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1969-12-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
7 ' ' , • I Ex-Movie Queen's Mate • I ' " ' oa s; • ' ' DAILY PILOT * * ·* 1oc * * * MONDAY AFTER.NOON, DECEMBER 1s: ·1969 'IOL. U. MO._,, t SI CTIOtUo M•l'Mlll1 · · • J • ' ' 1 B,eld··:f~~ M:Order • Bal Doetor Who S~ipp~d Court Da1'.e Fou·nd Dead -. . ~ ' . -' " ·~· ,....._ ~ .... ---~ Jj>octor Sought fu County Case I {ound Dead ,A controve:rsial osteopath who failed to appear in Orange County Superior Court Frtday . for hearing on a pistol assault cake died in Phoenix, Ariz., over the weekend, <bis body riddled with a massive infecUon. Dr. Daniel Fridena, 45, who lived at 119 Opal Ave., Balboa Island, when the originaJ case occurred last ·July, was found lying incoherent on a Phoenix street before being hospitalized. Officials at St Joseph's Hospital said he had pneumonia in both lWlgS, an ex. tensive kidney infection and an abscess draining in his low~r back and abdomen. Dr. Fridena had been scheduled to air pear in court in Santa Ana Friday 8lld a bench warrant for his arrest was issued when he failed to show up. He was arrested by Newport Beach police July 22 after allegedly pulling a gun on a Los Angeles department st.ore detective who confronted him at the island residence in a l u r n i tu r e repossession attempt. Walter D. BrOwn;'~ployed by Bullock's, t6ld investiia1 · officeni at the Ume that he was tryin to set back furniture bought with a $1,000 checi. that tater bounced. Dr. Fridena had just moved to the Balboa Island home last July from Phoenix, where authorities said he ·had been in a brush with the law over another matter. 8 Americans Killed TAIPEI~ Formosa (AP) -Eight American fliers died when their Air Force CI30 Hercules transport crashed in a sugar cane field on Formosa's southwest coast Monday afternoon, U.S. Air Force spokesmen announced Tu~day morning. ' ' " DAILY l'IL0T Sl•ll """' THIS WAS SANTA-ANA FREEWAY EARLY THIS MORNl'NG Looki n1 No rth From L•1Un.a Freew•Y Overf)a11 * *-* .Man Drowiis As Boat Sinks. Off Huntington One man was drowned and five others· reached safety when a 15-foot cabln cruiser capsized off Bolsa Chica Slate. Beach Saturday night. Killed was Robert Juelich, 30, of Whit· tier. Lifeguards recovered his body floating in the surf after a two.hour search. Destroyed in the surf was the cruiser, "We Three" owned by William Knowlton~ 35. a1so of WhJttier. The boat was ret\lfn. ing to Alamitos Bay from fishing off Laguna Beach, about 6:45 p.m. Sunday when struck by a big wave in the 1urfline. · Those who managed to reach the shore included Juellch's son's, Robby, 7, Gary WllliamS', 21, of Rosemead, and Knowlton's two soils, John, ll, anit William, 12. Williams was the first to reach the beach and he flagged down a passing motorist who reported the accident to authorities. Before lifeguards reached the scene, Knowlton flagged down another motorist, · Wade A. ROgers of Long Beach .. ftolers ran to the beach and rescued 11-year-oid Willlam Knowlton who had paSled out In the IUl'f. The 1uryivor11were taken to HunUngton lntercommunlty Hospital where they were treated f« exposure and lacerations received when the boat capsized .. All were released after treatment. Troop P:ullout Asked CAIRO (AP) -.Libya's military govemnent called for a s p e e d y American withdrawal from Wheelus Air .. Base as the regime and U.S. officials prepared to open negotiaUons today on the future ol lhe •too million base out.side Tripoli. ,.., .• ,.. . • ••·DAU.,. . IN ,HANDCUFFS, MRS.·WILLIS• HUN'I' 'GOES·TO JAIL Fl •nked by P•trolm•n K1ith·CoUin1, 'Matralti,'Glorl~ Epper.son " ' lf..ealthy Newppr~ M;qn Murdered; Wife Held By,JOHN VALttRZA Of .. Deity , ..... ,.., Willis Hunt, p<Ominenl N.,.pm, Beach yacht brt'lker 1and i former h!W>and of 1940s movie sex symbol Camie Landis, was stabbed to death dl!'l!'s.•n .,tumeil• -his otxth wife 8unUJ ni&hl lri their Corona del Mar tXrne. ,·' Hwlt, 56 described by~cioee fr~ u 0 a playboy" and wh> traveW;I ~OidJ'fll'I In BalbOa Bay Club .IOCial ere-., waa found shortly before t p.ri't: still allve, ' lying In the pool ... , of !be expensive home at 2516 Harbor View Hilla Drive, polio< sakl. Ills hysterical wife, ll)vlllia Hun~ 43, was at hiJ slde. She was arrested on a charee of muider. Hunt', alletledly argued with hil llllgfrt, brun<UO wile shortly be!Cll'O I p.m. Deledlve Sit· Kenneth 'lllomJ>IOO 11kl. " reVive the man . .lfeanwhile. Mn. Bunt -'henell mv< ·rieif five ~es -was taken into dlliod)';:'.:· . (~~MURDER., Pqe<S) t; _ .--~-,-~~~~~~~~~_,>;.. 0r..,., ' " ' ........ U ,.....,. walllng for the log to IHI, )'00 've pt I Jang wall ,._ day promi.a more of the llll'fl'I, .. wilb .rnu, lllDlt1lne on occulon : •nd lentpentul'OI stuck to the .~. . ~ on ' Foggy Highways I 00 Cars Crash .• The dispute centered ar<lUlld dl8clpllnt of Dnl'HUnt, 12, Mrs. Hunt'• daughter by a fcrmer marriage. Hunt hid rteently adopted the &Ir!, -·lald. Thompeon said Hunt wu ttabbed cn:e in the cliesl with a knife. The lnvaligator did nol disclose the type al knift laat .. the actual circum~of the llabblng. INSmt: TODAY UC lnrinc'1 MW Urban Critla Resto.re" Cnitr doe1 rt1rarc" for dilntfran<~lltd fll'O•p< ;,,.. it.ad of Clbotd u..m. Pao" IO, 111 JOANNE REYNOLDS Of .. .,.., 1'1111 , .... What well may &otal more t.ban 100 cm piled up In blinding foe along Orange Coast roadwaya this morning, most of them In the zero-visibility conditions along the Santa Ana Freeway between Santa Ana and F;I Toro. Highway patrolmen could not offer totals from the list of grinding collisions, buL spokesmen said no fatalities were reported. There were 1everal injutles, however. CLl!onUa Highway Patrol oUicers reported a tr\&Mive chaJn reacton col· •• IWon on the Santa Ana Freeway, nortlr bound between Red Hill and Myford roads. Officers esilmate the collision in- volved between 80 and 70 v~hJcles. Aecordplg to officers the ftl'lt collision wu reported at 7:24 a.m. and at the peak had.traffic backed up for 12 miles. OOicen said every available am· bulance, highway patrol officer •nd tow truck in the area was called to the scene. Br 10:30 a.m. there had betb no fatalities-reported In the pileup, although a large number ol major Jnjurlea were listed. Spokesman said victims were being taken to sem't Orange County hospitals. The tralfic tie up became so severe at one point, ol'ficers said, t.bal only am· bu.lances, not even tow tntcka or Highway Patrol cars, we.re able to move &o the scene of the accident.. One veteran Highway Patrol officer said the pile up was as bad as one five years ago on the same freeway involving JSO vehicles. Accidtnta were also reported on I.he San Diego and Newport freeway1 and the Laauna Canydn Road causinr a COl'Ql>lete tie up for the southern county, olfictrt said. Al tbe Orange County AlrpOri traffic was at a comple1e.-1tandst.Ul unW 9:30 a.m. when 1 few planes were able to take oCf. Airport apoltesmen Hid no landings were made untll 10:30 a.m. Harbor district 1pokesmen rePorted almost no boat traffic as "people kept their boats at the docks." More o! the same iJ pr.edlcted for tomorrow. Marine meteorolo&ist Gary Shleklo sild IOI oondJUona tomorrow will be heavier and of 1 lonler durall«!. Detectives said Mn. ltunt, « IOr'MOne identifying herseU u the woman, pboneCI poli~e and a~ked for an ambulinct. "The caller, repontd the lllbblng. The wQman Aki, she stabbed her buband," Detecllve Capt. Lou H..,.., said. Ho.nt was taken &till tflve and ~ sclous by ambulance to .Hoag MemC'lfial Hospital. On h11 arrlv•l he cried "Help me . . . hel p me'' twice and dkid moments tater, informed aootcn said. · A team ol four phyolctaM worked for more llian 30 mlnul .. , uslna QPtn-htarl maw111e and other frantic mtUUreJ to • °"' 10 ""' I CHRISTMAS " 11 -" .. • • • .,.n 11 " • _.. . .. : .......... 4.. ....,. c"""' 11 1,-Mt ,.,,.. n ,_. ..., .... _, ~ ·-••WMM a WWlf ..... t. I ---- '• ' I I z DAii. Y Pl\.OT s . -Joke!ls on Agnew 'Vice President En1oys Hope Slww , Fnsn Wire Servlees .WASRINGTON -A g11Umo1 Bob l!q>e variety aboW, locludlng jlbeo at tho admlnlstraUon that left l'rellden\ Nixon ..hooping with Jaughla" <!urin8 a White ~Christmas party, h~aded ovmeaa t4l)oy to eotertaln U.S. troops. :l!'I"'. a friend of tho Prellden~ said it -tho fU'll Ume hll annual )'Ill.Udo U!>OP lhow bad 'l"'ned at tho White lfouse. ."J know some acts that ,have been tzying to get in here ror 12 years," he t.old an East Room audience of over 300 gU·ests Sunday night, iocluding Vice ""'8dent Spiro AiMW llllo 111 ID tho IJ\l>t row. !Joking about Agnew01 .-.t-attacb on "1laiD elements of the preis and ttleviJloo, hope uld "Mr. Agnew went cta;.n to buy a bulldog (early) edition of 11* Washington Poot and U bU him." .- Hope said he'• helrd 1eve r •1 DemocraUc jom about Apel<, IDWdlnc ooe about the VJce Praldent'1 llbrary that burned down -"and burned botb hil books, Including -thlt he hadn1 cot. ored yet." Agnew. on a fl'Ollt row 11at1 roued. . Hope alao hid soroetblnc to NY about the outspoken wUe ol Attorney 0-ral Jolm N. Michell. 111 had no eont"tm whaleYe:r about doing this show," H'I"' sald, "becau,. I met Mrs. Mitchell and she Lold me what to say. You know, she makes Ted Agnew sound like Calvin Coolidge." Nixon burst into laughter at this and many other of ff'l"''s lhafts. '!be -abo Included a -girl dancer In skin-tight sliver lame, a baDad from the mualcal "Hair," and La Brown and hla "Band oC ftenclwn." Brown was an undergraduate at OuU University when Ni.J.ao wu stud)'1ng law there. ~gh Court .in 5-3.Rtiling On House Discrimination WASHINGTON (UPI) -With Chief Justice Warren E. Burger dilaenllng, tho Supreme Court declared today that a re.aeation aNOd•tinn affillated wU.b a Next Moon Crew Watch as Rocket Poised for Trip CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Apollo 13'1 astronaut& watched thetr "beautlful bird" _. to the launch pod today for a March eipedUJoo to the m 0 0 D • I highl•Ms. Mooofll&b! ..terao JIDIOI E. Lovell and apaee -'!llomas K. ~ and Fred W. liaise Jolted wttll ,_.. and ehatled about their !May ml-a tbelr rocket lumbered to tho psid lo ...... llnal toota far launch March IZ. "It looU Hile a belallfUI bird Ind I 1hlDlt .... ,. gotog to ba•e anoCher good milalon." LoYeb said. '!be copunander, wllo circled the - laat lleC'emher ID the Apollo I "'*"°'aft• oaid there -a · chance that be and Halse could bib cm the llmir "'1faoe !« aa kmC at 11 .. ....,.. mrillS --Clf two planDed moon nJa. "P"'l'le IV ••--•~ aid. "If our ayatem lallo tbal Joq aod we lael jp'tal, ...U, we'll do IL" for booolng community may not dl!crtminato agaiost Nerro appllc:anta. In a ~ declsloa, Justkel Jolln II. H1rlan and Byron R. Whlto joined Burger in opposing tho majority apioloD by Jmtice WIUlam O. Douglu. 11>e court toot these other acUoni befcn _..mg· !U1W Jan. I: _-Directed that all pendlng appeala rdatiog to desegrepUon of Oklahoma Cl· ly schoola be heard promptly by tho 10th u .s. Circuit Court or APpeal.s. -Agned to bear-an appeal -by Daniel ,., Sdiachl, coovided ol ·unauthorized wear1ng-o1 a,U.S. mllltary unlfonn at a 1967 '!-D.t!War demonstral!on in Houston,. T ... --OiotlDDed tmporarlly a Booton ban of the tum. "I Am curioua: (Yellow)" to allow Dlatrlct Attorney Garrett B)'fllt to file an appeal If he wlrhe.!. -Decided to review a lower court ruJ. ~ wbk:b the 1ovet'111M111 claimed had ltripped """' tho -....... ry to protect grand Jury proceedlnp. The cass Involved an antltrult llOlt in Telu in which a c:orpol'Olion wu permitted to In- spect grand jury transcript& '!be recruttoo cue originated in VIJ'1liDla but the anlldlscrlmlnatloo ruling wllf -oelgbborhood lwimmiog poola and llmllar i.cutti.. Jn evezy sector ol tho countzy. The ...rt. ID a ...iopty oplnlon by ~\ ~-0. Dliilpa, ailo held thal ....,..,. ~ could be llOflihl In court liy both a 11.,,. who wal cleoled -~ lajauch ID auocJa. ti• and a wtilto man Who wu ezpelled far aipportlng the Nerro. I Police Hunt Clothes in Tate Deaths LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Two dozen pollceme\l accompanied by Susan Alklns, a ll&lpeci:·turned·informer in the seven Sharon -Tate.LaBJanca sl&yings, ICOW'td the Hollywood hill1 Sunday. They reportedly searched for the bloody clothing diScarded by the killers involved in the Tate massacre. AutboriUes maintained 1tr1ct'1 t !tleret)' about the purpot;e cl the search but they did reveal a rusty .38 caliber pistol was found. However, police would not comment whether the gun had any connection with the case. A apokesmci.n at the Brand Institute · where .Miss Atkins, 21, is being held, con- ceded the girl was released to officers and that she was involved in the search. ' A coort order signed Friday provldei:I for the girl's removal from the prison for eisht hours. Pilot at Home In New Office On Beach Blvd. 'Ille faces are the same today, but the place is changed. AB of this morning, the DAILY PILOT began operations of its Huntington Beach· Fowrtain Valley ediUona from head· quarters in a new 'offtce building at 17875 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. The staff remaim the same at the new beadquartt:n and ill can be reached via tbe .. old" jilorte nutnber, &C-4321. For Joca1 news. advert!sing services or home delivery (]{ the newspaper, here's who to call at the new location: Jeck Broback, city editor; Terry COY!lle, general news and Fountain Valley community events; Rud I Niedzielski, general news and schools; Jodean .Hastings, Huntington Valley WQllen's editor; ElaJne Turnbull, PTA and PTO news; and Jean Jobst, classified advertising and subscriptions. The new DAILY PI.LCYI' offices are in a 6,500-squ are-foot office building just com- pleted on Beach Boulevard, near Talbert Avenue. Bulkier-r1 the structure was Ge<rge McCracken wboee GM Oonmuctloo, 1nc., ailo shares ~ In Ille buUling. Other tenants in the new office building are the law offices ol. N. R Lewis and Amociates and a new branch office of FlreMde 'lbrift.' ' DAILY PII.01' office boars at the new location are 8 a.m. to J p.m. Monday through Friday. Thot-tboclyhtheCaoC-nyCU1-....ic.mon, When ht cols ot yow house he",.Y be driving one of tM More than 1,200 wehldes In ow flttt which we ore converting to run on natural gos. Because we'•• fO\l nd that using natural gas as o fuel in 1notor vehicles ihorpty reduces the pollutonh in vehide exhaust-the source of -rty 90% of todoy011mog. for over a century) but because natural gas burns cleaner. It eliminates most air-polluting substances btfore the)' ever get 1forted. ' We're converting ourflettoftruc:btortatwoloos not lust because that's the businm we're In fond hove b"n • We don't claim that use of natural gos In fleets of truclc1 11 gofng IO clean up the air overnight. But It wlll help, Wt thin le we've tOlcen o step oheod-one that's worth the•ffort. After all, we breathe the some air vou do. ScMlan ea.& &is~ Act/llNIHtCFTHll¥OICUClH'lt.ol'ISTtM W.'ra lrrvestlng In tomorrow. , l(iller. Surf Subsiding Wai,es Take Four Lives, Heavy Damag,e , Fnm Wire Settlcts Klller comblnaUons ol high Ude and atorm-drlven surf are subSiding today, after coslina: four lives and more than $1 milUon damage ln rtturn for the spec- tacle of 24-foot.hlgh breakers. The U.S. Weather Btireau said the trend ls expected to cOntlnue after novel hlgh tides and waves which hit .a week ago suddenly worsened T h u rs d a y , creating chaos up and down the California coast. Anolber assault, however, could be on the way. Waves re,m1ng 115 feet in height wash- ed 111way portions ol. the Orange County coastline over the weeierxl, but raised havoc along the Ventura County shore SatlD'day and Sunday. Men from the Navy's 31st Seabee Unit at Port Hueneme were called out with heavy equipment LO erect earthen bar~ rlcad<!s at Oxnaa:!, where dama.ge tlu been heaviest . Police guarda have even been posted to prevent looting in the wake of tho crashing surf and tidal overOow which devastated swank Mandalay Beach over the weekend. One $50,000 home was picked up off its fou ndation like an eitpensive houseboat without an anchor. ~fr.:. liarry Deel.or and a couple of her lady friends were playing cards when the huge wave-·rolled in fnln the llcnn-lash- ed Pacific and rather rearranced the structure. . "We ran upstaira," said Mrs. Deetor, c•we were pretty lucky." The wave crumbled stucco. walls in the home and sent a refrigerator, stove and chairs and tables careenin& across the floor as the house rocked. Navy O::mmander Charlea Goeley, From Page 1 NEWPORT MURDER ••• booked, and qllellioned at police head- . quarters. She wore a velour pullover shirt, jeans and a thick, white coat. Accounts pieced together from family friends and Police indicat.ed that the daughter fled the house to a neighbor's home down the street before the stab-bing. About an hour after the slabbing one of Jlunl's ex·wives drove to the house and picked up the family's three dogs and then found the daughter. Dru was released to the woman's custody, police said. The H1mt home, which· the eot.1ple had ovmed for five years, is k>cated on a cor· ner in the moderately e x p e n s i v e neighborhood. Pale green and dark blue Christmas lights flaahed along the eaves. A large star built from whlt.e lights twinkled down from a chimney; an expensive land bus camper &tood in the driveway. . As investigators combed the house in· Countian Shot In Tavern Fight Shooting vlcUm John D. Kelley. 29, was In serious condition today at Westminster Community Hospital, following a Satur- day morning quarrel outside a Westminster tavern in which he was hit by four shots from a .22 caliber pisoU. The Garden Grove man was shot twice In the neck, once in the chest and once in the stomach at 12:30 am.. Saturday outside the Daisy Mae II Bar, 7392 Garden Grove Boulevard. Police today are consulling with the District Attorney to determine what charges are to be filed against suspect John W. Ruscllak, 24, who was .arrested on charges of assault with intent to com- mit murder following the altercation. Lt Don Savien of the Westminster Police Department said the gunplay ap- parenUy developed over a femaJe patron at the bar. Honolulu Officers 1'o Elect New. Chief HONOLULU (UPI) -The Island of Oahu's 1,000 police officers were asked Sunday to cast secret ballots to help ·with the selection of a new chief. Honolulu Mayor Frank F. Fasi said he believed "This ls the first time a major police department. has used th i s democratic proce" in helping the police commission to select a new chief." side, two teenage girla drove up to u k if the house was the one Which had the Weimaraner dogs for gale. But the dogs had gone by then. Hunt had worked as a land investment represenlative in recent months. Before that he operated Willis Hunt ~tarine Service in Costa Mesa , offering outboard motor repair. Besides his marriage to Miss Landis (who committed suicide in 19411 ever a "broken heart.'' accounts said) Hunt was wed to Newport Beach socialite and former model Bobby Hunt. That mar· riage lasted 15 years, sources said. Hunt also wed Los Anaeles socialite Dollie Brewer, ilow the mate of Hollywood film producer Hal Roach Jr. He had a daughte; by his first mar- riage, which was to Mrs. Roach. The da~ghter, Mrs. Noel Bl'OWYI, is the wile of a professional tennis player from Los Angeles. Hunt was the adopted son or a wealthy family wh ich left him with a trust fund for life, friends said. Sources close to Hunt said as a youth he sailed expensive boats and drove fast cars. "'.hile Hunt owned his yacht brokerage business along Newport's f\.1ariner's Mile he Jived for a lime at the Bay Club. The friends said in later years he was a nondrinker. The last Mrs. Hunt her family said, was a diabeUc Vt>'ho alsO 5Uf. fers from other illnesses. "She's a v.·onderlul, wonderful woman but she's awfully nervous," a cousin said outside police beadquartv. early thil morning. · Inside. the lucid. but distraught Mn. Hunt subm1tted willingly to eittensive in- vestigation. "She was very cooperative," Thompson said. In a call to a Los Angeles lawyer she was overheard to say: · "Yes, it was all about Dru .•. we were very happy .•• very happy." During her transfer into different of· fices in the police build ing the woman nervously clasped her hands to her fact several times. She spoke emphatically, but burst into tears often. Thompson described her as relatively calm as the hours wore on. As Mrs. Hunt's uncle and cousin stood waiting out.side a matron and patrolman brought the woman out a corridor at 2: 15 a.m. for the transfer to Orange County Jail. There were loud cries. "I Jove you," the cousin shouted. "I Jove you too, honey," Mrs. Hunt replied in tears. During the next moments Mrs. Hunt shouted information on where the family could find her daughter. "Lola ... she's with Lola ... you don 't know her, she's· Will's ex-wif-e In Costa Mesa." She said nothing more. • FOREMOST AMONGST THE PROBLEMS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS GETTING WAITED ON! Not so at old Jack Bidwell's. We have enough Santos here -no waiting - each• timid, quiet, trained expert on what's new in menswear. W• also have what co u Id easily be one of the finest assortments of sweaters, shirts, neckweer, slacks, sport coatt and raincoats. If that isn't enough, we sell gift certificates. They ore exactly the right size and color. If you can't reach him· with one of t hese, he't unreochoble. (But we ore, and we're open until 9:00 beginning Wedneoday.) chief stall oracer far the seibee unit h!eplng barricade the Oxnard ihorollne, HUmated damage.~ at '1 mllllon or more alone. Ten bomes in the expensive beachfront corrunwiity were flooded and the unU1Ual tides gouged away tons of sand and earth fill, Including a 75-loot HCtton of Man- dalay 'Beach Road. D:image to the Orange Co u n ty shoreline in the wake ol lhe dying Pacific storm is not as bad1 amounting mostly to flooded homes and garages, plus wuhed• away belch sand. Deqite the genefll leaeninr of WIVU and Udes, a new i!lofm oil tha Washington CO&t may create more pro. blems, eapecially along the central ~ Massive seas spawned by the criginal storm have battered the coastline u far M>utb as En.senada, where 100 1man boata and 4,000 lobster trapa have been Jolt or de!troyed. Goldberg .Heads Probe Into Raids On Panthers NEW YORK (UPI) -Fonner Am· bassador to the United NatiOM Arthur Goldberg and 25 other civil rights, legal and political leaders announced today they "'ill form an independent com- mission to investigate the reatment of Black Panthers by police in Chlcago, Los Angeles and other cities. Goldberg said Hgrave doobt.s be.ve aris"en" about the legality or recent p>lice raids on Black Panther Party head· quarters which killed two Panthffs and led to the wounding and alT'e.St of others. -Speaking in the office or the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Goldberg said, "This is going to be an orderly, dispa&sionale inquiry." "Has a group been singled out and has ucessive violence been used?" he .asked. DAILY PILOT NewpMt a..c• H......_1 heel 1......... ..... •. v .. .., CMteM .. • OltAHGE COA$T l"OBLISHl'MG COMPAJ.l'I leliert N. Wee4 Pr"ilNlll •llO Plll>lltllr J•ck R, Curr • ., Viet Prt11dtnl •1111 6111111"•1 ~ Tho111•1 K11vil Editor 111011111 A. Murp~ine MINflrtg .Edlltr Offk• ,C"lt Mtu: >XI Wnt Bt y Sltnt Ntwpor1 Bt 1cft: 2111 WHI (11lbo1 BoulfVlr• llglll'll BUCll: ~2 ,or11I ... ., ...... Hunll.,gton •Melt: ITllS l111cll 110\lllY•r• CAIL Y PILOT, wltl'i .... 1c11 i1 C9111111Md lt'le M•wi·l'rn1. 11 p.itl"lthull d1Ur ••Ctpt Su.,. dlY In pptrt!1 H ltlen1 fot l"""' BHdl,,. Htwport •••di· CO>t• Mua. Hun1'119: ... IUdl t r.d Founltln Y•ll•Y· •!Ont wllll 1W.t r19lonal edllloM. Ottnve Cout Pullli:lllln'I Co"'!>lny prln!ln1 11len!1 ••• II n11 WHI ltlb01 IMI~ H._rt Bi o.ell, Ir.Ill »t Wnl Bly SlrHf. Col!I MHI. T.-.,111 ... (714) 64Z-4JJ:I Cl-lfietil .... lfhl ... 641·5671 cw.,..loh1, 1Mf, 0•-CoHI P~ll1111,,. (ompiny. Ho new1 11or;e1, llh111r11!- td!!orl1I ,.11111r or l d.,..rlllt.....,11 lwrtllt """ k r111rodwt111 wlll'IOut -cl.II per- mlui.11 o/ copyrlfM owner. s~ cl•n P"I•~• ,.td 11 ·N•wpor1 •••di llld C.0111 M .... , c1mor11t1. Sw~cr11111o11 •v c•"llr 11.U "'°"'"IY• ~y .... 11 n.~ ml<lllllW• mlllt1rw detllNlloM, ~1.1S mo111rt1w. • JackBid\\·ell o-167 Via Lido Telephone 673·4510 ---- t • I I I ) I. I ·I I I I .,. . ---..... ··--=--.·.--- . aJilltfugton Beae~ . • c -• EDIIION' .. *' ORANGE COUNTY, CA[IFORNt~· .. ~ . ·MONDAY, DECEMBER: lS,.196.9 t • • • TEN. CENTS DAILY ·PILOT·Sllff ....... .. Ile.vies Roll In ' ' i ·. ~-. . . . ' . Lo~• surfer. emerges.from water off Bluffs· in Huntington Bea~h as . 'set,d ,big. wa11;.S01>oas toWard shore..l!"'!~·>$111'f ·~oh8 :potlioils ot'1 ·orange.Coast Ibis weeken4.s4Slt.b<><l~grimmies scnrrying Ion high ground. A¢ .. l(O!l1e who normally find .mmi-m<><!el surfboa'!ls just the •ttq;eL!Ot Sout!'•rn caJifornia wave.;.,foun4 '.tl!~ves llDder· .gunned in the ~~)'lf$. ··· · .. -·. ·· ' I , . Edison Pla11s to Expand Goto Hearings Wednesday '. By JACK BROBACK Of ni. O.lly Pli.t Stiff PUblic bearing:; on the applicatiOn or Southern California Eaison Company to exPand its Huntington Beach eiectrical generating plant are scheduled ¥.'r.d- nelday before the California Public Utilities CommiMion . 'J'he. hearings will begin at 10 a.m. in the Fountain l/aUey OJmmunity Center a~. 102:00 Slater Avenue. Hearing dficer1 will be Commissioner Thomas Moran and PUC examiner Arch E: Main. Ttoop Pullout Asked CAlRO (AP) -Libya 's military aov~ called for a s p eedy American withdrawal from Wheelus Air ~ u the ·regime and U.S. officials ~red to open negotiati~ today-on the fU\ure of. the $100 million base outside Tripoil. " I . Oruge l:ou& F.dison wants to build two additional steam plant units. In its application, the company uys pruposed unit No. 6 will be need~ by Dec. l , 1973, and unit No. 7 by June l, 1975 to meet 1"Qjected poWer re- qUirements. Estimated construction cost for both units Ls $178 million, plus an additional $20 million for fUeJ. oil and transmission lines and terminal facilities. Tht hearings are expected to continue for at least two days. Further hearings, U necessary, rriay be held · ii:i the com· mission's' Los Angeles courtroom. All interested parties may appear and be beard. The PUC, WlCler state law, is charged with regulation oC rates and service or privately-owned utilities and transporta· tion companies which serve the public . These number more-than-1,500.and·in· elude gas companies 'serVing more ·than S.6 million ·cuskMlerl, . elcctrico utilities servicing Sbl'Yle ·s.3 minion ;· 30 ·telephone companies with some 12.S million subscrit>ers, and nearly 500 water <."Om· panies. 1'he commission also reg u,l :1 t cs railroads, buses, trucks, airlines and •' ' . . Killers'·· Cto.thes :_~()ught • Tate lnfarmer· .S,ends Searchers to Hills . . . . .. _, ' . ' . . LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Two do>en' policemen accompanied by SILWI Alldnl, a 11.11pect·turnecHnfonner in the 1even Sharon Tate-LaBlanca slayinj:s, JCOUred the Hollywood hilJs Sunday. They reportedly starched for the bloody clolhlllg dlscanled by the killers involved in the Tate musacre. Authorities maintaiMd • tr l c t e s t secrecy about . the purpose cl. the search Man Drowns As Boat Sinks Off Huntington _One man was drowned ·IJ'.)d fiye others reach~ safety when a· 25-foot cabin cruiser capsized .aff Bolsa Chica · State Beach Saturday night. Killed was Robert Jqelich, 30, of Whit- tier. Lifeguai:ds reqovered his body floating · in . the ·S':lrf after a two-hour iea!'C~. Destroyed Ur the surf was.the cruiser, 11We Three" owned by William Knowlton, 35, also of Whittier. The boat was return· ing to Alamitos Bay from fishing' off Laguna Beach. about 6:45 p.m. Sunday when .strnck by· a big . wave in ·the surfline. · but:'lli<y • dlil :n.vear a rilitY ''Sf ; c.illlltr pistol !was , found. Jloftver,: police would not ·comment-wh!ther-· the -gurr·hatt-any · connection with the case. A SPQkt.vnan . at the .Btand' 1nsiit1,1te. Whet<~ ~l~,'ll;•js ljeing)l1Jd,,~ ceded ·tlie )trl 1,wu role~ to .olllcers• alRI that sne'"wli"blvolved itthe~se&rcb. · A Cl!Ul'I· onler siped Friday; provi!ied for the girl's remov'al1 from 1Uie· priSon for •' I • I" . • . ;ighl hours.· , Pouce ·ai.o used a.hen~·ln .their ' Stardi, i'hfch lasted six l>Ours. and in·. eluded 111 EipJorer· scoula. . · · '"Alt'l·caii'siay is tliat ft ,re searching . ao the.""""'1 and ifi ·tho ~ir and 11'! in connection wkh -,the Sharon., Tate ~ " · )iollc. Ll Robert Heldli: 11\d. 1H~ ;;ooid not coDUMit 'on whlt>ihvestlgatOrs• Were : seeking, clUlig'·a couit··oi'der'bahnlng cOmment on the case, but ii was believed iovesjigators souil\t bloodled clothing "f.iSll Atkin! SJ!~ the g8J)I· threw a.war. the night of the ',I'ate slayings Aµg. SI. Jtfis.s Atkins, w'bo is charged with seven counts of murder in the sfayings of five pe:rslflS at actregs Sharon Tate's· home and the killings of superrilar'ket ·owner Leon LaBlanca and h1J wife the.foQowlrJg night, was lo ~J,er • RI<.~ ~r~ .. : . · ' ' Those who managed to reach the shore Included Juelich's son's, Robby, 7, Gary Williams, 21, of Rooemead, • n d . SMALL WORLD . .,..J\1r.·and,Mn. Eugene cutbbert-''.; 'h " C'.fl~,.f~•. (.Millt : D~visiqn) .~ 'lilso Knowlloo's two sons, John, II, and '.son's ·52.loo~. J'.t1ililllrhililt '.Plcohiolii, tbe,"Sett,e :. , caPI ·MoP,'1.<0n l''°\lhY in night par.>de for .best William, 12. . Maris, to ca•l'Y,!'11\ D.i/;Dey:sm:au World theipe, w.u , .d~pl~pP~,d'Op\otjng:·,pfrif of Cbiistmas,,, Wiiiiams .was. the J~t to reach !J>e . sweeps~es ;'V{~fl::,~ ,H\Ul&ngt6n Ha:rbou'r ·Plill· ' 1:,: .• ;,!' 1 ~ , • beach .. and he flagg~· ,down •,.P&Sllpg '. •) .. 1 ~. • .,,;· •! motoi'jft wile ~'Ill!• acOilolll.\10 ' ' autho~fties. Before lifeguards reached the scene, i.-11oo llaa<d --,m-. Wade A. Rogers <t. Liq Beadl. llo(ers ran to the beach !'<Id -ti-""'-old William Knowlton who bad pasaed, Out in llte surf. · .' The survivors were taken to Huntington Jntercommunity HosPltal where they were triated for elposure and lacerations received when the boat captlzed .. All were released alter treatment. Valley's Voters Decide Tuesday On Sclwol Bonds Voters will be asked Tuesday to ap- prove ror the second time Fountain Valley School District bond.<!. The difference is the interest rate. Voters approved the SI million issue Sept. 17, 1968 under the then top limit of five percent interest. Tuesday they will be asked to approve ii raise to sevm percent in the rate. The bond a: are not saleable at the five percent limit, according to District Superin• tendent Michael Brick. He said the higher interest rate will not Increase the district's tax rate because repayment will be spread over a longer I period al 'time_. The bonds will be used tn construct 10 new schools, purchase a~tlonal schools sites and purchase furniture for 8,500 new students by 1978. Stot'k Market . WHALE WINNER -FlQating Chrislmas· 'greeting entered by Alien· !lu'ghes ·a'nd"the Huntin~il Har- bour Col-20 fleet had a whale of a time m annual • • · • • DAILT ILO lllft ........ . Philha'1llonic ,parade. It , placed .. second ir\ most original category during day parade, then went on to capture 1weepslakes award in night parade. ' All Fogged Out Weather Halts Harbour Parade By JODEAN Jl.UTINGS or. it could have been a lot worse," ht ad~ •$-°'.'~f'lll~ Pl,;"'il'!·; .·,,~f.*:·~ ... ,ded. , _,,, v es s e 11 transporting p~senger or NEW YORK (AP) -DeCJ.iD.irig iSSlles' .1. freight. in intrastate commefct, .certain overc8me an early lead by adVmces,as1 \ ~:!,=~::-A~·~~ ;.Sqme .or ,the.-ti'iallr l\ed ·"' .cbanne,! Some a'~tly'~~~\1-liciJ 'D\':'kers, ""'!' ojben ~ anchor ~ w-~er . ·; . 1f you'te-,Waiting1 foe~e tog · to~' ult. you •Ve _Jot:.\t !Ong wait:• Tue&- dly prom18ts more of the same, with haey sunshine oo .occasion and temperatures stuck in the slxUes. INSlDE TOD-'Y UC 'lr.vine's Re\D Urban Cri1i1 Rtst'arch Center d<>f:s research for. diun/ranchi.H'd groupa in- atta4.of iGOO•l lhirm. Paa• 10. '. warehou.semen and pipeline companies. the stock market conUl)Ued to. drift 10\\-'ef .The PUC also regulates,1in addition to· in · moderate tradirig tOOay. ·csee quota-' (S...El)ISO~ eage I) . .-. lions,P.age1 21-23). ' ' . Pilot Opens Doors ,to New ' . . Huntington Valley Office 'Jbe flCfJI are•tbe same today, but·the place la cbantled· A> of this morning, the DAILY PILOT began operations or lta Huntington Beach- Fount.aln Valley ediUons from head- quarter! in a new office buYdine at l7875 Beach Blvd., HuntingUln Beach. , , ' The stall remaiM' the samt at the new beadquaiters and all can be..refCbed •via the ''okl'' phone number. tu-ml. For focal news, advertiStng +services or home delivery of the newspaper, here 's who io call a't the new location: Jodean Hastinp, Huntingtoo Vallq women 's editor; Elaine Turnbull, PTA and 'PI'O news; and Jean Jobst, clusified advertising and subscrlptloos. The·new DAILY PILOT offices are in a 5,500-rquare-loot office buliding Juat com· pl«ed on Beach ~vafd, near T11bert Avenue. Builder oi the •structure WIS Georgt Mc:Ctacken whose GM-Oanltruction, Inc:., .1 .. !hatts space In the bulldlni. ' Jack Broback, city editor; Terry -atvn1e;-rener·a1 nt'W's Jnd ...... F«i.ln~ln Valley commun~y evenls; Rud I Niedzielski, general newa a'nd schools ; Other tenants In the nor office bulldin( are the law olffcea ot N. R. Lewis and AMoclates and a new branch office Of Fireside Thrift. DAn. Y Pll.t)'l"olfice·ht>Drll the-n..,. location are a a.m. to l p.ni. Monday through Friday. I I 1 lhrough the~sanny1~1.s ofJ~ ~a1ted for'ttie fog.to lift. Harbour lo\ begin the !Int · ol 'U... · "We were rained oot one year, but Ibis pal)ldes lipoMored . by the, Huntlngloo 1a:l\':' !Int 1lme we'vo 'ever been logg~ Hafbour' Committee . o1 0ranc< County oUI, uld Mra. A. Bayard' Dod Jr" Philharmonic Society. (See add!Uonll , founder of women's commlttee, whooi 1tqry alid photos, page 17.) • busband was the !kit parade gr~ Shortly after the start or the 1 p.m. marshal seven yean: ago. _ • parade it was a diffei-ent see. , , Although thla: year's grand marshal, ''.You cpuldn'l's•e'YOW' hand dn'fronl of . Harry Palmer, anticipated there ~ould your fb let alone· the "61iltext W..)'pu:·~ be many Jess entries In last flight's clljm<d Mtckey Holbnl'ii; l&1J"1lu,,;r1 parade, more than 40 boala.convorged at Dr. _ · the starting11Jne under clear skies to con- Thirty...,. boats alreac!Y had puoed .11a11e the compelilloo !or lroph)' awanls. the revlowln& stand al tbe wafetfront "°""' ol Mrcand Mrs. 0-1' Hatdl, JllS !i~ :;:~.;.~ a<n>vllihlll11 put... Large8t Taxpayer "I would .,lbnale that to pet"Cta! o1 the nee1 clidn't mu. rt·ba•t·to 1holr own Edi' son Pays Bill. docks," said ·BOb HulJtianf. "Ar.J>8!&d0 caPtain I ,. .. ~·~ on die fttet . -1 , In a small boor, 11<1, 'l1llnC -•-ii. Orange County's 1fmt lazPll"" , • ..,.. "CT1l!JW "1t unUl>We ...JOI find .,. 'Watted 111\UJ the last dat lJul still Fl' ill 'ol lhe llrl" bool!r. • atant iMtallmtnl payllll!l1 lli on u- "We'd ' !<Id tbem. to 'the ·~ 'clocl/ Acc«dlng to Oranp County • Tn • foot by foot, aod. there w'ol>JcMie'llnuiid Colloclot Don Moaley, the Southern • roor -railed lofetlltr, cv .. 1.u.1111 CalJlomla EdllM Company p. id large Oishllgbt& o ~ cooljln\ ... ,. U '4,411,191 fll1 the IJnl.balf Installment of we got ""'" than 11 !<er Ajliad, Mil fie. !ta J>f0Pd1Y wees. couldn't aee the (1:::1 dOront!o!'f' on The Olla! IMllJlment, lo be paid by the llouoN.IO,f• ;;:.::,J . · · · ' A11!1Llll. will bril!i 1iie lnve~ - Tho only dam,se wu lo one Jioot•a pro-c:ompany'1 JIJl9.70 tax bllr~ l"'lfor. "EV<!Yolie cilOpOtl!lll'~ll" ·'8;815,398. • · · ~ bAtl Y PILOT H WUe Arrested w ealthy~ewport -Man Murdered By JORN VALTERZA Ot .... rMllV l"llft ~ ,Wil lis Hunt, prominent Newp:>rt Beach yacht broker and former hu sband of 1~ ,movie se1 symbol Carole Landis, was stabbed to death during an argument with bis sixth wife Sunday night In their c.orona del Mar heme. Hunt, allegedly argued wltll bis slight, brun.U. wife shortly before 9 p.m. Detective Sgt. Kenneth ThomJl6tlll said. The dispute centered around discipline or Dru Hunt, IZ, Mn. Hunt's dall8titer by a former marriage. Hunt bad recently adopted the girt, &OUtteS said. 'Ibmlpson said ffunt WAI ltabbed once 1n the chest with a knife. The investigator did not disclose the type of knife used or the actual circumstances of the $bbing. Detectives said Mrs. Himt, w-someone idenUfyinc henelf as the woman, phoned police and asked for an ambulance. DAILY Pl'-OT ltlff ...... Runt, 56 described by clme friends as "a playboy" and who traveled for years In Balboa Bay Club social circles, was f®.00 shortly befcre t p.m. still alive, lying in the pool area of the expensive home at 2516 Harbor View Hills Drive, police said. 1111 hyirtuloa1 wife, Dwlllia Hun~ 43, wU at bis side. She was arrested on a charge ol munler. "The caller reported the stabbing. The "1oman said she stabbed her husband.•• Detective Capt. Lou Heeres said. Hunt was taken llill alive and tim• sclous by ambulance to Hoag Memorial Hcopitel. On b!s arrival. he cried "Help me . • • help me" twice and died moments later. Informed sources said. JEEP ~5 TRUCK· TRAILER IN' MORNING FOG AT COAST HIGHWAY AND NIWLAND STREIT JHp Drlvor, Identified Later H WHiiom Hewitt, 24, Huntlntton Buch, In Serious Condition l'rom Page I EDISON ••• highway common earners, mare than 17,<Kll carrierl which trmllJQ't freight for bJre by truck. A tearn of four physicians worked for more than 30 ntinutes, us:Utg open-heart massage and oUler frantic measures to revive the man. MeanWhile, Mnl:. Hunt -herseU mar- ried five times -was taken into custody, boolled, and questioned 11 police head· quarters. Plan Chief Asks County Acquire More Slwreline F og·shrouded W. County Roads Scene of Wrecks It is lhe duty of the cmunission to secure to the public adequate lle!'Vice at rat.es that are·fai1' and rea900abho, both to .,._,,... and slJareholden ol the utility. Conunbolm -is required for any t.ue of otocl<, -or olltu oecurilles by ..... -· !Or moll --.. or -ol plants or other fatjllties. Quite freqUftllly ooly 0 De CODI• -· .. In !lie .... _., the local 1-ingo, Jr"'1des, -an examiner. Al most hearings an examiner presides alone, since the number of bearings, 1,0 days or more a year, nW;es K tm~• for a cornrnilliooer to preside at f!Vfll1 heoring. 'fhere are five commiaioners. Ia U.. diljoo lo Mqran, a San Diego ~. ~ 8"' Wlllilll\ SyJnom Jr., a rancher aod former state ,_.tor from Mano County; A. V. Gatov, a former lleamah!p ~e, San P'rancbco; J. P. Vukasin, 8Jl attorney, Pl-~ and v ...... L. s~. a former abtte aenat'OI", Pao Robles. 'Ille PUC, forplftlj> lhe l!allroad Com- mil;slon, w .. ~ by IP.ll~ment lo the state ~: In !UL The na111e was changed in 19f6. A:J an e.-le of· lhe changes In furisdictloo ol tlJe ............ al#IO<Jib railroads were Ille pr!ncipol ..,..... In 19ll, today • percont ol Ille tillal - revmme paJd lo nosat&led cm1en lor,fa. trait.ate trlliopoNllon 11'1 llJPw>i users. for She were a velour pullover shirt, jeans and a thick, white coal Accoonll pieced ~r from family lriendl and police indtcoled that Ille daughter llld lhe houae lo a nelghbor'1 home clown the-lllreel bdore lhe llab- blng. About an boar alter the lllbblng..,. of Runt's ~·1rivtt ~ lo tllo bouoe and pidled up 1111 1a~·· lhrei dop Cid lhen-lhidooiibW'. Dru WU' reJeued to the WjnDID'I cus\Od)', pollco aald. Tbe llulll·'-· which lhe couple had ownacl 19< five )lla1'I, la located on a e«· ner in the moderltely e s p e n 1 t v • belgllborbood. Pale .,.... and dart blue Chrlllmll llPll fluhid alq the eaves. A lorge llar bull! from • lig!U lwlnkled clowo frOlll a ehinln\IY; an e>pen1ln land bus camper stood in the driveway. Aa lnveallplon combed the -ln-lide, two lftnage girls drove up ID ask ii Ille honle was Ibo one which had Ille Webqaroner dop' for sale. Bui the dop had -by tllen. llulll had wotl<Od as a land lnvellmenl .._taUve ·1n l'ecent montlls. Before that he 'operated . Wills Hunt Marine Servke In Costa Mesa, offering outboard motor. repair. ' Jl..uie. bis ~ lo Miss Lan~ (~·~ lllioide In 11146 °oYer a "brOien Jrear(" ~ aaJd) Hunt was Wed' .. l'ltw...,. -llCIC1allte ud ,.._ model Bobby Jlunl '11111 m.,.. ,,,,.,~II yean, aources 1ald. By TOM BAllLEV Of .... DtMf' l"lllf ...... Orange County Supervlaoil will he ,..,. ed Tuesday lo acquire remaining W> developed otretchea of county shonline in a Planning Departmonl proposal that pla<el Sall Croek Beach between M<11arcl> Bay and Dana Plllnl a1 the number one priority. ~ recommeDdalloN will 'he ...,. lalbed lo a lwo-pbue preMlliatiCXI prepand for Ille board by PlanninJ Director Fom1 Dlclcason. The board has lcheduled bis General Nixon Greetings For Yule Mailed WASHINGTON (AP) -President and Ml'I. Nixon mailed their Cllris1mu cardJJ today -a J'<d.bordered greeting with an ~ whlta engraving ol the IOUth -ol the Whlta Houae. - -Ille gold premenllal seal -the message "With our best wis~ fer a joyous 8!Xl. a happy New Year." ibe card, abOOt four by six incl\es in sil.e. was deftgned for the Nixons by Rallmatl<, the greeting card !inn. · Mrs. Nixoo 11a1c1 111e .aro. would 10 1o 40,000 per-.... deocrlbed .. friends. Her staff direct« ..ilmated the final total1 however, at 37 ,<Kll. is waiting to do SCHnetl1ing abtaut 11nog. Meet That11111ebart.,klheCosCompanyc:uttomerservkemon. When ho colls ot yc<ll' hou1e he...., be drmng ono of lhe more tho" 1,200 vehld11 in our fl ... wflkh we are converting to run on natutol ga1. lecau11 w.'we found that using natural ga1 ot a fi* in Motor vthld11 sharply Nduet1 the pollutants in vehld• exhaust-the toUrce of -.orty '°"• of today'• smog. We're converting our fleet of trucks to naturol oas, not Im! becou1« that's the busint• we•,. Ht fattcl have been for over o H•U~ryJ but lt1cau11 n•lvrol 001 bur1t1 cleoner. ft ellminale• most air-polluting 1ub1tance1 before they ever get started, Wt don't claim that u1e of t'Hltural ga1 tn fleets of truck1 is going to dean up tM olr ovemlght. tut it will htlp. We think we've taken o tttp a Mad-one thot'1·worth the effort. After all, we breathe tht same eir you do. Planning Program Progr,.. Rtporl and his report on Uie Study of Recreational Beachel for preaentatiOn in the hear- ing room at 10:30 a.m. Dickason today confinned th at shoreline between Laguna Beach and C<r0na del Mar and an undeveloped stretch of beach within the city limits of Huntington Beach would also be sug- gest.ed to supervbon as ideal target.& in any campaign of beach acquisition. It ls ezpeeted that the present status of Salt Creek Beach and the denial of public access by Laguna Niguel Corporation will be discussed at the meeting. lf it is, Dickason said, "~ can only con- firm what I said last week -that I am positive that a 90Jutlon will ~ reached in this t5111e.'1 The planning director is confident that the county will move to acquire beachfront in the area and that the thorny issue of public aca!ss to shoreline in the vicinity will be resolved. "I think we'll come to an understanding wit.h Laguna Niguel one way or another and I'm sure that a solution isn't too far away," he said. "We may solve it on the basis of a mutual agreement, or it may be by way of eminent domain (county condemnation of Lagun{I Niguel land) but I'm aure we'll get our public access.'' Dlclwon Is preaenUy llnldni hil department's analysis of present and pro. posed county ownership of shoreline with what he states ls "complete re-analysis o!Uld updaUng of the Master Plan of Regional Parks combining it with Beaches and Harbors to bring all county regional recreaUon facilities into one plan." Dickason said his department is diso.issing the overall plan with coastal city planning staffs and hil aim is to in· volve at least five coastal communities in the final shoreline analysis. Huntington to Note Bill of Rights BW ol Righla Week, Dec. 14 through 20 has been proclatm<d by Huntington Beach Mayor Jack Green. "In an era when the rights of all Americans are under constant scrutiny . and evaluaUon, it is important for a11 ci tizeris to be better acquainted with the precepta set down by our forefathers." G....., stated. Fog """'1r<ludal hi&hw•ys In WOlt Orange Cauoty lhis weekend cauaed a prolulion ol traffic aeoident., Including several chain collisions. Huntlnglon Qeach police Ibis morning repor'ted two injury and seven non-injury colJJsjons between 7 a.m. and 8:02 a.m. 'Ibree women te11chen: were hospitaliz- ed as the result ol one al the accldeat.s which occurred around 7:30 a.m. at Main Slftet mi Ocean A vswe in Huntington Beach. Taken to Huntington Intercommunity lfulpltal wer~ Marle Holman and Diane Ream, both ol Long Beach and Anita Howard, ol Newport Beach. Ml• Howard was admitted to the hospital, and the others were treated for mln<r injurie.s and relea!ed. Another acddenl around the same lime this monUng at Newland Street and Pacific Coos! Highway In Huntington Beach resulted in another injury, when a jeep rammed a semi~truck-trailer. The name ol the injured jeep driver was not immedlately avallabie. He was taken lo Hoag Menurial Hoopital in Newport Beach. One of tbe most spectacular collisions Involved a six-car smashup at 7:46 p.m. Saturday at Warner Avenue and Brookhursl, Huntington Beach, which caused m major injuries. An unofficial total for Ille cities o( Seal Beach, Fountain Valley; Hunllnglbn Beach, and Wettminster 910W9 28 nonln- jury a<eldentll and !Olli' Injury accldmtl between Saturday morning and 8 a.m. to- day. Huntington ae&ch reporied a total o£ 18 collisions; Fountain Valley, teVen ; Seal Beach, one and Wtst::mimter, six. Annual Concert ' Set for Beach The Huntington Beach High School Music Department will present its annual Community Christmas Concert at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the school auditorium . This year's program will feature the OUers' orchestra. choir, male chorus, girls glee clubs, and Harmonaires in a variety al Yule selectiOM, ranging from tramtiooal to classical works. lnslnlmental director ii Douglas Scott, while the ehoral groups are under the baton of Mrs. Jean Tyndall. Accompanist is l\1rs. Mary Parker. All residents of Huntington Beach and aurroondlng area& are invited to attend without charge. FOREMOST AMONGST. THE PROBLEMS OF. CHRISTMAS SHOPPIN~ IS GmlNG. WAITED ON I Nol so ot old J1olc Bidwoll's. Wo have enough Santos here -no waiting - Heh• timid, quiet, tr1ined expert on what'• new in menswear. W 1 also have what e o u I d easily be ono of tho finest assortments of sweaters, shirts, neckweer, sleeks, sport eoals and reincoots. If that isn't enoug~. we son gift certificates. They ere exac:tfy tho right size and color. If you can't reach him with one of these, he's unre1ch1bl1. (Bui we ero, and we're opot1 until 9:00 beginning Wednesday.) " Beach Pair Robbed in Mesa Heist · A pair of stocking-masked handltll In Anny fatigue jackets -similar to look- alikes who wore Navy lutit caps in a market robbery last 'J1lursday -held up a Costa Mesa liquor store for $118 late Sunday nJih!. 11le owner and his wife, from Hun- Ungton Beach, were msrched Into the beer cooler at Baycrest Liquor, 333 E. tl'll! SI., at gunpoint but left unharmed, p:>llce said. Louis B. Salatich and his wife, Marro. said they were reading a newspaper and tidying up the skre room at 11 :20 p.m. when the masked men strode throogh Ille door. Mn. Salatich &ereamed and fell ID her knees on Ille floor. The couple said the bandit$, each car- rying a snub-nosed pistol, ordered them to be·quiet and demanded to know where they kept the eash. Salatich handed over the money and was ordered into the cooler, while his wife followed hi'm in, walking an her kneel, they told poliee. 1'le robbers were de!a'ibed as hi their middle 30s, quite cleancut and ol medium bui ld, whlle each wore a green Army faOgue jaekeL They fit the general description of a pair who robbed the Rancho Market, 2400 Newport Blvd .. Costa Meoa, of $300 and escaped on foot up the boulevard. Each man in that robbery -both clean and neaUy dressed in identical blue check<red &hlrt& and dark trousers - wore a Navy woolen cap, but only one displayed a pistol. To Elect New Chief HONOLULU (UPI) -'The l~and Of Oahu's 1,000 police officers were asked Sunday to cast secret ballots to help with the selection of a new chlef. Honolulu Mayor Frank F. Fasi said hi believed "This is the first time a major police department has used th i 1 democratic process in helping the police commission to select a new chief." DAILY PILOT ORANGE COAST PUllLJSi;ING COM .. AtfY l .. b,rt N. Weecl ,..,,;a.,,1 •nd Pllbli~•r J1c\: l . C1irl•v Vke Prn idtn! end G1111.,11 Menage<' lhom11 Ke•vil Eatter T~om1s A, Murpitin• M•Mtlnll Eau .... Alb1rt W. l1t1s ASSOCll7-Editor Hu11th1t,.11 leocll Offke 17175 l11ch e .. u1.v.1d. ' M1ili11g Add.1•11 : P.O. lox 790, 92,41 Other Offices t.agvn1 1111ch; m F«11! Avotn11• Co•ll M•••: m W111 8•Y s1 ... 11 Nt"'J>llrl Bt1ch: 2211 W1•t Balboa 8C<1ttv1rd CAILY Pll.Cll. wllll wtolcb 11 comblnlld lhe Nt,,.1·Pr11• •. It po.ibllthtd cl11ly •-ttP! 511.,.. t11y In 1Q>&r1i. lllllllo!>1 tor uiwna ll11ch, Nt""PM' 8t1ctl, C1r111 Me.1, Huntl,....:cn ll .. Cfl 11'!11 fC<1nl1!11 V1ll1y • .11:on, "'llh lw.a retlG.,11 cdltlorll. Or11191 COlll Publllhlrl9 ComP•ll)" prl11llne P.llnl1 ••• It 2211 WtH 81lllQ 8MI., N.._rt ••>ell, 1..a lJO Wnt 81y $1r"1", CO!ll MUI. , ... , .... 1714}· 642·4321 ,,_ w ... 11111 .. ,., c .. r 140.1111 Cl ... lftM AM:tbl .. 641:1671 Copyr19M, 1m. O•tnG• ..:out P11btl1111.,. Comp1ny, No naw1 1!orl11, lll111!r1llons, c•ll•rlel m•Ut r or lllvarll••"""I' lllrtln ftllV Ill rtpro:clo.rced WHl\Ovr IPKl•L ,,.,. m!Hio<'I of copyrifM 0"'"''· *-cl111 post1ge 1111<1 11 Ncw~ort 811cll lnO Cot!• MIU, C1!1101ni1, SwbM:rip!lln by ctrrllr $2.00 """'lhly1 by .... 11 "·'° monlhly1 mlllt1ry H1lln111Dni. 51.00 "'°"'"'Y· W•'re lrmtstfni In tomeiww. Jack Bidwell 8467 Via Lido , Telephone 678-4~10 • Mucho parking direcUy behind my !lore ' ., ' • i • • I I I ~og Causes Standstill On Freeway .. A IUdden blanket ot deadly, blindlng tog set.Ued on Orange County's·rulh-bour traffic this moming cuasing pileups of at 1e81t 100 cars a~ injuriea -some severe -to dozens of Per-a. • • M"'4•1, OK1mber !5, 1969 H ~l(iller Surf Subsid~ng .Waves Take Four Liv~s, Heavy Damage . . From Wtre Stnicet • ) • j Killer comblilaUohs . of blcJ> llde. ond stofm.driv'eo surf are subli'dlng today, alter costing (our lives and more than $1 rTiiltwn dlmaie in rttum for the spec- . tacle of K.ofoot-bigh breakers. : The ··u.s: Weather Bureau. sa1d the trend Jo erj>ecled to continue• after novel '1tBh Udel 'and. waves which. hit ~ .week ... oudd,eoly . JVOrsened r ~ u rs d a y ' ere•~ chaos up and down the devaatated .... ~ Mandalay .a.each over the weekend. ' · · One $50,000 home WU picked up ofr Its roundaUon like an expensive houseboat w:ithout an anchor . .. Mrr. Harry Dector and a,couple of her Jody friends were playing cards when the huge Wave rolled In .frortt the. Gtotm-laa.h- ed Pa<i!lc and -~•l!ler, rearr81!Jed tl!ll structure. ' "We ran upstairs," said Mn. Dector, "we were pretty lucky." home apd ... 1 a nlrl(eral<!r, -. w chaks ind tables _, -lbe floor as the house rocked. Navy Commander Ch'*" Gceley, chief slafl officer f«> the ,.,.Seabee unit hleplng barricade the Oxnard° lhorotiJie, esUmat!d .damage there. at $1 million or more ·alone. • Even1 emergency vehicles crept blindly throuiit. tlle zero.visibility IOl!p along crowded and wreck-sludi:lid freeways dW'ing the morning rush hour, weary highway patrolmen said. catlf<tnla ~L . , , ~ AnOtMr· mautt, however; could M on • the . ' . ' ' The wave crumbled s\uct<»walls.-in the T~n bo~s ln ~he expeQ!)ve'~? comnjlplity were. flooded and"1he UlllllUal. tides ptged away tens of aand and eartll, nil: inCIJJdlng a 7~loot iecllon. of Malt· dalay Beach Roaa. ~ · · Danlqe !o the O.anJe Count 1 Sbpcelliie In Ille wall<· rd the dying· Paclfle storm is nOt as bad .. amoµntlhJ mostly w~ flooded homes. 800 gar.a~S .. plus wdbed-;· away beiCh •sa;rid. • ,, Most ·rd .tlle era.she< O<X:WTed along Ille stretch of Santa Ana FreeWay betw~ Myford Road and Ille Laguna Canyon Road interchange. No totals ~ cars or injured was yet available, patrolmen said. There were no report,ed deatbs in the pileupa, they ad-ded. . . To make matters worse, weathermen predicted more fog Tuesday and said it might be even longer-lasting and tb.icker than dlis morning's siege. Harried patrolmen summoned every emergency vehicle available to tbe freeway crash area and many ot the emergency drivers reported trouble fin· ding victims and wreckage in the thick white mist. · The first co11ision repm"t from the freewa y stcetch came in at 7:24 a.m., patrolmen said. . . Then the reports became an avalanche. DAIL 'f PILOT Sr.ff Pltot9 By 10:30 a.m., the fog began to lift but reports or still more accidents continued to come in, they said. THIS WAS SANTA ANA FREEWAY EARLY THIS MORNING . ' 'Ibe dozens of victims were taken to seven Orange County hospitals. . lrooking North From Laguna Freew•'( Ovtrp1s1- While actual figw:es were not yet available, one veteran patrohnan said he believed the epidemic of crashes would equal or surpass a day five yean: ago On the same freeway when fog caused pileups involving 150 can. Traffic in this morning's crashes was literally at a standstill along freeways .. High Court in 5-3 Ruling On House Discrimination Anaheim Man's Body Found at Big Bear Lake BIG BEAR LAKE (UPI) -A 33-year· old Anaheim man was found dead alongside a road here Sunday after he mysteriously disappeared from a pickup truck he was driving. Pollet llaid Elbert D. Masterson, the victim, and J<En -of Fullerion left the Moon Rldge Club House early Sunday morning in Masterson's pt ck up •. Masterson was driVlng, am ~ was sit- ting in the pa~er's slde, dozing. Reed told police he awoke to find the pickup truck swerving violently from side to side. Masterson wa._s gone. After Reed gained control or the wildly careening vehicle, be drove up and dov.rn the highway searching for Masterson. When his efforts proved futile, he notified police. Almost six h00l'9 tater, a motomt discOvered Masterson's body 1 y i' n g alongside the road witll his head resting agai.Mt a tree. An autopsy was planned for today. Little Indians Get Early Yule Footballi, basketballs, dolls and toys rained down Saturday as more than 100 uOOerprive!eged Indian youngsters en- joyed an early _Christ.mas. The children, ranging in age from four to nine, were the guests of die Southern califurnia S""18 Council. a group of about 185 members from all segments of the ~g goods industry. Sant.a Claus and a clown provided the entertainment, the ~ Angeles Police Academy provided the food, and ttie W. J. Voit Rubber Corporation of Santa An.t provided the caleteria for-the party~ 'l!>e Sport. Council has sponaored parties each yeer for tbe ·put~ Jor needy dlildren. Members ()f the' cooncil and various toy mariufacturers dmate all gins. · · " WASIDNGTON (UPI) -With Chief Justice Warr.en:>.E:'Burger dissenting, the Supreme Court declared today that a recreation '8560Ciiition affiliated with a housing corhmbnlty, may not discriminate against Negro applicants. In a f>.3 ·deci!lion, Justices Jollo M. Harlan and Byron R: White joined Burger in oppoSing • the· majOrity opinion· by Justice William 0. DoolJas. Tqe ~O\l;rt , ~k .. µiese other actions hew,• rteOsslitt·until Jan. 8: . tr -I • ' -llire<:led ll!al all pending appealo. reliting tq ~greptlooi of 01\laboma Ci·. ty. schools !!< beard .promptly by tlle 10th . U.S. Circuit .Court of A~s. -Agreed to hear -an appeal by Daniel J •Y Schach~ convicted of Ullllllhorized wearing of a U.S. military uniform at a 1967 antiwar demonstration in Houston, Tex. -Continued temporarily a Boston ban of the film, '"I Am CuriOLLS (Yellow)" to allow District Attorney Garrell Byrne ID fife an appeaJ if he wishes. Next .. Moon Crew Watch a~ Rocket Poised for Trip CAPE·KENNEDY tUPil -Apollo t3 's astronauts watclied'thelr "beiutlful bird" move ·to Ult ·}itmeh pad today for a ~!arch expeditiori-to the m o o n ' s highlands. , • I ·Moontlight veteran .Tames E. Lovell and space rookies Thomas K. Mattingly uid,Fred IJ. ·Halle joked witi>_reJlO<!er.l aricr chattedabQuftheir tlk!ay mlaslon as their rocket !Umbered to tlle ~d to begin firial tests for 12unch March 12. "It loOic> like a beautiful bird• and I think ftireJgOing to have another goOd mlasion," Lovell"llllld. The commander, who circled the moon last DeC!mberin the Apollo 8 apacecralt, said there was a ~ chance th~t he and Halse could hikt on the·lunar surface for aJ long at five hours during ·one ()f two planned moon walks. "People say we can," Lovell said. "Jr cur system lasts that long arr:i 'we feel great, well, we'll do tl" ' Joke's .. on Agnew ·,. - Vice ~r~siiJ.ent Enjoys . Hope Shoiv From Witt Sentkes &pe said he's heard 1evera1 WASIDNGTON ~· A glittering Bob DeniocraUc jolces aboot Agnew. including ' • ..1 _, the one about &he1 Vlce Ptt:sident'• library Hope variety lhow; mc<Uding Jibea at t1lat bip'ntd-'-"ond burned liolh his administration Illa! I~ President Nixon bocil<I, ln<1Udlni ..,. tllat he hadn't col· whooping with laughter during a White Clf'ld,yeL" House Christmas partj beaded overseas "Agf\eW, oo • rroat. row seat, roared . today to entertain U.Si.lrootl'· Hope also bad 10metlllng to say about Hope, • friend rd Uie11'Tesident, said ii tht oullpoken wilt of Attorney ~ral V.'&S the t\('st time ttli annual yuletide Jotm N. t.tichell. troop a:how had opened · at the Whltt "I had no coocem whatever about House. doing this show," Hope' said, "because l "I know some acts that have been met Mrs.·Mitchell and she told me what trying to get in here for lt yean," he to say. You know, she Jnllkes Ted Agnew told an East Room audience of over 300 sound Ute c.tvln Gooltdfe." guest.. Sund•y nigh~ -includJng Vice Nlloo burst Into laughter at tlliJ and President Spiro Agnew who sat in the m~ othtr of Hope's shafts. frotlt row. The ahow also Included • toothsome Joking about Agnew1s recent attacks on girl dabctt. In skin·tight sliver lame, a certain elements of the press •and ballad from the "musical "Hair," and IAt televisiOn hope said 1'Mr. Agnew wmt-Brown and hls-0 8attd·of Renown.'' Brown down l<! buy a bulldOIJ (early) odltloa of WU .. Undtr1p .. duate ll Duke Unlven!\y lhe WMhlngton Post and lt bit him." when Nixon •WU ablclylnf law Iller<. ,, -Decided to review a lower court rul- ing which the government claimed had, stripped away the secrecy necessary to protect grand jury proceedings. The case involved an antitrust suit in Texas in which a corporation was permitted to in· spect grand juey transcripts. The recreation case originated in Virginia but the antidiscriminaUon ruling- ~·ill affect neighborhood. swimming pools and similar faclliUea in every sector of tlle ciJUnlry. 'l!>e =~ In • majority opinion by Justice William 0. Jloolgas, . olJo held that monetary damages could be" IOUJht in court by both a Negro who was denied memberahlp in such an as~la· tion and a white man who was eJpelled fOr supporting the Negro. Nixon Reports On New Troop Pullouts Today WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Ni.Ion gives the American people an up- dated report o.n the W§t in ·Vietnam this afternoon, including announctment of new withdrawal of -perhaps as many u 40,000 Gts. A withdrawal that large would bring Nixon's announced total troop pullout to 100,000. Senate Republican Leader Hugh Sc6tt . ' said today he erpected Nb:on to announce a pullout of between 35,000 and 33,000 men. He said l)e was confident. total. witbdrawa1s would total 100,000 by the end of the f"aT. Nb:on tokl a qews conference Dec. I that ~ would annonnCe . further troop v.·l~rawals shortly, saying the number: woulcj .. depend on the .events and our analysis ol. the events between now and the time I make the announcement." He told cop&reSsional leaders the next daY ll\il he would glv~. the Alnr!can peo- ple an up;lated report on the war when he announced the wlJ.hdrawal. · All t.hree major televilion and radio r.etworks -ABC, CBS and NBC -wer4 to carry the President's addresa live at S p.m. P$T. The opeecb will he limited to about five minutes according to the WbJ,te House. C.Ountian Killed In Auto Crash On SA Frooway Garden Grove resident& Craig £4 Torkelson, 21, of.. 10371 McDaniel Drite, was killed Slturday in an early morninl ciash on the Santa Ana Freeway. .· CalUornia Hig™·ay Patrol officers taicl Torkel&on and another man, Anny 5peo;, S Steve K. Tobey, 21, of !QI S. Adams Ave .• Fullerton, were soothbound on the freeway near ,Chapman Avenue, Oranae '\\'hen their fcreign compact car went Into a broadside sl<ld, hlt a curbing and roliecl over once, landing tn an upright poslUon. Bec•U!C! both Torkel"" and Tobey were ejecied from the~auto,-olticerl ad· ded, II has not been determined wb\> WU driving. t • •w&y.• I . ' . • ' • waves .relehbl1> n feet In height wash- . fd. away ·"'rjlona of llle • Qr!Ull!e Co\mly CC?Uf.UOe • over . tb8 ·Week~,, bot raised havoc along tbe· ventUra Coonty shore Saturday and Sunday. M!'fl from the ·Navy's 31st Sea bee Unit at Port Hueneme'.were called out with heavy equJpment to erect -earthen bar· rlcades at, Oxnard, where damage has been heaviest. Golden Gate's ~7lst Sui.cide Victitu Jumps SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) -An uoiden· tiUed man has ~me the 371st Golden Gate Bridge 3Ulcide victipl. Desplle the gene~ lessening or wave. and tides, a new storm off the-, Washington coast lfllY create more pro· l>Jetm, eapecially along the central coast-. Police.guards have even been posted to prevent looUni in the wake of the crashing surf and tidal overflow which 'l!>e man Jumped Qfl tho 256-fnot high bridge .Saturday as a. toll· plaza· ,guard watched throqgh binoculat'6. A pas.sW; motorist saw the. man poised to leap from • mid·span and ~ed the guard. Massive ·seas spawned .by the origlpah · storm have battered the coastline as far south as Enaenada. where 100 small boats and 4,000 lobster. traps have been lolt or d..-troyed. ' _! .... ~ '. Christmas is fiJr giv~9g .. ~ ~ . ' A uliklzl of "'=tifuJ. oift. ••• Happy solutions to the problems of buying gift.a are yours at E1 Rancho! Gift baskets ••• Gift certificates ••. Freah ·fruit ha,.,.. kets ••• or Holiday Spirits ••. attractively packaged ••. attractively pria!d ••. and sure to be appreciated and remembered ! Charles Krug Gift Pack a fifth .of Chenin Blanc ,,..., 9-oz. wine glasses ••• s52s • •. fifth Vin Rose in white le3therette grain box. . Connoisseur Set ........... ~6.99 A six~bottle assortment from Paul lfasson pts.. ..• fine wines in gift bo~ ! Kiki Sake Set ................. ~4.89 You give the server, 4 authentic sake cups and a 24-<>unee bottle of Kiki Sake! Cha~ne Quartet ......... ~4.25 . ' Fr<>m .Paul Masson ••. Brut, E:i:tra Dry, Pink c and Sp&rkling Burgundy •• ; 2/5 pint ~ttJe's., Sportsman Decanters ....... ~.39 Cabin stin straight bourbon in the quart de-' canter.so prized by eol1ectors! . . ' ' Vanclel1nint Liquear Set .. :,.75 Fr<>m Ho!land .... , ~nted choc;olate liquear ..'!i.th twO .nett-gJ.useA ! . Cheli~Suisse Liqueur Set '7.99 Cherry atid choeola,te flavors in this. Swi!B fa- vorite ••• plus 2 ~Que"ur glasses r Pork Cho. ps emu . 9'8c STU~~ $J09 ••• ~"! .. ~ ~. .lb· •• · .~ .. ~,. .. . • Lean and de1iciou1 Pork-from the finest mid-western pork. Quality you'd expect frOm El.~o! Cube Steak ...................... '1.49 •. London Broil ::., .... .' ..... ,: .... 51.49 ~ • ,Jiorve<h...rty ·beef in just mhtutes ! ·'Beet at IU< best 'is from Et Ranclio! . \ ·. :· .. ~pple_ Sau~e ........ .-................ · ~ . .So~ .. ·. ,..ith 1cinna'1t9n ! .' ... S&.o1t. size.~ Tuna-NOOdles .. :: ............. ::: ·~. Crisco Oil .......................... :. 43; ' . . Fol"'oalidl! ·~ cooking-. •• 24-<runce bottle. Macaroni & 8eef : .......... : . . 49' Stouffer's .... just heat "?d serve!., .1114 ... ., . :-G~le .fa.vijrlle ~tOjn·SQ>u!feH.~ ... u;....:, . ' Bananas .... . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. ..... 10~ '--.~Hallet s. P.iiia ». . : . .... enc' Central :America's finest quallty! . . XLNT). J 'l!'9~,~Gb~ Or Pep~l. ~J ··-~·"• '2.t...I.. . • . ,,.~~·~ .• ' • '' -;:«'!J.-. HAPP,r lllllll'l<J!I! 111'~ ~-M!( TOUllS ·~T n ~ . . .. -" · .' · • • g, ?ft A gal!"'Y of, gift' ~keta .. ., ~·ch 'membe~ of.• .trou't>. ~iCf up Your · beautifully pai:J<a,ed ••• atfrac:-•• , ''G·rt ~ ·d · • · · " · tively pric¢ • , . 1 ideaJ teniem.. ~Qpf ,0r-.~~r I ' ':'UI , e • • .' YOU. ll br&nce1 for.an ipdividu&I gift •.• 1 find 'a. :w1d~. ~~t;i911 ., • ~.one-of 1 ""'°" , or to show yottr .. •PP~ia~ioh. to ., l)'hith. ~U be yo'!!'!~ cb,okiel '. ' ~,~ ·~~~~~' ~w.~ .. ~~~ ARCADIA: --• ...,.._ , .,.. • ·~~~-- Sunstt Ind ffunlftwton Dr, (El RJliclJo c.ntlt! Pricer!.. <J.i•ct M.,..., Xuu., Wedi,, ,-. , PASADEllA:, Dec. t•,,1,,,!11. Jv:o,~,lo ,dukri. .. 320 Wut c.lnlo Blvd. SOOTll PASADENA• frllllOJI! and IMttil~ Dr. HUWTlllGTOR BUCH: W ........... Al~la ~1c!WJJllt Ctn!ell NEWPORT BEACH: • 'll'll Newport Biid. Ind 2555 Eutbiliff Dr. (Els1!Jlull vm.,. CtnliJl ., I. I .• .. .. '• ' . .. . ··~· .... ". \ ' ' . . ~ ·i ~ . I ' ,. '~ :»~ . I 1 •• #". 1" :.~ 4 DAILY PILOT ~--D*, .. , ... , Britltte S.rdot was once called a ••au kitten." Now she is 36 and IUll 1eiy. But the British Broad· casting Corporation (BBC) has de- cided &he no loriger is a kitten. In details of ill Dec. 26 programming, the BBC's publlcity 'department to- day said the director of a Brigitte Bardol spectaciilar will "exploit 111Very po'ssibJe. facet of the Frenoh m-cat's personality." • Sophfn t o,. n bretu• into Rome airport wrappe-q. from Mad to toe in fa.ahm's lateit fling -.,,. ....,;. coot. TM radiant Italian fHm actr'" 1001 ready-fo r Rome'• cool toift.. ta-w,tJtMr wm 11'1 returntd from G<Mva. • JHk Qulnt•11co, • 1opbomore at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City, Ore'. parked illegal· ly while alte!!ding classes. But ha didn't get perking ticket. The cam- pus patrolman said he didn't issue a ticket because the vehicle wasn't an automobile. Quintance arrived in his liibt plane and parked it in the fecuity park\ng lot. He said ,h& did it to arouse intrest in aviation at the school Luis Sanchet, 15, blind l'ince M toaa I, ha.I been elected to tht' top 1tudent office at San !Mao Roosevelt Junior High_ With 1,800 voting, he defeated the '1.ezt.hightst of three Yival.Y by 600 oote1. Luis ended h~ prt!- election campaign speech by mking the other pupil-! to "Vote for San.chez-he's out of right." "The kicb caught the double mea.nbtg," ht !a.id 1a.ter. "It got me a lot of laughs." • Sereh Chu rchill, daughter of England's late Sir Winston Church .. ill will tour a memorial to her father at Westminster CoUe~e in Fulton, Mo. Fulton is the Ille of Churchill's 1946 "Iron Curtain'' gpeecb. The memorial includes a library and the church of St Mary· Aldemianbury, which was shipped to Fulton and reconstructed. It had suff~red severe bomb damage in World War II. -' Control by Saigo~ • At Highest Level SAIGON (AP) -The Solgon 1overn- ment today claimed control ovu 91.5 per· cent ol South Vietnam's populatlon. It WU the bJghest pel'Wllaae In the bJsl«y Junta Chief Overthrown - In Panama PANAMA (AP) -Brig. Ge~. Oinu Terrijos was oosted a.s Panama's top Jeader today while he wu in Mexico City to attend a hone race. ' · An announcement by the military jUJT!a ta.id Torrijos was removed u chief Of the' NaUonal Guard, the naUon's only military lon:e. It wu !Tom thla post thaf Tcnijoa ran the country. He wu a coleader of a couP th:at OU!ted President Arn61fo Ariu on ()Cf_ 11, 1968 after be haO served 11 days. 'Mle junta's announcement indicated T<>rrijol' ouster was CllT!ed out by mm who served in the No. 1 and No. 2 posts under him. They are Col. Ramiro Silvera, who t90k over the National Guard command, and · Col AJnado Sanjur, who became deputy commande:r. Silvera had been deputy commander"and Sanjur the chief of staff. · A junta· communique announcing the chan&eovm said that • ' n e I the r · penonalitiel nor the exultations of the · .,.......my of ol!k:lab have lllY place In the ~nary regime." _It ~ed the pledge, mmounced earlier by Torrijos, to h:>ld elettlom next year. Dubcek Named Envoy to Turkey PRAGUE (UPI) -Ou.si.d reform leader Alexander Dubcek haa been nam· eel Czechoalovak ambassador to Turkey, Prague Radlo Aid today. The appofntment was a n n o u n c e d almCllt ,lllne months ·to the day after he was driJpped as fint 1ecretary of the Cr.echoslqvaJt . Communist party and relep teol t<> \olrtual politics I obscurity. Dubcek, 48, headed the Czechoslovak Communllt party during the 1968 reform_ en Uiat retulled 1n the Aug. 1968 in· vuloa by So"1et·led Wanaw Pact JJoopo. ol the Vietnam war but ori}y Ol'le half of one percent more than the clabn last month. The monthly report ol. the govermnent'a pacificaUon program aald that on Nov. :M> 18.1 mUlion of the alimated 17.5 million populallon were living under government control. 494,000 or 2.8 percent were under Viet Cong con- trol and 822,000 ( 4-7 percent) were in cor>o te&ted areas, lbo5e where neither the government nor the Viet Cong ii con- &idered to have decisive control At the start of the year, the govern · ment claimed control over JS.8 million of the population, then estirrfated at 17 million. The extent oC iovernment control baa e:rpaoded 1teadlly 1ince that time, acconling lo the .govei'nment fiiures. On· the battlefields, South ·Vietnamese troops reported killing 40 enemy' soldiers with the help of artillery and -In a day of scattered n,hting Sunday in the U Minh Forest in the Southern Mekong Delta. No South Vietnamese casualties were reported. Other allied forces reparled 1'ilJing 116 North Vietnamese ~ Viet Cong in 10 other i;mall clashes fI:orn the Mekong ~Delta to ~th Vietnam's northernmost provinces. The U.S. Command said three Americans wre killed and 17. wounded. Agajn, no Sooth Vietnamese casualties were reported. 5 of Sextuplets din g to Lile LONDON (AP) -The five survlviqg babies from the .second Bet of !erluplets recorded in Britain have "a better thin 50 percent chance of aurvival," one Of their doctors said today. R~ary Letts, 23-year~ld wife o( a computer. engineer, gave birth by Caesarean aectlon to five girls and a boy early today, but one of the girls was still barn. The babies were about two months premalure and weighed lt.ss than three pounds each. 'Ibey .,_ placed in in· cubatort'. and were being fed minute quantities of human milk, lntravenoosly and orally, t!VfrY 15 minutes. r.1rs. Letts had been. treated with a fertility drug. a treetment that is con. ducive. to multiple mrths. She was tokl . ]ast week !he might have u many as le'VeD babies. Boy Takes Balloon Ride Then Swim MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. -(AP) -Rick Snyd~, the 11.year-old boy who rode a runaway balloon three miles to .an icy bath in the Minnesota River, says "I wasn't scared, I was just thinking real hard about how I was going lo get down." Rick, a sixth grader, was swept aloft Sunday during haUUme of a NaUonal Football ~ague game between the J.11n· ne.!Ota Vikings and the San Francisco ~Bers. Some 43,000 spectators watched as the ~foot hot·alr balloon broke lt.s tether and !Oared into the snowy sky, barely missing a light tower al Metropolitan stadium. The ride end@d thret miln away. in the fMgid waters of the Minne30la River. "I was pretty high,'' Rick said, "I'd say about 1.000 feet.. I was In the clouds part ol the Ume." Rick u.ld he understood the operation cf the balloon well enough to turn o{f the propane burner which heated the air in· Qde it. But he &aid he picked the wrong tUne to do it. "I saw twas going to come down in the. river," he &aid, "but Ulere wasn't anything I could do about it.. I turned the burner back on again, but it was too late. The balloon just sort of dragged into the river and I got out. Then the balloon drifted on arr:I took off again." Rick said he had to swi.m about 25 feet to shore in water over his head but had "° d~ficulty. .. I wasn't hurt at all. but my parents "'ere rtally glad to see me. I wasn't scared, but I think they were a JltUe wor'· ried." Rick's mother, Mrs. D. L. Snyder of St. PauJ, bad been. in the balloon's gondola She stepped out, e:1pecting the balloon to rise to the end of its 2fl0..foot tether. But the line snapped, and the red·and·white r;triped' balloon rose quickly ind was J05t to sight. Rick, who.w parents ll"e amateur balloonist.!, u.ld he hM been aloft before -but always at the end of a rope. Winter Holds Tight Grip New Eng.land Battles Hea vy Snoiv; Sou ihivest Warm ,... ~ ._ deudl tllrouotM tt.t '",...'°""" """*"' C.llfamll ~~· flt .. ,,_,,1119, blilf flllt ,,_ Wll '"'*'" ..... lllr .,_. ~ "' ..... l'Ol"'l\ona. LOI .......... Mf Yklfll!Y fled ••l'f nMl•I fW 1111'1 Wll !IWl:ltl"f l1lr Witt! 'little ,__,~ cl\I,..., TIM Cholc ~ l'IJMI fodly Wl1 77. llP -di-.,. ,.._ lunHr. Thi low IDlllWhl I• •. - '""9 A.Ir ,.Oll""IOrl C611trot Oh!rkt ,._,, iltflt -Ill ""' bltlil. TM u.a. W•ltltr llll'MV • .. 11 """""" C.111wfti. "'"' ...... "' -t ..... l llofl tfllt ....... """' ""'-"'"'"" ...,,.,,,"" ,, Ml'"ll\401 .. •lllllt!'r 1bl!'t9. ""°"" llM -'°' •nd .. tlwdt ~ mW """'"" fldl'r ...,. ...,. -tfY ..,,..., ll'r ...... HllM ,........ tfll .,. -,,,. ... --... ~..... ---w1111 "'" .. tl'll Mii 11 ,._. raor". °'"""• .,,..,. 1M """""'" 1• llltM ,.-0 ,,..,, llOlt llO In -· v1Jlty1 to .... '"Id I'll lft ....... Vlllln. ki.u.t lllfM lufloMf Ind !W"tfltt. M 11'11~...,, ~ l"" "9cfl n.n, ,_. ._. ... ....,, ..,,.. MM: , .. ,,, NII. Wl1-....._ ,.,.,,,_ lllelt ..._ ,..__ n.n, hi'" s.m,, , .... ...,..,.... ....,. '"' °"" """' -111111 .. ...,,, ....... IOUTHl •M CALlil'OIUtlo\ -'°' ..... '°"' ,.,. -"°""" 'll'lltwl lfllf C:Olrttl Wwllrdf fli.J'rt .... ,.., _,.. ,_. "'*"-"' ...... ..,.... , .... ,. Uttlt '-""""' dllllM. LOI AlfOtt..11 .t.lllt:A -fl'Oll _, ,,.. ""' """' ,,.. .. ,.,. ll'lel"Ollf!il ......., :M'" lll~TWM•Y· Llfflt -... tftl111•. OWrnl"" '°"' ,... & "'*" MMMr n. • Ceuc.I ,.. Ind ... t!Ma 111 11'1..,_ teo1r. Llttt 'rtri.bJ1 wlnh 11~1'11 end -.ill'lt '*"' blclmll'lt _,,,wnt "' _, • to 11 kntl1 Ill'! en~ todtY Mf '"""""'· Hltll ,_, '4. """'"' ............. ,... """' .., ..... .,....,,. ,., .. ,..._.,. _......,. ~ tt 7l. Wtlw "'-'•lvn M. s-, M_,.. 'l'Wes -.. . ...... "'" ............. l:Ol•.m.4J ....... ""' . . 11• •-"'· ••• TUllMY '"'"" 1'1191t ............. , ,, .......... . '"""' .,_ : .............. N·N 1,rn, 1.1 l4t:tftd llltft ............ ,,,. ....... '·' lfc!"" low ............. f ;M '·"'' I.I 141,, •t1o11 •:11 '""'· .... ,,~ '·"" "'• 111 1"' 11:11 1.m. It" II ;~ 1.m. An •tlY wlnl'll' 1twm tD!lll!l\ltld '9 l1tlil ""-NUll'llrJI N1w 1:,..11nd ~II .. .,. °'"' W.f'Ylll'ltl ..... ,1...,f ... "'· ... ,,_. tn'l'lcirt. ""'Int· .. l tedl ltl•• •.I, fllt llllm> Wll llf"Odlle:""9 ~ - tcrwtt Mt~atfh tl'ld COMt<tltut. •-trnC11itnit ..,. 10 • '°"' ""'' ,. -'tlf ,,..,. Wfllffll Ceflneclkut, •-tt11rrln (Ollllnllld 111 "" vi. t lrlll'f " f1'le Grt11 1.1-.11 ll'ld lni. tt1t OMt V•lle'"f, Ttlt m l ol IM c~ IHI• - lftll't' ·-tll:ln. Coidtif' -fhtr Wfl ,.,llC1I of IN "•'"" 11111 Of tt'I• 111!kl!I wl'll11 "''Id -1111r· .... ,,Ulfd Ir-tQUll'I TIUf ta !hi 1rlll South.,..tl. Temperature• W•ATMllt TI M'I I .,_ olflC"°'9ft ""'"'' l tt.er1llt!d l l1""11rtk 8ol11 ·~ ... ll'OW~•vlllt Cllk1" CJMl-11 -w .,.. -....... ... ~. For1 WMlll ·-··--· IC111111 Cl1V l41 v ... , LO!I A""lft Mo .... Ml""'""'"' Ntw ()r'fH lll N-York O.klllld Olli~ Cit'!' ...... Ptl"' , ......... ..... "°"" ,_,, ,,,_ l"Mtltllll ••11'11 CllY ltld 81!,lft ·-SIUllMlll'I I.Ill llllt Cftv ........ $tn '''llC~ Se1tt1~ -OM ,. ....... W11lllM!M """" Lltl ,ret. " " ,, )l " 1• .. .. " ' " " '' ,, . .. " " '' ,, ., 31 )I " " " ·I .5 n " .. " " ,. " n . ,. . " TI " " " " . ,, 51 " " .... .. " " " " .. .. " n • .... .. .. " " .. " " " .. " .. " " . " .. !( A4 " .. .... . " ' Carttons, Coata Mesa's Rnest Men's Store, must dose its door foNver, d11e to 1119 passing of ·~r. Ccirfton."We must.sea all our fine stock of nationa~y .ad· vertised brancb In men's clothing, sportcoats, slacks, and in · fine fum1sh1ngs of shim, sweaters & knits. In order to clear all our obligations, all our prices have bffn slaslied drastically from 3 0°/o to· 70°/o, Come prepared to buy, lflls Is Orange ·County's biggest going ou:t of bulineu sale. MttS. CARLTON Selhng Out Entire Stock To The Bare Walls MEN'S SUITS Our Rig. Our Reg. Our Reg. s5500 S6CJOO s7CJ00 SUITS SUITS SUITS NOW $25 00 NOW $35 00 . $ 00 l NOW 45 Our Reg. Our Reg. Our Reg. s9900 s10000 s15000 SUITS SUITS SUlTS NOW $53 00 NOW $7800 NOW ,,OO MEN'S SPORTCOATS Our Reg. s5500 COATS NOW $25 00 -- Perm. Press Nat. Adv. SLACKS $650 Our Reg. S6900 COATS NOW $32 00 MEN'S SLACKS FLARES & BELLS Vat. to 516°0 $700 Our Reg. S7CJOO COATS NOW $4400 IMPORTED FABRIC Hand Tailor Val. to 535°0 $2000 SHIRTS e SPORTSHIRTS e KNITS e SWEATERS CARDIGAN SWEATERS Our Reg. 516°0 $12'0 NOW Nat. Adv. Short Sleeve DRESS SHIRTS $400 Nat. Adv. Suede Front SWEATERS Reg. 128°0 NOW $19 00 ARLTONS I , • ' ·s -uns 'SUBMARINE' SINKS F.LEET -E111erging with sweepstakes honcirs and· the Yei!er ~ trophy' for the best youth-dec- orated entry in the . HUIJlini!ton Harbolir Philharmonic Commi\· . . . ' ' SANTA TAKES· OFF -Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Hoffman coordinal· ed their theme to win the sweepstakes award for watelifront homes and place third in the ·adult beauty di vision of last Saturday's . . ' 'DAILY l"I LOT l"llOfM· IW' LM l"lfM tee's seventh annual Christmas boat parade is "The Yellow· Sub- marine" designed by Tom Testa, Merk Tague.and Jef_f Silver and captained by Te.ta,. 14. · p<i rade. Their home d'ecorations feature Santa's ·wOrkshop with r.~rs. Claus waving go?dbye lo St. Nick ~:s ·he 4eparts via boat for his round·th~world trip. '· ' ' . TOYS Af'l.oAT -Winning first place In the child; decoraled 'boats, 7 '1o 14'yeai;s, was Mark Weeger who depicted •1.Babes in ~land." - HIPPIE HOOPLA -KittY Nicholsen's entry w"' judged best In lM 13-~17 age group by Geo:l!obert Owen. Third Marine Air Wing ;_Capt. C. J. Seiberlich, commander of the USS Hornet, and Or. Clarence Hall, superintendent, ~ VieW School District. • ,_ . . e·s-··S-tart I Uhder clear and sunny skies ~ '$eventh annual Christmas boat ·parade 1ponsored by the Huntington Harbour eommlltee of the Orange County Pliilharmonic Society was launched In line-fashion last Saturday. · .Emerging as sweepstakes winner in the alternoon junior division ··was "A Yellow Submarine," and receiving the Andrew Yeiser perpetual trophy for the best youth-decorated boat were Tom Testa, Mark Tague and Jeff Silver. Top honor in the day parade's adult division was awarded to ti.tr. and Mrs. Eugene Cuthbertson for their Hit's a Small \Vorld'' entry transport· jpg ·Santa, internationally-costumed youngsters, stuffed animals and over• sized packages. other winners in the J'unior division included Mark Weeger, first; Pat Spears, second, and B' l and Fred Frank, third in the 7 to 12 age group. Kitty Nicholsen's boatload of hippies and flower children was judged best in !he 13 lo 17 category with Bill Braig and Pat Trainor second and third. . Pronounced most beautiful was a shimmering tinseled champagne glass fashioned by Claire Amy while a floating candy workshop with 11elves" tossing candy canes to the original Shirley Temple recording of "Good Ship LQl!ipop" won second prize for Gary Grace. Third and fow:th prizes were awarded Mr. and Mrs. Mickey lloffman ·and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin. 'A. nt w boat Owned by Clem Sampson. wrapped as a gigantic Christ· mas package, \Yas selected most original and also ~Jaiming prizes were Ailen Hughes for the Cal-30 fleet, Grace "'1d Don Goodwin. · Judgin~ were Maj. Gen. Robert Owen, Third ~1arine Air Wing ; Capt. C. J .. Seiberhch, whose ship, USS Hornet.i.recently returned the astronauts. and Dr. Clarence Hall, superintendent.of the Ocean View School District. Thick fo g '"hich set in suddenry midway in the night parade caused the judging to be postponed until last night when the Cal·20 Fleet's "WhaJe ol a Ch ristmas" \vas named sweepsf.akes. wi1U1er. 'The Culhbertsons' Small World entry received the Morrison trophy for best depictini;: the spirit or Christmas, and other winners were Grace, iirst; Tony Furaini. second ; Gil Thompsocr, .. thlrd, and Earl Colee, fourth for beauty. '· . ·A chapel scece on the A. Bayard Dod boat was selected as most original. and others merrtioned \YCtc . .\I Herbold, Hoffman and "'11le Yellow Submarine." · S'Yeepstakes '''inners in the \Yaterftont home decor8ting contest were , ri1r. and Mrs. Ji'rank Bell and · thle ·~Hoff mans. who · coordinated: a S&rita•s . Wo~kshop theme depicting Mrs. Claus 'vaving goodbye to Santa abo8.rd the1rboat. .·,1 .~ J':. .· ~-. Beginnihg" tonight and·.Cf>lllil!uing, thfQ!lgh Friday. Dec. 19. resident.. will have an opportunity to vif;\ll 14~ liehted. homes and boats. dwillg the .Crµjse of Lights, . · _ . , , · · ·Bbats will ..t.etfve each bour1betwe'en 6 and 10 p.m. for a chaMel tour, and tickets are $1 for adult& and ~ cents ·for children . . ' ' . c i \.,,. 6·men . ' : . r , , . ~ ._ ........... '"' ; ' .,....11 SP' KLING CHAMPAGNE - 0 GUttering silver-and blue laobloned the champagne glass and concealed the rigging to win a first prize in beauty for Claire Amy during the swmy afternoon parade of some 52 cleverly decorated boat1 through the channels, . •• ' . . . . . . , -. . • . Col J mnist ApPlies GoOd Psychology W ~ile Off.ering . Adv icJ ,._, ,.. I DEAR ANN LANDERS' Why do yoo rtpeat.edly advlao reaoos with probleml to gee a psychiatrist and completely ig· nore anolher group of trained speclaUsts who also might be of help? I refer to lhe psychologists. While Ibo poycbologlst does not have the medical background of the poychialrist. his training hi generally more exte~ive In the area o £ psychological techniques. Pgychologtsts can be extremely e(feclive with clients whooe problems are not organic, and who rtquire no niedjcalion. . The YeUow Pages can be very helpful ln locating psychologists in almost any d· ty. Please .ten your reaaen about us. We m qualified and ea1er to offer our ANN LANDERS ~ aervl«s. --0,EVELAND PhD OEAR PbD: M1n7 pl)<~lllt ll't, as you 11,y, weU q1aWled Ml lttn people wllb tmoUeoal prob&tma. la 1 f•tt. P'Yclll•trl111 lreqtotlly reler potltlltc to psycbolorfsta. l I .do not 11gttt to fftJ rndtra Oat they aee 1 psychologtst for Ute following reasons : It Is not po11lb~ .to determine fmtt a1etttr if CM..JOdtt: b11 •• or1ulc problem GI wlllcb l,oe la •ti 1ware. Olly 1 phylk:l1t1 cm d e t e r m I 1 e lhlt. Psycblatrtsb are p b y 1 I c I a n 1 • Psychologist.I art ML Fartbermttt-, Uleft '1re ' lll••Y ' dlfftrtnf kJ•1 or ' pl1dolopstc ,-and lloof m lb!H 1 .. . dl1crlml11altlJ la Utt Vtll•w P1gc1. for txampte, aomc P5)'Cbttogt1U do oaly vocatlop•I te&iJag and woukf bt atelt11 lO a perMm wllb 1 cllnk:al problem. For yean lht American P1ythl1lrte' AHtd1U.. ud· die A m e r l.c • 1 • I P1ycboloakal Alllclatt. lla'e Wea at odds for re.tM w~ ·Deed IOt Mo spell· ed. out. A dl1Unpl1bed ·psydtlatrflti put It this way: "Stme pef,dllatrt11ta wlUi their trripmslve credeni11,11 and mtdlcal training are lbdfec::ttte with certain pa- llt11UI. T11ey have nflrftd Uteae paUents to p1ycbflocl1ta ..-extremely grltl· fylng reaults." Ht ltlded -.. You, Au IA,am, *'!lhl etdalle to 1tnd yot/r · miden to physlcl•• and 115ychl1trtm and kit THE!\f retommtad ccrllfJtd psytMloglsts when tbty fetl the situation "'ltrlDtS IL'' DEAR ANN LANDERS : This is for tile lady wflo discovered an 11-ytar-old bQy .in the· laOiea·room "lt!lUng his eyes full ." She cap . call it 0ihockin& 1 n d •, Mio. ; outrageOU&" if ahe wi~~·tl a well known lac:t lbat a , towml CONFIDENTIAL TO RIGHT O i voyeurism (a fancy ~ (or 11aettlng WRONG, YES OR NO : Your ~ one'' eyes'full '') is CGmmon Among the cannot be answet'!d by a "yea'~ or AS majority or men and women in wr socle-"no," nor c8n It be conlldered a mau.J ty. of right or wrong. I c1n only oiler an "Iii.; The younpt.er who Jay1 down on the nion. r am sick to dMth al an the talk floor lo ~k up int. t(>e next booth could about hair. It I! not lbat lmportanl Tho have' been1arrested U he had not been a following quote from Lycurgus, a-~ mloor. The: charge woukt be dlllOrderly ol Sparta, mirrors my own views: "Hall' conduct and he would have to piy a-fine makes good-looking men more beeutlha( or go lo jAil. and ill-lookin& men more terrible." ll W{)l.lld be inleresting to know whether this boy received any sex education at home or in school. I'll bet the answer Is no. -THE OLD BARN OWL DEAR BARN1 No lakori bere. I'd bet ' ': .1 JI ·~ll y PILOT • •• ·Fee/ Young anp Gay '4r~~ Here it is! Bias djamond inserts -every bit as prettY as they are functional. Mus .ical Program Planned A .~· by the Qiutella cl Newport Harbor Hllh ·School will tqlill&l1f lht m"lln& or the Eulblulf Pllllhonnonjc Auoc:lates plan- , eel for Wednelday. Dec. 17, at 11 a.m. in .the bome of Mrs. JohnC. Artm. Mn. Dayid C. Du II, chainnan, win conduct a brief buiinea meetin& prior to the Christmas concert which will include clwlcal, romantic and contemporary nwnbers. 'nle ....,,,ble II dizocted by Miu-Rual<D, coocort and opera perkl mer wbo now ls choral cii=tor at the hifh school. An ·elaborate Chriltmas bur. ret will follow the procram with ll)t Mmes. Arthur Andrtlon. Theodore T a f e , Donald Winter, John H. Arens, Janusz Za*ki and John Tooker usl!Un1 the hostess. Wives Gather Piccotino ~ Heir to the Gino P.011 trlditlon The lovely curve of the bodice lront ,gives way -·10 a nicely nipped-in back. With deep slash at the neck and the flare or the skirt, you'll 'feel young and gay. !\lake it sleeveless in a pale wool crepe or try it in silk and worsted with long sleeve for cooler \veather. Membm of tht Law-Wivts Club ot Western S t a t e University, Colle1e '1 Law will meet tomorrow evening for a ~-lift exchange .on<f talk on PreparaUon and Study for Baby and Senior Ba'r E:r:- ams. 'Party Pony' Noses Out First • A cle1 n, fr esh ch11sic:. Fil'IO gauge full f1skioned Orlon9 knit by lt1litnt who love kids. A mock turtlentck, stripH , ind pocket t1bs_ give iust the right f9olc beceu~ it's macliine w1slwble. 10 this be11uty. Eesy fo r M.om too,. •. I THE In 1iln 1/4 s '·" RED BALLOON ;5:: !l:::: Other fabric sug~estions : silk crepe, velv et. . satin, brocade, raw silk, linen, pi9ue, syrrtbetics or . lightweight wool. 62419 is cut in Mi1Sts slz .. S.16. Size 12 .requires approximately 2 114 yards of S4 inch fabrk for long' sleeve!" and 2 yards for tbe · ileeveless version. · Sptakinl for the 7 : 3 0 gathtr!n& at the achoo! will be Phil Petty, school refislrar . Beta Sigma ~hi The Women's Division of Newpdrt H8rbor and the Women's Committee of C~ta Mesa, Chambers of Commerce cosponsored a Holiday '.fable Center· pieces contest in the Balboa Bay Club. The perpetual trophy which was dona\· ed by Mariners Savings and Loan for the sweepstake winner is being accep~ ed by Mrs. William J. Collum, president of .the Costa Mesa Fri~nds. of the Li- brary (right). Presenting the trophy is Mrs. Patricia Bray of Manners, pro- gram chairman. Miss Janet Cjako, a pa~e at Mesa Verde Library, was respons- ible for engineering the unique centerpte<:e. according to l\frs. Collum. LTD. IN HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 11177 ALGONQUIN STREET Huntington Beach 846-1666 . Hours: Daily 10-6 Fri. 'Iii 8 p.m. To order 62419; State size, include name, ad· : C:lress and zip code. Send $1 .25 plus 25 cent.s first- :~ass postage and handling for eaich pattern. Send :;.orders for books and patterns to SPADEA, Box N, ·Dept. CX-15, Milford, N.J. 088'8. Gamma Alphs Nu Ciaapter ol Beta Sisma Phi will meet Wedneaiay, Dec. 17, at I p.m. in the homt U MnJ Rex McDcnald . ' Secret t1IUr! will be reveal- ed and rift& .. Changed. : Nuptials Planned · 5outh Coast 'Plaza OC Camp Fire Girls Welcoming Volunteers Mr. and Mn. Keilh Clark of Llcuna Beach have announced the en111ement or t he i r d1uehter, Joan Clark t.o Gary Messersmith of Santa Ana . The ~ent WIS , •• Six aru rtaidenls h a v • joined the Camp Firt Girls orcaniJation aa volunteer lead· ors. made durinJ a dinner party in tory of the or1anization, crt-Hollywood. ative arta, youth devclopmenl MJss Clark Is 1 gradute ot prOlflml, outdoor cooking p Hi h Sdlool San .and camping: and health and · oint Loma I ' safety practices. All new lead· Die10, and her fiance. »On of ers and ·auiata.nt3 in the Or· Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mes.seramllh of VJata, is an antt County Council· are re· alumnlll of 0 r a n I e High 86 STORES. • • ALL 72° and open nightly till 9:30 ·, .' .. ·- 'They are Mrr. Tom Murch, Mu. Waller ~ and Mn. Harro Scbadee+ all of Costa Meu, who have completed jilue Bird trainfn&; Mrs. G<orfe Lotan and Mn. Junes l>etera, both cl Newport Batch wbo have tlkm Camp Fire Girl' tra!n!ni, and Mt1. Ralph Sharl ct Newport Blach who hu undertaktA Horl!aa Club traln!nf. . . quired to attend these training School. a:a&ftL.AT UM WO i I !WAY, COITA IMS4 aeesloOs in the fall and spring. ·-~A~ap~nn~· ~r~w=ed~din~·~r~Js~bein~· ~I~-----.:::~~~~~~~~!'!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~=------Womm c&11 IUVe u letd·, I en for Blue Blrdl and ruan!· P anned. JIDI for C&mp Fire Girla and All counes Include 1 .. der- lhip techniquee:, a lbort his- ~weo § [lj has more cookbooks then , -' you can shake a spoon •t7 ; ~ i B. Delton, e·ooksellor -': S F11hion l1!111d, N1w1tort l11ch t1660 111-41 6"4"4·0041 11141 IJJ.2200 Horllon Club. Both meit and women inly llilst •• lf\'IUP 1pomor1, conaultants, board membu1, olfJctrs or area COW'ICll committee members. F'\lrther lnfcrmaUon m1y be obWnod by calllq the bwl- qu.vters at w.-.. Camp P'irt Glrla is a United Fund AfellCY and proyidea •• educatlonal-noreatlonal pr~ srun !or lltl• 7 thtO<qh hifh school ..... Soroptimists s.r.,timill Club cl Hun· till(toa Beech 1•thm at ll: 15 p.m. the JICOftd and fourth Tu.udays In Francois rettaurant. • ' . . ' ~ Jl,e BEAUTY SALON 'S SPARKLER .... HOLIDAY FROSTING SPECIA~ ' ~· reg. •25 15.00 ." Thi ''er~l1 ef Chri1l,.,•1 • , • 'l'•llra rer y111r h1i, et ,,..,t tl•il'lft with 111r 111111!11 en h1li· • J1y fre,fifltt II"' ti,,in91. u .. ,.11,, Jl.00, n•• 11 .... Ce1t1pl1t1 with •11 eu ltlq .... h11 lr1tyt1, fr11t1iil wi11, Jl.00, JI.ID, i11 • cern,l1te r1111• ef eelert. H1••r n1ed1 11ffi11t• J11tf l 1111h '• • ~ •• Vi1tf • .., .,11~)1 t.1uli-11'1, tee. A111p•l11tnie11f1 a1t •'••y• 11111111r.,, Plri11111 A111h1i""i llS·llJI, H1111lf111t111 l1e,h, lfJ.JJJI, Nt•,•rt. l44·1 Jl2. lte~ty l11l•11i 601. ' LOSE ~!-1or2 DRESS t SIZES Al.SO IN ...._..., ._,,.,., Hllll. C"I"° er.-. .. , o.....,, G~~ .. w .. w...-, \.Mf ..... H..,_, IMt:•, N. Ht/I,...., OlttWM, '•9llll•R .. ._ DI ... , lelite AM, hllr. .. ,._,,, S•11l.N, Ten .... W)Jlttlirf. hi"' ellt hi ,,_.., s.,.....111te, S.. J ... , S.nr"'le, W•l111t C.,..., . ·~ • • Fonniain • Valley TOday'• Fl•el EDl ·ll.PN X!Ol. 62, NO. 299; 3· SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CACIFORNI~ . ·MONDAY,. DECEMBER: 15,. ~1969 TEN. CENTS • • l(illers.'· Clothes Sought Tate Informer Sends Searchers to Hills - OAllV l"ILOT'Sl•ff•l"l\fi. \ . . I ••!'.Je'. ~ .. ~ ,,. . ,. . . .,., . ,,;...;.'i .... ' 'Lone ;•l!ffer. emerges f'°'IM water off' ~IJffs in H'!')tingloa.)!eacll as set ·of big wav.es boils toWard shore. He'8vy sµrf along PQrt.io11s o~ Or~ge. Co3't Ibis w~end sent h<Hlads·IUlll -grepll!liar 1e111rying fpr high , gro~. And some who normally-find mini-Jnodef :·$1rifboiui1J -just-the ~ck'et1f9v ~llQlern Cali.fornia;waves: found :themselv.es under ... ;gun.J;led ·In the .heavies. Edison Plans to Expand · .Goto Hearings Wednesday By JACK BROBACK Of the ~lly Pilot Stiff Public hearing:; on the application of Southern .caJifornia EdiSon Company to expand its Huntington Beacp el"ectrical generating plant are scheduled Wed- nesday before the California Public Utilities Commission. 11\e' hearings will begin at 10 a.m. in the Fountain Valley Community Center aOOitdfium, 10200 Slater Avenue. Heariftg officers · will be Commissioner Thomas · MOran -and PUC examiner Arch E. Main. Troop Pullout Asked CAIRO (AP} -Libya's military gotetnment called for a s p e e,d .Y Arnelrican withdrawal from· Wheelus Air Bast as the .regime and U.S. officials prepared to open negotiafions today on the future of the $100 million base outside Tripoli. Oraage Coast Weadaer Edison wants · to build two additional steam plant units. In its .application, the cQrnpany says· proposed unit No. 8 will .be needed by Dec. l,-1973. and. unit No. 7 by June 1, 1975 to·m.eet projected power re· quiremenls. Estimated construction co.st for both units is $l78 million, plus an aOditiona,J $20 million for fuel oil and trantmi!sio~ lines and tenninal facilities. 1be hearings are expected to continue for at least two days. Further hearings, if necessary. may be held in the com· mission's Los Angeles courtroom. All interested parties may appear and .be heard. The PUC, under state law, is ch3rged with regulation of rates and service of privately-owned utilities and transporta- tion'COmpanies which serve the publi c. These number: more than 1,500 and in- clude gas companies serving more ·than 5.6 million ·customers, electric utilities servicing Some 5.3 milliOri; 30 telephone companies with some 12.5 million subscribers, and nearly 500 water c.-om- panies. Th1! commission also r e g u 1 '.l t e s railroads, buses,. tr11cks'" airlines. ai:id . v,e s.s e Is tran~rting ·passenger · 9r freight in intrastate i:Ominerce, certain warehousemen and pipeline companies. The PUC also regulates, in addition to (8« EDISON, Pase Z) • LOS ANGELES (UPI) -!TWo do«n policemen ~ompanied by Sunn Atkins, a suspect-turned-informer in the seven Sharon Tate-LaBianc<i slayings, scourtd lhe Hollywood hit~ Sunday. • They reportedly searched l<r !he bloody clothing discarded by the killers involved in the Tate massacre. Authorities maintained 11 tr i c t·e st secrecy about the purpose of the search l\ilru1 Drowns As Boat Sinks Off Huntington One man was drowned ·anc1 five .others reached safety when a :25-fOot cabin cruiser capsized of( Bolsa Chica State Beach Saturday night. Killed was Robert Juelich, 30, of Whit- tier. Lifeguards recovered his body floating in the sµrf after a two-hour search . . Destroyed in the surf was the cruiser, "\Ve Three" owned by William Knowlton, 35, also of Whittier. The boat was return- ing to Alamitos Bay from fishing off Laguna Beach, about 8:45 p.m. Sunday when 'struck by a big wave in the surfline. Those who managed to reach the shore included Jue.lich's son's, Robby, 7, Gary Williams, 21, of Rosemead, a n d Knowlton's two sons .. John, 11, and Willia"m, 12. . ' . to , .-:-- ·IV~ M > ~Arlt ~~ beach .and he ~·-aown a pas1m5 motorist who Tep0rtid ' the accident to authoriUes. ..i ~,·4'fi~ ·sero..e lifeiilart!o· ttached me.-iC#oo Knowlton·flaged· down another mo&oliat, Wade A. Rogers oI Long .Beac)i. Rogers ran to the beach ind rescued a.year-old William Knowlton who .had pa.sled out in the surf. The survivors were laken·to Huntington tntercommunity Hospital where they were: treated for exposure and lacerations received when the boat capsized. All were released after treatment Valley's Voters Decide Tuesday On School' Bonds Voters will be asked Tuesday to ap- prove for the second time Fountain Valley School District bonds. The difference is the interest rate. Voters approved the $8 million issue Sept. 17, 1968 under the then top limit of five percent interest. Tuesday they will be asked to approve a raise to seven percent in the rate. The bonds are not saleable at the five percent limit. according to District Superin- tendent Michael Brick. He said the higher interest rate will not increase the district's tax rate because repayment will be spread over a longer period o£ time. The bonds will be used to construct 10 new .schools .. purchase additlooal schools sites and purchase furniture for 8,500 new students by 1978. . '-· . ' . NEW YORK (Al').-. Declining issues overcame an early Jead ·b)r 'advanceJ· as the stock market conUnued to drift lower in moderate trading today. (See quota- tions, Pages 22-13). -· , i If you're waiting for the fog to lift. you've gpt a long walt. Tues- day promisef mo~e of the same, with hazy sunshine on occasion and temperatures stuck in the ..siJ:ties. Pilot Q~ns Doors to New INSmE TODAY UC Irvine's new Urban Crisis ~search Center does research for disenfranchised grou~s in· sl<ad.of -d!>oul .thtm. Page 10. 'ii• :ro-;·1 .I CHRISTMAS --------W. I " " ... " " " • " ,,., " " • Mtvlu 2t NlllfNI N"'9 4. ' o.-...e""" 11 Srlvll f'1rtitr U s ... rn u.11 $ttc:• Mlrtlet1 D •U tei.v1.-n -" ...... .,. 4 G .... Wllit. U ...... ,._ .. ' Wlll'lttl'I l'f.wt 11·11 - -• • . . . . . Huntington Valley Office The faces are the same today, but the place b ch811l!'d. A> of UU. morning. the DAILY PILOT began operations of its Huntington Beach- Fountain Valley editions from head· quarters in a new office building at 1'1875 Beach Blvd., Huntington· Beach. The staff remains the saine at the new headquarters and all can be reached via the "o1d" phone number , &42·4311. For local news, advertising services or home delivery oC the newspaper, here's who to call at the new location : Jack Broback, ci ty editor: Terry Coville, general news and Fountain Valley community events : Rudi Niedzielski, general new! and schools;· ' I_ Jodesn IWUngs, HwWinlWn Valley worn"''' edit«; Etalno Turnllull, PTA and PTO news; and Jeon Jobot, clasiUted advertising and jublcrlptlons. The new DAILY PILOT oifletJ are in a 6,500-square-foot office bulkling just com- pleted on Beach Boulevard. near Talbert Avenue. Builder' ol the structure w 111. George 1 McCracken Whose GM Cof\Slructlon, Inc., .also shares space in the building. other tenintf in the new oUlce building are the law <f.!ices of N. R. Lewis and Associates and a new bra'nch office of Fireside Thrift. DAILY PILCYI' o(fice hours It the new 1oc111tion ·•re a a.m. to I p.m. Monday through Friday. . . ' . ' ' . . . .. . ' . . . ~ . bill '11\ey· did' r.v..i· .. nistY ·:as ·catlber pislOJ .was rouftd. However,·poUce would Mf CoiflJDftlt Wfiethet the ··gun "bad' any n cono.ecUoo with -the cue. , . A .spoiesJJ\an ,at.Abe l!rll!ld' Jnsltl11l•· w}ler&-.Misa Attins,'2t ;;is.~ . .b'1d, Ciin- ceded )he g~~tl'J'\. ,.ie~d\ !6 ':!lfijce,.a . anif that sbe was involved in the search. A court order signed Friday providE:d for the ,girl's removaJ fro:m· -the' ·prlSon .for . eight 11ooirs. . . . . . &>!!'!' ~tao . Q.1td ·a, h,eli~ . in : !heir ~ which -lastod. •ix· boors -and .. in· , ......... 811 ..... , ..... • .....w.. . .. . . "'";\/!'"" ~· ...,.... . . ·~ . ' . • ...... •can.say lS i.ucq,,we -star~-19·-on tJie lroUnd and.m;lh<-&°•· ic. in · conriectIOn, With the'.~~ Taft 'caae .. · · pollc• Lt. Robert. Helder ss111~ 11e·w~la . riot comment on what· inve~tl1iatot:s we.re ~king, citing· a cOurt order ·bamilii& 'I . • • comment on the case, but it waa·be:De~ inVestlgators · sou8hr bloOdifd· clOt.hini Miss ·Atkins said the' gang ·threw Sway. the night of the Tate.slaying$ Aug.:t ;. Miss Atkins , who Is charged with seven ·courits of murder in the sla~ -Of five persons al actress "Sharon Tati'1 ·home and the killings of supermarket· owner Leon LaBianca and hiS wife the fOllowiil& night, was to enter a plea Tueiday. , WHALE WIN.NER .-Ji1oati_ng .Christmas 'greeting entered by Allen Hughes and the Huntin~on Har- bour Ca!.::W fleet had a whale of a time m annual I,' I DAIL.Y PILOT"Slll:I' rw. Philharinonic parade. It ·placed second In most original category during day parade, then went on to capture sweepstakes award in night parade. All Fogged Out W eathe.r fl~~. 1/arbour Parcule /j i,,JoDt:.N,.H~ .. & \ 7~;·:;..; or it.could have beeo a Jot worae,'"hea(f.. • j , ~ • Of .. •"'\~j·:-.le' . de&. ,, ' ·, ,At J'p.m'. satuni.l~"lfwu a iofeti ,;i;Y &me of the ·~· tied to. cliannel ·for a paZ.ade, and 'plnde they did ... . markers, and otheri'dropped anchor and Some 52 brtghUy decora1e<1 ~ts glld!d waited for the 1-lo lift. through.the sunny channels of Huntjngton ·• Harbour to begin the rtrSt of thtee "We we're rained out one year, but·thts parad" sponsored by the · Huntington is the first Ume we've ever,been fogged Harbour Committee ·of Orange County out." said ·Mrs. A. Bayard Dod Jr., Pbilhannonlc Society. (See additlOnal foW'lder of women's committee, wtme slorY aJ1d photo<. page 17.) ' . husband ..... the nr,t parade gancl Sbqrtly'\ l.tter the ;tart· of :the l •p.m. 1 .marshal seven years qo. ~ade it wls a.different set. ' ' , ~ AlihoUgh this year11 grand marshal, , ~'YOU·~n't',lee your band lD tront'of Harry Palmer, anUcipatcd there would y@Ur face Jet a'°ne the bolt Mxt to you," be many less entries In last nigbt'1 ClatmeG ii.I key Hoffman, ,3512 GUbert parade, man than 40 boat.! converged1at 1 Dr • , the starting line under clear skies to con.. 1'11rrr;,..,.. bolto atrtady had pdled llnue the compellUon !or trophy awudl. the mlewili( .stand ·al .the watmrront -G(!l(r, llld 111r1. Georie·llaldl, am · Eaiter'Clrc!e. when ..,,,:Ylotbltlty pili an end lo tlie il!alr. "I' would· 9'i1~ tbal: Ill ~n:enl o! 'the Deel dldi\'t m~.Jftack to ibeir °"" docks." said Bob Hu-.!. "Al ~ captain I wm ridlng shota. on Uie -oeet In a tmall boat, so, using' dead ~. we end.eel: ~~ unUI we woukf nncJ one of the \arg<fDoab. • "We'ij lead !hem to the ne•rtll dock foot by loot, and there would be three and lour boala railed together. Even uotng large na.bltgh~. a boat couldn't,.. us If we got More than 15 f~ ahead, and we coukln~t tee the colored decoratioN on Largest Taxpayer ·Edison .Pays Bill Orange County's largut taxpayer waited unUt the last day bill stilt got it. giant installment ptyment in on Ume. According to Orange County Taz Collector Don Mozley. the Southern CaUfomfa Edlson Company p a i d 14,llU89 ,.. the !lrst-ha!! tn>tatlment ol lb property lax~. 1 · the houses 20 feet ahead of us." PARADING JN "THI HARBOUR Theonlydamagewutoone'boat'spro- 'lllO final Installment, to be paid 1 Aprft JO, wltt bring the lnvtstor-owned company's t969-70'tax bit! to "-"b>ppinr 18,860,398. 1obiifSallor· Cliai'foi 1'1friltt. .. pelter. ''Everyone cooperated beauUfulty . ,\ ,• • .. ' . P"-·----- • % OAILV Pll.af H Mooday, -15, 1969 lf.ife Arrested Wealthy Newport Man Murdered . By JORN VALTERZA Of ..... 0.lly ,.... Stflff Willis Hunt, prominent Newport Beach yacht broker and former husband of 1940s movie sex symbol carole Landis, was stabbed to death during an argument With his sixth wife Sunday night in thtir Corona del Mar home. Hunt, alt.gedJy argued wtth his allgbt, brunelte wife shortly before t p.m. Detective Sgt. Kenneth Thompson said. The dispute centered around discipline cf Dru Hunt, 12, Mrs. Hunt's daughter by a fooner mmiag&. Hunt had recently adopted the girl, ""'""" said. Thompson said Hunt was stabbed .once in the chest with a knife. The investigator did not disclose the type cf knife used or the actual circumstances of the stabbing. Detectives said Mrs. Hunt, or someone identUying heroeU as tile ...man, phooed police and asked for an ambUiance. DAll.Y PILOT ... ''""' Hunt, 56 described by close friends as 1'3 playboy" and who traveled for years tri Balboa Bay Club social circles, was found shortly before t p.m. still alive, lying in the pool area o( the expensive hOme at 2516 Harbor View Hills Drive, police sald. Hi.a hysterical wife, Dwillia Hunt, 43, was at his side. She was arrested on a ch3rge of murder. "The caller reported the stabbing. The woman said she stabbed her husba.Qd.,. Detective capt. Loo Heeres said. . Hunt was taken &till alive and . con- scious by ambulance to H01g Memorial Hospital. On bis arrival !Ho 'cried "Help me • • • help me" twice Jnd died moment.a lat<r, lnfonned sources said. JEEP RAMS TRUCK-TRAILER IN MORNING fOO AT COAST.HIGHWAY AND NEWLAND STREET .l"f Driv•r, Identified L•t•r •• Wllllem -lit, 24, Hunll"""" lle•ch, In Serious Condition • Frono Page 1 EDISON •.• highway common can1ers. more than 17;000 carriers which transport freight for hire by truck. A team of loor phyik:Ians w<irlted !or more than 30 mblutes, using open-heart mwage and other frantic measures to revive the man. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hunt -herself mar- ried five times -was taken into custody, booked, and questioned at police head- quarters. Plan Chief Asks County· Acquire More Shoreline Fog,·shrouded ' W. County Roads Scene of Wrecks It is the duty d the commission ,to &ecUre to the public adequate service at rates that are fair and reasonable, both to customers and -d the u!Jlity.' Cl>mmboion -is required far any ilme ol lloclt, -Ir olblr securities by..-.-. ftr --strudioa <r -!en "' planla <r olblr facilities. . QuUe frequMly poly on e com-mm.-, as In the cue ol the -local i-lngg, presides, with an examiner. At most bearings an examiner presides alooe, since tbe numb« of bearlnp, l ,llOO days or more a year, maku it imJJOISible for a cornmlssioner to preside at every bearing. There are five commissioners. In ad- dition to Moran, a San Diego attorney, they are William Symons Jr., a rancher and former state aenator from Mono County; A. V. Gatov, a former steamship uecutlve, San Francisco; J. P. Vukaain, an atlmley, Piedmont, and Vemon L. stur....,afarmerllate...-,Puo -'J1te PUC, fut nlll'i) tbe Railroad Com-rnissioo. was created by~ amendment to the --in !ill. The name was changed m·tM&. As an eumple ..i lilt dieniies In jurisdiclloo ol1P>e · · although railroads Wf!ft. the~ In 19ll, today •,""""""'af,lbo-l4olal1-reveoue paJd tO~ t.'ffiers for ·m.· trutate trarilpartatioa are highway usen. for She wc.-e a velour pullover shirt, jeans and a thick, white coal Acoounla pieced together from family friends and police lndicated lhal the daughter llld Ille bome to a neiPJ>or'• home down the llreet befon Ille llab- ~ 111~alterlbe~~ol Hunt'1.ex..Swii dioft to iliO!llili-~ plcbd up lbe·,~·· lhns, clop 'lmcl then IOIJlld. lbe ilililbter. ' Dru Wll reJeued &o the 1!,GmaD'!I custody, poHce &aid. · 1be Html home, whlcb tbe couple bad owned for ftft years, is located on a cor· ner in the moderately e i: p e n a I v 1 neighborhood. Pale green end dark bluO' Christmas Ughi. Oaslled al""« tbe eaves. A large •lar built from White lii!h"' lwlnl<led down from a chimney; an expensive land bus eam(ier Slood In tbe drivewoy. "' investlsa-combed tbe house rn. alde, twO ·..._ &Iris drove up to ask il the bouR w.U the coe whicb had the w-clop lcr &alo. But tbe dOp hl!l gme by then. Hunt ·bad -u a land Investment rePraitntaUve 1D recenf months. Before thot he ooera!ed ' Willis Hunt Marine Servke'lil l:4iila Mela, offering ootboard ,_.rejlilr '· ' . lleoi ... rui ~ to Mlos Lan<lll (who ~ lulclde In 19" over 'a ~,_loan,,_,_~ aald) Html -ril" to ~ • ' soclalite and former modei Bobby ·Hunt. That mar- ~ lasted 15 yean,....,..,.. said. By TOM BARLEY 0t ... oen, Pllet Steff Orange County Superviaon will be ur11· ed Tuesday to acquJre mnainlni nn- developed llretches ol CQlll\T sborollne In a Planning --1 that pia. Salt Croe!< Beocb between -Bay and Dao -u the number -prt.rily. 1110.. ---1'111 ·be ...,. talned . In • . two-phaoe ,...,..iatlDn p,.pared !or the board by PlaMJnc Director Fore.I Dtcl:ason. The board has ocheduled bis General Nixon Greetings For Yule Mailed WASHINGTON (AP) -""'8ldellt and Mrs. Nixon mailed tbefr Chmtmas canls -y-. -greeting W!th .. «11bt11Eed wllJte "'Pvlni ol tbe IOUlb vlewdlbe~- -the BOid Jl""idmllal "'81 .... the mes!lage «wttb c:ur belt wlahes for a joyous and a happy New Year:" The card, ahwt looir by llix Inches la size, was det!ioled for the Nixons by Hallmarl<, the ~ card llnn. Mrs. NIX<>\ .,.id tbe canlll would go to 40,000 persons """ deacribed .. lri<nds. H..-staff d!ndor '51imated the lino! total, bowev!r, at 37,llOO. That-abodyistflaGaaComponycudoNtrM..i-o.. When he calls at your house he may be drMng one of tht more than 1;200 vehicles in our fleet which we are conv.rting to run on natural gos. Because we 've found that using natural gos as a fuel in molor v1hld11 lhorply rtducts the pollutants in vehide exhaust•the IOUl'Ce of for over a century) bat because natural oa• llvrns cleaner, It eliminates matt air-polluting 1ub1tancu before they ever get 1tarted. Marty 90'1'. of today's smog. ' We"re converting our fleet of trucks to noturof gas, not iust because that'• the business we're in fond hove been We don't claim that u11 of natural 001 in fleet• of trucks i1 going lo clean up the air overnight. BW ft will help. We think wt've taken a dip ohtod-one thal'• worth the effort. After all, we breathe the some a Tr you do. Planning Proeram Progress Report and his report oo the Study of Recreational BeaChe.s for presentation in the hW'· ing room at· 10:,, a.m. Dickasoo today confirmed th a t shoreline between Laguna Beach and c.rooa de! Mar and an undeveloped slretch of beacl1 within the dty limits ol Huntington Beach would also be sug. gested to supervisors as ideal targeUI In any campaign of beach acquisition. It is expected that the present stalus of SaJt Creek Beach and the denial of public accesa: by Laguna Niguel Corporition will be discussed at the meeting. If it is, Dickason said, "I can only con. firm what I said last week -that I am positive that a soluUon will be reached in this Issue." The planning dir~r is confident that the county will move t~ acquire beachfront in the area and that the thorny issue of public access to shoreline in the vicinity will be resolved. "I think we'll corne to an understanding with Laguna Niguel one way or another and I'm sure that a solution isn't too far away," be said. '~e may solve It on the basis of a mutual agreement, or It may be by way cf eminent domain (ccunty condemnation of Laguna Niguel land) but I'm sure we'll get our public access." ·Dickason is presently linking his department's analysis of present and pro- posed county ownership of shoreline with what he states ·is "complete re-analysis and updating of the Master Plan of Regional Parks combining it with Beaches and Harbors to bring all county regional recreation facilities into one plan." Dickason l!!aid his department Is di scussing the overall plan with coastal city plaming staffs and bis aim is to in- volve at ltut five coastal c.ommunlllea in the final i!llcmline analysis. - Huntington to Note Bill of Rights Bill ol Rigbt8 Week, Dec. 11 through 20 hu been proclabned by HwtUngton Beach Mayor Jack Green. "ln an era when the rights of all Americans are tmder constant scrutiny and evaluation. it is ~portant for all citizells lo be better acquainted with the precepts &et down by our fore fathers," Green stated. Fog en.shrouded highways In West Orange County this weekend caused a protusioo <i traffic accldents, including several chain coUWons. Huntington Beach police tbiJ morning reported two Injury and seven non-injury colliskm between 7 a.m. am 8:02 a.m. Three '""""" -"""' boopilaliz-ed as tile reoult d one ol the accldeots which OCCUl'ftd aroond 7:30 a.m. at Main street and Ocean Aveftle In Huntington Bead!. Taken to lhmtinclon Jntercommunity Hospital were Marie Holman and Diane Ream, both of Long Beach and Anita Howard, of Newpcri Beach. Miss Howard was admitted to the hospital, and the others were treated for miner injuriea and released. Another accident around the same lime this morning at Newland Street and Pacific 1 Q>ast Highway in Huntington Beach resulted in another injury, when a jeep rammed a 8'111!-truck-trailer. 'll1e name of the injured Joep driver was not immediately available. He was taken to Hoag Memorial llolpital in Newport Beach. One of. the most spectacular collisions involved a six-car smadl.up at 7:46 p.m. Saturday at Warner Avenue and Brookhurst, Huntington Beach, which caused -no major injuries.. An unofficial total for tbe cities of Seal Beach, Fpuntain Valley, Huntington BeaCh, and Westminster shows 28 nonln- jury accidents and four injury accidents between Saturday morning and 8 a.m. t~ day. Huntington Deach reported a total of 13 collisions; Fountain Valley, seven;. Seal Beach, one and Westmin.ster, six. Annual Concert Set for Beach The Hwitingtm Beach High School ,_fusic Department will present its annual Community Christmas Concert at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the school auditorium. This year's 'j>rogram will feature the Oilers' orchestra, choir, male chorus, girls glee \clubs, and Hannonaires in a variety of Yule selecUoos, ransinc from traditional to classical works. "Instrumental director Is Douglas Scott, while the choral groups are under the baton of Mrs. Jean Tyndall. Accompanist is Mrs. Mary Parker. All residents of Huntington Beach and suttoundlng areas are invited to attend without charge. FOREMOST AMONGSt THE PROBLEMS OF. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS GffilNG: WAITED ON I Not so 1t old J1ck Bidwell'" We have enou9h Santas here -na waiting - MCh a timid, quiet, trained expert on what's new in menswear. W a 1lso ha ve what c o u I d easily be one of tlio finest assortments of sw1at1rs, shirts, neckwear, slacks, sport coats and raincoah. If that isn't enough, we sell gih certificates. They art exactfy tht ri9ht si11 and color. If you can't reach him with One of these, he's unruchable. (But we 1ro, ond we',. open unt~ 9:00 !>.ginning Wednesd1y.) I Beacl1 Pair Robbed in - Mesa Heist " A pair of stocking-ma.<ked bandila In Army fatigue jackets -similar to look· alikes who wore Navy knit caps in a market robbery last Thursday -held up a Costa Mesa liquor store for •tt6 Jate Sunday night. The owner and his wife, from Hun- tington Beach, were marched into the beer cooler at Baycrest Liquor, 333 E. 17th St., at gunpoint but left unharmed, police said. Louis B.1Salatich and his wife, Marr>. said they were reading a newspaper and tidying up Ule sl«e room at 11:20 p.m. .men the masked men stt<lde through Ule jloor. Mrs. Salalich screamed and !ell to her knees on the fk«. 1be couple said the· bandits, each car- rylng a snub-nosed pistol, ordered !]""11 to be quiet and demanded to know where they kept the cash. Salatich handed over the money and was ordered into the cooler, while big wife follov.·ed him in, walking on her knees, they told police. The robbers were described as ia their middle 30s, quite cleancut and of mediwn build, while each wore a green Anny fatigue jacket. They fit the general description of a pair who robbed the Rancho Market, ~400 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, of $300 and escaped on foot up the boulevard. Each man in that robbery -both clean and neaUy dres.9ed in identital blue check-shirts and dark trousers - WU"e a Navy woolen cap, but ooly one dioplayed a pistol. To Elect New Chief HONOLULU (UPI) -The Island of Oahu's 1,000 police officers were uked Sunday to cast secret ballots to help with the selection of a new chief. Honolulu Mayor Frank F. Fasi said he believed "This is the first time a major police department has used t h i 1 democratic process in helping the police commission to select a new chief.'' DAILY PILOT 01tANOE COAST PU8llSHING COMPANY Robt•f N. W11d Prtt'd•nl I nd Publisn..- J1dt R. Curlty ViCf Prt11dtnt 1~.d G1nu11 M1m91r l ho"''' K••vil Editor T~o1J11t ;.., Murphin• Mtl'Wlglng Edllor Alb1rt W. l1itt Auocil !t Edllor H11itri11tl•11 leocll Office 1717!1 l11ch BoultYttd M1iling AJdr11s: P.O. Box 790, 91641 °"'" Offkn LtQUnl •••ch: m FOtftl ,,....,,,,. Col!t M~: 3:JO Wtll 81y S1retl Hewpor; ltlch: 2211 Wtll Btlt!GI llovltVl td OAILV PILOT, ,.11n wlllcn Ii comb!nlld tn1 Mt,.•·Pro~ .. Is P11bll1h(d (!1ily •~cepl Sun- ••Y In t~rll1 tdillorl• f1)r ltQllM 8t1(n, MtNPG•I 8t1ch, Coslt Mn~, Hunrl"";on lffefl •nd Fovn!lln Vtllty, Diong w!lh 1,..J •"0-1 cdltkms. Dr•"ll• Coe11 Pub!l1hlnJ C-•ny orlnth.., P.ltnl• 1r1 •I 2Jl1 Wnt ltlbOt 11w1.. Newport lt!<:h, •nit Jlll Wnt lty Streit, C~!t M111. 111.,. .... 17141 642·4]11 fr•111 W•fllllMt.r Cofl 140·1221 Cl•ifl-4 AM1tltl119 441-5671 (opyriQM, lfff, Or1ng1 l.0111 P ubll1hlftl '""'P•nv. Ho "IWI 1!0tl11. l!lu•!•lllool1, cdl1.,lll m1t11r or 1dvt1r1l1tm1nll Plet'tlfl mtv De rt~>K.., wlll'IOut IP"Cltl per-mlnio~ o/ cot>Y•OV!lt owi. .... $«Ond cl•H po1t1;t paid II NlWj:o•I l t•dto •nd COit• Mt11, C1lllor"l1. Su~crlp!lon by c•""~ si.oo -~1h1y; by man s:.so mon1My1 mlllttry dt1!1~1tloM. $j 00 """''""Y· We're lllftstlng In tomo,,...., Jack'Bidwell • I /· • 3467 Via Lido Telephone 673-4510 Mucho parking direclly behind my store • r I Laguna ·Beaeh EDIIION ~Y.'• ....... N.Y. Steeb'· • ' VOL 62, NO. 299, 3 S6CTIONS, lo PAGES ·ORAN&E COUNTY, 'CAtlFORN IA TEN CENTS ·neld· for M .itrder . ' . . . -' DAILY f'ILOT •ttff ...... IN HANDCUFFS, MRS. WILLIS HUNT GOES TO JAIL Flanked by P atrolman Keith Collini, Matron Gloria Epper10n Wealthy Newport Man Murdered· Wife ·Heltl ' . ,; . By JOHN VALTERZA Of IM D•llY Poli.I Slaff \Villis Hunt, prominent Newport Beach yacht broker. and former husband of 1940s movie sex symbol Carole Landis. "'as stabbecl'to deatti during an argument with his shdh wife Sunday night in their corona: del Mar home. Hunt, 56 described by close friends as "a playboy" and who traveled for years in Balboa Bay Club social circles, was found shortly before 9 p.m. still al ive, lying in the pool area of the expensive home at 2516 Harbor View Hills Drive, police said. His hysterical wife, Dwillia Hunt, 43, ~·as at his side. She was arrested on a charge of mur.der. Hunt, allegedly argued with his slight, brmette wife shortly 1 before 9 p.m. Detective Sgt. Ke~ Thompson said. The dispute centered around discipline of Dru Hun t, 12, Mr!. Hunt's daughter by a former marriage. Hunt had recently adopted the girl, sources said. 'J'hompson said Hunt was stabbed once in ·lhe Chest with a. knife. The investigator did not disclo.se the type of knife used 01 the. actual circumstances of the stabbing. Detectives said Mrs. Hunt, or someon identifying herself as the woma n, phone police and asked for an ambulance. •·The caller reported the slabbing. Th ~· Laguna Police Raid .Pot Party; Four Youths Held Laguna Beach police early Saturday arres ted four persons on marijuana and drug possession charges after officers alleged they stumbled into a "candlelight pot party" in a trailer home on rustic Woodland Drive. woman SPi rme·1tabbfti~r:tlisb':irid;" oeteet.ive Ca pl.' Lou Heetn:· '&ii&.: · ' Hunt waS ta'ken stiil · allve arld Crin· scious by ambulance t(> HOag Memorial Hospi ta l. On his arriv;ll fte cried "Help me . ·:. hlilp me" twice antt ' died moments later, informed 90UJ"ces said. A team1 of four phys.icians Worked for more ·thati 30 ·minute.!, using open-heart massage and other frantic measures to revive the man. · Meanwtille, Mrs. Hunt -herself ma.r- ried five times -was taken into custi>dy, booked, and questioned at police head- quarters. She wore a velour pullover shirt,' jeans and a thick, white coat. Accounts pieced together from family friends and· police indJcated. that the daughter fled the hou!e :to'.a neiBhbor's home down the street~ before the stab- bing. . About" an1lour after the stabbing1one of Hunt's. ex-wives drove to the .house 1J1d picked up the family's thret ·dop· and th en found' the daughter. Dru was released to the wOman ·s custody, .police said. The Hunt home, which the couple had owned for five years, is located on a cor- ner in the moderately e x p e n s i v e ·,1cighborhood . Pale green and dark blue Christmas lights flashed along the eaves. A large star buih from white lights twinkled down from a chimney; an expensive land bus camper stood in the driveway. As investigators combed the house in· side, lwG teenage girls diGve up to ask if the house was the one which had the 'Veimaraner dogs for sale. But the dogs had gone by then. Hunt had worked as a land investment representative in ~nt. months. ~fGre that he operated Willis H~nt Marine Service in Costa Mesa, offering ootbolrd motor repair. Besides his marriage to Miss Landis (who committed suic\de -in 1946 over a ''broken heart,'' accoonta: said) Hunt was CS« MURDER, Pap I) Hope Slim For Fliers Lost at Sea · Litlle hope remains today for the survival of twG misaing Orange County aviators, but a helicopter Is criucroalng lhe sea off San Onofre, following discovery of shattered but floatln& debris from their plane. Announcement of the discovery Satur· day by two r·ishennen five miles offshore was withheld unti! it coUld be definitely established Iha! Ille port.I are from Ille missing Cessna. Vaughn Cornish,· 29 ol 113 lath St .. Newpoi:t Bcacl>, a flight IMUuc1or, and his studeot, Jamea Parker Jr .. M, of 1m Stooehcnce Drive, Tustin, took oft from Full<r1<ln late Tbundq or early Friday. '.'The nooewbecl and landinc gear atrut de/lnUCIY ~'"Ille .. ,JIW" Uid· '1illle °'* r--1.Yli.. lion , Facilitiel ~lne., h owned the , .. anilhed aircraft. . . ' . . -·nioot inJ-·upca! ii bie di.sappe1rance of the C.euna 160 ii why ~.an·--Oler, departed Fullerton Municipal Airport d!Uing .nlfht hours when the field is shut down. No explanation has been offered for the dark hours departure and no night plan was filed before the men took off, ac- cording to the Civil Air ·Patrol. Griggs posiUvely idenUfied the debris recovered about 10 aerial miles from the ait"pol:t tJll'OUlh · paint aamplel, caiisJng seBroberl ~ ihift from the l'llgfed Santa Ana Mountains to the storm-driven au. The inOated nosewheel kept the part.t aflGat and. they were hauled aboard a boat "!!Crated by Jolm D. Hom, <:1, of Riverside, and Jonny Sweeney, 39, of San Bernardino. The men turned the debris over to the Oceanside Harbor Deportment when they came ashore after t.'le fishing trip and authorities ordered an immediate aerial se.irch of tfie area. Cbotlng tOg drifted.over the .area Sun· day afternoon, ford'ng an.end to f.he hunt for traces« Vaughn.and Parker, as U.S. Cos.st Guard and. CAP aircraft returned to tfieir bues. Mrs. P1rker, a Western Air I.Jnes stewardess, has been unable to shed any further light on why the men took off when they did during questioning by authorities. U.N. to Okay Funds For Enlargement Plan UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -The U.N. Asoemblt1 . Blldgetary . Committee wu expected to _,,,. a· resolution to- day authoriztng an $80 mUlion enlarge- ment of U.N. headquarters IO it can IC· commodlote all empkly.a'.·wartini in New York. The resolution also asked ·Secretary- G<neral U 'lbant flo loot for . potential localloos '!or u.i•l.'unltl· other than New York and Geneva . Arresting officers said they were checking out the home for possible hous- ing violations when they came upon the festivities. Two men and two women were booked on charges ol possession and use of mari~ juana. St. Ni~k in Viejo Police Identified the suspects as Dale Ellen Mastromarino, 19, ol an un!pecified Woodland Drive address; Alexis Claudine 1.fangine. 20, 195 Woodland Drive: James Doyle W)'M<, 21, ol Bollnu. Calil.; and Amold Webster Sw1Uow, 29. 1 8 S Woodland Drive. Wynn w8s later released on his own recognizance. His three. companions were held to await arraignment. Olficers allege they collected as eviden- ce 22 marijuana cigarette butts. some whole marljuan1 cigarettes . a plastic bag ol marijuana and seed!, a biL of hashish and four LSD tablets. Police said they were questioning oc- cupants of a dwelling at 185 Woodlllld Drive when thty noUced flickering candlelight In a trailer parked nearby 11nd, upon lnvf!lligating. found the part1 in progress. 12 Cliristmas Nighu ~esJh: 5anta1C11us ~I al'Tive ln Mission Viejo tonight, Wednetday and Friday to the sound of Christmas sonp as part of the ~munily's Twelve NI g h t 1 of Christmas. Robert Clay, general chainnan o( the community-wide observl.JlCe, said Santa's workshop, the Gift Bor and Ille Star St.Jble all will be open from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 They are al La Paz Road and Chrlsanla Drive. Santa i1 to provide youngstel'I with candy caner and bags ol poteto chips, A pbotocrapber will be on hand to take col· or picturea. The Mission Belles, Mission Viejo Hl1b School 's driU team, will dl!pell.'ie coffee and hot chocolate fmn a traJkr In !mi ol Sanla'1 Worksl!>P. Caroll on the tl1r<t nl(Jlll wlll be 1111!- vlded by the communities girl ,,c,,ai troops, Ille Prtsbylerlan Adil! Ololr and other groops. . Preliminary joclglng of the com- munity'• home deeention contest begins tonight to ,.led II dna!J,11 from tlle plair ned.c0mmunlty'I lllCll homes, Clay Nld. Winners will be eMiiit Wed-., by Allen C, Albrirt\t, · architect ; P . Woodward Dlkt, llndlcape riitec\; incl GlyM Brown, erteriGr 41uiper. Awanf cate,...ia 0.. Btst Rellglou1 Theme, Bcol Trad!~ Theme, Btst Sonia Theme, -Beorl1 C.IU0mla Theme; and Moet Crtatlve. I ' . • • • ! ' 0 ·"'· s;. SA Freeway Brought to Standstill l: -·-.,, 'doadly, bllndlrw f'<ll "'1llod on CJrance Ciouaf¥'• rwl>bour: trMfjc this m<rning cuasinr pileopo d el least 100 can and injuries -scine leftll'e -to dozens cl persons. Even einergeney vehicles crept bUndly through the zero.visibility soup along crowded and wreck-studded freeway• during the morning ?UM hOur, we117 highway patrolmen said. Most of .tbe crashes occurred along the -ofS.UUAnaFre<Way- Myford 8"'d . and Ille Laguna Cany111 Road inten::blree. ' No totals d can er injured wu ytt: avlilable, pMrolmen said. 'tbert were rw ~ -in the pil<upi, tl1C)' a<!-.; dell. • 1 To make .matt.en W'Ol'lt. "weatbsmea pridlctlid· • t.s: ~ .... 1¢ II " milllltbll .... """'.iaollnl ... ·-. . ..-~ m;r::r ... · .' . . ~ , -DAlt.Y.'Pi&.O!I.,.,. ...... THIS WAS SANTA ANA FRE'EWAY ·EARLY .THIS '.MORNJNG looking North From Laguna FN11w1y Ovtrfllll ~ ... .. .... P.Tan Chief Asks CQurity Acquire ,More S·horeli~. By TOM BARLEY Of I~• D•lty ,llet Sttff Oran ge County Supervisors will be urg. ed Tuesday to acquire remaining un- developed stretches of county shoreline in a Planning Department proposal that places Salt . Creek Beach between Monarch Bay and Dana Point as the number one priority. Those -TeCommtndaUons will be con- tained In a tw1>pbase presentation. prepared for lhe boanl by Planning Director Forest Oickuon. The board has scheduled his General Planning Program Progress Report and his ... port on Ille Sllldy of Recreational Be1cbj!s for pr~tatJon in die hear- ing ·niorn aM0:30 a.m. bickason today confirmed' th a't' shoreline between 'Laguna Beach and . Corona de.I Mar and an undeveloped Stretch of beach within the city limits of Huntington Beach· woo Id also be sug- 1esled to supervi!Ofs as ideal targets in tny campaign of beach acquisition. It Is expected that the present status of Sall Creek Beach and the deni41 of public access by Laguna Niguel Corporation will lie dlscu5'ed at lhe meeting. , If it is, Dickason Aid, u1 can only con· firm what I said las'!' ,,..t -tl\al I am pOi!Utt lbatTiolilUon will tie ria<hed llt this illue." l ., • The plannJn& d~ .ls confldeot Iha! tilt iewiJty •tit ,.. move to acquire \leechfront In the area • and that the tbom1 iuue ol. publlC access to !horeline ti lhe_ vicinity wUl bejreS<?lved. "I think we'fl come !0-U understsnding • r I N~ YORK (A~I·"'-'~ lsMiis ~ame an .. ,,.11! ·lad by a'dvlnftll 11 °'8 atoct.-ktl Cilnth1Ued to clri!l I"'!" In nloderiltc trad!n( toclay. CS« quota· Ilona, Pages IW3), Several anal~SU said many investors 1ldtllned their · nds to wait ind aee if the market can bull 1 1 b1se again. I • with Laguna Niguel one 1way Or ·another and I'm sure that a solutJon1 isn't' too far away," he said. "We m~ solve it on the bul& of a mutual agreement, or It may be by way of eminent domain (county condemnation of Laguna Niguel land) but I'm sure we 'll get oor public access." DlclcHon Is p.....,Uy linking his department's ahalysls of present ud pro- posed COlUl.ty ownership ol abqre1iAe with what he states Is "complete· ......tysil and updating ol Ille Malter Plan d Regional Parks COOlblnlDC It wllh Beaches and Harbon to brine all ~ re1ionll .recreation facillties llrlO' 'obi plan." · \ .. Dlctason said his' depal'UMbt t11. dlsaisifng Ille overall' plan wtlh coaital. cJty plannlnl starts and his aim is:'to iii· \volve at least five coastal communitiel ln the .final 1horeline 1n1Jysls. ~ Santa to Visit Animals Too · OOlltinuln( a kbKUy Laguna tradition w~lch slle h<nelr ~ mlJIY _. ago, Marlon Grier once more la bechmtnl her Christmas co!lectlon d , 8lfta for homeless animals lhettered It tbe Laguoa ~nyon faciltty ol the SPCA. Donations of cash or pet food for the d08', cata and other lnhabltanll :ilhe canyon tlhelttt m1y "be Ifft at iu Grier's Shop ol lhe Open Window In ei>- per Tree Fa"6, off lhe 40ll block ol Soutil • C:O,st Hlgh~ay. Tl!.,. donations, along with con- lributl0111 so lklled by Mia Gritr noon local mltk<I!, will be picked up by SPCA re,>rtsedatlvet on Qiriatma1 B'YI for dlstrlbullon to lhclr kluMooted i nd feathered charges, The non·pro/lt SPCA shelter Is sup- l'Ol'led enllroly by publtc dona tion•. Hariied 11C11 aql1Jll<lllld every ·==r ·---Ii, the · ~ !tnlifi '*981 W tnUlft.' II tbrt ' "11Cl'fencY driven ,..,.,n.d troWile ~ ding Vktlms an<! MOCkap flt Ille llllct wbJte ml.ot. , The' litit collill-On report from the trewaY · ltn!kh came in at 7:U a.m., patrolmen said. lben thc reports ~ an avalanche. By 10:30 a.Iii., the 'fog bepn lo lift but repoi'ts' ol stUI more accldenll cOll!inued flo com. In, they said. The do1.em· of victinul .... ta1*I I<> seven Orange C<Mmty ll<lopiUls. While actual fiirurea were not yet available, one vet«an patrolman Aid he b<lie\>ed Ille <pldcmlc ol cruhes would equal« surpu1 I day ftve ytan ago Oft the Ame freeway when fOI caUMI plleupe involving 150 can. Traffic in this morning's crubel Wal litenlly at-a olanditJll 'alonC lreewaYL . " 1st )Jaj-0r Stonn Due; Bµt ·r1ows Unmanned WORCESTER. Mus. (UPI) · -City emplwe,, refused to man mow plows Sunday night as the winter'• first major storm threatened to drop over l1J: inchet of maw on tliO atate's second lar,..t city. John Kcole, spok"'1J!an for Local 4111 ol Ille servic< employes lnternatlonal Union; said the 1,aoo.member ...... woold"""'" all overtlme wblle negotlatiollll proc...sed toward a new contrlCl He llid thi wori<en wwld repcn to wort u 1dUll Mondai morning. • Wee61r '• U you're wallq•l.-the toe to Ill~ JOIO 've Col ·a Ions watt. Tuea- d.i' pmnlleo ""'" of 1lle Ame, wilh hary' 1111111hlne' on occulen and l«nperalurel -oluck ln the R;itl ... INSmB ntbAY UC lrvhMI'• M1D UrlHm Crim ~llOf'CPi° Cc'9C.r d.HJ f'lltarCh for dl!nfmo<lalJ<d• -no. 1ttocl of abo1ll ~ !'all• 10. . cw; 10 ";' CHRISTMAS -It =::: .: _.. . c,...... ' ., =:..:--" .... . ............... ,._. n.n -" AMIL~ " -· I ' -. ..... """ ... ,....c..., ,. --. -.... ............. ., .......... -. ·-. ·--'I =·~·-· .)..I ' -- f DAILY PILOT L From P~ J NEWPORT MURDER • • • wed to N-' 11eacb IOClallto and former ~ BollllJ 1!11111. Tbal mar· rifle luti>d 15 yean, ""'"""' said. The frlendl 11ld In later years he was a noodril>ker. Tile WI Mn. H~~ her family said, WU a dltbellc wi1o aJao su/• ' Im from olher lllne ..... Down the 'Killers' Clothes Sought ,ffuot aleo wed Loi Angeles IOCialHe DqlUe Brewer, DOW tbe D\l\e oC ~film ...-llll llOoch Jr. "Sbt'1 a wonderllll, wonderlul -but sbe'I awft1lb' QtrVOUI,., a eoualQ said oul&lde police headquarton wt, tlili morning. Mission Police, Susp~t Search Hills Near Scene .Ro hod a _,.. la "1 hlo ftm m.,.. riqe, which wu to Mrs. Roach. The cltushter. Mn. Noel Brown, b !he wife of • • .pro!Olllooal lwlia ployer from Los Allgolea. 'Hunt was the adopted ton of a wealthy fomlly which left' blm with a trust fund for life, friends said. 'Sourcel clllle to Hllnt aakl as a youth II& aalled npellllve bolU and dr<>ve fast can. .. While Hunt owned !WI yrdlt bn>kml!• bol1-•l<oc Newport's Mariner's Mile bc-li...t lot. lime al !he Bay Chlb. Inside Ille lucid. ~ul dlslrau,111 Mn. Hunt submitted wllllng\y Ill extensive ln- vesUgatJon. "She was very cooperative," Thompson said. Jn a call to a Los Angeles lawyer lhe wa.\ overheard to say: "Yes, it was all about Dru .•• we were very happy .•. very happy." During her trllllfer U.O different of· ficee In Ille police bulldlng the woman nervously Clasped btr hands to her face &everal times. Trail New Sanitation Group Formibg SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The City Councll hat accepted the first draft on Ille formation of the Soultleasl Regional ReclamaUon Authority. LOS ANGELE.$ (UPI) -Two doun pollcanoo ..,....panled by Susan Atkins, a suspect..tumed·lnfonner in lhe seven Sharon Tate-LaBlanca 1Jayings, scoured the Hollywood hills Sunday. They reportedly seat:ched for the bloody clothing discarded by the killers involved in the Tate massacre. Authorities maintained s tr I c t es t 6eCfeC}' about the purpose of the search but they did reveal a rusty .38 caliber pistol was found. ~ver, police would not comment whether the gun had any connection with the case. A spokesman at the Brand Tnstilute where Miss Atkins, 1.1, is being held, con- ceded the girl was released to officers and that she was involved in the search, A court order signed Friday provided for the girl's removal from the prison for eight hours. Police also used a helicopter ln the.tr search, which lasted s1J: hours and in- cluded 80 Explorer scouts. "All I can say ls that we an searching O!I the groaDd and In the air and 11'1 Ill connection ';tth the Sharon Tate c.as'.e." police Lt Robert ,Helder said. He would not comment on what Investigators were seeking citing a court order banning comment on the case, but il was believed investigators oought bloodied clothing Miss Atkins said the gang threw away the night of the Tate slayings Aug. 9. Miss Atkins who is charged with seven cnmta of mui-der ·in the slayings of five persODS at actress Sharon Tate's home and U>e killings or supermarket nwner Leon LaBianca and his wife the following nl&bt, was to epter a plea Tuelday. Goldberg Heads Probe Into Rmds On Panthers Sbe spokt emphallcally, but bunt into tears often. Thompson described her as relatively calm as lhe hour& wore on. As Mrs. Hunt's uncle and cousin stood waiting outside a matron and patrolman brought the.woman out a corridor at 2:J5 a.m. for the transfer to Or&n&e County Jail. . 'Jbere were loud cries. "I love you.." the cousin shouted. "I love you too, honey/' Mrs. Hunt~ replied in tears. When.details are worked out the agen· cy wll! join the San Juan Capistrano, Cipistrano Beach, Santa Margarita, Afoulton Niguel, Dana Point and Santa Ana Mountains district into one sanitation district, according to T. J. Meadows, Capistrano Public Works direct.or. A committee represenUng each district is studying the plan which may create one central sanitation facility to serve the Baddleback Volley. Planners Study Hotel Expansion At Meet Tonight Chamber Manager Denies Repo~s of Resignation jiEW YORX CUPn -Fotmer am· bassadCI' to the United Nations Arthut Goldberg alld 25 other clvll rlghb, legal and political leaders 3.l'UlOUnCed today they will form an independent com- mission to investigate tbe l'eat.ment of Blark Panthers by police in Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities. Goldberg said "grave doubt! have arisen" about the legality of recent police raids on Black Panther Party head- quarters which killed two Panthers and Durlng the next moments Mrs . Hunt shouted information on where 'Ule family could find her daughter, "Lola .•• she's with Lola ••. you don't know her, she's Will's ex-wife In COsla Me.sa." Sbe said JlO!hlng ..... Three Arrested In Laguna Theft,s led Ill the ,.,,,.OOins and an:e!I ol olhen. A trio o1" borswr MpOC1c who Speaking la thl ~ of'llle NA.\_CP : -'edly modi,Uie millake 'Ill 11ylng lo t.pl Deleme Fund, Goldberg said, aell ~ '(IOl1ll ol _, a-equlpm"11 "Thls is going t0 be an mSel'ly to I pO(iee~ WU Mltikd ID a d~to k>quirf"'· ' La-Beach.-euly todq. • · '111t 1111!** ,.... turned aver lo poll<:e "Hal a group been alngled out and h11 In San Clellieale where the equipment acesstve violence been med?" be uted. was repcrted taken 1n a realdenUal burg. . lary Jut ....... . Quinn Supports Alcatraz Tribe laveollgatlllg · another c-. Lquna Ile~ pollce located 1lle men, K=e!l! Lla,il: · Mondowr, 22, David Arnold · ~111. ZJ, and a 17-yeor-old youth in a • motel rocm it 53a S. OJast Highway, · wbldi 'Ill ,.,. u their 1ddreos. e GOP Wolnen to Install MISSION VIEJO -The Republican Women's Club of Mission Viejo will in· ltall officers Tuesday. Reservations for the event to take place at 10 a.m. in Buffy's Restaurant in Laguna Niguel will be taken until Satur· day by calling Mrs. Ursula Spencer at 837-2844. A short business session Will ac· company the installation. e Niguel Dance Slated LAGUNA NIGUEL -The Nlgu<I Art Alaoclation'a first Chrlstmaa dinner dance will bt staaad Thuroday. To become· an aonual event. the dlMer clance !'Ill beg!iJ with a aoclal hour at 7 , p.rn. @J1d dloner al 8 In the Golden Bull -. In El Turo. Danclna and eolertalnmenl will be provided. e Toro Plans Part11 EL TORO -Members ol the El Toro Laguna Hills Exchange Club wlU host a Christmas party for membei's and guest.a Thunday. Tickets at $3 each may be purchased from any member for the 8 p.m. acUvlty in Manning's Restaw-ant, Leisure World. e Orientation Set With hotel owner Loren Haneline's plan for future expansion of his Vacation Village property highlighting the agenda, Laguna Beach planning, commissioners face a lengthy agenda at their 7:30 session tonight. Also up for discussion "'ill be the legali- ty of a recent planning commission resolution in the Sands versus Shoals dispute nver use of the Bluebird Canynn Road extension. This action, questioned by city attorney Jack Rimel, comes back to the planners from the city council for clarification of findings. Opening the meeting will be the first public hearing oo zoning ordinance amendments designed to replace an in- terim ordinance adopted in August to modify provisioos regarding setbacks, yard requirements and density in certain zones. Planners will be asked to interpret criteria limiting retail uses in the M-lA (lighti industrial) zone and also: -Act on Josephine Mutke's request to add 3 £amily room at 574 Bluebird Can· yon Drive, a request defererd from the last planning session because of in· sulficient data. -Detennine if abandonment of a por· lion of Park Avenue for the proposed library e~-pansion is in compliance with the existing general plan, as required by state law. ur feel like Mark Twain did when he read a newspaper account ct his death; I fl'CI the account ls sllgbUy premature." Warren Morgan, Laguna B e a c h Chamber of Cnmmerce manager since September 1966, referred to a Saturday Laguna News-Post story saying Morgan is leaving and saying dissatisfaction with his performance had come to a head. l\1organ said he had for snme time con· tcmplated retirement iii l\larch because of his age-70 on March 17, and because nf the urging of. bntb his wife and doctor that he slow down. Morgan is hosting a California Associa· tion of Chamber or Commerce Execu- tives convention here Feb. 11 through 14. He had told the DAILY PILOT Thursday that he was not ccmtemplating leaving bis _Laguna Planner To Seek Degree Alvin 0. Autry, Laguna Beach city planner since early 1966, will resign in February to return to college for a degree in planning and municipal mana gement. SAN FRANCISCO •(UPI) -Actor Anthony Quinn villtod Ibo occupation rorce ·ol lndl>m cm.u:atrm llland ·aun. day and Pledged lo aid their- A group ol ~ hove occupied the ronner federal prilOn fir ~~ .. They want the ,.,,.no# lo deed them Ibo island In Sen Francisco Bay for an-lndlaa educallooal lllld. c:oltllral --... Quinn, now ·~ _.i. ,lllled Spoillni "tl!e ....,. equipment In the ,..,.. ~ ploclng together inlotmalion the)' )l,.i ., l(!ven, 1lle Laguna olficen ch«Dd,San a«nsite to,.. H that city had 911._ad *"'° burglaries on Ila bolm. 'ft* aDIWC' WU yet, and I San Cl..... ln..uplllr llopped by Ille rnoW', -in -.p! WU made Ill aell llin t1ie eqiilpment, aa:onllng lo Sen c1....iai. police chld Cllllwd Murray. 1--~made lhe 8lTeSla, ..._. $til-lil41,he !tereo,equl,. MISSION VIEJO -Orientotion pro. 1f11J11 for new <!&Y lludenta at Sed· <llebact Collell• hli,ve hem oclteduled at 10 a.rn. Tueaday, 'lbnday and Friday. Appolntme!U may be made by eallins the pmonnel Office, 837-9700. -Approve as a home occupation mail nrder sales or 5Jllall packaged Items. -Declare as legal the division into ·two SO.foot lots of an Arch Beach Heights parcel which currenUy is assessed as two e Madrigals to Sing •·-1>ailding sties, but lack> fonnal approval. LAGUNA HIU.S _ "A Chriatmas in -Review a petition'. signed by 78 pro- City Manager James D. Wheaton said Autry's resignation will come before the City Council Wednesday. Autry will at· tend Cal-State, Fullerton. Wheaton said he will propose separa· tion of the building and planning departments as they were before com- bination in 1963. Clyde Z. Springe, city planning and building director, will be building director. "Never LDve ;i ,~ llllllaa''1bur" 611lcldon, lo~ lllllmad In <lie pluob Merk Hoto! °"!lob ll1ll bt bad heard ol ~plilit,ol tlle lndl-• Alcallu and -to ... the·-flnthand. mea1z to $on C1omeot< autllgrt~es, but Ibey re!alntd u evldeoce (,.- ' ~ flllns ... druC dlarges a col. leCtimt Ct tableb wlllch Ibey reported fin. Song and Vene" will be performed for pertY owners and business ~le,. seek· the Pan Hellenic dub at Clubhouse Two mg provisl~ of parking facdlties in the The city manager will recruit fnr a planning director. Mike Easley, assistant city planner. will remain in the post. \Vheaton said the work load in both plan- ning and building departments has in· creased greatly. in Leisure W<rld Wednesday at l:lS p.m. S. Coast Highway area. by Saddleback College's Mo d er n ding ·la the motel room. Madrigal.>. • • • for 1Swait1ng to do S01nething about smog. Meet lhottomtbodylstfteGosCompanycustomerMrvicemcn. When he cotb at your house he moy be driving one of . the more then 1.200 vehidn In our fleet which we are COft¥9t'ting to run on natural p, Because we've found that using natural gm as a fuel in motor vehicles &ha'J'ly reduce• the pollutants in vehicle exhaint-the IOurce of IMarly 90% of today'11mog, We're converting our fleet of trucks to natural gm, not iust because that's the bU1lne1swe're in lond hove been for over o century) but because naturql gos burni ' cleaner, It eliminates most air-polluting substcnce1 before they ever get storted. Wt don'I cloim that use of natural gos in fleets of trucks ls going to clean up the ofr overnight. But It will help. We think we've token a 1tep ahead-one that'• worth tht effort. After all, Wt br.athe the some air you do. Art Loving Thief Steals Exhibit A thief with a taste for art has made nff with part of the Hotel Laguna's lobby exhibit, police report. Taken from a waU in the lobby, pre> bably on Thursday or Friday, was a framed pine cone flower plaque, the crea- tion of artist Harlan Terwilliger. The plaque, valued at $50, Is in white, gold and yellow, according to police. 'l'o Elect New Chief HONOLULU (UPI) -The island of Oahu's 1,000 police officers were asked Sunday to cast secret ballots to help with the selection of a new chief. Honolulu Mayor Frank F. Fasi said he believed "This ls the first time a major police department has used th i s democratic process in helping tlle police commission to select a new chief." Wheaton said· Autry may remain with the city on a part-time basis while at- tending school because of his ability and knowledge of local planning such as the general planning study now under way. Lagunan Escapes As Auto Rolls A South Laguna man escaped serious injury when his small foreign car spun out of control and rnlled four times on Laguna Canyon Road early Saturday. Pnlice said John Martin Gallagher, 28, of 31681 Fairview St. apparently was trying to pass two cars westbound in the Canyon when his vehicle left the roadway shortly after 3 a.m. Taken by ambulance to South Coast Community Hospital Gallagher was released after e1nergcncy treatment for n1inor injuries. FOREMOST AMONGST THE PROBLEMS OF - CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS GEITING WAITED ON I Not so at old Jack Bidwell's. W1 h1v1 enough Santis hire -no waiting - 11ch a timid, quiet, trained expert on what's new - in menswear. We olso hove whot co u I cj eosily be ono of the fi nest assortments of sweaters, shirts, neckwear, slticks, sport coats and raincoats. II thot isn't enough, we sell gilt certiflcolas. They are •xactfy the right site and cotor. If you can't reach ·him with one of theH, he'1 unreachable. (But wo oro, ond wa'ra open until 9:00 be9innin9 Wednosdoy.) Chamber posL Morgan said today that bt had planned lo avoid any terminal acUon until i!l'er. the conference so that it will be held; ln Laguna as planned. "As host Chamber executive,'' said li1organ, "l could not retire before the conclave without putting Laguna in an embarrassing positioo. "1 have ne\•er been fired from any kind of a job and I've held some pretty big 011es." Harry Lawrence, Chamber president, was not immediately available to com- ment. Morgan said the Chamber Board of Dlrectors will meet Tuesday to discuss: his ~pr~ retirement and consider altemaUves to Chamber management and formu1ation of a program to present the city fnr next fiscal year. He said he had initially hoped to f!.. main active in the Chamber in some capacity, J>O"ibly in an advisory posjtioo. "[f and when T leave the Chamber manager post, it has been my hope and intention to cnntinue to contribute to the spread or goodwill and friendly interest in Laguna Beach and assist the Chamber wherever possible," J\1organ, a Leisure World resident, said. DAILY PILOT OltANGE. COAST f'UBllSHING COM,AN't Rob,,! N. w,,4 f'r.,1<1•111 •nd f'ubli1111r J,clc R. Curl•'( Vkt f'r11lll1nl 1r.d Gtiwirl l M•lll~• Tho111•1 K11~il (di tor Tho"''' A. Murphin• Mtll<I0"'8 Et! ... llich •rd '· N•ll LIO ..... 101<1\ Clly Edl!Dr L..t-Inell Offlc• 212 for11t Avt nut M1ilin1 Atld1•10: P.O. l ox 0•6, •?652 Otll•r Offlcn Coll• Mn" llO WHI llY SlrHI lttwllO<I Inch; llll Wnt B•lblll 1ou1..,1,j i"l1tn!ifllll0.~ B1&ch: 17UJ B&1ci'I l.OU.t~•·d D•ILV l"ILOT. wjuo ... n1cn JI. co"'blntd 1'1'11 Nc•.,·P•tff, I• w11•11n:d <11!!v t•ctpl 5,,,,. d1y In ,.,_rait ..i111on1 fo' Ll!IU"I B11cn.1 NtWitOll Bi.ch, CO>lf Ml>•· lolunllnglO<I Bt.•ch t "ll Founllln Vlllty. •iOng wllfl tw& ,.,lo.,.t c<lltlon1, O•H•Vt Coa1t Pulll1SMn1 Comp1ny prlntlnt pJ1nl• ••• •I 2111 Wtol ltltlOo l ivd.. "llW!Mfl ll:Ch• •nd J» W•I BIY $Ir"'· CO.t• M111, , .. .,..... (7141 -4t4·f46' Clrt:.Mtl•• O.,t. 642-4JJI co...,.,ifl;ht, lNf, 0.•nte Coot l'llllllshlfll C-'fly. No ,,...,, s!Orlt1, ll1"11t"1-• d llorl•I m•ltt • w rd,,.t!IH~!• heftlfl ""' " r-pr~:hxcd w:lllO\tl 111«111 ""' m!uio• ol CIPfrlp~t owner. J«Ond CltH pot1'9t !Mid ti +kwJ,orf ltJdli INI CO.II MH•o Ct litt rnl•. ~lltet!pl;M W t ·rr!" 1;00 mo~lhly; by mJll ll .lO rNnlllltl mllll1ry <1.,lln,11To1n, IJ.00 monl~:y, Scldliern Wtties Gas CIJll1IC1llY AtDINHtCSMftlaCL.OiTNl~flM We're Investing In tomorrow. Jack Bidwell • • • • ' t 3467 Via Lido Telephone 673-4510 Mucho parking directly behind my store • I . I Horoscope Libra: Time's On Your Side TUESDAY DECEMBER 16 By SYDNEY OMARR -----------·- STARTS DIC. 171~ •IANDUT MUSICAL OJ THI YIAI SHIRLEY Mcl.AINE ''SWEET CHARITY" ~~~"~"°~·~•IWPORT ~~I r··----:--i I GIVE HER ! I SOMETHING ~ EXCITABLE THIS XMAS! e S1t1ni1h Lie• Nt9li9111 • lont l Short Sl 11v1 Fl11c1 l Q1,1ilt Robe1 • Mini Gownt, Avt r111 I Lon9. M1tchi111 SUpp1r. • ltrt• Sel1cfion of Fine., l ikini1 • D1rin t ll1ck Lo ung• Cul1t111 l 1t11ny oth1rs ftr 111 occ11ion1 e Paj1m1 I Robt S1h I I ! ! ~ I ! I I I ! I • Dt1p Pl11n91 l r•1 far ! Holitlty C11lott11, J I G1wn1 l Fr1ck1 ! I 111 b1111lif11lly t iff wr1pped )' I WHIN l(;ITT"'T ... i CERTl~ICA TES ! j For Your Shopping Convenience, We 'Will Be Open Da ily 'til 9 p.m. Sit. 'til 6 ! I I I ' ! I I~ J~1Y~ -1 I J~. I I $ Sindy C1r1111 I I M1 ri Gr1vt1 ! I 2511 E. 17th St. Co1t1 M111 I I Hill9r1n Sq111r1 -642·54]0 J 1 1 I ••nkAmerk1..-Mt lltr Cht rtt ! L ......... -.-..1. ARIES (March 21-Apcll 19)' Your cycle is high; declare in- tentions. Respoose is apt to be favorable. Be a g gr ea s iv e without being doml.netrlnr. Many look to you as e1ample. l.Jve up to potential. TAURUS (Aprll 20-May JO)' Remain in background as much as possible. You are strong enough to m a k e presence felt without makfn& an exhibition of younelf. Very good for helping those who are incapacitated. GE!'tUNI (May 21.June 20): Accent on planning w i t h friends . Look ahead; ~ sure holiday festivities are in order. Accept social invilation. Status quo may .be slightly upset - but this is favorable. . CANCER (June 21.July 22), Spotijght on ambitions, career and prestige. Cooperate in community project. Give and you also will receive. Perceive deeper meaning of holiday spirit. LEO (J u I y 23-Aug. 22)' Good lunar aspect today coin- cides with journeys , strengthening or philosophy, long-distance c:ommunications. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Do not be in too much of a hurry. There are some hidden costs to consider. Know this; review purchase p I a n s • budget. Stick to quality. Give logic equal time with impulse. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cL 22): Accent on bow public reacts to your special efforll, I'"""'" taUons. lndic.atiom are good. But you must let experts han- dle their own areas. Time is on your side, so play waiting game. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 )' You get much done today. But there is a gnawing feeling that loved one is not reciprocating. This could be due to Jack or vitality which brings on the blues. Eat regularly. SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Solidify plans. You know what you want to do - but method is lacking. Today you can fill in some blank spaces. Key is to have con- fklence in your own con· victions. CAPfilCORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): All indications point toward conclusions, the cont· ' pletion of tcu;ks, the settling of differences. deciding on pro- perty and residence. Do not attempt to start one task before you riIDsh another. AQUAllIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18 ): A surge in finances is in· dicated. But realize there is a differ ence in speculating and blue chip guarantees. Means be happy witPout b e i n g delirious. PISC~ (Feb. 19-March 20)' Obtain hint from Aquarius message. You can make finan· cial headway. But the re- quirement is self<0nfidence - and discipline. You kno\v what is right ; don't give in to foolish temptation. T.he ·S _ony A:M~F.M, ·AM-PM:. Here's a smart clock radio that makes your night table look bigger. Because it takes up less than 5 Jnches square of space.•_ Jet It wakes you up to news or weather or Rcitk or Bach Just like t big ones.\_ This FM/AA! has a nice ·gtocefor~ime telling. And • r' walnut IUain : 'It canes .1n a llttle square bole that ""'11 be •hli>P!' to lllftwrop. Toke R home today.• And Jnsten to AM or FM during !he.AM or PM. The Sony7FC-34W.f ".SONY.' 529" 411 E. 17th St,. Costa Mesa Dally 9.9, Sat. 9·6 --646-1614 a gift from Biggars 1s LAMPS, AS SHOWN, TOP TO BOTIOM: COLUMN BASE, ANTIQUE BRASS FINISH • , .• 72.50 DRIP GLAZE ClltAMIC BASE ••••••••• , .64.50 TEXTURED CERAMIC BASE ........... 24.lO DECORATED POICELAIN •• IASE ••• , , • , , , •• 54.SO PASADINA Colorodo •I El Molino 792-6116 brighten up their holidays! Going home for Christmas? Why not brighten up their holidays with these fine lamps ... now featured at all three of our stores. You'll be able to take your choice from a truly 1uperb designers' selection that lights up as far as the eye can see. So carefully have they been "-selected and crafted, these richly finished . lamps will endure ... to gracefully age into fam ily heirlooms, to be treasured for always. Dare to gift them with the very best-from J. H. Biggar. and they'll see you in a different light, ., I I ., ... \~ ..... , POMONA Holt, Eost of Garey 629.)026 ... SANT~ ANA, MAIN at ELEVENTH 547-1621 Mond'1, Dtetmbtr • -·' ... O 'IL Y '!LOT Sl0 J ' I I • 'Mo Listens To Landers? SINCE SHE'S ONE OF THE TEN MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA ••• • • • Just About Everyone Does That's Mo You C1n 'listen' to Ann l1niler1 ' De ily ·~ The DAILY PILOT . ' ·1 .. .. '1 ! • i l • • • • • i • i l I ... • l ' ' i ' ' ~ ' ~ ~ ' ' ·l ' ' ' . : .) %2 oDAJLY PU.OT ·; LEGAL NOTICE • FORD'S NEW FALCON WILL DEBUT IN JANUARY AS 197D'h MODEL It Will Be dffered In New Size •nd Style a1 '2-c10or, 4-door end Station Wagon ·-"'"""'" °' ........ In High Gear PICTITIOUI HAM• , ,,,. UftderMMd urlltltd ~t tit II -------.. '-------COf\11\l(Tl ... • tivslftfS'll •• n1 Wnt lftti ~~~'.~:¥.:~~~~~ '19'70 1h' Falco 11s Come in La1·!!er 'L1wrtflet W. Rtlns, m Fullerton Q A,v•nut, N~ IHClt. C1IN, OA TEO: NCl"tmbt• lt, !Nt. ', l•I L1wre<'I« W. RllM S.TATE OF CALll"OltNIA I COUNTV OF ORANGI! I Ori November If, ltft, ""61'1 ~. I NOi.,,. ,Wiie l" tllll for Mld Shit., ~HY -rM Uwrtr.c:• IN. R1ln1 ..... to ft'I to bt tM Mrton WlloH "~ ,, wblc•lbed to the .. 1111111 lf'I· I~ Ind .onewleftfll l'lt t•tcUf9d ...... ,.,,.. /1/ 1,..,..i1 l.. Gt'I' Nol11'1 Pub11c NU ... lTL MUltWITZ lo RIMIR ·-· .,. .. _...,. ""'' NtW!9ff 9M<:fl, C1Uttr11\1 TlC..'t11tl •n-tnt Pllbl!11>td 0,.."llf Cc.d 0111'1' Plier!, N,,.,l!mblr l4 •lld December 1, I. 15. l'!D .•. 11n-M 1.EGAL NOTICE P·lSIJt CEITl,ICATE OF IU,INESS FICTITIOUS NAMI Th!! u~"lv""" dof's ctrllf\' II• Is COfl· dU<Tlllll I MlnH1 If ?W1 5tn A.em., Orlw , L"ul\I Bt1cll. C1tlloml1, ulldrr the fldlllws l!Tm MtM ol 5EALAN0 COMPAN't' IMPORT -EXPORT INI ttltl u14:1 firm Is coniPOted ol IM 11>11ow1 .. -~. wl'loff ntmt In full NMil tlaU ol ral~t Is II follow\! Ledl I!. Cffn'l~I. 1011 S:... ~ Ot'lw, L1.-&each. Ctl. ~ ,._., 11, lfff. L«fl E. Cztrnltcllowslr.I lttfe rt1 Ctllfol'l'llt , Ort"" COllllfYI O!!"~ber 'JO, 1'49, btfort "''' I NOflry ,.,.,le 11'1 ... d for Mid lllle, ""-11'1 11 111rtd Ledl E. CRm~kl k....wn to -tll bf' tht --, 114\ost n1m1 11 1ubKr!l:>td to the wl!Mn lftSlrtll'IMtrt ind 1anowled9td llt encvlwd !tie "''"" (Off/(IAL SEALl ' Tl'lomat w. t.ovl• • Not~ry Pub!lt·C1 llfornl1 Ortn~e C0<.mh MY Commltslon E•~lrfl s.i.1. n. it1l Publ!slleo Or1n;1 Coa•I OtllY Pilot, NO\'t'rnbel' '' tnd Oecemblor 1, I, lS, ,... 1161-* LEGAL NOTICE NOTtCE <"' TIUSTE1!'$ S.Al.E TRUST NO ..... On J•"li,•Y 6. 1t1'. 11 ~lt<nf\ o'cloc- A M, THI! Flll5T AME•ICAN' FIN ... N- Cll l CORPORAT ION. •or~tlY Flril ""'"'ltt n Tll~ lm11r1..c:1 I. Trutl Cam• 111nv. h lnt1!ee. or 11.KCtuor lr111!tt or "'"''IM<ld trvs!H . ..,. ,.,. crrt1h• DffG (II Tl'\ltt t•Ku"°'·tw JAMES A. WRIGHT W JEAN (. WRIGHT, 1'111sfl91'd Ind "'"'1 ..... f'f(Ol"dN #NY 24, , ... lft loalo ,.. .. ,_ .. °" Offkl•l lltmnll llf Or· .,,_ Counh-, C1lllotl'lle Ind _.u111t 1'e ....... nr1•1!1 "'-'k• et OtfMlll •lid l!ltdlllrl "' "'' ~-, rtetr'llld ~t.mbw s. ,,.. lft toot "'1, ..... W et Ofllcl1I It~ 1;11 OAl'lff C-tf, wlll lll'llM• .nci ~ '9 Mil Dffocl f/f Trust Mil .. 9UCt1k •ll'ttlotl ..,. ~"· ltwful -ti ..... ~ ,, .... of ,,...,.,k.I, ., tt.. ,..., .. Wiit tlftfr911Ce 111 tt.. 1"1m ... ,,,...i.w .. Tlllot 1 ... r1net '°"""•"" llulldlllt Iott*! If IM' l4\lll'iet1f tor111• et l'"lftll .,, M11n $trf.eh ln ~ lll\I f1f S.1111 An1, C:11/lor"ll 111 tP,1! rl"'11, Ill~ 11\d ("''''-' cenW•e1l lo 1...t l'IOW llfld uMl•r ~ f1f Tr"'' '" ,,,, l •OOtrl\I 1ll\lftll d In .... CCMJ"'" 10'MI !.lllt dft.t•lbe<I ~" All &I Ille l .. M°f'clll !tt•1• In LDI J ftf ~· Jolo. S1..0 •• Wwn Oft I M•P ~d!'d Ill &ODii XII, Pit•' fl !ti tt llf M~IHltol.ll M1111. IKO•clt of Or•Mt COU\'llY, (lt[fernlt . 51111 ltlHhold "''lf In ln!tt•tl 111"1 ... -ft (rtllfld IW .1'111 C<rrlllfl IHlf' 1111.., NoYlfl'llllor tt. 1ff,t t•f'CllNll lw 'TM lf\llM C- "'"" 1$ ltt-Ind tiY 'Tiii •lulfi, I ltrftltld ~1., .. """' wllkll ,... ... --" fht etnct " tl'lt C-'V ..... ef ~ CllUllfY ell "'°~"'""" .. ,,.. Irr! .... ,. ..... ,., "' JlJ " Olfkllil ·~ $1kl ................ .,......,.. ftftflllll ,,, "'""""'· .,.,.... "' ....,,..., .... ti~. --"' ~ .. '~ """ -'"'"' ~i.t ............. 9'I "" llO~ Mtvrflill ll't' Mid °"'II 9' 'Trvrt te wit: ».Yr.JI -..flt lniH'HI ..,..._ ·-JllfW '· .... '"" "'" di~ ...... ., ....... i.wd Ill Miiii il'Otf ........ Wlrri lrtt. I!~ llld '-•""'"" fllf IM Trvttrot -~ '""°' • ...,. ., -"'"" tit-fl ·~ ¥4fl(eci IW -ewMt ... "'61dff el' Nit' .,..., wl'°I r.,_,, u """"Idell 111 11111 0.... II '""''· O.ltod ; ~~, 11. '"'· TM£ l'tll:ST .. #.llUC.aN ,IN•NCIAl CO't~ATl(IN, ... _, l"lll:ST AMellCAN Tlf\,I liUU!llANCI & Tl.US1\ (C)Ml'~MT 1, Ali.AH A. fl:NOlt ...... ,..,, ~,,. ' . ""~ ~ Ktrw .....,.,.. ...,.,.... wllfl' 0.1,, ~Ille. ~ •lllkllt C11!farllllla. 0ca "'" '14 n. tf. ""· HIMI ~y CARL CARSTENSEN The new Ford Falcon. whlch will debut in January, will come in a new size· and be called a 19701ii: model. The nameplate that has ap- peared on more thin 2.7 million compact cars in 10 years will be o!fered ln three models using the Ford in· termediate body .:.. iJ twCHioor sedan, four-door sedan and a six-passenger, four door sla- lion v.•agon. \Vheelbase of lhe Falcon sedan will be 117 inches, six inches more lhan i t s predeeessor, and 114 inches for the station wagon, ooe inch more. At 20I inches the new Falcoo sedaM are 22 inches Jooger and the station wagoo i.s 10 inches Jo~. Manufacturer's 1ugge.md retail price fof the two-door will be SZ,t&O, placing the new car within Lhe price range of the cars in the compact size economy market. Suggested retail prices for the . four-door \\'ill be $2,500 and $2,801 for the wagon . and more resistance t G puncture. F I o w -through venUlaton systems are 11tandard on all l970Y.z Falcon sedans. Even with the windows raised, this system permits fresh air to enter, ci rculate and leave the car, removing stale or smoke· laden air. The ne1v Falcon offers a broader range of options than ever. Among lhe options arc s i x eight.clinder engines, S e I e ctShift "Cruise-0?.1atic- automaUc lransmjS!ion, power front disc brakes, power steer· ing, rear window defogger, AM-FM stereo radio, vinyl roof and a du a l-actio n doorgate for atation wagons. 'IM 19701,i falcoa includes · Ford Motor Co. lifeguard design aafety fr.ltutts and a tamper resistant odometer. Falcon's renective s Ide marker lights flash wilh tum signals to provide better visibi lity of the driver's in· tention to turn. A new "Uni-Lock" sarety harness lap and shoulder belt restraint system permits out- board front seat OCC).lpanls to "buckle up" faster and more comfortably. The three-way I o c k a b I e steering Cfllumn is designed to deter car thefts by locking the ignition, t h e transmission Your . ~" linkage and the steering wheel with the ignition switch. All cars manufactured for delivery in the state of California will be equipped wiVt a evaporative emission control system. * * * OLDS OWNERS GET SERVICE CARDS Oldsmobile dealers are now mailing over 1,060,000 com- puter-construcled s er vi c r. reminder cards to I h e i r owners 6 times each year. "This speedy m o d e r n system ~'as selected to en· courage Oldsmobile ov.•ners to give regular attention to fac- t o r y -recommended main· tenance service and to remind them or-the a ppr o p'r I 1 t e maintenance . frequency for each servtce required on their automobile," Clare G. Ox- enda le, Oldsmobile's general service manager, !aid today as the card ' quantity passed the six million mark for the year. Inaugurated in 1967. the Oldsmobile ~ervice reminder program has proven lo be popular with 0 I d sm obi I e owners and dealers alike, ac- cording to 01endale. "Owners are enrolled in this unique . system by the local Oldmlobile dealer 1t ·the time of new .car purc:hue," he e1- Worth The Falcon nameRlate, in chrome script, will appear on the rear fender and, on station wagons, on the tailgate door. Standard 'powerplant will be the economical lf)S.. ho nepower, 250-cubiNnch- di s p I acement sixqlinder engine. Ford's three-speed manual transmission, fully synchronized jn all forward gears, also ii standard on all models. All 1970¥.. Falcons will be equipped with belted bias-ply tires fo r longer tread life. bet- ter traction, better handling Try Credit Card I.Q .. Test * HALLIDAY'S * AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM HAU.IDAY'S, •• Cbolce· Lamb'• l\'oot l;'lald1 from ScoUaad They make great sport jackets when they are tailored in Deall8g1te'1 own nawless :mft shoulder consiruction. The colorings are bold ... in a gentlemanly manner. And ir you're partial to cheeks, \\'C have a goodly selection in this Jamb·s wool rrom Sctltland. From llO Dean1gate® MEN'S TRADITIONAL CUlTllING 17ftt l lll'ltNE' AVE. WE5TCllff PLAZA NlWPOAJ IEACH fH, 641·01t2 morlgagt, fiv.e points: own mortgage. four points: rent unfurnished, two points; any other, one point. Years at P!'flent Address: Si1 or more, two points; under six, one point. Yean at Previoas Addre11: Six or more, two points; under six, one point. ToUI Monthly: Income r Over $1 ,000, seven points: $800- SJ.000, five points; $60(4800, three: under $600, one. Years With Present Employer: Over 10. five points: seven-ten, four: four to six, three : one lo three, two; under one, one point . Total ~loathly Obligations: • Under $200, two points; over $200, one point. 0 ccupation: Professional, four; executive, four: skilled, two; unskilled or part-time, one. Add two more points for a telephone in your name ; two more if you have a bank ac- count at the bank offering you the test; five more if you've borrowed at this bank; three more U you've borrowed at another bank or finance tflm- pany. DID YOU SCORE at least IS points~ If so, you're a cinch for an instant loan or crtdit card or whatever. ( I • m pos!live mos\ of you scored far more than II; 1 went off the pagt.) What I've just outlined for ·YOU ii the latest way to get credit -an application form GREATEST Automobile OFFER SEE l'AGE M .. . · I Complete-New York S~ock List · · Market .. • .. '' -' I I I I " ... • · Monday's Closing ' .. -.. _..., ........ -u, 1'16t . L DAILY '!LOT JI Pricftj-C.Omplete New York Stock Exchange List .... ..,. ............................................ 1111 _,_..__ ... I. Complete Closing Prices - L ' I l • I .. • Jf DAILY PILOT 1. . • • ears . Priees Effective Beginning Today Through .Tu ... D.C. jl6 Ask About Sean Convenient Credit Plans Rear Seat Speaker Replar $6.99 4 99 619-in. a..), fitHilcanwiih 1240)t DCgttift ground, Fo< rear d.,:k mountiag. Two :Mn. Speaken R ........ 15.99 · 299 Witb nro bl&ck metal grilles. Mount in cu doon or rev deck. I~ volr. Stereo Tape Players Fabulous Value! 99 • Sean Univenal underda•h model otereo tape player , • Enjoy music with no annoying interruptions •For autos, boats, Camper.st trailers 4 Track Tape' 1.99 ·. ' & Track Tape .99 Featuring ma11y popular tunes and artists I I • .SA VE (\~40! Cassette Stereo Tape Player and Recorder . Playl aueuc amids•• ~tt> Reg. $119.9S matictllr, ~..; be' used for !"' $99 cord1111 ~ Attractive walnut gr;aio cabinet. SAVE$~! '13.99 Reverberator Kil Now .enior ~bna.t atete0 ·effects on your cu radio: 6-iach speaker. Terrific value! 999 Deluxe 8-Track Stereo Tape Player \Vas '89.9.5 49ss _,.\sk About Sears Convenient Credit Plans FM Radio ancl Tape Player Combination Plays 4 or 8 uack tapes, dual purpose program but· 13 9 95 ion also activates radio. Outstaoding low price. IC 1 ~ • (. '~:.::_::'•2] SAVE$6! '24.99 Solid-elate AM Radio Solid ·-AM. bullt·i• 3~in. soealcer.. oon-gbtt lighted cliaL Fits most 12 volt system can. 1888 ~. • • r 21 Month Guarantee • 4 actual plies of nylo11 for extra strengtl1 • (;realer resistance to i111pa c t ~. n1oi sture, f ie:\ inµ; anrJ l1cat • Patc11tcd contoureafe- ty sl1ou lders for better cornering control, fast recovery from pave• 1nent drop-offs • Excellent high speed performance. Safety in reserve when you nr.cdil Tubdeoa Black1nllo ~luo 1.79 F.E.T, And Old Tire .... ~ FULL 4·Ply Nylon Cord Construction Ask About Sean Convenient Credit Plans SIZE TflADf~I:" f .E.T. SIZE Tll.t0l.f7' f.E.T l'••ct l'RICE Tuhele~s BlackwalJ TubeJc~s W11i1 ewall 650x1 3 9.95 1.19 650x l3 12.95 1.79 735x14 12.95 2.01 735xl4 15.95 2.07 775x14 14.95 2.20 715xl4 17.95 2..20 825x14 16.95 2.36 825xl4 19.95 2.36 715x15 14.95 2.21 ISSx14 21.95 2.57 715U5 17.95 2.21 ,-------------------------------------------------, '"""' .... TA 8-4400, 521-4530 .. MOH!f GI 3..1911 IONG lfAOt HE 5.0121 .ico WE 8-4262 I CANOGA .... 340-0661 GllNDAL• QI 5-1004, Cl 4-4611 OLY""1C. SOTO AN 8-5211 •OMONA ED 2-1145, NA 9·5161 , YU 6·6751 SANTA ANA K1 7~3371 TOIJIANCf 5.42.1511 SANT A FE SPltlNGS 944.8011 Ul'lAND 98.5·1927 I I COMl'fOH NE 6.2581, NE 2·5761 HOU\'WOOO HO 9·5941 OW.GI 637-2100 • COVto1A 966-0611 INGllWOOD OR 8·2521 rASADl!NA 681·3211, 351-4211 ~------------------------Sea1·s SANTA MONICA EX ~·6711 VALllY PO J.8461. 98•·2220 I SOUTH COAST PLAZA 5~Q.J333 VOMONT Pl 9-1911 / ____________________ , "Satisfaction Guaranteed. or Your Money Back" .. • I I " ' . . ' Saddleha~k . . ' N.Y. Steek• ,. . . Yql..~2 .. @ . 299, 3 SDCTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAllFORNI~ .. . ' .. ' \ ,__ ' . . . . MONDAY,. DECeMBERr .IS,·Lt69 JEN CENTS . ,. ; . . . .. ' . :oe1.a.for Mli~der : • • • DAILY 'l'ILOT lt9fl P'llel8 IN HANDCUFFS, MRS. WILLIS.HUNT GOES TO JAIL Fl1nktd by P1trolm1n Keith Collini, Matron Glori • Ep~rson Wealthy Newport Man Murdered; WifeHeld By JOHI'( VALTERZA OP 1M ~ ~·r 5,19# Willis Hunl, prominent Newport Beach yacht broker am f«tn,er husband o[ l!HiOs movie . sex symbol. ~arole. Landis, • ' • .. "'" I . • was stabbed to deatll during an argument with his sildh -wlfe Su~ay night in their Coton~ ,del MflT heme. Hunt, 56 described• by close friends as "a playboy" and who traveled for years in Ba1boa Bay Club social circles, was found shortly bef«e 9 p.m. still alive, lying in the pool area of the expeusive home at '2516 Harbor View Hills 'Drive, Ii« said. po His hysterical wDe, Dwillia Hunt, 43, was at his side. She was arrested on a cbatge.ci:mur.der.' Hunt, allegedly argued with his ~igbt, bninttte Wife' stmly · before 9 p.m. Detective Sgt .. Kenneth 'Ibompeoo said. 'nle !disPute centered around discipline of Dru Huitt. 12. Mrs. Hunt's daughter by a lonher marriage. Hunt bad recenUy ~ the gb1, '°"""" said. Thompson said Hunt was stabbed once In the chest with a· knife: 'nle investigator did not di8close the type,ol);nife used or the aCtual'circwnstances of the stabbin g. Detectives said Mrs. Hunt. or someone identifying herself as the woman, phooed police and asked for an ambulance. "The caller reported ·the stabbing. The Laguna Police Rpid Pot Party; FO'ur Youths Held Lquna Bea<:h police early . Saturday arrtsted four persma on marijuana and dnlg possession charges aflu officers alleged they stumbled into a "candleligJ:it pot party" in a trailer home on rusttc Woodland Drive. "'~ Said She at.abbed h'er husband:" Detective Cept.1 Lou Heeres sa)d. Hunt was taken still alive and con- ocjoos ~y ;imbo!Ja~. to,lloag Jllemorlal H'!'Pi\BL Olt'h!.i.l,tijWll'.Jif ~ "llelp me ·. . . help n1~" twtee · anit died momen~ later~ in!ortned sources said. A teain' or four physicians Wofked for more than 30 niinutes, using opcn·heart massage and other frantic measures to revive the man. Meanwhile, Mrs . .Hunt -herself mar· ried five times-was taken into custody, booked, and· questkloed at polioe head- quarters. She wore a ve.Iour pullover shirt, jeans arw::I a thic~, .white coat Accounts' J)i.eced '.together (rom family friends and· police indicated Utat · Ule daughter fled Ute house to a neighbor's home .down the :street befote•the 1stab- bing. About an hour ·after !he st.abblng'Ol'le of Hunt's ex~ves drove• to the ·house and picked up the family's three · dqgs · and then found ' the da'ulhter. · · 1 Dru was relea'.sed.1 to the ·woman's custody, police ·s8ld. · The Hunt home,_ whic_h Jhe couple· had owned for five years, is l0<;ated on a cor- ner in the moderately e x·p ens i v e \leighborhood. Pale green and dark blue Olristmas lights flashed along the eaves. A large star built frOJ? whJte lights tw~kl~d down from a chimne)I ; an e:s:penslyc.land bus Camper stood in the driveway. Ai lnvesjigatir<coliilied the iiOiioe .lii- side, two teenage girls drove up to ask if tne house was the one whidr Ud the: Weimaraoer dogs ror sale. But the dogs bad gone by then. Hunt had worked as a land investment representative in receut mqnths. · Be£ore that he operated Willis Hunt. Marine Service in Costa Mesa, offering outboard motor repair. Besides his marriage to Miss Landi11 (who committed suicide in 1946 over a '"broken heart," accounts said) Hunt "'as !See MURDER, Pqe JI . Hope Slim For Fliers Lost at Sea Little hope remains today for the survival of two missing Orange County aviators, but a heliC1>pter is crisscrossing the sea off San Onofre, following discovery of shattered but floating debris from tlJ!lr plane. Announcement of the discovery Satur- day by two fishermen five miles offshore was withheld until it could be definitely established Utat tbe parts are from the mlssing Cessna. Vaughn . Cornish, 29 of 113 lath St., Newport Beach, a flight instructor, and his student, Jame.a Parker Jr., 24, ol 1722 Stonehenge Drive, Tustin, took: oft from Fullerton late Thursday or early Friday. '.'The nose.wheel and landing gear strut definitely belong to the missing·plane," said W1Wara Griggs, p-eDient ct Av.ta- lion Fadlltles Inc., which owned the ·--;.~ aircraft · · • ' y;;;-' rmst D\Yde~: ~ ~ ... " ... disappe_ar~ of the ~asna ~-_!-' whi Comish, an n:periencila flier, ·~ Fullerton Munldpal Airport durlni · nilbl hours when the field Is ll!ut down. No explanaUon11,11:S been offered for the dark hours departure and .no· Oight plan was filed before the men took off, AC· cording to the Civil' Air Patrol. Griggs po!itively identified the debris recovered about 10 aerial miles from the airport . throOgh · paint samples, ~a using searchers to sb.ift from, the rugged Santa Ana Mountains to the storm-driven sea. The inflat<d nooewheel kepi the parts afloat· and they were hauled aboard a boat operated by John D. Hom, 43, of Rivers:i'de, and Jonny Sweeney, 39, of San Bernardino. The rri'en turned the debris over to the Oceanside Harbor Depattment when they came ashore after the fis;hing trip and authorities ordered · an imMedlate aerial· search of the area. Choking fog drifted over the area Sun- day afternoon, forcing an.end to the hunt for traces of Vaughn and Parker, as U.S. Coast ·Guard and CAP aircraft returned to their bases. . Mrs. Parker, a Western · Air Linea stewardess. has been.unable to shed any further light on why the men took of( when they did during questioning by authorities. U;N. ·to Okay : Funds For Enlargement,Plan UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -The U.N. Assembly's · Budgetary Committee Wu expected to approve a·resolution ,.,_ day authnrUJng an f8Ct million enlar11e- ment ot ·u.N. headquarten·90 it can ac- conunodate all employes. workipg in New York. 'Ibe resolution also asked 8eieret:lry· General U Thant to ·look for potential locations for U.N. units other than New York and. Geoeva. Amsting offJcen said they were cheCking out the home for possible houi;.. lng1violatloas when lbey came upon the festivities. • ' • 'r«o men iinef 't"7o women were booked cm Charges Of poueasion and use of mari· St. N,it!k ·in .vi·ejo Juana. · Pol.ice hienUfJtd the suspect! as Dale Ellen Mast.(OmMino, lt, ol an unspecified Woodland Drive address ; AJei:ls Claudine ~.20, 1•.Wooclland Drive :. James DoYte Wy11M, 21, of. Bollnas, Calif.; and Arnold Webote!T SWallow, 29, I I; Woodland Drift. ' Wynn wU ltter rtleastd on his own recornizance. Hlllthree companions were held to await arraignment. Officers allege lhe.y C1>1lected u eviden· ce ·12 marijuana cigarette butts. some whole marijuana cia:arettes, a plastic bag or marijuana and seeds, a bit or hashish and ·four ~D tablet!. Police said they wert questioning o<:· cupent.5 of a dwelUng at 1&5 Woodland Orife wh~n they noticed nickering candlelight in a trailer parked nearby Mel. upon lnve>Ugatlng, flllllld the party in proiress. \ l 12 Christmas Nights Begin.-· Santa Claus will arrive in Mission Viejo tonlgbt, Wednelday and Friday to the $OUOd of Christmas songs as part of the community's Twelve N i g h t 1 of Christmas. Robert Clay, 11eneral chairman of the community-wide observance, said Santa's workshop, the Gilt Box and the Star Sta.bk all .. 111 bt open from 1:30 p.m. to 1:30 They are at Lt Paz Road and Cluisanto Ori ... 8anta is to provide youngsten wiUi <•ndy canes and bq1 of potato <illpo. A -aphor will be on hand to take c:ol· or plilmi!s. The MiNion Belles, Mission VJejo High School's drill team. will dis~nae cofre~ and hol cho<olate fiom 1 ll>i!er;ln ~· of Santa's Workshop. ·~ . I Carols on the three n!gbls ~.'be--~ vided by the commwUties giil ·t&ut. troops, the Presbyterian Adult Choir Ind other groupo. p,.um1nary iudJ!lng of the com- munity's homt decoration conttst beghw tonight to select 21 IfnaUsl! from the pla,... ned-community's 2800 homes, Clay said. Winners will be chosen Wednesday by Allen c. Albrl!ht. architect: P . -Woodward Dike, landa<ape architect; and ClyM Brown, e:s:t.erlor designer. Award eategorles 11re Best Religious Theme, Bell TradiUonal Theme, Best Santa Theme, Bat Ewly' Califomla 'l'Mme; and Moat CreaUve. .. ' . ... -· ' ' . ' ~ I • ' ! ' ' r • 1• .·. .. , •• oa s; . ' . " ' \ - " . ' ... ; I , '1 ' •: I ; SA.Fr~eway Brought to Standstill . ' ' . ' . . ' . -~ ~ ·1¥•-.Y'·"'f-OT .. 1• .... THIS WAS S:4NTA ANA FR&EWAY ·EA:Rt Y. THIS•MORNIMG"·'~ Looking North From LeguM. Fr•w•y Overpa11 ' , Pinn ~hief_A,skS County ':" -Acq.uire :More Slwreliiw . · . . lst:Major Storm Due; B~t PI.ows. Unmaiined ' By TOM BARLEY or "'-o.1~.,. ·rA~' .'"" : " ~ . Orange County Supetvlsors will be. urg- ed Tuesday to acquire remaining un· developed s.treiches of county shorellne·bt 1 Plaruflng ·Department ·piopo'31 that placts Salt Creek BeaeJl "\between Monarch Bay and Dana. Point., e the 0Umbir,Dne1pr1ortty. · • 'nloae recommendatiCns wlll be con- tained In a tw<>plwe ~ot.Uon prepared for the board tiy Planning Director l'omt 01~. The board lw acheduled his General Plaming PrCJtll'am l'rCJtll'esa Report Ind his report ·on the Swey of Boc:reaUonal Beaches for preaentatlon in the bear· iJig room at 10:30 a.m. Dldumon today <Onfirmed I h I t a~oe between Laguna Beach and Corona de! Mar and an undeveloped Slre\"h,of, beacjl.,.ithm~Y ·llmlls of HunUJigtm Be1ch ...aid-also be sug- geste<I to .. foper;vt90rs as 'ideal' targets in ony campaign.or ~ac:h ·~cquisiUol!. It is .exJ>ected, that':the prelent status of Salt Creek.18eacb and the denial'of public 1cctss by Laguna Niguel Corpora'Uon Will be dll!CU5'ed at Ille meeilng. ' If it ia, Dlckuoft aaid,·1•1 can only con- nrm what I saJdJut week -that .I am poolUve tlJet I to!-wtJl be r .. cbe!l In thi s issue." .i I The pllM .... !~1' coofiitent that the coun~ •'WIN ·move to a~ire lioa<bfi-oi>! tnj 11\e ' ..... 'and ttu.1 the· thofn)' tMie of public acds'l 'to shoreline In the vldnlty wlll lie re!Olved. "I think we'll come to an understaJ:xiing NEW YORK (~Pl :-Declining lssu" overcame •n early lead by adva~ as the stock market coliUnued to drift iow.r In moderate trading today. IS.. quota- llbn.t, Pages 21-23). Several analysts said m;iny investors aldel[ned Ulelr funds to wait ond oee il the market can build a ba11e again. .t :-c. : ' ' with Lagwia ,Nlgu'•I ohe11way, Or aneth~r and 11'.fh,'at.tte• ih'at a solution· Isn't loO' fir away," he sald. "We may solve It ~1 the 'basis .or· a m~rua1.' agreeffient,,or Jt ·may be' tiy ~8,. . ol. eminent domaln 1(CCKfnty condemnation of Laguna NlgUet ·Jand)\lNt:J!rD ..ti.we'll get our public•ICCHS." · Dlcbaon ·Is ~ 'l!i*Jnc .. •his department's ana1,.i.'1J1; Jlftf!llll' and p posed county·ownenblp ill llhqttlllle•Wtth what he IUltes Is "comp!ele •rffnalyl!I and updaU111 of the Muter 'l'IAn. Of Reg!ooal Pirkl ocabtnlnJ ~. '!Ith B"'ch"' and H,-. to brbia .. 11 c:omoty regional recreatlm I-· talo 4" plan." ~ . . ft'.O~~ -(UPll : -City emp~es refused to man SKM" plows Sunday n!gbt u the winter's first major ~ ~to drop over m lncheo of ""'!' qn the llate'• ooc:ond llrpot city. ~obn K .... spot..,... lllr Local 415 o! the -empio,. ~Uonal Union, aald Ille !,--"""1d -aD i/vwtlrne,1'bilo nefO!tattc,.. pro<eede4 taw8'a >• new tuib.cl He Aili the wwllei• '8IUll:t-repmt to wort al·UIUll: MoadiJWWW ilbc. D~ 111d his. ,ctePortmo/11 .. -fl dlsc:usslni the OVtlrafl plan Wltll <oUI&! __ ....__ dty planning Ital!• and his llm Is ·~ In-... __ volve II !eat nv,e -.ta! ~tilsln•. , U ,..O're·.....,. &Ir the "" to ·~ fl'!il•lhorObiie·~. • •.. : • lift;.,.. ... tot. .... wall. TIM-.. , , .• ·i,: r· :c1ay,......... -of the ·-. • • · '!riib ""'--llllllhlne .c111 ooculon . S'an.t.a/to 'Visir:~ · .. .,.. ,.._._ 11uc:t 111 the .uu... Anim~ Too , ConUnuJnr ,. kindly Laguna -• which ..., her..i! orltlinlted mq YU!1 ago., Marlon Crier fte.llMll'e Ii~· D8JDB mDA'Y UC lmM'r ...., Urban Crllil . ReHOrelt Ctnetr dou rc1corch f~~-prllo -of abo1il IMm. Pag1 10. her Chrblrnas , co~ .. at .. :~~ ~ J ~ .~!m , an1ma1s,,,:~·~""'-llll Laf(lna Canyon flclll\y of & ill>CA. · ' DonaUons of cash or pet food lor·ti. dog•, cats ond olher lnhobft.u of U., Canyon shelter ml)' be !<ft• It MID· Grlor's Shop of the Open -In Pep. 10~ per 'ttte p.,.., oil the 400 -" South .~ !Ughway. These donations, a>on1 with tono- triboUons oollclted by Mia Grier '!n>m IO<ll markets, will be pkted up by SPCA representatlves on Chriltn:tU Ive for distribution to their fooNooted 1nd feathered charges. .... 11lc non·pnilil SPCA aitll«: Js _"'P' ported cntlrely by p11bllc donations. • CH RI IT MAS -. ........ ,..... ... , --" ''""' ,.,. . -.... ... .._ ... Doti -.. :::.:· 1: ·-""" . """' -.. WI ; .. ff tAG tt.et --• l Frem Pwje l . ' NEWPoRT MURDER. •• nd to .::n: Belch IOdllilo and former _,. !11111). ,,,. .,.,. Nee laMd u yean, llOlltCOS said. ~uni aJso wed Loo Anleles aoclallte DOilie Brewer, now t6t mu d. HOtl)'wood film prodllcer Hal llGocb Jr, .H• bod • daall*r b7 his first 11111'-rtage, wblch wu to Mrs. Holch. The ~u&l>ler, Mn. Noel B,,,,.., ls the wile ol ·-pi:olwlooal 1<nnls pl~ from Los ~ ... ,Bunt WU the adopted MIO of a w_WU:iy fllJ\tlly which left blin with a Jrust fund tot life. friends sald. Sources cl ... to Hunt aald ... youth ~ sailed upenslve -and drove fast qrs. Wblle'Hunt owned bl.s yacht -.rage iil!>inees aJon& Newport's Mariner's Mila be"""''". tlmo al the lla1 Oil>. • Goldberg Heads Probe Into Raids On Panthers . , NEW YOllK (UPI) -Former am- .,..,_ 1o the United Natt°"' Arthur Goldberg ""' Iii other dvil rights, legal and polilical leaders announced today they wlB f..m an !ndepeudtm com· mi>doo to ~ Ille reatmmt ol Black Panthers by police In Chicago, Los Angeles and oll1tl' dtles. Goidberg l!l8ld "grave doo.bls have arisen" about Ille legality ol receot police raids on Black Panther Party head- quarten wbich killed two Panthers and 'Ille -llOid In later yesn he ..... noodr!Dnr. Tiie lut Mn. Hun~ her l.unlly aid, was a diabeUc who also IUf. fers from other lllneMes. "She'• a .....ier1u1, ""'""-"trfl"'ul -...., but lbe'• awfU1Jy nervous.." • COUlin aid CJUlaido pollco besllquarters ear'1 11111 momlnl, lnllde, tho lucid, but clWaugbt ""'· Hunt submitted wtwngly to extensive In- vestigation. "She was very cooperative/• 'lbollipson sald. In a call to • Los Angeles lawyer she was overheard to say: "Yes, il ••all about Dru. , .we were very happy ... very happy." DurBlg her trlnlfer into different or~ fices In tho police bulldirig the woman nervously clasped her hands to her face several times. She S1>0ke empliaU~ly, but bunt into Um often. Thompson described her as relatively calm as the hours wore on. As Mra. Hunt's uncle and, cousin stood waiting outalde a matron and patrolman brought ~ woman out a conidor at 2: 15 •.m. far the tramfer to Orange County Jail. There were loud cries. "'I love you," the cousin shouted. "J love you too, honey.'' Mrs. Hunt replied In tears . During the next momerU Mn. Hunt shouted information on where the famUy could fmd her daughter. "Lola ••. Sbe's with ·Lola ... you don 't know her, she's Will's ex·v.ife tn C-OS1a Mesa." She said JJOthin& more. Three Arrested Jn .Laguna Tlwhs led to the~ and art'8I <i olhen. A trio ol laqlary llU8pt5da wbo Speaking in the offloe ·ot h NA.o\Cp 1au1rledlJ' made h mistake of trying to Legal D<ieM. Fund, Goldberg aOtd, ' aell 1196 """°' ol'lltoleo ._., equlpmeot "This Is (Ding to he an orderly, to~ polJce lnwstlgal« was -In• dlopusionato loqulry ,. Lapia &iacli motel early today. · '!lie llllp<ds """ turned aver Ill pollee "Hal a Bl""'P been alngJed Cll1I and has Jn San Ch!mente where the equipment -. -been uaad?" be ubd. .... reported taken In • ..Cdeotlll ""1g. lary'.laat ...... Quinn Supports Alcatraz Tribe · for In~ -c.e, Lquna l!Oadl pollce loclled the meo, JC..nelh LIQYd M-. ' ~ David Arnold ~. ;1, and •.11-year-old youth lo a , motel l'OOO'l at &35 S. Ooast Highway, wblc!1 an pve .. -addrea. SpoliJng Che ..... equipment Jn the rocm llld pledll( toplier Information lheJ bad -cMm. the Lquna olfiCfn checked l!an a..-. to ... If Jhat city bod lliri .ullOlved llereo burgl&1es on lt• bol:U.. 'Ibe arwwer was yes, and a San Cl--llpkr s1"pped by the tootel. where a lilt.empt was made lo sell blm the «1alpnml, aocording to San Cltmeole police chitf Oilford Murray. Laguna -pollce made 1he arnsts, luminC 1he 9l8pt5Cts and Ille ste<eo equip- ment om-to Siil Clemente authorities, but 1114-~ retained as evidence for ~ Ill'"« "' dr1l)I c:barges • col, ~-., -which tl>oy reporied fm- dq ...... -n>Oll1. "Down ·11ee Mission Tl' all • New Sanitation Group Forming SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -,.,,. City Council has actepted the first draft on the !..motion <i the Southeast Regional Rtclamatlon Authority. When details are worked out the agen- cy will join the San Juan Capistrano, Capistrano Beach, Santa Margarita, Mou1ton Niguel, Dana Point and Santa Ana MourUins district into one sanitation district, according 10 T. J. Meadows, Capistrano Public WOf'ks director. A committee representing each district Is studying 1be plan which may create ooe central sardtation facility to serve the Saddleback Valley. e GOP Women to Install MISSION VIEJO -The Republican Women's Club of Mission Viejo will in-. 1tall officers Tuesday. ReservaUons for the event to take place at 10 a.m. in Buffy's Reslaurant in Laguna Niguel will be taken unW Sattir- day by calling Mrs. Ursu1a Spencer at 837-2844. A short b~ session will ac.. company the installation. e Nig•el Dance Slated LAGUNA NIGUEL -The Niguel Art Asooclatlon'• first Cbrlstmu dinner -will be 8taged ~,: To become an annual ~ent. the dinner dl!nCe will begin with a social bpiir at 7 p.m. and dinner at 8 in the G<*len Bull Rutaurant · In El Toro. · Danclni and entertalnmeot will be JrOVlded. e Toro Plans Partv EL TORO -Members ol 1hO El Tm> Laguna lliJIJ Exdlange Club will host a Chrlstmas party for members and guesls Thursday. Tickets al 13 each may be purchased from any memb« f(r the 8 p.m. activity in Manning's Restaurant, Leisure W«ld. e Oriefttatlon Set MISSION VIEJO -Orientation pro- grams klr new day students at Sad· dleback College have beeo 11.'heduled al 10 a.m. 'l\JoSday, Tlruraday and Friday. Appoinlmenls may be made by calling the per&Olllld olllce, 81'1-l'IOO. e Madrigals to SlllfJ ---LAGUNA HILLS -"A Christmas in Song and Verse" will be performed for the Pan HeUenic Club at O.ubhou.se Two in LeWre W<rid Wednesday •t 1:15 p.m. by Saddlebact CoDep'1 Mod er n Madrigab. 1hatlOflibodyktheGolCotnpanycu1fomerservicemon. When he coU1 ot your hou&a he moy be driving one of the more tfian 1,200 vehicles In our fleet which we ore conftrting to run oft notvrol gas. Becauq we've found that using natural gas as a fuel In motor vehicles sharply reduces the pollutants i" vehicle exhaust-the source of _., l'Ol(. o1-.· ........ for Oll'er a century} but because notu1ol gos burns cleaner. It eliminates most air-polluting substances before they ever get started, We're eoft'ltrting our fleet of truc\:s to "9tural oos, not itist beccMe that'• thtt butlnn1 we're in (and hove been We don't claim that use of natural gos in fleets of trucks is going to dean up the air ovemight. Bl.rt it will help. • Wt think we've taken a step ahead-one that's worth the effort. After all, Wt breathe the some air you do, W.'re l,,...nlng In tomomw, ' ' \ j l(illers' Clothes Sought Police, Suspect Search ll_ills N,ear Scene , LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Two dozen poU-,.._pani<d by SU!al1 Atklnl, a IUlpeCt.tumed-tnformer tn the seven Sharon Tate-LaBi8.DCI slayings, scoured the Hollywood hills Sunday. They repo~ty searched for the bloody clothing discfll'4ed by the killers involved in the Tate massacre. Authorities maintained s t r l c t e 1 t secrecy about the purpose ol the searcli but they did reveal • rusty .38 caliber pistol was found. However, police would not. comment whether the gun had any connettion MUt the cue. A spokesman al the Brand lnslltuta where MW Atltias, ll, is being held, con- ceded the girl was releued to aificus and that ahe was involved in the search. A court order signed Friday provided for the girl's removal from the priSOn for eight houn. Police also used a helicopter IA their .. arc1t, which lasted sbt hours · and In- cluded 80 Explorer scouta. "All 1 can say ls that we are aearchln.1 on the ground Ind IA the air and 11'1 IA connecllon with the Sharon Tate cue." police Lt. Robert Helder 1aid. Ht: would not comment on.what investigators wtre seeking, ciUng a court order banning comment on the case, but lt was believed investigator1 sought bloodied clothing Miss Atkins said the gang threw away the night of the Tate slayirlp Aug. 9. Miss Atklnl, who ls charged with seven counts of murder in the sllytngs of five penoM at actress Sharon Tate'• home and the killings of supennarket owner Leon LaBianca and his wile the followinc nJPt, w11 l<I enler a plea Tueaday. Puuiners Study Hotel Expansion At Meet Tonight Chamber Manager Denies Reports of Resignation . With hote1 owner Loren Haneline's plan ror future expansion of his Vacation Village property highlighting the agenda, Laguna Beach planning commissioners face a lengthy agenda at their 7:30 session t.onighl Also up for diseussion will be the legali- ty of a recent planning commission resolution in the Sands ver!US Shoals dispute over use of' the Bluebir'd Canyon Road extension. This action, questioned by city attorney Jack Rimel, comes back to the planners from the city council for clarification of findings. Opening the meeting will be the first public hearing on zoning ordinance amendments designed to replace an in- terim ordinance adopted in August to modify provisions regarding setbacks, yard requirements and density in certain zones. Planners will be asked to interpret criteria limiting retail uses in the M-lA (light lndustrial} zone and also: -Act oo Josephine Mutke's request to add a famtJy room at 574 Bluebird Can- yon Drive, a request defef'erd from the last planning session because of in· sufficient data. -Determine if abandonmenl o( a por- tion of Park Avenue for the proposed library expansion is In aimpliance with the existing general plan, as required by state law. -Approve as a home occupation mail order sales of small packaged items. -Declare as legal the division into two SO.foot. lots of an Arch Beach Heights parcel which currently is assessed as two building sites, but lacks formal approval. -Review a petition, algned by ?8 pro- perty owners and business people, seek· ing provision ol parking !acllitles in the S. Coast Highway area. Art Loving Thief Steals Exhibit A thief with a taste for art has made off with part of the Hotel Laguna's lobby exhibit, police report. Taken from a wall In the lobby, pro- bably on 'lllursday or Friday, was a framed pine cone flower plaque, the crea· lion of artist Harlan Terwllliger. The plaque, valued at $50, is in white, gold and yellow, according to police. To Elect New Chief HONOLULU (UPI) -The Island of Oahu's 1,000 police officers we re asked Sunday to cast .secret ballots to help with the select.ion of a new chief. Honolulu Mayor Frank F. Fa.si said he believed "This is the first lime a major police department has used th i s democratic process in helping the police commission to select a new chief." "I !eel like Mart Twain did when he read a newspaper accwnt ~his death ; I feel the account Is •ll&l>Uy P1"'114lure." Warren Morgan, Laguna Be a ch Chamber of Commel'C! manager since September 1966, referTed to a Saturday Laguna News-Post story aaying Morgan is leaving and saying dbsati.!lfaction with his performance bad come to a head. Morgan said he had for some time c;on- templated retirement in March because of his age-?O on March l?, and because of the urging cl both hi• wife and doctor that he slow down. Morgan is hosting a Calllomia Associa- tioo of Chambes-of Coounerce Ez:ec:u- tives convention hen Feb. 11 through 14. lie had told the DAILY PILOT Thunday that be was not contemplating leavinl bbl Laguna Planner To Seek Degree Alvin 0 . Autry, Laguna Beach city planner since early 1966, will resign in February to return to college for a degree in planning and municipal management. City Manager James D. Wheaton said Autry's resignation will come before the City Council Wednesday. Autry will at- tend Cal-State. Fullerton. Wheaton said he will propose separa- tion or the building and planning departments as they \\'ere before aim- bination in 1963. Clyde Z. Springe, city planning and building director, will be building director. The city manager will recruit for a planning director. Mike Easley, assistant city planner, will remain in the post. Wheaton said the work load in both plan• ning and building departments has in- creased greatly. Wheaton said Autry may remain with the city on a part-Ume basis while al· tending school because of his ability and knowledge of local planning such as the general planning study now under way. Lagunan Escapes As Auto Rolls A South Laguna man escaped !llerious injury when his small foreign car Jpun out of control and rolled four time3 on Laguna Canyon Road early Saturday. Police said John Martin Gallagher, 28, of 31681 Fairview St. apparently was trying lo pass two cars westbound in the Canyon when his vehicle left the roadway shortly after 3 a.m. Taken by ambulance lo South Coast Community Hospital Gallagher was released after emergency treatment fot minor injuries. FOREMOST AMONGST THE PROBLEMS OF. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS GETTING WAITED ON! Not so at old Joel Bidwell's. We hive •nough Santos here -no waitin9 - •ach •timid, quiet, treined expert an What's new in menswear. W o also have what c o u I d easily bo ono of tho finest assortments of sweaters, shirts, neckwear, slacks, sport coats and raincoats. If that im't enough, we sell gift cor!ificatos. They ere eracffy the right size and eoJor. If you can't reach him with one of these, he's unreachable. (But we are, and we're open until 9:00 beginning Wednesday.) Chamber post. Morgan said today tllal he bad plmled to avoid any terminal a;cUon ud.U after the conference IO that it will be held 1D Laguna as planned. "N!. host Chamber executive," aald Morgan, "I could not retire before the conclave without putting Laguna in an embarrassing position. "I have never been fired from any kind of a job and I've held some pretty big O'l'le.!i." Han-y Lawrence, Chamber president, was not immediately available to cOm· ment. Morgan said the Chamber Board fJf Directors will meet Tuesday to discUa hil propoeed retirement and conslder alternatives to Chamber management and f<rmUlatlon ol a program to present the city for ne1:t fi!cal year. He said he had initially hoped to re- main active in the Chamber in some capacity, possibly in an advisory posltkrl. "If and when I leave the Chamber manager post, it has been my hope and intention to continue to Contribute lo tht spread of goodwill and friendly interest in · Laguna Beach and assist the Chamber wherever possible," Morgan, a Leisure World resident, said. DAILY PILOT OltAHGE. COAIT' ru•LllHLHG COMrAH'f' ••INrt N. w,,, P•ttlll111t ...cl l"ublislltr J•clr It. Curl•v vlu ,.,.,llltnt •r~ G..,.,•I M11119tr n.,,.,, k•••il l!dl!or Tho"''' A. MurlJfi;,,, MtMlllfll ldllw Rich1,..J P'. Nill L19""' 9••~ Cl!y IGlllr Let•• Inch Office 221 for11t AY1nu1 M1i!IR9 AJdrtu' ,.0. 1011: 666, 9J652 Otltor OffkH Co1!1 Mn1: UO Wnl 9ty :Sltfft HtWPOrl 9t1c": 211 1 Wnl 9t!b01 ~i.wor4 h~nllnglo,, 9t<th: llllS 91t<h IOV.e¥ttl . OAILV PllOT. wl1~ wtilc~ )I. '°"'blNI ,,,. Ncw •. p,.,,, "' "'b'lth:G dtll"I' ··~CllPI SIM· dlY 111 lt'Pll•t 11 ldl!;o..1 !or L1911111 911cr.,1 HtwPOtt ''""· c1111 Meu. H..,11n91on le.'CR -,_11111 V•lll'f, •llnl wUll ..... •ttllnel tdlllor.I. 0••"" Co.nt P111>1~i..1 c-1ny pr!nllfllll pl11111 ••• .t 2211 Wfll Biiiot• 91Yd,, Nt..._1 lt:cl'I, lfld 111 Wnl ley 5trffl, Cooll Mht. ,...,.. ... (1141 .. , •• ,.,, Clrc1l.tlo• 0.,1. 64J-4JJI COP\'•lgl'lt, lHt, OU11tt Co111 Pubtl1hl"1 Comp•ny. tit 11~1 110rle1. lllv1IFt!lorl1. ldl..,rltl ""n., ., t dw rl11rmont1 ,,.,.,,. ""' l>t tltor'OducQ w;!Mur t0t<i.I per• ..,1u1t1 el tODYr lgl'lt 1w,,.,., S«Dnd Cll11 PO•I .. • pelol ti H~"'1 l.,ct. t ncl Cosl<I Meu , CtlHotnll. S..il'terlpl:tn by , I c··rrlt r UOO ""~t~ly: bY "''II S:UO """lfotyr ... 11111•y d11t111111or11, 12.oai· """'1~1r. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido Telephone 678-4510 ?tfucho parking directly behind my store f • • • • . 'I J l !1 I I I Newport B~rho~ Today's Flnitl N.::Y. S~ ,. . . VOL. 62, NO. 299, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES · ' . TEN CENTS ew Ho.pe Slim· For Fliers Lost at Sea Little hope remains today' for the survival of two missing Orange County aviators, but allelic<>pter is f risscrossing ~:·.sea of( San Onofre, . following discoyeey of shatten!d but floating debris lri>m their plane. AJ:mOUneement of the dbcovery Satur· day by two fishermen five miles offshore was withheld until ·it l"Cluld be definitely established Uiat the parts are from the missing Cessna. Vauglm Cornish, 29 of 113 18th St., Newport Beach. a flight instructor, and his student. James Parker Jr., 24, of 1722 Stonehenge Drive, Tustin, took gfl from Fullerton late Thursday or early Friday. "The nosewheel and landing gear strut definitely belong to the missing plane," said William Griggs, president of Avia· lion Facilities Inc., which owned the vanished aircraft. . The most my~rious •aspect of the disappearance of. the ~a 150 is why C<rnish, an experienced Qier; depai;ted FullertOn Municipal .\irport during night hours when -tbe field iS shut iiown. Nb explanation has been offered for the dark hours deplrture'·and no fiiJht plan was filed befau the men took olf, .i:. cording to the Civil Air PatrOI. Griggs posiUvely identified the debris ~v4red abolit. 70 'aerlal .milts from \he iitporl: through pilnt saniples, causing searchers to shift from the nigged Santa Ana Mountains to the storm-driven sea. The inflated nosewheel kept the parts &float and they were hauled aboard ~ boat operated by John D. Horn, 43. of Riverside, and Jonny Sweeney, 39, or San Bernardino. The nlen turned the debris over to the Oceanside Harbor Department when they came ashore after the fishing trip and authorities ordered an immediate aerial 1;earCh of the area. Choking fog drifted over the area Sun· day afternoon, forcing an end to the hunt for traces of Vaughn and Park.er, &s U.S. Coast Guard and CAP aircraft returned to their bases. . Mrs. Parker, a Western Air Lines stewardess, has been unable to shed any further light on why the men took off when they did during questioning by authorities. Funeral Slated For La1u·a Steen Fu neral servicts will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday at St. James Episcopal-Chu rch, Newport Beach, for Laura Davis Steen of Corona del Mar who died Saturday at Hoag Memorial Hospital at the age ol 74. Mrs. Steen. a resident of the area for the past 40 years, lived at 1721 Galatea Terrace. Her husband, Edwin, died Jn Septem· ber. She was a member ol the Angelitos de 01'0, Fine Art! Patrons, Newport Harbor Service League , Irvine Coast Country Club and Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Survivors include a son. Willi~m Mc· Dowell ol Corona del Mar and two grand· children. The family suggest that those~who wish lo do so may make a contribution to the Harbor Dav School Memorial Fund. Co- rona de! Mar. • Burial will be at Pacific View Memor• lat Park. Singing Tree ' . Highlights F ete A 7D-member '"Sin,ing Christmas Tree" will ~ Balboa Ialand'a second a~ nu~I "Chrbtm&I ~I~" ' celebration, whlcll .... ll11der "IY loday. The "Slnglng Chrislmu Tree" vocal J?roo p from Anaheim's Western High School wlil perform on the lsland's main item next ~fonday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. Beginning tonight, tbert will also be ea-ro)ers roaming I.he shopping . ~rta. Singing grouf)! tha t plan to paruc1pate Include choirs from Corona: del Mar, Es· t.a ncia. Harbor high schools. Lincoln In· termediate. the Harbor Youth Group and the D;:in P1uley Choir and Band from PaAde~. Santa Claus will be on haad each eve. ning throu«h Christmas Eve to g r '-e l young visitors. (' ' or a .Final l' ote Tonight ·-. :~ El • ,,__ t -H - ' ere Sixth Wife Newport to ·Okay Tidelands Fees Held After Stabbing By JOHN VALTERZA Of "'' Diiiy l'lllt ,,.., Newport Beach-city councilmen tonight are expected to cast their final 4-3 vote for tidelands use fees. Before municipal lawmakers will be the final draft of an.ordinance·establish· ine the controveraial fee structure. It-is to receive its aecond and final· reading. City Attorney, 'I'1llly ·Seymour said the ordinance would be in effect 30 days af. ter its adoption toniglit. But pier..owners will not have to pay any use fees until March 1. "It ' was decid~d that ls the best time to program it through the finance de- partment." said ' Seymour. "It's just an accounting proposition." Thfi council alignment on the issue has not changed since the first vote more than ·two months ago. Favoring "the· fees are Mayor Doreen Marshall, Vice Mayor Lindsley· Parsons, councilmen . Robert Shelton and Paul J. Gruber. Those OP' poseed are councilmen Ed Hirth, I>On- ald A. Mcinnis ~nd Howard Rogers. All of the city's· 3,$32· residential and coinmercial piers will be aubject to a $10 annual inspection fee. with pa.asap of the ' -ordiflance. A little less than half of the piers will be subject to the tide-laOO~ use fee . Residential pier-owners will pay $15 annually. Commercial own· ers 11,·ill pay 50 cents per lineal foot of slips and side-ties. Willis Hunt , prominent Newport ll<acll yacht · broker · ~ former husband of 19409 mov,ie sez $Ymbol' Carole Landis, was-stabbed t.o d8ath ·during an argument withhil•aidh wife·&.lnday nlpt in tbeil; C<niia Ml Mar lmle. · Hunt,: si ~~ by clciso friends u "a· play~",aOO wh:> traveled· for "years tn Balboa Bay Club social cin:ltil, •as found lhortly ·before 9 p.m. still alive, lying in the pooi area of the e1:pensiv• home at 2516 Harbor View Hills Drive, police said . His hysteric'al wife, Dwillia Hunt, 43, was at his · side. She was arrested on a ch3rge of murder. Plan Chief Asks County • Huht, allegedly atgued with his stight, bnineUe wife shortly before 9 p.m. Detective Sgt. Kenneth Thompson said. the-dis"pute centered around disc\pllne , of Dru Hunt, 12, Mn. Hunt's daughter by a f<i"mer marriage. Hunt had recently Acquire More Shoreline , adepted the girl, S9UJ'C'S said. : • DA11.v PILOT'"",..... Thompsoo said Hunt was stabbed once · 1N:l!AliDi:W'J1.,;;' · :.w~· ~1$'~~ .. HT:GQES .. TQ~'lA i: ·~ · .: . folhe'\iiest"i\l)a~•·'l'heuwestigator By TOM BARLEY Of lfll Diiiy ,,. ,..,, Oringe C«znlJ·~'..iin·1>t ulf ed "'"°~ to 'F!uir• 'r .. alninl un-' devt\Opedi, .J~°'.'!""'\Y.~line,bl • P arinlng Deparimlml PniPo'al t!lat places Salt Creek Beach between Monarch Bay and Dana Point as the number one priority. Th ose recommendations will be con· tained in a two-phase presentation Countian Shot In Tavern Fight Shooting victim J ohn D. Kelley, 29; wa s in serious oondition today at Westminster Community Hospital, (ollowing a Satur- day morning quarTt1 ~tside a Westminster tavern in which be .was hlt by four shots from a .22 calibe:f pisotl. The Garden Grove man was shot twice in the neck, once in the chest aad once in the stomach at 12:30 am .. Saturda y ou tside the Daisy Mae JI 'ar, 7392 Garden Grove Botrievard. Police today are consulting with the District Attorne y to determine what charges are to be filed against suspect John W. Ruschak, 24, who was arrested on charges of assault with inrent to com· mit murder following the altercation. Lt. Don Saviers of the Westminster Police Department said the gunplay ap- parently developed over a female patron at the bar. Stfflc llf•rket NEW YORK (AP) -llecllolng .J""" overcame an early lead •by advance& as the stock market continued to drtft lower in moderate trading today. <See quota· lions, Pages 22·23). 1 I'!....._. "'1: P•" "', •hh I ' »!'.w GJorlo J_:;.,. • • d1d ·dot-dl8Cioi;;111" lj'Pe'ol kri1fe Uled or prepared ·for the boori ·by·l'lc!iiiir· · ~., • .,. · · "'·· '"''. ·• · · '.',"'" · · · ·•. ---.. · ··lhe~clupl f~ol<tlie·st•bl!h11· ~ ·"•' ·~iif!~i!f · ··~~~~""···•··:.:~ 1.w:; ,_.,~, ... :td=~ii~r·;= r.~~i:~= •.. Dri~;itf~i~e l'~.n;, "· '.'iil;t·. ::i~;::,~~~~·nw B;e~•,llji .. ''in tli(f""'' '.,, -~~~.I,~~·'"; 9'lf~:::.C:'." •. ; ·~~' ' _irbjif: ,'' . litt~.~ uic:roomatJ :301.m~. . x~ ..... ~";•···· .. '.1 • :~~· ' ......... -~ ' .••. ;i ": :r-_. c ~Oa}it ·L«l~slid. sh~;~ne500bet~'::' ::acbt"~J ~ ~-it ·\•· s· t. · St-·-=-t-·· -R·· ~· ·11 .:~~ i_: 1e1!~1b;~'m:a':e~·;:::: ~~0Z Corona ·11e1 Mar and an undeveloped J. 0 ne1p1 e a e U es Hospital. On hia arrival he crled "H~lp stretch Of beach wJthiR the city limits.of • t· • • • me ... help• me" twice and died Huntington Beach \\'OUid also be sug. ' -~ lltp', infonn~ .sources said. gested to supervisors as ideal targets in ~ ~a"? of fou~ phys1c1a~ worked for an} campaign of beach acquisition. Gov. Rea1an • today appointed ·Orange "Notse,expo&ureJimita\ai'e~wharwe-need. more than 3t1 minutes, US1ng open·heart County Airport., expans,ion foe Daniel These would include tioth decibel levels ma · and the fr t' 1 It is expected that U1e present status of and the number of alliJwable fliihts." ssage _o, ! an tc measures o Salt Creek Beach and the denisl of public Emory1 of ~· Beach to a seven· He said by ~stabli.Shi!tg such standards revive the man . access by Laguna Niguel Corporati6ri Will member-ldvis9rY:conmtitl~ whose task beforehand, it rflighf 00. easier to Meanwhile, Mrs. Klint -herself n1ar· be diSCll.ssed at the meeting. will ~ to' develop statewide jet noise overcome PolitiCfl.I opposit.io'n to 'new ried five tifl.les -was taken into custody, If it is, Oiclwon.said, "I can only con-standards. · airports. _..,Fullerton ind' Ahlheim havt booked. and questioned at police head· firm what I said last weelt -th1t I am : Emory, 37, is one ·ot two .California this,pro~li!m now," he..said.. quarters. ~t~ve ·th,~t a so!Utioo will be reached in o,·uaen leaders named to the committee. She wore a velour pullover shirt, Jeans this issue. · and a thick whJte coat. The planning <¥rector is·confident;thlt 'The· other, is Mary Lou Crockett, who T\ _ ~ · ~ _ h 'Ac:c0unts 'pieced together from family the county_ !"Ill move to ~cqulr~ "'~nls h6ioe~rs' ~"".in/Ille ~tor· .,,,ug· t -and police i!ldicaled that the beachf~t Jn the , area ~ U\11'. ~e Iloe: 'Ailge!ea.JJftemattonaJ Airpmt ·area., ~ • , _ .... , . ... 1 : • daughter fled the house to a neighbor's ~orny 1.5~~ or·~bhc aooess to fhorihne Other committee memberi Include or. B Co F d home down the street before the ltabo m the VJC!Qlty will be ••solved. ficl>ls ol uie stale depoflm~nts of heaith y unty oun bing ."I think we 'll .come to an understanding and educaflon, P'!e Call~QnUa ~ague pf . . . ~ . _ .. · -• Aboot•an hour after the stabbing one of with ~guna Niguel one ~ay. °1: another Cities, Comity Sui)ervl~' 'AssocjatiOn ' D ·', . ' • · ·. · .. · HUnt'a ex-wives drove to the house and and l ."!1 sure .that a !Oiullon ISO t too far and tbe N"allonal Air Ttansport'A:s$0c:Ja·. .ead ID Ai·1zona picked Up the family 's three dogs and a~.ay. he said. . . Uon. . . . then found the daughter. We may aoh•e it on the basis of a Emory, of : USO· ·Golden' Circle, is Dru was relea.sed to the woman 's mutu~I agretmeJ_lt, or it may be by -:ay chainnan of the Airport Noise "Abatement A controversiillo!iteopath who failed to custody, police said. of eminent domain (county ~ndemnat1~ Committee, which he hel~d found two appear in Orange County Suj>erlor co'urt ~e Hunt home, which the couple had or Laguna Nlruel land) but Im sure we II years ago. , Friday for hearing on a pistol assault owned for five years is located on a cor· get our public access." A technical writer, he testified at cas_e d~ed· 'in Phoenix, A'riZ., over the ner in the moderaiely e x p e n 11 i v e Dickason is presently linking his le~lative hearings on As!Mlmbly Bill 645, weekend, his bod}' riddled with 8 massive neighborhood. · deparbnent's analysis of present and pro. which called for ooise abatement pro-infection. Pale green and dark blue Christmas posed cowity ownership of shoreline with cedurts at Califorpia airports, earlier Or. DaniefFridena, 45, who liVed·at 1_19 lights flashed along the eaves. A large what he states is "complete re·analysls this year. Opal Ave., Balboa Island, when-tlie star bWk , from white lights twinkled and . updating of the Ma~ter ~Ian .of The .meuure, co-rponaored by original case occurred last July, was down from a chimney ; an ~xpenslve 1and Regional Parks · comblmng it With Asse mblyman Robert 'E. Badham (R· found ·lying incohertnt on a Phoenix bus camper stoOd in the dnveway. Beaches and Harbors to brfng all county Newport Beach), was a ppr o v e d slreet before being hospitalized. Ar. Jnvestllaton. combed the house fn. regio~ .. recreation facllitiet into one overwhelmingly. The governor's advisory Off(ciala at St. Joeeph's Hospital said side~ teenage girls drov.t up to aak If plan.• commJ~. wu irovided for Jn the he had pneumonia ln'both lunp, an ex· the. was lhe ooe which had. the Dickason said his deportment Is legillatlcih. The noiae llandardJ .are to be tensive lticliley Infection and in al>scess. • • ("8 MURDllJI, P• I) discussing the overall/Ian with coa!lal in effeet by Janumj,-1171. ncl ,.._ •. ...,..-.......... _. ...... ___ .;_..;;.....,.._, city plaming 1t1ffs·an hls aim ia to in· "I .thlnk this ii a good ot>PC>riunlly for draininglil bil lower baik i ·abdofnen. volve at least·five eoastal communlUes in us to~ up wJtli IOn'lething ~than Dr. Fridena .had been adi!ituled to ~ ....... ' Co..a th .. flnal lhoreline analysjs.. . Jusl declM!· llll\lll." '1!11\C!17 •Akl ·today., pear in c;purt in'Santa AJia Flllda)'.and •· ,1 • , • • .. ,. # • 1 bench warrut foi"' hii~.wu~ w,lien Ke failed to shM(uj> .. Student UCI· .Role-Illegal lie was ilrrested by Newport Beach police July 21 after alleJCdly pilling .. gun on a LorAnR:eles department store detective 'who confronted him at the Isla,. ,residence in a furn It u re re~ at&empt. Tl C . , S A . . S · L Waltai:. D. • Brown, employed , by tey. ant erVe OU . ccidemic enute . ., Bulloclt'!• l9ld .lnvestlgat1111 officers ,at , . .. , , the tJme, that he was trym1 lo get boClt ff Y'"''""walting (or tho log io Ill~ )'OU'vt ~ •-!Ong nit. Tues· d1.1 Jll'Qlnilel more Of die. samt, with bu)' 111nlhlno 1111 occlslt!n ' .... .,..tura atuck in the By THOMAS FOR1\JNE Several oPiniOllS wn· olm.d .at· that ' ' The<deciflon "":that :Ml per«llt ol the ~:=~with a 11,000 checNtHll nie uc;.;,. -;:,;;; .:Y rec<ived ~~ ~;:;~011;.i~:'B~· ~ty :.!,..t,,"f;;"'tur~~~:~ .. -a:4~ ·~1:'1 wt~~to ~ word that lts llCIJOll to include_.. AJIOt!)I Joseph' Ardlttl1.,_te<!Ja dual ,._ !' · J>r '"'"' ""' P6oOrifi ....,,.,. iiei llod . ., voting l1l<tllbm ol lhe Academic Sen-voting syotem wlth a rul."fiite and then the ... ind•to l!odr tll ·~· · ' : 'llliere author1.la Mid !:i...r ale hu....., declared ''without farce and a straw vole ol professor1 'only ·to be re-The UCI A<-8-tbhUhad li"" been In.~ bniob wlth ~. "°"' effect." corded for~ Uolverslty1 . , lied student;~_,. bul -matter., ·~ A/tJ'll with the nullificaUon came the "We coold stJJI glve-nls j>O'tm ancl a VOW. kc-mon tllltn a ,..,..JI opened · Wlll'llinl that ¥ the UCI prolesson per· politely r<qUtOt they not vOI< on lfantlU ill _, to 1inf!mlt<d student olmrvers Mi.ss Devlin Sayt1 She's Not -Guil ty fu Riots •ist and do moke students voting mem-degrees or --." 11< 11ld. • · ·' Ind prlvll•P ~ rrom ihe floor bel"t of. the Academic Senate they...,111 be Asslalant Rl"Ofeuor of Sociology l'er· JAst 11pr:ln&1 1 -, jeoperdlii.ng their authority to confer ome Kirk 8ald. "We shou1dn't worry ! Chairman of tht Irvine Senate Bernard degrees to graduates. ~bout what th e regents and Walton's com· Gelbaum Mt6:I thlt tJCI has not com· The notice came from the statewide mlttee think of us. If therwarlt to have mltted anf ill~alftfN1)'.tt as a cornmlltee LONDONDER RY, Northern Jrelend Academic Senate committee on rules an At8dcmlc Senti t.e at Irvi ne they'll ii ~un. \\•orki"ng;on the' Melhod of seleqinl (AP ) _ Bthfadetto n...vun. ploftd i,,.. and regulations •nd was signed by CbaJr. have u~." . , student representaUYes., 1 ' ' lod • ..,... th Sh man LeWis F. Walton of UC Santa Bar· "Is that a clarion·calJ for revolutton1•r 1 SO no studen) Us yep .volt<f'. , . ~nt ~~ to c,ha.r~ts · it e bara and mtmben Harlan K. Pratt ol Graduate Division Dean Ralpft Guard 'Die ruli ng· of tl1e Walton Committee fomented )as\ Au~st a flo'ts Ind threw UC Davis and Louis A. Strai t ol UC San asked • ' wlll be pul b<fort.U.. lia\')".14t 1S""'1>1y · 00•• at pollcem<n. Francisco Medical School. ·No.' for apath)I'." ·said l(h1<, ' I oj'otho ACll<I~ ~ m 'Mol'cll, But • ".f1's, Devlin, 21., a m~b« of the The ruli111 ,.., txpecl<d. The pr<lba· Those of th• l\t,UCI fl<1il)t·mtrq\>etlo; . o.ai,um, eautlonetl thil· ll!Olt polltlc•l 'BritiSh H-Of C••s. r r om b\llt,y o1 II WU ~ •arlier thia who turned out In lictober to voll·the lllU• ~· · would ~tne 1si<mbly wlll Norlhern Ireland: WBI llCC1il0d.fo on Of IS rnooth at a UC! Senato nltttlng, when delll> ln.11 mtlllben. :II to 13, knew lhey . Ill COIJllllltkl!. · . chlll'l!'I ms~ from Ille ~g In the the faculty poolponed doci~1111 1111 ill nest ,..... '°""beyond Ille Uolvenlty Nko e i..not llltre wlltre thal wiD leave Romon C.thohc Bogslde dliitlit Aug,~ move unUI actually receiving the Nllil(. u they bad previ0111ly been inlerprtled. lrvtiit. • -• • \4. • - -· ' DllDll: TOD~ Y· ~ 10 °;&' ctt••n.Ai 1 .......... ::..i .. " ..... " • .. ' • ":ll 11 • l ' ! DAll.Y PILOT N Fog L~fts,. Planes Fly For a -Whil.e A U>lcl; blannt ol fog which kept all plooes IJl'llUlCkd at Orange Coonty AinJor1 and all boat. off the Harbor waters last night hu: illted-t.emporaril)'. Official& at the airport and at the Department of Harben, Be a ch es aJ\d Parks said that the hazy awwhfoe which arrived a1 IO a.m. will give way to more of the thick blinding whll< stuff tonlght and in the early mornin( hours Tuesday . .zero visibility shut down the airprt ~trot tnwer at 6 UUs mmning, but it reopened four hours later. By 11 :30 a.m. !awe< persomel ~ viliblllty of two and -In--miles. Harbor paU'olmal aald viJlbilltJ ruch· e<f three miles at 11 ::r> a.m. While keeping • close watch "' the fOf!, neither the barlior -the airport -nel report<d any problems a& ol 11,30 a.m. Auto Dealership In Mesa Closed Harbor Dodge, an auto dealership operating at 2888 Harbor Boulevard., has been cl<J&ed pending an investigation by the State Board of Equalization. Robert Swick, operatcr ol the Coot> MW agency, bu been unavailable to comment an prec;ilely what ii iDvolvld in the investJ~ MNnWhilt, , the· agency rem$J padlocked wfJh a guard- on ·duty. -Offfclals t1· the -Stat. ~ of Motor Vehicles and Chryzllr Credit Corporation have also indicated they are ia\folvecl irl checking into the qeocy's operations. "''' .......... Siie's. From Newport Nixon Greetings For Yule Mailed .National water ski queen Cheryl Bingley, 22, of Newport Beach - AUStralia,-that is -cuts a pretty good figure ashore on a Sydney b"l!<;li: top. It's a good f>..t h,er bathing suil never got wet. " ' Storm Lashes Northwest for ThotlOlllibedy it the C..Compony customer serviceman. When he colts of your hovte ht may be driving ona of the more thon 1,200 vahides in our fleet whlc.h wear• converting to rvn on ncrtvrof gas. Because we've found that UJing natural gas as o fuel in motor whldtt 1harply reduces the pollutanh in vehicle 1xhoust-the 1ource of neorty-90'Y, of todoy'1 smog. We're converting out fleet of trucks lo natural gas, not iust because thot'1 the bl.Kineu we'N In (and hove been , Travelers' warnings were issued for southern New Engla!lll Into nonhealllem Pemoylvanla, ""11--.. New Je<11ey and the lower Hudsoo VaJley. Gale Wlll1l- ings were posted from Eastport, Maine, to Block Wand, RI. Foot4eep enows aJowm traffic at Bradford, Pa., and in the area ol Bradley International Airport in Connecticut. for over a cenfuryl but because natural gas burns cleaner. It eliminates most oir·polluling sub1tance1 before they ever get started. We don't claim that use of natural gac in fleets of trucks is going to clean up the air overnight. But it will help. We think we'vt token o step ahead-one that's worth the effort. Af1., oil, Wt breathe the 10mt air you da. ( ' • Killers' Clothe_s Sough~ .. Pol!.ce, Suspect Search Hil:l.s Near Sce-µ,e . . ' -1.()1 AliQELES (VPI) -Two dozen ..... . pee..,_ accompanied by Susan Atkim, ~a ~nformer tn the seven ~· Tate-Lalllanca slayinp, ._.,...,.d iJie Hollywood hllla•Sunday. 111.ey reportedly searched for the bloody clothing discarded by the killers involved in the Tate massacre. Authorities maintained 1 (, i c t e s t • aecrecy about the purpose of the se~rch .... but they did reveal a rusty .SI caliber pistol was found. However, police would not comment whether the Ill" had any Golda Meir Vows Israel Will Hol.d Seized Territory JERUSALEM (AP) -Premier Golda Meir presented her new coalition govern- ment to lhe Tsraeli Parliament today and pledged that Israel will hold on to the Arab Territory it occupied in the 1967 war until peace comes to the Middle East. The 71-year-old woman leader said . however, that)srael will nevet despair of seeking peace with its Arab neighbors. Mrs. Meir told the Knesset her broad· based new government .. demonstrates to the world that the people of Israel are united in determination to face the dif· flcult talks ahead" She blasted the Sovifj Uni00t charging it with supplying anM" for the Arabs to . use in attempting to destroy Israel. She said since the 11167 war the Russians have furnished Egypt $2 billion worth of military equipment and Syria and Iraq '600 million worth. She said the Russians are not in· terested in a peaceful seUlement in the J\1iddle East. for "without tens ion in the area the chief reason for Soviet influence in it would disappear." She also attacked France for refusing to deliver the 50 Mirage jet fighters Israel purchased and Britain for reneging on an agreement to sell Israel Chieftain tanks. fi.trs. Meir stressed Israel's long friendship with the United States but spoke of a "contradiction" in lut week's policy statement by Secretary of State William P. Rogers. She warned against a ''grad ual erosion" of the U.S. position on ways d achieving peace in the Middle EasL The new 24-man cabinet has seven new faces, is younger 8lld is considered more hawkish that its predecessor. There was only one surprise, the appolntinent of Brtg. Gen. Ezer Welmlan transport minister. Weizman, 45, has been, chief of military operatlo~. He is a brother-in· law o( Defense Minister M06he Dayan. Dayan and Foreign Minister Abba Eban retained their posts and Yigal Allon returned as deputy premier. Upper Bay Fire Ruins Garage Flames swept through a residential garage west of the Upper Bay Sunday. causing an estimated $8,000 property losa. Newport Beach firemen said the garage at 2073 Cente.lla Place, owned by Clara Wenholz, was destroyed. The garage was v .. 1 .. A~ Rl $5,000, its gutted storage items at $3,000. 1•0 car was inside at the time of the blaze, which broke out shortly before 5 p.m. Firemen said a possible electrica l short caused the fire, whose flames had reached through the roor by the time emergency vehicles arrived. conpecUon with the cast. ·; connection wK.h the sf.aron Tate case.'\ A spokesman at the Brand 1~ police U . RObut' Helder said. He would • not comment on what lnvesUgators were where Miss Atkins, 21, is being held; ctn-see.king, citing a court order banning ceded the glrl was reJeased to olliOtra comment on the case, but it was believed and that she was involved in the sear~. invesUgators sought bloodied clothing A court Order signed Friday p:oviaed tor Miss .Atkins said the gang threw away the girl's removal from the pri.Son for the night of the Tate slayhlgs Aug. t. eieht hours. J\fiss Atkin s, who is charged with seven Police also used a helicopter In their counts o( murder in the slaylngs of tivt Rareh, which lasted siX houri and ill-persons at aclress Sharon Tate's horTlt eluded 80 Explorer scouts. -and the killings ol su permarket owner "All l can say is that w~ are 8"i;dlinl Leon LaBianca and his wife the followin1 0.1 the ground and in the air and it'•, fl ni&ht, was to enter a plea Tuesday. Fro• Page-1 NEWPORT MURDER. •• Weim.Jll'aoer dogs for, sate. But the dogs had gone by then. HIJlti had worked as a !Bnd Investment representative in recent mootla. Befo~ that he operated Willls Hunt Marine Service in Costa Me , offering outboard motor repair. • Besides his marriage to Miss Land is (\\'ho committed suicide in 1946 over a "broken hearl," accounts said) Huot was \ved to Newport Beach socialite and former model Bobby Hunl. That mar· riage lasted 15 years; sourees said. Hunt also ~-Ed Los Angeles: socialite Dollie Brewer, now the mate ol Hollywood film producer Hal Roach Jr. He had a daughter by his first mar· riage, which was to Mrs. Roach. The daughter, Mrs. Noel Brown, is the wife of a professiona l tennis player from Los Angeles. Huot wu the adopted son of a wealthy family which left him with a trust fund for life, friends said. Sources close to Hwlt said as a youth he sailed expensive boats and drove fast cars:. While Hunt1owned his yacht brokerage business along Newport's Mariner's "Pt1ile he lived for a lime at the Bay Club . The frie11ds said in later years he was a nondrinker. The las~ fi.trs. Hunt, her Fog-shrouded W. County Roads Scene of Wrooks Fog enshrouded highways In West Orange County this weekend caused a profusion of trafnc accidents, including several chain collisions. Huntington ne<ich police lhis morn.ing rep(lrted two injuTy and seven non-injury collisions betwttn 7 a.m. and 8:02 a.m. Three women teachers were hospitaliz· eel as the result of one of the accidents which occurred around 7:30 a.m. at Main Street and Ocean Avenue in fluntington Be-a ch. Taken to 11untington Intercommunity Hospital were Marie Holman and Diane Ream, both of Long Beach and Anita Howard, of Newport Beach. Miss Howard was admitted to the hospital, and the others were treated for minor injuries and released. Another accident around the same time this morning at Newlarxl Street and Paciric Coast Highway in Huntington Beach resulted in another injury, when a jeep rammed a semi-truck-trailer. The name of the injured jeep driver \\'as not immediately available. He was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital 1n Newport Beach. One or the most spectacular collisions Involved a six~ar smashup at 7:46 p.m. Saturda y at Warner Avenue an d Brookhursl, Huntington Beach, which caused no major injuries. family said, was a diabetic who also l!Jf. fers from other illnesses. "'She's 1-W'Onderful, wonderful -:oman. but she's awrully nervous," a cousin said outside police headquarters early uu~ morning. Inside. the lucid. but distraught Mrs. · •runt submitted willingly to extensive in· vcstigation. "She was very cooperative,·• Thompson said. In a call to a Los Angeles lawyer she ~ 1\•as overheard to say: "Yes, it was all about Dru . , .we were very happy ... very happy." During her transfer into dirferent of. fices in the police building the \\'OIT\an nervously clasped her hands to her face seve ral limes. She spoke emphallcally, but burst into tears often. Thompson described her u relatively calm as the hours wore ·on. As Mrs. Hunt's uncle and CGUsin stood waiting outside a matron and patrolman brought the woman out a corridor at 2: 15 a.m. for the transfer to Orange County Jail. There v.·ere lpud cries. .. "I love you.'' the cousin shouted. "I love you too, honey," !\1rs. Hunt replied in tears. During the next moments Mrs. Hunt shouted inrorination on where the family could find her daughter. "Lola ... she's with Lola ... you don 't know her, she's Will's ex-wife in Cost::. Mesa." She said nothing more . DAILY PILOT OllANGE co.osr.PUr.LISHING COMl'AN\I' Robert N. Weed Prailil ... t •rod Publl1lltf' J•dr R. Cwrl1y '"'' Praild..,I 111d G...,11 Mllr.t;er llrto,..11 k11vil Editor lhoM11 A. M1rphirt• MtMOlnt liditor J1ro"'1 F. Collirtt: fftwJ>Ort ••ac:ll Clly l:dlllW He111t1rt S..lrt Offic1 111 I W11t l•lbo1 lowl1~1rl M1 iring Addr111 : lt.O. lo:r 1175, t2,,!- Co1!t Mttt: llO Wt1I 8•Y Strnl LtlllM 8fl(h: nt l'.,ftl A--.ue Huntl""ton •••,II: 1111$ ~ r.~o1v1rd CAILY PILOT ... rlfl Wiik/i ii carnbllled ... N~·PAsl, h. pUllllthH dlllT U CIPf SUtlo dtT In l~fllt MllllO•'ll for L•tun.a ltldl., N-rt •••cit, Cost• M111, Hirn!lfl!llon 11-.<h 1,.S FOWlltln Vlll•V• 1kl .. "'I"' IWllO '""""l .Olr!ona. Orl"ll Co11t P"*h•lllrilt ComPtny prlnl!ng Pl••fl ire 1f 2111 Wnt 8tlbel 81vf., Newport lltlc!I, l t,C .J» Whl 81T Sltfft, Costt Mtu. ,.,.,ai, •• (714) f4Jo4l21 Cl-iflH Adnrtl1l1tf •4J·li•7t Coovr\gM. 1'"· °''"'' COHI Pullll ... 1"" Ctun~•T. iq lllWI 1tor1t1, llluslrll:o.,.. •di:orllt mel1fc or tdvot11lstm1•l1 ""•In mlOV be r•~uc•d wi!f!0\11 ~Ill ,..... rniu ion Of c.opvrill~I OWMr. ~ltO""' <llH p01lt91 lllld 11 Ntwpert IHdt '"' (<1il1 Mf\1, (tlllornll. S11blc•lpUon W <:l'rl•( lil'.00\fr'(lnlhly; llT "'"II 11.50 """'1~1yi "'11111ry d~ 1r11Uon1, 12.co monthlr. " FOREMOST A~ONGST THE PROBLEMS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS GETIING WAITED ON! Not so at old Jaek Bidwell's. We have enough Santas here -no waiting - each a timid, quiet, tra ined expert on what's new in menswear, We also have what c o u I d easily be one of the fine st assortments of sweaters, shirts, ne ckwe ar, slacks, sport coats and rainco.ts. 11 that isn't enough, we seO gilt eertilieates. They ere e1ectfy the right size and color. If you can't rHeh him with one of these, he's unreaehable. [But wo are, and we're open un til 9:00 beginning Wtdnesdoy.) Jack Bidwell 3467 Via bldo Telephone &73-4510 Mucho parking dlroclly behind my store I l . ' • • " • • ' • I i • ' • ' • • I s i 7 ----,----,------.,-~T.--------------.--..,.. -. -~~~----. -.....-. ~ ............. --.,·-~-. ,.... --·-~-... - I ' .- • ... f;ostll ·aesa ' 1 ' .. · .. -•. Tod .. y?• :ftiUil • • N~~~S~ . ' ... .. - VOt. 62, NO. 299, 3 S~CTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY •. DECEMBER 15, 1969 • ( I •I ,,. ·• ' ... .TEN ,CJNTS . . -........ . •, Rich Newport Man . ' . S.tahh~e.d t:o Death ; ' ...... ·~~· ,., " .. ' '.... . ' ·-"""-. ' ' I .,..,"lj • ' IN HANDCUFF·S,-t.\115 . WILLl~l!UNt GOS.STD JAIL Flanked by Patrolman 'Reith Collini,..'l\e_Jrm-'!-foi'I~ 1Eppelflon '" v s • ' -' f .. .-. .. '·. ", ... By JOHN V ALTERZA Of tll• Dill~ ,ill! S!11! Willis Hunt. prominent Newport Beach vacht broker and former husband of ·1940:; movie sex symbol Carole Lal)dis, was stabbed to death during an argument with his sixth wife Sunday night in their Corona de! Mar home. Hunt. 56 described by close friends as "a playboy'• and who traveled for years in Balboa Bay Club soc ial circles, was found shortly before 9 p.n1 . still alive, lying in the pool area of the expensive home at 2516 Harbor View Hills Drive, pol.ice said. HiS hysterical wife, Dwillia 11unl, 43, was at his side. She was arr'ested on a charge of murder. Hi.int , alleg~ly argued with his slight, brunette wife shortly belore 9 p.m. Detective Sgt. Kenneth Thompson said. The dispute centered around discipline of Dru Hunt, 12. Mrs. Hunt's daughter by a former marriage. liunt had rec entl y adopted the girl. sources said. Thompson s;iid Hunt was slabbed oTict In the chest with a kn ife. The investig'ator did nol disclose the type of knife used or the actua l circwnstances of the stabbing. Detecti ves said Mrs. Hunt, or someone identifying herseU as the woman, phoned police and asked for an ambulance. "The caller reported the stabbing. The woman said she stabbed her husband," Detective Capt. Lou Heeres said. Hunt was taken still alive and con· scious by ambulance to Hoag Memorial Hospital. On his arrival he cried .. Help me • • • help me" twice and died moments later. informed 30\lfces said. A· team of foui-physicians worked for m«e than :.> minutes; using open.heart 1111•~1' an<I olb<;• ~ me~ lo reVl ve the man. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hunt -her&ell nle1t· (Se< f>!~J!llE!\. Pag• ZI Look-alike Pair Rob Liquor Store In Costa Mesa Police, Informer Scour A pair of stock,ing-masked bandits in ~rmy fatigue jackets -similar to look- ilikes who wore Navy knit caps in a m~k~ robbery last Thursday -held up 1 ·Costa 'Mesa liquor store for $116 late . Qfnday night. The owner and his wife, from Hun- tington Beach. were marched into the beer cooler at Baycrest Liquor, 3.13 E. 17th St .• at gunpoin t but left unharmed. police said. Louis B. Salalich and his wife ,. Me1rgo, 1aid they were reading a newspaper and tidying up the store room at 11:2-0 p.in. when the masked men strode through the ' aoor. Mrs. Salatlch screamed and fell to her knees on the floor. 'Ibe couple said the bandits, each car- rying a snub-nosed pistol, ordered them to be quiet and demanded to know where they kept the cash. Salatich handed over the money and was ordered into the cooler. while his wife followed him in, walking on her knees, they told police. The robbers were descri~ as in the ir middle 30s. quite cleancut and of mediun1 build, v:hile each wore a green ,\rmy ratjguc jacket. They fit the general description or ~ pair who robbed the Rancho Market, 2400 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa , of $300 and escaped on foot up the boulevard. • Each man in that robbery -both clean. and neatly dressed in identical blue =heckered shirts and dark trousers -wore a Navy woolen cap, but. only one dbplayed a pialol. Hills in Clothes Hunt LOS ANGELES (UPI)~-Two dozen policemen·accompaJtied ·hY Susan Atkins, a -suspect-tumed·infonner in · the seven Sharon .Tate-LaBianca slayings~ scoured the Hollywood hills Sunday. They reportedly searched for the bl~y clothing discarded by the killers involved in the Tate massacre. AuthoriUes maintained s l r i c t e s t secrecy about the purpose of the search but they did reveal a rusty .33 caliber p:stol was found. However, police would not comme.1t whether the gun had any connection with the case. A spokesman at the Brand Institute where Miss Alkins. 21, is be ing held, con- ceded the girl was released to olficers and that she was involved in the search. A court order signed Friday provided for the girl's removal from the prison for eight hours. Police also used a helicopter· in their search, whlch lasted six. hours .and in· eluded 80 E.xplorer scou~ .. "All l can say is that we are searching cm the ground and in the air and it's in connection with the Sharon Tate case.,. police Lt. Robert Helder said . He would not commenl on what inves tigators were seeking. citing a court order banning co1nment on the case, but it was believed investigators sought bloodied clothing f\.fiss Atkins said the gang threw away the night of the Tate slayhigs Aug. 9. Miss Atkins, who is charged with s~ven Stork Market NEW YORK (AP) -Declining issuu overcame an early lead ·by advancet1. as the stock market conUnued 'to drift l~ in m0der1te trading . today. (See quota· tions. Pages 11·23). counts of murder in the slayings of five persons at actress Sharon Tate's home and the killings of supermarket owner Leon LaBianca and his wife the following nigh t, was to enter·a plea Tuesday. Goldberg Heads Probe Into Raids On Panthers NEW YORK (UPI) -FGrmer am- bassador to the United Nations Arthur Goldberg and 25 other civil rights, legal and political leaders announced today they will form an independent com- mission to investigate the reatment of Black Panthers by police in Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities .. Goldberg . saj(J "grave doubts have . arisen" about the· legality of recent police raids on Black Panther Party head- quarters which killed two Panthers and Jed to the wounding and arrest of others. Speaking in the office of the NA.\CP Legal Defense Fund. Goldberg s:iid , ·'Th is is going to be an orderly, dispassionate inquiry.'' "Has a group been singled ou l and ha.'1 excessive violence been used'..'" he asked. Other signers of the statement <tn· nouncing the citizens' conunisslon include former Attorney General Ramsey Cl~rk, .Vietnam moratorium leader Sam BrOwn, NAACP Executive Director Roy Wilkins, Urban League Executive D i r e c t o r Whitney Young Jr., and Clifford Alex· ander, former chairman of the Federal EquaJ Opportunity Commission. . , .. Yule Decor.ati.on.S There are only six. days left lo decOrale your hou~e if you want it included in this y!!ar's• neW, · stteamlined Co6t8 Mesa Christmas ·o&oratiOn JUdging ·c~est. Beginning at dark and lasting until . midnight Sunday and Monday. 14 representatives of city clubs and agencies in the Community Projects Commi,tt,ee will tour Costa Mesa. judging. ()UtdOor home decorations. Unlike previous years, no entry blaflk l!I required , and plaques and ci>.rtificates will be. substituted {or trophy award&; . The av.•ard s will be presented at a January City Council meeting. This is the eleventh year <1£ the contest. The first one was sponsored by the DAI- LY PILOT, and the rest have been financed by service clubs in the com· . munity. Anyone who wants to contact the Ccim- munity Projects COmmittee t<1 let thml know about a noteworthy decoration may write to them care oi the Chamber of Commerce,. 583 W. 18th St. Member• {rom .d>tdolloWlog ·•lubl·will :act as judges:" · -· Costa Mesa · Art Le.ague, Costa Mesa Rotai;Y Club,:co.ta Me.a .ehy :Employ es AssoCiation, HaJecrest" C!Ub1 J(jwanis Club, Harbolt Area Council of Churcbes, Costa Mesa Rotary Club, Costa Mesa Chamber <i Commerce, )Jons Club-B<lys Club, Otange Coast Assocla'tion, Cost.a Mesa Rotary-Girls Club, Girls Club of the Harbor Area and the .Qrange Coast College Decorating Group. ~ Au1e1·icans Killed TAIPEI, Formooa · (Aj'.) .-•Eight American fliers died when 1thelr Air Force CISO Herl:ules transport craabed in a sugar · cane field on Formosa's southwest coast Monday afternoon. U.S. Air Force spokesmen annwnced Tuesday morning. Mesa Firm Gets Al'ms Contract Student UCI Role Illegal A $1.8 million contract for produ ction of nine million automatic weapons am- munition belts has been awarded to " :Osta Mesa fi rm, Congressman James B. Utt (R·Tustin) announced today. The job wtll be done by the Z-0 Products Division or Wells Marine lJ'IC .. !190 Pullman St .. (or the U.S. Army·s Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa., ac· •or<ling to Utt 1'IJe ll,7118,200 assJ'11ment Is for pro- duction ot link cartridge metallic bell!i. ~·as used in machlne guns or cannons. Tlie y Can't Sert:e on Acadernic Senate By THOMAS FORTUNE Of fll• Dfllty ,lllf Sttlf The UC Irvine. faculty today received word that its action to include students as voting members of the Academic Sen· .ate has been declared "without force and effect.'' AJoog with the nullification cttne the "1arning that If the UCI professors per· 1ist and do make students ~voting( metn· bers of the Academic Senatt they will be ' ! jeopardizing their aulhority to conft'r degr~ to graduates. The notice came from the statewide Academic Senate committee on rul es and regulati ons and was signed by Chair· man Lewis F . Walt.on of UC Santa Bar- bara and members Harlan K. Pratt ol UC Davis and Louis A. Strait of UC san Francisco Medical SChool. The ruling was expected. The proba- bility of It wlf discussed earlier thls month at a UCJ Senate meeting, ~'hen the faculty postponed decision on its next move until actually receiving the ,!Ullng. Several opinions were offtted at that meeting 111 to what mJghl be done now. Assistant Professor ol Organipnic Bi- ology Jostph ArdltU suggeJted a dual voting system with a rtal vote and then a straw \'ate Of professors only to be re- (S.. UC RULING, Pap II . _,. ••••. t ' ·-· . ' .. ·: ' ' . -. .. , . -:i:""" • ; ' • ! is on " From -Mesa·'s -fusnrers • • r • • • ' ' " A liability Insurance com'*1Y which redevelopment of:lhe downtown.~:1 will tur~ on,~~ Uihts '~,a-~1 ·1ar aisr> ':p>me• up !Or: dJkusaion, tollowing ciUsen•eboel'vm in Costa liku' 1'011"' atlbmlulon ·of ruff repOrts·on ·financm, cars -1 program curied dn elSeWhere ordered a week ago. -·tia. lpparefttlY fevetHI its' pO&ftion. 1be city council almost voted to give ,'l'he' .-•Meia Clty'.leouni:ll b· tt• the long·tmn job to a group headed by pected to proceed with the cOmmunity Russell Priebe, involved in Long Beach'• relatiam: plan tonight, aftel" ,riviewing · Quetn's Park project, then stalled at t)te <Onteills :or· a Jetfeio. ,,... 'tile· Great' Jut minu,.. ' •-L--• ,....=t~ Tllks on the massive job and what tt Ainer~ JDBUC&nee • ..._,°""',y ~ · " ' will entail dragged on last Monday until Councilmen meet at 7 J>.m. for their councilmen also delayed action on regular btisiness session, with. a · establ~hing. ~ ·policy .tow~ the con· . legislative-.rnettfng ·scheduled for the troverslal Sopiliem California Edison sameititne Tuesday rligbt in· Civic Center CompfinY steam 1 generating ··plant ex· chambers. · Pansion nearby in HuntingtOn Beach. A letter from the city's liability in-· A form'al hearing on the matter ts surance carrier· two week11 ago indicated · schediiled Wednesda)' at 10 a.m. in the it would be unwilling to cover.young J>C1>-Fountain· Valley Community Center pie or. adult cltliens riding along wlth Aoditnrlum, with an overflow crowd e1· police to. learn about law ,enforcexqent: • · pected: Newport. ~h a,nd Laguoa ~.~ch The matter came up for discussion police have already established such a before the council two weeks ago and tt policy, which.giyes residents a chance to was suggested that since air pollUUon iJ see the .problems lawmen face!and how involved, the'city might be wise to take a they ... haildled. . .. stand. . . The Jl!"l'ani im'olv~ti.a· ~J·.,.qpi. F.dlson Coml'l")' officials want 1o add ment>.for I.he Office' Ind patrol car; to· two generatiniwUts to tbe planl Oranp theo"'licall7· preveot expoaing tile cltlun Couilcy Air' Pollution Officer William to a-crlsil IUCb·u .might·occui' in~nonnal .F'itcben already has refused a..pennit tor duty. • • · 'the i!toloct. .. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said 'today. r---------"-'--i however, tbat·the company hi• advised lt will. insure ci.Uzena ridirig .with policemen on patrol, without ·aijditlonll premiUms . .dr problems» · Councilmen William L. St, ~air ·,ug:. gcs ted at the meetiJ:ta: two weeka ago. that perhapt it wa;: ttme to change lnluranct' companies.for all city business if thia was !ht Gnat Amirlcan P>iicy. Seleclion of ~ COlllUlting tinn to bandit Boy ... Runs .Away " After ,Gun Death , ' 8AN ;DQ:GO (AP)· -,.n•wu 111· ac- cidOOI in '#hl<h DiMIJ TremWq, Lt, WU kl1led while. he 1114 Jan Troyan, 14, ... a mined a·.ill calibei plJtol in· Jan'~ hoouO, police said . · ~1 But It terrified Trofan '!I\! Iha!' arti: notifying police by phooe. ~ran ror two days. .,. lnvesU.gators said the bo)' took SfO from hla home. went by taxi to the bus station and bought a Uckel to San Fran- cisco. There .he telephoned a San Diego hospital and was told hit ben. triend wu dead. Jan1spent the real ol the-MO on a bus ticket to Yuma, Ariz., aod lliLchhtked to Phoenix. Pou .. llald he wu Cll'lrC wt1en officers )ilcked him up Sw1dl3 mp!. The Trtmbtoy boy, before clylna, oald" "1as an accidtnt, a police de~\'t aakt. Jan'• pamt& rtturllld him bome loda_y. I "' . Weatlt!f!r I( you're, Waitini for the fog to lilt, you'\oe got • loni wait . ru ... d13 1"vmllis _.· of the aame, w!tb buy -bine oo, -llJld lemJ<rllunl ltuct. in . Iba -' 'INSIDE TODAY uc~1rvfnt!t1MW Urban Criril Rtseo:rch Center dott r1st<1reh f<rr dflen~b•d gTOUJ)IJ m, stead of oliout th<ll);-P"f', 10. --------- " °"" 10 °1&' 11 CHR ISTMAS ------......1 l • 2 DAILY PILOT, c Mond.q, Dtcembw U, lM Fog · Lif r,s, Planes Fly .HUsed Court Dflte Bal MD Spught ! . For a While By County B.ead A thick blanket oI fog ·which kept all A controversial ~th who failed to planes grounded at ,Orange COOoly. appear in Orange Coun ty Superior Court Airport and all boats off lhe Harbor Friday {or bearing on a pistol assault. wat.m Jast night ha& llfted-temPo?arily · case died in Pboen!I, Ariz., ov•r Ule Olliclals at the alrpol'I and at tb6 weeltend, 1111 bo<1f riddled with a mwlve Department of Harbors, B e a c b e s tnrecUO{t.. . ... and Parks aald that the buy sunshine ~"---11v-• lit which arriVed at 10 a.m. Will aJve way lo' Dr: Danlel,...._ 41; who ~at "'°"' of Ille thick blinding ~ llulf Opal Ave., Balboa laland, when the ,....._.. and in Ille early morning houn f>riilnal ... ~ Jut July, WU ~.... found -lllCollelet ... -TfJelday. ·street bal<n beJuc boopltallzecl Zero vialbWty abut down 1!ie airport Olllciala JI SL J""ob'a l!Gipita1 aald ,._ -al 6 this -· but tt be had ~ ID both llllp, u .... reopened lour hours later. By ll:IO 1.m. · Wlllve ~-ud .. .- 1_. penonne1 ~ vlalblllty or two dralD!na In hll low'er bid< and-· and onHllU lo U... miles. ' Dr. 1"i1dena had bioo 1Cbeduled:1o :1p· -patrolmen llld vlslblllly nae!> -. In conrt In 8lnt& Nia l'rlda1 IAd' 1 ed three iniles at 11:30 a.m. ' bench warrant· tar hla arrest WAI llluel While keeplne a clooe watcl> 0!1 lhe !al!, when be filled tO llliow up. neither the harf>or nor the airpOrt pmon· He wai arrtsted by Nt'!1'port Beac! nel r<p<rted any problems as of 11:30 police JUiy 22 after llllegedly ·pu!JJng ' a.rn. gun on a Los Angeles ·de}iartment 'It.or dttecUve who confronted him at thi Auto Dealership In Mesa Oosed Harbor Dodge, an auto de.alenhip operating .at 2888 Harbor Boulevard, has: been closed pending an investigation by the State Board of Equalization. Robetl Swick, operator of th~ Costa M~ ageiicy, has been unavailable to commeot on yrociaely what Is lrivolved in the ~ation: Meanwhile, the agency remains padlocked with a suard on duty. . Officials of ·the ··State Department of Motor Vehicles and Chrysler Credit Corporation have also Jndicat.ed they are involved in checking into the a1ency'1 operations. Nixon Greetings For Yule ·Malkd . WASHINGTON (AP.) -Preoldinl lri<I l\lrs. Nixoo malled U!eir Oirim1as can1s today -a~ 'greeting with an embossed white engraving or the south view of the Wb!te Hou.se. Beneath the•goid prelid"11ia) 8e8I WU the message -'With oar best·wishes for a joyrus and a ha~ New Year." '!'he card, abOut "'°"·by $ hidles In 51,., wa s designed for the Nixdns by Hallmark, the ~·card finn. Mrs. Nixon .Nid-the ca:ds ~. _IQ,!O 4-0,000 'pe..-sbe -ribecf .. lll!!lfl: . Her staff director estimated tho .fmal total, however, at 37,000. island residence in a f u r n i t u r l repouession attempt. WBlter D. Brown, emllloYed by Bullock's, told lnvealllattnS ·iillrcers at Ille time that he wu trying lo gel back furnllure l/ouibl wllh • $1,000 tbec:k that . MesaHomeownerS ·Plan Discussion Q.n Dev~lopment . ' . Just bact from • jet junket to ..... similar Northern CaJijomia deve!Opinent, the Mf:sa Verde Hoineowners As3ociation ·w111 dil!CUis iJn6.,iannl •ffor the westslde Coola Mm &tea Tuesday night. ·nio meeting'·Wlll be at'7:30 p.m. &t the home ~ E-B«~.;_ vice president of the gn:up, al lllll _ Drive; in the M,.. V«<le-... ' • ,Qty Glllclals W hoojieownml aS80cia- lioft·~ -...p now,, lo Santa Clara IMt ~ 1ir 'the Interland ~umt Cotjlolatlon whJel> plans a l,167..unit labsMe apartment. complex near 1lle oubdlvilioo. Spokelman Bill Gardner said I con- f«"ence with santa Clara flity officials revealed tllOy Wtre very bappy wllh lbe lnterla,nd _ Oxpwation•s Bay Ar e a ==-.~~-~aa an eiample to Gardt\er said sarrie '.t.ea residents in ·Ch';~· Mesa are. opJIOse.d to the &ilnt complex planned here.J>ut seem unaware tliiil'"a ~ 1;,. below its stan· dardl cOuld be bUilt wfthi:ut a cooditiooal use permtt amder the existing rmiing. l&ter bounced., Dr. Frtdena had just moved to the Balboa lsland home last July from Phot;nix, wh~re authorities said he. had been lo a bNJI> with !be law over ll)Other matter. :, Ft'Ollt P-.e 1 ' U,C Rl,JLING ~ .. ' conled for tho Unlvnlty. , "We could 11111 stve otudmll po-and ioUteJy reqUe.t ~.not vote .. arantinl :egrees or COUl'Mll, be said. . , AaslalllDI Pn>lenor " SOcloloey Jt r· ·me 'Kh'k 'lliid. ·"We thouldn'I worry 1bool what the "l!'"ls aqd Walton's com- mittee ihink of us. U they want to have 'ln Academic Se~ate · at Irvine they'll 1-iave us ." ' ''18 that a clarion call for revolution?" r.raduate Division DeaD Ralph Gerard asked. · . 'No, for apathy," said Kirk. ' · 'llfoee of the 315 UCl ·tacully membm who turned out in Octobef to yOte the stu- dents in as members, 33 to .U, knew they were £01n1! beyond the Uoivenity rules as.they bad previou~y been lnlerpmad. Tba decllioo wu lhal 20 -" the · facully deliberallve body lllould be com· prlaed " lludeola wllh lull ptjvtlqea of the vote and lo work oo commlU.... The UC! Academic -hu bad lim- ited -h!jll-llon,. but without a vote, for mon than a y.,. II opened Ill'. doorl lo Ul)limlled __ observers aDd prlvilel!e of •peaklng fl'ol1j the floor laat sprinl!. · tllairman of the Irvine Senate Bernard Getbaum noted that UCl has not corn· rn.itted any Illegalities yet as a committee is st.ill working on the method "of selecting student representatives. , So no student has yet voted, The rulillg of the Wal_ton Committee wlil be put before the atatewlde assembly of the Acadentc Senate In March. But Gelbaum cautloatd that most political reallits ""'1ld agree the aaaembly will lll~llacommlllee. He is not sure where that will leave ·Irvine. Authority at . MIT Millikan, 56, Dies . . CAMBRlDGE, Mass. (UPI) -Max F. f.1illikan, director of the Center for International Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, died Sunday at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Bostoo. He WU 56. • • • 1SWG1t1ng . _for to do S01ne1l1ing alJOUt •nos· Meet rhatsofftf!bodyistheGosComponycustomerservictmon. When he caHs at your house he maybe driving one of tht more than 1,200 vehicles in our fleet which we are converting to run on natural gas. Because we've found that using natural gos as o fuel in motor vehicles sharply reduces the pollutants in vehitle exhaust-the iource of neorly 90Y. of todoy'1 smog. for over a century! but because natural gas burns cleaner. It ellminote1 most oir·polluting 1ubslonte1 before they ever get started. We're converting ourfleetof truck1 to nalurol aoc, not iust because that's the business we're in fond have bffn I We don't claim thai use of natural gos in fleets of trucks is going to clcgn up the air ovemighf. But it win help. Wt think we've token a step ahead-one that's worth the effort. A~er all, wt breathe the some air you do. W.'relllft1tln9 In tome,,,..., I I Frnt Page J MURDER ••• Mesa Crime Wave· t.. ..~ ried fivetimee-wu taken Into custody, booted, ·and qdettkmed at police head- quarters. She ,.... a veloar pullover lhlrt, Jeans and • thlclc, wlllte CQal Ne.ts· Over ,$2,000 ~ • • . i Aci:ounll plt&d togelh<r from famUy friemb and J>olice irullcattd that th• daughter fled the h~se to a _,neighbor's · home down the street before the sta~ bing. -· About an hour after the stabbing one or Hunt's ex.wives drove to Ole .house and picked up the family's three dogs and then found lhe daughter. • °"" was · released to tbe woman's custody, police said. The Hunt.-home, which the couple had owned for five years, is located on a cor· ner in the moderately ex p ens ive neighborhood. Pale green and dark blue Christmas lights flashed along the eaves, A large star buJlt fn>m white lishla twinkled down from a chimney; an upenSive land bus camper stood in the driveway. A wave of thelll and burl!larles jn- cluding a tunnel-job' into a finance com- pany netted more than $2,000 In laot. for thieves over the weekend, C:O,,ta Mesa poUce said today. The largest single loss was at Panel Air Corporation, IS71 W. MacArthur Blvd., where someone who entered without leav· ing any clue to his method stole-a •t,000 .airless spray gun otitflt. Officer George Sperlirc theorized the burglar may have used · a passkey,. or squirmed through a tiny rear opening, but a11 entrances to the building were left locked. Officer Dennis Hae9eld was sent to take two related reports Saturday alter Brian K. LUton discovered someione had smashed tbroogh a wall of. the Beneficial Finance Company, 1888 Harbor Blvd., and pried open the safe. ' Only $50 was taken from the loan of. fi ce, 'ft'hile $25 Jn cash was stolen from the adjaet'l1.t Eleanor's Beauty Salon, 1888 1 ~ Harbor Blvd., where the same burglar ki cked in the renr door . A burglar \\"ho pried open the front door at the Mea da Jo~. Ouzonian home, 1804 Iowa St., looted it of $484 in assorted jewelry, two sleeping bags and bath tawels, the victim told p<>lice Sunday night. Another door·pryer broke into the home of Allen L. Drinkwine, 3001 Femheath Lane, the victim told _police Sunday nlght. escaping with $171 i'll loot includiJl& a radio, tape recarder and jewelry. Sheet metal warker Arthur D. Hof· rman, 638 Darrell St., also told police Sunday sameone stale his toolbox and contents worth $201 from his parked pickup truck. As investigators combed the house in- side, two teenage girls drove up to ask if the house was the ·one which had the Weimaraner dogs for Sale. But the dogs had gone by then. , Hunt had worked as a land investment representative in recent months. Before that be cperated Willis Hunt Marine Service in Costa Mesa, offering outboard motor repair. Besides his marriage to Miss Landis (who committed suicide in 1946 ever a "broken heart," accounts said) Hunt was wed ·to Newport Beach socialite and former model Bobby Hunt. That mar- riage lasted lS years, sources said. Airport Noise Foe Picked To .Help.· Set State Rules Hunt. aJao wed Los Angeles 51)Cialite DOilie Brewer, now the mate ol Hollywood film producer Hal Roach Jr. He bad a daughter by his first mar- riage, which was to Mrs. Roach. The daughter, Mrs. Noel Brown, ls the wife of a professional tennis player from_ Los Angeles.. Hunt was the adopted son or a wealthy f8mily which left him. wit h a trust fund for life, friends said. Scurces close to Hunt said as a youth he sailed expensive boats and drove fast cars. While Hunt owned his yacht brokerage business along Newport's Mariner's Mile he lived for a time at the Bay Club. The friends said in later-"years he was a nondrink er. The last Mrs. Hunt, her fa mil y said, was a diabetic who also suf· fers tram other iJJnesses. "She's a wonderful, wonderful woman. but she's awfully nervous,'' a cousin sald outside police headquarters early this morning. Inside , the lucid, but distraught Mrs. Hunt submitted willingly to extensive in- vestigatlon. "She was very cooperative," Thompson said. Jn a call to a Las Ange les lawyer 11he was overheard to .say: "Yes, it was all about Dru .•. we were very happy ... very hap~y." . During her transfer into different of~ fices in the police building the woman nervcusly clasped her hands to her face .several tim es. She spoke emphatically, but burst into tears often. Thom~n described her as relatively calm as the hours wore on. As Mrs. Hunt 's uncle and cousin stood "'ai ling Olllside a .mal.ron and_ patrolman brought the woman out a corridcr at 2; 15 a.m. for the tran~er to Orange Co1.mty Jail. There were loud cries. "I love you," the cousin shouted. "I love you too, honey,'' Mrs. Hunt replied in tears. During the next moments Mrs. H~nt shouted information on where the family could find her daugh ter. "Lola ... she 's with Lola ... you don't know her, she's Will's e_x.wife in Cost.a J\olesa." She said oolhing more. . Leaving Okinawa \1.1ASH INGTON (U PI ) -The Pentagon ha!: announced plans to remove 36 ·'cbsolescent'' Ma ce·B surface·~rface missiles and their 722·man crew from Okinawa . Gov. Reagan .today appointed Orange County Alrporl ~·' foe Daniel Emory cf Newport Beach ta a aeven· member adviscry committee whose task will be to develop\llateWlde jet noise standards. Emory, YI, Is one ot two California citizen leaders named to the cm1tmittee. The other is Mary Lou Crockett, whc represents homeowners' groups in the Los Angeles IntemaUonal Airport area. Other committee members include cf. ficials of the state departments of health and education, the CalifOrnia League of Cities, Ccunty Supervisors' AS8aciation and the Nsticnal Air Transport Associa· Uon. Emory, of 2250 Galden Circle, is chairman a[ the Airport Ncise Abatement Conunittee, which be helped frund twc Upper Bl(y -Fite Ruins Garage Flames swept through a residential garage we st ol the Upper Bay Sunday, causing an estimated $8,000 prcperty loss. Newport Beach firemen said the garage at 2073 Centella Place. owned ·by Clara \Venholz, v.•as destroyed. The garage was valued at $5;000, its gutted storage items at $3,000. No car was inside at the time cf th e blaze, which broke out shortly before 5 p.m. Firemen said a possible electrical .short caused the fire, whcse fla mes had reached through the roo( by the time emergency vehicle' arrived. 7 Women Die as Bns Spins Off Snowy Road GAP, Pa. (UPI) -A bu11 filled with party-bound women spun off a snow· slicked rural road Sunday, sc attering gai· Jy wrapped Christmas pac kages in a dit ch and streaking the fresh snow with blood. Seven v.•omen died. The bus, chartered in Philadelphia by Chapte!" 68 of the Order of the Eastern Star, was bound for a pre·holiday Christmas party at a Masonic Lodge in Eli zabethtown, Pa. It carried 4 1 passe-11gers, mostly elderly women. Besides the seven killed, 33 women were injured. FOREMOST AMONGST JHE PROBLEMS OF. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS GETIING WAITED ON I Nol so 11 old Jock Bidwell '>. We have enough San tas here -no waiting - each a timid, qu iet, trained expert on what's new in menswear. We olso hove who! co u Id eesily be one of tho finest assortments of sweaters, shirts, neckwear, slacks, sport coats end raincoats. 11 lhet isn 't enough, we seH gi~ certificates. They 1r• •xactly the right size end c®r. If you can't reach him with one of these, he's unreachable. (But we are, and we're open until 9:00 be9inning Wednesday.) years ago. A technical writer, he testified at legislative hearings en Assembly Bill 645, Mich called for noise abatement p~ ctdures at California airports, earlier: th.ls year. . The measure, _co.spomored b y Aaaemblyinan Roberl E. Badlwn (JI. Newport Beach), was approved overwhelmingly. The gove.rn()J''S ad visory committee was provided for in the legislation. The noise standards are to be in effect by January. 1971. "I th ink this is a good opportunity for us ta come up with someth.ing more tha n just decibel li mits," Emory said today. "Noise exposure limits are what \\'e need. These \\'Ould include both decibe l levels and the nu mber of allowable flights." He said by establishing such standard• beforehand, it might be easier to cvercorne political opposition to new airports. "Fullerton and Anaheim have · this problem now," he said. DAILY PILOT Rob•tf N. w.,l ~l""t•idtn• '"" Pllbt!1~er J a~~ R. C urlev VI<:• !";~idt11> t<l(l G-rol MfN2•' Tho"'•• K .... a Edllor l ho.,.•• A. Mu •11hi~• M1n•ging £djtor Coat• Me•• Offi11e JlO W elt l 1y S+r11t M1ili~9 Add rtn : P.O. 1011 1560. 9262, Otfler Offl11M Ntw1>1>rl Beu ll: l111 Wt1I lll•ltx11 Boultv1rl L1gu,,,. 811t h: 271 Farell Av!ln\11: 1-lunllng1oi Bt-t~; 11175 Be1'h 8Julo~'~ O.t.!LV PILOT, with wll'!th It t l>mbJn«f 1h• New~.J'r1u, ;, P11b"i1h,4 d1llf t •t tPI Sun. llav In· >e1><1r1te edition• for Llgu,,,. Bt <tf>. NfWpOrt s .. c~. COU• Mtu, Huftt .... !111\ llett1' and Fountain Valley. 1lo11g wl!h !wo •oV10ntl tdl!iO». Or1n9~ ("'II Pub!Wll"'I Como•nv printing pl1nl> •re 11 1111 Wut 811bC» l lv<J.. /olWl>Ort ltJCho 11\11 JJI) Wt1t Bly Strcti. Co111 MeH. Telepko11• (1141 '42·4321 Cl11uifi.cl Ad,•rtl,111• 642·5611 Co~vrl;M. , .... O'lngt Con! Pu~llshl,,.. Co...,P•nv. No n•w1 1to•:1i, <r1uur11IO~•• tdiloritl m111er o• 1dvtrllHm1,t1 htrtl" m!• oe reprDdvctd wlthoul 1ped1I per. mlul<M o! tOPY•lvht owner_ ~ICO.od (II,. P01t1ge Pl!d " N<W.>0•1 11,.)1 1rd C0>t1 Miu, C1111orni1. ~',°"<rlor\on oy co rrj1,· s: tlCI mon111:v; ov m)ll 11 . .lO l"ltO-'lhlyJ mlll!l•y d"Hn1iro"1. U.00 ,..,.,:~Iv. Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido Telephone 673-1510 Mucho parltlng directly behind my store I ' I' • O.t.ILY PILOT'Sl•tf PllDi. 'WHEN YOU GO INTO BATTLE, YOU E.XPECT CASUALTIES' County1s Chief Indian S.ys Wh ite Man Speaks With Forked Tongue DAILY mer t Monday. Otctmbef 15; 196' $ I!I = . 'Capo~ Indian Bits Wa•-.t..•a~JI :; , ethic1l repossession of an abandoned years before tht founding or the moment, an mnchaic phi..,pber. island once stolen from Indiana. mission ." i . · "Tber~ are two i1de8 to (he que!Uon.'1 By PAMELA HAL~ And the · c\.lef d~sn't need smoke -, Juanen-were the mission Indi ..... s he pld, "SOme #Y keep them on the ·01 "" o.u, '1"" siJit . '' U'I;; '"' -..... -·aUon. ~ .. .;.-~lfav aaslmilate. lt't sigilals to tell · him about. Indian affairs. cooverted b)' the Franoi.scan' padres . in ,........,, T ...,""'•" -.,, Clarence Lobo i6 an lndlan ch1ef -He has read everything he can find on San Juan Capistrano. Their official name Uke the Bible . .YoU can interpret it jp di.ft;~ without reservaUoQ. ' Southern California Indian tribes and has was the Ahachmai Tribe which was a ferent·ways and sUJI be right. •< He's also a blt of a philosopher, a collection of odds and ends worthy of a branch of ,the Shoshone Nation: ''lf the gov~ment' had ituck by t\i: historian, politician and somettmes a museum. The Juanenos are only one of two In-promises in tbe bc!&inntng Ule res~~~ warrior when something ruffles h1s Because of his knowledge he has been dlan tribes in the country not hav(ng a tions wouldn't be.b.MI places. The orlginlt feathers. called to Washington to testify on 'Indian re.servaUon. Today most of them are plal), was to cOnflne them to• small area;-'' S h. d'd bo l r· d matters and has shown the government scattered but those who rern&ln· """ but'bfCompensatiop (or,ihe'lou of thtfr omet mg 1 a u 1ve years ago an "". lar-eXp .. "*-·or.·19.nd"' they were fl" San Juan Capistrano won't soon foraet on at least one occasion to beware of this together once in a while for a pow wow. 0¥ • ...l.i.. , 1_..: 1 • ad 1..,,, the time one of its nalive sons went on wily Juaneno. _ During these gatherings their elected receive carei ~ucatrvu, anrung v ~:~ the warpath. • He ' confronted_ an official with an old chief tells them-·about Indian matters of anl:I. te<:hnic81' advJson'. '' ' · ' About that time ~ governm~nt in. law which states an Indian chief on of-concern, tQ their tribe. "Jn the'okt ~ya.th' PSOP.~1!bo went 19'..,r formed descendents ~Of California Indians ficial business wh() gets stranded In The hereditary chleftainship went out the resei'vati~ 'f·~e ~ ilnquallftecl~ \Vashington is entitled to have hJs way "'hen the white civilization came In. NO .and corrup~·l;O the,system 'wb ~f·on f.~ it would pay 47 ceqts per acre fpr la!MI. home paid by the govenllnent. longer does a man have to prove hl1 poor fou~atlob. · . · . · 1 ~ once held by the tribe.' This was their "I pointed this out to a secretary of the worthiness through leata of strength and "I think the'· I6dian wl~. have' \G.: way of '1clearing their conscience," ac· Interior who (pardon the expression) saw hunting and fishing prowess. a"lmilate, He wUI' have to leave the· cording to the chief who Is a trill~ bitter red. But he paid and the Jaw has since reservation arid. attend· white lJUlft'l about the government's historic treat. been changed," said the chief. GOOD THING schools and live ' like the' white maii;-:- ment of "the first Americans."' ' · "It's a good thing," smiled the, chief. salvaging ·what he can of his · tradiUons" The Juanero Indians (a name giVen the HAD SKlRl\11SH Once, when I waS bun.ting, I found mfse1f and culture. I~ ts iad, but it will prObabiy:r- tribe by Mexican settlers) once occupied It im't just the government-that in pretty good range. 1 crawled.on. my' be Inevitable." ' · , " 8 territory bordered by Aliso Creek op Clarence takes on. He recently had a belly to get up close for a good shot and Chief Lobo, hPflaelC, has made his life the North, the hills above Lake Elsinore skinnish with a SaQta Ana museum when 1 was ready to shoot I felt sOnj for In San Juan Capistra.oo,,.raising two soru;_ ,on the East, a line hair way betwttn Las y.·hich claims a man called Acu was the the deer and scared it away.'' and working aa a bus 4river in th': Pulgas Canyon and San Onofre Arroyo on last direct descendent of th.e Juanenos . The chief'.s momeI)t of feettni·is a hini eaplstrano Untfiect,School District, :1 the South and the Pacific Ocean on the "I' knew Acu," saild the· chief. "He Jived of the sensitivity -beneath his burly ·S.7 ·.111 his job he finds being an Indian chitr"" West, according to an official map. next door to me and even gave me a year old exterior. Ask him about 'the bu lts ·advantages .. "When the kids get Clarence Lobo decided he would prefer strapping once. He was an Indian but he future of the Indian in ·American socletY· roWdy I tell them over the loudspeaker, to have land instead of money. So he and wasn'l the last one and I told them so, 1 and he'll cock his head to one side, veil 'Quiet, or I'll ~ alter you with mf. his fagiily set Olit to reclaim some of t1:ie· ,_c_an_lr_•_ce_m_Y_f_am_ily_lr_ee_b_ack_lo_l_766_, 1_o __ h_ia_u_s_ua_ll_y_m_~rry __ •Y_•_•_·a_na_· _btcome ___ ._lbl'_._•_' _._tom ... : _ahaw __ k_.'_'_' ________ _.:;' "stolen" 1anc1. , - SENT MONEY ORDER , They sent the Great White Father jn \Vashiflgton a money order for the value of the land (adding three cents per acre for inflation) and staked a claim on 2~ acres in Upper San Juan Creek Campground in the Cleveland National Forest. Instead or constructing a wikiup (an ilt· loo shaped house made QI reeds tied at the top) like his ancestors might have, they drove their shiny l(iiler onto the . . . Christmas is for giving-,. •.• . ' . ' ' .,. .... . ' ~·. Street Fights Climax Oceansid:e_Peace March · Jand and remained there·several months. By DONAL[! J!. nA)IRISON An9CLl!ftl ,,.... Wrlt.r OCEANSIDE -'n\e fir.st antiwar demonstration .jn this-·~aside community neit to the giant Camp Pendleton Marine ~ ended in $~fighting between ~rs and off-duty Marines. As some 4,~ ~ left a rally Sbilday against the Vietnai;n war, the off- duty:Marines raced thero'lo Oceanside's downtown business di~ct.. There was catcalling from both sidis, bottles arid rocks flew-, and about.2& ·brawled fur 10 minutes before police CQU}d restore order. There were no arrests and no serious tnw,nea. The brawling climaxed a tense but otherwise peaceful demonstration that in- cl~eci a ti.mile march and' speeches by for,ner Anny Capt. HoWard-Levy, once coUrt-martialed' lor-refusing to train Gfeen Berets in ·first" aid, an<! ¥igela Davis, an a<bnitted Communist teaching jibllosophy at the UnivenJ.ty of CaWornia at~Los Angeles.. , About 2,500 to 3,000 marchers -most Of them young w:ith shaggy hair and dressed in blue jeans -assembled at the clty's recreation 'park, across from the police station. Then, marching five abreast behind a . brightly painted red 1ebool bus, they wound their way to the beach.front area, passblg t h r o u g h residential streets and the downt<r.vn bu$fness district, frequented by MariOes .. liberty. March organizers said one-fourth of those demonStratlng were o f f • d u t y Marines, dissatisfied wi~ the military and opposed to the Vietnam war. 1be marchers carried such signs as "Victory to the ,NFL" aJl:d "Defend. G1's Rights to Organize." One man earned a Vitt Cona: flag, and others carried ·American flags, several of them upside down. They chanted "Your left, your left, your military left," and "Hell no, \\-'e won't go!" . Lance Cpl. George PiUoglas, 21, of Fayetteville, N.C., waiting at a street· corner, displayed a civilian sweet.sheart reading "I served proudly" and yellt!d, "Are you cowards, are you afraid to fight?" Mayor Ho1vard Richardson. standing nearby, motioned to w a r cl the demonstrators. "It looks like there's an open sewer running down the middle of the street," he said. At a seaside amphitheater, the marchers joined an additional 1,000 or SL antiwar sympa1hiiers to hear ttfe speeches. Pllioglas and a knot of foUaWers asked permission to speak and, rebuffed, went to a piece of beach actoss a narrow street from the aphi· theater. Soo(l about 200 jOined him and began chanting, "We're Marines, real Marines," and held up service identifica· tion cards as proof. The commotion attracted about an equal number of the a n t i w a r demon strators who stood glaring at the Marines from across the street. For a while they matched songs and chants. To "What do we \Vant - Freedom," the Marines replied "Better dead than red." To the Marine hymn "Halls of Montezwna" the demonstrators replied with a peace song. But when a man in the Marine group set a small Viet Cong flag arlame, police separarated them before any scuffling, and from then on stood between them, a long line in the middle of a narrow street. First real contact was made behvcen the groups downtown as the rally ad· journed. They were asked to leave several times by Forestry officials and finally did when their money order was returned without comment and their trailer was destroyed by vandals. "When you go into battle you have to expect casualties," sighed the chief. "I did it for the principle. I wanted to publicize the plight of the California In- dians and if possible set a precedent." The chief's view of the white mah speaking with a forked tongue was strengthened when a short time later he received a document from the fede ral government staiing that he was entitled • to 640 acres in the publi c domain. Jn the fine print, howe ver, was a clause staling that settlement was to be only in designated areas and that there might.' not be any of those left. CHEERS OCCUPATION . Because of his own dealings with the federal bureacracy (and he has never seen a penny o{ the 47 cents per acre) he , gleefully cheers the Indian oc~upa!ion of Alcatraz. He considers it a legal and Man, 90, Falls Through Glass A 00.year-old Laguna Beach man Is reported "doing very well" in South Coast Community Hos pital after suf. feting a severe laceration when he_fell through a glass shower door at ~s home Saturday evening. Summoned to 1125 Hillcrest Drive at 9:30 p.tn., police gave the vJctim, John Bersford, emergency first aid whUe awaiting the arrival of an ambulance. Ji l2·inch glass fragment was em· bedded in the elderly man's back, of. ficers reported. A hospital spokesman said today Bersford is making a remarkable recovery despite his age. LawyertoDonJudge'sRohe Domenichini Elated, Proud of Adopted Home Town By BARBARA KREIBICH Of ,,,. O..lty "'"" l!lff The 5-foot+inch, :ZOO.pound form ol Frank Domenkhini Js an imposing sight in any courtroOm, even clad in the sedate business suit of an a~ey. When he dons judge's robes next m<*lth, his stature should become even mare impressive, combined as It is -with 1 thoughtful manner ud rather gentle mien. The 46-year-<>ld San Cleinente lav.')'er wal appointed this month by, Governor Ronald reagan to flit . file South County municipal judgeship Vacated by the September· reUrement "o( \'et er an J . Parley Smith. He will serve out Smith's terin until the end of 1970, then stand for el~lon to a s!Jr;.year teim on the bench. Alttady a familiar fisure m·lhe beach community where he has mainlafued a gtnefal law practice.-for J) years, Domenichlni'. wtn 1 serve with Judge RtC:bard Hamilton · in a court district coVernma: lhe t.aauna B e a c 1\ · S a n Clemente area . ' For iht first few -kl, the two judges plan to alternate place1i in the Laguna and Sin Clemente courts,,_prior to moving into the new county c:outt facility Wlder conslrudion In Lquna !ljguel. Doinenichlni (tht ''ch" is prol)ounced like "k") ts a naUve of SeatUe, Wash., a first·1eneraUon Ameri,ean whose parents came to the U.S. {rom Italy. Alter high school Jn S.aUle, he al· tended the University, of Santa Clara and from lhert moved to the Marine Corps' ofHctrs training program at University of the Pacific and to Quantico, emerging •s ~ first lieutenant In lHS. His .Marine Co(pl teNice took ~im to Guam ,anc;t to China and, tnctae.nta11y, fo an nlgnment at·san Onofre !n 1043-«, wh .. bl made 1ila acqualntonce, on liber· ; - T O DON JUOIC IAL ROB ES San Clem1nt111 Dom1nic:hlnl ty, with his future home town. Discharged from urvtce in 1945, he returned to graduate from Santa Clara's School o( Law, was amtitted to tbe st.ate bar in 1950 and was jlfSt beginning to pracuce in Contra Costa County when he wag called back into the ~farlne Corps by the Korean conflict. the Uniform Code ot Military Justice was just going into t.f(cct a n d Domenichlni was sent lrom Camp I Pendleton to the Naval Justice ~ool at Newport, R.l , to bone up on it. Ret.urning to Camp Pendleton , he was engaged in court martial' work until his second discharge in 1952. He decided to hang his shingle in San Clemente, taking over the office of a lawyer just going into the service, and San Clemente has been his home ever since. When he says of his bench ap. polntment, "I was really elated !" he adds, "especially because someone from San Clemente got it ... " Domenichini and his wife, Mary, who met while both ;were attending Catholic high schools In Seattle (he a boys' school, she an insUtution for young ladies), have brought up a ~amity of four In the beach city. Greg, who will be 17 this month, is a !ienlor al San Clemente High and, at 6'3", a figure on th~ basketball team. Gina, 13, also attends San Clemente High, where she is a freshman . and the younger girls, Cathy, 12, a.nd Usa, 10, are students at Our Lady of Fatima parochial school. Domenichini has a nolable record ot service in hls adopted community, having put in five years on the Planning Com· mission. served as president or the Rotary Club and Babe Ruth League, as a director or the Chamber of Commerce, en the boards cf the Boy Scouts and Li~ tie League and as presJdent o( the Con. fraternity of Christian Doctrine at lUs church, OUr Lady of Fatima. Now engaged In assigning hi5' pending cases to oUter attorneys nnd closing his office on El Camino Reah Domenichlnl say& he regards his appointn:ie_~t as "a real professional challenge, a cl'lance to iet more Involved tn UlC administration of justice." A galaxy of be4utiful giff.8 ••• Uappy solutions to ti1e problems of buying gifts are yours at El Rancho! Gift baskets .•. Gift certificates ..• Fresh fruit ba&- k~t.s . , . or lioliday Spirits ... attractively packaged ••• attractively priced •.• and sure to be appreciated and remembered! Charles Krug Gift Pack ' Two 9--0z. wine gl..,... .••• $5 25 a fift~ of .Chenin Blanc •.• fifth Vin' Rose in white leatherette grah1 box. · · Connoisseur Set ........... ~6.99 , A six-bottle assortment from Paul Masson pt.s .... fin~ wines iri gjft box! · Kiki Sake Set ................. ~4.89 ' You give the server, 4 authentic sake cup& and a 24.ounce bottle of Kiki Salte! · - Champagne Quartet ......... ~4.25 From Paul lfasson ..• Brat, Extra Dry, 'Pink and Sparkling Burgundy ••. 2/5 pint bottles. Sportsman Decanters ....... ,.39 Cabin· Still straight bourbon in the quart de· canter so prized by collectors! Vandermilit Liqueur Set .. :~.75 F.tOm HolJand i._ •• miated Chocolate liqueur witp twO Deft giasse5 ! . · Cheri-Suisse Liqueur Set '7.99 Cherry and cliocolate flavors in thUi Swiss fa. ·vorite ••• plus 2 liqueur gluses ! Pork Chops ... ~ ... 98~ s1~mn·w1111 · $109 · OllESSIK · . . . . . . . ... . .. Lean and delicious pork-Crom the finest mid.western pork. ~.U.ality you'd ex~t from El Rancho!· Cube Steak ...................... '1.49 '"' London Broil , .................... sl.49 ,b. Serve hearty beef in just mi notes! . • Crisco Oil ............................ 43¢ For salads or cooking ••• 24--ounce bottle: Macaroni & Beef ........... : .. · 49¢ Stouffer's ••. just heat and serve!.,. 11¥2-oz. Bananas ............ : ............. . Central America's finest quality I 10~ B'eet at i~ best is froffi ET Rancho! Apple Sau~e . . ... . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . .. 39¢ Seneca· •• -...·~ttt cinnamon! .• :. 3~0Z.: ali.e..· ' T.. . . N' ..-:.:........ . . . Aft¢ una· uuun:> .............. ; .. . . . . . . 'tJ • • I I ; llAm lOU!llClllS TO 5ffT BUYIN8 All£ TOUIS .AT 1Q..:.alratoi . , . ' . '. ' , A gal.axy of gift baskets •.•• eaCh '. • lm~ik.rs Of a ftouP:. PiCk ~P your beautifully packagid •.• , atlrac-· . of . . Gift G 'd tively priced · ••• ideal remem-copy iour. , Ul e • • ··you'll brances for an indi~idual rift. . . /!in~ a' wide Mjl~tipn, •••. one of ' or to show · yoqr, appreciati¥ to ', w~lc~,' ~ill be ~u ·l.deal,i~o~'! · ARCADIA : Sunset and HunUniton Dr. (El Rancho Cente~ PASADENA: 320 West Colorado Blvd. SOUTH PASADENA: Fremont and Hunllnetoa Dr. HUNTINQTDN BUCK: Wilner and Alfonquln (BolrdnJt Clllltt! NEWPOltT BEACK: 2727 Newport B1vd. 11111 2SSS El~luff Dr. <W11>1ulf VIPqe C""'1j \ . ' . \ Prices i'll effect Mon.' 1'.uu., ~'~· Dec. ·15, 16,'1.7 No .f6Jµ to deahrt. ., . . , • :".l .. , •·· . . •_.,.. .. " .. ·!.. .~: ., : ... :• ·.,: ., ... l ·" :·; ~· ... ·:::: .•.. ·'".~· ~: • .. •• ~ :i. .. . ' " :~ 1-. ·, ! L::::::::::::::::::;::;:::::::::::::::::::c:::::;:::;.;;.;..;~...;;;;:;.·:-~-~·.:::::;::::;:::t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::i::::::.i ·. '• . • I 4 DAil Y l'llOT l'-' ....... ~ ...... , llrl1ll!e ll•rdel was once called a ''sex kitten.'" Now she is 36 and still sexy. But the 'British Broad· casting Corporation (BBC) bas d .. cided slle no longer is a kitteD.: In details ol its Dec. 26 programming, the BBC'• pu blicity department to- day .Mid the dtrector of a Brigitte Banlot q>ec!acular will "exploit every possible facet of the French att"C&t'1 personality." • Sophia Loren breer.e• into Rome airport wrapped from heod to toe in fcuhion'1 latest fling -the maxi· coat. TM f'"adiant Italian fUm adTtu wa• reedy for Rome'1 cool to:in- ter wathtr wlien sh• returnff from Geneva. • J•ck Qu1nt1nce, a sophomore at Claekamas Community College in o ... gon City, ()re. parked illegal· Jy while attending classes. But he didn't get parking ticket. The cam· pus patrobDan· sai~ he ~idn't issue a ticket because the vehicle wasn't an aulo!pol!ile. Quinta.nee a rrived ln bis light plane and parked it. in the faculty parking lot. He said be did it to arowe intrest in aviation at the school • • Lui1 Sanchez, 15, bli nd since hi! wa.a J , 1Jcu betn. .elected to the top rtudent office at San Diego Roosevelt Junior High. With 1,800 voting, he defeated the next-highest of three rival• by 600 votes. Luis ended his pre- tlection campaign speec/~ by o.sking th.t other pupils to "Vote for Sanchez-he's out of sight." "Tht kidi caught the double meaning,'' he said later. "It go t me a lot of laughs." • Sarah Churchill, daughter of England's late Sir Winston Church· Ill will tour a memori al to her father at Westminster Colle~e in Fulton, Mo. Fulton is the Slle o( Churchill's 1946 "Iron Curtain" speech. The memoriaJ includes a library and the church of St. Mary· Aldermanbury, which was shipped to Fulton and reconstructed. It had suffered severe bomb damage in World War I!. Control ,by · Saigon1 At Highest Level SAIGON (AP) -The Sataon govern- ment today claimed control over-92.5 pet"· cent of South Vietnam's popUlaUon. It was the highest perceotag< In the history Junta Chief Overthrow» In Panama !'ANAMA (AP) -Brig. Goo. Omar Terrtjos was ousted aa Panama's \op leader today while he was in Mexico City to attend a horse race, An announcement by the military junta, said Torrijos was removed as chJef,of tbe National Guard, the nation's OJl!Y military lorce. It was from this pool that Torrij01 ran the country. He wa11 a coleader of a coup tha t Olllted President Aroolio Aria! on Oct. 11, 1968 after he had served 11 days. The junta's announcement indicated Torrijos' ouster was carried out by men who served in the No. 1 and No. 2 posts under him. · 1bey are Col Ramiro Silvera, who took over the National Giiard command, and . Cot Amado Sanjur, who became deputy commander. Silvera had been deputy commander and Sanjur the chief or staff~ A' junta commwtique ·annourietng the changeoVera said that 1 'n e l t he? (I( the Vietnam war but only one half of one percent more ttlan the claim last month. The monthly report of th e government's pacificaUoo program said that on Nov. 30 16.1 million of the estimated 17.5 million population were living under government control, 494,000 qr 2.8 percent were under Viet Cong con· ~1and822,<m (4-7 percent) were ln·con- t.esled areas, those where neither the government nor the Viet Cong is con- 1Jdered to have decial.ve controL At the start of the year, the govern. ment claimed control over 13.8 million of the population. then estimated at 17 million. The ext~t of government control has expanded ste.dily since tbat time, .according to the govel'DJllenl fiiures. On the batUefields, South Vietnamese troops reported .tilling to enemy· soldiers wlUt the help of artillery and bombers in _ a day of scattered fighting Sunday in the U Minh Forest in the Southern Mekong Delta. No South Vietnamese casualties were reported. other allied forces reported killlng 116 'North Vi etnamese and Viet Cong in 10 other small clashes from the Mekong Delta to South Vietnam's northernmost provinces. 'The U.S. Command said three American,s wre killed and 17 wounded. Again, 6o South Vietnamese casuaJUes ·W<f• reported. pmonallUes nor the ezultaUona <t •the s· f s I ' -~::;1~~~~· ..y 1>~ m" , :.o extup ets II r.affirmed the pledge. announcod CJ • Lif earlier by.Torrijos, to hold eleeUooo next ]Dg to e year. Dubcek Named Envoy to Turkey ' PRAGUE (UPi) -Ousted reform leader Alexander Dubcek has been nam- ed Czechoslovak ambassador to Turkey, Prague lladlo said today. The lppolntment wu a n n o u n c e d ·~ nine monthll to the day after he wu ·dropped as first secretary of the Czechoalovak Communist party and releg~\e<f to virtual poUUcal 01J5cufi,ty. :DullCel(, l8, hellded the Czechoslovak Communilt party during the 1968 reforin er:a :f,hab ruulted in .the Aug. 1968 ln- Vaalan by Sovtel·led Warsaw Pact troojis. LONDON (AP) -The five surviving babies from the secood set' of sextuplets recorded in Britain llave "a better th an 50 percent chance of s.uMval," one of their doctors said today. Rosemary LettS, 23-ytar-0Jd Wife of a computer engineer, gave birth by Caesarean section to five gtr.,..-.and a boy early today, but one of the girls was stillborn. The babies were about two months premllture and weighed less than three pounds each. They were placed in in· cubators and were being fed minute quantities of human ·milk, Intravenously and orally, every 15 minutes. Mrs. Lett! had been treated with a fertility drug, ;i ,treabneot that is COO· dudve to multiple births. She wa!I told last .week she might. have as mariy as Rven babies. Up~ Upi-. Splash· Boy Takes Balloon Ride Then Swim MINNEAPOLIS, Mbm. (AP) -Rick Snyder, the ll·year-0Jd boy who rode a runaway balloon three miles to .an icy bath in the Minnesota River, says "I wun't S('ared. I was ju11t thinking real hard about how 1 was going to get down." Rick, a sixth grader, was swept aloft Sunday during halftime of a National Football League game between the J.Un- ne!Ota Viklnp and the San Francisco 419ers. Some 43,000 spectators wa tched as the 25-foot hot·air balloon broke its tether and soared into the snowy sky, barely missing a light tower at ftfetropolitan stadium. 'I'1le ride ended three miles away, in the frigid waters of the Mlnnarota River. "I was pretty high," Rick said, "I'd say about 1,000 feet. I was in the cloud s part of the tfme." Rick said he understood the operation of the balloon well enough to tum off the propane burner which heated the air in· side it. But he said he picked the wrong time" to do it. "I saw I was going to come down in the river," he said, "but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I turned the burner back on again, but It was too late. The balloon just sort of dragged into, the river and I got out .. Then the balloon drifted on and took off again." Rick said he had to swim about 25 feet to shore in water over his bead but had no difficulty. "I wasn't llurt at all. but my parents were reall y glad to see . me. I wasn't scared, but J think they were a little wor· ried." Rick's mot.her, Mrs. D. L. Snyder of St. Paul, had been in the balloon'11 gondola. She st.cpped out, expecting the balloon to rise to· the end of Its 2CJO.foot tether. But the line snapped, and the red-and·white striped balloon rose quickly and was lost to sight. • Rick, whose parent! ate amateur balloonist.B, said he has been aloft before -but always at the end or a rope. Winter H9lds Tight Grip New England Battles Heavy Snow; Southwest Warm ce111 ..... 1a "°" Miii llw ckludt ll'lnludM tl'lt ttlff..•._ """""" Cttlfm'lllo °"' 9'119 ,,,__ Wt 1M .... WH ~ wi .. ,.,.,. .... -lfl IMllll 11«1icwlt. Lo. ............. ft Vklnlfy hl'd orllt ""'•t toe M w•• "10illy f1lr wllll ltm. fMl_.-1fllA cNntt:. ,..,_ Civic (Mlw ftltl'I fe*v W•l 7t. Ill' -de-... ,....... ""'*'"· l/11 low """""" 19 ... TN .Air ,...lutlon Cort!Tel Ohtl'l<t ,....... ,..,., .., .. '" "'-119•1"· Ttw U.t .' WM!Mr lurMu u ltf levfMNI C11n-a. WI" ..... tw - d.,Jt•tllNI mis .-, wllfl ~•lu•• .. qllitl11Vlfll ., "'"'* "'tfllMh> •bollt· lhedlf' '*' ....... ... .,,. '°"' dluel fl'lfwmlt MW ,...,,._ ,...,. IM _.. m1111i., ...,_ lll' 11001L Hltfl1 J"MICflH "" low '°" 'nit ........ , •1. . Meun!tlM ..,. ~ wllfl l'l!ltls In ,,,. * .. _, ......m. Dnlf'ft ....... ..,_ •• l'lltM """" ,,_ -. ., ""' .....,.. .. ltll Miii ,. Ill ...... ...... Srrlctld llllM ......,. .... ....... -IMlfllfMM ...... tnc-. ..... hKl'I n.n, ...... MMkit ..,,. IW• ..... , .. ". ""'· ........... ,,., ... dlle •& Rf¥tnldt '~''· l"llm W l"" ~ l •lul """" M& S.. oi-.,.... ....... , ............. IOVTHE"" CAl.ll'OMll.A 4 ,_ '"" -..... ..., ClllfMll ...... 1N COHI ............. ~ ft ..,,., ~ ~ ~ ..... ""'*""' TIHIOI,. Ulftt ,.._,.~ ~. U)j AHQILl t .Ajtf.A -FOii nwr tllt twit lllfl'W ~ MH'r ~ ,.,,. .,,.,.... '-tr "",..,,.,. """""· Utllt """'-'tturl cMtlff. CMmltM -.. ..., a. """ M«ttJ•r n. ' c ... ,.. ' I COOi. ,... ..... ' S1 '·'"· Sl'h 4 ... '·"" M.-..... 11 .,l l .ni, fell II .JO I.II\. V .S. Sanomar11 r ..... peratares WIA1'Nllt TWM ... ·--~ " AMl'lorl" " " Al!1nl1 " " 11.iien lr.ld .. " 1111m1r0; " ' 1101" n " ·-~ " " erownwt111 ~ M C~lc190 • " Cl!w:I-" .. " -~ .. " ... "" ... " " ....... " " F1ll'blM1 ·1 ., ,,,,_,, " " ·-" " -.. ,. -" " 1Car1141 t li., 4 ,. '" , .... ~ " La -.. " " M!1~! " " M l11l'l4!1P9!!J " • ·-OrlMl'it " " Ntw Yotll; " " Otlfl•M " " .,.,_ Cl!' " • ..... .. " " ...... ... ... " " PIM llobltl A " fll'IOllll• n • Pt1t11M1<'11'1 • " ........ " " ltt•ld (II'( .. " llld lkrff " n ... .. ~ 5terl!nM'9 .. n $111 L1•1 Cl• .. " .,,. Olt90 .. • 5111 F•tMIK& " " s..1111 " .. -·~ .. " TMMi1t ,. " W1)lllMIM 4 • ' . Carltons, c;osta Mesa's Finest Men'• Store, must doso hl"cloof. fomer, d• to· . the passing of Mr. Carlton. We must sell all our fine stock Of natlOMlly Ciel·' vertised brat\d.s in men's clothing, sportcoats, slacks, and jn fine furnishings. of shlrti, sweaters & knits. In order to clear all our obllgatiC!n~, aU,our prlciis have been slashed drastically from 3 0°/o to 70°/o. Como prepa~ to ~llY· rhis is Orange County's biggest going out of business sale.' ·'· MRS. CARLTON Selling Out Entire Stock To The Bare Walls MEN'S SUITS . Our Reg. . Our Reg. Our Reg. s5500 s6900 s7ro SUITS SUITS SUITS $ . 00 NOW 25 NOW $3500 NOW $4500 Our Reg. Our Reg. O~ir . Reg. s9900 s10000 s1500~ SUITS SUITS SUITS NOW $53 00 NOW $78 00 NOW SS900 MEN'S SPORTCOATS Our Reg. s5500 COATS NOW $25 00 Perm. Press Nat. Adv. SLACKS $650 Our Reg. s6900 COATS NOW $32°° MEN'S SLACKS FLARES & BELLS Val. to 516°0 $ oo · 7 Our Reg. 57f>O COATS NOW $4400 IMPORTED F.ABRIC Hand Tailor Val. to 535°0 $2000 SHIRTS e SPORTSHIRTS e KNITS e· SWEATERS CARDIGAN Nat. Adv. Nat. Adv. SWE~TERS Short Sleeve Suede Front SWEATERS Our Reg. 516°0 DRESS SHIRTS Reg. 521°0 I $1280 NOW : $400 NOW 519°° FIXTURES FOR SALE CARLTONS 270 I. 17t h St., Hilgren Square, Costa Mesa Open Daily 10·9 -OPEN S NDAY Saturd_-y 10-6 12 to 5 IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE • ' ' Vietnam War Key To Swedish Ties WASllINGTON !UPI) - After IOmfi 11 months In of- fice, Preaident Nixon still ha,, not named an ambassador to . Swedeli. 1 The reason. many observers believe, 'ts that he is showing his displeasure for a country whose neutrality appears to lean in favor of Communist North Vletnam. The feeling , amor11 Journa1iat-s , American businessmen •. and even of. ficia1s in Sweden, is likely to lfOW stronger. Nixon is !lighting Stockholm since the President has named an am- bassador to Greece -Henry J. Tasca. Sen. Charles Goodell, (R·N. Y.), has spearheaded a move- ment to delay Senate .con· firmalion of Tasca becaUSf,l <>f the authoritarian nature of"'the military regime in Athens. Neither the White House nor the State Department cares to ecmment publicly on the absence of an ambassador in Stockholm. Reliable sources say Nixon has begun a search for a possible ambassadorial candidate, but this effort bas not been· given the hlafleti. priority. One unidentified prospect ii said to have been -offered the Stockholm po6t but turned It down. He subsequently ac. cepted another ambassadorlal post abroad. Filling the top U . S . diplomatic position In Swede.n was delayed further b y Sweden's _announcement of a $43.5 million aid program to North Vietnam. It is expected to begin next July 1. There was contusion here1 centering around the 1tart1na: date (or the ilif:-There was some quesUOn whether the al~ would begin while the war waa in proeress or ~ther j~ woukt be~ only ,a.f 1 e.r hostilities bad cea>ed. U.S. officials understand that the aid wlll go forward, war or no war , but at first it will be only of a humanitarlap nature. Reconstruclion aid will begi n only after the end· o{ war. The Nixon administration is disturbed over what it believe! to be bias on the part of Stoc kholm in favor of North Vietnam and again.st the regime in South Vietnam. U.S. diplomatic officials feel that Sweden thereby gives aid and encouragement to Hanoi . com- plicating American problems of negotiating an end lo the war.· Also a factor in strained 1 U.S.-Swcdish relations is • DnPoi:al R.T.M, Stockholm's policy or granting asylum to deserters from U.S. armed forces. Officials here 1 concede that Sweden has a right lo admit whomever it \Yants lo its territory, but they appear to be annoyed that the American deserters a r e granted considerable hospitali· ty by Swedish officialdom. When the United Slates might name an ambassador to Stockholm, therefore, con- tinues very uncertain. OPEN EVENINGS FROM DEC. 15th I --------- I -.,, °"'-15, 1969 DAILY '11.0':' ~ . . MAY CO BUENA PARK AND SOUTH COAST-PLAZA WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS 'TIC S P~M. Every Merchandise Department and th~ '.Restaurant will to mak~ your gift shopping easier. be apen • ' . shiny crinkled patent ~ags soft shoulders and vagabonds l ustrous handbags in sparkling crinkled vinyl. -Wilh IOts of gleaming gold.ton• trim. Zip compartments in1ide." Shoulder bag, black, cogncrc, red ll.00. 'Vagabond, In black, cognac, bone, navy, red, l t .Oo. ma>'. co handbags 26 the lo11g frilged IClfYll , , , crochata and soft mllallln \ The long Karvat, $Ix whole feet to be ex· ad. Wear 'them in the front, the back, or to the side. Th• acrylic ptek-o·boo Crochet, beige, red, purple, navy, yellow, 1.00. The gold-tone, rayon, metallic, nylon, I.OD. may co acces10rlts 19 • shirt lunlos Q Laa Mar la Plgual, 1110% F1rtral faklo A' whole collect Ion of thlrtt. Each -01 toft and smaath as can be. hc:auM LM. Mar t~k C•lane1eill ,ortrets· polyn'9r oncl '!Ml~• Pageant. A n•w fabric:. ttoht, Ilk• sOlcy· 1oft crep•. Machine washable, hardly n.ed• an Iron. Deflnltely practiced. Nicer ... 111, th••• blouses come I" every look. lmosiln· able. Pretty preMnt1 for-anyonel a. shlrt tunlc1 nDyY, rtcl, trMn color1, In 1lze1 8· 16, 15.00 b. v.nec~ tun ic, reel, navy, yellow color•, '" 1llft 1·16,.17.00 •· frl ngecl 1carf, red or navy print, 6.00 ' may co better bfou'" 3f ./ may co south coast plaza , 1an di ego · fwy at bristol, costa mesa: 546 9321: shop monday thru saturday 10 am to 9:3 0 pm;. sundat noon · 'ti1 ··5 ·pm ' ' . . ' lulhr purse accenorl11 hi 1111111 pal1ed lulhar Help her g41t organized. Choote frenc" pu,.... with full size blll compcrrtm.mt. Or wallett ond little cofn pu,: ... with speciol credit carcl poc:k.n:. Dark b.lge or fime. french 7.50, wallet 6.00 or coin 4.00. moy co small leather 9oods 25 •. .MAVCO • l ' l ·I ·. ' . ' ' ·. . ., • · . . , l i • • • I l ! . • ' • DARY PU.OT EDITORIAL PAGE Give It Top One month ago, Orange County officials declared their intention to draw up a shoreline master plan. It would, they indicated, take two years to complete. A week ago, the Irvine Company came up w1th an lnflnitely better twist -do lL nO\Y. Irvine president \¥illlam 1'.1ason announced h.ls com· pany is prepared to begin immediately on plans for combined public and private develo pment of tts coas<tal properties between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. He asked state, county and municipal government authorities to participate in the planning for "a unique blend of developrnentg that will include public access to the tidelands." · Mason emphasized the company does not intend to deny public access to the coastal tidelands and, in fe.ct, favors public acquisition and development of port.Jons of the shoreline properties for public purposes. The Irvine announcement reCects both a conunend- abl e public interest and a practical se)f.interest. Clearly, the company doe s not wish to see any Salt Creek controversies arising from development of its coastal lands. This early acknowledgement of tbe l!iwift- ly mounting public demand (or tidelands access and shoreline recreational areas should help remove a lot of political second-guessing and bureaucratic obstacles from the path of Irvine planners, land-movers and builders. entirely public co .. tal developments during a recent tour of Mediterranean resorts. Tbe areas privately developed, Mason reported, were "'sterile, uninteresting and without a feeling of place or context." Areas developed solely for the pub- lic didn't look much beiter. "They were dull , unattrac- tive and in most instances had spoiled the natural beauty of the coastline, often appearing as if they had been dedlcated to parking lots and trash receptacles.'' The Irvine Company wants to avoid eiUter extreme. It is In the company'& Interest that it do so. It Is also, happily, In thepublic'• Interest. The coordinated· planning requesled by the com· pa11y should receive top priority from offic1als with the State Department of Parks, Orange County government ind the cities of Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. A Message From My Lai It may be a'1on1 time btfore we find out what did -or did not -happen at My Lai, the site of an alla&ed massacre of Vietnamese civilians by one or m o r e American soldiera. In the meantime, some millions of words have been apoken and written about what that aftair -if it prov· ea as ugly as it has so far indicated -means in terms of the quality of American life and American morality. What Irvine hopes to achieve by bringing govern· ment agencies into the early stages of master planning for the area is a compatible combination of public a nd private uses of the rugged coastline and its scattering ol sandy coves. To us, the mc>st reassuring thing to date is thal it has demonstrated how very deeply concerned most .Americans are, and how hi•hly w.e do value human life. Our nationaJ and ind.IVIdual concern over the 200 or 100 or 30 (or whitever number ) of Vietnamese lives contrasts sharply, for all the world to see, with the North Vietnamese boasting about their deliberate executions including 2,000 to 3,000 men, women and children in Hue: ,,, 'd think /UJ'd have fllfured out the connection betw«n ~OU 1 Mason and other Irvine executives saw some ex· amples of the hazards of both exclusively Private and Beyond Control of N.ixon Administration Welfare State Expanding WASHING TON' -New pressures are building up significantly for general ·in- creases and revolutionary new methods In welfare, feeding the hungry and pro- viding against the insecurities of age and Illness. The Nixon Administration is being car- ried along on a Ude it neither can stem nor control for an expansion of the benefits of the weUare slate which ullilnately will run into tht lle!ls of btlllOM of dollars. A 15 percent increase in Social Security benefits voted by the Senate av.er 'Nixon Administration objections is qnly a begin- ning; ultimately Congress is l}kely to make Socia] Security more attractive to the middle income groups and not merely a meager means of 1Ustenance for the needy aged. Revolutionary trends In welfare and feeding the hungry have been set in mo- tion and have moved beyond the control of the Nixon Administration. 1\vo thousand delegates to the White House conference on nutrition escaped com- pletely from White Hoose domination and recommended programs going far beyond anything seriously considered in the Nix- on Administration. The same pressures are building up in the Medicare and Medicaid fields for bigger benefits and wider coverage despite their costs. THE PR.mURES ARE coming not merely from hunger fanatics and wellare mllitant.'I. Business leaders, university nutritionists and welfare mot.hers are fin- ding common grounds in the recom- mendations of the White House hunger f --· Richard Will®, - ' ..• ~ ~ ...... • ..... Jo··-· .... conference on 8UCh advanced proposals as adopt.km of a $5,500 minimum annual· income guarantee in lieu of or in addition to existing welfare programs. Tile Nixon Administrati on has given in to the pressure by announcing that food benefits would be increased from S58 moothly to $106 for the poorest four. person families and the program will be extended in 307 counties whJch Jack food stamp programs. 'President Nixon has been progressively puahed olf his earlier decisions to eliminate food stamp benefits from a new welfare program providing an $1,800 floor under income. THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION ap- pears to have greatly underesttmated pressure both inside and outslde the govmiment for expansion of the welfare state in one form or another . Conservatively controlled committees of Congress have not kept abreast of the general membership of Congress in responding to public methods for In-- creased aid and new methods of dispens- ing Social Security and welfare. The Social Security concept is slowly moving oul of its original conctpt as pro- tection against destitution onto a new level of guaranteeing a livable Income, not only for the poor in means but for the average wage earner. There are pro- po.o;als for Increasing the taxable base from $9,000 lo fl2,000 and fll,000. Built Into the Social Security p-am II a feature no other retirement proeram his, st~adily increasing beneflta which In practice tend to parallel the level of the conswne:r prlc.e index. WHEN Au. T H IS II put together-guaranteed m1nlmwn income, old age retirem«it on a livable ba1is, ioclal medlclne and ho6pital c;i.re, guarantees that everyone shall have enough to eat -a new dimension begins to emer1e in the welfare state. Add io that b1f comtn1 iubsidies for hou.slnc. the improvement of the en- vironmental and cultural atmosphere now being talked about ln the Nixon Administration u jts keynote for next year and there can be little doubt of the tide that Us running. This tlcft may, as in the past, wash up disappointment, frustration and over- blown expectations. That was the c~se when the delegates to the White House conference on hunger found themselvts so far out ahead of the President who had called the eonferenee. The President is trying to avoid the mistakes of launching new programs which won't work. But he is under j>oJIUcal and public pressures which grow stronger the longer new advances in the welfare and social security fields are deferred. From time to time there is reaction against the waste and wroniness of ill-conceived social programs. That happened during the J oh n r o n Administration. Now the pendulum may be swinging Uie other way. Voters to Be Busy • Ill '70 By JAMES E. WHETMORE Senator, 3Sth District Next ye.ar promises to be a busy one for the voters of California, for in addition to the election of 80 Assemblymen, 20 Senators, 38 Congressmen, all stale con- stituUonal oUiCt?ra, and a U.S. Senator, the people will probably face a myriad or ballot measures for consideration. Already scheduled for the June 2 primary election in 1970 are seven ballot propositions which will revise or add to the state con&tltution. In addition. in- itiative peUUons are already being cireulated for other measures which. If qualified for lhe January 22 deadline., will also appear on the primary balloL KEV AMONG THOSE me.-s the Legislature approved for submlssiori to the people ln June is Proposition 7, which provides that the Legislature, by a two- lhlrds vok:, may raise the maximum rate of intttnt payable on all obllgatJon bondJ aulhorlzed by the Stale 001 not ooid. ---iiilll- Monday, December 15, 1969 Th• edltorlol J!OU• o/ the Dallv Pilot IHU ... m/onn and ·-Mlate rcadas ~ pr1a1ntfng thil ntaolf)Oplr"I optniom and com- fl1.(1lta'1 °" Copfci of lnttreH and 1lgalfjc.anc1. bf proi.'id ing o /onrm /or IM apreu ton o/ 01tr rto44fr opin.fofu. and bg preamthtf the dfwrae vi~ poinll o/ ln/OT!Md ob"""'' and 1pok•nnn cm IOpia of 1he dov. Robert N. W•ed, Publl1her Guest Report And proposed for either the June or ·November ballot are at least eight other measures for which peUUon circulators are now busy obtaining signatures from qualified voters. One of these initiatives, sponsored by the California Teachers AssociaUon and tile California Supervisor& Association. would place school costs on a SG-50 basis between the state and local government: require the state to aaume 90 pfrctnt of welfare costs; and extend homeowners property tax exemptions from f750 to $1 ,000 of assessed vatuat.lon. ANOTHER TAX measure would ex· tmpt all single family dwelllr1,1s from Jct valorem taxes imposed for support of public schools, impose one percent limit on taxes on the full cash vaJUti of homes; repeal I.he $750 homeowners' prnperty tax exempUon; requi re the Legislature to enact a system for l''ithholding of personal income laxes: provide a oot- tlme credit or not less than 30 pe:rcent of the amount of personal income ta1es due from taxpayers for the 1971 taxable year and therea.ftt:r; and require the state to compenute local governm1nt for pro- perty Ill l'OVOllU<I loll throqh llmlt. tJona and e:xemptJona:. A thlrd Ln: re!orm proposal needing qualiried sia;naturcs would remove all tducallonal taxt:s from o"·ner-occupied alngle·famlly dwe:lllnp, e:xcept for those eneumbrances 1n euect by override ·~ proval The maximum rate: on aU other f)f'OpM'tlt!s and businesa holdings would not exet:ed $1.00 ptr $100 of a~e:ssed \lalu1tion. OS TILE POLUITION front, a ~ pos<d ln lllatl1'0 would r<flulrt r<eordlng and publishing statements of pollutants discharged; impose penalties, and re- quire 1972 or later vehicles to ha\'e antl- pollution equipment Additional 1tate financing up to $4.22 million would be re- quired . On the same subjttt, still another pro- posa l would declare state. po Ii c y regarding pollution of air, land, and water in the state, and establish that primary respcinslbllity to rllminate pollu- tion ls on those causing it. and the major burden of poUuUon control shall not be placed on Ille lndtvldual. ONE OF AN colleagues has proposed a bal!ot measure which would prohibit school district,, from busing students for the purpose of Integration without written permission of the parent or guardian. Just how many ol these iniU1tlves will qualify Is unknown' at this time, of coune. since they require 325.173 signatures of qualified voters, while con· stitutlorial amendmtnta call for 520,276 &lgnatw'fs. And that'a a bl1 task In itseli. Dear Gloomy Gus: Re : Rela~ed dm1 ~e In schools -looks to me lltte the admlnJ. stralor1 adopted a policy or If you can't fight 'mi and win, joln 'em. · -Taipayer fllllt ""'"' ,..,...,,.. ,.. ... ,... vi..... .. M«UtrllY IMM ~ ttte -'"'· \"'4 ~ Hf _,,. • Ol111t1111 hlo Cl•Hr Pfllit. that button and that gavel by now •. Rise • Ill Crime Reader Says Wallace Votes Weren't Lost A Main Anxiety ( 1 l Mailbox To the Editor: ... ' On Oct. 23, 1968 you published my letter about the "Four Choices" that each voter had with regard to the presidential elec- tion. The following is part of lhat letter. Our nation's sharp rise in criminality in reet:nt years has become one or the m&Jn anxieties of the American people, as it should. Crime is like a pandemic dlsease; It spreads if it is not checked. '1bose: who will vote for Nixon or Humphrey can look anyone in the eye after the election and state that they ex- ercised their right to vote, even though their man Jost. Those who will vote for Wallace will have a more difficult job of i ustifying their choice. Yet, there have ' been other minority parties that were so popular that the two major parties had to accept some ol their better Ideas. Thus, those who will vote for Wallace ma y ob- tain change evtn though Wallace only wins a few southern states." But in dealing v.·ith diseast, we do not stop with the symptoms -we seek for the underlying causeg. Jn matters of social health, however, we are satisfied if ~·e can diminish the surface symptoms, while the infection contlnuu to spread. Nowhere is this truer than In our vast unconcern about the U.S. "correcUonal" system, which does not correct; but defonns, d i m I n I s h e s , distorts, perpetuates and multiplies the very ail- ment it purports to cure. THIS PAST SUMrttER, at the American Bar Association convention in Dallas, lhe new Chief Justice of ~he Supreme Court, Warren E. Burger, pro- posed a national conference on correc- tional problems, based on the fact that unless something dlfferent is done. "an increasing proport.lon of our population will become chronic criminals with no other way or life except the revolving door of crime, prison, and more crime." TilE FOLLOWING is from the L. A. Times of Nov. 26, 1969: "Wallace was delighted that expressions he had used "·ere showing up in Agnew's (19611) cam- paign rheloric, just as he is now pleased abc:IQt some of the recent comments tht now Vice President has made in de- nouncing demonstrators and the news media. 'He's a copy-cat,' Wallace s&Jd. 'He's been using some of niy words, but make SIU"'e you say I smlled when t said that'." \\'hile professing no plan o( his own the Chief Justice pleaded with the Jawfers that "there mugt be some way to make our correctional system better than the revolving-door process which has made 'recidivist' alm06l a household word in America ," UPWARDS OF 70 percent of the in- mates of our penitentiaries a r I recidivists, or "repeaters'' as they are called in jail. This number.. .b .. growing every year. and the few prison reforms thet have been put into effect have not begun to keep up with the dramatic rlle in the crime rate. Obviously, strict "law and order" en- forcement, which ends by putting men in jail and forgetting them until they are Jet out to repeat the only \Vay of life thty know. is a self-defeating proceu. Especially whtn !he most important thing a convict learns in jail is how Lo become more successful next time. AS JUSTICE BURGER suggested, "We must" explore more fully a limited con-- finement and work rtlease. We mu!t search for new inctntlve programs to permit reduotlon of sentences for those who will educate and train themselves in skills which give a man prlde and Jden- tlly." lf, he pointed out, we truly believe that the problem o( securing an orderly society, guided by fair concepts of justice, is one ol the great priorities of our time -then the disposition of con- victed persons is one of the m0&t im- portant prlorlUes 1n establishing a system of ordered liberty. I will deal further with thls matter in tomorrow's column. THUS, THOSE that voted for Wallace In 1968 did not lose their vote becauie the present administration hu embraced &Xne of the Ideas of the Wallace party. Some cynics will proclaim that this is a crude methOd of obtaininl votes for the 1972 election. Yet, this is exactly what politics Is all about -1e:tt!ng votes.· Half of All Cars in U.S. HARRY B. McDONALD, JR. Battin, '/'Ii ot Bad ham TO THE EDITOR : I WOULD APPRECIATE A PAGE ONE RETRACTION OF ARTICLE EN· TITLED "COUNTY TAKES NEW LOOK AT BADfW,I BAY SWAP PLAN." IN YOUR NEWPORT HARBOUR 12·tlh!t EDITION WHEREIN YOU HAV E CON· P'USED THE NAME 0 F AS. SEMBLYMAN BADHA111 WITH THAT OF SUPERVISOR ROBERT BA'M'IN. THEY ARE OF OIV!RGENT P H I L 0 S OPIUES, ASSEMBL YlllAN BADHA111 BEING-A REPUBLICAN, AND. SUPERVISOR BA'M'I N BEING A DEMOCRAT. THEIR POSITIONS ARE RARELY THE SAME, LEAST OF ALL IN REGARD TO THE BACK ll/I Y LAND EXCHANGE. E. F. WARO, JR. ADMINISTRATIV&.ASSISTANT TO ASSEMBLYMAN ROBERT E. BADHA111 ltST ASSElllBLY DISTRICT The DAILY PILOT cpoto9u<1 for m.irtn9 up the two oentl1men 11~ a headline that ra" ill bne edition and was correcttd ht subsequent aditions. Tile sror11 iUtl/ corrtctlt1 connected tha Upper Bat1 purclwe plan wtrh it.I author, Supervisor Robert Battin. Editor Letter1 from rtader1 ort welcome. 'Normallt1 writers thould conveu their messages '" 300 word1 or ltts. The right to condtNa ltttcr1 ro fit 1pac1 or elimfnata Ubtl is reserved. Alt ltt- ter s m11st Jnclude .rlgriaturt and moil· ino addr1st, but '1amt1 may be tcil,t· htld on requeit if suffidt nt reason '' apparent. PolENJ will not be pMb· It•h•d. • Tbinp a columnist might miver know ii he didn 't open his mail : Deiplte the rise in production abroad, half of the world's passenger can are in the United States, and about 35 percent of the household~ in th.Ls country now have two or more cars. Wonytn1 over how lo pay Ior tllem - seven out of 10 new cars are bought on credit -may help explain why Americans IUIP a thousands aspirin pills every &eCOnd, or 60 million pounds year· ly. Many people believe diamonds won't burn, but they will il the fire is hot enough. They are affected by ttm· peraturn rang;ng above 1400 degrees FahrenbeiL EVER WONDER how the phrase "mad u a March hare" originated? It refers to the frolicsome conduct of male hares in early spring, When they spring into the air, tumble about on the ground and fight each other in elhuberant prtlimi.naries to mating. Skiing Is fun. but It alao hu become a health ha:r:ard. An estimated 50,000 skiers will be injured partlclpoUn1 In Ille sport this winter, and Ml pereent or them will be under U years of ., .. Of the lnJurtd, 76 per<ent will be ineJ;p<rlenctd, ..,...u. td "weekend wonder" lkJen. ., If you w111nl to klll Ume, you might try coontlng haw many Umea your watch Uou In 14 hours. You a!wld get a tOlal of 432,000, give or take a few tJcks. QUOTABLE NOTABLES: "lloo'l be afraid to tnjoy the stress of a full life ... 11-fan should not try to avoid 1trus any more than he WO\Jld shun food, Jove, or exerlcse." -Dr. •rans Setye. GetUng •Ion.<! wllh people Is the major problem In bu~lnw:. It has been estimated that the •verage Industrial manager now spends 80 percent Of !'Us IJrne on employe relations, only 20 ptr• <tnt oq pnxluotion problem!. • It may be debatable whether life is get. ling better for older people, but a larger fractioo of the populatkln Is reaching old age. Fifty years ago only five percent of the American people were over 65; today 10 percent are. SPUD LORE: Despite dieting fads, .Americans still tat an average of 110 pounds of potatoes each a year. '1111 potato, like the lomato, was for a Urn• rtgarded by many Europeans a s poisonous and a cause or leprosy. Unlil a famine in 1740 overcame their reUgiousi scruples. Scottish peasants refused to grow potatoes because the plant wasn't mentioned in lhe Bible. Love may rule the world. but busintss generata IO percent of U.S. mail, ac· «>ntlng 1" Postma&ttr G<nerol Wlntoo M. Blount. Worth remembering: "The years are beginning lo add up U ll tak .. Y«J m,a- Lo rtSt than It did to get Ured." .---B11 Geo"fle --~ Dear Gtlor1e: l am 20 years old and am golnf into the suvlce. 11 it true you must blindly obey orders In tht A~y. or do you have a chance to talkithlnp over with your suptrlors? I'm ured to the De.nocrat way of life. ls the Army? WONDERING Dear Wandering: I'm sure the Army has noWn1 against the Democrat way of U!e, son. but I'm no authority. J wu ~ ly ln the Army two hitches and never 1ot olf K.P. fi.1y sergeant wai evidently a re:itstt:red RepubUca~ ' -' Claeeking Vp .What New Car Is Worth to Thieves BJ L. M. BOYD THE PROFESSIONAL C A R BTIUPPER i.! known among lawmen as ''The Midnight Aul<> Parts Company." By 1tealing one new car, tak.inc it apart, and peddling the piece., he plckll up about $2,800. ONE THIRD o! lhe 21·Yea!' old girls in the world have never been kiss· ed .•• CLOSEST TIUNG to another Jimmy Gagney to-turn up of. late is Stepb~ Oliver, that intense lad In the actors' school on "Bracken's World ." Quite a performer .•• YOU KNOW nlOSE elementary school students' savings ac- counta? Average balance is $35. •• IT HAS BEEN determined tcienti!ica11y that approximately 10,000 thougllls b-avel through a man's mind every day. Without stopp)ng, I can asaun! you • • • THAT MONTH of the year when your teeth are least apt to develop new cavities is' Augu.!t. LIFER!!. PLUS - A pair o! Iranian cOnfidenee men were Join o ur .AMBASSADORS CLUB INTERNATIONAL '" S119CtKlll• Trnel Yel11e1 • 2t7J IAN JOAQUIN MILLI llOAD NIWl'OllT l lACM, CALI!', ""9 PHONE: 644-4600 .. ntenctd to prllon on J..,.11 each to .U.td>el tola1lq 7,lot years. Or IO 11ya l'rant L. Forster of Santa cnuo, Cal Ht keeps track o! aucll mattm. Th"• .,. thought to be tht loncest prison ......,... ever imposed. IncldeotaDy, Mr. Forster is tho l•~-""'i11 trying to .. u tllll 1.,....,.1. """"" purL 1a1own u tho Pearl of Allah and b1lled u lhe work1'1 largest. WHY DO teven· out of to men carry their wallets in their Jeft hip pocket? Tbat'1 what I asked. "Because," replies a cordial c 11 en t , "That's tho pocket with tho bultcm on it, Dum Dum. " •• , CUSTOMER SERVICE, Q. "Ho.w many m our Prtsldent.s have betn burl ed in Washington, D. C.?" A. Only Woodrow Wilion. , .Q. "THE WJUTE MEAT of a turkey has fewer calories than' the dark meat, right?" A. Yes, misa, .about 20 percent fewer .•. Q. "IS THERE ANY such thing as a white rainbow?" A. Never aaw one, but IUCh there be .•• Q. •'BOW M A N Y Roman Catholic P-have abdicated?" A. S i :r. , •• "ABOUJ' GREGORY PECK, is that his real riamt?" A. That plus his fint name., Eldred. Your questions and com- ment. are totlcomed and will be wed wMrever pol· sible in "Checking Up.N Address mail to L. M. Bot/d, in care oj DA ILY PILOT, Bo:: 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. THESE PENNEY STORES WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY ' . AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK •BURBANK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE •FULLERTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH •INGLEWOOD •LAKEWOOD •LONG BEACH •LOS ALTOS •MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH •NORWALK • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SAN IERNARDINO • SAN FERNANDO • SANTA MONICA •TORRANCE • • •VENTURA • WESTCHESTER . • WEST COVINA • WHlnwOOD •WHITTIER DOWNS '\ ' SWMt lhan11 In nylon tlfcot ICIWlll ............. -""1 b•111111d. In.._,, .... on. Sim $.Ml. aa,.oci.e-f1r'illty wllhatloyprlooiag. t4 Ennmlales ... gowns and coats of 11)-ion trlcot ,,.lllCldo for .... ollw, and to ..... horW pc11+wf. Dolldoul lwlt10111hodo& '*-llfuly 11•111wd. P.s.M-1. 'J3 'The Uncllngalal• ... the way a slip should lael Half slip cl Femi• polpotor trtoot,"""'9,padllt. $11\.LShort,A- '3 "'" slip "' ....... ,..., ....... "'""""" tool wi.. Ml lid F•• 32.aiharl.~ ...... ,,.. pafectflt. •5 Monda)>, D1<tmbtt 15, IM Give her gihs by Gaymode• to m~ke her Christmas merrier! Aallone 111wtch nylon pantyhose with nude or nlnfoi ced hMl, In fciihlon colon. Short, w., long, lllC-big. '2 Cantrtcl8 i111ld1 nylon hose -nal smoothi .. Plain ' knit, lllllh,nucleMel. Fashion colon, s.A-f..XL LIKE IT... OIARGE ITI Th• laeautiful bra slip ha uneompil· cated her llfel ~ haw .,ion lea .,... FlborfiH• pol)lellw nnid, """" """"' rrt-J l)'ll'CI" opandox aides and bade, ............. lrlcot body, in white or paofok. M.c ..,.. •5 31or2.95 leautlfully claalc handlaags that fust look lllplllliyel Bronco grain or crushed grain oipa.W W!yl In aff tho -*' shapos. ... colon .. _ ...... with hor -.!robe. t5 AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE • ·-•· - -, • ·I ' ' ., -.·. 'I ' •: ' . , • ' ' ... I ' I j ! i .J ,. g_· f D.111.Y l'!t.OT Tax Law Closes Loophole of Nu~ W.ISlllNGTON (AP Much al Ille hue anc1 cry over what the IN rtlGnn bill .ioe. -and -not do -.,.. be GREAnST Automobile OFFER SEE PAGE 36 tra<:ed to a nun who inherited millions but for 65 :ye.arr nevec 1penl a dime of II on hemll. To lhOOe al Ibo onler Ibo founded Jn 1•1, Ibo WU -u Motlltt Katherine DrueL But to generations al tu lawyers, congressmen and ricll people seeking to protect 1beJr. wealth from Uncle Sam, she ls belier known .. the "Phllade1phla nun." The famous Philadelphia nun tax loophole, which ex· empted Mot be r Katherine from toes on au the lnQetited money abe gao,ie to charity, would be clooled by Ibo IN "'form bill pasoed '111uraday by the Senat.e. All new Decorator piece. and room groupings returned ·from di.splay stu- dios, model homes, movie studios. Decorators Cancellation: Houseful ot Spanish Furniture, item1 u follows: Gor~eous 8 fl Spanish sofa & Matching chall", Custom quilted with carved wood trim R., heavy Dark oat end tables & matchinJi cocktail table, 8 Piece King size 'Mediterranean oak paneled bedroom suite with full King size box springs & mattress. Large Spanish decor i:!ining room. Golf leaf Spanish table lamps. Hanging swag lamps, etc., etc. Each piece can be '-purchased individually. Whole houHlul wH r09Vlar $1295.00 But whJle cloliJt& on e loophole, the blU may open dozens more that eou1d, In -JO )'Olrl, provide jull as rood. a shelter for aome weafthy Indivlduell and cor- poraUons while eo1Unr leu lortunabo tupaym mUIJoos. loophole, which hu become Koonedy contended e special ·for tn8ll)' wealthy persons the blll abould provide equity for besl·known dods• la I h • Individual tupayers to avoid preaent tax code. · I Now, tbe Lockheed ex· operuna up oopboles for em"'"'"' would save 'that com-otben. r-v" "I can tell you one thing," pany 111 mUUon. Referring to Mo I be r !Catherine, Sen. RuueU B. LOOg. chairman of the Sena!< Finance CommIUee, told the Senate this week: "If we can just get this bill paued, I guarantee you won't hear that name around here i.ny more." Like aome o th e r cor· said Ip. exuperated Lone d'Ur· porationt, U:ICkheed was ex· tng ill acblnp wltb X:en- empled fn>m repeal of the 7 nedy. "U thll Pblladtlpbla u percent investment c r e d t t knew all the trouble lhe'a because it commllted itself to caused me 1'Dl sure 1be'd be new contracts before the Aprll l~so~rry~.";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.lii;i;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;i;i;i;;;i;i;i;i;i;iii 18, 1969 deadline in the bill. Ir ComJD(ll to most of the special exempUons ls their lack of secrecy, although they are the result of intensive lob- bying aod beneficiaries are not named In the bill But· Sen. Edward M. Ken· nedy, (0.Mus.). whole ataff hu found Ii pcUnllal °"""' 111(1 in the IN bill pall<d 'ltlursday, llid there are othen who znay take Mother Katherine'I ' place In t I I loophole blsfory: "I feel concern that poten. Ually perhaps aome of tbese matters -perhaJll they do not -bear Ibo ..,.. kind ol problem IQU!l&!.d by tbe 1924 nun amendment which wou1d lead to .a loopbole." The benellduia al the new loopllol<s lncludo, In .adltloo Rather than naming a specific company ~ Jndividual for whom the special ex- emption is designed, the bill outlines specific criteria and says anyone who qualifies gets the break. Frequently there ls only one beneficiary. htost of the exemptions, especially those Inv o Iv Ing foundations, would involve lit- Oe if any revenue loss to the Treasury. to .several charitable trusts, Vall G d ..... ol the nation'• biggest ey ra corporationa: u n Ir 0 ya I • Earns Honors l\lcllonell Douglas Aircraft llld:Lockbeed Alrcra!L A Fountain ValJey High Mother Katllerlne'1 loophole School graduate ol 1969 bas Wu opened in 1921 when earned "honors at entrance" Congress adopted a proviso al Cal p'o1y San Lula Obispo. telling her give the Income Martin JoilJI Fulton lU from "her bl!Eritod milllom to emer..i Cal Poly last Se!>' cbarity. tax -. !ember Sbt was the dau .... ter of u an e·l eclron·Jc 61" engineering major. He receiv- RACITl'S 11-.....:c AM-FM Stereo MPX with ·SP"k•rt tor Hom. '69~ CLASSICAL GUITAR All Wood '13" Spr1oJC• Top PIARL AND llRTHSTONl ' · RINGS $12.00 Value '6" ONLY STEREO HEADSET Comsa-r• '8" at $14.t5 CAN ANYONE OFFER YOU THIS FANTASTIC DIAM.OND GUARANTEE? DIAMONDS ARE OUl SPICIAL TT! MlY · DIAMOND AND DIAMOND RING YOU IQT JS ,GUARANTEED TO Al'l'RAISI FOR AT LIAST 40% TO 80% HIGHER THAN THI PllCI YOU PAID OR YOUl MONET REFUNDED. THIS DIAMOND RING ":.':..•.:· 1220000 W• Ou•rllnt• to .. ,...,.. 1400000 •• • ly a Certlflec;I o.molotllt or your lnon•1 b.lck. THIS DIAMOND RING '37500 Prlclld to You •t We GuarantH to Appnl:. '60000 ly • Certified Gemologltf ., your money Nck Anthony Drexel, a J. P. ed the high scholastic honors Morgan -wbo 1e1t ber tor high sC!ioot grades which Free . COME EARLY D nt C I M 115 million when he died In placed him In the lop live per-OW own OS a esa • ~:To~~·~~~~-· ... -............ $598.00 $100,000 Spanish' or Meclitenanean Fllmlture to Choose From Terms Available -Newcomer& to California Credit Annroved Immediately - llJIJ5. 'l11e Income from the al C ff AND SAVE 11>1 NEW•ORT .. BLVD. 646 7741 mooeyns estlmaled al 11,llllll cent Cal Poly'1 freshman 0 ee '"'" l•oodwoy) • ada~ 1~cl~'"'~·:......:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four year. later at ilt age bl 29, Molber ICathttlna took HD f'11r11ilt11't· 1844 Newport Blvd., at Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa (only! ....,.....,,.,_w ... ~s. ... s..tfll' he!-vows al poverty and allhoogb abe couldn't touch a pemy bl her lnherllance thereafter, abe beclme i<nowft as "The World's Rlchell Nun." In 1924, Congreoa enacted a complex -formiala then In- tended to furth9' ea.!e Mother Kalherloe's charitable giving. But it was that 1942 -· known In time .. the "Philadelphia n u n • ' t\nnelfl AUT8CENTER ls that thump---·. lllder the hood the generator? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't And maybe It's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of time (and a lot of your money), trying to find out. Drive Into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center. In less than one hour, we put your car through a aeries of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential ones. Steering. Engine. ·erakes. Transmission. Electrlcal and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe. You watch the r8!1Uiti'come out on an electrQnic typewriter. A skilled diagnostician goes over t<;~t;J the report with you. If you wlslr, he'li give you an estimate of any n-ary repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems now, before they develop Into big problems costing big money. · And; If you wish, Penneys will make the repalnt- qulckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could prevent a needless highway breakdown. If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere you like. The cost? Only 9.88. Pretty reuonab~ for an anaiylt, theee days. ...... ~ •111 Os 01 ... ,. Mrtr. -..... , PemeysAuto Dia9lostic Center '1111-TroubtolhOolort hll1rto11 1•o:m;•t.lr#MI -171-IJ4a • ·OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK FOR YOUli'SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! •High outplri su1>9r I movf1 light "MOW THAT YOU'ii:! IN SHOW tUSINESS" booklri I J:ocfolr: IUper I color fil111 ond bcrtt.Q• •Abbott oriel Codell.• comedyfll111 • Eloht brflliontl'f' color.d tiri1 corck • l lod1: loolt of Mo1"9r 't'inyl C0"*111 C'G:MI - THESE Bell & Howell HOME MOVIE OUTFIT IVllYTlllNG YOU NOD TO SHOOT MID SHOW PIOfUSIONAL 19n n5 LOOKING HOMI MOYIUI LOOK AT WHAT 'Ii" OIT1 . 7. 7 BELL & HOWELL SUPER a MOVIE CAMZltA it... tok• llll & HOWELL SUPER • PROJECTOR !!>or all the fiddli!tQ and gll9Uing out of komt movie making ••• for tfnada lbelf ovtomaticalfy ••• from r•I to mll No goodl Optrontc• tlectrlc ey. Mtt corNd uposure automotfcolty. more ttcf"IGUI and lntricotli thteoding for yo11. Showt f~c9clmc.f0tl""°ntfoanl'ng.Altofeo1ur11aoom-actlon "'°'"" 1n forword (of CO\lrtt), but also switchet to, .. leM, refla (fNv..tft..lens) .ttwing, pilfOI a rip and electric film YtrM or still projection. dn'W. STOH5 OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 lo 5 P.M. CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD DOWNEY MONTCLAIR FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ' ' . r ! l . t l l J .. !· 1: • • I I . I } I YDs Ask Immediate Pullout .LAS VEGAS (UPI) -Tllo Young Democrat& Clubs Or America, ignoring the pleas of the party's 1961 standard bearers, pa~ a resolution over the weekend calling Cor immediate Withdrawal O( all U.S. troops and personnel from Southeast AJia. Concluding a fiery, four-day convenlionn, the Yo u n g Democ:rat3 selected D a v i d Stemoff, a West Coas t businessman who I a v o r s refonn le~slaUon, as their new president. Sterno{(, 29, or Bellvue, Wash., was elected on the 10th ballot after more than 12 hours of voting at the group's biennial convention which took solid stands against some ~enlor party policies. •·we want to lake politics in- to· the streets and meeting rooms. We want to create an organlzati'on or a c t i o n politics," St.ernoff said. Former Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Sen. Edmund Muskie (0.Maine), ux!Jcated before the Vietnam resolution passed that im- mediate wilhdrawal would be irresponsible If not impossible. Humphrey aOO Muskie were running mate! for president and vice president in 1968. How To Hold FALSE TEETH Firmer Longer DoJOW' falle teeth &llllOfaDd UD• b&rru. J'OU bJ ODIJl.IDI 1-u..d droppt.oc wbeu•er 10u eat.1}tt'p~ or talk? Then 1Prtnkl• PAS CID fQut plat.. PA.6TEETR hold• d•ntw. ftrmer longw--bold.9 them tnore oo~fi:!~l,&, too.Mates eating -.ier.P la alka11t1e, Wori'l 50\lJ', No lrUJ!llll1, gooey, J)Nty Wte. Deutw. that ftt are -nU&l to ll•llJ:i._e. JOUI' dentlat :tefUJ&l1J, Ge\ PA8'1'Bl'B ••all dru& counters, U'I T ... MM MIDWAY HERO Adm. Spruance Die• Admiral . Dies at 83 MONTEREY, Calif. (AP) - Retired Adm. Raymond A. Spruance, who commanded U.S. forces in the victorious battle of Midway in June 1942, is dead at 83. Spruance died Saturday at his home in nearby Pebble Beacll of complications from hardening of the arteries. Four J apanese carriers and a destroyer Were sunk and 320 Japanese p I an es were destroyed in the battle at Midway, which was considered a turning point in the naval war of the Pacific. Aft.er Midway, S~nce became chief of staff to f'leel Adm. Chester W. Nimitz and succeeded him as Pacific commander-in-chief after the Japanese surrender In HHS. Spruance retired from the Navy in 1948. Pre sident Truman appointed him am- bassador to the Philippines in 1952 and he served three years before resigning and settling in Pebble Beach. Science Shrinks Painful Hemorrhoids Stops Itch-Relieves Pllin Finds Way That Both Relieves Pain and Shrinks Piles I!' Mo~ Cases Nnt Tort. N.Y. (Special): Sci· age) took place. 'l'he 1!1eeret it ence hu :louud a special for-Pttpmrati•• B~. 'then 11 no JDula with the abilits, ill most' etber f~ for Jllailorrbolds :=;-1~ •~kJif:r1¥ds,... ·Jik9 iL PiQaila~ttolt B al•o 111 eaa~fter eue :fo::-n ~It• initated tis111u ~•d JttO..a.. wbile yntlJ reJie'riDc~ MIPI PNft'Dt farther infection. ---(llllrill"-·h-lor .. ppao;1or71mo, • 011--1 Cambodian Monks in Viet Clash SAIGON (UPI) -Cam· bodian monk! seeking to have the governmtnt restore their status I! an ethnic minority battled with Saigon police ear- ly today !or the second time in less than :Zf hours, One injured policeman wu held horutge by lhe monks for nearly seven hours before he was released. The po1ice fired shots into the air and used ttar gas to force back about 200 of the orange-robed monks who had surged out ol their pagoda throwing stones and sharPened metal slaves. A government source said 31 policemen ·were injured in the three-hour battle. There was no official word on arrests. The monks said 15 of th eir number were injured. Police Sunday, used lire hoses, tear gas and rifles to force back a group of the monks as they emerged from their pagoda on the city's north s.ide and attempted a march 0t1 the presidential palace. The monks' status as an ethnic minority was lifted earlier in the year by Presl· dent Nguyen Van Th ieu, One or the status provisions was that the monks would be ex· empt from military service. Huge Ship Goes Down ROTIERDAM (AP) -Tile 207 ,000-ton Dutch. supertanker Marpessa became the biggest ship ever sunk when she went down early today off the West African coast. The Marpessa, owned by RGyal Dutch Shell, was ripped by an explosion and ftre last Friday. The crewmen put out the blaze, but water poured in- to the engine room and the ta11ker began to sink stem first. Ocean tugs tried to save her. but the ship sank 50 miles northwest or Dakar. ·~·o crewmen were injured In the explO!ion and two were reported .. mi 1 s Ing. 'Ibi s.irvivcn were taken aboard the British tanker Serena SatlD'day. It was not known what caused the explosion • MON., TUE., WED. ONL YI Tire Saver Special! ONLY 8.88 • Front e11d aU911ment • 5 tl~s rotated • 4 wliffls balanced· • Brake adj1st.ellt THESE STORES OPEN SUNDAY TOOi 12 lo S P.M. BUENA PARK(°'::l:~"') (C-tOSEO SUNDAYS} CHULA VISTA DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK FULLERTON MONTCLAIR VENTURA Monda}', Dttt111btf 15, 1969 DAil V "l.81 p OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! If he already. has e~erything • onthis page, c it's more than a h<J~by. i • • Golf bog bottle cost in red and block with white trim ••• , •• , ••••••• , •• 16 ·s-·· 2 bottlo .... with llOldod , , condnlctiorL ~Mctdc only •••• t18 'Colonial' 1tyt. wonder bar • • • with 3 liquor decanters ••.•• , . , ••.••• MS 'Cominocfo,.' • • , 2 bottle <OM whh vinyl CO'+'tring. A Jtoncbomt ti~ ••• $1 2 NOW! THESC VAlUES AT ANY ON( OF THESE PENNEY ~TORES! CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD Attractive podded bor and 2 stools. The frame, In bronzetone; the top, textwrtd wolnut fin- nish; seat• and bar padding, black vinyl •. &or i1 .40"H x •B"L x 15"[) wi1h 2 laminated plo1tic; &helve1. $119 set 3 qt. bucket Clvome llNsh . lri'!' ~·· • vinyl cove_red. ·tJ 2 Stainless sttel codkUI sholcer is gift box«I ... S6 'You and me' codioil Ml ••• $,C 12 ot. floJc with top 9roln cowhkN f.Kktt ••• M 12 or: flask, "transiltof' ·• style •• ·.simulated leatMr •• ,t4 'Corky' wine corlr: extractor. ~ "'; to u. ••• 16 1 qt. IOdo 1 ...... 1. qpl>on ". 12.95 14 p5eca bot tool Mt kid'*-thoket, stroinet, tong•, spoon, lieger ~and WtOrt ••• 111 DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VEN TURA S~OPSUNDAY, TOO 12 to~ P.M.! }f Dltl V PILOT Crisis Center: Practical Approach Fonner Solon Sued by Wife 1795 LAGUNA CANYON ROAD ' mceor1nic£ • By THOt.1.AS FORruN£ ot .. CNl" ~ltl itltl IRVINE -Tht Idea Is to dcJ rc5earch for disenfranchised groups instead of about them. That simple ;!latemenl er· plains the runction of UC lrvine111 neW Urban Cri5l11 .Research Center wt\ich has been given a $25,000 Ford 1''ounclalion grant to early out work this school ye&r. A first pro}tcl will be lo study Ule need for biUngual school teachers at the requt;St o( a Santa Ana Melican- American community organization. "The philosophy ol lhe Research Center," says its director. Alan J. Miller~ "'is rather than doing the<lretipl research to advance anyone's scholarly reputation to do practical rtlW'ch for people." He said no research will be lnltlfted by the center staff it.self. Staff members will Lalk to people ln the urban coin· munlty to learn what they see u their need&. t.1iller sald he sees the Urban Crisis Research Centtr u being in the mainstream of Univ.eraity of Calilomla's NICOID.lt1on uf the need to . devole resourCea and address lt.oell 10 !he problems of !he cities. The $25,000 gfven UCI ill part or a larger SD0,000 Ford Foundation grant liven for urbu. prQblem projects at all nine U.aiffnity of California campolie. Some " !he moot pmslag human problems In the State art cominc Wldtr" ln- t For the Record Meetings _ ... NrN!>0'1 H1rllor ,_, .. Y'I Mtn'I (tub YMC•. ?300 Un1~1T\I Dr I -• Newport Botch, 1 p.m. E•111e<t r S.Cout1, BtliCoclc El«lfot!IQ E•lllDrtr Po!! lt~. l•llCoclc El9C• Ironies. 3l41 H••llOt Btv•.. Cot1t Mn.-, l.U p.m. OtMOl1y, Or1nt1t Cot<! Ch11llr, MtlOtll( Trmole H!h Sr .• I nd St. .1.nc1rrW1 Pt.er, NewDOrt llffch. l :» •• m. Df'MOllV, HIKlll~ IHC:ll CMpltr, M1omlc T.mplt, i'IM Ltkl .1.vtno,tt, tlunti,,.ton B11e11, 7:.)11 11.m. COl'9 Mtst Htm....., L ...... No. 'Jt, Odd Ftl_,, Htll, 15'<1 NtwP0<1 l lvd .• Cotll Mtu, l :OI l'Jft. TV•SDAY Co111 Mn. Senior Cl11HM Ckllt, C- mun!I¥ l!KrMlloll Ct ..... , Or-Counl¥ Ftlr1rOlll'ICh. Codi ,!Mu, 11 •. m. Erc:N1>9r Club ef 1"'1ne lndustrlt1 Com11ll•, 5htlf Shirt Rtllturlnl, t.141 w. CotSI HlghWIY, NewJIOl'f 8Hch, ''"'*'· CC'<ll Mesa E•ehlnet Clllb. Cori! lllllf JIHllUrtnl, 26.u H1rttot l lvd, Cotlt Mn., 12 llDOl'I. Cl)ron• dtl ~r E•chl'* Clllb, Jostl'1, n:n E. Cotlt Hl1hw1v, • Cotona dtl Mtr, 17 noon. Huntlneton Seidl North Llon1 Cll/11, MHd-llrt. Couf!lr'I Clull, UN2 GraMm, Hunllneton 8e.c>t. U llOOl'I. CerDN di! M1r Klw1nl1 Chib, Vlllt Swedeft. :&Pt E. Cot1t HltllwtY c~ llrl Mir, 17:10 •.m. Hunl1111ton 111<1'1 Jtottrt CIUl:t, North, Four Wlnd1 Rnhur1nt, 1"21 8ol1• Divorces DIWMl<•I ,.1'.10 WltMn, Suu,,,,. K.. ¥1 Vlcfor LIUlt ""' De!vt• "" Etwvn .1.111-~-llobel'I• Dlt fll 111 llobut . ... Pl911d't, 01¥r M1rlt "' J-l .. n M\lb. C.OV. Ot rit.ft ¥1 Mldlttl Sc0tt 01rt. II-V. "' GM'"f!ll C. V•n 0<'1rtn. fdM G. "' O..t i:il I . O<ill'trlt, DltoltlY N. "' M.n .... MU'1ll'IY• P1ut I'. "" Ct tll..-lnt P, Ktlt,., llelltft CMri.t .... Mtrltll lltlnt lrt lll. Frtntlece u.e n Oll!Nil Ml11tr, TtnV 0 , ¥1 S..1\11-J. H411f, 1i.1111 Jftl~ w DINld 1 ... 111 Htdl, Dile _,..,, YS Mldlltl Joilft K!r11. Otrll Ellubtll't w l'rtncls '"'" O~l .. LIOll, D1-:lt ¥1 JOll MtGt;.nh, l tt"ttlct Ctelllt " KllWltlh HvH· 01uoMl\Mutll. Mtrltftl Jotn "' Lori1 w11111rn N1 .. lhollf, Vll"fh'll.I "' llt1Pll f . Huff, CMI,.,. LM ¥1 ~N E. Button, Jiii D . .,. Dl vlf Clllr Yori, Jtrnff ¥1 atttY Jtnt WM!, Ot¥1d M. vs Trvd'Y M. c-r. Thtadot• •· 111, .... J1111e .1.nnt Md( .. ,,...,, .l.11111 Mff ¥1 Gi NIY J. Biddle, Arthur E. n PMlll H, vestigation. The UCl center's fl rs t research project is at the behest of the Delhi organlza· tion of Santa Ana. Mrs. Angelina Hernandez, coordinator of the Delhi Com· munity Center on South Main Street, said the group'1 a1m ls to bring about beneficial changes for a 4!9-home Mex· ican-American aection known as Delhi. "We have 'taken irurveys 1nd visited school! where our children are goini and we find a gml •need for bilingual teacber1," she said. "A lot o( thf: Spanish-speak- lng children are just silting there, like in another •orld, becaUJt they don't understand tpe teacher'& language," she said. "We have to do Yorba Park Added to Count y Plan something about It and. fast. Everyday that goes by that child is eetting ~ and ltsa ... She said she !eels !he UCI people are vel')' aJncen and their help is goina: to be very welcome. LOS ANGELES IAP) - :. to e1actly what ,~ will Formtr Alltmblyman Joeeph "l haV< oopa of beiJnn!ng C. Sbell, 51 , hals betn sued for thtl . projtet in .. D¥>nlh or divorce by his wife of 26 two," Mlller a.ld. Me sald be year$, Barban Morton Shell, can see Jt ea&lly lasting so. beyond June when the one-ahot She ~ LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY • 494-9415 She hopes the research wlll "hel,p us get ways to insWI in the mind!i or the board of education how n~ary It is &(Id t)ow to go about It." Ford Foundation grant runs u1arge<1 eltreme cruelty out but he is looking iDlo ad-In the Superior Court suit filed 5,,,.,llf Thi Entl,, So11th Co11t Ar•• ditional funding. _,;Tut~sd~a~y~. ======~===================~ • n.e school board, she said, is ujing to cooperate with an English as a .second language program but hasn't put the f'l1nM into the problem or given it the priority she thinb is needed. MiUer said the Research Center, which opened in September, .is: about prepared to make it. propo6al to the Delhi comm.Unity organiution Miller said other Researchlf Center projects are !Do ten- U.Uve to talk about at this stage.' Miller was director ol the minority admis..loru Educa. Uonal Opportunity Program at UCI until he stepped down last summer to give the job to a non·white. He is now hall-time director of the Reseirch Center along with being assis- tant to the chancellor for urban crisis affairs. College Science Chief Goes Back to Teaching MISSION VIEJO -Sad· dleback College trustees have accepted James F. Thorpe'& request to step down as a division chairman and be reassigned to . f u ll ·time teaching effective the end o( the fall quarter. Thorpe, 34, has b e e n chainnan of the Division of Science, M a thematics , Engineering and Technology since the college opened. He said he requested to be reJieved of the assignment because the administrative d-u ties art more than he wanted to take on. "I'm not an administrator by choice, not this level or administrator, .. he said. an hour a day with the pur· chuing agent." Thorpe said he doesn't cart to-be ordering chemicals, he wants to teach. He has been teaching a half-time load and now wants to go back to a full·Ume load in mathematics . Previously he taught at Gavilan Junior College in Gilroy. Thorpe, who lives in San Juan Capistrano, also is presi· dent of the Academic Senate. Hyde Na med Red Cross Chief Thorpe said since he first came on the job in March, SANTA ANA -Newport 19681 before the college open-Beach resident, George Hyde ed, he has been looking for has been appointed Director of an dexpecting the multi-dis· the Red Cross Blood Program cipline department to be split for Orange County. up. Hyde is a fonner Marine ••1y-c•r• •dive w••r for men 1nd boy1 sh•tl1nd, c•m•I h•ir, c1shm 1r•. * '44-5070 * ' ' I I ' I I Chia llotd. Huntln91on ... di. n :u ....... Hunllne*' Bred't Klw1n1s Club. Hun- llnelon Sltclltf Countl"t Club. llll* l'ltm .1.vt .• Hunll"'fon Bttcfl, ll:U Miiier, P1trlcl1 .I.. "' Jolln· OllM1d Kl119, Vernon D•lc \OS Gtrm•IM Lucille Wl11on. Oltnne "' Ch•rl11 llollt1' 8enn1..,, Ann .l.•llft VI l •Wl't<ICI H. Pidwerll!f, !UIINllO I", YS Wi~ H1rrl1, C1therllll E. "' FIO'l'd l~ Kllfl, Ktlhlttn Olt M Ill l1e"er Jtme11 Jltnd11I, 81rHrt M. ¥1 Edw•rd W. MtM"l•IS• Oontld Cito ¥S Je•nn Ad•~· Otlores '" An!+ionv SANTA ANA -Yorba Regional Park has been added to Orange _County's maste r plan of regional parks in a planriing decision disputed by seven residents in the north county sector . The objections, all reflecting PINAL o•c1t•ss fears that designation of the A successor is expected to and California Youth Autho rl· be named shortly. Thorpe said 1 _:t~y:_(~C~Y~A~)~cou~n~•~e~lo~r-~--~===============================::'. he has recommended to the board as candidates three of the 14 instructors in the division. '·"'· Nt-1 H1rllor 0.tlmlJI Cll/11, Vlllt Mtrlrll, 164.5 ll•nldt Orlvt, NtWPOrl l!Hth. n :u 1.m. Cotll ~ Klwlf'l!1 Civil, Colli ~ ... Golf ll'ld CO\lflfry Club. Co:sll Mn1, U:U t .m. DEATH 'NOTICES BAKER Frtfltl• M. 111•..-. 70-41 Chtr~ O<tv.. COSll Mtu. 0.11 ol dttth, Dte1mlt9r 14. Sllt¥!Wtcl by llu1Nnd, llln'IOIMI [). 81k..-. Cotti Mllll IOfl, Olvld S. Cummll'l91, Su ttle. l'ullll't1 ltr¥lc11 •"Cl lnl~ will be htld In H.,rvm, Ullh, Btll! Morlu•n. Co1!1 MtH, Forw1rdl~1 · Olreclors. KRAUSE Ellublll't .I.. Kr•111t • .l.111 11, el 2'! Meooi Or!ve, COiii Mfft. Dlllt ef ,,.,1~. DK...,wr n . Survl'lld .,., niece. Mrl. L!lll•n 01v!1, C11T1 M .... Sttvlcn will bt h•ld WtdnetlltY. J:JO PM,'lle\t BrotdWIY Ch1p1I, wtlll "'"· Lorfl'I Fllcklflttr ollltl11!1t1. lnt1r· .,.,.,,1, F1lrn1Ytn Memorl•I Ptrk. ltll 8rii11<lwlY Morlu1...,., Cotll MtM. 01• r.clor1, s~nm .tlMS L. Smllh. ID11 5'1Mtl Circle, HuMlnelftn llHC,,. Sur'¥1~1d by l'WI IOM, Chlr!K L. t lld Cllttton D. !mllh1 -llllltlhf..,., lrtM Horton. S..-¥kff. TuN111f, l PM, l'~k l'tmllf Celenlt l Funer11 Homt. BROWN Mtt1ht 1 ,_n, «1.U Gerrn111Ntt Waf, lr¥1nt. Ollt ol dNfh, 0.Cltl'llltr \]. Sur¥1¥1d by -· Wllllt ll'I ~ lr ... n1 111u11nter, lrnv E. Fry, boll't <II lr¥lnt1 ~nd two grarKkhll!lrtn. St"'lcn, Tvn- 41y, 10 i-.M. WHtelllf cri..-1. 1n1t1r- m1nr. Ht•-lllnl. w11tdlff Cllt•I MOrlu1r.,, ~IN, OlrKI°", w11~e•. Don.old w. vs Mlrv ~ 386 acres as a park would Hurln, P•trldl. NI. "' l!•rl>ldlM Smttft h te nd 1uku, llkh•rd w. "'Arleta a. as n co emnation of their Ml-In-•. P1m111 Destro "" Theoclor• properly, were overruled by Hu1h:tft, e.~1 >-It "' F••'* Jl!'nH JfflklM. o ... 1c1 L."' sus111 v. the Board of Supervisors. Hltt lM, 0...lM Arlll YS Alfn G-t~ The board f 0 I ( 0 W 0 d Dzlk. llurtl ll. YS .1.111\ur Jlttn srtntord. JKk •·Jr. vs o-11a Lff Supervi10r David Baker's urg· W•ltrr, Jtt"'"9 I'. ¥1 ll9"rt .I.. Gr1n1t11e. KIMl4h Elllltf "1 Sfl!rlt.,. ing to adopt the planning o ;:;;:.•P1rniti. K•Y .,1 -'-h l'raM department's recommendation .sn.we. Mlrv i..u; .. vs 0 1w1c1 e.. "and ensure protection of our w~!1:.:; Et.•-L.ulM w1 w1rrtn rapidly diminishing natural .s(:Ott, ._.,.,"" o-"r""" resources in the area." C1lll11; llllrllY 0 . w Gonion M. "There are six persons tn the division who previOU!ly have been department or division heads in high school or in some cases junior col- lege," he said. "This bas made it possible to delegate author· ity, but still I probably spent c~''""· i:1r111 L • .,. P1111 .1.. Yorba Regional Park is c..1cfiw'tl1. YvMtao SllUl'llllf "' a.r1td bounded on the west and north H~~~~1on11.Jovaw w...,.. •• ., by Esperanza Road and the Diabetics Set G1tts. i:e .... ¥S "mr M. A'~--T k nd S t MOr•tn, Jo.on .1.. w P1trlct I, IUU~uu, Ope 8 a an a IN,•llLOCUTOllY DlCll••• Fe Railroad and by Riverside Meet Tuesday M•"'~•r. Jn•I• ... M•n111l1 Freeway and Santa Apa Can· 11tc1c.~, 01n1 e. v1 J•m• tt. yon Road 1·n th east and llrtwer, Mtrllvn WI llabtrt IE'. e SANTA ANA -Orange Foot1, Gf1n1 H. "' M,,,.,.., IC. south. County Diabetes Association S.tcldD,. t1rtel S. ¥1 Vlrtlnl• wit", Tot11111::0 "' JOf'•h K. members will hold t he I r H::'~on, t."""' eu,,. v1 "'"111 monthly meeting Tuesday with llurdlck. P•ui.tt."' JtrtW w. Art on Display the topic ford is c u I s i 0 n. en~ Jf'~:·· John Lel1Mon v• "Problems of the: Diabetic L•""'°"· 1111i.rt1 ¥1 Jerome le-A one man art show, featur· Driver." l'tlton, V!t11!nl1 "" P1u1 Jol'ln c;ri"o. .1.nce H~~ .,. Jot •-1• ing the work or Fountain The meeting will begin at ti Goc*;IW, Ktrtl'I ~Y Ill Simuel L" V II 'd S ( ' l th Qr Coun v 1 .. .1.m..-mrt, Jo .._.,...vs Je•r1t Je111 a ey Test ent Mr~. y via p.m. a e ange ty k1r1v1. K1hum1 v1 Mobu~e Paulus, is currenlly on display Health Department offices, Wolt'r, SUe """ w JamH t.. Klocl<t. Gtot11 c.,,. ""'"""°"" Fr1nc1• at the Huntington Beach Eighth and Ross streets, Santa TllofNs. Betty Jluth "" o-1c1 "'"'.,.. Library. Anil. S/\rl1, Kttlfl L. "' Nomla~ 0. '-----=----------------------·! llh~. Bitty lll'f'Mla "' L-rd aurl r l lK('t!ll, J-An"""" VI JllOY Mtrlty11 Mtrlt L,_.lft, E.Wt lWll K, ¥11 PM LtllOY WlllltmJ, LIOM 11/Ufl ¥1 l•wln "1111111 J.l•rTl1, Tlll'll Vt 8tn Htrrftt K!nt, K11tt..,lnt ¥1 M~ J, Mtroen, Ptn~l1 v1.,111l1 "" J1tt TEEN Mt¥11n I S Jtl1r!Mll1d, .l.r1-M•rl• "' Ahmed \.111r1 G. 51ttn. a11ldlnl of (otOM Jl)fl1nd, 11.udl YS Ell11Wlll at! Ml•. O.tt of !lffltl, Dtc. ll. Sur· Gr!Pf'ft, Conlllntt S. w 1'r1nli:: lo!, ~lvt'd 11., ion, WllH1m W1ll•c• Mc· .1.llt-nt~rtl'I, Emil., Dtlt YS "'"""'' OOWl'll; ,,,., IWD gr1nckhll!11tn. St •V· --'c'c'~"---------lce1. Tut ><ltV, Oectmbtr li. J l'M, SI. Jimtl EPIKOPll CllU'l:ll, NtwPIP'f LEGAL NcrrICE Btt<". lntermtnl, P..elflc VI-"""" ---==;,;:;-"Tc•~Nn~.:.:==--- motil l ,.,,_, OlrKtld llV l t llz Mor· SUP•lltOll COUllT OP TMI: h1•n, 151'0 f , COlll Hltllwt1, Ctront ITATIE' 0 1" C.l.lll'O•NIA POil lltl Mt r. TM• COUNTY O" Oil.I.Ne ll!" ARBUCKLE & SON Wtstcllff ~tortuary U1 E. 17th St.. Colla ftfeta MIHUI • BALTZ MORTIJA RIES Corona del Pilar OR 3-MM Costa ~1esa ~D ..itu • BELL BROADW i\ Y MORTIIARY 110 Broadway, Coda Mell LI l-M33 • DILDAY BROTllERS llaU.!llM vauo, M-.,Y lll ll a.cll lllv4. 11..uQtao Be ... MZ-'1711 • PACIFIC VIEW ~IEMORIAL PARK Oerrrt1rJ e........, -·-~Dri•• r.;...,.n -· calllomll 1111.r.11 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL DOME ':Ill Bella Ave. Watm!Mftt -• sau--r,.lll" llORTIJARY 1--4K-llll Sa a.-· •IW'I• • Slll'l1lll' MOtlTIJARY1 111 Miii Sc. HaolioclOo -- Ne. A"4641 NOTICI. 01' M•Alllfrf9 OP ,.l.TITION l'Oll P•OllATI!" 0 1' Wlt.L .I.MD l'Oll l•n••s Tl.IT.l.MIWTAll T E1!1lt l)f OOllA MAY MOORE, Ot~t,._ "' NOTICE IS HE1tE•'I" GIVEN '"'' GIEO!tr";E LilWll.ENCE MOORE tnd MURIEL ~. Sl'lete M""' flltd llertln t -.tlllo<I for ..,.,. Ill' wrn 11M11 lor ll1111ncp of l..,.,.. Tni-.,ttl"t to 111t "1Jllolltf', ,....,911(1 .. Wl'lldl ,, ..... , ... fl/rll'ltr Ptf'l1Cl.ll.I"'' t!W ltllt 1111 tiflit I nd l'ltCI of l'lf.m.t lllt -flit llelfl ffl ,.,, JllllJlt'Y '· 1t70. ., •:31 .......... ti!• ttllr'I._.. 111 0.C.rtment Nt. 1 of 11\e <ouf'I, t i 700 Civic C.,,l'rr OrfW Wnt, (frorrMrt'I' Wnt Eltlllfl Sfl'Wtl !fl 1t11 Clh 111 Stntt .l.n1, C1lifof'ftlt , fitted OtatTIW 11, ""· W, I , ST JOHN. C...,lll¥ Cit._. llOl •llT J. •RAVI'S .... lll(M.1.llD •. MA.DORY ,, .. Nw1'll Mel• ''""' S.1111 A,.., CtlM. Ttli fn41 N1-4111 A"-'-11 .., hth .... tt l'tlbli.Nt °'""'' Ce1$1 Ot lt., Piie!. DlcM\Wt IS. IJ, 10, 1-.t 2,11-llt LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC• OP SALi "-"" llf ,. .. lie li lt a~ l1-HtJillf NOTIC( IS Hl!lllli'l'f OIVl!H THi.T, -.Ulflf • ttw i.w "''"' •"II .ro¥10rd. rllti llMtrM"""-Wiil NII ti l'l/bllc lflt. 1t N 9Mtw llf T~ .l.lfCl'tft lo<•'"' ,, tllt °"'* cw""' A!._,, s.n11 An1, C1llfonll1, I f 1:)t P.M, 91'1 Mon!llY, JWM1rv J. 1m rn. flltlllw!ne descrlMcl _..,.,, " -"~ r,. ~ lnttf'ftt ... "" ., ~ 1~. ll'IC. 111 rn.1 cerl11~ .l.lrfrtft ~ " t.i"""1: Ont 10 lilt flM' (4) """' c-11S ll"lmetltlt Nlll'l'tber ... ,., M. SlrltJ ,.........,. Of..Ut-85. "'°"'"" '9 t lltn '"',"' __, C.llt•n•h l-for 11.-...ii fMt -'"' .. T..-.. Alfetl ll, ""· ltlf Nit le "' fM> ,.,..... fll "'"""'"' 11111 llf "" """""'flfd ..,.,..,. wltll COlh " ..,...._,,.. llM a....-"" 1111. 0.1.TfO: DlarMfr II, INf TOlll.fT .1.IJlCllAl'T, IMC PllMl""911 0...... COIJl 0111" "llot, O~blr ll. IJ. 14. 11, U, lt, 311, tt, 11, l4 !Mt ,. ... ON THE TUBE Dramatize a holiday ha irdo with glamourou s frosted highl ights ! 12.88 Helene Curtis• 1'ender Touch' wove, 515 W11pe,iol'i;r.e In the core of fo,h ion wlgt U5E YOUR PENNEY CHARGE CARO - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ,.Ut.t•ttTOlf Ort...,..t11r C..,,,, ""'.,_.,. "''°'' "UltflN•TDlt llACM fol11t1t~ c .... ,,, w !loot, If? 1111 HIWl'OlT l lJICN r'"~ltn 1111"11 .,.. !\Mr. 14(>111• 1 Some Brilliant Ideas For Christmas Giving ' A. Modem 1rio set that lltlUs liaipliclly an elepnt word! 125.00 .. 1 « lwidll sot wftlt ""' llely .... ....,,, $235.00 c. Dianlond solit>in wi1ll pllil •lrMll Mddio& rinf, $450.00 D. IZ-dia. dinner rinc, Tht &ill ft'• dr.-d of! ll0.00 L Boldly hlndlant diamond rq In solid 14K IOlcl 111G.110 F. DiMnCIOd 1R!> "'""'"' In rlllmt 1« &old. $19 .50 L Collt-•Y 1411 Pd cross willl mter -$ 19.15 I. l...,, ... llllfed peo~ pendant wi1lr 2 flnllinl-., U.50 L Diamood stud urrinp. 1111 pertect hol'ldoJ rift! $100.00 1 Di-waldl 11Uchment-011bi my liMpiM sltlmintl 159.50 I. T ....... 4lnloncl WllCkf"'I .... 10 diamotlds in 111! 15Cl.OO s,1drU ..... "" DI uh, 1»1-...-a-c11 ... W.W..1, ... __ CHARGE IT AT YOUR PENNEY'S FINE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT THESf STORES OP!N SUNDAY TOO i 12 to 5 P.M. CANOGA PARK DOWNEY LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA Suit Brewing For Navy On Sinking SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The skipper of a Filipino tuna· boat that collided with the USS Parsons and sank in the pre-dawn da rkness last Thurs- day 143 miles west of here said the Navy ship made a sharp turn in front of his bo'v just before the collision. Angel J. Osena, 30, skipper of the ill-fated Orient said during the weekend that he heard someone aboard the Parso11s issue a voice order for the tunaboat to clear the area. O!;ena's :statement was is- sued through the owners of the Orient, United Continental Twia Corp. The company has threatened to file suit against the Navy. Osena claims he tried to stttr the tunaboat away from the impending collision and had stopped his engine. He said the force of momentum was enough to cause the Ori- tnt to make impact with the Parsons. The Orient sank with in 20 minutes after the collision. It sustained extensive dam- ages to its bow. All IS men aboard the tunaboat were res- cued by the Parsons. The Parsons reeeived a gash above its water line and a dent on the port side. Leader Kiiied Scouts' Trestle Tragedy-Probed FREMONT (AP Authorities today were sUJI tryln& to find out what hap.. pened when a CUb Scout leader and six Boy Scoul.1 were trapped on a railroad trestle by a frelght train. Robert L. ;dorris, 34, wa s killed and three of the scouts were Injured In Niles Canyon Saturday while on a hike, the Alameda County S h e r i f f ' s Department said. The group was CI"06!ing Alameda Creek on a 46-foot high railroad trestle when the accident occurred, the sher- iff's spokwnan said. Morris and the boys either leaped. fell or v.·ere knocked from the trestle by a Western Pacific freight train, said Officer Says Youtli Shot After Chase MILLBRAE . (AP) -A reserve policeman says he shot and killed a college stu- dent \vho was trying to run him down with an automobile. Crai!J R. Clark, 22. a College of San Mateo student, was kill- ed Sunday after a high speed chase following a drag race, police said. \Villiam Heinze, the reserve policeman, said Clark drove into a dead-end street, swung his car around and crashed in- to the pursuing patrol car. Heinze and poli_ceman Edward Slmke leaped from the patrol car before the crash. Heinz! reported he then fired after Clark-turned hJs car from the crash scent and headed toward !hem. Clark died with a bullet in the chest. Charlie 'Ne\\'combe. deputy Alameda County cor. oner. "We're just not certain what happened," he added. ~ Injured youth s were Robert Peck, 10; Terry Mor- ris, 8, son ol Robert L. Morris, the scoutmaster: and Jesse Magallon, 10 all of Hayward. Peck was uncooscious and Y:as reported in critical con- dlUon. ?lfagallon was un- conscious and in serious con· dlUon, and young Morris was in satisfactory condition, all at the Valley Memorial Hospital in Livermore. Three other boys escaped in- jury. "I talked to the three uni- jured boys," said Newcombe. "They told me they had started across the trestle, which Is hidden from an engineer's view by a curve in the tracks. One of the boys heard the train approaching and yelled a warning. "Two of them huddled on a girder on one side of the tracks and the other five, in· eluding Morris, jumped to the other side of the tnslle. ltfcDonald said ?lforrls "'as holding hands \\'ilh hi5 son and another boy and bad yelled fo r them to jump, Newcombe said. Fonner Monk Weds Girl, 22 MENDOCINO (UPI ) -\Vil· liam Everson, a celebrated poet as Brother Antoninus of the Dominican Order. was married in a civil ceremony just six days after he dra- matically str:i~ of( his monastic habit. Evenon, 57, wed Susan Erickson, 22, of Stinson Beach, in a ceremony performed Sat· urday in this small northern California coastal t°"'n. OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! Automotive gifts make-great giving! PLUG·IN AUTO/HOME COFFEE POT KIT ... 13.95 Enjoy fre.hly perked coffee on the road ... plugs into the lighter ••• cups, spoons, bracket, coffee, tool PLUG-IN AUTO VACUUM MAKES CLEANING EASY 13.44 Plugs into the light..-, works off the battery. Packaged in black vinyl carrying case. You'll wont one! LIKE IT ... CHARGE ITI THISE c&NA PARK("i=iil:') CANOGA PARK 8UNO-"Ya) STOllS OPEN CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON SUNDAY TOOi HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR 12 It S P.M. NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA FOREMOST' AT PE.NNEYS THiii BUENA PARK ("'::n::v.-;•) STOHS OPEN ICLOelD 8UNDAY8J FULLERTON SUNDAY TOOi 12 It 5 P.M. MONTCLAIR MO!ldf1, Dtctmbt, 15, 1969 ' ~.,.., SALEI 'EL TIGRE' ~FIBER GLASS ELTED 'TIRE ' WITH 2 PLY POLYESTER CORD AND 2 PLY fllER GLASS IELT NOW 2544 ; pluohd.tox • andoldtlro SIU Whitewall tubel111 IEO. Pill. TAX 700-13 · ........... ' •.••• 29.95 ••••••••••••••• '·" c .1s.14 1695' 14) ...... 29.95 ............... 1.90 NOW 29.44i::~~~·.t: Whitewall tubele11 SIZE IEO. PID. TAX E·7S.14 (735' 1') ••..•• 31.95 ............... 2.11 •·711-1• (115. 1') ...... 33.95 ............... 2.36 1.11.15 1n!, 151 ...... 33.95 ............... 2.50 NOW 32.44~:~~j~·.~: Whitewall tubel111 SIZE RIO. PID. TAX G·11· 14 (125' 1 •) •.•.•• 35.95 ............... 2.U H·11·14 (155, U) ••.... 37.95 •••••• , ........ 2.48 J-7S·14 (SSS' 1•) ...... :19.95 ............... 2,16 G-78-15 (815/825 ' 15) •• :15.95 •••• , ......... , 2.48 H.7S·15 (M.l/155, 15) •. :11.95 ; .............. 2:T7 900-15 ••••••••••••.. 39.95 ••••••••••••••• 2.71 L78-l.5 •.•••••••••••• 41.95 ,, , ,. ,, •• •••••• 2.9.C 40 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 20 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT FOREMOST TIRE GUARANTEE C111r11lM q1i111t trsH wttttMt If ycur tire wears out dur· itll the first halt of the 1u1rantee period, return it with your eu1rantee cer- tifica te and Pen neys will replace your tire with a new t ire , ch1r1in1 you 50% less than the current selling price includlna: Federal Excise Ta x; if your t ire wears out during the second half, you pay 25% less than the current sell· in1 price includin1 Fed· eral Excise Tax. IMWllltll'aplat flillrl .( If we reprice thl tire dur~ in1 the f,....,..placement peripd, there ls no chirp; if we replace the tltt af- ter thtl frM-t'lplacement period, you pay SO% er 25% less thin the current selling price of the tire includ in1 Federal Excite Ta~ C-lhl This 1u1rante1 is vo id where p4ssenaer tires are used on trucks., used for business, or driven ovtr 30,000 mlle1 In one year. H•rt'• how your 11voronfff agolnst faUwe worbt fntir• 11uorantt1 period •••••••• , , • , , • , , , • .CO"'°"""' f,... rtplac•ment period. , .••• , • , , • , •., .1·20 memhl .50% off ,,.,locf ..•......•....•.••.... 21-30 ....... 2'% off period •• , ••• , •••• , .••••••••• 31-40 montht BIG CATS AUTO CENTER CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ' " " .. ; . ' : ' " .. ; . . : " " ! ~ • : . • . " -: : . ' ' : . ' ' • '. ; ' : . " ' ' 1. I ' . ' ' " I : j '. j . , . " . ' . ; I • •• ' . ' I, .. t..JI D'A1LY PILOT' Monday, Dtctmbe r 15. 1%11 .. ~=:..=--------''------------------------------------------,_ I lMI mANIN! WOIUI I g MR, MUM Ai1· Pollution Takes A 1iother Toll: Trees SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (APl -T\\'enty years ago, needles on forest giants in mountains east of Los Ang!;Jes began turning yellow. !\fany trees have since died and hun- dreds of thousands are dying. The trees, soaring. more than 100 fttt tall, some more than 700 . years old, were Ponderosa plnes, among · the largest in the woods. Seeds from their six-inch cones feed squarr~ls, chip. munks, grouse and quail. The lumber builds houses. Ponderosa needles, 5 to 10 Inches long and lasting up to seven years on a heallhy tree, began JnQtt\ing at the lip. Then the entire needle turned yellow-brawn and fell off after one 16a.$oo. Roots deteriorated as resin Dow through the trunk dimill.lshed. The trees fell easy. prey to bark beetl~s and other pests. Foresters at first were baf- fled. They called the problem X disease and blamed it on some i n s e c t • Eventually, however, they tabbed the villain: smog. The ag!;nt that withers the needles is a smog ingredient called ozone. ll is created chemically in the atmosphere due lo the ac· lion of sunlight on auto ex- haust. the last uncontrolled major sourcerof smog in Loit Angeles. Among ozone·s other characteristics is the ability to crack rubber used in tires and windshield wipers. For the Ponderosa, ozone is a near death sentence . Unlike most other pines, they have small resistance to it. "We are helpless," says Hatch Graham, resources of· ficer for lhe U.S. Forest Service. "\Ve have no control over the cause. The Ol')ly cure is correction of the smog pro- blem." Prevailing winds ca rr y smog from Los Ang~les, 60 111iles west. into the 60,000 acres or Ponderosa in the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountains, whose peaks jut nearly two miles high. Today, experts estimate that 75 percent, about J.7 million trees, are dying. What's being done? Rangers are advocating heavi~r timber cutting and are planting. smog resistant varieties, giant se· quoia and sugar pines. A search is on for a smog-resis· tant strain of Ponderosa. The trees are \V i d e 1 y distributed in the "1est. gro\\'- ing from sea level to 9.000 reet. Explorers L~11'is and Clark called them !he "Jong leafed pine." They also \verc known as western yellow pine <1t one time. In this area, about 60 percent of forest trees are Ponderosa. "The Joss has gotten worse In the last five y~ars," says resources expert Graham . "because smog leve ls arc greater." HoHday Shoppers use our money- and save! Treat yourself to a happier holiday with extra money from Morris Plan. You may borrow from $100 to $5,CXX> for holiday shopping. bill clea n· up, a winter vacation, any good reason. Just phone or come in and teU us what you need. We'n ten you what your loan wlll cost and echedule the payments to fit your Income. Compare our services with other landing companies. Chances are you'll save at Morris Plan 673·3700 Newport Beach -3700 Newport Blvd. SEARS Has Everything ... Including SUNDAY SHOPPING! SUNDAY HOURS: 12 Noon to 5 P.M . • Sears Best Sellers ... electric repeat decorator alarms Guarante~d· for 1 year!. great gifts for everybody! si1nulated woodgrain automatic repeat alarm sale 99 regular s9,99 choose oiled walnut or white finish Smart \<i'Oodgrain pla~lic ca~e Jits in \1ith any decor. Lighted dial control goes from dim to hriaht. You control sound hy turning knob from .·r• C :;oft to loud. Repeat automalic alarm sounds for 5 seconds at 5 mi nute intervals until you tap U>n\enicnt top·har ~hut·off. Save S-l nCnr: l'ricrA effecli\·e hca,inning toda y CliARGE IT on Scars Rt.,·ol\'iog Charge . _. _ _;---~ •ELECTRIC AL.\R.~ Gt:i\R."iNTE.E-'.\10¥emtnl1 gu1r,nteed I yur ff'\)m d•tt of tile ,pi1154. laulty materiflls or 1o,·11rlu1tt:11Yup of paru ••• Ci191!1pmntced 1JUt11t1l111t defecu u.fldcr nt>rmaJ llK or returt1 eloek for free repl1ccment. · > Sears \vood-end electric repeat alarm sale regular 38.99 . cl1oose wal11ut, m3ple, fruitwood or wood ends 1-lcavy sleepers take note: loud buzzer alarm alloY.'S you 4 extra lO·minute naps due to toµ tap cqntrol. Lighted \rhite textured dial and sweep second· hand. 3 Decord!or finishes blend \vjth any room in your home. Great gif! buy! Sears Sears self -set automatic repeat electric alarm sale regular '10.99 99 choo~e white, beige or bro,,·11 plastic case Sears ne\re~t! Self.set alarm resets il5elf f!'lery day. l1as a :ileep late, \Veekend shut-off feature. Across·the·top wide a1arm silencer; adjustable light and sound controls. Allows 6 wake·up calls. Dial lights only \vhen alarm is ~et. This handsome gift clock is available only at Sear~. ,-------------------------------------------------, I BUENA PARK El MONTE IONG IEACH PICO 01 •impou POMONA SOUTH COAST l'\AZA CANOGA PARK GlENDAlE OlYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TOR•ANCE I I COMl'TON HOUYWOOO O•ANGE ~ SANTA FE SPltlNGS VAllEY I COVINA INGlEWOOO PASADENA ears SANTA MONICA VUMONT o1 Slo.,oo "--------.-----------------___________________ , sho~Hltl* """""1tw•• la111•dor9'.J11A.M.1ot:JOrM. swndo112-1osr.M. ---· "SalulactionGuananlffdorlourMoae)'lack" • , \j_ Mond01, Dtctmbtr 15, 1969 DAILY PflOT JI F· • -~iiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Evolution on Trial Again • South f oast ?Iaza ' NO SENSE Teaching the Biblical theory In science class~ makes as much sense as lncludin&~.the stork in courses on reprod~ tion, said Or. Ralph Gerard, a University ol Ca Ii for n I a, Davis, biologist famed for his work on the brain. ''I know of no responsible person who has examined the evidence who questions that species arose by a continuing series of changes from an- cestral ones," he said. Some members of the Palo Alto school board declared that if the ''competing theories" doctrine is carried a mue firther- "We will then haV1! to leach that disease may not be. caus- ed by microbes but )ll•Y ·be due to evil spirits invading the body (in which case, burn feathers to ward them off); that ~tning may be elec- trical barges b et we e n clouds« it may be the .death ot a vena:eful God .•• ''The state board has not yet suuested that the schools teach communism and fascilm on an equal footing with representative democracy, yet how can it avoid such a recommendation if it is to be con~istent.'' SEEK INJUNCTION 'The Palo A1to board. which educates children of Stanford Unlverilty professors, an- nounced plam to seek a court injunction. Their suit would contend the teaching of religioos beliefs in the public schools is un- constitutiooal. The state board's decision was made last month when it considered a 205--page set of guidelines and pr inc i p I e s prepared over a four-yea r period by a blue ribbon ad- visory committee on scic:ncc education. The board approved the document, but with a three- paragraph amendment pro- posed by one of a dozen people in the audience speaking in its favor. The action was a viclory for some fundamentalists who began a campaign seven years ago against the teaching of Darwin's theory. They said the s chools shouldn't teach children Jdeas which contradict what their parent.. tell them at home. The fundamental ist popula· lion in California is large, and a Vallejo high school teacher recently reported when he discussed evolution, "most of 3 Robberies Close Bank WATER VALLEY, Ky. (AP) -The Bank Of Water Valley, 15 miles from the ·nearest police force, ii clol.lng its doors Monday because o( repeated robberies. The bank Jast was robbed In Aupst. but President Robert Petefaon aald it bas been held up three ti.mes in six years. He 1ald the decision to cloSe after 65 years 'was madt by the st.ockholden in a meeting Wednesday.· "The bank ts in tlctllent financial condition," Ptteraon said, but ita location 15 milt! from lhe Graves County police headquarters in Mayfield fore· ed the action. A THOUGHT" FOR TODAY T"9 ~ .. -..... ,.... "' ... lllM ''--wtll • " ..,,..,, ... wt" """"-.. It ....., • ..,.. .. ""'" ,llESEl'fflC AS A ,UlllC -'lll\llCl EVl•'I' DAY •v: crealion theory while other data . , , substaniate a proc- ess <I( ieval~tion ... " • 86 STORES ALL 72° , . . • • • and open nightly tfll,9:30 ' ' SEARS Has Everything ... Including SUNDAY SHOPPING I 1~\J~~~'i',~(~'1!\~ * ' Priem Ell'eethe lleginnins Today CllAllCE IT Ou Sean R..W.in1 Charge Sean Low Price! • 50'7o polyeater and 50% cotton fabric with mock turtJeneck or collar and placket 1tyle1 • Choose Croni • wide aelectioo of colors. hemmed cuff. po cket with emblem. In men'• size• S.XL k SALE Men's Crew . Soc Regular •1.50 • A \ic, 25o/v lli·Bulk Orlon . erywasbable • 'j;',o/o b£t i~::' ]libbed tot"• macb1n~ e {ill a\\. ~ttelc ny £ solide. One ''" . o'' '. • Wide p sortmenl o d buv !e'feral T'alr~ 1l • 10 Scars an · llurn' in • • c ' ' .. ' . ,. ~ SA VE 21 % 'to 41% ·.,. ... ·, ., 1>,; ·Assortment of ·Wallets Replar • 15 to 17.50 . ' ... ' 3~~. • Cboooe from tri Cold~ P•" w. biUColdo. .. ont1 .. bill Cold• In cowhide, ~ltr~affalo or .ctlftkl• • A't'ailabJe in brown or blaG~· Bu)' now and ate. • Chri•tm,•1lifit. OulltandincY\lue! ! ,. ! ( ' ' . ,. . .. . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1!1111-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.pm-·--.,.., " ; u ' . ' ·auENA PARK El MONTE -LONG BEAOI ' PICO at llimpau l'OMONA JSOU'IH·COAST ~ I I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA OIMNCf · • ; •' I COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY I COVINA INGLEWOOD PASADENA ears SANTA MONICA ~al SlauuA ' ---------------------------... -~ -------·--~ ---... , Shop Nl~hit Monday through Saiurday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M., Sunday 12 Noon to 5 P .M. ....,. _.....,"" "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Yo!f ~~yhck" • . ' .. ·' ~ • • ) " I . ' ' l4 '~AILY '!\-OT Mon4o1, Ooetm111t~15, 1969 'Fran~e Buil.U.ng a 12 ' ........ A1ner.ica' s Cup · Clw.ll e1iger Po t.eht Tlireat Behind an a I m.o s l Im- penetrable curtain of silence, the French are mounting a powerful chaUenge to U.S. domination of the America's Cup,•Sports Illustrated reveal" cd in)ate November. Acrording to E d i t o r' Carleton P.titchel's repo,tt. ball- point pen cz.ai Ba.r<m ~Ma.M:el Bich, witb a s l o'u na1 ·ng American-type efficiency, is ~i>ending $1 ~-$2 million lo build a challenger for neJt:t summer's contest at "Newport and has already preiduced an arch&}'pe,which,iS at this.mo- ment the fMlest 12-meter ractr in the world. The .article, first report to the outside world on the na- tion's • &mating ; preparatipns, dttaileit the~ hiStory and 'pro- ·grtss · of Blcli s • magn1ticent asspult .on the problqn which has includeet ,the· porcha.se 'of two 1J.S. 1z•s; Sovereign and CCU'IStellatlon. for s t u d y purposes. and the building of a third , the spectacularly auc- cesslul Chancegger. The latter, Mitchel pointed World's Oldest Flea •• Missing Link Found M E LBOURNE, Australia (AP) -The world's oldest nea and the missing link in flea . evolution has b. e e n discovered, according t o A u stralia's Commonweallh Scientific and I n du i trial Research Organiiation. Scientist Edgar Riek. in an- nouncing the find ri.tonday, said the nea, which scientists dubbed "superflea" probably lived 120 million years ago clingi ng to the fur· of a prehistoric bandicoot (An insectivorous marsupial}. 1-feasurement or the· superflea 's fossilized rmiains -showed he was an adult male nearly a third af an inch long -double the ~ize or today's bandicoot neas. The fossilized nea was unearthed at Coonwarra, east of Melbourne, by a university student and proved that fleas evolved from something like mosquitoes, said Riek. He said the fossil was near!~ perfect because the superflea pro- ba~ly died Of aid age. .WHO, < hes gifts that say more to more people? B. Delton, ·Booksell er S f ,'1hi on 1111ild, N•wpotl l11ch 92660 17 14) 644-0041 1 1714) lll-l200 out •. Puts the French in the unusual pCl!!itloil Of having a boat so advanced l~ will tu the ingenuity ol-r l v a l designers to come up· wUh a faster, nlore erncient racing machine -instead ~ having to try to catch up from behind as have the English and Australians in past challenges. C\Jancegger h e r s e I f is useless as a challenge r because she cannot meet the regulations regarding origin of '-:.=;,.~o'°'w;=;:;'IC<J::;;:.;=:•OO"'=:K.,-,.•"°ua~. manufacture -,her designer A G~~ENHOU5~. • was American Britton Chance,-----------Jr., most of her gear was manufactured in the U.S. and she wa.s1 built by Swiss HermaM Egger. But Bich did not expect her to qualify. "He was wilting,"• Mitchel wrote. "to go to the trouble of building a fabulously ex· pensive vessel simply to pro-- . vide the best possible spring. board for the next move, the construction of t h e challenger, which will bear a simple, majestic, sentiment· evoking name -France. One of the major difficulties Bicb faces Cl that nothing even remotely resembling a modern racing yacht of this size has ever been produced in France and 'Uie refinements necessary have reached the point where the technolog¥ oC a nation largely governs its chances oI wiruting. But, Mitchel points out, Marcel Bich is an individualist with granite qualities who bought out the falter ing \Vatennan pen company and rebuilt ·i~ to dominat~ the ball· point mar~et of the world. His fantastic effort for the 1970 cup at the least will make the trials against A u s t r a 1 i a tremendously exciting, and, should he fail this year, he has set himself a schedule \\'hich places the America's Cup firmly In hls possession by 1976. High School Gets Bus With Stamps He Gi ves Children Christmas ' r1·sf~Loli . Sol.ves the Gift Puzzle W ant an unconvenliona/ gift for someon~ lpecial? Give a· challenging Springbok Puzzle .•. an e~uisite reproduction of an art rreasure ,a... in pier;es. In oUr Springbok Y" co·flection >JOU'll find subjects from modern art to natural history perfect for people of all ages to enjoy. Pick one up for the family, tool ' HUGE SHIPMENT just arrived ! . ., ' U.S. Cuts Vietnam B52 Force WASHINGTON (AP\ -The Pentagon is pulling l h e equJvalent of two squadl'Oll5 of B52 bombers out of the air war lifSoulheast Asia. According to Air Force of· ficers, 30 stratofortresses will be returned to the United States to rejoin the stragelic bomber force or to be used in training assignments. The removaJ comei at a time when North Vietnam is stepping up infiltration into South Vietnam at a rate ten- tatively estimated at about 20,000 men a month. PRIME TARGET Infiltration routes have been a prime target o! tbe im,,. The action leaves the United States with three · B ~ 2 squadrons in Southeast Mia, plus dozens af smaller fighter- bombers that can be used in the air war. Defense spokesmen say the cutback reflects in part a Pen- tagon decision earlier this year to scale down. the big bomber missions as a means of saving money. Each ·952· flight costs about $50,000. The pullout also 8ppeared possible in view of the lowered enemy activity just prior to the upsurge in infiltration of lhe last few weeks. According to Pentagon of- ficers, Army Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, U.S. commander in Vietnam, originally frowned upon giving up some of the B52 missions, which he con- sidered one of the big weapons in the war. • But Abrams went along with lhe reduction. The Pentagon originally budgeted for 1,800 B52 sorties per month. Secretary df Defense Melvin R.., Laird decided last spring, hOweVer, that figure could be reduced to l ,600. Actually, the average [ate has gone lower than ,&00 sorties in recent weeks, ac- cording to P"tntagon sourt:es. MENTIONED CUTS Laird briefly mentioned the t\vo squadron reduction Thurs- day during an appearance before a Senate subcomriliftec on defen se appropriations . . The .slefense. chief said the three reuiairiing full BS2 ~uadrons provides 45 •to 60 planes to wield against the North Vietnamese in Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam. Each of the planes, originally design ed to carry nuclear bombs from th e United States to Russia, is capable of hauling about 45,000 pounds or conventional bombs Abrams has a controlling voice in air operations and can still call on the 7th Air Force to provide dozens of smaller fighter-bombers such as the F4 Phantom lo strike in- filtration trails and enemy troop concentrations. Reports from Saigon on Monday ind icated as many as 400 American planes daily were attacking the Ho Chi Minh Trail through Laos. This indicated to Pentagon observers that tactical air power to a large extent was takini; up the slack created by the ordered reduction in B52 sortie!. Coast Man Hunts Tigers A Corona del 1'1ar man Is organizing a special kind of liger hunt. P.farvin Neben, 3312 Ocean Blvd., is looking for old Cleveland Heights High School Tigers for a Valentine's Day reunion. The reunion, organiz· ed by a group of Cleveland Heights High alumni I n Southern California, will be open lo any cliw, Neben said. Neben is asking a n y Cleveland Heights H i I h graduates to send hin1 tbeir name and address in order to plan the reunion. Monday, Otct1t1bet 15, 1969 DAILY Pilaf JS .Shop Mey Co Soutli Coast Plaza Sunday from noon 'til 5 pm. Shop Sundays 'til December 28th. Every merchandise department end the restaurant will be open to make your gift shopping easier. General Electric HCD· 1 electric hair sett,er. Get the style you want fast without water or lotions! 16 rollers in three sizes, with signal light and steel clips. It also gives touch-ups. A perfect gift for your favorite lady.26.99 Mirro-M~tic automatic Pop-Ill-Serve corn popper. You pop corn w_ilh ease, !hen flip and serve in the large and unbreakable 4 quarl size plastic cover. Signal light shows "done," heat proof legs, polished aluminum shell. 11.99 Cornwall Thermo-Tray Hot food Server lets you prepare for parties ahead of time. Keeps foods warm for hours .. Porce lain enamel on steel surface, 1 Sxl O" heat ing area, hot spot for drink. Avocado, Harvestgold .. 13.99 Comwall electric bun warmer keeps breads piping hot throughout mea ls. Ideal for fried chicken, popcorn, soups, and many other foods. Easy to clean aluminum interior, thermostat con• trolled heat. Avocado or gold-tone. 8.99 New Panasonic Tempura automalic fondue. The fun gift lhal makes big group entertaining a snap. Hard coat Teflon® interior, 100 bamboo skewers thal are reusabl e, and comprehensive recipe book included, too. 29.99 ELECTRIC HELPERS FOR A MERRIER CHRISTMAS • • f-/.::...,1,· L..:. r _'...::VI/ ,\J...: c -__ f1F-'• . .., -~J , •• ,__•! • Farberware Open Hearth Broiler and rotisserie for gourmets on your · list The gift lhal lets everyone enjoy smokeless, spaller-free, Cool-Zone cooking lhat gives · an outdoor flavor the year around. large 10x15" surface adjusts to 14 different heights. Easy to clean stainless steel. 44.99 Farberware 1Oxl5" broiler alone Farberware 12~8 Y2" apartment broiler Five piece shish-kebob skewer sci may co small appliances 74 may co soul~ coesl plo11 , sen diego fwy 11 bristol, cosfa mesa; 546-9321 ; shop mondoy thru salurday I 0 am lo 9:30 pm, Sunday noon 'ti! S pm · 28.99 19.99 9.98 I ~· • MAVCO ' '• ·• . • ·' ' ' ':s:: ' 8 DAILY Pll aT MIX OR MATCH OR MORE MIX OR MATCH OR MORE MIX OR MATCH 1 OR MORE -. NOW SHOP SUNDAY, ALL ·STORES, 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. HALF GALLON SPECIALS FOR GENEROUS SANl'AS USE YOUR BROADWAY CHARGE CARD S,.c111 Mf1td lla1tl1 6 llottl• P1lc1 Prlc1 12.89 OLD CROW Ky. St •o;ght ... 11.49 10.34 18.2S CUTTY SARK Scotch ...... 16.49 14.84 12.49 WINDSOR Imp. Canadian .. 10.99 9.89 9.70 ' KAMCHATKA Vodka ...•. 8.88 7.99 Spec. VICKERS Gin, 90 proof . . . . . 9 .49 8.54 Spec. BELLA California Brandy ... 9,99 8.99 12.38' BACARDI Rum ......... 11.BS 10.66 14.9S OLD CHARTER Ky. St•o;ght 12.4S 11.20 16.9S BALLANTINE'S Scotch ... 14.98 13.48 14.98' EZRA BROOKS Ky . .St•o;ght 12.49 11.24 12.99 HARVEY'S Scotch Wh;okey 11 .99 10.79 12.90 ' JIM BEAM Ky. St•o;ght ... 11 .99 10.79 16.98 CAMERON ·HEDGES Scotch 14.98 13.41 18.70• DEWAR'S Scotch ........ IS.99 14.39 •'2 Qt. Pri.c;e. In co~e of printing error-minimum sonsumer P•ice~ will p11:vail. SAVE ON YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS No charge for delivery with· in the Un ited Parcel delivery zone (from Santo Barbaro to Son Diego). ~lnJlt ld11rd 801111 )? bO!tll Prl't Prkt JIM BEAM Ken!ucky Straight . S.29 4.76 DEWAR'S WHITE LABEL Scotch .•. 7.50 6.75 BEEFEATER G;n ................ 6.19 S.57 GILBEY'S Vodka ..•.••.•••••••. 3.99 3.S9 GILBEY'S G;n ................. 4.S9 4.13 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS B.andy ... S.29 4.76 CLUNY Scotch ........ 6,29 S.66 O.F.C. Imported Canadian, 6 yr. old 6.95 6.!2S GEORGE DICKEL Tennessee Whiskey 7 ,35 6.61 BACARDI Rum-l ite or Dork ..... 4.99 4.49 DE KUYPER Creme de Menthe . , , •. 4.39 3. 95 DE KUYPER Creme de Cacao ..... 4.49 4.04 JOSE CUERVO Tequila ..... S.89 S.30 SOUTHERN COMFORT 86 pn>af ... S.89 S.30 CUTTY SARK Scotch . . ......... 7 .60 6.84 OLD CROW !Reg. or Trave lerl ..... S.29 4.76 EARLY TIMES Kentucky Straight .. S.S9 S.03 HENNESSY Bras Arme Caqnac .... 8.49 7 .64 ANCIENT AGE Kentucky Straight .. S.39 4.BS I. W. HARPER Straight Dect ....... 6.!29 5.66 .J & I Rpre Scotch ............. , . 7.60 6.84 OLD GRAND DAD Straight Dect. .. 6.29 S.66 JACK DANIELS Blo,k Lobel ...... 7.3 5 6.61 KING GEORGE s,otch ........... 4.99 4.49 GRANT'S 8YeorOldScotch ....... 7.75 6.97 HAIG Scotch ........ , ....... , .6.49 5.8• SMIRNOFF Vodka ..••.•........ 4.89 4.40 SEAGRAM'S V.0 ..........•..... 6.9S 6.25 GORDON'S G;n ................ 4.S9 4.13 OLD TAYLOR 86 Pmof .......... S.S9 S.03 Many More of Your Favorites Available. WISH YOURSELF A HAPPY HOLIDAY TOO' $1n~I• ~"'"d "'"'" 6 110111• P11ot Pnc~ JIM BLANEY Kentucky Straight .... 4.99 •.49 6 year old, charcoal filtered, full 86 proof. KARENINA Vodka .. 3.89 3.SO Double dry vodka-light, charcoal filtered. VICKERS London Dry Gin . . . . . . . 4.19 3.77 90 proof. America's finest quality gin. ROYALE RANSOMME Sco"h .... S.99 5.39 Distil led, aged and blended in Scotland. 86 proof. RON ANTIGUA lmptd. Rum ...... 3.99. 3.S9 Ric h gold or cryslol light. JAMIE RAWSON'S Scotch Whisky .. 4.99 4.49 Distilled, bl ended and matured in Scotland. DU BARRY CREME DE CACAO , or CREME OE MENTHE . . . 3.99 3.S9 Mode of imported peppermint leaves. MILL FARM Straight Whiskey .... 4.19 3.77 The true bourbon, smooth, mellow, 86 proof. SALIGNAC Cognac V.S.0 .P. . . . 7.99 7.1·9 Since 1809-Pale, dry, and dcl1!Jhlfully soft BROWNINGS lmptd. London Dry Gin S.99 S.39 94.6 proof. Distilled and bottled in England. BELLA California Brandy . . . . .... 4.49 4.04 Full bodied, yet delightfully smooth. SERENAOA TeQuilo .. . .4.99 4.49 A dry tequila, with disl1nc.1ive peppery losle. CALL THE BROADWAY, ASK FOR LIQUOR & GOURMET DEPT. HUNTLEY & PALMER "FLORA"_ .............. 4 lbs. 3.99 A delicious assortment of c ream biscuits and pastries in the finest British iradi· tion. Beautiful enameled gift tin. WORLD OF CHEESE ... · .......• :S:ft , Smart Gift Box decorated with flogs of the world. 37 snack and table size por- tions of imported gourmet cheeses. CHEESE KEEPER AND SERVER .... 6.99 Modern oak wood board with knife and preserv ing dome pocked with 15 oz. of Edom cheese. Keeps your cheese fresh a nd appetizing. WEATHER STATION ........... 9.91 Springfield Thermometer and Humidity Meter on walnut for desk or wall, Pock· aged for gift givi ng wilh cheese, hom, and cocktail snacks. GIFT BASKET ................. 5.99 Imported wicker bread basket with your choice of imported ham, pumpernickel and cheese spreads or 5 jars of delicious KNOTT'S Berry Form jams & jellies. LIQUOR ANO GOURM ET SHOPS, 8-iS- A!I itorel e llctpl Wilshire Westcheiter, Gros.'"10nt Not all pritt i ar 1lenu apply In our Lo~ Vegas or Baktnfield 1tora In co>e ol orinl1ng emit M1n1mv<'I'! conil,lf't'lt r p rice .,.ill prtvolf NEWPORT HlJ.NTINGTON BEACH 47 FASHION ISLAND 644-1212 9:30 A.M. To 10 P.M. Monday Thru S.turday Open Sunday 12 Noon To 5 P.M. 7777 EDINGER AVE. 8 92 -333 1 9:30 A.M. To 10 P.M'. Monday.fhru Sa tu rday Ope• Sunday 12 Noon To 5 P.M. • . - i· . • "' ,. ,.. ( ,,, .,. •• l . " •.. ... .. •• •• ..... ,.~ ... ,, ••• ( ',,, ·,• ., I • . - 6men BARBARA DUARTE , 494-9466 ,..,.,..,, ---, .. '"' • ,.,. u For Fairview Ward 'E Belles' Trim Tree A rousing r endition of Jingle Bells will signal the start or a n evening Christmas party for Laguna Beach ~bell Club 's adopt/' women 's ward in ·Fairview State 11ospital, ·Cos ta Mesa. FairV'ie\v pa rt y chairman Mrs. Richard Racich will lead lhe g roup in so ngs of the holiday sea son on \Ved- nes day, n·cc. 171 fron1 1 :30 to 9. Brig~tly \vrappcd Christn1a~ gifts clone up in holi· day tri..rriming by membe'rs of the Potpourri Section will be handed out to each woman in the ward by San- ta Clau.s James Coen after a tree trimming ceremony. Partygoers will enjoy punch, cupcakes and candy planned. as refreshments by Mrs. Sandy l'vloss. Ebell members who have helped \vilh plans or \vho will attend festivities afe the Mmes. Richard T. Bos· well, J . W. Chamberlain, Gordon Forbes, Harro c:roe·~. tn1p, .Joh n Mudge, Edmund Van Deusen, Howard Wil- son a nd David Young. RINGING A HAPPY NOTE -It's Christmas time and thoughts · turn to Jingle Bells. Laguna Beach Ebell Club members (left to ria:ht) ]vfrs. E dmund Van Deusen, Mrs. Sandy Moss and Mrs. Raymond Schrim ring in the season with a party planned by the club for patients in Fairview State Hospital. Gifts will be present- ed to women patients after a tree decorating session and serving o( light refreshment. 1n addition to providing entertainment ror the Fair· vie\v ward, E):>ell awards scholarships to qualified La· guna Beach High School graduates and has given aid to the· Boys Club, YMCA, South Coast ·Co1nmunity Hos- pital, American Field Service. National Little League and Laguna-Moulton Playbouse. t Off the Easel Artists Become Living Pictures Belles and beaus will paint a pretty picture as they arrive at the Golden Bull restaurant in El Toro Thursday evening, Dec. 18, for the first annual Christmas dinner ·dance of Niguel Art Association. Invitations have been extended to members and friends by way of clever cards executed by the Mmes. Theodore Mannart, James L. Courtemmt:" che Louis Coutu , David Grah·am, Pasquale De . . Francesca, Laurence Jay, 'A. Richard A'usness, and - Joseph Holleron. · Green and red bells and bows ·will decorate the ballroom as members gather for a social hour pre- <>eding the 7 o'clock dinner. Music 'l"d dancing will add to tbe feStive :o:iood as well as an award of Qecial door prizes during the evening. ' .. A seascape, painted by artist Vernon Kerr at a recent meeting of the association, will be awarded tt,. one of those present. Announcement of the win- rier will be made by artist Mrs. Robert Krantz who will accompany her husband to the dance as a spec- ial guest. Niguel Art Association, formed in 1968 for Or· ange County artists, meets monthly in Crown Val- Jey School under the leadership of Mrs. David Graham. · , AJready making its mark as an ective associa- til!n, the group books an expert in the field of art to address or demonstrate at meetings wbile hold- ing workshops for beginners and advanced 1tu- dents in oil s and crafts. An innovatkm last summer, a children's art awareness group for children from 9 to 12 years of age, proved so popular the group will expand the program to a secood age level next imnmer. HOLIDAY BALL AND BELLES -Artist Mrs, Rob- ert Krantz hands a bri~htly colored tree decoration to Niguel Art Association member Mrs. Theodore Manne.rt as Mrs. Laurence Jay, ways and means ' . ,., '-·---t--' ,, -~ ·-a:•...;,;... ' " cllainnan, smiles ap~rovingly. Th1;art group will host a dinner dance m the Golden' l!ulJ restaurant· Thursday evening at 8. ' ' . " Polynesian Flavor Spices Celebration ExoLic fire and sword dances of the South· Pacific topped by a late bullet supper will lend a Polynesian air to the third annual Christmas party for employees and friends of South Coast Community Hospital. Leilani Acosta and her Aloha Nani Ha- 'vaiian Troupe of San Jose wiU perform danc- es including the f~iliar hula for guests at' Jose Rosan's hilltop ranch in San Juan Ca)>isLrano. Dancing to the music of Rex Thompson and his orchestra will be enjoyed throughoUt the evening with supper served al 10 o'clock. Plans for the Wednesday, Dec. 17, party were made by hospital staff members Jim Eal es, inhalation therapist, chainnan; Miss Lillian Emoll, dietician; Miss Ellen Peebler • research and development, and Mrs. Elsie BilJy, comptroller's office. Co-masters of ceremonies will be Dr. Roy L. Byrnes of Capistrano Beach and Dr. \Vill iam .A. Beck of South Laguna. Following the catered supper, guests will be treated to a visit from Santa Claus w b o will present gifts donated by merchants in San Clemente, Laguna Niguel, South Lagu- na •. Laguna' Beach, Orange, Compton. Santa Ana, Long Beach, Newport Beach, Cypress and Los Angeles. The Christmas party is a social function planned by staff doctors in order to express appreciation to hospital employees for serv .. ice rendered during the year. A dinner dance !or employes takes place In the summer at which time members of lh~ stall o~ five ,Years or more standing re- ceive serVIce pins. •• • ~olumnist Appl .ies Good Psy~hology W~ile Offering --------c--' DEAR ANN LANDERS • Why do yoo repeatedly advise readers with problcmx to see a psychiatrist and completely ig· ncft another group or trained specialim who also might be of help? I refer to the poy<:hologista. Whtie the P')lchologlst dots not ha ve the medical background or the psycltiatrlst, his training is generally more extensive in th e area o f psychological teChnique!'I. Psychologists can be extremely erreetive with clients whose problems are not organic, and who rtqulre no medication. fhe Yellow Pages can be very helpful In locaUng psychologlsts in a1most any cl· ty. Pluae tell )'our readers about us. W1 are qua1Uled and eager to offer our ANN LANDERS 5l aervices. --CLEVELAND PhD DEAR PhD: ~laay p1yebologt1t1 an:, 11 you 1a.y, well qualllled to treat people wltlt emotional Pf0b~m1. In f•cl. psychl1tri1l1 frequeaUy refer palteall to psychologl!ll. I do ltOt su11e11t h1 m1. reader1 that they 1te • p1yebologl1t for lbe followlni nuoo1: It Is l'IOt poe:11lble lo dt!termlne fn»m 1 letter If tbt nlder 1111 an or1111lc problem or wblcb be ta aot aware. Only a • pby1klan caa d e t e r m I a e thla. P1ycblalrf1l1 are p II )' • I c I a n l • P1ycltolo'glna are aoL Fartbermore, there •re many dlffertat kinds· of ptychologl1L!I -and they are llJkd In· dlacrtmlnately hi the Yelknit P11u. For example, some psycbologl1tl do ooly vocaUon1I te1llng and would be u1tle11 &o a pertoo with • elinleal problem . For ye11111 tbe Amerlcao P1yclllab1e AuoclatJoa ud Ute A m e r I c 1 1 Ptyeholo&bl A""'8ttol •1\le beta at odd• foir rtllOel wide• lttd ltOt be 1pell· ' ed oat. A d~ P1Yclll1trt1t J*l It tla11 way: "Stene Pl)'daf.:llrlltl wlUI tbtlr lmpre11l\le crede11t1• 1nd medical tralat11 ire lltdfecdve ,..iu. certain p•· tft1U. Tbey Hve ttltrrtd tbete patient.I &o pt)'cHkglltl wt~ extnmely rr•ll· fybc: rentu ... Re Mde4 -''You, ADI Lallden, 1Huld condnue to ''ml your relden to physlel111 and p.ychlatrlsll ud let TIIEM ret0mmtod certified psycboloal•tt w1te1 tbey fee.I the slluathm w1rrull It.'' DEAR ANN LANDERS • Thi' is for tho lldy who dlacoVered an lt·year~ld boy In the ladles room "&eUlna: bis eyes lull." She can call It "lhockl~-1 n d ootrageout'' .. if she w1sbt1, but It 1 a well kn'"'"• fact lhal a tendtncy lllwml · voyeurism (1 rancy word for "getting one 's eyes full ") is common among the majority of men ·and women in our socie- ty. The y~npter who lay1 down on the; floor to loot up lnto the next lx>olh could have been arrested if he had not been a minor. The charge would be disorderly conduct and he would have to pay a fine or go to Jail. Jt would be intere1llng to know whethtr this boy rece.lved any sex educaUon al home or In school. I'll bet the answer Is oo. -TllEOLDBARNOWL DEAR BARN: No laktn lltrt. I'd llel 10, too. CONFIDENTIAL TO RIGllT 0 R WRONG, YES OR NO • Your qU<Stlon cannot be answered by a "yes" or a. "no," nor can it be conaktered a matter or right or wrong. I can only offer an opl· nlo!I. I am ~ck to death ol all the tallo abotit hair. It ls nol that Important. The following quote from Lycurgus, a leader ol. Sparta, mirrors my own views: "Hair makes good.looking mt-n more beaullful .Jll~ Ul-looking men more ll!:rrible." A•• Landen wilt be Siad lo llelp 1°" wlUI your problemi. Send diem to Hr ti can of the DAILY PILOT, encoblq 1. telf«ldreued, 1&1mped eawlope. 18 DAILY PILOT }Jere it is! Bias diamond inserts -every bi t as pretty as they are functional . The lovely curve of the bodice front gives way to a ni cely nipped·in back. \Vith deep slash at the neck and the flare of the skirt, you'll feel young and gay. tt'lake it sleeyeless in a pale wool crepe or try it in silk and worsted with long sleeve for cooler weather. Other fabric sug~estions: silk crepe, velvet. satin, brocade, raw silk, linen, pique, synthetics or lightweight wool. 62419 is cut in Misses sizes 8-16. Size 12 requires approximately 2 114 yards of 54 inch fabric for long sleeves and 2 yards for the 5Jeeveless version. Musical Program Planned A perfonnaoce by th e Chantell~s ol Newport Harbor " High Scbool·wm highlight th• meeting of the Eastbluff Philharmonie Associates plan- ed for Wednesday, Dec. 17, at 11 a.m. in the home of Mrs. John C. M M. ''tifrs. David C. Du f C, chainnan, will conducl a brief 00.iness meeting prior to the Christmas concert which will include clwical, romantic and contemporary numbers. The ensemble is directed by ft1isa Sunnne Russien, concert and opera performer who now is. choral director at the higb school. An elaborate Christmas buf· fet wlll follow the program with the Mme s. A r t h u r Andreson. Theodore T a f e , Donald Winter, John H. Arens, Janusz Zaleski and John Tooker assisting the hostess. Wives Gather Members of the Law Wives Club of Western St ate Univtrsity, College of Law will meet· tomorrow evening for a Christmas gift exchange and talk on Preparation and Study for Baby and Senklr Bar Ex- ams. Speaking for the 7 : 3 O gathering at the school will be Phil Petty, school registrar. Beto Sigma Phi '!. 'Party Pony' Noses Out First The \Vomen's Division' of Newport Harbor and the \Vomen's Committee of Costa Mesa, Chambers of Commerce cosponsored a Holiday Table Center· pieces contest in the Balboa Bay Club. The perpetual trophy which was donat· ed by Mar iners Savings and Loan for the sweepstake wmner is being accept· ed by Jfils. William J. Collum, president of the Cos ta Mesa Friends of the Li- brary (right). Presenting the trophy is Mrs. Patricia Bray of Mariners, pro-- gram chairman. 1'-fiss Janet Cjako, a pa~e at Mesa Verde Library, was respons· ible for engineering the unique centerpiece, according to Mrs. Collum . ' • • .. .. . - .. -. • A O<>At.ywhlrO !Mrr · A cle1n, fresh cleuic. Fine geugtt : fvH fashioned Orlon• knit by ltitli1nt who love kids. A mock turtleneck, 1lripes ...., ind pocket tabs give iust the right look 10 th is beauty. Easy for Mom too,. · bectu~ it's machine w1sh1ble., THE RED BALLOON LTD. l11 1ins 2/4 4/6• 7/14 s '·" S11 .0t SlJ.11 .. IN HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 18177 ALGONQUIN STREET ·· Huntington Beech 846-1666 Hours: Deily 10.6 Fri. 'til 8 p.m. To order 62419 ; state size, include name, ad· dress and zip code. Send •t.25 plus 2.5 cent! first· class postage and handling for e~h pattern. Send orders for book~ and patterns to SPADEA. Box N, Oept. CX-15, Milford, N.J. 08848. Gamma Alpha N11 Chapter or Beta Sill'Jla Phi will meet Wednesday, Dec. 17, at 8 p.m. in the home ol Mrs. Rex McDooald. Secret sisters will be reveal· ed and gifts exchanged. Nuptials Planned South Coast 'Plaza QC -Camp Fire Girls Welcoming Volunteers ~tr. and 111rs. Keith Clark of l..aiuna Beach have announced !he engagement of the i r daughter, Joan Clark to Gary Messersmith of S&1la Ana. The announcement w a s Six area residenl.5 h a v e joi ned tbc Camp Fire Girls organization as volunteer lead- ers. made during a dinner party in tory of th' organization, ere-Hollywood. _ ative arts, youth developmenl Miss Clark is a gradute af programs, outdoor cooking hoo and camping and health and Paint Loma High Sc I. San .!laf,ty practic,s. All ne w lead· Di'gc>, and her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 86 STORES ALL 72° ••• and open nightly till 9:30 . . . , Thty are Mrs. Tom Murch, Mrs. Walter Quililao and Mrs. Harro Schadee, all of Costa Mesa, who have completed Blue Bird t raining; Mrs. Guq;e Logan and Mrs. James Pet.en, both of Newport Beach who have taken Camp Fire Girl training, .1nd Mrs. Ralph Short 'Of Newport Beach who has undertaken Horizon Club training. ers and assistants in the Or· Messersmith of Vista, is an aqe County Council are re--alumnus of 0 r a n I e High quired to at.tend these training School. -... TOL AT SAN Dao PlltMWAY, COITA .. M .ae.Wc>n1 in the fall and spring ••. ~~A~·~r•i:ng'...:w:ed~d~in:g~is_be~in~~-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=------.:.::. All courses lnclude Jeader- ship techniqu~. a short his- WHO h., more cookbooks than you can shake a spoon at? 8. Dalton, Bookseller 5 F•thia" 1,1.ncl, N1wport B•1'h 91••0 171 41 •44·0041 !7141 IJJ-2100 Women can serve u Jud· ers for Blue Birds and guard-planned. ians fer Camp Fire Girls and Horizon Club. Both men and women may asaiat as group sponsors, consultants, board members, officers or area council committee mtmbers. Further informatkln may bt obtained by calling the head- tt,uartet.!l at 547-MM. Camp Fire Girls ia a United Fund At:ency and provides an educational-rlcrutlanal. pro. gram for girls 7 throuJ}i high school .,,, . Soroptimi1ts. Soruptim.ist Club of Hun- Ul\jton Beach gathers at 12:15 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesdays in F r a n c o l s restaurant. Tho BEAUTY SALON'S SPARKLER ... HOLIDAY FROSTING SPECIAi: reg. $25 15.00 Th t tpa1kl• of Chrllhiut , , • VD•H• ftf v•ur htir 11 9r•1f tt •int1 with eut 1~tti1! on holi0 '•v fro1trn,, •"' tippin,1. U•u•lly, 15.00, 11•w II.ti, C11n,.l1t• with •1t 11citi11t 111• ll1irityl•. ~rotltd wl11, JI.DO, J1.IO, i11 1 tompltft r•lltt ef c1l1n. Nt ••r 11114t 1tHi119, Ju•I l 1u11! '11 Ge. Vi,il eur ,,.,,u., b•~•itt~•. foo. /,ppol11lm•11h 1101 1lw1v1 fl•c11111w. Ph111 1: A111h1l111, fJJ.a11,, Hu11li11,t.11 l11th, t tt.)Jll, NiwJlort, •44-11,2, lttuty St llf\ •O•. ~•ttn ••• LOSE -1or2 DRESS ,~SIZES • by ChJiltmM! 430 PACIFIC COAST HWY. 642-3630 (2 Blocks East o! Balboa Bay Club) 1140 W. 17th STREET 543.9457 SANTA ANA -I ALSO IN AHhel-. ......,, Hills. cm ... c,......, o • ....,.. 51 ....... L .. .. w..4, I.Ht ..... N-f'M '"°· N. HltllytJM4. o.t.fe, , _ _., .. .. h11 01.,_, S.11t. A.119, s..t. a.rti.N, Sllel-4, T--. WMttNt. lel111t 1lte 111 ,,..,,, lat...,.,,, S.11 J_.., S•l'lltf'flle-, W .. nt c,...., ' - 3 3 I Mrs. Jaycees llunllnCim Buell Id r 1 • J-meet the_,, .. day of the moolh al I p.m. Location Information may ~ -lvod by t.lephonlnc Mn. Mkhacl Broou, •im. For The WOMEN In Your LIFE! 'fiilJ; ~ I (J. OR: I , . s.t.ct • h111111111 h•ir wig or I L h•irpi•t• ,,0,,. our 1.nJ• ,,. I Patients' ltttion -for your wlf11, girl I Christmas Brightened fri1nd, "'oth•r or ii1u9ht1r. Having the less fortunate in mind are Newport Harbor Soroptirnisls ' who will We will 1tyl11 l 1Tft wrap it table a business meeting for a _pleasurable holiday luncheon Wednesday, Dec. for vou. I 17, in Jos~'s, Those attending will bring gifts for the childreft et Fairview I IF th• color 1tvl• or ,; •• I State Hospital. Selecting contributions are (left to right) Mrs. Elbert Conner, Int i1 not to htr cornpl11t11 I Mrs. Alan Williams and Mrs. Glenn A,\len, president. 11thf11 ctio11, w• will 9111dly 111-----.....:.---'--'-----.:..:l='-"--------------I :::;~:·~~~:;~·R:·"· I Princeton Males Lament I MASTER.CHARGE i MALLIE'S .. CHARGE • 'Coeds're Here to Stay' . m A~ I By MARY GORDON dergraduates .were admitted to repeated by many coeds. ~ Princeton. 'l1le gals are out· "'Ibey ass1m1e you're dated up • 11 PRINCETON. N.J. (AP) -numbered·20 to I. for weeks. They're afraid of a tej I Someon• dressed m a One coed, M au r •• n being turned dawn." I mlnlskirt stole a bell clapper Ferguson, Rockville, Md., has Consequently IOltlfl coeds ! at Princeton University. The been elected freshman have been known to sil in the WIG i secretary treasurer or the secretary treasurer. Anita dorm on weekends. But not .-freshman class wears pan· Fefer, New York City, ran for ones to tolerate that, they BE tyhose. freshm an president and bl have acted. AUTY I There are flowers on dining Females have i:dfi.1*rated "Attention Pr l n c et on SALON II room tables and full.length everything fz;om the glee Club mal<s." road a cla!Mfied ad in 111 Hillgt111 Sq11•r• 210 D, I• 171• St. I mirrors in Pyne Hall. to the debalfnt society. the Daily Princelonian, "coeds 'If "It's litUe things like the Plans call for increasing the are dateable." ~ bell clapper that make you nwnber of women to 400 next "If the girls just ask for ~ realize the girls sre here to year, 650 in five yean and anything,•• says Curt Cotte M_.541·:1446 I .§tay," says one senior, de-1,000 "as soon as possible." Fitzgerald, a senior from . , . . . I scribing the annual prank tra· There is a quest.ion of dates. White Plains, N.Y., "the 0.,1., til 5:JO, Thwr1 I Fri t.I I ditionally perfonned· by fresh-"The guys are afraid· to ask university just gives it to them Mon., .Tu.,., w.c1. E-t••· ! man males. you out," says, Gail Finney, a -everything from their own by Appoinhn•nt I Three months have passed pretty fr e sh m a n from bureaus to full-length mir- ••••wwww•i 1ince 171 fem a I e un· Houst9fl. in a comp I a int rors." NOWS THE TIME TO HIDEAWAY YO!JR CHRISTMAS·SPARKLERS M1ke·this·the grandest of them all. a diamond Chrislmas. And forget about the hall closet, we'll hide your.purchases away until you're ready for them. SLA.YICK"S J ..... ,,." SiflC• lt17 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT 8EACH -644.1380 o,.. M..-, ttwl S...rM, .... ttJO p.& Yeur tllti!'H ~ Wtlc:elnl -I MlkAmtrltafd, Mtstw CIMl'Ollt .... Mondlf', Dlctmbff 15, 1969 DAllY l'Uf JI .. ·Grim . Picture ~f Reality ; P~in fed in Dr~!g Study ~· ~ . . Ma xi Look Perfect Fit The Korean Alaoclallon of 'Faahlon Dellsnlnl .vu.ta bu com• up wlth the perfoc:t autlll for a miss who Wlllll to loot like a modern day Mata Hart. . ' 11J PATBICIA MtCOllllACK ••• • 'NEW :YORK (UPI -Add IO·tM*"--teenagera Ho!ich. ldr"l!wijuano: COtn· ~~. t 'l1lt 'd!ic user's hatnd for acbool -In the primary IJ'.llhl, 11y1 a doctor who has pri>bacl the lifeway, of S4.I ad- df.=~:J' fu~i;,,. wlih the ad· 'Or. · Herbert Berger •fouli4 .Jbe. ablolute· hatred of c:omlillipry eddCallob standing out ·~ ot.Mr'bebavior fac- lon. 1 Rep!x\lns 1n· the journal 0Medi~ •• Times .'' lhe ~professor ol cllnical < O~lcers Seated . . :~ ln:Lag11na Club • -·eoul'r,derate d Cl>lnl. ~aiiiws *ill• have a ~ ~·'l'biii>dar. nee. 11, ai:.U;IO.p.m: in the home ol Mil. • Barry Fpgan of La11UU Beach. ()(flceB will be elected and . p~ achanged. Plans for the :-annual China , Painter's Show"l11 February in the Surf and Sand Motel, Laguna Beach will be discussed. medicine at New Y o r k Medlell College concluded that '1compullory ~aJion engenden In the Individual (drug u.ser) a hatred o( socfe. ty." Th< way lhla hal{ed blooma In the polenUal addict:" , "He attempll to deotroy hll jail (SC b 0 0 I) and his neighbor"s property. Finally, he Olttempts a cl)emlcal escape (drugs) from hb changing ... vironment. "He comm.Jta crimes against hlo enemy (90Clety) to aupport the cost of bla addiction." Dr. Berger also II director of meclldne al Richmond 11111 Memorial Holpllal 1X1 Slaten Island, N.Y. . . Some reasons addidri aave blm for lnll1al drug abuse ...... , "'Others ..... dolna 11:· 11My friend DWI it to mt," "I was aartous,,.' or -"I couldn't aland my parenll, brother or alatet f IChool." Ironically, one girl.who dled from an overdole, a few moolha alter lbe Inquiry, bad atated l""viouoly: "ll fiad. all the adva!Loges ol death with none ol the permanence.~· Other points Dr. Be!J" made about the young ~ user: • II II a black mu! poncho meant for wearing ova a black Jumpoull. Both ara made ol wldewale corduroy. WElCllT CONTROL ' .... •.G~R THERAPY ' -· L THOMPSON, MD -Teenage addicts hayt real ~e ~ ~ver!'j =-i C.-~if• rl 1 ::. MMZll !Ion for cure de!Plle Uielr I"'!-. ,_ °""! ~ . -leslaUoos to the contrary, • 127 W-Dr. -Drug addicts hate aulhori· "°"""' hocll ty regardleu of Its llOUfC<. · • . OPEN DAILY 9.7 SUNDAY 9~ ~~LIDO CENTER THERE ISN'T ANYONE WHO WOULDN'T LOVE ONE OF THESE LUSCIOUS GIFTS -CANDY, FRUITS, CHEESE, COCKTAIL SNACKS, FINE • • WINES AND LIQUEURS. CHARMING BUSINESS AND HOSTESS GIFTS. GREAT FOR MAILING HOME, TOOi CALIFORNIA fllUITS A lu1ciout assortment of plump fig•, apricots, pineapple, dotes, che"ie1 & nut&. 7 . 19 CHEESE !OARD imported laby Eda• on a hardwood board, with it1 owtt cheese knife, 6.95 SPECIALTY FISH, 1moked 1ardines, pate of swordfish, etc. with 12 cockton fork1. J .35 MRS. CARVER'S FRUITCAKE MINIATURES -19 llghr and dork Individually wrapped fruitcakes, with rvm sauce included. leautffvtty tinned. 4.91 BLUM'S FANTASY. A foursome of favorites,· assorted chocolot-. l umps and l)ump1, thin mints, cherry cordials, gift wropped with felt doves. 13.75 TEMPURA SET. Tempura Cooking Set, laden wirh ttmpvra battef,· soy 1a1,1ce, mushrooms ond Chine•• mustard. 7.50 RICHARD'S COO.TAI L ASSORTMENT. A delightfvl "'9c:tion ef cheeses, breads, clams, oyJten and ham i11 red Yelow gift boL 11.ts CUSTOM Gll'TS Daxtllng combinotioN of foods and win•• to delight a gourmet's heart. Exchnively Richard' a. '""" 12.10 MARKET LOUY Gl"5 CHATEAU CALON, 19,9, Red lordeaux rated very good. For the wfrte lowr on your list. 3.66 I • flOR D'AC.E ISOIABnlA. A,... littu"' frol'll Italy. Ro4 sugar crystal• form fn it I 1 0..4 I WfNTl! WINE$- A ·~~loo iof flvo fl!io "'- . each ,.,,.pint. 1.51 ' -. RICHARD'S LIDO CENTER 3433 Via lido, Newport Beach 673.636C> • • " ' " • ., • • • • ' .. .. . . . ff DAILY l'ILOT A Pretty Patricia June (Jell ) and ·Michaela Kelley, members of the Keynotes of Harbor Key of Child Guidance center of Orange County, \\'ill, along with their feJ .. low members, make sure that anyone \\•ho wants can have an extraordinary "hang-up." They are making Newport Resident Wed in Washington I The chapel of \Valltr Reed A!edical Center, Washington, D.C. was Ult setting for the wedding of Ruth Ell~ Bauder and David Lee Kenhner. quoiu chiffon, and best man ~ was William Fra1nklin 1 Kershner. Douglas E. Bauder esc«ted guests to their seats. Among guests were the coople's parents, Mr. and 11-trs. Baird T. Bauder ol Newport Beach and litr. and Mn:. Robert J. Kershner o r AUentmrn, Pa. Given in marriagf': by her father, the bride wore a whlte lace gown and coronet ' of white satin which cauatit a finflerlip veil. She carried htt g rat-grandmotb«'s prayer -draped with an orchid. 'Ille bridegroom'• .mer' Elanor Looise Kenhner was maid of. honor, aWred in tU{· Special . Program Following the ceremony the newlyweds recei ved their guests in the Officers Club at the medical center. They will honeymoon In the East during the holiday sea50n and make their home in Takoma Park. f\'ld . ~ The new r-.trs. Kershner ls a graduate of California State College al Long Beach and is stationed at Walter Reed Medical Center as an intern in diatetics. Her husband is a graduate ., . William Allen High School ia . .Allenr...n. Yuletide Heralded • A (fleeial Christ.mas p~ gram Is being planned for !he meeting of the Womf:n'a Socie. ty d Christian Service, First United J..1ethocU.rt Cb u r c h , Costa Mesa. 1be group will gather at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 17, in Thompson Hall. The program, entitl ed 9.'itness Through Sen•ice -1f "'e Had Been in Bethlehtm, is being directed by the fo.tmes. Vance Hunter, Fred Groody and Arthur Butter'A'iC'k. HAL AlllSCHU HEARING AIDS c..iii. MAI A,,..1Fk1llllll 11110 JALllMIN 3409 E. COAST HWY, CORONA DEL MAR ,., . ..,...~ 675.:1933 Purpoee is to help members personally idenlify with the principals on the f I rs t Cbristmas Eve. Mrs. Harold Cooper will sing "O Holy Night.'' and com· munity .singing will follow. In charge of luncheon ar- rangements are members of Rachel Circle under the chainnanship of ~trs. George Perley. Instead of personal gift ex· chang~ during c i r c 1 e meetings this month, members will donate toys and other gifts for patients at Fairview State Hospital and C"anned juices for the Child Day Care Center, Santa Ana. A workshop for Sunday school children and their parents was conducted last Saturday. · HB TOPS CluD Allen School is the mttting place for Huntington Beach TOPS Pound Plnchen at 7 p.m. each 1'-londay. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT From PICKWICK All OF OUR FAll COCKTAIL DRESSES REDUCED TO CLEAR 1 /2 OPF OPIN Nm SUNDAY 12·1 SEASONS ~REETINGS F11hfon lsltnd N1wport letch Ftshion Squtr1 Sant• Ant brightly colored decoral<!d clothes bangers t<J be sold throughout the year as one of their major fund·rais- ing projects. The girls also will contribute an orna- ment apiece to the Christmas tree at the Child Guid· ance center. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements it is ,guggested. that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. If the betrothal announce· rnent and weading date are six weeks or less apart. only the wedding photo will be ac· cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, fom1s are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further que stions will be answered by Social. Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. ·-----,.,,---... ·-· -. Signs · of the Ti,Z,e Stars, Cotnpute·r Aid Shopper 87 ~y PAlllJ!Y : NEW YORJC (UPI) -One wa1 to IOlve the ~tmu sift dllmm.t Ja lo.,....... the • pldoU... ol utrolOl)I, thal !!"C\mJI beJlel enJOl'iDI ,,.,, j)apilartty, and. a modem -ol Iden«, the ~. Pu! the lwo tocelh<r lo find -WQild moot plwe fami-,IY and frlaiCll. 1lie Id.al for thll whole novel . appl'Oleh came from T1me Pattern Report lleoear<b Co., a Valley stream, N.Y. firm whm:e )'W'·round bG.tineu iJ com- pultriud horolcopes. For the holldaya, the firm's --put their bus)' lit· tie puncfi 'canls lo wtri for Santa and came up with 11.1g· gesUons baaed oo whal the stars and the computer tell. ..,, One cautlon : the sugg:tsliona have to be general. Otherwlst, they say, you'd have to ,et. in- dividual horoocopes foe each pe1'IOll on the list. Start with a Oipricona. Al:trol?Jers call those born un· du thts sign conscienUow:. cautJoua, •ct.I ve and "*'1&"lcallf Inclined. GUI Idell' BadmJaloo HI or -for a nwi, laP" recorder• for children away from home, 1ptedway race aamu, garden tooll and for her a facl&l sauna or homt attam bath. By other signs ol the zodiac, the computer 111gge'19' Aqaria1 A J non- <OO!ormlsis, the>< apprtclate WllllWll things, like • ton1 scarf or a hibachi for mom, for dad western clotbrs or a mod tie, for the yo.mg, portable~ and radioo, high-me bil!Os. Pllcel: -A Pi5cean ls a cban&table aud a e n a 1 t I v e penoa, IO musical in- strumenta or records should . pltt.se or camera equipment. Aries These a r e sporismlnded people, people m the go. For her, a gift nill!ht ba an instaot hair set- ter, for hlm a new tackle box or indocr game of chance, and for the smaller onea, skis or skates. Tallf'UI -Taureans are cautious, conservative type! who love tht security of. home. Stories, Cqrols Focus I On Christmas Theme Col. William Cabell Chap-ington's Christmas and f\frs. ter, Daughters of the Amer· 1 Donald 1'facLeod will discuss ican RevoluUon will entutain l RevoluUonary days. The men love food, .~ you the boy, a typewrlltr fot th• mll!ht ch-'°""' ·Of the girl. lJOOCIJ,. of Ciu'i<tnw, plus an Sag!Jluius -n-born easy chair by the fireside. For under this sign are Spofls 1he artlsUc streak in children, lovers. Su"oestlons include paints and euel. oo Gemial _ Mercurial of camping equipment, fishina mlnd, alert and intellectual, -;eq;;;;;uJ;;pm;;en;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"\ Gtminlans might appreciate,. an hlt.ellectual Chri!tmas, say a kalher-bound copy ol a favorite classic, encyclopedia for the children. Cucel -'!be Cancerian is volaWe, highly dramaUc, and 1Ull a homebody. Give dad something ror h1' I awn • daughter a sewing machine, or a small cooking set. Lto -Leos are leaders and like the llltt, 10 maybe a trip eouth for the whole family is in order. But ·1r not, sug· gestlons include fur for her, \unique bar or color televisian for the house, a stamp album for the boy. VIJ'IO -Vlrgoans are an1lytical, enjoy pondering. Get your man or teenager a inicroscope, binoculars, a barometer or camera. Virgo JP&men love gadgets. Ubra -LlbraM are born travelers. so sidepock~t suit· cases that flt under airlines seals would suit him. a teenage girl would enjoy a charm bracelet to show off her travels. Libran boys build, so get motors, models. Scorpio -Scorpios enjoy suspense and puzzlers, so sug· gested would be a new mystery no\•el. an Intricate jigsaw, chess or checkers for THE N°E0 W malhe~ for HAIRSTYLING by the area's TOP STYLfSTSI * * Compliment1ry Make-ups e Facials Manicures ind Pedicures By Appointment the Henry Bowen Society, Na· Mrs. E. W. Crumley, host· GREATEST ess will be assisted by Miss Uonal Society of Children of Nancy Relf and the Mmes. I YIYIANI WOODAii _ COSMnlCI the American Revolution with Donald Crisp, Clifford Estee m /)/}_ t Chrilbnas carols and stories. and Edward Steinke. A &•1 alli~ j St. Jamea Parlsh Hall in A party, highllghled by lhe utomo I e WIG & BEAUTY Newport Beach will be the Chri'lltmas parade, is being meeting scene Wednesday, planned by the DAR for the! SALON Dec. 17, at 1 p.m. Presenting Henry Bowen Society in the o F F E R 548·3446 business will be Mrs. Selah Newport Beach home of. Mrs. I Reber, regent and Mrs. Bruno Eugene Bauer on Friday, Dec. JIO·D t.t 17tti SttMt Norman, vice regent and pro-II t 6 IS Mr Ed d HILLGREN SQUARE h · • 8 : p.m. s. war SEE PAGE 36 ' grMa~icc aill1Tl1se!:Uons 'A'lll be .• =~C~ox~o~f ~H~un~lln~· ~gto~n~B=ea=c=h=w=il~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~c~o~s~T~A~M~l~SA~~~ serve refreshments. offered by Mrs. John Kerr, t.-1rs. Howard Justers, and r ~J;:£t:: :::Bo::r l'cw Vl'IJ 11J OIAl'N Tu I Alft 1 J I readastory onGeorg•Was~1 .Jt1 /VUl'i ,,, ,,.,,,,.,, OJOJOOltTUNITY-SMAltl IXPllNJU .. ACAPULCO•Ulll••IAN STU FFI N' s H RE DD I ES N-S2'x20' Lu•. C.tf""r..,, SIMJIS "• L~ ....... I M. to•••· I ... ,., 2 Outen 841J.. THk OKlci. TMll CtP,lnt -Siii SP"d XI krooh. ,..0 .... 11:11 Ntw,.rt INdl. CA. H6'1 '""""': 1n41 '4t..J:1t1 polyfo1m bits for stuffing an im al toys, cuddly 'dolls, pillow iglh. SEW A GIFT OF LOVE ! HOLIDAY HIGHLIGHTS FOR YOUR HAIR, COMPLETE AT 17.50 GIANT SIZE BAGS 59~. 1TIS 'THE SEASON TO DON A NEW LOOK 0 •• TO GLISTEN AND GLOW IN THE MERRY MOOD 0!1' THE HOLIDAYS. THE WAY TO DO IT ••• HIGHLIGHT YOUR OWN DARKER HAIR WITH A SWEET P'JllOSTIHGe••SEE THE PL.AY OF STARLIGHT AND SHADOW .. l• THE LOOK-TWICE DAZZLE YOUR COIF CREATES, HOLIDAY CU> AT 17 .!50. aJT, PRICED AT 5 .00, COME OR L P'OR AN APPOINTMENT. FROM OUR BEAUTY SALON. RVB NSON'S I I ' ROBINSONS NEWFORT • FASHION ISLAND • 644·2800 ' ' 72-INCH WIDE NYLON NET • trim 1 p1ck191 • make an 1n91I • dt5i9n a tree • ruffle an apron · 20 co1ors 11mpty holidty u1•1 R!G. 29c YARD 72·lNCH WIDE FELT great for making toys to stuff, Chri5tma5 cut.out5, colorful pock.gt trim5. ~-color• -you na1d it, we ha v• ii, including red, 9C••n end whita. $269 , YARD QUILTED BEAUTIES • PRINTS •SOLIDS •D first ~uality f1brics, wor\m1nship VALUES TO $24.95 TWIN OR FULL SIZE KING SIZE REG. $l5.00 NOW ONLT l C l1 R 1A!N~ ' $7~~ $12.88 each - I YAl<lll\GE ll~'l\PERIE"'i South Coe1t Pl111 -Cott• Met1 Huntington C•nter-Hunttngton &.1ch l rflf ....... Dlete ,.., -141·111' llhlt« .t IMcll 11"'. -tf7·1011 . 0,.. ... ..., .. ,,w.., '. 'tf1 t -Scit1t11.., 'tfl ' 01l" ....,. 1 l•S nr..:.K""'"' Ho roscope Libra: Time's On Your Side TUESDAY DECEMBER 16 By SYpNEY OMARR ------- STARTS DEC. 17th loUNDUT MUSICAL Of THI YU.I SHlll.iY Mc.LAINE "$WllT CHARITY" UDO, NIWPOIT ARIF.s (~larch 21·April 19): Your cycle Is high; deelare in· tentlons. Response is apt to be favorable. Be agg r es si ve without being domineering. Many took to you as example. Llve up to potential. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Remain in background as much as possible. You are strong enough to m a k e presence felt without making an exhibition of yourself. Very good for helping those who are incapacitated. GEMINI (May 2t-lune 20 ): Accent on plaMing w it h friends. Look ahead; be sure holiday resUvities are in order. Accept social invitation. Status quo may be slightly upset - but this is favorable. CANCER (June 2l.July 22): Spotlight on ambitions, career and prestige. Cooperate in community project.· Give and you also will receive. Perceive deeper meaning of holiday spirit LEO (Ju I y 23·Aug. 22): Good lunar aspect today coin- cides v.•ith journeys, strengthening of philosophy, long-distance communications. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Do not be in too much of a hurry. There are some hidden Costs to consider. Know this; review purchase p I a n s , budget. Stick to quality. Give logic equal time with impulse. LlllRA (Sept. 2"-0ct. 22):· Accent on how public reacts to your special effort&, presen- tations. Indications are good. But you must let experts han· die their own areas. Time is on your side, so play waiting game. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): You get much done today. But th ere is a gnayti~g feeling that loved one is not reciprocating. nus could be dUe to lack of vitality which brings on the blues. Eat regularly. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Solidify plans. You know what you want to do - but ml'!:thod is lacking. Today you can fill in some blank spaces. Key is to have con· fidence in your oYm con· victions. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19 ): All indications point toward conclusions, the com· pletion of tasks, the settling of dirferences, deciding on pro- perty ,.nd re sidence. Do not attempt to start one task before you finish another. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. JI): A surge in finaneo..s is in· dicated. But realize Uiere is a difference in speculating and blue chip guarantees. Means be happy without b e i n g delirious. PISC~ (Feb. 19-1'1arch 20): Obtain hint from Aquarlu1 message. You can make finan- cial headway. But Ute re- quirement is self-confidence - and discipline. You know what is right; don't give in to foolish temptaUon. T.heSony AM~FM~· AM-PM. • ,Here's a smart clock radio that makes J'OUf f'light table kJok bigger. Because it takes up ~s tNn 5 inches square of space. Yet It wakes you up to news Of' weather or Rock or Bach just like the big ones . This FM /AM has a niceblgfaceforoasy!ime telling. And a rich·lool<ing walnut grain finisl>. It c:cmes In a little square box that we'll be happy t<> glftwrap. Take It home today.' And histen to AM or FM during tile AM or PM. The Soni' 7fC-34W.r ·SONY. 529" \ 411 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Dally 9·9, Sat. 9·6 .L. 646·1 684 • --- a g ift from Biggars " .. I brighten ' up ..... ··--their holidays! Going home for Christmas? Why nol brighten up their hol idays with these fine lamps ... now featured at all three of our stores. You'll be able lo take your choice from a truly superb designers' solection Iha! lights up as far as the eye can see. So carefully have they been selected and crafted, these richly finished 1 .. J'l!'f.l . lamps will endure ... to gracefully age ·, I 'Hfr i inlo family heirlooms, to be treasured for I ·': ~'fiflfi I always. Oare to gift them with the very I I , <i\li!IF. best-from J. H. Biggar, and they'll see !1 ' • , ;~~#.f'-'; j you in a different light. " . ·t ·~~··l'!ll· . 1 ·, t ;{;, '' ~ . • ; .. < -~~ .~, ' . ...,,,, ·-. :' i ~\h.\~-.,{-. : ii\_•}?:'' ~~·,.~.. . t" ·i "1-,t r,;· ·~i);/ LAM,S, AS SHOWN, TOP TO BOTTOM: COlUMN !ASE, ANTIQU!: BRASS FINISH •.•• 72 .50 DRIP GLAZE CERAMIC BASE ••••••••.•. 64.50 TEXTURED CERAMIC BASE •••••••• , •• 24.SO DECORATED PORCELAIN .• IASE ••••••••••. ~.50 ' I . l'f, I ~i.'1., ' ' I I ' I I PASADINA Colorodo ol El Molino 792-6136 POMONA' Holt, E .. t of Gorey 629-3026 SANTA ANA, MAIN at ELEVENTH ' ' I 547-1621 --· ·---- OA1LV'11.ff lU • Who listens To landers? '" . ' . .. I, . ; .. . ( . . . • • ' -·- SINCE SHE'S ONE THE TEN MOST NFLUENTIAL WOMEN IN AMERICA ••• • • • Just About Everyone Does That's Who _ .• ' You Cen 'Listen' to Ann (enders De il y ·~ The DAILY PILOT " • '• • 1% DAILY PILOT s Monday, Dtcembtf 15, 1%CJ LEGAL NOTICE • • FORD'S NEW FALCON WILL DEBUT IN JANUARY AS 19701/J MODEL It Will Be Offered Jn New Size •nd Sty te •1 2.cfoor, 4-cloor •nd St•tion W•gon •• • LEGAL NOTICE In High Gear '19701h' Falcons Come in Larger Sizes • ' P·J~)t ·• ClltTl,.ICATE 01" SUJ1NISS "' "ICTITIOUS NAME 'T1W Ollder1'9ned ~ ctrlltt i'M h con-~ • buslnn• 1t '°'11 Safi R...,., I>~. Lq11n. lleacl!, C•llfornla, lln'Hf ''* 1kllllou1 llrm "'"'' ol SEA!JoNO COMPANY IMPORT • EXPORT arid !Ml Uld """ 11 cornDOM'd of tht follow!"' ..,.._ wllost nt~ 1" f\111 tnd pi.ct Ill' ..itt1eM1a Is ts follow" • lKfl E. Cte<'ni.c110W1k1, 7071 Stn ttemo OrlYI', lftUN lltKtl, Ctl. 01ted NllVtmbtr 17, l fft. Le.:11 E. C1ernl1dlllw:ikl a.11 of C11Hornl1, Or111t1t Counl,: "'Ort NoY1'mber '°' ltlf, llefore me, • lililtarY Pubflc Iii Ind tor Hid $191t, ..-UV lllPttrtd LKh E. Olfnl1KllGW1kl kMW1' "' -"' ~ the ..-wn wllosf 111me Is ,utr..crl~ lo lht \/l'llrvm"1'1t •rid ack..awl!<lled ht IHI !he u me. l(IAL SEAL) •• Thomt1 W. Sovlf • • • Nettrt Pllbllc-CtJltotnlt t • • O.a"'t Caut11Y • '· • NoY Commls11or! E•Plres . :•. Jepl, IS. 1'11 -',•l*oTlllWd Or-t C011I OtllY 1'11flf, ~ 24 tr.d De<:ember J, I. 15. ,,. • 1!'3-6t ' .' LEGAL NOTICE • P•l5Ut Ca•hl'ICAT• 01' COltPOltATIOl'I 1'011 l ltAl'ISACTION OF IUStNl!lS Ul'IOl!lt l'ICTITIOUl NAME By CARL CAllSTENSEN The new Ford Falcon, which \\i ll debut in January, will come in a new size and be called a 1970~ model. The nameplate that has ap. peared on more than 2.7 million compact cars in 10 years will be ottered in three models using the Ford in- termediate body -a two..door sedan, four-door sedan and a six-passenger, four door sta- tion wagon. \Vheelbase ot the Falcon sedan will be 117 inches, six inches more than i t s predecessor, and 114 inches for the station wagon, one inch more. At 206 inches the new Falcon sedans are 22 inches longer and the station wagon is JO inches longer. itanulacturer's 6\lggested retail price for the two-door will be $2,460, placinl the new car within the price range of the cars in the compact size economy market. Suggested retail prices for the four-door will be $2,500 and '2,801 .for the wagon. ' and more resistance t o puncture F I o " -through ventilaton systems ·are standard on all l971l1h Falcon sedans. Even with the windows raised, this system permits fresh air tc> enter, circulate and leave the car, removing stale or smoke- laden air. The new Falcon offers a broader range of opUom than ever. Among the options are s i x eight-<:linder engines, S e 1 e ctShift Cruise-OMaUc- automalic transmission, power front disc brakes, power steer- ing, rear1 window defogger, AM·FM stereo radio, vinyl roof and' dual-action doorgate rm-station wagons. The 1970Jh Falcon includes Ford Motor Co. lifeguard design safety features and a tamper resistant odometer. Fal~'s renective si de marke lights flash with tum signals to provide b et t e r visibility of the driver's in- tention to turn . A new "Uni-Lock" safety harness lap and shoulder belt restraint sy~tem permits out- board front /eat occupant! lo "buckle up', faster and more comfortably. The three·way 1 o c k a 'f"I e steering column is designed to deter car thefts by Jocking the ignition, t h e transmission linkage and the steering wheel with the igniUon switch. All cars manufactured for delivery jn the &late of California will be equipped with a evaporative emission control system. * * * OLDS OWNERS GET SERVICE CARDS Oldsmobile dealers are now mailing over 1,000,000 com- puter-<:onstructed s e r v i c e reminder cards to th e i r owners 6 ti.ines each year. "This speedy m o d e r n system was selected lo en- courage Oldsmobile owners to give regular attention to fac- t or y ·recommended main- tenance servlce and t.o remind them of the approyria t e maintenance frequency for each service required on their automobile," Clare G. Ox- endale, Oldsmobile's · general service manager, said today as the card quantity passed the six million mark for the year. Jnauguraled· In 1967, tHe Oldsmobile service reminder program has proven lo be popular with Oldamoblle owners and dealers alike, ac- cording to Oxendale. "Owners are enrolled in this un ique system by the local Oldsmobile dealer at the time of new car purchue," be ex- plained. u0nce enrolled the owner receives a servlre reminder every 60 days. Eadi reminder card shows °'* owner's name and address ani the name, address, a n d telephone number of the dealer. It also shows the model year, the vehicle iden- tification number, and the number of months the car has been in service. fl.iost im- portant, of course, is the service reminder Information contained on the cards," he pointed out. "Three of the six mailings the owner receives each year call attention to the service in- spections and checks that will help insure sale operation. The other three reminders actually spell out specific maintenance services that are currenUy due on each owner's car that will assure efficient performance and longer life," he added. These services i n c I u d e , among others, oil change and lubrication of suspemion and steering, oil filter replace. ment, transmission service, eledrical system · c h e c k , carburetor air filter, engine coolant change, and tire check -all routine, but Important, m a i ntenance requirements that are too often overlooked by the average owner. 'TME UNOERSIGNEO CORPORATION ~ llerftlY certlf'f thll It LI conducting I tii.n.lneu loalled al 421 E. 11th StrHI, ""5hl ,.,.na, C1llfo•nla, und1r tt>e flt· tltl-llrm 111mt ol PltlMI!' 1118 1NN NO. 1 end tlwll uld llrm 11 comCIOHd of """ fllll,,..rno cor..or~!lo11. w~t prlnclPftl tlllct! ol lk.l1lnfl~ Is •~ loltcr.o>" • Ptlmt' • Co•lt Mf MI, •n E. 17111 ~t. Cc1t1 Meu. C1lll. The Falcon nameplate, In chrome script. will appear on the rear fender and. on station \Vagons. on the tailgate door. Standard powerplant will be the economica l lf>S- horsepower, 2SO<ubic·inch- d i s pl acement six-cylinder engine. Ford's three-speed manual transmission, fully synchronized in all fon11ard gears, also i.!J standard on all modeJs. Your Mo1iey's Worth "':wn·wµs its toaM 11111 n111 "" of ~·"''· ~~Se•ll ,:;J ,-• Prime· Ctsl• Mtu ~· • •.Mic !tar.en, Pre11dent STA.l~ OF-CALIFOltNIA, lrl1.JN.l'Y OF LOS ANGELES, 1•. "'oli:~ ltlll d•Y of NP .. emMr. A.D. All 197014 FalroM will be equ.ippc!d with belted bias-ply tires for longer tread life, bet· ter traction, beUer handling T1~y Credit Card l.Q. Test ~ ~. I NOl•N Publk 11\ and d CovnfJ' Ind Shit,, pe.-ti'Y , .. Mic ltottn k "OW'I lo me to~ 111~ B SYLVIA PORTER IJns~I of t~ can>er1tkl<I tt11! ~ttulfll Y ~'Within l11J1r11ment "" ~"'" ol lht ~,..11on' lh••e1,.. .,,,_,, • "o1 Test Your Credit lQ.! Score =.,~ed u~':' 11111 i\ldl car11Gri nan )'ourself as follo\\'S; pF1c iAt. SE,t,LI Age: Between 26 and 64, two -~!~:'.~ ~~re poin ts: under '26 or 65 and MY commlnlOI! t•llltf~ ~" J u ... n. 1•11 All Maka-All Models ove r, one poinl. .,.,.ubUJtt"<f °''""' ce111 oe11y Pi1m, Marital Status: Married, ....,.,.mber l• Incl De<:embtr I, I, 15, Allttmllllllt -Trvcb *' ,1,,,., two points; any other, one J.:~•:•.·LEG~ NOTICE "Where S1r.,.ic• point. • T-4MM M1•e• the Diff1r1nc1" Dtpendents, Inc I• d In g $_' NOTICE TO CJt•OITOltS If 0 I• (h I w: :'lUl"ElttOJt COUltT 011' TME O•lt'IM (llj""' 4Jll C1m1111• Dr. yourse : ne i" ree, WO ,-#-, STATE 01' CALll'OltMIA ,.Olt H.Wll'rt adt, 1714) S...XU points; fOUr or more, One -•• THIE CO!JlfTY o~ OltANGE Lis""''" "'a. W111t1ni point. • • I'll. A.+Qlt ttUI J'U.1'7' : •t 1111-."' INEZ WILLI AMS. D«r•ffd. Liviri• Facllitlff, : Own, no ~I o'I lllr 1bcvr 111med dee~! -·tfOtlCE 15 MERE8Y GIVEN to !~el'::~=:~~:~~~;;;;;•;;;;~~~~~ 1'111,.ll "'.._,. ~1¥1119 d almt 1111n,I !ht ,.111 •~111 ,.., MlQUlred to lift "'-• Mftl t11t lltt9SMIN v<IUCl>l'r•, II! !he o"kf -.,,nw>clfrl; of""' 1batt ~llti.11 tou•I, "' .M-·,('9M!lf '"-· wllll l~ 111Utt1rv ~t. lo the 11nclti"tlen"'3 11 Ille OIJltr d NEIL S. 8£Z,t,lllE, 71! E1st MlttlOll ~rive,. 5'111t ,t,, Sen Gabrlrl, C1lllor11I~ ;'lftt. Wlllt~ Is Ille •lice o! btn.lnf'" o! ~ .,,...sit""' In 111 m•"'" ~rt1l11l11~ ,. IM. w1tlf' ol t1ld dKedtnl, wllltln l!!Ur .,_,.,, 1ntr IM llrst t ublk Oiotl of lhl1 ... J«. .. .:f~M Nll"l'fmb-• 11. lfH. _. , •;, :Pt!trn• Faurron .~.·.·e.ec~trl• or''" wm ..:;-;,_.,, ,~, 1bc ... """"' dttedfllf N~41F. l•ZAlltE 1'1't;l Mlui.11 or1 .... Svlh & :=· {nI)ll~i!:i!~· tU1' ....,_...,. for rr:11.eclllrlJ' ·~°"'f'lillll•~ed Oru19r Ca11t OtllY "llol, ' lll'\l)l!r 1• tnd Dectmbel' 1, I. is. 116'·" * HALLIDAY'S * AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FRO;\I HALLWAY'S,., ChQlct tamb's \\'ool l'lalds from Scollaod They make great sport jackeU \\'hen they are tailored in Deansgale'1 qwn flawless soft shoulder construction. The colorings are bold •.• In a J.:Cnllemanly manner. And if you·rP. ~rtial lo checks, "'e have. a goodly selectioo in this lamb's wool from ScoUarnL i fj'f:"',., l' From $80 D•ans9ate® MEN'S TRADITIONAL,CLOTIUNG l?tfl. I 1-VIHl AVE. WESTCLIFf ,.LAZA NEWl'ORT I EACH P'H. ••S·01t1 mortgage, five poinll; own mortgage, four points; rent unfurnished, two points; any other, one point. Years at Prt:1e11t Addms: Six or more, two points; under six, one point. Vean at Previous Addrt11: Six or more, two points; under six. one pojnt. Total Monthly Incom e: Over $1,000, seven points: $800- $1 ,000. five Points: $600-$800, three; under $6()0, one. Vtan With Present Employer: Over 10, five points; seven-ten, four: four to six, three: one to three, two; under one, one point. Total Monthly Obligations: 4 Under $200, two points; over $200. one point. 0 ccupaUon: Prolessional, four ; executive, lour; skilled, t.wo; unskilled or part-time, one . Add two more pi.iints for a telephone in your name: two more if you have a bank ac- count at the bank offering you the test; five more if you've borrowed at this bank: three more if you've bom>wed at another bank or finance com· pany. nm YOU SCORE al least 18 points? If so, you're a cinch for an instant loan or credit card or whatever. ( I 'm positive most or you scored far more than 16; I went ofr the page.) What I've just outilned for you is the latest way to get eredJt -an application fonn GREATEST Automobile OFFER SEE PAGE )6 called ZIP which is being adopted by an increasing num· ber of banks from coast to coast (First National of Miami, First National of Chicago, Wells Fargo of San F ranclsco, Boatman's Na· tional of St. Louis, etc.) You don't even have to go into a bank to apply for a loan these days. You can sit at home, play a game by circling numbers on a chart -and presto! you've created a credit profile of yourself which i n stantaneously determines your eligibility for a loan. rr•s so SIMPLE a banking concept that it's hard to believe it wasn't invented by a banker. But inste ad, it was created by a former auto sales executive, Morris Gold\vasser of Philadelphia, who sold it to a banker, then teamed up with Herbert Moss, a former New York TV producer, to develop 1'o1otivalional Systems. Inc. and the ZIP form . A secret or the fonn is that the questions are not too specific -which encourages applicants not to exaggerate and to be mou honesL 1be applications go far beyond baaklng, of course. A federal agency is using the form to computerize ap- plication&. A Defense Depart· ment sedion is experimenting with tt for recruiting. Realtors are testing It for home sales. A homeowner who completes a form produces a profile of the house he wants to sell and his ideas about sell- ing prict. Says one reailor: "If, in my opinion, the house fs worth $.15,000 and the owner says it's worth $70,000, we'll never get togcth.cr. But if we're about $5,000 apart, I have found this is a good pro- l!pect. If I have a buyer, I very often create a seller." BITr WHAT I like besl about the Corm Is actually a negaUve aspect, tor ZIP could help curb th< now or unllO!Jciled credit cards. ~WHO ~ lias an astronomica l selection (.)1 I of astrology books? ~ 115 B. Dallon, Bookseller I Fe•ltl•t hl11icl. Ntwp1rt l11&li tl••O 17141 •44.004 1 1714) l)J.2200 ------·----... . Finance Briefs~ LAFA\'En'E. lnd. (UP!)- Greal Lakes Chemical Corp • """"""""1 h is J o l n I D g Chemlsche Fabrlk Kalk of Cologne in an ,1cbanp ot teclrlology in the manufacture cf brominated flame retardants. NEW YORK (UPI) -A new unlfied machine r e a d a b I e credit card system, com· pallble for input to any elec· tronic computer, was u- noun c e d Monday b y SyoerglsUcs, Inc. The system employs indentations of onJy 0.03 bch In the plastic card, which are filled to a depth or .002 inches with an iron material. This encoded data Is barely visible to the eye yet is read by an inexpensive reading machine. The com- pany claimed the system will make c r e d i t card frauds much more difOcult and lost or stolen credit cards easier to detect. WASHINGTON (UP() General Electric Co. has ob- talned a $7 million addition to a Navy contract for jet engines for the SlA aircraft flight test program. CLEVELAND (UPI) - Midland Ro s s Corp. an- nounced that ground has been broken at Hamburg, Gennany for a $40 million metallized pellet plant and electric et.eel furnace. The pi ant, a joint ven· ture ol Midland Roos and Korf ·lndustrle and Handel Co., will )>to lhe firot In Europe to make steel direcUy from high I= coolent pellel.! • JACKSON, Mlch. (UPI) -~atrict Petroleum Co. bas ob- tiined erploratloo permil.! cewertng 215,135 acres on Arc:Uc islands and t h e mainland ol Labrador from the Canadian governmenl NEW YORK (UPI) -Con- llnental Oil Co. announced Wednesday it will undertake a 46-milllon acre exploratory drilling program for oil ln the South Otina Sea nut summer. 11le concessions lie i n Indonesian waters off Natuna Island and in waters of Malaysia and Thailand . Conoco's interests In the tracta vary from 75 to 100 per-..,n1. NEW YORK (UPI) -Finl Republic Corp., a diversified firm in real estate, te:s:Wes and seafood distribution, laid Wednesday it had been ex- onerated in the Florida com1s or charges that it was con- trolled by the Mafia. 'lbc Florida attorney general's of. lice had sougtit to bar First Republic from doing business in the state. The charges specifically referred to two motels First Republic has in Miami Beach • BofA Slates Open House A public open house at Bank of America's Newport Center branch will be held Wed- nesday, Dec. 17, from 4.7 p.m. The new branch. at 500 Newport Center Drive, will be open far business Dec. 19 • A display of artistic works by former President Dwight Eisenhower willl be featured. All those aUending the opening "'ill be given color prints of Gtr.leral Eisenhower. Dignitaries who will participate in the opening ceremonies include A I ton Allen, C o u n t y Supervisor; f..1rs. Doreen Marshall, mayor of Newport Beach; William Mason, president of the Irvine Co.; Jack Bameu, president of the Newport B e a c h Chamber of Commerce: Louis Lundborg. chairman of the board, Bank oC America: Charles Scribner, vice presi- dent a".1d manager of the new branch, and Chris Re.bard, Miss Newport. Beach. Regional Vice President H. R. Jackson aaid the new 14,782 square foot branch will have 19 teller windows, two escrow booths, a trust office, con- ftrence room for private con- sultations, safe deposit area, night depository and utensive parking. Mesa Company Joins Trading Standard-Pacific Corp,, a eo.ta Mesa cll....Wed home b\llldi!1' company, hu b«n admitted for trading on the American Md Pacific Coast Stock Etchan~, Arthuri E. Sveq<ben. chalnn1111 ol the board, announced. The firm has 2,153,194 com· rnon iharea outmndJnc and la cumntly be1Jti b'aded Ov"- Tht-ONntft', IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And tM ma" to.Ito bow jurt llo10 io 'Cu"' thf phruc to oci th. most °"' o/ the barb '1 DAILY PILOT column.- ht S¢ntJI Harri!. Ht Ml been celled th1 modem • dat1 H c n r JI .It • n c kc" . 1/ 11ou're Ttadlf for hia USI of tM add odj1ctf1'e and th.ought • provokfng pro•• to gfvt VoU the needlt ••• if vou want to find 1omething to thin1c ·about in what you read ••• if vou have a 1eme of humor, vou b e lo n g with readers who delight ht telling others what "Sud 1aid'" tn one of the nation'• moa • Quottd col um"' .• Some Sample Bar/Js Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris:· "One of the hlghtat paid (obs In Am•ric• eontlats of lt•nding up In front of a mlc~ rophone, separating the good records from the bad onu -ind playin9 the INd-· ''It's sad but true that while a1coholiC! are the beit argument for abstinence, 10 many abstainers are equally effective ar· cument for a litue drink now and then.." ·-of tho IO<llled "onc<1mpatlblllty' In rnarrl• tprlngt from the fact that to most men, 11x la an act; while to 111 women, It 11 an emotion. And this differ- enc• In attitude can be bridged only by 1ov ..... "The sole difference between 1 'dedica. led crusader" and a 'nosy re.former' con- .gists in our agreement or disagreement with hUI objectives.'' \ "The most exploalve combination In the worhl con1l1t1 of sincerity added to Ignorance.'' ~en!IVe? I am the recipient of an n· cwively hearty handshake, I ausped lifr. Muscles is trying to 'sell something, hide 1omethina:1 or prove aomethhla." Ch.eek Th·e E•itorial For This Signature ~ . .. .. ., ., . . ' . Paglj Help You· Find latest Quotables Created By 'The Needler' For His Col- A Regular Feature of It'll tfie umn, the ' DAILY PILOT Y<Nr HonlOIOWll Dally Newspaper 1 1 ,----------------------~---~----....-----~ -~··----·- .. • . .3 LINES . 2 TIMES 2 DOLLARS <Any Item Priced $50 Or Less) Pin~h Yourself A Pile Oi Pennies (Or Even Dollars) · Penny Pinchers Pile Up Profits . Dial D'irect for Details 642-5678 °. ' North County, 540-1220, Toll Free . DAILY PILOT PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS . ,. . - ••• ·-. ----•, ,. . . ' ' ,.- .. . ~ . ~ ,, ' ''•! Jj ·DAILY PILOT MondU", Otcembtt 15, lM ears Prieea Effeelin Besinning Today 'n.rougb ,Tu ... Dec. jl6 A.k About Sean Convenient Credit Plans · .. SA\E S~ Stereo Tape Players Fabulous Value! 99 ct ~c ars U11iversal u11Ucrclasl1 111odcl stereo tiljJ C player •Enjoy inusic with no annoying interruptiom •For aulo:s, boats, campen, trailers 4 Track Tape< 1.99 8 Track Taoe-' . 99 Featuring many popular tunes and artists SAVE $40! Deluxe 8-Track Stereo Tape Player Was '89.95 49ss ,·\sk .i\hout Sears Co11veoie11t Credit Plans e Starts playing automatically wh en tape earl· ridge is inserted, stops when it's rentoverl • Changes channels automatically or manually e Fingertip volume and tone controls. Exclusive slide tone control. Solid-state dual channel amplifier. Woodgrain inserts, black and chrome finish face plate 21 Month Guarantee • 4 actual plies of nylon for extra strength • Greater resistance to in1pacts, n1oi sture, flexing and heat • Patented contoursafc- ty shoulders for better cornering control, fast recovery fro1n pave- ment drop-offs • Excellent high •peed performance. Safety in reserve when yoa nee d it Tubel- Black...U. Pim l.79F.E.T, And Old Tin Rear Seat Speaker • Regular $6.99 499 6x9-in.oval. fits all can with 12-.olt ncg.ati\rc groun d. For tfir deck mounting. Cas!!etle Siereo Tape Player and Recorder Plays cissette cartridges auto-Reg. Sll9.9~ matically, C1Ul be wed for re-s99 cording messages. Attr2Ctive FM Radio and Tape Player Combination Plays 4 or 8 track tapes, wa.lnut grain c2bi net. dual purpose program but· 13 9 ton also activates radio. 95 Outstanding low price. Ask About Sean Convenient Credit Plans ALLSTATE PASSENGER TIRE GUARANTEE Tread Life Guarantee SIZE n•a F.E.T SIPE ~~~ F.E.T Cu•r•nt~ Api.c:: All r.ifmadtberitt,_1ri111r,_ normd fOld bumdlor.Wettsi•llDlll!:l'ithor~ Po" Uow Lona: for die life m dw an,illlll n.d. Wh.t s-.,, w.n o.. ~mil plllRllftf ... o.... In the..-of, ........ io act.tet fw N a.., n:plau it. ch.,.i11,11 antr the fWOPU!doto m ClmftK ft'llllat ttlling price phu FdenJ Exi• Te rhft m>rnrrnu and IDCd Tubelee1 Blackwall Tubelee1 Whitewall .. Two 5-in. Speakers .. 299 • R..,.Jar $5. 99 With two black metal Fillts. Mouot in car doors 0r ..., deck. 12 volt . SAVES4! '13. 99 Reverberator Kit Now enjoy vibrant stereo effects oo•your car radio. 6-inch speaker. Terrific vtluc! 999 ' SAVE$61 '24.99 Solid·otate AM Radio Solid SW• Mt. ~It-in 3~ia. spetker, non-glare 1888 lighted dial. Fits most 12 'fOlt system nrs. Tread Wear-Oat Ga.anntee C.•nnlttd Asain.lt: Tretd--.r. 1 w How Lon~: The namb.!r m IDODthti fPKi(lt'd. Whet :si,.,. Will Da: I• odlaap kw tbe riR, ~llC'e ir, clwqinii dxo OlfTtrrt ~I• 11:lli111 tcic:e pl• fo:dcnf &cM Tu le$1 tM r.,11ow1111 •llowancr: MootNC11•nnte. AUt1w.- 12to24 !~ -l7to ~ 21>91 650xl3 9.95 1.79 650.13 12.95 1.79 735x14 12.95 2.07 7J5x14 15.95 2.07 775sl4 14.95 2.20 775x14 17.95 2.20 -87.Sx14 16.95 2.36 825x14 19.95 2.36 775.d5 14.95 2.21 855x14 21.95 2.57 775xl5 17.95 2.21 ,-------------------------------------------------, -, ..... TA 8-4400, 521-4530 n MONll GI 3-3911 lCNO ""°'Hf 5.0121 l'ICO we 8-4262 SANT• AN• Kl 7-3371 TOllANCI! 542-1511 I CAH004 ,,... 340.0661 OUNOAlt Of 5.1004, a ,.,611 OLYMPIC & $0To m 9.5211 '°"'°N• ED 2.1u.s, NA 9-5161 , YU 6-6751 SANTA FE Sl'~NGS 944-8011 u....., 91s.1n1 I t alMPTOH NE 6-2581 , NE 2·5761 HOUYWOOD HO 9.5941 ORANGE 637-2 100 . 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Most playen fFh the weathet had no bearing m the ootconle ; arid Ulat the' upcoming battle With '-Ole Vikings would not -'Be deb'!n'nlned .b)':the weather man. Clancy Wi!Uams made one ol the few comm~ a~ Uie w'eather in an in- direct manner when he said he would ' I . """ glovf.' ol ...,. description In th& played the~ boot came~ l)l·bos been Dec. 1:7 Wdtern Divbtoo champiomhip ·head coa<b ond that qv~t Bill game in Minn~. He felt ~ills bandJ .Munson bid his best.pme..sklct 'joining were chapped from the exposure. the Llons· alter bt.ing ttaded by the "We did not. Jet down in spite of the Rams. rintf 59>1'e." coach George. Atlen •said, 'The Ram pla)iers wer9 Concerned over followlrig the Rams' ififlt shutout since the .leCOl'ld straight ·)oss and· the fact the 196S. Who perfonned tbe·deed thatttinle! µon,, cOntrol.led the game. · None other than 1:he same Detroit Uoos; 1t1any felt·Ute huTU.Jc point ~me ·tarly 21).(1. 1 when, r.ester Josephson was hit on lh;e "One game doesn't inalit .a seuOn·and blind .side .alter. moving the ball .to the I'm (."911!ident W.f:. wilt botioce pie;~. Our Lion tb-y~nf striPe a'nd fumbl.ed. The football' team'bas too much' pride &nd score was 7--0 against them at 1this point character to let this deter tbelri.' ' and a Ram 9Core coulil: have' ~led the "We got ripped today but thit•s part of ' CQ)nplete cunplexion of the game; · the game. It also.cost us to be called for The erratic signal calling of Mun&0n of'tsides as mucll as we wer~'tOOay' lnine· was 'blamed for lhe numerous oClsides timCs f'or 46 yaj.ijs). That's as 'rTiuch a's-a . penalUU against the Rams. · lot of backs gain in ' an ·entire game," ·unebacker Jack ~ardee 'exJ)!alned: Allen · quipped. · , "They weie right on. the verge of being ii· Lion coach Joe Schmidt felt the Lions . legal. \Vhen Mun.son would couilt he HOLE PLUGGED -Rams running back Larry Smith (middle) gains two yards before being stop- ped by Detroit's Tommy Vaughn (left) during first quarter action·Sunday in the Motor City. The Lions U'I Ttlttl1M19 posted a humiliating 28-0 victory over the CoastaJ Division champions. The Rams host Balti1nore Sun· day, then meet Minnesota the following Saturday for the Western Division title. LA Team 01a Ropes? Stars Seeing Stars, But Not Seeing Fans · They attn't thinking or closing up shop far the Los Angeles Stars of the American Basketball Association. At least that's what public information chief Hank Jvea tells this column. However, one has to wonder when you check the Stars' attendance record-a siltlstic more embarrassing than Charlie Btown's won-lost record as a baseball c:Oach. This year the Stars' top crowd Is 2.107-and that's a gross twnt so com·. plimentary tickets also are included. Their knv is 850. Ives told this column that they sold fewer than 500 .season tickets and he ·····••AUA::;lc;su WHITE '1 WASH ~ ,. .................... . .. 9LIJO: WHIT• estim.ites ~ .CI~b has 10&1 aroUnd half a million dcllars &ince it moved from Anaheim tO L9s Angeles two ·years ago. You don't !teed to be a financial expert to understand that kind of report. The Stars may be seeing stars. But they aren't seeing fans or dollars. as it was the TV exposure we won't be getting." Asked if he expects the Stars lo im~ prove at the gate if the Lakers cont inue losing, Ives says: "T~e might be a subtle shift, but they've buitt a follow ing that will probably stay with them, \Vin or lose. "When the Lakers don't have the big three -Jerry West. Elgin Baylor , Wi lt C1lambcrlain-then they 'll just be live guys named Charlie. "And if we start winning by then, our crowds may start picking up:• That may be. But that's still a few years coming. And in terms of losing dough, it may mean another million or so to the owners. If they have that kind of caPital to loss ar.ound. the Stars might make it' in LA in th e neXt decade, or so. },tut chances are better that they 'll shift the franchiR to greener pastures. GAVC.lfOS. .wo ,YE D TO NEW' CIRCUIT Sacklleback College Is officially in the 1'1isslon Conference today, which auto. matically elevates the Gauchos to large schools .status for state playoff rom- petition. Bolvl Seaso11 Begi11s; Buffs, ND State Win By ASSOC IATED PRESS The major colleges are still engaged in a verbal S':rimmage over who should be No. 1, but the smaller schools have set· tied that question on the football field . North Dakota State, top-ranked in The Associated Press poll, staked emphatic claim to the · crown Saturday by overwhelming second-ranked Montana 30· 3 in the Camellia·Bowl at Sacramento. Meanv.·hiie, Texas A & l, ranked l Jlh nationally, captured the champio~ship of Ole NATA colleges bY. whipping Concordia of Minnesota ~·7 at Klngsville,.Tex. The losers were rated 17th. · · Bear Bryant also had a magic number ... . but it was' more like black magir;. T..he Bear's Alabama team surrendered •7 points -his 1961, 1962 and 1966 teams didn't.give up lhlilt many in a full season -and bowed to Colorado. •7·33, in the. Liberty Bowl at 1f1emphis, Tenn. The Camellia BoWJ was only one·o:f four NCAA College Division bowl games. Tennessee Slaj.~ . .ranked 20th, drubbed fourth-rated Lquisiana Tech, :W.14, in the Grantland Rice Bowl at Baton Rouge, L!a. . Seventh-ranked Arkansas · S ta t e ootlasted Drake, 29-21 In the Pecan Bo:NI at Arlington. Tex., and 10th-ranked Delaware whipped North Carolina Cen- tral. 31-13. in the BoardwaJk Bowl played indoor.f at Convention Hall in Atlantic Cl· ty, N.J. ~-~up wtUI head movement'and• this la .._.i to the illegal." ' P.nlee WU concerned obout the f .. J. Ing ihl; team had lei down and explained : "AnytXidy who thinkJ we weren't playing our best today and that we were letting doWn, 11 wrong. You don't have that many offside calls agalmt you U yoo are loalfug or leUlng down ." lllulc Baughan felt the ll&n defense wu fUeSSing on Munson'• count. "He wwld~ 10 on two a couple of tbries and • then twkch to six and we would think he wu going. on two." Wendell Tucker-, 'the Ram wide receiver on offenae, 81ys: ''This team is based on gettln& the big play but everyUme we started. aomething would happen." ~81"1 McCoullouch. Lions wide receiver by -..ey> o!•Laic Beach Po\)' High Ind use. -the lint Dolroll touchdown on a 3;l )'lld paSI pl•y from 'M~ but wa&.dbappointed he dldn't have another a few momenta lat.er. •1 MtCullouch Wif two steps ahead of Jim 1Netllta• aM. the ball was in hls hands -"Y but be dropped it. ''Th< ball '"med ,slightly and hlt my lefl thumb," be aplalned. Munson hit nmning badt Bill Triplett early Ill the secOlld period )0< a aecond score, this ooe a:ohia: ror 93, farda. 'lbettalter tt w11 ·1!>e kicking toe ol Ertol M• with exCeptfon of a Ram· 1'olding -1(y In ~end Z<11e l!iat resulted' In a aalety Jor Detroit. 'ntla Is the ooly0penflty that results In p>ints for the opJ)ositlon and it was caJled against Mike LaHood for boldlng A~ Karras: i\1ann'!, flf.kl goal .efforta c·a ·· from SB. 22, 17 and 42 yards aTid gave.him 14 points tor the day. -11 ' Sweetan directed the attack 1after tM! first series for the first half with Gahr~r· Taking over i11 the second haU. Ne~ had much success with lbe OetrOU defense.· The Rams didn~t suffer any appar(?lf Injuries 'altl)ough Jim Purnell hed a· head injury that made him dluy for sevecal minutes. _ Myron -PottiOs saw his first action In five weelts and is ready for the playb(fJ wlth,Mionesota on Dec. 27. . And perhaps fonner Detroit kicke(' Pat studstill' s8.ld ' it .best while talking wfttr Detroit wrilera : "Yoo might l>e fij:bt; Mayl>e we didn't come to' play. We·ml'ld&. a lot of mental errors, somethib& :We . haven~ done 'ail year." Erases Hutso.,,,'s· Mark Record-breaking Alworth " Nearly Became Lawyer SAN DIEGO IAP) -When Lance Atworth waa an All-American running back at the University of Arkansas in 1961, he had made up hi5 mind to become a la"'Yer. Pro football had not even crossed his mind . Now Alworlh stands alone in pro toot.. Raiders Happy About Date With Oilers By the AJ&Ocl1&ed Pm:s OAKLAND (AP) -Althoogh they may be hesitant about saying so out loud, the Oakland Raiders are glad they'll be playing the Houston Oilers here next Sun· day rather than the Jets In New York on Saturday. A home game with I.he Oilers is their reward for outlasting the Kansas City Chiefs 10-6 here Saturday and wrapping up their third American Football League Western Division championship jn as many years. The Chiefs, who finished second to I.ha Raiders, must play the Eastern Division champion Jets in New York and ttiat is not an assignment for the faint of heart. "I'm very glad J "·on't have the pro- blem of having to go back to New York and throw the ball in that kind of weather," says Oakland quarterback Daryle Lamonica. "1be weather may be the big factor in the Kansas City-New York game. If there's any advantage, Joe Namath ought to have it because he plays in it all the Uine." t Len Dawson, lhe Kansas City quarterback , knows he will have his hands full. Jr the Chiefs and Raiders boU1 win next week they will meet here again Jan. 4 for the AFL title and a trip to the Super Bowl. "New York Is another tough rootball team," says Dawson. "I'm 8Ut'e it'll be a game as tough a1 this one. New York hasn 't played up to their.capabilities, but they ha ven't had to beca\* they sewed up their division ear· Jy." Dawson kept the Chiefs almost. com- pletely on the ground In their losing effort to the Raiders, throwing just six passes and completing only two of thosf. Not unUI late in the game, wiUt the Raiders ahead UM did the Chiefs score and, after missing a two-p:iint conversion and thwt needing another touchdown to win, the Raiders controlled the ball for the final five and one-half minutes lo ruq oot thO clock. Asked why he didn't ortler an on-side kick after hls team's touchdown, Kansas City coach Hank Stram said, "We had controlled the ball most of the game and it was reuooable to asstnne we'd get the ball back. "l still felt pretty good alxnrt the game then." Stram went en, "but they kept the ball the r'8l of the period and that was the dedding issue." The' Raiders, y.iho got their ooly touchdown early in the fourth period on an eight-yard pass rrom Lamonica to Charlie Smith, ended up on the Chiefs' seven.yard Jlne as the gun sounded with Colgate rookie Marv Hubbard keeping tile final drlve alive wllh several Jon& gainers. ball record books after catching a pass for the 96th consecutive game Sunday, breaking Don Hutson's record. Hutson was on hand to congratulate Alvoorth after the Chargers defeated the Buffalo Bills 45-6 Sunday. , "I thought I was too s1nall to ·be a pro running back,'' said Al'il-'Orth. ''And [ didn't think about becoming a receiver." Alworth said he first realized he had a chance to play in the pros when several teams contacted hin1 a few· weeks before the 1961 draft. Even then, Alworth wasn't excited at the prospects or playing. "Lamar Hunt, owner of the Dallas Tex - ans now the Kansas City Chiefs, told me he was interested in drafling me to play derensive back," Alworth said. "But J would have gone to law school rather than play defense ." Happily for Alwor\h, he was drafted by the San Diego Chargers and lold he \vould become a pass receiver. "I wu delighted," said Alv.·orth. "I try that much harder against Hunt's team now to prove that he was wrong." A1worth (Jnished the 1969 se~n with a league-leading~ catches for 1,003 yards, the seventh straight year he has gained more thon ·1,000 yai:ds receiving. "Actually, I was more thrilled aliou t gaining the 1,000 yards than bre3king the 96-game record," Alworth said .. "I think any time a person has the ball thrown to him three or four limes in a game: Jae should catch at least one." Hutson said it wa s a pleasure lo hav.e :i pl 3yer of Ahvorth's caliber break . the record. "He has lo rank near the top of the all time rece ivers. He has good mqves, hands and knows how to run once he catches the ball," Hutson sa id. For Alworth, the hardest part of break· ing the record "'as escaping rrom a mob of hundreds of admiring young fans after the game. "I've never betn mobbed like tha: berore -it was tougher than catching any pass/' he said. • • l • . ' 1 1U'lllT ........ RECORD CATCH -San', Die~o Chargers receive.r Lance AlwoJ'\h;· snares his first' pass in Sunday. s game wJlh Buffalo ....-the 96th· coi1- secu'tive game in whiCh he had caught a pass. The catch broke ·the rtcord set by former pro fo0tball .greal Don Hutson, who-set the former record of 95 from 1937 to 1945. Ives ~ys the talk .of. merger between the A.BA and .the ~aUonal Basketball Association hurt the Stars. "The rumor came up just 'Wtien we wert trying to sell &eason tick~. "People were afraid we'd be JXICltlng our bags and meving elsewhere if there \Vls a merge-r. The DAILY PILOT had reported the pending move M!Veral days ago. The switch was given official sancUon_ by the state Friday. The Gauchos leave the Desert. Con- ference (small schools) after one yea r -a-year already highlighted by a second ptace finish In the state· play- offs. Clay~s Woes Continue to Compound1 "Besides, in thiit town winning ls everything. One wet?kend when we wt:re In town we had to 'buck a Rams game that drew 'ao,ooo. a high !Choo! game that had 20,000 and the Lakers (11.000)." Ives goes on to tell bow much the movt or the Oakland franchlS< to W8"hlngton D.C. hurt the Slara. "We had a television package all sd. ... six doobleheaders rrom Qakland, each with " diJferent set of ()f)ponenls. "It wa:m't the money we lost 11 much The Gaochoo join San Berdoo, Chaf· fey, Rivtrside. Citrus, Palomar, South· -· anc1 a'°"'"'°"'. Saddleback athletic director George Hartmsn Is pleru!fd by the move to the -new confcrenct, ca.Hing Jt an up- grading of prestige . "1 just hope we 'll be able to recruit tnough good players to stay with large _IChoolJ clus competlUoa_" he 81.)'S. ORLANDO, Fla. (AP)-Cassiw: Clay's comeback In the ring is getting more oxnplicated than his sparring with lht draft board. Not only Is he having pro- blems in obtaining a site, but now he 's got two opponenl5. Clay's status 8S a ccnvlcled sidestepper from the draft has hounded him lhrougboot South Florida and now ifs hit· ling him in Oklahoma's Tulsa County. And 11 Portland. f.lalne, promoter aay1 that's just ftnc, he'll put up $1 million for a Clay.Joe Frazier Oght in Aw:tra1J11 . Frailer 15 the heavyweight champion In 11even states, but Tulsa rancher Gene Hoplcim says he'll have to be second in line at Clay. Hopkin.a: says Clay definitely has agreed to fight In Tulsa Jan. 10, agiinst.Bllly Joiner -who hasn't yet wen a ranklna by Ring 1t1aaatine. The Oklahoman, ho"·ever. said Sunday authorities had overruled the itadlum he had built on his ranch and another site was being considered. In Orlando, drag strip owner Bltl1 Herndon ronllrmed his offer of $7001000 for a Clay-Frazier light to be staged In February in the Tancerine Bowl or at bis Central Florida Raceway. It could evtn go to Atlanta, llcrndon said, If any public rtacUon pops..up like that which drove proposed bouts· away from Miami and Tampa la st week. lltmdon said his rtprcsent.nUve plan- ned a meeting wifh Clay'w attorney, Robert Arum, in New York today to dlscu1i his proposal. Herndon, like Hopkins hi Tulsa. p~ ' mised at least pa.rt of the proceeds from a Clay ri'1ll \\'OUld go to charity. Austra.ha as a potenUal aite_for a C'lu· Fra~er meetlnf popped up Suoilay - M"ine promoter Jack Laun®e I)).. nounced he and his syndicate would of(er a mJIUon~ollar purse if th e boxers wouJd agrte to a pairing Feb. 27 ln Sydney •. I.aurence, polnUng out that Jock .fohnlOn woo Uie heavywei&hl Utle from Tommy Burl\! In Sydnay In lllOI, !&id he hope1 to clear up· oey leflf obetaclt1 within a few day&. " • • Jf DAILY PILOT Pirates Get LA Harbor In Opener Ou! of !he fry Ing pan and In- to the lire. ... That's the situation that faces Orange Coast College's bas ketball team Wednesday when it meets highly-rated LA Harbor in the first round of the Chaffey. tournament 1t 9:30 In the morning . The Pirates dropped their filth straight game Saturde,y afternoon at Camp Pendleton, 97.atl. 'Guard Troy Rolph. playing tu11 usual good floor game, led the Pirates' scoring attack with %1. Forward Phil Jordan chipped in with 13 and reserve Duane Diffie had 11. High-scorin& guard J im Kin· delon played only briefly and ""as held to six points. If Coach Herb Livsey's club Is successful against Harber Wednesday, it will meet the winner of the Cy press· Riverside game Thursday al 9 ~ p.m. If tht Pirates lose Wednesd ay, they will play at 12:50 Thursday. OltANGa COAST tMl •• fT " TO lt11l1>h • ' ' " Kl.....,lon ' • • • SH'llmey1r ' • • ' Mt190n • ' • ' ....... ' • , • '~ • ' • ' H•lmn ' ' ' ' G•llfllll ' • ' ' Dllfl• ' ' • " .. 1.,. ' • ' • Sll(tt lm1i1r ' • • • Jortll" • ' ' " Tot111 " " " ~ CAMI" l"EHD\.l!TOfol lt1) fO ,.T l"I' T .. C-i•I t 4 1 2:1 Corll'flt J 1 1 1• E"'rafl a o o 16 llt1di: ' D 1 12 D.IMY D I 2 16 Tlmmln1 2 D 2 • WllllkN\ 1 • • ::r W111 3 Dl6 K9NNll 1 1 l 5 Ta!lls ~ ll 17 f7 H1lfl"'11 xor1; C1mp Ptndltlon l5. occ ., BRUIN STAR NET WINNER : UCLA sophomore Haroon ' Rahim, a product of West Pakistan, defeated Te r r y Allison, 6-2, 6-4, to win the ·.men's singles title Sunday in • the 18th aMual Balboa Bay · Club Invitational t e n n i s tournam ent. Rahim was second-seeded in the tourney while Addison was aeeded No. 1. · Jn the doubles finals, Ad· : di.m teamed with Richard ·Leach to tum back Rahim and • Jell Borowialc, M, M. .. ' -I Black Tops ~ All-CIF • . : Polo Team • . • • : Corona del ~tar a n d : Newport Harbor dominate the ' •: 1969 all-CIF water polo selec- ~ tions released today with the :: Sea Kings' Bruce Black being ~ selected as the player of the ~ year. ~ Along with Black, team- ~ mates GarUt Bergeson and ' ~ Scott Newcomb were also ~ named to the flr•l team. From : Newport Harbor, Jeff Wilcox : and Tom Warnecke were ac- : corded first team honors. , Others named to the first ; team include John Andrews. ; Jim Kruse and Gary Singer of : Fullerton, Eric Dyrr and Dan : Marshman of Downey, Doog : Arth of Anahelm and Steve : Shortridge of Garden Grove. • Bob Searles:1 and Ed White ~ol Newport and K u r t ~;Krumpholz and Bretl Bernard ~of Corona del Mar were all •..elected to the second team. ·: Accorded honorable mention ~honin were ruct Walker, Bill ~ Loitz and Roter Hughes of .c.orona del Mar and Jim :i.rulh ol Newport ~ Corona del Mar defeated the ;Tart t-5 in the finals of the .. water polo playoffs to end :NewpOrt Harbor'11 two-year :OOminaUon of !he i;porl. ~ Black scored 77 points dur· ·,Ing !he J>8ll oeason along ,wllh ,34 asslsU. • Moncfu, Dtctmber 15, 1969 DAILY PILOT Phtt.J ~r lticllard K""S.r BRINGING IT IN -Roy Miller (wilh ball) gels ready to throw the ball in bounds while a Loyola frosh defender t ries to fluster the ex-Huntingt~n Beach star. Miller says improved ball handling has helped him successfully make the transition from center to guard. Bruins, Minus Lew, Still Win By The Associated Press The Wizard of Westwood ha.! rubbed his magic lamp again and out popped ••. no, not another Lew Akindor: just another winning basketball team. • '11>e Wizard of Westwood Is what they call John Robert Wooden oo UCLA's Westwood Hills campus. Wooden's coaching record was an impressive one with 10 conference titles and two na- tional championshiPs before The Big. A came along to lead l>"..M'° tlle Bruins to three con- secutive NCAA crowns. And, if the past weekend ls any criterion, Wood e n ' s coaching record will continue to be an impressive one even though Big Lew is plying his trade in the National Basket· ball Association. UCLA ran its record to 4~ by walloping Miami of Florida Friday night with a school scoring record 127~9 victory and whomping Texas Satur- day night 99-54. John Vallely scored 24 points against the Longhorns, with Sidney Wicks adding 20 and sophomore Henry Bibby 18 a'I \Vooden got bis 500th coaching triumph. The Bruins, however, are ranked second in The Associated Press poll behind Kentucky. also 4-0 after whip- ping Indiana 109-92, Jed by Dan lssel's 32 points. \Vooden , however, insists lhal UCLA, as defending na- tional champion, is still No. 1 "al least until we lose." Calendar ""' •11.klftMH -COii• ,,..,, •• NrwPOl't M1rbor, (oftWMI dtl Mir, westmll'I'-'• ~tine '"" EdliDn 11 H11ltl/f'IO-ll1ld'I toirr,..mt'llt. , ..... , ••tllttl>aH -Hunllllft.ll ll1Kh toirrn-111, flullldall~ 11 L.-:i11,.. lff<ll II), Wrttlll~• -Edi.or! 11 L• Jril1m11os ( 3~151. W-• a1lllttHll -H1111!1nt1011 Btldl taurn1rntnn M1ttr Of'! ,11 Corot>1 taur,..mll'fl!J Or1root Goel! 11\d Golden w''' 11 c~1N1y lourn-111. w,...11r111 -S111 c1em1"'i. 11 corona c1ti Mtr<Wld 1~ .. d1, PLENTY OF SPR ING -Roy Miller gets plenty of 1o!r' .. ~";1'.1 C,;Ol'I. "'~;'lu'1'~ m ~~~ height when going to the boards for Lhe CaJ State ~011ci;1 ~11~1~~ ~":, .. ~~~ .. ,; (Long Beach) frosh . Miller is averaging 15.3 points ~';~~.w'~':'J'/W:d1:1!1· ~~."i:-per game !or lhe unbeaten 49er Y!!:ar lings. He may tau.,.r~71r:~· _ coJI• M•~• ,, P•clflci be 1,he No. 3 varsity guard next year. 15:lCll SI. Jahn 11oKO 11 Ed;-U :IJI, ----------'-...::.-----'-------- Averages JS.3 Gauchos Bag 4th Straight ' Miller Surviving Position Switch By GLENN WHITE Of tlle DllllY ,, ... 'Id Roy Miller la malclng aoch a suceeutul tr-IUen .f-r 0im center to guard that Cal Stlite (Long Beach) «IACb~ are $tarting to talk aboUt him as thelr No. 3 varsity guard next year -.u a , aopbomore. Freshman coach lvan Dun- , can aiyl Miller, fonner all• .ClF wh~ from Huntlnglon . Beach High, has made fan. lwuc progrt11S in adjusting to his new position with the uobeaten Uer yearlings. 6'He.'• cettin& better every Pro Grid Standings "" •ASTlllM CONP:lllllMCI Clllhtl'Y ~vbl"' W L T P:ct:'Pl'I. OP Cl•Vtltfld 10 1 1 .DJ U7 213 NIW Yark S I 0 .315 211 2U St. L1111!1 • I I ,Ul 2M :W Plthbu .. h 1 12 0 ~77 JM !J77 c1,1t11 1Mv111111 D111u ID 2 I .m 3# '11 W111!\nttDtt 1 t 2 .636 m m Phlll(lelpt\11 4 I 1 .m '" l'2 NIW Orlle,. 4 f 0 .XII 2U )ff • Cllltrll DlvlllMI Mlnnnot1 O.lrott G,._, l1r Chk lto 12IO .tnl1612' 1(1 ,"7Dt1U 1 ' • .JJt !24 1n I 12 0 .077 2117 31t C•1tel DIVW.. L05 A.,W,tt. II 2 I -1-¥ 811tlmar• 7 5 1 .$13 Jriti.nte s • • .31$ Sin Fr111Clt-co 3 • 2 m S.""*T't ·-" D11l11·'1, ll11tlmar1 lt s ... , .. ·-"' Gl"lll'I llY 21, Ctlkno l 211 1llll "' ~· "' "' "' ... Jrill1nt1 27. Pl'llll'delllhl• s CllYIUnd 71, St. L1111l1 21 Ollroll 21, L.D& ,t,nq1ln o W11hl"'9lorl 17, NIW Or!Mn1 1, N'"" Yort 21, Pllbbu .. h 17 Mlnnitloll 10, S11t Fr111CIKO 1 hlldlr'1 °""'" ll•lllft1.0rl 11 LDI A1191ln Ci.-.o.111\d 1t Ntw Yort Ollroll 11 ChleMo MIMHOfl 11 Altln!t PhlttdllphS. I I Sin FrMKIKO Pllllbu .. h •I Ntw Orlll!U SI. LOllll I I Grlln Ill)' W1stilno1on I I c.1111 wtek,'' reveal! Duncan. "Ht11 ~ of· two guys who also woru wilh !he vanity· every cloy. And he's beto Ible lo hold hil own, "Roy has to.gain-confidence of bl4 ballJlandlioi and drlb- blin,. He's doing a t1ne job of picking up outside shooting. And he's one of the strongesL men we have. "He's also very com· petitive-not used to losing. It's always nice to have players who've c<1me from a winner." Miller's thret! varsity years at Huntington showed a 41-1 league reeord-Qie only lollS coming aplml Estancia in four ove~ .•• "We (lb.-._bes) feel Roy is a ·sleeper in. our, program. Frankly, we di<hl't upeet him to be as good as he's ~ out-especlally as faat. as, JJe'a done it," adds Duncan. · .~ Miller is averaifug ' 15.~ jlOints for lhe • flrSj Uirtt games and has picked up a doien...rebounds per tilt. Mate Ed Ratleff, a prep All· American from Columbus, Ohio, averages 42 points per game and joins Miller in varsity drills. Huntington athletic director Ken Moats isn't particularly i.stoll1ded by Miller's success at a drastically diffeient posi· tion. "Roy was one of tho&e rare boys (high school) -looked like a man out on the floor. He's a jewel." Rustler Five Seeks 2nd Win A rtjuvenaled Slddlobact College baaketball tum, frajt from ita fourth stralgt\t vic- tory of !he yoong 116HO ,.,_ son, trave ls to Hayward thiJ week lo compele In lhe Cha· bot Christmas Claasic. 'l1le Gauchos, after dropping !heir firs! two gam<s of !ho sea!OR, have bounced back to win four in a.row , including Saturday nlebt'1 80-73 victory over r.Joorpark at the MW:ion Vlejo gym • Saddleback coach Roy s~ ens credits board work and I.he overall team play for the sun 11gh11 n g tumovers, . GlllCbo&' winning 11na1c. Golden West C.Ollege's baakel· "We couldn't ltt!Tl to get ba,11 leam fell lo Fresno, -llarleif: We -bulcally a Saturday.night in the winners' new group and we weren't gym. mentally ready at the at.art The RusUers gave up the of the seaeon. ball 37 times, 22 in the first "We are now making an half when Fresrio jumped out attempt to wort together. We to a commanding S2·27 lead at . are playing well as a group intermission. and ·our rebounding hu been Golden West outscored very good," says the Saddle· Fresno in the second half, 41· back coach . 37 but the 25-point deficit was The GauChos have won their just too much to make up. last two games (Goldea West Coach Dick Stricklin and Moorpark) without the substituted freely throughout services of last year's leading the game. scorer, Bill Noon. Ttle former, The Rustlers, now 1-7 on the Savanna High cager was de- season, face tough FuUerton in clared ineligible unW Jan. S the first round of the Oiaffey ~~~: ~= ~ tournameot Wednesday a t In Saturday night's vi<:t«y, 12 030. Er ~ led the Chris Thompson hit 16 points wi~ 26'8;!'::1 while ~ to lead the Rustlers' scoring Smith tossed in 19. attack while Jeff Povrers had 'I1le Gauchos face Foothill 14. Fresno had five players in College of !AS Altos in the double fi.g.ures, opening; game "-the Cbabot tournament at 3 o'clock on Thursday. Says Miller: 'urbe switch is going along better than l thought )t. would. I'm doing better in dribbling than J e1· peeted to. I feel freer playing GOLDIN w•:J (:.: ,, T" guard-more able to move e•"-'s 1 o l 2 around. I used to hide around ~':d~~ ~ ; ~ : SJriDDLHACK c•> the key playing high po6t aiid 1>ow1n. s • 1 ,, ,., f'T '' TP had little area in whlch to ~~_:11111 ~ ~ : 1~ ~~~1~•t1e1 : ! ! 1: circulate. w111e 2 o 2 • M1~•· ' • 1 • "Pl8ying with the varsity is ~~'!'11 ~ ~ l ~ ~:!~,.._ 1: ! ; ~! quite an experience .•. against P11111r. 2 2 ::r ' Ec1w1rds 1 • 2 i them you always have to be 11t.;~111 ~ 1~ 2~ ~ !:;:so" ~ ~ : : alert. I'm about the third PRllMO 1nJ Tor111 :u lZ 11 • 1,,~"~1v1,1911 smallest (6-2 ) guy out there." TllomPMll'I "~ "~ '~ T; MOOR"A111~J"~T '" T" w i.. T Pd.""-·"" Duncan says Miller could F11111r 2 o 2 ' G. Ad1mi ' 1 5 1• New Yol'tc Haullari Buft1lo BOl!Oft Ml1ml 11 4 0 •11' U3 ,.. \\'ell be a varsity starter by his ..,11'" ' 1 2 13 M. "°'m.a ' 6 ' 11 6 ' 2 JOO 279 t1f llurrl1 6 O 5 12 $Ct\!Kflt 0 D 2 o • 10 o .-m lS• junior year. L-2 2 • 6 s111rw1 1 1 :t 1s ' 10 a .216 lW 316 Obviously, his competitive w m11m1 1 2 1 , wom1ck l 1 2 11 J 10 l .?ll ™ :m .-Fllld1 ' J 2 11 e rll'ldon 1 1 2 .1 w"''"' Di•lt11n spirit and natural ability have 11n111r1D1t 5 ' • i• M1s11cm111r o J 2 , O.kltlld K1nu1 CilY Stn Dl- Olnvtr CllKl.,..11 u 1 1 .m 1n 2n blended to make such a thing To111J 36 11 2• " To1111 2• ts tt 7:1 11 3 0 .716 159 ln H1tfllll'MI ICO!'I : l'rHnO U. Golden H1llllll'MI ICO!'I : SlddltblQ 2'. ~ I ' I .571 211 27' possible. W11t 27 ,.rt; 2t. J • 1 .as ~7 ~1 _;:.._ ___________ .c....:;. _________ .:.c-'.-':c... _______ _ ' ' , ,;JOI 2IO 3'1 5119,....~t Rn111t Oekllnd 10, Kll'IHI CJIY ' ·~···-"" HDustorl 21, lol""" 23 Sin Dino 'l, ll11lf.llo 6 Dtnvlf' 27, Clrlclftnlll l' NM York 27, Ml1ml f Slhl,,..Y'I Pll~lff .. ,,.. KIAMS (lty 11 Ntw Yark S11ndtr'1 1'11Ylff OllM Houston 11 0.kllnd Pro Cage Standings ... 1 .. ttr11 Dlvhilfl New York 11.111..-~ M!lw•u-H Phl llclelph!t (h'IClnMll ,,., ... 8M~ W L Pd ... ,, j .Ut 10 11 ,6'15 l>V. It 13 ,$U t 16 15 .J16 10\l:t 1' 18 .OI 1J 12 11 .CIO 1• 10 17 .l'ICI lSVt Wttt.nl Di'l'le.lo• Jritl1n!1 Cttlc1sa ,. 11 ,655 Sin Frtnclsco Lm Af'IOells Pr.atnl11 14 16 ,500 A u 15 .43 •• ., u 11 .'l2 5~ 1111 .~6 Sin Dleot0 SU II Ir 10 :10.l:ll f 10 21 .1n ti~ S1l11rd1Y't t111u1ts e1111mo,.. 111. sin Dltva 105 Sin l'r11nclKD la.I, Detroit t 1 PM11delpttl1 100, Ntw York 9l MllWIYkee 111, Alllnt• 100 Pllalnl!i: 116. Cinclnn1!1 110 S11nd11'1 1te1u1t~ Mllw•ukN 111, .S.11 Dle90 lGS LOI A ... e~ 131. 5t1tllf 111 c1nc1 ...... 11 U7. Pl!oenlK no, two OVI,. limn PM!1dtlPhl1 ll'-Chlc110 111 TMIY'I 01111n No 11mt• 1ctt9d11lt<I. TUIM1~1 .Im., Jr,11anlt 11 Ntw YIStk SI~ Dltff 11 Ctt lce10 Pllll~l!>hl1 II P"°'111K SNll .. 11 Siii P:,..nclK<t Dllroll va. llolton 1t ClrWl1nd lndlt nl Kll'fltuckl' C1roll111 Ntw York Ptll1bllr1tt Ml .... I . .. l l tMrll Olv\tleft W L t"(I. ff 1t s .7'2 16 ' ·"° 3V. 1l 11 .SOD 7 ,, 16 ·"' • II 16 ,olCl7 "~ I 11 .216 l JY, w.tlwnl Dlvltl911 NIW Orlt~.. '° ' .no -W1s/'llf'IOIOft U It .511 5 D1ll1s 16 16 .900 51~ LOI Al'ltllft; 11 U .UO 1 Dt11virr 10 'lll .m IOI~ ,.........,,, RHllltl C1roll111 100, Ml1ml Ntw Vor-116. KMtuckr 111 D~!l1s II ... lndllM 101 Ntw OrlH~I 10?. PllUl!ur111 " Sw.....,.t ll:"wlll Olf\V~ 11', Dt1111 Ill N1w Drlt11n' ltM, W11lllntl011 N TMeY'1 ._ .. No otm11 sdltdutld . T1"41Y't Olmft 1n1111,.. VI. Dtll•• 11 Fo•T wor111, T~1. Lot Al'lttlh v1. KllftlUckl' II Will!• IM~ C1roll111 ti W1ll'lll'ltlOll WHEN IT SNOWS IN JACK DANIEL HOLLOW we hand-feed our ducks. Nothing else changes much. The water in our cave spring still flows at 56•. Our Moore County neighbors still bring us fine grain. Our whiskey ages in the san1e gentle way and we make as :ucI Idle After 4th Straight Loss much Jack Daniel's as when it is warm. You see, n1aking good whiskey doesn't depend on good weather. What it calls for is time and patience. And, we believe, we have plenty of both here at CHARCOAL MELLOWED ~ • Uy CRAIG SHEFF Coo.ch Tim Ttlt"s qulnltt plagued blw roul trouble Si.ate had a good shootinJ: Of "" o.wr ,.-. ,,.., held a 35-34 edge at Jnt,rmls· throughout I game and set· night. connecting on 34 or 59 Smartin& r r 0 m ltJ four.th slon, but the Antealtn wtnt Lied ror only six points. He from the field ror 57.6 percent. :-.trai&ht sttback, UC Irvine's cold in the second half and fooltd oul ~·:ttl nint: minutes In a prrlimlnv.ry game. the ~basketball team Is kilt: for t"·o San Diego took the lead fOI' to go In the gan1c. UCI freshmen posted their ""'·eekt beb'e hoitlna Its own good just two minutes into Jeff Cunningham , who led third straight win or the 11ea· invitational loumam<nt on the second half-lhe Anteaters In scoring with son. clef eating the Aztec frtsh- ·Ile<. ll, 'll and 29. UC! outrtboundtd the Az-15 points also ab~rbed his men, 73·il. The Antetten ftll lo Sin lees, 1~16, in tht first half fifth ~rsonal "'ilh 31,, min· UC lltYINl Ull P:ll P:T " " .Diego State Saturd1y night, but San Diego took control utes left. CuMilllhf"' ' ' • " Moo-. • ' ' • 8M8, In the: Border City alter In the lai;t 20 mlmitts wlth a A! • ttam the Anteater' o-o• • • ' • ~•adlnf through moot ol the tf.14 advantage on tht boards. tlil on 23 of 50 shots fr1n11 the ll•f"f'.5 ' • • .. ~•ftf~I , ' • • 11,,t ~.u. Top scorer Steve Sabins wa.! field (46 perecnt ). S;in Diego lu•l~~•m ' • ' ' • Gl1vlnovl<ll I ' '"" ' • 11 .... • ' l'lfW'llll ' • "" ' ' ,_, ' • W•Htl'tll•ll ' • TO!tll " n UCI llllOSH Otl 110 P:T Ht1111n ' • .. ,, • • lll•t~ • • ,..,,..ltr ' • L•wfl'll ' • &ni11n ' • Slimtllcftl ' ' Mu"IY ' • P•~lllf\ ' • lOf•h " " • ' • • ' ' • ' ' • • • • ' n M ., " • " • ' ' » ' " I • ' I ' • ' I • ' " " DROP 6 BY DROP Jack Daniel Oistiller v. . ' ' ' • ' l£NNCSS EE ~HI S KEY • 90 PROO( BY CHOICE 0 1t1t.IKlD1nlllOlltM11(J',l1111Molll•.Pro,_,1 .. ;: OJSTtlLED AND SOTJLED IY JA CK DANIEL OJSTILLEll:Y • LlNCH8UltG {PO,. 31•), J[NN,~ Dloblo• Fourth Con solatio11 Title To Edi son Cagers ' .. , Back.to-back wins 1n its sec- ond ever basketball tourna· ment isn't a bad way to pre- pare for competition in the 4lst annual Huntington Beach tournament. That's what first-year Edi- son did over the weekend, fin- ishing as consolation ch1lmpi- on of the Mee Invllathmal Saturday night after ripping its second straight foe by 12 pointa er more. ' Coactl Dav"e Mohs' Charger15 l. broke a 25-25 halftime Score to go on to whip Saddleback, 6~52. .. 'They face Marina Tuesday afternoon at 4:311. Mission Viejo, however, fell victim to Santa Ana V81Jey, 59-SB,. for third place honors. John Fisher was the top scorer for Edison with 18 ·points in leading the balanced scoring Chargers. Key lG the win came in the. • · third period when the winner s ripped Saddleback, 18-9, and never trailed after that. •. Valley stunned Misskln Vi- ejo after the latter had led by a.s many as seven in the ' first half, only to see the Fal- con! assume a 29-2.8 lead at the end of two quarters. Santa Ana Valley had seem- ingly put·lt away when it had IOISOH 16'11 a seven-point fead with one mi.nute left in the game. But 1!1iet;, quiCk baskets by the Diablos narn>wed the count to 'one 'with 10 second! left. However, Joe Lopez com- pleted a one-and-0ne situation from the foul line at that point lo put it out of the Di- ablos' grasp. Rick Wadsley led ltti.ssion Viejo with 17 while · Valley's big guns were Woody Auld (16) and Lopez (13). Marina Up s Mark to 4 .. l With Win ?-.farina High's Vikings enter the 4lst annual Huntington Beach Invitational basketball tournan1 ent Tuesday as one of the prime contenders for Compton's back-t<rback titles "''ith a 4-1 overall record. Coa ch Jim Stephens' Viking rontingent chalked up its third win in a row Saturday night with 65-50 decision over Foun- Lain Valley in the winners' MAY MEET AT HB-Marina High basketball coach gym. Jim Stephens (left) and his Compton High counter- Basically, it wa s a drab part may collide Wednesday in the second round of game with neither side sho\v-the Huntington Beach tournament. They were to window when Compton neglected to request offi~ cials. Compton meets Magnolia Tuesday \\'hilc ~ta~ rina meets Edison the same day in first round tourney play. , . --', .... ,.. • MOlld'7, Dt<tmbt< 15, 1969 ' DAILY ltl.17T ti At Lakewood °I ' Corona. del M~.,, . . Tritons Top F~§ By ROGER CARl.wN Of tlll Delbo f'tlilt ·'"" Pre-seaJOn dope> Shetla tn- dlcattd Estancia and Loata ' 'fPOUJd battle Jt out for the Jrvine ·League b a.a k et b a 11 ohamplooshlp. But coach Tan- , dy Gillis' Corooa del Mar high outfit is making noi!es which aie gettlng louder eacl» tlme. The S<a Klngs lloished a successful tournament Satur- day night in Lakriood by cap. turlng the. coiuolation cham- pionship after winning their thlrd in a row, a 54-$3 victory OVer. \Varren High, the run- nerup in the re'cent We5tminster-~arina tourna· rue·ot. · 1 All(f' San. Cltmente call)e. up 'with · a S9:S7 ·wm over ·st. Anthoey .to.rouDd out !ia\urday play for Orange Coast area tnt.ries in the JS-team affair. Corona de.I Mar. s1tow1, ii'!: • WaftS ,again toniOlt in the o~ning rouna of .the 41St• an- nu'al Huntington Beach tourha· nlent against Ramona-in a 7 o'clock tiff. San Clemente, meanwhile, takes a couple of days off before hosting ill! own tourney Thursd!y. · Corona de! Mar recei ved st-ellar play out of its. tntlre starting lineup with Don Killian the individual 'scoring leader with 21 counters on fi ve fi eld goals and 11 vital free thrO\\'S. ' pered tbt Warren •ttack can~ liderably. San Clemente's harrowing two-point win also wen( down to the wl'te. ~ach John Baker'1, troopa won It on Brad McCuUn'1 U. foot jumper with two seconds left. Earlier, Tom Gaulden had turned in a thrte-polnt play Of\ a pattern layup to tie it at ,7- 57. The Triton! took possession .v.·ith 30 seconds to go and waited for the last shot after St.' Anthony was guilty cf a turnover in attempting to do the same. Sal Lombardi led Sa ~1 Clemente with 18 points. COI OHA DI._ MAI ft41 Kllll•n GrloSIW Conrov Holl1""er $tvltr Toll\I ll•ker "le•1noer "~ TollehOll Gtllef'r Sh;rm K1t1 Toll It P.O l'T "" T' 511 '" o I t 11 ' . . ,, 1 J 3 • 1 I I S II 11 1' $4 WAllll•M IP! •t1 l'T ,, Tl' 0 0 S G 11 1 t tt • 1 J n 1 • ' • 0 I 1 D I I t l • 0 1 0 .n t 'l'O !3 SUll lty Q111rt•r1 Corene Ott Mi r 1J t 11 IJ-'SI W1rnn lJ II f 16-.12 I AH CLIMll'HTI Uf LGn'lbirdl "'" Mr~ "~i:ers~n Ml1c1ie11 O~rT'~nc.111nl G1 .. ·0e,, McC11!1n To!1 le1 l'Ol'T ,fT' I 1 S II , • 1 2 ~ 1 I I l o I J t I I 4 ? t I • l I I 1 ' J , " 267 1 ff l'lll'lkl Flllllr H•-•tt~llfl ANO Wrl911t l'O l'T l'I' Tl' ' 6 , • ing a great deal of snap from have met last week but the game went out the the field shooting. ___________ __;:;__ ___________ -----Others In doublt figures for CdM were Tim Conroy wilh 12 and Jeff Goellt.z (11). ST. ANTNONY !Sii ' T01al1 ' ' ' 11 7 7 2 i• 5 0 1 10 ' ' 2 10 1 6 0 1 17 10116.f SAOOLllACK un eu111r llpskl Cllllt r Krusom111 Htr""'11 '"' T1ylor Tot1l1 l'G l'T l'I' Tl> 0 ' 0 ' 5 1 l 11 • l ( lt l ? , • 1 0 0 ' I l 0 ' 0 G I 0 lt 14 10 51 l wre •t 0111rt.n Edl.011 17 I II 11-64 Sldllltt>ock 12 1J t 11-51 MISSION \lllrJO Ull l'G l'T l>F Tl' Holmll lJ St W1d1..., I l 1 11 Kr1lt 1 1 s n Me•IUIOI> l 1 l I Citro I 0 I 2 Mtnrl •ttlO West O OJO To!l!S 1l 16 11 SI SANTA AHA \IAL ... IY !Ml Auld -·H ·t ·-Kurllchylc; l'O FT l'I' Tl' 1 2 5 1• l 1 I I 7 D S ' l 0 s ' t .,,_ l D 5 I Mtc09rlllll lOPtl 0 1 l 1 ' J 0 11 ""' Totals 1 ' 1 ' t2 1J 22 ff l ctf'll ~ Gv1riwt Mlst!Ol'I Vlt lo u H u 17-JI Slnlt Ant \11111y U 11 U 1~9 ' Fresno Wins State Title . ! Quarterback ~1ike Rasmussen completed 19 of 31 passes for 321 yards and two toochdO'i'-'llS to lead Fresno to a 28-9 victory over Fullerton JC and Uie stale junior college large schools football cham- pionship Sunday at Anaheim Stadium before 13,387 fans . The game v.·as postponed from Saturday night after the two teams had played one quarter ln a dense fog. Satur- day night's first quarter wa!J · canceled and the game was : played in Its entirety Sunday. : Rasmussen tossed scoring : passes of 44 and 60 yards in ' the first half. And the srore is slightly deceiving. The Vikings were never in trouble as they mov- ed out to a prodigiOUs 48-14 lead with 3:05 to go in the third period. Just prior to that, Stephens had cleared his bench and Fountain Valley 11ained some ground, but the issue was never in doubt. Both sides were incredibly rold in the shooting depart- ment. In the second quarter lt1arina was able to coonect on only one shot in 17 attempts while Fountain Valley v.·as tanking one of seven .tries. ?-.farina pressured t h e Barons with a full c'ourt press that materialized into a zone once the losers managed to get down court Gary Valbuena was high point man for Fountain Valley with 12, with most of that coming in the fourth period from outside against Marina's first wiit. Kipp Baird tallied 20 to lead Marina. He had help. from Rick Mosier (1 3) and Bill McGuire, (12). Jn all, Marina hit 24 of 62 from the field for ·38.7 percent while Fountain Valley was successful on 20 or SI tries for 39.2 percent. · IMlllNA fUI FO n l'I' T' earr<! tll 10 Mosltr l 7 t ll S!r1Uor<:1 7 2 D 6 1111! 20•• McG\llrt • • l II PofMr 1 0 02 Mu!ll llY 2 1 I 5 C:tonllrlll D 1 • 1 Roner 1 0 I 2 TOlals 2• 11 ,, i i fOUMTAIM VALLIY Ufl I $hlW Pcrwtr Pll!I ValbveM Krl1!ln1I ,~. .. ,,., '"""' Tllerltull Gaooaker Cham~ian TO!tl• fO fT "' T' I 1 l J ' 2 I 0 6 I I J 0 I 2 /4 12 I 0 J 2 l I I 1 7 I 1 J 2 I 2 S ' 0 0 2 1 I O J 2 ' 0 5 20 lO lS !4 scort '°t O\llr1tr1 Foun1tl11 Vl lllt 6 5 H 'J--"3 Mtrl... ' 20 12 22 11-65 Warriors Edge MD For Cro,VIt A preview to the Angelus League basketball race was perhaps on digplay Saturday night when Mater Dei and Pius X met for the cham- pionship of the Bishop Amat lnvltalional tournament. The \\'arriors from Downey beat Mater Dei, 58-Sl , after the Monarchs had kept the is- sue well in hand through two quarters. B\lt Pius' all-veteran lineup turned to the press in the third period and Mater Del reacted poorly, canning only five _points in the I hi rd stanza to fall behind by one, and the Warriors went on to post their sev~i>Oilrt margin. ThC Monarchs had \Von five i~ 1row and through the first half Saturday it was good re- bounding that was pacing those victoriel Coach Jerry Tardie's Mon- ~ get another chance at a .. tournament championship thil week with entry in the Cl:>rona Invitational beginning Wednesday night when they meet North Riverside at 6:30 in the Corona gym. Ralph Chandos led all scor- ers in the title cl'ash with 21 and hauled in 15 rebounds to boot, earning him the MVP title for the tournament. Mate Werner Raes was also named all-tournament. · College Basketball Pius X wis led by balanced scoring attack with Jeff M.at- hew 116), Paul Ford (14), Tom Ferrato ( 12) and Bob Keller (10) in double fig\lres. MATE• D•I (111 C!wndDS W1lk1r McM-mlll ... , FO ,T ' ' • • . ' ' . " " • " ' " GREATEST Automobile OFFER ""' "'"""' '"" H-n ' . • • ' ' ' • ' • ' • ' • ' ' Tat1l1 • • ' . 16 '' 17 • 51 , ...... ~ .. ,,,... .. . F1to11tt1 ·~ ... T011t1 l'IUI X Ull fG fT . ' ' . • • • • ' ' • • ' ' ~ " Srwn '' °"''"'" " " • " • .. " • " ' • ' ' ' ' " • Mlltf C>tl II 11 S 111-SI 1'1111 x 15 ,, 13 ....... Cage Score Ml .... lle (t4, """'""""' •lltlll' 1 .. 1 W1llllM !1) 1 4t l Cl•relll 111e11Lt 1n1 ,. 11'! Ol'dw•v ltll!trtY 441 C (11) Wllkfl' WtKllr (I!) 0 (It ) WlllN Mvrr•Y 111 G I.ii 01Yldloll kDrlrl9 tlllll~ Mltflllllt -''"' t. lalltrtY 1. Hvllll111fflrl alKPI -Wllll- lllH J. DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less Co111,l1t1 U111 of • Fih•'1'••• l1ltt• Tiro1 A••"•"'!•. Prtc. S... et SJ1.tl ,.. F.l.l." Fib.r9l1n Wicl1 0•1l1 -Super Pr1111!11M - R1Jl1I -S,orh -S1Mf l1199y - I 111 Slu t Trvclt Tir11 2nd Win for Mesa; Newport Dumped Surprising Costa Mesa Hi gh is on a t~·e>-game v"in streak in varsity basketball after the Mustangs tripped host Bishop Gonn.an Saturday night Jn Las Vegas, 58-SS. Newport Harbor, however. fell victim to Valley High of Las Vegas, ~7. to close out weekend prep action for the two Newport-Mesa schools. Both are entered in the 41st annual Hwitington B e a c h Invitational whictl began le>- day. Coach Emil Neeme was highly plea~ed with h i s Mustangs after sw~ping the two-game set over t h e weekend. And he saved rpost or the praise for reserve Chuck Bridges, a lad who came through in the clutch in the vital fourth period. Hi s ball handling bringing the baU downcourt saved •COSTA MESA {HI l'G FT '" Tl' Au11i11 I J .I JI Swetl11!1d J t • 16 K. Dellon J t 7 t S.llos lOS 1 DHrnel ' J • 7 NeYllll 2 7 2 t T011l1 :PO II 12 51 •11HOI' GORMAH CUI H1wk\~ Humm Trevis Learv Wlndor Slower• Sileo~ Tot•I• 1'0 fT '" Tl' ' I ' n I 3 .i 5 1 0 ' u 1 ' j ' ' ' I 10 0 2 J ' 2 2 ' ' 12 112.ISS S<ort by 0111r11tt1 (Oii• Mttl IS 17 11 IS--51 Bl~p Gorman 10 U 10 12-51 Tthll y~~ Ecclet MlllllOll HI¥~ SaKIOll ·~· IN• eec1<tt T0111t 1'1rk.,. H111sm1n Gtk11n.hol '"~ ...... -""'~· ·~· TOllll N&Wl'OltT (UI .. fl " , .. ' ' J 10 s ' 1 II 0 0 1 0 I 7 1 l 1 1127) 0 0 ' 0 l I 7 1 1 I 2 1 2 0 0 I n2J 11 •1 VALL•Y fMl ... H " tt 1 0 I ' U I l JO ' 2 • u s 1 2 n I I 1 ' ' 2 1 ' ] , • 7 J I 2 7 :MU ltto ~.., OU1r1trt N-POrt U \13 11 lt-41 V1lln' 1' 10 n Jl--«) Mesa's bacon against Bishop Gorman's full-cou rt press in an attempt to pull it out. Leading the scoring parade for ~1esa -was Bob Austin with 21 points on eight field goals and fi \'e free thrO"''S along ~·ith Pat Sweetland's 15 on five shots fr om the field and 11ix gratis shots. SweeUand commanded the boards to give Neeme's outfit added punch. When guard Tim Salioti foul- ed out irl the third quarter the Mesans were enjoying an 11- polnt lead but it quickly vanislled as the Gaels of Bishop Gonnan assumed a one point margin at the outset of the fourth period. However, three q u I ck buckets on a theft and two fast breaks by the Mustangs gave the Californians another hefty lead. Several missed chances at one-and-one situat.kms from the free throw line kept Neeme's chaps from salting it away earlier. Pl'o Hockey Standings HATIOHAL L•AOU• N~ Yo•k lkn !an Mont rt &! O.!roll (111(111 T-nte l1111r~ 01v111 ... WLT,111.0 ,0A 11 •a .io t1 1t 15 ' I n IOI 7' Utl:J.\\llltf ll t,317'111 Ul1 •187S •5 10 1•121 n n WHl'lfll Olvllllll 51. l oult 11 t J JI It '' MlllnHOll t 10 1 H 7t Ill 'llt1burt h t ll J n t2 16 l'f'IU1delllhl1 S 11 10 20 61 11 O.kl1nd 1 tt .I It SI fS LOI Ant t l• S II 1 11 .lO H Sal!,lfHY'I lllt"'llll Monlr"I •, Chk1wo I Ottrolt J. Toronto I Ntw Yori! S. Mlt111t1t11'1 J llo1ton J. PMl-lphle l SI. L ... 11 I, lot A"""ln t S11PM11y•1 llttlYlll O.lroll I, MOnlrtll 2 Tor,,.,10 :a. Nirw York 1 llotlor1 J, ,ltt1bur9lt I Chk.110 .I, Pltl!Mi'ltl'l'llo 1 t1111n 01mot Ml-t1 11 LOI A"ltln . I SEE BY TODAY'S WANT ADS Huntii1gto11 Tourney Under Way The 41 St. annual Huntington Beach Invitational basketball tournament is off and runqing with four first-round games today and set of four Tuesday in the Oilers' confines . Back to defend lilies they hav'e won for the pa~t two years are Compton Hi11h's Tarbabes. But coach BJIJ Armstrong's team figures to have its hands full with several contenders, including 1t . was a wlld finish for Corona as the huge Bears of Warren had three chances at the wlnnlng bucket aloog with a one-and-0ne foul situation in the last minute of action. But they were unable to con· nect on any of · the situation! and the Sea Kings held after Killian tilt a 'fr~ throw with 1: 10 remaining lo give Corona the final winning margin. Gillis' crew came back after trailing by nine at the half with a ten:1cious man·t<rman pressing defense that ham- Rangel' Title Aspirations Halted, 3-2 Marina, Westminster, Rancho TORRANCE -Twice they Alamitos and warren. called on team captairi Brian Tonitrht'g tilts 1nc 1 u d e Gallagher to save the day and .,...., • both times he was unable to Corona del Mar's surprising come through as the Coast Sea JGnis, 'winnt:rs of three Rangers bowed out of the straight in · the r e c e n t Pacific Soccer . League title Lakewood tournament,.~ and derby by absorbing a 3·2 loss Ramona at 7 followed by bat-at the hands of Sparta here Sunday. tie between HunUngton Beach Gallagher blew a penalty and Fullerton at 8:30. shot with a mJnute left, then This afternoon's tilts Include came back for one la.at stab at Warren and Tustin at 3: a tie in the closing seconds, Newport Harbor and Santa Fe beating two derenders, only to High at 4:30. have the ioalle make the stop. Tuesdv action has Compton It was Sparta's first wtn m~ting Magnolia at 3 ; over a Ranger team. in ~ven llfarina and Edison at 4:30; years. Westminster Ind Villa Park at Ranger reserves won their 7; Rancho Alamitos and Costa tiff with Sparta subs, S-1, with Mesa at 8:50. Andre Cousin hitting. three If Compton and Marina are goals. successful in Tuesday's fir6t Sparta took a 2..0 lead in the round games It would set up a feature match. clash between the two at But the Rangers came back Marina Wednesday night in a In the last half to tie it on game that could poiSlbly put goals by Hans Reuther and a an end to Compton's incredjble Gallagher penalty shot. ••• ED1n Tllrt ,Aulltfl E1pl1lto ~11ot1l1n Quinn Tot111 "OP.T l''T' s l ) \J S 1 .I II I 0 I t ~ 3 t 11 1 • 1 u 1 • 1 ' 1 • • i 2S lllJI kfl'I "' O\llrtll'I l1n Cl.-m..,11 IJ 11 If ,,__,. $1. Anlho!IY 11 12 111H1 JV Basketball M1rilll UU (Ill l'911tlflill Vlll'I' 15_.,or> t•) F 1111 lohlbllfl ~lbKk tll) , (tf) 1'1111 Bult 061 C (171 Mrn tr Mii~ 11 11 G U I l'IOlt S.lldat UI G C21 Gtrt..r Sc.o•l"tl sub!:: l'oul'!llln V1llrr' - C1rrleo 7. ¥1tlklr 1. Mlr1M-5Pldll ._ H1lltl"'1 1CG•t: fo"'11t ln \11111'1' ~ M1rlr11 71. liSTAHCLA (111 on WI STMIMSTIR Fc-t1CIOl1 (f) F CS) Sl..,.n• C~ltr {I) I' (If) MILllffltlrMf Sl-"'11 (U) C 14) ~ Kaiser 111 G ru °""' Zeltclorl /111 G (11) lllekt!• f'O':l"I 1UOI: W11lml1rtw -H!~'' l ... lllf 11. IEtlll'!Clt-HIYH 1, ...... I. Helf!I-ICW't! 1E1t..c:l1 Jt, Wnl· '"ln1Nr 1:1. ENJOY "LOCAL" SERVICE ~ SAFECO INBUAANC& S1f1co will tr1n1f1r yevr fil1 to 011r office 1t l'I• ch1r91. N!!thin9 ch111911 111c1pt tht par· 1on1f 1tt111tlo11 which yo11 ''" 11ow r1c1 i•1l Bob Paley and Anoclatn INSURANCE winning streak cf 65 aver the Sparta came back with 20 past three seasons. minutes .to play, potting the .,. The two were to collide last winning shot, however. 546-3205 from Phone 642-6500 week at Compton in a non-This Sunday the Rangers North Orange Covnty league test, but the game was host Long Beach at Newport 474 e. 17th St. called ~ause no afflcials Beach's Mariners Park with y,·ere ~ss1gned to the ~ame.. ~k~ic~k~o~ff~a~t~2~,30~· ====.:~~:;::;;;C;::O~S;::T~A:;';M::::E;:S~A;;~ Tonight's contests 1nvolv1ng1'. Corona de! Mar in the 7 rlllilliMMJlliJIF.l!JllllMMMJalM•·-------, o'clock game and Huntington HERE'S A GIFT Beach in the nightcap are con- sidered lossups I YOU CAN OPEN EVERY DAY! 'P ... ,.!ff.. SOLID STATE GARAGE OPENER e 1'!111'1' 11Hr•n!fld 1tt .... Ylff, e Fiii your "'91111 lll'llt'I ..... , . . • • • • • • • ------------------------------.....--~-----~-----~~-~--.-----• 1960's Era of R evolution in .Films: DAIL T PILOT~ lfeft ..,..,_ ~ . By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD -Hlatorlana of the movies will record U>e l!llOs aa a period of revoluUoo In film • form and contenL Never before in Ule haU-cen- tury of movita · dld 10 many , cbu.&ea t&ke place. The,. cle<acle now· ending l;iroulbt new freedom11 OOlh in ~ u.ae.~of the camera and ' oarraU"{e techoJque aa well at in Sbe handling of aexual themes. Were Jhete fretcloma 1, uled wilely! That .la a ma~ ... future ~ will have to wrestle with. Nobody Loves a Jtlusic Lover ' ' Nudity wu completely ban- ned from AmeriCan tUma in 1980, .':' was language stronger U;Mln an occasional "hell" or "damn. ... Even the hlnt el. homoaexuallty was forbldden. But by lhe end ol lhe cle<ade nudity .. w's common and so were ptiicene ~-and prof ant Anglo&xl>l!iamJ, The "' ~· waa belnt deplctOd o n American mo~e acreent and homosexual relationsbJps bid bffn explored in aeVeraJ films '. Chuck Colgan as a bothersome music lover interrupts .~ lomanUc moment be-- tween Michael Adams and Chris Weatherhead in "Ca~ F1ower" at the· La· guna Moulton Playhouse. The comedy lias been held over and' la on stage to- night through Wednesday. · ' \ .• ... Movies Losing T.ooeh? ~d ~'tithe..:=:: ment In the IJl"l modlum. ·>'"'-1 ol t6e chlilpi• < .... in lhe Jut ball pl lhe,l,.,.. 'Ille bail. on 1ez..Jle~ la !films was relnov'<f 'IP ·lllSf.' along with a gtberal ioooenlng ol lhe Producers Pander t o Big Cit y Tas tes By VERNON SCO'M' HOLLYWOOD (UPIJ Nudity, profanity and vulgari· ty notwithstanding, motion pictures are al the same cr06Sroads that faced the New York theater JO or 15 years ago. Broadway, for the most part, lost contact with pe ople . Hollywood, excepting television, is doing the same. Producers and studios will blame the public's lack of in· terest, pnuient tastes, tr.1will- ingness to leave the television set or even the seedy condition . of many theaters. One contributory element seldom brought to light is the character and persooality - or lack CJf 11 -in the film makers and studio chieftains ·themselves. for theaters reflected basically bearded producer ol, say, 45, Prilduction Code· that had long the Judeo-Christian et h j c . the costume ia comical. df~ted moral<restrictlon.s to These p j o nee r s frequently They are a breed of men yoa HolJfW'ood film makers. were losers who became win· would not invite into your Mll.ESTONE ners graciously. With success home. Fortunately, they do "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" provided a milestone came a dimll'.1ition of hostility. not turn out the television in film morality in 1966. The But not with today'1 film shows that enter your living explicit dialogue of t he makers. room . Edward Albee play was re· You see their product. But, Neither are their movi~s tained in the film version, fortunately, you are spared artisti c, beautiful, inspiring, leading to a new designation, seeing them. They are surely 1 d 1 "Suggested ·tor Mature Au· earne or even c ever. It is diences." 'I'ltis was sup~ed winrters. Too often they lack almost as if lhe pictures -to be: a warning to parents, grace and style, and the wit to and these are not low budget and 1t marked the first time see these deficiencies in their nudies -were made for the that the film i n d a s t r y movies. cognoscenti of New York and acknowledged that cert a i n 'Ille breed · Los Angeles, consigning the films might not be suitable for new is physically · 1.......1 of A · the ent1're fa" m1'\y. main uvuY mer1cans to unattractive -not. that Louis squaresville. ' ' T b e Pawnbroker" en- B. Mayer or Sam Goldwyn What these men have not countered difficu1ties in 1965 won any beauty contests. learned rrom. the old founders with a bare-breasted scene. They object to the system : of flickers is that there are 170 But only a year later million Americans or more "Hawaii". caused less of a stir the mainstr~am ()f Americ8'.t between New York 8'.1d Los by depicting native girl& as life offends them. Political Angeles who can afford to buy they were dressed when the leaders -Republican or movie tickets. missionaries arriVed. · Democrat -are the enemy . Until they learn, or care Among the other influential -~ .. "' the J-~. novel: "1be Fox," letbt.Milm: ·"1 Am Curioul (yellow)/' te:X· • ua! lntercourit. The advent ol tbt nUng 11)'1.lenl ln.llA provi4ol! the x; cai.gocy bY which fl1ml d IX• _ pUcll ... coUld • J>la7 ' ~ .. theaters,. rather U:U" bl relegated t o exploltltiocr houses.. ~. pie history of film .In lhe '111881 COlllalned m<n tllln Iha aex ~volutkln. TBCllNIQUE OTHER TRENDS Other trends ·b) fijm content during the 1960a: 1. Violence. -ALSO - ·1 lavEYau. AUCEl.Tams· 'Ille men who built motion picture empires are go.le or going: Mayer, Fox, Laemmle, Goldwyn, DeMille, Z u k o r, Warner, Cohen, Griffith , Roach and a dozen others. A host of today's producers. enough, to reach the men and films : "Blow-up," which directors and stars a 11 y women of the rest of the coon-featured complete f e m a I e themselves with malcontents, try the new breed of cynical nudity and a se1 romp with a gurus, youthful adherents of movie maker will find he has photo gr a p be r and two pot , unisex and ''doing your followed Broadway down the teenagers; "Ulysses," which own thing, baby." tubes. repeated verbatim the st:t It has always been a factor In American films, dating to "The Great Train Robbery" (1903), the first real 1toryl'======== MoQ of them were Jewish. Some were immigrants . Almost all came from the East. Those who 1 a c k e d attisUc talent were shrewd bu•ineesmen. For the ·most part they shared a common characteristic -taste. They may have fought like thieves among themselves, but th~ product they turned out They pander to an age group -----------~==-.:.::.:.::::::.....:::::.._= they hope to lure to theaters with a leer. :;;c>~ ~ them are ludicrous. They wear what passes for hip "'ardrobe -headband s, beads, tunics and the other trappi'.igs that are attractive on part of the under 30-year- old groups. But on a fat, film. It reached a peak however in the bloody shooting of Warren Beaty al¥I Faye Dunaway in "Bonnie and Clyde." The assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy-in 1963 cauaed industry concern over Crossword Puzzle Doodle town Pipers on TV Special ACROSS ~2 Wtaring l Trac t za unlltls 44 Oft ol wtt qulckly soft land ~5 Of tht sa mt ti Sitlc1tt family 10 Stason 47 Ntg1tiv' 14 Having contraction fttll ng of 48 Having: 1,ar Con: wings 2 words 4• w,t lood 15 Lily 50 Grttk 10 N'wsprint 1,1trrs sourct 54 Wtl I planned 17 Fabric com mun Hy : '18Klndol 2 words VtSStl 57 Join 20 M!ss 58 Frank Sommt l 59 Otity 21 Roottr &O "Si, sl .... " '22 That Is: & l Makt a horn' Latin: bZ Rtcottl ing 2 words d'vlc ' 23 Unbtnd &3 Undtrqround 25 Ctrtain vault OYf!'· sollcilous OO'lit! ptoplt 27 '-· -up!"; l Binnisl,r'~ 2 word' distance 30 lndit1tion 2 lnd lt;o . of prob1blt sou re' troublt 3 Luxur1anl 31 Fluttertd 4 Flow ti: ll Across: 2 words Comb. form 5 Kind of 33 F1ct: Slang pa rty Jb Zont ti Ari 37 G1rmtnl 1 K!n9do111 in 38 Prol1gonlst Southw,sltrn 39 For tath Asi a 40 Nt~hbor' a Carve ' ol uebtt 9 Prot,sslonal 41 Slttrs' or;ao izallon: mllltu Abbr. • I ' Saturd ay's Puzz!t So1vtd : ' • 12/l5/b9 10 Plac's lor 37 Man's spons nickna m' ,y,n\s 38 Ont going 11 Stoprrage ~uickly 12 Sma !t st •O lopping amoun t pl act 13 Camp,r's •l Opr1ated ac ctssori's 43 Not 19 Bogs manil,st 21 Ha vlng 44 Dandy 1 larg' 45 Spanish wa is tlin e boy's name 24 Put 40 Maro on into I tht • T cacht 47 British 25 Asp,cl d'ttc\ive· 2& \lcsst ls story 27 Exchan9c writ'r 28 \l ttch •• Road sir I 29 Florid a Sl····Tim· feature 52 On top of JO Follow 1 53 Span ish 9'"'ral ~aint'r t ours' 5S ownsman 32 Ass1~'d 5& Stat': Ab br, 34 hnpu sc 57 1969 Ros' JS Active Bowl lostr: ptrsori Abbr, " " Goldie Goes West Laugh-In's Goldie Hawn does her part in a salute to Mae West. tonight at 8 on Channel 4. Greer Gar- son guest stars with Rowan and Martin doing a Raggedy Ann doll act and the regulars, Ruth Buz- zi , Henry Gibson, Teresa Graves, Arte Johnson and Gary Owens all. 0 do their thing." YOUR PROBLEM: You want te •II some Item !hot you no lonvor nood but IOl'ftlllte .... a n UM for NOT OYER $50 ? 1 1 ? ? YOUR ANSWEI: ? You call THI DAll Y PILOT, ••k IOI' Claulflod Acmrlitlnt, and placo a ""'"""'-PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSlflED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA'lt 3. UNIS 2 TIMIS 2 DOl.WS 'ANO YOUll ClllDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DI REC T! 64 2 -56 7 8 11'• ,_ _ -Mf.1ZZll The Doodletow,1 Pipers, all 1ixteen of . \Vhom are still young enough to rtmember ~ the magic of waking up Christmas morning to 1 trtt surrounded with gifts, have perpetuated that magic in an hour-long musical s p e c i a I , "Christmas Party". to be seen In color, Tuesday, at 9 p.m. on II ~---..::.:=--- Channel 5. The key to the show·s auc- cess is the fact that the group's p r oducer- choreographer 'Vard Ellis and musical director G e o r g e Wilkins have managed to in- corporate a dozen tu,1es into the fast-moving s p e c I a 1 • s 1;;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;;:::;;===;; format. without making ll seem an hour-long Christmas carol. Everything moves, from the Pipers themselves in their rip- pling dance numbers right d1M-11 to the scenery. The show i!-:-:-=::-::--::===~ opens in an empty theater with a bare stage and an in- tegral part of the production is the Pipers' creation of r.1 ·authentic aki-lodge, a perfect Christ.mas setting. Wilkins' musical 1eleclions for the group range from traditional children's favorites like "Rudolph, The Red-Nosed, Reindeer,'' to tender ballads such as "Scarlet Ribbons," pulsating gospel in "He's Co\ The Whole World Jn His Hands," and moving ~horal numben like "Some Children ~ Him.'' with a medley ol foreign Christmas so.1g1 as a bonusm. Part of the magic that's evl· dent In Ws "Showc•se $'' prtstntatlon ia tn the way tht Pipers work with the children, who start out as members of lhe audience but become in- dlsptnsabkl members of the I cast. aner .they have been in- vited to come up on atage and join the fun. There ls great rapport bttwttn the Pipe:ra and the kids, occasioned perha ps by the lack o( a rtal ., ge.-,eratlon gap. The Pipers : play very well to t h e « youngsters. and 50 they should -because when it comes right down to JI , children are •• longlast- the long a woited :. l.awrenc• ]uj;t;.. com es to the screen •11i1 @., ~· ........ ·c.io--.llilt. -ALSO- liREGORY PEDI annE HEYWOOD lllE nH111m1n wh11 Chrlltmas is all 1bout. ,,_ ________ _,. peMlve efforta to duplicate Its auceess were gen e rally fallures. 3. Westerns. Another Hollywood staple which declined in the 1960s. Reasons included the gjut c.f Westerna oo t.elevlslon and the 1essenlnl: activity of great Westenf directors like John Ford, Howard Hawks, Raoul Wabh, etc. 4. Negroe1. , The matter of race had Mockll)ib~d" (1962 ) d e a 11 wlth intolerance in Ule South. WIUI h J s Oscar-wiMlng "LlJiea of the. Field" in 1963, Sidney PolUer showed that a black man could be a box-of- Oce slat. He was one ot the big moneymakers of the 1960s with "In the Heat of the Night," "TO Sir with Love '' and other films . M a result, more Negro actors were being used in movies than ever before. received only occasional treat------------ ment in American films until the 1960s. Producers were 1low to re•liz.e the film possibiliUes in the nation's concern over the status or the Negro. "A Raisin in the Sun" ( 1960) depicted an urban Negro family, and "TD Kill a llGM .. ••ttA STAHLEY KUBRICK , PllOOUCTIOlf .2001 .... ..,..1) .. CINIMA SCRE EN METROCOLOR J\i!IOt 2nd HIT . lriSJit "-- ' CllC , lotll Femurn Rorff "fi" for Fot11!ly l"tertah11T1Ht 41'11 AND flN.4L Wiik [i;J 0 -r lECHNICOLOR ., ~ .. ~;Yiia&w D•tl1 Hoff1na11-MI• farrow JOHN and MARY • ., •lllCH 0 , AT IU.tl • + • .,.. eo.o.9T Hiii"'. • ..... Ol•Oo PW'f, •• ., ...... HUNTINGTON •ucH """ .. ,.... __ 111111 ...-.u..-· , ......... ..,.,.._ _ 1allltl" -:t'*'-~ u.1 .... ,.. ___ ,;.· ,'b,Jl\l&h~ Cu -l.ii3Nnd .. ·=-\o\eidel NOW! I>.~ , .. ~ lnl111Ye onMcl69 W"' . Jitw 1n aa Slli aaydilq·Jlll WlllC ~ IESTAVRAMT" -A8lOGUTHRIE . COi.OR b)' Otlu•t U1u11ll Art11" l!J:a .... ·~ .. ' . ' plANEr \1,.ApES COMINW FOR CHll.ISTM.45 WALT DISNEY'S IOI 611 CA•fHll./tAFllM OllMAllUS Jlld OutstalHl'h19 C1'"6y Dick YOll Dyke Mlcti.t1 I.ff 4th BIG WEEK Call '73-6260 For lnformetton AIN Pl•yln9 -"THI FIRST TIMI" .· r. g I, • I· • • • .. t, g " • , ' I ,• · .. ... ·' . ' .. TUMILIWEEDS MONDAY DECEMBER 15 l\J LN:~t(, ! •:OO'll Bia Nm (C) (60) .ll!rry Dunphy. -m HvntllJ·llfntlq (C) (30) l;30 IJ(ij(l)Httt'1 LKJ (C) (JO) Kim i nd Cttil coll'lil'l(.f Lucy to let the m k•tP • 1111• doc ovtmiaht ind ''ht H IUfP'iw lhem with 1 hll!f af nine puppies. J1 ck Lt Li nne cuests. 0 l11in1 in Adioft (C) (30) Bti· ketbt!I hi&hli&hlS. m Dl'lld·fmt SIMI• (Cl (90) m Tiii I i& v.11., (CJ (EO) fE Sa&lbrush Thtalle (60) 8StM Allt11 Sllew (() (90) t:OOIJQ!Cl)M17beuy R.f.O. (Cl ;&ilests tre Rtdd Foo, Mtry Lou (30) Sim i nd fri11wh arrive In ~J:t,IUns, Norm Crosby, Nie Ulletl Ptlm Sprln1s. (ReKtle1h1led) ~~ Dr. Dtan Mit!er. t Q @ 00 8' MIC Mondtr Movit: •• (C) NMWIM 111.tntu" (1tient111e- 1 O :t'THE HUSTLER"-Pl I fdr1m1) '68-Denni1 We1ver, ver1 *:PAUL NEWMAN AND !"iles, Keitlt l111~n. All oppart~n • 1st1c "'-iun p1lol becomes rn· :JACKIE GLEASON 1 ~~~n!nt~:m::~! =~.Ph~ip:~~: 0 Stl O'Qodi MO'fi.: "TH Hwi· buU~n from th• islllld of Co11e· ·u.,.. h rt I (dflm1) '61 -Paul tidor btlort th• bp1nest find it. NIWIM11, Jatkit 'l111or1. Pipet l rie. A nrttillu ......, h ~1 0 tt.. COiie till Stlis (C) (60) 111 youn1 """' 1 11 ,_ -~·,·e Re'""'· Ann Solh-hu .,. obll!siion to become tfl• 1.1a1t1 PERKINS l.l.-IS o 0 0 0 ' It ~ 0 0 0 ~1 · 0 i~ '") ·J JUDGE PARKER I l fllNJ ONTl-lE SfREE:I '1VCllOIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 c. 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 ooo 0 0 0 00 I 0 0 o0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 By Harold Le Daux 0 ·--.... ~---... ·-=;;;._.-;c,~c;-.• OAIL Y 'llOT ft ~ ly Charles ._,,j. ~ r--,.~~~~~,.-, T./..&:Ut 1-:t ..t.:.... l:U ..,,..,__ -.. ~ ·: .. ~ ., • • •• • I~~~~~~·~ ·: . Charles M. Schull ~ :: '• " TELEVISION VIEWS nation'• ch1mpiotl. 1111. J111 Ste11il'lf. Gia Youn1, Lili Suon, Norm Cn:i1br. P1 111 Gilbtrt. Will .lofdan. Jin Daley toast i nd r~i.t Ainu Moorthetd. I 0 Did , ... o,tl• (30) ID PIJIH Pile. (ltl) • b Trtl ('C) (60) o ~m m 1111 s;m'°'' 1tl (60)Dunc1n linds his l1the1 dead; I Jett believes he m11 h1vt -illed B;;ylor, Philip ttll1 Du11ttn lh1l 1 Ria•°' Is bthind Sen ator Jennin1s' lnvutip lion. Clu Gul11er 1u1sts, So•eMOW •M1SS JlSPER (Oi.ICUIPES MEil CDNYER'S ... TJOW wm< I FEEL LIKE A JUDAS! I t'Otl'T THINK 'l'Oll 'U. ~ QUITE TMAT WAV WMEM 'Klll FIN" OUT THAT IAATfRE's SEEN PLAY· ING YOU FO( A PATSV ! It's the Time For Children ~\ !11,'-------------i a! (I) lllitit Oo•tl•• (C) (W) mww. ,...? llOl a!(f)CIS NIWI (CJ (30) Im T11111po • ,_llofl (30) ID ..... (C) (60) Jack Whi1e. ED Na Jow111t1 (60) "Kiddish.~ Tht d11m1tic odysse~ or a man searchtn1 lhrou&h Israel Im 1 • I fr iend with wh!>ll! h1 1u1YiY1d his •:jO·D IUCIC •....me. CCI (60) detention Jn 1 Germ1n concanlr1· Cl TH ,,., '•me (C) (30) lion aimp. G11ests 1r1 Patridt Harty. Rich11d m Us Estrtlln 1 UstH (30) .DnrsOll 111d [. J. Peakef . . '.GJ To Tift lttt Trutlt (CJ (30) [ t:lO .:fJIDffiu ~"' ~-t (30) II AN ABSOLUTE ~UST! :;QJ CIJ H--1'"'"' IC) (l<ll * THE DORIS DAY SHOW! ::m Twill tirdt K11lllllnt (C) (30) ::S ())TIM Mllllltln (lOJ ::m Nttider1 M (C) (60) ·:m OllR ~ rt) (JO) . U(IJ cos•-.._ (Cl 1301 Q WW'I Illy l!Mf "(C) .(30) GHH1 !)illllisb tar th• ntk l fl Naric:y :'Jut:Sllt, Alan Alda and Soupr S.lei .. :&I I LM l9e1 [SO) 6 ~ (j) Dorb ~ (Cl (30) Aller ltn'inl to work overtime Xttlll ni11h11, Doris pl1ns ' lull weelend of "familJ tun" without eomultln1 ·--(:)Nin (C) ~ B1xter W11d . (il Ha S.ld, Sht Said (CJ (JO) m Kine ()ptf• (60) ... • Q) R.mta Mlllluf (30) :m lllt 1111 Clld. (C) (30) Hu1h 10:00 fJ Qt(]) Carof ·1n1tt (C) (601 1)'Briln p ests.. l Garry Moor•. Otlrw1rd Kirb)t ind • C..llOdltJ/Mwtu11 flllld (30} Tht Sob Mltchtll BOJS Choir ruest. · ~ ({) MOIMMJ Show (C) (2 hr) I 0 qJ HtWI (C) (60) ~'lfha Bor&il Slitk." Don Mur111. , Jnrer St"'911s. ,, ~--(30) . D "Great Dollar Robbery" PAUL MA.TERE WITHOUT 8R'EAKING DOWtrl ! MOON MULLINS STEVE ROPER I • n ll ii •• I By Ferd Johnson .• Cl)Tnrtll It t..qlllflClll (C) * Penetr.a1inc Look 1t Our Shrinking Dofl1r Xerox Special Ewent By Saunders and Overgard I . :m c..r's W«fd ('C) (30) ·'.&J Tkt CJlt (C) (30) IJ~ING THE PILE OF J.UMBER. AS" -l J:Qti)(I)•-(C) (6Q) • d rt lumer breab into 1 Ood&;t :City benk to obtain •is .w"l'in11. am.., Wtnd '"' ...... to1 Jt (l) (JO) "R1lly 'Round the flq." .lol!A MOlll'Ot siY• llis dq h·I l er 1 Cllri:ltmn Pl'IMlll tlltl is dif·I 11ftnt. ind lllCUn ftlt wratti cf the f!littlborllood . H111ry Morp11 111d )iarold 1 StOflll Ill fll!Ufld. l 0 SfaM'P !flt S&lrl (C) (30) O.Yid lia11rnan. Joe C.moane111, Vria ~iln. Rot!r C. C.1mtl. D11nn1 lllnd 111d Dick P1tt1DOn 111est. o @rn m I l!ICt§ITMCrNI Dollar ~ CIR Wt Amit I• 11.tiH? (C) (60) ABC News ap1Cl11 irwolvini PfodllCut. Q)ll$Llmtrs. ecortomllls ind p emm1nt oflici•ls in a prabinr study of the n1tion- WJde PfObllm of inllttion. I A !CAMP, ROD HA$ LEAPEO TN£&4P BETWEEN THE &4.IZAGE AND 1H£ a @ mm T1M: .... Seil• cc1 j 45) David St1inb.r1 hosts. Soul ~naer lo• lhwlli I& Sl*ltl 1uastl ~01!. 'U llllUioll S MD'ril: ('C) '1111 St· 0 Dtll1! (C) (60) SutanM Chlf· "'· The •Jn111Utl We, C111zinl, 111d Le1111 French l lltll. 1 m ""1 MUOI! (60) fD Fnn& lint (CJ (60) "Tht Stllin1 t of 111• Pruident. 1968," tht b!st· 1elltf dln:iniclin1 tht sbot•sful tf. I lorU cf 1dmtisin1 mt1t to promohl . tilt election of President Nixon, Is d1scusatc1 by author Joe McGinnlss and host Wlnl1m F. Buc~lt'f. al tarc:el d1 Mui..-(30J ,m hwdiofl" ((lram1) 'M-Sltw· 10:)0 el Critti111 lbH (30) jrt Crena:er. Rtf Vellon e. Mls Mn1· lint A l/OUP cf c:oflYicttd lnllfll• fi111111 trim• "sPI01licts" •~ .ant 11:00 B D 0 ID""" (Cl "" • HUit llllsalon to Yu1111lavi1 O"" -m 1943. .., in TMtl • ""-"'"* (C) 130) 0 The Mllil I~ ~) Panellsh ~ •r• F1111k Gonh1n, D1n1ll ShOft, at J.w ...... DlflM (C) (60) N1Mttt F1br1y ind Phil Silwrs. ii, ....... c.r,. (l01 m °"" lJllitl fl! fl'lltdl Clillf (30) Jull1 Cllttd. @CIJ ~@ Qt. ctJ fftws (CJ .e11t11e d• Hoel... m mm ,.,... ici .,_ ~ -(l~ , '.~· ll:JO fJ QI ()) MM Criflifl (CJ Pro· 1.00 I!! l.MflM• (() (60) GrMr 1r1111 Oo"l&illltn 111 Hollywood !Ms t.J 1rtan ruerta • R111!dJ Alln. • wtek. ~hllll ~, •nd • dallled llOnl· " HI I ltllldist WOl1d. D@ Ci) m Jtlln117 c.1 .... (C) e...~ '"" (30') ~c;111sw ltol•rs 0 lip'• a. (t) · D ~ CIJ EB n. Jt., lllhtp ·-"' • .., (C) (30) .... (Cf • flJ Stoct: MllMl/F111u1e (30) D MM: (CJ '11lf: S11 Ch1H" (D World l"rlll (C) (60) {1dvenl11rt) '55-John W1yn1, GI Hit ''"" (C) (90) m hll: ''Cf91fl fi11&1r1" (dTI· j m1) ''I -Ro&ert Bt1tty, l:l50 ll1J (})G}Tllt ,.,.. r.1111111 «Cl <•s) ''SpMd Kills." W1m n, 111 u:00m Mttie: "1111 l1d£1r" (mrstery) a 111dden .recurrence DI dru1·ln·1 "A4 -S!1 Ctdtic H11d,.iel1. M1111 dua:6 d1lu11011a, His •Ill ta Ill rid ObtrOll, Gtof(I S1ndt11, ~111d Crt· ol G•11. floblft Dri,11 1u111s. 111. 10:00 0 (C) "C1t1fttM 1t IM SIMI" NEIGHBORING 81.JILDING / Mun AND GORDO TUESDAY ,., •• ,, . .......,...,, .,...,, MISS PEACH "'4f TNE TriJ(l/00/fS SIME N11!411Er· ME NAP1 IT, NOBf/ .. ·BUT HE'S STUNNIO! COME "4! '4lr'E'\fE Gaf TO 1!E-"" 11M BfFOllE SOOCB<IDV ELSE DOES.1 " ,, ,, "T\1E SILENT MAJORITY ... THEYRE STAR'T)NIJ i'O WHISPER~ By Gus Arriola lj Mel lZ:GO e .,.., ., llldia" (1dwntu11) .,, -S.bw, Glit RulU!l, Turtian Bly, rr-~~~~--:-~--,"'=-===-==::::--~'?::==~:::===:::::::::i eur Aimut, WIOO' At4l'ES YOU ;r DON'T ~, ' OF~ DAYTIME MOVIES •:• D HAMflen •wtiat• P1rt II (1111· l:DO m "fallel Atlpl" (dr11111) 'AS- tlcal) ·•s -rrant Sin1ttt. Gtnt lltllJ. Klttl1J'ft Gtl)'IOft.. D1111 Alld1tws. l:JO B "lltlftllew l ... lld" lmuticll tOfll· i~ '(4 -Dorot!ly l1mour. . ,,,.a _,.....,.....,.("""'> '61-Mld,ty ROOf\t1. m "M1 011rlifl1 C!111•ll111" (Im!:· 4rn) '46-tltnfJ' Fond1, Victor M•· A:JD U (~ ..,_.," lldventart) '5C twt. Linda Otn111L -Ynnnt Dteetlo. C.Mf W\lft, \ THINK Ffl'.ANCll'E · M159 PE'A0-4. SME 1 LllCE --DOESN'T Ul'E JU5T OCSN'T )'QU. '/OU l LIKii MS- • By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK !AP) -With the approach of the holidays, children's shows are very big with the television networks. NBC and CB.S presented two specials over the week-end, both primarily design· cd for the young audience . "Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates,'' a famous and fa miliar children's book, was reconstituted as a two-hour musical for NBC Sunday night. "J.T.," the first of four specials in CBS' new "Children's Hour" was a mid-Oay offering of CBS Saturday. It was an unusual and often perceptive story about a young Negro growing up in a tough slum. THE 100-YEAR..OLD story of Hans Brinker was fu ll of fascinating film shot in Holland in winter and part of the show seemed like an extemperaneous ice show. The story was heavy with plot and , since it was acted seriously, was often quite painful -as when the impoverished Brinker children were bein& taunted and snubbed by a nasty little snob. The two hours did demonstrate that not alt stories are susceptible to musical adaptation. The production numbers seemed to be dragged in by the heels and the pririctpals had a way of bursting into song -pretty forgettable tunes -in a most awk-.. wa rd fashi on. Actually, they detracted from the to la I. The tale Js set in the 1830s in a .town near Am· sterdam and the show benefitted by the period set3 and quaint costumes. Hans and the lilver skates- a prize in a skating race -were only incidental to the story about how Hans persuaded a famous sur- geon to operate en his ailing father. ELEANOR PARl(ER played the mother and Ricliard Basehart wu the doctor, but the show be- longed to a young British actor, Robin Askwith , who played Hans as such a good, sober, unselfish boy that he deserved the happy ending. "J .T .. " was the little boy who In the opening scene was shown stealing a trarui.rlor radio from a car. After that we followed him, cinema verite style, around rubbish-littered streeta and up the stairs of a shabby tenement. The story was about J .T. finding a sick cat, attempting to nurse it and feed i:t back to health. only to have it die. Then. a gift of a kitten he at first rejected, changed his at· titudes. CHILDREN may have taken th/story at face value, bu t it has facets -the grim slum surround- ings, black-wWle relationships, the l"ck of a father in the home -that adult viewers could appreciate. The one wrong note was the pat windup, wi th J .T., saddened by the cat's death, returning the stolen radio and then suddenly being imbued with Christ- mas spirit. Kevin I-looks, young son ot actor Robert Hooks, played the title rote. He was most appealing as the shy, silent little boy. lfu mother was •played by Jeanette Du Bois in a way to show the tension and fatigue or the family breadwinner, It was a curiously adult program for a young audience, but it was ambitious and of hi gh quality . Dentais tlae Menace )I ·. .. ... • . .. ·' . • ,. ~: .. .. " . :· . 'i :1 •• !• •• ~: ;1 .. .. :: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . l I " • • • • • . 1· • • •• • • • • • I • • F • . < ' , • ' ' • •• l . l l · f I' l l· ' . )-. I :1 1 ,. ' \.. • , . - . f .. • l I· . • \t '• ' . • . I '. r• ' :· .. .. .. ' .. ' '. .. , ' t' ' .. • .. ' • • . ' • ! • l I --~--;7 -- 'GOP Sets '70 Goal.s I you sell women~ wear, DailJ".you need • • • • Did you know Illa!........, shop twice lore'l"f'f article of ctothiog lheybuy? First In lhe paper ... and then in the stores. In tact.8outol 10 women look to newspaper eds lor "'fashion and slyte" lnlofmation belo<o they go shopping. II you sell-cfo1"es, you need to run ads In !tie paper. Your competitors are doing it. Jn fact, retailers aJI over America will spend nearly 4 billion dollars this year on newspaper advertising. The average department store puts 88 percent ol its advertising budget into news· pepe(ad&;M>mOn'sspecialtyshops,86percenL TheY wouklni be doing ft f il-.n'twoMng. 0 lnanaveragewaek,abo11130-in1,000buyanew dress. So to sell 100 dr-you must reach 3,300 women? How? In the-... the only medium that reaches almost 8" women.. Lil<e to see more empty hangers at the end or a day's selling? Reach your customers on their first shoppinQ expedition e'ach day-in the paper. Tbat's what we mean by NewapaperlbllllJ. Put Your Merchandise on Display ""-"In the 40,000 Orange Coast Area Homes Served by the I DAIL y PILOT I LEGAL NOTICE ~-tun llAR-21f7 CERTll"ICATE 01'" IU$1Nl!SS ,ICTITIOUS flUIM l'IAMI! Tl\1 11nder1l1nf'd dMS hereb"r ~rt!fy Let our Commercial, incom•, land diYi1lon work for yoU. EXCELLENT !tIOBtLE PARK SITES available in San Diego Cbunty. Contact Dean Bradford 00-0200. 5 UNITS COJ\1MER· CIAL BLDG. Top loca- tioo, So. Laguna, 50CO sq ft. $1775 ptT month -$82,500. Contacl F1or- ence l\IcCue 642-5200. 4 UNITS INCOJ\IE PROPERTY tully oo::u· pied Costa Mesa. AMUal income .$6240 -S.15,cro. contllct Paul Belous 6~2-4353 160.l \\lestclUf Dr., J\'B 642-5200 Wagon Wheel Charm Proudly d<:l we offer this bealitifu!y landscaped, rustic, ranch style home on the nicest street in Mesa Del Mar. lt"s the first time listed so don't miSll it if you want the ultimate in condition & 3 lxlrms. SpacioUs fam- ily room has rustic posts & open beamed ceiling. Back yai;d 'Aith patio is truly LIKE A PARK_ Cllristmu spe<:· 1al at S28.7SO. COATS & WALLACE REALTORS --546-4141- (0pen Evenings> t11a1 ht Is conducl!"9 1 c•b1nel lf!OP But still prefer living in thf! blls!n1s1 1s 1n lncllvld1111 11· 11'00 Superfor . ~ , , . Sl•ttl, Cost• Mt1111, C1llforn!1, 111K1er ti!• c ity · \:Ou II have both 1n nctrt~ 11"" n1mt o1 JACK'S CUSTOM this 5 bedroom family room CAlllNETS Ind 11111 s..tld 'firm It corn-• OD$l'd ol tl>e tollowln1 1ttnon, wMse home, Every room IS KING n•m• In full 1nd lll•t• of ,..,1d1nc1 Is SIZE • ? lovely fireplaces SI followt. to.w!I: • • J1ck11111 R. Ho.ttll1r, ~1f Flvw•r large covered patio, Your s''"'' Cost• M~. c1nfor11l1. children will have Jots oJ Cla!M Nov...,,ber 11, Ifft . J1c1<JOn R, HO)Stt!ler room to romp and play on ~~t1~~Fo~..,6~°'1~N~"' ~is this 158'x300' lot. call today, o" Novtmbe• 11, 19M, ~ ll'H!, a Lets talk price &nd term!. Notarv P1111nc In end 1or uld COU<11l' •!Id 546-2313 6$-nn ~11~. H rson11ltf lllf>t••ed J1<k1on II , 1-4,,.h!l~r known to ""' f6 be lllfo """" wl'!Mt "'""' lt 1ubstr lbeod fll tM wlll'I!" l""'""ml!fll, 1nd •t-now1fd9ed to me Iha! ht e~ecvted !tie 11M<11. Wlme .. mv h1"d 1nd 1t1I. (OFFICl.t,L SEAL) Ph"lll• M, Stiver No11ry Pulll!c-C1llfornlt Orin" Cou"tv Mv COl!\MIUlon E•J1lrt1 Dec. 6. ltrl 10101 C. SAL Yll'R, AffY, 10THEREAL \'."\... ESTATERS '--. ' ' ' $2350 DOWN BE IN BY XMAS "41 Wlll(tlft Drlv•, Swift' Jl1 Snappy 3 bedroom 2 be.th, l'l_PI,, h1d1, C1tlf9ntlto ft'6I Put>ll1hed o,.,,,,. Co111 011tr l'll~t, huge living room \vi th , "-'Dll Novtmblf' ,. Ind OK.mbtr 1, •• u . lo \vall f_~-1R..... and an. 1tff 1110-tt .U""I""'-" LEGAL NOTICE ~lectric kitchen. $205 per month includes all. 4 )'MJ"1 LIOAL NOTICE n-..,.__, · NOTtC!. IS HERl!8Y CIVEH .... , !he new. ocaui.uw prestige area. followlnt llM\1 or~., laVf'll '"'°"'""" NEAR THE BEAO~! ~.'le ~ held bY IM Pollet DtHrtmtnt WE SELL A HOME of Ille Cltv ol Cosl1 ~ fol' • oerlod 111 ut~°'.1..~~~~1 .!"'~ b!ki, two EVERY 21 MINUTES "~ "'"· .. M• ..... -... ""·Walker & Lee -blt.1 • color unit-, 1110WW drlM •fld ~lblt T,V, NOTICE IS ,URTMElt GIVEN rllet II !'ID ow""' •PH•,.. 1...s -1111 2'190 Harbor Bl\-d. at ~dama ~;."' ,;'l!IW~ =--.:llc:~l:" of11;: 566460 Open 'tll 9 PM Nofkf, IM 1'tlt tMNto ,.i.111 VIII tn 1M M y d lfndtr, II !Mre M o,.., o~ In !tit (lfy al esa er • • Ceost1 """"'' Ill w~ld• c11e "'-,,_,.._ $1'1ell bt tokl ti tllbllc ~ll(!iol\ 1t 1 llmr $24 950 M'ld d•lt te !It 1n111111nced. ' oATEo: Ottembrr ''· ,,.. 4 Bedrm + Den It. I!:. NETH Cllltf Of PoNtt ! ba•'• b U 1ri •-l'ubll,,,f'd Orit"" (11111 Otllr Pllol, ll"', U l•in ft'1i.::n1 COV• D«*llbl~ is. i"' no...t ered pAtio. Garage + carv Weary, D11rio? Road BiR LHry port. O.mcr helPs with fin- 11ncin1. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor THE QUICKER YOU CAU.. , 1-~~~,;..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ ~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~...lr===:=:=:=:=:=:===='inrEQU!CKERYOUSELL . -. l I HOUSES FOR SALi General 1000 FOREST E • 0 LS 0 N Inc. Realtora TRIPLEX EAST SIDE EARNS $5,800 Tremendous value!! 3 large units. 2 bf:droom and Z tltttis 'each. NUXe ~kitchen witb bullt·fns. Only $6500 down and just 7 Y.e-ars ymmg. l..tJxo. u ry carpeting and drapei throughout, Mani cu red grounds_ DlclOSl'd garagea. Prieed now at $35.9~. See today. Dial 645-03C3. 645-0303 al Harbor Cent'er :.>"299 ffa:a·bor Blvd., C.M. ASSUME LOW INTEREST ~TESA DEL MAR FOUR. BEDROOMS, large living room, family room and built- in ki1 chcn. i\Jas!cr bedroo1n off tG itself \Vit h its own private bath. Reeen!ly pro- fe ssionally repainted insid11 a.nd out·. Fully carpeted and draped. Cover\'d patio and fenced yard. Pl'iced to sell at only $29,500. Evenings Call ;) IZ>-8308 FIRESIDE SUN . \\'ill 'be yours in front of thi~ Palos Verdes raised ~arth rireplace. 3 bedrooms and panneled study or fourth bedroom, \\'ilh 21 i baths for convenience. Buil! in buffet in lovely dining room, with ~ bursting \l'ith storage space kitchen. S35,900 and an excellent · buy in Fotll1> tain Valley, ORANGE COUNTY'S ·LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD • 546-1640 . OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 MOVE IN BY XMAS _to this excellently located f bedroom, 2 bath Collep Park home near o·.c. Col· lege. Take over F1-fA 5* %' amual loan et ONLY SUi1 per month includes every· thing. Excellent condition with carpets S: rlrn f:t'.~~ Sub· mil $3,ii::Kl c!Cll"ll. llliRRY , , . VACANT: WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2791'1 Harbor Bl\'d. at Adams :i!:>-9--191 Orir 1! 'Iii 9 p;-..r' Mesa Del-Mar Bi9 4 Here is a glem1ing friendly family home in a chdl.ce area. Newly painted lll1d. carpeted. Texas size bed· rooms, 1 ~ baths, dream kitchen with refinished satin cabinets. Best of all only $29,400. Colesworthy & Co. "Agent" "For A 'Wise ·Buy" 642-7777 p•tt.11~ NEW LISTING'.. l\tt sa Verde Cambridg•, "'"ith large pool 3 bdnn. + dining room. Excel- lent location, Vacant. ~17,000. ~)1~;5 ,1\:·r~.-·]~; 1 ~,, 546·599C -NO DOWN To veterans.. Cbsta Mesa. 3 bdrms 1~ baths. Beautiful back yard. $23,500. OAVIOSON RNlly SIG-5t60 Eves. :>&lc:GS COLLEGE PARK 4 BR. • 2 Baths Assumt 5¥.4°/o Loin Pri" $20,000 • $3000 °""I' O.Orge Willl1mun REALTOR 61M350 67J.1564 EvH. New VIEW Hom et Dover Shores lVRn \Vella' I brand new homes: 4 bdrm .. 3 ba, ~er nn, fam. nn W/frpJc, cOul'lyard poolt. From $106.00>. Roy 1. W.,., Co. 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646--lSSO • BY C>wrier -lrg auu:mabie GI k>an 3 Br. 2~t ha, din rm. ft.m rm. walk to 1chl1, • heh, prlnc. o n I y. $33,MO. S63-7!09 Your UNITED FUND Nttdt1 Your Dollars ~ ••• • I . 1000 -- N ..... .... w;th loon 1.u. ... """' red ..... .,.,. M. .... iT OUR vint 1uilt· """' own ..... ""'' ""' '"" "" II " r thl• •arth and ""'" . "" ufiet with ,.... and 'ouno .. , '.D. 1:30 u "' ' Uege Col· '*%' m1 ~,,,. ition SUb- tRY E ES ee a plS l " ndly .dice ""' bed· an) ~tin only o. I •• n. ,,_ >t. I I .. 3 mui I 1(1';.1 " "'!I • .... I '' .... "" .. ""' SM. Ible dill ·hls, soo. - ' -... '• .. , ".... . ... . ,. R ENTALS ~•..,.A L$ ) MfN'o'AL- / _ ._H"'O..;.U.;..5 E:;.;S:...;F...;;Oc:;R;.:,S;;,;A::;.L E;:_ HOUSES FQR SALE J:IOUSES FOR SALE .HOUSES FOR SALK HOUSES f'OR SALi M...,, -15, 196' DAJLY ~ll.!!T 11 Gener el TOOi Gentrtl 1000 0-.ol ' 111111 Hvnllfttlon llMdt 1400-~ IMdt 14IO HOUH1 P'uml""" Hou.-.. Unfuntlthtol 'Apia. Fuml,,,... Aptt. FumlohM . . ~- ' FOR LEAS!E S\a."P S + ta~ room Jn Hun[ingloo Beacti. v.-eat ol. Ne1vlall(l oorth 'of Hamilton. l220/mo. Lease at ~ with ortlon to bu)·. 1...ow1y Newport Beach 4 + family room + dlniflJ room with vil'w ot Back Bay. Vacant now. Quick pos&eu!on, 2 bdmu: completely rurnisbtd Con. domin.ium $115/mo . &Sfl-5110 -"*"' tl""9t GER£ALTY -·-,ell KAMEHAMEHA \Vot.Jld be delighted wilh this luscious 3 Bd. 2 bath home on the rim of the ~·orld in Laguna Beach. Tree shad· elf. wind protected, and cov. <'l't'd patio. Lovely, exciting, cl('an, Sing!C woman must se.11. $39,500 a.nd you can nwve hi with very low down. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST ................ BLACK FLAG Newport INch 2200 Now~hoch 3200 Cool• -" 4100 • ... uni a.1<11 4705 Possession ly Xmet 3 Bedroom• + Pemlly Room• O:luldn't kill yoor enthusium Nte.r tt\f! beech griet)y·pr& _lOf thil home after sttlna Ugc with bea1:tiful ~% % Cl 1t just once. A trelnendou1 uaurnatie: loan at 3182 per 4 • bedfoo.m • J..batb home monlb include• taxy too. ready to move into. Separ- Lovely white brick tu&iOm ~It family room, formal dln- llroplt1CO & panol... ear-""' room, O....W. tamlly· pets &: drapes! Gold ~al-fuo back ;yard with privacy. lion all~k-ctrlc kitchel'.I Up on the hill 1n MESA Sweeping patio off rarnll~ VERDE. Only $44,500. IMMEDIATE .MOYE IN 4 BDltMS 1'/J BATHS t/4 MILE FROM BEACH TUIYNllOUSE: I BR, 2\1 %,~Y~~ = *' SUNNY * OIARMINC J -Wiil BA, trplc, patio, pool. 2 eat ntrU. Prettile-atta. $400 Newtl re dee.'. wtw .... •II blbw, ..... dl'PL .. , mo. ·J-Smiill RI(\'. • ' ACRES * -tq • • ...... s20.990 HUNTINGTON IEACH Call Now 962-1353 Loe $325: mo, U1l!\lm l!<IO. '46-mi ' ' I '* C)implefcl> fUrn.• 14<. "'19 AvaU 12/L m...8aU or _.. l!dO.~ m.249'! 2 STORY ,J . bdriu, lamJl> ~ "'.«><Ii'~ ·•• -...... "' tiat&. ~. .:L Motel Ants * A .• _, ·~~. ~ -BAYFRDNT 3 A don. pin A ia,... play ,...i. Pallo.•>""' JI( Tifl M...., ·~., _..,.. no.at. 1'llm or untum. $1500 Oltt Drtw. $1Zilmo. Ritt. 1'CllA!IMING===""·"'-=-=-,","t•"-r"'1 ~· 2 s.JbD& 0,W1 Mti.2222 -. s..ro:,1~;1 I RUlde ·~ -~. OCEAN tront houoe, Topal EXEC "'-· S.S.. l ,llL D.y, W~ iiloolli , ·~~:"".:1rr.i e1 , ---··-1.c2••2BA -·· " ~ dtPe.·~.dbl .,pr, •K1td.p,aTV'1 . Ttle--clnr. RtfL a.ms · ~~ ·~·--·Cl'P • pool I Ocean1\!w.•S8)0mo. •Phont !-===="'"=.,...,.==" lllbo. Penlntule 1300 Huntfngton BHch 1400 drpa. ;yard, patio. $225. win. Call 835--:iOSO. • ... _,,.. ~~.:.."......:'..ha~-~' .• SFJ!. NEW VJIJ..ACE 1NN room for the junkJr exet-u-546-2313 tlvc enterl<dnef'. Wi SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-0465 Open 'lil 9 P~f 3 UNITS $29,950 Eutside Costa Mesa. Span. tall tile roof, rentals on t.~ 77xl50' lot. Income $385 month. Our best inoome re· turn in area. Exclu1lv1 With Nowpwl •• Victoria THE: RF.AI. j{ E:STATt;RS ter. ~ .._ -"Y~ ·-c:taM tl bead&. SIS wk MODERN Duplex. 2 Bdrml. I-;======= 2 BR nome A -Oot .... 2J76 NIWPORT ii.YD; ' .,.. .. , J.. each unit. Garqe. Nr. ba;y TOTAL PRICE $11,'50 eo ...i..tety tntlde I • ..., -· J LAGUNA ~~mt FIXER . UPPER C°"'"" def Mar 2250 m~ . ~ ~·-ilNTu •"' • . NEWPORT HEIGHT$ A llbra')'. Noed1 T.L.C. cut N...,...t 60-91150 ~~ ,_;,_, "'!' -Near Cliff Dr 2 BR den Prlnc. only. $40, 0 00 . Great 3 bedroom with asaum· ·-. ~ . •-I up· ATTRAt.:i-tv:e;,IJ, AfttL UnfurtUshe( ranch ...... e ·with • .... vy' Chl-11/bkr. 673-1355 able Gr loan at 51,4"fl .,.n. 4 BIVUmU,y room. CX>fnPl 2 BR .. 2 be.., CIUl..dirl. room.. bctr., pool. udl paid, prden • '1 ' '"' nqaI tn1e.rest.wilh tO~ pa.y· furn. Avail Janu.ry lbcu Ta ~ven. ,P»' 1 livlfli, adults,, no PeU. '1800 Gefter1I 9000 shake root. Exposed beam L'ncl I I 1306 ment of Ilk -r -nth. June while ownen traVeL ~ WµJ.iamlqa. Realttir Wan.ot Aw., C.M. " -' · · ' ce"'-•. """' brlck "-I a I. "" ,.., .. .., F --· .~ 3 ... ._ -...c... ~1~· "'-.... ~ .,,_ \Vb,y MY rent at that pay. e, ... ~ 1 "' U<Mo from .,,,,......,..., • .,,.,... ;11;n .c.Yo:"• * NASSAU PALMS * · D pla~. c~ed. $28.950. Kin.I-----'----ment! Submit your down beach. Children Ir. Jl'.l&ll "-' 1.• 2 BR. Pool .. ~vE OME ~·="""'=;R;.E;;·:M,;:1:2-:2222===! 16 Linda l1le Drive tbYment and a little &pie "'elcome. $400 mo.~ ~~ark ' 31S7 117 E. 22nd St &a:*5 • -Exquisitely decor. S BR, 5 -• JMMAOJLATE APTS Coste Meta 1100 ·BA new home w/ upstairs =fi~~ will repeat )'QUt lalbh Island 2355 Brand new 2 Bd 2 bath 11 2 BR. furn I: tinftl:m. m> · ADULT A Film..Y 1 --.------·--! vtew ol Corona d•l Mar •ws. rm. FulleTt.on. St. CM M-oa · · • · " \\'E SELL A HOME $375 mo/yrly. Avail Jan. truw:Nae Sfl5, Avail. now · ' ' • •· . · S!Cl'JONS AVAn..ABLJ!:· MOST BEAUTIFUL 3 h~l" & BBQ. Cantilovo" EVERY'31 MIN S 3rd 2 2 BR. '2 Ba. A""H VIS ll90 pnm..... ' ClOoa lo......_._. P•rlI Near s .A. Countr). Club on ed patio deck. 'Dock, SI45.000 UTE . BR. 2 84• Ftpk, 2 3 1c nen townhouse $340 MERRIMAC WOODS 4r sPa~3~ja. · comer lot S<hcllO Complete-Linda Is l• O.Yelopment Walker & Lee ~~.dock. Adults on1¥. 3.+ fam rm tnhouat $325 rum unfti a~. s!e ad un... 2 Bedrooms ly modernized 2 'bdrm., den Bill Grundy 675--3210 3 B.R. 2 Ba. ho11M1 $3l;P <fer clus 5100 .. .m Meni-* Swfm ·Pool,. Pa.t/lfMll I: wet bar; bullt-tna: &: 5 fl. -7682 F.dinger Deni Point 2740 3 BR. 2 Ba. hOU&e , "ffOO mac Way. 545.6300 ' * i'rpl. lndtvllndry .bc11 ~ wide beaut., bride trplc, Dbl. Lido Isle 1351 ,842-4455 Open 'til ! PM • . eel h·11 Atkinaon-PeebJet Apta . 1145 Anftlm Awl.•: detached gar. V"Y Iargej---------NEWPORT West -3 BR. 2 2 Br. Flttplaee, carpetlnc, r I l BR. laundry, adultl: ' OOSI'.l ~ 6G.2Dt home Y(ith formal dinlng 107 VIA EBOLI baths, (am room, blt·ins, 1arbage digp.. $145 mo. unlU =~"'1~Vlci~ona.~"~54UllS~~l,.....l~'""'1i'"""::':.:#:~~"!lj rm. &: 16x16 mstr. bdrm. 4000 SQ. FT. c:rptg, drpe:, Jrg patio. 514% June 20. No children or ' BACHELOR. utU pd Flft e RINT 1 ~ , ~Uge living rm. Call tul.Y· 4 BR. 3~~ BA, 3 car garBJ;e. loan. !11ake offer. (213) pell. 4~~ . REALTY ta1'-ndl')' rm. E"flide • Crpts J ROOl"l'k: Furnlfur. •• 2629 HARllOR llL VD • 54616'0 co:P~E~N~E~V~E~S~T~t~L~L~l~:30~ I:=:~; -.SH (enytimeJ i:une: 673-3211 or Ml-6613 Crpts drp!I unusual featur. 37S-476f 9211 Chrl!tine Dr. KIENTALI Univ. Park.Ce,nte;r, ,Irvine dip, $95. ~ • .Arluu. . $l 9.95. , & u·p e BILL HAVEN es. BUut I961. Owner c. R. Owner. Houses Ul'lfurnithecf Call Al'l)'time ~ REAL1'0R Gangl. 213 I 244-3101; eves ======== _ NewpOrt lt•ch ZJ.11 E . Coast, CdM 6thl2ll 213 / 246-0700. Open. Founteln Velley 1410 General ~ ~ck Bey '" 3240 4200 l~tb-To-MC'Cth Rinta1I> WIDE SELECJ'IQN. 1018 s. Main. S.A. Ml-6613 BAYFRONT J OR • B MS JMMAC. Tri-Jevd Republic EXEOITIVE Home 5 BR. 3 HOMES ~ DR home 5 Bedrooms: 3 battis, ea. Cpts, drpa, elec bltns. • BETTER HURRY! COLLEGE PARK Thi .. immac newly painl•d 3 N~~PENINO i:~o~ 'it.~ 3 bdr1ns 2 baths, corner lot 1vilh .storage area for cam~ f'r etc. Vacant &: ready to n101·e into. $26,950 Newport •• Victo'ria -.SH (•nytime) NO QUALIFYING GI LOAN Take over this 7~~% per an· num GI loan w!th only $2,100 down payment and move in before Xmas! 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths. 14 x 20 FAMILY R00:\1. Carpets, drapes, range & oven! Total price $:l3,950 HURRY! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ·, :?790 Harbor mvd. at Adams • 545·9~91 Open 'til 9 Pi\1 Open Daily 1-5 1220 Dolphin Terr, CdM Formal dining room, 3 BRs 2 baths, huge living room with fireplace + famil;y room overlookini;: lar-_;e pa. tio. 2500 sq fl liv ing area. Lachenmyer Rt1a ltor 1860 Ne11•por1 Blvd., Cl\f C.·\LL 646·3~.?:S El'rs. 6II·16.i5 $28,500 ! 4 Bdrm + Family Rm . Prestige • conveni1"11l an'.'a. 2 baths .plus den + family room, All electric ki!chen 1\·iUJ nc1v dish11·ashrr. Ele- ~ant firf'placr. ,j I0-1 720 TA RBE~L 2955 Harbor 0 BEACH BARGAIN• 2 BR. 2-slory: vacant, quick possess. Corne!' lot. E·Z "·atk to beach. S~7,500 • Or hes! ofl<"r? CAYWOOD REAL TY 6.'ltXj \V. Coa ~t lh1y., NB • 5411-1290 • NOW'S THE TIME FOR bdrm, tam room home v.·on't last . I~ ba, sep din rm, spacious liv nn iv/floor tu ceiling lava rock frplc, QuaJ. ity w/w cpts thruout. Bright kitchen, stove I: refrig. incl. Fenced yard w/patio. Only $24,500 • EZ term&. PAlJL•WlllTE .CARNAHAN •B<Y CO, lll93 Baker, C.M. Ne-.v or older, with piers PLUS POOL family room, din room, $300 546-67«1 & slips. 3 BR. to 6 BR. • LOW INTEREST WAN" close to schools and aho~ ==·========== Here is that super sharp, ex· Frum SI49,500 New pa int, mirrored wall, ping. References $335. Corona del ._._r tra Jarg~ 4 bdnh & family Walker Rlty. 67S.5200 fmmacularo! l-:lurry! 642-7777 Agent ~ 3250 ~ have been Jooking for 3366 Via Lido, NB Open Sun. HAFFDAL REAL TY $150. 2 BR duplex. Ga:r, The Real Esta.ten offer Wlth many extras. Builder's A LOVELY HOME 142.4405 patio, w/w, drps. ServiCf! 3-bedroom, flllftily room. personal home. Carpet!, Nothing apared here 4 Bd. porch. Oiildren Ir: pets 2~2-bath home. Unlvenity ~pes & o~r custom decor. 4 ba. Din .. rm. SunnY patio. Orenge 1635 welcome. Bkr. SJ.4..6980 Park. Vacant $390. ~ Prime la<;ation near schools Like new $89 500 Ow / t & shopp~ng. Asking 0 n I y carry TD: eait u~! ner w HOME For ChristmM: 4 Br, Sl2S. With util. Cozy gutst 2 BR, So o hwy. FrpJc, S33.900 'Vllh ex.ce.llent terms. R. C. GREER Roalt 2 Ba, bonus rm. Open Sat & cottage w/stow & ~trig. ctpts, drpg, bltns. Beam S40-Il5I Heritage Real 3l55 Via Lido 67J.S~ sun. 3G4I E. Vinf!, Orange. Nice loc. mue Beacon clng!!. fin.69CM Estate {open eves) Call _ 830-5724 MS-fl111, C.M. 2 BR, 11" BA dplx. Pri heh . Huntl---Be•ch 1400 LARGE 2 story 3 or 4 BRI View, trplc. Adults, no peta. ..,. LARGEST ''1f'.... Lagune INch 1705 13x21' nunp11& l'OOm, blt-lns, $%25 mo. 641>-22!'.KJ Quit Looking •IMMEDIATE 517 w. 19th, CM ·~ OCCUPANCY $150. 2 Br, 111 ea. 1tudlo- t.uxury prden a~ts Patk>, R/O, w/w. drpt. otter!.~· coiwplete privacy, Sina:les 6: child O.K. Blir. beautiful landscapioc • .un-5.34-69(W) paralleled ftCl'8tional !acU· ' ities in a country club al· $150. lce 2 Br studio. l\i BL moephere Now -In Bllnl, crp1I. drpl, dtUd QK. Newport Bea.ch. mue Beacm. 645-0111, C.M. Fumiahed or unturn1abtd $120. l BR.· RIO, ,ftfric., Model1' open 10 a.m tO a pm w/w, drpl. Poot Chlld OK. &nta from $155 to WO. Bkr. 534-6980 OAKWOOD 1135. 1 BR 1.-. RIO, GARDEN ~ ...... Uttl pd. -· PROPERTY IN newly decorated. $270/mo. 2 BR, sundeck . .,,ice patk>, Corona Del Mar MESA DEL MAR Owner D11perat• BEAUTIFUL 557-7648 540-USl garo•nor. !2JD month ly. Go By Owner 4 BR 2 BA dbl Must eel! • translemd out of BEACH HOME $:115. 3 BR .t: tam rm. Fenced 675--0737 APARTMENTS Coote -. 5100 lTDo 16th street '-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====:0.1 "" 642-3170 I• be1:c: ~':m!. c~1,: gar, enclosed m;un patio + state. Take over 5%. % G.r. in lovely 'Laguna condo. oom-yd, R/O, water pd • .::c:2:..::9R.::....!_lre--pl-a,,,--, .. -tlo-,- & double fireplace in 4 BR. 2 open patios. UniqUe en-loan. Neat 4 k lam. rm, w/ munity; fronting on ma.gnif. Children & pell welcome. large yard. $165 mo. NEED an Apt. for the SPANISH i;>ESIGN Garden Apartml!nta mnteniently located cklse to ahoppinc. &: f 3 trance. Shrubs trees. Many full;y ecu>d. Anthony pool. icent heated pool., 100 steps Bkr. 534-6980 Le ~ hoUdayst Bl.Yfront 2 BR 11· ~;1"Pe~ !~~~·: extras! $32,500' Call 546-3767 $19I. incl's. taxes & ins. from priv, bch., tennil cts. $22;; 2 Br l % Ba Frpl aae. Kins u ., l·twin) Comp. only 4 yrs. old. $89,SOO lttUST Sell 1 ~ old 5 Br 3 ~ide open for oUer on list· etc. Comp. atn.cUve tum. cruidren ic pets o.K:. Bl~ DUPLEX. 2"DI aq. tt. 'BR, tum. W/llne:na, etc. ~ mo Carol Tatum bath, custom home with mg or $34,950. includ w/w crpt'a:, drps., Beacon. 645-0111, C.M. ~ ~~-tnas4G,.~; Gar. (Will ccnalder a lelUt'). Call A!Mondltb>ln1,. pool. built·inS i: end, pf'8&H 1 A: 2 Bedroom' From $135 Month Drive ·by 160 W. Wilton pool. Mesa Verde, Asking ~ s.t6·51110 kgs.t master bed; location 54&-1602 or I0-4641 ~ SOO •---2 no. 2 BA• sep $195. S BR, dbl pr. R/0, "!!'!!!!'~ ...... .., ....... ,OJ .,.~. -make offer. Owner (-.arcinlmltheltm w."\.vI", ~. • H I leech 3400 ~ agt 540--8381 or 546-4141 LLEGE REALrv Iv .. din. mui; laun .. with w/d, refrig. Children &: pets unt ngton --SINGLE Adults Lu xur;y 2 BAH & -Adllllllltti~:cM, stor., 2-car gar. lower lev-welcome. Bia. 534-6980 WALK Tll beach. 2 BR/den. a:arden apts with countcy se gar. ll:'fodem, _on I f'I. See kl appreciate, Shown New home-vacant. Cpts, club atmosphere and com- M·l lot. 60xl40 . Closing . by ·owner call for app't. Coste MMe J100 I te rt SOtml BAY Estate, bargain. 922 Sunset 2800 Square ffft 499-21.52 ~ 837-0791 dfP!I + w at er $225. Pe P vaey. Dr. 53I-9094 or 646-4778. 4 bdrm1 3 be.tbs. JonnaJ. din· . Very CLEAN 3 bdrm 2 bath. Leadl!'l'!hip R. E. 842-4466, CLUB API'S. Irvine at 16th, ____ .;,;..:..;c_.c.;;:;__ 1 ing room, .. a....11...1 den with 1~ DEGREE VIEW fll'eplace, buill·inl, large eve 540-8417 Newport Beach. ...... See Manqer Apt. ·15 ' • HA1t801t OW style Spanish 3 Br, 1 Ba t-"'"""' f •-u· fn4) 64S-«i50 .:::::::i:::::i:::::i:=:i=:i=:i=:i::::i: bar, wide glass doors ....... n. O ocea~ • coas 1ne, small fenced yard in lovely area. LEASE 4. BR, Ill BA houl5e on double lot. $18,IXX>. v,,...-b t b Id bl lo p · Call546-l1 ingtobeautilulpatio&ft&. u.· ~1 a. e t. avmg& VACANT A: READY. Townhouse. Crpta, I: MESA MOTE L , DOWNTOWN ____ •_7 _____ , man del sign!heattd le flllel" ~:;:,.~~er 1st o~:,~· $210/mo. Rltr. 54&-4141 drapes. Pool I: clubhouse *LOW WEEKLY RATES* ColdweO, llnker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr; Newport Beach, Calif. 8~700 644-2430 C.M. acise to City Park &: OLDER 2 BR houae, 2 car ed poo whh jacµzzt. $39,950. 4•• ~oo aw mo. t-J..,, $~ 3 BR older, near 19th &:. facilities. $190 mo. Ph. KftchelW, TV'• maid 1tr- shoppin This t 2 bd gar. Lrz lot -suitable for ~ .,.....,~ or 4~ll37 Anaheim. Range It refrig 962--15+1 eve_s. -. & den~ fea~. ~ building. SG-600! f5 j;llJW GOOD INVESTMENT turn. O!Jldren OK. Lease. HOME tor Rent or Lse. 5 Br. ,'lice. Hu~=· J~EcomRRpllMAet~ C, lWorOOJ BR.OS fenced lot, hardwood floors, N •-ch T:!fiiilflF 3 ~iew lots. Road unpaved. C.aU 3 to 9 fM only. 6U-.f698 Macco. Nr. Adm I: .,., cu J1eatilator fireplace, fruit ewport 1Me 1200 $l;:o,700. l'ofake offer. 3 BR house, lge fenced yd, Magnolia. $275. Phone aft 6, $150 1 BR film apt. Crpta-. BA turn or unturn .with trees etc. Priced right at MODEL HOME ??? It sure Courtesy to brokers. $l60 Pref Jae ~ 968-2109 drpa, bltna. · Pool. 1525 cond, compl eoondrproof'ed, $22 CUFFHAYEN look• lik~ . IL AblOM•ly 494-4726 • .,. . • -. . ..u cloan!nr ...... ,750 gorgeous 4 bdrm C3 &: den) VIEW 3 B or 540--0190 4 BR, HunUnitan Continental SEE NEW VILLAGE ..... ~ ceilinp, ds'whrs, huh ...... DELIGHT • R, 2 BA, all elec .. 3 BR, lam rm, encl gar. Townhouse. New carpet &: ~1" 1-v.cith atn! & ... - PEl=ll=ION :;-:, ...... ,.. • .....,......,.T * 642.1n1 Ahythno * ALLERGIC? Don't su.Uer! ln1mac. -t Bd· rm. 2 baths, w/electronlc fllte1ing heating &: cooling system. Beaut, low maint. yard. Lge. lam, rm. Cov, patio. Xlnt cond, thruout. 2 Cai· ~ar. 11•1au ro. door open· e-r. i\lcsa North a1'ea. Low clown. s u p e r financi ng. s::e.:x:u Riddl? t.. Ross 675-7225 i=aMJ:S;O-..~~~-M ASSUME 6 l/4 •/o FHA LOAN $6.CXX> to a S29JlGO loan. 5 Bed· rooms.~ ft1n1ily l'oom, 2;;oo sq. fr. -Call now, it is sharp. rHG-2313 S·Mi-nn \O 'THEREAL \"'-ESTATERS "It _ , • Divorce Forces Sele Lovely view home -Back Bay area. 4 lg. bedrooms, lam&: din. rms. VacanL Im. med. poss. See it • Make your offer • Buy a bargain. Sfl-5180 , __ _ . ~:N.1L}l A BIT OF HAWAII Tropically land9CaJ)ed, wUh condominium in a Imo• t beam ceilings, oi>ts. ctrps, ..i-..__ ... ·--' 1175 drapes. Bullt·in · appllancn. Steps to beach. $35. \Q:. scap.... · Ami. ._. Rambling RANCH STYLE unbelievable condition. Jg cor lot. Reduced to crpts, ... .,., u ..... 7ruu. _,,.. 536-9C72 lAGUN.A. 4M...f436 terfalls, elevators, BBQa. with 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 Owner transferred. priced $36000 Owner 494-4126 mo. 2103 Federal, 548--1059 _..,mo. clu~ aa.WIU jactflzl'I: tiled baths, _,,., .. ivo BRICK for immediate We at ' · 2 Br, ~. -. wuner, 4 LARGE BR. 2 BA. frple, WA,TERFRONT w / boat swim -_.\_. prl•" 1ar· w/-. .. _ .... .,.. u,.,.. . · dodc Lowly 2 BR patio Jl'A.Q, • • FIREPLAC E. Tower· $26,950. Call 545-8424 (operi :A,pt1. For Sale 1980 dryer. !\$. req'd. 169 Mesa new cpts I: drps, dbl pr, Yrly. lte fi73.!C10 ier-61li ltorqe, ~ 'n e •· ing shade trees shade the eves) South Coast Real!-'-----'----Or. $145. 5-t'>.7626. · feMI bl.ck yd. $250. 9llµ99t · _ or Starttbc '•t U40. Adults large lot. Meticulously clean,1 .. Eoiilaiiliie..,..,..,..,..,..,. 1 $7000 DOWN $200 CLEAN 3 Bdr, I% ha, I BR untum hou.e, $Hl0.·ma. Corone del Mer -4250 pl.eue. ~t But of 2&do .and )1.'ell landscap.?d • an11 Assume lat &t 5%%, Xlnt den, dbl iar. 2 Children OK. Young couple preferred. Harbor~. next to Naben ideal family home in excel· PITCH & PUTTI potential, Z Br 4-plex apt Westaide. S48-3I35 846-4600 NEW 1 BR larp .Partly Cadillac a' 425 ·Merrtmiu: lent a1~a. Don't delay S<'eing Immaculate 3 & den with bldg. C&U S4().I915. . . furnished apt. ~. bl~. W9:)'.:54S-«JOO r, this outstandini: value! hua:e 3 car garage II. walk 2"'4-6-12 or 24 units, FOR lease 3 Br 1 den. 2 Ba, Fount•ln ViHey 3410 frplc. Avail Jan' I. Adulti.J'll"'!'~ ... ..,..,-..,91 WE SELL A HOME to the golf course. On!;y 6 Walk to be ch A near new. No.· C.M. dead· Leue $165 mo.' 6'1>MM :att NEW . APTS EVERY 31 MINUTES $24,995 c.h ec k attnctive 1 ti.... aB. Opprec./ end SL $240 mo. ~2646 3 BR. 1"-BA, lge banua rm. s pm. · . a ...... area.. )' Wller ..-Child'• playllclule in ,.rear. . . Walker & Lee .''r;;'!;,ilk Shorn Rea!l;y 9 Bl";._ Llndborg Co. Masi dot Mar J105 Side iard for boOt or !Well LOVELY 1 br apl WI • ~ E'"· ~ 53&'2>79 -, ......... 963-1100 alt ~ ""· 547-77<3 alt 10 . AM $150 & $175 Wt:: \Vcstcll!f Dr. K~ • rALS f BJt..2BA. Newly painted. . I da,YI. Or m-3751 aft•t'J'P,{, ' : . . 64&7n1 Move In By Chrlitmai HouHt Furnished V+ac. Lease $265. ht It lut L•-oune leteh 3705 ~·.NEW ~GE :U:fN· _Y.TILITIES PAID $100 deposit. 843 St. Clair Steps tn beach. $35 •. WIC I • ·2 Bdrm 2 swim ,;,_,,,._ FAMILY LIVING Sharp 2 story 3 lxlrm 2% Generel 2000 548-1505 daya. LAR.GE, D!Wl)' redec. l·Br. LAGUNA '.fM.801 _._..1 .. 1i. 0.,,.' no pe•· ·~ \Valk to ocean. Great a.rea bath. On comer lot. Carp--,.--d. p1ex Oce vie Adults, 11o._ • ...,., ... ~ ... ., for children. See this 4 Br. elll/drapea, all built·lns. For. $12S. l BR, ;yd, storage. Elec N rt S..ch 3200 u · · 8:11 w. · 1l dellred.,6t2-3Tll 2~; ba, bltns. plus lots of ma! dlnln~ room, serviCf! &; water pd. Children & pet ewpo --· p~~·~ri:ye~ Balboa .. 311 Avpcado St, C.M. iron work. $34,!00 · po~h, family room. Auum• welcom~. Avail J/1/70 Bkr. ADULTS ONL.Y · CLEAN ea '· See Mgr on prmii..t ~. GI 1oa .,. =• . 2 bdrm, 2 '"'"·. Ne-paint, NEW 4 BR In Laguna. Yard . ch!lor·Apta. !--,,,,-, -"'""..,...~....;....:..-1 Graham Rlty. ,., "414 6,... n -price $.15.900. ~ .... u"' .. All utll iDc1 -up -• p I J new -ta, _,, drape1 • & gardener. .,,.,5. mo. , ._ HARBOR G'8f$. Near Ne-wport ~, ,...,.,,....... eu ones Re•lty $135. 2 BR ~... ...,.. ... 315 E ""'~-Blvd ... .,.. vw .. "" • yd. Nr. beach. Avalla.ble Jan. 1st. $225. 830-40']9· n-'-• -..nA . ~ .,.,.; -~s • BY Owner -$55,000. 4 Br. 3 847·12&: Eve. 847-8919 Oilldren Ir: pets OK. AvaU w...-.. .,,.,..._. Ba. l ,..., old. eu,tom bit REl'OSSESSION now. Bl<r. 534-6980 3 bdrm, 2 batht, •pli1-le1<•l. Duploxff Unfurn. 397.5 l BR rum, uttl pd. $121 per BAa!El.OR un!Unl from home. \V III lrade 363 Vista LARGE POOL 3 It lam + F.P., Bit-ins -2 cart~. mo. yrly. 310 E. Balboa. SllO. Alic avail l • 2 a. Baya Cr., NB fm-6946 formal din, l '4. b&, cpts/drp! Newport Beech 2200 face1 pool. Avail' Jan. 15t6. 2 BR. c;frpl~ crptg, fepced yd, Blvd, Balboa. Adull:I, no pm ~ · ~ttd. poola. cbfld FORECLOSURE: 3 BR, 2% all elec. Leu than 1 yr old. FIREPLACE Pool 2 bdr 2 $275. pr, blt·lns. Adults, no pm BACHELOk APT -' UW ~--~r, adj l.o ~ .. , , ., $140 mo. ~13 or ~2884 pa.Id $MJ E ' ·-BA. Townhouse, frplc, pool. Quick pou. Assume 6%% ha .. patio, adults. Bayskle 3 BDRM. 2 baths, apllt-\evel. RENTALS : per mo. 310 • . 2700 ~Rnin WiJ' \ Needs paint. S27,500. VA loan. Call for compl. In. Village. Until July ht. $200. Avallable Dec. 20. $265. .__._• FumJ-L-.1 Balboe. BIVd .• Balboa Cot~ Mesa 546.o310. Liaison· Co. 616-0732 formation. Call (213) m.4309 or 613-&;y A: Beach Realty, tnc. ....... ....- --BRASHEAR REALTY 5419. OOIDoverDrl,.,5ultel26NB 0.noraf -H!'"~ Beach .~ . MARllNHjlUE· . Dover Shorff 1227 847..,.,.., "31.:l'ffl9 963-1178 THE QUICKER YOU CAU., -2000 ""''· ,..._ GARDEN AWft *It:replaceable View-tr White Elephants! THE QUICKER. YOU SEIL DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ovr 1~UDAY _.!~Bdrm HU,.NTl~OT10N: CAPRI Excdltnl Plrir·like .£.!.~ Bay & Mounteintl ~........-"""" spa~ 1 or~,.• Mutts 1np w/heated ~·;;:.::, Regal "Old World" Contem· Generel 20000.rteral 2000Gener1I 2000 Furn apt $135 plus utll. NEW-1.J.3 BEDROOMS ..... ..a.i N . · ~., .. Heated pool, ample parkjng. From l140. Furn I. Unt ~~re. e • r . ~· porary pictµreaque home w/ N "lld no 1 · T · G · Adults only. • unobstructed view • most ° Cu ren • 1" 1· ~~·· ,)"ml, S&unaa 2 I 3 BR. 'APTS · rooms. S,00{) sq, ft, 4 Br's, ------------------~ 1965 Pomona, C.M.' QXl Edin&eT Ave., Ha. 1m Sa.bta.Ana.1Aw:' c.J 4% Ba + maids qtrs. Easy $@\\~lJ.-Q,112fS9 U25. 1 .Br, nicely furn. Pbone•846-05J.9 M.,r, AP.t 113 · • ..._ m·'-t lmn•cd F"-• Dishwasher. AvaU n·ow, -~-;;;e-:;.---,.-"=";::,;;;t ..... . occup, "' ,,. Conv. Joe, 91\Je Bea.con, BACHELOR I: 1 BR .. _ BWRAND New 1 . A-· J BR. isbed. $178,000. Conskler ..,..,., /W all lrad•N •o. lot. Auom'6\1% The Puzzle with the Built-In Chuck.le 64$.-0llL C.M. 1140 ' "" AduJta, "' pall. "'"-bltm M. loan. 543-~ $130 l BR k> Pool 17301 Kttlaoa Lft.. 80-'IMll .U cleaninc OWL Pa~ ruest rm. poolside, Fibu-Unfv1r1ity Perk 1237 loU& view from main house! I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;~;;;;:;;;,1 OPEN DAILY 1.5 I• O R10rrang• l•tttn of th• La~taeil:urifpd .Chnd (WtftofBadlnrSlatft)., Pl'Qel, AdWta.-~• lout w:rombl.cl words t,.. ~~ OK. Avail now. B k r . BR apt. very larat, dOll to :rt W. wµ.on. law to fOl'm four Jlmpl• words. ~ ~-16:_ 5J4..6880 toWn·I: bud!, water 6: pa LARGE 2 BR.. crpta, IHA TS AM I ·~ · -,-$llO .. BACHELOR. AB utU pd. To ""''-adult $IDO ..,, -A pool. Kldo ... 1121 Sebrina Terrace Corona dot Mu DON V. ·FRANKLIN REALTOR • 673-2222. ASSUMABLE LOW INTEREST RATE loan can be youn it )'Oll CM use a spacious 5 bed· room home, whk:h encom· I I I I' I I pd. Avail now. -: . =-O>Uere. Apl ~ ,J.. • . • • . Bia. 5l+E80Q S70NEHENGE APf5. J 811, 288S · $1401 2 BR. 2 Ba, avail DOJV· 2 BA. 2320 f'loridi, nr MENDOZA DRIVE QUICK CASH J!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~ SZ6,950 • passes many features lor gracious' Uving. ft'• btg in tile right place1. $37,900. tDYDAR r I I I SUiclH OK. Cblld wtloome. "S..=c=b,;;6;.;Ada:;;::""=;:516-mO===ll 6 2 M aplL 2 ~ j f -CJD. bltm. No pe t1. I: 1 Bier. 534-al 0r1"1" CMntj ---._S..;Mir, Apt A . sµ; NEW , VllLAGE INN • J Bill<.' J Ba. N ..iwi;., THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5178 5 Bednn • 3 Bath e;g Fltttt pool. NI dlnlno room. Rich panelirw, hand· 10me bar. Btat bl,ty Oil to- day' 1 market! PrUn. arra. "10-l!'lO TARBELL 2955 Harbor l BR, t BA. lamll)' room, prof dtwt. 2 yr old-xlnt cond. Sl2,500. 21382 Ftl't:t t..ne, HB. 0wntr 64&-4328 BUSIEST matk'ttplaee In town. The DAILY PtwT Cla.u1fled Medon. S a • • money, lim• I tUorl. Look ftl'1W! I I •red hill REALTY Uni"'. Parle Cent•r, lrvlne Call AQ)'time: S:U.000 E11tbluff 1242 EASTllLUFF-VIEW 3 BR. l" ba. Nice tpl, Din. area. Shawl unusuaIJ.y well. Call for price 1: termt. CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS ~1662 3006 !:. Coeat Rwy., 01M IMYHER Steps 10 'ti.ich. $35. wk. SINGLE Adults:. 1 a • '1 r Y crptt • drps. asi ; • .ml.. f LAGUNA. fM.~ prde:n apta. ,w/fd: rtena· Call ~ ttl !1813. Apnt. . • tlon fac:illtln I complete ' - .' I I I I ~ S;gn on o laundry ttvck, Costa -' 4100 """"''" . Soulh &y Oub 2 :-= bltino, . ....,_ ·-"''/<la're No. 2. Wt _ -it -AplL m So. Brooklult. pa • onlf. Ho Pfta. $ZS. Per Wk. & Up -mfl m-aoo 11a. --1 IRAYTIP I 11·!~ t--i1r--r1r1 ~, -.-.,,1,,...., G Com;..•1• 11'\o <hvd:I• qvotM by f1Uin11 In lht mlalni word . . you 4tV91op from ••P No. 3 b.lcw. 8 mr..i"-"'""0 I' I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r I .-' ..... &i .... r:t•_l._l.._I._. I I I I . I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CUSSIFICAllON 9300 Dachekr • l BR, nld poo1. , • ·-lw'""".!JL;;;-;Y"i..=-•1 ';;nn,."'""="'°I maid Mtvltt. Kl-.. A G1-0..... 4610 drpl. bl.tlno. pr. Adu! TV avail. C!iO Vktoria CNr SINGLE MUlta ' 'Luxury peta.,,M mo.. ~l7D Hutorl. -ap41 wlill ~ I Latse BR. a.a. 1 BR. newly dtcor, ne-clllb a•m-..fre and com-bltm, rtfrlc. Da crpta, dahwhr. ttntrl bt. plt;te ~. DJ1H BAY $1D.50. 517-«l.11 PT· Mabn adult $125. aA1B .lP1'S 13100 Olapnwi LG&. 2 a S BR. ~ 54M9l6 A,.., ~ C..... (114) ·-Kldl. A .... pda BEAUT '69 24xl9' trailer tn Ql..3000 1991 MapM Apt I. ..... loveb' CM trlr crt. A. vall la Y ~ 4d ~ . o a r NO m1ner whlit tt Ja. Jan First. S10T..50 mo. dua11le4t? So~ wW be cu MU t.t rib a ~ 54M36S or -ott f -lor ll Diii -PILOT WANT ADii y •• • p 1 ' l .1 , • • ' .. ' • ' j I • • ) • • • • I • ! ' I ! • I i • I l I .. . . . ..-.. . . . DAILY PILOT Mondor, -15. 1969 lliiiiiiill!iiiiiiillllmi! .... 11!1 .... ~ .. llll!~BiiJSU INISSond ~ * * * * 1t FINANCIAL BUSINliss ""d FINANCIAL lua. Opportunltios 6SOCI Buo. Opportunltlos '300 ANNOUNCEMINTS ond NOTICES Lost '401 JOIS & EMPLOYMENT Jobt-Men, Wom. 7100 *AUTO MECHANJC* Oveneas Oppartunitle1 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE When You LOST · Ync bllc male taln Fr, Call (7141 714-2610 Mitt er wcni•n needed to restock·new type ca1n Want it done ~. (Colmo.~ Whl &0alee BARBER, to manage new w/under Shi&" Jaw . Ownt'r-Barbenhop, Sheraton Beach ~rtsoq .•. Contact Nwpt Inn; tor details., call Lou Police Dept. F.vllM 536-1421 clilpen!le!S lOith hlsh quality candy products. :o~u.u=.:NKGTH~Ra~lii~'ll~~ right. . • LOST Cat, -t11er f ., .. ,, BABYSITTER . Prrf. WAS MEANT 10 BE -ONE WHO WOULD Call one 0 11riped, SborecliU ..... housewile on wolfare. Vic. UKE 10 BECOME FINANCIAUY INDEPENO-CdM. N-m<dication. N, w p or1 Elemcn1acy, 1•. ENT-A PERSDN ASPllllNGTOYERY HIGlf the experts 673--0S5ll or 540-3930 "'""°"'· 2-chil"'" 1 • a. MONTHLY EARNINGS. ONE .MIO WOULD ,. d be{ /! BLACK Kerry bluo Terriu, Alt. 6 PM, rail 61HOT.l UKE 10 BE IN BUSINESS FOR lllMSEU', I 1ste ow .... "' "Erl""· ehlldmu pet BABYSITT>.K Part tim<, NID HAVE THE OPl'ORlllNRY OF llElllG Reward. 837-50Zl rollable. CdM. Rel'• nee. """ Whlddy1 Woflf? Whldcly1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR · NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spoclal Role s u--s 11--s bvcb llUlU -AD MUST INC1.UDE -.. ~ CIWN• m~.-~-~ -n...u. SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY ~~~ R ~;m~:.• I~:.:.:.: Alt. 6 PM PH' G48-S9l7 nw ....,. .....,_ ..... 11111111'1" •-•lllUl'9 8ABYSlTIER for occuional lntlle.U. l!olllillllifll• pert ti-Wedo Boby1lttlng 65SO C:1rpotL1)'1n9& · Londsc1pi"t 61101;;0;;.-ang::=;:e;;,·;;......,,==::;=:.===; day,, M,.. del Mar ...... hoi:Mt!! ~8' ad excbinll of llfertncel.,.,., BABYSJ'ITING Pre-schl age Rlpilr 6\26 Person1ls 6405 Call 5f6-0406 1-WMt "" MW to m4lt. a...w!llt )'Ill Wlfll Ill "tdL . ._YOUA Pi1«1t .,.,.,., ..or.a. +_, I-of ......,.,.. ..... an intelfleW 11 IJllded• Yell do flltd $1950 to children, potty trnd , WINDOW Washing, Clean-up BABYSMTER. 8-5:30 Mon-$371C! call, fGr imlnlat)' ad eqalpallat. Lu.,.,IHnack>. 8am..opm. FOR CARPETING & General Yd Wrk Done. ACTING Fri. 3 gir11.< & 2 & 1 mo<, WrftegMng~numberlo: $25 wk Mon thru Fri. Call OR CARPET LAYING College Student. Need 1 Do you want to be a full time 1 ,,_m'"Y""°=""',_,CM,__·-"_..s-,.,1c=612-,,,, ·JI · 111'11 btwn 8am-8pm 96z..o592 HB C. A. Page 642-2070 Work. Reas. rates. Call working professional? Do BARBER. Very progrieseive ~HINO l"O• SAL• -,,_ADU ONlYI PHONE 642-5671 To Place Your Trider'• Paradt• Ad Trade up • house with back bay view at 2353 Irvine AVe., 1ar vacant or 4 to 100 wtits. A;ent ~ or ~-M2'3 aft 6 pm. E-side 3 br hm & 2 ttar apts $29,950 val or 2 hms w/ 5 rear apts, mo inc $788, $$,500 val. Trd $33M.eq for s.Qil hm. Ownr/bkr 646-37SO 1111BSTI DISTRIB a 00. -CHILD care by !he week, Perry al 641.-7362. you havo tho .,u diaciplln• "'°P in beauti!Ul Laguna DEPT. S fenced yd, hol lunch, 'h blk El9dric•I 6640 GARDEN'S BY FANCLER to subj('ct yourself lo a rig. Beach. 494-5054 531 SCldlr Second West tro642":.~ Har 0 , 64bo~ 0018s ch oo 1. ELECTRICAL service & Land~ascap;":;', °'spnmrankl~ & id British training coune & BEAUTY Operator, female, Ila.. ~ ,,,_.,,, "" -'O ... o the artistic humility to ae-pre fer w/clientele. Sii Lalrl --.,-1 11111184101 repair. 24 hrs. 'l days. No Maintenance. Mt S. 6U-6400 cept mioor role! until t he Progreaslve new a a Ion, e BABYSITTING, rn,y home job too small, Re-model & Flo CM Rel. bl training period is complete 1 494-5054 on wer, • 14 e. additions, U it's elecbical, Paperhanging 11 50 THE LONDON LA· HlVE: SO aCTl"s F/C ()re.. Pt land. W #IT: Units, ~ or ? ? in Orange ~ty area. N•ney J. M'pare. Rltr.-542.700) ~7 'Sr Oiris Cra!'t, twin erg, fully equipped, very clean. Will trade eqty for lxiine or car or anything. 541-UM aft 6, 642-4741 aft 6 n~ St. James Pl, N.B. 3 Br, 2 Ba, ocean view. Own. e~ says submit income or lahd for $30M equity, Mark Us, Rltr. $43-7711 \.J· Acre, Country stYk liv· inl: 1n citY, 3 bdr, 2 ba, pool. bllrses er units OK. T'l'ade SUM Equlty for local prop.. erty. Ownei; • 531-7636. W'ant to trade 5 year old ~lietric dryer in excellent cohdition for gas dryer. CALL '62-<li21 40 ACRES rec. land with trees nee.r new lake NE Utah. ValUe $100 per actf'. Trade all or part Jar car. diamonds, boat or ! 644-4185 INTERSTATE Reasonable Rates, 54g....78()t we tix. Jt! 646-4m .1.•ro P•lntlng -GUNA ACTORS WORK· Brick, Masonry, etc. E LECTRICIAN, licensed, I---------SHOP might be able-to help 6560 bond ed. Small .jobs INT./EXT. Avtr. Ext. you .NoRreviouse>eperience _______ ..;.o.:,o Maintenance & rep.I.Jr'. $127.50 labor only, 8 yr. necessary, no age barrier. fa Sumeilf BUILD, Remodel, repair _54,:8-5203:,::::=======· I guar. painting avail. Also. Members of this excluaive 3 Bedroom, 3 bath, tam ntl, --;;;;a:;;:;;;;:;::;-::lli..,_,;~:::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::;:'-• J Brick, block, c 0 n c re t e, -1 Apts & Comm'I, 548·1546 group will only be accep~ ..eparatedicif\tnn,lyrold, -&TIONAL DJSTRIBUTORS carpentry, no job too am.all. F 001'1 6665 EX-PAINTER, now a chi upon a satisfactory personal F .V. Trade far Condomin-i-:. , Lie. Contr. 962-6945 ---C-ARP--ETIN--G_;.;;.;;.: I teacher will paint eves & interview with the director. ium or mobile home. Prin. t_ \(m'lda-PIJc & llefro Vendoi's wknds. Xlnt workmanship, Call 494-44<K for appt. cipals only. 968.so49 Buslnen Service 6562 Free ~timate Lie. contr. Free e&l 64&.4519, 540-0062 1 ...;=-=.:..:.:::.::::...=-=-- Neal collage r<ar of R-2 "'' REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 5'Q.72GI, 5464418 HOLIDAY SPF.CIAL, Int. & * Don't•. CdM E · ~~ Tak ~-I G t TYPING by prof.. 5eC't'etary, ===="===== · quity _,,,.,, e1 _...;-:..:.:"...;"c.'::.':-____ --'-"-"-"-'°------I GeneraJ & Engr'g. Student Gardening 6680 Exl painting. Lie & insurd. cleoar late mode-I air cond. rates. 9S2-S824 Free esta. Loccl refs. 30 yrs car part eqty, balance $135 Rooms for Rent 5995 Office Rental 6070 GARDENING & landscaping. exper. "Chuck" 645-0809 per mo, 61.4%. 673-0173 Carpentering 6590 14. yrs ex p.Clean-up, PAINTING & paperhanging, 5 units in 2 older homes PRIVATE Entrantt: priv LAGUNA BEACH sprinklers inst'd & repaired. 25 yrs exp. Old country So. Laguna, combined «JU: bath, nice 11unny room. Air Conditioned 673-1166 workmanehip, Reas. Fret $ 9 000 -d I · Working ....,rson 646-5310 ON FOREST AVENUE TRANSFER Panel trucks & ity l , . ,, .. e or in. .. -· AL'S Garo.en'""' & Lawn est. 642-1322 ~~ 1 IJ · Desk space available m V\V's to Campers. Rebuild -.. .::.:,,;;=,.~:,.,,.-~~~ come pro!"'•'" or c ear "' LARGE Room, private bath, d 1 b 1 ?ilaintenance. Commercial, * PAlNTJNG • Int./Exl. ( ) So 0 C B~ -1397 king · I newest office bulldln-al or r~m~ e oa •. • s . · · '"• "1"'7'" wor git · "'I> lab ti c 1 b ill industriaJ I: residential •--a • -1,--,. Imm·•. 67<J""" prime location in downtown pre nca on. us om-u .....,.;..__ •= .......... cu \Vbatdoyoubave totrade'! ~ "'' Laguna Beach. Aft condl· cabID:ts & fixtures. ~~=*~",:....:....,.,.~=-*---service. 646-5242, 646-3657 Ca.11 ua if you still believe Jn cave style dating. 24 Hr recording ORANGE CO. 541~ * LICENSED * Spiritual Reading, advict' on all matters. Love, Marriage. BW!liness. 3ll N. El Camino Real, San Clemen\£'. 492--9136, 492-0076 *BUSBOY* day1 & nights Apply between 3.S PM 18 or over. REUBEN'S COCO'S l~ W. Adams, C.M .. BOOKKEEPING, part time, knowledge (lf la.xes helpful but not necessary. 897--0443 BOAT CARP~NTERS EXPERIENCED List It here -ill Orange $15 \VK & up wt kitchen $30. tioned, carpeted, beautiful ~onn1ca Work. Put up !en. JAPANESE Gardener, PAINTING-Ext-Int. 18 yrs, County's IarRest read rrad· wk studio apt. 2376 Newport entrances: Frontage on c1ng, General remodel.mg, exp'd, comp. yard service. Exp. Ins. Lie., Free est. lng post-aJ1'1 make a deal. Blvd. 548-9755 Forest Ave,, rear leads lo 646-5219 or 548-1654 Free estimate, 968-2303 Acoll!I. Ceiling. 548-5325 10 AM -lO PM O'DAY YACHTS SECURITY Avail. Bach 3090 PULLMAN App)j' 1963 Cad~lac Convertible, M;tels Trlr. Crts. 5997 AfuncipaJ parking Iota, $50 CARPENTRY JIM'S Gardening & lawn For Better Painting, Inter· good condition, forparl t'QU· 1 per month for apace, Desk MINOR REPAIRS No Job maintenance. Res &. com· lor &: exterior, acoustic cei- ity fh 3 or 4 BR, GI or FHA and chairs available tor SS. Too Small. Cab~t in Pr-mercial. * 540-48.17 lings. 646-4017, 541-3502 home ro $25,t'.XX>. Mr. Meyer SANDY'S TJ_lAlLER COURT Busi_neS& ~ answering ages A o t be r cabinets. CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST :.1&-5880 :J49.l366. Spaces avail now, Max 26 , semce available for $10. 54s-8115 U no answer kave Mowing, edging, odd jobs. College Degree will live in COSTA MESA your home, if unoccupied, 1--~=.,,cc..,.c.;.,;,,..;:..:.:..; for your prote,ction. BOvs·10 .. 14 References. Reply Box SIM, Carrier Routes Open 6890 ~D::•::ily~Pll_:o::C:_____ for ~mblng ' Call 646-9681 All utilities pa.id except msg a't 646-2372. IL o. Reasonable. S48-6955 ,\ * -Ii * * 1\rlWE-=EKL:...:.::_Y=ra'-re-,-.. -.-1.ark-telephone. Anderson I=='=="'='='== PLUMBING REPAIR U:6 Acres zoned M·1 North N(\V CO!'ner Sunflower & F4irview Trade $249,000 eq. utty for lncome property. ~Riddle RI~. 646-8311 ALCOHOLICS ~OUI Laruna Beach, So. Lqune Phone 5'12-72J.7 Ol' write to DAILY PIL0r P.O. Box 1223 O»ta Mesa. 642-4321 l'~""!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!i!!!!!!!!!!!l!!--!!!!!!!!!l!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![ B DAILY PILOT No JO. b too small I~ IJlotel, 2301 Newport lvd., 222 FOREST AVENUE GEN. Repair. Add. Cab. General Services 6682 e 642-3128 e RENTALS RENTALS Gosta Mesa LAGUNA BEACH Formica Paneling, MarlHe. ========== Clerical 7Apt1. Unfurnished AptL Unfurni1hecl G=u.=~=H=o=m=.=,==== J _Mioofiii<94-ff9<66Tomi:i<-llJA~"~Y~lh~in~g!="'C"°al-l,,.-,D~ic~k-. Experienced BARTENDERS Rooft'ng 6950 Announcements 6410 RUTH RYAN AGENCY ., 5991 673-4459 servini; all Orange County. :::::::O::::.<----~= SPECIALIZING C ... to ~-S100 C d I M 250 MARINER'S CENTER 639-.2233 Coin & Stamp Club ~ orona • tr 5 1-----·----Ofllce in Store Bldg. Rent or CARPENTRY, Cabinets I"'======== ALL TYPES; rock, wood & IN liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit\PRfVATE Room & bath for Lse. $15-$125. Beauty shop, Remod.Nojobtoo small, Hauling 6730 aspha11tREDshinglw" kLEAKS ~~b 1:i~n~I\f~tino!c.'t:7: OFFICE PERSONNEL fairway Villa Apts I 1 ambulatory person. Lovely scme equip, 149 Riverside qua! work. C'.all 646-2576 __ REPA . or i.'lar. 1793 N~i;~tvd., CM home, nice surroundings, Ave., N.B. 646-2414. REPAIR, Partitions, Small YARD I Car. Cleanup. c"';;'-;1136;:;;====== 7:00 p.m. at the Laguna <>'OU""l0.1\1 Ni.,. °"""' Co. Airporl & UCL Adults only, 201.22 $1.nta Ana Ave. 540-2796 ~-j,;:good:;;:;n~Ul=''='i;:ou='=m=e=al<=. =Co=•=ta 200 -1000 SQ. IT. Nev.""'rt Remodel, etc. Nite or day. $10fload . Salvageables tne. ;,; ~~Brv-:1i~4tfl~Vi~ 17931 Beach Blvd., HB ..., Mesa. 548-t753 ..., Re , "·'!KEN°'" ,_9 ~move ivy·, grade. S.wln11 6960 847·9617 Beach Civic Ctr. area. as . ....., · .,...........,, • !TORS WELCOME. FREE. 1~• w 962-8745 --..:------..,..,. . 17th St., S.A. ON TEN A~~s Misc, Rentals 5999 Secretarial services. 3345 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS . DR'ESSMAKING SENSITIVITY TRAINING 5'17-6481 -...n..i;.. Newport ffivd., N. B . CABINET. Any !!ize job, HAULING. Have *T P/U Salisfaction Guaranteed WORK SHOP 2 :BDRM, 1% Ba., bit-ins. U:tility rm. gar,, patio, new qpts new drps. J mi. OCC No pets $160 mo. + $!50 dep. 9&8-7272 (JI' 546-4767 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Unturr11----------67f>..lfi0t. 25 yrs. exper. 548-6113 Anything. trash to furn. $8 Call 9G2-l060 COASTAL AGENCY Flttplaces I priv. patios I GARAGE For rent. Double & BAY LIDO BLDG load + mlg. 494-1003 I==~==:=:::=== A program of_ intupersonal Professional Poo1' T ,,..__ exercises for small St":U-di· · ennil • .....uiitnt'I Bkfst. unattached. s25 per mo. 241 3100 Newport, N.B. Income Property 6000 CINn Up and Haul TILE, Ceramic 6974 reeled groups, Minimal Employment 900 Sta Lane, CdM 644-2611 16th Pl., c .r.1. 548-4136 Otf' allabl R 30! $l l d ... 2528 Assistance (MacArthur nr. O:».rt Hwy) ices av e, m * CONCRETE FLOORS 0 a oa . .....,.. * Verne, The Tile Man* charge call 642-8730. 10 AM· • A member of 675-2-464 or Ml-50.12 patios, etc. Reasonable, eaiJ H I • 673S Cust. work. Install & repairs. 5 PM. Snelling &: Snelling Inc. ~ONT • Duplex on Santa Jena Ave.. Re.sp. adulta. $145. 6i2--9139 The Real Estaters offer 60 Don, 642-8514 OUMC ean1ng No job too small. Plaster C 1 L 1 6411 2790 Harbor Bl, CM 540«Zi5 Spacious 1-bedroom unfur.[;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~[lndustriel Prop. 801-========= *APT CLl'..ANING * patch. Leaking shower _!!!!_9_!'!_._0_1'----=l Harbor Blvd. at Adami 2 &: 3 BR apts, built-in range, carpelll, drapes. 1552·A OoriandPr, 546-5268 Almost new. Swedish NO ---------Contr1eton 6620 Fast & thoron<>h &12--81S4 repair. 847-1957/846--0206. FOR Sale by owner. 6 COMPANION firepla~, deck, Built-ins, PEDDICORO'S are eellingl----------\VIl.UAMS Cleaning Serv. Pacific View ~metery lots. Adults only. $175. inc. MANAGEMENT out. Going to Isra.el. New ROOt-1 Addition1 -Patios.. 6980 & very light housekeep!,... utilities. 673-8550 24'x85' concrete block in-Block Fences-Driveways-BAY & Beach J anilorial. Tree Service :Ca=1::.1.::m.::0.::'n:::in:::g,,•...;1142-.::,.1323=:....-I for healthy mature Jad;'.: COROLIOO AP7S 2 B New 1st user industrial build. dustrial building on ~> acre Planters. 642-9352 Carpet&, windo~s, floors, etc. TREES Pruned, topped, JOBS & EMPLOYMEN"f Live in • salary. Call be- 2 :BR. $155. Crpts, drps, • · r. ing. Will provide 11% net 60'x300'. 1st user deprecla-·1-~,=---~-~-Res &-Commc I. 646-1401 renlOved. 26 yrs exper. · bltm. Pvt patio, encl gar. Lower levels, 1tud~. pent-gpendable in addition to f $l50000 $20 000 A di!lons * Remodel!ng JobWantecf1 tween 6 &: 8 PM. 673--7365 Adults. 549-0433 house, FrpU:S·• pool, dbl. _,,,;ty build·""· Sale, nrice ion. • · • Fred H. Gerwick, Lie. CARPETS, Windo\vs, flrs, Aerial tower eqp'd. Women 7020 -COOK-ca.rports patios $180 $220 "'i... -.. ... prepaid interest + principal 673-rotl * 549-2170 etc. Res or Come'). Xlnt 494-4505 and 638-7234 2 BR,. 1%,BA. bltins, crpts, S7J.337S' ' • ' of $59,500. Wony free invest· as down. Will rent from•J========;,:'== I work Reas! Refs. 548-4111 Home Care avail. 546-4570 cJrps. garage, patio. Adults, ment. For more inlonnation, buyer lor year or so at $100 Carpet Cleaning 6625 TREE SERVICE, gen'I yard e Allied Nurses & Aides e TRAINEE 11'!> pets. $150. 549-.1806 2 BR., So. ot Hwy. Yrly. please call K. W. Small. mo. and pay all upkeep andll---'--------· I e WJNOOWS DIRTY! cleanup. Sp RI NKLE R ot O.C. Nunes Jle-ls-· N EW Privatt Home ReUti1l's fum'd, . $ld95 Mo. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. real estate taxes for time CARPET & upholstery steam Free est. 15 yean exp. REPAIRS 646-584. · ,;.8=,,,_-a• ... " Permanent, full time job. erences require · 1818 W ~-A · d P~d· rd' I d -• t I Johnny Dunn 642-2364 GENE'S TRE-E SERV: 2729 W. Lingan Lane, S.A. Ov" 18. Neat a-·--. In a 4-plex, Lg 3 BR w/ Mr. Forney, Bkr. 540-3862 .... , ... pman ve. occup1e , -= ioo ! ceanc , .... so carpe n-:n--"""''""" eYttything. Nr Fwy, 546-401S Orange, Calif. Trading Post. 20592 Laguna stallation. Results guar. For Trees, shrubbery trimmed, DAY WORKER APPLY IN PERSON 2 B• Studio' N OCC n<o 2 1:l~ So. of Hwy. Yrly, 541·2671, Eves-wlmds 538--59n canyon Road. Mail. P. O. free est. call 646-5971 I~ ¥ 6755 &for removed. 549-1359 Honest, dependable "" L r • .~ Util s. turn. $195 month .. 1;========~1 Box_ 402. Laguna Beach, A-OK shampoo Christma& Call anytime 541·2772 Bob's Big Boy mo. Avail now 4 Jan ].gl. Relereneei Required. li C 1 f IRONING In my home, $1 98 Family Wf:lcame. 537.29-0 Mr. Forney. Bier. 540-3862 IN SMOG FREE a1 . special $7.50 rm-Iess for hr. Allerat ions. Also Televition, Repair 6 5 Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 154 E, 17th, C.M . 1-BDRM. apt.Single adult. NICE lge 2 BR upper. N!!w Pauma Valley Comm•rcl1I 6085 ~:ec1:·~·827~~ comp babysitting. Cal.l 54~7641 COLOR TV &-STEREO Advertising DlS'p]ay ;~"~""Kw-;-H-;:i:=~w""-:"k"'e~-=o:.."'r=-,in-.-.-.,.,-.,,.,d:I Stove 1 54 retrig. 6 No pets cpts, ..i-, retrlg, nmge, gar. ---------828 w, 19th st., Costa Mesa IMMEDIATE ~1879 5-087 ... ..,. CARPZT & Furn cleaning: J1nitorlel 6790 557-6733 °•..>-New decor, Adults. Lie, $170 Good investment. Unusual LEASED Stores For Sale. for 1 day service & quality :.:;.;;;_;;:,.;.;:.;.. ___ ~;.;.; 646-ti778 or $130. 2 BR upper. Bltns, Owne-r 704 Narcissus. family sty J e restaurant, 19th. St. Nr. Bethel Towers. ,\JOtk, Call S!erllng for SPARKLE JaniloriB.l & Win-PART TIME COOK. Exp'd. Apply Surf & cpll & drps. No petl. 568 W. 1 Bdr. Apl. tJnf. Stow & beautiful patio. Next to 9 54~1768 or 646-7414, Agent. brightness! &U-8520 dov• cleaning ~rv. \Vin. Upholstery 6990 Sirloin, 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Wilson St. 545-0760 retrig. Sun,dk. $150 a mo. hhool• golll '°"""· a!Bso ~ove,ly lndu1trl1I Rental 6090 Diamond Carpet Cleaners Cldows, resFid., comlt ·""c:?n269•t., CZYKOSKI'S Cu.stm. Uphol . HELP WANTED CUN1.Btod. ian 2 BR apt. 11eparate prage, Call 675-073 me or owner. a ... s or 187 21st St, Collta r.-1esa eanup. ree es · ;;JOO-European Craftsmanship ettamic tile kit i bath. hones. All on 5 beautiful NEW BUILDING Home & Apt Cleaning SOCK IT TO 'EM! 100% !in! 642-1454 Large, national company, ex· garbage diap. Aft 4, 540-9030 Huntington Be1ch 5400 landscaped acres. 645-1317 Free estimates DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! 1831 NeWpOrt Blv, CM. panding in Orange County, GROwrH AREA 1260 Logan A~ .• Costa Mesa has created many openings, Newport Beech 52001 2 BORMS. · 2 BATH BY ~~~~R S:..t1121 fC:~~ 2un~s:~:s,ftll~ ~mt~~e'e!!~~~~. 1~:~~~ electric. Ample puking. REAL ESTATE I FINANCIAL BUSINESS and perience necessary as we SPACIOUS now 2 bdrm 2 bath. Nr. shopping. $240 por mo. Sl50/P.lo. HEATED POOL 4 UNITS • each 2 bdrms. C. Robert Nattress Ree.Hor General BUSINESSI •nd FINANCIAL tl'ain. fncd, cpt/drps, Kids OJ< Fully occupied. Near CJl.t cCo~'~'•:_:•~l'~":...,. ... ~64;2~-1~4~85:i~-------:= 1-Iiah school diploma and one DEl..AWARE sruo10 Apl!. Goll Course. Annual income Iii Bus. Opportunities 6300 Money to Loin 6320 year residence ttqllired, 2620 Delaware, H.B. $6240 -Price $45,000. PETE 300J lo 7000 sq ft. West 17th Acreege 6200 --~~-----2 d TD L Call for eppt. 6-t:Z.?l2l anytime 536-1816 BARRETT REALTY 642--4353 St . Costa Mesa. 91,lc per sq ft ---------Affiliate n oa n 774-7251 Mlrlner Square Apts. NJCE 2 & 3 bdt'!!. Crpted & DUPLEX COM . 2 houses. Wells-McCardla, Rltrs. FABULOUS 15%. acres CANOY SUPPLY Adverti1in&: ~ncy 124-4 Irvine Ava., N,8 , drped. Nwly decor. 3 blks $55,000, ~.000 down. Income 1810 Newport Blvd ., C.Af. prime R-1 property tn ROUTE Prompt confidential service Sharp Secretary for froin bch. 3 bdr wfdbl at· $415 ~fo. 675-6044 548.7729 644-0684 eves. Rialto. Calif., 4 blks from <No selling involved) 642-2171 545-0611 fest • ~Newport J~!""~~""!~-~~~ tached gar Ir trplace. 5.16-ln:t 110\f course & directly Excellent income for Jew Serving Harbor area 20 yrs. Be•ch AgenCy. Ty,,. GRACIOUS ~t?LT LMNG CHEZ ORO AP'l'S 82.14 Buslneu Rent1I 6060 Loh 6100 across from new Jr. High. JX>urs '\·eekly work. (Days Sattler Mortgage Co. 65-70. Shorthand 100, 2 Br, 2 Ba, hl·fl&e bldg. Ex· · :;;.;;;.;••;__ _____ ._.::;,; Price firm $7000 acre. Box and EvC'ningsl, Refilling and 336 E. 17th Street dttng bay &: ocean view. Atlanta, . H.B. Nu, 1, 2, _3 STORE Or oUICl" at 1842 UNBEATABLE r.t no Daily Pilot collecting money from coin ========= ohganill & f o 11 ow Jacuzzi pool, ele.vators. br's. ?riv. pr, pool Ulil Newport Bl\!d:·. Ct.I. 40 A So C llf $2. operafetl dispensers in Or-Mortgages, T.D.'t 6345 t ru. Under 35. subterranean pk'&, boat rm. 5.16-8038 or 536-zm. S~fn10. Incl u t 1I1 t le s . _ 00~sS25. PER at\1QNT~: angc Ct1. and surrounding Phone: 642-3910. 425 ..Ups avail ior tenants. $155. 2 bedroom, ca.rpets,1_548-0588...,;.. ________ GREAT ocean . \flew. ~ $2.495. FULL PRICE. L. &tea. \Ve establish route. . SEASONED N. Newport Blvd. M;J-m2 drape1, built-ins. ROO?i-I Suitable for gift shop, level R·1 lot 1n executive Shewfelt. 326 w. Third st., <Handles name hrand t'andy 4-lst TD'«, $5,<IOO approx. Applicant.a, temporary 4 BR studio, 2~ BA. Oibwhr. ~1548 men's shop or ladles shop. area of San Clement~. L.A. Phone: (213)623-5101 Rnd !!Tlack5J. $1575.00 cash bal. each; 8%, all due 2+ URGENTLY 1 'Blk from beach. $300. mo. 2 BDRMS. 2 BA. pvt. patio, Call Jim Berkshire, 673-9405 Overlooll~ the city & PreSJ· 5 ACRE.<; IN CENTRAL ioequirt>d. For personal ln1er· yrs. 12% Disc. 494-1138 NEEDED: ... ~ ~ ... I ..... A & dG(!t's home white 'vater view in Orange Co. area, * ~~··-Yrb'· 613-"""" '""at~ poo , w ..... ..,r ' OREGON $17 PER •""'''"" d hook ~ vl1r>v. Onl,v S?l,T:.-iO $65ClO • sr-nd name. addre~ and ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 BR. Utifum apt. $150. Patio r)'t!r up. Office Rental 6070 do\vn. Q\vner '"ill carry bal· MONTH HANDL.ES. CALL phonl" number to t.IULTI· and NOTICES : ~~ ~~GaJ Friday ~· Crpll;, drp« I: bltm. L1gune leach 5705 -------ll"Ce al 8%. 1=894-1='='=' ======I 5TATE DIST,. lNC .. 1681 \V. SERVICE CENTER 1 , Placentitl. PRIME CORNER THE HUNTS!\·IAN "~1.268 Lake Elafnore 6202 IB~dw!!;., Annaheim, Cali-Found (FrH Ads) 6400 Employment A9ency TIW Bluffe rent or buy, dlx 3 ---------1 DOUBLE lot \\'1th Old Span. omia ;;J4'0\j • ( 41 778-5060. * 500 N ~ BR 2 BA splll ll!lv, cust dee. OCEAN Front 2 BR, 2 BA. OUicc or store in Lido shop-SMALL female tong hair ewpoit "-""nter Dr. * Yrly. $200. mo. Newly ping area (surplus spal:f: of style houSf', 3 Br. 1 Ba. • COIN, l1u ndries-Frigidaire. domestic bl11ck·whlte.brown tFa.shion Isl) Suite XQ NB Jl\M)l.Jen3,$300.644--!ll.19 pain!·• •-·cpt•,-•u111 "•oR•·'tyl. Sl8,000Ca11546-31ti7 3 ADJOINING hllls1d e From $6,500 to $4 2,SQO, Byappl. ""'981 ~ .,. """ au ....... ... ':~=======I tak-••'ew l•t• -·· c••lno cat, vie Mesa del Mar ap11, 1..,.,=,:.,:;:,,,-,,c~;,,..;;;.::; __ """"""' .,; ". v ., ........ "" Anahein1, Costa tii el'il, ~ lluff 5242 no Pl"ll-Evt 538-'.....,., LIDO R~AL TY INC. Rinct'!ts 6150 $3,000. 5.16-.2449 Buena Park. Fu 11 er 10 n, ,c,,M~·~Coc•c..tl,;.54.c'--,clc,634:,:_,~-ASSISTANTS & E U E • REAL ESTAn J377 V ia Lido 673-7300 ·.:::.==----=Cl Garden Grove, t-runlir<K1on YOUNG DALM;\TIAN. le· RECEPTIONIST e NEW D ll.. X ri.tODERN 3 room suite, 15 ACRES avocodos "-llm1:s. 3 ACR!;S 40 mllrs north ol Beach, Snnta An;:a, Tustin, male, no tags, vie. llaJc-J'repared resunw mUBt have J Sr 2 Ba IPL for lease Generel cpts., air cond, janitor iier. N. San Diego Co., Vism. 10 Reno near Hon~y Lake at La J\fimda, crest traeL O.f S&.1.994 or two )n. dental e:rcperjenct. lrd,0 cpac:, mas1J', ltlllt, din ---------1 vier fJllple f>'lrklng .acre ei1tate 8~11.. ocenn & fool of Sien·ait. Level, clear, Call Charlie SZ!'r-7S33 546-=::51::;·~:________ Eve. hrs. All ulllon brneJlts. rm. A dbt _.,.._, 11uto. Rentals W1nttcf 5990 ' ' min view, l Br home. l6500 $3,000. s.i&-2449 "' c .. i .. -. $3" •-~-So. Calif. I.st Nat. Bk Bid.a:. E SMALL black maJe --''ti. .__......, ·"" per hr. Call for door Oflt1'"' ava.11. Pool & 23(1 E. )7th Street ,":;:";,';:';"~·,:•;:3'--0906:,:;·::==== NOW'S TH Vic. \Vlbon Ir P1a'.;:'tia, appt, tor lntervif!11.'. 633-7531 ~ area. Nr. Cltbollc Colla Mtsa 642-14SS R. E. Wanted 6140 Costa l\fesa A.58embly . ~·~h. ONLY rus • SHAllE '"' dell"'• ollice1C::;l::l•c:"::.'c:G,;_ro:.•:.:".:...--'6'-'1;..;.7SI _N_E_E_D_M_O_N_E_Y_?_ TIME FOR 646-<ITI EXPP,.;.,!'.~LEROSNIC . RENTAL FINDERS 1tuli•, Mutual S.vi.,.. bldg X $$$ SAVED ~"" 895 Am''"OI WQ, N.B. . -d l M C 11 TA T ...... ......, ..... m"' tn·-111 1 YR old female greylblk Wlrlng & P.C. "-·~ lobn·ca· ' ,,. ,,..,., ·• 'l.Urona e ar. & ov""a., .. -1rv ., .• ..,, • QUICK CASH dog.LakewoodMIUina,2505 .......uu 411 •·,,.., ~ ._. 675-61?1 anytime Qu ic:k <'scrow bttio~ '70 on gait our guaranteed tndc . l -W"-'C=":;...;"=c:...:.1'1-'a=---tlon. App. in per30n Corona dtf Mir 5250 ~ MM111 ~rAU. Offltt on busy cor· this 10 11crc Cf'O''e with 11.vo-in plsn. LM us answer )'OUr · °" wy, · TRANSJCOi\I CORP. --:._ ·~~ ntr Costa Mesa. $55/monlh c:ado and cil'rU.!1 tzfts. Price questions with no obllitalion. THROUQ,H A i:n::~~~a: ~':bas:, 851 \V. 18th St., C.P.1. 1 UNIT LEfT I utilltln Included. 642~ $85.COO. Fo.!r "nough! 54s.-30?5 Awmbltni NEW DUPLEX --..-LANDLORDS e CALL (71 4) 122·1306 .:,::,.=.:... _____ I Elecironlc '"'mbl" 2 mt, 2 Ba. ($250). PrW. J19· rn.EE R£N'TAL SERVICE 1736 Anahdm. C.ttf. OUice1-2 Ask for Bnitt AlelWlder or DAILY PILOT RUSSIAN EIJue cnl, &-8 m<M. Col! \Vlndtt Uo, t!(1tl. c~. eptd,, dl9.P-Broker ~6982 w/lobby-ii;round fll'l!Of', $US. St'He ~ll"I'. ltn1ale. vie. Park La.no NB E.~p'tl or ~ill train, Call ed. O>mP. bltns. Bat Joe, --==-'-''--".:.;_--J;Sc~h'l"'~"~'!.• ~67;'.:l-:!2654~-=---J\llLTON .l. ORANGE COUNTY'S WA. NJ AD 675-l!lM 642-8584 or apply al S. R: 10'™' ORCfllD White eltphant&.1 lJunH· OAILY Pll.Ol' o I ~t E· A. WE RS HOW LARGEST FOUND black &: While male Enginttring. 834 Product.km &TMOH 0 line DMLY PlLOT WANT LINES. You can use them 2629 HARBOR BLVO. ki1ten wtlle• collar Place. NB. 8:30-4 p.m. • ADSI Mr jiud pennies a day. Di&f Rr-alty C.Ompany 5.46-8640 642 5678 BalbM Peninsula. 675-6US THE QUTCh'ER YOU CALL, a.a 1 _..._ __ ~----•...;64c,2c.·56cc7,;.3_.._____ in1 2 S. Hill. Ortenlrid,. OPEN EVES TILL 8 :30 I----·-----1 __ 1Vh--"-lto'-"E1-'•'-P"-'•-n~_, ___ _,_Tl-'--IE--'Q-'-U1'-'CK-E_R_Y_O_,U_SEL--'-l, ,, OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT CUSTODIANS Solary $515. • $631. Minimum quaJifical.ions: U.S.1 citizenship, Sth grade e<Ju. cation & 1 year exp, preler-1 ably janitorial. Apply Per- sonnel Ole. 8 AM-4 PM, 'm2 \Varner Ave., Huntington Beach, Calit., before Dec. 28th. *DATA PROCESSING Overseas Opportunitit 1 Call (714) 774-2610 DENTAL ASST. Exper. Chr. side. El Toro • Laguna Hills area. ~1130. S::JJ.-5:30 . DELIVERY -C.O.D, Must be Mal, J"Mpons-ible, &, familiar w/ Orange Oy. Will train. Up to S20 per day. Apply 230 \V. \V1rner Suite X6 Santa Ana. ' DEUMAN 49S E. l75h St., CM • See Ten')'. Display Trainee$. l\11\LE IMMlDIATE HELP WANTED DTVlSION EXPANSION 1N OR.\NGE COUNTY Provides lm1nediate employ. ment for ttsiderit.t. of the area. ExpetitllCCI i&lfl nect1J1.- sary ., compaey t:rainil1£ is tumt1hed, START AT $4IO PER MONTM ff qualitled and acctpled. ~ OT! ~ll this \\'eek. l-llGf-1 SCBOOl. GRADUATE AGES 21:1 TO 40 1 'iEJ\R RESIDENT IN AREA CALl. h1vn. <>r Tll i:-1. 774-7253 , i • • • I t • • • • • • • • • • l • • • . . • l • l ! I 1 • • • • . • ~ • • • • • • • I ! • I 34 DAILY l'ILOT Momtay, O.C.mbtt IS, 196'1 ME RCHANDl SE FOR SALE AND TRADE ' M•l<''HAND!SE fOlt MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Furniture IOOO Pl•not & Org1ns 8130 Mlsc1U1neoua 8600 6 PC KING. SIZE BEDA.OOM SET, 2 S"·•g lam~. t velvet, deep tufted) headboard. SJ)l'E'll:d, boudoir chair t: bench. Your choice ol colors.. Rt'&. $"40, Now $299. SIESTA SLEEP SHOP 1927 H.arb:ir Blvd, Costa l<fesa 64[).2760 USED dbl ()r twln box springs & mattresl'!es w / frame complele $38. (Slerihzed in accordance 1vith St11te ()f Clllif. bedding Ja11:!i.l Us.ed antique i,t.·hitt 5 pc bt'droom sel $89. Used Eilver i:;:rey 5 pc be<lroort'I set $59. The Factory, 1885 )~arbor. 54G-6842 FUR!\ITURE returned .from display sludios, mode I homes, decorators ('ancella· tion. Spanish & r.·JediletTan· ean !'IC. RD FURNITURE - PRE-fl DUDA Y SALE PIANOS I. ORGANS Some or the mott popular model! Including: Jtammond xn, II-100, &-100, B-3. T-200 etc. FREE 3 DAY LAS VEGAS HOLIDAY with put- c:.ase!!l Trade·lns accepted & tenn1. HAMMOND in CORONA DEL tl1AR 2854 E, Coast Hwy 673-8930 Open Eves &. Sun. a ltemoon IF you are buying a Piano or Organ this Chiistmas & are intl!rested ln some real· ty great deals, please shop \VARD'S BALD\\'JN sruo10 1Al9 Ne\\'P(lrr, C.M. 642-8484 Open Every Nile & Sunday Afternoon 1844 Newport Blvd., CM '"""!'!!'!!'~~'!"!!!~!!!! every ni ght 't!J 9 i-= ORGAN SALE I I \Ved., Sat. & Sun. 'lil 6 TRE~NOOUS SAVINGS! PRICES SLASHED! Large 5elecHon oJ pre.(lwned up to SO'/a Savings organs. Special dis«lunt on 8' Sofa &. love seat $159.95 new modcls. 5 Pc Span game set $169.95 FREE * FREE King Sz quilted nl<lttress & Cassette player ~·/purchase box springs .. .. . .. • $99.95 of anY Organ. 5 Pc BR King, Span S179.95 COAST MUSIC Approved Furniture NE\\'PORT & HARBOR 2159 lfarbor, CM fA8·9660 Costa Mesa • 642.2851 SOLID che!T)' Twin bed set Days 10.9 Sat 10.6 Sun 12-6 w/dresser & -ni1e stand. Our Christmas Sofa 1v/1!011'ncd pillow.~. 2 urioo1. chrs. 673-01sr1, Present To You 673-5~7 This ad good for $50 toward Gk\'IE Table. 2' French any Piano or Otgan, Oioose chair~. Englander studio from Conn, Knabe, Wurlit· Lamps. zer, Everett, F ischer & Ca· 445 Isabella Ten·., Cd!l1 ble Nelson. BLUE Vol'Ot ""'""· !50 '" GOULD MUSIC Green barstools $25 ea. Lamps $25 ea. ?llirror $15. 644-1650. 21>1;:, N. 1.fain, S.A. 547-0681 CHRfST1.1AS gill s • Ham· \VOLJ.ENSACK Stn"t!Ophonlc la~ rerordoer with tapes S75. 2 Chrlatmas n\Oblles, 1 wilh jeweled ball$, 1 Jewel· ed rare eggs $50 eat'h, 8 gold !lllrvlce plates $50. 12 goble1$, blue & crystal, Box ipring le mattr e&s, upholstered headboard & spread SSO. 64(). 1$41 POOL TABLES Christmas Special $275 up. CHUCK'S 2150 Harbor at Adama, Ct.I POOL TABLES Se<Ml Pool BRUNS\VICK-AMF Custom Slate Table From fl89 100% Financing * SECARD POOLS * 532-1992 323 S. ?<Jain St. Orange EXQUISITE Sapphire & dia· mond ring. YeUow gold shank, "'ht/gold setting \1'/7 sapphires, ·approx 1,i K ea. 4 diam .. 07 ea., 6 diam .03 ea. Appraised at $875. \Viii sell at S a crifice . 613-5784 LOCAL Man needs San!a's Help! I \VOUld like to buy or get free an old 30 to 45 Ft. boat that floats, to fix up as a live aboard for myself. Please call Dick Kunze, 673-0900 Ext. 66 *AUCTION* U you '1ill sell or buy give \Vindy a try Auctions F!'iday 7:30 p,m, Windy's Auction Barn 2075% Newport, CTl-1 64G-SG.S6 Behind Tony's Bldg. 1.-fat'l. Ray Fields Vista Je\1·ele1-s 807 \V, 19th, Costa Mesa WOULD YOU BELl£VE DIN rm se t: oval !bl, 4 chrs n1ond, Steinway, Yamaha. SJ65. Hollywd bed, custom New & U5cd pianos of most rovered $35, Like new makes. Best buys in So. Values from $1-$49 Tl'easure 644-:2028 Calif. at Schmidt Music Co. Chest Dra'ving at $1 per ~IAPLE rocket· S45. J\1aple 9 1907 N. I\1ain, Santa Ana. ~·~"~w~·~------ drawer ches1 SSO. Couch $45. 1 i0i0iiOiiOii0ii0iiOiiOii0i;;;;; IRING,.Ladiei; European cut 8' sofa SSO. 548--8611 1 • diamond solitaire, platinum ., OPEN EVENINGS mounting with sl.-c smaller -. -.-. -F-R-EE_T_O_Y_o_u_·TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Boats I. Y•chl1 9000 Motorcyclos 9300 Imported Autos -io home with fenced yrd, .:...-----~1-...:....;.;;;;:..:.:.;;c..:.:._-':::;: ""'· J»uey ool°"" ihe!U• CORP. Execuuve buyl"• SCRAM LETS 'DATSUN fl'l 1 x , 35 tbs &payed &. o.11 tlclux!! cabln cruiser, »-JS • $hots, •l5o blk/gry mottled fl. F~ usage in exchange . 1-----·----- med sited dog 9 mos old, (or prtv. allp 1 upkeep, <ex· ANSWERS '67 DATSUN lo\'t children. 947.7450 & elusive or rcJ)rttlrl). · . S"'181S Mr. Dukelow ST!-11167 AothmJ -Dryad_ Rhyme PICKUP /\1IXEO Spaniel le rr n RAN 0 NI! w <14' -Parit,Y -DRY HARDER Actual mileage 31,000. Xlnt blk/tan 6 mos Id wi HOU SEBOAT 2: priv Sfin~on a laundry truck: runnlngcond .. dlr,own<!d by . ' v ' 11h1terooms. See kl apprec. "\Ve're No. 2. \Ve DRYI IJtUc 'ole Greyhound bus lihots, spayed, h llbrk n .1 548-2434 aft 6. 642-4741 aft ......... ER .. " <!river. Will fine. prvt. prl•, Ni.'eds yard, love, & 6 ' nAnV ~ d J sci PI l n e. No i;mall • , 1965 Honda Sera bl 350c UOf.1 895. C4ll Phil 494.9113, chl!d1-en. 546-939'1 12/15 ~· 0\VENS '61 w/moorlng W~bco kit, ne': ~~p e~'.l·lA_S.OO:W_c;_· ~=----- F in Newport Bay. $3950 Incl'• reblt trans, new 1lres, new NEW! REE tu good home mooring. Call • 531-0500. bait., custom sea•·. L•'ke w11eneed yard, small mixed "' '70 PICKUP b "" ' 10 Ibo oew 14"1 <W.. 543--0100 alt r tt•rrier, · 11.tnal't Sa ll*t• 9010 5:30 pm W/cam""r, ~ hp o"rl•ead & cute, 9 mos. old, .lows r~ JV children. 846-3818 1--*--. ------1968 Yamaha 250cc Enduro cam, 4 spd, dlr, 6 ply tires, t.1IXED Terrier, champagne, * *~;!,!*** $525. Call Tom "'kdays ri:-ck Se~Ug~ts.p[;~~ 7 mos, female. Love s SABOT 54G-4:i100: eves & wkends Full pritc $2(199. Take smllll children. 1'.l'ee to good 646-5432 dn or trade. Call Phll, home. &t&-0.l:W aft 4 p.m. was S295 .................. 1968 DESERT ~ady Hodaka 494-9773 or 545-0634. Lovable ;young snta.11 long .......... r.o-w S26S complete 100 cc. Great bike ! $325. or haired blk' mixed breed, also psychedelic colors best oUer. 64~ $ 10.12 lbs, spayed & hsbrkn, & deluxe 250CC YAMAHA Endural, w.a DATSUN 1qva J\'s child 8-IG-3818 '29l2 \V. Coast Hwy like nu. Call after G PM or · Newpott Beach • fi45..M10 · CHRISTfl.-IAS kittens, need weeker:ids. 837-3969, "Lea.de f T Be h ·r .. · permanent homes, 4 '''ks, c~.L 20 No. 286, with slip, ./(6S . YAMAHA 100 CC 1· n he ac Ci 1es blk, \vhito, \'arlous colors & class raci; gear. ~tboard. TRAtLMASTER &. helmet. ZIMMERMAN agl'S. 518-0Sl3 12/15 Desperate. otter. Bkr. BEST OFFER * 497·1872 2845 HARBOR BLVD. """"'"'0-..:;::.,..,,,....-;::..:::1 Days 613-2050; Eves, r:A"' PUPPIE S, Lab/Ger. Shep. 673.--40.10 1969 Bultac;o El Tigre 200 CC.' ......,..6410 ready in lime for str/scr Like new-0nly SOO ORANGE COUNTY'S Ch1:isln1as, cute & cuddly .. **.LIDO 14's '* * ini. ~s 642-1316 NO 546-7392 12116 Ch ristmas Special OATS • 1 ""~"",,,-"'·,,....-,,.::c::1 ror 1~1MEDIATE DELIVERY A Se 1 UN DEALER CHRIS''f~AS Kjttcns, 6 '''ks SCHOCK BOATS 673-2050 uto rv ces 9400 DOT DATSUN oJd, u·a1ncd, S·lG-7392 after 4 1 1~&~P~1~r;l~1iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii~I pm 12/16 17' O'DAY Daysailer 18835 Beach Blvd. ~:,,,-.,,=,,.,.-=.,-,-=;:: Demo $1595 Used $1195 Hunt!fl&'to11 BE:ach 1'VIN Tabbys, .~2 wks, male 14• O'DAY. used $495 BEACl{ 842-7181 o~ 540-f\442 &. female. Ki~s. clog & ~un Zone Boat Co. Balbo-' A s '69 DATSUN llSOO r..o.nvertible housebroken. 515-4873 12/15 uto upply KITE 302 w/Balboa Island Like ne,v, lo\'1 mileage, AFFECTIONATE 6 mo~ths shore niooring, $lOOO. Call . Must sell. Best o r fe r , old kitten, female, tiger 675-2916 Whol esale 646-6308 strlped. Adults. 548--04.12 !========== =,;:7_::::==-;:;-. .::::;.-!LIDO 14, like ne1v full racing Prices to All T\VO Dutch rabbits, free. gear & highway trailer Complete Ma chine Shop ENGLISH FORD %2-0112 12/16 $1495. 644-1 370 . SPEED EQUIPMENT PETS and LIVESTOCK !'="========-REBUILT ENGINES Pels, General 8800 Speed-Ski Bo•ta 9030 \VOT'S NU? !:'anta Claus Specials at 'TIS TROP ICAL FISH 9080 Edinger Cat r.tagnolia) F.V. ' * * 8·12-4530 Gel a \VET PET for Christmas. Rand's Tropica1 Fish, 5 9 0 1 \Vestminster, \Vestminster 897-0111 Great Christmas Gift Na11dag Condor. ~35 with cage. 5'10-0097 '69 BELLBOY 11' HT. Less than 20 h!'s. 120 mercrulser inbrd. Cost $4950, sell for S37j{). 2692 Bayshore Dr, NB. 642-4062 '69 CA TIIEDRAL h u 11 dinghy, immaculate $200. c ii.11 646-6~9 Marin• Eqyip. 9035 1125 Victoria, 0 1 548-6550 1&361 Beach Blvd, HB 847--0991 * OPEN 7 DAYS * ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES . SERVICE OVER 60 IN STOCK e 2 & 4 Dr. t.lodels Trucks Y500 '2 & 4 Dr. Dclu.'(es *'63 OIEV V·8 PICKUP e 2 & ~Dr. GT Models 8 Ft Fleetside w/Radio/Htr, • Static~ \Vagons . _Load lveier shocks, Ne\V Many \\'J~h ful l¥ a~ton1at1c Clutch. recent valve job, big tr.ans.~ air. radial ttr~s, ra. side miITOl'5 \V I IV a 11 s d10, V1nyl roo f, WSW tires. H.D. Reat~p bumper: BRAN~ NEW STD. 2 DR. bed never used, owner used $178;:i FULL PRICE for towing a boat! Sparkling ORDER NO\V Office Fu rniture: 8010 AND SUNDAYS diamonds, appraised Sl365. Until Christmas Sell for $950 by appointn1e.nt Snakes and cage 3<xoo" "'"'"'"Y • .,, 146. GOULD MUSIC 642-2267 . c.s,,2 ;:" ~., '69 CHRYSLER 71,~ hp out· board engine, immaculate $250. Call 64&-6569 Turf green. "Only I n Theodore 1.aguM roold YoU hoP< to ROBINS FORD New dblt" 4x6" tile cabinet ,,....,....,.,., $9. 64.2-0j96 642-lm 204~ N. Main, SA 547.(1681 T\VIN BR set w/3 chests, 8 =========[Boat Slip Mooring 9036 I;;;;;==;:=';"===.=.:;::; J ~~~""!~~..,.;,;,,,;~ J mm Yashica. 8 mm movie Office Equipment 8011 ORGAN·, silver tone w/cords outfit. Girls Sc h1vi nn Cats _ 8820 FLOAT avail. 14'x18', pert & pedals. Hardly used. Cost bicycles 2-24", 1-20 ,', SEALPOINT Siamese kit· cond. See at 222 Lido Nord, DRAFTING Machine -Brun-$395, s!!U for $150. 548-4903 646-8601 tens. \Vil! hol cl til N.B. r>lake oller. 494-6415 ing & scales, Hamilton draft-ESTATE Sale • JI.fink Stole, Christmas, $20. 673-7517 ing .table, Dazor floating Television 8205 cost $1200, sell $ 50 o. Boat-Yacht find a low mileage cared for 2060 Harbor Blvd. Pickup as this! ONLY Costa f.lesa 642-0!10 $1095! MARQUIS r.tTRS. 90011 ~ .. ~--~-=-~-~. ======'""' S. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach, Ph; 491-7 503, 54()...3100 FERRARI -. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ..:lm-'po:..;.;.r..;tod;::..;Aut..::.;;. .. ;_..;;-.:::; I tmporlod Autos 9600 JAGUAR '64 XKE Jaguar, new engine, Needs paint, upholstery &. top. 962--1538 · 'f ""MANN GHIA VOLKSWAGEN BUG, •Dark Green. ~ ear guar. tranferable, under 9000 mi. auto, stick, radio, on/oU lug. rack. Res. 675-1898 Bu.s. 645-1992. 1965 K1rmann Ghi1 s1850' 2-<loor Coupe, Xlnt Cond. '6,1 VAN, co1np. new ttblt Immaculate inside and out! e~ It trans. New Big Md" One owner. $1300. See at 480 tire, xJnt oond, must sell Broady,·ay, C.~t. $1Zl0. 543-9823 .. ~68~C~O~N7.~=~,=.1=e~u;,=-.-,-,0-m-, 1965 V\V Camper, refrig, radio, beige, loiv mileage. stove, dbl bed, comptly ln· 494-9446 or 497-lliOO eves. sulated. & pan'ld. OFFER. 194-7406 MERCEDES BENZ '67 200 • D ·-$2100 499-3863 or 494-8989 MERCEDES BENZ OrJn9e Counly'~ lJrgest Sl'le ~tion New & Used Mei cede~ B ~11 1 Jim Slemons Imps. W.-u ner 8. M.~111 St. SanL1 A na 546-4114 '58 ?o.1ERCEDES 19CI sedan. Good cone!. $500. or best of· fer. ~6-1987 '62 VW. GOOD COND. $600. * 646-8191 1968 VW Bug. Lt blue, blk in t. Xlnt cond. $1700. Call Phil, &J.l-2430 '65 V\V $850 or best otter. Good collditlon. 548-6130 '65 CA!'IIPER Van. r.1AKE OFFER. ?.1UST SELL! *54&-5889* 1970 \.1V Bus 4,000 n1iles, privale party, Best otter. 536-7848 1964 V\V, 1 O\\'ner. r.tust sell, make offer. 675-1328 '68 V\V Bus $2'195 Excellent condition 53&-2683 MG '~iG Sales, SCtvic~. Parts Immedlate Delivery, AU Models '66 V\V sedan, good clean .1 condition. fl.100 Call after G, 675-4305. J1 rtuport 3hnports ~100 W, Coast Hwy, N.8. 642·9-W5 5'1().1764 Authorized MG Dealer Snazzy black '58 t.1GA Run5 good·$350. * 548-9517 * OPEL '69 OPEL CT. Red. Black Int. 4 spd. !l,000 mi. Int· maculate. Make oiler or ttd. 613·6809 PORSCHE 1958 PORSCHE 1600 S Coupe. Xlnt mechanical cond. Must sell $1400 or offer. 968-5470 PORSCHE '68 911L, 1 O\VNER .. XLNT COND. $5800. CALL 6T:i-4030 '68 VW Square Back. Xln't rondirlon. $1985 or oUer. Call 546-7457 1966 Volkswagen 1300 Sedan. Lo. mileage. Good eond. $1250 968-7858 . '67 BUG, new tires, new brakes, lo1v mileage, excoel . cond. 645-0446 or 645-2026 .. ' '64 V\V Good CoOOition $850 ~. Call 545-7 :: '63 VW Camper Xlnt. Cone!. &48-7949 GREAT BUY! 'li6 V\V, good t'Ond. $1000. * ~1538 . 1960 V\V Convt. Nu top, overhauled loader. Gd tires. $'!75. 536-7149 VOLVO VOLVO 1970 HERE NO\V LO\V PRICES ON RE;o..tAINING '69'11 Your Best Deals Are Still At DEAN LEWIS " ' " " • ., -" . ' . ' ~ ' ' ' ' " .. ' , .. , light $125, 83J.1467, Niagara cyclo-massagC', cost ~!..___. ____ 8'-825 -~harter_!. ___ .:..90:.3;;o9 ROLLS ROYCE 54 ROLLS ROYCE SILVER DA\VN 1966 l.farbor, C.M. 64£-9.1(}3 I ·~ TYPE\VRITER. Addi ng Lease Color TV or Black $275. sell 1'~ pr. Both like -CHARTER A BOAT machine ca1culator ve"" new 548-2381 CHRISTlllt\S Puppies-Tiny • • ·~ &. 'Vhite. Option to buy. ' and see! reasonable. Xlnt co n d • Free servic'e. No deposit BEAUTIFUL hand painted toy poodles, \i·hile-cham· Ne,unnrt Christmas Parade 892-242.1 il · t pagne. 6 11•ks. Registered. .,,~ A-Active 'IV Rental Co. o pqrtrait o you or your Partles of 6 -~?n ..... r hr hild fro \V il! keep until Cl1ristmas. .,,. .. .-- '65 VO LV O Air/cond., (r.1oving 495-5325 stick. East) \Vago n . Sacrifice! $1000 . " ' : j " '. " ADLER EJect1·ic iypeY.Titer, (ll 522-USl c ren in a photograph. 832-0ll9 aJl r.·lon. A.1\1. Inc boat, skipper, mixers $100, Excellent cond. Call ====:o=:':::::==== [ A Y.'Onderfu! idea tor that Reservation call 64&-9000 aft 6 pm, 673-9186 Sporting Goodt 8500 special Christmas g I f t . BLACK 1-finiature poodle, JOIN X."1 S PAR SUN ROOF Concourse condition. This beaHtiful auto will be sacri· riliced for quick sale, .: ' Antiques, Clalsics 9615 :i I Appllancn 1100 ~1UST sell ne\v 12 gauge NEW 2 dr, GE refrig .. from pump shotgun. 7'11" Greek model home .......... $178 surfboard. Fii.11ing tackJe. 2 dr. Refrigerator, frost·t:ret: 1 _4_97_·_18~72-----~- bottom freezer ••• ,. ... $168 Scuba gear $50. Refrigerator11 •••• front $ 38 Ne1v condition 64fr.3629. AKC, 6 months, good A ? ADE papers, ntale. Satririce $40. Fo~low the boats 12/19-12/23 JIM BEAM Collector Bottles, 968-7209 after 4. Dies •. eutte.r. Lge. proteet~ wide selection, Elks, Reno "'-0"::..:::.:.:..::,.----1 cockpit. Skipper, ice & nux· &. etc. $19.95. General Li· PUT me under you r es. ReserVations 673-5252 quor Store, 2200 Harbor Oiristmas tree. ·Pekingese 4,,. Blvd, Cl\1. 543-3883 nutle puppy AKC reg'd, C HA RTER beaut. ., FOR SALE Chainp hlood line 8 i,t.•ks Schooner, Npt Xmas old. 847-3+19 ' parade. 12/19 tbru 12/23. Collectors Iten1 0 r I g In a I ;c:~~~'-c,.,.-.,--,,.--1 l..01v rates. 518--2"::>92, eves '66 DODGE PICK-UP, long JAGUAR bed, good cond. stk shift 6---------- cyl. SlOOO. 547-0933 1963 J aguar 3.8 Sedan. Blk w/ chron1c wire \Vhl5. Auto. '62 Ch;~Pickup Disc brks, Pirelli tires. Xlnt mechanical conrl $1700 or """"""C;•~ll~64~~~656;::,9,.,.,,.,.,,lbest offer this \v ee k. '68 CHEVY SPORT VAN 108 493--4223 days, 493-3611 eve5. Runs pe~rfect. E_x t e n ded '67 XKE 4.2 18.00J actual hody $2350. 642-6574 miles. Ne1v Pe r r i 11 t '541-6609 ROLLS '39, side mounts, new paint, new wsw tires, $4950. Priv. prty 846-5041. 644--0507 SPRITE ROLLS Royce lMS Wraith , t . Limousine, body by Hooper. 'j 1 Immaculate condition Inside j : & out. Unofficial Concoorse 1 . rating of 82 points. Right ; · hand drive. $7000. Appt only ~1 .. 1714) 637-9575 Con9Q!e Color TV, co111emp 499-232.8 or 495-5219 "1.11CKEY r.fOUSE" \\'alch SACHJFICE! t.1ust sell im· 4!'11-2671 ./'60 SPRITE . Good condition. '57 MORGAN + ~ ·I : New T~p. new brakes. Ex. : ~ cellent con d I t i o n. $1500. 642-1724 after 6 Pbt. cab., new picture tube. $248 SURFBOARD 7'2", V-shape, \\'hirlpool auto washer •. S 50 good condition $45 . GE Washer/Dryer .... SIOO 646-2075 OUN LAP'S ======= 1815 Ne1~1X1rt Blvd., C:r.1. Binoculars, Scopes 8550 Recreat'n Vehicles 9515 ~~~~ Perfect. Urgent • perfect running condition medialely, beautiful, blue --,~="'°==,.--- -SljO 837-4239. b1incll , silver lipped, black * SHOW BOAT * C Christmas Lights Cruise Carpet layer has Hi Lo niask Afghan. AK · 8 10 5· 673·0240 ror reservations nylons $1.99 yd. Shags 642-5.385; after 5, a4;J-8fl!J3 NOW'S THE TOYOTA Call eves, ~6-5919 1926 Chevrolet 2 Door $1500. ~!2-0!!74 ' '. ' . " " • " .. .. . 548-7788 SillALl. f reezer Chest . Older flI IC ROSCOPES: Zeiss, hinocular 4 lenses $350. cross-top refrig. Both Good Ame r. Optical binocular 3 Cond. 536-4654. len~es $250. Both 1\•ith case . GAFFERS & Sattler gas Call Pete 494-8041 from 3.50 up + my lal;>or, TOY POODLE PUPS Mobile Homts 9200 'ti~~~Feng~~~i~~~· 90c,per yard. 847·1519 Black 1v/p:.1pc1'5. 9 \Verks old. -BILL MAXEY BEAUTrFUL King bro.quilt-Si:> each. Paren1s 11' high, BUY Jim NEW 673-9352 TIME FOR A.utos Wanted 9700 :: ed matlress. Complete-un-bolh black &12-429~ SELL USED Campers 9520 IT~QRYIQITll!I used. $105, wo rt h $250. CHAt11P s;red Poodles. 4 Cooper QUICK CASH ; ~ ~ -~ -~ WE PP.Y . · • CASH '''all oven & broile r, 842-6536 eves. n.1o's. Shots. Paper broke. 1 TRAILER SALES 1939 GMC Bus Camper. Slps ll88J BEACH BLVD. CARPET Installer has one ~tlvcl' fen1alr. l blk n1ale, "B f 2 or mo1-e, Ice box, closets stainless steel l!iO. 67~24 Miscellaneous 8600 A U TOi\IATJC dishwasher, I '-;;.:.:.:.:c:.:.;:;.:.: __ ;:;::: whlle, Frigidaire, under BOY Scout Sale ol del'Crt counter niodel $j(). 673-&324 plants & mistletoe!, Sat-Sun. roil, avocado nv\on c11.....,t. Good Sij, Call-540-1681. uy ron:i a ":'an & storage spaC<!. Engine THROUGH A Hunt. Beach 147-8555 ., .,..-who lives In one!" runs!i:OOcl. $450.6'16-5396 S miN.oreoast Hwy.onBch for used cars II: trucks just call us for free ~timate. 9AM-5Pll1, 2:ie-75c 1 71 6 KENf\.lORE Auto \Vasher, !'ltadagascar St., Me sa x!nt cond, 6 cyc les. $10, \'errle, C.M. 545-4910 Jouble jute-backed. 'Viii sell CHRISTii1AS Pups, AK C \VE SERVICE all or part $3/ynrd. 54G-7245 Dobcrinans. Good Jiomes, 'R1HAT \VE SELL• S~fALL 8' Camper ~; DAILY PILOT TOYOTA SKIERS . Hunters? Rent my Priml' Coni;idera t ion. 324 So. Harbor, Santa' Ana · Cabover, Beautiful \\1ood ln-1970 J-lERE NO\V n1obile home in r.111mmoth, 642-8961. 1 Blck So. of Bolsa 531-1006 ~~~~~~ep& 3 adults. s275. WANT AD LO\V PRICES ON GROTH CHEVROlfT 7.'"~""==1'l_•7•_84~7-_S_l ~l5---124" 10 spd Boys NORGE Auto washer. cop-Xln't cond. S~5. prrtone, 2 yrs old. like new seats for car, Fully fur11. frplc. C. Neill GIVt: a BAS~EIT !or BAY HARBOR REl\1AlNING '69's .Uk for Sal-es Managu 531-3374 C 11RIsT11-1 As! 6 "·k, M b'I H S I 19~8 SCHOOL Bus, 16 pass. i'our Best Deals Al'e Still At l82ll Bea<"b Blvd, Schwinn 2 bench $10 ea. -""--------·I purehrecl, $35. 675-1865, , O i e ome 8 es Converted to camper. i\olust 642-5678 DEAN LEWIS Huntington Beach * * * * 673-9904 l..l\sa Loma Roll • Away • st'IL Try $500. 542--0974 Kl • "31 FAMILY r.tembership tn Shera.ton Manor • Homette • [ c;;========== I -==========:_;19Eil:;;~'~'ar~bo;;;;'~· ~C;»~I~. 0::646-:=93;;;tl.1~====~~="===== I S75. 546-8672 or 817-8115 67;}-2.185 REFRIGERATOR, Family l'ize, good condition $60. 2114 ContiflE'nt11l. c.~1. NEVER U5ed \\'hite leather bound Encyclopedia B1itan· nira 11/bookcase $22 5. 673-4387 Irvine Coast Country Club CHIHUAHUA Puppies FoJ' Klt • Prestige • Sahara I,. for sale. Pvt. pty. 673-9131 your Chrislma5 Stocking. ALL SIZES Dune Buggies 9525 Imported Autos 96001mported •IJtOI 9600 Imported ~~~ 9600 Antiques 8110 BACK DOOR IMPORTS Art & Antiques & Gifts ()peh Mon-Fri eves 'HJ 8 Pilf 1896 Harbor Blvd, CM 642·7576 Sewing M1chinH 8120 SINGER Automatic zig zai:;. 6 mos old. No attach needed to do design.-:, mooogramli, blind hems eti'.; aulo bobbin winc:feT. 5 Year g u a r . AS!ume pymts of $5.27 or $-12.00 cash. 526--0616 SCH\Vli\'N unicycle. GE portable 4 -spd reco rd player. Bolh per1l'cl cond. &H-15G4 GORGEOUS silver mlnk AKC. l-lold 'Iii Clll'istmas. NO\V ON DISPLAY lull length custom niade 5<l7-~S7<l 1425 Baker St., Costa Mesa coat s.z 10-12, ne1v rond. BEAGLF., AKC, feinalc, 1 ;, block East ot Harbor Blvd. 6·14-4567 year. au shots. trained. Ex· Cl'lsla 1t1esa (n4) 540.9470 FIREWOOD ccllC'nt ped ig r ee $25. Rare opportunity. MOBILE 637-6843 962-8745 LIVING on the BEACH, 5 Pool tabll's 4~1x9. Proff. Mise. Wanttd 8610 size. Com pl equlp. $350 1--'---.CC--...:.'--'- e3ch. HolidflyCC'nter, Baker $WE BUY$ & lhu•bor. !'yl().-0190 BEAUTIFUL A1<1.skan Husky Lin1lled spaces, in ne\v ad· Pups to pull Santa's Sleigh. dition to Drirtwood Beach Love kids. ~2-7721. Club • i\·lodels on display .. . soon. 21462 Pac Hwy, H.B TELEVISION $50. hutch S10, $ FURNITURE $ PUT 'n11s pup 1n your Xmas 536-7jl3 · 11tock!n~! 7-,vk mnle blackl ;o===~~~--pood\e S:il. <194-6~59 PLY!\10UTJt 10' x 4:)'. Clean. Nice Park, swim pool. Ncal'ly ne_w carve\ $2600. Rolling Homf's, 1973 Ne1,·port Bh·d. Sp, 46. clothes & miscellaneous St A PPLIANCES AKC s & p 1.1in. Schnauzers to $3. 2:!87 Elden, Costa C R"dy tor Christmr~! Oa'." •t olor TV1-Pi •~o•-S+•r101 '"" "esa 1 Plec.o., Houto Full 812-691], e\'C's &16-(1121 ......., TYPE\\'RITER Sl\11TII CASH IN JO MINUTES BASSETT PUPS, AKC CORONA. Ne1v Condition. e 5' I '531 e 8-17-S2o.t ~vcs & 1·,.knds 1.lust Sell. $60. Call • "' .., _:.:.:.:::::.:...:::.::..c~.::;::::.._1r.tOBILE l-Tome For Sale • 546-9300. AKC D ach shund Pups 1968. Sh~htly used. llke new. Musical Inst. 8125 6 \'RD Dun1p Truck. Eng. FREE TO YOU '-==,.,*=="~"="="=*==:I l2'x40". Forced air heat, <1.ir ;... __ _:.;.;::.: Jathe, Diesel marine t"rlg. & ----·------1 · cond. Adult Park, Nwpt. 8130 Pl1nos & Organs 12 srn.JNG }·ender Villager , 1 f & ci l l BEAUTlFULLY ma rk ed Horses 8830 Bch. A lkauty for $5300. 00 s, um.. ol 1 Ilg. C·'I ••""752 AecoustJca.I guitar \\'/hard 642-4610 Calico kitten, fc1nale, 7 '" • """""' shell case. $175. 613-1106 I ~;,:....:::.:::. _____ ~ mos. all shQts. 540-0904 HORSE stables for rent, lge '63 NE\V l\1oon, 10:<~'. Ex· COUCH $15, stove $25, record arena $35 mo. 1616 Orchard, p:1nd r lA' 18. playrr $20, \'acuum $25. 2281 ONE guinea pig & cage. One s A JI ts '\9-0068 ' 0 iv. nn. ., x · Eldl'n, Costa ~lesa parakeet & cage. Adults call '· ' g ·a · S!'."1'1'.'ellf'd rm 8'x2-I'. New (Inly. 519-3139 l1/tJ TRANS POK r ATION crpt. \\lltny Xtra~. Clean . CUU..1GA.t"4" \Yater Softt>twr. $1000 ,.. h C ll """ ""!17 '68 Steveni; Dune Buggy Green metal flake. Cotvair t>nglne & trans, w/custom top & inte1·lor. Indy tires. '\'ith trailer. 546-1'152 eves. DUNE Buggy. Co1vair eng. & rtar end. V\V front end, cus!om framr. Nearly finish. ed $47.i. 675-2834 TRANSPORTATION Imported A•Jtos 9600 AUSTIN AMERICA AUSTIN AMERICA Sales, Service. Patla lmmedlat~ Delivery All A1odel1 J1 etuport 31111p ort s 3100 W. c.oast Hwy .. N.B. &12-9405 540-1764 Au!horizl'CI ~IG Dealer PIANO SALEI WE ARE OVERSTOCK ED! l\fu,gt make roo1n for new shlpmcnu. aITiving daily . Ll!etiine unlimited 110Jumes. BOXER & Beaglt' Con1· Boatt & Yac hts 90\,~ . ,.as ' a ~ . Be.i-t offe-r! 646-7445, elrt 33 binalion puppies. 3 mo's old. 24x60 lllOBILE Home. 1968 CORTINA C.ood "'/children. 544-83ti9. ~IANUFACTUR ER'S niodel. 1..-0cated in adult !---.:..:..:.;..:.:::.:.:.;:__ Price~ slashed on ........ .. Spineu, Consoles, Grands Ou·~tma.• delivery i;uar. COAST MUSIC NEWPORT & HARBOR Costa r.tesa • 642.2.851 Days 10-9 Sat 1().6 Sun U.6 VERY Mll'E' player piano, l>a.by grand, 'Aith Ampico e xp ress ion, lf c:ar R.&chlll!LlllnoU play h Is mwie? hls way. Ask quea. tlon11! G~ f::ESJ1..~ ~I Pia.no .\ l'lencJi. Xlnt CM.!. Ju11I tun- 1"'1. MOO « btst oilf.'l', Evt1 ~ 8' pool table. \VhUe w/g0ld CLEARANCF. park. Ct11l 549-2094 until 5 felt. Brand new, $200 ca.sh. FREE 10 good hoint.. 13 mo Two g1,1• Dinghy~ S125 ea. pm ; aft 5 pm. 962.-.1503 C.11 &li-..'237 old female mini. poodle, . Indoor dog. 968-302S Slx l2' 1-flNTSPORTS $100. LU~'URlOUS 35· nioblle For Snlc Fh"t'\\'OOd. $550. home \\'lllt cnba.na. Udo 0rall,!Je & Euc'Al)'Ptus ADORABLE Blac k One n('lv Z2' l'UPERSPOH.T Pnrk, Ne11'fl()l'l Beach 83Mi670 p I Per g I an k I t I e n 5. Deep V Sport F'i$h!"rman w/ 673-3524 or 6fl-CllS.'i r=LO~A~r-.-,"'."u"'. ~1""rx~J~8-.,-,.-rl'.1 .06,,73-=13_21~----"'1'.:."~6 140 hp r.1ercn1IS<'r S•l300. !-===·====== cone!. Scoe at 22% Lido Nord, NICE latJte planb: I or One ti~ '1'1· SliPERSORT 8 icycln 9225 N.B. r.take offer. 494-6415 landscaping, you d lg. v.·/ 200 ltp Tnterr.<"ptor S31oo.I --'-'.:.. ____ .:.:.:.: 531 7093 12.10· On• n"v Zl' SUPERSPORT Se\·cral Frenth Peu .. oot ER-\f[:NE slolt, 1'-•·small -" 0 u. t 1e: up !or 2 long-shall out. blcycles. 10 speM, all $250. cash. call \\'E i\fARAi.~eR. I yr. Old, lo boards S2900. Acct8i., used only 5 i,t.·kll, 642-S811 i(OOC.I home. 642-6068 12-16 Flllf.RGL.AS.1' $75 E"R<'h. 714: ?.~O·Ml+ APAR'ThtENT SJZI:: GAS Gut NE A p I Gs F'ABnrc,,TOJlS INC. STOVE, AllTll'ISt new. !I Gu 54>-4361 12/16 2117 &>, Lyon, Sant.a Ana Mini Bikes 927S lop Call 842-3;78 FREE • Trniler frame on ""°'°"~..:';:'"""':..·='-~--!HONDA !111 r.Unt SI kt: (~Karl, neec:ts &llU• wortc ='='l="='b_. 7~-=7297-=..,..--. 11s· Schock t1betglass Ro1\·ing ~·/Spark' Artt:rler. like nu. $3(1, COUCH ! Club Chair, as !!I. Dory. sr;o. 'Vondf'rful Chriatuw.s i in. SJ6fS2 642.--0368 12/I!'I 1t 675-6322 * $Jli(). 96.$-6215 '67 FORD CORTINA GT Hard 1'op Cpe, VS, 4 speed trans, Runs 5uper new 11.nd looks great! l.ic. VTY 527. $1299 ~" 5,19-3001 Exr. 66 or 61 l!tiO 1-L\'.RBOR t!LVO. OOST A A!ESA VOLVO 1970's HERE NOW PRICES TOO LOW TO ADVERTISE ON ALL USED CAR SPECIALS '''' Toyota Cof'Clll• Cpo. l / H, 4 spee4. A .,.. ot tfli1 ...... '1539 XIN JlJ 1t66 Anti11 lodstr .. a/H, 11101 l"'ldo & 01t. YLT J25 Hffle' Sprite 4 sp...,, Orlt · '1195 '-~~;;:R::;E::;M~A;;;;:;IN;;:l;;N::;G::::;;:;'6;::9;::'s:::::;:;:~( '"' '"" " .. ,..., _ ITllOIOOPJOObAJI ~:: ~:~.~'~·"··~~~~ ,,...,n••-· '5295 Ser. # 1010074 lt't T..,.._ Coron H.T., A/ H. Allto..rk, •Ir cofld. S.. ... .... •1679 Sof, # '211 1 97o's HERE NO.., "" ••-• Ghio ..... ...., ~ fiflhti & 4 tpeed, ... ,. ~- All Modals R•ad'y For lmm9Cl lat. Dell.,.j fllil•. s15-95 \"" ______________ , YPU 311 PRICES TOO LOW TO _, ADVERTISE ON ALL llEMAINING '69's ------1967 Toy.,. 'klt•P· a/H, 4 .,..., ,,,. ....... Prk td to Mil. '1095 Y444tl DEAN LEWIS Orange County's L1rge1t end Most Modttn Toyota & Volvo Dee1er 1966 HARBOR BOULEVARD 646-9303 COSTA MESA .,' ~~ • .. · ~~ ;~ ., ::: :·: :~ ,, .. ., ., '• •• ·-" .'l. . " .. , --~ · " '. ' ' ' • • '. ' ' " • . .. . i ' . '. ' '. ' . ' 1 • I· I: • ' '. ' '. : ' ' ' .. ,. .. ' " '• ., ;~ " :~ ·' . ; ;j·' < -------... ---~-----~---------------.._,.,_.____..._ --------------,,,,=--------· ~ --·---------- 0;1tv PILar SS TaANSPORTATION tR ANSl'OR.~T;;A;.;T:.;.10;,:N:.;_. (T ~:.;.RA:.;.N:.;.S:.:.PO=R:.;.TA:.;.T:..;IO:.;.N:.;__ r:T;.;RA=N::;;SP;;O;,:R:..;T:.;.A:.;.T;.:10:.;.N:__ 1 _T_R_A_N_S_PO..;R_T_A_T .. 10,_N'---I TRANS~~ION l!!_o.cl cars "°° _•_ut_ .. _w_ •• _..., __ .:'_100_, 1 .u_,_oc1_c_.,. ____ 9'iOC_1 ~c1r1, ____ 9'00_ usoc1 c... 9900 1.~1d C•rs 9900 TRANSPORTATION-RANSPO A ION u.1c1 c... 9900 u .. d c... 9900 •• A,.,,11. 'iCJA OH ~ ----..J Ut ;d C~r1 9900 ~ DUNTON: FORD 2240 s. Mc!ln 546-7076 '66 Mercury COMIT Y01.,•r f.P.11. Automttlc, ,...., st•tring, rtcUo,.J11•f· .,, Lie. l'P 916. $995 '69 Mustatlg MACH 1 421 v.1, • 1p111', powtr 1t11ril11, ,..,, brak11, rt• liio, h1tftr. YXR 607, $2495 '69 Camaro HAIDTOP V0f, tuto. tr1111., P, ,.,,. R&H, 14,000 '"il11. l ik1 n1wl YCL 276. $2495 ' '68 Olds CUTLASS J0 Dll. H.T. v.a, auto. fttl'll., f1ctory 1ir .c$l'nditioninq, pow1r 1f1tr- h19, powtr hr1k11, vinyl r1 of, 1h1rpl l ie. USY 094. $1995 '69 Fairlane 4·D•. V-1, 1uto. tr1n1., faodory eir conditioning, power 1t.1r- ln9, power br1k11, h11t1r. Lie. YCU201. $2295 '68 Chevrolet NOYA 4 Dr. 6 Cyl., 1ulom1tic tr1nN11i11io11, redio, h11t1r, 1tC. Lie. VMB 169. $1495 '62 Imperial CROWN t Dr. H.T. v.1, euto. tr1n1., f1cfory eir conditioRing, p ow• r .+11rin9, power br1k11, pow1r windows, pow1r 111h, redio, h11t1r. IA.WW IOOl. $495 '68 Mustang GT FA.STUCK l90 V-8, 1uto. tr1111., pow· er 1f1trin.g, pow1r (di1cl br1k11, redio, h11f1r, 1f1t· 10, co111ol1, 1h1rp. IWAB 661) $2495 WE PAY W11 FQR YOUR W CONNELL CHMOLE1 -... CHMOLIT FALCON FOR_D__ OLDSMOBILE PLYMOUTH PONTIAC --------· 1'6.1 Falcon Convert. B!Ue (4) 1968 FORD Country *nlE POPULAR ONEJ w/wbli. top. 4 •""'1 tr&nl. ledan wagons. Loadod. '67 Old• 442 '67 PLYMOUTH G'MC, alr * FU N · N • SUNI '66 a£EVY II V~ "NOVA" $295. 2Slf. Orange, C.M. $2100 * 534-5290 2 Dr. H.T. RadSo, htr., air cond. Buck Sta, Auto. Near '66 PONT V-& "Le---'Mans'' HDTOP Arr, PIS. R/H, 54.S-0453 -'63--'----""-'-"'--.1 cond., pwr. steering le brak· nu tittr. Yellow w/blk CONVERTIBLJ:-A/T, P/S, 9 PatMnglr ...... W/walls etc. Sparkltnc -0~~ or C:~er.•Uclr. es, landau kip. XGVC> vinyl tp. $1150. Wbnda On· "Premium'' ,•f'lberglan · + Air coad, v.a pwr sllttriQs. orig. Gleruo G...,o, Hardl)o FORD Call 64M<8l $179S ' =ly=·=S4S-6911==· ====I Nylon Wl wall• !"'· S-· Sacrltl"'! WW ii..-M looks u.t in! ONLY $1695.1----Ung orig, M.1bdo Crttm vate Party, m.3817 -~- ~'Jl!.A :::"' ~200 MARQUIS MTRs. aoo s. 1969 FORD Lro Country MERCURY Harbour V.W. PONTIAC XI••. s1ack Vlil>'l;.roe1.!i BUY """""' -aamw """"'• _,. Coaat Hwy. Laguna Beach Squire 429 V-8;, air oon-mac. aaddle Jilter. O.assic: t Dr. $115 calla. · WE P~Y TOP Ph.~~ 540-3100 ditloned, power steerlfla, SACRIFICE! Europe BoWl(f. '62 BONNEVl~ p/t, teachttl CM ~u,t Jl!Wl P8Y, t>river in SaieoL ~lla) • DOLLAR •68 CHEVY El ~-·--. 375 power brakes, all luxury ,67 M-·-~. Wag. l Al!I'HORIZ__ED p/b, r " h, fact air, pert you k> investigate .this~ true -:;:======== ~ ~--On! -~·~-J <11.Q SALES & SERVICE ' yr, end winter "BARGAtN" • fDr Ii"""• clean Uted cars. bp, 396 cu q. 4:lO . Y o.t:O mUea. $5,tnl owner, Jo mi. 642--0828 cond. S750 or make ofr, FO T•lllD t11 makes. See Georg:e Ray poaitraction. Mags, new, but will RU for $,1,500. 1871.l BEAOI BL., 842-4435 642--1712 R ONLY $995! MARQVIS l---------I Theodore: Robins Ford Goodyear. MS--'1883 or 61>7310 MUST NG HUNTINGTON BEAOt: '67 PONT 2 dr ht, Cran Prix M'l'RS. 900 s. O:IUt Hwy .. 1951 T-BIRD. --...._ 2ot;O Harbor Blvd. ••• -· '" Falcon Futura A *."QU., -COMPACT•." Lafuna Boacb. Pf>: 491-M.1, r-• -· ~ -..._..... • air .. land. top. elec wnd, 540-3100 -• •• 1. Must tee to • appndl.tel CM. 642-0010 n .n .... --·•-~ Dir '63 QLDS 1'-85 ''CUTLASs" t -• --" .,....,._ caab • ·' ..,.,,,,, --'16 IMPALA 2 dr. Air, pwr, &" -J cwry ~""¥.,....... , 1?69 GRANDE .. Air, P/S, dlx HDTOP SPT. CPE. A/T, s ereo, iunt ... vi-.. .,.1'111 , -Oo»""19l.,. Will Buy R&H, auto. Xln't cond. $695. int. 5 new ?<.l1c~elln . radial P/S, Recent W/walls .etc. 1 846-116.5 ·RAMBLilt '6' T·Blrd. Pw!d CQlld.. l $159.5. WW take dean trans. Phone 6tU023 tires. 2500 nu. $2'850. Jady owned. Cllstenlng '65 PONTIAC GRAND owner; Lo mi. s.auk:e! Your Volkrwapli or P.oncbe trade. 4$o344l m· 496--250CI, '63 Ford Van. Olen')' cond. 644-0266 Ermine White W/Pluah red PRIX. Air Cond. Leather. FED Up~ )4.u(y Can! •92 ~ i48eS12 A pay top dollart Paid 1or Dr. Wlneu.p. V.S 289. $000. Indy titta. Vinyl bucket seat Inter. Fully Auto. $1250. S0-82t2 Ramhler_Wq. 6 c;vl' .ltiek. '69 T-BDtD Coavl._ Whi~ aD "' oot Call Ralpb0 '66 Caprice 2 dr, p/b, good 84&-1492 OLDSMOBILE Smooth P.,wor aod wlruti"8 day• or 64>-1754 •"""'-$250. '53 Ford P.U. $215. '59 pwr. hllr • - '13.(l9(0 cond. 26,500 mi $U95. Call IT'S WONDERFUL the looks! ONLY $895. •· 'Gfl BONNEVD.J.E, 18,tnl Shnca SlOO. 'ea Honda 50 $f0>,Mf...Qmor~ IMPORTS W.ANJ'ED S4Q...4U5 betw 8 -5; 5f9...0M7 many buys in &ppllances '64 OLDS 88 convt., pwr MARQUIS MTRS. 900 S. ml., ori& ownr, full pwr, flS, Call H>-S589. _ '51 T-Btrd Hardtop $29) 0ranp O:luatJes aft 6 pm you find in the Cla.aified brakea, steering, elean. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach fact air, nu tires. $mO: THE QUICKER YOU CALt., 'fllT·Bln1~$2$).. TOPS BUYER • '&4EI Camino. Auto. v~. 4 l·A~ds:;,·°""'"'::=""=:m==m=w=!==::.!-=:;1675;;:,:oay,:==646-M39:===:::::::::::..!.~P~h~;~<9<-~'IS0~3.==50-J==l~00:::,:::::~~6~0~1~889;,,,:=-:-===::;::::!:'n!E~~Q~UI~CKElt~;;,,;~~OU~SELL;,;;:;;,_!.:,:::::,,;;~:518-:;;ttB~~*;;;;:====I BILL MAXEY TOYOl'A eood tjtts. Just tuned! $750.1 1'881 Bmcb llhd. 545-8801 Now C•rs . 9800 Now C1n · 9800New C.n fL Beach. Ph. lfl-1555 '64 MALIBU, xlnt oond, new Auto Leasing 9810 ~ ;~ firm. '6i'"NOVA, fact air, new LEAS.E • RENT tires, lo mlg, super con- lmmedl•t• delivery dltion $650. 54&4475 on •II 1970 FOROS & CHEVY '64 Malibu Honltop. FORD TRUCKS Auto, pi s., p/b: new tires, All ul brakes, pamt. 546-6925 pop ar makes. Ford ,64 IMPALA •·-alr authorUed leuinc syatem • "'""'t. • pwr. Get Our CompeUtive Rate~ steer., R&:H. New tires. Theodore Xlnt's cond. $995. 64&-3530. ROBINS FORD '62 CHEVY Nova, p/s, auto trans. Xlnt cond. $450. 200J Harbor Blvd. 833-2118 Costa. Mesa 642-00101..:::::..:;=. _____ _ LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL Let our tease experts 9how YoU tbe best plan for ;your (5) 1968 CHEVY Impalas, loaded! Priced tor quick sale! $1'1'75. SM-5290 CHRYSLER personal needs without obli-1--------- gatioUNIVERSITY '67 Chry•l1r Newport 4 door Custom Sedan, Fac-OLDSMOBl LE tory m, aummatio trana. 285o HarOOr Blvd. power steerlna: & brakes, Costa Mesa BJll!ed a: cruise mntroL Lie --~SOJ.~9640-"'----1 XTJ4112. l'1 LEASE l'1 $2099 1969 Mustang Hardtop, V~. ~ l~:~:s~·~ p: Cb, iJS' CAR LEASING " A ,..-~ W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-~ ..... _.J _ u...i c... 9900 "\J• 549-3C6l Ext. 66 or 61 19111 HARBOR BLVD. '63 SPORT Fury, h:l:tp, OOSI'A MESA d1'. good runner. tun price '67 Chrysler 300 $499. MDR717 Call Phil 545--0634 • 2 Dr Hardtop, factory air, --------·I power steerifll>, IJOWl!I' brak-es, vinyl roof. A real Bar- '63 RAMBLER Amer, hdtp, dlr, runs good full price $299. 001.920, call Ken, 494-9773 &ain. Lie, YOK-476 $2099 This Christmas, spoil the famRy with a Cyclone SpoHer from J~hnson & Son ' '67 Cougar BUICK v~ : v.f, •uto. tr1ns., feefory •ir conditio11in9, power 1t11r- in9, pow1r hr•k11, redio, h11ftr, vinyl roof. ITYT 7161 . . $1995 '69 Mustang H•rdtop. v.a, 111to. tr111s., f1et1ry •ir co11ditionin9, pow• r sf1trin9, power ldi1cl br•k11, redio, n •••• er, 1t1r10. IYRW 0941. $2795 '66 Ford CUSTOtil 100 4 Dr. v.a, 1uto. tr•n1., fee· tory eir conditioning, pow1r 1t.1rin9, pow1r hr••••• t•• dio, h11t.r. ISQL 9011. $995 '65 Olds 88 4 Dr. V.8, euto. fr1n1., fee· tory eir 1;onditionin9, pow1r 1t11ri119, powtr br1k11, ra· dio, h11f1r. IWID 1251. $995 '64 Volkswagen DE LU XI 2 Dr. 4 1p11d, r1dio, h11I· er. l:'le1ll111t tr1n1porf1tion. 1051 2611. $795 '67 Pontiac: G TO HARDTOP f Or. V-1, 1uto. tr1n1., fit• tort 1ir eo11ditiolti119, pow• •r 1t.1r""9, power br1k11. ITY$ 001). $1695 '69 Thunderbird H•t1lfep. V.8, 1uto. tr1111., fectery •ir conditioning, pow• r 1te1rit19, po..;,, br•k11, power window1, pow1r 111h, ,,dio, h•1t1r. IYNW 4291 . $3295 '66 Mustang Htrdtop. 6 cyJ ., eute. fr1111 ., retl!o, lii11t1r. ISVI: 7ZI ,, $995 '67 RIVIERA .Full power, includinz air, :111trato buckets. 40,000 a:ctual miles. $2995 ~1 Ext. 66 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '62 Buick Special. White. 4 Dr. New tires. Good cond. $425. call Phil 644-2430 'Gl CONTINENTAL. Factory '&1 Eldorado l=Air="=""!=r=;=~=6 *'== Ownod by littlo old toaohor COUGAR from Laguna Beach. FuU pwr, fact air, dlr, extra, ex.I ___ .:;_;;_; ___ _ tra clean!! Take ti,:ade or '68 Cougar XR7 small down. YQ. 553. Call Automatic, air, power stetr- Ken, 494-9773 or 545-<634. ing. vinyl roof, etc. 1968 Cad convert. 19,tnl $2399 :~·,;:% un:VA~;, ~ !,~ C: .~·:i~~:~,~ "~ ~I Black on black private par-.. ty muat sell. 96S-S348 • '69 Cdv, 15000 ml. su,.,, w/ , ... ~ .. I, blk lthr & landau top FM W ' stereo, $5500, 637-828216.17- 78'29 M9-3031 Ext. 86 or 61 '67 EL DORADO, Full pwr & 1970 HARBOR BLVD. air + $1200 extru. Perf,;-===oo=sr=A~ME;;:;SA;;=;:;cond. Lo • Lo mi. MUSTi. SELL! 644-4265 DODGE '60 Cadillac convt, black --··----- loather, lull pwr. wir, cloan '69 Dodge $325 finn. 546-3426 '59 HARD Top. AU power. Chaf991' Very clean. Pvt Pty. $395. 2 Door Hardtop. VS, powtr 962-6888 ateerlng, power brakea, * Loan company repo ,67 automatic trans, bu c k e t convertible. Sbarpt Make aeatl, vynl roof. Abeo1utely offer! 5C7-G941 like new, Uc. YWs.279 $2699 · CAMARO ~ DUNTON ·~':.'!e·:~~:=ob · 0.a •• thap<. 4!JS.~ alt 5 "' ~ I" FORD ... .:!~~to-,_._ 2240 S. Main 546-7076 . u, alr c:ond. ~ equip. ~1 .txt. 66 or 61 excel. cood. Must sell $1600. 1970 HARBOR BL.VD. sl3.o8Jo CJ0sr A MESA Is Yoar Ad tn o U r DON'T live It &w&)', &et clusllledst Someone wtU be quick aah for It wtlb a b>ki.n1 tor It. Dial 9'2-5678 Dt.ily Pllft( want Ad. - TOMORRuW Now oophl1tle1tld Cyclone GT, with the lhl'lllllnt. 1eoope$f hood, conce•lfKl ~lamps, HI-a.ck Buckets, Compotllfori· ~~ndllnt P1clcOgO. P70x14 tr•dfon beltocl tlre1, 351.YI -•ff 1t1ndlrd. Or ff yau prefer, a brand new 1970 Unc:oln Continental, Mark Ill, Mercury or MoptecJO, would make an ex• cellent Christmas gi~ for the whole family -Set yo urs up for delivery on Chrfslm• Eve. -. ~~~~ r·~~•~\a~:sf'P-~ ~~~,"£.~'•-,k.l'.1.1"~~~~~~,r.>~ ~~~~~·~~~~•S°i~~.!l~Jg-lh~~~~?i~~~'t.fS~~'.l}'~"(~~~; . . MORE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS We have some beautiful u1ed cars that would make wonderful Chrl1tm11 preunt1 ·our prices are right too· you don't hrv• to wait for January clur•nce sale prices, we have them now. CONTINENTAL 1964 CONTINENTAL ( ooor std&•'. 0.1~•1 8tlo• flnlsll ¥<1111 blond '61 CONTINENTAL 4-DR. SED. l•lloer Interior. F11Uy hn.:rv tqulppecl lnc!ulllno full POW•r a. lectory 1lr, le, RAU 12$ Allrec:ll"' llgll! dlro,,,.. y•llow wt!PI bl•ck tte!ll-$1895 er lnl1rl0r end llndau roof. Full power ectul~ peel, IKtory 1lr, l'k. WXFJJS $4395 MERCURY '61 CONTINENTAL COUPE 67 COUGAR 2·DOOR Rov•I M•roon mll•Hlt 11111511 w!lh rn11Chl"9 lnterllr, bllck lanO•u l'QCll, Luwury tQulpped. Llmt trou w1rn m1tchlr111 vlnrl buckell. 1u1a .. compt1111y tilt 1tttrl11C11 Wh"'· 11ctory 11r, pow· 219 •11C11lne, P.$., RloH, ntw c•r 1rlde-l11R - .,. door 1ocQ, llC. VTP 7~1 ownlr and Ml'YICW by our CO"'f)tny. VO m . $4195 $2175 '67 CONTINENTAL 4-0R SED. 1961 COUGAR XR7 e11un1u1 t :ort blut metallic llnl1h'w1rn maid\· Pol•• w!lite wllh bled: Llnd111 roof &-bl1ck 11111 1111,...,, in!trlor. l l•Ck llnd•u roof, fullt buck1t 1ttls, 1u10..,.11e "'"'·• po-''"'lf'lll, 1usury equlpptd and l•ctory .ir nrpdillon!ng, power br11t.,, Redlo, ne•l•r. lie. Lie. WCP J1J AM·"M radio, 1!1r.o l•Pt dedl. on1-0Wn1r i:.1r. ... llffflllly IMlnlllnld, TTN030, $2395 $3395 ''6 MERCURY PARK LANE '67 CONTINENTAL '·Door Hlnlk>P'. Arcl!e Wl!!lt Wllh Ivy OGld 111- ConYlt't!bll bll""lful Ouln lllfl!VOI" flnt1n wl!h !trlar •ncl bt&c~ llindau ro01, 1uto .. R&H, P.S .. rn•lchl~rlor eno ""tit top, COmpltrelr lu•· P.S., l•ctorY 11r concllllonlng, RNI l\lllurt 11 ury oftlU , full power. AM-FM radio, tactorr rffton•b'-prlet. \IZU202 1lr, tlll wtrcotl, lit. • """' llra1, UOAlM. $1995 $2795 1965 CONTINENTAL OTHER MAKES 4 door. Desert ltlff llnlfh w1111 '°lond """"' lnlerlOr. Fullr Ml~ 'tlllPlll lflthl(llllQ "'" 1961 FORO FIDO I' PICKUP JIOwtr • l~IOtY 1 r. n111111111y cle1n. l.lc. Ol.IW W. $2195 11.adto, h•ttr, put<IMs«I tltw by Johnton .. '9!1, E~c1lltr\I OOl!dlllon., I.IC. Qft917 '67 PONTIAC. GTO 2·DR. H.T. Go:d rnbl melaUlc llnlll'I with blldl: '"""" Miii. auto. Tr•n.., radio • P11a11r, pciwtr ''""' lr.u, l1ctory •Ir, '"""Hui eondl!lon. TRJJ» $2295 1967 BUICK RIVIERA 8~1ulllul metallic flnllh with "" 1ni.r1or, tQ11lpped With 111 the llll<urr rw1r 1ccn1. £11• tlOllon•llY clffn. Llc. UVU 01 $3095 1967 MUSTANG 2 DR. H.T. 8rlllln r1<!ni1 DI'"" tlnlll'I w.ltlllck bucket ••It. "' V1 tnOlnt, c-11, rid., hlr., power 1tr1., pwr, brb., 1vto. "'"'·• •le, TWY'111 $1795 '61 JAGUAR XKE·2 COUPE AUr1ct1v1 8rltrlll 11.KlllO Grftn fln!th wlllll bleck lealhtr Interior, wire wtlll'l1, ltldlll ,.,., !lrt$, 11C. hl""lful condl!lan. Wl0601. $4595 I '66 MERCURY MONTCLAIR .. eoor sl'll1n. 1ruz --equll!Pld 1nc1Vc11nt l•dory tlr, Lie. U Ulll $1595 '68 CAOILLAC SEO. DE .. VILLE Mt..-llnkPI with bled! l•ndlll N11.INll 'b11dl lffllltr lrotuior. Lil'l\lrY ""'"'*· jl'1111 pow9'• t1ctorY 1lr eondlllon!fle, AM·FM 1filrM, ltlf. tttt •tlll':&o ""'"I, Ont owntr, MfvtlMly -~ "lllld, m1i.. vttm BARGAIN CORNER· In Our B:aria~n-torner, we h•v• ~rout uHtl cara. ·5'm• cl,an,· ioM e •not so cle•n. S6me th•t are. duplfc• tlont, iOme .. we've had too long-In any·even~ ttt. .. cars are real bar91in,_ LOOK 'l!M OVERI. ,. • .,$811 ....... , ... , ·-•127& 8U Mttlklllr N.T.,·Po'*ll • '$1311 '66 ~:.· .. ~·:~.:t $1111 '68 IUICK _ILICTRA Ltc. 'l'l'U ... '61 CNRVSLIR M t Or."'· nil ... T•llllO ~ LMlll•. "''* $161& $1811 , 12171 '89 •o•o ToilflO ~-..... $2211 ' . ' .To-hnso_n ·~SD .D ' • • I $1995 $4595 . lLOOO©@ll.00 ©@lm'ii'lllmffilm'ii'&lL • llW&OO~ m · IFaJ[glm©l!DlmW • ©@l!D@&OO I '2626 HARIOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MllA I NEW CARS 540.5630 . 6 "'2·0981 'i Niile·Soutlil of_fhe ' I 1.-' !an Dl~o Freewll1! ' ' . ( ·' ;, . • . . . . " ' .. . . -· ' •• . ---~--·---...------·-~----------• • • • • " ·1 ' ,. . ' -' ...... I I ' ' .,. I ' , • • ' ' I I