HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-12-20 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa7 ~-----~ .. f W ··-·-.,... ...... ~------...... ' ' ··~ .. . ) . . ' • ' \ . -. . Oeittli .. ~ ·i=ear~d . --. ' . ' • . ... . --. ..... ... , I . -•• ·---·--.--~ --- ----•• -· • --. • . ------·~ -- I DAILY PILOT CdM ·Death Suspect Said * * * 1oc * * * ··Tender Hearted · Girl~ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1969 VOL Q. NO. *" ' SIC::TIOHS, U. l'A•ll .. ., .. ' Coast B ~races for ·Waves Parents Fearfu;I Pregnant. Teen's . . Safety Impetiled By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI OI ftlt 0•111 'ffol Slaff Somewhere in California today, a pr,g- nant 18-year~ld Huntington Beach girl may be hemorrhaging and near decith while her companions-members of a bizarre re!igioUs 1eet-do nothing. but pray. This fear was expressed for Nancy Kaliher by her distraught parents, ~tr. and Mrs. Dan Kaliher of 16331 Saratoga Laoe, Huntington Beach. A second daughter. 15 -year-old Barbara, is also believed to have em- braced the traveling religious group. "We're hoping newspaper publicity will Jive us a contact that might lead to our daughters," the worried Mrs. Kaliher declared. We'd like to get Nancy to a hospital or a doctor. She won't be able to do God's work if she's dead. W a.r Vigil Set Jn, Sa.ii Cle 1nente "We would like to have them !pend Christmas with us." Kaliher, an aerospace engineer, and his wife, ha ve taken fears f1)r their di:lughters' safety to the Huntington Beach police and even to Governor Ronald Reagan's office. Kaliher asserted his daugbler! r~n off last May with a group known as the Teens lot' Christ which was once head- quartered in Huntington Beach and mDl'lt recently accused of cltureb disturbances in Northern California. The father said, however, that his pre"g- nant daughter and her 28--year-old male companion were last seen near Los Angeles, at Norwalk, only one week ago. The two had sought refuge with an elder· Iy couple. "Nancy is six month! pregnant," Kaliher said. "The elderly folks to\d us Nancy is apparently hemorrhaging and the man with her will do nothing but pray. Now we're afraid our daughter is going to die.'' A Christmas eve war moratorium vigil will be held at President Nixon's Western White House in San Clentente. Sponsors predict 500 or more Orange County residents will lake part. Kaliher's version wu supported by the elderly couple. Mrs. Jenks Janes o( Norwalk, with whom the Kaliher girl was t9laying, around Dec. 4, recalled, "That girl needed heip badly. She was expecting and was crying so loud. She was purple an over her body and crying on the lawn." Neffi>Orl Beach residents K~ren Stephen.son (left) · bumps. Of course, .it helps if tbe"'snow" ls p)ash~.- anil Lindil Fernanc! .. ,' liotli· 21 , have ·distoverecf a · The white stuff is parl of elaborate while Chri~ The group will march in silence by candlelight from 9 p.m. until midnight. The marchers will follow an ti-block circular route around the Cypress Shore neighborhood where Nixon makes his \'acation home. ! "I didn't µe the man do anything to help her other than pray. I think they were married, they acted like they wue very much in lo\!e." way to frolic in thi show. Without leavlng4 thBil-yard. debot"the ·gi~ ba.ve-:arranged' at their~ ~e. · .. ' l They can ·even· wear ·n~ w.itbi>ul g~ling goose, · :·, A permit for the march was obtained . three weeks ago from San Clemefite police, according to James Cleair, co- chai rman of the Student Mobilization Committee at Cal Slate Fullerton. He said literature telling about the vigil was sent to 240 churt'hes in the county and leaflets were distributed at UC Irvine · and junior college campuses. AcC91"dlng to ~ Kaliher•, this pro-vited one of the few reports of their diughler's existence since she ran a\\·ay seven-m<Jnths ago, despite a futile search involvnig the Police, letters and telephone calls. Police llid the last knowledge of the Kaliher girls was receiyed Dec. 4 when they picked up a juvenile boy who ·ad- mitted he knew the girls. but would ·not diVlllge their location. . ' Herbert Thomas Funeral Rites Slated Today : Funeral aervices wHt be held today, for Herbert.,.'l1lomas, 81, a. former controller for the lr.vbtt ComP,lny who died Thuni· Hau Real Mes.s day at Community Hospital, San\1 Ana, of. injuries suffered 1in i freak auto ac-cident. ...,. ·• ~ • .. ·' :~_ ; ,, • \ Mr."':ibornU, who Jived at 1107. East 1Jt ' .$900,000' 1J14 ·N<f H.'ot W~;:.-, ~~t'ti':i~·:i!r;~~~~ • ., • .... , ... ~ . , , _ ~ ' lrrine emD.,,ny in 1M2 .and· retired.tin1 A new !800,oot m9.t hal! ·w,u •uY. A!1Joilt,.!lre\n~w. m•••:ha.ll.1'1ll·iirv• 111111, · J dedicated. at the~llllUI Anl.Matine,,Corps 1,D l!len at a single 'j:neal, with ~re-A:ooenilfta.. lo, his ,lis&tr, Mr. Thomas Air Stati on ~. -complete l wi~' an thaii lQD Umea tht freer.er a ft d ~,tUenlils car to a~ .Ana~ sta-~utomaUc pot !IC'f'Ubber -but,.. the . re!rigerator apace coot6ed in the JI& . t1on Tuaday for repairs. As he slid over modern. autoniated dinidC fittility •has • . .i -1 from 1thf: driver'• seat.. sJMi aald, be ac- one scalding flaw. .vll)tage ·meu hall.· . ' cidelltaJly.hlt the gearshift.lever with· his No hot. water. , \ ~plete with so mifty features intft llrnJ. 'l'hei car .darted &Cl'08I lhei meet, Afen of the.helicopter units wbi,cli train· pageui denied .moat modern housewtvtl hltdn&1f<>Qt parted cars. Mr. 'Ibomaa' Ill Santa Ana MCAS are still uSing the Old i• their own kitchens, the mess ball II ltf · tad .em. throoib the windshleld. n1css..ball in !ervice since 1942. pendini d'lstinctive that it lln't even called by that 'He ts AUrviv~ by his wife E'Lecta Or delivery of critically needed equipment. ~··but ls the Enu.i..r ~Hall. Iha home•• Ii* Mrl.-Salul ol That equipment Is boiler llfety valv... Rlbbon<Ulttnl ~ Dec. ti llewporl Be..b: : .......... -Sal· Marine Corpo olficials 8'Y the Items mo oboeryed by atatfln .........i.r tig; • or..., Mn. Edftnl W*<f Jr. ol •bould Ire installed, the pots bolllng ITld Col. K.E. Huntlnctaa ml C.)11..J-t. ~ dellMor. ml hni ~. •II lhe rest ol the automaUc I"' hum· Weaver, who reta1no U..:.tllle meu ol· Setllcw wlb• be held ·•t f 'p,m. at ming h•pplly in time for 1 gal• fi..,, whether hia hall ol tho 1111110 nmnt 8alfdlellllet Cb1pel. Tustin, '!11th borltl Chridmas dinner. dots or not. followlq.at Fairhaven Memorial Park. ,. ,., • , . . ; ' " . , Sus-pee.ti in ·CdM Skiy~ing 'A TenderHeartedGirl' ~. By .JOHN VALTERZA argument with her huSband and stabbed • or .... lnllr ""'' '"" rum once in the chest. ' She came' f:rOm, ' Oldl.hdma City,. ' she was hysterical when police arrived Oklahoma, 20 yean ago for that ~511,ia to fiJKt ,her mort8Uy }wounded, husband of small tmtrlgirl careers-'the movies. lying near the swlmrrung pool' Ou\aide.' "[ doo't k-wflat promptedlhe ltrlng And· under the naipe Deanie Best she. lo; break in De~ -n . .ber 1U)tJe i.aw landed• few roiOI i? lilqls,.bu) lltUe tyer Friday. , "l ' , , came al. it, es:cept ~~-f ~ ... " "She wa s a ~~rted'&Jtl wl)o Joy. Today.the ts in 1 Jail coll in 'Saota AJl•I, ed· dogs and cals. S!ie. wOulcm~ .hurt highly conhiaed, at.ill . distraU'IM jq;cl '. anything. ·J just don'tiuwda:ltand.i&.,'!..he unaw~. the family says, of lbe· bitter ' said SOTTOwfuUy. ' · ; ~ l hi: • conflict! which are·developing ftom the Doughty, his dau~ei arid htr·huMtlftd·. fatal atatiblng ·ol her husband, Newport .tood In the cold, damp c-of Be!lch r.ac11t b'roker Wllli1 , Hunt. Sbe Newpori Police Ilea~ '!or. !iQQrs tace1 trlal'tdrbil murcltt. ' ~ last ' Mcp:lay morning just to. glimpse Willa Deen Hunt, 43, hi! k uncle in Mrs . Hunt a3 she passed by fbr transfer Santa Susana, retired Navy 'chief ,John to -County Jail. · · · · Doughty. , We just want tG let htr" kriow we're He:• her, only kin.in, California~ lean here," all three told detetUves, "It would .man wltb an etched face and srave con-mtan rtJ mudr to herJ' · cem fer 11f1 m.c. -Ill• bu gone It wun't until • doy liter 1hat 1111· of poldlrlly' IOU!'. • them could Wk to Mn. HunL , It _.a "<r1111 point lut S..rM!ay l lli>ulhl)I, w11o said he hid friends In lht nl«f>t 111 •well~ ml npellllve eo.on. Sheriff'• Office, -the chance to ,.. hla de! Mor homo.....,, police·~· lleonl• niece for ~hour. . Huot picked up • butcher lmUe In an liM MRS. HUNT, Pace J) ~· • f NoD~age .~peeled For Beaches Smashing breakers expected aloni the Orange Coast tlm weekead are apected to cause no dam.age to JZ'Opefty but provide plenty of opportunJty for Christ- mas vacation surfers testing their brav- ery. F·rom Seal Beach to Laguna Beach, r;torm-generated wavea measuring up to JS feet in height are expected today and conUnue through Sunday. A 18 to 12-foot high dike, running frnm. the Seal Beach pier to the Navy jetty In Seal Beach, remains standing, just in case anything should happen. "We're only expecUng high tlde this weekOl><I, but ll the high tide •bould be combined with high waves, the whole coast will be in trouble."'~ said Sgt. John Averyt of the Seal Beach POllce Depart· ment. The protective dike wu constructed by bulldozers two weeks ago, When high 11.1rf rolled into the streets of Seal Baech, ffooding several homes. The cities of Huntington Beach, New- port Beach and Laguna Beach, exptci. to have no difficulties stemming fnim the thundering surr. For .a~rfers, ·danger ridee i.g}i, though, with IS-foot waves pc:;u_nding the beach. Chuck Manson of La Jptlp;, adult advi~ or to La8 Ol.as Surfing Clbb, aid . 04the breaket'! last week were peaking at J 8 . 1o m1 f«t and shout 10 surf en were out ·there. Aboot half ·ol 'them shouldn't have been.'~ , . . ·o l'.ange .Coast . Weadler Those cloudy skies may grow· a little damp over the weekend ·as the sun .continues its vacation over the Orange Coast. lJltle tempera- ture change JS expected. ' ........ , ·°""s ~ ·CHRIST.MAS - • =... ·-·---· -· ... ............ - ' I ,, • I ,I ' ii' ' I ' L ~ ---------------------------------------------- Open Dally 1 0· 1 o Sun. 10-11 p.m. -s.iwrdq. Duembu. 20~"19~9 r~~~~\~, N ~ ~ * N ~ ~ ~ 497 Cemented sole, high top zho. for ankle support. Stttl wheels, ~'" ba.\I bearinp. No· atraps. clamps, keys. Lim11• ... lltllll• s ....... Dttl . . FOCAL FLASHBULBS, ·CUBES Suu.011111 7 4 ~ TO J 76 RIDE 'EM POLY KIDOY CAR 41°PIECE GI.ASS BAR SET Re~. t .17 to 1.97. Specially priced group Includes AG·IB doi1blt Pak bulbs (S1 .76}; i\13 or Jl.138 J2.pak, tach S1 .07;.58 12·pal bulbs (Sl.07): flashcobe-s. 3-pnk (97c), or '1-pe,k ($1.27). S1111doy 011111 9 6 SNntioy Only "P('e Tee" r:idc 'Em car i11 stul'· ,. e S!t consists oC 8 each: 6-07.., d_ily m?ldcd in sturdy poly pla~· 8-oz, 10..oz. and 12·oz. shams be. Strong, safe, \\•ashablP. ' ' Strikin~ colors. 16Y."x7~'x 12·oi. mugs and 1 shot elus. 15~" slzf'. Charg e It. . --·--------. r~m•M~~MM•M•M~MMMMM~-, I MARVEL i 644 KODACOLOR CAMERA FILM I 8 88 I ELECTRIC ICE CRUSHER tter. :i-.cc to 3.9'7. Pola.col, or T·IOS_ film (SIA~; 126 Kot1,Aco1or ! dle, and a set of spurs. ~ give llll the crushed let you 1,1 '::) ....-....1~-1 "' 127 I I ( \ od 1 N .......... ll need. l-li·impacL st.yrl".nt. Charg e m, ; n.vuni. ..... or .~o. 1 m ...... : 11co or o . .,..v to fil m ( ); Kodachromt ;\o. ll.3 (St.37, and Kodachrome No. • , » It. .464 Supc-r 8.(f2.D1). LllTl1t9" o..11111r.. ,. ... UM" Dffltl't 11 ........... w.-................ ~ COSTA MESA ON·LY Nylon and Satin 7-PC. Super Teflon® Aluminum Cookware Sunday Onlv -1044 REGAL aluminum "'vaterless" cookware with super. hard Teflon coating. 5-qt. Dutch Oven \vith cover. l ·q,t. covered 5auce pan, .z.qt. covered sauce pan and 10'' fry pan. Just Charge It . • Of ~tllt ""' 1',M. 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MES r, ' ' . I ,' . ~ ... ' . Weekend ' ltally Paper'. EDITION ...--.. (• YOC. 62, NO. 304, 4 SECTIONS, 62 PAGES ;! SAT\IR~AY, DECE~-ER 20, 19•9f--TEN CENTS , . '\" .. .._ New R.ed Attacl{s ·? , . . . Ho· Supply Trail Activity Up SAIGON '(AP) -The number of North Vietname&e trucks moving supplies south &IOl)g Qle H~ ~I Minh trail ~u.b)Cl'~ eiglit-Cold slllCe October, off1clal sources srud today. In October, recoJW.iManct planet sig)\ted about 250 trutks i week moving thrQugh eastern Laos. the sources said, but~ number jumped to about 1,000.a week in November when the. monsoon season ended and. roads becamt mote ~sable. In the pa.st two wetks howeva-, more than i,ooo trucks a week have bten sight. ed shuttling supplies south for a pnsSible enemy offensive early next year. . "We are·not saytng the enemy ~ aJ. ready committtd lo an offensive." RePofts aajr there: also bis· been a Theft Suspect Wins Further Hearing Delay 1ignifi,:ant increase in troop lnfiltraUon since tht end of I.he monsoon seasoo .. The U:S. Command has 3teP.POO up. air strike. aigainst the Ho Chi Minh road net· work: using fighter-bombers and B52s. The U.S. Command, despite President Nixon's admission earlier this month that American bombers are "iflterdlctlng" the Ho Chi Minh trail; rtfuses ·to-disclose rur strikes .ln Laos, But headquarters did announce a 852 raid early today inside South Vietnam but less than two milell from the Laotian bor'dei. Five B52s dropped 150 tons of bombs jUst north\Vest or the A Shau Val· ley, a key entry point from Laos. "It is a normal infiltration rotite and staging area," one. source said, but add· ed there bas beeii "more activity" in t.be area recently. 1be raid ·was the first IW: mission In the area in abGut two months, spokesmen said , In Sai_gon American troops were warn· ed to 3tay off the streets this weekend in anticipation of possible terrorist·a1tack3. _Captured enemy documents called for Increased· attacks this weekend to mark the 23rd anniversary of the opening of the Viet Minh's war against the Frencb and the 9th birthday ot the National Li~ eration Front,· Political organization of the Viet Con g. In addition. enemy force! have often launched heavy attacks just before holiday truce periods. A rocket attack on Saigon'3 Tan Son Nhut airport Friday was th e third incident in Saigon th.is week spokesman said there was lit- Ue activity on the batUefields. Hall Heal Mess $900,000 But No Hot Water LONE SURFER MAKES HIS MARK ON GLASSY SECTION OFF HUNTINGTON BEACH PIER A Storm in the North Sends Sets of Humpbacks to Appr.ciative Orangt: Coast Surfer1 ' ACcu·sed embezzler Richard Winters Burke successfully asked Friday for a .fur'Jl:er de1ay of a Superior Court hearing ~t which he must respond to charges that he misappropriated an esUmated $28,000 in county clerk's funds. A new '900,000 mess hall was recently dedicated at the Santa Ana Marine Gorp1 Air Slation -complete with an automatic pot scrubber -bul the As built, the new mess hall will serve 1~500 ·men at a single meal, with" more than 100 Umes the freezer an d Major Prpjects For County Road Improvement Set Four major improv,ement projects for Oranfe · County totaling $356,800 have bet'n'1pProved 'for fiMncing by the .State DiVision or Highways, meeting in Santa Ana. Largest Single program Involved ls a $126,500 ·shared-cost addition t~ Hun- tington Beach's oceanfront parkmg lot, expanding i.t up to 2.300 spaces. Main entrances will be at Lake Street. Huntington Avenue and Beach ~oul.evard and the project will incl~de traffic ssgn~ls at the Lake Street-Hunhngton Avenue rn· l<!rsection. Ad(:litionat aspects include widening flf Golden \Vest Slreet to four lanes at Pacific. C0ast Highway and modiflcation of the traffic signal at Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway. Fur\her downcoast, a $145,IXKI proj_ect will result in renovation of the old Pacific Coast Hi ghway bridge, built nearly 4fl years ago over Ne\vport Bay. soulh or Dover Drive. The third project v.·ill be jointly [inane· ed at $56,300 by the slate and the city of Orarige, for installation of traffic signals and lighting on the New port Freeway at the southbound Lincoln Avenue offramp. The state will pay a $16.100 share. Drainage along the San Diego Freeway nt Bristol Street in Costa Mesa will be improved through the fourth project. a $30,000 replacement of a 30...inch . culvert with •inch re.inforced· concrete pipe. Herbert Thomas Funeral Rites Slated Today Funeral services will be held today fQr Herbert Thomas, 61, a former _controller for the Irvine Company who died Thurs· day at Community Hc>spital, Santa Ana, of injuries suffered in a freak auto ac· cident. Mr. Thomas. voho lived at 1107 East Isl St .. Tustin. was an Orange County resi· dent for nearly 30 years. He joi~ed t~e Irvine Company in 1942 and retired tn 1962. According to his sister. Mr. Thomaii had taken his car .to a Santa Ana gas sta· tion· Tuesday for repairs. A~ he slid over from the driver's seal, she said. he ac· cident.a!ly hit the geai:shift lever wilh hi' llrm The car darted across the street, hittl~g four parked ca rs. Mr. Thoma$' head went through the windshield. 1~t i~ survived by his wife. E'Ltcla, of the home : a sister, Mrs. Myrna Saftig of Newport Beach : a nephew, Thomas Saf· Ua· a niece~ Mra. Edward \Var~ Jr. of cJ.,n1 dtl Mar, and two grandnieces. Mi'. Thomas was 1 member of Masonic Lodge No. 1•1 and Elks Lodge No. 794 ol Santa Ana. , Services will be hfld at 2 p.m. at S&ddleback Chapel. Tustin. with burial following at Fairhavcr1 Memorial Park.· Train Hanis Houses 'fOKOSIUMA. Jip>n (UPI) -~,,.,.. ion Was kiUed ·and 36 passenpra tnju~ when an express train rammed Into a ror, of hruM;S in lshli .ntar here Friday al er totlldi.ng wflh a dump truck, I modern, automated dining facility has refrigerator space contained in the tHZ- one scald.Ing flaYt. vintage mess hall. Su1·f Way Up for Week end; 15-f oot B1·eal{e1·s Expected Judge Robert Gardner set Jan. 2 ror the filihg 0( the Missioo·Vlejo man's plea. Defense attorney Robert Law said he needed the time \o""~plete negotitations on the case with ·t6e district attorDey'3 office. ~U}'P. ;1, (?I 2~72 ~apag:1-Y,O DrlVe, wa11 atruted 1ut:0ct. 2J alter .aJlegedly No hot water. Complete with sn many features and ?o.fen of the helicopter units wbich traln gadgets denied most modern housewives at Santa Ana MCAS art still u~ing qie old in their own kitchens, the mess hall is so mess hall in aervice aince 1&42, ptndlng distinctive that it isn 't even called by that deliver.y of critically needed equipment. name, but is the Enlisted Dining Hall. That equipment is boiler safety valves, Ribbon-cutting ceremonies Dec. 10 Mirlne Corps officlala: ·say the liemJt ~·ere ol::iserved by station commander should be installed, the pots boiling apd Cot. K.E .. Hunlington and Capt. James E. all the riat . or ihe automiltic gear hum· \Veaver, who retains the title mess of. rnili' hi.pPily in lime for a gala fice r, ¥lhether his haU of the same name S1nashing breakers expec ted &long the Orange Coast this ~eekefld are expected to cause no $mage to property but provide plenty o( opportunity for Christ- mas vacaUol). surfers testing their brav· "''· From Seal Beach to Laguna Be<ich. !'torm·genprated ~·ave!'; n1easuring up to !fl feet in height are expected today and continue through Sunday. A 10 to 12-fool high dik{', running From the Seal Beach pier to the Navy jetty in Seat Beach, remains standing, jusl in case anything should happen. "We"re only expecting high tlde this War Vigil Set In San Clemente A Christmas eve \var moratoriu1n vigil "'ill be held at President Nixon's \Vestern \Vhite House in San Clemente. Sponsors predict 500 or more Orange County residents will take part. The group will march In silence by candlelight from 9 p.m. until midnight. The marchers v!'ill follow an II-block circuJar route around the Cypress Shore neighborhood where Nixon makes his vacation home. A permit for the march \\'a.~ 'obtained three weeks ago from San Clemente police. according to James Cleair, co- chalrman or the Student ?>.fobilization Committee at Cal State FuJlerton. He·said .literature telling about the vigil "'·as sent to 240 churches in the county and leaflets were distributed at UC Irvine · an d junior college cainpuses. v.'eekend, but If the bigh tide 1hould. b;e coinbined with hiih waves1 Qie WhOJf.. coast will bt in lrouble," said "Sgt,' JOhft ., Averyt of tht Seal Beach Police Depart· ment. · 1'ht protective dike was wns.tni;cted by bulldozers two weeks ago, whe n high ~r( rolled into the streets of Seal Batch, flooding several homes. • The cities 'or Huntington Beach, New· port Beach ;:i.nd Laguna Beach, expect to have no difficulties stemming from the thund ering surf. For surfe r!, danger rides high. tllough, \\'it.h 15-foot \\'aves pounding lhe beach. Chuck f\.·tanson of La Jolla, adult advis-. <lr tO Las Olas 'surfing Cllib, said ·"the breaker's last week. ~·ere peaklqg at 18 to 20 feet and about JO. surfers were ·out there. About half of them s'houldn't have been." Physicia11 Sl1ot; Suspect Nabbed STANFOHD (AP) -Dr. Leslie Kul· hanek. 29, a resident 1pl1ysi~ian at the Stanford Medical Center, was shot and seriously wounded during a Cluistmas party here Friday night, Stanford Uni· versity officials reported., \Vitnesses told police Kulhanek was at the party at the university Student lounge when a man walked in, had a brief verbal exchange with Kulhanek, then fired three shots at the doctor. The assailant fled on foot. witnesses said. - About .an hour 'later. police sai.CI, Ru· dolph McKinley Gray, 3.5, East Palo Alto, surrendered and was booked on investi· gation of attempted rriurder. - <otll.'".,_it .. f's q/Qcers ~t1 he .fcqid ~. "I'·~ )!If.,,~ ~ui; ...,Q · . >U>o -~ ·cl~k s finaneill ·-. ~ · - . Di>t11t!'!llD~ by tl)e Otao&< Couoty tiiliid Juij. il,clitoi lt;d to Burke's l llea:ed torlltiation arid sparked a fracas ~.eounty Clerk .wiUiam St John anef .1'.bJrity Auditor Vic Heiln. EaCh of· fidal accused the·other of laxity that il'l9 directly Jed1to the-alleged embezzlemen.t. Burke is currently disposing of his SJQ;OOO home and many personal assests. Proceeds will, he ha1 said. be offered as partial reimburmnf:nt to tpe county. 35 'Weathermen' ' . Of SDS '111dicted ' ' CHICAGO !UPI) - A sl><!clal grand jury ha! indicted 35 alleged membe~ of the Weatherman fact.ion of Stude~ts ror a Democratic SocietY. in co~on ll.'ith demonstr8.tions It te·rmed "a plan- ned insurrecUon-mob action." . "There is no question that the Weather:. man faction o( 'S15.S i1 a revoluU!>f1ar)' Marxist-Leninist organization dtdicat.ei::I to the violtrit overttirOw of. our present form or govemmtnt ·and the creallon of a godle!S communistic society," the grand jury ..rePort said' Friday. One of those indicted, Brian Flanagan. 23, of New York, was charged with ag• gravated battery, battery and resisting arrest. Flanagan allegedly attacked a5· sistant corporatlon·co~ Richard Elrod during tbe October demon&tratlorus. Elrod wai hospitalized wilh 'a broken neck. Charges again.st the othei's ranged from 3ggravated battery to mob action . and rtsi!IUng ~est. Chri8tma1 dinner. · . does or not. •1! ~ .,..._ llk!: .. 1: Suspect th~tdM · Slaying , I . 'A Tendet lleartedGirl' By JOHN VALTERZA Of lfll D•llY P'll.t Staff She. came from Oklahoma Clty, OktaJ>orrta, 20 years ago for that classic of .mall town girl career&-the movies. And under the name Deanie Be6t she landed a few roles in films , but little ever came of It, except unhappines3'. ' Today &le is in a jail cell in Sant.a Ana. highly eqnfused, still dis'traught and unaware, the family says, of the bitter conflicts which are developing from the fatal stabbing of her husband, Newport Beach yac~ broker WilliJ Hunt. She faces trial for his murc;ler. Willa Dean Hunt, 43, has an uncle in Santa Susana, retired Navy chief John Doughty. He's her only kin in California-a Jean. man with an etched race and ·Krave con. cern.for bis-niece whose llfe •bas gooe painfully IO\lf. 1t··reached a crisis point last Sunday , night in a well-kept and expensive. Corona de l Mar home when, police allege. Deanie Hunt picked up a butcher knife in an argument with her husband and stabbed him once in the chest. ' • She was hysterical when police an'fved to find her mortally woUnded husband Jying near the 3wimming pool outsi4e. "I don't know what prompted tl!e string to break in Deanie, ·• her uncle laJd Friday. ''She was a tender-hearted girl who lov· ed dogs and cats. She wouldn't hurt anything. I just don't understand it," be said sorrowfully. Doughty, his daughter and her husband .stood in the cold. damp . corridor or Newport. Police headquart~rs for hours last Monday mor~g ju3t to glimpse Mrs. Hunt as she passed by for transter to County Jail. We just w'ant lo let her know we're here," all three told detectives, "lt would mean so much to her." It wasn't until a day later that any of them could talk to Mrs. Hunt. Doughty, who said he had friends in the Sheriff's Office, won the chance to see his nit!:j:~ for an hour. IS.. MRS. HUNT, Ptge 3l Coast Bea.ch Pa1•e1ats Fearft~l Newport Broker Committed for ·· Pre•term Stu.dy ! A Los Angeles Superior Court jud1e has ordered .a three-month psychological study for a stockbroker who once carried 1 on a hlghly profitable -and allegedly illegal -.11tocks and b0nd1 bu.slneu: frOm his Newport Beach home: Girl's Life • Ill Danger? By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Ot 11\t 0.11' Pfltt 11•11 Somew-here in California today, a preg· nant 18-year~ld Huntington Beach girl may be herliorrhaging and near ffdeath whilP. hC'f-rotnpanions-1ncmber3 of a bizarre religious sect-do nothing btl pray. This f<!Ar was expre5lled ror N3ncy Kaliher by her distrat1ght parent.'!, /\-1r. and Pi-1rs. Dan Kaliher of 16331 ·saratoga Lane. Huntingtorl Beach. A second daugbter. JS .yea r -old Barbara. is al!IO believed to have c.m~ braced the traveling religK>us group. "We're hoping newspa,per publicity will give WI a contact that might lead . to our daU.ghters," the worried Mrs. Ka.Uber declared. \\'e'd like lo gct Nancy to ' a hospital or a doctor. She won't be able to do God '~ ~-ork if she'1 dtad. "We would like to have tltem !pend Christmas with us." Ronakl Reagan's office. hel p her other than pray. J think t.tley Kaliher asserted his daUghten ran of[ were married, tliey acted.like· they Wt:re last May with a group known as the very much in Jove." Teens for Christ whiCh w•s once head· Accordif)I to tbe , Ka liher"., 11\45 ~ quartered in Huntington Beach and mo.st vided one' ~ ~ _f'1t rtports of their ret entl.v accused of church disturbance~ daughter's ex.iatenct sh)ce lhe ran a•·~y , jn Northern California. seven months Igo, dUpite a futlfe search The fathetsakt,_however, that his preg· jnvo!vnig the police, letters and telephone nanl daughter and her 28-year-okl male calls. companion Were lalfl. ~ near Los , Huntington Beach Detec:Uff ,Vitliftia Angeles, at N<nralk, only one wee,k ago. Klr kmeyer, who l\af been workin&·on Uie The two had sought refuge with an elder· Kaliher case, said teletypes ind bunetinl ly couple. · have been sent oot to variOUs Police "NfnCY is six JllOJllh.s. pregnant,·• departmenta acl'OM the nation ift U,. Kalihev said. "Tht eldeoly fblks told us hopt ~ lo!:•linl bot!1 glrb. Nancy is apparently llcmofr6agl~g 11nd "lt'r very dW.icult to make a r.ontact the man with her wtU do nothin&· but· since the Teens for Christ move around pray. ·No;w we 're afraid bur dallgbttjl' J& .alt1he tlmt,'/ lbt:aid.' ·., · · '· · gdlng to die." . , .. Poll~• said · thi! 1ast k-1"!11• o1 t!>e Klliher's version was supported by the l\allhtr girls wu recei ved ·J)ecl, 4 when elderly couple. Mrs. Jenk.s Janes of they picked up ~ Juvenile boy who •d· Judge Charles Older' ordered commltt.. riien( of James M. Hahsen, 34, formerly of tit Bayside Drive, to-the Departnient of'CoiTectlons. Hansen ·h•! p~ ~ftJ , to two counl3 or grand theft and It is ex· P.tct~ he will bt returned for 11entenclng lit mid-March. , fbnaen was arrested last February In his 'plush· San Francisco area l)ome. and accused of selling •wofthlqs stock from the Newport Buch ! addrw. Several Orange County realde~ta ftre among' tM rllentele built up by Hansen Jn,the year1 1967 and 11188. · Listed aS the Jame5 M. Haneen B.roker- 1ge, Company; the firm ,illef~_, .. ld sham faltied II ,;p to• ·eial .. !'00 non-ell.Stent compstPu, both ... Cl{ '{hich were iaid by H&nMD t~J!e·~ tM ~ol'eijn . fi1?"~m.1fktL ~ -""\ i ~calctitta' Raide<l· N..,.alk, with whom the Kaliher girl w" miu.d be knew the pis but woold not ~WOO,P. (UPI! -Loo Anreles · staylng, around Dec. 4, recalled, "n1al·. divil!i< flle.lr loctffl"'( · · · ' -• ' -Ille fallfu tbeatlr'f'rl• anil .... crying .... liud. Sbe,w11 purple.. ....... ~lb-. ••!! ... i"Ob'r Cifi:pual': ~" all ..,.,, her boclY and ci)'inl · aoi'i!a • , -... ~ ir.fpkkell UP. ~ . Won lltt·:i.M~ Weatller Those cloudy skies .nittY. grow a little damp over tbe weekend as the sun continlles its vlcation over tht Orange Coast. Little tempera· lure change is expec{ed. INSWE ToDilY Stoaii ("Th t Man in Tht Grny Flatinel Suit" J Wil1on rtco1tnt1 hts jir3t-antJ "11tar-di$o$trous- Christmas partv aboard his 54· -1~1 Chliafr and thfl"t(Of'JI of the mia1'ifhS 11n•prisc today fn·Fa:m···· ii~ Wtcklw. ' ~ f,.';! Mo-..-. 11 ·-u =·· " E-.. M " ~ 0.-fllfk•• .. , .. ,, _,'" • .. .. .......... M " Kaliher. an 1er03pace englnctr. and hit ~·ife.. have taken fears f:ir the.Ir OOughters' 1afety to the 'Jiunlington , Beach police and t\'tn to Governor 1trl needed hell> bodlY. She,..., erpectiDg ~lopl!t ~.\.'\"'Ii bl IQ>-ff1 ~·-ill IMll1IMrl ti ' lawn." ~lolllo~el,., ,.. ... ~:A!:•Jllflla;;J~- "I dldn't ... 11.e 1111n do-~, ... " nilncr, ' .·, ~, '. W9'11deilMo."'**,~fji L..----------t ~ -I .. ' , -.... . :. \ ' ' ., ' ' I ' l '· • • I DAILY PILOT . .. . . .. . ·-. . • OP41n Dally ·10;10 r - Sun. 10·1 1 p.m. JR. BOY NO-IR.ON . BOXER .SL'ACKS Cement~ l'iOlt, high top 1hoe for ankle support. Stttl '"htth1, IA" ball bearings. No &lrapg, clamps, kc-ys. Llmllllll o..-nlll!n Sptrll Defot, FOCAL FLASHBULBS, CUBES Sun. 011l!J 7 4 ~ TO J 7 ~ Re,, i .17 to 1.97. Speciall.v priced grou p lncludcs AG·lB doubl1 Pak bulbs ($1.16); J\13 or J\13B 12·PAk, each SI.OT; 58 12-~i bulbs ($1 .07); Oashcubes, J.pak (t 7c), or 4-pak (11.27 ). . ' • ~rl RIDE 'EM POLY KIDDY CAR 41-PIECE GLASS BAR SET S 1111da!J 0111!1 "Pee Tee" Ride 'Em car is ~1u1·· dlly molded in sturdy poly pla~­ tlc. Stroni;. sr.rc, \\•ashab\,., Striking colon . 1 6~li "x7 ~~·x 1S%'' sltt. Chllrie It. 9 6 S1111day 011t11 ~ Set con11isls or 8 cac-h : 6·ol':., S-oz., 10.oz. a nd 1:.?·oz. shams, 12-oz. n1ui;s and 1 shot i;lass. r-··•--MMMMM ..... ~MM•mM•1 I MARVEL -I I MUSTANG I I I 644 ' " .. ' " ELECTRIC ICE CRUSHER COSTA MESA ONLY ) LADIES SLIPS Nylon and Satin J33 Sii:es Jr.-7 thru 13 7-PC. Super Teflon® Aluminum Cookware Sunday Only · W I '"Ith push·button m~hanism to REGAL aluminum '1waterless" cookware with super.. s .... 0n111 sa~ TO 367 I A ,...1 removable eniravd western sad· ! Work< •Imply, •utomatic&lly l 767 Rt'e. 1_08 to 3.97. Polacolo.r T·I08 rum (Sl.6Tl ; 126 Kodacolor u; dle, and a set of apurs. ! atvt a.I~ the cru1hC'd let you hard Teflon coating. ~qt. Dutch Oven "'Ith cover. l·qt. Jllm. {lie); ~or No. 127 rum 1. ..•... 1: Kodacolor No. 520 • ! ne~. l-li·lm5)9.ct 11rrrnt. Charct covered sauce pan. 2-qt. covered sa uce pan and 10" rum (lie); Kodachl"Omt No. J35 (Sl.J7J and :Kodachrome No. I • 11. fry pan. Just Charge Jt. 46' Super 8 (IU7). L.l!l'llMlf -...1HIM._!!IM kfll Jl.~19P -~-------------~ • o. ,._. ..... T.M. 2200 HARBOR BL VD. Corner of Wilson and Harbor COST A MES (. \ • --~~---------... --·--··-----··----------,, bAJL V PllO"f 3 Life· giving Death Remains Mystery Bl ARTB\111 R. VINSEL Of fllt 0.ltw •HM 1ttlf Why did a young barber -whose violent death may mean normal lite to a HunUngton Beach woman-climb 40 feet to the top ol an industrial plant wly Thursday! Why did he take otr his boots! Did he slip on the fog~renched roof ot ~tonarch Marking S y st e m 1 , 7f12 Lampson Ave., causing him to topple with bone-shattering impact to lhe pave- mtnt below? Authorities may never know. A Garden Grove polict spokesman read .Lpnpued I'!"' tt1 .... •boul Iha chain ol clrcumllanCil leading up lo U.. dulh of Robert lj; Ashby, 15, by telephone Frida,y. "I iue:sa U we find out any·tnoft, we11 Issue anolhet one," be said. Ashby, of ~17 E. Melrast Ave ., Anaheim, 1u!fered 1 fatal htlCI Jnjlll'y, pt"' a broken Id\ leg and loot In Ille milhJp dbcovetW at e:55 a.m. Thurs- day. Hls boots Vere on tbe roof. He wu taken to Westminster Com- munity Hospital, wbtrt physicians quJck- 1.Y evaluated hia chance for survival - .. ,itremely s~ he wu tral\lferred lo Orange County Medical Center. .Elaewbere In that sprawling, bul)' com· plez, Mn. c.n Ramey, 33, of 720 Williams Ave., Huntiniton Beach, Jay in her bed, very, very slowly dying, but In a differ~n~ way. She has been there several months . Aahby succumbed al 12:$1 p.m., Jusl U hours after I.he start rA the unanswerable chain of cln:umstanctS tha~ would 1pell new hope for the diabetes-ravaged woman Jylng ellewhcre In the center. Mrs. Patrfcla.AJhby authorized use of her husband's sUll·bealthy organs to help Tax Reform Law Certain Congress Passage., Nixon Signature Assured • WASHINGTON (UPI) -Congress Is ~ure to pass and President Nixon is cer- tain to sign the ma.uiff tax reform and relief bill that in one way or another will affect nearly every American. House-Senate conferees finished work on the bill, the most comprehensive overhaul of the tax structure In this century, Friday. Cong~s will gj\•e it s a pproval 1i•Ionday or Tuesday, then send it to Nixon. But nothing in the bill will affect the amount or taxes Amerlcan.s will have to pay nett April IS on income earned thi s year. A high.ranking official. who could not be identified, said there was little doubt that Nixon would sign the bill. He said Nixon peeded the revmue it would yield next )'ear. ·But the official also said Nixon would couple .his signature with a sharp com· Plaint alSout the 1ong·run effects of the bill, Its long list of provisions eventu- ally will rost the government several billion dollars. Speaking as the Labor Department an· nounced the COfit of living increase for 1969 was the highest since 1951, the of. ficial said Nixon's first order of business was to control inOation, and the "'aY to do it was not to cut government revenue and give the taxpayers more money to spend. Harbor Students ToUl To Clean Out Lockers !{arbor Area intermediate and high i;chool student! were advised Friday t..:i remove personal effects from their Jockers because 'the lockers might be· in· spected ove r the holidays. ~ announcement of the possible locker check v.·as at least in part •ig· gered by allegatlona made this wee-of v.·klespread drug traffic at D a V i s Intermediate School in Cosla Mesa . .. J think that situation prompted UU a little bit," conceded Ass o c i ale SUperintendent Norman Loats. He said other factors also are involved -normal Dutch Stribling, Ex-ballplayer, Dies in Newport Russell Stribling of Newport Beach, 'vho retired as a Chicago White Sex catcher in 1915, died of a stroke Thursday Dnight in Hoag Memorial Hospital. He was 79. Mr. Stribling, who spent most of his life In the Harbor Area after leaving the pro- fessional baseball world at age 24, lived at 700 Lido Park Drive. Services for the former catcher will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Pacific Crest Memorial Park in Redondo Beach. He leaves his wife o( 54 years, Helen. Mr. Strlbling'1 nickname was "Dutch" when he played ball. ln a recent interview for the DAILY PILOT he Aid he: threw his arm out at :!C and returned to h.i1 hometown of Los Angeles. He played for the Soi and the old Vernon Tigers \earn of the Pacific Coast League. His batting average, he said, was about .300 throughout hls career. · Mr. Stribling lived in a trailer home near lhe bays.ide in later years wllh his wife and their dog "Campy" a dog burn on the day when famed Dodger Catcher Roy Campanella wa:i crippled in a plane crash. DAILY PILOT New;.t .._. H•lll11uu .._. l9fUH ..... , ,...... ,...., ..... M_ ltelMrl N. WH4 """-' .,,, f'Ullli.MI' J1~k It. Curley Vici l'rnlftnl .,.. 0-.1 .M-t'1' irupecUon of lockers for maintenance and repair and an opportunity to find lost library books. He said this is the first time students ever had been aslcld to clean out personal effects except al the end of a school year. "We have evidence some of the parenl.5 are getting excited about the drug prob· Im," Dr. Loata said ... We're going lo say, 'Well, to the best of our ability this is not the case.' " He was asked why if the school dist:-ict y,·ants a clean bill of heallh on drugs students Were notified 'their lockers would be inspectel). "It would have beeil nice for us to 11:0 right on down and see if we could find some dope," Dr. Loab said, "but we could have been a suspect if a good radio or someone 's tennis shoes were n1issing afterward . It wa! a protective maneuver on our part." He .also noted it a locker inspection were made without warning it would give students "some reason for suspicion cf the establishment" Two Cosla Mesa fathers this week turned their 13-year~ld daughters into police for taking LSD and other drugs they allege were obtained at Davis Sch\X>I. Davis Principal Werner Carlson is making an investigatk>n, Costa Mesa polict subsequenUy arrtsted another IJ· year~ld girt and three boys from Costa Mes> High School. The fathml kept their daughters hvme from school this week because. they fear Ille allegod dru& env!rorunenl at school. 'Top Attorne y' . Fails to Show For Panther Arthur De:Witte League asked Friday lhat the two attorneys wtio represented him u.roupout the municipal courl phase of his murder trial be appointed to his defense for his upcoming Superior Court trial. . House-Senate negotiators who reshap. ed the versions of the tax reform bills pcusEd by both chambers tailored their compromise measure to meet Nixon 's objectio(la. By delaying the ef£ective date of the tax cuts and dragging them out. they made the bill brihg $9.3S billion more in income for the government 'in 1970 and 1971 than it would otherwise collect. The bill's increase in the personal ex- e111ption-"1hich has been $600 since 1948 -\\'as a triumph for Sen. Albert E. Gore (D-Tenn.). The bill provides that the exemption ''"ill rise to S650 next July 1, to $700 in 19n and to $730 in 1973 and thereafter. From Page 1 MRS. HUNT. • • "She's in real bad shape ..• so con- rused that she doesn't seem lo know y,·hat's happening. It makes me feel just sick," he said. What hurts him and his niece most. Doughty said, was the suffering or 12· year-old Dru Hunt. 1ifrs. Hunt's only child. a daughter whom the 56-year-old murder victim had adopted . Dru was the only witness to the in· cidenl . Custody battles. fights over an estate of vet undetennined size (some sources have plactd it upwards of $1 million ), a murder trial-they are yet to come. "It's going to be just awful, and the; very worst will be for poor Dru,'' Doughty said . The 12-year-old Lincoln Intermediate School student is with her stepsister. ' p:>lice ~d today, shielded somewhat from the week's developments. The stepsister's home is In West Los Angeles. She is Mrs. Noel Brown, wife of a tennis pro. "She"s in good hands: in a stable en- vironment and we think it's the~ thing for the present," said one detective who is investigating the case .. Lawyers handling Mrs. Hunt's defense have drawn dillsatisfied comments from the uncle in Santa Susana. He is trying, he !aid, to find other counsel for his niece. In the meantime. the firm or lrmas, Simke, RuUer. Green, Lasher and Hecht, a Beverly Hills law firm , is handling the defense. The attorneys said their indepenJent investigation is "in full swing." The victim's p.ast-most of it occurring in Newport Harbor yachting circle! -is part of it. Willis Hunt was a long·time yacht broker who, most acquainlances have said, had "tapered way off" i'l hi.s social life in recent years. 1-fany described him as 11 gentle man slow to anger who was well known in yachting circles. He sailed a 6-meter 11loop, Mystere. Doughty, reflecting briefly a n ti cautiously on the relationship of the Harbor View Hills couple, said only it had appeared that "Hunt treated her v.·ell, although she didn't believe it sometimes." Doughf s daughter said earlier this \Veek that 1ifrs. Hunt was sometimes 1 "very nervous girl." Sydney tnnas, one lawyer in the defense. said cautiously today that Mrs. Hunt was still "most distraught." He exP'essed chagrin at a district at. tomey's complaint charging the Corona del Mar housewife with first.degree murder. "I can't understand that from the district attorney," be said. "From what we have setn, It should not have been such a seVere charge." another human for ~·horn help \\'a! not at all beyo9<1 quesUon. · A tca\n of specie.lists with tht UC Irvine mediail department mobilltecl for operating room action to give Mrs. Ramey the kidneys and pancreas from Ashby"a body. Monte Ramey ro1Uicd the long wait was eodlng. The UC Irvine authorities have ~cheduled a press conference Monday at 10 a.m., to discuss the hlstoric pancreas Implant, first of Jts kind In California and only sixth or seventh performed in medical hJgtory. 1itni. Ramey was reported In atrious cOllditlon Friday night at the mecUcal center-unchanged from earlier in the day -and 1pokKmen offered no pn:ig· nosls for the nel(t 48 hours. Kidney trnn1plantatlon is ofttn do~ these days, but the big question ii lhe potential performance of the pancreas, a. soft. blob-like organ loc1ted at the base of tile abdomen. The pancreas secretes dlgettl\!e juices, Including the 'lnsultn which Mrs. Re.mey'1 severe diabetic eondltlon requires her to have. OAILY PILOT Sl•l'f Phtl• TRAVE LER S. P. BARTLETT 'PINNEO' IN SIMMERING PROTEST Air Cal's Natali a Rez, Other Stews Stewing Over Merger • • Stews Ill Stew • Oppos e Air Cal-PSA Merger Dy JANICE BERMAN 01 t~• Ot llr l'lle! SS.ti Air California's stewardesses are stew- ing. They don't want the airline to merge \\'ith PSA. According to one stewardess , who dellned to be identified, the merger would be a bitter and unnecessary blow. "\Ve"re guaranteed to show a profit by April," she said, "and y,·e don't feel Air California has been given a chance to show what it can do. We're not even three years old yet." The pretty. green-eyed spokeswoman maintains an office·in-exile in the nether reaches of a restaurant near Orange County Airport. Air Cal executives requested Friday that she and other employes not conduct the protest on company property, because the heads of Air Cal have signed an agreement not to interfere with the; tentative merger plans. But, she says, "They're secretly back· ing us in this thing. They give us all the little guidelines. and let us know when \Ve're on the right track ." The issue is not a matter of job i;ecurity, she says, The problem between PSA 's and Air , Cal's stewardesses, she sayi;, is that "We don't have anything in common." PSA pilot!, she said with a linge of pride, "have asked our girls out quile a bit. There has been a. rivalry since they are ou,r only corilpttitlon." The-latter remwrk was taken to mean as a carrier, rather lhsn as a source of dates. She claims PSA was asked to come in· to Orange County Airport six ytars ago, and "they turned il down flat." "Nol'<," she said, "they see that It's profitable, and they're trying to take us over." She recalled the lean years wh~n Ai r Cal was just a fledgling. "When t came in I was stocking my own g2lleys and emptying my own trash and everyling -anything to save 01oney.'' The campaign to stop the merger ls \vorking like this: The stewardesses are sporting buttons lhal say "Keep Air Californ ia, Veto Mer~er." and passing them out to passengers. The passengers art also receiving a llt· tle card that says, "I wish to see Air California remain an Independent otange County airline and t am opposed to any . merger of Air California with any other airline." The passenger signs the card, and the stewardess mails it to the Public Utilities Commission, which has to ap- prove the merger. The girls are also planning to contact Air Cal stockholders and call on the various Chambers of Commerce in Orange County, she said. ''We'll do an)1hing to stop it." W oru an, 22, Stabbed 80 Ti1ncs in Honie WATSONVILLE (AP) -A 22-year-old woman was found dead from about *> stab wounds In her blood-stained apart- ment here late Friday afternoon, pollct said. Police identified the victim as Karen ~1icksen. an employe of a produce com· pany and formerly of S4!aside. Besides the question of pancreatic perfonnanct, the question remains today of why Robert Ashby climbed up onto an induslrlal plant on a treacherously wet night He was only waitin& for a ride arter calling bis family from a phone booth to report he had burned out the clutch of the car, trying lo back off an embankment 11 atruclc ln the fog . Authorttles may never detennine why he climbed onto the plant, but the aMWer to the question of what it means to Cir.a and Monte Ramey teems obvious. Edison Plant Pl'obe Delayed For 2 Weeks By JACK BROBACK Of tk 0111r r11tt Stefl Hearings on proposed expansion tl the Southern California Edison Company gener&:Ung plant in Huntington Be1ch were adjourned Friday lo Jan. I in Los Angeles with indjcations that legal cort- fllct of interest over jurisdictions will play a big part in future deb.ates. Public Utilities Commi!!ion Ea:amlner Arch E. Main, who presided over the three-day hearings 1n Fountain Valley Community Centu, asked the ,PUC at,. torneys ancl tho6e for the Orange County Air PoIJulion Control District to prHent opening brief on the jurisdictional iuue on Jan. ~. Reply briefs will be due Cl'I Jan. 19. It was also indicated that the State Air Resources Board and the State Environ-- mental Quality Control Study Commission 'Would be asked to present Jeg1l briefs. PUC attorney Leonard Saider previouf. ly indicated that he believed that state Jaw gave the commission the right to order expansion of utillty facilities if the public need was indicated. The Orange County Ai r Pollution Con- trol District has tentatively scheduled an appeal hearings Monday on APCD direc· tor William Fitchen 's denial of Edison 's permit to expand the Huntington Beach plant. The APCD will also ask the Board er Supervisors Tuesday to adopl Los Angela County APCD's strict Rule 87 which would in effect bar expansion of the Edi· aon plant. The three-day bearings concluded P'ri· day afternoon wtOI testimony from Edl- aon air pollution 1od tinanci1l elq)tt'tl and cross e:umlnaUon of two ot the com- pany's witnei!es. Saider indicated In his cross examJna- tion that he would expect EdJ1on to pnive that the Huntington Beach expansion is necessary to avoid a blackout. Saider explored. lhe po.11sibllity ot cut. ting off Edison power sales to the BoMe- vil!e Power Administration of the Pacific Northwest if a sev(re shprtage developed. Francis A. McCrackln, chief plannlns engineer for Edison, sald U the Hunting- ton plant is not expanded and at least two of Edison's major power plants were out at one Lime there v.·ouJd not be 1uffi· cient power available to supply the north- west customer. McCrackin disclosed that Edllon not only sells to the Pacific NorthWHt al(e.Dcy but receives power from that area in dif. ferent periods or the year. He admitted that Califotn.la customers would have first priority in IJIY aevere power shortage, but that it would rellect lo Edison's disadvantage In the Ione rw1 in the reciprocal arrangement. Oeveland Forest Park Reopened Portions of the Clevelaod NaUonal Forest which have been clO!:ed since July J because of fire hazard were reopened Friday. Don Marriott, district fire control nf· ficer for the U.S. Forest Service, 1a.id that while the ·nrt season II 1tlll otnclally in force , the danger of fires has decre1s- ed . The reopened 1rea 11 tM northern halr of the Santa Ana Mountains, Wending south from Cornna to near the Orteaa Highway he said. Marriott added that owners ol private land• wllhln the forest may nep lh.U lands clooed lo the public. Tlie11111 ICee.,;f IEtlltr' T~•"'•' A. Murpl.i11• M...., .... e<11l!tor -- lt was a formal admission by the young Black Panther of. the failure of the mili· tClt Negro group to live up to a promise rrilde to League when he wu first ar- raigned and aecu&ed of killing Santa ,.\na Pqlice Officer Nelson Sasscer; the pledge that League would be defended by an ex- pensive criminal lawyer who!t!I services would be paid for by the Black Panthers. Judge Robert Gardner immtdlately agreed to the arrangement and granted the request of attorneys Robert Green and Michael Gerbofli for a delay of the trial, scheduled for Jan. 28. Learue. 20, of Santa Ana, will now go before 1 jury on March 9. Are You Big Enough to Hold Liquor? • Cult M-: D Ww1 ... Sl""IJt N_.t 1~: ttll Wet ltlbH llMM~•r• L ...... .,_,_: ~11 l'-1 A- Hlll'll"Ollln llKJ'li 1'111 It~ l oultveN LeailJl"lJ-accused of gunning clown Of· fjcej' bacer durinc..a controni.tJon on a -town s~ Ana llleel. 'l1le olflcer died lhor1!1-•!ler L<.ague ollqedly •hol him ln the -a:biomen tlte.r a dispute over ldentificaUon cards. ~ague's progress towards 1ili: Supertor Court trial has been slowed by a 1uc· cession ot htarin&s. 111 attrnmlna from his allomeys' motlonl for dlsm1Pal ol evidtnee collected by tnvestlgator1. Rullnp by Superior Court a n d municipal judges mean that the iun allegedly U'8d by L<.ague In the SalRIC.,. ohoollng cu not be uaed In evld<nce a.,in.t him. Bui Ille c11e allegedly uoed to hau.te lhat we1pon and bullet.I ex· lrlded lrom the olflctt'• body and found • in the area can beJntrodueed by the pro,. ecuUon. y. CHICAGO CAP) -A t!G-pound mon might drink five bottles of beer before he gets drunk, but thret bottles would do it lo a J20..pounder. The hefUer man might drink five shots of whiskey before falling "under the in- nuence, .. but four •wld do for the Uttle one. And all holiday drlnltua shoukf rtmem· ber that even the "1verage" drink has • mlnt:Hiulllng effect for an hour alter 11 ls consumed. nese are 1.mong tht guidelines for drillkera set forth by the Amerkan Medi- cal Auoclation •nd the NaUonaJ Safety CounclJ in a new c1mpalgn to teach drlnkera how long the effect of a drink 11111 and wbal '.II do'8 lo their driving ability. They btUeve the campaign Is a mor. re1U&tic 1ppro1ch toward drunken drlv .. Jng. More than 2$,000 of the 55,200 aut~ • - moblle fatalit ies In 1968 Involved alcohol consumption, and the organizations con- cede that past campaigns urging drivers not to drink •l all have had little effect. The council and the AMA have Pft"' pared chart! relating drinks and body rlze to the degree of intoXicatton. Mo.st alltes consider a person with a O.IS percent concentraOon of alcohol in the blood to he ''under the influence." But some states. federal agepcies, the AMA, and the Safety CourK:il recommend lhlt a ptrson with a 0.10 perctt1t 1lcobol concenttation In b1s blood ht presumed ''\1nder the influence." Among popular alcoholic drinks, beer contains lhe loweAt ptteentlge of alcohol white wh!Jkcy and rum have the highest, but -beca.use of the size of thi drink - cocktails such as martinis and Manha!· tans are the ·most intoxlcaµng. A 120.pound drinker reticbes Cle 0.10 percent conctntraUon level with · 11Jg,blly more than three bottles of betr. 'nle llD-. pound drinker would have to consume !Jve bottles to ruch that IimlL · The 12G-pound whiskey drinker would reach the 0.10 perctnt level with less than four one-ounce shots. The 181).pound drink· er could have (Ive. One and " hair martlnil or manhattan1 would bring the 120-pound ctrlnker to the 0.10 limit Just over lwo would bring Ult 180-pound to that level. • A 12-ounce bottle o{ betr contains four perctn\, or a hRlf-ounce, of alcohol. Wint, depending on the type, contains 12 to ti percent AlltMIMer liqueurs contain 2S to 40 percent. Whiskey. vodka, nnn, "br•nd1 alfd cbg. nae cont11ln 4S perctnt 1Jcobol, 110 a cne- ounce shot tlas1 ba1 nearly 1 half.ounce of alcohol. • • "Strong" cocktails, such a.s martinis 1, and Mlnhlttans, cmtaJn IO perce:nt alco- hol, or one ounce per 3~ drtnt. "Medium'' cocktJils, ruch 11 old f11l't· iones, dalqulrts and aJezanden, have ts percent •lcobol, or three.filths or 1n ounce per four-ounce glass. HJgbballs with sweet IJld IOUJ' mixes and. tonlca contain 1eve.n perctnt alcohol, to the drinker conmmes three-flfthl of an ounce In an elght«mce drink. If a driver dotsn'l follow the Ideal count ol lolll ablleotlon, tho too sroupa suggest: -Drink In a woy that win hep ,.. from being under the tnOUence wbe11 drt- vm.,. "This me1n1 thlt molt lDdlvtduaJ1 ahould not drink more than one boll!• ol beer or one hlghben on bour. • -Declcle In adva.nc:. the mufmum you "111 drink -and llldt to II- ·-The host •houkl t!ICOUrtp gu..ts who drlN lo do IO •I tho ~ le~ surely rate. ,, f l 4 DMLY PILOT SatUi-d11, Dte1nlbi, 20, 1•6t ... Pulpit and Pew ' Ktai o1 c1.., t.lhnn • thrcla, 17791 Newland St., Huntington Beach, with Putor ~,,Clement Shoemaker of. .·fkJaUng , wtll celebrate · Cbristmao • e • k beglMlng . With the Jlihling ol the i...t candle in the advent wreath at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. services Sunday. At ''Ill p.m. the Sun-, day school Chri!tmas program · · will be htld. \\'ednesday a Christmas Eve Family Candlelight service at • 7 p.m. ta planned. Christmas -Day Festival Worahlp and :· communion will be at 10 :~ ! a.m . • . • Lutheran Cburcb of the t ftfa1ter, 2900 Pacific View Drive. Corona de! Mar olfers worship at 9:15 and 11 a .m. • Sunday church school and Bi- : ble classes are held at the : same hours. Purpose in L!fe." The chlldren·a Christmas service will be at 8:30 o'clock on SUnday evening. day eveninc. e o'clock. The 6undly school will be pre...,. tlq the PIBW>I at tbe churd>, 1'179 Slat<r Ave., FOWIWn Val· ley. 1ba Rev. Lo!'ell D. Flick· Jnger'a aennon leaaon will be "'The Birth of an· Idea" at Newpwt Ulllty Cburcti, IO Lm. Sunday. The con- gregation meeta at Senior Cltlzena Building, ISth and Irvine, Newport Beach. Chrlltmu Suoday services will be held at 9,30 and 11 a.m. at Jl'tnt UaHed Metllod!st Chrdi ol Costa Mesa, 420 w. 19th st. The Rev. Rkllard J. Dunlap will preach "Lighl Conquers Darkness" and the Chancel Choir will sing at both servicea. The Rev. Roger H. Huebner will assist in the con· dud of worship. day at 9 and 10 :30 a.m. The Rev. Paul C. Blesemeyer. minl6ter, has selected u hll sennon tor,ic "Tbe Heart of Christmas.• At 9 a.m. the church school will meet with classts for all ages. At '10:30 a.m. nursery through sixth graders meet. A cliurch school program is plaMed for 6:30 p.m. Th06e attend.Ing the 1ehool program are asked to bring a gift for the needy. The Rev. Mel Taylor wil1 preach on "God-Hm> and Now" at 10 a.m. services for Fairview Baptist Churcb, 2525 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. The sennon is a discussion of incarnation. Child care is pPOvided along with a two-hour Sunday scllool program. Link to Past Drive·tliru · 'i Nativity Presented The wonder of the tint Chrlstma! night, with Ila 1W1 J udean hJJJo 811d the quJetDOIS or the little town 0 f Bethlehem, will cur.e alive as high school y o.ung people from the ffunUngton Beach First Christian Church, along with a small flock of iheep, horses and a burro recreate the actnes o f Christmu in a "Driv~Thru Nativity" presentation. Parents will be able to share the Christmas story as they drive by a scene showing the ahephetds and their Oocb on the hillside wondering at the mesage of the angels. Also included is the quiet beauty of the manger in Beth- lehem.· The final candle of the ad- ,·ent wreath will be lit thls Sunday morning and Dr. : William R. Eller will deliver ,• the message "Our Christian The Christnw Pageant "Christ God'• Gift to the \Vorld" written by Mr 1. Dorothy Meltebara:er will be presented at the RaatlnPoe Valley Bapdst Cllarch on Sun- The M.,. Venle Ulllted Methodist Cliarclt, 1701 Baker St., Costa Mea, will have two morning worship aervices Sun· Young people at Prince of Peace Llltberan Oarcll are presenting a Christmas Program entitled "The Prince (See PULPIT, Pqe I) One of the 78-year-old olive trees from the grounds of St. George Mis sion , EJ Toro, is removed and will be taken to the ne\v site o[ St. George 's Episcopal Church. It will be replanted in front of the recently completed sanctuary as a reminder of the past growth and settlement of Saddleback Valley. The entrance to the drh·e-. thru is on the 'Loma Street side of First Christian Church, 1207 Main St., Huntington Beach. Cars may en t tr between 7 and 9:30 p.m. ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? , .. FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH ,._ L e.1 Fairview Rd. At F•lr Dr., Cost• Mes. 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worshlp Dr.,,.• -S..ftfyffy -D.ptfl llllt. Stfff .,..,. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llANCHD Ofl THI MOTHIR CHURCH THI PIRST CHURCH OP CHRIST, SCllNTIST IN IOSTON, MAISACHUSITI1 W1lcom1s You. 5T. JAMIS, 320t Via Lido, Newport .. ocll 7:10 ...... -Holy Eucllorl•t 9:00 •.m.-Mtrnl119 Proyer 1tt &, lrd S1111. Holr l.cti011st JN Ii 4ril Sun. t ;OO a.m-Churcll s,hool I NEWPORT HARBOR ! l/ '"I LUTHERAN CHURCH I 2501 Clif[ Dr. U 8·4293 The RtY. Jornes G. 110111, Pator The Re'f. Ro11old Wil lte, At1lihtllt Pator I Ftmlly Wonlllp t :OO to JO::IO •.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE MASTER 2900 Pacific View Dr. Corona del 1.far DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Mrs. WolH CltntlNtfal .. PrJYet9 ad .,.., C......... MM61t HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 1Jl0 ...... St • .t p,.fm.,,, C..N M ... .... c...-wi..,p...., 1 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 1.m. Baptist Training Union a p.m. Ev~ng Service 7 p.m. , Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer ... : .......... 7:00 p.m. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 650 HAMILTON, COSTA MESA ll•V. J, O. WALLAC• Sund'•v Sc1'ool •• , ••• , • 9:45 Tr•i11i"9 U11io11 ••• , , • , • 1:00 Morning Wor.hiP: •••.. I I :00 Ev'"'"9 Worship , ••,,, 6:00 .• Wedne1d•v Prey;, Mt•ting for •II •9•1 , ••••• , ,, ••••• 7:]0 ~ hoN 642·tll1 N•rMrJ Al_,. AftlleWe UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 2252 S. I. PALISA.Dn ROAD SANTA ANA HllloHTS IU NDAY SCHOOL ................................ f:4J A.M. MDltNINO WOJllHl" ................................ 11 A.M. IV!"NINO WOltlHI ................................... 1 .. .M. MIOWlllC SE1tv1c• w•DNllOA'I' ,, .... ,,,. WllMI'"' I. ActM. ......... Clltlrdl "btllt SU..W7 • FIRST CHRISTIAN I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ef htiltf9t• Y•llef CAlftfflCln hpll1!1 CHURCH I 1 Victoria & Placentia Ave. 17411 M.,..11., P.Y. Rn. D ... Hnl•, Ml11bfw Costa Mesa J..,... I. Piercy Mfnltltr "IS THE UNIVERSE, INCLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" Sunday, December 21st Co1t1 MeH-Flr1t Church of Christ, Scltnti1t JllO M ... Y_. Dr., Colt. M .. S•Mhrr ScfrlHI-t :11 A.M. C••rch hmc. -11 A.M . lMdl .. IMM, 2110 M ... v..-Dr. Huntington Bffch-Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist 110 Olin s._., SU..1-f:JO &-11:00 Clt•rdl -11 A.M. Senlu 1"41 .. RM111-llO 011" L1gun• Be•ch-Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist 6ll HhJ!t Dr. Ch•rclt t.-Su11dcrf Schoof -9:10 &-11 :00 Reodl .. lMfll, 2'4 ford N.wport Beach-First Church of Christ, Sci1nti1t llOl Via Lido Churc• &-Sunder( khool -9:15 I 11 :00 Roodl19 Roo111, Jll S YI• Lido Newport Be1ch·S9Cond Church of Christ, Scientist J100 P.clffc Yin Dr., Cort1111 6et Mar Cl111rch & h11dcir School -1 O A.M. leodiflt RM11 -2161 1. co• Hwr. All are cordially invited to attend the churrh services and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms Chlld Ca,. ProYided AT ALL SllYICIS 11 :00 •.m.-Holr lwcltorist 11t & lr4 S111lo Mol"ll .. P~ 211d &, 4~ $t!L Cl!Ud Co,. at t :OO •·"'· Tho RP. Joh11 P. A1hey II, lee.or tha Rn. DvY14 A. Cr11Mp Auoclate Reeter ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Poc:lflc View DrlY• at M•f9Nrlr., Ceron• del Mar Suttelcty: 1:00, t :J O •11• 11:00-Chlld car• at 9:JO Holr hp • AltllffMed All Racft Welcome ltector, Th9 Rn. J•fl• •..-n Dnls -Phane 644.046] ST. JOHN THE OIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. S1111ffyt 7:JO & f :JO Chvrcll khool -t :lO Ttrnnsdcrp: 6:JO &-10 ...... : Holr Dcyw n ct11110•11c1d Ylur, Tflo hY. Job W. Do1tC1hko1 -Phone 541·1lJ6 ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH • ., .. SI. II Clllpel Lfnt -Ju11 HI! tf l"lv• '•inll """'ffttlH &.-.en. c11111rn1• Tiii Rr<'. Jl met C. CllfY, .. lll'Dr Sunday Service• '''° A.M. Hely Cem'"unlln f :Jt A.M. ,trnlly ltrYICt & Cllurtl'I 7:0I P.M, IVWIJMI Sd!OOll 11M .. .M. •PIKIP<ll 11:• A.M. Morn!,,. WtrllllP Ytunt c11urcri""" Nururv Ctre P111Vklt11 ,i1 FIRST 'ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH I I 146 E. 22nd St., Coil• Mu• 541-3761 M. C. C191ic, P•tor Joh11 Gollnlc:k, Auoc:lata ( A1v Nicholton, Minist1r of Youth 1 SUNDAY SERVICES Morning Wonlilp l :JO I 11 :00 I : Surtdty Scliool ••• , , • , •• 9:30 : Youth Mttfi"t •••, •••., 6:00 ' : Prty•r Strvic• •• • ••••• , 6:10 J ; Ev1nin9 S1rvltt •••• , • , • 7:00 D•.,._ Hffttt; ••l'IY Wtr~~-~~.~'.~~ .. l :M t.'.'11. 11~::::::~~;=:~;;:;::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 ll~lt Sc"9tl ................ ti• '·'"· SUNDAY SCHOOL -9:30 A.M. CLASSIS FOR ALL AGl5 Nv"""' Avt Ut Mol tt ti hn'lcH 842-2428 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mein & Adems Street. Mtnil111 ""'""" .......... It: .. 1.rn. Y9¥1'11 01911,. .......... _ •••.•..• J.11'1. V-..n ........... , ............ , p.rn. Nursery Care Provided 141-4111 14w141 -/• I Church of the D1 ily Word "NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH L-o. "lldun1w Mlnllltr I ST. MATIHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IM i11011ri Sy"od) wonhipln9 11 tht UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL Stndbvrg 1t Mtfthtw1 i" Univtr1lty P•rk WORSHIP: 10:10 A.M. Rt v. H~ Nit tm t nn ,Pt1!or lll-1211 Corona de! Mar , FimilyWorship-10:50 A.M. -7 P.M. CHURCH CHOIR Sheril Paulsen, Director Wodnasd1y Bibla Study -7,30 P.M. Yiatr.rs Welcc11M -N11rM1Y Ane11dartt St.,. Llcemff rr .. School -Mr1. Jolin Gollnick, Dirt,+or PhoN: 645•2l2l Sund1y Sthoal t ::IO to 10::!0 1.m. I Wonhlp Servlc1 11 :00 ~ 12:00 Nursery care available at all services WELCOME Port .. W.rtier Phone 644-7664 9:15 A.M. h"'lty WorUlp 10:00 A.M. S•llffy Cll•rc• k•oel 11 :00.t..M. '9ttlQW....Wp N•rHrJ" PntYl4ed CHRIST 'l.UTHERAN CHURCH Mi11ouri SyMed 760 Ylctori• Sr., Coit• Mn11 Lothor Y. Tor1-, P•tw 541·5404 Wor1~lp Senlic9': l :lS I 11 A.M, Surr,lty School: t :JO A.M. A4ult ll lb!t C!~'" •:• AM. . CHRISTtAN ILIMINTARY SCHOOL 141·61K 1:1 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH M•• Verda DrlY• &-laker Strfft, Colta M••· Callf, ANORE'¥ C. ANOIEll:SON, P11tor IU!ld1y Sch!lel: I:~. t:JO and ll:~Mornln; Worship: l :DO, t:llfind ll:Dt Prine• of Pett• l uiht rlfl School -Miu Etih •r Ol1on, Princip•I Offict Phont: 549-05 ~ I School Phont: 549-0562 ST. PAU L'S LUTHlltAN t-.1issouri Synod 429 Cyprts$ Or. L1gun1 8"ch Phone: Church 494-7998 Parsonage: 494-8110 Worship Services -10:00 A.11. Sunday School and Bible Cla!s -8:4~ A.?r[, Advent Services Dec. 4, 11 , 18-7:30 P.r-.1. Christmas Eve Service-Dec. 24-7:30 P.t-.1. A Cordie! Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 81lbo t l1 l1nd THI UN111D COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 67&-0950 Hunlin9lon Bt1ch -Nortti COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH •662 H1il Avt. 142 °446 1 Worship l Church School Huntington Beach Morning Wor1hip 1 •••• , ••• 1:10 I 11 :00 AM 15th I lrvi"e, Ntwport lt1,Ji Ill {Stlllor Clllttnl l vtldflltl 1:41 A.M. Sund.., School 10:00 A.M. Dt votion1I Serwic t OFflCI!: lOGW. COftf H1911wey. N,I . CINTRAL BIBLE CHURCH •• . ,¥_\J.RCHO. 1~~~~~~~~~111 :~.. "' ~· :c-,_ ,,=::: t :lO T1•d ition1I Worsh ip l Sund1y School Co1t1 M111 FIRST UNJTEO METHODIST CHURCH 9 & 10:30 A.M. Irvin• -Et1I Bluff UNIVERSITY METHOOIST CHUll.CH Ph-: Ul-5111 ' Stblt Scliool ••••••• , 9:45 AM Youth G1oup1 ••• ,,, 6 ~00 PM Ew1ni119 Worship •• , • 7:00 PM 1rw. StWY .,..,._w ... -, 11.M. I Nirntry Ct,,_ .. rvvld9d 11 tll ll'!'Vk.ts Offkt: S»-1Silf Diel O!votlln.UMsto j DIAL·A.PUYIR-'46.0,Jf CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE tt N'""flOff ._,. Ml"'"' Cl111rcll If Unit.-Cfl.ul'tll ll1ll111>us ldtne.,_ Ltt A1191Jts SUNDAY $'EllV!Cf ••• 11 AM Mlflltltr •. , Albert l urt;1, 11.1.c.F. TH• lllLL CLUI O" NIW .. OIT •IA(H llJ ....... , ............ PLEASE DON'T COME TO CALVARY CHAPEL l'mphablng The Plan of <iod The Person of Christ The Ponr of the Holy Spirit Sunday School 9 AM Mo1nln&' Wonhfp 9 ind 10:30 Mt Ew:nlns S.rvlcc 71',"4 W9dnndl 'f l llllt Sludy t nd r'riy.r 7 l'M · Nimeiy durlrig Hrvias A full Youth Program Cm. of Orange and 23rd, St. Cod&Mfl< l'.ulrlf H. L )onesf UCA Mbr, 11~===~1 11 ..... CINtrcll ef I RELIGIOUS S~IENCE If VIII t rt 100~1 for 111 t ltbortlt prot r''"• or 1eel1I prt1f19t. 420 10th St,. Hwntintlon lt1coh f ,_ I 'h•n• Sl•·2 I 20 I,' But I you ''' loollin9 for in.dtplh l iblt 1iudi1s, ChrJ1ti1" ftl• ' Adult I-Yowth Strvictt, I I ,,m. low1hip. '"d in1piri"g 1pirift d wonhi,, you'll lo•• 1111 Tt •t,om• I y Cl W, 7 ll I ti t•r '''• ... , : p.rn. 1 modtft eur t rowlnt church f1mily wt now lit•• tw• Sund1., llNm PATI, MINISTIR I ~ ... ,1 ,. .. I ~ "' z -I : ~ + ,... I"-+ ' ~ , . i I """ , "-__, ~ ~1•MA~~" COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE W•nN, -10:00 A.M. CIMlrdi kltM1-10:00 A.M. Dr. Jll~ll!p G. Murr1y. M!~l1ttr Mb.I •~rri.y Sllti.I. D.c.e,, 67J.4000 GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15TH &-MONllOYIA, NIWPORT llACH 646°6620 0'1 llldr: Wiii of H ... Ho1p111u Tliom•s Bt nvtnull, P•1lor Sim Mill 11, Mu1Pctl Dirtc!or f :4S S•ltdoy Scllool-N11rsery Attt11do11r 10;50 A.M. ••'·Pawl Fl111!1nbl11d1r •ntf "Thi H•rmori• Peb lo 7:00 P.M. of Lili" Amtrico" "SING5,IRATION IYllY SUNDAT NIGHT SABBATH SER VI CES RELIGIOUS SCHOOL harbor reform temple _ b. FIABBIBERNAADP,KING -meeting at St. Jamts Ep)$COp81 Church o 3209 Vii l ido. NtwPort Beach for lnfofmtllon: C11167S.7 230 mornlP19 ltrwice1, 9:]0 t nd I I 100. Nun1ry ctr•. Co1n•r of Gtttn• !":::=========~:;;::;=========~! viUt I Sunflowt r. r" ;:;:;===='='='·="='=' =="'"=="='=·'="='=====:!!/ S•~:~t~!ay Adventis~ .. :"=~~!es 11;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 211 •-... ..,"' _.,.,,. ~ HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD .JJa,.tor Chri6lian Church Of NIWPO•T llACH -I Dbclp ... ) MMri"' .... ,...., ...,., '""''"'""' ...... 42SL11,.lt.,C...,._.. Church School -9:30 A.M. Worship -10:45 A.M. Htll'Mlf'f C.. Pieri••• Phone: 67'"398S Minister : Dr. D. IV. McElroy CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 W. WILSON ST• COST A MESA llTWllN HARIOR M ,AlaYllW SUNOAY MORNIN$ lllLE STUDY ••••••••• ,,,,, 9:4SA.M. SUNDAY MO•NfNG WORSH IP I COMMUNION •• 10i4SA.li\, SUNDAY EVENING WOkSHIP • ' •••• I........... •;00 ,.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING I /Ill STUDY , • , •• , , • ,, • , 7:JO P.M, HUlllRT CAU PI OYIDIO .... 0 . ........ D ••• H•rtt ,......, Allftl.,. Ml .. ""-' 541J711 D1y or r· • " Jeh" Shtwm•kt , P11tor Phont : S41·6St6 lew..tll Sclrlo•I • , • 9:JO AM M•l'lllltll W•ntllp ., .11 :00 AM ,..,., MMtl ... WIHl•7oJO PM S•wtfl Slile,.. .. ptht Cllurc• 740 W. Wiison, Coat• Mesa Jl712 CreWll v.11., rn-, Y. L. HIRTW•c•. p .. ..., A. E. R1w«1n, P11ler 541•4704 Phone: 4t2°l9Jl ,..._.. S.llMI •••• f :JO AM M•nil .. Wtntllfl •••• 10~1 AM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH tMI ,.._,A.,.. ITfAert a M...-lt.I, POUNTAIN YALLIY UNIFIED SERVICE· Sal'ldt y Sc.hoel 9:10-.. WORSHl,. IOiJO ~ot1hip I-Ytirth Growp1 -6 iJO p.m. HUrJtt'f ~vldtd 11 111 •l'l'VICft A Comll'N!llTY Cl'llll'C~ -Vltl!Ort AN AwtV-Wttco ..... EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH .t H11ttllftM IHctl ltlJ Aori• Ayt. ,,,.,, •• •iv. AMrtl L. MIUtr, JlltUtt • t1U 4.M. -kll!Lly ICflwl -All ...,.. 11: .. AM. -Me,111111 WINfll••' l',M, -Ttlltll erewtt 11 .. l'.M. -IVfl'llllt t.rvlf1, ' l".M, w.-., •itlt S!vlly. A.M-"A CowfN&t ef S.,.r•tl11" -bod111 24 ,.M, -"Net Cll'lt11111te1•n. In l•lt1t1r1" -3r4 Joh111 f .1 J ,. I ' llltOllllltT I , SISTIQ Mtn l1ltr fl IM•litft CAllL OINTltY' Mln1ntr " Muft.c SUNDAY SERVICES f :41 A.M.-SUN'bA Y SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PllO•llAM lOilO A.M.-"THI TU.OIDllS 011 CHRISTMAS" St rll'lon by Pe.tor 7iJO P.M. -Cllrht111• Pl•y "DICllYID 11' DHl~I" COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL '"-Stl!Mf -llC~!!)lfrllll -li.IMllf11Y -Cllllll C•N * TEMPLE 'SHARON TH COllHfY9'1Ye • .,,. .. llf ...... , ... •ffra H•rti•r A,.. 617 w .. H•nlltt... c .... M"• All Jtwith f•mlllt1 t tl inwi!td lo join u1 i" truly m 1t~i119fu l IAllATH IYINIH• SIRYICIS fRIDA Y ot 1:11 P.M. Splf'ftvll LHMir -h9W G•no11 Geoil111n 646°5112 Ttfl'litl• Sh1rt11 Chtlr -0 11•1 Sh •b1t 541-1 412 ' 19111 St. & Htthor Blvd. Ciiurch Wonhip -9:)0 I 11 Churc h School -1:10 141°7727 Coil• Mttl Nori~ MESA VEROE METHODIST CHURCH Mitt \11rdt & 8tktr St. 149-2711 Worship I Cliurth Scliool 9 ~00 l 10:30 A.M. Hu11li"glon Beech FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 272117thSt. ll6-l 5J7 S1rvict1 -t :JO I 11 A.M. N11r11ry thru 2nd 9rtd•. rt Cti~rcli School -9:10 A.M, Ill-I ll] 11422 Culwtr Reed t i Uniwtnity Driv• Wor1hip l Churcli School 9 l 10:10 A.M. l19u"' Bt1ch LAGUNA BEACH METHODIST CHURCH 21632 Wt1lty Driv e i" So. L•gun1 Wor1h ip 11 A.M. Church School ':JO A.M. -199-lOll Newport lttch CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA 1400 W. ltlbot llwd. 67l-ll05 W1rihip & Church Schttl 9110 I 11 A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coasta I Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 20112 M .. 1•11• IH_A.,._I H•lltl ..... hac• •n. D•old I. •olM-rtt, P_.,.r 111 ... ., W•nMp: 9:JO A.M. Ch•rc• kra..t: 10:4S A.M. Office: JOI 12 M .. ••ll• St. rt.o .. : 9'1·4940 Church of the Covenant JllG hlnln R-. C.... M ... l rw c• A. K11rrlt , 1'11!01 Inn, Wonlllp: f :JO & 11 -Ckfctl Scltoaf: t :20 Pttne: S41-4J04 St. Anc!rew's Presbyterian Church 600 St. AHmrs lltHlll, N..,... a..111 CHARLll HlllUT DllRINfllLD, PASTOR Worllllp • c h.,..• "'"'' 1, ta o ._ 11 A.M. 44 .. 7147 St. Mark Presbyterian Church Carll« J1111.,_,.. & l-"llfff Dm., C..... '-4 M• J•lltft 5r.ti•M Klrll:, P•ter Wtrshfp & Chtmh k .. Ml -f & 10:JO A.M. 644·1J41 w, ltll•"• In Yeu • ,. • UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH I 2St \llcterit St., C.11• Mttt 646-4652 .. ~7'.. Attend the church of your choico on Sunday I ' ·------------~ --------------.....,,.-----------~-------. • -+· -------------- I ~ S1turd1y, Dtumbt, 20, 196'1 bA.flV PILOT lJ ' ' I Pulpit. and· Pew., Boros~ · --~ Taurus: Look. f 01·, Value-at ~ Bargallj <C..llno.I fl'!'lll r ... ,, or Puce" on Sunday 7:30 p.ni. Location will be Mesa Verde school auditorium at the cor- ner or Mesa Verde Drive and Baker Street. They also will be preSe'l11.lng procrarn.s at Fashion Island on Moaday and Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. The churcll is locet~ at f987 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa i1esa. Cbrlol Lulkru Church, 760 Victoria, Co6ta Mesa will observe communion at both the 1:15 and 11 a.m. services Sunday. The sermon, to be delivered by Vicar R a y Schletelbein, uses the theme. "Llvlng in the Comforts of Christ." Wedoe5day, the S u nday school children will prt!l:nt their annual Chri6tmas Eve nrvJee beghmfng at 7 p.m. The theme for their service is "O COme Let Us Adore Him." Cburcll or Ute Naiarene, 1185 Anaheim, C06la Mesa, meets for Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. with a special Christmas program this Sun- day. A colored .slide show en- titled "Tell Me A b o u t Christmas" is included. Worship begins at 10:45 a.m. with Pastor Charles Snyder preaching "Jesus Came ." At the 7 o'clock evening worshi? hour "Christmas in Sacred Music" will b e presented . -- Christmas Sunday will be celebr1led at Jl a.m. worship for Cbrist Clturtb by the Sea, 1400 W. Bllhoa Blvd., Newport Beech. "Th• Quallty of th• Memce.'' third in the series of sennons entitled "The Qualities of Chrlstmag" will bt preached by the Rev. David DiProflo. Early worship and Church school are at 9:30 a.m. Nursery care is provided. "The Lost Chord o t Christlnas" will be the sermon topic of the Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie at the Presbyterian Cluirtb of tbe Covenant, 28.$0 · F&irriew Road, Costa Me&a. Wonhlp services will be held at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday \rith church school through aii:th grade meeting at 9;30 a.m. At T:30 p.m. the Covenant choir.will present the cantata, ~~l~~~racles" by John Sermon 1ubject for Sunday at Community C b a r c b , CoacregatioatJ, 611 Heli~ trope, Corona del Mar wUl be entitled "The Glory of the Loni" by Dr. Philip G. Murray. Worship services are at 10 a.m. with childcare prt> vidtd. Church school is also at 10 a.m. A Christmas Eve Family Strvice at 7 p.m. will feature a candlelight wonhip service with speci&1 mu.sic, carols and poetry. llttbor Cbr11Uan Cllarclt, Dlldplu Of Christ, will m"t Sunday at Harper Elementary School, 415 E. 18th St., Coota MN& for worship at 10:45 a.m. Sennon !Ubject will be: •'The Good New s Of Clu1sbnu" by Dr. D. W. lllcE!roy. Sunday Jdiool meets at 9:30 a.m. At t and 10:30 a.m. worship strvicts for Central Bible Ourcll, 23rd and Orange, Costa Mesa, Pastor Henry E. Jones will preach on "The Conflrm•Uon of the Godly." The Sunday school will preeent a Christmas program entitled "From Dwlmess Into LJlht" Sunday evening it 7 o'clock. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield wtll continue bis a d v e n t sermon series entitled the vocabulary of Christmas by pruchins .. Rebirth" at the 8, t :JO and 11 a.m. services Sun- BUSINESS ,_ND PROFESSION,._L GUIDE AUTOMOBILE WA"J<ING A POLISHING hlerlon .. Eaglfft Cl•ued 545.64!40 ROY'S AUTO DETAIL *' N..,.n. Celle 111 ... Jl'1H Pfdni1I I< DdiVOTJ .... !Nftt•t• M•lttt dMl191 • MA llllSIS • MAnRllSI$ ..,11'1 • aoMD • ftl!l.Q!I .•.• , .... a.ti JI• MattntJ 0... I ,, .... ....,... ..... I Ubei:tY 8-1303 ·I e Ul'f40LITIRY I Mesi Uplloblery u....,, 8-4781 UU NIWIOIT tLn, - -, ' day at St.. A14rew '• Pmbyleril!I Cb Or c b Of Newport 9'acb. !00 S t • Andrew's Ri>ad. Bai>U•m ·fOt, inlani. will be held ii 3 p.m. Al 1 p.m. tht combiMd IMmil "1Vlcu •1' dMlintd ch61rs will P""nt the centata ta lhtd U'1it on Ille OrjglN of "JJlle 'Chrlotmu ··Sloo'" by · dmmnt porlloN of 1 he J"'6Pll' Roff. I Totlh. "'1 Onec Shabbat will 'Ille durch 8tboOI IVlll "follow tlle RtV!ct. SUNDAY DECEMBER 21 vtty likely II wlU nlult In ad· ere<Uent.t wW mix welt Ac. IO than ever. Try to be ded r • • p • c t -• e J r and cent on 1etung sufUcient rest truthfW with yourself. ?t{oi&: olherwlle. tonight. tmporlant, be y0urself. VJR GO (Aug.U.Sopt.22): AQUAl\Jus (Jan. 20·Ftb . ....,, "TODAY 1S 'YOUR "The Christ Today" is the subject to be discussed tRby the Rtv. Ernest Pate &md ' ai the reaultit SWlday m ing ..moo <11 1.m.) e1 the a ... un...., Bhcb i:'nttb of RtU&tous Science, 420 Tenth St. Soloi&t Mrs. LtRoy Benson •"?'mPanied by '.MrJ. P1ul RlChardson will line "Gesu l)ambino" by Plelro A. Yon. MedJtaU011 period convenes at 10 :~ a.m. · CoQuminion w) 11 be eel· ebnttd at 7:30 a.m. at St. J.-the Di-Epilcopol Cburcb, 2043 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. At 9:30 a Festival ot Carols and lessons which follows the . Christmas story in music and readin1s is slated. SUnday school wlll be held at this time with nursery care provided. On S~day at Commulty United MeUiodid Clnarcb, 666% H~I Ave:, Huntintbm Beach, the Rev. Charles L. Rose will be preaching at both 9 and 10:30 a.m. services. The title of his sermOn is "God's Self. Expression." Church school classes through 6th grade and nursery care are provided at both hours. The senior high group of the Methodist Youth Fellov.·ship will go caroling Sunday 7 to 8:30 p.m. The junior high group will meet as usual in the church social ball Sunday at 7 o'clock. A Christmas pagaent begin· ning at 7 p.n1. will be presented M o n d a y and Tuesd•y. "Down~To-Earth Religion" ~·ill be tM sennon topic or tlle Rev. Norman L. Brown oil Sunday, at the Plymouth Coogegattoaal Cbotth o f Newport Harbor, 3262 Broad St., Newport Beach, at 10 a.m. worS;hip serv.ice.. S u n d a y :oiChool is held at the same time with babysitting sti"vice provided. The rtnt , Baptitt. Cluircb ' GI Foa.atain Valley Chancel Choir 'will present "Night of ' Miracles," a: cantata by John Peteraoh Sunday 7 p.m. A candlelight c ommunion service will follow the cantata at the church , 17415 Magnolia. For the fourth Sunday in Advent, Pastor James G. Blain has chosen as his sermon title for both the 9 and 11 a.m. worship 1ervice: "Why Do Men Climb Mountains1" He is pastor of Newport Herbor Latlltraa Chureb, 2601 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Flnt Cbrlsdan Cbqrcb of Costa ?i.fesa, 792 Victoria St., will cooduct a pre.Christmas worship zervice Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. Pastor James E. Piercy's messac• during these services will be "What Do You Want for Christmas." At 9:30 a.m., the junior and senior hiih Sunday school departments will present an original Christmas drama , "Follow the Star." The adult choir will preaent an e..·ening ol Christmas carols Sunday at 7 o'clock. The children of ~rrectloa Ludter• C • 1·r e la , 981:1 Hamilton HunUngton Beach, will present their Chri!tmas fie.cunt and program on Sun~ pftielll ill 11111.U•I CFI1tm1s program Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. n.e boys and alrls will present a play enUtled "The Old Candltmaker of St. Jobn*1." .. -.--' ' . ! 'l'llt Rev. DOn1ld E. -rll. pastor of Orllt Prt•f>)'i'rtu Cborcb of Hut1a110a lltldo, 10112 Magnolia, will have a temUy ......,. for Christmu Sunt!ly. Chlldelr• for chlldrtn undor'tllm ,...., old wUI bt available. Ctiurch ~rvlces are at 1:80 a.m. · At 4 p.m. the Cblldnn't Christmas Proaram will bt presented with a filmily dinner followin& at 5:30 p.m. The Rev. Roberb will eon- clude tht·Advent Bible Studies Sunday, 1 p.m. and Tuesday, 10 a.m. ' "The Bells of Belhlehem*' will be the Christmas mtSl!age &iven at the First Baptllt Cburcb of Hutinpoa Beadl, by the Rev. Willls J. Loar. There will also be special Christmas musjc. Services are held at 9:30 am. at Peek "s Chapel . 7801 Bol s a. Westminster and 11 a.m. at the Huntington Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange. Church school is held at 9:30 a.m. at the down town church only. The Baptist Y Gu t h Fellowship Groups meet at 6 p.m. At 7 p.m., "Our Story af Christmas" will be presented by the Sunday school children. John Pettraoii"s cantata, ''Bom a Kin&" will be presented by the choir of the Costa Mt1a f'Gurstjalr• Cbu.rcb, 1734 orange Ave .. for the 11 a.m. worship service Sunda)'. The youth lf'OUP of the church will pre1ent a play. "'The Behtlehem Inn," for the 7 p.m. senrlce. day evening, at 7 o'clock. Thi youth and adult choirs A Christmas party for ot Newport Harbor LaUteru pupil•, parents and tuchers Cburtb, 2501 c 1 i f f Driw will be held In the Education Newpo<t Buch. will prel"11 Bullding following the pro-their annual c h r i at m a 1 ~am. Luthe ran Church r---s ~-7 30 Th. ~~~· u,-y, : p.m. • o m e n w 111 s e r v e pro,ram will include music of refruhments. Advent, c h rt a t m a s and Sunday worship ls at 10:30 Ephlphany and a MW cantata a.m. vdth Pt!tor Arthur ll .. "God's Gitt <il Love." A free Tt111Iey, speUJni l>n: "A w!U offering "111 lld Ille Me1111ge Of OenUe Strentth." Young Memorial Fund for a The Withen'poon Conctrt Bell Rin1m w!ll be featured cuell performers II Ille ,.. cond 1nilual ChrlltinM c.,,,1 f•Uvtl 1&mday1 3 p.m: at Ct •111 ••It y PreHyterlaa alucll al Upu Bt11cb, 415 FCH'Ut Ave. Choral aelectlons · wtll be ......,.ted by the cho~s " lhJ<e Lquna 8 •• c h churches. o..,. You may be Impatient to l8l : Give Ume, atten tion to 81R111DAY you are versatile, ._ .... REATION JDNT: Dort make appolntment. Respect young persons, Inc I u d Ing bri&ht.. wondtrflll at repartee. lttp eould be PI e • • • • t • rights of others to privacy. By chlldrert. Special empha1ls on "f'.ou are due for greater bap- especlally U U e1tall1 1etd11 so doing, you will improve way you reacL to dem.andi;:. By pineas and opportunity to ex· t 01 et II e r widl fOl'1!Mf your image. One at the top ts making conceaeJons, -you ac.. press yoW' true ta I e a ts • aelstabor. Muy today an wilting to make J"OO'm for you. tuaJly gaJn macb. Mesaase Congratulations. restle11 aad 01 Ute move. UBRA "Sept 23-0cl -i· clear by tonf&bt. To 11nd «1t ~· kldno,...,... ,.. '\ " " .. " Tl'IOl'IV 11\d !Wt . • Ol'W S.,clN., Cloee relaUva upre11 dt•kt• Goocf moon upect today coin--PISCES (Ftb. 1g..March 20): o"''"'' '**'''· •'tf1Cf91 H111tt iv "·blch previou•lf were "''" cides with j our n e Y 1. Home offers great attraclion. :'"(:ii;: -:61'1'1,;;,,~ .. ,~,: ::. led Wengthen!ng of per 1 on a I Today you ·may learn to ap.. rtt•. """ DAILY ~1Lor. '°" ll«J, The WI~ Concert S.U Rin,.n, under the dlrec· tlon ot Erma Bassett, will perform special arrana:ements by Mrs. Bas5'tl of "Slelfh Ride" and "Silver Btlls" In addition to oth~r hand bell selections. 'Ibey are spomored b y t he C ommu nity Presbyt.erian Church. pre• ' philosophy . .Leave details to ..,.....;ate what )'OU bi·------r• Gt•nd c1n1re1 1r,1i.n. N•w York. the ~---I tur ........ • .......... JV N.Y. 10011. ARIE$ (Muth 21·April 19): o rs. ~~ntrate on pc •1p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Choirs particlpatina In the carol festival will be from St. Mary's Episcopal Ch urch • La.sun.a Beach U n l t e d Methodist Church and the Co m m u n i t y Presbyterian Church. Accent Is on wllllnsntis toe,;-u a whole. Don't get bogged plore varioua ide11. Be a iood won with peUy complalnts. U1tener. But also convey SCORPIO (Of:t. 23-Nov. 21): your own thoughts. Strike Delve into mysteries. Get at balance between enthuslum secret causes. Be perceptive. and gentleneg~then day pro-Dig for truth; reject the ves a success. superficial. One you Jove begin$ to tee thina:• your way. TAURUS (April 20-Moy 20): You could obtain aometh1nl; of ,·aJue-at a bargain. Key l.s to be observant. Find out what it is you really need. Separate fact from fancy. Strive for greater home comfort. SJ.Gm ARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec:. 21): Lie low; play waiting game. Let others auert themselves. Cooperate with one cloee to you. Changes may be necessary, but thls is not a day to initiate them . GnnNI (May 21..Jwte 20): Know llmltatlons. Many flat· CAPRICORN (Dec. 12-Jan. ter you. Maintain sense of 19): Unique proposal deletVel balance-and humor. Arlt• in-consideralion. Be wUlina to d.ivldual makes 1timulaUng exchange ideas. You have companlon today. M111y Of strength. Add logic and the in· ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH INVITES YOU CHRISTMAS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1969 Morning Worship , 8:00, 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. CHRISTMAS EVE, D~CEMBER 24, 1969 Candle ind Carols Service 11:00 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ·1 sth Street & St. Andrews Road Newport Boach, California Th• Re v1r1nd Chtrl11 H. Di1r1nfi1ld, D. o_. P•1tltr Chrlstmu Sunday"s urmon by the Rev. Henry Gerhard , minister of the Cllurcb or ReU,tou1 Science of Lapna Beeclt, will be entitled. "Em· manu-el, God Witb U ! . ' ' Services are-held at 9 and 11 a.m. at the church, 20062 Laguna Canya,1 Road. Junior church and the high school group meet during the 9 o'clock service. The tradi- tional Christmas candl•Ught service wiU be held at the church, beglnnlng wlilt a pol luck dirmtr at 6 p.m. Sund•t· Members and friends of """the church are invited. A brief program of Chri8tmas music \\'Ill follow !ht dinner. Tlle service it.Sell will close the erenina. ~;;;!~ .. ,J::~;::;·r22~BE~~A G~UEST ~. lf qwet 'l\'llr.an, sltnif1cant N answers are forUlcominc. It Is · not necessary to be noisy in order to prove point. Vi&lt tn- diVidual who i.s conf111ed to home, hoopital. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Test Of friendahip occurs. Do your fair share, but refuee to b.t used . U this meana the eDd of N ~:;;E~ c:~;c:ut ~ OF YOUR CHOICE ~ THIS SUNDAY Huntington S.1ch ORTHODOX* PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 114.r ... tHtf.. l1Jltll1t1 t2'1 __: .. llllltf St .. Hlati~H ...... at your own party Lot Carrera Catering's mtster chef provide your holiday party with dtliciou1 food while you relax and enjoy your 9u11ts. S.rve from I 0 to 500 people from a choice of Party Platters that in· elude 1 hr i mp, ohicken, sandwich fixin's, cocktail franks and more. Average cost only $1.50 ·ptr person! For more information and a Ploasers brochure on tasta tempting Party Pletter CALL NOW 1714) 838-1186 earrera. ~atering ·-. Nunirv f,, •m•ll •hildr111 MOllNIN5 WO IS HIP -11 :H A.M. l1'"'9p lcMeJ-,:41 A.M. .... herte W. M-.. ,,,_,,,, ... 1Jf.lfl4 (MlnlmuJ!! order $10.00) L~~'».n.Wt.'B.'i/i!f.'/R!.':Hf. 'Co11f1r11'11 t1 th1•• lt•ll•f• •"' ,,,,fi(11 h•l.I hi1t1ric•lly lty Pr••~t•rl•n•. " The Soldhl.cnits Most Btlli#if1<l MmorWs ' ·" MAUIOLIUM • COLU-.urUM • CIMITllY BIBLE THOUGHTS PAITH: "-f•ltlt c:om•fh •v h••rl11t '"' h•1rl111 itv th1 word 1f God," Rom. 10; 17, J". 20;JO.JI. Goi '• p1•n ;, fir M•" to t•t FAITH ID1U1f In Chrt1tl fr em th1 •11tl1. M'N 111u1t t11ch oth1r 1111n ti.ii ftlfh fr•m ·~· an.1.. .._ .... , h..... thi1 tr111 v11 i11 EAflTHIN v1t1•l1-," 2 C•1. 4;7, lt1M. 10;11 ·11. MlN •r• Goi'1 ••rthe" ... ,,,,!, m•i• •f cl•y, 6011. 2;7. DO YOU WANT A Gltl°'T FAITH7 Th•n 1tr.1iy th1 l lbl•. Got! wl11 not wh i1p1r iftt1 v•11r 11r th1 'r••I f,c:t1 •f th1 11~1•; YOU mint 1t.i dy to 11,rn ffi•t•, 2 Tift\. 2; 11, 2 TIM. J:l I· 17, Hill. 11 ;6. Wh•r• th1 I Jbl1 is HOT th1t1, filth in Chrltt i1•1 111t 1•l1fl If w1 w•nt 111r chiltlr1n to h•v• ftlth, w1 m111t t•11h fll•11t $oi '1 w1ri ,2 Ti,,.. 1:5, Pr. 2:;6. Oth,rwl •1, they will trow 11p , $00LISS 9•1t1ttli1n. H•v1 w• f1!11d th1m iii thi• t•1p1ct7 h thl• whit it ._.,1111 with ,,,, nttfo11 t•tley7 "ILESliD i1 th1 11ot!t" wh111 G1d !1 th• L11d -", ''· JJ;l2, Pr. 14tl'· M1w d111 l illl1 ~t11cly, in y1ur h11111, com,1r~ w1th TV w1tc.hi1117 Com1, 1tuiy th1 11111• with 111, I 11•. I; 111 . Cl.1111 fir tt111ht •11i chat11,1t. Chut1h 1f Chtitt, 217 yl. Wi11111 St. Coll• M•••· Oo yeu h1v• l ll LE ~u11ti•1117 Phone 146·51! 1, 646.&76J. She'll ' treasure it forever Here is a beautiful choice of exquisitely designed 'pendants. 1'KGOLD DIAMOND & ST4~ SAPPHllt PENDANTS o. Heort In l'Kt .ytllow gold florcn- tiM. -$7.JO b. 8111 'w'lrh dlOl'l'!Md gong. AYC1lfcbl1 In whit• & )'lllow I 'K gold. • $11.00 c:. Corneo 1.t In l'Kt yellow gold. Morty 1tyt1J ovolloble, SJJ.00 dJ HtCJ rt &hoped l)tndont with 16 dfc .. ·moncb I cantt 1011.11 wtlght. ~ $410.00 1. 14 kt oold ol'ICf·P .. rl P1Mont. • $11.00 f, Ul'lde Stor ScpPhl,. ttt in IAKt white gtld with I tllcmond. $70.00 I · P .. rl & l chomonds 5Ct in I 'Kt geld. $10.00 • • • The celebration of Christmas at 'l'bt First U~d Methdl1t '*'8rcb, 2121 seven- teenth St, l!untliip>1d! .. ch, will be held at 9:)) and It a.m. Pa!tor EdWard C. Erny wUI preach "FOr You and Your FamUy This Christmas." memorial to tht new church building. l)=:=:=:========s===:;;I A special fl"OUP s t u d 1 s!rvtte will lie olltrtd Frfdey by RerlMr lttfora_ Temple at St. Jam" Episcopal ChUtch, Im Via Lido, Newporl Buch, at 8:15 p.m. Thtse smatt, in- Neighborhood CoJ1gregational Church Gl1nn1yre at St. Attn'• Drive L1tU11• looch 'Chrltlm11 hrvla1, Suntlay Mor•lftf, Doc1mkr 21 Sermon : ''Yt1 Vfrtlnle, Thtrt 11 • J1•u•'' Mr. ltlcherdoon, l'rH<hlftf Ten •'clock Chrl1tm•s Eve C•1tdlellght ll1von 'Ill M14n11hl "Chrlotin.,, Chrlotmu, l••l"f"her• Te11l1ht'' . ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 320t Via Lido, Newport Beach Telephone: 67$-0210 CHllllM4S m F1mily Cendl•li9hl Eucherlat 7:!0 p.m.• Chrt1fn11t Cer•I• 10:10 p.m. Fotlivel Midnl9ht Euchulal 11 ::OD p.m • CHallTMAS DAY Holy lii<huial I 0:00 1,m.• •Chil~ Ctr• Jljv. John P. A•hey, II, Motor Rev. Dlvld .... Crump, AUOClala Rev. W. Don 81Qwn, Honorary A••'~ Rev. Hulan COylctn41ll, Honortry AU't. h, 2 l1rt1 Gi1monc:l1 l/J c:tttt c:•n.l1r · J i,rnond P•Ml•fll. SJtl.11 Morry more fntert1ting pendorits cvo iloble. I. Fl"' Opol c"9 OIOfnOl'ld pe111dant wtttt j.o'i: c.orot to. tol weight of dfomon:ds. ttJ0.00 ..t..k Ai.out O•r C10Y1•loot C"4M Plen IANIAMllK.4~• e M.\R1l C"'4UI HARBOit SHOPl'ING CllNTIR .... -,.,., -~­.......... 11oa1 "oun M ............ 11 '"' ',. .. -ll'ttll ..... 'ttl c.,.... HUNTINGTON CINTllt " ............. ,. IH~llll I i '--~~~~--------~------'! '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· I ""' -llJ• ·• 1· L ~ ........ -,...-.~ ... ~-~ .. .::··..r·~-.=·~ .... .;-:-,-::o"~.--~l---. ----~·_, ________ ,_, .... ----,,....------....... -.......... ----..-,..,.,... ...... _______________________ ..... • I I '1 • • . . ' .. . -- -' ,,. ~ ::!! ~ ··~ -~ Study , Saii• No Do Dirty Books Alter 6ehavior? ' From a Newt Re leue Front the Pribker Scltool of MediclH, UDJvenlty ti Caka10 Mo.<! Jl"YChiatrisll and Jl"Ycholq!ists who have had experience work~ with patients have found no cases in which ex- pos.ire to pomogra~y ha1 caused an- tisocial behavior. This is the cooclusion or 1 research project of Ult Department ol Psych.iatry of The University of Chicago's Pritiker School of Medicine following a poll on pornography ~e. and censorship. More than 3,400 profe:monals in the men- tal health field responded to tilt ·qua- tionnaire. Anti90cial se:ruat behavior was dtUned for the questionnaire u "thal behavior "·hich viol alts the rights or. invades the privacy of some person or persom and Is of an obvioosly sexual nature.,. Examples include rape and sexual assault. THE MAJORITY OF mental health c:r perts stp"Vtyed Jeern to believe the widely pr"Q\Jl)Se(f antidote of seve~ cenD'shi p may prove m<n cosUy to society than any problems created by the availability of pom<J!lraphy ibeU. Tiie reee.arch was focused on t.hf:' observatians and opinioos of clinicians "'ho daily treat disordered human behavior and are hilf>ly.iram.d students o{ such behavior. Questionnaires in the survey went lo 7 .500 psychi1lrist1 and p.sychoanalys ts, about hall of those listed in the directory of The American Psychiatric Association, and .W more than 3,000 psychologi"ts "·hosl' li!ling in the directory of the American Psychological Association in- dicated uperiera with patients. SINCE W()R.D6 such 11 "pornography .. and "antilSOCial 11e111al behavior" m1y have different meanings to different peo- ple. the quf.Stionnain. included deflnlllorul or both which wer e to be used in respon- ding. pornography doa help decr.,•e the likelihood of antisocial sexual beh1vior. -i1 percent did not bel i eve pcniography which include! violence is any mere likely to lead to anll90Cial sex- ual behavior. -60.4 percent did not th Ink pornography can be therapeutically useful for people experiencin1 fears cf :sexual impotency, -&t.t percent did not think 111eeing violence on, televisipn or in the movies acts .U ·a catharsis to reduci! the ten- dency for people to actually act cut v~~t ~wises. -49.,f.perceot did not bttifve violence, wjienJU111icly,depi"'<! ilj vll'ioul forms, tmds to crtate a pmnisli\•e atmosphere wJthin which individuals have a greater likelihood of •cthii: out tbelr own violent impulaN. • ' ' -7U ·pett<nt did nol b<1Jeve watdling \-iOlenct.on TV or in the·movl«S tends -lo 'exdte IOme people or triqueritly lead lo violent behavior. -115,5 percent did no11 .. 1 eltmlnltinll C<nl<rlhip would ttduce the clollrt for pornographic materials. -86J perce11t believed people who vigorously try to supprtss pornography are often motivated by unraolved auua' problems in their own characte:ra. -64 perttnt believed ct1\IOl"!hip i socially harmful because it contributes i a climate of opprusion and inhJ bitlc \vithin ~ich creaUve individuals cann· exflress themselves. -55.7 percent believed JOtne fonn e;' censorship should ht 1pplled tu pon101Taphy, and depiction o! ¥iolence (5.'J,7 percent), but'nol lo m>llcally .,.., .. ing riiatcrfaJs u clusive of pornosnphy (90,I p<r<erit). -69,4 ~ beliond tllerl lo .... 1 dl!lgtt that Cf119<1nhfp will -true art alon1 with trllll. .. . ' Comn;aent Page· • .,-1,. • t ' I ' . ,, . . , . l n ·,· ... · .. ·--:.r ·tr~lt r;;·,~ :·'.'.·'.~( I t• • ~ 'Ill , ~ - ' ' I • . . ...... ., .. -.... ·, . •, ~ • 4 ,, ,• 1 I 1· ).; 'HIPPIE ,c· " • ·' i. \"' I ' • ' ..... :%'.-.. ~J .... • ' .. ' " •I"' '• • . ~ ' . :· .; ... ' , . • ' . ' ' •• ·-l 1 • .1 «, . + ' A l~refl, I t's· Ta king. ~n oQJ.~iai A:i~ Of Petniµoo nce . . • . l : • • ' ' By BOB~ln: ITRANl> , SAJ<I FRANCISCO (UPI! -, Tbr .. year1 ago~ hippies .came to the llaight~ Alhbury lo blow bubbl<a in the IWlshtne, Now macy have ,one_ to work. Dilappearing are the psychedelic shirts, the sat.in capes and the necklacts that go linkli, tinkle . Now some wear bille denim, As Sister Camillus, a ·Roman Catholic nun in slacb, pita it: "They have discovered hell can 'be defined as a perpetual vacation." nieae hippies are laborina at the dif· ficult task> of attanpling wllat they always said they woUld do -develop a new society a.s an alternative to the sfraight wcrld of their parent!. Without noisy proclamation at some huge happening, they have created an embryonic ~ial !)'Siem complete with religious services Sunday at It a.m., schools for their children and businesses dedicated lo the profit motive. Perhapg it shouldn't be surprising th.at the "do your own thing'' phrue slrange to parental ears has evolved into a version of a more familiar American slogan, "'Do it yoorself -p<rhapo with ~help of drugs -but ~o it yoursell." TYPICAL is the beet teller of the book people, a hip Berkeley wholaaler which grones a $1 milUon aMually with a credit manager aged 19. . Its ·CUl'Tent edition of the "Whole Earth Cata.log: Access to Tools" Is expected to sell JJJ,000 copies at $4 retail. the cot.Joe is'> kin<l·IJ{Popdar;Jll~.' What luclnatu the' WMt ·OlUt: liip cuKur• ~ .. indlcolt!f'by bclok ~·-'it !be momeDI is'utr0io1Y"Tarot'Wcs.·aoo arcane m.Upbylical .'theaitl, but U.e wbolelaJer now !OpoN • clromallc fll!ni to .. personal rather than · ati.tr-act ecology." In other words, ~ to ~~te·, &n organic 1arden, how to build a houte, how to constroet 1·1eodeaic.dome,.baw to put to(ether a IO!ar·..w heat.er. These intenst ~ from the psychological rulnl d Hoighl Street abandoned by many 1 but not a.D, hlpPies who flee to other city-neighb«hoodl and rural .sites. AT THE SCENE ot the t967"'sumnler of love," every third !tore ii' now bbarded up. 1'-teth fre~k11, smack addii:ta, ·and gangs of hoodlums menace every comer. Many ol those ui;ly hippies Went baclt lo ~hool, some wound up in' Vietnam , others began straight·carters while tum· in,g hip at night, and a few wound up in mental \\'ards. Still in San Franci8co is 1\e· Good Earth, • "family' d . 120,, hall "'"mo l'tave . bel0nged one year or more. TM family occupies three -. i!.1dlln&» country place, openite1a1araee.for It.. vehicles and bakeg.JOO two-pound loav.e1 of bread weekly ot Ali Saints EpbcOpal Church, Several hunclrtd commund, ranaini from venions of old-fashioned · boarding ~-----Our Ma11 In Sa11 Fra11rbeo------, S:tones!!· By HEBB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO ·-The Rolling Stones ·left the U.S. for England with l t 2 milllClt in hard American cash, and I begrudge thorn every cont, The ~ailed ''hft" conctrt they concocted at Alta- mont "set civilization back 200 year!,'"' in the considered opinion of Fillmore Bill Graham, a man who does things tight. ''To try 1o put. on a thing 'like.that. Jn ooe day la a crime and a disgrace. 11 it r~t to lure thousands ol kids over there, to destroy property? Does might make right~ Those ranchers should be reim· bursed, every nickel." The Stones new in by helicopter, "'like little"" JtsuleS," and ntf(.oot the Woe way, l'eav1ng destruction in lheit wake. 11-tk:k Jagger is a great enlertalner, un- doobtrrlly, but as for d-Olng something for nothing, . forget it man. The Altamont disaster will turn into a money-malting movie for the Stones .... Here's a measure for the group: two of them. with their man,iger, Went into an Uppei Grant Ave., store and suggested strongly they get every thing free -"You want to do something for the stone!i, donlt you!" The hJpleM: owntt finally settled for cost: $433 worth of clothes. The Stones make no bone8 about their cont.em~ for ell thinp American. except American ca.sh, $1.t million Of it. Bah. AND OUT mE OTHER: On what · a memorable night. 'I'Here was Big Builder SteYe Bechtel, Jr., 1 new director of General t.1otors, standing alongs\d~ his <;tailed Caddiwack Ii mo us In e on MacArthur Blvd. -and in the rain. ~'et. .. Author Arthur "Airport" Hailey hu sold his St. Helena place and moved to Montego Bay.in Jamaica, the better-to lighten his laJ: load .•. The George Robertaons of Mill Valley 9tnt. • letter to s.n: George Murphy, ouUlning their op- poeilion to the war in Vietnam, and rec'd in· npfy a letter than began cheetily : "Thank you for your communication 1n respect to the Na~ Medical Research Programs.'' Thank YOU, George, ' DEEPSTUFF : M1yor AUOlo tltil!ks Throne. there'll be a aerious recession nut.year which will help him in his wnpai against .Ronald Reapn, and•! !tor be~ tajf right ••• Overllead at ,Arnelio's: "'You mean N"vi:cn will only·listln to me if J'm SILENT?" · 1 BAGATELLE : Manny ·spallaa. owner of the Old Clam House (ireal placeY on Old Bayshore Boulevard, drove bis black T'blrd to Motcr Vehicln in Westlake, p8id f50 for his lt79 license tab, •alkt:d back to the parkinc kit -and stuck Jt on the block T'blrd ported nu t lo hi!. Unable lo I<! it otl, be lumbered back in- side and bouPt llllOtbef I« IS ~ a lady who Whooped: "~lions. Yoo're tbe fi:rStJUds aucit?" otllld: · · . . . . DR. AMES nscua~overheard 'it. at the University Of C&JifOmia .Medical Center, husband to .wife:. "The troUblt "i th us i.s that , we're, ~l\lljc:ally un5Uited. · J'm a Leo · and1 yoµ're 1 Virago" .•. Among the ·tbinp I n~ during my recent viatt:to New York is that the W don't say in iln1 type .at the bottom "Prices slighUy lower East.of ll>t Rockies,'' and whydit? RUMORS THAT the Forni ' CWp. d Hayward will merge with the ~t.·Equip­ lll«lt Co, o! Salt Lake City ""' lllllrue, report, Heni -n-an.r COJ-.obl< checking, •• Newspaper fill« culJed by Rye Quinn : "Americans consume -P- proxlmat•ly 37 toos ot upirin daily," and now you know why Mr. Bayer never bas a headache. ONWARD : Su Francisco NovelUt Herbert Gold left his beard in Llwrence, Kansas. There for 1 shcrt teaching 1pell at U. of Kansas. he sha ved it off because "T couldn"t stand the' pressure. The dirty looks, the auppreseed hate -I thought maybe I'd gtt killed. It wnn't wonh it just to ~ an occllional ~ wave from 1 hippie lft'Vke station operator:• GRAFFITO noticed above the , poper I.cwt!'~ tn· I aer+lce ILltfon felt -room: "San F1aucilo> State dlplom11. Free -tale one." · --io. J"l'IJ,--·-,,ocu., tljlt ·lo the'l!oaF?--su!SO.!Ut 1.,pwlod· l,y 'hu ne.iiy·1o0, ' -r ' . ~ ' . . . IUl'Ell' C.WU.Ws, _1rJ\t, "'8 . ~ -·-.... bfclnNnr, ,.,_.. the .plrlt .... evolved· tniD "l'.ll ~my ... tl>lnp -'l>ut wllli a041.r othi.. ri>Pi•:: 'l)e ~·ll i-,1111.'W• "an ecataa:r :tlip""but f)Qir' it'• •1'a' pOllUve trlp,'0and'ot )IO!tthe hip Ult llyle is P"°' d\Jdn1 ... new" ·people"·compn.tn; ~·· new ''ly ••. . IQl:K . 'I • 'lllla ii not ill jult•talk.·~ g,\n.Fra- clxo<m !\al ··-· -~ ""1!>9Js ' U ' I; hip • alt«nouv.· lo' public education. , . .. . Iri tSinta··Barben, ;Calif .• ·Ult New. ---~~~iiicll .... IChoolJ in·t!IO Unil<d '8talel and 'Conada irt the< Past 11 m0nuis, FOiit new ncillllco-t . . . • • • ' tiQJl.\ anive .each week.. , : , , In Bay Area warehouses and cliurth bluments, uch sehool . Wt.ors about 30 pupils "1th •botlt zo J>&l"ftlo and voluntffr-1 in an a~ere of freedom . Tots shriek. four-letter 1Vords, er. ·att at teach«'• feet, at wW. • Some partnt& -their ,,...., in- ler<lls ht .... d ' • lllll<lciun' Cree unlvmlU.. JJueh U lhe'~'ln M"'1o Park -·-Jocoliits',lllll"ac- tlmie.. cia-.. lnchole how lo mill • tm1.' '"'"'°, mutnl.· ..........., and Tibotan Buddhism .. To id t<>.cijoo .., time, •·-·ls likely to• the taamportatbt .l)'lllem -. hltchhikinl. Probably 10,000 ..... "' lhuinbed 'dall)' In \he,area, malnl1 With .Job• of Futur~ drivers. who an toni~ed thenwelves. 1 ·TB;ll ~'n.IM of the hiRPiee·-.who ott.o. deleol the name. pnolmlna lo ba jUot'-le -is·lnlerlwined but -Catt rrWrr the irea:. p:>litical militanta. Trut hlpPts tlijnk protest is Jaritiy fuli\•. tl)d participated in the moratorium march;at much bttaU!e it was a picDJc ! as· for political 'rea!OJl3. • , , ' ' . Even· tllo<lcl>· UiD and th& danl~ onipbetamines att ioinl llUI al f"1!irm, the hip 'cultun'• devotion to drup:r e- mabts a debi111atinf problein. Bilt the big problem or tht "r.ew JOdtty" It.ill ill e;conornic -how can it. aipport llae1I •port , ~ th•. llraight workt ! /A ftew periodical, 'Mle Family store. lists 300 Say Aru hip· 1tores .ind ctaltrmen seeking foreign trade, but the market for fancy candles, aandals, jewelry, pQttery and incenSe is 1 limited. That's why more an ' &oinl into metah\•ork, auto repairs and carpentey. By reducing bis standard cf living t.n the essentials, a .hippie .can lead ·a _ally.sallsfyinJ Ule on $150 •month arid a v~1etartan did, but .the '150 m1pt come-frun nnewbere. Hippies seek work only at jobs that are ful'l ift. en.vironn;'lenll that "feel gOod," and not \do many lllCh jobs ara.around. , • ~·1 havi a lot ol doubt about bow viable the 'cuHurt . is, .. AYI Ed. ~art.man, an 0Ulanc!'-1ot!Y llud<Dl"•bo publilhe. The Family store. ''My.commune intends to doe~ It can to make it via~le. •••But 1t~1 still a dfticate flowfl'." Career Seekers: G·et a Doctorate ' . • Pfietdinl 1e.yoar period. What they """Id be t>ughl lo trlin theM •f- fectively, arid ~levantly, tor tomorrOw't job!: i! not fully clear. ONE THING that i.s Obviowl i.s the rela- Uonlhip of an advanced dqree tc aucceSs in • Wa;intsl .. Thia WU indk:attd. by ' I 1Ui'Wy wb1ch the mapzine caleen 'J'o. if>i:cilnducted over. year.,..,,..., 230 con\,eny;pC"OSidenll JJnd 1,500 .. ecUt;vO. or SOOillzic conctma. Some 11 puce~ or the men at the top, at that time, h a d earned dOctorata, and it Was ex~ that \he figure would reach 30 p!'fttilt fillhln a year. Of tJ\Oae who ,had ac,t}leved the most:riJia ld.vanc~t. 75 plllent ~d combined • llla.!len ~ ht busi - MI$ adnUnistraUon w:lth an uodergradu· ate de:gree in science or engineerin&. Along with ti.tended educatioo for the many, the J970a will see continuance, if not .intensification, of .the school dropout. problem b1 the inrier city. Dropouta will ha~e a part.icularly hard time because Ycutb.s wider lt or 20 years of 11• are virtu111y n:cluded from _ meaningful employment in a country which expects younc,peopit to remain at achool. 'Tll£,OOCUPATION8 in which ckmtnd II llJ'Olrin1 l....,t are thooe involving -k with people and idoas; lbal 11, service job.!. rather than the 1oods-pm- ducing work of agriculture, mining, man'ufacturing. and con!truction. On "an UJ.l.klf:r!tified dar in 1956, for the fitst time in any modern country, more ~ were em~ed in whllt-<:ollar or ·service jobs titan in bliJe.collar or farm jom. · 'uServite employment," 11 J'ICCed by UNI O\a1e.Ma:nhattln Bank, "accounts for a -o! ·td.<I employment growth tn the pollwar period.'' 'Ille min lo 1trvtco -k r~ ht put ln>m applic1tJona.o1 tectrnoJoo whJch enable farma and fie. tori• to prOduce a tara:er output with the same .number cl w-orken or with fewer worter.i. Pornography •N defined in the words of U.S. Suinme Cow1. Justice Potter Stewart in the caae of Giniber1 VI. tht: United Slates. That definltion indlc1tes Jn part tiii\ pornography I n c I u d u "photographs, bo<ll still tnd motion pic- ture, with.no prtlen5e cJ. artb:llc value'' depicting 1exual acts. Comic atrips, ptrnphlets; •nd booklets ""1th no pr etiemt of • literary value" are also in· clud<d in the ddinttion, Warreu: Absolute Equality Is a M,ust Tllll DEVELOPMENT rai19 , queg. tt.. ht ~ •Ull unaettled : whetllC!t automi.tioa and olher advancts in tocbnology,lead 10 untmploymentfC>' the Jtss edvclted, by •bolishlnc: niore manu.:tl joli1 tlian they cteate and by llililLinl tho emphaeis to white-coUar work. Some ~ contend that availability ot Jobs ~ primarily not on I~ but on IUdt laclon u........., pur<hu-' ini ..,.;. , lndUlltlal· dtmlnd, and ~,_u,. RooponRa lo lndll'1dtl>I queilllonl "1ow: -80 percenl d the poychia&mtl tnd psychologil!ts hid never encountered any caJeS ln 1'hldl.p1 nosraph)' w11 a causal !odor ht inllllocltl tell"i behavior. -7,4 ~ did Onc:Ount« cut! In which they were IOfDf!'tt1\at convinced of • linll :. betw... -•phy •nd on- tlJoclal bobtvior, -I.I -t hod caJe& ht •'hich they auapeded-bul wife net ci:mvlnced ol 1 link, -11.7. perccnl --· ... llOled 1o poonocra"'1f art no mor• lik•iJ' lo q1p In tntllilclaJ RXUal ocll than pmonrnoler~. -$7,f percent, however, , did nOI be.litve elJ)OIJ\l'e to pornography ttnd1 ta act u 1 safdy valve fOf antJJOClal teJUal 1m..-, Howevtr, .1U per .... bdJeve 1'nlm I recett IMfttl hy ...... CllltlJull<e Earl w..,.. .'nitre an ltill too mariy people who b<lievt tilat the Bill of Righll b out- moded, thlt the Ill Am..-.lmenL rlahll of opeecil, ,,...1atlon, religion and prolal an the nllct ti former d1ys Instead of _, tw1c right. that musl be re- e&l.lblisbed by every ...... Uon. .. 111Elll!: ARI!: ~ wbo would bow 10 n:pedlency and fortlO for others the rlg!tll of Pflvacy that ltt Involved In the prohiblUon against unrtasonable st1rcb- es and !!elzu"'5 •nd the rt&1(i.. against ctJf ·lncrimlnatlon. Bui J)<rhopo the moct flaring dt£r ci<OCY !1 ll>t m...1 ol IO mony people to gh~ run 8Copt lo the 14th Amendment, Herdn 11 .. the gr11t gap betwm the profusJon and performance of th• American ideal. l believe v.-e do have an American ideal wh.ich stems from the 10lemn Y1-ord.i of the Oeclaratlon of lndeP" iNnet which rt.ad: "We hold 0-truths ·lo be ldf..vl- dent, lttat all men are cn1ted equal, that they •n: endowed by U>tlr Creator with certain unalienable rlahts. that.amonc lbe8e are tile, liberty and ll>t pursull of hapP!neM.'' The Cormltution it.M:ll m11de •· ttm~ porary compromise Ob slavery b~t. atltt a bitttt fr11lricidal _, tn which the in- te,rtty d the union was sustalned, the three 80-t:alled Civil War amendment,! were adopted, the 13th abolishing tlavtry fom.>«, the 15th giving evN)' Amcrlc1n clUun tht right to vote and thf: aU.izn. pori.tnl 11\h Ammdmenl which rtado: "ALL RSONS i»rn or naturalhed m Ole U ted States and aubject lo the j11ri ction thereof are cllluns of tht ttd SI.Alts 11nd the state wherein they reside~ Ne statt shall make or enforce any law which shall 1bridge the pri,ilcgr.J or Immunities of cfllzenli of the Uait<d SW.., nor allail 1111 Nit dttriv• any -d ' Ule. lib«fy or "°'"''ly wilhoCJI dllt p.-. o! toii;' nor deny lo any perl!On within Ila jurl-the tqt11l prUedion of the Ian." ,,_ .. plain words, linJ1* JJnd dii-tct. Jet for ' a century they have been -.-In the brtach thin in llJ< obsetvance; by I o m t interltiCli1Uy, ddlonUy and on.. vtoltntlY: by the ,,.. mainder ol us throu&h lndl:ffettnct. , . fl!SUL TING intquiLits have pyramid- ed until they are now at a cri.aia stace and an Ule root auae of most or cur dom'"tk Ub. Had we obeyed the mon- d1i.. o! lbex -moct o! our problem• would ha ve been reductd to manageable sizt. Bul on the contrary they 1re now uplosive and placuina us throughout the Jand. lnjusUce, 1lw1y1 breeds resentment and re 1 en t me 'n t brttds violence. We are now 1t the decisiolHnakin& point where we must -whdhl;r ..... lo -1111 - cop!. ot· • plUral IOciety wllidJ' Jains olnnctlt _.,, diwnity or wlt<llJer we an to llOv~ bllltr ~tatlon'Ulal·Will r-1111.p.,.lu.J ._, .... _, ' . -.· .. 1 --i~· ! ' So.lunlay, De<eri\bfr 20, 19" The Comment Pqt or tht Doily Pilot seeks to .inlo1T11 1nd sllmul1te readtn by c P"'Hntlnt I •aritl1 or com- mt!!lary on lollicl of Inter· est and 1igntllcance from in101T11ed obs•~n a n d spotesmm. lltlltrt N.-WHd, l'ubllolltr . . . . .. . . . . . . . ' . . ~· ... ·- . . . .. . . ·Hand& Body "Slick'~ Colo1ne . . . ' ... · .. ' . ' .. '--------··--. __ ...., _ ____ ,_l . .. fir HIM . -· · DRUG STORES 2.00 i• '1iMerli11 ... · .. -4 tt. 5 50 11c• 1t Altn S•afl 11• . &111111. . • . 1nsp1ret1 by tile · Roman God of Wu'!e, \\'omen a~d Song , .. virile, very l1stiri1. · bold • ~ •. the very essence of pleasUf!! Aflti Hnt Ct\1111 · ··~ _.r 4_11.2.50 . 111.3.50 . ~"Intimate': · · -Fratrant Twosome · ' : I I - TwO's inUmate ..• especially w~en · you &ive 'her two Vtr'J '"lntimat'" ; ~int! 'fol Iii< 'pfriate lit!, .. ' • • ' • '-1 ' . · ll•:h Tt\\tttt"'8J. l4 11 . .ti ,,~ .... "111111 ,.,..,, I 11. \ \ . '' I • • . ~5~50 • ., ~ ". .. ' ... ; .......... -...~ .. . . -.. . l1turday, Dtcembtr 20, 19b9 .. ' ''Ninr .. Flags" SHAVING COlOGNE In essence' imPorletl from drtterenl .countries: '• Brazil-AttRiltic Ta-ac lrel11•-lr1til Mtss Eo11and-Uj1I Slidlt 3,00ti.2 OI. " . . . ' DAil V m.llY, 2' ., . ' • \ I 9AllY "l OJ ' • I ,) I • ' L Finislled in b11llianl lime green. .C:omp/e\e dnuble loop lrame short arc welded·6" auto- rnotive type steel wheels with 4.10 t':J.511.- 6" 2 ply knobby tlres. Sure stop !riction brake, heavy duty centrifugal clutch witlt. lull pro· loction ~leel guard. Motorcycle tyfe thrott le cont1ot. II 250X. · 99.95 IVIR!ADY Batteries "0".cell lor ~asTI1ignts . an1i'lOYs. .. ' ' ~-P1k.-tf.I 2 l:l .00 DECORATOR Corsages for CHRISTMAS • Choose lroin many col· Gr1ut desiw for the holiday ahead. • MAIX 11 Kraiy 'Kar" , t · lfs.cr31y,butfurbo ys ""1ilfsfrom3aprts . .. ill-.;·;-... . » indoor..Utdoor .all l"' fun. Rligged pbstrc _ ~I 1 ' · chassis is '34'' across. has bucket seat and . ~ -· .alternate foot lf$ls . Easy lo operate ... . ' -.. · · . safe-silly ~un. • , , . ''Lil 'f Sottee" w/Layette · °'.'• ;'· HORSMAN .., 11" loam filled . , • body, >in~ arms, ~l~ old heat She has a rooled "Pixie" hairdo and ~fe-tike , eyes. ~oori 4 'Poweride' ~1 '' Rechargeable electric car 1uns up to 7 hOllrs .on on' charge, has a hi·impacl jl!as· l tic body .& wide racni&-type ·ure~ ·supp;rt. 150 lbs. and skimms along up tQ 2 mile_s, ; per hour. 24 .88 VfONDfi'' _I Mustang" 5.98 A <rl!lliYe t1Wilg.1DV lor Y181f children! So Stmple lo do • • • 3- ye...olds c.m creatt tolo1fol llrfistic d•· sips by themselves. -· 11 1.29 Talk-N-Tell Tlis lljh·sh"111 StrltiMlll nu ~miSU-10 "" c· . · . · -•. • tivate ,the heart oi every '2\ .;; -~ yoU11g wrangler. Saft. 9 Tel.,_ 'Y llASWI · ,Designed lo mal1 thinki~ fun! Pfays 10 different "Y· sturdy well·behaved :ind\..: , ~urjble! 24 .. salldle height ' 13.49 . . ~ Rings 'n Things orBags 'n Things ly TOl'PEll -Adds-tlat "tra totcl of gl-lor evlry ~ttl! 1irl! · Sile cail design and make her, OWrJ · · , . and all kiodi ol jewelry. £jch 1iece , ' will be uoiQue f~,:~~=3 99 i butto~. • RADIO "DelUXI scooi.r" Slands 37133 in.~.~. semi pneumatic tires alld ~ure-grip bii~e. Fire Engine red baked enamel color. • ·. -.1ccessQri es, hags. bells, bracelets ~-· ~roud to wear • 1 - 1 and she'll he so · 69. )II. • ~...., @o.t:Jf themil00/2111 6 • 11 5.89 Chtrmttft "A9llon" -¥ ... l!f.. • . :\ (;Mn,rn®Jt.J ~~ canrrece~F- Nylons Oeluie Se1mltss S~eer !ho hosie~ th1f !t(beitor " than skin ... 100~ nylo11, v1111111ee!. Choose-Ir~ rt1ao1 ~ fashion ~hades in· ~18s • ·· Small to lxtra Long. Salts· · f1r.11011 evar~n teed by SAV·O~. . 79c; It~ Jll . - fanty Hose . Seamless. 100;1 stre!Ll ny!oft w1~ oode he~. demi-1 79 t.oe. Proportioned s11es in · ~ assorted •hades. 111. 1.H , "G f L'f "' ... DUY ame o 1 e · . . ~ -. ·s~n: tie "Wl\eel of Falt"· · and .away you go , ••• Up, . aowa. aro1111d in • 3 4imen- . sionaJ 3o:&&~. "P d" G BRIDLE'( _ asswor ame TONKA Tiny "Fun Buggy" _.,, __ ••• -inside and OlJI. lqllippe4 witfl blge tilo! allll ron l!f loo ! 79c couco Doll Pram 24 \Ir• lltl . . . molded body with full tublllar frame, shopping bag and pilled body rail. WM•/go~ deco quiltllll ~::s.69 ' • I • "Roi-Tan" . . 'Roi-Tan" ·l :~= smole! 4 7~ ll11f5I •. :D "Dutch Masters" . ... . '• '· M11lt'1itC1 C.I· lacti11 -Box of 3 95· 25 ''Panetelas .. w/ 2 D!cks of Ca<ds • • . · "Dutch Masters" PIESll!tm-25 4 '50 ciprs i1t impime.d · • opal glass j.J"! • . ...1_· .. -.,...o;....;..;... __ -., ·,ii . J ;:. ''El Producto" lllNTS-~ ... 1. 3 5. 01 ; ii'~ ' 'I ·" ... .i 118 jar for kesiloms. 25't· • . '\, ~ ~ "Muriel" . SlfllllllS -Bu 3 7·. 5 ·1 C", of . 50 · cips put_ up 115-pacts. t . •n..ti '' , .,,umo A11M11ils 6 50 Very mild Cigars. . 1111151 • "Ben Frankfiri" ll.lllT-I• ...... 2· 25 . iltivt Christmas llox. 11111 51 • ·-·--· liOttSON· Lighters • 11Jyplloon" ' °'1aile, N(ltd iiod-2 95 . "' q•·· aslGlt • ed fillisloes. . . ... . • "lloYer" YUi• · Fash""stytediusst'I 3 ~· des s wi111......,1 "Ji/fi'rnr ". flt• • UDlll' 11Mini-Rover" FAWll W -ligllre1 will 3 interchln1ea!le 4 95 ihells. fGolil-lone ntin~ishtiglrter • Scripm "Vu" Ligbler : J. ""' 'laii ........ Choosl • """ ~. ieslgns 2 95 eadl~~-· . ""'J Jliili 1111· UI • • --"""'------------~ ... -.. --~"!"'!~--~~"':'!":-.'-:"-~:--.,..-""';'~---:-:"-:-~~~--=::-.--:-----· -· --·-------- --. - - - ---·~~········ ..... ~ .. ~ ................................... . Y '"""!!'I g i! ' • ~ ..• r'~ " • • . . S&tul'dq, Dtc°tmber 20, 1JJ6" .DAI P.ILOT 'I I "'"::~· --:-·--J••1. 9" Portable B & W TV •ne Clea1Yin" with striking 1-0w-lliitte desilft : .. 38 sq. inch of viewing area witfl "Set and forget" tuner. Strong built-in VHF anfl UHF · antennas. Dynamic speaker up front 7~ 88 lor best soond projection. Selid ·state ertginefl'ing. -#AN·1D9 1 . ' NO•nco Portable "Cassette" P13yef · '' ~ .. Mlsi•·t111! S.111 Stitt tut11t: Ptlf! · •· Just slip i1t a cas!etl:e,. flip a switch, tlld·yoo're tapedHn ta ·-· · your clwiice of musk:,Oll lf!-' recorded cassettes! Extra ~&sound quality. Slim, corn- pa<:t ••• goes wherever you ,,, . ' .. #!Ill cLA••~ Lighted "Make-up" Mimir . ' h i JjifHI •ah·IJ ""lli•O 1 ·~JiifltinJ off~ day, office i;ii-ews~g ~ w1ti • tw•t ol a fol. lfigfl q'lality • , IJllJTOr swfvels frOftl .. ~ . Portable Tape Reconle~ !Jo-mag-, · · r-Uoliue !land , lslllinortoany 24 98 iolfedosired. . . #lM·I • ClllG "212"-C~es ool· standing performance, recording simplicity. 2-speed callSfal drive, • ,. automatic level control. Complete 29 95 set ready to use indllding acces· ,._ . sory pouch. · m I •EMI N1l oN "Lelltro Blade 9" MIN'S S-nor Wit~·t~1!iiensa· . .. ble blade shaving system! Comfort dial adiusts heads to su(t your · face ii!ld beard. Sltaves with· or 29 88 without cord. Deluxe gilt case. ': Broxodent" . AlllO~Tlt.ACTION BRUSH for TtETH. Hd GUMS ·1iy SQU,B8. . ' t- . All!llCA!t DENTAL ISSllC1ATIDN APPllOY[D Mn "Clrjlm " !'Water Pie" 0rantygie11 Appliaa • ' ~~~ •• ,. 32.ti • " NouLco Tripleheader ler · 11• ~bru"' tlllt""" d!ltlsts Tho S-ave·AftJW-lfl Speedshv-· "" · .. """"'1end tllln all otlrem com-It&!>" wherever yw do witllolt the 1r with "Pt,.,, .. trimmtr -~ • bined. Brushes ~P and down with worry and ineonveftience of cords M~rogroove tlaating heads that f.88., ' . ,•stlnt'Povter. No batteries .to re. a~d ooUets. one overnight cMrge follow tlle ""tour of youo I'"'· 29. •" ptice11r recharge. Comes rib wall , provide!J~I! week of ,,._Comes Comes complete •tth hand5'me -~.nit. ·6 bruslles, ..r pe<-with~ .s;,.i~ted 111iplnr "'P open metal wallet cas~. . , " ·....i siwC.lgate Dental t-. trMI casef1ll l1ie unit and f1ll II>• • 1 , ·,' ~ Jet tips. oo is om cae i•·its Lady Schick ·~caprice'' -. ·· o.1;.,Mne1 · mos1·•'.epn1 ""'· "u LIOIES' S~"" -fasles~ ctos-14 88 27 98 est. easiest groon\iRg-without 8 .· :,t ~ ~: · · .. n<ks or.irritation. Choic. of Ire.sh, 9 8 · • .. "· • ~w r.11nbow colors. E1tv1s1te, ' • • . feminine powder boi c.lse. #1 01· r,, ·· . -. ~, · .. . _ ! . · " ~-· tlGRTED "MakiJ· "iMirror ' . .. ~ll·i·~ l1 "Jm1t" -larg!, i si /nir· . 8 -.:;;;;;.;-~ · 1or, one side plain, the o side 14 8 ' · . ..~ magnified. Complete ·with lreige f'Olllll! 4-SP!!D . OJI" "'~ing "'~ r , • . Phonograph "Saunda" Facial Sauna :r~o"{.~~s Wotlfs First leHty A,,1~"' · "lftdllii ·iftrk" -S.Ud, stall , #SC.fll Portable un~ ~iped esf)l!:ially ~C/Batte<y' wnh a~omallc '""t· ·99 . 95 for llome facials. It 111spires a Clear, off. Sliae.iule tBTiing, a>ntinaou~ -. sott, gJowing complexion by qeal· tone· coilfml-dual vokimt control. • !mg clolids of warm "be'1Jty 11"1". Custom him table. H{!lps to chase awi11 terision IT~s. by luxuriwsly relaxmg filcial loos-23 88 r:=============:if cles. Treatment takes approximate· i,101u 15 minu1es. R•1.21.5a • PO~AROIO 3611 Land Camera . •r FEOE.RAL -Crvst.1 stem .. re featuriog dis· t1nct1ve squm too1 Cl'YSttl ~I with slreer rim! • n• IZ. Parfaits , • 4'h OL Cockta il \ • 5% IL Wine GIJSI Witl Elrctn1ic Flaw ••. lt prodotes 1'>· ished color pictures ilf., minute, b!ack arilf white in seconds. This· CanTera is deluxe in. every way • ·, • it was designed for use by 149 95 "8ylMJdy. It tlkes any act~n picture. . 1 POLAROID 330 Automatic · .. ' . ' ' LAND CAMERA· · · · " • 7% az. Sherh t ·. • 1'h 11. "On·thl·Roc ks" • 11 IL Giblets Has a bYilt~n development timer that 59 95 lets you koow when picture is finished ••• plus automatic expostll't cont(o~ • •. .- ., MAYO SPRUCE I-Shirts . . . :J · aod ·~ills , .. . . • • REYNOUIS . .Aluminum Foi'I -0 . ;f'. flE.RW 111'1-Flalllt ~: Clald catt11 k1it-fullcut for comfort. ReinfOfctd "non·' strltO." collar on shirts, and lei inserts 011 briefs. Witl1not .• Shrink or stretch. Gta"anteet11 llOChine washable. .. ,j~ 11'!X2s 49c ~~ ~ltlls M11's Sins -Maxwell , ·:... House ... ~~ ''Kotex'' " Bays' Sizes ' .·. . ,,~ ----~~--~--~~ ...... . ~#'1 rum1e Blankets ClnorUlll -U11 1111 11 ·s11,• flt .,. lfM.!ltergenic • I hlended material ·in assnrted-o colors with luxurious matdlin1 ny~• linding. fut~· 011Dmatic coatrols will oiglt ligllt 8fan. ket adiasb automatica11r m ' -~cl!nges. T .. Sill -Silo .... loSizo Si.ate Cft!nl Silllo C.11111 lut Clltnl 12.88 13.88 .t.&.49 · ,._AIM(lfSfH · •Electric Blanket ~ Blended material in as· sorted pastel colors. matciling nJ!>o liiJding. , Mothproof • • • lllllHl· 11 98 lergenic. 8"'l1·Slzo Sillfo Cntrol • Includes ·# 124 camera, CX1 16-12 ex~ ~tor film, batteries, caddy bag. photo 22 80 album and book " !low to make good ~ctllre$. • Includes M-i2 Cimera, roll of ''Supe1 8" color film, batteries, caddy bag and 32 95 book on bow m rnalle '""' · pictures. • I •.un' Neckties Ir lllWID-CuslDll desigoed in the latest fallncs, desi&ns and ~11i.:rjih~ · • IWfS 1'1 '411ro Jewelrj· Box Waliiut with simulated, •. • ' cusflioned llo:k leatller · 1DtJ, cotton -· · ined. 01114.98 . · .. : large bouffant !ood. four.way temperature contml. Dries hair quit~· rr./315 • 1411. C11 lers PPLAROID C~DI PAC!H LANlitCAMERA KODAK "Carousel" 600 Projector Chip 'n Dip sn , ' "Wnlorlf" 11 'INCNOI lftCKING -Cut glass gi<es tlle klok o1 expenif'le ciyst.L IO" bowl. silv!r Wlor mebl lrame holds 5'' dip bow!. 2 ~99 "Tapers". 1 A$S't .calo~ in 8" ... or 12" size. • r ... of I 29c I • The firs! flashcube "'"'1n'1nade bi Polan>id! An electric eyo !Ohes"the 24 88 ._,•pm1>1ems '" "'' lNMr' camnrseasy. , ' . ' · • : .... POLAROID FILM r,,, 111 · lJfo IU for I 'I f1rc1lor 2.09 · 3.88 I ' forSUDES bell trJY 1lo1ils "' "' 80 slides at Oii tfna f1lr klng. mlltmjJtell sllows. AA ~Ides n aa:essil~ al tllo "'"timof1ll~-o1it·49 95 ing", Plays fike I ncord, smsMkeabOlt. • · '"JbluuW Mathis" Chrisbnas · • -~"""-. LP ALIUMS ~ ~ . 11 CIUlll&UIR "'"'_..,=---. "lllny ·Clrfstmas" and "Gile Ile v .. 1.ovo for c1o.1mas"tuturmc "lite t.rts l'rlye(', "Do Yol Heat What I Keir" and ~ others. -UI 2.98 .-I . .. I " I I • I J~A.ILY PILO+l S•tu!d~~· ~ctmber 29, 19b9 ilms-S:K1!tffl kles, S witchblades. • Tools of Fun /Y AllO<la~ Pms , ., M""'" o!~ lont !"!'J ~. ~ !Ontali'lil&lit high 5cbo01, r;port.s events bearing cowbe&, school pennan1' and ......... , I • ! Good dun run:. ..•. l . ,. • ,~ t • Tccnorrow'• ptraphernalia may be n1ore selffd'.e!esylv.,e.Waas k n u. ck t ! ~ •wil<hbla<lf4 dd ~ -f°'1'~ I I Jn SOO>e hot tpeili, oUJclal. ore mUDlng !bough,. or l'1IUni ooll . .Pr!!P s(J!ll'll aner dark. In •:; _'Jlke CJll!cago· -tt Iw loog been • W•Y .~ Jile. .-. _ "Racial" is ·a fasnlllu lq fer·~"l';e ~ rod< throwlng IO pietol firinJ ...-· but some claim black.\'s.~ controvenles &imply draw.-IO the trouhlo lhai Gabriel,. " Ul1itas Vie . · · In Firiale . ' ..., 1r· ' ... , <l · r.os ANGELM !AP) ·-The high arania mayM Jackhig ·but tMre Will be no want of Whld:lng 'Su'nday when '"the Baltimore Colt& arid U:>e Los An;eles Ramk wind up the recuJu NaUooal Foot- ball · LeagUe sei.son in M·e mo r l a·l tol!seqfJ!. · ·, · · . . AU·NFL quarj<rback Roman Gabriel of the Rims and !«mer all1)fo Johl)ny Unita& of ~~e .will •il4.n be ·the center attractiGOa , iA,.. Qie natlonally televised-bat.tle. Bu~ !Duch.of the ·fire for the.Coll.<\"~ .. ~ 1!Y the-J!aiils In Baltimore in ~ f.nt Jlftle-of the Ione -echedule. · • -. .; :', · · ;. ~ ·.· _\The -iallto<t:f<!r .17 poln>rln -lhe second half to come from behind l:Dd: win 27·211. Thet put.q«b« a string of II straight vtciJDriell:· ·to-,coast into the Coastal DJvlsion Utlt. -1t· -. Baltimore, .r-t•by ·lnJuriu and pe$1· · tion stritchfit IH'flll, naw1a 7..S.liand ca:n ·mare lhi1dq>1ac•r monoy in the 'Wert<rn Conl-C~ lfft upoetl· Los·An&tlM -arid · t>etrait: 1oMi UfOdt:a~· · ·. ·.A • Los MPldt. 'Of ~. mHU Min· nesola, the Ctntral m+l&lon wlhri~. ln ·\he wesim · pliyo11 lleC. 21· in Mlowy .!?di~e90!.a: .,~ '· _ : ·' · h. Ttle VikiniJ itMfed i Ram drive-·for etit unbeaten year here tWo·-Wee"ks ago and Uie LOS Ati1elta JoSs-streak conU:r:iued at "betfott: to lei.vi! them lthJ..(i. ' -· ' , "Yfe ?Jlust win over l}alµmore \!) r~jafii 'the .mpmentum. we had.a~. need-~~n .we go into Mimqi;qta," Gabrlel sald after ah · unusually !onlpais d!)ll !ll!riiil ~ ~·~· .. li.ii.G•~'• puslnc Jl'ai:ex~~ the . Jirst llaJtimOre e~. H~ lhmr.,lllfee tou~ ~ aJlfl ·1~ 213 yarqs 0n zo complotloos.. . . . . . . . .. UnitaS .all_O C.0.J>leted 21) (.,. :Ji'rind two toucbdownl liut .the Rams ig.· tercepted t~ of his·~•· , , T-be :ijaml·, who hlM not swept.. t~ 1two ga~ with .811.fJmore · 1mc_e ·19j1,.. JIWft . cope ·, agalo,.. '!litll. · Tom· , M-. · the wor~horse of the Colt.<' ellack. -~ ' ._. .. The 214-P.DWJd runnini back l! having his finest · nuon 'and could win the league"s -versatility award. He: a -rushed ··ror 858 yards q galned j51l .. on pas~ ~or ;.I,30tl i.tal yards;• :· · · ~ Matte's countei'pVt~ with the Rams, · rqolde I,arry S!J1!1b. )Ill gallled S70 Y"~'· Included was a~ 4'-yard Jallop for a. '' t.ouchdoWn at BalUmort.. · ' · . On ··Smitq'a scorlog run, interior line1T1en 'tom Mack and Ola.rile ·eowan ,i:loubre•teamed 'BalUttlort'li great tackle, ~Fred ~finer •. lo~ ii bOl<for Smitb. --•I• • has Cllated. sln<e the er1 o1 the flying Ullt con't be even broadly clasaU!ed u PolJco sald the gunman was 1 blact ~ ,, • ' . • hljlnks. · yo&Mh. 'Jbe·victtm recovtred. J~\ · ·. · ', burly fonner Unlver1Ky J>roblenis at football events hive hit P..;in; o1 Ujt IOllS ~.Dble" hl1 bten a o! : , , k, wu here at Miami'• headlines from burp In the hlnte<l1ndJ alp>Ulcaot f>ll)l>lemJn 5oulh<m llChoob. J ·• · "" •-•-1 .. ~-1 I Wb!U. have ' lfaod and cheered fer a,..son •" ~~ ~·= t was • ~ lo te<mlng ciUes. ' Basketball, ,d'""1't decodes when their band ztruck up the white.'· , · escape the baunllng dUficllHlerol nigh~ ~~)&$6afl ago. ' Ume ·athletics, a1th0ugh most co:iches t~ck11 now in the once all·\\·hite 1 , ' " 4)f :Die Generals' mo~· '.ind school leaders feel holding even~ In· . 1ehools take it u ~ ricial altront aod b ).sq1\l<f. Br~•ky . elal,..., •e90fs helps with policing .• ;SOOletlmes. olteli exp-.-"Dixie" beJln!: " . . ~ -·nxko at ooir b~ ; • A white l!Ol' W.11' ohol in ·the ii!Omach • Al Chatlanoolra•z Bral'l<'d High School, ~~;~I ~ .~s. Not>cxt, &Ot · durb.ra racial dliturbance at Llve •Oak, bltcki and Whiles had a f\Jss over "Dix· ~ 1!-00 abfutit "~· · Fla., to ge.t. the ('\DTent cage season off ie'"1 and the team nickname "Rebela." 'llu~ ihere. hive beeii'maJor problems on a "'"'note, 'l)ie tiny Nor1h Florida 1 T!!la case ' wu: repeated h,undredJ of sprinkled throu&'tloUt the c o u n tr y • city's game with.· Rideeland, S.c., High t1ri1es.. Pattnts ha~! stormed school board wa.. interru~ by a fight· in the..tands Atlaota's _prep teams hire from 15 to 30 med.ings, wri;Uen newspapers and com· that was cUmued by the patoI shooting cllf~uty p.:llictrhen to patrol at football plallled to pr;iricipals a-off.field antlcs of 18-year-old 1-""Y Type. ',....,,. _'llley .,. •. stationed at all gates f . .. • and on both aldeo of the fldd with eyes peeled for vloltnee. . "We feel theee_oCficen ca.A handle any situation that arlles," said R. A. Walnwrlght, llM!atant director of athletics for the systttn. tn downstate Georgia, a traditionall y conservative area, the Valdoeta-Albany game~ Oct 3 was switched from Albany to Valdosta because racial tension ·ran high. Predominantly-Negro KeMtdY High School in Suffolk. Va., was forced to~ cancel one football game v.·hen a spec. taior was mtfed to death after a 1a.me. AuthoriUea. slapped slrlnge~ rules _on spectators and allowed the action to ' ., • ., ·1 Ul'ITt~ " .t .· •' • rt1111ne later -otm md'>tly In nltlht ~ periQd°!. ' , ',. Prep ouUl1$ in Greatei: Chicago m.pl ploy home lam<! during the d1ylill!I hours. The public sQhool 1ystem b\voQq. the rule about 10 ye',rs ago became o!' vandall11m, not onJy inside gymnulunif at basketb,U games but in t b..• neighborhood streets. • Official! oald little Ot the lrollble cam. as a result of ·racial strife. ~· It's much ihe s ame j·~ ?ililwaukee. Daylight duty has been a must for years folloWlng a TI.umber of post.game fighla: JOO oth~~ jncident.s of vandalism. · · · (See TOUGH, Pap II) .. New York,_;; ~ l{ari sas ·cit~ ' -. -·. • ::! Square · Off !,.~ -. ~; NEW YORK !AP) -Joe Nam.Ith foliiu! himself in an w\famRiar iituation asi hi• led the New York Jet.s intO "todaj''lt· American Football League p I a yo f f showdown against Kansas City. -~ For the fin;t tim·e in memory, the Jet1 quarterback went into a critfca:r g&mi. with only the second worst underpintllng on the field. ' The Ja:me left knee 'of ·Chlefs' passer Len' Dawson commanded the m03t llP' tentlOO during a week-long buildup·to .tti8\i semifinal eliminaUon scrap -at· -s11e;. Stadium but Jeta coach Wetb !;WbaJlk" has toted Up hls own casualty list front the start of the loog seaSOfH.nd decidedr his battered warriors -are tG. be .~n­ gratulated, win ot Jose; . · ... , :.i "I think. it's quite.a tribute to QUr joot-h bal,t team that we were .able, to Wl.D ~ division despite so milny ·1oJ.utje1-,,.'., Ewbank said after licking off the ""nlrri.e·f" ' . . . . •.. - . On TV Toda1i - Cha11ne l 4, 10:30:~ _d -' Da\'e Foley, Jim Hudson. Al 'AUtinsori,' La1TY Grantham, Gerry Philbin, 'Randf· Rasmussen, John Dockety, D il'n lifilynard, and -oo down the line.'· · "We"'ve got 16 or ·17 people whG lll"V•· mif.6ed one gllme or more." he saiaI- "There's only sevef'l or eight who~l/i played injury free all yeat. and only tio of those are what you·d tall rqu1ars .;.1 Jim' 'I'unter and,ftoger Finnle~" ·:-·:;~ HIGH SPEED CHASE -New York Jets pass receiver Bake.Turner (29) snatches the ball and moves out with two airborne Oakland de- fe~ders in pursuit. Th e officia! (right )_ goes _to his knees to esca~ the fJ¥~-~ f~et of Gus Otto (34)~hile Nerruah \Vilson (26) tries for a piggy. back ride. The Jets will play Kansas City today while the Raiders host the Houston Oilers Sunday in divisinnal play. Winners'will meel one week laler in the AFL championship game. Turner, New York's place •kicking marvel, i11 a spot ptl'former: Flnnie1' a rookie. started at offen&ive ·tackte in"'ihe club's last IOtegular season games . .,.; : . wr~µskers, Georgi a Mix lnSun Bowl ' t~· PASO, Tix. !AP) -Georgia fool· ban Coach Vince Dooley Is worried a~ut Nebraska's size, Nebraska football coadl Bob Devaney expects some surprises,-and everybody is marking time 'for tOday·s Sun Bowl clash. · 1'he two Coaches held separate neWs c;:on~ Thur-t;day and each com· pl~d the other's team. Each 50und· m C!onvinc:i.ngly concerned. "Nebraska is· so much biiger than us ,th{l~.ifs frightening," Dooley said:''They ·are · going to be very difficult to run :against becaUse · the size of ·their defensive line .poses so.many problems. :r&e hawkish-looking Dooley al!O prais· ed Nebraska's offense. "The thing thal makes their offense look so good is that they run and pass ·equaUY well: And when they pass, they thloW to everfone -· back3 and ends. •something." · 'Dooley admitted he could have 1 few surprite! .. ''We might make a few ch1n1es , but nothing dra.silc. When you have more ·tmte. you can ~·ori on a few more things1" he said. · , Devaney saJd he had gnat respect. for <:.orgta's defeMe, which held opponent.< t.o u average ol 10 points 1 game. But It's the BulldO(l:s' offense that has liftll Dooley a few sleepless nishts this year. ln . the la~L four 11mes ol the sea.son. the Bulklog! scored a total of on- .ly 19 poi:D\I in lhret IOS!tS and one lie. Jwt .. hours before the Sun Bowl aame. Dooley said he wasn't mre who would start ln.hls ·o(fenalve btckfiekl. toJtuiea. have na11ed 0 t or g l a -quarttd>a~k Mllte Cavan, rullbtc)t Bruce Ktm). halfbacks Craig Elrod and Denn~ &&Ms and ctnler Tommy Lyons. · Lyoos won·t play .Jn tod.1¥'• &a.mt· But Elrod, llu1hu, Kemp and cavan appoar ·lo be ready. The Injury hex ·hit -all the ·others.·· .tll, varying degrees, starting with a damqrd ·Raiders, Oilers Lock Horns k--nee that sidelined Dave Foley: the N&~·t draft choice, for the full season before it began. "We lost Lee White, our to~ dl;afl picli In 1968, t.he. 54me way,". Ewban\c · ~~i~. "But our only other Joss that year, Wli Billy JO., th~ running back. And :tJ!it didn't hurt us as much as l~ing HucflliMI the tough strong salety sidelinsd .sioC::9 early in the season \fith a· mangled ~· He .was a holler-guy.'.' · .. · · OAKLAND (AP) -"We lose this one," sa~ Daryle Lamonica, "and e\'erything ·we worked for is gone." The Oakland Raiders, who lost only one tame this season, and the Houston Oilers, who I06t six. meet here Sunday in ·an American Football League playoff game that will send lhe winner into the league championship and possibly the Super 8owl. A sellout CTO\\'d of more than StOOO fan s and a national television audience wUI watch the baWe in which the R<liders are favored by 13 points. Lamonica, the quarterback who v.·as named the AFL's Player-of-the·Year for the !econd time in three sea50ru, will be a t the helm of the Raiders' attack while Pete Bealhard. is calling siif1a1s for Houston. Lamonica will be 1n1sslng his top touchdown receiver, Warren Well!, who grabbed 14 scoring ~ during the On TV Sunda l/ Channel 4, 1 p.111. regular season. Wells suffered a shoulder injury last week against Kansas City. But Fred Bllttnlk'Off, top receiver on the team with 54 catches, will be ready. Rod Shennan and rookie Drew Buie fill in for \Veils. The Raiders are concerned about lhe explosive Jerry Livia! who, they feel, can go all the way with one of Beathard's tosse.s. The Houston quarterback had one of his best days last v.•eek acainst B05ton, completing 17 of 24 passes for 250 yards and two touchdowns. Both teams are also blessed with fine runners: Hewritl Dixon, Charlie Smith, Pete Banasiak and ~tarv Hubbard · for The Jets, allowed to nra:ke ·to roster changes through the regular schedule and playoffs, had used up eight before today and were ~ering another just -before gaiTie time -the reaCt.ivating of PISSr Oakland and Hoyle Graiiger, 'Voody catcher Maynard, cut for four weeks with Campbell and Roy Hopldn.s for Houston. a broken bone Hi his foot. · -•· .. The def1n1ive lilies may have a Jot 1() "Eight mov~_ are as many as .~C!J do with the success of the respectiVe allowed us last year," Ewbank said, "Rul passing attacks. we didn't have to make any then. We ~41 Houston's front four will have to con· as many injuries a couple of the yea.r's 1 tend with a Raider offensive Urie that has was at Baltimore -and thOse y.iete the allowed the quarterback to be tackled years we didn't win champklnships." just 12 Limes this year. But Oiler Dockery, who won a starting }ob at cor- quarterbacks have becri dropped 36 . ne.rback earlier in the year when Cornell timei. j G<lrdoll ai)d ~ridy Bevjrly came up _w!Jti injuries, was out of today 's game y,·Jth a shoulder separation. Philbin. an all-league defensiv~ end, was set to go against the Chiefs with 11 harness protecting his dlslocale:d ,lei shoulder and ~usstu., one • ;•I Na1I1ath'3 . premier pass-blockers, ~.tl­ pected lo be .at his rl&ht 2\laid · i>si'.t despjte a painful ankle sprain. ..: ~ •·we've had enough depth to carr)'_ Lis throo1h so far." said Rasm uSken". whp \\"as to ,go up against big Buck· Buchin.V ol the Chiefs in one of toda}t's YiOflf'lt mitchupg, before testing thie ankJe id-the Jet's final pre-game viotlrout F'rittty. : • ., .. "Bot now the regU\ars are going to haft to do the job. It doesn't maUer hoW bMJ any of us is hurting. . ··~1 "Joe always has those sore knees, Wt I'd say he's been mor"e forttn11te tlti~ year wlth them, even though 1·m no doai tor. The only time I can remembtr hlm taking a real hard sh"ot was 'when Daft Costa be·st me at Denver and hit hlnt."·· . . -., CINCIN-1VATI DUM"~ LAKERS, 117-109 . L08 ANGELES (AP) -Connie· Oi..- king and Johnny Gr.en led the Clnoh> naU Royals to a 117·109 vtctQfY ovtt lh6 Loo Angeles Lal<erl P'l'lday ntght •tfl.a National Basketball Association 1amo. • ATTEMPTED THIEVERY-Two OaklJIJld Raiders attempt to wres·t the football !rnm the Ugbt grasp , of Kansas C:ly's Wendell Hayes. The Chiefs run- ning back held on for a three-yard gain and scored on the next play but Oal<land won the Western Con· ·• VIII tttt .... lt fenca UUe. 10.6. Dave Grayson (45) an4 Georae At· ldnson ({3) are l!Aiders In the picture. The Chief• are in New York today while the Raiders host Hous. ton SU11day, Winners wjl! meat for ,\FL UUe next weekend. · Oler king ' llCOred 3t J>O\nl>, Green IS and Fred Foster 29 points as the Roya held the Lak('rs to fh'e points In tOO fi,. S•VM minutes of the fourth ptrlod • bnak open the game. :. · Jerry \Vest and Dick Garrett whe scor~ ed 28 and i2 points respecti vely peOld the l..akers. " The R.o)-'als penetrated Utt Laktrs :d;. f.eNe· ttrly which mult~ ·tn tesy bn. kets. for Dier kin& and Grttn and a.• 2f firtt quarttr 111d. ·;,,. I • ' ' • ' . • f • ' I I ! • • i I I • '· I • ' ' I l I • l 1 • I. • l I ;- ~ • ~ t • • I tt 1 k ~ :i ' • ' • • • s • • • .. • • • -~-------------------------------·-···--·----------- GUNN WHITE Sports Editor OCC, Gaucho Cage Teams Dealt Losses 0nng. c-and Saddleback Coll-were-d~t, rude setbacU in a pair ol basketball tournaments Friday afternoon. Tho Pirates foll to Citrus, llM6, in the cortaolatJon bracket of the 29th annual Chaffey Invitational to eliminate them from further competition. saddleback wu upended by DeAnza 88·70 .. in the Chabot Christmas Clusi~ cOnsolation round. The Gauchos have a 1ame ·scheduled today at 3 against the loar of Friday's Moorpark~uesta con- test. Both clubs came into Friday's gam~ with impressive Thursday perfonnanees. Oranp Cout bad playod its best gamo of the · HUOn in tripping Riverside, 91-90. while SaddJeback also played well in fa11- lng h> touih Foothill, 6H3, in the final tWo aeconds. · The effect of the pair of closies Wa3 ap- parently too much for both club~ Orange Coast played well for about 10 minut.es, then coach Herb Livsey's club feU:apart. The Pirate. led 30-20 at one point midway tftrou&b the initial ha1f before a lJ.5 scoring spree gave Citrus a 3'-35 halftime advantagt. Orange. Coast committed 24 turnovers In. tbt came, the worst outing or the year for the Pirates. The loss ran OCC's .....,., ncord to 3-7. Forward Phil Jordan led the Pirates• 11CQrina: attack with 24 while Jim Kindelon hit 17. Guard Troy Rolph and center Rich Stickelmaier chipped in with 10 each. Eric Christensen paced Saddleblck with M p>inb while Ben Mahar hit, 16. Hig!Hcorin1· forward Cam Smith was )leJd to just aeven points. . Both area jaycees are In action next ~eek. Orange Coast will host Rio Hondo Tueaday and S.@ddltbeck (4-4) will com· pet. in lb< Colltge of the Desert loom•· meat nQJt Saturday. 111onday and Tuetday. Dec. 27. 23-29. .......... 0111 .. ft~~ 3 1 s 1 11 '81' 2 J • ' • • 1 ,, t 1 J ' 1 •• 2 I I t 1 I II 0 2 1 1 ' J Cltntt 1161 "'""'' S .S I 1! :S'-Mktt' Cvtnt1M C111111ll'Olllm P11rc1 DIYl\!Ofl ·~ ,_ ' 1 l' ' II 0 I 0 ' 0 J ,. ' 1 I 19 I I 1 l • ' ' n h An11 tNI h fl •I I• Cl'l.fr It !( l !tl>Otl 1 2 2 1' ICOl"lt 42t lt T.,tbe,,.,,ic 1 S 1 lt M!~ll S 4 (14 N.tmvk 1 0 II 4 Du""lntl I I 0 J 'l1nf111¥ 2 1 I S DW'/'_,. I 1 I } Sf'erJIM 1 2 1 I T_.11s 2' 12 20 7' Tlll'hl lt 3' 20 ,, h Hllt'tllnl 90tl'I DI Ant.I 41, Slddlltotck Ji Estancia At Gri T'-= In Title Duel B1 DA VE CEARLEY Of Ille DlllJ f'Olll St-'! Undefeated Los Alamitos and under· dog Estancia face otf tooight at I p.m. for the championship ot the San Cle. mente KiwarUs basketball tcurftameot at San Clemente High . Tourney favorite Los , Alam.ito& shook off pesky San Clemente in the third quarter and coasted to a 70--34 victOry. &tancia guard Steve Valiere aank a 41). foot jumper with five seconds left in overtime as Estancia tripped Mission Viejo, 53-51. In the consDlaUon bracket, Sadd1eback knocked flll Laguna Beach, 54-St, and Servite cloottd Fontana, 61~7. Laguna; and Fontana collide for :sev. Mth place in the tourney at 3:30, Sier· Vite: baiUts Saddleback for the coosola· t.ion ·championship at 5, and Mll.!ion tips off with San Cliemente for· third place at 6:30. The well-discipUned Los Alamitos .!quad jumped off to an early 1-4 lead .against Sin Clement.t, then struggled for i!S We in the sEcond quarter as the Tri· tons tWiee held a four.point lead. Nine straight points in the last three minutes of the third period shot the Griffins into a 11.point l~d. and Los Alamitos, simply coasted through the fl. nal quarter. LoOk1ni at time! like a ,precision drill tea!l', the . Griffi!15 took advantage of their supenor height with center Bruce Lehman . cutting across the middle for easy bank shots. Both ~a and Mission Viejo look· ed far f~ being precision drill teams. The tw0o1squads laid out rugged defenses and t~ed Ute contest into a series of offensiv&., ll)iscues. . The Ea Iles appeared to have tht game cinched until the DiablCMS' reaerve guard ]{jrk Meyers sant a 20-footer at the buz. zer to knot the Score at 49 apiece. The 5hot _was Meyer'! first of the night. Neither squad scored in the first two minulel, then Est.ancia's Skip Williams and~Hester sparked the Eagles into a9-2J •• E ·a led narrowly throughout the first biilllf but the real battle occurred i.n the 'second half., In the final two per· 1ods, lie lead changed hands 15 times before ', Valiere's stunning jumper sank the Dil.blos. Alteri' the Eagles controlled the over- time tipoff, they stalled for nearly two minutes before William! con,.cted on an easy bank shot. ?t{eyers sank hls second buckef of_ the ni~ half a minute later, then Valiere ended the contest specta· cularly. Laguna Beach simply ran out of gas in Its game with Saddleback. Tht ·Artist~· led bf four going into the laat quarter ~nd then coo.Id only tally 11even point,., in the last eight minutes. all or them scored by guard Mike McMurray. Ml1l!HI '11111 (Ill OJI IJ1...cl1 Holme• W11hl1y 1Cr1I: W111 M.11ter10A ~yers • Tot1l1 19 ft l'f I• l J J f Wlllit"'I • 1 ,,.. o,,m ltJ 2 H1y1 J 1 S 7 V1llt rl 1114Hnle• 1 0 t 4 ShtlJOl\ntUY It IJ n JI Toll• k-.,,, 011.nw. ... " ,, ,. • ' , 11 J 1 J 17 I 0 2 I 1 C t I s a ' 10 0 G 1 I :hl1JU1J MIM!ion Vll lO 1 U 13 14 t -JI •· D Estlilcl1 1J 10 t 11 L" Al•rnlftl 011 04J Siii C'-"'" Sod~ber1 Cllrl,l1rnen Llh,,..n GrimWQMI Qulnft V!r11p Tot111 ftfl1lli> ""''''" 4 J I lJ 5. lomb1rdl 4 4 J u ' 4 1 U Dom9nd1ltll 4 t l I i.Sl17G111hffn 11410 ' J l 17 McC11lln s I .. 11 l!JSl<ncterson SlJll 1 0 1 1Mllcl!elt IO!t ts 20 t 711 Tot111 24 ' 16 J4 S<1" '' C111r1«t LOI Al1ml""5 11 u n " -70 Sin Cltmen!c 14 u 14 11 -s.. Lt-kldl Ull (MJl~t "'"'''' 7 1 0 16 Powen Scllmllt ,,_ H111>old McMurr1y IHCll Tot111 .. " ,, ,, .. 0 2 • ' ' ' " o e J o S D 4 lG I I 4 17 t 0 I 0 ll~ll..,. l,.(ptlcl Culler 1Cru11m11t H.,.,,_,, '"" T1v1or aec:err1 2J S lJ 11 Tol1!1 s.c-.,. •wrt1r1 J G 1 10 ' e I ' 1 I 2 lJ I I 1 I I I 0 2 2 J 2 • o e 1 o n10 • S4 L11u"1 l etclt 14 11 It 1 -JI Jlddltbedi t If If U -II TOUGH TOOLS OF TRADE . • I I I (Colllinoed lnm Pate 11) Youths roamed downtown Cleveland after a 1lw\Ughing Day charity high IChoDJ football attraction in 1969, to&sing tocks to crack More windows and causing other damage \o an area almost deaerted J?ecaUle of the holiday. . ''11\is yur the clmic was shifted to the "'turday after TbanksP,vlng, breaking a :JS:yur tradiUon on the game date. Many coacbes-apecially in foot· ball-har a eentral shift from night 1ames wl1l cut into crowd.I and kill, their financial hopes. 0 It would be the death knell for quality football," says Nick Katya, wt» has won two mythical nt· tional 1crid titles at Coral Gables, Fla., !Up. "It's the easy way out. Let's try to tolve the problems instead." Crosstown rival Brodsky •aid. "If daytime football became the rule, I would go lnto another proreamon." ~ ~la p<oducod an """'""I •pl· todt in the N&ht 1portl "Fear League·" in !Ill Two high llchool b&Hetboll Uam& were packed up tn buaes, driven to an ~ 1111' and playod lb< game behind lockod doon because of pooslblt -· ·, Rellults were not announced until the P.,... ,..,. back in tba Nfety ti tboir homts. · fn Washlneton. D.C., during the lll8M9 IHlllft there were two shootinp at 1amet. The Incident& multod in CM· otllatlonl and prnmpted last-mlnui. •lte $Waps in an attempt to sidatep trouble. Moat ti New York City'1 prep lfid &Ids are built without llghta. It's nfe that way, .achoo) olficials fttl. . •:Public hllh ochool buketball wlll ,_,,. to Madlloo Square Gmlcn this ~ for the first lime al.nee a rtot arupt<d In Matt!I 1114 dmlng the ctt1 .ll&l>llc achoo! championship betw ... Ben· Jl\"1" franklin and Boy1 1IJ&h IChoob. I - The Garden is titting its ban -tern· porarily, at least -ror a Jan. 3 battle between Boys High and Power-Memorial. the 11Chool that produced Lew Alcindor . Boys has won 53 straight games but has a gym suffering from water damage. Th~ team has played all its games to date on the road. Miami's Archbishop Curley was facing South Dade High. "Dixie" wa.s played in of the Sooth Dede Rebell -j\lll as been played for yean. But It was d nl in 1969 . oetly-black Mays !Ugh had bton cloeecl nearby, forcing a majority d its Negro pupils to become "Rebels." And !tvtral arrest! and two policemen stabbed. A teen.age gtrl -was later charg· ed in one ol the knifings. Some officials had advocated high ftnt'ts to separate the .student bodies of COO"l,eting teams. Other!! want barriers between adulta and the more<vocaJ youth seetlbns. Hiring 25 police officers al about $10 a head la too expensive for moat prep bud~ls. Playing in dayllcht, most coaches fee~ will reduce the battles to barely more imPortant than Is. . , there are the lucky ooea. The ones who.!e students still do their fiJhtinJ with cowbells, pennants, megapbonc.s Jnd fierce vocal cords. Calenda1· .. { Newport Bags OAIL.Y" P1L.OT f'ltlll llJ ...... .._.. . . TITLE SCRA/>IBLE -Marina High's Bob Beal (with ball) and Newport Har1>or's Taras Young (25) fight it out for possession in Friday night's cham· pionsbip showdown of. the 4lst annual Huntington Beach Invitational ba\k~b<\11. tourn;ament . New- port won, 61-58. In backgtoWid. are Wiklilgs-Ray Stratford 130) and Rick Mosier (22).' Beal· and Young made all.tourney. Skiers Not Idle Storm Adds Some Qtiality Little Quantity to Snow By ESTHERANNE BILLINGS Ol IM 0.llJ "llet Jt1tf Last week's touch of a stonn added some quality to our snow, but Hltle quan- tity. Looks like more snow dances are needed to bring a change in the weather. June Mountain is operating weekends. If there is no new snow by tomorrow, skiers will be lransported to Ille upper lilt for skiing on the higher slopes. Mammoth Afountain has about 20 In· ches of pack for good skiing on the upper slopes, fair below. Locally Holiday Hill, Rebel Ridge, and Snow Summit are ma'king new powder each night, so can offer daily packed pawder skiing. Sno\v Summit also operates \Vednesda y and Saturday even- ings. Skiers have not bttn sitting around idly while waiUng for better snow. Southern California ski clubs. wiUt , Bruce Bell oC \Vailers Ski Clt.ib asslstlng in the plan. ning, have organized three new ln- tennural racing groups. Bell's first love is teaching -he has a special phy1k:al. education program. for elemenlary school children in the: Loll Angeles City School System -but at least as important to him is skiing. His entJiusiasm about the lntermurals ha 1 helped spark the interest of other skiers. The original intermui;:al group , which decided it \VOUld be fun to race com. peUtivety against each other, was called ROKKA. meaning "five." The clubs were eventually Wailers. Westwood, Grin- delwald, Beach Cities, Slogle. and Edelweis.~ -six clubs -for one was ad- ded when other clubs decided it was a &ood thing. Interest in the inter-club competition caused the Southeast League to be form· cd includin1 Balboa. S n o f I i e r s • Snobownders, Long Beach, Huntington Beach, and Langlaufers. The newest league just put Into opcra- Uon ll called the Elske League and in· eludes Ausllch. TRW, Yeti, llCCEA, Aerospace. 8J)d Santa Barbara. With Orange County groupe the nucelus. the Schuukl Lugue will kick off .Jan. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hughes Rocriatioo Room, Hughes f\Jllerton . Gue"5 •~ Invited. The clubs hootlni end Far West Ski Association publication available at aki shops or by writing the organization office at 1313 W. 8th Street Los Angeles, 90017. April 25 at Mammoth Mountain the in· l.ermurals championships. will be held, with Bay Area Council. San Diego Coun· cil, and Central Council joining Southern Council. Concurrent times will be kept .!O the champion of all the councils can be determined along with t h e champion amoog our local leagues . This ls the last weekend be:tore Christmas. For a holiday event and a wintery atmosphere. a trip to the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway is inspiring. The view over the desert from atop the lift Is spectacular, and in addition the "highest lighted Christmas tree In California" glows there nightly. Through Tuesday, choral group s present Christmas carols at the ~fountain station every afternoon and early even- ing. The annual New Year's Eve party will be held there, with sled dog races the weekends of Jan. 10-11, 17·11, and SW1day, Jan 25. Should anyone sidle up lo you wiUt an of· fer of new Henke ski boots "real cheap," call your nearest police headquarters or the local FBI office immediately. Serial numbers for identlficatJoo of the 1189 pairs or Henkea Molen at JFK Intema· tlonal Airport recently are In the hands of the FBI, \\'hich has initiated a complete investigation ol the incident. If pla~ing a holiday vicatioo to the 1..ake Talloe area, visit the newly dedicated Western America Sldsporl Museum and Auburn Ski Club chapel at the aroup's Donner Summit Winter Park. Honored at the dedication event.! December 7 wett: veterans ol·thc Tenth Mountain Divlsk>n. Wiiliam B. Berry ti Reno, the graDdlather or 1ki wtlters in Califomla. used .hit considerable talenta. hillarlcal kno'l\'ledge and U'ainine u a ploneeririg l !!SOCl•te o( Auburn Ski Club to' aSSi!t ln the organization of the mu!f:wn . Tl_Vo ~opgh Drills rorming the new league are Beckman, PASADENA -•·we had two roueh Helter Skelter, Oranae County, HF'EA prac:Uces today and we'll go just 11 hard SChl La:ufers, Single of Or1111e County, right up to Christmas." said ?tflch.lgan'• and Whittier, llArd·nosed coach, Bo Schtmbechler, Frt- No official raet card Is nttded to day . participate In intennural competition. His Woh>erlnes had just completed Jll membenhip in one-of t h .. ~their first pr.actice-saaion-ln ... Southtm partlcipattng clubs. Information the clubs Call tornl:t In preparation ·for their New b included In the Sid. Ye11r'! Rr'ie Bowl appcaranct against Bug Rostt.r, a Southern Council of tht Southern Cal. I MonBJ!Chs Get · Revenge, R~ut­ Foe, .37.55 P.fater Del H)gtt•s ;,baskttbaR · team; forced Into C01110lation. play in the ·c:crcna tournament Thursday, took its revenie out on AqWnas Friday afternoon with a resounding 17-55 victory ·at Corona. HJgll. The Mqnarch1.had no cont.est io 'nlur&- day night's game with bolt Corona whtn thty were 45 minutes late becauit of a freeway accident' that delayed th.em. P.fater Dei; allhougb it lw not IOl!t ·a game in tJ)e tourney, will play 'fof fifth place at 3 p.m. today. · Werner Raes• and Ralph Cllandos• led Lhe Mattr Dei at.tack Friday. 1\8.1:11 tol· Jected Z.f points.while Chandos had lt and also haultd in 14 rebounds. Mlltf Dll 11U ~111-·un Ch11'>do1 Wtflltr MC.'11tfl1mln ·-Kiie¥ Hlrnttlll.ll 11{...,. ... , lloberll IC~lllln &onk1m• Fr!lt H•-Tott11 fl ft l'f I• t .14UMl11e<" I , l It ·-· ••I 1 I Sl!\1111 11 t I 11 G1rdr•r I t I I Stv'WKltk 0 ! 2 0 H-l'IMI 1 I 4 lrlttnd! l o l 4 Mtr(llllut. 0 ·t 1 l • I 1 ' l I I 1 , . , .; M 11 lt 11 Tele/1 ,.,.., " ........... .. ftjOf~ I t J 6 t J ' ' ' I ' 2 4 ' J ' 7 • s J 1• I I 1 I I I I ! . ' , .. Uf1315-U 1 21,, u n-.,. WlltMllllfW t•> ( .. ) .......... t --lrtld•rtck ~ H1w1w ·--·-........ .... .. " .. ,.. .. "•lilt 11,l•~ •1 ·.t1J 'l.·121 ~· J. '111 ll'lllltW!t ••121 ,,,,o..,."". •1 2 12 t••·.~~ 11 '"1~ 12-l!ltyin, s.t1;1 t1 1 10r1r 1 .11,1 '11·1•'Mc1C'-t ·llr t• I I I ~Miii f' ltt.• "-.. , .. WWII 1·1·1·1 T1'4ll1 ·ti I .. • ~11 , U 14ill·U : .............. WelMllllltV' : ·• t4 tJ 71 •!I -0 ·-. tl'.'·ll·JI "-... Fo"ntain 'Valky F~; . ' . ' . FallS to Colon;y, 51:1-48 . •. .• 7. JI 01.!L Y 'ILOT I II I • " --1· ... ---~-....,...,.,-=~~.,.,..,~~~ ....... ~-....,,..,......, ....... ____________ . ~~ .... ' NE:W YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND ----------- Y:EA!t'S HIGH, LOW CLOSE NY Exchange """ 20 Moat Active - • • • • • • ! • • l • : • • • • 1 , ~ J .. ~ •• •• ll •I ,, •• .. :.: .. .. .. '• l! .. :1 .. .. ' :i " •• • • • .. ,, !~ '• '• " •• 'q "' • • , .. .. "' ~ ,\l ' r: I ' .. ~ \! ,.~ " t ,, ~ ·~ r.~ •'' ·~ '• \! ~ - - ---.. -- AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE ~ WEEK'S . AND YEAR'S I IDGH, j • • • !>tO'lllY Dl< .. be• •::•:..· ':.:'.:.":.... _____ o_AJ_L_Y_P_JL_or ...... 1u1 .. LOW, CLOSE • I ' " ~q~,--..~, ... ,,~--··~"""'"·--.. --+ ~-~-,..---~---------------~---------------------------------------- Hope Big Hit Mor e Shows Due At White House 'VASH IN OTON (UPll Bob Hope's Vietnam Christmas ahow pro,•ed' such a ~mash hit al the \Vhile Houst that Presi- dent Nixon wants niore of the same. Ni xon said P.1onday ht plans lo inaugurate an e\'ening entertainment series at the \Vhitl! House, inviting guests no"' and then to he a r performers in "each field of entertainment'' But, apparently keeping in mind some trends ""ithin the theater IO\\'Srd free e:<· pression. he said he didn't want the performing arts to Rtl "too arty" in the Wbite llo~. tro\'ersia\ figure, like Agne1,, for her statements aboul an· tiwar demonstrations and her telephoning of wives o f menlbers of Congress. At one point. Hope said r-.fr's. r-.litchell "makes Ted Agne w sound like Calvin Coolidge." Nixon said l\1onday the Hope show v.·as "an experiment." and said he already has t\\'0 other programs in mind, one lo be held in January. Hr said guests \\'OUid be in· \ ited "much as I hey are for our church services'' lo see !he performances. Nixon said he especially 1.1·anls to bring to the \\'hite House England's gre a t Shakespearian actor N i c o I \\'illiamson, described to him by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson as "the best llamlet in the world today." Nixon said that he hoped to D.lll Y ,ILOT Iliff ,.,, ... Tlae Nonie of tlae Gn111e Fans Find Ingrid's Funnv Too ,/ NEW YORK (AP) -Ingrid Bergman is one of three funny people in the movie version of "Cactus Flower," and a lot of people are surprised thAt Ingrid is such a comedienne. One who isn't surprised ls1 Ingrid. 1· "J abA'ays wanted to do fun· ny things," Miss Bergman said in an interview. "I fought for it so hard. I was funny in 'Saratoga Trunk.' but God , how I fought to get that part. And 'lndiscrttt' was a com· edy. "But nobody think~ of me for any comic parts. The minute you see someone struggling. hard-working - that's me." "Cactus Flower.'' in which two other very funny people are \Valther to.fatthau and Mti. '90ACH'I NIW "TllE CUZ'f waDll A LAUE& ~ llAIDY" -· .. --·---·-.. -·.---__ .. __ fi W. C. Fields ;,, • TM Batb« Sho9 • The Phltnllcitt • Thi Fiil! Gius of Beet' ("T'alnt 1 fit night ou1 •• :·J "--'"~""'-_., __ _ (Jtrt hllilrllll"fUCT1llll RUED~ NOW SHOWING 1t The1e Two County The1tr11 GROVE 9611 Gardin Grove llvd. 537..UOO Acres .t FrH '•rklrtt Goldie Ha,vn. Is one of two CONTINUOUS SHOW \ NOW PLAYING Tho Ono, Only And Original! _ ... -lit ...... -· :I • 1111 · • lMI '1!..IJ!!!. ~!TM HOLllBi1 VIRNll LISI BOllRYIL .;:.....a--. Nixon rolled "'ith laughter Sunday night and generally enjoyed himself i,rhen Bob Hope gave a dress rehearsal nf the sho\v he is carrying to Vietnam to entertain Gls at Chritilmas lime. The troupe left Pttonday on Hopc ·s annu al trip to the war ZOil('. give guests "more of a feeling l\·Jiliam Kaiser. Richard Wood and Ted Grandke (from left) amuse themselv· of going to the theater " with · h · l films Miss Bergman has com-S.t1i1rd•Y 1 Silttl•y ,,.111 2:00 pleted in this country with on-11============ ly a week's rest in between. I · 1 "THE CHRIS'l\IJIS\ TREE" •• "WE.II .... '-'-•. The President particularly r njoy rd Hopc"s jibes at Vice President Spiro T. Agnew and :\1rs. John N. i\!il chell. \Vife or the attorney general. l\lrs. J\1itchell has bccorne a con- STARTS CHRISTMAS DAY eve ueen lhe Reiver;" FJ~~.29~~ .~.nl• "" P"'"*• . Oran • Co .. nt BALBOA 673-4048 Ol'IN •:•s '" E'. ,.n ... .. lite• ,.nlntula NOW SHOWiNG EXCLUSIVE AREA such perfonnances. es w1 l an 01n1.nous par or game in this scene from the mystery drama din· "\Ve can even put on a pla~· _v_i_la_t_io_n_lo_a_M_u_rd_e_r.;..'_'_c_lo_s_in.,;go:_lo_n_i.::g.:.h.:.l .:.•.:.l_t:.:h:.:e_.c.H:.:u:.:n:.:li:.:n.::g.:.lo:.:n:..::B::•::•:.:c.::h_P:..::l•:::Y.:.h:.:o.::u.:.se:.:· __ H the cast is not too hirge," The other, "A Walk in the Nixon told \\'Omen reporter~ enthusiastically. Syniphon y Needs Funds For Survival The Symphony -'\ssociation of Orange County will be forc- ed to cancel its remaining six con~rts of the 1969-1970 series unless it .can ra ise $39.857 by Jan. I. according lo Duffern H. Helsing. association prcsi- drnt. llelsing is seeking da,1alions fro1n concerned pr i v a 1 e cit izens to supplen\Clll n1oney raised by ticket s a 1 e s , D1·a111a Oass Slate<l • Ill Huntington A drama v.·orkshop ror high school and college students is being held fr om 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. each Tuesday in the auditorium or D\\'Ver School. 17!h Street and Pa.Im Avenue, the Huntington Beach Recl'ea· lion and Parks Department announces. Spring Rain," v.'on't be releas·I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= ed for seve ral months. "Cac- tus Flo1ver" is opening here and in Europe this \.\'eek. lntervie1red al her hotel before rushing off to do a lelevision talk sho1v and then '€tl Jbuth Coast Repertory "'EW l•h:AlltE, 11o+ov.-.11VE, IMMEDIAfE "ARRABAL" Holly·ir;oocl Marriage 1'1ostl1' Lilie Dino's appear at the New York A" 11:~'";"' ~ s~'"'• ""''' c°"''"¥ff'i<ll p11ywr1thl premiere !\1onday night, ~1iss ENDS SATURDAY '•Idly & Sllv•dlY_.:)I p.111.-1'11 N....-1111<1, C11l1 Mtl~-4#-lMJ Bergman gave no sign that the SCR CHILDlllEN 'S THEATRE -"'WINNIE THI l'OOH" By VERNON SC01T ~tost Holly wood fem ales live rash of work after a four.year S\fll4.ly1 -l '"d l :Jll v.·ith such a situation. Better layoff had been anything but FINAi.. PE11Fo1tMANCE oEc. 11 HOLLY\\!OOD (UPI\ be •· bod · th 1=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=· De • lo Mrs . .wme y In e therapeutic. an1•1artin'simpending 1· 1· h h 'I E divorce is a textbook ii· ime ig t, 1 an 1 " rs. X· Slender but not dieted-ti>- lustra tion of what destroys 8 S?~ebod111Y with! •00arge finan· emaciation, she wore a simple celebrity's marriage. cia se emen a an empty black, beige and brown ¥.'001 life. dress, low-•··led shoe•. He• The Martin marriage wa:o; 1.t= never billed as one 0 f F'or better or worse. marital hair was its soft, natural Hollyv.·oocl's happiest" to begin disasters in show business brown and her smile as ii·ith. work both ways. poignantly S\veet as ever. Last year his v.'ife, Jeanne, Thi::re is the struggling She talked about the firstj .,, ENGAGEMENT 'Lena's investiga· 1 memberships and gifts by foondations and induslries. Clt1sscs arc open to l1igh school and college trena_gers and th ere are no fees. They are jointly sponsored by the Youth Coalition Com1nit1ee and the recrea tion dep;irt- mcnl . said she bored h~r husband young actress married to the days on the set of "Caclus , and that he spent little time at struggling young I choose one) Flower.'' , I hon1e. Usually he played goH plum~er. actor, agent. leech. ''We had a lot of fun," she <luring the day, played cards She b~C<lmes B star and her said. "Sometimes we hadl in the evening and fell asleep spou.:::c continues to struggle, great difficulty not to laugh. in Front of the television set at hampered further by his mar-\Vhen we first got t o home. riage lo a woman \.\'ho spills rehearsals, \\'alter !\1atthau I tion of foreign policies, non· violetrt resistance, distribvtion of wealth, women 's rights, family problems, etc. is stpple- 111ented with her quest fora good sex life." John Simon "Our greatest need is for a good rash flow coming in throughout lhe year:· Helsing ~id . Other losses faced by 1he music grou p are canceilation of the six youth concerts plan- ned for various Orange County locations in Ptfarch and the association's annual }' o u I h audilions. Donations of any an1ounl may be sent lo the symphony office. 777 S. i\1ain St.. Suite 124. Orange, Calif.. 92668. Srssions art' di Yirlcd into .i::roups including the fun- dan1entals of acting, voice irn- provcment for public speak- ing, slagc crafts. costumery, set design and readings from classic and nuxlern plays. The program will continue through June 30 and those In- terested may register at any session . Full information may be obtained from Pi-1rs. Hilda Nauman, the instructor at 968- 6876. .~loreover , Jeanne said, shf! more money in the beauty had been very stunned thal) "'as a1\·are that her charming. parlor Ulan he earns. 11•ould play the nurse, and he rasy-going husband was a The tragedy is. in mosl Y.'as expecting a very serious rnagnet for other females . And cases. that the individuals in-person to CQme in. He couldn't he didn't thrO\I' rocks al all the volYed arc unprepared lo C<Jpe figure it out." cur\·esome cuties \l'ho sur-"'ilh the cornucopia of sue-How long did it take him to rounded him . cess. Their values blur. find out she \\'3sn·t so serious?'--"'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'~~ But like many a v.•ife or a A glamorous star cannot "I think he found out the1- movie or television star, Jean-continue to play v.·ife. lo an first day." ne :\1artin looked the other econon1ic inferior, unless as 1 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\f v.•ay. There \Vere reasons. often happens, he becomes her • Pride. The children. Her love agent or personal manager! for the man. and a myriad of and , in some cases, a slave. circumstances tha t a re Neither can the vi rile male privately hers. star al\.\·ays resist aggressive, But beautiful, blonde , shape-al'ailable young chicks. 1.v. blue-eyed Jeanne \1'3~ H's a bad s~ne in any case. righting insurmoun ta ble odds I! replays in Hollywood as from ttle beginning. nf!cn as the late, late show. j She seemed to sen~t' iL Now Dean and Jeanne have lier husband is enormously the starring roles. Next week l s n cc cs s f u 1, wealthy, -~it~w~il~I ~b~e_s~o~m~e:bod"".':y~e:ls~c~. -~==========-= glamorous. abounding in sex 1· appeal and thoroughly 1nale, ~--·-IOlll Crossword Puzzle ALSO-Dick Y1t11 Dyke Ill "THE COMIC '' Starts Wednbsday Second Gre1t Pix •: SHOW TIMES 7:00 & •:10 MATINfl SUH·. 1 1.ATIE SHOW TONIGHT -ALL THEATRES !EE •OTN l'IE.t.TUll11!$ Al LATI. .t.l lt:)I ,,M. "' Off• " A111'1 "Oto HH IM!t>l~'t SK•t'I StNkf" 4Ml Plwl "'1'1 IUH A Dr ..... " !"II ---J-W•pt 1t1e• HllOl!t111 ---"f~t Undt'l .. llf~ 10 1 fJl-1211 GI' ... " PKk ''Tl>e Cllll"•llll" CMI Motil G•,._ "koillll liKllkt ' Ottllt lttYflt4ll' "TIM U~•illll19l,lt Mellf 1..-.~" Ot•ll Mlrlln ..,~. AIM1ffo!lett" "" "Tl!• II~'"" Sl~NLEV l\UBR 1CJ; P~ODUCTIOlll 2001 Bob Hope Wins A \var<l SAN DIEGO (AP) -Come- dian Bob Hope is \\'inner of the third annual F'rancis X . Bushman memorial trophy for shO\V business veterans 1.1·ho perform \\'ith consistent high quality. Bandleadcr Les Brown ac- cepted the award for H.ope, preparing for a holiday en- tertaining trip to Vie!nan1 . The other non1inees were Fred ~fae,.1\\urray. (;regory Peck l and Ja1nes Sle\V<lrl. 1,, ~how St•rtt 7 ,..111. Conti1111ou• Sllow Sw110oy fr•111 2 P·"'· EX CL USIVE Now at regul1r prices BROAOWAY"S SMASH MUSICAL NOW T~E MOST EXCITING ~OVIE IN Y[ARSt AC.RO SS 1 Carro ll hriol ne 6 Ammuni tion: Informal 10 Captur e l' Fru it 15 Fastener l& Turnin,: Comb. orm 17 Fa!\ into error 18 Flre inak1n9 device 20 Sa11olikt ~larch 21 Pr~ or be~n 22 Number 23 srs \~!11 o form ~I de due lion 25 Quietened 27 Ex<1uis11 ely dt!itlllt 30 Stitch 31 JapllntSt s ~sh JZ Tarne~ 34 Jl.igh\-h iln1 pag e 38 Steep desctnl of a pl;rne 40 Mates • tempor"y abode 4Z Superlativ r lhing: Sl an9 l3 Coale in crrta •n .. , 45 Avrr "' 47 Insect 48 Olstrtss mtss.i9t 50 On lh 1 brach 52 Release 1 seat belt S& Trtnchrrman 57 Sault Stt . l.la1ir 's nickname 58 Be sparing hO Shred &} A<1urducl or ¥.'oodblnt l!'l l!nt: 2 words &5 Cro'll'b~r &Ii This : Sp. 117 Shade of bli1e 6-8 Ril'rr of Fr~nce "'That v1hich is I eft ~~ Notch i l Rov e a: large DOWN l -·-·bre ve: Musical di rte lion l King in Shaktsp!Mf l Spontaneous 4 Tht univl!r5t 5 Compass point ~Go es btlore 7 Principal I Cand ies 12, 20!&9 9 T 1mewor11 Jb Hickory or fokes : Sla1111 hemlock IO Canine 37 Oaviri's sound gr~nrifather 11 Me chanic i i J'J irection m" •I Pun ish 12 Of the samt in certain opini on: .. , 2 words 44 Samuel 13 Was a F.8. --·· ptiztlighter '"Erode 19 Shrub •9 Ha!lowrd 21 Set bounds 51 Most UP· " lo-dale 24 Chatter 52 Theater 2fi Intimidated ernploy t t 27 Ares, Mars 53 Loop with and Od in r~nning kni:l 28 Otath 54 ind s nolic! 55 Chatter 2' Is a te nant fool ishly 33 Sin,lt 5' Image dee aralion 61 Blood parts 35 Ont in trans· 62 Pllla9e portation 64 Calemlilr business: abbrtvl <1lion 2 words 65 Fleur de··· ~-......... WESl'SIDE '~::= ~m ~-=-~ Starts Wednesday \ULT DIS.\tYS IOI .II( "~TOO/f T~l/J/ll DALMAllUS . I HARBOR at ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE 546·3102 ON HARllOR BLVD. • ONE Mitt SOUTH OF SAN DllGO FWY• World Premiere Engagement "One of the smashing box office successes of 19701" -L.A. Times DUSTIN HOFFMAN IS John "'JOHN ' MAllY' I• 111 •1ty ttr111t • 111,...;., pltct ., 111tert•i11-t.'" -Ch1rl11 Cli•mpli~ L,A. Ti11111 JOHN .4N n MARY ''U1H111t1tlo•olllJ, It Is ou •' fh •• ,.~ 1ttC.Olftp1l111. "'"" H fll111 of ttl• ynrl" -L.A. E••rnin~r -........ e CONVENIENT SHOW TIMES e Wl'lt.-TJt"rs.-ffldcry, Dec.. 11•11·1~1~ll 1H t 1JO Colltl1t••• SPMlw IMfY o.., St9'ff"' Dec. 2t 1 :JO-J:Jo-l:J0-7:Jt-t :30 11·'"· • I ' ----~------.~----~-- Pilot's Wife Flies too High DEAR ANN LAN.DERS: My brother is a pilot for a well kno\vn commerciaJ airline. Recently he wa s pro1noted to captain. We are all proud of bim. He is yery modest about the promotlon but his wife has let Jt go to her head to such an extent that she is be-- coming obnoxious. Her new wri~ing paper is engraved, "Captain and Mrs. -·-::··" The 'maiµ>ox is being repainted. When he makes restaura\1t reservitions his wi.fe iMists that he say "Cap· tain and ~frs. ' ...... " r1n sure people think he is a sra captain or an officer in the U.S.Anny. people around and doesn't mind rllfJning a free hotel and rest.aurant. But I am the one v•ho •must do th11 work. and it is killing me . I am exhausted. dangerously underweight and hooked on tranquilizers. Wha t do you suggest ? -FLT LL Tl~1E SLAVE DEAR SLA\'E; Sn TClativl':s aren·t com pany? Who doe! Clyde g,nsidtr c o m p a n y '? Queeo Elizabetll ud Prince PhJllip? Enlist your doctor's support.·· Ask him to inform lMI 1TlANOI! WOllD .. .. R.MUM Meetings • MONDAY "ilr.e11.'U~\\!'~ndcr.:!e"'~'~'iru1t::l'r,': 111 •no or"'* 1 ree11.rHw1111,.,. on , 111 •·"'· 1 • ·-· c'i••bot' *Ill' (IJllF!I ClvD. 11.,.1., 11, • .,. c~ ... 1 '"~' •I lrvll!e Avtnwt, Nnt1 I ttth,o It 1,m. • l<-1 Ctnt1r IOw•nl1 ~uo, JOHr 1 l:Mll.llr1111. 2!21 !· CAMI tilthWIYo Coron1 del M•r. l l'ltitin,V ...... ,. N..,..pprt hlfd\. I p.ITI. IATUIO~'I' Clorl•ll•ll •utli"t»rnt!l't (ommllt•t, 8it00t e., (lull, NtwlMN'l •t.U.. 1;30 •.m. New Yo1·k's ' DAILY PILOT l5 ~wHOi a hes gifts for dog lovers ~ or jQ.t lovers? Eg, S 8. Dalton , Booksell er S F•1h:o11 lsl•ncl, Ntwporl l•1ch 92660 1714) 644-0041 17 toll IJJ.2200 W~~c toe1tm1!''"· c;l,1on111 Sl'I· Intl 1ilcf L°""' 0111 ~. 1 1.m. Coollt'n1Jle<'l TH1tm11tt-rs. COO-ti R"fl 1t~1t1ur1nr, 2~ l'lt•bor 8 1ud., co.i. MtSI, '( D.m. l:.11PkM'er 5«1t1!" 8t1Koclt. EIKl""'lt" E.11Plortr POii 1'61..' 8.tl><OCll: Eloi""" lr91tla. :l};O'I H•rwr 81v4,, Co.i. Mtsf.;l :1s ··.m· . Youtl1 Drug lr=-=S=T=IL=L=T=IM=_ =E,.__,_., Toll Heavy FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Or•11t• CD!l•I MIMrel ..... L••llltlr't $0C:lti'r. COllt Mt11, Womlfl'I Club, '10 w. 11111 s1., c,,rv:• ""''· 1:311 ··~ F'2';i.'~trt~~11'k1 ... v:"',.irr:~ 11 NE\V YORK (AP) -More ":.~Tmlruitr "'"'" W•t1mlntter. 1::10 than 200 teen-agers have died ces11 Me~• H1rmonv Lo°'llt "'°· ,,, this year from involvement Q.dd FtllDWf H•I~ 1~7t NtW00<1 a1vi1 . Co$1• """''· 1 11.m. \Vi th heroin, a city health -0{. TUESDAY llciul says. CorD11• dtt M•r e~c~•np• Club • .1os11·1 Dr. M•"chael B a d e ~ , Rn11ur•nt, 2111 \· COl.!il Hlttlwtv, Coron• d11 !Mr. 1 l\OOll. associate medle1l examiner. C1>11nc:ll of Ctiurctle.. Ntwl>Clrl Hirt.or mtt:b " •ariou1 church••· con11d said Tuesday that 2 l 0 CD~r:·J!-.iY:J.-8=1i2b.1i::'1"ilee1 youngsters from 1$ to 19 )'~&rs: ~~'s':.~\f"~."5 Hir1>or 81YG .. C•t• old had died lrom heroin. use ORGANS BRAND NEW SAVE $500 UP TO . fo.1y husband is the vice president of a business. I v.·ouldn·t dream of referring to him socially as the vice presi· dent. My sister-in-law is an ar· dent reader of your column. If . you will print my letter and : just a word of comment. rm : sure it would solve the pro-- : blem. -NO NAME PLEASE your husband that ygu"r" ----------------------0\•erworked and that you need Co••• Met1 s..,1or cri1-c1uo. c-this year, compared to 72 last ~~I~ F~T~;':,!~,. ~:~:-·M!!'.~•t year. Another 1$0 deaths from co~• c:e1 M•• 1ow~n11 ciub, v ui. heroin have been reportl':d in ~=~·d,ri;:.,,~12,10°:.~.,"1•11w1v. the age 20 to 24 bracket, he PIANOS -. . ,..,. • DEAR NO NAME: It is not In good ta1t.e to use a business title socially, I do bope, bowl':ver, when your siater·in-' law sets I.his leUtr ID print, it does not" crealt a bigger pro- blem than the one you "'rote abo ut . DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 have been married for 10 years to a wonderful man. \\'e have three children. a nice home and much to be grateful for . Clyde has a large family. 1-Jis relatives often call on Thursday 10 say they will be here Friday. As many as 11 hal'e piled in on us at o.1ce. 111ree weeks ago Clyde's sister and her husband ar- raqg~d with friends to meet at our liome for a \\•eekend. \Ve did not know the couple. They \1:ere .lovely; but their three children Were a handful. That same weekend Clyde's cousins came from California for a l\\'O..week stay. Clyde says relatives are not company. He loves to have I CAMrlNGIMOIWTAIMllllN& ' THE SL••JllM• ...... I •-MOUNT•IN ••cK ""c11:s n """ LIT• T•llTS ,.. ~ T••1L OOWlll CLOTMS:: ' "~ MIK1t1e •00T1 -. ~ l0%01icevNT' CAM~ o ..... i ~ WITM TMll A• 1.i.J.S,. Gl • •1 It'•-. •-• \'au.r I m: 'MOVNTAJllURI• I ·HlllNG AUXILIARY POWER S•ilboats, Dinghi•1, Trolling, Etc. COMMANDO , Outt19ard Motors · NOW! -Only 26 Lb•! His'h -thrust 5 Horse Power Air Cooled -1nd - Remote Gas Tank ***IDEAL GIFT*** '194'0 LOW PRICE ~F ONLY . flndutlu 1\'2 r.11. t•I l•n•, f1111.. .primer bulb •nd Quitk dl1connedl. Boat Island, Inc. 700 W. Co•' H.,,., .. Npt. lch. 1714) 642-6630 ! Off••~ FD•: OOflil, M•tnum. .. Oran ,l1llrlntr Y1clllll. a vacaUoo, not guest1. DEAR ' ANN LANDERS : Please say something tG mother! who slap t h e i r children across the face, slam things over their heads and call it .;discipline." f\1 y dau~hter-in-law and her 7- yea r-0!d son live \vith me . It breaks my heart the way sfie cracks the boy Jn the mouth \Vhen he interrupts her. J"ve seen her· box his ears one minute and slap him the next because he diddn 't obey her. I"m sure the child didn 't obey her because he couldn't hear . l\fy son is in Vietnam . \Vhen T , "'rite I always s a y , "Everything is wondcrrul al home .. Don't worry." irs not true. Ann. The child's mother haf'a terrlb!e temper and ' she takes out a lot of her anger on the ,boy. W.Pat should I do ? - CONCERNED Df:AR CONCEjlNED: Su1- ge1f,;to tlte cli!Id'I t.ellcber tb"at she l dvisC the riitbtr :tO take him to a docto~ to get his hearing cbecked.i Then tip off tbel doctor so tie can !'warn your hot-tempered dauglak:r· in-law agaJn1t beating .l<tbe youngster on the bead. ~you will then aGt be labeled an in- terfering mother-iHliw .-i you will have achieved titt desired results. AM l~nOtrS will Ix gl~d to Mio~ Wiii> VO<J• P•obltm1. '$end trl~m 10 l>e' ;~ c•" Of tlle O"ILY PILOT, •~clo\ing • ~,lhlddr.e11~. sttmPed tnvt~t. t :; 1 ~couts Help Goodwill Out Cub Scouts of Costa l\.1e~a Pack 40"s Den 3 have collected door-to-door 45 bags n f reu:1able items for Goodwill Industries. The bags are loaded with such items as clothing, toys, games, luggage, dishes and books, said Mrs. Leon Chris· tiansen, den mother. The boys picked up the bags over the weekend after earlier putting them out to be filled . The cub scouts eamcd a patch for their uniform by th e projecL Mr~. Christiansen said her den also is collecllng food for a Chr!stmas dinner for a fami- ly. in Mexico. " •••y·c•r• ective wear for men t nd boy• 'open +omorrow -suMd"y 12-5 Joe Ke111iedv Estate ol In Florida for Sale? l1\l~tl11t!011 8tlCl't kiwtnl\ C Ull, Hu,._ said. tln~ton $e1,mf Cou11try Clull, lOOO P11m ;...,,_, H .. n1111etD11 8a•ch, n:u Baden predicted more than l D.m. NtwDDrl H1r11or 0011m1•1 c11,111, v1111 900 ""'rSaits would die by !he M•rlnl, 100 81v1I"-Orlve, NtWPOrl Y-8tteti, u:1s 11.m. year's end from heroin . He '~~,,~~ ~:~1:~ ct~~.'l\'ib11 Mt!~ spoke at a hearing of the New C1>1111e D•llf't. (M!t M!s1, 11:15 P.m. y k 5 D " Huntlntton 8t1<.1i Rt:1!1rv C!<ib, Nt:irtt>, Or late e ffi 0 C f 8 t l C Four Winds ":~t1ur1nl, 16'21 8ol91 Ad · Co "II C " cn1c1 ltoeo, Hunun11on a 1ach, u :n v1sory mml ee on rime WASH INGTON (UPI\ d h H.f~;rri111on 11e1cn Not1fl Lions Cjul>. and Safety in the Streets. 11n t e present senator from ~~='.1~\nu~:l~~r~ea~~~·, n!.i~~11-r==~~;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;;:;;;;;ll Backstairs ai the W hi I e Massachusetts under a pub· E•t~'i.~:~. ~·.~~' :~1,11r~~~~1u::~~.1•;Jfl •louse: 1· ·1 I d b ( h. w. Coa•1 Hl11hw•Y· N~wPOrt Beach. Florida real estate circles 11 1f,1rytha7s"v',·nei·'acrad"a';to0mob•"l1e5 R~.'ar~Ciub or NPwoo•t·8•11;11)~. '"'1ne th r t h r ' " (O,J\! Cwntrv Cl\lb, ~111 E. Coa!! say e ocean ron ome o accident last sun1mer. His1>wav. ''l.fon• oe1 M•r,.t,:lo 11.m. the late Jose~h P. Kennedy at Because of a stroke several coc1iti. "';..~!:~ '~~~~~ ~::;n,:v ~\~~~ Palm Beach, Fla ., is available. years before his death, Joe co11a Mti1. •=JO p.m. for sale. Plr:cing this scenic, T°S~r.t•,t:~~. ~~~...11~/ie •. "Jn~~m!•ble hi storic house on the market is ~~~~d~i~\'f:t:ro~if~1~~o :0~~~ 8~~·8~;:1<1~1~".-11..,;,iu~e~)~ 8~:~•; 1912 HAllOI ILYD. BRAND NEW -~ ... I) SAVE UP TO ·-s175 GRAND PIANOS SAVE~~ 50% Credit Terms-Christmas Delivery Gu•r•ntMd being done quietly and selec· make out laroer newspa""r so~'i'~tv 1or '~• ••••ttv•t.on 1no COSTA MllA lively. " r~ Fncour1temtnt o! Barbf• Snoo Dally 10..t e s.t. f·i headlines. but it was ques-~~~~1·~n;~7:;~·,~n~q~m~~l,\•·s.S.O:.:~ •1111tAftwrk1N. M••llr c~ ..... I -W81l1"chs Mus:i·c C1"1y If this is the case. the soft. tionable how much the stroke im No1 ... Dime. c~s11 MeSt. • p,m scarcely audible sell may victim comprehended. L.o.o.M. IMooitl No. ilsa, cs e. 11111 I So~\~ ~o;~:t '1."c\f~e1'.:l::·'C·1u11. Vlll•;e OPEN SUNDAY :; reflect the wishes not only of Thus, he' \vas mercifully inn, ut M~,;11e. a11t>o1 1111na. 1:JO SOUTH COAST p• .6."' Mrs. Rose Kennedy, ""idow or spared the sight of current ot.t::i-, co1st B'n•! 11·•1t" Men• L<1c11e, 12 .. 5 ~ the former ambassador. but · · d I · TtmPle Sll••o~. 611 w. H1m111on ll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~o~sl~•~M~es~o~~P~h~o~n~o~S~4~9~-3~1~65~;:;:;::;~ h I ( h I motion picture an te ev1sion c.,..,. Me••· t:u '·'"· I a o er on y surviving son. fan magazine covers \\'hich Mort mere mor1 Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (0-continue to feature various WCPNESDAY • Mass.) c ... 1. M~••-O•&n.e l iOtll C!vb. Odit'I , il'SJllilli•M-Jl:li'iM:JmilJlll~---M:Jlli.lM~Jlf:'i---~--.ai•.im5--JllllMt members of lhe Kennedy 111 e. 111~ s1.'rcojt• Mesi. 1 •·'"· R . , » It would be easy to jump to f ·1 111ue "''''"" oa11m1s11,. t 1 ~ b , W ~ ~~~~~er ~~~~~usi~~;mt:~J th! a~1~:·multicolored cover cur-H{~~!~;~~~~~~~~~~.~J,ci;0:;~nll;;; W SEE MONDAY' DECEMBER 22 l rent!y features a large, blue s11c1> ncttn ~ I greater pri ce by a \\'idely ghostly fioure of President ,.,..,~ Me11 ilot~•v Club. co''' i.~•1• f( EDITION OF THE DAILY PILOT heralded announ cc111enL After "' ~~ •nd counirv Club, Co•!• M•••· ~ I Kennedy. At the lower part of "-· ll all. th'·s was the wr"nter home Wtttm;n,t~r E•cn1~•t Club, H•'Pennv ti:! the cover is a somber picture inn, 14tM1 8tatn Blva .• Wt~lmln,ttr. !l V or Kennedy's three sons, all of of Ted Kennedy and his wife. ,naonM 0 .,1 c I II ~:~~e. ::elo i~h~0c~~fne~·:~ Joan , with her luxuriant ~~br·~~~~:f~:~.~~;~;l? :~~: w For Specia I Buys & Special Hours •I blonde hai r billowina over her M 1 11M• , ,, 0 , , ~ "' shoulders. Her head is bowed . "' attomey aeneral and. of "' 8:;~~·n:u 11.!!.' • 'vt. ew1>0•I • th c I t Sh • c t course, one '~'ho reached the her hands clasped prayerfully. F"t'o7i~1"11Yf11i.Be:J.tn:~·a~.c~uubn'11~~~:,; ~ IA e omp e e opp1ng en er ~ ~;~~~::~~~:~;~~~i;:;~; ~~Jr,1~:~~I;~~~i~~~r~ :~~;i~.~ii~~i\i::~~j~~ WWI HARBOR sHoPPING cENTER I old Palm Beach relic sold· at C Id y 'l" Th h l -011, uoi 1s11> st.. NewPOr1 · iA any price to an insensitive sort h~~dline~s· print:doitn ~~1~k/~ 0;~~~~·~~~1::::..•• Aa'i:enMu:r:~?.: I 2300 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA II who might exploit, even~com· pink, "Is Jackie !\1arried to a Temple, L•lr• •nd P•lm, H~n1in•1011 W r • I In . I" lh [ Be1ct1. 1::JO p.m, ...J enca 1ze on c amous men Sick Man ?" ,._.l>O" Am~'"'' 111a10 soc:1~1v. and women \Vho sunned and 1 ---------:-:----'~"~"-'-'"~"--''~·~'"~"='·--''~"~'...::'="=00=•~~~""=""=· ~""=•==•::.:"'::.:•::.::""::.::..,::.:;""~""~'"'~"'~""~""~~'"'~""~""~""~""~""~""~"'~,.~""~~,.~"'~,.~-~-~-~-"!'"!'~ swam there. An y suggestion of a sensa· tionalized scramble for the house might influence the family lo hang on to the plaCe. This, however, might prove . hard to do, even for a \\'ealthy family, for the Jose ph P. Ken- nedy property overlooking the blue·green sea \\'OUld corn· mand a hellishly hlgh price for land alone. \\'hen Joe Kennedy died not long ago. there were many references to the ' 'star struck" or tragic history of his family -tv.·o sons assas· inated, another son killed dur- ing World War IT, a daughter killed in an air crash. another daughter mentally retarded . Choose a Christmas watch· I' from Weisfield's ••• L with a large selection •" '1 of nationally known brands! a. The Lady Natalie, by Wal· t ham with a 17-je>Nel shock· I protected mMment Lo.oely. ;._. 24.99 I' b. CrDton's Mr. Rou&h and Touah. 17·jewels, ¥iater .. -, shock-res istant. Smart! ' .l 19.99 I c. She11 love the Coed by. Wittnauer! 17pjewtf move- ment with facet'ld cry1tat. 50.80 d. Handsome 0.y 1nd Date ·a•trom Wittnauer. Wate,..-, shock res istant. Yencr#case. 80.80 e. The Miss liberty by Bui· ova, set with 3 diamonds. 17-jewels, shoclc·protected. 65.00 f. COiorfui Sea Kingfrom Bui· ova with red and bleck dl4I. Water*p, shock-resistant. 50.00 • I Man's fast beat UI· tra Chron, 17-jewels, water~-. shock-resist· ant Calendar dale. 130.00 BULOVA Acc utrou The tuning forl<"watch with calendar date. It's wa ter--, shock-resistant. 1'75.00 7 f1i~l '" i1l•111t 11•w,crl bt•c~ • 6olol.\010 o."~""'"'''' * 11'1t1+•r ,~ •• ,. weisfields\ JEWELERS I • I I I . .. SOUTH ~OAST PLAZA Upper Moll Acro1L~"'m_Woolworlh's-l!hono 5*7117 Also In Lokewood tonier -Lokewood Slllldey -- 0 .. 12to5 " • . Jf CAll.V PILOT { ' ~ll!aile.~ Financing Boosts Market LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTl:..:..;;C;;:E'---~~_:~~:;_~~~:'.'.,~~~\-~~~:::::-~r.....,:;;;if:...::-::...~~-1-~~~==:;::.:,;a.n NOTICI! Of' aAIA lllOTKI! TO CR•OITOll UI: ltll " IHtln • l"wWic ""' sur••Kill coun °" TM• cu,T~KAft. w •r L.llfl ~ lfi\'JS Of' CALll'OltMIA 1'011 DOINCI •VNll•ll U .... ~OTtCll IS Mlll!Q't CtVl!M THAT , THI COUMTV Of' OltAIHll l'IC'ltTIOUI Mf>M'j"-~- .,,,-111 IO the ,_ ....ot and ~ Ml. A+Mtt TIM' """°'''"'*' llffM etrlltltt "'-' ... "'• 01NHt1 .. Md. wfll WU •l Plllltlc .all, 1t 1!it1t. of PAUL M. MALAPOFF. t !M 11 dolM 11111""" at ll!t 'Norltl T1111ln ~ ol'fi(•• of Tore.el Al•C'l'•ll lac•'" It ~fl "' PAUi.. MIKE MAl..APOFF, '"" ... _ "' .... (It'll lit 0r.,. .. c_,., 114 1 .... Ot•-C-1'11 •l•l'Ott, klltl "'""' M PAUL HALAPOFF. ~''""· Ori ..... , $1111 lit C1Hfttfllt, u"°'t Ille fie· C•lllotlllt. el l :M P.M. .., ~J:d NOTICE IS HElf&Y GIYEH " ttla rllkM...,..,. M !"ANTS PRIMA.RILY. , ._..,.. ~. 1'11. lllf lolloWIM -ctKl~ 11' tt>e. ll;ICNt IWllMd ~t T~ hill 11otme Mii en11 plau 01 ,,,.,_..,, "'wl!; ""''Ill N<'MN hlv""' cltlmf atllMf IM ..sMHnt1 llf '"' ....... "'*'lit· t TIW llf)CllvloWll l11Nr .. 1 ~,, 'f' uold Clt<ffMtl l<I -l•t(I IO llll fhlin. 11-n o. "'°"'' 1't Hwarif.· Lftlcollt,. k.,.,I lllwtlm ... I, lllC \rl !Ml I; I ft w!tll IM M.(Ul&l'Y VOUCM"' '" IM offl(t Ori-C1tlfW7ole "'"'''" tHi.crltl«I 11 fotlowJ:_._ 111 of t11e tla>rk of 1111 •bow 111tit1"1 C9\lfl, ot 0.111<1: 'sw"""*"r '1, lttt, Ont (I) "" IOol• l•l -.llOt .._..,i IO prestnl 11\em, Wltl'I """ ~..., •OMrt I) .._, 1t"lt1t•lion Humber H-UH M, $trlil vouc:l>e•t. 10 llW 11""rit.Md Pl W. lllflct STATI!! OF CALIP'Oll:NI.\ I ~ 11J..llJ.f1, Pll"UAlll to 1 lien o1 l(Val.AHOEll, SOlOMOM • _H.lRT, COUNTY OF OlllANQE I .-: ••ltlM 11n0tr Cllllornl• LP\11 ~ Allor,.....,, 3105 W.1 ...... 11 &ovltY•rd. On Oec. I "" IM>fw• ""' 1119 ...,,. 11-n lfff owlnt Iv Torbtt Aln:ritl, Monltbello, C11JtornJ1 ~. whldl i. me d1""'11MCS. 1 ~ot..Y ,\lbllc ft1 pild tor .. i.o Inc: l l ll(f ol bu•1MH ol llW llllClt"*ioJl\ed In 111 Sllh:, H.._.I.... ·-•reel ao11trt D, llld ••~ h lcr 1111 •11rl'OM ol '~11•"' ~· m11te<• pff'11lnll'l9 ~ tl'lf nhll• o1 ••ld HOl'I• k,_n to mi to '-. .,.,. DtrtCll ' 1i.., d 1t1s 11ric11u l11MCI llltel:::• w11 1n '°' 1 11eeecl1111, wln\ln twr -tl'I• 1f1W' 1111 ,...,_ """" 1, o.ub•crlbld te ,,.,. wlll'lln ., ICIW...i•lr>t 11111 ··-.~ ... II • 11 ... 1 IMJbll<.lllCl'I of thll no!lct . lntln.irflttlf t!ICI Klt-ledMd lo "" tfltl DATED; O«embtr 1 • ' D11N Ot<...,..~ 10. lfff lie 111KUtN h 11m., T011:8ET Al•t•AFT,tiN1~ "licit CWA•LEI It, KA•T, Ji. ! Wtnt&U m1 lltnG pf'IO offl(ltl \HI,. Pub!!•""' Or-• ~°":flt 1JI n ,,· IEllK\ltor ol fllt Wiii Ol 11" !OFF ICIAi. IEALI 'l>t«fnlllt n. IS. 1!-', • '2U...t ·~ namr<ll df(:~I Frffd• v. Nt•I • ~4 lt6' ICUll\.ANOl!l, SOLOMON & MAllT Nolerv PUblk LEGAL NOT!,... Jltl w• .......W llW. s .. 1, ot C1Ul·orn11 "'"" ,,...... .... c:.M. ..... ·-"=-·,;;..;:..;;;i<t Ill •------:r::;;;------·1Tel1 11111 7n~11 'Ore!IH (Ollft!Y ~4'W' 111 Cller1*t. It. Mir!, Jr, M"t C""'"lulon ~- Ct:ltltP'let.1'• 01' su11M•U l•ec""" "' .,. -J11111en> ., lt1t IJICTfTto&ll "aM• P\ll>ll•ll-4 Or1M1 COltf tl1H~ "llol, JOHN ... WH'\Tl - do nrllf\I """ ,,, °"'""~ u. n JI, ''" ~ J,.......,., '· an.,1111 If L1w '1M t,Mldtlrl C:...I 1'19 2lllMf Tiii l'lr11 Nelle!llol Sellll nnOue:U"' 1 M lMU ~I 10M I . IM -ti Ortll .. (IUPllJ • Hw't. L"<lfM 8tKll. c_~1110~':c;11·,~uRF LEGAL NOTICE -111 t:111 Cll,.ni•• Aw11u1 tlcillloo.tf llrni nl"" "' · OrMlt. Cl11*1t11 fl6't • SHOP Ind !hi! ,.Id fl"" 11 ~. .~,, Publli.Md Or1ne1 CCMsl 01lh' Piiot ~llowlnll -ION. -· nelM• n •w ..,.ll.D'JI . • ::i PIK~ ct rni-• .,.. •• ~llo\lll: • ·1uPt:01llOlt COURT OP THr ~~ n. 20• 27• lht •nd JNMll~ > Sttwlrl •. B0Wtn. 2" Oa!C SI., !\Pt. ' STloTF OJ. C4l!POtlllflA FOi Latllfll 11,PCll. CIOt.rnle; Jo/Ill tlfl'nltl, THE COUNTY OP' 'OllA"QE IS l. EMlt16. s, Llo\lnl Stec.II. No. A+Ml6 Ce1!fll!'nte: Edwl" GClllW!li,th. 111' Gle<I NCITKE OP-MEAIUHO OP-PETITION HOTICI TO Cltl!OITOltl "'""'·· An1l'lllm. Call!. P'Olt PllOM!TE' Of' WILL ,t,ND SUPEltlOll COUllT OF THI! Oiled 0Kt'mblr 1, Ifft, COOICI\.. AHO fOlt LIE TT t: It I IT&TI! OP CA\..IFOllNlA FOii ·s11w1r1 It. 9-fl Tl!ITAMENTA ltY. THll COUNTY 01' OUNGE J<il'lll ...,...1 "E1lltf o1 WIU.IAM W. lllVINE . 1ko Ht. A"4tn LEGAL NOTICE Low-cost housing and tht sea>nd·bome market will be spurred by a new regulation allow federally chartered savilul:s and loan assoclaUoiU to rftllVlce mobile h o m e purtba8'S, according to J, Howard Edgerton, chairman of Cali!emia Fede ra l Savings and ~ Association. Edie-. head oI I h e largot federal usoclJition In the U,Uted Slates, termed the nguI.µo. "a much-Oeeded step bi expanding our ·services to a itnajor and rast·1rowlrig sf:gment of the private hosulng field." Issued by !he Federal Home l,oan Bank Board. the regula- tion became effecUve Nov. 19, lt allows federal SD.\llngs associations to invest up to five percent of their assets in loans caverlng hot.b consumer Purchases and dealer in. ventories or mobile homes. Although associations have been lnstrumenlal in financing mobile home parb, up to this t.Jme, lhelr lndivldual loans were • llntited prlmarlly to mortgages on homes and residential lncome units. Edgerton polnled oul that la5t year mobile, homes ac- eounted for 21 percent of all private housing starts and 71 pereenl or all housing !iOld lor Jes,, than lll,000. "Mo.ny of the growing nwnbers of buyers o[ n1obile bomts are people who wert 'froien oul1 of the,15ingle-laml· ly home market by spiraling construction cost.a, •fast.rising land prices aqst tigbt mortgage money," he said. "Mort tt>an 40 percent or mobile hofne dwellers are in lhe 2M4 Jge bracket, trad1· lionally the yea.rs w h e n families have the greatesl need and demand for single· family housina. First Families Get New Seawi1id Homes -Edw111 Gotl1ctll1c1I k_,. 11 WILLIAM WINTEll lll;VtNE. Etllte el' Merv J1nt AU..,, Dttu•. lt111 ir1 C1llfor1111, Qr1"'t Countv, 0tet11f!d, , NOTICE 11 HEREBY GIVEN lo Ike fh f" ( f" 'J" J °" Dk. 111. 1Kt. "''°'' mt. • Notirv NOTICE is HIE•E•V GlVEH Tllet Tiie cr.a11or1 of ,.,, ibtve n1med d''"''"' e 1rst 4 amt ies wil says. W iUl squar e footage up t'\lbllc In end tot Mid si.11• ""T.:!:~ United s1.tes N1110t111 ••'*' • 11111-1 ~· •" 111r1or11 l'l1v1n1 c111mt e.o111111 1ttt move into their new Seawind to 2,286 at a cost of $15, WPl••td Slewlnl It. ~BP•"n.1 t to btnlri1111 111otl1lloro h~1 flltel lll•tln I ukl Metoenl ••• rl!QulrM 111 Ille fMm, GOttodllkfl. Jollfl 11"""'1 ncwn ° m rib-petition tor probale of will end c11111c11, w1111 the neceu1.-,. v011Chtrs, If 1111 oflke homes 1"n Hunt1"nglon Beach Sea"'1"nd home• have •··n bii 1111 nnoM w!ooit nM!llS 1'' iul»tlnd ind tor lUUlll(t of Letters Te1!11'1'11nlarv of tl'le tltr~ of !he 1bov11ntllltC1 colirt. IM' " 1.1\X ,ood IC t111 wnhln lnitrum!'llt, IC Plllllontr. re1er1n'' IP wllidl 1~ "'""'to P•tMnt thtm, wlln '"-ntctuar~ this" w-k ac-ding •·Donald -gniz· ed by buye-as one of eckno\llledtled lhev e~e('Ultd IN .. m • for futtl>er 1,.111cul1•1, 1nd tti11 1111 11,.,. •OllCMr'f, 10 the 11ndtr'flg.....i 11 Ille office "'"" • "v• w '""'v '" 10FF1c1.1..1. sEALl ind piece of Moring 1111 """ N1 bffft c11111 Aucrnev. c .... 11 A. w111ton. lS55 Tor-Paddock, sales and marketing the best values in Orange AoMrt A. MIN.ch~111t 1 w• fw Jenuory t, 1t10, 11 t :» e.m .. In ,.,,,, aoo.o1tv1r<1, Terrine,, C1llto•nl1 Net•"' Pllbllt· • 11'11 • "'' to11rl•oo.m or O<!pertrmn• No, l 01 911511), whtcl! rs 1111 Pl•« or bu11nen 01 d irector or Kau!man and County. Prlll(lpel Office In uld cwrt. al 100 Ci~k Cenf9r Drive thl \lnGtN.1gMd In 111 mllltrt ~rtllnlng Or•ne• Counw E 1 well, In •he Cltv cl s.1111 An.1, c1111orn11. to"" n 11tt of s•ld ilecfde111, wlt~ln mur Broad's Southern California Prices at Seawind start at Mr Comm~tlon ~P ffl DlllCI Otcemti.r 16, 1969 monlht 1fttr !ht tlrsf wbtlcelloro of ttill . Oct. n. it .1 Pl• 1 w. E. ST JOHN, nollc•. Division. $27,990 and include such lux-Pu1>1o.n"" Or1net Co11t DI• 't 12"~ Cou111Y [let~· Dited Ot<.tmblr !. 1Ht, rm ...... bo'r " 1i. '°' 21. 1Mt cootc:t:v. sCMUMACHEI, Herbert J . ..,1~" lie nolcd thal the fourth unit ury items as ~ x c I u s i v e COLEMAN, MINYA•O ""' HOWAIO, E .. •cu!or ot the Win h h\ f " LEGAL NOTICE lJJ T1wn •IMI CNlllTY ..... of l~ eboYe nlfflfd dtc.ed~t or the ig y s ucce ss f u hardware a n d lighting f1x-_-------;:::;;:------·1 OrlM•· Celilerftl1 HUI CYl!IL .... WALSTO"I d I I .,, be t f" I If l . p.uJ.M r11 : c1141 J.11.5111 ,,,1 Torr•M• l 1M11tvir11 eve opmenl a so w1 open ures, 1rep aces. se c ean1ng ClllTIFICATE oF SUllHISS .11110,.,,111 i.r P•IUlt ...,. Torr1M• C1Wlor-11l1 ftSOJ B I f al th" k b d t d " \ FtCTITIOUI H.llMI Publl.-Or•"9t c ... 11 01;1v p;1o1, Ttl CtUl,J1l..iUI ays l Ol'e Or S es IS Wee . ovens, eavy UY lSpoSa S, n..: ltndtulentd cHlll!n w 1. ten· Dt«mber 1•· 20• 7s. 1"' 'J''"f A11wM1 .., •~••,.,. Seawind. \\'hich culminated gold anodized sliding doors clucilne 1 bu•lllf!.I 11 :IOU Wnl l11lbo1 P11b1!1111d Oru1gt [CMS! tl1I.... Piiot, BM Ntwl'CH1 11e1t11. ce"1orn11. ul'l<lf•l--~L:E~G~A'.'.'.'.L'....'.N:OTI~~CE~---ll'o0Ko•cmo°"::..:'i'"i"~·~Z~-~'~'·~'~N~•'6'ii'"""n=u'-""' over $20 million in new home a nd y,•indoy,•s, furniture finish· ~ 1ictn-· fl•m .... -" EDGEWATER LEGAL NOTICE Res 1 t Home REALTY 1nc1 11111 111c1 n .... i. COfl'\POSed 1Ul'Ell10ll couar 0 .-THE 0 • · production in Hun ling to n ed walnut cabinets, separate m IM tc1iow1"" Pf"ton• wlloM n11nt in STATE o" CALll'OllNIA !'Oil •·mu Beach by Kaufman and Br oad. 11tility rooms. ceramic tile t1111 Ind pll~ OI rpklffr<t 11 11 follows : THI! COUNTY OF oa.tMGI ''''''''"' 01' s UllNf.11 J J Hd111 11ndtrt.net111. 1m 1:. OcN n Ne. A~• FicT•Tious NAM.I. A F offers the most elegant and baths and kitchens. A are 111¥0' .. Bllbol, Clllf, NOT1CI 0" HIEA.ING 01' .. ETITION Tiit \lndt'fllned doll c1Mlfy ht 11 Cctl' t orest JUXUriOUS homes lhe Company Carpeted throughout. Dated Dtc:..-t,,'':INll<knlthl POil PAOIATI OP' WILL ANO ducll1>9 • bu1lne11 II 2212 Collpgt A'lt!., Joas ever produ-• 1'11 the "nd od I b OR A COOICI\.. ANO 1'011 \. ET T f. ll I Cctll Mese. C..U!Wnll, under "'' lk· \.'UJ Seaw1 m e s may e STATE 01" CALIF NI ' TllTAMENTARY (80NO WAIVEOJ lltlout firm ritme ot MAINE EllECTllC be h "ty d th Sa 0' OJtANGE couNTY , " -o •v•o ,,.,, "'''''" "Landlover.• a nd nautt"cal ac c1 , reache via e n 1ego or On O«'ln\blf 4 1 ... , Mfort "''' I 11 f ... ....... ' Sl!.RVICIE " APPLIANCE Ind 11\111 u ld ,, Ho! Pllbllc In enc1 1or ..,Id s111e. Otcnitd. nrrn 11 comPOHcl of'"' klllow!l'l9 ~''°"• aspirants alike are ex· Seawind homes were design· Santa Ana F ree\vays lo the •rv ltv -•reol Htltn ltllllltrkfltdol NOTIC,E IS MEltEl!IV GIVEM Tllal wllow ntmt In lull 1nd Pli tt at re•ldenot d h · t J d 8 kh st "l Th th .,_,. be t11t ...._. w11ow Elr•• N;efMn 1nd J. wn1tv Nt.11 111ve 11 •• l<>Hallfs: periencing the ex c i l I n fl: c to emp as1ze s ye an roo ur exi en sou on .,._ ,'° '"'t.c~bed to tt... w11t11n ln· 111ec1 i..n11 .. e Petltloll tor prvbJte Ill' ... 111 Joe 1.. Pe•rv. :1212 Coll••• Avt., eo111 space without sacrificing any Brookhurst to Seawind. From :-: :. KIU'lllWltd!IN lht .. tc~l'ld ancs Codicil end for l1w1nce of Ltllltf Mfll, CpJlfofnll. p<>S.Sibilities Of lakeside living ' f "Ownership ol a mobile home ls the only way n1any ol lhtMl lamiUes can attain home ownership, and it fs ln keeping with the purJ>ose of our in- stituUons that 've be allowed to flnanct these purchases." E(fgfrton also · noted that young marrieds and retired people, who together accounl for Ole majority of mobile home buyers, will be the two fastest growl.og segments ol the populalion'in the next five years. "As associations begin graduaJly to move into this field, this new authority should make a growing contribution toy,·a rd providing hou.slng for low and m Id d le· In c om• families," he concluded. "At lbe same time, It should prove an Impetus to t he mobile home Indus try and wlll give the munagers of our in-- stitutions a new and desirable flexibility in mapping their lending .strategy." Under the regualtlon. con- s umer loam for mobile 'h9nie purch~ can be for up to IJ years on ne• units and 8 years on use(f unils. The mobile homes m ust be located within the association'a regular ten· ding area and must be at leas l 40 feet long and 10 feet wide. Spend thriftl_F=-. ~- I :;.,,,:.-·:_~ -«---.:: -~· ,-....;_ ~ \, -----"!----:-~---...~-------~ ~ ~---~ -----~- Not really. You can Tf:ally start to live in a lovely Deane built home-with sparkling lakes a nd shady woods-lot only SJ0.990. It's one of the be31 buys ever-in Southern California's faste5t ~elling total community. Come see! Escape to Lake 'forest! © ~" e Tes11mentery "'Pt1111cner1 111onc1 w1rv. D•ltd O••mber 5. nH. and vie\\'ing the elegance or a or the traditional Kau man the Pacific Coast Highway, -\lmt. , tdl. '~'''~ to w~itn 1, m111e fll• JM l Perrv d B d \ p ddock h d rth on Brookhursl {OFFICIAL J se nL!e O•vli lu•ttier H •llculeri. •nd lh•f th~ tlmt •nd siite of CiHl~nl•, orange Cwnty: j w o. s tory much-dreamed·--·· _:•:n::__::r~•:•::__:v~a:u:•:·::..:::.:a::.::::::._:•:a=~n:•::.:::..::::.:::.::.:::.::.:::.· _____________ ~----------------N~ p' bll C:iUIOfnle P11ce of he1r1n11 lh• -••mt ~J• bttn st! On Dec 5, lfft, bttor! mft, I Not1rv bo h · !he ' ,.,1:;1~.,uOlff,; 1;, fer J1nv1rv t, 1t10. •' t::IO 1.m., rn tnt Public 111' 11111 ,0, ~•+d s1a1e. ~t1onat1Y a ut resort ome Jn ne\\' Oren11e Cou"lv courtroom ct De_<>ertmenf No. l o! s1kl 1ppeared Joe L. P'rrv known lo mt 10 l)fo ' Bavshore. model al L<lkc Mr Commlnlon E••lre1 '°""' '' 700 Civic Center Drl·1• W~I. Jn '"' PFton wllo't MMI!• i. 1uDscrlbed tn For. -t,'" accordi"ng t o Rona\•\ J 11 U10 tnt Cllv Of Sa11le .lne, C11!1or~l•. Tiie wltllill lntlrumenl Ind l(knowlM9!'d "" r b!l1h~ u;,""·' CCM1! DellY Plktl. Oere<1 ~ember 11• 1969 ne ~•ecute<I lht 1ame. Ramos. marketing director .at ~btr a 11. 2(1, 21, lfft V'°'"6t W, E. ST JOH1'4. U>f'J'l(llol SEAll • coo.ontr Clerk. M•rv K. H•n•v the J,7fl(l·acre southeastern LEGAL NOTICE Mu11w1Tt. HUllWITl & llE MEI. No!arv P11bUt-Cet11orftl1 Orange County d•.\"C\oooneo•l . 4~f • J!IMI Slr11t, PrlnclOll Ofl lte In " """"' NtwHtt &fie~. c111ftrnl• O••~v• Coun!Y Visitors to the hon1e, one of CEITll'ICATE OF SUSlH!SI Tel: tn4) 613,tO!O Mr Ccmm!"lon EaPI•~' P-ICTITIOUI MAME AltlrM't$ ,... 1'1Hl1-r1 Ney !f ''" the most popular of all Tl>r ....,oe.,lentd c1o11cfl1Hva11e 11 con-Publli.hed o ... nte coesl 01ilv r 11o1. Pubr.ihe<1. 0;111111 coes• 0111v Pilot. Lakeshore ll 0 mes . are lhJ(tll'lf 1 bu11nKI 11 ''10 1r11 Avt., Co~ Deumtler lt, :IO. ti. lM ~~ll-69 Oettmber 6, 1J, 10, ,,, 1t6' 2)6' .. t ""' M•'· n625. c1111orn11, "'""'' 11>t ,,,. welcomed through a handsome Otlo!K tirfTI .... mt el' JEAN1'S •Ml 11111 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NoTICE ..,,14 tll'f'n ., cem~ of "" 1o1-1"'\ ___ :'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'...'.:'..'..'.:'..'.'.... ___ \---"''-'-"iC,..,,C------double-door entering from a .-:•ion. wllmf Mrnt In 11111 '"" •llct at P-JUtl c o b b 1 e s I o n e and I ile rakt<-nct i. '' kl lloM: P·lllM CIEllTIPICATE OF &USt Nf.SS, J••n 0. Wiiimes. ,.... CreW'nl 111¥ CEllTl'lC.llTE 01' COJt POlt.llTIOM FOii l'IC TITIOUS NA.ME breezeway. A raised tile en-O•h<~. l.1'<1111>1 ll•lcll, [1111, '2651 TllloHSACTION OF IUSIHESS UNOEll Tl\e uNlt"l'~ do certl!v !Mr ••• t'"""'ay invile.<i guests to view 01lell 0Ktmbin' lHt l'ICTITIOUS MAME Cll•><hKll"' II llUllMH II 11S11 11~1<:11 'J'' JNn D. whltNI• THE UNOEA:llGNEO COA:POltloTION BwkL Hl.lft!lnehln lle1t~. C1lttornl1, UNl!r lhe dramatic living room with ~~TN~~Fcg~~1:$,R"1"· c1r1B rwe0r c.ertMy.,... 1t 111 tondudl"' • ~B~rc'~~ ~rs ,'!'Sl1,$ 11L~°'~= open-beamed ceiling, trmquely Qn Dtumlltt' ~. lt6t, 1lttor. mt, I bush11u locllfd II 2115 S. lld11&1, (~II at lht follow!nt P!ltfOll•, wt\oft nit""' In ShiM\ed f•"ren'•••, 0 and "cl...., Pvblk In ltld ,_. Miii ,•st...,, MIN, Celltort111 ~i;.; lhe tk1111-hm• lull •"4 PIKH .,.,~ 1,1 I S •>e> ,..._. ~·-II• ·-•red Jein b, WlllmH n1mt BIG IEl!F H ... Fl'lltAU-APEX 1c1iow.: Ji!:laSS frontal vista overlooking known In me to bf 1f>t --w!<.ow HAllOWAllE Ind I.II.fit Wld firm II COl"JI· Er"'1 Wl)!nt Ind lies. Y,'llfTll, 134'1 • nime h wbKrllltd to ttw wlttiln 1,,. POM-d Of JN follo''"nt 0"10r1tkin, ..,._t Elll•llfth W'i r. T1.11Un.,... the largest residential lake in ..st•111"'nt 1nc1 1c1<roow1M11td w txec:111e11 prlnclp1t •lect of bu1lnt•• I• •• kl/tows: oated Oe<embt• 10. 1••• Orange County, Ramos added. ti-. »m•. Gf\OCO CORPOll.llTION, 'l!llJ I. AMI Wllms ~fOFf'ICIAl SEALl llrlstol, C0\111 Mtu. callkltllll. E•n1! Wilm• Atop t he see -th r 0 ugh w11111m M. ll•eun WITNE~s l!s 111ncs thl1 51~ d11 e1 St1tP of c1111tor~11, or1"vt C0<mlv: stairway. t he extraordinary_ NGl•rv Publ!c . C1lifornl1 Ot<~mbtr, lfff. 0... OK. 10, IH•. btfof!' mt, • No!arv or • ..,e Cwnlv <CORPOR ATE SEAtl Put.lit In ~nd lo• s11d '1Me. P'"""a11v fioot plan includes three Mr c~mmlnton E•Pi•e1 GIOco Corp. ~Pl>i'1rrd RC1111 w!lmi 1nd E1~11 w11m1 bedroom s and a luxurious dou· NC'V. '13, ltl'e known lo me ta be the H•10llt wllou 1'\.lbJl5"!d or111<1t CCM•I C1ltv P\lot, =11~· Cnri~• names ere •lm•lbld to t~e within !11· ble entry master bedroom C•tern)rr '· f,I, 20, 11, lt6t ttSl'.ft 1!r11mf.nl •llO adlncwledvtd lllt'f l•KUl!'d STATE Of.·CALIFORHIA. !h~ .ft..,,,. v.·ith Jakefront balcony. The DEATH NOTICES COUNTY OF ORANG E. f5. iOFf'IClAL SEAL! ' " bed I J on !lib J!.11. c111 of Ctcffllber. A.O. 1'69, MARY IC . HENA:V 1nas er roon1, coinp e e 1>tlof'1 ""M.•r IC. Hetorv, • Noterv Pull-Hotarv Public · Ctllloml• pt'Ovides a clear i;cenic vie1v ------,-.,,,-,.,,-----lie 1" 1nd "' 111d cwn111nd s11t1, r11f<1-Pr1r1clp1 1 Olllce 111 .,,,055 the lake In Saddleback l\llLLS 1111 ll!freln, dutv comm1t•lolled 1no 1worn. OrallOI Coun!r u Oclllr-0 . Miii•. 1lli1 McOoneld SI,. IPt•Mllletlv IPlltlred G~~lt A. Otv•I•• My Cvmml~•lon EJ<o .. e• lotounlain. An add i t i 0 n B 1 HUPIClne!WI 8...:fl. $urvlvld 171' !IOn·I,.. lulown lo mt lo be~lhe Pfa.idenl ot lllt Nov. 1~, 1912 bed 11w, M~r,,.. F. Auuell. Servtc•. Tues-~.11on 11>11 nKl<ted ""'· Wllflln In· Pubn!.llfod 0t1nee Coan 0111v P1101, roam or gue6t·room-<ien is fl~Y. ID:JO AM. Peek l'enillr eo1""111 ''''"'~'"' on bthllf Of 111e corP11r111on Dt<.emtter lJ, 70• 27• 196' 11111 J8nu~rv •. located on the first floor with FLll'llfel "°""'' thtrlift named, i~d ec1u>ow1ec:1oe ~ mm itm 7'.J04.69 adi·acent bath. 1llOMAll 11111 sixh (l)l'POralion tXIWle<I Ille """'· LEGAL NOTICE in ... 11neu Whereof, 1 "'vf l'lerfunllt ••I 1---------~~---1 The Deane-designed kilchen "'' 111'111 Ind 1tfl•ed n'IY oftklll Ifft the SUl'!llOll COVltT Of' THE ~"fbert 'Thon'llf. """ ,,, "' 1101 t.. "" ,.., vt•• ~~ 1hn. etf'llflee1• 11rs1 STATI! o, c.-.1.111011H1A "oR includes luminou~ c e i 1 i n g ,,, SI .• '1.r..tln. Dell el' '*'"" °"''"'" •btw wrltt~. THI! COUNT'!" OF OIANGll lighting. spacious windows. IMf' U. Syrvlvrd b't' wHt, Eltc'fl; 111-IOfflCIAl SE.fill Ht ... ~ '"· Mn. ,,.,.,..,... S.tH•, H...._, HOTICS 01' HEAltlHG 01' l'!TITION ample cabinets and drawer ·~I l\tolleW, Thllnls S.ft1e; nlect, Mlrv II(. Henry FOR l'llOSATI. 01' Wll\.. ANO 1'011 J t"J J b kf ( ,,.,,.,_ Jun Werd. c--oel Mir: ~ """'"' P11blk.C•llt!ln'll• \...l.TTSIS Tl'STAM•,..TAIY llONO space pus a I ec r ea as •oraf\0-nlK". serv1<t1. s.-.s1v. ~. Prindall Office 1" wa1vro1 bar separating the kitchen :IO 1 ,.M, 5•ddltbldl Cll-t, Tusll11, °"'"*' CO<ln!Y Esflfe at .IOMH D. ELKIN~, al!o lncwn J J "\ '""'""""· F11me .... n MtlnDrlll P1rt.. Ni., CorniftlHlloo Ea,.lrn ., JOHN DAVIS ELKINS. ~flfM. area from a co orfu fam1 y kO!lletltct c111pet Mlltluery, DlrKlllfL l'krt. '4· 1971 "OTICE IS HE•EllY GIVEN -r11,1t room area. ZEIGER li'ubll'11fd 0••"94! CCPd (l1llv "'lo1 Cervl Cllv £1klns ~11 fHPd ""';" 1 pe1;. a-~ '· ll. 20, '7, lfft nn"' non IOI' er"O~t. "' will """ !er 1nuanct at As in other L a k e s h n r e Lellers TtSlllfltllllrv ~ Ptllllor>fr tllond od J tJJ B h ff flcbtrt• f:ic•~• Zt19"•· A•e ,s. of 111 LEGAL NOTICE Welvt<ll, reNr•...;e 10 wt.Jen 1, mMle fo r m CS, e ays ore o crs ,_nl.. CO•-dtl M"' 0•'' (If lu•l!I ... pertk.ulttf. tnd !hit 11\t llm• Ind a d d i t 1 0 TI a I e x t E' r i 0 r dMI~. Of,tmbt• 11. Su•vl......i br ,..,.., l'·JSl65 p!ac• of l'lt1rl11• the slmt h11s been 1"t t•tod. J1.._ M. Z•l-r: sg111, 11119e• tor J1nu1r1 t, it10. 111 •:JO 1.m .. 1~ '~" rcfinemenl.S. The landscape M .. J8Mft R .. Pe'" o. Zel0t•; brol!I-c11111 ,1CAT! OP SUSIME S• co11rtroorT1 ot Oep1rtmen1 Ne, l of said leading tn the nrivale dock .,1, Hiroltl 5,,.n, on_..1, low1: FICTITIOUS tt,tr.Me rou tt, II 1CO C .... lc Ctnltr Drlv~ Wtll, I~ I' ftord Smfltt, Albll, low•; M1n1ln T~t ur>Otnltntd do '*"llf'I lhtv t rt lhll CITY ..i $an!a .. na, C•lllot11la. <1nd launch a rea. tl!Op the S3n· ~mett. 1001-11, lowt. Services •nd co11<1uctln<1 I l)llslnes1 ti Co$11 M~'•· D1tfd Dtc•mber 11, 1t~t d · 1111.,,..,.11, 0,;v1111• F•m~r iuwe·'1• c111to•"l11. undu the flcllllous flrm n•m• w. E. ~r JOMN. dy heachrs. is cusll>tn esign· 11 01, wi9\ln~ I& m•~• mrmMl•I "",.. of M.t..~TEll '100l'! AND MOLOS 1nd coun!Y Cl••k. r d to adfl a refreshing touch, "ibvllotl>. P•t~•• c.on1r111ur1 '111 '~•I• '~" ••Id fl•m 1, com~ or ,,.. !Ollow· TYllE • kAMIHS, ,,,,·rrn1··• 1"0 the clear takes. l•Vlll!1k clll•llv In ll•r "'""'· lliltl Int Ptrsoris. WllC>ll ,._ In lull Ind I .. "9•111 llo1bur1 OrJ,..., t:u N.offt•1rv. 3520 IE. CooHI Hl111w1Y, c11r-•••en of rulde"'' 111 n tclktWI: ••"•"" H111o, c1n11r1111 "'11 A lwo-slorv. f"'1r·bcrlroo1TI. Peltt (>, C8rller, Jl?tl Mftlnt Vl•te, TM: Ctll) !H-7'0 v< e~• *' Mir, Dl•K1vn. 01111 P111111, c1111. All«"'""' Pen11-• threc·bath hoine, I.he Bayshore l(~n'lll L. W1blnd1i.. 1"°2 lrb1, Publl•lltd Oranqe CNl•I 01!\v Pllol, ARBUCKLE & SON WtltclUf P.tortuary t.'7 E. 17111 St .. C..11 Mm -• BALTZ MORTIJARIES Cor91 dtl Mar OR UUI com P.tta:• MI 1-1uc • BELL BROADWAY MORTIJARY . llt Broadw1y, Cost.I MeH LI l-343: • DILDAY BROTHERS Hulh1pa Valky P.lort.aary 17911. Beae:b Blvd. :.hantlngten Beac:ll IU-7771 • PACD'IC VIEW ~IEMORIAL PARK Cem111-, • ......., a.,.i -P8dflc \'ft Drive Newptl1 B<odt, Calllonlo MU':ll • Pllll& F.&MILY ClOLONIAL nJNERAL llOMI: lW!llllaA.._ Wllj I dtr • ms • • •iiiD-"P'"l!R"' M01111JARY '--4H-UIS a.a~•· •tut• • • WIJiiS' MOll!UARY ·GIMallSc. a_.. .... - MuntlR11IOfl e11cn. cant. De<ernbtr 19. :io. 15, lH• 1lU.6• is <1vailable from $38,000.00. Dm1tP~~'."('1!;~~, LEGAL NOTlCE Landscapin~. decks. docks and ll(tflM!fl L W•MMlfltl SUPIRIOll COUJtT 01' T"ll: d ecorator items are optional 51111 el C8'11ornll. Of"•M• C-'Y: IT .. T• 01" CALll'OI Nl.11 1'011 extras. ()fl Otcemt:lr t. 1Hf, betott ,,..., e Noltt"I P\ltlll( 11'1 •IMI for tlkl S!elf, T"I (OIJHT'r 0" OIANOE Located only m inutes from _....,.tty -•"" ...,., c . cerntr •"Cl Nt. AIA6U "-"' L. Wtbl ndlt. ~ .. ,,..lo bf HOTIC• °" HEAlllNO 0" Pl:TITIOH the cu)lur a\ ofrerin~s a t 1111 --wllQll ,..,..,... .,, wbocdbid P'OR PllOSATE 011 Will At.ID La nd th t to 1111 \llllh1n lnttnlmlftf •l'IOll edll'lllWltdl· COOl(ll-.. MD P-Olt l ll T T E R ' guna a e grea C()m· ed """ t•Ku1..:1 1ne -· 'T11TAMENTA•Y 1No &0No1 mercial industrial centers at IOFFKIA\.. SEAl l Eit11t er GR.ICE S. 0.MAG<:!O, J . nd ~ C Of(f.11ed. rv1ne a vrange ounty Johll ti. S..unotrton. 111 NOT ICE IS MEaEBY GIVEM "htl Nof1N Pu11111<<11ltrin1le 1111,111111 eurt Su!!l~in. Jr .• has fllfod Airporl. as well as offering Pr111(1H I 0Nk1 lft ' · bo J 0 ,11,9 CO\ll'llY 11er11n • 11t!ll!on tor P•obi<li! ef w 11 1nd ('()n\'('nlcnt access to sc o s l'.Alllil'IM b,, .... cont o.u., "11c1 cm1tcll and '"" iuutnc• °' L•lll'N. and shopp;ng areas. Lake 0 1mbt 6. u -11 IM t2H T11t1ment~•1 tti PtllHMI'• IHo llondl. tc r · "" • r11t'rt~ 19 lflflkll I~ m•de tor lurll'll'f' Forest h be \a d "!h Hrtlculln. •nd t11i1 111• um-•nd o•11:e as en p nnr w1 LEGAL NOTICE oi he1r1ne ""' Sim. 1111 bttn ,.., f~r privacy and family living in 11 --------------JJlllUl•Y t, 1910. It t :JO 'm .. In lh• 'nd R dded courlr-Ill' Di'•erlmt!nt i.e. 1 01 "lid ml • amo!i a . •A•·Utl ct>Urt, 11 JM civic centt1 D•lv• we,1, •n Home.s at La ke Forr~t are •Ul'l:lllOR COUllT OP TMI tlle Cl!f el' $11111 A~~. C~ll!orn!1. ST.llTI( OP CALl~O•NIA 11011. D1IH CICtfl'lbf.• "· "~ nlso available in the Village. TMI COUNTY 01" OllANO• w. IE. ST JOHN, within the \Voods. a rorl's t of (Ill '"''""" o.JllM COunlY Cit•~. 1UMMONI PftANK\..I" AHO , .... NICI.I N, stately eucalyptus trrc'.'I. or "' Inf ltlll StrMI, JAMES JA'f sHElOEN. ,,,1111~ ~ c .. 1, ._.., c111,....11 "n' ;i long side the largest rcs iden· ll(ATHElttNE JEA" SHELDEN, Oeleft. Ttl: 11)41 "'""'1 • I J k · ·~ C ( dtni, A"""'"'..,. .,,1111""' tia a e 1n v1ange oun )', l'I OI'\.• o.-THI! iTATI o P Pubtl1111d or1nor Co•'' D•HY r uot, with a i;horcllne nearl,V lwo C-Al.lf'OtN, IA 1'I lh Urtl _.. Oi«mbel lt, 70, )S. INt 1"1.U miles long, ve11 ,,,. h~~v •t'"'" ,. nit • wr<t-LEGAL NOTICE La k, F 0 r c , t h 0 m c h!fl Pleodlne In ,,_,. to ll>t complllntl----===:;:,;.;;;..:ccco ___ I of mr •bo•e "'""" Pl1tn111t wrtt1 111e T-4ttn ownership also i n c I u de 5 ell .. ot 1111! Ibo,... tnlftlflfl UUf1 !ft !ht IUPl lllOll COUl!f OF 1HI ~ 1t11llllf<d •llllll """""' _ .... , YCIU ITATI 01' CA\..IPOINtA FOii membership io tho beautiful lft llkl l;IWr!, Wlllllll 'TEN d•n •flt< "" THI COVHTY OP ORAMGI $500,000 Lake Flircst Beac h ..... i.e. "" -at l!'tl1 wrnmoni.. H """'I'd ML .... , •• ti w11J11n "" • ._. ~ ~.or""""' HOT1<1 01" Ht:A••HO OI' l'1T1T11>N and Tennis Club. with outdoor THlltT'f dtn lf lif"1I tlM!Wlltt't. l'Oll P•otATI OP' WILL AMO 1'011 S"""'• and planned r-ea\\on Yw er. 1Wrtb1"""'"' rh•I vnlP• VOii 1.1,...•t TEITAllllOTAllY !""'..., "'"' 11 nit 1 wr1lllrl '--""" eie.wnne. wW Ett11t ol DOU MAT MOOltE. o..-offertd ror aJI ages. dllfnt11f win 1el1 ~' fw "" .,_ ed, ........... .._.... lft""' (OlflCltllrft " NOTICM ti MIERE•V GIVEN TM! To reach Lake Forest. takt erfllfMi UHfl °"'"1o(t,., Mii ,,.., to 1tiP OEO•Gl \.IWRIENCI MOO•t: fflll the S ~ ••· S OJ ~ .. _ ...... """ llol!tlllf'dld lft"" MURIEL IE. l"l:Clt 1\pve f;ltd lwrtln • au .. nlld or an ego Cllfl'lllllflt. "'t111ot1 tor ~"' at w111 llld tor Freev.·ays to El Toro Jtood and Ya. --. h tcM<e '11"' •ltol'llrtl i.1u.wic. Ill' Lt1h'"' Tftt1,,...n1.,., to "" lo"-·~ d....._.'-al 8·1~•. 111 ..,, ll'llllllf -'" wl!h tllo ~ 11ttlltflnft. '"••fftet to ""'lch i. midi lot uvw "-"' u ,_.._....,., "'.., ellJnl er IMI _,,, llldl .•ltOl'M'I' l\lrll\olf" Pl1tll(ullr1, lf!d 11111"" tlfto.t •l'tdi;"f;.=========~=~~I lhould bl -"" """"" Ille lfnw Tllfllt ellC• fl/ M•rl"' ,,.. tlmt ll~i belt'I '" ,,,,... 111 IM• ~ ier nrM'lt • wrlfllll ..,.. .JMllll"' 1. "'°" •' t :Jt e.m .. "' ""' "'"°'lfllt lit ftlt ~1nt. <OU""-" of Dtrwttnitftt Ne. J of Mid Delt!d ..... ,.. ~t. II 100 Cl·I~ Cfft~ 01lvt we,1, !KA.LI (lorll'lttlY W'.-1 ~lthlft SI'"!) )lo ftll Ctly o1 S1nll A..nl, Cellfef'llle. t111M DIGfmbtt' 11. lift W. E. )T JOHN. C__,, Cltrt. lotlaT ~. t JtAYll tnf ltKMAIO 1-frt\At>Otll l' >111 fllf• MIU Slteel 111111 A111. c.w . W, £, ST Jltttl'I, .-.. •~111 Molllffnt O.U•• Clftlt COM•"· stoKu .. 0'#1:1111. _ .. ... .Ult ...... .,......,, S..itt 111 .. ,. A-c..a-...,... ,. .. , (111! .. 1,... _,__ Pullllsf\Old Or-t Cot1' fhlff •Ilel. ~ '· 11. "" ''· ... , ::..11 , .. , 1n•1 .,, •• u1 ,.,..._..lw,....llMtn Putllbl'll>d Or111111t C~I 0.11v 1111&1, ~f'(•m!Wr I l!. 70, '"' }J1!·" t in oosta.m.esa aa SELLING FAST the longer you wait, the more you wlll pay ••• builders already h'9ve been told that costs will ihcrease 153 in 1970 Tlie predictioti is tl1at l1on1e11; "'ill he Pi1nallcr1 vtilh fey,·er feat ures inc luded . Today, you can hu y a large hon1c \vitJ1 luxury features at ~lesa "\'foods al lo'" pri ces niade JlOSsible by our foresigl1t 10 bu y n1atcria lb \\ l1 cn tl1t·y i.:o~t n111.cl1 le~~! • • liHf• 11~'4 • ~ • I ! • Jlmlll IOI HAnEM & ASSOCI ATES • St!11 A9111h 17141 540-6702 • Opend1tl7TOA.M.1e 7 ,.M. • Fi.':1\Ll-:ll H f:,\H \ 1\UU • I.~i'ilJSCA f'EU FttU.\1') ARD • >PHL\KLEtt SYSTEM h\" FRU.\T YARD • CAJIPETI~G • B UILT·\~ ALTU,l\ATIC DI SHWASHER • SEL\o".CLEAM~G UVE.'i • fUllMAL Dli\J;\(; ROOll • I.ARCE FAM\Ll' l\UOM • f'lll!;PI.~O: ' • W ALK-LV CLUSWfS • CUL-DE-SAC STRI::ETS • U;\DEl!GRUU ~D !iTILITIES • 3 & 4 BEDROOMS, 2 & 3 BATH • o.\£ & nro sronr • .\EAR BEAC!lliS, SCHOOLS. SHOPPL~G !rom s27,950 IP TO 21 DD Squn flet ti lilllf Space VA, FHA JWJd Convenlional Te1ms Available. IU!LT tT atolCI J, Hllnll 6 AStOC!ATl5 • I UILDIH5 HOMl$ Sll<ICI UX • ».too HOM'i ru1ll TO O.t.11 11 I S1;11t~_Jnl C11i,ert1l•'• ,,,,,, .,c.1u1l¥1ly Ntitlt~l11l ~11ff~lflt n""-priv1t1ly o•Mtl for_, 44 ,.. ..... "'Ihtrt u i.''0 JUbJti.ture for ~A LJTY ~";;"''"'""'it•tti -l'Hlt- I •• ------------~-------~ -~~----~-·----·--.. ·--=-...,-c-·~--.. D·UNTON FORD.~S wis'hes you a very Merry Christmas The Staff ana Man~menr of Dunton Ford • .... ~~ Orange Cou~'s Largest Selection of Truclts OVER 125 .... ' . ' ~ ·• TO CHOOSE 'FROM :;>;>.·· ., »1 Ranche_ros, PickupJ . .,,, , ~1 : Vans, Camper Units~~· , :-1 i .l-tc · . :· ., .1 · 'j Pliltti ;J~HT. ·?·. ,, . R~ADY FOR _ . ~ IMMEDIAT E DELIVERY · 2 DOOR SEDAN IMMEDIATE .. ' DEL.VERY BA92JR625! I ',>,. • Plus T •x & License y~ I:. I . ,, i ! j r ' J • I • SAVINGS ON ' •/! If 22 1969 Executive ~ Cars& . ~ Demonstrators . .. . -. .. .. . . .. --. . . -. . .... -· ... -..,.. ... -- • . ' We Plan . To Reduce Our Inventory 1/2 Million D~l· lars By The End of Decem•, ber. Don~t Buy Anywhere· Until You Check At Dunton Ford Where The D·eals Are. ·:!! •• j l P• DAILY PILOT : SAU Y IANANAS ' >PEANUTS • Hello there. boys and girls, ' :lnd a ~rry Christmas to one ' : Ind all from Uncle Len"• ~ t:Omer. ~ ... A good many of you didn't ': notice the deadline on our : Christmas card contest and . Uncle Len's ·mailbag was full ~; of those entries too this week . ... But the contest ended last .. Friday, so Uncle Len couldn 't ~ .µse any of them . All yo u bo)'s and girls \\1ho ,: sent your Christma s cards in ;-: ).:e!ore the deadline, ~sure to :~k al Monday's pai;>er to see ·:~ho the wln:.1ers wtre. ,:~AND, SP'.EAKING of •";christmas cards, Uncle Len would like to thank John Torian of Balboa for the nice Christmas card he sent to " Uncle Len. The youngest artist to enter . Uncle Len's art contest - 3 ; year <lld Maria Yarwood of :. Costa P.1esa-Y.'as among our ; correspondents this week , · Don't give up, Maria; you've still got ni11c more yea rs of 'eligibility left. Nexl "'eek, boys and girls, .. v.•e'll turn to .a Happy New ~ Year theme and make the ~ coming or 1970 lhe subject for "'" our art contest. ' ~ I MISS YOU ~.oh, how I miss you. ~.No one ever knows; ' .~ As the sun goes down ~.And you 're not around. ~Oh. ho.,.., I mi ss you . t, -R•ffldl ..... ltullfll'lllH ltt(h :: "" LITTLE 111INGS ~Little drops of water, ~'.tittle grl..in1 of sand ;•·Make the mighty ocean )'And the pleasant land, ,r.,,..., wu--.. it. M\lfl11119i... •••"• '• ?: ' ly CherlH lanottl * •"·· ·-.. -~ . •.. PRIZE WINNER ' * Elaine Baden. 10339 Princeton Drive . Costa :\Ie.;a /J.•>- Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Le n's Art Contest. Here's all you do : <l) Draw picture on piece of plain, \vhite paper 5• inches \Vide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink anl.! make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own v.•ork. (3) Put your name, age and address on back of dra1ving. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa ~1esa. \Vinner will receive Kennedy half doll ar. HONORABLE mention win-c E c ners in this week's art conte:sl ,------' are: aro J orner Sam Lesli•, t. L•l!Un• RIDDLES and JOKES Beach : TerUyn Kelly, 10, Costa Ptfesa: LaUrie Joyce, 9, Costa ~1esa; Jeffrey Mark:!, 9, South Laguna ; Vane 1 s a ffalloran , IO\:, Costa 1'-teaa, and Richard Babbc. l 0 , Newport Beach. * PllZI WINNIR Dear Carol : laziest? Why are tall people lhe ·1.1e1.4,o u•1.44 peq 4•1.4• ISM»& :JIMIU'lf M•" •111111..,., nua •u•ll11.ttt11 ••• .. ""'11hn1t111 hecll Dear Carol: Ho\v old \vould you be if you \Vere very fat? "MOU 8J• fMt,( ti• IWl'S 1\11 :JIMtUy S.-' ,.., llt"lfh111 tt> A .. Alttfy, C/• Ore ... C•• D•llJ Pll•t, ... 1161, c.,.,. M .... C•IH. ""°Y 11110• 1 comPl1Te JO.yll11m~ H f II !hi Wl<"ll •H* f;MYl .. lldll IP JCll'lll Vos •••• 10, ol 1!01n MU11, Ontt •le, fpr ~11 <11111t1on· Et.Klly 11·ho was Buffalo 8111? , Crowds of people, young and • old, came to sec lhe Wild \\'rst . Circu1. They stared in breath- ~ lfss wonder and then applaud-~ ed as one stupendous event ; followed another. The great- : est moment arrived when the ·:Illar of the show rode Into the •·rtng. He was Buffalo Bill- ;frontiersman and sh!lTpshoot· .t:r. soldier and scout, Indian tflghtu. buffalo slayer and Jiv. :tng symbol of ·the .wild weist. •1'he fab.Jlous showman fas- :cinated crowds for more than i30 years. And even before his ~dazzling circus days, his ev- leryday life was crammed ~With excitement. : All America l''as stirring ;wllh excitement. There "'ere :wars, skirmishes and protests. Reformers dem1>nstrateCI 10 fret tht alaves. for better free tlducaLlon and for world ~ce. •Women adopted ntw fashions :to protat for their riJhts. ln· • dustria crew bi1ger and •richer. No, thl1 ls nol a recap ~of todl.y'1 new1. It was the : .. ·orld in which youni William : Fredtrlck COdy arew up, the .... -orkl into which he was born ·P!b. •. 1141. : His fJnt tam of 1lory came when be WIS 14. Tbe best hortemtn of hi• day were cholen to ride the breathless Ponr Expreu-and 8111 was one al them. Al J5 he joined I.be J11hawlt movement to pro- LCJt slattry. When the War lwtttt-lllo Slllff broke out lie acted 11 1 acoot for the Unton Army 'nd later en· I listed in the cavalry. After !he war he ran a hotel, start· ed a freight company and dealt in land. But · the call of the wild a•as so stro111 in him that business life seemed 1nuch loo tame . CHRISTMAS ('hristmas is a time of joy To celebrate Christ's birthday. Not to think of all the toys, To just have fun and play. Ch ristmas i3 a time of prayer. And to open gifts from our loved ones: Not to hate and feel despair . But to ha ve love in our hearts that \\'OUld weigh tons. A 1(-..il' MH •Ill• -'9 Mlcll1llt t11ir1r. 11, 111 0.. lfllllff °""-N ...... rt •11<-, ftr lllt wialllfl• ffll,., 111 Hit •ll<"Y .... -, ........ M1 1I .,.... -.. , .. ., 1'11 UMll LI"-ltJE IN*. C..i. Mui, C1Uflrfll1. The railroads were moving \\'Cstv,.ard, the toiling builders needed meat aad the buffalo herds had to be moved !tom the advancing tracks. Young ~fr. Cody, now 21, worked for l'A'O years as a buffalo slayer. ln his frontier buck11kin. rid··----------------------'! ing his splendid horse Brig- ham, he proved himself to be !he sharpest of all sharp. shooters. lt is said thal he slew 4,280 buffalo in 17 months. This is how he earned the nickname Buffalo BJll, !he name by which he was known for lhe rest of his life. Later he was Chief. Scout for lhe Cavalry. Al 26 'he was a\\•ard- ed the: Congressional f\fedal or Honor for his bravery in the Indian Battle at the River Pl1tte. For tbe nut 19 years or so. Buffalo Bill was a part· time Frunlier Scout and. of •II things, a part-time actor. At 37 he left the frontier llfe lnd starttd h1s Wild We$1 Circus. Buffalo Bill saw Americans aprcad westward, f.itst in cov· ered wagona and later to set· lie the land around !ht r1iJ. road1. In his circus he pie· ture:d theae dramaUc events alld made thun real. All the world loved him. But sad lo l!I Y. Congress revolted hJs Med•I of Honor -on the grounds I.hat at the Ume be won it be was not actually a member of the militar7 . .!Ill!. WIS !fl ltJ7, the )'tAr he d1ed at the age of 71. Dennis the ltletaace I • TUMILIWllDS J! !I ' e 0 PLAIN JANE • i l J r PERKINS JUDGE PARKER MOON MULLINS MUTI AND JEFF fl'··LEr M<1H1NK.- "&OY, MY WIFE IS MAO! Of.\ WELL SHE PLIT us ALI.. OUT SHE'LL GET OFTHEHOUS ··-O\/C;RITBY !HE; CAN'T "1'0MORROW STAND US! GORDO MISS PEACH • EVEMHIMG GO OK.t.V, #1\ATERE? W~Y.No, l'!.I NOT,M•. HARTB'URN . LETS SLEEP INTHE GUTTER' ly Tom K. ltywn By John Miles ly Harold Le Doux I GOT rT! LfT Ml! TA.KE A. LOOK AT WHAf I 'M SllYJN6! By Ferd Johnson : : ly Al Smith By Gus Arriola By Mell .. ---·----·--------------------~ -·-------~ - -.. -~..,------. -- Saturday, Otttmbtr 20, l %tf HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE l;;;Ge;"';;;';•;I ;;;.;;;;;;;;;';OOO;;Ge;;;;n;;•;:r•;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;OOO:;;, j Gener•I 1000Gene r1I 1000 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE Gener1I · 1000Gentral 1000 Gener1I 1000 Generi l 1000 Generil 1000 oflnJa J j/e PRESTIGE WATERFRONT HOMES OPEN SUNDAY 11. 5 1 Lindi Isle Drive 4 Bedroom! f~ily rool)1, billiard room, 5 bath home in final stages of completion. Pa· los Verde stone entry & fireplaces. Beauti· fully decorated. Priced at .........•. $155,000 16 Linda Isle Drive Exquisitely decorated 5 Bedroom. 5 Bath new home with upstairs vie\V of Corona del Ma~ hills. 3 fireplaces & BBQ. Captilevered patio deck. Priced with dock at. ... $145,000. • 57 Linda Isle Drive Must se.e ~Bedroom 4 .Bath home with patio deck, s1tt1ng room and fireplace in master bedroom suite. Family room has sunken con· versation pit and fireplace ...... $162,000. 90 Linda Isle Dr ive Beautiful 4 Bedroom, 4 Bath home \Vit h extra latge living room & master Bedroom. Car· p~s & drapes. Landscaped. Boat slip. Near tennis court~ clubhouse ........... ,$135,000 Linda Isl• Deve lopment Co. l080 Bay1ide Or., N .8 . Bill Grundy 675-3210 Genera l 1000 1 ~.1 1000 I 52' Lido Bayfront EASTSIDE I COSTA MESA A!'isume VA loan on 3 bchm home. larl;e lot! For appoinL n1ent Large older home. Sanely ·Beach, Pier & Slip. Best lo- cation. Vacant & \\-'idow anx· ious. Make a deal now! Roy J. Ward Co. {Baycrest Oflicr.l 14.10 Gala'Q' 646-1550 JEAN SMITH ' Realtor 646-3255 Gener al 1000 Open · Houses THIS WEEKEND l<Hp thlS ha1tdr dlre<tory with you this wN ke11d at ro11 •• ho .... h111tl119. All tM locotlo111 li1ted below · aro doscrlbecl i1 •rHter detoll lty ad•1trtl1l111J al- whoro ia tffcry's DAILY PI LOT WANT ADS. Patro!tl lltewlfM) •poll hov ... for solit or la rant ore Urtad to Jiit Heh iiJfounotiott h1 t hi1 colvmll eocli frldcry. 12 Bedroom) 316 El Molena, Newpo rt Heights 646-7171 • 13 Bedroom) ** 106 Linda Isle Drive, Ne\vport Beach 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) *524 De Anza, (Corona Highlands) CdM 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 4645 Gorham (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3000 (Sat & Sun 1·5) ll Bedroom & Fomily or Den) 4231 Branford, Huntington Harbour 846-0609 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 10102 Edye Drive, Huntington Beach 968-3742 (Sat & Sun 10·6) 100 Via Florence (Lido Isle) N.B . 675-6060 (Sat & Sun 1·4) 14 Bedroom) *2585 Tustin Ave. (Back Bay ) CM 646-5608 (Open Daily) 942 Presidio Drive, Costa t1esa 545-8375 (Sat & Sun J.2.5) 2365 Colgate Dr. (College Park) CM · 549-2189 (Sat & Sun) 14 Bedroom & Fomily or Den) 1130 Santiago Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) **515 Bayside Drive, Ne\vport Beach 64 2-8235 r Sat & Sun) **333 Morning Star Lane (Dover Shor· es ) NB. 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Open Daily) 'k2005 Balearic Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 540-7573 (Sat & Sun) 1700 Samar Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 540-1083 fSat & Sun 10.5) **l Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle ) N.B. 675-3210 (Sun 11·5) **57 Li nda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) N.B. 675-3210 (Sun 11·5) **15 Li nda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) N.B. 675-3210 rsun II-5) **!JO Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) N.B. 675-3210 rsun 11·5) 1310 Estelle Ln. Ne\vporl Beach 645-7171 (Sun 1-5) IS Bedroo m) *~*14 Linda Isle Drive. Ne,vport Beach 642-8235 <Sat & Sun) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 12 Bedroom) 516 Fernleal, Corona del Mar 673-2222 (Sat & Sun 1-0) COTIAGE· FOR SALE 11 Bedroo nl) 618 Fernleal (So. of Highway) CdM 673-0173 APARTMENTS FOR SALE p, 2 & l Bedroo ms) 726 Main Sl., Huntington Beach 535-2579 (Sat & Sun 1·5) * , .. . * * w ... rfNtit PHI n4 W-..f,.llf FINER HOMES LINDA ISLE BA YFRONT On e of a kind: the -only new wateriront home in this price range, with 52 it. of bayfront. 3 Large bedrooms, step down Jiving room with fireplace. Master bath complete with sauna. Pier & slip. Asking $105,000. Open daily; 106 Linda Isle Drive. DOVER SHORES Beautiful 3 bedroom home on corner lot with panoramic view from 3 sides. Large living room & family roon1 ; wet bar; fireplace, \Yal· nut paneling & cabinets. Spaciousness thru· out. $62,950. Call for app't. DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT Large 2--story home on 60 ft. lot with pier & slip. Spiral staircase leads from spacious en· try to tremendous master suite. 4 Bedrooms. large formal living room, family room, mar· ble fi replace; formal dining room. 4200 Sq . ft. Open Sat. & Sun.; 333 Morning Star Lane. DOVER SHORES VIEW Original O\Yners transfer of business location necessitates sale of this beautifully landscap- ed home with courtyard entry leading to pan· ora1nic view. Bright, sunny living room ,vith vie\v of the entire back bay ; den ; 4 lar~e bedrooms: 4 spacious baths; all electric ki t- chen ; dining room : marble fireplace. Over 3,000 sq. It. $89,500. Open Sat. & Sun; 1130 Santiago Dr. CORONA DEL MAR 10~~ Down on this vacant home \Vilt move you in for Christmas. Large, view living room. fireplace: dining room ; 4 bedrooms; 2V2 baths: on a lot 40x235 ; 3 blks. from Little Corona. O\vner might consider lease/option. A must sell. $47,900. john macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 FIRESIDE SUN \Viii be yours in front of this Palos Verdes raised hearth fireplace. 3 bedrooms and pan- neled study or fourth b~droom, with 21h baths for convenience. Build in buffet in love· ly dinin S" room , \vith a bursting \\1ith storage space kitchen. $35,900 and an excellent buy in Fountain Valley. AIR WAFTED ... By gentle sea breezes in this one of a kind dream ho1ne. Spacious 1800 sq. ft. 3 bdr., 3 bath ho1ne designed for carefree gracious living. Easy wcilking distanC:e to be a c h , schools, and shopping. S35.000 and you can assume the existing Fl-IA loan on this prac· tically new, immacula.t'e ~on)e. . KAMEHAMEHA \Vould be delighted \\1ith this luscious 3 Bd. 2 bath home on the rjn1 of the world in Laguna Beach. 1'ree shaded, \Vi nd protected. and covered patio. Lovely. exc iting, clean. Single \Yoman n1ust sell. S39,500 and yo u can move in \Vith very lov.1 dow n. SAIL AWAY TO VALHALLA But don't leave Ne\~·port until you have seen beachy cu tie. 2 Bd. den. I% ba th . $26,500 and t~e owner 'vants enough do\vn only to cover his costs. Name your ter1ns and 111ove in. 2629 Harbor Blvd., Costa 546-8640 -- Mesa f'OREST E. OLSON Inc. Hcallor~ CUSTOM NEW ENGLAND FARM Al fabulous Ne\l'?Ol't Beach. ·I n1astl'r siZt' bcd1001ns. ~ full bat.hs. ranu kitchen · pantry • deluxC' built • ins. Hugi' 35 f"L Ne11• England family room \l'ilh ton!! or old brick lireplace. \\linding staircase lo unique bea.vy bean1ed sludio or _ Hugt SAIL AWAY TO VALHALLA But ~on't leav<' NC\\>port un · !ti you ha.v<' seen b.~achy 1·utie. :.l Bd. dl'n, I~ bath. $2G.5CO and the O\\-'llt"r 1\'ant.; rnough down only to cover his C<lS1s. Nan1e your ll'rn1s IU\d nlOVt in. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. S4U640 . 5th bedroom~ 5'':'., annual OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 ?i:> rate loan available, Un-l""""'""'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio I :=~-at ,$38.000. Dial No\\·! 3' UNITS KAMEHAMDIA \\'ould be delighted with ttib luscious ~ Bd. 2 bath home On the' rin1 o! the world - Laguna Bl'ach. 'T'ree !hadf!d "''ind protcc!ed. and cove pa 1 i o. Lovely, exciting. clean. Single W()lt'l8n mus s.'11. $39.300 a11,1 you earl n1ovc in l\'it.h Ve!)' lo1v down. ORANGE COUNTY'S , LARGEST 2629 HARBOR.BLVD. 546 1640 OPEN EVES TILL_1:30 LEASE-OPTIO N $29,950 Boa"'''"' T. Ploo. Lo""IY 3 BEDROOM-POOL ~asts!rle Costa i\lesa .• Span. J\fesa Del !\tar ne1ghbot'hood. 1sl1 tile roof, I1.'lltals on large Like nc1v ca1,x:ts, drapes, CUs1on1 estate hon1c right 77xl50' lot. Jnco1ne $385 pain1, panelling & wallpa· on thP bluffs. 3 I a r g f' munrh. Our bcs1 incoine re. pct-s. Large yanl with boat bedroo1ns. 2 balhll, Deluxe turn in area. door & patio. $32,500. Hur. pool. Spacious family kitch-Exclusive With ry, this ls prim<'! r11 11·i1h all latest built-in~. 2722 Sa n Juan !luge 20 It. living roorn. \\'al! Newport M esa Del Mar to \1·a11 carpeting Llu'Oughout. at Yrr.sh!y-p."tinted. All I he charm nnd privac,v you V ictoria ''1'··3"'r1 ·l', '· · I ,,,:-1 •I , , . • t•ou!d a:>k for. Only $:11.:JCO. 546-59 90 Call now! 6·15-:(}3()..~ 646--8811 TRIPLEX EAST SIDE EARNS $5,800 lanytime) HARBOR ISLANO RD. Lovely Bay!ront Home No GIMMICKS "ith pie, & ~ip 2 Bedrooms + apartmer\t $22,000 Spacious bavside ~atio 1000 I Tremendous value~! 3 large quiet location units. z bedroon1 a nd 2 b.ftths FULL PRICE comfortable traditional home 1 1000 I Gene ra l General ---------1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, i'ach. Delu.xe kilchc>n \Vlrh l bedrootl\!'i, nict:ly carpeted. $145,000 Trade Your Car W Wh I Ch built·ins. Only S6.)()() do\\'n Situated on ovcrsi:r.cd lot Listed cxclusivr-ly with Q\i°Tler looking for !al(' mod('J agon ee arm and just 7 ycar'S young. LUX· nt!Stled bclween tali shade LINCOLN or CADILLAC. ury carpeting and drapes trees In good Cos!a f\IC'sa lo. Proudly do \l'r oHcr I his ti 1 I 'I " ,. " I ,. h I & "· He's offt'ring hi.~ cl-ant 1roug \OU . " a " c r cc ca ion nenr llC' oo s srovps. ~,,, bt'autifully land.st·a""d, I E t d NO 00\VN VETS SI COO three bcdrooni. lll'o ba!h. ,.~ grounc s. nc: oSl' garages. 1 or , ~!!!!!!!!~!'IJ!![!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!! I HALECREST l!Oi\1E:. La"'e rustic. ranch style home Priced 00111 at $36.950. See dO\Vll lo all otlwr buyers. COM~ANV ::" .,, -0n H\f' niet'st slrt~C'I in 1 J D'al 61. 0'!0~ I AIR WAFTED "'""'"""' ,., ... ~,.,, "'"'' ~ "'· .. . ~. . WE SELL A HOME I REALTORS i\1(,'sa Drl i\lar. !l 's 1he 1000 . room with p,\LOS VERDE fii'!ll liml'lisli'd sodon·i 645•0303 EVERY 31 MINUTES 673-4400 -----·----1 · .. By gentle .!lea breezes in STONE F'lREPLACE. Din· iniss i1 if you w1u11 ihe Wa Iker & lee ..,,~~~~~~~el !his onl." of a kind dream ing roo1n with ~llrl1n:;: gla~s ull iniale ui eonclilion & al Harbor Ccntl'r -CORS c N 3 ACRE h . S doo1-s to a hugl' patio. l\i1cti. .1 lxltTilS. Spacious fan i. 2299 1-larboi· Blvd ., C.i\t. I A 3 obdmr.. ~pab '1'h'"ho' l ll(ld s~. :~ en· ha~ lluil1·in~. di~pos:il. lly l'OOnl has rustit· 11969 Volu1ne s14;,,5 Million) 2i90 1-furhor Blvd. n! Ada111s RAMBLING ' l'., • a me csi.gn,"' dish\vashC'I', and t1ishn1a~I· 5fr046:J Oprn •ti! !I Pi\1 HO"ES for carcfrct' gracious living. ~r. LaJ>p cnt·J®·d Yard PC>~ls & oprn beamed .. -----M RANCHO-,... "lk. ,. I I ··eoliog. B"'k yot<t with DOVER SHORES W TH INCOME ,.,,.,y \\-'., ing JS a.nee 0 \\'ith rock 11·11.tcrfall. Inti! DOWNTOWN I ,.. h t '· ·• h patio is lruly Lll\1'.: A ESTATE HOME ac . i;e100.,,, a ..... s OP· lrces and alu1ninuin tool I' pin" ·~· 000 •"d yo""'~ J->Al-l.l\. Chnsln1as ~"''C'· NEW VIEW' C.M. Close lo City p,.k & N .• ('\V deluxe 4-plcxes. All bit . ..... .,.,;,, " ._ "as. hoUSC'. This rlcgant h1.Jn11' "' • • Comn1anding vic\V ol Saddle. i 11ume tilt' existlng 1'1-IA loan can be Yours for 0 NL r ial ill S28.7:il). lvan \Velis & Sons have shopping, Thi~ l'U!r. 2 bdnn ins, shag crpt, drps & land. back Mountaill!'i. Most vcr-1 on this practically ne11', im. $2.4,950, Pool. clubhou~<' and ~ <.:OATS .lust complrt<'d ~ brand ll('\V & den bon1c fcaturrs . lat-gr. ~raping. Final buildings 1st salil{' ho1ne in Orangf' Coon. maculate home. r .1 bl & hotnrs ready (or inunedi· fcn<·rd lol , haI"d1vood Hoon, unit. no\v selling. ly. custom buill 4 bedrooms. rccrea ion al'ca uvai a e, WALLACE atr. oc~upancy. 4 txlrrns. 3 Hratilalor ~irepl~cc. frui! • 3 BR·2 BA.frplc., plus 3 baths, 30 fl. family room REAL TORS bath.~ plus poii·drr room. , trees C'll'. Priced n~ht al e 2 BR·2 BA-patios + separz.te guest cottage. -546-4141-Panellf'd fan1 ily 100111 1v/ $22,750 e 1 BR·l BA-deluxe sioglt Gf('at for horses. Exquisite. N (Ope n Evenings) l11'<'pla1:c. f·orn1al dining RI , S'UNFLO\VER AVE. Jy landsc:aP<'f.I. J-iealed & fil· QR-A GE coµNTY'S --------~-1'001ll·~t!Ch('n breakfusf area. I Btwn s. Main & Bri!'iW1 tcred pool. LARGEST J.'~xu1·1ously .ca~ted. Land-~ _ • • Located' 1,3 mile E. ot South 830-6060 Tarbell 2629 HARBOR BL vo. Open Sat/Sun 10·5 '"""" ·~w 'Y"'" •., 1 •. .1 7 1 1.µ eo .. , p 1,,. s1>op"'"" Center 5464640 Fron1 $100,000. y .COMPAN~ Ca ll 540-1973 $28,500 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 £""'""' ..,_4579 1220 DOLPHIN Ivan Wells & Sons * 642.1111 Anytime* l ......................... ~1 HUGE HUGE 4 BEDRM -HUGE l""!~~""!"~~~~,.!We've Boen Too Modost HOME BONUS RM.-LOOK 1 ~~01~~~~a~~~;ri!n'::°~r. Roy J. Ward Co. NEED MONEY? So you hav~ niissed our~- $32 ,500 AT TUESE EXCLUSIVE AGENT!-'l .. ern t lMs1c on Wal'Wlck 4 broi'OOms. 2 ba!hs. den + !"1 racr :'. lxlnn 2 bath hom<'. c•ci-.::J. To buy a new home· lnvcst1. Lan~. ·•~ '' ft of spa"to ... . I. I I + 1130 Gala.xy Drive <Hu-......, g 1 t d 1 ,,_ ~IJIJV ... .... ran1ily room. Electric built-2-100 sq. ft. of superb living. FEATURES !luge ' iv rni \V frp e. /Open Daily) . a c our i;:uayan ce ra.,., \\'ell arranged house in top in kitchen. dls!nvasher. EJc. 2 bath~. electric kitchen. 1 l<1n1 rm overlooking-lal'lt" 111 pl~n. Lct. us ans\\'~r :v_our condllion. Ccnti·al hall .4: gant fireplatt. Room for Fireplace. Enlry hall. I-luge J. 14x2;; Scpara!c f<11n1ly roon1 pa1io for cnterlainin.i;. All q.u~s!1ons w1t!1 no obl1galion. real' living area opening to boat or trailer. Neatly land· bonus roo1n far tho!'ie family 2· Fol'lnal Dinl~ lhls & n101'l' in 2j()() SQ. ft. fair cnollgh · garden patio. 4 bdnns 2Y:i ~ -"A"17'!0 3.:: Bcdroon1 3 B1\TllS scn.,..u . ...,.,. -gel·togethers. 54().1720 baths, $56.500. \VilJ lease op. TARBELL 2955 H a rbor TARBELL 2955 Har bor 4• Ncar!y 1900 sq. ft. of floor 1 tion. Lachenmyer IOOOGeneral Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE TO BEACH Th is 3 bdrm. 2 bath home recently painted , plus new drapes & carpets. Plans fo r fam· ily rm. & entry avail. 2nd story could be added for panoramic view of ocean. $65,000 Kathryn Raulston IRVINE TERRACE Spacious 3 BR. home on Jrge. corner lot. Fam. Rm. Pool. P roximity to UCI, beaCh· es & shopping. S64,500 Cathryn Tennille VIEW OF HARBOR & OCEAN From this 4 BR. 2 Ba. Lusk "sparkling" clean home, w/3 car gar. Beautiful land· scaping in both yards. $59,000 Al J<'ink SPEND A HAPPY NEW YEAR In this delightful home \\'/your secluded pool & patio. High beam ceiling in li ving rm. $51,500 f\1rs. Harve;• GREAT BEACH AREA HOME I! you need a nice beach home with 2 BR. & a den, that is close to tennis courts & on quiet streel, call today for app't. $43,500 Joe Clarkson CORONA' DEL MAR'S BEST This gorgeous 5 BR. home has everything -huge pool, 7 baths; paneled study, fam. rm., billiard room & a vie\v from Laguna to Palos Verdes. Walter Haase COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTE R OR., NEWPORT BEACH 644-2430 space. :). HugC' rear yarrl 6. Pridi' or owner~hip nc1i::h· borhoocl 7. Quiel strcrt close 1u f'\'cry· thlng. This line honir \1'ould Ix' a bai-gain at S35,COO, Bui 1\'~ a STEAL ar our pric:r uf Realtor ISiiO Nel'•'T>Ort Blvd.: C:\1 CALL 6'ffi..3.(j"J& Eve~. 614.J6 jj FIRESIDE SUN $31,99j. •\\'ill Ix· yours in fl'Olll of 1his 546·2:!1 :~ Palos Verdes raised hearth IN FOR X.MAS! VACANT- BEAUTIFUL BIG 4 bedroom, f'Ai\1JL-Y B.OOi\t, 2 baths. Courtyard l'ntry. 'VeJl landscaped. E'LECTRIC KITCHEN and i\1ASS JVE BRICK FIREPLACE. FllA loan ASSUMABLE at. ji,.t ".'(. per annum. Top value at $29,000. Bring yo11r check- book and enjoy Christmas in your own Mn1c! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ~'C..J.1 \\'1'.'g tclfU Dr. 616-771 1 NEEDS PAINT \Vell buil1 2 bdrm ho111e. ex· tra largf' doublf' garage.', 111·· ces!I to rear yard, R·2 tont' • room to huild. s1n:r..,o. DUPLEX C ZONE 2 bdrms each sidf', 2 gar.tgl'll $'29,/JO \\'ilh tcrrnl'I. Wells·McCardle, Rltr 1. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.~f. 5i8-7129 644.()684 ('VCl'i. 525,960 5 BEDRM.- TRl-LEVEL b111h11. Pl1111h ca11>0tlng, F'irtp!Al'C, Park like profes- !ilonal Jandscapitig! ;140.1120 TARB ELL 2955 Harbor J an. 2 a.\, ta1n1ly room. prof d~oor. 2 yr old-xlnl cond~ $32,.?iOO. 213S2.-Fleet Larie. HD, O....ntr 646-4323 fil'l'l'!latc, :: l:>r.droon1.~ and ri1ir11·lcd s tudy or lou1·th bM· r'<lun1. 1~·ith 21,. balhs tor con· v1•nir11Ci', Built ln buUet Jn lovt•ly dining 1wn1, \Vilh a bursting with slor11ge space kitchen. S35,9CO and nn ex· c(•Jlt.'nl buy in rountain VaJ. Icy. ORANGE COUNTY•S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546-8640 OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 Vacant and Ready You 1:an be sellll'd in your own honie for c.i1risl1nu!'i. 3 l>cdl'OOlTI. l~ bath..;, huilt· in kitchen. fo·en~d yard, 1 ('Br garage. A snug hornr or a sharp rental, $17.900 and let's talk tf'rm11. Colesworthy & Co. "/\g('nl" For A Wit!(' Buy" fH2·7777 OV ER-BUILT UNDER-VALUED Baycrest. Cll.lllom·blt large 3 BR. 21.» ba, Formal DR, w / islantl kitchen, Plus lantas· tic txlras: $69,9:(1. 9:0 t"'-. ;I ALT Y Near Np1. Pos1 ore. G~S.2414 $22,5 00-POOf C.O..·l'red patio~. Spacious bed· room~ ~ ~th!!, "Aw1rd'" bnill-lii k1tchen, Full dinlna room, Plush carpellng, Tarbell -S-42-6691 LARGEST oRANGE couNTY's Barrett Realty · ~ 2629 HARBOR. BLVO 1605 \Vestclilf Dr •• NB 3 bdrm!'i l~.i bath. lmn1C'di-• ate possession. Good !'itree!. 546-8640 642·5200 ~ GI Joan \1·i1i1 Jo1v pa)'llient . OPEN EVES TILL 8:30 __ _ IJ'Y 10';0 dO\V!l . $23,500 N ewport •• V ictori• 646-8811 Anytime Newport Heights OJ>!ln Sunday from I. ROOM F OR BOAT ~ 35& COSTA i\1E~ ST. Cu1e 2 Bdrm & uest rooin " .bdr111s + overslZl."d den I"' r ·1 _y ' od • \\'11h detached run/1vorkshop "ye ami y 1uvm , 111 ern . . · kirchcn Dbl. ~arage on al-Herc 5 a reaJ true family Icy Only l°'l ,.JOO properly • one ot Costa · · .. •· ' M.:sa·~ brsL lachenmyer Realtor 546·51110 fnt~cinenni ttlmtllt · OLLEGE REALi;,'! ~ ........ , ...... _ 1860 Newport Blvd., Ci\-1 surround!! you in this lovely &46-3928 or 544-03,15 SUPERLATIVES BLUFFS l·fon1e, Spacious Are needed to describe this Jiving rooin, 2 large Bed-Nebulous Newport lgc. 2 yr. old Jwcury duplex, rooms, Cozy_ d<'n. and :! 4 BEDRM .-51{. of ov<'rlooking Laguna Bea.ca baths. Del Piso Tile entry, , 7"9 /O lighls, beaches & sunseta. Finest gold w'ool carpet . Aerts & aCl't's of velvet pw·k Both units house size .l ex. BeauUtul \vallpaprr and dee. grounds. a:ross the street quisite in ewry detail, \Vilh orating by Vera Denni~. De. froni this 2.;oo sq, rt, home. extras beyond belier. Out· Jightful 1111.tio l!.'ith Green-~r bat~ .. ~arpccs .. ~~,1:3Pe!'i. standing value for the di~ belr vic1v. Lf't u~ sllO\V you uge <imi Y rm, a·"' 10 an. criminating buyer. nts,000 . today. $39.500.M nual percentage ral(o loan R iddle & Ross 67.S.722$ 67•8,. 0 011. p1'0pP.11y 1nay be assun1· ,'ii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;if .r "" ed. 54()..1720 IR TARBELL 2955 H bo Dlvor~e For ce J Sale . -cc::---c---~-:• ... r;;..:.r_ Lovely v1e1v h°'ne • Back 4 Bedrm-$19 ,950 Bay '".'· • '• bodroom~ gn .. cloui; ra nt ·11 I fan1 & du1 . rms. Vacant. Im. '"' , y }Onie, cd ' Se , J\f k FIXER UPPER D1'<'n1n kilchen wi1h luxury m · rrss. B e '1b -~ ~ 5 master sized bedroun1s t builtin appliance~. 2 bath~. Your 0 f'r • uy a arg~un. Tl-lREE BATl.fS con1c \Vith Elegant WOOd burning fire· ~ 5•1·5180 th!.$ 2,300 MC(, lool tarnisMI plac.-e. fntarcitttmt tllllllit , gent! 1r you're looki ng lor 146-0604 TARBELL OLLEGE REALTY thflt sleept'r in a $40,000 MOVE IN ~ ..... 11--.c:M neighborhOod, t h I s TRE· $38,500 '. MENOOUS VALUE can be &: have hou11t warming par- youn: for Just S-1.000 wilh a ly! 'Tis ready lo enjoy! 3 $30.000 mortgage: SEEING bdrm., 1% bath, newish car-5 BEDRM -.S BATH JS BELlEVING! Do It NO\V! peling, \Von•t last at $24. T.-iO. Banquet died dining room. WE SELL A HOME CAUOELL REALTY Blg ""' y.ro • BBQ • ! EVERY 31 MINUTES 546-5400 Eve, 515-3310 fireplaces. 0tll' in maste:): W I k & L BY Owrier I bl bed rm. Owner dc!!J)C!:l'ltf, a er ee Gr, loan 3 .er:',.."."",,,:':'oi~ ~~':EL L 2'55 Harbor 1790 i-larbor Blvd nt A(lruns rm, tam nn. walk to !lehls. -=,,-,-.c=c-.==-1 K',.9491 Open :111 9 P!\t bch. princ. only. $33,300. COLL E G E PARK. 968-7109 4 BR •• 2 Ba ths $24, 950 ' NJCE hou11es on 2 lots Aswm e s.v.•4 la•n FAMILY RM+ DEN Cd:\I, \\'f':ll kept. Frplcs. l'rlt.-., $29,1." • $3S00'~11 i; rt. 1·overtd p.c1lio. f{i11g Trees. J\ly low price $61,000. Geor~ Wllliemson bl'droo1n!!, ~ bnth&, R r-d 61~5787. REAL.TOR b11ck fireplacr-Dream bull!· 2 Br.. 2'~ ba., $401 lm 673-4350 67J.1S6C Evn. In kitc~n. 23 ft, J.iving nu, Lon1a11 Su-eet, P3.1'k t::stateJ DIAL dirc<:l ~. ~ 5A0-1120 --M!r.1.lon·Of 1..ona ~ach, 42Jl) your ad,.. then -tdt Mck Ullf T ARBE LL 2955 H1rbor :m.:,.w listen to the pi~ne rtnat I I -I I + I . . . . . . . . . llNTALI Apts. UnfurnlthM SatlltdQ', Dt<embcr 20, l~' ~!!:!~~~:jJ!!~!!:~~~C:~HOll~S!,!l~l_!P~Olt~-~SA~L!;!l~. \ .!!HO!!!U!!!S!,!l!!S_!lP,~O!!_R,!:SA~l\_!,j_•!,.. I R INTALS lP'fT ALS RINTALS Hunll....., lloocl\,1400 HunlinglOn -1411 ~· ,., Salo ,,. Houll• Unl\irnltlto4 He-•· UnfwnlohM Apt-. '•rnlsl>M •• ~" .OCIMC YllW' Braathtakins Wow! Hi,b on a "!"-·• U.;""""" Only 2~ )on oil "1(50d } • CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 615-.1662 • 3038 r:. Cot1t H"'"7,, Cd?tf $24,9Sdr 4 ll!ORM + DEN t-.fma Vrrdt ! 2 bath( BofJt.Jrl kitd)e:n, covtred r,l'io, Pwn- er hfipg with the tl'nsJictns. ;<0-1720 TARBELL 2US Harbor 4100 -,Ort llNcn 4200 CHI• Moo• SIOO NEW HOME ,w~ ......... Ao--ms. 'BR older • ..., 19lh. • • ~ 2"'.f.U or 21 unft1. C.11 Mola JIOO University Pork 32:17 c..ta Mou IMM ... l &JE "'OYE .f -' Blaudrlll oreUnda. Bboy -w .. Co.r/ ANhetm. ll&nl< I nfris. Bnnd new 2 8dnn. 2 bath $25. Per Wk. A Up WA TERnONT .,, I b o a t I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j dock. Lowly 2 BR, patio, MERRIMAC WOODS Yriy Jae. 61J..909l or 697$11 Jun completed, 1 or 2 BR. 2 SU "" ~ .. ·• furn. Children OK, Lease. TnhouM $713. Av&U, now Ba • " • • L ~U19 C&ll 3 to t PM onl 642-48911 2 BR. 2 Ba. Avail JJ15 $290 chtJor 6 l BR.. htd pool, 4 IDRMS 11h IATto• ~lt=EN~T=A~L~S----I y. SIDentownhouH $340 maid"""""· Kitchona" H l·BR. home. r.,e. fenced·ln 3,,. ram rm lnhouse S32S TV aviU.. 450 Victoria <Nr C•renl d•I Mar 4250 • 1/4 MILE FROM IEACH IUMI '•rnl1hod yatd. Cpll. lo dra .. 1. 1140 3 BR. i Ba houM $300 Harbor). s20.990 HUNTINGTON •E~CH ~ . CCl!I Now 962· 1353 ' . Rent•f1 to Shire 200$ Ptfo~ 6TS-4420:, l'ls.5.119. 3 BR. 2 Ba·. house $.a:ll'fiA:;.::;CH;:,.=ap"'L-,ol"du--mal~o~$811"' l BR J BA blk/oeean & l B~. crpl&. drpa, waaher/ * Red HW Realty ~ mo., comp. turniahed C&lJ bay.' View. ' Pri pat i 0• R.QOMMATE Wanttd: Clrl deytr. Relt ttq. 169 Mesa &f~r S, m !:. 23rd St, C.Ptf, Adlllt-.. no pcta. $200 )Ti.)' to shut> 2 bdr apt, OOf. Dr. J1'5. 642-4868. a.etc S.y 3240 * NASSAU PAUofS * J73-782J • Call m..UD aft 5 4 IMMACULA'fE 1 Blt duplex 1 il 2 BR. Pool wktndi. w/ 1ar. Apt B. 131 i;, 2hl EXECUTIVE Home 5 BR. 3 177 E. 22nd St. 64Z-3645 l1lboa 4300 MALE Roommate Wantod to St; 9f 5'USl4 Ba. Cpt~ <1rpo. elec bltna. MERRIMAC WOODS -. . . ---. -----. --SJ'lt,rt J _ lk .h!:lv«. } J>lk ·3 BR·bome, l~ Bl.. Jl1'$.Jst '300. 546-Qto Furn unita: avaU see ad un. ClZAN BacMloc Apis. 1200 Lido Isle 1351 (tom beach. 6C-1d'I I: lut mo. + deposit. 2 Story Colonial 4 BR, 21h dtr class 5100.' Ci Ptferri· All utll lncl $85 up ---------1· Newpo;t leach 2200 521..ml or 321-7694 BA 1325 mo. Rd I: dePC11it. mac \Vay. 546-6300 Sl:§ E. Balboa Blvd. C _ ... _._-_• ____ 11_00 1 Newport llooch BA turn or unturn with air cond, 0>mpl S011ndf1)rooted sell cleanlna ovens, ;;;t et1Jlngs, dswhl"ll, lulb land- sca.pina with 1trta.ms I. WA• terlalla, elevators, B&Qs. clubhouse. saunas, jacuui & Plim pools, p-:iv i;:a.r. w/ storage. EverythiJll n e w, Starting at Sl 40 .. Adult• pltase. Just Eu! of 2600 •Iarbor Blvd, next to Nabers C&dil.lac at 425 Merrima.c Way •• ~ . MOYl._.IN . , RIGHt N()W::., ~ coziest 2 bedroom on a ~uded rw>-traffic street rln Eutsldt Costa M~sa -[ko. lifhtfUI homeA all a.round. Low, low $22,960 \\'ilh 10% ,. ~·n. Interior cOmpletely ~-READ,¥.:~0\\1!.· 646-np. • ' , .. $25,951.:" Sparklinc 5 BR, 2 bath home in excel. loc. Cpt.1/drps, bit· il'ls, patio. Comp! redec. Ex· Cf'I. 1erms. CALL •. NEL:' SON 540-1151 Heritage Real Estate 3 ~~~ ~';;1~~2~~~Ai NE\V S Bdrm '41h Ba Nord CHEERFUL. Clean 2 Br. 773 2405 Bonnie Pl. 158...o.m $145 & up. ATTRACTIVE, l B~A 673--9945 b . k •1 p-~ V -•· •-y -ni . _, 1. W. WU.On. No 1pe1s, 1 child. bdr., pool, util paid, 1arden BACHELOR APT· UW paki. BRAND NEW nc • -..s .,....,. Qd. r•" ·pier anu 11P· WATE "l'RONT $135permo.Call54~2802 Corona dal Mir 3250 livina, adult&, no pets. 1800 $80 per mo. 310 E. Balboa gate hall entry. l{eavy Area's best buy. Imm~. oc-3 BEDROOM $.75 ·\\'all.a A t·-' ~aka-rt. Comp fncd 'fardt cupancy. Owner. 4g.\....8415. . -• 4 Bil, 2 BA. cpl.a, drpi, $200 et: ve., C.M. B v.i .. Balboa p rJJ f..#. 11 . 1 tJ n d 1 f P,,I , , Shp for la.r&e boat • 3 baths, mo. Quiet dead end street HUGE 2 BR. Din. rm., bltns, BEAUTIFULLY-FURN BAY VIEW a BR. $185. UW ,Sprink.len. Exec Hm on Cul Huntington Beach 1400 • J car garage.: aa.ndy ~ach 787 Joann St., C.M. 675-7© l~ii ba., frplc. New cpta. 2 BR. Pool. Adults, no pets. pd. Beach, pier. parking. $150. & $170 "de u.c St l blk to Back • close to Lido shopp1n1 : 2 Bit finct'd yard. 2 car Fantastic patio; l , car $145 + utU. 2212 ?i-1aple St, Adults. 303 E. Edrewater. Bay. Ma.ooo. 646--6317 no1v ava~11ble. Privaie, qWet e:araie. 2 childttn OK. No r~e. $27.5 MOllth • 548--0151 cn4> an-2866 UTILITIES. PAID New ,fport/ .He'. 11 h' 11 r-:-- 1210 i' s \~:r;;;ul~~'!:;.~ pets. $165 mo. 642-7939 Scenic Propertl~~ 6T5-aT2& 1 BR apt, lols of storaie. ,:::;,,;::;::=::====It &: 2 Bdrm, 2 swim 'pool1. 4 BR 2 BA room for boat CHARMING 3 BR, 2 BA, \Wit Pool, ear. Util pd. $150. 1884 Hu'!!!_ftfMn leach~ .UAdd~~. ;.,.~~t~. Furn A:., .. ·• i'tg: 'y'" IE'"'OOUC • ._,;_ _ _._A-PIO.' Call aft 1 pm. &42-5964: iAarvta: ~~c, .Jrc~:~tta: l?>::o~:· :~mo incl. HUNTINGTON. CAPRI ;;';'voc~d:'$t. C.M. ·, ' ' IU\ · ~; -Me V rd JI 10 ail January. 6'15-4442 utll: No children er pet!. For Singl•_Adults See ?-tar on prtmi»es ~ •. -Five bedfuomi, • riant mU-CoWWell, luker & C.. ~ • • 2 BR, 1 Ba, w/w crpt, drpl, 645--1848 · NEW 1,2-J aEDru>oMS HARBOR GREENS · · ' · .; fl'L ''"'"''d""""" 1""" family 550 Newport Ce~tor Dr •tove " n!rir, forced a~ 2 BR bltn• ho ted pool 2265 ,_ 1140. rum & Uni fQR A. U , .,J_ .. = d~1~1 ; ·.we~. -~~ Newport 81•ch,. C•IH. • 4t!R, ~1!!,.~· ~ rm_. .. e!.~ . h~at $250 on lae. Util pd. No eanYon orive a $145. ' T~nnis, C,yma:, SaWlU BACHELOR unturn fr c m N"~wpbrt: H~la •2 b@droom •1 13~0700 '44-24JO me. u1:1, .......... C'Onu •. rv' pela. 501 Marigold 646-1449. ./ 646-1'9s4 ,/ 6200 EdifWr Aw., HB Aho home • Priced at rrouncl val. clean, comer lot, 1700 sq. walltd trnt patio, lge htd 2 BR. &> ~ h F 1 PhJM !46-(619 $110. avail l ~ 2 I: 3 ut alone. Zcning will pennit Itel, gal\ien kttchen, 'pride FIREPLACE Pool 2 bdr swim pool w/sllde &. div ...... ts; d bl:!• ~ &SID~ lge . I ~R, trplc. !'~!"!'!'!!..,II!!!!!!!!!!!• I Bdrm. Heated pools:, child • . T ., of ownership arta, \Valk to · • ·• 2 bnf, Prof Jandscpnr. Jo -.. • J'P!, • panellJll. Pri patio. 1 adult, care center, adj lo shoppinc. units • o ~tue estate, schools. $.1,300 down, $32,950 ~ .. patio, ~ults. Bayside ma.int. $43,950_ 540-7513. clnga, 6'J3.-6l904 no peta. 1155 yrly. 673-7629 BACHELOR &: 1 BR furn, No pell. qu.icr.·51!f Y~e. , 546-2313 Villsae. Until July lit. PJO. CHARMING 3 Br House =-=-~r-~"7--~~ I $140 up . .Adults. no ,eta. 2700 Peterson Way ~8.COO Call (213 ) 222-4309 or 613-NEW Exee. Homt w/pool Frpl bit . drp · $75-Bachelor. Refrii: I:. hot 17301 Keelson Ln. 342-7841 Costa i\fe~a 548.o370 · .. 646-7171 SU9. rm, 4 br, 3 be.. 3 car pr A: $295 c, ~·67~~ s. plait, Ulil pd. \Vornan only. (\I/est cf Beach nr Slater). !--==:..;;=:...=.:::;.:.._ W boot ,,,.,._ Avail Jan bl. mo. · G<Z-50<6 STONEHENGE APTS. 2 BR. MARTINl9UE ATERf'RONT Lge '4 Bdrm, 2 BR l'l.i BA d Ix · h -""""'-'-----~- · EACT,JlDE.. ne1v shag cpll'!, 4 car pk1. =La='=·=S360=·=alt='==·="::5-:i~;i-o;''=J · ' p · Pri be · 1 BR tum Bach Apt Heated 2 BA. 2320 Jo"lorida , nr GARDEN APTS ,,_"!" A ·1 J V1e1'', frplc. Adults, no pets. I util. . d 1130 , No ta Beach & Adams 5J6..2130 ~ story l.4Pt' Cod style hon1e. vat an l $:'115 mo. Newport leich 3200 $225 mo. 646--2290 poo · . pai · · pe Ex~llent park-like surround· \Vell located ·near ld"oopping. 'FORl:CLOSURE 675-2TI1 DUPLEX. 2200 sq. ft. 4 BR.1~0:,:•_c:,:h-,•ld,;,"-"·~""=.SJcc,.76.;_ __ FURN. 1 &: 2 Br apts lnKs "'•/heat'M pools. Extra 1--0· THE REAL '" CSTA'fl.:RS \0 THC REAL "ESTATERS ' . 3 bdrnlS v•ilh Iarae kitchen 3. bdrms; 1 baths, electric BAYIBONT::. &: den, pier I.:. 2,1 BA, bltns, frplc. Gar. TRAILER, Baeh.elor o!'1y, downto1vn H.B. No children parkint. Near s,bop'.pizli, & eatinc area. Full price W•ttcllff 1230 built-in ra.nge, oven, Jo"A noa.1 . Furn or unturn. $600 BAYFRONT $325 /l 540-757.. for student er retired. $&5 + er pets. 536-7396 Adults only. ' 111,950. aubmit terms. CALL heal. liO x 100' fenced Jot. mo. No. :l Balboa Coves 3 8drm, 2 bath, family home. mo se. J 54&--08ll or 837-7440 :! &. 3 BR APTS 9.l).ll51 Heritq:e Real Es--UNNECESSARY ... Double 1aragl'. Carpets. 675-4331 Sandy beach, Priva~ com· H . Ji;;:=::i:=":""'""===IOrange County 4600 Im Santa Ana Ave .. c.r.1. tate (open eves) To redecorate. Home like Nttds pa.int. f]:7,j()(I. Vacant. I=="'======= munity, boat alip avail, $500 untington Beach 3400 N1wpert Beach 4200 r.tgr, Apt U3 646-5542 l'!!!!!!!!!l!!!!'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'" ... I "'""Mair.'";"+ (amily Coron• dol Mor 2250 mo. . <LARGE BR. 2 BA. !rplc, SINGLE Adult>. luxury -HA· -CIENOA HARBOR ·. BY PWNER 4 Br. 2 Ba wing cf 3 bdrms, Garden l'd@,_1mmmm 615-1005 lmm!d. poase5SIOll. new cpts I: dtl>s. dbl 1ar. HO HO HO prden apts, \V/full reerea- Ranch. Nu crpt k drp!, views. Good loan assurnp. ~J'T'!!"TmTIJ"'9 4 B~ Im rm, <:ompl turn. 2 BR. 2 ba. 2 Ca)-ran1e. fenced back yd. $250. FOR CHRISTMAS ~~~a~~ll~e:th & B~~m~~: ah.a.kt rr, covered patio, $69,500. Avail Jan. lhl'!l JuM while Vaea.nt. Comp. ndecorated. 91;2.4994 , NE\V Adult liviJli units. aprinklera, d&h\\'Sher, ·water R. C. GREER Re•lty Pri"c-.. to "'-II o"'nerz travel. Fencfl yd. l Ex~ptionally nice. $250 2 BR SUrf id T wnho WI! LL PUT Apt.s. 2TT So. Brookhunt, J & 2 Bedroom!. Bltns 4 sottenrr. $3000 do1vn & 33S5 Via Lido 673-9300 WV ..,_ blks from beach. Olildren le Lse. • e 0 . use. $75 Anaheim <n4) 712-4500 dshwhr. Pool. GaraaC'S. a,asume 1"% VA Joan. Call ---3 bdrms 2 baths, 1.500 sq ft, pets ...,-elcomt. Price reduc· Bay&. Stach Rlty. 675-JOOO ~_: 2b1~· cpts1•160drps, IN YOUR Sl.JO.SlTO. All util pd. St&-7&4t • ' \Jnlv~•!t!.. "Park 1237 cpta/drpe:, blt-ins, boat door ed to $325. 673-«168. LOVELY Baycrest 4 bdrm ~;·d~ C:qd~~3387 mo. MOVING MAN'S Gan:f•n Greve 4610 No ptls, 241 Avocado St. ' BR H•• • r··. •f~em, on I c;;;;;;;;;.,;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I in double garage to fel1Cfli 2 BR tu "" ~-STOCKING SINGLE Adults Luxury C?.f 00 ~ 642 3401 ~ ......... "vu 1• .__ k •-M 60x"'" . comp. rn ........ rrv. ""'-'· 1amily f'OOm _ hOme. ?i-fany RENT~ l•••e 3 BR. 2 BA, · · ·-· -t-.1·1 lot: 60x140 '. .Clo•inf ASSUMABL-LOW ....,,c 3...... ......,·,tot. Be-So f h .._ v•· "'"" _ _, u 'lh 1ry L"G 'B l'' B 51Ud . . ~I I k 1= = bm' . o wy . ., • ...., mo. extras. PNstla:e are_ a. $400 fam rm. "' ''"''· bltnl. This time of yra r 1 .. uen ap \\1 eoun .n. • • r, J a. '°in v ••• ~. •--1·n. ~.· .. ·-·t INTEREST RATE ow .mar et ''9,.NIJ, Su 11 Don V F-nklm' Rl!r ,~ -2 J Sm lh RI dub -··phe-nd -m rn· Pl ~ t d t ~Dr-. 531 .:::::· 0 , .",,,~,188""'.·~ on terms. •\ · ... ,.,.. .. ,,~ per m~. ean l tr. $250. 962--0672 ~very UtUe bit hel~. a .,,...,.. ... • .. ., · -ex ..... p • rps, s ove, ....,.,.. _..... loan Can be youi'tl 'if you p I J R I 646-3255 right" ple\e privacy .. SOUTH BAY patio, carport. No peta .. Ccu· A ft~ ... buM 3 BR 1,,. BA c · -,__., au ones N ty Balboa l1l1nd 2355 , NEW 3 BR, all bltns, cpt1, . CLUB APTS 13100 Chapman pie or f•milY w/I child ~ ;r· . • ,.. • an USf' • spacio115 :i unJ· 847-1~ Eve. 536-&358 :c:.~.::..;;c,:;:.;;:c.;; _ _:c= 2 BR. 2 ba., den, din. room. Jge yd, "''alk to beach. $205. So take one of our nifty Ave .. Gardtn Grove (n4J · hfme, 2 unit5, 2 BR each. room home, which ~com· $375 molyrly. Avail Jan. In Cli~aven. $300 ~9506 • 1 or 2 bedroom apartments, Refer Req. $150. 726 JOA.an, 521-3871 or 827-7694 pa!Sf!11 many feature8 lor WOW! George Williamson, Realtor furnish~ or untumished, 1-'636-JO"'='=='°'======= I C.~1. See Sun. 1-.5 Pti,t « 1105 gracious Jiving. Jt's 'big in S BEDROOMS !i;!io:. Bd~k~ ~~~~~~y: 6l3-4350 673-1564 Eves 2 Br. House "''/lar&t lot and we'11 help your moving call owner at 146-1584. the right plat:t1'!. S37.99J. Lovely lg home .• very de sir. :=,,;;;~,__:;;_:,;:::;~c.;;::1 reasona.bl~. No s i n g 1 es, expense up to $75. Lagunl 811<h 4705 • • d h II '"' ..... Beoutilul rock 67>-'!&80. EXEC. H•!f>t. 3 Br. 'J BL pie .... (213) 337~. Then you can molly Fairway Villa Apts Mow do! Mar BEST BUY BY OWNER re • 1 lrplc. ChNPl!r than new! , RENTALS Oen, drpa, crpt, dbl 1ar, celebrat~Christmas in .... CHARl'lllNG 2 bdrm. unit. HAFFDAL REAL TY Houses Unfurnished canpool ~...: ~n. Vw, SaDo mo. Feunt•in V~lley 3410 a very merry communltY. Ne\\1Y r e dee.· -"'lw Near Orange Co . .1.;--.11 a: ...,,............, carpetina l drapes. ~*"' 142-4405 , But you have to~ ,..._ 1 1 1 •·-L ,_.. UCJ. Adult11 only. 2fJU2 Gener•I 3000 4 BR. l Ba. B L U Fl' S 3 BR. 1'-' BA, tee bonus rm. living there ....,mp e ~ Y '"'"· g~. ~'"' S&nta. Ana Ave . 540..279& R~tcorated &: landsca~. 4 Br, l&e din rm, wllt to all ac'hbols $31,950. $5.000 down to usume. 54.>8375 REALTY Uni~·. Park Center, Ii-v ine Call Anytime M3--0820 51/4 °/o LOAN -'--"==-------"= To"'?lhouse. ~ 2 story ~ild's playhouse in rear. by December JO shaded patio. 120 yds. from $250. 3 Br, gtr, patio, lrplc:. overlookJ pool $400. Owner Side yard for boalor? Well to get our movin1 gift. Woods Cove Btach $175 mo. to asswne. Pymnb $167/mo 3 BR. lg 1am rm. la. lo(: R/0. 1 ~ blk to beach &. 644-2079 la.ndicaped. 9&8-nOO aft 5. So get packlnr. Minion R~alty 4~31 VILLA MESA APTS .. .:;::;•:::•:..~.!~e:._ _ __;-'c:-l!,-O lhtk. 'llY ._, .. . ""1240 Pric~ below •et. Su~ •. I mit do-.,·n -2nd TD avail. I LOVELY REDUCED to .,sr,11. Lge. * B_RASHEAR RLTY * ~Children O.K. Bk:r LOVELY ttnmhle 2 BR. 2 4 BR, 2 £: crpta, drps, nr Th• n•w CHARP.UNG Partly furn BA. Frplc, new cpts. Im· schools & shop'g. $250 mo. CALll'ORNIAN sea.aide atudio bungalo"'" $125. 2 Br IM':p house. Garap, lge yd for children ll pets. P!ue Beacon 645-0lll. C.~f. '~!d~ ...... poss. $2.jO. A & t . 84&-4256 or_,.,,_,.,. APARTMENTS. prden settini-Uue $170 O'W'V•,)4' · inc gar, all utilitie1, 2 BR unturn, pri patios; hhl pool. 2 car encJ'l 1ar. Chil- dren "·elcome. no p e ts please! $160. Also furn na TI9 W. Wil90n. &16-12Jl. Spanish Cua '°"• 1\' acres 16952 Beach Blvd., 1m ! for hone&. $120,00o 2 tcrms. ·847·8507 Eves. 968·11'1! · Santi An1 Httlght1 3630 from $145. T~e-clear. Refs. 4M-Y115 LUXURIOUS NEW LIVING 646-5608. 3 BR, J 1 ~ Ba. tam tm, • . ' -·-Jonna! di,, cu•lom ,,.Pied, $165. 2 Br Condo. Patio, R/O, relrig. \\'U her/dryer. Rec:. hall It. pool. Children & pet O.K. Bkr 534-6980 New,ort Shores 3220 •t ACRE ho --·• ··'/at 2 blocks \Vest of Newport SEE NE\V VILLAGE INN ni_ rM ~ ... ""'&DU Frr!'Wa,)', at MacArthur Steps to beach. $35. t\'k 1~~ BLK.S to beach, 3 Br, 2 li~nsed dol kennel. O ea.n 3 and Main. C.a.Jl 546·2727 SJ.CS mo. LAGUNA 49+-mll l &: 2 BDRP.f, beautiful swim pocls. Adult.I, no p!ts. ;lN MESA .VERDE' .. Corett1 1 d.•l~r 1250 dr~P'$f. &. landscaped. A.99Ume 6'70 GI by owner. Ba. ·2 story A-~. lovely Br bouse, 3 children ok,I ~--~------SEE NE\V VILLAGE INN residtnlial home s 2 8 5 $Zill. Owner 54>2536. . Ne1vport Beach former Saddleback tnn. $28 ALL tmUTIES PAIP 307 Avocado St, C.M, See autifully .... , -quit! -NO LOAN FEES ,.._3742. si:fe 7 ?>ft~ V,rde rieiKh-1 ........... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil $275. Sharp 4 Br. 2 Ba. Din w/l~ase. 615-0307 y,·kday1; . GRAND OPENING rm, frplc, cpts, drps, bltns. anytime wkends . L1puna .... ch 3705 IMMEDIATE a week. Lar. 494-720l boi!>OO.f. w;i• •• u•...,, '"" Corona dtl Mor BETTER 'N NEW 1ehoo1.Sq .. &kyClean 3 bed· Duplex 6412 JERSEY CIRCLE Blue Beacon. 64>-0lll, C.i\.1. t..UtGE,· newly rede<;,· l-Br. OCCUPANCY RENTALS $97. 1 Br, yd, gar, stove, Univ•rtfty Perk J237 duplex. Ocl&n view. Adults, Lw.:111?' rarden· apartment• ...:Af..;x;.1;:•::.· .;;U:;;n.:;l.;;•::.rn;;.i.;;oh;.;od=- Mir .• ·Apt No. 5 . 2 BDID.!S. Immac. Quiet, cpts/drps, blt-ins. be11med ttil. Adult~. Ne p e t 1 , $14-0/mo. Heritaze Real Estate Alik for ?-.Ir. Nelson. 540-1151 room 2 bath 'home. Larae ma1ter suite separate from Z ped~m. al)d cj~. l~~ ba. Beautitu:I 4 bdnn., family; the oth~r bedrooms. Lo\V Quality custom built home zn baths; 2 frpl:C'I. Top qual. rQ&intenance, large yard. on Ma.ri1old plus a apacious ity. AMtl!TIAblr. 5~% loan, Ready far you wl $29.950 1 bedroom garage apar1· University Realty 673-6510 u·/w. Child OF:'. Av•ilabl• l•••e• no pets. $173 mo. yearly. ottering complete prlvaey, General ~-5000 =~~B~ro~k-"~~----All have frplcs & blt.-ins PLACE REALTY 494-9104 beautiful landscaping It. uri. $145 2 Br yd ar ,vfw. paralleled recreational facll· . ' , g ' 4 BR, 2 BA, family room, illes in a country club at· VENDOME Children u·elcome. 2 bdmt 2 bath ~an vltw. Lease option. mosphett. Now ltuiJlc in \\ilh ea~ tenns. ment. Cose to beach and 546-2313 -~hops. • Owner 1vill carry Huntington Harbour Broktt 5.14-69&0 To1vnhouae. (@ $250/mc. 1_1295:;;"::·::';"=·=164=2====:= I Newport Beach. NEW 2 BR , l BA. shaK crpt. $135. 2 Br duplex, pr, fenced lmmed, occupancy, I ~ Furni.eMd er unturni!hed IMMACULATE APTS! Drps. dishwhsr, patio, bei:m 1405 O THE REA!. " r.STATERS !inancini; . No loan cos1s to you· Save $.$$ &t only $47,500 673-1550 , ___ ~--- BUU..OERS close .out!! Tri· level 3 &: 4 BR home&. Xlnt linancing. ~fakt rea!!On&ble oUer. ·Orig price $44,500. Builders Agent. ~6-0609 yd, Avail now. Children OK. ,.L:.:•:!l::•;;•;:•.;N;:l;!l;:•;:•I;.. -~3;_707::1 ~fodels open 10 am to g pm ADULT Ii FAMILY ct>illng frplc. aar. Adult!:. 1'° Bkr ~ 3 Bdrm A: lam. rm. home inl" R nt '--$lS" S3J SECTIONS AVAILABLE pets. $165. 2650 Elden, Turtle Rock, BPt.ANr> NE\.V. FOR.Lease. $2&1. Good view, ~o'A ... Kmwo' o'° D 0• Clo•• to shopping, ~ark 537-0062 after 7 pm&. Sun. many $33,900. oTHEREAL "ESTATEHS VIEW • THE BEST l'==;;;======o JThe frtest in' Cd~t wltti 3 Br., dt>n, formal ·din, k 2'i ba. Haa everylhirt£. An ocean viP1v f!"Om kit., din.• rm. & mstr . .Br. Plush cpl~ & drps. Beaut. lndscpg. Lanai for leisun-, Have a look, you'll be happy if you do. Park 1115 Don 't L••ve Me Alone N NJ;\V YXARS EVE. My owners are moving, J\oly bir livi11t room. 4 bdrm & fam- , ily room lviU be so lonely. rm Mly S29,;.oo -lo1v inter. ; . eil loan • no points to pay. can Petr'9n ~a.tty 54:z..1rn •Eve. 54().3964. Comr-l iM?e ·.,.. Y Owner -4 BR, 2 BA ,home, xlnt cond. J blk to ,ldils. 5~% Joan $27,gj{I. e BILL HAVEN, Rll r. 2111 E. Coast CdM "673-1211 1018 S. ?itain,' S.A. 54t.filit3 511 FERNLEAF Corone del Mer Olvnf!r I e a v i n g, Steal Al S29,450. $4j() do"'·n for $2500 cash&. rood ear), Sla5/mo. 6~~t,:, int on contract.. Ar-l;o========c I tistic 1 bedroqm COllA&:e. R-2 •wpeirt leach 1200 lot, So. or }l!gh\\'8,Y. Taxes 5'g..Jli9 LUXURIOUS -HAltlOR HtGHLANDS One art& ii ~1nlied u one of NtWJ)Orfs be•t. 4 S~. ()pen Until aold. l'rin· cipalo; on J Y. C>wr1er"/Bkr. 673-0111. OPEN SAT /SUN 1·5 516 f ERNL.EAF Duplex SO. of 'Hwy. :l BR. ea., 2 f.t'J)lcs, 2. parw.. Price reduetd tor quick Mle DON V. ,RANKLI N . REALTOR • 67J.2122 • m &: Jarae farnily tl'Otlm home. Quiet 1treet Cntar Mariner School I.· \V~sl· '•di/I Shopping. Lovely en· tl"l.llCt: pitWI, I ll'fe lttP 1Ur· '1'0UfKkd rear yard. ~t. NICE Duplf'x on eo· lot so. ol ed, d,raped a: lovely 1o1·all h11'Y, $57,»3. pri~iples onl)' ~I". !tt anytime by appt. I ='.,...~;;":=,'====== $31.~. 'd 646-71 71 LI o Ille ;:_> rl Jf: fl r:I\ L ,_, 1.~''i'liT l.f1 ·-: y °"""' -W,000. • . • 3 )Ta tkl. Cus1orn bf1 ::itome. WW tradt 363 Vlata. AlyaQ\.r l'a WANRD Teridtr Lovin& Cart Needed! J , bdnns, 3 b&U... Jal1)il)t room, Oln~ ·room; S fTplc1, l car aaraa:e. Contemporary dr11&'n by lferbtrt Brownt.LI AJA. on1. c01t s~.ooo . now offtl"f'd"'"fdr '9.'\,000. ltlO Via Floii!llct. LJdoi JAjt. NI . Optn._Stt!Sun ~5 cit ~ 1<ICH ll!WIN REALTOR 21<1 J:. ~"'1., C4M BAY~li.ONf HOMES fiew or~. wittii-pitta .. f101J1 111< lo lllpo. l BR: to._ Bft. - --, • Dix 2 BR. 2 ~ From 111$,lOO «.!IO. XI nt Wolttar• Rllf. '67&.ntt· • Acent ~ 1366 \"111 1.kto, N"B ~n Sun. .. Avail . @ $300/mo or pu1Jy f~ily room. 3 _BR, 2 1a.r:a:e * Spaclous 3 Br's, 2 Ba TOWNHOUSE turn. ® 13151mo patios. aatdenina: seMce GARDEN • 2 Bedrooma Jmmed. occup.. _..Ui:;:d:,. ;'95-<;":"'=====I APARTMENTS *Swim Poo~ Put/.,nn Now 2 BR, l•; BA & I~ 2 ;;;;; • Ft'PL lndiv/lndry fac'l.s BR. Crpts, dl"PS, Kll clns 3 Sdrms & HUGE rte. room. Mltalon Viejo 3708 111'.Q 161h Stttet 1145 An•Mlm Ave. oven. ~21ril, 3Tt W. Wil!Cft 3100 DE51RABLE NE\Y HO~tE: ~i11ion Vi1jo 1701 ELDORADO HOME 2 Br .• 2 ba., cptd, drp5, forced air heat, Garb-disp, bJt.tn1, !rplc, patio. aarw. "'ate1 furn. Adulls only no pe ts. r.tanyextru. VIEW.Avail 4 Br home. "2 Bath, Il4: 642..JlTO COSfA MESA W -2824 QUIETl&.2BrKan:l~napt. Jan, 6 @ $350/mo. earf,leting, patio. a v&ilable SINGLE Adults L u x u r Y J !!B!!""'!ll!!!!!lll!!!!l!IB!!!!llB I Bltns. patio, hid pool, WE HAVE OTHIRll bnmedia. !ely. $1') ptr garden apts with eounlry • RENT e adults. no pets. Sl&O mo. 546-5163 Alandra model, l Br, fam .nn. 2 Ba, vie1v lot, Carpt'led thruout . Itnlncd. occup11 ncy, Te rms, VA l'IO money dn or J-'HA fin, avail, Call k ask tor Nel Shukes at ?i-tissio n Vit'jo Rlcy Co. 83T·S500 or s:J0..28~. RATE REASONABLE ACJOSS from Country Oub 275 Mesa Dr. * Ph . .>48-6706 Very CLEAN 3 bdnn 2 bath, fireplace, built-in!. larre fenced yard in lovely atta. VACANT &: READY . S210/mo. Rltr. 546-41'1 month on lease. Call and club a.tmosphe~ and com· 3 Rooms Furniture Bob Pettit& A11oc. ask for Ne l Shuku at plete privacy. SOU'Tll' BAY $19.95 & UP 155& CORIANDER Dr.; &33-0101 t.fission Viejo Realty C:O. CLUB APTS. Irvine al 16th, ~luxe 2 BR. 2 BA , ;:araat. BUSIEST marketplace in 837-9500 or ~2808 Newport Baach. ?".onth-To-M,,nth Rent.ala: $155 mo. Adults, no pets. town. The DAILY PILOT RENTALS <n4l 645-0.'iOO \VIDE SELECTION ~-=""~'~·~~-~~-I Ousili~ Retion. Sa ve Apts. !=urnishecl BLUFFS tum. apt. avail. 2 ~CD~~ ~~~~s NEW 2BR,1 ~~ Ba, dlshwhr,. money, time Ii ettort. Look mos. 2 BR. 2 ba. 2-sty, cpts. drp,, up1trs. $150. 768 no\L'!!I General 4000 Chl.-ner av.·ay 'til March. $250 s17 V..'. 19th. CM 5".J.Ul \V. \Vilson, 642-7938 See • Mo. Broker fi46-74l4 $190. 2 Br townhse. 1 ~1 811.. _m=gr~, ~•Pc.t_L~-~=-~~-I G1n•ral ~~-neral •-~-no•al .. AAA '?HE NE\V VILLAGE INN, New c •· pool T•• • -• sruo= IO t 2 ' B :====-==-===:::===~=::-=====-----~~;.;; ftlrmer Saddltback 1 n n OCEANFRONT Apt& -2 p .... , · n a: ~uu ap. BR. 1'11 A. Laiuna, from S2S. a v.·ttk: Bdrm, -:.dult couple onl_y. No ~t OK. Blue Bea co n Patio, closed 1arage, nr .. 'QUiii.iS I I I' I IRllVID I l'YGRIN I li.;~.;.;_;l.;;L.;.H;.U;;_;;l;,._,-.-.j1' "Doctor, "'" you '"'" rny I I I' I I husband of •-lno?" ~ ':~-=~-=-=-=~-::::: "lloot II boihor you WJ"f r much?" 1 I" AH MI Y I "No, I'"' become uted ., < , I I I I' I . it. l(s tho mt cf tho congre, • • . . • . • gation riiot's -." ,,VIDLER I 12-21 -O Cc~l):•t• lh• <hut.kl• ci1.1ott.I I I' I I I I ~, '""'tr"' ••• -.. wn. L._..L. -'-'-.1--J.. -L--' YIW dev.loo fl'O'll'I "• No. 3 below. -. -.,,. ............. . . ;". t:~~l.~~ftfO I' 12 I' I' I' I' I' r r J . I 6 ~~~ '0'1 I I I I I I I I I .SCRAM·LfTs ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9000 r Lc\'e\y apt&. All util'1, pets. $250 pU mo. 61>2221 64s.tJ111. C.?tf. shopping. Adults, m pe:ta.. linens. maid, pool, laundry or S.'1-1641. $165. 3 Br, 2 Ba , R/O, \V/\Y $145. 642-2389. rrn. steps to beach, noiv ac· 1 £: 2 BR furn It unturn. $WI I: drps. Children 0 K. LOVELY ~ 1 Br. c:rpta. cepting applications. 696 s. • $175. Cpts, drps, bllns, Broker 534-6980 drp:i, bllll'lll. 1ar. Adults. n11 ' Cout Hwy., J,.atuna.Betch. pool, patio. 1525 Placentia pet&. $135 mo. ~1'162 4M-943S , ·• .,. SSS. FURN 31' mobile home, CMta MMa . 5100 2 !:. 3 BR. Adults only, no H6U6XY PLAil niee adult park. beach atta. SPACIOUS, CL!:AN l BR pets, 998 El Camino Dr. DELUXE. apacioua 1 Bdrm Xlnt for one. 646--4910 w/w cpta, drpe, elec bltns. ~C=·="~· ~"~6-04~=:;1~~~~-1 1'Urn apt SW plus util. 2 llR Balboa Apt, $160. QuWt area. Nr ~ &: LGE. 2 &. 3 BR. PoOI. C'rl)tl Heat~ pool, ample patklrw. Adults. Yrly lse. shop&. Adults, no peta. &. drps. Kids I: aml pets ck. Ne childM. no pet!. • 675-1070 + 549-0412 ._ 1998 1tfapl~ Apl l, Sf.S.-280& 1965 l'crmoM, C.~f. \===~~~~~~~~~~=;~~~~~~~~~~~~ $70. Bachelor type apt for 11 ,. ..... °""'· loc. •1.. STAR GA~EK"'~ Beacon 6"13--0lll, C.J\1. ~::=~ll.,;.:_:_111 CJ..AYJ. POUAN $125. Lfe 1 Sr. over gar. }( Y-Delft .Adi¥ilyGIM• H. a.tan.a: sharp! ""r Ate•~•• re 'tli• .Sl•ri. Y 8robr ~ To devtlop m•ssi:io• for Sundoy, ~~!.,,! f«.t 'tlOtds tOi 1 atp00 rdlng to ra,nbert CH11Mlla 4100 'If SUNNY * *;ACRES * * Motel·Apts * l ttcrial So. of o.c. r.-. StMte' 1 ........ LOW RATU Dn. w .... "'""' e Kitcbt.ns .t: tv·a incl. e Phone ""'" hid pool e Mila lfrvk< avail. U16 NIWPORT IL VD. 541-'75$ 2 &Rf SUnktn Uv. run . rr,lc, 1'4 k. pr avail. "5S &ktt. Ctll 540-0395 ''"°' I.: Wktnds • -~·. .. ~ .... ' of )ICM' Zodi« birth sign. ) V-.i 31 A '' ~ 2 Dilol't 32 Into!,.,.;,... •2 f-t11t 3 A • JJ Ntlth~ 6l v,.,.,. ' c.rt .'J' v-., w.n 5 w.· ••• l5 "'"""'' '5 Cough1 I; Goe.ill 3' ..,.,. .. Mt 7 Gii-37 OW,. 61 In I '°""' Jt Pw 61 ~ t ,_ J• ,.,,,.,,,._re " w'"' '101t ..O"k 70T• 11 GtW •I Te 71 Nw 12S.-•tie 72 Cr 13 ..... ..., De-'~ ,.., 16 ""-'Y "'',,.ht 7' R.-.• ISO. <1$0ff 7S ~ '' tu.tr. .. , 3hW ,.. y.;,, • 11 Gt-.. ,,. r• n '""""' 11~ 4Te Tlln ,, .. •• c,..,. " .. ,,_ "'y~ '°""' .. _ 11 ~ 51 a-11 R-oe..t.,. ll ~ 52Sttr I!,,_ ~ ' 53 h1 .., l..toe•llfttt i 0... 5' W0t,,. &• ,_ l..t $$It 1$ Acl""O s.-i ~~ lfl ... · ,., )7h 11A °"'" ss 0io ea '-• ~ .... !It 1l!w ., ~...,,i.i 30 ~'1 tO u, to """-~"""' @.u-{lil!!:i ------------~-~··-- UNTAU 1 R ENTALS ·-RI AL ESTATE RIAL ESTAn <;"«" Af!IL Unfu,.,ith9' At>h. linfurnl1'*' General General -1-'~=--~~~·l-:-- Newport luch 5200 Newport IMc h 5200 a.nt•I• Wan!M 5t90 lndustrlal lttn ltl '°90 -··--- SPA CIO US A N D CONVENIEN T NEW IUILDING l2iO Lopn Avt., Costa M«a REN TAL FINDERS Ea.ch unit 1725 aq fl, 2 ott· ..._ 1• L•ll•,. lees, 2 rttt roonu, U0/220 _ • w. ,,.... ~ ~ electric. Ample paiicin&. .. 641•1'1 1 C. Robert Nattreu Realtor ... .. -;;;;;:;:~,.~~='•~·=•~·~~:":'~": 1coo•-M•,. ""1485-.. -=: • ·-11 ~n•tt~ ,. .. .,..,.. AIRPORT c:Em'ER New I, 2 l: 3 room dtluxe sulte1. Adj, ne1v l<.lacA.nhur Blvd. :r r o m $125. Call S.6-184.'\. 1:1•w 2 utd 3 bedroom, 2 b>ths. Shag carpet., linen drapes, tile kJtchens ,vitb built . ins.· Generous storage space plus deck or patio. ~ool, recreation bldg., next to shopping. $240 600 SQ. •"T. 2.--.,o..,ff"i"'-,-.~. rtteP1ion area: 11.djaCt'nf lo Oran:e Counl)' a i rport. ....... ,. per month. Adult. who like privacy. Furn· • LANDLORDS • Lots 6100 ished model by Beals. 1''"R.EEB~:.-rA~VICE 180 DEGREE VIEW BUSINESS •rwl MA·RIN ER SQUARE ·APARTMEN lS ol 00<&n " coutllne. •mall FINANCIAL 1244 I · · llloomt for Rent 5"5 but bldable lot, Laguna Bch. --------rvtne Avt .. Newport Beaeh-645·02~2 Pa"in& k util in aft. 1111t of Bua. Opportunities 6300 Just north Of \Vestcliff D.rive LARGE Room, priYate bath, )'r. Lo\v dn lv/low mo. p31t. -- ..;..:,,_ --___ .-workinz cht 494-BIOO 0" t!M-l137 THIS IS NOT ..LAL%ilt.UXL~ '7>-19TI VENDING --------------- * * * "'"" Whadclyt Want? Wh1ddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS Special Ritt 115 WK" "P w/ kite"'" $30. Citrus GrovH 617S SPORTSMEN * \\'k 1tudio apt. 2376 Nel'.'JlOrl ORAN CE GtoYe Riverside . Blvd. 54&-91";6 12 5 • • al O....: The nation .!I tarae~t fn1.n· aere.11, YI · nav .!I. •-. ehise orianizat1on luis a. llm--pa.kl interest 7% loan. $68.iO. Motels, Trlr. CrtL 5"7 per aCJ'f'. 6«-l37l ired numbe1· or 1~,v oppor. Lunitieg ror tl)f' 1port11mlnd· WEEKLY ratrs Sea Uu-k ed man or 11.'omiln loge\ Info ~fott>I. 2301 Nev.·port Blvd., Acre•ae 6'200 tlK' field 1hat !hl'y rnjoy the Co!lta J\lesa 40 A -So ea1· $'>-mQlil. eres. . if. ~- 00\VN, $25. PER i\IONTJ-1. \\'p IM"cd An Alnbiliou~ lndi· Guest HomM 5991 $2.-49:>. FULL PRICE. L. \•idual \1•ho wou ld like 10 PRIVATE-;;; &: b h f Shcwfelt, "6 W. Third St., J"eap lhe l't'l\'al'd.S or 1he 01 • at or L.A. Pho~: 1213)623-5101 evl'r • inc1·eas1n;: rct'~ation a mbulatory person. Lovely1 ----------explosion -l person 11,•ho honw, niCf' 11u1TOund inp, EX~_NT oppomm:l:__20 is •~pirlng 10 ,.,l-•n•ly i;ood nutritiou.~ meals. Costa acres '""'no are;,,. ..-.. 6e •' I-'· •?~ · .. __ _.1 hi&h monthly earning.11_ l\lesa. 543-47j;) ...... e. .,... per mo. ,.., .... .., es. 894-4743 This i.11 one or lhf' n101St amaz. . 1ng. but Jun busine.11sc1 you'll M11c. Rentals 5999 Lake Elsinore 6202 ever ha,·,. an oppo1·1unity to SINGLE Gar8£e 1"or Rent -look into. Costa J\fesa Are1t. Con-l ADJOINING hi l Is 1 d e I i'ou do nttd al leut Sl.647.50 venlent Loe. Call t21 J) lakevie'v lotll, ll('ar ca.s1r10 to SJ.~~17 30 cash 10 start. 3TI-J965. $3,000. ~2449 \Vritr, g1vin;: phool' numbe1 S Lines -S times -5 bucks ltULES -AO MIJST INCLUDE 1-W~t ~Oii n,e,,. lo trio.. ~Wlltl YGll ••nf In lr•M. -10: WOOD Finl!h ~ & \Yood Bleachi1:1&: Route for Salt . Rtll'\O\•ln; old Jin1Sh t.rom modern l &nl\quc tumiture. All \.\'Ork dont on cus.,mcrs' pre~s. Also all 11'0l·k do~ by hand using paint &:. varni~h removers. No com~tltion. C\latornert do 011·n relinishlng, S800 1 cuh for route. I y,ill teitch you. Call ITI4) 689-i!OOO. Ext. 48 "Leave i\fessage" lnVffl-nt Opper. 6310 TAX SHELTER •'OR1 SALE: Real Estate Corp. 1,•/$230.000 ta.\'. toe~ nrxt 5 yrs. 80'i':I in~~s! or more. Box .. '{ 876 Daily Pilot 6320 2nd TD loan Prompt, eontidcntia.I service 642-1171 S4$-4611 ServlnJ Harbor area 20 )'J'S, I S•ttler Mort1•1• Co. 336 E. l 7lh St.reel Mort91ge1, T.D.'1 6345 SEASONED <I -1st TD's: $5,237 Approx. bal. Ca<"h; 8St., all due 18 1110s. JDSi> Dille. ·197-1210 $~00 1st TD. 8~ii. 6 inos. a-you• •Mil• 1ne1or 1C1dl'O'.lt. •-jun~ et aclvtlils1119. SINGLE Car Garage, C~l"OIU:l 3 ACRES 40 mile.!! north or 1410JHtNG FOlt SALi! -,., ... DES ONLYI dcl i\I11.r 120 a n10 Call PHONE 642-5671 · 1 ' · • Reno near Honey Lake al Seasoned. Due 21 ~ )1'!. 12~0 ALL S EASONS o•"· ,,.._,100 <91-1021 •v•. To Place Your Trider's Piradise Ad 675-627 foot or Sien-a.!!. Level, clear, I P rt 6000 S3,ooo. 536-2449 Shorechtf.11 3 Br on fee land. ':l.l C.\D. DeVille. l'lcd nceme rope v 2 LOTS, Country Club Hghts. SPORTIN G GOODS I ANNOUNCEM;;~ C O . and NOTICES ~M I • I Sl .'I I h I R P.O. Box :)£16 Dcp1. 11' ~~" ~ Y -c rar al• rat . upho st. P. &H. INVEST NOWI S19~ each. lD'if-down, Glrndora lot 111/o1tk.s. \\'ant \\'irt \V. Cd. i•oncl, One • . • •1>12-2&5lt-Salr Lake Cily. Utah ~4111 inc prop. trlr park or ranch own!'. £.xchangi-Jor ~d. '\our inve.s~rnl .opportun·I========== Famous Br•nd N•m• llr coasr. °'''ncr 673-0176 i:l'ntlP l'idinr ma1"'. 71-1° ity of a hf~timt 15 !!ERE Off'c Rent•I 6070 CANDY ROUTES --··r 12119 011'ncr leaving 11rr1t and has, __ ,_• _______ _ ru St. James Pl. N.B. :; ,)!;)-• CUI prier $5.450 for fl\11.IEDJ.r· LAGUNA BEACH No111 available lll Costa i\le5a Br,:? Ba, ocean \•irw. Own--1'Xi\1AS AT U\ ARRO\\'. ATE .SALi-:! 5 sharp 2 bed-Ai·r Condi'ti'on -~ a nd many other 1011•ns in er ••Y& subrnil 1nco0 1, " llEAD D•·amal>." • BR "" . · cu this l t't!ol.. All locations are " · "" ., " room units, one 1g a srpar· ON FO~"~ AVENUE land for 13U~J eQ•lty. i\lark "Oii ........... ~. & ]ak• 1•·1; 000 ho 1 nL<o:I ~ con1mercial or (aclory, Ve1-v .. .. ...... Q" • '-'u, ale nlf' or o.11·ncr. rar· De'1< •pare avail.i.ble Jn " Le.11. Rltr. 5'18·7711 clear. Lo1v dn. Trade in· f d 1 ALL high rarnings. No iicllinr in-ag~s. t'TICf". pa. 1os. . on ne\\'eat office bWldina: al volved. To qualify you must M·l Or Commercial. Va. cant. Clear. Near Bristol, C.M. Trade for house cu· du. plex in I.his a1-ea. Call - 67>5787. &.side 3 br lull. k 2 J'Car apl!I $29,9.50 val. 01· ~ hms w/5 rear apl~. mo inc $788, '39.500 val Trd $33 l\I eq for S.Cal hm. Ownr/bkr ti~S-31;;Q 40 ACRES ree: land \l'ith tree11 near new lake NE Utah. Va.Jue SIOO per acrr. Trade all or part for t:ar. diamonds, boat or ? 644-41&:> con1e 01• ~ !714I ~.;s..;;103 large lot \\'Ith room to build. prin1e location in downtown bf" reliable and have one r..rrN. Fl'omr Bic: Bear Oose lo maJo!' .!!hopping, Laguna Beach. Air concli· houi· a day spiu-e lime (dayi 1moonridgeJ ~ El'. furn . llChooJ~ and churches. RE· tioned, carpe:ed, beauti.l'ul or t"Vcsl . $19:\L Full, Eq, $1Ci\I. For DUCED to $59.500 "'ilh "'-X· entrances: }'ronlage on $1675 1'0TAL unit!, sm l'('Sidence. lot or cellcnt 6.6'% loa.n h·ansfer-Forest Ave., rear leads to CASlf REQUIRED TD'&. 639-3450. Mi. J.:.ing . J'able-\VITHOUT INTEREST l\luncipal parkini lots. $50 Inquire about our "fret bon. 4 Br holll(' Tustin. Trade for lot or acre in Redland.11, Al· so have Tahoe lot lot· Red· lands prope1ty or v i r . .\'\&.::-184 or~962{!007, INCREASE. SUbmit yo ur per month for space, Desk U.!1 route plan". ?\lake youa• ltrm~. and cha.in available for S5. future secure \\•Ith us, a WALKER & LEE Busi_nes.11 ~urs answcl'inr Dunn & Bradstreet rated na. service available tor $10. tional company. For moi-e All ntilities pa.id except inlormatioo. send name, ad . 2043 Westcliff Dr. 6#-nn telephone. dn!S.!I and P"°"' # too ·:i acre{ hear Reno. DAILY PILOT \:du!' $3,000. \VIII trade Pre-Paid Interest 222 1''0REST AVENUE "Ri~.~ g~A~~~NT for late mOOel Dodge Aeccpta.ble on OM or sev-LAGUNA BEAOI Pomona, ta1H. r+Ii69 Va~.,?2~9~r. rral fi~ lea~ indu.striaJ ____ .... _9466 _____ l----'---'---'-- Found (FrH Adsl 6400 LARGE \\'hite illale r.1ixed Breed Dog. Dark head marks. No l'Ollar. Belirvcd to bf! fl"Om lhe Laguna aJ'C'I. 6TJ.-0461 COAL-BLACK kincn "·/ flea •'Ollar. Appro~. 4 1110s. old. 1123 Chatleslon St. C.ill. brl. 9-3. APPROX 1 yr old. Black & 1an German Shepherd, vie llarbor & Adams. C:\I. Call :>49-1926 FOUND. Black & ,1·hite kit· ten \v/colla1· near 2200 block of Placentia Avt:. 834-2JJ!I or 642-3643 PET r.1a.llal'd Drake. Ve1y Tame. 18th St., C.l\I. 64&-25:!7 \VHITE r..fa!e Poodlt. Vic. Fountain Valley, il92·89CO 1967 32' Chris a·att, t1vi11 en~" fully equipped, very clean. \Viii trade eqry for home 01· car 01· anythinl:'. 548-:?43<1 alt 6. 6·12-47~1 af1 6 ~-~~·~~-~~-~-I building~. :\1.-'.RINER'S CENTER Associalf' Have: \Vhirlpool J::'as d1ycr, Otoltl-.:1' j(l()() sq, ft., $59,jOO Ollice in Store Bldg. Rent or I rOUND Poodle vie Bu~hard SJO valur. Trade for frcc;o;cr New IS.too ~l"I. l't .. $16.),000 LIP. S7:>-S12i. Beauty shop. ~IANU t'AC-i'URBR ~+-«~Elh~. 01· ~ ?of c-qu11! \'alur. Call 1""1rst user 70CO sq. rt .. S79.0l'OI scn1t equip. 149 Ri verside $17.JOO lnve~llTlent into lhf', ___ Call 962·1'1"1fi \'ena, li~~\44.1. Escellen1 no t:o~r loan. J-'or A\'('., N.B. 64&-2414. no. 1 Bu~ine«.o; of 1he day. '.!j BLACI\ Lab puppy ,1.carin;:. rletail!I ''llll 1\. \\'. $1nall. 1200 1-SQ FT N ~·r. history ol succes.11, nolf black stud <.'Ollar found * * * E khff&A I -~ .. owpon c O , SSOC., nc. Beach Civic-Ctr. ~l't'a. ("Xpanding OJ)('ralioll.!I to So. Newport Pirr. li7l-SJ07 l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!ll!~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!I 1818 \~, Otap111an Ave. Secretarial ~rvic:t!s. l34J Calif. Complete fac101y in-* * Lost 6401 <i:NTALS I RENTALS Ot·an~e. Calir. Ne11.'J!Ol'l Blvd., N . B. s1alled &. ready to go. \Viii ADts. Unfurni1hH Apts. Unfurnished 7>-11-1621. t-.:vc.!l·wknds ~71 67~~1601. train Principal of l\frmt. 11.bililie.11. Contact immed. WST · yng blk mal~ inin Fr. COit• Me11 5100 ~na d•I Mar 5~ 4 PLq_ _ tor r~!.S ~OS ~~~:e 1vport ~:Ck: i:;; ~:;:i~~~~~ =~~.~Co~~:; 'YBh1~.goafl~r~ BRAND NEW APT-HOMES C0ROLJD0-AP7S. 2 Bl'. A fourplex \1'ilh-1n walking Blvd, .11uite A. NB. :>47-1641 people dreani of. Starting Robrrtson, Conlacl N\vpt Po. Lo\vcr levels. studiO!!. pent. d igtan~e 10 I.ht HaJ"bor Si\IIALL OUice on busy cor.. 1alary S12.00D + aubstantial lice Dept. 01' (2131 li17.J014 house, Frplcs .. pool, dbl. Shopping center. Two bed· C I >I '"'I ooth. p-til•. C·'I .._,en Cl<.lloi"' roll. · 1180 • ...,.., 1 11 .. ,. •::nn oo ner o~a 1 esa . ....,,,m ,., ..., 0 ... carport.!!, patio.!!, • ~v. 'OOtl'l.!I, 0 "" income ..,..,.,_ tiHtie included 642-6560 17141 774-7050 I o-c=o:--,.---oc-,,-~=- 673·3378 per rnonth. Aggumable i-~HA1.;"=='====·=====-========== LOST: :; yr old i\tale Altered NICE l&t 2 Bk upper, New cpt:s, drps. retrig, range, r ar. New decor. Adults. l;..!le, S11D Owne1· 704 Narcis.!lws. loan. Call for more infor. I· Scalpoint Siamese. Deela11" mation (.546-23131 ($48,000.COJ ed. Vic. Hunt ing to 11 Never before lived in. Pd. vale-pa110 living. Near beach & 11hoppini;. All new built·ins, dish11 asher~. w/'" 546-2313 646.7171 Harbour. Re\\•ard! ('.!ll) 5!12-:>886 cal'pelini:, d1·.ipc.s, private $!9j mo., utilitie.11 paid 'O THE REAL ·~ESTATERS livinc:. j :? BR .• garage. Yearly. e ": BR<! BA·h'fllc .. plus: i\lr. ~·orney. Bkr. 5W-3BS:? --~=,.,--,.,-~~-=~ e 2 BR·2 BA·palios LUh1JRfOUS 3 BR apt, yrly EASTSIDE. 11 Unit.11 \\'~SlUO, e 1 BR·l BA-dcl\lXe ~inG"lt Jse. $325 per mo. Inquire monthly income, on 50,400 Corsican Apt. Ho mes 6091f Iris or call 6T~7807 fl .. or land. $82.~ -l\'o ~~~~------1 P<Jlnts. 01vne1· 1\•111 1:arry SUNFLO\VER AVE. I LGE 1 BR garage apt-. Cpts, \\'/lO\V low dOWtl. Broker Btwn s. ~lai n !..·_ 6ris1ot drps. stove. refri& le 1ar. 64&-37:io0. Located 1 ~ mile J.;_ ot Soulh Sl50 mo. 67a.-0954 •. UNITS 8 Ibo p · I "---iPI 01 · c 1, • a a t"n1nsua. o.MU aza "'10pp111;:: en \f $150 nio. 1 _BR. J blk 10 Winter l"Cntal& $j()O/mo. C•ll 540-1973 market. ava.11 .Jan 1 .. ~duJts Po1en1ial summer rental1 only, nn p("I~. 67.W 9.16 $:iOO per "'r.l"k. O\\l'nt'r Jeav- 2885 'i\IENOOZA DRIVE ing areot. PriCf' $<15.000. Ceil t & 2 BR apt!. 2 split-lcvr.J. Mflrt in Rll r. 548-63.t!. CJD. bll n11.. No 11" 1 s ., Balboa 53001 --~~~=~~. :-~~;;.i2t. See ilTgr, Ap1 A • C-1 BARGAIN--~=-~--'2-. c--'--. -1 DELUXE uppci· 3 BR. 2 BA , Pon:iona al 19th St .. Q.T. Du-2 Bft, $1.>J. C1 pis. di p1', 1·1...,ts drps bltn~ '· blk bl Pvt r cl "'ctr •. ,, ' • ·• i plcx on C l 101 63'x27fl' . tns. ~ pa ~o, en· .. lron1 bay k bch. Adulu. l\1ak~ ofter 541-ti6&1 ;141.233j Adu.ltJ!:. J4i.-04X: $190 mo. :>-1:;...1~ -· ' 3 BR, 2 B.\, upsn·s. Nf'1v 1hag: c11L Bltns. Xlnt North c .M. ·1oc:. $195 1no. s.;7-6131 1 BR apt', single adults. Stove &: refrig. No pets. :>43-0ll76 '1 BR, crpt.!1, drps. . ~ncl. gar l: privat~ patio. $15.i 673-3690 5200 GRACTOUS ADULT LIVING 2 Br. 2 Ba, hi-rise bldr. E.x- citinz bay &: ocean vie1v. J acw:zi pool. elr \'ators. subterranean pk"r. boat slips •vail for !rnants. 642-:r.ll2 1M Bluffs rent or buy. di:.: :'I BR 2 BA 11plit lev. cusl dee. pool. Jan 3. $300. &44-20.."l!'I EHi Bluff 5242 · e NEW DELUXE e :; S r 2 Ba apt. for lease · rncl.' apac. mutr. suite. din rm. k dbl. :U'l;t. auto. door opener avail, Pet ok. Pool k rec. area. Nr. Cl.th- ol:ic Olurch. e ONLY SZU e 163' AmllOl't Way, N.8 . DUPLEX CDi\f . 2 hou:ses. ----------1 S~,000. $8,000 dO\Vn. Income Lido Isle 5351 $415 ~lo. 675-6044 1 BR lov.'C"r front. Bmployedl-----·----- 11.du.lt. Util fw'n. 101 Via ~u•i nMt Property '°50 1''lorcnce. 675--1892 ---------· 12 ACRES. Costa Meaa. -Hi. 2 BDRMS. -2 BA TH riae area. t..onz term leue. Pearl Devine, P. 0 . Bo,; lSW. Huntin&f.on Be a eh , 92646 SlSO/b,Io. HEATED POOL lusinHa Rent 1f fned, cpt/dh>s. Kids OK 6060 DELA\VARE STUDIO Apts. RETAIL SHOP 1620 sq fl. 26'20 Dela'"are. H.B. Terrific Locahon. A Ir 642·2'12J anytime 536-1816 Cond.. carpcl.11. Beautiful NICE 2 k 3 bdrs. Crpted Ii: Store f"ront. Idea] for ti'lcn'! drped. N\\iy decor. 3 bl ks \\;'car, .Glfl!I. Specialty Shop, b-om bch. 3 bdr \\'/dbl 11.I-r.l c. ~1Jlgrt!n Square, 270 E . tached $Cllr '-frplace. ~1711 17th SI .. C.ilf. =~-~--~=-~-1Call MS-9107 CHEZ ORO APTS. 11234 ~·==--====-Atlanlll . H.B. Nu, I. :.>. ~ .STORES o~ Of'Jo'l~ES bi··s. Priv. gar. pool. uw $3:'> to S150 ut1J incl. St. ex· rm. ~or : .. ~'1727. posur.:. S69 W. 19th. Ci\I ATTRACT. 2 Bdr AU XtrU'. ROOM 81.iilable tor ~ill llhop, $135. 11+42 Queens Lane men's •hOt> or llldie1 shop. H.B. !16&-7510 or 347-159<1. ' Call Jim Berobirc, 673-S400 $155. 2 ~ carpets, Offlce lentil 6070 dia~, built-ins .. l»-1541 FINE STORE/OFFICE 2 BDRMS. 2 BA. pVf.. patio, For Le<11e heated pool, washer ~ On V I• Lido , --------:-~I dryer hook up. ~ Approx . 1500 Sq. Ft. •· 50 50c Per Ft. Coron t dol Mtr 52 L119una lotch 5705 LIDO REALTY INC. ~~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii1 I APTs LEASE OR RENT nn Via L ido 67J.7300 ,.. "" N~ I or 2 bed~. private ?tlODERN 3 room suite, .. "' aundcck. wall to \\'all earptl, cpts .. air cond, janitor .ar. ~ ~• oef'•n "icw. kitchen tum. vice. a.mple parklna. Undcra;round pu1dnr:;, closo So. C.llt. lrt Nat. Bk Bid;. ON TEN ACftES to bcacll. 6*-9633, Mr, 230 E. 17th Slrttl 1 & 2 BR. Furn le Untu.rn Brack ~la ~les11 GU-1<1&1 J.'lreplacts I priY, patlCI I -&iAN t'R.bs:-T 1 BR. 2 BA. BAY l.100 BLDG - Pool:'-TtMis • O>ntn!'I Bids!., Yrly mG or a1~ lurn, '''IN· :1700 Nr-v.·port N.8 . 900 sea ~ c.d!.f &4~..?61/ 1'ER _bnl.y! Nl'J\\•ly dee. OftiC4'-' av•ll•ble. Rm 301 (M'acArthUr n.r-:"Coa•t \\')' ~ulta. no ~tg. ~l l75-2'464 , or Ml-90.12 • NO MATTER WHAT IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL WITH IT A For F<1st Service Ir Export A uista nct DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT fEi\IAlX Yol'kllhire Tcmer blk & tan. lost DeC'. 18, 118 Opal. Bal. J~I. Rc\1·'d lol' tn-- fo. leading to 01· finding dog. 673-7843 l LOST; 1-fcma.le blk/\\·ht kit· lcn, 11•/1-malP i:: r o 1v n p/\\•ht Siamese, Balboa lsl. 67~371 6 ti-lo. old frmale Sealpoinl Sia1nc~ kitten. Vit of Halerresl homes. 3123 Cork. 546-643:> 'CAi\IEO Blond pa.i1 Persian fen1al~ cat. I yr old. Nted!I 1nedicalion. Lost on Avotl St., N.B. 847-:ns;, 2 YR. White Shep Samoyed Female. (~liar. lag.!!. Vi c. Stach & Yorktown. Nctds Vet. Reward. 5J6....&162 GREEN Parakeet w/ yellow patch on head, 1riendly, vk: Meu. Verde. 'Rew. 545-3833 BI.J< Chi .• broken left ear. lie no. 56655. call collect {2131 589-3952 Reward! WST Hwiky pup, male, vie. 13th I: Bay NB. Contact at 645--0,;A)6 ot' 1309~; w. Bay. WST: Grandma'11 bracelel, l disc.11 &: 1 Holy medal. 67;)..1868 Person•ls •.405 -·---·----- YES IT'S YOUR FAULT !"or ·recorded mc.s.saie fh&I "'111 chanre your" life call ORANGE CQ. 54'1-6667 2<1 hour recon:l1nc •LICENSED* Opirltua1 ReadiJl&, advice' on all matters. Love, M~. Bualnea&. 312 N. El Camino Re-aJ, San Clemente. 492--9UI, 492-0078 10 .Uf -10 PM SECURITY Avail B a c h Collete Drpee will ltvt In YoUr home. if unOccupied, fOr yoor pr oteellon. R~fc.rcncc1. Reply Box Slrtf, Daily Pilot. CENTLDIAi~ 15 yr rt~l­ denl, finest l'C!b. ?o.Icet lady 25-4:1 no child .. w/tasle for 1 life's finest. Stnd phola to -Bcixl\f·9ta D&1ly Pilot ALCOHOLICS Ano nymOt.11 p._ 5'J2.T2l1 o.· ~'l'ltt lo P;l!~.1223<!1•~ R~·,. - s~turdar. Df<rmbff 20, 1%11 Mou•rs '0" slLI' HOUSES·~,.-.,,. .. PAUL WHITE CJUtNABAN -(.. Paul· White· Carnahan ' Realty Co. ' 546-5440 OUR 24th ' YEAR .. -: WE SELL 100 HOMES PER MONTH Let yours be next -call now and start packing -our extensive advertising and multiple listing service will do the work for you. Over 850 sales people who meet·: buyers in all areas. We have waiting buy· ers now! CALL FOR A MARKET APPRAISAL. FORCED SALi! tOOOD INVISTMINTI Dralh in family causell i;alc of thl, commercial money maker. 3 slorie.~ -laundramat, bttr l&\'- rrn &: TV repair llhor. Evcrythlni:: goe1 \vith laundramal. o 1 h ,. r 'l atorcs lca~rd . Priced al only $7~.000. lltO HOUSE-- SMALL PRICI Gorgeous 4 bdrm charm· r.r. Entertainer 's livinr l'OOm celling hit;:h flrt:· place. Largt! ma:stcr bd- nn, all bit-in \Vife-saver kitchen. Desirable t.·Iesa dcl i\1ar IOI.'.. \Valk to all ~C"hool~. Hurry H'll: too ~harp 10 last at $33,j()(), 5<16-5440 (ND OILllATIDNI 1m1R HUUT! Thi! lmmac n e \\'I y t>Binted ~ bdrm, ram room home won '! last. l', ba. ~ep din nn. apacious liv 1·m \\'/floor to ceiling J;i,va rock fi-plc. Qualily "•/\Y cpts thruout. Bright kitchen. 11lovt I< retrig. incl. F P.nce d yard 1v/pa.tio. Only $24,500 - EZ terms. 516-}1·10 FOR LEASE Close to "·ater In Bea.u- titul "Bayshort~ com· pletcly furnhshed 2 bdi:m horn~ is \1'hat this is -"ilh lol.!I or charm. Terrific ti.replace in LR "·ith beamed ceilifli:'. Lcl\SI" thru J11nP 1:>. 1970. FOR CHRISTMASI ·. .. \\'ow! \Vhat a view that you c.n buy your lovely. bridt for Chri.11tml!. It'• a.JI here In this beautiful Ne1\1J0r1 Heights locatiort. " T\1'0 bedroom1, conv. den, high quality cpts. and"' drape.11 throu&hlJ:ul. All> , built~ina, 2 baths. Owner'> \\ill carry lat T .D. with $5800 do1Yn, s.46--5440• : tOOV COUUI Dft. P•ym't IMw r.: Would you Believe? · NO 00\VN P"'YMENT to qualified veteran. Thill beautiful l bedroom ~ .; FR home w alkln r ' dis~ to :\lesa Verd~ golf <.'Ourse. Exn-. 1harp £."Ondition, new 1 h az ·~ carpets in L.R. &:: MBR., priced al $27.JOO :>4~ ... ---------------------------.,,., .. PuRCHAsr -W1TH -CoNFIDENCE INTECillTY -SINCE 1947 A PIONEER -VITAL TUININtO - MULTIPLI llSTINIO~-rROH5SIONAL ADVUTISINIO SUU IT'S DIRTY But Hs dirt cheap, too. Nr.glccted and vacant in mo11 dcairab!t location near heart of Costa ~lesa 3 Bcorooms or 2 11.nd den offc1·ing FHA l e rm ~ . Large back yard \vith out· doo1· BBQ. Only S2J,j()() and les.o; 1.han $1500 do1\'n. Run to phone! 1he ntare~t ;)46-5440 KINtO SIZE 11.nd fil for your Quel!n! '\'his beautiful, lmmacu· late J bedroom and fam- ily 1·oom in l\'lesa VerdP. Pacesetter that is really 1etting th, pace. Fe11· ture1 all blt-in1, covered patio, block wall.11 1ur· round thi1 Queen pl.]ace. Asking S35, 750.00 ~6-54•JO tORAI TOUR HAT And hurry over to t.hi11 a:ha1·p '4 bedroom and r11n1!1y 1·oon1 :\ ba th home, II "·on'! last : F11.mlty r·oom fcalurc~ fircplar,. 11nd bc11utlful panclinl!'. Home hfl~ Jov~!y lt"t' living roon1 \\'I I h !orn111J Dlnini: room In nios\ dcafrablt J()('ation tor S44,roQ. M6-M40 rooL HOME FOR YOUNIO IXICUTIVE Immaculate 3 bedroom +. family rm .. '2 baths. Nice fll.<ep\ace, Bil · in. ~park!. Int pool, fenced tastefully to make it children safe. B" autifully 1.i.ndscaped. Don't be dissapointed, call loday and stt ibis beauty $34.,:;oo, 546-5440 flNANCINtO A PRDIUM? ASSUME THIS 51/4•/• YA LOAN 1vith monthly payments of $172.00 per month in. ('luding principal, in· let-est. ta.xes &: insurance. 4 Bf;drooms. 2 baths, Jargt ki!C'hcn \\'hh blt-in!I and d ishwuher, tormica lop. 1paciou.11 llv room, w/w cpt le: dra pe1, (U'eplacc, alidinr do o r 1 o~n to fenm:f yard with i:u.!ltom heated po o I • 1'1ar:o1totw: ci(!clriMi" only $27.930. EZ 1e1ms ~~40 IXPANDAILI f.()Ca!r.d In Colltl;t Park rhis l bedroom family room home i.11 just wa.itint: lnr !hat young boat or l'<'mpin.r tnthu.11la8I. '\'hi~ homf' when tht famlly t't'O\\'! \\'ould ex pan d , ,.ronomlcally. NOi" only S26.9SO . Extr~me l y Rha1·p~ ~ WATCH YOUR WIN 11C1' cyeA will light up \\•hen she llees this out-· 1t1nding: kitchen with all bltln.11 includln1 dish- \\' a 1 her. BeauUtullY; maintained 4 bedroon\; In &ood location of MH(f de) l\tar. Spaclou1 cov~ ~red patio. Almost new ·! \v/w cpta in LR, HalJs;" l'R, and MBR. Your eye1 '">ill li1ht up at price ot :S29,450.00 346·5440. flYI llDROOM $5950.00 down payment wi ll mov' you into thl.11 lovely l11•0 1tory tlv• ' bedroom a n d family . room home. Beautiful . •·pt.11. in LR and family room. Lancbcapin1 la .• t trrifie and comp).,.~, menll lovely ca...ered patio. Full price S34.930 •. 54~·- 6.l.'1 SHORT ON C.UN .. \\'ell, M need to worry herr.. Approximalely S70D h• the tot.a] <.'OSI lo buy : thl11 lovely horn~. U you're ' a G.J. lmagine a. L'UI .. s .· BR .J. ae parate dlnins· · 11.1•ea, Newly palnt .. d," ' drape.!!. be11111ltul rocky , mountain 1lorw firepla~ , In L R. Payment. tea • ttu.n ~nt. 1-\111 pr\ce "'·""' ~ '" SALESMAN NEEDEu-D -\OCALL NOWI ·' PAUL • WHITE • CARNAHAN 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 ' •: ·' -' -. ·' ' l I \ . .. , DAILY PU.OT $1t11rd11. Dtct111bw 20, l961i • , I When Yo v Want if done right •• ! ( ( I I Call one of the experts listed below!! ~!OTHER Ill 'J. 1l11lr i;ir!:-, drsu,·.s bahyt.1111111:, rn Y I hon1r, SalhoO!. llil&nd. A~e 2 up. 61:rt644 ntILD CIU'P l\ly llnnir, llot J 11n(•hr~. -'"rar \' 1" 1 u r i a &hOol. Call frlfi-~. BABrs1Tr1Nc-:-n1~· 11111111· 11rt'kly, daily, ("Vt"s, Hra..;o11• «bit. rcllablr. 642-6037 Irick, MaMnry, etc. 6560 BUILD, Rl'n1odel, n:pa ir Brick, bklck, concr ete. rupenll)', no job loo i;n1all. I.it:'. C.OntJ•. 9tiU94:i 011tn1or)(f Carptt Clcanrrs ll!i' 21.SI .St, Costa Mesa. J10111t' & AJH 1.:ltaning 64Z>--1:117 Fttt P.~UIT\alC's Carpet Laying Ii Repair 61126 FOR CARPETING OR CARPET LAYING (', A, Pa ~t" ~2-'2070 6640 ELECTRICAL scrvic.-e & 1·rpa1r. 2~ hr!!. 7 da.>•s. No job too 1mali. Re-model & arldilion~. If it'J< cl{'Cltital, \\'t" fix Jt ~ 646-477:.! Paperhanging P1inting 6150 INT.IEXT. Aver. Ext. $127.50 lllbor only. 8 yr. s:uar. pain lill&' avail. Also. Apl11 &: Comm'I. 548-1:>16 EX-PAINTER, IK>\V sc h l teacher will painl cvea & 1vknds. Xlnt \\/Ol'kmanship, Free est. 1)46....4519, ~ llOLIDAY SPECIAL, Int . & Bu1ines1.~e~£ce 6562 l·;/~ ~; 17-;~l.CIA~1~111 11lii:cr:~~: Ext. pa inting. Lie &: lnsurd. ------~ Free ests. Loe.cl refs. 30 yn )NCO'!"' .1.,, 1,,, ..... ,,.,1 & i\1a1n1cnant'e ,V, r'" pa 11'. "Ch ck" ti<' oo~ 1•i;. ... -.... , expcr. u ~" . 5<18-!'l20:1 t:orporil!' RrltU'n~: Avia· p AINTING, paperhanging, hon. ~\e<.l1~al I.: \Jannt" A 6665 2:l yrs expc.r. Ohl entry !'pec1al ry. PU h I I I' Ac'-I _F_lo_o_r_•-------· I \\'Orkmanship. Reas. f«e ('{)Untanl. 67:rl196 Vur Ap-CARPl-:TING CSI. 642-1322 pointn1t"nl. f rP<' <'stin1ate Lie. tontr. 5-10..726::!, 546-4478' }"A~'l' cUiciC'nt IK'.Okl\1'1'."ping scrvic.'t!, posting. b i 11Jni 1-========== Pl:L's, ~ t.'{)llr.rlion. 962-Q.l:?7 G1rd•nin9 66IO Builders 6570 GA RDENING t.r lalldscaping. 1 .. yrs ex p .Cl ean-up, BUILDERS spt·inklr.r~ ins!'d I;. rr.paired . CONSTRUCTIO:O.' 6TJ-l.lli6 Clran-up MrviCf', bond('il AL'c'~S~G~,,.,.---~-~~-La,....w-n * 64~7 * 1 l\laintena11ce. Co111mercial, 6590 Industrial & residenlial. Urpenterl!ll * 646-3629 * CARPENTRY JAPANESE <•ardent r, P,IINOR REPAIRS. No Job cxp'd, c:on1p. yard Sf"rvice. TOl' Small. Cabinet in aar-free "stimate. 968-2303 .11a:es &: other cabir.ets. Jli\t'S Gal'dl.'ning l< ht1vn 54.>Sl'lS, U no allSWl'!r leave maintenance. Rr.5 & c.'{)m-m.sa at 646-2372. 'H. O. mr:rciaJ. * 540-4837 Anderson CLEAN-UP SPECIALIST GEN. Repair. Add . Cab. r-.1011·ing, edging-, odd jobs. .1-'ormica Pall1"1ing. l\farlilt. Reasonable. S.tR-695.i Anything! Call Di c k, ti73-4459 Gener•I Services 6612 REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS * CABINETS. Any sizf' job 2j yrs cxprr. 5484i1ll Experienced BARTENDERS se1,·lnr: all Orange County. &:;0-"33 ~auling -~---6730 YARD. Car. l1canup. P.r· .--P=AlN=~n=N~G,....-· ~1,~1~./°'B""xt. Loca1• ttlerences. lmmed. scrvi~. 646-5242, 646-3657 f-"or Bt"tlcr Painting, Inter· ior & exrerior, 11.coustic cell. ings. 646-4077 EXTERIOR-INTERIOR !:. ~1AINTENANCE • 646-3185 • PAINTING-Ext-Int. 18 yrs, F..xp. Ins. Lie .. f~ es!. Ac.'Ousl. Ccillng. ~2:1 Pl1stering. Repair 6880 e PATCH PLA!:llERING All lypes. Free e11l.imatcs Call 54o.6825 Plumbint 6190 PLUr.1BING REPAIR No job too small • 642-3128 • Roofing 6950 ALL TYPES: roc k, \1·ood &: asphall shingit"S. LEAKS REPAIRED. \\'ork i;ua.r. 8·17-1136 CARPE?l;'TRY. Cabinets Rtmod. No job loo small . qua.I v.·ork. C.aJI &lF.--'13TS REPAIR, Partitions. S111all Remodel, etc. Nile or day. Reas! Ca.II KEN 540-4679 111ov" 11·1·r~. l\)'. 11'al'h. I Sewing Gl'ad(', baCltliOf'. 952.i;74,) --~-------6960 Cement, Concrete 6600 CEMENT \VORl\, no job roo llmall, rcsonablc. f ('t" r t;tim. II. Stullick 548-861:i •Hauling. lla\T • ~. 1011 pickup, !ic('nscd & 1n.~url•d. 494-100.1 Cle•n Up And H.1ul SlO A load. 64&-2628 ORESS:'llAKING SATI S l-',\CTJ ON t;UARA NTEED CA LL 962-1060 1 • Dress111ak1ng -Alterations SpPciaJ on coat hems BLOC K l-'cnce&-Drh1ev.·ays P a I i o s-Plar1t"n;..Rcn1odel· Ing Lie. 642·98::i2 * CONCRETE ~'LOORS. patios, ('It'. RrAsonablc, Call Don, 642-8514 I====-===:::::== * 64~46 • Housecleaning 6735 ===='°· ===== BA y 1z B('ach ,Janitorial. TILE, C._!r•mic 6974 Carpl'1s, t\•lndo1vs. floors. cic.1 • Vcrnr. The Tilt l\lan• P."s S.· Co1111111"'l. 6·16-1401 Cus1. 1\·ork. Install & rcpail's. No job loo small. Plasltr patch. LcAking ~ho \1' er repair. 847-1937/84G-03'.l6. I • APT CLE.<\NING • ==========1 1-'a.st & lhorough 642-8164 Contr1ctors 6620 \Villinm~ Cl~.aning Sc1'\-. · _ · -:-a ios-t"lc. Res or Comc'I. Xlnt 6910 ROOl\I Add itions p t' I CARPJo:TS, \\ indo\\'S, 1lrs. T••• Serv1'co Block F e11ces--Dr1vc1\•ays-k R , R f 548-4! l Planlers. 642-9852 ii·oi· eas. e 5· l TREES Pruned, I op p e d , .>\dditions * R!'modl!lin 1 ! \\'INDO~\IS Dl.RTY? rC'movcd. 26 YNi C)(per. 1-'rcd H. (J(orwick, Lie.lo:: I ~ r'«' csc. Ia ycars-."sp. Ac~~~c:~P~i2.1-I S73-604J ,. ;.,ig.1170 .Johnny Dunn &t!-236~ TREE SERVICE, g<'n'I yard Carpet Cle.1ning 6625 Ironing 6755 l'lranup. SPRINKLER -----------------REPAIRS 646-51148 CARPET & upholstery gteam IRONING In 111Y home, Sl GENE:S mE·E0~s~E~R"V7o­ '"lea.ned, also carpet In-I hr. A 1.1" r a 1 i o_n ~ • Also Trees, shrubbc.ry trimmed, 11tall1tion. Rei;ults guar. ror hRb,v!<.H!\ni;:. Call .~\..7Ml kfor rcn1ovccl. :14g..1~9 free.: est, call 646-:"1971 A-01\ shan1poo Ctu·1stn1a~ Janitorial 6790 I Televiri-~n, Repair 698! ~~cial $7 _j(l rn1-lc"s for I , , , halls t"lc Also con1 ICLl::AN ING Service ln Your C()l.OR rv & ~TtRJ::O houseeln'i;:, 821-:ll82 p llomr For f-:xchan~f" Of All R:lf! \.\I. l?Th !:ii .. ~I ~ l\les& ·--. . . I 1;s"11bl" H.~t'holJ Items Call h4fi.li278 O!' a.ll-6133 CARPET !: 1' urn t'lr11n1ni:: ti7:1-606!. · 1-_ for: 1 day se1Vll'I' &· quality -__ U h • t 6990 \\·orl\, C';ill :;j!('rl1ni; for BU:511:.:~T 1narl\ctpla1;e in -•-•-·•-•_•Y~----­ bdght11"11!l~ 642-8:)20 101111. TI1t DAILY PILOT CZYKOSl·a ·s Cushn. Uphol. Cli1.ssificd st't:tlon. S" v ,. 1 Luropean Cl'allsmanship Y()ur UN"ITED FUND n1onc y, \Jmt" & erforL Looi\ 100% fin! 642-145'4 Nl'!elfs \'our Dallars no\\'!!: 1831 Ne\\'JlOrt Blv, Ci\!. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1nCI NOTICES JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & EMPLOYM!NT Announcement' ·------ Job W.1nted, 6410 , Women 7020 t'"R.F.E buic boating roun;r nflercd 10 public by Balboa Po11·er Squadron t'vrry f.fon. n1gbt for I,\ \\etk!l bet;inninit T pm l\lon. .llll\. 12 1'l NtWJXlrl Harbor Y 11 r h I C14Jh. 7211 \V. B11)' Avr . Nt 11tJ)Ort lk11"h. No 111lvn11l"" rt:ci a:tr111 inn n('•-dt"d. Regt1tcr 11! 1·111,~s Hr1 ni:. Mlebook f1r.;:1 n1i::h1 Q11c~­ tit1n,;: Call 613--t!li» SENSJTIVITY TFlAIN ING- \\IORK SHOP .JAPA...,.E!:if-; &hoolgirl. Li\'t 111 morh"r·~ IK'lpt'I'. Ph: %2-t.1i ~---- Jobs-Men, Wom. 7100 Artvr.rtislnR Ai,::ency Job& Men. Wom. 7100 As;::-;; bi);".' EXP'O. ELECTRONIC ASSEt\IBLERS \\'iring & P.C. Boorrl ra b1·1ca· hon. Appl. in 11erson TRANSICOfll CORP. Kil \\', l ~Th SI ., ('.\I. ASSISl,ANTS & RECE ~TIONIST P1'f'llli1'f'rl 1't'stln1e n11w1 h11vr 111'0 ~T~. drnt;il ('\J)('L:h.•ncr. ~:\'r. hMi AU union b<'ncllt,;. ~l11ry $3.11 rt'I' hr, C.:1111 lor ;tprir lor inl('!'\•1r1~'. 6.1.1-1j,11 ,\HCll/'/'E'CTURAI .• Draft~ JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMENT JOIS & IMPLOYMINT MIRCHANOISI POii ------1---·-·· SALi ANO TRAOI Jolie Mon, w-. 7100 Jolie Mon, WOfn. 7100 Joi..-Mon, Wom. 7100 Jolie *"' Wom. 7100 SchHl•lnotructlon 76001---------. ·--·--------Purn~ture 1000 • a.nef5cie1 Tix S.nrl~1,, Inc. • FREE TUITION! Guarantetcf Job Placement TAX ' INTERVIEWERS (er M•n & Worn•n Who Would Llkt to le) ALL AGES FULL O~ PART TIME Send your name, address and phone. number and area preference in a brief letter telling us your education and occupation to: , Robert Mitchell, lox 1863, N.I . 92663 NVR.SES Rtl'stef'ed•. even-SPRAY Man Fot Roof ln&: 4 .N1bt WU... &-.:. Coallna;. Ont who will ta.kt bene.fitll. Apply Penonncl pMM Mt hil ~ Appl.y in Director. So. Cout Com· peraoa, 8" W. 11\h St., C.1.t. munil)I HOlip.. 31872 Coast Hwy., So. t.a.runa. 495-1311, ~;o;I. 3,j6 NURSERY school teacher. Exp'd, part time afternoons. Also on tall tor mominp. 5.'J6..3S81/~t:i6 eves Purch•ting/ M•teri•I Control Manager Openin&: for exp'd indlviduaJ 11:/purcha.sing Ir inventory control back;a:rnd. Xlnt. O!, benefit.!. SERVICE CENTER Employment A .. ncy TEEN Director to plan It ditt<:I d&.!cy I:. special eventa for !Prlii llh thru Uth sndr. 35 hn wk. Prev . .YOUlh v.'Of'k dfflrable. Over Zl. Call MIJ11 Ruat.enbach &46-TIIJ TEXAS OlL COl\IPANY has opt'nin&; In Stach Cities a~a. No experience nectlUJ')'. A~ oot important. Good eharaeter a must. \Ve train. Air mail; TM FIRS!' ' ONt.Y tr&nch41ed 5-T-llt-E·T-C-H & SEW (T.M .I Y.ore ol On.na:e C.Oun~ CHRlSTI.J 4.S SHOP THE EASY WAY!! SPANISH tilt back chair. 3 pluUc marble end tb!'a, SpaniJh pJctu.re:. baby dttp. Ing tbl, nib, misc baby 11enu. Color 'IV, netds minor rep1lr. 720 Drif~"OOd. S.8. 1213> SS&-0047 a.Jter 6 P.M. Office Equipment IOI I TYPEWRITER, Addlna machine, calculator, vtty reasonable. Xlnl c o n d . Letrn to aew on "knit ta.b-892-2423 !'1cs". Make stretch ?ln1sl'5~• ~BLA"°"~CK=~n.,....•k~.'""3-d~,-,-,~-n­ tn l hr, a bathln& suit for lett, type11i'l·iter apace r.i&ht. $5.00 -even & rtrdlc! Im-$50. Call 673--78$4. _ ._._ * 500 Newport C'..e:nter Dr.* ~obt Men, Wom. 7100 Job~n, Wom. 7100 tFaahion Jsll Suite 200 NB D. P. Dickerson, ?r'e5., Southv.·estem Pe tr o I e u m Corp. F't. \\'orth, Texas .. lne -T..i.lrta tor tlw =-===·=--====! Wbo:e f&mil..v, G•r•ge Sal• am BABYSITTER. full t I me 6:30-4 p.ni. Thru-.\Ion. 1 child. \\'W prod. trans. Aft 4:30 p.m., 646-824.1 _ BANK Pcnonne.I I-.: x p : 5f!cttta.rfal. clerical, NCR -i:il proot machine opel"lltor. 496-ST";>S; 3'1061 Do~ny Par!\ l)r, capistrano Bch * BARBER * to manage new Barbershop, Sheraton Beach Inn; for c!."lails, ca.11 Lou Evans. 536-1421 BARBF.R. Very progtt&11ive shop in beautiful Laguna Beach. 494-5054 BEAUTY Operator, ft'male, pre ftr \Y /c lientl'!l4!. Progressive ne1v s a Io n . 494-:i().)( •BOOKKEEPER* wanted Call 540-3943 '.\ to 5 P'-1 only. PLAN CHECKING -ENGINEER - $939. to $1141. per month -CITY OF - NEWPORT BEACH N~w position in rhc Build· in& Department requi1'· ini:; degree in civil, archi· tectural or structural cn- ginel'!rinz and one year of r:xperienee checkina: buildinz plans. Apply to lhe Pl.'1'!Ktnncl 0 r I i c e, 3300 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach, caiu. 9'J660, 1n41 67H633 immediately, BOOKKEEPING. part time, knov.·ledgt of taxes helpful 1---------- bul not necessary. 897-0443 * ELECTRONIC TECHS. I\' O\lerseas Infonnation BOYS 11 • 14 Call 17141 774-2610 Carrier Routes Open for EXPERJENCED ••. , ...... . Lai:;urt• Beach, So. Laaunai ......... '.. COUNTERMAN DAILY PILOT Cily Aulo Pans 642-021 2012 Placentia. C.~I . COASTAL AGENCY Profession•I Employment As1i1tenc• A member of Snelling & Snellinz lnc. 2790 Harbor Bl, CM 540-6055 Ha rbor Blvd. at Adams COLLEGE ,jtudent rll'!eds Tutor in Penmanship and Phonics. In my home. 67:;..2760 Days, 545-0946 Evenings * COOK * :'11/F'. Apply: Huntinglon Va 11 (' y Con- valescrnt .-liQipital, 8 3 8 2 Nl'!wman AvP. H.B. COOK. pii:u. t"Xp'd. CLOS- ED ,,Ion & Tues. Apply 169(7 Bushard, 1-'.V, 962-6-11)4 F'INANCIAL Plann in t . Insurantt, Real Es I a t e, Investment Counse.1()1', Gu&1·anteed Lead!. Better lha.n $25,000/yr. incoml.'. Box .1863, N .B. Foreign Cer Mechenic1 Good co. beneUts, incl paid vacation, zroup ins, uni. forms fumi1hed tree. Good comm. 1ehedulc. Ask for Joe. Moore Ph. 54G-li64. -*GARi\IENT FACTORY * exP"ricncc. A11 phases. Call 642-:1472 N.B. HA.JR ~iYLl::iT \\'/Following. E xc lusi ve Shop. Call -64~7 By appt. 644-4981 PUNCH PRESS SETUP OPERATOR $3.00 per hr. ~tin I yr e.\'Jlf!t. Xlnl. beneriu. App. in per. Ion, Z.D. PRODUCTS, 3190 Pullman, C.OSta Mesa. PHONE WORK \\'omen &: Girls. Pleasant telephone work from our of· li~. No exp nee. Full l: pa11 time. S2 -s:; per hr. Apply 230 \\I. \Varner Suite M, S.A. P /T G•ner•I Office Local firm needs zal with ofticl' exp, to Y..'Ork 4 hrs a day, call Loraine, Wl'!.!teliff PerMJnncl Aaency, 2043 \\'cstclitr Drive, N.B. 645-277.0 Rec:ept/Gen'I Offic• Xlnt Public Relations posi- tion for outgoing gal v.·/ac· curate typing skills. $400 minimum Excrllent Benefits 40 lu· \\•eek. Convenient lo G.G. Fl'"'Y· SE~VICE CENTER Employment Agency * 500 NeY..l)Ort C'..e:nter Dr. * !Fashion Isll SUite 2GJ NB By appt. £.44.-4981 R•cept/Typist S485.33 Dreamy a:reeting job in bei1.ut. So. Santa Ana ot!- ief'. Xlnt Co, to p benefit!. Call Kay 546-5410 JASON BEST Emplolymcnt Agency 22<1t So. i\fain, Santa Ana •RECE PTION IS T for laboratory, &ltemoon shih . Lite typing. loq; Personnel tlepl. Hoag r.te morl a l 1-losnilal, N.B. RENT IP'lCe avail in bully salon, '<Int location. r.1alt pref. 673-.l.1~2 Restaurant Fo r ft'litaurant positions, please. contact our * NE'\V + Reuben's & Coco's TIRE '-IAN, experienced on• ly, for chanli"&' tire1, in· 1t&llln&: shock11, etc. Good working ronctitions. Paid In· 1urance, fringe benetib. Ap. ply in person. A. H. SHIPKEY T IRE SERVlCE 420 \Y. Lincoln. Anaheim TYPIST -liG-70 wpm. Book- keeping exper. helpful. Call l\tr. Andre\\'S li7:>-35.)1. LESSONS: Morn, afternoon, ..-Bio GARAGE SALE Ii: nt3• SAT . 'IVES 10 Ai\f • ,j Pi\I 714 E. Katella, Oranae 5001 BRUCE CRESA.NT LIDO SANDS ~~-'-3~).~214=2 ___ 1we·re-Selllnc Almoat Eve!')'· -tbin&:! Honda 50, Com plete *AIRLINE & T~AVEL CAREERS * !:ita.tion A;;e.nt Tickl'!t Sales Reservations * \VAITRE~SS~*c--·I Air Freia:ht · Cario Communic.1tions Travel Aitnt bdrm iet, dininc room "'' $~. tape recorder. wonde1· 'hone, ptbl crib, child'• ti· ble !: cha.fko, sheets SOc, 14' 11us boat w/Johnson ts. lam!)! &: ehalt'$, '-1aytag' \\'ashe1· {new) $75, \Yhirlpool \VUl1er, GE dcyer, metal skis (Kuferl 2Cii. sports equip &: cookitll' stuU, zi.:: Apply F'lyinc BuUl'!r 673-00'77 WAITRESS, t:xp'd., ni&hts. CIOllted Mon & Tue.1. Apply 16947 Bmhsrd, f .V. 962-MIM TOOL & DIE MAKERS * D1y Shift* ~linim WTl 5 Yl'I'. e.'ipet·iencl.', proiressh'I'! and form dies. Exc.-ellcnt a;rowth opportun- itits, ovl!rtimr, !rina:f' ben- efil.5. APPLY IN PERSON SHUR·LOK CORP. 1.100 t.:. Normandy PL, Santa Ana (J blk. N. ot McFadden, \j blk. \V. or Grand.) TURRET LATHE -OPERATOR- OAY SHIFT P.1in1mum five ;,.cars experi· ('nt'e on \Varntr Sll'uey lur· rrt lathes, Sl'IUp & operate oD close tolerance 11'{)rk, AIRLINE SCHOOLS l'ACIFIC U&' sewifl& machine, Lots "'°"· NEARLY new lable saw w/extn.s, butane plale le tank, metal sash, many ln~.;;ay other a r Ii c I e • . 300ii 'lo , _, Killybrooke Lane, C. i\1. ~=E··~l=l~,...S~l.=·~Son""'m,..~~·l ~~~~~l~85S-~-~-- JOIN THE FIELD BOOKS, Print!, Sr i t i s h \VlTH A FUTURE! ~\'{)rd, Boal h d w re . ."&e/education no blo.!'rier: Snowbird Sail. Antique doll. Let us help you qualify. 2207 Rutaers, C.M. Sat. a.It li\1\KEEPERS INSTITUTE 10 A.i\I. INTERNATIONAL S'°'A"T"1"sUN=-c.1~"5~. -,,1!"41""'Sa~,~m 1¥tctel/Hotel/Apt 11gmt Sehl Ana Ave .. C.'-f. Household A O!VTSJON OF 1::oods. Everythina: s:o ea A.~'THONY SCHOO~ .S 548-9806 Tn7 S. BROOKHUR~"T ?'-;;P,,-.,.,.,~. -,.,..,-~H~.~.-...,..~ ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -c .secl~on_ . 1-f1, v.·al~ut Classe! fonn every week cab., p&.1nt1na:s. misc. :iUn PHONE FOR APPT Dec 21. 1777:) Acacia Trttl Ask fot· Betty 7'7issoo Ln, Ir\ine 833--3&18 aft S LIDO ISLE -Sat & Sun. 104 ~ Via Ytlla. Edj'er. crib, hiah ; chi-. lamps, hall runner,; toys, many more. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE furniture IOOO ----------' 17 Pc. King Si11 Appllanc• llOO ledroom NEW 2 dr. GE rehiz., from model homl'! •••.•..•.• i 111 ' Lara:e 9 drawer drt'aser, mir. Refrigerators • . . . tl'om S33 t~r, 2 bed!l.de stands, k~& Ccnsoll'! Color TV. contemp &11.e he11.dboud, frame, quilt-cab., new picture tube. $243· ed mattress, sheet.1, blank· \\lhlrlpool auto 11'asher •. $50 crs. ('le. DUNLAP'S Choice of Sparush 1815 Ne\1·port Blvd ., C.i\I, or MOOem Style ~7781 All for $249 CUST0i\1ER REL.o\ TTONS TRAVEL ADVENTURE EXCITEMENT MONEY •*HELP \\'ANTED** Re11taura.n~ Excellt"nt irro1vth opportuni· fies. overtime, lringf' bene- fits. No dew" Pm~. only $9 mo. * COLOR JV SAL£ * WELK'S WAREHOUSE 1910, '3" Color TV, hand· Garmenl exp .. all phase!. Rivl!rside, Ca.lir. some v.·a.Jnut cabinet, while they last $299. Perfect for Christma.s. First payment March 1970 al •1enderson'1 1877 Harbor Blvd., C.M. CALL 64:!.J472 364{) Cent1·al A\'C, *HEAVY EQUIP. r.fECHs. l"'iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;-iiiiiiii&ol A.PPL\' IN PJ::RSO:>: 600 \V. 4th Si., Santa Ana Optn Daily 9-9 O\lcrseas Information See Betty Bruce.at SHUR-LOK CORP. Sat. 9-6 Sun. ll-6 NO\V HIRING SINGLE GIRLS 18--27. Personnel dirccto1· or n1ajor retail firm \vill be inter- vic1\·1ng applici1.nts fol' a new Lon&: Bl!ach braneJ't otlice, Sun.. Dec. '11.!1. Company offers: I. Excellent sa.l.al'Y 2. Good benefit~ • .1. Oppo1tuni1y for rrt1vr:l 4. Possibll' overst'a~ relocation S. ~1anagement Call (714) TT4-2610 HSKPR • 24 hr ca.re. lia:hl hskp't;: & me&!.!. Terms to be negotiated. Call Long Beach Con1munity Hospilal, Hatfield section, roo1n 107. HOUSEKEEPER & thild cart. 5~j da. \vk, S50 \\'I\ + r111 & brd. Pd. vac. 540-9212 LEGAL Secrctar;•, must be <'Xp'd. gOOd skills, salary open, Cdi\t 675--2677 LINOLEUlll LA \'l::R CALL advancement Initial trainma: y,·1[[ br in 5 to 7 PM li7~502ll marketing, sa.J.cs promotion MALE COOK -Pi\f. Hosp. &:. e11stomer rclaliOfl!. exp, pNOt'd. Contact Pf'rson- ~IU!I be high school gradu· nel Dittclor. So. Coast atl!, neat in 1ppt1ra.nce I: Comm . Hosp. ::1872 Cs1. aggressi\·e. l{\\iy, So. Laguna, 4~1311 Desire to ca.111 a bo,.,. $8000 Ext. l::.6 nr~• ye a1· more. important., --,-,-;.,,-n-.-,,------ than e.'\pericnrt . Position open for ~xpcrien<:ed f or c·onsidc1·alion, apply in l\IANTCURISf. h1ust be l.'X- pcrson to i\h·. Hills; Sun., perit"nccd in Pedicures also. Dec. :Hsi. :! p.01.: a.15 t;, 1-'n1· intc.rvlC.\v ell.ii 67:\..6961 Ocear~ Blvd., Long Beach, ---;-MOTEL i\IAlD * fidelity r cdrral Plaza, com-. a,.,,. '0 Part T1n1t" ., 1nuniry roon1 <tnu·anc" thru 49+.9.i;16 lobb.Y' DELICATESSEN '-lAN 49.l E. I7:>th St .• Ci\l. ~Terry. DELIVERY t.ten \1·anted \\i th truck. L. A. Times, early Ai\t. \Vknd.1 & or ¥t•kdy1. 54().6207 DENTAL ASSISTANT \Vanted in Newpt Bch, Star! Jan 2. lntv. f'I0\1•, 548-5602 Dept. Store J. W. ROBINSON ll1\S OPENING FOR SALESPEREON WOMEN'S CASUAL SHOES t.ICTEL al>sl:;tanl nigr5 or 11·aint"c.s k 1naids y,·anled. 2376 Nel\'port Blvd .. :>1S-97:>:; NE\\'SPAPER dtlivl.'ry.early Al\1 routf" in lrviM area. ;\.Int No "gct-out11". S200 ptr mo. &: gt'0\1'in1:". Approx 16 hrti \\'CCk. 962-403.' newport . personnel .. agency ~:\:: DOVER DRTVt: NE\\'PORT BEAOI G·c'!-3870 Wishin9 you .1bund1nc1 in 1970! Agc.nr.y for Car~r Girls 410 \V Coast iiwy., N.B. By a.ppoin1 . 646-3939 t.::00 E. Normandy PL, PRICES SLA.SHEDI 548-7808 Santa Ana up to 80% Savinis K"EN""°"M"O'°R"'E'°'A=-....,.-~ (J blk N. of tlcFtddtn, 8' Sota & love llt'!at $159.95 uto v.•ashl'!r, 8 1; blk \V. ot Grand) 5 Pc Span 1 1169 95 cycles, lat!'! model, .xlnt · ~ame se · cond. $6j. 546-8672 \\IE have an <1pening for a Kina: Sz .quilted mattl\!ss & M7-8ll" Ol' bea:inner in circulation box spnngs ........ S99.9:>1;;;w.;;;;';;;;;;""'o;::-,:=c-,..,. SECRETARY m a nagemcnt. Pl":rmanent J Pc BR Kini, Span $179.95 HOTPOINT Elec dryer, late Leading bearing nianufat'· situation for hiih t1chool Approved Furniture model, xlnt cond $65. AJao lurer has immed. opcnin1 graduatt ,,.ho has completed 2159 Harbor, Ch-I J.48.9660 Ha.millon cas dryel' $4:>. fo1• a Sec. i\1usf havt Xlnl his military obli&'aUon and 546-8672 or 847-811:> lyping &. SH skills v.·/3 yrs is lookinr for a buaine1s U~ED :; pc. a~tique v.·hitt KENh!ORE a u 10 mat i c gen'I office cxper. Bkgrnd with a briihl fututt. Con-di~tte lie! $~.95. ~sed S pc. washer & ll.J'ie gas ra.np, in finance or accntg "·ould tact Benton \Villlams at the Antique v.·h1te dinette i;el both excelltnf $35 ca h be helpful . Xlnt benefits incl DAILY PILOT for an in-S39.95. Used 7 pc antique 673-8224 · ' c · profit sharina:. Apply Per· tervie\v. v.·hitl'! dinette set $49.95. The lirn'i>i1rG~ID"A'1"R~E°'6""'""'1~1-1,-I 80nnel Dept: Faelory, la&; Ha rbor, cu w top Tr•n•port Oyn•mics WOMAN to clean house 1 540-&42 64r~:!~; pert cond, $65. day per v.·eek. Referentts p ~ A Div. ol Lt'ar Sie1ler required 645--2433 RIV. Pty For«d to Sell: S ll.Jl \V. Segerstrom, S.A. "E::;======== 1 10· So'•· Chipptndalt>. tria-MAU. Frttze.r Cheat. Older Just off 1-larbor I.: \Varner _,... hos:. bdr set, ccnsole &el\'· croAs·top ttfri1. Both Good Equal Opportunity Employer School1-lnstrudion 7600 in&: ma.ch, etc. 846-0019 alt Concl. 5.16-4654'. SERVICE Station Attend: Ii wkdays or anytime 1vk· DELX. Tappan Ranae. Very Full or p/time "mp 1. ends. good eond. $3.:>. 548-31761539 7Afl1-fP'-1 &: 11PM-7AM I I Iii. r ~ USED 9 pc corner group, Hamilton, c .r-.·1. shills open. Sal a r y + .-. $69.95. Assorted usl'!d \valnut •KENMORE. mulli.cycltd Co111n1. i\tust be local rcsi-end&. cocktail tbls. $4.95ca, \VASHER ANO DRYER dcnl. Apply Richfield, 200 Assortl.'d used bl.'droom Likt ne1v. $150. 644-1300 \\'. Coasl H1\')'., N.B. ~ lanips $4.9:> ea. The f''ac-s~;~E~:c~~, B:·~"~ff~· J ~~; J 11 I l I t I \ '. \~~SS:a~1~r~: ~:;2 & I A~n-ti-.-,-.-H-----,-,-,-D v.·k. i\t&nrK'I' \'achls 675-139.1 ma.ttrellS, dbl. Used I '''k., DOLL. Bebe Juneau • sptVICE STA. i\fAN. Xtra he&\PY frame $40. 6 llte Collector's Jtem. $250. Experienced. Jo'"Ull rim!'!. -crystal cha.ndt lier $0'4 O. Candelabraa. Er11li1h. Hea- Top 1vages &: commission. Small tt)'!ltal ceilin& lite \f)' plate.. C.Ost $J50. SdJ $'3. 604 S. Cst Hv.)'., Lag Sch. S20. 5311227 :.8J3.-03==19~~--~--I SERVICE SfA ATT. Full MEN &. WOMEN I USED almost new Spuish TIFFANY lamp shade, 2 ft tin1e C\'e!. Esp'd. Neat in COl>tPUTER PROGRAJ,f-sectional w/matchilli'. tbl v.ride ; Rosi!, beiae, pep- a.ppearatlCf'. See' Jim, 2590 ~UNG JS TiiE K.EY TO & lamp $199.StS. Used 2 pe, ptnnint 1tttn. $400 . N Bl d C ,1 Spanish 110fa &: chair $79.!0. 6.f4..027j C\\'JlOt'I v ·• ·" · YOUR PROmABLE l'°'=~-~-----·1 StTTER 1-'or our family onl)', FUTURE! '!he Factory, lS85 Harbor, BLUE opa.le.ctnt ~. available v.'he n needed : 540-Q42. ptr!ect Sl2.;; muntry rocker 50me d~s. somt eve.ninp, Classes st.art soon. USED usorted occa.!lonal $65; n"l1nut dresser f15. o l' c 11siona.I \VE EK ENDS. Pilot prorram offl'!rina: the chairs. $12 ea.. U • e d $36-0071 six-chlldrtn (a~ 10 and finest equipment and tacil· assorted dbl &: ~'in head· BOWL==-. -H~.,,.,~-,-.-1~c~--,~W~. itiei\ a vailable! Rta.l·time .. __ _, • .,. ..,.._ "'-t " undrrl, Hrht c:ooking, ov.on UULl u S, .,, ea. """ c .c ory, ~t S7j Sell $35. computer proa:rammlni:;. 1•"~ H-...... ':.An r•A? ' 1ransportation. Call for in· °"" ., uvr, ~ 833--0319 lcrvie1v 673-1900 (Lido l~lr• 1-'0RCED lo sell 8' r.ledit.j==========:I '!'"'fl t•nmmi!!.!ion~. I u 11 !1111r. t::x<:cl!c nl bcnelits, STOCK Clerk: S hipp ini:;, 1Jlc~ aofa,1pcBauetdinrm!lel.$ewin9Mechlne1 1120 Rl!ctiving, 1-'illliw ()rdeNI, _, r--5 pc Basset BR ttt, coUee I:. --~--------' dc.liv. No 1-:~r nr.ce~!-Sj()(l Ul ~~ m end Ible. II) 826--0!IMJ SlNGER Automatic zic 7.•I· p('I' n10 to 1tart. S rta,v \l'k. • 'JkhriolosJ HIDE-a-BED, canopy bed, 6 mos e>ld. No attach nttded 1 S<-r us (01· Chance. to advanct'. \Vri\r dbl bed, dre11~r. chest. cof· to. do de1lan1, rnonogram1, "prui;ptrit,y in.i;uran<.·c ") Qualifications, y,•ei&ht & fee I.:. end tbl!L. stereo, desk. b~nd hem! etc.: auto bobbin A program of lnterpcr.<0n11l ~e.rc110J (or 1>n1all liClf-di- .l'fCted srouns. 1'fin1mal d:larp calJ 642.Jl7l0. 10 AM· Sh1rp Secretary f o r faat • paced Nawport Ba•ch Agency. Tyf)9 65-?0. Shorthand 100, o rg•nit1 & f o I l o w thru . Under 35. Phone: 642-3910. 425 N. Newport Blvd. Apply Pci'!Onnel hei&bt to P. O. Box 145. Unlen lank lt1u.re studio ccuch MU61J \Vinder. ;, Yl!•r a: u • r . ~a~·~. G~;~:~~18 ~~1nDl~~~~1~ 1 1).;.f~il~~ni~~ri. ****•****** Coal.a Meaa. *-S:'t.T:o-" USED 38 .. ~t desk &: Assume pymt11 of sa.27 or tied pr111:lict", Nc11'Pt. Bch. NE\VPORT BEACH '>ranp, C.llf., f2U' cha.Ir Slt.95. 3 used ":alnu.t $42.00 cash. 526-MlS s ""'· Avto Tr•ntpert WANTED: Ride L.A. around 10 a.m. trom \1C Costa Mtsa. hick ~nd JO p.m. Call coll . 12IJ) 225-0flO J09S & EMPLOYMENT .W.W•nted, Women 7020 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ASST. BILLING CLERK ,\t'ClJRA TE TYPl:-1' Ask ror Dav" L11'1ds.:y &1Ta. t714 t :,~OS.14 . Equal opportunity employt.1· Jobs-Men, Wern. 7100 •obe Min. Wem. 7100 Call Sf1~N71 stuOent duka $7.95 ea. 2 UJ-1--------- BABYl:iT'ITE!t for tl'achcr, Dish11·uher -Part limt-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 .. l!!!!!!!!!!l•d ed n.ttu swi~I bar '"'°Is Mualcel lntt. 1111 respoll!ablc. In IAkr ra~ or niahlL Stt Terry, 49.l MANUFACTURING LOOKING for a _,jkf fl.IN.re U~. ~ctory, 11&5 OOfCO dru~ 91!!. a beau1y! 6 yr old girl. 91~ .\r old boy, E. lith. Costa Mna PRODU.CTION but ltttitw' CiRJSTi\lAS Gift for that l yr old. natrl "'-ood. Baq, bt"g, J•n. j, C•ll &10-6484 lor StartinJ Dec. 26th in c.r.1. ~ into. Qf'Ht lS I lpec! m&n. mo~t l'lel'" m1lched 14" k t••:o 21" afl !)Chi fro rn 2:4j to J;30 001\IESTIC Help wa.nted. TRAINEES NOWHERE! i&.I Al anue, la &i sm tom. 2 inlcrvicv.•, Refs d c •ired . &34-2780. ask for Jilr. Haey RADIO AHNOUNCIR leather lounlfnt chAi:r .I. ~I· ZildjC'n cymba.11 w/floct Explor.-r Motor HomtA Lllk~ rorest an!a. NO EXPIRllNCE NECESSARY. 11 TO is nt-3800 =)._~~ to matcfl S7 "· -'='•="",;,'o.·,;Slr>O,c..c.~&:U-=,.;'°'°=~-I tll4• '~ BA"\'SIT-Nccd m""" * DRIVERS * YEARS. HIGH SCHOOL OltAOUATE. IF lnmtult of UPRIGHT Pr J ACCOUNTANT • 11'(,)1r111 n lo alll \\'/3 "'"' YOU H VE THE APTITUOI WE WILL Stoldcast Aru BCAUTln.JL h"trca bed .quilt. t..-.act ce Pia.M, ,.. N E • A ' 1601 N B" •-• s A tel ma1-·· Comple•· un. •nt"'. bl~e. Gd coM. SJJO. Ca11.ihlc or bt"1n.:: conll"Oller. "hlldrtn, 2 days 'l'.ic. &rin. 0 xpertenc.e TRAIN YOU. PERMANENT IM PL 0 Y • · na .... , · · ":-· ...... -S..11 iru1tar A: •mp. '~ rnu•i ha ,·r i;ood tr'ttnl "''· Jan. i\ly home. Olln tl'lln,, Neceuary! MENT EXCELLENTOPPOlllTUNITY FOR AUCTIONEERING uwd $1();;, worth mo. pri~. Uk' nt1•.'. SM. Call trtn~-r., •nd Jon= tt'nn out· _s1uo ino. Rrr11. rce. 5'1>-4197 ~fu!I q,·e clean California ADVANCEMENT. REGl.n.AR 2 \1/EEl\ TER.M 3(2.QlS eves. 540-1647 look n1 ~.·I 111aJ1 at S700. RABY s 1rrr.n 'V11n1cd: 2 drivinc ncord. Apply· Be In buslneu for yolu11elf! T\\l'IN Bed with box aprinas.l:G~l~BSO=~N,....,G~u~;1~ar-.-,i..-,~P~a~ul DJ\Y \\.'ORKEP. ~au11ful llX'lll offi l'."r. 1·all~ Bo.>·• z & ;1 Start JA n Sth s YELLOW CAB CO. INTERVIE WS MON. THRU FRI. Learn to be an auctI.oneer. 1pre1d '-bolaters. 4;.-"celh!nt C.\1$tom. UECri 2 mo'e. C011t J!~~:~~I~~ A n u, 11 ll'•t<.'l1(f Pr!>Onnrl 1bty lo\k s.-:1 1\1,y home i\lu~1 186 E. l&th ~"t. SPS w \\rEST·BEST School ()f Aue-condition S60. &33-2066 a.ft 7 $M0 w/S6J casf!. AllO. •Uu •y • Aa<'n<:Y, .ll'l1:i \\.'t'!<lt'llll Ur., hO.\'I' 011n tran~. S4,;.1•10;, Costa lite.ta eslern fionttrln:. 206 \V. 4th. 511.ni. 3 PIECE SECTIONAL !Ont Ir \\'1h"''&h ped.J. I g Y l:l UR AD I H N.B. ie-1ii(f BAR,'srM'F.R, '1'.'lllkll'llf di.111 Ana. 83S-8147 S60. 54S-S.W Sacrifit'C all Sij(l, 8~816 a..ASSIYT£D! Somf"f>nr \~IU / • AIRO~A>'T \JOO! • I 'l'o•n f .V. elem .chi., rnr11 "°""'=-"'c"1-,-,.,.,-.--. -E"X"'· 270 I So. Herbor, S1nta Ant ~'TITCltERY CLASSES l Piece Doublt Antique ELECTRIC Gu 11 a r -": ~~.for l'I , Ojai G42-Ovtratal'i lnff'>rm!llion N'Q Cll.Jl 96317(11) art $ 30 F•ERJENCED • Ptrk Lido Stwini. tlclp y,•ith Ou'lltm11 Btdroon1 st!, 2 drcsff.rs, Amplifier. >.1nt Cond. Sl:tl) .;*;;.;.••_ .... _____ .;__·.;;"'1:;;;..' .;.";..";..'..:';.."::;-26::1::0_ p.m. Phamlacy, 6U-Ll10 I Jlo_A_N .. e .. o.,u .. A .. L-O.,P.,PO,.R,.r .. u~N .. IT,.Y-E.,i.t.,P,.LO,.Y .. E.,R--J ...... 61>-lGl S!.50. c:all 61.1-1.11' Value, !JI). c.Jt 61>.ZW ' ' ~----------------r-----,.,..------. ---·-----·--~---··----·--------·-·~ FOUlt CONVINllNT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU .. OUR FAMOUS ' . OAILY PILOT Here's How Y" C... Use Our Famous D1nie • A • Unes" e NIWPO•T lllACH 2211 114M llv~. DIME-A-LINES • 1r1 .. --.... ----,. ....... 4 ........... efflca. e COSTA MISA ...... ______ JJO Wiit ky ..... _ ........... ... e HUNTIN•TON HACH -·--Jot flfltl SlrMt e LA•UNA lllACH -..... 2U ..... t A- • _lt __ ... ,.i.M_ ......... J\iOVING: Double bed "'ilh headboard $12, Boy and 1irl's clothina, •hlrts, pantl, 1weater1, drtue~. in vtl')' rood condition. S4 ~r hex. t'hUd 's hant .... ·ood roclrina chair $3. Toys ZJe-SS. Swivel rockinc chair maple SUI. 842-1895 OORVAJR PIJ'U.. mltcellan-CRJB, v.·h.ite with m.attnu AIR OrlU chluel rivete.r US ~us $1 to SJ. Honda 4M pl~ Mw lused brteny fer 1ma.1i each. &ma~ Planer $25.. t11 $8. Reverbtrator for car suesl) $2;.), Luu:•ee rack Old \\'&ii cloc:k $2. J2..20 ST. ~hevy 4 w~I drive l~nt for V'\V $10, CollaPAible doa; Savqe rifle $25. ~~" drill l~kmr hub S15. Dra'v hie houae {reqUittd for air 548-4~ hitch 66-67 Chtvy $8. New treithl) !'le"'-' condition. SU.n-1---------- aet seat btlts S3. '66 day 642-1919 TELEVISION 21" Cont0le, Chevelle :!83 ex ha u 1 t 1ood v.·Grklnr cond!Uon 115. manifold $4. \\lardrobe type 11 x 11 Carpet. cleaned $3. Surfboard, needs work $5. suitca.s@ $3. Pole lamp ta. !;4g..l381 5'6-<MlO lf6..91« HB JIM Bfam Bottle Colltcton, \V!.'T IUit medium Jl:t. lee I am dilposln& or my bollle 1ka1ea \\•l1h guard" $3. collecUon. Broadmoor SS.SO, Comer de1k $15. CM.Ir $5. 2 Riudou. race track $8.50. bookcase htadbol!.rds $IS Cablt' c:ar rt. San Dlea:o S7. each. Du.al twin mattrt'r;1e1 Yoaemite $10. New fo.1exlco and aprinas $2S s.t. 546-9941 Sl2 . L~rimle S12. GIRL'S Youth bed and Penn,ylvania $12. • La I Kantwet mattreu $ 2 5. Vegu $9. Pony Expreu P,faple batit crib il Kantwet $8.50. T'Tadt \V\nds f\1obUe mattress $20. s:J.4..3527 NE\V Never \VOrn 1ynthttic MEERSCHAUM PIPES -10 DROP Leaf table, opens to BIPsr""k, """eo ce ~o,. 2191 Harbor 1 COFFEE ••• ,. I'". I .~ stretch \\'ii li;ht frosltd t:OI· "'==~~=~---sta ,. esa ... .., "" or rtiular price si 4.u, at.II KITCHEN St Sl5. sectional brand new, only SIO each 6'. needs ~finish.in, $10. 1 ·· ' table SlO. 2 table lamps S.16. SlO. 100% human hair \Vil couch $12 . .r.liscellaneous (coat S25-S4 :i) 10 \Vhlte bookcue headbolrd ELECTRJC Roaster $20 . 1 corner table SlO. 2 blonde needs ~tyled SJO. clothilll:: lOc.$3. '46-9207 .r.1eet'scha.um t: ii ar t t t e S5. Medicine cabinet $2. Field cla,~seSus ~ ea.rt upholstertd chairs S 2 4 . HB holders $1 each. 93 4 . ~ I s~'ttpel' · n am e. tt-548-S802 v.1cker rockinr baby cradle I --·--------J nl t.I d 1 ~I Pair Ital belts S 7 . a 0 . Ilic razors S7.5(1...S2. Light °""""'"'"'°~,,-,;;-;;;;oo a:ood condition $7, 842-2486 EXCELLENT Ch r i 1 t m • s ~ esa e · ar, 615-5109 meter $2. Roastt'r $2. Tricy· BC?Y 'S 23" bike $1S. ~. lo S ... d b'.k ..,,,,_ · .. '>-~~~~~~~~~-leiO~vr·si&;;,;;,•~nmn-SttCn~rr;-;.;, cle $5. Games· SOc. Record5 4510 '"'· Ba.Jhoa Blvd., N.B. ~··· 0 """ e .,,,,:,,\\inn .. ~. (ifla, nlovlnr many antiqu" "rrT:"& ., ' RECORD J t bl .......... ui:i A i;.n-SKI fut•llned i\toroe-bike $25. Formica dlnlna: 4~·1 -LP's -Stereos -78's -P a)'t'r, ~r • e $.;;. Sewint machine S2S. can . leather Foot-Warmer. table 36" x 48" opens to lOc-ZX. Clothes lllc-25c. G.E. c:leAn. l[n!at Christmaa COC'KTAU.. Dreues, knil Barbells $:). Painlin;z $1. MuU. B1·a.nd new from St. 60 '', 4 chairs $25. 'role lamp c r o c h t' te d aha\lo•I $1 . &lfl. SlO. 54S-2667 auit and others size 10 all Clothts :;oc, Student deak ti.1oiitz. RejUlar s;,o, only s:i. New Scl!n~ Fair tlec-Croc:heled l"\ll:' Sl . Dolli LOVELY Chestnut human exctUent col'ldi lion ~Si. S20. Book! 50c-. Glassware ui each. 934 Jun!pero Dr. Ironic hit, cost SlS, sell Slf. JOr-$1. Curtain rods lOc hair \1·ig, treahly cleaned Boy's size 12 suit near new SI. Tools 5(1c..$2.50. 536-1161 ti.le•• del r.tar, 5(5..5050 ~6-423.2 each. Fish boi.\'I 2Jc. Fur and zet ,$2j, 2 rattan twin S5. Boy's warm nylon jacket BING SUrfboard, 10 Jett, 36 .. GAS tanat v.·ltll arlddle lotOBO Bronco horse SIO. jacket St. Brace $1.50. headboards _and chair SHi $3. excellent c ondition . g-•tt•,•.o--r •• ,,., 11 Tool• l"·-· ,., ~k"' u .. 213 129 """ ,,..... ............,.. It timer $20. C.Pi1. Eves lz Fltt eni:lne pedal car $10 ~ ' • ""~· · '"""" ~. .,,....... · Ba aketball net and LARGE 8 ~. ot w••k•·•a. 0,0 1~. p-•aJ ,....;~.,"·Pho...:, P1llow 11 ~-OLShes ?-.Jonte Vista C.M. bookboud 13.l/3 hp molo" ar~.,e. m or ""' .,,._ .,.... cu t-""'.....,,. "' "" 1~ 'I 50 p , t 1 -• ' 'I hood ST 50 34° -12 ====~~-~~I 67•1•"~ .,,__,, · · a n 8 "" 100 LB. barbell dum-,.ll aet, S4. Hand lawnmo1\'t'r $j. spi ' · • <rV" HANDMADE doll clothes. ~ow varnl9h 10c-:\Oc. Book a plastic coated !ates $2:> Screw jack $3. Contour ROYAL Type\.\Titf:r otti'Ce Barbie, Ken, B•autl tul ~ATTAN Doublt' bed h!!ad. lC-25c. Encycloped\ag $3. Mahorany 1 ~ box ' chair $15. :l tarae Harle-$2;>, 346--0082 Chriuy 23e-$1.;i0. Eves & board _.P. _ f?Ui'h . cotlte Toyr; 5c-50c. Red wo od '\\ith lid&, 22'~ :'~1 .. S& eac~~ quin pictutts Slj a pair. ,,~. ~0~1~N~G~H~Y~"7ilhc-Olr~71-....,~. \veekends, C.M. 548-1612 table $:>. D1n1111 cha.lrs $3. benches 50c'. Puzzle& ~-MG-1824 W roua h Iron chande-condition s24. 6:3(1 a n d 1 36" Maplt tiniah hutch $40. 675-4_2.i7 . ___ tlem m&.rker 50c. Table padl;F°'l'°L"T~E~R,_,,,.._,,,.---- lier $5. 6 qt. electric pres-p.m .. 53&-9885 548-9741 2 Pait enrry Jitht $10-$20 15c, 3021 Babb, C . M ., Quttn va cuum ',.,"''m'°"g ker near ne w $7. ,2'-.,7=.,_;..,.14=,~.,.'-w-17;,-,-,-&nd~ GAS ran&e . apartment lite, each. 2 Small che:sta SS _....., ___ <_2_. ------cleaner SlO Po1ture tablea, \\'htels from •63 Chevy Sla clean $25. 548-33!2 t ach. Roeker SlO. Pair end HEUtET, "Bell Shorty" Stautter and Trim-line $2:i BLUE Chip 1tamp books each, 847_,123 •eo=v~s~·s,-,t1n=,.,--,-b"'"-..,l"ll~50~. cl ta bits $15. Household items size 7, good condition $l2.50_ each ?itanu&l add i n I $2.50 each. 842-24l6 1 &ray ... e • · Sl~lO. n5 North Star Lane, machine and 1tand SlO SCUBA tanka S2S eac h Reiulatoni $20 each Wet suit S10 Back pacb $S each. Appro:timately 20 ft Sailboat mut '''Ith rlaina $10 Ben- dbi O.ll compua $10 La.rte boat picture in frame $5.. 3 dra\\'l!r file SlO. Phono-radlo with records $15. New cycle helml!l. t:OSt $30, W'U $10. Jag x..:E head, complete with carbl $25 Good cam,.ra $4 New J)Olt&ge atamps machines In eartona $10 each. Dynamics of ~l'IOIW fi.Jotlvalion tape c:u:atttl $25. 6'fl....-Om ALL like new toys, Strange Change $3.50 Blocks and Lincoln loa;a Sl. Car s. trucks. \vind·Up toys and game& »$1. Eldon alot car set SS. G.J. Joe 7:X:. Child Guidance toys 23c·SI S pl aquariun1 $2. 14" rtd bike tor girl or boy $10 Sat on!}' 968-3100 A URORA HO scale Roadrace set, like new, complete \\'ith extra track 11.nd cara $15. &42.-0776 \l.'ATER mattre11 raft, ~ S2. &t'J..9626 2 COUCHES, one Maple S5 and $7.;JO 3 dinette chi.in. tan $7.50 Sln1le oak bedran1e $10 Electric fryp.bn ALL Chrome Chri 1tn,as 6467643 NB 179 East 18th St., C.r..J., PAIR Green nlOdern li\•ing beauty r irl'z 26" bikt $20. VW ':i 9 Rear e nd Affi'R Ski boo~ aiie 6 13, 541-1487 Friridaire rtbigerator $25. $3 Nau1ahyde seats from Floor lamp and shade $3. boolh Sl each S e a r' s room chain $2.i each. Pair 546-6666 ----------&<>Id modern chairs $~ I -,,====~""',_-,-transmission $2l, 6 Volt car 642-6633 hairdryer $;'! Small padded SfJNGRAY Boya S74.50 Good 1599 B Coriander Dr. C.1\T. btnch $2. Screened or S2. shape ~4 4808 River 6'ALUJ\1INUi\1 LADDER $6. Carptl s1,·eeper $2 Step NB Sabre sa1v, \\'at $30, now table $3 Side table $3 .22 Cal Remington rifie Ui Sl3. Hand power saw S13 Record playrr. as is $2. Case SlO. Small Rt'm\ngtvn Desk lamp $.} Gold 2' La\vn erlr1· Sl. 2 hl'O"'fl portable type:"1.Tittr $ 2 5. Starburst clock. was $32, chenille bedspread:1 $1 tacit Both i tems al moat now $\j, 5' lmilalion Pole lamp $1 Books, puztles ne1\·_ 549-3566 tropical plant, \O.'&S $30, now and disht'& Sc.SOC. Boat lad· each. Blonde collec and 2 PROFESSIONAL Counter radio i$15, 3-Traller hllche1 ZENTTII Portable r~rd 1tep tables $25. 6 Dra\\·er s:?:>. Precision acintillator no. 2 Larrt 16" ~electric player \\'ilh stand, like new walnut dreuer $25. Lara:e $2;'1 tor rock hound•. clocks $12-$17. 1-J scoop $20. Coleman 2-burner seucape picture SlO. 4 archaeoloriats and pro-metal bait tank $25, l Ba; camp atove. ~w ntver us- drav>tr chest s1a. 3 lOldinr llpetton:. ~6-6666 lypt Ii~ bait tank .$20, 2 ed $10. 642--0947 • od I Bu1·ner Coleman c&mp atove =-="='=-..C.'---~-bridr;e c:hairs, nearly new, Sr.TART, M ern, c ea n SlO, Bar bell k dumb bell BROWN Canlater, bre~d ~· $5 each. 548-8611 kin&:size headboard S 1 S. 118 ~-h .th 1.0 lowtl r11.ck. paper. roil, hke 546-6666 st • IHU cans V.'I i •• $1~ n-.. . ,,-CLEANING CI01ets for San-===~~,....~-~~ d Sl 25 6 .. 1.. 16X550 ne1v J. DUA springs J. · 18 u.&t" . · • t".r f\fattre1 $13. Frames $5. ta. Ladles Bnwwick Oo11'n BROWN Fall, like ntW • tire&, bk~ new $7.50, G!: Headboard $5. Larae.corner Jewel bo\\'lin&' b&u $7.50. ~-~"'7.:.,C--~~~~~ t I e c_ tr 1 c washer -·~2. .~ tablt' ia. 2 Lamps and Bae $1. Hair clipper aet S2. FUU. Size profesaional drat· Aluminum \'/heels. ta XlO lihades $10 pair. Can opener Boy'9 pants, jea.ns, 12-14, ting table S25. 546-fi668 \\ide, good for trailtr SU.50 $2. Prezto cotfee maktr S4. Sl--Sl. R&inC"O&ll $2. Ladies I ~~~---,-,-~knil~. ~ each. 642-5Ctll or MS-&80. Chtst frttzt'r $25, Polaroid n ~ w, never v.-om formal, G."J~!~~ ~so""i.adi:~ SMALL trieyclt S4. ~ camera a nd c:ase $23. 2 pale blue $17. Dre1ses, new evenint purds SI. t\vm bed (no mattre11) $3 Spice racks and bottles jackets, blouse11 $-S ~. Ladie! new i;hoes St. wied ' S2-S3. r.tary Proctor coUee Purse:s 50c-$1. Kids glJJ'les 25c, -ize 6,~ AA. Dresses ~4 Bed, complete $8. Bird maker $3. \\'OCK!en c:anister SOc-$2. Ne1v handmade pie· C · "~-case. iood condition Jl.50, ~. 30 Books Sc it'nce of i\tlnd turts SlO each. 646-6226 size 8-12• 50c apru """"'• Size to 8. 2:>c. Dinecte table Be(innen: bike, need& Ont atudy ctn.n·se $lj, 2 Chine.st CHAIR And ottoman $20. SJ.50. Dishes 10c. Toy 1 tire S6. 642-6-13.> picture! and fl'amt'! $EL 30 67:>-4987 &·9X.. t.a1,.,, mower as iJ! I =~~=....,,..,.~~~=' <.'\Ip coffee maker Sj. Sun. 21 " RCA Tablt TV $23. bu st cl-k S3 &t" uoo FIVE • Band ham reciever, $4.73. ?76 E. 20th St., 54.S.2061 r "" · ~ SIS 4 ,_ __ _, .. ,.,., 12.1 El-der $2 Key1tone 8mm movie 'JV Portable Sta. C.Onaole $10. · U<U"' • • .... -Table model $2:>, One clock hie can opener S4 Juicer $15 camera and pro.}tttor $25. er l'k S3 7l-3l22 Blender $8. 1640 Newport Patio !el $4.50. 548-4903 Mo; ra IO, 1 e new · 6 Blvd. No. 55, c.~f. Victoria St. C.M. LOTS Of fancy tuPP!t's, SURFBOARD, Petrillo, ex· :TELE==v"1S°'1o"'N'°'.-z-or-n-1th,--:l:::O" IOme \\'Orth S4 each. Fint Ct'llent condition. perfect ror table model remote control, $10 takea all. 494-1!15C beginntrs $2.j, With trailtt nted11 small amount of work PETRILLO Bellyboard or $15. 54&-3711 $75 Bttakfagt table and ' lmeerlder Sl5. 494-l~e "'L"u"E""Ch""l~,-,•1,-m-p-•boo"7"ka chair• $12.50 Bundle o1 GARRARD Pla,yer S25. $2.50 each. 548-3711 clothes SS. Hou&e Beautiful, H~ath Kit, 50."·att ampl~l~er FORD 312. 4 barrel engine, House and Home Maa:az il'lt'1 S2~. Tuner _Sl::i. rreamplil1er running in car S20. You $1 bundle. 518 FemleaJ, S2J. 494-lgj.J must pull. 642-25:>4 Cdl\1. OLD Trunk_ Sli Jewelry BOY'S bikt> 20'' Spyder.type COi\!FORTER, double white 5c--$1. Christmas decora· $20 546-84j6 tiOns 5c-.:.OC. c 101 h i n •"--· --------"'ilh pink .roses, never ultd $U. Knight R 100 A, $25. TV \\'orks \'tr)' &ood $7j. I ='~M.ffi48=,..,·~=~~~~-'M~AI"'°L~Bo""",~o~n'-71,~n-cy""'wro=o~1::-:ht • ...-I Pa.ir end tablts sg, Step BOY'S " rirl's 26" bicycles, irnn poll $10. 2 l\ietal tray painted to match. J.spttd shelves S2 each. 644-0687 \\'ATER Sl.i ta . Tov.• rnpe i ::~:sJ_364~~neck ta~le S20 each, l Girl."• 24"' bike, ICE akatea, 7 pain black fl.30. Rtad~rs Diaeit l bl f excellent ccnd1tion SlS , ractn: and 1 pair white Co~enzed books 25c each. ~I:!,~ood T~r!;ition °~~ Hand mov.·tr. n e "''.1 Y fiiure 1kate1 $5 per pair. 646--5178 642_i04l ~~a;:"~ 1$10. 226 Cabrillo :-=~~~-_,,...,.,,..,,,,, NE\\.' English aolf cart $15. 1' y j) EWRlTER Excelltnt QUEEN-size IOfa bed, needa IRON bed frame $3. 546-1434 Great Lakes mower $j. condition, 1ood for ottlce or rtcowrln& $7:i, Old IO!a $3. 2 1'W1N antique gold flni1h Tripod teler;eope $5. camera student looka and \.\'Orks like 18331 Delav.•are, Huntma:ton \ITOUSht iron headboa.rd1, ·r· $5. 642-9921; ~-Sl. Line~s l0c-25c. Toya ROCKING horse $6 Crib and ---------- aX•$l. T\vin bed framea mflttress $20 Stroller $7 'JV Black and \\'hite Zenlth . ' SlO. Tape recorder $25. 9x12 High chair $3 \Vonder horse good cotl<'lition $13. KI rug and pad SlO. Saturday $10 Car uat $7 Chain $10 9-2898, 3213 Colorado Pl., Cda~f Sunday r,13 Puppy, each Sma.ll \.\'Onder horge S6 C.M. '' · BalhineUe $8 Toy pedal --,,,,.,,---;-,--,,--:-,:: SCRAM LETS k SIO Cu I\iAPLE rockin& ehair $10. roe et Trike $6 rtaln l\1aple lan1p tAble $ 2 . • ~:i~42 Magnolia, C.M. 548-4213. 129 ?i1onte Vista, tripod $5. Coleman burner new $2l. 54g.7165 Beach coat $2S each, aell for $10 A.NSWERS C.M. BOY'S Sta,y.prtst shirts. like new, 1ize 14, 16, 50c·75c Bi5t1ue -Derive -Gentey 549-1827 $7. Grolier vie\\'er S 2. . t'ach S4G-44S4 MZ..3207 GE Electric blanke t, 1ingle PP.E-War Amen can F1ff'TI ===,~--~-~~ $;'!. l(arpak lugga1e ca:!Tier Ze tcy mod 1 tr . $:5 SKOOTER. iood condition DJSHr.rASTER. Good $27. r 0 r 3 t. t i 0 n "'' • l 0 n . p T c aUI . $3. 54CM484 Chlca:;o faucets. sink $10. \l'ather-proof zippered c:an· BeautituJ \Vhite Pine loa:1·8~1~CY=CL~E-3=,-,.-.,~~E~01-1~Uh7 Floor poli!hcr $6. Webcor vas cover $l5. Cardboard round 24'' hi&h !: 32'" In 540-44.14 ' record player $6. R.CA chest ot drav.·en: 24"x34'' $3. diamete r ideal for backl.,=;;--;,:::--:""'::::--..,, ncord player $6. Folding Gold uttn drtss, size 11 $3. yard table or .eat $25 S~~ tirt chains S 5 • •uitcue $;'!. Ice car COOltr Pink tonnal $3. New ho.e delh•t'rtd, 543-3120. $6.CElectricclocksSl-$4.2 i · · Oil · 1· . BEDSPREAD. twin, :>e pair. pain 11111• LOVELY h.uman hair, blonde Fltld-al Noah'• •·k ••• Small radio!! each S5 · Laruna arlists, landscapea, tret h and b fall ..... ,... "'"' Bathroom 1calt'!l $2. 3 Hair surfs. bot.U $ l S-S 2 5. 1 c wtl ro\m anima.11, excellent condition, dryers $448. 4 Tab!~ lamp• $l2.50 each, SUrs con· COil S25 aell tor $;1 ~4 Sla$3, 4 TV Stands $3-$5. 646-0lll vtrtiblt baby bufty/ca.r ' · -- BOOKS, P.1 e t a p h y 1 i c a J , btd \.\1th mattress $10, LrKE new $80 poker. table irt.i~3 Channel Pt., NB health ancl heal~. my1tery Deluxe padded car Ifft $3. $25. Blond stretch wia: $10 l Oc--Sl. 646-0117 642-4659 Sundll1ht. necess.ry for BICYCLES. 20" girl"s. 2T' 3 taking indoor picturt11 $5 -Helium -f\fayht'm -DELUXE Lionel b"ain ~et Drivel -DlsrURBED $20. !W>5800 "Doctor. can you ~ure my \;N'-EW""'c'-o~l•"m=•~n~po=rt=a~b'-l•~•~t=ov:::, husband ~f snorin&:? $6. LI8-0061 "Doer; 1t bother you very =====~~--..,= much?'' RECLINER $15 Bookca~ SIO "No, I've bttome used to it. It's the rest o1 the congre- £:ation that's DISTURBED." Pole lamp $2 C.Ot and mat· tress $5. F'r11.mes $2-$5. Whet'l balanCt'r $25. Head· board, kina;alu $10. 453 G.E. Portable stel't'O SIS. Slot Tuatin NB 6'2-.2033 car race track $7. Mlni bikel;;:;=='="°".,---,,..- motor $15. Cotfee table $10. p0RTABLE cha.rwer phono- End tabltz $10. Lamps ;s. craph, High qyallt;y Zenith Electric train SlO. Bird cait mono $20. 546-14'22 S2. Rockinr chair S5. Boy's SOLID Maple atudent desk infant clothes 25c-50c. 2206 $25. t.1aple chair $1 O. A State Aw ., C.P.1. 548-3'129 M&-1422 speed boy's, Sl3 t' a ch EQUITATION Suit, brown, WHITE crib w\th mattrtu Eldon triple level ?'Old race i42-6820 size 14 $10. Gold leather $20, Trainifli' chair $2, Lona: ae t J5 Seara tape recorder chaps. new, tor man or tall lace \\'eddina; 101vn $10. $l5. 963-31(15 1'VO Hi&:h chain! SS each. 20 TON hydr&.ulic jack Sl5 5 TOYS: Eagy c:url hair roUerr; rirl J2j. ~117 541 72ti ....,,. 7174 to h·~ u1 · '" 25 $3. Child'• lypewriter $3. • -· . _ _ S\\'lNG 1et SW Chlld'1 car -~;;~,..,,=;;:--;==-.,,-I n ,, .. ra ic jack ..,. • Child'• double runner ice UULDREN"S Ski! 41" v.ith MAPLE .1in11h commod7 _$5. harness $l \\'omen's biltt p0LAR01D Camera s 5. 111.llon butane tank with ikates aite ll $3. i\ien't ice bindinp and poles s·1,50, Bath shdln& d.oor med1c1ne Sl 2. Green quilted Aul'O!'a Thunderjet race set reaulator & U ft copper & T .. d d ChildT't'n'a boots aize $1.jO. t:ablnet $8, F11h bo\\'I $4, '--"'ip-•d $6. -.. " mo,,... 125. New aurvtva.1 Run XL tube guline $25. Boat skates size 9 S · sprea · ~ '" ... ...,., '" ... ·1 doll •· 112 6 I ,, •• "~"· 968-:>121 Toy ateam enzine as new ... ~ '"'"''""' race set .. :. 2 Blenden ua1 er Y '"""'e · 1,.·o t ne""" Queen si:ie SI. ~ ~"-'-'---~~~~-~ ..., J"r<r w .., d'-« 24" fi t ~ , ,, 11 cost $15 s el I S6. Book.s · ~ach $4. Boy"• pant.I $1. car ra lU ..,, ourescen REFRIGERATOR $2j. Gas PHONOGRAPH, .....,,aye e chlldttn's 10c·2X' Boy acout VANJTY, Birdaeye fi.laple, 5 Phone 536-8280 Hr ht S3 Kitchen 11tep chair 1tove S2:i. \Vhile lavatory hi-fi, thrte ipeed in a:ood manuals and handbook& lQc. dr11.\0.'etS. 41 inch diameter G~"S .,... "ah"'nn $2. Electric ice cream II'-. 1,.-1allon aquarium •·• condition Sl. r.lono albums · ood ond l t ion u-..... ro .x n• bike maker $3 Knife aharpener ~ ~. ·J.0-1793 25.c, Toy truck! latte $4, mimr, 1 c SIS. Baby atroller $1 Dres:ier $8. Chrome and """' Tanka s.;.. Other trucks $5. $72.50 Bir Boy Ba.rbeque, 6f5..l9S6 • Sl Double bed bookca11e 31tUow table and 4 chain FAR Out clothes. l'"or 540-1376. 24'' 1pit and motor $4.30 headboard S4 Pole lamp $1. TIME FOR 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD c....u ................. 6 4 2 -5 6 7 8 D A I L y u:GAL N011CB LEGAL N011CB HOTICI 01' PV•LIC MIAll,.. NOTICE IS l'UilfaY GIV!N fNt I .u .. lc l'Hltrlnt Wiii be ~ lrf ll'HI City (01JnCU OI fl'le (lty of (Olll MeM Ill Tutt!MY, Jllllll l'Y " 1t1fl 11 fl'le /lour of 7;00 '·"'·· or e1 -ll'ler"ff•r •• tl'HI "'1tt1r may M l'lurd, 1n TM COll!ICll cr..mw •I tt11 Cll'r H1n, n ,.,,, Drtw. Cotti Miu, C1lltom!1, Oii 1"9 tolltlwl"' t•-Htll!Ofl: Ill-l'ittlllon NO. lt•iMf, btl"" tM .elltlo!< ot S. V, Hun .. ker. Jr •• 101 '"' c111-'" AvMut. l'ulllnl)fl, te rll-tM fllll6wl"' fftcrtc.d ru l ,,_,.,¥ ''°"" M· 1 to 111,.CI': Ito -lion qi LOI 1. •111(~ E ot tM ltrTV Trffi, It V-.. Ofl 1 "'" <tCIM'Mid Ill Ml.celte-M-..... llJ, Pl"' ,..,.1 Ind In Mltc.1111- 111_.,. l oolf "· ·-'"' ,..,,.. ot LM Allfflft County, --Nrtkull•lv dncrlbld In 1 ""'' "" flte '"" 1v11i.e11 fllr .uD!lc ln11Ht!I011 111 thl etrlc. et tM CllV Cl1rt;. $el<! ,.._,ty 11 loc911111 Mii ot t11TMI Str ... , NfwM11 ...... $!'"' 1'10il l'tul.,itlO ,......,..,., NOTICE 15 l"UllTHElt GIV!N tt.tt et !fie ""'' 1"'11 Pita 1bOY9 mtnll&lled env I nd 111 1>1,.,.0111 lnltrn!M m1v •-•r 11'111 be llMnl li'Y Ille CllY C111111dl OI IM Cll"I fll cosi. Mett on Mid 111,,..,. '9tl· !Ion fll.,.... C, It. l'ltlEST City Cllltl el t1><r CllY fl/f COlll Met.II 1'11111111'*9 Ori""' Co.it Dlllr ,llet, Oft"""'' 10. "'' tuP..ff LEGAL N011CB !IJl'a1t101t COUIT 0, TH• STATI 01' CALll'M:Mlll 1'0111: TH• COUNTY 01' Oll:AMta ..... "'""'" NOTICI 01' M•AlllMO 01'" P•TITIOll l'Olt l'lllOllAT• 01' WllL AND 1'0111 LaTTlas TlSTAMlNTAlllY 1!11119 O'I l'AOLITA NI. all;,t.i'I DT. 11H k-IS l'toll!• Ml rlt •r 1 11dt, Dftt1,M. NOTICE IS HERl!aY GtYBN 'nlel l lldol•ll I'. L. a•1ndl 11H 11111 fllrlln 1 "'1110<> '"' 1robtll fl/f Wiii end fer lm.o•11<• fllf Llffwl T11t.mw1rr 19 l"ell- "-'· rt11r111n i. wflld'I It ,,...,. fw tuo'lhtr •1rll(vlt•I· 1nd llllt 1l'le 11-'"" llllce fllf l\11rlt'lf ll'HI M!M Ms bM!I Ml fer 11'11111'\' '· '"'· It •:• ''"'" ... n.. cour1,.. .... ot Dtllr!IMfll No . .1 OI .. 1c1 tovll. 11 700 Civic Ctr1flrr Orrv. W-.f, "' 1111 (!ly of Slftft ""'· (t llfoto'nll. OtlH Oet;""""" 11, 1Hf w, I . IT JOHN (OU!'ltyClffll: llOY 11. WOOLs•v 1,1, W•c• DP+YI ... _, ·-~, C.'""1111 ti ... Tith fn41 ....... I A"""-,., l'lflT*Mr l'ulllltll«I O•t"ff c....i 111tl'f l'lllt, DKMlbtr l'O. 11, 77, lMt """" LEGAL N011CE iiit1C11 01' llllTlllfTION TO lNAtl IN THI IALI 01' Al.CONCM.tC llY• ...... , TO WHOM IT M.AY (OfrfCllllN; SWllCI to lttutna of 11'4 llclft11 It· 1llM ,.,, Ollltlc1 ft Mr<rb¥ t lYln tl'lef """ llftdffllf'*' pr-15 to Hll '"""'lk btv•··-•. 1111 ..,.,,,, .. ._,1-. • toll6wt: 1211 H1111or •out.wm. co.ti M,.. l'uri111ltf to 1udl """"''°"' 1'fll \1111• dmlenM II •••t'llll'll 19 fllt °""'""'..,.. .t Akol'lollc .......... (Oll'll'OI r.,. lt-flel lw trt....... of 111 t lcelllfk: iMYwtM l!<iinte lot fllfM l'l'""lMI II fOI .... ; OH SAL! Gl!Nr.tAl (knt l"lde l'llbllc l!•flnt l'i.c.) An...-Otllrl"' to l'f'9ftlf flit hwlMt OI tudl llctnM ......,. fllt 1 Wf1'Plt4I .,....., wUll tny ot'llce OI tM O..NTMM et Alcohellc: '"""'" Gl!ltNI. 1111111111 " dlYI ol t1'li "l lt 1111 ,_.... ..,_,_ ,,,.,, fll'll '°''"· 1l•llnt '"""""" '°' °"'111 11 1rov!dff 11'1' 1 ...... lilt Jll'M'llMI 1r1 llol !!OW tletnltd flM' Ille ... te ot 11eoMll< ~""· Tiii """ ell vwr1flu. llofl MIY iDt etlfl llllll f!'e!ft '"" effQ ef ,,.. 011'••'"'•"'· COLONY KITCHl!HS. INC. W, C. G1li.v Vt« ''"1o.nt ,ublli.llM Or11111 Coe•I DlllY l"llot, DKtmber ~. ltff ,,...., LEGAL N011CE , ... , ~1J,1 ttu>11 couar .,.. TM• . • • $1:i. 1919 I\fonrovla c .rit. t;irl'•Black NehN jack~t. T·PE -rd-IT ..... 962.7633 BLuE Chip stamp books Charlie Brown bedspre:ad, · e 7 SS Harlow pant! " ........ ... • .. ~ $2.50 each. 549--3648 doublt bed $5. 442 r.tarnolla, 6 Btllyboanlls. knee riders, 3' 112 • ' Bala I mm movie editor, CUSTOM made foot stools C P.I ~1355 p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D S7ATI 01' CALll'°"NIA !"ow: • \ TMI COUllTY Oft OUNH • t -4'7", $5 . ~\Vil! custom \.\'hilt, fully lined, iiie 10 $7. unuatd S7. Ttn111r lamp, $10-$25. Sack iuues of TRAILER Hitch tar 19631=~· ~·~~~~~=­ make btllyboards for only Black ribbed bellbottoma MU ntw $8 Sat ll.J .5un Workbaak1t Netdlecratt Pontiac $9. 549-3648 PAIR lwin beda Sll VW van 2.1 tht &flt. site 10 $4. For llU)'a-Purple ~,. .. C.M ... ~~ _,,1 ' m"atines $1.$0 stack or TRAIL.,_ Hf• ...... ,, ~·T tt•t S8 Wallhunr bathroom $ • any I'll YoU v.· vtl·-1 btUbottom' 1, .. __ .. .u-.>. vv-........ c r&...... """' ..,,,.. .,...... 1-• 18 Wall h •-u •• •I"'" • ., flUlU 'lOc piece 2205 " "~..,vn each. 549-3648 a '111 uns ... er 4.,..... JW detailed, aize 33-33 $10. TANDDI bUcit $25, Set roJ,t • sink S8 Hotpolnt built·ln l\OLUWAY :Beds $1;;..ul. Black c:rinldt mpe t1Urt. clubs $3.$0, Pn>pane p s Dr. CM. -l"3 CAMPER Stow, .f...burnn'. oven $15. g• p.f. alkfins A· Perfect condition.~ aile M $6. 541>-1193 c a mp nove (ntw) $5, 71" 'IV $23 Mitchell hl·fi 1tahtl«1 11"1 $14. ~ door Sl5 Coppe:r fireplace BE"YBO•nn. concave I'" TV 20 .. Child'• c:ar seat 'O c . phonorraph with mqnttic l Room dlvidt'71, cost $49 hood $20 Foldlna: accordtan ....., ~ 20" Hi-Rl11e bike u . ""~hi-lOc 'J, ••wn;_,_ a a--:.11, a·" I" bo•a -l'"x d 1'8 12" •<K """" ~. k I t •• Ro d I ..wi >..Wt ·• -.. ,... ........ ....... .... "" • .., 1t: MW, •~II for S22. 54~3648 oor, x ~· ~ S2i:i. ..,,,,c · te -· a console $10. P.lana e ,,.... ,.,._,a>--• ·--with mualcal 1prskn SIS North" r n J -Ra · ,., 110 Raci"" •: -uu ~'""-·~ VW n..,. -a .. ,_......, $6. 2 -ar Laure Pl. N.B. 54g..,.oi2 cing · ... Power ~'f!r ...,. ,... , .. ~.~"bt'"l80CaplW :r.latine trasciewr with au ....... •IUUU '" helmet S25. 644-2U6 car mirron, pair $7. Larrt St~f'wcs~f Wu.n tchool) iemral covera&t radio $25. side windows $4. 5'9-3648 NE\V tirr chains to tll 6.70 x QUlTAR, Like nev.-, ~t. rotisstrle SZ. 962-471) N~w "'••tl••ho"·'" -··ttr Small atereo arnp!Uier $10 S.~ x l~ tires, 2 for $3. f'orrl ~~~! ~~r "!i~ 1:j.~f~ Georre cl11!11lc S2i>. 646-6460 PACKARD-Bell TV. black "" "' ... ~ • .._ Old table radios, $2.30, all in 1poked hub cap1 7 for $3. -ovtn 9U-l4ll S4'-364S for Dallun or Toyota 2111·· Ladles Enellsh 3-speed and white, 23" screen, aood 1ood \\'Orkin~ order. 304 pic kup. $18. Walnut room bike 11•ith ba1ket $25. 20" seund, no pictl.lrt. ?-.1any GIJU..'S 20" bike ~ stat Flo\\"tt SI., C.P.f. 34Ul!6 NE\V ~ferric .xket llf:ll divi<k'r '\\1th base "n d boy'11 Stingray$20.646-3680 ne\\' tube1, but needs $10, 3'21074 STINGRAY. boy's b ike . $2.50-$6. SnaponratchetsS3. ahel\'tS SIS. W1lnut with SKI Pants-12 alim. Boy or somethinr t:h;e. Very iood ?.tOTORCYCL!: Bumper et.r-Good condition SlS. 64.>-2475 20 c•u~ shotgun $~-1i li&:hl walnut lnlakl dinette .. &M\tl \1•,,lnut cabinet with llkUni rlt'I".! sacrlfla: SI S. 9 5, 1>-·~• 1 ~ .. •-·J 13 sraure 1hotgun S20. 1~" tablt, oval, aize 83~~ lnchc1 f lrl. S;i. 67...-" doo ., ... 2 :1.~•• .o.~ i:.i..u..u. I tc11-1flC wn= i\fjlv,·aukte drill $2.j, Pockt't -• r .-J. _....... motoreyde jatkl:IJ Sl2.~. S"·...i~ mod d' $25 \.\i lh leaf, no mar ,,...,, .. BREAKFAST Table a.nd 4 NEW Ski jacket l&J'lf: m, allO mlscdl&MOUI motof'CYo .... ..,, em ivan watch $1S. Piano :1tooil $2S. chain: $5 tlch. Almo.t new eh11..irs $12. ~ Ntw ma.n's Watch $10. Anti-cle partt b'om '* to $23. nouns or teacher-approved Lr 1-tMl movie ICf'ttt\, light bar, c:hildren'• hardback books bo h 1 .,., ' --lze crtb MOVIE projector, nt\•tr u• qUe chair $25. Clrl'a ski 912-fllS =-sl Sultablt lo• ri-. EXER.CY'CLE SIO. 549-1821' t or,, ...... -.. ... • -• 12· M · ''''" ............ ~•· ~ • mattrt11. e xc ellent con-eu J, OVle I • jacktl $10. \,,llUQ I """"' LANTERN An n i vets a r )' Bike $15 Ll&'ht ftxNrt Sl • OfILD'S Electric CIJ', likt DelU."(t, new $U. Da.yllte 11ow $l. Glrl'a 20" Schw1n.n t:loclc $25. Old flauwatt SI matchlnc: chairs S5 each. MW S25.. 842-1522 :d"ll"Jon""'Sl5=.-~,,,.~TO-=-- vle-..."er. ntw $3. ti1e.dicint $11. loy'a Stlnan.Y Sc:hwlM to $2i litll Elm, f.V., Oval nJI $15 Oothlfl( l()o.41 WOMEN'S And boy' I 80Y'S 215" bike, rood con- ca binet $9. Shaefltt de•k $2$. 2 DtCU'a\or drapn_ l6l42 Tlru 13 each Ottk sz and clothlna lOc-43. Rup, $T.50 dltion. ntW p&lnl $15. ,.n ae• -.1.1 and marble S9. ---118 h ... ·-54!-IM.1 "1""" 9 uv• eic · ........_, C"IER" w--''• .,~Mt.I baJJ chair SZf,. Walnut cabinet and $S. Litre trunk $15.'.,,=-===--:7:'=: 2 lll·Fi spe:akera I" and ·f " "'' " &1u <N 1ART Ob~ I · dl•meter v.i th arill clo!h l &et of bw1M btd maniu.n. frame tlkff 60 picture• on a TV $10 2l2S Zenllh. corntt &by thlnp ~.50. 30'72 ~11 an 1 q u ~ • a nd rhto1tat conn"OI.. an ror t.xetlJ.tnt condition, $25. roll: Hexanon t-9 l1:N full of Sprvce and Zenith, Santa Country Oub Pr .• Saturday Chinnc J"U..Ool $t. 2 Tta S9. carrylna cast, l'lt'w I " x 546-1370 a utomaUc cue and hand AM Mtt&htl. MOT'ORCYCl.E Cat car. kettles $6 a nd S:ll. 2 llo-Tt · I p t · lt l -Ilk ln -~ .... i rltn, new $15. 4 bunll ltatuts $3 and $24. P ldul'f"a 17" x 20'' r.tahoran)' v1ny REMINGTON or a e 1 ... p, e ntW .... ,. .. _ Btu. helmtt like nlflw, Olp. Rocheater carburetor and and Frames $248. Oplum CO\'tnd SS. '42-6933 type\1.Tttlr. rtne condlUon, box Ideal IOI' travellnc. rq. up •hitld $?;5, Black ltathtr manifold for Corvait JlS pipe holditr $6. Sliver com· 6 !TR~G l\lltlr $12. 11"' TV aood tor 1tudcn1 Sll Com· $49.50. now 122.'4:1. 336-3417 Jat'ket C2 tall, like ntW $25. and m 543-0ln pote dlsh SI. Wood bowl n. $20. mot car aet 13. Boy'1 lflOde..type buffet. palt a~ P.fAYTAG Aotomatk wuher, Lon1 twin ~ 1prina $20. .. Copper tny S1 ltO)'&J 26" bicycle ST.!'lO. S.t8-7ltlt tlqut smn. One le. n I "'Otkl rood s::zs. W!'llrlpool Tltrn, ttke new aurfbO&rd BOY'S 20 ~'Ninn ltlb S20. 8c)'l'Ulh mur $6. Ptnltn •bi ........ B/W TV GOod con· dn.wer. l't.,, smaller one:1. P." dryer, '\\~ Jood $23. $10. 134 Conartll St., C.l\I. 1709 \\'h.lttier "'~-· C.l\f. tlptatty $!. 642-493i "dlt~W. '4MMO 42"' wtde 21" hilh 14'' detp r.1trcru1i tr mar i nt ~7 MM408 om.D'S PboflO $2.50, 2 Doll BOv·s 2.4 .. b!kt no. Girt'• SU. ~ tachorMttr never uaed P. 198 C..dWac: Ouslc. aood FARBERWARE cnn. uaed cast• Mr. 2 1'hlncmakera 20., bike $8. 96J.41tT GO-l<1r1 SZ. u Is, ~ lf7aflll condition. 4-door SZ, Call once S2l. (i').1439 ~ Football lnd Tamm)' ~'/ ';¢. ~ RHd Cl1111flC<ltl- For Expert Aulstance 6500-6900 In tho DAILY PllOT :r.10TORCYELE Helmela, 24" Boy'• bllct $10. 71 " T.V. bttore. noon S&Nrdt.Y, or KAYAK-ti• for $23. Zenith pme 2Sc each. Oilldre:n'a 5:m~~:~·~ fae'°"l' tttenda, hllJ prict $20. ToUtt s10. RadJo 12. alter 5:30 PM 'or aJl dl.1 21" B• WTV $2S. M&-207t life jack:eta T3o ••er . SU. -SIS. -1 347-!0lf &>ndsy.~ Cnlc 111'-_m? _______ ,._ ______ _., • I 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 ""........ :1 "OTtCI 9" M1a1t11ft B PSTYTMtM l'Oft ,lltotaT• CH" Wll,L AJIO Ho.a , 0 LlTTlat TllTAMINTAlllY Ettaflo ol ell:WLM D, DUKE, ~­ NOT!CI IS Hllll••Y OIYIM TNt S~ltllY G. ~ !It! fllM hlf'tfl!i 1 ""'*" fer trWllt of wlH tl\f for 1--. I/II , • Llflvs TMt1,,.,.111.,., fe l"ftlttllltr, ,....,.._. • wflldl .. '""" .... fUrfhlr "1tttw••tt. 1"" W11t ~ llMt .,.. l'tl<9 ol l'loerllll lilt lllM Mt ""' -t "' J1nu1rv f, ''°'· 11 t ::ll '·'"·• In the tlllrtrlOl'!I 01 .,._,,,.....,, ~-S o1 Mid *"' 11 1'00 C1¥1c Ctflllr °""' Wtlf, l!I """ Cit-( 01 $1nl1 A111, (.lllfWl\le, ~ Dtffif>Nr It, lNJ, W. If:. ST JOHN Ceurrfll Cltrt; CUll:Tll L. KU.HI *' lfw1tl 11tl ... •M ... ,.,,. ,..._., m .......... Ctl!Mllll fltlt Tt1 1 lttO ,.,_,.. ,,,..,....., ... l'+ttl-... ''*1111\toji 0,l!lt• Ctetl 0.tl't •llol. OKI"""' 19. n. 11, 1tff »ilHf NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 142-5171 • r . . ·' . ... . . . . . .. . ' ·DAllY PllOT s.trilf, -20, 1969 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I TRANSl"OllTATION • . ' . TRANSPORTATION RCHAN 15e FOR 1 .. t RCH ANDJ)l f'Olt MtRCHAl¢111 'POii MERCHANDISE FOR I FREE TO YOU •• ''LI AND T••"'I SALE' AND TllADI 1 SALi ANO TllADI SALf AND Tl!ADI . Boob & YIC!ila 9000 'OJS Mini B ik" , , 9275 \Joope 9510 .,. .....,,.. =R R trio .... M .. 1 •• ,,.1,, ' --! M l a. MOO t,\itcllUftllCU>t 1 l600 L.ABRAVV e VCr· 131. JlP Purple Toro. J11.t1c: '69 JEEP CJ!i. \V lnc h. Mu1 lc1f lt11r. ' 112.J C.mtr~& Equip. UOO actl ~ lo Id borl)e. g mos-old. FREE 1 ~ha.it e;hock9 front A-tear1 ovttdrn·c. etc. $Ml0. ct.sh• ---MOVING. r.hat JlVt up •trorlit 4c btalthy. Lob ol & · Boa · frtted P£R..rtC'T G\fr 'FOR THE Nt"iv rond. USl'd \'f!rv little T.0 .P. &12-8319 ~. oi'0?-1 aet. complete bus. MOVTE Camera 16 m.m Z.in ROCK. SHOP •i;naJI ipayrd dO;:. malt character. ~I :16T-«110 Sat sic unc O::>urse 0 YAOM'S.\fAN LESS TUAN $IIO. ~3 • ., I -. ltand. 2 tom1, hi-hat, 2 ~1 ..... 11 ........ Pro te s 1 i 0 na.I Ch;isfllWIS Sp' '9ciils altered .cat. i\takt otter on or SW. 12123. !0 public by Balboi,t,' Po~·cr JI ALF·PRICE: Ri,ythcon Cl)'Dlba.11 l: aea:u. Rt'd :i> v:i-v" ...., )lei 360 £:. 11~. 1kil!., Can· r R E E tu iiood hOm• .. qUfl.dron evet')' ~fon.. DlUhl ROf' Ra.nGtr U. Po11able 3 HP Nova 1'1itu Bike. \\'ii.Ji I Camper• 9520 ,,, ~ od IM<V'I b.llftts. 1.• llOMBl' ' ..-, fi' .... trim AW $11.9l 4,... .,.,,... _, R" ,, .... d 101· 11 weeks beglnnm: 7 3 b d • $169 r-:ow 59;i Good Con ~~;i •"""' m • ........ \\l;~e. a.na:lc' telephoto. A·l. i '' comb. aaw j: 1rindinc k no anitra, etc. _..,....., \V/fenoed yai,,., sm-m""' pm on l\lon., Jan 12th ot 12-:1ra.nslstors.if -an . . . . LJU polilhin1 unll& from $49.ti R~LAXIOSOR-Delwre, Ii ,bl-eed lCM'ltr, JO ILs. $ITltl'l Ntwport Harbor Yachl prwtcd cll"C\I • the llneit dhion. Call S:U-23.).) LtAN. CLEAN. ready lo roU SLJGHTL\' U1~ 01 d s LEICA lll F t.$ SUmmarit. :3 lb, rumbltr $216 dlils $150. Oritntal pqoda ~ cult, 9 nlO&. old. Jov~.s Oub, 728 \V. Bay Ave., New. aveJJable. Ulce new, $100. Mot orcucl•i 9300 I or1 your Christmas vaication. AmbuHdor trumpel, 2 F'·2.t 'wtdt am:le. f . ?.$ 6 lb. tumbltt S~.60 4' high $3.). 67~ cti\idren, 8.J6..3818 port Bea.ch, No advance 6'15-«189 1 '68 Dodie Va.n Vista T¢\> mou.th pie«s. can")' caMi teltphOto ti mm, I: T 4 lli 'l2 lb, twnblet $3.i90 GARAGE Item11, Lumber, re&J,atratlo.n needed. Rt;:ls· SHIPWRECK SALE I '69 HONDA 350 Scra.Jnbler tpcrmanent f I be r; 1 a S• $7~ ~ mJ'!l. A·l S23J, AJ:K> have to~ us~ ~uip. MJic. W•nl•d . 1610 la\.\11 chairs to ~ rrpalrtd, ter at class, b1·ini; notebook all gcal' fton'L v.·recked P.C.C, cxcel coO<l. 1'Ju~t sell. £ei;;t "bubble"•you can 111and up NEw Bundy tlUte. Never Sl;IDE p1·ojtC'tor & FREE load of mattrial with b1'0ken brick 14 pcs 1n alley rir1t night. Questioi15: Call sloop "Kitten ". i\'last. 1 bagis offer O\'el' S·l7S. 67~ all insklrJ Range. auto o~n. ~. $100 or Make OUtr! ?ilagazines. :'..i mrn. A·l S.<>fl. c11ch tumpjer $ WE BUY $ 216 Ruby St ., Ba I bo a 613-18.).:;. of sails, winches, run cover ti. botUc<I gll!!I, t.talnleiia 11tr.el 646-4621 5-IS-51&.l alt 5:30 ~'f FREE cuttl"&: material \\'llh l.sl. 12122 18' TIIOl\rPSON Lapstr:ike. & all hardware. Prfce<t for SUZU KI SOCC. All new over. sink, \\'atcr tank, ice box, · k •1· · Sh double hide-a-b e d , • each &aw $ FURNITURE $ PICK your kitty now • Clil.n Johnoon 50, r ath, bo1v rall, qtnc li<lle, ,, 1nney s ip hauled Engine, expansion -Sporting GCMidJ 1500 . Supplies. rouih matcrW. 111ay he~ 'ttl. Chri:stmas.. elect anchor \\'inch. Nu can· Chandle\'y, 2j37 \V. Coast chanibcr, ere. :\1nt cond, & "'ardrobe cupboard, lots tif Pi•not & Organs il 130--coconuts ti1a\.\·f'C! b-ee APPL IANCES Cute '2 Siamese, 10 \vks old. va& t'ov. Tilt trailer. $179.l. Hh1·ay, f\.B. 5-JS.,(192 Beau!lful. S175. Call 842-3159 other 11tor~ plus outside C I TV '• St loo••••• raok. Sl"'ps 5. Use 6'l0'' hl05£ SURFBOAltD w/pul'('hasel •or •-••11•1-•1•0 1 1 7 21 5 Pa I 1n , r . V . Cona\.\ay, S.!S-5.;51, 111 \V . l\ONEl. Hi Seas Radio w/10 -•-· I I '*•or H .... r.M 2/20 '67 YA:\tAJfA 30j Big Bear as station wagon between Blue·pigment on w<tom and Bi,c discoi.mls on t'OmP. !ne 1 CASH IN JI MINUTIS IW7·i974 1 Coast H\\.)'. NB channelis. Cost S~. l yr ..,._ bl 5 =• A t -"ti . I il V • 11 ' I 'd h' '·' ~·am er. ,....., c u .... " .. tt1pii. ..ow in ea.ge, -.. blue Dn rails. Exce cnt con-o ap1 ary mac UICI')' tu · ~JAKE your child's holidays 25· O\VENS 'b"l \v/mooring old. Slj{l(), Installed eom-Bell helmet: b 0 t h $3j0. automatic; Only $3995. Pvt ditM>n $75. Call JAY 54S--J j1.J Jail. liil . • 541-4531 • happier v.·/an adorable ter· In Newport Bay. $3950 incrs pletc. Call · 642-9201 ~>16-9378 ParT)'. 968-1191 alt 5:JO, SKI boots • \\'orn once! l01i STONECllAFT I USED ZIG-ZAG SE\VlNG tio1· pup. free to good home. mooring, CaJI -531...m.JO. EVlNRUDE 3 HP run J hrs. ,64 H~rambler. I anytime "·ee!tencls. Kastin:cr. l'OSI $'70, yours ti9'21 Alta.1n11·ano Lane (at ' l\J.\CIDNE 540-20ii hf!f1>re 9 \\'ill save ro Dec. 241h· Cost S:?!.l. Slj(). I 642--1391. Built' _IQ -. s200. Call E-300 SUPERVAN. 69 l"ord fQr :$3-3 . ., ~l a mark on n1)' honlel ll. B. Open 9-9, I Ai\! Gr alter 1 P.\I 846-2146. 12/72 S•ilboit& 9010! 61:!·'.!71t9 6~2-351 nytin1e. 1 \'-8. Slick, Llm :!Slip, to0f them. 64R-I &Lio Chri11tn1as t\'<'. 847·1:::?11 1 \\fA.'.'TED: Used hide-a·~ 4 ADORABLE Chr~tmas kit· 1JOHNSON j ,J HP. Used "68 HONDA CL 90 Scra1nbler L"a<:k. dbl bed. ca.~t. Besl LADJ~Trappeur g1.., tioo'ls: *Chr'ISbnaS Specia' I u nriC'r $100 . Prefe1· tens, need permane.nt :-----------..-f1·esh \1·a1er only. Xlnl str:i.ight pi~. knobby tires, offer before Chrlst ma 1 . siz~ 5 ~. u~ once. Pd $8j. nauiahyde. 842-3772 hon~s. 8 v.·ks. l beige. l g~~~..,. :i;hap!". $110. :'"t'l!-:>18.l aft J:30 ;..;Int cond. 644_1141 ij.\j...1458 seu tot $6.i 645-1260, . tiger, 1 &Ty/1vht sn·ippcd. ::.-:=:.=------s-1-1 GRAND PIANOS All New· 10 Year \\1a.rra.nly Prices rood untJI Ott 31st Knabe S'l " S..?TI.0 110\V .1213' Knabe 5'8'' $3190 flO\V $-"100 Knahe 6'f' ~ no1v S3200 rischer rr• $1795 now SlSOO Yamaha. S"8" $2"45 now $18.50 \l."urlitzer ;)' $22.W no\V $1890 These are Je~itlmatc reduc· tioM and are extre.mcly good values at these priers. 90 Days ca.ab. low Interest on ins1allment sale1. X·mas delivery iruar. 67.>-553.a 25% DISctOUNT BEDS \\~ANTED. Several us-shorl haired. 543-4079 12119 CORONADO ---1966 HONDA 500, 1300 miles, 1939 Gl\·!C Bus Camper. P5 ed fold11'4:'. or roll·a\\·ay. 30 801t Slip Mooring 9036 1 excellent l'Ondition. PhollC 2 or moi-c. lee bo1', closell FOR Sale: Sc\iba ;car. · or lJ" size. Call 5.17-94;;9 VERY friendly daiSY,·typc J.lS-l6J4 & stot"age spa«. Enrint Brand nc11•, Never used. on ·~ll made up ~iielry~! . doi:. 11 nlOs Gld, very run:s good. $4.lO. 646-5396 968-&liO befon l ,pm. &!me e:~Ccllent rif1&$, pend· Roll Top_ Desk pl•yful. Family "'/children 15' ANTMON'Y 11k1 boat. 80 ' '68 y ,,\,\fAHA ~j(). In Service anlll & . eat· 1·ings & many Cllll 5-1.>-0286 only. M~. 12123. Chr"1stmas hp n1Cl'<:,. 111:. whl. II'. $9;Al. l\lust Sell. s~oo. Call Sl\IALl. 8' Camper s..; NE\\' Iv.in 52 U.S. Divel'I ae· ott.ei·s. I _ frl6-1181. fHl)..7983. Cabo\'er. Beauti ful wood In· GOULD MUSIC qua·lungs. \Vil! aeetpt best Lapida1·y ~upplics, culing Machinery, ;,c--: 1700 K~S, i~ Abyasinian &: ==~~~-~~,.,--ter. Sleepg J adults. $275. 2CW5 N. ~lain, S.A. 547.()681 offer. 839-1649 ~ 6 suppli('s &: equip. Jewelry -· . domestic, 2-8 mos. old. Boit·Yicht /\'E\V ·59 l\a,va:saki 2j() cc 6T3-009J PRE-HDLiilAY SALE TWIN '8 .,, .. t.nio.. oom· '""" • ""''""· •• ,,., '"' FORKLIFT $ALE I 897-54"1" '3&-1493. 12/23 "G"1ft Pack" Charters 9039 ~~'.;~\';"~; 8-1;~~~ 1600. I ~~~====9=,=2's1. plete, brand ne\\" never us· geni stones, rock cutting Dec. 20 thru 31st PETS •nd LIVESTOCK !:June Buggies ed. CaJI ~;;..3761. ~~9:>38 machillery_ Somt excellent S200 oU regular pnce CHARTER A BOAT 2:>0CC ).' A~'IAHA Endural. eo'UI 23891 PIANOS & ORGANS Some of 1.he mo&I popular model1 including: Hammond }.17, H·lOO, E·lOO, 6-Z, T·200 etc. FR.EE :; DAY "i .. AS VEGAS HOLIDAY \vlth pur· c:.ase! ! ! Trade-in:s ac«pted &:: te1nu. M i1c•ll1n90u1 POOL TABLES 9600 HA.1>R.lOND I Ouistmas S°peCial $275 up, rocks ready 10 iumble in l 6 Lift trucks, must seU! P•tt, G•n•ral 8800 . f llke nu. CaJI after 6 Pi\! or i\fEYRS J\IANX "°"" lb. "''"•es. 714: 6.\2-8393 G1° 897-2433 GfVE a uv,-grrrr-~ Of er . 'c',1d . se," p d \\'eekends. 837-3969. Fordham Ave . N\'1\ port iris mas 11ra c 549-272!) F1VE i\T GEi\1 k AIR COMPRESSOR $~·25· _Bu~nies ~l. Guinea Parties of 6 -$20 pet' hr LAPIDARY SUPPLIES 10 H.P. "·" Do-· •toto••. pigs $.JO. 546-996.> · Auto S•rvic11 --._., ·-" • Inc boat. ~1op1K'r. 1n1XC'l't1 & Part• 9400 Imported Autos Costa i\lesa. Located at J86ll Beach Blvd .. Huntini· Dogs 8825 S.a ve hundreds of dol· r.eserva11on call 6'!6-9000 i_ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i' iii!!iiii!iiiiiiiiiii the back Gf Colle.i;:e Center Ion Beach, 8~2-8JIO. * HAPPY SOLUTION TO 1.ars! O rder • C 1>ron•· DA y & t.'VE CHARTERS 5-19-203.9 DOG ENJOYi\IENT!~ do 23, 25, 30, or ) .. by Christina~ Paradr. SJ:i hr. up BEAO·I 9600 AUSTIN AMERICA AUSTIN AMERICA in CORONA DEL lltAR CHUCK'S 28M E. Coast Hn:y 613-8930 1 :?Tat Hatbor at Adams, Open Evt?s &: Sun. alttrnoon I POOL TABLES 1\Jon thl'll Sat. 9-s::;o FREE TO YOU 'J'raininggilteer1lfica1c:s. Decemb•r )I, 1909. inc. skippel'. 12 people .~o· Auto Supply F1i day 9 ID 9 Pupp)' classes Sil, N<>vice •nd you 'll receive a houseboat. Hohday i\tar1nc C TRAJKS HO £.'Omplele, 4'x8' To home v.·itn fenced yrd. obedie.nce. $20. 546-0989 C hristma s "G ift Pac k"i~'="='-="'='='======= Wholesale :'ii table lay.()llt. J ~els eqll1p, love. hOney colored shehie1l\lARTINCREsr KEN NELS f d I I nd I •1= 'd I " lb ~ ' oll worth hundreds 0 0 • Mobo'le Homes 9200 p,,·-, lo •u Sales Service. Parts Imm~iate Delivery All Models IF you Are: bl.ij.•mg: a Piatto or Organ this Chri:stmas .t: are lnterestl"d in some real· ly ireat deals. plea1e shop WARD'S BALO\VIN STUDIO 1319 Ne\.\'port, C.i\.I. 642·3484 Sec:ard Pool ERUNS\\'IL1\-A]..ff Cu:Stom Slate Table from $28S 100~°' fin~i * SECARD POOLS * -532·19i' 3~ ~ t.Ia in St . :.: nt co . \'a. ue <#" ....,; I ea r· i X , ...., s spay..,.. a: 1 AKC Red .t: \~hile nialc .. ~ " Christmas &:ift.S-?QO. 1 Con-shols.. also blk/gry mottled Cocker Si;>anlcl puppy. lars in o ption•l equip·•----------Complete i\lachine Shop cord tape recorder, xlnt mtd siztd doi; 9 mos old. Beautiful Christmas ment: ,'",,', Jim ~=~ SPEED F.QUIPi\IE'.':T cor'ld . .!200. Call art .i pm, Jove chi.kb-en. 8·17·74.)0 & Pffilent. Xlnt disposition. CORONADO 23-S300 REBUILT ENGL"1ES 642.237;; S<l&-3818 has had :iihclts. 497-1088 afl 6 Cooper U:.1~ Victoria. Ci\! 548-6j.5() ,, CORONADO 30-$500 1 1S::6! Beach Blvd, HB 8~i-099l AA'TIQUE JCOn bed, Ion£ O\\'NER ILL must part \\'1th Pi\r, \l'k. fl<tys. CORONADO 2• ••oo ER SALES OPf'" 7 o ''" B -.,., TRAIL • ~•~ Ai:-;* :;HKl \V,Coo.st Flwy.,N . sol.id oak l'OCktllil table beloved pet, {l'led. breed LOVE FOR CHF.ISTl\IAS~ I CORONADO 34 $700 54 764 (-•dy to• a. t ,·0 .. ,· •g ,, 1 1 -"Buy from • man _ 1 642'·9~05 R 0.1 ·~ • " " " young spayO<"U em a e. * Creal Dane Puppies I · I fl h d ~tG Dealer J~rlu po t l J\111 Or!S ligl\tin: f1XIW"l!s, • n1 a I l housepct, good hunter.1ype, * i\liniatul'e Schnauzers Wh11.,0E JvEeR,VltCEn ~n•. '' Trail•r. Travel ' 942S , -==· =":' =0~'";;";:=' ====== Open Every Nite & Sunday Afternoon ~;,-,, Gi ... GaJare! h 1 ,,_,, ·-' ~ I = ... ,.. "" '"" c es . ro ""' arou many Jove15 children, free to perm. e Tern1s Available e s MW Ne1v dl"" Leeds luggag<', ~ ol hel' i!e1ns. 646-S039 t:?5 or temp. horn.?. 846-3818 i\IARTINCREST l\ENNEl.S YACHT \Vl lAT \VE SELL! i '69 HdLIDAY Travel Trlr. ____ B.:.:, ____ _ pcs, orange Sill. Antique North Star Lane. NB 12123 1 :">1G--0989 izi So. Harbor. Santa Ana 19" se!I-c.011t, 1anden1 1vhls, miM"Or $5.' lj\(3n's 3 ::!lone y LE l B!rk So. of Bolsa. 5.11.1066 sips 6, all xtras. Q\vner sac: e BMW e diamol'ld .ring ·~.lO. star ve!, BEAUTin.JL hand painted SMOKY Shepera.mer. Pure GERi\iAN Shepherd pup. RO A YEAR END 1nust ~ell $3800. 644-6197 oil portrait <Jt ·you 01• your b _, 1 \\" AKC · d b d f Tl{E FOLLO\VING NE\V O RGANSALEl l je"·el r y, acce:ss., ren1 parens ·e1neraoer -re&1stere • re Dr CLEARANCE SALE 96919' 'Al' , .. ,, It children trom a 1photoiraph. German Shepherd. 3 m1>'s. size, ll v.·eeks, male $~j. ALL SIZES 1 :i JO, w Y ~ con. Ei\1\V 'S IN STOCK FOR TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! ladies-girls quaJity clothing, A ,1·1>ndcrful idea for Oiat Pref. rooin to roam, like a 642-8.)72 2912 W. Coast H iwoy lained, canopy, use-cl only 3 li\Ii\rEDIATE DELIVERY Large seleetioo or pre-owned e6t7~ ,4~X1 UP·,\ J\eiv rond .. 5pecial Chris'tmas ;:i ft. farm (n4) 5-18-;jl&5 aft S:30JPOODl.ES T , T NOIV O~ Dl!3PLAY 1in1cs. Sac SJOOO. SS{}.2650.' • 16. 2002's All colors OTJans. Special discount Gil ,,_,, ~ 646-3629. m 12122 -eacup · oy. Newport leoc:h BAY HARBOR • 4. 1600's new models. * . AUCTION * 'G 0 -p. . A.KC, fl.II colors. Beautiful Mobile Hom• s.1.. Truck1 'J500 • 4 • "00'• FREE * FREE !"' ' . REi\IIN TN lyptwriter. AKC Beagle -i\fale. Older. quality . Very P.cas. 645·0810 11'' Bk -St C I 'I u If · ill n .... 11tandard. Binoculars 7.S L".,11 -1·,,d -Id ..,.r.. ., · -.J a et " cs a · csa * '63 ClfE' v v o pJ'CKUP e 2 • 2000'1 Ca5$C'tle playe1• 1v/purcha!.e you "1 seu or uuy '" ud ""' """"" 968-8336 I ' bl k E f II bo Bl d ~ Of • ...., o-an. :i\·e \Vind). a try P11T \l"/leatt\(lr c 8 ae • hunt r ti! ·t be country · ~~~~~! ~ oc as.r 0 · ar r " · 8 rt t1eC'tsidr: 1,·/P..adio/Hli·, LOIV flNAJ\'CT:\'G AVATt.. _.C,OA .• ST MUSIC Auctions F'nday i :;m p.m. Leather na\'y bas:. RDnson horn: .. Lo~s children -BLUE i\Terlc Collie pupp1e, i ·"--rCu»la ;>.tc.si i71 -ll !>-*0-9~70 Load lc\·cl('r shocks, f\'e1\ SALES-SERVICE-PARTS ~'E\VPORT & HARBOR W indy'SAuctio n Barn ~!,~:.~.:11~nder. neii•. 2 · 12 96".!-8i~5 12123 !~ocJ.;~1 kto ~1'!~~· ho~~:n;;;:~~ ~~~~~~·~u;~:-~~,!;B~~l MODEL SALE! f ~~;~tl~1~;~~~'.~t. ,.~~.\~c1~:iib!~I T ~l ~a~~Tc0!~·8~~~· Cnsta Mesa * 6-l~-:?S:>l ?Of51 ~ ?"eirpon, C:'il tjl6-S6S6 f ol' your Christmas Lovable young gmall long 1 RAVEN COLLIES, 6~2-4~2.J fibcrgla.~s hull in tin1c for 11 D. Reill,\Ta p l:iumpcr. 71:.:~-?~'8~ Oprn Sunday &92®I Dayz .10.9 Sat 1~6 sun 1~-6 Behind Tony's Bid:. i\lat'J. G d h I . haired blk mi:.:ed breed, c·HIHU'llC I Pupp"' ,.,,.1 Ch r i.i; t ni as. St\ R 0 Tl O:"IE .\l!LE FRO.\f 0(.C.:.\X "-d "''''" "".<<I. ,,,.,,,, .... -"d , -===~======I .E. port. 1~ \\'Sll'. iminae. 10.12 lbs, spay(\d &: hsbrkn.I "ch : .,1· k repa1 rs-anyt1n1r. SaOOt CO.'T.\ l\lf::O:\ "" 'u., ... , .. -PIANOSALEI SERP.A EiTOr-Limilcd (30\ 3110, Cho1v 1bl $6. Framed 1. lild 81 .. 3818 ~our nstn1as ,,oc:: 1n;:-.I h ·d . Sal:io · lor1ow1ngaboat!!'>~1·kllng CORTINA W E ARE &u.pplyof these.l\!exiC411.air oil paintinr S5. !b!l:! Ori· v.s c.i · o· AKC. lTold 'ti! Christmas. ai \\art! nc11 1 GREENLEAF Turr grCC'tl. ON!:: in 10.000~ OVERSTOCKED! , niails. L,\ dea.l~rs &re a~k-cnta.l 111g, f.,!S. 675-jW! ('vts. \\!HITE leniaJc Pe k a po DI 547-3874 parts: ni<1~I . boonis. lee MOBILE HOME ONI,Y .'5109:i~ .\IARQliIS 'GT Fofll Cot1ina. t·adio/htr, bl '· . spa~·cd -1 y1•. Did. Black, '.. .· ~artb. l'l1<ldc1·s & tiller~. SALES 11 i\lU!I make rooni IGr ntiv i' ins:, $1 ca. J.i per oc~. "e carpel layer has Hi LD Cockepoo lemale, 8 mo Gld. ST O ~KING St u f le~ s. Finished a~ l\'Cll as un· 71 I: Hl'.!·l :l;)(J I ;\~TR:i. 9006 ~., ~oo1, •st ~~1·:. ·I b1•and nc\I' tires $1000 or shipments arnl"lng dally. a •dt SO <."'.'nrs ea. S.:: fJt'I' nylons $l.9'J yd. Shags 644-llOO PreC)()US Poodle Puppies, finii;hed. Of}('n 11·eC'kclays Lagu~~ • ' ~ hnst olr. 6-16-2;i74 Prices .slashed on.......... block. :>18-04·19 from 3.50 up + my tabor, just in tin1c for Christn1a1. 5:30-8:30. \\"ttkcnds IG-6:Rarc O[)portu ruty. ;'IJOBJ LE 491-ij(),\, ;}10-3100 _ Spinets, Consoles. Grands SHIPWRECK SALE! OOCperyard.847·1519 FREEtorellponsibleadults,'.! SJS. 5-19-08-14 Pi\!. l.IVJ1..'G on lh(' BEAa-1.j CAMPER TRUCK Ouistmas delivery ~ar. &11 gear {rom v.Tec:kcd P.C.C. JE\VELR't Equipment for miniature dachshu~s. 2 SILl\-Y Terriers AKC shots 87j \V. lith Strecl. C1\I l.in1itcd spac::e~. '" nc11· ad· 1970 G.i\l.C .. 1; H.D. c{1u1p., COOPER COAST MUSIC !loop '11\itten". lfilast, 7 bags making Jost 11·ax cast & year1 o 1 d -Alteetionatc. k deworn1ed.' Ready for 642-9Jj1. 646-6219 rlition to Drifhl'ood Beach VS. :5cr. # 22500::1. NEWPORT &: KARBOR or sails. "·inche!, full cover good \\'alch dogs. 494-8960 Ch · 1 839-716 --NG? Club • :\lodcls 011 chsplay $2995 '62 J\ITNI Cooper 997. Reblt eni::. $1200. or ll'ade 613-918.1 ;if! J Co.sta. l\.lesa *. 6fl.2851 &: .,u hardware. Priced for hand forged jewelcy $50. READY f'QP CHRISTMAS: r1s mas. J Ll~E SAi~! soon. 21·162 Pac Hwy, H.B. UNIVERSITY ' 6 ' •64 ·c,64ccc'="=~~~~-,,-1 ,. Lab"-AKC Dachshund Pups DISLIKE THESE . '?~_.-, .. Days 10.9 Sat 10..6 ' un 1'.!"'l;I quick sale1, Jl.Jinney's Ship ~ cute k cudd ly fvr:r. . . ,,....,..,.i.,, OLDSMOBILE CHRISTJl.1AS i ltls • Ham· mond. Steinn•ay. Yamaha. New &: u!ed pianos ()f most maloe1.. Best · buys In So. Calif. at Schmidt r..lusic C<l. U07 N. f\fa1n, Santa Ana. "' OPEN· EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Until Chri1tm•1 GO.iJl.D . MUSIC m\ N. 1'1ain, SA .J.l7.c6Sl BEAUTTFUh King bed-1uilt-· · * 8~2-5327 • • Payments, high 1ntcrc:st, •"'==~~~---· Ch1.11dlery. 2537 \V. Coast Shtp. niLx II u PP I e s. depreciatiOn s 11 P reTI LU:\'URJOL"S 3J' n1ub1 l c I ~j() }!arbor Blvd. Hi)r•Y. N.Jt 548419'.! ~~~a~~~·w ~o;~p~~t~;~: 5-;6-i '.!92 12/20 PAP:TY POODLE, Al\C reg. cleaning,ili't.~ran('t, cit· ' hon.1e 111!h c~hana. l.irlG Costa :'i'lesa '69 HGnda ;JO Scrambler TV DAVENPORT. soiled but 7-\\k female, ?II ounc.-es ot PREFER TttESE? Pink, NC'1\TJOlt Beach ;}J0.9640 NEW! 15", pool .. ·/pump & hller, 84z.oa36 e\"CS. good condition. TV. need:s lO\'(', s.w. ·194--t2S6 • l.o\\' co:ot, no \\'ORI\ & 673-3}:?! O\' 612-0tS:i CHEVY P. u. Dehue Cab, needs liner. l;i:e tent \VESTERN SADDLE. all repair. also old uirpet. Boxer pups.Beauties! CAREFREE SAil.iNG! l\·IOBILE llon1r, 1 0 ':.: 4 2', V-8 auto b'ans. shell. See to I '70 PICKUP \\ 0/!idtrooms, ladies ~olf ~;s::s~~:;::~ ... r:~~;~ 548-8291 l21HI Ready for Christinas. Cal '..'j little a:< Sl4. ~' day clean, nice park. SI\ iin pool. appreciate. 2908 Tu s 1 in, \V/camper, 96 hp overhead club~. sofa bed. 31511 l\erry Ja!tnine, Cdi\I 673-5j.\S J\.fJXED Terrier. champagne. 'Reasonable! 494-8836 LB Try Our Club Plan ~:?:JOO Cash. H.113 Ne1~-port N.B. earn, 4 spd, dlr, 6 ply tires, Lane!, C.l\I. ;;=;;;::::;:;.c=:cc.;:.:..:;;::..,.-.. 7 m·os, female. Loi' e s LOVELY Purebred 11·hile NE\VPORT SAILING CLUB Bh·d .. :ip. 46. C.i\I. ti.;&-6687 ,61 Corva ir ,, ton Pic!..-up, back up lighl.i. You name HO 6.: N-GAGE TRAIN POOL TABLE 4' " 8' children. Free to good poodles, shots, de"o1•n1ed, e 67:'>-ilOO • 28 :-. s Eolcs ,\ero nice furn. side !'&nip. ;:;real [Gr loading it~ Se~ial # PLl2Jros37~. BOARD N'"' !•-• 2 (f ischerl \\ith marl:ile bed, home. fi46..-04l4 aft 4 p.m $'10. 499-1331 or ~94-'1746 LIDO 14 #JO hi in bd!'. ~If contained. apploa"'''· ,,.1, .. 10 IT""", Full price SW99. Take ~m~ll · ..-, """· like new cond $.XJO, Cost . • " •, ,.~~ u ""'"' dn Dr trade. Call Phil, :i~'.ns. $l~~if !.~=·o~s~ S800. 613-3122 ~;;: f:~~~t:log~\1~~ ~ ~;~~.~~~~le. ;:.c, 21 Clca~;·~'Yl,j.·~~~\· .T1~1i~;.S:t.l.i -~r.;~y~~~E "';Ox~ v.·/addcd .;lad1~t~~~~~l9~~~+:.17 Big ·194-977;: 01' S~:l-00::~. ANCHOR ~~~·~\fdp~~~gu~med~~~: ()id .. 8lO..S73S 12120 POODLE Pedigreed Puppies. SCHOCK BOATS ti7:l-20.'10 11.dul!.~. ~'208l Tires. S22J. Call afl 6 i.u.tt DAlSUN 111vK9 DATSUN 545-1>1'1 GIRL'S Sch\\·inn bikes 2·24", dren. housebroken. 3 yrs jl6-2962 sails. try ........ · .. ·· .,~J09j ix\~ roon1. ~In! c.'Ond. SJ.JOO. Engine. Dual Carb. Gd ~ 1 TON. Compl 11·/age k iplicer·light 67~1 "SNOOPY" & "PEANUTS", 5 \\'ks. old Silver. Apricot & l\.tlNTO 10' beaut. hberglru;s \\kdays, J~S-44j9 VERY r&rt .Pla.ver pfano, character. Ideal decoration. _ maJe & femalt hampsters. ,...,,_ ___ 17:,, G73-IJ76 and antique sailboat Xln1 Bicyc::les 9225 .6 ..•. ro' RD E-•-I••>• n:i""'I I •. babv ... rand, \\ith .An1pico U1 6 WBLK & •\Vhlte ronsole 726 12/20 co~v t d' I • ·1 U d J I '"""" "µ"" T 0 -h C " -$100. Ca.II 675-24.N alt · \\•/ca.ges. 644-1 -6 MONTH old molt, ""If 01· ins:: 1y "' sa1 1ni;. se ro,o•·•. s;TiNG RA\" Good conrl. S:i9~. Call after 6 "l.<?ader in he ocac 1t1es e x p re1sion. Hear Curtis-r.falhes TV $30. Brnd DOR 1 911 ,..,. su1nn1et•. OriJ::· <"O:'t .~l:iD: '"' •·~ I ZIMMERMAN Rachmaninof! play his FENDER Vlbrnlux Reverb new golf bag $40. ~j128 PILA BRA ., ma e, . Beagle k half Pooll!('. Loves 11 ill sell ror S260. 8-17-20~'.! 61':1nd Nr11·, ,5:,':0, cpc'c"~'~"~~c'~"~'--~~- m .. 8ie hi1 Wll,)'-Ask ques. An1plifi er & ri::nder ROBERTS 1•~ SD. Rool "".·· au llho.ls. Lo\,'e 5 children. t"re<', 8J7..,1:?39 -Ci!ll -841-lti2.. 1 ·;,1 Fol'd ~i Jon Pickup, ~I 2845 H ARBOR BLVD. tio",s! 494-6261 l\fu:itan:; G\litar. $3J O. <IV" chlldJ'en. S-10-1346 1~120 BASSET PUPS, AKC E:'\CAl.!BlJR S26' ~LOOP G n .. I 'f I I s-6410 8.\6-9:;()8 cartridge romb. Blk \\'alnut 1..:;:;:.::.::.._.:c;_:;____ Top Cond NP\\r>Ol't :Slip A l1•L:S i"c ll\+nn an r! cm :srw.c1 · ...,. LESTER' Spinet P iano & --·-·.,...,...,--,..---cab, Beautiful. 673-3036. S.\IALL Pu PP i e i'I for g.\1-8204 eve~ & wk11ds ~teal 111 SSHJO. 0 1~ n Bike. Pr.rfei.:t Cond1t1011.' 6.tJ.-J4i'l '67 DATSUN bench. :\1nt rond. Just tun-* * * * . Cht'istmas -Spaniel/Poodle · Call li·H-fl·l:::fl. 119:>1 Gi\IC 1'.I Ion P.U. Aisklng PICKUP ~ •100 0 , "-•t oU••, E·-• F,\;\lll.Y i\lembershlp l n 6 Hf' la\.\1l & garden tractor, ml _ ;i.t~ll~ l:?/22 BEAUTIFUL Dane len1a_le, _:~,l~S.C7~"~'~· ---~-- C'\I. .r "" ""' ... \.\'/rGI"-""'-' mO\\'er & lall'n "· good hon1e 1n1portant, AKC. LIOO 1, 5119., ~Uii. Call 61:>.1691. Eves. 1 ~....1. dh". :.:Int rond In ,& ~• ... ,.,...., JrviT1t' Coast Country Club -J ~ Mint· Bikes 9275 · .,... """"""',. for sale:. Pvt. ~-673-9131 roller, $350. 833-2170 DARLING black ~ \\'hitc kit-6~2-iSE or 54j...8!Y.l:! Xlnt c:crnd . Sails. hwy h•lr. ~116-:)348 out. Local. \Viii line Pl"\1t SACRIFICE. \\I u r 1 i I z tr spinet piano, beaut. cond. CARPET Installer ha.s one ake oU 6T.: 36~6 ro<I. avOCAdo nylon ca~l. ~f er. .r double jute-baclc!G. Will ttU 5r¥JITH Corona port type\.\Titer SOO. * 64S..0lj6 * clec tens, nialc, trained, good BEAUTIFUL Alaskan Hus!..-y S?c ar 901 l.tdo Nord. :'llfN!-BIKE:. 11('w ;, hp l '66 Ford Pick Up. pa1•1,1 . Takt' s111all d0\\1l. \\"/Children. 646-4241 12/23 Purs ID pull Scinra 's Slci;;:h. • 6ij..()1S8 .. en;:: ult', n1akr ofcr IH·~ I. Good ~ha)){'. UET152, CaU !\en -194·977.l err HMfr.10ND Con90le ht ode I all or Jll.rl. $3/yard. 540-7243 f\f.J. X1n't mnd. $695. Call od ·th \VANTED: Old uWity trailcr eht'ap. Old boat trailer for 17' boat. 847-2042 54!>-6477. GO.Karts, xlnt. co . v.1 ~fcCullock eng1ne1 .:wlspare BALDWIN AlTOIOnic ·Spinet ena: sn;. New t.lae 100 LADIES Cocktail auit \\'ilh Piano ,.,/bench. i'"OTY k ntver run $75. 673-U35 mink collar. :tiize 14,. v.·orn gold $2.iO. Pvt. pty. 642-j263. A REAL Buy $3.lO Hand h\iee $311. 644-2941 BALD\VIN Acrosonic piano. Loom '"Hand Skills" \\·ease 1 ro.:.,.u.:.,.R..c,R~O~s=E' ~oo=,=,'L~~oo=x $600 like new. 38" v.ide, <I harness, $1ii SEATS. BEST Of'FER~ ! 646-llzt c.n &12-1221 1 S.15-0197 err 61W086 R•clio 1200 LIOO 14 1\·fco\·c1· &: trlr. I:.::;;:.::...-------· I Regulation •¥,.-pool tbl. Of( AIRLESS Sp1'ay paint ri, &: equipment. ·;;,g Chcv1-olet truck. 646-150:~ ZENtm transo c eanic portable • all bands. Liko new. soo. 34&-jl&; afl 5:30 8205 U!:ft.Mt Ctllor 1'\I or Black &: \\1hHe. Opt)on to buy. fft• terv1«. No deposit """crlvf 'f!V RentaJ CG. , CU 52).. U53 11" GENERAL Elect r ic penonal portiable, like ne"" I ,_ old. VKI' I< UllT 12>. 54l-.fl04 TV'S FOR SALE. $23 ~ ~ Black ~ ~'hlle.. Call ---D" Omoll: color TV, •ill demo tn your home, ye"r .,..... $2!0. s.12-2010 \\·hl nRug. coµch .. like new. 67>-7316 ~ ltEGU l.AT I ON School Trapeze set &: Slide. Good Condition. SJO each. ti7J.-lji6 GORGEOUS l'urs: Tourma· line Stole. Autumn Haze C<>at Prlv. Ply. \\'kend" or arr 6 p~f. call fi4:!.j612 10 Ca.lion 111'!0\\' aq11urium. all accessoric~ included. GoCICt Ii" TABLE !al\'. rock'.\'C\J porter table, doe ta e h ab I e .,;;'°"";;;.;~'u=··~"~l~:•~·~'~"-'·~7~::2~'7:= stand. complete. s j O. ICE Skal('s Si, round mlm:lr !'162-7633 $5. 2 rcd"'°ood planters $3. .....,., 2 LU>.1JRIOUS FURS: Pen. 1 ,C-'-~---~----, lamb cape stole $15 t f'Ull ror Sa.le f'1rtv.'00d . ltn:th $65. Fit &ny •itt. Orqe &: Eucalyptus perfect. ~1'411 83S~70 SURFBOARD for We. GtlOd LADY'S H·B ;olf clubl. c»nd. $65. If interested c.aU Irons $50. \\'oods $45. \\'hlte 545-i987 bor&ana co.ti $25. 543-SO-H POOL TABLE GENUINE Reindeer Hide ta complele. SAS-1625 Ruz, $83. Appl'Cl:l: -.lie 3°»5'. PICOCKER female J yr old Lo\•c Kldll. 642-7721. Ji' O"UA\' Daysaller Call 673-1872 Cona\vay, MS.:>.).)! _>6-063:.::':=c'·'--=~=~~,-.I dog, ideal for Ch.ril!tmas! \VHITE Standanl Poodle Demo $1:>9.'i Used $11!1313 HP :'llilli·Bikl', Briggs & LARGE '68 CHEV\' \\'L'I· '69 DATSUN 2000. RadiaJ 64}012l J2/1{) puppy. female, AKC. 5 mos, i~' O'DA Y, used S49.'i Straiton. Runs perfectly 370, DQ\V VAN. Big 6. auto, xlnl tires, lo ml.. pc11ec1 eo~. AFFECTIONATE 6 months shot.s. 6~2·3149 ~·un Zcne Boal Co. Balix:,. 6·16-54i3 cond .. center seal. 64:2-6374 . i\lake Of.fer. 962-3219. old. kitten. fe~~t~.=~ger COCK·A-POO P"PPI"." s LIDO 14 No 2895 little used &.1.""'- Jbiped. Adults. ~ ,\·eekll old, ready 10 ;;~k-up xlnt cond. \\'Gnd~rrul fa mil). Imported Auto1 9600 Imported Autot 9'001mported Autot TVVV BEAUTIFULLY mHk<d c1u-;.1rn ..... $15. 968-1'9" ~~;':,•,m,•.·. ,·,::-~;~~· 11<: , ••••••••••••.••••••••••••• Calico kitten, _ female, i AKC CJfRJSTI.tAS PUG .,.,.._, ' ..-....,,.. mos. all shot:s. 54G---090.l puppies -4 "'ttk~ 8' tRllpper Sailboat. Aqu:.. • DATSUN • 2 FOfALE \.\'hite. rabbits ·1 ?1-tAl\E OFFER? S17-13J:i v.•/lrailer. $325. Good Cond. • ~ ') • mo. old. Cage included. Chrislrnas Puppies Call 673-lj76 • .! ' 1970 • 644-l300. Chihuahua!! 9 \.\'k~ old. Ah:C ~fOBIE Cat-I~'. hke flt\\, • ' BASSET Hound, :l yrs old Reg. :>16-8746. brn/ye!lo\\', inany xtraii. j PICKUPS • \\·/paper!. 61'1.fi:!,)7 ENGLISH Bull, 8 i1·ks, ,\KC S119.i, 8J1<l9'12 days. 541-636.)1• . TM N•. 1 --'llflt 1111,i•" BOXER & Beqle Com-ch11.n1p stock. CHRIST.\IAS &lil:. !'ltC ~o. • truck wltll 4D~'. M•r• Miii-• bination puppie!. 3 m1>'5 old. :,:;;.9102 :JS in :;-ood 1'flrld1t1on '11th • cl• , • .., '' H.P .... ,hie. Good \\'fchildl"Cn, 54H369. •POODLE, Toy Silver m!'Je. hand trailer Sij()(). li7:h10i7 j J..,, Ht•• Now For • CHRISTi\tA'S puppy n1a le. Chl'i~tinas 11pecial S3J. 1 1 -. • DELIVERY blonde P/Oach~hunri, S 1\'ks 962..j(),)9 Power Cru11trs 90201. TODAY! • old. 892~116. I St.IL bl•ek purebred femalt \~~11:.E 1~cp~~:. Si~phey~: '&I. z:i• UNI}'LYTE: ny.. SEE THE ENTIRE LINE OF NEW 1970 DAT5UNS TODAY. • ' __ , 2 ,.. b 1 Ts 1 ded I t . TAKE A TEST DRIVE ••. THEN BUY DATSUN 1970. • D1.chtihun<h House. tra '""'· All shots S.l(l. 67~7483 rves. nc !;<', · ·• Ga ; X n )'Ml. ti46-8430 12/22 . cond. le • BOSTON Bull Pupp1e11. Ju1d $1 l j()() &12-1j6,'; DARLING furry pupplf'I. 6 ln time lot Qu·ist1nas. SJ.l • · • • 11•k11. males. frtt to i;ood :,.tS-1627 S-..t-<kt Bot 9030 P"7'- homt. 54'"'2892 ur.o SMALL PUREBRED i\lALE .,.---,_ a • • V\.....--' • SMALL Chri1tmu P"PPI'" POODLE. ,.,..,,. Ad"I~. 6 GULF STREAM • • to rtl 1able homea. yrs. $20. 5'1&-8'56 • scs-9m U/2l GER~1AN Shepht'rd Puppics 17 Ft Sk' B • CHRISTMAS K>tlt>t>, fl""1 bm '°' '"'"'"dl"g ' I oaf • • grty, h"ve nitt manntrs l tem~ramtnt $35. SIQ.C614 120 H.P. M•rc. Cruiser • v.·eU R"ained . ~lSiS 12123 AFGHANS Qua 11 11 Good Inboard -Outboerd ~, , ""'' -" s. o , 11 temp "" · n C!1" \II .... i l .. S · · B p · 1 :\I & r 962-998:9 n01\" 1 1,..-equip. nc-. 19'' POR'tABLE' J;sc:tht-llt mndltion. sn $JS.li!W HI.Fl & Storoo 1210 -~·s 1, ·k 1-d , • t.·c 01-. • C ... Ready for Uie 111 atcr ,~ghl •• 1a mrse, urn1t.11r . arrn :c. • · · · l"Onipa.u Jilc l"l'CScrvc-i·s + ;sis-n.;;5 l?/:?3 DOBERMAN PUPS t.:_ 11111 .~1-tr • •c· FREE To gOOd home. 1p;1ycd AKC • • 6~2.S9Gl I PRIVATE P.\P.T\. • r Pool table, $.'ii. : Cirl'1 1 ,;C.~1J;•°'"o.-=122;;1:.,,,...,,,--,=3 b1kts, S2J each. Call SPANISH Kinplzc Spttad. lJ6-.zo.:.6 1mporttd \\'ool. 1t1ld &:. CB r11dlo k a.nlennit SP . I \\-hlte, PO. S.U.-~4 tCITRllG table tops SIO <1acb. 20 GAU.ON aqUulun1 t;41-7442 arnall tank + 11!1 f1R£\VOOD P'or $al('. Dry cc:ssorie!I. S~S. S.I0-3379 tuc-1l~11tus. Dch1·f!red £:, PO\\IER td~r $35. Allnl·Eike 11ac!.t>d. Call $t0-9587. S1t 1S8~i Mm-ill Place, mRLS BIC)'cle. Nt1r ?\ti«. Cotta Mtaa ~ Sth1l1nn F"ir Lad)'. $l$. BOYS It 1lrl1 b!Q'Clcs etld Dt'ER.&OH autoinarie 11trro, •••!nut c:omoleo, JI.kt nc"'· ""· Call .... J\)41 BEAUTIFUL &t~k loud 1oeaktn. model 102, .~fl!-· 11$-0'...ti. lri<ycl .. S4 Jo $!$. &l!.<12!10 !'",.'' CoUlt/Sh<phad. ---• 613-3144 543.9311 i 18835 BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH • .).1~1 U/23 Hor••• 81_30 14' Ski Boat ;\!en· ·I~ 1no1or I a 4 2 7 7 8 1 • Puppit' 1, poodlt.. GIVE 1 1~ "E.'c11111:icr" for !~ n·Jr. n~1v \.\lnd"h!l"ld, 11n1-j8 BLVD OPEN • • Adorable st7-$847 12123 Chnarmu . n ·Kn-oughbrf'd JI qur h~lm~·v.'hC'cl f.c..\1na • • SUNDAYS 5 4 0 • 0 4 4 2 • r,i;;;;~~~I!-~. ;~ ~-!ta °"'""'" Geidl,.. ;~:'"° or bo;t Ole 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• j ':"' ~ -. ' ' • , . ·I ' I ' • ' g ' " I, d • " • • • : 5, -1 ~I 0 ' I 64 =I -I I ·s ' j ] T,' Cl' I ,,, 83 •• !S, "" 1J. "' til, •" ). • '" m. . , ii°I "'. lO t • • : .. • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • ~ -~ •••---•--r· --- ' lat~~t &ictMhr to. 19•• DAn.Y l'lflOt · TRANSPORTATION TllANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TllANIPORT•TICIN. TRANSl"ORTATION • f'!ff!IPORfi\TICllll TUNIPORJ,\TION . 'TIW'lsimltTlTION. J iANSPOllf.ATION .,' UIN'('lira • 9'00 U1od Cars f9IO Used Can ,,.. Used Ca,. tfoO ·PONTIAC l"'e"rtod Autos 9"'9 DATSUN lm,..rl<HI ~u.tos . 9600 r lmoo,.9'1 A-9600 Imported Aullt MOO Auto LUiing 9110 MG VOLKSWAGEN YOLISWAG•N LIASE. RENT OLDSM~ll~.' DODGI ORANC>E COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT-DATSUN lSUl Beach Blvd. Hunlll!ilort Btach ml.'Sl or 54G.N42 ''7 DATSUN RDSTR ,._fGB '87 Conv. Witt wt111., low mil•. neW b&tte.rib Ii: ttn-1, ?<lnt &and PlOO. 54MS63 Alt 3 PM. --··- OPEL N•w top, new clutch, 4 spd, '65 Oprl, good cenditiori. dlr, blue book SISOO. Sacri· l\luat sell, new tin:s $700 flee $1400! Srnall d0\1'n, will negot. 6'13-4272 eves. fine pl"'Yt prty, TY?-1412. Call ====-==== Roy 494.9773 or ~t , PORSCHE ENGLISH FOllD i----- '64 PORSCHE. "real clean," radio/htr. silver pa int, ORANGE COUNTY'S chrm \\'his, 1 owner $289:>. VOLUME ENGLISH OJU007. dlr g~1 or FORD DEALER 5:14-2284 SALES · SERVICE ·59 PORSCHE, 11:m. Noods OVER 60 IN STOCK body \l'Ol'k. Has rebuilt e 2 Ir 4 Dr. P.todel.s engine. 4~. e 2 It 4 Dr. Dcluxes PORSCHE '68 911L, l •2&4Dr.GTt.1odel.s OWNER. XLNT COND . • '69 v.w .• $1695 FULL CASH PRICE $182 DOWN Tota.I Dwn. Incl. Ta.~ l Llc. $45.12 MO. FREE RADIO \VITH PURCHASE For 48 months, 14.35 actual annual percentage ra!e OAC Deferred pa,yment p r I c c $2~47.76 includin, all inter. t'SI. tax & lie. 119159158. T & M MOTORS, I NC. 8081 Garden Grov• Blvd. At Beaeb l!ivd. 892·~1 Open Sunday 534·228~ VW BUGS FROf\t $399 eYW CAMPIRS & IUSU SUNDIAL MODILS IMMIDIATE DILIVIRY 15 • H's WITH NO MILIS TO CHDOSI ,llOM T & M MOTORS, INC. 8081 Garden Grove Blvd. A1 ~ach Bh'd. m-5551 Open s~ S34-22M VW Fastbac~ 1966, xlnl cond. 28,00Q ml. $1300 TRR 79.i * ~2632 '67 V\V Sq/Bk. Perteet • OC\!I tires -one-owntr. $1750. I mmodlato dell very * POPl.lLAR QIO!CEI !Mi OODCE Dut m. _______ .._ • .Oft •II -'66 OIEVY n v.a "Novi:• Autoniatlc tra.n.mfwn.. • 1970 l"ORDI & IJDTOP,' A/T, P/S, Rill, N"'t MU.' lllM oiler• FORD TRUCKS W/wa!b etc. Sparklln1 -_ • · ' ' ' All 'popular m~. J'ord orlJ. Glenn Green. llardb ·M DO = •tsthorittd Jtulni: l)'ltem. loob' u.t ln! ONt,.Y $1.S. DGE ?ut· Good •1rq, 1Ma OLDS te Get Ou.r Om\petltlve Rttea MARQUIS ?ifl'R& 10D s. ~ ~~ 1 radiator. 4 DOOR HARDTOP Th ... re Cout Hwy. l.quna 8oldl V.a, autoniatic, ~ry air, ROllNS FORD Ph. •94·•503. -FALCON lµll ........ _,, llffrtni· 2060 Harber Blvd. CHi(V'( ltl Ovtt SJ)OO ln lt. ' "'iodowl5-.Uta, R4J>I, whlie Coata Mfsa , 64%-0010 Sacttntt $795. Lea,yif'll "1r -"-.,~ ~ 1 ll!l'!!'!l!l!l"'!'!'!'!'!"!'!~!!·!!ll I Hawa\l.~Can't r81p beca~le 1960 Station \Vqun w/lug· "''IUU, ..,,t~ aw. LEASE ANY ~·KE Of strike. 16'0 Newport gage rack. R&H, Gd tJrta.. fFXN890> OR MODEL Bl«!. No. 5.1. C.M. a"" 5 """ gd. $15jl. 968-J640 $799 Ut our Jease ·experts show ~t. STA .. \Vqon, '61 Falcon. you the best plan for your '55 Chevy. Muqie 4 spd Runs sood? Looks podt •• U.NIVIRSITV e personal needs without oQU. tra111., :li3 bored 292. New Reuol1f.ble. 546--3392. OLDi~OilL'E . aation.UNIV , ""\' osv1~ss ' maas. Q utcb ~Harbor.Blvd . ERSITV out. ~ or best olltr. -PO•"· Costa Pilna . ~1).8&1l OLDSMOBILE 494-400! ,_ -:::...:;;;=--.i:::::;=,: 2S50 Harbor mvd. ·62 CHEVY II. R/Jt. 6 cyl; '67 FORD • Costa Meaa new auto trans, paint, Ure1. COJltTINA GT *FUN . N :suNt '' 'M P6NT V4 "Le "'>"'" CONVERTllllX A/T, ~/S. "Pft'mlam,. ·11~ • \t Nylon..W /wall.I elc. ~ , lfllg orig: Mikado ~ Xlnt .. Blkk Vinyl top, lift. mac. il&ddle 1nt~t. lM&1 teachers car 1ince netf'I P1I$' you to-l~vesllgata thl1 tnat yr, eM winter "BARGAJJ\l" FOR ON!.Y S'll,;1 NARQU!! 1-fTRS .. 900 S. , Coa1t If~ Laguna Beach. Ph: 6'-7103, 540-S'IOO. ;_ : .'· 1964 BONNEVJLI.E, .a it'· cond. & full power, ~ ~2120. ~ SfOO. '61 Corvair, auto, Hard Top Cpe: VI, f lpttd '64 vw .. C2l to ''"""' r .. m ll' LEASE ll' heat";.,, .. 54~ ""' bat· tnns, ~'"'"new and 1965 OLQSl!IOBILE RAMI' "'R $495. OCL760 & TAX141. dlr. 00 Muata~ ttardtop V-3 tel')'$ . I looks rreal! Lie. vrY. Im: C\fTlASS ~ * 543-74n * e ~tation \Vagons $5800. CALL 675-4000 M1.11y with fully automatic ======== trans .• air, radial tires, ra. dlo, vinyl roof, 11's1v tires. BRAND NE\V STD, 2 OR. $1m FULL PRICE ORDER NO\V Theodore RENAULT LIKE New 1969 R-10 Renault P.hat Stll Below Book. Call 54:>-516.5. 892-5551 or 534-2284 air, P"''l' disc hr11kes: P\~ '64 CHEV Nova 'Vagon JS3 $1i99 l·Dr. Sedan. V-1, ridio, -------- GOOD SELECTION strg, $79. per nio. 24 mo cu. in .. 4 11pd, new rear end ~· heater, automatic, wl\lte '64 SlatMln Wa& .. Amerl~ll' 1970 VW :J983lll000 _NEW lease. and tran11., brakes and hres. """--"?afis, tbtt'd ilais: 330, low mUeqe, xlnt cond. SOUTH coAsT Vtl')' (lean. $925 or best Of· 0' ... _~ (fl'~)_ $:65(1. 4!M-SOM CAR LE 'SING for. 544-3216. ~ $895 ~~~-,----,--I , VOLVO "' l~ Rambler Am•rican . ----' RWlS IO')d, New tlrea and . thu, ' own" S!>I firm. e UNIVIRJITY e paint 646-4621 VOLVO U11d Cars 9900 61:1-3663°' ,...,;200 A 0 ,,,.._llLE li========-1 1970 HERE NO\V • • "'' •w"'"" L.~ '~"PR! '&I Th!PA~, lfci. ~~. pwr. lllll -111..t. . . ,' T-•.•• D "\, ~" CES ON 1~r., RA:H. Ntw tlre1. · 0.W. Mt.. ~ ..... REMAINING '69'11 '6.1 SPORT fo'lU;' bdtp Xlnt'a eond. $995. 64&-35.10. 53-30.11 Ext 6' IT ,..,IUi ' i---,.------1 YoDEANalLE• AWi ... "sill At d~9s~o~~r, j: p~ ' 1910 KANM)I\ at\ro. ~:~. r'ls ~~:: ~ ·Manlcwwd 'mt Co~ ROBINS FORD :o;o Harbor Blvd. Co.Ila Meu. 642..0010 SUN.IAM SUNBEAM Alpine '64 Rlster, removahle hrdtp. 5'9-3031 Ext, 6i or '7 FERRARI 1,.;. Pri•. Pty. Call ll10 ~o~~VD . .,...,.,., -=,,_...:.:.:..:.c.===--=~ FEllRARI • • N.-rt Im'°"' Ltd. Qr. TOYOTA &!lit Councy's only autbof;: ----------1 u~ dealer. sAU:S-SERVTCE·PARTS BILL MAXE\'. 3100 W. Coast Hwy. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 142 ... ~·-"' "''~0-1764 ITlnliYlnJTIAl Authorized Ferrari Dealtr • li;;I ~ -· 2 Door sedan. 4 speed trans- mission. tGN?.074) 'CARMA~N GHIA $599 11111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 147-1555 3 ml N. olQlast Hwy. an Belt 1914 KARMANN GRIA 2 d' TOYOTA e UNIVERSITY e eou,.. Sha.,, &. Clean. Gd. OLDSMOBILE 1970 HERE NO\V ~ Harbor Blvd . 'rofechan. cond. Nu tires. Gd LOW PRICES O!j Costa ?i.lesa 5i0-SS8t buy at $!50. 968-2777 even-RE~fAINiNG '69't lngs. Your Best Dealil Att SUll Al 'SS LOVE Bug VW, Very lo 1965 Karmenn Ghie D"aN LEWIS' mi, Nu paint. Xln't 5"' l\fechanical Cone!. hfuat see 2-door Coupe, Xlnt Cond. 1~. H ~-' CM •u93,.,.. to be. Ueve. $!ISO. c-" _ Immaculate insldl' and out! OJW B•uur, ' ' .,.,.,.. ""' Ms--0259. ..... Ont owner. $129:>. See at 480 TOYOTA 1967. 4 dr. R&H, ·""'"'="''-"------Broadway C.M stick, &:d tires, A1n't cond. '68 ·sue, auto. stick, radKl, ,55 KARi\;ANN ·Ghia, xlnt ?ifllll sell. 644-1456. , plus extras, under \VUTailty and 9000 mi. Same a:s new cond. Like new, 1 lady l!ISS TOYOTA ~LandcruiRr N lo t , _ "" $1790. Bus. 64&-1992 Res, ·owner. Must sell $10.10 or "' ny n op. UJ•V m ... 67;>..\398 best otr. 54S-9823 qe, 4 Wheel drive:; MS-6214 ""'"-,,,'-"------'62 .V:W Bus. Nu Re-Bit '64 KAR MANN GHIA 1JllUMPH engirlf'. Headers, Irg whls. ·Radio. Gd. c.ond. 646-3031.: . $950. Jkst Offer or trade for ---+. -.-----V\V. Call • 675-0469 MERCEDES .ENZ. TAKE oVt.r pa yme nts, ~,,:,.:~-,;.~.;::.=­ nothilli: do\vn. '66 r e d '62 VW. GOOD CONO. 1---------'Tliumph. $700 balan~ due. $600. * 6~1-91 l58 Santa Isabel, Costa 1970 V\f Bug 4,{MM) milea, Mesa. private party. Best oiler. MUST sell '66 Triumph Spit-536-7848 fire Mk II, r&h, tonneau, id '62 VW Sun Roof. Completely tire1, nrig owner, only 13,000 bit l'k 1850 re-, 1 e nu, . Day mi. 528--i783 642-4391. Eves. 642·1189 1960 Triumph Th-3 New '66 VW, .urui, vtry good paint, rebll, en1. XLffT nd , -ml "'~ U co • ...., , new en& .............. cond. "50, or best o er. 494-2540 ~,,_,.,, ""'"_,,,,,:-______ I '68 VW, am/fm, other ex- YO!.KSWAGEN \°:m.~~,',!',~R. MG '62 VW GOOD COND. '63 VW. runs good, must sell ~ NVERT C.1'1. CHJYSLIR . OOSrA MESA llll'roP IPr'. ·en.-·"J.rr T·Jll>d, .All. Pwr. N~ Tlr< .. 1966 Harbor. C.M. MS.930.1 545-0634 -'61 rQ:d· hii1iM 500, 8 P/S. ~ ~/Walll tk. 1 Perl. ~ ~ ~ LJKE to save $300 on a 1968 '67 Ch-I 300 Cylindm NEW· Starter lady~ Qllltenln1 ~ · · Volw t•4S? Auto. tranc .• air '63 RA!\IBLER Amer. hdtp. , , .. er Sol1noid • s.,,. 1 t~ b Cvb.'. Ermine W"lte.~~tplulb red 'IT lA,Ddau, "30.otK> ~· Air. cond., w/w, R/H. Nicely dir, runs good full price $299. 2 Dr Hardt.op, factor)' air, Ma 1 t tr Cylinder Fuel Vl.nyl . ·bltktt MJt Jntu. fLlll po"'•er, new radial titff. bC,.•lkl ·.~,1~~~~plit Hl·Lo book. DOL920, call Ken, 49-1-9773 J>OW'l!t stttrln;;, power br&k. Pump, . Reb\lllt 't r an a Smoo,th Jlio.#tr a~ winnina lmmac. Fae. warr. 2. )T Qr ".....,..,,,., e1, vinyl roof. A real "Bar-Prtnure plate, Clutch looks. ONLY $195, .• 20,000 ml. 642-:0574_ A . Cl I 961 Sl .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!_!!.!!W!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'I gain. Lie. $Y2°!176 Bearlnp. and U-jolnts. Will MARQUIS .MTRs., 900 So. '!IT T-BrRD. CLASSIC nt1quts, ass cs BUICK Vl'l' trade for VW. Set at 2500 Cout Hwy. l,quna Beach LOoks "'"''! ~.400 mlltt· . I OF -SO BUILT ~ ~~';!'°" Bl•d. No. s, Cotta Pt" ~~"~,.: -~ a!t. l PM OolyCl .. •ioBM\V"~"rac. '67 RIVIERA . Q _, .. FAIRLANE w ........... 01 .. euu ... $1100. lm-TORONADO 1ng model 1n USA. 250 lilrs. Full JlO"''er, includlng B.lr, ~ Fairlane Sedan. Sia. War. mac cond. Pvt.P.ty. 6'75-6657 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 v.s. Convt ht'dlp \v/conceal· stralo bucketa. 40,0CO actual o has 289 V-8. Sedan has g eyl. I• ed canvas sport tp 2s.ooo n11lcs. ~ ~S Both air cond, wl•fYf., t.·•o · mi. Sold nu 1960 for $12,000. $2995 ~A ' R.&H. $65Cle, .. 968-7326 PLY111 UTtl Jn storagr-for 7 yn;, relur!-~ ..... ~, , antEuropeanowner\\.·illscll c "\I' 66 Ford · LTD, owntr for S4300 &7;,.1456 ~ . -desperat~loaded w/alr.. • · 5-tt.JOOl Ext. 66 or 67 p.s. p.b., 1tereo $1fm. '57 MORGAN + • ~ 1910 ttAIUlOR BLVD, MH917 . . New T:>p, new .brakes. 'Ex. ,. ,o COSTA MESA •6'·Palc9n futur• I cellent con d i t io n. $1500. '" ,d, '64 IMPERIAL 4 Dr. Good Full r · toi;, ~ Dlr 19" PLYMOUTH 642-1724 aj't'r S:PM •l. Ji~P.' concl : Jots at e)(tral. Leather Y ac -$69l • ' 2 DOOR ~SIDAN 1 195l'I Ford SI at 1 on Wagon ,,,.,,i uphol. $1.075. 675-3031 · . · ,. . P!lontl IO-ll:p3 Au10&'Mtic trantmiulolt. \\'oody .. _ _ ;).l9.JCJ1 Ext. 66 or 67 '6? Chry. "300" 2 Dr IAixSau, '59 J'ORD. see tt appreclttt. fft1'9'1QS). * ~1625 * 1970 HARBOR ~LVD. ail P\\'t-air, new tires. MUST Corriir of Brookhunt " -$119 OlSTA MESA SELL! 644-4265 Warner (Mobll Sta t lon ) '62 CIJRYSlER '"" """· .::":::·•::.· ...c·c.-_-_-_~----1 • UNtl!l~SITY • Has everything. $&lb. can (4) 1968 PURD Country OL_DsMOBIL.E Clt:IJ 592-5396. Rdan waCon11. Loaded. #50 Hilbiir Blvd. Sntb * 5M-52io O.ta ...... ' 540-Wl \Vhite, rebuill cng., dlr, xlnt CONTINENTAL ,67 ~ vt.•r.w,_.. G.;;v--, air running rond. Car \\"CH tak· '65 f'ord Van-Bwi, radio · .r.-&.ouw"""~n •. ,.,. Autos W1nttcl 9700 CADILLAC WE P>.Y •.• CASH '62 CADILLAC !!l&s 'roRONAPO, wl>it. v.ith black vinyl IOP. TGp oondL tioo, .,.... mileai<, ""'""" with e\iel')' .1aCtory .oPt:klnal anllabie, ilictudinr I ttl. tape deck. Flnt ~ ·tUu it! I 6U.22S2 for used can • trucks 1ust call ua fot tree estimate. en care 0r -Need foreign car ---------I & big engine. Perfect cflnd. Buek sts, Auto. Near in tradl'. Will fine prvt prty. •DOOR MAN SALUTEI condltlOn. $1400. 546-5343 Nu tirts. Yellow v.·lbtk l!!!:~!!!~~~!!!~!!I NPV821. Call Phil 494-9773 or 1961 CONTINENTAL 4-Door ~itp, Wkend! Only, VAUANT GROTH CHEVROlfT A&k for Salts Manaett am 0ear11 Blvd. --cl> Kl~ WE PAY WH FOR YOUR W CONNELL CHEYROLE1 545-0634. CONVERTIBLE. Beautlful UNCOLN ,13 PLYMOUTH Valiant 2 ---'-------1 '65 CAD Eldo1·arlo Convt. A Orilt. Teal Blue \V/"Brand ·-~.,.::;'--,;,,..; ___ _ Real Bcaullrut Car. 1 New" white Vinyl top, black 1~ LINCOLN Continental. dr, 3 apd, .'22,S' six, new . WHAT A DEAL (},\·ner. Priv. Ply. J'ull P"''l'· "Natunll" leather inter. Air Sll".!r 4 dr, fully equip. tirH, ,paint, ehrome whffla., '60 Valiant Sta .. Wac. $200. fa ct air. vibrasonic, gold Conditioned with a.I.I apace $1395. S'BaTIOT aft 5. ;mo;;;; .. ~""';=;;;•;;;~;";· =544-307==··~=64=,....=93=· :"'0:61;.oot'=====.:i= color, beige vinyl inter. age Pwr. assists, Pnrniwn • •---=-t .... · · -u .... -C M ~""' \V/walls "" "k """"'°" MERCURY lj .... ~~:!:!:iiii"'~··· --~"iii-~·~·~· ~a~n~--~ '69 Cdv. 15000 mi . Silver w/ llemt" Goes ·10 the linll.-.-------.11 blk lthr & landau top Ft.t $1595.! MARQUIS MTRS. '66 Mere ColorlJ' Park ·Sta , t c re o. f5500. 673-8282/ 900 S. Coa.st Hwy.,, Lqdna W1n. Al<!+ till pwr, '1411 673-7829 Beach. Ph. 494-T;;i(XJ. 540-3100 Wkend Q!lly 644--1358 " ; ~ .. : WEEKEND . , .:-JPI.CIAl,S ---...,..· .• ~6~1 ~E~L~oo=RA~DO~.-F~u~ll-p-w-, -&. ' .62 CONTINENTAL. Factory Air. Full po\\-er. !li1USTAN5 . ' .. :; . ' ~ '. . 19'6 "it.usnN HIAUT SHITI $"119'5 . t, '67 MOB ROSTR P75. * 6'J5.#\2 S&50. 289 \V. 'Vllson, Apt. C, \v . HDTOP + co, . '69 VW B\Js, dWnond blue, ===-~-~~ TOP -f-T 0 N N E A U. 2.(m. mi, perfect 5199:>. MUil BEST Offer -Illneu. '61 VW 2121 Hll'W' Blvd. "Choice'' local, 1 ·owner. sell immed. 642-1584. Eug. Call -642-5099. 431 C:O.ta M@sa 548-1200 air + $1200 xtral!, pcrf rond, * 67l-71776 * lo mi; fllUSf SE LL? ==========;·sa MUSTANG Hrdtp, GT· 644-426.J CORY I 390, . Dtlun 1ntt'r wJradk), Sold ne1v &: ~ervictd by us. Riverside. Ne1vport Bch. -~w;:.;;~,;.,;;,~.Y,;Tc;;O~P:.:_ '65 V\V CONV'l'. blue. 29.000 • ,..~ Wirt ~'his 1v/recenl Pirelli mi. Good Condition. $1025. 1966 "'V BLUE COUPE. O()LLAR '6.1 OE VILLI'.: C.Onvl. All AR pwr 1teer, pwr di1c1. pwr, e)(fras, an1/fn1. S1750. 1963 CORVAIR ?>itonza; Limited 1lip dJff, tach .A: radial ti1~~. Sparkling ori&'.. Call 675-2400. Very Clean. Radio. $1050. Briti1h racing gretn. Show· Call LI S-5982 -m --•o·to'o-•. o-•v $1995! '67 VW Bus. 1 Owner. Lo mi. ,....., '-v11u " ""' $!"~ C 11 '60 VW BUS. New brakes. MARQUIS ·~s·, 900 So. Like New. ........ a '" In Tape deck . Gd lire1. $700. Cst Hwy .. Lai::una Beach, c"2-;;;1"'=o·=,.,,=C7'"""' Call 531-3453, aft 6. 494.7503, 540-3100. /196a VOLK S\VAGEN =~--~~-~ C!-··-L.-ck. Xlnl con d , '&I Bug, reliable condiUon MG ~-·-$825. $5.10 dn &. T.0.P. 892--5620 auto trana. StW under 24 for good. clean used cars, turbo-charged 1964 Spydtr 000 C all makes. See George Ray ·65 Courit' DeVllle. eng., 4 spd. Must tell! -~~:· m warnn. Theodore Robins Ford $1900. S575. 968-1290. 5.36-6391.. .o::..:::::..· ----- :?060 Harb:lr m\•d. :HG-8943/49-1·5189 eves. i§6t CORVAIR Station '57 PttUSfANG bdtp, cba:g C.lif. 642-0010 I ~ . .,,...:._:cco,:,c,u'-PEc;;.-,~,c,vc,11~1,-. -,.-ry \Vagon. Original Owner. ~rne belie. 11ddle int, clean, like ne\\', Ve"" low $245' Call ~728 c.i., auto trans, COftllOle air miles $3600. 673--028t."' · cond, radlo/htr, t I" t e d Will Buy J Sales. Ser.Jic.:, Part1 ,n:;::"";:·,,:14~7:...·1::i2':r,c•::."::;'';::'m::'-:::: 644-2128 Immediate Delivery, '61 V\V V1.11. New tirta, ne~ , . Your Volklwa.pn or Porsche CHEVROLET AU Modtl1 brakes. needs q . work. $250 68 .. vw bui. Excellent con· i: pay top dollan. Paid for -------- COUGAR-aJ~, nr "'" ,w/w \'l'~ I . m-JSJP .. Call after 5 648-S768 d1hon. l\fust sell. or not Call R~ph ,,..;;,..;:;::~· ::';;;;;;;;-;;; * * •94-2457 * * J~r tu po: t jl111p o 11 ~. 7&1 vw Bug:. Top Cond. Nu 67l.(l900 inter. FM rad. $1000. call -VOLKSWAGEN Bug, ~ BfPORTs WANTID 5#-8369 transportaUon car, ...,..,., Orange O>untits Call 541)..Q76. TOP I UYER VW BUI -Almost ne\\' · 9000 B J;tOO ,V. Coa1t Hwy. N.B. 6'2-94~ 54().liif Authorizrd J.fG Dealer k , '69 VW C11.mper VAn, ex-BD.J.. MAXEY TOY(JI'A Eu??P'! mllei. $Z550 ta ea. cellent cond., llke new. 11181 Beach Blvd. 56-5000 Pi1ake affer. 64~1239. H. BeaclL. Ph. lf7-1555 ~U:.:•c:•d::...;C:.:a:.:.';:.' ___ ._9'00 __ u_sod __ c_a_,_• ____ "°°_Ustd Can ORANGE COUNTY 'S NEWEST AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER '900Ulod Cars Dors• Motors is ready to serve you with 6 i1crts of Si1les •nd S•rvice f•clllti•s. And • compllf• line of new 1t70 models. Chtck our wid• selection of A·I U11d Ctrs.' FACTDllY DEMO'S DISCOUNTED '69 AMX $1000 NEW '69 LEf.TOYERS UP TO $600 OFF '63 CORVETTE ~:;. "' '64 T·llRD '· '· •1 • N!Y tSt '17991 '66 PLYM , .. lATILllll • AUJO TAU 16f '1299 I '63 YOLKS. :~· .. ~00• '65 BUICK :.::::~ ':,~ m '1299 I '66 MUS1'ANG !;:: ::~·,,.'1299 BORSA MOTORS Oran9e Countrr'• Netee•t AMerlca1& flolor.• Dealer 11621 llACH ILVD.1 HUNTINOTON llACH MAIN AT llACH I • ' • • !963 CHEVROLET NOVA STA. WAGON 9 passenger. Automatic, ra· dio and heater. (IJG49Q) $699 '15 MUll:IJI&',-)'9lloiw wfblack e UNIVERSITY e k,. tnN, V' xlnl mech <Olld • OLDSMOBILE '\ $1,,.orb61l o!r.17>-:1313 2350 1-farbor Blvd . 1969 M , ... ".,. ~-"' CoU• 2 "-M 888 s.10..1031 Ext 66 or 61 ta....,~ -,• ,.., , <.M">!a esa 540.. I mollARaciR BLVD. moa Old. :i1900 .balance. (5J 1968 CHEVY Impa)as. COSTA MESA TrMe ~lt)' 1or mo~4 loaded! Priced for quick '?I' ? 541-7545 sale! S1775. 5M..s290 DODGE MUsr Sell . '66 MUltanl CHEVY ''5 Malibu SS, AU!O. --------·I !ulllack. Xtru, xlnt <Olld. PIS. IU:H, A·l Cond. Priv. ,69 D d $35Q caah & T.O.P. ot $59.24. p.,,,., 64&-101s. ,.,_,.., o ge ~ a11 s . '62 CltEVY 11 Nova; l'l(W Char9er '65 . M\JS1'AN'G, auto ahUt, Hre1, brakeR; ¥1nt cond. 2 Door Hirdtop, VI JMtWl?I' raClnc·sreen .. lo-down. wW 6f4.U41 •ttn1nJ. p 0 w • r 'brakt•, · nnance $950. Call 873-0XI '6f CHEVY wagon, Bel·Alr. automatic tran•, bucke t MUSTANG 'ISS, v\nyt ~p. RAH, PIS, PIS. Ce1n. Rf.la, V)'J\J~.,. Abeoluteb' air, 21.000 mJ, see to apprtc. 1595. 548i7911. like new. Lie. 1/WS.m Pvt pty. 646-llf• 19"' CIJ~-VY $269' * Gttenbrtar Yao * ·OLDSMOllLE !\fake trlfPr 642-:nn aft 5 '&;; CHEVY StaUon We.ion, 0 • • AM/FM radio. air cond. $!~. 54.'-148'1 . '66 cusr El Camino, m hp, '71 ci, OU traM k pa;ot, <hr • 1970 01.11$. . rtmi. rh. Pl; $1700. 536-12l5' 'r.s CHEVY 183 AU1o MUil 54s.3!111 Ext;"' or 61 SFO"l'. COuPI let) to -fpprec. ~ or bnt 1-.. •JUlO• e•vp " aHer. Call" 'SIA-2454. · I ;:riv P"' "' '"' • Fully f&l'JOr'Y 'equipped In· CX>Sr A MF.SA dudl.ae head rnta. 1tat 1964 OJ.EVY V811. co'nverted ~~----~.~-1 belta. back-up llchls. Wff'd- Rm( camper', S.,000 miles. • ih\cld Wuhen, ouimde mfr.. "!6.IO=·~"c,3-621.J:....::=· ~--~1 rw, t:arpeCs. . ..ic. _ '62 11'1PA1.A~xJnt cond. $2491 P/s, OM" '"'"· $:183. 19" DODGE ,. 67Hl!O Coronot 4 Dr, Sod•n '62 CHEVY Nova! f'tfl, •uto AutO!hatlc, power 81terlni, tran&. Xlnl cond. $450. radio A neater., Tblt tt a 333-1118 ttal tood bl,uit 1511 AGB) 1ll67 EJ Camino, \Vhtte, auto, $899 R&:lf, lo ml. $1750. tall llU-!691. Evet ~ e UNIVllUITY e 1935 C>ovy i dr O>upc. Gd. OIJ)SMOllLI Cond. seem or but ou r. llSO 1tut1or Bl.Yd, <:all 613-1)76 O.ta M• 5*MllJ • •, ,. hlH.'4 •pffd. extra clean. ' YLT 3311 ., . .. 1 fH . .ALl'lf'll ROi\DSTIR .RMI, <1ptfd. ttal d tin. F.XI> 806 . $699- · 1HI AUSTIN ·lOVIR "D•H. aytoriiatlc,_~Uow flni1h, ~ rrillj>g. XCG 'ZTl . -~995 . s989': lfU DAnUN 1'90 •Dim,. ~~·349· RAH, 4 spHd, new top. rtal·~ .. -« _ TP'U 921 -· IHJ llA~MAl!N eHtA QI; ,5·95· .: HN' •Pff4, Math, low mn .... - . . ' _ real d ..... 'l'YU 40!! . . . . • • ' I 1H7 JA•UAR i.tJ.c:H U J ... ·$2995 Std. RAH. automatic, chrome wt"' · · whfflll,, low milea, rtiuat &ff. VOF"l75 , -t·· R4H,·4 tJM!"d, JtoyaJ ~hM f.lp.ilb , . -: IHI YOLKS . . ,59f" l'rioeil .. N!l--VT!I ~ -' .. 1HZ POUCHI h~ $ . ---~ -~~·~i blu<tiru•h, ,.,1 _ , 2695 ·- " I: f< 1','7 VOi.VO 1100: CPL RAH. 4 speed, &Jr Con4. fteaJ d tu 6' low ~Ues. Su. No. 8266 1 '67 Val.YO 122 SIDAN R6H, C 1P<ed, buckel MOta. r...i,. to ao. TRI~ r I $2695~ ,399 . 1Ht 'TOYOTA COllOLLA.· .' ·, 495 CJ>a. 4.., !ht ftoor; ft~1.Pecrt .#Wlh.~ln~or.~~ _ . 1 _ . ' HU COllYAIR MONZA 'Cl'I. S649" ~II, ....... qt. ltOI -tNlde • ' . • ~L~ _ _,;, -' ~~'. , , ·-. , . ( ·- 1"4 PLT; YAUANT stelllf" '?.:95" Corivll'tl~l .. tuol!,,_ .. fomatl<. •-· ·re.i -rox --·· -~ -' . : .. . ' ·DUN LEWIS ' ' ONtliaC.o"'~--... ll~T­i _'t..... ·~ -1J66 HARIOR IOULEYARD 646-9303 ~OITA MU~· .• , -------.-- • :---~ .. i.'-'·~----~ DAILY PILOT . ' , ' • • • • ' • ,i ( CADILLAC' NINETEEN · SEVENTY EXCELLENT SELECTI<A~ OF l\'IODELS & COLORS . .\ V AILABLE FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE Even when measured by Cadillac standards or ex- cellence, the 1970 Cadillac is sure to exceed your greatest expectations. Let's get together soon for a demonstration drive . '• __ _. ___ . _A _Magn iiieent Experienee • Over ~80 Quality Cadillacs To ·Select From!! LAJiGEST SELECTION ... . !. .. IN , ' ' OtANGE COUNTY! ~~~,:~ A Solid Shield of SERVICE with every sale .. 1969 SEDAN DE VILLE SALE ,,,.,. PRICE '. . . USED, ·l:OW MILEAGE SoClan Do Ville. Ermi~o white wilh i•~qui•ite aqua cloth and leather Delphine interior. Full power, foelory air eonditionfng, AM.FM radio. (ZRF 112). 1966 CHARGER Fa1lblld< tO\JIX. VI. 1utom•lic, radio ~nd heat~r. POWfr lleeru>o factory elr condlllonlr1g, Sable bleck "'"'" bll!Ck bocke! s~~11. (THX 6401, SALE $1222 PRICE 1966 CADILLAC Sedan O&Villt. Olvmrilc b•Gfllt witll wllitt tori •nd bronze clo111 and le•tt.~r !nJerior. Full DOWl'r. lac!ory ~Ir, tllt-tele1copk: steerl<19 wl1ffl, DO~• door locks, stereo AMIFM ISVD 551) SALE $2666 PRICE 1968 CONTINENT AL Sedan. Glacier gr1tn wilt! gre.n !Hit.er Interior. Full DOwer, f•!!ory a!r, AM·FM radio, DOWer OOor locks, till wh<!el, elmllutely bea11lif111 t~rougno111 1 CVWK m l $ SALE 3777,PRICE - 1965 CADILLAC 4 O<;er •t'd•n. Forest gree~ wl!h black top Ind grffn doth ~nd lee- !her iMfrior. Power st~ln<i. i:iower br&ke$, pawer windows. pawer It al$, sill~•I sttking radio, !UOS 3611 SALE $1333 PRICE 1965 CADILLAC Sl!'dan Or VIII•. Pooular "l!Wp(lr! Sfllll w ldl•. l~terlor, l1cTorv 11ir cor.o .. lull i:iow~r. 1lQnel sttking rtdlo, !Ill a. lel tscoplc wheel. all 01~ X!r~s. (!WO ?C~I . $1666 SALE PRICE 1969 EL DORADO 1;,oui~He Sapphir• blue fl,.mlst w!lt! wlli" padded top 1nd Wl'llte l~a!ner ll'llulor, F'ac!ory alr, 1111! i:>OWtr. 1lereo AM. power cji:iol' loc~ •• 1111 Ind !e:eKOl)lc llH •llllLWnHI, IC, t1C. {H91Q17f2) $6111 . SALE PRICE 1967 FLEETWOOD l rougham. Cmti.$•'f black wlltl &l1Ck fop 1rtd blllck lta!her in!~rlor, l'ull llOwtr, fac!6ry atr, tilt wnitel, sttreo AM·FM, i>0wer iloor loc:iu, i9ower trunk •tl1M1t, Vog111 premium llre.i, etc., etc, !!JPS 130 SALi $3444 PRICE 1965 C7'DILLAC Convl. OtlVlllt . Ch1mp.111n1 bel11e wl!ll wllllt top tnd beige '""""' ln!e-rlor, full DOW•• 11q11lt!f'nent · pl111 slgnel •ffkln;i radio, s1treo tape, Low mlltt. l"IOP 112> SALE $1 666 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC Co11~ Ot Vlllt. Norm1ndv blllf will! bile-Lende11 1nd blt.11 le•ther lrlrn, Full pow.r, f1c1ory a ir cond!HonlnO, lll!·tele w•ttl, AM·FM r1~10, etc. Loc11 ont owner. JVGZ 111! SALE $3999 PRICE 1968 CADILLAC Convt. ~ vme. C••hrnere Jvorv wltll wlli!e f09 and 1n!;Q11e 11<1dl~ 1Hlntr lnlt•Klr, F11\I i:iowtr, l•t !orv 11r, 1111 telu coplc llffrlng, llM· FM radio. t'l'Cl 2091 SALE $3888 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC ' Ooor hMd!OP. Mint qret"n exi.rlor wilt! m1tdllng cloth lo ltlll'lt• lnlt•lor, Full i:iower, tt:torv air, 1!11 Wl'let'I, poW9r door kK~1. eM1I$• ccnrroL AM·FM, !Willght stnllna!. (VCL n61 SALE $2999PRICE 1969 JAVELIN Hardlop couos. Llmt ••Hn """~ Whitt vt..v1' lnlerlar. Radio, healer, 1111on~tic, ouckd -Is, mil!" ,t1r11 .. 1~c•llen1 coricHllon. l'l'CN lfl! .. .. t ' ~ $2222 SALE •. . PRICE ' .----__ NABERS I • ,, 2600 Harbor Blvd.,_ .Costa Mesa '540·9180. • ' . Sf\:lJES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 Al\I lo 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. • 9:00 A.i\'I lo 6:00 PlU Sat. and Stm. NABERS CADILLAC '\ LEASE DIRECT • lmmedi1te dell~ry e Excellent Selection Over four acres of facto~uthor· ized total Cadillac facilities deshan· •d to better sen and service new and used Cacllllac. autornabiles. All CARS SUBJECT ·TO PRIOR SAL&. All SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 , 1969 .• ·, .~ • • I I I ' ·I I I ' DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA -~ m¢tttty ebttistmas ~On¢ and Hll I cntemerourself FOR SPIRO .4CNEF, Y ice Pre.Umt Dou ala.e Yiee P,... MAI Aoee • •pecMI MUMJ proeiu.l for #ala .. &lut F#alle BOii.Hi u pra.1Uk4 for aAe Pre•i. 4era11-11r•1ta• Y oat, B~, Y •· e No. My wife, our two younge.t daugh- ters, and I reside in a nine-room apart· ment, which we rent at the Sheraton· Park hotel in Wuhington. FOR MONTY R.4U o/ .. wf• Make a Deal" .4re •ray .~.,.. .__,. lo "'-•re "'-' •nU..& fi11era a priN• 011 yoar ulftiuio,. '"°"' will be properly aare4 for by t/a.e recipie,.,.1--Mr•. l'°'9 Lala4lerJnaa, F e.i Scacro111e111o, C•Uf. e People whoee prizee ha"fe been wild animals have actually never taken them from the studio. They are offered a a.ee- ful subetitute prize. If a wi'nner should decide to take the animal, he would be informed about the rules regulating its care and hia responsibility to abide by the laws governing the keeping of the animal The show's producers would then notify civil authorities. FOR CRACE D.4Y ALL, N-Y cwk ZooloJical S«Mty I• llaere o •'-ple .. ,. Co Cell IAe difereA<:e bebPNa .,. African ei... ,.,..,., •"" ... J "" .... ~ elepluNtf1--Co..ra Pi. oreUo, BroolclY., N.Y. • The Asiatic has small and triangular ears while the African has larger ears with a narrow extension at the bottom. FOR DR. LVCJUS JI. SINKS, Ro1toeU Memorial butiluk .. ,.., .. llae ..... ,__ porlant f•clor la • b•61'• firtl yeor1- Mr•. E. JI. B.,.-, S•n· ,. RON, c.u1. • Good nutrition. POR P .4UL NEFM.41¥ I/ Bulcla Couidy ..,.. bi« eAO...,la. of •n ~ law lo MOU • MOiiie obout, wlay la ii aAey ~r JftOM Ofte •bout liU. IUSdl ....,,,1--c. D., Creea S.y, ra.. • Changing mores and audience tut.es make the diJlerence. Butch Cuaidy never shot a man until finally cornered, and What In Ute Worldl lye, lye, '60s In • short time the dec- ade of the '609 wiU p&88. Some believe it the most revolutionary decade of modern time., and this view is strikingly sub- Michael Caine. symbol ol '60s stantiatcd in "Goodbye, Baby, and Amen" (photos by David Bailey, tut by Peter Evans). It records the phenomenon of the Beatles, the aelf·awarenees of mi- noritiee and the poor, the challenge of youth to accepted valuea. Actor Michael Caine, a symbol of the '60a to many, is quoted u aaying, .. y ou can keep the human 11pirit 11ubdued for 1,960 years and suddenly there comes a time when you can't lteep it subdued for another New Year's Eve. We suddenly realised that all these people for whom we bad respect not only didn't reepect au-but didn't respect thCJD8ehca. I can tee m,.elf at 75 on tv telllng people about that time (the '60a) ." Churchly hginnlng1 Today's ABCtt special, "The Mysterious, Magical Mira· cle Box." wu written by James Buell and features the Fort Worth (Texas) Boys Choir. Ordained a minister in 1958, BueU says, "I was in8uenoed in the the- ater by my boyhood ro)ea in Christmas pageants at Madison Street Methodist Chttrcb in Muncie, Ind." Currently a television writer, Buell adds, "I think I may be the only clergyman to be rep- resented by the William Morris talent agency." Small Sight-seeing Some eight-seers think they hue .. eeen the Everglades" by just speeding along the 38-mile road to the Flamingo vacation complex on LJngus snoil ho• 50 d~nt pattwns. Florida Bay. But in the wildlife aanc- tuary at the E~rgladea National Part, little things mean a lot. The rare tttJe- be wu generally a kn·able character. Until now, it was unthinh.ble to make an outlaw as sympathetic u all nM:Ords show Butch to have been. FOR CEORCE PUllPTON, a.lltor r!y fn Olle of )'Oaf" boob yoea •Ml tlutl you 011ee ?!I .. ~ bosefl .4rcMe Moore, ~.. Jar • ,,., u. 11&.e "'°"~ "P•· ~ .1.._ per Lion.," tlt.e .u.lo11ae ~ intlicale4 you lotted IAnM roandt .W. SUfor Roy Robfn.. ao11. Flw"' did you fil"'1-Keeln Hoye•, Si. Joluu, Miela • • It was Archie Moore. FOR BESS MYERSON, CommUsiorwr of C0tu"'"er Almr•, City o/ Net11 York Flwrt 4o your lludu COfUUI of in your po- 1ilio11 cu Co,,,...U..io• _ er-1-lln. u..ua Iola• .an., lrora Rioer, llic:la. • My n:spoll8ibilities fall into two major categoriee--conaumer prot.ection (by cam- paigning for new city, state, and Federal legislation) and conaumu education, lt ia also my duty to see that eristing con· sumer laws are enforced. FOR D.4YJD KENNEDY, Secretary o/ the Tmuu.ry N.-clual Jack~ Oruu- -'• luu refued tM pen- •io11 ,,.., ..,., riiltlfaally la.ers, Co eolaiela / IUld .al ii be accredlled1-Mr•. lrePN Rolar, DnU. Lab, N.D. • The Treuury's general fund. FOR MRS. MARY BROOKS, DiTector. U.S. /rlU&t A.re IMre ••Y Un-. 4Mle ploru lo elut,..e dae 4.uif• of llN akli- el, riaee IAU daifra luu ~ ,,.,. ...... , 25.;yeflr U/et--Mih Boe~ia., Cree11 B.y, Fu. • There are no such plans pending. Waat te ult • (-.--• •Metloaf Y-ea• du._.tt dtl. _....., ... -'ll pt die •-er f..-the ....-ia-1 pttMa ,._ 4-.... te. ~ .-atioa, pref~ly -• poet ant, to Aak n.-Y~lf, f'••lly Weekly, 641 Lelli...-.be., N-Ywll, N.Y. 10022. We aJmOt -.lmowlftip ..-...... ht •s wW be p•W I• e.ell -ued. climbing Lingus snail, for in.stance, lus SO different shell patterns: none larger than 2 or 2lh inches. Squirrel tree froga. about one inch long, walk on window panes at night, singing a metallic imi· tation of a cricket. The Paru)a warbler is a winter bird, less than four inches Jong. Next trip, stop, look, and listen to the lillle wonders of nature. A Spicy No-No When that puppy stans chewing on something he abouldn't, here's a tip from "The Doberman Quar· terly," which will save a lot of verbal training: "Just rubbing the apot with Tahuco sau~ is much more effective than a thou.sand no's." Funeral vs. Filming Donald Huttman, 11, wu so bo.sy burying hia pet sparrow that his producer began complaining about production on NBCtT's "Chris- topher OiscoYert Americ~" the &rst in a Mr•. Huffman ond her'°" Donny. series of children's specials beginning Dec. 27. ...( reame production time is valuable.'' says his mother, Mrs. Nancy Huffman, .. but then so iA a pet to a young boy." On t. u well aa in real life Donny is a Korun orphan who wu adopted by Chaplain (Col.) and Mra. Roffman of Fort Sam Ho11Ston, near San Antonio. Family~, .. ,.. ..... ,..,-...-. D~b.r ~1. 1161 LIOMAID S. DA V90W p, •• ""°' WTON RAMC ..... ,.. .. .- W. PAOI TMOMPSON d.._n..._. Dt....-.r ll09lln PnZOll90N e.,_._ cai.1 JAClt ITAN 11 • ...-, ll#IW# MAllUI N.. lllMQUI An~ A_..,. An. 11,r.: .,._.. M. ....,_., S.-- AN. "r.: ....... ....., N-}' .... s.t; llr.: ...... DI "°" , .. BMl:M ._.. WNe;.......,.W..llr.:.._.J. ~I ... ...,.,. A4e. 11,r.: ..... L ~; A_.,.~:.....,. .-.iwup4 CIU-.. Sela 11.r.: .. r-. Ir.;~ a... .... ~ .. ' t I If, feny ~, llr.: .._ I. ' • • Ir. ,_ J. o., • r , w. a... hWiafl.r-a---.:..._. D. ~.lac ..... ..._. A-....& A.-~:._....._ M.. ......... "'-... O"IWI. &IUeri&I • A4_1, .. B..._"-: M1 ·, tan ~ .... ,._. N.1". Im! e 1M, MMIL't' WllKI.\', IMC. ....... _.,.,. You 1re Invited to mall your questions or comments lllolrt any lrllcle or ldwertlswnt thlt eppears tn Fa.fly Weekly. Your letter will receive 1 prompt 1nSwer. Write to SerYlct Edltor, Fnily Weelly, 641 ltlinttaft Avenue, New Yort, N. Y. 10022. &OOIYEAR WELT LACE, 11 .81. . A ltlECOltD 81tlEAKIElt. No. 15Rl83 HOW IT IS MADE. :=.•~ Ute Badter calflkla onr Ute fuJUo-•le .,..... la.I&. wt~ UJUIS0-17 Dftfonted tip. ft8P aa• lace l&aJ, oak IOlft an• a Aae lloaiola top. Tbe ahoe ta fttted ln Ule best manner, w1th An• lnald• &op (aotng. Pact la, lt ta mad• rlsbt alone atde ot our belt ahoe1 bJ the -• ahoematen. and no matier what UI• COit to u.. you get luoh a ahoe u no one eJM can oaer tor the pnce. HOME MME. .. _ ... ....., U-, I to 11. Wlftbo o. & ....... Wetgbt anrqw 50 oa. for :O~ta1\~ -;:,=•:.pair ..................................... ~~':.•MME. SEARS ROEBUCK 1902 CATALOG A MERICA AT THE TURN OF THE CEN- ft TURY. When penny candy was king ... when knickers were a boy's best friend and when a woman showed ankles, maybe. Enjoy all the nostalgia of a young, still largely rural America in this remarkable, and amusing book. Published in the Spring of 1902, this Sears, Roebuck catalog mirrors the dreams and needs of Americans at a time when life was far less complex ... much more fun, and cost far Jessi Buggies were the rage. The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act was four years away and you could still get a Sure Cure for Tobacco Habit ... Dr. Rose's Arsenic Complexion Wafers and a White Ribbon Secret Liquor Cure. And prices were so.nething else again ... Toothbrushes 3f ... a drophead sewing machine guaranteed for 20 years and priced at only $10.45 ... a solid oak home organ for only $22 ... and high button bather shoes only $1.981 All are beautifully illustrated with fine steel engravings of the period. This great book is over 700 pages, a large 8~" x 10%" (the actual size of the 1902 catal'>g) ... and has more than 40,000 items, carefully illustrated and fully described. It's really a joy to read, with a lesson in thrift and bue American thinking for every member of the family ... nos- talgia for the older, an education for the young. Ifs a wonderful book, a wonderful gift, an<1 at $3.98, a lot more for the money than you can find today. Only 1 printing-the supply is really lim- ited. Order today. It's worth itl FULL COLOR $398 LAMINATED COVER only r -MAil 1 O.OAY NO RISK COUPON TODAY! -1 I ANTIQUES PRESS, Dept. 3031 I I 4500 N. W. 135th Street, Miami, Fla. 33054 I Pleese und me __ SHrs Roebuck 1902 Cat.top for only I $3.98 H Ch plus ~ for post•ae •nd handlina. I underst•nd rt I not completely dell&hted, that t rNy return item within 10 d~ I for • prompt and complete refund. Enclosed Is chedt or M.O. I I for$ . I I NAM I I ADDRESS I I CITY TATE ,., I I 0 SAVE $1. Send only $7.98 for 2 cat.top, -pay the I L post•1e. Extra c.t•lo& makes a wonderful &lft. ________________ J ~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------~---------------------------------------------- Family Weekly/ December t1, 1969 The Christmas Party I Never Wanted- and Will Ne.ver Forget This noted novelist found his yacht overcrowded with holiday guests; he wasn't too happy about it-not until a memorable midnight surprise MY MOST memorable Christmas started out t.o be a disaster. My wife Betty, our tw~year-old daughter Jeuica, and I bad recently given up our apartment in New York to live permanently aboard a lovely but narrow old 64-foot motor cruiAer in Florida. In the excitement of maldq thls great change in our lives, we had broadcaat invitations to all our frienda and relatives, bening them to visit us any time they came south. The week before . Chriatmaa every- body accepted-all at once l "Thia is going to be impouible !" Betty cried in dismay. "All three of the older children want to come and bring friends from collere. Mort Leavy and Fay are l'Oing to bring their two daughters. My father will be here from Ireland. That means there are going to be 14 people aboard this boat. It will be like hav- ing a cocktail party in a cloeet I And we only have seven bunka !" nn.. kld1 will stretch sleeping bags out on deck," I eaid. "What will they do when it rains?" '1'11 rig up some tarpaulins." "Row am I going to cook for them all on a three-burner stove?" "Stick to hot dogs and hamburgers. If we stay on the Inland Water Route, we can eat uhore a lot." "It's going to be a madhouse," she said l'loomily. "Bow can we put up 14 people in a boat that bu only four cabins? And not one of them is u big u the elevator is at home!" "Do you want to tell any of them not to come on down 1" 0 No, we've been begging Mort and By SLOAN Wll.SON Aulhof> of ''TM Mot. In tfie °"8y PklnNf "*." ,. A s..... of voau..,. H olld "Awv, ,_ •• Alt" Fay to visit us for months. We can't tell the kida not to come, and if t hey can't bring their f rienda, we11 prob- ably never see them. My father would be terribly hurt." "It won't be bad when people are on deck. And maybe I can arrange for some of them to stay ashore some of the time. I have a friend who runa a boarding school in Palm Beach which will probably have empty dor- mitories over the holiday." That ••med a practical solution, but when our gueeta a~ved, it aleo turned out to be a miserable one, for everyone wanted to cruiae around the Florida Keya, not to bang around a deserted campus. "Let's take a chance on the weath- er," I eaid. "It thJnp ret bad, we can tie up near some hotel.'' "It would coet a fortune to put this gang ashore!" "Maybe it won't rain. Things will work out somehow.'' The young people were cheerful as they picked placea on deck to unroll sleeping bags, and Betty's father said several times that the narrow bench in the deckhouae was really extremely comfortable. Although our tiny after-cabin had only two small bunb, Mort Leavy said there waa plenty of room for his family of four. The weather reports weren't encouraging, but two days before Christmaa the sky cleared up, and we started down the canals to the Keya. "Can we stop in some town before the stores cloeef" Betty asked. "I haven't bad a minute to plan any Cbristmu decorations." "Oh, no!" I groaned. "We just don't have room for that sort of thing. Everything ia complicated enough as it is." "Can't we even have a Christina& tree T" she aaked. "Where would you put it?" "All the other boats have tiny ones at least. Jeasie's just getting old enough to appreciate Christmas. Couldn't we hang up a few wreaths and colored lights?" I waa tired and worried by the ta.ak of running a crowded boat safely. "Christtoaa decorations are a fire hazard at sea," I replied ... Strings of colored lights can short.-circuit and throw out our electrical system." "Can't we at least bang up a few sprigs of holly and some mistletoe?" "There isn't room for people to bang up their clothea !" I retorted. "Aren't you having trouble enough as it is?" "A.II rl9ht," Betty said sadly. "We'll give up Christmas." "I didn't say that!" for some reason, my voice sounded angry. "Christmu isn't supposed to be just wreaths and a tree and colored lights. Christmas is the spirit of giving, and I'm giving everything I've got just to keep this gang alive. Chriat:maa is people, and heaven knows we have plenty of them!" "All right," she said. ''What do you want to have for Chriatmaa dinner? Hot dogs and hambul'jl'era ?" ~What else are you going to cook for 14 people on a three-burner stove? Try a big beef stew. You'd never get a bi~ turkey in our oven " "Some Chri1tmu thla ia going to be "she said and went below. Betty had cheerfully put up with a WMti I got cm deck, I f ou'ltd the children. and Bett11 wiMling Chriatmu ribb<>tl arou'ltd the 4t01ling l'Upporta. - great many ioconveniencea ever since we had moved aboard the boat, and I expected her to bounce back from the disappointment of m.iuing a traditional Christmas celebration, but that evening ahe seemed more depreued than ever. My attempts to justify my Scr ooge- Jike attitude by emphuizing the ne- cessity for safety precautions at sea were ruined by a parade of gaily decorated boats which turned the In- land Waterway into a Christmas car- nival. Many boats had colored lights strung from bow to stem. Christmas treea sprouted from the decks of the tiniest houseboats. Pa- pier mtch~ Santa Clauses climbed from the stacks of larger yachts, and a cardboard reindeer pranced on many a ftying bridge. One big sch~ ner had all her masta and rigging blinking with lights. "All that wiring must be water- proof," I said to Betty as she eat with Jessie admiring the fteet. "It would cost a fortune to decorate this boat like that." "A II right," she said acidly. "Do you mind if I go ashore and at leaat ret some things to fill stock.inp ?'' "Go ahead," I replied defensively. "I've got to wuh the decb down and do some work on the engines." Shortly after, Betty went aahore. Everyone followed her except two of the boys who stayed behind to help me. With the boat almost deserted, the cleaning went faater than usual, but it took me an hour to put a new belt on a generator, and the strain of the past few days had Jeft me ex- hausted. Stretching out on a bunk in the f orecutle, I decided to take a nap before dinner. It was pitch dark when I awoke, and, glancing at my luminous watch, I saw that I had slept until mid- night. Opening the door to the gal- ley, I waa surprised to see a silver bell banging over the oven and a red wreath surrounded the porthole. Going into the forward cabin, I aaw a miniature tree of metal foil glittering on a shelf, and another tree of green paper had been pasted against a bulkhead. The leaves of the dining-room ta- ble bad been opened, and there Fay Leavy and several of the young peo- ple had aet up a regular factory for the making of Christmu ornaments out of balls of plastic, ribbons, glue, and a variety of sequins, beads, and colored paper. "Take a look on deck, Skipper," Fay said, "and don't worry about all this. We made absolutely certain that everything is ftreproof .'' On the bow, a tall tree with p-een nylon leaves had been lubed to the anchor davit, and the boys had out.- lined our mast and crou trees with white lights. Betty, the Leavy chil- dren, and Jeuie, who wu too ex- cited to sleep, were winding red ribbon around the awning supports, and an elaborate wreath had been f aatened onto the deckbouae. '.'I didn't start any of this!'' Betty said to me, grinning with delight. "Everybody joat went out on his own and combed the town for deco- rations. I don't think Christmas is even a religious holiday tor the Lea- vya, but Fay aaw how miserable I was, and she said life la too abort to pus up any celebrations." "Don't worry shout the wiring on the mast," my older daughter's boy friend said. "I found some water- proof wire at a 61Ung station.'' All the next day the entire ship'• company worked on the decorations. Betty explained to Jessie the airnlf\- cance of the croM they rigged out at masthead and the meaning of all cel- ebrations meant to expreu the joy of Uf e and the Jove people can have for each other, as well u the love of God. Whether Jeuie, at the a1e of two. understood this wasn't clear, but she loved the tree on the bow, which had been hung with 1tring1 of popcorn, candy canee, cookies, and fruit, in- 1tead of glue balls or lights 1he couldn•t be allowed to touch. The lllUSTIATEO 1Y OHIY COHTIHAS only light was a 1tar at the very top. When it came time for Christmas dinner, we found that the three burn- ers did a remarkable job of heating canned turkey and plum pudding, which had been provided by our thoughtful guests. Afterward, Betty played carol1 on the tiny piano we had installed in our deckhoun, and we lit a handful of briquette. in the miniature ftreplaoe, which we had bought just as insurance aralnst cold weather. It dldn1t rain all that week, and no one minded 1leepiDI' on deck u we sailed to the Keya and back to Palm Beach. At night, when we lay an- chored in still black water, our fe&- tive lights and the Chriatmu tree were reflected in the water beside u1. Standing by the rail, looking out acrOl8 the water, I felt a glow of happineu. I was fortunate to have had thi1 Chriatmaa with my f amity and f rienda on our ftoating home. • Our Christmas in the Wilderness A city family takes a camper into the isolated North Woods for a yuletide with the deer and porcupines-and nature at its best and worst By BILL THOMAS To us, Christmas has al- ways meant a warm, com- fortable home with a tree, decorations, and the children running around in their pa- jamas and slippers. But last year changed that age- old image for us. My wife and our two sons, Billy, 9, and Alan, 2, de- cided to camp out on Christmas in the North Woods section of Michigan in the Ottawa National Foresta. Alone with the elements, our holiday was exhilarating and memorable-con- trasting sharply to past ones. We struck out from home in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, in an El Dorado camp- er outfitted with a butane-gas forced-air furnace, gas refrigerator, four-burner range, double sink. bath- room and shower, and beds fo~ six. It was to be our holiday home. After almost six months of consid- ering sites, we choose (with the help of the U.S. Forest Service) Sylvania on the west end of the Upper Penin- sula of Michigan. We drove the 1,400 mile journey leisurely, stopping for overnight rests. We reached the ranger station in Watersmeet and parked overnight. The next morn- ing we picked up a snowmobile and drove five miles to Sylvania, where we found a snow-la~ paradise- and more snow falling. Once at the site, we spied a pine tree close by, ita branches heavy with snow. It was small enough to be dec- orated and would be our own special Christmas tree-not one for bright electric lights but one on which we hung edible decorations for the wild- life which abounds there. Strings of popcorn and cranberries. apples, suet, and ears of corn made up the tree dkor. We carpeted the snow beneath the tree with bird seed, and we knew that this would be the best Christ- mas tree we had ever had. Christmas Eve the snow stopped, leaving a "2-incb blanket of white on the groUJ'ld. It waa powdery and difficult to travel on by snowmobile. But we did explore several miles in Sylvania that day, and on several occasions we spotted fresh deer tracka. The bellies of the animals nearly erased their tracks, the snow was so deep. We also spotted the cuttings of porcupines and knew the forest was alive with animals. Mark Lefler, U.S. Forest Ranger, came by to warn us that night of an impending cold wave---temperatures would drop to -30F. We decided to prepare for it. We'd had some prob- lems with the regulator on the bot- tled gas tank which had frozen on the underside of the camper, so we in- sulated it after we heated the pipes. We had some heaters-a butane- gas radiant heater and one Coleman heater, which bad an output of 6,000 BTUs for just such an emergency. We lit it that night; it would burn for 36 hours on one tilling so it would last the night. If the journey itself lacked an at- mosphere of adventure before, it cer- tainly did not oow. We now felt like frontiersmen. On our breakfast table, we deco- rated a small tree which we had ob- tained in Watersmeet. Ar~und this would be our gifts to one another, but Santa was not going to come until Christmas morning-not dur- ing the night and leave without being We duora.ted our Chri&tmm tree wW' tidbita for the wildlife tltere. So:nta arrived by tm010mobile. seen. He would come through the woodland on a snowmobile, racing along the modern way instead of with bis usual flying reindeer. We thought we'd explore Lac Vieux desert some 16 miles south of Syl- vania to see if any ice fishermen were there. Besides, it was a nice day for a drive along a snowy back road, and this particular one leading to the lake would pass an old Indian village, deserted in winter but occupied in summer by members of the Winne- bago tribe from Wisconsin. We stopped and took pictures, wading about in the snow to the flimsy framework of their one pow- wow tent. The hides which formed the walls were missing but the wood- bent framework was still there, and we marveled at the architecture of it. The snow was too deep to walk around much without snowshoes, so we soon went on. There were no fish- ermen out that day. It might have been because it was Christmas Day, or it might have been because it was so cold-the thermometer never did get up to zero all day. That night we had Christmas din- ner. We planned to spend another day at Sylvania, but after dinner, the ranger came by to warn us again- this time a storm was 011 its way. We talked about it and decided not to make any firm decision on leaving until morning. But when we awoke, it wa.s snowing heavily again. We quickly broke camp, returned ou r snowmobile to Watersmeet, and headed home. We didn't want to be snowed in by a blizzard if we could avoid it. It was with great reluctance that we left Sylvania and the North Woods. The giant hemlocks, spruce, J,lnd firs all pointing skyward from their blankets of snow, large snow- flakes failing from the skies, made the acene---whatever its hazards- like a Christma..~ card. Our Christmas ended earlier than we had planned-but even so, it was the most cherished of all. • ~isroN at trese fne staes ALA~ ANNISTON--a.-\ AlllOHA NOGAtts-1• Wlo • -~-~ l\JC.$0N-- ARIUIH5.U Un!.l l!OCl(-M. "'-Colofo CAUfOCHIA AIH~-J.W.lobl..- ANAHflM-J. W. 1- .... U.SflflO- IOfttball'S- l(\'91Y Hlll$- J Wt- l.Mog!!lo CMMfl-1.MoQ ..... aanno-tt.c:c...- ESCONOIDO- Holtoo'\~ GlENON.f -J. W.11oi....- HAl'WAat>-H. C. C ..... MOlll'WOOO- J, W. toblft- !NOIO -11le Cl""*'IM lAJOUA-l<ol..n HogvO"Y lAUWOOO-lullo<l'• l0$ANG!1U- J. W lobtftaoft I Mogolo MOUNlAINVlfW-it"""- NtWP()(l lfAOl - J Wtob•- OAnAN0-1 ""°""'" H CC .... MlO All0-1 Moo.,• ~At-014MA C1TY - J w lobo•- ,ASAOfNA-J W ....... _ ttOWOOO CITY - ltoo--"C- 5-o-o SACJ~TO-W.o,,_, SALINAS -Sovth Co..11 Plilormocy SANOtECO- Holi.r's Hoggo"Y SAN FRANCISCO - I Mogfll1n SAN JOS[ -Macv" llo"•1 '°" SANMAllO-C'V"°' S1>1•o0• SAHl~MllAaA- J w ltobo..- SHEl!MAN OAKS -S..llo<•'• IOHANCl -1 Mog .. • VANNUYS-Ndy'o Mote flood1'"'9 Corp \115AI IA -S°"lli ea.,., WALN\Jl ClffK- H.C C ....... I COIOAADO COlOMDO Sl'RINGS- Moy 0 & 1 [)(NVU -Mov 0 & I CONNfCTICUT lll15TOl -Ho<old'• 01'.Nt\JRY -MotrMl·o kAtTfOll!> -C lo• llOOOA MAOfHTON-"'°"'9""'<'Y to0orn C\CAllWATU-Mo•?iftl ,,.., __ ,_. [)(\lAY 8(ACH-A•"'°"\"1 n LAU[)(lOAlf -""" n MYU5 -Gold Corrlot,je ff, '1~11CE -"'""'°"" G AIN!SVIU !-WUooM JACcSONVlllf -Mo,..c.o ..... IUPll!t -Salo• 0. 5onch•r KEY RISCAYNl -t·flegon'* Hovte Co.tfw,• Chor!•• ol ,.,_ Sotw"° ho<h IA((LANO-Mu"'•• Mooog __ ,.,.... NA'! f S -le<••"'V' ~•R.S.SOIA-......._..., '*"' T"""A-G..,...iro.i.-8-'Y 5o1.,. & ........... Mn~..,.._.,,, corp IAlll'OW .Sl'ttNGS-Mot1••• ...,_ ......... ,_ wrst PALM 8EAC11,- A-,\ OfOtOIA 5AVANNAH-l1111V••of ~ . ..,. IOAHO 90tSE-ao.Mo•th• llllNOIS llOCMING TON-S•o•i'• CAllO-(,...,, 1e<W1 511oppo CAIVMO Ctl'l-Mo<~ I.old Co CHICAGO-Co ....... ,,, ... S<oot. Moral.all Ii.Id Co c ....... s-. OANVlll[ -Mot• Bren f\lfllGlffN PAU -C"''°" ,H .. Scoot 10MMRO-Cort0 .. rlr1•. s. ... OAK .. OOK-,,..,r.i.otl floldCo O•~'"u -w ... Y G~...,... ,CO.II\_, A a..g,,., PCIV -5'-""'' O\JINC'I' -C""°" ,,.,.. s. .... KX:K ISlAND-'MCobn S(()Klf -Mon/loll llOld Co Vttl'ICflfU>-S A. &ort .. 11'104ANA 9100...INGTON- H, --· i(>KOf>O-H , Wen-• MIJNC II -C ollOQ•.,.... 5....,, IOWA. CfOM lll'IOS-c._.... Of s ""°''* s -"°""~ ....... !ONA CllY---• 0oYg llANW WICHITA-Ma<y'>·l- J. M. Mt()oftold c.... LOUISAHA NEW~tANS- 0..•Mo.,-Co. lid. MA!Nf rotllANO-......... .. Mlotholl' ...... . MASSACtlUSfm ANOOVfll -c-s...doo SOSTON-.lordcMI Mo..i. .... s-~. 9IOCICTON~\ol lroc._ 1 ALL llVtlf •• tdgon IAWUNCf- • A.. l.S...'-"-i MISSISSlttl AUXANOllA-Cl- MICHIGAH ftlNl -s ... f!h.llrldg""'" Co. M!MNUOTA MINNf»OltS- TheOo"'°"Co Oonoldaon1• IOCHfSm- C.f.Mo-vCo M1$$0Vll1 KANSAS OTY -M«y, ST. lOOIS-fo-~loN Hllt.UltA llNCOlN -Moller "'- N f\'AOA ll&IO -c;.,,y.-. HEW HAWStlltt MANCHESra-l ... wrs NfWJllSfY CHUIY Hiil -Sno•ldQ• 'Clo!4'1« El1W£lll-t. J. 0 .... 1.. PflTH AMSOY -Au Otvo P\.AINflEl0-1. J. G<>eAo WU f OltANGl - "''"""' C.0..otoblt l'lfW YOllK Al.SANY -Jolw, G MYOf t llAIYlON- A-...& SI-• lllOOICl.YN- A-& Sw""' llJff ALO -....io.... Molclrv,., __ C~AQVA-Cad"""''' OUNtt:lb:-Sldoys fl.MIRA -9.,...., 1>t"9 W CLMIRA -W. fl.,.lro °"'OC-•v GMOINCllY- Abroohom & SlrO•• H~SlEAO- Ab<ohom & Swotn HUNflNGTON- Abtoho .. a 5..,,., LONG lst-\NO- Abrollom & 5,,...., NEW'IOllKCll'l-.. w& Co NIACAAA FAUS - Motlrfo"'-• OlE.ul -, ............ POUCHrtfJ>Stl -l"'I.., "°"'&Co l!OCHfS TEI - M<Cvrdy& Co SMl1HHAV£"1-A.6 S Vl1CA -8o-Stoot Not!TH C:.UOllNA DUNN -&.Her & Carroll Gl lfNSllO!tO-Mtytr&•o• OHIO CINCINNA ll -Slollllt0\ CUVflANO-H<Qbff) fi Ytll\-k09bff'• M,ANSflElO-lotorv• WA.SHINGTON COl,Jll HOUSl -- Wo.i..oglOftS .... OUOOl'I IENO-&<o...i.• COOS IAY -The Hwh MlOIOIO-W<Hooc011·1 POUIANO--& """' SAlfM-Mcr•o< & fro•I ,fNHSYlVANIA NOl;tlSTOWN-MtOi""''• UNIONTOWN -....,,,.,., IHOOI ISlANO PIOVIOfNCf -Shepord Co. SOUTH OAltOTA ttAPtOCtfY-lollr 0niv TfHNf$SU NASl<Vlllf-Ca•~Sloool TEltAS COll'IJS CHlllS Tl - lo"'°'""' OAllAS-S..-0.,.Horrot ft'ASO-The"°"""'' IOlll WOllH - W. C Strtpl•"ll Co HfNOUSON --to, t<OVSTON -Joi••, 11.fttv•lll-lov•" !il.'"'"• UTAH OGOfN-U:.M.t. ~ SAll lAttE Cl rt - Z.CM.I Safo,,1 \lfllO!NIA 'kloo• -'"'"~ • Jollolf WASHIHO TOf<I ~A'tl -ThtCmu., TACOMA-lllodtt W~IAWAllA--'N.,ol WlSl VlllOINIA llU(flflO-0.0._. • ClAll()tufG-Mo<<tl'• °"" WA$HINGf()fol, 0 C. f<o•l I Jtll•ll It tl!Of owailobt•• 0td.t fro"' JAOU( t J W.,,,~7th5' -~ .. ,. •0019 Real Jewels Among Swiss-made Watches 3 WORLD FAMOUS CHRONOGRAPHS ALL COMPLETE WITH 6 DIALS, 5 HANDS, AND 2 PUSHBUTTON CONTROLS Pilot's Chronograph only $1295 Thia la • 1em, first made famous by World War II pilots wtlo found It not only an absolutely 1ecur•t• tlm•pl-. but • pl-of equipment ~ v•lu•bl• th•n • boilful of instruments. Whether you llke to fly, or drive sports cars, record your everqe speed per mile, or time the number of beers cooaumed in an hOt.lr, this witl do ttte Job. 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Endosed I• cMdt or m.o. fOt S . I I I _4042-~lot'a Chionocraph Watches NAME I @ $12.95 CAdcf 65' post.) I _7377-Around tl'le Wor1d atronQ1raph1 ADCMK.SS I @ 114.95 <Md 65' DOit.) I -830l -Sllde ,.ule Ch~pM I 0 113.95 (Md 65-post.) CITY ____________ _ I o Send c.o.D. I and-$1 .,oct will depo61t I and will pay postman balance plus all poet.I 9TAft ztp J ~~~--~-------------~----- SELF-HELP QUIZ What's the Truth About Lying? H A VE YOU ever told a lie? Can you tell when you are being lied to? Was that a truthful answer? Lying is a problem that modem science has been looking into with some inter~sting results. The fol- lowing true-<>r-false teat waa de.- vised from theae findings and give.a you the chance to compare your conclusioM with the e.xpert8'. 1. The best way to tell whether a pe.rson is lying is to wat.ch his face carefully aa he's talking. 2. Lying bu a physical effect on you. 3. A man is more aatute than a woman when it eomea to judg- ing whether a person is lying. 4. In principle, it's just as bad to tell a "white lie" aa to engage in any other form of deception. 5. It a person vows to keep a secret, he isn't likely to break it. 6. Women lie about their age more than men do. 7. Pathological liars tell the biggest falsehoods. I. Deceitful people always have shifty eyes. 9 . The trait that men dislike most in a woman is lying and de- ceit--feeling one thing and pre- tending another . 10. People who are happy with themselvea. who have hi gh self- esteem, seldom tell lies. ANSWERS 1. Fal,ae. Recent studies con- ducted at the University of Michi- gan demonstrated that you can judge whether a person is lying or not with far greater accuracy if you pay more attention to his voice-and don't look at his face. Facial expression and mannerisms serve aa distractions and make judgments Jess accurate. 2. Trtte. And the more flagrant the He, the more severe the physi- cal reaction. Lying can have an adverse etf ect on the nervous sys- tem and on the function of various vital organs, leading to ulcers and even high blood pressure. 3. Fa.he. Studiea show that women are more sensitively aware of other people. Men are more likely to take others at face value while women tend to probe deep- er, screening out superficialities. 4. Falae. A ''lvhite lie" is de- fined as a false statement made knowingly but with the intent of being polite or kind; a minor or trivial untruth . 5. Fal.ae. A psychological study conducted at the University of California showed that 72 out of 113 subjects broke a promise of secrecy regarding the research project in which they were en- gaged. First-born and only chil- dren were best in keeping secrets. 6. Fal8e. lntenaive investiga- tion revealed that lying about age was found to occur most frequent- ly in the SO to 60 age group, and 14 percent of the men in this group lied about their age. Only 10 percent of the women did. 7. True. The pathological liar has a mental quirk and, though be may be relatively normal in other respects, lying gives him an emo- tional kick and self-satisfaction. 8. Fahe. Many people-both tTuthful and otherwise-find it difficult to look steadily into an- other person's eyes for more than a few momenta. There may ·be many reasons-shyness, even a· physical condition of the eye&- but not necessarily dishoneaty. 9. True. Psychologists at Da- vidson College surveyed men on the traits they most disliked in women, &nd deceitfulness or insin- cerity came out at the top of the list. Shallowness ranked second. Women were more tolerant of deceitfulness in men. 10. True. Studies by Univer8i- ty of Texas psychologists show that lying and cheating go hand in hand with low self-esteem. It was found that when people could be induced to raise their selt- esteem, they were much less Uke- ly to act in a dishonest fashion. -JOHN E. GIBSON • Fa.mil11 W eekl11, Decemb•r II, l 9Bg L le ,f 1r ,y •f ,f 1f h 1- 1- 8. l- :e t- d .8 y .r e ti' >- b it ,_ n oe a · i- n D 1- <4! t. 1 ,, d t d THIS DIAMOND IS ... - NOT A DIAMOND! Imagine paying under $100 for a perfect two-carat diamond ring .•• under"$100 for fabulous one-carat diamond earrings .•. u•der$60fora full carat diamond tie-tacl (A' 69.2 carat DIAMOND costs $1,000,000. A'69.2 carat Diagem costs $2,500.) Impossible? Since>diunond prioee are so cloeely con- tl'Oltecl by the international cartels, of coune lbat likelihood is erlremely remote, but now thanb to an incredible space-age brt!Skthmugh. you can do practically the same th.inrl Now, fomafraction of what you would pay for a genaine diamond, you can purohase a man-made stone 80 perfect even an ex- pert using a powerful magnifying glass can't tell it from the real thing for IJUl'e without actually subjecting it to scientific testing! Imagine! Magnificent man-made dia- monds so perfect that expefta can barely tell them apart positively ... So beautiful that jewelers -and eve.n pawnbrokers -are fooled! ... So ftawleM that few genuine diamonds can match their per- fection ... and for less than one twentieth the C08t! Theee magnificent atones are called Dia- gema. They are identical to diamonds in every respect except one! THE ONLY DIFFERENCE Genufoe diamonds are produced from car- bon under tremendous heat and pressure. So are Diagems! Genuine diamondA have a cubic molecular structure. So do Dia· gems! Genuine diamonds have a fire and brilliance measured on the refractory scale as 2.-4. So do Diagems! Genuine diamonds are cut by npert diamond cutters. So are Diagems! What is the difference then? Simply this ... A diamond, which is the hardest sub- st.a.nce in the world, is harder than a Diagem. A Diagem ie al.moat 8.1! hard. as an emen1Ul, but it isn't as hard aa a dia- READ WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT DIAGEM ". . . the jeweler remarked three times about the bril- liance of the gem and even compared it with a diamond of the same size, under the same light and apparently did not know that it was not a diamond." C.T. Lon.em,, Michilan "I gave a Diagem for inspec- tion, t.o a friend of mine who .bm 1 Hatnl a jeweler for over 40_.,.and he oould not t.ell U.S dlrerenoe. I am sold." R.B. Worcuter, Ma.. mood. This is the only basic dilference be· tween a genuine diamond and a Diagem, and that difference is of no practical consequeDCe. The woman who wears a Diagem will never be aware o{ the minute difterence -nor will anyone else -unlesa you tell them I Diagems pass for real diamonds anywhere, under cloee examination, and in the moat knowledgeable and moat so- phisticated company! 100 years ago, 60 years ago, even 20 years ago, there was no aubetit.ute for diamonds. There were paste, zircons, and a few laboratory-made stones of uncertain qual- ity, but nothing that could actually paaa as a genuine diamond. Now that situation HOW DIA GEM COMPARES TO A DIAMOND ....... llMIMI (~) (~) INACm Ttl ' TU FUWlUS "° TU NllllUCI m TU Ml Wllllt ... '°} NAllMllS YU diolltOltd DPOISIYI TU :: ii lwJ1tkr $1Mtll$2.-$JI ..... • cerlt ... It 1-.n Why sia¥ lwmcY -. -for a d1-l --~ lllr'PM9 dlUIWJDlle in _,. e.t but _., baa changed dramatically! Just aa the cultured pearl can't be told from the gen- uine pearl, so the Diagem can't be told from the diamond, and knowledgeable people everywhere are taking advantage of the fact! Thoee magnificent diamond earrings your friend's wife waa wearing the other day may actually have been Diagems! That beautiful ring your best friend was wear- ing may have been a Diagem as well! More people -especially among the wealthy-are wearing Diagems than you would begin to suspect, but they're not telling, and unl888 they do, there is no way you could possibly know. WOY N<Yr YOU ? Unleea you are buying purely for invest· ment, Diagema make perfect sense be- cauee: 1. They coat only a fraction of what diamonds coat, yet they are just as beautiful and often more eo. 2. They pose no expensive insurance problems. lf one ahould be loet, strayed or stolen, the event is not the calamity it might other- wise be. 3. No one can tell them from the reel thing for sure without aubjecting them to a hardneM tat. Tf you AA! wondering what kind ol a gift to get for that 1pecial oocasion ... why not a Diagem? If you have an anniversary coming up, what better way to go all out than with a gift like this? If you are about to purcbaae an engagement ring, how much more sense to invest in a Diagem! You get a bigger (and since dia- monds are judged by aize), a far more lovely and impreesive ring for a fraction of what you would expect to pay, and the huge savings can go towards furnish- ing the house or towarda that new car. Or, if you are simply trying to impreu or win over a friend, what better way than this? If diamonds are a girl's best friend, 80 are Diagems because ahe'U never tell them apart! No matter what kind o( gift, no matter what the occasion, certainly Diagems make good sense, and il you have any doubts, you can actually aee for youmell without risk. We are so confident you will be impreesed with Diagems once you actually examine one, that we make thia FREE EXAMINATION OFFER Diagems are available only in wfew amart ouUets in several of our Larger cities and nowhere else. Now, for the firBt time, they are being offered by mail! We are a highly reputable and well-fi- nanced organization. You may deal with us with complete confidence. No one will ever know you are our customer. If Dia- gerna 110und intriguing to you. simply in· dicate your choice below. When your Dia- gem arrives, look it. over for 10 full day1 at our risk. Have it examined by whom- ever you like. If, at the end of that time, you are not completely satisfied in every way, return for an immediate refund, no question.11 asked.! Your friends muat be convinced you are wearing a magnificent genuine diamond, or you pay nothing! 'AWNIROKIRS IEWAU fTWO TIUI STOlllSI When DllP'M went first lntrodu*• • men .. know •Pswoec:Md • pewnbrobr with • one ·cem Dlepm rtna. The brobr exemlMd It throuCh hit af .. Ind laid, "$750." Look .... n, smiled our friend exoectinc· the ~obr to ~ hi• emw. "0.K., SIOO," hi ,..,. .... "but no hill'*-" • The proepective motMr.fn.1 .. wn unhnpreuul by her deuatrter's choice of • belu. WMft the youna couple lhowed her the m.cnlftcent in· aeaement rina. Momme IOftened I bit. Abt 111. •n)'Onl who aMHd etford •n $1800 rlnc couldn't be •II bid. The ectuer c:oet of um nnc7 ...._ than $801 but to this diry Momma hllsn't thl sli,htHt 1nklln&I Dl•ms tlmply ainnot be tofd from rlll di•· mondl by visual Inspection •lone! Money-Back GUARANTEE When your D1111m •rrivet. e:x.emlne It for 10 deye et our rtsk. If you erwn't convinced It I• everytNnc we dalm, lndlltln1UllMbte from • pnulrie dia- mond except by hardnns teet. dtn't kMP It. Slmoly return for full end lm!Mdllte refund, no quations nMcll ,--------------------------~ -i.· DIAGEM co., 30I ~ Av.., M•lwmt, N. Y. 11515, Dept. FW 12·21 .. Pll•M rulh the Dl•m<•> I heve lndlceted below by Insured mall with the undermndlna th1t I mey examine them fof 10 deye wlttlout obllptlon. If, et thl end of thet tlrN I em not compfetely uttsfted, I wlll mum for • ft.Ill 1nd Immediate refund, no quntlon• nkld. N1d111M .. II '""" ...... ceet wtt11 tedl ....... 0 One<aNt perfect Dl.,am .. ... .. .. . .. . .$15 0 Two-ant perf9c:t .,.....,. . ..... . .tu 0 =::=::ir ............. . 0 Lady't Titfeny .._ or 1illaw 14 K Pd nnc w1t11out........, ldcl onf1 ...... .SD 0 Udy't ntreny whltia or veltOw 14 K Pd rtnc wmt ........ ICkf only . , ..... $15 0 Atty of the ~ eat In men'• ,,.....,.. ....... or )"llow 14 K IDld rt.,.. add only, .................................. $!0 0 lend me 'f'Mll P'ltU Cet91o1 I enc:loM $ dMcJc or money order. You pq PQ9ta,. end ln1Ur11nce. 0 Send C.O.D. I enctoee $10 for pod- will •nd wfll pey Pottman t».a.nc:e plw C.O.D., Mndllnc end Insurance ch•,.... lnc:tude approprla .. ul• tu. NAM ____________ _ ADDRESS.~--------~ CfTY-----------~ STATE ______ ZIP ___ _ Showtoom: 4 Eest 41 St., N.Y.C. 10017 etrete nn1 aJzr. 4 5 & 1 1 t lo 11 12 13 L-----~----------~--~---~J •• Jump1n1 on • chair won't help. But d·CON.._- MOUSE . PRU FE will! Mousc.PRuFE is the am1zin1 mouse klller that's .•. MOST lfFIECTIYt: ... has twice as much mouse·k1llin1 inaredl· ent as other leadina brands. And this lnare- dient Is recommended by the U.S. Government d!l:JaKSTAMDlASIUTrz:o~--~ ••• just pull tab, beit feeds 1ulom1tlcally. SAFE ... contains no vio- lent poisons ... when used es directed, sefe around children and pets. OUTSILLS ALL OTBDS COMBE VIOBIN ~~~TOIL gives Vigor More Stamina Endurance Less Heart Stress •Don it belie re it 1 You WILL when you read FREE Bulletin # 15 18 yean research World hpert Phy1ical Fitneu RIFUSI SUISTITUTIS -Only Violin Oil proved effective. LARGEST SELECTION of tiny, all·in·the·ear, be- hind the ear, eyeglass ..• and po cket models. FREE HOME TRIAL. No obligation. Money back guarantee. No down payment. Casy terms. No salesmen or. dealers. Order dir&i and save 65%. Write for free catalog. PRESTIGE. Dept. D 160 , Box 10947, Houston. Tex. 77018. Tlll .. SUll• find butted Pl. 111¥17. am...-'"' 5 ,,.,,..,,,,,, _. .. .... .., .... 11•=··~·;;:::::-~4 .. •19• LCOD·tll • I COMPUTER MATE IS NOT I A DATING GAME We succentully find pertners for I matrimony •lld compatible friendship,, I All AGES -ENTIRE U.S.A. Absolutely confidential (love ate). -..or free brochure 1nd questoonn11re. I Our lllantlc "'f•Milr" welCOMel rou. COMPUTER MATE . Dept. 131 1 ws112St tnXPCIL Ny IOOIZ I W~en Y 11 Order By Mail From Family Weekfy •.. '1fllf allow 11p to lour Wtt111 for cltllvery. Tiit ad1 '"' placfd ~ rtpuUblt companit1. Tiit """' and cop; arr clltQfd for rtll· tblllty bf r1mlly Wttlilr, loo. II YGU'wt 1n1 f!llHlloft about tNil °'11tf, tull writt: Sfnl~ Oft,w1111tM, F1111lly WtttlJ, &41 l.t1lftfl001 •-, lilt-. Yorti, N.Y. 10022. 'HOTO CREDITS Co¥•fl Ho111 Wertd!.r for fPG. "oee 21 AIC1 NIC1 lo1-H flofk Me-. -'al lrtttltvte. '• 6t 8111 Themot. 'ctta-1• H. A""•trono lobem. FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK Tttaditional Cbttistmas Din no MELANIE DE PROFT Food Editor ,,> Feature R048t Gooae with thia unu.tual Rice '"' Pickle Stuffing for aft elegant Ch.riatm<U dinn.er in t he memorable tra.ditiom of Old Engta.M.. • Merry Chrlatmaal Ail yoa plan and prepare your Chriatmu diaae.r, the roe.al gooee and ate.med pudding may well remind you of a dinner long y~ra ap--one ronjurinJ up "biona of yule lop and "A Chriatmaa Carol'" Roast Goose with Stuffing Rice 'n' Piclde Stufting (see recipe) 8-to 10-lb. gooee (rad1·to-eook weight) 1 tablnpooe aalt % tuapoon blac.k pepper 2 table.poou tight cont ayrup l Yi capa orange juice YJ cup On.Ille marmalade 1. Rinse goose and remove any large layers of fat from the body cavity. Pat dry with absorbent paper. Rub body and neck cavities with a mix- ture of the salt and pepper. 2. Lightly spoon stuffing into the neck and body cavities. Overlap neck cavity with the skin and skew- er to back of goose. Close body cavi- ty with skewers and lace with cord. Loop cord around legs; tighten slightly and tie to a skewer inserted in the back above tail. Rub skin of goose with a little salt, if desired. 3. Place goose, breast side down, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Roast. uncovered at S26°F. 2 hrs., removing fat from pan several times during this period. 4. Tum goose, breast side up. Brush generously with a blend of the corn syrup and 1 cup orange juice. Roast about 1112 hrs. or until goose teats done. To test for doneness, move leg gently by grasping end of bone; when done, drumstick-thigh joint moves easily or twists out. Brush frequently during ftnal r oasting pe- riod with the orange.syrup blend. 5. Transfer goose to a heated serv· ing platter. Spoon into a small saucepan 2 tablespoons drippings, the remaining 1f.z cup orange juice and marmalade. Heat thoroughly, stirring to blend. P our into a serv- ing dish or gravy boat to accom- pany gooae. I to 8 "'''tn"U' 10 Familw Weeklw, D"ntb~ 11, 1i61 Rice 'n' Pickle Stufting 3 cape coobd riee; or & oz. (l pkg.) aeuoned white ud wild rite mi:.;, eooked according to pkc. 4li~o• 1 pkc. (7 oa.) .herb-Muoned •tdng croatou 2 •ediam-eiaed aaTel oraagea. pa.red .... Metioned 2 oniou. chopped l cap cranberriff, riDHd, aorted. and e.hopped 1 cap sweet abed picklee, drained and dtopped % cap aweet pic:kle liquid Yi to % cup butter or •a.r-rarine, melted Z tablespoou brown Hf&r 1. Combine all ingredients, and toss· lightly until blended. Stutf neck and body cavities of the goose. 2. Put remaining stuffing into a greased casserole and cover ; or cook in heavy.duty aluminum foil. Set into oven with goose during final hour of roastiq, About 3 qta. atvf}i7'g Old-Fashioned Plum Pudding 1 cap all-parpoee loar 1 teupooa bakbac llOCla Yi teupooa aalt 2 teupooae rw'Oand CUmalftOn Yi teupooa groud eloYea Y1 teupoon groand mace 4 os. auet (aboat 1 cap, chopped) 1 cap augar 2 cape Mft bread crami. 2 ergs. well beaten % cap orange Jalce 1 cap nlilk 1 np dark eeedleu raiaina l cup carrot.a · Yi cup dtopped auta % np finely chopped candied oranre peel % cap 8nely chopped caDclied lem~n peel 1. Si.ft the ftrst 6 ingredients to- gether S times; set aside. 2. Separate the suet from ita mem- brane. discarding membrane. and chop suet finely. Put Into a bowl with sugar. bread crumbs, and beat- en eggs. Mix thoroughly. Stir in the orange juice. 3. Adding alternately and mixing thoroughly after each, addition, add the dry ingredients in thirds and milk in halves to suet mixture. 4. Mix in raisins, currants, nuts, and candied peels. Tum into a well- greased 2.qt. mold or 2 1.qt. molds. Cover tightly (inside cover greased), or tightly tie greased heavy-duty aluminum foil over top of mold and steam* about 3 hrs. 5. Remove pudding to a rack; re· move cover and let pudding stand 10 to 20 min. Unmold onto serving plate. Serve with any desired pud- ding sauce. (If storing pudding, un- mold on rack and cool completel,Y before wrapping in foil and setting in a cool plac.e. Steam thoroughly before serving.) About 1! unn11ga *Place covered pudding on a rack in a large kettle. Pour in boiling water to no more than one-half of the height of the mold. Cover steamer; bring water to boiling and keep it boiling at all times. Vanilla Sauce 1 cap Hg&r 2 tablespoau cormta~h % teupooe aalt 2 caps boiling water % cup butter or marrariae 1 to 2 tableepoons 'f'Uilla extract 1. Sift sugar, cornstarch. and salt into a saucepan. Add the water gradually, stirring constantly. Con- tinue to stir, bring to boilin1 and simmer 5 min. 2. Remove from beat and blend in the butter or margarine and extract. ! eupa sauce Not•: For Lemon Sauce, substitute 3 tablespoons lemon juice for va- nilla extract and add 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel. For Brandy or Rurn Sauce, substitute 8 tablespoons brandy or rum for the extract. ' t • ' -------------------~ -----~-- Sound Judgment By AL KAUFMAN 1 -------2 r -Crr us rr~-tJ;at strr~qtli aru{ cour"!..1e abtutJ{ant be-_qiven to ,tl[ who workjor a world of rMSon and utuferstandinq i-tliat the-'food tJUit Gcs in evtry'· 1nan:S ~ -~ ~ heitrt ttrt~y--,£~y· ~-, d~y-l;e tm~quif ed t that 1uetr wil( co111e to see 111ore cfta~y uot that tvliicli ,{ivi,{es tlit'nt, l1ut tliat ivliifh HHites thclf1 t tfiat eaflt lwur may--brinq us cf(,ser' to a fr n11( vichl1y: not (f nati-on over uati"", l;ut ef 1nan over ...., ~ --., liis own e1'1L~ and •vc:a(!iesscs t t1l,1t tlli-tn•e sri rit ~f this Clin·stn1ctS Seit.~t'tt - its i"Y; its beiiuty. its h"1re-, 11111{ 11l;m'e ail-its aJ;;,{,-,U/ f;1itli -111ny-fr1 'e-atnotU/ us t --... --.... .... that tJie J;(cssinqs -.if l!_nlCf l;tL '-'UJ-S-tl~e reace to lnlif;( dn,{ 'fr-tll\~ to five-in Jiar ---- 11t"'"Y 11,,,{ syu1r,1tliy-i·virll (ltllcrs. an,{ h' l'lnr fi'r tlif-fi•ture-t1'itli cti11(itfn1c.e-. ~ ...... -... -- ' . -~ -eye,, mor. •tMtilns, now aev• up to $18 • month, up to !50 plona of ... each month, withOut ch8"18'n& a ainp pert on yoyr est LaNntery ,.tNftll ••• "-U• ....-..... 111.-1111M M ttt•N..ell .,_. .. .,.. .... ,.,,. •• ,.. -· -pt .. -· •• ,.., ......... tt'"'iflll ff'9lll -· ..... ef 1U •• , UM i-. te M ....... ef ... NUI -ta ... UM .... -N ,.., CU UCJI ... fl ~ .. =:-.:ti~"=~== luwcl 119-1 llfO(e(Uon 10 U ll1ftDlioe \Ml Mi IMftl clM&lllN ILLEGAL! 5ollftll ..,_1 Not ... ,.,, ... , •• , .toy: I'm sure you're f""'iller wllll the I-• &aJOli~y IUli Nn by ell Ille m&Jo< oU coonpenl~ Well, do )'OU keo• 11\a1 Ille ,.,,...1keble new inv,.,1iotl ff. scribed on thh 1>91• is KtuaUy bellnt'CI from '""' 1nu b<ee11u ii I• TOO EFFECTIVE! Do you kllOW 1ha1 buauw ~ i~C:.,":" 1;-v~ ,:ic-",,_f'°~, It .. llCluallY ILlEoAL for • tcsa..srf ... lO 111 onc oe hi• cerl And do YOO! tllOW lhal btcauo< ii boOtU Pf(IUM ... '"-1111 lO II lllOff 11ulel per alllloll ... ii hat ec1ually bun OUTLAWED In nuy ~=~:~~=:' :::'..i..d lhe'f 1nu •ere forcotd 10 N ie 11Mt1 II Ji•n •II can thot have II AN UNFAIR AP. VAJllTAOE! In olllfr word•. If you 1rw a Pt•M>n plan-nona on cnttttl\C -of thew c-oun· try <COftOll\1 Nn• •. then lltis ~ It :'~t~wlf;'·y~08sJU~l5W~~i rN~ VENTION-SORR Y, IUT fT'S SIMPLY ILLEGAL. IUT -If )OU ere ll pe..011 :.~ ~. "':t!:''1~·~~r;';~~.:::!7.:r;:..~ more moln per aallon lhon you c•rr dr .. motd ooulbk -and doln~ ti Ille ffTJ .. ,... ••1 1ho1 rn11ny of Amer.a'• lndj,.. coroorahc>nJ .are clolna •• this .-e.ry fn<>. mmc -thcfl what you .,, •booll 10 rHd Is 11trllam •hf mo.I chrllllna Md eu:lllna Mwt •n automouve .hl•&of"Y. TUT O•IVHI •Pott ~ TO 11 MOH MILU .... UUON - 'fl: G"T~E:'G~~.~~~ llwre b no ketltt way ao dnc:ribc IO )'OU the incru~ twrfOl'WI~ •ad ~ II will Iii•• Y041 .• '" ... lO cell }'000 °' the .. bom_ll cfftt1~ II had on raffrdl te~ ttll\1' and lctl..Srottn, who •imPI)' rcfllM'd to bcli«oc cllelr own auoUnc pu9H •Mii 1hty llru trlt4 ii 11111. l ook: • CUTS IAIOUMI COaTa TO Al Lmll Al 1t II MIU I. WNn tllc O. T. ENEllGY CHAMI ER •• tint ia..S "' ta. .-. .-rd IMo. rolorin u...S b)' Ford, Ciencrol M040A ud Chrysler • • • rcwlts .,.,. to over- wbebftlrut. Ca •l•llllttln, lncrc .. e of 1111 IO LOOI HOW WY rT IS! .. llU CCIK) • . • 11 anuallY .lPwettd. _., litv emu to • 11ak at ON& CSNT A MJLL l. \¥Ila! lab .......... "' u .. _, ..... i.-. --.a,,... wliil ... ~ Ible _,, ....... la-dm .•. ud lltal tal·nm oo ck road Ud oe Mid\ •OIW ra· "'°"' proyilla .,_,. .. die , ... , ... pc>&k Spttdwll)' ••. w _-clri.,.n or tbeM 'ldllda wen ai.olu&aly -d IO -bis . ., ....................... ..... .... _....,..__,_, ) Whctl 1&11« n«t owncn and -of lbc llahOft 's larmat lad llnu laud Uais 1rea1 IWW i.11.,..liool IO cklerwunc }u~I llo9 lllwti -ii -W MW ,,,_. . . IN re-wlu wYtt 10 d,_Uc lha1 w1t111n .lO days they rcoonotd sarinal of ROI hwodr«h ••• bu1 1hou.alldi ot .. llo11> of P• IM .. ..,. first -lh ak>MI U" TO IOI MILU 0, D•tYIM& P•OM A llNIU TAMii 0' 8AS Yn. from l.f'\I alter 1n1 • • rolld 1n1., laboralory ,..... lnb b7 -or lht •01W'• mot-• ramoua du..,. ... C'oaw ~ poru ot nn lbel drltt tor hundtcdt -............. of mllct ON A SINGLE TANK OF GAS! RcDO<U of 1n1 Cllt\ frcMn Ford, ~:.:··c:.:-c::::. ~;ic~·.r.. "::; ,..,. bBao:f ww! RC11C><U of bis, IMJulry ......... lbal weiP 11-> .............. lhaa .,...11 Eurocona can •.. yet P1 bc11ff :;lf:,•.a .. =:·u.=~ .. :-s m1!': l•"*alloft. MILIA .. ·111 &.llllt MOW " IT •0tt1 au~ COMI CA MUIU,ACTU• ltl NAYl•'T t•ltAU..D TMll TTI'I U•IT IN THlllt CAtlat -TMI ANSWla II THAT TWO A&.•IAh MAftl l y now )'OU art orobelllY ~ Jull wi..1 b ti.. Ci. T. ENE.JlGYCH •EJt . . • -how.,._ IC ww\1 WtU. IO IUke a lcwljl •llOf'J Yott . . . If )'OU _,.. IO looll ww:ltt Iha hood of OM of lhooe UD,000 E11roonn 1111111ry can llh U.. MUtBld °' Ille Asloo-Ma.-, ,._ -ad -tit· ~:r. ·~~~ . .:,:ta.!.'::~ n>Ore blazifll Po..,. more _.,.,. rro.. eech u JllMI OI ....,ii,., Thlt ~ boo>ter.,...11 II whel «!YU 1i-aon eecll fMl1tlflcnc perfo,,...ntt • • tuell TOT AL l"OWl!lt .•. _.,, 18Cft&Md .,..._ ... desy. Aftd thl\ n Drcdwl1 whit lhc G T . ENERGY C'ltAMIElt it Onl.-cl IO*' -e:nabk ,_r ...... to flllTkt ftlOle Clh-.drl.U. -· ...,,. ...... ~ ....., --.-oil• ecllllllml)I • • • -IT II -M acrt111 -n. ...... I . T • .._, ~. c..ot llJ Ille .,. of 111ttt lllcft· ..... UlllttH at -of II-. -'f'I lllOlt fa-~fr ....... \In, lltfe 111'1 Ille Ille •le•lll• Clll'llOI• --d<AINlk Pier-·-· of N•I• uMllCttd .. leadifll ~In •lltllotllle• •t , ... 1"41i.NPOllJ SMffw•r ... tHtl tMt l'WOV£ .WOii Uft llOW KlllallY tau ordlnaoy p&Olllle •.• feed II lftlO Yout 1111ifto lfo 1 """ ...., dlffertllt ••J ... trluer It lfllO plstolMllivl11c eMrQ • • •"41 11111 .. 111 • blHfftC IOll<Ct of '°""' lor YoUf car. For 11111 doc11111t11ttd proof of llKI llo• ttlll 11N111t1 11t• discovery ua uvt rou 1111 to S200 111 &1M>liflo bills Ill t11t 11tat 12 -•ha . , . Niii Ille rt1t ot tllts NI•· CTt1u perfo...., by otticltl IMIMlltloln IHI dfl•er.) ONLY. 111>1 .. d o f co611n11 SICK> 10 SUO •ankfuk. In other 1"0nh. s:,rtorfft = g·~~~~N~.rnya~~~i'E'.:''!.:!.u·.;..~ =~~i::::i:ly }nl<1" y Y041 thou I -r~ frM'llOll. So •f you 100 """' to M'hie•• Ille -That's beou-c ahtr y•u~ ol Ull<Mh~ wondroos rnulb •• AM«ric&'• latlftl rC1C&1ch 1u1omo1i•• ••~• ha..,. finally ... -1.1 ... fleet OWMR. br JncllaMpOlia found • ••1 10 ""'phfy thnc bOMltf tn{..Sn•~~. and I>!' rncarcll to(.icnllm M unlh • . • reduce 1hc number of pens in IM •ety saJM 1n11na laboracories ..-b7 each unit •.• ma.s prochlC'c thnn • . . Ford, CllryWer and ~ncr&J M0ton, t!Mn •ltih ~1• co a mere r,..,1ion ... end lake Mlvanca• of lh" special F.-Tri&! mile tllnll a .. llaNe at a l>f'>C'C '° lo• ii'• ~ntroductory oft9'. R-bc•. all yau ntll. •lmosl 100 radic..iout to -nuoo. Wh)' Oo b. tht few minucn ii 1a).cs 10 fill 11111 lht you "'alue what 11111 -am IO y1111 If you •Pt<W rc:ocrY&lioft roup0n Mlow. Uld yooo ere " llCl'IOfl "'"° Is dncnni....S co .. .,. luon • Ufetl-of d11•1fta coo~ """ you•Mlf 1111 10 $16 a inonth on yo.r aas econo.y 10 pta. both ..• up 10 )() ..UO"" of Pl udl THIS o,n. D"t•U H11 -h • · • Jes. U4> '° SJOO a JD< °" ti DAYI -YOU MUST ACT MOW! ••>led aaeohae. Now the oricc of the Q. T. ENERGY r lTALU 1• MIMUTU -CHAM I El Oft ... , \oed&I illtlodlodof1 .. AY f'Oll tl'Sll' IM AS LfTT\.I o«~r u -tl>e IS Of ll>•lla~J'OU 1lliaM Al ti DAYll n:11«1 ••• INI only U .9'. W1r)', ,_,. II lllfeM ,.,., 110 cna1ur What kind of car tave u11 IO 10 ti-. lhat -la peo- you now hott ••. no mailer how old 1ba1 Uee .. ViJtlD Ill no 11-at all .•• ..,. lO car rnllY be ... DO malltt w·tiat condition -Ion the hwWlredl Of ll&llooa of IAIOo II I• In ..• no matler bow _, ..U.S YOO! line aed hundrech of dOU.n ID _,. ::.·~t:"d:=:.; ;o..~~ ~~':~ ti:.': .. -:, r::. '!~".t:·~,_ Clc9sandt about ... and hti now c-trw. of 1Nd:l,.a t0tnD11nW<. car-rcnlAI ._ lttauw. fro. lllli day °" you IOO Ull ~ on'r:~~1tn'l:::i' ~ ~ (i~rr. = ::.v:., ~:.~~ :cvr:::-..: = = ENERGY CHAMIERS <&n llQOlibly ... ror •tth -wet.°"' nd •flllolll e¥C< alloratcd n.:11 -" '°' ~ o,.,.., •tooolnc al • .,.,,,_ -ion. Now YOO! -Tlwrefo•c. all or<krt -" be l\Ued on a e&ll dri..,. acrOM 6 .Caton of Ille union °" Inc~. llm-.crwtl ho.a So 10 take ju•I a \lna;le lull of -blal!t e Crail ad¥--of lhiJ limhtd intrnduclOl'l' fr_, New York 10 Oiic-°" )utt ? or ) oll• ... ...-ll lht eo-rook "°"-1C•dir1I ~ ,,,,,,_,,,,,0,.1,,,,11, •.•. 1,,,,,.,,e,,·,j'·i''i ~ : .... ..,.,.._,.._ _... ..... 19t. H•7 -F _.....,.,...an, .. .....,_ l'ka-e W\lt "'4' t~ _,.caoaal C . T. "-~ 1,,,_.,1ao~ly' I ....... rsrand llw pron t. $'-9' b •hkll I ~loM caolt., cbed or _,.order. It is -.. AOOd 1hM I _, m>on the IUlllt ~ for t>dl ll'lttt..M ~ reflolllll of I - -fllOy llldaAed. Mab of Cer ________________ y _____ _ NAM£------------------------ ADDRESS----------------------- CITY ATE Zif' ___ _ Sf'ECIAL OFnlt: '°"rdMlat -lor l!lY'.WH Miii OM (Of I frimd ud laft t.,.. mMe. OnWr .._ G. T. ll.l'C-..cY <:11>-MWWS ~jut! IOfl (a • ..._ of St.001-.....,_ n ebo". M~ ol :sea..t C.r \'car t I C.O.D. onlen-*-Sia ....... S-_,. bM:t _,_.,, l---------------~------------ A man returned to his office after his two-week vacation, and one of his fellow workers asked him what kfod of a time he'd bad. "Does your wife redecora.te very often ?" Prediction The parent-<-hlld relationship With peMing lime gTOW& grim-- By the time he dope embarraMin' "Well, I apent the two weeks of my vacation helping my wit e pa.int all the rooms in our house." "Well, was the disgusted re1>IY . "our guest room was 9 by 12 when we built the place. Now it meAsu res 8 by 11." -Dan Bnnett JS. Fomil11 WHkl~. Due111be1· t i , 1909 yoa. Yoa"ll •••rt emba.rra11eing him. --S11.ann~ Dou1i.u PNMftt Perfect My love and I tbb year arranged To plaee ~neath the Chri.-tmae tree Two gif 111 I bat need not be exchaoged- He 11hopped for him, I shopped for me. -Belly BUlipp QUIPS AND QUOTES The first-grader arrived home from school and ran to her mother in the kitchen. "Oh, Mommy,'' she said excited- ly, ''there's a boy in my class, and he's so smart! He just knows aJI about the first g-rade !" "How is that?'' queried her mother. "He was there last year," the little girl replied. -A. T. Quigg Ever notice that the friendly f elloto who does the tv loan commercial is never the one t<'ho makf'B the loan8? -William Lodge A kleptomaniac repeatedly tried to steal something from the best department store in town. Just as often, she was caught in the act by one of the store's detectives. Knowing she was mentally dis- turbed, they always let her go . But finally officials told her that if she didn't s top bothering them they'd have her sent to prison for several years. "Why don't you just leave us alone and operate in some other store?" one executive asked. She replied. "But this store has such marvelous bargains!" -D<n'othea. Kent .. Now that 1ce'11e lMNttd to rummunicate, I juat want tu 3ay J don't m«ier8tand 11ou." • e d- me. fipp rom the ted- s 80 first her. ittle iigg 1low 1ver dg e to 1ent was re's di s- she ave fhy ·ate :ive llCh ent .. ~te, u." • mer1ca's ewes Beer Bay AUTOMATIC BEER DISPENSER Here's the product that Is needed by every tavern, restaurant and establishment serving draft beer. BEER IOY Is now Installed and In use In bars and restaurants thruout the coun- try ... tested, PROVEN. and saving its users thousands of dollars a year. BEER IOY draws a pre-measured amount of beer for glasses, mugs and pitchers automatically. It doesn't spill. There's no waste ever ... and that's Guaranteed. IEER IOY will increase profits by saving time and by COUNTING every glass and pitcher of beer sold . . . con save up to 80 glosses per keg. MAKE BIG MONEY FAST with this PROVEN product. You con become o DISTRIBUTOR and set up dealerships in on EXCLUSIVE Territory available for the f irst time thruout most Eastern States, or you con sell and lease units yourself. IEER IOY Is sold or leased Instantly on demonstration. We hove programmed a complete selling concept that starts you In business as o professional by the time you finish reading It. We give you the training. dealer olds, advertising. proof of savings and the bocking of o publicly owned company. There Is NO franchise fee. Your Investment can be os little os $17,000, which is REFUNDAILE. You w ill enjoy o profit potential that will truly amaze you. The Beer Industry needs IEER IOY and BEER IOY Is ready for YOU NOW to get Into o business of your own os o Distributor if you con qualify os to chor- octer and business references. r Some INDIVIDUAL Franchises are also available in protected areas from $5,000 ACT NOW! Mail Coupon or Call BILL GORDON, Marketin1 Director (305) 565-2792 ·-------BEER BOY Corporation 2 I 2455 East Sunrise Boulevard Suite 903 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304 Gentlemen1 I I I know I can meet your requirements as to char· acter and finances. I would lille all the details on your proer•m as: 0 DISTRlaUTOlt 0 INOIVJDUAL NAME ............................................................................ .. ADDRESS ··········-·-·······-················ ...................... -....... . I CITY ......................................... ITATE ............... -..... .. l"HONE .... ...•. ...... . . ......... Zll" ......................... . A DIYISIOlll Of SfllCllUlll llO.-' PUILIC COWMY , -------- COLONIAL STUDIOS, DEPT. PA·l76 20 8Mk 1treet, WN• ......... New York 10IOI Please send me the Giant Family Size "Self-Sticking" Photo Album for only $2.98 on full money back guarantee If I am not delighted. Please add 25' Postaa• wtttl uch order. Encloeed la $ ....................................... . (Print Cleerty) Name ............................................................................................................... . Addreea ........................................................................................................... . City ..................... -............... State ............................ Zip ............................ .. 0 SA VEI SPECIAL OFFER: Order 2 Albums for $5.49 plus 25' Postage, Extra albums make a beautiful gift. ''MAGNETIC'' PHOTO ALBUM NO &LUIN& ! NO CORNERS! C.HAN&E PHOTOS AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE 20 Huge Self-Sticking Pages Hold Up to 200 Pictures! Crystal Clear Protective Pages! Spiral Bound! Hard Cover! At last I Now you can change your favorite photos as often as you like ... rearrange them at any time ... all without messy gluing or fussing with clumsy corner holders I Yes, this giant Photo Album that holds up to 200 pictures works automatically l You simply press the crystal clear protec- tive page down on your photo, and presto ... it stays in place until you want to move It I Your pictures always look like new, never dog-eared or torn. Giant pages 9pen out to a full 19" x 12" ... big enough for your largest glossies. A real beauty ... handsome lettering on outside ... richly padded cover in vinyl that wipes clean with damp cloth. Big, spiral binding for easy opening ... lies flat for easy viewing. A real find for the entire family I OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED THIS SEASON We urge you to order your own personal Photo Album now, while the supply lasts. You always need a good place for precious photography and the season for photos is now_! So hurry, order today, this offer will not be repeated this season. • C011Wl1ht 1969, Colonl1I Studios for !ISe I I I I I I _ __J tor ilyl :he tnd be 1dlos I I Jil _ --~·----ct •• (t) ~l PRESIDENTML Silver Coin. Set -last ·minted before Coinage Act of 1964 (rem.oval or reduc- tion. of silver in aU U.S. coin- age). Set: 90%-siltJer Kennedy half-dollar, Roosevelt, Lin-coln, Jefferson, Waskin.gt.on. $3.95. Scott, FW-lt, 488 Madison Ave., New York, N .Y . 100!!. FOOD FASHIONS-It's sim,ple to decorate beautiful cakes for pa,rties, etc., with new book, "Cake and Food Decorating Idea," to teU you how step by step. Easy. 160 pages full of color. $1 ppd. Wilton Enter- prises, Dept. FW-1!, 833 W. I 15th St., Chicago, IU. 6064:1 . Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE DIAMOND-like pendants hand- set with Strongite gems mounted in 14K white gold. Heart. pear, or oval on 15" chain. $38 each. Free catalog. Strongite, Dept. FW-12, 7 W. 45th St., New York, N.Y.10036. SUDDENLY you're taller! Slip these invisible height pads into your shoes and add 2 whole inches instantly. State shoe size. $1.98 a pair, Liftee, Dept. FW-12, Box 608 Church St. Sta., New York. N.Y. 10007. DAZZLING man-made gems at 1/30 c08t of diamonds. 1-airat for $27. Write for free illu~ trated booklet of rings for men, women. Capra Gem Co., Dept.FW-129,.Box3148, Phila- delphia, Pa. 19150. BRUSH on dental cosmetic for a radiant smile ! Covers stains. fillings, blemishes. Safe for natural or false teeth. 3-month supply, $1.98. Nu-Find, Dept. FLW-12. Box 205 Church St. Sta., New York, N.Y. 10008. MEMORY BARGAIN -1922 Montgomery Ward Catalogue reprint on yesteryear's fash- ions, facts and fancies. Orders shipped for arrival before Xmu. $9.95. Wilda, FW-5,GPO 2721, New York, N.Y.10001. WRINKLES vanish in seconds with the aid of Renascence Honey and Egg Formula to draw, tighten, flatten out lines, etc. 3-month'e supply, $3 ; 6, $5. Elanco, Dept. N39, 200 E. On- tario St .. Chicago. Ill. 60611. W eeUftd Shop~r items are NOT advertiai"'1. If prodttctR RhoWfl tirt rto t avni.lable tll Rtores, order from soKrces listed. F'otttil11 W•ekly, Dutntb.,-11 , 1961 IS Teoled, ltr•••· studded ormchelr. PtiCI09 ranp up to $500I ' WeQwMd .... pet with PH· cocll tl••lsn. Choice specl· mens Hll fer -8"" _., ~ .. ---.. EMf) ~ ................. $1211 JUST OFF THE PRESS DEALERS 1970 PRICES OF 29,000 ANTIQUES W ITH THIS big new 436-pagc antique guide, you'll have no more worries about what to pay for antiques. The newest. most authoritative antique dealer's price handbook in the country! It lists the value of more than 29,000 Antiques! Contains over 300 illustrations. More than 267 different categories in all! Not only is it fascinating. but' it will save vou money. Puts you, the public. on even footing with museums. professionals, dcaldf"'md expen collectors. INCLUDES DETAILED PRICE LISTING OF: • 105 DlthNnt htt9ms of Glw. • =".r=":! Shnlrw Mup. • lultmol la Melttle Dwc:on1tiuns. • Humeruus Gruupa of &rty and • and ~.......... • JIG Kinds of .Jewalwy. U.. ChkMI. • Mlnletura la T ..... Umps. • Ctodtl la .............. • 73 Eu ...... of llUff.lo ~. • Mwc::hanical .. StHI ...... • llotlln: Bitten and • Histioftc:al la EnlNsh Stalro.dlhlra. • 0..-. of 11anJ Kinda. ,.........,.. • Many ICtncls la Types of Fwnlture. • T.,. of Yartuus Deecrtptiol .. • ~ ....... • Art and Fina aa... • am.n.nt.I '8p 1r tllfits e More TMn 210 Ot1w Qruupa.. INCLUDES 267 DIFFERENT GROUPS OF ANTIQUE and COLLECTORS' ITEMS This book contains more than 267 differ- ent groups or Antiques and Collectors' Items. Here are some: A.8 .C. Plates, Asata alass. Amberina glass; Aurcne glass, Baccarat &lass. Basalt ware, Bennington pottery, Bisque, Bottles • Bristol al ass. Burmese aJass, Calendar plates. Cameo alass. Chalkware. Clocks, Commem- orative plates, Copper Lustre ware. Cran- berry glass, Custard alass. Dedham pottery, Furniture, Gaudy Dutch and Gaudy Welsh china, Haviland china. Ironstone ware. Ja.sperware. Lamps, Lim- oges china, Lithophanes, Majolica, Mechan- ical baaks. Music boxes, Occupational Shav- in1 mugs. Paperweiaht. Pewterware, Post Cards, Powder fttiks. Roc:kwood pottery. Royal Doulton china, Satin aJass. Snuff bottles, Spatterware. Staffordshire china and figurines. Steins. Tiffany aJass. Toby jugs, Toleware, Toys, Trivets. Vene- 1ian aJass, Waterford &Jass. Woodcnware and more than 200 other groups of items. All items appear in a sifll)c alphabetical arrangement so that they may be found in • minimum lime. AR• YOU ..... c•-w•••? Antique dealrn •re. lllld one bl1 rcuon Is tllb fantntk: hlndboot whkil Is published for dealers. Avlll•ble now lo l1'e public, It tl\"d )'OU • WHMll ot f11C11 and lmowledp: •bout 111111Que1 and their rnl nlucs. llmlenlber. knowledtr ot prk:ft nwlWIS money to you! .... . r--------------, I ANTIQUES PREU. Dlpt.3037 I I 4500 ..... lllUt ............. RI. 33094 I Pt•• .. rusft me coplH of bl& new I 0.290 "COMPLETE ANTIQUES PRICE LIST."' I 436 paps, 1970 O.alet'a Prices on over I 29,000 Antiques, over 300 lllu1trat.lon1 at I only $5.95 each. It not CS.llptecl, I may I return within 10 days and Neefve full I Immediate refund. I 0 EndowS la check or m.o. for $ I I 0 Endoaed $1 aoodWlll deposit. Send c.o.o. I and I'll INY poatman $4.95 belance and I po1U1 cha,.... I I Natne I"' 1~ I I cay ..-Zip I L:----------~ ---- - ORDER House of Wesley's • • • .CREEPING , , , at Amazingly ~OW PRICES · .4 plants s1 00 for 8 for $1.75 12 for $2.50 241ors41s 481ors92s Plus Valuable Peon WHY PLANT A GROUND COVER? In m11ny •reas •nd 1ltu8tlons, ground covers •re more approprt.t• Md more utlsfactory than turf. They •r• 8ble to grow encl thrive In sun OR sMde, Md In poor soil. On steep slopes where mowing 11 dtfflcult, ground cover 11 much more effective encl much 1 ... lllborlous to m11lntaln th11r1 gr811. Ground covers hold the soil •• well •• turf encl the textures .,. ,., more Interesting. Sm811 •ren of gr .. 1 •re • contlnu11I chore to keep mown •nd trimmed but ground covers require •lmost no c.re. They •re excellent protection •nd son conditioners. They hold the f•llen 1 .. v.. from blowing nv•y, thus helping to 8Ctd 8MU8lly to the humus content. One of Sedum's most v•lu8ble .. sets Is Its full time beauty. Lush foll119e begins In .. rly spring, •nd 1tar•11uiped sc.rlet flowers delight the viewer from l•te June through September. The •ttractlve semi-evergreen foli8ge 1 .. ts well Into winter, m11lntalnlng Its rich green •nd bronze color ne•rly •II ye., round. Besides being one of the loveliest of the ground covers, Sedum •lso '8te1 high on the other requirements. It I• h8rdy, grows well In sun or P8rtl81 shaicle, In sandy IOll, cl911011, or good soU. Its thick foll11ge .net root system hold the soil on slopes or b8nks. The nut 3-4" cover forms • dense perennt.I m11t to bring green Md scartet buuty to slopes, borders, rocky ., ... , •nywhere buuty .net durability .,. needed. &ch pllllrt will easily and quickly spread to ftll one sq. ft. Sedum spreads evenly, mllintain• Its uniform smooth be8uty •t •II stages of growth. Unllke some RED SEDUM Now to cover · those hard-to-fill bare spots with Blazing Color I Check these Special Features of the Perfect Ground Cover! CREEPING RED SEDUM """ Grows in Any Soll """ Thrives in Sun or Partial Shade """ No Special Care Needed """ Extremely Hardy """Brilliant Color """ Rich, long-lasting Foliage """ Neat, uniform Growth """ Ouick, but Disciplined Spreading """ Guaranteed """ Inexpensive You wlll receive hllrdy northem nursery grown pl.ms carefully peck9ged to .mve In prime con- dition. An outst8ndlng buy at leu tt... 20, ..- .,...... in Iota of two dozen! FULLY GUARANTEED All House of Wnley plmla .. flllr ... 11d to be of high .... lty. •wdy -......... .. wltoM'helngood......., ........ . you .. not~ ........ with ..... lwdy ..... UTUIN ll•flNG LA11L ONLY for,.,._, .... or 1111 ..... ,.,...._ You 1MY keep the ......... (0. ,._ 111111). other ground covers, Sedum, •lso called "Dr11gon'• Blood", 1t11ys where you put It -does not 1tr1199le out Into pl.ces where It doesn't belong. Sedum 11 •lmost lndelbvc:tlble, enduring •nd persisting 11g11lnst hMvy cllm11tlc •nd nutrltlONI odds. SEND this Special Offer Coupon TCJDAY to receive your Red Sedum Now is a Good Time to Plant REDSEDUM! Your young Sedum pl11r1t1 wlll estabJlsh themselves begin to spreed • few days after pt.ming. In • month or so they wlll 81relldy be 3-4 Inches In dUmeter. They m11y lose their foll1199 n the first winter prog,..... but wtH IMf out epln in Mrfy spring. During • long grCNlng season they m11y rwh 12" In ct-. etw, .... YI maintaining their nNt reguteted ........ HOME OFFICE HOUSE OF WESLEY, Nursery Division, R. R. 1, Bloomington, Illinois 61701 and Peonies I HOW CAT. MMY NO. ..... ... ~ CrMplftg ""' ..... 8:11 "4lcl .,_,, '°""' (2 for -with ardlrl of ..... , TOJAL ~ ............. ... , I ' I I • ' -·· COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH till HOlDEI ., t>lek WU.. ~a.~ WIUON FORD .. Ba ..... Beedl Honesty ia the best policy. A mid-western minister couldn't help but smile when he read the answers to the following ques- tionnaire mailed out by his church. A. How far do you live from church? and B. How long does lt take you to get to church? 'Ibe answers on the questionnaire were: A. About four blocks and B. About three months. A parking sign at a dif- ferent church read: "No Park- ing Except Sundays. Violators wi1 be given sermons." After church, you and your family might visit our Ford agency here in Huntlnaton Beach. We have what many experts think ls the finest line ol automobiles ever olfenxl by one oompaay in any one model year ... the put new F.ord line for 1970. For ex- ample, there's unsurpasaed con- venience for T h u n d et b l r d drivers and passengers with the new control conaole, located in the front .eat armrest. The er windows, power door locks, windows, power door locks, power seats and the left-band outside mlrrcr. Redesigned for lt'TO, the Fingertip Speed Con- trol, optional on Thunderbird models, retains Its convenient operation on the steering wheel with new rellablllty, closer regulation and simpliflied design. Comfort's In vogue now that all bucket seats on Fords are of high-back design, incorpol"atlng head restraints. L a r g e r registers ln the SelectAire air conditioning system give better directional air now and higher a'ir volume while changes In the Flow-Thru venWatlon system make for better circulation and quieter windows-up driving. And for the outdoor lovers, Thun- derbird again olfers an optional unroof which operates elect· rically. U you can find a better looking car than our fabulous "70 1bunderblrd, bring lt by our dealership here at 18255 Beach Blvd.. we would like to see it THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 20, 1969 DICK WILSON~s WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH ILVD., HUNnNGTON BEACH assssssasssaa .. aaaa .. 1111111111111•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• See all the g--newest ones for TORINO BROUGHAM 2-DR. HARDTOP THUNDERBIRD 2-DR. LANDAU TEST·DRIVE THE ONE OF YOUR CHOICE TODAY JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH ILYD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALU DIPr. ' •.•. te 11 , ... 1 ...,. SilYICI OPIN TMs. ttn M., I •·•· te I P·•· Me:t .. I•·•· te t P·•· 592-5511 I 1 1 ) J 1 J 1 1 I T TV !PORT! HllJHlllJHT! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 10:30 AM II Qi (j) NFL Footblill (C) Wash. Redskins at Dallas. 12:30 Qt (j) NFL Footblill (C) Baltimore at L.A. 1:00D131 Ci) m AFL Footblill (C) Dh1islonal playoff game, played at the home field of the Western Division champion. 1:30 mi IHc~I This Way to the Rose Bowl (C) A 21h·hour recap Of the U Trojan's 1969 "March of the Roses." TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 7:5!5 II Lakers Basketblill (C) L.A. lakers vs. San Diego Rockets at San Diego Sports Arena. 11:00 II UCLA Basketball (C) Bruins vs. Louisiana State Tigers. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 1:30 111111111 Coaches 1969 All-American Foot.bell TNm CC) 11:0011 The Rose Bowl-Gr11nddaddy of Them All (C) The history of the Pasadena Rose Bowl and games played there. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 11:30 AM 0 @ CV NBA Basketblill (C) The Boston Celtics vs. Phoenix Suns game is opening NBA Game of the Week. 1:30 U@ 00 NCAA Footblill (C) North·South Shrine All·Star Game from Miami, Fla. 4:30 II Kings Hockey (C) L.A. Kings at Boston Bruins. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 8:3011 llflc!ALI Sports Hot Seat (C) Trojan-coach John McKay is questioned in a press conference. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 10:30 AM II NFL Footblill (C) L.A. Rams at Minn. Vikings in Western Conference Championship game. 1:30 U@ 00 NCAA Footblill (C) East-West Shrine All-Star Game from Stanford Stadium, Palo Alto, Calif. 3:00 D High School Basketball (C) Santiago at Westminster. 5:00 0 @ CV ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) "Sports Highlights of the 1960s." Memorable sports events and achievements of the last decade are featured. 10:30 II I IPlc@: I The Rose Bowl-Granddaddy of Them All (C) (R) 11:00 II Bruins Basketblill Classic (C) UCLA vs. Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets at UCLA in a classic holiday tournament. Game taped. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 9:00 U @ 00 (C) "Duel of the Titans." Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott, Virna Lisi, Ornella Vanoni and Jacques Sernas star in adventure story of Romulus and Remus. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 9:00 0 QJ Ci) (C) "For Those Who Think Young." James Darren, Pamela Tiffin, Woody Woodbury, Paul Lynde, Tina Louise, Nancy Sinatra and Bob Denver star in a musical-comedy about the adventures and romances of a playful college crowd. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 8:30 D@ Ci) (C) "White Christmas." Fifteen songs by Irving Ber· lin are featured in this popular holiday film starring Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen. U @ 00 (C) "Honeymoon With • Stranaer." Janet Leigh, Rossano Brazzi and Cesare Danova star In suspense thriller about a bride who desperately tries to prove that the man claiming to be her husband is an impostor. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2' 9:00 U @ 00 (C) ''The legend of Siient Nl1ht." Kirk Douglas nar- rates the story of how the famous Christmas carol was written. James Mason stars as the composer. The Vienna Choir Boys and The United Nations' choir are featured. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 9:00119 Cil (C) "Me and the Colonel." A Polish Jew and an anti· semitic colonel are thrown together by circumstance in this comedy starring Danny Kaye, Curt Jurgens, Akim Tamiroff and Nicole Maurey. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 9:00 II~ Ci) "Anna and the Kin& of Slam." Irene Dunne, Rex Harrison, Linda Darnell, and lee J. Cobb star in drama of th• experiences of an Englishwoman who arrives in Siam to tutor the King's many wives and children. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 9:00 D @ Ci) (C) "Help!" The Beatles are pursued around the world by a gang of Eastern thugs and a mad scientist. ,• Glen Campbell Moves To Sunday Night The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour returns to Sunday evenings, where it was first presented during the summer of 1968. The new time period begin- ning December 21 is 9 PM. Campbell, the recipient of nine aold records. each signifying one million dol- lars worth of sales, has become one of the Network's most popular entertain- ers. His variety hour consistently ranks well up in the top 20 progrilms in the audience ratings. The young singer-guitarist from De- light, Ark .• was regarded as one of the finest guitarists in the country before his singing talent was recognized. His musi- cal training began when his father bought him a mail-order guitar at age four; by the time tre was six, he was playing and singing on radio stations in a three-state area. After beading his own orchestra in Arkansas, he moved to Hollywood and quickly established himself as an instrumentalist. By 1961 he had several best-seller records as singer and guitarist "Gentle on My Mind" was an overnight smash hit in 1967, and was followed by another bit, "By the Time I Get to Phoenix." Both won Grammy Awards. Yes! INCLUDIS: Test ... al tubes -C.._ h111er •d controk - Al ftec"""'Y odlntmetlts -D9CJ41uul11CJ -Color Krffft setup -Stotlc cowwerten. COMPLETEL \' GUARAN·J'EED SERVICE ON COLOR & B/W ALL BRANDS FROM ADMIRAL TO ZENITH '70DAYS SERVICE WITH TOMORROW'S KNOW-HOW" 18931/i Park Ave. Costa Mesa Gifts For The Handyman ... Versatile Voltmeters llM7 •z51s . ....... It ,.,. .... S.114-S"'" YOM .... n. .... 41 ef u ... • ~ ... CMutf -"IT ...... 4 MMafl fr-.flfW, 1 ...._ • 4 AC ...,... ,..,.. • 4 oe ....... , ..... I • .-,,. ,..._.. • 11 m..-"' ...,_. • 0C • 1 _,..,,. "'-• AC 4~''. -9A --• aan.,.. .._..,.. e ...... ....,.. .. ,._. UM wllll ... cewer & ..,.. ... , .... ..... ..,.. .., .... .... • ••• , ...... ,1111 ~lnKlt ....... ~tnocttM. Do.a HundrMfa of E-vday MN•IK-ll tor hOmeO-s. hobl>ylsls, tlOoltwn. model ~'Ide", C8 er's, h4ms, ev9n TV servicemen. FHtures tour r•ne-on AC ar.cl DC. VOits INt ,,_,"'' from 1 to 1000 volts full scale ... tour ralJtanc• rltnges CIO Oflms center scale al. 11tOO. -.101(, 111M) ~t ...__. from O.I Oflm IO IOOO megohms. All ••noes are mutti- cotored, and 111err1 an 9"tr• led! to conMCI •«HM>rY prooes to extend 111 upelMlllles. autery ..._.... T• weni Mi,....... . . . '""' on • "C" cell and •.•v. INrClll'Y cell, same 11 wed In 1tensi110r radios. '*''""' ..,. ............. """ OI """ ••..,tl'fttM... WI"' Cl~•lh Tut Are Safe, •••lleMI .. • .. 11, W.rtl. e CMta"" •• 111efeftell & IMtfwe· tlMI tw -....... It ftffll'lllt ..... ,,.k .. _ • ,alt, .....n.u ..,,_.."'" -"" • o.., .... • .... -'<et .~ ... "' .... ~ ... : ...... ,. ....... CT ,0. ANY YOUNOSTI• WHO WANTS TO IX,LO•I T"I MYITIRIH O" ILICT•ONICS. Contains c•,,_.,·lllV1lrettd pr1nciMS of operetion end simple, non•f9Chnlcat l•lrvciiOM fO< bvlldlng lf different HEATHKIT® prolecta • . c~• flu.lier. t111rvllr aterm, llUC>llc llCIClra1 1y1t1re, S dlf· terenr lflnslstor radios, eleclronk timer, TV slltn<:.,., •lectrlc e'f9• metronome. ~ trensmlltw, vok• t.-n1mltt•r. fl.uh«, Intercom, eudlo sfon.lt lnlectw. cel)Klty &. voice ~ lf'lled reteys. SOIOerlesa. 1prlntt-l'f'll9 ~ton 1pee11 •uemllly, Ind cen be u.td t'99Ntedly fO< buHdlne fe.,. orlte proltets. Openres on follr wte C·slu flltllllght bantrles tnot lnctuO· tdl. M•k• a" i.i..t 11111 for •nr yovngster II blr1tlday, Chrlstmes or 11rllduatlon lime ...•. , •.. ELECTRONIC CINTO -~t(Ti": l l1:. ~ --~-.. -- Te r.-dl HeeM)t lleel,_lc C""9r, , .. , He,_. 111141. .. aell An .• _, ...... a ... _, 11.edll .. SJll IHI lilt er tab latlte AM ,.,_ _, .. N.a,_. ......... ,_. aw.. .. ..... • ,._ ,.._. lllltcllt aflll ,..,.,. ..... STOii HOUIS: ...... Ptf. t-4, Set. t·I SALD I PAITS HIATHftlT SHYICI 716-Hlt nt IAST IAU. ANAHllM 11•·••n THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 20, 1969 nl (60) "Winds of the Wasteland," SATURDAY 1936. 9:00 a ~ (j) CirMn Acfes (C) (30) Lisa talks Sam Drucker Into lettlng DECEMBER 20 her open a cosmetics department I E VEN I NG at his general store. 0 ~ (i) m NBC Saturdar Mov· le: (C) "A Podletful of Mlntdes'' 6:0011 Ii& Nna (C) {60) Clete Rob· (comedy) '61-Glenn Ford, Bette erts. Davis, Hope Lange, Peter Falk. 0 @(61 m HunU1y·lfink.11J (C) Ann·Margret, Sheldon Leonard , 0 A HILARIOUS HALF-9:30 II 9 Ci) P1ttico1t J11nction (C) HOUR WI H COMIC (30) Uncle Joe strikes oil at the * T Hootervllle·Pixley Golden Spike Cere· JACK DE LEON!! rnony and plans how lo spend his II One Min Show (C) (30) Jack new "fortune." De Leon is featured. 0 @(1)G) Hollywood P1lace B Bou City (C) (30) Sam Riddle (l) (60) Perry Como hosts. Guests hosts. Canned He1t guests. Include Diahann Carroll, Shecky m USC Basketball (C) (2 hr) The Greene, d!ncer Edward Villella, and USC Trojans meet the Cougars at puppeteer Burr Tlllstorm with Kuk· Houston. la and Ollie. Ill Anhn1l1, Action ind Adventure B Philbln's People (C) (90) Carol (l) (30) "Graveyard of Colorado." Burnett. George Raft. Pat Boone, A trip down the Green and Colo· Hugh Hefner and Pat O'Brien guest . rado Rivers with Jack White and m Buell Owens (C) (30) his wife, Georgie, a famous woman fl) John Wayne Wnf.trn fll111 Festi- guide of the Colorado. val (60) "Westward Ho," 1935 . 6:30 0 MIC Ntwt Conference (C) (30) fii) Circt. of li&flts (C) (60) Pete 0 L A 'S OWN BIG Seeger and a group of his friends • • gather lo celebrate the holiday * COUNTRY & WESTERN season through song. MUSICAL FESTIVAL!! 10:0011 Q!l Ci) M1nnix (C) (60) The I Melodr Ranch (C) (60) theft of a champion race horse RoMY tirier Show (C) (30) presents Mannix with one of the Run fot Y0U1 Life (C) (60) most baffling cases of his career To Save Tomorrow (30) (R) I m News (C) (30) Ed&• of Eternitr (C) (30) Bill Anderson (C) (30) Ciht From UNCLE (C) (60) R1whide Roundup (60) 7:00 I CBS Ev1n;n1 News (C) (30) Box de Mexico (90) . l(NBC survey (C) (30) 10:30 0 I lflctil I Contact IV: Cllrfst· Anniffmry Ci1me (C) (30) m11 With Oral Roberts (C) (60) An • Dutil V1ller Dip (C) (30) hour of holiday music and insiiira- : I s•tc11L I Nl&flttlme In Mist· tlonal messages. Special guests are ero11rs' Nei&flbofhood (C) (60) Anita Bryant. Senator Marl! Hat· ii) Do-R .. Mi (30) fie'd and The Wo1ld Action Singers m Rat P1trol (C) (30) from Oral Roberts University. 7:30 11 ~ (]) Jldle tilenon (C) (60) 0 News (C) (30) Bill Bonds. 0 Ci) m Andy Wllllams (C) m Movie: "The Proaiot.r'' (com· (60) ndy gathers his entire family j) '52 -Alec Guinness. fo1 holiday music and laughter on Klt:Y Wells (C) (30) his Christmas show. Joining the The Tor Th1t Cir.. Up (60) Williams family are The Osmond Passport to Trntl (C) (30) Brothers and the cookie·beuing 11 :0011 0 al News (C) bear. B The Movie Ciamt (C) (30) Frank 0 '67 1st-RUN COLOR Gorshin, Dinah Shore, Phil Silvers, * SPY THRILLER' A Nanette Fabray guest C F 1' m Hne Ciun, Will TrlVtl LIF HANGER. 11:15 IJ F1bulo111 52: ''The lilllop's 0 Movie: (C) "Hl&fl Stuon for Wife'' (comedy} '47 -Cary Grant Spies" (drama) '67 -Peter Van Loretta Young, David Niven. Eyck, Letitia Roman. 0 SlbmlaJ Nlcllt Movie: (C) 0 @ (])al D1ti1t1 ti11H (C) "H1ll1 of Montuuta1" (drama) '51 0 Million $ Movie: "About Mrs. -Richard Widmark, Jack P1l1nce, lellle" (drama) '54-Shlrley Booth, Kar1 Malden, Richard Boone. Robert Ryan. 11:30 O Movie: "Sinner's Holiday" (dr•· m Wondm of tile World (C) (30) ma) ·47 -Randolph Scott, Joan @I) Lu C1udlllos (30) Blondell, George Raft, Ann Hardine, 8:00 0 (i1) rn m Newlrwed G1me (C) B Movie: 11Ho111t on 92nd Slr•t" m Movie: "The Advtntvl'ISI'' (dr11· (mystery) '4!>-lloyd Nolan, Sime ma) '47 -Deborah Kerr. Trewr Hasso, William Eythe, Howard. m Nna (C) m H1W1il Calla (C) (30) "Hula 11:45 0 m Nftl (C) Maids." m Mftie: "TWlntJ lfm Mt1t" EJl) NET P11yllouse (90) (drama) '60 -Cary Wery, Annie &I Noelle de Estreno (2 hr) Rosar, Marisa Mell. 1:30 a a Ci) ~ Thl'lt Sons (C) (30) 12:00 Im Jollnnr Carson (C) O 9 00 m Adam·12 (C> (30) 12:30 Men in Crisis Officers Mal:oy and Reed face a 1:00 Movie: "W1Mn ttle Daltefts gan1 of toughs who attempt to Rode" (western) '40 -Randolph lnterlere In a narcotlC$ mest. Frank Scott, Brian Donlevy. Campanella, Art Metrano, Jerry A.r· m A!l-NIPt Sltow (C) "Junllt ers and Frank Ryan guest. Book." "from Istanbul. Order To I @ (1) a) lnrenc. Welk (C} Kill." "Valley of the Doomed." ltolltr Derby (C) (60) 1:30 B Ntws (C) John Wayne West.m Film festl· 1:45 Advtnturn of Ille s.a.., (C) I," lO) ng int >V· s• tte lk. ·d . C) he ·e· iis u Its ky nd lk· ·01 1e, sl ti· te ds ay ie se 18 er ;t. 'n a- re t· rs ,. )) 1k s. 's t. !, ,. 111 '· .. e .. • I h • 0 ) REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY MORNING CHRISTMAS DAY for your convtnltnce. Ill daJti• pt91T1m for Cllrista• o., ,,. list.cl wltll tile ntnlly '°" n.. 1o11ow1a1 111ttnp.,.. Ma. T-.. Wed. and frl prolJ'lm oa!y. NtMr'9 (C) Wed. I Clrde ef upta (C) (R) Mon. 11 :00 !(j) WIMte llte HMrt 11 iC> 00 m JtopardJ (C) Art Flem na hosts. D TIM Callopfnc Cour••t (C) Graham Kerr. 0) ._,... ltootl (C) fI1) NET Cllildrtt1'1 SptcjaJ (C) "Snow White and Rose Red." {R) Tuesday only. 5:551 Qiwa Us Tltls Day (C) l1:2S 1J Qj (j) CIS Ntws {C) ':00 Sunrise s...w (C) 11:30 IJ Qi (j) Seard! for Tomorrow (C) ~ • Educ.tien Exdlance (C) "Char· Cl @@ fE Nt•t Droppers (C) acter In the Arts Seriea." AJ Lohman and Ro1er Barllley. &:SOI OdJaeJ <C) I Joltn117 &rant (C) Ttt1 Stlpa ti Medtm Rtaclln1 n. Alnlwerlary Ca• (C) Prince of hlce SpedMI (C)• • T .. pe (C) Baxter Ward hosts. 119a ~file, Fri. ' Tmtf Fii• (C); Pt11pedift/ • Law for ttM La,.an (C) Wed 5'rttdl and S. (C) Wed. only. 6:55 • llNIC NtwllfYla (C) • fE Sante Slreet (C) (R) Mon .. 7:00 CBS Ntw1 (C) Joseph Bentl Tues. and Fri. Q) (6) m The Today ... (C) 11:55 a QI (j) m AIC ..... (C) The Tis and Her of It (C) Mr. W~bont (C) ftlix ti.. Cat (C) Cotll.odlty/Stocl hport : s.a .. Strffl (C) 7:30 • It Is Writttt1 (C); Prince Puce (C) Tues. I Wondtn11111 (C) Cool McCool and Friends (C) (j) CBS News (C) 1:00 IJ 9 (i) C1pt1ln K1n1an10 (C) "CaptainKan1aroo's Curacao Caper'' • Daphne's C1rtoon Castte (C) C1111by (C) N ... /StDck Mm.t 1:15 t (}) Yldto Dlpst (C) 1:25 Com11unlty Bu'letln Board 1:30 DEBUT Mr. Ma100 (C) ExtrdM Wltll Clorla (C) M1ri11t Boy (C) Rodd Rollln Hood (C) CI) Rody and His Fritllcb (C) 1:45 Your Mo11.,.1 Wortll (C) Wed. 9:00 IJ ~Cl) T1te Lucy .. (C) A ~ (i) g:, It Takes Two (C) II Lowe Tll1t lob: Bob Cummlnp. Movie: See Daytime Movies. Jackie Joseph ls hostess. 0 Debbie Drab D1nctrclzt (C) m @ CI) Jack La Linne (C) JB ~'tits\ IC) Clttiau CotlC*t Fro11 Ult Maic Can1ar, Wed. Twelve hours of musical celebration. t-..zs a CD (i) m Nae ,.... <C> t:lO ~Ci) lwert, Hlllblllies QJ @ m Conetntration (C) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Westlrn Stir Tlttatre MO'lit: See Daytime Movies. C11•by (C)/Fut- (1) HIJden'a Happenl111 (C) 10:00 AndJ lirtffith (C) tit Ci) m Slit ...... Centwy I Jack Kelly hosts. Mowlt: See Daytime MO'liea. Eutnce of Judalm, Tues- ""'IStiock M1rut @ San117 TodlJ (C) 10:15 Worid Tai .. Mon.; hbflc ~· ice, Wed.; Mr. Mer~alldiliftl, Fri. 10:301 D. LM tf Litt (C) B)tWJau• S4HrH ef w... (C): Wiii M- l\FTfRNOO~ l.'00 II QI Cll '-,,._ (C) tr• ,_ ... (C) m., ... ..... (I) m eew.1 Holpitl1 <C> 'a Ila Top sa.c.. (C) WatllfMnt (i) MatitMt : flM Adw9cltls (C) (R) Mon. • Matlltw. Don W!llOll. lJlc:llJ .... (C) MIU DHct• (C) Ozzie and Harrtet (i1) (])Im OM Ufe T • LM (C) ,.,.,. and frlltMk (C) ...... ,, (C) Df. Hlldlta's secret JMraal (i)...,.,. en.. (C) 3:4511) ftebn ' ..... <C> 4:00 II Sea Hllllt; MM, Tues. See Daytime Movies. U TM Nabd Trull (C); I IHcig TM Ntpt ....... Clltta• Wad. I tm (])GJ Dart ..... (C) flff&ltij ·-(C) .... , .... Art Sl9dlo. Mon., Tuu., Fr1. 4:15 fE T1'e frieftdlJ Cla11t 4:301J Movie: See Daytime Movies. II Dlwofce Court (C) 0 Ntws (C) Biii Bonds. m filz"EL''lVs~~~IEST *HALF HOUR AT 4:30 PM WEEKDAYS ON KTTV 11 I= .... :. (])""1 ..... ......... RDtlldap S.... Sb.t (C) (R) Mon .. uu., Fr1. I Cl) Tlle fltntstDMI (C) E Uaurpeder ~ 5:00 MIC Nt•• rice (C) NtWI (C) Tom Reddin. Fl'"" (C) Ntwa (C) Geora• PU1nam. .... (C) ~ • ..., no. .... (C) McHale'a NnJ Canto dt Mnlco 81111pn'• ltland (C) DrN• HHle (C) 5:30 e'nd~ g>_:c ..... (C) Cllllpft's ltland (C) S.....t T rlila (6) TIMI Day 190 (C) . ilit.rollfS' ~ ... (C) Cf) NIWI (C) Mike Foley. . vrm. , ea,.11n1 • Town Talk (C) FIRE SCREEN SPECIALISTS CUSTOM MADE SCREENS -5 DAY SERVICE BHutiful decorative color• in m•ny flni1M1. Wide Mlection of GAS LOGS. FREE E1ti~te1 given. (Since 1920) SAITA ANA TENT _. AWlll8 co. 2202 5. MAIN -545-0491 SANTA ANA )ferr!I eltristmas to All Tht• youn~~tcr "ill enjoy the t\\O·part "Babe in Toyland" ( hri~tma!I Spccial nn B< ·._ \\i'onderful \'X'orld of Oi!lncy, ~u11day C\cnin~.,, Oelcmhcr 21 and 28, at 7:.,0 PM. The mocion p1rturc fantasy "tar-; Anncctc Funicello. Tomm} Sands, Ra y Bolgl'f and che late Ed \X') nn. The 1961 rclca!le wa!> \X/ah Oi~lll) \ fir,r 111u'il .tl mntion pilturc and abo hi!I fir'lt li,c-anion 1..moon. All the prop!\ Jnd 'l'l,, spcl·ial effect-; and illu ion!I "l't c adapted f rum the o' erexaggeratcd, higger-than-lifcsize rarrooning technique~. • • •. A1 combination of traditional and popular tunes greets the holida) on The .Kraft Music Hall (\\;'cdnt.•,day, 9 PM, NBC), a!> che Cowsills guest with host \X'a) nc Newton. Other '>pcri.il gue!>ts include Julie BuJJ, Jark \X'ild, an<l The Singing An- gel,, IOO-mcmber chil- dren'!> choir. •. • • i\1en Griflin. hose of his own late nighr calk show, The Mer\' Griffin Show (CBS, 11 :30 PM ·week- nights), exchanges gifts with his wife Jul-Ann in a traditional Chri t· m.i' ob!lcn ance ac their farm in New Jersey . ._ ________________ "'----------------------! A·T·T·E·N-T-1-0-N IMPORT CAR BUYERS NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! PRICES WILL NEVER BE LOWER SO VISIT THE DEALERS SHOWN HERE AND PICK OUT THE SPORTS CAR OR IMPORT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED' TRIUMPH SPRITE • SPITFIRE AUSTIN HEALEY· GT6 SALES & SERVICE Always a-large selection of new and used cars. FRITZ WARREN·s SPORT CAR CENTER 710 E. First St., SA 547-0764 THINK 111 ~ SH and Drive them Durint our Model Clearance Sale · on NOW! HERB FRIEDLAND£R 13750 Beach Blvd., Wmstr. 537-6824 ORANGE COUNTY'S [!][QJlYJ[QJ[!)~ DEAN LEWIS IMPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 HEADQUARTERS H .... M .. dlefl .. -& wMd nec11tlve & 41-tral9r inMelt ""k MI fer lmme411ete 4lellvtr1, OPE LS GALORE! H..,. lnetttoryef Hew• Uted Opeh.,. ,,1c94 to Mt1 l•••lll••etv TERRY BUICK YOUR BEST SPORTS CAR BU JO ·m-mm· lftt c»tt .. tit .. I It TNwy em• cott at .••• .~ : ~I ~"--; ~~ALIFORNIA \~ , .. ~. SPORTS CARS 901 E. ht St., S.A. I and Z IMPORTS •ACTORY AUTHOllZID DIAUI COMPLETE FOREIGN CA'.R SERVICE 410 MAIN HUNTINGTON BEACH 536-4292 CHICK IYERSON Your Authorized VW - Porsche Dealer In the Harbor Area ' ~omO of tho Love Bug Specfalt 445 E. c-t Hwy. • ~ Drf11e, N.I. 61J-Ot00 54t-JOJ1 nt. 5l e:at. 14 & II SPORTS MINDED? Then Newport Imports 11 Your kind of place. Your Authorized • Austin America Large stock of used PorschH Jagt, MG'1, Austin Healey1, etc. nfwport j)1nµort s 100 W. Coast Hwy., N.8 642-9405, 5-40-1764 ~ In the Marbor Area the Economy line for the Quality minlled. ZIMMERMAN DATSU 2145 Harbor, Costa Mesa 540-6410 ... ,.1 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEE!<, DECEMBER 20, 1989 SUNDAY DECEMBER 21 MORNING All stations reserve the right to change program· ming without advance no- tice. "1s 1n. e11tt•11111r1 (C) l:lO ,... .... ~ 1:55 • '"' Ua 1'1111 ..., (C) 1:00 Ir ...... ..,,, <Cl .... ., F11111• (C) 7:30, ....... (C) Mer90tl T1btfudt QR (C) • TV Wo• tf ttlt Wat (C) Semd Htllt (C) 7:45 Q) TM Qr__., (C) @ CV DIWY ltld len.tll (C) 1.-00118 (I) CIS lltwl S(lltdll (C) "And on Earth, Peace." M1r11ret Truman Daniels hosts show ft1tur· (dflmHom1nct) '41 -M1dtlelne Z:OO 8 laldtr I Oubldtf (C) "BI 1 ck Carroll, Ster11nc Heyden, Flor• Rob· Christmas." IDlt. I '*' Cellf•Mce (C) I (J)G) ......, o..lfclit (C) ·--Owe• ... (C) Orel llMtb (C) CJ) SncllJ MetlnM: "Shotaun." Ima•• (C) rllna Hayden. no 1 MIM RandMro II) Clludlo ti Roto 10:00 1...w. Foetb111 <Cl m "" .. n ... <C> ~· USA (C) 2.:30 II ... ltf (C) Dr. Clifton Moore (J)l&J...,... ef U. Mate (C) hosts. The future of space explore· MeN: "Tlfpt z.e• (edvtn· tton Is discussed. turw) '55 -Rlch1rd Contt, Pea1e II Movie: "TM Baron of Arlione" Castle, Chuck Connon, Ch1r1n (wtstem) '50--Vincent Price, Ellen Bronson. Drew, Beulah Bondi. I C..littc n.../Ne...,Hd (C) D lkiwtt: "A Cllfiltllu Carol" Falll lw Ttdlf (C) (c'11slc-dram1) '39 -Realneld r ... HtH MNtfq Owen, Gene Lockhart, Terry Kiiburn. u llllUft Charles Dickens' classic story of a .,.... (C) crusty old skinflint, soured on the 10:30 tJI Nfl Feoa..11 (C) Wuh· world and his fellow man, who lncton edsldns vs. Dalles Cow· learns the true spirit of Christmas boys, live from the Cotton Bowl In from three ahostly visitors on Dalles. Texas. Christmas Eve. B On Campa (C) "Success Is No B MUllon $ Movie: ''The l.ltllt fillure." Story of Dr. William IUdnappen" (dr1m1) '54 -Duncan Glasser on his recent visit to L•· MacRae, Adrienne Corri, Vincent Verne Collqe. Winter, Jun Anderson, Theodore D Ci7J (}) U) Fentutk roar (C) Blkel. Two delightful Ofphened I r.Ttli for TodlJ (C) arandchildren find 1 baby and keep 00 TIM (taf111I U&ttt (C) it In the woods as their peL Ina slnaing units from metropollt.ln Seit .. Stnet (C) (R) Q) lift Andenon (C) Ntw York churches ind chor•I R • ..... " i roups. Soloists Include lpir Gorin 11:00 0 Mewlt: '1hta of A•aust" (doc-3:00 ,;r.:;, Movie. (C) "'ondtr Men (mu. soprano 01 Llkova and the let~ umentary) 'SS-Narrated by Fritz a.cal comedy) '45 -Danny Kaye, I J '" Ith th CBS Weaver Vlralnla Mayo. enor an ruepura. w ' • I Ho~.,.,.. Quiett (C) m Movie: (C) ''Couraptltl Mr. f!iinf Orchestra under A.frtdo An· @(})ff) lufwlnkle (~ Ptnn" (drama) '42-Clifford Evans, a OTHmE·. CTI1eTawHE1stDtp1MRAr1L O(CF) (dra:~s1~ob:~nc1Ml~hum~!~ ;ou~~~"(C) A Russell, Vincent Price. 3:30 D Movie: ''Cumin Call et Cactus * TOMORROW-IN COLOR! m Church In ttie Home (C) Crffll" (comedy-western) '50--Don· with Rex Humbard, 9 (j) F1nt B1ptlst Churdl aid O'Connor, Walter Brennan. Maude Aimee & Musi· 11:30 fJ (ii)(])&) Dbcoverf (C) "The EE MiatlroltB' "•ifllbofhood <C) cal Staff' Hidden World of the Forest" 4:00 O ! "lcilC I To Win tile Roaet (C) · G Movlt: "Strenter in Town" Preview of upcoming Rose Bowl ~e~ra.!i_~°"*'"(C) (C) (mystery) '56 -Alex Nicol, Collin garne between USC and Michigan. w:.,.';.7(c)' Tepley, Anne P1i1e. 111 Sflc1lL I LA. Jaycees Pr1yer .,.... -........ u...M (C) Bre1~at (C) Tape delay. -~F=., ,_r '111 ~1 Lo;:_L~ Ones Cod la tllt Antiwlr (C) ~ 6} Stftf 1lb) H1ndel's "Mn- 1:30 la the Lift (C) 12:00 D llowle: "Olll1lto•• Womn" aiah rad onal performance by Cll.Wn1 Hlatl (C) (western) '56 -Richard Dennlna. Bakersfield Masterworks Chorale. • llowlt: (C) "TIM Mu lelllncl Pep Castle, Cathy Downs. 1· Wlllt's ""7 (R) lun" (weattfn·drema) '52-. I lnt9111pit hrfft (C) (j) Fiffll Feature Randolph Scott, Patrlct Wymorf; ~---of ~ (C) • Creenm Philip Carey. · Youtll Sinp Nott (C) • Sciorts SpectKular (C) I l(ttllryn Kuhlman ~C) en Su C111 . Col'ep Football '69 (C) CI.> Revtvel Flrw ( ) · lnai(llt 4:30 CJ Ctote Up (C) California's wine lie S1oht (C) 12!30 I 8tM AWJ Industry and its principal foe-t:OO ~"';-.,,.tt!~n (C) Speik GAi R°'*11 Presents (C) creeplnr suburbia-are examined. _, 1 1 • (]) Tiiis Is the Llf• (C) I Sllppy (C) tr Is Dr. Me.vln WhHI ey, West· ([) NR. Footb•ll (C) Baltimore Samson (C) wood United Methodist Church, Los et LA (j) Seven Arts Tllt1trt: "Mir· An1el1s. a> Plttmt 1'w LMnr acle of the Bells." B DIJ of DlawtlJ (C) I c1111pus ~It· "Sptce Scien 1:00 B 9 (]) m AFl Football (C) Voice of ttle Hour Profect " Host Ar~ Pike inter· DIYislonal playoff aame on the : Adventure: "Sledge Survey." views 0fay HarbilOn of Newport-home field of the Western Division (j) ~ace ttle Nation (C) Mesa Unified School District. tuch· champion. either _the O~kland Raid· fl) Mus1e1 y P1l1b11s er Monte Fones, and John Johnson ers or Kansas. City Chiefs. a1ainst Er;) The Rlflem1n of Corona Del Mar concemina the the runne~u~ m the East ,. 5:00 IJ ~Ke HM Nation (C) Mayor John space science learning project. 8 Movlt; Et&lt and tht Hm V. Lmdsay of New York City guests. Qoaptl Music (C) (drama) 33-Fredric March, Cary 8 Spe1k Up (C) Bill Leyden. ~ FHturt Grant. Carole Lombard. Movie: (C) "The Story of Ruth" Kathryn Kuhl111111 (C) D (i1J (Via) Dl~ns (C) ,;'The (reli1ious drama) '60-Stuart Whit· THI encl Jttry (C) Maalcal Mystery M1racle Box, man. Tom Tryon. Peggy Wood, • N11t¥1 Cltl I sawtoctl HtllMS Viveca Lind for&, JeH Morrow. • 11111 Is tllt Lift (C) The Ii& Attack Trained in the Moab rites of wor· • Acrlcultur. Report Revtval Fir• (C) shipping the stone god, Ruth be- 9:30 I Today's Rtll&ion (C) 1 :30 m I IHciA I This Way .. Ult comes 8 prieste»-but a goldsmith • . m TIM Ettm1I l llfrt (C) Con· hM 8owf (C) A 2Vz·hour recap of and his family do much to shake cludin& half of "The Remnant," the USC Trojan's 1969 "March for her beliefs. film ISSIY recollectlna Jewish life the Roses." Tom Kelly hosts when I Marvel Superhtrota (C) end presence In Europe, dr11matlz· John McKay's tHm lake their suc· Men From UNCLE (C) Ina European Jewery's financial, cessful season-Iona bid for en un· P1tty Duke cultural and metaphysical contrlbu· precedented fourth stral1ht New How To Merry 1 Milllon1lre tlons to European civilization. Yeer's Day visit to the Rose Bowl. : "ET Chlktrtn's Sptctal (C) 11 Movie: (C) ''lalllM1 hwp" Q) Volcie of C.IVlfJ (C) "Snow White and Rose Red." ,. ... a (j) Su... SMw: "Northem Pu~uit." ti :,: eo... 111e stars (C) ~ bn for '"' Uft (C) 5:30 8 N .... 1ltr1 (C) Mayor S.muel W. Yorty 1uestL IAll-A .. ric .. Colltst Sllow (C) Diel v .. .,,.. Ht..-..(C) SUnstt Trails 00 TIM World TolMnow (C) frtttdl a..t: Juli• Child. fVIN I Nf, 6:00 I KNIT " ... (C) (30) · @ @ mMeet U.. Pr• (C) Guest is Fraiif Shakespeare, director of the U.S. Information Aaeney. 8 Polu P1....t. (C) (60) llJlc!MiSlnr Alon1 Wltll Mttdt Chriltam Shew (C) (60) I Delrblri (C) (60) Animals, Action end Adwtnt.n ) (30) "Ghost Ship of Quinlan• Roo." Ghostly ealleons In the Ce· rlbbean are explored. El!) Speculation (60) (R) &) Min Fro• UNClE (C) (60) 6:30 IJ Ralph Story (C) (30) The win· dow washers of high-rise buildings In downtown LA. are examined. i,, lf!J m c. E. eo!1•1• '"' Run for Your life (C) (60) S•cebruall Tht1trt (60) 00 Sldppy (C) (60) 7:00 1J ~ 00 Lusie (C) (30) Benita Granville Wrather makes her direc· torlal debut with this Christmas story of a boy's conflict with his faith as he seeks a miracle at Mis· slon San Luis Rey. 0 @@ m Wild Klnpom (C) (30) ''The Day the Grizzly Disep· pears." A young griuly bear is ob· served just before winter sets in when he and a·1 the other grizzlies in the valley enter dens to be· gin-their hibernation-all on the same day. 11 Tht Biron (C) (60) 0 (i1J (I)ff) Lind of the Cl1nts (C) (60) "Home Sweet Home." Steve and Fitzhuah man11e a re· turn trip to Earth but find they are back In time lo the year 1900. 0 Jot N1m1th SIMw (C) (30) Tru· man Capote, Rocky Grazzlano auest. m Movlr. ''The Aclv•tureu" (Id· venture) '47-Deborah Kerr, Trtv0r Howard, Raymond Huntley. EE The Ac!Yocatu (C) (60) "Should We Stop Giving Christmas Presents To Restore Our Moral Perspectiver• Advocates: Joseph 'Oteri, Lisle Bak· er. @11 Co111icol J Canclones (30) 7:30 8 Qj (f) I lfi¢1AL I Dr. Seuss• How Ult Trindl Stole Chriltnlas (C) (30) A classic animated cartoon of how the wicked 1reen-hued Grinch, atop Mount Crumpit Just North of Whoville, plots to keep Christmas from coming to the Whos In the villa1e below. Narrated by the late Boris Kartott D CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! * Walt Disney's joyous storybook fantasy, "BABES IN TOYLAND" 0 @@ m Wilt Dlmtr (C) (60) 1:00 "Babes in Toyland.'' Part I of two parts. Annette Funicello. Ray Bolaer and Tommy Sands star in movie adaptation of the Victor Herbert-Glen McDonough operetta. B Million $ Movie: "Bir Jim Mc-Cirn" (drama) '52 -John Wayne, Nancy Olson, James Arness, Hans Conried. &> Passport to Travel "Africa South." fE Hone Opera (60) @m Los Caudillos (30) (C) (30) m I IPic!AL I Cllfllta.. WHll TIM irnc FlmllJ (C) {60) "White Christ. mas." The 45·membef Kln1 Family presents son1s. trims a tree and makes 1oodies and treats. &> Tht Sports Set (C) (30) EE Rawhide Roundup (60) EE Ho111nood (C) (60) (R) g) Do11lnios Httdll (30) 9:30 I Ntn (C) (30) Doua Dudley. News (C) (30) " Comentarioa 'I Cllebriclldes (C) (30) IJ Beatles, Streisand, 10:00 6 900 Mlaion: ll9p0Uible (C) (60) As a doctor with a startlina * Supremes, Tijuana Brass new treatment for amnesia, Jim ED SULLIVAN TONITE! Phelps fori;es Pans to relive an· fl 9 (j) fAI Sullivan (C) (60) other man's past. Anthony Zerbe 'The Swinalng, Soulful Sixties." and Julie Grea auest. The Beatles, Barbra streisand, Herb 0 Q3 00 m Tllt Bold Oen (C) Alpert and The Tijuana Brass, Pe· (60) "And Those Unborn." Durina tula Clark, Diana Ross and The tests of a woman patient, Or. Supremes. and Robert Gou:et guest Hunter detects symptoms in her in this special took at the dramatic, husband's actions indicalinc he is comedy and musical highliahts of afflicted with an incurable htfedl· the 1960's, selected from more tary disease. Stephen McNally than 500 Sullivan shOW$. Diana guests. Ross and The Supremes make their 1J m News (C) (30) farewell appearance as a aln1ing O Ut Mt Talk To ••• (C) {60) trio. After this show, she becomes a Guest is LA County Assessor Philip solo performer. Watson. U ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) &>Labor rt.port (C) (30) * T·BIRDS vs. NEW YORK EE Manion Fon1111 IJ Roll• Games (C) (2 hr) LA fil) Paul PlflJ Maa (60) A per· T-Birds vs. New York Bombers. formance commemor1tin1 the SOOth anniversary of the death of Joan 0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY of Arc. * presents THE FBI 0) Gran Tutro (60) O @Cl)Q) The FBI (C) (60) 10:30 1J Tiie Wlfld Ttll!On'OW (C) (30) "The Doll Courier." Erskine poses "Researchin1 the Silent World." as an antlqu~ doll collector to Un· m Square World Of Ed BuUtr (C) cover an espionage case. (30) "The Drug Revolutlon." &> Cesa,.s World (C) (30) "Austra· lia: The Last Frontier," m KATHRYN KUHLMAN EE The forsyte Sap (60) "Birth of a Forsyte." Waiting tor the di· * AND GUESTS IN COLOR vorce, Irene and Jo receive tra1ic &> Kattuyn Kuhlman (C) (30) news from the war zone. Irene aives birth to a b~ and Soames 11:00 I 0. News (C) remarries. C.thdral of TollOf'row (C) g) C.rrousel Mtlkano (60) @@m Ntws (C) • TIM Movie G•• (C) Guests are 1:30 0 til 00 m Biii CosbJ Show Jeanne Crain Jack Carter Stephen (~ (30) "A Christmas Ballad." A Boyd and Su~n Strasbere. ch1ld·hat!n& Santa Cla_us t~ms the m Movie: "'Tht Otfltr Love" (dra- Commumty Center children s party ma-romance} '47-DaYid Niven Bar-into a shamb'es lo Chet's dismay. bara stanwyck. ' Rex lnaram guests. I Colt 45 m Prebt (C) (30) (6) a [() Ntws (C) EE World Tomorrow (30) : m1c1AC'f Christ.11111 Proara• 9:00 (C) "Houle Consort: Renaiwnce 1J GLEN CAMPBELL moves and Baroque Christmas Music." * to a new day and hour. 11:15 0 ~:. <C> "Sly Owe tor Me'' G t ANDY GRIFFITH (muS1cal) 5S-Blna Crosby. Debbie ues S ' Reynolds, Robert Wainer. CHER, & PAUL l YN DE. ll:30 IJ M0¥1t: "A C-isbllas c..i• IJ ~ (j) Glen Ca111pbtll (C) (60) (classic) '51-Alastair Sim. Charles Glen's wife and children join Andy Dickens' story about a crochety old Griffith, Cher and Paul Lynde In a man 11nd his experiences with three ~ial Christmas edition. 1hosts on Christmas Eve. 0 Qj 00 m Bonanza (C) (60) I lollman l Bartley (C) "Abner Willouahby's Return." After • Wlllil111 F. luck!., (C) years at sea, a merchant seaman ClltHla Sund•J (C) ''The All· (John Astin) returns to recover a tator." William Hartnell. burllld treasure only to find that a Q)@ lnslgtit (C) town hos sprung up on the alte of , • his cache. Emmaline Henry 1uests, 12:00 II F11tul'9 Film (C) 'The EJu11ve O @(i)G) QC SundlJ MO¥ie: Enemy." Story of successful trut- (-e) "htl of tM Titans• (adven· ment of tuberculosis patients. lure) ·~ -St~v.e Reeves, Gordon 12:30 0 Speaklna frMfJ (C) Guest Is Scott, Virna Lisi, Ornelle Vanoni, Sen. Eueene McCarthy (D.-Minn.) Jacques Sernas.. le1endary stcry of Romulus and Remus who become 1:00 I) Movie: "Hip Fllpt'" (drama) the founders of Rome. ·~ay Milland, Anthony Newley. G\\t.~~~G ol'-i; 1'1'-•~\ cos-r~ ,ao._ ,,. Brakes relined on ANY car! FREE LOAN CARS AVAILABLE FREE SAFETY FLARE JUST DRIVE IN NO MATIER WHAT YOU'RE DRIVING, OR WHERE IT CAME FROM, NEW BRAKE LININGS AND LINING INSTALLATIONS COST YOU HAIFAT THE BIG BRAKE. WE USE ONLY BENDIX LININGS, THE BEST YOU CAN BUY! BETIER THAN FACTORY STANDARDS FOR NEW CARS. GIVE US 90 MINUTES, AND WE'LL PRECISION GRIND THE LININGS TO THE DRUMS. REPACK THE WHEEL BEARINGS, REFILL WITH BRAKE FLUID, AND ADJUST BRAKES ON All FOUR WHEELS! WE GUARANTEE OUR BRAKES IN WRITING FOR 30.000 MILES OR 3 YEARS. ANO WE ADJUST YOUR BRAKES FREE FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR CAR. CHARGE IT ON BANKAMERICARD, MASTER CHARGE. OR MOST Oil CO MPANY CREDIT CARDS. OR USE OUR OWN FINANCING. 3 BIG LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU COSTA MESA 3181 Harbor Blvd. 549·2259 HUNTINGTON BEACH 16091 Beach Blvd. 842·5548 GARDEN GROVE 13388 Brookhurst 638·0911 Open 7 days a week! Hours: Mon.·Fri.: 8 A.M.-9 P.M. Sat.: 8 A.M.·5 P.M.; Sun.: 10 A.M.·5 P.M. A Subsidiary of 1n1e~y1t11•"· Inc. O Trading Oft tho Amerlc•n Stoel! Exchan•• WANTED IOYS & GIRLS AGES 3 TO 19 to Audition on Closed Circuit Tele-vltlon and Qu.alfy for HOLLYWOOD TALDIT POOL 1UMDON cauz Brandon Cnn joined th4' talent pool, and five months later signecl a five year contr.ct with M-G-M. Now he can be seen each week .t 8:00 Wednesday ev• nin91 on ''Courtship of Eddie's Father.'' CAN YOUR CHILD QUALIFY? PORP'lft <AMlltA AUDITION CALL (714) 547-6251 Talent S.arc:ft Being Conducted by TAKE 1 PRODUCTIONS HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Pa1• 10 MONDAY DECEMBER 22 For mornin1 and afternoon listings, please ue DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. I DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D "Ow Vl9t9 ""9 T_.,.,...... (drama) '46-Edward G. Roblnton. t:JO n ....... v ... • (dram1) '32-Me1'11ne Dietrich, Cary Gr1nt m (C) ...,,_. .. (1dventure-dr•m1) ·~ymond Mam,. S.bu. 10:001J "~ Wla Dlrtr f .. • (dfl· N) '38-Jamu Capey, Pit O'Brien. 2:008 ....... Acr•H .. Ta•I•" (comedJ-dt1ma) '35--(trole Lom· blnl, Frid M•cMurray. l:JO m .. , ... ., leece" (adventurt- drima) '58-Stephen McN•lly. 2:JOD "Y• ... , Te Mt" (comedy) •:(I -Barbara stanwyct, Edaer Buchlnen, Henry Fond•. 4:30 8 (C} "'Be Milk f..tlla" (animated f1nl1sy) '64--ffans Con· rled, Btlddy Baar. Narrated by Sir • Cedric Herdwicke. 1vrN1Nr. 5:00 B REDDIN IS ARRESTING! * NEWS WITH CONVICTION m 5 PM PUTMAN NEWS and * COMMENTARY ON KTTV MONDAY THRU FRIDAY I I 6:00. ?.!f Ntwt (C} (60) 1-rry Dunphy. a !t~l=Kt'u~> (30) * EVERYONE! TUNE IN! U 5tlwe Allen ao. (C) (90) Guests ere Linde Ronstadt, Paul Winchell, Scoey Mltchlll, Toby Lurie and Maxine GJeene. D Sii O'C*ll lllM: (C) '1't fiTI l" (western) '57 -Randolph Scott. Richard Boone, Maureen O'Sullivan, Arthur Hunnicutt. D Dick Van Drt1t (30) m HEY KIDS 6 PM TIME * FOR THE FLINTSTONES WEEKNIGHTS ON KTTV Tiit f'lhltltlrltS (C) (30) stir Tr9l (C) (60) TliE DAILY PILOT, TV WED<, DECEMBER 20, 1969 11 ltft Lay (30) Otnver. A playful colleae crowd, INt Ille Clecl (C) (30) more intent on studyinf the surf Co•.....,/Mlllll1I fund (30) than their boolu, become Involved (j) .._.., ,.._ (C) (2 hr) with a local nllhtclub. (R) "Clptlln NewnYn, M.D." Gre1ory !Q Hert eo.. ... stars (C) (60) Pea. Tony Curtis. Milton Ber1e Is the object of I Allen! (30) bouquets and barbs thrown by (() Trtdll .,. C.u.q111nces (C) auests Jan Murray, Pat Henry, Bud· Ciur'a Wor1cl (C) (30) dy Lester, Ann Jeffreys, Delle Reese Tlllt llrl (C) (30) end John G!!l. 7:30 18 Cl), .. .._. (C) (60) "The U @OOIW The Survivorl (C) sten." A contemptible brute of 1 (GO) Duncan tells Tracy he sus- man (Jacll Elam) pretenda to have pects Philip murdered Baylor; Sen· • ch'"#,,t of heart. 1tor Jennlnp presses his case a 11 <!IL ....... flf Qrllt•at 1111ln1t the bank; Jonathan has I (30) Glendale Symphony Orchestra. confrontation with his lonf·time D Sbl•p tile Sbn (C) (30) blackmeller. Guata ere Ann B. D1vla, Jonathan fJl) NET Journal (C) (60) "Gan- Da'y oftd Will Hutdllns. dhi's India." Alec Guinness narrates D (17) CI> m die I T II • I pro11r1m commemoratin1 the Ytn1 Se.a •f ~ (C) (45) lOOth anniversary of the birth of Featured are Rosey Grilf, Jackie the late Mahatma Gandhi. Joltph, Suzanne and Geoff Edwards. &!) Las Estrella y Ust9d (30) The Colle1i1te Neophonlc Orchestra 9:30 11 9 Ci) Deril D1y (C) (30) of Southern Clllfomla, playlnf un-Doris inVTfes her office friends to dtr music director Jack Wheaton, the ranch for 1 family Christmas. fUtSf conductor Stan Kenton, Opera but they hive more flamorous plan.s. star Mari• Martino ind her son I N... (C) (30) Baxter Ward. Rossano. The little Anaels. and Tt!e Ht S.Jd, Slit Said (C) (30) Youn1 Saints Chorale. HorM Opera (60) 0 Miiiion $ Mn: (C) ''Tiit Rains Revista Musical (30) Mlt1adllpur" (drama) '55 -. Lana 10:00 II ~ (jJ C1ret Burnett (C) (60) Tumer, Richard Burton, Michael Sln11er Steve Lawrence and b1'let Rennie, Fred M1cMurr1y, Join Caul-star Edward Villella iuest field, Euaenle Leon-Tcwich. The rich · ind corrupt wife of an English 0 REDDIN , FISHMAN & nobleman fells In love with 1 bril· * COLEMAN FOR NEWS!! lient doctor while In Ranchlpur. O N ... (C) (60) Tom Reddin. m BOB BARKER & T or C fJ @@a> Love, l•erlcea * 7·30 WEEKNIGHTS KTTV Style (C) ~.60> _"Love and the Posi· • tlve Man. with Ann Rutherford, I Trlltlt Of CenMctuenca (C) l30) Hamilton Camp, Marianne McAn· Jlldd for ... Dtf•nM (C) (60) drew and Iris Rainer; "Love and Ttdlnk1I Comtf (30) . the Other Love," with David Hedi· fmdt Chef (30) Julia Ctuld. son and Mary Ann Mobley· "l.Dve I Cl111eho tf RotD (30) and the Bachelor." Ann Sothem, My World and WelcolM te It Brandon De Wilde Brenda Benet ( ) (30) "War Between Men and r.a Defe! (C) (60), · Women." ..,, 1.-00 D fE LeuP.ln (C) (60) Tiny Tim m Putnam-Miller-Kelly iunts in 1 salute to the past. * Barrett NEWS AT 10 wearln11 the 11.arb and sin11in11 the WEEKNIGHTS ON KTTV sonas of several decades. (R) 1 N (C) (60) G P· .. 0 Jack ... "' (30) ... eorge u.n1m. m 1 IHclA I Qristau 1n t11t ""' M~n (60) .. . Wlalta ...... (C) (30) : flrin1 LUI! (C) (60) Ne11oti1t- I SIDcl Mmi.t/Future (30) lnr for Peace. Eu11ene Rostow, for· World rrea (C) (60) mer Undersecretary of State, and Hit Perade (C) (60) J. Robert M?'kin, .Forei11n Editor ot 1:15 fJ @ (l)'EE) The New Peeple (C) ~~o~ ~::::~~· d11euss wlthdr1w1I (45) "The Guns of Bomano." Gerry • Carctl de Mujefes (30) Davis and Bricker collect ind pro-10:30 • Cristina Quzm1n (30) pose locklng up all firearms except 11:00 a D m News (C) the one to be issued to an elected 1M Wutemen peace officer. Aron Kincaid end Sol· • The Movie Qeme (C) omon Sturaes guest. outer Umlta (]) Miu Douatas (C) (90) Cl) CIS Nws (C) (30) ,... Qit.111 (30) ... \f> (60) Jeck Whitt. •: 1~~T1M'Ero ru60> * BROKEN UP BY STEVE! I 1:30 II a ()) Here's Lucy (C) (30) II 00 IB (j) News (C) Lucy fears that she'~ due to be • • . News (C) replaced when Harry hires another 11:30 a Mm Qrtffln (C) secretary to assist her. Wanda Clark • 6 m Johnny Carson (C) guests. Kup's Show (C) Guests are a n.. ;,... a... <C> c3o> ID REW TIME FOR LAFFS * MY FAVORITE MARTIAN 6:30 WEEKNIGHTS KTTV MJ fnont. Mlftlea (30) Office 9f Ille Prttldent (30) C6l Huntler·BrinkltJ (C) (30) • Twin tn1e Heed'.lne (C) (30) (I) Tiie M1uters (30) l1ttidtro 34 (C) (60) • KMllt News (C) (lO) 7:00 CIS Eftlllfnl Ntwl (C) (30) • WUt'1 M1 Untf (C) (30) m EVERYONE LOVES LUCY *WEEKNIGHTS 7 PM KTTV 1J lnalns In Action (C) (30) Al ce Brook, Grace Halsell, Vic m THE TV WORLD'S MOST Damone and Anthony Newley. * TALKED ABOUT TALKER ft..~WIEB Th Joe1 llahop DAVID FROST 8:30 PM 0 Movie: "stranaer On 1 Train" I David frost Show (C) (90) (mystery-drama) '51-farley Gran11· Tiit Bi& V1lley (C) (60) er. Robert Walker, Ruth Roman. s.retirusti Theatre (60) ID Movie: "Miranda" (comedy · .,00 I) Cij 00 M1yberry R f.D (C) romance) '48-Glynis Johns. Mar· (30) Sam meets an Army b~ddy In 11aret R~the.~ord, Googie Withers. Palm Springs.. 12:00 m Movte! &SJ Money" (comedy) B 9 (i) m ABC Mond1y Movie: '49!-Greta Gynt, Dennis Price. (C) "Foi t1IOM Who Think Youn(' 1:00 II Movie: (C) "Sll&fltly Scarlet" (musical comedy) '64-James Oar-1 (mystery) '56-John Payne. ren. Pamela Tiffin, Tina Louise, 0 fJ News (C) Paul Lynde, Nancy Sinatra, Bob m Action Thutre 169 wd, urf ••d iO) of by Id· !Se 1n- es he of 0) to IS, IS. 0) et ID d· d, n· Id II· 1e n, t. l . I· (· d ., ti e c • TUESDAY DECEMBER 23 For morning and afternoon listings, pleue see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D "Siity 111d Salat ARM" (com· tdy) '52 -Ann Blyth, Edmund Gwenn, John Mcintire. 9:30 IJ ''S.QI-'" (comedy) '41-Clau· dette Colbert, Ray Miiiand. m "'Snia Din" (drama) '39 - Cary Grant, Douelas Fairbanks Jr., Vidor Mclaelen. 10:00 0 (C) "Tiie lrnt One,. (drama) '56-Michel Ray, Rodolfo Horos. 12:00 11 .. Artbb 11M1 Models Abl'OICf" (muslc1I) '38 -Jack Benny, Joan Bennett. 1:30 m ,.._, W.te,.. (mystery) '41 -Oana Andrews, Anne Buter. 2:30 fJ "AJtuHtr'I lastf• land" (musical) 'JS-Tyrone Power, Alice Faye, Don Ameche, Ethel Menn1n. 4:00 II "lfa a WO!Mllfful Uft" (dr•· ma) '47 -James Stew1rt, Donna Reed, Gloria Grahame, Wud Bond. IVfNINL 5:00 B TOM REDDIN & TELE-* COPTER COVERAGE, Toot 1:00 I ~ Ntwl (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m HuntleJ-1'6nlll., (C) (30) 0 LET STEVE STOMP INTO * YOUR HOUSE TONIGHT!! 11 stwe Alita SM (C) (90) Guests ue Diana Trask, Pat Henry Georp Jessel, Ben 01kl1nd. 1J Sil O'Clocl MIWil: (C) "11111 Of ll11p" Part I (blbtlcal dram1) '62 -Jeffrey Hunter, Siobhan Mc- Kenna, Hurd Hatfie:d, Rita G1m, Robert Ry1n. The story of the birth, life 1nd duth of Christ set a11inst the p111n splendor of Rome. • Dkll Ven °"' (30) Tiie Fltntstonn (C) (30) Star Trell (C) (60) (]) ..... 0..11&1 (C) (90) : What's Nd? (30) Ci) CIS News {C) (30) ''"°" Qit.aAa (30) , • 'NIWS (C) (60) Jack White. 6:30 0 INIC NIWllfVica (C) (60) B MORE STEVE ALLEN! * HURRY OVER TO 5! I TIM Ga•• Ga• (C) (30) MJ fevoritl M1rtlan (30) Offlca of the f'rnidlltt (30) (i) Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) NfT Qlldrt11's Special (C) (60) "The Snow Malden." Tht Salzbur1 M1rionett1 Theatre performs the atory of an evil kine who plob to put out the sun. I (f) The M11ntt111 (30) Notidtrt 34 (C) (60) Ulll ..... (C) (30) • Wllat'1 MJ U111? (C) (30) I Ltwe I.Mey (30) 7:001 CIS £'9tlilt& Nen (C) (30) ... t .... Clod! (C) (30) C:.MllOd~/Mutllt Fund (30) Ci) 1 fPLw 1 Seep •d Sollllds New, Exclusive Classroom, Home Study Courses! Career Academy graduates enjoy good·paying, rewarding positions (full and part-time} in these prestige fields. You ca n train to become a Medical Assistant or Dental Assistant. Unique, nationally·recognized courses are supervised by physicians and dentists in a beauti1ut. modern laboratory school ... located right here in L.A. Netlonwide PIK11ment A9imnc:e At No Eictr1 Colt Acuedhed Membef- N1tlon•f Amoc:i•tlon Of Trede and Technical Schoot-. •• 8nd the Netlonel Home Study Council I ~CAREER ACADEMY I CL.J 7080 Hollywood Blvd, 01111. AM249 T Lot Angeln . C11lfo,nl1 90028 I Plea• tend m)' free book ,"Spotllcht On Yoll'. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ! rtss 1 ~~~~~~--..r.1:"n=-~ G•nuine oak veneer and oak solids 295 Sq. In. Coler Picture Tube Automatic Fine Tuning (~FT) Tambour Doors 50" long 29" High MODEL 54 M394 REGULAR RETAIL PRICE $699.95 OUR SPECIAL QUANTln PURCHASE PRICE 5 5999~. i9 CURTIS 1 c m MATHES Only CURTIS MATHES can bring you this genuine Oak Spanish Mediterranean Color TV for less than $40000 • Automatic Oepvning • Full 1in console • Instant automatic, "° annoying warm-vp cMlay e Lighted Dial • 8 yra. adfu1tment warranty on pie· ture tube $12 additional • Also avallaltle In Danish Modern. 8921 ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH <Next to Albertson's) 962-3384 Pa1e 1l WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D "The Soni •f Bemldettt" Part I (drama) '44 -Jennifer Jones, Charles Bickford, William Eythe. 9:30 0 "Sinner's Holld1y' (drama) '47 -Randolph Scott. Joan Blondell. George Raft. m ''Tllt Holly and the Ivy" (dra· m1) '53-Ralph Richardson. Cella Johnson. Margaret Leighton. 10:00 B (C) "Coney laland" (musical) '43 -Betty Grable, Cesar Romero, George Montgomery. 12:00 e "Devil and ttlt Deep" (drama) '32 -Gary Cooper, Tallulah Bank· head, Cary Grant. Charles Laughton. 1:30 m (C) ''Tllt ult Musbt ..... (western) '51 -Rex Allen, Mary Ellen Kaye. 2:30 B ''Miracle on 34tlt Street" (dra· ma) '47 -Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Edmund Gwenn. Natalie Wood. 4:30 II "Mr. Soft Touch" (comedy) '48 -Glenn Ford, Evelyn Keyes, John Ireland. f VFNING 6:00 I Blc News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m Hunttey·lrlnldey (C) (30) StM Allen Show (C) (90) Guests are Gypsy Boots, Craill Hundley Trio, Norm Crosby and Sandy Baron. D Si• O'Clodt Movie: (C) "Kine of IUnp" Conclusion (drama) '62 -Jeffrey Hunter. Siobhan McKenna. Hurd Hatfield, Rita Gam, Harry Guardino, Rip Torn. Robert Ryan. The story of the birth, life and death of Christ set age1inst pagan splendor of Rome. B Did Ven Dyle (30) I The Flintstones (C) (30) Star Trlfl (C) (60) @ Ml•• Dougtas (C) (90) fll) I shCIM I Cllrlstmaa Con~ from th• M111k Center: A live tele· cast of twelve hours of musical celebration. Q!} (j) CBS Ntn (C) (30) '1) Pasion Gltana (30) IG} NtWI (C) (60) Jack White. * MERRY CHRISTMAS from EVERYONE AT CH. 51 6:30 CJ llNIC NtWNfYict (C) (60) G Tltt Qame G1111e (C) (JO) m My F1vorltt Martian (30) fl) Office of the flmldent (30) @ 00 HuntltJ-l rln•l•J (C) (30) Qt) (j) Tilt M1tnsten (30) Pase 14 I Noticltro 34 (C) (60) ~IR News (C) (30) I sRcilL I Tiit Malle of CM$!· MIS (C) (60) 7:00 C8S Eveninf Ntw1 (C) (30) Wluifa My Unt? (C) (30) I love Lucy (30) lat ttle Clodl (C) (30) Commodity I Mublal fund (30) (j) I shclll 1 M1hali1 Jackson ( (30) Miss Jackson sings the story of Christmas.. Ci?) (j) Trlltfl or ConaequtnCQ (C) m W111derlust (C) (30) 7:30 II Q?) (j) Hee Haw (C) (60) Country music and comedy series with Buck Owens and Roy Clark. 0 a;, The Yir&inl1n (C) (90) "Crime Wave in Buffalo Springs." Yvonne DeCarlo and The Irish Rov· ers guest in this comedy as Tram· pas and David are accused of a crime tlley didn't commit. (R) 0 Stump Ule Stars (C) (30) D @ Ci) m Thi Ayinf Nun (C) (30) "Wailing in a Winter Wonder- land." Sister Bertrille uses science to give Sister Olaf a white Christ· mas In tropical San Juan. B Miiiion $ Movit: "Miracle on 34th streef' (drama) '47-Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Natalie Wood, Edmund Gwenn. m Tnrth or ConaeqUtflCU (C) (30) Cl) I s!lc1lL I Christmas Greetinp froin the City of Los An..ia (C) (60) The seventh annual Cliristmas greeting to the c.itizens of Los An· geles from Mayor Sam Yorty. The Westchester Concert Chorus per· forms popular Christmas music. fl) Technical Comer (30) @ 00 Oral Roberts Christmas Spe· cl1I (C) (60) '1) Clludlo ti Roto (30) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WED<, DECEMBER 20, 19'9 9:00 II fit (j) Med~ Center (C) (60) Barbara Rush guests as a world· famous author's wife who learns that her first pregnancy may be endangered by her own heart con· dition. (R) 0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL * Wayne Newton, The Cowsills, Jack Wild 0 ID 00 m Kratt Music Hall (C) (60) Wayne Newton Is host to The Cowsills, Julie Budd, Jack Wild, and the Singing Angels choir. e i ll•lcll( I Sonp I nd Sounds of Christmas (C) (30) The famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir is fea· m Jturaey to ~ @@9(1}Ntw1 (C) fll) NET Journal (C) "Ghandl's In· di1." (R) 11:15 II 9 (j) ll!ICIA r SpKt C.. Uta (C) Music special set to official NASA film of man's first fli1ht around the moon. Program featum a James Dickey poem, "For the First Manned Moon Orbit," set to music by Lynn Shurtleff and aunr by the 110-wlce Santa Clara Cho- rale under the direction of Otvid Wilson, accompanied by 1 23·pltct chamber orchestra. lured with Alexander Schreiner at 11:30 II 9 Ci) I "icliL I let die Da- the organ. trt Be Joyful ( ) (R) The Tucaon D (jJ) (]) m ABC Wednesday Boys Chorus are seen performlnr In Movie: ''The Leeend of Silent and around the classic 17th-Century Nipr• is a dramatization of the Spanish mission San Xavier Del Bae. celebrated Christmas carol and fea· Broadway star Alfred Drake ner· tures Kirk Douglas as host and nar· rates.. rator. Based on an original story 0 ID @ m I IJlclM I Tiit H..t by Paul Gallico. the "legend of of Christmas (C) Skltch Hendel'10n Silent Night" was adapted for tele-conducts this spedal proeram of vision by Christopher Isherwood holiday music. The Robert Shaw and Harry Rasky. James Mason por· Chorale. and solo harpist Robert trays composer Franz Gober who Maxwell are featured. (R) wrote the caro1. o @ rn m Thi 1oey 11s11op fl) I SJlclll 1 Unto Us I Child Is Sllow (C) Regis Philbin hosts. Sorn t30) Christmas show. . .. fll) I l'ml t I Auc!llbon <Cl (60) B llov11:, Miracle on 34tll 1!1Mt" The orinthological findings of Amer· (drama) 47 -Maureen 0 H1r1, lea's great naturalist-artist John J. John Payne, Edmund Gwenn, Nat•· Audubon are presented with original lie W~d. drawings from his consummate m Action Tlleltre (90) "The Alli· work. "The Birds of America." mals." Cameras venture Into ftr '1) Sylvia y Enrique (60) off European countries to capture the continuing battle for survlv1I In the animal klngdam. 9:30 IJ I "fC!lL I Christmas Our Way (C) (30) Skitch Henderson is host of this hall·hour tha~ features per· 12:00 8 a Ci) t "tc!AL I L'Enf1ttC11 o. formers from the. Alr Force, plus Christ: Hector Berlioz' oratorio·trll· special guest Marilyn Maye. ogy is rebroadcast for the fourth 8:00 0 Jack Benny (30) Danny Thomas B News (C) (30) Baitter Ward. time. Singing leading roles are guests. ID He Said, Siie Said (C) (30) basso Georgio Tozzi as Herod tenor D up 00 m The ~~rtshlp of 10:00 II ~ (j) H1wall Fivt.O (C) (60) Charles Anthony as the n~rrator, • Eddies Fttller (C) (30) Who Pulled A tip from a stool pigeon (Jackie soprano Helen Vanni as the Vlraln the Blues Righ_t Out ~f the Horn?" Coogan) dupes McGarrett into Mary, baritone Sherrill Miines as To~ Corbett . 1s worne~ ~hat . the guarding 8 ~ank while, across the Joseph and. basso Ara Berberian 11 ar~1vhal ,of h1sE l~t.e wifes sister street. a cunency exchange office the fshmaelite father. m1g t disturb _dd1e s emotions, and Is being robbed of $40 000 -.. lii1ll "i' n:-1 Cll I t· his own. Francine York guests. • · ..., ~ l..!!J ~ -'"51M t . t • I To Tell Ult Truth (C) (30) 0 @@ m Then Came Bronson mu Evt Maas (C) live from fMw Stodi Mtr .. t/Featurt (30) (C} .~60) "Against • a Blank Cold Yor11 City's St. Patrick's Cathedral. lmpactos Muslules (30) Wall. Rob~rt loggia ~uests as a 1J i blC.lt I CllrlltJMs llidltlOt "'!odern _Indian ~ho believes he and Mass (C) live colorcast from St * WISHING YOU A MERRY h~s family can .hvr ?ff the land as Basil's Church in downtown Los CHRISTMAS FROM CH 5, his ancestors did. hlar Seurat also Angeles, with His Eminence, Jam• • • guests. Francis Cardinal Mc lntyre, 1n:h· 1:30 11 9 (j) The Beverly Hillbillies 1J m News (C) (60) bishop of Los Angeles presiding. (C) (30) Mrs. Drysdale makes her B Dtll1! (C) (60) George Kirby, m Movie: "Top Har' (musical) '35 husband turn over his bank office The Trieniers. and Jerry Shane -Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogeri. Ed· to her nephew lance (Soupy Sales) guest. ward Everett Horton. and move into the washroom. m I sh6AL I The RefOfmltion (C) 9 Rams Hifhlichts (C) (30) (60) D @ @ m Room 222 (C) (30) m Speculltion (C) (60) "Black "El Genio." Alice Johnson crusades Pride." Janet Maclachlin, Lou Smith to interest Robert Salazar. bright and actor James Earl Jones guest. but a poor achiever. in a college education. Tom Nardini guests. m Carce! de Mujefes (30) m D1Vid Frost Sllow (C) (90) * HAVE A VERY MERRY ID !s'ECIAL I Oral Roberts Christ· CH. 5 CH RI ST MAS!! mts Show (C) (60) Christmas • carols with the Oral Roberts family, 10:30 ill C111tlna Guzman (30) plus special guests Anita Bryant 11:00 II 0 m m m News (C) and Senator Mark Hatfleld. 1J I bil1l( I The Rose Bowl - 1:00 fJ Movie: (C) ''Tiit ltmOll Dt9p Kid" (comedy) '51 -Bob HOPI, Lloyd Nolan, Marilyn Maxwell. 0 Commun~ lullttln Botrd (C) D News (C) ID Action T1111tre: "Girl From Man· hattan." Dorolhy Lamour. * CH. 5 REMINDS YOU TO GET TO BED! SANTA'S ON HIS WAY! fl) i lrlC.Af I The Word Was Yes &r1ndd1ddy of Them All (C) This (30) A Christmas show. one-hour special examines the his· 1:20 U Ntwi (C) Qj 00 I "iCIAL I Wt Wish You 1 tory of the Pasadena Rose Bowl 2:00 m All·Nlcht s .. ~.. ''The Jac&..u.t," Met"' Christm11 (C) (30) A musical and Tournament of Roses Parade. ,_ ...,., ., "lavender Hill Mob," "Cop,..1 si....'' festival. D @ rn m News (C) ... .., m Sonrisas (30) B Movie G1me (C) Sonny Fox. 2:30 B Ntn (C) 1969 In· .. cl.11 ·aht 1m the to Jill ho· 1vid tee -son In ury .ac. ·ar- .t ion of .. ert It" ra, la· ni· far ire 111 .,. ii· 1h ire iOr >r. ~In as •• •t· IW ti. M ;t. DS IS h· ts d· " •• ,. , . .. THURSDAY DECEMBER 25 MORN INC THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 20, 1961l THURSDAY (Continued) ner party for Don's friend and his ID T1te Adwocl'tas (C) {60) "Should D I #Hew I Cllrilt-. 11.aa wlfe--Oon's old flarn&--is turned the U.S. Ratify the Geneva Pro~ liMt St. lllira Qsdl (C) A ,.. into 1 ah1mbles by her weekend col B1nnln1 the Use of Chemical play of last nllltf's Mldnllht Mau 1:00 !..._ (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. ruest and the child's chill-prone and Biolo1lcal Weapons?" Bllot presided over by Hi1 Eminence lhlatley·lrillkMJ (C) (30) lemon tree. Cindy Ellbacher Is tea-Richard.son, Undersecretary of State, James Francis Mclntyr9, Archbishop Y111 DJb (30) lured as Caroline. 1uests. (R) of Los An1eles. n. m..tleHa (C) (~0) [' Tell 1111 Trutti (C} (30) C.rCll de Mujlrft (30) 0 Mowte: (C} ''Slit's la en S1llr Tret (C) (60) I IH<tL I Willia• 111d MlfJ 10:30 Cristina Suzman (30) ~ (musical) '53-Vlrsinla : ftlt's New? (30) (C) ( 0) Christmas music by 11:00 0 0 m News (C) Maro. Gene NellOfl, frank Lovejoy, Ci) CIS ..._ (C) (30) the Colle1e of William and Mary 'nit Watamers Patrice Wymore. ,... lttlu (30) Choir of 80 voices. • Nn G••• of die Week (C) 3:001 Qi (j) lie•• ..,.. (C) ..... (C) (60) Jack White. fB I IHclA\f Tiie Upper a...... Outer Ll•ltl . tr1 Yo11 let (C) 1:30 I IUllC ...... •Ice (C) (60) (60) Dramatic special st1rrin1 Lew 1 11(6)9 (]) ,..... (C) lom'a ~ T~ sa.. (C) • 1'e S... '-• (C) (30) Gueas Ayres, Reed Hadley and Bob Good· • • · NftS (C) @ LI! iAl I ~ Male are Grer Moms. Rona Jaffe Oen-win. Bernie Catey hosts story of 11:30 Merv Griffin (C) ~ (C) Music IJOUps from is Cole. Jim M.cKrell hosts. ' four convicts naitin1 eucution on · 6 m Jollnny CaflOft (C) area junior hirh and hllh schools I ~ f...,.. M.tllft (C) (30) death row. oirit: -'The hl111 lead 5'DfJ" are featured. 6 ......,_lridlef (C) (30) fl) Prttallre! (2 hr) comedy) '42 -Claudette Colbert. * CH 5 WISHES You A · • Sift Tt-.w (30) "Spruce l:JO 0 @ @ @D lreaide (C) (60) . Joel McCrea, Rudy Vallee. V · . H~se." A Philadelphia half-way "Stolen on Demand." A member of U @(I)&) The Jotf Bisllop ery Merry Christmas house for rehabilltatlna mentally Mark San1er's bulletball team is 5'""' (C) Regis Philbin hosts. !:JO fJ Mtwie: "Dondl" (comedy) '61-ill adults Is probed. Involved in a crime rinr operated 0 Movie: (C) "Ni&frt and Day" D1vid Janssen, Patti P1re. Walter 111) n. Munsters (30) by an older min. David Cassidy and (musical·drama) '46 -Cary Grant, Winchell, Mickey Shaughnessy. '1itk:itro 34 (C) (60) Pamela McMtier suest. Eve Arden, Alexis Smith, Mary Mar· Based on the cartoon cllarader, • IMll Jina (C} (30) U @ (I) IQ) lewlli*d (C) (30) tin. "Dondi,'' the film tells of the ad· 7:0011 CBS &tlliq ""' (C) (30) "Samantha's Power Failure." Sa· ventures of a little orphan who Is Willer Cronkite. mantha loses her witch·twitch when ldopled by • group of •rvlcemtn D m I IHctf I Clristaa Ow she muses to obey the Witches and brou(ht to the U.S. w., (C) (30) C) Sltitch Henderaon Council to (Ive up her mortal hus· s r.inr s.!2 ... s.a• ~Al:~::~ ~=;1: 1: M~ Iba~ frelt (C) (90) et Qriltlus (C) (R) 1yn Maye, The Arbors, tti• official I IHcw I n. rrince of hace I r.,.,. and frleltda (C} Air Foo:e Dance Band, and the Air-(60) StCHy of the birth of Christ. HoM Kelly (C) men of Note. (R) IW rtartw-(C) (90) "The CiJ...,.,. Cart.ta I ftlt's My LIM? (C) (30) Soldier's Ta:e." A new production 3:45 fl) M1111do M1rn111 .. de Nlnoe (C) I Lllfem3.0) of Stravinsky's morality fable, star- 4 I Ci) s.ttnds et Qrist rin1 dancer Robert Hetpmann and :00 Ntw1 (C) Tom Reddin. (C) (30) Dr • prima ballerina Svttlana Be-1~-·a. MlatrtJ MOUN (C) ... rmen 11on con· •l'UW'f : Art Studio ducts the Glendale Symphony Or-* SEASON'S GREETINGS 4:15 : Tiie Friendly S1111t chestra. FROM CHANNEL FIVE! M•ndo fltMltiM (C) Ell) Altora! (30) 4:30 Kinp Hedley (C) L.A. Kinis vs. 8 CIJ Tnrtll or Con,..111ttct1 (C) 9:00 8 Qi Cl) CIS T111nday Mowit: Boston Bruins at Boston. a;, T1111 Advttltart (C) (30) ~ "Me Md die Celener' (comedy) 8 """ (C) Bill Bondi. 7:l0 II a (j) f•llJ Atfq (C) (30) '58-Danny Kaye. Curt Jeraens, Allim Tlle Sroovy a.. (C) Robert w. Despite Buffy's 1ttentions, Haro:d. Tamiroff, Nicole Maurey. Story of Mor1an hosts. her pet hamster, runs away durina mild-mannered refuaee who helps I Hanf (C} an outin1 In the partt an 1m11ant Polish Colonel and his Tiie M..m.n _ U ~ @ m DuW ..... (C) lirtfrlend acape from the Nazis. (I) llPlc!A I MIU DH&ia (60) "Hannah Comes Home." . A 0 @@ ~ Draptt (C) (30) lstmu a.. (C) httf·breed Youth is tom between "The Christmas StQfy.'' Sit. Friday I s.u .. S1rett (C) (R) two worlds when his white mother and Officer Gannon put aside a (f) Tiit fllntAlnn (C) takes him back to her people.. jewel theft case to search for a OU..padtf Miry rtekett and ford Rainey ivat. Child Jesus statue stolen from a futurt ~) II Stllep 1111 ._. (C) (30) Guests church nativity teene. This rebroad- 5:00 ti I IHcW. s. Hink rrwtt-are Ann B. Davis. Jonathan Daly ust Is the only serment in the Part Ill (C) An hour with two MKid· and Will Hutchins. histoly of Dreinet not adapted from l fl med musicians, pianist Emil GI· 0 @ (j) U) T1le SllMI alld Mn. an actual L.A. police case. lels and cel'lst Mstislav Rostropo. Mllir (C) (30) "The Ghost of Christ· 0 @ (I)GJ r .. JoMs (C) (60) vich, appearina with Impresario Sol m11 Past" Capt Gren pr .. nts Judy eo:nns. Miiiicent M1rtin. and DISTRAUCBT -BaaU was Hurok. Gilels performs Tchaillovsiy's the Muirs with a Christmas of a the Treorchy Male Choir of Wales (pea-star Mary Fldtett) II di. Concerto No. 1 in B·flat Min« fol 100 years aao which he sham ruest on holtday proaram. tnacbt wlte• her balf-lln:ed -· Piano end Orchestra, and Rottro-with them. fl) I ~$!Al I T1'e S.Und of rnilse Juo• (Teddy E<cla), dedda to povich plays "Variations on a R....... ! MllllM $ Mme: (C) "A Min {30)ristmas prorram. *Y wltb bll crtbe ud DOt ao wla """""" t:·-8J .,_ llak mo.._er to btt wbl~ worN .. co Theme" by Tchaikovsky. lied httf" (drama·blocraphy) .-..... (C) (30) Baxter Ward. "Bann.ab Comee ROIH"' o• N8C't I INIC NtwMrYlcie (C) ·ss -Richard Todd, Jeen Peters, Yelce of C.lnry a.mt ... Spt-D•alel looM, nunc11y al 7:30 flipper (C) Robert Burton. True story of Peter ct.I (C~ (30) PM. nil epllode -. dftcted bJ Ntws (C) GtQf1e Putnam. Marshall, once Chaplain to the fB !Flew I Prl• Tl• (30) Fem Puller. l lltllan (C) U.S. Senate. Christmas proer1m. (i) , .. ., n. ....... (Q I Trdt ... c:.e..---(C) (30) 10:00 a 9 Ci) m Du11 Martin (C) m Mtvlt: ~Bacllelor hrtf' (com· CIJ McHalt'a NIYJ i IHcW:l Cllrlatlw o... 1Way (60) T .salute to the Christmas sea· edy·dram1) 57:-Don Murray, E. G. U1 Caatt de Make (30) Skltch Hendenon hosts. 11>n by Martin end Fr1nk Sinatra Ma1'1h1tl, Patncl1 Smith, Carolyn Si11pn'a Island (C) Marilyn Maye, The Arbors and The families. (R) Jones. . 5:l0 Movie: (C) "Dutttria 111d Airmen of Note art featured. 8 m ..._ (C) (30) 12:00 OJ M.-: "Tiit Marnlfkm Allt- ilttn" (rell(ious drama) '54-f]i) Clrdt tf U,.... (C) (60) Pete (!) It TMH 1 Tbief (C) (60) btnoftl" (drama) '42-Joseph Cot- Vlctor Mature, Susan Hayward. See1er and friends celebrate the ''The Scorpio Drop." Aleunder Mun· ten, Aines Moorehead. Anne Bu· Mlchael Rennie, Debra Papl A holiday ,.'°" throu(h IOO&. dy finds double trouble In the world • !er. • , . ,, dramatic story of "The Robe." fl) Clledlo el lwtD of mystics. Gale Sonderiurd and 1.00 fJ M~. 1ia•bhnr Home (my1- I Candid C.11tr1 1.-00 6 f8 (j) JI• Nabors (C) (60) Eduard Frani auest. tery) 50 -Victor Mature, Terry 8llllp11•1 Island (C) 1{11 Starr and Minnie Pear1 cuest 0 0.1111 (C) (60) Georre l<irby Moore. William Bendix. CI) Cllrilbus ~ "Prince on Christmas show. lorendo Almeda Ray Browrn Robert 0 0 News (C) ayers." R I 1gcw; I n.. ...._ P-*: Alda and Lenny' l<ent auesl m ~n TllNtre: "Five Steps to I (i) Tllla o., 19'9 (C) "'9 ( (2 hr) The traditional m l#Hcw I Craed ea..,... (C) Danaer. lillt.nllfl' lltlc'lt*tu II (C) pretent1tion of last year's paralt.. (SO) Joseph Wood Krvtch takes l 1:15 0 Cota111unlty lulletln Board (C) (I) ..... (C) Mike Foley. Steve Allen and Jayne Meadows muleback trip Into the mile deep 1:30 m All·Ni&frt SMw: "Mr. and Mrs. Vlrutl r C1p11liu host. canron to the Colorado River. Smith," "Great Expectations.·· "Ci> Ten Tart (C) 0 (ill (l)Q) T1'at Qlrt (C) (30) @ (j) cmmIJ by c.. co kid." ,.... (C) "T" Am Curious Lemon." Ann's din· Clrisblas a.. (e} (60) 2:30 fJ Ntws (C) 1969. Xlld D~ 1k:.ll lllot ate, C) f'f' ert, llop If' int, lar- ' ~ , • m· G. !yn 1111- Dt· IX· to C) rs. ,.. FRIDAY DECEMBER 26 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's. movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U (C)"So This Is Peria" (comedy) '55-Tony Curtis, Gloria De Haven, Gene Nelson, Corinne Calvet 9:30 0 (C) "louill•ne Purchlse" (mus· ical) '41-8ob Hope, Vera Zorina. m "One Minute to Zero" (drama) '52 -Robert Mitchum, Ann Blyth, William Ta'man. 10:00 G "Knute Rocllnt--All Amerlcen" (drama) '40 -Ronald Reagan, Pat O'Brien, Gale Page. 12:00 O "Bells of San fem1ndo" (ad- venture) '47-0onald Woods, Gloria Warren, Byron Fo'ger. 1:30 m ''The Sun Slllntt lri&flt" (com- edy) '54-Charles Winninger, Arlene Whelan. 2:30 Q ''The 81M Rutli S1ofy'' lbiog· raphy) '4S-William Bendix, Claire Trevor. 4:30 f) "Waren•ut.r'' (western) '50 -Ward Bond, Ben JohMOn, Joanne Dru. fVFNING 6:001 !!!J News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. · m Huntlty·lrlnlllty (C) (30) Stftt Allen Sltow (C) (90) Guests are Rip Taylor, Phil Foster, Sue Raney, and Harris Ne'.son. 1J Six O'Clodl Movie: "Abbott ind t0atello MHt tM Keystllne Ko,... (comedy) '55 -Bud Abbott, Lou C:Ostello, Fred Clark, Lynn Bari. • Diel Van 0,lle (30) De fllntnlnn (C) (30) Stir Trek (C) (60) Cl) Mille Douitas (C) (90) : fiars New? (30) (j) CBS News (C) (30) , .. n Sltlne (30) • News (C) (60) Jack White. 6:301 MIC NIWteltic:t (C) (60) • TM '-• '-• (C) (30) My Fnorttl Mlf'tbn (30) Offlc.e of .... rrtsldent (30) Ci) H1lntlef·lr1olllty (C) (30) : loot Beat (30) ''The Sellin1 of the President, 1968." Author Joe McGinniss discusses his book with host Robert Cromie. I Cil T1lt Munsters (30) Notldero 34 (C) (60) KMIR Ntn (C) (30) 7:001 CIS (venlnr News (C) (30) • WMt's MJ Unt? (C) (30) I l.ovt Lucy (30) Beat tM C1od (C) (30) Com111td1ty/Mutu1I fund (30) Ci) Clntm1 ShowcaM (C) (90) "W1ik the Proud Lind." Audie Murphy, Anne Ball(rofl I AMrel (30) Ci) Trvttl or Contlqu•CH (C) T1Mt llrl (C) (30) 1:30 a a Cl) 11s<r, 1 "" c.n. ... ndeftb ~epert ( ) (60) "End of a Decade." An ln·depth analysis by '46 -Irene Dunne, Lindi 01mtll, Raymond Burr. Al Martino, •nd Dur· CBS news correspondents of the Rex Harriton, lee J. Cobb. Story of ante's bistro 1ct partners. Eddie major sturies of 1969 and the past an Enallsh governess who rs brouahl J1ekson end Sonny Kina. ruat. decade, plus a look at what lies to Ben111ok to tutor tn. ruler's ton I .-..1a1 (C) (60) ahead fDr 1970. •nd fights with the kin& over his Ptny ...... (60) D m HIP Clul,..,-al (C) (60) treetment of his m1ny wives end ~ de M...,_ (30) "The Little Thieves." Vlctimized by chlldren. 10:30 II) Cttlt.lo1 Giil ... (30) two amateur but charmln& teen11e 11 Playbof Aftlr Dart (C) (60) 11:001IJ0) News (C) cattle rustlers, Buck and Manolito Guests are Byron Gilliam, . Frankie • nil W..._MB make the mistake of tryina to re· lbnd1ll, membm of Chlcaio's • Mewle· "Inna o.tf" (•dve fonn them. ''S8CO'!d C~' troupe, Pat Morita, ture) •si.-Robert Stlcll, S.rtla~ I stv._L ti.e Sbn (C) (30) The N1tty Gritty Dirt Band, Shelley B "tton ( (30) Monty Hall hosts. IJ @ (3) a> Here C:O.e U.. CJ) '1Mll f7'\ ........_ C) CfiHtJ&l Let's Mike I Dul Berman and Lou Rawls. • I" o.t. U•lta G Milllta $ Movie: .. ....._ 111d iflda (-e} (60) "Obie Brown and . ~ ~ uu ,.... ( Juliet" (classic) 'S4-l1wrence Hu· the Blad! Princess." A bl1Ck lum· · ~ = ~~~ vey, Susan Shentall, flora Robton, berman plans to quit. the Bolts un· 11 .... 10 _ (C) Norman Wooland. less they come up with a brtcle for .-,..... I Trudi cw ConMQutnea (C) (30) him. Geor1 Stanford Browne Is fee· • (m ~:::YJ!. Judd fof ttlt Deftnat (C) (60) tured as Obie. • [e} Ttdlnlc1I CorllM (30) fll) Devld S&mklnd (C) (2 hr) !n Kiili Altlllll"s Cowrt" (mutlcal) The French CMf (30) "Souffle fl) Num Cite Mllllcal (30) 49-81'!(_ Crosby. on a Platter." (R) t:301Ntws (C) (30~ter Ward. 2.,~~G> De *' lllllef m Clludlo II ltoto (30) ... S.lcl, SIMI (C} (30) m Mowlt: (C) "Scuda-Hool ~ 1:00 O Jiek leftny (30) Mary living· Honep _ ....... _ O,.a (l iil-H.,t" (rom111(e) '48 -June stone guests. •-••• (30) Hmr Lon McCalllster Waller 0 @ 00 f(9 'flit lrldJ Buncll 10:00 II @ (]) tE ll'ICbtl'1 Wortd (C} Brennan, Natalie Wood. ' (C) (30) "Is There a Doctor lo the (SO) "The Cha• Sequence." Davey 12:00I18 (() Merv 8rifflfl (C) House?" The question of which Evens (De~nls Cole) permits a Mn: "l1MJ u.. i., NlfM" family doctor to use-Carol's or stuntman with a bad haneover to (dr1m1) '49--ferley Gren,er Cathy Mike'~mes up when the kids perform a dangerous stunt that O'Donnell, Howard De Sliva.' break out with measles. . results In t111edY. Davey's 111llt 1:00110 ..... (C) m i lfl(bY I h•ltfe C.-119 feeflnp CIUJe him to feel respon-Cffntry .... n.. (C) (C) (30) The Anthony ~ulnn lnO'lle, slble fQ( the stuntm~n·s wi~w l:JO ....,..: "T)a ,_..11 ._,. "A Dream of Kings.'' 1s previewed. (Merlyn Mason), creatin1 1 rift Twtc." (dram1) '46 -John tE st.ell Market/Feature (30) b.tween Davey end his flancee, Gerfltld Lina Turner Hume Cro-m ldrfate (C) (30) "Geotherm1I Paulette Douatu (Linda Harriton). ,. ' ' Powers." A study of the Geysers II REDDIN NEWS' C:.•••ltr llllltt111 INrd (C) of Northern California. • 2:00 M-llpt ..., (C) "War Gods ti) Lucacita <C> (30) * THE STRAIGHT STUFF! &.byton," "Amerk:.ln Guerr1ll• In 1:30119 Ci) Hoa1n's ....... (C) II m ..... (C) (60) the Phl_llppl.~ts," "Guns of the (30) The He<oes use Schultz as D @ ())&>JI•., hraota ,.... Blick Witeh. their seaet weapon to discover end ..n 'flit lHllH Sistlrs (C) (60) 3:00 II ..... (C) destroy a secret enemy installation. iriiirmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-=====~====::~~==~=-· Hogan and his men employ the 111· ) , 1 zr.a~7:,t:::~~li' J~~ BAUMwkk I ~I I I. I! : I ~ ~ 1 serum in tryina lo lot Schultz's memory about the location of an atomic plant. D elJ 00 m N1•• of t11e a. .. (C) (90) "A Hard Case of the Blues." Robert Stack stars 1$ Dan Farrell and invest111tes corruption In the muslc businns IS he search-' es for a killer. This repeat eplaodt stars Sal Mineo, Keenan Wynn, Sharon Farrell, Mldlatl Andtfton Jr., Norman Fell ind Russ T1mblyn. 11 No Holds Barred When * USC COACH FACES SPORTS WRITERS! I 111 IHcW I Sports Htt Seit (C) (30) A press conference with USC head coach John McKly. Posln1 ltle questions ere sportswriter John Hell of the Los Anpln Times. Bud Tucker ol the San G1britl Valley Tribune, and Bud Furillo ol the Herald Examiner. 1J @(J)G) Mr. o.11 Itel ti Town (C) (30) "Touclllnt Is Btlltv· ina." Susan Oliver 1uests IS Evelyn, longfelloW's romantic Interest and Mesterson's buainm foe. I I David Frost (C) (90) Tiit "' V1llty (C) (60) I _...... T'Mltr• (60) CaulS ...... , Claa (30) Stu- dent Ellen Dess'tr auuts In di$-I cuulon of Beettloven's mUllc. Cl) Nodles Tapatlaa (30) t:00 11 a C1J cas frtMJ ...-: "Alt- .. alld U.. Kill tf SI•_.. (drama) Buy No.I For S.,.prite D.llNry end Set Up IUM'8 TAIUS FIOM $69.H SEE IT NOW 3Wx7' POOL TAIW Only •1111 Complete 23 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Ufetlme GuarantHd $369 SLATE POOL TAllE.i From llXCl.UllVE DEl.UXli SLATE TOP TABLE With RACK-IM-MATIC lltdtl .. 11. "41tem•flc.elly *""' WNr • clelll Give The Family A Pool Table Thia Xmaa OPEN 7DAn 11 TO&· CAUNOW 532-1992 0 Piii' 17 In the spirit of the Christmas season, 1V Week visited television's largest new family, The Brady Bunch. The series (seen on Fri- days at 8 PM on ABC) wu filming a special Christmas show. The series stars Robert Reed as Mike Brady, Florence Henderson as his wife, Carol, and Ann 8 . Davis as their house- keeper. Alice. There are six younger Bradys. The three girls are Maureen McCormick as Susan Olstn and Sonia Marcia, the oldest girl; E"ve Plumb as Jan and Susan Olsen as Cindy, the youngest. Barry Williams plays Greg, lbc oldest of the Brady boys. Christopher Knight is Peter and Mike Look.inland is Bobby, the young- est boy. Tbe Brady home is a permanent set on Stage S at Paramount Studios. It is a two- story, double carport borne, complete with four bedrooms, three baths, a den, family room, kitchen and a living room-dining room combination. For the Christmas show, the whole first floor was decorated with wreaths, boUy and ribbon in the traditional colors of the sea- son, reds and greens. An eight foot pine tree filled one comer of the living room and it was loaded down with ornaments and lights. Colorfully wrapped gifts bulged out from under the lower branches. The nearby banister of the stairway was lined with greeting cards. Two poinsettia plants deco- rated the fl agstone apron of the fireplace, with a Yule log resting on the fire grate, and above them. a sprig of mistletoe hung in a bell. Ann B. Davis stood taking in the view. She took a deep breath and commented, "Ifs really beautiful! You kind of wish everyone could have a C hristmas like this. It's too bad that so much of the meaning is forgotten. I k ind of suspect that is why people don't appreciate the holiday as much." Ann came up with some interesting infor- mation concerning the holiday. "The word Christmas comes from the old English phrase Cbristes M asse which is the C hristian liturgy of the Mass," she said. AcrordJns to Ann, the date of December 25 was not necessarily the birthday of Jesus Papll Christ but the date set by Bishop Llberius of Rome in A .O. 354 because that was the pagan feast of Saturn which wu the birth- day of the sun. The Christians honor Christ as the Light of the world. "By the way, that's why there are lights on the Christmas tree. They are symbolic of C hrist. Martin Luther started it with candles. "The tradition of the tree comes from Germany and started with St. Boniface. According to the story, Boniface destroyed an Oak used for sacrifice and the Pinc grew in its place. The evergreen is the symbol of long life and fhe color green signifies hope. "The mistletoe comes from the Druids. They thought it to be a charm that would cause those under its spell to kiss. Funny. it doesn't always work for me," she said. Ann explained that the Yule log meant good luck it it was burnt on Christmu. ''There ue Iota of di1ferent explanations for gift giving. Some say that it started with the Magi at the first Christmas with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. In Germ;my, there was a tradition of the Christkind, a child representing Christ with candles in her hair would bring gifts around to the children. Most people believe that it started with Saint Nicholas. He was the Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor in A.O. 300, He is the patron saint of children. The col- orful r~d outfit of St Nicholas started out as the bishop's red cape. His name became Santa Claus as a result of the Dutch settlers in New York calJing St. Nick, Sinter Klaas. Ann was pleased with her discoveries. "It makes it all so real when you know why we do somethin,. Like caroling! That, started with St. Francis of Assisi. He wanted to restore the ttadition of Christmas to the people so he made a creche or miniature scene of the Nativity. Then be had the people act out the story of the birth of Christ with them playing the shepherds, Mary and Joseph. While they were doing this, they would sing carols about the story. When they left the church to return to their homes, they would sing and that's how it started." The tndltioo of sendfns printed cards didn't impress Ann. "The first cards were printed in England in 1843 but people were exchanging greet- ing notes a long time before that," she said. Robert Reed and Florence Henderson stopped to admire the scene too. "Christmas is such a personal tradition with years and years of memories. Religion has always been an important part of it," he said. Florence was quick to agree. "1 remember it mostly as singing in the choir at Midnight Mass." There is a scene in the show where the whole Brady family is in church. For Flor- ence, it was very nostalgic. Pretty IOOD, aD of the Brady kids had drifted back into the living room to admire the tree and daydream. 1V Week decided to ask each if they believed in Santa and what THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, DECEMBER 20, 1969 they wanted for Christmas. For the young- est, Susan. there was no doubt. SUSAN: I would like Santa Claus to bring me a horse. I would also like it if there were no more wars and people liked each other. I don't think Santa could make that happen but 1 wish someone would. EVE PLUMB: I wish there were DO more wars, DO starvation and everyone was hap- py. For me, 1 would like a pair of roller skates. I don't believe in Santa any more but I did see him three years ago. He was dressed io a red velvet suit and had a bag full of toys. We were just getting home from visiting relatives and there be was. I know it was really him. MAUREEN McCORMICK: My wish would be that everyone could be happy. That would be my C hristmas wish. No more fighting and everyone to be friends. Wben I think of C hristmas, it's o f bright music playing, the wreaths, decorating the house and having all the family together for a beautiful dinner~and I always think of snow, wonderful snow. BARRY WILLIAMS: If I had a wish, it would be for peace of mind for everyone. I was told when I was six that there wasn't any Sa.nta Claus but it doesn't matter. There's a feeling of Jove in the air and an excitement. People go out of their way for each other and that's pretty wonderful. CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: I wish that all the unfortunate people in the world Flort:nce Henderson, known prlmarll)I a.J a •ong1tre1s be/ore turning to comedy In ABCs The Brady Bunch, sings on tht: 1erle1 /or the fir11 time in lht Christmas episodt. would get fortunate. For myself, I would like a miniature motorcycle. MIKE LOOKJNLAND: About Santa Claus, I can't say yes and I can't say no. The guys make fun of you if you believe but if you don't. maybe you won't get a present. But J wish we woulct have a better world where people would be kinder. ROBERT REED : If there is a Christmas wish, it would be to have the end Of the war and true Peace on Earth. FLORENCE: There is really only one Christmas wish and that's peace in the world. TV WEEK: Two thousand years and the thought is the same. Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men. I g- to if :d te :e ?- "'C lS .g 1e I b '. e n c e a f t t 1 r t i Clndones J Mllllca (comedy) '40-aob Hope, Paulette 9:30 ~~ D11tardty I MuttllJ (C) Goddard, Paul Lukas. @ m The H1rdy ..,. (C) I T11tro Fam Illar Aa n1 Tltree SM tlle USA (C) DECEMBER 'D · Cuerdu J Cultarw 12:30 Mwle: "Hired Cllft" (western) 10:00 ~ (j) Pttltlope Pitltop (C) ' -Rory Calhoun, Anne Francis. @ (]) (E Sky Hawb (C) m Movie: "Tiie ult Days of ..... • Movie: "Cow Country" (western pell" (drama) '3~reston Foster, 7·.oo I ~lj u...o.•-1 , _ _.,, (C) •. 3-£dmond O'Brien. Basil Rathbone, Louis Calhem. 6 . :.= c-· m Movie: 14Allas Jolin Preston.. I Travel the World (C) ' --· ( ) (drama) '55-aetta St. John. · Upbeat (C) Mr. Wi*bone (C) @!)El Usurpador 1:00 • Movie: (C) "lover eo .. a.ct" fe'.il tlle Cit (C) 10:30 IJ Nfl Footblll (C) The Los All-(comedy) '62 -Doris Day, Rock 7:25 Clve Us Tiiis Day (C) geles Rams meet the Minnesota Hudson. 7:30 !:'~ 1::-S:: (C) C Vikings for the Western Conference fJ Movie: "M11111J'' (musicel) '30 ~ .... '1!1 ~ y bJ ~lclltlr ( ) Championship from Metropolitan -Al Jolson, Louise Dresser. ~I "~HrC)_. Stadium in Min~apolis. 0) lntlm1tional TrNerl I Public •• 00 -• ........ -=--~ c 0 Movie: "Sa111blin1 Ship" (mys-s.mc. Fil• (C) .: 9~ ·-_.,. ~ ) tery) '33 -Cary Grant, 1C•rul de Mujera @ 6 m Heft eo... tbe D @ (]) im Culliver (C) • $pcM1a World (C) U'!t. (C} m Movie: "lOlt lsl1nd of llop" 1:30 Movie: "Anott, Inc." (mystery) I !Ill (l) a> Cattanoop Cits (C) (adventure) '6&-Henn1n Brix. '4~Robert Lowery, Aline Gwynne. li•ba (C) 11:00 U @ffi&> f1ntastlc Voya1e (C) U @(])G) NCAA footblH (C) Tiles of Wells farp 11:30 D @ (])(!)American 81ndltand East-West Shrine All-Stu Game 8u•bJ (C) ~) Dick Clark hosts. from Stanford Stadium at Palo Al· 1:30 8QI (j) lip Bunny/Rold Run· 6 Movie: (C) ~ first Tnan" 0) Wrutllnf (C) Mr Hour (C) (western) 'SS-Joel McCrea. 2:00 B Scooby·Doo (C) 9 00 m rtnll PantMf (C) II) Movie: ''T111nder Over T1n1iel"' 2:301 Tile. Ardlle Sllow (C) fiiapas Profile (C) (adventure) '57 -Robert Hutten. • Waion Train (C) Movie: (C) "Montana" (western) Chiller Errol Flynn. Alexis Smith. • Tiie Answer (C) m Cisco Kid 3:00 • Hip Sdlool Buletball (C) San· m llcUt Robin Hood (C) 12:00 0 QJ @ m I IHcilL I AIMrican tia10 at Westminster. t:OO 0 9 (I) m 1'I Cator Bowl (C) R1lnbow (C) "Christopher Discovers 0 Dr. Kllcl1re The UniVirsllY of Tennessee vs. America." This is the first of a 0) Movie: "Sprin1tl111t In ttM University of Florida at Jackson· series of seven one·hour specials Roclllel" (muslcal) '42 -Betty ville, Florida. for children that will be telecast Grable, John Peyne, Cesar Romero. II Movie: "City Strfft" (mystery) on Saturday mornings on a once-a· 1811 Picture (C) •JI-Gary Cooper, Sylvia Sydney. month basis. Today's story Involves 3:30 Tiie Monti .. D (j1) (I)G) Hot Wheels (C) an 11-year·old Korean orphan, • Wlnp tD Adventure (C) m Movie: "Aff1lr in Havana" (dra· Christopher, who is befriended by 4:00 St9ps to Leeming (C) ma) '57 -John Cassavetes. five Korean-based Gl's. Ch11apionllllp Bowllnf (C) m Ruff 'n' Reddy (C) 0 Movie: ''The Chost Brtalltfl" • I SpJ (C) SATURDAY MORNING m P'ltDllEIE Sa1te Sewlwtr (C) A new contempoflry music show hosted for disc Jockey Jey Reynolds, and spotll&htlnr 10 Scent Sewnty dancers, an el&ht piece house band, The Joys of Life and 1Uest record- Enllcn O'Toole i artists. 4:SO W1Mtll, KU111 and CllJ (C) th Suun Peteraon 11 Instructor. B Yolftll Ind Ille ""Ice (C) 'if"eens. Traffic ind Tribulation." students from Grenade HUis Hllfl School talk with Trefflc Corot Judp Thomas Murphy ind srt. Tom Ro1- ers, traffic authority, L.A.P.D. ,I II Mondo (C) "Heart of Rome." SalllOn (C) • Bronco Futu,. (C) 5:00 I Vlewpoltlt (C) Jere Witter hosts. · It's Acldelllc (C) Competlna h (h schools are Fountain Valley, Hollywood and James Monroe (Se- pulveda). ' Tiiis Weell In Pro feotblll (C) @ rn m AIC's Wide w.rt11 s,ortl (C) "Sports Hl&hll&hts of th e 1960s." fJ Tiie Avtnl"' (C) m Movie: "Colne ID tlle Stable" (dram•) '49-loretta Youn&. I PlttJ Dulle htltr lunn Joyce Cllen Coob: "Sweet end Sour." @E Futilol·Stcar · KNBC ~ (C) McH11e's Nevy Clencannon 5:l01 ltllph stiMy (C) (R) : ! lflc!lL I Audubon (C) (R) • Aarlcaalture USA (C) I I I I I I I I 642-4321 I Brlchter, •harper oolor. Sony's iystem uses on• gun to 1hoot the three bHms. One 9un gives us 1p•~• for on• bi9 len1. A l•n1 more that twice a1 big. a1 anyon• el1e'1. With our lar9•r lens, we can get a sharper, brighter pictur•. 30 "· more color beams rHch the 1crHn throu9h the vertical strips on our "apertur• grill•." • New one-gun 1y1tem • All-1olid-state 1y1tem • 15 d99reH cooler • Big twelv .. inch screen (measured cUA19onally l SEE IT FOR YOURSELF 411 L 17 .. StrMt c....M .. CALL 6•6-1684 Offset & Letterpress , ~~ •' ~ I ~ a ..... _____ . "A Complete Printing Service" Free Estim•t•s PILOT PRINTING 2211 W. lalboe llvd. -Newport leach ,...1, • 21 WAii SolW Stele s-.. A~llllw & l'r .. A~. • 12"Co .AX1AI I AnC!r SIM' •ker 011~ W,llnul eicto:urto' SAVE $74.51 ! R<!gular Price $174.50 e lf7t Gerrent. A11-tk Twn-ltll:c phn sltHo certricllle wffll dlernotld Uyhls. •999~ HARMON· KARDON 90-watt AM/FM STEREO GARRARD SO-watt AM-FM e 12" CO-AXIAL LANCER SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSURES SAVE $100-14 ·~~Ro~;:~~~A~Rl~;~;~R~~TIC ' 169 81 CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND - STYLUS •·AM -FM SOLID STATE \TH~EO RECEIVER SHEllWOOD -125 watt FM Siereot ........ Tiie lt600A -Is Sh~wood newest 2S watt with ti' slllcon circuits. FET Iron! end new M~ro­ Circul:s, tunlno ~•••, muling, tape monitor. M•ln. remote sPNktr llill"o"-._iiiill_. switch, hff.d~ l•dC 1 Reg. $319.50 l 1970 Garrard SL·7S automttlc I turntable plus stereo cartridge wllh shure diamond stvl111 M· 7SE. HG. $154.'5! PRICES ST ART AS LOW AS ~~-. I .!£)£ s49so