM bad ·-commandemd. Jl«lby 1lld tho csp!lin was 'ordnd by Ethioplaa ~ not to lllld In S-. lie did DOI ellbonle.. St.ate Law Expanded Noncrop ·Use of DDT, DDD Banned by County Orange· Olunty A(rieultura1 Com- miutoner William Fltchen bu announced a ban on the nonagricultural Ule of DDT 8Jld related pestickle DDD in Oranp County, effective Jan. 1, 1970. Frank Parsons. deputy cimunisaiooer, 11aid the ban will 10 into eff p at U. same time the callfornia state peitlctdi control laws are activated. ' Discus Victim ' 'Doing Fine~ Llguna Beach HJ&h School lrellunan Biii Barnes, 14, who tuffered a ruptured spleen when struck by a discus Tuesday, Is reported "doing jult fine" 1t South Coast Community Hospital. Young Barnes underwent aurSUY for removal of his spleen afWir the accident during a physical education class at the JChool. A hospital spoktm1an nid he ia: mak· Ing a· rapid recovery and "1ould ·be releued in a few days. Barnes is sharina his hospital room with another injured 14·yearo0ld, Tom Riddell, who underwent surgery two weeks ago following a Lapa C.nyon traffic accident in which his: JJ..year~ld aJ&ter, Cathleen, lo&t her life. Tom, son of orthopedic sur1eon Dr. Richard Riddell , is reported to be ·"studily improving'' from internal in. juries suffered in tbe crash. The other Riddell children, James, 10, and Edward, 1, suflered minor irijurita and were reltued after a brief stay In the boapltl.I. ''We've ~on tbl state ban," -nplalnd, ..... .,. blJmillC all llOOllricultoral ~ « DDT and DOD Ill addition to Jimlllng •ven , lurlb<r tbo ClOlll !or willch DDT permits· wUI be iMued." The atate law wtit ~ 111& « DD'!' on 11 maJot cropo. Tho COUllt)' bu ..,.;.ted thi& lin\11 to Include only -=Pl ---aod-com. _.. ID Ptl-lllia ball ii unique 16 or.nee C-,. potllculcl;r the bail on !Iii aoe « DDT In ar1>ln .,..._ !nchlded In the atate law 1'r a ..., ,.Po11J!W -lor all peitlcklM which will reqiilre peit COOlrol eperaon to report elCh pelllclde job performed. "Wilh this 4ata It will be -1ble at any given Ume w· detennlne the mDOGDt « &Ill' liven J)<ltlclde· u• anywhere Ill the stale," the depuly ~ Aid. Pll'IOlll Aki the dlta wtll be lltudled lo bop a car.lul check Cll tho t!f<Cta « Ille DDT and ODD replacement& County Sends 3 To Shore Hearing. Three ""'--!rcl!I °'*"" County wtli be 1~ a Loo ...- h..,.iqf U\at --by -. supervison lhII -es "a vitally iln- portant conleratce foe oli Clltlornla counties coocemed about I h 1 I r 1horelina.'1 Scheduled lor JlOc, II and 11 at the Depll1mtnl of Wiler and Power butldillC, UI N. llope St., the bearing w11 called by the -bly Committee on N1ual -ind Contervatim. Orqe County will be ,._m.ct by Planning Director Fonot Dlcl<-. --~ K.,.. otth S&m-IDd an appointee froUI Ibo c:ourSy -·· oftlce. -·-of tho ol)orelint, puWle ICC<ll lo Ibo, oce111 front Ind marine !'Oilutlon .. u.plCs upectel to be In the f<llmont « tile -. . ~ ' . Oceanside Told: . ' . 'OK W.ar 'l>rote8i' SAN DIEGO (AP)-Tbe dty « ac.u.. iide bu beet'I ordered to permit 1 Vlet· nam moratorl~ march Sundl.1 by up to 1,000 anUwar --• SUporlor Court hfla .JIU&o· Fllbor tuled, after 1 --ng Frtd'iy ihll PoUeo CbW Wiii(-and Putoo Supt. GJui-,m1111 I-~ foe tile !*Ida and n11Jr •t tllt beaa lta-dlum. ' '11il two city ellldala bad -,... mill ...... ~ ..... not llled . u .,..1. -• roqulred 1>7-cttr "• repjllU'!"-' DAILY PILOT IMf't f'Mll College to Perform Ceremony of Carola Tbe TUI report quoted "informed cir· cl"'" 11 uytng Deputy Forden MIDIJ· .. V•Jly v. l(ULn.-ljld Maj. G<;n. Vldlm A. Matrooov will Juve Ptldn( to t.ike part in a ,uprcme Sovfet U.'!Slon which begins Tuesday. "Petra" Cshort for Cleopatra) Is a little sad and mlidl l'elleved ., she watches her nine (count 'em) Basset Hound youngsters make their shift from mother's milk to puppy food in tile living room of their mistress, 11•f8Y Gdlfitll of Newport Beach . Both mom ud llli•lr ... will be relieved wh1n the pups find new"ltome1. "Nine Basset pups are juit too many," oays M!stross GriJfitll. , e..tam1n ""'U..'• ~ of ~"i>;;jll be"'Pw"*Ulid 8tincl.,""""' the -OlrillmM -.., tile Ji). ~Iden "~ Celllp O!m~tJ ,,_ •pul>llc -wtD be llal4-at t p,m. al Otrlst Preaby1<r1a Clud>. Hlalo- Ungton Beach. . , I ' ,. ' 4 DAii. y !'!I.OT For.. the third Sunday tn Advtn~ Paotor 'Jam6 G. Blain will preacb at both the 9 arid . lt 1.m. -.hlp servk<. "Re Puts His Arms 'Artiund Vs", baaed on the Old Test. m..i Lesson Iulah '40:1.S, Is the' "topic loo the Ne,;port H-IA-Cllar.,., 250t Cllll Drive, Newport l!elcb. A salad Junchooo at noon. Thursd,i,1', will be part of the C h'r Is t m Is lnspirltlooal meeting for tbe women of the churdl. The Sunday achoo! CbflstmaS program will be held P'ridey, Pew "SOuth ll<ncl" will he the ~P al I and lt:IO a.m. AUbjocl'for cllac=loo. by John Sunday, Pastor Henry E. KaJlt Chairman of Chrtstlan Jones wu1 ·speat "The Reward ooctal relations, followlnc the of 'l'he °'lcllY·'.' l ::IO 1.m. oerv!ce Sunday at Foll"'!IDI & opeclal ..me. St. Jo• lie DMoe EpUcopal fer the ·~oo ol Bahleo ' Chardl, 2043 Orange Ave.~ Putor J.,.., will. briD.l ' Coif.a Mtaa. · -·· ; . in111tqe ~ ent1tWt. • -G Pad Suitday achoo! for all al" al 'l'ldlnp'' al Ult 7 p.m. IM!t'(lct. 1:30 1.rn. and nunt"' care II A ' ... • ' • uLl--1 ° ,/ II' f. J pro.-. ·The U°"lill J4a I l>t d 1. 1 I. CD DI di Un lo n. will be ~ft, nil &•-th ~. celebht.d'at 7:111 a.m. . . HUDliJlll<>n Beach wtll .-ict The, YOl!lh ·G..Up wfil meet .worohlp oerv!ces l!wlday, al at 7 p..m. . ,. t i30 and 11...a.m. with the Rev. "< Edward c. Erny preaching Morning worship service, 11 ''!be Joyful Myatery." ; o'clock at Flnt BapU1t A co f r. e e hour w1D • be Charcll, :IOI Magnolia, Colla held hel,...n the •oervica In Mesa. will feature a sermon honor of Mr. and Mn. Fred enUUtd "The Test of Our Clelaod,. who are movtnc. to Love" by P»tor P. G. Seal Beadl. · , (0 ·----~-' , --• .. ·MM ' ... .. ·uor"fNcope J>isces:J)arkness Changes to ~ight SUNDAY ·DECEMBER 14 ' By SYDNEY OMAIUI Laut potfil• favorable for f I 1 • I • I , plutlq. Spiritual valat1 are ~. debaied .. Stuhlve lndlvktaal a(D _hi •&· greulve !UJlDtr; thl1 aUractl IDlldl a~ntloa. · A1llES (March Zl·April 19): riiht thing. K._ this; "" pond accordingly. GEMINI <May Zl.JUM IO)o Accent on how your ~ve goat Choice is to ~ new start or hang on to the old. ey. cle is such that you beneflt through gnater inciepend<nce. Message al!ould be ccrystal clear by .tonight. CANCER (June Zt-.JuJ:t :Dl o Good lunar Upecl t.day COO• bicldes with communication with those at a distance. Keep in touch. Do not take for granled that others know how you feel. Express yourself. Harbor CllrhUan Charc11, Disciples of the Christ has hired an architect ·to dr~w the Jp8ster plan and design for the lll'SI unit , of the church. · COnstruction.is due in tbe ear- ly part ol. 1971 oo the two-acre site at lrvibe Avenue and St. Isabella Street In Newport Be a ch . The archli<ct, Hal Whittemore, will be guest of the church Sunday, and will meet Informally with the con- gregatlon during a co(fee fellowship followfn& t b e worahlp hour al H a r p e r Elemen!MY School, 12.1 " E. !Ith St., Coota M.,., Nannann. at the 7 p.m. The Inquirer'~ CllSI meeu &rv!ce. his Topic: will be al 10:45 11-m. and .the youth 'The Family Altar Whicb l"""PI meet at t:JI p.m.·sw. Some events, wh1ch occur behind the scenes, claim your time, auentlon. Excellent for undergoing splritual regenera- tion. Loot·deep inside yourself ~_,J. for ~c annvers. [ , · TAURUll (Aptjl 23-M•y 20: LEO (July 23-Aug. :D): One close to you w1nts feeling of respect, independence. A void tendency to overwhelm with your own interests. Plah;dy, it .Js necessary to practic e restraint -do so. "How Readest Thou?'' will be the 10:45 a.m. sermon by Pastor D. W. McElroy. Sunday school convenes at 9:30 a.m. Alters." da ys. "Nunery Cart Is provided both services. Ce!llral Bible Charch, »rd and Orange, c.osta Mesa holds Gesture of frie:l<lshlp bas pro- found effecL You are able tG perceive sincerity or purpose. Trust your feelings . Older individual ·is striving to do (See HOROSCOPE, P ... ll ORAN,GE Ge-AST CHURCH DIRECTORY " _, . "~ . LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANC~?. TlY · • t FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 1A.1.c:1· F•irvlew Rd. At F•ir Dr., Costa Meaa· 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worihip· D,_.,_ s..lthfry-hptll llWe ShMtr ....,. ,,....ad ........ C_•-•"91 14t4411 , 1:14ROOrt m!NITY BAPTIST, CHURCH tno eahr St • ., PolrMw, co... MM · · ' ..... ~ Sal'~oi. '-"°' Sunday School l :G a.rn. Morning Worship U:OO a.m. Baptist Training Unloa t p.m. , • Evening Setvice 7 p.m. Wednesday BD>Je 8~7 4c Pray~ ........ , . , .... 7:00 p.m: ·~====~~~====~===::~11 FIRST SOUTl:IERN BAPTIST CHURCH UO HAMU.TON, COSTA MESA . ltlV. J.'D. WAlLACI 1 Sulld1y School , ,, , • ,. , 9:45 Tr1ini119 Un ion ••••• ••. 1:00 Moini119 Wor1hi-p •••• , 11 :00 Ev1nin9 Worship , ••• , , 6:00 Wedn11d1y P11y1r M11tin9 for 111 19es • , .• , ••••••••• 7:JO ........ J.f11,1 N......., Alw.,. A"91~ UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2n2 S. L PALlSADD lOAD SANTA ANA Hll•HTS SUN DAY SCHOO!. ................................ t :U A.M. MO•"llHe WOllSHI, ............. , .................. 11 A.M. IVIHtNe WOllMI, ................................ J .. M . MIDWllC SlltVICI WIDJllSDAT 7:• .. .M. '!'11111111 S. Acllllo ,_ CllW'dt """'-14W''7 ' I • FIRST llAPTIST CHURCH . ~ ef ,.,.,., varr.., IAmlrlcan •r,rll!I ·.:f7411.M ....... P.Y. • .,..~~ H~ Mhllltw FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I I Victoria & Placentia Ave. 1 I Costa Mesa hMI I. """'' Mlllllt.r ·CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IU.NCHB OP THI MOTHD CHUICH THI PIRST CHURCH OP CHlll1. ICllHTIST IN IOSTON, MASSACHUsms "God The Preserver of Man" Sunday~ December 14th Costa Met1-Flr1t Church of Christ, Scientist 2110 Mna Y.-nle Dr., Cotta MiM Swlldrr Sckol-9:11 A.M. Ch•rc• s.nic• -11 A.M. leadlltf lltu111, 2150 MeM Yitrde Dr. Huntington Beach-First Church of Chrl1t, Scientllt 110 ou.,. S..dcry Scltool-f:JO & 11:00 c•1rch -11 A.M. s.m" IMdlltf 100111-110 Ollw L1gun1 Beach-First Church of Christ, Scientist 611 Hlttt·Dr. c:;IMlrc• & SwaMy Sch"'-9!JO Ii 11 :00 1 ... n-.a....214• ..... Newport leach-Fir1t Church of Christ, Scientist JJOJ Vie Ud• Clhirctt & Sullday School -9:11 l 11 :OD a..tl"t ho•, JJll YI• Ude Newport Be1ch0Second Church of Christ, Sclenti1t 3100 Pecffk Ytew Or,. C°'"9 det Mw Chfcll a .~ kMol -10 A.M. ho!fl"t a .... -216J I. Coast Hwy. All are cordially invited to attend tbe chur\'b services and enjoy the privileges of the • • . Reading Rooms Chlld C•re ~ AT ALL llRVICU THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ST. JAMIS. JJff VI• Ude,, N•_,.rt hod! 7:JO •.•-Holy IKHrht t:OO ... .-Monihtt Pr..,... 11f Ii Jrd Su11. Hofy l1ellarltt 2H • 4tli Sw11. t :OO e . ._c:•wrc• Scho•I 11 :00 • .--Holy IKltaritt 1st & Ji-41•. Mn., ,,.,., W ~ 4,. 51!a. CltlW C.. et 9:00 .... · • \l/ n.. a ... J• P • ...., n. aace:r · Tiie a ... Daoid A. c,.111p .t..ocicrt6 Rector ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS - P•tflc Yf-Drlw lrt MDrt-'tt>, CoNN ~ M• SHdoy: 1:00, 9:JO -4 11 :OO-C•lld c .. at 9:JO Holy Days • A....-.d All loces WekoM Rectar, 11M hT. Jo•• Roten D .. lt-,._ 644·046J ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sulldayt1 7:JO & 9:JD Cha.Kh School-t :JO Th1ndcrp: 6:JO • 10 a.111.: Holy D-rs aa •111101111,ed Ykar, TM a ... JoH W. Do11aldlo1 -ri.o.. 541·112' ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH l lMI SI, 11 cii..,.i LIM -JllM .. ., If J'IYe Pllllfl M""llnt* hlM:ll. C1llflrfti.. Tiii It". J1m11 c. Call',, ........ Sunday Services I:• A.M. M1l1 CemlTlll!llOll f ;)O A.M. FllT\111 lerYlc1 & Citurdl J:IO P.M. 1-tonl ~-Is 1:10 P.M. 11:,IKIJljll 1\:ot A.M. Mornl111 w1n111, TOllnt Chllf'Citmtll HvrMry C••• .. ,.YkllOI FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 146 E. 22nd St., Co1te Mesa 548-3761 M. C. C ro11lc, Pastor Johll Gol!11lck, Auoclat6 Ray Nichol.on, Minister of Youth SUNDAY SERVICES NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH ' 250 1 Cliff Dr. LI S.4293 I n.11: .... ..__ •. ~"· ..... Tlie lp-. lMGlcl Wlllte, Aufstu1Postor Family Worihlp f :OO io lO:lO I.I'!. I Svfldl Y Scllaof f :JO lo 10:JO I.II\. Wonhlp SerW;e 1t:1io to 12:00 Nurse'ry cai-e available at all services. WELCOME LUTHERAN CHU~CH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Corona del ?i1ar DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mrs.w.,.,.c--.... .. P•rhlt W11'l9f' Phone. 644-7664 ' t :l$A.M ........ W....Wp 10:00 A.M. s-., c:iMlf&lt ...... 11 :00.1..M • ...,._W...Wp N.,..,,Pr .. hW / CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 1'0 Victoria St., Cost• M ... Lotl11ar V. Toniow, Paator 541°5404 Wouhlp Suvicu: 1:15 & 11 A.M. SIJl'lll1y Sthool: t ;lCI A.M. ,fr,Gull Bible C!eH: t :• A,M. CHRISTIAN ILIMINTARY SCHOOL 1414166 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M ... YtlnM Dri" &. ...... lttMt, C.... M-. c.ttf, .1.N DRE"'f C. ANDERSON, f'111111' liund11 kboot: 1:00, t :IO end 11:1»-Mornlng wo..lllp: 1:00, t ::io •nf lT:Dt Prine• of P11c11 Lufh1r1n School -Mi11 Edh1r 011011, Pti11cip1I Offic11 PhoM: 54f·OS2 I School Pho~1: 149-05,2 ST. PAUL'S LUTHIU.N Missourt Synod 429 Cypreu Dr. Laguna leach Phone:,...dlurch 494-7998 · P.anonage: 494-8110 Worship Service1 -10:00 A.:P.·t. Sunday School and Blble Class -8 :45 A.~L Advent Services Dec. 4, ll, 18-7:30 P.1.f. Christmas Eve Service-Dec. 24-7:30 P.M. ·Mo rnin9 Wo~hip l :lO & 11:00 I • 511nd1y ~chool , ••••• , •• t :lO 1Yo11th Mi.ting ••••••••• 6:00 Pr1y1r S1rvfc1 ,,,,,,',,, 6:10' 'Ev1111ing s,,...;, •••....•. 7:00 D1 ... •Hocitel T9Ultl Mini~ 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::;;~~~~~11 ''"' .... ,, ............... 1 .:tl,. II; SUNDAY SCHOOL -9:30 A.M. CLASSIS POI ALL A•ll II;; """'"' ......... " .......... 842-24;18 ' •11111 lctlMI ................ t:• '·"" Mio! .. .,......, ......... , ltl4f .. .. y .... .,.... .................. , """ .v ........ _ ................... """' Nlirsery·can Prnv!ded 14M771 1414341 ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH I Mi11CH1tl Sy11odl • wonhipl119 1t th• UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL S111db11r9 at M1Hh1w1 111 Univ1rsity Peri:: WOJSHlf'1 10:JI. A.M . lev, H. Ni1rm1n11 ,P1stor lll·l21 1 Family Worship -10:50 A.M. -7 P.M. ·.CHURCH CHOIR Sheril Paulsen, Director Wadnesday Blblo Study -7:30 P.M. A Cordial W olcomo from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lbo 1 Island Hunt i.ngto11 le1ch -Norffi FIRST CHRtSTIAN CHURCH Church of the Deily Wo;.a NEWPORT UNITY 1~=======~=======~11 I CHURCH I I Visitors Wek•--NvrMtY Att...dallt State Lie ...... Pre0 5chHI -Mr1. John Golln ;ck, D;raclor THI UNITlD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH COMMUNITY METHOQIST CHURCH 6661 H1 il Ave. 142°4461 Worship I Church Schffl ' • ' • . l ~ · Mein & Adams Streets L.-:ir.:~:-"'"' ljl CENTRAL~·! 'I 111 j51~ l lryf~ •• N1wfort l11ch 1:1 ·.IB~U ~· c' HU' RC-H .. I Hunting:on Eeech cs.n10r cuinm ••lldlnol 1 ' Mo rning Wo.rikip ' , ••••••• l :JO & ll:OOAM 1:45A.M. Sund1ySchool ' Ii~ 5'i~ool ''' •• ''' t :45 AM I 10:00 A.M. D~votio111I S1rvic1 Yeuik Gro11ps· • ,, , , , 6:0.0 'M Ev11nl11g Worship •••• 7:00 PM i Off'ICE : :JDO W. C1111t Hl;hw•I'• N.•. (mphasirlng I ,..._ Mr 0,_ -•--' 11.111. ,.hone: .. J111 The P~n of God I N,,_., Coire Provlckd It •11 Mn'kll • DIA&...A·PU.YU -646-NJ9 The Person of Otrisf: OHk•: Sl'-tJn Olli Oevoflm-"6-t!.IO I CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE " .. ...,,..., .._,. Mt!nt« Clllrdl If Unltlld CllffMI l: .. llilw kl-.. Lii A11t1te1 SUNDAY SEl:\llCE • , , 11 AM • Mlnlsltr , , ; Akrt Burke, lt.S.t.F. TMI lllLL. CLUI 0, NIWl'OltT tlACM llt llMllt' BIY'd., 911191 PLEASE DON'T COME TO CALVARY CH~PE~ If vow ••• loo•i11g for 111 el•bo•1l1 pro9t•111, or MK.ii i ,r11fig11, 9ut if you 1ro loo•i119 for i11-cl1pth l iltl1 1tvdi1s, Chrl1tl111 f1l- loW'lhip, olld i111piri11f tplritff worthip, .,.11'1110'<'9 1111 T•1cco""" m'od1t1 011r 9rowlrtt ch11rch family wo 11ow h1v1 tw• Su~1y mo111l119 111mc11, 9:30 ond 11 :00, Nur11ry c1r1. CorMr nf Cr111n° vl1l1 & Sunflower. HJ.2121 446-911) Of NIWP9lf ~S~ ~ CDIKl,-1 M"""9 .. ,,..., ....,., Doi eatuf JcMel 421 L 1 M It,. C.... M ... Church School-9:30 A.M. , ! Worship -10:'5 A.M, NlmefJ c .. P1•'4 ... Phone: 675-3985 Minfster: Dr. O. W. McElroy ,The Power of the Hofy Spirit 51111~ School 9 .W Mornir11 Wonhlp 9 and 10;30 AM _Evenin1St:rvlce7 PM We0""5d1y 1111111' Study and F'f1~r 7 P.\\ Nurwry durinl wrvi~ Afull Yovth P- Cm. of 0111"1" 11nd 23rd. St. Cost1. MH11 Pastor H. f. IOM!'; lfCA Mbt, I u ...... a.tdt .. RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 420 I 0th St., Hu11tin9to11 911ch 1' PJ..01111 ll6-2 I 20 Adult A Youth S1rvi'91, 11 1.111. • I lrl y,,, Cl1•s, Wed., 7:15 p.111. J llNm PATI, MINllTllll COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE; Wontilp-ltitO,A.M. C•IT'dl ~-lO:otA.M, 0... Plllllp 0. Mvn1y, Mlnhltw MIM '111r,.., Sllbll, D.c.e:. 67~ Seventh-Day Adventist Churches c.....w... Letn-N._, m A ..... """' wldllfil hi Johl'I Sll•wm1k1, f'Mlt?r • , Jh•11e: 141-6596 · -....... ,., .. .. ll-W..i, ... 1t ... AM __ ...... , .... .. ,..,...,_..,..chn• JJ71l O....Y•leJ,_..., A. f, lll1w1on, f'1ster Pho111: 492·J916 ...,.... Sc .......... 9:JtAM Meni9t W...Wp •••• IO:llAM FIRST C~ISTIAN CHURCH &-=~~~~~~-::::=::::::::ii:=:~~llJ ., ... ~ CHURCH CF CHRIST . tMt TIAett A"" CT ..... & M ....... l, POUNTAIN YALLR UNIFIED SEl\VICE. S11ndey 1chool 9:30 -WOlSHtP . 10110 • Wonhlp I Youth Gro11p1 -6110 p.m. ~ 287 W. WILSON ST• COSl A MESA ! , llTWRN HAllOI _. fAllYllW ,I ' I SUfolDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY ., •••••• , ••• , • t i41 A.M. SUNDAY-MOR.NIN& WORSHIP A COJ.4MUNION , , 10141 A.M. SUNDAY lVENlNG WORSl-llf' ,,, ., •• ,,,,,, ••••• 6100 P.M. W£0Nl50AY EVENING IUiLE STUDY , , , • • • •••••• 7110 ,,M, NUllSl!l:Y c.A'tl PlOYltKD ti •• • -• ...... O. Meyfl.td t .•. NWllt ·-,, -·-""°"'' 541.5711 Day or Nl9"1 ( -1, I I \ N~ llf'O'llllHIS 11 111 ..,.,g A (MllN,l/llly Olurcfl -VllllOfl Are AMP --- EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH •t H••tl119to11 hodi 1911 A-"46 AM. 136-Jtll f!.S A.M. -S~ k11M1 -All Api. U :• Liil. -Mlflll!IC Wlnlllf• 4 ft.M, -"""" .,.... 1:• ,.M. -av.1n4 krlk• J ft.M. WH., 11111 .....,, A,JA.-"A CONTRACT Of HOLINISS"-ho4• JJ P.M.-"A MANNll WORTHY OP GOD"~ ..... I .., t \ Pho•: 641·2l2J 11i~~~~~~1 I GLAD TIDINGS 1 I AS$EMBL y OF GOD I I i i 15TH & MONROVIA. NIW,OlT llACH 646°6621 11 • cy, llKic Wnt Of Noa. Ho1p1t1t1 I I Thom1t l1nv1nuti, Pe.tor Sim Mil!1r, Mu1icel Di11,lor I I 9:45 S1111day School-Nurwry AHende11t 10~50 A FAITH THAT WILL TOUCH HU.YIN· tS11mon bv f11 ioil 7:00 P.M. CNllSTMAS CANT~T.,. NIGHT Of MllACLIS ly Jo kn W. P1t1~011 "SINGSPllATION IVIRY' SUNDAY NIGHT SABBATH SERVICES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL . harbor reform temple FIABBI BERNARD P. KING .,,. t.. meeting at St. J•mes Eptscopal Church a 3209 Via l ido, Newport Beach f(K lnfonMtion: Call 67~7230 11 ' 11~~~~11 · HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wiison, Costa Mesa Y. L HllTWt CK, P•t•t 141°4704 ROllll:T S. .S15TIO Ml11Lsllt If IWclllM CAI:!. GllNYRY MIRl1ltr If MVttC SUNDAY SERVICES COLLIOl DAY S.Hay Sch-' -9141 A.M. 10:50 A.M-n. .._,Coll s.r... by ,.mt' l!ll P.M.-CHJ:ISTMAI CANTATA ..., ... JniofC..,:.. . DINC ..... , Rottl StNtm: COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ~ -klllll.,...rtlll -ll9-!1ry -Cltllll CIN 1i1s.o,so ':10 Tr1dilion1! Wonllip l Sund1y School Cosf1 Me11 FIRST UNITEO METHODIST CHURCH Jtlh St. l Harbor l fwd. Chu1th Wor1hlp -9:l0 I 11 Church School -f :l O 541-7727 Co1t1 M111 Nortk' MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH M111 V1rd1 I lek1r St, 549°2719 Worship l Church School 9:00 & 10:10 A.M. Huntington l11~h FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. SJ6.l5l7 51rvic11 -t :JO I 11 A.M. Nur11rv ttlru 2nd tr1d1 • 11 C hurch School -f ,JO A.M. ' & IO :JO A.M. ltvin11 -E11t 8l11ff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH 131-1111 11422 Culv1r llotd 1t Uni .... rsity Driv1 Worship I Church School t l IO:JO A.M. L111 un1 l11ch LAGUNA BEACH METHOOIST CHURCH l 1612 W11l1y Dri"' in So. l19u111 Worahip 11 A.M. Church School ":JO A.M. 499-1011 N1wp1rt l11ch CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1400 W. l1lito1 llvd. 67J-JI05 Worship I Chorch Sclioel • 't:JO & 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 2011JM9fMll• (NMrA'-1 HHtl .... IMI• leo. De1Clld L 11"'-"' ...._ ....... WMll!ft: t :JO A.M. c•ws• ldiioel1 10:41 A.M. Officr. JOI 12 M.,...St. lfl. ,._.: 9"'4t41 Church of the Cov-nt Jlllhlm..1-.c....MeM , l rvc1 A. K11n'l1, '•1tor ~W...Wp: 9:30111-ci.t• SdMI: f :JO ,..._:14MJM , St. A,nclrew'5 Presbyterian Church 6"St.A ..... IMll,M .... ""9"c• CHAILR ffDlllT DIUINPlllD, PASTOl WertMplClilnll kllMI': I. t rlt I 11 A.M • '46-7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church C..... J1•• • • I lw!tihlff om.. c.r... 4el M• . ,,__ ...... '°""....., Wortltlp & CMirc• ~ -9 I 1t~JO A.M. 644°1341 * TEMPLE SHARON . n. ..... "*"" • .,... .... f6f ..... .... ,.. H0\1Mt ANtt ! I~~~~,~~~ We l1li•"• ht You • • • , 617 Wat Ho111lltM. C_.. M .. All J1•i1h families ''' i11•1tH to 10;11 111 ~" lrii1y l'l'lt111ln9ful SAllATH MNIN• SIRYICll FllDAT .t 1:11 P.M. ~ritHI \,""4if -111"'1W GlltMe eMd,.... 646·1512 T-ple Sh1ro11 Qi1:r -Oa11 Sh1bo1 141·1421 · 1 UNITARIAN UNIV!RSALIST CHURCH l 159 V!,lo.rl1 S+ .. Cot I• M111 646-4652 ,.';:;'Av;..., - I Alto~ the church ol your choice on Sundty - • Senate OK's · Ban on TV Smoke Ads WASHINGTON (AP)r'f!>oo• cowboys, young lovers and emanclpatod .....- . who puff dg ........ fn .TV commmWs woultt be banned from the mrw1vt11 oo- <ler a bill the Senate has passed over .. whelmlngly, By a 70-7 margin, senators voted Fri· day to ban television and ndio cigarette advtrtl.sing effective Jan. l, 1971 . The decision fOllowed. ~Y five years the CCIO· trovenlaJ U.S. surgeon general's report Linking lung cancer and anoklng. The measure, de$igned. also to ptt- \·ent a massiw shift of advertising from electronic to i-int media, now gOes to a Senate-House confermce committtt where its differences with a weaker House bill will be ·r«:OllCiled. Backers of I.be Senate version predict It will survive the conlen:nee virtually intact. The bill also would require lhis more direct wording on cigarette packages: "Warning: Cigarette Smoking ill Dan. gerous to Your Health." The present language: "Caution: Cigarette Smoking May be Hazardous to ,Your Hea1th." The House.ven:ion toughens the printed packages warning but bars further fed· eral r.gulaUon of the tobacco industry for six years. · The Senate bill would berUt networks and stat.ions of a principal source of acJ.. vertlsing re....,. -they estimate l2SO million a year. It also would hurt the tobacco industry, opponents claimed. They said cigarettes never have con· elusively been linked to ill health. As a concessloo to the indu stry, which lobbied hard against the bill. the me.a~ sure prevents the Federal Trade Com· mJssion from requiring health waminp 1n magazine, newspaper or billboards: or any other form of regulaUon until July 1171. The e-zception would be an FTC finding ol """" al>uoe" by tho cigordle maken. * * * Widow Loses Suit Against Tooocco Firm GRAND RAPIDS, Midi. iUPf) -A federal court jury hu ruled that the Ligett and Myers Tobacco Co. is not to blame for the death of a man with a .......,. conditloo """·~ ""' 30 years. ' Mrs. G«aldine Tbayer of canon City, Midi., had contended tn a $750,000 suit that t,..-husbend, Lealie, died of Jung cancer u a rmult cl smokinc a brand ot cigaretim produced by Uggett and My· ers. But the jury of llix men and six women delibel'ate.d fer two hours Friday before declaring that Mrs. Thayer had "no cause for action" against the company. Federal Judge Noel P. Fox. who pre- liided over the three-week lrial. iMtnlct· ed the juron that their smoking habits shoold not inflUf:l'lCe their decision. Thayer died in"March, 1964, at the age nl 49, Docton testified during the trial that 11layer suffered severe coughing spells, blackouts and blood expulsiom from smotin« beevtly. He also had a nervous t"Ondition which he reportedly COntrolle.d by smoking. Auto Wash Slated To Aid OCC Crew Shell 'N Oar. a support group for the Orange Coast College crew, will concfuct :inother in Its winter series or car wadle! Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Smitty's Mobile Service. comer of Harbor Boolevard and Adams Avenue In Costa Mesa. Dona.lions, grateiuUy aceepted, 10 for gupport of OCC rowing activities. I DAIL1 ~1 LOT ......................... ---·-c..- CAUl'llllM _.. mu• ....._,....... CQflUll.n 11: .... N.WM• ---, ..... Coolof Vlat~ ....... ..... , ...... a..ra ·-n.-1 A.M~ill• ,.,.,....... 1•11tt -a.--.1•-· ........ ........,...-!m1..,... .. ._....._. &.....,..._,.,m..,..."-••au lltdl1 •,. .,,.. r -----------I s DAILV l'llof ;t War on Poverty Gets N'ew .. Life Jared Meets Jingles Jingles the Clown made hi! annual Christmas visit to the pediatrics ward at Hoag Memorial Hospital Friday, where he met Jared Jacobsen, the seven· month old, nose-tweaking son of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Jacobsen. 1921 Port Bristol, Newport Beach. Jared bas a broken leg and that's no laughing matter, so JingJes tried to cheer him up. Jingles doubles as Bill Ti5Chler, a United Air Lines pilot and 'Laguna Beach residenl Fro111 Page l WASHINGTON (AP) -A ,,itpr11e vote In tho H..,.·hu extlnded the life of the Olflco of.£cooomk Opportwoty jull -lt appeared the anUpoverty •&tneY'I days were numbered. 'Ibe fOmUdable opposition to tM bill eIJ)eeted by Its backer• setm.lngly VI· p:riied when a substltute mUSUtt, turn- ing admlnlatraUon of the OEO program over to the states, wu defeated 231 to 183. The vote surprised both friends and foes of the war on poverty. A week ago the Republican-Southern Democrat coalltion behlnd the substitute bill appeared so 1trong the HOUJe leader· sltlp refused to call up its own . bill. ex- tending the OEO program, for fear it would lose. And just before the vote Fri· day lhe. Democrats still were sure they were beaten. But a non record 183-166 leit vote Fri· day showed the eoaliUon plan waa beaten. A larger number of southern Democrats either did not vote at all or voted against it. After that display of weakness the coali· tion fell apart. The 231 to 163 record vote confirming defeat or the substitute was followed by a vote of 276 to 117 pa:ising the twG-year extension. Backers of extending the present legls· JaUon claimed turning control over to th• states would cripple the antipoverty pro- gram. Even the Nixon administration, whose program of New Federalism envillona increasing state powers, opposed the measure. OEO Director Donald Rums- feld claimed the coaliUon measure would kill off the program. No one on either side credited the White House 'A'ith lnfluenctn& the result. Altboqll Praldenl Nixon hid llbcl fer Ill e:uwion b!U without dlailpl. HoaN Republican Leader Gerald ·R. Jl'onl 61 Mkhlgan wu t .. dlnc the ftaht r..-Ille sublt.ltute •nd •t one· polnt •PPNl"ld to have an but about 20 Rtpublleam with b1m. In the face ol llUCh a maulve defection lllloog Ill °"" party mtmberl the Wblte House ranained puaive. Ccdif ornia Hanging On VUUllNIA CITY, N.-. (UPI) - 1be Siato at Callfomia stiU ti f1mo. Uoning today. Many of the soothaa,Yers who pr• dictod ' lloodl and eor1l>qllUls would polish off the nation'• mm: populous state in llllt had decided that diauter would hit at J:13 p.m. Friday -give « takle a few mo- ments. They gathered here Friday lo mourn CaJllornia'1 pulJng. 'l1Mr'I was a "Jut aupper" in 1ocaJ rflt.. aunnts '°' total belle'ml. z.ery -drinlt ....... the -al ..... lotal pubo. When the fateful moment came., one penoo yeUed in a bar: ••Get a radio turned ~; fmd out where Californa broke olf." 2 Freed Prisoners Say .Cong ,Took Care of .Them WELFARE •.. creased by about 500 persons due to the high J<Ut decision abolishing residency requirements. State Law Expanded SAIGON (UP1) -Two American hell· copter crewmen held by the Viet Cong .for 3S days said today they would not want to fight their former captors again. "l don 't agree wltlt their political views," said W. 0. Michael T. Petersen. :?!, of Redmond, Wash. ''But I feel it would really be hard to fight, them again -in that province -because they did save my life." rtconnai~ missions ne.ar Due Lap Green Berets camp. Both men wefe wounded, Petersen in the left leg and foot and Shepard in the foot and back. · Alter their release, the men walked in· to a Sooth Vietnamese army command post near Due Lap. "Despite this, the increase In OAS cases is much lower than in any other public assistance program and is pro- pcrllonately )owei than the increase in Orange County's population, age 65 and over," he added. Aid to the blind averaged 340 recipient.. per month, an increase of 11 percent over Noncrop Use of DDT, DDD Banned by County: ''They took the best care of us .lhey could," said Sgt. Vernon C. Shepard, 21, of Akron, Ohio. "I was never tortured." 1be Americam spoke to newsmen three d.aya after they were released by the Viet Cong in the jun&Ie highlands near the Clmbodia border 120 mile! northeast of Saigon. Petersen and Shepard. in separate heli- copters, were shot down Nov. 2 while on "They dressed our wounds and changed the bandages every few days," Petersen said of the Viet Cong. Petersen said be lost 50 pounds during captivity and Shepard 35 pounds but doc· tors said both were in relatively good bealth. Aai.ed. why they were released, Peter- ~ a.aid, ·~ey Aid cur conduct .in the camp was excellent." They were the 28th and 29th American · prisoners released by the Communist forces ia South Vietnam duriD& the war. liut year. The average payment per Orange County Agricultural Com- mon th was $131.41, an increase ol four ml~ioner \Vllliam Fitchen hu announced percent. a ban on the nonagricultural use of DDT In the final category of aid, general and related pesticide DDD in Orange relief, Peoples noted an agevage of 458 County, effective Jan. 1, 1970. c&Seli per month, an increase o( 20 per• Frank Parsons, deputy commluioner, cent over last year. The payments grew said I.he ban will go into effect at the to $66.56 per month, a growth factor of same time the California state pesticide four percent. over~ pr:evlous year. c:oo.trol lawa are activated. Projeding future hllare growth, ~ Peoples ..Umatod that aid to famille> willl depende11t thlkfren ·will (liow to D; "CUS Vic' t:m 12,000 cases per year by 1971. ..., " From Page l Peopl .. said by It'll he expects old age eecurlty ca5ftl to grow to about 10,500 : aid to the tntally dl>abled hit 1,100; and aid to the blind to remain fairly constant, increeslng only to lOO ...... 'Doing Fine' JURY SUBPOENAED . • • Laguna Beach High School freahnwt Bill Barnes, 14, who su ffered a ruptured spleen when struck by a discus Tuesday, is reported "doing just fine'' at South C-Oast Community Hospital. ke, indicated Friday one tack de£ense fcrces will take in seeking to have the charges against Patrolman F 1' u s t dismissed. "We want to draw attention to the en- tire structure of this particular Grand Jury," Stokke said. "They were out lo gel a police officer in any way they could and we want·them inve:E"ligated ." Grand Jury Fottman Mrs. Marjorie L. Weed declined comment on the allega- tians by Owen and Stokke. Superior Judge Robert G a r d n e. r . presiding judge of the Criminal Courl and the court's liaison with the Grand Jury , said he ftnds no grea t ethical challet1ge in the fact that the De<:. 31 Jlearing-a hear· tic at which grand jurors migh~ be asked to testify -will cmne before him. If the matter goes before. another judge, it won't be for that reason, Judge Gardner said Friday. ''It will be because I couldn 't possibly handle a hea~ing in· volving that many witnesses ln th.is tousy court." he said. Gardner currently is handling the criminal calendar. Owen's tummonini of grand jurors was thought to be unique in the hours im- mediately !ollowin( the move, bu\ Judge Ganin« ohattered that belief. •·we had some ~bpoenas issued some Sexy Santa Stops Traf fie SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A near-l<>P' less Santa Claus was arrested Friday on charges of disturbing the peace in th•. Montgomery Street financial diatrkt. . LO la Raquel. 26, wore a special eo11tume on her 44-23-36 frame and distributed holiday candy when San Francisco police, noting the large crowds and stalled traf. fie 1tepPed in and arrested her. The words "Merry X-mas'' were writ· ten across her breasts . Her publicity man admlted the stwlt was staged to promote. the club where Min Raquel iJ a nude dancer. Top Soviets Leave China Border Talks MOSCOW (UPI) -The top Sont! rep- resent.aUves to lhe Pekin& stno-Sovlet border talks are retuminr to MO!ICOW, Tau said today. The repart did not In- dicate: if the talks were over. The Tw report quottd "informtd cir· ti'"" as sayinl O.puty FOftlgn Minis- ter Vully V. Kumetaov and MlJ. Gen. V1dim A. Matroso• w111 h:ave Pe\:ing to- tab part ln a aupttme Soviet session whkh begins Tutld•y. ' years qo at a time when the Grand Jury was deeply investigating liquor abuses," Judge Gardner said. "The circumstances were qUite diff~ but they were nam· ed in subpoena.s by the defense at· torneys." Here are the grand jurors who have been subpoenaed in the current case: Warren Bloom, Orange; Horace Caden, Santa Ana ; Mrs. J osephine Caines, 0ronl!"; Joe Cooper, Fullertoo; IIlllon Dalessi, Fullerton; Richard Hernandez:, Sania Ana; Dm Huddleston, Newport Beach; Msootl Jtrado, FuHerton: Jliln. Pt!lllla Klipstein, Sallta Ana; Herman Lenz, Anaheim ; Mrs. Mary Afi!ler' Newport ~ach; Mr. Laurence Reynolds, Laguna Beach; Mrs. Judy Rosener, Newport Beach; Mrs. Beatrice Rus~ll. Newport Beach; James Sayer, Loe Alamitos; Virgil Simpson, Yorba Linda; \Yilliam Van NaUa, Fullerton; Mrs. fl,far- jorie L. Weed, and Anclr~ White, Orange. Peoples said his department ts planning for the future hued on Presidert Nixoo 's welfare proposals. He allowed that the President's proposals may not be put into action for a few years, but said, "We must take tt"5e possibilities futo con- sideration. as we plan for clD'Tellt and future activities." UC's Dr. Oswald Takes PSU Position BERKELEY (AP) -The executive vice president or the University of Cali- fornia system, Dr. John Oswald. has resigned to become pm;ident of Penn- sylvania St.ate University. Oswald. YAiose appointment was an- nounced Frklay, will succeed retiring Dr. Eric Walker in July. Oswald assumed his preent po&t In September 1988. Jtf~m Isn't Needed Anymore Young Barnes undenrtnt &11rgery for removal of his spleen after the accident during a physical education clase at the Khoo!. · A hospital spokesman said he is mak· Ing a rapid recovery and should be released in a few days. Barnes is liharing his hospital room with another injured 14-year-old, Tarn Riddell, who underwent surgery two weeks ago followlng a Lagim.a Canyon traffic accident In which his 12-year-o\d sister, Cathleen, loat. her life. Tom , aon or orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Riddell, is reported to be "!tead.lly improving'' rrom internal in- juries suffered In the crash. The. other Riddell children, Jatnes, 10, and Edward, 7. suffered minor .injuries and were released after a brief stay In the holpitaJ. ' . OAl&.Y l'llt.Or Mtff ..._ .. "Patra" (short !or Cl<opatra) Is a little sad and much relieved as !he watches he.r nine (counl 'ernl Bassel Hound youngsters mal<e their shift from mother's milk to puppy food In the living room ot their mistress, Peggy Griffith or Nell(l>Ort Beach~ Both mom and mistress will be relieved when the pups fmd new bome1. "NiJ\e Ba!lel pups are just too many," says Mistress Gri1Illh. I "We.'ve expanded on the ll&te tia:n," Panom: erplal.nd. "we're bmma. .U nooqricultural uoe of DDT and ODD In addition to llmtu111 even further the tropt for whi<h 000' perrnltl will be. issued." 1be stall ilw will allow-o( DDT on 11 major """'"' 1be COOllll7 bas -thll limit .. lndudo only tine ""'Pl - J<on ...... ,.,,... and -..... : ~lo,.._ lhll ban" mdquo to-Oran,.~ portkularly the boll Oii the ... of DDl' In urlloq ..... Inc.luded in the state law. II a new report1111 ay1tem 1<r an peetlcldol wlll<h will require peel c:<llllrol operatora to report el<h pesticide Job performed. "With thll date 'tt wtll be pooalblt at any Jlven time to detmnlne the - of any Jlven. pestitlde uae ..,,wbere In the stall," tbe dtputy «>mmlul-lald. Panons said the data will be llludled to keep a careful chett on the effect& ol lhe 000' and DOD ripiacomenll. F...-P,,.e J HIJACK ••. Gunfire was exc.blnaed and a third man ran frcm the cockpit wttb a sun. Many ol1he 14 -en _. and ducted down In their -· . "I <Oaldn ~ -wllit .,.. happe11ln1i al • fll'S!," Jatoby Aid. "'IJien I Jootecl qabl and another 11111 .... dead." Ray Caltutl et London Aid tho thlid m1n ll1'd l\flc!e Into tho Yemeni hi- jacker. EAal BAD 1100 . Pcweniers said the jet's crew 1tueh· ed the dead men and found each ns t"1')'ing $500 along with the bombo. ''There wu a moment of hysteria If. terwords," Jatoby Aid. "Then ft all had <hampopie and offend -. !er our gtlOd fortune.•• 1 Many of the passengers dltOrod ar. ter an intava1 of lilence, seve-al pdM!n-o gen aaJd later. But IOC1le Wel'9 frtahta\o eel that the IUJlflre had <llmapd lht plm. ·and lb -.Id c:rull. 'J'hO·emr,.uec1111e -.•of tho aisle . and -eel .. "'l' ... •"--" ~--.. tbe~ .... past. • • . 1be pilot of the pl"I", fdontlllod only u Capt. Tew of Orlando, P'la., notified the control tower al R<me'1 1-ionlo di Vinti lnllmaUonal Aill>o<t he WU not lllldlng and lhat the piano ·had -<0mmandoered..Jll<Oby aald h ~ ,.., ordered by Eth!Gplon m- not to land In Rome. He itld not elll>orale. Oceanside Told: 'OK War Protest' I SAN DIEGO (AP)-'lllo clly al 0.-. side bas been -lo pmnlt a VW. -moratorium l!lll'dl landay by up 16 S,000 antiwar --· • • SUperlor c...t Judp' !!Up Fllhor ruiecl -a 2~ htarlnC ........, that police Olld Ward Rall:WI and Pera SUpt. Oita Rtoalld must 11M pennlta for the ptrade and nlly al tho -llla-dium. - 1be In clfy alllclals had -,.,.. mlll because 1ppllcallonl wen not 8lt<I II days In advance u r<qUlnd by clly regulaUona. 1 I - . " • ( 4 DA!l."I ·l'ILOT , hr, the thJrd Sunday In F~"';Oll!l=:i Advent, Pastor Jamea G. Blaln wW preach al both the 9 Ind 11 1.m. worship servlce. "He Puts ltis Arms Around Us", based on the Old Te!ta· ment Lesson Isaiah 40:1-8, ls ·the li>p!c for the Newport -~ran Cbarcb, 2501 Clilf Drtvet Newport Beach. A salad luncheon at noon, Th~y. will be part of the · C h r I s t m a s inspirational m«ting for the women or the clNttb, 1be Sunday school Chrjibnas program will be held Friday. Barbor CbrbUan Cb11Tth, Disciples of the Christ has hired an architect to draw the gregation during a coffee master plan and design for the fellowship, following t h e first unit of the church. worship hour at H a r p e r Construction is due in the ear-Elementary School, 4Z5 E. ty part of 1971 on the two.acre site at ·Irvine Avenue and St. .t&tb St., Costa Mese. Is,abella Street .in Newport "How Readest Tl;lou?" wUI Be a ch. The archltect, Hal ,be the 10:4.5 a.m. sermon by Whittemore, will be guest of Pastor D. W. McElroy. Sunday tt}e clwrch Sunday, and will school convenes at 9:30 a.m. meet informally with the con. , "South Bend" will "be the iubjeci-for dlacuasion, by John K!il~ Chairman ol ChrlsUan 110C1il. rolaUons, following tha 9:30 a.m. service Sunday 1t St. Jab the IJ!vlao Eplt<opll ChPill'Cll, 20f3 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. · ' Sunday sehool.fbr Ill.;.. al 9:30. a.m. and nursery care 1a • wonhlp al t ud 10:311 a.m, SUnday~tor Henry E. Jones wUI u "'lb• Rewanl . ot The :-'' . FOlloirlnt o ...,a.J -for Ille ....._ Of Blblef, """"' Jm WU1 bJlllff ... emtdtd •,• G'.f Id Tldloii" ~.Y·p.m . ...ice. provided. Tbe U-llle U •dlal Co nrm u n I o·n wot be r Cb11.1tb, mt Seventeenth S&., cel~brlf.ed at 7:30 a.m. HunUngton &lch will conduct '!be Youth Group wW meet worship tt:rvicea Sunday, at at 7 p.m. · 9::.1 lfJld 11 a.m. with the Rev. Morning worship servtct, Jl o'clOck · at Ftnt BapUlt Cllm:b, 301 Magnolia, Costa Mela,' wiJI feature a sermon entlUed 1'Tbe Test of Our Loi e" by . Pastor P. G. Naq:narin, 'al the 7 p.m. Service his Topic: will be 'The TamilY. Altar Which Alters." · "Nursery care is provided both services. Central Bible Cburdl, 23rd and Orzige, Costa Mesa hOl.ds Edward C. Erny Pruchin& ''The Joyful Mystery." A cof f ee hour will be. held be1-n ·the "'"ices In h-of Mr. ind Mn. Ft<d C~larld; who ar< movlni lo Seal Be.Cb. . The~Clw­at 10,15 a.m. Mil' 1llO youlh groupo meet'at t :a p.m..SUo- days. At the Cbltcll ol Rtllglou Scleoce of Lapna Beach, (Ste PULPIT, Page I) .,....._ .. ML MUM .. ' . . ./ ~· t . -... , ... ...... __ _ -- • • r' • I ', , I _'Jforescopf(··' ·:eisces:Ilarkness 1 Qtanges to Light I SUNDAY DECEMB ER 14 By SYDNEY OMABR IAMr ,..ttlOll f1vwable for 11 1 ' I n f , JllcuUng. Spfrltaal •alDN are dlseuaed, debated. Seultf•e llldlvldul .cu m .,. imaJ.ve muou; &hl1 1ttrac'8 midi 1Ue1Uea. ·~(March ll·AprU 19): Some events, which OCCJJr betilnd the eceoes. claim your time, attenUon. Excellent for undergoing spiritual regenera- tion. Look deep.Inside yourself fw basic amwers. TAURUS (April 20-May 20: , Gesture of frie:Klship has pro- tound effect. You arj? able to perceive sincerity or purpose. Trust your fee.linJs. Older lndivJdual is strivQlg to do right thing. Know this; res- pond accordingly. GEM1NI (May 21.JUM IO): Accent on bow YOW' achieve goal. Choice: is to inake new start or hang on to the~ ey. cle is such lhat you benefit through greater. independence. Me554ge should be crystal clear by tonight. CANCER (June 21.July II): Good lunar, aspect today con· incides wlth communl~on with those at a distance. Keep in touch. Do not take for granled thal. olhen know Iiow yoo feel . Exprest1 yourself. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' One close 1o you wants feeling, of re5peet, independence:. Avoid tendency to overwhelm with your own iMerestl. Plai.ily, it is necessary to pr1c l i c e restraint -do so. (See BOROSCOPE, P"le I) ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? '" FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 1A.1. c.1 Fairview Rd. At Fair Dr., Costa Mesa 9 A.M.-Chur.ch School 10 A.M.-Worship Dromo -S-Sbfflty-Deptfl l lWe Shldy 5'rnps l'rl"'9 nd Grot1p CniqefJ., 145..Ul l', ' HARDO~ m!~JITY BAPTIST CHURCH t Jl O E~er St. ot Falrwtew. Ced'll M .. Rrr. Conle Saf!ot. Pastor -· Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning WorShip U:OO a.m. Baptist Training Union I p.m. Evening Sertlce 7 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study &. P~!Yer .............. 1 7:00 p.m. FIRST SOUTH E~N BAPTIST CHURCH 650 HAl.11LTON. COSTA MESA llEV. J, D. WAt LACI Suncf._y S~hool , ,, ,,,,, ':45 Tr4lnJng Unlol'I , ,, ••••• 5:00 Morni ~t Worthip • , .•. I I :00 Ev1ni nt Wonhlp , , , , , • 6:00 Wecfn 11d•v Pr•v•r M1•ling for •II •9e1 , •• ,, ••••••.•• 7:10 ~~~~~ ...... ~~·~··~·~··~·~·~~~~·~·~.....,~~A~lw~"'~A~-~llo~b~~~~1 .UNIVERSITY B"PTIST CHURCH I 1252 S. L PALIS.lDIS IOAD 1 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS 5UN DAY SCHOOL .............................. t14S ~M. I Mo1ttr111i10 wo11s1t1P .............. : •.••••••••••..••• 11 a.M. j l!VINING WOlllHIP ................................ 7.1'.M, MIOWlllC ll!llVICI WliDfrllSDA Y 7rJt l'.M. .. •1111 ... ,. Ad.. ,.,_ • °!"""'·""-l4Wf1' . _ I F .. RST , • . . . 11· .FIRST H Fl BAPTIST CHURCH 11 · c RISTIAN I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES lllANCHIS OF THI MOTHll CHUICH THE FIRST CHURtH OF CHllST, SCllNTIST IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSms "God The Preserver of Man" S~nday, December 14th Ce .. ~a Mesa-First Church of Christ, Scientist 2880 Mesa Verde Dr., Cotta M ... S1111doy School-9:15 A.M. Ch•rch Semc• -11 A.M. leodl119 Room, 2150 M .. Verde Dr. Hunlington Beach-Fir1t Church of Christ, Sc ientist 110 Olive Su11dcry School -9:10 & 11 :00 Church-I I A.M. S.n'lct RNdl119 loo1t1 -110 Ollwe Laguna 8e1ch-Fir1t Church of Chri1t, Scienti1t 6JS .Hit• Dr. , Chrch ... S.ftdor Scheol-9:10 & II :00 leodlftt loom, 214 For"t Ne\":port Be1ch-First Church of Chri1t, Scl1nti1t 3l0l Ylo Udo ChuKh & 51H11d.., Schffl -,:11 • 11 :00 IHlll1t1 «00111, 3311 Yle Udo Nc ... :r.ort Beach-Second C.hurth of Chrl1t, Sc,entl1t 3100 Poclflc View Dr., C.... ... Mw - Clmcll' I ,.....,. ~-10 A.M. <11 IHdl111 RMlll -2163 I . Cnlt HWJ. . .,.._,,,.,., CHURCH • c ... ,_....,. •r i1tirt1 • Victoria & Placentia Ave. 1 • 1141,. M ...... P,Y. j · Costa Mesa I All are cotcfially invited to allend lhe churrh services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms lw . .,.._ H.wt., Ml1btw , ..._ I. Plltf'Cy ' ....... Mornin9 Worthlp 1:10 & 11:00 , Do .. las Hodps Sund•y !>chool , • , , • , , •• ':)0 YOUTll Mlfthler Youth M11tint , , , ••·•,,. 6:00 I l•rlf thnllt' , ........... l :lt 1·~-•10~1 lldloll ................ t i• 1.m. Prev•r Service ••••••••. 6:JO I MO"'l1 Wtnflll' ••.••••. :.10:~ 1.m. E • S . 700 ,Yolltll ,. ..................... II·'!'· v1run9 1rvtc1 • , • • • •• • : V•~"'" , ...................... 1 p.111. Nu,_., •vu""" •' 11 ~ Nursery Care Provided 142·242) S41-4nl 141-6141 Chlld Care Ptoflded AT All SlltYICIS ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH I Ml11ou,1 Sv11Ml ' wo"Jiipin9 1t ,tli1 UNIVERS·ITY PARK SCHOOL Sendbur9 1t Metth1w1 in U111'•er1ity P1rl: WC)RSHIP1 10:30 A.M. Rev. H, Nierm11111 ,P•1tor 8Jl.12ll FIRST C!!R[STIAN CHURCH Church of th1 01ilv Word I NEWPORT UNITY Ir~·========~=======~!! L•,;Ho~~l~k~w I Main~ & Adams Streets ' Mlnlittr 11 15th & lrvin1, N1wporl l 111ch II CENTRAL BIBLE CIWRCH Corona del Mar Hunting '.on teach Mor11i "'9 Wo r1h ip !knkN' c 111n111 1ulld1nso I •••••••• l :lO I ll :OOAM ,8ibl1 School •••••••• 9:4S AM '.Youth Group1 •••••• 6:00 PM ·fvenin9 Worthip • , •• 7:00 PM .... .,..,. 9,_,_., ... _, •. !It. 1:45 A.M. Sund1y School 10:00 A.M. Oevolion1I Service OFFICE: ~ W, Co.11 HIOl\WI)', 1'1.1 . Pilon•: '4&-1111 , Hunert ((1•1 P•ovldld 11 111 oen1kt1. ;Otllt1: "'-15" 01•1 Ot!VOJIGM)&.fl>IO I . . DIA L..A·l'kAYll-646·0639 • CHURCH OF,, ~~G,~US SC IENCE . M1111bw ClllKdt II' U111!M Cllu«• llellgltul kl111«,. Let Arit1lll SUNOA.Y SERVICE .•• \1 AM Mlnlloter •.. Allltrt 8ur1':1, A.5.c.F. THI lllLL CLUI Of' N'hf'OllT l lACH Iii ••I ... 11¥11., e11M1 PLEASE DON'T COM& TO CALVARY CHAP~L If you er• leol:in9 for 111 el1bor1t1 pi'o9r11", or 1oci1I ,r11ti91, lut if you 1r1 looliirtt for ln·d•plh l lblt tfucfl•r, Chrhti111 fel · lew•hip.. incl lntpirln9 1pirHecl wer1h ip, v•u'll lov• 111!. To 1ccom• T11ed•t• our 9rowin9 church f1fllily "'' now hi ve twe Suricl1y T11er11!119 t1rvic11, ':10 i nd l I :00, Nur11ry ,,,._Corner of $r1111• ,,ill1 t Sunflow1r. 14$.2121 646-H12 J.larto r Ck ri4lia11 Ckurck OP HIWp01T I U C:J4 ~ I D1tc1,. ... 1 MMll"I a.,.tcwty H_,... 11....--, kHel' 425 L II" St., Cotftl M .. Church School - 9: 30 A.M. Worshlp -10 :45 A.M. N1rwry Ccn rr..sc1e4 Phoneo 67S-39U . Minister: Dr. D. W. McElroy CHURCH CF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST., COSl A MESA l ftWIEN HAJ:IOI "4 fAllYlfW SUNDAY MO RNING l llllE STUDY •.•. , •.•• , , ,, • 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WOl'!SHIP I COM fo\UN IO N •• 10:4S A.M. SUNDAY EVEN ING WORSHIP •••••••••••••••••• 6;00 P.M. Wf:DNESOo\'f E~ENING l lGLE STUDY , ..• , , • , , , , , 7:10 P.M. NUr.sEr.'f C."lr.t r r.O\'IDCD h .. O. Meyfleld D. G. Hmt Ml""9t ..... Jett Mllliltet Phone : 0 11 Day or Nlgltl I I . I ~· Emphuitifll Th• P~n of God · The Person of Christ The Power of the Hofy Spirit Sundiy Sthoo1 9 AM Mor11ln1 WotShlp 9 ind 10:30 Ml lven!n1 Sel\·ice 7 Pl>.\ Y(ldneld&y lllble S!udy Ind Pr~er 7 P,~, NurJe ry durins 1en"i"' A fuJI Youth Program Cm. of °""le ;Ind 23hl. SL eo...-.. r.utor H. E. Jona; lrCA Mbf. COMMUNITY · CONGREGATIDNAL • U.tt.d CHrdl et RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 611 HELIOTROPE WonMit-10:00 A.M.· Clmc• k11Mt-11:M A.M. Or. l'tl"IP 0. Mvrrty, Mln .. i.r Mia Sfllrliy &111111, D.C.I!. i 420 I 0th St., Hunti119ton l 1•cll I Phon1 !il6·2.120 Adult & Youth S1rvlc•1, 11 1.rn. ltf Y11r Cl111, Wed., 7:11 p.111. n NnT ,., .. MINISTl l - 67,_ Seventh-Day Adventist Churches c .... M .. 271' A'IM ... Street Jolt11 Shewm•••• P11ter rtio11•: 141-6196 SeMt.e11 ScllMf ••• f:JO AM M ...... W.,..lp ••• t l :OOAM Pf.,..-MMtt11t • Wecf!7tJi PM ............ -· ..... , ......... Chris. 12712 Ctewlt--Y.., hrh9'f A. E. ••wi•11, '•lier Ph9MI 49J.],J6 ...._. "'"11 • , , • 91JI AM MM11111 W ...... p. : •• 10:10 AM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH f041 T.._, A-. fl..._. Ii M.....,_1, iaGUNTAIN YALLI T UNIFIED SERVICE· S1n4ey Sche~ 9{]0 -WOISHIP. 10:)0 Wo,,h1, I Yovth &r••pt -61JO ,.llfl, EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH of HntlllfN1 ~II 1912 florlde A••· SJ6-lfl! •:U ... ,,,,., -tn•ey """'' -An A!l'ff l hCO A,M. -Mtrnlnt Wtrs/11" • ll'M, -'!'l!tf' .1'111,. t101 ~.M. -•vrn1111 kl"flc'•• 1 P.M. Wfd .. l lbll s~,. A,,M,-"A CONTRACT OF HOLINU5"--he4• JJ P.M.-"A MANNU WOITHf OP eOD"-Jr4 .Mii I ,.,. I ' THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. IT • .SAMU, J 209 Vie Ude, Newpert leodl 7:JO •.111.-Hotr I K Hrht 9:00 ··--"'-.. .....,. ,_. Jr4 s ... H.., liKMrftt 2lld & 4tti S.•. t :OO .... .-c•'"• SdloM 11 :00 e.1t1-HotJ EHHrilt lst & lrd S11t. Mof'll .. Pr.,.r 2Mf & 4rii 1111. cww c-.. 9:00 .... The ............ ......, 11, .... n. 1 .... DcrrJ4 A. cni., ~ lector ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS hclfk Tiew Drt• • Matwiltw, CONN U Mw Slllldcrr-1:00, 9:,10 -11 :DO-C:ltfld --• 9:10 "..,.a.,.• ......... , All •-w•-1ecrer, n. lbY • .s• l.,.n Dew.-,.._ '44"°461 ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. S.lldays 7:30. & ':JO Clterc• Scltool -9:10 n•Mcrp: 6:l0 & 10 e.M.; Hely D..,tc • -•---' Vlc•, n. a.. . .S.11111 W. DoNI ... -...... 14M32' ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH llNt SI. II Clll,.r LIN Jiiii la1I II' 1'1'11 l'elnh Kuntlntllll ·-~. C1lh"'~ TM 11;..,, .lllMI C. (I lly, 1'1111f' Sunday Services l iM A.M. """ C4>ml'llUll._ t :• A.M. '•mlty llrwlcl & CIMlrdl 7:I01'.M. ··-~h 7:JI l'.M. IPh(tlNll ll:M A.M. ,,,_.rn"'11 w.nllll' Y111111 Cllorch-NW9fT ~re '~- FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH 146 E. 22nd St., Cot ta Mesa 543761 M.C.er..k.P...., l 1y Nidiollori, Mirii1t1r of Youth SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL -9:30 A.M. CLASSU FOi ALL A.SI S Family Woralilp -lO:SO A.M. - 7 P.M. CHURCH CHOl.R Sheril P•ul1en, Director Wedneeday Bible Study -7;30 P.M. Yliltel'I w.ic... -N1rwry Attwtd.- Stwte Uc...-Pre-Scllo9' -Mrs. John Gol1nic•, Oirt tlet rt1 .... : 645-ZJJ J · GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMllL Y OF GOD 1 ITH & MONROVIA, NIWPOIT llACH 646·6620 IYI llld: Wnl II' HNt tM1pll11) Thom11 l1nv1nuti, Pi.tor 51111 Mill1r, Mutic1I Director ':41 511Kkfy Scllool-N•rMfl' A""411M 10:50 A FAJTH THAT Wil l TOUCH HUYIN {Sermon by P11to,1 7:00 P.M. CHllSTMAS CANTATA, NIGHT Of MllACLll I l y Jeh11 W, P1t1rte11 "'SIN•SPllATIOH IYllT IUNDAY Nt•HT I\\• 'I} SABBATH SERVICES · REllGIOUS SCHOO~ har bor reform temple AABBI BERNARD P. KING ' • b mttting at . St. James Ep11COP1l Church a 3209 Via Lido, Newport Be1eh for lnformetlon: can 1575-7230 HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD 740 W. Wii son, Costa Mesa V. L HllTWIC I(, r..m 141-4704 llO•lllT •· ilSTI• M l11l1llr ti IM•- CAlll •INTIV Mlllllttr II' Miffie SUNOAY SERVICES COLLl•I DAT S...., ScllMI -9:41 A.M. I O:H A.M.-n. Lmt Cefl ..._.,_ 7:ff P.M.....CHlll t MAS CANTATA 11y ... JnlOf C'"""1! ~.., ........... COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL .... kflll' -.......,..,. -• ........, -QIW CM'f All J1wi1~ f•ll'llll11 •r• lnvft1d to iein u1 in truly '"lfllintful I SAllATH IYINING SIRYICB l'lllDAY 9f:lt11 P.M, ljNrftHI Leedtt -• ...., ............. l4"1SlJ ''"'"'' Sh•ro11 Cheir -01111 Sh1~1t 141·14lt r I NEWPORT HARBOR I LUTHERAN CHURCH I 2501 Cliff Dr. Ll 8-4293 tlie Irr. JlllN5 •• l lal•, POlt91' 11le Irr. IHOlcl Wt.Ir., Astlstod Pmter F•mllv WonMp t :DO to IO:lO •.m. I I ' Sundtv Stllool t :lO to 10:30 1.m. I WOrl~lp Strvkt 11:00 to U :oe NW'sery care availa\lle at all services WELCOME LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Corona del Mar DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mrs. Wlli" Cll....,.el"' P•rlMWOrtier Phone 644-7664 9:1S A.M. FoMlt,Wonldp IO:OOA.M. S....,.Cnr.Ji ....., 11 :00 A.M ........ W.nW1 N•l'Mt'f PreritSM CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Mi11011ri Synod 760 Vkterl• St., Co1to MeH le,.._ Y. Tont0w, P•tlir 541·5404 WOrihlP S1rvkn : 1:11 a. 11 A.M, Sundt' Sthool: f :XI A.M. Adul! 81~1• Citu: t :• AM. CHlllTIAN ILIMINTAIY SCHOOL 141·6166 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M ... Y ... Drhoe & lolleJ Str ..... ~Olte M.., c.llf. ANDRE..., C. ANDEll:SON, P1i!or 1undly SdloDI: 1:00, t :XI 111d ll:GO-Mornlng W11nhlp: 1:00, t ::IO llld ll:OI Print• ol Pe•c• l utherttt School -Mi•• E11h1r 011011, Princip1I 0ffi~1· Phonl : 149°0521 Sc11ool Phone: 549-05'2 . .. ST. PAUL'S LUTHllAN Missouri ·Synod 429 Cypress Dr. · L19J.1nl B11ch Phone: Church 494.7998 Parsonag~: 494-8110 Worship Services -10:00 A ?<.t. Sunday School and Bible Class -8:45 A.?it, Advent Services Dec. 4, 11, 18-7:30 P.M. Christmas Eve Service-Dec. 24-7:30 P.:r.r. A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l1lbo1 '*''"' THI UNITID .. COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 11 S A91t1 67S-09SO 9:10 Tr1ditio111I Wer1hip ' Sund1y School Co.ti M111 . FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH !9th St, I H1rbor Blvd. Cilurch Wor1h ip -9:)0 & 11 Church School -':30 S41-7727 Co1te Me1e North MESA VERDE METHODIST CHURCH Mite V1rd1 & l1~1r St. 549-271, Wonhip I Chlirch School 9:00110:10 A.M. Hunli119to11 l e1ch FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 5J6.J5l7 Ser•ice1 -·9:10 I 11 A.M. Nun1ry thru 2nd 9r1d1 • 11 Church School -9:10 A.M. Huntin9ten l111ch-Nortli COMMUNITY . METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Heil Av e. 142·44'1 Worship A ctiurcli Schoel ' & 10:30 A.M. fr.,.in1 -E11t lluff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH IJJ.Jlll 11421 Culver Ro•lll 1t Univ1riity Driv1 Wo,.hip & Church School 9 I IO:JO A.M. l19un1 le1ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21612 Wesley Orivt in 5e, Le9une Worihip I l·A.M. Church School 9:10 A.M, 499-lOll N1wport l11ch CHRIST CHURCH BY THI SEA 1400 w. l 1lbo1 11...-. •71·)105 Wor1hip I Church Sch11I 9:10 I 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES I of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyt.rlan 20112 M....n• INoer A•-1 H11"1.-1 hoc• 1.,, Do"'4 L loltem. ,..,_ S..-,Wenlllp: t :l OA.M. Cllllfdiklloot: 10:41A.M. C>Mc.1 H 112 M..,..tl1 St. ,.._: '61-4940 Church of th• Covenant 2110 '-fMew ..... C"t• MeH l ruce' A, Kl!rtl1, 1'11to1 l nffy WenMp: ':JD & 11 -CheK• kllMI: 9:31 l'ttoN: 541-4J04 St. Andrew's Prnbyterian Church 600 St. A...., ..... Hewpert .... fl CHAa Ln Hl llll T DllllN,llLD. PASTOI W.....,&CJt.rd,ScfMiel1 I. t iJI •ti A.M. I "46-7147 St. Mark F'111byterlan Church c........, ......... ~Drift, c-o ....... ,,..... ....... .,., ,... WenW" I a.r.l Sdl.et -t & ll:JO A.M. 6'ff.ll41 w. 1.11 ••• 111 v •••.• UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CH URCH 11S9 Vlct•ri• St., Ce1t1 M111 j '46-C652 It~ ' Altond the church of yo ur choice on Sunday ~--------·--~--------------------------------------- DAILY l'llOT f Pulpit and Pew HOROSCOPE TODAY .... J \1RGO (Aug. 23-Sepl 12): getti~ more for your money. j Accent oo how you dul wl~ Today you iearn th1J ia true. J• mate, partner. Best to permit You &et know-how: )'OU lllo 'l others to take ln!U1Uve. Ob-receive encouragina ntws. • taln hint from lM messlge. PISCES (Ftb. lt -March 1 Do more listeoln1 t baa 20): Whrere there w 1 1 a.uer~ng, ' 1 darkneu ~[t •· lltbt. PuUle 1anctu1ry followed by relmhmenta In the Porlab Hall. 2006% Laguna C1nyon Rotd, Dr, Henry Gerhard will speak on .. tqe su~Ject ·~co1mlc ~" SUnday al both t.and II a.m. terVlces. Junior church is otrered during the 9 o'clock service. Thursday lectures, sponsored by the church , are held ·each week in Clubhouse Two at Ltirure W.orld, 10 a.m. The public I~ invited. 985 Victoria, Coeta Mesa, Monday, I p.m. A Costa Rka ~·1, Mts. Mirkovich b ullsUnf tn U.e translating in- to SpaniSh ot Sboghi Effendi's •·world Order of Baha'u'llah" at the request of Th e Universal House of Justice. Advent commuruM aervice wW be held at 7 p.m. Wfld. netday with Vicar 'R a y Scheifelbein. speakine on the theme "We Hope For Peace." UllRA •Sept. 23-0<:!. II): pl-.,. pal f<>ltlber. C)'de AvoJd rushin1 and ~rowds. Bt Ia hiah. You .meet people, p , with thou who lbare yoor 11> pl,... and do th!nis. TUo 111- terests. Keynote moderatiOn. itlaUve. ''Christ AmOngst the Com· mOnplace" Q the message the R-ev. Donald E. Roberts has sel~ for Sunday .at Cluist Prdby$eriu Cburcb, 201 IZ Magnolia, Huntington Beach. Church service ia at 9:30 a.m. with \he small.try church The Human Right! Day Progr,am la.st week t h e Baha'ls o! Orange County pre~ented awards to Mrs. Sadie Reid of the Creative Children Center in Santa Ana ; and Step)len. Jones . of.· 1.he ArneMc:m Ind ian Lqre Association in Garden Grove as well as to the" Orange Coun- ty Fair Housin1 Co u n c l I represent.ative. ' school meeting during the Member! o! the ·Cosla Mesa LUtHraa Ou.re" ol *" M~1ter, Z?OO Pacifl.c~ View Drive; Corona del Mar oUen:' two hOun of worship at 9.JI and 11 a.m. For two Sunda,.vs the adult membership will meet · between the hours cl worship to study, examlile and share In the IJleaninJ of evan&elism. Sunda'y church-s c h o o I classes are offe~ for all ages at lO·a.m. Remember promises made to IF TOD.l Y JS Y O U I\ yourself conce.1lng health, BIRntDAY you have knack rw-eatlon and word._ for N'lfi.1' people •. You pact SCORPIO (Oct. %3-Nov. dramatic punt'h. This .could lie 21): Chl,ldren, persons ·with e1pre1sed in oratory-or much vitality brighten your · wrlUng. Recent chanae af- day. Be £0ffitnUnlcative. En-fecting home life was . ri&bt courage change, travel, varJe-thlnlf to do. ty. Break loc:M from status 'To HM eul .pe•1 luckt tor 1'111' Ill quo. -Mod iow. .,., ,.,....,. ~ SAG11TARIUS (N -bool<ll'I, '"S.Crl't Hlt1h fef' IMft ..,. O\.'. "'° V/IH!\I!~." knd bft111dt119 9!'111 ,lt afl1't Dec. 21 ): ·Home, personal en-to 0m1rr .t.11.-vio.w s.c...i., ""DAILY vlronment are -n•-, of at-l'ILOT, e. »o10.-Gt1tod. c1t1tr11 11 .. '-'" "" tlM, Now .Yfflt. N.Y. IW17. tention. Stick with th e[p;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j landllar .. AeeenL .dlploma<:y. ffgntilwtan V•Lu You get ve:r little by forcing ''""I' 8l5J worship houn:. Third through Foarsqu•~ Chure", I 7 3 4 JurUcr High grades meet at II . Orange Ave. and their g\le!ts A feedback class for adults is will gather in the church held ac this time. Child-care is "-30efal hall Thursday, for a provided during these "hours. church Chr!Stmas dinne r, Issues: Ride with the Lide. · With the J!<v. Paul c. Loved ... will respond . Fun GO-. · 1. ··.··-'hlv Bf&emtyer . in the pulpit,· Ci\PJUCORN (DeC. 22-Jan. ~ ~111111 The Goldt11west Community featurin~ turkey and home Choir will present · t h e i r baked pies. Christ mas music at 4 p.m. The women of the church Sunday. The .. public is 1,1'il1 meet Friday, for the UF\V wel~me. Christmas party in the home J\.1e11a Verde United Pl1etbod.i1t ' 19): Visits trom or to relatives Cbw-d, 1701 Baker St., Costa DAILY l'IL'OT 11.tt•""'" • featured today. Short trip' ap. Mesa, will have Si, n.d.a y Fattailies -W elcottaed ' pe1rs to be ~· agenda. Check worship services at 9 and apPQiriunents. You tend to 10:30 a.m. Sermon topic is 111 n· h d' L I 'I A th D . d M Do C ell If' left) take for , granted that others '!Christmas !Jelongs to Our J1 rs. 1c ar arze ere, ,,. rs. t; ur rl~ler an rs ~ n ro\v rom · are familiar with y o·u r World."" deck the halls of Christ Church by the Sea, Ne,vport ·Beach·, in preparation achedule. The' Church School v.•ill meft of the ''Families Come to Christm's" Program. An .original ·drama is planned AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Ftb: fo r the candie'iigtit·Sei'vice of music and wOrsbip at the ch.urcb Sunday, 3 p.m. 111 ·Rev·e bud et min ......... lWr M•w. ._...._At 609 11th St. Huntlng!O" .leach 11 1.m.~Sund•r:-7 e-m. A SPECIAL WELCOME TO NEW RESIDENTS A Christmas eve communion of Mrs. Milt McBride ·Of servi~ will be held Det. 24 11 Newport Beach. Secret pals p.m. ' will be -revealed and gifts ei:- changed. Starting with family worship at 10:50 a.m., Tbt First Auembly of God Charcb wia begin the Christmas season services Sunday. Pastor M. C. Cronic will speak on "The Word f.fade Flesh." The Westmloster Brelhrtn Cburcb chancel choir com - bines Vt'ith WhitUer Brethren Church Choir to present John W. Peterson's Chrtstmas Can- tata entitled.-''Night of 1t1iracles," Sunday. 7 p.m. The performance is slated at the \\'estmlnster Brethren Church, 14614 Magnolia A\'e. with classes for all age! Jt 9 : t \V g , ea i a.m. At 10:30 a.m. nursery ,~po~leniiiitial~. ~Y~o~"i"'iii'~'JMl~b~le~ol~·iiii~f~~~~~~~ through sixth grade will meel. --------------------....,.---....,.~-~--I 1 l M"· Wed ,. t 6 '" th ·bring copies· of rare and old a short message by the Rev. Evangelist RaJph Domette 1 Sunday at 7 p.m. the church choir v.i.11 be singing a Christmas cantata, ''the Word ~fade Flesh." The church is located at 1~7 22nd St., Costa f.fesa. . ne:.uay a :....., p.m., e " •'-·-'ll be k f th Pt1ethodist Men will meet for· a Bibles which the y own. · ~'The Book or J.ob is '"'"" ti-wi gue11t speJ er · or· e catered d" e ·th ........ The Rev. James E. Piercy. tie of a talk' to be presented at day mn r W1 g.,..,., h JO '" nd · Bt'ble cla·-· w1·11 be held at speaker, the Rev. James o. 1,1·ill speak duri'ng both Sunday I e :"" a.m. su ay service ,,....... stew· art. minister of the \\1orship hours, 8:30 an d 10:40 of the COii.a Mesa· Unitarian 9:00 a.m. _I United f\.1ethodist Church al a.m. on "God·s Word For All Universallst Church, 1259 Vic- Irvine. People." toria St. The speaker. Geor~e "The Word of God" Is the Kuyper of Cos ta Mesa, taught sermon slated for 10 a.m. "Ho1v T_hey .Kne11· He \\'as literature for 20 years at services of Newport U11\ty Ruth Shapiro. a d r a f t Coming." a sennon by Pastor B U . .t N y k 11 C l.S C 11 Stanely P. Allen .will be heard oston n1vers1 y. ew or Church Sunday. The Re v. Dr.'Charles H. Dierenfield, counse or at a tale . o ~ge at Fountain Va lley University and the University Loren Flickinger will present will preach "OtrisUikeness" in at Fullerton will speak lo the PresbyUrian Church, 9 4 2 0 of Michigan, and subsequently his message 111 the Senior his Advent series entitled U • I t a r I • 11 · U n i ver<1alist managed the C h i c a g o Cltiuns Building, 15th and On. Sunday at Comm••t'ty Talbert, at the 11 a.m. serviC1! ., '"'' "The Vocab u I a r y of FeU01J1blp of Laguna Reach. Symph~ny, and the Hollywood Irvine., Newport Beach. United Methodist Church, the Christmas" at the 3, 9:30 and on Sunday morning. Her topic Sunday. Bowl and Los Ange I es SingsJ>lration will be held Rev. Charles L. Rose will t i a.m. 1ervifes at SL is "The Ethics of Dr.aft The Sunday SctioOl Bi b 1 e Philharmonic Symphonies. He Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. preach at both the 9 and 10:30 -Andrtw'i pre 5 by t·e r 11 n Counselling." classes will precede at 9:45 is immediate past president of flemoricd 'pork . .Yht Sou1h/111ul1 Most BtllMiiful 111tmori4/s MAUSOLlUM • COl.UMIAttU"4 • CfMtfltY m~:EjTRE~.~~~_!ORLD ... .W.MllS....AMINO...,.· BIBLE THOUGHTS a.m. services. The title o( his Cbarcb, 600 St. Andrew'1 ....__ eel' g · t f JO 30 a.m. CHART, the Citizens' Harbor Preaching "The CaJJ or the sennon is "The Greatest Road , Newport Beach. 11 1'1: mt •Lenon is se Porl ·• . At the 7:30 p.m. serviC1! the Area Research Team. Lord." Or. Phlllp G. Murray llCISSIYI snoN• DllHI "''"'''woe, . Gift." Nurse"' car for the a.m. 8 re or ne!" s t ·11 •-d d" i r ) 1orrew, co11!011tieri, DebDlin1, we1,111d1 o!HI · ., ·1 bl t both A children's choir vesper Creative Dance Studio." 3.16 N. pa s or "'1 rea a iscuss on ° wi I speak durin g the 10 a.m. very young ts av<!l a ea 1 .11 be 1 d . the momirig message along Cele'·ating New Testament . 1 ~-d 1 l\I rod oye1, fh1 l iDle •1..,. I''· 2J;2tl e11tl hours as well as church school serv C1! w1 presen e in Coast Highway, Lag u n a Yiilh comments on "Why \\'e_ .,. service J ....... _. e ar . "-it ltlteth Ii•• • •••p111t •114 iti119oth classes fo;r young people the sanctuary Sunday at 4:30 Beach. Are an 1 n dependent Evangelism Day, F'lnl Chris-Com DI. u •It Y C ti a r c h , 1;•• 111 icldir" 1 .. ,,.. Jll. MILLIONS of through the sixth ..,.adc. p.m. with primary choir, S d 1 lh b . Ch tian Church of Laguna Beach, CongreiaUonal, 611 Heliotrope dr11n•1rd1 111tl th1ir f1mill11 c111 to1tifv •· · · h · d · · h' h · un ay e \'en n g · e Pres yterian urch". ~0~ Leg'oon St w\11 hold Ave Sunda·y ~u,ch school th1t tk!1 11 tr.Jo. E•eeuiw1 1tro111 tlri~k ;, Cla sses for youth ( r om Junior c o•r an 1uruor ig f e!loy,·ship w·iU hear Dr. Inge "°" ·· ·• · '-'" • sev.'lh lhrougll t We I (th choiN...1?..articipating. "ell. leclu,•r at UC I. and Th .. R Th E. .. y,·orship se rvices Sunday at and child care are provided at probebly +11, world's 9ro1t11t CURSE. u " e e\" oma3 10 •; d 6 th h ANO WORST OF All. the Bible 11y1 110 cl ru11k1rd 1h1U onto• grades is held at the 9 a.m. ·--11 · · ~ · :., a.m. an P · m · e same our. · The cong regation or Hun-Claren1ont Co e g es. en Benvenuti. pastor of the Glad •1----,-----------~------!\ HEAVEN! ! I Cor. l ;I O, G•I. 5:21, h1 .5:11 L A D•UNl(All:D ;, hoor only. The adult Bible "Forces in the Left l\'ing 1'lu-Tidings A.!lsembly of God 1011 ElERNALLY. I I I 9 d lington Beach United Church • G • 1 •vo10 • • · 1 1 k '' 1· t · c ass a so meets a a.m. an dent Movement." The eveni'lg Church, -15th and f..1onr0vi a l ... '"'• w1y o ,.. ••11n on111 ,. • n1v1• • o • .,, "P· ''The Architects," a class for of Religious Science, 420 Tenth meeting will be held at 8 p.m. Streets, Newporl Beach will C:''~., ""'· ,. ,. II Whv will 1 vo11n9 p111011 i••J1•rdi10 hi1 h1ppi1101i h1r1 eMI h1•1· d (•· Is 1 JO 30 St .. will hea r the Rev. Ernest 1Hor by ••p1r11111ntin9 witk 1t1011t drin•l On1 11evor know1, 11ntil a u"" mee a : a.m. at S"" 01·amond SI., Laguna Benvenuti entitled "Whose 11 I Pate speak on ' 'Cosmic "" TOO LATE, wh1 thor hit ~h1mic.1l t111k o-11p i1 1uch !hit ... wi on y. C · " S d 11 Beach Star Are You Following?"' ~ / bo,11m1 1 drunk1rd! Tho TOTAL AISTAINER h11 bottor h11 lffi • Tue ~1ethodist y 0 u t h ansc1ousness un ay, · . , r . am , be speaking Sunday at the i nd 1 b1ttor life by 0Yoidin9 11,ohot. A ye11n9 f1Uew i1 MOPE. el!C)WShip groups meet "each . . • . Getlrge A Kuypt"r v.ill be 10:50 a.m. service. His theme .t\8S·giftS for th• mamas OF A MAN te r1fy10 1ho11'9 drin• ik1ri 1r1 hl1 c.omp111io111 who Sunday al 7 p.m. in the church Chrlsbnas c a n.d I ~ 11 .g ht ll! -·· . t th JO ·"n ... ,·11 i..~ "' Fao'th Thal w1·11 r.1 • fill for it • .lo 111111 1n•111h •• 11y, "NO". . . •· !0¢f;al 'hall -~ Heil -Ave r. acv.ice will be held Wed--e ·"~er .a . e .w a .m . ·T~H " " fil and th_ e_papa_S •. , , the Uncles IY THE &llACE OF &OD, dr1111k_1r41 c111 l1ovo thit •i•i••• li1liit --. ' . ...: .... e;idi B -· M be" • ofih _.SW>d~ -~( _.9t the eav.eQ. · -t:ti ind c11t it 0H.1P.•11I 11itl, '"I c111 d • ALL thi11t1 lhroefh CHRIST Huntington Beach. -~outh 1gtt!pm~lf ~ke rsp3rt j~ unna·r~Sn '!nfVerRHst 1."buftb, · :.~ 7 ·p.tn . .:Rl'Vice· will : Ql i . and the 8Un' 7 ...tM.t.."4ffe11tffi .. ofll lfto", Phil .. .41 I J. L..J, tit. tlr1111••r<ll ro1ol•• t• The Ch r i 1 tm 1 1 St.ory the service which will feature 12.59 Vt;tor1_a St., 1 C~a Mesa. highlighte~ by the weekly: B D I B k II 1t"'y +111" flt. ef Jflirt 111 hi1 1111! eM .. ~.¥ 0M<lll111co orrtl •~•.,-;; s,......ial music by Mrs. LeRoy His topic will be 'The Book of sJng'!pir,alion.. A Ch.r\~as " 8 ton,. 00 Se 8f ro!.11• him11ll fr11 111 the· SLAVERY •f 1fro119 .!rink/ C•in1, study Today!" a one act r-~ Job" Cantata called A Ni,....t ol the ltble wltli "'· Churdl •f ·Chri1t, 21.1,.,.w. Wll\:111 ,St., c .. t. Play, will be pr·'·n•·d by the Ben.son soloist and Mrs. Paul · · . 6" . 5 F11hion hl1M, N,w,ert l11ch t 2•60 17141 '44.0041 • • • ~ l.'<= R . h d · · t Miracles will be sung. Th13 M11•, C1lif. t2l:r7. Juruor high, high school and ic ar son, pianis · "The Quality of Holiness". ~e~'ivl~e~e iw~il~I ~beiieooe:ii~lu~dtd~iw~ll~h~iiii.:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~17~1~4~1 ~t~Jl~-·~•~oo~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii college youth at W • r • e r . B I second . in· the sen·es of Avenue -Baptist Ctr d r c b , egi nning Sunday schoo al Warner Avenue at Gothard 9:45 a.m. Hunt I 11 g eon • sennons entitled ''Th e Street, Huntingto.1 BeaCh. Sun-Valley Bapdst Cburcti. 9779 Qualiti~ of Christmas" will day, 11 p.m. The cast includes Slater Ave., Fountain Valley, be preached by the Rev. David Carol Todd, O&\\'ll HarriS, Gail conducts morning worship at DiProfio at Christ Church by ~1oe, Sue Christian, Marjorie ti o"clock. Pastor James Her-lhe Sea. 1400 \V. Balboa Blvd .. S3sseen' John Harri!, Cynthia t.1gton is presenting a series of Newport Beach. Early worship Carlson, Derek Slater, and messages on Faith frqm and church school meet .c.t Marjorie w j Jc 0 x . Also Hebrews chapter II . 9:30 a.m. with morn i ng performing are f..like Kutiel, The Youth Hour for junior worship at II o'clock. Nurser)' Mark Williams and Warren and senior high young people care is provided at both Carlson. is at S p.m. with the evening services. Preceding the play, ,f9ur service following at II o'clock. add to PULPIT department3 of the Sunday school wJll present t h e Christmas 11tory in song and -.. 1101 BED EXPANSION) & • • • . • t reeit.ations. Temple S"anm, the con- servative temple of t h e Harbor area. 617 W. Hamilton. Costa llfesa, celebrates today Bar-Mitzvah of D a n i e I Granite. son Of Mr .. and 1t1rs. Bryant Granite, "'ho will read a portion of the Haftorah dur· ing the services, which will begin at 10 a.m. Harbor Reform Temple "·ill hold regular sabbath services F'rklay at St. Jamn Episcopal Oiurch, 3209 Vla LI d.o., Newport Beach at 3: 15 p.m. During the service, l.1 e 1 Gilbert will be called to the Torah for honor a11 Bar Mitzvah. An Oneg Shabbat hooted by Mr. and fl.1rs. Henry Gilbel1 will follow the service. SANTA ANA ' ' The congre.ation meets for Sunday worship at 10 :30 a.m. at ResurrecUon Lutbtran Church, 981% Hamilton, Hun· tington Beach. Pastor Arthur R. Tingley, will speak on ''Prep1:r a ti on Wlth A Purpost.'' Sunday church s c h o o I sessions rar third graders and older children is held at 9 a.m. Nursery age through second graders meet at 10:30 a.m. Seventh and ·eighth grade youth wUI meff_ at 5 p.m. to leave for the Chr ist ma s Pageartt tit Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Buena Park. Redlands University 's Bra§! and Woodwind Quintet! will be featu~ in a mUJ'ilcal Advent · series program, at Fal~. Latlteru Osarcll, 34381 Calle Portola, Capistrano Beach, Sunday, 7:30 p.m. A special churi:h program, featurinc Faith Lutheran·a 0\\'11 musical mld dramatic talent. la achedultcl. Dec. %1, 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend both programs. No ad· mission will be charged. Rabbi Garson GOQdman, spiritual leader o! Temple Sharon, will address the Bar- f\fitivah on "What You Dream About." Regular sabbath services y:ill be held Friday at 3: 15 p.m. y;ith Rabbi · Goodman speaking on "Jewish Concept of the Messiah.·• A regular social hour will follow the service. "\\'orship God: Th r oug h Scripture and 1.lusic"' is the sermon topic seltcted by the Rev. Norman t,. B~own for Sunday, at the Plymoutll Congrec.Uoaal Cbarc:b o f Newport Harbor, 3262 Broad St.. Newport Beach. Worship Service and Sunday School are .held at JO a.m. with baliysit· ting service provided. The story of the Nativity related through a con- temporary cont.at.a will unfokl fur friend s and members of the fmbyterlu Chrdl « tbe Master , Mission Viejo, Sunday afternoon . Members ol the cburclt 11 adult choir will present '\~ Ci· ty of the King" in a free con- cert at 3 p.m. al La Paz lntennediate Sc h o o I , tem- porary meeting place of . the congregation. The cantata, by Jack Coleman of Santa 4na, is a new work and has been heard only infrequelltly in this area prior to this Christmas. Twelve pages from old and rare boob have been given to Finl Cbr\1Uan Charcll; 792 Victoria St., Costa ~fesa by The thinf Sunday in Advent Stanley S. Slotlpn, a founder of will feature the. Rev. Lother Abbey Rents. These pages Will Tornow using the theme. be displayed along with a "Watch Out -He Is Coming'' reproduction of the \itle pages Christmas activities al the al both the 1:15 and II a.m. of each book at Ult church's Finl Bapti1& Cllarcll of Hun-servk:es Sunday al Christ on Sunday. ttngton Beac:• will begin on Lutheran Cburcb, 760 Victoria, The church also will feature Sunday at the 7 p.m. service Costa Mesa. a display cl Bibles which ln- with c•rol singing. A bus iness At 7. p.m. Swxlay I.he senior eludes Bibles in the original meellng will (ollow UM! carol-cholr will pre:sent a Christmas Hebrew and Greek. Jn ad- ing with electioa ol Offk:era for cantata, "A Night of dlllon, mtmber1 of thl!' ton· 1970. ' • Miracles'' tn the church gregation have been asked to n.. Rtv. Will~ J. Loar willl;;:;=========""'""'====== brine a pre·Chrl•lm.11 me:ssqe at both momma: mv\ces 1;30 Lm. It Pttka Cha.pet, 71JI Bolsa Ave., Westmlpltet and 11 a.m. al the Huntington Beach Ch1pe:L 11th and Orange. Church school bat 9:30 a.m. Young people will decoratr the church and tree today. Huntington S.adt ORTHODOX* PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ,..., .",....,.. •Nat '''' ..... It,." ............. N11nery for Hl'lell c.hil4ren MOll:N IN• WORSHIP -11 :M 4.M. ""· "",,. w ... .,... "Tht Unfoldment of World t•t·7llJ .. 124·1fl4 Civlliutlon" h3$ been chosen by ~frs, Richard Mirkovich ror •C1111fo,...,1 I• tlio1e b11!1f1 1M pr1ctic11 h1ltl hiit.1ic1Uv.., her talk at the U.1 C.ter,. ~-------'-"-'-''-''-'1_'_"_· ----------.~· ,. BRISTOL CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL~ ' . 1209W •. HEMLOCK WAY, SANTA ANA -. (714) ·546-1966 SUNDAY The . Public .ts Co rdially .. Invited D .. ECEMBER 14th 1 to 5 P.M. to Attend: Lttncheou Buffet 1 to 3 flrn Sttnday, Dec. 14th • RIBBON cumNG AT 1 P.M. ~ SUNDAY • MAYOR Of SANTA ANA -MISS SANTA ANA NOW - ACCIP11NG RESERVATIONS e OTHER CIVIC & LPCAL LEADERS IN AmNDANCE ,. '° .. '" COAST ........ ~; WAIHll IT. .. ~. Ii co• .. uscm S -ITAL a I ( ' • . ' - • ~omment • • • • ' Evolution of a ,Ha1vk-Type Marine By ROD SMITH t;icactly two years ago today, (Nov, 16 l, T WTOtt a Idler to this newspaper Iron) Vietnam. where 1 was serving in Uie P.tarine Corps, A good frifnd in my unlt had just been killed and in my grleI.· l v.•as especially furious with some or lhe dissenting opinions being expressed at home. The second aMiversary vf that letter finds me returning from \Vashington, D.C. after participating in the ~1oratoriurn there. Obviously there have been some changes in my thinking In those two years. I would like to atteinpt to explain aDd justify these changes as a part or my description ot what I saw hall"' petting in the Capitol this weekend. Sb: ol us left Hanover. New Hampshire , In my van on Thursday evening. Dartmouth was just beginning its big fall weekend with all the festivities ;tncl an undefeated football team to en~y. The great majority ot people, like the rest or Mr. Nlxon's "silent majority," "-'ere too busy for political opinion. Only one busload Of studenls and area residents took the trip arranged by the local Moratorium Committee in addition to the handful 0( us who drove our own cars. ARRIVING in Washington about 4 a.m. !he following morning, we reported to one or the live reception centers that had been set up in local churches. It was at the center which was to be our base for the weekend, that we saw our first glimpse of the organization and coopera- tion that marked the entire weekend. The churdi social hall was filled with ta bles manned by young people, each table pro- viding a cliffereot ~e. Maps were provided, tmormat:ion _passed on housing arnnged, baggago -ed. and coffee and .sandwiches handed out. It was aooa obvious that the limited Support Building Toward Dropping Two-Thll·ds Rule Support ~ building statewide_ for elimination of California's two thirds rule l or Joeal bond elecUoos, and chances are good that the rule may be struck down in ~ near future as uilconstitutional. The action would apPeat lo be coming .none too soon. A minority of voters in about half the naUon are blocking new facilities for water supply, educatiori', transportation, sanitation and recreation, all of which could go far in improving the q_uality of life and easing social tension. A negative vote, in etfect , has the force of two ballots against a single positive \'Ole in Ca1ifornia elections, according to 1 study released by the tlniversity of Ca1ifornia. A grow ing nu1nbe:r of recent court decisions are holding th at this violates the "one man-one vole'' prin· ciple. THE STUDY, issued by the J.;C Institute o( Governmental Studies in Berkeley. is authored by assistant Direc- tor Stanley Scott and Randy Hamilton. e1ecutive director Of the off-campus Jnatitute for Local Self Government. The writers concentrate their fire on the social inequitits, they see resulting from existing bond vOte lay.·s: "One of the crucial means \vhercby minority-group citizens can improve their Jives, and those of their children, ls the appropriate use of public services, especially public assi sted f'ducation. training and housing programs, Per1nit- ting an affluent and privileged minority to withhold such desperately needed racililies from another minorhy -the latter already being under-privileged and probably impoveri shed -even ·when a community's majority endorses the necessary capital outlay, is odious in the extreme. Yet a critical appraisal shows that precisely thi s kind of outcome is permitted -and in many cases virtually guaranteed -by lhe two lhirds majority nquirement in general obligation bond elect.ions.·· TI:IE STUD\' poin1 s oul that re\\' pe<>ple vote in bond elections (averaging only 27 pe~nt over a ten year period in California). v>'hich magnifies the po"'er of "small sophistica1ed minorities that are also skilled In the processes of election campaigning and getting out the vote." l it about half ot such clect1onS". they find, nlne percent or !ewer or the registered \'Oler!! can block school !lnatl('lng -pro· posals. \\'tslern Outdoor ~tws --iW- Saturday, o.Cember 13. 1969 The Comment Page or the • Daily Pilot seeks to inform end stimulate readers by pre.senting a variety of com· mentary on topics or inter· est and significance from lnror.med observers a n d ipokesme.n. Rob.rt N. WHd, Publl1h<r ~I I " haW a mUUon. some say over a million. Two '1 ears Ago and.:.~ow . ,,,. actual mber is be<ide the point. Whal Is important Is' ihat a mass or AmeriCanl, r crowd beyOl!d counUng, had found a r.C.t.of national policy ,., repug· nant that they drove hundreds of miles lo .lileep on . floors, march in the rain and wind, and risk being gased and clubbed to give Mr.' Nixon their ~ge. \Vhen he was a young llfarine_ lwo years ago, Rod Sniilh wrote o letter from Viett1om to his hometown news· paper, the San Luis Obispo Teltgram· Tribune. Jt was a hawkish letttr, staC· ing. among other vitws, tllat, "It is not u nuijority of our ~les who re- sist defending their nation but mer~· ly a shameless thoug/~ voci/erou.s mi- 11ority." ' response o( the Hanover area was not typical ; people were pouring in from all over the country. There was a continuous i.1ream of arrivals from places as far away as Colorado, Vermont and Michigan, which· sent a contingent ol 6,000 from Ann Arbor alone. THE CHURCH sanctuary was open to provide a sleeping area for ~ too tired from traveling t-o immediately join in the march on death. which had been under way since the night before. The march was a single file line Of prote9ters that began at Arlington. Cemetery, where each participant received a placard with the name of an American killed in Viet- nam. T·he line of march wound through downtown \Vashington for 4~2: miles, past the white House where each participant turned to face the building and shout the name he was carrying, and ended on the step.s of the Capitol building, where each ' name \\'as placed in a waiting coffin. Running for 36 continuous hours, de· spite cold and, at times rain, the march was one of the m06t touching events I \vitnessed. Al!. a participant, I could not help noticing I.he friendliness and cooper· A·11d Jatt month, Rod Smith showed up 0$ a member of iluu ;'shamt"ltss minoritM'. ~· ~ ivhen ,s'mfth participated in the war morat(>'ri.um activitiu in ~wash· ingtOfl, D.f., tht Teleprom.Tribune askei:t for some of his obseroctiont. The vitWB hl expressed contrOJt in· tere.stfnQtM' ,Wfth thoie he held two 1Jtars a.QO; • a lion of lhe pcilice, 'the bewildermnt or the passers-by the almost complete ab- sence of heckleTs, and most of all the sadn.ess and solemnity of the marchers. It was also diffic_ull to miss the Anny helicopter flying at Jess than a hundred feet over the starting point taking pie· tures. OVERAU., the 1'-1oratorium \vas con- spicuously -pea.ceiuI, in small Par~ because we had our ovm regulatory force in the marsha15, but largely because !he people who gathered in Washington did so because we had something to say and we knew that any kind of violent eruption would completely defeat that purpose. THERE 'VERE fl() incidents. The march and the rally came off without a hitch. Several speeches were delivered hy national figures, including Senators 1\1cCarthy and McGovern, and some great entertainers kept the crowd singing. By 5 p.m. it was all over as Iar as the November M<Watorium was con- cerned. An exodus so large that its thirst for gas closed evf!IY turnpike service sta4 tioo from Washington to Southern New Jersey had begun. "We will never know how many poople were there. Some say \ \\ lN ALL PROBABllJTY, the President will call •once again on the "silent ma4 jority" for support. You. if yoo are a membm' ol. that group, will hear some empty platitudes and a call for national unity. 1 am not asking you to abandon that ca ll. I am not calling fOr the destruc· tion of our society.lam simply asking, i:t Ute name or over 40.000 Americans who !lave died in Vietnam and in the name of thousands who will die in the future it our present policy continues, to think. You, as an ' individual. have been , granted a great potential of mental energy. Use it. You are going to be asked to support the President because he is President. You are going to be asked once again to accept the notion of presidential infallibility. Remember this: There are human lives at stake, thou.sands of them. I am as aware as-any or the sacrifices that have been made in Vietnam. I was there. I was wounded there. I saw friends die there. I know how ha.rd it is to back away from something that represenls SG great a sacrifice and see it all as a tragic mistake. But \\'e can't correct a mistake "by continuing to make it while we wail for change. Time costs lives. ASK YOURSELF these questl~: As a member of the "silent majority," do you actually support our policy or do you :simply accept it as a fact of life? How much do you know about the I • \._ d "i..· '-' (i:<I, '• ., ,,. ,, ~ ' -· >,, • Hell • ID Paradise Californians Like Their Nanies to Be Happy Tht name CALIFORNIA designated a utopia of gold. pearls, and beautiful bl~ck \.\'Omen several decades before some navigator applied it to a point in what is no\v geographically Lov.•er California. A glance through the third edition of "Cali- fornia Place Names" by Erwin G. Gudde, published recently by the Universi ty of California Press. reveals that utopian place naming is a California tradition. The celebrators of California's Bicentennial can note with pride that California has some fifty places given the utopian name of PARADISE, apparently because of their resen1blance to the abode o( the blessed. However, in Butte County, Helltown is only five niiles northeast of Paradise -an interesting union. -- The place name l!APPY \\'as as popular with the prospectors in gold-rush days as il is now with the real-estate developers, and HARMONY \\"as used frequently by the pioneer scltlers during the Civil War. GOLDEN GATE, a name given by Fre· 1nont to the entrance to the San Fran- cisco Bay. prophetically foreshadowed the discovery of gold in California two years later. Not all of Calirornia's place name!'. foresa\v a rosy ruture. The realist had an equal hand in giving names to towns and places. While YOSEMITE i.s a beautiful name known all over the world. it is of lowly origin. Tt is the Miwok Indian word for "grizzlies" and was applied to the In- dians of the "deep and grassy valley" because of their lawless character. The name of about twenty feat ures in the state include the word BLOOD or BLOODY. Usually the name was applied because blood JIO\\'ed there, though sometimes it may have been used in jest or becaust of a cursing Englishman. BLOODY MOUNTAIN, in r-.1ono County, is the slope of a peak where it is said escaped CQnvicts fought ln (leadly battle \\'ith a posse in 1871. UC Clip Sheet .-------------fl11r ~Ian In .San l •'rancisco-------------, Who Leers at Lassies? By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -\\'ho keeps the topless joints in business? So-called solid middle class citizens disguised as tourists -the very counterparts o{ those San Franciscans \\lho yell loudest about the "disgrace" of Bav.·d\1•ay ..• ~low many letters are i:oing through lhe mails these days \.\'ith only a Blue Chip Stamp in the up- per right h:ind corner'? I must rcceivr li\"e a \veek . NOBOD\' ASKED mC'. but: Goldir l~:n\·n. Arte Johl\SOn and Judy Ca rne gel all the publicity. but for me, It'!! ,\!Ian Suts \1•ho makes •·Laugh-in" \1wth watching. ding-a -ling-a-ling! .. , SAY NOW: ll may just be po$Siblc that I kno\' something you dOn 't. Likr, ha\!C yoo ever heard of the Gravander Spinners ol ~111rin County? Don't all raise your hands al. ooct. There are 2.l members, headed by ~frs. Axel Valborg Gravarider, and they collec t the hair she(I by camels at the S.f'. Zoo and weave it into rugs, stoles and draperies. Beautiful. The Spinners made enough from the s.1le of these rtf"ms to buy their very O\\'fl camel, nam~ Gravaoder. ol L'Our~. from the Dallas Zoo for $3000' Gravandtr ii :u n11r 1.00. s'hrdding likC' crazy for the good ladltis. Or he v.·as ""hen last l looked. Up lo 'is .ankles in 'air, 't wui. ' AN 0 T ti ER BREAKTHROUGH: Such sentences as "Police rounded up na rc otics addict s. drunks. 1>3nhandlers, homosexuals and drif- ters'' v.·on't be seen again in the im- pudent N.Y Times. "Homosexual is no longer uni versally considered a tern1 of opprobium," reads an editor',; memo lo the !!!faff. .. If you mean 'soliciting homooeX"Uals' or 'h01nosex- ual proslitutes.' say it that "'.ay" .. JnstructJon to myself: "In San Fran- cisco. 'drunk' is not considered oppro- brious. lf you tnean 'falling-down drunk' or 'passed·out drunk,' say lt thait way." "OUM SPIRO. SPERO" is not some kind or effete intelleclual crack at our reveN!d Vice-President. As JOhn \\', Cujt> reminds us again, it's the motto of SOuth Carolina, fnd means ·'Whilt [ Breathe. I Hope.'' As n1any a faU lng- down drunk haa said to ~lf ji.i.st btfore passuig out. • GR.EAT LINE trom an oJd·Ume custom tail<W'; "All my lire I've beard that t01iloring Is a dying art. But there v.•lll ~lways bt' a need for us as long as thctt are C'rlppl es. cranks and gentlemen. , ,f.vrr bought a Mtrlllr Nlte U1 e? Guarantee on the box : '"If. V.'flhin 100 years of putthsst, I bulb shQuld burn out, simply return Ii arid It \\'ill be rtpl1eed f r t e, '' Unfortunately , people burn out faster. JR.REVERENCE is everyv.'hete., as the Rev. I.ester Kinsolving will be the first to tell you. He wa s in the Washington hdqs. of the FBI the other clay, stepped into a lobby phone booth lo make a call and found the usual ar· ray Qi numbers scribbled on the wall, lneluding one for -Al CapQne! \\'lllTER JACK F I NN E Y, C:t· 1>1a1nlng ...,·hy even the most elegant I.as Vegas botels have thei r lobbies cluttered \1·i1h nickel slot 1nachines: '"They're actually lhe generators that llght the place. Ha ven't you notiCed hO\\' dark it gets 3round S a.m.?" IN HIS ROO.\t at ~1t. Zion. \VrlU!r John Raymond had just swallowed two pa in killers when his •·iJe, Judith C;isc, had him 5e"Ved \\ith dlvorct papers. He's fl&illlng it on the 1round11 that they were never legally married iyou inay ~all they were ''joined" two years 1go by Sorcerer Anton LaVey in a ~lied "Stit&nic 1\lar- riage''-the dC\'iJ you s~yl. If l10U PEEi\ into the pit at tho Curr1;n. yoo will notkt that J ulian Stein, cond~tor QI .. li91," plays chess witl1 his C'ontertrna.!ter b t t wt e n musical numbus:. 1'bt audience has na $tich div~ons. I h.LsUry ol OW' involvement in Vietnam~ What do you know about the Saigon government which we have supported with 46,000 American lives? artillery we have provldecl cannot induce the South Vietnamese army to fight? Are you willing to continue lo sacrifice American Jives in the hope that Mr. Nix· on might be able to salvage a favorable niche for himself in history? Why did that government receive only 30 perceot of the vote in Ule 1967 federal elections, while ca ndidates who ad· vocated an immediate peace received a majority? ' Why is the peace candidale who is most popular slill in prisoo in Saigon? Citizens, friends, we, as a np.tion, can be wrong and we are. Every day that passes is another tragedy. Part of being great is the ability to admit 11 mlslake and recover from it. Because Americans are dying right now in a war that no one ean explain, you have an obligation to at least learn enough facts to know why you support whatever position you <Ip. Disse nt in our democracy is no crime. Apathy is. Why do _the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong conlinue to fight with nothing more than the packs on their backs while all the planes and tanks· and ships and ·1~·.,,· ' • Things You Should Knoiv About • • ALCOHOIJ This 20.question quiz on alcohol •nd drinking was p,..,.red by the Committff on Medicolegal Problems of the American Medical Association. It has bffn di1tributed in pemphler'form by the Auto Club of Southern .California. I O Ye s O No 1-ls .this a satisfactory definition of "under the in-\!. fluence ,of-alcohol"? "A person is under the in· I" fluence of alcohol when, due to the imbibing of. alcohol, he has lost to any extent some or that ~ clearness of intell ect and self-control that he t \vould other\vise possess." t D Yes O No 2-Can you diagnose drunkenness by physical ex-t·~ O Yes O Yes O Yes O Yes amination? '· O No 3-Is alcohol a stimulant? O No 4-Can you detect alcohol on a person's breath? O No 5-ls alcohol a good remedy for snake bite? D No &-Will you get as drunk on beer as by drinking the -.-.-same amount of alcohol in stronger drinks? ~ O Y•s O No 7-Will you gel drunker by switching drinks than by • taking the same amount of alcohol in one form j such. as bourbon ? O Yes O No ?-Does the eating of onions or garUc interfere with the breath test !or aJcoho'l? • O Yes O No 9---ln a diabetic \Vould the sugar in the blood pr.-r ?, duce enough alcohol to interfere with the blood I.est for alcohol? O Yes O No 10-Js alcohol a member ot the anesthetic series ot drugs? O Yes O No IJ--...o:.;hould you \Vait at least 3 hours after drinking ~ 2 highbaJls to be sure of safe driving? 'f: O Yes O No 12-Is alcohol taken as a medicine necessary in the ~ treatment for any disease? I O Yes O No 13-Does alcohol increase the ,visual acuity or the! acui'ty of any other sense? C Y•s O No 14-Will taking a drink of waler the morning after ii \ the night before when considerable wine wa! · dn1nk produce intoxication? O Yes O No 15-Is it a good policy to take a few .. shots'' of whis-1 k.ey to \varm one up just before being exposed to very low temperatures? [JYe1 O No l&-Can one accurately prophesy the percent of alco--· f: hol in 1he blood knowing only the amount of alc.-r hol that person drinks? '· O Yes O No 17-Can one state the minimum amount of alc()hol ;J consumed from the percent found in the blood? ~ ll O Yes O No IS-Doe~ the loss of judgment and the ability for sel!· · criticism occur before there are obvious symp-- toms of intoxication? D Y•s O No 19-Can an exceptional person ha.ve 0,15% of alcohol ~~ in his blood and still retain all of his faculties? 1 O Ye1 O No 20-Js alcoholism herecUta ry? t I ~ .. 4.1111vers · r 1-Yes. This definition is modeled cure for any d•'•e••e, uni••• ~ ~,.· after a Suprerne Court decision ·one considers '\vo';y• a ~ ~ ,... of the State of Ariz.ona. ease. and a drugged indi!fer· 2-No. A pe.rson being exa1ni ned ence a cure." ' • II . '• ' i ' c _. ' • n may temporarily pull hirTiself 13--No. As Jitlle as 0.04~ or al· together and give a better ac· coho! in thl'. blood may reduce -1: count of himself than he would visual acuity as much as wear-~ if he were nOI. under scrutiny. ing dark glasses after sun-•' Also, ordinary physical exam-down. and other senses are . lnation does not show the de4 also Jess acute. • 1 terioration of judgment and the ;icuity of the senses. Finally, about 100 pathologic condition~ cause symptoms \\'hich re- semble those of alcohol. 3-No. The: apparent stim ula!.ion is due to lcssenin~ or the inhl· bitions bv the narcotic action of alcohol. 4--No. \Ve smelJ the flavoring oC the drink but not the alcohol. Pure alcohol. gin and vodka leave no telltale breath. 5-No. A person bitten by a snak e n1ay be in shock which is in· creased by the depressing ac- tion of alcohol. 6--No. The large an1ount of V>'aler in beer is responsible for slO\V• er absorption of the alcohol. 7-No. n1e intoxicating action de· pends upon the amount of al- eohol regardless of the type of c1rink. assuming that all the drinks rontaln about the sa1ne amount of \\'atcr. 8-No. IL has been staled that these substances interfere but HargP,r has shown that the breath test is speclflc for al- cohQL 9-No. The sugar in the blood ot a diabetic does not change to alco~oL IG-Yts. Alcohol is chtmlcatly re- lated to ether. chloroform and otbrr antsthrlics. 11-''l's. Tht: 2 highballs contai" a Iola! of aboot one ounce or pure alcohol. ii takes about 3 h0t..1r5 to fully o:ddize one ounce of alcohol. I Z-~o. •• Aleohol is not 1 specific 14--No. The person may become sick but he is not intoxicated. JS-The feeLing of warmth after dri nking is caused by the dila· tion of the superficial capil~ larles. This condition is associ 4 ated with rapid Joss of bodily heat. I&-No. To even guess at wh8l the concentration mighl be, one would have tG know, not only the amount of alcohol eonsum· ed. but would also have to know over what period of lime this amount was imblb(d. li-Yes. \Vhen a 150 pound man has 0.15% in hls blood he has accumulated in his body 3 ounces of absolu te alcohol 'Yhich indicates that he drank :et least that amount of ale~ ho\ which would correspond to the amount or alcohol in six l2·ounce bottles of 3.2~ beer. J&-Yes. The person la: not aware of his shortcomings although cartful psycbologic examina- tion may indicate marked loss ot eHlclcncy. JJ-No. The Individual mny gi\it a good account or him.sell but he has neverthtltsa 1061 enough of the clearness of intellect find self-control thal he would nor-. mally fJOS$MIS to materiall1 interltre \\'ith his mental and physlcal capabllltfeg. 20-No. Ch J l d re n of alcoholics brought tip In Corter homts have a tM!tter record rtgard\ng :ilcoboll11m than the normal populat.ion. • ,. . :; ·' I \ I 'I I '~ ~--. • I -~------.... --------~ __,,,.....---.--. -__,,_-. -------...... -----. White House Has Odd Ones NE\V YORK (AP) -Even • ordinary mutt can make the "Who's Who ln Dogdom" U.t li hlJ addrest happw to be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue In W ublnglon. "Many White House pets defy all categorl,., but they provided good newa t'OpY in their day," says Margaret Truman, who used to live in the executive mansion herseU, in her new book, "Whlt.e House Pets," to be published Dec. 20. David McKay. From the mockingbird that \Vas Thomas Jefferson's con· stant companion to t h e Johnson dogs, the ordinary and extraordinary creatures that share the quarters and affectiona of the nation's First Families have basked in the limelight focused on their il' lustrious owners. "There never haS been any such things as the t)'pical or the most popular W'hite House pet." Miss Truman writes. ''Presidential favoiites !;'lave varied with their personalities and families." Politics, \\'ltich m a k e s atrange bedfello\\'S, a 1 so makes strange pets. nus President Calvin Coo J l d I e couldn't refuse the .snarling, apittinc bobcat named Smoky. atnt ai a cll.t by the Great Smoky Mountaint A.aociation. "The COW>ty In which the dear lhUe fellow hid been capturtd was the l1,irt.at Ropublican st.oo(hold In tile enUre United Stat.es c f America," the author ex- pl<lns. Among other contributions accepted by the C<>olldgea, who with the Teddy Roo1veelt family presided over the largest menageries, were a donkey, an antelope, a flock of chickens, a p i g m y hip- popotamus, a cinnamon bear, a wallaby and a pair ol South African lion cubs. Jn two cases creatures in- tendt!d for holiday dinners became family pets instead. A turkey named Jack was sent to the · White House for the Linco!M' 1863 Christmas din· ner, but got a presidential reprieve, thanks to young Tad Lincoln's tearful plea. And a furry raccoon dispatched to the Coolid1es for 'Mlanksgiving got a stay of execuUon, the nanle Rebecca and a pen near the President's office. For Oivne r of $100 PHILADELPHIA IUPI) - Mrs. Edith \Vaters, 67. knows how it is not to have much -money at Christmas, so she went on a six-day search for the owner of ;100 she round on a bus. "If 1 had lost the money I would want somebody to retUm ft to me at Christmu- timt," she said. "Keeping. the money 1 couldn't llve right. My eon· &eience is with me to death." Mrs. Waters, "'ho earns $18 a week as a part.time domestic to supplement her Social Security benefits. found the crisp bills in a pocketbook along with the owner's iden· tification. ·"At Christmastime she might have had children and J'm quite sure she needed it." The owt1er did. She is on weUare and she intended to · use the money to buy ''things for the children" r 0 r Christmas. Fint Mrs. \Vaters tried to telephone. Wllen she learned the owner had no telephone, !he wrote a letier to an ad- dress found among papers in DEATH NOTICES SAXBY Cht~er l . S.xbv. Aff 71. of 32ll02 V•ll• ROid, ~1n Ju.n C1pi1tr•no. 0.ff' ot dHlh, Oec.mbeo' 11. Survlvlll bv t l1ttr. Mi• Phyllis Saxbv. ol' MIAM-1P01l1. Mlnr1t10!1 ; nlece, Mrs. R. J. Off, LY!lwood. New Je.,ev. Prlvtt. 1ervJcmt, Meridolv. St._lftr LlllU!'I !HC'JI MOrt111rv Clwl"I. l"rlv1l1 In- """"""'' to follow. Ftmllv s\199"11 tho6t wl1hlnt' to m31ke mcmorl•I ~ trlbu!loru, pleaw conlrltM/11 to Tiit "'""'Ice~ C1nc1r Soc.ltlv. ~11etttr Lt· 1u~ ae1cn Morlli•rv. Dlrecton. he hasn't read? B. Dalton, Bookseller Really an A utograpli ---· .. . . .. --. -.... ---. --. --. ------.. ----. -·-...,. ...., ........ ~~ !aturd..,, Ctttmbfr 1,, 1"69 DAil Y 'llOf '1 - LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE / • t • r-.. ~ .. • • DAILY PILOT ..,:,1:;: ~It~ f'~, v ... ,,., .. ltfl L.., " ,,, f? l • • 73 37 • 7l " " ". .... 1':~ ,,~. '"' ". "" "" "" ... !j~. ~i · .. '" " " .. ., ,,, " , • • " .. " • • ., ... ~~. .ii .. " "" • " " . '" '" ., " . " " • ' .. '" ~. • ' . '" ~ "• " ' . c "' m o ·-" ' .. " '"' .. ~. " '" 1 " '" " .. " . .,~ ., •l 16 4lo ?ll ' . •i " . ••• .. ,,, " '" " ". '" ,,. , ... " '" "" "" '" -· ... 1n • ,,~. ... .. , .. " ,,. " . '"' •• ~· "" "" '" ., •• (1i: >l • ~;,i " ~· ,, .. " .. ". "" " 11'1 g ••• .. , U1 , » • '" ' . " '" ~ " . 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I AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE • \ I WEEK'S ----·-----------~------------- DAILY I'll.OT • AND • YEAR'S HIGH, LOW, CWSE Over·the·Counte1· Listings For Friday, Dece1nher 12, 1969 I J • ~--------------·-----· ·~ --~----------------------~---------...--- ' J 0· O,l!L Y PILOT Sat11rday, DKflllber 13, 1969 For the Record ' q ..... , .. C•rolfot YI JllCl'll•d It. Divorces Stroll-Elll1119111 c. A. YI l';lth1r11 OIVO•Cft PILfO McGee. Jtnn11 ¥• ,,,,.,. "· l(lftl, $1W!!t t., YI WIYIM I.. Nwl11o COloru 11-VI ec1w11cl VI~ -· L-P'tfl't' A. YI •1ul M , HUft""" lol:I Lt ..... , ... VI $1\irln' J11n1 Celfilllno. Lwl .. f , vs Robtlrt J1m11 F1 .... w<, Derollly .._,,,,_ vs FrM Wll• lhlm . '"-"-Jullett. O.wn v~ Al~rl M•l- ~':11 ... Al!'M YI Fr9dflrk:k Wllllt m Htnne. R11lll Elflln1 "' Jtoben f . Hiii. lrt F.n!~ n Oolor11 ltutll Satldl. 6tletOll L .. YI JllNI Nlc66w<n. Mt~rllt BrtMll vi •-•o wm11m Mul'llftl'• JMll It. n ltalltrt 0. Wi!Mnt Jtmes YI Ali:Jko PINAL OECltEEl ll11rf, OO!oRs'M1rl1 YI Rober! Euttnt H1~f9v, Bl'ltY J-VI WflltY Smf!h Almotdt, 5•11111 A. YI ltOMld J, ltCldrlQ~l. ~nna Eu,. "' G1orltl 1>\111Vel O!cll.r, Peooy vs James E. Wiillamt. Leo EU1.twiltl VI Joe Ml ... Ct~~ ~ron Lte YI Chtrle1 E. ic ..... ~rUvn Alln YI V•ie•NI Btlcl•n SiW'/'fr, $111rltY R. "!I Ct d E. • Tosc:1s, Jove• Helene vi RkM•O Pe!er T11t. Herm~n It. v~ CtfMr!nt E. s11tm"', Geortol• L1url1 Y• J1me~ "~~ ci.n.'°"" L1 Donllf !':11 •u De..n i1 P1ut Tobin. ~ndfl F1v YI Jonn A. wott.rw>l,..er, Liiiian A. v1 Dell L. 'rrlP9. Dol&re1 Anlll YI Ar<!tU M. GUtlltl"l'IZ. C1rol Y1 Her"'-n M. Mtl11n, Ger11dlne l. vs Edwin !':. C111, CS.udl1 J. YI G1rv L. Wiimot. OOromv J. v1 ll:e~ E. '" lll11ttrrH, M1rlol11 A. Yl Jolln O. &IYIMrd, Bobbe Jo \It Vtrnon J1met1 SIOley, E.1~ C. YI l(fnlll!t. W. Cotiti. ll1lrlt M. YI R111'MI L. l(lum, s.. .. 11 n Jim G. tWllO· ~ has lhe book everybody's "' ~ talking about? o B. Dalton, Bookseller 0 ,Q; S F11f1;011 lil111d. N1wporf 801(11 '2660·!71•) 6.C•-0041 17141 833 -2200 ·--------MM•MMMM•E~~ I CHRISTMAS TREE I I ~ I SALE I I TAKATA NURSERY I I 780 BAKER STREET ~ I !At Brislol) B I COSTA MESA ! I INoxt Door To Fire St1tion) ~ I 546-0724 ! I ! I ! i i I With This' Coupon ~ I ~ I $1!>0 OFF I 11 ANY CHRISTMAS TREE ~ ~ i· ' ' ~ ~ I ·. RlA'ill'iffimnmlli"lf~l(l\'11'~ ~ "··~••••--~••••WBll~••~~l-, Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1-of offl,e S-alli s: Rare bird ' Mattf'd masses 14 Hint 15 Metal 16 "Pal Joey'' I author 117 Stalf': Abbr. 18 Breakfa st food llJ Go -·-: Run down: 2 words. 2G Single: Prf'fi1t 21 Pro: 2 words 23 Brings ba'lt to mind 25 Have rega1d 26 Fish 27 Far fro111 .A·On~ 29 Extefual: Co11b. 101111 32 Joint 35 Scout un its 311 Painful feeling 37 One who ' a'complishe$ I things 38 Strtnity I 39 Hide 1.c11 Nano• valley 41 +lav ing t'h t I ntttssary cap•bllili tS ' 3 • -1 2 Ne9atiwt contraction 43 Fairy 44 Ecole dts Bea ux -••• -4 5 Falhi ly 111embtr 46 Join 48 Was owerly self- satisfitd 5Z Utters one's thoughts: 2 words 56 Wrath 57 Poor cotta9t 58 Board 's companion 59 Prtposition bQ Riv tr of France 61 Hand tool 112 P erform aga in llj "Nonstnse!"; Circa llJ JO Slang 64 Singer Ed ···· bS Port of Soothtrn Yemen DOWN 1 Happen 2Witho11l anyone tl st 3 Garment 4 Fowl 5 Coarse and indecent 6Edlt of a lhO dlng 7 Artety " ' • .. "' 8 " •••• Chri stie" 9 Cause to be nervous 10 ln -·--: Baffled: 2 words 11 Stereo components: 2 WOldS 12 Run easily lJ Glut 21 A9riC1Jltural im plement 22 Pronoun 24 Nut 27 Riiigs loudly 28 Formerly JO Fac lal featur e 31 Ciotti sht ller 32 A.d vau t19t ~3 lounge 34 Meat dish.; 2 words 35 Obllgatioit " ' 12/lJ, b9 311 Posturt in a Yoga extrc is t 38 Yellowston e and San ff ~2 Fa me d Bri tish battleship 4o1 Join ts -45 Periods of depressed business 47 Not havi ng active ptoptttif'S 48 ·····, Say. Labrador 41J Rt1dy to rttire 5G Eal into 51 Evil spirit 52 Rar e 53 lt tm of footwear 54 lr!sh exclamation 55 Soi l 59 ll on t: II 2 13 Q~E ly .!lill lnterlandl Ann Landen ' ' , .. • Veteran Loses . Custody Battle Se• encl he•r synchroni1•d soCtr\d home. mOvi•s b•for• buying ANT n\eiVi• c•m•r•, proj•ctcir or reccirsf•f· C•o• lel & HoW4 , ••• ITIJDIO Olt HOMI DIMONSTl~TIONS1 '. I DEAR ANN LANDERS : "Been There's" frontal a t· THE TALKING CAMERA , ' t ack on divorced fathers was tmfair. We are not all · "rats" because we don't see our children. I am a badlyl~;:3;:33:::;M;:•;:lo0:::;.;:";:";:·;:•;:..._:::;;:':::;lolaod:::;, :::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;:";:";:";:1;:7;:5~ wounded veteran of the battle for custody and I hope1: you will print my Jetter in the name of justice.! I tried, without success , to get custody of my· three emotionally disturbed children. It seems th a-t bothered me terribly but I was only a mothe r who is a never smart enough to look fo proven drug addict, an al-the reason where l SHOULD coholic or a prostitute is hav e looked. Inside myself. considered "unfit," My For "years I found fault with ex-wife had a history of everyo.1e and blamed them for mental illness complete not accepbng me. 1 told with psychotic episodes, myself they were jealous of but it didn't mean a me or they were in· thing. 1 Jost and s he won. considerate, or stupid or snob- bish. 1 manufactured a whole After the divorce, every rst r h I 't visit with my children was a ! 0 r easons w Y w~sn bked. Lraumatic experience for them A few weeks a go J read and a nightmare for me. Their something m-our church mother brainweshed them so bulletin. It opened my eyes to thoroughly that they viewed the real problem. me as a monster . When I took Here's the line that changed them out for dinner, they were my life: "The only way. to nervous and tense and couldn't have a friend is to be one." I See by Today's- Want Ads •THAT e IT'S e DIME eA " Meetings eat. I couldn't eat either. I I hope you think it iS worth knocked myself:oul trying tG printing, Ann. Maybe it will m ake our time together e x-help someone else. -BLUE citing, educationa l, fun. It HILLS didn't work. Finally, after DEAR B.H.: I DO tbiftk" it 11 elev eloping an ulcer, I decided worth printing. In f~cl, · 1 e LINE e DAY! J.·~~---.: , ,.,,~,..,--'·-~"-· ~·r ... , it wasn't worth it. After con· thought so 10 years ago when I siderable soul-se arching and printed it for the· first tlme.l~;';;';;;=;;=~~~~;;;;;;;;=;;=~~~~~;;:;;i~;;=;;=~ MONDAY Senior Clt!ien, Clu!l of Huntl1'191on 6f1Ch, Plf~ 1nd Rtcreal!on S~ild>ng. lllh 1nd O••ne1 Slr••ti. Hunllne1on IM!1ch, 10 1.m. Harbor senior Citizens Club, Senior Cll!zens CluOhou~e. lS!h S1ree! l r.d Irvin. Avenue, Newperl Beach, 10 1.m. . Newoo11 Cenlfr l(iw1nls Club, J1>$1!l'J R11i!1w1n1, 1121 E. Coen Hillf!w•v, Corene de! Mir, 17 nccn C0611INIJ!lrs Toa5tm11le rs, Coral Rfff Rt1t1urent, 2645 Harbor Blvd., Costil Me .. , 11>.m." · E.liPiortr Stoi.tts, Bab<.otk Ele<:troni,!, . ·e~pkltet' PD.II lt6, BabeO<:lt Eltt· 'tn1111is, lSOI H1rbor Ell""·· Cost1 • ~. 1:15 p.m. OaMol1v, Hynt1119~ Be•c.ti Cl\11>ter. Ml~k Tern>~. 1Q~ Lake Av1., Hun- llfll!to\i Be&c:ll. 1:JO P.m. f oun111n V1 lltY JOnlor cnember of COmrntr(f, MA!r•I mtmbersnlP. Ci!v Ha!!, 102UI Siller Ave., Fovn111n Vatitv. 7:JQ p.m. Oran9e Coa't Coln C!ub. Merlnpr~ l.lbr1rv, 2005 Cover Orl~e, NewPOrt 6t1th, 7:30 p.m. (M ii Mn.a H1rmony Lodge :19 •• O<!d Fellows H1 U, 1~1' New~rl Bl•d .• Cos!1 MeSI, I 1>.m. VFW 136&, VF W H1!1, Yerklown Avfnllf!, Hun!l119lon 8P~cl!, 8 1>.m. American S(.l!!Z110t1reni1 Founa1!1on. Or1nge Coun,IV Cll11>!er. Unllt<! Fund flulk!Tnfh ll~U s11nlord Ave., ceraen Grove. TUESDAY Cosll Me .. Senior CUl1ens Cl~D, Ccm· munl!V Recret!lcn Center, Oren~~ Co~nlr F1J1grounds, Cos11 Mu8, 11 •.m. Excllan9e Club ot lrvlnt lndus!•ial Comp~x, St\/fl SMrt Re.1a~r1nl, ni1 W. Coa11 Hlan .... ay, Hewi>0rt Beech. 12 noon C11ron1 <let Mi r Exc111noe C!ub, Jo.el'• Rf1t1wr•nt, 1121 f . Coast Hlghw1y, Coron• 11*1 M.ar, 11 noon Cotti MH1 e-c111noe c 1uo, Corel itHf, 1"5 H1rbol" 81\'d<f Cos11 Mesi, 12 -, -Hunll"9ton ltldl t;iortll t i,,.,, c1.,h. Mff!JoWtMll; Ciluntrv Club. 11111 > Gret\lm, Hunlt11t1!on Be1cll, 11 neon· Cos~ M-.RDllN" Clull-Norfl\, Co$!• Me1 a Golt •nd Country Club, 1701 G.olr c1111r;. Orlve, Cos11 Mesi, n :1a ··~ Cor,,.,~· del Mar Klwanls Cl~b. VIII• $wedfn. 3536 E .Co11t Hlullw1v, Corooi• del M~, n :10 p.m. Hunllnolt>n Beith Rotary Club-NOrlll, Four W!l'ldt R .. st1uran!. 16~?1 Bois. (111(1. Huntln9lon B•ec~. 11:!1 p.m. H"~lln~ton 8f;th Klwar.ls Club, Hun· llr.gton St1Kll!I Countr, Clu!l, wtl Palm Ave., Hunllngllll' Be•ch, 11:15 P.m. N•wl>CH'I HA1bor Opll"'l~I Club. Vllll Mlrl!\1, lti-!S B1vo;ldt Drive, NIW?llrl 8e1cl\, 11:1S 1>.m. CO.II MeSI l(!w1 ni1 CluD, C<!Stl Me•I Goll and Counlr, Club, Co1t1 Mn a, 11:1S p.m, Ro11ry Club of Nl"WPn•l·fle lboll, l•vl"t Counlry CluD, 1600.E. Coest Hiohw1~, Cor11"1 clel M1r. ''JO p.m. CO!oll Mt•l·New11<1rl H1rbor lklM Club, Mts1 Vtrdt Countr, C.LUB, Cost• Mesi, A:•S P.ll". ll1tbo1 8iiY Llons Club. Villa Marh\I, lti-1.! B1y1Jde Orlvt, NtwPOl1 Beach, r a.m. Hunllno!on Beflch E•~• l.odo•. El-• Club, &o.t Oceln Ave .. Hu"lin1lon B•1t,,, 7:30 p,m. So<le!V fol' I/le Preurv'eli0!1 1..d Entcur1gemenl f1f Bt•~r Sl\oD Ouatlft Singing In Amer1,,, Cos!a Mase Chip!..-, Colleoe P1rlt Scllool, nlO Noire Oeme, Co•hi Mt••· 1:'45 ~-"' . SOV!~ C~sl ·ACllYf 2().30 Club. Vl!l•ft• •~n. 17'1 Mtrine, 61ID01 Island, 7:30 1>.m. t .O.O.M. Moose 115#, '3S E. 11th s1 .. (~!1 M•11, 1:15 P.m. . Or•"oe Co1ul 8'"11 B"rlth Me"' LNI"' Tf,,.,cl• S/la•""· 611 W. 1-i1mlllon, CO•!• Mesa. 1:15 1>.m. WIONliSO,t,Y • Blue Fl1m1 To11tm1ste•~ CI 11 b. 1(1pl1n's RHl1ur1nt, SOl.ll/I Coast Pl111. C01!1 Mna, 1 1.m. Clli'olft M~1·0r1119r Co1st lions Club, Odle'• CDffff Slloo• 212 E. 1111'> SI., cc,ta Mt~a. 7 1.m. l1unllnglc11 Beit h Ex~ll111•1t Culb, Sht r1tan Be1cl\ Inn, Hu11li1>9«in 8~1eh. 12 "°°" W"!mlnrter Op!lmlst Club, Kl11o·s Table Re,11ur•nl, Weslm!nster, 12 ·~ Cll'll Mlsl Ol>tlml1I Clu b, C°'ll Mete Goll and Covnlrv Clu!l, 1701 Colt CO<Jr~e Dtlvt. Cost1 Mnt, 12 noon ccst• M•sa Rcl•rv Club, cos1a Me•• professional advice, I decided \Vboever puts yonr cburcb.IJHl••••••••.•••••••,...••••••'••••••ftt•~f'•,.•••: Go11 •rid coun1ry c1ub, ccis!• MHe, to sever all ties except the b ti tin b it w;!,=ter E)!cllante c1uii. H•'Pe~nv support checks. It was a w~n~erful :1<;:es~:~~-ora!nu: i YOUR PROBLEM: . : 1~n. 140~1 Bea'h Blvd .. wes1mln1ter. he artbreaking decision, but il it ..- 12 rlllQll \\'as best for everi·one con· memory. • I • • Hunu11910n Q.eacJo L10<\L c1u11-Ncr1ll, ,. You want to H I some item .., Meadowlark coun1rr·c1ub. Hun11ne1on cerned. I'm not the only father DEAR ANN L<\NJ)ERS: .,. that you no longer need but • se1c11. n:u P.rn. v.·ho has gone -through the Our daughter is an intelligent, • someone else ca·n . UN 'for : Ni;;:,~;:., ~~t>o~1,,~:; o~~:~PNew~ agony of losing his kids. You level-headed girl.c \Ve are hav· .: • Be1c11, n :H p.m. owe it to all of us to print this ing a difference in opiniO'il and •i N 0 T 0 YER $ 5 0 t F114"laln V1Uev Excn1,,.t Club, F•ln• ~ cols' R;nt1ur1nt. 11ur Be1c11 Bvld., letter. Sign me-A VERY SAD would like io hear what you -'ti ? ? ? ,. ? • wf~~~:,7J:7a~~~~i1J.~ut:7~in~i::~ D~~All DAD : Hert's your ~~~~e~ar~i~~i:::~~~~~:O: OU(R A•N' SW.ER• • • i M~!~~cP.~lfir~ Lod~ 'JOI, M•~""ic letter. And my heart 1oes out she corrects their mis~ak.es in ; y . : I Tem1>1e, Htn s1~e1 1nd st. And•1w1 to yoo all. grammar apd pronunc1abon. 1 ;;: . , ci~!i'c~1~'~:1 6;!~~d:~·mn, 10'l31 DEAR ANN LANDERS: F or say_ il is no favor •. it i~ just • You call THE DAILY ~ILOT, •sk for Ac~cl• :st .• c..,11 .Me••· 1 p.m. pl~n rude and any bene(1t t~at 1 Classified Advertising, and .pl:lce. 1 f Hu~11ne1"" ' Beien M1sonle LD<i<Je, a long time I wondered why I m ight come from a correction ;: Masonic Half, 7flS Like_ Ave .. Hu"' ldn't "" f ' d J 11ret011ee~ch,1:30 P.m. COU m ...... e r1en s. t is c ompletely negated by the : PILOT « tiewi>0rt Be~c/I Ame•lcen t"lon, Post embarrassme,·• _ espec'1ally • t. • 1t1. '15 Hlh SI., NeWPOrt Bt&cl\, I n. p,m. "'hen others are present. We : PENNY : l(ni!>Mt of Co!umtilo>• JV!ll~ Countll, y a Ql'6, St. Joachim li1!1, 1%-1 Or1ngt to o' se are both eager to hear 'tl'hal : : Av!., co~!• Mt!:1. I P.m. you ha"e '" say MARIE • ' • Or1nqe Countv ~k! Culb. El~• C"-'b• • ..., · -• .... ~~. '" 0-·· "'"'" ••K•, "'' For· Gene1·al v~5i1i ~~J?:~,R Rare. In-i P.INCHERo' i Aercn11!om't To11l,.,,a•ltrs. V I I I 11 • Marm1. IQ.IS Bey1lde Orlve. >-lewPorl deed_. is the per_son 11'h0 ap-. CLAS'slFIED". ..... t B·~c/I. ,,30 p.m. a u ' t b I t d • """" :; Co11! 51n9le1, · YMC A, 23CO UnlYlt•ilY ' ean p pre<:li ts e ng: COrre.e e ID Jt. 1 ' • • • ' or1ve. NeW<>Ort Beecl\. 1::;o p.m. the presence -Gf others. If • · CIAL 1,;0W RATE : RPtoverv lffc .. Huntlng111n Beac!\ Hi~h Ma ' .~ b d fri d • AT OUR SPE « school .. Rocm 1:;3, 1903 .Mein st., A generai house cleaning r1e "'' es to o a en a ,. - H<Jnlington B~ecn. t o.m. wi'JJ clo' se do"'n the program favor 1be should wait untU • 3 2 2 ! cos111 Me11 J;inlor Cl\ember Of Com-" • • merce. cos11 Me .. Golt •nd Coun1r, activities oI the Orange Coastl they are.alone. • · l:INES TIMES ,DOLLARS< « C!u!l, l;JO P.m. YMCA f Dec JS th gh i C Chrss Club of, Co;lt Mesa, Commu11ltv ram • roU '41 Recre11Ton Center, Otlnge County 28. y officials said the STARTS DEC. 17th ... F1lr9rourias. CMl1 M~JI, 1 ,.m. Jf. AND YOUR CREDIT JS GOOD J ~ fHUllSb,t,t • business office would remain GllANDIST MUSlc;AL • .,. H1rbtJr-LilH l011Tmllfff'I Club, Ont... open. OF TH( YUl i D I AL ~ 0 w DI RE ct! i CM,ll'lll, F•1/llot1 ttllrld, Ne .... porl • The y will re-open on Dec. SHIRL~Y Mc.t.:AINE • • c~~~rr:v:::i~B~~~111i~~~r:,mit;e~ 29 w1th a new winter activities . ''SWEET CHARITY" i 6 4 2 • 5. ·~ 7 8 : Edi1111er ,t,vt .. Huntir111!011 Be1ch, 7 schedtlle and physical pro-LIDO, NEWPORT i lt.tl m. N.,,. Ce""1'"140.12ZI) -' : !lr~·,:;1,, 6Ptimr5t crub 01 c..,t, 1,1,~., gram. Some of the ne'W classesd~~~~~~~~~~~~~f·-~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~,,~,;*~'~· ~.~,;,;.~,;.;.~.;.;,;.;;.~.~.;.~.~·~•!!•~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~ Coral Reef R~t1u.-.n!,. 'MS 'H1rbor tO be offered include adult! Btvd .. Cc~!• "·'-'"· 7:>0 '·"'· f't t'I h 'I pa' t' l!loar-d"' Rt•llors. NtwPDrt Htrbcr ind I ness, S 1 c ery, 01 In 1ng, co~r~ Me••·. e11ti<>1 c1uii, 1221 w. yoga, ski fitness, modern c ... 1t Hlghw1y, NtWPOl1 Btacl\, • ....... dance, folk d ancing. in· E~ch~n~e Club of Nt w1><1rt He•be•. vestments a n d securities, SIU'!! S~ltl Rt•llur1nt, NeWPOrl e•••h, " ""'n perso;iality d evelopment, ap-Kiwanis Club of' Cor.11 M~1. ~101111 l'ed · ft d Cora! R,..I Resl•u"~t. '6.4.1 Hlrbot" pl eCOnOmlCS, era S, a n B1v<1., co11a Me•~· 11:1n P.m. inst ructional and rec r eational N•wp~rt H~•!>or Ktw1M;• c1uh. v111~ ,,1·mmi'ng and diving. Marine, lil-15 Bavsl<N Ortve. N~ a~~ch. ,,,10 P.m. The Y will ins titute new Foun!~ln "eT!tv lliw•nl1 (luh, F••n-hours on Jan. 2, when 1't w 1'IJ ~els'. 18151 Beat!\ Blvd,. HuntlntlOl'I . N•'!:~~-i!~';:!, P.~Oiar, Club. ll~m-begin opening at 7 a .m . for br1n111·~ Re1t111r1n1, 11a1 e r1s101 s1., anyone who wishes to make Cl"•~ Mtte. 11 "°"" f th h dball gy and Hun1111p1on ae1tn Lio"" Club. Hu"· use O e an , m )1f!l'l1on St1cn11 c"""'"' ciutt. 30(YI pool facilities. P1lm AV~ .• Hu_ntlnO!on 8teth, •:)() •• ,.;::;::.;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. 1 P.m, 11 U.S. Nevel see C1del Corps. '3.15 ••r· '~"c' Ro1d. $ante An~. 1 p.m. W•!tml11'l~r MPdklL EXP1or•-, p.,.1, w~11,...;n,r1r HosPi!el. Hctplte! cir-cle, WeJ!m!nsT•r, 1 p.m. M•.o~lc Lodge, IOPF H • ! I . w..,,,..,;"''fr A~enu• 11\d Ollvtr StrM?I, Westm!Mlfr. 7:l0 p.m. Cr•I• l~e.· """c~ f.•!oc!•tl e11. Cr1n91 Mell. 1H~ 'rllU'l"lll AYf .• Cosl1 Mt••· 1:30 o.m. N•wo~rt Me'"°' "'lk• Cl•Jb, 1';1~• Lll'd<Je. 345' Via OPOrhl, Newport Buel\. I P."'· M·-o~lc Cold .... Harbrlr Whl~ Sllrfll![ ~-. M~w~'( Ttm"'f. 11.01 15th Slrttl, N•w""'r' 8•~ch. t "·"'· Or•11~e Co1•t B'ntl !l'tillo, M•rtUf"Y S1vlnei 1NI' Loin As,n .. 1112 Edln91r, 41•nti..,g!<l11 9•''~• I 1 .. m. N1tlonel ,t,s.od1t!r.<;1 *"r the Adv•"''" ""''""' Qf Coklred P<lel>ll, S"urg.on ll'ocm, S~nl1 All~ l.lbr1rv, llTI 111d RflS St., Slnte f.n1. I P.m. 1'1110,t,Y HuntiMlofl !l11ell Rot1rv Ct 11 b , 5~tr•!On BiKh 11111, Hu11tlnol0t1 , BtltM, 12 :10 p,m. M1rlMtS l.lon1 Club, Slut! Shirt. '12~1 W. COISI Hi9hw1y, NtWl'Orl BtlCh. 1':15 P.m. M1• v1,ta M1!C"lllc lod<>t. M1t111'1C T.mple. 1«11 1$111 St, NewPOrl Bt•(h, 1::Kt P.m. ESTHER DRERUP ' 'romlnent In H•rbor Al'N RMI Ett•t• S•l•t lither IM1 Joined the 1t•tf of THI RIAL ESTATIRS In the C.ron• Del M•r office •t 332 Mar9uarlte st. She with" her m•ny frland1 to ciill h•r •t 67WS50. wlwlift lly Paracllllt1 Sunday, December14 at MEADOWVIEW RANCHO CALIFORNIA Help welcome him CHRISTMAS PARTY Prizes-HayandPonyRldesfortheKiddles- Strolling Troubadouns-Ho! Dog BBQ-Art Exhibit First Prize: 8' Fully.Decorated Christmas Tree. Plus many morel ' ' ' \ ,• ...................... l"" ....................................................................... ..,.,....,...,.,..,_..,..,...,...,...,. ... ..,.,.....,.""':'....,~~~...,~~~~~~n•re~~-·,....,,.,-.,..._~-~· ~·=~",_."~'•""~~~•"•~•~•~•·~~y_,......,-,,,...,. ... . ' 'DAILV .,,lOT J,J Rams -t-0 Battle C·o.I:d~ Sn~w,: Lions in Detroit · >-. ~ - ' " Al"len ·Going With Revised Lineup for ·5undny Clash . ' . ' ' ' By HOWARD L HANDY Of .... 0.11)' .. , ... '''" DETROIT -George Allon la planning more ~ tlm ...,.11n frigid Tiger Stadium Suoday wl>OI' the Rams got a preview Ii weak <UldilloN they will face two weeu hence In !he Wet!em Division title game in Minneeotl. The Rams arrived here amid anow flurries for a regular leU)ft came Wkh the Li-OnS Iba! has no bearlni on the champk>nship race. "One ol the rewards ol cllnchi.n& your division early is that you can rest somt or your regulars," Allen says. "If I don't do it Sunday, I may regret it. But this doesn'l mean we're not going all out to win. M you know, t can't stand to lo6e," The Ram mentor annowiced on Wednesday that Karl Sweetan would pro.- bably start at quarterbe.ct in place m Roman Gabriel. . Gabriel hasn't ailssed 91arling a Ram ..... ..,.11111-.he toot -for Jn. lured «BIU -· lunday'a probable Lion tla!U<.<Qobe 'his )IU1<ed 51 coo- -.Uve -IDd. the;JlaD»• have wm . .,._, " :· -,_. 'hll .~ acaJnat funner teammiMeL He • wu a "'11tarter wtlh the Llom -• I nOlde 'In lMf before belnr Vided to. New Or1'"na ln'llel and to !he Rams lflll ....... "K1rt ·hu w<dect wry bard and he's ~lnc-I ' like his atlllude very .mudl,11 Allen· la)'S. W1Kle S,eetan may be !be only change in !he .wtJna: Jjneup, Alla pllll8 10 use most al lib ,_.,. a good por!ioo of !be game. Pat ~. !he Ram punter who played lis: years in Detroil''Jivery ·tllinks !he ... -upec:t is beina empl>ulud too much. "You ~uat lo weather pretty qukk· Jy .'' be says. "1be imprtant thin& is to Quarry Beaten; Olivares Breezes UP'I Ttt.,i.i. NEW YORK -Georg Chuvalo, barely able to see out of a battered lell eye, knocked out Jerry Quarry in Z:51 o( the seventh round Friday night al Madison Square Garden when a dazed Quarry took the count of IO Ctn one knee. Quarry ran into a left hook and fell back dazed to .... ·an:I a neutial comer. He appeared to have recovered and was tak· ing the count on one knee-. Referee Zach Clayton continued to count and reached 10 before Quarry bounced up quickly. There were boos from the crowd at the sudden ending of a bout in \l'hich Quarry, the No. 4·ranked hea vy\\·cight contender, seemed to be 1rell on his way to victory. Chuvalo had abforb e:d scme vicious shots and both men had been warned f\Jr fou l tactics. • LOS ANGELES-\Vorld bantamweight BETTER DAYS· AHEAD -George Allen, coach of the LA Rams, &tomps off the Coliselim turf. after a1J hoP.e of his team remaining unbeaten is lost aiainst Minnesota Sunday, Allen & Co. can start a new win st.ring as they: .invad, Detroit. champion Ruben Olivares of Mexico City blasted Alan Rudkin, the British Empire champion from England, into submission in two minutes, 30 seconds of the second round Friday night to retain the crown of the 118-pound division. The sensational 21·year-old litlahokier, who weighed Il71h, signaled the quick end when · he ·floond· . the 21-yur-old challenger for the first time in his seven· year career· in the first round of their scheduled IS-round flght. ... . . On the Tuhe ·:--------~- Football Everywhere: ·: .Pro, Col"lege, Prep Olivares: scoring his 28th straight knockout and 52nd in 54 fight5, polished off the ·game Briton with a succession of lethal lefts and rights, starting the bomb- ardment almost as soon as the aecond round t>egan. A alraight right to the jaw started the do'wnfall of Rudkin and a left hook to the Jaw Sent: hi mdown a moment later. Rudkin strugg)ed up at seven, took the ~ . FootljJ&U f~s Can get theif fill . of the wiclifoo simt this weekend beginning to-qay wtth~two college bcrWI ·games and a 1'l>Oif·"1~1-. I , ' 1111.~ l!it Jlam.Deln>i\.!;k<a.game (. -, ... R~~g~e Meets SD State SAN DIEGO -Smarting under the et.rain or three straight defeats and facing a ~m that won its first three outings, coach Tim Tift and the UC Irvine basket· ball forces play San Diego state's Atlecs tpnight at the latter's gym. Tipoff is at 8. : The Anteaters barnstormed t o Nebraska and CoJorado then came home to lose to Cal St.ate (Los Angeles) in overtime. San Diego Stal'e won the Aztec·ta;urna· ment in it.s opening action last weekend. The Aztecs defeated Pomona (81-74), UC San Diego (70-65) and Tahoe Pafadise (92~l-They played San Fernanilo vaney State last night at home. mandatory eighl<Wnt, then ran into a rrom Tiger Stadium will -highlighl an solid right to the jaw that finished him NFL doubl~ader with · an AFL twinbill of!. ·J1ll'Uliug concurrently for those who ATLANTA -Atl!ta scored a 121-107 prefer the Younitr cireuit. victc.j over the crippled Los Angeles A !ape delay lel>c.ut of !he '\!Cl.A Lal<en here Friday itlglit and opened •P · Bruin-Teus Longmm,pme from~auley ,. 1 four-game lead in the Western Division Pa\lilion can be seen· 'by late .. vtewen ol. tht! National Basketball Association. ton"iitit at 11 on ~I 5. · e The 'CIF' AAAA ~pion!llip game Lcis j\NGELES -The UCLA Bruins · · . . roarecr·to their third victory of the sea. ~twee? ~!all" ~1gh. of . Pasadena and son and established 1 school scortni rec· Bishop Amat, kingpins 1 of the Angelus ord in stoppin( the Miami Hurricanes circuit, was taped Friday for release Sun· 127-69 Friday night· in an intenectJonal day·a!temoon on Channel 11at1:30. basketball clash. Today's college bowl game~ are from SeatUe defeated USC 74-70. Memphis, Tenn. and Sacramento. TOOJ\Y 11 1,m, 01 CL -NCM FOOTBALL -L1bm1 Bowt {II,.,. trom MtmP"I$, Tt~~'"· U;OO llOOO'I (2) CL -NFL FOOTBALL -81llimltre ""ti'' Dllll) ~--1: p.m. (•l -AFL·FOOTBAl.:L -k1,.11 CJ.. t\' tfr; 11 Oelc NI R1IOlf1. 1 :311 D.m. (7) CL -NCAA l'OOTBALL -C1,.,.n11 &Dw'I l tl'M'. NOMto 0.kOll Pol•n u. Df MonlilN II $tcr1rne11to. c.111. •:OO p.m. (•) CL -BASKET BALL -Hlall School ....... Ol lhe~.· ' ':XI P.m. tJ) CL -AUTO RACING -1'Tht T!mt Milclllnt." Th9 IUI NHllA N11i-1 Cl\lmolonlhl1 Dr-eQ ll..:e. S:OO p.m, (1) CL -MOTOllCYCLES -T"9 lnte<l'lllPMI $1Hl>leo;N11t CMmpl--1\lp I 1 r mator~·et 1'-111, Mffr .. on tM Wldlt World or Soorf1:. n :oo D.m. Ul c~ -&ASK~t.'l --·Btu!,. ¥L i~~Dllll"""' 11 oame 11 """' •I "'""" SUNDAY t :.U 1.m. Ul CL -NFL FOOTBALL -lot Al'llltlcs R•,,,. at 0.111111 Llonl. 10::11 1.m. (•) CL-AFL FOOTBALL -.. _ Yn Jl!'fl I! Ml1m! DOlohlns. 1:00 D.m. Ul CL -NFL FOOTBALL -Cltytltnd Browm 11 SI. LOUI~ Can11Nf$. C•l CL -AFL FOOT· B•ll -llolfllon Pa!rlots 111 HO!ljlon Olltra 1:30 p.m. !lll Cl. -FOOl ALL -"t 1,., M>.A (l'l~mploMllTP 9&,,,. ~ Bla1, Hlal'I of PtMCltf\I And 8\tllop Amel Hlgll of LI Purllif. r .... Mlt't' or F•ldtl' "19111 oarne. FULLERTON, RAMS SEEK GRID TITLE A conlkient Fresno City College foot,. ball team brings an aerial circus to A:naheim Stadium tonight to face coach Hal Sherbeck's potent Fullerton Hornets for the California state junior college Jarge !Chools·grld championshlp .. Kicioft in the Big A is at a o'clock. · . · tresno, paced by the passing arm GI All-American q u a rt e r b 1 c i Mike Rasmussen, is defending UUe holder. He bas completed 165 passes for 2,403 yard! and Z2 touchdowns this aeum. Fullerton, winner of~ cove;ted crown two years ago when the. playoffs we re in· augurated, will base ita attack on tht versatility or quarWrback' Marf,Oweiµ:: With John Vallely acoring :o points and Sidney Wick! and Henry Bibby COO• tributing 19 apiece, the Bruins topped their pre·,;ous high of 122 points scored against Portland three years ago. • OAKLAND -Mike GarTett, star nm· ning back for the Kansas City Chiefs, plans to retire fnxn foolbell alter next .season to flO into poHtica bt· Los Angeles, the Oakland Tribune repm1ed Friday. GarreU, in town for the Chiefs• American .F~ !ague Western Divlslon Ullo game wtlh the Oakland Raiden:, wu quoted by Tribune coJ.. wnnlst Ed Levitt as saying." "I'm quitting football after next season. I signed a five-year contract wllh KallU! City and it ends next season. I enjoy football, but there are more im· portant lhinp to do in this world." Oakland-KC Showdown ' -. .On TV Today OAKLAND (AP) -When the Kansas City ~s meet the Oakla1xf Raiders here today ."it could be called the title rame that isn't. . 'Ibough the wimers will be the American Football League's West.em Division champion, it is entirely possible Iha! !he lo9er will go to the Super Bowl. Such a possibility may well determine !he otrategy al !he game as KllMh CHy Coach Hant Stram has not said .he won't keep his Illar qU>J'lerilock Len Dawson, wOO la: ailing but could ptay if a win were abeolule:!y neceiury, out ol the game. Today's game will be teen on ChanDel z It 1 p.m. Since the winner of Ulia game wiii host the Housten-Oilers in a playoU nut week while the loser will meet the Jets In NeW York, it has been 5U1get:ted ttiat Stram might let Dawson rest bis injured knee . one more week. And Stram doeSl't deny the possibility. noting that "in 1 big g.,ne, the Oilers could prove jwt as tough a1 the Jets, evm on our field." Stram added, however, "We won't know for sure about Dawson Wltil just before game time. If I'm convinced Len is healthy, he'll start." Dakland coadi John Madden isn 't holding his breath about the poa:ibllity that the Oliefs' No. Z quarterback, aecond·YW'-inan ~me Llvingston, will .wt. "Whatever is stau.d publicly," says Madden, "wUI aifl right through my ears. I'm not ready *'> believe a thing." .' p..n;., wfX> hU compleied a league- leading &O percent of his passel thi:I seu0n; flttlt hurt the knee in the second game al the JeUOD Ind missed the ned five games. After coming back, he reinjured it two weeks ago· Ind last week he ~t ~ the bench whUe the QUefs, now 11·2, had to · otruggle lo belt' loiny i!Uffalb JD.Ii ·on Dvt field goala liy Jan SteoenJd.. , forget our Joos to Minnesota Wt weekend and cooe..tra1e on !be L!Ona. "They have a goOd ball club and a partjcWlrty fine defense .. We have to get bid: to our game,the aort o( game we ..,. play and aie place lo do tt is here m ~.'' 'Jbl,; will mark StudltlJI'•· fin! ap- pearance ·~ore his one time heme · fang '""°'he joiDed !be Rams In 1"8. Ho won an.pro booors as a wide receiver wieh the Li-OnS In 1966 when he caug!lt 11 -· ~ ol his 'C8tchei covered 99 yards arid lied the NFL record for kqest reception. 1be man who · threw it was Sweetan. Since jojning lhe Rams, Studstill bas been used main1y as a pmter, teeing only occasional duty at • receiving spot in relief of Jack Snow or Wendell 'l\lc~. · Studstill's kkic.ing technique I • Ql\ewhat dillenot from <>!her puoten. He takes three steps before droppinr tlse ~11. ''.It giYes me ·better timing/' )le 'says. "Timing is everything in J>Unlini, the same as hiCt.ing a golf ball. If l'n1 rushed, I cut down to TWO steps." He has never had a ~ blocted 1n a game and has never faked a kick and run with the ball, although be came close' list week. ,, "It was in the second quarter against the Vikings last Sunday. We were fourth and two on MilU)esota's 49 and the 'run play was called in the huddle. But when they lined up I s.aw they had two men on the outside and I could never get awiy. So I kicked instead. I didn't even ha\·e time to tell my team mates." Sunday '! game will be televised back lo Los Angeles by KNXT (Channel" Z), atartinl at IO: 15, Los Angeles time. It wjlJ also be broadcasl via KMPC with pregame airi11g at 9:50. bJ . ' " .. ~ .. ~ ' ··- ' DAILY f'tLDT PMt. h' f'ill D'.,,_... GOING FDR BUCKET -UC Irvine's Bobbie Fowler (12) spllll ; Orange Coast College defenders Troy Rolph (10) and Jim Kindelop in Friday night baske'tba~ action. The. UCJ yearlings won, 86-83. UCI Frosh Cool in Clutch; Turn Back Pirates, 86-83 By CRAIG SHEFP 01 1M Dtl1r f'llll Stell A tough ·band of UC Irvine frosh bas. ketball J>layers today claim their first victory of the 1~9-70 season over a ma- jor junior college opponent. The .Anteaters showed cool in the clutch Friday night in turning back Orange Coast College, 86-83, In a thriller 1n the lcurs' gym. The game wrui nip and tuck throughout with neither team holding more than a five-point lead at any polnt. Orange Coast held a 81-.0 advantage wlll1 1:40 .to go i.n ~ game when UCI forward Tom Hansen tltd the score wlth a fret throw. Twenty-rive 1ecohd!-later Anteater oenter Bob Black intercepted 1 pass and dribbled in for a layup to give the up.. start frosh squad a t~potnt advantage .. Black put the game out of reach when he hit a free throw 30 seconds later and then followed with a lay-up i~ the cio&. ing seconds . Both teams played steady basketball throoghout. Forward Gerrick Barr paced the UCI attack with close.in shots' while Hansen complemented the 8COling with some fine outside shooting. UC:t FAllll (Ml 0rMll C ... f (f:3) ltft•f t. """'• Fowlef" Om ··-S11mnk~I llltd LIWYrk Smlltl ~,,.., .... Totlll • 0 ~ I Rolph • I t • ll . 10 7 1 " l(llldllorl ll , • ,, H•22'811U;' 01•1 0 • j a 51tclr,_1lmtltr • 1 s 10 ti UJor ..... 10).Stt '02•Holmet tl1 ,4 1 1 I 5 .011119 O I I t 1 0011Udmond !Ott l4lf 1l Ml'"'M 1011 Tottls 11 t 1.-A Joe Lavender, a 6-4 transfer from lm~a\ Valley, is one of the Arlee scor- lnt leaders, with a 20.3 average for the three tournament games. He is joined at the forward p>Sitions by Jon Borchert, a 6-6; .ltansftr from Long' Belch City eon,,.. d.ry Sclrieldor al M -.at center and•.il 1 firill ~· 'man aftfl' paying rr.-.0 . ball ' an,ham Young Unl•tnlt7 I•• Y · c .Texas Grid Star· Loses· Leg to" .Cancer H•ll!I~ SC.r• .xc a . UCI ,.,.,,, ~· .Ai·ea JC Siars v6n· J~. a cuiinl aaid 1e1, 1.......,, Is•~ l1oor leader, !fe ls averag· HOUSTON (AP) ~ Surgeons am--•-=--' ""' 'and .,. jUtal<d the Jell leg of Fred Slolnmark, ing •.1 poq,(s i>a' game1 ,,,. · starling ,safety-m the No. I ranked teaiu}I~ _... laJI .-with "" IJ!tlv<nlty bf Tnu-Aultln f-ll lum 11.4 .. ~e. Jchn Cox,_~-64 ~er Ftidly lfter(an euml'lation·revealed· a 1'* ~Junior. eoU~ll'?"' oliMr.· ~tumor 1n the Jell thlg!lbont. ..-. . . ? • ' . ' 'Sleiiumrt played almool all the game · Tll\.dOlsn'l plan any <illl118"' 1n l;ii.o only lul Sa~y iialnol Ackan•u prooabl• star\111# Jine<Jlf '"r lhe'llM. Stein'mark, 20, was reported In '3tisfac- Sleve Seblns is the Anteater11 leading "1bry cOOd!Uon· foUoWini ~surgery. Mr. llOOl'tr :with a 24.7 average With Jtff Qin..-. and Mtl. Fred Steinmark Sr .• of Denvtr, ningham clost behind al 20.3. · Colq., 'll{ere ·at·their son's bedside. MacArthur Bowl, .. he iaid at.ly, "Ind WU I •No. I' formed o( camaUona." -· rldlnr on cloud nine when I_ g« ~ A bol!l*ll .catement said 1 aliver ot telepbooe call. He's got a tubful al SUia-lltiuelelflO•ed rr.rn the bone In the thlP that'• all I can say." ~l~i9fiefl the tumor was mallpant. The news GI the surgery shocked and ., " .was ,,_.-y lo rtmo¥e the felt -the T<1u football team ilhlch limb at lht hip du. to the mallgnanl meeta Notre Dame In !ho c.tton -I· t-." !111 l!Nlilal ltalemtnl Wd. Jan. I. . "This l)'Jle al mallgnaney i• called bone "ll Is a deep shock," aaid trl.captain ~ II orlilnates wllhln the bone Ted Koy, a hallb3ct. • · ltatlf. Bone 11rcom1 givu no evidence of "Wf! are an deeply eoncerned." tta pre.nee unt1I it either crow• outside "He'll react to it like a champkln, '' Koy the llhaft of the bone, rormJng .. bulae. or~ aaid. 0 There's no doubt In my mind that causes ptln from preasure." needa7. Dodors 1t Andenon said there ls np evidon<e · that lootblll playl111 had ·~ lo do· -formation of the lllln«. . The WO, llJl.pound Junior 11.lrted al saltly fir !be Southwest· C..fertnee cblmplon J...onaborns the put two year.s. Tt1IJ year ho flllercepted two pauea and -I! puni. le< 11 yards. Deoplte'hls o!Je, he wu a fine open Oeld tackler. . ,. On All-state ~ ... .,. area juNor college footbaD . players illlve been accorded '-"111!1 mentlm re<opllfori on the 1116' J.C. Grid-· Wirt All·Americaa ,team. . : • Four members of Saddleblck con,..) fine team drew mentk:n They included quarterback Rod Gr1vt1, balfbtck Toby Whipple. linebacker Rocky F1etcher <nd deftnmve lineman Brian Colbert. • Bill Moore Joi"' Cuoolngham ol the T<xas head coach Darrell Roy!I w" forward poet.a and Mi'ke Simes ts Sabins' wilh te fa~1.ly during the oper1Uon. runnillc m11it.e al the guard pomtiQnS. Blll 1 Royal was In Ntw York when he first GeOrge. the lalltst man on the squad at 6-Jetrimed the news of the tumor. . 7, opens at center. "I was up there 1cceptin&, the he wtll.n . Univenfty ot Taa1 doctors took X- "We al1 really have a deep feellni !or rays alter Sleinmari complained of back Fred.'' Koy add<d. pains. . "The ltlam sent .fiO!fen yeatmlQ. It He was admitl.ed ·to AndtrlOn ~ 5'Veral coneca lpp&l'tiltly .... 1kep- tlc1l of hi• 1lu but Te11l offered him 1 , ocllolanhlp when he showed lntmst In the achool. He 11 tbe lm&llest of Taus' 22 .ltlrllni ploy«&. Orange Const cenltt Rob Purnell and'; lh-cker Floe~ Sl<lrllng, alq irHl>- Colden West hallbaclt Charlie ~kl~_ abo'l\'tre recofnlzed. · ·!· I I , .. · .. J% DlllY PllQT " YANK, REBEL ' . €()ACHES SET : td Bain ol FooHllll and John taU.ard ot · Rancho Alamitos 11lah hive been named head 'coacbes for the lllh aMual l'-0rth.SOUth Orange County br(J> loot.ball game sponsored by the Brea Lions Club to be prnyed ln August at Orange Coi.st College. Bain, who led bis Knight! to itn 11-1 record and the ·&reslview League cham- :~pionship, will coach the South. ~R.e's a fonner all·le:a.~e t~er at Mater Dei and has }~ulated a 25--6-2 league ;1JW'k in the rive years he's !~ in commaDd at Foothill. ~:' Callard has also been varsi-:iry ~ch for five years at Ran- i&o arter serving nine years ~s.lhe..Bee coach. ~ ·'The Yanktt menlOr has led "'t)le VaQUero.s to four Garden ~4'-ove Leacue titles in gaining i~f 19-5-0 lugue mark and 31·1~ ,. overall record. . " :ii-•,w :•.' . ;;'. ~ .. : f~riumph ~iy ROGER CARLSON · ... "T~-:• Of,_ D9Ur .Pl191 Sllff ~-.· ~·~tntlnster High snapped ,-,:,. three-game losing streak f'ri4aY night wilh a 71·~ non· league basketball victory ovtr inVading Estancia. ; The Lions, with • revamp- ed starting lineup, controlled ~he boards and got a 27-point butput from forward Steve McLendoo. along with 19 lfdni Dan Broderick. : The officials, however, Jt,ole some of the Justre from, .Westminster's fine win by lJominatlng the action from Start to finish . : Estancia's chance for vie· 1oPy wenl down lhe drain i witb 1: 4<> remaining in t h el•~· "-'-"""--'-'"-.0.."'-~­.third period and on the short ,, DAILY .. II.OT Phot• .-, Ltt l'tY~t ftnd of a 49-41 count. ~That's when 6-6 center Skip PRESSURE DEFENSE -E stancia's defensive forte . pressure. is applied bv ~il\iams wa,.. called for his c Th 20) F · · ~ifth and final foul (he trip-urt omas ( in r1day night's loss to \Vestminsler, 71-55, in a non league ~and fell over a We.stmin· game at the winners' court. Lions are Mark Pearson (32), and Steve McLendon )_!er.player). _ _:.1_25.:.J_. -------------------------~':Williams had scored 15 ln ' . Mater Dei F~ces Pius For Crown , Sailors, Mesa Swap F ~s After Fruroy Conquests BASSETI' -Mater Dei High meets Angelus League rival Pius X tonight at Bassett· High for the championship of the Bishop Amat lnvitationaJ · basketball tournament. . Game time i., 8:30. Coach Jerry Tardie's ouUit made the finab with their fifth straight win, a 93-68 crusher over host Bassett Fri· day night v.ilile Pius X was disposing of La Puente Wilson. 64-57. RaJph ChandO& was lhe big gun for ~tater De.i against Bassett with a season high <>f 29 poials along With the deadly shooting of Tom Walk· er {17), Werner Raes (16) and Tom McMenamin (14). The. Monarchs led l:Jy !!I al the half, · MATlll Dil ltJl ~' ~ ,,] ·,~ (lllrlllllol Wilker McMtn1ml~ Rtt• • 1 2 11 I 2 1 H I 0 l JI it:ll•Y l<.tmpff Roberlo l(nlflln Gorrr1o1~ Frt!1 HIUl>'lrf Toll fl I 0 < 2 0 1 I 1 JI<''°" Cl1r~ Trc1•1 Pritt 8ull«~ ....... 11,,., W1r1J RtY¥01• TOllb , . ' ' ' , . ' ' ' , . a , • " 3t 17 ll IASSITT CY ) It /I pl 11 ' • , ' . . , , ' . , . . ' , . ' ' , , ' ' . 11 11 11 Sc•rt ~, Ou1Mtrt M•t., Del 11 21 21 2* 8111111 I~ 14 U 24 Top Seed Survives At BBC • ' ' ' ' " " • ' , , " • • ' " " " LAS VEGAS -Newport Harbor and Coat& Mesa go for another pair of basketball vie· lories here tonight u Newport faces Valley Hlgh and ..Mesa duel1 ·Bishop Gorman: They dwnped their Nevada foes Friday night with New- port's Tars thumping Bishop * COITA Mii .. (i•l Gorman, 70-$1, and tht Mus- tangs raijying lo edae Valley M-~9. Lee Haven and Nels Tahll sparked coach Dave Wax- man'• Sailors, ripping the net! !or 21 and 20 points. Newport trailed for a quar· ter, Jf.13, but then ®&ch Dave Waxman's forces came blck Au11111 Swttt!fr.d ft II '1 IO • • ' n NIWPOll1' (nl 1 I J 1 ffOf'T PPTP °''''" St llos M•clMn 011mtt Ntvlllt Morris 4tll0Ttll'I 1,170 •24UYOIHll 2211 t110E~ll• •11t •1suH1wn 111111 1 on 1 Ktnt .la1 • oi1 o•tc•tr 1 0 11 Tollll lJ 1' 2J M N.1llnott I 1 1 1 VALLIY Utl lDflll 2' U 17 70 f1o ti ,i to llllKOll' tJOll.M.AH 011 H1wim111 ·-Aldenrriot 1 • l u ,0 'ffT ,., .,,. O I I o H1w~l110 10 ·2 1 11 JJ ••''°wt" 111J H"""" l 1 • I Dorst¥ s,... ...... !-•rJOll ... ~ ... '"'lt'IJ • r1f' 1101., ''''! 3111 Ellco~ GO? ''''ee,,..,. ,,,, 11111w1<111er 1,•l • lll'To!lll 21111JJI 21 11 u st ""'' » ou1mn TOl1l1 Cost• Mesi \ltlltY It 11 1• ,, -'° N"'"'1 ll 1t 12 1.,__JO It 1' U 11 -ff l fai'MIP Gormttt 1' 11 11 21-JI Cdl\1 Wins, Tritons Lose In Lakewood Tourney Corona de\ Mar batUts War- ren this afternoon at L3ke- wood ·High for the ton5()lation championship of the Lakewood basketball tournament, after beating Lakewood. 57-45. Tipoff goes at 4: 45. Earlier this afternoon (I : IS) San Clemente goes against Paramount for seventh place. San Clemente dropped a M- '47 decision to Domiaguez while Paramount was losing to St. Anthony, 69-67. Qirona del Mar never trail· ed the Lancers. Junior Don Killian sparked * * * • the Sea Kings with 20 points and it was his scoring drivu at the end that pulled CdM out of trouble af~ Lakewood had trimmed its deficit to four points . Corona then forced the Lan· cers 'to outside shooting and controlled the boards on mis!'l- ed shots to salt away its third victory in six. outings. Jeff Goelitz was also in dou· hie ·riguru for the winneN with 13. c'"'"' 1111 Mir un Lagunans Blitzed KiHl•n Gri11H HDfllndfr (O<\fO>' Got II II I• ft ,, I' ' ' l '° I 3 l J 0 • l • 1 l J s J 1 ' l J S.vi1r l l 1 • To1>-seeded Terry Addison R~111, 1~ ,~ 1: s~ Laguna Beach High dropped \vent three sets to defeat Dick uk .. ..., 10 1 a 77-43 decision lo host Fuller- B h 9 F '•"'''• t Frid "hll o rnstedt. 4-6, 6-f, ·7, i n ri-Mt•ion 1 1 J s Oft ay rug n a non- day play of the Balboa Bay St•v~n• s 1 l 11 league basketball game. Club ta1nis tournament. ~~~':, ~ : 1 : l'he Indians jumped off to a Action continues this morn· Sa•lw•tc1>1"' 1 1 • 1 quick 17-1 lead in lhJ first per-w 1a 0111 c Ing with singles finals Sunday 8ttn•lt 1 o • 1 iod and extended the lead to al I p.m. and doubles an hour ~;::;~"' ; : : ~ 36-17 lo put it away early. to blow the hottl olf the floor. They ripped the losers, 22·11, in the third period to sew U up. . Coach Emil Neeme's Mui- tangs were down, 19-12, at the quarter and 3.\-27 at the haU. But they got rolling after thlt and blew things open with -' big fourth quarter. Bob Austin led Costa Mes• witb 22 pointl on cine field goals and four free throws. Tim Salios "and Rick Desmet had 14 each while Ken Deatoa had 10. Oil City Slips Past M~olia By DA VE CEARLEY Of tllll DallJ PO .. l ltlf Huntington Beach High was staggered by Magnolia in the fourth quarter FrJday night but recovered to pull away with a 70-59 non-league bas· ketball victory. Magnolia had plodded for three stanzas, always Lrailin.c by more than ID points, when It exploded in the last ei1ht minutes to nearly upset the host Oilers. Trailing S7-4i at the end ftf three quarters Sentinel for· ward Bob Stewart hit on three. long jumpers to nllJTOW the margin to 59·55 with 4:32 re- maining. Two minutes Jater MainoUa again trailed by four When it! drive fell Oat. Buckets by Bob DeBritton and Lee Walters and three frte tosses by Paul Moro suddenly shot the Oilers into a com· manding lead. Huntington B(!ach opened the contest convincingly when it coasted to aa early 11·1 lead on the hot shooting or guard• Curt Carlsoa and De.Britton. 'ryle Oilers took advantage nr numerous Sentinel miscues in padding their lead before near· Jy faltering in the closing min· utes. ~ ftrst hall from all angle!!, V aliere finished high ]i:stancla with 15 point., !Y on jumpers from out· L non Leavy·~~ outfJt ~ jumped back ' IO!o a ~t lead and that")t.a s t V~ter's rebounding slre~ was well in evidence .las tfiTee times the Lions con· trolled .offensive rebounds ()n Diahlos, Edison Plari Today In Aztec Cage Tournament later. · ' Tor111 u 11 2' •s Fullerton dominated the F 'd 11 . te1n ""' o • ..i.., . rl ay resu !I: c ... on1 ~~1 Mar 11 1' • 17 -S7 boards with' se.Cond, third and Ltlt.........i 14 4 11 U -•J S!Jiglu foorth efforts to ketp the game Walters again led the Oiler scoring attack with 2.1 points as Hu.ntin&fon Beach notched it~ second straight pre-season win. Addism de!. Bohnlstec:i.t, ~. • ...... CLl.Ml.NT• ,~·1:, " '• in t.'olal command. 6-J, 9-7. Me-..-.... ~f. Par· •· Lomt>ero! ' ' l 10 Laguna·s 11ike 1'1cMurray MAGMOt.IA 1n1 UUVJ"'"' ·M-1 0 0 1 ,.. PT P' ·1'11' rott, M, 6-0. Leach def. def. Alllknol'I s o • 10 (16) and Bart Tabor (14) were 1or~ s J s 11 Avoyer, 6-3, 6-4. Rahim .def. ~=\~hint ; ; ! ! high for the Artists. ~•th!Jnek o • ' o Guzman, 6·4, 6-3. Gtul6tn ' 1 " J Laguna Beach meets Rubi· i:ie:n1n ~ ~ ~ ,: Doub)el Mcc;~~7s l~ l~ ~ 4; dOUX Tuesday at 8 p.m. 'fi:"~,1 ! ~ ! l: "' . !ree throws to score the field. .., the first half the Lions f ed an ll·p<>int margin, y because they were ~ to get off 10 more shots ~ the field than Estancia. >'· . ~·:. WISTMINIT•ll 1711 ti•• ffG f'T Pff Tl" ....... 0 0 1 0 Qdwldi 1 s , l• .-IM>ll • 1 l H MOlw.dOl'l 11 l l 71 .. ~,.. 1 0,, 'F'tfflOI' 0101 J, . ....,_ 0 1 02 ou111w1a , a 1 • edrldi 0010 lo!IU. 16 lt 12 71 ~ •ITANCtA US! ~ 'O PT Piii T,. utl•• 1 0J• 'AJ:;... l i ~ 1 ~ \ltlle<e I 1 ' U (lrglll l 1 l I l(trllt~ 0 0 G ~1'11\ellY 1 ?0• iitP''' 1 0 11 • 'r.1111 ?~ 1 1~ s~ ~ ., ... ~1 °" "''" ~ W..itm!n1!tr 1J 11 IS lt J E1t1lt l1 11 1' 1S 1" -' ' . - lRustlers Face . fresno After ' . ' 92-61 Lo~ l.fission Viejo and EdiSon return to actfon in the Aztec Invitational today with Mission Viejo meeting Santa Ana Val- ley (7) and Edison baUUng Saddlehack at.5 at La Quin- "'· Edison picked up its initial wiD in its brief history, with a 73-54 triumph over Bolsa Grande lloflile Mission Viejo was bowing to Loara, 59-54. Mission Viejo gave Loara a tough go, oo\ting an eight.point gap to one with three minutes to play. However, the Diablos went cold and hit one for six. Mean- "'hile, the Saxmu were bugged . by turnovers. Dan Kratz and Rick Wads- ley shared scoring honors for the Diablos with 14 apiece. Edison's win over Bolsa v.•as triggered by the 20-poinl out· put by John Fisher along with the scoring o( Mark Harmon 114), Ken Funke (10) and Jefr Ratcliff (JO). Other action had S~addle- Fountain Valley Bag s First Victory, 60-58 • Y.'ountain Valley High's Bar- ons fought off the El Modena Vanguards Friday night to score a 60-58 non-league bas- ketball victory at the Baron confines. It was the Barons' first win of the season. v.·a s i:\ose behind with 17 11nd Mel Platt tanked IO. The Barons come back tn the hardwoods at 8 tonighl, in- vading Marina to face the powerful Vikings. 1'1arina is J-1 for the season. losing lo Long Beach Poly, 61-60. Fountain Valley carries a 1-J mark into the tiff. back healing Los Amigos. 45- 34, and La Quinta ollt.scoring Santa Ana Valley, 55-38. MISSION Holmt• W1d~ltY Kr111 M11tt r"°" Wt1T O'llrotn Toi.It \ll•JO 151) 19 II •I I• 2 5 l ' I ? 5 U J • 1 • ' 0 o I l 1 7 7 1 0 ) 1 11 12 ,. )4 LO•llA lJ11 BD061~wic: ' • I , • ' Nlchol11n S•antr Whttl•r NlCllDll L.1mb l 0111J .. • ' • • ' . " . " ' ' I 1 J l l t ,, 11 Jt Sc1r1 ~' Du1rt1n. Ml11I"" \lltlo U H ll l.l-.H 1>.-Jt Lo.r1 12 17 II l!DISDM 11>1 l• " """~' l ,, .. ' " ... Fl1her 1 H•rmon ~ • ... ... 1111c11n ' ? it.rus ? I ' ' Rei.• 10 • WrigM ? J t Wil>On 0 0 I 0 lillVMOl'l<I C 1 0 1 Tot1I• ,. 11 ll 7J •OLSit. OllANDE I.Ml W1rn EITll Forst tr Folev Mi!'tmOlllt ' "d1m1 F11~4 ,.,_ Tol1!5 ' ' J ' J • l .. ' z. ' )(I 1 J I 1 1 0 ' • 1 0 I • 0 0 1 0 G 0 9 t • 0 I G ,, 10 It :M Guzma n. Parrott de r. bOMIMGUl!Z '~'.' •. ,, .... LAGUNA liACH f4J) 1<••us• I 0 7 ' F ·~ f1I fl 1 t Totals n u n Jt · rantz, \Vrigh t, 6-J, fi • J • O't!llVIO"I 1 ' " 6 ,-0wu1 O 1 '• ~ HUNTINQTON llACH 1711 Edlefson, Kuhle def.· Cun-·:::;dwn ! ~· '~ Sc11m11, 1 1 o ~ 'o 'T P' r' nvingham,Caru 1 , 4~, 6-3, 6-4. ~:~1 ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~=Id ; : ~ l: ·~~~sort ! : ~ ,! asquez. A varez def. Teal; ,~0,,11 1 0 1 2 fM.Murr•¥ s ' c 1• w111,.. 10 J • ,, Ma. chand, 6-2, 6-2. Mendonos, Otlwe• l J o ' '"'" 1 o l " c111 J J ' • (8"11'1Klt; 1 1 o J Scflwtr" 0 0 1 0 DIBrlnoft • J I ID Mikysa deL Cripe, Peralta, 6-ke·,,,,. -o 1 o 1 Anot•10n 1 ' , ' Harrell o 2 o , 2. 6-3. Avoyer. Bohrnstedt def. To!•!• ,, i1 n 54 Tot111 ,, 11 15 43 Moro 1 3 1 , S(ff1 llr 0111M1n ,_.., "° 01/frt.n Stw9 r, OV.rttn O'Neill, Peralta, 6-2, 6-3 . s.n c1trnen1t 1J u ' ,,_.1 l1eun• BMCl'I s 12 11 • -•l M11no111 ' 14 '' l.S-Jt Hagey. Austin def. Machette, 1_.-:c""'='-=~·---"-'"'--";._":._-~ __ ~'~"~~~~"---'"-'"'-'"'--"~--"--~"~"~M~>~~""=-~"""'=~"::....'~'-'~'-'~,_,...:.:,_ Allgood, 6-2, 6-3. CIF Titles To Blair, SP Blair High of Pasadena out· scored Bishop Amal, 28-27, Fri· day night at the Coliseum to capture the Class AAAA ClF rootball championship. And South Pasadena upset Bonita, 10--0, to win the J·A crown in a tilt staged at Mt. San Antonio College. Blair had trailed, 13-6, but came back with a score and I wo-poin1 conversion in the third quarter to lake the lead. The Vikings upped the bulge Today's go-anywhere, do-anything Hush Puppies. Edl•on sc1r• "~ o.:r;;-,, _ 1, to 23-13, then held o(f the Lan-' ' !·;QoJden \Vest Co\lege·s ha!:· htball team will meet Fre!no ~t in the central Califor- ii!a, ~ty after absorbing a 9'l· 6l}~t!tback at the hands or Blkersfield Friday night. ~ Rustlers \\-'efll down lo 11'iir lixth loss of lhe seasoo alainst a single victory. ~ailing only 36-27 at the ti•lf, coach Dick Stricic:lin's ctab hit a cold spell midway t1'vulh the s<cood hall. At aoe point the Rustlers Y.'ent 1tr,Ven minutes without scoring. Classy Gary Valbuena led coach Dave Brown's Barons, rippling the nets oo eigbt field goals and four free throws. ,11;11!11• Vlllt' U41 1'0 FT 8011. G••~ 1• ,, 11 11 -~ cers. ,,r,•------'------'---''--------------1 ,.1ate Rick Power, a junior, Santa Clara Bomh.sDons Gtrbf.• ,_, Rtldt r Krl1lln1! .... "'"' \11lbvtn1 L.wr.ch To!1l1 '~' ll1dtn M, John1on L-. )ol>nllOft !.1 .. oul •• tot1l1 • • ' ' ' • ' " '"' • ' • ' • • • • , " . ' ' ' ' . " " " , " . 0 l l 1 J J , ll ' J J ll J l J • 0 ' 0 ' J I I I 11 11 1• 11 JI Q1111!fn lt I 11 10 1' 1, 1r-51 ,,_.. Qiris Thompson led Golderi ~t'i scor:ing aHack with Ii ts while Je{f Powel'!I had d Randy Combs •dded 11. 1Ve Bakersfield pla yers hit SAN FRANCISCO -Santa Clara rooted cold shooting University of San Francisco 70-49 Friday flight in the Cable Car basketball classic. Bronco center D t n n I s· •------------1 '¢tr• ~Y El Moa- Fou11"T1 \11llt¥ 1n d0uble figures . GOl.D•lll w•ST (11) ;.· ,. ,, "'" ,,. ~--~ ,,,, a 1 • '· • 3 • l 11 • 1 7 17 Pewfrt. I ' I U drw-111 • Wli4t • • 1 0 ~ut •• ,. °'"""' 1 • • - ' • 0 ' ... 1 • ' ' ..... )A 1J 11 11 I •A11:1•11t1tLD lfJI •• ,,1 ~ ,. PT Awtrey worked for 15 points in!ide while guard Terry 0. Brien's outside shooting 11el· ted him I~ more points. The Dons were incredibly cold after sr good start, managing just t\\·o field goals Jn a 2f>.minut.e span. Sant.I Clara took a 31-20 halftime lead. Sant.a Clara then scored the first t l points of the second half and coasted with a 2o. point lead the rest or the wa y. . ' ) J IJ 1uam• DUNE IUGGll -•1 110 ,._f ~ 1 • • 1 11 Witt n4 Accau•n.t FwriH ~ i ~ 1i RACIN~ 1iN\::PRISES ._.,, • f t 1t ••I Pl\llorfM ...... C..11 MQt .J .. lt •I 10 14 t2 Oll'lfl 'Ill ' -jU-1141 ..,,IJHif,• tWt 81ltrif!t1d U. Golf··1'°1••·······-t11 Wftl 11. • ~ ........•.........•..• . ~ • CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! : • : BUCKET SEA TS • fo r • • DUNE BUGGIES • • • & BOATS • • • • • • • • • e SS s•t l •cltl s.-.. e 1 r iK• Do1li\1 Woll Ct•tnctl .. I •• W e Hn.,Jly rct44-ll e ail_, Ctl1tt 1 htlt n t• CllNM "9• I : --~---~----~---~~~ . • SPECIAL CUSTOM INTERIORS • • M1de to Order • I Compl ete Line of lutale 1 • • Kits ind Acc111 .. ri11 . '---------------'. • • • The B...,e of 1/ae "8 1JGE'ITA" • . --------· : EISERT EN~;~:1~1s : • • OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. • • 943 PAULARINO AVENUE, COSTA MESA 1 I Phone .546-59•5 • ~ 1 '1 I• I I I I I I I I I• WI I I I I I~ ~· cl11Mc casual. A wardrobe companion I hat you'll find so comfortable, you m-r find yourself woarlng It 111 the time. Breathin' Bnished Pigskin• leather and...., shank support add eitlra comfort i ll.tS HAltlOlt SHOPPING CINTIR RA Y'S MENS· SHOES 2300. HARBOR ILYD. ~ (NIXT TO THltl,TY'I) ~ PHONE 546-&ns HOURS : DAI L y 10.9 SUN. 11-5 COSTA MESA I ~,...-----------------------------------------~------~-·--·-·--... ~·------...-----------------------~~ , SALLY BANANAS ' '. ·.l'EANUTS Hello there, boys and girls. ·and welcome back to another Saturday morning in Uncle Len's Corner. Do you know what a narwhal is? Wendy Ea!tman of Costa Mesa woodered too, so 5he asked Andy. Today Andy expiains and will be sen- ding Wendy a World Book Eneyclopedi'a set for her curiosity. UNCLE LEN is busy poring through the hundreds d en· tries in the Christmas card contest, and will announce the winners slxJrtly. Thank> to all of yru boys and girls who sent. jn your carm this year. l'l·IJ . ,, __ _ ---- By Cllarles lanottl TUMBLEWEEDS S~. ~ ·-... m.i.gM~,..it. ' ' I, • ,, .· i . .. By Cllarla M. Schull Pt:AIN JANE S~YE ROPER PERKINS JUDGE PARKER We'll continue the Cbrlstinas theme for the art contest nnt week, eo let.'s see some more.-------------------------~! .. --------.r,;;a;::;:"ll r::,-:ru-•"";r,..w°"A-N"'1e""o_ro_H_EA_,R yulelide drawingJ, along with W£ CAii TWC F«Eel.V U0W. PAUL! YOU OlL MEW.RUNG; the poetry and jokes. * PRIZE WINNER * ,A80£'!~ ffirLEFTn<e MY DARUWG! DREAMS OF CHIUSTMAS ROOM! WA• n<ERE 5011.E Asleep in your bed Mike 'Marquez, 101 20631 Kelvin Lane, Huntington Beach ~~--cl~~:~ · And trying in your head To dream oC what you're 'jolng To get Christmas morn, · A truck far Billy And for John a horn : And thinking of sugar plums Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contesl Here's all you do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain. white paper 5• inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black Ink ~make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and addre1• on back ol drawing. Mall it lo Uncle Len's Art Coritest, Box lll60, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will re<eive Kennedy half dollar. ·and candy, : And all IMse thingJ that are '--------------------------11 dandy. Vt_. H"1or..,_ 1~ Caitl MIN CHRISTMAS Christmas is a time of joy. All the boys think of toys; The days are very cold and winners in this week's art COD-e ~ e test are: •-----' Ricky Marquez, 1z, Hun-aro d orner tingtm Beach; Vanelli RIDDLES and JOKES Halloran, lO'h, c:osta Mesa; white, Th• lights around are all real bright; Bells are ringing all the day, And 1 can't wait to go' and play. 8NPI Piper, (Qllt MH• U ONORABLE MENTION Kathleen Riel, s. Huntingtm Beach; Michele Rlel, u ,'Hun- tington Beach; MichJe Corey, n. Newport Beach; Diane Pratt. 10, Costa Me.sa: Russell Findley Jr.\ C:OSta Mua, and Mike Maz<juei, It, Huntington Beach.· *-P~IZI WINNIR Fat Man: It looks like you've be<n ill a famine. • Skinny Man: Well, it looks like Y'"' .caused it. -MldMll a;.._ 1\, 174'1 LI "'-N L•M, MUlllllll1" hie• Dear Carol; Why.un't a nose ever be 12 Inches I0:ng? ........ .-..... A..,, c/e ()Nmp Cod Delly ,..,, lu 1 s10. c .......... c•. Andy Hiid! • eorn111P11 20-volume Mt of The t-. .. , straight IVl'IPV tulk fM W.,1111 ·-l!fl()'C.,..11 to Wt!lltf "'"'15 ·-1 Entm111. -1, ot cos•• Mn" Ss marted with a _...,,,, C1Hfwr11t. fw II« 'llmllon: spiral groove frtm ende-;-;.t WUt ei:actly Js a narwhal? lL is an extn special canine You may find this hard to tooth poling for:ward from the believe, but the narwhal is a left &Ide ol the". upper jaw. whale with a huge tusk like Aflltr Nndf 1 www ._. ,..._ ,. the horn on the nose of a Cllokl• Mco ... 111, -121 at 1r1r.,,.....,, ·-~ N-, o! l.GullltM, tor her -Iron: wuo.;u.u. llW4\lays, coul"8e, "IOOf • eq p1noM •t W'ff nnneg :JtMtuy -ICetltJMll Itel, t. 1102 U ,.._ .._, H"""""91t SWll ON CHRISTMAS EVE On ChrUtmas Eve the carolers hum As they stroll through the night, And the cat curls up and purrs By the ·dancing fireliglrt; The distant chureb. bells chime Noel Tbniogh the silent town, And the chlldren th1nll: ol morning lo come As they dream in their nightgowns. A 11;....., hlf ,._ ... ti Mkflle CeJw, IT, Int Pr• dH• L-"--"" IMcfl, NI' 1119 "'""""" ......, ht l'IM •ttn' lflil ,_ """"'· M •I I I'-,_ er ""' M UKJt Ull, In , .... c..te ~ C..llftnlll, we all know that the unicorn Is Does tbe &Insko tree re.Of a fairy-fitory animal · who date blck lo dlaolaur tlay1? never really lived. But the The decorative ginp.o tree L-----------------.JI narwhal was always tlNn in appeared on ear111 at least 300 Denni• the lff-.... e the cold polar seas. He looks million years ago. This was ~·~ even more unusual than the during the Devonian Period, imaginary unicorn and It is the Age o! Fishes, and long r--'l""'r-"l"'--TT--...,..,...-..,..-,~.,.. atmmt harder to believt be is before tbe dl}'1 of the a ru1 live animal. dinosatD'a. We have but a few ( Eskimos know a lot about fossil records of their early the narwhal because he lives days. But there Is plenty of Jn Iheir cltllly Arctic oeas. evidence to prove that gl,... 1. They hunt the narwhal and eat thrived throUgb the Pmn!ln his meat. They melt his fat to Period, 'nrls' 11V41 IOl'l'le 200 ~ mate oil fer' their lamps and ·million years ago. Giant ' use his tooth skin to ·make salamanden wallowed in the ~ we at h e-r ·proof clothes. swamps around the ferny Sometimes they line Iheir oot· forem and the· repllle clan door clothes with the dried was geWnf started. skin of his intesUnes. And · Great fomll ol alngkoo moot ol au they admire the flourt.hed In manr porll ol Ioog 1pi1<7 Iusk that potet the world all lh""'llh the -1..,i;_. lonranl from hi s upper jaw when the dinoolln ad..,_. r ·which is actually a very to ,_ their prime .,4 they special ..._ tooth. The ..... am --the ~·-· to ..... .....,, dlnoollql -and flllal1r 'statues and make hancbom< dtplrted. FOllll -Jll'OV1I 1""'1 knl•es. that larp ctr.lo f<nltl pw Since the narwhal b a mtm-among our northweatern ber o! the whale famil y, you mountains untiMhe Ice Ages would expect him to be I very ol the last ll!illlon l'rnllc Sl!J<e large animal. Aod ao he ls, then. specimens have been lhot.lgh nol as big 11 110me of cht.rllhed in Asia la ucnd his giant COU$ins. His body trees. ADd IO flt' II ft k'how, may grow to be II fee\ long the glll(kO ls the only ltee that and his ws<y toolh acids h11 sumved q n ch• n s e d • • onothcr nine fl!tl or ,. to bis lllroqb all -hundreds al •..., .._ --• total len(th. m1llloosal1fftl. --··--eotlrl~Mus.1• MOON MUWNS r ,., .. , ~~a.""" ...... . .. - / ) \ Mun AND JEFF l KNOW BUT YULETIDE, YULETIDE· DAIL V l'ILCIT J:J ly Tom K. lya NE<VER! NdSIR! NOTMEJ PUTME UOWN! HALP! 1 '11-llNK l'M GOING' TO ~!KE HERl •• - SHES Cf!AZYJ '1 ,, 11 ly Ft'Clllk latllllkl . ly Saundlt'S and OYef9Cl'd IJ/D --Ms NIS SNl!T'/.llEl.T r--0! Tt6HTER1 HE HEADS TIE "CAr" FM A PILE 0/: l/JMll£R S1i4CK61' A6AINST THG LOW WAJ.L-/ ly John Miles ly Harold Le Dou ly Ferd Johnso•· ' By Al Smith . :;. · .. . . WHERES )t)UR, CHRISTMAS SPIRIT? ly Mel f f I • J ,f DAILY PILOT Saturday, Dtcember 131 196~ . DRUG STORES ·~· ~/~ CHOCOLATES.--.... .. {} Gift Box · A delithlful assortmeJ\t nl fTlilk and da1~ 1 95 ···· chocolates in bow d~cora1~d bl~e or p111~ box. 1 lb. • • souo Chocolates "Kin1·M11p" ••• So• o! trees, bells and Santa· . including 4 rolorfull y /o.J wrappedSantas. 49c 5 IZ. OPEN 9 AM to 10 PM-7 DAYS A WEEK Hard candies "Thinslell'' ••• As~orl­ ment of deluxe candies v. I assorted shapes & f!~vors in "11p-top"can. 53c I I •~ ,11,1 '•' BRAUN Hair Dryer for Men So small it ta~es up less 1oom than a rnirror. Provides instant d>rect heat. Maf.es a 19 50 greal gift lor the man. i!'BP-tDI • "" "T ........ , • ·.·• DllllllllllllClllPllUll ICJllllllllllllOIUl\lll\ll IOllllUll llUOllllllllllllCllllg ',jj 6·PIEC£ 3·PIEC£ f ! Steak Knife Set Cutlery Set ~ ''. § Super·sl1arp3·D Slamle~sblade5 § § wavy edges:, w,wavy Pdgcs, § fleetwoo1 han. fle~twood han-6 dies ••• \Valn1Jt rjl 1 ·~ ••• \Valm1t :: lm1sh wood ho!· linis~ wood hol· S: 1 · , '6.88 '4.8e I • 6111101111111111nc111111111n1011111111n1101 1111111111101111rr1111nc11u111111110 COOKWARE by ''BAKE -KING" • 8" Square Cake Pan w{Tetlon Coa ti ng • 9~x5¥.i " loaf Pan w/Tetlon Coat inc • 14x9" Smokeless 2·Pc. Bro iler .S11mless Pan witb Removable Ribbei Broiler • 6-Cup Mallin Ti1 w/Teflon Coating Your· Cho ice 99~. ''CAT'' MINI-BIKE Finished in Brilliant Lime Green -Featuring 2~i HP Briggs and Stratton f ngine, 4 Cycl e ••• complete double loop frame shetrt arc welded. 6'' autormtive type steel wheels wirlt UOxJ.50-6" z p~ inobbyti~~Sllre stop Mctioo brake, b<avydulyteitri· 99 95 hJgal clutch with full . proleclion ~eel guard. Molorcycle type throl· lloconlrol. 1250X. 0 L.M. 500 Race Track sET Witb Dul L.111 l LIJ CG11!er for Eacl CJt! ll'le world's only skill car race withGut batteries, motors or wires! This track set is truly the .. ,t revolutionaiy rac· 8' 88 ing set ever developed ... seeing is believing. Get the Johnny Light"ing • l.M. track llOW. ' "S " oma by PARKER l1 Ellflll J.Dime11i111I Cube Pmle Seven pieces can form a t ube in mDfe than a mi1Jior1 v1ays ••• as well as 41 other lascinating structures! This puzzle will intr i$UI bolh young and old alike • 1.29 Super "100" Road Race SIT 14 11. 1lii Filled Candies " • PONDEROSA :: "Outswept" Scotch Pine Super-Charger Sprint Set By ELDON-1132 !.Cale ~del ~I wiltt OVel 100 piec.6, over l 7 feet of track! loads of action with 3 cars that are controlled with hand controls. Cars are Chapparal aM Porsche fastback w1 ~ Z body shells. ·#!541 j§ Wilb Custom B"e •.• Oec~..Wc 23 98 a graceful, full look. 1Y2 ft. • l. ... 1rce \vith 235 tips that ~ive it "Super-Cllr11r" leeps 'em racing non-stop! Rev-em up! Make 'em me ::~:~~ti~:! 77 Inclu des most all items for all exciting race· 7 way. #1291 • ~opntlil "Close 'n Play" AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPH Portable record player lve11 1 ver1 young child can operat•. Plays 45 rpm "conls w/~ng-69 life, ::.apphire n~ed!e. Plastic rase \1/carrying 5 · handle. • KIDDE£ cHRoME Table and Chairs 24 X 18" stain, mar and scratch resistant top. Two chairs with thick· ly filled seats, vinyl covered. Gleaming cltrome 8nd brass plated tubular frames. 11.88 11 Skittle-Bowl" uMe By IURORl-400 ye8! old t.owling '1•m< :rom lngland •• ; lasling appeal for au .ages and both sexes. It's the next ~t ~:~n~ ~~~~gi: 5 69 voor living room. lhere's no end to tre lun! • "Spirograph" $IT For Ill ., ....... ,. •• UI rlmr Mntifll 11t11m i•· mld l11tt1! No lllil II "I 1111111 lll CID 11111 Creative fun starts \'fith this fastiriatin£ 3e\ It's easy tor the y~ng , child. yet challenging 2 39 for the older. Patter~ booklet included wilh PISY to tollow instruc· t1ons. • "Yahtzee" we IY lllllr -Cxtitin1 "J>llo" 1ame p~yed with d<t. An exciting !amity or party '"'" with action, suspense, chance and sl<ilL Makesy111 1 29 tltlnk wflll1 lt1vi111 fin • • •, 16.88 ... "Douglas Fir" TREE • Witb Sl,.Hon1 Needl• ••• 210 19 98 !· >; :· tip artifica! tree for year aftPr year .. -~ ; beauty. 1Y1 11. • : I runKaoL "Tyke Bike" , f· 15 Light s.t r or 1 ta 3 yearolds. !Wgged wood. ·,. trarne with chrDme plated angle • • bars, soft plastic handle grips • with streamers. While wall red ,. & black molded wheels, contoured .1 plastic Still. . •· · "Twinkle';,, 18"Hi1• 4 66 II" L1n1 • R101a mEL "Rex-Pal" Wagon Slimly, alfs!eel with ro lled under tlanged edge. safe, sioooth corners. 6 X ll" molded block ti~s that are purM:ture proof. A real delight for 111 littlc boy< firt · 4 39 (1 iRI Rel, W!ilo w•11ls 0 1 Ol-th11'< low many fascinaliog pastimes this xreat game board provides. Redesigned and restyled 1or more pleasure than ever be!or~. 211.1" 5 44 S~a1r1 If P11lshl Wul • I "Don't Break The Ice" UllE 1y sewn -1 rei1 dlllietlging ''"" ••• all you !lave lo do Is wl the ice oat from arni.rnd tile man, but watclt out-don't dump hlm in the lake-or ynu·re OPI of the gamP. ~ :~t~:.:" i 2 29 players • ' " . • " " . .. , 15 r.'~'f','"11 ''""'Q li:!::ilJ . ... ,~, .... ,. • !11./.(.lij;llj --- for INDOORS -Ind•· for INDOOR S ••• 15 pcndenUy burning bulbs HI assorted colors ••• !1~hts tri a~ortcd color~ with green cord and soc· w1\~ add ort connector. •~ts. Pre-t!'s\ed. 125151.98 #2516 2.59 fir 'Mini' li1ht189C ••• se t <11 JO in asSOJted colors. w .. 11<,pnror, 3•agc 7 It roll in ass'! solid color>. 25 light Set • ; j ti -~ . tor INDOORS/OUTDOORS ·l -l~dependenlfy burning, • colorlul 'C9l'4 bulbs with • . ad:I on connector. .• • •2924 2.69 GILLETTE Injector Blades 01 Su1er St1i1les1 St11f 1.4911'• .. TOOTHPASTE '•ts Teti! lrmlstlllJ Wlitt 1.DHaMllJ Siu · "Contac" COLD CAPSULES ftr ltlltfll Nlsal e111Nflt1 -1.41 ll'r -······~···-····-···~·-··~··,-· SAY·ON "Vitamin C" Asc1111c Aclj -·.u,s,r. - Zll·-s. -ltf. UI Zif SQUIBB 'Theragran-M' VICK'S "NyQuil" Sa~, Docombtr L!, 1169 - • Iii' httllCJ Yll1•l1 Ftr•1la witll lllurols. lrs Fl!E •/tlrs tor Nl1flttl•• Coll Me41c1H ltlilfts Colj sz•1tt•s ltf . lll1n! 1.41 11. Siu ''Pledge" SPRAY WAX l11111 1r R1pl1r · 141z. C1n DOG FOOD Stew 1r Has• i1 15'h 11. C11is 4.88 PRINCE MATCHAllLLI 2-Pc . Gift sn S~immering c1eme sachet with dusting pow~er ••• a~all· able in all 4 ha· "Tigress" BATH POWDER IJ FABERGE-With ~mb1 w!!bl ptiff in elegant reusable canister. . @.!d.&h 3-Pc. Set Alter Shave, 4~• 01., Cologne, 4~.t Ol., and Spray Deodorant, 3 oz. 4.25 2-Pc. Set Alter Shave. 4~4 or., • and Aero~o! Ocodor· ant, 4 Ol. 2.50 for HIM "Burley" sET 2·Pi1ces - Alter Shav e. "Desert Flower" ::. 6.00 Gift Sets for HER In• SNULTON l, ~EWPORT BEACH I oao '"'"· •• WMNllH ,, ... HUNTINGTON BEACH Sprh1 ... •IMI Ml.., -.. DAILY PILOT J/r-; • > -· • ·- DAILY PILOT Slttf Plltte Ro11ta1ttic ltlonwnt · . : .. Cheri Sumro\v and Pat McLemore shate a r a r e ,.. smil e in. the Huntington Bea ch Playhouse's mys· : t ery drama '·'Invitation ·to a Murder." 'fhe play '" ~ontinues tonight and closes next \Veekend. . ' • 1 ' HOLLYWOOD .IUPI ) -Bob !·!ope goes to \Vashington Sun- day lo glve President Nixon a preview or his touri ng holiday &how at the White House. On h>lor.day the President will preside ove r departure ceremonies as Hope and his iroupe of 83 leave by military jet fro m Andrews Air Force Base in t.1aryland. It v.·ill mark the first time Hope girdles the world on his annual holiday trek to en- tertain America-11 servicemen abroad. First stop will be Germany, then Italy, Turkey, Thailand, South Vietnam, Taiwan and Guam. The comedian refused to specify Jlie cities and da tes of his appearances. Three years ago the hotel .i~ \\'hich he was to stay in Saigon was hit by an explosion shortly before his arrival. •lope·s 1969 edition of fun and games is all female and includes Connie Ste v en s . Theresa Graves from "Laugh· ln," dancer Suzanne Charney, De.an f\1artin's Golddiggers, actress Romy Schneider and f\1iss World of 1969, Eva · ·Reuber-Staier of Austria. Les Brown and his "Band of RenoY.•n" wiU provide the niusic. Televis ion camera crews vdl\ accompany the troupe gathering footage of Hope's gags and the fa ces of Navy, Army. Air Force and r.tarine servicemen wh ich will appear as a Hope special Jan. 15. The trip is sponsored by the U.S, Defense Department and the USO. Hope's yrungesl son. Kelly. 23, ~'ho served in the Navy in .Japan earlier this year. will be aboar d the plane whi ch returns to Los Angeles Dec . 30 <ifter 15 days on lour and more than two dozen perfonnances. The trip marks Hope's sixth consecutive year in Vietna m and his 19th. annual Christmas tour abroad. It all began in 1941 \\•hen Bob Broadcast a radio show rrom r.tarch Field, Calif. Reaction or the servicemen was so great, the comedian decided that he would make his Chris tmas present to American men In uniform .an amusing, sexy show. ' ' " ' Cliristmas Festival Plan1ied for Sun~y A Christmas festival of an· cicnt origin will once again be re-enacted at Old Mission San Luis Rey, near~Octanside this Sunday. The pageant called "Las Posadas" (The Lodg· ingsl to which the public is cordiallY invited free or charge, has its roots in early 16th century Spain and was in· troduced into the New World by the Franciscan padres when they came to Chris- tianize the Indians. The colorful ceremony tells the story of ll-tary an d Joseph's search for shelter for the birth of Chri st a t Bethlehem on the f i r s t Christmas. It ~as · f i r s t celebrated in thf, New Worl d at the church of Alcoman in f\1ex.ico in 1587, aod later at the Cal ifornia hfissioos. Jn lime, "Posadas'~ became so popular that they spread not only througliout the churches of Mexico and neighPoring countrie s, but also came to be celebrated by people in their homes. As enacted by children of the San Luis Rey area, I.he lovely girl portraying Mary on a burro and the handsome boy representing Joseph go from door to door of the Old Mission seeking shelter. Each time they are rebu!fed . Precedlng them is a procession of cos- tumed children singing tile haunting Spanish songs of Las Posadas. When, at last, a friendly voice invites N."ary.and Joseph into a stable, .all join the figure of the-Christ • child .Concert Set · In Fulle11on Beah a Mother "I t's hard for a new show to cat.ch on against shows that have become a habit," she observed. "We were fighting ·Bonanza,' which had been a fixture for years, and the ABC mOvies. wh i ch w e re KIDS MATINEE SATURDAY. 2 P.M. "SPACE SHIP TO VENUS" Tv•o string quartets and a ALSO piano quintet will 'present a HOLLYWOOD (\JPl) WALT Dl5NIY'S chamber music conert Mon· Beah Richards will play the "FLASH, THE · day at,c,il Slate. FuUetton.'" molhlr ot tht wo.f·J d,' s ,,..., 1"he , 'frJ!e: per1orn\a~e 1 is hNl)ireli'bt ~g.~plOn • ,·E!NAGE OTTER" sched~·. for .;.1;99 ,p1m. t-in iru .JOtb .eentttry;ttft's' ''nlt All Seats SOc Room 116 of the'M'*°8peecb-. ~'<l~r..t~~Whlle~. ;;· ;g~"==· =· ::;;~~~~~~~~~~·~ Drama Building. fi Two-ol the student groups-- a q"3rtet and the ,qul!)l<t - ~·ill be directed by Daniel G. Lewis, professor ol mU&lt and coordinator of instrumental music at· CSCF, -The program. ·wJU;Jnclude Mozart's Quartel._ln B flat ma· • jor. Qultet No. . 1 b y ShotW<ovldl and Qiilntent• in F minor by ·Brahma. . . ' . · ./(Ju!h Coa c;l Repertory' ' " SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY ot 12,30 Doors Open at 12:00 • 0THE SWORD OF ALI-BABA" Plus 5 CARTOONS ALL SEATS SOc ·new JR an SH UJdilaC ·JIU want ~ RE$T.U1RANT" ""'"' AHLO flUTHRIE COLOR by Deluxt U.tld Ar111f1 [!Jc> • "" ..... II: ~­-·at long la1t- the long awaited : Lawrence · ~ Durrell'1 1.-... comes to the screen I -2o. M ·-··-· -~~·c..a,Go!M- -ALSO- liREliORY PEDI ADDE HEYWOOD IHE IHAIRmAn 4th BIG WEEK c.11 673-6260 For Information Also Ploying -"THE FIRST TIME" ~2001 a1111ce_,,.'1 CINIMA SCltllN 1'.fETROCOLOR Shows !tart at 6:30. •Children Under12 Free! LATE SHOW TONIGHT -ALL THEATRES SliE •OTH l"EATURES AS U.TE AS lO:JO P.M . ... oi.::,.., ~C:lo.) Kt·2481 S Supt:f Ilk• ,lk kt "WtLO AJrtGELS " '"GLORY STOMPERS'" "Hl.LL'5 ANGELS ON Wlo!EEL!" P1v1 l urtr1 c1rro11 Lynltly "DIKI Yov Kltl A Slrl1tt11r" !Ml R.o"rt Mllc!>um GI0'11 Ke<!nttly "THE GOOD GUYS ANO THE IAD GUY5" 1111 -k~) D••I< ....... M"'°" ,. .. ' ' ..---. "Al.:FREO THE GREAT" (M) i "'""'·'212-: l'IVI Dun1-..1ye-M1rc1Uo M11l~l1nnl t -1 ,".l PLACE !'Oil LOVERS" l M) -·-·-· 145-lJJl JOHN and MARY Chrlslo,thtr ,.lummtr·Suwnna~ Y•rli: "LOCK U, YOUR DAUQHTERS" (It) Sindy o.nn11 1111 McK•ll• "THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH" lMI JU!tOt 2nd HIT Bri9Jat (if.,. ,1'f.CllNICOLOR CAC ' 4tll AND FINAL WEEK 10111 hatvres Rated "G .. plANET ',.,ApES COMING FOR CHRISTMAS WALT DISNEYS IOI J !t CA•IOOll·'1ATU!ll , DliMAllUS ' . ' • ' . -"""'·-----------------------------... ---~ .............................................. ,....,...,..-..... .,...---,,,-,.,,,..,,..-,.,,..,,.,c--,"'·--.. ~-~-··--.. ·~ . ~ ... ' "·-.. . . ' .... • ' ! APPALOOSA. LARGEST OF PACESETTER HOMES, FEATURES FOUR BEOROOMS, TWO BATHS • ' Man-made La~s Pacesetter Makes Waves Apartment ·Plan Set · ... • 'Serl..u-Elleet' Buillkrs Atrack For. Viejo Ouster of Lapin . The lint opartment project :· In Mi!oion Viejo, 11,000.acre WASHING10K -'!lit NI-·eu· -·· · -,._ new comm u n It y In tlonol ~lllOo d ·->1111 _.i C( a. -Wiii IOUthea!lem Oran1• County, = ~:.""'thelbaln:JI: ~""'"*1cjuo-. .J: lw bttn lllMWlCod by James -and 11.t)'TllOlld H. IApln · "l!lo cumlll COll!lld• · Toefitr, vice pmident d dtheF-a1Natlooal _.s~r•t•...,. • planning. Mor1'lP A-m b • In~-• FllMA'r A 1ardeMype complex, the r~vod "quietly lad llftlca. .,._. 1'lll(A, In .. ~ $2~ million project wUI in-G r-.f r· ly. nm Uedlt .......... I,..,. elude 144 1putment.s ·Jn 11 • \..Al ill Act1nl Prtlident L«ill R. fldW m i*Ufldbc ..t l~I• bulldinp clustered around -.llld t11o 11,llllO -lo llouoln(. · richly-landac•ped greenbelt& R I ted trodo uoodatlcin WU -"NAiii II ...., --Ind pedeltrian n1Jcw1ys. It e-e ec ....... tbal tllo "dlopulo, --abou1 t11o ...... Of will be built on Mar1Uerite 1!11 lnlm the "'""lw' d tllo rNllA .. ,..-. '1lllA Partn .. y, north o1 the 1ou "'o NAREB 1.op1n II)' Prooldarl Na. u mu11twdwo11 bo _...._~ coorse. J. ' head d FNMA, could llova a • • llrloua dlt<I cm boullr!C Toepfer said the apartment Uvitv, complex will have the ma-George H. Coffin 1 II , v jority of its parkinc under the Newport Beach Realtcr, has Buba llid t.bat FNMA, buildinp to enhance the open, been re-elected a director of uqder Lapin U prMident ad greenbelt look •round Ind tbe National AMociatlcin ol tl!o boord d dlnctcn, hod In- between tho Spanish.,.tylod -lllUX)' lmq!MUvt IOd buildings.. Real Estate ~rda loi' a valualllo .......,,,. wlllch. bol th!'erryear term, it wu an-,.ilt....... 4'"~ -...it.. and tbe "ArchJtecturally," he said, -u11111 ..,.._ nounced by J. Peter Barrett, ..__...t....nM.. ....... .-. .... ...._'* .,. ,,....,"' '''''"' -; Anywhere ~: c ................ :: SI SLAYIN : .. IWTOI . DC-: ,., ;i:m-.. "the apartment buildlnp will pl<Oident Of the N...,m i;'iiiii""• ... ·-- canpliment.""' blend into the Harh<r.co.ta M.., llolnl d "In lh• eumnl ,._!~~~~~~~~~ Jt.tlsalon Viejo overall theme. RWton:. crl:lll," B.9r'bl taid, "the ac-1i =. ":a ha;;:,. ~ Cdftn joins William C. lllll& llY!tlol. C( r1iMA in ..,oft d .. 1133! bolccnl•." Of Corona del Mor, who 11 a Iha FHA lad ·VA bou1111f l"OR 1 1'"8« Home Rates Seen Still ~n Spiral . LOS ANGELES (UPI) Tnterest fates on home mortgages probably will con- tinue to climb next year even Ir the economy begins to cool and othe r interest· r a t:e s decline, Chairman Preston f\fari in of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board aaid this \\'tek. carryover -d the nwt!I hava born 1 brfPt ----The first of two man-made fonn«hist«icVallltlnch,la occupancyonNovember25. The company ii lpendins crganiz1Uon. lpot ln the oChtnrilt bM.t .... ,.~...!!!~ lakes planned for Pacesetter located on Hipway St S , 1be community may ht more thin SU0,000 ° n 'Ibe tlec1.im toot p1lct la houliftl pk:ture. Jn fct f« all '-"":'.::;;.i;-""' HomesatRanchoCallfomiais midway between Riventde reached by entering tbt land:lcaplq, ornamental November during the amuaJ practical~ it la the :f':~:f~.._ compll'ted and filled with and San DieKO and IKl milea Rancho's main entrance a.t u,htqanddeconttvewaUs. C(lrlventJ.on or the to,eoo. market for FHA· VA • ... • ·.., • ·..,,.. waler, announced Landon M. from Los Anplee. Rancho California Road. Tum 11'1t project will hl\te it.. membtt a!MOCiltion. eontn i1 mortc.,. at JftNl\L :i'=-.~ '!'riiJ i~ Exley, vice president and Four floor plln!I ran1e Jn Ji&'ht at Ynez Road, pro-own recrtllJollal flciUty, in-one of 35 directors named to "NAHB hU always been I u,..~ general manager of Paceset-price from $22,950 to $.11,950 ceeding one block to Rancho cludlnC rwirnnUDa: pool. represent the 17& local real Arone supporter <A. FNMA and ,.......,.,._ ter Homes. and in siie from two to four Vista Road. Turn 1eft an Gracfinc ol the project will estate board! in Cl.llforni1 wt ur,. that the pttllftt ..,.. AN I • •• Filling of the 81,~-acre lake bedrooms. Each bu a .etec-Rancho Vista, continui,ng on.. start in June, and the complex which are member• of pcrnmel dilputt invoMnc 61!!.!*J:..:l&F took 14 days and 14 million tion of thtte exteriors. The half milt to the new com-will be ccrnpleted in Juwary, NARES, the Newport board tNMA bt remlved quietly .,_. {1M galloos of water. Average ..'.'.'.'.lnt~uru~·t~w~ill~be~av~ailable~· ~~lor~_'.m~WR~·1y~.-------~l~l7~l-:._ _______ ~beini~·".!,~on~e:-_. ______ ~and~!amlcal>b'~~~oo~lt!a~l_:FNMA~~~=' :':':-=-:':":' :~:-=:':"':= Martin, in a spet!Ch to Uniyersity of Southern California facu1ty members, 1aid that although con- ventional mortc:age rates are about eight percent, they are litili below the rates on many other Jong-term investments. "Mortgage rates could con- tinue to rile even after other rates have ISegun to decline in 1970 or early 1971 ." he said. '·Even when mortgage rates top out, they can not be brought down very much and still be competitive with other investments." Martin's board regulates sa•UJ&s and loan associations and . this year has provided almost $.1.9 billion in advances to tbt as.soclations to permit them to continue to make " mortgage loans. Ht said the board woukl conti1ue next year to try to cushion the effect of tight- money policy on housing but ~ declined to say if the board's activity would equal thi& year's level. "Today's and tomorrow's high mortgage interest rates are undesirable because they price many families out ol the market for new housing and better housing," Mart.in said. New Design Center Open In Newpo!t depth is five feet with some 1· spots dropping to as much as nine feet. T h e m o d enlely-prictd, Lakeside community r..,,......, the. first homes by an outside builder at Rancho California, the 17,500-acre, masterplanned cOrhmunity in Riverside County. In addition to the completed lake, there \Viii ~ one cover- ing four acres. Both will be suitable for fishing and sail- ing. A community building, complete with a meeting room, a swimming pool and two tennis courts are adjacent to ihe larger lake. · Models Of the completely air-<:ond.iQooed homes are .on display at Yner and Rancho Vista Roads, juit olf ffiattway 395 and within • mile Of the Rancho California Plaza. Rancho Califomi1, the Panel_ Helps Lo,w Income Families SAGRAMENTO -Charles R. LeMenager, State Di.rector of Housing and CcmmurUty Development, hu announced the appointment of a five member advioory commilleo to wist in carryillJ out a pilot study of a program to train and qualify low J n c o m e families for homeownenhip. The adviaory committee w11 appointed under the proviai.on1 Walter R. Gayner, president of AB ]977 enacted thir year. of Republic Homes. a division DI N a t I o n a I Envjronment Authored by Assemblyman Corporation (NATEC), an-Pete Wilson (R.San Diego), nounced the opening o( a new Chairman of the AJ5tmb1y design center at 3919 Birch Urban Affalrs and HOUlinl Street in Newport Beach. Committee., the bill eill:blishu Alt.hough the center will pro-vide many functions, it ,vas 8 CaW~ Lo"· In c om e crea~d primarily to control Home Ownership Trlinin& and tbe design of Republic's homes Managemtnt Pro,run ad-Ind apartments. It will also ministered by the Departmtnt •""'e a research function in of Housing and Commmlit1 new. interior design treat-Developinent. ments. particularly kitchen design, storage, etc. Named to the Advilory The design ce:nt.er v.·ill be Committee were the follow· managed by Ronald Guccione. ing: creative director for Republic Reed RobbiO! ol. Stockton. A Rmnes. He will be assisted by reallor, Robbins iJ 1 former Sulan Peters. an interior deaper, ,and a staff of three President of the California other a5"stant!. ~ Real Estate A.seoclation. He The ctntcr wiU llso instruct was •PPointed as th e aa.1• personne;I in decorating representative ol the real coordination and· design . The estate industry. facility has a conference area John J, Goodwin ol san in •hlch ~II design review meetings ror Republic will be 'Franci8co. GoOdwin ts Prul· held. The re are additional dent of City Savinp and Loan w a re h o u s e and orfice ·Aslodation Jn San Francilco ftclllties. and is Vice President of l~ Guccione stated the purpose California Savings ~nd Lotn of his design center in this League. He was •PPointed to way, 1'0 We hope b y coordinating the Interior and represent the savings and loan the eiterior desigm of our induslry. projects to create the best Walter SUpe, llliltaDt dty PQll!ble living 'en~ira.1me~t.. manqe:r for c 0 m m u a 1 t 1 Tti. Southem Cal1 f orn1a · , hocnebuyer ol tho 70's will be ~ d Ille d\)' d more discriminating a n d 5acramtnto. Grad7 ii ' E1· dlmancli01 than ever belore. ecuttve Vice PreAdelt "-Su OUr center intends to combine Ditto ffoutinc, I uanproftt tbe innovative new ideas of h o u 1 1 n & dtveloprnent cot· tM• 70's with the traditional po.f!t.uon.M Oonnt'n. ueeuti quality o( Republic Homes." director ~ I.he HOU 11 ft~ Authority Ind Redonlopmcnt Who Cor1>? Ag<oc:y Of the city el Volltjo. Grady and Mcllonnoll will The Pacese.tter family plan: , Room to live, room to grow at the heart of the Irvine Ranch ~~:oo""'-t • • --- 0 DRESS !EOlOOM 3 MASllR SUITE BATH 2 .• ~AlAG! ..... I I .... Move up to .1. Pacesetter home at The Ranch in Irvine and you move into a: new way of living. The Ranch has been especially·crealed fortodaY's -young, active families on the moveoi.Homes, llke die Vera Cruz model shown, offer comfortable, elepnt Jiving, with more square footage per dollar. Every home hu all the Pacesetter touches of quality: the spoclous m~ter suii.., luxurious wpetlnr. a fam- ily room, formal and Informal dining, beamed c:alhedral ceilinp and warm te>tures throuJhovt, from tlte WOod of the ifoublt-door ent ry to the ased bride of the dra- matic fireplace. o.,lpd for living, bea11te Pausetter build! homes, not full ho u<e<. B!lllOOM % HALL DEN Ok IEO~OOM • FAMILY ROOM COATS ENT~Y ~ l<ITCHEN . NOOK DINING ROOM . llVINC kOOM And with every home, you r.1 room for srowins. The ~nd). re-creates the (HI o. an early-CaJifornl1 ranch, with permanent greenbelts; eucalyptus-lined pastas and I ceJ!b'•I park. A Poces6tler home at The Ranch is 1n4rrwestmentin land and an investment In fivlns. O\!r 4-lle\lroom Vera Ctuz model is priced at $30,650. 0th• models, In 1 and 2 story deslsns, tl!lrt et $2J,4SO with the best FHA and VA financing available. CQme by today for a lo.ok. You'll probably want to Slay. sales office 71418~ I • =-• • '' ,,;;;;,, ' . ' ....- f4 o othtr llfWSPitllff in lite world serve 11 rtpreSentaUves of the tares about your commut1ilJ like p6blic 1l J1r&e. All mesnbtrs rour communllJ' dlllY MWSPIPI' -wUI ICl'Ve 1t tht plu.surt ol gon. lt't the DAILY PlLOf • the director of bousln1 and community developmeat. 1:1acesetter Homes The Ranch =: 1= I - I • 1 • .. _if, DAILY PILOT ·SltwdlJ...-1), 1969 '.Risk Cut N~al,ed r---------:------------------------- --')Jifle,~~pa,ni~ R~p(Wt ·rrpfits • WllSH!KGTQM _....,,. ll1Gll lenUon by tiUe comJ>llllea that .nicent lndustrywide sllitistlcaJ their concentratJon on. rt.st . ·~udy in the ,.,UUe ~ance elim ination befoie insurln,, b · ' neld . finds .that · 191111 pre.tax :~~~g J>T!>frls of t t t J e necessary to better meet Uftdetw11terii 1Wfaged 13 per.-public needs. cent Of· ·gross operating in-Title insurers surveyed hAd CQllO, ·~I to Tbonw J. 1981total""""of1741 million ~litdn, president 1..flf. tl!e .,.:s . l!IQI grOS! operating m- Amerlcan Land Title 1As&ocia-come of nearly $317 mllllon • . Uon. Operating expeMeS e1clu&ive . This tigure com~ with ot losses and loss adjustment JD68 pre-tax operating· prolils · ttpeT'lles, took 82.5 percent of of. IS.8 percent fw :cs in-this amount. By comparison 1n dustrial companies .li§tJ!l'.I in ise8, boiler and machinery .tn- Standard and Poor's ·Analysll ' surance companies had . Jlindbook, 'and 13.9 .-for 9i>enting expemes that total· :$Un!:ty com~es m .the, pro-eel 60.8 perceot of operating~ : perty ~~ ~b1lltr field. 1 ~; surety c om pa n 1 e s .-Part!Clpatine m ~.~LT~. ~operating expent05 at · ;l!Wdy were ~ percent of ·the 51.7 i>erc<nt of _,iling in· .title underwriter memberf <i come · and fidelity compaoit! the association, Holstein said., were 1listed at 39 petcmt and M~ title underwriters In the stock JltillM:itJ and liability in- nallon are .memb;ers or the surance oompsnies at 31.2 per-as:aoclalion .. liucty<iWonnation cent. •as ~ined·-:(r;_om National ''1\tle company operating ~1atiQP·of lnrurance-com-expenses include the ezperties mia:ioDtn. report dala. and and overhead it ·takes to pro- does not ID<:lude. abst:raclers perly exaWne and insure land who are title tpS!p'aoce agents. UU .. H ·~ · d I d H ,,.ft!M who ts rresident of es , Ol3iem e c a r e . . o~ . r-"Industry dedication to risk : LaCrosse. (Wis. l Cculty Tille elimination makes it possible :Company •. sa1d the AL:rA to inSure titles for a one-time ·itud:i liDdinp suppxt.the C?n-prenrlum each time a real •Meadowview ·.Off er~ _l~ig Back Yard One of the biggest back yards in southern California will be shared by numerous property owner s a t Meado w vie w, Rancho Califnrnia ·s new c o u n t r y estate development located in &outhwest Riverside County. No less than 94 or the 259 home sites compr i sing ~feadowview's first increment back up to a 386-acre parcel, designed for recreation parks and green belts. Aceording to officials of Butterfield Land Corporation, a subsidiary of Coldwell, Banker & Company and ex- clusive :sales agents r o r Meadowview, the acreage has great potential foe hiking, ~ riding aod other outdoor activitfeS.· ijqµiring ample space. The ·19· area wi.U contribute to the ~nness and pleasant rural atmosphere fur the entire residential area, they add . I n d i v idual Meadowview parcels are offered in one-half to 13/4-acre sizes.beginning at IS,9'0. Rancho California is an 87,500 -acre multi • purpose development of Kaiser Aetna, the ne\v real estate devel~ ment arm of Kaiser Aluminum & Chemica l Corporation and Aetna Life and Casualty Company. In ad- dition to residenUal develop- ment, large areas are devuted lo commercial, agricultural, light industrial and recrea· tiooal operations. estate transat'tion occurs." L<lss and loss adJustnlept expenses of the title insurers jn the study· totaled nearly $14.2 million in 1968 -or about 4.5 percent of 1968 gross operating income. The Joss . and loss adjustment expenses related to policies issued in various years. For 1958, stock property and liability Jn. surance companles th a t emphasize risk assumption are reported to have ex- perienced a )OM of 68.8 per- cent of premium& earned. "Occasionally, a ml!in· formed person will. charge the land title industry is making high profits on low .Jou ex- perieACe," Holstein continued. "This kind of allegation demonstrate1 misun- derstanding of the waY tttle companies operate. A L T A members spend most ol their time, money, and teehnical skill investigating p u b 11 c reconis before they insure land titles against delecl! that originated in the past - before a purdsl:se or ln- veatment. is Dade. 'This ap- proach -Its· In the low losses that ..,. tiile com- panies are dlltng ·their job right. It also me.ani that there is maximum protectio n against losing homes · and other real estate because land title defects." Holatein added, ~ ' r h e b~iness rl t1Cle evidencing and lnluring require< sklllcd, experienced employe&. Title jnsurers wort to eliminate risks before insurfnc. High personnel costs and low loss ratios result. It isn't surpris- ing tn find tha~ in 19«8, the tJ. Ile companies slu<ficd paid 432 percent of thell' g r o s & operating income in salaries, payroll tai:es. and employe benefits. Home With Tree Valley Tract Offers Bonus A live, fully decorated peclively, by ·the husband and Chrislmas tree is b e i n g wife team of Howard and presented lo every person that Carole Eichen of Fullerton. buys a home between now and Twt!lve different e 1 t e r i or Dec .. 25 at PBS C.orporation's desip are offered. new Century }fomes develop-The ~wellinp f eat u re . ment in Fountain Valley. valuted cei1"p and lbake , Bui Id er-developer John roof_11 1arge windows and ., Parker, president or the sliding glass dodn, sunken .Jlv- Corona del l\1ar building firm, Jnc rooni.s, wall to wall Eays the live tret is being Of· carpeting. 'Jbe Jarie kllChens lered to "encourage families are equipped wtih electHc to st.art the seventies" in one ranp and dhflwctNn. of the PBS' Pedregal themed Prtcea atart at aa.llO for a homes. three-bedroom, ~lb plan. The distinctive influence of A twNtory bGrne with four. Pedregal. an exclusive P.1eJ:.ico bedrooma. two bltbs and City suburb, is reflected in the a powdll!r room·is llao offer~. architectural design or the Low down payment and con- home and the positioning ol ventloftal terms are avall9ble. the house on the lot. PBS Corpotatioa recenUy PlacMg the houst on one donated three acres near. the 1ide of the property. em-model compJez to the City or phaslzes privacy and provides Fountain Valley, which it will 1 spacious side entry and develop .into a park. parking space for a boat. cam-Century Homes-Foontain per or trailer, Parker noted. Valley is acceMible from the The architect.uni des1gn of San Diego Frttway by takina tho homes .nd. lbe -.. .-Bn>oklunt oil-ramp ana and fumbhlngs Of the f°'"' ta loClled on Busbud bet""n model uill ta1were created . .a--Elli1 and Garftekl. -I . 'E~pe to , ·'Lake . Forest! ' ·~· . .. ,. . . , .. , ' ·' . .I ' ' • •.. . . . .. • \ ' How about starting a 52 week vacation. The day you move in. Our big new air conditioned Tibu ron homes are beautifully nestle d in the middle of more year-round family fun things than you can even imagine. (You must see it to believe it.l The .year-roun d Tiburon Club for instance. Lounges . Ki tchen. Volleyball. Shuffleboard. Croquet. Ping pong. Badminton . Out of sight Bar B Q's. Putting greens. Sf)eclli:ular Olympic sized swim· r ming:pooJ with racing lanes. (For swim i)leets..J Wading.pools. Spe- cial tot lots for tots. · ·LARWIN 'S By the • i • • • • • • • ,' '\ ' . '<' • • I , .. ~ ,. . ,, \; ',J ~ ': . ' ' • . -·. • ~· -. ' . . ' 'f. • I ' ' . • • •• . ' I That's not enough. ·Thele's a championship go lf course prac- t ically next door. And a whole ocean fu ll of water fun just 4 min- utes away. · Our new homes are enormous . (It took our designe rs almost a year to create these exciting plans). So you an d your fa mily ca n enjoy. And you'll have plenty of time to live it up, too. All exterior maintenance is done for you . By professionals. Come on over. Today. Tiburon. This is fu ll on recreational Jiving at its finest. This is the beginning of ycur 52 week vacation: The end of lhe 2 week vacation. "· • GARDEN GROVE FWY ~~@ t--~. 4'~ FWY •uaua From $23,750, Low FHA and VA terms. Directions: Tiburon is located in Fountain Valley on Brookhurst. Take San Diego Fwy. to Brook· hurst., soulh one block to models. ' • .. ( ~ ' ' " • ... . • • if• .. ' • ' ' . ' .. ' • , l .. • -,..------------------------------~--::-:--------~-· . ··--· ·-.. ·: ~ ~ • ·--..... , .. , -...... . .. •• •; ·- ,, •\ ,. ... ( • • • ' DOH umR Tl'\ldf a l'I ... iifu Mtr. . . . DAN B!RG!NDORF A»I. Siles Mtr,, fllW CU'I DON HAMILTON • . . . Q,.~ngt{, f t?unl'I . . ' .. . -=·~ .. · wao•~· YOU BUY .• AMS as illH WATTllS . ·. u ... Cw Sflll MW. ltSl'f.· .•• ~ ' l ,.._...----.. - ,.;. ';~ . ..,,. ~ I ' ' I • • -' I v ~~~<,"i~ --~~~~' You'll c•rt••nly agr•• with that! Th•· car yliu buy now 11111 last yo11 f~r some lime lo come.. . :.f/tp£1 S You want lo ke sure irs R.llHT aiU1·1hal ii will ,sliy RIGHT! You want lo bi sure rou gel you~ "· . . money's worth i1 every way. Th~l's where the inviallle reputation of.~UNTON FORD ·c111111~1n. Eve.FJO!le·wtio has aver traded •I DUNTON . FORD :k11~s that the management Iii :sates· personnel and aervj111 .,Mtit! n unHed 11 1 ·.dttennlailion lcl <g!'.n )iia ·eel!•!•. salisfactioa; Tkii~ lS · inil alwa;s wiD H DUNToft FORD'S . policy lo anyone ·wi!G joins Iha DUNTON F8RD SOCIETY., . . · . · • . · JOIN THE ·DUNlON SOCIETY • I Come In Today.: Meet The ~e.n Who Want T~·::.Serve You · LOU TWTMAN HANK SURANII . ART lfWIS : .• !AY H~YS· ': ,.ll!CK. JORDAN JIM MURDOCK . JjSS SKlNNH OUR SALES DEPT. REPRESENTS 447· YlAiJS OF AUTOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE . ' DEllNrf NORTP/I . ' : ' ' HENRY CDOK . Klitic VAN STllNIS . ' ~ANNY SUWVAN JERRY FORD 101 MARSNAU . Ali!. kltl Mtr'.. Maw Cll'I JACK· HORN '66 MERCURY Comltt . '69 FAIRLANE 4-Dr. '67 COUGAR ' ' '64"VOLKSW AGEN-DelllXe · Voyager 91Pass. Automa· tic, power steering, radio, heater. ·lie. RPf> 956. ~9·95 '69 MUST ANG Mach 1 :t~ri~:: ~S:,e~~k:,w~~ $2 4-9 5 dio, heater. YXR 607. '69 CAMARO Hardtop V-8. auto. uans., P. sir., $249 5' R&H, 1.4,000 miles. like · newl YCL 276. '68 OLDS-Cutlass 2·Dr. H.T • · v.S, auto. tr.ns., faCtbrY air cond itioning, power st eering, power . brakes. vinyl roof, sharp! {ic. USY 094. $1995 V-8, aulo : ·'"·"'·· faclOry $. 229·5 air cond1!1on1ng,· power· ' · steering, power brakes, . heater. tic. YCU 201 . . . '68 CHEYROtET .Nova 4 Or. 6 Cyl., au1;;;..\ic . 1495 ·transmiss ion, radio, heat-$ er, etc. Lie. VMB 169. '6~ IMPE:RIAL Crown 2 Dr •. H.T .. V-8,auto. trans., s4 9 5 ·factory air . conditioninsi, .: power a.leering, power brakes, power windows,. ·power seats, radio, healer. ~AWN 800). • . '68 MUSTANG GT 'h,tbp~J( -390V-8,aulo.lrans.,pow· s2495· er steering, power (disc) · • bra kes, radio, heater, ster· . eo, console, sha~p. CWAS 661). ! • • .. . _J. v.s; auto. trans., faclory ai r condi1ion ing, power s·teerinq, oower brakes, radio, ·heater, vinyl roof. (TY! 716). $19·95 ' '69 MUSTANG--?~. raa;,~1ri· a~~S, c~~1di.ti~~i~~: $2 7 9 s· power steeril;ig, po w e r · • • (disc) brakes, radio, heat· • er, stereo. C'fP:rN 094). - '66 FORD Custom 500 4 Dr. V-8, auto. tran s., factory air condition ing, power steering, po we r. brakes, radio; heater. (SQL 907). s9 95 '6S ·OL:OS 88 ' . 4 Or. V·B, alito. trans... s995 factory air cond itioning. rr:ke~. ~~'ifi~."~~~f.~.wWi0 ~ · · ~· 895)? • ' 2 Or. 4 ·speed, redio, heat· . er. Excellent transporta· liono(06B 261). s795 . . . ' . 161 PONT.IAC GT~'har~'~p 2' Dr. V~; .aulo.; .tr1.ns., $1•69·5 . fac.lory 1.1r eondrhonrng, ~er s~Mrlng!...po'Wl-r 1 , '>! ' . brakes. (TYS wll-· · '6.9 THUNDERBIRD factory arr cond1t1on1ng, . tfanltOp. v.a, ••••:·-"'".'" s32·95 power steering, pow e r • " brakes,. power· windows, . . . 'powlt seats, radio, heater. CfNW 42f), • . ' r .-,-. .·-·-• , " · 166 MUST ANG Hard lop. 6 cyt., I u to. trans., radio, h~ater. CSVE 1.izll. • ~-·-~· s995 · . ' ... ---. ·- • • I . . I •ousES FOR SALi! ner1I 1000 2 HOUSES 1 RA County Jot 83xw..i', : net! for 9 rnon-:. nunt own. ; l'S home has J bdrma 2 ! ;lthl, S\air C'J.l\S(dJ·pt;, bit· ;ln11 FA fWTI .. fncd yd. Jt'a :l lear _. t1ame )Ollr 1ema. :to !;J.;,000. HOUS ES FOR SALE . ' ' .. -.... . . . .. .. HOUS l .S FOR SALE . HOUSES FOR SALE H:~O:.;:U:.;:S::E=.S .:.F.;:;0:.::R...:S:::A::::L::E~H:.::OU=S::E=.S ;..FO:::R=SA::L::E:__j!H::.:O::U:,::S::E:.S .:;F,:0::.:R...:S:::A~L::E~HOU::::;::!S::l:,S .::'.:Ol:::.!S::;A::,LI::_ Gonorol IDOi Gonorol .1000 Gonorol 10000.norol 1• G!norol IMOChntrol llOt HOUSll FOR SALE llOI IOOO..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim J~;,:;;;;;;;;;,;;;~;;;;;;~~~;;;,;-....,;s;;J;-~ii;miiiiiiiiiiii~"~·~·~· m'iiiiiiiiiiii~~°"!'"NI_· -C-0·-R-Sl-CA_N_ FINER HOMES , JJnJa })6 /e Newc-:11w~OMES ,;;;. -~~--;~·~:,;;;;;s:;;;~;;.I HO MES Year End Buys PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES i n .,.I.Jover ~~o,..6 ~o:!!~~.e·1:. WITH INCOME I •y N · ot :111t11 sn.tt N•w doiuxe ., .... .,. All bit. DQYll SHOlU A 1110 T Ol'EN SUNDAY 11 • S Ivan Wells & Sons haye just completed 3 AttTo"1•e l + family ,..m iru:, cha&" C11>t, dJi>a t.: land-Owner bulldhf& larger home -must sell I lolM • ltlt Drive brand new homes, ready for immediate occu·, in tieautltul Newport Stach ""'lrilv. Final buildin•• "' ll\l• profe11lonillly decorated & landscaped 4 lledroom1 family room. lilll~d room , ~ ~anc~ 4 bdrm•, 3 bat.bl plus powder room. ne;,bborl>ood . Hu !Uulou unit, oow .elllna:. 3 bedroom. 2 bath home wJth paneled den, bath home 111 final stages of campl8Uon. p1• dime ed fa~Dy _room w/fireplace. Formal 5~• as5Umable lol.n. OWN· • 1 BR-J BA·.crplc,, plus wet bar; large master suite with Jacuzzi &: 101 Verde · stone. entry &.ftreplaces. Beauti· lnlng roem-!ltO!\fll breakfast area. Luxurl-ER ABOOLUTELY MUST · e 1 nR.2 BA·Ptlios ~team shower, dressing room & walk·in clos· fully decorated. J>riced at ........... ,155,000 ouFro•!Y ~a1rpe000t · Laild1caped courtyard. poals. SELL. 1Qulc.k posussion • et. Today's kitchen with ·eatinv area. Huae m 'f 06,( • • don't de ay! •I BR·l B.A~eluxe sini::le 9. • 15 Lind• lilt Drive SUNFLOWER AVE. carPOted waterfront terraco with additional New & beautiful 4 Bedroom, 5 bath home IYAN WILLS '&.SONS Btwn s. Main I:. Bristol canlallvered redwood deck aver water. Pier Ith 1 unk 1 .. Located ~•mile E. 0, .south & slip. Wonderful buy at $119,500. :et b::.1R!dtS:f .t:~rr~c he~.&c!;!·ted& 1430 O'•lix'J. Driv• . (0,.n Dally) . 646-TSM 2341 Irvine Ave., NB · l'abulou.s Bad Bay ,vie-w home. Lovely ol + famil)' room, ran1bling, low, Cal i· ' !omill ranch 11yle. Boat ab)1 .. are area. Pool lized lot. Vact,nt • o'vn.r'• ~ly iruOotl9 ftlr oller • "divorct ~ndlfW". $28,500-! Bdrm + Family ~Rm. --e1tq,-:l' · con\'enien1 area. baths plus den + family Cou< ~:ii ~f~~ C<"'" FRONT ROW VIEW landscaped. Must see! Priced ...... $1115,000. Roy , Wor~ c;o. Excluolvo Aglltt• $22 S Luxurious home with permanent panoramic 57 Linde tale Drive ~· , · . · ( • 00 view. High ceilings, living room with marble Must se.e ~ Bedroom 4 Bath home '9.'ilh patio Huge Swim Pool fireplace ; marble entry. View den. large. deck, s1tt1ng room and fireplace in master : m. AU electric kitchen : •Ith ne\v dish\\·aaher . .Ele- 1 ant fireplace. S-1()..1720 Spacious btdroorrui, 2 baths. enough for billiard table. Huge master suite bedroom suite. Fam ily room hu sunken con· -. built·in dream kitchtn, fUll with 3 other large bedrooms. Circular dining versation pit and fireplace ...... '162,000. &141·5110 Td~iRni8ErooLm.L 142 .,91 room; wet bar. $145,000. Open Sat. & Sun.; "" ._ 1380 Galaxy Dr. 90 Linde l•I• Drive RBELL 2955 Horloor Gonorel 1000 General IM ---.:.!~ IOOOGonoral 1000 ~eautiful 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath home with extra IA Y & MOUNTAIN VIEW lar1e living room & master Bedrooin. Car-NO QUALl~YING OILOAN GRACIOUS. LADIES ••• I Ji.a .. 11len By Xmaa - J lloclroom• + Famlly Room ~ ~ l Coldwell, Banker ! OfFERS: BALBOA l'ENINSULA Fabulous home on 3 lots. 4 BR's., fam. rm . + play rm. fGreat spot for pool table ). Blk . to ocean & bay. OWC !st T.D. at 6.5%. 1115-~I Cathryn Te'nnille :f CORONA DEL MAR lf Gorgeous view & close to beaches! Beam~ I ii ed ceilings & dou ble fireplace in 4 BR. & ~ · farn .. 3 bath. 3 car gar .. home. Perfect 1 • CQodition -only 4 yr-ti . old. $89,500. , Carol Tatum ., t 'i IDEAL FAMILY HOME ' 'I Lido Isle. 60 Ft. lot. 179,500. Just steps •f to bathing beach. 5 Bedrooms, 3 baths; 1 i lanai: street-tirslreet, large patio. Good ,, valu e ! "!Mary Lou l\larion 1 :. SHORECUFF'S WITH VIEW I ;tcharming home adaptable lo expansion. 1 :i Private gate leading to lovely beach. 3 ' '.i Bdrms. 2 Baths. $65,000 CORONA DEL MAR Owner move.d -must sell immedial•ly, this f:t• &: drapes. Landscaped. Boat alip. Near 3 bedroom, 31'2 bath home with den; large . •nnis court & clubhouse. . .......... •114,000 Take o~r thia 71/,~ per an· nip Cl lot.rt With onJy $2,100 upstairs sitting room with fireplace. Expen- sive draperies. Can easily be increased to 5 bedrooms. $82,500. Open Sat. & Sun . 1606 Antigua Way. DOYER SHORES VIEW Original owners transfer of business location,.. necessitates sale of this beautifully landscap-· ed ho1ne. Courtyard entry leads to panora· mic view. Bright, sunny living 'room with vie\Y of the entire back bay. Den; 4 larie bedrooms, 4 spacious baths; all electric kit· chen. Dining roQn1, marble fireplace. Over 3,000 sq. It. $89,500. Open Sat. & Sun. 1130 ·Santiago Dr. LINDA ISLE Exceptional bayfront buy. 5 Bld.room1, 41f.a baths. 2-story bar.front home d•signed 1or en· tertaining &: family living. Huge filmily room accomodates billiard table. hlaster suite with fireP.lac e. F o r m a 1 dining room. Separate maid's quarters. Asking $f35,000. Open Sat. & Sun., 14 Linda Isle BEACON BAY Exceptionally spaciou s home with 3 b e d - rooms, family room & fireplace plus sepa- rate apartment with 2 bedrooms. A wonder- ful location for children -comm.unity beach -teMis courts -pier &:: floats. This could be a single home lvith either 5 or & bedrooms ~79,500. Call for app't. Linda Isle Devttopment Ce. doWn ii&J>m•nt Md move In lOIO Beyside Dr., N.B. Biii Oruncfy •7~3211 before Xma.s! -4 Bedroom~. 1~~~~~~~~~"'!1'!~!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!~l 2 baths. 14 x 20 FAMILY I I O a'::'.l ROO~r. Cat'pet~. dra~s, Genera l 1000 •n1r1I flMI! l'Mi"t: &; oven! Total price ------..:-..... M , I $23,950 lnIRRY! I/I ore eop. WE SELL A HOME 4 BR. + farn, rm. '.!:' ba. (Romii.ri tubJ, · 2 fplCs . (one in r-Mtr. ·Br.>. Quality crpta. I.: drps. Kitchen extras incl. Diahm».ster, mb:er I-appli· anct outlets. Shows Uke new. In self"°ntalned Univt?l'lity Pk. Exceptional rech!•tlon facilities, •wimmbw pools, tt:nnis courts, l[rl"tnbelts, you A: )'OW' fmiily will en- joy, Well priced &t. $34,300 .. aet le compare. mll.\l ,\ Ill \t 'll Ill \I I\ 1\1'. r ~ . ,, , , ' COLLEGE PARK 3 bdrmt 2 baths. come-r lot with l!ltorate area for camp. f!t' etc. Vacant &; ready 10 move into. $26,950 Go Home EVERY 31 MINUTES "Than.,,,.. ....... Why not Walker & Lee pt one .to YOl.r liking? ThW ~ oUtrs a '11.t:sp.o-llv· 2190 Hm»r Blvd. at Adams 111&. 3 bedrooms, the smell· ""~" ,._...1 ~ 'ti! 9 PM eat ct which ls just 15' x 12', ~ '-ll""" • Jarse family room. Bmlt·in r=._ electric tltcMn pjus utility room. Completely fenced end privat• --· -FOR LE•SE Bay Newport Bellah. Prked ~ rlfht •t $47 ,75:t. M•sa Del Mar Ilg 4 lft:re ls a ilea.ming friendly Camily home in a choice area. Ne1\'ly ~nted and carpf!\ed. Te:icas 1ize btd· Mesa Verde !SPiit Jevt:I \\'Ith pool, 4 bdrms, lart:e family home. Great loca- tion, 10me vie"'· $385/ mo. includin&: uardener .I: pool servtce. rooms, l ~ baths. d re a m kitchen with ttfinisbed satin - eabl"'"· Bui ot •II ""'Y 4 lecfrtn•$24, 9S0- ;29,400. Spacious home, 2 baths. Ap. pealill&' fireplace, ~luded rear livin1 room. l.argt: en· cloeed patio. Family room. TARBELL 14' 0604 Will like this sitanish 4 Bd. homt:. Lots of wrou.ibt hon and adobe with ·8 courtyard .entry. For $39,950 "·ooldn't any larnily move in . ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 162' HARBOR BLVO. 546-16411 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 OoHer's Paradise Beaut home located on lllth llftn of 27 holt: Bt:rmuda Dunes· finest de~rt ccum! Roomy l BR, 3 BA, furnish· •d hon1c. l ncls 2 goU cart•. Club n1t:mbership avail. Ask. ing $95,00l • xlnt tt:rms. Linda Isl• Development Biii Grundy 67S.nto .fmROOM -$31,9!0 FHA TERMSI 2400 1q. fl. or llUpttb. ~auty .I: comfort. Eltttric push but. ton bullt·inl. 2 b&th3, fam· ily room. Carpe"t!I, drapes. ..,.,,,. TARBELL 2'15 Harloor Nw: ~ beach, atrlctly ~ ti1e with beautitu! ~%. % Cl uanna.b!~ loan at $112 ptr month indudes taxes too. LoveJy \Vhitc b1iC'k custom .. ftrep\acf! l.; panelinJ. Car· pcti &.: drap!!! Gold medal· 1ion .tll-electrlc kltchen. S'o\'ftpin&; patio oft family room fot the junloc extcu· tive entertainer. WI SELL A HOME IVERY '1 MINUTES Wilker & Lee 2m Hartior Blvd. at Adams. -()pon 'til 9 PM 4 BIDROOM • $'2)00 HUGE BONUS ROOM Prime area. ~ bome- tiectric built-in kitchtn, e-lt:· 1ant fireplace. Huge-bonus room for those holiday par· ties. 540-tno TARBILL 2955 Harloor COLLEGE PARK 4 llR . -2 Botho A11ume 5-%,-. Leen Price 129,000 -~ Do\vn GHrge Wllli•mnn REALTOR 673-4'50 67:1-1564 Ev ... , 1 I Kathryn Raulston · Walk lo beach from Spanish-type 4 Br.· :,home. Tile roof, great patio w/Lemon & ·•Avocado trees. '59,500. 1 '.'Carol Tatum IAYFRONT Taken in trade. Ready for immediate occu· pancy. Large 2-story bayfront home with 4 spacious bedrooms, large IJving room, for· mal dintng room; paneled den with wet bar. Really private master sui.te with 1ltthls room & extra large dressing room. P ier&: float for large power or sailboat. See thiS exciting buy. Asking $175,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 515 Bayside Dr. 2152 Columltia Drive O,On Soturd•y 1-5 Newport llOt 0-rol lllllhMrol IOOO , S~1\.~lA:4t.~s~ '• , :t LUSK HARBOR VIEW HIW ;~4 BR. 2 Ba .. kitch·family room corribo 3 :~Car gar. Prof. landscaped. Harbor & oce~n :~vie~'. "Sparkling". $59,CHXI :iAI fink OPEN HOUSE LUSK H.Y.H. Open: Sun. 1·5. 3430 Seabreeze; nea'r knew 3 BR . 2 Ba. + lge. fam. rm. opening on lge. teri:ace & prof. landscpd. rear yard. Must see! $49,850 Joe Clarkson IAYCREST 546,500 fSmartly decorated 3 bedroom living or :family room; 2 baths; also, 2 1fi rflplaces. •:Lush g a rd e n s , Immac. Adult lived in. :sShort escro\v. '.~hlary Lou ~tarion ., ·~ HAl'l'Y HOUDA YS! ·~We are working and.glad to show you any ~of our fine listings. Call for app't. to see icamen Shores, EaslbluU, Bayshores, Ccr 1Crona Del Mar. Lido. Beycrest, H'a r b o r ·rV ie'v I-Jilts. Priced from $35,500. :~1rs. H'arvey · I • • • • • COLDWELL, BANKER & CO . 550 NEWPORT CENTER O~ .• 1 } NEWPORT BEACH iohn macnab REALTY COMPANY 90t O.vor Dr., Suite 120 642-1235' ---. ----. --- 4 bdrm Mesa Verd'°. Po;>- ul•r plan hu 3 baths, convenient break t·a st counter, hU,e aame room 'vilh Jlreplact. Across fron1 1oU course. J u~t li1tcd at l-14,950. Open Sundoy l·S IHS KORNAT '' l ' . ·,: • I • . ' IOOG Sharp 3 + family room in Huntinfton Buch, \Wit ot. Newland Mrlh ol Hamilton. S22-0/mo. Ll!a1e •t S350 'vith option to buy. Lovely Newport Beach 4 + family rc.m + dinina; room 'vith view ol Back Bay. Vacant now. Quick p0.~seS1ion. % bdnm completel)I furnished Con- dominium SI'E/mo. ., Victor I• 646-1111 Anytime SCREAMING HICiH CEILINGS •.. In tt'li!I exquisite J Bd. homt. with family room. formal dininc room and We car· petlna tb&t you may want to mow. $39,fµ) and it's yours. Colasworthy & Co. ''Asent" "For A \Vite BU)'" &12-m7 Open Sat/Sun 10-5 1220 DOLPHIN i'°o!~• a Shap"' S<Ntn~led WOfd Purtle fo• o C7tutklt 1 •!:':"::1!~~ .. =!~ - ..... _.,,_ -i.i.... of • .-ch Jn in Ji,. of ~ ' ..:,J.:- 1 11 EM KAT I , ...... .' I I r 1 . l ~UD8E4 I _111111_ .,GO!NOL I ,f. --~rlJ. ORANOI! COUNTY'S . 1 1. r 1 .1 ~:;:==~~~ LARGEST 1 ' Form•I Dini"' RMm See this beautiful 1.rv1ne Tt:r. ~ 3 bdrm 2 bath home-. 1-1~ Uv nn w/ fr1>le. + la.m rm overlookine J.arte. patio for entertainlJI&, All thia & men in 2500 ,q. ft. Best b.Qr in area! -r;, ,.~, ........ lj. - Lachenmyer 2629HAR80RBLVD. ISE,RSUA I 546 1640 -' 1 J I I I · ~1l1ack_gaQ: A great •!'IA OPEN EV!S TILL 1:30 ~ i:'J:tEi::·~:goj . . . • wntton thof science hos r• 521, 9 50 aontly COl!IO up with Is a roe· 11'8med "'ill""' buHt e BtACH fiARGi1Ni IHILTAW I i"11 form thot unfolds into a around an enclosed atrium 2 BR, 2-stol'y; vacant, quick ' I I I I I patr e f '°"''' IO \l•U hive that ha.11 brick BBQ & a cas. po!!Se-u, c oi-ner ltwt, i;.z '--'·'-"'·-&.. -'·'-L.-' somethint 1t - -in." cading \Valerta.11. covered pa· walk to beach. $21,300 • Or tio, 30 ft. workxhop. Built· ~sl ofier! I' UL HIM I ~ il -t .. in Electric kitchen. 3 bl!:d· CAYWOOD REALTY , 8 Coinotete th• chuckle ~ ~Hif~~55 Harbor ti.l:Mi \V. O>ut Hwy., NB 1 1 I · 'J 1 ( I* I '/OAJ 3!.!r!.~~ ~ ".:'!·= • 541-1290 • • ...................... 1-lp •I • >r I } aJJ.0100 644-2430 1 J~ ........ ' )41 • .)900 ----' •• ~~~,",;,'b. -:;;~, e: s21,5•01 Ylew1 • t#ll=m r. r r , I' [ r f " I BY Owner ~ Irr assumablt! ~ 541·$111 units. Dtivt by 154:> Santa 4 IEDRM • 2 IATH :a: -n: . •• L GI Joan 3 Br. 2~; ba, din llMl'cinlNti..l Ana Ave. then ca.ll Exq:utaite Hawaiian ~m. I.• ~~TILE.fotl ( [ ( I I I 1, rm, ram rm. walk to schlll. Jf:.!:~~!£ Battfa iltalfy =i~orki~~~· t~~~ace. =---. . . . , , . . . . Cliner1I 1000 General ··---~----JllDH---I(,• .: 1700 NEWl'ORT ILYD. (: 1: 646.7171 I' I! MOVE IN FOR CHRISTMA S I f.nw. t'ozic~t i bf>droom on a 1Pcluded no· J• )~traffic slrl'C'! in East1ld .. Co~ta i\1cs•-fX>· r;· tghlJul hom('s all around. Lo11" lo\\' 522.-1 !50 \1·ilh 10'1> do"n, Interior l'Ompltll'i)I I p11int~ READY NO\V: l;~BRANO NEW ' COUNTRY CLUB f.;;u.tom -built 3 tH?droom 2 bath with l•rlr'" Er-tam11y room and 12x20 alaued recre•Uon , f.~ ~tra utUltx room. Oostt •J>ll~ 1•· ,~en. Open Sund&Y 1.,).-,Ml,500-?ttove ln f. f'J, "'"'· i MESA DEC MAR CHARMER SOn one ti. t.he ftntT ttrerta. Llrae 3 ~· ~ In Immaculate condllton. Olnln1 reont :r.>." _ _!'!mUy room -Profts1ion11ly t@nded F tandlcapt,_ -S31 .000 -Po1stulon In 2 tdu poaalblt. i. · OWNER Will TRADE - f2 blocks rrom buk bty ~!. broroom 3 beth f!.icecutlv~. fM'!lly hoh\e, O\l•ner 11'111 l.r&dt •for a smaller homr in Colta l\ltia art•. I ~"" c~ to Uvr In WestcVft to tully. i' or s:D,200. HO\\' can )'Ou 10 .Wronr:? • ......... .. ... ~~~h;·n~~~~=·=·=·=''=·~133~"'~"°·~,~.~l ~~~~~~==~~~UMD~~:=~u~J0.~6060~===T~A~R~B~e~L~L l,,,,,"'7==S~C~R~A~M;·~~~~A~N~S~Yl:!l~R~l~N~Dl~M~l·~A~·~Ll~N~E~====I ~ IOOOGolltrol 10C!00.'1.'rol 1000 OWJrol I .. ~[•I 10000.o.,el 1110f ..... ral lM l,n thl~ 10W:ly 3 btd.room. 3 blth f\\'O 1tory reatur1ni larr• •tpu•lt family room. tor· m•I dln1n1 •rt:•. oversli:e double 1arar. OlpnUc yard loctttd on • qultt 1lde 1treet. $3J.99S. --- .' GOLD MINE! ~one btdtoem UJ\1~110' tront.l(t on 11th St. 1900.00 month JIOltntlal lnternt. 1.-. 1uroe II ~ IMPl-Tu ahe-Jttr-SJ>mdable. Onty 10~•-down-llO.OIXI. HUM:!! \'ou will only WW!l a one-wa.t ticket to this drimatlc hacltnda wtlh all the cbarm ot Old Madrid. Vaulttd betmtd ctlUt\tl In a 3-bfdroorn and famll.Y·room. Gnib your hat Cn>at ln\'t1lmtnb are a v..U•ble-tn Rea.I Se-nor! Only $o12.500 In Harbor Vi!W Homos F.atate todt¥ -Tht onl1 w.., left to be-at -Ole'. l'!flatlon. OJl Now tor our Jl1l !ii!!i!i!!!!:""'!!: .. !i!!ll!!!!l!!!!!!!!!S!!!!l~~-!!lll!ll!!ll!J!l!!b!!!!!!!!!!!!l!ll!!ll!!lll!!l!i.1!!!!1~""!!!!~!!!~· , , I I ' ' I .. , -------------.... ---------------------------------------· •• ••-• -·----••o-•• -.. • ,,_.., .... ,.._,-., n ""'" ~ •• ••·-r•..-·•~•-r --·• ,,_....,~•-•--.-..-..,....,... Saturday, Dtctmbtf 13, 1%q HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOU~l!S FOR S.lLl HOUiil5-FOR SALE DAILY PILOT'~ liOU~ES l'OR SALi • ' ,HOUSES FOR SALE _ HOUSES FOR SALE 1~0USES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1 Oen.rel 1CIOIG1n1ral · 1000 Ge"•r•I 1000G1ner1I tOOO Genera.I 1000 0.Mrif • IOIOG1ner1l 1ooOGener•I 1• ! --~~niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil?iiiiiiiiiiii~,fl---A.iiiiiii..1~s~~~EC~TAFcc~u~~R~l ~G·~N;rll;;;;:;;;~1*:f;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;~: THE ''MINI DOWN'' Comes to Fountain Valley. It's T ruei for Only You can own t Century Homes Two Plan, Unit Ono and have all tho features listed be:ow included in the price of $30,950 at No Extra Cost! Century Homes/Founlein Volley Compo re! Cen tury Homes Feotures at No Extra Cost include: ) e Tatel (100%) use of full-ize lot. 12 to 19ft. wide spoce beside our home for recreational vehicle -boot, camper, trailer -or use space how you wish. e Sturdy, cedar shake roofs e Rugged. veulted, beem ceilingo e P~ivacy -6ft. decorC'Jtive block walls ~omplete with gates. e Fine quelity well-to-well cerpeting e Hend some brick fireplaces e Separate re creation rooms ·and studies e Patio-master-bedroom suites e Underground utilities e Fully-insuleted ceilings e Continuous-cleaning double ovens e Gorden kitchens e Sunken living room:; e Wide, deep window s e Concrete driveway:> e Specimen tree in every yard e YOU OWN THE LAND 'HOW CAN IT BE TRUE? IT'S SIM PLE, WITH ABOVE DOWN PAYMENT OF $1550.00 THE TOTAL AMOUNT FIN- ANCED IS $29,400.00 AND 360 PAY· MENTS OF $229.00 EACH, (INCLUD· ING PRINCIPLE AND INTEREST AT 8.5 "/. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) PAYS THE LOAN OFF IN 30 YEARS. Century Homes/Fountein V elley Best Doller Value, No Oplionel Exlres, Minute s From Beach Low. Low Down Payments 962-5559 Century Homes/ Fountain Valley f> On lu1h1rd StrHt between G1rfield Ave. ind Elllt Ave. l o/ efc f/.:Jarrelf l'-ea(f'I 1• ""'=~ .. ·~::,-;,,..,.. FOREST E. I R Es Pr'16flnfJ Lov•ly Orl•nt.i """lor 0 L s 0 N • ---:---" U w11" •"••!• .,.11o ,.., w • -• ·~ 1»4 llt . LyS RARE WESTCLIFF CONDOMINIUM Elegant, spacipus, immaculate -1 STORY. 2 bdrms, 2 baths & separate dining room. Pool, lush gar den s & private patios. 11'1)· mediate occupancy -adults. $48,500. Office Optn Saturd1ys & Sund1y1 PETE BARRETT REAL TY 1605 W11tcllff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 I 1000 G1n1ral 1000 WHERE ~LSE? Cii.n )'OU find 4 lxirm!, fa1nily 1'00m, dishwash- er, quiet cul • de • u c strttt. huse covel"Cd & i;creened patio & a Doughboy f'(X)L all for CONDOMINIU~ "BEST BUY IN TO\VN." T\\'O bedroom!!, dining room, built -in kitchea, carpeted and draped. Enclosea pri· vatf patio garage, swin1· ming pool and clubhouse fa- cilities. A BARGAIN AT $18,500. ~pacious s11.imml11i pool. 24 Inside is a Inc. Realtors 'r~.,:~~~:1.~· $17.500? MUST BE YEARS c·i.lfli."'11.1 ... 1r1 large dining room q .& ·c;, S89.loo YESTERDA y·s A b Liatcd .xclu~v.i, wHh PRICE Q F ~--~~4,j\1 3 UNITS $29,950 Ea..qgide Cosla ~1esa. !'pan- ish ti.le rool. rtnta.ls on large 77xl50' lot. Income s.::s:i n1onth. Our best lncon1e re· turn in Al'f!a . Exclu1ive With Newport A real doll house. Im· · . ....,, ~ maculate throughout. \Vail REAL to ·\\·all carpetlng. Freshly painted. Beautiful paneltnr. lfogo ., It IM"' n>Om. ESTATE Shake roof found only in more expensi\'e homes. Sub- ~ .;,~:: ~paymonl. EXPERIENCE:;~~ CUSTOM NEW ENGLAND FARM · It 's the SOLD SIGN th at counts WE SELL 3 HOMES PER DAY .. .. ' .. : , ,,.on I y $26,800. Prime North C.osta h1esa lo- cation near schools & 1hopplnt;. Terms to suit.· at Victori• At fabuloU! Nc11-port Beach. 4 niaslt'r size bedt'OOms. :? run baths. 1'~ann kitehen . pahtry • delu.\:e built-ins. •1u1e li -Ft. Ne1v England fan1ily room with tons ol old b 1· i c k fi~place. Winding slaircase to unique heavy beamed studio or -I-luge 5th bedroom. 5~1i% annual 646-8811 ~C rate loan available. Un-LET YOURS BE NEXT " , JtSa.. ~'O:TS ~ WALLAC! ~EAL TORS -546-4141- (0pen Ev1ninp) Evenings Call 673-fill6 WOULD EAGLES DARE? Z::--=~~~;.:z-z::-::::=-:--=::Jot L'OUrst', who 11·ouldn't \\'i!h DOWNTOWN C.1\f. Oose lo City Park & iihopping, This cute 2 bdrm & den horl'lf' features • large fencrd lot, hardwood floors. Heatilator fircploCI". L-iJit tnees etc. Priced l'ight at $22,750 a view like thi5. Lo\·cly 4 Bd. home 1vilh a quie-f n!'igh- Ool'l1ood, Vacant and ready 10 fly in. S38.5CD recently re- ducoo. A1ay 11·e help you'! ORANGE COUNT.Y'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 REAL Y OMPAN OPEN EVES TILL a,30 * 642-1771 Anytime* $26,950 '. CAMEO SHORES. . 5 Bedrm. 3 Bath 'Be in bv Chris1n1as~ 4 Bd· B)g Fics1a pool. Full dining mis., 2i:i ba., w/lgr. yat•d, l'OO!ll, Rich paneling, hand- occan view S: priv, l.'Onimun-soinr. bai·. Bcs1 buy on to- ity beaches. &sl buy in day ·~ niarkcr! P rin1r area. (lnyti,mi) :4=.at $.18,950. Dial Nol\'! l~~""-"=""I Qf 5 ne\V homes 11•ith Vil"l'.'S forever .. ~ & 4 Bd's. S43,5ro ~ and $6-1.500. Buil1 ins and TRIPLEX EAST SIDE EARNS $5 ,800 I ' Trt'tnendous 1 alut! ! :: large I rnany extras. 01vner 1nay ex. change for 111.ls! lif!fils or 1'' & C lols. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR Bl VD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL l :lO 52' Lido Bayfront Large older horne. Sandy Beach, Pirr & Slip. Best lo- calio11. Vacant & 1vido1v anx· ious. Fllakc a ctc31 now! Roy J. Ward Co. 1Bayc1-cs1 OUict"! 1"30 Galaxy 616-1,j;)Q units. :! bedroou1 and 2 bath~J each. Dclu.-.e kitchen with built-ins, Only $65((1 dO\vn and ju8! 7 years young. Lu.x. ury raJ'JICting and drapes throughout_ Afan i cured grounds. Eaclosed garages. Priced· no1v at $36.s:JO. Sec today. Dial 6-1().0003. LEASE -OPTION 3 BEDROOM-POOL Cameo Shores, Ownrr 11·iU 5~0-1i20 consider lcasini; w/oplion. TARBELL 2955 Harbo r Me.sa Verde " Riddle I. Ross 675-7225 BAYCRESJ SPECIAL $24, 950 Cusloin rstate ho1ne ri::;ht on !he bluU~. :: lari;c h<>drooms. 2 baths. Deluxe pool. Spacious 1 am i I y kitchen 11Hh all latest: built-ins. HUgc 20 ft. li\·ing1 room. \\'all to 1v a 11 carpeting throughout .I t'reshly painted. AU !he! charm and privacy you) could &Sk for. Only $3J ;j()(),l Call no\\·: &l:i--0303 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 B d + D Near Oill Dr. 2 BR, den, e rm en FORE::,! E. I ranch slylr 11·uh heavy 4 bd1·n1 + fonnal 1tining -1-2 baths, built-in kirchcn. cov- shake roof. :i:::xpo5C'CI beam pool. hlovc-1n condition. Call r rcd patio. Cat•agc I l'ar- ·ct'iling~. uscd bri«k fi1-e-us roday. port. O\vner helps with fin · OLSON place, carpeted. ~.950. Kin. DAV IDSON R1ally Talll:inBJO:. j.\0.1720 Inc. Realtors gaard R.E. r-.1t 2-2'.?22 =:;.i<;.=:":'°:::~E=':·rs:·:":';·l:833:"::A:R:::ELL 2955 H•rbo'=== Open Houses THIS WEEKEND (2 Bedroom)· 316 El · J\1odena, Ne,vport I-leight!' 641).7171 !Sun 1·5) 234 24th Place, Costa f\1esa 646-7171 (Sal & Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1519 Bonnie Doone Terrace. Cdl\'l 673-0145: 675-4031 !Sal & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) **106 Linda Isle Drive, Ne\vport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2252 Columbia Dr. tCollege Park) Ci\·! 646-881l !Sat 1-5) 8712 Princess, l·luntingtrin Beach 545-0405 tSal 12·5) 2032 i\·liramar {Peninsula) NB _ 645--0303 tSun 1-a) 424 f\'larguerite. Corona del f\1ar 673-8550 . (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Fami:y or Denj *1821 Sabrina Terrace, Corona de! J\.1ar 673-2222 (Daily 1·5) 715 Bellis (EastbluU) NB 675-1662 (Sat & Sun 1-51 4645 Gbrham Drive (Cameo Shores) Cdl\.1 675-2503 !Sat & Sun 1·51 3430 Seabreeze, <Harbor View Hill s) CdM 113J.{)700 : 644-2430 I Sun I ·5) 1437 Bonnie Doone, Corona del Mar 673-32 11 : 541-6613 1Sat ·t2·5) *2048 Commodore (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 !Sun 1·5) 815! Dartmoor, Huntington Beach 545-0465 (Sun 12·5) 401 El Mo.dena, Newport Beach 673-8550 (5at 2-5) 316 Albert Place, Costa Mesa 54&-23t3 (Sun 1-5) 17646 Rockrose \Vay, University Park 673-8550 (Sal 1-5) (4 Bedroom) *4639 Fairfield (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3.'!31 (Sun 1·5) 2365' Colgate Dr. (College Park) CM 547-21111l · (Sal & Sun) *2585 Tustin Ave. (Back Bay) CM 64&-5608 (Daily) 3108 Roanoke. Costa Mesa 545--0465 (Sun 1·5) 4501 Hampden Road (Cameo Shores) CdM, 675-7225 (Sat & Sun l·Sl (4 Bedroom & Family or Denj 535 J\.Jargilette Circle, Costa Mesa 545-5618 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 1700 San1ar Drive (1\tesa Verde) cri-1 540-1083 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 616-1550 (Open Daily) **333 l\'lorning Star Lane (Dover Shor· es) NB, 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) l 130 Santiago Drive (Dover Shore s) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) **515 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1993 Kornat (r.1esa Verde) Ci\1 5-16-5990 (S un 1-5) · 3062 Capri ( J\lcsa Verde) Ci\1 546-5990 • !Sal & Sun 1-5) *1930 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 !Sun 1-5) *2005 Balearic Dr. (1le~a Verde ) CM 540-7573 (Sat & Sun) 1921 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB (Sat & Sun 11·5) 2088 Centella Place, Newport Beach &15-0303 (Sat & Sun 1·5) **1930 Commodore (Baycrest) NB 645-0303 (S un 1-51 2339 Colgate Drive (Co1 lege Park) CM 642-1771 (Sun 12-4) **90 Linda Isle Dr . (Linda Isle) NB 6i5-3210 "(Sun 11-51 **15 ·Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Su n 11-5) **57 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 11-5) **!Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 . (Sun 11·5) ttss Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 11-5) *501 Kings Place (Newport Heights) NB 641>-03i2: 64&-221!0 Eves. (Sat & Sun 12-5) (5 Bedroom) ttt4 Linda Isle Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) (5 Bedroom & Family or Den) **16 Linda !sic Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 (Sun 11-5) (6 Bedroom & Family or Den) 1423 Cfal~xy Drive (Dover Shore s) NB 541H617 : 646-8186 (Open Daily) APARTMENTS FOR SALE P -2 & 3 Bedrooms) 746 !\fain Street, Huntington Beach 536-2579 (Sat & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (2 Bedrooms Eech) 516 Femleal, Corona de! Mar 673-2222 ' (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 + lj 4t7 ~Iarigold, Corona dcl Mar 673-8550 (Sat & Sun l-5) ...... •* w ...... .... ••• ,.., ... w ....... ., • FORCID SALi! GOOD INVESTMENT! Death in family causri1 sale or this comml!l'clal n1onry makrr. :J storir., -laundr11.mat, br('r ta\'- rrn 4: TV rrpair shop. Evrrything gocs 11·ith laundran1at. o l hr 1• 2 &tore!! leased. Priced a t only $i3,000. ANXIOUS SELLER SHARP! SHARP! Fanta~tic Republic home: in <1.bsolulely rrrrect a nd sparkhn,i:;; co11d!tion. 4 bcdt·oom • 3 bath, !ll'r- placc, bll ln5, cpt" !lnd drapes Hkt nr11·. :\ cn1· garabe and ntce 11hak,. roof add excellent s lrtict 11.ppcill. Jl.1aster bf'drooni 1, r xt1·a lar{;l' 11nd 1·,.ry i.ilush. Askin;: S'17.!l30. 346-:>4'10 G.l.'1 SHORT ON CASH \\'ell. no nc~d to 1\·orry here. Approximately $700 is the rotal cost lo buy this \o\·ely ho1nc, if ~·ou 're A G.J. ImagiM a cute 3 BR ..:: separate dining area. Newly painted, drapes, beautiful rocky mountain s tone fireplace in L.R. Payn1r.nts les~ lha11 ren!. .t•uu priN'! $2S.OOO ~&-5440 UNIEL!EVAILf VALUE Onlr ~24 ,930 In tht> heart or Costa .\lcsa. ln1ma1.:t1la le, alt nr11·l.v painted in 11nd out. High quality 11· 11· rpts. thru oul. J bedroom. 2 bath~. ~'amily room. all blt-im. Bcaulitul laYa rock firr- place in L .R. \Valk t<) 1chools. 546<54·10 llG HOUSE-- SMALL PRICE GOri;rous 4 bdrm chann· r.r. Entcrlainrr's living rpom ceiling hi i;h fire· pli~cr. Lar~e master hd- 1·n1, all bit-i n 11·lfe-savcr kitchrn. Drsirable Mesa Dfol ~lar loc. \Valk to all 11chool.~. !furry i1's too :<harp !<) last at ~33.500. 346-5440 GU.I YOUR HAT and hurry ol'er to this sharp 1 bedroom and tam!ly roon1 :\ bath honic, ii "'on•t la.st~ Family room features fireplace and ~aut.iful pancliqg. l·l om c ha11 lovely Jge .living room 11• i th forma l Dining .room In most dPsirable location lnr 344.950. -546-5440 FOR LIASE Closc to 1\•ater in Beau- tiful Bayshort11 com· pletcly furnished 2 bdrm home is 1\·ha1 lhis is i~ -11•1\h lots of chaMn, Trrrific [ireplaC(' In LR 1\•ilh beamed ceilin~. Lrase t.hru J unP 15, 1970. 546·3440 KING SIZE nnd fit for your Queen! Thi5 beautiful, immacu- 1111.c 3 bedroom and ram. ily room ln ?lfrsa Verde, Paccsettrr that jg really selling the pace. fea. lure! all bit-ins. covered patio, block 1\·an~ :iUr• round U1i1 Queen palace. 1\skin5; S35.730.00 546-M-tO WHEEL I. DEAL Thi! must sell! J BR home 1~ \•aca.nt. Olvner anxiou., for quick saJe. i\1any expensive cxtraa here. Jn desirllble Col· legr Park Area of Costa . l\1esa. Blt Ins, 1veU land· scapcd front &: rear. Asking $28,000. ~6-5440 Call Us Now For FREE Appraisal And Avoid The I st ·of the Year Rush! No Obligation , 1>f Cour.e . I WATCH YOUR Wlfl Her cyei1 will light UI' when she !ees this out- 1tandin:; kitchen 11·ith all bltins Including dish· \vashrr. BcRullfully malnlained 4 brdroom in good location of Me!la. del l\lar. Spacioui1 cov· rrrcl patio. Almost nr1v \\'/\v cpt:<i in LR, J·lall~. FR. and MBR. Your t>yc.~ 11ill light up Ill orlcr rir $29.4:>0.00 516-0440 IUUTIFUL WISTCLIFF Tcrrl[ic flnanci~g on this beautiful Ne\'tport Beach 3 BR And family room. Home is vacant and 01vn rr \Viii carry 2nd T.D. so you can ll.5· ~um~ existing-1 ~~ '7n loen. The loan 11lonr! i! 11·orth tltC' prici: or $115,. OQO. St'! comr And .;rr. :>-16·5·140 NO DOWN TO vns caII us now! We have · three brand new 4 BR . and FR homes ln good location or Costa ?-.fe:sa for only $29,175. Now In~ eluded at no extra cost 11re w/\11 cptg:. & drapc11 .. Rear fcncin~, front land- sca pi ng 11nd sprlnklt>r!I. Pl u:o; all blt·1nii. Buyer can have possc~ion. 546·5440 "• 1: ~ " •, :· " " ·: '• " " '· " " :. ·: " ' ·: " I· :: :· ' I ' i I :· " " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' :· . , . , I • , . .. ' • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • .. .. • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' I l " " f 1: BEAT THE TIGHT MONEY MARKET With Loan Assumptions , .,, t -· ' .. Here Are Three To Choose From : llH.....,s+FR+ P'Hi, 51/4 •/• FhMnClnt \Vo1v'. 3~~;, [lnanc\nJ:' l\vailable! This Is popu- lar .T·plan In i\ft'sa Verdf"' \\'itlt excellent paint and cpts. throughout Pool is frnced 11•1th l;frea1 torrthought tor small children. Come and lleC J All tor on1y $34.000. 546·5440 .A.uume 61/••/. Lon $3950.00 do11·n paymrnt 1vlll move you In to thi11 lovrly two ~tory fh·t brdroom 11 n d . famil~ roorn home. Beautiful epU! ln LR and fo111lly room. Landsca.pini; i~ terrlrlc and con1ple- mcnts lovt>ly co1·cred patlo. f\111 price $.'34.950. 546-5440 CONDOMINIUM Lovely 1.-ondo. Sun deck off of master bedroom, Spacious pa.Lio. CU.!!lom 11hadc! and dra~s in· c:luded In 1ale J)rlef! ot $26,950. A.~sumc 6.6~ loan Sl5.3.00 J)t'r month Includes ta xe~. ·1rui., princlpal And lnlcrPst. J\la.lnt. ttt oer month i11 $23.00 4 Bedrooms, 2 :1 Bath!. 546-3440 PAUL • WHITE • CARNAHAN Ree1111 Co. 1093 IAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546°5440 ' • • ~= z: " ' -; ,; .. , ' I I I I . , ' .. ..-.. S•-· r>t<o-13, 1 .. t m:;r.:,;;;;,n-,n-tl.--...-.:il'Y1r.'s1~sri;~Rtt$AiiL:11rlHIDLUSIS FOlt SALi HOUSIS FOR SALi HOUSES POlt SALi RENTALS tF~TAL$ ltlNTAL) ltl!NTALS 125LC-•l 1Mt___..Mji~Hiiuniitiilnot~oiiin~·~~:ti!ILliil4Ql~~l:t~uJ1,!l!nt~l ·tM1:.kiil::g,;m1400=1J ~~H~~~-·-F-um=-llhed___'.~ H._, Unfurnlohed Apt.. Furnished Apts. Furnished i~;~;;;-;;;;;;o;;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;I;;;•;;;. .:-~---iiijj-iiij_________ = B1lboo 2300 Huntington ... ch 4400Huntlngton IHch 440d '. • NEW HOME Nowpo<t Bolch 3200 1 -,;;;;;;;,;;;;;~~;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;·;;;· ·;;;--;;,-~·~1 SPACIOUS 2 1tory, S Bt, 21--------I' rYCJTlllG Z SJOIY EXECUTIVE HOME IMMEDIATE MOYE IN Bo. blyvlew. lomlly. iw EXEC. Home. 3 8'. 2 Ba. ~ With s-pint Vlow 4 IDRMS 11/1 IA THS :?~:: or 1325 yr1,. KI =· •d~an~~.:, ~ Jn Do•• Sllolft 4639 f1irflokl. ~moo Shor.. 1;4 MILE FROM IEACH Call -· ,.OPKN SUNDAY l.5 ~n Sunday 1·5 s20 0 l1lboo l1l1nd 2355 3 BR,' BA. walk 1o "'"". lnt S.ntl1,. Drive 500 ,99 -~·, center. Pool. Avail •' Boy vt.w 1ron1 '""' 4 lit, tlis, oporklint Pool. $11, -~ ..... In""' 10"'". lldtm HUNTINGTON IEACH $37S mo/yrly. Avail Jao. ~";:,;.; '~luUs" $325. ., both ...,,.. eus-bufl1 W111. Wlnto11, Realtor w . 2 BR. 2 BA. hptc, 21~~-'·-,....c~~,._. "" IV&O W•U.. Only 1 m Morine, l1lboo lsl1nd Can Now 962-1353 patioo, docl<. Adults only. 2 BR home & '"''·' .,., .... months old, M"'*" tile root, •7J.UJI Open 'tit t Every Nlght ~1380. completely new inside I P:iol .~ a wine ~uar >'Oil ---=== !!!!!!!!!!!!'!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'!i·==~·======== out. Newport H&ta. 642-9900 r1 st A.aldQCs1m cm --• • • --• -------CVTAT411i Huntl~ton •·och 1_._ L1gun1 lt•ch 1705 Dan• Point 2740 1 BR, wtw carf>f't, nice . u R:;·J. W1rd C~. . !¥ffijfff6%¥VZL ----... --. . yard, garage. $130 mo. • Ba,yc: Ottict) ---------THE 1 Br, Fireplact, ca.rpetini, **494-2973** !,;.,. c1·•·-rm ..... ~ Now__. -IHO E1ttbl~ff 1242 TOT'L PRICE $11950 ....._, dl•p. 1145 mo. umU • ......, ~ ....-. ,... • "" • SEA SHANTY June 20. No children or 2 BR. 2 bi.., den, din. room. E 'STBLUFF VIEW FIXER . UPPER I Clilfha .,M SINGLE AOUL TS Tired of ltJe Mob Scene? see the New Huatlngton Capri Apts. WHERE UYING IS FUN! . Just lSl-Cu1tom I, 2 & 3 Bedrm. Apts. ARRANGED WITH 9 PRIVATE COURTYARDS FROM $140. FURNISHl!O & UNFURNISHED l•i low •• $85 Furn. if 1harad by 2 Friends I I FUN & GAMES-•AVAILABLE WHEN DESIRED • TENNIS, BASKETBALL, GYMS, BILLIARDS. PARTIES & TRIPS IY YOUR SOCIAL DIRECTOR . '200 EOINGElt AVE., HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ -G 3 bed ··• N--•, Somo Wori.. pets. 4gs....25M n W:n. _.,., TlltY THIS ON :i BR. J~ ha.. Nice tpl, Din, reat room ..-it11 a1sum· ._ " I =-==~------l~e \Villiamson. lte&ltor ~ BIT OF HAWAII t'OR SIZE atta. Shows unuaually well. able G.I. loan at 5\4% an-Sitting on a bluff above the fttNTAL.S m,..wo 673-i;.&t Eves I~ Ml. W. OF BEACH BLVD. & SAN DIEGO T'itl,ically land.leaped, ..,;th 216 K INGS PL. can for price It terms. nual tntertst with total pa,y. i;ca, with an awe inspirina: Hou ... Uftfurnlahed FREEWAY, JUST EAST OF SPRINGDALE ST. P•t 'rm. poail.Qdf, Falxl· n-... S.t/Sun 1•5 CORBIN-MARTfN ment ct S145 per month. viewolthewhiteaurfpound. PHONE 1714) 846-0619 .l6us vW 1n:im main house! 5,.:z.::·4 ~. 3 •·, o• 2 \Vhy pay rent at that pay. 1ng on the rocks beJ01v. Gtntr•I 3000 Univ.,.tity P1rk 3237 1 'ii!!"!~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;jji;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I : OPEN DAILY 1·5 .. ,.,... '"'1 ""' " REALTORS 6r'1662 m•"t' Submo't -"r -• ,... Archaic old "-··· w/exter--. . --. levels. Have live-in maid ? =-==E=. =Coa==~="="Y:·:· =Cd=M= I " · 1 d •·1.•1 1 uo\ ." 10,. o! bar.'~,Y~ ,,·do-, Ill00BfAC. Tr1-levcl Republicl -;;;;;;;;;.;;,;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.11CENTALS RENTAL) ·1121 S•brina Terrace Old•r f•-"y -·m .. --! -paymen an a 11 e ~pie " ... ~ .. .., me , •-droom • b th I• H U I h ~-Coron1 dol M•r &1•111 ""' ....,... ---' ill · t wcaUl<'-" ~nk• roolline.!I, " ...,.., 5• <# a •, Brand new 2 Bdrm. 2 bath OUMs n urnit eel Room &rTangen1ent provld~ Corona dtl 'M1r 1'250 <Luu span w l'f'Pfa your ·~ 151.... family roo dln Apt1. FurnlihH DON V. FRANKLIN BONU profits. 11cstled beneath tall trees, m, room, tnhoU3' S2'/'5. Avail. no\V ' PtEALTOR areat privacy. S rooms WE SELL A HOME all enclosed -'w/rambling c!DR to schools :wcJ shop. 2 BR. 2 Ba. Avail 1l1S S29il Lagun1 Beach 3705 1----,----- ;i " ' . ·' ·' '" " ,• ·! , e 67"2122 e ~.~~~io .. ;t._ hofo~by, .. ~:!!; e OPEN HOUSE e EVERY 31 MINUTES p'ckot t s I p1na;. Refereoces S3 3S. ~ •-~ iownhous· S340 •;< ~ ..-~-.. ,....., • ---. 1437 Bonnie Doon• 1 enet". ~ 8 e 0 u' 642-m7 Agent. :' "" ~n '" . ~ LARGE, r>eWiy redec. 1-Br. Ntwport Beach 4200 :. l'lll!!'"!'!"'~~"'l' .. l!l~I · " . w lk & L grounds,a,ppmx, 150ft.deep. .I + fam rm tnhouse S3~ duplex. Ocean view. Adulta, I' , Mesa Verde le enterta.inina. n'tl bar m Sat. 12·5 P.M. a er ee Authentic oltl Sea O>&st $150. 1 BR duplex. Gar. 3 BR, 2 Ba. house S300 no pets. Sli5 mo. yearly, 1---------· Ciiuntry Club -••ir,750 km·~ suite. Othl!'r teaturts Entrance across from Irvine. floor plan, features uniqire pa&, w/w. ~s. Service 3 BR. 2 Ba. hOUS<' $400 PLACE REAL'f.¥ 494-9704 Ne"'P<Jrt Beach .-incl. all eltt. k'itt:h. 2 Frplcs. CoW11ry Club. on the Coast 7682 Edinger Jiv. rm., w/high vaulted porch. Children . <\: pets • d h•11 · GRAND OPENING i:o-:.tor~~~~~ :.!:~~ Ell!<:. zar. door opener. NE\V Hv.')'. &autltul home w/lan. s.n..w::o Open 'til 9 PM cathedral beam cellinp, welcome. Bkr. 534-6980 re I NEW 4 BR in 1..quna. Ya:d IMMEDIATE kU:Chl'n. Elegant tirtplace. w/w e&rpttinr. ALL this tot tiatic interior decorating. 3 CLEAN CLEAN tied by heavy tto~ timh!n. $125. With util. Coey guest ~;iener. $275• mo: OCCUPANCY 1411 I u 54G-720 ~I.~~· Weekdays by Bdrms,, 2'\fi baths, family 3 bdrms 3 baths, lot aize 45x Deep stained wood paneled cottqe w/1tove & retrlg. L\L'l\ury gal'den apartments TA. RiiLLY 29"H.,i!., ,.,. MR n-m~N Nnn. Carpeting &1 drapes, 139x137x80. $26,500 full price. \Valllf. n1assive antiquated Nice Joe. Blue Btacon REALTY Ml I Vi . offering t.'Omplete privacy, P vi ~:,"'"' .,..., 642 7000 ow vacanPrit ~ mmediale Electric bullt·ins, rane;e, ov. old brick fireplace, from 645--0W, C.fo.t Univ. Park Cr.nter. Irvine II on •10 beautiful landscaping &: un· 3 :'1ft, 2 BA, tarnily room, pral dtt0t. 2 yr old-x.lnt cpnd. $32,500. 21382 Fleet ~. HB. Owner 646-4328 DOVER SHORES Flav.·less, el•rant X(lO sq ft, 4 BR. Fet lltmple. $M.500. 1921 San- tjoao Dr., 54&-9165 $U.951 -5 BEDROOM At>nthly p&ymtnts ju~t like .tfJnt. Ooud aoft carpetinz, ~t ins, fireplace, f1Lmily rottm. 540-l'T20 TARBELL 2955 Hubor • • •r • possession. ced lor fut d' aoo. r to celling. Hn-. plctu. re LARGE 2 •t•-3 or 4 BR~ Call Anytime 833-0820 rall 1-.1 u nal ~-u OWNER W1LL sale at l 47,500. ~ner will ~ ~~~:s:~ ~~th ht~:! windows that a!f~ a View 13x21. rump;.,. room bit-ins" . ELDORADO HOMES f~ ~~ ~~~0 ciub~t: SACRIFICE carry 151TDwith10% down. placf', double garage, oo~r-ol the islands. Modemized, newly decorat@d. ;iroimo.' BEA~lFUL 3 bdrm, single Sorrento 4 Br, 2 Ba on view mosphere. Now leulrJ& 1n This beautifW 3 BR home • BILL HAVEN ~ aluminwn patio. Your tCullt'ry type kitchen, ha• 557_1648 540-llSl family home. Uase at Jot. Crpts, drps, $250, im. Newport Beach. \Vith hid I: fil~ttd pool In REALTOR terms. coved ceiling~ w / heavy ~ $335/month. D<?UG JOY mM occupancy. Furnished or unfumish~ lovely "'~tclitf area includ· :?Ill E. Cout, CdM 613-l2tt beam timbers bilt·in range $20a. 3 BR&: Iant rm. Fenced REALTOR 833-0~ • * * * Models open 10 am to 8 pm {'$piano sized living rm wl 1018 s. l'tlain, S.A. 541-6613 IYAIJl1Ju~S wmn &: oven, Dish~str .. C'IC. This yd " R/O, \Valer pd ·I========= Granada J Br, 2 Ba. fully Rents from $155 to S310. fpl, family rm., 2 BR I: lz. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 iJllM'T"'!!i--rRr ~nique olde house, ove~look· ~~~1:..s~pets ~·elcome.1 &:..;•..;c;.;k_;Bl=yc... ___ 3..;2_4_0 crptd &. drped. Aval.I immed . OAKWOOD lritch, v.·/blt·ins I: breakfast 516 FERNLEAF 1ng the sea, needs paint & EXECUTIVE Home 5 BR 3 $200 inc a:utlenifii scNicc. bar. 1\ro car aar w/auto. Duplex So. of Hwy. iiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i gent>ral 1·epairs. Ifs an out· COLLEGE Pk, Long Bch. 2 Ba Cpts d 1 b!Uis * * * * GARDEN door opene r, be.utilully 2 BR. ea., 2 trplcs, 2 patios. PITCH & PUTT! standing value a! story.15 Br, 3 :•is~ SJOO ~:J's, ecc · A La Paz home Jor least. 4 APARTMENTS ld&cpd_ .,,ith sep. play yard Price reduced for quick sale. Immaculate l &: den i11i!h $26 SQQ Jst & ast mo. e . . Br, tam rm, gd location. for children. Don't miu this DON V. FRANKLIN huae 3 cat garage &. ival k FULL 'PRICE $225. 2 Br. l~• Ba. Frplc. East Bluff 3242 Avail Ik'c 23rd $275 + util. 17.gi4:16~~~t best buy, marked down 10 REAL TOR . to the 1011 course. Only Children It pets O.K. Blue ---------call&. ask for Net S'!ukes at U3.(X)). troni $41,500. By e 67J..2222 e $24,995 check attractive VACANTI Beacon, 64$.-0lll, C.M. 0\VNER. Lovely 3.Br, 2 Ba 837·9500 bkr, IJ3G..2808. THE Coif• Mtt• 1100 owner. Open Saturday from terms. . SEE TODA.VI S19S. s BR. dbl gar. RIO, Condo. View. Nr sbp:g. I=====-==== 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ 12 noon 1: all day Sunday. CAMEO SHORES Pacific Short's Rca.lty MISSION REALTY refrig. Cllildre.n 1.: pel.!I Pool-club. \V·D & reb·1r. Dana Point 3740 CALIFORNIAN APTS. !• . L'J07 Berkshire. Lane, N.B. Love.1y, spacious home with SJ6..8894 Eve.s. j36..9866 985 So. Coe.st Hwy., Laguna we.lcome. Bkr. 534-eJBO $275 mo yrly lse. Immed Sptnish Vill1ga 0.sign O'u1"f Look1"ng !'.'.!'~":.". Ph' ""-=.Re" ''•w. s14•500. °"'" 00"''1 "!'~!!!!1'.!~""'!l'!"'~""'"I Phone 1714> 494-0731 ""'· 111•1 ,.,_n., Overlooking Marin• vu-~ Sat. & &in. 1-5. Move In By Christmas C t Mft11 3100 Beauti!uJ executive. home. New 1 &: 2 Bedroom, fwnish-~is tmt auper aiw,., ex-BY Owner • $.j0,000. 4 Br. J 4645 GORHAM DR. Sharp 2 story 3 bdrm 2~: BEAUTIFUL °' 1 Coron• dtl ~r 3250 Spacious. luxurious. New ec: It untumished, air.condi. tr& ·Jarp 4 bdrm & family Ba. J yra old. custom bit Oieshire Real Ettate 615-2503 bath. On cornet Jot. Carp. BEACH HOME LARGE 4 br hse. Just -----carpets, draperies, redecor. tioned, dish1vashe111, aelf. ~ have been Jookina' fut home. WW trade 363 Vista f!fi11 CA,MEO eta/drapes, ail built·in!I. For. In lovely Laguna condo. com· pain ted ,v/w' crpl through· IMMED. OCCUPANCY thni-out. Phone for appt. to cleaning ovens, patio, bttak· With many extra& Builder'• Baya Cr .. NB 642-6946 mal dining room, 11crvice munlty; irontina on maanif. out trP1act. Woodland Sch New Harbor View Hills Lusk see. 496-3959 fast bar, private sun decks. piierwonal la>me. Carpets, FORECLOSURE: 3 BR, 2~1 SHORES po!'Ch, family room. Assume icent heated pool, 100 steps Ols't. $210 mo. on yrs Jae. home.. Exe. view. ~r. dee. I========= large 2itoraa:e closets, he.at- drtpea &: other curtom &-cot. BA. Townhouse, frfilc, pool. 5 BR, den, pool. By 0wl'ltr 6% GI loan . price PS.900. froin Jriv, bch .. tennis els. $75 clean chrg, Call 536·3.323. &: lnd"Sc:~. Auto. spf~~er; Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 ed. pool, Saunas, B.B.Q. ·1, Prime location near .c:hools Needs paint. $27,SOO. $79.500. 615-3520 aft 5 P•ul Jones Rtelty etc. omp. atraclive fum. Very CLEAN 3 bdrm 2 bath &. gar. r. opener._ · sound proofed walls. walk-In I: ahoppina Aski"" 1 847.usr. Eve. 847.gn19 lnchld \v/w crpt'g, drps., f 1 b .1 . ' ba .. Jam. nn .. din. area, 2 BR, drps, crpts. fl!:nced yd, close.ts. Covered carports _ . • .,. 0 n Y Liaison Co. 646-0732 OPEN Sat., sun. 1·5. 1519 kgsi master bed: location irep ace, ~1 I-ins, large crpts drps t'ff. $4,j() Incl. gar, blt·ina. Adu!~, no pets ~ Wlth eXcellent tenns. BoMie Doone. Elegant 2 br. REPOSSESSION d~r .. 2 BRs, 2 BA.s, sep. v1'•"""cANTyard .~n loRvoElyAaDttYa. g1'Cln;. No 0 children, except $140 mo. 54&-4573 or 543-2884 ADULTS, no pets. 541).llSl Herit:aze Re. a I 1 + dl!:n, Unu.sua.lly lovely 1 d 1 h /d ~ b b l blocks W. Ne\vport Frwy. •--c---1 Now,..<! Ho"1ghts 1210 LAR. GE POOL. '.'\ &: fam + v .. in. rms; aun. 11·1t w • HJO/ ru-••6-4141 · a a y, RENTALS At McArthur & Mam· £oala•..:: -.... n &we• I encl. yard. Olvner/Bkr. 11tor .. 1·cat gar. lower Je.v-... mo. "'· .,.. Kathryn Raulston . .,.. LARGEST SPANISH HACIENDA ail el!!c. _Less than I yr old. CALL. 5'6 2727 673-01~ Gr:r403J fonnal din, l% ba, cpts/drps rl. See to appreciate. hwn SPACIOUS 2 BR. Newly .......,.. Apts. ~urnished · by oivner, call for app't. painted. Near 'f:Vcrything -Gentrol 4000 , • 'PROPERTY IN Eleeant • but ~conomical, B1lbo1 P1ninsul1 1300 Quick JMlSS. Assume 6% ~1o 4 • 1125 I ;;;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii••I MESA DEL MAR VA loan. Call fe>r comp!. in. ~",,·2;;-l-c52;-o;o:r;,83""""1-01'J=J-·-,,.-,--I · .... "'2 I: Call today to~ this 3 BR. r . VIE\Y J R ~ HOLIDAY PLAZA NEED an Apt. for the By Owner ' BR, 2 BA, dbl home in Prime area. Only MODERN Duplex. 2 Bd.rms. orn1at1on. . B , 2 BA, aU elec., Cold ell hnlce & Co hol"d Ba p r. enclosed main patio + $49,CKXI. each unit. Garage. Nr. bay BRASHEAR REALTY bl can1 <.'l'ilings,·crpts. drps, $All:>.h.> ~R oRlder, nea~r 19th!.• 550 NWowpo' rt Con't1r 0; D~~ao'1'Ps~~~ouspl~'Bdrm"'" Ki~ga1!:. ~1:'1' BCoRm(pl· & l'b N od TL c 847-8507 431·3169 · ""0 1118 i; <.'(It lol. Reduced to na e1m. angc "' rt ng , • " ,.,.. .. . . ., · 2· open patios. Unique. en-Grahem Rlty. ~2414 · 1 rary. e 11 · · • '7IX>' $?.6,000. 0,vner 494-4126 turn. Children OK. Lease. Newport h•ch, C•llf. Heatied pool, ample parking. furn. \V/linens, e.tc. $550 mo ~-Shrubs, frees. ?.1any Near Newport Pest Ot1ice Prine. onl y. S' 0 • 000 · ''Stratford Sq. Home" _ _ Call 3 tog Pi\f only. 642-4698 83J..0700 644-2430 No children. no pets. (\Viii consider a lease). Call extl'a.o!! $32,500, Call ~767 Ov:n/bkr. 673-1.355 2500 S Ft l!!Ga Po c 1'! ~7002 or 642-4641 ~sr SHI l )Told s Br, 3 Dover Shorn 1227 Lido lale 1351 15:..:30' ram, n:: ior~al din. L1gun• ~iguel 11a1 Hc=~i~7~r~v~1;7:~L ~~~. ~:i\~ :~: $125. 1 Br~o':;~l~ ·turn.l :!!~~""~!"'~"""""'i tath, custom home with • .rm. 3 car pr. Compl tum. LAGUNA Niguel Terrace.. By Costa Mesa 2\S-ba.th home. University Dishivuher. Avail now. SINGLE Adultg Luxury .......r;-Mea Verde. A.-1.1 .... -tr Irreplaceable View-tr 107 VIA EBOLI UJ\V INTEREST LOAN ..... ,,.,., 3 B• 2 Ba tam rm P k V I 1290 61' ·~~ Co•v. 1-. Blu• •·aco•, ganlen apts "''ith country . ;;:'~ -make offer, a;; lay & Meunt•lntl HAFFDAL REALTY ~~ ~me,~ew . .W..1860 '4 Br. 2 Ba. Room for boat.1 __ ••_. ~"-'-"-·--·-~~~ " "" """' " club atm.O!phere and com· .ct.~ or 5'6-4141 Rep.I "Old \Vorld" Conte.m. 4000 SQ. FT. &42-4405 1-"========-~1 $200 mo. Call 642-5964 alter l BR. So of h1\'Y· Frplc, :064>--0=-_l7ll_,=c=.>_f.~--~~1 plete privacy. SOUTif BAY porary pieturt91111e home. w/ 4 BR, 31• BA, 3 car aarage. ====oo-c---o""='o-o Apts. For Salt l9IO 6 Pi\f. erpts, drps. bltns. Beam $130. 1 BR lower. Ppol. CLUB APTS. Irvine at 16th, 2 BR Hae It aar. Modem, on unobstructtd vie\V • mo11t Crpta, drps, unusual Ieatur. NE\VPORT \Vest -3 BR, 2 VACAN.ff • 5 BR. 3 BA, clng11, 673-6904 Laundry facil. Ulil pd. Child Newport Beach. ~I klt~-~40~ = rooMJI'. 5,00(! IQ. ft. 4 Br's, t!I, Built 1961· Owner C.R. baths, lam room, blt·ins, $7000 DOWN medall ion. Liv, din, fam. VIEW HO:\-tE 2 Bedrooms 2 OK. Avail now. Bkr. <n4) 645--0550 . ~ e, .,...,,&...... 41,S Ba.+ maids qtn. Euy Gangi. 213 I 244-3101; eves crplg, drps, lrg patio, 5%% A I S"•' XI ., . il . ..,,.,, 534-6980 1----------1 -~. 531-9094 or 646-«m. 213 / 246-0'JOO, Open. loan. r..take. offer. (2lJ) S!f\lml" st at 74 /<' •• nl t..se $32:1. ;)'16-1713 baths, electric bu I-ins $ .. ia =~====-.~~. MESA MOTEL BY· O\\'NER -4 Behm + maint. Immed occup. rum. --,B"A""Y"F'°'R"O~N=T---1 379-4164 9211 Christine Dr. potential, 2 Br 4-plex apt 3 BR house, lge fenced yd, 642-7177 Agent. $UO. BACHELOR. All utll l"""Uy rm.'·-• lot. Cul d• ~/· l1Tl8,000. C.Onaid~ Owner. hld g. Call 540-1915. car. $160. Pref lse. 548--8124 2 BR, 112 BA dplx. Pri bch. pd, Avail now. * LO\V \VEEKLY RATES+ ..-...5 tr .... e vac, ot. A&aume 6¥.i 1• HOMES Bkr. 534-6980 Kitchens, TV's, maid •et· ...:;:, Patio. l yr old. Near Joan. 548·T.M9 Nc1v or old('r, \\'ith piers ~ ·,',"':,~,12 .. "! 24 units, or 510-0190 Vir\\•, frplc. Adults. no pets. vice, Heated Pool. se.rs-$21,500. 545-5618 ========= . ~ lo .,..,ach. Apprtt. 5 BR House. Suitable for S22J mo. 64&-2290 $140. 2 BR, 2 Ba, avail l'IO\V, 646-96Sl OW style Spanish 3 Br. l Ba Westcliff 1230 I< IOlips. J BR. to 6 BR. Fount1in V11ley 1410 iallnc arc~. By Owner/ Rest Home. l.Jas Variance. 2 BR. sundeck, nice. patio, SBi'~.lc'"~~AO~~nChild ivelcome. =~~------1 From $149,500 n. ~ldr ..• Luidborx; Co. Call_ 5"8-6lSl. gardener. $2lO monthl y, "' ~ 34th Ir Seashore. modem 3 house on double Jot. $18,000. DO YOU NEED Walker Rlty. •7.S.5200 CHATEAU BLANC -;)36.2.119 6i:;..-0737 SEE NE\V VlLLAGE INN BR. 2 BA beach apt. Ne.v.· ritu 546-l16T :llfi6 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. ,,.-==c-=------2 BEDR00;\1, $135 n10. New,_~=------S •-h 35 crpt & d~s. Furn or parlly A home ot appx 2800 sq 11 $500 Moves You In /(Cl\jfALS . t h'ld t Call'" 2 BR ,. I ,. l<'pS ID ui:ac. $ . \\"k, .,. OLDER 2 BR house, 2 car • -. . NE\V 5 Bdrm 4'!it Ba Nord a.,, .• , .,,·, ' ,·mpou•d• ,-... paint. c I • no pe s. • irep ace, pa io, LAGUNA. 494-7201 furn. Families prefened, , ,,_ 1 "tab! 1 "ith 4 Bd . :\ ba. ! Do come " .. "" " " Houses Furnished ;,1&-2802 large yard. SlG:i mo. )Tly lse.. 67:>-3.1lS Pf· ..... ot -sw e or to 11ee 1115 Soml!tset Ln. Bay Front • pier and slip, eluded in financing 7~2% in----------1,.C-=-"------,--Ll!asr. 615-6690 b\lildini;. 54.5-600l Fine appointments. $69.500 Area'1 best buy. Q\vner, rerest. 714 % interest w/ 101;~ General 2000 '.'\ BR. fa m nn, encl gar.1~~-------~ Cott• Mn• 4100 LARGE l BR. nr ocean. R. C, GREER Reelty -'=,....==''======= cm 3 Bed :.? 3 ~·-etp1i:, !!rps. fncd yard. S175 2 BR. carpels, shutters. Upstairs. Sunde.ck. $140 Yt· Mato Vorde 1110 3355 Via Lido 6T.J·9300 • Bat~;. 1730 9!t~~.4~ sq~ ft·. $i25. l"BR.pdydCh, storage. Elec mo. 2103 Fede,raJ, 54S-11JS9 ~~~";?~2pets. Before 7 * SUNNY * Jy. students ok. 613-8088" S NTA CLAUS Huntington Beach 1400 finiShed bonUs room abo ve 2 'vater · ildren &: pet 2 Br Cr,:ltt drps \\--asher 1 · • } $1511 l BR tu t Crpl.!! , A University P•rk 1237 car &arages. All built.ins. 1\•elron1c. Avail 111170. Bkt. i.kye~. RcJs.' req'd.' 169 Me~ DUPLEX • 2200 sq. lt. 4 BR, ACRES drps, bltns.rn :!ii. 1523 rpR VETS! FOR NonnNG $43,500 Private patio! w/ B-B-Q's. 534-0080 °"" $145. 545-7626. 21; BA, bltns, frplc. Gar. * * Placentia OOi\IN "'""'' c.an bane """'r 4 bdrms 3 ha, vcecutive, tri· M1 34"' .....,, ~ 1135 2 BR d N be $325 mo/1se M0-7573 "'"'""=;;;-=.,._,=,-,,=I la!nil.' .• y Christmas 51ocJrin~ Luxury At Low Cost Jew.I mansion. Large heated ..... " lo •""·"""· . ' y . r. aeh. $.."00 CLEAN 3 Bdr, 1'.~ ba, . SEE NE\V VJLLAGE INN ... c --··"•of ..... ,_ ,...........,. Oeslped and built for mod· & filtere.d pool, plenty of e,x. OIATEAU BLANC Children & pets OK. Avail den, dbl g11r. 2 Children OK. * Motel·AptS * Steps to beach. $35. wk. me ....... u u .... nV\AJ . . 18650 Brookhurst SL, ncnv. Bia. 534-69&0 \Vestsidc. 548.-3135 Balboa 3300 LAGUNA. 494-9 • ..., :Q\)'RNING FlR.EPLACE! 3 em living; decorated in ex-ce115 rear ya.rd. Formal din-'I: mile S. of the wu it.M.GE bedroon'ls, 2 baths celltnt tute. Tomormw may Ina: room, separate livini; San Diego Freeivay Rentals to Share 2001 fOR lease. 3 Br & den, 2 Ba. BEACH 1-!ouse, 3 Br. 1\ill Studio & 1 lf'drooms \VATERFRONT w I boa t M'D family roam with slid--be too late for :you to be. room. separate family room 962.3002 ---------1 near tie\\'. No. C.!lf. dead-furn. $160 mo. + util. 507 E, LOW RA TES dock, Lovely 2 BR. patio. if\& dus doors ID 'BBQ area. the 1l0111nr owntr of this or den, larae kitchen wilh SINGLE \\'Orklng girl wantrd rnd St. S240 mo. :->'13--2646 Balboa. Bkr 673-6880 Doy, Wttk, Month Yrly lsc. 673·900) or 697-5918 ~IC built·in kitchen one. 4 br, 2' ba. fully air eatina: area • inside outside to share furn. apt ,vl!h ·--• Kitchens &: TV's f)(lnditioned, $37.000. pass thru windows for en· Or1nge 1635 \ san1e. SSJ mo. 8'12-1139 Mesa dtl Mar 3105 Huntington Bt1ch 3400 •Phone J1elV., hid """'I Coron• dal Mar 4250 r~ )'OU!' Christmas turlrey. ---"---------------~ • eel h•11 tertalning. Assumt Pxi11ting d11y11: 6~6-0875 after 6 •~laid service ava il. :,~ ~H1' ~= r I VA 6~:: loan. H20~~ i!:~~;~~~;~ ~~~ GIRL ~or 4th ln Apt . on '1v~·~·~:st ~~-lylslp~ni~t '~~~:< ~~m~~:ca~l~R~:i;: 2376 NEWPORT ILVD. 2 r!f:.:im•nol ::::.· ~:1,~ priced at $26,950! ~ ~; llllll Sun. 3041 E. Vint>, Orange. bPach 1~ Ne\\·pl. Own· tnt. + ~100 deposit, 84'.'\ St. a air drp.\ f \Va t er $225. 548-9755 only_ Clo..'>e to beach. $100 w .E SELL A HOME REALT\'!1'1-Call -830-5724 ,v, patK>~ ,P_:efer atudent. 54S-l!"JO.'i days. Leadership R. E. 842-4-166. $25. Per Wk. & Up 642-1777 Agent. EVERY 31 MINUTES Univ. Parle Center, Irvine T: $62.50. 67:Hi.114 h J200d'°'"~·'..,54=-0-84....,.7_1=-=-= 1Bache.lor ~ 1 BR. htd pool, LLO=V"EL"°'Y,_,lo.,-br-,-,~l.-l200=-, 1 Walker & Lee C&U Anytime. 833-0820 BE TIER N'NEW L19un1 Buch 1705 ROOMMATE wanted : ma.le. to Newport BtlC LEASE 4 BR. l'Ai BA maid service. Kitcheru; I mo. 547-7743 alt 10 A"f.f "'!!:!~~~!!!!~~~~:I 6442 JERSEY CIRCLE 180 DEGREE VlE\V share 3 Bdrm hou5e on ADULTS ONLY To1\•nhoui;r. C r Pt s • &: TV avail, 450 Victoria (Nr d&l's. Or 673-3751 aft 7 PM. ·• -•• w cl -;;;; Bal. Isle. Call 675-2569 aft. · dra-s Pool &:. clubhouse Harbor) .. ~ t st ltt Dr. lick lhy 1240 Beautiful 4 bdrm., Jamily, of ocean &. coastline, small 5 J'l.ln. 2 bdrm. 2 baths. New Plllnt. ,... · 1,..°""' __ .______ SEE NE\V VILLAGE INN 6~mt 2~' baths; 2 frplcs .. bt'st ol but buildable Jot. Paving & new cpts, new draJ)('ii ~ faeililirs. $l90 mo. Ph. 1 BR, newly decor. new Steps to beach. $35. \\"k qJSTOl\I Featured Home. 4 1lEDUcto lo sell. Lee eve,rythinc. including 51;i<;0 111ll, in after 1st of year. \\'ILL Shan' waterlront home Available Jan. 1st. $22.J. 962-l544 e\•es. crpts, dshwhr, centrl ht. LAGUNA 494-9436 BR, 1 BA. Family room Spanish Casa on l~i acres loan. Sho\vn by app'I. Unv dn, iv/low mo. ~·ts. 'v/rcsponslblr male or l!Or-.1E lot Rent or Lst-. :; Br. gar. l\lature adult $125. 'l\·ftiriplact, formal dining for !'Ones. ll.20,000, term11 i\lRS. HOPPER 494-8100 or 494-1137 fema.le.. SlOO. 645-26!)7 j bdmi. 2 halhs, f!'PJit.\t\'el. ~Tatco. Nr. Adams &: 54S-.S9j6 P.rofeasional t..andlcapinc 64&-3608 • University Realty 61~10 GOOD INV1':STr.iENT SINGLE Girl 10 tlnd & share f .P .. Bil-ins-2.car gara_ge, l>f11gnolla . S275. Phone aft 6. B"'E=A~U~T""''6~9-,~,-. ..,1~9-. -tr-,-il,-,~1, Balbot 4300 4" pool size lot. sprinkle.n A: PLANNING to TnO'l-'I!.! You'll rr·s Beach house time. Big· 3 Virw lols. Road unpaved. hOuse Ill Cri:'<I . fa~:s pool . Avail Jan. l.ith. 968-2109 lovely C:\f trlr crt. Avail CLEAN Bachelor Apts. P.ltio. Assumable low inter-find .an amazing number of gest se.l!!<:tion ever! See the $JS.i00. 1\111.kr or fer. 67:HIJ"° $2i.1. 4 'BR, Huntington C.Ontinental Jan First. $107.50 mo. AU util incl S83 up ~loan. $35,900. 540-l(MJ homes in today's Classified DAILY PILOT Clauilied Courltsy to brokers . 3 BOR.i\f. 2 baths. 5pll•·levcl. To1,1·nhouse. Ne.w carpet &. 548-6366 or 642-0069 aft 4 . 315 E. Balboa Blvd. 4 "BR. 2 BA. fm rm. Ul!C =A='='=· °"'==k=""'"=="'=w=.==--=""'°=="=N=O=\=¥=! ====;.;.='!M-4=='='"======= I Newport 8e1ch 2200 AINli.Jable Ott:. 20. '263. drapes. BuUt-ln appliances. SI50 I: up. AITRACTIVE, 1 BALBOA 673--99'.5 . Bltrw, p:>d cond. Pvt 1U\\'1'.'l10USE; 3 BR 2¥.i Bay £: Bt:Dria~h RtSu~lty~.,!.~ $200 mo. 536-94n bdr., pool, Util paid, aarden B;~~t1io Apt. Ind Util. ed fmt patio, Ip htd BA '-1 HA I '2 901 Dover ve, ite .u1;1 * OPEN HOUSE * 3--5 Pl\f Uvin ... , adults, "' ~··. 1800 r y.. a mo. Call if ' .. ., c. PR•N, poo • car 645-2000 Eves 5-18-6966 .... r~"' 631-5342 or 536--3101 pool w/alide &: div STAR GAZ.ER:'*"~ gar, all bltn.•, cpts, d~. · Dllily Be.aulitul 4 BR.. 2 BA Wallaei! Ave .. C.I\!. Prof lan41c:pna. lo -':f::=..---I 1 POUAN {..q $.325. mo. unrurn $300. * * * • • home.. $265 mo. 1!1771 *NASSAU PAU.lS * J BR tum, util pd. $13> ~ ipint. us.a. 540--7513 Alfa Jtra.AY l1•u A\'ail 12/1. 871..SSll or J BR. 1 ba, family rm. 'l Ranaer Lane 1 & 2 BR. Pool mo. yrly, 310 E. Balboa .tf'J WM. J )( Y-DalfrAdMPyGWclit ):/ti. srn. 11 .rl"t 642-2497 frplcs. l patio.~. Prime 4 LARGE BR, "2 BA. trplc, 177 E. 2Znci Sl. ,,~., ""'"' Bl\'rl. Balboa. hdults. no pel.!! '"-'I P rk 1111 ~A,i i1 y Accwililltt.fheSI•"· ocT Jl'I.}~@ l d ! hbo hood "1'1..-.-.. ~ .,. . • 1·13-: To d1v1lop messog~ for Sunday, 7.1;-24.:17 ~ BAYF'RONT :'I & den. pi~r &. r u • -11" r nP g r . new rpts k ~. dbl gar. l & 2 BR. turn It. unf\lm. 2020 BACllELOk APT -Util ~. n..---~ ·arr, 2 BA """"'~'~ reodwan;b..C011espai-.d1ng tol"tl,ll'T'lbt"' """ 71 rlOll,. F'h111, or unfl1m ... ,, ..... Brant. landscaped Ya rd fe,ncd back yd , $25'1. 962.a994 ul paid. $M1 pu mo. 310 E. SY vwnn " r Zed bl h . """'' ..,.,.., \\"/playhouse that \\' 111 -F IPrton St., C.?.I. Mgr on Balboli Blvd~. Balboa ~. xlnt 1..-ond. l blk 10 ~TAUlUS ofyour ioe ti sign. s«a,.o 1110. No. :.i Balboa ("O\T:r; rlcllght ;in~· Hlti~ G'irl. $300. T BR unrum l"IQUS(', SUMI. n10. pttmisrg, tcf\ls. 5~i~ k>l.tl $17,9:;o. ~.i,,. ",, ~ ;:r.!"'1 "" ll ~ :; ~*' oc.~. 11 • ljij....43JI Rlh'. &t!-iSJ6 ''ouni: l'OUple ptt:IPr\"Cd. cM=E~R~R=IM~A~C~W70~o=o~s H ,. I B h ··~ -2119 """ l Te~.. lJ Goocl liJ Allout HOr. 11 OCEAN fh:lnl hou To • 84&--1600 .Y,n tng On ta~ ~ 11-21..Jl..f3 ",.. J• Off 6c ""-• :J.'20·»•l1 ,1 • sr. ps. 4 er:.. ~ B:~. Bluffs To1,1nlu~. , F'w,, un11s avail St'e Ad un. P'ork 1115 'I LH .. Mo Alone • NZ\V YEARS EVE. 1111 _ ............ Mybla ~ "*°• 4 blrm • fam. .. ,_,, v.jll be .. iootly. l'li> "'1.y $21,SIO • low fllltt· "' -... polnll "' ..... fF: ='11512.1m. ...... Booch 1111 WES'l'CUIT SHOPPING l lilarinm School w I I h i n !nltdnc dis,..... 1Jr111>!, r#:&ll S bdrm 2 bath home • tint tt tlind •• only $28,!'iOO. CAIL 50-lf:ll ,.,,.. .,,.,, l!irar o.o.t llnl Dials. AUMl· ~ erc..·• 35 ~~ 65 A.>PK~ n.M-19 1, • 6R. 2 BA. F rplc,~ Clll~. F"rplaCf'. drpg, dish"'~ r , ~ Bn. 2 Ba, 1' 11m. rm k der claSI! 5100: 425 Merri· BAC11ELOR ,. 1 BR tum, ; ~1 ~f ~" ~ ~ ~-""'=""! rirps. !ard, patio. s:ttJ, 1,1·ln-O'-"trlonk grttn bflt, IXIOI. ftfl\11et. School 1 blk. $200 a mac \Vay . 5-15-6.100 ll4n up. Adulls, no pe.ts. : :::.. 1: r=-~ ~:::.. ll'r. 61 3.SOSS All ex1er. malnten. $400. mo. Cull • ~. l BR •PL Gu It \\'all'r pd. 11301 Ktt190n Ln. M2-7843 10 ,1oi;,, "° ""'9 70 You Coroni dol u.r-2250 New Y"11.r nccu pan cy , 2 BEDROOM Hoose. l.ell9e • SI~ mo. No children. no ~\Vest or. Beach nr Slater) • 11 Ploy cl Te 71 T°"""""' ~ Ow~r-644-2019. Sl4S a monlh, Adullll only. pol•. "A"•~ NEW QUIET 1 BR. nrocean, 12:A a Pr..,. nv-.,..,,,.....,,,. U ~... ~ ~ ~! ~ 4 BR/family room, co1np1 LOVELY &.ycrt11 4 bdrm Call 531N31J. 2 BR SlM: r.faturf Adults. $145 pri tleck or p11.tto. IS Lb AS WW. n Md (um, Availl J&n\1317 thru family rwm bomf!'. J.tanJ 4 No pets. Near :t.tarkiet Sll\Q:lts a cpls only. l0114lh ... {' w-• ~ ~ ~ .June whlle ownen travel extru. Pre•d&t area. $400 Fount•ln Valley 3 10 Call _ MS-0959. ~1319, 673-118' ,: :::... • ~ tc._ 71 o..i._ f"11nctd ytt. 3 bllts from per mo. Jean Smith Rltr. 3 BR. l-% BA. lat: bonus rm. -A"t'°'kl;nao~~.;:~.~, .. ~~A-pts-.-111 iiaiial.;;,t~;...,;:;'i11iirtertt'..:";,;;1.,.;;;;;;,,.I ; ~ :: j!.... :: ::;;e. beach. Childn-n &. pe.tJ &16-.3255 Cl'IUd'•. pla)'houM in rear. 1 RR. laundry, adultJ. '°",, It. be.'eh, watf'r 4 1.ss ' 21 It SI w.,...·, 11 ~ i1 ... laomt. $400 mo. 673--0068 2 STORY 2 bdrm. family Side yard for bollt or ! Well 691 Victoria. MS-6183 pd. To older adult $100 mo. 71 '"" ~ '"'"".. 82. '' OCEAN Vl£\V room, 1 bath. finplact. landAC:•~· 961-TIOO 'iltt S. ~ ~: ~!"""°'°')' ~ ?°....,... :-:! ~';!",_. Z Bcdroon111. ConverUhlt rlcn, 111.~ play y<11rd PatK>. Ntar --·------BAOIELOR, u1il pd. F'ttt SI'ONEHENGE APT'S. 2 BR. 2' v,,,;,.. ~ , .. ,_....... S) 11~ ~ baths, lil'l'pl11ct.. I block 10 CIUr Drl,-e. sir.Imo. Rltr. Laguna Btech 3705 launrlry rm. &si~. Cl-pt.s. 2 BA, 2320 Tlorid11., nr ~ ~~ ~ tt ~ ""'"""'-"'! bc11ch. ~o JX"IJ. Refercnttli l\11 1-2222 drps. S9J. 6'12-0263, Adult. rkaeh It Ada.ms 53&-2730 ~ ~ ~ t-9+.J :: ~:.:"-. 13.'il. &l:Z...Tm' Aa:ent. ltl1~1AC. J Bed1'0Dms. 11 ,, OCEAN. canyon, \~tw home. H 8 h 4200 BU~lEST m11.rkclpla~ 1,, JO~ tO C-..-tO Lo•... l BORl\f, 2 ba. hot13t, I blk. baths. 2 patiOs. On \\'Ater. ;'I BR, dc.n. 21t BA. BC!m11.11I ewpo':!_ _e_•<____ 10\\ n. The DAIL\' PU.OT fG\ () 12n • In bf!:acl1. $~. J'um, ?llonth Rullt In \•acuum. UrtplaN'. Ctliu1. $32.I mt>. lf'.A5t. Ann l Btlrm & d<"n, ut11 raid, Clauihcd M?rtlon. Save Goocl \8/Ad.'IWtC' ~ntul to Month. Rtltrtnce.s S360. "2-7771 Chhlman RtaJ EslAlr $llS. mo. yrarl,y la preter• n\Olley, lim• " effort. Look BltY 6 ~II.Ch nlty. g1~ Agt"nl . **499-JMI+• l"l!d. m-3230 fl!'W!ll ~~~---------------~.~,---------....;;..::...::_:::.;;c;._:c;:.:......o..;;;; • ; ' .. . -.. ---------------------------------------------------.-~-._........-~ ........ -.-.....-......-·-· .. ~··-... ~-· ·~-...- • JOIN TH.E 'SELLERS CIRCLE' -- WE'RE SAVING SPACE FOR YOU -.. ••• ~ r-m;-; -~~-'· ~ ~ ~ ·~ If you ull 11 .service a.nd don't advertise in the DAILY PILOT .Service Directory, yo4're ' doing''business the hard way· The Serv ice Directory ,(classifications 6500 • 7000 in .+he classified ad section ·daily) g i v e s you an advantage you get through no other adver- t ising meClium. It reaches customers who are ready to buy. Be there when your. pro1pects come into the market looking for the services you have to sell. If your •ervice isn't li•ted, we'll start a category just for you. Pick up the phone rig Ii t now and rese rve your space in the "Sellers Circle" • Your Direct Liiie to Directory Results 642-5678 ' . DAILY PILOT CLASSIRED AD DEPARTMENT " r ooN:.T· PINCH YOURSELF (You'·re Not Dream ing) • But You Can PINCH YOUR PENNIES with a PILOT PENNY PINCHER Classified Ad 3 LINES 2 TIMES DIAL DIRICT 642-5678 - YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD " - . ------=-=----~-==-----• " SaturdaJ, Dtetmblr lS, 1t6t DAILY PILOT ... RENTALS RENTALS ltiNTAU 'Ni RENTALS """" Fumlehod Aots. Unfvrnl~ ~ts. UnfvrnlthM. Apts. UllfurnlohN " », ¥ ..:.• Ore!!!• Caunty 4600 Costa -5100 Na~ -h 5200Nawpwt -h s:zot • . SPACIOUS AND CONVENIENT ., SlNc:'LE -Adult!, I u x u r "¥ a:arden 1pt1, w/fllll rectta· Uon tacllltitt 1r· complete pMva.cy. South Ba)' Club Apts. m , So. Brookbunt, Anahe im (714) ~ BRAID NEW APT-HOMES Newer ~ lived In. Prt. 4610 vate patio llvinc. Near --------beach • lbopplne-All w/w SINGLE Adlllts Luxury c~. drapts,. private ' t New 2 and 3 bedroom, 2 bath1 .. Sbag carpel!, " Jinen drapes. tile kite.hens witb built · ins.. ~ Generoµs storage space plus deck or patio .... .: Pool, recreation bldg., next to shoppio&. $240 " • per month. Adults who like privacy. Furn· 1 ished model by Beals. · · ganJen apll ...t.~ country liv\nc. club, atmosphere and com-e 3 BR-2 BA.t1;11lc., plua plete privacy. SOU'nl BAY e 2 BM BA.patios CLUB APTS 13100 Chapman e l B~l BMSeluxe ain;lf! A\'e., Garden Grove (TI4J Co . A' I H ~ rs1cen p • om•i SUNFLOWER AVE. Lmgun• a.am. 4705 Btwn s. Main 4 Briltol MARINER SQUARE .-.PARTMENTS 1244 Irvine. Av~ .. · Newport Btacb-645--0252 • Just north of Westcliff Drive ;' ~ "~! -~------.-1 1..oolted ~~ mile E, ot South CHARMING 2 bdnn. urut. Coast Plua Shopping c.entu Newport Newly red ec · • wlw Calt 546-1'73 GRACl_O_U_S_AD_U_C-~-LIVIN--G 2 BDRMS, 2 BA. pvt. pauO: ~ <:arpeling .tr drapc&.l'iii_,_.,...,..,..,.., .. I Complelely furn. L&t=. tree1• 2 Br, 2 Ba , hi·ri~ bldJ. Ex-heated po o I,. washer-It ) shaded' patio. 120 yds. from SPANl 't:l DESIGN citing bay &: ocean ~. dryer hQok·t1p. 962-8994 ~ I \Voocls Covr. Beach Sl75 mo. Garden Apartment~ Jacuzzi pool, e l evalor1, ATI'RACT. 2 Bdr. All xhs. I J\lisslo11 Realty 494--0731 l"<lnvenlently located :rubterra~an pk'g, boat $135. 17442 Qii.eens Lane. close to sbopping, slips avaH for tenanU. R.8 . !l&S-7510 or 8f7-1594. • l CHARt.11NG Partly Jurn Alr-cooditioning. pool. &12-2202 seaside studkl bungalow, built·ins &: encl. garages 1~~=~--~--S. garden setting. Lease $170 l&:2 Bedrooin 2 BDRt.IS, 2 baths, nt•An• 5620 1 I 11 · t · cpb/drps, d Is h washe r . C...."--"---.;;..;;-.t. '!\! inc gar, a I u t I .,!!5s , From $135 l\1onlh Sl65lmo. Adullo;. G~'.!-43S7, l, 2 il l BR. iapl& in pvt new . I Tel~lear. Reis. 4~.... Drive by 160 W. \Vilson 00--0596 4-plex near So Cbut Piu..A .)1· FOR lease. employed s:Inele See Manager Apt. 15 l-'-.....C~=~==--1 Irvine oom,&ex. !!iT-Dl! •· : ! '"'Oman, cha1m ing, clean, l HAR80.ft 3 BDRM 2 BATH I BR,quiet.close in.$11Dinc. cpt sldrps, fireplace, IAl'tn• ... ct; 57oJ ·1 ullllties. 494--8392: d i s h w a s he r $210/mo. • \ SEE NEW VILLAGE INN -'64='2-4="38='·=="=""""=-===== UPPER duplex unfurnis~·~, 1 Steps to beach. $35: wk -large bedrooma. I a r C-~ E11t Bluff ,,, 5242 apa.cloul livine r ooitJ; ... LAGUNA 494-7201 Oreplace, front porch. Ia.rte 1 I RENTALS • NEW DELUXE • •undtck, cJO..d ....... ;I A,pts. Unfurnished 3 Br, 2 Ba apt. 1or leue v1ew or inountalnl, pattJt : Inci. spac. maslI'. 1ulte, din I · ·~ ~' MER R MAC WOODS ocean, new y pe.ml.CU, new ~. OOO I rm. & dbl. ga.raie. auto. w/w carpets, drapes, cloet , .I I ·Ge;;;";;;';;;";;;l;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;5;:;;JJurt completed, l or 2 BR. 21 door or>encr avail. Pool Ir: to high school, shopping, 1¥.a I • BA turn or unfum with airl rec. arta. Nr. Catholic block to beach, 00 dogs. 'rQ : VEN DOME cond, compl IOllndrproofed, Olurch. reliable people S195 leaaeJ ~1/ sell cleaning ovel'l.'I, wood e ONLY SUS e Afltt 6 p.m. 49f..37Zl ~ .( ceilina;111, cbv.1\M:. lush land-ll6a Am igOfl \Vay. N.8 . OCEAN Front 2 BR. 2 -a ... , , UrtMAl'ULATE APTSt scaplng with streams & wa. 2-BA t y I -N,.:Z • • ADULT & FA?.flLY terfaUs, elevalors. BBQs, SPACIOUS 2 BR, ap , r y. .-. mo. ~ .. ~. ; I SECTIONS AVAILABLE clubhouse saunas jacuzzi & En1tbluff. J."'nlJc, hltna . painted le new cpts, i 1 Close to shopping, Park swim ~Ii, prlv'. gar. w/ Adults, no pel!. call for no pets. Eve 538-2>95 . ,1 ~ I * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba storage. Everythin& n t w. appt to att. 6«-t293 _ REAL ISTATE -~-:-r 1 * 2 Bedrooms Starting at S140. Adulll 4 BR. 2 Ba. 2 Stol')' -Blu1fs Gener•I ~~ 3 , * Swim Pool, PuU'1'ffn plea&'. J u.st East of 2600 Townhse. On gteen belt & 1--"'-'-----..,~J~' 1r Frpl, Indlv/lndry fac'ls li'arbor Blvd, next to N.i.ben pool. $400. 644-2079. Rent1l1 W•nted. 1145 An•haim Ava. Cadillac at 42;i Merrimac I !COBT!!!!!!!~A~M'!'!ESA~'!"'"642-~282<1!!!l'"w"ay;;·.,"!!!._..;.""'""'""'""'"I CoN>na dal Mar 5250 • RENT • NEW APTS I UNIT LEFTI .3 Room1 Furniture NEW DUPLEX · 2 BR. 2 Ba. 1$250). Priv. pa· $19.95 & UP tio, cov. garage, cptd., drip. J:O"th·T<>M<V>th RenW. $150 & $175 •d. Comp. 61tns. B"t loc, \VIDE SELECTION 7071,~ ORCHID NO DEPOSIT O.A.C. UTILITIES PAID e LANDLORDS ., , HFRC Furniture Rentals 1 &. 2 &Inn, 2 swim pools. !7WOH 0 FREE RENTAL SERVICE:¥ :. J1 7 \V. 191.h, CM 543-3481 Adults only, no pets, Fum -!':;! .... 'Broker 5U6982 ·i:; j ii desired. 642-3m ., • • $150. 2 Br . 1~~ Ba. Ktudio. 301 Avocado St. C.t-.f. Roo fo R t 5 I Patio, RIO. wlw. drps. &'P Mgr on premi_sel'I ms r en j Singll's & child O.K. &kr. ""' -PRIVATE Rm 9.'/ba A: entr. -·~ """"° . HARBOR GREENS ~ °"'"";d• 01 Hwy, Cd!'· ' $150. Lgc 2 Br i;tudio. 1'19 Ba. .. ?.tature male only, $20 'fli. -1 Bltns, crpts, drps, child OK. PhoM 673-S199. 1;, Blue Beacon, 645--0lll, C.M. BACHELOR unfum Jrom ON TEN ACRES PRIVATE Entrance-~ 1 $1XI. l BR. R/0. refl'ig., SBdUO. Alff'° atvdallpooll -2 '=hlld3 l 'l:'ltc_:, BR. /Fomri • UOMlm/ bath, nice aunny • room. l I d P I Child OK rm. ea e II, c ~ .... .,.aces p v, pa OI Workin• P<taOn &l&-5310 ·, ~ v.· w, rps. 00 · · ca~ center, adj to shoppin&'. Pool.a. Tennis. O:intnt'l Bldat. • -· -: 1 Bier. 534-6980 No pets. 900 Sea Lane, 01M M-2611 PRIVATE Room wild V., $135. l BR lower. RIO, 2700 Pete!'IOn Way {MacArtbW' nr. Cont Hwy) priVU + uae of houR. $15 ' ' w/w. drpa. Util pd, Bkr. Costa Mesa 546-0370 Pl wk. Men. 6£.3513. C.M , I SJ4.<;980 MARTINl"'UE n.. RW --ottu LARGE Room, pri>ate batli,, T Spacioul 1-~m untur. worting Fri-· . SIDO GARDEN Am Almo" ,,.w. Sw••••• 67>1971 .. , ~: . fireplace, deck. Built-ins. 115 WK :!. I kitcbtn .,... . ·~ -Excellent Pllrk·like sunound-AduilA only. $175. inc. up w ~· ¥. NEW lal'it 2 BR, pri patio, lnis .w/beated poolg, ~tra uUlltle!f. 673-8550 wt gtudJ apt. 2318 N~ c .. ,.- bllnA incl dsbwhr. $180. parktni. Near sboppmr. =Bl="'=· :;:518-"'6:::::=:;:::==;::'3( Child OK ~2321 Adult11 only. 3 BR. 2 ba.. unusually ~ z &: 3 BR APTS spacious, Ftp!., Bi l stove, Motel1; Trlr. Crtt. FRONT Duplex on Santa tm santa Ana Ave C.l\f refrlg., F.A. heat, w/w cpl, Ana Ave. Resp. adults. $145. l\tgr Apt ll3 ·&is.5542 drapes. Oceanside: Hwy. On-SANDY'S TRAILER CO 612-9139 -..:..._ ty $285 mo., lease. SpaCf!I, avail now, Max 2 •,BR••"· built-m '"""" fairway Villa Apts o.L&ncy R•aJ ,,.,.,, 61:1-JTio ;;;c.i;;;;;:• 64G-S68""'-=1=-=,-,.""1 carpe:ts, dra~. 1 552-A COROLIOO APTS. 2 Br. WEEKLY rates sea _.,..,,-i; Coriander, 546-5268 Near Or1.nc· C.O Airport & Lower Jevels, studios,,pe:nt. Motel, 2301 Newport 2 BR, $155. Crpts:. drpt1, UCJ. Adults only. 20122 house, Frplcs., pool, dbl. ~Coo=ta=M='l&====~'1! bllns. Pvt patio, encl gar. Santa Ana Ave. 51().2796 carports, patio!. USO • $220. -: • Adults. 549-0433 673-3378 GUHt HenMI -1 2 BR, l ~ BA, bltins, crpls, NEW 2 BR-I BA-patio declt CLEAN 3 BR. l BA. Upper. PRIVATE Room A: bath" ·: drpa, garage, patio. Adult!, -sell cleaning oven -high Open view. I blk to lhop-ambulatory pet'llm. • no pelll. $150. 54~1806 grade: crpU. ~w drps w/ ping, 3 adults preferred. home nice 1urro · · ·• NEW lovely 2 br. Cptaldpg, black out Mades .. ~dull! S285. 401 Jasminr. 6'5-6832 good ~trltious meals.~ .l nr W<litf. Gar, patio. only· $165. Xlnt close m Joe. CUTE 2 lilt upatn. Ni!wly Mesa. 543-41S3 : .. -; ·. Triplex. S175. 543-3664 Call &6-01.28 painted. Crpld A: drps, -, • 2 BR w/w crptg pool no NEW 2 BR, 1 BA, shag c:rpt. glove, pr, pri patio. (213) Mltc. Rantalt S • pets or children.' $130 'mo. ~· diahwhsr, patio, beam 424-l&n, 42'l-3437 "" 0 ,99 ceiling frplc. gar. Adults, no 2 BR So H Yrl 313 E. 17th Pl .. ~ t •t6S 2650 Eld ., · Of . wy. y. ·:""'"i-"::'i'i;::"::':..;.,,=: I pe II • . en' Utll' !u 'd ~~ M 2 BR. hrdwood Ooon . Adults, 537-0062 arter 7 pm Ir Sun. s . rn · . "~"" 0· 1 child ok. No pets $130 mo. . Rererences required. 1-========:;:t 2093 \Vallace, 546--0379 2 BDRM. 1% Ba ... ~1-111s. Mr. Forney, Bkr. 540-3862 Income Property .:::"=.:::"'-''=----~I Utility rm, gar., patio, new 2 BR So or Hwy Yrly MODERN 1 BR, gar, small crpts ne\v drp11, l mi. 0CC Util'' ru' Sl95 . th. yd. l child or pet ok, $100. No pe111 S160 mo. + $50 dep. Refe~nce;'1ff.equ.1red. mon · 548-6731 968-7272 or 546-4767 M F B ... _ "''"~ r. orney. . ,,...,.,_, .. NEW Prlv•ft Home BRAND N e w I &: 2 BR. NICE 1 e 2 BR upper New . ln a ~lex. Lg 3 BR w/ WIW ~plA,. all bltn:s lnrl. cpt&, d~ refrir rang~ gar NC\Y lst Uier industrW everything. Nr Fwy, 546-4016 ICU cleani.Jll oven. ~aOO., New d~. Adulis. Lite.' Sln) tor. Wlll .~e u .,;, . 2 BR. Studio's. Nr OCC .. $140 gara&f!:&. Adults. 64a-2108. 0wl1f!r 70fi Narcislus. spendaNe m adcH~li mo. Avail now &: Jan ht. 377 \V. Wilson. · equity bull~.· Sa1q pr1ee ' Family welcome. 637-2943 LARGE 2 BR, crptS, drps. 1 ~r. ~I. d~nfiiso~ &: of SSS,500. Wony'fte ~st· • 1-BDR~f. apt. Single adult. carport &: pool. Kids ck. ~ ~ · a mo. JMnt. For moft tnforma~ . ..-• Stove It ref.rig. No pets 2:214 College. Apt No. ··2. please cal) K. W, Snail.''.. -•1 545-0876 646-7095 Eckhoff a Assoc., Inc~· ; $130. 2 BR upper. Bltns, 2885 MENDOZA DRIVE 81lbh 5300 1818 W. Chapman Ave.::··. 1 cpts ~ drps. No pets, 568 w. 1 & 2 BR apts. 2 apllt-level. _ Oranp, ~. i Wll&IOn St. 545--0760 CID. bltna. No p e ts . 1 Br Apt Ocean tmt Must 541·26'l1, DI~ , 'i 2 BR apt, separale garage, a4.>542l Se:e '1f~. Apt~ be seen . to appree. '16 E. ' l ceramic tile kit ·I: bath. 2 Bfm. l Ba. Pool; blt-w , Ocean Front No peta or IN SMOG FREE ·~~~· " •·~"':.:-=:..:"'::'•:::P:..:· Ac;f.;.t -'C._541>-_!030_ 1 crpt11 &: drps. $195 a mo. children. Sat. &: Sun. p ""' v 11 , -Call. --A,..L BACH Bayft, ""'""'· patio 111118 a ey 2 BR, crpta, bltim, trplc, yd, w/w crpt, util pd $125. Good tnft9tm~t. u · • Now'S THE patiD. Adults only. No pe:ts. Prof J>U'IO" only 673-6765. family I ty I e rettauraftt: S145. S48-1882 beautiful patio. Next IQ·: WVELY Lee 1 BR, crpta, Huntln ... n IHCh S400 hole eoJJ OOW'le, ala> loY!\i drps, bltlns, pr. Adults, no home for owner. Barns ""· 1135 mo. ""'1762 2 BDRMS. • • 2 B1TH .,,,,,... All 0• ' ti.a•ti!UI l La.rye BR. Crpls, dJits, " landsca.ped acrt1. _ ... ,.., bltN, retrig. Xlnt Joe. GRDWI'H AR.EA , "· TIME FOR $122.00. 577-$187 $150/Mo. HEATED POOL TR.ADE OR SEU. ~:.• I.GE. 2 ~ 3 BR. Pool. crp" lncd, cpt/drps, Kid1 OK BY OWNER 644-1121: Qu ICK CASH & '""" Kids ~ 1ml "'" ok. DELAWARE SIVDIO Apt,_ . '1999 Maple Apt 3, 548--2*JS 2620 Delaware, H.B. 4 UNITS Balboa Ptntnait&la: I -=========/64l-22Zl an)11tne 536-1116 Winttr •• rentala ~/ , NEW Quitt l BR, nr ocean. Pnte:ntlal summtt ~""'I: I THROUGH A Newport a-h 5200 sm. Pri , deck "' patlo. $!00 per ...... 0wnu 1---------1 Slnatea or cpls only. 202 Ina: area. Price ~cm. 4 BJ\ lhklio, 2~ BA. Dlbwhr. I.4th. 536-1S19 673-1184 Mattia Rltr. ~ I Rik from beach. $300. mo. NICE 2 A S bdn. Crpted A • UNITS -eacb 2 bcltrdi • LOT Yrly. m-w6 drped. Nwly decor. 3 bib TUily occupied. Near qt DAILY Pl 3 B<" I Ba, ~ pat;o, blk from heh. 3 bdr w/dbl a> =~ ~":: ~~ boch. very nice $250 Avail tached1arAft'Place.W.17U eARR°iTrREALTY. WANT AD 642-5678 1/10. 213, ""'11'3 CHEZ ORO AP!'& 1231 "'iiim~'ffi~T-~~t ! 2 BR. un.fUnl apt. $150. Patio Atlanta, H.B. Nu, I. 2. 3 DUPLEX CDt.t. 2 I " pool. Qopts, drps • bltns. br's, Prtv. aar. pool. uw $55.000, $8.txrl down. t~ 1525 p~ntla .. nn. s."f&.«m or ~2721. $415 Mo. l7s-tO+I ... : , , DELUXE 3 BR, 2 BA, t /d, LGE 1 Br duOlex, elec alove. t bltnl, fl'l)lc. patio ' encl Mlults. uni baby ok, no lusln111 lll•nttl gar. S21&. lf73..2371l peta. S115 mo, m.<t06.1 The Blutlt ttnt or boy. dlx 3 S.W. 2 bedroom, carpets. BR 2 BA apllt 1ev, a.ast dee. drapca, bullt-ins. 1>001. Jan 3, J,300.~ ~lMS . "-~ ..... ~ ' ROO~t Sult•blt tor sift men·• 1hop or ladit a abop: Call Jim 8erbh.U-.. I~ I j I ; • • s"'""· °"'-u. 111>• L I INl!SS•onol Gonorol FINANCIAL IUSINISS •NI· FllWICl/<L DAILY Iii r i ....... tr Ill 11 ... tll .oeo lndustrlll ltOfltll ~ lus. OpportunltlM 6JCIC luL Opp I rluft~ . INDUmIAL SPACE FOil LEASE CANDY SUPPLY ROUIE. When You ,.,. , ... a..1ct .... .,.. ......... 3,500 Sq, fL A/C oll, carpeted; drapes; sllort term le1Ses. Cloae to, Orange County Altport. ~V.U::.::c'~"=i=..-·want it done Wf: ME.l.OOICIJilG FOR 111£ lniMlluAL right • • • HOUSES FOii SALE ~V:!_\':f.~!t, .... DIAL DlllECJ' •d-H78 New, 15,000 sq. n . warehouse or mfit. sp~ce. WU •~pt 8 mos. leue. Bldg's. fully spnnk· lered. Irvine lnctustrlol Complex. WHO wu..L WORK nus IUSllEIS tlltE rr. I ........ L ....................... •MCOM• ,..Of'••" .......... , WAS MEAHi' 10 IE -ONE WHO.'llOUlD Cal one of con• Ml&A .................. 11. •u&IHEU llll°'lllTY U -10 •-£ riua..,..•t IV.,.__. ... _ MISA DaL MA.I , •• , ....... , .. ,!! W.':W P.t.111:1'1 sv. ..._ .................. __,_ h ............. -........ •• 1 I I HllJAL .......... . 4a,ooo ,"q. fl frffortanding bldg. 8% A/C oU. Fluol'e3C!ent ll$hUDf .lhroughout bldg. Ready soon. ~--A--··-----..-.. t e experts '°""" '"" ............... '" ·-•.!-."~ ........ ·"'" ii;.nt ..-_..~,,_IV ...... , n._... =·T •IACM .,,,,,.,,.,,1. •UITIU.L r-•T'f' ;,., .... NOHTHLY fARH1MS, ONE WHO ,WOULD . 11·sted below/I •""' ··-" .......... •..,•• Ir, .. , .................... .... IE '"' --· -1111.., f, LIOA C.VIS ····•••••-•'""'' I l.llTitlAL "tllTAL ••••''"! LIKE TO .. ~ ~RI• _ .... ,. ...... ,• ....... "·•• . . ........................ •• AND HAVE TR£ ~......., OF mcllllS• aavca11T .................... 1m UNCNn ........ -... -... -•. vs-..-1un••• ~ U YtMO••• ..................... CITlUI OlOVU ............. = ' New 31,000 sq. fl bldg. Office air-<0nd. and carpeted. 2 to 10 year leases. • New 32,000. sq, ft. bldg. Fully sprinklered. W.llMNISOWN·a 11~ ---:.= 11 •••••• SlllVICI Dl.RICTOllY SlllVICI DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY =~~r;r~~.::·:·:::::::::·1: ~:;-:~ ... ;1.:;;;:::::::::::li!! miwa _. -· -.,.. Mf,IN" NIOMUoNDI ........ 11M llSOlT ,lOll'•STT .....••.•. ..'--1 i*IVllUITY PMk ........... 1sn OlAN•I co. ••O,llTY •••.. In the .... -faUlllM •Jma. W.c19 •r-ttlnt '550 C.rpetLaytnt&.. Lendtc•plng 6110 ••v•N• ...................... 1m OuT:or sTATIPIOP ......... .. Fluorescent ilfbting lhruout. Offices fully :· Improved. Irvine induslrlal tomplex. .....-•--•---"-~""'•""'•-........_ R r~26 u.c1tu.v ...................... 1• lllllOUMTAtN•ot•••T ........ f.li• : 1w,~-·ea:a&••--~ BABYsrri'ING n--'"'... • · ep11 1---------US1'9LUPP ................... 1 .. su101y11io111uNo ......... ·•" an tntlr'rilw II ~= ou .S. .... $1950.. .....~ w 11 ,.,.. ,_.. tuL uTATI s11v1c1 ....... , ••750 1---__.. ~ chUdren,· potty trnd. lNDOW Wuhing,OtLQ..Up 11¥11111 TSIUCI .......... ~··· it.I. PCKAN•I .............. ... New 13,000 sq. ft. bldg. Carpeting & air-cond. ·in offices; 2 to 10 year leases. ~ _ca.., ... ~............ Lunch-finacQ. &am-&pm. FOR CARPETING a: General Yd Wrk Done. cH:OMA01L,,.,... ........... 11t1 t.l.WANTI D, ................ o. i25 wk Mon thN Fri. Call OR CARPET LAYING Colle~ Student. Needs ~= ::.:u.~~~~.:::.:·:·::~= BUSiNISS tnd '·· :· 6,300 sq. fl 4 offices, carpeted & air-cond. .i 'I.eases from 2 to 10 years. , 20,000 sq. fl new bldg. 2 to 10 year leases. -Offices are carpeted &. air~nd. CALL: Dick Cramer or Jerry Cole COLDWELL. IANKER & •co. J$O NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH btwn 8am-3pm 962-0i82 HB C. A. l"q:e M2-3)70 Work. Rtu. ntea. Call M't" ttU.NDS ................. ~= PINANCIAL . Perry at 66-'1362. ~w~ii0·:;::::::::::::1. IUlllfllt OH01tvlfm11 .. a CHILD care by the WMk. """"' yd.."°' lunch. 1' blk from Harbor School, MJ..5339or~ e BABYSl'M'ING, my home on Ilower, CM. Reliable. ReuDnl.h1e Ratea."543--1801 lrlck,Ma.wy,-. ' . 6560 «•• G'"nEN'S BY F•"'ro..,... NUWTllfOTOlll IU.C:N ......... 1= IUS•Qt WAlrnlD .......... . -ft.AU -~........:..n. NVMTIMOTON KARSOUl: ..... 1 llfYl"n'MIMT ~ ..... . ----------1 J...amlK&pe Cbntractor • LU•DA llLI 1• IWV•STMQT WllfTIO ...... "11 "C'I" ..,.......,_.,.... • l'OUNTAIN VALL.IT .......... ldt MOlllV TO LOAN ............ .6111 ~ .. n.lW'.M.> aetv1te j; Landacapin&. SprlnkJft-s I: SIM. •aACH ... ; ............. 1 .. Pl•OlllAL L.OMI ............ .. l'ePllf. 24 hrs. 1 days. -No Maintenance. Aft 5, 6G'6400 IUNSllT IUCN .............. ':1 .. , ......... v l.OANS ............. ... job too small. Re-model Ii: UIDIN elOVI .............. 1UI COlLATllLU. LOAM ......... . L.OtilO •UCN ........ _ ........ 1-=\=:::.-~·: .... ·:;::~ ~~ µ it's ~trical, P•perhanglng 5".:::~m ·:::::::;:::::::= MONIY wiimlo ............. iii we ox U! ~ Pointing 6'50 OUT •• '°""'' ............. "" A.,NOUNCEMINTS ELECI'RIC!ilW liceneed, ----------OUT OP ITATI ............ _ .. \· •• } '1 C S w .. ITA.Nf.OM ..................... 1111 Incl NOTI E bonded_, .. i~ jobl;, INT./EXT. Aver. Ext . WISTMINITllt · ................. 111l l'OUND ,,,. ~J ........... .... Maintenilnce · &·repai r . $127.00 labor only.! yr, ,.M'"",,•.,••'•'n .... ; ............ l:~ LOST , ......................... '4ii Elictr1Qi •• "'· . I l<~O "'""" ,.. • ................ PlllONALS ... w ~ BUILD, Remodel, repair oHO-<WU.l guar. painting avail. Also. U.NTA """ NGTI. ............ lut ANNOUlllCIMii.iiTi";::::::::::: .. ,. •-;a;;;;:;u&i~ltto,'-_,~;;.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-• Brlck, block, con ere te, Apts A Comm'l. MB-1546 ~~::.:• :::::::::::.':::::.:·: .. ::;~S: =i~T."lALi··:·:::::::::::-::::::::::1 t ·. ., • ...,,..., DISTRJBUIORS · carpentry, no job too amall. FloOrs 6665 EX-PAINTER,' now :iic hl NOITM TUSTIN ............... 1641 ,.,.10 o•ITUAltV ......... ~ .... .,.11 · IV\ISVnnm. .. NAHllM ····••••·····•:-•• .. ··lut FUNllAL Ol•ICTOIS ••• ,.,,'414 SU.0700 644-2430 V ... P.llilt.lleli'c>llllndcts > Lie. Contr. 962.-6945 , . CARPETIN·· G teacher will pa'nt eves &: •1LVllADO CANYON ..... ; ... 1us "'°''''' "'' • . \ LAOUHA MILU 1M ................... " . T £<---wknds. Xlnt workmanship, I.MUNA ••AcN ................ 17• CARD OI' TNAMQ ............ '41• l~j'j:i"'i.:V~::'""'"''"'9~il'"ii'j'jf':j."jf"''"''"'"'l!•~·!•l~n!! ... ,s.rv. 6562 .r•-= estimate Lie. contr. F t 646-4519 540--0062 LAGUNA NIOUIL. ·::::::::::::·1111 '" "MI MOllAM ................ 6417 1-REAL ESTATI REAL ESTATE · -· 5'G-~ 54&4478 80"'LIDeA•Y· SPECIAL., Int. ,. M11110N v11Jo •••···•····• 1111 i::N::~ ~Wm··:::.::::::::: ~--· I ~-I ..-;, . SAN ,u .... CA .. tSTltJl.lllO ...... lnl •••••••·. TYPING by r.: ..... ••-•, . "'" CLIMINTI ............. Int CIMOJ<•T <<Y"I . '401 1--~--·-·------1----""-"------·I ,.._ -· ._ • Stude ' o.~--.... .. ... A Ext pa.inti ...... Lie A lMurd ,,,,,, .................. 1ns ClllMATGatlS ........ -...... .... ..... ne .... CE ?111"1· n .--n -' ...... . DANA ..OIHT .::: ............ 1nt fril,EMOll:IAL. , ................. 6dl ••oo,,,. .. ='="=·=962-=982<====== [GARDENING IL: landscap'mg, !:!!..~~~~ ~ )'rll CAll:U ... D ..................... 11• :~fl= ··•~Vice"::::::::::::: ~ 'I ......... OC:EANllDI ................... 11ti TIA'llL ... "----....a-... -li yrs exp.Clean-up, PAINTING "~P'""""m-, '-"" 01100 ................... ins Alll: Tll:ANifiOliT.i.TiON ''.:::::: .... Office Rental 6070 AcrHge i' I ' ""' I ·. Whod<ly1 Wont? Wltocldy1 Golf f SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR PRIME CORNER Office or store in Lido shop- ping area !surplus space of Lido ~alt)'). LIOO REALTY INC. lln Vi• Lido .67l-7l00 l\10DERN 3 room suite, cpt.s., air cond, janitor ser. vice, ample parking. So, Calif. 1st Nat Bk Bid&. 230 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa 642-1485 _,,._,.., .. ~ --inkJ , I'd•-.... ;o-d « r-.. -.,,.~ .. llVllUIOI COUNTY ....... "1-AUTb TllANl..OITATKtN 6441 FABULOUS l5t acre a Spt en UlS "'re_.. ..... z; yra exp. Old coun.td.' NOUSIS TO •• MOVID ...... l ... LIGAL ltOTICES ......... :::::"" ' R 1 ..... . 613-1166 --rkma"•ho'p. R•aa. """"--CON'OJOMIWIUM ................ 1,!?', •••MAN a TllTOllN• .... prime • ~ • .., m TRANSFER P&nel trucks & .. v '"' .,,-= DUl'Ui11s FOi SALi! ........ " SERVICE DIRECTO ... R. y Rial Cal" b"·--AL'S Garoenlo&: Ir: Lawn 'est. 642--1322 All'AltTMINTS "°" SALi .... 1,.. lo, 1.1., 4 1A6 .uum VW's to Campen. ~buUd RENTALS ACCOUNTfNO .................. .... golJ coorst' &:: directly or remodel boats 1-laintenance. Commercial,* PAINTING • lnl./Ext. AN1w111N••••vic1 ....... .,... fro J H"gh. · • industrial a: residential. Housn Furni1hed .,,.,.LLt.MCI ••P•1•s. ll'W"ll .. :S: ~r:s finnm ~a~. ~ cabpre::~~n. ~t~;~~~ . * G46-3629 1" =ce.re~~~.s ... A;m~led. •t:Ml!ltAl ······--· ........... 1• !i~:"~~ .. :'1~s ·········· ...... ..,. ~.-. llNTAU TO IM4kl ......... !* A.llTO. S..t .. .,·;.-...:·iie:"ii.Mf l\f 710 Daily Pilot Formica Work. Put up fen-JAPANESE Gardener, P~A71NT=~l~N~"~~~.~-~ln~t.~"~---.' COSTA MUA .................. 11H •A•YSlnlNO .... \ nenJ I' 'd ard . u-.c..>. "' J•~ MaSA Dl!L MAit .............. tll5 10 .. T MAIP'Ttfi.lH(11"'::::::::..a s ACRES on Sacramento c ng. Ge remode lllf. exp • comp. y service. Exp. Ins. Lie., Frtt est. MIU VllDlf ................ lilt •••CIC MAIJONIY •IC. ... River Nr. Red BluU. 315 646-5219 or 548-1654 Free estimate. 96&-2303 A-·•t. C•llm· g. "'A" "'"""' COLL••• ""•K .............. 1111 •u11Nilss 111Yic'•s .. ::::::·. .,.,,. .,.,,..,,.,~ ::=:l ~=~fM ............ g: •UILD•IS .................. 48 prure-walnut grove. Lovely CARPENTRY JIM'S Gardening &:: lawn 'F~or"""=·i7i-"""P~al""'o"~."-.,,,~,~,--1 -•. ,, .................... cA·r1111:1No .. "" · ' ' hm ... l dk , •-DC "'" ~'6 ...... -Nl!W..OIT Snv ....... ,,, Ufl' CAllNITMAIUN!l ........ ~ .... ... s ory • • MINOR REPAIRS. No .1ob mamll~nance. Res • C1'.lm· ior & exterior. acoustic cei· IAYSH~•• ........ -......... ml cA1,.1111r11 11110 .............. .,,. orchard, many x l r as. Too Small. Cablbet in ..... mercial. • 540-4837 ti "A" .,..,., . ~""'" DOV.I '"°"'' ............... 1:121 CI Mf.NT ~ ... 169500 113 •--•••21c" •-ngs, .............,,,, 541'"""""' 11t•STClll'P .,.,,, .. ,,,, ... , ••. 1231 CM ILD c:A11: uc.Miii""!•-··.: .. lt • • UUWll. ""°"' -aae• 6: otbtr cablnttL . CLEAN-UP SPECIALISI' u1111v1a11TY f'AllC ........... tm CONTU.CToiis ........ :::::::: ... u< mll u •·· 6•-l•VIMI ........................ ball CAllll'IT CLI ANINO .......... W .....,..... , •· llO answer -ve Mowing, edging, odd jobs. Plumbing "' •ac11: •Av .................... n. cA•"•T UYINO a ••ll'Allt 6202 mac at MS.2312.. H. O. Reasonable. 548-6955 -·---------i~'l ILUl'll! .................. :: D1t.,,.1111s ................. . AndentlD -=====:;;====I PLUMBING REPAIR t•vi.t; T••UCI ttoU Dll:MOLITION ................. . l "·· NAT\lllAL IORN SWAPPERS I Spocl1I lllte I · · 5 Ll--5 tlmM-5 bvcka Jndu1trl•I Prop. 6080 Lake El1lnDre <:. •ULIS -AD MUST tNnuoe . l ._...., ,_. flnl "' .,.., .....wlltl you wtnf "' tr101. PEDD!CORD'S ...... ·,.m .~ ..... TOUI .-.,._,. ....,.... •-.I 11,.. ff tdYirllllnlo """ ng . f....JtOTHIHG FON SA.le-Tll:ADE! OHL'tl out. Going to l srael. New · PHONE 642-5671 24'x8S' concrete block in· I To Pltce Your Trlder's P1r•dlM Ad dustrlal building on ~'t acre 60'x300'. 1st user dcprecla- . · lovely townbousea New-Palm Springs, 2 BR w/ fr. tion. $150,000. $20 ,000 1 p:irt Beach, 2 BR, 2 BA •pie, + 2 bachlr units. lnc. prepaid interest + princip1l [ each, $500 mo income. $9000 $Z75 mo. $37,500 for Orange as do1vn. \Vilt renl irom I equil)'. TRADE for home. Co. houSe or units. Lynch buyer lor year or so at $100 : ~.boat._'?"! Aa;ent 646--0732 Rlty. 838-5361. &12-3100 mo. and pay all upkeep and ; Trade up_ house with back LAGUNA 2 Duplexes nr. real estate taxes for time ' '· _., 1rv1n •-h \V.ill tak ho · occ up ie d. Peddicord's I .,.y view at .<.>.>.> e ur:ac • e me m · 4 oo ............. Trad ing Post, 2Qj92 Laguna I ve.., ror vacant or to 1 ex ........ '6... ,.._ Road ~f ·1 p o units. Agrnt 67>6252 or J\.fr. Conrad Riviera Realty .....,.nyon · ai • • · 673.(823 aft 6 pm. 4~2800 494-1330 Eves. BOx 402, Laguna Beach, Calif. l IAVE: 50 11:cres F/C Ore-Palm Delt'.rt, 2 Br .foothilll(~======== :;on llnd. WANT: Unilll, home on ~ acres, S min. Commercial 6015 I howle or ? '! in Oranie town. \Vill exchang~ for' I---------- ! "Cbtulty area: Nancy J, small house or duplex, COAST Highway, Sout h t Moote, Rltr, 642-7000 · beach trea. $25,000 equity. LagUna. 50CXl sq ft comm. f l96'1 32' Chris Cra.fl, fw.iD 492--6160 bldg. 5 units $9300 gross. 1 i'ne; ·fully eqUipped, Wry E-side J br hm & 2 rear $82.500 price. Con ta ct I ·cw.an. Will trade tQty for apt1 $29,950 val. or :t hms FlottnC'e l\fcCure. PETE ~ home or car or a.nythina. w/ 5 rear apts, mo tnc $788, BAfl.RETI REALTY 6(l.435.1 ; ~2434 alt 6, 64247!1 •It '6 $59,500 val. Trd $33M eq for LEASED Stores For Sale. i St. James Pl, ··N.B. l S.Cal hm. Ownr/bkr 6'16-3T;iO 19th St. Nr. Bethel Towers. ! r, 2 Ba, ocean vieW. Own. 40 ACRES rec. laud with 54~1768 or 646-7414, A·gent, l i.r says submit income or trees near 11'"W lake NE --·· 1 f~SJ(li\f equity. Mark Utah. ValUe ·$100 per acre. lndU1trlal Rental . ,6090 i ~. 'rutr. 548-rnl Trad• all or part for car. EW BUILDING d;amond,, boat or ' 644-085 N , ', ' 'Actt1 Ccuntry style liv· I' ina:.in city, 3 bdr, 2 ba, pool, 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, fam nn, 1260E Loga~ A1!,'.!;• Cos1ta 2Me~ """"" or units OK Trade separatto dining rm, 1 yr old, . acb 'unit 1.<;1 sq t, o · 1 pAr Equity lo!' 1ocd prop. F.V. Trade for Condomin-ice~. ~ rest rooms. ll0/220 I ert.y •. Owner • SJJ-?636, iurn or mobile home. Prin-electnc. Amp!' parking. cipals only 968-5019 C. Robert Nattr.esa Realtor : ant to. trade S year old • Costa J\.feM. 642-1485 f 1:lectrlc ctry,!r in exC'ellent Neat cottage rear of R·2 lotl,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'C'Clldition for Pl dl")'n'. CdM. Equity $5600, Take 3000 to 7lXKI sq ft . West 17th I ~ ' CALL dear late model air cond. St. Costa MesL 91tic per sq ft I 962-0527 car part ew. balance $135 Wells-McCardle. Rltr1. Jl.6 Acres zoned l\f.J North per mo, 614%. 613-0173 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. 1 ' /W corMr SUnOower It 5 units in 2 older homes, 548-7729 644-0684 eves. , · ·ew Trade S2f9.~ eq· So. Laguna, combined equ-1~~~~~~~~~~1 ; irlty' for inoon:le p~rty. ity $1.9,000. Trade for in-L t 6100 ! ~ ~ Rltr. 646-3811 come property or clear 1o11_•_•'-------- ; "61 cadlllac Convertible; <•I So. O.C. llkr,499-l39T UNBEATABLE • COOO. condition, for part ecru· What do you have to trade: , . -in Sor 4 BR, GI or flfA List it here -in Orange GREAT ocean view. Lge ' borne to f.!5,0IXI, Mr. l-ifeyer County's largest read trad· level R·l Jot in executive : ~. ~1366. ~ poSt-aM make• deal area of San Clemente. I · * * ·* * * Overlooks tho c;ty & Preai· l'~·i~~!l!i~!!'l!!!!!!!!!ilil•!!!!!'!i!~!!!!!!!'!i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!J dent"a home, white water p v1ew. Only 121.. r~ $&lCXJ ' EAL ESTATE REAL ESTATa dowo. °""'r will can-y bal· I .~ Geaer.111 Gener•I ance at 8%. t---------THE HUNTSl\IAN 496-1268 3 ADJOINING hi llside GEN. Repair. Add. Cab. lakeview lots. near caslno Fortnl~ , Panelinr. Marllte. ., 000 "'"" .. ~~.. Anythlnr. Call DI c k . .,.., • .JOO-~ 673-4459 3 ACRES 40 miles north of CARPENTRY, Cabinela Reno near Honey Lake at Remod. No job too small, foot of Siel1'8.s. Levei, clear, qual ~"Ork. <'.all 646-2516 $3,000. 536-2449 REPAIR, Partitlona. Small Remodel, etc. Nite ar day, R. E. Wonted 6240 Reu! Call KEN .......,,, REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS CABINET. Any size job. NEED MONEY? 25 ,..... exper. S48-67ll To buy a new hOme? Investi- ga te our guaranteed trade Income Property 6000 in plan; Let. us answ!r ;:iur * CONO\ETE FLOORS, qu~stlona Wl~ rio obliptio.o. patios, etc. Reaso"nable, Call Fair ~noua:h . Don, 642-8514 Centracton 66211 ;.·nor•I •·c'1-··-No J00b too small COltONA OIL MA.-·:::.:-.:·:.:.mt DIAl'TINO s•1tVIClf ......... . --rY -• IALOOA -ILECTllC .. L ..... , ............ ... • 64z.3128 • ....................... IQUl .. MINT lfNTALS ....... ... ~--··• BARTENDERS -==========I •',•o: .•,~L.l!NDI····•· ............... = ll"INCINQ ...................... ..-~~;_:::•=all Or Co ~ • 6950 •ALIOA'iSLAND'"'"'.:::::::::::iw ~~o:N~·ce·;.:a·it.i.'li:i:"Etc.-.:·::.: serv ... ,. ange un...,. Roofing KUNT INOTDN •lACM ......... ,.... l'UllNITUll l ••STO•nt• 639-2233 l'OUNTAIN VALLIV .......... Ult a ll!FINISNJN!l 4UI ALL TYPES; rock, wood &. 11.,L ••Ac:H ............ -.• ·1451 GAll:OIENINO "" ·•phalt •hlngl••· LEAKS LOHO •EM:N .................. tsoo Gl!Nl!ll:AL s111v iC1i' .:::::::: • ..., OIANGE COUNTY ............. 1'0t GIA01NO, DllC:ING ........... ... REPAIRED. \Vork ~-SANT .. ANA .................. 1•1• OU.SS .... Y 'RD I c •. , .· Cl' anup. 841-1136 WESTMINSTl!I ................ un GllEIN THUM•··:::::::::::::::.,.. n. . MIDWAY CITY ................. 1611 OUN OMO• '"' ========== SANTA ANA Hl!19H"tl ..... .,,UH ......... , ..... .. $10/load. Salvageables free. COASTAL. 1711 Kl .. LTN CLU•S .............. ''*' R.move ' ·vy·, &rado. •-.. 1~ 6960 "OUNA ....... , ..................... _. MAULING ..................... 111 .,._ ••• .... . ............. .,-KOUllC:LIANING ............. •nt 962-8745, --~-------U9UllA NIOUIL ., ........... mJ INTllllOI DICOll:ATINO ..... '"7 DRE"°'!AKCTNG MIUION VIEJO .............. 21H ON<OM• TAX ,,~ .>.31• >AN Cll!MINTI .............. 2111 · · · · • · · ·' · ........ w HAULING. Have ~l.T P/U Sa .• , . G ~ ... •UAN CA,.ltTU.lllO ...... lnJ ·IJ:ON, °""''"'""" lk. ........ a• Anything trash to furn ;s ti~actJOn uarante .. -.. CAPllTIAltO llACH ......... 1n1 ••oNINO · ..................... :m load + ml·g. •o•.tOOJ " Call 962-1060 DANA "OINT .................. IU• INSULATING ................ _ •1 "l;l'i ltlYllllDI COUNTY 2-INSUllANCE .................. . VACATION ltSNT .. U ·.::·:::: .. lttf IN'tl!STIGATINO, o.tKHlt9 •• ..,.. Cloan Up •nd Haul TILE, Ceramic 6974 suMM•k ••NTAU 2111 J.,NiTOlll.,L ········ .......... •nt SJO I d ,,..., 2528 ·----------COHDOMlllllUM ......... 2'SI ~EWILl't llPAI .. ltc. ...... .. a oa . u-nr • v.-. ---,, ..... DU .. l lXIS 1'U1N.:'::::::::::::m1 ~NDICA .. INO ••..... , ........... . C I .. :·r-kl ",,."1a1"1 •'r-pa'1,., RENTALS . ~s~5N~':~1 .. iCii ".'.".".'.'::::::·:= us· .. v • e · H u 9 Unfu ished MOv1No a sTO•A•• ....... ; .... No job ·too small. Pluter a I I rn "A•NTINO. "•Hl'llMtl111 ...... tdl *APT "'""ING* ""'lch. Leaking shower OINt:W:AL ....................... ,...,,NTING, 11e11t ............... ... ~~ r-COSTA lllllSA ....... , .......... 11H "ATIOI ........................ .... Fast&. thorough 642-8164 repair. M7-1957/MG--0206. llllllA OEL MAI .............. JI ... HOTOOIAPHY ............. . Hauling 6730 Hou.ecle•ning 673S WlLLIAMS a . Se MflA VllDI ................ )1 11 "LASTl!llHG, "ltcll. l .. ir .. .... On 'NGE COUNTY'S ROOM Additions -PatlO.... earung rv. c:OLLIOI ,..,.IC ............. lllf "LUMl lNG ................... .... ~ TrH S1rvlc1 6980 H•w..o•T •••CH .......... ,.,,.. ,.., Gt1tOOM1No LARGEST Block Fences-DrlveY>ays-BAY & Beach JanitoriaJ. NIW,.OIT HOMTS, ............ nit "DOL Slill:YICE .............. . Plan'.r'. 64 ...... ~.. C"-IS v.·indows ooOrs etc NEWl"OllT IHOllS .......... Dtt· .. ow1a SWl!l .. IN• ........... I 2629 HARl\OR BLVD. -"°"" .... ...,... • , • • ·TREES Pruned, lopped, IAYSH0•1s ................... :ms "UM" 1e1v1c1 .............. . 546 .,.. 1-~A~d~d~;1~ .. ~n~.~.:-;Re;:::mod::::;:;,1;;:1,~.:-I Res & Q:unmc I. 646-1401 removed. 26 yrs expo" r. DOVll INOIES ............... nv ll:OOl'INO .................... .. 'I • Wl!ITCLIFF ................... :ant RADIO, l~ln. lk ............ .. OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 Fred H. Gerwlck, Lie. CARPETS, Windows, firs, Aerial tower eqp'd. UN1v•1SITY "All:IC ........... tu? REMODELING• IE,.At• '941 613-«Wl • 549-217. 0 etc. Res or . Comc'I. Xlct 494-451Jj and 638-7fi4 IVINI! ..................... -.. '"' lllMOOILIN!l, ICITC HINI .... .... FINANCIAL •ACIC IAY .................... :t141 SC:ISSO•S Stt.J,11,l!N .......... ml work Reas! Refs. 548-4111 TREE SERVICE, gen'l y--' l!AIT ILUl'F .................. :na SIWINO .: ................... ·"" IUSINESli ~ .. u II T•... . J::l.44 Sl!WlNO MACHIN• llPAlll:S..., C•rf!!t Cloanlng 6625 • \VlNDOWS DIRTY? cleanup. s PR IN K.L.Ji(il 11Y1N• T•lllACt: .... -...... 2:u1 s1,.T1c T.,NIC.S. uw.. itc. .. "411 B Op It•• ·-Fre• '''· 15 ye•-' exp. REPAIRS ••• "'8 COIONA Dl'l MAit ........... :nse ., .. ,LOR ING : .................. .,,. us. partvn ... -~ET&: uphol stery 1team ..... <1'tV"VD't IALllOA ...................... S>ll TlillMITl CO N.TltOl. .......... ..,., Johnny Dunn 6-12-2364 GENE:STREE SERV: •Av ISLANDS ................. we TILli, Ctnmlc ·················"'' AttiHate cleaned, also carpet . in-LIDO !ILi ................... 1m TILE. UM""'"' a MtrMI> ...... mt CANDY SUPPLY atallation. Results guar. For 675S Ttttl/ s, s~~~ry..,.11tr11359mmed, ~~~:>oA1j1;t1N5~ ::::::::::::::= ~=~:vf:~~=.;ein;·i:;c:··: .. : ROUTE free est, call 64&-5971 lron~ng ', or remo ......... ,,..,,.. KUNTINOTON .e .. CN ........ l4tt U .. ttOLSTll't ................. .... HUNTINGTON NAllaOUI ..... )tOS WILDIN.0 _. .. . .......... .... INo ~ invol:Yed) A-0l<'. shampoo Christmas IRONING" In Jll)' home, $1 FOUNTt'" VAL.LIV .......... 1111• WINDOW C:LflJlllNO .............. l Ex-"·nt ,._ '°' few a-•al fl.50 nn-lea for hr. Alterat;onS. Also Televitlon, Rep1ir .6915 llAL u.cN .................. ,,..JOBS &·EMPLOYMINT c= ·-·-~-1 -----~----OAll:DIN OROVI ........... .,.J4JI hoUN: wttkly work. (Daya hal.11 etc. AI.so comp babygjttlng. Call ~7641 LOfllG •1Ac:N ................ 2,. JD• WACTlo, '::.': ............ 1'11 and Ev.nmgx' ). Reruw.. and ~.~· •• 121--3182 . Color TV & Ste~ O~ANO:I COUNTY ............. ,... 1g: ::N~g· -....... ... ~· 646-6278 SANTA AN ...................... Ull • '6790 Wl!ITMlHSTl!I ................ un MEM a WOMIH .............. 1111 collecting money from coin CAR.PET a: f\lm cleaning: Janitorial Emergency 557-6733 MIDWAY CITY ................ ,JUI SCKDOLS a fNSTIUCTIOM .... Htl Ope-1·• d' .. Or for 1· day servloe • quality SANTA. ANA NllOHTS .......... JO• p ....... ATION ........... ,. ... "U 1.Spensers m -. COAITAL ...................... 37" THl!ATllUl ... . ........... ,,. &nge Co. and surrounding 'll;ork, Call Strrling . for SPARKLE Janitorial &:: \Vin-Upho!stery 6990 uouNA 11 .. cN .............. 2HS MERCHANDISE FOR area. \Ve establish .roote. brt&htnea! &l2-852l doy,• cleaning Serv. Win-u.ouNA NIOUEL ............. 1111 ·SALE 'AND TRADI (Handl .. __ .. __ _, doWI, resid., coml, const. CZYKOSKl'S ~·-1m u hot MISllO#t Y/IJO ....... -...... ,,... . es Jlame u.11.1iu "4l1Uy Diamond Carpet CJeanert 968-2&9l -..ue • p • IAH CLEMENTI .............. Jnt l'URHITUlll . .. . .......... - and snacks), $1575.00 C&.lh 187 21.!t St, Colta Mesa Cleanup. Free est. Euro! ~an Craftsma~ship ~!;\:~:!:: iiiACH ·::::::::J: g:~:~:. :::r~~~':.~.·-.:·:·.'.'.' :f ~· For personal ~ter-Home & Apt Oeanlns THE QUICKER YOU CALL, IJOyo fin! 642--1454 DANA "°INT .................. 1141 ITOIS" IQUIPlllllNT .... : ... :: .. 11 Vle\V Jn "---e Co. ........ '"A"'J311 --estimates THE QUICKER YOU SELL 1831 Newport Blv Ott CONOOMUllUM ............... ,,. C .. 11"1!, lllSTAUll:ANT ........... 1. v•<U<g -.~ .,........ 1: '"'"" ' " OU .. LEXIS UHFU•N. , ..... ,..2'75 aAll ll:QUl .. MltrlT .,.._, ........ It send name, address and IUMMIA ••NTALS ........... HOUllHOLD eooos .......... 5 phone-number to MULTI-RENTAL:> GAll:.,OI SAL.Ii ............... . STATE nisr c A ·t F 1 L-..1 .. u.1 ... Tu111 .. ucT10111 ........ . . ., JN ., 1681 w p •• urn ,,_ ~ A!' .. LIANCIS ................ ·I'" B~. Anaheim, cau: ANNOUNCEMENTS ••1111:11 .. L ....................... t.lfT1QuE1 ..................... 111 fom1a 9'2802. (n4> 778-5060. and NOTICES NO MATTER ~o::fv';:\s:.··::::::::::::::::::: ~~~l::L~~~~'t~iNT ·::::::~U 00 HIW..OIT •l .. CN ........... Qll Pl .. NOS • OAOAlllS .......... .,11• IN Jaundrle ... Frigidaite. - 0 NIWPORT HllONT\ .......... mt ... 010 ' ........................ ,= From $6,500 to $42 500 ...... _ JL.1-N•W .. OIT SHOlllS ........... •m JIL•YISION .................. . . • ,. • Fouftcl (frM ~} V'tVU w•sTCL1"" ................. cnt "'·'' a 1T1110 ............... 111• Anaheim, Costa Me11a, UNIVllS!T't l'AlllC ••...••••.. G» , ..... ••co•o••• ........• ·= G .. ~. G H IAST llUF" .................. "20 HOllY,SU"Pll'L11S ............. = <uu.::n row, untingtwi halted tirer stripped kitten. COIONA DEL MA• ........... nse Sll'OllTINO GOOOS ............ . Besch, Santa Ana, Tustin, About " mo 's. old, ~·/fiea . IAllOA .. .. ................... ••MOCULAll, ICO .. l t ····-··· La · U 't ISL.AMOS ................. use l'l\ISCIL,l.ANIOUS ............. ... Mirada. collar. Vic. of Arts Landin£". LIOO 1$LI ................... Ull Mii(, WANTIO .................. 1. Call Owiie SS..'1'833 _..,,., •AL•OA ISLAND .............. 4SSS MACNINlll:Y, ltc. ........... . Buena Park. Ful l erton , FOUND BeauUful Ions w HAT IA.CIC •A Y ..................... u. CAMl!JtAs.a 1ou1PMINT ... . .,,,,_ KU"'TINOTOH llACN , ............. LUMlll , ...................... t1M FOUNTAIN V .. LLIT .,.,, ••... '41t ITOIAOE ...............•...... 111fo llAL 11 .. CK .................. 4Ut aUILDING MATllllALS ....... Cl" J 6060 Office Rlnt•I 6070 DOUBLE lot with Old Span. style house, 3 Br. l Ba. .u_ MONGREL MaJe doc white LAGUNA BEACH $18,000 Call 546-3167 munev .. Loan 6320 w/ blk face 6 blk saddM!. llOO oq ft bid&. Zonod C2 • 1 apt. Hu access I: adwrtU- 1 ·1n. ... .,. 00 -•le Eut I : 17th-St. $250 per month. • · JEAN SMITH f. '.. R~~~~ t 400 ~7!, Stl'i!et I 'ITRACTIVE Shop, UXI tq, f It. Off....tttet parking. Loe. ·Gr. Udo llle In picturesque old Newport. Jde&J Jor Inter. I '~tof'S, aJ'Chjtffi&, •fl· l , •rtt I: cralt&. etc. 1 .eilr.m-lasent m....nn l Or otflc:e ,, nu )lewport BI vd ., CM. -~1'9/i:no. tnd utllllle•. '·-- Air. Conditioned VJE\V lot overlooking center 2 ON FOREsr AVENUE of tov.•n in Laguna Beach. nd TD Loan ~lat:·=· ~: Desk space available in $17,500. 540-Q37 Corica Pl ca.11 5f.5...(8J'1 11eweat ofttce ballding at>[;========= Prompt, confideritial ae~ . prime location in downtown Rinchn ·6150 '42--2171 54$-06Jl SMALL . lemale lo_na: hair Laguna Beach. Air condl· -'---------Servlna HArtxir area. 20 Ytl. demesne bl11.ck·wh1te-brown tloned, carpeted, beautUW 15 ACRES avocados A: limes. Satti.r Morta• Co. cat, vie Meu. del Mar apts. ~ntrancta: Frontage on N. San Diep Co., Vista. 10 ===336=~E=. ~ll~lb=S~ir.e~t~=l~C~Mif.iiCall~~54&.lili!~634po~;:-:v.; Forest Al!f!., rear leada t"O acre estate Area. ocean &: WHITE ?i-fale poodle. Vk: MunciPBl parking kits. $50 mtn view. 1 Br home. $6500 Mo.._._ TD ,1 •••s 15th st. ~ Placentia Ave., per month for space, Desk an acre. 8.18...$)6 ' • ...,_, • • ... NB. call 543-5920 and cbl..lra 1vailable for $$.1.,;;:;:;::====== ::ss av1:i':te ai;::~': Citrus Grovn 6175 4-lst T~~~4~ approx. ~!!t 6401 All utilltl" paid .x,.Pt TAX $$$ SAVED bal. ••~: &%, all due 2+ LOsr. Y"" blk male m;o To•. telephone. Q 1 k •• 1 .10 yn:. U ,o Disc. 49t-U38 poodlt, !Cosmo\. \Vh t goatee DAIL~ PILOT u c escrow ..., ore. oo •N O C .. hi 10 th "' N UN EMENTS \\'/under alurt; ja\\'. O"mr-222 FOREST A VENUE t s ac~ grove W'I 11VO: tM NOTICES Robe.rtaon . Contacl Nwpt LAGUNA BEACH ~~~and c1tru.s trees. Prfct Pollet" Dept. ....,... Pound (F-Mal '40011==--=~--~-CALL (714) 722-1306 LOsr: C.t, ....,y 11 <" AtARINER'S QYrER Ask for Bruce Alexander or SMALL blll:clt f'tlal~ poodle. striped, · ShoncliU a r ~ 1, Ottlce In S1ore mlft. Rent or Bette Carpenter. Vk!. Wilton 4 Placentia, CdM. Needs medication. IM. f7>.$125. Beaut,y shop, f.ULTI)N J. Costa Mesa 673-0858 or 5tG-3930 • ....,.1 6070 ..,.. equip. 149 ruver.1t1e WERSHOW l<Mln REWARD • 125 .,. ,._. "iii;:~~i;j;;;-:;;;,;; Aft., .N.B. 6*-2"14· 1 YR old fmlale areylblk Jeather jackitlt bt at Utdt I tl . t,.. -°""" :IJIO. 1000 SQ.'FT. Newpon "··•ty ~--•• dos. Lal<.,<m Marina, 2'05 Co<Ona BcJo. Ple11e. ""'"1. 1 ...... --bide Beach Ovlc Ctr. oret. -~"•-• 133-1491 ()lreM def Mat. C1ll Secn:tar\al ~ 3345 · 1011 S, Hill, OcN.nsKle W. a.at Hwy, N.B. m:.an~ Nflwport Bh-d., N. B . A. 1196S=~Ml=ts~au.'""--=ru""~-. ~-~·1•s"'LA°"CK=-;:K;:...,,=-:•:;:1,::,-:T;;:•=m.=r. ' CE -1201 C.\I 67>-1601 er.• 6200 JJtoM. Found on Ptmbl Or. IN to "Erin", chUdrtns pt! ._... 54:>-30'73 Reward. 83'1-M27 I -.me $TS. Dbl attached D>'J Sq. ft. of s1>11ce iood 40 Acre•, So. Calif. $25. PJWI.'! ala aw..U 130. «N--A J\.fEDICAL orno;s. 8 OOWN $.25. PER lolONTH RUSSlAN Blue cat. w mos. Rt w A RD I s e •Ip 0 I n I th'S1., H.B. IC-62>6 rooms 1.ir/cond. Coi ta $2_.195, 'ruLL PRltE. I.'. fe~e. vie. Park Lane NB Siamtae femt.lt. Nuned I u. ~ oa bl.IQ" ccr-Alesa, Can be dlvtded. l:m Shewfelt, 326 W. Third St., 61>19&8 0rll..Jll'. 646-662l _... Costa A{na. JWmont.b a month. 642--mi Agrnl. l •. A. Phol'H!: (%J3J623--SIOI FOUND black Ii: "·hilf' nilll.e h ti 640S 'udlldd illcl1ded. l4f5«I BAY LIDO BLDG 5 ACRES IN CENTRAL kllltn w/fiea collar ., __ ,_..., __ , ____ _ 75 Aialltim, C.M. OUkn-2 liOO NewpJt't, N.B. 0 R E G 0 N . $17 PER lklbQa Peninsula. 6754TII ALCX>HOUCS Anoll)'moua ·w~ floor, PJS.. ~' anilabil:. Rm 301 f\fONnt·HANDLl!S. CAU. FOUND T•n fem•le Photw IC2·l21T 0t' writ. to tiwtttt, m..-. B2t&C :C!f MJ..sol2 894-4743 Chihuahua SCS-'1349 P.O. 8ox122l())sla M1tu.. IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A I.ONO llACN . ................... SWAPS ..... ~... . . . ....... l1N ,. .. No1: coutrm' ................. PETS •nd LIVESTOCK · IAllOIN OIOVI ........ ,.,.,.t6lt "ITS ,GENIU.L ........... ,,.-:~~-.t~~N~~ .•. ., •• ,. ...... :~ CATS .................... -..... .;. IANTA ANA ..... :::::::::::::::: ... CIOOI ........................... .. IAHTA AU Nl .. HTS _.,. ... ,4'» MOltlll ...... ,,,,, .. , ......... -LIVllTOCIC .................... .... ~lli~~L.··::::::::::::::::::::::t: CALIFORNIA LIVIN~· Lio.UNA IUCM .............. '191 V" MIUKIN VllJO ~ ....... ,_ f1tt IWlMM ... POOLS ............ . LAOUNA lllNIUIL. ............. tJlr NUlllllQ ............... ,,.,! SAN CLIMIHT• ... ,. ......... "711 .... TIOI ,,.,,, ..... -............ t D .. MA fl'OllfT .................. 1"9 .. WNIM•I ..................... . Tkl,LIJt. ttC. ................ ffll VACATIONS ........... : ........ ... ri°lNTALSM ................ ftM TRANSPORTATION ,A,pta. UnfUrni1hecl •OATS a Y•ctm ............. W H•llA\. -UitL•OATI .................... "1t DAILY PILOT COITA 1111.ci"::::::::::::::::::n .. :::::.l:.u''=~ ............ = MIU VllllDI ................. tin 10AT TitAILlll ... :::::::::::ttn NIWll'OIT llACN ............ -IOAT MAIMTIN .. NC• till NIW..OltT Ml!IOMTS .......... nit OO"T, •u•CMINO -······ .... HI WPOllT SHOl ll JIM " ..,.. .......... .. WllTCLIF~ ........... .,. MAllNI IOUIP .............. ... UNIVIRSITT rAi:if'.':.:·:::: .. :1111 •OAT SL•"· MOOaOtO ........ . •• ' ••• y ..... IOAT lllYICll ,, .......... .. aAST ILU;~·'""""'"•··•··.,u; IOAT •IMTALS .............. . COIONA OIL.:....•·::::::::::: ... MAT CNA.ltTI• '"""":-·"•• IALIOA -PllMIMO .... Tl ............. .. ....................... OO&T MOVUte ....... ,, ..... .. U V ISLANOS ................. -10 .. T ITOl .. 01 .... _ ..... , ,. f.fDO ISLI , ................... 1111 OOAn.n·-o hLIOA ISLAND , .,. ••• o,.,,. -•• ••••••••''.''"' MVMTltleTOfll llACM .......... A .. C:I , ............ , .... .. - TAfN VAU.l:V ' IMtl 11\.V ................ ~.,,,,.fl .......... MOO.ILi .............. ..,·._ .. IUL •UCJI ,, ............. ,. .... MDTOI NOMH ....... ,,.,, ••• ~...::l~lfTY'"•••········= l fCYCLU ................. . ... ~N OIOVI ............. Mii aLRf1UC CA.Ill ............. . W'll 1_1 ... ,._,. ....... 11 MOii l llCll ., ...•. , .......... . "•'" ,,., .... -..... ,.. MOTottCYCll ......... ,,,,, MfOW».V CITY ... ,, •• ,.,,, ...... 11 MOTOISCOOTll l S&lfTA AIU. ....... , ......... .-AUTO SllYICll & iii.'itTi"'"-IANTA UA ftfONTI ,., •.• ,,_.,. il.UTO TOOU a 19'1111' .... ::::"1 f"STIN ,.,,. ...................... rllAILE .. TUVIL. ........... Ma COAIT(l.L. , ,., .•. ., .......... PM TlJAILI•• .. .. Ltr.9UllA SPCM -119 "' ·" ... ·•" ·" ~U ..... MIOUll ....... ,_ •• .,.Mr CAM"llS _,. ................. . lllM C\.IMllM"n _,,, •••••• • ...... flUCKS ....................... M ... 'u't: ... ""' ................. -,..... .. .. ~ ............ ,, .. -.. ., ... ,.,. CAM .. 1.k ISfrlT•U 1D1 DAMA Ifft " .• ,. .•••• .IHI DUllll IUGOlll toll REAL ESTATE, IMf'OITIO AUfOI ............ .... O.n1r1I ll"OIT CAltl ........... tolll ANTIQUIS. CLAltlCS ., ....... tolll ,111 .. LIJC • .tr, ...... ,,..,.,.,.,,,.. lllACI CAll:S, 1001 ........... ,.,. COlllOOMINIUM •, ............. ,, ... uto IYINn ................ . llMTALS w .. NTID ...... ,. .. ...,,. AllTOI w .. frlTIO .............. ,,. •OOMS l'OI llNT ................ NIW C .. ll:S ...... , """'"' 100.M a IOAllD .... , •... ,..,.. .. UTO llJ.llltO ............... ftlt ~Olll.t. TJl:Atl.11 (OUITI "" l.lllD CAii ............... ., .. ,,.. WANT AD For FAS! Service & bport Assistoric• DIAL 642-5671 DIRECT • ·---------------------------------------------.... ----.-~--.-....---... ...,,......_ ..... ,.......--. .,-. .,.,-·.·~-..,-..... ., ... ,,.. ':'·•·. -... ~ ..... .,.,..-; - ANNOUNCE MINTS ..... NOTICI$ ........... -6405 !Jobi M.n; Wom.-71M ~ -· Joi' , . . Saturdo1, Jl«;t-ll, 1969 DAILY PUT I & I MPLOYMINT JOIS l ~LOYMJHT JOIS &' IMf'LCIYMINl JOIS & l~P~OYMINT JOIS & IMPLOY • , T N , M•MC I Jobt', Moll; W...: 7IOO''J tbt' li110. ~-J'\Clll::J,j,. -~ ~ '7i6o -1111• #te!t, Wom..llOl Jobol Mor. w-. 7100 Schools.lnit,.;.,'.~'7.ooM~~~.~a:g: 'I'"-----~-• I ! $500. SALARY · • • SALi AND TRADE N 0 TI (; E .... -, .,. ... ... " Milltan' s.mc-. · IOAT -,..., • ••'fo\lAINTINANCI tnln u ,.,.,._........, SERVICE '"""' ••••• ft The~~-Fu,.,lhiro CARPENTERS \Ye bav' changed our name. . ( • ~' moldlrlE m b a• ~ J>&rta Mia. Firm. ttie np'd man All' dQL Good , r ""'1• -------- Y E S IT'S YOUR • .From Men:banls Personnel Agency to ..,.,.. for >Woi-NftO!lable, ~&11 ..... w .... , .... ., •• -'lions. Urnon ... ONLY ' Pc ICING SIZE PAUL T E X p I! R I E NC E D ....,.,,..... ""'F PERSO,.,,.,.,J. a...:....;..,..,. -.i~ •"l''d lil'Jl>dn"' cliff ~"'nnel Al•OC1. 2003 , Oil, 393 !l 111h st., CM. ~ ..... _, ~j:DROOM SET, i g,,., *·Alone? SW recoided meuaa:e thal .,... DD • ...,&i&JI' J.,..1.-...m rab.aa-.,.-Jlc 1:,.e1ert"rtca1 c;f.temt and ~itt .Dr., N.B. M$.ZT10 ".,""',.,.w .. m,.. fvdwt, <*P tuftld) .,,uI '"'""• )'OIU' l\f<o qaJ1 • • · ' , maio-of proc10:,11oc SA(li, A~ION Molllle SEllVTCE STA A'l'I'. Full hoadbot:d. _..i, -~ ORANGE CO, MT-6661 Apply O'DAY, YArHTS e Same aclclrt11; 2042 Wetfcl~ Drlv,, ~.L. equtp. •• ,· ; ~-owner.. ~LMUa that IJmt 'ews. Drp'd. Neat In S·T·R·E·T·C·H ch&Jr Ir bench. Your dt:llce 2411Dur.......stni -PULLMAN • S.mt·-No.'45'2no-MS-5'U . Xlnt~,.,,....,....,,. .... ,. -"-"'""',....."" • ....,..... s.. Jim! 2SllOJ &SEW IT.M-.) .!>I""""· 8'J. l440, l<"'f ' "t'.!ctNSED.. COSTA MES • s I I dol . •1~' IOO!l srowlh <>PP· cilc1e. No ·-tollclllor. N•wpoi;l Blvd .. C.M. 8""•" Onnp,O>linN S$111'!1ES. TA SLl lP SHA.; Qplritual Readlna-, advlct A amen ce peop • n9·bu1lnet1 In tM M m• · c.ontact Bl.Id <;art.on Do not lla\19 ~ 1t'aVo· )'OUt ~VICE st'• AttellCI. Exp'd, " vr- on aU mallera. Love, &OY'S 10 .14.. location. Drop by & He u1. , , Calil'omla InJectkih .Moldin& hm, P./lilM wrk. For· Info, full A. pt time ~p. 1476 OfRfSTM.\S 'SROP 192'7 ~~!111d2760• Oolt;a M .. Murlaa:e. Bus.lneaa. 31' N. camet Routes Open • ~Jo~I for 9u~1 & Gala. (FM &.FH.Pd.) 200 Briua Ave-., C.ltf. caU ·836-5441,.10-6 Palisades Rd .. s.A. tlta. ...,. • El "--1 ...... ~A--C-1-THE EASY WAY!! USED d·· twl ~ >-&.111 no Real, San . tor .,,_.........., • .-..:s SI'OCK Clerk: sh I pp t n 1 , .,. or n ~mente. 492-9138, 492-0016 lAiuna Btacb, "So. lA(wl.I Man•tement Trah\ee RQb\nlon'a .now ..hlri.na Reeeivhig,. Filling ·orders Learn to aew on "knit tab-•Pril'CI A mat t r•••• . . 10 Ahf -10 PM DAILY Pll.Or Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Job-Men, Wom. 1100· ~ , Cb:istrnu temporary help. dellv. No Exper nece:q. isoQ rlca". Make amtch pantt w 11 frti me . complete $ll $!XfilRITY Avail. ·Ba eh .,,,..,..,.;.64!"321::,::::,---· I Military '· $450 to .~~y Peraoiinet 10.5, per mo to slart. 5 dt.Y wk. In 1 hr, a bathlna; &ult tor wi(~_!ri!_~1 .,,1",._,aceoU .:!...":""~ C.olle&W! Degree will live In CHRISTIAN man or woman * FULLE JANITORS, \Vaxeni. Par1 le ltal't. Y employer. ' · Chance to advance. \I/rite $5.00 -even a &1rdle! Im· u• Ql&' ....., • -=..u )'Olir home, if unoccupied, to care for blind man for R BRUSH * fWI time. Experienced only. ll.S. era · l Ann, We:st-'' J . W. ROBINSON Quallflcatlon.'I, ~!&:ht & a&lne -T-lhlrta tor the laws.) UM!d anUQue wblte b' ~protection. thrf.eweeka.NomTIOkingor W -l4CG Good pay & v.~ con-cliff Personnel A&eney. Fa&hionlsland,N.B. height to P. 0 . Bo:ic 145, wba:eWni],,v. pc bedroom ser"$S9. U~ R.efere~a. Repl;Y Box IDI, drinking. Live in or out. General Office $4SO ditlons. ~9393. 615-27'1'0 ' Equal opportunity employer Costa Pt1esa. LESSONS M !~er &TtTheY S pc bedroom Mt D n .. PUot. s.18-5962 ?ifanlcurlst : o:rn, afternoon, -· Factocy, 1815 a..,. FH P •ld LEGAL Secretary, ml,lllt be SALES: AUentlon BeauU-•STOCK CONTROL & ~s. Harbor. 540-aa • WOUW you like Us to hang COASTAL·AGENCY Young co. in beach aru np'd, aood ikills, N.Lary PolllUon open ror experienced ciaili and' X·Beau'Ucians ~r.as Opportunities your outdoor Chrl1tma1 Pr ofuslon•I needs aharP &al lor ollice open, CdM 675-2617 MANICURIST. Must be e1';-cant lo supplen1ent Call (TI4 ) Tif....2610 124 E. Katella, Oran;• SING.LE Bed $25., 3 P~ 11 ... bti! Ueenlfd Contractor. E I k &11 perlenced In Pedictire1 also. income. to style I: lril sectionl.I $35 .. poker table .,. mp DYrtMnt wor , c Loraine, \V~st-. LlN~M LA YER For interview call S'l3-e61 bu.low Tress-Chic """'· SURFER. La&una or Sa n '33-2142 $12., I ft pool table $10!1 543--2861 A11ilt•nca . clltt Personnel .Agency, 2043 CALL F 1 "-o Clemente re1ldent, for film xlnt cond .. Coil. table I: 6410 A member ol \Vesh:llH Dr .. N.B. 6#-mo 6 to 7 Pl\f . 6n.5028 MEN, earty .mo.rnin'g . or ntervw. (!tl.ll. 896-5441 splicing I: edlU~. exp'd. S~NGING LESSONS end tables $20., Pin& poni Snell~&SnelliflKiiic. * GUARDS LVN-1\lale/Femal~ ~;:~ti:. c!fl SALES CLERK. ,Hours Mon-Fri,% to 8 hn/day.BasictechniqU!forany1t;yle. tahle.\equlp, SS. M1rron, 2790 Harbor Bl, .Qt~ * 3 to 11 Pr.I shift. &U-4800 . lpm-9pm. r.ton thru Fri. Surfer ?ifq:azine. 496-5133 The perfect cil't! n1ck .. ca I: vvk>w othq' Harbor·Blvd. at .Adam! s.19-3061 Cashier exp. Intervie~·s at -TRAVEL SALES 548-1032 or 545-511! ltenu. "Must It'll, all u-Coln & St•mp c;r .. Announcemenh The Lq;una ooln " 1tamp club will 1neet Dec. 17th, ' 7:00 p.m. at the Lq;una Federal Savin&1 &: Loan, 260 Ocean Blvd. 3rd floor. VI& -COOK- TRAINEE . ITORS WELCX>ME, FREE; Permanent, full time job. SENSITIVITY TRAINING Over 18. Neat appearance. \VORK SHOP APPLY IN PE'RSON A prorram ol lnterpenonal exercl1e1 for small self-di-Bob's Big Soy reeled. CfOUPfl. Minimal 154 E. 17th, C.M. charge caU 60-8730. 10 AM-~coo=Ko-"1=--,.,0,.-,~,,..-, .... 'pua, exp'.'"""""""" S P?lf. hlon &. Tues. Apply 16947 Bushard, F,V; 962-6404 COOK-HOU!ekeeper, exp'd. FOR Sale by o\\ner, 6 for wldoW. Live-in. $250. Pacific View cemelel')' lots, 1.,,.",,="-,.:1:,;87..:9=------c.C&ll=~m~•,..rnln&~· ~·~6'2-~1,:323,,;,.,~-I COOK. Exp'd. Apply SUrf & JOBS.& EMPLOY MEN t Sirloin, S930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. ~N~·~·~·,..,.----~ ~.O W•nltd, M!n 7000 Cu•rodian OCEAN.V IEW SCHOOL DISTRICT PART Tll\.1E. Prefer .a5 or • MOTEL MAID * Goodwill St0tt, 590 W. i9th ~ srITCHERY CLASSES ·aa ad\e'r\bed. Prieei-·J older. Work any shllt. Uni-?>fAlDS. Exp'd, ru al u re Part ~ Ch~r 30 Sl, CM. See store manager. Men i: Women, full or part S.wlnf. 1-lelp with Quistmaa lilted ar best offtt. 545-6033. forms turnlshed .. Contact \\'Omen pre.fen-id. Apply 494'-9436. ' ~: $3UO week in wig time'. to' offer recreational , kleas. 64>1400 Chi..rclc Siler. 1971)) Jamboree Ben Bmvn'g Motor Hotel, e e NEEDED . iuhion field. Need 5 travel 10 clubs associations FURNITURE retilrned from Blvd., Newport Beach. 31106 S. Coast, South ····a lespenons, potential &etc,GOOde.;,,lngs&.trav. MERCHANDISE FOR difP~ ttudiof, Mode~· 83.1-0600 Ext. 2'273 alt, 9:30 Laguna · 11 1 d et bonus .. Phone Dee Kirk, SALE ANO TRADE homes, decorators canotU. AM, Mon. thru Fri. Two Office Glrl1 un. m te • Call Mrs. 114/646-S<Xlt or TI4/MS-K21. F. rnltu' IOOO tton.·Spaniah A Medllernrt MATL CONT/PURCH Must be 25 and able to drive ;iRo""'b':::."'°:;;:~::.8U-144::,..:~9~-~ •·~-------u r. , lift mo . . . ; HAIR SfYLISI' MGR _•APPLY'-SEMI Retired· Man to Wrk TELEPHONE Intervlewe". • .... GflN · J W/Following. Ex c I u 1 Ive Opening for exp'd individual 186 E, 16th st., C.1'1. Pit1me 'in yd & help to care \Vomen earn $40-$50 per' wk, 17' PC. King Siu . ·Jf , + T' ITURE~ Shop. w/purchasing & invmtory NCR p f lor 2 horses. 540-7241. part-time work from home, •-~ 1144 Newpert Blvd., C Call -642-Q57 o0ntrol bad<grnd. lant. ro. roo Dper.1tor. "' .. 111 ... houn lo "'" )'OW' .... room ..,.., .... , 'tU 9 . *'*HELP WANTED** l:>E'nefits. SECRETARY schedule. Box M-ru, Daily I..rre 9 drawe:rdttl!lt!I', mlr . .Wed., Sat. 'Sun. ·w 1 Garment exp .. aU phues. SERVICE CENTER . Experienced ~~~~.in:;~: Pilot. Include ph no. ror, 2 bedside atands, kina: iiRICES SLASHEDI. i CAU. 642-3472 Employment Agency Work on an hourly hula for a Sec. Must have Xlnt * * WAITRESSES ~headboard. h'a.lne, quilt. up to·80% Savinp ! HOME\VORKERS BADLY * 500 Newport Center Dr.* Apply now: typing & SH skills y,•/3 yrs mattresa, sheet&, blank· S" Sofa A lovt seat $1S995 NEEDED (Fashi<n Isl) SWte 200 NB gen'I oftlee exper. Bkgrnd 18 to l5, neat appearinr. ell, ~ice ot'~ fi Pc Span aame eet $119;96 AddreSll envelopes In spare By appt. 644-4981 BANK Of AMERICA In finance or accntg Y.'Ould FulJ time. App. in person or Modem Style Kins Sz . qUflted mattreu I: time. ~finimum of $14 per ?>fALE COOK -P?-1. Hosp. be helpful. Xlnt benefits inCI AJI for $'Uf .oox 1pnna:s .; ....... ··~ lOCNl. Send stamped envelope exp. pref'd. Contact Person-Spri~daJe-Ed\nger Branch profit sharing. Apply Per· BOB'S B.IG BOY ~ ., Pe BR K.Uw. ~ U19.• for imnied. FREE details to nel Director. So. Coast llOllfle! Dept:' IM E. 17th, C.l\f. No down ·Pm,ti. ~ $9'mo. Apprft'9d 'Umttu,. 1 MAILCO, 340 , ... ,, Sulle c.,;nm. H .. p. 31872 C•t. l.16n Sprl"fd•lt St. Tr•n•port Dynamics •• WAITRESSES WELK'S WAREHOUSE :rue H-. CM - 27. San Francisco, Cal ~r.·a:· Laguna, 49S-1311 Huntington Bt•ch A Div, of Lear Siegler Experienced. over 21, night SOLID ~ITY Twin bed Mf: 9410% 3131 \\I. ~rstrom, S.A. 11hift. Apply: Kona Lanes, IOO w fth st Santa Ana w/drtutt . 4' nlte staid HOUSEKPR/COOK 1.Iaintenance Equal opportunity ernplaytt Ju1t olt Harbo.r & \Varner 269'J Harbor, C.?i.f. <)pen D~lly 9-B Sofa 'w/downed pillows. J l\fature woman, Eng. speak-il EquaJ Opportunity Employer \VAITRESS, over %1. Apply Sat. M Sun.11-t uphol._ chn. liT 3-0 lC ~~ Job W•ntecf, CUSTODIANS. Ing, llve ·OUl, must drive. STA TIO NARY newport ~ *. SECRETARY III. High Ship Ahoy Restaurant, 480 SEIJ.JNG Comp!ete-houaelul 673-554? ~ W..,..n 7020 , · Salary $515!. $631. 5% days 9:30-dinner $US wk ENGINEER pa nnnif 9Chool graduate with three . 8· Coast, Laguna Bch or Mediterrariean turn·901a. MUsr ~II 6 pc wh.lti SKIPPE~ Coa.st Guard licensed 100 ton. 30 yn exp. Comp. Boat. Maint. 645-2359 ---------•MWmumqUalifications:U.S. to start, N.B. Write Daily .,rs"'!l"' .ye~. JTaponsi~le and WAITRESS, exp'd., nl&blll. lowseat,2commode'1amP wrou1h t Ir on patl.f HoDle Ca.re avail. 5464570 dtiienship, .~th grade edu-Pilot Box M-16. Enclose · TRAINEE 89~.ncy · ,.:v~ri~ ~retarial and (.losed Mon & Tues. Apply tables, coffee table Jampe: turniture.Coa:t over$200MD •Allied Nurses&: Aides • cation & 1 year exp, prefer-photo, ~ckground, refs. ~._:r,:~a ~xp. Basic 16947 Bushard, F.V. 96l-6404 color 1V, din set 1 refri.,.' .$45. 545-S171 : 01 O.C. Nunes Registry · Professional Servlc• ... ,...w.,._,ge o,_ an ad-1 reo . ' •·1,.,==-=-,.,--=-~-;i 2729 W Ll Lane S A ably jamtorial. ApPly Per-HOUSEKEEPER Needed. \l.'e lll't one of Orange Cou_n. for the .tmploytr mlnlstrative office. Salary WE b_ave. a~ opening fol' a • e , kin& size bdrm set. G~E Tab,le. 2 Frenctt · ngan • · · sonnet Of.c. 8 ·A'?o.f-4 PM; 7972 Live-in. Motherless house. 3 ties latgest development and the •ppllc•nt begins., $572 A PP 1 y Mon begl~l' in c i r cu I a t Ion Queen bdrm set; fI 1f chi.tl'll. En1lander atl!dlt J -L-u. 7 Warner AVe.,. Huntington sch!. children. $200 month. companies, offering an u~ lhrll Fri i am _ 4 nm · management. Permanent bedrm 1e1, swai: lamp, pie-Lampi. ; ~n. Wom. 100 Beacti. Calif., before Dec. Hunt. Bch area. 968-3629 usual opportunity to work in 133 Dover Dr., N.B. 1901 Ne~rt Costa M~~· situation for high school ture1, washer &: dryeT, 445 Isabella Terr .. CdM ' 26th. HOUSEKEEPER-live in. one of our high·ri!e' build-642-3170 54f..2743 Classified Personnei graduate who.has completed misc'. Must Sacrilict Call BLUE Velvet Chain $50 ;;J Adverti11inz A&ency Sharp Secretery f o r fast -paced Newport ~ach Agency. Type 65-70. Shorth•nd 100, organize & folJow thru .' Under 35. . PhOM; '42·3910. 425 N. Newport .Btvd. ASSISTANTS A RECEPTIONIST Prepared resume must have two yrs. dental experience. !:ve. hrs. All union benefits. Salary $3,44 pe:r hr. Call for appt, for intervie"W. 633-T':ill mbly. · EXP'D. ELF.CTRONIC ASSEMBLERS WiriY'I& & P.C. Board fabrica· tion. App. ln person TRANSICOM CORP. 851 \V, 18th St., C.M. : •• ASSEMBLERS •• MALE. ElectriaaJ, ?>fechanl· cal. Ne\v or experienced. Stable, comrnerc!al firm, 40 Y"flI'I in business. · CHRISTIE ELECTRIC CORP. 2UQ ~Centia, C.1\I. A&semblen Electronic Asse:n1bler Coil Wlnde:r Exp'd or will train. Call 64z...M84 or •PPIY at S. R. Englneerlng,·834 Production Place, NI\. 8:3().-4 p.m. AUTO SALESMAN Must have iniport ex~ri· tnce to sell Toyota, Volvo, Jq:uar. All inquiries held confidentlAI. Call h!el CUr- Jm;i 494-7500 or 540-3100. •AUTO AfECHANlC • Overae:u Opportunities Call (TI4J TI4--2610 BARBER. to mAnage new Barbershop, Sheraton Beach Inn; for 'details, call Lou Evans SJ&.1421 BABYSITTER . Pref. housewife' on weUare. Vic. Newport Elementary. a!. ternoons. 2-chlldren 7 Ii: I. Aft . 6 PM. call 6'13-al73 BABYSITl'Ett Part time, reliable. CdM. Ref's nee. Aft. .6 P:P.f pH: 6M--S931 BABYSITTE1t for ooc:Uonal d~. Meb del Mar area. Call 546--0406 BABYSI'ITER, 8-5:30 J.ton· ~: 3 1lrls, 4 & 2 &: 7 mos. my home Of. MS.-7172 BARBER. Very pro~ulve shop In bfautiful la(UNI Beach.~ BEAUTY ()perat«r, female, prefer wfcltentele. Procreuiwi "'" 1 a I o n • -* IUSIOY * doy • & nights Apply betWttn 3-$ ~I 11 ~ owr. REUIEN'S COCO'S l:W \V, ;\dam1, C.M. BOOKKEEPING, part lime. knowledp O( taxa htlpful bat·=!,_..,. "1-41113 I •• ' •DATA PROCESSING {)y.'T\ rm & TV. Must like ings, located in NeWJ)Ol'I NJGITT desk clerk-auditor, 6 &45-0600. Closing date his military obltgaUon and 894-5875 Green banltooli $2s ..; Overseas Opportunities children & speak English. Beach. nighl!/wk, exper. Apply December 19th. if, looking for a bu1lneS1 LEAVING state, fon:M to Lamps $25 ea. Mirror $~ Call Cn4) 774-2610 557-8400 Cl\f Ben Brown's :r.1otor Hotel, • SEt..'RETARY hos . 1 with a bright future. Con-sell, hide.a·bed, never used. 644-1650 ··~ DENI'AL Rec e P 1i0 n is t, H~o=u~s=EKE==E=P=E-R--.--,.-U-d The-successlul applicant will 3U06 s. Coast, sO. Lagunit. ad ministration). ~M::!:i tact Benton \Villlams At the $100. 8' 5:0ta le love seat, 1' GO~ Traditional ~ ta~"'" Hills El Toro area ..... -, , • .,, da. wk, S50 •·k + have some experience in **NURSES AIDES ** ·evn ,...,.,,Ired know ·•1--• DAILY PILOT for an in· Bas.set din rm Aet w/6 IE m t hi •MJ .._....... ........, -,, electrical and air-condition· Ex""_, __ _,· .. .,. ·-.. ~ ' m""' uu lervieY.'. chain, Span oak coUee It . • c nr OVU11 ...... ~ All phases mastered: $550 to ""' & brd. rd. vac. a40-9212 'ing Yo'OI'k. Duties will include ,...., "''"'cu t e Tm In o 1 o g Y • take WOMAN to li\'e in il cart! for end table queen size bedtm chair, i:::d cond. $95. Aft start. P. O. BoK 325, El INSIDE SALES the complete maintenance 549-3061 shorthand, accurate typist, set re' Ii lam 646-fi069 Toro. Cal., 92630 replies of the building le ....;.,;pment. Part Time DOORMAN A mature and \veil groomed. 2 Behl age & l, 4 yr old: or . . c net' P.l;B"E"A"UT=rru=L""'K"I -.,.bod~-,.jl confidential -.. -p0 · P-Call for app't will share hie w/divorcee &: refngerator, 894-1418 na: • qu to $650, Xlnt opportunity tr. ply RT TiiE~TRE, Cdlof, W t . _ c' l 1 1 child & pay nn & brd. BRAND new 30.. '-'tc'"-ed. mattl"e!ll, Complel.e, 'Un' DENTAL A.5$J .. Exper. Chr. vine area. Top O>! Good If you feel qualified, and eves 6'pm esm1nsu::r ommun Y iu ""'" uMd $105 worth $250 side. Et Toro -Laguna Hillis benefits. Call John, 546-54.lD can ~wk from l ;30 PM 10 · · ' llospltal; 214 Hospital Cir-Lagun& Hills area. 803-5764 range w/look~ 30" oven, !42-6536 • · area. 830-1130, 8:30-5:30. . JASON BEST 10 o'clock PM Tues thru Sal ...... P~C181!UMA'-~ ._ c11!', Westminster. 894-4082 Ol". 830-1003 ~,!w ~holesaf~-$119. Save1;~=~,.L~V~E~',.":'~·M"~~.,---I ' -,; -· ··-...... e: ,,. SECRETARY to rk I .......,, ........ ttree <&"" 2 dr G.E ... .:16" • 'C\lJ e-rn:nNzt DENTAL A S s I ST A NT En1ployment Agency Fri., am froih-a~w 4:30 PM 35. s•9•11 'S". Good viJion . ~ n School•lnstruction 7600 Refrig w/IN maker $119 aoia, .a11tfque ,aid, never u- .v.·anted in Newport' Beach, ~ So. Main. Santa A114 on Sat., Pleue call: Bill Lip-aiid health H.S. •radua,t,, ar 'rsl!lle admlnlstration'i typ. The Factory 1885 H bor. eJ $155. Malchirw 1ow-I to start Jan 2. lntv. now, INVENTORY Takers by pard at &12-ro251 from 8 AM 'aCceptabJe' GED. ApPty 5aJ 1111: 60 wpm .. light shor:thand'. 540-6842 ' ar . m, ·(lJ ~ ---; 548-5602 iecorder. Ptfen & women. to 5 PM. · Forest Avenue. . . , salary commel\lillfl.I~ wltli SPANISH Cbes t -dee pJ ySlNG~ -bed, bo."< spri cllrved, Jg B d r awer, matttt1s,. bf!auUtul c 37"x89''. cost SOOO; now as ~nler and Jadin' dreul new $250. Inlaid a ntiqUe table: ,$300. -494-6170 o.""pt'-'-. 7Sto--.,,----~-I We train. Work pt-time l\1ANAGER--Older couple for LAGUNA BEACH ability. Mature ·25 to 45· . J, W. ROBINSON yr-round either morn or 6 units. % rent&: Util. 1209 POL.ICE DEPT. :!~!~ ~ u.se nJ:n~e ~ 1-lAS OPENING FOR · SALESPERSON WOMEN'S,· CASUAL SHOES Top commissions, f u 11 time., Excellent benefit&. Apply Penoilnel Jl)-0 pm, ti.Jon . thru Fri. FASHION ISLAND NE\VPORT BEACH Equal apportwrity employer DELIVERY. C.O.D. Mu.st be neat. responsible, & familiar w I Orange Cly. Will train. Up to $2<l per day. Apply 230 W. Warner, Suite a:6 Santa Ana. DISPATCHER · CLERK ·MATRON Lagupa Beacb Police ,Dept. Salary $,493. to $591: MinimUm age 21. Good phys- ical condition. Type~ wpm. Work various 1hlfts, holi- days W wet'ke-nds. Ph.: ""-1124 DELI ?>lAN 495t:."175h St ... Cl\f. · See Terry. DISHWASHERS .\VANTED lot food service, Hyland Lab. 3300 Hyland Ave. Co6ta 'ttfesa. Apply in person. Colt- tad Mr. Geisbauer. · Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVER TOUR GUIDE Must have dus ll ll~n.e A• eood workirC knowledp of Newport, Abk to memor- ize a narretive dpt, Send re!Umt to 816 Amigos Way, Apt E, NB, 9*0. *DRIVERS* No Exjiet'lenc• Necessary I Mutt have dean CalUomla dr1vtnr """"'· '""" Y E LLOW CAB CO. Utq:. 16tb SI. O...IJ.lea DRUMMER -,...,,,, need bus. l\lltaf mJJar orran. No hanrupa . 673-3910. Female COOK·PM HOlp exp pretd. Contact ~ Director. So. Coatl Comm. Hosp. ·:nm Cat. H\\y. So. Laiuns, 4~1311 E.'<'I 3515. F oreign tar Mech•nk1 Good co. benefit .. tnd paid vacatlon. sroup b'I$. unt. fonn1 furnllbcd tree. Good comm. ldlfdule. A"1c for Jot M6Qn_.,.. MOoJ1'4. eves or days. 646-1446 \V. Balbria Blvd, NB . 49+0631 Rupervlslon deRlred. Estab. J ~;~~J I ="'.,,"'°="======'"'-='=!M-5=1=89=======-I POWER Sewing machine· ll•hed local law firm. 830-0150 j j Jobt Men. Worn. 710oJobt-Men. Worn. 7100 open.tor, eirper!enced. Call .'°'=,,.•~P~Pc:,'·=~~~~ table, 52x~", make offer. 4 DIN rm. set: oval tbl, • c drawer -filln& cab. S 2 5. $165, Hollywd bed, custarj ~1513 • covered $35.. Like ~ \VE hAve many u s ed 644-al2S . · ~ furniture ~ t ems tttumed MAPLE double bed complett MACIIlNIST PRODUCTION MACHINISTS We manufacture l'iCientific instruments, systems and components. \Ve offer air conditioned shop, up-to-date equipment, ten paid holidays, and other "Blue Chip" benefits. U you consider yourself qualified for any of the following, we would like to discuss employment possibilities., · BENCH MACHINIST Will do hand fitting, nlachining & repair and re-work ,as necessary. Must be able to read prints, use all normal hand tools' and have knowledge in the use of machine tools. 2nd shift. SAW OPERATORS Set-µp and · OJ?trate automatic ·power saws. Must be able to read standard measuring tools. 3rd shift. · RADIAL DRILL PRESS Will set· up and operate the No. 2 Burg· master. Must be. familiar with the use of jigs and fixtures, blueprints and close tolerances. 2nd shift. DRILL PRESS Will set· up and operate the single spindfe drill press. Must be experienced· In the Use of tumble .jigs, fixtures, taps and· reaming. 1st. 2nd & 3rd shills. ' MI U. ·SPECIALIST 'Vilt set·up and operate verti~al mills. Ex- perience In the Interpretation of ·blueprints, holding of close tolerances. Ferroy.s and non· ferrous metals. 3rd shifl , · ENGINE LATHI' Will set-up and operate enline 'lathes. Ex· perlence in the use of. 'bluej>rlilt&. and ilte holding of close tolerances. 3rd sbilt. BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS. INC. 2500 N. Har~or Blvd. (NORTH OF TMPERiAl IUOHWAY) F ullerton An equa: opporhtnlly employer • ' Sat. or Sufi. The Oe1ign1fli SEC.~IETA,RY $500 Woman, 494-1995. Young co.· nl'eds a sec. for e PRESSER e. the controller with good Part ttme. for, wool 1.inlsh-skills· and wiJI pay % the I L;;!;;!;;!;;i~::: Ing, New auto. equip. Foun-fee, call Loraine, \Vestclilf I 1 tain VB;let CJe1.11m1, Harbor Personnel Age n c y, 2043 At Edinger. ~1·2072 Westclill Dr .. N.B, ~2770 L--' I from our re n t al 1. Re-$45. Maple 1 draw~· cMst manufactured in OU!' fac. $40. Gnindic stereo $0; tot')' wfmany, many years 54&-IGll ·' PRESSltlAN wanted . f o r Mlehle vertical. Ask tor· Beryl, 548-20n See Be'\'1 Bru,ce at mi46 Gxec Agency for Career Girls . 410 W Coest Hwy., N.B. By appoinl. 646-3939 SERVICE Station Attend; Full or p/lime e m p I . 7AM-4Pltl &: llPM-7Artt shifts o p e n. Salary + Comm. Apply in person. Must be local resid!'nt Richfield. 200 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. SERVICE Station Attendant, exp. nee. 4678 CampWI Dr., N.B. Airport Texaco -11ee Mike lobt MOn:. Wo\n. i lOOJobt-Mtn, Wom. 7100 SHEET METAL We manufact~ a~ientlli(! Instruments, S)1ltems ~d co.mpone nts. We o f re r air conditioned. shop, up-to-date equipment. ten pa_id holidays, Ind other 118fue Chip'' benefits .. If you consider yourself qualified for any of the folloWing, we would like to discuss .employment possibilities. ~ . SHEET METAt WORKER Set . up and operate standard sheet mew machines. Do lay-out, use precision meas\ll'-" Ing tool.!, re1d prints. 3i-d ·shill SPOT WELDER Set-up 1.nd operate· spot welding machines. Set heat and pressure. Ferrous, non.ferrous '. antt stainless materials. 3rd shift. SANDER/FINISHER Sand, file , deFease,' fills and smooths · vart~ ous m1terlal1 ln prep>rotion for painting-or plallng. 2nd shift. . To 'epply, vla lt o"' Employment Office a ·EC:KMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC. , 2580 N. Harbor Blvd. (NqRTH 0 0F IMPERIAL HIGHWAY) f ull•rton • . An equ1l opp()rtvnllJ employer MEN I WOMEN! ~~ 111·~~ct~ry use: ~mH-::· MAPLE rocker $45. fl1•11M ·i M0-6842 • · drawer chest $50. Cou.ch ~ COMPUTER PROGRAM· !-UNG IS THE KEY TO YOUR PROF1TABLE FUTURE! I ' lllOfa $50. 54S-86ll DON'T GIVE UPI You may find it at ~riea'• omc... FurnltuN I01'o largest, mo&t unusual ~ •• ....,..., .. 1 .._ d _._ •-. flnlshed f\lrniture store Cor .1'lAvu " a • ..,.any e: .... _. Redhill ·&: Santa Ana 'Fwy· New dble 4x6" file cablnti . Tu.stin. 1 mi So. of Newport $9. 64~ ~lm Cassel ·start IOOfl, Pilot progrAm offering the finest equipment and facil- ities available! Real-Ume computer' programmln&- The Academy af C4J!lllll*l' m 'Rduiology . Unlen lank l"u•r• South T .. er Svlte 40 ?,. .... , Callf-. t2UA Ctll 547-M71 ~~"'" 362 ,.,. per yr. Off1ct llJUl-nt IOI l USED sofabed &: chair S35. DRAFI'ING Machine • Brun- Auorted used occuional inc&: IC8le1, Hamilton~ chairs $12. As80l'ted used ine table, Ou.or flo&UrW walnut-gold-white dbl & li(ht '125. 833-1467, > t'wtn bed hdbrds, $1 eAch. nPEWRITER. Add ia ~ The Factory, 1885 Harbor. machine, calcu!ator, vttt 54().Q42 reamnable. Xlnt co nd~ USED 't pc antique white 892--)123 ~ dinette set $St. Used 5 pc ADDING machine, <=*J beige dinette 1tl $!9· _URd 5 1m.,.nrw; tu an l)'m ~ walnut dinette. Rt: $49. $!11). se:iuo. t The Factory, 1885 Harbor ~==;,,===:;:::;:i·I 54t>-684% Gt,... Sole- * AIRLINE ' CORNER Seotion of Seo--~;:,:::--...:::=r1 ------·-- . • Ilona! Divan A: table, $15. DECORATORS prqe> TRAVEL CAREERS* Convonation bend! po. ""''wol<!CiOkotcklallt Pull up chr. $10, braided 1\&h~ 1t'xt ure1, . Station As;enl 'ncket SaleA Reservations Air Freight -C&rio Cammunlcatiohs Travel Agent "" a· 14%'"'3', 175, C&ll d•ii<n, anllq dbl bod, ma~ 546--7457. tress" met. vanlt;y A ~ EARL y Amtrican couch .t. mite items. 211 North Stat chair, $40. Pr wina back L&nt, N.B. Sat . SUn f chn , $50. Mile pieoes, 2678 Ba11wood, N.Jl suitable tot antl q ulna. lEutblutt). Sat. lJ • Sue AIRLINE ~ 1~ 12-5Pr.f. ...... ~ 6' Whll• .rattan O>fa w/ lwn rec. -bowll!W SCHOOLS uphol Oonl "11htons 11•t>. &' <hrome -• · AdJW hlk A , white tapeatry • .:>ta, 1llcka. Mia:. j PACH;:tc· • .,.,..,.,,. ..,1. 12is.1G=~ARA""'G"'i:"°Sal""'•'-, "n.o-. ~=11tl\.,,,;.r Inquire Today 6'1$.-7203 OU palntlnp, ete~ i.pt ~ ORIG Enk21boll maple-RI-Fi feOOl'd_!:r. Polarokl, 10U 610 E. 17th St., Sa.nJla 1Ana cabinet, end, coffee tbb, items I: mltel. 1111J ~="""""'""'"""""'"""~I lampt, llke-new. ~ JAtuary U.ne1 H.B. _ , JOIN THE FIELD Dining n>Oln table liaht GAR.AGE Sale Sat I &Jn wmt A FUTURJ:! oak, one leaf, 6 chain. 13th• ltth. Early AmnbJi Are/education no t.JT!frt • S45--121l • runurure, davenport • -In Ill help )'OU QU&I~. SO chair, mile. 3UT $. Birctt-JNNKE~ERS INSTITUTE FA 4 chair, Mvtr uted S.A. 54~ JNTERNATIONAL $100. Lamps I: mffee t&b&t&. . MoteVHoleV Apt M&mt Sehl (1) ~ . GARAGt SALE: .X 111l1 .A DJ.VlSION OF Ftt. Pro\t Dlnlnl room aet lurrdt.utt, beds. chair~ ANTltONY SCH~ w/ I uobol · chain OVk lamp1, t1ln nn Mt, •1C. .. int S. BROOKHUJU."'I' fnlltwood. $45o. 675-~ 10-l. ~ CuW , I~ ANAJlEfM, CALIFORNIA lEalWufO NB.. O....lonneveryweek l Matct\q commode•· GARAGE 5Ut r.tW:9' PHONE FOR APPi'.. Italian lmporta. deooraklr'I ~ Dr. "Gl" ~ .Aak tor BetlY T76S'D'.I P~-i150 a. ~m P'\mdture, larp qu1nt!IJ LOOKING for • aoJkl tuture DE.5K Gl"x32" top. Matchins bric-«--bm. '7';\ AMitlall but pttlnc chi.it', ollw irretn $55. Barn-No Junk! NO\VltERE! ~ furo, cheap. 9U-3T81 1 G';.~,;,,;.:,G"E;;_S~a"le-.~-=~·;I Look Into a career a• a sor A approxlm•ldf 7 •• Shl1 lklp, $50. Spinlth RADIO ANNOUNCER Champ&•"" <.'OIOr. 1·so . """'""' lllO·. ,Violin ~. 77'2-3800 615--'ll2'f after S. Bike& no I M11e. fn1ttlute of P.tAPLl':i drtlp ie.f table, 4 GA!lAGS SALZ. F\lrn, odik Broad Can Arl.t chi.In A l side ann. 2 xtra I: endl. Sun 10.S. 3{.e ..,.,.. .ll01 N. Drlltol, f.A , looYft • pad 11~ l6Wll'12 Vlo1s. C.lll. ~Ti. • ' ~llill~-t"!:·.~·~·~rt'l~,~,fll"l'!~~l:"l!'l'l"'!~>':':'lG:,..'!'::'~·...,.·~·;:r;,...,~.~.:'t>!'•~-'"~::t~~r..~<~""•·~"~-..,.~·~·~t'·~t'1""~"""'"~' ... •~-7.<-.~-"*"""~FtFt•.7rl::"•~~'"'l ... , ... ~P•.~•5!"'~.•: .... •••.~~P<s•:•:•;_~ss.sg•,o•.•t~}&l•.•.z.S•.•.s.PS•t•£t1&12P1P11a:U11caz•:z•:•:o:µz,ll!,&l• •• •: ... 222:µzµz;z:ss""asss .. aass"'cas .. l!!!! .. aa .. aa5111S1SP • O.t.ll~ PILOl SlturdQ, DKrmW U, lM .· FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES . TO SERVE YOU OUR FAMOUS Here"s How You CGn Use Our Famous D11U1t • A • Lints O NIWPORT MACH .:. ___ 1211 ..... llML DIME-A-LINES O lrl"t -• -11 -wlttu ..,Kt -" to one of CIW 4 CHYllftllltt effh:IL .• COSTA MISA -··"···-·----· no Wnt loy O No COOMS...W .. •w..i. o HUNTINGTON HACH -lH FIM Sirfft o LAGUNA MACH ---2U f«elt A- ..... 11'"5 -... prkM ., .... _,_ - $15. c....u .................. . ' l(fTCHEN Set SU. M6-3185 PABY Jkod and bathirwtle ~ Uch. $-5874 :n Twin Simmons mattresses $10 each. Old artny type Oat 'PrillP for t11i n bed $2 fllC'h. 54~1314 TYPEWRITER, Excellent eondiUon, good for office or student, Jocks and \\"Orkl llke nt'W s:zs. G.E. electric hand mf:tt!r $3. M8-TI65 REFRIGERATOR, Sm all Philco, Eood condition, 330 Esther, 646-2646 BICYCLE. Girl 's 646-J5<16. 330 Eslhet'. GIRL'S Schwinn Stingray 2 ROOS and rttls $20 and NEW brlefcue, slimune $25. $25. ~6-0163. 3172 Chtmln $25. Neve.r used.~ Camper ice box $10. Floor De: Ftr, c .r.t. _ . SKI Boots. La Polemlte, 7 wuer-pollshl!'r, ~ $ 2 0 . 3PIECE1ttUonal $25. Movie blk, 1i:z:e 8 $20. 646-5943 '-"'-· I 15 camera $20. Projector $25. .:J<Wt1son le luggage . U1htbar $2.. Mattre~ and· STINGRAY Bike, good con. Portable hairdryer $10. bole sprln&s SlO. Po'lli·er dl~lon $l2. Fat cat truck Blonde wlslell SlD. Ladies mov.·,r$5.CarbtdSS.lba.r w11h w i nch bat t.ery bla•k -t si•• 12 "· ; SS I od h "-,_ ope.rat rd. New condition, ... ...... .., stoo s · 8 0 uman IMW 26" king, 11" widt, 12 hi $5. Ladles dress, size 14 p : 'Iii-lg SlO. 56-5?02 Buddy L dump truck, 20" STOVE. good condition $25. long 6 wklc, eood condillon Ladle1 panlli suit, aiz.e Jt.$5. 642-1.835 $4 962-3M2-Ladies new . Ked terurl! f\IAGNUS chord organ 32" high, good con&truC'tion $2:>. Melody guitar, "·ith strap, nt\~r used .$20. 548-63l:H F ANON-Muoo intercom $25 .• shoes, &:ize ~H~N $2.SO. 673-5924 Cosh1n1e jewelry rings $L50. L~E=r1=e=R=,~,A~N~'S~S-w-.-.-,.-,-.' Pins $1.SO. Christmas tree . Estancia High, like new Sl5, ornaments lSc each. 2'l39 548--6507 Atalla St. N.B. EutbluU, CHAIR S20 Book cue, metal aCT'Ofls from Cmona de! Mar S7 Small table $8 Lamp 11i&h Sc:hooJ. stAnd $5. 646-1768 LADIES English J speed BLUE Chip stamp books S2 bike with ba.!ket $25 Girl's cash each. 548-371l Schwinn Stingray $25 lee SCAT~AR $6. Wonder horse BROWN woo! 1ult, mlrJc col· OIRO?tfE table and 4 ch&irt '62 FALCON engine. bl!ad,'all 'I'WIN ala matching box lar, aize t $15. 548-8991 $25. 2 gold colored la.sups, De\V parts milled and .rprinp and loa.m mattreas, SMALL Deak S:l5. Small Rocle r.1aple De:a.coris bench $14. AnUque ann dia.ir $3. Very, very old Bible In French S'2:l. 2 Cabinets. eood for £eneral storage $5 each. Hand made needlepoint $6. 3 Antiq~ documen14. $ t 3 each. Good 'Early costume and antique je\\'elry SOc-$25. Chest of dra\vers $12. Large retrigerator and fr eeze r combination S2:5: Smaller refrigerator $25. Rcelinccr chair, good cOndition $25. All day Salurday al 602 new shades, set 4 8. magnaDuxed $Xi. Hellweg prrm1um quaUty like new Breakfast tabl!', maple-wltb overload iprirtg11 $ 2 ~ .1 =1~25.=P="°...,,""-.,..... __ n~~~ chrome 10P $10. Leng coffee 841-St!Oa PAR.TY DreiRI: aize 12 $9 table, real nice SJ:'!. Lo11&1'G=u~2=T~A=R~s=t-,~~t--i!,.,.rlnJ:-,-,=1"0. eath. 2 fonnaJ, 2 cockU..U. cotlee tablf', good $5. C.ood 9S8-31M 675-732.f. alter 5 p.m. flnn cle11.n m•ttress $20. 41'a=e=N~o=1=x,-c~ .. ~d~ry=e=r=-cwor=kl'° l e,_,===--'.~-~~ barrel Haley Ford automal\c '''asher. v.·orks El.ECTR.IC Pilar $25. carburelor $15. 2 nm~e top good S 2 ~,. ?ii a r 1 n e Young Scientista Clrmistty <'nd tables, rea.I nice $20 tachonM!ler fot 4 cylinder, I ;oLab';;'~ll5.:::C=549--0'!SS;::~=;,.-~­ "'ach. Skille-ts 25c • $1. good, 12 volt systcin ncvf'r used G.E. carving knife, almmt P ictWT5 25c • .s2. Flower SIO. 8'17-8115 new $6.95. Men's 8'\Veater poa lOc • 50c. ~ BIKES 10 speed SI:>. Stirigray size ~. $2.50. Shlrti 25c: LJ<u:bccu.e v.•1th l'l e c ! r.1 c 5 speed $25. Girl's 3 speed Vacuun' cleaners Sl .75 &nd rotliser•e. SlO. Green hving SZ5. 4: 11 rear 1.>nd Cht'vy $3.75. TV, needs tubes SG.SO. 1'00m ch1ur $lO. Play pen.S2. SlS. AFB carburetor Ca.mp cots $2.50 each. Floor Car seat, good S2. High S36-Gl2S lamp $1.SO. ·Dinette table chair SJ, Dishes, Vuts, tea ~ S4.50. Table lamps 75c-$3.SO. pitchers lOc _ $2. Magazine SATURDAY Only, Decc.mber Drop leat kitchen table tacks, nice 75c each. Twin 13, t\C'w and used items $3 .. 50. Ski ~ size 8, \\'Orn Acacia. Corona del Mar, 1r;ize mattress·S4. 980 Oak llower arran cements twice $10. Stockine caps, otberwi&e ""Phone 675-194.3 ~ c M 646-fil.76 'new 7Sc-.;l.24. Tennis aaots. after 1 PM. I., · · $1.SC)..$4. Jewelry lOc to $1. ' new, size 8, $1.75. Ladies MOTORCYCLE he Im t t', lactory secondJ, hall price $16. 962--0661 CLOTHES like J1f!W t.iua S. 16, Hot pink knll coat from Bullocks boutique eoist f70, sell for $20. Beautiful J.iaht •&ral' cloth f'l1ll coat $12. Long sleeve pink jttsey cocktail dress 18, lleewa. Powder blue c:ttpe cockt&il dreu $10. 536-6936 100 FEE"T 3 wire heavy duty extension cord $20. 6 Joot 6 inche& new aluminum 'level $20. Burroughs addin a machine $15. Vitrous Odna Lav, like new $7.50. 5 boxes 3-06 ammunition $3.50 per box. Phone 962-4219 AQUARltJMS Pemco, metal .tri.me 12 gallorui SU each. Dresser with mirror $15. 847..{1492 TOYS, Games, books Sc-$2, Bras& hafl&'ing lia:ht fi:'l:ture SU. Maplt-desk $6. 3 drav.-.r dre~ing tablt-$6. New drape1, 4 16 .. x 94", $25. 90'' x 94" S15. 2 bols:ten and spread S4. Bedspread, ij.ue floral SJ. Golf shoes, ~I. $2.SO. F1oor lamp $1 .SO. wafne iron 50c. Electric cita. opener $1. Floor poli!her $1. Skis $1. Bird cN'~ $1. Vaporizer Sl .50. OottM'IS, »13. Baby items, dishes. je\\·,Jry 2 5 c -S 2. Books, magazines 5c-$1. 330 Esther, Off Santa Ana. $5. CO?.WLETE bed SS. Step end table $1. 12 transistor A.l\f. F!'-1 radio $7.SO. _ 1/3 HP motor $5. V'IV hub cap and rim $1.50. tt a.nd '~ pipe thlrd eutti"na and US0r1ed fittings S2 for all. Push broom 50c. New com· binatlon lock 50c. A1sor1ed bass lures 25c. 50 trout Dies and cue lOc each or all. llunting knife· and !heath . rx. 2 r;hower heads $1 each. \V inegard colo coupler. new $2. Assorted small repairs for plumbing and el~trical 5c -SOc. Solder ladle 2X. Ne\V Country ~bum $1. j 2583-B Hickory Pl. C.i\I . J 543-'529 &kales $3. 646-J680 $7. 16" 'l'licycle $2, Need1 CHROl\.tE reverse wheels rear wheel. Chair $3. 3121 Ford truck $20 New 15'' College St. C.M. S4~2!n2 cheater sllcks S15 Camper GOLF Clubs, Muter Pro roof vent S2. ?if.C. oolo seat, Model No. l Drlvtr, No. 3 new $20. 646-8108 Spoon, 3-&-9 Irons, 2 Put- KJTOiENE'TTE RI. lormica ters. S25. SUper .bae: $15. All tOp table, 4 chain $15. a~ ne"'· used 2 times. Phone ""==-..,,..-,-~-,--~7" BOGEN turntable \Yi th F1ower wall plaques $1. new and .. uacd purses from C~~ Vinyl chair $lO. cartridge $25 Dinette 1Yith 4 Pillow dolls $.1. ?.1cn's and 25c-;2.75. Ladle! blouses. COMPLETE double bed Md chairs $25. oJ drawer dresser women's clothes 2 j c -S 1. size med. 50c. J.lakeup mil'-chest $15, 673-6736 36" walking doll $5. Boy's watch $3. Baby car bed S3. ~ S:i Small desk $2. Sniall Tires $2. Motorcycle parts ror, like new $9. Electric CRI,B, mattreq, et al. $25. ladies shaver $4.50, a:oOO 673-8809 HARTMAN ?.fetal wardrobe trunk with drawua and lock $'M. Girl's English bike $1;i. \Ve.ight-Hfting &et $15, Broil-bake oven, never used IJ>.64&-0.189 dresser S2 P o rtab l e $1-SlO. 19041 Woodward condition, Ladies sutu. size ,,-;;;;::,c;,,,,,,,.-,-.,,---.1 t ypewri ter $5. Tape Lane, H.B. 10-16 lrom high quality LARGElimedoakcotfeeand recorder \Yith speakers $25. ICE Cream labe 32·· 1'0UJ'ld stores, good condition $2.75 2 end tables $25. 5-drawr Jnfantscat Sl.50. 3103 'var-white formica top s:i;,. 3 ·to $9.50. Ladles~ size chest SIS. Pair upholltel'l!d 10-1 i:n.... • bar stools $20. &drawer ren Lane. Costa r.tesa 549-] Chairs SI5. :?6'' square 6• -..-.7.95. Girl's play chest S17.50. 9-drawer 'V\l>Q pecan lamp table $25. suits and dresses, size 5 to 540-4083 644-1730 =~~~~-~~~~ CHILD'S school type desks, STIN9.RA Y Type bicycle $15. --I . $! ~ •·t f G. '\·ilson 67::r1392 ,......,,. 847-5560 10, 25c-$2.SO. La.dies capris, dttuer $25. Large seascape GREA°!' Christmas Gifts. RTFLE 22 Marlin Glenfield size 8-16 25c-Sl.9i Rocking re~d=~':~~~. ~~~twin r.l()VIE Camera and p~ ltctor. Ke)'ltone 8mm $25. 2 couches $.) and $8. Oc· casiorial chair SG. 3 dinette cbaft. Ian hi&h back $7.50. POLAROID Swinger, near Stnale 41.nd double bed new S7. 546-1375 '~· httd~s s 1 0 7' couCH. light bl'O\\•n SlO. each. 2 elec~c 1ry pans 19" Sllvertone 1V $25, New SJ.50 m.ch. Naugahyde seats 6-allo outboard 11 8 flPtn booth $L each. Sean: &: n, ' orm1ca top ...... ""' o E cl ...... dia., $10 Car lop KODAK lnstamalic r.t 12 ncy ~.-.i;uper 8 Jl.1ovle camera SlO. carrier f7.50 Brown plat-Sunset lrlpod extends 6' $10. f orm Tocke r S22 .50 HoncywC!U Tilt-a-mite flash Aluminum window framr, 2 attachment $6. All great x 6, $7.50 Carton of nearly ~.,...~~'~'-"--~~~-­ new shoe&, size 6, $3. EL Palpo kneeboard 50" $9. 646-0115 BROWN Colonial (·hair. vC'ry <.'Omfortable 15. :r.tilk glass pole lamp 12. Ladies wool r iding jacket, execllenl con- dition, size 14. $10. 675-0915 Beauurul Artl 6 or 12 volt ball action repealer with chair $4.50. Norge washing radio wilh 1\\'0 :oipeakers and scOpe >I power, rifle $2'.5. machine $9. 276 E. 20th St. \\'ood grain lacing, like new 3cope SlO. New, glass ocean rear. 548-2061 or 673-1862. S15. Roller Derby indoor rod · g G:E. portable TV. \\'Orks shoe skates. neYer used. like fishing new wrappin I •• ' .de·, •• "" Hea"" good S25. Brown hveed . ~·• ne\\·. size 9 n1en's $8. lligh anc .., . .-.i. .., ·-KINGSIZE Mattress, Qrtho metal clothes line poles $3. and pad, 17' x 16' S2J. 3 foam, ei<cellenl conditi.on power Benjamin pellet rl· ._~~ n<n3 Venetian blinds l-10x8' $3, fl(', vel'y nict sis. 64&-5612p ·;h;·;'~""""""-:c:c:-;:::::;­S2:i. 1.fatchlng box springs cc;~,C:.:-'-'-~. ~--= PINK Quilted '"'in bead· l-4x8' $2.50. J-3 x 3' $2.50. LOVELY v.'001 afghan $25. 2 Glau 1howcees $25 each. $25. 646-5923 SPORT coal'!, mens size 38, bQard S2 96? 9857 all perfect condition. TV Beautiful inlaid bridge table 675-7566 ROLLER Skates, "Chica.go" excellent buy $20 or 2 for ' ,,... trays 10c each Champion a.nd OOW'r $15 I..a.tge old HAl\ULTON Gas dryer $10. girl'ssiie4a.nd6, boy's size $35. 833-281~ BICYCLE For sale. 20'' sleamer trunk $25. Good PAIR maple step-end tables S20 each. Large maple bookcase $25. Pair early American lamps S25. Maple telephone gos.i;ip bench $20. Pair maple nightstands stO each. Drop leaf maple table $15. 4 matching chairs $7.50. s.dra'lli"tr maple chest $25. Hoove:r uprig:ht vacuum $3). 543-8811 hf.in:ll')'ft' S6 Small dded Remote control. oolor $23. bench $2.:11: J cm:~n'li 63 Impala trailer hitch ~· folding cbaln $1 each. Aquanurn •u.b pump S5. SC?ftn door $2. 2 carpet Chrome f'XI. mirror Sl s1."tt"pei,; S2 each. Step table =-~=""-~-----­~.SO-Side table $3. Record BOAT trailer, ll foot $25. silver watch $25. Old &<J]d Very good oondit.ion, except Ji and 9, 1pair Jee 1 akales, BOTANY coat, boy's size 14-boy's 5.tlngraY SlO. 536--288.5, \\'001 dttsses, •izes 12-14, $1 watch S25. 5-18--0100 needs new 80lenoid valve. girl's illze G. $1S a pair. 1930 16, Sl2.SO Matched slacks 26 717 ?.fain St. and $2. Capris, size 18, like LADIES ski boota; •iza 'n) BEAUTIFUL 14 cu ft. 2 door 548-0174 Placentia. se.1542. waist $2.SO like n c \Y . GIRL·~ 20" bike detachable new $1. Small record ~11="='=73-803,,__'~~~~= 833-2819. training whee.ls SlO. ~7296 player, needs needle $2. DANISH youth b@d, blue.$25. RCA frost h'tt refrigerator, 20 Oil paintings for sale, \VALNUT Room d iv t de r', k 35 Green plastic footstool SI. Matching chair $5. ~'7364 as is $3. Bird caif! Wherls and tires $ 2 O. and ~.50. 1.atA"n edger Aluminum whee!J, 15 x 10.0D brown chenille $15. Tires. 16 x 550, 6 ply, ds $1 each. Pole like new S9. Large factory lamp $1. 2 pair U'IOW skis electric clock!. 16 inch face \\ith binders ~15 a pair. Sl5 and $20. Bar-dumb bell Boal laddf'r $2. Book&. set $10. G'.E. e I e ctr i c puzzles and odd dishes \Yasher S20. Girl's Stingray 51!-56c. !HS Victoria St., bike, mJnt con d it ion, C~f. 5'8-4903 chrome fenders $ 2 2 . 5 O. needs work S15 Baby buggy S3 -S25. Landscape&, base with shelves $15. ELDON lriple level road CA1\1ERA Koda . mm Girl's galoshes, .i;ize 13,' $1, SlO Car 1eat $2..50 Hu~n seascape a, st i II-life, \Valnut dinette table '"'ith race set $10 GE solid state 4 Signet. range finder Ektar very good condition. Yellow 3'x8' SHEETS mas on I te hair, blonde 'Illig and brunet-sailboat. Sizes 5x7 to 24x48. 1• a1n . t .d 631 ,_ speed portable Te cord lens, genuine l~~ther c~se. '1ick•r ,,,·n hood• ~-. 2 $2.60. l 'x8' a~ts 60c. i.ght w ut 1n a1 n" t \ci t SllSO """' 67--o te fall, both excellent con. All are original. Saturday u·ith leaf, no mar $25. 4 pla,yer $10. 5 gal aquarium ex1..~l ent coi 1 Klll • · pair good aluminum sock --~~~u='-,.--,-,,.--~~= di lion $12.~ eaeh. 642-4659 and Sunda,y aft er noon . chain $5 each. Admiral 1V S2. Kodak 8mm movie 53&-3417 stretchers. adj11Stable $1. ROUND oak table top $25. BLUE Chip stamp book $3 531~793 23" with stand $20. New lire camera S6 sunlight for tak-SLIDING Glass door and each. Girl's good school Table base ;xi. 673-29-57 each. Pl~n, &ood shape BLACK Co\\·hide fJight ... chains to fit 6.70 x 15, 7.50 x ing pit'tures i~rs s,?· screen one half door. left shoes, worn twice $2. Cub RUGS 1 · 12>aO $25. 2 -Braid- "'"' oACH> Blonde medium muuarr)• Lc side 4Bx80 $10. Phone Scoutsleepi"" bag $2. Boy" •• 115 • ~. ~·"ll< $10. O'fO"O"M>O $25. Old fashioned double 14, 600 x 16 $10. J.lovie f .... .. i:u •Q,J u,,,..,, st!'ctch 'lli'ig $12 Toys or 1-714-892-9241 \\•hilt dress shirts, sizes 6 RINK rollerskates, 5-6. like fold-in-wall bed $25. Double scrttn, lite bar, both for bo 11 "" ;.......,. "--12 FLOOR pol:'s•·-16 ' 'IV ys, a. ve • ., b""" "'-"" • •11N· K • -ng -liar and cuffs and 8, 50c each. Can opener '"" · nf':w S18.50 A I um in um mattress for wall bed $10. $15. Large r;i.ze crib mat· ...,o ~to " ...., '-" .... __. 13 01: ,, -'--'· _.,. R&cORO O\ana:er $1 5. olsttrs and glalles lOc-$1. Nf:w and old·. books, some Coleman stove. 2 burner, gas SlO. 642-5021 or 646-&80 ~ ' 12·,. Uodc-·'l'JOd noiseless 25c. Child's ironing board ...... ...,! • <N· • ... .,UU\ ..... 1os Chri1tmas tree with musical Small size apartment 1ras tress $5, Cs.nvas cover for • n $5 18 6 El tri' t--•·-11 6 LOVELY dinette chairs S8 !"""writer 120. Floor _size. Sl. Pink twin bedspread n. · ~ · ec cc~ • ELECTRIC rultar. like new $25. 54~ 1827 stand and ornaments $6. Servel refrigerator $15. J . Toyota pickup SlB. 49i>-5470 h 1.a· t h' tabt ,~ F 1• lb 1 7._ Chil·'-, St lee car cooler is. Child car seat Sl Clothing, C. Higgins wooden skis, 6'2.. eac · rge mac ing e hair dryer $20. 1 v_e :> • cay ""· w.-cn s Chic .. o double sink lau-t textbooks, 10me children's 1 b . d l'k N. Gauge train wilh track 11. 833-3220 b,,·..1n~m,,·,1, dresses $1:>, book 'SC-roe. Chi ldren's ..... all r;izes l Oc-$2. Toys and ong, nght re , 1 e new, ,,~.. $10 F Jdi .. -·1 tt • .,~ and swllche&. stt ~p on 19,.9 DODGE Vo eng:•• onl)' c•-h. S""-1279 clothes, all good condition · 0 "'6 IUI caR .,.,. PLAYPEN, exCellent con- bdoks 25c-$3. Toya 25c-$2. dition $10. Hia:h chair S5. Ehd tables $3-$5 •. Games Car seat S5. Car bed $1. 5(lc...$1. Girl's clolhetl, eJC· Large Robert \Vood painting Ccllent condition . n -$l. S7. ?itaPle mquine rack $3. games 10c-S1 Drapes, nev.• used t\\'ice ~. Ski poles. S60 -o ·~ .. ,... \Vebcor record pl.aye: is 2 $3. 890 Capital St. West ot red handles SS. 536-7056 layout board $25. over S25. Brancusi decorator 1n-r.ttSCELI..ANEOUS ?i--fotorcy· 5c-50c. 192 :nower St., C.r.I. small radios: eaC: i 5. WU!IOn school. 3 Pair tire chains $6 each. vaJue. Uke new, adult door or, patio table $25. I parts from SOc-$25. I 3 •Pttd bike $18.50. Stingray Bathroom IC&ies $2. S hair UJND skis and poles S25 Boys 1k'i boots 1iie 4 $7. 2IO owner. 546-2'189 Glass top n;. 548-8642 c e · 11~ 95 ne\V I SIB.SO. 24·• SchwiM Stingray dryers S4 -$8. RCA record PAIR Chruslcr 4138 marine : -Bumper carrier ::i. • Sl5. 3 wheel chain drive RCA color TV, ~s work Cr.I Hart metal skis with VACUU?il cleaner, tank type, torcycle jacket $12.95. bike hild' ., .. .,~ .. _ player $6. 4 table lamps $1 • La.dies clothrs. small aize.s $25. T!leacope $23. Plu.a: in blndlna:s S25 ' each aki. Poles engine& running when attachments $12. LI 8-Q02 mo • c s ......,. '"°°1MUI $3. 3910% Channel PL NB 54&-2!!11 $2....;5. Alligator cowboy SUNDAY only 10 to S. Good intercoms S8 pr. Burg~ $5. 673-8037 removed from boat starter SCRAM LETS 96Z-4U6 1V, GOod .,.m and picture 6T'.rl003 bqpts li..di~_s size 5\:1. $8. sn;>Uer and automatic be.by electric spray gUn $ 5 · ANTIQUE Gold lapel Watch R or L. $IO e ;l ch . • '59 FO.R~ Wagon n1•2•0d $2S. Girl's bicycle flD-12 COUCHES $25 each. Slat liWlfl&' both $10. Clothes Sc 83J.-.l4ti7 $2.i Old W•llham 11 .. A.. Alternaton110 each. \\'ater transmission 'vork , 646-lSlS bench $2. Cement tcall-...1 Shoe 5kates $3. Girl's shoes, and lOc. Books ac. 20312 ~ skiis $5. Tow rope. Sl.50. ANSWERS 962-3436 v~ __.. condition 11·•2. TI9 A . Sa ta A H . h'~ TOYS 2Sc·Sl Games $1 mantle clock S25. Westcl\,11,;A Reader's n i"e&t' condensed . . REDWOOD Patio furniture, yard edging 20c each. ~........ --._ cacia, n na eig "" Child'• •k': boot-IL~ s:·g •-n :um•-.. -tt, M'-' '6 "'"' BUJtK au I om at i c , Louvred shuttered bar doon Jl.f ·-1d c del M ,, "" ~ u...,... .., 1l1l-books 25c each. &JS.5178. "" .needs reapli': Picnic table -. . ari .... • orona · ar. 2 AIR purlfien $20 each. Children's Hfe jackets $1 1bell top alarm clock $4.50. Markel _ Abused _ Oblong transmission $25, 962-3436 with 2 benches $lO. 2 Chaise: $5. Maple step hi-chair Sl. 2 Sa~ only. !Mi. JI.ten's new shirta $2. Used each. ~S-7052 Antique wall sconce \\ith POl:.AROJD Camera $25: Aux _ Assure_ Withal _Hum• 3 SPEED 26 .. boy·s bik(, $15. lounges $5 each. Cha.ir S5. Bol&ters, coven and twin ,'~io=ro~RCY=~CLE=~.,....,~---. -.,,-,-1 50c. New &ocks 25c. New un-bracket, dated 1.881 $25. Old lens $S. Slide projeCtor $25. ble _ \\!ALK "HOME ....,,, .,A.,c C ff tab! 13 S.fl all f bed cover $3. Flower cart del'\\~ar SOc. Used trousers GREAT Christmas gilt. HO -,---k 110. New wool ·"•'" Slide changer $5. Stereo ~ .:.~". 6 Kalle ..... ·.,,..;,,. t1ar"'k Sl. 1002 Baker St. O'l 19 $5. 350 :< 18 $5. Electric ~ale ~v.·ay Complete ..... ""-Ra.cetnick ga~: A great ht-2 i\lAG rims 6 .. "ide liMI! +'...., ..... ..--.... recliner $8. Compact Sl · $3. Books lOc -$2. Shoes 1 · k a&mple rug 41hxl1,Ji $20. Ne;w Camera $25. Stereo viewer Vl'ntion lhal sc1ell('t' has re. flr v \V bus or beige oil base Sl each. VM SERT A tv.1n mattress and vacuum cleaner with at-~ 1:°°ts ill S2 ~o 15S ;O ~~8:C,~~is~ ~~ acrylic 3'Aix4~ wnple rua $10. Slide trays 50c. Blender cen~ly co1nc up \••ith i~ a ;~':sC'I~ ;20• ~ch. 5.1&-1633 record turntable fl.SO. Twin sprinas $17.SO each. 2 tachme.IU. amall appliances cora or P ows -nd wit h 3 __, $8. 67"~5258 $S. Submln camera $25. racing form 1hal unfolds mto od 1 bed mattresk!• SS ea•h. folding 4-panel 1 creen1 , •. rn. to • P.m. !Oln ~"•t a reverse s c • guaru C M s--J~-~ R1STMAS i"•ms m e .. I S2-$10. Stroller $ 3 .50 . \..nUI ·; 2 Th •• · t "500" SHORT \Y _.,. •<K amera ca&e ..,... .....~ a ""ir of pants llO ""'' have CH 1 ""' • Hard··.,..... ·,1r1,., 1",2",3" burlap covered, ~a-1s 72xl7 Dr. r.te.redith Ga rd en s . ra1 s, Uuuer1e ave , ..... 10 ....,. ul •-, .,v--b Auroa S8 .......... .,....i= .Tumpseat 7Sc. Potty cha.ir 962.-3090 race cars, 1 lapcounter , 1 Harmon Kanlon AX 20 $25. Blnoc an $15. Camera :'J)methll'IR to \VALK HOi\lE motonng Y · width£, 8 to 12 ft lengths S8 each. 2 Boy Scout JX. Ladie& drtll5f!!, size criss cross, 18 feet of amplifier S2S. Heath Sweep pal'll !JOc.-$2. Movie leAA $25. in. . PUzzles and lots of oth:_r plyv.'OOd. piece& l 0 c -2 5 c ponchos $2.50 each. Hand 8-10, 25o-$2. Chi Id re n's T\VIN box spring and mat· various section1 of race generator Ts-3 $25. 494-8660 Ham Xtmni $25. 22 73 BEAUTifo-UL 10, ro_und 32,. Wtoyslkt lroTmt•.:. 50c 1,,1~0pho::~ each. 12 volt blower motors. crocheted bedspread, ecru. clothes, &lie 6 monlha to 2 tren $15. Antique Edison Colgafe Dr. 548-63~.:·-a c-a "'" '" nl:'w $4.95 each. 30 gal tanks, double bed me $15. IJl )Ta 5c-$3. Baby shoes 3D to 1906 phono ..... aph 12 5• track11, 3 trestle posts, 0tl_\Cr 9xl2 aqua braided rug -PJ, In dian1cter and 24" high. $4, boy's and girl's clothing nd and 11 1 ., good. 673-0168 s.i,,D &>c-.$2. AU clean and 673-4387 •· -pnrts, 1 tunnel. mounting 'Vhite naugahyde recliner SEWING .r.tachine, $ l O • Ideal for back yard. S2.i excellent condition $5, each. rou a .,..,. txmrd 'lliith landscape and $lJ. Child's large table and 67J..2986 deli\·C'red. S48-Jl20 Double ~ and d?"l'sser $20. Smith-Corona port ab I.e JS.\\'ATI public address ~ ~ .. ~:r.~ T!~~ 112~~ 1 v~l~Y~Co~nti-.,,.-.-,.~,,-,~OO-x-l~4. instruction manu.al, all for chair Rt $l8. Girt Scout FROSTED human hair fall 2 separate single beds SlO typewriter $10. 8 u n 1 t .i;yatem, a1 is $25. 8'2-5045 ~ 5.000 miles new, 4 for $25. lhc very low pn~ of S14. uniform 13. Gi"'J's bilte: SS. MEN'S clothing: Shoes 91·~ D each. 8152 Opal Circle No. aluminum parts bin $1. Bib ROLLER ,~ ..,,.,, ·•-4 Dod£f!: Van slnk,'faucl!t with 67~ · 2509 k 1 D .. $25. Synthetic dark bro"'Tl S2-S5. Slacks, <12 $1-SS. Coats carrier rack SOc 18 '" bloY.w "'"" AU'!!' pump. cabinets $15. Sleeping;~~~-~--~-~ 545-' as or ave. 837-3976. fall $5. Both 17" l011g. $2-$8. Shirts 25c·$2. 'Vaffle A, M2-789J. J1unt. Bch. fan $5. Lrge box foam rub-never used S.f, Road ra~ ba,p $3.50. Camt?U SJ..$25. HAND crocheted. table cloth BABY stroller with potty LARGE Oak desk, slanted 644:-0026 iron $7.50 Toaster S3. 132 W. SMALL Apt. r;ize gas stove ber, various pieces SS. S:x8' set $15. Rtmoo tank $12. Curtains. drapes S l -S 5 . or spttad $2.0. 2 French chair, good cnndition SlO. top li fts up tor storage $25. 9 CAMPER litove, 4 burner. \Vilson, No. 43, C.?il. s20. Small couch $8. 536-2946 l\i inch foam robber pad =96~'-="'='~',_~,.--~~-o~I Booka I»S.1. Records Provincial step end tables. Old gut violin $2:). For hsn-boned china cups and itainless s tttl. Easily con-ART Objecl.! and antiques: ANTIQUE Olive barrel& 36", $2. Animsl cag,, good for WO?ilENS goU clubs, bag lOc~. . Patterns 10 c. llkt; new s25 · each. Lawn dyma.n, \\'Ood, fir. teak, oak, sauet"rs $5 for all. 962-{)181 verted to bu tane, cost $59 Ch;"•-op':"m' ,1....,. holder Ideal !or potting plants, rabbit,!;, chickens $2. 1721 and cart $25. 548-8991 Diahe Sc_..15c Sat nl 549 mov.'f!r $5. Kltchenmald cof· .. ,,.. .. .,... 1 • · 0 y. fee grinder SlO. Bathroom pine scrap! and hea\.'Y Jl.!O~VlE Pf'?Jector, like new new, 11tll tor $15, SG-3648 S\6. Brass tea k<'ttie SIS. n1ust sell ! $5 ench. 64Ul510 King Road. 645-1400 CERAi\tIC Kama cooker $10. Sturgeon Or .. C.Jl.f. S40-337ll covering. 5 :< 6, yellow, new blocks, also mAJine plyv.-ood S2:>. l\lov1e sc:een,. nrw vw Bug paru: Gas tank~. Hojl slatuC'. 11·ill burn in· 22 Mosseberg military trame 2 Girl'& bikes 24" and 26" SlO J.1olator me.n'!I ski boots 8 QGIRL'S Bike $10. Girl's bike 14. 261 Mest Dr. 646-7342 doubl •-d delW1e S14. Daylight Vle\\·er .... a .. 'Beck lld .-. ~Ide win-cense S24. 2 Fu-Dogs $9 and ,;,.hts tubular ftd ve:_ry each. 9 x 12 washable rug wide $5. 'VMh basin and -=-.,_ """"""'-5c • $1. 1-faplt' e "" •11• "'odl·I-•ab·:-t $9. ~-~ h 3 G d C h ~ 1 t 1· 6~1563 •-....,....,.,.,. \ .,a '" "''"' .. ,... dows with rubber molding eac · crman an . zec accurale $25. Slond "'.1i'· and ,.d $15. Corner desk auce J. ,.,.. EW Abarth exhaust system BOY'S 5 speed Stin.gra,y bi~.. u·lth box spring $1 5. 86'1 V, Schaetrer desk pen tels, S3 each. 549-3648 Royal Be)nLlh mugs $14 French made $5. Spanish LAWN Sweeper 24 lncb I ST.50. V,W. par!&, front f~h Sl~~~t·sbl~~~ Sl~ l81h, C.i\f. 646-23'1'1 a:old and marble S14. 2 sam-1~• PONTlAC -•: h't h each. 2 pictures In frames Civil war bayonet $.1. 47 S7.SO. Floor lamp ST.SO. "Se?Jtr)'" $10. 548-9641 ''"""' 114.50. 545-5134 ... ., GEN'ERAL Electric Show pie cases. mahopn:y and ~ u ... <'r 1 c S9 each. Silver compote dish ptayboy• $6. 494-1891 ailer 5 Aladdin lamp $2. Combo =====,--===-:::I Revolving Christmas Utt vi I ~ ., h 114 540 '""8 ELECI'RJC knif,, Sean S'l. ELEc:l'RO Sink attachments and Tell TV and radio com· ny cove.~. new ...., eae · · ~ S17. Large ro~r tray p.m. blackboard easel $5. Shelves near new. Sf0-13T5 I sin. Automatic re cord base $3. Revolving renector bination w\th 12 J"l!COf'ds like 2 hi-fi speaktts 8'' and S" ROOM divklen. set of 3 COlil decoratrd $19. i\tr1t1can bull bOal'd Jn~ tidC'rs $3. ·Sho\\·er curtain $2 .,. lights S2· Metal Chri&tmu new $25. 'rhree tier wooden diameter with grille cloth S15.88 each, sell for ~ price. sratue $16 'VIX'Xien bowl SU 7 Belb' 11' • 53 ' · RABBIT ~ S5. 962...(1142 ~ S10. 6'2-3163 tree $1. 2 Barbie dolls. wall shelf S4. -Sandwich and rheoslat control, all fQl" of SS each, like new, Persiitn t~pestry S22• HRll8: $,5-$25. 3'-4'7". 499-41 _ Brownie unifonn $.2. Girl's RB , Slit! 43 iarJ'l', $15. clothes and case 1l each or toaster $2.SO. Drum tabl' ft, $12. 64~935 M&-J643 ing pierced metal lamp ADMIRAL refrigerator $25. shoes, varioua sizes, $2. 4-:C:Cy~ci~e-,~H~P~CJW"r===SM=.t.N'°.I White dinntt jacket and 50ld separately. Troll dolls Table lamp $2. Hanging 2 fifa-..a .... iable 55 each.:~=~-------·: holdrr ;i,ncl monkty chain 548-705'1. 8&l Flower. C.i'.f. 968-2113 en.,·ne, rebuilt $10. 646-2087 -· ize 42 large SlS 25c · SI . Troll doll houses $1 .. """ '"' TWIN mattn:&11es and box 1 d 1 d uvulf:t'I., I . . each. 646-4615 lamp $2. Blouse-!!, size 16. Tall Rembrandt lamp SlO. springs with lei:S, like new $16. OriglnA Schrrr.raza c COIN sets. U.S. ?.lint seae. RATTAN Card t able, BLUE chip atamp book3 OHlce """ chair $15. Call 50c. DreslC!s. some new $1 · .,A., "'I"" "'a1rr r.olo1'5 $22. 642-69.i'i 1968 uncireulatcd SJ each. formica top $25. 4 matchin& $2.75 each. 549--3648 MS-ThOt· OLD oe.k drop-lea! table $3. Dolli with hair $1 ~ $2 . .,_...,, vJ ~. ~2485 · J · ----'-~1547 2 50 _ h k k 2 Blue lamps S10 each. Singe 6'14-2244 chain S5 .,._,., ._,.. · vw ,..n, complete, clean $25. CYCLE Helmets. factory Sl · · r-n:u 11" roe er Child'~ Encyt:lopedia set, 22 16" !'lidewalk bUle, girl's $6. HEATER. au. 50,000 BUT, bed, upfiolstP~d headboard, SMALL ~-h Provincial SKI Boots, men·s size 8• 675-2334 seconds. $16. 675-5145 Sl8. Drafling aet SlS. Colten ""°"' $6. 642-8472 20" hike. boy's $6, sood oon-b&ower $25. 642 2490 d 110 v · 110 ,..,_ :C.:..::"'-------1 · ti PC49 1~ Ba 1-d' · "-·•"-2951 ' -and sprea • aruty · •-n\ Cannel &. Chai· llalian, C'Oll S'l'S, sell for $25, -mainu . ...,. g v• •URORA HO •--dra-, -. ihcn. ""'.,.. RE RI G E R 20 ,.._Id tr . 15 Fool settee .uv P.ING Pona table tap. tlta on pool t.tb\e S\5. f;44....04.C7 G.E . Portable sten!O $15. Slot cv rs.ee tn.ck S7. Minibike motor $lS. O:dltt table $10. End tablet S10. Lamps $S. Electric train $10. Bird cap sz. Rock\IJI chair $5. Boy'• fntt.nt clothts ix.-..~. m A State ~vt., C.M. 543-3729 same SlD. Cane back rocktt "' """" "'" "'" F ATOR S · ...,., a.me mirror · · $t0 644-224~ almot:t new 675-2834 GAS Power la .... -0\\'f!r -• --t · gt 110 1-kor 13. l.a'""'t' suitcase 1;f;"~' ;;,·:,:;:'i::;;.;;;--.:i6'.iii8. S25. Electric m~xtr $4. Ad· tra track, acctsllOries. 7 ....... ......... ~en ll!Ze 0"'' · i:J~ Rose Mlin ·;pread $5. 6 DOUBLE bed $2!1. 646-1818. SCH\vtNN Bike, iifl's "Fair ••••••••• d i n's m •chin t SS · can, landscapl"i board $25. Portable rttOTd Player• large mugs. Tuscon S4 2365 Nor5e Ave. C.?.1. Lady" purple S2S. 642-7984 Type"Tit'r $10. 20" " 30" &t&-S.>89 1re11t for kids $10. MS-2667 USED Sch'lli•lnn S t ing re y · · ....... r s WSW 8 55 l" Muine EMign $3.50. Old 78 WHITE Crib and mal'-bl cl l'k .$25 P.1aga:zinc 11land S2. Bedside BLUE g\as! dishrs. serV!ce '~' • . x "' 17" PORTABLE 1V $21) ,._,.," cy e, 1 ' ll<'W • table S5. Brom_ e lamp, liv· for 12, ........ Sentinr: pieces to tubeles1, 5 for $211, !till have l'f!C'Ofd1 23c each. TO)'I 7.00 • 14 11_, 15_ 'Sal•d. $15. Training chair $2. Blonde 549-4287 f 15 La t -1 t f tre d ••• -· .. _... ,. '"' ng . room . ·. _mp es rnat"h 11 • $5. Lin1ops_ pen yo a .,.._,;JO't lOc-.$2. ~.Bayview, °"""" bo ,1 -w 11 A'• _1,,. human ha I r, ext.... 1...,.. PAIR ·•-k 1 ; t a I v ' \\ ,,.. ... ....... ,.. -·.. "'""' s a es, near y can1s er: nncs~ J. ases ('h\na S3 • $25. }:xteflS!On BING Surfboard, 8'6" aood tla,y. 5'G-2ST9 SlO ~ach. Tr~nslstor radio fall fl>, ToYs 25c 54g..1245 rit'!w. sizp 4. St Jig·saw SZ <'ach. Sen'1ng plates. ladder s10. vise $3. Tool!! condition $25, 6T3-n29 HANO l.a'lli'n mowtr SS. ooo"·, SA'IS photo fa c t BEAUTIFtJL m onde "--1-.a puzzles 15c • """"· Chllrl'• la....,. round $2 each ; -- 1 •A "" " u~ ~ '"" • ... • 25c ~ $2 llO'Sc rec c: ... • MARINE Bendix RDF. B Child's saff'f)' be la ~· ,.,,. ·-i"m•• No. 1·75, wig, paid .e .. sell for -. tete-13.~. ~-x-U-f.1a"""any leaf tab!(' SS · • 11 Ill St f U · nd Qu i ~ !uU ''"' ..... -•'"" -.v.,... JV.,,,., .... v "" '"'ti . ·' $1.50. Lan\ps -· · lnlnaistor S-band portable, BRONZE ateo mona DlaptrpallSl. iti:u $1.50 l':•c~. Chevrolt-t v.9 Brun•lff' v.·lalet S5. \\'annerS2.540-3787 f.,addcr chatr $2. Zcnnh '-'llSl-Fireplace ..,, ... . -.; PRsJde.nUal Sf.ti, ma lee Aize bedspre•d S. Inf.ant aeat a" tom • 11 e tTanSmiulon. •Roto-bT'Ollrr, neVt'l' u.ed riulio $10. 8 yellow de!'er1 Rotou1 v_ -·• J. '(l()d b.Uket S"". "" acces.:ines, .-. stt•t ChNtmu ruts $10 SOc. 2 Potty lf'•b 50e. Potty lOM Po•1trtlide S)). AJ\1-SlO. Ldm!' S.'i. Lad l e a AURORA 110 Jl<'alc road ph1res SS. Chaise $15. Pie-tools iueu :rue I 1 a s h 6~ SAT/SUn only. NOW'S THE · TIME FOR QUICK CASH anti SZ. 6(2..3419 rh.l.lr $1.50. Cookie Pf'l!U $%. n.I rSdkl $10. Table radio dre!IK'S, 5\zt' 12 $2 uch. l'flCe. All Accn~s 'lliilh lO tUl't', Bird on Dt'ck SS. 1 $12.:ill. 8!" ~oot~ cake 23" 1V $25. Fonnica table SM.AU.. \Vondn' hone: SS. Dtl.Wef' ninl set $18. Glr1 '11 SJ. 548-6529 l.adif's coat $5. Girl'• cOet, cars, l!"I fl track mounted on Jnl'lo'lnese prints. i.mall $5 t"1lm<'r:" ~; f 1 set and 4 ch•ln $20. 3 drawer Child's rockina chair $.t bi~ S12. Sprtng e.xerciSf.r II" PORTABLE TV, \\_.___ 1ilf' 10, $5. New electric cute.red plyv.'OOd bonn:I! t 11Ch. Ult-gt l.K'droom pain-plate $7. I"c~ caning c desk SlO. 211pced blender S5. Boal swim wtdf'r S 5. S2. J.ten'1 long underv.'tar i:ood m Po\\-e.r tt:ifM'~·;; tontball 11:11me S5, Grunts S1 that fits under bed $1.S. :ZOOS ting SlO. Chee.i;e fondue set y,o\th steal< knives $5. El:' : Bookcue 30" :ic 30" $& Child'• clotbeg pole $4. Doll S3. Oate& !IOc-$1. Woman'11 for car ~ camptt, 12 voll, ett'h. Child's t~.,Tlter Swan Dr. 545-7863 S2. PtJllC'ne.x d~ beat Irie bl&nkel ~· ilibR~ Rodwood patio fumitw'P $8 bualY $1. lAmp $4. 3093 jt'cket, sl:tit 12, SS.. 1135 DC to lZ volt AC. SO cy. tnr •·Ith c18" f.5, Bo)' Ii shtrt.1, 2-5 GALLON aquariums $5. n111ssagcr S2. 64S-'1'5o41 SI.00. ~tio cllairll riGc • ' -Sl5. 1960 Rambler radio. THROUGH A ,..,,heath. C.N. 5f6..5146 Charleston, C.M. 546-14~ TV l!Jht• $2.5.. 23 .• RCA 11\rf' 12 Mlf-. 1431 Oc111.vUIP, Large bird cage SS; Bn'eder FA R-Oil rlolhf':s: for girls. 1\te~l~an potlel')', ~~~ work• Kood $5. I.Alf ol ' roal Monda.Y~ OLD Prnttd back rocm. console ,.V, 110 work $JO. Co~la Mtsa-. boxt11 51lc. 548-i148 fully lined u•hltt Harlow a.~tl ch~he• i! · ~: Soaker pocket books, mo1tly iothic 9a1r.r.5 And ·· Stratton •trlPJWd $%). Old oak ' ~?M ~fl:N'11 BowUnc tWI and bq NEW dt11k. Has 1 dra'lli-Cl'I rrin111, alr.e lO ~S. Black 'lutd'lc1•1 ;~ table .., 50. 24·· lOc-Slc. 15432 Duke Circle. ~ --'~le 3" drawer dttawr and mlm:ir . SS. J<odak S-mm pn:ijcelM Ne:hm jaclm, ltl't! 7, JIO. ho9fl , i:.<JU -• near ?.f cFad den and DAILY PILOT Hf, Oe.n. ~';"';.:,a 111 top and 2 drawn .. have GREAT a:lfl kr. Bf'i\nrun1 $15. ~ltmiry camua Sl5. $15. &l>l'" C.ft..f. 1ll11ck ribbed bt.11 boltom1, h.'\r stools $l each. Kit-Ed'ftl'd4:. 89l-1162 iwe'• curved f'rontl. retin1Shed Aatronomt'n . llkt I n e"' Ceramic lllmp $S. Mov\e ELECTR.IC l11blr AW. II" i:ize 29--JI. $-1. E'UIJ.y liot'd chenwart, Poppy Tr,. I\ 21" T.V. $20. Soya blkt no. J25. Sln:pr M'Ailll machine Tuoo 60 JIO'l\'f'r te tscopt photo IAm, $.i. 70 clay Pot' blade. Homr made S 15 · doublr-br<:11,led Camel's dishes, plcturn. "'"II det11r, 8.50 x 14 tlft and Ford rim BOT"S U~ Honda 1tyle cabinet SS. 6~~" di&rne.te.r and tripod ns. MW49 $20. Pair aquA <kni.bll' bed 6~1~ C.r.t. hair jaC'kcl. sizr 8. S2j. r ()r book11. record~ 10c • $10. $1. Rldk> $2. Complete toilet bike s:zs. kitchen wall doc~ do~ CRIB $7. Car Ma\ pa&SdM $3. ll)mds $8. Roul c:utling OLD lntnk ~. Jewrlry 5c' -~1ys: hand--detallt"d, fully Chrlstniu 11C h11 and WIG, Fro.Wd, titzrmn hair front, Y'-l)ow Sl. g " 16 M&-9380 boAnl. new S.J.. Alli1ator $1. Chrl.11tmiu dtroralkm :.a lirlt'fl flurpl~ wJ\>~l bt.11 bot· orname nt5 Ille -$3. Cont!, $U. M7-7017 $2$. Brown WI llO. ~ trlancut.r 1''a.ll C 1 oc k • PAIR \y sold U • p11ne $4. ~IS--033.t -Mc, Clolhlna: 2!ic • $1 . tom~. 11lir 34-M $25. Blad! dres..,e&. ~h0e:1 ~·SS. Ral· =RO=UND~, ""M"'"ap"';-,-d"°ln""l"lf-~ta""bl~,· I KINCS1ZE ff tt d boa rd , ~:;:~l~ra.::·,:!t~A:W'A'~h room ~·:il'I 'u; ,a(h. ~.~ i\fAKE l.ovrly. gifts. mat· Llnen11 JOI:'. 2:JC. Toyl'l Xk • rrinkl" r1'f'nr ?;him. ~Ire r.1 , 111.n d01: btd SI ;.o. Toni &: \\•Ith leaf $:Q. 4 Painted din· · aJ, Urown faU 110, ~ dran:r '<'U a doctor'! in· Vftn matching •Ji,,lnE" room chi•llt rlolsonne ~:1rrings ind SI. D11nk IJ('tl fl«n1ct $10. $12. ~~l()..l'!!l.1 .lt'!T) ~"I ti. U.n1brcllfl ini: chain SU. ~~ N'EW DoU playptft $4. Child's ttrume~ lable SS. S46--'946. t'hAIMI S.:25 t>ach. Like rtt"W. cult 11nk~ .. St2.50-Crown 1wln bed fra.mcs SlO. T11~ G ITAR. &-s1nni: '· !\l . clothe$ hnt' $:1. !l'Ol1cr SJ.). DUO-THER!it trailer bf..a1er f"f"CDl"d p&.Qt:r, needl tube 3'.)2.(1 ~ Ave .• Santa \\'alnut double dreuer S25. J e>A't!!I eltCtriC' razor, lik;a ttcordtr $25. 9x12 ntg and Gt'OIW" llkt new r-:i. 616-4698. 353 E. 21st St. sx;, 75 lb. b bol $25. $3.~&a.ml 1. .ADI Hd&bta. &U-mO new $3.St. S-21st !*I Sl~ 513 Popp,, QIM. 54M172T c.M. 53fi..247l ·-·········· WANT AD • MPCH4NDISI POlt µLI 4ND Tll4DE MlltCH4NDlll POR SALi ANO TUOI "u rnlture Auction acr.tS Furniture Auction I015 " • PUBLIC ANTl9UE AUCTION INSPECT: FRI., DEC. 12th S4T., DEC. 11th 9 A.II. TO S P.li: 'TIL TIMI OI' SAU SAIURDAY, DEC. 13th 6:00 S11A11P on• noo nn1s TO • SOlD [fue's Anti!Jle ~ -~~ t.;f•rch•n .. i1• Moved To Tht1 Loc•fio1t For Sil• Co1tv1ni1nc1. P•rti1l l i1tin91: * EXQUISITE Fll4MID OIL P41NTINIH * Hi clom1.top wardrob•, d rawer in bottom • Drop fro nt d11 k, beaut cond e Glass door, drop front s•cr1tary • Whas1r cabln•t • Dr1111r1, 1om• w/mirror1 , marbl1 • Gl•t• front book c•s• • Show ca1•1 • Book 1h1l v1s e Li· brary t1bl• • Chairs, f•p1stry, velv•t • unique rocke rs • Cabinet w/gl11s front, · * PRIMITIYIS * IOO's of lt1ms Too Num1rou1 To li1t Clock1 •Wall clocks • Mantle cloc•s e Glass fru it jars, lnsul•ters • Battl•s e Dolls • J•wel· ry • Glasiwar1 • Chine pi1c11 • Floor & table la mps • Trunks • IOO 's of Goodi••· We6t-&6t I SCHOOL _OF_~u_cno1tEER1_!ilG,, Student Auction••rs will b• ••lling this 111•: Bob 01b1tf•, Bob Ford, Frank R•1d. Cr•dit avai!_ • M_ast1rchar9• • B•n•1m1ric•rd 405 W. 4TH. SANT A ANA __ ,.._.,..._ n. C..w (Jnl ... Sr iJ. 8022 4ntiques 1110 ANTIQUE \Valnut chest ot dra,vers, fruit & oakleat design $180. ~1505 MlllC14ANDlll POii ULl4NDTRADI MlltCH4NDlll ,Oil S4LI 4llO Tlt4DI MlltCH4NDlll POii ULI 4NO Tlt4DI S.......,, llKambe' U, 1969 RAH PO I 1125 loots & Y1chfl Pl•-.. °"'""' •1• 0111' ChrlJtmal l'NMllt To YH Th~ .. """ "" $50 -'"" ~ or Orlan. "-&om Cona, Knabe, Wwilt· ier, EVft't'tt, l'ischer A: Ca- ble N~laon. GOULD MUSIC :I005 N. Main, S.A. 517-{1611 ' CH!USTMAS idta • Ham· mond, Steinway, Yamaha. Ntw It UMd piano$ Of mo.t m&ka. Belt buys in So. Calif. at Schmiclt Music Co. t907 N. Main, Santa An&. Mitallan11w Dunnl119 ....,._lrY CLOSING IUSINIU EVERYTHING TO BE SOLOUI! AT REDUCED PRICES 2008 Nev.·pon Blvd., Cl.I ROCKHOUND Christmas Specials 6" Jtock l&W $11.95 , .. °""" -.UJtinc • pol. labirw writ fl'!.%) S lb tumblt:r $218 8 lb tuntl:lltr $29.60 12 lb tlllnbkr ~.sc»tt.30 Comp. tumble criP A po!ilh ktt.1 $1 val; 5 tor $5.15 Fr. m&terlil with Qch 11.W or cuttq: It poll~ unit Free Jo.ct Qf tumbllnt: m&te.z... ii.I with each tumbler CHAMP Sired Poodles. <I Financlna avail COi modllnery FREE TO :YOU mo'•· Shot" Pap" •-· 1 ~lft!!ll~~~!!!!!elBie dltoounts on com,plietc 1----------l ailver female. l blk ri\l.le. tine of lapiduy equip. MIXED Spanld terr, Good $75, Call -Sol0-1681. ---------WOLLENSACK IM1toptkWc U I don't haw it in .tock, btk/tan, 6 mos old, all WIIT. Poodle pupp i e s , .,. OPIN 1vaN1NOS ~r.2~W:b~ 11~vt1'_.~.2~ shots, 11p&Yfl!. h•brkn . robust, friendly. 3 Mo.. 'ND SUND'YS • ..,... .. mate,,.., alabr, tumbl-Needs y·~. lov•. •. ahota. $40. Will de 1. ~ "' \\ith jeweled MU" t ,ie\\"fl· 1-•--'·• ..... .., Untll Chrl1tma1 ed rart e&19 p, each 8 &old .... ma ... ~-..... tindi.np Ir aup. d i 1 c Ip line . No 11mall Christmu. 49f...f74& GOULD Music ,......,. plates $lO. 12 aob-lp&s children. _,,,,. 12/15 HOUSEBROKEN Chrlotmu ·m ama..11 now but I'm arow-. Pre ltta. blue 4 cryst&I., Box UW Ir the C'Oltee i.a al~ F R E E tU rood home sent .. AKC male Poodle 20'5 N. 1of&in, SA Christ11U1$ ''Gift Pack'''· Off er sprtnr a mattrtu, uphol• h9l Come in 41 talk lhop. w/feoced yard, small mixed pup. 6 mos. W i 11 hold 'til STEJNWEG. built 1819. !~?'ed .... h~,bowd & apread Open 1 days 9 am. 9 pm. breed tenier, 10 1bs. 1matt 25th.~ -.. ·~ ca..-.-..._ .. in· -· •·-·. & cute, 9 m01. old, lov""" CHRJmtAS Pu"", AKC S1v• hundr•ds of dol-Upriaht. Perteet cond. ,.;;;;;~;;;;;;"::;=:-== .... ""Y -..--~ •• ..,. 11•;111"' ~... ..., I I o d c Brau candle holders. ANTIQUE SHOP JU'ST MT-13)0. 11'921 Altamirano children. 846-3818 Dobermarui. Good Hom~. •rs r •r a oron•· Scrolled keyboard support. OP!:NED. Rare & m. Lane,H.B.tlblkSo.ofSla. FREE to qua!. home, foot Prime Consideration. do2l,25,30,orl4by Sacrifice '400, 67>04ST teresttnc Items. Good .elec. ter just east of. Edv.•ard) yard. Beaut. AKC brindle 642-8961. D•c1rn b1r 3 I, I'''· tion or l1l'l&ll old china a STONECRAFT fem. boxer. Spayed. Lo~a GERMAN Shepherd pups, •nd you'll r1c1iv • • l20J Televlolon TR awtTDt A BOAT and -t Newport Chriltmu ,........ I Partin ot I -sat per bl' ; '"" boot. ""-· -R-..atlon tall - JOIN XMAS PARADE '~ F'ollo'# the bo9.ts 121i..W2.\ t DIH. Qitttt. Lp , 1 L'OCkplt Skippsr, kt A ;; ea. Jteeerva~ IB-6252 : ,, . , '200 ' •• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;,t. . MODEL SAU 11 .,, NOw te Jen. I 1t An Adult ftriY•f• Clu~ On• Mil._ from th• Oc••-. JN SMOG FREE casta Mesa Newport Hm .,1 .. '' ' I . ' al&u for ctuiatmu rivina:. n;-;;;,;;;:=o-:=,,--=-· I children. A house pet & gd. rea:., bred tor size. 9 Weeks . Chri1tm•s "G ift P•c•" Furn. picturn Ir dolls, 2025 DARK Walnut dinette tblto. a watchdoa. 846-3818 12/13 <>Id. Males onJy, $4 5. worth hundreds of .. ol· MUSf SELL. Packud-Btll w. Balboa (Upstain) Fri. • chain $60; Jae. maple 100% POODLE 1IO papen 642-8572 l1n in option•I •quip· l'~ady to mave in ~I ~b i;(~tl:~ w= _s.,_t_. _Suo~l=-... ==~~~ :"!;1~!" t~ .. $50. ~~ black malr, frl~ndly & used AKC Af&ban Pupa. Male & mint:' . , , I Mediterranean Clbintt. Like * AUCnON * wfl{etrloom ~~ aJ.J' 1' a to children, netda attention Female. $200 &: up . Will CORONADO 23-$UO Take Harbor mvd. to 00 St. • : new. caD after 5 PM. If you will.nor buy $70. l Bar stools, ~me~ 8U-SIS8 l2n4 hold 'LO Chrietmu. Only 4 CORONADO 30--$100 Drive West to 1150 Wblttier 557-1915 live w1""'-a try black naur. $15 ea. 2 tee. MIXED Tenier, cha.mpqne, lett. Call Sf0..9589 COltO (714) '42-lJSI '"""" chests of draw-en .$25 ea 7 mos, female, Loves GIVE a BASSETI' for NADO 25--$400 , Lease Color TV or Black & \Vhlte. Option to buy. Frtt prvi~. No deposit A-Active TY' RA!ntal Co. Auctiana Friday 7:30 p.m. Cyclo Muaaae &: man; childnn. Free to a:ood CHRI S TMAS ! 6 \\•k, CORONADO 34-$700 IUY J• MIW ~ Windy's Auction Bern misc. Ewl')'thina new cond. home. 646-04.34 a.rt 4 p.m. purebred, $35. 675-1865, llLL Im Ulll • ! 2075~' Nev.opon, CM 64&.a686 4IT llat St., _N'pt. Beach; 2 OIRJSTMAS kittens, need 61J...9004 • Cooper ' : Behlnd Tony's Bid&. Mat'!. blka. from Lido Isle penna.nent home11, 4 wks , CHIHUAHUA Puppies For YACHTS . ~ GOOD uaed ll" U&htweitht Ray Fie.Ids Vat& Jewelers FOR Sale: Antiques, heavy blk, whitie. various colors & YQur Christmas Stocking:. TRAILER SALIS • -·bl• TV "" 135 __ __._ 807 l\'. 19th, Costa Mqa Jog chains, id 1:arb. a1es. 548--0813 12/lS AKC. Hold 'hi Christmu. ROYALE "Buy from• m•n :: (1) 522-ll.5.1 MoTEL 3026 W. c=i WOULD YOU BELIEVE dl•pooal. Som• ol• thing•. PUPPIES, .Lab/Gor. Shep. 547.J874 who 11 ... In one!" , i Hiway NB Fruit jars w/1la111 lids & ready in t ime for BEAGLE, AI<C. female. 1 \VE SERVICE : GARAGE SALE: Ne \V "'alnut dinette get, s· gold quilted sofa, chrs, lamp11. chests, treasure trash. 1508 Cornv.•all Ln (WestcliU) N.B 21 .. RCA Color TV. Xln'I Value, from $1449 1°MalUJ"t wire clamps. Silver Christmas, cute & cuddly. year, all shots: trained. Ex-2912 W. CMlt Hlway \\/HAT WE SELL! Sewin" Michlnes 1120 Ch -creamer k surar. Old teas-~1392 12n6 cellent pedtfree $25. 324 So. Harbor, Sant& AN: , • -----Cond. n95. 309 Ed&ewater, ell Dl'awinl" I t n per poons • eevual ather 962-8745 Newport.... 1 Blek So. at Bolsa 531-1• ~ FURNITIJRE . &: Garage Sale. Sat 1·5, Sun all day. 430~t Heliotrope, Cd M. 673-6874 TOOLS, good clothing, furn, Rhees. dishes & misc. Sat & Sun. 135 Flower St., Cl\1 N.B. Call 5f5-Sl65 draw. · Old -•· CHRISTMAS Kittens. 6 wks • ._ t : smGER Automatic zir us, pieces. m ... e-up bx, ST Be---' l --• W'4Y HARBOit 1 RING-La.dies European cut eil~c. 1'8.ZOl'. Othier odds & aid, trained, ~1392 after 4 · ••wuu, e ..... e, 8 mo. 645°0110 ~ t 6 mos aid. No attach needed Hl·Ff & Stereo 1210 diamond IOli'"-'-. pla.,-·-e....is. 841 ~,..... pm 12/16 Obedient trained, raiafd by Mobll1 Heme..... I ' to do desiins. monograms, ----\&Ill: •111Wl1 '"" -._.-5 hildren $200 M 5p1 ~~~~ Cua Loma RoU A blindhemsetc.;·autobobbln AMPEX St e r eo Tape mounttnc with •ix smaller REALNice6chr Jra:dinette FURRY CHRISTMAS ~189 ' ' n .. a·~~..,._.~ SMratonManor .Hon."":. 1 t winder. S Year guar. Ri!"col'dtr. AM I TM, teak diamonds, appra.IMd SUM. set.-Padded seats, swivel BALLS, 2-T-mos. old. COMPLETE CU1tom SABOT Kit. ~•Hae-S&bar& ; l Assume pymts of $5.27 or coNtOle $42S. 548--1302 ::~ S9M by appointment hl.Hs. Blonde w/blu ll'ff" 83&-4493 or 897--MBO ll/13 ~;~C PUS75PPI1~s <>r build )'Out own from OW" ALL SIZES ; I $42.00 ca!h. 526-6616 .....,, trim. Cost $250. Sell for $75. TWIN Tabbys, 12 wks, male u C 11 £,7S.Tl~4 • tibersia111 .huU in ttm. for NOW ON DISPLAY 1 TtiP! ltecordera 1220 * * * * Like Na student'• duk, $20. I: female. Kids, dOg & a • · Chri~tmas. SABOT rtpaln.. 1425 Bakl!r St., Costa MIA , ; Appll1ncn 1100 I Mu1ic•I Inst. 1125 -Silver antiques .I: cut al&111. '65 Deluxe TV stereo eom_. houwbroken. Sfis...4873 12/15 YORKSHJRE TERRIERS ~~e. Sabot hardware -~block Eut of. HutJor Blvd. -• SONY 255 4 track stereo tape Ta pet try, lhawl, c hi n a . bo. Cost SUOO. Sell tor $100, Male. AKC. $125 & up. can ntw Sabot parta: mast, Costa Mta (TI4) 541).NTO 1 , NE\V 2 dr. GE refrig., from 120 BASS Accordion. Good recorder, like new, .eldom Portable TV, $45. Nor:ltake nffds wrk. Othen: items AFFEc:rtONATE 6 mo~ths 523--0238 evenings. . booms, lee boards, rudden Rare opportunity, ~IOBILE • model home ••••...•. , $178 Cone!. Has connection tor used, cost $1TS. sac $95. * .. Eat.Hm" china lf!t for 12. trom 50c. ~Sat&: Sun. 411 old. kitten, female, tiier BOSTON Bull T('rrier 8 & tillers. Finished u wrll LIVING on the BEA.al. • • 2 dr. Refrigerator, frost.free, Amp. $2431 or Sl"e. & make 833-2116 4542 GoJdencJow, University LyMwood Dr., CM. 6U-0762 striped. Adults. 548-0452 weelu, AKC. Champion i1ne. as u n l In I ah ed. Open Limited apact$, in new ad. bottom freezer ••.•.••• $168 after. 842-8784 aft 6 &! Park. 9 to .f. POOL BEA.UTIF1!U.Y marked $100. 54s-1415 weekdays 5:30-8:30. \Veek· di tion to Driftwood ttelrigerators .... from S 38 'vknds. C1mert1 & l•ufp. aG0 TW I\ Calico kitten, female, 7 enda 10-6 PM • ., IN B tet w/l cheatt:, S moo. all •hots. k.tn -~ BEAUTIFUL Alaakan Husky a= w. l!lh s~·i, CM Cub • MOIHll on dilplay Console Color TV, contemp ELECTRIC auitar amplifier, Yuhi 8 · .nv-v"'" '" u-.:.: n-462 p cab., new picture tube. $248 Silvertone, twin 12, piagy Yi!~CAioo! ~. ~:~ -::'u~1t. G~~~ ~~=f~~ TAJ LES AUST, Shep/Ena. Sprinc. i;: ~~~:·• Sleia:h. 642-9151, 6f6..6219 ~7513 ac Hw,, H.B. : \Vhirlpoolautowasher •• $50 back tremalo &-reverb. b. cl 2.-24" I 20'' Span mix pup ·e 6 ks • • LIKE SAILING? GE Washer/Dryer .... $100 Good cond, SlOO. ~1Ta3 ~!" .. '!,!',;power btttery. $50. ~ ' • • ,..__......:..._, -...,_, .,_ mos 'all ahota ~ t~n.i AKC SA: P Min. SChrla~n DISLIKE THESE? P;;!!'.!oUTH, 10' z-· 45'. DUNLAP'S ' VW"090J u~UWI ~ .... .,..,., up, • • Ready tor Christmas! Days e p ts h' h '·t _. ....-.n. Nice Park. swim : NE\V Style Si Iv er tone ESTATE Sale • Mink !tole, CHUCK'S ONE auines pia & c •• Ona 84219ll eves fi.t&.-0121 ~e.n ' 11 !l1 ett .. ., pool. Nearly new carpet .... 1815 Newport Blvd:, C.M. amplifier, perfect cond. 123 Sportln9 Goed1 1500 coat . $1200, aell 8 500. 2750 Harbor at Adams, CM parakeet I: cqe. Adul ts call -• dfprf,c1a~n. s l i P rental, $2600. Rollint Homes JJ1I • 548-7781 \V. peak power. $200 . Nieora ~. C'OSf: only. 549-3139 12/l5 BASSETT PUPS, A.KC cleaninc, 1naurance, etc. Nev.'P(lrt Blvd. Sp~ ... ':' *COLOR TY SALE* 644-4086 2 NEW pool ta.bles, rerula· $275, sell >,~ pr. Both like POOL TABLF..S l BLK I •1 • __ ,..,_,. 84T-8:20l eves & \•1knd11 PREFER TflESE? 646-6687 " AMF a.,~.. b n Secud Poot ma e • lCJll ......... ico • Low east no WORK I: -;;;;n;;-;;:::-;:-;:=-=-t 12 STRING Fender Villattr · uon • """....... a 1• new. 5"-2381 BRUNSWICK-AMF lritty, 370 La Perle Ln., C.M. AKC Dachshund Pups CAREFREE' SAILING• MOBILE Home f'ar Sale • 1970, 23" Color TV, ha.nd· some walnut cabinet, while they la.&t $299. Perfect tor Christmas, Finl payment March 1970 at Henderson's 18-n Harbor Blvd., C.M. 548.78Q8 Accoustical guitar w/hard rack, rules book, chalk. SH 0 ,....,,..,., 6f4>..2l1'9 12 * 842-53'27 * . ...,. "'I • shell case. S115. 613.-ll06 to believe. $250 ea, 2 for n.1._i:,1,,TAL Rup: Antique CU.tom Slate Table /13 CU 25 little u $14, % day 1~. ~Iabtly ~·lib new,. J ' "'50 Xlnt Chrl•tmU ~-r-Klrmin, 9ltl2; Otinete. 9xl2 From $289 YOUNG Fema1e Chihuahua, AFGHAN HOUNDS . T"'-'. Our Club Plan "xtO • Forced air heat. aii GUITAR~ solid ttd . body, ~ily. Call 64fh3802 •'"'' ...... .l lxlO. Al»0 Fur R.up. • 100?0 Financins lo aood adult home anly. AKC, OFA Cert. Quality. NEWPORT SAILING CLUB eond. Adult Pvk. Nwpt. steel re1nf. neck: 2 pickups. Beautiful Bar1aln1! ! * SECAJtD POOLS* 646-4225 .12/13 S10W I: oomp&nion, 962-9989 e &TS-noo e ~~· A Beauty tor SD».,. Lth XI !' ... ,, """" MUST .ell new 12 I~ .... -10 ..... -~ ,,_ ~-...au ..u ,._.. r.c:ase. n.~ pump~ T'll"Gl'ffk -Or'a.»"'\Jlli" l23SM ·St""'°'6 CUTE manx kitten&. 3CHR.ISTMAS P oodJe.CAL20 No.28&,withallp ._.......,,.. COMPLETE Black. Pearl urfboard Filruns t.a kl MEMORABLE Gitt! Hand · am 0rance months old. Good Chriatmu Miniature, male, AKC, '50. c1ua race par, Outboard'. ,,;;83;-;NEW;;;;;;;;M:;oon=.°""10x'5""'""''.-:::'.'f : Orum itet.·18" cymbi.l A 14" :97R 1872 ' c e, knotted a· reunct rur. orti EXQUISITE Sapphire A dla· gifts. 548-4740 12·13 4 \Vf!eks old. 968-2362 De~te! Otter! Bkr, )>Ando liv. nn, I4'xU'. ~ NU Di11poser Installed under high hat. $140. 548-~U> DIVING GEAR: Scuba tank deEan. Gold, avocado, COi'-mond ring. Yellow a:old BOXER &: Beagle Com· GREAT PYRENEES, A.KC. Daya 673-2050; Eye a, Sttffned rm 8'x24', New ... $45 exchange, Water ELECTRIC Baa ~u1tar, $20 12• $35. Sina:le hole Orea al. Moth pmof wool, A 1hank, ~hUa:old setting blnationpuppies.Jma'a old. Loveable little polar bear. 613-4030 crpt. Man,y .Xtras. Clean.~ .heaters. under $100. ,vorth af nu strinp. $90. _,1• ......, &C-547l Bqain! MS.2564 wn aa~phUTs, approx % K Good w/children. 544-8369. Guar. 842-1225. * t LIDO 1411 * * $4000 Cub. Call fJ3&-0697 642-2755, 64.2-0420. Call 673-7460 aft 5 .l wknd11:. re ...... tor _,, HOTPOINT buUUn stove top ea. 4 diam •. 07 ea,. 6 diam itx90 MOBILE Rome lllll •; FRIGIDAIRE refrig, apt ========= Scuba aear $50. $35. Hood over stove $20 .Ol ea. Appraised af $815. FREE to good ti:o~e, 13 mo HorlN Ila() C rlitm•• Special model. Located tn • adalt siz~. frost-proof, avocado, Pl1nos & Org1n1 1120 New condition Double bed, cbnt A nilhf WW sell at Sa crifice. old female m1n1. poodle. tor IMMEDIATE DELIVERY park. Call SO.Xl!M until I ' 61" tall 24" deep. 30" wide. 49!}...2328 <>r 49&-5219 stand, Drexel Touraine, xlnt 673-5784 Indoor dog. 968-3025 ~EN11.E dependable matt, SCH~ BOATS 673-2re0 pm; aft 5 pm,~ 646-2863 PRE-HOLIDAY SALE SURFBOARD 7'2", v..iv. ... oond. _,. LOCAL Man .. .,.,, Santa'• ADORAB~E Bl ack id•al 1't hon•. Xlnt on 17 ODAY Daya&U.r LUXUl\IOUS 35, bl! " a:ood conditicm $45. BOY Scout Sale of desert Help! t would like to buy or P I Per• 1 an k It ten a . tra1!1. $200 w /a add I e. Demo $1500 Used $ll95 home with ,.= 0 U: -AUTOMATIC Washer. Near new. A-1 condition $-15. 646-5848. 7691,i \V. 20th. APT size refrigerator, S50. Jewel gas apt size a;tove, $35. Good condition. 642-2132 PHILCO Refrigerator. Like New. Apt size. Coppertone. ;;Al. Call 675;. 7563. RCA Whirlpool portable dishwasher. Perfect cond. $:». 642-3859 FR 0 ST-FREE Frigidaire $95. Complete double bed & cheat, s1:;. Call 613-6736 SMAL.L Freezer Chest Older Cl'OllS-tOJ'I refrig. Both Good Cond. 53&-4654. GAFFERS & Sat ller ge.s w&ll oven & bi'ollt'r , stainless ste~l s:;o. 673-6624 AUTOMATIC dishwasher, white, f'rigidaire, under cOunter model $50. fi'13..G624 PIANOS & ORGANS M&-2075 plants a: millUetoe, Sat-sun. set free an old 30 to 45 Ft. 673-1321 12/16 675-2804 14' O'DAY, used $495 Park, N~ Beach .' H 11 9AM-5PM' ., .7•• 1716 bOtt that floats, to fix up as NICE largo plants f 0 r HORSE atablea tor rent, 1 .. fun Zone Boat Co. Balti. o~ .... or ••• M-,, Some of the most popular SURFBOARI?S: aw a 4.x-.>e ,__. ...........,__, niodels including: Hammond Styliat, 6'3" $50 Yater, 10' Madqucar St., it e' a a live aboard for myself, landRe&ping, you d i I . attna $35 mo. 1616 Orchard. tJDO 14 w:lth trailer, blue, I-========= X77 H·lOO E-100 B-3, T-200 $20. 548---4421' Verde, c .M. 54M910 ~~ ~ ~ick Kunze, 531-7093 12-16 S.A. H1ta. 549--0068. xlnt cond. $800. llcyclft 9225 ; , etc.' FREE 3 DAY LAS CLOSE-OUT! Pre-tinlsbed t. WEIMARANER, 1 )T, old, to TRANSPOkrATION &e.7573 }. VEGAS HOLIDAY with pur-llnocul1r1, ScopM 1550 Kitchen a Ba.throom cabi-BEAUTIFUL hand painted good home. 642-6068 12-16 SCHOCK Fibera;lus Sa.bot ~-l~t 8:'.~ ,'.~ chase!!! nets Hardin E ~ oU portrait t.lf _you or your Gu J N EA p JG s loett & YKhfl ~ Comp. Xln't cond. Incl car WUWl'll Trade·ins accepted &: tenns. M .I c R 0 SC 0 p ES: Zelu, 115 W ,-.. St ~ 14:2-280 children tram a photograph. ''"" ~~"" un6 rack $325.. ~ 673-<mO or exttcile. Special alloy . J binocula .f lenses $350. • -"' ·• • A wonderful idea for that ....._,,.,, MANUl'ACI'URER'S ' · springs. Fast & li&ht. ·c.o. t . HAMMOND Arntt. Optical binocular 3 "" 10 lpd !lo)rl: Schwinn special Christmu s l t t, FREE -Trailer frame on CL.EARANCE KITE 302 w/Ba.lboa Island new $130. A nu bike tor a i ; in CORONA DEL 11-tAR Jenaea $250. Both with cue. Xln't cond. US. 2 bench fM..3629 wheels ~T29T Two 8%' Dinghys S12S ea.. shore moorinz. $1000. Call -ul!ed prtce. 968-2957 before ll '. • 2854 E. Coast Hwy 673-8930 Call p t •~ _,, all for 110 ' . "-''-12' MINISPORTS "AM 675--2916 & wkc-.,,-. ..__2350 -~ ... · , ' e e ·~ H car, ea. JIM BEAM Collector Bottles, UNUSUALLY pretty kitten. "" ~ . •llUI .-wM:i Open EveR & Sun. attmioon 675--2415 vM aelection Elks ~no Free to You. ~1663 12-13 $550. CH1USJ"MAS Sail: Kite No. !lft 6. Ask for Job • : Mlacelf1neeus l600 NEVER Uaed hlt I !her e ~ ' ' One new 22' SUPERSPORT 58 in rood condition "'ilh Williams. . w e ea ·A etc. $19.95. Gene.·al LI· COUCH &: Club Chair, u Is. Deep v Sport Flaherman w/ hAnd trailer $600. 67s-307T Several French --- 5 Pool tables '"'x9. ProU. ~nd Encyclopedia Brlt&n· quor Store. 2200 Ha.rbor 642--0368 12/15 140 hp Mercruiser s4300 ~ "'......,.. 1 IF )'OU ate buyinr a Piano i ize, Compl fqllip. $350 n1ca w/booll:cue $225. Blvd , CM. 5f8-388l bb' •-· O ··• '2' SUPERSO.RT OLYMPIC Fin No. 141. 3 .et11 bicyclea, 10 speed, all '673-CST natural 1WO Dutch ra i!s, """'· ne U1m.1 ot salla, 1new11et. Trailer Ir. Access .. uaed only 5 wk&, ar Organ thiR Chriatmaa &: each. Holiday Center, Baker NEW, nevt:r worn, 962--0142 12/16 w/ 200 hp Intereeptor $3100. licen~ 6~7251 m each. n4: 5f0.3814 , , art' interested ln some re.ti-I: Harbor. 540--0190 E. J. Foldina whffl chair tounnaline mink atrolltt o-n--~· SUPERSPORT"---·===~----=,,,..===-:-or--.,,,.-1 ly great deal~ pleue shop TELEVISION S50, hutch~. $5ll, Black Wincbor Rocker coat from Robinsons. Cost PETS Ind LIVESTOCK ;;:_ u;"r: ~ Jone-shaft out.'' . DJNGHY 6' . BOY'S Stirwray bike, Uke , \\1ARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO clothes le miacellaneous $1 $30, pert~ c ond i tion. $1.S95, lll!'ll $975. Aft 6 P~f. Pett Generil llOO boe.rds: $2900. f 1b,rglus, sail equipped. ntw.Paid$105.Sell1or$15. ·:: 1819 Newport, C.M .. 642-8484 to $3. 2287 Elden, Coate 962o-6'124 &K-OST8. ' FIBERGLASS $65. Call 832.0396 Call '42-1472 .··: Open Every Nite Mesa SCHWINN unicycle. GE FOR SALE WOT'5 NU! FABRICATORS INC. LIDO 14, like new full rncine SCHWINN CONTINENTAL k SUnday Afternoon TYPEWRITER _ SMI'I11 portable 4 . spd record Collectors ttem Orl1tnal Santa Oaus Special11 Af 2117 So. Lyon, Santa Ana aear & highway trailer. 10 apeed. Like new .. . ~ C01lONA. New Condition. player. Both perfect cond. "MICKEY MOUSE" ~tch 'TIS TROPICAL FISH , stS-0;63 '$1495. 144-1370 642--1763 Must Sell $60 Call ... 644-131M _ perfect running cond1Uon 9080 Edin&n' (at Mainolial 136, BOAT ~· KENMORE Auto """''·I '"'~'i!!'!!~\!'!~!'!'l!I!!!!!! -9300. • . l'LANTS-34' tall n -us. -!150 137-<239. F.V. .. * ,....,,. .Full,. .. ut .... to carry '1 SP!!~ Sk!_lo•ll 9030 Mini Ilk" 9171 " "'"54._. \ •• ,~~; S:,Jri~les. $40. T~~~U~A~~CiS! s YRD Dump Truck. Ens. Camelliu, ftlicdodlndtvni, NEW POOL TABLES Get a WET .PET tor on world wide crui!le!I, All '69 BELLBOY l T' HT. Leu 3 H.P. Mini bike. Llke new. · ·; -· Larae :telection or pn!~wrJed lathe. Dff!lel marine enc. A Azaleu. All in redwood tuba: Chrlatmu. Rand• TJ;>Plcal pWI", nav " &alley equip. than 20 hn. 1XI mercruieer $125. <Id H.O. train Mt. Ex· . NORGE Auto wuh~r. cop-tools, turn., I: clolhin&:. 548-7'6J Slate or coml)Olltion. Factory Fish, _5901 Westminster, Twin dlell!'b. Entire ship inbrd. Colt $4950, Mll for cell. t'Olld. f10, 5'CM095. 30a ··. pmone, 2 yrs old. like new Ol"PJll. SpecUll di$COUftt on 642-4610 S mm Pi'O;tttor p), Editor ~W.·1~1~~ ~~ Weatminstft' 197..0111 just o'hauled & painted. $3750. 2692 Baylhott Dr, Java ltoad. Mna Verde · · $75. 54fr8672 ar MT-8115 ne;Rm~els.. FREE COUCH $15i, stove $25. record vieWtt $1~. Tripod $4. 6r•1t Chri1tma1 Gift Suitable for oceanology, NB. 642-4062 HONDA 50 Mini i1t1 :~ REFRIGERATOR. "F'amil:ii Cassette pl8.)'er w/purchue player $20, vacuum $25. 2#1 Kroehler hide a bed $23. Carpet layer hu Hi Lo Nandag Condor. $35 'vith achoola or conv .. to yacht. '69 CATHEDRAL hull w/Spuic Arnlttt lie nu aize, good condition $60. 2114 of any Organ. Eldtn, Colta Meaa Ml--ISl5 nylons $1.99 .{.d. ~ c&I'· 540--009'1 M~sr SELL IM?t1EDJATE-dtna:hy, immaculate $200. WondeTt\IJ Cbriahn.s sift: ... c.ontinental. C.M. CO'ST MUSIC ~·" W ._...........__ EMEASON Auto ... Stereo Lo from 3.GO up my•••A r, ._. __ ..___ ___ .. ..... LY. $$,OXI <>r best otter. Call·-·~ lta:> 9ISM215 • .i "" CUW..uu• abtr OUl••n•&· ' 90c per yard. MT·~ ~w.A,,.. "'"' ..... Mr. H~rth, 16350 Wood· ~;i • • , •l!O NEWPORT le HARBOR LUetime ianllmib!d volumta. Boy wall OJ' COl'llOlt model, _. .. UTIFIJL v c-'"-'--·Ut $2 to J6 IOI!, ·Poway, Cal. n 4: • 2 M'INl·BlKEI: 5)oc 2 lb'dll " 4ntlquos Costa ,..,. * 942.zw l!m-. 848-7415, txt 33 -~ lllce nu, 1$1. -19'1 u.d ma-... -~;.,.: Call ~ m«60 °' ,.,.,.,,, ~,,. !1'!1£: 9035 3 IP-<:>cl.,.. A' HP BA 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~s~;1Daysl0-9 Sat IN sunl2.C I' pool table. Wblte w/eold SlJRl'BOAJU>l'OltOaatom, Ultd'. nas, worth PIO. Cm tnoSELL Or tnde 4 eharacttr $ATL SALZ • Oriatmu .~•::nt:· .. $4U!18=,.--,.-=-..t ANTIQUE CLOCK Pl4NO 54LEI t.lt. Brond """· PllO cub. ::=-~~ IG4636 ..... boa~ orif: 22' inbrd launch Special, Now, '-· MINl·-;&OOd amdllloo WE ARE Call &42-3231 CARPET ll'lltaller hu onrt S!:ALPOINT SiameH kl.t· trom Goodwill, Huxley unclaimed:' Mains. j i bs, l*J. , 20 Antique clocks incl., 4 Grandfather clocks. CUckoo clocks old School ctock.~ & Europ(.an wall clocks. Oth .. r miac AnHques. No Junk. Sale F'ri k Sit; Ott."' 12 & 1.1. ;ti 226 Thr. Grand ("'\n1tl, L11tJc Balbol1 Island . OVERSTOCKEOf POOL Table; Sean ""84", LOUIS Roth A Hut Schaf. roll avocrido nykm carpet, terwi. Wlll hol d tiJ built.. sblp to 11hore & trlr. aenou, spinnaken,·u it or 646-15.35 •• 1 Must make room for new cues &: rack. clean $85. Iner Marx IUltl Ne• '2 • doubie jute-baclced. wm MD Chrlttmas. sz. 6'J3...-T51'1 Write Ret'Jection Lake will alter to tuit. 3 l>e.ys on-3 HP Mini Bib w/tmu.. shipments an-ivinc daily. 548-7302 44rqul&r.C&D968-t429 an or put S3/yard. Sta0-7243 2 BEAUTJf'UL male ftecreation Tn.ilt r Park. l)': ~. U.13.14. $60. Good cond. Pateet ~ PrictR slashed on ......... • For Sale Fittwood. SAC'fUFICE! L&d}H srey SKIERS. -HUrlten! 1\tnt fTl1 Himalayan Seatpoint kit· 3615L Cottonwood, R R l HANNA SAILMAKElt.c; Christmu lift, 54foMS5 Spinets. Consolts, Grands On.nee l:c Eucalyptus mink stole, &ood cond. $UO. mobile home tn Mammoth. t~. g mo.. old. -494--2316 Hemet, Cal. 161 W. 18th, CM MW-.. 5ffp Bob Kat Mini Bib, u.t - Christma!ll deliwry guar. 838-6&70 Other misc items. 54..Wrn Fully turn. h"p]c. c. Neill "'--CORP. Executive buylna 169 CHRYSLER 71,i hp out-•PP'f'OX 50 hr. a:.t m. 9111 T· COAST MUSIC ITALIAN ID Rpd men's rac· GOltCEOUS silver tnlnk 1ull S31-337• =.!!!'. 1125 deluxe cabin crui.er. J0..35 board encint, irrunaculate for $130. SC-2110 aft S PM ' Cm;ost'a""?,,R,.T &;* H~~2~ in~ bike. Electric hospital lenath c:uatom made eo.t a 2 BEDROOM teU. couch A CHlUSTMAS f'u-"--'1'1-· fl. Free Ul&fe in exeha~ .$250. Call IW6-656'9 MINI-Bike Taco 100. 5 ·• :·1 •· _."'°"· l" tot cond fM...4587 Pl Yt"--.... y for priv. slip .I: upkeep, Cex· .• ~ u..i lw lban 5 bn a.a 2 ELEGANT Louis XVt Dieys 10.9 Sat 10-6 Sun 12-6 bed. 64&-4319 ,,._..., new • Glblon rdrll. 226 Knox ·• toy poodl~•. \Vhlte-<ham· cluilve ol rel)U'I). Bolt Sllp _,.. 90U chairs. authentic in design VER\' rare player piano, }'LOAT avail. 14'x~8', ptrf. OLD oak latl.')'tt'I boOkcue,_ Apt 8, C.M. wkda1I aft I pqne. I wla. Rfgistered. Mr. Dulcek>w m-'1tl't _ _ 8239, ac $151. liM JNS &: detllil, S500 t:a: gold leaf baby crand, with Ampico cond. See at 222 Lido Nord, 5 lbtlws $125. pm WW ~ untlJ Otr!stmu. BALBOA Slip. 40' •t. With - lamp$100.%Bed.hdboard, expre.saion. Hear N.B.Malc!ottft'.494-6115 ** CM437• ** KUGi..immln&;ocli5t'l'IOI 13).0lljaftMon.A.M. BRAND New 44 ' sbowtr a, MU A·PlrMna Mlt!'!fd--, box RPl'P· It: inatt .. & Raehmanlnott play his EJtMtNE stole, 1tiHmalL fRANCl lCIAM di.lbff. ok11ndflttw,...,Wder. 8LACX M1matnn: poodlt, ~=:OS:.Tto 2.~ t91/15/T0.$9(1.ll'lf).0R.J.79!50 1a ICAWAIAXJ .. '! apread, $1~1dLaloalr.. c~~· muRie hie Wl3· Ask quiea.-p:!O. cuh. call Stftwo, UD mw. ~ 9'tmnwr •Hit jldalt. ~ Axt. I monOW.. 1ood ~ aft g, t4MT'1 aft tiiiAT aviJJ, 14W', ,,.n" "~' lfntl '"! l ,g..,. & •-_, fonsl 4S4-Q81 64Ull7 TV 6 -ta.IJ. -181..-.. $lllO.111---ma1L -II>. 6. ' con4. S.. al 22:1 Lido N<n. dirt· -all -; ( 67J.-0145. Stt tw:twttn 1.S. 9111-7* aft1r 4 l!IU Bollni< ooone, C<IM 01\GAN, .Uyw -w/cords ,fNtwPOi\t BUCH TEN· APAiffilfNT Sitt GAS * * * * • SACl\IJ'ICE :io· 1181 Q1rU N.B. --· -1$ :lllOCX! YAMAHA -. '1 ANTIQUES· Reu..d couple & pedab. !!AJ'dly ualld. Coot NJS M!MBEJUllD'. Malle STOVE, Aimoe1 new, I Gu FAMILY Mem-ltlp 0 1 h 'nlY poodla -.UCC, I Ca"'11tt no 'hp ndlo FOR nnL Pitt ..... t>r 14' lllce '"'· Coll -I PM '. ntovtna info small apt rnuat $39.'i, .. u tor nso. 541-4~ 0011'. Call !Mt-.1.333 . lots. ean I0..2lfTI ·trnnl OIUt Ooal'llr)" -tu wke old. S50 uch. tatbl). 1~ded .,,tx1r.,, ~ Lido or equivalent. Call wttlltftdt. UT--. . I~: lllJujdllle: f'ri, Sat, Sun. BALDWIN Aaoeonk: pial'IO. I' POOL tablt. BrufllWkk c;o..Kart. nttda Uttle work tor ale. Pvt. pty, ffJ.~ 6415-71'.QT quick u.Je '15500. By owner. ~4 brt'f llt:30 a.m ./'ii Y AMAJllA iii (t -.,- from 2 PM to 3 P11f. 18285 $600 1U«! new. i1onttt'f'7 Modtl S 2 0 0 ; $50, ENfiO.On:DIA Amttiea11& Chrtatmt1 Puppies 142.-121'7 TRAil..M.AS'IQ. ar 11t1mtt.. ·t., Yellow \Vood Way. 646-U21 84242941.fternoonortve. SlS.(1282 'lle.dldon.,S115.Dinenitttt Chil'Nlltuutwbold.AKC MOsr beauUtul Tri-Cab lolt.Y1cht BEST Orrtll * fff-111'2 :~ University Pork EVEru."TT Spinet piano A: PIC'IURE Wltl! bltdc•llaht. POOL Tablt: 3'x5', LUce MW. w/I ehrs, PO.. ltM2J6 fttl, 5+W746 livabrd in bay, <0' T/S, Chlrterl 9019 'ts H0Ni5A at9 iftiliiliir. )' BACK DOOR btnch. Nearly new. C1Mlrry. 22" x 30'' Replacable tct:ne AIJ fl<lCt.POries included, DREXEL 5 PC! bdr 11t. '85. PUT This pu• tn ""11' Xmu F/B. top condition. <Br) CHARTER beaut O' dirt •Of'Odret. ~ ~ ; I IMPORTS ''"Prov. 1415, 87$-!lOI il). 64:1-1713 13" ,,..tOC Oid'• Sdlwlno Stine Ray, ltOcklnt! 7-wlt msle blacl< On1Y 123,000 494-m& Schooner, Npt Xmas •lnilllt pipe PIO. MWll1 :' j Art . Anti-. cm.· LESl'ER Grand Plano. Xlnt, LIONEL ll'tltlll ,,.. .. Olt .. DEWALD fut oil llW, 1115. 125-I l.unpo. -poodle $IO. -1$' 5c:bock ti-l!owlns -· 12/U t1"ll 12(21. 11119 Bal-D,,... •OC: ···i ooen Mon-Tri e'-"n 'Ill S J'rl.I eona. J\f1hoe. wlbench. Best 4 x I' tab!« w1lh n\1"1 .ex· ltelax·k:ticr, xlnt. $!50 . '19'1WOOD 'nlE QUlOCEI\ YOU CAL4 Dory. $250. J..ow n.tn. ~ ~ atria«. Ulte nt•oOIQ '' , 18'6 Hirbor Blvd, Of W-~7' ofter ovir $M)I). 6+6-4141 tru $!1(1, GQ...3120 W--7011 &.l7.fik1 THE QUICKER YOU SE.LL * 6JS..Q22 * 4.tf-JJTl ~-~· 4E~ &1).1311 , J ,,_ ' • I ' !8 DA.TLV PILOT Sattuday, DteHl'lbfr 13, 1%~ 1'.!!'-"=-"':.:..c.----,._;-. l"tA"N"'S"'PORTA TION TRANSPORTATION r.RANSPORTA TION Tr1ll1r, Travel TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 9600 Imported Autos TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION VOLKSWAGEH Imported ~tJtos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 lmporftd Autos 9600 Imported Autn YSOO ___ ..:_ __ ...,...1--------1------~ 9425 Trucks --------Motorcycles Auto Strvlcts 9300 ::-------·---& P1rts 9400 '"' 19~• Aljo, fully ""' ...... CHEV y.g P ICKUP ALPINE DATSUN ronh1lnc(!, co.nopy, used on· 8 Ft F'lect111de w/Radio/J·ltr, ---------1---------1--------- MERCEDES BENZ PORSCHE 1--------1969 V\V Sqback, r&h, auto trans, Al\l/Fl\f radio, 9,000 nli. Sell for bluebook $2350. A~olutcly llkl" new. ~ at 202j ti lcyer Pl. C.l\l. Fri, Sui or ~un. &l6-3802 1D65 Jlond11 Scra1nbler, 35Ck:c. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii \\'"bco kk, llC\V top end. reblt trans, new til'cS, llC'\' bait., cw;tom seal~. Like ~w $450 cash. ;HS--0109 all ly 3 times. Sac $3(Xlll, • Loo.d lvt>lcl' shocks, New '61 ALPINE. Nu Head, n:Wt 830-ru:io Clutch, f'e<.'ent valve job, big carb. G<I tltta. Gd top. $550 '67 DATSUN PICKUP (), .1119•' Co u nty''> L.uqcst 5('1rcl1on N•·w & U~£>d f,\('rct"d•·~ Bt•n1 PORSCJ-tE'S -Every po.ssib!e l)'Jl", all enlol'5, ali years; 1958-1969. For the finest In used Poi-sche ·a, See: Truck.a 9500 slde mirrors, W/wall s, Call &1&-422& :,c.;.:;,::_ ____ _;c,;c 11.D. Rrar1vrap bumper, .;;=::=0:====1 BEACll Auto Supply !>:30 pin 1!168 Ymnaha 2;.()ce Enduro $525. Call Tont ,1·kdlll s MS-6100; eves & "'kends ~132 '67 DUCAT! 250cc. used rtf)' l!Ue, Hke rK"1v S3:i0. 545-22'J7 ' '57 HONDA .J)5 Scramhler. \.Vholesale Price~ lo All Complete f.lachine Shop SPEED EQUlPi\lENT REBUILT ENGINES '66 OODGE PIC"t<·UP, long !)..'(!, gCIOd cond. 1tk 5hilt &. cyl. $1000. :i-17·0033 '62 Chevy Pickup 1311; Call 646-6569 1965 RA.NCHERO, 289 en:. 4 spcl. SfiOO. Aft 4 pm, &12-8574 l 125 Victoria, Q I 5~-6550 18361 Beach 81\.d, HB 8~7-0991 * OPEN 7 DAYS * good condition. !\lust sell! '68 CHEVY SPORT VAN 108 $275. 548-2069 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run1 J)l'rfect. F. x t e n d e d J!l6S DE~f;RT Ready l{odaka 'j7 r.JERCUP,\' $j(), '-ll body $2350. 64Z-W74 100 cr. Great bike! $325. or J\IerC"llr')' Coupe SJ_J. 2 mags t>l>!<t offer. 64l--0266 for 'j7 l\1erc11ry Lincoln $30. '65 BSA 6!JO CC Lightni11;:. l q1111.d .t-manifold for 31:! cu Thrn1\-n J"Od. J\1ust M'll! in $10. '56 Dl'Soto HrnH & BEST OffER. !!-17--8480 1rans & shifter S.10. 64&-1913 THE SUN NEVER SETS on DAILY PILOT DI ~I E· A· LI NE~. You can use tht'm for just pennies a day. Dial 642·5678 Imported ~tJtos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported AUfoJ 9600 BRAND · NEW BUGS I 1970's ON DISPLAY & READY TO GO CHOICE OF COLORS AND MODELS AT -•• bed never ~. owner used -Ac:tual mileage 31,000, Xlnt for (O\\.'ing a boat! Sparkling ALFA RO ... EO running cond .• dlr, 01\'nl!d by Turf gref'n. "Only in little 'ole Grryhound bus im Slemons Imps: Wil rn£>r &. Main St. Laguna could )'00 hope to '6:i ALF,\ Rom('(! 1600 Vloche driver. "'ill finr. p1,·1. prty. find a low n1Ueage cared for Spy<lcr. Red v.•I blk int. UOM 89:>. CaU Phil .t94-9773, P. ku . 54S-003t . .,,,,,,,,,,, ~--•-nu 546-.il 14 LC p as this! ONLY Abs o I utely inlmaculate? '68 300 SEL, auto, . ' $10951 l\fARQUIS f.1TRS. 900 A?tl·Ff.t, 5 spd trans. Dual NEW! Fi\!, stereo tape, air; S. Coast 1-twy. Laguna \Veber carbs, dual overhead ,70 PICKUP 1ransistorized f gi n 11 ion. Beach, Ph; ~94-7503, cams, ne"" top & tonncau . Whit!!, black leather. Nake 5.10-3100 Asking Sl300 Ph. daYf \V/camper, 96 hp overhead offer. CAMPER TRUCK· &16-248\i & eve& 646-1588 cam, 4 spd, dlr, 6 ply tires, 67j..44Z',? or 675-«!60 1~1: ~:.!.~ ~~· equip., AUSTIN AMERICA ~ck~~atg~ls,pi1u1~~ a~:;e~~ll &1~h~i::::. ~: $2995 F'ull price $2099. Take sm~U 720 l!amllton. 646-lO!Mi aft :> AUSTIN AMERICA dn ... ~•do. c.u Phil,1..C~· ==~-----UNIVERSITY 494-9T13 or~. ·~ l\1ERCEDES 100 sedan. OLDSMOBILE Sales, Service, Parts Good cond. $500. or best or- 2Sii0 Harbol' Blvd. Immediate Delivery $ frr. 546-1987 r--1• M••a All l\1odt>ls · I ~.~-==;.~. =-==== ~a.00-10 IALl.f .DAlSUN (UV/Cl. , ____ MG ---- '&I CHEV lJ~ Ton Pickup. Radio, b£'a\cr, air rond. 1'Leadrt· in The Gearh Ci!ie5" MGB--'67 GT Coupe Side tanks, overheacl ZIMMERMAN Ruby red "'/blk. lealhe!' in- ~prings, canlprr e q pt, 2845 HARBOR BLVD.· l,r .. Ai'o1 lf''1\1, '''ire \\'heels, 548-8179 aft 4 p.n1. 3100 W. Coast H\vy:, N.B. S@.64JO orcrdrlvc, nc1v Radial ply ====='====d 642-9.w5 540-17641----------l tires. Lo rnilcs. Sec & clri\'e Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 I=· =A=•'="°='°'"'-'"'=<''-IG'="De="="'=I ORANGE COUNTY'S to bt'licvc. · ----NO. 1 · AUSTIN . HEALEY' DATSUN DEALER J1rtuµort 31111µorts BUG, Pa11c Green, f'IC\Y car gu11r. ll'anferable. under rooo mi. auto, stick, radio, on/oft lug. rack. Res. :1100 \V. Coast Jiwy.., N.B. 675-1898 Bus. 545·1992. 6t?·941Xi 540-176~ $1850. Autl>orized f.lG Dealer ··',=1°"·V\"v'"eo,,_,-,,~E~,-,,~1'"1,-,-, .,,-nd~.1 ltENAULT \'ukon yello1v, radio, custom tonncau, (."OCO ma 11 s , \l'ooden acc:ess. $14 O O, '67 Renault $79S 542-2072 Recently oi..-erhauled by our o.,~, ~V\=Y'", -,.-.~rt~. -s=1-,-,,.,-nkl~ I lll'n:il'e dept. Ab&olutely per-A~IFf.1, ne1v tires, comp. feet for econoniical n1otor-maint. recortl! $7 50. jn~. 673-3270 J1rtuµort . Jhnµorts 3100 \\'. Coast ll\V)'., N.S. 612-9-l{)j .)41}.J 76·1 Auttwrized AIG Dt"aler '63 VAN, co1np. nev.· re bit eng & trans. New Big v.i~ lift", xlnt t.-oncl, must sell SJ2:io. :>4S·!l823 J9CS V\V Can1pPr, re.lrig. :.lo1·e, dbl bed. con1p:ly i~ sulated, & pan'ltl. OFFER, 494-i~OO Go Cart, good condition. .i\lcCttlloch engine. $95 673-9352 DOT DATSUN ROLLS ROYCE 19 54 Rolls Royce '62 VW. GOOD COND. $600. .. 64&3191 1968 V\Y Bug. Lt blue, blk int. Xlnt cond, $1700. Call Phil, 6'14-2430 J11t11µort 31tnµorts '67 AUSTIN Healy. \Viif 0..ASSJC. ~ILVER DA\.\.N, wheels, overdrive, 27,000 ac· 18835 Beach Blvd. AUTOi\IATIC TRAN&.1JS. =~~=----- !' II •-Be 'GS V\V 18.i or best offer. tual nliles. Best offer over un ng...,n ach SION. CONCOURSE CONDI. Good rondition. $2200 Ph.,532-4443 8"12-'i'i'Sl or 540-tl442 3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B. TION. This beautiflll auto-548-61.30 1939 Gi\IC Bus Camper. Sips 1959 AUSTIN Healey iro, 6 '69. DATSUN lmxl 'llnvertlble 632-94C5 . &.14}.1764 n1obilr is being sacrificed 2 or more. Ice box, closels c~·l, engine reblt. new Like ne11-, lo1v mileage. Authorized ~G Dealer for quick saJe. '6.J CAi\t PER Van. f.IAKE & Btorii.ge spac<'. Engine C'lul ch. Good t-ond., $600 Or r.tust st>ll. Best o ffer. l\1G $6800 OFFER ... ~~~;LL! 111ns good. $150. 64G-.~ bci;t offer. 842-798l · 646-6.W Sale~. Servic..!, Paris 511-66('9 S.\IALL s· CamJ'l('r 11 ==='='==='=== '66 DATSUN "'I camper Im1ncd!ale Delivery, 1970 V\V Bug 4.000 miles, Cnbovrr. Bc>aut iful ,,.ood in-CORTINA ~ell, mint. ·55 Ch C' v y AU i\fodels 54 ROLLS ROYCE prh·a1e party. Best offer. Irr. Sleeps 3 adults. $275. ------~--husirtesfi coupe, mint, $250. SILV~:R 0 ,\\\':-1 5.16-7848 673-9993 '67 FORD :..18-7011 SUN ROOt' 1964 V\\'. l 01rncr. !\lust seU, J!W8 SCHOOi B CORTINA ·GT '67 DATSUN 1600 Rdster. Coneonrse cond\!ion. This n1ake oUrr. Convt:!rlfd t~ c~~;~;, ~:st Hard Top Cpe. \.'8, 4. speed Xln't Cond . .::1J95. Priv. Pty. beautiful flllfo "'ill be ~acri· tii:>--1328 sell. Try $500. 5.12..0074 tran~. Runs, super ni:,1v and Call 494-&149. rificcd for quick sale. '68 V\V Bus $229j I°""' g1·cal! Lit:!. VTY 527. l==========I JlOO \V. Coast Hwy· N.B. 541-6609 Excellent eondition f_ampers 9520 l TON Int. step van Camper 6U·9405 a..10:1764 =t~~O-c-'-"'---- Chev. V-8 engine. 51"\f ron-$1299· ENGLISH FORD RO LS '39, side niounts, rte1\· 53&-2683 CH IC K IVER So N -!>'='u;=neno=d=,B"=u=50gg=· i="'.,=8-004='=95=25 . Aulhoc;>ed MG Deol" p•;"', oow w•w """· $4950. ··"66~V°"IV,--><'7C'<I'",-· -,-ood-.,-cl°"•-on-1 _ Snazzy black '58 i\~GA Pr!v. p1·ly 846-JO.ll. 644--0507 condition. $1100 Call after 6, ORANGE COUNTY'S Runs good-$350. 675-43().j, VOLUME ENGLISH • "'""'"'' * SPRITE '68 Srevcns Dune Buggy FORD DEALER ·so MG . '68 VW Square Back. Xln't Harbor Areas Only Authorized VW, Porsche Dealer TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 445 EAST COAST HWY. at BAYSIDE DRIVE , NEWPORT BE.ACH & 1970 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 673-0900 HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS ' 549-3031 G-n m"IA' flak•, Co-•o;• SALES SERVICE _1 rondition. $1985 or offer. ..... ... .... '-~·· .... • VERY GOOD rondition' $350. • '60 .SPRITE. can 546-7457 engine & trans. v.·/custom 548-8139 Good rondition. top & interior. Indy tires. Cull Pves, 646-591!1 GREAT BUY! \Vith n·ai!er. S.16-1452 eves. ·~ i\IG TF. rebuilt eng, "irP. '65 V\\', good cond. $1000. 1vheelli, 'no clings SSOO. ~ -+ 962-l jJg * DUNE Buggy. Olt'\'air cng. • 2 & 4 Dr. GT Models J36-813'1 SUNBEAM & 1<£ar end. V\\I f!'Qn\ end, 5·!9-3031 D.:t. Ei6 or li7 • Station Wagons ~====· ==== '63 V\V Sq11areback, good custom frame. flo'early finish. 19i0 'HARBOR BLVD. l\Tany 11·ith fully automatic MGA J!IG:! Al.PINI~ Ho ads\ er, condition, o'hauled engine, ed S·l7j. 67~2834 C.'OSTA l\1ESA trans .. air, radial tires, ra. ___ rrn1o1·l·ablc hrd1op, "i re n(>lv clutch. $150. 673-1141 I-============================ ~=========-=========-I dio, 1·inyl roof, 11·s,v tireli. ,62 i\fGA. J.IARh'. 11 1600 \\·hJ~:. rlif'<· brake.<>. r&h. ·s:; V\V. Good condition Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 Recreat'n Vehicles 951 SRecreat'n Vehicles 9515Recrtat'n Vehicles 9515Recreat'n ¥•hlclff 9515 BRAND NEW .sro. 2 DR. Drafted mui:t sell!: Day:; ~i-2!00 rxt <119 !>!UST SEE! J\fAKE OFFER! 1970 DODGE . MOTOR HOMES , by TRAVCO ON DISPLAY 21 ft. & 27 Ft. MODELS 'Now. Special savings on our com- plete line of recreationa l vehicles-from WINTER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT campers and Family Wagons thro ugh the ultimate in cross-countrv living, Dodge Motor Hmnes. There'l l never be a better time to put yourself into one of the greatest vacation homes going. See us today, And save enough to get yourself way out of town tomorrow. GYPSY SUNDIAL OVU 60 IN STOCK! RED E KAMP LlnLE CHAMP SLIDE ON 1969 COREY $ 97 7 CRUISER Completely Self -Contained 4 V-1 t119;nt, 1ir c.0111H1;onin9, 1ulo. fr111sm\11io11, power 1lteri119, 1ltept 5, !"Ono'"1lic loiltl, rtfri9er1lo•, m•llV olh•r tllirOs. No. 201 216670. l td, fro11t fo• 2, .,..;tit rec.!i"in9 P•11en9•• 1t1I. Bed, re•r, fot 1. with t1bl1, 1e1h, 110•• e91 c.1b;1't h , form \c.1 top, drtwen. Gl1u, tint1d, wtnd1hi1ld I 111 wi{'tlow" He•ler, High e1p•c.ity. with defto1ltr. h11ul•l;on & 1ou1td~uoofi119. Redio, AM. Bulo"e ''"~ l ~ou9e. Rtfri9 er1tor, elec.tric. 11 or t 10 voh. s;nk_ b11;11.i1t •iei"leu •let l. Water le"~· vtn!ed dr1ift, 1p11roved plurnb;ng, 1irc.11ft.typ1, l''"""i11ion. tulornetic, J 1Pe!d .. H.O. woier' cooled. U11d , lew '";l119t. TRAVCO I COREY 75 Camper Conversions Ready for Immediate Delivery. GENE O'HAR "A'~ Ask About Our Lease Plan . SliS5 f'ULJ.. PRICE Good condition. 673-3:il2 e &!2-8399 e ORDER ~0\V TOYOTA Th~ -w~•• ROBINS FORD MGB ---ovochaulod IMdor. Gd fue• 2060 Harbor Blvd. '6.'! !\!CB, ('\'t'l';i'lhini; in !op Costa t-.1csa &l:!-0010 shaj)('. i\1u~l SN? 1o ap- ··--·-prcci11.tr. ::.46-llfi FERRARI OPEL FERRARI Newport lmf,ort1 Ltd. Or· '6'.l OPEL GT. Red. Black I ange County'• onb' author-Int. 4 spd. 9,0CKl 1ni. Im· iud dealer. n1acula!l'. i\lake offer or !rd. SALES·SER\rICE·PARTS 673-&W'J 3100 W. Coast Hwy. ====-==== NewporI Beach PORSCHE 6'2·9405 540-1764 Authorized Ferrari Dealer -----·----'68 Porsche 912 Coupe Fully equip. inclrl. Ai\tl/Fi\T, cht-on1e 11•heels, humj)('r guards, etc. Tangerine fin· JAGUAR BILL l\IAXEY 1""· """"" '66 VS Sq. Bk. Black, red [!]:ol[Yl@!l@ ;~;~,~, '~"' "'"" 11"' 18881 BEACH BLVD. 'ti8 \'\\'. Neccls little body Hunt. Beach 847-8555 \iork Sl::OO .. M2-rw4 + 3 mi N, of Coast }lw;q. on Sch TO-YOTA '&l V\\' 7 pa.ss Bus. good con- dition, s99;,, 1fl7o HERE NO\V * &12-4178 * LO\\' PRICES ON r.El\'IAINING '6!J'~ VOLVO Your Best Dt>als Are ~till At --------·I DEAN LEWIS VOLVO 1966 Harbor, C.l\1. 646·9303 TRIUMPH 1970 MERE NO\V 1.0\V PRICES ON R~AlNING '69'8 \'our BPs1 Dcal!i Are Stil1 At DEAN LEWIS ish "·r'blk. inter. IQ1n1acu----------Jaguar ·::.s Serlan. Blk \\'f chrom<' '"ire ,1-hls. Au1o. ·;17 TR3. Good rond. Nciv late !hruou1. Disc brks. Pirelli tires. Xlnt n1£>chanit'a l ronrl. $1700 or ii:.l":tls. gd tires. Eng. Mlund. l!'.66 Ha1·bor, C.i\1. 646-9303 $~Cash. r irm. 847-112:> ---------b<>st orrcr this 'veek. '6j VOLVO \Vagon . 493--~223 dnyi<, 49~11 eves. VOLKSWAGEN Air/ronri., slick. Sa.C"rifice! '67 Xl\I:'.: 4.2 18.000 Hctual 1:0.:0\·in;: East) $1000. miles. Nrw Pc r r i 11 e •66 VIV 1 1 il ' 49:>-:J32."1 x nr l'On<. ra 10, orig I~======== RadiR1s. Pcr1cct. Urgent ~lt"O \V, Coast 1111')'. N.B. 011•11,..r $10:10/o!IC'r. 5-18-:-,.\12 612-9-l()j 5'10-ti6i Antiques, Classics 9615 lii.~-IG ts 'fil SEDAN, good COl1ait1on. Authorized t>IG Dealer I OF 50 BUILT '62 V\V Bus. r&-h, 11e11' rebll $51:S. 67:l42SO or 675--7387 1968 PORSOIE 912 5 SJ.IC(!d. rn.;, hcadrrs. i\!ake oiler. eves. Ask for .John. T•n wlb•-•<• up h. I . Only Cla~slc Bi'tt\V "j/JT" rat-u u Call 67."t--0-16!1 '64 XKE Jaguar. neiv engine. Beauliful! i\lusl s e JI! ing n1odel in USA. 250 litn. Needs paint, upholslt>ry & 714/a36--R.19~ or 536--94~1. '60 V\\', GOOD CONDITION. V-8. ConVl hrdtp v.·/conceal- 962-l:>.,",S -S"150. e'd canvu sport Ip. 28,000 lop. 19;-,s PORSCHE 1600 S Coupe. Call ~16-3767 nii. Sold nu 196() for $$12,00J. 420 G JAGUAR 4 Dr Sedan. Xlnt ml'chan1cal con<!. i\lust =~~--~=-=-~ 1966 Volksv.·agen 1300 Sedan. In 5torage for 7 yrs, reluct. I Top rondition. All auto + sell $1400 or oHer. 968-S<liO· E will ell LJi n1ilcai:;C'. Good cond. ant uropean ov.·ner a stereo. f714l ~ '/iii PORSCHE 912, xtras. Sl250 !l68-78~. for S4300. 6ra-1456 ne1v rng. i\lust sell, best o1· ,(t\.~MANN GHIA fer. 67:.-6177 '67 BUG. 11c1v tif'('s, nr\Y ROLLS Royce 1948 \Vraith ---------brake.~. lo1v n1il£'a;;:r. exec!. Lin'IOusine, body by Hooper. POR~OJI:; ·s._~ !JllL, 1 mnd. 61.~0 1•111 or 645--2026 lmn1acula!e cornlition inside VW Karmflnn Ghia O\\'NEn. XLNT COND. & out. Unofficial Concou~ $2495 ~~. CALL 67.">-lffiO 1006 V\V Sedan. Xlnl cond. I' I 87 · I R. hi Nc1v brll~. lo,v n11le. Aft rn ing 0 poin ~-ig Dark . t:r<'rn ro•t[l<" "' ('On-'GI PORSCHE ~'3UJlf'r ~. ha.ml clrive. S7000. Appt only trastin; 1nl~r. LnC'ally flV.'n· Ch1'01nc 11·hl~. A;\1.f:>I. ~ki :•:::0. all rl.i~· ~1 673-4608 fi\41 637-9:1i.'i ed & ~rvH:ed .. Only 2.lCO ra<'k. S~'Z!I:•. lill--0116 ·51 V\V Gooc1 Con<lition SBJO -7.,5~7~M7.0~R~G~A7N~+~.~I miles'. 1'ew cn1· \\'iH'l'anly. r~u :11·1-7 J1rtuport · Jl111µorts ·52 Porschr S up c r ~. Nc1v TJµ, new brake!!, E.x. i;unroof. lug rack. n1irlnighl '63 VW Camper ccllrnt c on d; I io n.~. blue/black 1111. :l~8-S9$.j Xlnt. Cone!. 5.JS.i9~9 &12-li24 alter 6 Pi'of. Imported Autos 9600 imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos t ..... --·--·-·----------------------------------------·--------- TRANSPOllTATION . T~NS~ORTATI TltANSl'ORTATIOh l•ANSPORTATION I TRANSPORTATION ITRANS~ORTATION TRANSPORTATION Ant&.i-. Claula MIS Cited Co rs 9900 U•ed Cors 9900 Uoed Coro 9'IO UMd Cor1 '900 l!llli MODEL T T.cml Coupe. I CON11NENT'AL eomp1e1e1, ,..,.°""' 1n>m CHEVROLET ~ M11STANG lhodCors 99CJC! Uoed Cort ------'-9900 U.ed Cars 9900 Uoed Cora -------RAMBLER OLDSMOBILE PON11AC PONTIAC lnme "'' l llOO. B 111 BUICK ., Lodat.rd (2131 goo...iio1 or ---------!213l 92>TIT4 •THE POPULAR ONE• * PARADE CARI '67 Old1 442 ,67 GTO HT l l850 or .68 Boo- '66 CHEVY JI y.g "NOVA" 1964 CONTINENT~ CON· '6' Mu1tang Convert 2' Dr. H.T. Radio, htr., 1lr ne Conv $llOO. Both xln!. * FUN . N . SUNI '64 RAMBLER Ambuaadoc '. .65 PONT y.g .. ~ Mans" Low mllcqe, All extru. CONVERTmLE A/T, PIS, ~~~Sec to 11pprcclate "Premium" Jo'lberglass + J-==========I 1924 Chovrolot 2 Door $001. ..,..,.,, Autos Wanted 9700 WE P>~Y •.• CASH b-Wild can Iii trucks just Cjl.ll us for tree estimate. GROTH CHEVROlfl Al1t tor Sain Manai:er U2ll Bet.rb Blvd. Huntfn&ton Beach KI 9-3331 '67 RIVIERA i"ull powe r, lncluding air, 1trato buckets, 40,000 actual miles. llDTOP A/T P/S. R/H VERTIBL.E_ Bnutitu.I Or11. VI, automatlc, l'ldlo, heater. cond., pwr. steering Ir bra1'· must .ell one/offer. owner WI~ etc.'spa rkl l nl TealBlueW/"BrandNew" (WQW6821 es,l&ndautop.XGVCJ M2-lll39 Ori<. Glen" G ... n. H1.-iy whlte,,Vlnyf top, black "Na· $895 $1795 . '62 BONNEVILLE, p/I, looli:1 aa.t in! ONLY $169.i tuta1 lq.fber inter. Air $2'195 MARQUIS MTRs. "" s. Cond;tioned wilh all ... ~ Harbour v·w p/b, r. h, ''"'' .... "'" Coast H\V)'. Laeuna, Beach li"e P\1;r. aa&lst&, Prcmiwn' • • Harb v w cond. $150 or make olr. Ph. <S<-750.1, >llhllOO W/walls •tc, "A collecton AUTHORIZED our • 1 "''4'"°2-_l'°7f"2===~~ 'GS (l{f..'VY El Camino. 375 Item!" Goes to tbe tlrlt SALES 11: SERVICE AUTHORIZED '66 BONNEVIu.E 4 cir, hp, 396 (.."U e1ig. 4:10 $15$.~ MARQUIS MTRS. lint BEACH BL. 14~ SALES&: Si:RVJCE hrdlp, (l/S, p/b, p/w. Fact p osi tract io n . ?tlags, 900 S. Coul }fwy •• Lacuna HUNTINGTON BEACH 1.STll BEACJI BL., 842-4435 air. Nu tire!!. Cd gas mi. CoodyeM. S.18-788.1 or Beach, Ph. 49f.7500, 540-3100 '11 P..'lmtanr. hdtp, cham· lfUNTINGTON BEACH $1775. after 5 P~I -548-8206. 642-4252 MUST. SELL P91ne befae, saddle Int., 289 '64 OLDS 88 convt., pwr '67 PONT 2 dr ht, Gran Prix ·oo IMPALA 2 dr. Air, pwr, '63 Continental MS..»U cj, auto trans, console air brllkcs, steering, c lea n. ·air · Janet lop· elec v.·ncl, 5"19. R&H, auto. Xln't cond. ,68 CONTINfNTAL ed cond. re.dio/htr, tinted glaM, $675. Days &t6-5639 sterro, xlnt cond $1750 cash. i970~~Rti6B~~~~· $1505, \Viii take clean trans. tereo tr full s an.'•-="'="'=nccw=•=·~='=""'=· ='=· =67=3.S;l.,-67 ==:::'.:=':'::':'':::':"='1 "~"'6-~1~16.i~·:,,,,,~-~-- COSTA MESA !rad<. ·-1 °' .... ...,, ;,... ·..;,""Of~'··-. PLYMOUTH '68 PONTIAC GR A ND '63 LE SABRE, convert, Dr. 'Vincsap. '62 ~NTINENTAL. Fac'"Pu OLDSMOllLE j PRIX. Air Cond. l.A':ather. '66 Ca · 2 d /b ----' -J '67 PLYMOUTH GTX, air FUily Auto. $1 250. 54()...8242 Nylon W /wa1111 etc, Spark. llng orig, 1i11kado Cream Xlnt. Black Vinyl !Of', Im· mac, saddle in1er. L«al teachers car since fl<'\\'! Pay you to lnvesligate th is true yr_ end wintt>r "BARGAIN" FOR ONLY $995! MARQUIS MTRS, 900 S. Coast lhvy., Laguna Beach. Ph: 494·'1503, 54().3100. RAMBLER · '63 R·AMBLER P/S, P/brakes. R/11, good pnce .r. P ; ,,. ........ Air. Full power. days or 64Z..1754 ewnings. cond. C<Jncl. :6·;:,oo m1. $~295. Call * 673--7076 * •"QUALITY CO~IPACT!" cond. Buck Sts. Auto. Near 9 Passenger Wagon * 673-!Ml? + 5.t0-4lla betw 8 -5, 549-0087 ,63 OLDS F-s.:i "CUTUSS" nu tires. Yellow \\'/b\k 'Ql BONNEVILLE, 18.000 A.ir cond, V..S, p1\<r steerin1,; • T·ll!lD f 1957 T ps1f2>. port holea, 1\fust ace lo appreciata! $1800. 838-7675. - '66 T-Bil'd. Perl rond. l owl1l'r. Lo mi. Sacrltloe! 6~6-876(1, 646-2672 '57 T·BIRD • CLA~JC Looks nc'll'! 30,400 mllea 648--0736 an 7PM '60 T·BIRD Convt. While, fl\'.T. Sht'ik & P&mP<"red. $500. 64·11538 or 642-8235. '59 T-Blrd Hardtop $250 '60 T·Blrd Converllble $Zic>. * S@.1225 * WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR .. =67~,-... ~.-5~...,~ial~.~P~/~S.~P~/B~.1 afl 6 pm CORYAIR HDTOP SPT. CPE. Arr. vinyl tp. $1750. \Vkends On-mi., orig ownr. full pwr, Sacrifice ! \Viii finance, Pri· 27,000 mi. A·l Cond. Call '64 El Camino. Auto. V.S. 1 PIS. Re<:ent W/walls etc. 1 ~''~·~:;lS-59~~· ~"~·=~~--~~~~r, nu lin-s. $2750 VAie Party. 6,19.3tH7 . IHG-1221 good tires. Just tuned! $TJO. SHARPEST '62 Moma 4 spd lady owned. G 1 is t c n I n I ~7 PLY1i10UTH BelvedeN!. =-~===-~-~ l 1'~ED Up Too lilany Cars! '6:2 ;;c-~-,-..,,-~.,--=~~ I !H~I AROUND! ... 50. Ermine White W/Phah red Good motor, good til't's. '61 TE~IPEST, xlnt cond, Ran1blM' \Vag .. 6 cyl stick, '60 T·BlRO, 'll'hill', All p'llT0 fact air. A-I cond. BatgaJn. ' Priv party 546-421 l CONNELL CHEYROLEl '62 Buick Special. \Vhite. 4 .,... · •• k OU 892 38'3 f I Dr. Ne\\' tires. Good cone!. '64 ftlALIBU. xlnl cond, new + 642-4312 * Vleyl bucket seat Inter. • .. a e er. -~ at Nc\v radio & tires. Very $250. '53 Ford P.U. $275. '59 VALIANT ••~ 1· s h Po ..,. · · 4:30 Pl\I --nom;caf •~ "p•ppv", S•'m•a $100 '68 H-·"-•• S·tlJ. Call Phil ~2430 lircs. 1 owner ._,,., Inn. 1962 CORVAIR sedan, 111.ick, moo,t wer a:" \\'lnJUfll ~· ... v a .I •· • ..,. ........ .,,.,1 ----------;J XlS Harbor Bl vd. Costa Mesa 54S-1200 ===.,-,.,.-"°"'--..,,~I 673-3663 or 548-6203 24.ooo mi, new brakes, bat· looks . ONLY SS9j, PL.ANNING to move'!' You'll 5J6..874S $75. Call 54()..5589, 'Ii:? VALIANT Signet, cri!J ·~!~~~ 1:Ue5;';bre. Good '62 NOVA, fact air, new tcry, carb. $350. 6f6-3431 ?ttARQUIS ?tfTRS. 900" S. find an amazing number of IT'S Beach houae time. Big· BUY reliablP blue Rambcr 30~000 ri1i, 1 cwn.!r, p/ WE PAY TOP DOLLAR 642 tires, to mlg, super con· Cout Hwy. l.Aguna Beach homes In today's Classified gest salection ever! See the Classic 4 or: $175 cash. r&h. xlnt cond. Pvt pty SJ:Al, -:ml 54 8-0390 eves dltion $650. 546-4475 COUGAR l~P=h;=<><-':"7503". =' =-='='"'=:::::':-'=A=d'=·=Ch="'=k=""=m="°=w=,~= '-'D;;A;lL;;Y;:P:ILOl'==W"ANT;;,;='AD;S~t..;..;Drl~'~'=':'":=;Sa:=;;,go=n=. ,:'"'-:;'::;030=~·_,•;:1&-;;:26;,:77"=======- t,r £00d, clean used cars, ill mak•s. See Geot'l:e Ray 'Ibeodcre Robins Ford 2060 Harbor mvd. CADILLAC '65 CHEVY Impala 327· P/S, New Cors 9100 Now Cars 9800Now Coro 9100 New Cor1 9100 Now Coro 9100 Pis. a1r, Good eo""ilion, '68 Cougar XR7 '67 Eldorado $1245. cau -5ot2-458J. Aut.omatiC, air, ~steer. · '59 CHEVY Station Wagon, 6 lni, vinyl roof, el<:. CM. 642·0010 Will Buy Owned by little old teacher from Lquna Beach. Full pwr, !act air, dlr, extra, ex. tra dean!! Take trade or Your Volkswagen or Porsche small dov.·n. YQ. 553. Call A: pay top dollars. Paid 1Dr Ken, 4M.9m or 545-00-4. ar not. Call Rlllph 673-D!IOO 1968 Cad convert. 19,000 1--r.=="°'"-===~-I miles, 100-;;, ne1v car \\'ar- fMPORT:; \\'ANTED ranty good unlil Apr il 1970. Orange C'.oont:ies 5 yr. 01· J0,000 miles. t'ull TOP S BUYER po\11rr & air includes stereo. 8ll..L AL\XEY TOYOTA Black on black pMvale par- 188Sl h.cb Blvd. ly must sell. 968-53<18 ~ Bffch. Ph. M7-15$ Auto L••sing 9810 LEASE· RENT Immediate delivery on all 1970 FORDS & FORD TRUCKS .W popular makeii. Ford authorized lciuinc ~ysten1. Get Our Competitive Rates Theodore ROBINS FORD !' 2000 Harbor Blvd. ~sta Mesa 642--001{) '67 COUPE DeVille, 23,000 n1i. Orig O\vner. Choe. brnlbeige ,·inyl top. Air, tilt \Vhl • elec door locks, Ai\1/1''!\I. full power. Best offPr. 673---0281 '67 EL DORADO. Full p\vt & air + S:la:xl extras. Pcrf cond. Lo -Lo mi. 1'1UST SELL! 644-426.> CADILLAC 1967, aJI eX'lras, air, new tires, i;ac $3350. Bank \\/ill lend $ 3 0 0 0. 837-74n SEDAN de Ville ·64. 1''ull po\\'er/air. Xlnt con d. Original owner. $17:-iO. LEASE ANY MAKE '44--0324 OR MODEL '68 Eldorado. one owner, Let our Jea.se experts sbow fully equipped. $5800. YoU the best plan for your 642.0000 pet90nal needs without obli-1 ·.-60-C._d_il_la_c_co_n_'1_.-b-la-ck- &&°'UNIVE RSITY leather, fu11 ~T. "''ir, clean OLDSMOBILE 1.125 ltl-m. 546-3426 -2850 Harbor Blvd. 1958 CADILLAC Coupe De Costa l\fesa Ville. Private party. $200. 540-9640 Call 673-Ma? • ~ LEASE • ~ '59 HARO Top. All pow"·· .....--.,...-Very clean. Pvt Pty. $395. 1969 Mustan1 Hardtop, V-8, 962-6888 air, pwr disc brakes, pwr 1959 Cad Sed Good Co •tri'. $79. per mo. 24 mo • an. nd. lease. Gd tires. $350. Call 543-8835 SOUTH COAST allor •PM. CAR LEASING * Loan company repo, ·57 30) \V. Cst 1-lwy. NB 645-2182 Convertible. Sharp! Make otter? 547-0041 U..., Cart 9900 '60 CADILLAC Sedan de !--'---'----'~~I Ville irey. S300 or oiler. '66 HONDA 450 CC. $475 '57 * 673-2197 * Ccrvette, 28 l\fodel A Hot J .::========= rod Roadster P/U. '61 Rampside Chevy PI U . Custom Chopper. '59 Gh'IC 1 T P/U w /10~:· Alaskan camper. lifake oUer. 2044 Monrovia 642-1137 •63 SPORT Fury, hd tp, dlr, rood runner, full price $499. MDR711 Call Phil 54'""6.'!4 CA MARO '68 CA!\tARO. 327 V.S +spd console. ne\v tires. excellent 1hape. 496-2339 aft 5 CHEVROLET '64 U.1PALA, fact air, pv.T. steer., R&H. New tires. Xlnt's cond. $9$. 646-J..)J(). cyl. stick shift $150, $2399 64~2936 FORD '67 Chry. "300" 2 Dr Land_au.1--------- all pv.·NLir ne\v tires r.tusr 1969 FORD LTD Country SEU..! s#.426:> ' Squire 429 V.S ; air con· CHRYSLER dltioned, power steering, pov,.er brakes, all lwrury trim. Only 6700 miles. $5.000 '57 O !RYSLER 2 dr hrdtop, ~;:-_nfot will sell for $3.500. p/s, p/b, new paint, p111T -=~~-~---I seats. E\'e£ or v:kends '66 Falcon Futur• 645-M97 Fully factory equipped, Dlr. ~~~~=~--! $695. '52 O\rysler Club Coupe, Phone 642-60'13 6 cyl, semi-auto. Good condition. $75. ~ 12 PASSENGER '59 Ford =========!Country Squire. Good 1•--------•l '62 CHEVY Nova, p/s, auto engine. Sl50. 642-9081 tr•"'· Xlnt cond. ''"'· CONTINENTAL '&3 RAMBLER Amer, hdtp, 833-2118 ---------l'65 Ford Squire 'Vagon. Full dlr. runs good full price s299. 1 -1.~5l~l008~~CH=EV=Y~lm_p_a~la-.-'61 Lincoln Continental. $595. power, new clean \\'/\V DOL920, call Kl!n, 494-9T7J · 1: ....,..,A loaded! Priced for quick I-la~ everythlrt&"! Financing $1275 or olfer. 540-~"- ''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'l=,;';:a1:;•0o!~l;:l77~>;·~'1<~·5290;;=:.!~0:;;A~c;·~64~2-~14:;:3':=====-l '67 FORD Sedan, air, power, 1: t'xcellt'nt condition. $995. 9100 642--1 450 or 54g.....w& 9800 9800 New Cars FREE fJAll WITH THE ~URCHASE Of A NEW CORTINA • 2Doors • 4Doors • GT's •Wagons 12,000 MILE ., •YW WAIUIYY WMIN JOU IUY A NIW 1969 COITINA flOM US WE Will PAY fOl All TME GAS IT USfS FOR TWO FUU MONTHS ' AU GASOLINE MUST IE DlstUISEO AT SUMSIT fOU , •• NO PATMINTS T1U JANUAIT liltll, 1970 M.t, r-& ,_.r,, .. 2 Or .... ~ ..... -•• M•ltol toll, U.11J.uo&H TERMS: ••• $191 .00 Down, Cl1h •r Trail•. 36 Ea1r '•'"''"'' el $63.32. ANNUAL PEI· ClNTAi;E lATE 12.13. Dlflltro ,AYMENT ,.1a $2•10.s2 PW$ TU. IJCIMSI • '63 Ford Van. Q,erry cond. V-8 289. $1800. Indy· tires. 846--1492 (f ) 1968 FORD Country kdlln wagon!. Loaded. $2100 * 5J4.5"l90 '63 Wagon 8 cyl ltick, overdrive S350 or offer. Call.....wBl '63 FORD Galaxie Conv., fair oond., paint &: uph. good. $250. 494-2!1'73 '63 Ea)NOUNE $.595. Call aft 6; all day Sat 673-6tl.4 '68 FORD XL. P/S. P/B, air cord. Sacrlfice for quick sale. ~7873 UN COLN 1965 CONTINENTAL. Xlnt cond. Fl pwr. a ir · cond/Sl4:JO or bst olr. 6T>1570 MERCURY '70 ?ttARQUlS BnlUlbam. 4 dr hardtop, sttrwo. air, fUU poftr. $4795, SU-1450 or 548-4326 SACRIFICE! E\l.ropt Bound. '67 ~fercury St&. \Vq:. l owner, Jo ml. 64j.(l828 MUSTANG 1969 GRANDE. Air. PIS. dlx Int. S MW .Mtcht'lln radial l\NJI. roJ 11)1. $2850 . 644--0266 '6.i MUSTA NG 289, auto, PB/PS. ftff, console, nf!W Urt1, Jl«io. V e r m o I a n 114.W tOI i 970 OLDS SPORT CPE. Fully factory .. 111ulpp•d l11ctud lne ~d r .. h., , .. t b•lle, b•ck·Ull llghll . w l11llll1hl1ld w•1h1r1, 1ut1ld• mirror, ctr1>9U, etc. HAND NEW 1970 DELTA 88 2·DOOR BlAND NEW I 970 98 4-DOOR SEDAN 4~ VI, aulomatlc, ""''' atMri11g, pew1r dlM brak• tllllll Ottltf hfXur)f, •Xt~.. .., f LET OUR EXPERTS HELP YOU WITH Tht. GMC'1 ....,1970 .. COMING IM IY. Tll£ TRUCK LOAD! ~~~l'ff.i1:•.r.,W1\"..?J u·~ ~ "IWv\'v~.ltWo~: ••• • Ntw 1~70 G.M.C. l'1 r on Wldttlde ·="*~ b..,_"":::. t , ...... _. 1;01111: • •' • f.INAN~IJIG • No oesler filia.,cing a,.Y.,he" "' arrange 'll)IJI! down payment and monthly payments to fit YOUR needs! • · • LEASING • ls leasing or buying best for you?? Our lease ~ cial isls wijJ give you UNBIASED fact s becaU$t we BOTH lease and sell! . • SERVICE • OV!lt 40 SllVIC! STALLS TO KEEP YOUR TRUCK AT PEAK EFFK•NCYl $2195~~~£ Our extlusivre "SERVICE QUALITY CONTRCl .. system cot-, t rs servk:e and repair depa rtments as well as body and p1int shops to assure your COMPlETt: satisfection. '84 FORD sn45 St1p11cl1 Pkkup · 7 V ... av!G. tr1N. Tl'lil • a rMI "'°' II'-* Lk . .1117'<: '18 POITIAC $2445 --.... hon "·~·~··~r~ .. -. . -· ... ". ,:,, Ill!', . 11 hm. "l"'I ma!. l'MI• •'--,.,. 9"I I Lie. VHU - '86 OLDSMOBILE ·" 345 " 4 Dr. H.T. . I V-1, avlo. IT-., lee,"'' cand., -~It ·'-'"" --~··"' -' ,,..,., ""'"-" ""I ,,_ S. veo.i'll M' It. Lie. I!' PHONE 540-8881 I :!f OLDSMOBILE $1845 v-1, 1ulo. I•-., lK . 1lr cone .. -11..,.lrog, r1dlo, M.ii/H • wflll-•11 llrp. Ml"-1. m!le1 o/ « Wl"ll Pleftllrt. Lie. VIN )M :!!..~~SIOBILE '27 45 V-1, SUie. l'aftL. fK.. ..... OWllll,._...,_. ... 11-1n11, vlrtvl root, lf'i uni.1-.i.1 l k. UOG ..,. . .. •' ·: '· • .. -··---·-·-------:-----~---------~------.... ---------... • • • . ' I!! DAILY PILOT Saturday, Dtctmbt; 13, 1969 • • , CADILLAC NINETEEN SEVENTY EXCELLENT SELECTION OF l\'IODELS & COLORS AVAILABLE FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE Even when measuied by Cadillac standards of ex- cellence, the 1970 Cadillac i~ sure to. exceed you r greatest expectations. Let 's get together soon for a demonstrat1oii drive. A Magniii£ent Experien~e • v Over 80 Quality Cadillacs To Select From!! LARGEST SELECTION IN ORANGE COUNTY! ' .. •·· ~~) .~J A Solid Shield of SERVICE with every sale 1969 . COUPE DE VILLE SALE $5333 PRICE USED , LOW MILEAGE , A beeutifuf Cordovan exterior with brown vinyfroof and cordovan doth and leather interior. Full pow- er equipment plus factory air cond itionin9 , ·AM-FM rad io, door locks, electric seat relea se . A h>vely car. (J9154770) • 1964 CADILLAC Coupe Ot VJ111. Arclk wlll!e e~t••iOr will! bl~Ck doth ~rd le1tt.er lnMnor. Full JIOWH Ind ,.,. c')N;lilloning, AM·FM redla. !KIZ 550 SALE $1333 PRICE 1965 OLDSMOBILE Dell• U 4 door l!trdtop. Aul1Jmn gold with mtlthlno (loltl •!'Id vi11y1 lnl•rlor. Au1<1m111c:...ri;wN 1teerlr111 •rid brtk", ftttory 1lr ~(liOf>. 11111, rtdlo, Mt!°°r, Ill Wiii tlrts. {XE U Jlll SALE ~9 9 PRICE 1968 CONTINENT AL Soecl1n C.l1cler ornn wj!h t•••" !Hlh•r lnTerior. FUT! l)C)wtr, llctory •Ir. AM·"M rtdlo, """''' "°'' 10ck1, 1'1! wheel, 1blolute1y CoQulllul fflfOlogho;r!! CUWK "971 SALE $3 777. PRICE 1969 CADILLAC Sed1n Ot VIII•. Ermine wM1e wilt! 1xqul1lt1 1qu.1 colh & Jt tlher Delphlnt in!tricr. Filll ll"Wtr, l1co1ry t ir cor'ldhlonlng, AM-FM rH'la. CZRF lit) SALE $5222 PRICE 1965 CADILLAC S!<11n Ot V•llt Pooulir 'lewport 8 1u. wldlw. ln!erlor, lacrarv •ir cond .• lull """"'• ••1n•I ittklng rt<l1a, Iii! & tolncoplc wh"I, 1!1 01•. Xtr•• l IWD :xt•J - SALE $1666 PRICE 1969 EL DORADO E•qu1~ll1 S.poll!rt bl~ fir1M1J11 Wil!o wt'illt ptddld top •rd whilt le1mer !~ltrlcr Factorv "'" 1ull "'""~" sltrea AM, pewer dew leek" !llr ""' tr.n copic stffriro wt'tffl, re, t ic. (Htl011'11 SAL E $6111 PRICE NABERS'-"""'" ..... ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~---. b:!i?~ ~i! I 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa · Mesa 1967 FLEETWOOD 1iro1,1~n•rn Embout v bl1ck w!I!\ blHk !01> end blac-!tl!l'ltr lntt'i~r. ·Full pa,,,,, llclOrv 1lr, Till wlleel, o!e<eo AM·FM, "°-' ooar locks, "°"''' lrunk •elees1, Vogue prem,um !lrt~. fie .. eic. ttJP3 1)11 SALE $3 444 PRICE 1968 RIVIERA I Shimmering Whi!t with black. v!nyl top •nd bl1c1< vinyl fnt.rlor. Full l)C)wer, llCTcry t lr cPlldllionll'CI. box;~" lffl~. AM·FM rtdla, (VWJ '"' $ . SALE . . 3444 PRICE ' 1968 CADILLAC Coupe 0~ Villt. Normandy tllut w1!h b11cl: L1>1<11u Im! blue lol!htr trim. Full ll"wtr, llCIOry 1lr conditioning, tlll·lelt whttl, AM·FM r1c110, ere. Loet l one awntr. (UGZ 1111 SALE $3999 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC Convl. Ot Viii•. C11h~rr l~ry wlth while top Ind 1nt1qu1 Hddlt l~lhtr in!f'lor. Full ll"Wer, lectory 1lr, lilt l!ltJcopJc 1tttrlng, AM• FM rtlllo. !YCT 209~ $ . SALE 3888 PRICE . 1967 CADILLAC l Oollr hardtop. Mini f,lrte" "•1trior wl!h m1tc~1<1C1 cloth & lt a!Tler 1"1erl0r, Full pcw1r, !1C1ory t ir, tilt whtt!. POwlr cKIOr IOC~J, cru1s1 control, ,_\·FM, twilight sentinel, (VCL 1261 . $2999 PRICE SALE 1969 JAVELIN Htrd'Ot> COU~. t !mt green With "''fiill' Vi"YI l~ltrklr lt;t(llo, hH!tr, IUlonWl!IC. bo.H:ket SIH1S. new 1;res, exct llM>I condlrion !YCN 357) ' ' $2222 PRICE SALE NABERS CADILLAC LEASE DIRECT '540~9100 Immediate del ivery e Excellent Selection . ~ , SALES DEPARTMEN.T OPEN 8:30 Ai\1 to 9:00 Pi\I l\'Ion. thru Fri. • 9:00 Ai\I lo 6:00 Pi\I Sat. and Sun. Over fou r a cres of factory author· ized total Cadillac facilities desl9n• ed to ben er sell and serv ice new and used Cadillac automobiles. All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. All-SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1969 . . I ' ' .. • ' . . . . • • BEAUTY & HEALTH Exercise in Your Bath! .. . r------------~-- DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA DE C EM B ER 1 3, 1 969 cniemcrourself FOil DR. TBOM.4S O. P'41NE, Din:c111r, NASA By_,...,"'°'*'"'., .... Nell .4~ c:U-11 "',,.IA.~., ..... lo ..,. ... die....,.,_ If n . 1¥.,,_ Y. Dc.aela, P.U..nW., OIUo • According lo Aatronaut Annatrona. he wu in the right place at the right time. Actually be wu eelected in the aamc manner .. all crews for apace flights. The Manned Spacecraft Center recom· mends aewa for each miuion. and that recommendation must be approYed by its director, Robert Gilruth, and finally by myseU. fOll MILT FOODMUJ, CommiuioMr, Ameriam Football Leo1ue ,,. ,,,.,, • JoollH.U, •• ,. lat'• clM ,,,~.,,.. eoill foa clone OJI IJ&e •fieW iMieo4' o/ lui"U., o re- e114da&efll1-Bob NelaoA, Bloo...U..· Ion lu. • The coin is toaaed 30 minutes before scheduled game time in order to provide special kicking and receiving teams with the opportunity lo prepare for the open- ing plays. FOil JEAN SBRIMPTON, lai1A-/ull.ion "'°'el Do you bftUe"e be ... Ii/vi· to011Mn eol.o NY daey don'I •iltd fro• '"• ol"er1-D. M ., L.,.,,..,.,,r, r •. • Any beautiful woman who aays she doesn't mind growing older is lying. l'Oll JOHN UNIT .4S, Baltimore Colu I M.rd ""'' you p&.yed /001baU /or IS " .~ be/ore you INN ,U.. C011erefi by IM pra... True1-/iffl Cra11e, Cu,,.berLuul, Mtl. • $6, with a Pittsburgh semi-pro team. FOil CEORCE r. CllESSM'4N, Dirtttor, U.S. FeoUu:r Burea r11.e.., •I.ere,"""..,.., laaoe bee11 tlLe '"'° e.s- 1re111e• o/ lelflpeNlaru i11 dae U.S.1-lre11e llolar, DettU. IA~, N.D. e The official highest temperature is 134 d~greea at Death Valley, Calif., on July 10, 1913. The official lowest wu a minus 76 degrees at Tannana, Alaska, in Janu· ary, 1886. Actual day is not known. What in Ute World! Ml~ld Featured in the Neiman- Marcua Chriatmu catalog, which is mailed lo SO states and 40 countries, is a kitchen computer. Fo:r only '10,600, the aftluent housewife gets a two-week course in pro- gramming know-how, plus a gadget which can balance her check.book, plan a scien. ti6c menu. locate her favorite recipes. A Honeywell computer spokesman says. "Within five or six years, prices will fall A computet in the lcitdten? within the range of the family automo- bile." lo the meantime, howe•er, there is always the real li.e maid-but where? Hla Own Army Disarmament is a dirty word at the Duke of Atholl's castle in Pertahire. Scotland. The Duke bu the only 0 prhate army in the world, and be continu.lly rttruits for it and keepe his Duk• of Atholl inspects his troops men in top condition. Famous during the time of the feudal wars. the mini·army was last called into 11ervice in America in 1812 but only got as far u Ireland. Now, however, the army serves as a color- ful tourist attraction at the picturesqu~ H ighland cutle. At least these soldiers are no drain on laxpayers~the Duke foots all bills. lu1ine11 Hot Une CoMumer com· plainta to new-car dea..lera are increasing while the supply of competent mechanics is decreasing. Now the U.S. auto ma.nu· facturen and the Better 8U1ines& Bureau are cooperating to speed settlements. Lo. cal BBBs have an exclusive hot line to one special official in Detroit to act on complaints not resolved by local dealers. FOR B.4ftB.41U FALTERS o I t.M .. T ""4Y" Slwto Ho• /tu in ad.,aacf! .,.. bools. KiH" &o yoa lo read before you Uder• "iete alut aullaor1 H•"e '°" i.h··~ ing eo11na1--Mn. Caroly" Robin-.a.., NU.gara F•U., N.Y. • A week to 10 days in advance. No, but I do read fairly quickly. FOil JOSEPH BELL, auociate c.lllOUlr o/ birU, The 8rMS (N.Y.) Zoo Flay floe• ~ Ar~ic tern -'vale lo alut .4,.,.rdkP--Co11Tu fl- oreUo~ Broolclyra, N.Y. e It ia because of thia species' long evo- lulional de-telopment in adapting to the ~·· pby•ical and climatic changes. The Arctic tem breeds at higher northern latitudes than any other bird. Scienti6c studies have indicated that the farther north a bird travels lo nest. the farther aouth it travels lo spend the winter. l'Oll sr AN LEY llESOll, Secret.art of Ute Army Flaaa u IM laUlory of &lae 1.orH '"'1a tlLe eap- ,,. ~and upCanutll boo&a Nftft al ee,.,.ill -'lli.ry ~,..,., ,. Ila;, lu»tor Kiff11 oflly &o /oraer ~ fllry o~r•1_,rau P. fler9Wtrd, LffttefltDOr.., 1r .... • It is given lo a President. a genera.I ofticer, and a field artillery ofticer. The tradition dates back many centuries. In ancient civilizations, a warrior's hone was often sacrificed at his funeral It symbolized that the deceased bad fallen as a warrior and would ride no more. fOll THE REY. TBEODOllE ff ESBU llCH, Pruitknt. Notre Dame Umuerlity F lao I a relaileca lle- 1l111ed yo•r l••o•• Golde" Doae1-Del- berl lAieeJM, Durie.., F ••ltift6'o11 • W. J. Edbrooks of CIUcago. W•Dt '° uk • 1.--. INftO• • .-lloa? Yoa tan th.rou,t. tla'8 ~ama, •nd we'D pl die .... er lroa tlae promlneal penoe 1-~le. Sead 4(1latl-, prrlenbly -• po.t eud, to A.tit Tliem Yo-lf, F••lly Weekly, 641 Lesa_..toa Ave .. New York. N.Y. 10022. We eu1aot eeknowled•e ,..e.tlo1111, b•t SS will be .. Jd for Mela one tued. What arc ltie moal common? "Delays and reluctance of some dealers Lo per· form warranty service on cars bought under diacount, or elsewhere,., according to Richard Maxwell, president of the National Better Business Bureau. The most common mechuical compla.inta in. vo)ye malfunctioning acceuories. poor mileage due to carburetor maladj ustment.. wheel m.iulignment, esceasive tire wear, and unexplained rattles. National Anthem Substitute? Dan Wakefield, author of the best·selling usu. pemation at Peace and War," 11uggests that the popular aong, .. Get Together," is a .. far better expression or today's patriotism among the young of America than the antiquated 'Star·Spangled Ban· ner.'" (Sample line: "Everybody get to- gether, and love ooe another right now!') Accordingly, the entire House and Senate The Youngbloodt received copies of the hit recording by the Youngbloods1 a rock·music group. Reactions ranged from Georgia's John Flynn, Jr.'s, ''If you intended this .. a colossal joke, I submit you ha•e a wry sense of humor. If you intended this as a serious proposal, I earnestly suggest that you seek the service or a competent psychiatrist," to Arizona's Barry Gold· water's, "The points you have made arc interesting and well presented." You are invited to mall your qlle$tions or comments about any art icle or actvert(sement tl\at tppelfS In Fnlly Weekly. Your letter will receive 1 prompt answet. Write to Service Editor, femlly Weekly, 641 lexin&ton Awnue, New 'fort, H. Y. 10022: SPECIAL FOR FAMILY WEEKLY FAMILIES Let JOHN F.. KENNEDY'S life set an examPle ol C'A>urage and Achie\'elllent for your child ~·~- As Your Gift Introduction to The "PEOPLE OF DESTINY" Lal>Rlry • t j I ... . I 1 "• (ll • - NO OBLIGATION! STOP ANY TIME Keep Gift Book. Even If You Buy Nothing .... ~ ............ ..... e~at111eo..w Sdllll ................ ·o 1 ,., ....... ,, ..... c.. ..... ltl ........ U.~ .....,.. ... ".., ..... Jflt t11le1 I •rNll fre• ... , .............. .., . .., .. ......Tiie .. -• ......... HAM ... ... ~. ::!-r ...,,..cu •fw,..r .... ,,,, .. . ... ....... ,.., ....,_ .... ... .................. PIOPLI OP DllTWI What secn~t p<)\vcr of success ca n th ese h PEOPLE OF l)EST INY '' sha re \vit h you and your child ? Send fo r FllEE Volu1ne No\v ! This magnificent FR EE word-and-picture biOtfl'llphy of John F. Kennedy could have a lasting influence oo your child's life? And it is yor,ra to lu!ep-with no obli,ation to buy anythin1. The life of John F. Kennedy is one of the most inspiring tales of achievement in th.is century. Your youngster will first meet JFK as a shy young boy. He will follow Kennedy to college, and sec the young man-slight of build, plagued by constant illness and injury-tet striving to make Harvard's crack varsity~. He'll be with the heroic Commander on PT-109, watch him fight incredi- ble odds to save his men's lives when they a re rammed by an enemy destroyer. He will join J FK on the cam- paign trail ... accompany him through the halls of Congress, all the way up to our nation's highest office. This Most Inspiring Story of Our Time ls Yburs FREE! What a ·~ example for your child to follow! As he reads the life of this areat man, he will discover the uuc meanin1 of bravery ... love of country ... family loyalty ... sportsmanship ... the fierce will to succeed apinst aU odds. John F. Kennedy believed that t~ is a spark of areatness in every child. This book can kindle that spark-and inspire your child to the hiabe&t levels of accomplishment I Meet More Great "PEOPLE OF DESTINY" -for Exciting Adventure, for Character Building This beautiful gift volume is your FREE introduction to the magnific::cot "PEOPLE OF DESTINY" Library. Each DeLuxc Volume tells the inspiring, true-life story of a man or woman who rose to greatness in tltis century. These are people of our time- statesmen and scientists, artists and ath- letes, musicians and mili· tary men whose lives have touched each of oun. Your youngster will meet the legendary Ba be Ruth-the boy from an orphanaae who went on to become the areatest home- run hitter of all time. He will follow the career of Winston Churchill, who failed rus college entrance exams three times-yet rose to Prime Minister and served as a beacon of hope to the free world durin1 the darkest days of World War II. He will be wholesomely influenced by the lives of people like Helen Keller, Albert Schweitzer, Ma- hatma Gandhi, Charles Lindbergh, Dou'llas MacArthur, Henry Ford, Eleanor Roosevelt , Will Roaers . . . and many, many morel By readin1 about these heroes or our time . . . shari.111 their struales, disappointments and ultimate success . . . your child will 110turolly acquire those same sound traits of character and l"denbip. At the same time, he will learn about a wide variety of fields from physics to political science to music and literature. You will probably ICC the results-even within w«k.r-in his achola.stic achieve· ment, his hunger for knowledge, and his new-found enthusiasm for reading. Order Your FREE Book Today! You arc under abwlutely no obligation to accept any further volumes in the ''PEOPLE OF DESTINY" Library- unJess you are thorouahly convinced of their benefits for your child. But only by examining your free John F. 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Even wltl/1 you and your cltlldren are enjoyilf6 tlit entire #t I In any event, bi1 Volume I with Kennedy's Life Story is youn to keep FREE, whether or not you ever decide to buy another book. But pleau act now, while this Introductory Ofrer is still valid. Cl11m f our Free Book' Mall Card or Couoon to: People of Oestinv Librarv. Dept. 2529 Famlly Weekly, Book OMalon 1325 W•lhlnston Ave .• Asbury Ptrk, N. J. 07712 ACT NOW For Your FREE GIFT Volume- llail Attached ~ostcard or Coupon Below! People of Dutiay Ubrarv, Out. 2529 l'a.mfb Wtealy, lloolC Dtrisioa 1315W ....... Ave. ,W,.17 Paltt. N. J. 17711 YES, yov may rush me-ENTIRELY FREE-the first volume of the "PEOPLE OF DESTINY" Library ... fasdnatina tut and pictures describin1 tha lnspirin1 lilt of John F. Kennedy. I Will BE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE 1ddit10111I volumes of the "PEOPLE OF DESTINY" Series on your FIN Trial plan (04.lt1inld in ad). After I have euminld them, I may kMp IS many or " law u I wish, at the sub· xribers' price of only $2.91 1 volume. plus 1 small shippina cllar1e. ii I am enhrlly pleased •.• or I may return them and owe notllin1- I MAY CANCEL et e11y tlN •tier t.kl1tl H -1ty V'Olu ... " I llke, w MM at all. No lddltleul V'Oflllllft Will be Mitt efter yell rKelVe Illy CH· cellaUon. trREE 811 KmotdJ Volume I ls mine r • to keep eHn tr I bay no •ofuma. Thi. Olfw MOT 0,.11 e. r .. 11 ... ftt Man ""*"" _.,... You Alum·a·lite9 a bonus. So Bentley· is giving you one. This beautiful $15 Bentley Butane DECOR-UTE table lighter for just $5 when you buy any Bentley pocket lighter. Just send us the $10 bonus certificate you'll find in each Bentley gift box, or proof of purchase, along with your check or money order for $5. We'll send you your $15 udy Bentley DECOR-LITE fast. You not only save $10, you have a gift to give and a gift for your home. Every Bentley Butane lighter has a replaceable gas cartridge which gives you thousands of lights and ends messy refilling forever. Which is a bonus in itself. Stan<Urd .. One West 37th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10018 Also available in Canada. Flidc Pipe lite By ROSALYN ABREVAYA N EXT TO exercising in bed, one of the easiest and most enjoyable spots t.o practice physical fitness is in your daily bath! To prove it, we asked internationally fa med exer- cise master Nicholas Kounovsky t.o devise three of the most beneficial routines he could. According to Kounovsky, "The water is our friend; it gives us a lift by its density, makes us very light, helps clean our pores and relax us, and, by its comfortably warm temperature, gives our circulation a boost." Can you think of a better set of incentives to begin the illustrated exercises today' For Lower Legs ancl Feet As a warm-up (not il- lustrated) , begin by comfortably leaning against back of tub, knees casually bent. Point toes of one foot, then alternate with the other foot, raising and low- 1 ----~ ering from the ankle. Do the same with your hands simultaneously, about six times. Keep limbs sub- merged in water. • Now assume the same leaning position [as in illustration 1] but do the exercise above the water, spreading -the toes and hands as you work. Then in the same position finish exercise ~ with a rotating motion. Do this about 10 times. • Benefits: relieves stiffness in lower legs; firms flesh and tones muscles; promotes circulation; helps pre- vent future muscle spasms. For a.tier Posture As a preliminary to the exer· cise, sit in tub with legs straight, arms thrust up· ward. Lean forward and twist your spine gentl~, BEAUTY • in \ .... " L' "'~ ""'. ~ ' '~, 2 --(-\- ___ --\-~-;' ~-~---~1 I 4-~ . ::::----------- \_' --------' 1J.'-' -__:_ / / _......_ ... - -. -- first to one side, then the other, as you stretch ; head up, back straight. Practice about six times or more. • Now for the actual exercise [as in illustration 2] : leaning forward from the waist as much as you can without strain, legs straight, slowly bend one arm to reach the center of upper back or beyond. (As you progress in leaning forward, more and more of your body will be immersed in water). Do this with each arm, alternating six to 10 times. • Benefits: relieves tension that so often concentrates in upper back and enhances posture. for Abdomen and Waistline To learn to balance yourself, begin in sitting position; lean back, hands resting on tub bottom, head up. Slowly flex the knees, then extend them, sliding along the bottom of tub and raising legs. Do this several times to limber up. / •' ILLUSTRATIONS IY THEA IClllOS • Now get into a sitting position [as in illustration 3], with arms and legs extended straight. Slowly flex the knees to chest with feet liftea off the bottom of the tub. Hold position to the count of six.• Benefits : trims abdomen and waistline; develops a stronger, natural "girdle." • Give Beautiful Colors to Your Home ... t: V Made from &nest ~ ;.uality Indian cotton! . Completely machine washable and guaranteed not to run! · t:;·~/'Use also as a throw on couch or sofa! ~ . · J ndian textiles have been famous from remote ages. Cotton was known to the Babylonians as SINOHU and to the Greeks as SINDON. In the SINOH Valley in India, true cotton fabric was discov~red dating from the third millennium B.C. In this era of mechanization one would imagine that hand-loom weav· Ing would have become another lost art. To the contrary, the most sophis· ticated textile machinery we have can· not reproduce the magnificent ef· fects which are made on hand looms. In the interior of India there is a village in one of the oldest states of India. This village is near Agra, the site of the Taj Mahal. In this village for untold genera· tlons the master craftsmen have ap· plied their skills and techniques in developing these magnificent bed· spreads. Througtl constant experi· mentation with colored yarn, in the combining of different colored yarns twisted together to give an ethereal irridescent effect, they have been able to produce striping of rare beauty. r-----~------, I I I I I I I GREENLAND STUDIOS I 1987 Greenland Bldg .• Miami. Fla. 33054 I Please send bedspreads listed below, I understand that If I'm not completely delighted, I may return them I within 10 days for a prompt and complete refund. Enclosed is check or m.o. for $, _______ _ _ 1363 Tul"Quolu Spread• 72xl08" @ $4.98 _ 8361 Blue Spread• 7211108"@ $4.98 -1362 Gold Spreed• 72xlor@ $4.91 (Add 55' post. per 7211108" spread) _ 8366 TurquolH SprHdl 90x108" @ $6.91 -8364 Blue Spread• 90lcl08"@ $6.98 -1l36S Gold Spniada 90lc108" @ $6.98 (Add 7~ poat. per 90lclor 1pread) I I ·NAM£ ____________ ~--~ I I I I I ADDRHS I CITY STATE Zlf' ___ _ L-------------.J ---------------·--· --· ----- Dolls The Childhood Friends On Christmas, millions of children will receive dolls; this famous novelist tells how her collection has enriched her life Qy FRAN~ PAitKINSON KEYES I CANNOT remember a time in my life when I was not interested in dolls. They must have been among my first play- th.ings, as they are of moat little girls; but I think I took them more seriously than many small children do. I regarded them not only as play- th.i ngs but aa charges-and companions. In caring for my doll.e, I began very early to imitate the routine which I myself waa accus- t9med to follow. In the morning, they bad their hair com.bed; they were washed and dressed. Later, they were put down for nape; at night they were undressed and put to be¢. Like myself, the dollt had suitable beds, bu- reaus, and wuh.standa. I learned to sew by mak- ing their clothes-that is, I made their under- clothes and everyday clothes. Their best clothes were made, as a special favor. by my mother's dressmakers from leftover scraps of her drea&e8 and, aa my mother was a very elegantly clad lady, these dolls' clothes were elegant, too. My mother wu not only a devotee of f~hion, she was also an inveterate traveler, and she took me with her wherever she went. This means that she also took with her at least one doll. And it there was only one taken, it was always my fa- vorite, Carol. The doll or dolls had suitable luggage, which in those days were trunks ; a eort of dressing cue known as a "Victorian bottl~bag"; and a "shawl strap." All well-equipped ladies traveled with a lap robe, which was· neatly rolled and confined in the shawl strap, provided with a handle to facilitate carrying. The first shopping I did for my dolls waa at Schwarz's in Boston, where their every need could ~ provided. It wu then on downtown Washington Street and, in horse and buggy days, that meant a considerable trip from Beacon Street. where we Jived ; but this added to the general sense of adventure. The excitement con- nected with such shopping became all the greater when we went to Paris and did our doll shopping at the Na.in Bleu (Blue Dwarf). The orlglnal Idea, my mother's anyway, had been to buy a trifling item for the enlargement of Carol's wardrobe--gloves, shoes, or something of the sort. But this idea was almost immediately expanded to include a new doll. All those I bad were of German manufacture, and the French dolls, which naturally were all that the Na.ira B~ was displaying, although basically like the Ger- man dolls, were dissimilar in several ways. I did not know that shortly prior to this time, French doll making had undergone an abrupt change for the better. The new dolls, of improved manufacture, were all stamped "Blbt l•meau" -Jumeau being the name of their originator. Author of ''The tt.rftoee" aftd "I, Tii. IClftg" . I begged for a Blb6 Jumsa" doll, completely outfitted in Paris, and my mother indulged me by retting it for me. The new acquisition was named Violet and, like Carol, became my conatant companion. But it waa not until a few years ago that I realized bow very rare and valuable dolls with that. trademark had become and that I had unconsciously acquired a collector's item at the age of nine! I continued to play with my dolls until I found that I waa in danger of makintr them-and my- self:-& laughing stock unless I kept them more or le.as out of sight. But when I married, I carefully transported them and their equlpment from my mother's house, the Oxbow in Newbury, Vt., to my husband's at Pine Grove Farm, North Haverhill, N .H. Since I was only 18, the time gap between playing with dolls myself and when they would be given to future daughters was, presumably, not a great one. The presumption waa in vain; I had three sons but no daughters. However, my husband had a small niece who spent a good deal of time at Pine Grove Farm and, as a source of po88ible diversion for her in an establishment devoid of toys, a doll house which bad belonged to her late mother had been brought from Boston. My newly acquired niece, as it turned out, was not much interested in the Victorian doll house, but I was fucinated by it. A real doll house was almost the only item of dolldom I bad never possessed. A bookca.se, emptied of its normal contents and fitted with odds and ends of tiny furniture, bapba.zardly aaaembled. had served the needs of my smaller dolls. In PtJMma I received a. doU. toea.ri.?lg native pollera. Now I was old enough to appreciate the dif- ferepce between a converted bookcue and a building, which was, in miniature, the sort of residence already becoming a period piece. I recognized its importance, not as a plaything any more, but as the example of a vanishing way of life. This recognition grew with the years, when my niece died and the doll house became my property. I d id not think about becoming a doll collector until some years after acquiring the Bebe Jt1r meau. The recognition eventually came a.bout in a pleasant and natural way. During one of my first stops in a round-tbe- world trip, I was delightfully entertained in Pan- ama City, Panama, by a lovely lady named Senora Beatriz Alfaro de Lyons. As I drank rich Spanish chocolate and ate Panamanian cakes at her house, I saw for the first time the poUera., the enchant- ing carnival costume of Panama, adapted from the court dress of Isabella II of Spain. It was an elaborate dress of fine embroidered muslin, with wide lace-edged ruffles on the full skirt and a wide lace-trimmed bertba outlining a low~ut ' . bodice worn with a ca<Una. carttJ (a ftat cham) of flexible unalloyed gold, finished with either a gold cross or a gold fish (an early symbol of Christianity), and with jewelled hair ornaments arranged in pairs. I did not know then that it was bad manners to admire openly anything in a Latin house. Such admiration is interpreted as a veiled hint for a gift of the article in question ; and I waa out- spoken in my entbusium f or the pollert!.. With admirable tact, Senora de Lyons dealt with the situation. "Let me give you a doll wearing our carnival costume," she said graciously. "I will dresa her for you myself, .ind then I shan know she is correct in every d'etail." I had already started a collection of fans at the suggestion of the Hon. Horace Mann Towner, then governor of Puerto Rico, who bad pointed out bow easily they could be made part of a traveler's luggage and how many pleasant memo- ries they were bound to refresh. Now I quickly saw that a collection of dolls would answer a similar purpose. I already had a few dolis in foreign costume, for that memorable stay in Paris -had been fol- lowed by months in Switzerland and Italy, and I had dolls from both countries. They were to be carefully put on the third floor of Pine Grove Farm with the doll house and Carol and Violet-- and now Beatriz, named for the donor of my new treasure. But considering how many countries I wu now going to viRit, how many additions I could make! And how much I should enjoy, on my return I • Family w~ I Decembet· 14, 1969 Who Live with Us Forever home, arranging them in suitable cabinet8, placed where my friends could enjoy them with me I Outstanding among the other dolla that were added to the collection dur ing that trip around the world was one representing a Japanese bride, her kimono embroidered in cherry blouoms, her obi stiff with gold thread, her elaborate head- dress banded in scarlet silk. A beautiful Chinese bride was given me later; and other brides, ac- quired in the course of other travels, include a gaily dre8sed Syrian, but darkly veiled, her dowry in a circlet o! small gold pieces; and an American Indian bride, clad entirely in doeskin. But the bride which has proved to be a major The author at the age of five fcmdl11 h.olding Ofte of her fa,. vorite doUa at home i?t. Newbu~, v~t. Mw ftiece'• elaborate doU houe turned out to be aft aam,,U of o vcu1i1Ait1g war of life. attraction o! the collection wu not the product of travel but of a true love story of tbe Civil War, which I bfd heard and asked permiaaion to 6ctionize under the title of "The Dixie Doll." It was published in a magazine and resulted in an enormous amount o! !an mail. One of the letters came from Miaa Helen Walter of Staun- ton, Va., then among the foremost authorities on dolla in the United States, and a creator aa well as a collector. She asked for permJseion to dress a doll, according to her interpretation of my creation, in the bridal costume of the Civil War period. The con.aequence wu a Dixie Doll, which eventually acquired a bridesmaid, a ftower girl, and a mother, all of whom were appropri- ately dressed and affectionately· reprded by many person.a besides mytielf. A few years later, I went to Lourdes and Nevers to write a biography of St. Bernadette, and again it seemed natural to acquire a doll dressed in the habit of the Ccmgr~gatiOft de• Soeun de la Cl&orit,. In like mecuure, since my work ~le me to Louisiana, it baa been natural for that inex- haustib'le source of history and romance to pro- vide me with dolla typical of different parta of the state: a "caaquette" Jrirl ; an Acadian doll, eymbolized by Evangeline; a Creole widow wedded to perpetual mourning; a doll with the full striped· skirt of r lch silk and sheer mualin bodice which was the favorite coatume of many early elegant Creoles ; moat of all, of coune, the Carnival queen.a and princesees in gorgeous array. I do not pretend to be an authority on dolls; my collection-nearly 200 dolls-is the outcome of my own way of life, my home, my travels, and my writing and is a pleasant complement to all three. But I have learned from it, rather than myself endowing it with knowledge. I have spent comparatively little money on it and, u far u I know, there are only a few dolla in it which have much monetary value, though the doll house, now 100 years old, probably bu more than any individual doll-except, of course, the B~b~ Jumeau.. I think that almost any girl could start a similn collection. It is not even neceuary to travel far and wide to have one that is varied and interesting, as friends and relatives are al- most sure to help. Last year, I received two little Eakimoe, whose furs were realty beautiful ; and my latest addi- tlon&-bi rthday preeent&-are two dellfhtful lit- tle Indiana from New Mexico and a cha.rmiDK little Amish maiden from Penn11lvania ! • More Collectable Dolla !Aar11 "'°" o60Mt VJtntd#/td old doU. from all oiin- t~ "'orld, i?tcltultt.11 P•ddln, Dn1dnl. Milli,....,.,' M<>MZ., Pr•.CrftuT, M ti S Sac,,.rior, Cl&ma·B~d. JtoMa•, G"""4'1l-8Uqace. 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Rfmtmber. knowlfdp: of prices mun' money to you! r .;,;u~ ~ss~ ~t. -;-~ --i 4!500 N.W. 135th St., M&.mi, t:t.. 33054 I Ple11e rush me copies of Illa new "COMPLETE ANTIQUES PRICE LIST." 436 J pa1es. 1969 Oe1ler's Prices on ~er 28,000 I Antiques, 1t only $5.95 eaoh. If not dell1hted, I rNY return within 10 dlys ind receive full I ln1medlate refund. C Enclosed is check or m .o. for .. $---- 0 Enclosed $1 goodwlll deposit. Send C.0.0. and I'll pay postman $4.95 balance and rost•I charaes. City Zip I I I I I I ._ ___ ------------- In This Day •nd Ac• When a groom wanb to bide eome item Where hu bride would ntn,.er look, There's probably no place safer Thao in her redpe book. -Hal ClsadM1ic1' 11 QUIPS AND QUOTES A housewife decided to take up golf and bought her first set of clubs. On her first day on the golf course, after some misses and a few chipped drives, the novice golf er whacked the ball into the rough. Her caddy, approaching the sf>('t where the baU lay, aaked her which club she wanted to use. "Oh,'' sighed the lady duffer, somewhat bewildered by what she had thought was a simple game, "you'd better give me the $9.98 one." -Herm Albright There's no point in compromia- ing unless you get 'What you want. -Luet.'Ue S. H<Jrper An executive purchased his first Rolls-Royce. About a week after it bad been delivered, he called the dealer to complain that wheezing noi8e8 were emanating from the front end. "There's only one possible ex- planation," said the dealer. "Your chauffeur has asthma." -Dorothea. Kent "There's the fellow J was telling YO!l about." I ..b,qvet is rovv at these fire stores 111.AIAM.4 IOWI\ l\NNISION--ht"'un .. CfOlll ~.JllOS-c_...,. .. AllZONA OfS MO•NE 5 -~n~or ll•ot NOCl\lfS -19 Vlllo do """ IOWACITY-Mol!'tO.UV PHOfNlll-0.a-\ KANSAS TUCSON-Joe°"' .. WICHI (~ -Mocy'•.Jn,... AIUNSAS J. M McOo"°ld Co unuaocr-M.M coi.. lOUISANA CAU~OaNIA NEW OllfANS- >..lHAM8tA-Gu' Moy•' Co .. lid J w llobt"""" MAINf ANAHEIM-J. W lobl"'°" POanmo-""'"""' lllo~USflElO-Mo!<Mlli 8'cwn i ... 1io11 & SIO ... MASSACHUSms 8EVfillY Hll!S-ANOO\/ft-Co-S"'d•o J. w lobu,tOl'I 80SION-bdon Mo"I> l.Mognui ..... S.Otf'I} CAlbolEl-1 Mognln lltOC(TON-loonord'1 ol !l CEH110-H. C. Capwoll 8'0<'-ESCONOIOO-fllll tl\/fl -fdgo•\ Holl«'• l<oggOfly lAWRfNC.f - GlfNDAlf-J, W. lob.<1-A. 8. Sv"'-rlond HAl'WA«O-H C.Capwell Ml$S1S$1,,I HOUYWOOO-AUJV,NOAIA-GlonW9Clr J. W lobln-MICHIGAN INOtO -Tllo 0"'4>~.SI .. HINT -s .. 1.+.a..idg ..... n Co lAJOliA- HoW• HoQonrty MINNfSOIA lAKEWOOO-S..lloc~·, MINNEAPOllS- lOS ANGfl!S-ti,.OoV'O"Co J, w Robontp11 Oonoed_ .. LMogn1n IOCHESIU- MOUNTAIN V1£W-ahodu c. f. Mo ... y Co. NfWl'OfT BEACH -MISSOURI J.W.Rob<n'°" KANSAS CJIY-Mocv"• OAICl.AN0-1 Mo9••n St lOUIS-1o.._ .. a..,1 H C C"l'..,.ll NHIASICA PAlOAlT0-1.MoQ"'n UNCOlN -MiU•' Po,nc PllNC>tAMA CITY -NEVADA J. W. l ol>nt0n RENO -Groy·lold• PllSAOENll-J. W Robon-NfW HAMPSHllf RlOWOOO CITY -MANCHf.Slfl -leG¥O•'• Roo-ICMlef NtWJHSfY S4qvoio CHftrV Hill -S11n..br1dg• V.CPAMENTO -Wein"°'~ & Cloll.!e< SALINAS-s-a,c.,..n EllZABETH---J. Goe<'• '*'°''"UiC"f . PEaTH /\M&OY -Au Or"ll SANOIEGO-l"lAINllElD-R. J. Goe<t• Hahef'• Hoggony WlSI OU.NGE-SAN ftANCISCO -Arnold Cont1oble t.Mogn•,, NEW',OH SAN IOSE -"lo<y'• Vol~fott Ill &Ar-II' -lol>n G My9o• SAN MATEO-Cry&1al llA8VlON-' Sp11ng• A brohom & Srrovt S>..NTA &AlMtA -B«O()(lYN- J.W Robtn10n AbtON:»m & Srro"' SHltMAN 01\KS-S..llod"a 9UFfAl0-Adom. 10«>..NCf -I Mogn•n ~df'um & ~fldert0n VAN NUYS -lYdy" CHl'l'tAOIJ,.-Cod.,.on' .......... ndl>•ng (o,p OUNKll( -Sod<v• VISAllA-South Co.in ELMlllA -flmlou Or09 WAlNUl CREEK -W. ELMIRA -W. Elmo10 H.C Cap"'911 DNGC-any COLO.ADO GARDEN CHY - Alwohom & StJou• COlOtAOO 5"1NGS-Hf,..,.STLJ\0-MoyO& f Abtoham & S•rou' OfNVtl-MoyO&' HUNTINC!ON -COf\j,_.fCllCUT Ab<ohom & SttOut B«ISTOl-H<ln>ld'> tONC ISLAND -OAN8UaV -.... ,n14\ Abtollo,. & Strou\ llAllfOl!D -G lo• NEWYORKCITY-&.>1& Co flO.IOA NIAGARAfAllS-8aAOENt0N-Mo"'Qo"'.,Y Moel. folil•on• Ro born OlEAN-f. ~. 81olh.n ClEAllWl\tER -Mort1na PO\JGHKUPSIE -Lud-1 Monogeme-nt Corp. Plot!' Co. DELIA Y 8£A0. -A""'°"y'• tQCHESlft-11 lAUOfROAlf-llr••• McCu~& Co. fT MVUS -Gold Corr<19• SMITHHAV -.... & 5 IT. PlfRCf -1\n"'°nY• UTICA -llo"°" SIOr• G .. INESVlllf -w ,110-. NOUH CAaot.INA I JACKSONVlllE-DUNN -e..~ .. & Corroll Ma1 .. cot...1a GtffNSllOl!O-Moy•• l•oa. JUP11ER -Solon De Sonchn KfY BISCAYNE -l 'E119u•IO OHIO HoulOCoo!fv,. CINCINNAll -Shtllllo" Chotle• of lht Sonewo ClfVUllNO-H-obM"t e.oc~ El VllA -Hlgbtt't lA~ElANO -Monln1 MANSflElD-la<orvs MnflOC)ement Corp. Wl\SHINGTON COORl Nl\PLfS-leMi09> HOUSE-Mo""° SAl!ASOI>..-~"J°"'"'Y Wushlnglon Shop Robon• OREGON f~A -G•o...J fo.h..,.. 6tNO -Stood" &euut~ Sok>n & Morttna COOS8A'l-lh•'1ub Monogtimeftt Corp MfOfOl!O -Wa•n><OOI'> IAlll'ON Sl'R1NGS-Mart1"' POttllANO--& ho•• ...,_ ........ c""' SlllfM-M<,.. & kun~ WIS I PALM 8U.CH -'fNNSYlVANIA A~hony·, N01!1USl0--Mc0•"'ft"; OfOIGIA UNIONTQWN-Mo41I ... , SAVANNAH -l....,·a ol IHOOEISUND S....Oonoh !'tOVlotNCf-SMpo.•d Co. IOAHO SOUTH DAKOTA &OISE -kn Mo«h• RAPID CllY -leilr O.vg lllll'IOIS tfNNfSSff BlOOMINGION-B•o~·, NASHVlllf-Co•...sl0o•• CAIRO -Kiny .lo<>n Shepp.. IUl\S CAlUME! CITY -Mo•,i,.,11 c~us CH.,s11 - f1~d Co l0'"'0' Po,, CHIC>..GO -Co"°"' Pltlr, OAll.'S -So090• HnHll St o•; Mo•lhall He4d Co El PASO -'""Pop.lo. tho\ /4 Sf!IN".,.,, IQttwortH-OANVllll-AMl) 8ro1 WC Sl>lpli"!ICo fVftGUlN PAR( -Conon. HfNOffSON -,..,..,~oy Pt,1e. Sc.°" HUVSTr1N-Jo1,lt't lOM8ARO-Co1'°". P111" ~fHVll\f lovu.-Sl1aoN: Sc"" UTAH OAK&llOOK -Mo,,holl OGOfN -Z.C.M I. So4"" f1e4dCo Slll.T lAKf CITY -OAK Pl\11~ -Wrn, Y G~"'°" L(.M I Salon• PfOlt• .. -p A. k•9M• POU -Stunn•d ·\ V11101NIA OUIN<:'Y -Cor~\ ,1,..-Mclean-f.on\ t Jelle~ S<.o• WAStilNOr~ IOCK ISIAND -M<C:an.1 Sl'O«.l\NC -l~r Cow"""' 5K01'.lf -M<lniloll f14ld Co. 1ACOMA -lllodft SPRINGflflD-S A &ot>., WAllA Wl\UA-8oo' Noo' INDll\NA WEST VllOINIA BIOOM•NGION-BlUlflflD-"'°'"""' • t1PWcn~• ClARKS&OllG-M.-<., ., KOKOMO-H P w.,,_, 0"'9 MUNCIE -Colt~1f'o•~• Wl\SP'tNGTON, O.C 51.op, '"'"'' )oll.,tl U "°' uvoilotH• Ufcl.o-hon1 #AOlJtT l Wou S11hSt. '4..,'l>,I_ NY 10019 -----~------ -------=-----. ho needs to be plain old brown ... when you can be a Gorgeous Brunette without changing your natural hair color! Great way to make your first gray hair your 1ast one! @Clairol Inc. 1969 . All it takes is a little Loving Care. Suddenly a beautiful thing happens ... you look years young- er and feel it! You r hair shines ... and your eyes sparkle. You r color's richer ... and you feel like a m illion doll ars just knowi ng th is new confide nce is here to stay. Say goodbye to d ull brown hair. H ello gorgeous brunette! Light Goldea Brown '76 Dart Brown '79 What makes Loving Care so different? I t's the gentlest haircolor- ing you can buy because there's no peroxide in it. It's not a tint. It's better than any rinse ... won't rub off I And, because it's such a gentle lotion, it can't possibly change your natura l co lor . What it can do is change y ou ... from plain old brown to gor- geous brunette l Loving Care ac- tually etiriclt es your own shade -gives it a new healthy glow and deep-conditions it so your hair's in better shape than ever ! Dark Warm Brown '12 M~ke your first gray hair your last one! Catch that first gray hair and suddenly gray hair will stop "run- ning in your family" ... starting with you I Loving Ca re gives you so many natural-looking brown shades to choose from, one just has to be yours. You know, pretty soon you won't eve n know how gray you're getting (and neither will anyone else). Medium Adi Brown '17 Hate that gray? Wash it away!• Everybody knows gray hair shows more in brunette than in any other hair color. And dulls it. A nd makes it look plain. Just p lain brown. That's why it's never too soon (or too late) for a little Loving Care. P ic k the shade that's closest to your own. Loving Care colors <J11ly the gray ... but it refreshes your whole head of hair! T h at's how Loving Care gives you the most ... in gorgeous brown shades. Medium Golden Brown '11 No mixing. No fixing. Just do it. No fuss. No bother. All you do is pour it on, let it sit ... and wash it out l akes just minutes ... just about once a month. You don't even need an extra shampoo be- cause in Lov.ing Care, the sham- poo js built right in. And because Loving Care isn't a permnne11t haircoloring, you can always go back to your plain old brown. But who'd ever want to I Auburn #so N•Nral Blad: #sJ Loving Care outshines them all. Only Loving Care includes a very special creme'n shine rinse to condition and set your hair. Your hairdo even stays prettier longer. Your hair stays easy to manage too. And now here comes the real you: a gorgeous brunette so shining and lively, you won't believe you've actually used a haircoloring. That's how gentle Loving Care is I Loving Care• hair co tor lotion by Clairol ~C • .,-> '-0 > "'=·-' Brunettes are partial to Loving Care because ... Loving Care is partial to brunettes -·· : .. ·.: ~ . . , ' .... . ' ~ 1' • ... · ··~~ ' ' # -t -;; • ' J .. ~ ....... ~ i.' . ... ~ ; ... ..,. __ _ * & --~ ·t Ugltt A.II Brown '7S ... l I Acid.Indigestion Is through, by gum! Soothed away by Chooz chewing gum antacid. Gas, heartburn, stom- ach upset due to acid indigestion all vanish. And fast. Added at· traction: Chooz "um is just plain delicious. Pass the Chooz, please. Chooz. The only chewing gum antacid. \;; cHooz ANIAClD Now ••• Plastic Cream Revolutionizes Denture . Wearlng4 _ Forthefinttime.eciencenowoft'ers may bite harder, chew better, eat a unique plastic c:rt!am that holda more naturally. You may even eat false teeth -both "uppers" and and enjoy app.les,ateak, and com- "lowen" -aa they've never been on-the-cob again. held before. It forms an elaatic Theapecialpenci)..pointdispeMel' membrane that ad"4llf Aolda tin-leta you put FJXODENT exactly ''"" to motitA a7'd gvm 11t1.rfo.cul where it's needed. Resists oozing It's FlXODBNT-a revolutionary over and raain&. diacovery for daily home use. So Jwst one application may last different it' a protected by U.S. round-the-clock. Dentures that fit Patent 13,003,988. are essential to health. See your FlXODEHT not only holda den-dentist resularly. Get easy-to-use tureafirmer,butitboldatbemmore Ft:itODENT Denture Adhesive romfortably, too. lt'a so elastic you Cream at all drug counters. -~~gets dentures l cleanet; brighter faster New improved KLEENITE works these j li:!ys t.Mon:~. Loosens film and food particles. Works without brushing. Leaves your denture fresh and odor- free. 2. ore dlenescence. Surges to every denture surface and crevice. Flushes out debris. 3. More Ji!aetrll~ ~wer. Penetrates where no brush can reach. Only new KLEENITll Denture Cleanser Jives you this combi- nation of clean in• ac- tions unsurpaaed by conventional \ablet.s, unoJCy,enated pastes or powders. Snowmobiles- By JAMFS JOSEPH SNOWMOBILING-just celebrat- ing its first full decade-is snowballing as a winter family sport. Parents and kids are get- ting in on the fun of dashing through the snow on a 40-horse- power open sleigh. Dubbed the snowmobile, the winter ve- hicle is fitted with steering skis and pow- ered by wide, rubber tracks that give it a remarkable "flotation" over deepest mow. It takes to snowdrifts like boats to water. Some snowmobile owners call their speedy little transports "snowboata." They zip along at up to 50 mph and are fitted out with !I)-to 40-hp motors. And their ver- satility is a:an~t unlimited in snow-belt regions. MerourJ/111970 lit&6 iMlUta a tmoCJble 1leigla -10.f e au n.;;: fun /qr fa.ntiJr'11 iv!~. If you're a snowmobiler, you can go on winter picnics, snow camping (and pitch tittle shelters especially made to be towed by a snowmobile), ice fiahing, mobile ski- ing, and trail riding. Even snowfaris have been organized by enthusiasta of the sport. The snowmobile was the brain child of a Canadian mechanics wizard, .Joseph- Armand Bombardier. His first practical over-snow vehicl~he "Bombardier Snow- mobile" was a heavy, buslike half-track designed for more practical purpoeee such as putting loggers into the winter woods and oilmen into the Canadian arctic. Not until 1959 did Bombardier build his first lightweight. low~ost, sports mod.- el-the Ski-Doo. Though sized down, to- day's fun vehicles have all the snow savvy of their prt!decessors. Now more than 40 United States and Canadian snowmobile . , Wint~ campitig ia /utl and gamu with mug ah&ter e.aail11 toted behiftd Johu<m'• Skee-Horu mowmobiu. Evinru.de model shown here t01011 campin.g g64r. , - -··----~~-----------------------------------------.................. _.. .................................................. .. Motorized sleighs used to be for Boon to Family Fun Northern adventurers-now, with lower prices and easier handling, they're for Mom, Dad, a nd th e kids makers have just rolled out their 1970 models. Here's what's new-;--<>n the f amj)y snow scene: More budget-priced ($500-$995) snowmobiles are being offered. Candid- ly, snowmobile makers hope to lure you and your family into winter's won- derland-and reach their goal of 1,000,000 snowmo- biles in family use before the winter'.s end. You can select from dozens of speedy (35-50 mph), two-passenger econ- omy models. Most are pow- ered by husky, 10-to 25- hp, 1-cylinder engines and are manually started. More expensive, heavier ma- chines· generally are bat- tery started, just like your car, and go with more powerful (up to 40 hp) 2-cylinder engines. But this season's budget mod- els, like t he more posh, feature sleeker styling, better "flotation" (the trend is toward wider steering skis and tracks), easier starting-and are hushed by more effit:ient engine muffting. Six of Bombardier Ltd.'s 16 new Ski-Doo models are priced under $1,000. Included is the Ski-Doo 12/3-a full-sized, two- passenger snow runabout, powered with a 12-hp mo- tor that boasts most of the ruggedness of the more expensive Ski-Doo clan. Price: $695. If you want compact fun in a snowmobile com- pact, there's t he super- economy Sno-Pony ($499.- 96 f .o.b. Minneapolis), whose 15-inch wide single- t rack, automatic trans- mission (warranted for one year), and 10-hp en- gine give it highly rugged snowrnobili ty. Kiekhaef er Mercury's 1970 snowmobile line in- cludes a towable sleigh, just perfect for the young- est members of the family, who can breeze across the snow with ease and safety. I Readyfor aui1twi1 ... pie erut so Daky a thread passes tbroagh tile layers. T oday Bett;y Crocker announoea new, improved Pie Crmt Stieb that New, improved Betty Crocker Stieb ••• or Mix. live you crult a1 flaky u old- fubioned ecratch. Old-time cnnta had extra lhorteniD& foc extra ftalrine-. So Betty Crocker added a higher perocntqe of lhortenina ... 16" more than any· other lticlm. Sven more tbaD today'• ICl'lltcb recipe8. '1'il the «aon to bake ftaq. Evinrude's Bobcat, new this season with a 2-cylinder, 25-hp engine, attains speeds ot more than 50 mph, carries two adults, and can pull a couple of skiers (price: f995). It can al&o easily pull three or four children (or two adults) in a very rugged towable sleigh ($140). At the other end of this sea- son's snowmobile spectrum are the luxury fast-tracks: go-go snowmobiles that can junket the whole family at top speeds --and win their share of neigh- borhood races. Prices vary-up to $1,600-depending on option- al equipment. · Pola r is' high-performance TX-Colt has a wide,· 20-inch track, an optional super-big en- gine, and special suspension that flexes a full six inches un- der high-speed stress. An all new 25-hp, "Light- Trac" snowmobile high- lights the '70 line of Skee-Horse vehicles from Johnson Motors. The mod- els have tubular bumpers, dual headlights, distortion- proof windshields, and con- venience-control panel. The Ariens Arrow 440SS comes with a rally windshield, wood-grained dashboard (chock-full of instruments), twin sealed- beam headlights-and llll the rally and racing extras you care (or can afford) to add to it. Optional equipment runs the gamut from "bot" racing carburetors and tinted windshields to wheel kits that convert your snowmobile to an overland summer vehicle. For snow campers or ice fishermen, there's a snug, f amily-eized shelter ( Srro-Camper) which is de- signed to be towed behind your snowmobile. Super- ineulated and warmed ti§ a small space heater, it provides shirt-sleeve com- fort, even at sub-zero. If you plan to track over ice or cruise a lake's fro- zen surface, you can add a Sno-Sled Stabilizer that fits your snowmobile's rear bumper and eliminates fish-tailing or skidding Olb ice or hard snow surfaces. And to transport your snowmobile where the ac- tion is, there are dozen& of low-eost snowmobile trail- ers that hitch to the f am- ity car. At least one innovation -Sno-Jet's unique safety "name-dropper" track-- blazes a trail which can be followed. As you go; the t rack imprints the ma- chine's trade name and di- rectional arrows in the snow-indelibly (until the next snowfall or thaw at least) marking your route. Plain or fancy, expen- sive or economical, the snowmobile is finding its way into the winter line- up of family-fun fare .• ~ ' h I r . • I l l I I i • MEN-TRAIN NOW FOR A BIG PAY JOB AS A CLAIMS ADJUSTER[!] PonD• U.S. /Um;r meeb&Ne and ..... .&aUOD a&&endaa& EDWARD D. PAIGE .. now employed u __,, adlm&er by i'l'M S&ak A~ la Vlninia.. .. You:r I.A.I . Ho-.e Sbad7 Ooune ta •7~ ooinioa. 19 la.. ba& &ba& caD 1-~ Alilo1 iJM R..w.nl ~ I ~ .. "e me a aood WOl'tl· tns UU>.W,. and U.Dd_.enct1D1 of UM dahD ~ bu•-·· You can eern top.-.., in 1his f.--int.~-field. Insurance ln\/8Stlgators are urgently needed to settle claims wortti billions of dollars annually. The tremendous increase of auto accidents alone have doubled the need of QUalified adjusters. INSuRANCE ADJUSTERS SCHOOLS lets you train at home in yoor spare.time. followed by Resident Training at dlool owned facilities at MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA or LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. Nationwide employment $istance. Don't delay! Write few FREE information. Accredillld _...., ruticMW HcNne Study CCMlnd. 11----iNiu"RiN(:iiD..USiE'Rs ic'H001.s. o;;;:-,-w----, 1901 N.W. 7 St., ........ Floridm 33121 I ·-~ I I Naine I IMclna I la.y UM Zip I ·~ ~M I ~--------------------------· Jump1n11 on • chair won't help. But d-CON -.... MOUSE· PRUH will! MOUSE·PRUFE Is Ille amazlna mouse !\Iller lh1t's ... MOST EFFt:CTIYE . . h;as t'*ice u much mouse·killlna inaredi· enl as other leadina brands. And this inare- dient is recommended by the U.S. Government Complete Course in Painting! Lum to pmlnt almost overnJPtl AcquJna MW air.Illa that will •mu• 10ttr friends-prOVlde countless hours of Atlsfaction for YoU and all your famllyl In hla MW book. "THE PAINTING Of PICTURES." world famous artist and teacti.r, Arthur laldenbers. alvn bulnners (and experts) valuable Instruction Tn: Composition Stlll· Ute Palntinc. Oita, Water Colors, Pafnunc with Palette Knife, Palntfnc People, Land· scapn. and Much Mo.-.! 1ra eny, ex· eltlns! Raqulru no apecial experianc:.. You'O be pelntlnw wltn alllll almost at one-and en)oyln1 every minute of ltl Mell only $.(.50 to "PAINTING:' Dapl 2019. (53000), 4500 N.W 135th St., Miami,. fie. full refund auaranteed. CUANIEST AND EASllEST~-...._......_ ... 1ust pull tab, bait feeds ~---------------l 1u1om1tie1lly. SAFE ... cont1ins no vio-'iiii=~ lenl P01sons .•• when used ( as directed, $1fe around children and pets. OUTSIWALL OTBDS COMBIMED U 11.AY HAVE Pll-WORIS AND NOT KNOW IT Fidcetinr, la. of eleep and a torment.-inc itch are often telltale aicna or Pin-Worme ... uclf parasites that medical expert.I aay infeet 1 out of every 8 penionaexamined. Entin! fam- ilies may be vit'tima and not know it. To pt rid of Pin-Worme, they must be killed in the large iotesline where they live and multiply. That 'a exactly what Jayne's P-W tablets do ... end here's how they do it: Fint-a ecientilk co.ting earrlee the t.eblete into the bowele before they dlJ!eolve. Then-Jayne's mod- em, medically-approved lncredient coee ricbt to work-kille Pin-Worms quickly, eulty. Aal-"°..,. ,.,..,,,,..ci.t. Doo't take chances with dancer- oue, highly contQioua Pin-Worms wbich inlect entire lamilies. Get cen· ulne Jayne'• P-W Vermifuce ... 1man, e~-to-take tableta ... 1pecial elr.n for children an • u LARGEST SELECTION of tiny, all·in·lhe·ear, be· hind the ear, eyeglass:~ and pocket models .~ FREE HOME TRIAL. No obl1gat1on. Money back guarantee No down payment. Easy terms. No salesmen or dealers Order direct and save 65%. Write for free catalog. PRESTIGE. Dept. o lfiO , Box 10 47 Hou ton Tex. 77018 NOW the alngle I I I ' ,, ~ t ·'" Ingredient moat effective tor ASTRONAUTS Tested 8t the Navy School of Aviation Medicine ..-lnat 5 other w.11 knoWn motion Sidt· neu ,.media, the lnlfWdlent in TRIPTONE was found to be the "most effective" slnJle inaredient. The spece qe TRIPTONE for· mula pn11i19nb nlUIH, dizzi· ness 1nd stom.c:h upset for hours and It's aentle enouah for 1 6 year old. Bef°'9 you or your family take • trip, tau TIUPTONE. availa.ble without prascriation. triptone· l.alguage Courses-s2.45 ! LHm to speak e Forei&n Lanau•" In Just hours with Famous U.S. Military l.anauaae Records! Only a few minutes a day will build )'Our convers.tion skills In an)' of 8 different len1uaaes1 Complete courses evaileble In French (54805), Italian (54810), Spanish (54818), Russian (54116). German (54806) Hebrew (5'807), lurldsh (54820). CembQdlan (54801)1 Each Instruction Set atws )'OU 5 toP-<1uallfy double·faced, lona·playina 1· vin)'I records of unmatched clarity, plus hend)t Instruction M1nuat. Invaluable tor bus1· nessmelJ, travellers, stuctents, lldulta studyln11 et home! Mall only $2.80 per set (we pey shlppln1) to "LANGUAGES" 0.pt. ,2017, •500 N,W. ll5th St., Miami, fl•. Ba sure to Include code number with order. full refund auaranteed. SUSAN CLARK: ENTERTAINMENT Mod Girl in an Old-Fashioned Way SUSAN CLARK is an actress who has starred in six films-yet still is worried by the curse of a rising young actress. The curse is that critics still don't refer to her as Susan Clark but as "another Deborah Kerr," "another Barbara Stan- wyck,'' even "another Joan Crawford." "I really dislike being compared with anyone," she told me, "but if I bad to pick a model for both my career and private life, I would choose someone like Joanne Woodward. And that's because I, too, want a succesaful acting career-ond a happy married life." Susan, whoae most recent film ia "Skull- duggery," calls herself a 19th-<entury ro- manticist and a "one-man girl." "I don't play around, and I don't like casual affairs. When I was 17 and living in Canada, I fell in Jove and was engaged for 31h years. And then again a few months later, I went with another fellow for three years. We almost married .. " lut her mod-era desire for a career came between, she insisted. But not in the conventional way. He was aJJ for it and dared her to go to Hollywood and accept the Jong-term contract Universal offered. That was the beginning of the end. "Not that I wanted to give up acting,'' she told me. "I consider myself a modern, independent girl. I don't believe women have to be barefoot and pregnant an the time. They should have a career, whatever it is. If they don't, they become dull, and their husbands lose interest." In Susan's own mind, there never was any doubt that she would become an ac- tress since she played dress-up games with the neighborhood children in plays she wrote, produced, and directed. She always had a wild imagination. Asked for her name, she'd never say "Su- san" but would fabricate some wildly fas- cinating nomenclature. When her father was out of town on business, usually in a nearby city, she would never say be was in Montreal or Quebec but insist he'd gone to the Yukon or Tibet. And people would smile and say, "What an interesting child!'' She loved that. To look at her now, a tall, well-propor- tioned young woman with striking auburn hair and clear haz.el eyes, it is hard to visualize her aa a sickly c,hild. "But I was always painfully aware of it," she says. ~·Maybe that's Dwhy I liked listening to soap operas on the radio, reading a lot, and being in plays. It got me away from a reality T didn't like." At 12, Susan joined the Toronto Chil· l• F'amilv 1Yeekl11, Decembel' 14, JOQO Robert Redford, Susan Clark in Univer- 1al'1t film, "Tell ThPm Willie Boy Is Here." dren's Players and a year later started modeling as well. "I never reaJly had any fun. I always envied other children who did. I remained too shy, too inhibited. I felt I would never become an actress if I stayed in Canada because I was afraid I'd make a fool of myself in front of the people I knew. I had to get away to where nobody knew me.'' And so she went to England and enrolled at the Royal Acad- emy of Dramatic Arts, then appeared in tv and repertory productions. When her father died in 1964, Susan hurried home for what she thought would be a short time, but appendicitis u well 88 her depleted pocketbook delayed her return to England. She concentrated on tv shows in Canada. Eighteen months after her re- turn home, a Universal Pictures' talent 11cout saw her and offered her a long-term contract. "I was caught in a predicament. By that time. I'd been away from the English scene 18 months, which meant I had to re-estab- lish myself again. I also had a fianc~ in Canada. Should I stay? Go back to En- gland? Or try Hollywood? My fiance in- sisted I'd never know if I could succeed in films unless J tried. So I went to Holly- wood and Universal." Her first film, "Banning," was a disap- pointment. ''I cou ldn't leave Hollywood fast enough," Susan says, But no sooner had she arrived in England than she was no- tified that her option had been picked up. Now. Susan would like to change her exclusive contract with Universal to allow her to make outside pictures as well. The studio, considering her their hottest prop· erty, wi ll object. We'll soon see whether she can keep her cool when career conflict is invol ved. If she does, other young actresses may soon find themselves being compared with one Susan Clark. -PEER J. OPPENHEIMER - • mer1ca's ewes Baer Bay AUTOMATIC BEER DISPENSER Here's the product that is needed by every tavern, restaurant and establishment serving drak beer. BEER IOY Is now lnstall'ed and In use In bars and restaurants thruout the coun- try ... tested, PltOVEN and saving Its users thousands of dollars a year. BEER IOY draws a pre-measured amount of beer for glasses. mugs and pitchers automatically. It doesn't spill. There's no waste ever ... and that's (!uaronteed. IEER IOY will Increase profits by saving time and by COUNTING every gloss and pitcher of beer sold . . . can save up to 80 glasses per keg. MAKE BIG MONEY FAST with this PROVEN product. You can become a DISTRIBUTOR and set up dealerships in on EXCLUSIVE Territory available for the first time thruout most Eastern States, or you can sell and lease units yourself. IEER IOY is sold or leased Instantly on demonstration. We have programmed o complete selling concept that starts you In business as a professional by the time you finish reading it. We give you the training, dealer olds, advertising, proof of savings and the bocking of a publicly owned company. There Is NO franchise fee. Your investment can be as little as $17,000, which is ltEFUNDAILE. You will enjoy a profit potential that will truly amaze you. The Beer Industry needs IEER IOY and IEER IOY Is reody for YOU NOW to get Into o business of your own as a Distributor If you con qualify os to char- acter and business references. Some INDIVIDUAL FranchlMs are also available in protected areos from $5,000 ' ACT NOW! Mail Coupon or Call BILL GORDON, Marketin1 Director (305) 565-2792 ·-------BEER BOY Corporation I 2455 East Sunrise Boulevard Suite 903 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304 Gentlemen: I I know I c1n meet rour requirements IS to chllr· acter and finances. would like all the 6et1i11 on your prt.aram as: 0 DISTIU8UTOR 0 INDIVIDUAL I NAME ............................................................. .. ADDltlSS ................................................................. . I CITY •. . ............................. STATE ....................... . ,HONI:. •. ...... . . ...... Z" ........................ . 4 OfVISIOlll OF Sf'£CTllUM lTD.4 P'Ull.IC CC*'MY . ,,. .. FAMD.Y WDKLY C<X>~ MELANIE DE PROFf Food Editor • Perb•pe many of 01 beat ttmember thoee holiday gilta whkb were pre- p•red in • friend'• ld&ehen •nd praented to aa with eo muc:b Ion and joy. Aa yon make ap your gift lilt, note '°'aomething baked'' aloaplde the a•mee ol epecial friend.. There will be much fun and excitement •• well a1 reward- ing 1adaf •ction for you when planning gifta around preboliday baking. Surely theee gif ll will be •mong thoee beet·remembered and best-loved by lrlenda. Steamed Walnut Cranberry Pudding 1 Yi C11Pll wala•ta. bely chop~ 1 Yi cape whole raw uaaberrie., rimed and Mrtecl ~ cap batter or margarine. eofteaed 1 teupooa CT•ted oraare peel l teaepooa ult Yi teaapooa CJ'OD.Dd Htmer or rroand •au 1 cap CTUalated eapr (half brown aarar, if desired) 3 err•. beawn I ~ cu1t9 sifted reralar all-purpoee I oar Y, teupooa bakinr powder 3 eupe eort bread crwnbe % cup milk 1. Cream butter or margarine with the orange peel, salt, and spice. Gradually add the sugar, creaming until light and ftuffy. Beat in eggs, adding in thirds. 2. Resift dour with baking powder; mix in bread crumbs. Stir into creamed mixture along with wal- nuts, cranberries, and milk. 3. Turn mixture into a well-greased l lfl-qt. mold. Grease inside of the tight-flitting lid, and cover. Or tie greased heavy-duty aluminum foil tightly over top of mold. Place on rack in large kettle. Pour in boiling wat.er to no more than one-half of the height of mold. Cover st.eamer; bring wat.er to boiling and keep it boiling at all times. Keep water level at one half the heidat of mold throughout steaming. Steam the pud- ding 2 bre. .(. Remove cover and let pudding stand 10 to 20 min. Turn out onto a pedestal plate and garnish (see photo). Serve with Creamy Orange Sauce or your favorite pudding sauce. AbO'Ut 10 aenii?lDI Note: If puddin&' is to be stored several days before serving, unmold onto cooling rack. Let stand until cold. Wrap in aluminum foil and store in cool place. Steam thorough- ly before serving (about 1 to 2 hrs.). Royal Walnut Cookies l Yi cape walauta, bely diopped ' hard-~ooked err yollu, ained Yi cap batter or aarrarlne.. aofteaed % teaapooa irround ••ee l teupooa nnilla e:stnct % teaspoon rrated lemoa peel 2 teupooaa leaoa Juice % cap granalated aarar % cap laely dlopped candied chttria % cap taely chopped encl1ed pineapple % c:ap crated dtroa 1 Ya cape sifted replar all-parpoM lour 1. Cream butter or margarine with the mace, vanilla extract, lemon peel, and juice. Gradually add the sugar, creaming Ulltil the mixture is light and fluffy. 2. Add the sieved egg yolk&, beating thoroughly. Mix in ~ cup of the walnuta, then cherries, pineapple, and citron. 3. Stir in enough of the flour to make a stitJ dough. Shape dough in- to rolls 2 to 2¥.& inches in diameter. RoJJ each one in the remainiDI' wal- nuta until well coated. •· Wrap each ro!l tightly in alumi- num foil and chill until ftrm enough to slice. (Dough may be stored in fretzer.) 5. With a sharp, thin-bladed knife, cut rolls into thin slices and place on lightly greased cookie sheets. 6. Bake in a S00°F. oven 16 min., or until lightly browned. 7. Remove to wire racks to cool thor- oughly before storing in air-tight containers or gift wrapping. Ab01lt -' dQi:. t:4okiu ~ GiH thua ~ ba.ktd prodiu:t. fM ,,,,ecial l&olidar gifu, M aMni rour f utifli toble teitA ou M mot'•. Retuli"ll cLocnn..1 '"""' wp- JHr rigid: "'4rnpa7', ..U, R~ Wolfttit Cookiu, F"'it' Cof u Calu, T100-TOMd Fndt Cal", atld St.aMed Cniflb.,..,,·N•t PtuUittg. Creamy Orange Sauce Y2 cup tlla'wed orance Jake COllCelltr&te ~ cup rnaalated aagar 2 egg yolks, fork beatea 2 table9poona ram or brand1 1 cap whippin.g cream, chilled 1. Mix orange juice concentrate, sugar, and egg yolks until well blended. Stir in the rum or brandy (vanilla extract may be substi- tuted if desired). 2. Beat whipping cream until stitJ peak& are formed and fold into the orange sauce. About l ~ pta. easu:e Two-Toned Fruit Cake % cap batter or ••rradae 2 teupoou 'fanilla extract 1 cap rn•alated aarar sen• Z cape sifted reralar all-parpoee I oar t teupooawt 1 teaapooa baking powder 2 tablelpona .. eny · l cup cliced q.adied pineapple 1 c:ap whole eaDclied eherrie. 2 cape walaata, eoanely ~ho'ped 2 tablapoom 11aaweete ... coeoa 2 tablapooaa boiliD1 water l cap 111aartered pitted date. 1. Line a 9x5x3-in. or a 10x4x:2-in. loaf pan with a layer of greased brown paper and another of greased waxed paper, allowing paper to ex- t.end 1 inch above sidea and ends of pan. Set aside. 2. Cream butter or margarine with the extract. Gradually add the 1upr, creaming until light and ftuffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating tho~ ou ghly aft.er each addition. 3. Resift Oour with salt and baking powder. Adding gradually, blend one-half into creamed mixture, then sherry, and ftnally remaining ftour. 4. Remove one-half of the batter to a second mixing bowl and stir in candied pineapple, cherries, and 1 cup of the walnuts. Turn into pre- pared pan and spread evenly. 5. Blend water into cocoa and stir into the remaining half of batter. Mix in remaining walnuts and the dates. Gently tum onto the batter in pan and spread evenly. 6. Bake at 300°F. about 2 bra .• or until cake t.e&t8 done (when a wood- en pick or cake t.eater Inserted at center comes out clean). Cool com- pletely on wire rack be!ore remov- ing from pan. 7. Frost lightly with a buttercnam frosting, and top with walnut halves. For additional adornment, use an aerosol decorator, or a commercial froetlnr (desired color) in a tube and a decorating tip to form leaves. Pipe a frosting wreath around outer edge of cake and around each nut half. One fruit cake Fruity Coffee Cake Yt C9Jt wala•ta. bely diop~ % cap candied fnlill ud peela. laely chop~ 1 teupooa CT•ted oranre peel l Yz tableapoou batter or marrarine, 90fteaed l te.upooe aillr YJ cap c:oafectioaera' ••1•r 1 pkg. (8 os.) refrigerated freah dough for cracent rolla Sugar Glue Walft•t halore. Caad.ied cherrl• 1. Blend butter or margarine, milk. and orange peel together. Gradually add confectioners• sugar, creaming until light and fluffy. 2. Open the pkg. of rolls ; carefu~ remove the two sections of dough. Unroll each section (but do not separat.e). You will have 4 piecea of dough about 7x4 inches. Place the 4 pieces together to make a 14x8-in. piece ; press adjoining ed,e1 together to seal. Spread with the butter-11ugar mixture and s]>rinkle with the walnuts and candied fruits and peels. " 3. Roll up from long side as for jelly roll. Place on lightly rreaeed baking sheet, forming a ring. Kake cu ta at 1 ~-in. intervala to within % in. of inner edge. Turn alternat- ing slices toward center, others to outer edge. Brush surface with melt.ed butter or marsariae. 4. Bake at 375°F. 20 to 26 min., or until richly browned . 5. Brush top with a sugar glaze prepared by mixing ~ cup cont~ tionera' eu1ar with 1 or 2 teaspoons •ilk. Decorat.e with the walnut halvea and candied cherries. OftfJ co ff H coke Note: For a larger ring, use two pkgs. of rolls, and 'l!oub1e all in- gredients. Kake two fruit-tllled rolls and join them together on the bak- inr abeet. Cut and shape as db~ rected. lncreaee baklnr time aboUl 6 min. . I ~ I , t I ' . ' . . f I ~ f. l --------------~---~~.., The Yulcain. · I It lets. you breathe a ot easier. An y diving watch can tell you the .time . This is the one that signals you when to start surf acing. It has an underwater alarm mechanism that acts as an acoustical reminder. Rotating, luminou s dial. Decompression tables. Pressure-proof even at a depth of 975 feet. The Vulcain Cricket Nautical. It's a comforting voice .from the deep . Vulcuin watch~ for men :ind women priced from $29.95 to S300: disitol hour-minutc·!tccond dial~. nutomatic day-date calendars. chronographs with tachometers and tl"lemetcr). The technicians' and · spartsmcn's Swiss watchmaker since 18S8. At fine )lores. for illustrated brochure 11nd name of nearest authorized dealer, write Yulcain Watch Co. of North Am<rico, 352 Park Ave. South. New York. A ::urr~·· .. '.>,.e,:or (,f ~.1,Ji1 •·•·It", J~ JloJ1Jt l' .i1 ·~~tr ;-lll !1f. iJL!1''1t'::: OE:J tt :> Ari1:ono Yuma : Daniels Jewelry Co. Colifornlo Bokerstleld, Bye's al Bakersfield Glendale, B·S Fine Mdse. Co Dohnken Inc. of S. Col. Hayword, Devan, Inc. C/0 J. C. Penney Co. Hollywood: E. H. Gold Jewelers Merced, Besco Enteri>rises Newport Beoch: Cosfom ESA ABC Premiums Sacramento : Glaser Bros. Son Fernando, Henderson's Son Luis Obispo: Besco Enterprises M. Krulok & Co. Madonna Inn Son Mateo: Steiners Jewelery Santo Monico, King Jewelers Son to Roso : Jewel Bo~ Torrance: Swander Cost. Jewelry Colorado Colorado Springs: S M .&11.-Jewelry Dept. Pueblo: Gibson Co. I do ho Boise: Weisfield's, Inc. Idaho Foils: Jensen Jewelers Lewiston: Great Western Dist. Co. Pocatello: Gem State Dist. Note Morgon Jewelers Twin Falls: Jensen Jewelers Nebnit•o Beotrice: Gibson Co. Nevada l as Vegas: Bosco Jewelers. Inc. Dohnken of Los Vegas North Dakota Grand Forks : Munn's Jewelry Oregon Coos Boy: W eis fields, Inc. Klomoth Falls: Welslil!llds. Inc. Medford , John Nuid1 Jewelers Roseburg: Weisfield's Inc Solem, Dotm~en ol Solem South Dokoto Rapid City, S.M.&R.-Jewelry Depl. Teaat Austin: Kruger Jewelry Co. Ft. Wonh: Gordon Jewelers Edison Jewelers Freeport, Gordons Jewelry lul\in: Gibsdn Co. Midland: Krvger Jewelry Co. Plainview, Gibson Co. Pori Arthur, Gordon Jewelry Son Antonio: Jaclyn Jewelers Te~art.ono: Gordon Jewelry Tyler: Gordon Jewelry Uloh Ogden: Note Morgon Jewelers Provo : Note Morgon Jewelers Washington Aberdeen: Weisfield's Jewelers Beflinghom, Weislield's Jewelers Posco, W elslleld's Jewelers Wallo Wollo: Weisliefd's Jewelers W enatchee: Weislield's Jewelers Wyo111ing Cosper, Gibson Co. JUNIOR REASURE CHEST Let'• o ... w a Man'• Mu•tache B'l/ A•• Da.vidow A man's mustache Will make a whale Or a running horse With a ftying tail. MlllU80ne From a four-Jetter word that means not tut, take away the first Jetter and get a word that means the opposite of high. (See An.s·wfW Box) Riddle Me This What animal. when it gets a sore throat, has the hardest time? (See AMwer Box) Plu.a On• To a three-letter word that means on the con- trary, add a la.at letter and get what goats are apt to do when they are angry. {See Amwer Bot%) Hide-a-Name Hidden in this sentence is the first name of the "Father of His Country": From the plane, it looked aa if it might be a gorge or geological cut of some kind. (See Anewer Box) You Name It (See AMwer Box) A•wer .. x ·alJ.1oaD :am11N.·•·OJPIH '0lJVJ~ V :&JlfJ. aw afppfH 'h\O(•A\O(S :auo ilDU!W '(W'13l-S ) wa~sa :n HIJIN DOA ·:nnq-ina :auo ""Id Famil11 WeeklJf, Dece.mber '"· 1161 19 Why We Are Sure Of EVERLASTING LIFE Of all the questions thac oon-lies are merely "whistling in front a human being, none in the dark" ... that the Cath· is so important ... none so olic Church doesn't know any perplexing ... as: more about God's plan for W hill haf>Pe11J after J.e11Jh? our destiny than does anyone A few will contend that else. there is no life· hereafter ... On the contrary, Catholics thac man ends his days in a believe that the way of life blank nothingness like ani-prescribed by Jesus Christ is mals. But for most people, God's own plan for our salva- there is a natural and instinc-tion. We believe furthec that rive hope that life on earth. Christ established the Cath- is only the first seep toward olic Church co perperuare His a more joyous eternal life ro teaching -and administer come. His Sacraments ... and that This instinctive hope, how-it has done so from the time ever, carries with it no coo-of Pet.er down to this very elusive proof that there is a momenc. life hereafter, and no obvious le is often said chat the "blueprint" showing how to faith placed in Oirist by Cath- attain ic. Because of this, olics ... and by other c~ many are bewildered -un-tians, too ... is unwarranted certain of che earthly way of by facts and reason. A power- life thac will determine their ful answer to this will be eternal destiny. found in our pamphlet: "The Catholics, of course, do nor Way To Everlasting Life ... claim that they alone are The Catholic Church." Even capable of having a greater though you may not be int.er- knowledge of ecernicy than is ested in che Catholic Faith, available to anyone else. But this pamphlet will help }"Al where some may be confused better to understand God's and uncercain, the Catholic plan for your life. finds certainty in his Church We invite all people of for that time when "the night good will to write for a free cometh thac no man can copy of this pamphlec. It will work." be mailed prompdy, and no- you may hear it said thac body will call oo you. Write this is only a blind and super-today ... ask for Pamphlet stitious faith ... that Catho-No. FM-20. ~ ~ -----FREE-Mail Coupon Todayt-----, ,,_ aetwl -..,_ tr.. ,a,,.,.Met ...Hffed1 ""'-w.., ro fvwfQll,,. Ufo ••• n.. CMfw>lk Cl'Nrdt" fM-20 Name ___________________ _ Addres.'L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ City tat. z1 _____ _ KRIGHTS OF COLURIBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU ~ Hu aouTN •u•o. n . Louu, •o. u111 T ~ -----------------------------~ PHOTO CREDITS Cover: ICiekhoefor Mercury Co. Po9e 2: NIC; Uni.,onol Picturos; Terry flnchn for Hattan, 1•11 Y• onw 8Y Mail fr• F•ily Welk(y ... "8te allolr " l.O fow -its for deli-,. Tiit -'" ,...,. llr ~ ODlll!lltllol. Tlw It-w 011Pr '" dltdt• fw rwtl• •111111.J llr F11110r Wftlltr, t•. It ,..•w llf1 qllfllioll •ltewl 111111 onltr, lint Wl'ltt: Sentu Dt,wtlllttll, F1111llJ WftlllJL~l l.tltlll9lOI A-. New Yort, 11.Y. 10UZ2. Makes Eating With FALSE TEETH Easier and Faster Cltnlc:al teat. prove JOU can now e•t •nd cbewbette?'-m•lte dentures niore elrect~~f JOU Juat aprtnllle • llttle fJA on JOur plat.ea. PASTE&Tl:I .. •n ee.ey•to•UM powder th•t bolda dent uree ft.nner longer-ma.ltea tbem teel more oomro~, P ASTEBTH la n.ot ac1d-4oem 'tl0\1!': Tbere'IDOl\llll.IDJ.sooey.puCJt&ete. Denturee th•t ftt are e.enUal to be&Ub. See ~ur dentllt ~lal1J. OetPA.STKrl'B at all drua oouo&era. It 'I '~· . ... I I' ' • ' ,. I I ~ ·1 -· I ' ---·-COSTA MESA . HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNTAIN VAUEY SAOOLEBACIC WEEK OF DEC. 13 • DEC. 19 Jill HOLDER by Dick WllMa WIL80N FORD "HndqtMBeacla Honesty is the best policy. A mid-western minister couldn't help but smile when he read the answers to the folJowing ques- tionnaire mailed out by bia. church. A. How far do you live' from church? and B. How long does it take you to get to church? The answers on the questionnaire were: A. About four blocks and B. About three months. A parking sign at a <lf- ferent church read: "No Park- ing Except Sundays. Violators wil be given sermons." After church, you and your family might visit our Ford agency here in Huntington Beach. We have what many experts think is the finest line of automobiles ever offered 'by one compaRy in any one model year ... the great new Ford line for 1970. For ex- ample, there's unsurpassed con- venience for T h u n d et b i r d drivers and passengers with the new control console, located in the front seat armrest. The er windo\vs, power door locks, windows, power .door locks, power seats and the left-hand outside mirrcr. Redesign2d for 1970, the Fingertip Speed Con- trol, optional on Thunderbird models, retains its convenient operation on the steering wheel with new reliability, closer regulation and simplified design. Comfort's in vogue now that all bucket seats on Fords are of high-back design, incorpotating head restraints. L a r g e r registers in the SelectAire air conditioning system give better directional air flow and higher a'ir volume while changes qi the Flow-Tbru venWation system make for better circulation and quieter windows-up driving. And for the outdoor lovers, Thun- derbird again offers an optional unroof which operates elect- rically. U you can find a better looking car than our fabulous "'l.O 'lbunderblrd, bring it by our dealership here at 18255 Beach Blvd.. we would like to see it THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 13, 1969 DICK Wl (LSON'S WILSON FORD SALES II 18255 BEACH ILYD., HUNTINGTON BEACH FO_R ~ ......................... ~·····························~·········· See all the g ..... newest ones for TORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP THUNDERBIRD 2-0R. LANDAU TEST·DRIVE THE.ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST i MILES SOUTR OF ..... .......,........., ____ _._ THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SAL•s DIP1. ' ...... 1• , .•. 7 hys SHYICI OPIN TM1. ttlr• M ., I •·•· te 5 p.M. Me:1., I•·•· te t P·•· 592-5511 9: 10 1 1 lC ll I TV !PORT! HlfJHl/fJ!m SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 9:45 AM II Qj (j) NFL Football (C) L.A. Rams vs. Detroit Lions at Detroit. First game of a doubleheader. 10:30 0 @ Ci) AFL Football (C) New York Jets vs. Miami Dolphins at Miami. First game of a doubleheader. 1:0011 9 (j) NFL Football (C) Clevela nd Browns vs. Cardinals at St. Louis. 0 ta) @ m AFL Football (C) Bos1on Patriots vs. Houston Oilers at Houston. 1:30 m I lflctALI C.l.F. 4A Championship Football (C) Two of the best high school squads of Southern California participate in a game played either at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum or Anaheim Stadium-depending on the location of the finalists. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 10:30 AMO@ @ AFL Football (C) Divisional playoffs, held at home park of the Eastern Division winner, either the New York Jets or Houston Oilers. who play the team that finishes second in the Western Division. Game time is subject to change. 11:00 f) Qj (j) I fFlclAt I The Sun Bowt (C) From El Paso, Texas. The University of Nebraska meets the U. of Georgia. 3 :30 IJ I IJlc•AL I PBA Hawaiian Invitational Bowtln1 Tournament (C) The firs1 annual Hawaiian Invitational from the Island. Sports· casters are Al Michaels and Don Carter. 4:30 IJ Grand Prix (C) "The Racer's Edge." A half-hour feature about the ''Indy 500" race. !5:00 1J @ CV ABC's Wide Wortd of Sports (C) 6 :00 m USC Basketball (C) USC Trojans vs. Houston Cougars at Houston. Movies of tlle Week I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 9:00 IJ @ Cl) (C) "The De.dly Bees." Suzanna Leigh Frank Fin· lay and Guy Doleman star in suspenseful drama a'bout a mad scientist who breeds a deadly species of bees. MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 9:00 0 ~ @ (C) "Mission Batangas" stars Dennis Weaver Vera Miles and Keith Larsen in a World War II adventure ~et on Corregidor. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16 8:30 0 @ CV (C) "The Silent Gun" stars Lloyd Bridges and Per· nell Roberts. After almost killing a child, a feared gunman decides to carry an empty gun. 9:00 0 ~ (i) (C) "Siient Night, lonely Night." Lloyd Bridges and Shirley Tones star in World Premiere drama of a troubled man and woman who have a brief romance. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 9:00 IJ @ CV (C) "Busy Body." Sid Caesa r, Robert Ryan and Anne Baxter star in this comedy of crime syndicate errors. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 9:00 f) 9 (j) "The Americanization of Emily," a wartime comedy- drama cent ering on the romance of an American officer and a British nurse, stars James Garner and Julie Andrews. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 9:00 II a (!) (C) "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" Is a delight· ful musical-comedy about fur·trapping brothers who come to town to find wives. Howard Keel and Jane Powell star. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 9:00 11 ID 00 (C) "A Pocketful of Ml,.cles." Apple Annie's lovable low-brow friends help her impress her dau~t'Jter, who is arriv: ing from Spain with the noble Spanish family into which she Is marrying. Glenn Ford, Bette Davis, Peter Falk, Hope Lange and Ann·Margret star. Gifts For The Handyman ... Versatile Voltmeters IM-17 •z51s HfffMllt Pett_,• S.11'-Stete YOM .... n......-ef u .. • SoftW.ltate Clrc•ll -PST 1...-t, 4 tilic... trlMnMr, I .i..e • f AC ftfl-W ,,...,.. • 4 0C ... Hate ,...... e 4 elllft rlft9" • I I ,,......,.. lllPl!f • OC e I 1M9111"' ll'lllM 9'I AC • 4~"• M tlA -'W e aettwy ,....,.. ....... ~-CIM Wiii! ... tt,,_. & ........ laci .... 11w... ...-c• "' tMt ..... e l••Y·..._I.. clfwclt ••~ ~. Does Hundreds or Everyday MNsurtments tor homeowners, hot>tlyt111, bolttrs, model builders, CBer's. hllms, tven TV setvk-. FNtul'ft lour r•noes on AC er.cl IX ¥Olis ll\11 measure rl"Om 1 to 1000 ¥Olis tull sulc ... four rnlal•nct rimva (10 Ohms center K•I• •I, xlOO, xlOIC. xlMl ~' mHsurc from 0.1 onm to 1000 ""'90hms. All renges ere multi· colOred, •n<I tll«9's en .atr• l•dl 10 C'CINl«I u cessorv Pl"Ol>ft IO utend 11s cepebltlllfl. t•1tery .. •werM Te Wm At!~• •.• runs on • .. C" cell end 1.4¥. rn.rcurv cell, ume ai ustd In trenslstor redlos. llecl,."k Wm.,.._ "It" .•• "-" Of PIHi Ea,.,-lmMt... Wllfl Clrcwltl Tll•I Are Sale, ltluc•llMll & •Mlty w.ni. e c ... 111111 •II m 11..-1111 a ••tnic· ...... fw .. ,..... " tlHf..-~t elec• '""'le llems e FHt, .. ,.... ... , ..,-1t19.1y,. ,_,,." • o,... .... aff Ulfe --lc•I f..,_.litlll Mt· ·~ 1111: tMlllllH). ~E•,ECT FO• ANY VOUNOSTI• WHO WANTS TO EX~LO•I THE MVSTl•IH OP ILICTltONICS. Conleln1 c•rtoon·lll~lreled pt1nclples of operation end 1lmple, non.tecttnlcet lnslrucllon1 tor building 19 different HEATHKIT® project• . • ~· fleltlw. buroler elerm, l)Ubllc edd(ftJ syst-, 5 dlf· ferenr 1r1nslsl0t' redlol, el«lronk timer, TV tllencw. etectrk eye, ,.,,.,,_, c:ode 1ran1mfller, vok• 1,.n1m111..-. flestlef', Intercom, eudlo signal lnlecl«, ce.,.clly & voice ot> treled rtleys. SOld.,.less, sprlnct-1'1'~ <onnecff>n speed eu..nt>ly, end c•n be I/ltd ntpelttdl't' for blllldlng l•Y· «lie projec1s. Ol>erela on lour sefe C-slzt flesttllQhl bltltrles (not lnclud· tell. M•ltts •" ~I 0111 tor eny younguer at blrthdey, Cl\rl11m.t1 or or•dvatlon II~ , , •• ELECTRONIC CENTD ._:~1ru ., . 11•· . Te readl HHtMdt El•drwk c....... ,,.., HlrMr ...... .. ••II Ave .• tHI 9'I till I l9w tilet'1 •• edit .. W lltf eall IN' tab W•I• AM ,,... w•y te Hartl..-aM .. Hertllf' lilw. .. till, I few ....,_, Meclrt IM yw•re ...,.. $TOH HOUIS: M .... Fft f·6, Set. SALi~ & PAITS HIATH!(IT "'·'421 no IAST IALL. ANAHllM SllYICI 776-Hn ~~--------------------.-. ......... .._. SATURDAY DECEMBER 13 FVFN I NG 6:00 IJ lit Newa (C) (60) Clete Roberts. 0 ID 00 m H11ndey-lrlolty (C) IJ BOB & RAY! YOU'VE * HEARD THEM ON RADIO, NOW SEE THEM ON TV! IJ Ont Man Si.ow (C) (30) Bob end Ray 1uest. B loss CltJ (C) (30) Sam Riddle hosts. m l1rbara McNalr (C) (60) Rip Taylor, Dou1 McClure, Pat O'Brien, The Modernalres, and The Brothers Caln 1uest. m Anh111ls, Action and Advtnblrt <9 (30) "MQuntalns of Death." EE TV Rtadtr's Dl111t (30) 6:30 • KNBC Ntws Conference (C) (30) Mlfody Ranch (C) (60) Roley Crier Show (C) (30) Run for Your Lift (C) (60) Dr. Hudson's Stcrtt Journal (30) • ld1e of EttrnltJ (C) (30) · World of luuty (30) 7:00 IJ CIS Evenln1 Ntwt (C) (30) 0 KNBC SUmy (C) (30) "What Ever Happened to Hollywood?'' Jackie Cooper takes a candid look al the mythical world of Hollywood. B Anniversary liamt (C) (30) Death Yellty D1ys (C) (30) "A Simple Question of Justice." Lane Bradford 1uests. al I IJlcw I Cltmt.aa With tht ifn1 F1mi1J (C) (60) I SCl....t Trills (60) Do-R•MI (30) Rat Patrol (C) (30) Ftabn (C) (30) 7:30 II Qt (jJ Jackie lilulen (C) (60) 0 @ 00 m WJ WlllllMS (C) (60) Kan Berry, Pew Upton, and The Temptations are Andy's 1uests. 0 ONE OF THE ALL-TIME * GREATS! 7 OSCARS! FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT 0 Mowit: "hln1 M' Wr(' (dra- ma) '44-Bin1 Crosby, Rise Stev· ens, Baf!!._ Fitz1erald. 8@ CJ)&) Datin1 li1111t (C) Million r Movie: (C) ''Fancy Pants" (comedy) '50-Bop Hope, Lucille Ball. m Wonders of tht Wor1d (C) (30) "Istanbul." (I) Los Cauclillos (30) 1:00 0 @ CV EE Newlywed Q11111 m Movie: (C) "from tht Elrth to tht Moon" (space adventure) '58- Joseph Cotten, Debra Pa1et, Georae Sanders. m Hawaii Calls (C) (30) "Island Variety." EE Slcebnlsh ni.atre (60) fE NET Pla,tlouse (90) "The Duel." m Noche dt Estrtno (30) 8:30 II ~ (i) My ThrH Sons (C) (30) Katie forces Rob to have a talk with Uncle Charley on manners, and the result nearly drives Barbera out of her mind. 0 eij 00 m AdaM-12 (C) (30) "Cave." Officers Malloy and Reed put in a busy day, climaxed by their assistin1 a rescue team to "PINOCCHIO" FOES-Tht! Car, portrayt!d by Bob Lussier (lt!ff), and the Fox. played by Robert Dagney, represent a threat to young Pinocchio in "the mu.rical adaptation of the Carlo Collodi classic fable, airing Sunday at 4 PM in color on KNXT, Channel 2. The hour production features the famed Prince Street Players, Ltd. with John Joy portraying the sympathetic and believable wooden puppet who is trans- formed into a real, live boy. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 13, 1969 extricate a small boy trapped in 1 Yvonne OeCarlo. Celia Johnson. home-made cave. Stuart Lee, Mitch I littJ Wtfls (C) (30) Voeel 1uest. hssfiert .. Trnel (C) (30) I @ rn m lnrtnc. Wtlk (C) 11:00 fJ EE ..... (C) Refltf D«t1J CC) (60) O BRUIN CAGE ACTION! 9:00 Qt()) lirtn Acta (C) (30) * WORTH WAITING FOR! Hank K!mball, the county •aent, g UClA labtblll (C) Tape de· prepares to marry ~lph Monroe, lay of today's Bruin vs. Texas Lona· the lady carpenter. Ohver and Lisa horn time utend their ~naratulations then 0 1lle ...;... " .. (C) (30) Pete< find that they re ea~ted to PIY Falk. Carol Burnett Ctai1 Steven$ for an elaborate affair planned by ind Alexis Smith auest. con man Hiney. II) tc.. Ii•"-Will Tl'lftl 0 @ 00 m NIC S.turdly Mov-11:15 fJ fabuS.us 52: (C) "flleby Diet" it: "Return fro111 ttle Dtad" (dra· (adventure) '56 -Grerory Peck, ma) '65 -Maxlmll~an Sc~ell, Sa· Richard Basehart. Orson Welles, mantha [Uar, lnand Thuhn. e· News (C) I Hone Opera (60) Sltlrday Ni&trt Mn: "'Tiie 9:30 ~Ci) Petticoat Junctieft (C) · (drama) 'SS-Jose Ferrer, (i1) (VQ) Ho!lywood Palace June Allyson Joy Paae Kendall ( ) Flip Wilson hosts. Guests are Clark. fsa!>el' Bonner, Jay Barney. Judy Carne, Dana Valery, The Dane· 11·300 Mowit: "JW WM Mat Die" inf Devils. Friends of Distincti~n, ' (drama) '58-Melina Mercourf, Jean McCall and Brill, and 0. C. Smith. Servais. 0 PllUbln's PeopS. (C) (90) Di~ I News (C) Clark, author John Hallowell, Fer-11:4S • m Jo1M1111 Canott (C) nando lamas 1uest. Mwit: ""9 Mi...-Vices"' (com-m luck Owens (C) (30) edy) '48-0ana Andrews, Lilli Palm· fI1) 1llt Toy net lirlW Up (60) er, Louis Jourdan. "The Po,!!!_ Express.." 12:30 O Mtiwie: ~ ff tt.e Hilb" 10:00 fJ Cij (I) Mannix (C) (60) Man· (drama) '41 -John Wayne, Betty nix Is hired by 1n aircraft industry fields. executive to find the potential mur· m Mlft in Crisis derer who tried to kill him by 1:00 fJ Mowit: ''TIM C.,.t ll1lpl SbNy" sabotacinc his private plane. (drama) '60 -5'1 Mineo. James m News (C) (30) Da"en, Susan Kohner. Bill AndtrlOn (C) (30) m AU-Nipt sa.o.: (C) "To the """"Ide Roundup (60) Shores of Tripoli," (C) "Black Nar- . lo1 de Mtlico (90) cissus," and (C) "Spoiler of ttie 10:30 Zane lirty (30) Forests." News (C) (30) Bill Bonds. 1:151 Nen (C) Movie: "Captain's Paradise" Advtnt»tts of tbe Sustnf (C) (comedy) '53 -Alec Guinness, 2:30 Ntn (C) 'SILENT NIGHT, LONELY NIGHf Two troubled aod lonely peo- ple med at a New England re- sort and have a brief love affair. in "Silent Night. Lonely Night," an NBC World Premiere movie Tuesday at 9 PM on NBC. This made-for-TV movie stars Lloyd Bridges and Shirley Jones. Co-stars are Carrie Snodgress. Robert Lipton, Lynn Carlin. Stefan Amgrim. Sltfrl'Y lonu and Uoyd Brid1's John Sparrow (Bridges) and Katherine Johnson (Miss Jones) meet enroute to a New England resort hotel. He is despondent over the mental condition of his wife, Jennifer (Miss Carlin ). who bas been confined to a san- itarium in the New England town since she attempted suicide following the accidental death of their daughter. Katherine has just learned that her husband, a traveling en- gineer, bas been unfaithful and is contemplating divorce. She has come to the town to see her son Jerry (Arngrim), who is confined in a school infirmary. While watching and waiting for improvements in Jennifer's and Jerry's conditions, John and Katherine grow quite food of each other. Carrie Snodgress and Robert Lipton play Janet and Philip, a young married couple. WANTED IOYS & GIRLS AGES 3 TO 19 to Audition on Closed Cira.it Televlaion and Qualify for HOLLYWOOD TALENT POOL lllANDON CRUZ Brandon Crut joine.d th• talent pool, and five montns later signed a five year contract with M-G-M. Now he can be seen each week 1J"1 8:00 Wednesday ev• nings on "Courtship of Eddie's Father.'' CAN YOUR CHILD QUALIFY? 'a. nn • c:AMlllA AODITION CALL (714) 547-6251 Talent S.ardi Bein~ Conducted by TAKE 1 PRODUCTIONS HOLL YWOOO, CALIF. Robin Askwith, a 10-year-old British actor, stars in the title role of this television adaptation of the Mary Mapes Dodge classic "Hans Brinker," on NBC, Sunday at 7 PM. Eleanor Parker, Richard Basehart, Cyril Ritchard, John Gregson and young Robert~ Tovey complete the cast. The musical special includes nine new songs by Moose Charlap, and was filmed on location in Holland and Norway. .. A musical-comedy Ch ristmas Panto.mime staged in a major Los Angeles department store, three contemporary parodies of "Jingle Bells" and a review of the swing- ing songs of the 60s are spotlighted when Bing Crosby and Carol Burnett star in "Together Again for the First Time," Thursday at 8 PM on NBC. Juliet Prowse is their special guest along with country- western star Roy Clark. sahara "Sahara," an NBC ~ews actuality about world's largest desert, airs as a special on NBC, Friday at 7:30 PM. The second of the G.E. Monogram series, "Sahara " was produced by multi-award winner Lou Hazam and directed and photographed by Tom Priestley. NBC news crews joined a camel caravan in the Republic of Niger and filmed Taureg nomads as they made their way by foot and on camel across 500 miles of sand to the salt pits at Bilma, located in one of the most inaccessible regions of Northeast Niger. An 11-year- old boy on his first caravan is the focal point of the colorcast. l I ( Allen Hich (Allen Rieb ls on vacattoa. This space wUJ be filled by guest columnlsts until bis return.) By ROBERT WAGNER AleD.Dder Mundy In ABC's It Takes a Thief Al Mundy is one of die most honest roles I've ever done. Not the SlituaUons he gets into; tba.t's fiction, way out. Mundy I'm talking about. He's an aware charncter-today, tor reaJ, one had better be. He's antHlstablishmeot-to agree with everything going on today one has to be crazy. He lives life to die hilt-so I like to pilot my own airplane, race cars and ride motorcycles. · I honestly believe people like the "Thief'' because Mlllldy is someone they can identify with, or would like to be. The range c4 the audience is remark- able. Women are just M involved as dle men. It's an all-ages audience, so when we start ailring tile show at 7:30 p.m. on January 19 (moving from Thursdays, lG- to-11 p.m.) ell people who enjoy the show will get a chance to W'a'tdl. The audience is there because every- one connected with "Thief" goes ahead full steam. There hasn't been a letdown WAGNER and we've finished about three-fourths c4 oor season's com- mitment to ABC: that is srories filmed, not all tne segments aired. The enthusrasm is from the coffee maker (Max Isiin) on the set 1to the executiive producer (Jack Arnold). There's a lot of adrenalin going for the show. There has been a change on "Thief" llhis year. Fred Astaire agreed to be with us for four, maybe six stories, playing my father. The respmse t.o him •has been excel.lent. What else would you exipect for Fred? Anything Fred is associated wi tih is class. We define dle dlanders as Robin Hood and Rattl~e·s retired -with me doing the Raffles bit. We went to Europe for the first llme this year, expecting to do about four shows there. 1be scenery and locations were so fabulom, we stayed three mCJlllM and filmed seven shows. Next year we're. going back to do even more. Since Mundy ls an IJ>. temational thief working tor a secret U.S. agency, we might as well move around ln bis arena. Our gyest star policy that's always been good -"get the best" -has been great so far. ln Europe we got the best foreign film actors. Some never did American television before. Even Peter Sellers did a cameo role m one of tile stories. When we got back to the Universal lot. we were ablo to sign Miss Bette Davis, who just finished a story written specitically for her, Joseph Cot· ten and Wilfred Hyde-White. About Robert Wagner. He doesn't wor1c aU the time. I Uve In Palm Sprtnp with my wife and daughter. While I work, I keep an apartment on the lot; also an oft'lce. My wile (Mn. Wagner ts former actress Ma"rioo Mwsball) and I keep busy workJng on Che house. I also collect dllnp for it; antiques, palnttnp, modem stuff. We a\so hope to produce our own film next ye.al' from a book we bought. Of course, we don't neglect our four-year-old Katherine. I stay nt with exercise and love to play golf. The clothes 1 wear as Al Mundy are about w1lat I wear at home or when we go out socially. One of !lhe bonuses of moving to Monday nigtlt at tlhe earlier hcur is that J\ll be seeing "Thief'' more. lt came on too late for me after e Jong, hard day on the se<. 'THE SILENT GUN' Lloyd Bridges stars in "The Silent Gun"-a western drama deal- ing with a man's horror of senseless bloodshed-<>n ABC's Movie of the Week, Tuesday 8:30 P.M. Also starring is John Beck, with special guest stars Ed Begley, Edd Byrnes and Pernell Roberts. Co-starring are Susan Howard, Michael Forest and Bob Diamond. "The Silent Gun" is the story of Brad Clinton (Bridges). a feared gunman in the old Wes! who is outnumbered and wounded in a gunfight. Pure chance prevents his killing an innocent child-and, for the first time, he is overcome by the menace in his infamous draw. Completely shaken, he empties his gun and silently determines to rely solely on his reputation for future protection. Riding into a small town with his partner (John Beck). he faces the first test. A farmer is being bullied by a gang of ruffians and a young townswoman (Susan Howard), attempting to dissuade the mob, is pushed aside by a swaggering gunman (Edd Byrnes). Stepping in to help the pair, Clinton finds his reputation enough to save tr.t si•uation without bloodshed. However, he becomes the catalyst in a long-standing struggle between the town's ruthless boss (Pernell Roberts) and its pioneer settler (Ed Begley). Both men appeal to Clinton to sway the balance of power, for or against law and order-and neither realizes that the man who could shape the town's future is carrying an unloaded gun. Uoyd Bridges (right) and John Brck 11.de into the town of Colev1//e determined to rid it of oil forces in the western drama, "The Silent Gun" on ABC's Movie of the Wuk, Tuesday at 8:10 l'M. orses, I ike men, get emphysemo. And, no one knows just why. A Christmas Seal supported researcher at UC, Davi s i s studying the cause and progress of emphysema in the horse. His results may lead to better treatment of em- physema i n man. Many other vital medical investiga· tions ore being carried on In California with the help of your Christmos Seal contribution. hp7 THE 0.41LY PILOT, TV WEEK. DECEMBER 13. 1969 SUNDAY DECEMBER 14 ,,, 0 R N I N C All stations reserve the right to change proeram· ming without advance no- tice. 6:15 6:30 6:55 7:00 T1lt Cllriltephtn (C) T1lt Bibi• Answers &Ive Us This Day (C) Totn and Jeny (C) Sunday funnies (C) 7:30 labaan (C) Mormon T1bem1cle Choir (C) TY Worship of U.. West (C) Sacred H11rt (C) The Chrtstophtrs (C) (]) Davey Ind Goll•tll (C) 8:00 Limp Unto My feet (C) "To Lend a Hand." A visit with two youn1 women who live a Christian life of charity and work on their own farm in Knox County, Ky. • Tht Clltlatophen (C) Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) • Day of DilCOVtfJ (C) Wondetama (C) Al 'lft Revival Hour (C) 1 ~ Paul Harvey (C) 6 God Is the Anawtr (C) a Town Hall Mtttln1 • Christophen (C) 8:30 Look Up and live (C) • This Is tht lift (C) Cllmbinr Hip (C) Movlt: (C) "Thi Oklabo1111rr" (western) '5&-Joel McCre.a. Bar· bara Hale. page and Michael Link from the m KATHRYN KUHLMAN Julia series are co-Grand Maf'hals. * AND GUESTS, IN COLOR Bill Loomis describes the 150 units, 20 bands. and 15 floats. I .. tllryn Kuhlman (C) I ® rn a> Dudt., O.Ript (C) ~ ~:~bl~I Revival (C) ti)~~~ ~ Story (C) Mano a M1no Ranchtn> 9:00 IJ Camera Thrtt (C) 9:45 Qj CJ) NFL Football (C) L.A. D MJ fnortta Sermon (C) Speak· Rams vs. Lions at Detroit. first er is Rev. Wiiiiam Klover Jr., Sl game of a doubleheader. Paul's Lutheran Church. Northridae. 10:008 ~ltulture USA (C) IJ 0., of Dilcovtry (C) @ (I) al Gtorft of tilt Jun· 0 Campus PJofilt: "Orff.Schul· at• (C) werk Project " Arnold Pike hosts O Movie: "Massacn River" (west· program concerning the protect on ern) '49-Guy Madison, Rory Cal· Promotion of Creativity and Partic· houn, carole Mathews. l tlon in Music Education. &l Passport to Profit I Homestead Gospel Music (C) IC (]) m Thia Is UM lift (C) 00 First Baptist Church (6) Kdlryn Kutt'un (C) • Cristina liuzman (i) To11 and Jeny (C) • Realty RIV!tw (C) Jruev1 Clta 10:30 ' Qj (6) m AR. foo tball (C) Aarlculture Report New York Jets vs. Miami Dolphins 9:301 •nskl• footbalt (C) at Miami. First game of a double· · m The Eternal llfht (C) "The header. Remnant." Part I of a two·part I (it) @ Q) flntasttc Four (C) film essay recolleetina Jewish life Faltll for Today (C) and presence in Europe, dramatiz· . : Sesline Street (C) ing European Jewry's financial, cul· 11:00 IJ Homebuytrs' Qujdt (C) • tural and metaphysical contrlbu· Gil (]) G) Bullwink'e (C) tions to European civilization. ID Movlt: "American 8uttTllla in IJ GET IN THE MOOD FOR U.. Phlllppines'' Cd~ama) '50- * CHRISTMAS' WATCH Tyrone Power. Mlchehnt Prelle. · &l Cllurdl In the Hontt (C) 19th ANNUAL PARADE 11:30 o @m m Discovery (C) "A FROM CITY OF DOWNEY Matter of Pride." IJ I SPIC!At f Downey Cllristm11 0 Movie: "The Youn1 Guns" P1r1de (C) Last Sunday's 19th an· (western) '57-Russ Tamblyn, Glo· nual Downey Christmas Parade is ria Talbot. shown. Theme of this year's mile· Iona parade in the City of Downey is "A Chrisfmas Carol." MaN: Co· AFTERNOON 12:00 D Movie: "Sutter's Gold" (west· ern) '36 -Edward Arnold. Binnie Barnes, Lee Tracy, Katherine Alex· ander. 0) lnttlli11nt Parent (C) I (I) Stories of Success (C) Cine en Su Casa lnsipt 12:30 D litnt Autry &l Oral Roberts Prtsenb (C) @ {])Underway tor Pt1ct (C) (!) Plttefn for Livinf 1:00 8 ~ Ci) Nn Football (C) Cleve· land Browns vs. Cardinals at St. Louis. Don Matheson and Deanna Lund are trapped in the pa.rsenger- basket of a toy balloon taking them to another part of the planet in "Land of the Lost" on ABC's Land of the Giants, Sunday at 7 PM. 0 ID@ m An Football (C) Boston Patriots vs. Houston Oilers at Houston. IJ Movie: "Massacre rt Sand Cre .. " (westem) '5&-John Derek, Everett Sloan, Gene Evans. FIRE SCREEN SPECIALISTS CUSTOM MADE SCREENS -5 DAY SERVICE ...... Beautiful decorative colort in many finishes. Wide selection of GAS LOGS. FREE Estimates given. (Since 1920) SANTA AllA TEil _.. AWIHNG co. 2202 S. MAIN -545-0491 SANTA ANA D cy;1J (]) G> Directions (C) "The Nun.' Part II. I sa.tflod Hol11111 The 111 Attacll Revival fires (C) 1:30 p,@(])a,) IUUtS and Anawtf1 m I IFlcilL ! C.l.f. 4A Ch1mpion· sllip footb1!I (C) Two of the best high xhool squads of Southern California participate in a came played either at the Los An1eles Memorial Coliseum or An1heim Stadium-dependina on home town of the finalists. &l Voice of Calvlry (C) 2:00! hess Conference (C) Buell Owens Sllow (t) (l) Sund17 Mltin": "My Friend Flicka." Roddy McDowall. Im Chucho ti Roto al F11ture (C) 2:301J Movie: "Where There's life" (comedy) '47 -Bob Hope, William Bendix. Signe Hasso. D Movie: ''Confidentially Connie" (comedy) '53-Van Johnson, Janet Leigh, Louis Calhern, Walter Slezak. An expectant wife's voracious IP· petite for steaks unsettles a small New En&land town. O Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "My friend Flicb" (drama) '43 -Roddy Mc· Oowall, Preston Foster, Rita John· son. Story of a boy and his wild horse. 18111 Ander10n (C) • Estrellas en Miami (C) 3:00 Movie: (C) "Chicago Conflden· t11I" (drama) '57-Brian Keith, Beverly Garland. (£) F11turH (C) 3:30 D Movie: (C) ''W1y of a Gaucho• (drama) '52-Rory Calhoun, Richard Boone. Gene Tierney, Hu1h "'ar- lowe, Everett Sloane. An Argentine gaucho who makes a poor soldier becomes an outlaw and attracts a large following. ED Mistero11rs' Nelpborhood (C) (R) 3:45@ CI) International Traders '(C) 4:00 6 I sPICIAL I The Prince Street Players, ltd. (C) "Pinocchio." Mu· slcal adaptation of Car1o Collodi's heart-warming classic about 1 wooden puppet who is transformed into a real boy. John Joy portrays Pinocchio. D Dn Campus (C) "John Tunney on Campus." Congressman Tunney from Riverside talks with Pitzer Col· lege students about local and state problems .. Bob Wri&ht hosts. I Dr. Kildue I love Lucy @ Laramie (C) @ lodler Room (C) I Whit's New? (R) (j) Babn1n (C) Cretnt0S Sports Spechculn (C) "1962 ~rts Thrills." W Upbut (C) 4:30 0 Close Up (C) The actual birth of a baby is seen during this half hour. A new technique in prepared childbirth is explained and dis· cussed by Or. Fernande Lamaze. I Sltlppy (C) Samson (C) Voice of the Hour (6) film f11tum Adventure: "Sinbad '64." A filmed account of Australian dentist Bill Howell's solo Atlantic crossing. r;t (j) face th• Nation (C) ii) Musica J Pal1br11 fD The Rifltt111n 5:00 IJ Ftce tile N1tlon (C) D Spt1k Up (C) Bill Leyden. l'I LOST IN SPACE IS * FOUND! HI, DR. SMITH! B lost in Sp1et (C) Movie: (C) "The M1tln1 Ga111e" (comedy) '59 -Debbie Reynolds. Tony Randall, Paul Douglas, Una Merkel. When the Internal Revenue Service sends a tax investigator to check on a family, the investi1ator falls in love with daughter of the delinquent and the IRS learns that it actually owes $17 million to the estate in question. 0 Shirley Temple Film: "Heidi." Johanna Spyri's classic tale, star· rin1 Shir1ey Temple. Jean Hersholt, Helen Estley and Mady Chriltians. 9 s s e 2 h II d .. A il f. I! ·" s. II 1e :a >r 1e tt to r· t s ! Man •Fre• UNCLE (C) Patty Duke (I) Seven Arts Th•tn: "Prince of Players." Richard Burton. I Hew Te Many a MlllloftAQ 6 My World (C) ~ Cttlldrtn'a StMdal: "Pete and the Wolf." A dramatized ver· sion of Sercel Prokofiev's popular symphonic fairy tale performed by the Charles Playhouse Musical Theatre for Children In Boston. Cit ~mlfa TilrM (C) I ...,. eo ... tM ... <C> Run fw Yow Lit. (C) 5:30 N.._aMfi (C) John G. Vene- man. Undersecretary of the United States Department of Health, Edu· cation and Welfare, is queried about federal poverty legislation and •P· proprlations. D A11 Amtriun Collect S11ew (C) Judges include Robert Fuller, Don Defore and Artene Golonka. I McHalt'a Navy Suntet Trails @ Tiie World To•rrow (C) Frtndl Chef: Julia Child. "The Potato Show." tn (() Flint FMbntl (C) fV[NING 6:0011 MXT Newa (C) (30) o @ oo m M"t ttie ""' <c> (30) IJ Polka Parade (C) (60) "Salute to the Spirit of Christmas." I Daktari (C} (60) Animals, Action and Advtnttn ( ) (30) "Assignment Congo." An adventurous journey from the source of the Nile, Rippon Falls, through Lake Victoria and Lake Albert, through Queen Elizabeth National Park for a visit to a pygmy vi'lage in the lturl Forest of the Belgian Congo, and to a native village where the Watusis perform their ceremonial dance. @i) Speculation (C) (60) "A Con- versation With Alfred Hitchcock." CR) ft) Man From UNCLE (C} (60) 6:30 fJ Ralph story (C) (30) The hU· man and mechanical street clean· ers for Los Angeles are examined, and the history of L.A.'s only "rub· ber cast'e" is told. D @ @ m 5.E. Coll•&• 1owt (C) (30} O Dick Van o,\e (30) I R11n fqr Your Life (C) (60) S.1e&rush Tlleatn (60) Ci) Sllippy (C) (30) 7:00 fJ Qi (j) Lmie (C) (30) A help· less deer is run to exhaustion by two thrill-seeking snowmobilers and Lassie keeps a lonely vigil as U.S. Forest Ranger Scott Turner pursues the culprits in high snow country. D YOUR FTD FLORISTS * present the premiere of 11HANS BRINKER" new color TV musical O~(i)@E !lflcl41 Hsna Brinker (C) (2 hr) filmed in Hol· land, Norway and Germany, the original musical version of the Mery Mapes Dodge classic children's story stars Eleanor Parker. Richard Base· hart and Cyril Ritchard, with Robin Askwith featured in the title role. Ritchard plays the Innkeeper In • story about a poor Dutch boy's at- tempts to win an ice-skating race and to seek help for his allln1 fathet. II BAUMwidl l~1{1]1(!1:Jlbl a The laron (C) (60) D Rf DE A WILD BALLOON * TO NAKED TERROR on LAND OF THE GIANTS 0 @ (}) G) LalMI .. .... , ..... (t) (60) "Land of the Losl" The Earthlings try to barpln for their freedom after beln& lured by 1 giant rvler to a country on th• other aide of the planel 7 FT. ! Joe ..... .. (C) (30) MMt: (C) "Fro• tlle Eri tt Moon" (space adventure) '58 -Joseph Cotten, Debra Pacet. fill Tho Advocatu (C) (60) '°Should High Schools Give courses In Afro-American and Spanish· American histOfY? m Co•icol , Canclonea (30) MONTBtEY'f .. ~-~~ S" Thlck • 3~'x7' POOL TAIUS Honeycomb Two Ye1r Guarantee Buy No111l Fo,. S8'rprue DeliHry and Set Up IUMPR TAILES FIOM $69.H Ottty 'll" Complete 23 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Ufetfme Guaranteed $]69 SlA TE POOL TABLES From 7:30 R ~ (j) To Ro•• Wltll Levt (l) (3or A romantic young stu· dent pretends he is a wealthy • man·about-town and pawns his bt- longinp to take Alison to dinner. John Roper guests. 1:00 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "TM 180- en" (drama) '55 -Kirk Douitaa. Bella Oarvl, Gilbert Roland, Ce- sar Romero, Lee J. Cobb, Katy Jurado. Story of the stormy career of a bumptious sports.car cham· pion. ID Pusport IO Tmtl (C) (30) "Mountain Holiday.'' Host tfal Sawyer journeys to the Austrian Alps. m Horao Opera (60) &!) Loa C1udllloa (30) SEE IT NOW lbdcs aelh AutWMtlally sav1t ...., °" e11111 Give The Family A Pool Table Thi1 Xmaa USE O._JR. 'X MAS LAV· A WAY --P~-AN '. SICARD POOl 329' '5 MAIN ,ORANG-£.CALl F- OPEN 7 DAYS 11 TO a .. CALL NOW 532-1992 ORANGE IJ TONITE'S BEST BET! D@ Cl) a> AIC Sunday Mowte: 10:30 0 Tllo Wortd y....,.. (C) "lrt * The ED SULLIVAN Show! (C) "Tiie DelcUJ IMI" (mystery) a Lona Lonet0m0 Lootdn1.'' IJ~(j) Ed Sullivan (C) (60) '67 -Suzanna Leigh, Frank Anlay. m t.111111 Wllid 9f Ed latler (C) Guests Include Peter Gennaro, Guy A spine-tln&lin1 thriller involving a 0) Katlwyn kulal .. n (C) (30) Marks, Lain le Kazan, John Davidaon, swarm of giant killer bees trained 10-.45 D Ci1J CJ) a> ,._. <C) Topo Gigio, Richie Havens, The to sting their victims on order. 11:001 B QJ Ntn (C) Mecnars, and Wayne & Shuster. m I itlc!A(I Prince of PNCe (C) ~I of 1'-.,IW (C) 0 ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) (30) An orlr inal Jau cantata com· Mn: (C) "Slf OM tor ..... * T BIRDS vs TEXAS' posed, conducted, pertonned and (musical·reli1lous) 'S9-Bln1 en. • • • aing by former narcotics addicts. by, Debbie Reynold&. Robert W11· IJ Roller '--(C) Host is Leonard Nimo,. ner. D FORD MOTOR COMPANY m Cavaic.de of looks (C) (30) In.. Mowte Qa• (C) * nts THE FBI ft\ u-..__ Movie: "Joltnny ApeNo" (dr• prese u:1 •--...... lMlup (60) ma) '40 -Tyrone Power, Dof'othy D @CJ)G) Tiie Fii (C) (60) fil) HollleWOld (60) (R) Lamour, L~ Nolan. "Journey Into Night" Erskine hunts &!) O..lnaoa Herdtz (30) @ @ Cit Cl) Ntn (C) escaped federal prisoner and his 9:301 News JC> (30) Dou& Dudley. l1:30 II Morie: (C) ..... WllMI In Eden'" son. a leukemia victim. John Ver-! IH<_q Voices of C......._ (drama) •sg_:_Jeff Chandlet', Esther non. Michael Kearney guest. ( (30) With bandleader Les Williams. m Cesar's Wor1cl (C) (30) "lsl1nds Brown as host and music director, Cl Loh•n & Bartl., (C) A wed· at Carnival." Maureen O'Hara and a unique IJ'OUP of caroleera per-ding tonight culminates the "I Do, husband Captain Charles Blair fly form at the Children's Ward of Lohman and Barkley" contest. to St. Croi~. costumes. music and St. John's Hospital, Santa Monica. 0 wuna11 f. Buctltf (C) Eu&ent parades highlight the Carnival m The Spo'1I Set (C) (30) Rostow, Under Secretary of State Week at St Thomas. &!) eo.ontatm J Caltl>rtdade& (C) for the Johnson Admlnlstrltlon, @i) The Fonrt-Sap (60) "In the 10:00 fJ Qt (j) Mltsiltl: lmpoalble (C) and J. Robert Moatlln, Forel111 Web_." Soames files for divorce. (60) To head off a threatened Editor of Look Maaulne, cuest for @I) Carreaal Mllicano (60) atomic blast, Jim Phelps poses as a discussion tltled "Negotl1tln1 for 1•30 m Probe (C) (30) "Of Walls and a temperamental artist with guest Peace." • M n " Barbara Luna as his model. Ii) CIMW11 Sundfy (C) "Give Mo e · .. D QJ @ fm The lold Ones (C) the Stars," with Lenl Lynn. fB Wor1cl TOMlfflW (30) .. Re-(60) "Dfaw a Stral&ht Man." Dan· @ (]) IMflllt (C) searching the Silent World. forth and Washburn set out to . rid 12:00 g ,..._., Fil• (C) "Bo.x of 9:00 II~ (j) l n 11 t UH a!"• ( C) the police department of members Maalc." Proaram ahowt the manu· (60) Kaye Ball1rd, David Frye, Involved In a bur111ry ring. facture of CARE paclcaaes. ~~-:: Ash and The Temptltlons 8 m ~~TJ~> T~3~} •• (C) (60) 1Z:30 0 _.linf fretlJ (C) Guest Is Cl 9 @ m Boftllll.I (C) (60) Mort Sahl guests. Desmond, Morris, z.oolofil!, and IU· "Old Friends." Ben Cartwright be· I uber Report (C) (30) thor of 'Th• Naked AcMi. comes the unwillln& participant in Man .. n t1n111 1:0011 Movie: "llllWt Dttrtil" (dra· 11 bitter manhunt involvina two old : Net FtltiVal (60) ''Tht Wort~ ~·> '56 -Dtnnls O'Kttft, Pat friends. Robert Wilke, Moreen of Bossa Nova." (R) 0 Brien. Woodward ruest. @I) Cru Tutro (60) 1:30 Cl News (C) Yes! 95 INCLUDES: THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 13. 1969 MORNING 10.plult'a c.rtoon Catie (C) tiumby (C) News/Stoel M11tet 5:55 IJ &Ive Us T11ia D11 (C) 8:15@ (])Video Dl1tst (C) 6:00 IJ Sllnriae Se•ester (C) 1:30 I Marlnt Boy (C) 6:25 0 Education Eldaan11 (C) Rocktt Robift Hood (C) Ttn Steps to Modtn1 Rtaelln1 8:45 IJ Your MtfttY's Wri (C) Thurs. T ntfat al tubn -Clec11t tuner •d con,rols - Al Hcessary adlntm•tl -DegauuhtcJ -Color 1Cree11 setup -Static convergen. 6:30I OdJuty (C) (I) Rtdy and Hia Fritncls (C) EdllUtional Pto,raas 9:00 1J ~ (i) The Lucy S11ow (C) • Law fOJ Utt LIJman (C) Wed. 0 @@ @D It Takes Tw (C) 6:55 0 MIC Ntw1trvict (C) Mel Torme, Edie Adams, Norm 7:00 CIS Ntw1 (C) Joseph Benti. Crosby and their spouses euest @ 00 m T1tt TodlJ Sltow (C) I Lovt That lob: Bob Cummings. COMPLETELY GUARAN'l'EED SERVICE ON Eltrti• wrrt11 ti~ (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Mr. W-llhbont (C) Dtbbit Dmt Danctt'Cilt (C) COLOR & 8/W Ftlil Utt Cat (C) @ (I) J~ la lannt (C) Co•Modity/Stoct Report Undtnlo1 (C) : Stsaint StrMt (C) Children's Special, Mon., Tues.; ALL BRANDS FROM ADMIRAL TO ZENITH Forsytt Sa11, Thurs. 7:25 1 Conununity Bulletin Bo11d (C) 9: 301 l?E Bevtrly Hlllbllllft 7:30 fOJtip Lt&ioftnalrt • 6 ~ Conctntratlon (C) News (C) ~ • It Is Written (C); Prince of Movie: See Daytime Movies. Puce (C) Tues.; Bible Story (C) • Wtstlfn Star Tittatrt Thurs. Movlt: See Daytime Movies. !Wondtraaa (C) tiu111by (C)/tiuicltpost; hblic Cool Md:ool ind friends (C) S.rvlca Films, Tues. Ci) CBS News (C) @ (I) H1ydtn'1 Happtnlnr (C) "TODAYS SERVICE WITH TOMORROW'S KNOW-HOW" 7:35 0 Tht His and Htr of It (C) t1ll Children's Shows Geoff and Suzanne Edwards host. 10:001 Andy tiriffittl (C) 18931/i Park Ave. Costa Mesa 8:00 1J t.ij Ci) Capt.In Kan1aroo (C) • ~ Ci) @D Salt of Utt Century 1J Unclt Waldo Cartoons (C) • Movie: See Daytime Movies. BING CROSBY-CAROL BURNETT SPECIAL A musical-comedy Christmas pantomime staged in a major Los Angeles department store. three contemporary parodies of "Jin- ale Bells" and a review of the swinging songs of the '60's are spotlighted when Bing Crosby and Carol Burnett star in ''Together Again for the First Time" in color on NBC, Thursday at 8 PM. Additional highlights include special guest star Juliet Prowse dancing to "Malaguena" as played by country-Western guitarist-vocal- ist Roy Clark and Der Bingle reprising his ever-popular "White Christmas." Show opens with the entire cast singing ''Together Again for the First Time," an original musical note to the fact that this is the first time all four have worked to- gether on the same show. "Jingle Bells" is revised to reflect bow it might have been written by three contempo- rary composers -John Hartford ("Gentle on My Mind"), Jerry Herman ("Mame" and "Hello, Dolly!") and Meredith Willson ("Music Man"). Clark plays and sings "Gen- tle on My Bells," Carol and Juliet duet "Jerry-Built Bells" and Bing sings "Mr. Will- son 's Bells." Bing dons the guise of Santa Claus to .,... 10 listen to the Christmas wishes of Carol as a little girl, Carol sings "The Dolly Song" and the two duet ''Married." Clark and Crosby team to present "Try a Little Kindness" and "Nashville Cats." and Bing grabs a ukulele to join Clark in a ses- sion of country-style "pickin' and grinnin' " -music alternating with joke$. Then Miss Prowse and Clark perform "Malaguena." The major Christmas pantomime finds Carol, a saddened charlady working in a department store on Christmas Eve, and Bing, a janitor who tries to cheer her up. In the subsequent musical-comedy fantasy, stuffed animals and Punch and Judy puppets come to life and Bing and Carol are trans- formed into prince and princess as they tour the various departments of the store. Musical highlights ot the sequence in- clude Bing singing "Tip Toe Through the Tulips" a la Tiny Tim and "You Mustn't Be Discouraged." and Bing and Cuol duetting "Here's to Us" and ''Have Yourself a Merry L Little Christmas." The concluding musical segment features the entire cast in a medley of songs from / 1. P 1 1 8 . c b 1 It'-Cls -'-• , " lt!I rowse o ns int ros )I or ~ rYI· the 60 S. ma.s special with Carol B11rnm. ) JrS. (C) •rm ap . ies. ea.; ) 'btlc lit· ,. PROGRAMS th ru FRIDAY I Eatoce of J•dau, lues. News/Stodl Mlfltt (j) Sllnn' Today (C) 10:15 Cl) Wortd T1i., Mon.; 'ubllc Sen· ice, Wed., Mr. M1tdl1ndlsinr. Fri. 10:30 I tit (j) LOft of Lift (C) · ID @ m Hollywood Squares (C) Guests are Arte Johnson, Nan· ette Fabray, Sebastian Cabot, Mere· dith MacRae and Stu Giiiiam. II) World of Women (C); Wild Ad· venture (C) Wed. 11:00 IJ ~Ci) Where tit• Hurt la (C) a o oo m 1eop1rdy <C> 0 Tll• Galloplnr Gourmet (C) II) Romper Room (C) 11:251) 9 (j) CIS Ntn (C) 11:30 IJ tit (j) Seard! for TollOfTow (C) Q Q) @ m N1mt Droppen (C) Al Lohman and Rorer Barkley OO· host. Arte Johnson, Irene Ryan and Cesar Romero guest. 0 Johnny Grant (C) Dick Whittin1· hi'I sub-hosts. I Tiit Annivtraary ti•.. (C) Tempo (C) Baxter Ward hosts. Sheriff .lofln (C\ Trntl Fihns (C); 'eraptd.ivl/ Strttdl ind Sew (C) Wed, only fll) StsalM Street (C) (R) u:s~a<D @ mN•c " ... <c> /\fTfRNOON 12:00 IJ Boutique (C) Lou Shaw, pro· ducer of the controversial play "Ohl Calcutta!" guests. Q QJ @ m You're '11ttin1 Mt On (e) Guests are Peter L1wford, Rita Moreno, Corbett Monica. Bren· da Vaccaro, Bill Cullen, Pe111.Y Cass. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. @ (}) ltwltdltd (C) News (C) Bill Johns. Stock Marlltt CleM Ci) Andy Griffith (C) 12:30 8 Cij Ci) As Ult WOfld Tums (C) · fl) @ m 011' of Our Liva (C) Macdonald Carey stars. I @ (I) That Glr1 (C) Nni (C) Jack Latham. Oialinr for Dollara (C) Stock M11ttt Analysis 1 :00 IJ 9 Cl) low Is 1 M1ny Spltn· dorld Tllln& (C) I Q)@ m Tiit Dodon (C) @ (I) Drt1m Home (C) Movit: Set Daytime Movies. Offkt of Ult Prtaldtnt Tiit ti1llopln1 &ourmtt (C) 1:15 Eil) School l"rO(fllftl 1:301E Guldin& Upt (C) • 6 • Another Wortd (C) Tiit l'rlnct of PllCt (C) A series of five Inspirational episodes on the Nativity of Christ.. 0 @ (I)&) l1l'1 M1kt 1 Dttl ~ El) Ttchnlcll Comer 1:50 Cl) fnhlona In Stwina (C) 2:00 IJ 9 ([) Stcttt Storm (C) 0 Q) 00 m lrl&flt l'ro•lst (C I Dt1r Jlllil Mttdt (C) @(I) G) NtwfJwtd 81 .. (C) Hu•tn J•n&lt C..IMCfftJ/Mututl fund 2:30 1J ~ Cl) Ed19 or NicM (C) 0 tU Ci) m lttttra to l.aup-ln (C) Gary Owens ho·sts. Jack E. Leon· ard, Kaye Stevens, Jimmy Dean and Janis Paige auest. I tiiri T1lk (C) @ (]) G) Dltlna tiat (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Stock M1rktt Sun11111ry/futurt 3:00 IJ ~ (j) Comer "1• (C) Q It's Your Btt (C) Jackie and Barbara Cooper, James Farentino and wife Michele Lee guest. I ~ m1::~1r1I Ho1W11t.al (C) Bozo's lie Top Show (C) Waterfront @Mltlnt1 Matin": Don Wilson. 3:30 IJ Lu~ ,1lr (C) Guests are Si· grid Valdis, Michael Callan (Mon.); Hope Holiday, Allen Ludden (Tues.• Thurs.): Mike Minor, Madeline Sher· wood (Fri.). I Mike Douita (C) Ozzie Ind Hlnift @ @ m On• ur. To Uvt (C) Hobo Kelly (C) Dr. Hltdton'• Stcrtt Jeamll Cl) ,,.,. Cartoon• 4:00 I S.1 Hunt; Mowil, Mon., Wed. The Naked Trutll (C) @ (]) Q) Dirt Sh1dowa (C) Mlpty Mouat (C) Peter Sunn 4:15 Eil) The Friendly Ql1nt 4:301 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Divorce Court (C) NIWI (C) Bill Bonda, • Tiie Qroovy Sllow (C) Steam 1uests. !Hu.ti (C) Tiit Munster• (I) '"" Muon fl) RIWlllde Roundu,; Jolln WtJM Weatern film Flltfva~ Friday. Eil) Stumt street (C) (R) ~ (j) 1lt Alntsttnes (C) ~~dtAtur S:M llNBC N ... Mc.t (C) News {C) Tom Reddin. Ripper (C) NtWI (C) George Putnam, Batman (C) Ci) Jhnn1, Tllom11on (C) (j) Mdf1lt's NIVJ I Un Canto dt Mexico &llll11n'1 lsl1nd (C) Dmm Ho111t (C) 5:30 @CI>mABC Newt (C) Candid Camera Cllll1an'1 lal1nd (C) Sunset Trills 00 Thia D_, 1969 (C) : Misteroaerl' Nelatlborllood (C) (i) Ntw1 (C) Mlke Foley. • Virvtl y Capulift1 • TOWll T1lk (C) The Great Dollar Robbery ... Can· We Arrest Inflation? Inflation, the problem many Ameri- cans now rate above even the Vietnam war, will be analyzed Monday at 10 PM on ABC News' television documen- tary special, '"lbe Great Dollar Rob- bery-Can We Arrest Inftation?" Inflation is oo matter of academic economics to the American consumer. It hits home hard with rising prices and shrinking purchasing power for the dol- lar. Unchecked, It increases in a poten- tially disastrous spiral. Narrated by ABC News Economic Editor Louis Rukeyser, "The Great Dollar Robbery-Can We Arrest Infta- Cr ., I " . !,~ ,,~~ Harvard t conomut Jolin Ktnrwrh Galbraith duciu1· ti tltt tlttontlcal caiutl and t6tcts of lnffalkm. ...-r;;;~ tion?" involves producers, consumers, LJ/IJI lttr economists and government officials flvt( Jc k1 in a probing study of this nationwide Alie problem. Included in the analysis will ~U be an evaluation of the Nixon Ad· --~:~WJ ministration's policies aimed at curb- Wa.Jltln1ton, D.C. arta lto1UC'· wlvt1 ta~ tlttlr prottJll a1airut ruln1 food prlct1 Into the 1trtet1. on tht ABC Ntw11 doc-umtntary 1twclal. versity of Chicago, perhaps economist. ing inflation. In hi1 recent message to the nation, the President assured the people that government is acting to halt rising prices. Mr. Nixon at the same time called on both busi- ness and labor to exercise self-re-- straint on the wage price front to avoid the possibility of a recession. Featured on the program are dis- cussions of the causes, effects and po~ible cures for inftation by the celebrated liberal economist from .HllJVard, John Kenneth Galbraith, and by Milton Friedman of the Uni- the nation's best-known conservative Taking to the field for an on-scene study of the roots of inftatioft, ABC News researched lhe impact of inftation on the Midwest, H typical of the economic problems across America. The study fo- cused on three extremely important consumer needs-meat, housing and hospitalization-to paint a graphic picture of the inftationary spiral. In the case of meat prices, the documentary team under producer Herbert Dorfman traced cost increases from the cattle farm, where rising feed and livestock prices raise the selling cost of beef, to the meat packing plant where the price jumps again, and ultimately to the supermarket where the shopper finds his favorite meat dishes putting an increasingly large dent in his budget Similar studies trace the growth of inflation for construction of bowing and for hospital costs. lo Washington, D.C. ABC News filmed the recent hearings of the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress in its exam- ination of the impact of inftation on the economy today. Those hearings, which also probed inftationary increases in food, housing and medical costs, included testimony by Sccret~ry of the Treasury David M. Kennedy, Budget Director Robert P. Mayo and other key government officials. In addition, ABC News bas commissioned a special poll con~ dueled by the Survey Research Center of the University of Michi- gan. The survey will reveal how a cross-sec1ioo of Americans feel about inftation, whom they blame for it. how they feel it might be curbed, and bow the shrinking buying power of the dollar may affect their voting patterns in future elections . hp 11 P111• 12 Genuine oak veneer and oak solids 295 Sq. In. Colo;-Picture Tube Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) Tambour Doors SO" Long 29" High MODEL 54 M394 REGULAR RETAIL PRICE $699.95 OUR SPECIAL QUANTITY PURCHASE PRICE 5 5999~. ( ;g CURTIS 1 c m MATHES Only CURTIS MATHES can bring you this genuine Oak Spanish Mediterranean Color TV for less than s40000 • Automatic ~ua1ing • Full 1iu con1ol• • ln1t1nt 1utom1tic, no 1nnoylng w1rm-up delay • light.d 0111 e I yra. 1dju1tment warr•nty on pk· tur• tub. $12 adcHtion1I e Also 1vall1ble in D1ni1h Mod•rn, '. 8921 .ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH (Next to Albertson's) 962-3384 ,.,. 14 llONDD·PABT I TUESDAY·PABT II K&BC·TV THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, DECEMBER 13, 1969 MONDAY DECEMBER 15 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "Altd!Of'I Awtlab" Part I (mu- sical) '45 -Frank Sinatra. Gene Kelly, Kathryn Grayson. 9:30 D "Sina You Sinners" (musical comedy) '38 -Bina Crosby, Fred MacMurray, Ellen Drew, Donald O'Connor. m "lads to Batun" (drama) '45 -John Wayne. Anthony Quinn. 10:00 O "Ailfli Commander" (drama) '30-Neil Hamilton, Douglas Fair· banks Jr. 12:00 D "I Am tht law" (drama) '38- Edward G. Robinson, Otto Kruger, Wendy Barrie, John Beal. 1:00 m "Moontldt" (drama) '42-Jean Gabin. Ida Lupino, Thomas Mitchell. 2:30 fJ "Jim Thorpe---'11 Amtriun" (biography) '51 -Burt Lancaster, Phyllis Thaxter. 4:00 II (C) "All Mine To Civt'' (drama) '57 -Cameron Mitchell, Glynis Johns, Patty McCormack. EVENING 5:00 D REDDIN TELLS WHAT * IT'S LIKE TO BE ARRESTED! HE KNOWS! 6:00 II Big Ntws (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlty·lrinkley (C) (30) D STEVE PLAYS & SINGS *MUSIC FROM HIS NEW CHILDREN'S ALBUM!! D Sttvt Allen Show (C) (90) Guests are Redd Foxx, Mary Lou Collins, Norm Crosby, Nie Ullett and Dr. Dean Miller. 0 Sil O'Cloct Movie: "Tiit Hus- tler" Part I (drama) '61 -Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason, Piper Laurie. A ruthless young pool shark has an obsession to become the nation's champion, Did Yan Dyte (30) Pqton Place (30) Star Trell (C) (60) 1 (I) Mike Doualas (C) (90) : Whit's New? (30) (j) C8S News (C) (30) · r11mpo dt Penlon (30) , · News (C) (60) Jack White. 6:30 8 KNBC NIWStfllict (C) (60) • The Came 5ame (C) (30) Guests are Patricia Harty, Richard Dawson and E. J. Peaker. To TtU the Trvtll (C) (30) Office of ttle Prtsidtftt (30) @ Huntlt1·8rinldey (C) (30) : Twin Circlt Hudlin• (C) (30) Cl) Tiit Munst1r1 (30) · Notlcltro 34 (C) (60) • KMIR Ntws (C) (30) * IF YOU'RE NOT TUNED TO 5, YOU'RE MISSING STEVE ALLEN! DO IT!! 1:00 II CIS E.,.lnt News (C) (30) fJ Wlllt's MJ llntf (C) (30) Guest panelists for the week are Nancy Duualt, Alan Alda and Soupy Sales. m I Love Lucy (30) m Beat tat Clock (C) (30) Huah O'Brien auests. ti) Co•llOClitr/Mutual fllftd (30) taj Ci) MondaJ Show (C) (2 hr) ''The Boraia Stick." Don Murray, I naer Stevens. I Atloral (30) CJ) Trutll or Consequences (C) Cisar's World (C) (30) That Ch1 (C) (30) 7:30 Qi (j) C......Ut (C) (60) A dirt farmer breaks into a Dodae City bank to obtain his savinas. 0 m MJ Wortd and Wtlcomt to It (C) (30) "Rally 'Round the Flaa.'' John Monroe elves his dauah· ter a Chri$tmas present that Is dlf· ferent, and incurs the wrath of the nelahborhood. Henry Morain and Harold J. stone are featured. D CATCH DAVID HARTMAN * STUMPING THE STARS! D Stump the Stars (C) (30) David Hartman, Joe Campanella. Vera Miles. Roaer C. Carmel. Deanna Lund and Dick Patterson auest. 0 @ Ci)(!) Tiit Music Scent (C) (45) David Steinberg hosts. 0 Million $ Movie: (C) "TIM St- crtt Invasion" (drama) '&4-Stew· art Granger, Raf Vallone, Mia Mas· sinl. A group of convicted intema· tional crime ''specialists" are sent on a secret mission to Yugoslavia In 1943. I TruUI or Consequences (C) (30) Judd for tllt Dtftnst (C) (60) Ttdlnical Cornw (30) frendl Chtf (30) Julia Child. "Buche de Noel." fE Chudlo ti Roto (30) 8:00 0 m laulfl·ln (C) (60) Greer Gerson guem as Raggedy Ann, a Southern lady and a clothed wom· an in a nudist world. D Jldl ltnn1 (30) "Ginger Rogers Show." I Queen for a Day (C) (30) Stodl Man1t/Futur1 (30) WOf'ld Prm (C) (60) Hit Parade (C) (90) 8:15 @ @ &) Tiit New hoplt ( ) (45) "Speed Kills." Warren, in a sudden recuire'lce of drua·ln· duced delusions, sets out to get rid of George. Robert Drivas guests. 1:30 II ~ (j) Htrt's l.Jlcy (C) (30) Kim and Craia convince Lucy to let them keep a luge dog ovemiaht and "he" aurprises them with a litter of nine puppies. Jack La L.anne auests. D John Wooden Takes 2nd * Look at His Bruins!! 0 &ruins In Action (C) (30) Bas· ketball highlights. I David frost Show (C) (90) Tiit Bir Valley (C) (60) S. .. bMh Thtltrt (60) 9:00 II Qt (j) Mlylltrry R.f.D. ( C) (30) In Palm Sprlnp, Sam mHts an old Army buddy, who makes • play for Miiiie. 0 @ Ci) m NBC MoncltJ Movie: ~ "Mluion htanaas" (adventure· (drama) ·~ennis Weaver, Vera h r) .,, A to II ,. f. II 1d id ra .. •· ,,. :S· a· nt ia J) d. a n- 1rs lit In n- i d 0) 1et ht a La IS· C) its a It: ·e- tra Miles, Keith Larsen. An opportun- istic American pilot becomes in- volved in removing the Philippine government's entire stock of gold bulli<>n from the island of Corre· gidor before the Japanese find it. 1J Htrt Come the Stan (C) (60) Guests Debbie Reynolds. Ann Soth· ern. Jan Sterlin&. Gii Youna. Lita Baron, Norm Crosby, Paul Gilbert, Will Jordan, Jan Daley toast and roast Aanes Moorehead. 0 (fi) (}) G) T111 Survlv9n (C) (60) Duncan finds his father dead; Jeff believes he may have killed Baylor; Philip tells Duncan that Riakos is behind Senator Jennin1s' Investigation. Clu Gulager auests. fl) NET Joumal (60) "Kaddish." The dramatic odyssey of a man searchina throu&h Israel for a friend with whom he survived his detention in a German concentra- tion camp. ti) Las Estrtllas J Usted (30) 9:30 119 (j) Doris Day (C) (30) After havlna to work overtime several nlahts. Doris plans a full weekend of "family fun". without consultlna anyone. I News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. He Said, 5'1t Said (C) (30) Horst Opera (60) Rtvista Mualcal (30) 10:00 Qt (j) Carol Bumttt (C) (60) Garry Moore, Durward Kirby and The Bob Mitchell Boys Choir 1uest. 0 LET REDDIN TELL YOU * WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SOMEONE IS ARRESTED! em ..... cc> <60> 0 (fi) (I) OJ I l!lcilt I TIM a ... at Dollar Robbery; Can Wt Anat I• flatlon? (C) (60) ABC News special lnvolvina producers. consumers, economists and 1ovemment officials In a problna study of the nation- wide problem of inflation. fJ DtUa! (C) (60) Suzanne Char- ny, The Unusual We, Carazini, and Leigh French auest. II) Perry Maon (60) tll) F"trin1 Unt (C) (60) "The Sellin& of the President, 1968," the best- seller throniclln11 the successful ef- forts of advertisina men to promote the election of President Ni~on, is discussed by author Joe McGinniss and host William f. Buckley. I Carce! di Multres (30) 10:30 Cristina Quzm1n (30) 11:00 0 0 ID News (C) T1ll WlltlflMfS TIM Movie 51•1 (C) Pa11elists are frank Gorshin, Dinah Shore, Nanette fabray and Phil Slivers. I Outer Umlts @ Qi (I) Newt (C) • · Newt (C) 11 :lO i I Mtn Qrlffin (C) I tE m JollnnJ Canon (C) 0 KUP'S GUESTS DON'T * JUST TALK! THEY SAY SOMETHING! TUNE IN! B K.up's Sllow (C) @ rn m Th• Joey lilllop Show (C) fJ Mowil: (C) "Tiie Saa amt" (1dventure) '55-John Wayna; II) Mowie: '1il'ffll Finpra" (dra- ma) '48 -Robert Beatty, 12:00 m Movie: "Th• L8d.1tr" (mystery) '44/-Sir Cedric Hardwickt, Merle Oberon, Georae Sanders, Laird Cre- gar. Suunne and Geo« Edwards have arrived on the scene to sustain what appears to be a dimin- ishing art-form-the husband-and-wife team in the world of entertainment. One doesn't realize 1he absence of such pair- ings until he scans the weekly television listings and suddenly the fact leaps out with a vengeance. Time was when television and radio were liberally sprinkled with Mr. and Mrs. type situation com- edies that were mainstays in programming. Suunae and Ceoft ~eko-Carl Rdaer ud 10• llob. Suzanne and Geoff's 90 minutes of conversation and variety eacfi weekday moming on Channel 7 (7:30 to 9 AM) is substantially different from the former filmed shows. Where those shows had lines from scripts to read and memorize, the Edwards' have to wing it from a fact sheet. And where those shows had stop and go scenery changes. "The His and Her of It" goes straight rhrough with only a breather at commercial breaks, creating great pressure. This brings to mind 1he age-old question of what happens to a husband-and-wife performance when they've had one of 1heir little spats on the way to the studio ... or if someone got up on the wrong side of the bed? With their show only a month old, Suzanne and Geoff haven't reall y had the big test and admit it's a frightening thought and know that inevita- bly it will happen. They admit also that there was one notable test of patience on both their parts. The issue was over bow to treat a parricular pro- gram segment rather than a family squabble and in 1ypic.al fashion the result was an equally age--0ld disclaimer: "OK we'll do it. But if it bombs don't blame me!" The demanding schedule of doing five shows a week is brutal enough to set the most level tempered mates at each others' throats periodical- ly. You add to this the fact that Geoff has his 3-hour, six days a week disc-jockey show on KMPC and then add to this the complete turmoil of house remodeling with Suzanne doing the architecture and lining up the contractual work. You top all this off with over l 00 personal ap- pearances each ye,,.r. ' · Suzanne and Geoff be<:ame a team in an un· usual way. He had been using her as the brunt of many of his jokes on radio and finally she rebelled and demanded time for a rebuttal from the station. The striking brunette not only got air time but was acclaimed by the distaff side of the audience throughout the Southland. As it happens in fairy tales and Hollywood, an important pr<>- ducer, Art Stark, was also listening and he set in motion the format idea he bad been saving for the right couple. An mudidon tape was cut and ABC's Owned Station Division bought the idea and now the show is seen in the major markets in the country. Geoff is one of those natural humorists who can find a laugh in almost everything. His acting skills have led to roles in motion pictures and many gueslings on television such as That Girl, Good Morning. World, and I Dream of Jeannie. He has made many appearances as newspaperman Geoff Powers on Petticoat Junction and has a featured role in Columbia Pictures release "The Comic" which was produced and directed by Carl Reiner and stars Dick Van Dyke. He has ap- peared on a variety of radio and television com- mercials and was named Radio Personali1y of the Year for 1967 by the Los Angeles Times. A n•dve of New Jersey and a graduate of Duke Universtiy, Geoff started his career in Palm Beach, Florida where he met Suzanne (he rried to steal h~r parking place) and subsequently mar- ried her. They migrated to the West and landed in San Diego where he ran the gamut of an- nouncer, newsman. feature film host, and emcee of a nightly inrerview show prior to winning the "Moming Man" spot at KFI in Los Angeles in 1966. He moved to KMPC in 1968. Suzanne wu • model and had her own tele- vision show in Palm Beach until she married Geoff and gave up showbusiness when her chil- dren began to arrive. She is a Chicagoan and attended Michigan State Univesity and is de- termined to finish her architectural studies at Pierce Jr. College and enroll at USC. She loves to ride and show horses as a hobby and designs most of her own clothes. To ensure that there are no idle moments, Suzanne also serves on the women's committee at the Los Angeles County Museum of Science and Industry. To paraphrase an old bromide that might sum up this husband-and-wife team ... "If you want something done ... ask a busy Edwards." TUESDAY DECEMBER US For morninc and afternoon ll1tln11, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your eonvenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the richt to chan1e proerammin& with· 'out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D "Andlon AWtiP• Part II (mu- wl) '45 -Frank Sinatra, Gent Kelly, Kathryn GraYIOf1. t :JO 11 .. R1hlbow hA1nd" (music1I com-~) '44 -Dorothy .L1mour. QJ "MJ D.trlln1 CletMnttnt• (west· trn) '46-Htnry Fond1, Vlctw Mt· ture. Lind• DarMll. 10:00 D (C) "'lunftcflt at Rid Sands" (wntem) '65-Rlchard Harrison. lZ:OO 11 WS.1 of India .. (1dwnturt) '49 -S.bu, Geil Russell. Turh1n Bty. l:OOGI "fallen Anlll'' (dram•) '45- 01n1 Andrews. ?:JO B "~•t• DuclJ" (comedy) '6f-Mickey Rooney. 4:30 R (C) ..,..._.. (1dventure) '54 -=Yvonne 0.C.rlo, Comtl Wilde. I , I 'I . '. 1, 5!00 11 HOW "SILENT" SHOULD *THE MAJORITY BE? REDDIN EXAMINES!! 1:001~' Ntw1 (C) (60) .ltny Dunphy. • Hu tlef-lrtn.._, (C) (30) D TOGETHER WITH * STEVE ALLEN BEFORE YOUR HUSBAND GETS HOME! HAVE FUN!! II St.Yt Alltn Sllow (C) (90) Biii Dilly, Misti Wilker, Bob Btrter ind Jeny Shene ruest. D Sil O'Cloa Mevlt: "Tiit H11-iff• P1rt II (dr1m1) '61 -P1ul N1wm1n, Piper Laurie, J1cllie GIH · 111n, Gtot'lt C. Scott. Myron Mc· Cormick. A ruthless younr pool ahtrk hu 1n obsession to become the n1tlon's champion. Did Y111 DJ" (30) ~ Pltce (30) stir Trell (C) {60) ()) Ml .. Doqtn (C) (90) . WUt's NIW1 (30) Cl) CIS News (C) (30) Pasion CitH• (30) ..... (C) (60) Jack Whitt. 6:JO DIC Nt••vlc:e (C) (60) • Tiie Ct• li111t (C) (30) Tt Ttl tilt Trvtll (C) (30) Oftlct ol tilt Pltlidtftt (30) Ci) Hu11U.,.lri11klty (C) (30) : E Cllildntl'I s,edll (C) (30) "R1punzel." Story of en wll witch, outsm1rttd by htr capttv.-. b11u1iful fair-h1lred maiden n1med R1punzt1.' Prorr1m futures the world-f1mous S.lzbura Marionette Th11tr1. I Cl) Tiit Muattn {30) NOtidefo 34 (C) C 60) KMIR News (C) (30) * CH. 5 Will LET YOU WATCH STEVE ALLEN FOR JUST 1 MORE HOUR MEOW-Bt'hintl tht' mask and under tht' wig is Debbit' Rt'y- nolds. 4f sht' dis~uist'S herstlf as a Playboy bunny-like "kitttn" in ordt'r 10 spy on lrt'r husband during a bacht'lor party at the "Casano\•a Cluh." a nightclub for mtn, in "Casanova's Kittuu" t'pisode of NBC's Tht Dt'libit Reynolds Sho~·. Tut's- day at 8 PM. .... 16 THE DAILY PILOT, lV WEEK, DECEMBER 13, 1969 "I like to~ out and dig for things." Tom Brokaw is a journalist in the classic sense of the word. He's a crusader. He gets out and digs for a story. "Td like to spend two weeks with a ghetto kid, just follow· rng him around. to find out what it's really like. Then I think people would have a far better understanding of the situation." That's the way Tom Brokaw is. And e wouldn"t have it any other way here at KNBC Newservice. KN1Cnewse We care what you V\ffKNIG-ffS 5, 6:30& 11 ,.~ I HU'ffi..EY BRINKLEY AJ 6 ~ -· 1969 ' I •rd. )W· ink 1n." any 7:00 CBS Eveftlnc """ (C) (30) Movie: (C) "Silent Niatit. lontlJ Wtl1f1 My line? (C) (30) Ni&frt" (dram•) '69-ll~ Brldpi, I love luq (30) Shirley Jones, Carrie Snodams. But Utt Clock (C) (30) Robert Lipton, Lynn Carlin, Stefan Co111modity /MutUll Fund (30) Am grim. Two troubled and lonely (i) lrendtd (C) (30) peop'e meet •t a New Enaland : AhOra! (30) resort and have a brief romance (j) TruUt or Con1tquences (C) while each Is endurin1 marital dif· • Islands In the 5'1n (C) (30) ficulties. • T111t Cllr1 (C) (30) 0 GATHER THE FAMILY TO· *PLAN AHEAD! AT 9 PM * GETHER FOR A HAPPY OOODLETOWN PIPERS' HOUR WITH DOODLE· CHRISTMAS SPECIAL TOWN PIPERS! ENJOY! ON CH. 5! "YULE'' SEE! 1J I 16c!AL I TIM Deoctletown Pi· 7:30 II ~ Ci) lancer (C) (60) A pers (C) (60) "Gettinf Ready for satanic-looking man claims the Christmas." The Doodletown Pipers estate which Murdoch Lancer be, frolic in sona and dance as they lieves rlahtfully belonp to youn1 prepare for a holiday party for a Silas Hackel Guest is Pit Hln1le. 1roup of wide·eyed children. 0 lil $, m I Dte111 of Junnie Ell) NET festival (C) (60) "Jm at (fj (30) 'Jeannie the Matchmaker." Tanrlewood: Modern Jan Quartet." Jeannie and Tony each arrange Gunther Schuller introduces a per· dates for Roger Healy In order t.o fonnance by this well-known Ian end his bachelorhood. group at the 1968 Berkshire Music n DAVID HARTMAN, VERA IFest~ Con Mona Bell (30) * MILES & JOE CAM PAN-9:90 Q?J m The Ciovemor and J.J. ELLA STUMP IT UP!! ( > {30fGov. Drinkwater's old col· g stump the Stars (C) (30) David lege chum, a South Ame.rlcan die· Hartman, Joe Campanella and Vera t~t~r. c~mes lo the capital for • Miles guest. visit. Michael Ansara guests. 0 @ rn m M 0 d Sq u. d iC) I News ~C) (30) B~xter Ward. (60) "In This Corner-Sol Alpert." He Said, She Slid (C) (30) Pete line and Julie hunt the land-Horse Opefa (60) lord 'responsible for unhealthy con· • Chucho Avell1net (C) (30) ditions in a slum neighborhood. lO:OO ~ 00 CIS News Heur (C) (60) Marvin Kaplan guests. IJ REDDIN LOOKS AT fJ Miiiion $ Movie: "Pay or Die'' * SILENT MAJORITY!! (drama) '60 -Ernest Borgnine, I m News (C) (60) Zohra Lampert. ltallan·American (jj') (l)lfl) Marcus Welby M.D. Police lieutenant battles to keep ( ) (60) ''The Chemistry of Hope." New York's "little Italy" free of Bradford Diiiman and Nancy Malone the dreaded "Black Hand.'' guest as Ken and Nora McGµrney I Truth or Consequences (C) (30) who refuse to allow Dr. Welby to Judd for the Defense (C) (60) le I their teenage son that he has Technic·11 Corner (30) leukemia. Barry Williams plays Th• City W1tdlers (C) (60) Pancho. Chudlo ti Roto (30) fJ Della! (C) (60) Tony Bennett 1:00 ID @ m Debbie RIJl!Olds (C) and Rich Little 1uest. (30) "CasanO'la's Kittens." Debbie Perry Mason. (60) and Charlotte spy on their husbands : Homewood (60) by masqueradin1 as bunny-like • Carce! d• Muleres (30) night·club kittens at a bachelor 10:30 · Cristina Ciuzm1n (30) dinner. 11 :00 0 0 Q) News (C) I J1dc Benny (30) The Wesilrnm Queen for 1 D•J (C) (30) • Movie C1me (C) Sonny Fox. Stock Mutet/Fulllrt (30) Outer l imits Discothtq ... I Go-Co (C) (60) Cil 0 (i) ~ Ci) NIWI (C) 1:30 QI Ci) Red Skelton (C) (60) : R11r1n Press Confertnce Jack Wild, Cyril Ritchard 1uest. I Im News (C) O @@ m Julia (C) (30) "Hil· 11:30 Merv Criffin (C) de's No Help.'' Julia seeks employ· • 6 m Jotlnny Car10n (C) ment for her nei1hbor's disaster· Movie: "Th• Sutped" (mystery) prone sister. Jack Carter and Jay '45-Char1es Laughton, Ella Raines, Novello guest. Rosalind Ivan. IJ Win With the Stl11 (C) (30) D uzJCI) m Tll t J Ol J 1 11h0 p Guests'are Ketty Lester and Geor1e SiOW (C) Jessel. fJ Movie: "Kin& of tti. ltoarln1 O @(l)Q) ABC Movie of the Twenties• (drama) '61-David Jans· Wnll: (C) "The Siient Cun" (west· sen, Diana Dors, Keenan Wynn. em drama) '69 -Lloyd Bridges, Q) Movie: ''Golden Cloves'' (drama) Pernell Roberts. Story of a feared '40-Richard Dennln1. Robert Ryan, gunman, so horrified by nearly ~Ill-James Cagney. in1 a child that he determines to 12:00 m Movie: "The Astonblltd Ht1rt" carry only an empty gun. (drama) 'SO-Noel Coward, Mar· I David Frost (C) (90) garet Leighton, Cella Johnson. The Ii& Valley (C) (60) 1:00 II Movie: ''TenntSMt'I Partn•" Sapbrustl Thein (60) (drama) 'SS -Rhonda Flemln1, lnterfaca (C) (30) "Robots Get John Payne. Smarter." A look at three robots D 0 News (C) representing the latest advances in I Country MUIJc Time (C) automata and artificial intelll1ence 1 :15 Co111munlty Bulletin llOlrd (C) (in terms of mobility, eyes and l:lO All·Ni&flt Show: "Fear No More," sensors, brains, and performance "I Know Where I'm Goin1." ''The motivation). Brighton Stranaler.'' 9:000 13)@ m World Premiere 2:30 II" ... (C) FREE LOAN CARS AVAILABLE FREE SAFETY FLARE JUST DRIVE IN NO MATIER WHAT YOU 'RE DRIVING, OR WHERE IT CAME FROM. NEW BRAKE LININGS AND LINING INSTALLATIONS COST YOU HALF AT THE BIG BRAKE. WE USE ONLY BENDIX LININGS, THE BEST YOU CAN BUY! BETTER THAN FACTORY STANDARDS FOR NEW CARS. GIVE US 90 MINUTES, AND WE'LL PRECISION GRIND THE LININGS TO THE DRUMS, REPACK THE WHEEL BEARINGS, REFILL WITH BRAKE FLUID, AND ADJUST BRAKES ON ALL FOUR WHEELS! WE GUARANTEE OUR BRAKES IN WRITING FOR 30,000 MILES OR 3 YEARS. AND WE ADJUST YOUR BRAKES FREE FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR CAR. CHARGE IT ON BANKAMERICARD, MASTER CHARGE, OR MOST OIL COMPANY CREDIT CARDS. OR USE OUR OWN FINANCING. 3 BIG LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU COSTA MESA 3 181 Harbor Blvd. 549·2259 HUNTINGTON BEACH 16091 Beach Blvd. 842·5548 GARDEN GROVE 13388 Brookhurst 638·0911 Open 7 days a weel<I Hours: Mon.·Fri.: 8 A.M.·9 P.M. Sat.; 8 A.M.·5 P.M.: Sun.: 10 A.M.·5 P.M. • A Subsidiary of 1ntersv1tel"I\, Inc. O Trading on the Amerlc•11 Stock Exch1nqo h&• 17 llAGllE YOURSELF IEHllD THE MICROPHOIEI ~~~~ '~ WHICH OF THESE j FASClllTllG CAREERS llTERESTS YOU? O DISC JOCKEY 0 MlWSCASTH O UOITSCASTEI O COMMHCIAL UMOUMCH ,_H VOICI ANALYSIS TILLS YOU If YOU HAVI "HIDDEN TALINT"I TRAI~ AT HOM£ OR IN OUll IEAUTlf'Ul N£W STUDIO SCHOOL~ You CI R study broldcu t ttcllnlquts •t llomt, In your IPtrt time, or In our new lrOldClst· Int Scl\ool-l0CAT£D IUCHT HUE IN LOS ANCHE~ndtr Ille supervlalon ol our Olrectln1 r1culty of 11 t1mou1 bro1dcut111. R1dlO· TV 1t1tlon1 tverywhtll lllVI In IMMEDIATE DCMANO tor l>otll mtn 111(1 wOllllln to tlkl O¥u Important 1ood· p1yln1 jobs rl1llt llOW. NAflOfl.WIO[ PLACEMENT AS.$1STA);C£ 1t no 11t11 cost• Tuition anlsllnct 1v1ll1blt. .... Send to CARHR ACADEMY'S dlvlSIOll 01 f'1mou1 1ro1dc11tera 101 FREE boo'· 111, r1c0fd, 111d voice 111111111 d1t1ll1. NOTICE: EN9'0U. HOW FOR CAMDt ACAOOtY'S NEXT a.AUi THlt COULD H YOUlt CHMa TO PUT YOURHLI HHIHD THE MICltOPHOHED •An ecc:r9dlted member of the N•· tlon1I Home Study Council •nd the • N1tlon11 AHocletlon of Trade •nd Tec:hnlc1I Schoola • Appfvwd fw V.tenin Tralnln• • •Member of C.llfoml1 A.uocl•tlon for l"riv1t1 tduc•tlon •Alt ell•lble lnatitutlon under the federalry Insured Student Loin Procram. Add""• City, St1te/Zlp As• I •m lntlf'lated In : O Cl1nroom O Hom• Study t 1 06AAA24S ! --------------------- ,.,. 18 WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right . to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D (C) "Trotlblt lft ... C!tn• (drama) '54--0l'JOn Welles, Forrest Tucker, Marpret Lockwood. 9:30 B "Th• Pl1ln1•1n" (¥/estern·ro· mance) '36-Gary Cooper. Jun Ar· thur, Charles Bickford, James Elli· son. m "T1My Uw by Nlpt" (mystery) 'U--Otto Kru1er, Pat Parrish. 10:00 fJ "AdVtnturtt of Mark Twain" (adventure) '44 -Fredric March, Alexis Smith. 12:00 &1 "Tiie Stranp DnUI of AdoH llitler" (mystery) '43--{;ale Sonder· 1aard, Ludwi1 Donath. 1 :00 ID ''llle lut Days of Dolwyn" (mystery drama) '49-E.dith Evans, Emyln Wil'lams. 2:30 0 (C) "Youn1 1t H11rt" (drama) ·~Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Gig Young. 4:00 IJ (C) "The Prlncas and Ute ,._ rata" (comedy) '44 -Bob Hope, Vlrrinla Mayo, Walter Brennan. fVf NING 5:00 B BEST TRIPLE·PLAY * IN NEWS AND SPORTS: REDDIN TO FISHMAN TO HARMON! CATCH IT! 6:00 II lit Nen (C) (30) Jerry Dunphy. D ID Huntl'1·1rinkltJ (C) (30) D BARRY SULLIVAN MAKES * SCENE WITH STEVE! 0 StM Alltft $ .... (C) (90) Barry Sullinn, Charlie Byrd, Jim Moran, Mike Bell ruest. D Sb O'Clock Movie: (C) ''Tiit er"" in Ille f't.uu• (drama) '62- 0llvla de Havlllend, Rossano Brml, Yvette Mlmleux, Geor1e Hamilton, Barry Sullinn. A mother Is dis- mayed when her beautiful, mentally retarded dau1hter falls in love whlle the two ere visitlnr Florence, Italy. • Dick Ven l>J't (30) P'eytDn P'tace (30) star Tret (C) (60) (I) Mike Dl11llas (C) (90) . Wllars New? (30) (i) CIS News (C) (30) • hsion Cltana (30) ' ..... (C) (60) Jaclt White. 6:30 KNIC Nnrwrvlct (C) (60) n. ea .. c ... <C> (30) To Ttll tltt Trwtll (C) (30) otfia ef .. ,.,...... (30) 00 H•ntltJ·l rlntlty (C) (30) . Cn1t T11 (30) (i) TM Mwnstlra (30) N.tkin 34 (C) (60) lMIR ,._. (C) (30) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 13, 1969 * TUNE OVER TO STEVE, 10.vid frost sa.ow (C) (90) STILL AN HOUR OF FUN! Tiit BIC vii1t, (C) (60) Sa1tbnu Tllt•h (60) 7:00 CIS btnln1 News (C) (30) Sonrisa (30) Miit's My liner (C) (30) 9:00 ~ (j) Medical Center (C) (60) I lovt luq (30) Or. Gannon helps a strugaling stu· But Ult Clocl1 (C) (30) dent nurse who has been accused Commodity I Mutual fund (30) of mishandling a patient Belinda Ci) Amtria! (C) (30) Montgomery guests. : Ai*1I {30) (j) Trvu. or t.nMquences (C) 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL • Wand•hllt <C> (30) * Steve Lawrence, Eydie · n.t &lft <C> (30) Gorme, Sonny and Cher 7:l0 Qt Ci) RETURN H" H1w (C) -""9 r7"I .:ft Kraft Male Hall (C) (60) Buck Owens and Roy Clark u 16>1 ~ 11:.1.:.1 co-host a weekly hour of comedy (60) Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gor· me hosts. Guests are Sid Caesar, and oounUy music. Regulars In· Sonny and Cher. and The Carnival. elude Minnie Pearl, Grandpa Jones, B Wmtllni (C) (60) Junior Samples and his daughter @@m AIC Wtdusdar Cathy, Archie Campbe!I, Gordie Movie: (C) "lnr lody" (comedy) Trap~, Don Harron, Lu.u Ro~an, '66-Sid Caesar, Robert !qan, Anne Guni.11 Hutton, Mary Taylor, Stn~g-Bader, Kay Medford, Jan Murr1y, b~an, The Singing Hagers, Jeannine Richard Pryor Arlene Golonka. A Riley, Cathy Baker, Jimmy Riddle : . and Claude Phelps with music by comedy of crime syndicate errors. Buck Owens' Bucka~. Merle Hag· After a syndlca.te collector's f~nerel, aard and Tammy Wynette iuest. a h~nchman, d11s up the coffin, ex· B 9 @) fE Tiie Viralniln (C) pectmg to frnd a mill.Ion dollars. {90) "A Woman of Stone." Bethel 1· N~ In P'trlplCtivt (C) (60) Leslie guests as a woman held Sylvia r EnrlqDt (60) captive by Indians for several' years, 9:30 • News _(C) (30) ~axter Ward. who seeks vengeance from the hus. Ht Said, Siie Said (C) (30) band who deserted her during a Hors. Opet'1 (60) raid. Charles Drake and Gerald 10:00 9 00 H1wall . Flve-0 (C) (~) Michenaud also guest. SPolled Texas heiress Jo Louise 1J FUN-IT-UP WITH Maller (Beve~lee McK!nsey} pits * STARS & STUMPERS beachboy (L~n1 Kai) ~ga1nst playboy (Kaz Garas) m a sadistic card game. 1J Stump the Stan (C) (30) Joe B @ (6) m Then C11111 Ironton Campanella, David Hartman, Vera (C) (60) 'The Spitball Kid." Bron· Miles guest. son helps a bi1headed, insecure 0 @ @ Ol T1le Flyine Nun (C) yaung pitcher get ready for a Uy· (30) "The New Carlos." Carlos has out before a major league scout always complained about the nuns (Don Drysdale). Kurt Russell and bothering him for don1tlons and David Shelner guest other help, but he is wonled when g COMPLETE NEWS PLUS they stop. • fJ Miiiion $ Movie: "Dntin1tion * REDDIN COMMENTARY! Tokyo" (drama) '44-Clry Grant, 1J m News (C) (60) John Garfield, Faye Emerson, Dane 0 Dtll1! (C) (60) Johnny Mathis. Clark. Story of U.S. Submarine Sammy Shore, Leigh Freneh guest. "Copperfln" under sealed orders to m Piny Mnon (60) enter Japan's best-guarded h1rbor. Ell) St>ecul1tion (C) (60) "A Con· m Trvtll or Con-auences (C) (30) versation with Atrred Kazin," a lit· I Judd for Ult Defens. (C) (60) erary critic. Tld\nkll Corn• (30) · Carcef de Mujeres (30) Jorce Chen Coob (30) "Rice 10:30 · Cristln1 liuzmen (30) and Tea." 11 :00 0 m @E @E Nftl (C) @II Cllucho ti Roto (30) The Wlltefn.-s 1:001J bet ltnltf (30) Dennis Day @ 00 aJ News (C) gue.sts. Movie Ci•• (C) Sonny Fol. D (fij mm Tiie CourtUlp of Outer Limits Eddie'• fatMr (C) (30) "Mother of (i) 9 Cl) N ... (C) the Year." To cheer up Eddie, Tom : N'ET10um1I: ''Kiddish." (R) Corbett decides to participate in a 11 :30 ~Ci) Merv Crfffln (C) party the mothers of his classmates • @ Ci) @E Johnn1 Cll'IOfl (C) are giving the teacher. Pamela Tiny Tim's wedding is scheduled for Peadon and Tani Phelps 1uest. toniaht. I Queen for • o., (C) (30) IJ Movie: "P'trilous HolidlJ'' (ad· stock Market/ Ft1tvrt (30) venture-mystery) '46---¥at O'Brien, 11at Forsyte Sap (60) (R) Alan Hale, Ruth Warrick. lmpKtot Muticlles (30) 0 Ci1J (I) aJ Tiit JotJ llahop S:30 9 (J) The lfvwtr Hiiibiiiies Show (C) ( ) (30) Soupy Sales guests as an 0 Movie: "Anni lucastl" (drama) Air Force hero who bumbles into '53-fartha Kitt Sammy Da\·ls Jr .. the lives of the Beverly Hillbillies. Rex ln1Tam. • 1J A WHOLE RAM GAME m Mowtt: "Holld•r W•ll" (ro-* SEEENN IYN03UOR MWllNFSE.'LL 12:00 o;nc_:~~~~L~:. =; Cdra· EV ma) '52-Victor Mature, Jane Rus· WANT TO WATCH! aell. - ltam Hlpllatita (C) (30) 1:00 IJ Movie: "You Cotta SbJ HIPP1" (I)IQ) ltoo• Z22 (C) (30) (romance) '48 -James Stewert e Ellcilanre Teacher," As her B Q News (C) spon10rs. Pete Dixon ind Liz are I Community lullttin lolrd (C) responsible when teacher Dora Country Music T1111t (Cj) • Hughes from Britain proYes to be 2:00 All·Nirtrt Show: "Marit of Cain," too pro1ressive to conform to Walt "Flight for Freedom," "Valley of Whitman rules and regulations. the Zombies." 1969 :60) stu· 1sed nda ,, (C) >or- sar, val. .. , idy) nne ray, A :>ra. ral, ex-. 0) 60) 1ise lits boy 11e. IOR On· ure try. out Ind JS 'I 1is, 1st ln· lit- :c> for Id· !n, DP 1a) Ir., ~ ·a. 15, ,.. rt. C) I, " of A· T • T ·E·N· T ·l·O·N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES Will NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE Al WAYS WANTED• TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY -GT6 SALES & SERVICE Always •-large selection of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. First St., SA 547-0764 THINK I~ S.. end Drive them During our Model CIHrance Sele -on NOWI HERB FRIEDi.ANDER 13750 BHch Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S [!]~[YJ[Q][!]~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 19&6 Harllor, C.M. 646-9303 HEADQUARTERS .......-..... .. -..... .. ....,, .. ---~ ........... ~ .... ...,....la .. ~. OPELS GALORE! H ... 1••••9" ef N-• UM4 0,... .. ,N-4 te ... l•••~l••tw TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU J·.::-I r::,~ •llfnl cett et • • • • .~ ~ ~"--; ~~ALIFORNIA \• '~ SPORTS· CARS 901 E. ht S~., S.A. I and Z IMPORTS ~ , .. ......... .... ...., .., It , ...... ,..., .,......, •ACTOIY ~UTHOllDD DI.ALB COMPLETE FOREIGN CA'll SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTfNGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer In the Horbor Aroo tm ~ ..... of tho Love 8u9 ~ Specl•I• 445 I. C..u Hwy. ., ..,.,. Dtiw, N.I . 67J.ft00 54t-JIJ1 at. H ut. 14 & II SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports Is Your kind of place. Your Authorlztcl • Allltf n America Large stock of uMd Porsche• Jags, MG'• Austin Heeleys, etc. nrluporl -.iHnµo rt s 100 W. Coa1t Hwy., N.8 '42-9405, 540-17'4 hle lt Paae20 ,, tb1 I ~' '~ ~ James Brolin, ~ his wife Jane and their young son Josh, live on a horse ranch in the northwest San Fernando Valley . Their quarter horse, Trina, will foa l in March, and their Appaloosa horses have been shown at horse shows throughout Southern Calif. Preparing for the shows and the numerous chores involved in maintaining the horses ~eeps Jim and Jane busy. The Brolins also raise Ger· man Shepherds and own two Siamese cats. Caring for the animals takes a great deal of time, but Jim somehow finds time to tinker with his motorcycle and hopes to get in some skiing this winter. THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve · the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "luxury Lin•". (musical) '49- George Brent, Jane Powell. 9:3011 "&SJ llvina'' (comedy) '37- Ray Milland, Jean Arthur, Edward Arnold. 10:00 O (C) "On Moonliatit Bay" (mu- sical) '51-Doris Day, Gordon Mac· Rae. m •'TJle Stran1er's Hand" (mys- tery) '55 -Trevor Howard, Alida Valli. 12:0011 ''Stran1e fascination" (drama) '52-Hugo Haas, Cleo Moore. 1:00 m ''Dark Corner" (mystery) '46- Lucille Ball. Clifton Webb, William Bendix. 2:30 O ''The Jacki• Robinson Story" (documentary) 'SO-Jackie Robinson. Ruby Dee. · 4:30 B ''Son of Fury'' (adventure) '42 -Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, George Sander~. EVENING 5:00 11 REDDIN SAYS THINGS * WORTH HEARING!! 6:00 B Bi& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntley·Brinldey (C) (30) 11 MAHALIA JACKSON PUTS * HEART & SOUL INTO STEVE ALLEN'S SHOW! 11 Stevt Allen Show (C) (90) Ma· halia Jackson, Hendra and Ullett, William Manchester, and Algie the seal guest. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "23 Paces to Biker Street" (mystery) '56 -Van Johnson, Vera Miles, Cecil Parker. A blind playwright overhears a kidnapping, murder and extortion plot, and collaborates with Scotland Yard to track down an underworld gang. I Dick Vin Opt (30) Peyton Place ( 30) star Trek (C) (60) (I) Mike Dou1las (C) (90) Whit's New? (30) Cl) CBS Newa (C) (30) · Pasion fiiblna (30) Newa (C) (60) Jack While. 6:30 MBC Newservice (C) (30) The Game lllame (C) (30) To Tell the Truth (C) (30) Office of th• President (30) @ Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) : To Save To111orrow (30) "Foun· tain House." A rehabllit11tion cen· ter for mentally ill adults, in the Hell's Kitchen section of New York City, is explored. 'I (j) The Munsters (30) • Notlclero 34 (C) (60) • KMIR NIWI (C) (30) * LOOK! STEVE'S STILL GOING ON CH. 5! FUN! 7:00 CIS Evtnlne Nen (C) (30) • What's Mr Lint? (C) (30) I love Lucy (30) Beat die Clock (C) ( 30) Commodity/Mutual Fund (30) @ American Welt (C) (30) : AJlora! (30) Cl) Truth or Conaequences (C) m True Adventure (C) (30) tlD That Girl (C) (30) 7:30 fJ Qt (j) FamilJ Affair (C) (30) Ida Lupino makes an infrequent acting appearance as Lady March· wood, a wealthy English widow who offers her hand to Mr. French. Ann· ette Cabot. actress daughter of Se· bastian Cabot, plays a small role as a secretary. 0 ~ @ m .. IS .. r""'ic..,!A""L-l The Little Drumm« Boy (C) (30) An animated musical special for the Christmas season featuring the off -camera voices of Greer Garson, Jose Ferrer. Teddy Eccles and The Vienna Boys' Choir. 11 NOW'S THE TIME TO * STUMP THE STARS 11 Stump the Stars (C) (30) Joe Campanella, Vera Miles, David Hart· man guest. 0 @ (}) (i) The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (C) (30) "Host to the Ghost." Captain Gregg is Claymore's house· guest while Gull Cottage is being repaired. I Dnld Froat (C) (90) The Bir V1lltJ (C) (60) Sa1tb1119'I Theme (60) NET Playhouse (90) ''Traveller Without Lugiage." Gordon Pinsent stars in Jean Anouilh's drama about a man who cannot remember his past or identity. @I) Muaiu y Estretlaa (C) (30) 9:00 6 ~Cl) CBS Thundey Movie: ''The Am1ricanlution of EmilJ'' (drama) '64-Julie Andrews. James Gamer, Melvyn Douglas. James Co· burn. A love affair blossoms durin1 wartime in London. 0 @ @ m1 --,,-1-c1-XL-J 8ob Hope Show (C) (60) Andy Williams. An· thony Newley, Elke Sommer and look Ma1azlne's All-America foot- ball team guest. .Music by Les Brown and His Band of Renown. 0@ (1) ®Tom Jones (C) (60) Liza Minnelli, Pat Cooper. Fran~ie Vaughan guest. I Exitometro (30) 9:30 Newa (C) (30) Bader Ward. He Said, She Said (C) (30) Horse Opera (60) Musical Owrt (30) 10:00 @ CI) m Dean Martin (C) (60) George Gobel, Gina Lotlobrig· ida, Orson Welles, Charles Nelson Reilly and The Golddiggers are Dean's guests. II GET THE NEWS FROM *STRAIGHT-TALKING TOM REDDIN! Complete! O Million $ Movie: ''Gentleman Jim'' (drama) '42 -Errol Flynn, B m News (C) (30) Alexis Smith, Jack Carson, Ward @ (}) (E It Takes 1 Thief (C) Bond, Alan Hale. Story of James (60) ''To Lure a Man." To save the J. Corbett's career, including the life of his date, Al Mundy agrees championship bout with John L. to lure the SIA's Mr. Jack to a Sullivan. meeting with a Red spy chief. JO· I Truth or Conuquenw (C) (30) seph Cotten. Wilfrid Hyde-White and Judd for the Defense (C) (60) Christine Sinatra guest. Ted1nical Corner (30) 0 Delli! (C) (60) Tom Patterson, Theatre But (C) (30) Host· Leigh French guest. critic Hal Marienthal looks at sev· OJ Perry Mason (60) eral scenes from the los Angeles £t) The Advocates (C) (60) (R) City College production of "A Gap · Carcel de Mujeres (30) in Generations." 10:30 · Cristina Guzman (30) el Chucho el Roto (30) 11:00 0 0 OJ News (C) 8:00 B ~ (j) Jim Nabors (C) (60) The Westerners Bill Dana guests. Nfl Game of the Week (C) 0 ~ @ m I SP!(:IAL I Birl1 and Outer Limits Carol To1ether Araln for the fil'lt 1 iQ)@ ~OO Ntw1 (C) Time (C) (60) Bing Crosby and • ft) News (C) Carol Burnett present a special mu-11:30 00 Merv Griffin (C) sical salute to the Yule season hi&h· I fll @ m Johnny Carson (C) lighted by a Christmas pantomime Movie: "Ropt's Re1iment" staged in a major Los Angeles de· (adventure) '48-Dick Powell, Mar- partment store. Juliet Prowse and ta Toren, Stephen McNally, Vincent Roy Clark guest. Price. 11 Jack Benny (30) Buddy Adler 0 @ (I) al The Joey llallop and Van Johnson guest. Show (C) O @cv m That Girt ('C) (30) O Movie: (C) "Man in th• &rey "I Didn't Have the Vegas Notion." Aannel Suit" (drama) '56-Gregory Conclusion. Ann and Don retaliate Peck, Jennifer Jones, Fredric March, when they learn that Marty Haines Marisa Pavan, Lee J. Cobb. arranged Don's supposed marriage OJ Movie: ''Tiit Captive Heart" to showgirl Joal)ne as a joke. Jack (drama) '47 -Michael Redgrave, Cassidy and Hope Holiday guest. Basil Radford. I QuHn for 1 Day (C) (30) 12:00 m Movie: "Spltfirt'' (romance) '34 Stoel Market/feature (30) -Katharine Hepburn, Robert Young. Wuhin&t.on W1ell in Review (C) 1:00 B Movie: "Battle of the Coral (30) Sta" (drama) '59-Clitf Robemon, I Festival en Madrid (30) Gia Scala. 8:30 Boxin1 (C) (90) I 0 Ntwa (C) @ (I) (i) Bewitched (C) (30) Community lulltUn Board (C) "Santa Comes To Visit, and Stays Country Music Timi (C) and Stays." Samantha Inadvertently 1:30 All·Nieflt Sllcnr. "Force of Im· has Santa Claus, his elves and rein· pulse," "Bedlam:' "Tlaht Little deer as Christmas guests. Ronald Island." long plays Santa. 2:30 fJ Newt (C) I made s39300 for one day's work Sunday ..• "'ICHAE\. \.UGO, STANTON. CA\.IF'ORNIA ... with the Sunday Mail! The fact is, several independent dealers with Sunday Mall, Inc. make over $400 for their one day's work on Sunday. They enjoy a one day work week. Sunday Mail is tt'!e publisher of Tempo, the Sunda)I Journal, and is among the nation's fastest grow· ing, aggressive young companies. Tempo continues to break all ad· vertising and circulation records wherever it is introduced. Tempo rivals the U.S. Mail In reaching virtually every home, apartment and business listed ln its zone of distribution. Now Sun· day Mail Is expanding Tempo's distribution nationally. A ground floor opportunity exists now for dealers. They are the back· bone of Sunday Mail and they are independent entrepreneurs in busi· ness for themselves. Many men and women have started their busi- nesses with the Sunday Mail for as little as $3750. If you've ever been interested In your own business or the one day work week, write now for additional information. Write or call (213) RI 7-6111 Sunday Mail, Inc. Attn: De•l•r M•n•pr o.td. 1318 S. Ollltlt Sh'Mt L. A. C8llf. 90015 ,... 21 FRIDAY DECEMBER 19 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D "T1lt Cheaters" (draml) '45- Joseph Schlldkraut, Billie Burke. 9:30 U .. .....,..._ In lall" (comedy) '39 -Fred MtcMurray, Madeleine Carroll, Allan Jones. 10:00 O "Sly It With Son(" (musical) •2J.-.A1 Jolson, Marian NiltOn. m "letter FrHI an un•nown Wo• an" (drama) '48-Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan. 12:00 e "Sntnteen" (comedy) '40 - Jackie Cooper, Betty Field. 1:00 m "Daisy Kenyon" (romanc.e dra· ma) '47-Joan Crawford. Dana An· drews, Henry fonda. 2:30 G (C) "The Rewolt of Ma111le stover" (drama) '56-Jane Russell. Richard E1an. Joan Leslie. 4:30 fJ "Pvsllover" (drama) '54-Fred MacMurray, Kim Novak. rVE N ING 5:00 U REDDIN GIVES YOU * NEWS AND TELECOP· TER REPORTS TOO! 6:00 fJ ~ News (C) (60) Jeny Dunphy. 0 m Huntl1J·Brinklty (C) (30) U EDDIE FISHER DOES * COMEDY BIT WITH STEVE ALLEN! FUN! U Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Paul Smith. Eddie Fisher, John Byner, Charles Nelson Reilly, Carol Wayne euest. D Six O'Clodl Movie: (C) "Sa4dle Tni•p" (western) '5G-Joel McCrea, Wanda Hendrix, John Russell, John Mcintire, Jeanette Nolan, Ed Begley. A hobo on horseback. with a yen to stay away from responsibility and work, gets trapped into carin1 for four orphaned children and the responsibility of stopping a range war I Dick Yan o,b (30) P.yton Place (30) Star Trek (C) (60) (3) Mike Douala• (C) (90) JOhn Wayn1 Western Film Fes. tival (cont'd.) ''Star Packer.'' 1934. EEi What's New? (30) tn (j) CBS News (C) (30) it) Pasion 51tana (30) (f) News (C) (60) Jack White. 6:301 KNBC Newsemce (C) (60) • The Gam1 5amt (C) (30) To Tell the Truttl (C) (30) 00 Huntle,.Brin'1ey (C) (30) .-----... di , ..... I ' I I I 2 ~ ,, ~ Fine Quality PRINTING 642-4321 Offset & Letterpress , ,, •' t ;;? ... 4111t _______ .. "A Complete Printing Service" Free Estimates I I I ' ' PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. 81lbol Blvd. -Newport Beach Pap22 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 13, 1969 m Boo• But (C) (30) "Adlai 0 Across llle Seven Sus (C) (30) Stevenson: Patrician Among the "Seven Splendors of Persia." Jack Politicians" is an en1rossin1 study Oouelas hosts. of one of America's late statesmen D @(])Gl Mr. Dffds Goes ti and is discussed by author Bert Town (C) (30) "The Revolt of the Cochran with host Robert Cromie. Buckel Briaade." Longfellow loins tl'l (j) The Munsters (30) the janitor service lo learn more @E Noticilro 34 (C) (60) about running his own company. m llMIR Ntws (C) (30) I David Frost (C) (90) * TAKE A BREAK WITH 1lle I i& Valley (C) (60) STEVE ALLEN! HE'S Jolln WaJne West.m Aln1 festJ. FUNNING·IT·UP ON s•. VII (60) "Dawn Rider,'' 1936. Ell) Casals Master Class (30) Stu· 7:00 I CBS &enln1 Nns (C) (30) • Wllafs My Line? (C) (30) I Lowe Lucy (30) l11t the Ctocll (C) (30) 00 Cinema Showcast (C) "The Snow Queen." Sandra Dee, Tommy Kirk. I Allora! (30) Ci) Truth or ConsequeRcn (C) American West (C) (30) Tllat 51rt (C) (30) 7:30 Qj (i) Get Snlart (C) (30) Bill Dana auests as a CIA aeent who tries to find a professor who has frozen all of North America, trap. ping Max and the Chief. 0 m I $fic1AL I Sahara (C) (60) The second of the G. E. Mono1ram series, produced by Lou Hazam, was filmed over the rugged terrain of the Sahara desert. Cameras fol· low an t t ·year.old boy on his ve,ry first caravan. Actor Charles Boyer narrates. U FAST & LIVELY FUN * WITH MIKE STOKEY'S STAR-STUMPERS!! dent Joanna de Keyser guests. @E Noches TapaUas (30) 9:00 8 tn) (j) CIS Friday Merie: (C) "Stvtn Bridts for Seven lrotllen" (adventure) '54-Howard l<eel, Jane Powell, Russ Tamblyn. Jeff Richards, Tommy Rall. When the eldest of seven uncouth brothers in the Ore· gon Territory brin1s home a wife, the other six sneak into town and steal six girts they met at a barn- raislnf. Some brieht songs and ex· cellent choreography. U Playboy AftAlr Darl (C) (60) Guests are Sally Marr, Marvin Worth, Pete Barbuttl, Pal Henry, The Com· mittee, The Byrds and Marvin Gaye. D @OO(E)Here Co111 tlle Brides (C) (60) "Lorenzo Bush.'' A hermit determined to preserve the forests closes down the Bolts' log· gin& operation. Ronald Feinbert guests as Lorenzo. I David Sussklncl (C) (2 hr) Nueva Cita Musical (30) 9:30 News (C) (30) Baxter Ward. He Said, She Said (C) (30) fE John Wayne Western Film Festi-IJ Stump the Stars (C) (30) Joe nl (60) "Overland Stage Raiders,'' tampanella, David Hartman, Vera 1938. Miies guest. @E Pandoram1 (30) D @ rn ICB let's Makt a Deal 10:00 0 @ 00 m Bradtn's World (C) (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. (60) "Stop Date." Kevin Grant 0 Million $ Movie: ''TillJ Drivt (Peter Haskell) is plagued with by Nipr• (drama) '40--Humphrey personal and studio problems as Bogart, Ann Sheridan, George Raft, his movie deadline approaches. Ida Lupino. Dane Clark guests, and Cliff Rob· I Trutti or Consequences (C) (30) ert.son appears in. a cameo role as Judd for tht Defense (C) (60) himself. The Frend! Chtf (30) "The U NEWS BEHIND THE Potato Show." (R) * NEWS & COMMENTARY @E Chucllo ti Roto (30) a:oo 8 ~ (i) 111e 5ood 5uys (C) (30) BY TOM REDDIN!! When Rufus meets a gorgeous girl IJ m News (C) (30) (euest Yvonne Craig), who teaches D (fi) 00 m Jlmm! Durante rr. communications. he decides to at· sents The Lennon Sisters (C) (60) tend the class to eet to know her Lorne Greene guests. A nostal1lc better. tribute to an o!d·fashioned Christ· 1J Jadi lenny (30) mas is presented. D (fi) (]) (£) Tiie Brady Bundi • Della! (60) George Kirby guests. (C) (30) "The Voice of Christmas." Peny Mason (60) Carol comes down with laryngitis a · Carce! de Mujeres (30) few days before Christmas and will 10:30 • C.istina 5uzman (30) not be able to sing in the choir. 11:00 0 D m Nen (C) I Qu"n for a Day (C) (30) The Westerners S1oct Mar\et/Feature (30) • Movie: ''The · fountainhe.cr' lnterfact (C) (30) (R) (drama) '49--0ary Cooper. Patricia Lu~clta (C) (30) Neal. 1:30 ~ (j) Hopn's Htroes (C) (30) I Outer Urnlb Newkirk becomes a tumcoat-tem· 1 (I)@ 00~ Ci) News (C) porarily-to broadcast the propa· : Fonyte Sara (R) ganda message that. in reality, Is 11® Wews (C) a code designed to lead allied 11:30 00 Merv 5rtffin (C) bombers to an enemy war plant • 00 m Johnny Cal'loo (C) 0 @ 00 m Na•e of the Ga1H (C) "lady in tt11 Dar\" (musl· (C) (90) "Laurie Marie." Jeff Diiion cal -comedy) '« -Ginger Roaers. (Tony Franciosa) and ·Peny Max· Ray Milland. well (Susan Saini James) discover D @ (])al The Joey Ii., th al reward money. offered for the Show (C) return of a lost child, can ruin Q) Movie: (C) "Elephant bn" (ad· morals u well as industrial em· venture) '59 -Belinda Lee, Ann. pires. Maril Richman, tarla Borelli. Gaylor. Michael Crala. Antoinette Bower, John Kerr and 12.1»0 m Mtvie: "Two TllOUUfHI w .... " Edward G. Robinson auest. (drama) '44-flora Rob11>n. 9 SATURDAY DECEMBER 20 MORNING I 9i m llnana Splits (C) a;, See tlM USA (C) "Astrowor1d." (jj) a> The HardJ Boys (C) 12:30 0 Movie: un.. Llpt Toudl" {ro- Am na Tllrtt mince) '51-Stewart Gr1n1er. Cuerd11 r Cultlrras m Movie: ''Tllitvu' Hicltwa(' (dra· 10:001 ~ (j) hnelope Ptts1Dp (C) ma) '49 -Richard Conte. (i1) (]) G> Sky Hawks (C) I Open Home (C) • MovW. (C) ''Ctlar10 at Fedet · Upbeat (C) River" (western) '53-Guy Madison. 1:00 • Movie:, "Ono for die Book" Frank Lovejoy, Vera Miles. (comedy) 47-Ronald Rta(an. 7:00 19 00 m Hectle l J.ate (C) m Movie: "Ca, of Mlssin1 Clr1s'' m lntlmatioftal Trldtn / Public @ (])Q) Casper (C) (mystery) '41-John Archer. Serva filM (C) Mr. Wishbone (C) ii) El Usurpador JI Carce! do Mu)tra (30) Ftli1 die Cat (C) 10:30!9~ Scoobr·Doo (C) ~ Spot1s Wor1d (C) "1968 Oar· 7:251) Civt Us This Dq (C) ~ 6 @E Aft Football Divl· I ngton Southern 500." 7:30 Sunrise Semester nal aroffs <C) Game held at 1:301 Hlfll Scllool Basketball @Cl) UJ S_..,<c:.. B .. r (C) t~e hol'f!e park of the Eastern 01-• Wrestlln1 (C) • Rtadlnr Wltll Yo• Cltllcl vision winner~lther New ~ortt Jets . ~ C (C) Cool McCool and Friends (C) or Houston Oilers. Game time sub-2•00 ~ (j) ~ ARlllt saiow (C) 8:00 I~ Tiit .._ (C) Ject to chan1e. • l6J'J • ns IJ Movie· "All Act of Murder" (dra· Movie: (C) "Wdmi'' (adven· ' 6 @E Htrt Co•• ttlt ma) ·~Fredric Much ture) '59 -George Montaomery, I"'~~ lft'\ M (i1) mm c.i11wer (C) Taina Elg, David Farrar, Rex In(· UL1 \.1..1 ~ Catbnoo11 Cats (C) Movie: "Aanlt Oakl-< st ram. Ki11ba (C) I • ., we . m Travel the World (C) ''The Tales of Wells F1rp ern) lS-8arbara stanwyck. Mountains Are Smokin1." CuntbJ (C) 11 :00 I) la (j) I lfiCIALI Tiit sun 2:30 I Wapn Train (C) 8:30 I)~ Ci) Bup B•nr /Road Rln· Bowl (C) Nebraska vi. Geofiia at Cltllltr lltl' Hour (C) El Puo. Texas. • n.. .Answtr (C) 19 00. 6 m Pink hntll« (C) 0 @ (}) (!) Fantutic YOJ11t (C) 3:00 9 (j) Tiit Monk• (C) Clinpus Profile 11:30 0 @ @a> A111ttbn Band-· Movie: (C) "Tauart'' (west.em Movie: "Rocky Mountain" stand (C) Oliver auests on the an -drama) '65--Tony Young, Dan Our· (western) '50--Errol Flynn. nual Christmas show. yea. I Cisco kid 0 Movie: (C) ''Tllt BountJ Hunt. 1J Dr. llildart Roclet Robin Hood (C) iil' <western) '54-Randolph Scott. m Movie: "Shed No TNrs'' {dra- 9:00 fa 00 a;, H. R. Pvfnstuf (C) m Movtt: '1.at Sta(!ICOldl Wiil"' ma) '48 -June Vincent. Wallace Movie: "lnvadtn From Mara" (western) '57 -Jim Davis, Ford. (sci·fi) '53-Helena Carter. ii) Pasion Citana O @(l)G) Hot Whtek (C) m Bir Picture (C) m Movie: "Elephant 8or" (adven-3:30 8" ~ Wa«y Races (C) ture) '37-Sabu. lZ:OO IJ Movie: un.. SbNy of Dr. Wn.H 41 PIA Hawaiian lnvi· I Ruff 'n' Reddy (C) sell" (drama) '44 -Gary Cooper. tational Bowlin( Tournament (C) Canclones J Muslca Laraine Day, Slane Hasso. @E Wlnp to Adventure (C) "Wings 9:30 Cit (j) Dutardlr & Muttltr (C) @I) Teatro Familiar to the Caribbean." 4:00 S11ps to leamln1 (C) Clla111pionsltlp Bowlln1 (C) • I Sclr (C) Man fro19 UNClE (C) • Enslrn O'Toole 4:30 Wllfffs, Kiins and Clar (C) • Youth and tltt Pollet (C) "A Mutual Understandlna." Students from Glendale College explore the communication pp, police brutali- ty, and avenues of mutual under· standin1 with Glendale Police Chief Duane Baker. IJ Crand Prix 5 (C) "The Racer's Edie." A feature about the "Indy 500" race. I SallllOn (C) John Warne Western Fll• Festi- va • "Frontier Horizon," with Jenni· 5:00 i e,::3;~) Jere Witter hosts. ll It's Aadtt1lc (C) Competin1 h1ah achools are Katella (Anaheim), Corvallis (Studio City) and Ramona (Riverside). II This Wttt In Pro Footblll (C) (ii) (]) (B ABC's Wktt World of Sports (C) I Tiit Avencers (C) Daktari (C) Pattr Duke • Peter Cunn Joru Chen Cooks (C) "Rice and e ." (R) ii) Futbol·Socctr 5:30 I Ralpll StOIY (C) (R) · KNBC N...mc.t (C) McHalt'I NW, John Warne Westarn Film Festi· val: "Wyoming OuUaw,'' 1939. ED News in Perspective (C) (R) @E Aarkulblre USA (C) Anita Bryant To Sing Favorite Yule Songs If there's one "most beloved" ainaer of Christmas songs, it very well may be Anita Bryant, the lo~ly lass whose Yuletide trips with Bob Hope o~rseas troupes prompted Hope to call her "the great- est thing that ever happened to Christmu tours." (Now a resident of Florida, Anita and her manager-husband, Bob Green, and two or 'their four children journeyed to NBC's Burbank studio for the taping for Producer-Director Dick Ross- who used the Laugh-In technical crew. Anita says she is happy to have her name associated with the Christmas season and to "give witness" on proarams like the Rev. Roberts' speciab. With a Iona string of million-record bits, TV and stage parts and guest apeearances at the White House and major national events. Anita is 1n no danger of being "typed."} This year she11 reach new millions as suest star on Oral Roberts' hour-long Christmas special, a family 'IV program being aired over 160 stations in the United States, Canada and England. The initial Los Angeles-area showing will be o,ver KTLA (Ch. 5) Saturday, Dec. 20, at 10:30 PM. Repeat showings over KCOP (Ch. 13) will be Christmas Eve at 8 : 30 PM and Christmas Day at 10 AM. The program. in color and the fourth special of 1969 by the Rev. Roberts, alio will off er a dramatic reading of "The Incomparable Christ .. by Oregon's Senator Mark Hatfield. On the show, Anita will sing ANITA GIVES HEit AU.--ANta lryt111t p1111 ev•rytltlr11 Into a #Otfl-OI lltown In this candid 1ltot from tlte Oral Ro~r11 TV color 111«clol. "Away in the Manger," "Silent Night." and "Ob Holy Nlght"- all, incidently, in her latest Columbia album, "Chri.atmu With Anita BryaoL •• Mr. Robens, who launched the idea of professionally pacb,ed "musical extravaganzas" this year as a forthright means of reach- ing the millions who watch 'IV but seldom go to church, chose Miss Bryant-fellow Oklahoman and both with Cherokee blood- as the most ... ppropriate Christmas star. Ralph Carmichael's music again provides an overall aura of quality, not only in acc:ompanying Miss Bryant. baritone Richard Roberts (the evanaelist's professionally-talented son) and the World Action Singers, but in providina a liltJna bacqround for spectacular snow scenes. Skaters twirl on real ice and the snow-togged Oral Roberta University students making up the very active "Acdon" a.iopn present one of their rousina oumben while on a sleijh ride! Cborqrapby is by Raoul Appel • )S WAii Solid St•tt $~ .. Ampllli.r & Pre-Amp. e 11"Co Jhn""I I ~"c~r SPt' •kef' Oilfd SAVE $74.51 ! W+l lnut e lC:o::.vrM. R'!gular Price $174.SO e 1'70 G•rr•rd. Aut-Uc Turn· 1t11:c plvs sttrto c•rt•ld9• WI"' di.mond 1lyl111. s9999 HARMON· KARDON 90-watt AM/FM STEREO Ne.w AM·FM r«efver Is matehed with Garrard Automatic Chenver. Diamond stylus, •nd 2 12" CO·U · lel Soundcraltsmen Lancer Sl>t<tll· e< systems. lltecJular Pric• $333.95 Pi:ces241961 SA YE $84.27! SYSTEM . . GARRARD 50-watt AM-FM e 11" CO-AX IAL LANCER SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSURES SAVE $100.14 e 1970 • GARRARD AUTOMATIC 5169 81 TURNTABLE, PLUS STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS e AM-FM SOLID.STAtE• C.TEREO RECEIVER SHEllWOOD-J25wattFM Stereo· ~lf.!llillt• .. I The '6004 -Is Sherwood 2-Sounocrellsmen Lancer t711 olled walnut speaker. systems. Rev. S95.00. newest 2S watt with 111 slllcon circuits. FET lront er.cl new Mlcro- 111!!!1 ..... mll! .. Circui:s, tuning ~I••. muting, la:>e monitor. Main. remote speaker ... ....,. .. lllillillMll• switch, h"dphofte leek. Reg. $319.SO I 19"10 Gerr1rd SL·75 1utomallc turntable plus stereo cer1rldge with shure diamond stylus M · 75E. REG. $154.951 NetA . . . . . . . . . . . It ... Ult.Jt SL7S + llM ........ S)ls.4S Shure M7SE . . .. • ... S Jt.• Lencen ........... s "·" s39997~ PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS ~~-I .!SSS s49so