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1969-12-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
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William Wornardt III, 5, a tonsillectomy .J>atient In the pediatrics ward at Newport's Hoag Memorial Hospital. fl~sea Seepage Oil Globs Wash Ashore ·south of Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Globs <i oil tram a •lick fed by undersea -ge ftlhed onto about 10 miles ol acenic r:<iUlllM tOOay. Finl ,_ts lilted abool a half.dozen Ml. btrdl kUled and more than ¥IO others floundering, hetpi.ly. their feathers malled with the lar·llke goo. Volunteera manned a bird~leanlng sla- ti"' reactivated for the first Ume since u lDlderwat.er oil blowuut last winter in the tame S.nta. Birbara Olannel area tined a 1~· .over IOO miles or the Pad tic. 0 ftns is 11 bad as rve seen since the cdgttial spill:' said Miel Van de Mark, a ~ ~ger at nearby Solimar <hologills NJ the new slick wu touch· ed df after pumps at.offshore oil drilling pllllorm4 wete ltw! down from Tuesday 1 .. -, ~;-kmen ,repalred •. DIVORCE BACKER . B~A.TS POPE PA.UL broken pipeline. Pressure apparenLIY. buUt up in the oil pools below the oceaii floor, they said, causing oil to .sttp out of sea.oottom (W.U... «!Jlliilfefa~!i, lf!l<I than the usual 250-gallon-a-day rate geologists estimate. Because of foggy weather there was no estimate of the size of the slick . Union Oil CO. officials said SUOOay ~t reactivation d. theJr pumps Sabµ'.dar· ap- parenUy relieved the j1reS!Ure and batted the heavy seepage. , The new problfmS are "just another1n- riication that. no matter what the oil com- panies say. they can't guarautee'that ~· rent ~ling operations are l&µsafe," said AlYhi C. Weingand, board chairman of Get Oil Out -GOO -a. group Jl]llltantly "!'Pooed lo <if!ihor• drilling operations. • Weingand tent a telegram to Preskfent Njson urginc lhlt"he ,beooine .~..,.~11)1 lnfolved in iolr l'"lblem•:iier• Md Urat.lie order all drllllnc operaUona In the ~(a Bftrbara Owmel shut down ." / • &piers at popular Rincon Baacb'aboul 12 miles llOIJ(h of here abaocYlied oil:- covered "aves. ClvU l)e(enseArlcial~ in · • Vtnlura County lo the ""'1111 n!pOrted JUllifE fAPl -Loris Fortuna, the brisk ONhore winds drjfing oil onto ltaJiah Socialist deputy who authored a beaches near the Vtntur(River. bQl lo legallze divorce in Italy. del•ated "l forst saw I couplt,i b!Tdl In trouble P~ Paul VI today in a magazine survey Saturday e\l'ening," qld Yvon Chou1nmt. fW Italian man of I.he year. -31, a coastal proper»' owner jus~ north of .Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong was Ventura. chosen international man or the year and "They were western grebes and had the late actma Sharon Tate woman of been covered .with oll. By Sunday, about a the }'ear. 1.m. when J s~ up, UMlle two birds wtre dead ••• " t. Blast W reeks .-:~ .... ~.k, ··~· t. Airliner In Flight NHA TRANG. Vietnam <UPI) -A crippled Air Vietnam OC6 passenger plane, making an emergency lanrting after an engine exploded, .sloughed off a runway today and erploded into a kin- dergarten &ebool. South Vietnamese military police said u many as 125 persons were feared dead. Military police said more than 60 persons aboard the propeller-driven plane were killed, another 40 to 50 chiklren kill· ed in the burning school and perhaps another 25 persons living in a badly-hit shantytown area. It was the worst accident in the hislory of the govermnent-0perat.ed airlines. Last Sept. 20, an Air Vietnam passenger plane. collided with a U.S. F4 Phantom je.t near Da Nang, killing 77 persons aboard the commercial airliner. Authorities said the four engine plane 1''as damaged by an explosion in flight and Yl8S making an emergency .landing at the Nha Trang Alr Base on the coast 188 miles northeast of Saigon when the pilot overshot the runway. The plane was en route lo Saigon at the time. ~fil!Lary sources said the bodies of 40 persons had been counted at the era.sh i;ite. More bodies were still in the wreckage and the death loll mounted. steadily. The names or four Americans were carried Of! the p~nger list but it was not immedlalely known if they were cuqalties. / The DC8 "Tith 78 penons 'aboard 3Ul- rerect an explosion which ripped a bole six by four tect ln ill side a1 It new over Cam Ranh Bay, an inlft in the 1South China Sea, and sped Ip lhe emergency landin& al Nha Trq. Cause of the ex- plosion wu not known. , Two Gas Firms Seek Rate Hikes / Orange County residents can exped. tlleir gas bills to go up about S1.30 per month lf the Public Utilities Commission approves rate Increases applied far Fri- day by the two gas Companies· eerving Ott county.· · · · D. E. Shively. Orange County division maniger,.fer SOUthem ·~~as· Corri°· Jeriy, Sai d the ilppliCaUOfij -wer Jl!ed 'for ra1e relief to oCfSet increases in purcha.,ed-ga s C05t! and to compensate for othe r increased costs.'' lie .S{lkf his company is seeking SlA.2 mill ion per year for Increased gas coMI and another fl6.2 million ln a:eneral rate relief. Southern Calirornia Gas Company ha1 1pplled for $2f>.6 million annually to offset Increased p11rch:'":1l·gas' cosll plu1 Sjl.t million in a:rncral rate relief. . --. ' ero1n : • -. • • - . ' ' r, ' • Oil Sli~k Bla~kens ' 10 Miles of. Coast; ·· S_ea Birds· Vieti,1.11s ,• ·· .. 7Boy!l--tl!I on H Tells Police He's 'Cut' Habit By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of rM1 Dl ltr Pflff S'9fl A probe Into drug use among Costa J\tesa school children bu led to the arrest of an ll·year-old heroin shooter who blithely told police he has cut down his habit quite a bit and hopes to stop altogether. Information supplied through various !OUrcea has resulted in the ques- tioning o{ a number of youngsters since last week, when two fathers took their daughters out of school as a precaution. The 11·year-old boy picked up Friday was charged with lack of'. parental control, since he had no drugs to substantiate a stiffer charge, only his past history. Oftice:r Phil Donohue satd the boy had • festering abscess inside the crook of his elbow from injecting heroin about two weeks before and also told oC repeatedly smoking marijuana. He is a student al Sonora Elementary School. Police urged the parents to take him to a doctor for medical attention as a resu,lt of the abscess, while hia probation officer was notified of the admitted narcotics use. The investigation into widespread drug use also resulted in the arrest of a 15-year-old Costa Mesa Hlgh School student Friday for possession of dan· gerous drugs. Investigators given his name by informants questioned the youth and he was diacovered at. the time to have a 1mall quanUty o( barbiturate pillll in hls ~on. I SEC Files Action Aga~st. -. . . 7 Firms in Stock Fraud lfASHINGTON tAP) -Predini lls tlozl". o f feeler.if antifraud or an- ~ against the es:ploilatkm· of tJmanipulaUon Jaws. "'shell C<!'J>OT&Uon!" with few « no Jn• iti four.page statement aimouncing asaet.I, the Securities and Exchanp Com-the suspensions, the SF..c said t~y were miulon today suspended tradin& Jn ordered because adequate and accUrate stocb of. seven companies and'ptepared information was not availabit, ot false to flle a lAwsull agalnat two ol U.em. and misleading informatJoQ about the ft ·-agam.t XI Productiool Inc. of companies nod been l!sued, or boll\. !Jev•IY HUis ; Universal Coveraae Corp. "IL further appe~s ·lhal the companies of Bnerly HUis ; Rietz lndllflrl., Inc. of .•• have been promoted by a •!nil• Cbatawwth; COntolidated Sme1Un1 af1Cf flTOUp," •'-~·tement •-'d. . RefliJed Coql. and its,_, Mid>elle ""' •~ - Enlerprises Ltd., of Lona Beach ; and -Jn ill explanallon, the C9fM'1ission-11k1 ' Tra.n•PacifJC Enterpriaes and Trt.ol· XJ Productlonc and its promoten "made Padll•" 0.1t'!k1Pment Corp. of Siii frilh numerOOI poibllc """°"'1cementa of plana cill.'O. • lo repcesent many. show buslneu i Tr.adlng iii stock of eech of th!. com· per&OnBltt.le1; aod they afso circulated • • I . :~ ·: ., ., ., '• , .. ' .. •. .. ' ,~: ·~ ~ : • ' ' 2 Men, Girl Held in Sex Raid at Hotel :.J • Two men were arrested and a 1$-"*-- old girl taken into cmtody by ~, Beach police Sunday after officers ... they found the trio nude in one bed at tbe Del Camino Hotel. <-.. Offictr1 had entered the wetl-trx:Mft hostelry to look for a set or bongo ~ By the time it Wu over. RY · . peraons had been arrested, two of' · on a charge or disturbing the peace aftd allegedly .shoutina: oblceniUes llt .. lruding officers. ""~: The •latuloly rape and contributlnr' lt the delinquency ol a minor raid Wal ~ gettd when police arrested a 17-yur.ofij curfew violator outside the Del Camino '1 1289 S. Coaal Highway. •;: Jnvestigalors said the Huntin~'. Beach boy complained that he had '"'1eA his bongo 'drums at the hotel so omceq \vere dispatched to get them. ·~· Returning. to the hotel, they ent.ereit. Room 210, the addreu the curfef violator had given as the place his ~ drums could be found . ..: They said -in discreet fashion -thQl besides bongo drums, they round: ~ (See NUDES, Page 21 '.· , ' Or...,_e --·-.. CAIN&; I .• • • Weadler ·• .. ~C': ' . . ' .. ~ . ., .. Clearing skies is the wea~· , man'• Christmas pr.esent to the ! Orange Coast, with the san break~; .. ing through but temperatures re.-: maining in the middle slkties. . f INsmE TOD-' y ., Tt'1 time for a woman to b~, tWmed to the Supreme Conr1 a11d womt1& member.s of the llOtLSe think thtt1 ha~ in their mid.st ju.st the right f)Cr1oiu. Page JJ . 11""'-·--·-lll panfa wu auopended IGr II da1110diOI •lorl., to.lbe effei:l that XI ha4 a<;qulred • ~~~.ard..lt'='~""·-~~~~·--~11 ~ the ll.s: lllstrlci"CMI In Loo AllC'I., ed """ woold perform." against IUell Jndlllbiea and UrilVenlll Many of the stars and entertainers Coverage pJtt, three other corporations have denied auy connection' with XI. aDd a number of indlvlduala not named in At the time of the announcements, and the suspension ordtr. after the compeny '1 &loc.k .had risen In 111• SEC said Its lnv .. t11•Uon la coo-price, "• gtOUp of penons closely tinulng. lt caulloned dealer• and brokers, aS10Clated with X1's m1na1ement" sold before they trade: tn any stock when the more. than $500,000 in stock, the SEC said, suspenslon ends, to "assure themtelvea addln1 lhat ''these 11les m•Y have been that they are not engaging jn activities made In violation of the regi•lraUon pro- which make them part.1ci7n11 in viola· visions'' of federal I~"· ' ' " 0 • .. .. " d 14-IS ft .. ~ ' r; DAIL V PIL9T } ~encte OK See.ta ) l L=House Approves >-.. :tTax Ref orm Bill > . } WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Houst , tod.-y approved the most sweeping tax ~alation in modern history-tax reduc· '~s for everyone, a IS percent Soci•I \Sitnflty increue al)d a package of : IW>ole closing reforms. } • "Uie compromise bill \\'tnl lo tht Sen- ~*. where passage also was expected !bffiore the end of the day. ·~ Prospef;:ts for the measure at the \\'hlte .. ''Roust. worked out in its final form only ·~last Friday by a House-Senate confer· ,t e9te committee. were not completely "lclfar. President Nll:on is said to '?e. un· t hSjipy_,aboOt its long range prov1s1ons. } which win cut ¥federal revenues, bur a ,. htth administration official said~ he e~ " pffted Nixon to sign the bill because 1t 'would increase treasury receipts in the ... ~run. • 19hen fully . effective in 1973, Ult bill !would take ?.a million poor families o!t :-! t~ fedu'al tax· rolls. Another 56 million ,'t~yers would gel some relief from tl:le ·~ mikr ·provlliom. ' Wle the fina l version of the l.aJ bill ~ "'· . t l<> J ... Real Dolly Barbra Streisand sho~·ed up looking like this at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood for premjere of her ne\v vehicle, "Hello Dolly." DAILY PILOT Mew,.ert le.ell H1111tl .. fee l t ec'i Let••• leecll '••~t•i• Yellty c .... .,. ... llltbo•t N. Wee4 "'••-• .,,. o..,.i1,~ J •• \ 11.. c.,,1,,,. V<l:t ,, .... .,., I M c;.,.,.,,, Ml~••"" l~ll> ... •• ic •••• 1 1: ....... l~ ...... , A. ~~,P~•"• ..-.•~•v'"" ''''or OHi<" ("Ito MHI. 1• Wt" ••v l!•tot >f • .., .. ., a11;:111 1711 Wn1 1111111 lwl1~1 .. i.. .. ""' aMt11 ~ .n "'''" ..... 11'1111 """'"",... 1111<1!. 111/i ••o<ll '°"''''"' 04ll¥ 1'1LOT. wtlfi .... lcltr 11 temllried lf'I Nt•I .,,..,,. " po.I 1oll(a Ill•• t«tel Sllft• e1y lt'I , ... ,..,,, M1119'1&.,.fltt l"-a.1(11. NtwHrl IMCll. C.11 -.,, H""llt\t""' • ff(ll .,._., .......,,,..., Ytllrf, t:W WI"' I•~ ... leMI ...... °'"'"" (ont OllllH•"I"' c...,..",,. """''""' """11 ,,. •• 2t11 \Olin• ..... llww fl._. ltltflo .Otl JJI Wnl •• , l trHI, Ce1•• Mou. l • .... •••• t1 14 J 64Z·41JI had general congressional support. there still \1·as some opposition. Sen. William B. Saxbe. (R-Ohlo ), iuued a statement calling for a presidenlial veto; but Sen. C&rl CurUs, (R•Ncb.J, who worked on the 14-man conftrence, refused to sitn lhe report because of his opposition to !he bill'1 four percent tax for lhe first time on foundations. But s~Ulation was mainly concerned with Nlton's views . Tilt White Hou»t official. who gave hi!!! opinion anonymot11ly on a "background" basis for newsmen, said the measure was largely acceptable because it brings in money in · 1'70 and' '1971. Througb a l'Ombination of tax reforms. plus a con· tinuation of lhe income taJ surcharge al five percent for the next six montl:ls apd a repeal of the investment tax credit , lhe_bill would bring in $6.4 billion in 1'70 and another $.115 million in 1971. In 19'13. however, tax cuts totaling $9.1 billion would become fully effective. Nixon had earlier raiacd the threat of a veto bccauae of the long range revenue los.s. When Republican leaders mel with Nixori Saturday they reported he liked the "noninflationary" impnct of !he bill in l!n'O and 1971 , but not the Joss of funds by 1973. Nixon also had threatened a veto If the measure upped the personal exemp- tion for each taxpayer from the present $600 to $800, plus the Social Security payment boosl The Social Security boost is in the fin.al bill but the exemp- tioii inCrease was cut back so that it will onlY reach $750, and tha t not unti l 1973. Harbor District Teacher Aides To Get Raise Pay incnase.s have bttn· approvtd ft"r 65 persona employed part·Ume ll teacher assistants by Newport-Mesa Unified School District trustees. The assistants to the teachers, known as instructional aides, are 'adults wJlo do not have a teaching credential. Typ'ically. they work three or four hours a day. 'They do such things as grade riar.rrs. prepare bulletin boa rds. set up for lessons, duplicate materials, accompany the cla!!s on field trips and even pla y ttie piano. says Raymond Schnierer, director of non-teaching pcnonnel. Presently claSMoom aides are paid $2.63 per hour and clerical aides $2.36 per hour. Henceforth. the two cateeories ,,,ill be merged and tbt pay will-'bc $2.60 per hour for the first year, $2.73 additional years , and $2.86 after tv.•o years \l'ith completion of a tea che r aide course al Orange Coast College. The pay revisk>n will cost the school district $7,500 the rest ol this year alid $14,000 subsequent years. Schniere~ said. He said the new pay scale is <:om· parable to what other school di.~tricts pa.v. Each principal and his teaching ~laff makes the decision whether to hire in· structional aides and how m a ti y , Schnierer said. He explained Iha! ea1·h school is alloted a certain number (,f staf- fing units according to jts enrollment. and hires the personnel it thinks best iuits its purposes. A sch:>ol may share a music specialist ~'ilh two others as J/3 a staffing unit. Or it may convert the staffing units to money for additional supplies, or hire tPe Instructional aides, who count 114, 113. or 1/2 half a un.it depending upon how many hours they ~·ork. The decision rests v.•lth each school. Beach Woman Rernains Critical' After Transplant itrs. Cara Ramey or Huntington Beach Is still listed in critical condition at Orange County ?o.tedical Center following a rare operation Thursday in which she received not only the kidneys", buf the pancreas of a man who died the same day. ~trs. Ramey. 32. of 72t:I \Viltiams Ave .• has been h01pltalized for several months aa diabetes slowly destroyed her own kid· neys. The kidney transplant wa1 fairly routine~ according to medical authorities. but transplant of the p1ncreas ls a rare operation. performed only 3 very fe"' times anywhere in the world, and never before In California. Hospital officials said Mrs. Ramey w11~ ah!rl and resJ)Ondlng today, thou1h her L"Ol'ldltion rernairu critical. The rare operation wa1 performed by • mecllcal ttam from UC.Jrvint. They we~ erpecltd to 1Jve detall11 of lbt oper1tlon to the pre1s today. Munwhlle Cara's hujb.tnd, tllonte. Ramey, a Huntington Beach postal eTnployt, can only watt, as he has done for the past two months • Woman's Body Found ln Car in Lo ng .Beach Cl..W.-4 A-.erttf .. •4z.1•11 i;.ntltflt. 1tff, Of•• c.nt """n'"""' ~ .... ...,. He -"""""· tt1w1r11•11•1. -~tt• .... H9r ... .. • ..,,"~ """"' """" M ~ w1......,1 ...clti ,.... "''"°'·' " ~..,,: •f"M'r -.... CllU •11r. ,..!, 11 Ntw,..,, 111C~ .... COiii Mnt. •11'.1r"11, wtlol''"lltfl •1 ~,.,..., 11 lj -1"11¥1 W "''" U.tf '°"""'''' ... 111,.,, ''''"'•'-· ., ,, _,,,,,,. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Th< b1d!y decOl"l'lpoted body cl a womfn, which was dJacovtred ill the trunk or a parked c•r if1 1.ong Bc:ach w11s ldenUfied late Sunday as thil of a U.year-old Sin OiegJ \\·oma n. . -.-. ' • • • • I I OAll • .,-l'l~OT Sl•lf f'htle AGAIN TH IS YUL!TIDE, ·NAUTICAL SANTA RIDES WHALE PULLED BY SEAHORSES DOWN BALBOA BOULEVARD IN NEWPORT BEACH For Eighth Yt•_f, Al Forgit's Boul•v•rd Centerpiece Appe•r• But Thi1 Ti m., Other Busint11e1 Helped Out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thieves Hit Two Honies , Tlireateri Girl . Laguna Beach poli ce are seeking a brazen Christmas burglar·who struck two neighboring homes over the weekend , one or them twice, terrorized a young woman and may have been in\.olvcd i;. a lilt and run accident in a stolen car. Janet Godden , 26. reported to police on Saturday that someone had entered her home, IOI I Glenneyr~ St. during the night. removed a gift-wrapped electric ice crusher from under th e Christmas lree and moved her purse from a bedroom dresser to a jiving room chair. There wu no 1noney in the putse and nothing else had be.en laken, she S;aid. At 4:42 a.m. Sunday, Pamela ~~~sage, 2J, who lives in an upstair~. apartment next door. al 285 Anita St. was awakened by a man who yanked the covers off he r hed and told her, "Give me Y.OUr mooe;t or I'll kill you!" She got up and gave the man $4 rrom her purse, Miss Passage told police. A~ he v.·ent to~·ard the rront door. she push· ed him out .and screamed, she said. The Intruder. described as 23 to.24 years old, s feet 8 inches. J4S pounds, with long black hair. then £led to a car parked . outside and drove orr .. . Al that point his ·victim noticed Christmas packages. apparently thrown from her apartment, scaltere<I in the yard. Poli ce arriving to investigate, checked the adjacent Godden home, where a V.'indow appeared to have been forced open and fgund it had been ransacked . Dra•Ners had been dumped nut. the Christmas tree knoc~cd over and leather dye splattered over furniture , of· fi cers said. . When Miss Godden, who had left alter the Friday night incident. returned, she told .oUicers that keys belonging to her roommate's car v.•ere' missing and the car left outside with a damaged front fender. Also missing was a $100 bill which had been stapled to a collage and several checks from a checkbook. Police surmise that the burglar. finding the car ke vs. took the vehicle for a joyride and ·may have been involved in a hit and run accident. Lra dc:;, {;irls, J"loncy W o tT)' Yo ung !\to~t NE\V YORK (UPI) -Despite the publicized world of dnigs. social unrest, and war protest a Gallup Poll in Newsweek magazine released Suntlll;' in- dicales the younger generation is \\·orrietl more about grades. girls. and finances. Out of t,092 students interViev.'ed on ~.7 campuses in America. 75 pcrcenl men. tioned finance!! as lhe problem \1'hicli \vorried them most. Ab6ut half mentioned grades. 11·ith 18 percent mentioning lhc Vlelllam war. 111 Londo11 Jacquelin• Kennedy Onassb arrived In London . Sunday where she said she'll spend the Christmas holidays. Husband Aristotle \s scheduled to join her. Whale oi a Y nle Display SanUt Travels by Seahors e Again in New por t Newport Beach's iiautical Santa Clau1, 1iUing happily astride a blue whale ~ted by e!Jht aeahorses: 'is riding • a1oilg a boulevard divide( near McFadden r Square agaip.. thi! Yfll!l":~ - lf's tl:le fat man's eighth time around atop ttie Smiling whale, and the Ci-eator ·of tl:le unlque tableau. Al Forgit Hardware, had-some· assistance for the ·fint lime this year. Three other nearby bUsinesses helped set up the display including the replace- ment of a large sea horse \Yhich di.sap. pearcd sometime this past year in the ci· ty yards \1•here the components are storid. lt ·WU ~ plastic aea bc)rst Worth a few doUan, but a· carved w1IOd ~animal which took aome tifne tq r9Place, 'thi spon.sors said ,~ • Eadl six-foot-high sea hors'e is n1ade from balsa a.nd plywood, fitted and sha~. then carved. After that workmen applied fillers and . putty, sandec;I the creatures and added realist!~ colors . .,. Sahta's whale, aboUt 20-feet Tong, USW11ly bobs up'and dow!I in Back Bay at the Newport Dunes:. The park donates lhe Alli es Expect Viet Co11g To Violat e Own Truce SAIGQt-.• (UPI) -Allied intelligence . officrrs predicted today the Viet Cong will violate thei r own Christmas cease· fire witl:l scatered atacks in the provinces surrounding Saigon. "We have every reason to believe they \l'ill violate this cease.fire just as they havl: all th·e others." one of the officials said. •·we think subregional. not division- sized, unita will be involved." The three-day Viet Cong standdown for Christtnas is scheduled to begin at l a.m. S;:iigon lime \\'cdncsda y 19 a.m. Tuesday PST1. 17 hours before the-·.l:flics begin lheir 24-hoUr truce. Driver's Action Save s Tivo Gi rls Two Huntington Beach teenagers suf. rercd only minor injuries in an accident Saturday due to the quick·lhinking of a Jo~resno truck driver. California Highway Patrol officers sald Cheryl Price, 16, of 21851 Newland St. and her pa ssenge r Melenie Grinshaw, 15. of 21 146 Chesterbrook, were traveling southbound on Pacific Coast Highway aL lhe Santa Ana River bridge when tl:ley came up .. behind stopped traffic. Officers said the teenager apparently turned lo the left lo avoid the ca rs and skidded across the bridge, striking the rail on the ea st .side and careening back into trafrlc. Leroy C. Dunn of Fresno was driving a truck in the outside lane northbound. officers said. "As the Price vehicle first .started across traffic he started his evasive action. When she bounded back at him he cul to the left and she only glanced off his truck. If the !ruck had gone straight he would have run right o\·er them," a patrolman said. Both girls were taken to Hoag Hos· pital in Newport Beach where they ·were treatt'd for minor injuries and released. I ' The Intelligence officers emphasized that their predictions should. be taken \vith the same weight as reports the <.:om munist1 planned attacks during \\·eekend to commemorate the 23rd an- niversary of ~ir war effort. It was the quietest weekend of the month. There w.ere these other developments : -Guerrilla ground fire shot down a U.S. helicopter Sunday just below the demilitarized z.one, killing e i g h t Ame ricans and wounding two. Jt brought to 1,432 the number of U.S. 'copters shot down in the \\'ar. -The number of Gls In the war zone ro~e by 300 last week to 472,800, the first increase since September. The figure n1eant 11 ,800 Americans already had left the war as part of President Nixon·s latest withdrawal of 500,000 men. which \\"ill drop the number of troops" Jn Viet- nam to 434,000. · l'rom P age J NU DES • • • ·rwo men and a nude l~ycar-old girl in one bed. -1\vo men in another bed. -Two men asleep on the floor . The runaway girl from Garden Grove admitted being intimate \\'ith at least twn Qf the men in the room, according to in- vestigating officers. Donald P. Venem, 23, of the hotel ad- d:-ess. and Albert C. Elliol_t. 21. of i"ullerton, \\'ere booked on charges of !)tatutory rape after the 4:40 a.m. raid. ~ontributing to the delinquency of a minor charges were lodged against Norbert'R. Hal . 18, of Michigan, William \Vise. 23, of Portland, Ore., Stephen r.ai!ion, 19, of lhe hotel address. and Carl Lan1ey. 18. identified as an Army deserter from fo.Iissouri. Tlieir lf>.year-old alleged playmate v.·a!I <1dmitted lo Orange County Juvenile Hall pending c:ourt action. I FOREMOST AMONGST THE PROBLEM S OF • little leviathan each year for the strec: displfY ·· . Mrs. Peg torgit said weeks of plannlnt -and perrpit 1eeking preceded the auern· bly of· the lar1e dilplay. _This .year's ~xpen.!les for th e group o: figures "A1ere shated by the hardware finn, the c.rab Cooker. Frank Rice ,Sailmaker.s Walter's Sign Shop and \Voody's Wharf. For tl'le few who have missed the huge. glittering display, it sits on the cretn divider strip between Newport anC Balboa boulevards. i:t ·t:: * Annual Neiv port Boat Parade Shows Novelt ies A small cruiser pulling six dinghies with Christmas tress and a large sailboat witl:l a star on its masthead are amona v.·inners announced today in the annual Newport Bea.ch Christmas Boat Parad!. The crulser \\'ith the sabots, ?o.iiniyen, v.·as winner in the O-to-30-foot category. It is owned by William Royce of 22051 Surfrider, Huntington Beach. Jn the 30-to-OQ.foot category, Geralci Thompson's private sportfisher Pacific Clipper took the honors. Thompson Jiveo at 2701 Shell SI., Corona de! Mar. In the 60--foot·and -o\'er class Lonnir. Dunn's Mareva with blue lighls from stem to stern won the prize. Tbe owner J, from Santa Ana . A spetjal award went to the sailboat Valarl, -whose Owner was not announced, for deocratlons including a huge white 11lar atop a 60-foot mast. The parade, which is averaging 15 boats each evening this year,-will con· tinue along the harbor's channels each night through Tuesday starting ilt the Balboa Island Ferry landing. Canyon Acci dent Injures Laguna11 A Laguna Beach man is reported In good condition at South Coast Community Hospital after suffering a severe head in· jury Friday night v.·hen' his car struck a parked vehicle on Laguna Canyon Road . William Raymond Perkins, 38, of 207 Cress St. v.·as westbound on the Canyon road al 9:55 p.m. "·hen he ran into a car lvhich. police said . was parked off the roadwa y near 20982 Laguna Canyon Road. The impact flipped the parked car lnto a four-foot ditch and the Perkin: vehicle. \\•hich police said was demolish· ed. landed on lop of it. ' CHRIS TMAS SHOPPING IS GEITING WAITED ON! •• ' • Not so at old Jack Bidwell '•· We have enou9h Santis here -no wa iting - each a timi d, quiet, traine d expert on wha t's new in mensw ea r . We also hava what could H sily be one of tho finest assortments of swea ters, shirts, neckwetr, slackf sport coats, raincoats, and outerwear . /I THE PERFECT GIFT II the high cost of giving ha1 you by the puru stri ngs, we hive a lest minute sugqestion that is infallible-give • Bidwell gift certificate. It'• H sy to c•rry, it's already wr•pped, it costs wh1tever you're spending, yet tho only safe gift for the man who has nothing. Whether we see you here or not, our w1rmest wishes for • very Merry Christmas! ~lucho parking directly behind my •tore .. \ t c I I ( I I ~ • p i r d " p ~ • • • • • s ' c • • • u • • ' ' • I I b ~ L 01:. 62, NO. 305, 3 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES · FOR NEEOY YOUNGSTERS, SURPRISES FROM SANTA St. Nick's Aide Kathy Schlyer Unlud1 Rultors' Gifts Cl1rist111as Ea1·ly Realtors Help 17 Handicapped ChristmaS came early last week for 17 underprivileged pre-school -youngsters thanks to the Huntington Beach·Foontain Valley Board of Realtors. The occasion was a b reakfa st . Christmas party for the tots held· by the Realtor! Wednesday morning at the Hun- tington Seacliff. Guest speakers at the breakfast were ~frs .. Allee Medina, Community Action • Council coordinator in.Huntington Beach, and Rodney Jones, a sponsor OC the Hu11- tington Bfli ch Youth Coalition. The tots Wtte treated· to gift.\ for each, a visit from Santa and brecikfast on the , realtors. The youngsters w,ere -sel'ected by Mrs. Medina at the request of the Realtors who wanted to help some less fdrt.unate youth in the city. About 125 Realtors Y.'en! present. Viet Plane Hits School 1With 125 Feared l{illed NHA TRANG, Vietnam (UPI) ·-A crippled AJr Viet.Dam DC6 passenger plane, making an emergency landing Jfter an engine exploded, sloughed olf a runway today and etploded into a kln-- dergarten school. South ·vietnamese military police said as many as 125 persons \Yere feared dead . Military police said more than 60 persons aboard th e propeller-dr.iven pl~ne were killed. another 40 lo SO ch1ktren k11l- r.d In the burning school and perhaps another 25 persons livihg in a badl)'·hit shantytown area . wreckage and the· death toll mounted· steadily. The names of four Americans were carried on the passenger list but it was not immediately known if they were casualties. The DC6 with 78 persons aboard suf- fered an explosion which ripped a hole six by four feet in Its side as it flew over Cam Ranh Bay, an inlet in the South China Sea, and spe.d1-to the emergency landing at Nha Trang. Cause of the .ex- plosion was not known. V'l• • •f . ' ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFOttNIA MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 Jet Rams Jlangar 60 Sailors Caught In Miramar Inferno SAN DIEGO (AP) -A Navy jet crashed into a hqar containing an estimated 60 sallon today ·while com- ihg in for a landing at' Miramar Naval Air Station. The plane e1ploded in a ho.gt ball ol llre. A base 1pokeeman said . several men were tilled and dqlena injured. Witnesses said then Crusader:jet was 1bout i,ooo feet high, approaching from the east, when it went into a dive and hit the hangar. 1'There was this hup ball ol fire , It w11 awful People were thrown out. others . ran'," said a base apokesman. "The hangar was &utted:" Ten hellcoplers flew lnJur<d to th< Balboa NavaJ Hoepital 15 'mUea away. 1bt pilot of the stricken craft safely ejt/ded, the 1pol<tmian sald. He wq not 'lmniediately identified. AU Navy' and cOUt Guard helicopters In the area were sent to help carry out wounded . Firemen and di s a s t c r ~ialists · comb;ed t~ r:Wns for bodies and injured aflh' the late morning crash. "It's pretty much of a mess out here, impo.sslble to get a count yet," said a spokesman more than an hour alter the cl' ash. The hangar was one of three on the base measu ring at least 50 yards in length. It is headquarters for a sQuadron or VF12l Pacemaker planes. Mrs. Ramey Undersea Seepage Still Critical Oil Globs W asl1 Asl1ore "4 fter Surgery South of Santa Barbara Mrs. Cara Ramey of Huntington Beach is still listed in critical condition at Orange County Medical Center following a rare ope ration Thursday in wh ich she re ceived not only the kidneys, but the pancreas of a man who died the same day. Mrs. Ramey, 32, of 720 Williams Ave .. has bee n hospi talized for seyeral months as diabetes slowly destroyed her own kid· neys. The kidney transplant was fairly routine, according to medical authorities, but transplant of the pancreas is a rare operation, performed only a very few times anywhere in the \vorld, and never before in California. llospital .offic\jls saj~ Mrs. Ram~y was alert and responding today, though her coodition remains critical. , The rare operation •as performef 1'y 1 medical team frl?J'll UC Irvine. The~ wert expected to give details of the operaUon to lh• prig today. Meanwhile Cara's husband, Monte. Ramey, a Hu ntington Beach postal employl!. can onl)r wait, as 11e has done for the past two 'nyonths. Driver's Action Saves Two Girls Two Huntington Beach teenager!! suf· fered only mlno~ injuries in an accident Saturday due to the quick·thinking of a Fresno truck driver. California Highway Patrol officers 1aid Cheryl Price, IS, of 218SI Newland SI. and her passenger Melenle Grinshaw, 15. of_ 21146 Chesterbrook, were traveling southbound on Pacific Coast Highway at the Santa Ana River bridge when they came up behind stopped traffic. Officer!!· sai d the teenager apparently tumed to the left to avoid the earl! and i;kidded across the bridge, striking the rail on the east side and careening back into traffic·. Leroy C. Dunn of Fresno was dri ving a truck in the outside lane northbound, officers said. "As the Price vehicle first started acrosll traffi c he started bis evasive action. When she bounded bac k at him he cut to the left and she only glanced off his truck. U the truck had gone straight be would have run right over them," a patrolman said. Both glr!A: were taken to Hoag Hos- pital in Newport Beach where they were treated for minor injuries and released. Str.ck Marketa NEW YORK (AP) -Most stocks con• tinued lo lose grouNi in moderate trading today, as declines e"Jterided their le!ld over ad vances by nearly 400 issues. (5ee quotations, Pages 14-15). SANTA BARBARA CAP\ -Globs of oil from a slick fed by undersea seepage wastied onto about 10 miles of scenic coastline today. First reports listed about a half-dozen sea birds killed and more than·200 others floundering, helplessly, their feathers matted with the tar-like goo. Volunteers manned a bird-cleaning sta· tion reactivated for the first time since an underwater oil blowout last winter in the same Santa Barbara Channel area spread a slick over 800 miles of t:le Pacific. "This. is as bad 3! I've seen since the original spill," said Mies Van de Mark , a property · manager at nearby Solimiir Beach. , GeoloJi.sU say the new slick was touch- H u1itington Puts Building Freeze On Central Area Huntington S!ach city councilmen have established a freeze on all but "con- rorming" construction in the down town area and set up a priorities list for capital improvements. The downtown building freeze wall ap. proved S to 2 and includes most of the downtown area. No building permits will be issued for !II: months except thoSf "conlli!tent wilh uset des.ignited.'' Included ii lhe Top of the Pier area. five blocks fronting on Pacific Coast Highway. Jn the capital improvement plan a list of priorities was approved infonna:lly. Included, in order of priority were civic center site purchase (already ac· compli shed), civic center buildings, ,a fire station at Warner Avenue and Gothard Street, a Fire Department training center, fire station!! on Magnolia and Springdale, headquarters fire station modification, a multi-puq>OH auditorium, the Parking Authority plan and a cor- poration yard and library. Total cost of the outlined projects was estimai.,d by Fi....., lliredo!' Ben Arguello at •t5.7 million, including lhe 1325 mllllon downlown ·Parklng Authority plan which wil be financed with revenue bOnds. · · Arguello llUJgt:!ted 1 financing plan whlch would stretch the projects out through 1975; Included in revenue sources are the $1.50 refUS! fee and property tax- es. Other possible revenues were discussed Including an oil produdion tax. ed off alter pumps at off.shore oil dnlling platforms were shut down from Tuesday to Saturday while workmen repaired a broken pipeline. Pressure apparently built up in lhe oil pools below the ocean noor, they said. causing oil to seep out of sea-bottom fissures considerably faster than the usual 250-gal\on·a-day ra te geologists estimate. Because of foggy weather there was no estimate of lhe s:ze of. the slick. Union Oil Co. officials said Sunday that reactivation of their pum ps Saturday ap- parently ~elieved the pressure and b3\tC<I the heavy seepage. The new probl~ms are "jUst another in· dication that, no.matter what lhe oil C()m• ~nies say, they can't guarantee thit cur- rent drilling operations are lailsale, ·• said Alvin . C. Weingand, board chairman of Get Oil Out -GOO -a group militantly oPPOlld to olfshore drilling operation~. Weingand sent a .telegram to.President Nix~ urging that "he become personally involVed in our problems here and that he order all drilling operations in the Santa Barbara Channel shut down." Surters at popular Rincoo Baach about 12 miles south of here abandoned oil- covered waves. CiYil Defense Officials in Ventura County to the south r~ported brisk onshore winds driving oil onto bea ches near the Ventura River. "I first saw a couple of birds In trouble Saturday evening," said Yvon Chouinard, 31, a coastal property owner just north of Ventw:~. "They we.re western gtebes and had been covered with oil. By Sunday, about 8 a.m. when I got up, UK>Se two birds were dead •.. " "The wave.e had become black and there Were large pools of oil standing on the beach," he added. Bus Trips Set For Huntington Park Sites Tours Parks and future park sites in Hunt· ln.gton Beach can be villited via bus Jan. 10 during a public tour sponsored by the city Parka and Recreation Department. Department Director Nonnan Worthy- aaid the tour will begin at •·~30 a.m. and conclude wllh a no-boet l'1fleheon a\ the Sheraton-Beach Inni· Adv~ reaerva· tionll should be made by tel!phoning the Recreation Department, 536-2573 by Jan. 6.· ' Member!! of the ,city's Parks and 'Rec- reation Commission and Design Review Boatd will make the tour along with city staff members who will answer qu es· lions cit.iHns might have on parks opera- tion or developmenL. Jl was the worst accident in the history of the government-operated airlines. Last Sept. 20 an Air Vietnam passenger plane tdllided 1wilh'a U.S. F4 Philntom jet near Da Nang. ldllinJ. T1 persons aboard the totnmercial airliner. GWC Bid Action 'Unfair' Voters approved a ts million bond is- aue this year lo finance a citywide park nPfMICNJ proiram and pre liminary plan- ning i1 }l!lder ·way despjte an unfavor- able borid market whlcl'f has made it lmpoulble lo ,.11 the bonds. Authoritlef said ·tbe four engine plane ., .. damaeect by an explosion· in flight ml~ lili)lln( an etnerll"llCY landing at "" l'tia ~.,Afr Base oo th< coast 188 mil•,-or salgon when the pilot ~ the 'runway. Tbe, piane was en ro\llo.V.4o18<>n·at tbe lime. . MllllMJ llOUl)1<S aaid th< bodies o[ 40 ~ hatf' been counted •t lhe crash 1.ilt. More bodies were still In the Fire Sweeps Sorority LOS ANGELES (UPI) -fire s•ept IU1)Ugh the vacant Alpha Xl Delta sororl· ly house near UCLA Sunday night caus.- rtg .;,,, estim1ted $25,000 damage to the sttiry structure before fire urut.s were le lo utfniu;sh the blaie. Huntiiig.ton Company Protests Rejecuon Olflc!als or a Huntington Beach electric company loday are <lalmioi.tbelr low bid on a Golden Wellt CoUegi lltoJeci was thrown out t1nf1irly by 111 trdi.Jteci't: «in4 sultan t. Patrick Gallagher of ~enumat!c Elec- tric Company "YI the bid re}ecllon wds "high handed." . , • But a spokesman for Jltchitectj WUUam L. Pmlra and Asso&t.es say the rt- jecOon was based on inability of lhe firm to meet speciOcatlons. . . Gallagher last week Look hiS case to lhe Or1nge Coast Junior College District board. But board members were lold by the County Counsel's ofOce, their legal •dvtstr, tba~tbe archfltct they blred had the say . in the matter. ' "All we are as~g the board ·il to ror crying out loud be fair.'' said ~allagher. vice president or engineering f'b r Pne.umatic £1ectric. But the college trustees took no act.ion. "All the college can do la say, ~K. lf the expert says it doesn't meet tl,te speclflcit- Uon! it doesn'I meet it." remarked Lloyd Hamilton, Golden West Colleit business manager. Pneumallc Electric bid r a prlct of •139,000 for providing switching gear and transformer equipment to dlsttlbute elec- tricity to $4.25 million of new buildi"'3 no1v under construction on the Goldin West campus .ID Huntingloo Beach. The next lo" bidder, according to Gallagher, was Westlnghaute Electric Corporation at about '30,000 higher. Gallagher claims that after the blds were opened \llesUnghouse· i;ubsequentl y lowered Ill! price to meet Pneumatic Electrlc's"bld. Robert Reichel, owner of Reichel Eltc· tric Inc., the subconlractor to which the bids were submltie:d, would not conftnn the figures. "We are in no· positioo to spe1k of thia at thla ume." ht pid. Neither the college nor the architect k...,. the Weotingt>oueo bid !Jaure. • Gallagher cllimed Pneumatle Electric jot an out-of·h•nd turn down becatUe tht !$« LOW BID, ..... I) ' I ~. - Included in .\he current planning is the 147-a~re CentrJI Park and aeveral nelg~ borhood facilities. Design contracts .al- read1 have bffn let for several of the pn>Jecta. . . Huntington Elks Distributing Food Mem~r1 of HunUngton Bea~h Elk!! LOdge have prepartd and are distri~utlng bukell al lood and toy• to needy families. · • ..PackagJnc of u~ basket& w•s com-p~ttd Wt Weilind ~r th< diiOc:tion of ~adlng Knight °'arles S p e r r at i o . lnclUded were· frozen turkeyt and alT tbt lngredlt11t.s for 1 Chrlaunu dinner. • • ·--" Today's Final N.Y. Steeb TEN CENTS UPI T•'"""411 ,,. I JOlltfoll .Jacqueline Ken nedy Onassis arrived in London · Sunday \\'here she said she'll spend the Christn1as holidays. J :us band Aristotle is scheduled Lo joio her. Chamber Women Select Winners Of Yule Contest The best dressed homes for thi5 Christmas \l1ere announced Sunday night In Fountain VaUey by the Chamber of Commerce Women's Division, sponsors of· I.he city's first Ch ristmas decorating con- test. Top deeorations from more than SO total entran ts were: Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, 10286 Cardinal Ave.. best Christmas scene . Their home featured a church, Santa Claus, six snowmen, a nativity scene, a train and a tree. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pinkerton, 17525 Santa Monica Circle, most religious win- ners wit.h a nativity scene and a beam of light. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klify, 17608 Oak St., won the most unusual category with Snow White's wedding. Winners of the Santa's special were tti, Mr. and Mrs. Don Borchardt and famil;:: 9200 El Morada St., each ol home Painted a separate window of thei r home. The best neighborhood category was won by the homes on El Verde Circle. Each home featured a separate decora- tion, but all incorporated a Christmas lf'ee with yellow lights to give lhe area unity. ~lamilton House Inter iors, In the Village Center at Magnolia Stree~ a.~ Talbert Avenue, won the best w1ndQY1 decoration for a business while GW Fawkes'Restaurant, on Brookhurst Stret!t near ·warner Avnue, featured the top ID- door and outdoor decoration. ..;:_ No business enbies were received fir best decorated shopping center, said M~. Richard Gillum, chairman or *be women's division Christmas contesl ·: • Orange •• •• CAtu& ~ • •• ., .• ,• Clea ring 'Skies Is the weather-;! man's Christmas present, to the!! Orange Coast, with the sun ·break·:! ing through but temperatures r• .: ma ining in the middle sixties. ;; ' ,• INSWE TODAY ·• ,• ;1t's · timt for n Wom4tt 'to bi~~ ,• namtd to '11 t Supreme Courc 4; ond Womtn member& of · the·:: 116mt thtnk they M.ve in thtit'Z: mid$i jU3t th.t right per.sons.;: Page 13. : .. Ooly 3 o;r. CHRISTMAS ,.. ___ ,. __ It ., .. .. -: •' • ! DAllY PILOT H 1t "Judge's 1Jr9i 119 ·~ Manson Delays Lawyer D,e_cision i , ':tOS ANGELES (UPll-Charles Man· i'9fi· accused m.as:ermind in the Sharon 'fpte murders, rns1sted today thal he 3Wished to act as rus own attorney but ~ll'ttd to ·postpone a final decision at ·-4.he~urging ot a judge. :'.·~ter a dialogue of about 20 minutes between the bearded, !ft-haired· de· .-Jendant and Superior Court Judge \VU· .... liiJn· B. Kffnt, Manson agreed lo confer !With. an attorney appointed by the court and return Wednesday to give his de- "'tision. :.; J;4nda Kasabian, 20. another defendant .}l) the case, was granted a continuance unUI Jan. 6 to enter a plea lo permit W · new atomey to fam iliarize himself <'ii!!!i her case. ·;_, talie .Van Houten. 19, pleaded inno-.. <-.eni to two counts of murder. _.. 'M'aillon and Mrs. Kasablan Were in- dicted Dec. I on seven counts of murder and one count of conspiracy in the stayings of five persons at the home of Miss Tate Aug. 9 and the killing lwo days later of Leno LaBianca, a wealthy grocer, and.hit wife. Miss Van Houte n also was indicted on a conspiracy charge, but only two 1nurder eounts were lodged against her in connection with lhe LaBianca killings. Manson and 25 of his followers were arrested in an old camp~n the edge of Death Valley in Octobe on ·auto theft charges. Late in N mber, Susan Atkins. 21. one of s.iX m bers of ''the Manson Family" indicted for the sJay- ings, · told authoriHes Manson and his cult were respons.ible for the killings. Miss Atkins has told a grand jury lhe full story and has entered a plea of innocent. She was expected to contend she ·acted under Manson's hypnotic spell. Her trial, set for Feb. 9. may be held separately from the others. Wadsworth Wins Beach f;hristmas Sweepstakes ;('":o<, ! .:•::l'J'he home of D. F, Wadsworth. 18101 ~M~ody Lane~ "'a~ j u d g .e d the /S;Vo'oepstakes w1nner ln Hu n t 1 n g to n ;_lkic;h's annual "Christmas C i I y' ' decorating contest. The ev'ent was co-sponsored by the city and the WGmen's Division of lhe Chamber of Commerce , Judges spent three nights ch~king the entrants before making a decision. f\1ajor winners will be guests at a din · ner in January \Vhen they 'viii recejve thei r trophies. Best Commercia l Buildiilg award \1·as ~n bv the George McCracken building. 11'tJ73 Beach Bl vd., home or the DAILY :1'1far. ;: Other V.'inners: · Best Christmas Displ ay : .J a 111 e J ~l~nQerson. 8382 Sharie Drive; Fred Snipp .-15J~I WUlett Lane. · ., 'Childrens Fantasy -AUen Quinn, 6601 Limerick Drive; George Freeman. 20041 4Ashawlt Lane: Religious -John D. ~.;; .. ':.CO uncil Oka ys 2\)Qwn. Pa y1pe~t ti£.·.· ' . On Civic Center 7'"i •• ?' 1.!'E.' . .• ~.,;A: down payment of $325,000 has been ,;'~e by the City or Huntington Beach on 'T f3-acre site 11,•hich will ultimately con· .~iP the hew civic cente r. i.,.;nepresenting the city in \Vednesd ay'J lt.-iisaction with the Huntington Beach l:"o'inpariy, the landowner. 1vas City ~inistrator Brander Castle. •· "'the pri ce of the land, located at ~1ain 'l·~et south o[ J\olansiOn Avenue, i~ "~,000. The remaining $35,000 is to ~ ~ d to tbc Jtuntington Beach Company cJfter present oil operations on the site ,4 frJ ·dissolved. -~ tne request to cease oil operations will ~ ff~e when the buildin~ plans are co~· · .. ~t.c and construction 1s about to begin :~aqqPrding to Castle. ~~ Purchase of the land ends three years , --OLdiscussion and one year or negotiation for the si tt. It wa s selected by city coun· c·i!men aftt-r several months of in· \ !!:iligalion for possible locations or !ht <·ivic center through a special commillec. Current municipal and police offices are located on a tY:o-acre site at ~th Street, bet\\·een Pecan and Orangt A\·tnues. Ctow, 6891 Nyanza Dri ve; li.fobile Home -Jerry Wa lters, 21462 Pacific Coasl H.igh1vay, Driftwood Court 26. Best Outdoor Tree -Richard Wilson, 1024, 13th St.: Best Indoor Tree or Display -Tom Neeld, 1010 Main St . : Neighborhood -Sea Aira Park. 624! Warner Ave. ti.ferchants \Vindow -Gort:lon \Vhatley, 17851 Beach Blvd.: Commercia l Display -Signal Oil & Gas Co .. be tween 21st and 22nd St. Others winners -Dale Hughes. 16301 Serenade Lane; Kevin Chard, I G l~L Norgrove Circle; Jim Rueh, 6301 Winslow Drive: Golden West Homeowners, Golden \Vest tract: Bill Borland, 15241 Victoria Lane. James Solum . 16342 Baruna !Jane: George Parke, 6241 Warner, Sea Aira \Vtst No. 68; Robert Bonillas. 1171 1 Collie Lane; Joe Long. 1005 Park St.: 0. W. Rider. 1026 13th St.: Chuck Robert, 1112 Pine St.: J ohn C. Siebert. 1706 Park St.: \Vayne Melquisk, 1212 MaJn St.: PauJ Balaton, 80 Hunlingto11 St., No. 51 ; Huntington Shores Motel, 21102 Pacific Coast Highwa y;, Jan Corcoran. 21851 Newland : Huntington By the Sea No. 13: Ro.93 Jackman. ~1401 Pinetree Lane; Bill Reed, 8421 Snowbird Drive: James A. Shel!on. 833 Heron Circle: Earl Ellis, 20051 Farnsworth Lane : ,Jrff Irvine. 818 Joliet St : John Kerwin , 2U502 Tobennory Circle : Southern California First.National Bank. 89 Adams Ave. M. r..1cKeman. 19872 Lotus Lanr: f". t.. Hodgins, 10382 Monltor Dri ve. Plunge Victim Now Identified SANTA CRUZ tAP) -The body o! 11 "'Oman found at the base of a cliff near here has been identified. but anot her v.·oman 's body probably 'viii take a v.·hile lo identify, a coroner's deputy said. Clayton Matthews identified Sunday as his '"·ifc. Jean. 43, a \\'Oman killed in a plunge from a 35·foot ocean cliff Satur- day. the day he reported her mi ssing. Because of decomposition. it "'ill take time1o identify the other body 1vhlch w~s found in the surf f'riday. Bone X reys in - dicate the \roman was about 20 years old. the deputy said. --------------·---·-------·---------------~------. - '--·k " -I r-· : ••• t. 1. r ' ----... • j/ --. Rec1•1iiters Recr11iti1ag NeY.'. con1bined armed forces recruiting center for Orange Coast opened Friday at 5'12 \V. 19th St., Costa Mesa, and rec::ruiting NCO's fo r various branches of service \vasted little time in tes:ing their salesmanship on Co nnie Pfister. 19. Miss Hunt- ington Beach. Recruiters are (from left) Stall Sgt. .Jin1 ~lisialck (.'\r1ny), CPO Billy KahJ (Navy). Gun- nery Sgt. Paul Turpin (l\1arines) ;i.nd Staff Sgt. Tom Bo\vman I Air Forcei. The blonde beauty said all the boys \Vere so cute she couldn't choose be- 1\veen them. ~he rernains. a civilian. Jarrett Plans To Run Ag ain 111 Wes tminster Buel Jarrett. 58. a member or the \Vest minster City Council since 1961, has annnunced hi s intention to seek re-~lec lion in next April's election. Jarrett, a furniture manufacturer. said he \\'Ould continue his dri ve for fu rther properly tax reductions, balanced com- munity development and con I i nu e d stability in city government. In announcing his candidacy, .Tarrctt puinted to the city's growth and progr".ss in recent years. and lo the fact that city rroper\y~ taxes had bttn lowered for the first time this year. ;.If I can in any smafl \Vay help keep our Jcaro fUort goiyg {or the good of our ~·itv and it!i Citizens. 1 feel I must attempt to do so. For these reasons I have decid· t'd to be a candidate in the com ing. elee~ ti11ns and lo a~k the citizens o[ \\'r.!'l1n inste r for their continu~d sup- por1 ," he said. . . Two sea ls on' the Westminster City Council \1•i!l become vacant next April. .1ar,.ett's and one c:urrenlly held by Philip Ar1hony. Odd Combination Is St yle Wi11ner Stainless steel rods wrap ped in blue :>.nd gold tins2l garlands, braided hair and roam plastic circles with stars inside 11 ere the ingredients for the v.·inning hairs tyle of the Golden West College COS· n1etology department third a n n u a l Ch ristmas Headdress Fantasy. The three·level creation by 19·year-old Barbara Smith of Costa Jl.tesa took fir st place in the junior-senior student division :ind first for overa ll theme among 40 ori 11inal headdresses modeled Thursday 11i~~t by cosmetology students. Big Turnout at College Elects Cooper President James E . Cooper, 22, a sophomore biology maj_or rrom \Vestminster. has been elected student body president at Golden \\'est College in the l;,irgcst turnout of student l'Oters in the coll ege's four years. l ie narrowly defeated Mike Cen· ofante in Friday's election v.·hich sa\1' 1.135 students go to the polls, including 200 evening' college student! \vho voted for the first time. "l tbink the large vote wa s due to ex- College Putting ' Oasses on TV Courses taught at Golden \Vest College \rill be televised and al'ailable for vi~\\'· i.1g by individual students if a requested grant for $5,584 in fcdcra funds is ap- provec.i. Orange Coast Junior College District tnistees have agreed to put up an equal a:ncunt of local tax 1noney for the project if the U.S. government fund s come through. The total sum of $11 ,168 1vould be used to buy equipment and materials. The proposal is to televise segments of courses in speech. history, political s.:ience and recreation technology, and through a closed-circuit tek:vision system n1ake them available for repeat viewing. The proposed system. to Ile installed in !hE multi·media center or the college librarv. \\'Ould be able to accommodate 1.p to ·10 students simultaneously vie\.\·ing cli fferent course segments in ;.;tudy ca r- rels. 1cnsive campaigning by both candidates and pocketbook issue~ which mean something to students." said Cooper. "l\.1y opponent and I usually appeared together and I think we talked to about I .500 stu dents." Other officers elected . were Larry Fowler. Fountain Valley, vice-president : ary Arnold, Ga rden Grove, and Da ve Betts, Seal Beach, representatives lo the College Arfairs Council; Bill \Vhitehead, Surfside, and John Yeiser, Huntington Beach, representatives to the Council on Curriculum and instruction; and Bill Lager, HuntingJon Beach, representative t ro the Presideil's Cabinet. Elected senators from the instruclional divisions were Alan Delahoyd,t?, Hun- tington Beach. b\JSine51s; Katie ~ngs~OJl, \\'cstminster. fine an d applied arts : Gary· KnOwlton, Huntington Beach. health sciences: Debbie Hcnnan. Huntington Beach. mathematics and s ci c n c e s ; · f\~ichael Tracy, Westminster. technology; and Oi aryia Broderick, \Vestminstrr, social science. F1u1ds Approve d-· For Park Work A donation of $3.000 for improvements in LeBard Park has been approved by the members of the Meredith Garderis Homeowners Association. LeBard park , in the southeast section nf the city. is surrounded by the Meredith Gardens developmenl. Ed1\'ard H. Kerins. president nf the association. said Lhe mon ey \.\'as raised during the past three yea rs through the group's fireworks stand. , f;1"!1~11 • Pug~ .. } WW BID .. : 4 - • • 90-employe company wasn't large enough to suit Henry Hickok, electMcal engineer- ing L'Onsultant to architecl Pereira. , Bui Hickok aaid he •i.11<4, the Pneumatic ttectric plant and ·rou.hd 11 lack or quality control • and testing facilities tor t.ht "highly technical qquip- ment." , . . " "It is terribly impoiia:nt that a cJl.mpus have quality equipment so that it will gtt long life and low maintenance," Robert l!.'nsign, exccuUve 'architect in chafge or the project fQr Pere ira said. Gallagher read a statemect to tht col- lege board that noted : • '· , , We cannot and will not accept that a carte blanche of authol'i.ty has been giyen to the archiect and in tuin to hJs engineer to permit exelu:ilve biddinf by large companies onJy. This would warp the historical fair blddi111i praeti«s which are designed to (.ve both the tax- payer and his representative c'Ost ad- mini.str~tor ~e lowe_st equal qtiality price possible. It is our mtentton and in fact our obligc:tion to like wha.tever s.teps necessary to pr.otect the system and ourselves." Gallagher today explained what he meant by the l11st statement. "Our other recourse is to ge~ a batch of lawyeris," he said. "We're very reluctant to. get in· volved in a lawsuit when it is not necessary." But he said Ifie company may feel It has to if not allowed to bid Jan. 9 on another Golden West campus con. struction project. The Jan. 9 bidding will include eJec. trical s\\•itching gear for a 350-seat com- munity theater, police science addition cafeteria, student atciv ities area and 600 parking sta lls. . · The previously bid on project was for a gymnasium. recreation educatio n building, new technology b u i I d i n g , telecommunications building and addition to the math-science building. '.'When you restrict tbe competition the price goes up naturally," Galfcigher said. He said his firm has done larger jobs fhan Goldtn West College -for the U.S. gov~rnll!ent. U.S. Navy. Uniyersity ot California and Los Alamitos Race Track. Equipment produced at the Huntington Beach plant. he said, meets National Electrical Association standards. Cross Country Practice Starts .cross country practice for boy.!I and girls age 7 to 14 started today at 4 p.m, at Fountain Valley High School. .Exercises, conditioning and running \\'Ill .be under the guidance of Rudy G<1rc1a. The program is sponsored for lwo weeks by the city parks and recrea· lion department. A city cham pionship meet wili be held Jan. JO ,with wlil~r• eligible for the ·coun- ty novice cross Country finals. Interested runners can sign up for the program at cil.v hall or directly at the high school track. - Beach Trustees Sla te l\'l eeting for J au. 13 The nexl regul ar meeting of lhe Hun· l!nglon Beach City (elementary) School District Board of Trustees \\'ill be 7:30 p.m., Jan. J3. The meeting scheduled for Tuesday 11•as postponed for the Christmas ho lidays. lfeil A ve nue Opens Heil Avenue in Hwitington·Beach from Beach Boulevard to Golden_ West Street is now open for east·west traffic, according lo Bill Reed. city information officer. Reed said that Heil can now bear somf! of the hea vy traffic using Warner and Edinger Avenues. The street was opened Friday on the completion of a tract oI homes in the area. The architectural fir m of Kurt f\1eyer and Associates has been retained lo rlesign the new complex, 1vhich \Viii also include police facilities, That seemed to rule out a possibility the body 'could be that of either of two leen·agers police believe "·ere kidnaped from the Bay Area earlier this month. Miss Smith, who graduates in February, pLlnS to go into beauty salon work in the J\ev.·port Beach area. She graduated from Corona del f\1ar High School in 1968. ~~I . ---·· DAILY PILOT 01t'NC.E tO,~t PUIL11.,ING C'O•.l~~NV ~ .. \1..,1 N. w,.d Prtt:•tftl •M l"•JI>'"~'' J 1clr It. Cu•l•v Voe! l"•tl iCl.,.1 1•,tl C...,trl l II'•~")" ThoJ'I•• 11:11 ... <I E<ll•")' l~•"'•I A Murph0ftt M t ... t •nt !<II•''" ,t.ltttl '"'· l1h1 .O.u 0<!1+t E<ll uo' H1nti11tl•• laKll OHlct 171 7 ~ l1•ch l oul1• .. d /ril1d•n9 Add<01i; ,,0, lo• 790, 11•~1 Orll•• Offk" l •9.,o• l t•t": »i l'OI'"' "'""""°' Co1•1 Mnt · JJO Wtlt I I , $!tMI f"r"'llO", l'IC"\ 7!11 ~· llfbN llu't•I'' ·- 0"1L v ll!LOT, ""'~ wit~ 1• -\nfll '~t ,., .. ,.,.,.._.., It pul:llftf' <1111, _," """" ''' "' ••••tt to+•..,.. ..., L•""'' l11cn, ott..,,.,tl IUU., COlll Mn•I, HuMlfl9;.,. •tt<n •M "-'•"' v1111,, •:"'9 •• t~ tw.> ...... ~•• ~'""""· o··-,_, •wr11~m1 '""""'~" P''t'll"' .,...,,. .,. 1t 211 ! Wt1! 1•1\111• l t"'ll.. ,,,,......,. l t :d\. •tld lXI Whl l1v $tfffl, (Ollt M~u. T1kj19i•ff 11141 '42·4121 Boy, II, on H Tells Police He's 'Cut' llabit Dy ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 tllt 01111 l"IMot Sit/I A probe tnto drue' use among Costa l\lesa 11choo! children has lN! tn the arrest of an ll ·year-old heroin shooter 11:ho blithely 1old police hr has cut down hi~ habit quite a bit and hopes to stop altogether , lnformation supplied through various sources has resulted in the ques· lioolng of a number of youngsters since last week. ,.,.hen two fathers took the ir daua:hters out of school as a prec aution. Tht I !·year.old boy picktd up rriday 1vas charged 1vith Jack of parental control, since he had no <!ruts to substantiate a stiffer charge, only his past history. Officer Phil Donohue said the boy had a festering absces!I inside the crOok of his elbow from injecting ht!roltt about two weeks before and also told of repcattdly smoki ng m;irijuana . He is 1 student at Sonora Elementary School. Police urged the parents lo lake him to a doctor ror medical attention as a result of tbe 1bsc&111 while his probation officer was notified of the admitted nartotlrs u.!le. The investigation Into widespread drug use also resulted in the arrest of a JS.yur--0ld Cosh1 Mesa High School SIUdent Friday for possession or dAn· gerous drug~. t f FOR EMOST AM ONGST THE PROBLEMS OF CH RISTMAS SHOPPIN G IS GETIING WAITED ON! Nol so •I old J.c~ Bidwell's. We have en ough Santas here -no w1iting - each a timid, quiet, tra ined e>1pert on what 's new 1n menswear. We also have whit could easily be one of th1 fine st assortments of sweaters, shirt s, neC:kwear, slacks , spo rt coats, ra incoats, and outerwear . THE PERFECT GIFT If the high cost of giv in9 has you by the purse stri ngs, we have a last minute iugg1st ion that is infallible-give a Bidwell gift certificate. It's easy to carry, it'$ alr.eady wrapped, it costs wh1tev1r you'ro spending, yet the only safe 9ift fo r !he man who h15 nothing. Whether we 1ee you here or not, ou r warmelt wishes for 1 very Merry Chri1tm1s! 3·16i Via Lido FrM WMrMIMPt r c:.1114.t•llJt c:1 ... 1~ ..... t1.i .. '42·161• C•ll'!'•..m. t ... , O.•,,... t.tut ~ub1l1ft .... ,.,... ... , ,., -111'1'> lllllltrtl!ltlt. tlf•lffl•I 111 .. 1..,. ., rdv111•1•-~11 ""'""' TNIY 9f •'9f'tlf..C:f'f ··-! !tottltol -""'" ..... ot <tPft\fl!! _ .. • t~.,.. '"" p011•tt ""' •• Nc .. ro" lt•cll ' .... (Ot!T MKil, (llloOl'l!lt. hl>K"fl..,. llJ 'l"t(' UCO -l~l'f'! IJ N I! tl M .._,~<yl "'110tlrp ~t•l•~•!l&rt>, U • ""°"'" Y Jnvesligators given his name by informants questioned the youth an d he wa! discovered at the timt to h11,·e a i::n1a!1 qullntity of bMbilurate pills in hi! posst!iSlOD. Open Until 9 P.;11. 1E xcep1 Saturdsy) ?il ucho parking direcUy behind my store ' , I ! I I I I I 1 l ;-_:,.-:.:..:..:; .. :_~-,.-,...;"'~"".-.-.~·~·~··,,·-·.,·-·~··.,..··~ ....... -...,,. . .-. .. ..,.,.,.~ .. ,.,~------------------------------------------------ • Visions of Sugar Plums Or, maybe it was a vision of all Utat ice cream you hear about ton- sillectomy patients getting in order to soothe raw llhroats. Anyway. that's between Santa and W. William Wornardt III, 5, a tonsillectomy patient in the pediatrics ward at Newport's Hoag Memorial Hospital SEC Files Action Against .7 Firms in Stock Fraud WASHINGTON (AP) -Prealng Its campaign agaJnst the •IJlloltaUoo of "shell corporatiom" with few or no assets, the Securities and Exchange Com- mission today suspended trading in stocks of seven companies and prepared to file a lawsuit against twD of them. It acted against XI Productions Inc. of Beverly Hills; Universal Coverage Corp. of Beverly Hills; Rietz Industries Inc. of Chatsworth; Consolidated Smelting and Refined Corp. and its succusor, Michelle Enterprises Ltd., of Long Beach; and Trans-Pacific Enterprises and Trans- Pacific Development Corp. of San Fran-ruco. Piiot Logbook Tradlng In stock of each of the com- panies was suspended for 10 days ending Dec. 31. The SEC also said tt would file suit in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles against Rieb Industries and Universal Coverage plus three other corporations and a number or individuals not named in the suspension order. The SEC said its Investigation is con· tinuing. It cautioned dealers and broker&, before they trade in any stock when the . suspension ends, to "assure themselves that they are not engaging In activities which make them participants in viola· tion" o f federal antifraud or an· t.imanipulation laws. • • Playing Numbers Game With Police on Patrol By BARBARA KREIBICH 01 tlll Dlllr PIWI Sllft ANY YOUTHFUL television watcher could tell you that a police officer who barks. "Ten-four!" in the mike of his squad car is simply telling head· quarters, ''Okay, I've got the message." And youthful TV watcher's father is equally well aware that if he tries to drive himself home after the office party he may well wind up as a 502- which can be preUy expensive these days. (They may have changed the number in the State Vehicle Code, but In police number talk, a drunk driver is still a 502). But this is just kindergarten stuff. FOR EXAMPLE: if Station 45 gi ve 45-25 a 10-C9 to Laguna Canyon on a possible 415. and 45-25 reportli a 417, a 998 and a 999 -you can lay a good bet that the re- sponse will be handled Code 3. This sort of chatter fills the airwaves day and night as police and sheriff stations and their mobile. units cover the county crime scene. In every police car and by the radio of every dis- patcher is a card listing more than 100 numbers in the Orange County Coordi- nated Communications System radio code. ANY LAWMAN in the county could interpret the above gibberish as meaning that the Laguna Beach police station 145) is ordering car 25 to pro- ceed to (10-49) Laguna Canyon to check on a pOssible disturbance of the peace (415). And that the squad car, on arriving at the scene, has reported, a man with a gun (417), an officer involved in a shooting (998) and officer in need of help -urgent (999). The response, of course, would be handled as an emergency, with red light and siren (Code 3), There are several re&Mns for all the double talk, police explain. FOR ONE THING, hundr'e.ds of amateur radio fans tune In on f>Ollce broadcast bands just tor the fun of it and uncoded announcement of a burg- lary alann sounding, or a possible plane crash could bring unneeded com· pany to the sce>e and impede police work. Broadcast instructions to check out a possible stolen vehicle al a specific address could, similarly, result in removal of the vehJcle before the police arrived . An addiUonal advantage of the number code, say police, is the fact that numbers are often easier to understand than words. Similarities of pronuncia· tlon In many words ean cause confusion. The nwnber code is selected for max· tmum ~arity. SINCE LAW enforcement units" limn in on each otber'a chaitter all the Ume, the uniform communlciallons code has &0me tpecific advantages. A Laguna Beach police offle<r overhearing a I~ order broadc...i by the matrway Paftol" will prick up his ears: and listen for the location. It means "standby for emereeney traffic" and' if near the dty it could involve local units. By the same token, a lo-34 'frill assure all unlta in the area that normaf Jr.me II bolng resumed. -• Equally likely to get """" clooe listening Is l!O-X, whlc:h stand• for "car """expedite followup, dangeroos ompecll," ..-11111 (m!per activity). A 4111 • (felony hit and run) or a 506-A (reddess driving) could wtll In- volve more' than' one arm of the county Jaw, the radio code ae:rving to alert other units as a wanted dtlver moves from one area &o another. THE NIJMBE!l CODE la oadul for camouflaging certain everyday ae- UUes of lawmen. If dttctive Jme:s ls Code 5 he's on a alike out-but if bf:'a Code 7. he.'1 justed stopped le.-a btte to eat. With their bandy-dandy number code, dlSJ>Atchm can aend can off to lnv..tlgate murders (187), kldnaping (207), robbertea (211) or rape (2111). If they nm into an Injury 1ccldent (~l·T) oltk:e:rs on patrol~can eall an ambulance C901·N) or a doctor (tl~D) andllieii send for the tow car (1211). If there's great jewel robbory they will be sure to remtmbor good old Code 31 (ooWy the pr..,). And when day la done, they will hear that ever-welcome 111-11 (return lo ataUoo), Cong Seen Violating Own Truce SAIGON (UPI) -Allied lnte!Ug.nco office" Jlftdlcted today the Vlet•Cong will 'riolate their own Christmas ...,._ fire ·wilh ,...,.ed ata<U In the provinces. SUQ:OWllling Saigon. · .. We have every reason to believe they will violate this cease-Ore just as they have all Ute others," one of the officlala 11ald. "We tbin_k subregional, not divl.slon- sized, units will be iiivolved." The three-day Viet Cong st.anddown for Christmas is scheduled lo begin at 1 a.m. Saigon Urne Wednesday (9 a.m. Tuesday PST), 17 hours before the Allies bee~"l thflr 24-hour truce. The intelligence officus emphasized that their predictions should be taken with the same we.lgbt as reports the Caorununilta ptaooed attacks during wee.tend to commemorate the 2.!rd an- nivenary of their war effort. It wa.s the quietest wee.tend ol tbe month. There were tl'8le other developments: -Gue:rriUa ~ fire shot down a U.S. heJicopter Siinday just below the demilitarized llOlle, ltllling e I g h I Americana and wounding two. It brought to 1,m the number of U.S. 'copters shot down in the war. -The number of Gls in the war zone rose by 300 last week to 472,800, the first increase since Sept.ember. The figure meant 11,800 Americans already had left the war as part of President NiJ"on's latest withdrawal of 500,000 men, which will drop the nwnber of troops in Viel· nam to 434,000. -A senior U.S. official said up to a full division of U.S. &aldiers could be withdrawn from the area north cl. Saigon in the next cutbaek without affecting the momentum of the Allied war effort. U.S. BS2 bombers meantime mwnted their heaviest raids along: the Cambodian border In two weeks Sunday night and to- day in the campaign against North Viet- namese infiltration. Tivo Me"' Girl Found in Nude , Held by Police • ""' ,.~ .. DAJ1. Y l'lllf 3 ~. .... April in Vienna· U.S., Russians . Set Arms Talk HELSINKI '(UPI) -The United States and the Soviet 1Jnlon. concluding five weeks of .preliminary ta.Jkl on llmlting atrateglc w;eapons, announced today full· 1cale negotiaUons wW ·start 'nut Aprll 15 In Vienn1. They aakl in a joint communique that "an understanding was rtached on the gtneral range of subjects" to be negotiated. . The talka will move back to Helsinki at ~ later Ume, the communique aaid. Th is was a compromise agreement because the United states had wanted Geneva and M~ wanted to rtmain in the Finnish capital. The -.word communique was Initialed tn a televbed ce:mnony by chief negotlalon Gerr"11 c. Smith for th~ United .states and Vladimir S. Semenov for Russia. Today'• ta!U were ....,.puled !11 a mlble elltloo on both alda and ~ Soviet and Amtr1ean ~-.WI they were completely Nilalled wtlA 'Ille resulb. ~·· ''The preliminary exchange of •ltn whic.h took place concmUng the lim;ta. lion of strategic arms was useful to botb aides," the communique aakS. ~ ; "As a result of that exchange, oQh 11lde is able better to understand the vkW ol the other with respect for the prob&all under consideration. -.r "An understanding was reached. on tM general range of questions which will \II the subject of further U.S . ..sov!et i!li· changes. . .... "Agreement was reached that nesoda· Uons between the IJ.S. and the IJSSll delegations will be resumed on April"lf. Um>, in Vienna and that they will be held a1aln in Helsinki at a later tJmt." '• House 01\s Tax Ref orm;f Quick Senate Action See:y. WASHINGTON !UPI) -The House today approved the most rweeping tax legislation in modern history-tu reduc- tions for everyone, a 15 percent Social Security increase and a package of loophole closing reforms. Uon for each taxpayer from the pruent 1S10 to !IMJO, plus the Social SecuritJ payment boost. The Social Securit1 boolt Is in tbe final bill but the e1em1> tJon incrtaae WU cut back IO that it ifi.ll ooly reach '71D, and that 11111 1111111 - The compromise bill went to the Sen- ate. where passage. also was expected bolore the end of the day. Abalone Boat Prospects for the measun at the White . ·. House. worked out in its final form only last Friday by a House-Senate confer~ /""' -• g Tn"o ence 'committee, were not completely '-AtrryJll clear. President Nixon Is said to be un- happy about its long range provisions, Still MISS. m" g which will cut federal revenues, but a ,. , ..... . ,. ". high administraUon official said he ex- pected Nixon to sign the bill because it A hunt for an abalone boat ml.ahll' er would increase treasury receipts in the a trip from Catalina ll1and lo s., D_Jip short run. with three persons aboard ~ _!O Real Dolly When fully effective in 1973, the bill day, after 8 fruitless aearch oa ~ Or would take 7.6 million poor families off ange Coast Sunday. "" Barbra Streisand showed up the federal tax rolls. Another 56 mlllion No trace baa been fomd cl. tbt. Sa looking like this at Grauman's taxpayers would get some relief from the Dieg<H>ased Guru, which de p a·rt'I C Chinese Theatre in Hollywood major provi.siorui. Avalon Harbor Saturday. . t Two men were arrested and a 15-year-for premiere of her new While the final version1of the taxthbill Co&.st Guard Search and Rescuti .d old girl taken into custody by Laguna vehicle, "Hello Dolly." had general congressiona aupport. ere ficlall in Long Beach Identified the attp Beach police Sunday after officers allege still was some opposition. Sen. William Be Sell 22 of Ba' n.,. th f d th '" ud · •-• th B. Saxbe, (R-Ohlo) issued a statement per as n ers, • ,.en'"-!" ty oun e w•O n e 1n one ~at e calling for 1 presidential veto; but Sen. while otbert aboard were J~ 1..-iL G Del Camino Hotel. Avaloh and Patricia J~"l.1 Officers had entered the well-known Two Ga s Fir" ms Carl Curtis, (R-Neb.), who worktd on the 14-man conference, refused to sign Anaheim. hostelry to look for a set of bongo drums. the report because of his opposition to htta·MtcGUUvray, foreman ci a ~ By the time it was over, seven the bill's four ~ tu fOt the first Di.il!'l a~ f1ahini, firm whidl »°'1l persona bad beep arrelted, l'f~ of them Seek Rate Hikes time on foundation•. the 11;foo(hJ~ namei1 · Gllru, Dotlll<j d> • !!Wrt Of dlsturllhlg th~. ~Ce after B t 1 " al 1y concerned adtll!titiel ~ the vwel failed '" a with Nixon's views. . rive .On schedule. ' allegedly shouting obScenities at 1·n-• ~ !'lpecu a .. on was m n ~ trud.J.ni officers. Orange County residents can e:i:pect The White House o££iclal, who gave his Ma~illivray &aid he gave · The statutory rape and contributing to their gas bills to go up about $1 .30 per opinion anonymously on a "background" permission to take the Guru from A~ the delinquency of a minor raid was trig-month if the Public Utilities Commission basi! ror newsmen, aaid the measure to San, Diego, where be planned to:~ gered when police all'ested a 17-year--old was largely acceptable because it brings up hls car and drive back to Lant Be8d curfew violator outside the Del Camino at approves rate increases applied for Fri-in money in 1970 and 1971. Through a to visit his hospitalized brother. ' " 1289 S. Coast Highway, day by the l¥:o gas companies serving the combination of tax refonns, plus a con-John Sellers, who is an abalone~ In vestigators said the Huntington county. tinuatlon of the income tax sun::harge was hospitalized. last '11lunday anei, Beach boy (,'Omplained that be had left D. E. Shively, Orange County division at five percent for the next six 'fllonths ferlng an attack of the bends while , his bongo drums at the hotel so officers . G C and a repeal of the investment tu credit, off San Clemente Island. ·• were dispatched to get them. manager for Southern Counties as om· the bill would bring in $6.4 billion in 1970 He was Identified as the one who i• Returning to the hotel, they entered pany, said the applications were fil~ and another $315 million in 1971. the Guru from th~ San Diego finn. 1 Room 210. the address the -::urfew "for rate relief to offset Increases in In 1973, however, tax cuts totaling $9.l A spokesman for the Cost Guard r.i..n.'. violator had given as the place his bongo purchased-gas costs and to compensate billion would become fully effecUve. ~~ for 0 .... increased costs." N. h d 1· "sed the thr t f ty ln Long Beach said hell~ ""' He said his company is 1eeking $1!1.2 t •-f th lo g ra ge reven e crislcrossed a 1,270 square ' · · ~ .. umi coold be found. µ...., u:on a ear 1er ra1 ea o a mile t They said -in discreet fashion -that ve o IX:Cause o e n n u d l M th lo'' besides bongo drums, they found: _ million per year for increased gas costs toss. When Republican leaders met with from Corona e ar IOU Two men and a nude lS-year--old girl in and another $16.2 million in general rate Nixon Saturday they reported be Uked Corooadoa I1land Sunday ~;II one bed. relief. the "noninflationary" Impact of the bill boat. '' _Two men in another bed. Southern California Gas Company has tn 1970 and 1971, but not the loss of funds He added that su.rcbers be:lieft"' I applied for $2S .6 million annually til offset by 1~3. the area where the Guru may have'~ -Two men asleep on the floor. increased purchased-gas costs plus ·S2l.9 Nixon also had th reatened a veto If In heavy, storm-whipped ocean f'ND The runaway girl from Garden Grove million in general rate relief. the measure upped the personal exemp-wh ich struck the coast Saturday. ' admitted being intimate with at least two 1...:::::::::::.:;;.::..;;.:;;.:__: ____________ c:.... __ .:_ ___ _.: --------------'"- of the men in the room, according to in- vestigating officers. Donald P. Venem, 2.3, of the hole.! ad- dress, and Albert C. Elliott, 21. of Fullerton, were booked on charges of statutory rape after the 4:40 a.m. raid. Contributing to the delinquen cy of a minor charges were lodged against Norbert R. Hal, 18, of Michigan , William Wise, 23, of Portland, Ore., Stephen Gallion, 19, of the hotel address, aod Carl Lamey, 18, identified as an Army desert.er from Missouri. Their 15-year-old alleged playmate was admitted to Orange County Juvenile Hall pending court action. Grove Wife Held On Assault Rap A Garden Grove wife was booked today in Orange County jail on suspicion of assault with Intent to commit murd er after police all ege she stabbed her hus- band this morning. Gardtn Grove poli ce said they were called to 8691 Lomay St. at 6:50 a.m, by Mrs. Margarita Hutt, 46, who said her husband ruchard had been stabbed . ffuU was taken to Westminster Com· munity HCM1pital where: he: is in fair con· ditlon. Grades, Girls, Money Worry Young Mo~t NEW YORK (UPI) -Desrlte the publicized world of drugs, socia untt11t, and war protest, a Gallup Poll In Newsweek m11ulne rtlwed Sundl)' In- dicates the younger generaUon is worried more about grades, girls, and finances. out or t,092 studtnll mtervkftd oo 11 umpusea in America, 7$ perce:rJ. men- Uooed !lnances as the problem which worried them ln0$l Aboot half mentlooed BT•da, with II pen:ent menUoolni the Vietnam war. • Seagram's 7 Crown for Christmas. '0 ., . ~ .• .•. . . ' ' ' I I i • • ' ' I • j I 0 ' l '5" 4/Str. .... Ii..iiJ.C..11.T.C_.......,.. ___ ...,. {Occanltf and iqular boalc~ J I I' 1 ttorney Don1ld A. z,li nek of Frand~ Ila• written to 30, -io' l\Dd l~Jevislon sl1!tions d~ ·ng equal time to opp o s e y recrulting messages., ~elln.ek the radio and teleVlSIQn ·In. .. ry was persuaded to carry smoking messages .to counter rette advertising and contend· at senring tn the Army is as erous. as smoking. • ~ bbefs wer1 waiting for Al~x: ktw, 47, \vhen he opened his . side tavern in Cleveland. : tOok $3700 in cash from the m owner and 'fled. The tavern · ross from the second district ce station and Bartki\V had in· ed. to use the money for cash• 1>91ice P<lY check•. • r Mrs. Aileen Holmes, of or ne, England, lt was an fur an eye, a tooth for a tooth --= .. ----•• ,~-----·----. ---~----.--~·~·---·---------· -------~-------------- .. ' ""~ .. , .ff t ~\::r UP I Ttlt~holt • Morgen than Gives In; He'll Resign NEW YORK (UPI) -U.S. AU«noy Robert M. Morgenthau bowed to preasurf! from the White House today and agreed to resign from his office to make way for appointment of a Republican. Morgenthau, a Democrat who previous· ty bad rtfused to follow the custom or or- fering his resignation to the new ad· minlstration, said that h~ ~ould step down Jan. 15. The White House announced last Wednesday that President Nixon planned to remove Morgenthau from the nation·~ most important federal district ·and replace him with fonner Republica n State Sen. Whitney North Seymour Jr . Morgenihau, who had been e;ii:pected to fight his \JUster in court. said today he had decided to resign becatt&C thP. \Vhite House ultimatum already had hampered his effectiveness in office by discouraging prospective witnesses from co1nin~ forward with evidence needed !or casc3 under lnvestigatkln. -<splash for a splash. Moto rist Mi1 McKH splashed her when 'drove through a pud dle. Later, "'. Holmes confronted. him with CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ADDED TO VIETNAM FOXHOLE BY SGTS. BUDDY BRUEK (LEFTJ AND ERN ESTO FLORES "II therefore ls apparent that I cannot function \Vith full effect where I serve at the suffrance of superiors who have an- nounced publicly that I can continue o!'lly on borrov.·ed time," he said at a ne\vs conference. "It is for this reason thal T have deciJ- ed I can no longer remain in office," he said. ll Natiotas Ope,11 Sun11nit • ckOI -of water and demanded ~ze, or you get this." Mc· refused and got the water in face. PoliCe refused to get into ad "lt'S a -domestic matter,'' I spokf51!1an said. Viet Senators, House Members A1igry at Thieu Arabs Plan Israeli End h1orgenthau, \\·ha was appointed U.!t attorney by President J ohn F. Kennedy in 1961, has been praised for his record of conviction., of ~1afia figu res and his \'igorous investigations Into misdoings on Wall Street. Much of his success was at- tributed to his ability to attract key in- formants. " . ~ii day-old infant-called "Ja1it t,» U?aS alxmdont"d i n Pa&o Roblf:3 · week. County General Hospital ""e Teresa Brewster cuddles the fpnt, the first abandoned baby hon· ed by cotcnty official& in over a cad<. • II Artflur Copend•I•, 14. re. ·:red an eight-month suspended ·son sentence in London after ilting he stole $2,239 from his 1Ployer. He w,orked as manager f c.nteen in a London police sta· • A man applying for work at a oilngstown , Ohlo, ice cream par- r' was asked what experience. be "J\fainly ~tickups," he replied, .·ng out a gun. "Give me all vr money." The clerk handed er all the money in her c a s h wer and her purse, less than O: SAIGON I UPI) -Anger at President Nguyen Van Thieu for taking part Satur- day in a "provocative plot" aga inst three meinbers of the house spread today from the lov.·er body to the senale. Angry senators named a· commission to in· vestigate the incident. A majority of the Nati onal Assembly signed a resolulion saying Thieu's alleged pfoi. not only ·divided the government but harmed the common ,fighting spiriL Th« senators agreed with the resol.uUoo and ~ed ijs commission to learn the cause. DurJ.ng Saturday's demonstration, 1.500 persons forced their way Into the Na - tional Assembly compouncl. Five hundrf'd of these broke through the'° glass doors in- to the chamber where they beat ()n deputiea desks with their fist, clapped and shouted sloga ns. The principal ob)ect of the demonstra- tions were three legislators whom Thieu said ~e considered pro-Communists - Pham The True, Trans Ngoc Chau 21nd Huynh Van Tu. In a Dec. 9 speech he said if the Assembly did not oust the men ''the people and the armed forces will cut orr their heads." Police guards at the Assembly made no attempt to stop the demonstrators. An aide to Premier Tran Thlen Khiem told UP I that both Thieu and Khlem were prt!ent whea eight members of the S~i · gon . city council \\'ho took part in the demonstration presented a p e t i t i o n demanding ouster of the three deputies . Assembly sources said the de1nonstra- tion was organized by the progovernmenL Greater Solidarity Force. one of two groups representing Roman Catholic refugees from North Vietnam . A govern· ment spokesman said today's anti.CC'm· munist dt.monstrations should be allowed "because that is the will of the people .. . " RABAT, Morocco (UPI) -Arab world )eaders rushed as ide what they con- sidered a diversionary U.S. Middle East peace plan and v.·ent ahead today with the business or mobilizing againsL Israel. The summit conference of the heads of state from JI Arab nations and diplomats from four 0U1ers got under way one day late Sunday on an anti-American note. J\Iaj. Gen. Gaafar El Nu me i r i , chairma n of the Sudan's revolutionary council, told the delegates that by sup· porting Israel the United States "is plac· ing itself in open confrontation \\'ilh the Arab nations . , . and is. standing in the posit ion of an enemy to the Ar3bs." Arab diplomats said the conference had ignored the latest U.S. proposa l for set- tlement between Israel an d Jordan, a plan that calls in part for the withdrawal Renewed Red Offensives In S.~ Vietnam E~pected \VASHINGTON {UPI) -The Nixon ad- ministration St.ill is hoping there yet may be serious negotiations at the Paris peace . talks. It is also bracing for a possible renew·al of Communist offensives in South Vietnam after Jan. L Administration planne rs are \\'orking on the theory that Hano i, faced with a \1·eakening military and )X)litical posltion in South Vietnam, will have to make a response. That response C(IU]d be both in the ground war and at the conference table. Specifically, the ad ministration believes there will be increased hostilities after tht first of the year in the Mek ong Delta and in the highl3nds north of Sa igon. Progress in South Vietna1n's pacifica· tion program, and progress in "Viet· namlz.ing" the conflict. is credited here with placing the Communists in a deteriorating position. South Vietnam is succeeding in ex- tending its control of ground and villagers, according to Vietnam expe rts . This development. in tum, is depriving Communist guerrillas and North Viet- namese forces Of needed supplies of rice and other items o( support. Captured1 documents and inter\'ie\~S \Vilh Communist defectors. the experts re-port. ha ve re\'ealed other difficulties. The Communists, it now appears. have been suffering continuing morale pro· blems, loss of leadership among troops, and unfruitful intell igence operations. Consequently it is thought here that in J!llO. \\'hen infiltration replaces or augn1ents Communist forces, Hanoi v.·ill seek to regain some of what it has lo!'t. The Mekong River Delta is thought ti) be a prime target of the Communists because it is a major rice-producing region. Greater control in the delta would provide the Communists with greater food supplies. Snow Buries New England ' The highlands are expected to be a 1na· jor battlefield, too. This is because the mvuntainous. jungle terrain there fav ors the guerrillas. From their point of view , the Communist forces v.·ould be in a good position in the highlands to inflict hea vy blov.·s on U.S. troops. Assuming that the South Vietnamese and their Allies stave off such attacks, officials here belie\'e, the Communists may become more will ing to neg1)tiate in Paris. Rain, Gaks Felt Around Good Part of Nation Calitornl• . , SOVTM!ll't U.llf"OllNIA -c ... 16111r1t>lt cloulfln1s1 with 111rJ11tl• er trr1tr1"1 1110Vnl1ln• 1M e ... 1111 l l'Mt 1fld '-$P•ln-les norl'ht rr1 ""'" M •IY Morl<!tY mornina Ind '"-" c!H r. ln9. F"1lr MM>d11 titer-tl'l-11 Tu.ld1v. COiii!• "'OIJnMI Jn l'Pd '*''"° _,.. dflffts l "d t llt!lt coor.r M~r 11111!". Wt,.,.,!• ""l»I , .. ,, Tv.ld1y, l(IS ANGELES ANO VTCINITY- MllY c""1c!Y wit/I to ""'""' dW1fl(1 ..c1r1urt1 or ''''"~'" .. nr M.,.ff., "I tl!tn Clttr!,.., Ftlr MllN1t1 lftl'nOOO'I tllrouth 1'\IWWrr, M1-lo Y 61. lflW M_,.., nlthl .II. A wt,_r Twtdt.,.. INT CONCE~TION TO MEXICAN OElt-Vtri.t>tt w1M1 I to lS h MOllC!t 'I' mornl111 tM ""'""' ' !t<IY wlndi 10 to ""' 70 ~'IO!t tftt~ MOl'l(lt"f,,C INI TvtMtY, -fir clwcl¥ wlll'I •l'l:trln tr ..,,1n. • "''" 11'1 tl!t "'°""'"' lt"'ll ,,.. .. M•I,... Fair lt\olldllr .....,.,,_ II Tuffd1r. $1lllltf'f •t rTllff ,, lll'EME $0UTHEllN Nn'AOA- blt Cloodi~I wtlll ftw ltl'~ trou"'ll '"" ~I,. M911dt'f nlllt lhffl ttlr MMMY 1n.r- th T11111dt'f. Lotti Mfr Wll'ldt 11 MonOlll'. Hlt!'11 IAIJ/ffdrf 11 te lowt MOl'ldl\' l\ltlll U to U. /4 .... ,,,,.., n. ... ,. $0UTHEllN C"LIFORNIA COA•TAl 0 INTl RMl'OIATE VALLiYS- J.cltt ... i. clel.odltlttl 1111111 drlUlff ,..,11111.ltl IOt'lltM aoM H rl., ,.,.,...., Ille l"WI (IMtlrlf, fl•lt Mor*'I' """""''"""""· """' Mttt-....... L-. ... 'f~t • , A llnlt lll'•rmtr T""9e'f, TMIRN CALl,ORIOA MOUN· NIEAS-C-ldtlr1llt. <loucl'-• •r•W:'" ~ litf'>I r•I" 11 llPMt rtt Ml !IN INr!I""' ~ (...,, .... ,.r, Monf.ty "ltllt •1111 T11t t11111. Loi;1I wur wlncl• Mol>Ur. C.00!1• Morldt1 9flCI Meitll•r nlfllt, A 1111i. w•rtntr '"'"°''· lt1l11 fl'I~ mornlnt ~TM lvt\IW lhll lfitfNtfl, loulllellll '1tftCI I~· c• .. 1tne ,_ ti '9 tt kPIOlt lofty, Clttrl11t ~ "'11'1in !Ills 11"1Gr11'"" tfld "6\llt'I llOf!IOn t11i. •""-· Mou- Ir llW<r Tvell:hi'f. Hltll lohY U. (O.tltl fWnMl'ltul"ff , • .,.. "°"' J.1 '9 u, '"!Mid ,..,._.tun. t•l'>tt '"""' IJ to '5. W•.,.. twr'lHl'•tvt1 '1. San, /If .... , l'flilu M9tilOAY S..... hlllt ...... ···-• tia '·"'· 3.S ~ leW ............. ,IN •. I'll, f,f TUllOAY 'I"' l'lltft ........ ,., f :tt •~ f,t "'''" .................. ,1:4 1,11\. t.I ~ "-............ e''''"'·'·' -S~ lO'lll' , . """" l:M '·""· f .t JllJ.t' t ·.!.f 1.111. S•f'I 4 tJ "''" "'-';OJ""''· Stl1 1:11 1.111. v.s. s ......... ., ~ wlllt.r" WMl'lltr <eY9"'1f l'l!UCll ol' ,,,. Mtlofl •• ,_ llK ._,. .m1rrl119 ,,.,.. IM Mldw"t tt tr.. ITlld Mlulu1llPI V1lrlt"( II • ~II " '°" ....UV,. • ...., 1cr-ni. 1rH. flllili Wfl tr.. "'It' !ft Dlllr. wtlll ,.,..,.. l!l~1i.rm1 •fld • i-tor"Mdoe. •lofts IM Gulf CMtl. A• tllt WMll!lr ••"'"' ITIO'ltlf Jnlo ""' leulllMtl• trt¥tt.rt 'wtrr!I"'' ,.,.,.. "''td ""-~ Olortlt tt Wttt v1,..1t1i. wMire •-· tlltl, ''"'"" r1t11 •flf ••1" cr .. ttd l\.ltt'dllll d•IVIM ceM .. 1'-. ,l.flf 11 .. V'f a110W w•• IOll~lt lfl tr>t -llMI Vl,1!"111. 111 ,,,_ !tr W.tt, • .1for111 1r1ttrn Wll 0.Utrlne tr.. ,Kiiie (Dlllt til l•, Wiit! Wlllll' •11d r1l11. L«:•l1r hff...., r1I"" fltf l•lltfl f•Cll'r'I Norlt\t rfl C1111or11lt ft wtllt•~ W•,nlnt1011 1f!d t ilt •rod llvrrltt nt IC•CI wlrod1 ll•cl flttot (l)l'l'U"!O" •I0<'141 '~ '"''· Ten1Hr•t1,re• Germa11, Polisl1 -" Relatio1is Due? .l !11\/QVffQUI ,l.ncflortot A!l111t1 8ektr1fltld 1!1!1m1rck •~1,, ..... •"""'"viii• Chlt•H Cloitl"n•t1 ... w. 0.. Molllfl fl'll""'fl~I ,ort wor111 ·~-... ,_ -·· tl:lflVt ("it'f Lt t Vn11 Lo' A.O'llltlct M1tml Mlflfltlfl011t Htw Orlt ll\f N-York 0.-lti.d Oltl•flomt CIT'f ...... ,..11'!'1 1,,1..,.. ''" flofl.ln ltllot11!~ .. ~ ... 11 "*'lltfld •tPld (l!Y "" f luff ·-S•<r1,,., .. Sell LH1 Cliy s.tn OT"e kt! '•l>KIKt Stt!llt !>~8fll T11..-"'1I w11n~•te" Hflft ~ow 'l'IC. ~! 3J • " " " " • • • " .. • " " ll • • " " " ,. " " ' ·11 •• » •I 4, •I " n t S " n .. " .. " " " " ' n ~ ll ,, _, 4) " " JI U 11 -" .. " 1l 41 JI ,. • " .. "· JJ .... t i JI .... .. .. .. ., ,, ,, " .. " " » •• " ~ "' ·°' RONN (UPI ) -Foreign i\1\nister .n \V11!ter Scheel said today \\'est Germany _,. has the best opportunlty since the war I() in1prove its relations with th.e Communist ,., .11 re!l;imes of Eastern Europe. He made the statement as Polish Prt>mler Jozef Cyrankiewicz announced in \Varsaw hi s government was prepared to open political talks \\"ith \Ve st .!I (:ermany. .ot Chancellor Willy Brandt alr,ady has b('gun talks "·ith hfosc<1w. and Ea~L .Of Germany has nibbled at his proposal for negotiations aimed at re s lo ring ,,J diploma tic relations frozen since the 1\'ar. .7' Bonn also signed a fi ve-year trade agree· .fl4 ment with Romania. "In our Eastern policy as 1lso in our .tis <West) Europe1n policy \\'e are in the )\rocess of bringing movement to the :~ hard ened fronts ." Sch-eel sairf. ·01 A similar stattmtnt c8me from State .:i Stcretary ~onrad Ahlers. pr e s s ·" spokesman for Brandt, v.·bo told a new~ :~; conference the government "can see a ,a, certain mol'ement In it3 eastern t'('la· :~ Uon.~. allhon,l:!h it is well 8\Vllrt of tile .~ risks in \•Ol\'td," of lsraeli troops from the Jordanian ter- ritory they captured in the 1967 y,'ar. The semiofficial Cairo newspaper Al Ahram reflected the summit's thinking on this plan in a report accusing \Vashington of proposing it in an atten1pt lo divert the meeting's attention from the business at hand -forging a common front against Israel. Because he left office in 1962 to run unsuccessfully for goven1or again5t Nelson A. Rockefeller, Morgenlhau's cur· rent four-year term was not due to expire until J une 11, 1971. Nixon to Outline U.S. Space Goals President Gamal Abdel Nasser or Egypt. in an hour-long speech, implored the delegates to set aside lntra·Arab con· \VAS HINGTON (AP) -President Nii- flicL'i and get do\\'n to discussion on t11eir on plans to addre ss the nation Tuesday readiness for v.•hat he considers ;inolher \\•ith a message outlining American space unavoidable \\'ar with Israel. goals in the decade ahead. Almost automatically, the k in gs, The President has not indicated wh at princes, presidents and delegation heads the n1essage may contain. alt.hou gh a approved a lhree-point plari f6r maishal-spe-cial panel headed by Vice President ing all their resources against Israel, for Spiro T. Agnew has recommended three increasing support to the Arab guerrilla alternatives -including two that would movement and for sending n1ore aid to put Americans on r-.1ars in the 1980's. Arabs in lsraeti-occupied lands. The presidential declaration will be the ''With more sacrifices and \1·ith the first since John F. Kennedy said in the marshaling of' our resources -and the early 1960s the nation should put a man Arab world abounds in them -v.-e sht11l on the moon by 1970. attain our objec\i\·e no matter h01v Jong The three recommendations ca1ne fro1n the road." King 1-lassan of Morocco told a four-man White House task force which the conference. reported to the President last September. Yassir Arafat. lhe Arab guerrilla The most expensi\'e of the three would leader. was amon~ the de I e g a t e s aim for a Mars landing by 1982 at an an· gathered around the horseshoe-shaped nual cost of between $8 billion and SJD ta ble at the Hilton hotel fo r the Arab billion. world's fi rst summit since just after the A second recommends a tower fundirlg 1967 t-.fiddle East war. level, between $4 bill ion and $5.7 billion A communique issued after seven hours and a 1986 Mars landing. The third would of mostly. closed meetings Sunday said -, not set a date for a Mars landing. the summit also had heard reports on the All three alternatives envision develop.. military situations along both the Suez ment of a manned orbiting space sta tion Canal front and the Jordanian front \vith and a reusable earth-to-orbit space Israel. shuttle vehicle. · Bernadette Jailed Fir ebrancl Gets 6 Months Ove r Riots LONDONDERRY. ~orthern Irelan d (APJ -Bernadette Devlin, firebrand Roman Catholic civil rights leader and the youngest n1ember of the British Parlian1ent. was sentenced today to si x months in jail on charges of inciting peo- ple· to riotous behavior. !\liss Devlin, 22, was convicted on three counts on incitement to riotous behavior and one of behaving riotiously during the violent clashes between Roman Catholics and Protestants in the Calholic Bogside area of Londonderry last August. Nine other charges against her wer1 dismissed. She was released on bail of $600 ~n· ding appeal. ~1iss Devlin denied at a fi ve-day court hearing that she had incited rlotou5 beha vi"or. · r-.tembers of the British Parliament are protected by parllament &ry prlvl\ege against libel suits stemming from what they say in the House of Commons. But they are subject to criminal proceedings arising from their actions, as any other member or the public, outside the parliamentary premlseii. Prooeculor Brian Hutton charged that Miss Devlin addressed crowds during the Bog:o.ido disturbances_. urging then1 . to conUTill riotous or di sorderly bthaVIor. threw rocks and encouraged olher rioter& to attact the police. t-.115s D@vlin has been among the most out.oi:poken critic$ of the B·Special police., tho Prote$tant·based paramilitary force that stormed the Bogside during the August "rioting, and has since been dlsarme.d. Her lawyer, Sir Dingle Foot . a le11rflng British attornt')' and brother of Britain's ambassad or to the United Nations. Lord Carac:ion, summed up' his defense by claimin g f\f\ss Devltn had combined the rolt'S of Joan ol Arc and Florence VP'I Ti ..,..,. GETS SIX MONTHS MP Bern1d1tte D1vlfn Nightingale during the disturbances. "If a citizen believes that the polict art guilly of unlawl'ul conduct !he ciliten SI tntided to take steps for hts own dtfenSJ and for the defense of others involved , he-..nr.-- Maxlcoated Miss Devlin smiled as sh4 left the court. }fer supporters sang civ~ rlght.s son.as and cheered as she. can1f down the steps 10 a waitina car. TheJ booed and jeered police. ~ tttiss Devlin had no comme.nL I I I -. --:-..-...-,---,.-.-..-.o;-~~ ~--~ ,. ·--•• '•, • ,., ...... --"'l' ... ,..., ... ~--....... ..,. ....................... ~ ...... ,.., ......... ...,..,....,.,.....,'I';.., ... """""'""!" ... -.... ""'.'------.. -----., Fountain ]Talley voi:.-62, NO. 305, 3 SECTIONS, 48 P..-:GES " FO"R NEEDY YOUNGSTERS, SURPRISES FROM SANTA St. Nick's Aide Kathy Schly1r Unloads Realtors' Gifts Christ1nas Early Realwrs Help 17 Handicapped Christmas came early last week ror I 7 underprivileged pre-school youngsters thanks to the Huntington Beach-Fountain Valley Board of Realtars. The occasion was a brt:ak fa sl Christmas party for the lots held by the Realtors Wednesday morning at the Hun- tington Seacllff. Gueit tpeakers at the breakfast were Mrs. Alice Medina, Community Action Council coordinator in Hunlington Beach, and Rodney Jones, a sponsor of the Hun- tington Beach Youth Coalition. The tots were treated to gifts for each, a visit rrom Santa and breakfast on the realtors. The youngslers were selected by Mrs. fl.1edina at the request of the Realtors who wanted tQ help some less rortunate youth in the city. About 125 Realtors were present. \Tiet ·Plane Hits School With 125 Feared Iillled NHA TRANG. Vietnam !UPI) -A cr:lppled Air Vietnam DC6 pueenger plane, making an emergency landihg after an ensine exploded , sloughed orr a runway today and 'exploded into a kin. dtr1arten school. .SOUth Vidnamese mllilAry police said as man7 as lZS persons were feared dead. t.1illtary police said more than 60 1'norui aboard the propeUer-driven plane were killed, anotber tO to 50 chUdren kill· ed. in the burning school and perhaps aiother n pel'3008 living in a badly.hit ahantytoWn area. - wreckage and the death toll mounted liteadily. The names of four Americans were carried on the passenger list but Jt was not Immediately known if they were casualUes. The DC6 with 78 pcrsol)! aboard suf. fered an expk>sion wh.ich ripped a hole s1x by four feet in Its side as it flew over Cam Ranh Bay, an inlet in the South China Sea, and sped to the emergency landins at. Nha Trang. Cause or the ex· pl06ion was not known. ' - ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFO~NIA MONDAY, DECEl'4BER 22, 1969 Jet Rams Hangar 60 Sailors Caught In Miramar Inferno ' SAN DIEGO (AP) - A N&\'Y jet cruhed Into a bangar containing an estimated 60 sailors today while com· Ing in for a landing at Miramar Naval Air Station. The plane exploded in a huge bell of fire. A base spokesman said several'"men were killed and dozens injured. Wllnesaes said the Fl Crusader jet was about 1,000 feet high, approachJng from the east, when it went into a dive and hit the hangar. "There was this huge ball ol fire. ·tt was aWfuJ. People were thrown out. Others ran," said a hue· spokesman. "The hangar was gutted." -Ten helicopters flew injured lo the Balbba Naval Hospital 15 mllu away. 1 The pilot of the stricken craft safely ejected, the spokesman .said. He was not immediately identified. Alf 'Navy and Cout Guard helicopters In the area were sent to help carry O!Jt wounded. Firemen and d 11 a 1 t e r 11peelalists combed the ruirw for bodies and injured alt.er the late morning crash. "It's pretty moch of a mess out hen:, Impossible to get a count yet," ~d a spokesman more than an hour alter the crash. The hangar was one or three on the base measuring at leut 50 yards in length. It is headquarters for a.squadron or VF121 Pacemaker planes. I Mrs. Raniey Undersea Seepage Still Critical Oil Globs Wash Asl1ore .4 fter S1irgery Soutl1 of Santa Barbara fl.1rs. Cara Ramey of RunUnston Beach Is still listed in critical condition at Orange County Medical Center (oJlowins • rare operation Thursday in Y.'hich she received not only the kidneys. but the pancreas of a man who died the same day. ~1rs. Ramey, 32, of 720 \Villiams Ave .. has been hospitalized for several months as diabetes slowly destroyed her own kid· ncys. The kidney transplant \\'as fairly routine, according to med ical authori ties. but transplant of the pancreas is a rare operation. performed onl y a very fc\v times any\'••hc.re in the ""orld, and never before in Cali fornia. Hospital officials said Mrs. Ramey was alert and responding today, lhough her condition remainl!I critical. The rare operation was performed by a medical team (rom UC Irvine. They were expe¢ed to give details or the operatioD to the press · today. Meanwhile Cara·s husband, ~1onle Ramey,· a ~lunlington Beach postal r.mploye, can only wait, as he has done for the past t"'O months. Driver's Action Saves Tivo Girls Two Huntington Beach teenagers suf. fered only minor inj uries in an accident Saturday due to the quick-thinking of a Fresno truck driver. California Hishway Patrol officer.~ SAid Cheryl Price, 16, of 21851 Newland SI. and her passenger Melenie Grinshaw. 15. of 21146 Chesterbrook, were traveling 30Uthbound on Pacific Coast Highway at the SantA Ana ruvu bridge when they came up behind stopped tra!flc. Officers said the teenager apparently tumed to the left to avoid the cars and skidded across the bridge, striking the rail on the east side and careening back into traffic. Leroy C. Dunn of Fresno was drh•ing a truck in the outside lane northbound. officers said. "As the Price vehicle first started across traffic he started his evasive action. When she bounded back at him he cut to lhe lefl and she only glanced oU his truck. U the tru ck hArl gone straight he would have run right over them ," a patrolman said. Both girls were taken to Hoag Hos· pit.al in Newport Beach where they were treated for minor injuries and released. NEW YORK f AP) -MosL stocks con· tinued to klee ground in moderate trading today, aa declines extended lhelr lead over advance• by nearly 400 Issues. (See quotations, Pqes tf.l~). SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Globs of oil from ~ slick fed by undersea seepage washed onto about 10 miles of scenic coastline today. First reports listed about ii half-dozen sea birds killed and more thari 200 others floundering, helplessly , their feathers matted with the tar-like goo. Volunteers manned a bird-cleaning sta· lion reactivated for lhe first time since an underwater oil blowout last winier in the same Santa Barbara Channel area spread a slick over 800 miles ol the Pacific. - "This is as bad as I've seen since the orisinal spill," said Mies Van de Mark. a property manager at nearby So\imar Beach. Geologists say the new &lick was touch- Huntington Puts Building Freeze On Central Area Huntington Beach city councilmen have r~tablished a freeze on all but "con· forming" construction in the downtown area and set up a priorities list for capital improvements. The downtown building !reeu was ·~ proved 5 to 2 and includes m06t of the downtown area. No bUllding pennlts will be issued for six months except those .. consistent with uses de.signaled." Included Is the Top o! the Pier area , rive blocks fronting on Pacific Coast Highway. In the capital improvement plan a lisl ol priorities was approved infonnally. Included, in order of priority were civic center site purchae (already I C· complished). civic center buildings, a fire station at Wamer Avenue and Gothard Street, a Fire Department training center. fire staUons on Magnolia and Springdale, headquarters fire stat.ion modification, a multi-purpose auditorium, lhe Parking Authority plan aod a cor· poration yard and library. Total cost or the outlined projects was estimated by Finance Director Ben Arguello at $15.7 million, fnchKling the '325 million downtown Parking -Authority plan ~·hich wit be financed with revenue bonds. Arguello suggested a financing plan which would stretch the projects out lhroogh 1975. tncludtd in revenue sources art the $1.fiO refuae fee and property tlJ. es. Other possible revenues wen: discussed Including an oil production tax. ed off after pumps at offshore oil Jn\ling plaUonns were shut down rrom TuesJay to Saturday while workmen repaired a broken pipeline. Pressure apparentl y built up in the oil pools below the ocean floor , they said, causing oil to see p out of sea·bottom fissures considerably faster than the usual 250-sallon·a-day rate geologists estimate. BecaUSf: of foggy weather there was no estimate of the s'.ze of the slick. Union Oil Co. officials said Sunday that reactivation of their pumps Saturday ap- parently ~e.lieved the pressure end halted the heavy seepage. The new problems are ,;just another in· dication that. no matter what lhe oil com· panies say , they can't guarantee that cur· rent driUJng operiUOns are failsafe, ' said Alvln C. Weingand, boai'd chainnan or Get Oil Out -GOO -a group mUitanlly opposed to of!shore drilling operaUon~. Weing.ind sent a telegram to Pre11ident Nixon urglns that "he become personally involved in our problems here and that he order all drilling oper8tlons in the SantB Barbara Channel shut down ." Surfers at popular Rincon Baach al>ont 12 miles south of here abandoned o!J.. covered waves . Civil Defense Officials in Ventura County to the south r~ported brisk onshore winds driving oil onto beaches near the Ventura Rlver. "I first saw a couple of birds in trouble Saturday evening,'' said Yvon Choulnard, 31, a coastal property owner just north of Ventura . "They were western grebes anrl had been covered with oil. By Sunday, .ibout 8 a.m. when I got up, those two birds wtre dead ... " "The waves had become black and there weni large pools of oil standing on the beach," he aikled. Bus Trips Set For Huntington Park Sites Tours Parka and future park sites in llunl· lngton Beach can be visited via bus Jan. 10 during a public tour sponsored by the city Park& and RecreaUon Department. Department Director Norman Worthy said the tour will begin at 1:30 a.m. and cooclude with a no.ho&t lmcheon at the Shttaton·Beach Inn. Adv1nce reserva· 'tions should be made by te~phonlng the Reereation Dtparlment, SJS.25n by Jan. I , Members of the clty'1 Parks and Rec-- rution Commission and Design Review Board will make the tour along with city atarr meniben who will answer ques-- tlons citizens might have on park& opera· lion or development It was the wont ICCidenl in the history al the government-operated airlines. Last Sept. 20 an Air Vk!tnam pauenger plane eollided 'with a U.S. Ft Phantom jct near Da Nana.· ldlllna 77 persons aboard llMt commercial airifner. GWC Bid Action 'Unfair' Voters approved a $8 million bond 111· aue this year to rJnance a citywide park expansion program and preliminary plan- nlni i& under way dtsplt.e an unlavor· able bond market which hu made it lmpoqlble to .. u the bond" Authotltlu said the four engine plane was cl..,,..ed bJ an explo,,lon ln flight ad wu JDUinl.an emergency landing 11t Ill! Nha 'l'nnC Air BHe on llMt coast 118 "'"' ~ of, Sllpl when llMt pllot 1vil;llmt'the rwJWI)'. The plane was en ;.,. lo llipl at the time. llllllar,y '°"""' Aid tho bodies of 40 peno111 hod bcon COllllltd at the cruh IHe. Mbrl bodlel . ...,. still In the Fire Sweeps orority LO& ANGELES !UPI! -Fire swept through the vacant Alpha XI Delta ~ tr house near UCLA Sunday night cau~ Ina an estlm•ted m.ooo damage to lht tivo rb1ry structure borore fire units were Ible to u\lll(lllsh the blaze. ' Hunti1igton Co1f'!.pa1iy Protests Rejection Included in the currmt planninf is the 147-acre Ctolral Part and severa nelgt... borhood f1c1nu ... O..lp cootracto •l- rudy have been let for several of the p-oJ«4. Officials ol a Huntington Beach electric company today ere claiming their low bid on a Golden Weiit ·College project. was thrown out unfairly by an arehitect'1 con.. aultant. Patrick Gallagher of Peoumatic E\f!c- lric Company say1 the bid rtjec::lfon was •'high handed." But a spokesman for architects Wltuem L. Pereira and Assoclntet S&Y1 the re· jeclion wu based on Inability of the finn to meet specifications. Gallegher last week took his case to the Orange Coast Junior College District board. But board membc!:rs were told by the County Counsel's office. their leg:il adviser, that the architect they tQred had the say In Ule matter. "All we are a.sk!ng the board 1B tn for crying out loud be lair." said·Gallagher, vice pfesldcnt or engineering f 0 t Pneumatic Electric. But lhe college trustees took no act ion. "All lhe college can do i!1 &1y, 'OK, If the expert says it doesn't mttl the spedfica. tloos it doc:Sn't meet It," remarked Lloyd Hamilton. Golden West Colleae businc!is mAneger. Pneumatic £le c bid i' prict of $139.000 for p'"oviding swJtchlng 1ear and trrcn sformcr r"11 ipment to distribute elec- tricity lo $1.~5 r •»lfon of new buildings now un der c r~t:-ucllon an the Golde n '\Vest csmpus In Lluntington Beach. The· next low bidder, 1ccordin& to Gallagher. w8' W•lllns-Eleclrfe Coiporatloii a( aboul · .. ;ooo higher. Gallaghcr·cl•lms th1t 1tlel' the bids were Hiuitiug· 'tou. EU.,s. · ~ned WesUn&houie sublequen,tlt • . . ~ •. 1 : 1 !Oot~cl ils pdct to . !l)t':t ~Uc , .n• . ._.•b t='-'tt ·f-~'-' I Eleanc'• bid. · ' uis .. 1 tl '"e uuu Robert' Reichel, owner ot· Reichel Eleo-• • 1 1 1 trlc Inc .. the subcootrlctor to wlllch Uie Membtn of HOntinifun BeoCtt Elkl bids """ svbmlttfd. -not ....ntm Lodp hlY~ ,..pared •nd '"' diltrlbullni the n,m~ "We .,. In ,. Pi!ittlon to ba•k•!• o1. food . ind to)'• to , -Y speak ol this ot this time," he ,.Id, famJll... , Nclthtr the collegp nor the ~rthite<:t Packaging <>f lhe basket1 W•I Com· knew ihe w .. 1fnghouse bid nguro. pitied los>w!<kend under tllt direction al Galli gher cl1imed PnM:naUc Eled:rfc lftding KniS"t Charlff I p e r r 1 ii o. (tot an out-of·hand tum down because the Included we:rt frozen turkeys and all I.hi IS.. LOii' m(\ P11t II l111Jredleot.s for , Cll.1atml3 dln11er. "?II • N.Y. Steeb r ' TEN CENTS U~I Tt.....t. 111 Lo11do11 :--" .Jacqueline Kennedy Onassii arrived in London Sund~Y 1vhere she said she 'll spend tJ1e Christmas holiday ~. t-!usband Aristotle is scheduled to Join her. Chamber W ome11 Select Winners ' . . Of Yule Contest ·- The best dressed homes fo r th is Christmas were announced Sunday night in FoontahJ .Valley by the Chamber ot Commerce Women's Division. spoMOrS·of lhe city·s first Christmas decorating con· test. Top decoratioos from mere than 50 total entrants \?ere: Mr. and Mrs. John . Richards, '10286 Cardinal Ave.. best Christmas scene. Their home featured a church, Santa Claus, six snowmen, a nativity scene. a train and a tree. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pinkerton, ·17~ Santa Monica Circle. most religious win- ners with a nativity scene and a beam of light. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Killy. 17608 Oak St., won lhe most uauaual category with Snow White's wedding. WiMers or the Santa's special were the Mr. and Mrs. Don Borchardt and fan\ity, 9200 El Morada 'St., each of home pa~ a separate window of their home. The best neighborhood category was won by the homes ·on El Verde Circle. Each home (eatured. a separate decot'a· lion, but all incorporated a Christnfas tree with .yellow lights to give 1the area unity . Hamilton Houae Interiors, ln the Village Center at Magnolia ·S~ .arid TaJben :Avenue, won the best w~w decoration for a business while 9'JY Faw~eJ f\estaurant, on Brookhurst ~e~ near Warner Avnue, featured the toP in- door and outdoor decoration. ,, .... No business entries were received.'for best decorated shopping center. said II.ts. Richard Gillwn, chairman or Jtie women!s division Chritltmas contest. •! Oraa111 .. ··~ Couf:· .. :;: ... ~-: Weatller :;: Clearing skies is the weath~; man 's Ouistma.s present to ~ Orange Co11t, with the sun bred!: i!lll Utrou~h but temperatUrts M;: mainln1 In ,the inlddle slxUes. ..:;. • \ ;.: INSWE 'l'OD,\Y ·:· ' .. 1 •lt't .tHtte Jqr o: woman.. to b«., namf'!d to the S~J>T:tmt ~ Coufl:. qztd to0tnen mefrtD«f.r of. thi:. Hoptt 'think th;V have ba ·the:p:' 1 1"id.tt ;uit f~t righ& personA,.· Page l:t. ~ ·=· ,.----------~· .1 ~ 3 ~· % ·l .. cH•lllMAI' ::; -I • ,. ' , ~ ' ~ • ........... ·-~· ~-.- 1 r~ .. , ---·--. ...,,, ....... ,..,_. -·M--. ' • k ~ " " .. • 14"11 r. • ii'.::.t .. ( • II -H I -..::'"· ~ "" . = . ..a~ _,,, .. :=. .......... ... ~ . ' .... -~-.. -~---~~,-··--~-·-~ --~·-·-··--·~~----~-·--------··.,·~-------~.··-,.,.--------..,. ... ~----. ... ----------------~-·-~,-,-.. ' !~,i'~bAJlY 'JLOf ____ H_._r_•~-'".:...' _DK_.,._w_t_!~·-' .. '--- At 1•dge's Vrg!nfl • • - Manson Delays Lawyer ·oe~isi9n .· : M !-.,-cl.as· ANGELES (UPIJ-Charles Man· ·~ .. -""accused mastermind In the Sharon _.,,.ft. murders, i.n.sisted today that he .~ to act a.s his own attorney,.but ·~ to postpone a final declsion at :li>f wging of a jud1•. After a dia1ogue o( about 20 minutes . ~ th• beanled, long-haired de-~ and Superior Court Judie WU- :~~· Keene, Manson agreed to ool\fer Wftli' a.n attorney appointed by the court ~return Wednesday to give his de-. ii : .. ~ Kasabian, 20. another defendant 1n (&'.e case, was granted a continua.net ~Jan. 6 to enter a plea to peimil .~new a\omey to familiarize hilllielf ·~case. · :·, ' Van Houten. 19, pleaded inno- t'l'!i'l , two counts or murder. ManaOn and Mrs. Kasabian were in· dieted Dee. 8 on seven counts of murder and on' count of eonsplracy in the slayings of fi ve persons at the home of Miss Tate Aug. 9 and the killing h1•0 days later of Leno LaBianca, a wealttiy grocer, and his wife. , . Miss 'Van Houten also was Indicted on a conspiracy charge, but only two murder counts were lodged agalrut her in connection with the LaBianca killings . Manson and 2S of his followers were arrested in an old camp on the edge of Death Valley in October on auto theft charges. Late in November, Susan Atkins; 21 , one of six members of "the Manson Family" Indicted for !he slay· ings, told authorities f..!anson and his cult were responsible for the killings. Miss Alkins has tOO:I a grand jury the full story and has entered a plea or innocent She was expected to contend :;he acted under Manson's hypnotic spell. Her trial. set for Feb. 9. may be held separately from the others. Wadsworth Wins Beach r~'' .. ~hristmas Sweepstakes ·"'-~-... -:'.":'!,;..~ ·~-~home of D. F. Wadsworth, 16101 ::~ Lane. was judged the :-'.\"!~!":"! :~~kes winner in liun tin glo n · ~adi)s annual ··chrislrnas C i t y'' decorating contest. The event was co-sponsored by the city and the \Vomen·s Division of the Chamber of Commerce. Judges spcnl three nights checking the entrants befon! makin): a decision. · 1~ajor winners will be guests al a di n· ner in January when they will recei ve their troptµes . Best Commercial Building award was .--~ i>y the G~ge McCracken building, "'f'iMl· lk:ach Blvd., home of lhe DAILY ·;NOOr. --;.,, E:Ytfier ~·inners: Best Christmas Di~play: J am e s .. .An<ter90n. 6362 Shane Drive ; F'red Snipp · 1i7'lt-Wiliett Lane . Chlldrens Fantasy -Allen Quinn, 6l'>OI ~· I .. inreric\ Drive; George Freeman. 2~1 ~ GesRawk Lane: Religious -John D. .... ·"Council Okays ·!·~ ~. ::~own · Payment • '£ .... ,.()n Civic Center . . • • -:; ·'.'> •. t~.{':down payment or $325,000 has been ·:matti 'by the Cit.\' or Huntington Beach on .. ~J3·acre site v.•hich will ultimately con· • hi!\ :lhe ne\Y civic center. .. ; l;tepresenting the city in \\lednesday'!L -"-ttimSaclion with the Huntington Beach ~.oropany. the landowner. was City ·:Mrnillistrator Brander Casl\t . ~ The price of lhe land . localed at t.lain · Street south of Ma nsion Avenue, is ~-J)IO;OOO. The remaining $35,000 is to be ~. p'"aid to lhe Huntington Beach Compan y 1"·:;i:r1!s. pres.ent oil operations on the she ·arof·dissol ved. The request to cease oil operations will ~Oriie' \Yhen the building plans are com- . ·::P~e.f'c and c<>nstruction is about to begin · 11cl!ordlng to Castle. Purchase of the land ends !hree years nf "discussion and one ye ar of negotiation fC1r the site. ll was selected by city coun· cilmen after severa l months of in· \estigation for possible locations of the civic center through a special committee . Current municipal and police office.~ are located on a lwo-acre site at 5th Street. between Pecan an d Orange Avtnues. Crow, 6891 Nyanza Drive; ~1obile Home -Jerry Walters. 21462 Pacific Coast High\v ay , Driftv..l>Od Court 26. Best Ouldoor Tree -Richard \V ilson . 1024 13th St: Best Indoor Tree or Display Tom Neeld. 1010 Main S 1 . : Nei ghborhood -Sea Aira Park , ti~~I \Varner Ave. Merchants \Vindow -Gordon Whal ley, 17851 Bea~h Blvd.; Commercial Displa.v -Signal Oil & Gas Co., between 21st and 22nd St. Others winners -Dale Hughes, 16301 Serenade Lane ; Kevin Chard. 16191 Norgrove Circle; J im Ruch , 6301 Winslo1v Drive; Golden West Homeowners, Golden \\lest tract : Bill Borland , 15241 Victoria Lane. Ja1nes Solun1 , 168'12 Baruna Lan!!; George Parke, 6241 Warner, Sea Aira \\'!st No. 68: Robert Bonillas, 11711 Collie l.ane; Joe Long , 1005 Park St.; 0. \V. Rider. 1026 13th St: Chuck Robert, 1112 Pine Sl.; John C. Sicherl. 1706 Park St.: Wayne Melquisk , 1212 ~1ain St .: Paul Balaton , 80 Huntington St, No. SI ; Huntington Shores 1'.iotel. 21102 Pacific <»ast Highway ; J.an Corcoran. 21851 Newland ! Huntington By the Sea No. t:I : ROS! Jackman , 21401 Pinetree Lane : Bill Reed, 8421 Snowbird Drive: James A. Shelton. 833 Heron Cirele: Earl Ellis. 20651 Farnsworth Lant!: .J eff Irvine, 818 Joliet Sl.; John Kerwin. 2U502 Tobermory Circle: Southern Californ ia First Nalional Bank. 89 Adams A\·c. 111. McKeman, 19872 Lotus Lane ; F'. L. Jtodgins, 10382 Monito r Drive. Plunge Victim No,v Identified SANTA CRUZ !AP \ -The body of A woman found at the base of a cliff near here has been identi fied. bu1 another woman's body probably \\'ill take a while to identify, a coroner's deputy said. Clayton Matlhc\\'S identified Sunday as his \'.'ife. Jean, 43, a won1an killed in a plunge from a 35-foot ocean clifr Satur- day, the day he reported her missing. Because of deccmpos.it ion . it v.•ill take time lo idenlif.y ·the other body which was found in the surf Friday. Bone X ra ys in· dicate the v.·oman was about 2{I years old. the deputy said. Recruiters Recrtiiti1ag New. combined armed forces recruiting center for Orange Coasl opened Friday at 542 \V, 19th St., Costa Mesa, and recruiting NCO's fo r various branches of service \vasted little lin1e 111 le •· ~ their saJesn1anship on Connie Pfister. 19. r-.1· s lunl· ington Beach. Recruiters are (fro1n left ) S ff Sgt. .!lm Misialek (Army). CPO Billy Kahl (Navy). Gun· nery Sgt. Paul Tu rpin (Marines ) and Staff Sgt. Tom Bowman (Air Force). The blonde beauty said all the boys \vere so cute she couldn't choose be· ~ 1vcen thcn1. She rc1nai ns a civilian. Jarrett Plans 'f o Run Again In W estmi11ster Buel Jarrett. 58:-a member of the \Vcstminsler City Council since 1961. has announced his intention to seek re..zlec· lion in next April's election. Jnrrctt. a furnitu rr manufacturer, said he v.·ould eontlnue his dr ive for further property tax reductions. balanced co m- munity ncvelopmcnt and co n l i nu e d lll11bility in city go\'ernincot. In announcing his candidacy. Jarrl.'tt pointed to the cily's growth and progress in rrcenl years, and to the .fact that city preperty taxes had beeif loviered for the first lime this year. ··if I can in any small \\'SY help keep our team effort going for the good of our t:ilv and its citizens. I feel 1 must attempt \n do so. F'or these reasons I \lave decid- t'd to be a candidate in the coming ele r- 11,1ns :ind lo ask the 1•ilizens of \\'c,,.trninsler for their eonlinu~d sup- port.'' he said . T1vo scats on the \\'csLminster City C:o11nc\1 will become vacant next April. .Jarrett's and one currently held by Philip Arlhon~·. Odd Comhii1atio11 Is Style Winner St<linlcss steel rods v.•rapped in b!ut 11ntl gold tin~l garlands, braided hair and toa1n plastic circles with stars inside 11ere the ingredients for the winning hairstyle or the Golden \Vest College COS· n1e tology depa rtment third an nu a 1 Christmas Headdress Fantasy. The three·level creation by 19-year·old Rt1r bara Smith of Costa ,._1esa took first place in the junior·senior student division and first for overall theme. among ~O ori"inal headdr~sses modeled ThurSday 111,1!;\ by cosmetology students. ~------~- Big· Turnout at College Elects Coope1· President James E. Cooper, 22. a sophomore- biology 1najor fr om \Vestn1instcr. 11as been cle:ctcd student body president ~al Golden \\'est College in the largest turnout or student voters In the college's four years. lie narrowly dcreatcd Mike Centofante in Friday's election which saw 1.135 swdenl!'I go !ti lht polls. including 200 evening coi!ege students who voted for the first time. "l think lhe ,l'r~i vote was due lo e.x- College Putting Classes ·on 1'V CtHJrscs taught at Golden \Vest College ,1·111 be televised and availab le ror vi~v." ing by individual students if a requested gra nt for SS,584 in fcdera funds is ap- J>rove<.i. Orange Coast Jun ior College District lrustees have agreed to put up an equal amount of local tax money for the project 1f the U.S. government funds come through. . The total sum of $11 .168 would be used tn buy equipment and materials. The proposal is to te levise segments of cou1 scs in speech. history. political s:ience and recreation technology, and 1hrough a closed.circuit tel~vision system Jnfl ke them available for repeat viewing. The proposed system. to be installed in 1hr. 1nulli-rnedia center of the college librarv. v.·ould be able to acrommodate l•P to ·10 students simultaneously vie\ving different course segments in study car- rels. tensive campaigning by both candidates and pocketbook issues which mean something to st udents." said Cooper. ''1.ly opponent and I usually appeared together and I think we. talked to about 1.500 students.'' Other officers elected \\'ere Larry Fo1\•ler. Fountain Valley, vice-president: Gary Amold, Garden Grove, and Dave Bells, Seal Beach, representatives to the Co llege Affairs Council: Bill \Vhitehead, Surfside, and John Yeiser, Huntington Beach, representatives to the Council on Curriculum and instruction ; and Bill Lager, Huntington Beach, representative to the President's Cabinet. Elected senators from the instructional divisions were Alan Delahoydc, , Hun· tlngton Beach, business; Katie Bengston , \Vestminster. fine and aiiplied arts; G!ry Knowlton. Hunti ngton Beach, health sciences: Debbie fl ern1an. Hun tington Beach, mathematics and s ci c n c e. s ; J\lichael Tracy, Westminster. technology: and Dianna Broderick. Westmi nster, social sc ience. Funds Approved For Park Work A donation of $3 ,000 for improvements in LeBard Park has been approved by the members of the t.Ieredith Garden! Homeowners Association. LeBard park. in the southea st section or the city. is surrounded by the Meredith Gardens dc velopinent. Edward H. Kerins, presi dent of the association. said the money v.•as raised during the past three years through the group's fireworks stand. From Page J • LOW BID •.. 91).eiyiploye company wasn't la rge enou_gh to suit Henry Hickok. 'lectrical e:ngineer. ing consultant to architect Pere.lra. But Hl~k. µId ht vlolttd . the Pneumalic Electric plant and found ~ lack o( quality control and testing facilities tor me ''hJghl)I technical equiJr ment." "It is terribly important that a campu" have quality equipment so that it"wTII get long life and low maintenance ," .Robert Ensign, executive archl.tect in cbarJC of the project for Pereira said. · Gallagher read a statemect to I.he: col· Jege board that noted : .. . • We cannot and will not aceept that a carte blanche ol authority bas been fiven to the archiect and in turn to his engineer to pennit exclusive: btdding: by large companies only. This would warp the histo rical fair bidding practices which are designed to give both the tai:- payer and his represental.ivt cost ad- ministrator the lowest equaJ quality price possible. It is our intentitn and in fact our obligttion ,lo take whatever steps necessary to protect the system and ourselves." GaJlagher today explained what be meant by the last statement. "Our other recourse is to get a batch of lawyers." he said. "We're very reluctant to get In· volved in a lav.·suit when it is not necessary." But he said the compan y may feel It has to if not allowed to bid Jan. 9 on another Golden West campus con· ~truction project. The Jan. 9 bidding '''ill include elec· trical s~·itching gear for a 350-seat com· munity the ater. police science addition, cafeteria, student atch•itie:s area and 600 parking stalls. The previously bid on project was for a gymnasium, recreation e d u c a t I o n building, new technology b u i I d i n g . telecommunications building and addition to the math-science building. '.'.~hen you restrict the competition the price g~s up naturally," Gallagher said. He said his firm has done larger job! than Golden West Colleg' -for the U.S. gav~r~ent, U.S. Navy, University of Cahforrua and Lo! Alamitos Race Track. Equipment produced at the Huntington Beach t>lant, he said, meets National Electrical Association standards. Cross Country Practice Starts Cross country practice for b:Jys and gi rls age _7 to 14 start2d today at 4 p.m. at fountain Vallty High School. .Exercises, conditioning and running \\'I ll be under the guidance o( Rudy Garcia. The program is sponsored rOr 1 wo weeks by the city parks and recrea- tion department. A city championship meet will be held .Jan. 10 with winners elig.ible for tht coun· ly novice cross country finals . Interested runntrs can sign up for the program at city hall or directly 111 thfl high sciloOl track . Beach Tru ~t ccs Slate )\feeling for Jau. 13 The next regular meeting of the llun· t1ngton Beach City (elementary) School District Board of Trustees ~·ill be 7:30 p.m., Jan. 13. The me eting scheduled for Tuesday \\'as postponed for the Chrislmas holida)'S. Heil A venue Opens Heil Avenue in Huntington Beach from Beach Boulevard to Golden West Street is now open for east-west traffic, according to Bill Reed, city information officer. Reed sai d that Heil can now bear somP. of the heavy trafiic using \Varner and Edinger Avenues. The street was opened Friday on the completion of a tract of homes in the area . ..... The architectural firm or Kurt t.1eyer and Associates has been retained lo riesign the new complex. which \\'iii al so inclucte police facllil ies. That seemed to rule out a possibility lhe body could be that of ei ther or h\'o leen·agers police. believe \l.'Cre kidnaped from the Bay Area earlier this mo:ith. ~!iss Smith. who graduates in February. pli:ins to go inlo beau ty sal on work in the Newport Beach are:a . She graduated from Corona del Mar High School in 1968. •··~ • • DAILY PILOT lobe.+ "4. Weeol , ...... ftt ..... '"°'"~' l h ..... , "••·ii E••ltt l ~e'l\11 "· M u1p~;.,, .......... ,; ... [ti .... ,a.1 .. ,11 'H, le+•1 A,jH(lflO 1111..- H••tl•tt•• •MP Offlc:t 111 1~ lttdl •0~1,.,,.1 "''a; .. , "'''''": r.o. ••· 1t o, •1•41 Otlt9r OHl1M L•f""" &tit~ m F.,n , ., • ..,~. C1t10 Mou · JJO w .. , ltY Jttl" P.,••,,e•, &<It". nit Wot! l t ftlt I N 1t•l•f ~- l)ll!L" ,ILOl . wttll WOI CI' ·I <-"Mf,... Nrwt·'""" It ~111111.• ft t oly O ('pt S<*• N y "' ,....,..tt HJ"'°"" '-' Ltt ...... ltl<ll. ,.......,, It.KA. C:-1& ,,.,,_., "'""U1'lf:"" IOKll Ofl4i l'_..lfl V1llty. l:oftt WOii 1...., .... IOM>I ·•lllML °'..... '"'' ~1 ... 11\e ~1' fflllllnlt "'""" I ,_ It 7111 WK! ''*'' IMI~ H.....,1 lt;ui, ..., m ,. .. , ••1 ,.,., O.lt Mou, T ......... 47141 •41-4Jll ,..,. ........... c .. , ••. 112• c1 ... lfJH ..,,_.w .. ••1.s•11 ,,., ..... ,, lfft. Ot•lltt ... "' , ... ti.111.,. ''"'''"'· "'' .,..._ 11.,.ti.. Jllv\trotlot!t, ....... 41 111111 .. ., , ..... tit.-\\ ,, .. ,,.. !flt • "' •~H ,.11110111 tMC •lt ••• '°"'1">tt+.• ol -~' OW!ltl'. . ~"l'K .... clfn ,....,. ,.111 It NCWJttl '"~" ,.,. (lllt!t M.w, Cfl ..... 1111 )\llllC'ilrllt"' 11' ttfflt<' 13 Ill ,,_1111ri •f 111.111 U .Y ...,.,...,., \,n;.uu •• , ,..,,..,.._ 11 lll -1h•,, Boy, II, 011 H Tells Police He's 'C ut' Habit By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 llMt OIU1 .. !lfl S!tlf A probe, Into drug USt ainong Costa ~1esa school children has led lo the arrett of an It ·year-old heroin shooter who blithely told police he has cul dO\l.'n his habit quite a bit and hopes to slop altogether. Information supp lied through various sources has resulted in the ques- tioning of a number or youngSttrs since lost week , v.•hCn 1"·0 fathers took tl1eir daughters out of sc.hool as a precaulion . The 11-ytar.old boy pi~ked up Friday \\'as charged wilh J41ck o( p;irenLa l ~tr~l. since he had no drugs to .substantialr. a stiffer chargt. only his past history. Offictr Phil Donohue said tht. boy had a rtsttrlnt:: absces ... inllidt the L'l'OOk of hlll e.lbow from injecting heroin about 1v.·o weeks before and also told of repe.atedly smokin& ma rijuana. fie is a student at Sonora E\t!mentary Sthool. Police ur1ed the parenU to talte him to n doctor for medical auenuon a' 111 result ol the 1bsceu. v.·hJlt his probation officer was notifltd of the admJttfd narcoUca use. The investlfaUon Into widespread drug use also resulted In the arrest of a 1$-yw-old Cost~es1 High School student Friday for posseS11ion of d11n· gerous drugs. Investigators given h11 namt! by lnrormR nl.s questioned the youth and he \Va~ discovered at I.he llme lo hi\'~ 1 small qua.ntily of barbiturate pills In hls posae.ssioa. l FOREMOST AMONGST THE PROBLEMS OF • CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS GETTING WAITED ON! Not so •+ old Jed e;d.,ell's. We h•ve enough Santas here -r10 w1iting - each a timid , quiet, trained e._ptrt on what's new in menswear. We also have whit could e11ily be one of the finest assortments of sw11ters, shirts, neckwear, slacks, sport coats, raincoats, and outerwear. THE PERFECT GIFT If the high co1t of givfng h11 you by the purse strings, we have a la1t minute su991stion that is infall ible-give a Bidwell gift certificate. It 's easy to carry , it's already wrapped, it costs whatever you 're tpendin9 , yet th• only safe gift fo~the men who has nothing. Whether we see you here or not, our warmt1t wishes for a very Merry Christmas! Jack Bidwell .w;7 Vla Lido Telephone 6i3-4ol0 Optn Until 9 P.M. (Excopt Saturday) 1'1ucho parking directly behind my store 1\ I I . . . -·~·----~~-·~~--·--··-·-.--.. -·":T-'1''""'!"';':%";~~"!"'1"'!!"l'~"P.""o-:iY~<"!,.....,.-.. -..,..,..~,...,..,.,..,..."",..,.. .. __ 'llll_.,.. .. __ ,._ ___________ ,.._ .. ...... ....... . : , ........ .._ .. Laguna Bea eh ·'·EDITION voe. 62, NO. 305, 3 SECTIONS, ~8 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1969 • 1ramar e Sex Raid Jails 3 Police Arrest ·T.wo Men, Girl, 15 Two men were arrested and a IS-year· old girl laken into custody by Laguna Beach police Sunday after officers allege they found the trio nude in one bed at the Del Camino Hotel. Officers had entered the well-known hostelry to lqok for a set of bongo drums. By the time it was over, seven persons had been arrested, two of them on a charge of disturbing the peace after allegedly shouting obscenities at in· trudlng o£ficers. 'l'tle statutory rape and contributing to the delinquency of a minor raid was trig. gered when police arrested a 17-year~ld cwfew violator outside the Del Camino at Slick Covers Coastli11e; Birds Killed ' SANTA BARBARA (AP) -Globs or oil from a slick fed by undersea seepage t.'lshtd onto about 10 miles of scenic coastline today. First reports listed about a half-doun eea birds killed and .more than 200 others OoiJndering, helple~ly, their feathers matted with the tar-like goo. Volunteers manned a bird-cleaning sla· tion reactivated for the first time since an underwater oil blowout last winter in the same Santa Barbara Channel area spread a slick over 800 miles of the Pacific. "This is as bad as I've seen since the original spill," said f\ties Van de Mark, a property manager at nearby Solimar Beadl. Geologists say the new slic k was tooc~ ed off after pumps at offshore oil drillin g platforms were 5hut down from Tuesday to Saturday while workmen repaired a broken pipeline. Pressure apparently built up in the oil pools below the ocean noor, they said . causing oil to seep out of sea-bottom fissures considerably faster than the usual 250-gallon-a-day rate geologists estimate. Because of foggy weather there was no estimate of lhe size of the slick. Unioo Oil Co. offi cials said Sunday that reactivation ol, their pumps Saturday ap. parenUy relieved the pressure and halted the heavy seepage. 'lbe new problems are "just another in- dication that. no matter what the oil com· panies say, they can't guarantee that cur· rent drilling operations are failsafe," said Alvin C. Weingand, board chainnan of Gd Oil Out -GOO -a group militantly opposed to offshore drilling operation~. Weingand sent a telegram lo President Nixon urging that ''he become personally involved in our problems here and that he order all drilling operations in the Santa Barbara Channel shut down." Surfers at popular Rincon Baach about 12 miles south of here abandoned oil· covered waves. Civil Defense officiall in Ventura County to the south reported brjsk OM.hore winds driving oil onto belches near the Ventura JUver. 1289 S. Coast Higlr.1•ay. Jn vestigalors said the Huntington Beach boy complained 1hat he had left his bongo drums at the hotel so officers 11·ere dispatched to get then1 . ·Returning to the hotel, they entered Room 210. the address the curfew violator had given as the place his bongo drums could be found. 1'hey said -in discreet fashion -that besides bQ11go drums, they found : - Two men and a nude 15-year-old girl i!l one bed. -Two men in another bed. -Two men asieep on the floor. The' runaway girl from Gar~en Gro\'e admitted being intimate with at least 1-·o or the men in the room, according to in~ \'estlgallng ofrictrs. Donald P. Venem, 13, of the hotel id· dit!ss, anl:I Albert C. Elliott, 21, of Fullerton, were booked on charges of st'itutory rape after the 4:40 a.m. raid. Contributing lo the delinquency of a minor charges were lodged against Norbert R. Hal, 18. of Michigan, William ~rise, 23, of Portland, Ore., Stephen Cailion, 19, of the hotel address, and Carl Lamey. 18, identified as an Army deserter from Missouri. Their 15-year~ld alleged playmate was admitted to Orange County Juvenile Hall pending court action. U.S., RussiP In Agree111ent On Arms Talks HELSINKI (UPI) -The United Stai.. and the Soviet. Union, concluding five weeks of preliminary talks on limiting strategic weapons, announced today full- scale negoUaUona will start r>elf. Aprll 16 jn Vienna. They said In a joint communique thal "an undf:rstandina was rtached on lhe general range GI. subjects" to be negotiated. The talks will move back to Helsinki at a later time, the rommun1Que said. This was a compromise agreement because the United States had wanted Geneva and f\foscow wanted to ttmain in the Finnish capital. The 2,60-word communique was initialed In a televised «remony by chief negotiators Gerrard C. Smith for the United States and Vladimir S. Semeoov for Ruma. Today's I.alb were accompanied by a visible elation on both sides and both Soviet and American spokesmen' !aid they were completely satisfied with the results. "The preliminary exchange of views which took place concerning the limita- tion of strategic anns was useful to i..:.th sides," the communique said . "As a result of that exchange, each t1ide is able better to understand the view of lhe other with respect for the problems under consideration. "An understanding was reached on the general range of questloos which will be the subject of further U.S . .SOViel. ex· changes. "Agreement was reached that negotia· lions between the U.S. and lhe L'SSR delegation~ will be resumed on \pril 16, 1970, ln \1ienna and that they -·ill be held agai n in Helsinki at a later time." Slock lllnrl:eo NEW YORK (AP) -Most stocks con· tinued to lose ground in moderate trading today, a1 declines ertended their lead over advances by nearly 400 issuea. (See quolaUons, Pager lf..15). • I s Slgn' of the Season Decked ~t ln Christmas: lights to appear almost like a gingerbread cottage: 1 the Cott•rge Restaurant in Laguna Beach offers a rather unique Yuletide display with large lighted peace sign over its ·roof on Coast Highway. House Ol(slax Reform; Quick Senate Action Seen WASHINGTON (UPI) -The House today approved the mo11t sweeping tax legislation in modern history-tax reduc- tions for everyone: a 15 percent Social Security increase and a package of loophole closing reforms. T·be compromise ~ill went to the Sen· ate, where passage also v.·as expected before' the end of the day. Prospects for the measure at the White House, worked out in its final form Only last Friday by a House-Senate confer- ence committee, ·Wert not completely clear. Prea:ident Nixon is .said to be un- happy about lt.s Jong range provisions. which will ·cut federal revenues, but a high administration 'official said he eX· peeled Nixon to sign the bill because .it. ~·oukl increase treasury receipts in the short run. \Vhen rully cfrectivc in 1973. lhe bill \\'ou ld take 7.6 million poor families off lhe federal tax rolls. Anothqr 56 million taxpayers 11"011ld get some relief from the major provisio ns. While the fillal version of the tax bill had general congressional support, there still was .some fi!PJ>04ltlon. sen. William B. ~' (R-Ohlo),_ issued a statement callibi !or a p(esklential veto; but Sen._ Carl Curtis. !R·Neb.), who worked on the 14-man conferenct, refused lo sign the .J'eport because of his -opposition ,to !he bill's four percent tax for the first lime on foundations. But speculation was mainly conctrned -·Ith Nixon's views, The ·White House official, who· gave his opinion anonymously ·On a "bac,kground'' basis for newsmen, said the measure was largely acceptable because it . .brings in ·~ney· in. 1rro and ·1971., Through a combination of tax refonm, plu1, ~ con- tinuation of the jncome tax SW'charge at five percent for the next six months and a repeal of the investment ta1 credit, the bill would bring in $6.4 billion in 1970 and another $315 million in 1971 . In 1973, however, tax cuts totaling $9.l billion would become fully effective. Nixon ha d earlier raised lhe threat of a veto because of the long range revenue 10!! •. Wilen Republican leaders met with Nixon Saturday they reported he liked the ''noninflationary" impact of lhe bill Jri mo and 1971,rbut not the loss of fund.1 by19'1l. • • Trashmen Get Cliristmcu Off Real Doll11 Ul'I~ Lifeguard's Firing 'Final There will be no garbage and trash pickup in bguna Beach on Christma~ Day, the Department of Public Works an- nounced today. Residences nonnally receiving trash pickup service on Thursday will be plac· eel on Wedneldly or Friday schedules. On tho follooripg .-... pickup will be made on W-y: M« Street, Bent ~-Cedar Way, Golt Stttet, illl!i Dl1,. (100 block), Hilledge Drive, Jloity Street, La Vl~a Drive, .lJnden Street. Lower CllU Drive, Manzanita Drive, Myotlc Lant, Mystic View. M.vaUc Way, f>arll: A\'tnUC (!WX) tliroogh 500 block), Poplar Street. Reed Street. Skyline Drive (900 throogh 1100 block l. Sk)rllne Terrace, ;ttird Street !400 block), Through Strttt, Virginia Park Drive. All othtr propn-t!e1 normally rece iving Thurlday service will have collection made the Friday following the holiday aod the ume schedule will be in effect over the New Years Day holiday. Barbra Streisand showed up looking like this al Grau1nan·s Chinese Theatre in llollywood for premiere of her ne1v veblcle, "Hello Dolly." Grades, Girls, Money W(>rry Young !\lost m;w· YORK (UPI) -Despite tlie publicir.ed world o( drugs, 50cial unrest, ~nd war protest. & Gallup Poll in NeMwcek magazine released Sund11y In- dicates the Younger aeneralion Js -·orried more about gradtJ, girl.$, and tlnan~es. OUt of 1.092 students tntmrlewicf on $7 campuses in America , 75 percent men· Uoned fln11nces as the problem whk:h worried them moal About half mentioned grade,,, wilh 18 pereent menUonina the Vietnam war. But Fund May Be Set Vp for Legal Defe1ise F(ring of San Clemente lifeguard Steve Chorak has been upheld by a 3 to 2 vote of city councilmen sltUng as a pe:rsoMel .board, but offers have been made to set up a fund to help the guird cootinue his legal battle . with the city, al1orney Chester "Brisco said today. So far u the city is conettntd, the decision· Is final, City Mana1er Kenneth CaTT said. Brisco said ht does not yet know what his client will decide to do In the face or the split decision whidl found three com- cilmen voting against his reinstatement afld two recommending reinstatement o" a one-yeHr probatlon basis. Mayor Wade Lower and Councllmcn St>nl•y C. Northrop and ,,_., S.' O'Ketfe lssu<d the mojority r<por\ denytng Cbor1k's appeal of hle: cbtiisNl~ whi le Councilmen Dan Chilton aM Walter "'-Evans. In 1 mtnorit1 repci\..J'tClOmo mended hlrln1 him back. r'. ,•-# t Angered b),t the decision, the Santa Ana attorriey who represented tl'le 29,.year-old lifeguard lieutenant in a recent tw<Klay · hearing before the rpersoonel board,, said · it reveals ''a1real probltD\. for "the San.· Cleffienle ·eiectof-a'te." ' · • Bruco;who bad-objeded to bavillJ the city Councltmen"wbO'flt<d'Choiak ill In jud~n\-"JI\ 1111 .• ..,..,. •nd '°""'' unsuccessfully to lt•ve the case placed before a neutral arbitrator. maid, "1,i.y coocluston is that the Clt.Y of San Clemente b being run b)I a group '<II fr ightened me.n. fearful that If lhey are tmable to malntnin their personnel pr~ 1ram .Of intlrnldatlon and c:ocrclon. the~ Wilt tOse d>llttot' of the diy goviriimt.rit. · Oicnk-'1 le1dershiP Of 'I strike tbrelt by IUeguas:dl In August waS cited in the majority report, u "due ca'*'" ~or hia· dlsml!s«k oJoo\C with. ~~ f,!llure, to, ,. through eStabllshed grievance proctdUres and the facl that be had been the subject . - or deteriorating perfonnancc reports. The report found he had, "breached cl· ty rnles'by utilizing StrikC thrtaUI." The. repcrt atsO ~led · th~t1 his :legal rights had1 not -beth ·-~...,~ by dismissal on ·this account. lt was agreed . '• . . . . ... ) . he •ltauld be paid !of ~f~m~ .wo'1'ed during the past •tO days •• ~ ••. ~11 "During the hCarlng, .,• sild Briico, "the chief lireguard said his 01m l'ftOnfs • showed Chorak had worked 419 overtime hours and not bttn paJd bccaux "l'ha didn't ask for It.' That WAS one of I.he complainl3 -. th11t pcrmanerit em'ploycs , are txpt<:I~ to -·ork ov,rtlfne· aJl$1 tr>ld oOery plainly not 10 put in for o ... -qt1me pay:• ' ln their minority rtport, ChtltOll ancl Evan• ,.Jd they ag,....i the iJ>poltan< had violated hi.$ covenant as 1 public · aafety tS.e LIFEGUAJU>, Pa .. ti .. • I TEN CENTS ar 60 Sailors Trapped In Inferno SAN DIEGO, Calli. (AP)-A jet plan• crashed in flames into a hangar Monday 11t Miramar Naval Air Base. A spokes· 1nan satd "50 or 60 people are injured and we've got several dead." A base SJXlkesman said at least 10 men 'vere killed and dozens injured. One plane clipped the hangar in land· Ing. The pilot ejected safely, the base said. Ambulances were taking the injured through heavy blaok smoke which shot 150 feet into the air. "We've called in r:vety available m1Jj ... tary and civilian help," the spokesman said. Mary Moore, a civilian worker, .said the plane crashed straight into the building, one of three hangars which measure at least 50 yards in length. Miramar is about 15 miles Crom San Diego, Navy helicopters also were landing and taking off with injured. Vietnam Airliner Rams School; Death Toll 125 ~l NRA TRANG , Vietnam (UPI) -~ crippled Air Vietnam DCC pasaenarer plane, "'8kinl an emergency Jaridinr aft.r 111 qlno exploded, 1IOU1hed oil .a runway today and uplodcd into a kfn.. dergarten lehool.· South Vietnamese milita1'Y police said a1 many as 1JS persons were ·teared ctea:d; Military potlc:e 8'1d more than 80 persons aboard the propeller-driven plane were killed, another 40 to 50 children till- ed in the burning school and perhapo anothe'.r 25 penons livtn1 in a badly-bit lhantytown area . It was the wont accident in the history of the govemment~perated airlines. Last Sept. 20, an Air Vietnam passenger plane collided with a U.S. F4 Phantom jet near Da Nang. killing 77 persons aboard ~ ..... commercial airliner. ~·· AuthoriUes said the four engine plane was damaged by an explosion in iliaht and was making an emergency landing: at the Nha Trang Air Bue on the coast iii miles northeut ri Slipn when the pilot overshot the runway. 'lbe plane wu en route to SaJgon at the time. ... MUltary ooilrcet said the bodJeg of Ill persons had been counted at the crllb site. More bodies were irtlll in the wreckage and the death toll mounted steadily. The names of tour Americans were carried on the paJSenger (ist but it wa~ not immediately known If they wert casualties. • Weadaer 1 Clearing skies is the weather· man's Christmas present to the Orange Coast, with the ·sun break· ing through but temperatures re- maining in the middle tlxli~. INSWE TODA V Tt's time for a womon to be namtd to tht Suprtmt Court nnd women memlHITs of the House tllinA: thttl have in thtlr midst ;u1t the '1Qh& ptr1on1. Page J3. --------1 Ooly3~ 1 CHRISTMAS """'"" ........ ____ ., .. 4'·' 11 " " • • , .. l , • .. .. . . ' • -------- ·. t • '~ DAILY PILOf ___ L ____ ""'-"'-"-""""'"'---'~"-'-'-" ~tarts Tttesday • Bft Two Domes J (:ong Violations ~ . . -Bi:az~n. Burglars I • .... ' I • • .. Of Truce ' Se·en ,,:-: ' • I °":i._ • Threaten Woman • • • /S.J.,.IGON (UPI) -Allied intelli1ence c(ricers predicted today the Viet Cong ./ill vJolate their OYi'n Christmas cease- fire with scatered atacks in the provinces: Airrounc!ing Saigon. :'••\\'e have every reason to belle~e lhey 'Viii violate this cease-fir e just u they ~ve all the others." one of the officitlll ~id. '"\\1e think subregional, not division· o\'lud, units will be involved." •The three-day Viet Cong slanddo"'" for c\iristmas is scheduled to begin at I a.m. fa.igon time Wednesday (9 a.m. Tue&day !:ST), 17 hours before the Allies begin llOl'ir 24·hour truce. nhe intelligence ofricers e1nphasizcd ~at their predictions should be take n lf'ilh the same weight as reports the O.ommunists planned attacks during -..eekencl to commemorate the 23rd an· lljvetsary of thtir war effort. It was the quietest weekend of the month. .• There were lhese other developments : · -Guerrilla ground fire shot down a t).s. helicopter Sunday just below the clemilitarized zone, killing e i g h t ..\'mericami and wounding two. It brought tq 1,432 the number of U.S. 'copters shot down in the war. ~-The number of Gls in the wa r zone cbse ·bi 300 last \\'eek to '172.800, the first ~erease since September. The ngure ticant 11.800 Americans already had lert !tie war as part of President Nixon 's )Qlest withdrawal of 500,000 men. which ~II drop the number of troops in Viel· Um lo 434,000. :~-A senior U.S. official said up to a full 4_ivisioq of U.S. soldiers could be tpithdrawn from the area north of Saigon • • .. Water District \ 'lncreases Rates JJ y 50 Cents .- t, The new year wn; bring a ;,(I.cent rate ~rease for water users in th~ South Goast County \Valer District. :".John "Tex" Smith , manager of the ~uth Laguna distric t, said it will bt the fi rst rate hike in about 10 years. <The n'linimum. rate of '2 mooth.l y will {.scalate· to $3. Charge for additional tater used will go up in the same SO per- (.t!nt ratio. The ZS.Cent per 100 cubic feet fVer I.he minimum would increase to 38 f\'ents. \Smith said that the cost of purchasing "ater from the Metropolitan \\'ater i:litstrict has increased 70 percent in 10 yeara. Coot of electric power, labor. materials and 5upplies have aU increased proportionately, he sa.id. The board agreed to the hike, said Smith., after a studY by the auditing firm, Diehl, Evans and Co. which recom~ ~ed either a doubling of y,·ater rate! or'a sharp increase in the tai: rate. Smith said lunds brought into the Cf~trict from· sale of water were not Qough to cove r maintenance and ope ra·· f~. From Page J LIFEGUARD. • • tifficer by threatening and organiilng 3 Ii trike. "But In Utis opinion." they state . "the prosecution failed to produce a statement of specific charges and allegations !although v.·e take . note that one CI· Isled)." Such charges. they state. "should havf' been given ti) the appellant and entered as part of these proceedings." Brisco said he did not understand what was meant by rhe implication that some charges exist~d lhat had not been re\·ealed to his client or made public. "As I understand it," tht attorney said, "all charges are supposed lo be brought out in these hearings." DAILY PILOT 011.A.l'IGl (0A.1T l'Ua l!SHll'IG (OMllilNY 11ellt•+ N. W1s<ll l'•nlttnl -l"llblW>w J ... i. 11. c .... , • ., ~>{• !'•Hit:l..,I .... G_,11 Mt .. tt• Tho,..11 11: ••• ;1 (d•lt• The"'•• A, 111..,,,.1..~, ""'""""' l•ll•• 11.•tl,.r<ll ,, Ni ll L•t.,.... ltH~ ,,,, ., ...... L•,111111 a1w.• OHlct J J2 Fo•••' Awoftw t ,._,,l,~t A<ll<ilrtu· ,,0 . lo• 666, t l•5l Otlltr OHket ("t.t Mtt1 "' Weit l•Y Stt••' l'Ow-1 l"r" n 11 Wftl lt!lllt• IOU'••••• """'""lit• I H.•1' J/111 1 •••1' l >w.••••I t.i.,..." (1141 •••••• ,, Clrtt'l"'t.• hpf. 641-4111 ''""'"""" Ifft, 0..Mlfl '"Of•I f'llM!tltl"' c ........ ,. "' -.... ""' 5Jt):t!IM, ttl .... 111 ""'"'" • ,_t!ltCft"tfll• Mr.+<t ,..., k ,.,,,.,.HI .,.:......,, -<'-1 H•· "lh1,., •: c.or•1-J» _, $«-C11111 .. u.,. l"lt t i "Ir.JM ••ldil •nf (Mii Mftt. (11<11rfll<o J11*1l'0•·-.1 .,. t '•t141• ti~ "O•ll•lr; !!.Y "'''!\),II-~"'""' ... m11tr •'11•~1'~ 1•,IO ,.,."\~ •• Jn the next eutback withoui affecting the mon1entum of the Allied Y.'ar effort. U.S. B52 bomber! meanlime mounted their heaviest raids along the Cambodian border in two weeks Sunday nlaht and 1<>6 a1y in Ult campaign against North Viet· namese infiltration. CdM Citizens Ask Changes For Freeway Newport Beach city councilmen will receive J)'tiUons tonight bearing the names or 1,092 Corona del Mar resldent.s \\•ho want major changes in access routes to the Pacific Coast Freeway east or the lipper Bay. The documents, circulated by the newly reactivated Corona de! Mar Civic A,;sociation, ask that plans turning Fifth Avenue into a four-J ane feeder road be <ibandoned. The group also asks that the state pro- \·1dr an underpass con nector which would run seaward along Buck Gully and C<:ln· nect with Pacific Coast Highwa y. Unless plans are changed, the grou p ln· sisls, about 100 houses north of Pacifie Coast Highway would be destroyed by the 1tate. Spokesmen for the group sai d at least 98 perctnt of residents contacted in the petition drive agreed with the two plans. Paul Ashenfelter, 5171h Narcissus A\'e., lhe new president of the associatio n. sairl that the main obj~ction to the present plans to v.•iden Fifth Avenue (a!ide fron1 the loss of scores of homes) is that it ,,.,·ou!d "seriously depreciate the value and residential quality of the area by forc ing large volumes of traffic on residential streets. rJnder the petllioners' suggestions. Fifth Avenue would be di8CO nlinued from f\1arguerite Avenue westward and all the streets crossing its path be made dead· end roadways slopping_ at the lreeway. Cu rrent plans call for making the street a four ·lane collector road stoppin~ ~t Goldenrod Avenue at the we st end. From there. plans say, Goldenrod would be modified lo carry the traffic onto Pacific Coast Highway. The major porton ot residential lots and homes which would be wiped out · bv the free.way He in the path or the Fifth Avenue const ruction, not the freeway itself. The Buck Gulley offramp and road \\'as proposed, Ashenfelter said, to eliminate a soaring offramp near the. ""'est end of ll~e community which cnuld destroy scenic vie\\'S of residents. Saddleback Sets Registration Registration for the \\'inter Quarter at Saddleback College "'ill be held Jan . ~ and 6. Superintendent Fred H. Bremer sald lhe winter quarter "'iii provide 2'11 ria y courses and 78 evening or extended-day courses. Day class registration \'fill be from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Extended-clay class rl':gistratlon will be from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. DA.ILY 'ILOT Sltll l'!lfll Building Their l11aage Eddy Martin of San Clemente, Karen Stephenson (center) and Linda Fernandez admire 25-foot snowman fashioned from balloons thal graces girls' residence at 4508 BaJboa Blvd., Newport Beach . SEC Files Action Agai11st 7 Firms in Stock F1~aud WASHINGTON (AP) -Pressing Its campaign against the exploitation nf "shell corpora tions" \vith few or no assets, tht Securities and Exchange Com- mission today suspended tr~ding in stocks of seven companies and prepared to file a la\vsuil against two Gt them. It acted against XI Productions Inc. of Beverly llills ; Universal Coverage Corp. of Beverly Hills; ruetz Industries Inc. of Chatsworth ; Con.9-0lidated Smelling and Refioe(I Corp. and its successor. ttlichellc Enterprises Ltd .. of Long Beach : and Trans·Pacilic Enlerprises and Trans· Pacific Developme nt Corp. of San Fran· cisco. Trading in stock nl each of the com· panies was suspended for 10 days ending Dec. JI. The SEC also said it would file suit in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles against Rietz Industries and Universal Coverage plus three othe r co rporations and a number of individuals not named in the suspension order. The SEC said its invesligation is con· tinuing. It cautioned dealers and brokers. before thev trade in any stock .,..•hen the suspen sion' ends. to "assure themselves that they are not engaging In activities which make them partlcipants in l'iola· lion" o r federal antlfraud or an· timanipulation la"·s. In its four.page stalen1cnt announcing !he suspensions. the SEC said they \\'ere ordered because adequate and accurate informa tion y,·as nol available. or false and misl eading information about the co1npa nies had been issued. or both. stories to the effecl that XI had acquired the rights to various new sho1vs ~·ritten by well·kno.,..·n writers in which establish· ed stars ~·ould perform ." Many of the ilars and entertainers have denied any connec tion with XI. At the time of the announcements. and after the company's stock had risen in price. "a group or persons closely as.50Cialed with Xi's management" sold more than $500.000 in stock, the SEC said, adding that "these sales may have been m&de in violation of the registration pro· visions·• of federal law. Can yon Accident Injures Laguna11 A Laguna Beach 1nan io; reported ·In good condition at South Coast Community Hospital ;iltc r suffering a severe head \n. jury F'ri~<ty night \\'hen his car struck a parked \'ehiclc on Laguna Canyon Road. \lliil i11n1 Raymond Perki ns, 311. of 207 Cress St. was 1-1·eslb:>und on the Canyon road Dl !J::J5 p.1n. \Vhcn he ran into a car whi ch. police said. \1'as parkf(] off thl!: roatl\1·ay near 20982 Laguna Canyon Road. The in1pac1. fhppcd in:o a lour·foot ditch th e parked car and the Perkins vehicle. which police said 1vas dcmoli sl1· ed. landed on lop of It, . . Laguna Beacb police are seeking a brazen Christmas burglar who struck two neighboring homes over the weekend, one of lh'em twice, temriied a young woman and may have been involved bi a bit and run accident in a stolen car. Janet Godden, 26, reported to police on Saturday that someone had entered her home, 1011 Glenneyre St. during the night, removed a gift.wrapped electric Ice crusher from under the Christmas tree and moved her purse from a bedroom dresser to a living room chair. • Mrs ~ Ramey Siill Critical .4 fter Siirgery ~frs. Cara Ramey of Huntington Beach is still listed in critical condition at Orange County Medical Center !allow ing a rare operation Thursday in which she received not only the kidneys, but the pancreas or a man who died the same day. 1'1rs. Ramey, 32, of 720 \\'illiams Ave .. has · been hospitalized for several months as diabetes slowly destroyed her own kid- neys. The kidney transplant was rair\y routine, according to medi cal authorities, but transplant of the pancreas is a rare operation, perfonned ooly a very fe1v times anywhere in the world, and never before in California. Hospital officia ls said ~frs. Ramey was alert and responding tod ay, though her condition remains critical. The rare operation was performed by a medical team from UC Irvine. They were expected to give details of the operation to the press today. Meanwhile Cara's husband , Monti: Ra mey , a Huntington Beach postal employe, can only "'ail, as he has done for the past two months. Students Put On Free Yule .Feed Students of Laguna Beacfi Hi&h School are sponsoring a free Christmas dinner at the former Barefoot Bar on the boardwalk, from S p.m. on Christmas night. Student Stuart Rabioowitsh, In charge _of ;,1rrangernents for the dinner, said. ·'All those \vho are far from close relatives, or just in need of dinner are invited lo lake pa rt. We hope other interested persons 11 ill help with donati ons of time or food lo help make it a joyous occasion." City l\1anager James Wheatoh said the affair is not a city function . but has been arranged by the students \Vith the present lf'!iSee or the premises. The ci ty will take 11vcr the forn1cr Barefoot on Jan. l for U!ie as a Teen Center. Rabinowitsh asked persons wishi ng 1n 11·l"ale lo the dinner to call him at 494· ~!161. Wo111an 's Ro!ly Found In Car in Lon g Beach LOS ANGELES (U PI) -The bad:y decomposed body of a woman. which v.1as discovered in the trunk of a parked car In Long Beach was identified late Sunday as Iha! of a 43·}'ear·olrl San Dieg:l woman. 1'here was no n1oney in the purse and nolhiQi else had been taken, she said. At 4:42 a.m. Sunday, Pamela Passaae. 23. who lives in an upstairs apartmt:nt nut door, at 285 Anita St. was awakened by a man who yanked the covers off her bed and told her, "Give mt your money or J'U kill you !" She got up and gave lhe man $4 from her purse, Miss Passage told police. As he \\'ent toward the froot door, she push- ed him out and screamed . she said. The intruder, described as 23 to 24 years old. S feet 8 inches. 145 pounds, with long black hair, then fled lo a car parked outside and drove off . Al that point his victim noticed Christmas packages, apparenUy thrown from her apartmen t, scattered in the yard. Police arriving to investigate, checked the adjacent Godden home . \\1here a window appeared to have bcelJ forced open and fOund it had bee:i ransacked. Drawers had been dumped out, the Chrislmas tree knocked over anti leather dye splattered over furniture, of· ricer s said. \\'hen ~liss Godden, who had \efl afll!r the Friday night incident, returned, she told officers that keys belonging to her roommate's car were missing and the car left outside with a damaged front fender . Also missi ng was a $100 bill which had been stapled lo a collage and several cll ecks lro1n a checkbook. Police surmise that the burglar, fin din;; the car keys, took the vehicle for a joyride and may have been involved in a hit and run accident. Boys Club Open Every Da y for Holida y Vacation Pool. basketball. ping pong . karate anr1 volle}'ball are on the holiday agenda for members of the Boys' Club of Laguna Beach . During the 1wo-weck holiday. the cl ub 'vill be open !ram 10 a.m. to S p.m. ex· cepl on Ch ristmas Day and New Year 's Da y. r-.tondays will offer pool tournamento ror all boys. with trophies to be given Dec . 29, and basketball practice at J p.m. for boys in the sixth grade and y\lung er. On Tuesdays there "'ill be a ping pon~ singles tournament for boys 14 anrj youn&er at I p.m. and karate pr~ic~ at 3 p.m. A ping pong tournament for boy! I~ and older will be held at ll a.m. on Wed· nesdays and at I p.m. the club will run its year-end two·ma n volleyball touma· ment for al! ages. On Frid ays there will be Bingo games ;it I p.m .. with candy bars for wi nner s and 9n Saturdays. basketba ll practice is scheduled at 11:30 a.m. Ior the sixth grade and under team. Grants Available To La guna Grads Applications are availablE' for grad•!· ii.te5 of Laguna Beach High School to ap· ply for Thurston Scholarship grants. Applications y,•ill be available throug'°i Tuesday at the high school guidance ffi. fice. They are to be C<:1mpleted by Jan. I ~. Vocationally oriented student! are gi\•. en a high priority in ay,•arding the funds. Second priority goes to seniors .,..•ith ac. ademic intent and graduates receive any funds remaining . Records or new students must be pro- l'e.ssed by Dec . 24 so they may be prn. \'ided registrat ion pcrn1its. Student11 \\•ithout permits will be enrolled •! hnr registra tion Jan. 7 and I. ·· Jl further appears that the companirs . . . hal'e been promoted by a single grou p." Lhe statement said. ·--· . -'1«"'42Q.m1•>tXAfPCQQ !&d ¥!i!!f$¥i~~ In its explanation. the comn1ission said XI Productions and its promoters "madr numerous public announccn1ents of pl:-ns to represent many show bush1~1.l personalities ; and they also cirrul:it:·d Boy., II., 011 H Tells Police He's 'Cut' fla ui~ II.I' \HTll UR R. \"lNSE I. A probe in to drug use an1ong Costn ~lE'til sc:hco\ children has Jeri 1n the oirrcst of an I l ·YC'i1r-old hC'roln shooter "'ho bli!hcly told poll cc he has cut do11 n hi~ habit ciuitc a bir and hopC'~ 10 stop altogether. lnforrnanon sup1>htd through various source~ has resulled ln lhr Que5· tloning of ii ntunbct of youngsters since last "'rek. 1\ hen 11110 fathers took their daughters out of school as a precaution. The J J.yc.ar-old boy picked up Friday 11'as cha.rgcd 1vith lack of p3rental conirol , since he had no dru1s to su.b~t11ntiate a stif fer charge, only his past history. Officer Phil Donohue said the. boy had a featering abscess inside the crook of ?Us elbow from injec:Ung heroin about two v.·cek1 before and also told of reptatedly 1mokin1 marijuana. 11e is a student at Sonora Elementary School. Police urged the parents to take him to 11 doctor for mtdical attenllon a.11 a re.11ult of the abscess, while his probation oftlct:r was notified of the admitted narcotics use. The lnvestlgalion into v.·ide!Jprtad drug ust. al$O resulled in the arrest of a IS-year-old C~t• l!tesa H.Jgh School student Friday for possession of din· ltl'OllJ drugs. fnvestlg•tor5 given hi~ name by lntorm•nls queslloned !he youth and he \'11S dilCOVered al the time 10 ha ve II sm&IJ quantity of barbiturate pills in hiJ possession. t ~ !~ ' I FOiF.\~OST llMONGST TH E PROBLEMS OF c:-1~15;:~1.s SHOPPING IS GEITING WAITED ON! Nol 10 •I old J.cl Bidwoll's. \Ve have enough Santas her• -no w•itin9 - each a timid , quiet, trained expert on wh'1t1s n•w 1n menswear. We 1lso heve what could et sily be one of th• fi.,est assortments of sw eater1, 1hirts, neckwea r, s'<!cks, 1port coats, raincoats, and outerwttr. THE PERFECT GIFT If the hi9h cos t of qiving h.!s you by the purs e strin9s, we have a last minute su 991stion that is infallible-9i\'t a Bidwell 9ift certifica te. It's easy to carry, it's •lreedy ~ra pped, it costs whatever you're spending, yet the only stft 9 ift for the men who he' nothing. Whether we see you htrt or not, our warmest wishes for 1 very Merry Christmas! ..,~j ' . • Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido Telephone 67~510 Open Until 9 P.M. !Except Saturday) 1'1ucho pA rking direcUy behind my store ; I 1 I I ,• i ' , Bouse Group Urges : 4 I I I I • f':jJ Pick a 'Woitlan .. , ·For High Court WASHINGTON (AP)-Th• 10 lady membtfs of the House say it's high tlme a woman is named to the Supreme Court, and they thfnk the first female justJce could very well come from their own ranks. ''I think it would be great. There 's no more reason not to nominate a woman than not to nominate a man," said Rep. Ju lia Butler Hansen, (0.Wash.). "It's not an outlandish idea . Wlmen are the one minority group that it is still consid- ered fashionable to discrim- inate against," said Rep. Mar- garet M. Heckler. (R·Mass.). Rep. Edith Green , (D-Ore.), agreed. "I hope the day is not far off when the Ameri- ican people wlll resent the discrimination against women as they rightfully resent the •; A THOUGHT FOR TODAY MJ hlltAtl It lft lh9 h1t~r• -...u,1 1'111 "I"' " $,.a4 !ht rHI ., my llf• llltr1. PRESENTED ,.,5 A PUI LIC SERVICE l!VER'!' OA'!' I V: LH Roofing Co. 14 'l'ffn 1fl •v1intH UU S11perier A••· ... J.llJl • Now Throu9h Sunday, January 4th ,( DILAN 1 EY BROS. SEAfOOD I 28th St. -On Tho loy -NEWPORT BEACH Phone: 673·3450 Phone: 549-1933 ALASKA KING $2.70 CRAB MEAT (2·2Y, ILOCKS) LI. DELANEY MEDIUM $2 25 COOKED SHRIMP .. -• LI. MEDIUM SHRIMP ... , ... 0. .. 1 ... (J LI. IAG) ....... . NO. I WHITE-JUMIO $9.95 PRAWNS (5 LI. IOXI ................... . iirw ZEALAND-."lTITt s29 95 LOBSTER TAILS (IO LI. • IOX) .... OPEN DAILY I l.M .• 5:30 P.M. Who needs it? Not evtryone needs a watch and 1 cal· end1r. You have to be busy enough to bt concerned about today; imp0rt1nt enOuah to look ahead to tomorrow. This is a Rolex Oatejust. It is 99.98% aecu· rate because it is certified as a chron- ometer by a SWiss Covernm~nt testini stalio11. It is an Oyster Perpetual, which means absolutely waterproof• and self· windlne. In 14 karotcold, sulnless steel or in elecant comblnatloo of botti. 1210 to $1100 BOLEX'f ~" ase. uown and Ct)'S lll ar1 ~lid. CHARLES H. BARR 211N.n..A--. tAol!MN w .... c.m. HAL AlllSCHEI l:tEARING AIDS Crossword Puzzle Cw11e111 Avril 411"1PllncUltll NO SALIESMIN 3409 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR ACROSS l Feminine nlcknam• 4 Reduction, as In pric!: 9 Character In "Rur'' .14~at soundly: S l1n11 ·15 Numfrical · prefix 16 Oi eiillcal compound 17 Too anx ious 191111,dea prtlPns t of 20 Stormed 2"1 Gu id ed 22 Entangle 23 Sid cry 24 Con\endt J '26 Rlv'er of Germany 29 Wedding .c eremony response: 2 wotd5 ,1 Che111 ical suffix 3Z Foic or Turkey --- 33 Old fe llow JI) Schism 38Alttt••• 39 Not hiving fixrd limi ts '41 Bring s to the surfac e: 2 words 43 US pol itic~! p•rty: Abbr. ~4 F•lal -46 Ma1ct noi ses on a rlu\t I 2 l 41 Of in epoch 49 Legislator: Abbr . 50 Tree 51 D•'! Sl. Hi a strong feeling 1galnsl 54 Fish 51 Ua!lclous "\Oman t.O Man's n lc~nam t il l Order of 1rthltecturt 62 G•rdtnt1's tool 64 11eta r worker b~ S•1ll owtd ,, 67 "si1n · 11\00iUChy ~I Lettrr &9 Un'• or movtment 70 Aquatic bird 71 Inter· -Jiotions er hf'silalfon DOWN l Pl1nt tilt · e1f an area 2 Outbtc un lvtrs'Tty j Grttk lt llff 4 P'asstd qulclcly 5 Lltadow h Engllsh : Co111b. fort1t 7 Mort exorbitant 12 122/69 , 8 kinQ of 35 Oistinguish pa int 37 Ont Mio 1ddl\ivt is s111d ' Bt i nom1d bl, anGthPr 10 TninSJ11J"Uiliort -40 ' You must mtdiuni. ·bt ··-··!" ll lllost -42 Sm all· sharp and ~tad tP drum · resff1t f11I -45 '0nt wti o l? Ont ol malce s nint hym ns t ntrit s ll Hus in g -48 Dull gr1y Gr ~KJc ~ 33.Marry 18 Omit · without 24 --Ollllt , C!'rt !flOny . hen • .~s Put logt lhtr 25 Dt si9n1ltd 56 Gun powdtr :as I si9n' · ingrrdJt 11t 27 Bu si11t ss 57 Hurls ltadtr 59 Act 1s a. 28 Mint . servant t1cavat1on 61 Small la11d ;o ····of trust: body k·ind of 62 8rid91 . mo1 t9igt playr1s ' 33 Put tnlo wo1d ci phe1 ~3 Equ;ility 34 La Scala ~S T11r1 inlo ptoduc tlon custody ,_,,..,.,....,.,., -r:,- For Apl'oi•trnent 675·3933 ..••......•................................. , • • : CLIP & SAVE \.r}j~: 1 : K-MAC .. PHARMACY ~ o: 1• 3333 NEWPORT BLVD .. NEWPORT BEACH ............. • \~: • • • • • • • • • ,• • • I Ac:ro11 From City Hall I AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER TO OUR NIW~ PHOTO FINISHING SERVICE. ANY 12 EXPOSURES · • • • • • • • • • • • KODACOLOR ROLL WILL IE DEVELOP· ., ED & PRINTED FREE! • • • 1: WITH THIS COUPON • 1• DECEMIER 26 & 27, 1969 ONLY :i : I • • I I • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••w••••I Monday, Drc•morr ??. 1?6~ DAILY PILOT J:: ' • • LAST THREE DAYS Wednesday we will close our doors Forever! Selling 0Yr Entire Stocll To The· Bare Walls -. MEN'S SUITS Our Reg. Our Re2. Our Re(. $55.00 $59.00 $79.00 Swits Suits Sllits NOW NOW NOW 12500 13500 14500 Dir Reg. Our Rig. liar lie(. $89.00 $108.IO $150.00 Sltits Suits Suits NOW NO\'/ NOW 15300 s78oo s3900 ·~ ' ~~~"'111111111111"'111111111111"'111111111111"'111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!,, . MEN'S SPORTCOATS Our Re(. Our Reg. Oar Reg. $55.0ll S69.0D $79.00 CNts Coats Cea ts NOW NOW NOW 12500 13200 14400 MEN'S SLACKS Perm. Press Flares & Imported Nat Adv. BP.NS Fairic Slacks Val. to $16.00 Ve!, to $35.00 $6i0 $-,00 $2()80 -- Card~an Nat. Adv. Nat Afi. Sweaters Sheri Sleeve Slllff Fr11t Dir Rig. $16 Dnss Shits Sweaters NOW r: ;·:1 Rt(. $28 NOW $1200 1400 11900 FJXTURES FOR SALE CARLTON'S 170 E. 17th ST., HILGREN SQ. COSTA MESA MUN. & TUES. 10 T(i WED. ',-10-TO 5 - . ' ,, ••• ' . . . ' J4 DAILY PILOT Another Boat Firm ··Picks ICC • •, A fourth nlil]or Southern 1" • California boat building con- cem ha& chosen the lrvint In- dustrial complex in which to locate 11 s manufacturing facility, Everett Davis, vice • pre1'ident ot JJC, announced. " Marllneer ~farlnc C o r p • manufacturer and distributor -o( sport' fishing boats, has purchasOO a two • acre rail • served silt. in the complex ror <' jf.$ new plant. Mollday, Deetmb!r 71!, 196,t • ' . '' ... Complete-:New York Stock List :_rw.,:r~~:J!~~lth =-.... ~= =JMlfta..wc .... lJ:.~~J.'':t:ff # L, I.,. n -u fn=rz,,·~ 111 Mv~k 1 '' 2''4 ~· •1 =·~ ~'"pSul l .60 & 01>-· ' 2, >S • Fr\HlhCp 1J G -... v , 1.,. I' 1, .:.::"' FllGll• In ,f7f II I lf1t. Jj -;-1 \~ ~~l\: ct ctVfw ,. 11 Tit 11'.A> -.,. llff • ~ ~r.t ·r,nl • ~ ~=rn·*" i'l''nl!·"',oJ",oJ~ v. GA~ ~· ,,'° n~' ~::._~~~t,'~1rt' ! 1~h nu l°~=l~g:Fc/r1 ~~ • 1'.. .~ -Vo Ch•om-U .4of JI 2t V\lt 21 -~F pll.:l'O -j '-' · • c11rvll•• , $40 ~-J3>;j :M\1 _'Ii 1m lke 1.)(1 r fi~~ ~ l\li + Vo ClM GE 1.)0 4 13·11 23'1\ n·;, +It 1mS Pll,1$ 1:1 ,.r. n -~ Cln GE 01 l ~ .n;\ 51 .... !?•~ -,.. G~mS Pfl,<IO 1 .~ 39~··~,~,.,1111-0 • .,,~ •s ~s -•'-8'"~~·· u 14 l \\ .13; _1 · c s..r11 1,to '' ~ lv.;. 3''\ -I.I g!~ ,11 tt1e 124 » sn. l''' •t Cl Fln 1 IC '' »~ )I.., )l\.o -'lo • "!P4 10mi 1 7•o -C!tltt Sv' t lit •I'-«llll 00\'a -1 \~ G1r~:11 ~"JO ttS ~ u. If _ ·~ C1•Sv Of • • ..0 I ll11h 1l>W 1J7'·~ +•··~ o",u~in · 4lo 7t 'l't fl• '1' _•'I C'' Inv .:)Ob tll 2~ 24 2••• -• n• · H ,, li'li lS!ll -~ c IYl"v pl ei ,, ...... q •3 -t~ G.m,ln! C•P 111 ln\ ~~ ~\\ + 'lfj C IYln pll .Jl t 51 Si )4'1't -1 ·~ GI"' nt" * 1U 'nlo l". ~,, .. -l. c11.-Sits .~ • 16\'t 10'1> 10 g;A•g;; '6c:i: " ~~ N , ... -~, CltorkEQ I.~ 2.n Slv. 32 "'·• -GA'Tr '140 1n ~il r~· n.,; ... ·" ~1:..~11~11 1::.: •i !l~ ~-... :d -.~ 9~I·,~" P!l:~. 1 .vi !oO 5;) CelvEllll t.iu lMI J1t\ 32\lo 32'.li + '• '-'' •nc · S.t .111.ti 3w, 3'1Vi -1"~ Clorox 10 1n 1•'·• 1•~• t•t~ _ . .., Gtn c,1bl1, '' 3 U\i &111/t "'!!"I -v. ClwrtPtt .90 6J 31W 30·n 31'" -.._Gt~ f'f ·" •1 711/o 71'1'4 ~ -"' Ch1tttP pf 1 It tt'A 22\li 12\o -\'o GnDeve ,1•1 374 t•''> 'Uf 14 -.... ~NA E'lnl .50 123 tth 21l.I 21'• -"'Gon0Yn""1 I 1M ~ ~-Sl'lt .f.1'11. HA pt Al.lO 22 tt\4 271l mt -Gen Er. 1 ~ 113 3cv, '' l>:t -.... 011t SI Gil 3t 46 •4''> &11r. -I"° Gn Fir .3-lo U ·""" ''" ffli -II.Ii tl:.Gl pfl.lt 21 ~ •S\4 451:. -~Gen F J 2.60 ~I ,.,.., '' '"~ -1..., :.t:al l :a2 17 111~ 90 to'I -h Gtn t-1011 tlftll µ>4 J.11• u:;i-v. 81111 1.20 ! 21'1 11i,, '''• i i 1 Gtn tn11 .5•1 lt 1'" ll'~ 1 -\\ e Ptl 1.lO 311 .. ~~ '6 '• Geflllll!f 111 J 12• ,..\~ '""' ~-.J. \ii o!o ,. !Ill.SO Il«l $1 so' so '· GenMllll ... I ll l!tli -..:.. 'I illllns Alk 1 11 2•'• 23* 2•\4 -'• Genl.10! A,)Qo "' ••1t ~· .&. .... OUlflRMI .IO •S 31~. li'. l5"> -'• G Mot S~I s 'The firm wil join Jensen Pilar1ne Corp .• Ericson Yachts, and \\l'hittaker Yachts, all .• ptesent!y located 1n the c:on1· plex. · MEET SUPERBIRD SPECIAL VERSION OF PLYMOUTH ROAD RUNNER Car Features Shark0no1ed Front End With Concealed Lemps end Rear .Stabilizer c 7C .•N , •• ; -· ,. alaln!11 1.611 :n Jt 31 .. Jl\1 G Mot l)fJ.75 I"" I"" 1 ~ \~,, -1 Cclo SP\J •t • 1l'O •7'·~ 0''> 471, _. • GonPCem .lO An ?1"" ?II r1~ -1 Coll Ind lu 11') 74~a ?J~o 2•'-• _. • (oPYbUI 1.60 ' "'\ ~· '''• .~ "Co'• I" 01•.;J lJ jJ •9 •9 _, .. Ctn Relr.1(1 t•• ,...., ""'' ""' • -· Co:• n "1.60 • J •11'> 21''> -"lc;..n Sill 1 N " ,-, I' ''"'-1' (~~ I.'~> ' 1'• '"6 -\'<46'o "1 Gf"Slll~d .tO · '' '"• ·~; "·'o -' CllS l.~~ b' •l•o <6\> •~'• -' ,r; f "t El 1 ~1 ··The complex is an ideal en· vii:onm ent for boat manufat· turers," commented Davis. "It is in the heart of th~ Southland boat market. and has excellent transportation accessibility to the marketi·.ig areas which include t h e h~ from San Diego to ~ta Barbara. 111 Higb Geal' ;-;:,·~··, .;: , ... ••·-. '"'• •• 1 -• r.as nl 1 1~ 1r.11 71 ?, -•1 1 c;r.:c1 p!?lO ::::~:·:;: ! ,:! :;'.',., : '.:~ ~;.~ ~ ;~ t~·~ci1(1 1 ·.: ~ ;t;: ;i:; ~j'• , gf;lF oi0Jl:ll •••• '"\~.· Co:.a::it> 1 7~ I• ::fl 7•'• ;91,_,,r;~nTlm~ .Ml :::~~:;; .. ' .'.~ 1•• ... , ,,., "'I -I"' Com~En 2.ol(l 1? 1.1'• IS'> is·~ • •· Gtn Tltc 1h ;re~c~ .. ; ; :~ ,,! ;;~ ;;·~ ~~~ =;,.. lgg;;~1 ,~ l~: J;;; 3~;~ ~~;; = ;; ~~~~~ ~& Plymoutl1 Offers Super Road Runner ':"_ .. ,',~:.•,,'·'·~::' " ""~ "''• "'"" .. ,. CmwE atl.•2 l1 I•·" 2• 2•1 • -•;. c;~nui"l'I>!< 1 . -.. .. 11 ~~·~ ,.,,, '"" ·-,, Camw 011 .60 116 JI'. IB'~ "'·• -'. c;~ Pet IQ!) 1• "7''> 'l't. ·-14 Cornoul .Stl 2JI 3;;, Jll., JI -11 • G•Plt pj1 .. '"''·'~I•>~ '"'-'"C°'""a! Jl6 59 '> $6\, ~V•-3'•G 1>1 l.!it /.\~c:~;~ ~ ;~ ,~: ;::~ ~!l~ ~1·~·-,,. ~ne ~111~ 1 n ul, n•, JCla + ~ ~iivOu · '.l8!i ""' "''1111 ! -n-. lf~ 1~ = ~ Co~r~~lsp (~ 15~ rs:~ r,~ ~\ -Ii GetlY p11:10 /lr'JFSTT•I ·"""' )ti '""• 2.• ~<;, -... ConEdls or6 I 1rn 1 v. 11'4.:..:. v; g\~~1f~1,;60 ,. Bm1J• \IP ·South Laguna resident Doilald A . .l\1iller. 1nan· ager of United Califor· Die Bank's Orange Coun· .ty~ A,irport office jn New· i><>rt Beach, has been .e1ected a vice president 'ol;th• bank. "Whtr• 'St•~;,, M~kea 1ht Oill tr tn ,1" ~JIO C1mpu1 Dr, HtWMl1 Ith, 1110 S~•» l.t• A•teJ ft.Ii 5. WMhN nu1 7lS·l"' By CARL CARSTENSEN ca.ur "'"' Av'-"" 1•tof A special limited edition or Ule Plymouth Road Runner. the SuperBird, has been an· nounced by Chrysler·Plymouth Division. The car -with cn1phasis on ultra-high speed aerodynamics -features a "shark·nosed" frcr.1l end treatment with con· cealed headlamps and a rear stabilizer which is mou nted 25 inches above the rear deck. The aerodynamic nose col')e is 19 inches long and stretches the overall length of the car to 221 inches -17.2 inches longer than the standard Road Rwi· ner's 203:8 inch length. Three powerplants a r e available in the SuperBird-a 440 cubic inch, four barrel Sttpt>r Com mand V8; a 44{) cubic inch, six barrel wedge, :i.nd the 426 cubic inch hemi engine. The planned 2,000 units will be completed in mid·Janu_ary. * *· * CHEVROLET OFFERS TRAILER GUIDE 'fo help customers ils dealers select the A THOUGHT. FOR TODAY and best MY l~l•r•il i. I• lh• lulu•& b<i<•~·· I'm 9oln9 It •Pt~O lllt rt11 ti my Ult fhtrt. -Chtrlt' Ktllt•lnt PRESENTED ,.5 A PUBLIC SERlflCE EVERY OAY ev: Lff Roofing Co. 1C Yt•rs In lu1 lnt11 'W 511111riClr Av .. COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE • Bu1ine11 Forms e Letterht1d1 ' • Invitations • Tickets ... Posters • Busi nus C1rd1 " • Houw Or91ns • Mon us SERVING THE PUBLIC AND TRADE 642-4321 2211 West 81lbo1 Boulevard, Newport Beach possible trailer lowing equipment, Chevrole t is distributing trailering guide through its dealerships. 'fhe new 1970 four.color, 16· page brochure not only covers required equipment lo gi\·e sallsfactory performance with light, medium, and hea\'y trailers, but also explains \Vhy certain com ponent s a re recommended for s pecif ic trailering use. The booklet lists the re- quired minimum power team (engine, transmission, axle ratio) by trailer weight for each 1970 Chevrolet car line. except the Corvette a n d Camaro, for the best balance between perfonnanct a n d price. Data for the 1970 Camaro will be issued when the car is h1troduced early in 1970. Also listed are the req uired cciuipment for various trailer. ing loads, including such ilen1s as suspensions, c o o I i n g . brakes. tires and, in sonic cases. power disc brakes anti higher output generator. Anllthcr section lists recon1· mended equi pment w h i c h , while not absolutely essential, adds to comfort, convenience, a nd more eff icient performance or the towing vehicle. Maximwn loaded trailer ;~•••/V' ,,, •• "" ~"' ~-. -• .., ConEdls 111 s '4 6? 61'1 ~P-:. -~Gld" Lew ao ,,,,:·,· lfl'.14.. 1.\ l'>llo "Ii ,,.., -·~ ConE DfC(.65 ls.ID .•& ~l, u +1 G Helle 1 -weight• ol 4 000 -~for the '""' 1 '-' ''' ,.,,, ""'' "'"' -v. coriFoad 1.10 " ,, .w·~ '°'' -·~ 1 ·, • .......,ruo Am "'nkt I• ,. ,.,. '"\ ""'!• + "'· ConFd ofl..Jl ' 106'l 106\< 1Q6l, +l>lo g1mbel1~ Nova and B,000 pounds for the ,•,·.,~~P,,',", 11T "' '"'' 1'"'" _-. ConFre1oh1 1 11 n•t 26'' 261.1 -1''> ,,'",,, "> ,, "" 1310 ~! ~·1 '1 +1 Con Letsl>ID fl 10''1 9•~ 9:1 _ •t e "'· Chevelle Chevrolet and two .1.r...,11 •• -"" ~1 .,,,, '1 1l _ !"'N11G 1,1, lsr 2•'• , .... ,,,., _ ·~ G,','"',10 .}," ,•, . ' . ' AG~!" lfl'I ~? ?I •· -."l..'l.i 3.1 _ •~ orisPwr 1.fJ 158 J.1\a l?\~ p~, _ 11 e~ I '" stahonwagon 111-ies are the Am1-1a11t .10 « , ... 1• ,,,, _ "• onPw pf •. j, i•o ,, 61 61 \.10011 Marln h. h t . th . f" Id Th A Hqn1e , 10 16" " '"' µ,\ ..... ConPw 111•.SO Globel,Jn .eo 1g es 1n e1r 1e s. e .1. Home pl. , • "" •• , ••• , ... 11.. 11090 591\ s1 10•; _" GOtOr•th 1.11 Monte Carlo maXJ·mum 1·5 •,•.,.~.M,,•,·.',! 11< •"· '.'.·• .,., + , coniA••L .so ''6 'l'• 11'" ·,,., _ '• c;"°"r~~· .1s • ., ·~ , • ., >< _ •. C0J1tC1n ?:IO 91 1 '• 11•1 17'• • Gord 1~11 .?t listed at 2.000 pounds. ~~:i~r: 1 ~~ f.~ ,. · ~~·.~ ~;·' :. :· l~.f,'C0~1~i~! 31 si t~: ~ 1~' • ~~· · ... ., g~~~r~ 1:58 A new feature of the 1970 .... ~~r • ..-1:,..!',1 ~ i~ ~·" ,, ~· ·Ct to.i 011 .1~ 1100 15" is•, 1S'• .• ·,1Granbv i.10a ... .• , . ., "'• "'• ~···. • Cont C'! l 96 451, ':." ~.-, _ 'J GranC!Vn .80 booklet is a sectionontin~for""mN~·v•s' "·'"· ,, .• "'•-' cico111A1sa 1a Aa•, ,•,,':•. •J ,.,,G,~nll'c ~n .1 . t'u •'!"! Phn!o I? l"lt 11'• '"• 1~·, C.1 (D ofLl.'•Q J '\" t<;, ..I..•; C.•anl!•V I •O l.ra1er towers. It includes Al>!il"'lv .1nh ~· ''··· ,, '"·+'·c.,~tMlo J.•~ ,, 3,,, :v.;1, J?'1 .. ,,c;,anrw 1~~ discussions on the effect of :~ ;~i',; -~" j~ ~;·• :;:: ;;:; ~ ~ ~g,~: JN 1 11~-5~ 11~ ~f.: ~~.~ ~~:~ = :; ~;e~~·~ J:jg altitude on perlormantc, ',.:.'-."•",'. '.·,", "' ·'''~ ,.,, •n·, -• Cllnl su 1 o ~9'• '~'' ;9•, -'• C.•Ncrlr 1.11Q ,.,.,., • 1'• ,_ " ,, -'· C0011 T(I .n 11; ?!'• '~"• :>r,>, -•• G•NoP10 l.~o trailer brake installations. ',~s~1,•, •,n.111 ; '"~ '~ '' contr<>I o~:A l•~~ 1•1'• 115 11 51• -~·· G1 Mo• Rv 1 '" -1'• ,..~ ,,.~ , ... J.1' Cno~. pl•.SJ 1ll'J ;5--, !S 5';'> -)0 GI Wtsl F l~I trailer weight and I o ad .o.m~1d ofC.1• ,~inn,,,...,., 1"1", +1' co~"'"" 11.i~ ~ JJ'• l"l'• J2·'• -'t c;1wnun11 .90 d. "b . , h . '"'"' Srtrll ·'' 1n "'·\ ,.,, ,.., -1'• Coo~ Unit .sa Al ~o 39•, J'l>a + ·,, GWUn <>!1.~I 1str1 ulJOn, OW to cope with ASu11r l,&G •J '~"' ,, 1,.,, .. ,. C0011,rln 1 . .io 11 ia>,, 11"-1a1, +1 GIW1sh1., .so I• A500p pfA2 6~ l 1~ Wl AO-'. + '·' j;:Dllll•r Tll: I 3" II 16\\ 16\1 -1 GrttnGnT .96 temporary cooing system Ams., .. .,, .ea 11 ,... .,, 1,. • ~OOllT 1111.1s , 11•·, 111, 17\.'J + ;i, GrM .. s~ 1.10 Overload. generator Can.act"ty •'~wwT&!, '.·~ 1:103 50141 ~'"'• ''"'>:..: 1,1, oo•land 1.20 o JSt1 :u JS ... :. <.r~v~ovrn:I 1 r: "' " ..., •l t•:1 91~ t •t _ ·~ lOOllRllt .51b ~l o\6>a l6 U11 + to Greller .90 for trailer t i g b t t n g re-•'ww ~.,,.• I . .,'' 110 l\''il 1J"r 11·~ ,,, oPWISU !.l'D 16 ,,.,, 11 11 -\·o GrummnCP 1 4,1, 110 ,,.~ I~ 19" -'4 CorinlhB .JDQ 61 JI',, l(H1I :IO>k + \\ GtfLIHalO ·"° qQirements and tr•"'nu·s51·on Am zrn-c: , '''Al 1• 1• -_..., CorGw 2.so. 33 258 Js.•to 2s.i~ -J\li GttMOfl 1.so. . • ....., . Amtlllll . .0. 4S t 1'1fo 20\'i tl•A _ t,: Corontlln .2? 25 27¥1 2~ 27.\lo t -\i Gull 011 \,SO flwd levels. Amf•etnc .ao l1 .ut1.'t 4 ll'l'o .,, Cowin .20 3' lOlolo 101; 1~ v. Gvll ltt$r>:.•• AMK c~ .311 115 1Al'o 2611o "'" -l' ~ox !Ilk'' .60 1) .,~ .,, •tl~ r:u!IR,. <>f.:111 AMP lne .4 ~ ··~·. '"" Bl\'"--,.;. PC Intl 1.76 163 371• JI 31'1 :..:·.~ "'"R"• <>,fl .JO Alnl>tX Cen> 1 ... ..., · " • -' rane I 60b 4 •O :19•· :><1•· r.v"""U ~• Your ltlo11ey's Wortli .,m•tO!d 2.«t ~ ~~ ~~~ ~l =,'.! C•edllll.Fln 1 s 11•~ ·n~: irlh +·,, ~··;;~:: o;;~~ Amtel .n :11t 1''" ,,,,, ,,._ + '" ~~:l~~i'n1i~ ~ ~ii' ~~(~ 13,. ••. ...;~ .. ·,., ~ .. ·,, Aft~C""'1 I'" 'nl 1!1'1 2~ '~" -·~ C•owCol I 011 11J '6 ' ,.,! ~\~ +1..~ "l'"'"I~ ,,, !~~~ .. ~.v·":' ~· ~1 ~·>1, 411"•+ ''C•own coi-k 2n 16'1 16(• 16>.' +.,,"'•"~OJ r"'' 1 ''"~ 1'1•• ''"'• -'" CrwnZ.11 I &(l I It 15', :is 1 JS ' 1C "''''~" r · '1 Investors Study Art Form A~d Cl~v '·'" 11 ··-~~ ~··• '•~-1.0Crn z of(."20 rl.'ll'.I u •, ii•, 51'!:.-•r.v"1" r'''~ !:~~~fP1 ,;;l :~ ~;: j.'' j. = :~ crs c°'11 ·'° ~1 U ': 11:· 1!'• -i'> Gu1:0" lrd '"'""~ r:t.e,.. ,, .,, .,.. ,,,, , , Cuelat.y Ca 3• I' , 11 1 r,~, _ ~. ' • ~ ... • C1Jdhv en '! 1 16'i '''• Tt1, AJ;!ll Svc -~ 11 1'•0'1 JU''• 11~'4 -•• Culll<>ln 11 4'> ll'o II 1~,1 · H~·-1"at '-~ Ar'""'" l,"' '1 ~"• "''. '""• + "Cwm,..,ln "&ot> xJS J6 ,, '<' T H~lt Prl l.'"" 4r11PSvc l."' •• "''~ ,.,., 1•••-•.-.cunnOru11" .70 l 1a1, '~'> ,.,,-Ha mb',''' I.''• Arl~n•l'IS ·'°' l" 1•'~ I• 1"~ -1 Curtl»Wrt 1 11? 11•; 11'• 17'" .> ;~ ~~~,V.~! -M llrmcaSt L~ 70~ '"V• 1n~ 1»0 _ ""Curl wr A 1 ' Jl<l 11 11 .;. " '"'&mm P~p 1 By SYLVIA PORTER An Edinburgh art teacher made worldwide headlines early this month when she sold for $537 ,600 a picture which had hung unrecognized in her modest living room f9" 15 years and which had once been valued at $50. Actua1ty, though. this front page' story was almost "old hal." Sales of paintings or major imrortancc in the $1 million range are h e~c o 111 i n g in· creasingly common. A Tiepolo tl!'dl!tr'\ riOlt -Ht<t It lllt llrll er triro1 column• bv Svl•!• p..,.lfr '" ••• I• lft lnvellm-. Tht 1erit1 It lft• ottltr lft MIU Por11r'1 conl!nulnt UY• ,,.,, t i unu1u11 lnvnlmtllt ,, •• ,.. lunl!IH. PrtViol/UY fhh YNr tits ~" ,,.,.ll ltn on Tht tff bt1t m1rt.11t In celnt, Ptlllft tltrnM, told, dlifl'Hlnd1, 1nll•un, r1r11 boolu. tnll mtnlllCrl•ll.) was sold in June for $982,800 and a Rembrandt self-portrait for $1,519,200 -in both in- stances, hun dreds or thousands of dollars more than these works might have brought a few years ealier. BETWEEN 1951 and 1968, according to the London Timcs·Sotheby art index, the prices of French impressionist paintings multiplied 15 times: those of British 18th and 19th Century paintings, more than 10 times; of 20th Century European paintings. I 9 1.-> times; of 17th Century Italian paintings, 33 times . Among 1ndividua1 artists, the upsurge also has been Arm"Ur 1./itl ~ .~ .. ,,. l?'\lo _,,..._ -"•Curler H 1.10 ll Jl 't l':l'T ,.,, -1'~ H•-nmnd .ID f .O.tmr "' ~.7S n ~"" ~l _.,\~ -1'·' Cvtloo' tl.C 11 l• Jj•, ~'" + "• ~and01j'.'.;'" .&n,, dramati~a ly that it ha~ been from rare coins and rare 11rm .. c11: .ro t•• '"• )'l'o ,.. -'"'cvorusM 1..io 1J ss1~ 5-4'1 $5'• + ,, Ha•' ,a• ..,. T. . · AtmC~ pf] 15 JTO ,, ~l ~, D ' re• o .... suggested that art prices be books tG land, ant t q u e s, Armitub l.Uo 1i !o( ; •• ~ 3">1 ···· - -Han"aM i .JO bl. h d d 'I • th ta t • Ar11 C11rp .'ICI ,,s 10 isv,. Hl>i.< :..:.·v. o,n Rlvtr 1<1 '~~ 12 l!'O ll>t, + '•Harcourt 1 pu IS e a1 y in e pes n es, etc. etc. -are Arvin 1n11 1 "~ ?I!, ?O'i. -1'~ o.ina c11 1.2s o 2Jl'• 12•1:1 7317 _ ""' ~:;~~ ~! 1 new'l;n.<i....,rs-like stock quota· favorite investment media for ,A~t0"1,01~1.-~ 2n '1~i ''1• '~ -\'• °"''Ind .:IOb 174 /11 "" •6 -3 HariSMr• 10 !""'!""' .,, ,.., ... l ."11 _...., 511 ... Dirt Ind al 1 ,? so•;, 49''1 A9V. -P• H•rv 41 (1~ tions so-called smart mone y Auel llrirw 1~ 11 1 1\~ i149 -'~ ~''"'11 1·1' ~ '~ '''·~ 1•'.4 -"> .. a, coro ·• · • 'Aud DG 120 116 •• ... U)(o •I -•1, 01~co pf4.S 120 IS !4"'• IS -fl"• Hawll El 1·1~ Throughout 1969, I've been And s1111 i:,,.. 10 ~1"' 31i.;, •1•,,. + 111 01yt~1-tvo .so a w.1 ll\lo 15\\ -~ 1-t ..,10· 1 TODAY, bit.city department wri·u·ng -•-··t th••• "far out !:;'Id,.!~.•",·.~ lJ'O 1,,. 1111, 11,. -.. , g~Y'":,'A~·ff 133 11r. ,,.,, 23>,1+11o ti:iiiiine I . t 4U\IU """"' ,. ""' 11 ?•~"o ,,,. '''4-~0Pt ..,SJ75 m S!l>P" 50,,,. 50 ···• HeclaM"j .>O sores are opening a r ·investment" areas and how to ,",', ",",,!,,•, •, l.111 ~, ~' 51 .• OP .... · '% '" snt + "'He!n? H .•? d art t ff · · · I ..,, "'' 7"'"• ]"'' ,.,., -1'~ 0 l plO 1-4 ~¥3 ,.,:!, 9~ 97 -"" Htlen! Cur1 ep mens o er1ng ong1na participate in them. ,',',","',-",',·", 1600 51~ .111.4 """' ... .,et<'• co 2 .... •3"• 43\~ + i. H~u ca11 90 art Works. Franchised art ..,, 1n 1~•,:, t::it"' J~H,,. -3 lmtrP 1.1)8 •I 191.~ U•'• 1110 -'lo i-;911er In! '.60 A ·• f t • th I Atllti:h pf".11(1 261 s•v. 5314 Jl\lo ••••• 0111 Mme 1.10 50 7~11 ?5 U -ll~ Htlme PO• 1 galleri' es are being set up rrom secouu ac or IS at we n Ana, c~em· 1 •7 72,., :n ,.,,,. ..... 0e111Alr .•o 100 ~ :1'11:. 301,1, _ " 1-1.immP _20 th• t" h ch" d All•' Car<> 41S •'.~ 1''i :J>,, ••• OtllK Int 71 10"11 10 10\4 .. ,. Heml!llll Ctll c:oast to coast. Dozens of art is na ion ave a ieve un-ATO inc .oen U• 17 11\\ "'~ _ ,,, °'• M•M!9 .Ja, ~o 7:r,,. n,, 2? _,,., Hemllnc .68q Prc'edented Peaks .( educ. AurerA Pl•i ... l•>> l• 1' _ '' t"" '" "' • l~IJ 19 -V, H<rc!n l .~ in vest ment funds -mutual • "' 1111o 1"'"• 111~ _ t• °'""vR11 .o.i 112 19 is•• 1a~•-•• i-;e,.t.Fn 1.1~ lional attainment. travel to the :~~m~"., 't'io ., .. ''" ~ •.. , ,,,, OnTsD•~ 1.:io,, 2 o111 45·:, 4 ·11 -""'Heubl!'" .90 runds -are being organized Avcft ~" ~ ,, •• ,., -,.··• .... , _1 OenRGr 1.10 «i 11 is 15"• -1''• H~wPat~ .xi lo ;,,,,st ,·n works of art world·s cultural centers and 11v~,.,.. Pd ·"' ·~ '"·• ,~ + ,. o ... eca pl .o. 1 5'01'i sou sci; -,., H1g11 vo1t~~~ d. t. ~ d" Th. A~ntl l~c '" 'l" 11': ~·~ 11"• _ « O~reco cl ti '" .•~» .~n S"''.• -1, HUlc·nHo!tl 1 striclly Tor profit: al least 1scre 1onary s.,...n 1ng. 1s 11~..., P~ 1·,~ , .. 1.,._ 11.,., ''"'·~ + •. Otsn1o)nc .90 1•1 7~' .. ,B 11•, Hllce .15 three pubJic art investment gives US the desi re and the 41IPC 0!1 Gs ?! ..;? 11~ 1111 -I• 8:l1;"lJ5~§0 'i1 1~1:.. n~: ~:'• "jl1\ ~~~:,t·\~t2 e I ' (l. ( lh d · -P-De!Slee! .lOa l'1 11 ;,, 11 ll'o • '• H""rnW~I 90 runds are being forn1ed in m ans 0 a s Y e esire. s~bt~ w 1.36 11, ,A ,~\\ ,,\~ + •; De~ter .1• 3 3i;'• J1» Jr, -•; H11u Efeetrn N Y k h'I · p · . BekrOllT .65 17 :T/~l ''''> :n~1 Dl•IFlnan 50 7• II'• II 11 t 11 Hol•d~I~~ .?Q ew or , w 1 e 1n ar1s. a AT THE SAME. lime, tens sauce l,1fl 12 3011 ,..,, 30 ··· 01am1n11 1.10 Js ·~·, lf'• '° -'" H1111d11 1.1ob h h Bel • f d B•IG Pf84SO rl10 &I 601'1 61 ·•••• 018Sfl•m l,¥J 1~0 19>~ ll•t lB>l -" HollvSu<> l,iO Frenc ·Dute • gi an un is of millions of us have become 11an11Pun1 :60 13, Hai. uii 1i•.\ :..:·~ 011sr. pf c2 u 21>, 11 11·~ -•• ttomtJ'~' .•o be. de I d f N y k 81n11P 11f 2 l 1.1v. 211• 2514 -'°' O!aS llf 01.20 31 15•• 1sv. 1510 -~ HontYwl 1.10 1ng ve ope or ew or r~gular museu,n·gGers. Before 1a"11P 011 .1! 11 71 ,41 , ~-. i 1v, -•lii Olct•Jlhon ... i2s i•11 ,,,, 22•1J -2·~ H1111v e1 1.20. Ne W Y 0 r k b a Ck I. n g h 8•'* of NY ' l• ...s•.• .... 46V. -v. Olellold .41> 12 '~'• 6S~• 6Sl~ ... ,, HOH l~!I .36 • World War I, t ere were on-Bink Tr 2.1, '° .... ,,~ ..,.. +111 D1Gtoro10 .~ 31 20,, 20 10~•-\.\He1e1~p .i.,.,, Investment counselors, too , l.Y about 20 art museums 1·n •,•,c"", ',','·".,,' M 4•• ""' .w'-11 -2•,. or111ria~m .4o 1• 'e 21 21 _, HP1Jd nd .so . 1• 561/• 55•,l w;. -h Olllng Pl' A 2 l n JI SI Hood pl 2.25 are offeri ng advisory services th Us today there are B111c Inc 111 1• uv. 1J"-h(~ + '" 011111r1Co .56!1 • 161\ 1.vo 1s~• +·;,,. HP1J11M1n . .!O e · .; , B111c 01 1:sa '21111 Jt 39 39 -•;, 01nerc1uo .so 11 iv,, lJ'• ""• _ \\ Hou•rF 1.io in investment in art works. some 180. The museums _ e,,",,~, ~·,•,, 1 10 1•\ 1•-. 11~ -'rt 011t1tv ..JOC1 1u 1JO 1nv. 1?9"11 -l H,oo•, ",',·~ . .2 ll'~ ll ll Db!St&g 1.XI 10 •9 •9 49 PIJ• P wl Young Americans are in· along with the univttsities -e11h rn:1 1M 23ai. 12 21 .:...',,. Cll•Se• 1n1.10 1 •9 •• "' •···· HoosF Pn.J1 fl•lhln , ... •A 10 ,.,., " '' _, Olvtr.lnd .36 ,. 16'" 10 '' .:..:_·,. Hou~•LP 1.11 creasingly s....,nding their ex· are ~ only stimulaUng our ll•u1cMLb"·96 i2 fi' 7i 13 -~~ 01vrM111 .361! u• n\~ 71•.c. ,-~,~ "°',11NGi,,.~ tr .-. t' d · ·~ • b · art b Bal1rL1b :lo IOI JOl'i 791·\ ?9'h -!i ClrP-r .90 12··•1\t 41 ,,., .. -~ HP\J s P .,., a money on pain tngs an 1ntere$t in uying ut are B1vu11:c111 .so 11 101'o ''• 10'' + i,,. OomeMln so A1 ...s" •S1« 45>j _ \lo How Jol'ln .14 I t · I h I · to d · · Bt••IM• 1 • •1'~ 11•1, 41•.o -•,~ OomFd 1.1911 1 1 2~0 1714 171;. Howmet .111 scu p ures -in many cases a so e pmg rive up prices !le•' Fd• , 1o1 "31~, 36,,, 31o1,1, _,.,, D11nnei1ey .u 41 2,,., ,,, , , •. , _.,, Hud•nfl 3.40& b th ·r t mporar ·es thr h th · h g s s,., Fdi Pl' 4 1 ff 99 + ,,., Dork Cp .Jl 10 ,... 2~ 16· Huo~ Hal .10 y ei con e 1 -oug e1r own pure a e Btckm•~ .so 30 •Pl '*'' 41•;-•:.oarr o11ver 11 ll -1-i 11., 11:,·+,,jg•hr~w 11.if fftr the in vestment value as of art works. s,~'••'•"•'.,·•"'• 5• St. !.It·:. "v. -~. Dl>Ytr c11 .10 l 11•1 •J•• 41 ..., + ..,, e• ~· e II h •• " ,",:,•. ,",,',• 11'0 -·~ DewCMm 2.M1 151 69',t 69'/• 691• + ',"11 •,1e a14.,» we as t e aesthetic pleasure. Finally for at least the very Btico p,1 .so ,~, is·~ -iv, or1vnc;p 1.AO 1 tt~• 10 79 _ ~• eni 1· 1 ' Bek!nvH .600 lf\< u~;,. 1J·~ -•J o,...1$lnd '·'° 119 ,,,._ 13,~ l•'\ _" 111 c~ 11fJ.sc And many wealthier young best examples, there are the s~11 How .60 53 "'·" 51 11'" -t•' Orenr l>f'Z.20 4? l' 301 30~ + ,, •11 Power 2 · . .1 Bell tn1~rtP11 n• 9\1 11;, a• r -•• o,...,.r p1 81 n 6,, 16~; 16;0 _..,: 11 Pw Prl.35 Americansareb u dge t1ng basic forces of a stead1 y srm1s ce 1 1i 2• 13•; tti•-'10re.-1u1Cp Jb ?I JI•• 31 3,.. 111Pw JP20• 110.... d ( t h · ki I d 8e..,,IK 1.60 fO J4>1 ll n•; -•., OukePw 1..ao 1u 79" ?B'h 21~ .:..:.·ih Imo Co Am , an -up a year or ar s n n ng :o;upp y an a se11o11• p1 l • 5•1• 5l'~ SJ'" -7•• 01111:eP Pl6.lS , iooi. 100,.1 1IXH• t 'h IH~cc11 •;t!f works, along with their other relentlessly growing long·tenn l:~:lt1~1~.JZ 14f 1~i: 1~:z 1~~: ='~: ~~~~d c1;,1oa ~l ff v; ~J;; ff .~ 1~1.J'~d · .~ Profit-seeking investments. demand. s,~',,',' ,",',·.:!!! ''° s.•; 5•'i; SA'! -1 ovPent 5.25v 390 lfl'I'' 106"< lll''!J +11t:. l:::l°tt"L 11-@ ~" "" f 11'~ 70"• 1!1" -1 duPanl 1114.JO 11 61'• 61'!• 61 -~·, 1 e M P ·2, Bl·g .. d small corporations It is """-cible to .invest in art BenF $pr2.SO J100 30'" 311 )(I ••• duPonl ru.so 5 S!>, Sll1 Sl~I>.:. "It ,".,,' et .s.~ au r--B•Muel ltl n~ 1n;, 111~ -'h Ova Lt .66 15 lll• 1111 'l'o + :i., 1 •a,",",·-, are meanwhile sinking sub· for hfin.ancial profit. plu s e,~,,,,~~ '.", ... , 11 111 101" 111t .. O• •.Upn.01 i» u ;6 16 _1 nq r n M I • .... " 61 11'"1\ 1S~ l&V. -~-. Ouqlt _,, 2 r'l60 u~t 26'' 16Vt -'·' i::f~R"~ ~W·3/ stantial sums in paintino., and aest et1e return. y next co • Benn« Carp 111 5'• s~ '"" -•,t 0q 3.15Pfl.87 1380 ,1.,., 23 23 1 c ~ "II • th ba • Beth Sii 1,IO 7'1 ™ii 26 76 -"'0q 2.l0i>f2.IO 130 111M 71'.lo 771;. +·v. I~=: g, .. ~ ~culptures -and not just for umn Wl give you e Sic B!11Thrtt .60 22 ""'·' .i.s•,., ..sv. .... 0Ymo1"" .•1f 79 15v, 15.,;, IS"l.o insuca ;ob decoraljon by any means. The .Cgu'-i_d_e_li_n_e_S_. ________ ,1,1.~,f.~~o"ool .. ~. ~ ni; ~'~ ":: + \/) OVN Am . .0 l2J l~t IO lO\.t -~ lnsllc 11iAl.U .. 6 ,,,: 2S 15 " .:..:.·..., -E·~-l~sDlr Coo J• objective ls prorlts ultimately, s1ac1t HR .24 342 ~.~~ ~ ... ~~_+,~IM,,,",','", ·!!! l• 26ii 25v, 231~ _1,,., :~::~:i."511·\?80 ell Blue8,tf i·~ , -.. · .. ,. ..... ,, .TV 7 '"• 21 " -1 IBM ~ as W • ,.. 8ty8el pl ,15 Ill 91 _. IJ51 Air .31P 2&S l~t U IS -t·, l"IFl8~r SOb spectacular. Renoirs are up WHAT'S BEHIND the art -' more than 1,500 percent since boom? How can you buy into " ' ...... --"-•'" • •+ llol)l>lf 8r~s 67 lFil ll~t 11\t -~ 9$1 GF .811 61 2~ ?6 76 -\~ Int H8rv i 10 rgrt~ll 1·r'511 :: 1~ ?I" ni;, -t ;., 1::~~~kl.~ .~, l.l\1 i·~~ 1,1~~ + * ln!Ho!d J.JOQ ~·~tr~ l l 'O't 701'1 ~-'o ttal'!Yft l.411 1.Jf .0\0 ·.:011 ~~1-.:!'h r~: 1~""~'1\ 1!t 1950. Picassos have multiplied it _ with the expectation of 21 Limes and Braques, 19 making significant profi ts times. In 1968 alone. price~ when you re·se\I? paid for Utrillos 11oared ~5 per· A·,, obvious force behind the BeollMt~ 1.n 1 7J!' 1l 23'1• -"' ct.UnMf .n '6 16~ "'• ls>t-~ 1n1Mlner 25o Barden 1,20 1711 14''o ?l''t 11•• -V. ditrd J .70 ,. ~ll 3• 31.'• In! Mn<1 OOQ BortW•r l.U -'I 2•~0 1•'\o-1~>< ... EdlwnBro• I & 25~t ?Sli 75~~ " ' l~i M1,~ ·1.10 8arm1n1 .90 51 11'4 1] 131.< .&. ·~ IG&G .10 )57 21 •< "°'"' 10" .:..:.·,~I nt p~11 1 so !101 EOl1 2,ot '6 3H~ 31 lP't + •1 IMu1lt .099 116 6li 6U ~'• Int Pa<> pf • floor"s Inc St 2µ, ?( 15~• +1•.t lect An(!t n II 10 10•0 _ ~. inn i>ecl!I Br•nllAlr 5(1 545 JOI,. 10'\ ,.,,., -·~ IMtmMg " 155 41 JI~• 31 ... -li.. Int s~r! I .ao •",,','•'•",'·,"' ..... 13 51'!1 s,,,, Sl . +·•~1~M4~ lllJ 1a 1e~; 21!1 2l''•. 1n1 l&r l os "' 111 n 11 1 11•1 -'t !flN•I >nd U 1'o 1!1 t\o -\I; ln!T&T pl(• cent and for Vlanlincks, 58 boorn is the very inflationary j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~po~r~c~e~nil.~~~~~~~~~~c~r~a~1~·n~w~h~ic~h~w~e~n:o~w~li~·v~e~.~l~n~a~I Prices in many art time of inflation, tangible, categories have risen so valuable objects -ranging ' .. !lrlstMv pf2 .... ~ "6 46 _ .... I •!!>NG! 191 ,, •• 17 17 -~•I IT'-'r tD • 8<1"""..H'~ I 11 30\'a )9•~ 3''• -"Eltrt C.P 1.:IO 16 ff'r. ?714 11•·; -lt< l~tT&T o"IH 4 8wvHt pf A' 3 ~1 •? Q -1 Emtr E!tt I 29 se•• $1.i\ 511\lo + o-ITT II 8kh'nUG 1.n )116 ?S s-1•1 2•t~ -... ,me1 pl 8.90 5 II •l •1 f ·~ ~ I.SO Br-n C• u 9"'r I'• 9'9 -Vi merYAlr .90 16 st•o 59V! 59111 -~t 1"tf1r ~!,: Burwn Co Ill 11 l.P; 13'1 13',; -!!..:. mh••I 1.101> If «) 39"• •O +I j" P" 8Wn Sll1rp 1 2l 15 ,..,, ui, + Ii mp0!,1 1.1' 11 16\I 25~; 261'o .;.. " ,"", u•"• ','·~, Bwnsi-' 50 1• ll lOVo lOV• -\~ mPOl"C .IJO l 261\ 2jl'lo 26'' _"' " Ill 4. 8r11n1¥111 ,111 9'l 11\/o 11'• 11\\ -1 ""Jdln .lh 1~ :IO l \'o 20 ! 1,.1 In! Ulll A 8U('>'Er 1,20 51 19\\ 1"'-II~• -\' llofJ(lfoft pf. J20 -I.SI'> 4S'lt •S\'r 1 tnlUlll Pl'l.:12 RACITl'S ·-..--.c ·. Pf.AIL I ltklltlTOl'IJ CLASSICAL GUITAR CAN ANYONE OFFER YOU THIS FANTASTIC DIAMOND GUARANTEE? DIAMONDS Altl OUlt SPICIALTII RlltY DIAMOND AND DIAMOND llN• YOU IUY IS GUAltANTllD 10 APl'ltAISl FOi: AT LUST 40~'• TO 10~'• HIGHll THAN lHI l'•ICl YOU PAID OR YOUlt MONlT \v' 911P'UNOID. ' DIAMOND RINGS f:-•N tiff '"'""•It. I Oltmtn•1 M flflt tvf• toler ind cMlrlt'I. 1l Pl. nntff', • ''"''"' Dll• !'Mfl01, l'llll wtltht tf •Hrt•. 1 Cl. UK wlll .. .... 11,.. ... °""' .. "" tlltl' flll• ,., . • • 5398 THIS DIAMOND RING ''1"' •• •220000 You •t We Gu•ro"tM to HOME EXPERT Robert Allan Blldol Co llO 15 16.>\ 11 16 ... 'lo ftlllhMI" .«) 16] tt'lli 2H4 72~ \'o 1, .. , '""Ce t fllldO Ce f,f S 1150 '°''"' 60 60 -1 ""ls!lu1F 11 If lt 19 "' n tl'l'tt pf S Budt F 111.llCI 2 7•\ 711> 711J -~ l!JU G~t 2,20 51 JI 30\'t :1)¥ Int 8r•nd .!IO BU<I"' In .u tl 16~~ ls<o 16-lt + ~ se Inc 1,N 15 2:m 'M'\ J'"' :+-"\~ nttrOStr .60 Bul1For11 l.10 12 13'-•1•• •1~ -lV• 1oulr1 .30 7 :n•1 12' 21.t . nltrsPw 1.24 !11JleYI w .Ml • !no 371~ 31\\ -""EIMKln! 1.10 '~ J.SV! .WM W.'o :.1 ·· Iowa !I"' Bunk "'""' 151 1.Rt 111~ 13'h -'" Ethyl CP 14 )II , ... ,. ,, 23\tt -"'la El LP l XI 8vnllR pf).511 20 42 •1 41 -\Ii Elfrtol Pl\·"° 72 36>;, 36\4 36" + b la II GE 1.:11 Bvrllnd 1.io 1• 3-1 3tll l?''-1~ Eurefnct .309 j 11!1 17\lr 17'; lowaPLI '·'° Burnclv .70 11 ,,\. 111/o 211'< -""EUl"ld tnl.lO!t 5 1s1; 15\lr lSV!K"'' IOW1P$Y l.» 8u,,,~ •. Ml 16 161l'o 160'• 167\\ -lit EYansP ·'°" l3 •2 (1~ o:v; -41 IPCO HOJP .u B•~Unv l.•21 • lt"• lf'.• lf'A ..... e-1,,.rp IJ.1 ?9•.~ 21•, ,. , ITE tmD .SJ c E)ICe llO 1.75 '3 ,. 1N. 2:1>;, + i1' 1~ c~ - -"'•hfrt t .~ 106 ""~ Jl :n•-. + ~ lJ 30 '911 7fll -•to FtC"!or A .5' 30 ~'' (5•• 46"4 .+ 1< •1 ''' '" l\t -10 FtlrchC .50 116 IM•• '''' 1s1-. -1"' JmsnAll .1t 151 :n•o It>; 'l'CPt -7 ... F11r Hiii .1st 115 IJI) JS lJI• ..... J1dlA!I 111.IO q7 16"• 101 Hl.1 -!••Flrmanl 1 '' 11 ll>i. 11~, . J1t1H1r .7C lt 35'• JI )S'!o + \• F1lrmnl pf I 2 70 :Ill 10 .+JV. Jl"'11nF ,_,., ~1 •'• l'i I'• Faltl•lf .-'II 11 101~ 10 111 . 19 6~'~ 61'• &~·~ + >,; F1mF111 1.)0 ll i n~ 16•\ 1610-.\, AO ll'.\ • • 15 Iii •• ''~ -" a,._" ,__,. .,,._,. c a1>o1 C• ·'° Ct! Flfl•nl C4118ftM .1ll C•mPltl .I.» Ctmp~o I 10 C08'"W ,IO.o t'.01' P•~ 3 10 CdP•c l~.1 :>fl C•ne!Rd I.Ill CIH> C l\~C1t C~rb'"" 1.«l l'.•1~1!1<! ;.IA> Cara C&v~ 5 I loJ'l 63''> ~l·• ... F..,1!"1 lrtt •S 1Jt4 111'• lj''-_1, J 71 ?l ll FtrWr.I F"lft 31 l•'• 12lt l l' -!"> "J 3) 31 !'• -~ Ftr•llMI .BOb :s S•'> S3'• S•~i +It I• •~~. 46<!o •6•• , , FAS lnl 1.•0I' ?JI ,,., 2l"• j.t'\ +1 Market All N d <o~OC• •M an mne ~:~!~p 1·.u ! .......... 16 ll'o 11•.,. 1J··~ -\lo F~er1 .tll 1'1 l\l' 31"1 1,._. -'4 ""•o> 6•\'I •l') 6•'~ ... 114 FldMol LIO J& 1 '• 2•1~ 14lt -1, 3' Jl )1•1-'' FtdPK Eire 17 15\~ l~ ... lf~-1 7' 11 11'' 77~, -i.., F Pac Pll '' S 11"' 11 17 -IUi ll ~1'' 36 11 + •ii FedPtp!lcf I 11 21°" 21 21 -''I ,,2 1''1 7911 19>1 + "• l"l!'dSltnS .60 30 26\'t 15~ 1J.:\l-I, Symbols ~--Vice Prexy :i:.~".;r 1~1 c.°1f,,,, 1eac""" .tO •1•n-Cp t Robert M. Allan ha! been ce an lllA•,!O appointed a vice president of ~:ff'Jv,.. ,~ Stanclard·Pacific Corp.. a ~~ rilt', ,:n dl .. ·ersified California home Eei:\1,~~s"'t.f( building c ompan y head· ~~~it.., E1•.1, quartered In COstl Mesa . ~ ~. ':~ 19'• 1•1t ?~loo -'tlo FtdDtJllStr l llf '6ti 3' 3' -V. 17 llt'o 11 11 -~ Ftd1:at 1 .. v 10 'I(! t t -1, 7$ 30\'o li,, 3C'0 -\li F ... ro p .1t H 21~ 2114 11\.'i-~., ~ ~ ~;,, ~ =1.:t =111d{!M ,.,. :t ~ ~'2\lo ~ + u T1lt """°"""' It•-., "~ .... 'r·.·, ~,,._ 77'14 ttU -""° Flllrttl 1 I n;, 3'214 -1A1 Ill ,,_ 1foct -:::; -~!?_ 21"6. jht -~ Fifi FMlll'ttfl ':ff 1' ~ 17 -\.'/ ..... • .. 51.,,, W' -" ,.,....,.,. 1,60 JO l'r 4 1/r _,..., ..... il "\) :.."•L F•\Cllh t.ttt 311,\ 36.,. ~· ""' fttUl'ft -TO .,. 44'.t ...-"' Ft l'llCllY 2.olCI '27 r:Y, 6'~ 1.5\t , , 1• l• ,•,., l• ..... F•IN11Slr It 10 32'4 »'1-IUi I -.Alto t)lfr1 DI' eiclnt. .....,._, ~ " ,•,1:r. .. ''~~ . ... "IKllCld'I ao 11 1 30'• 31 " , ... •1ut 11oc:1c 1twldlndl, -'>ii:11 ~ Jiil$ 11 -\\ F *'" "' .bs.t ,_, N 17 17 .:..'."'4, Cf,,J'kl Ml fir this y~r, i,.:,...,lb'f , nl ii,, ,ll,i."l i; + ·,, FJ~SCI .16 fD 4Vi 14'6 l••--'to ftdl CICf!:!r_!~l'Ml IHI._._ •. attd, r•tt .... ?1'• ?lr -v. ~~~'.\t, ·fO ~ \~ JA~ ~'~ ::1''' .~~'lJ ... ~ er aN'°t'ttf~:," ':.t! ll'' ,q~ ;:1• -" ~,! i,,con1 ~ i~'! nw ~~ t tt ~"~ I~ °":i11 "'' .,..r 1:: RINGS $6'5 , All W"4 $13'5 ~,., J ... ,. ,JJ App••1: '400000 ly • CmlflM Chm•l.,l•t •r your money INck. He will direct ~11 phases of ~:811\1,,4• ~ home development opera· E:~:i-' ,.i':; tlons for the company's newly-,;'jlfl:l .-,., established San Diego orvlsion c~~d~~ ·~ at Chula Vist3, ~t:~~i·~ ~li u.. "' l'llnl ofA•.JO 11$0 1' 11'.'I 71•\ -1"' -'"' t l'Mr 11-Dtcltrtd Qr' Niii 1'' ...,.~ ,.... 'n'~' +~'I'"' ~a,.u • 's" ,,~~ l$>i _ ... c""-.:fKJ! e11.~ .,, •"' ~ N · • '4'' 1•1t "'l 'Ill Pew \'lo ,, 50•'1 ..,_, 5Tl't +I'll rN,... -"'•d tMs ve1r. To Jg'" Jg10 ~;! ~ U l'laPowll t 11G 67\\ 67 511;, ~~rrM Ill' 1'18 1d!m ~-11 Jy ' \0 '• Pie Stttl 1 ?J ?II It If') -11,1 dmd 'l'letll"'I r-Declfl'Td tlf N ~ , ... uJ ,,... ,,., ~·.: ~ ~~~ ~'?' 1~ n lfj l;'l =1 \t ~~ ~~.'1:,=;.J""'c:::·~-....: .:~. I~ ~ g~ H~! ! 5 :llt:"r: :~ 1:1 lJ1' r,.1~ ~i~~ -\t ~~~ Jf.J~•lrltlYflcft .,.. ~ : 'i': f~ti r,11t ;~l\ -I'll:::;,~-~.. ,t ~ Ullo ~!\ + ~ l-41tn '" 1\111, .; ..... Coffee • COME EARLY AND SAVE Downtown Costa Me1a IUI NIW'°Rl~ILVD. (n••r lru4iw•1) 6q.7741 A former San Diego resi· ~~:" ~f dent, Mr. Allan wflt be moving ~=~ ~ from his home ln Newport ... ~·~ ;,,. Beach to San Diego to assume ~ \ his new responsa'biliUes. ~~iM"s~~P 11~1 1 • ". ><> F.-. ~ :.. \(, Foot• CB .• 11 {I'; \Gi, 11 -·~ dlJ!t!bvtlon. .,._,. rlt1111.. ~tllOut , .~"6 g v, -''-l"llCh M!ft '' 1''' \\I~ 1r·1 :t ~ !Hi 1•i li._ ... l!F""' 1111.'lfl '' nr. t?I,. 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Fd I lf Mt~lrlM l 10 :~~"f, ~ 1At1o0fll!I I~ M1ionltr wl M 1Utl' F I Mtttt?F In I "''""' 70 IAt?DSlr I 60 MIYS JW JO Mt'ffta 11 MCA Inc 60 M<~ '"' Mc rOtV 1 111 M ni 111• 50 Mc 'TIOft I Mc 11d Cet Mc no .., M~r£d 1411 IJ.c H!H 609 Mc H olt1'1 He. ... o .... Nie .. l!D Mcletn IOI McLouth 1 60 l.lcNtU 10 Mttll Ce.r1 I Mttd P1A2 JO Me..:! pflj ~ Mee1u11C 20 M•jvSM 1 :JO Mt~<1>! I Memora Co lilt~ns I .IQ l\\t rUi; 11 Mtrldllfl 1 JO Mt ... Ptl JO Alet "f''J10 !iS~:1Mc,,12 MGfA .00 Mt!rom ~ lllGJC Inv 20 Mj<"<l11UI I ll '"-1.!'" ' M~f';r,' jj Mj~g'Utll t6 ~13w11'\,111 MllelAll 1 20 '" IT llr d 60 M ~"11rl~11r• Mlfti\MM I '8 MjnnPL1 1~ M ttrtCD 2 MluRJv I MQ P•c .-, .S Ml' Clfl' I '41 Mol"vllS toe. Moell 1 :io. ""011•1co 1 10 Morl•rcl'I I .JO ,o.\~ IM MonroEor 6CI Mon11n I.Ill MOllll Dl:t,1S M~1out '" M~ .... !·" MllOI' Mc ft Mor111nJ 1 ..o Mo'11Sho 1t Miit' Nor ,IO Motorel•-1 Mj"utlS l IO Iii\ S!1fT 136 M!>L 11111 40 MvntlMwr I Mvro,.., l~ Mwotll" :::=°1~ MIKl'l'Oll t0 • 1 • • j•., I . . . " -_,,.-. . -.- • L DAILY PILOT JS Monday's Closi~ Stoek Exchange List Prices-fA>mpl,ete • New ' York Stocks in Decline As Trading Slight CoUJplete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List f I . ·.· . .. . ~!. . . ~ 0 . . ... ----.... ' I ' ' . ... . -. --~ ~,7'"''7'':-"'~~· """"'"''<Cr"--¥..,"1'1"r:r::tt-,>.., ............. .,.,p!J"'4,,.....'.,.,' ,...,...,,_,,..,.,W,.,.., '"1'1-,l".,'"1_ ....... ...,_ ·-""'Z"'S--.,,..,,1"f>""'-'°'·'°. I"\.'"'.""·'"'''"·,...,..· .,..., -...,,...,_,.,",...,...' *"""',0'"':"'<"',"''."'0,-.-.-:--. 7'", --;-, ":-.--:'~' -:-;-:-;-·.~-- __ ........ . . ·tAST Ml:NUTE . . • . . Gl:FT IDEAS .-CHARGE IT! . . ' ' n. I 11 '.J', ---~ '1 I '! .·.··, I '~· I /)j" "J DETACHABLE I I I ' "· SPEAMIRS I . I G.E. I G.E. SHOW 'n TELL l G.E. AUTOMATIC I THEATER I STEREO PHONO G.E. COMPONENT STEREO SYSTEM STEREO PHONO W/ AM/FM-FM Stereo-Radio Delivers big stereo sound through matched set of 5'/."' detachable speakers. 4-speed automatic changer plays records of all sizes; solid state dual cha011el amplifier. Rugged portable styl ing. I Hours of fun from words and music timed I Trimline portable with al l the stereo Powertul solid stale amplilier and 4· Complete stereo entertainment system I to full color pictures. Cliildreo can easily I realism of big consoles. 6" Dynapower speed automatic record changer in one in ~ compact unit. Solid state 40 watt I work machine; use.Picture-sound records I 1peakers can be separated to 11 tt. for compact unit. Matched 6" speakers in amplifier and multiplex tuner. Two de- or use as .ordinary phono. Built for long best sound separation. Drop down 4 speed walnut grain finished enclosures. Tinted tachable enclosures hcuse six dynamic l I ife dependabi I ity. I changer with diamond stylus. _ plastic dust cover include.~ 1 speakers. 4-speedautomatic recordcl\anger 49!::! ! 26~~,7 ! 59 97 94 9·7~. ! 1.3·997 QUANTITIES I QUANTITllS I I ~W.~(--~~)f;~W.~r..IC'•~~w~~~~~-1~~~:.K ~~li°'S~··--~ G.E. AM I G.E. DELUX·E AM I G.E. AM/FM I I CLOCK RADIO CLOCK RADIO . _CLOCK RADIO I I Neatly styled clock radi o with Wake up to your lavorite radio Wakes you to either AM or fM sta-I I big, easy to read clock face. Wakes station or to gentle buner a0rm. lions or buzzer alarm. All the deluxe I you to music. Solid state chassis for Equipped with handy 60 min11te features including slumber shut-off I instant sound and front mounted shut-oil and Snooz-Alarm systems. switch. Gently lighted clock face I dynamic speaker. Good looking Solid state chassis for instant •nd tuning dial. Trim design. I modem cabinet. sound. long reliable life. Lighted dial. I I 1597 1897 . 2997 I I I i I I I I 12402 LOS ANGIW EAST LOS ANGILES VALLEY WEST *C1I ...... ,. JmlllOll ILYD, It •MIMI SS7S IAST OlfM,,< ILYO. CANO.A ,AtW •loUlllAMllKARD •rrwru IA lllA .tn -4 I llOCIS f.&.11' or ATl.MnC CMMA .lYf •• toscor ''"'· • WWITI fROllT CARD UCMlfM llW'f. (IFY OI COMMfl(f 7111# #Ol1# ftlf W'fNJltl.4 ,WY. • MoUlll'CIARff ANAHEIM SAN I NARDINO COVINA IAIHl&Wllll•WAY 4" OIMll MIOW IOAt 1111 IMMtTR AllSA IVL ClllllT CARDS ......... '"" .,, ...... ...,.. llfWlfll JM llllfMDfM ....... ntlWAfATOIMfl JWIWlt. flffW.tr • AtfOW fMT. G.E. AM/FM CLOCK RADIO Beautilully finished wood cabinet, complete alarm and wake to musi c system with Snooz-Alarm and slum- bei switch. Precision sl ide rule tuner, lighted clock face. Bu ilt-in antema for AM and FM. • l G.E. I I I I I I I ' I . G.E. CASSETIE TAPE RECORDER· Plays anywhere on battery or electric power. Pusfibutton controls and snap-in cartridge loading. Cassette and micro- • · ' phone included. . ~5497 . G.E. r AM/FM !RADIO ( Your best buy i• port-1 ables, ploys.on bal· I te~or elecllic power. Wi~ "'1}i~I strap. 3997 I AM lFM RADIO VALLEY EAST ''M:Oll!IA Ltlftfl CNffON et OSIOl#f Jlln Orf IOUll# ffATf ,.,._ ONTARI 13.)3 NO. MOUifTAIN AVL 1.1 M1nror,11rrw•r 1 1 Neally s~led table lop ~dlo: etu11ent reception and s11--I pl!rlat1ve tone. 4-intb I SJl'•ke•. THOUSAND AKS TORRANCE YtltTI ,All II. A1 'tl111Ull m . TORRANCE ILVD. AT Iii ¥1#1'11 1111' Or• llffWAf HAWTHRONE ILVD. COSTA MES-A .... P.9.W!!;;, 30ll lllS1'0l AVE. JIJJf Off #rWPOIT A¥'f. 1•rWUTll llTWflll 1.0. IWf & I.VII JTS. w• 1t1111nwr -SPECIAL llOLIDAY HOURS -DAT' TUISDAJ 10 .uno MIDNIGHT WElllllSDA J 10 It 7 CLOllO CHllD!AI DAT . l • t . . ' . l .. I '' I I • vor. 62 , NO. 305, 3 SECTIONS, 48 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . ... . . - MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 • • 1ramar e I s Sex Raid Jails 3 Police Arrest Two Men, Girl, 15 Two men were arresled and a 15-year- old girl taken into custody by Laguna Beach police Sunday after officers allege they found the trio nude in one bed at the Del Camino Hotel. Officers had entered the well-known hostelry to look for a set of bongo drums. By the time it was over, seven persons bad been arrested, two of them on a charge of disturbing the peace alter 111Iegedly shouting obscenities at in- truding officers. The statutory rape and contributing to the delinquency of a minor raid was trig- gered when poli~ a1Tested a 17-year-old curfew violator outside the Del Camino at Slick Covers Coastline; Birds Killed SANTA BARBARA CAP) -Globs of nil from a slick fed by under11ea seepage washed onto about 10 miles of scenic coastline today. First reports listed about a half-ckrzen aea birds kllled and more th.In • othen: floundering, helplessly, their feathers matted with the tar-like goo. Volunteers manned a bird-cleaning sta· tion reacUvated for the first time since an underwater oil blowout last wlnter in the same Santa Barbara ChaMel area spread a slick over 800 miles or the Pacific. "This Is as bad as I've seen since the original spill," said Mies Van de l\1ark , ;i property manager at nearby Solim;ir Beach. Geologists say the new slick was touch- ed off after pumps at offshore oil drilling platforms were shut down from Tuesday to' Saturday while ·workmen repaired a broken pipeline. Pressure apparently built up in the oil pools below the ocean floor, they said, causing oi.I to seep out of sea-bottom fissures considerably faster than Vie usual 250-gallon-a-<lay rate geologists estimate. Because of foggy weather there was no estimate of the size or the slick. Union Oil Co. officials sald Sunday that readiva.tion of their pmnps Saturday ap- parenUy relieved the pressure and halted the heavy seepage. The new problems are "just another in- dication that, no matter what the oil com- panies say, they can't guarantee that cur- rent drilling operations are failsafe;"• said Alvin C. Weingand, board chairman of Get Oil Out -GOO -a group militantly opposed to offshore drilling operations. Weingand sent a telegram to President Nixon urging that "he become personally involved in oor problems here and that he order all drilling operatioos In the Sant.a Barbara Channel shut down." Surfers at popular Rincon Baach about 12 miles south ol hen abandoned oil- cov?red waves. Civil Defense officials in Ventura County to the: south reported brilk onshore winds driving oil onto beaches near the Ventura River. ' Trashme1i Get Christmas Off There will be oo garbage and traeh pickup in-Laguna BeaCh on Christmas Day, the Department of Pub Uc Work1 an· nounced today. Residences normally receiving trash pickup service on Thursday will be plac- ed on Wednesday or Frklay schedules. On the following stneis, pickup will be made on Wednesday : Aa:t.er Street, Bent Sir«~ Blumont Stttet, c.da• Way. Goff · Streot, High Dr1" (100 block), llilledge 0rtv11, Holly strtet, La Vista Drive, Llnden Street. Lowtr Cliff Drive, ~lanu.nlta Drive, Mystic Lane, Myst.le Vin, Mystic Way, Park Avenue (~ through SOO block), Poplar Stretl, Reed Sl.rftl. Skyline Orivl (900 through 1100 block), Skyl ine Terrace, 'J'hitd Street (400 block), Through Strctl, Virginia Park: Drive. All other pr'OS>trt.les normally rtcrlvtng Thul"lday SttVice win bave col)ectlon made the Friday foUowlnA: U\e holid ay and tht same schedule wlfl be In effect o'''r \ht: New Yean Day holiday. 1289 S. Coast •lighway. Investigators sald the Huntington Beach boy C{)mplained that he had left his bongo drums at the hotel so officers were dispatched to get them . Returning to the hotel , they entered Room 210, the address the curfew ... iolator had given as the place his bongo drums could be found . They said -in discreet fashion -that besides bongo drums, they found : - Two men and a nude 15-year·old girl in one-bed. -TY:o men in another bed . -Two men asleep on the floor. The runaway girl from Garden Gro\•e admitted being inLimate with at least two ......... Real Dollu Barbra Streisand , showed up looking like this at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood for premiere of her new vehicle, "Hello Dolly." I Grades, Girls, Money ' . Worry Young ~lost NEW YORK (UPI) -Desplt< II\• publicized wOl'ld ol drup, ooclal uniett, and war protest. a Gallup Poll in Newswttk magazine released Sunday in· dicates the )'11Ungtr generaUon is worried mort about gnidca, 1lrl1, and fina1K't$. ,Out of J.092 studtnll lntervlewed on 17 campuses in America. 7$ percent mcn- Uooed fina.nco as the problem'. which worried them most. About half mentioned cradel. will II f'lrcCDt mtntlonlng the Vietnam ar. ·-- or the men In the room, ac:cord.in1 to In· vesligating officers. Donald P. Venem, 23, of the hotel ad· d;e15, and Albert c. Elliott, 21, or Fullerton, fere booked on charges of stitutory rape after the 4:40 1.m. raid. Contributing tq the delinquency of 1 minor charges were lodged against Norbert R. Hal, 18, of Michigan, William \Vise, 23, of Portland, Ore., Stephen Gallion, 19, of the hotel address , and Carl Lamey, II, identified a.s an Army deserter from Mis.souri. ,lrheir 15-year-old alleged playm~te was fdmitted to Orange County Juvenile Hall pending C{)urt action. U.S., Russia In Agreement 011 A'r1ns Talks l!ELSINKI <UPI I -Tht Unite<l States ;1nd lhe Soviet Union. concluding fi vt v.·eeks of prell1ninary t.alks OQ Umiting strategic weapons, announced today full· scale negotialions will ~·next April 11 in Viem•• : ., ..... They said in a joint~comrnunique that "an understanding was reached on the general rana:e of subjects'' to be negotialed. The talks will move back to Helsinki at a later lime, the communique 1ald. This was a compromise 1greemenl because the United States had wanted Gepeva and ?i.foscow wanted to remain in lhe .Finnish capital. The 260-word communigue was initialed In a televised ceremony by chief negotiators Gerrardl'C. Smith for the United States afl4 Vladimir S. Semeoov for .l\lwla. · Today'll talkS were accompani~ by a visible elaUOn on both sides and both Soviet a..i American spOkesmen said they wefe completely satisfied with the results. "1be preliminary exchangt of views which took place concerning the !Imita- tion of strategic anns was useful to IJOth sides," the communique_sakl. "~ a result of that exchange, e<1ch side iJ able better to understand the view of the other with respect for the problems under consideration. "An understanding was reached on lhe general range of questions which will be the subject of further U.S . ..SOviel. ex- changes. "Agreement was reached tha t negoli;:t· tiona between the U.S. and the t;SSR delegations will be resumed Ofl .\prll 16, 1970, in Vienna and that they will be helCI again in Helsinki at a later time." Stork Jtlnrkel• NEW YORK (AP) -Most stocks C{)n· tinued to lose ground in moderate trading today, as .declines extended their lead over advancea by nearly 400 Jssues. (See quotaUon1 , Pages 14-1$). DA(\.Y •1\.01" Jiii! •11t1t Si91J .of tlie Seaso1a • • ' ' I ~.£qt'1il 'Qhristinas •ligh~·to 1ppe8r'1llmOlt like a glngerbreiid ·c~,i{, the Cottage .Restaurant in Laguna.Beach offers 1a1rather un'JWiie~'\lletided-displayrwilh ·Jarge lighted peace sign over its roof on Coast lllghway. · • House Ol(s Tax Reform; Quiclc Senate Actio11 See11 WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Hoo5e today approved the most sweeping tax legislation in modern history-tax reduc- tions for everyone, a IS percent Social Security increase and a package or loophole closing reforms. The compromise bill went to the Sen- ate. where passage a·JsG was expected before the end of the day. Prospects for the measure at the White House, worked out in its final form only last Friday by a House-Senate CQnfer· enle committee, were not completely clear. President Nixon is said to be un- happy about its long range provisions, which will cut federal revenues, but a high administratio n official said he ex- pected -Nixon to 1ign the bill because it y,•ouid increase treasury receipts in the Ahort run. When fully effecti ve in 1973. the bill Y.'ould take 7.6 milllon poor familiell off the federal tax rolls. Another 56 million taxpayers would get some relief from lhe major pr..ovisJons. While the final version of the tax bill had general congressional support, !here still was some opposition. Sen. William B. Saxbe. (R.-Ohio ), is1ued a statement calling fnr a preaidential veto; but Sen. Carl Curtis, (R-Ncb.), ~·ho worked on the 14-man conference. refu~ed to sign the report because · of his -0pposilion tG the bill's four percent tax for the first time on· foundations. But s-pec-ulatlon was mainly C{)ncerned with Nixon's views. The White House official, who gave his opinion anonym-0usly on a "background" basis for newsmen, said the measure was largely acceptable because lt brings in money in 1970 and 1971. Through 1 .cQmbination ·of tax reforms, plu1 a con- tinuation or Uie income tax surcharge at five percent for the next six months and a repeal of the investment tax credit, the bill would. bring in $6.4 billion in 1970 and another $315 million In 19'1'.I. In 1973, however, .tax cuUI totallng $9.1 billion would become fully effecUve. Nixon had earlier raised the threat of 1 veto because of the long range revenue loss. When Republican leader1 met with Nixon Saturday they reported he llked the "noninflationary'' impact of the bill in 1970 and 1971, but not th~ loss of funds by 11173. • Lifeguard's Firing Final But Fund May Be Set Up for Legal Defense Firing of San Clemente lifeguard Steve Chorak hss been upheld by a J to 2 vote of city councilmen 1ltUnc as 1 penonnel bolrd. but offers have been made to set up a fund lo help the IUlfd continue hl1 l'fal battle wllh the clly. ~ttorney ~ter Brisco said lQday . So far as the city ii concemed, the decision is final , Cl.ty Managtt Kermeth Carr said. Brjsco said he does .not yet know what his client will decide to do In the face of the 1pllt decl51Cll which found thiu coun· cUmcn voUn& against his relMtalement and two recommendlng reillstatement on • one·yeat probalion basill. Pt111yor \Vade Lo~·er and Councilmen Stanley C. Northrop and Thomas S. O't)etfe issu:fd the majority report d~nying Chor:-:;'s appeal ol h1J dismissal, ~·hilt: COunciur.cn Dan Chilton 1.nd W111ter F. Evan-;, Jn .-111lnorlty report, reconr mended hirlna hl1n back. Angered by·the decision, the Santa Ana attorney who represented the 29-year-old lifeguard lieutenant in a T"eCetlt two-day heMing befon! the per10nnel board, said it reveal! ''a. real problem for the San Clemente eleclor'ate." Brisco, who had objected to having the city ' councl.Unen who Ored'"Chbrak ' sit tn Judgment on his appeal, and 10Ugbt unsuccessfully to have the case placed before 11 neutral arbitrator, .said,. "My conc lusion ls that the City · of San Clemente Is being run by a lf.9UP .or · fri,ghtcn.ed i:nen, fearful that If !Jw;y are unablo to maintain their personnel pro- glflim of Intimidation and eotrcion, they wlll lost control or the city gov!tnmenl" Chor:tk's Je11dershlp of a strike lhrtal by lifeguards in Augu.irt was cited in the majority report as "due cause" (Qr bi•· dlsnilssal, along with his failure to ~o through established grievance proctdurtJ and the r11ct that he had been the subjcc& ot deteriorating performance . reports. h , report foudd he had, "breached ci- ty rules by utilizing strike threats.'' The repOrt also ruled that h1I legal rights . had not betn breached '. by dl.smlssal on this ICCOW'IL It Wat ag:~ he Should be paid for overUn'le workt4 durtng the past IO days. ' 1 •1~ng the hear.Ing,'' u.~d18~, \,the chief " lifeguard· said llis own recordp 1howtd Chorak.hfld. worktd '4lf overtime hou(S and not been paid 1 becauae-'he dldn"t uk Joi-It.' 'l'ha.t W.li' oae of tile ~n1p\~lnts -that Jl:ellll~nent, employes ar(! exetcti!d lo work ovmltne and told very ptaln\y nol to pt)t in for ovtnlme· pay." In lhel• minoriljl repert. Chilton and tvan11 said they agreed the appellant hid vlolattd his covenant a1 a public 11fety (S<e LIFEGUARD, Pap I) ' * Today's Fl•al ·. :N.Y. Stoeke TEN CENTS · . 60 Sailors Trapped In Inferno •" ., SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP)-A jet plant crashed in 0"10e& into a hangar Mondaji at Miramar Naval Air Base. A spok~ man ·said "50 or 60 people are injured and we've got several dead." A base spokesman said at least JQ rr1f'!I wa-e killed and doeens injured. One plane clipped the hangar in land- ing. The pilot ejected salely, the baM said. ' Ambulances were taklng the injured through heavy black smoke which lhol 150 feet inlO the air. .. We'\'e called in every available mOO tary and civilian help ," the spokesmu said. ~fary ~1oorc. a civilian worker, .... the plane crashed straight into the building. one of three hangars whicl measure at least 50 yards in Jen~ ?ifiramar is aboul 15 miles from . SQ Diego. Navy helicopters also 11'Cre land.inl and taking off with injured. Vi.etnam Airliner · Rains School; Death Toll 125 NHA TRANG, Vietnam <UPI) -A cri'ppi:ed Air Vietnam DCI passenger plane, making an emergency landin• alter an epgine exploded, skiughed off a runway today and exploded into a kin- dergarten school. South Viet!UmeM milltaey police said as many as 129 persons were feared dead. Military police said more th1111 eo persons aboard the propelleriJriven plant were killed , another 40 to SO children kllJ. ed in the burning school and perhaps another 25 persons living in a badly-hit shantytown area. Jt was the worst accident in the hi!to'1 of lhe government-operaled airlines. Laa.t Sept. 20, an Air Vietnam paueoger plant C{)llided with a U.S. F4 Phantom jet near Da Nang, killlng 77 peraon.s aboard.~ commercial airllntr. ~:. ;: · Authorities said the four engine plant was damaged by an explosion in flight and was making an emergency landinC al the Nha Trang Air Baae on the cout 111 miles ncrtheut of Saigon when the pilot overshot the runway. The plane wa e:n route to Saigon at the Ume. Military sources said the bodies of 40 persons had been counted at the crash site. More bodies were still in the wreckage and the death toll moonted steadily. The names of four Americans were carried on the pMaenger list but It was no~ immediately known if they were casualties. or .. 11e Weatlaer Clearing skies la the weather-• man 's Chri1tma1 present to ~ , Orange Cout, with the sun break·.: - Ing through but temperatures re- millnlng in the middle sixtiu INSWE TOD" Y ,· lt'& time for R woman to bt , named to the Supremt Court and womtn mcmbl1'S" of the • Houae think ihey ha1'e in their midst ;iut the riphi ,per1on1. Pag< 13. • ---°"" 3 ';Ti CHRISTMAS '" .: " " " • • .... " " • -,. __ ,~-··-· \ t-2 DAILY PILOT L ~ ri-rts Tuesda11 l.. .... • .• . ) . • Bit Two Bonies ~ ~ong Violations '~azen Burglars Threaten Woman • • • ~-Of Truce Seen • ' i } SAlGON (UPI) -Allied intelligence ~fficers predicted today the Viet Cong l"ill \'iolate their own Christmas cease· yre .,..ith scatered atacks in the provinces f Urrounding Saigon. J '".We have every reason to believe they ;·iff:·violate thi.5 cease·fire just as they ~ave all the others." one of the official~ pi~: "We think subregional, not division· ·\i~. units \\"ill be involved." .1 ~ three-day Viet Cong standdO\l'n for Ihristmas is scheduled to begin at 1 a.m. aigon time Wednesday (9 a.m. Tuesday ST), 17 hours before the Allies begin , e# 24·hour truce. "~ The intelligence officers emphasized il(f!· their predictions should be taken iU~ the same weight as reports the oromunists planned attacks during eetend to commemorate the 23rd an- {iiv(rsary of their war effort. II was the Auictest weekend of the month". \ There were these other developmen ts : r -Guerrilla ground fire shot down a \J.S:;, helicopter Sunday jus·t below the ~erniJitarized zone, killing e i g h t )~icans and wounding two. It brought lo 1,432 the numb!!r ·of U.S. 'copters shot )ow.n in the war. , ..;a'he number of Gls in the war zone ose by 300 last week to 472,800, the first nctease since September. The figur e leant 11,800 Americans already had left he war as part of President Nixon's t~st withdrawal of 500,000 men. 'vhich ·iH:drop the number of troops in Viet· aift to 434,000. \ ~A senior U.S. offici al said up to a full !i\;ision of U.S. soldiers could be {'i9>~rawn from the area north of Saigon M-' ater Disb·ict lrn creases Rates t ?JJ:y 50 Cents { The new year "-'11: bring a SO-cent rate 111crease for water users in tht South fo"ast County 'Vater District. ; .Jphn "Tex" Smith, manager of the <"oUth Laguna district, said it will ht the )ir'!;t"rate hike in about 10 years. •. The minimum rate of $2 monthly will .,,sea.late to $3. Charge for additional ~rater used \l.'ill go up in the same 50 pcr- :Ccnt ratio. The 25-cent per 100 cubic feet ~.(over lire minimum would incre3se to 38 .:Cents. ~ Smith said that ·the cost or purchasing .,\>.·,iter from the 1t1etropoli!an \Valer t>iStrict has increased 70 percent in 10 ·:years. Cost of electriC po\1'er. la bar. ,lnaferials and supplies have all increased 'jlroportionately. he said. ,.,1.Tbe board agreed to the 11ike. said Smith , after a stud y by the auditing fir1n, Diehl. Evans and Co. \\'hich recom· mended either a doubling of "''ater rates or a sharp increase in the tax rate . Smith said funds brought into lhe rlistrict from sale of 'vater 'vere not _enough to cover maintenance and opera· :tlon. •·ron• Pnge I LIFEGUARD. • • ... ~ ... 'lifficcr by threate nlng and organizing a :"·iff.ike. ;,:i:.<1Bul in this opinion ," they stale, "lht> .n!_"Osecutioo fa iled to produ ce a statement or -specific charges and allegation!\ /although v.·e take note that one ex· Isled)." Such charges. they slate. "should havt' been given to lhe appellant and entered as part of these proceedings." Brisco said he did not understand what was meant by 1he impli cation th at some charges existed 1hat had not been revealed to his client or made public. "As I undersland it ," the attorney said, ''all charges are supposed tn be brought out in these hearings ... DAILY PILOT ()llt.l.~C.E. COA.ST "UtLISlil~G C.0M"AW'( •ol>•d N. w •• .i l'rttk:ltnt •not P1.11tll1Mr J•c~ k. Cu•l•v \''f• r rt ••U "I •r,d C.tnt••I M•n•g"' Thom•• Ket•il (dllO• fho ... •• A. Murph••• M1n•1•"9 E•l>ot Ric~ard '· Nell •.•gw"" ""''~ Cttv Ectooor l••Mll• •••Ch Offl,, 111 ~""'' A •t ~u• 1o1.,,!,.9 A.ldten· P.O, l o• •••. •16~2 Otli•• Offl.1,•1 c .. 1. Mtt• n o wu1 ••• so,tt+ "'""""' antn )111 w111 &•IDO• ,..,,.,.,, ,.~n'""9"'' I Kfn. 111/f t •a<:ft t )V.tv••• O••l 'I' flllOT, .. nn ...... (fl )I. CtMO.,.., "'• N(W«Ptn l, <i P\11'1 .... :f d l i!y OO<IPI SU" cur IOI -rtlt llSll-IW L•O-l11(1'o, .. t wperf ... !Ch, Co•I• Mt1t, 1111'""''1"' , .. ,Cf> tM ,_ttolll Yl llf'f, tlfl'lt wrtn ,.,, '"""II t'lllllfnt, 0••11tr (ottt lll~Oll>ftifl9 C-•nr .,1n11<'11 .tt"1• ••• ot n11 w.o• 111119• flM ., MtW'PO'f tt•cn. •I'll Ht we.. ••r i ...... CO.II M•u T...,..... (11 41 •t4·9~6' Clrt.WI•• hpt. 641·4111 '-""'1• Utt, 0.-• ~"' illlltl;'1111'11 r.-... ,. "'• ,,..... ,.., .. ,. •ll~•lr.ii-• .,...,, ......... Pl" t ••trlitC..,ffl!I ...,...,., .... -. tor ·~ •·-! •~It! Ot" -.. . u., ..... , _, ---Of• .. , .... ,.if ~t fl1··~··· ludl tf"tl c.oiu -. •. cir,,.,.,.,, ~~~u·•• ""' ,., c. ....,., ll n ,....,,,. -· ..,. .,..,, u Ill -.~1n1r1 '"'""''.,... .,.tw1.1•-. u.oe ,,...Ito , in lhe next cutback without affecting the momentum of the. Allied wa.r effort. U.S. 852 bombers meantime mounted their heaviest raids along the Cambodian bart:ler in two weeks Sunday nlght and to- day in the campaign aiainst North Viet· n3mese infiltration. CclM Citizens A sk Changes F 01· Freeway· Newport Beach city councilmen will receive petiUons tonight bearing the names of 1,092 Corona del Mar resident.'! who want major changes in access route:i to the Pacific Coast Freeway east of the lipper Bay. The documenls , circulated by the newly reacUvated Corona del Mar Civic Association, ask that plans turning Fifth Avenue into a four.Jane feeder road be abandoned. Laguna Beach police a.re ~king a brazen Christmas burglar who Mruck l\vo neighboring homes over the weekend, one or them twice, terrorized a young woman and may have been involved ln a hit and run accident in a stolen car. Janet Godden, 26, reported to police on Saturday that someone had entered her home, JOI I Gle11neyre SI. during the night, removed a gift·wrapped electric lee crusher from under the Christmas tree a11d moved her purse from a bedroom dresser to a living room chair. Mrs. Rainey Still Critical .4 .fter S1irgery Mrs. Cara Ram~y or Huntington Beach ls still listed in critical condilion at Orange County Medical Center following a rare operation Thursday in which she received not only the kidney s, but the pancreas o! a man who died the same clay. 1'here was no money in lhe purse and nothing else had been t:.ken, she said . At 4:42 a.rn. Sunday, Pamela P'51age, 23, \\'ho lives in an upstairs apartment next door, at 285 Anita St was awakened by a man who yanked the covers off he r bed and told her, "Give me your money or I'll kill you !" She gol up and gave the man $4 from her purse. Miss Passage told police. As he went toward the front door, she push· cd him out and screamed, she said. The intruder. described as 23 to 24 years old, 5 feet 8 inches, 145 pounds, wllh long black hair. then fled to a car parked outside and drove off. At that point his vi ctim noticed Christmas packages, apparently thro1vn from her apartment, scattered in the yard. Police arriving to investigate, checked the adjacent Godden home. \Vhere a window appeared to have been forced open and found it had been ransacked. Drawers had been dumped out, the Christmas tree knocked.over and leather dye splattered over furniture, of· ficers said. When Miss Godtlen, who had left aft er the Friday night incident, returned, she told officers that keys belonging to her roommate·s car were missing and the car left outside with a damaged front fender. Also missing was a $100 bill which had been stapled to a co!lage and several checks from a che ckbook. The group also a.sks that the state pro- ride an underpass connector which would ru n seaward along Buck Gully and con· nect v1ith Pacific Coast Highway. Vnless plans are changed, the group in· sisls, about 100 houses north of Pacific Coast Highway would be destroyed by the state. Buildi1ag Their linage Mrs. Ramey, 32, of 720 Williams Ave., has been hospitalized for several months as diabetes slowly destroyedber own kid· neys. The kidney transplant was fairly routine, according to medical authorlties, ,but transplant of the pancreas is a rare operation, performed only a very fe111 times anywhere in the world. and never before in California. Police surmise that the burglar, finding the car keys, took the vehicle for a joyride and may have been involved in a hit and run accident. Eddy Martin of San Clemente, Karen Stephenson (center) and Linda Fernandez admire 25-foot snown1an fashioned from balloons that graces girls' residence at 4508 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Boys Club Open Every Day for Holiday Vacation Spokesmen for the group said at least 98 pei-cent of residents contacted in the petitiO'(I drive agreed with the two plans. Paul Ashenfelter, 5171/z Narcissus Ave .. the new president of the association. said lhat the main objection to the present )Jlai1s to widen Fifth Avenue (aside from !he Joss of scores of homes) is that lt \l'Ould "seriously depreciate the value and residential quality of the area by forcing. large voluriles of traffic on residential streets. SEC Files Actio11 Agai11st Hospital officials said 1t1rs. Ramey \Vas alert and responding today, though her condition remains critical. The rare operation was performed by a medical team from UC Irvine. They were e.x:pected to give details of the operation to the press today. 7 Firms in Stoel\: F1·aud Meanwhile Cara's .. husband, Monte Ramey, a Huntington Beach postal r.mploye, can only wait, as he has done for the past two months. Pool. basketball. ping pong, karate and volleyball are on the holiday agenda for members or the Boys' Club of Laguna Beach. TJnder the petitioners' suggestions, Fifth Avenue would be discontinued from l\farguerite Avenue westward and all the s!reets crossing ii! path be made c1ead· end roadways stoppinit at the freeway Current plans call for makin g thr ~\reel a four.Jane collector road stoppin~ :>I Goldenrod Avenue al the west end . From· there. plans say. Goldenrod would be modified to carry the traffic onto Pacific Coast Highway . The major porlon or residential lot ~ and homes which would be \viped out bv the frec\vay lie in the path of the Fifth Ave!'lue construction. not the rreeway itself. 'T'he Buck (;uJ!ey offramp and road was proposed. Ashenfelter said. to eliminate a soaring offramp near the wes t end of tl~e community \l'hich could de stroy scenic views of resident.o;. Saddleback Sets Registration Registration for the winter quar1 er at Sadd leback College will be he ld Jan . 5 11nd 6. Superintendent Fred H. Bremer sai1l the winter quarter will provide 241 <lay <"ourses and 78 evening or exlendcd·day courses. Day class registration will be Jron1 R:30 :i .m. until 4:30 p.m. Exten~ed-day clas.~ registration IVlll be from 4:30 p.m. lo 8::\0 !).m. Records of ne\v students must be pro. cei:;sed by Dec. 24 so they may be pri> rided regislralion permits. Stude nt.o; without permits "'ill be enrolled at latt registration Jan. 7 and 8. WASHINGTON (AP ) -Pressing it~ can1paign against the exploitation of '"shell corporations" with few or no assets. the Securitie s ;ind Exchange Com- 1nission toda y suspended trading in slocks of seven con1panies and prepared to file a lil\\'SUit again~t two of Lhem. It acted against XI Productions lnc. or Beverly Hills; Universal Coverage Corp. of Beverly Hills; Rietz Industries Inc. of Chat£worth ; Contolidated S1nelting and Refined Corp . and its successor, Michelle Enterprlses Ltd ., of Long Beach: and 1'rans·Pacific Enterprises and Tran.~· Pacific Development Co~p. of San Fran· cisco. Trading in stock or each of the coin· panics \l'as suspended for 10 days ending Dec. 31. The SEC also said It would file suit in the U.S. District Court in Uls Angele s against Ri etz Industries and Universal Coverage plus three other corporations and a number of individuals nol nan1cd in the suspension order. The SEC said its investigation is con· tinuing . It cautioned dealers and brokers, before they trade in any stock when the suspension ends, to "assure themsel ves that they are not engaging in activities which make them participants in viola· lion·• o ( federal antifraud or an· Limanipulalion laws. In its four·page statenlcnt announcing lhe suspensions, the SEC said they were ordered because adequate and accurate infor1nation was not available , or false and mi sleading information about the C1lmpanies had been issued. or both. '"ll further appears that the companici1 . , . have been promoted by a single group," the statement said. In its explanation. the co1nmission said XI Productions and its pro1noters "made numerous public announctments of plans to represent many sho\v business personalities; and they also circulated Boy., II., 011 H Tells Police He's 'Cut' Hubit Hy ARTlfUR R. VINSEL 01 mt 01111 l'li.l S!tll A probe into drug use among Costa f\.1esa school children has led to the arrest of an ll·year-0ld heroin shooter \\'ho blithely told polict he has cut do1vn his habil quite a bit and hopes to stop al together. lnfornlalion supplied through variou s sources has resulted in the ciues· Lioning of a number of youngsters since last "'eek. wh en two fathers took their daughters out of school as a precaution. Tht l l·year·old boy picJcd up Fri day \vas ch arged \v\th lack of parental control, since he hed no drugs to suQstantia(e a stiff er charge, only his past hi story, Officer Phil Donohue said tht boy had a festering abscess inside the 1·rook of hls elbow from injecUng heroin aboul f\.\'O weeks before and also told of repeatedly smoking marijuana. He is a student at Sonora Elementary School. Police urgt<t the parents to lake him ta a doctor for medical ~ttention as a result or the abscess, while his proba tion offlctr was notified of the admitttd narcoUc1 use. The Investigation into '""'!despread drug U.!!t also rcsulttd lo lhe arrest of 11 !>year-old Costa ~fesa High School student Friday for possession of da.n· gcr:ous drugs. ln,•estigators given his Mme by informants questloned 1hc youth and ht was discovered at the time to have a small quRntily of barbiturate pills in his poasesslon. stories to the effect that XJ had acquired the rights to various ne1v shows written by \\"ell·known 1vriters in which establish· ed stars would perform .·· Many of the stars and entertainers have denied any connection with XI. At tbe time of the announcements. and after the company 's stock had risen in price. "a group of persons closely associated ~·ith Xi's management" sold more than $500,000 in stock. the SEC said, adding that "these sales may have been made in violation of the registration pro· visioos " of federal law. Canyon Accident Injures Lagm1a11 A Laguna Beach man is reported in good condition at South Coast Com)Tiunit y Hospital after suffering a se vere head in- jury Friday night when his car struck a parked vehicle on Laguna Canyon Road. Students Put On Free Yule Feed Students of Laguna Beach High School are sponsoring a free Christmas dinner at the rormer Barefoot Bar on the boardwalk, from 5 p.m. on Christmas night. Student Stuart Rabino,vitsh, In charge -0f arrangements for the dinner, said, "All those who are far from close relatives, or just in need of dinner are inVited~to take part. \Ve hope other interested persons 1vill help with donations of time or food to help make it a joyous occasion." City Manager James Wheaton said the arfair jg not a city function . but has been arranged by the students with the present lessee of the premises. The city will take over the fonner Barefoot on Jan. I for use as a Teen Center. Rabinowitsh asked persons wishing in rlonate to the dinner to call him at 494. 48tiJ. During the two-week holiday. the club \\•ill be open from 10 a.n1 . lo 5 p,m. ex· cept on Christmas Da y and Nc1v Year 's Day. Mondays will offer pool tournarnen l$ for all OOys, with trophies to be given Dec. 29, and basketball practice at 3 p.m. for boys in the sixth grade and younger. On Tuesdays there will be a ping pong i;ingles tournament for boys 14 and younger at 1 p.m. and karate ··practice at 3 p.m. A ping pong tournament for boys 1$ and older will be held at 11 a.m. on Wed- nesdays and at 1 p.m. the club will run its year.end 11 ... ·o-man volleyball tourna- men t for all ages. On fridays there will be Bingo games at I p.m .. \vith candy bars for winners and on Saturdays. basketball practice is scheduled at 11 :30 a.m. for the fiixth grade and under team. Grants Available To Laguna Grads \Villlam Raymond Perkins. 38, or 207 Cress St. 1vas westbound on the Canyon road at 9:55 p.m. \\-'hen he ran into a car \vhich . police said , v.'as parked off the roadway near 20982 Laguna Canyon Road . Applications are available for gradu· w on1 a n 's Bod y F. '01md ates of Laguna Beach High School lo •P' ply for Thurston Scholarship grants. In / 'ar in Long Beacli Applicotions will be available through '-' Tuesday at the high school guidance of· fice. They are to be completed by Jan. 15. The i1npact fli pped in to a four·foot ditch lhe pa rked car and the Perkins LOS ANGELES (UPI) -The bad!y Vocationally oriented students are giv• rlecomposed body of a ti.'oman, which wa s en a high priority in awarding the funds . discovered in the trunk or a parked car in Second priority goes to senlors with ac· vehicle. v.•hich police said was demolish· Long Beach was identified late Sunday as ademic intent and graduates receive any ed. landed on top of iL that of a 43--year-old San Dieg~ woman. tunds remaining. 1 -.;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,..,.;.,.;-.;;.;-;...,;;;;;;;,..,..;,;;;;;iiiiil!li;;;;i;o;;;;iiii!iii~-..... ;;;;w.;;~;;;m;@liiiiiii!..-l .,#IZllW¥AU -•e:aw ,osce•«+>.1;ne; co: aaaaz :.aw;.zmaa ~w a a.. J A v.:, ~.. ' . H FOREMOST AMONGST THE PROBLEMS OF 1 ,~ CH RISTMAS SHOPPING IS GETTING WAITED ON! Not so al old J•ct Bidwell's. We have enou9h S11 ntas her• -ftO wa iting - each a timid, quiet, trained expert on what's new 1n me nswe1 r. W1 also hive what could easily be one of the finest assortments of sweaters, shirt s. neckwea r, sl11c~s, sport coats, raincoats, •ncf outerwear. THE PERFECT GIFT If the high cost of givin g has you by th e purse strings, we have a lest minute suggestion that is infellibJ._give 1 Bidwell gift certificate. It's easy to carry, it's 1lrea dy wrap ped, it costs wh1 t1v1r you're spending, yet the only saft gift for tht man wh o has nothing. Whether we set you here or no t, our warmest W'ishts for a very Merry Christmas~ Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido Telephone 673-010 Open Until 9 P.M. (Ex~ept Saturday) Mucbo parking dirocUy behind my •lol't I ·I ~ I ' I 1 I , ....... . .... --.... ·-·. ·. .. ••• Newport Barhor · E"O l•T·IO N .VO~. 62, NO. 305, 3 SECTIONS, 48 P f.GES ORANGE COUNTY, C.ALIFOR~A MONDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1969 TEN CEN15 .. Police Tell Problems With Alarms B7 JEROME F. COILINS Of lllt o.ltp Plllt Ii.ff . Newport · Beach homeowners a n d 1hopteepers in increasing numbers are lnstalftng burglary alann de vices that tell-dial ,a pre.recorded "help" message to police headquarters. Jt's •got Police Chief B. James Glavas worried. The reason is that they all use the department's published telephone number -873-2211 -and It's conceivable that they could overload the switchboard. A jarring earthquake, says Glavas. could trip the alarms all over town. "It could jam up the telephone lines and put us out of business. City councilmen share Gl avas' concern. They have instructed Ule city staff to set the matter straight by drafting an 1rdinance that would : -Compel the user of tJie alarm equip- ment lo advise police of the installation 10 they can inspect it. -Provide a non.published po 11 c e telephone number for the exclusive use of lhe alapn systems, -Levy a $12 annual charge against each alarm user for the cost of the new • police telephone line. Phoenjx, Ariz., and Oakland, Ciilif., arc among the cities that have c:~:cte<I legislation on the alarm systems. Phoenix has banned them altogether, according to Glavas. "We don't feel that's necessary," he says. "But we do need controls. 'The ordinance the city staff is working on will provide that. "Without the ordinance there is a danger that these devices, which often in- volve tape around doors and windows, will proliferate and under extreme circumstances, like an earthquake, com· pletely jam our telephone system." Glavas does not know how many homes 111d shops uae t!Jrde\ricee. "But there's probably a great number of them. Wt .-on'i know how many until we have the ~rdinanee." Councilmen have uked the atarf to give Glavas' request top priority. Annual Newport Boat Parade Shows Novelties A small cruiser pulling six dinghies with Christmas tress ind a large sailboat with a star on its masthead are among winners announced today in the annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade. 'Ille cruiser 'vith the sabots, Miniyen, was winner in the 0-to-30-foot category. It Is owned by William Royce or 22051 Surfrider, Huntington Beach. Jn the 3().to-60-foot category, Gerald Thompson's private sportfisher Pacific Clipper took the honors. Thompson lives at 2701 Shell St., Corona de\ Mar. In the 60-foot-and..over class Lonn ie Dunn's Mareva with blue lights from . ~tern to stern won the prize. The owner is from Santa Ana . A special award went lo the sail boat Valari , whose owner was not announced, for deocrations including a huge white 1lar atop a 60-foot mast. The parade, which is averaging 15 boats each evening this year, will con- tinue along the harbor's channels each night through Tuesday starting •t the Balboa Island Ferry landing. Orange Cou& Wea titer Clearing skies is the weather· man's Christmas present to the Orange Coast, with the sun break· ing through but temperatures re- main.ina in the middle sixties. INSIDE TODAY l t':1 timt for a woman to be 11amtd to the Supremt Court and womtn nu~mbera: of the Hou.1e think they ha~ ;n, th.tir mida:t 'jun tht right periona. PO{I< J3, r···-·°"' · 3 ~ I CHRliTMAS ••t.-:---- C:•Kl9tllle " ·--... C:ltedllllt VJ ' _._ " Ctmk• • ''""" ...,,., " ,,_ " --» ... .... -.. " Sid Mer1lm 1•11 ~-" ·-• ••r..,... ,. ... • -.. ••1•1191-.ilt .. w-• ··-U·lt Wfllft W•lll' " --• ~'"""' ... .111111 Llllfeft " -.. .... • .. ~·:t)t.,,• ' -... 1 ~ ' Building Their ltnage Eddy Martin of San Clemente, Karen Steph·enson (center) and Linda Fernandez admire 25-foot snowman fashioned from balloons that graces girls' residence at 4508 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. CdM Residents to Press For Changes in Freeway Newport Beach city councilmen will receive petitions tonight bearing the names of t,092 Corona de! Mar residents who want major changes in access rou tes fG the Pacific Coast Freeway east of the Upper Bay. The documents, circulated by the newly reactivated Corona del l>.1ar Civic A-%Clciation, ask that plan• turning Fifth Avenue into a four-lane feeder road be abandoned. The group also asks that the state pro-- vide an unde~ass connector which would run seaward along Buck Gully and con- nect with Pacific Coast Highway. Harbor District Teacher Aides To Get Raise Pay increases have been app roved for 65 persons employed part·tirne as teacher assistants by Newport-Mesa Unified School District trustees. The assistants to. the teachers, known as instruct.iooal aldes, are adults who do not have a teaching credential. Typically, they work three or four hours a day. They do such things as grade papers. prepare bulletin boards, set up for Jes.sons. duplicate materials, accompany the class on field trips and even play the piano, says Raymond Schnierer, director ol non-teaching personnel. Presently classroom aides are paid $2.63 per hour and clerical aides $2.36 per hour. Henceforth, the two categories will be merged and the pay will be $2.60 per hour for the firs\ year, $2.73 additional years, and $2.86 alter two years with complec.ion of a teacher aide course at Oranp C-Oo•t Colieg<. The pay revision· wlD cost the school di!Crict f7.500 the rest. of this year and fl4,000 IUb8equent yean,_Scbniertt SAid. He said 'the new pay scale ls com· parable to what otlwr adlool diitrlcts pey. Elich princlpet .,,.i· hi& leaching staff ma1tts the decision, ..thttber to hire in- structional~ a1dew and bow many. Sclmitrtr uiid. He explained that each &ehool ls aUottd a cef'Ulin number of star. flng unita accordlTI& tG ils enrollment. and hiru the Per-tonne.I ll thinks best oulls it& purpoou. Unless plans are changed, the group in· sists, about 100 houses north of Pacific Coast Highway would be dest royed by the state . Spokesmen for the group said at least 98 percent of residents contacted in the petition drive agreed with the two plans. Paul Ashenfelter. 517~~ Narcissus Ave ., the new president of the association, said that the main objection to the present plans to widen Fifth Avenue I aside from the loss of scores of homes) is that it would "seriously depreciate the value and residential quality of the area by forcing large volumes of traffic on residential streets. IJnclcr the petitioners' suggestions, Firth Avenue would be discontinued from ~fargueritc Avenue westward and All the streets crossing its path be made dead- end road\vays sto pping at the freeway . Curr(.'nt plans call for making 1he ~tree! a four-lane collector road stoppin ~ ::.t GQldcnrod Avenue A1 the west end. From there. plans say, Goldenrod would be modified to carry the traffic onto Pacific Coast Highway. The maj or porton of residential lnt.~ and homes which would be wiped out by the freeway lie in the path of the Fifth Avenue construction, not the frce"1ay itself. The Buck Gulley offramp and road was proposed, Ashenfelter said, to eliminate a soaring offr~mp near the west end or t~e community which could dest roy scenic views of resident.s. Stock lllnrkeU NE\V YORK .(AP) -Most stocks con· tinued to lose ground in moderate trading today , as declines extended their lead over advances by nea rly 400 issues. (See quot.allons, Pages 14-15). Jet Rams Hangar 60 Sailors Caught in Miramar lnfer119. SAN DIEGO (AP) -/. Navy jel -cruhed Into a hangar containing an estimated 80 sailors todlf while . com- ing in-£or a landing at, Mrramar Naval Air Station. n)e plane exploded in a·buge ball or fire. Ai base sJ)okesman· aald. several men were klUed 'and doaens lltjllttd. Witnesses said the F8 Crusader·jet was about 1,000 feet high approaching from the east, When it wcnl into a dive and hit the hangar. Viet Plane Hits School Killing 125 NHA TRANG , Vietnam (UPI) -A crippled Air Vietnam OC:6 passenger plane, m;;.king an emergency landing after an engine exploded, sloughed off a runway today and exploded into a kin· dergarlen school. South Vi etnamese milita1')' police said as many as 125 persons were fea red dead . Military police said more than 60 persons aboard the propeller-driven plane were killed, another 40 to 50 children kill- ed in the burning school and perhaps another ZS persons living in a badly-hit shantytown area. It was the "''orst accident in the history of the government-operated airlines. Last. Sept. 20, an Air Vietnam passenger plane collided with a U.S. F4 Phantom jet near Da Nang, killing 77 persons aboard the commerdal airllner. Authoritles said the rour engine plane was damaged by an explMion in Oight and was making an emergency landing at the Nha Trang Air Base on the coast 181 miles northeut or Saigon when the pilot overshot the runway. The plane was en route to Salton at the time. Military sources said the boLlies of 40 persons had been counted at the crash -si te. More bodies were still in the wreckage and the death toll mounted steadily. The names of four Americans were carried on the passenger list but it was not immediately known if they were casualties. The OCfi \Vilh 78 persons aboard suf-. fered an explosion which ripped a hole six by four feet In Its side as it flew over Cam Ranh Bay, an inlet In the South China Sea, and llped to the emergency landing at Nha Trang. Cause of the ex· plosion wa s not known . Fire Sweeps Sorority LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Fire s\.\ept lhrough lhe vacant Alpha Xi Delta sorori- ty house near UCLA Sunday night caus- ing an estimated ~.000 damage lo tile two story structure before fire units were able to extinguish the blaze. "There was Utis huge ball of fire. It was awful. People were thrown out. others ran,·: said a: base s:pokesnian. "The hangar wes' 1t1lltd. ,; . Ten · helicopt~' .• ~ injured to the Balboa Naval \'losp1tal lS miles away. The pilot of the stricken craft safely ejected, the spokesman said. He was not immediately identified. All Navy and Coast Guard helicopter:<i In the area were sent to help carry out wounded. Firemen and d l s a s t e..r- specialists combed the ruins · f0r bodiu and injured after the~latt morning a-uh. "It's· pretty 'mUch of a mess out herf. impossible .to geL·a count.yet," Wd-a spokeSl!)an more. than an hQur. aftei' tk crash, ~ 'The hangar was one or three on tHe base measurlnl at least 50 yards. ir. length. ,It Is headqu~s for a s~ oC VF121 Pacemaker planes. . -~·. U1adersea S~epage Oil Globs Wash Ashore South of Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA (AP\ -Glob. of oil from a slick fed by undersea seepage \\"ashed onto about 10 miles of scenic coastllne today. First reports listed About a hall-dozen sea bil1ls killed and more than 200 others floundering. helplessly, their leathers matted with the tar·like goo. Volunteers manned a bird-cleaning sta- tion reactivated for the first time since an underwater oil blawout last wi ntt!r in the same Santa Barbara ChaMel area spread a slick over 800 miles ot the Pacific. "This Is as bad as l've seen since the original spill," said Mies Van de Mark, a Planners Okay Newport Ceqter Hospital Piaµ A permit lo bllild a 3Gbed con· valcscent hos pital planned for Newport Center by the Irvine ComPany won ap· proval Thursday from Newport Beac h p/;inning com missioners. The hospital, to be built by Beverly Enterprises of Pasadena, wlll be an L· shaped building at the northerly corner of San Miguel Drive and the p;-oposed ex· te nsion of Avocado Avenue. A part of th e hospital will be devoted to long-term care of geriatrics patlents. The other half of the building will house the convalescent h1?5pital, 1pokesmen for !he developer told commissioners. City planni ng staff membel'J recom· mended approval of the application and said that the hospital's role would be that of caring for the aged, SGme or which y,ould have "mild11 mental problems. They ftressed that the facility would not house psychiatric patients. The hospital would be built ln the ccAler's medical block which already hn.~ H tower with medical offices and a pharmacy. ~:; or".• •••• property manager at nearby loUisir ••• Beach. .. ..... ;;>.•. Geologists say the new slick wu l#.· cd of! alter pumps at offshore ·on drilJb!g platforms were shut down from Tu~ to Satu rd ay while workmen ~;a broken pipeline. Pressure ap~:,. built up in the i;ill pools below the *· floor, they sa id, causing oil lo seep~:· sea.bottom fissures considerably £M.- than the usual 250-gallon-a-dar-P{! geologists estimate. Because Of ~~ weather there was no estimate of the# of the slick. ~::! Union Oil Co. offici1ls said Sunday~lfiit reactivation of their PllDPI SiturdaJ,:iP: parenUy relieved the prllAD'e and batterl. lhe heavy seepage • The new problems are "jllft another in-. dicat.ion that. no mailer what the oU c:om. panies say, they can't guarantee that cur· rent drilling oper1t.iolls are failsafe," aaii! Afvin . C. Weingaod, board chairman tJf Gel Od Out -COO -a group militanUJ opposed lo offshore drilling operations. Weingand sen t a telegram to President Nixon urging that "he become periOrtally involved In our problems here and that he order all drilling OJ)eT'aUoru in the Santa Barbara Channel shut down." No Trash Pickup Over Christmas ~n 't bother putting th0$e pilea ot Christmas gift wrapping.s outside for ·th, trashman to pick up on Christmas Day, because he won't. •. It 's a holiday for refuse collectors who \viii make their normal Thursday roundll on Friday, Newport Beach Genera! Services Director Jake 1w1yndersl said to. clay. If lhe load on Friday is too much. the trucks wlll be around Saturday unti: the job is done, he added. Whale of a Yule Display Santa Travels by Seahorse Again in Newport Newport Beach'~ nautical Santa Claus, sitting happily astride a blue whale assisted by eight seahorses. is riding along a boulevard divider near McFadden SQuare agajn this yea r. !l's the fat man's eigh th tinlc Around atop the sm iling whale, and the creator of the unique tableau. Al f'orgit Hard14•are, had some assislance for the first time this year. Three other nearby businesses helped set up the display Including the replace- ment of a large sea horse which disap· peared sometime this past year in the ci· ty yards where lhe components are stored. It was no plastic sea horse worth a few dollars, bu t a carved wood animal which look SGme time to replace, the sponsors said. Each six-foot-high sea hofsc Is made from balsa and plywood. fitted and shaped, then carved. Afl er that workmen applied fillers and putty~ sa nded lhe creatures and added realistic colors. Santa's whale. about 20-feet long, usually bobs up and down In Back Bny at lhe Newporl Dunes. The park donates lhe llttle leviathan each year for the 1trftt display. · Mrs. Peg Forg\t llaid weeks of planning and permit seeking preceded the assem· bly or the la rge display. - This year's expenses for the group of fjgures were sha red by the hardwaie firm, the Crab Cooker. Frank Rice Sailmakers Walter's Sign Shop an·~ Woody 's Wharf. For the few who have missed !he huge. itlitler,ing display, it sits on the gree, divider strip between Newpo1·t cur· Bal~ boulnvards. -1 ' -.· A school may sbart a mll.!ic a:peclalist with two others as 1/3 1 staffing unit Or It may convert the staffing unit.a to money for addlUonal suppUu, or hire 'the lns1n1cUonal aldes, who count 1/4, 113, or 111 h1U 1 unJt dependint up.m how many houn they work . _J._ ~ ..., ... ., '"'eT .... ~~ AGAIN THIS YULETIDE, NAUTICAL SANTA RIDl!S WHALE PULLED llY SEAHORSES DOWN llALIOA BOULl!VAllD IN NEWPORT llti'-'JI For Eighth Vair, Al Forglt'1 8oulev1rd Ctnterplec:1 Appt•r• But Thia Timt, Othe r Bua l"••••• Helped Out "' • The dt(lslon re!lt.s with each school. ~ ~ ' • . . • ' ,, ....... , ~ .... • ..... __, -~ ·-~::"'--:~~---~.~_...,, ~,~. ••·~••=,,,.·•••<~o~a--..., .. -~-~••>.-0909~•-•...,, ,.,,...,.,,.e•e""u.-..,,--.•. ~1•• z~. ---~""'.'~-----, --•=•.>•J'l",..,,,s __ ~·-·-~•09•~·-:co?. ~,~'1!•"-~. ~-~•''"''~•m-..,1 · ~ .... N Mornl-1Y. ~ 22. 1t'9 ' • At Judge's llr9lt19 Manson Delays To Reques~ ~ Lawyer Decision . Pay Boost :: ye ~~Os ANGELl::S (U Pl )-Charles llfan· ~c . .accused mastermind in the Sharon Tate murders, insisted tod;:1y that he •iahed to ·act as his 011'n attorney but ~ to postpone a final decision at H'l't°"Urging of a judge. .After a di11logue of about 20 minutes ~een the bearded , long-haired de· ~ttdant and Superior Court Judge \Vil- ntim: B. Keene. Manson agreed to confer vdj.h an attorney appointed b1 the. court "' :feltirn Wednesday to give his de- fiffiOll . ·-·Iiinda Kasabian. 20. another defenda nt Jn the case, was granted a cOnl,inuanc_e uatit .Jan. 6 to enter a plea to permit 15i:r.2:Dew atorney to fa miliarize himself \ID!h. her case. . ~lie Van Houten. 19, pleaded inno- cent to t~'o counts of murder. f\fanson a"nd Mrs·. Kasabian ·were in· flicted Dec. 8 on seven counls of murder . " lit f,oHlfon '=-"'.Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis ..,,:.:i.trived in London Sunday ~Where $he said she'll spend the ~°!fbristmas holidays. 11usband ~'!:.\Tistotle is scheduled to join ,,-,ker- W reek Sligl1tly lb j ures Woman . . ~). ·l•lewport Beach woman is oul of the hospital today after getting honked into ~~·s way Sunday at a Costa ii.tesa li:ltersection. _._Jennifer H. Rogers. 2~. of 230 Lugonia St., was treated at Hoag l\1emor1al Jlospital for a head laceration suf fered when her car was rammed broadside at Newport Boulevard anU East 17th Slrcel. l\1rs. Roger~ told police she was wait· Ing al the intersection for a traffic light to change and a motorist behind honked ~·hen the signal turned green. She proceeded ahead, only to be hil by a car driven by Dr. Henry R. Hall. 62, of J.1J Broadway. DAILY PILOT OtANGE CO-'Sf ,,Ut•.HN1NG-COMP.ANY II.ob••• N. w~•' "'""""' •r>d .. ..-.111~., J .~~ ,_ c ... 1 • ., II ••• "'""'"''•ti C.t••'" M•'"''" ,~ ..... , 1(, .... 1 T~o'"''' A, M11rp~·•• , ...... ,,"'! fd···· Jrrtmt F. Co!lo•I Nrw~o·• II••(~ ,,,, ~ ..... Nir•1p1rf hflC.k Oflic1 1)11 We1! l•lbo• l oulr vorJ M1iti•g ..,,,,,,.! ,.0 . to• I I IS, •16iJ Otttot OHie." COllt M-; 1• ¥11"1 fl••'"'"' '--.uni •11<11. m "-' ..... "'"' "4~'inl* '"''" 1111> ... (~ e )\l ...... f Ool1LV •tLOT. """' -iQ. ii c..,........,..., ~,.,,.. .. lo _. .. ,... ... 11., ••Ullf ,..,... ... ,, 9 '""'°tit HlllM ... l ....... lt!C"' H""'""' ~ tM.!t MM.I, Hlll'tlr'l•on 1eN!O .,,. ,_I~ Ytl!n ....... '"'"' ,... • ... llM. Hllllfoot Or•-,.... ~ll>~illt rc.-nr .,"" ... ., .... ., ••• " nu ¥11•11 ..... I I .. , Mt-I ltH" t•f l lil WOii .. , llrtt1. (l\!t MOit. , .. .,... .. 17141 ••1·4Jl1 Cl.-.Jfle4 A,_tl.i.. 641-1611 <.Mrritl'I• ltH, 0.lflt• (Aul Pwllll~T"t ~..,.. .... -, ... lt-1. ~1 ... 1•••• '"'· ..... ~ ,...u., ... ,,.,.,.,1 .. -11• "'""' _, 9t t•5'Ml.i<.M wl-_1 .. ! -· ~'"'-" • < ... ri.M •-r, ... _ .1.,. -~ ...... 1 .......... •1~ ••• C..•• .,, .... <;•Ill-tr .... l~MttjJ•ltoo •• t t'" .... ' 1. ti! -.. ~ .. ~ """' u. """'"'"'· l"'ihl<lff t!•d••••-•. U 1C1 -•lllV. and one count or conspiracy In the ~l<Jyings of five persons al the home of Miss Tate Aug. 9 and the killing twn «;lays later of Leno LaBianca, a wealthy grocer, and his wife. t.1iss Van Houten also was indicted on a conspiracy charge, but only two murder counts were lodged against her in connection with tile LaBianca killings. Manson and 25 or his follo~·ers were arrested in an old camp on the edge or Death Valley in October on auto theft charges. Late in November, Susan Atkins , 21 , one of six members of "the Manson Family" indicted for lhe slay· fngs, laid authorities Manson and his cult 11.•ere responsible for the killings. . .a,fiss Atkins has told a grand jury ·the full story and has entered a plea of iiinocent. She was expected to contend she acted under Manson'i; hypnotic spell. Her trial, set for Feb. 9. may br held separately from the others. Mrs. Ra1ney Still Critical .4 fter S itr g ery ~1rs, Cara Ramey or Hunllngton Beach is still listed 1n critical condition al .Orange County Medi cal Center following -a rare operation Thursday in which she .re~eivcd not only the kidneys. but the pancrea~ or a man who died the same day. r-.1rs . Ramey, 32. of 720 Williams Ave ., has been hospit~liz:ed for several months as diabetes sloY:ly destroyed her own kid· neys. The kidney transplant \ras fai rly routine, according to medical authorities, but transplant of the pancreas is a rare operation. performed only a very few times anywhere in the ~·orld , and never before In Ca lifornia. Hospit.al officials said l\1rs. Ramey was alert and responding today, though her condition remains critical. The rare operation was performed by a m~ical tearo frOm UC lrvine. They were expected to give details or the operation \O the Press today. ~1eanwh~e Cara's , husband. f.1onte Ramey. a Huntington Beac~ postal employe, can only'wait, aa he has done for the past two months . Arabs Strike From Leba11011 By United Pres~ International Arab g1uerrillas attacked a string or Israeli settlements along a 21-mile sector of the Lebanese border loday. their spokesmen in Amman announced. ll was thei r first major strike from Leban'>n . The announcement coincided \Vi!il an lsraeli communique reporting a second successive day of battling with Jordanian troops . Two Israeli warplanes raided near lhe Jordanian town of lrbid. On Israel's third front with the Arabs. the Suez: Canal. Israeli fighter-bombers \\'ent on lhe attack again this morn ing. hitting \1·hat Tei Aviv described as Egyp- tian military targets for 20 minutes. ,I Recruitet•s 1Jec1•uiting Ne\v. con1bined ar1ned forces recruiting center for Orange COast opened Friday at 542 W. 10th Sl., Costa Mesa , and recruiting NCO's for various branches of service \\'asted little time in testing their salesmanship on Conpie Pfister, 19, Miss Hun t· ington Beach. Recruiters are {from left) Staff Sgt •. . Jim Misialek (Army). CPO Billy Kahl (Navy), Gun- nery Sgt. Paul Turpin (Marines) and Staff Sgt. Tom Bowman (Air Force). The_ blonde beauty said all the boys \Vere so cute she couldn't choose be- tween them. She remains a civiJian. Balboa Realtor Leading Drive for Biafra Relief }'or years. Balboa Island realtor and former school trustee Harvey Pease ha.'1 taken the opposition stand on many local issues. But his sland this Christmas could dra\v no opposition : •·Help save Biafran children from starvation." Pease, serving as chainnan of the Orange County Biaf ra Relief Services. issued an appeal today for contribution~ fro111 the Harbor A~~ to buy life-gi\.ing agricultura l seed. food. medicine and !iurgical supnlies for 1 thf lh9~sand~ of s!ervin{f. Bi•ffans. • I ~'~ ··\Ve 1vanl to bring attention to the grave plighl Of these Christian people, 1nany of them children \:\'ho die while sir· ling in !heir school classroon1s," Pease sai d. Alan Stoneman Named to Board For To,v11 Hall A. Newport Beach business consultant and relired bleach baron has been elected to the new board of directors of To11·n llaH of California. A.Ian C Stoneman. of 611 Lido Park Drive y,·ill be installed along 11•ith h\'t othrr ·directors. the new president and two \'ice prcsirlents Jan . 6 al the Bilt- n1orc llolcl in Lns An geles. S1011t•n1<'n i~ the forn1er presitlen1 of 1hl' Pure x Corporation and ha s a busi· n~s~ cons:•\ i:lnl finn at Ne"'porl Ce.n~er. The tribal bloodbaths of the Nigerian civil war have left eight million persons dead or 1vounds and huncer since 1960. he SLrid . t..:overnor Reagan has proclaimed December as .. A r-.·lonth of Hope for the People of Biafra." Orange County Supervisors have done the same. Pease said . The month's goal for relief con· tributions is $2 million. ~unday has been proclaimed a day or prayer for the s{flrvlng in Biafra by Nr\vport Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall. Conlributions toward the cause \viii be accepted by the Biafran Relief Services Foundation. 2424 \V\lshire Bouleva rd, Los Angeles , 90057. Harbor Resident Named to Post • C. Rans Pearn1an . \\'ho has maintained 11 re sidence ;:t the Balboa Bay Club for the pnsl 12 years. has been appointed president of the California State ~'ish and Ganie Com111ission. Pearman. 11·hose Mficial residence is in San (iabriel. is an executive of Hun- tington Park Bank. He has served on the state con1mis~ion since 1967. Pe:irn111 n is an a1:id hunter and fishcnnan whose outdoor sports 1nlercsts span :.0 year.". He i' ::n aC'live n1cmber of the. Ducks t.;11!i1ni ed \\"il dl ire conscrv<llion group. lie \\•as Gov. Rcagan ·s fir~\ appointee to the co111mi~~io11 after thr govcr11o r '1 !i~u111crl officr. Schools to Seek Federal Ftmds For Metal Work Filing or an . application for $12,250 in federal fund s to purchase machinery for a metal work program al Corona del ~lar High School has been approved by New- port-1'.1esa Unified. School District trust- ee~. TI1e planned progran1 y,·ould train JO junior and senior students per year in metal shop, sheet metal and ornamenta l iron work. The U.S. funds are sough1 through the Vocational Education Act. The ·applica· lion will note that the "Occupational Out· look Handbook" of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts en1ployn1ent in the 1netal tr.ides iocrca~ing irapidlf through the 1970's. ~ • · 1'rustee Mrs. Elizabeth LiTiy asked 'Tuesday if the school district has a 1nas- ter plan for vocational tdu cation or if it is just L<1ckins on. Associate Supt. ~orman Loats said he has hope:~ the board \Viii provide funds so each student by the end of 10th grade \rill ha l'e a salab le job skill by June . 1973, DIVORC£ /JA CKER BEATS POPE PAUL ROf\1E I AP) -Loris Fortuna , the llalian SociaUst deputy y,·ho authored a bill to lcgatiie dil'orcc in Ital y. defeated Pope Paul VI today in a mai;az:ine sur1·ey for l!nliRn man of the year. A~ ln>nilu t Neil A.. A.rn1stro ng \v;1~ ch...,,~cn international man of the .vcar and 1!1'.! !.'.11e actress Sharon Tate \voman nr 1hC' yrar. The Newport·M e-s a J.'ederation t1f Teachers is going on record earl)! •~ requefiti"ng a pa.y scale for next school year ranging from t7 .500 to $15,000. The proJ)osed sa.J~y · scale is outlined In the first "Vanguard" newsle1ter of th!' 22-member local of American Federation o eacllers. Tbe newsletter carries the motto, ''Ev· ery child deserves a $15,000 ~ac:her." The present salary scale ranges from $6;800 per year for a begiMing teacher to $13,800 after 12 years experience with much additional education beyond the 1landard teaehiog credentlaJ.. The aver· age pa.v for the district's l.200 teachers Is $10,438. Because It speaks for less than twn percent of the school district's teachers, N,.l\1FT ~'ill not be i:-epresr:nted in nego- ti8tion's leading to pay scale adopllon scheduled for next June, The Newport-Mesa Education Associa- tion, with 1.014 members. will do the negotiating for all the school district'i;: teachers. It is affiliated with the Califor- nia Teachers Association (CTA). In "Vanguard," Sa l Delgado, Corona riel r-.1ar High industrial arts teacher, wri les that the present education code governing negotiations reduces teachers to "groveling beggars." The only true balance of powe r. he contends. is achie v- ed by C'ollective bargaining . N·MFT President Charles CanniU. 8n- other Corona del A1ar High indu strial arts teacher, sets forth salary philoso- phies: -Ne1vport-Mesa teachers should be lhe highest paid in the county if not the state because the peOplf in the community y,·ant quality education and should be willing to pay for it -The salary scale should ~ from $7.500 to $15.000 next · year •nd from SIO,!JOO to $20,000 .bY 1975. . -Salary scales should be adopted nn ~ three-year basis to end the annual hassle. -The concept of pegging salaries fl't comparative "benchmark'" School dis· tricts is invalid. -All teachers should be given ful; treansferable credits for teaching exper- ience elsewhere. -Extra duty should bring an hourly \\'age of at least $15. -Current tenure laws are a detriment to advancing the quality of teaching and must be changed. f\1any taxpayers n., llOI appreciate the blanket of securit;· 1enure provides. William GrimJly N e.w .Historical Society Leader ' . Devotees of Nc"'porl Beach'.'! histor~ have elected G. William Grundy to lead then1 next year. The Ne"•port Beach Historical Society members also elected a slate of other of· fi cers and directors to serve in 1970. Mrs. William Ritter will be vice presi- dent and f\<Irs. \\lilliam Bertuleit 11.'ill be secretary. Other officers include Jim Rubel, treasurer; Edwin Finster, membershi9 and t..1rs. Dorothea Sheely, publicity chairman. Honorary directors for the society are Marco Anich. Jack Bar,-:ett, ?\-1rs. Joseph Beek. Joseph Hamblet, f.1rs. Henry Humann, T. T. \Veston Jay, Daren t.1cGavren. f\1rs . Harvey Pease. Theodor• Robins. f\1rs . Shi?ely, Mason Silver Bild L. Leslie Steffensen. ~·ho is outgoini president of the group. r..·lembership to lhe society ls open to all Nc11·port residents \vho have an interesl in the co111munity"s hisfory, Gru,1dy said, Collections or histori c significance t11 Ne\.l'porl also are so liai tcd for safekccJ>' ing, he added . Both Arab and Israeli leaders we re discussing the 1\.·liddle East confli ct lociay -the Arabs al the ir sun1mit n1fc1 •1111: and thC' Israeli leAderslup a! an e1nt'ri!en- ey cabinet nice.ling. Guerrilla spokesmen said the ofie nsi\'e along ll1e Lebanese border began !\l mid· nil?hl againsl the Israeli settlements of Al i\latallah. Klar Gelwadi. Kiriat Sh1nona and Dan. ll continued past daybre:ik, . they said . •'\1 ;ixi111:7.i11g Human ;ind i\';11ural 1\esources·· is 1l1c talli scheduled by .John :'II. King, b o ;i rd chairman . of King: ' -· .., . .., .. ,... .......... -·--· .... __ ,;;;_;....;:::; .. ~_;:;,;;;:, ; .. ~.;~;::;;::;;;:;;:~.;, .... ;;; ... ~-~-;.;. ~ .. ;;;.;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;,.;;;Pl" Resources Company, for the inaugural Town flail meeting. The organization or buslness ;1r11! 11rofcssiona l men y,·as foun~cd as a foru111 for thr discussion of public quest1cns . Boy, II, 011 H Tells Police I-l e'.~ 'C 111! 1-loui · l:.1 . .\11THL'lt TI. \'l:'JSEI . 01 I~• Diii~ "•'-1 5!1U A probe inf o ch·11g 11~:c nn1ong t:ost;1 i\lcs:i ~chool children has led lo the arresl of ;an 11-ye:ir-old heroin shooter \\"ho blithely told police ht' ha~ cut dO\\"n his h&bil quite a bit and hopes to stop allogether. Jnformation i;uprlled through v1:1rious sources has resulted in the que~ tloning of a number o youngsters since lllSI week, when two fathers look their daughters out of school as a precaution. The ll·)'Car--Old boy picked up Friday was charged wilh lack of p~enlal conltOl. since. he had no drugs to substantiate. a stiffer charge, only his past histot7. · OfOce.r, Phil Donohue said the boy had a festering abscess inside the crook of ,his elbow from Injecting heroin about two wetks before and also told or repeatedly smoking marij uana . He is a studtnt al Sonora Elementary School. Police urged !ht parents to take him to a doctor for medical attenuon as a result of the abscess. ""hilt his probation officer was nolified of the admitted narcotics use. The tnvcstlgRtlon into widespread drug use also resulted in Utt arrest of a 15·year-old CO$la ii.1csa Hl&h school student Friday for possession of d•n· aerOUJ drugs . ln vc!iligator11 given his name hy lnrorrt11nt11 ()uestioned the youth •nd he "'a~ dis«>vcrtd at lht lime lo h.i.l'c a ,;111811 quanlily of b$1rbllurate pllla In his possession. f ,. I l FOR EMOST AMONGST THE PROBLEM S OF c:~.~ISTMAS SHOPPING IS GEmNG WAITED ON ! Not so •t old Jock Bidwo ll's. We have enough Sa ritts here -no wa iti n9 - eac h 1 timid, quiet, trained expert on what's new in m1nswe1r. We also have what co uld easily be one of the finest assortments of sweaters, shirts, neckw1ar, s!acks, iport coa ts, r•incoats, and outerwear. THE PERFECT GIFT If the high cost of givi ng has you b"y the purse 1tring11 we h1v1 • list minute suggestion th1t is inl•llibl~ivo • Bidwo)l gift certificate. It's oasy to c•rry, it's •lr11dy wrapped, it costs w~1tever you're •pending, ye t tho only ••'• gilt for the men who ht1 nothing. Wh1th.r we s11 you here or not, our warmest \lt'ish.s for • very M•rry Chri1tm1s! ,._,,,) . . ' l ~..t:~l Jack Bidwell J.167 Via Lido Telephone 6i3-4510 ~ Open Until 9 P.M. (Except Saturday) ~tuclio parking directly behind my slo r1 ~ I I \ JS PILOT-AOVERTSER (N) • • Monday, De<:tmber 22, 1'69 Mond•Y, ktmber 22, l9b9 DAILY PILOT 3~ OPIN CHllSTMAS EYE TILL 7 P.M. CLOSID CHllSTMAS DAY! 11.S.D.A. Cll(JICI •H'-t0HfUH LONDON BROIL lttli t t MOIREL1 YORKSHIRE SLICID BACON 1·"'-73c pk;. BONILESS HAM LmMJ• $159 WllLE OI . Ill. MiiDIUM SHRIMP $1~! TUUiY 1ROAiT uu WUTllN 79 C flOlfN HOM!YSUCIClf COOKIO IOMfUSS BONELESS STEAK TOP SIRLOIN •1 •' 21•• $298 U.S.D.A. "'· CHOKE IEEF lb. ,,,_~.$3s• .............. ---------" ~------' .. PRISH OYSTIRS ·~.':' TURKIY ROAST pkg. ~ r · PA .. alST ~ OUDIAA . . JELL·O GELATIN 1·2·3 CHERln', LIM!, OIANGf, STiA.WIElRY, IASPIERIY P•OZllll , . FLAY·R·PAC •V•""·23C pkg. BmER SWfFI CUCUMBU "'1-,,;I. LIBBY'S PICKLE SLICES 4 1:~~." $1 .PEAS lllDSEYE..:::., YEGETAl!ILES ONf l'OUND 79~ SHASTA BEVERAGES. PLAYO•S · &MIXIS NO DEl'OSIT TWIST OFF 5!~$1 btl, HEAVY DUTY MAGIC CHEF FOIL ASSORTED . ·"'l YIYA PAPER NAPKINS RIPE, PITTED GEM BLACK OLIVES · GOlDfN CREME ~ Brown 'n Serve ROLLS SOUTHERN STYLE PRINCELLA YAMS 2549c ft. ro11 . pkg. 29c •f 140 3 ,.,300 $1 cant pkg. 31 c of 12 .o .••. 39c .. , LIQUOR SPECIALS DELICATESSEN •IOllllCT .... RUM& BRANDY fORYOUR TOM & JERRY' MINOY 100%0Ullll VODKA OL' VIRGINIA FRANKS ·~,:~~.49c rooo OIANT-Cl.Alll ratNCH OMtOM, ltt!U, GAit.i( 3 .... 99 . ASSOlllD "PAl·T'' DIPS ..,; c 2 1~:·29c LAUUSCU-•'S POTATO CHIPS "~;:·· 59' ·-· tlOCCOU CllTCOl.'I ·~ t V.SAWD C•ltOll PARTY ·~ Sl'•HM:ll (MQIPID 111,..,.,,,. JV(CHIMi JQUAltf ICICUBll 13-or . 12 ..... 55c . fJfl 21c l!ill 3'4·1b.2Jc bag ..... ,_ APPLE I IA.UM& 11r1 , .. , D•111pll11t1 '""" ' Clffll llll 30.oz. 75c 98~ rooo GIANT suceo oaun WtSC°"'"'4 , .... "'" 12""' 69, AMEIKAN CHEESE •-""' •••· l!AOAUfN 3 99 S..., COCKTAIL ,:;:;, c · I . ' 11i·vil.v1tl cii1i1it cAR•o1• 2 ~!~29'., llOTHSCHILDS V.S.O.P. limlRTfD $498 NAPOLION BUNDY """ $3~ lltGAOOOH IMPOITfD ll!HDIED SCOTCH WHISKY MAllGUUITA 13J•• nGUILA ••KT WHTTf orOOlD ---COFFii-All GRINDS . MJ.B 1·1b. COl'I __ ,,,_,,.,_ .... 7)e 24. toll ................. SIAS '3•1b. COl'l .................. 2.09 . HAI KA••'TE 4 va MS flNISTQU•LITY -•LL _.. WA . NUTYARllTIES 49.:. ... $1 .50 .... $1.92 ,: . ~9Jcc!;.•Sl 47 . 2 ~. 29c MEu ... 0 swH_ ROOMS '--!-----~_,...,,\.=:=-..--===:::......~----~..,..----...., Gino's Jr. Ch-Pino in o bog, j,kg. of 6-2'h-oL ...... ~ ... 79c White King 'D', Incl. I Oc Off, 49·oL pkg .. : ....................... 59c Gino's Jr. P'f:roni or Sousoge Pino, pkg. of 6-3-0L ....... 79c ,, GOLDIN GllAIN Wllite King Woltr Softener. 57·oL pkg .......................... 6Jc Ski·-Dog ood 26 .. • con 2 fo• 35c WILD RICE MIX Crisco Oil, .ia .. z. boll~ .. c .......................................... 95c "' ' . .. ............................. .. SkipPI' Pet Stew, no. 1 con ................................... 2 for 31 c 'Woolove Powdtr. J.lb. pkg ......................................... 37c Bordi!''• Cremoro Coif• Creomtr, 4 .. z. jor .................... 29c 5'!4 .. L 5 9c Woolove liquid, 16-oz. ............................................. 47c Bordtn's Cremoro CoffN Creomer, s .. 1. jar ... : ................ 49c pkg: Von Camp's Pork & 8eons, n~ JOO con ................... 2 for37c Blue Bonnet Mo~rint. Incl 2c Off, t -lb. ..................... , .. 29c Hunt's Tomoto Po•to, 6-oz. con ............................. 2 for 35c SUNSHINi HI-HO CRACKERS 13 .. ,, 43c pkg. - 28H Barbor Blvd. at Wl.ISon St.. Harbor Shopping <:enter, <:osta Mesa . ' . ,. ' I 1 I 1 , ' I ' I I .- DAILY PILOT !Nl . , Drcembrr , l 96q ' .. . . OLD·FASH IONED -Re· member how libraries used to be-dark. musty places filled with old- fashioned books? Re· member the librarian who was always shush- ing you? Well, she bas been replaced by a com· puter. The 20th Century has caught up with the 1ibrary. It has been plug- ged in, turned on and audio .. visualized. The written \\'Ord is making room for sound and image. SOMETHING NEW -The electric library is inside the ne\v, four-story library at Orange Coast College. Jt is called the "Media Resources Center." The center cost $1.5 million. The federal gov· ernment helped finance it. In the center, the fallout from today's information explosion is being rieaUy microfilmed and video-taped for instant replay. I ------ ' The .. - - DAIL y-PILOT P~o Story !;y L .. ·Payno , I .. ' ~, . '· Ii . PLAY IT AGAIN , SAM -Did you mi ss yesterday's molecular physics liceture? Go to the electric library and replay the videotape . Or \vould yo u rather ha ve one of Caltech's Nobel Prize winners explain it to you? The world 's great teachers are no longe r confined to their own classrooms. The greatest artists, writ- ers. scient ists and philoso phers ate no\v available to any OCC student through the interna'lional exchange of tape and film. TRADITION l!NQERS -Traditionalists will be pleased to learn that OCC's new library still has a place for bQoks. The first three floors' of the four-story structure house the school's 80;000.. volume collection as well as quiet alcoves where' a student can study, far removed from the u)>. roar of modern, media .. oriented education, He ca n even read a book for fun , just like they did in· the old days before tho world and education Ii.- came 'so complicated. ·~~~~---·-·-·---------•••·-·--·=-•••--•·--,~,~·-···--·--·----··--------··~···-·-•·•-·---·--~-·~1r~--~·-·~-~·~·-·--------~·--·-r ···-·--·--- • Costj) ·Mesa Today'• ·FllUll N.Y. Stoeka , vor. ii. ,NO. 305, 3 SECTIONS. 48 PAGES , OIV-NGE COUNTY, CAl.IFO'RNIA MONDAY, DECEMB~ 22, 1969 TEN CENTS Viet Plane Hits School; 125 Killed N11A TRANG, Vietnam IUPI) - A q ippled Air Vietnam DC& passenger plane, making an emergency landing alter an engine exploded, sloughed off a ntnway today and exploded into a kin· dergarten school. South Vietnamese military police said as many as 125 pel'IOlls were feared dead. Military police said more than 60 persons aboard the propeller-driven plane \\.'ere killed, another 40 to SO children kill- ed in the burning school · and perhaps another 25 persons living in a badly-hit ahantytown area. It was Lhe worat accident in the history nf the govermnent~perated airlines. Last Sept. 20, an Air Vietnam passenger plane collided with a U.S. F4 Phantom jet near Da Nang, killing 71 persoru; aboard the C'Ommercial airliner. Authorities said the !our engine plane was damaged by an explosion in flight l,Dd was making an emergency landing at the Nha Trang Air Base .on the coast 188 miles northeast o! Saigon when the pilot overshot the runway. The. plane was en route to Saigon at the time: Military sources said the bcklies or 40 persons had been counted at the <:r~·~h site. More bodie5 · were still in lhr wreckage and lhe death toll mounted steadily. T1le names of four American.1 were carried on the passenger lhd but it wa~ hOt immediately kno\\'n if they were casualties. The DC6 v.•ith 78 persons aboard suf- fered an explo"!on which ripped a hole six by four feet in its side as it new over Cam Ranh Bay, an inlet in the South ~tna Sea, and sped to the emergency landing at Nha Trana:. Cause of. the ex· plollon was not known. Ice CI"eam Parlor Request Goes Before PlanneI"s Costa Mesa planning commissioners \\'iU meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight to con- front a full agenda . There will be no meeting Tuesday night because of the Christtnas holiday . A request to build an ice cream parlor at 1673 Irvine Ave .• Co~ta ?tfesa. which came under heavy fire from neighboring re sidents and then was postponed when pla ns .for a~ all~y dedication fell through 1s having its second public hearing. The applicant is A·M Food Services, Inc. of Garden Grove. Plans for an 1,100-Unit apartment complex at Adams A venue and P.tesa Verde Drive Easl will be unveiled lo the planning commission as lnter\and Development Corpor~tion api>lie~ for " tone exception permit to build Vista det Lago, a waterfront community .. The land for Vista del Lago is zoned medium tG high residential dnd com- mercial. The plan for the aparlment complex beside a man-made lagoon has reduced the number of apartments from Hs original 1,160 to l,100. . . Interland is also requesting pcrnusslon lo construct three story buildings adja- cent to all waterways. The 40 acres of residential land for the &elf-contained community ii owned by the Segerstrom family, who 1'1ll offer it to Interland on a· Jong·range lease basis. . The project has met with the official endorsement of the Mesa Vercfe Home- O\\'nen; Association • and the unofficial approval of the city planning staff. Mayor PI"ovides Council PI"esent Mayor Alvin L. PiriJcley reached deep Into his Christmas bag last wet"k at the conclusion of anOther In a continuing 11eries of e:1tra Costa Mesa Ci ty Council meetings. • t!e pulled Out a preeent for fellow coun· cllmen, certain members of the city !laf(, the preM and v~Ol!' and aundry dtllfils -a lrttt Moodl1 mght. No mott coutfcit meetings cntil lbe first re,UJar session tn J~nry. NEW YORK CAP) -Most •locks con· Unued lo lose ground in moderate tr•ding . tod1y. u declines extended. their lead O¥tf' adv11ncts by nearly 400 issues. (See quotalionS. Pages 14-15). • . Tax-loss selling loomed &!I lhe ma1or depressant on the mirket, according to Malysts. Investors find It mo.rt ad- vanta1eous to take their loss this year thin In 1970 when the ax reform bill Is oxptcted to be Jn efle<l r Jet, ·Rams Hangar 60 Sailors.Caught in Miramar Inferno IDAll V PJll.OT 1111! 1'1'1tt9 Building Their J1na9e Eddy Martin of San Clemente. Karen Stephenson (center) and Linda Fernandez admire ZS.foot snowman fashioned from balloons that ~races girls' residence at 4508 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Decision on Manson Bid ToActasLawyerDelayed LOS ANGELES (UPl)-Charles f\fan- son, accused mastermind in the Sharon Tate murders, insisted today that he wished to act as hi s 01vn attorney but agreed to poslpone a final decision at the urging of a judge. After a dialogue of about 20 minules between the bearded, long-haired de· fendant and Superior Court Judge Wil· liam B. Keene, Manson agreed to confer with an attorney appointed by the courl and return Wednesday to give his de- cision: Linda Kasabian, 20, another defendant in the case. wa s granteJ a continuitnce until Jan. 6 to enter a plea to permit her new atomey to familiarize himself with her case. Leslie Van Houten. l!I, pleadP.d inoo- cent to two counlS of murder. ~fanson and Mrs. Kasabian 1vere in- dicted Dec. 8 on seve n counts of murder and one counl of conspiracy in the slayings of live persons at the home of 1.liss Tate Aug. 9 and the killing two days later of Leno LaBianca. a wealthy grocer, and his wife. MiM Van Houten also was indicted on a conspiracy charge, but only two murder counts were lodged against her Fire Sweeps Sorority LOS ANGELES (UP I) -Fire !wept through the vacant AJpha Xi Delta sorori- ty house near UCLA Sunday night caus. ing an estimated $25,000 damage to the two story structure before fin: units were ;ib\e to extinguish the blaze. Two members of the sorority who were living in the hou se during the hGlidAy quarter break were oUt on errands "-'hen the blaze started. in conneclion with the LaBianca killings. Manson and 25 of his followers were arrested in an old camp on the edge of Death Valley in October on auto theft cha rges. Late in November, Susan Atkins, 21 , one of six members of "the f\fanson Family" indicted for the slay· ings, told authorities Manson and his cult were responsible for the killings. Miss Atkins has told a grand jury the fu ll story and has entered a plea of innocenl She was expected to contend she acted under Manson's hypnotic spell. Her trial, set for Feb. 9. may be held separately from the others. Apollo 12 Ct·e\\' To Go on Tour WASHI NGTON <UPI) -President Nixon has announced he will send the Apollo 12 astronauts on an around·the- world good will trip in early February. The decision was announced Sunday after members of the second moon Ian· ding team and their wives had spenl l!le night a\ the White House as overnight guests. The President also disclosed th at the lunar trio, Navy Ca pts . Charles "Pete'' Cone.ad Jr., Rkhard F. Gordon .Jr .• and Allan Bean. had agreed to be grand marshals at the tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena, on New Year's day. The projected good will tour will be the second undulaken by U.S. Astron auts after returning from a successful landing on the moon's surface. 'The Apollo II team early this year r~ived ortcn tumultuous welcomes from the cou ntries they visited. SAN DIEGO CAP) -A Navy jet crashed into a hangar ~taining an estimated 6b saUon tod,ay while com· Ing In for a landfn1 at Miran\ir Naval Air Station. The plane exploded in a huge ball of fire., , • A base spokesman 18.id several men were killed and dozens injured. Witnesses said the '8 Cruuder jet was about 1,000 feet hlgll, approaching from the east, \\'hen it went into a dive and hit the hangar. Slick Covers Coastline; Birds Killed SANTA BARBARA (AP l -Glo~ of oil rrom a slick fed by undersea seepage washed onto about 10 miles of scenic coastline today. First reports listed about a half-dozen sea birds killed and more than 200 others floundering, helplessly, their feathers matted with the tar-like goo. Volunt eers manned a bird-clea ning sta- tion reactivated for the first time since an underwater oil blowout last winter in the same Santa Barbara Channel area spread a slick over 800 miles of the Pacific. "This is as bad as l've seen Since the original spill," said Mies Van de Mark. a property manager at nearby Solimar Beach. Geologists say the new slick was touch- ed off after pumps at offshore oil dnlling platforms were shut down from Tuesday h.'1 Saturday while workmep repaired a broken pipeline. Pressure apparently built up in the oU pools below the ocean floor, they said, causing oil to seep out of sea-bottom fissures considerably faste r than the usual 250-gallon-a4ay rate geologists estimate. Because of foggy weather there was no estimate of the size of the slick . Union Oil Co. officials said Sunday that reactivation of their pumps Saturday ap- parently relieved the pressure and halted the heavy seepage. The new problems are "jusl another in· dication that, no matter what the oi l com· panies say, they can't guarantee that cur· rent drilling operations are failsafe,., said Alvin C. Weingand, board chairman of Get Oil Out -GOO -a group militantly <>pposed to offshore drilling operations. Weingand sent a telegram to President Nixon urging that "he become personally involved in our problems here and th3t he order all drilling operations in the Santa Barbara Channel shut down ." Surfers at popular Rincon Baach ;;.:>oi1t 12 miles south of here abandoned oil- covered waves. Civil Defense officials in Ventura County to the south r.!portcd brisk onshore wirids driving oil onto beaches near the Ventura River. "I first saw a couple of birds in t:-oub!e Saturday evening," said Yv<>n Chouinard. JI, a coastal property owner just north of Ventura . "They were western grebes ."Ind had been covered with oil. By Sunday, u.bout 8 a.m. when I got up, those two birds wtre dead ... " Nixon Says Friend Bought Gifts fot• Him WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on says he was unable to do any Christmas shopping thi1 year, but a friend in New York acted as his agenl in buying gifts for hi! wife and daughters. Nioxn said he gives presenls tl\at peo- ple ordinarily wouldn't boy (or themselves, but he didn 't say What his Choices were . School Aides Get ·Raises Newport-Mesa Trust,ees Okay Pay Hikes for 65 Pay increases have betn approvtd· for 65 persona.e:mplgyed part-Ume as teacher 11ssi:i;tanta by Newport.Mesa Unified School District lrustets. The assistants to Ule teachers. known as lnsltucUonal aidelll, are adults who do not have a teaching credential. TypiCl.lly, they WQr'k tine or foor houri a day. They do such things as grade papPrs, prep.are bulletln board!, set up ror le$50M, duplkate materials, aecompan)' the class on field trips and even play the piano. says Raymond Schnierer, director of non-tcachlng per.tonne1. Pmently elawoom •idea are paid • $2.13 per hour and clerical aides Q.36 per hoU~. Henceforth , the two categorle1 "'ill be merged 11nd the pay will be $2.60 pt.r hour for the fir1t year, $2.73 addlUooal years. and ti.II& aftr:r two year! with rompletlon of a teacher akte course at Orange Coast College. The pay revisk>n will cost the school dislrlcL $7 ,500 the re$\ of this yr:ar ancl 814,000 sub.sequent yr:ars, Schnltttr BAid. He said the ~ pay !Cale Js com· parable to what othtt school dlr.lrll'U pay, Each l>f'inclpal ind hi~ le11chinR 'tafr makes the decision whether to hire In· st.rucllonal aldes :ind how m a n y , 'Schnierer 1&id. He explained that eac:ti aehool ·ls alJoted a certain numbtr of staf- fing untts accordinB to It.a enrollment. and hlrff the personnel It fhinlti best 11t1il! ill pur'JIOM I· A school may share a mllllc specialist with two other1 as 1/3 a staffing unlL or It may convert thr: staffing units to money for tddlllonal suppUu, or hire the instructional aldt1, who count 114, .113. or 1/2 haU a unit dependJng upon how many hour11 they work. The decision rr:!ts with Jch school. I ''There was this huge ball of fire . It "'as awful. People were thrown put. Others ran," said a base spokesman. "The hangar was gutted." Ten helicopters flew injured to the Balboa Naval Hospital 15 miles away. The pilot of the stricken craft safely ejected, the spokesman said. J.le was not immediately identified . All Navy and Coast Guard heli copters in the area were sent to help carry out wounded. Firemen and d i saste r speciali sll coml;>ed the ruins for bodies and injured Bfter the late morning crash. "It's pretty much of a meu out here, impossible to get a coon\ yet," said a spokesman more than an hour after ~ crash. The hangar was one of three on the base measurjng at least SO yards in length. It Is headquarters for a squadron of VFtZl Pacemaker planes. Boy" II" on H Tells Police He 's 'Cut' Habit By ARTIIUR R. VINSEL 01 1M ~Hr Plttl Sttff A probe fnto drug use among Costa Mesa school children has led to the arrest of an 11-year-()ld heroin &hooter who blithely told police he ha!: cut down his habit quite a bit and hopes to stop altogether. Information supplied through various sources has resulted in the ques-- li oning of a number of youngsters since last week, when two fathers took their daughlers out of school as a precaution. The 11 -year-old boy picked up Friday "·as charged with lack 0£ parental control, since he had no drugs to substantiate a stifler charge, only his past history. Officer Phil Donohue said th e boy had a festering absces! inside the crook of his elbow from injecting heroin about two weeks before and also told of repeatedly smoking marijuana. I-le is a student at Sonora 'Elementary School. Police urged the parents to take him to a doctor for medic.al attention a! a result of the abscess, while his probation officer was notified of the admitted narcotics use. The investigation into widespread drug uae also resulted In Ule arrut nf a !ft.year-old Costa Masa Jtlgh School student Friday for posseaslon of dan- gerous drug15, Investigators given hls name by Informants questioned the youth and he was discovered al the Ume to have a 1mail quantity of barbltw-ate pills in hit poMeSSion. ' Transplant Recipien" Mrs. Ramey, Still Critical Mrs. Cara Ramey of Huntington Beach Is still listed in critical condition at Orange County Medical Center following a rare operation Thursday In which she received not <>nly the kidneys, but the Holida ys Mean Change in Trash Pickup for Mesa Trash plckup schedules In Costa Mesa wlll be shilled somewhat in the next two weeks, to accommodate residents whose garbage wouJd otherwise stand out on th• street Christmas and New Year's days. Normal pickups scheduled Dec. 25 and Jan, 1 will be made the day before Jn some spoil and the day afterward in others, acconfina; . to lhe Costa Mesa Sanitary Dislr~. C<>l~ion crews will be overburdened <>n t.hoSe special days as a result, offlcJals v1em, so there will be m return trips for addltional trash. II containers are set out too late, In the morning they won't be Picked up unUI the following week. Yi'ednesday pickup areas are College Park, Clearbrook Lane east of Fairview Road, the alley between Pepper Tree Lane and Harbor Boulevard Jn the Mesa Verde ar1ta, and the entire area east of F:i lrview Road and north of Baker Stree t. rriday pickup service will be the rC>- malnlng portion of the Mesa Verde area 110ulh of Gisler Avenue. except for the nnc slnale alleyway section serviced on '\'edncsday. SANTA ACCEPTS CALLS TONIGHT Departure time for hi& round·lhe-world Journey Dec. 24 is fast approaehlng. but Santa Claus will be home tonlaht and Tutaday night td accept telephone calls. · Good lltUe boys and ~rls who live in Costa P.1esa may telephone him al one of !l\'e numbers between 1:30 and 9 p.m .. ac:cordlng to a_ seem go-between from thr: local Jaycees'-<:hapter. The -;umbers -don't make 11 ml&takr:. now -are H~tlOO, 1103, 1105, 1106. or 1008, all with ihe same &tS p~fiJ, he e.1- plaln~. • -----;t:----.. pancreas of a man who died the aame day. Mrs .. Ramey, 3%, of 720 Wllllam.!1 Ave., has been hospitalized for several months as diabetes slowly destroyed her own kid- neys. The kidney transplant was fairly routine, according to medical authorities, but transplant of the pancreas is a rare operation, perfonned only a very fel'• times anywhere in the world. and never before in Ca1ifomia. Hospital officials said Mrs. Ramey wts alert and responding today, though her condition remains critical. -. The rare operation was performed by'" medical team from UC Irvine. They were expected to give details of the operation to the press today. Meanwhile Cara's husband. Monte Ramey, a Huntington Beach post.a£ employe, can only wait. as he ha! done for the past two months. Or up Weatller Clearing skies Is the weather· mart's Christma! present to the Orange Coast, with the•sun break· Ing ~h but temperatures re- maining in the middle sixties. INSWE TOD-' Y It't time /or a woman to bt: tl.O:fl'lfd to tht Supreme Court and wom.tn members of tht: House think Cht:~ haue in their nddn just the right per.sons. Page 13. ...... -~-.. .., I . 3 I O.ly Darr. . I CHRISTMAS ·~-----·-• -·-.. c ... i.. "' ' .. _._ " -·· • ,,,,.._ .. ,_ " ,_,. n"' _ .... "9tll:• " Ii.di M_.... , .. ,. .._ " T-• .. ~~ .. ' --" ·=-• -• . -, .. ,. W.ltt WN u -• ~ "IWll lHI '"" "-"'" " .., ....... ... IMtltl •• ' " I . ' I ....... Yale Tip• • Mesa Fire Chief ' . •. Warns of Tr agedy ' ::''~ine person~ were kill~ Thursda y in :~iw York when fire believed spark~ by faulty Christmas lil[hts S'il'epl an apart· -:ment building ind such traaedies can l11ppen hert, warns the Costa Mesa Fire ~ "iie partmenl. •.. "r.ach year, the Costa 1.-lesa rire :'.foy Avalanch e &! . 'Buries P er sonnel .; ;·· 'Of ficc in Mesa . i..'.~ A sea of doll!, toy mops. bottles of bub- ble bath, puppets, rockets and candies ..urrounded members of the city of Costa Mesa 's personnel d,epartment this m.orn· inf. 1'he personnel staff ..,,,. or k e d n1e:hodically but hastily to get all the JO)'! wrapped in brightly-color~ paper, °t.·1th a nan'e on each toy. The na mes belong to tht children and . .,randchildren of Cost a Mesa city 11mployes. who wi ll be feted t~is af· :,tel-noon al the I Ith Annual Christmas .~V.ii.rty al the Recreation Hall on the r1,£airgrounds. ·r·-More than 750 children, fron1 tots _In • tCe-ns wili sing carols. watch iktts .Prese~led by young. recreation depart· mtnt drama students and, of course, greet Santa Claus. . They wilt tit welcomed by C1~y ~ianager A. R. MacK~zie. The l)arty _ 1s paid for by conlributions o( the City employ es. Schools to Seek ~..-. :~Federal Funds >· 'For Metal Work ,-. Filing of an application for $12,150 In ~.federal funds to purchase machinery for }:;l,metal work program at Cor~~ del Mar :-Hilb School has been approved by New- ''J)Ort-Mesa Unified School District trust· .... ~".' 1bf plaru>ed program would train 30 '..: ~nlor and senior sbJdent! per year In ·,"JT'retal shop, sheet metal and orname~tal Iron wcirk. -::~.The U.S. funds are sought through the •1"'Vocational EducaUon Act. The .applica· -~'ft.on will note that tht "Occupational Oul· ·-look Handbook" of the U.S. Bureau of ::Labor StatisUcs forecasts employment 1 in the metal trades increasi ng rapidly .-lhrough the 1970'1. Trustee :P.1rs. Elizabeth Lilly asked ;; Tuesday if the scbool district has a mas- ter pl.an for vocational tducation or if it :,is just tacking on. • ..1,ssociate Supt. Norman Loats said he ~"his hopes the board y,,iJI provide rune:!~ ~··ao each student by the end or loth grade · :will have a .aahible job skill by June. 1973. ·- :DIVORCE B ACK ER -BEATS POP E PAU L ROME (APl -Loris Fortuna, the Italian Socialist· deputy who authored 11 bill to legalize divor~ in Italy, defei.1ted Pope Paul VI toda y in a magazine ~ur1·ey for Italian man of the year. Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong '''a.~ chosen international man or the yea r apd the late actress Sharon Tate woman or tht ye ar. DAILY PILOT Jt1M..f N. w,,, ,. ...... , ...-''*'"lot• J.c1' It. c.,,1 • ., \l•(I ,,.,,...,, ••I t;f •"'tl M1•ttl l T~,,.,., Kte•il Ed;,., T~ ..... , A . M,.,t k••• ,,..,.~ .... E.•···· C1tt1 M-OHi11 JJO Wot1 ,,,. S••••' ~•:i••t Aii4•t u : ,,0 . ''' ISt O, '1t16 o'"" OffM• Jrl•-t tffdi. 1211 Wttl It .... &1~1 .... ,,, i.._ 'NC;": m "'-' ·~"""''""'.., .... '°': I '"~ loot• .,..,..,,, C.l1lY "lll)T, wil" -·ell It<..,.,...., lht Nl_,,.H, ll ..,O"itll•t 'tl!t f Ul,i 14111• •• ., ... ·~··" .. ,,-.,, "' ~··-.. ,c ... Nt .... I lllCI\, (to11 llWH. H111111'1t: ... Departmtnl responds lo a number of fires involving Christmas trees and im· prGper use of decoratons," said Inspector . Jim Richey . "Trees, lights and decorations used im · proper)y -sometimes a combination of these -and children 111•hose parents are preoccupied can allow the one moment of carl'lessness needed ," m. added. Inspector Richey said there are fi ve primary rules which should be observed tn keep the Christmas seaso n merry and l'aft at the average home. 1 hey are: -Keep the Christmas tree. with its base cut on a slant lo increase absorir tion, in a cootainer filled each day with water. -Examine tree lights and wiring to be certain there are no wires or loose sockets, always turning them off before leaving home or retiring for the night. .......Carefully explain· to ch.ildrcn lha1 they must nol pla y too ne&:-1he Christmas tree to avoid accidents. --Keep lighted cigarettes. pipes, cigar~ and all other open flam es away from the tree. -Remove th~ tree immediately alter Chri stmas to lessen the danger of fire. Arabs Strike F1·om Lebanon By United Pre11 lnternatio11al Arab gUerrillas attacked a string of Israeli settlements along a 21-mile sector of the Lebanese border today, lht•ir spokesmen in Amm an announced. It 1v<ls their first major strike from Lebanon. The announcemen t coincided wi!ii an Israeli communique reporting a sec:ond successive day of battling with Jordanian troops. Two Israeli Y:arplanes raided near the Jordanian town of lrbid. On Israel's third front with the Arm.- the Suez Canal, Israeli figh ter-bombers Y:ent on the attack again this morning. hitting what TeJ Avi v described as Egyp- tian military ta rgets for 20 minutes. Both Arab and Israeli leaders were discussing the Middle East conflict tod<iy -the Arabs at their summit mf'ellng and tht lsr.aeli leadersbip al ~n emergen· cy cabin~ meetil}g. Guerrilla spokesmen said the offensi\"e along the Lebanese border bega n at mid· night against the' Israeli selllemen ts of Al Matafllti; Klar Gelwadi, K.irial Shmona ar·' r)an. Jt continued past daybreak, Ii id. Motorist Hurt In Mesa W t·eck A teenaged motorist escaped serious injury Saturday night whe n his ca r overturned a5 he was making a turn at a Costa Mesa intersection. Craig A. Leepar, 16, of 2366 Colgate Drive, was treated at the scene for a laceration on the arm, according to police Sgt. Gary Barwig. Investigators said Leeper was turnin~ nff Adams Avenue onto S Stre et. when the vehicle clipped the curb and rolled. DAILY ~ILOT S .. H ,11111 Rec1•11iters Recruiting . Nev.:. c<Hnbined ar1ned forces recruit ing center for Orange ("oast opened i"'"'riday at 542 W. 19th St., Costa fVle::;a, and recruiting NCO's for variou~ branches of service wasted littl e time in testing their salesn1anship on Co nnie Pfister, 19, Miss Hunt- ington Beach. Recruiters are (from left) Staff Sgt. .Jim Mi sialek (Army). CPO Billy Kahl (Navy). Gun- nery Sgt. Paul Turpin fl\1arines) and Staff Sg_t. Tom Bowman {Air Force}. The blonde beauty said all the boys were so cute slie couldn't choose be- 1ween them. She remains a civilian. Self-dial Burglar Alarms Alan Stoneman Named to Board Worry Newport's Police For Town Hall Ry JERO:\fE f . COLLINS Of 11\t D11ly "•kit 11111 Newport Beach homeowner!' a n d shopkeepers in increasing numbers are installing burglary alarn1 devices that self-dial a pre-recorded •·help"' message to policr headquarters. trs got Police Chief B .. Jan1rs (;l ava!'. worried. The reason is that 1hey all use the department's publlshed telephone number -673-2211 -and it 's conceivable that they could overload lhe switchboard. A jarring earthquake. says Glavas. could lrip the alarms all over !own. "It could jam up the telephorn: lines and put us out of business. City councilmen share Glavas' cnnccnt . iticy ha ve instructeQ lhe city ... slaf r to sf'l the matter straight by drafting an ~rdinance that \VOuld : -Compel the user of the alarm equip· men!, to adv ise polire of the installation so they ran inspect it. -Provide a non-pu blished p o 1 i e,. telephone number for the exclusive use ('If the alarm systems. -Levy a $12 annual cnarge against each ala nn user for the_i;;_ost of the new police telephone line. ._ Phoenix, Ariz .. and Oakland. Calif .. arr among the cities that have enacted legislation on the alarm systems. Phoenix has banned them altogether. according lo Glavas. "We don "l fee l that"s necessary,'' he says. ''Bul wt do need controls. The ordinance the cily staff is wo rking on will provide that . ,. ''\Vithout the ordinance th ere i5 a danger that these devices. which often in- volve tape around doors and "'indov•s. \\•ii! proliferate and under extreme circumstances, like an earthquake, com· pletely iam our telephone system.·· <:lavas does not know how many homes and shops use the devices. '"But there ·s probably a great numbu o! lhem. We \1•on'l kno1v bow many until we have the ordinanct'." Councilmen haVf' asked the staff lo give Cilavas' request lop prio rity. W reek Sligh ti )' Injures Woman A Newport Beach 11"oman i ~ out of th,. hospital 10'.lar afl cr getting honked into harm's 11 ay Sunday a\ a Costa r-.1csa intersc-::tion. Jrnnifcr H. Rogers. 2t of 230 Lugon 1a St.. 1rtis treated at Hoag Memori;;J Hospital for a head laceration suffered 1rhcn her err was rammed broadside at '.'\c1·:por1 Bou:cvard and l::ast li lh Street. ~Ir~. Ro~crs told police she was ":ail· Ing at lhl' inte rseclion for e traffic lighl 1n change and a motorist be-hind honked \l"hnn the signal turned green. She pro::ecded. ahead. n11ly to be hit b.v a ear driven by Dr. Henry n. ll <lll, ji2. of l:J J Broadway. 1,,. ·-~-- A Newport Beach busi ness consultant and retired bleach baron has been elected tn the new board or directors or Town lfall of California. Alan C. Stoneman , of 611 LidG Park Drive. will be installed along with fiv e other directors. !he new president and \llt'O vice presidents Jan. 6 at the Bilt· more Hotel in Los Angeles. Stoneman is the former president nf !he Purex Corporation and has a busi- ness consultant rirm at JVewport Center. ''A1aximizing Human and Natural Resources'' is the talk scheduled by John .\f. King, board cha irn1an nf King Hesources Company, for the inaugural Town Hall meeting. The organiiation nf business and profC's::.ional men was founclcd as a forun1 lor !he discussion or public questions. Vai1dals Romp Norlhside Mes a \"andals armed with a BB or pellet gun roan1ed through a section of northeast Costa J\1esa over the weekend , shooting nu1 dozens of car windows and causing hundreds of dollars in damage. :\lost of the n1alicious rnischier OC· curred in the 900 block of Valencia Oriv{', according lo police, although som e act~ wr rr reported else1,here in the same general neighborhood . The pa1 ~crn was simi lar lo a destruc· !he sµrec several weeks ago in which \ ::rdals roamed the Harbor Arca, caus· 11··~ ll'itl:?spreacl car "'indo1v destruction in holh Cosl;1 Mr<:a and Ne11'port Beach . . -·.,. -rt"~•»•.• FOREMO~T AMONGST THE PROBLEMS OJ C~RISTMAS SHOPPING IS GETIING WAITED ON! Not 10 ti old J tcl Bidwt ll '1, We hava anou9h Santi s here -no waiting - eaeh a timid, qui•t, trained expert on whot's new in mensfter. We also have what eould easily b• one of th e fin est as sortments of sw eaters, shirls, neeh--•1r1 sl ac~s. sport coats, raincoats , and outerwear. THE PERFECT GIFT If the high cost of 9ivin9 hes you b'y th• purs• strings, we hi ve t last minute sugg estion thet is infallibl~ive a Bidiwell gif t eertificete. It 's eesy to carry, it's 1lre1dy wra pped , it colits whatever you're sp1,,0in9 , yet the only saf• 9ift for the mt n who has nothing. Whether we see you here or not, our warmest wishes for a very Marry Christmas! Teaehers To Requ~st . ,, Pay Boo st The Newport-M e s 1 • FedcNU~ nt Teachus is co.in( on record earlY as requesti ng a pay felle for next school year rangin£ Crom '7,500 to f !S,000. The proposed salary scale is outlined Jn the first "Vanguard " newsleUer of the 12-member local of American Federation or Teachers. r- The newsletter carries the mott0; '·Ev· cry child deserves a $1 5.000 teacher." The present salary scale ranges from $6,800 per year for a beainning teacher to $13,800 after 12 yea.rs experience· with much additionii.I education beyond th~ standard teaching credential. The aver· age pay for the district's 1,200 teachers is $10,438. Because it speaks for less than two percent or the schOO! district'.! teachers. ~-~Fi wi U _not be represented in nego- 11alions leading to pay scale adoption scheduled for next June. The Newport-Mesa Education Associa - tion. with 1.014 members. will do the negotiating-for all the school district's teachers. It is affiliated with the Califor· nia Teachers Association (CTA). In "Vanguard," Sal Delgado, Corona del l\1ar Hig h industrial arts teacher, \'."rites that the present education cod e governing negotiations reduce s teachers to "groveling beggars.'' The only tru• balance of power , he contends, is achieY. ed by collective bargaining. N-MF'T President Charles Canniff, an- other Corona de] Mar High industrial arts teacher, sets forth salary philoso- phies : -Newport-Mesi teachers should be th• highest paid in the county if not the staW because the people in the communitJ want quality education and should ht willing to pay for it. -The salary scale should be fron l7.500 to $15.000 next year and fron: $10.000 to $20.000 by 1975. -Sala ry scales should be adopted n1 ~ three-year basis to end the annual hassle. -The concept of pegging salaries ft comparative '·benchmark" school di! tricts is invalid. -All teach ers should be· given Cul ~reansferable credits for teaching exper Jenee else111·here. -Extra duty should bring an hourlJ wagt> of at least $15. -Current tenure laws are a detrimen to advanci ng the quality of teaching an• must be changed. Many taxpayers ti• not appreciate the blanket of securit• !enure provides. ' Store tooted But Not Entered A burglar who may have know n M1 the alarm system work :?d looted a Cosll r-.1esa n1usic store of $550 in merchandiSo t1ver the \\'eekend without act ually en lering the building . Glass "'"indow louvers were remGved a Atlantic 1\1usic, +4S E. 17th St.. allowini 1he Jawbreaker to reach through and takl a tape recorder and radio. Breaking a security bar lo gain entry t.he burglar also stole a grandfather c\ocl and radio equipment worth $600 .fron Kelly Templeton's Hair Stylists in th same shopping center. W 01nan 's Body F ounc In Car in Long Beacl LOS AN GELES (U Pl l -The bad~: r\ecomposed body of a woman, which wa1 discove red in the trunk of a parked car ii l.ong Beach wa"s identified late Sunday ai that of a 43-year-old San Diego woman. •t~ll .... 11-11"' V1ll1y ..... w1111 1-•tti..oi11 U ll19 .... Ot ..... <1u1 , ... lllll""t <-'"' ... ...,,,,. 111••1 '" •• n 11 ~'' S.111111 llW~ fllt W-1 l t Kh, '""' J • ....,, I•., S"'"'-CMlt M<fi,.. ,...,.... 111 4) 641·4111 C:I~ Atf•.,t!tl#lt 642·S6l f c.,.,,.,.... 1Mt. Ott• (e"' '~""' ... ~~.,. ,.. -. tt«.n , lllwttoot..,., .,!lffltl _,.., ... "'~--,.., .... "''" ti '~" wl!Mvl 1ittt.-i.1 ..,.. ,..._ .. ctto,..lotll•-· Nell Joi11s T1•011pe ' • Jack Bidwell iottW < .... """'" .. If •! N,w,.,. Ill"" t rt (Mtt """'' (t tlt«hl!I $ ..,~,.,-II• t or•.ti r. ot -~1,.1.,. iw "'''' u.• -""'"' l!Olll••'Y •••!""•'~ .,. _.,.,....,., Flrsl man on the rnoon Neil Artnstrong reaches dov.•n to shake hands \Yilh soldiers at l...ai Khe-, SouU1 Vietnam after making a surprise e~ pearancc with the Bob J4 ope Chr1stma.! Sho\V, The Vult·troupe \\'a~ entertainin;:: at lhc ht1~c cani p ol 1he l ~t ln fa nlry Division . (Ser. ~1ory Page 5. 1 I \ ' ' 3461 \'11 Lido Telephone 613-4510 Open Until 9 P.M. (Except Saturday) 1'1 uchn JlArkini;: direcU,\' behlnd my 1lore ' ,, • ... ' ' .. ,! r ; ~ ;, -. ( " " • > 13 13 ~~ Dotea;ru · f -· ~· . ' .,~ itJis.si•• Ii. .~':" ·r Trail ,. ,. ;, ' .. Buildin Starbi .... g . >. Ori 'New C.Smpns MISSION VlEJO -ConstrucUon has begtmon Cordillera Elementary School, a $934,000 campus in Mission Viejo. Opening next fall the foor·buUdlng complex will house approximately 720 pupil! on itg ten-acre site on Cordll)era Drive in q.e Eldorado Homes section.: Architect! fer the new school are Flewelling and Moody and builders are Crosby Oonsf.rudion Co. of Coot.a Mesa. e Yule Part11 Slatetl LAKE FOREST -A Christmas party for children 6 to lJ will be staged Tues- day, Dec. 2.1. Each child must bring a SO-cent ex· change gift for a child of their own sex. A special visitor will be on hand to pass oot gifts and Ouislmas stockings and candy. The event will lake place from l to t p.m. in the Beach and Tennis Club, e To11 Sho"' Planned MISSION VIEJO -Olildren receiving new toys for Christmas are invited to Mow them off the day alter-Christmas. Bring your favorite toy to the recrea· lion center Dec. 26 at 1 p.m. .e Reserllatlons D- MISSION VIEJO -Only 100 reserva• t.ions are available f~ Mission VieJo's New Year's Eve party. Dinner will be at 8 p.m. at the Mission Viejo 1rm with dancing at the recreaUon center. Highlight or the evening win be a pinata bust. For more infonnation call the reaeation center at 837-4084. The fee for the party will be 115 per couple. :e Signs Win Oka11 MISSION VIEJO -Orange County planning commissioners voted Wed· nesday to pennit construction of an iden· lification lliign and various small dire<:· tional signs for the almost completed Burroughs Corporation plant here. In further action the commission also \loted to continue for a week the request of Alscot Development Company to con· tinne use of three billboards on the northeast slde of the San Diego Freeway ' just north of La Pai Road. e /tl"ers Ne"' Planner SAN CLEMENTE -Clifton lwfyers, 68, fonner city building Inspector, has been chosen for the city planning commission to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Howard Williams. Myers helped draft the Orange Empire };Jectrical Code. He worked for the city for 10 years and has been retired for two years. He spent 28 years in the electrical field and in fire fighting and fire preven- liont'for Indianapolis, lnd. e Crossing Gates Set SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Railroad crossing gates are being planned for the intersection of Del Obispo and the Santa Fe tracks. The city and the railroad have been told to install the safety gates by June 30, 1970 by the State Public Utilities Com· mission. The two agencies will split the $12,000 cost and · the railroad cn!WS will provide the lnstallaUon. The crossing currently ts marked with alternating red flashing lights. e l\'fltD Post Offlre LAGUNA HILl.S -A new post office slle has been purchased for Laguna Hills according to the Post Office Department. The 77 ,000 square foot site is located at the corner of Paseo de Valencia and Calle de La Magdalena . It will replace the present facility In the Laguna Hllll sho~ ping center in Leisure World. Rossmoor Corp. sold the 1ite for $50,000. e Seoul• Bal>11 Sit CAPISTRANO BEACH -Girl Seoul• of the Capistrano V1llt7 have volun· teered to come to the aid of motbm in the area by baby sitting for them while they complete their Chr1'bnu pr<para· tlon1. Scouts of Troop m will take care of chlldren from age 3 years u,p on Monday and Tuelday from 10 a.m. to S p.m. In the Palisades School auditorium, 26462 Via sacramento. • Assisted by thelr own mothers, ~ scouts will entertaln the chikirn wllh games and crafl5. Mothers tre asked to .provide their youngsters with a NCk Jm>eh. Nixon Says Friend Bought Gifts for 1-lim ~JllllG'J'()N (AP) -Prtsident Nlr- on says he was Wllble to do any Christmas shopping this year, but a friend tn N@w York actld 11 h11 agent ln buying gifts for his wlfe and daughters. Nloxn 1old he gives preJtllll that peo- ple • ordinarUy wouldn't buy f or themselves, but he didn't say what his chalets were. 4 la$.!-.. Lptguna Paytl -,f.or. :Qwn ~Flood R~~irs LHt In Ille Alice In Wonderland l11brinth ol fedortl-.,.l• dl...i.r fun<!· In(. Ltguna Beleh ~alt lhls week qreed to pay for shoring 11p their storm· damqod bcJlkbelds and polchlnJ 1truta wluie hopfua {!ft II>< besf. • The city thoUCht the disaster rating that followed Jut winter 's s t o rm damage suaranteed that federal and state funda would cover all Jhe repair tabs, about $250,000 ln pt.1blic works. Alas, reported City Mana&er J ames D. Wheaton, footsore this week from trampltng tbe federal financial thickets : "Piercing the federal veil is a task we found insurmountable." When Laguna's downtown flood control channel was badly damaged 1 a s t February, Aid Wheaton, federal officials came to. review the aituaUon. "They made all kinds. of statements that the ...rk Md to be dono U> protect the downtown.," Wheaton said. "We prwere<S'volwnel ol reports. They gave .u· kinda of assurances: 'Gee boys you've got nothing to worry about• " Mondi)', C«:embtr 22, 1969 -S DAILY I'll.OT :J POot Logbook Playii:ig Numbers Game With Police on ·PatrQl B1 BAllBARA KJIEIBICH r OI ,_. Oalff' ,lltt Sltff 1' . ' ANY VOUTRFUL Lelevl1lon watcher could ten you that a police offlcft', who barks, "Ttn-four I" in the mike of his squad car is simply telling heaa;;'. quarters, "Okay, I've got the message." 1 •• •• And yo11WUI 'fV watcher's father is equally well aware that if be trf9:' to drive blmRlf home after the office party he may well wind up u a ~ which can be pretty expensive these days. (They may lm'W~ changed the number in the state Vehicle Code, but fa :. police mun.bet talk, a drunk driver la aUU a 503). i But thla la just kindergarten stuff. ·:. FOR EXAMPLE : If Station 4;i give 45-25 a 1M9 \o°' Laguna Canyon on a po6Sible 415, and 45--25 rtporta a 41'l. a •and a 999 -you can Jay a good bet that the ~., sponae will be handled Code 3. .. Thls &Ort ol chatter fills the airwaves day and ntgtst.. u police and sheriff stalions and their mobile unlta cover~ the county crime !Ci!oe. .. -M 1n every police car and by the radio of ev~ di..,, patcher ls a card UsUng more· than 100 numbers in the Orange County CoordJ.. nated CommunlcaUons Syltem radio code. ,.,.. ~·· . .... ' ANY LAWMAN in the county could Interpret the above gibberish ai~: meaning that the Laguna Beach police station (45) is ordering car 25 to pr~. ceed to ( 111-49) Laguna Canyon to check on a possible disturbance of the pQr#· (4JS). , .... REFLECTIONS ON ORA NGE COUNTY'S ORANGES AND TAXES El Taro Planter• Mr. •nd Mrs. Ray Prothero F•I th1 Bite Thi• '11 bad bapperied at • regional level, Wheaton e:iplained. When Rep. Jamu Utt wu asked to help shepherd the city project, saJd Wheaton, he fowid "that even coqressmen have a difficult Ume in Washington. Utt got thoroughly different answers than we did." And that the squad car, on arriving at the scene, haa reported, a man with a gun (417), an officer involved in a a.booting (998) and offict.r in need of help -urgent (999). ' The response, of course, would be handled aa an emergency, wlth Vie wing Progre ss Wheaton said the city next sought and received help from civic leader, and friend of President Nixon, Victor C. Andrews, who was golng to Washington on another matter. Andrews wu briefed and attempted to track down the pi-oject In Washington but "couldn't find out what happened to the application," said Wheaton. light and siren (Code 3). -~ . · There are several reasons for all tM dooble;talk, PGJ.ice explain. FOR ONE TIUNG, hundreds of amateur radio fans tUne in on broadcast bands just for the fun ol It and UDCOded IJUlOU!lCenient of a lary al arm sounding, or a possible plane auli cou1d bring unneeded· El Toro Pioneer: 'Taxing Us Out' In the end, said the city manager, the project: WU denied. Said Wheaton, "It turned out we weren't poor enough tG rate federal funding which is not the kind or criteria I would expect lo be applied Ul disaster applications." pany to the scene and impede police work. Broadcast instructions to check out • poalble stolen vehicle It ~ specific address could, similarly, result in removal ·ot 'the vehicle before El Toro pioneer Raymond Prothero de-Voted about 11 years to the fight to bring water to hls valley. In 1962, the water arrived at last, in a 17-mile pipe running from near Irvine Lake to the El Toro reservoir. Like Porthero, the valley ranchers v.•ere exuberant. He, typically, had drilled 27 wells in a lifetime of farming in El Toro, ranging in depth from 30 feel to 1,632 feet, when things got bad. To support six acres o( citrus he had acquired , bit by bit. 3 acres on which to sink new wells. "My water farm ," he called this acreage. When the water line ca1ne lhrough. there were about 300 men, v.·omen and children living in the then El Toro School District. It was expected that the popula- tion would increase -maybe even to 10,000 eventually. lt zoomed to 40,000 in six years. Whole new communities sprang up, 1eemingly overnight Freeways gobbled up the ranchlands. Schools were built. New shopping centers S<!rved the burgeoning population. Land values, of course, skyrocketed. So did the tax bills. Prothero watched his lax on one parcel of land move sedately up from $640 in 1940 to $3.100 in 1965 -to $16 ,000 the next year -then to $22,000 -and last year to flS,000. feet dt<!p on one side and extending down to 32 feet. The soil is so good that when the county citrus yield averaged about 250 boxes an acre, be wu picking up to 1,300 boxes, and averaging a s,teady 600. "Up where they built Mission Viejo it's marginal land,'' he explains. "No much good for anything but houses. But it does seem a shame to put hOU6es on top of soil like Ulls .•• " Prothero's grandfather and great- grandfather came west from Illinois in 1856. Th eir covered wagons, pulled by teams of oxen, went first to San Bernardino County . The family moved to Orange County in 1895. Ray's father, one of 10 children, made U1e move to El Toro in 1896, raised barley until 1908 when he acquired the beginning of what was' to become the Prothero citrus grove. His mGther came~ to the valley when she was 13 years old. to cook for ·• The city eventually got some federal help ('29.000) on the nooc1 control channel that cost $106,000 and the Orange County Flood Control District paid fGl' the rest. "We call it the good ol' Flood Control District," said Wheaton today. JMeph Sweany, city public worka director, told councilman the deadline for completion of projedl tor federal fund.! is Jan. 2&. ''Tne government makes nG allowance for the fact that it was late in approving our project claims and Ultally disregards the fact that we did not receive our request for an advance of funds until October," Sweany reported. Councilmen lamented the bureaucratic red tape and approved $17,350 for bulkheads, slope planting and street patchlng in the hope that some of It will be repaid by the ~le or federal govern· menL police arrived. An additional advantage of the number code, uy police, ts the;,;;;ladnu,,; numbers are often easter to tmderltand than words. SlrnllariUes GI. tion In many words can caUH confu.!ion. 1be number code Js selected for ' imum clarity. SINCE LAW enforcement unlt.s Ustrn in on each other's chatter all tht time, the unlfarm communiciaUons code has some specific advantages. A Laguna Beach police officer overhearing a 10-3S order broadcut by the Highway Patrol will prick up his ears and listen for the location. It meuf "standby for emergency traffic"· and if near the city it could lnwlve loell units. By the same token, a J0-34 wlll assure all unit.: In the area tMt DCl1U1 traffic is being resumed . ·"' • Equally likely to get some close Ustenfn1 II 980-X. which stands for 4'car stop, expedite followup. dangerous sUJpeds," or 168 (sniper activity). ~ A 480 (felony hit and run) or a sa>A (reckless driving) could wtll Jn! volve more than one arm of the county law, the radio code aening to aJer( other units as a wanted driver moves from one area to another. ,. THE NUft.1BER CODE Is useful !or camoufiaglng certain everyday ac- tities of lawmen. If dtectlve Jone.s is Code $ he's on a stake out-but if he'a' Code 7, he's justed Iii lopped for a bite to eat. With their handy-dandy number code, deatcben: can llnd can Gil' to investigate murders (187), kldnaping (207), rob&eries (211) or rape (190. : If they run Into an injury accident (90l·T) ·otftcers on patrol CID t.n 1111 ambulance (901-N) or a doctor (114-D) and then mxl for the tow~,(•)\ there's great jewel robbery !bet will be 1111'9 lo r.-aOocS .W °"11 (notify the pres.s). ' ' And when day Is done, they will hear tblt ever-welcome JG-11 to station ). brother who wai; ranning. "She cooked Wtmly Employes and kept house and did laundry for eight men on that farm," says Ray proudly. ,-.;~ •·she didn't know what mGdern con-Seeking Gifts Z veniences were. She even had to carry Ab lo B t M • • g' ~ her own waler ror cooking and washing." a rte oa lSSl ll :~ As a boy, Ray went throu gh all nine 1'It may be people are a little too busy z grades in the one-room El Toro Gram· this year, or perhaps Jt's too early yet." ·?. Under the new system land was being taxed according to "current market value." With housing developmcr'.s clos- ing in on three sides, the Prothero citrus grove was getting tG be worth "a fair piece of change" in the tax assessor's book.I. S h I As bll f God Mrs. Anna Raad, chalnnan of the ... ~~ch ca::' a n~~t!1cal f!n":im!:k~ Later Orange County Employees Association A hunt for an abalone boat missing on AAnva8~~nun· . and Patricia Jobmon,1! 1 f he attended Santa Ana High School, com-tried to explain the Jack: of donations in a trip from Catalina Island to San DlegG , The 71-year-old pionefi, who came to El Toro when he was 2 and is a third· generation Orange County g r o w e r , ruefully accepts the march of progress. "I suppose we should have gotten out 800ner," he reflects. "But who could ha ve foreseen this? And anyway, I've been here all my life .•. but they·re taxing us out. that's for sure." There's one thing about the tax bit that does gel to him. "I've been farming in this valley for 69 years and now they try to tell me I'm not a farmer -they tell me I'm a 'land speeulator' •.. how do you like that?" \Vhatever the tax fellow says, there's little doubt thal Ray Prothero is a farmer , as are his tY.'O sons. Earl and Ra y Jr. whose citrus groves adjoin their parents' home -and as was his father, who came tG the valley in the 1890s and used to raise barley where Leisure World is, and his grandfather, who planted citrus in Santa Ana, where Ray was born. Nett to be.ing called 1 ' ' t a n d speculal<lr." it bothers him lo see the fancy housing tracts going in over "some of the best growing land in Orange Coun· ty." On the Prothero ranch holdings, ex· tending south from El Toro Road between the freeway and the railroad track, the soil ls rich alluvial fiU, eight Manslaughter Change Slated California HJghway Patrol alfid!rs Monday said they will charge a 17-year· ald girl with misdemeanor manslaughter alter her car was involved Friday night In an acdd"'t resulting In the death of a JIOSS"lll"· Dead on arrival al Chapman General Hospital was Jane Bomer, 17, ot ftl Keyatone, Anaheim. Of'Octr11 said the car in which the dead girl wa11 a passenger ne:rved Into the Side of' ·another south- bound 1uto on the Newport Frt<woy an<I overturned In the freeway divkler. Patrolmen refused to releast the name of tM driver pendln1 compleUon of th• tnvestlgaUon of the accident. muting with four friends in 8 MGdel T her group's Christmas project. with three person! aboard resumed to-John MacGillivray, foreman of ~ Ford. "Last year was the first year. We col-day, after a fruitless search off the Or· Diego abalone fishing firm. whleh Like most of the valley boys he "hired lected a whole barrel full of toys and took ange Coast Sunday. the 18-foot boat, named Guru, (" r · f · b J'k b 1 them to the children at Orange County No trace has been found of the San authorities when the vessel failed ou or various ann JO s, 1 e au ing o· b·-·• G h'cb d t d ri"v• 0·0 -·•-•uJe. ihe barley to the El Toro warehouse. One Medical Center," she said. 1ego-<UCU uru, w 1 e pa r e aoicu of the barley growers had a team of eight This year's drive to coUect new toys for Av:;.lon Harbor Saturday. MacGillivray 1aid he pvt mules pulling their barley wagon and the hospitalized children has gotten off to Coast Guard Search and Rescue of. permission to take the Guru fnim Ray remembers how he and his friends a slow start, "Maybe things will pick up ficials in Long Beach identified the ski~ to San Diego, where he planned \VOUld listen for the bells on the fancy this week. l hope we have something to per as Ben Sellers, 22, of Bakersfield, up hill car and drive back to Lona mule team and try to ra<:e them to the ,_ta_k_•_the_m_on_Cb_n_·_slm_•_•_E_v_e._"_s_h•_•d_d_e_d. __ w_ru_·i_e_o_th_e_rs_abo_a_rd_w_er_e_J_o_hn_Le_w_is_. _or __ t_o_v_is_it_h_l•_h.,_p_lla_l_ized __ bro_th_•_r. _ __,,~ warehouse. 1 He met Doris Bargsten of Orange at a picnic in Irvine Park and they were mar- ried in 1922. Before the marriage he had "a good house" built on the citrus ranch. It wa s so good the Protheros are still liv· ing happ ily in its spacious rooms, with a view of citrus trees out every window. They had three sons and a daughter. All the boys served in the Navy, but one los L his life in an accident in 1948, after compleling his service. Their daughter, now Mrs. Clifford Potter, Jives in Tustin and seven grandchildren complete the family picture. One grandsoo returned safety from service in Vietnam last week, to his grandparents' happy relief. The valley holds many memGrles for Ray and Doris, who Is now 67. She especially remembers the fun of being taken a~·tt1e girl. to watch the big event of threshing and the many happy the Community Hall, now sch ure to be demolished to make way for the new highway, as was the old country store. The HaJI was a center ol valley social life, with dances , club meetings, school exerc ises and all manner of activities. Ray has run the gamut of valley farm· Ing, from the barley, which was big from about 1880 to 1930, through apricots (the German army bought tons of dried apricots al the beginning of Work! War J), to walnuUi (he ruined a whole crop by over-irrigating) to the golden citrus that boomed In the valley In the 20s and 30s. It's been a great life. And maybe house-farming won't be so bac; e.ilher. Montgomery Prefers His Own If Marooned LONDON (AP) -Field Marshal Loni Montgomery said the book be woold prefer to have with him U marooned on a desert island is ''Tbe Klitory of Warfare .'' which he wrote hhna:lf. The ~year-old peer said he would devote his Ume to reading his own wr!Unp~ ,pondering "how we CXMJ!d srop peoplo OghllJll." • I ·•5" •t•ft· Seagram's 7 CroW'n for Christmas. • • ~,.. :. ~ .. .• • ~ .; ~~ • • • : • ' • • l I • " I • I -' • ' • ) • • • -) \ ttornoy Donald A. 'Zollnok of ~anci.sco has written to 30 and · ielevli!On· siatlons de- -. eqUal 'time lo op po •• recruiting messages. Z.ellnek the radio and television in~ w3s perSuJ:Mled to carry o~g message.s to COUl)ter ailvertislrlg and contend· serving In the Army is as s as smoking. • rs were waiting for Alex :, .7. when he opened his st.de tavern in Cleveland .,.. look $3700 In cash from tho OWner and fled. The tavern s from the iecond district 'station and Bartk:iw 0had in· to use the money for cash· ice pay checks. • Ailten Holmes, of •• .. \ Morgenthau Gives In; He'll Resign NEW YORl\ (UPI) -U.S. Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau bowed to pressure from the White Hoqse today and agreed to resign from his office ,lo make way for appointment ()f a Republican . Morgenthau, a Democrat who previous- ly bad refused to foll<lw the custom of o(. fering bis resi~ation to the new ad · ministtalion. sai~ that he woukl ste:p dawn Jan. 15. The \\'hite Hoose announced last Wednesday that President Nixon plann~ to remove ~1orgenthau from tbe nation ·.~ most important federal district and replace him with rormcr Republican State Sen. Whitiiey North Seymour Jr . Morgenthau , \\'ho had been expected ln fight hjs ooster in court, said toda y hf: had decided to resign because the \Vhite Jtoll5e ultimatum already had hampered his efrectiveness in office by discouraging prospective witnesses from comins forward with evidence needed for cases under investigatl<ln. ocne, England, it was an an eye, a tooth for a tooth ' ash for a aplash. Motorist 1, McK .. &plashed her when ~ e through a pudd.Je. Later, ·Hotmes confronted him with CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ADDED TO VIETNAM FOXHOLE BY SGTS. BUDDY BRUEK (LEFT) AND ERNESTO FLORES ''Jt illerefore is apparent that I cannot function \\'ith full effect \\'here I sen•e at the suffranoe of superiors \\'ho havt an- nounced publicly that I can continue only <ln borrowed time," he said al a new~ conference. "It is for this reason that I have decid· ed I can no Jooger remain in ofrice," he said. . . et l>f waleT and demanded II Nations Open S11nauait . ize, or you get this." Mc· · sed and got the water in e: Police refused to get into : •0 1t 1s a domestic matter," 1 esman said. Viet Sendtors, House Members An.gry at Tliieu Arabs Plan Israeli End Morgenthau, who was appointed U.S. attorney by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. has been praised for his record <lf convictions of l\lafia rigures and his l'igorous investigatiuns 111to misdoings <ln \Vall Street. Much of his success was at - tributed to his ability to attract key in· fonnants. SAIGON (UPI) -Anger at President N111Yen Van Thieu for taking part Satur· day in a "provocative plot" against thr.ee members ol lhe house spread today from the lawer body to the senate. Angry sen~\ors named a . commission to .in· vestigate the incident. A maj9rity <lf the National Asstmbly signed a re S<1lullon saying Thieu's alleged plot. not only divided the g<lvernment but hanned the c<Jmmon fighting spirit. The !ellators agreed \\'ith the resolution and ordered its cammission t.o learn the cause. RABAT , Morocco (UPI).-Arab v.·orld leaders rushed aside what they con· sidered a dlversiona,Y U.S. Middle Ea st peace plan and v.·ent ahead today with the business of mobilizing against lsrael. The summit conference of the heads <lf state from 11 Arab nations and diplomats from four others got under way one day late Sunday on an anti-American not e. !\laj. Gen. Gaafar El Nu me i r I , chairman or the Sudan's revolutionary council, told the delegates that by sup· portlng Israel the United States "Is plac- ing itself in open CC1nfrontation \\ilh the Arab nations .•. and is standing in the position of an enemy to the Arabs." Arab diplomats said the conference had ignored the latest U.S. proposal for set· tlement beh~·een Israel and Jcirdan. a plan that calls in part for the withdra\Yal Renewed Red Offensives In~· Viet-nam Expec~ed /tis day-old infant-called "Jane D '," ,toas abandontd in Paso Robles t tbeek. Countu General Hospital '1 e Tiresa Brewsttr cuddle• tile During Saturday's demonstration, 1.500 persons forced their way into the Na· tional Assembly compound. Fh•e hundred <lf these broke through the glass doors in· to the chamber where they beat on deputies desks with thei r fist, clapped and shOuted slogans. \VASHINGTON (UPI) -The Nixon ad- ministration still is hoping there yet may be serious neg<ltiations at the Paris peace talks. It is also bracing for a possible rene,val of Communist offensives in South Vietnam aft.er Jan. I. This development, in turn. ls depriving Communist guerrillas and North Viet· na111ese forces of needed supplies of rice and other items or support. ~.-the first abandoned babY han· d • btt co1tr1tt1 officials in over a . v . ~! • The principal object of the demonstra- tions were Uu-ee legislators v.·hom Thieu said he considered pro-Communists - Pham The True. Trans Ngoc Chau and Huynh Van Tu. In a Dee. 9 speech he said if the Assembly did not oust the m.?n "the people and the armed forces will cut off their he'ads." Captured documents and intervie\\'S "'ilh Communist defectors, the experts report, have revealed other difficulties. The Communists, it now appears, have been suffering continuing morale pro- blrms, Joss of leadershi p among troops, and unfruitful intelligence <lperations. • ell Arlhur Copendol•, 24, re-c<IPld an eight-monll! •uspended p 15entence in London after "King he stole $2,239 from his 191er. He worked as manager . '*1teen in a London police sta- a e Police guards at the Assembly made no attempt to stop the demonstrators. An aide to Premier Tran Thien Khtem told UPI that both 'Mtiea and Khiem were present when eight members of the Sai· goo city council who took part in the demonstration presented R p e t i t i o n demand ing ouster of the three deputies. Administ ratioo planners are 'vorking on the theory that flanoi; faced with a weakening military and political position in South Vietnam, will have to make a response. That response could be bolh In the ground war and at the conference table . Consequently it is thought here that in 19~0. \Vhcn infiltration replaces <lr augments Communist force s. Hanoi vrill seek to regain some of \Vhal it has lost. ti ~· Specifically, the ad mini st ration believes there will be increased hostilities after the first <lf the year in the Mekong Delta and in lhe highk1nds north of Saigon. • m&n appl ying for ''-ork at a gstown, Ohio. ice cream par· ·~s asked whal experience he . 'Mainly stickups," he replied. • out a gun. "Give me all r money." The clerk handed The ~1ckong Ri\'er Delta is thought to be a prime target of the Communists because il is a ma jor rice-produc ing region. Greater control in the clelta \vould provide the Com1nunists \\'ilh greater food supplies. o r ,all the money in her cash d wer and her purse, Jess than Assembly sources said the demonstra- tion was organir.ed by the progovernmcnl Greater Solidarity Force, one <lf two groups representing Roman Catholic refugees from North Vietnam. A govern· ment spokesman said today's anti.CC11n· munist demonstrations should be allowed "because that is the. will of the people Progress ln South Vietnam's pacHica· tion program, and progress in "Viot- namizing" the conflict. is cred it ed here with placing the Communists in a deteriorating position. South Vietnam is succeeding in t ;\'.· lending its control of ground and \'illagtr11, according to Vietnam experts. The highlands are expected to be a ma· jor battlefield, too. This is because the m"untainous, jungle terrain there fal'ors lhe guerrillas. Frein their point of view, the Communist forces would be in a good position in lhe highlands to inflict hea vy blo\\'S on U.S. troops. $ ., " ... now Buries New England •, . " .. ~ . ., ~~-... I Rain, Gales Felt Around Good Part of Nation ' Callto1'111tt MH£1tH CAttro11:N1A -tlfto tbll C\OUdlMH Wiii'! •Pl'l"k! .. tr nit• ,,,_11111111 t <td <Wtltl INtlt ""~tntci.1 nDl'~l'I\ ....,, ty Mo<tdfY momll\t Ind lfM!I Clff•· . 1'1lr MOlttllY '"'"'"" tltr ........ .a. .... Cooltr ,,,.,.."'''" ,tl'ld nDl'ffl· dll"'11 IMI I llltt. ""'"' MlllcleY I. W1 ..... r ma.I 11"911 Ti111d1y. OS ANOf.lES ANO VICTNITY- !l'I" ctoud'I' wl!h tO "''""' clM~• tlrflll9t <W NH"iftli!t1 MrlY Me"'-Y 111 tllf11 cl11rl111. '•Ir MoildlY lllr'e.lth TUfldf'f, liltl'I Y "-ltw MoMty 11111'!1 •• A .... .,,..,. TllHdty, t COMC'l!l'TIOM TO MIXICAJrt fl'-V1rltlll1 wlflOl I IW lJ r rneml111 11'1111 -•IJ¥ wlflll1 11 "' ,,.., a klMll• Mlwld.,-•114 , ........ •"""" WOP! drflr"" «" _,111. :;..ti'>' I" """ rntr11l11t _,.., tlttft .. r:11r ""°'*' .,,.,_ TonNJ'. St...,.11' w1'""' f.Mr' SOUTMEllM MW\'A.D.t.- c.llud!MU wtlll ... •llt- .... ft'IWlllllfll Mellllil' ffllft ftlr ~y .,,,._ 'Tu.td9,, l.Ktt ..,ittF wWI• ' '*""""· H""-,.,,.,..., IO IW ....,y ft~M • • 41. A Tuader. lllH CA.l.l,OllNIA COASTAL )NflltMIOIATl VA.l.LIYI- .... Cleudlllt'Jt Wiii'! fl'lftln • ..,...., lflf -I\' Ml!tdi'f ... ( .. ,,,.., ll'•lr Mtnd9f ...... T....,.. """' """"' .. "--~ """' . ... .....,.,. ,...,,.. nr CAUJIOltMtA MOUflf• l~iOtr•IN clelld""'-' ... flt lltfll n lft •I lfl'Nti ilio ~ W,,... t lNrl,.., _..,,. 1'111 Twedn. ~I ........ ~r. tlo!tr MOl'Ml•Y ••1ft !Mt """"*"" --.1"' -ttlb '""-· s.ut!IMJt ......,, !ft. '"""'J,.. to ll .. It tl'IOb tedlr. ''"'"" _., Wlloft fl'llt ""'"""' 11111 IOUlll terlltft 11'11"9 1fttr1'*ltl, M4tl· ty •11111'1'1' Tl/eldty, Hltfl 19MY "- Ctl•lal """""'""'-...,... """' " ...... lftltflf ,__,lllf'tt ,.,,.. ff'WI .A to '4. WllW ""1-ltv,. .r, S•n, M-. Tide• _ .. , ._._. flltll • '. ' ..•••••• •:• '""'· J,J ~ IN ...... ,_ -'·°' ll-ft'I. 0,1 TUllDA\" """' ,,;,11 . • • " '·"'· ,,t "'''" '°"" ............ , .• 1.1'1'1· '·' l«.nd fll"' ......... ,,,,, "'"'· )t hcMd lo'lll ......... J:M '·"'· f,I ,.., • ...,, • ..,_.. A uni. .,..,,,..~ ""~ ,........ 1M- ltlMJ'\.f•I''" lt'll I •I,.,.., lllMt J:OJpl"!, St>!•l ,111.,,. V.S. S11mmar11 A.-..n. wlorllff ..... lfltr , .......... -" " f1'lt ,,.,. s-""' betfl «cwr""9 fl'MI tltt MICl'#ttl "' f1'lt mid MIHl11"91 V•llrl' 11 I btlt ol IN ll'l'MW!'t ~ 1(1"9P flM lfN. 1111111 w.• Jfle rult Ill Dlllt wtlfl ,.....,. ~''°'"'' •"4 • ftw lwnMlolt llOttfl tltt 0t;lf c-tt. Al !I'll WMll'!tr ''"""' INY9d 111t9 "" l!!Ul!lf111, "''""'"' W1rrllnt1 -• ll'Otltd """"' """"'"' o.on11 to Wnt v1 .. 11111 ...,._ •-· •IMI. fNtol1M r11n '"" <1111 crt•lld h.9i1rd!N1 ll'l'Y!M COl'ldl• I .... Aflll llMYY --t llMI'-'-111 trlt Mtltfft Vlrtlllltl. I~ tltt l•r Wttl, 1 1'9rM tnl"" w• lltlllt'I,,. lllt fl«lllc Cotti 1t1tn wllfl wind •rid rt!ft, l..«•llv frlltYY r11111 Md l11lrft ,,MO No<ll\f•ft C~tlflf~ll lt Wtltt f"I W1CJl,fttl001 '"" t •I• •Ill! l'lll'rlr•~• ll'l•tt '""""'' ~•d bit/I tommo"I •'e<ot ,,.. (Olll, Albvou•"'ut Al'l<llor•s• Atl•11t1 ll•~•r1lleld 1u1..,,1rtlt lloht ·~-11..,,......1.,m1 C~lc110 Cl11Cl~11•tt 01~vtr ... M•"" Dttro!I ........ ,.. Foti WOl'Th ·~-··--· II:•"··· "" ltl v.,.. "' AnHlt\ Mi..,,1 Mht!'ltll'Orl' Ntw Or'-"!! Mtw Yei'- Otkllrld ~!•Mm• "" ...... l'•li'll s"''°"' "" 11tee1~ ·-· ~lthbur1fl '"'""' lillP!d "" ... ••• ·-Afl(tl l'fltl\IO 1111 l1~1 C!ry '" ··-''" l<rt/ICl~G St•111• ·-·~-. T''"'"'~! "'111~."''0" " " » " " " " ~ " • " » ~ " ~ " » " " " .. .. ~ " " " , .,, " " " ~ ., " " .. .. " .. " .. M " .. " • • ~ " " " " " n , . .. " ~ •• " n " " " " ,, " " .. .. .. ~-.. @ .. " .. .. .. " " ,, .. " " " " " Assuming that the South Vietnamese ahd their AllieJ stave <lff such allacks. (lfficlals here beJie,·e. the Communists me y become more \\'illing to negotiate in Paris. German, Polisl1 " Relatio1is Due? -'' BONN IU Pl l -Foreign ~finistcr .is \\"alter Scheel said today \\'est Germany ·0' has the best oppcrtunily since the y,'ar to .0, in1pro ve ll s rel ations with the Communist 11 rei;iin1es of Eastern Europe. lie n1ade lhe statement as Polish Prl'mier Jozef Cyrank it\\'icz announced in 'Varsaw hi:it govemment was prepared to open political talks \\'ith \Vest ·" G'l'TTlany. .ct Chanttllor \\"Illy Brandt already he~ brgun talks wilh Moscow, and East " Gennanv has nibbled at bis proposal for neRotlation~ aimed at r est or in g .n diplomntlc relations frozen sini:e the war. ·" Donn also signed a fi ''e·year trade agree· ·" I m<'nl with Roman a. "In our Eastern policy as al.so in ()Uf .oi (\Vest\ European polio)' \\'e are in the ,. prtJCess of bringing moveinent to lhe .•J hardened fro nts," Schtel said . • •01 A si milar statement came from State ·" I Sttretary Conrad Ah crs. p r e s s ·6' snn kes man for Brandl. who lold a news .n l"v .111 eonrerence the gove rnment "can stt 3 '' ccrll\in 010\'tmenl in Us ttistern rclri -·" r h .lt 1 1011~. althou~h Jt is well B\\':trc o t e .10 nsk!.o lnvOl\'W:." ()f Israeli troops from frre Jordanian ter· ritory they captured In the 1967 war. The semiofficial Cairo newspaper Al Ahran1 reflected the summit's thinking on this plan in a report accusing \Vashinglon of pr<lposing it in an atten1pt to divert the meeting's attention from the bu~incss at hand -forging a common front against lsn:rel. President Gan1al Abdel Nasser <lr Egypt. in an hour-long speech. implored Lhe delegates to set aside intra.Arab con- llicls and get do\\·n to discussion on ttieir readiness for what he considers Mother unavoidable \\'ar with Israel. Almost automatic.oily, the kings. princes. presidents and delegation heads approved a three·point plan for marshal- ing all their resources against Israel, for increasing support to the Arab guerrilla n1o_vement and for sending inore aid to Arabs In lsracli·occupled lands. "With more sacrifices and with the marshaling of our resources -end !he Arab world abounds in them -v;e sh11ll attain our objeclive no matter ho1v Jong the road." King llassan <lf Morocco told Lhe conference. Yassir Arafat. the Arab guerrilla leader. \\'as emon.11: the de I e g at f': s gathered around the horses~shaped table at the Hilton hotel for the Arab \\'Orld's first summit since just after the 1967 litiddle East \\'ar. A communique issued after se,·en hours or mostly closed meetings Sunday said the summit also had heard reports on the military situations along both the Sue;i; Canal front and the Jordanian front with Israel. Because he left office in 1962 lo nin unsuccessfully for governor against Nelson A. Rockefeller, f\.1orgenthau's cur· rent four-year term was not due to expire until June 11, 1971 . Nixon to Outline U.S. Space Goals \VASHlNGTON (AP) -President Nix- on plans to address the nation Tuesda}• \\'ith a message outlining American space goals in the decade ahead. The President has oot indicated what the message may contain. although a special panel headed by Vice President Spi ro T. Agnew has recomm ended three alternatives -including l\\'O that wooJd put Americans orr Mars in the J980's. The presidential declaration will be !he firm. since John F. Kennedy said in the early 1960s the nation should put a n'!an on the moon by 1970. The three recommendations came from a four-man White House task force which reported to the President last September. The most expensive of the three \.\'Ould aim for a l\lars landing by 1982 at an an- nual cost of betv.·een $8 billion and $10 billion . A second recommends a lo\\•er funding level, betiYetn $4 billion and $5.7 billion and a 1986 ~1ars landing. The th ird \vould not set a date f<lf a l\1ars landing. All three aJtematlves envision develop- ment of a manned <lrbiting space station and a reusable earth-lll-Orbit 11pacc shuttle vehicle . Bernadette Jailed Firebrand Gets 6 Months Over Riots LONDONDERRY, Northern Ireland (AP) -Bernadette Dc\'lin. firebrand Roman Catholic civil rights leader and the youngest member of the Brillsh Parliarnent, "'as sentenced today to six months in jail on charges ()f inciting pee... pie to riotous behavior. ~tiss nc,,lin. 22. \\'as corn•icted on three counts on incitement to riolOus behavior and one of beha\·ing riotiously during the \•iolent clashes bet\\·ctn Roman Catholics and Protestants in the Catholic Bogside area or L<lndonderry last August. Nine other charges against her v.·ere dismissed. She was released on bail of $600 pen· ding appeal. ~tiss Dc,·lin rlcnicd :it a five-da y court l1caring that she had inc ittd riolous bcha\'iOr. f\len1bcrs of the British Parliament are protec ted by parlian1cnt.::ry privilege againsl libel suits stemming from what they say in the llousc of C<lmmons. Bui they arc subject to criminal proceedings arising from thei r actions, as any ()!her member (I( the public , outside the parliamentary premises. Prosecu!.Or Brian Hutton charged that ~tiss Oe\•lin addressed crowds during I.he Bogsldo disturbance.'i, urging them to commlt ri otous or di~<lrd('rly bdlavlor , thrc\\' rocks and enc<:ruraged other rioters lo allack th(' pcllcc. ~liss Devlin has been 1unong the most oulspokcn crlllcs of the B-Special police • th(! Protestant·based p3ramtlitary forte that ~lorrned the Bogside during the August ri oting, 3nd has since been dls11rmed . lier lawytr, Sir Dingle Foot. a leading British aUorney nnd brother of Britain's :imb35.sador tG the Unltl!d Nations. IAlrd Cnrnrlon. !lun1rned up his rlefense by el!'hnlnj: ~11~~ De\·lin had combined the roles f' ·Joan of Art and Florence GETS SIX MONTHS MP 8ern1dtttt Dtvlln Nlghtingale during the disturbances. "If a citizen believes that tile ~lice ar1 guJHy or unlawful canduct the clllten k entitled to take! steps for his own defe~ and tor the defense of others involved, he said, ~laxleoated t.liss Devlin smiled as ~ht left the court. Her 1upporters 1t1ng cl"I rlghta songs and cheered as she , camt down the 3teps tn '<I \\"ailing car. TbeJ booed and jeered police. .-1\Uss Ot\'Iln had no comment. ----- QUEENIE By Phil lntorlandi ~ . _/ j ', u :·f·~Z-1.Z ••Hold it-no kissing and hugging until we're it's a genuine breakthrough , •• • &Ure Arnistrong Appea,.s 111 Hope's Yule Shoiv LAI KHE. Vietnam (UPI) - Bob Hope launched his sixt h Christmas lour or Vietnam to- day wit h a two-hour show berore 13,000 sun-baked Gls al this base camp of the !st Tniantry Di vision. Astronaut Neil Armstrong put in a surprise appearance. The 66-ye ar-old Hope flew in rrom Thailand to this dusty base 28 miles north of Saigon t1·it h an 83-mcmber troupe "'hich included si nger-actress Connie Stevens. the 12-girl dance group · 'Th c Gold- diggcrs." and other television personalities. "This is really a mixed au- dience." said Hope. tvea ring a Isl Infantry Division fatigue jacket and swinging the ever· present golf club, "\\'c had lo give the Viel Cong half the tickets.'' Sitting near th!' slagc 1\•cre n1c1nbers or a "Big Reel One" platoon who Sunday night discovered six rockets in nea rby jungles aimed at Lai Khc. The Gl's were brought into the camp from sur· rounding artillery bases and other posts in the region. reminded him of "Timothy Leary running for a bus. You were really floating." Armstrong said his mosl anxious moment on Lhe Apollo 11 flight "was when the door lo the v.•ashroom jammed ." As frequent as the bursts of appla use during the show 1\'ere the flashing (If "V" peace signs by the Gls in the crowd, some of whom had v.·ailcd since Sunday night to catch the show. As usual, Hope was ac- companied by the Les Brown Orchestra. Others in the troupe included dancer Suzan- ne Ch a r n e y. "Laugh-In 's'' Teresa Graves and the current l\1iss \Yorld, 20-year-old E't'a Reuber-Slaier of Austria. As in previous tours, Gis held aloft p I a c a rd s pro· cl aiming the merits or their unit or hometov:ns. Most con- spicuous titonday was a large banner which read , "Company D. 107th, Welc(lmes Bing Crosby." WASHINGTON (UP11 President Nixon has lndlcaltd he is angry at Congress for trying to scrap his program ror bringing more Negroes in· to the building trades wiions and may fOfct t h e lawmakers to drop their plans for an extended Christmas holiday because of it. Nixon revealed his feelings to reporters at the \Vhite Hoose Sunday as Congress returned to handle busines.5 it hoped lo fmlsh by Tuesday, in· cludlna: -The biggest revision In the income tax since it was created 56 years ago. The House was expecttd to pass the final tax reform package today and Senate approval ap- Soviets Note Good, Bad Abo.ut Stalin l\fOSCOW (UPl)-The faults and merits (If Josef V. Stalin received special oot ice Sunday (or the first time in a decade. 1t y,·ould have been his 90th birthday. Pra.,.da praised Stalin for his organizali(lnal talents a n d \Vorld War 11 leadership but accused him of g r a v e mistakes that led to massive purges and innocent blood· shed. He died in 1953. Similar commentary o n Stalin appeared in nev.•spaper ed itorials 10 years ago on the 80th anni versarv or the die· tator's birth. His birthdays \\'Cre ignored by the press dur- ing the interim. Soviet police Sunday ar- rested poet Anatoly Yakobson. who participated in a "sile nt "igil" in Red Square to protest any possible revil'al of the Stalinist terror reign. Yakobson. one of 20 in- tellectual dissidents who took part in the vigil. \Vas bundled into a police car "'hen he beca1ne in l'olved in an argu- 1n c n t with anoth e r demonstrator who sought lo display a ph otograph of t.he dictat(lr. lfoJX? and Armstrong, the first man on the moon, traded quips and !he astronaut later answered questions from the <1urlience. The comedian said Armstrong's walk on the moon Bandits F1•eed But Brink's Loot Missing Rich Texan Flying Gifts ToPOWs I BOSTON IUP!l -1'hree kept silent I convicted Brink's bandits, Jn Dedham , J\1ichael v. looking older but happy, walk· "ViMie'' Geagan, 61, of cd to freedom and a Christmas at home today after J\1ilton. exchanged a simple, 13 years and 11 mont.hs behind "Goodbye," with his jailers. bars. His t>1·0 brothers took him Adolph "Jazz" J\Iaffic, 59, of h(lmC for Christmas. Q u inc y, and J am es f. J\1affie and Faherty v.•ore '·Jimma" Flaherty, 58, of blac:k overcoats and light LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Boston. were freed from the gray hats with red feathers. Texas billionaire left b y Deer Island Jail at 8:40 a.m. They carried small cardboard cha rtered jet today on the se-and left in a black Cadillac boxes containing l heir cond leg of a trip he hopes will driven by J\faffie 's attorney. personal beJ(lngings. end with the delivery of "I'm going lo s pc n d \\fhen newsmen asked aboul 180.000 pounds of Christmas Christ mas with my wife and the still unrecovered money presents lo 1.400 Americans family," 1'-1affie said as he taken in the Brink's robbery, peared certain. \\rhether Nixon woold veto the p:i.ckage - which Includes a I~ percent Social Sea.irity benefit in· crease -'vas not known. One a dm in is tra ti on official p r e d i c t e d presidential ap- proval. • -A $19.7 bill ion measure • CO't'ering federal spending. fOf' schools. hospitals and the poor. House Democrats plan- ned to try to push for passage of the bill today, Senate Democrats "'ere undecided . Nixon said la st week he v.·oold .,.eto the bill because it is in· rlationary. About half a billion dollars was cut from the measure but Senate GOP leader Hugh Scott said Nixon still objects to it . Jt appeared 1he measure might be left un· tit January. -A $1.86 billion foreign and money bill. The Senate Satur- day refused to accept it because the House added $54 .5 million to buy a squadron o.f jet fighters f(lf Nationalist China. House leaders were trying to salvage the measure. IL appeared this maUer, too, coold be left hanging until January. The general timetable was ain1ed at winding up the first session of the 9lsl Congress sometime Tuesday: bul Nix· on's oomments on the future (If his "Philadelphia Plan" raised the possibility of a session beginning the day after Christmas. The plan -by which the government r e q u i r e d con- tractors to hire a certain num· ber of minority workers on g over n men t ·contracted building projects -would be killed under an amendment approved by the Senate. The amendment is a rider to a supplemental appropriations bill which also keeps parts of the government in business even though their regular mooey bills have not been ap. proved. House-Senate conferees ap- proved the rider and it only remains for the House to \'Ole on it today. Nixon said the Senate's ac - tion was "dirty pool ." He ad· ded that his plans to go to California I.he day a f t e r Christmas are now up in the air and he will "take a look" at what Congress has done. 3 DAYS TO THINK hen! by North \'ietnam. 1valked briskly in a cold rain ti1affie's attorney said, "No ,,....,_ lfll> Wnkllff 1'111• II . . . '+4-11.. t.42-1444 "A ov.·1ng pnvatc American . ~l;•=::;th;•~·~·a;il;in~g~c;•~'~· ~F~a;he:;n~y=;'•;m;;m;•;•;t.~··======~~;;;;;;;;;;:(I ritizens I<> br ing Christmas!,: directly to these men v.•ould be a major step toward im·' proving relations bet"·ee11 our people," H. Ross Perot sa id before the plane -v.rith '·Peace on Earth" painted on il -left Dallas Sunday. :-Olost of the cargo -bed· ding. clothes. canned food , mt>dicine and p e r s ona I pac kages r r 0 m prisoners' I faini lies -"''as loaded aboard I the Boeing 707 durig a stop In Los Angeles before it took of!1 for 1-lonolulu. I A second plane, named j "Goodwill Toward Men .''( y,•ait'2d in Dallas for word to l proceed. . toSy•care active WH r for mlft ucl boys A Deli9ht FOR DING HI ES, SAILB OATS and FISHE RM EN "" perfe ct motc h: o chilly colifornio winter evening ond on okom !of solem. virqinioJ sweats~irt . machi ne wa sh and dr y. no shrink . "'" ONLY I' Lii. • "" ONLY )I Lii. AMl-ICAN MADI COMMANDO MOTORS # SDO-S H.P.-Sl 94.SO #1Sf-.7Vr H.P.-S241.Si Sltort 6 Lot1t Sh•ft Modth Boat Island, Inc. 100 W. Co•t Hwy .. N,t. le!tt. (71~1 642-6630 1' 1•1111011 1il1114, 111wpo•t M1cll + l4•·i070 h111~1 ... 1rie1•il * "'11+1• 4:11t•tt HURRY! ONLY 4 MORE DAYS TO OIRISTMAS Wash or Toss Plastic Tableware ~1 48' $5. 95 Chatham Polyester Blankets Sort. w11rn1 Jc 'wuhable poly•ol<' with ' ' $474 nylon binding. Colnr1. 72xto'' 2-Album Record Stereo Sets 2 12'' L.P. 111lbum11 In g ifL bo>. >f•Jo. I•· $249 bel~, U>p 11rtl~L!. Cannon 4-Piece , Gift TOW91 "Set ~' r..i-....... ".l~.~~$198 $4. 98 G·E Electric Almm Clack 'Ol••lte.• tlana !m $397 IU'lllqtte wtlitt1 •ltll ,.,..h .iouu. · Gitt boxed. $1.98 Pack af 4 Thermo MlllJS Ktep• >iot dri.1111 99c hol ••• ,.n!d drlilk.I r.t1ld. ?illft·~•1. 4-9-Cup Werl llend Pen:olatar llako deltel0\11 tof· tee .,.ry l1me. s5aa Shut• otr aoloaia-tica"ly. Xflfl119 cot· fee 11ot'. $12.95 Twin Size Electric Blanket "" '"'.~ """ S874 11ylol!, ~ r.<>ttall co~er. Jll'loll blrld· tnr .. " orolo.,.. $13.88 Calendar Spart Watch W•lo:Tvroor, d lt iDtt $699 1 lmer, tumln<Ollll dial. eJ1111~ed time be~! o1;1lender. Solid State Panasonic Rodia Jwnl.1101.1~ d I a I . · C0111,..:t '.0171" b[Jh. $23 .98 G·E Steam Ir Dry Iron Ste&ll'I ud Dry tron •t '811.le yoUIMlf •.. tor ••"•"· ···$1·'197 ~~· :f'lOI· Women's Acrylic C J' e a t ttee"PlJoo. tollt! 2 • tODll d&-$f48 • t I' JI • "f'IQOMlllWJ WTll\. .trap. ~o. wn. Knit Caverups :W•Y 1 l y l •t l0 $198 ehooll• 1rom ln I•· alrion cnlor... Whitman Sampler Pound Chocolar.s Hoffman's Orchid P111111d Chac:olates ,,_.. -_..,,, $175 •-e•l ... !or h.oma nr 11Hte1111. S694 Men's H1J1dsome &nd com· fortable IA tulllon ea,. l&t.tM Fall lb&dti1. Olv• him a ...i.r glfl thl• Chrl- Fluorescent Desk Lamps $)99 Handsome contem· porary atyltng. Beautiful delux• baked enamel tin· ish goes with any: decor. Great gift• SHOP and SAVE at $11.88 Set of 2 . THRIFTY $4.98 Value! Twister Gan. ~ .".!'.':::;::: $490 fUJI. 1or adaJU. --• • $5. 98 TetherbaH and Pale Set Walkie Talkies :;: . ' l·transialcr W!.\.h 36 .. ~: tenna. Battery $f 88 operated. Range to~ mile! ; $7.98 Hat Double Dare Olficlal 111 Ile and $444 wtl•lll. ball com• pJcta with To p 111 . pound alMt& fcor at•bllltJ'. lfattel'• 'l8' 'hot -'4' •trip tract. Jotnerl', s466· 1 clamp•. Challe11J11 ' t w l n MO d..,... ·' Joos-. ! ., OlrO Hair Setter !~:!n-:l: ~= s 13aa curJ.11. 14 J"oUer• $1.75 Value l ·Pc. Gi~ Sets -'Prll f3bowtl'I!, 'Pu. •i•n Ltlar. Mur\lel. 94*' Cologne. Bubble '-Bae.II and Body Lo· lion. $14.95 Value Slmnber logs Plump QtJlltfd Oil f 99 both ido!Jea with bll· 9 lo1JY pol)'· eat~r. Prlnta re· :r ~~r.te to:o aol d•. $2. 98 oa. Women'i ·; Polyester Shells ;., ........... 2 ss Rib Dlt .wek tul"lleneck. Col-i ir ora. B-X-X,.XL. .Sh rt Ir ie loied Gift Sets , . Dre11 1hlrt,. -plo.t· " .. ,., ........... $3-lrlm. •ld11 apr!aA 77 o1;oll1r 111nd w I d • m!'>teblng tie. ~· ,, -' .. $3 Currier Ir Ives M111's Calacple -· ......... $128 ing tragance. Polaroid Cameras '. Land Color Pack I&; ;: ·4-• ~!:fnu°~..!:. $2487 ... •hft11 ill qc. o 11 4 a • Dectnc ere. $3.69 f?ynac . $2.49 Pack of 3 Futura Golf Balls J"&Ulll~M IOlid l• $188 pc. 1phett$ 111 Ille• time 1upply. Vlrtu• ally Jndetlruotibte. Super B Mavle RhjlJ Includes $299 Procnslng . $13.65 Playmare Deluxe Gaff Cents AllttXD&tk: foldlnc 99 cart, m eted tubu· $f 11 r c:on.tfveUOll. 8t&lld1 and r o I I 1 when fol69d. M0 J a.il~s , ... c ....... ·45-Pc. Melamin' ' "nnerware Sets $17.aa v.1.,.1 $894 Complete aervlc. tor e I J h l , . , 1nclU4Stf pl&ttl!I, ulad plate•. cupa. •ucens. Cft!UI· er. wpr . .wp or ce- re..t boWls. '' ' • . r I 1' • • -. -__ ._. ...... -,, ........ .., • .;-:.'»'""' -·,.... -. -r. • -'-'"'" •• --• ! ~ :ra DMLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE ' • Protect Public Access Orange County supervisors have undergone a noticeable -and notable -metamorphosis in lhe last .... months. The attitude toward beaches and parks used to be, in effect. "We have so litUe money, what can we buy wittl tt?" Now it's more like. "\Ve need that beach or that . park area in the public interest. What will it cost and" how can we raise the money to buy it?" Prov1ding and protecting public access lo beaches has always been a government responsibility but <the urgency of the· situatlon ~"only recently has become a matter o! widespread' public concern. The Sall Creek-Roa!l ~01)1 Ol\l}lributed to ,lhe dramat.i.ziJJg of the, need, The s4ij)efvi:sors routinely abandoned the road io the 1£aguna~Niguel Corp., owner of Ille land In the 1irea, in 'lo!arcb,, ~968, without a pub-' lie hearing. ' • 'Neither misfeasance :tor malfeasaDce was inv01 v~ ed in the supervis~!~actfont It wa.s ·a ~se of unawar&.co ness 'of lhe potential of that road -for beach access al that time. · -Public outcry followipg the action bOlped :\o drive home to the supervisors just how precious to tbe"public i~ Onu:tge County's 42 miles of C98Stline. But this was not the Qnly factor, nor perhaps even the most important one. There has been an almost sudden swell ~nd surge of public opinion demanding reversal of the trend toward destruction of California's and the nation's natural environment. -Budgeted $1 mllllon a year for beach acqulslUon and development. -Coodemned land for public parking at Sun .. t B<ach. -Pursued various ideas on bow best to acquire at least some public access to the beach at Salt Creek- and possibly ownership of lhe entire l'h miles of beach there. :-Ordered development of a master plan covering shoreline recreational needs and a priority program for purchases. Under the state constitt,rtion, the public has the right of access to public tidelands. It's unfortunate tha.t 1Jle state failed Jong 1;go, when il could have done so to ~block priv3je owners!liR of ~tanfr09t land. NOw, liv· _fag wBh tlils efl'O'", we';l!lu•t .zealousJy guaid the right Qf-acc;ess to the tidelapdS' even if there is. private de- ·v'il!opolent f.lght -on the 'beach. . ' • (!'his f1 lhe way It is in Hawaii and .-Oregon, for example. Hotels and lhomes are rig lit oq. the tieacb but the public. sl\11 ha_s ready' enb-y to theentire coes1ai tidelands. Jt 1sn t this way everywhere in California but it should be: ' The problem is to provide beach access which does nol inv~lve trespassing on private property. This m~ans s.pendmg a w·h~Ie lot i:>! tbe ·public's inbney. Bttt Jt is a wise and essential investment. , . • .The A.if Cal-PSA Merger • --. ~ .. • 1 I Voices of conservationists .• Jong literally crying unh·eant in the wilderness, have recently been joined by a much wider segment of the public. Pollution of air, water, beaches, forests and \Vildlife has reached the point where the public at large has had enough . Jt's sale to say that a reversal of the trend will be a major political issue for the next decade and long er. . Orange County's homegrown airline, Air Cali· !orrua, has had a local r09ting squad during its struggl· ing ea.rly years. Now, with continuing financiaJ prof>.. le.~, its stockholders have tµmed to Pacific Southwest Airlines for help . 'The J usti.ce Department claim6 tlrere are some crooks in tJre Internal • i I ' ' ' lt's encouraging here in Orange County that the impact of. public opinion has awakened county govern- ment with the result that supervisors have recently : If PSA succeed s in gettiilg approvals for 1he pur· cha~e ,of Air Cal, i.t would do·well to preserve Air Cali· ~onua s hard-won image of hometown consideration for its customers. Revenne Service. I've been. saying th:at for 30 years! t • ~ The Logic --of Republicans Ha11e High Hopes for '70 Gof.dfJerg's Liberal Credentials Questioned • • • • • • I Insane People ILike all columnists, 1 get qu1t.e a few *1en tr<m crazy people. They write Jtuch more often than sane people, they Whe much longer letters -and they ~ write much m:>re loeical letters. :;That lut statement might surprise you, .. it wouidn't surprise any psychiatrist 1tbo bas had firsthand experience with tk mad. FO!' the essence of insanity is llterly loeleal tlalaki.ng based on a false )temlte 1bey are incapable of examining ~-g. ~Most of UJ do not reasoo logically or 1fecllely; we wander, we skip, we leave tirger or amaller gaps in our thinking ~ -(Of' the relatively sane mind 14' loose, flexible and open. !THE MAD MIND IS tight. rigid and cbed. It operates inexorably from its ft'lt-premise8, and has an absolutely Mrtigbt explanation for everything that stems to contradict its assumptions. ~e you accept its main preml1te, tilwever, you are relentlessly swept along ~ its conclusions. ~And this is why logic, or reasonable J(t!rSuasion, ts d no use in trying IG e<>n· '4nce the mad that they are victims or a ~ntic mistake. As Dean Swi!t once ~Jd, in a favorite qootation of mine, "It " impossible lo reason a m a n out of ~ethiog he bas not been reasoned in- ~-" !THERE ARE DIFFERENT levels and ~grees of madness, to be sure. But there ~ one paranoid strain running 1hrough riost ~ those people that inakes it easy ' ,.~ ··.ff<.,.; lo detect their aberration - they tend lo find ont single main cause for the woes or the world, past and present They may blame the "Communist con· spiracy," or the Catholic Church. or "international Jewry ," or the eating of animal flesh, or the gold standard, or miscegenation (which they commooly call "moogrelization"), or the use of spirituous beverages, or anything ranging from the patently cuckoe to th e dangerously plausible . BUT HISTORY is not made this way; human events do not revolve neatly and • predktably around a single core, like sv many electrons whirling around a nucle- us. The real world is diverse, contingent, discrete, and, most of all . over- determined in tLs chain of causes and consequences. This means that many con- vergent factors (some of then1 ar· cidental) combine to decjde what \11ill happen historically. Orthock.lx Marxism, if C'arried far enough , becomes a fonn of political mad· ness, for it -oversimplifies the pattern cJ society, based on its inflexible (and er- roneous ) premise of • • d ia le c t i ca I materialism ." "But we ourselves, in bl aming the bulk of contemporary prob· ]ems on som horrendous monolith called "communism ," are likewise the victims of the same sort of social insanity. A 15 Percent Increase • • iwASHINGTON -Social Security ~ can relax about getting a ts Jll!!t'Cfd increase in their monthly .. yments. ~ win definitely vote that bp!ort quitting for the yea r. :Following is what will happen on lhis ' ~ 15 percent Social Security raise vMed by the Senate in its version of the ~ tax reform bill will be stripped fhn that measure. ln its place, there "111 be a separate bill limited solely to -hike. 1bat legislation will be speeded ~rwgb. the House and Senate in time for ptesident Nixon to sign it before the end o( the ye.at. -That is the plan <>f con gressional ~in charge of lhis legislation . )there is no serious opposition to this ciune. On!y question still unreMHved is rr.::---•• ..., ... ,., ---· DMr G«wge: t Do )'OU like adult movies ? l S.A. ' Deer S.A.: Well. JoM Wayne's my fa vorite adult ln movies, but, then. r don ·1 tee much: d ID)'thing except the late, Ille lhow. Ollhand.. I woold ..,. )'eS. I like adult movit s bul I do milt ... OW' Gane.,, Dool' °""1l': Yoa eound like a diny Cool· munllt to me! ,1, B. Deir J. S.: l'elb, sman wonder. However. !hit'• not -•; I just misspell ·-;:t lat oi wcrds. I , I 1 (Wtt&t to Gear1e and not.ice M>W ilMdl ......,. ,. fetll lmmediate1y! .,..., tie -. nd<el ar111<1! I ,-. - -<' when the increase is to become effec ti ve -January 1 or April J. PRESIDENT NIXON ha~ proposcc! April 1, WIUch would mean the increa s< would not berome operative until Ot< start ol the new fiscal yea r -July t. Bu! there is vigorous bipartisan opposition It that in both branches of Congress. The Social Security hike the Senate in· corpora tcd in its tax bill and specified January 1 as the cffect ivr. date. That ..,·as approved by an overv.•helmlng majoritv. a!ld th~ odds are strongly against 1 l;e Senate backing down on it. The House has not yet voted on S-Oc:ial Security at all. B.ut with all congressmen up for elec· tlon next year, and grass-roots pressure Intense for an early c::ost-<1f·llving raise, the lawmakers are not likely to do Jess than I.he Senate. All the indications point to the House following the Senate 's view f,nd voti ng for a January 1 dale. TllAT \VOULD l\tEAN the lncrca~ payments '"ould start March I. If Cong:re~ votes a 15 percent increase, 11s it is certain to do. the President will sign it -despite his f0rmal recom· mendatlon that it be limited to JO pcrt'mt. lfe would not risk a veto "'blch would dcOnltely be overridden. Congress will leave for Isle r con· sideration fin the new ses!ion that con· venes in January) various other, SOCial Security quesUons -prQvision for automatic cost-of·llving increases; re.Jue· ed payments to beneficiaries who want to retire at age 60 ; a boo5' in the amou nt cf rarnable income; tu deductions !or mrdlclnal costs;.etc. lly Roktt S. AU'" and Johe A. Goldsmith ' Republicans have high hopes of chew· Ing Democrats to shreds on the state level in 1970, and the early indicators are all in their favor. After the recent Virginia and New Jersey elections, the Republicans in January will hold 32 out of 50 govern orships -except for Texas - all the big electoral-vote states. Befor.e the 1966 elections, t h e Republicans held ·only 17 sta t e governorships. Now they enter election year 1970 with more governorships than at any time since the Harding landsllde '?,~·r: ~· '~: ' E~ftorial · · ~ Resetarclt f. ,.1¥ ,.,..\>i; of 1920. As a rule, it is a governor, not a senator, who runs the state political organization. Prospects in the U.S. Senate (avor the GOP in 1970. The division now Js 57 Democrats as against 43 Republicans. But next year, 25 Democratic seats and only IO Republican seats will be challeng- ed at the polls. THE NIXON Administration could hardly want anything more than a Republican Senate. The Democratic ma- jority in the Senate is by oo means in· vulnerable. Standing between" the White House and Democratic control of the senate are seven seats. In the event of a tie, the commanding vote would be cast by Vice President Agnew. The House of Representatives is another matter. Democrats rule the House by a 245·183 margin, with two vacancies. Nobody expects, even in a year when the tide seems to be running Republican, that big a turnover. At the moment, C<>ntrol or state legislatures is split down the middle. Democrats C<>ntrol both houses in 2{J states, Republicans in anoth er 20. Control is split in eight states. In two states the !esislature is nonpartisan. AT STAKE IN the voting on Nov. 3. '!170, are the 35 governorships, all 435 U.S. House of Representative seats, and 35 U.S. Senate seats. The big national issues inevitably will be the Vietnam war and what the Nixon Administration has accomplished to end it or al least tone It down ; jnOation and street crime. Locally, the most frequ ent dissatisfac- tion will arise from higher taxes. This wlll work strqngly against incumbent governors. Joseph A. Pechman. director of Economic Stud ies (If the Brookings lo.~titution, reports : "\\'hereas th e federal government ha s been able to reduce income tax rates several ti mes beginning in 1954, and has eliminated virtually all of its excise taxes, state goverrunents continue to enact new tale's and to raise lhe rates of old taxes to keep up wit.h their urgent revenue needs ; meanwhile, local governments keep rais· ing the already excessively burdened pro- perty tax .'' THE NlXON Administration Is riding a wave of popularity as indicated by opl· nWn palls and the voting turnout on Nov. 4 in local and state elccUons. 'M>ere were a ftw 190rlated exeeptions.. Harrisburg, Pa .• eledtd tt.s first Democratic mayor since 1911. There, significantly. the hiR issues "'ere "kl\Y and order" and strett crime!:. Both issues Jn nonnal circumstances tt>nd lo \\'O rk to the advantage of the con. servatives. They're sure to be worked over 11gain and again 1t lhe meeUng of Republican govemon al Hot Sprin1s. And we might ali \Yell upect a heavy rcpl1y between now and ntJt November, v:hen voters have another chance to ro on record. He Won't Run for Office WASHINGTON -Notiiing so clearly iJ. luminates lhe new poUUcal landscape as the sudden withdrawal last week of Arthur Goldberg from the 1970 election campaign . · At 61, Goldberg had behind him a distinguished career-leading Jalxir at- torney in the nation, general counsel for the Afl...CIO, secretary of labor, justice of the Supreme Court, ambassador to the United Nations. What more c<>uld a n1an have to offer by way of respectability? So wh91 representative leaders of the Democratic Party in New York came lo him and sought "his candidacy for governor ar senator earlier Uli~ year, Goldberg was receptive. Reliable polls showed he could run ahead of Nelson Rockefeller in the race for governor and could run well against Sen. Charles Goodell. THEN CA~1E TIJE fall peace offensive on the campus, the Administration's tough r~nse, the emer1ence of the Silent Majority and the-in sober retro.specf-rather· widerwhelming re- election victorY of Mayor John Lindsay. Goldberg pondered while other ('an. didates, ~ (.J( them hardy perennials like Howard Samuels and Paul O'Dwyer, entered the lists;. A further problem was the intention of Goldberg's Jaw partner, Theodore G. Sorensen, to run !or the Senate. The climaetie week ror Goldberg began with an unfortunate meeting of the. top brass of New York's Democrats, under the chainnanship of Averell Harriman, the closest thing the party has in Nt!W York to a titular leader and, with the ex- ception ot. Robert F. Kennedy, the only Democrat to be elected to an important statewide office in IS years. ALAS FOR GOLDBERG, the meeting was rep!Xied in full to the press. What was so unfortunate was not the fact of the meeting-most of those present urged Goldberg to run-but the names of tho.se attending. They represented every old established interest in the party. Those who had presided over past compromises and defeats. It was, in short, the Establishment oI the Old PoliUcs-and highly visible. The reaction from the young-or raiht'r the new-politicians was quick. Suddenly, it appeared that ms years d. work for Lyndon Johnson in the United Nations, years in which he supported the war and oppcl'jed bombing halts and peace pro- posals, had not been f1Xgotten. WHEN GOLDBERG protested Uiat hls liberal credentials should not be in ques. tion, some (If his friends in the Reform wing of the Democratic Party quickly responded that service to the AFL.C10, for example, is no automatic cachet of acceptance. To most yOWlger activists, Gcldberg was told , the AFL-CIO is as much a part <>f the s tandpat E!tabllshment as the National Associa· tion of Manufacturers. ?-.feanwhile, his prospe<"tive rivals were busy. Nassau County executive Eugene Nickerson, probably the mo& able municipal executive in the nation, Jet it be known he had a lot of respect for Goldberg, but was running for governor. Upstate industrialist Howard Samuel!!, who did a tour foc L.B.J . in the Com· merce Depal'tment and now tells pea ce rallies that the war is bad for business, said the same. ON THE SENATE side, nothing ap. peared capable of moving Ted Sorensen aside, and. Paul O'Dwyer, it seemed, would wiu,Klraw only if Eugene McCarthy were to make the race. Then three· aclive ·Reform representatives-by no me811S hO!lt.ile to a Goldberg candidacy-came at his bidding to talk about the prospect!. What they • had to say-that many younger voters associated him with tl'I• same tired b6sses they had come to scorn, and that he would have to get dcrwn into the mud of a primary cam- paign-settled the issue. Within an hour after they left his office, Goldberg took himself out. In Democratic primaries, the people !'ho contribute the manpower, the 1deology and -to an increasing ex· tent-the money are people w h o were-politically s p e a k In g - b o r n yesterday. Their politics are immediate, personal and moral. Their watershed is not the New Deal, not World War ll and not the Marshall Plan; it is Vietnam . Arthur Goldberg is the first lo learn 1hat painful lesson. By Frank Manklewica and Tom Brade• Cigarettes and Manhood Once again lve have been olfered stun- ning proof that lung cancer is far behind virility in popularity • The ad biz, of course. was first with the spectacular insight, and Marlboro men spurted up all over the place to let us know "'e could never be proper men, under any circumrtances, unless we hit the old faggots regularly. The ad m e n did n o t deny that you might jQJly well die of lung cancer as a result ol smoking; but they indicated you would go down swinging. man. If you \vanted to make it with the ladies, the ans'l''er '''as smoke. The appeal of this kind ol advertising ,,·as minin1al to real men. It \\'as ex· tremely effective to men who "'ere fearful they \vere oot really men. TI1e ad men guessed that men·manque vastly ti• ceeded real mm and there has been nothing in recent years to prove them Wrong. JN BRITAIN, 8 cccenUy ccmpleted survey states that t~·o oC the chief reasons why boys take up smoking are to appear tough and to attract airls. The quesUonnaire revealed that most Dear Gloomy Gwi: If you don'I know bow to spcU a word, how do you look It up1 -J. R. C. '~" ... ,,,, .. n.ctt ,..,...,. ~ - -ff••tlly' .... " .. ............ ""' -"" '"" .......... , .,,, °'"" l'lllt, I Charles McCabe boys thought the typical cigarette smoker \vas tough, as opposed to the typical non· smoker, The survey found t.hat most boys had heard of lung cancer and 79 percent of smokers believed cigarettes caused it. lt pointed out : "Even though a boy may believe he will get lung cancer if he continues to smoke, he may not necessarily be deterred from smoking by UUs belief. One of the main problems fac· ing health educators is how to remove UUs SP.parent contradiction.·• TJUS "APPARENT contradiction" is something deeply rooted in the human system , and not by any means confined to the matter ol smoking cigarettes. It might even be called the Suicide Syn. drome. No one has yet provided much of an answer to "·hy apparently sane prople persist in aclivilles "':Wc:h arc dangerous, and even deadly. Yl'hy will a man sett le for a qu kk and easy c«nfort when he knows. or strongly suspects. lbat Ille thing which comforts hhn quic"kly will In the end destroy him slowly? The syndrome is all around us. The motor car is quite clearly the enemy of mankiDd, and will in time be the death of cities; but I have yet to mttt anyone who has given up driving an automoblle for rt.ams ol health or prtnelplt. The newspaper yoo are rt>adtng eou ld exist only because trees are cut down; but only a very few people are agalns1 tbe cutting down of trees. SO LONG AS peopl e continue to smoke clgartttes 1n the face of extre1ordlnarlly weighLy evidence that Ute habit Is often lethal over the years, we might as wtll give up hope for the species. What need can possibly be served by persisting in a habit that is almost cer4 tainly deadly? Smoking cigarettes is even sillier than fighting wars, which is probably among the sillier occu~tiom of Homo Sapiens. The justiflcatlon often given for both these follies i!I the .same: They make you feel good. There's supposed to be something about fighting whicll purges you of wicked and hostile impulses, or something. There's supposed to be something about Mnoklng which has to do with oral satisfactions. and go ing back to the breast, and all like that. · THAT S!\tOKlN'G makes one ir- resistible to ladies is a proposition moat questionable. Speaking merely u a man I find women who do not smoke more at: tractive than "W'Olnen who do. That smoking makes anyone tolJgher ts just about as foolish a Pf'OllOSitlon as that wan settle anyUUng, really. I ----- Monday, December 22, 1969 The editorial page •I the D4itu Pil-Ot 1eek1 to inf<mn and stim- ulate readers by prescntb1g this 'tlewspaper 's opinions and com· mtntary oti toplc1 of interest (llld 11gnificonce, b11 provid.tno • forum for thi expre11fon of our reoder.s• opinion.s, and 811 presmtfng the divt?r1e ~ pcfnU of informed ob.server• and ipokt?smen on topics of th• d<lu. Robert N. Weed, Publisher PORTABLE MINI HAIR DRYER Weight Le" I Lb. Remote Control 12 Foot Cord Carrying Case BOY'S f.LARE LEG PANTS Choose Co rd· uroy or Cotton Blends. Exciting Fa shion Ploids or Stripes. Sizes 8 to 20 499 788 1rs FUN TIME! WESTERN WORLD INJECTOR Mole 30 Action Western Fi9ures In Unlimited Po1es. )88 , FASHION SWEATERS WOMEN'S Pullover end Cordigon Styles Assorted Patterns end Colors 1088 ··' ~ '·""· • !): . • ,, ·' BOY'S AFL CHARGER FOOTBALL UNIFORMS Complete Set of Shoulder Pods, Helmet, Jeney, Pants. Sizes Med. Lorge Stoinless Steel or Fired Teflon II Dishwasher Sele 666 • MEN'S FULL FASHIONED KNIT SHIRTS Popular High Crew- Neck Styling I 00°/0 Fine Acrylic Washable In Auorted Smart Style• Solid Color• and Stripe• Sixe• S-M-L 99 Sl111Uor t• Plct11~ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS MEN'S • All Weather Coats Leather Piping Leather Button Hal.es Edwardian StylinlJ Spanish Tan or Natural 1988 MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS No-iron Penn Prest Continental or Slim Grad. 29-36 )99 Men's Cardigan Sweaters 100 % Virgin Acrylic Latest Styles Green Only All Sizes 588 CHANDLER HARPER GOLF CLU.BS 8 Irons, 3 Woods 5488 Aluminum Shalt lightweight, Mora Distance WINCHESnR C£oLDEN SPIKE COMMEMORATIVE CARBINE .A Attractively Engraved 8888 Inlaid Medariion 30.30 Caliber DAILY Pllll1'~7 • .. ". ' " .-:.i .·. . " • . • ' . ,, '•' ' ·-~ .. • .. WOMEN'S COATS ' . Fashionable In Season Styles .. '1! , ) Smart New Fabrics and Shades r,i " . .. Misses Sizes • .. •• 2688 " ' WOMEN'S SUITS · · Stylishly T eilored To Flotter. Sea son's Top Fashion Colors in Knits. ' ' ' 3888 '' •• < -------------, . :, . GIRLS DRESSES ., . Casuals & Fancies Prints, Plaids, Solids Eesy Cere Febrics Sizes 7-14 · ' ' '• ; )88 : POLAROID COLOR PACK II ·; ln1tant Color or BW Picture• 2388 : Built-in Flash .Cube At!. Easy Pack Loading . ' • ' CHRISTMAS JEWEL LAMP ., Color Fleshing Lights 288 . ' U.L Approved '.• • PENNEY'S NEWPORT BEACH • • • STORE HOURS 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. DAILY SON. 12:00 to 5:00 !:_ f DAILY PILOT I 11 I , I --;. .;;. -" ... : . . .. ---=· -:;.;;~~~ -~r· . f.1onday, Oecembtr 2Z, 1969 'Sophistication' towel ensembles .•• exciting jacquard jewel tones! bath towel hand towel 95• 1.75 wash doth 55' Brighten your bath with tone-on- tone cotton jacquard t owels. .. Penney quality and savings! · Availabfe In· latest .fashion decor· alor shades. Women's fluffy scuffs and slipon slippers ... are a thoughtful gift! Soft, warm acrylic pile scuffs, rubber soles. White or turquoise, si zes S-M-l. 2,50 Co1y acrylic pile slipons with rubber soles. White, pink, tur- quoise, sizes S-M·l. 3,50 • ' '· \·.:.-.. ~··· ' •. ~-····. J ........ -. - Give all night comfort with our cozy electric blankets •.• beautiful! Twin Single control Full, single conlrol ........... !18 Full, dual control ............ !23 Queen, dual control ......... !28 King, dual conlrol ........... !39 Gift yourself and lcived ones with acrylic blankets, 12 It. cords, UL listed, in brilliant fashion colors. Idea: opera slippers for him and shearling lamb slippers for herl Men's opera slippers In brown split leather, acrylic pile lined, In ' . mens sizes. 4.99 Lad ies' shearling lamb slippers are sheer comfort in 6 pretty choice of colors: Women'S sizes. 3.99 . . • Fitted acrylic blankets in decorator colors ... are thoughtful gifts Twin Size 7.99 Full size ·•••••••••••••••••••••8.99 K. . . '13 1ng size ..•••••....•••••••••••• 100°/o acrylic blankets that you machine wash and fumble dry for easy upkeep ••. soft, war.m and durable in ·gold, mou, blue or orange. Men's r.eversible belt of self lined cowhide is a fantastic value! 2.50 Handsome feather edge Softee cowhide belt in a clioice of brown or black. In. the 1 • size, sizes 30- 42 ... is a handsome gift for any man on your gift list. . . ' ~ ..... • w Big 'n little girl's shaker stitch sweaters make wonderful gifts -$5 S11es 7-16 Sizes 3 .. 6X •••••••.•••••••••••••• $4 100% Acrilan9 acrylic cardigans .•. so useful and pretty over all of her outfits. These have the extra bonus of •haker stitch detailing. In white and assorted colors. Men's ha11iisome ties ... Four-in~hand or ready- tie in stripes, underknots 1.50 Four-in-hand lies of Dacron•/poly· ester ... ready lies of Dacron•/ polyester twill ... in a great as- sortment of stripes and under· knots. What's Christmas without a tie for Dad? I . J ..... , • ·-I I ' Wrap big and lit t le sister in pretty nylon quilted robes ... cozy! Sizes 7-16 6.98 Sizes 3-6X ................. 5.98 Appeal to her femininity, and give her a lovely nylon quilted robe .. , in assorted pretty colors. Perfect for evenings by the lire, or cold, nippy mornings. Men's one size casual · socks of Orlon" acrylic and Spandex for fit! $1 pr. Surpnse him with a nice supply of these great socks so he won't run short. In black, white, olive, blue, green and gold. Size is no prob- lem ... 1 size fih all. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ,I \t; I l \ I •-....,........--T•1~·-"~-.......--..~~~~-_..,__,,...,.._,. __ ,._,,.~ ...... ----~-~-~~~---•-.,,.__-~-· ----::--------------------··-----~- ' ' • t ' ' Big and little girl's Penn Prest" 'holiday pretty' white blouses 3-6X 2,59 7-16 3.oo Never-iron 50°/o polyester/50% cotto n blouses, prettily trimmed, will be sure to please any young lady, a nd fit into any wardr.obe wit h eose. A perfect gif t sug· gestion. ;. Men's Penn Prest" dress shirts, Kingdor collar and short sleeves. 3e98 I ;:~ti~~~ .:~~f o~~i-~ a~t~: 1 enjoy caring for ... no ironing I In /white, si zes 141/2-17. Mac hine wash and dry care. '-~· . ~ Girl's flannelette pj's to warm her on chilly r nights ••• cozy, tool 3-6X 2,69 7-16 2.98 Chool9 from a fine selection of Sanforized• cotton flannelette pajamas that will delight big and little sister alike, comfortable, too l Assorted colors. Boy's cotton flannel Sanforized' pajamas in attradive prints ... 2e98 All the boys on-your gift list will appreciate warm pajamat of fine Penney qual ity during all the coal nights ahead. Avoiloble In bcry's sizn 6-.18. ALL STORES OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK FOR YOUR SHOPPtNG CONVENIENCE! Lovely misses pointel design sweater sets ••. already in gift boxes! $7 Full fa shioned acrylic shells with match ing cardigans, all over pointel des ign for beauty, in blue, ; pink or beige .•• to delight any · feminine hoart."Siz ... 34-40. Boys like our Fortre .. knit crew neck shirts! I 2e99 100% Fortrel' polywsMrmeshlcnit in ~ sal"ocl colors, with chnt embroidery. Short hemmed sr-·ond bottom. In sizn·CS.18, o gr90t gift ldoo I Penn Stretch pantyhose for waist-to-toe· cover under minis ... for her! 1e29 No girl can ever have enough of those oude hee.l hose in all tho best fashion shades .• -so stOck up at Penney's groat pricesl \\bmon's siz" P/M.-MT/T. Toddler's stretch pants and polo shirts for happy holiday giving! $2 100% stretch nylon boxer slacks to tecim with nylon/polyester strekh polos in stripes, or stNtch nylon polos in solids. 1he slacks In ossort.d solids. All in 1 .. T. Mond.1y, Dectmbtr 22, 14169 . Misses acetate/nylon striped pant tops for sportswear spicing .••. $6 She'll love one of these blazer striped, long sleeved. pant tops · with its smart Status collar, in black, brown and white, or rod, white and blue. Sizes 8-16. Musical jewel boxes for a touch of whimsey in your holiday gifting •.. $8 l lowly Italian style finish in antique gold ... velwteen lined. 1he pad- I clod material tops ore ...produc- lions of famous pointings; '1' x s•t t · : x5,I•"· I AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCA~'PENNEY SiOR·E .,..-- .. ,-·· •• • • • i 1 ,\1 t>A.1l Y PILOT -THf SfUNC;l WOIU> Marin Area Storms Leave .~ ud, Floocli1ig By The Associ;ited Press A series of \\•et. gusty ~lonns which battered and drenched Northern California la st week left flooding and mudslides i n partiailarly hard-hit Marin County. Skies became sunny Sunday allhough a new stonn located about 600 miles off tl1e coast is expected to brush the San Francisco Bay Area sometime Tuesday. Parts of six residential areas in Marin County were flooded. Travel on three main rootes was brought to a near i;tandsti ll. Jhree of the four southbound lanes of the \\1aldo Grade free"•ay approach to lhc Smi Debris Oeaned Up OXNARD j UPI l -The surf conditions are back to normal. <'Ind the massive clea·nup has begun Beat:hside dwellers began i;orting the debris Saturday after the heavy su rf conditions of Friday subsided to near normal. Authoi-ities had been braced for an expected repeat or the 15 and 2(}.fool breakers of the day before which ripped away pl)'\l'ood barriers and ate at hastily bulldozed rock and sand sea \\•alls. Bul the high \\'aves did not materialize. The heavy surr had rollO\\'Cd by a \\'eek even higher S\\'ells that struck Ventura County. tausing nearly SI millio,1 damage. The Small Business Administration. as a result. rfeclared the area a disaster :irea late last ""eek, prior to Friday'1 assault from the sea. J Golden Gate Bridge were jam- med by mudslides. Flood waters closed both directions of Sir Francis D r a k e Boulevard through Central· Marin, Kentfield and Ross. Road crews had cleared mOst routes by Sunday night. Strong winds played havoc wi th trees and utility lines. Gusts up to 80 miles per hour were recorded atop li1 t . Tamalpais. Two cars of a Southern Pacific freight train ·were derailed on the Castle Crag railroad trestle \vhen bridge underpinnings gave \\'3Y to water-soaked soil. It took eight hours to clear the tracks. Forecasters called for partly cloudy skies through li-1onday with the new storm expected to dip through the Bay Area sometime Tuesday bringing light rains and no significant winds. Fringes of the upcoming sl.orm may dampen Southern California \Vednesday or Thursday, said forecasters, but no heavy rain is expected. Heavy waves which have pounded sections of t h e Southern California co a s l subsided over the v.•eekend. :: ~tud cnts Die [11 Ca r Wreck LOVELOCK, Nev. (AP) Three students "·ere killed and a rourlh inju red while driving lo California for Christmas holidays from the University of Wyoming. officers say. Ann L. Sparling, 21 , of Glen- dora, suffered minor injuries "'hen she was thrown from the car Saturday as il hit the rear of another and slammed into a tree. • e-- 1 Holidoy cut, style and set Complete one low price •.. ONLY 6.50 Roux or Clairol toucl1 up includes shampoo and style ...•••.•• _ ...•• 6.88 USE YOUR 'lNNIY CHARGE CARD- NO Al',OINTMINT NICESSAIY '"'"'!I ..... ,..,.,, llr#POIT l lACH '"~ .... lt lof\f w 1-. '1+1Jlt .. . '. -~ ........ ;i:.. ••• ( Fee Sharing Alleged Alioto Says He Will Open Files SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Joseph L. Aliol.o says he v.·ill open his: files to answer allegations that before being elected mayor of San Fran· cisco he divided fees with two \Vashingtcin state officials in an antitrust case in which he was lawyer ror the plaintiffs. And Washington State Atty. Gen. Slade Gorton says he will try to recover a $705,160 fee reportedly paid the two of- ficials by Alioto. The case ended before Alioto v.•as elected in 1967. Gorton said he was informed that the money went to his predecessor, John O'Connell. The New York Times and The Oakland Tribune reported Sunday · it was shared by O'Connell's former assistant, George Faler. Alioto denied any wrong- doing. O'Connell said he might have a statement later. "If he received the money," Gorlon said, "it belongs to the people of the slate 0 r Washington." Gorton said he had ap- pointed \Vllliam Helsell of Seattle as a special assistant "to handle any claims the state may have as a result of information on the aJleged fee splitting." Gorton said he would check on whether the state's code of e1hics, which prohibits private payments to public officials, was violated. Violation of the code is a misdemeanor, and the penalty can be up to one year in prison. "Our position would be this is an invalid sharing of mon- ye," and the state would try to recover it," Gorton said. The antitrust suit w a s brought by the state and 15 public and municipal utilities against a group or electrical equipment manufacturers. As state attorney general, O'Connell hired Alioto in 1962 to represent the plaintiffs. He sai d then he selected Alioto, who was running a private law finn at the time, because of AUoto's national reputation as an' antitrust lawyer. Originally, Alioto was to have received a maximum fee of $1 million, but when it became apparent that set· llements would run much higher than expected, O'Con· nell changed the arrangement so Alioto would receive a 15 percent contingency fee. Alioto wan settlements or $16.2 million from June 1965 to April 1967 and his fee under the ~ agreement was $ 2 . 3 million. "I have not seen any of the news accounts ," O'Connell said when reached Sunday at his home in Tacoma. "l intend to evaluate the situation and may have a statement later. Until then I have ;ibsolulely no comment." Alioto, who was on a trip to fiGw York , issued a statement from hi.s San Francisco office. He said all documents in- ~olvcd In the suit would be made public when he returned lo San Francisco Wednesday. Alioto said, '·All financial transactions y,•ere thoroughly audited by the Stale of Washington. "The utility districts have lauded my handllng of the cases. The fact is tha t I got eight times more damages from the major electrical manufacturers than the district:i anticipated. Roek Fest Pron1oters Defy 'E1nergency La,v' SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) -•·1.000 more men.'' Promolers say they will stage Starne said he has made a rock music fe stival expected provisions for a sec urity force to gather 200,000 fans this or 375 from a nearby Indian coming weekend despite an reservation. Some of the ex- emergency ordinance passed peeled $1 million in proceeds to bar the event. would be donated to the Jn. Young people have already dians occupying A I cat r a z begun staking out choice spots Island, he said. at the proposed location on In-The Alameda County Plan· dian Creek Ranch a I o n g ning Commission decided to California 58 east of Santa consider today a recom- Margarita. mendation to revoke the use of Bill Starne, coordinator for pennit of Dick C a r t e r , t.1id1vinte r Pop Festival, Inc.. operator of the Altamont of Los AngeJ.e s, said Sunday Speedway, where more than his group is going ahead for 300,000 listened to lhe Rolling the three-day concert. begin-Stones and other rock groups. ning Saturday. "until some Carter's current permit ex.- court nf competent jurisdiction pires Jan. J. deeides on the constitutionality Landowners in !he area, of the ordinance." near L i v e r m 0 r e , have 1--eno; $tt;•,_,., .... • .. c=~·!-:\'"?:::t;% v.r•*F""¥'*'l V!iiK• ;; 4 •. a . . . . ..,..._;e;4 ;;cow ... , to •. • cg "'., '. South Coast ?tua ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST FASHION CENTER • Ike Center Gets Song Royalties PALM SPRINGS (UPI) - Composer Frederick Loewe has directed that the royalties from his most famous songs go to the Eisc,1ho"l\'er t.ledical Center and Desert Hospital here after hi s death . Fearing a repetition of the th_reatened suits total in g Altamont concert in Alameda $500,000 because of tom fen- County Dec. 6, San Luis cing and damage to grass Obispo County supervisors seed . passed an ordinance Thursdayr----------°"';-------------------------------- prohibiting use of land and The royalties to the songs are expected to bring millions in revenue. Among I h e musicals whose songs \\·ere bequeathed to the center u•ere "f\1y Fair Lady," "Gigi," ''Paint Your Wagon." "Briga- doon" and ''The Day Before Spring." construction of buildings for activities involving more than S,000 persons. Four persons died at the Altamont concert -I wo run . over by a car. one knif!:!d and one who drowned in an ii'· rigalion canal. Sheriff Larry Mansfield ·of San Luis Obispo County said he has canceled holiday vaca- lions for all 75 employes of hi s department and cou ld use AUTO ft enne111 CENTER 8 Trac:k Tape Cartridges ' / only4.88 eac:h J• HMdrix bpetiaot, 'Smash Hift.' includes: 'Pur- ple Hue', 'Fite', 'AH Along The Watchtower', many m0<0I Cr11cl .... C'-rw..., lt•vNtl, 'Wlilly and The Poor Boy>' lndudo6 "°""'1 on The Comer', 'Cotton Fieldt'. 'hsy aw.', Musk from lhe SCM"ldtradc:.,. The Jlmi Hendrix Exper~, The Byrds, S+eppenwolf, many morel TMISI STOllS OftN SUNDAY TOOi 12,.IPJll, angot orpe 81 ) ENA PARK (olotocl Sundays) Valley View CANOGA PARI( <?"'ULA VISTA DOWNEY Fl/LLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA MONTCLAIR Giving Diamonds Makes enne••J ch . sh . F ALWAYS FIRST GUALIT:;"f r1stmas opp1ng un I l Deli~lt 14K told sculphJrin& holds 6 bri1ht diamonds. $119.50 L Bridal set with modem Wl'IP"'round stylinf. 125.0I C. 7-diamo:id briclll 111, bnutifllllJ styled, $215.1111 I. Diamond stud e1rrin&L The ptrfed: holiday &itt. . $ 51.SO L 2 diamond cull11red pe1rt ptndlnt . h114K white cold sdtlllf. ·$1U5 r. Mans hlndsomt diamond ri"t rid'lty maclt In 14K &old. $1- L The wiOt look briclll Ml, willt 2 dlamondi. ----125.DI Matchlnc man's ri111 with 1 dial'llOl'ld. _ IWll I. C11l111rtd pelrf rln& •1111 ICctnt diamond. £tepnl stylina:. -$ $1.5' L Modem bridal srt •ith l diamond In uc:ll rina. --------$245.M 1 a diamonds! ContemporalJ stylint with classic bea11ty. _ $175.00 Mins wedding rini 4$.0D L Bri!li1nt di1mond solltlilrt with Ntchinr weckl!nr rJni. --$15G.OO Loyowoy now for CltrlJfmas. CHARGE IT AT YOUR PENNEY'S FINE JEWELRY DEPARTMENT NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE OF THESE PENNEY STORE.SI Sra··aw,. • n.. Dia " .............. w.-...,. ...... s.,m.. CAN OGA 15ARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH ~~ONTCLAtR NEVJPQRT BEACH VENTUR A. • SHOP SUNDAY, TOO ' 12 to 5 P.M.! " .. - "" ,"I', For the Marriage Record lllNAl OtC•tlS \l•MIClll!Mllf't. ·fl.Mild ~ P"rlclt IC. 8•1boll\ Myt!le Y• JIU 8. ' l"elrdllld. .__ V, ¥• CMrin E, Licen•e• ~mr."N~~ i: :: ~~ ~: Smith, 811'Nr1 J-v~ llicMtd J1mH IWI IC1lh1"1! VS Jffr" A. .. OV. 1t MerfM L. l!.l_ Wfftlf.' IE, l\~"4Ml!f~· 1·• ». ot a-~• \ oi.:,:,:·\.~ ~· \.1Kkv aur ~ •Ill •• 'fl": ,,_ htdl ~ •. . v.• cl!!...,.._ .Ml._. • Trn -!, Jil..,loll vs Ed'IO!n lo"''• . -· " " S."*n. ,._. Je1n .,. Nwl E. NEAL Y4..All:AWA~1 ltDIMrt •.,.·• 1!,r~ Fllllk""', Mi:'lV Ann V1 Ro&.rl V•le 1114 ·VW•no Pita. .,.,.,. -<!'11111 ' LOIJ II VI l!:uaeM Ellw•rd {fl. rt, ef 1105 'l!I, l!"ffonl, .. ~ Patrk A.!111 VJ L.q EllWlrd . ~ ry, ll1r .. r1 RM \ri Jai:lt L" It itS-OOl.llE ~let ,.,,._ 5*9ftlt ~ Alt-. A. · m:'1 Art~r91'1 1£.i"w11 Grow -,.,_ "" Robert Alan !fl.A. 22i Clf ••Vt. WllMft. Cm I i.:, \i.. VI HUQ Fri.Mii Jr, MfWriNE-HU&llLI!:, l!:u..oe a.: n. ''T."1~:a':l1 \s.7t!:~1.E. ., 111 .... SI .. SM! IMCll 11'111"-Jenwf •rll, Victor c-i.nu. ¥$,. 11C 22. of :17)1 0.111'111 T~rece, Lei. WtMoc:I Mwlln 'r?f• ~ · aot11r11011, llltflo G. vs G-M. COF -."lf.AllSOW.,r.WI s.I tl. of ..,rM'\I, Jlldllh ,oMrie .... Jt(k . 1l I SI. t1lmln1 •• •rid McNIH, T~ VI Ptlrlck ... let A,, 1. 91' 251f W. FJral I,, S.11!1 Streif, Loultt 'I. n C.rl J. at~~HA~THOllN, Wll~lt \.,, ttw ICtttMY, AU9111llnt M. VI Grin, J. 1'1 Mtt11 Orlve, (0$11 Oorm1n, LI~ $11l1nne VI Mltl\ell SlltrOll L.. It, of 12' DI 81 J1rtd 11i.lld. M!tc:h911, J1me1 B. VS ~rlori. E. MONTGOMEltY-01!! SANTIS, H1rold 51\eN'Dd, ~l"I' Ellubrlll vs Jalln P.ul ...... 25, OI ltlS w. ltlbN Incl AnM Pin.do. Tonv M. ... Mlll"f c. M.. n. r, .:f-11 s.anor1, bcrtll of Tllomea. C•rle """ n G.,-,...,..1 L1~'8'R:T'oa~-HEOOEPETH. Sllv•no. Ahern. DoNld PllUI .... .kxlrth K. :n, el'd J_, M., 23, both· (If 10063 Kleck1r, Fr...ch J. VI Delor11 LOI Cilblollol, Faunl•l11 VillleV. Mill'91"'1 ltAM.SIEY-sACKl!TT, O.vld L~ %2, H1rri.o., Mar9wrll1 JC. bl Herold Mid MldoMI Ae '°' "°'" ol 1n1 Miiierd A\Ntf:~e~'l:'6'11:/.U11, ":::'1 · J., U. of JUOGMINTS U22 Jetfenon, Wt1lm r\t!er •Ml Ptndt.Jlttr, V1lerle Jeln vi Robert LH Dlene L.. 17, ol m Robe••~ f!n11ulrns11tJ Anehelm. WI! tc-. Eunlte V. \IJ 8u•dlflrd R. JONE$.-CAMP8ELL, Htrmln M., 73. Ind 1Nc1elv11 L .. 6f, both of 664 w. M~~l~l Kftll \II Killllnn ,.....,. 1t111 s1.,,c~11 ~. ., f1nfllllnllnO DAVISSOl'O-ENLOIE . LHlle J .• 21 ,. FU!Cfl, J1mn wunam "· \II ""°" Killllleen J.~7d, both GI 11SYI Oollltlln L1not• (ilnl'llllrn...11 r.:Kr.:t .. ~~:f.'be:R. G•lefl E .• 21. .S..ktllrlk, Vlr9!nl1 K•ltllffn ... ,lohn ef' 46 &uclMll aoec1, COill MKI •fld Artllur (a.Mul..,..,,11. Glori• J., 16,"' \JJD2 Jtf'rllvn LIM, W.Bl1nc Jr., S.rall G. \II E-lf. l. H•~loa eeldl. (1nnulrn1nll. FITC 1eouo. Adrl111 L .. 21, ot 2~ Currie. JIMt JHn 111 P1ul !rvl11t (•• E. tltl t. •nd o-nclol'l'fl 'M"' 11ulm1nt1. ,fli':l~~~l; =t-3 ~'f.. ::r:i12 cu:.::;,;,,.~f'" o. vs Lois J, <•n· ~.:. 1~ •:::baN:w.A:1 21&.:.. 1605 llflntr, K1tllerl11e E!l11bet~ ~I Rl(!lerd Edisol! High Gnls •F0rm New League Edison Hlgn SChool's Girl's League chapter has just el<cl<il Jts lirsl officers. They .are ,Ro.berta ·M~ernf.a;. pr,e·11de.11 t ; Mlchtlle Ralen, , vl<e-"'°~· den~ sna"'I' Kelly, !rtasul.,;: Judy Lindsey, inf<1'91"pnlla· Uon COUl)CiJ. representat{\re, and Debbie Moore, sergeant al arms . Committe< chairmen i.<llil are Ellen LoyU!n,· fund rail- ing; Cheryl Watkins, Valentine Dance ; Vicki Elvidge, con- stitution; Kathie Ge 1 et , assembLies and Amy Spickard, publicity • 8ATCHAN-SWAH~N, John W., Sl, Wll!l1m (MWilmenll. ·::.e'r1=11 n. 111.:f.. i•112 ,_..,, !;:::;::;::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::::; 5T~1CHEN-K~Elt, JMM1 A., 7~. o1 1m w. Ch•P"I,... 0.•1111• •!'Id Tlftl c; .. :M, of lft5 l>Ol'llOlla, Costa R~-ROORIGUIEl, Terrv D., !9, ol :Ptlo Strffl ol ~· Amber Len11!~1 Dena Point al'ld Marv H .• 2J, of 32na::.i 1J1~~-'t.n,:a. ~1leti.'"Efv~:118.~":i, o1 s: CYJ>AU, L1,un1 Beech end rwblne P., n, ot 127'1 GIJtltrt $1., rden Grov1. NOV. n MAllltlOTT-9Ll51l Arlhvr E ., '5, ol U Loan.I st.. •iun• ••td'I •rid lhll M., '5. ol 14 $aft Vltlflll lvd,, S..nll /v'IO!lkl. MITCHELL-ALLISON1• Wltll1m, Sl, allll ,Ir.nit• F., ~1. bom o/ 30f E. 11..,, ol:~N-SHAW. Forre1t E. n. •oj l'lJ w11nu1, Cot!• M"• ,,.., M1fJ L.., 68 ot lO'U S. Kiii.On S1nte ...,._, DAV°IOSON-TIERHUNE_. tf>aueles eit. no o1 mt or-. ~• Meo.a 1 e1rblr1 F>1 n. GI 1206 • OfO'ltl«nte.' :.t .. Wetl C0\11nl. HUWA->.OM\S, Gor•· 0 .• It. Ind ir.1lhlrlt11 ,._, u, ISilll pt n.s Pt11110. ic1~PP«i~\o111N, Gtorll'! T., ''· 1..i P1tl1d& S., 16, 'llOlll ol 3:loi G:~RLeir.11\i'i(lli!.~· •. of 1"3 s, c°"' HllllW•Y< -'&ea.ch 111C11 E nn1 I(., :u..· a ll Brooks $1 · L9f\/11I ' , ; <>->ON~. ~ E .. lt, " Hwtn .• 1"1'"•• Hunllnotori 9tMft .o ¥ 11, · o1 u•-41 ft~ ~~~~=~ii 210c:= M rt~~ Allin L., 14, ol ~ .,.. Drtw, o .... Poll'lf 91111 Dle11e K .. 2'. llf '1ltll Clrd• DrlYf, $0.llh L1tun1 CHM\9LEss-GllASSBltOOK, J111111 w.. It, of 7121 Senllt si.1 W11lrnl111Mr Ind 011Dr1 M .• 16, c 1'3l JdlrtY Analltlm. MARTIN~1'110LEK, KenMlh R .• :n, and 1Cer111 lt .. 20, both of 29J.6 P1pper TrH Lent, Cotll M111. MIRA.NOA-MARKLAND. C-•~ S., n of um Brighton 51., wn1m111ste• 1.;,, SUi1nM M., 111 ol !MOO Evere•t Circle Faunl1ln Ve lev. SARGENT-llASS, Eu~ne. J., 21, ol 111 Huntlnt1IOl'I Ave! Hu11tl11tlon Bte<.I\ arid Torell A., 11 ol ff» Merlpgy ""'• Fgrynt1ln VI !ev. DAVIS-ROBBINS, Gerard L .. 21, of 3:115.I Roble1, 01n1 Poll'! Ind P1trlcl1 A., 21, ol 3961 C1!t1 ~brU, San ,Jlr,!l"N"~RAHAM, G1rv l ,, 17, ol n.11 Golden Nu11oet 1nd Pnuv L .. 16, ol Ult l.ClfT\IV, boll't of WH""'n•lel', FERRELL-CARLISLE,. Lee E .. 36, ol 15111 OlllTIOl!d 51., wr1!mlns11r and Char!Me M.. 31, of \3262 Verde. ._ ...... CRAIG-COOK, ltobfr1 G., 2!1, ol 7501 or.,,.. Ave. ltld s.nd•• L .. It, of 203 S111t1 Ari• ""'" boll! of Cosla M~fci:tANT-GALlt, Emtrf L .• 31.l. end M1rth1 L1 lS, bOlll ol 2969 KOVll P1lm, COi I Mn1. SHIER8A--PRE5TON, Mldlael J., 21. and &'"'-r• L~ t:i1 both of 10130 Mc:Flddeft, westml"' tr. DRUMMY--McGINNIS, SI~ C., 31 , •nd Mlil"f L., 21, bo$ of 221 Cedar, NIWPOrt kadl. OELANEY--KARDIN, Mk.had N., lt, GI 19111 WlndwooO LIM, NIWDOl'I &rKtl 1nd LIMll J., lL ol J7JS Verde M1r Hu11tl11tton &t ild'I. EAllLY-MILLER, Ctrtv O., 17, ~I l"9 w. wuacn. cos11 Mt1-1 1nd Pollv A .. it of 75'f-SyrKU11 Ave .• Stanton. ceii'OA-llA.lltlERA, R119ut. lt. l)I l~ C1rglvn SI., •NI Glorll. 17, ol ~1~ C1llfornl1. lloth ot Huntington l LloNART-HUNEYCUTT, .. Tllomes E. ·~ MlfY R., I•, DOm ol '°'2 St .. Wntmln1tff. H PPEL. Rot>rrt E~ 111 ~ ... 1 AYI., FOllllllln V1 lev" 1nol Lindi L., IL of 1 .. 1 LIKll L1111, Huntlllllol'I llMCll. Divorces fHESE . . PENNEY STORES WlLL sr ~oPEt. ·'SUNDAY . AFTERNOONS 12 TO 5 .P.M. •AZUSA •BUENA PARK •BURBANK • CANOGA PARK •DOWNEY •EL MONTE • FULLERTON • GARDEN GROVE •GLENDALE • HUNTINGTON BEACH • INGLEWOOD • LAKEWOOD • LONG BEACH • LOS ALTOS • MONTCLAIR • NEWPORT BEACH • NORWALK • NORTH HOLLYWOOD • SAN BERNARDINO • SAN F£RNANDO • SANTA MONICA • TORRANCE • VENTURA • WESTCHESTER • WEST COVINA • WHITIWOOD • WHlmER DOWNS OPEN 6 NIGHTS FASHIONj ls..ANJ •CWl'O&T CC .. TICa Pl(.lflc C<l91l Hl&hWIY btt#H11 '''""°,.. 1nd' M1cArtlu,1r. F'"""111 minulft •'"1· ------------------. Mond~, Dtc.embtr 22, 196'1 DAILY PILOT ' lJ.1. -~, -'I ., • ' OPEN 6 NIGHTS A WEEK . ..:-l FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE! : . Capture the excitement of Christmas on film forever! Kodak lnstamatic® 124 camera o~tfit. So easy to operate, anyone can use it! The outfit includes: camera, l cartridge of Kodak 126 color film, l 4•shot flashcube, 2 PX 825 batteries, and wrist strap. 15.88 Penncrest Instant load camera outfit A great gift for anyone on your holiday list! Kit includes: camera, film, batteries, 3 flashcubes, carry- ing case, cilbum. Easy to operate and load, takes pie· lures or slides. 14.88 lnstamatic8 134 electric eye camera Kodak out- fit includes: camera, l cartridge of Kodak 126 color film, l 4-shot flashcube, 2 .PX 825 batteries, wrist strap, instrudions. 24. 9 5 Kodak 314 camera outfit ············-····-·34.95 Kodak 414 camera outfit ·················-·-44.95 Penncrest electric eye camera outfit Our 445 Instant load outfit includes1 1 car- tridge of Kodak 126 color film, 2 PX 825 waler bof. feries, l 4-s~of flashcube, wrist strap. Easy cartridge film loading for black and white or color prints ar slides. 19.88 Find all your film and flash cubn right fiere In our camera 1hops yciu'lt:find all yoU.' p~Otoglaphk needs. for r,our co11ive,n1ence. Westinghouse Flash cubes .............. sleeve 99c . ' General Electric flash bulbs, .... sleeve 1.59 Kodacolor 126-12 Fiim .................... Roll 1.09 Kodacolor 126-20 Fiim .................... Roll 1.69 Kodachrome Super 8 Movie Fiim Cartridge 2.59 .. ' ' ' • • • ' • ·-· "' .... .. .. " .... ,; ' ~ ' . ~·. ..... '., .. .... ·, . ' ~·. .. • • ··.· . ···:·.• ... ·,· .. -.~ .-: ~ .•. '.· .. ,~ .. •: ·,• ' '· ... ... ·, •' ,,. , .. ,, ~ ')' .-.-, .. NOW! THESE VALUES AT ANY ONE Of THESE PENNE.Y STORES! CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD DOWNEY MONTCLAIR FULLERTON HUf':olTiNGTON BEACH NEWPORi BEACH VENTURA SHOP SUNDAY, TOO 12 to 5 P.t>l .1 • • .. . : .. • -· l -----~ -. J% DAILY PILOT Marine 'Helps Kids -Sings, Plays Guitar at Hospital Bf JOANNE REYNOLDS , Of !hi Dallr ~lltt U•lt • EL TORO -"The fo.1a rines J,ave landed and the situation rs v.·el.J in hand." This n1essoge y,•asn'I seni from a Vietnam battlefield. but lro1n half a dozen Orange County youlh groups who have come under lhe spell o( Marine Corps Sgt. Steve lfinston. Stationed al !::[ Toro ti.1arine Corps Air Station, Sgt. Finston serves as a special kind or c:0mmunity relations represe n- tative. spendi'i1g a lot of time ente rtaining sick an d disad· '(antaged children. · The good-looking l\1an11e sa ys he got started singing 8 n d playing his guitar for children at Children 's Hospital of Orange County when he put on a shO\V there. "I was ba!!ically afraid of t he children. They can be k>ugh HUle nuts to· crack at tjmes:' he said. 1 Sgt. Finston. a Santa Ana resident. said he enjoyed entertaining the ct,ildren so ·much, he decided to take on similar chores throughout the eounty. He has since pul on shows at the Albert Sitton lfome. Orange Co u n I y J uvenile Hall, Orange County DEATH NOTICES CASSELS V101et v. C••Mil1. ••• 11, of u1~ S.nlf ,1,,.... Ave., C0tl1 Me•• Su•v1vN ll'Y IWO ""'"'' DDNld C11Hll or B•e Bear l1k1; K11v,.1n C1111l1, Gle,._ dell: two •••ndchlldren; •Ive 1rt1•· ,,.,,dcMldrtP\. .Strvlc11, lue1d11, l PM. Bell 9roldwlY Ch1ntl. lf!l rr- ~nl. Hollywond Mtmof!1I P~rk. 8•11 9roedw11 Mor1utrv. tOllt M111. 0 1. rei;10r1. FUNK ~llll1m F. Funk . JJIS B1k1r. to1i. Mt,., Otte of dtt!h, 01<. JG. Su« v1vecl by wilt . Vlncen11; !Wo dtu~,,_ ty 1. Mri. Gr1Ct F l1htr 1..0 Mrs. C..rol 1t1v, bolh ol Colll M111; live "'endchlldren. 1to1~rv. tonlun1. Mon· if1v. 7:30 PM. Wn!clll! cn101t. 11~ f!U ltm M111. l ues.d1v, t;15 AM 11 St. John !f>s BtPllst Ctlhollc Church In· ~mtn!, Good Snnherd Ce..,tlfry ....,tcllH MO<"IUt tV. 6-li-411. Olrtdorl. KLEIN -'1btrt M. IC.lt ln. ,l.91 U, of l,., HI"'· lf?or, S• .• Co111 Mt11. Survlvtd ~v .. ugh!ff, Dororhv Phll11Pto four v••nd· d'llldtt•'H tour ert1t-11r111dthlldrt n. fervitt J _,, lltld lodlV, MOfldtY, 11 4M, 11tn t11roedw1., Ch1,..I. l1>termt "' wlll bt ht!d Iii 01krld~ Ctrfltlt rv. 'P"l ... lifl<I, lltlnol,. tlltll llrCMldWIY "'°'IUlrf, forwtf'(lll'lt dltedOrl. RIVERA U>&nl' P'. lt!ver1. 7'J5 Or1npt •~· • Gof,!1 M .... Dtlt o4 detth, DK. 11. tr.Jrvived by TTIOl'Mr, ll•morwi lllve•t : tflrtt _,., l-1 Jr., JtmP 1..0 Jpl>n: thr" d1u1111tr1, Mrl. M1r11..i "'°""'°" Svtvit tnd Mtrv ltlvore. Ao-itrv Wt l Mid 1111 l'llthl, SUl'lllllV. I f?il, W•!cUtf t ll11>1L A1<1ulem M•'" •• ctltbrt ltd Mond1v, tod1.,, ' AM, $f. Jo1dllm'1 C1tl>ollc C1'urch. l1>ltr. '6t<it, ~ood Sl'llP ... •d Ctmt"lt,..,.. Wtll· cliff Mortw1rv, ~' Dlrt<IOr1 . .. " THRALLS •, Ol••ln w. l l1r1n1. 1Mo ll:OYtl PtlM Dtlvt, Cost1 Men. Otte of d101n. aece,..bt• 11. SurvlvH by wl!t , Lii· 11\n, of !ht Mrrit : "°"' Chtrltl Gr1nl 'Qlr11l1. Norw•I~. 51rvlc11 will bt fitld Wtd""d • .,. DtctMl>er ,., ! PM, 1>1cllic Vlt·o¥ (ll11>el, wl!ll Dr. ltoY· ~ I. Br1h1m1 otllcl1 •lr19, l1>!t" _,,, P1c!t!c Vitw Mtmo<lt! Pin.. ~reeled bv P1cllic Vltw Mot1111 ... \10N SANDE l)f1D M VOii S1n111t, I.ft TOW1'1 M, CllSI• Mtst . 0111 ol de1t1'. Dec. 11. s.r,rvl,,.,, by wl!1. Gtrltulllf, o! !ht .....,.; d1uenter, •rl~t El>er!. Co111 W u : two 9r1nddluthler1. Jotn -.:.po, (0111 Mt•A: •nd l fvt n .,. ••. v.ndd1ugnr1u . Strv!c11 will bt Mid 1'11it1<11v. DKt mbt.r U, J PM. P1< r.tl'lc Vitw Chl Pfl, wl•h Or. Willi•"' (. Elllr ollici1llnt . F1..,l!v IU99tll• ~ wlihln9 10 m1~t fl'ltmorl11 con· tl'\butiont, plffMI CO<l!rll>Ult fo l~I ~lt1n l-lt lr1 Assocllllon. ln!•" ......... P1cHk Vlew MtmG .. 11 Pt•~. ~r.c1td bY Pttllk view Mor!Y•rv. •' ARBUCKLE & SON ',; • WeslcliH Tdortuary 4Z7 E. 11th St., Costa litc sa United Cerebral Palsy Center and the Santa Ana Centennial ··Kiddie Carnival " (for han- dicapped childrep). Adored by his young au- diences, the Marine said, ··1 can't pretend my singing creates the entire atmosphere lhat prevails at these performances. ll's a com· bination of that and the ti.1arine uniform." He says his ··personal in· terest is with the children" because "they are an unaf· fected audience . Their reac· lions are real a n d im· mediate,'' ACCtl rding to Sgt. FiMton, he got his i;tart entertaining al the University of Oregon, where he worked his way through college with h Is singing. ) After enlisling In the Marines and being shipped l.o Vielnsm he found little time for entertaining llillll the end or his overseas tour, when he played al various armed forces hospitals. A busy schedule is arranged for the sergesnt during the holidays. 1-le says be will be working at t~ El Toro Chri!tmas party; with Buddy Ebsen at the Christmas party (or the woonded in the Naval Hospital at Camp Pendleton; and he plan s Christmas shows at Children's Hospital, the Albert Sitton Home. and the Un ited Cerebral Palsy Center. The $-year-old et1tertainer says be plans to leave the Corps v.·hen his enlistment is up in seven months to go into professional singing. But he says he will always maintain his inte rest in h e 1 pi n g youngsters fo rget their prob- lems \\•ith his music. "'I intend to keep on doing this type of thing as much as I can. I put these children first and foremost in my Ide." · Ttvo Courtly Students A icl II ea rt Research SANTA ANA -Tuo Orange County college students will be chosen to work this su mmer in heart research \\ilh medical scientists. The 1970 Student Research Associates program of the California Heart Associalion is accepting applications through Feb. I, 1970. Each student selected v.•ill Ex-Sheriff Aide Jailed SANTA ANA - A former in· vesligator·s aide i!I the Orange County sheriff's office has been sentenced to 60 days in Orange County Jail. Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner ordered that term for Linda C. Patterson, 21, and added two years probation to the sentence following: her co11viction on charges or possessing d<1ngerous drugs. f\-liss Patterson was arrested last Ma rch 17 by state narcotic agents al her Tustin home. Bureau Chi ef 0 R ANG E -Poultryman Arnold Kluender Of Orange has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Califllrnia f arm Bureau f ederation. He \Yill represent Los Angeles and Orange Counties on the board. receive a stipend of $750 for living expeni;;es for ten weeks to begin shortly after June 1. 1970. The $1,500 for the two Orange County stipends was donated by Arnold O . Beckman, chairman or the board of Bec k ma n Instruments, Inc. of Fu llerton. Beckman was the 1969 Orange County Heart Fu.id Chairman. Students in physics and chemistry are particularly urged to apply because or the growing importance of the basic sciences to medical research. Those with a "B" average or higher have the best chance or selection. Inform ation and appli cations are available at the Heart Associ ation offices, 1043 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana 92703. Ci-a sh Vietiiu To Be Feted ANAHEl~1 -The Orange County Citiicn·s Band Radio Club \1'i!l sponsor a memorial coffee break al its Dec. 19 meelins-in honor of the late ti.1 icha:!I Ruark, .a member killed in a traffic crash recently. The el'ent in Ruark 's honor \\'ill be held during the 7 p.m. meeting of th:: club at Ca rpenter's Hall Local 2203, 603 W. Vermont, Anahe im. Proceeds will be used to start a trust fund for Ruark 's fami - ly, ,,...--, 211d Language Program OK'cl for Sa11 Cle1nente 616-<881 ; . : BALTZ l\10 RTVARI ES By PA~I ELA HA LLAN class four periods a day. Two c»rona del rtfar OR 3-9450 °' ttr• 1»11• 1>;ie1 11111 periods will stress language C»ata l\fesa Pill 6-%Uf SAN CELEf'.lNTE -A pilot developmC"iit and the ot her two :: • program to assist students 1vi\l be devoted to regular : BELL BROADWAY \\'ho are hav ing difficulty in academic fields such a s :· l\IORTUARY school because English is nol history and math . 118 Broadway, Colila l\len !heir primary language ha~ The program also would In· bec.1 authorized fo~ S an elude a teacher's a id e. U S-3433 Clernente H!gh School. hopefully a male Mei:ican· • Trustees of lhe Capistr<1no Ame rican who could v.•ork DILDAY BROTllERS t;nified School District ha\'C \\'ilh students and l h e i r Hun tington Valley approve d about $6.000 in fu n· parents in addition to helping •• titortuary ding for the progra1n durinJ;: lhe teache r. 17911 Beacb Bh·d. the remainder of the 1969-70 Oliver told the board that he lluatlngton Beach school year alter the need for has applied for $28.000 in • : 14%-7i7I such a program was described federal funds to complete the ,. • by Ray Oliver, assistant project and relieve a n y • PACIFIC VIEW superintendent for instruction. tlislrict expense. ~ At San Clemente Hi g h \Vhen functioning on all ... IUE!'ltORIAL PA RK School there are nine students le\'els, the progrant will t.1-t Cemelertb~~lortuary \\'ho speak 011ly Spanish. Tht're elude one teacher for one f3i00 Pacific View Drive are 13 \\'ho are failing in all period al Forster Junior lligh • subjects be cause of a language School v.·ith the aide also Newport Bf:acb, CllUornla difficulty and 95 who are pass· assisting this teacher, Oliver ~ 644-r.tlO ing in some areas - n1ainly said. f e those with nonverbal content The progratn is designed to f r EEf\ .. 'Af\11LY -but who are failing in other complement a community ~ COLONIAi. FUNERAL subjects for the same reason," tutorial prog rarn called Start o{ HO~tE said Oliver. in which 70 qualified tutors f 'iSOl Bolsa A,·e. He said the program would ha\'e been ,·olu nteering thrir .1 "'estmJnster m.3W Pn>btibly beg I n v.'ilh 30 tin1e and talents to assist ). • youngsters who have the ~lcxlcan Anierican youngst ers 1 FFER •tORTUAaY gre1:uest need at tht hi5h on all grade levels who hll \'t ~ 8tK~1 41~1 535 school level. One bilingual d\iflcully 1n school because of ~ Clantalt •tz-tlto ll,-=-=-==he-'·.='=wi='U==w::•::'k==•::'i;,lh;::;l~hl;;•=l;;a~ngu~g~e=d;;•~fici~·~·nc~ie;;'=· ===.I ' . • S!UTllS' MORT~AllY 5' 1Z7 Mila St.. ~ lhanllngtoa Bf:act ~ ~ 1795 LAGUNA CANYON ROAD m cCo,.niic£ LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY • 494-9415 • lte m~on Sal e Thru Dec. ~4 SAVE '2! . .\uto Vacuum Cleaner R"""'"'"'l299 Bu.ilt·in light. Plugs in1n llgarettC lighter. 15-ft. cord and .service tool. Vacuu ms l'.ar in m inute s ~ SAVE s10! Engine 'f i1n ing Light ·~·· . . • ' I Moncloy, 9:30 a.m. to J0:30 p.m., Tueoclay, 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. Wednelcle7, 9;30a.m. to5:30 p.m.; Sund..1, 12 noon to 5 p .m. Regular$ '159.95 •flashy p-een tubu lar~lrel frame 1nd fende r& and r.asy•!teerio,: hip:h -rit.e handlebars of chrome pl ated !tee! \ •Conto ured black vinyl· CO\'ercd •ea t and rear shocks mean smooth riding • Hefty 4 rycle engine deliver• 11p to · • I 00 n1ile!i per gallon of 1as • •, Fantastic Value! ' • Re"·ind &tar1er. knob by tread ru bbtr tires front and rrar SAVE 'l! Nylon Slip-On Cove r ~~~ular ~l.9'} 399 foam-b acked nylo n is\\•atm 1n "'·inter, cool in ~ummcr. Wa~hablc. Choice of color5. Stereo Tape Players Scars Low Price e Se1r~ uni\·rr~al under0 da~h model,; for his auto e l·le·n f'njoy rnu ~i c '-'ith no ;in. 11o)illfl, inlerrup11on~ e \lav be al ·ll u;rd on h(l at •. ,.1u{q1er:. a11rl in lr<i il r.r~ 1999 SAVE '2! " • • .' • . . " " " . 493 '""'"""" 1999 .. Sc ars Stereo Cartridge Tapes <, 4-Tr ack: ____ l.99 8-TracJ.~----"2 .99 Hig hla nder Car Robe; Non·polari7.ed light pro· ,.;des sharp image, e\'en in direct sunlighi. flasher "·hen necdC'd. Complete 4 Piece Engine Testing l\it 999 Pistol ,stip urning li,1:h1 ind ~omprcssor rester. VKuum luel pump re)rer. Rcmorc s1~rter s.,·itc h. '• •Hun d red~ lo cl1 oosc fro1n • l,.eaturi11g n1a11y popular tunes and a rti~t~ Vinyl Plastic Woven Auto Seal Cove r s Regular 29.99 • l,l a111 ic "'0\ en for f l't'I' 1ircircula1i on •.\II 'in)I trim i• rfi11 f11r1·rtl "'ith !lrong fabric • In blu,.. hlack ''r 11·rr11 1 .50x(10·1 n. Highlander pla id of r.iyon, nylon and polye~- 1cr. ln blue, red or green Ory Chr111icii l Fire E:">.lin~ui~li er~ .. . • ,. ·: '" " .· .. ::11r•r \ •lu•' 799 ~~ Fi.izh r~ ,It.I\, <>let1rici1l .,1trta..(c and oil hre~. \\.c1J"hi on lv 11 1 lb( I nr JJJrJ ~afctl. ·: :: :: :· . -. . " . . . .. · . . ·-·~. . .~. ·: ,-------------------------------------------------· I _,_JA l·ff00,S11~~0 t!.~IGl 3·lf11 !CHG M.'rtC:11'*l•Ol1! """°"'"f0 1·11 •J.N"-'·lltl,JU •61~1 P<OWt l .•16, '.00..'"~J•\IP\o.f•.if\IJJJ)\ ~ ·-)10.tM>ilil Gl-.<11 CH 3.1001. (I 1.1.11 OITW!t . !OIO AM • 1111 .... ,. 'f'A (l '}J~1 IOl••-.t:I ''' 'j'I I I CCllll'l'ONMt 6-t.st1, Mt 2-3161 lfOlll"ll'oot HO'·'''' o .. -.Gt 631 noo ~ ,""'." ~JG1 ,11 ,,., 1• .. ,o 1 ~•61 , •t 1.1110 I ~'""°''' !IOlll~OI ··'''' ,,.,...l!t ..... ",,l,,J_",.~,, • ears ~·..-r·-.. •x•lil!I ~1·-·,l•,•1 • ,__________________________ -----------------1 A•k Alli•ul 11••• C•11 Y•"''"' C:r•4h Pl•"' ...,,___ "Sotl1foctionGuoronlt 1dorYou rMon1y8atk" ~---------~~---------~---------------------·--·---------------------- Bouse Group Urges ;. Piek a w ~man I . ~ For High Court IV ASHING TON !AP) -The to lady membtra of the House say it's high time a woman is named lo the Supremt Court, and they think the first female justice could very well come from their own rinks. "I think it would be great. There's no more realOll not to nominate a wonian than not lO nominate a man." said 1 Rep. Julia Butler Han5tn, (0-Wash.). "It's noi an ouilandi1h idea. Women are the one minority group that it is sUll consid- ered faJhionable to dl&crlm- inate agalnst," said Rep. Mar- gart:t M. Heckler, (R·Mass.). Rep. Edith Green, (D-Ore.), agreed. "I hope the day is not far off when the Ameri- ican people will resent the discrimlnltion acainst women as they rightfully resent the discrimination a1aln1t other minorities. There ls a Nep-o on the court but no v.•oman.!' she said. There is one vacancy on the nine-member court. Al least three \\'omen are reported to be among the many persol'l! being considered. All congresswomen agreed with Rep. Catherine May, (R·Wa.s.h.), t bat a woman ahoukt be selected only if she was the best qualified person the President could find and not just because she was a woman. Mrs. May said Pres- ident Nixon has said be hoped a woman couk! be stlected sometime · while he is in office. "It wou.ld be good tO have 1 woman's viewpoint on the bench and to give further rec· ogn1tion to the (act that . we ,,.Ii,. women 11ave ability,:· Hinh C:ost of Warfare said Rep. Shirley Chisholm, :J • (0.N.Y.), the only Negro con-Sil'ent testimonr to the firt power spent in defending piece at up~r right toss the containers onto the .ll',~~:no;1:f · U! women are Bu Prang Spec:1al Forces camp near the Cambodian mouild as tliey s~ack readied shells in sand-bagged A THOUGHT FDR TODAY MV lftttr't"ll 11 Ill ffl• Whir1 Mc:W11 1'111 111111 "' .,.. tM ..... "' '"' llf9 ltl•rt. focusing on one worn-an whom border is a mountain of l05mm artillery shell cas· bunkers, backgrou·nd . Enemy gunners have laid we know well and think is _:::l:::nge:s.c•=n:::d.c•:::h.:.•U:...::.co'-nt'-'a1"'·'-'ne=r.:..s.c. A.:..rt:::lll=•.:.rym---•:cn.cm:::•:::n=run=· .:.g:_th:::_• __ s.:_i•:.:eg:.:.e_t_o .::B_u_P:-r'-an_,g,_s_i1_1c_e_o_1c1~t.;;28iiiii. iiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~[ extremely well qualified, Mrs. Martha Griffiths," said Rep. Leonora K. Sullivan, (D- f,fo.). "She has judgment, knowledge, integrity and lots of good common sense as wed as judicial background." Mrs. Griffiths is a Democratic con- gresswoman from Mlchltan. . PRESENTED JO\$ A PUB LIC SERVICE EVERV DAY I Y: LH Roofing Co. 1• YNl'I Ill lllllNH USJ S11,..-1w Av.. mrm The Women's Bir AaoCia· .. . Now T~rough Sunday, January 4th DELANEY BROS. S~f90D 21th St. -01 ,,, • ..., ....; NlWPORl .. HACH • l'hOfti: 67J.J4.SO l'hooe: 54t0 IUJ · · ALASKA KING CRAB MEAT $2.70 (2·2 Y, BLOCKS) LI. DILANEY MEDIUM COOKID SHRIMP MiDIUM $1.75 SHRIMP , .. , ... ,,...., ... (l LI. IAG) . . ...... -LI. NO. I WHITE--JUMIO $9 95 PRAWNS (5 ... IOXI .............. : .. ·. • NEW ZEALAND-l'ETIR s29 95 LOBSTER TAILS~~~> .. : • tiofl of the DJstrict of Colum- bia. the· National Associatioo of Women La¥i'Yers. and the NaLional Busine.5.! and Pro!es- slortat ·women's Club have all ttcom.medded Mr.a. Grilfith.s to the President. fut to have a woman on U1e court and it's very nice of ilioie groups to recommend me. But I don't think I have a chance," Mrs. Griffilhs said. "Is that because you'rt a Crossword Puzzle ~C-ROSS HAL AllllCHlll HEARING AIDS tu1'9m Aur1t Alfl~llll(ilitll • HO SALESMEJll 3409 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR For Appol11tl'leRt 675·3933 I U Who needs It?. Not everyone needs 1 watch !nil 1 cal· endar. You hlv• to be busy enou&h to be concerned about tod1y; important enouJh to look ahead to tomorrow. This is• Rolex Oatejuil It b 99.91% •ccu· r•le because it n certified IS I chrori. Wfil_r by 1 Swiss GovtrMlent testm, stat~~ It ii an Oyster Pe,,.tual, wllidl me1ns 1bsolutely waterproof .. and HK· wlndlnc. In t4karat1old,11J inlosu1Mt or an elepnt comllilllt~n of both. $210 to 11100 ROLE X i' •When use, uown tnd crystal 111 intlct. CHARLES K BARR W"9tdill' Plan, ltftJ'(ll'l ...... c.olil !II MllffM A...._ lll•ll-M blft, CaJll'. • • • • • • 1• • 1: • • • • • • CLIP & SAVE . '\@~: K-MAC -· PHARMACY ~ o: 3333 NEWl'ORT ILVD., NEWl'ORT BEACH I Ac:ross From City Hall) AN. lll!TRqDUCTORY OFFER TO OUR ·NEW PIHOTO RNISHING SERVICE. . . ANY 12 EXPOSURES KODACOLOR ROLL WILL BE DEVELOP· ED & PRINTED FREE! WITH THIS COUPON DECEMBER 26 & 27, 1969 ONLY ............_. \~: • • • • • • • • 1 :1 :I • • • • • MCl'ICl•Y· OtCt rt\btf 11, 196• DAILY 'tLOT J;l_ • LAST THREE DAYS Wednesdar we will close our doors Fem•! Selling Our Entire Stock T • TH Bare Wlls . . MEN'S SUITS Our Reg. Otlr le(. 1111' Ill(. $55.00 $59.IO $·19.IG Silits Slits Slits NOW NOW NOW 125 00 135 .. 145 .. Dir Rag. °" Ill(. 1111' h(. $89.00 $11ll8 $111.IO Sllits Slits Slits NOW NOW NOW '5300 17800 '89°° MEN'S SPORTCOATS Dllr Rll. 11111' Ill(. Dir Ill(. $i5.UO *,ao . $'19 •• Cuts Calls COits NOW NOW NOW 125 00 13200 '44" --- f • ' ~ MEN'S SLACKS : Perm. Press Fllres l Nat. Adv. Bells Slacks Vil. te 516.00 $6FJJ $"f'J ¥' Cardigan Nat. Adv. Nat Alv. Swuters Sllort SIMve s.le Frllt Our Reg. $16 Dnss Slli'ts Swaters NOW I : ! Rll. $28 NOW 11200 1400 11900 f.IXTURES FOR SALE CLOSING OUR DOORS FOREVER CARLTON~S 270 E. 17th ST., HILGREN SQ. ' . . . I ) ' ' ' , I ' COSTA MESA MON. & TUES. 10 TC ~ ·WED. II iii' 10 TO 5 I 1.--......:;=:;;:;;:.._....1, ! ·- --. J 4 DAILY PILOT ~ -Molld.ty, Dteember 21, llf6t r • • • • Another Boat Fir111 Pick s-ICC A fourth major Southern California boat building coo- ttrn hu chosen the Irvine in· ~ dustria1 complex in which to : Jocate I t s manufacturing ! facility, Everett Davis, vice I president of IIC, announced. Marlincer Marine Corp, I manufacturer and distributor ot sport fishing boal3, has purchased a two -acre rail f served site in the complex for ( Its new plant J The firm wil join Jensen I Marine Cori> .• Ericson Yachts, 1 arKI Whittaker Yachts, a!l MEET SU PERBIRD -SPECIAL VERSION OF PLYMOUTtf ROAD RUNNER c., Fe•ture1 Shirk-nosed Front Enct With Concealed Lemp• and Rear St1bili1er pre!iently located in lhe com· plex. "The complex is an ideal en· vironrnenl for boat manufac· turcrs," cornmcnted Davis. "It is in the hean o( the Soothland boat market, and In Blgh Gear , ! has excellent transportation accessibility to the marketh1g areas which include t h e harbors from San Diego to Sant.a Barbara . Plymouth Offers Super Road Runner • • ! Bonk l' f' • ;. South Laguna resident • Donald A. 'f.1.iller, man- : ager of United Califor-! nia Bank's Orange Coun- : ty Airport office in Nev•- : port Beach. has been ~ elected a vice president t of the bank. All Mtkn-All Modtl• .l~ln -Trvcb "Wh•r• s.,~ic• M•lei 01• DiH1r1/ltt '' Qr1119t Clwlty 4S11 CilllilUt Dr. HewP1rt Sell.. 1n41 MO-ms lll .......... t'6 S. Wllflr'I f1UI Jll..1'7' By CARI. CAl\S'l'ENSEN 0.llT .. lift A~ll!M!IQ •.im A special limited edition ()f the Plymouth Road Runner , the SuperBird. has been an- nounced by Chrysler-Plymoulh Division. The car -wilh emphasis on ultra-high speed aerodynamics -featu res a "shark-oosed'' front end treatment with con· cealed headlamps and a rear stabilizer which is mounted 25 joches abo ve the rear deck. The aerodynamic nose cone Is 19 inches long and stretches the overall length of the car to 221 inches-17.2 inches !oncer than the standard Road Run- ner's 203 .8 inch length. Th ree powerplants a r e 11vailable i:,1 the SuperBird-a 440 cuCic inch, four barrel Super Command V8: a 440 cubic inch. six barrel wedge. arid the 426 cubic inch hemi engine. The planned 2,000 units will be completed in mid.January. * * * CHEVROLET OFFERS TRAILER GUIDE To help ib1 deal ers and customers select the best A THOUGHT FOR TODAY M'f lllt.1'111 I~ lft "'• f\rfllrt ........ l'fft teilltl ft tSNl!ll lht rfll el "'Y lift ffl•••· -c~1r1H II•"""" Pl!ESE NTE!) AS .l PlJBL!t SERVICE EVEll.Y DAY 8Y: L•• Roof ing Co. J( YM,.. Ill S111lllt't1 1u1 s...,-i.r ..,.,., "4J·lm COMPLETE • I ! PRINTING. SERVICE • Business Forms • L•tferht1d1 • lnvit1tion1 • Tickeh • Postert • Businen C1rd1 • Hout• Organs • Menu• SERVING THE PUBLIC AND TRADE 642-4321 2211 West Balboa Boul•vard, Newport B•1ch RACITl'S CLASSICAL GUITAR pos~ible trailer t owing eqwpmenl, Chevrolet i s distributing trailering guide through Its dealerships. The new 1970 four-color. 16· page brochure not only covers required equipment lo give satisfactory performance wilh light. medium, and heavy trailers, but also explains why certrun component.s a r e recommended for 1 p e c i f i c trailering use. The booklet lists the re· quired minimum power team jengine, transmission. axle ratio) by trailer weight for each 1970 Chevrolet car li ne, except the Corvette a n d Camaro, for the best balance Yot1r between performance a n d price. Data for the 1970 camaro will be issued when the car is introduced early in 1970. Also listed are the required equipment for various trailer· ing loads, including such items as suspensions, c o o I i n g • brakes, tire! and, in some cases, power disc brakes and higher output generator. Another section lists recom- mended equipment w h i c h , y,·hile not absolutely essential, <idds lo comfo rt, rnnvenience, and more efficient performance of the towing vehicle. Maximum loaded trailer Worth weights of 4,000 pounds for the Nova and 6,000 pounm for the Chevelle, Chevrolet, and two stationwagon lines are the highest in their fields. The 1'1onte Carlo maximum is listed at 2.000 poonm. A new feature of the 1970 booklet is a section on tips for trailer towers. II includes discussions on the effect of allitude o n performance, trailer b r a k • imtallatk>ns, trailer weight and I o ad distribution, how to cope with temporary cooling s y a t e m overload, generator capacity for trailer I i g ht i n g re- quirements, and transmiHlon fluid levels. h1ve~tors Study Art Form By SYLVIA PORTER An Edinburgh art teacher 1nade worldwide headlines early this month when she sold for $537.600 a picture \\·hich had hung unrecognized in her rnodest living room for IS years and which had once been \•alued at $50. Actually, though. this front page story was almost ''old hat." Sales or paintings of major Jmportance in the $1 million range are be c,oming·in- creasingly common. A Tiepolo !Ed!l1H''1 lllOt1 -""' It !'lie 11111 ti "'"' tolumllt bY SylVI• .. 01111' .... ,. '' 111 lftYfllm111!. Tiit ttrln It l ll- tlller "' Min Po11 ... '• Uftllfl~lll• CCIV• .,.,p ti IHltn\111 lllVH'-"l -If· l°Jftlti. .. Prl"llfllll'I' 1111• r Mr •llt PIM w•mtft 111 Ill• tff but m1'11tlt lft u !111, -''" '''"'"' "Id, di..,,.1M111, •~ll•11n, r1r1 DOoll1 11M1 m1ftuttrl-h.) \\'as sold in June for $982,800 and a Rembrandt self·portrail for $1,519,200 -in bolh h1- stances, h u n d red s of thousands of dollars more lhan these works might have brought a few years ea tier. BET\\'EEN 1951 and 1968, according lo the London Timcs-Sothcby art indeii:, the prices of French impressionist paintings multiplied 15 times: those of British 18th and 19th Cen tury paintings, more than IU times: of 2Qth Century Europea·n paintings. 1 9 ~~ tirnrs; of 17th Century Hallan paintings, 33 time ~. Among indi\'idu;il artisls. the upsurge also has been ~pectacular. llt·noirs are up more than 1.500 percen t since 1950. Picassos ha,·c rnultiplierl 21 time s and Braqucs. l!I times. In 1963 alone. prices paid for Utrillos soared 45 per- cent and for Vlamincks, 53· percent Prices In n1an" art categories have i·iSC'.1 50 dramatically that it has been suggested that art prices be published daily in the newspapers-like stock quota- tions. TODAY. bit-city department stores are opening a r t departments offering original art works. ·Franchised art. galleries are being set up trom coast to coast. OOzms of art investment funds -mutual funds -are being·organi.red to invest in works ol art strictly for profit ; at least three public ~rt investmenC funds are being formed in from rare coins and rare books to land, antiques , tapestries, etc. etc. -are favor~te investment mei;tia for so-called smart m o n e y • Throughout. 11169, 1•ve been wtiting about these ~"'far out investment'.'. areas and ·how to participate in them. - A second factor ij that we in this natkln have adlieved un. precedented pt.aks ~ educa- tional attainment. travel to the world's cultural centen and discretionary spending. Thls gives us the desire and the means to satisfy Utt desire. New York. while in Paris, a AT THE SAME, time , tens French-Dutch-Belgian fund is of millions of us have become being developed for New York regular museum-goers. Before New Yo r k backin g. \YOrld War I, there were on- Investment counselOrs, too, Jy about 20 art museums in are offering advisory services the U.S.: today, there are in investment in art works. some 180. The museums - Young Americans are in-along with the uniVersities - creasingly spe rxling their ex· are DOt only stimulating our tra money on paintings and interest in bu ying art but are sculptures -in many cases also helping to drive up prices by their contemporaries -through Uieir own purchases for the investment value as of a rt works . well as the aesthetic pleasure. Finally, for at ]east the vcr)' And many wealthier young best examples, there are the Americans are b u d g e l i n' g basic forces of a steadily SIO,OOO-and-1.1p a year for art shrinking: supply and a works. along with their other relentlessly growing long-term profit-seeking investments. demand. Big a:nd small corporations It is possible to invest j·,1 art are meanwhile sinking sub· for financial profit p I u s stantia1 sums in paintings and aesthetic return. My next col- sculptures -and not just for umn will give you the basic clccor~lion by any means. The guidelines. objective is. profits ultimately,----------- as \Veil. \\'HAT'S BEHIND lhe art hoom? How can you buy into it -wilh the expectation of f making significant p r o f i t s \1•hen you re-sell? A:.1 obvious force behlnd the boom is the very inflationary era in which we now live. In a time of Inflati on, tangible, valuable objects -ranging ' 'I CAN ANYONE OFFER YOU THIS FANTASTIC DIAMOND GUARANTEE? DIA MONDS Alt£ OUI SPECIALTY! IYllY DIAJllOND Af\ID DI AMOND llNG YOU IUY IS •UAIANmD TO Arl'RA ISE FOi AT LI.AST 4D~• TO 11'!1. Hl•Hll THAN THE !'RICE YOU !'AID 01 YOUI MONIY IRIFUNDID. DIAMOND RINGS THIS DIAMOND RING ... , .... '2200" Y'•ll •t W• 04.l•r•ntH t• HOME EXPERT RoMrt Allan Allan Named Vice Prexy Robert M. Allan bu been appointed a vke president of Starxlard-PaclOc Corp.. a <livenified CaUlornla home buikling co m p a n y ht!ad· quartered in Costa Mesa. ,,, ... ,.,. RINGS $6'5 t Al WHI $13'5 s,..... ,., '""':. 14000" ly a C•rtlfl..t O.mototllt or y~r money .. ck. lie v"iU direct all phases of the home development opera- lion.' for the company 's newly· est11bllshed San Diego Division at Chula Vista. ..... Coffee COME URLY AND SAVE ' ...... ·-· Downtown lUI NIWfJC>ltT ILVO.. (n•ar lrMth•u1yJ Costa Mesa 646-7741 A formtr San Oiego resi- dent, Mr. Allan "'ill be moving from hJs home In Newpori Beach to San Diego to assume his ncv.· responslblliUes. Finance • Briefs BEVERLY lllWI (UPI) - Seaboard Cory. announced that ita sublidla:rles; SNboUd Funds Dlltributon, Inc., and s,<tbotnl PWJab1g Corp., htve boupt oealt on the Pacllk • Coast stock Exchan1e. • SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)-- Eeottomls! Lesli• Peacock ol ' Crocker.Citizens Nat ion a I Bank aid Monday it is quite Jll'emlture to believe tblt the policies ~· ~ Federal Jlawve System tnd lhe N1""' admlnla:tratiOJl are curbfu, tn- llalion. Such-pr,..__Js are pure c la Irv o ya n c e , Peac.oci: said. COLLEGE POltrf, N.Y. (UPI) -. Edo Corp. haa o!>- taJned a fZ million contract lrorn lb, West German Navy to make aubmarlne aonar equipment. OGDEN, Utah (UPI) -CCI 1.farquardt Corp. has oblained orders ror up to $2.7 million worth of Titanium slat" tracks from Avco Corp. for use in the Lockheed Trist.ar airbUs. WASHINGTON (UPl)-Na- lural Gas Pipeline Co. of America has asked the Fed- eral Power Commission for authority to build $46.8 mil- lion in new facilities, primarily in the Midwest. NEW YORK (UP!) -Ray- mond International, Inc .• and Global Marine Inc., of Los Angeles announced a tenta- tive joint venture to provide heavy engineering 8el"Vices for Alukan oil drilling opera- tions. Global Marine is seek- ing to develop an air cush- ioned hover type drilling sup- port v'ehicle to operate on the arctic tundra. WASHINGTON (UP!) - Litton Industries. Inc., has been awarded a $229.3 million Navy contract to build two amphibious warfare vessels immediately and two more later. CLEvELAND (UP!) -The Chesapeake & Ohio-Baltimore & Ohio railway system a~ Jl()llnced Wednesday it is plan- ning to buy $.SS miJJjon worth of new rolling stock, including 3,000 freight cars and 75 diesel locomotives. VANCOUVER (UPI) Crown Zellerbach Canada, Ltd., said it will begin· at once building an $8 million plywood mill at Annstrong in the north Okanagan region of British Columbia. NEW YORK (U PI) -J. C. Penney Co. said it Jllans 'to enter the individual income tax preparation business early next year. The service will b':! introduced in A t 1 a n t a , Jacksonville and the Tampa- St. Petersburg region. WESTBORO, Mass. (UPI) -New England Electric System, Inc., announced it will build a $60 million 450.000· kllO\\'att addition to its Somerset, Mass., power sta· tion starting ea rly next year. NEW YORK (UPI) -Basf Corp. announced Wednesday it is introducing a f I a m e retarding textile f i n i s h I n g agent on the U.S. market that does not stiffen fabric. It is an o r g a n i c phosphorous com- 1)0Und developed at the Basf works a t Ludwigshafen, Germany. DENVER .(UP!) -Pan Ocean Oil Co. has bought ex· ploration rights to 900,000 ~s acres in Colombia, Turkey and the Italian waters of the Adriatic Sea. Pan Ocean took a 25 percent interest In a venture with the Colombian government oi1 company and a similar interst In a venture In 90Ulheut Tm-key controlled by a Turkish company. NEW YORK !UPI\ - A number or proposed local municipal bond issues went begging in Wall Street Tues- day because of statutory limits on interest rates. The issues that failt'd to attract any bidders include $12 million of Woodhaven, Mich., school bonds, $2 million of Kalamazoo school bond s. $8.5 millkln In Oakland , Mich., sewer bonds, and a $4 million lswe of Anoka, 11-1\nn., school bonds.. Bond market experts predicted a SSl million of- fering of. Owensboro. Ky., electric power bonds likewise would rind no takers. HONOLULU (UPI) -Dill- ingham Corp. said i t 1 subsidiary, Gordon H. Ball • bx., bu obtained a $33.7 million contract to buikf 1 subway 1t.aUon In Washington, D.C. NEW YORK CUPll -FMC Corp. has announet:d tt will itink 1 fourth shaft &t ita Green RJver, Wyo., soda ash mine. The company is spend- ing t tolal ol IS million lo •!panel Ille ~ne. THE NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And tht ma" who kno101 just how to tuM& tht phro.st to get the moat out of th4 borb ii DAILY PILOT colMmn- 111 Sl/dn.r H....U. He ha.I ben ealltd the: modfm • dar HI ft TV Men cken. J/ wau're: readu /OT htr tut of tht add adjec:tit11: and t h o 11 g 1' t • provoking proit to gifnl 1/01' the tr.ttdU , •• ff !/OU toa11.t to fi1ld something to ~11fnk about in what you read ••• if uou haoe a 1en1t of hum.or, you b e 1 o n g with readtr1 toho delight in te!Jing ,.. othera what .. Sud said• in Ont' of the nation's most -quoted eolumM. Some Sample Barbs Recently Tllrown By Sydney Harris: "Ono of tho highest ptld fobt In Amorlct consl•h of 1t1ndlng up in front of a mlc· rophone, Mpar1tin9 the good records from the bid ones -and pl1ying th1 bid onet." •1t11 sad but true that while alcoholics are the best argument fw abstinence, so many absWners are equally effective ar· aument for a little drink now and then." ''Mott of the to-eilled 'lncompJtibllity' in m1rrlage 1prln91 from the fact that to most men, MX it an act; while to 111 woinen, It Is 1n •motion. And this difhr· 1nce in attitude un be bridged only by Jove." "The sole difference between a 'dedica0 ted crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' con- liists in our agreement or disagreement with his objectives.'' "The most explotlve combination In the world con1i1t1 of sinc•rlty addtd to lgnoraMe. '' "Whenever l am the recipient of an ex- cessively hearty handshake, I suspect Mr. Muscles is trying to ~ell something, hide eomething, or prove 1omethi.n1." c.·eck The Editorial Page For This Signature . ~ ·: "°t ";~-~ .-.z~ ·...-.-.. ,..v -~·°"" -"' ., ,.,~ ... ~..:'f. It'll Help You Find .Th_e_ Latest Q11otables Created By '.The Needler' For His Col· Hin, A Reg1lar Feature of · t~e DAILY PILOT Your Hometown Diiiy Newsp1per r • •- ' ' ' ' . ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' . . . . . . . . • • . . . • • . . . . --------------------·--··------------------~--------------------·--_ _,__ -,-------~--~~______..,. .,..._._,.........-.---_........,,,.. ___ • • ' ' ' . I " ' ., / ' .' ,! .•' .. J . AMONG ·THE . GREAT ONES • ' . . Here, among some of the great newspapers of the world, is on old friend. The DAILY PILOT iooks as much at home on this international newspaper rock as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- town newspaper" can be sophisticated and still not lose touch · with what's hap· pening at city hall. Whether it 's riews from around the world or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you .. And the simple ·fact is that, because the DAILY PILOT emphasizes local covero.ge, you'll find o lot .of stories in it you can 't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international news rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at · home, it's the great- est one in the world (for local news) . • • ' DAILY PILOT -I l ' ' " ·~ " j ! .. ' ., -• ., -' ,. I • • • . • ·. _. , • G.E. AM CLOCK RADIO MondfY, Dect mbtr 22, 1969 I I I I I G.E. DELUXE AM CLOCK RADIO I I I I G.E. AM/FM . CLOCK RADIO · I I I t G.E. AM/FM CLOCK RADIO ' l G.E. I ' G.E. STEREO PtlONO W/ AM/FM-FM Stereo:-Radio . . . G.E .• CASSETIE TAPE RECORDER Plays anywhere on batleiy or. electric power. Pushbutton contr61g and snap-in I 1RADIO Neatly styled clock radio with I big. easy to read cl ock lace. Wakes l you ID music. Solid state chassis for I instlnt sound and front mounted I dynamic speaker. Good looking 1 ' roodem cabinet. I Wake up to your favorite radio I station or to gentle buuer aarm. I Equipped with handy 60 minute l shut-off and Snoo1-Alarm systems_ I Solid state chassis for instant I sound, long reliable I ile. Lighted dial. I Wakes you -to either AM or FM sta-· I lions or buuer alarm. All the deluxe 1 features including slumber shut-off 1 switch. G~ly lighted clock face I ?nd tuning dial. Trim design. f I Beautifully finished WOOil cabinet, complete alarm and wake to music system with Snooz-Alarm and slum- ber switch. Precision slide rule tuner, lighted clock fare. Buill -in antenna for AM and FM . I I I I f I f l YllUI besl buy in port. ibles; plays on bat· leryor electric power. I With ~ing strap. 1597 •CllAHI "* •IAmmlC&ID • ~l flOllT CAID •llAlmCNAltl C-TCAIDS I I I I I I 189.:7 I I I I I I 2997 ·l 39 97 l AM/FM RADIO fl Neally slyled !able lop 1ildio; I excellent reception and su- perlat ive tone. 4-inch I speaker. .. ·'::"~~~,,,..,,....~'l"l':'~~~.,..:·~··=·~.,.,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,:-:-.~~-=':::'::":'::::~:"C"l,....~-;::::T:::T.~~~~~~--= ST LOS ANGELES VAUEY WIST VALLEY EAST THOUSAND OAKS TORRANCE ANAHllM IAllOI I WUlll Wlf .......... °' lfMO'WJ9 •'(' I u1s IAST OlTM,K llYD. <•Nooa •••• •.t.co1Ma 'tUnt ''" 11 . .u n:lftll• m . TORRANCE ILVD. AT '"°"' r.ur., A1UW11C CAlfOIA AVl. llt IOSCOf llVt. U¥1rt CAllYOll., .,,.,.. '" vuni 1111 .,, flffWAr HAWTHRONE ILVD. tltr M COUllCf fllllf llOlnt 9#1 ft.,.. A nrr. JU Sr Off IO&Nll STAR nn'. 4" Ollltl SHOW IOAD Im Ill JM lfllMIHIO llllJIAT ATOIMll SHOW ID. COVINA ONTARIO COSTA MESA DOWNEY 1111 """' AIUIA AVI. 1333 NO.MOUNTAIN AYL 2011 t•nroL ....... WOOD•U,, AflMrlllAl lfTWffl JM lllttfAHtff JMST °'' JflWHIT AVI. JllSJ WIST Of ftffWAr • Attow "'"· '' JfflJmtwr rnrwAr ''""'" s.o. ""'• ,,,.,, rrs. SMf ••••1t rtnwar ' . ' SPECIAL HOLIDAY HOURS MONDAY & TUESDAY 1 D AM to MIDNIGHT WIDNlSDAY 1 D le 7 CIOSQ ClllSTMAS DU • • " I • l " " ' • ' • 17 ' ~ ,, .. . , - ' ' ) . ---------------------~ -~ ............... ------------·----· . ' -· • ' . ., • . ' •. Men., deCorated with raisins, semi·sweet c hoco- late piece~ or ChristmaS candies and frosting are traditiOnal additions" ~o th"'' holiday scene, And c}tjldren '\\'i ll,., e~il?Y ch~y ·Holiday Puff Balli. Attrat."tivcly trioiroed with colored. icing or rib- bon, th~se "P"ifed rice balls,.,., ideal for a porty or group deeorating •_adiviiy. ~men " ;..., •• SUGAR 'N SPICE QIN~ER8RBD MEK 1--·,•i!ltd ~""""" 3/C ••flel1lll!or flou 3/4 cup flnnly J..KNI 1/C tlllP.l(llT salt brown a1p 1 /2~S!Mil tear 3/4 tiapoOn ciM1mOn 2/l cup dirt JlldJWts 3/C teaspoon 1i1111r ~ 1. t.bJtspoons w1ttr 112 te•poon nutmu 1-112 cups qu[ct or old 112 "'!'''''""'"· . fllhiontd "''· '*"""4 Sitt torttfltf flour, nil, sode, cinnMllMI', linpr, nutmtt tnd doWs into bowL Add shorttnlna, brown s•J•r, tU. molmts and wattr. Btat. ~ii smooth ebout 2 minutes. Stir In oats. Chill ft Ital 1 ·hour. loll out on Uctit1Y~oured board or l:lll'lll·to 1/1-tl'ldl thlctlnns. Cut with ftoured 11111erbr•ld men cutttr. P11te on rnastd coollt shNt&. 81kt in prehtltld moderate oven l350°F.l lbout. 10 to 12 Milwttl; cool. Deeoratl with CHflCtiNlrl slpl" fl"ldlll Wld _... .._.. ---.. --~112- . • ,. "· 'r -· - . :-. I • .. i• • '·· ' ROl:IDAY . P.UFF'ilAUlS'l : ;; .. ~ ... ~ ... -' . .... .. 1\+~ : ...... " . ,,, I 01111 ""1f rill 11414&1;' IJ .. 113.., U ... --J.l/C ...,,.,.,,Iii 2/J C1P pMlllltld _.. , 11 .... liettilllw ltrl• ""'·""" '"" '" ""'•·'8ilnr ""' '" ,.....""' _,,.. ""' fJS0-,.1 lllout 10 llliftul .. Pour Imo 11'1~ llrp bowf. Cotnbi111 oom syrup; sopr Ind lllt in __..., Coot onr medium htlt, stirrtnr untU 11111r Is dltsotYtd. ConthWt codklnt .to •ft bill stlp 12400F.l or untll IJfllil dropped Into Cold wit.er forms 1 IOft bllt. hmow from Nil stlrr In v1nlU1. Pour 0vtt carlll, stlrri111 until oM; """" .... _, ... 10 tqUll -· "Kt 0.. nd If • '*9 flf strinl Into thl etfttlr of 11th portiOft. lhllll portiOftl te fOr'M blla. 1n1ki111 sure 1trl111 Is MCUf11y t•tentd INide ucti blll. Lit stlftd ownMIM to dry ttlofou&hly. O.corat.1 1s --II·• , ... ---+ ----· -·-----... ----•• --~----------.....-~ ' + -.. • ' -• • •' + • • • , • P.E~EDllJI~~ OUIDBlES '.:l • '!~, ~~'!t' ~' , f• 1 'l(t 1 t I/! "'w.-,.,.,lfto Sf!;""-NI : a 2cujsttnlllld-2--... •us 1/Z"teupoon cloVls 1·112 teupoons19nise nlrtct 1-1/Z aips quick or old 4 cups sfft1i •Yilurpose f•hiontd Olis, a A A flour · 1 cup dQd miitd ctndltd t le•poon 8'linr powder fruit 3/-4 t1upoon ¥'t . • Bt1t butttr ~ntil cl't.m,i.~jnd~llJ ldd ~; btatint 'l!lfil 11u1Jy. Add eg:s, one it • time; ilftt·well ,fter each 11ddttlon,; Slit kl 1111ise e1tr1ct. -·· · Sttt toaejher llour, b1klnf pawd1r,.11lt, ctrdlmom, cN!nllnOl't, tllll clows. ·Add· to erecned ·mixWrt;, bltlld well. ·sur Jn oils and Clldld fNlt. C,ltill •t 11111.1 hour. •· • _. 1 Divide dou1h ' into 16 p1rts. Roll tlCh l1rt on flourtd canYa or tea towel h! .form a 1on1 rope .3/~ ir:itb IJ .. dilmtter. lt1vi111 rolls of doUlh on Clll'tn or towel, slip 1n un1rened cookie shett U;ndernell:h cloth. Folcl cfoth oYer top of ·ro11s to coV•r-looslfy. thin n ltllt l tlour. . . J ' tµt eldl roil Of doup Into -112-inch ·piltes; Pia en 111.llld eoali1 lhHts cloH tO(ether but not touchlnf. ·Bike. In :erehl1tld-inoderrte mn l350°F.) tbout -12 to .J4 mlnirtu •• Removt ffom c:Oa~e stiats and lrnmedlltely roll1 In · etllflctltMr'I SIP'. t.o9f. Start 1" ~- '1'ntli""· .... ""31 1,4 """' . . . ' LU$CIOUS .. ~Rl,c,Gii:· TARTS : lfl"2!-. J.1 11 "'" ~""' ·-· cut:up . ·314·0IP fimily pockld ' brown SUlll' • ' 2 cups boilinr w~er 112 C\IP _dlopl!fd fllllmiats TM'tt: . ' 2 ~ 1ifted alltuf11* '(lour · -l/2,cup1r.1,i~~·· 1/C teaspoon silt · 1 C\!P biltter or mar1lri• 1. cup· quick or oi. ~ · filhlontd 'oatS, 'jncooktd : S·to I tlblesliOoM·lwlltr For 111rlcot jilllnf( comtllne apricotf ind bfown 1U,1r In UuctpM. Add biOUfll( weter. Cover, ltt 1t1nd 10 mlnutu: liin1 to boll. Simmer coVtftd .tor •10 111i1111tes:-RtriiOYt •cciwt". anil contlnut sim,,.erini tor IQ lltlOU\tl. ·Rell'IOVt .from tint; stir in· nutrneals. l;ool• to h*ewlf'!l'I. For hfti sift toeetf\er br, su11r •nd-stlt· into ,bowl. eut In butter. u11tlt1nlitll;e~r•11m6lu ·c:Oars• ·uumbs. Stir ·in 01ts. SiriM;1a wit.er bf tlbJt1~m11l1· over 111ixtilre Ul\til d9uth ' r.tn" bi Joniltd · 111ta bill,, sf~ hlftl'IY' with fork: -. · 1 • : • • : Olvldt dol!i1I Into C8 lmtll bills. Pl~ btUs in plsedl mJntttura mvffi1t:tlljis, Pte$s ovt bills· of' do'ul~ on bottom'liict"lldis of imdl'in ~. to ·.tqnn: tart .sl!tlls. F~I 'with 1prlcot 1illmf. flab In :pnhell:td -oo °"" U!Q'F.l JS t1 -40 .;-Of "'"" 1"1$ .,,. 1!f~ ~ftP'."' ~·liutibty: a~v.1 1~ ,_, ~-.~ •:~ YULETIDE TOFFEE SQUA~ES . 1 .... bolter or m"P'"' 3111,.,10:,.:: •,.. . · • l f(IP &r•lklllttd surer , 1, •• , 1'. CIP firmly PICkd ClllS, ~.or ofd J "'-""" ' 'fitHGOoloMs, .-2 .... 1'12 ""'.._._ 1~t1•poon nnll~• 1 cup mt1_fthcolertd ""'1· 2 """slfttl 1J>puf11.!S1 _flour:. '"""' -"' -Beat butter Mid 1uttr1 toptfltr unliJ ~· INind hi · el(S. et , ...ttlle. Sift IOP:thtr, flour, todt ,Md sift.!'" to1 ~ ~· iltllld wen: stir 111 oats, nutmelt.s and etndi•s. Ofoo by tt""'* \ lfltO ,,...., coollle shtets . .Jtkt ·ln prelle.iff'n\6dltltt oftn~f~ . IWut 10 to 12 minutn. ,._,, IMft 1 ...._ , W., CODICIU1 Suisllhltt 1 Clif' ad4f 1••*1'1 for dlocolltt . CMdltt. • . '°""· _... °"'" -111. Mst!Mt "1)2 "" ..... . It I ....... for chocol .. ~-• -ill CIOllll> SubalitWlt I "' -" --for , cflocollt• candlK. • r ' . ' ~'~----~-~~---~------------------------------~ · 11-mv PILOT ' • l ( • ~. .... . . . ,1'~; ~: .... ,;· .;,• :,.__ . . .••• ~'r.•;· ~.-~. !•:;~. :;'l.i···~· • :". • t-... • .• .. .. . : -.~ :4 . •,. ·,· • ' J ., ... <<;, • • • . . ,.. ' .. -. .!-... : : ..... : .•. ··~·V ·. ~ ,);-\ ; . .,. .. Many looks Appear In Holiday Picture Young juniors know how they want to look for the holi- day. Mary Quant llke1 t.he soft and feminine look iri her group of date dresses. She has aban· doned her "little girl" fashions and has put lots of shape and clinl inlo her collection. Her dresses are sklMY 'with Jong tight skiMy sleeves in short mini lengths. Typical of her skinny, sexy look is a supple peach eyelash lace crepe dress with Jong, tight sleeves and a scooped U nedtline. For ~e who like the dresl and pants look, Mary baa included a pair ot long, flared pants to be worn underneath. · · Another skinny dress ts a white eyelash lace <.Tepe shirtdreu · · streaked w i t h metallic silver threads and wrapped with a Wide fringed obillSh. Traditional holiday velvet appears in a shaped black velvet dress that's heavy with black passe:menterie on the hem. steeves, n~ lloe and frurt •loih pockets. ~Mary's long dreM ls fun Of whimsy with an Oriental feel~ lng. The pink and met.alllc gold pal:liey patterned. voile f!OWJ smlr from • hlgb Empin bodice. Vicloire's J)ollday took !s more sopbislicated. Her col- lection of aflor·i1our dr..,./ .. are starkly pllift combinin& • · velvet with taUn or faille. One · ChristmaS red .el vet dreif . · :. outlined in red !&tin is vf!f1 • ~ bare· with a cukil.lt halt.er bodleo'lbat·hugs lbe body tben genUy moves it into an A.. " ~ Another .ytJvet and saUn com- binallon is a jot blaclt drea with a modifttd halter bodice. Looting -tnOrt demute ta Vicloire's winter whllfi velvet ! dress with faille bowl on tbi"' shoolders and 1 'faille rufflt, peeking out from under tht hem. ... ' 'The Young Oeolgnen have not abandonod tbe look of evening pantl. They have lzt.t eluded a ~arates group la navy cotton knl( .1and metalllC silv'er. Oile OOUit combines a .k>ng 'eweatfr..itke cardigm . r coat wit.a >a. ailver metallic~ i '•• •tripod pulloYer okirt and IOlll . flared' pants'. ' · · Another look is a silver , ... - . .pullover lhitt with peptumr~~ ,. •. , 1klrt ~ ~ cuffed sleeva . ~ • worn over the flared pant.5. " • · The Y o u n 1 lntemallonit Deiignier COilection at Pen--- ney'1 in Newport Beach and Hunting1oll Beach is a col- lectioo GI looks. "' "\ .. ... . ; .. ' • . ' ; ' .. " • • .. _,_\ '· ..... - . Di\ltlNG BLACK - .Blacl< velvet ·tor tlie · ... JldllUys is ·~aped close. to the; body' 'll!ld edged heovlly in )llack pas- llllDl!lllerie Oil the hem, 1leevejs, n~ and pockels. ; .I ' I '" I , __ • ' ' ' ' . ' . " .. ' , .. " . . . .• • • • --Long Beach Nuptials .. .Y~cky Moffitt ~rries , -. 11 ~ ·-.:" t.mJ Beach Church of '· Reu,bM: Sdmce was the set. '!inf' lilr Ibo ......... lll1ktng Vtcky,L)'liil MJ!lllll; 1 le!ldJor In -l)!on Beach, and !Ju.enter Mumlgkelt, "" df Mr." and Mrs. Horat Mtrni&kett Sr. of Mason City, lOWL Tile Rev. Dr. Don Bertheau ~rf!*1ned lbe nuptiols. Tiie bride, daugh1'r of Mr. and Mn. Artilur H. Moffttt of Lclii Beoch, : w11 liven In marrlqt by her father. Silo wore 1 gown GI ocalloped ~ i.... fashioned in • 'redtnai:lle·over a peau de soie pnwblcb'exteadedlntoa . chapel. trailn. A fatrie floral )!eldpleco ,hold ilOr veil, and her pokgay ~featured roses, carnations' .nd lilles of the volleY • AUendlng as maid of moor w11 Sherri Grand ; bridesmaidr. were P a m e 1 a McElmurry and .Kathy Moore, and ~ ifri wu Monica Tlenoly. 'Dany -WU lbe best man and Ulhtn were Glenn Momu, Ruaeell Raabi, Nick Geren a."ld Deimond Walker . A champagne dance recep- tion followed in the Lafayette Hotel, IA>ng Beach. After a . . -•~ hppeyipoon at Lake Tahoe, the newlyweds will reside in Belmont SOOre. The bride is a graduate of Loni llH<h Poly Htgb School, l<Jng Beach City College where she was a charter member of MEI sorority and California State College at Long Beach. _ '(.Her husband, an exchange student from Germany, is a graduate or MaSdll City High School, . a l t e n d e d lowa University where he affiliated with Lambda Chi Alpha and i1 a 1Taduate of CSCLB. MRS. GUENT~R 'MVRrllGKE.iT':' '\ Lake Taho4t' 'H0Myf"'OO" ··._ ~'. . .. = ;; :; I P.eering ... Around &Ill. ANO MJIS. Matlbe" Ji;N,O). cl Corona ~ Mar . . ' . will entettain their frleqd!. Maj. aod ·Mrs. #obn: still ol University Part alClll with their daughter Mrs Xartn Carpenter of Costa itesa Md granddaughten, Tracy, and Cheri on Christmas Day. TRAVELING to lndl>nap. oils for the' Christmas' hoJld.ays will be Mr. and MIJ, W. H. Bennett of Tustin. Mrs. Ben-- nett is presidmt of 4e!'ooit- tronlc Wives Club, -!-. A TRADITIONAL Eng!is~ C!friJtm.11 ,, . pWuied by Ibo ~ lltin"1I ~ Welre!l(t. r<iUt &:."~ z and fWnlnc plum~·famljj< .......... ~' j • ·GOA~· ),~-tf dMi ho~ deltinatlon of·lllr.·llid· Mri. lllmoo Poitevin• CoM ,,. ,,....,__!Jlley , will m.d'.-uv<!a .,_ Sacr...,..m. -. nh: and Marro Bli 'iud· opmd · 10 di11 hunlb!c and ,...,.. alter celebrallai ~ SPENDING "~' In Yuma will be the F. ll!¥1d Nii:ons o( NewJ>pn ·Beilll. They will Viii! her ~,llid his wife, Mr. and: "'~ Lawrenc< LemU, ·llo!lr 1'1111 • lyts. other."1<1Ql>era of. llli. ~. l,lm'1 1 1111ppy Oered dress tbal Is collared , . . wltb a ~.lie. The sleev .. are full and feminille. r.tR AND Mll8. wd.oii · NOll ,tlie deep folds la the skirt -perfoct}11.~. W~an Of c.r..,. dol ~ f1~c;s lucll Of: 4-ply cnpe, 1llk prinll, llgbtweigbl-will er<ertained. ber' ........., •· wool, U-or cotton. Y-1012-2 .Is cut In Misses , Mr. 1nd Mrs. lle!jr): N'.~ ·me. ~II. SI~ 12 requtih approximately 2 314 ~h!1ui:! ··~·~ • t'11!i·ot ~ .. f!ibric. nm~ unw.J"-u..11n111 · To OJ!l'1' Y-1012-2; otate. &ize, include name, )lie )'di. -· ' · , ...... .iif zip coclL S••i°-2 postpaid. Send orders -JANE ~if Liiii .to!' booll:1 .911cf petlen\l to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. hie~~ "Jlll01'W' CX·ll, l\lllford, N.J; Oll'll. two · children lllioqb. Ibo ' , ' '1'1111 prMul. jln1>erforated Spadea Designer F'l'I"' Parents Pllit, foe. .'.flo _,._ In -~ •• . tb t rod Ha Nam Is a "'1• ~ • ' '1 ' ~ a ~ it and JI" ·eultr to make. Order normal and Rodolfo · ' a . ....... -comes· ·-1~~· .,,.. a p u~· ~oung sir! ll~ln rec a.------...,--.. ===-----J!ll!lillliill•llii------------------' ~~Ille and ~ow oae week for delivery. "_ riaijve of~ ~ ~·· -. • • • • J ~· .. Abor.tions: To ·ae ·Qr NQt ~9 -B.e .is the .~uestion a·t ·: Han:d-'·i. :-. ·, • j • DEAR ANN LANDERS : I wa1 shocke<I by your .snlnc opproval of legal •bor· Lionl. Have you ta.ken leave or your ~?Don't you Mliie million,, ol peo- ple look to you f« moral guidance? Our ~bu, <11 '!CCuioa.i used your column .... ~ l« l11111m1G110. I am happy ho. wu tn Rome when that particular ooI.. umn ---lie -Ud have been ~ery dlil1opolnl<d. . . ' • Ti.a Ott tryJri& tlmes In which to keep .,.l val11e1 lll'llgbt. People nmt tomethin& to cling to. You aJway5 have bom 1 lllunch 1U-1« of old4aahloned morollty. What happened! Pleue doo't lhake our faith by coming out for ~I that i. alin.<t our ,ttllslon. Tbtn are over ff million Catb<>Uca Jn • tlJla country and we bell<ft lllll1loa 11 murder. We Count on you. Datl't &el UI down. -A MOTlilll IN MASSACHUSETI'S . ' DEAR MOTHER: I -Ill -meod abortfotl for a devtll ""91te.-It for tllat matt.tr, anyone .._. .....,,.. teacbet tlltt abortJoa la , manter, Por 1'·omtn wlto btUeve tb!J. tiff: tulU resulting from an ahortloa' could produce ·-.... ., Ill \ ·~ ··.~· .. .. ... ......,. -*•bootlbe~qlniy.~~·· .... ,...,.. .. _ . ..., .... ~ .. . . ~. --...... pnldema. '' Ao muy eo-. IMtlttl• ....., nUpa JQ' ,...i; ,;,n; /M '°""·,. d.U law. Tlloro 111'-·ifllHW II ...._ wile dt"" Ytew .............. .... --•iMlaN ... bl llli)lelod .. bile-, kltdlttMQle illteM<J, 'llloo- 1udt of m1rrietl wnnea •• W!ll 11 •htalt ,trls die every year becad'Se the ''" has dril'eu tbcm ao allfc hldeoul.J ud molel 1..,.,. ........... -.. 11. cuo·--lammorrlecl«~_ "'"!'" __ •,_ .. ___ , •• 1111• ...... )111111 If •11•11 1 ........ or 1 comr lllrl. Wu Ibo ~ ·..._._, __ -.. .:.a. "' · .,, • · ,.... ~ 1111 child a marrled man or a,, --~-uua C!8 ~ • DE.lit ANN !.ANDUa: .... _,... ,.. ..... who would --me had I • ·-Ille --' • had Ibo -lo ._ OQI ucf Ill' Ibo -wtllq! 'l1lo -Iii, I bell<vt are I w11t lo,m.U It 11ear _. l:• -lawl -lllljull, -Ind lrftvtlul. Whit ,..tten II lbal I w11 --;tar lllepl ~" -lllloqld .. .......,.. -h•. I hll 1n able leplt7 and ml)' to tenninato an -Jo reform"' lawl. I -two .... a 1 tpMl ll'<rn unnntod _,.. Every wonwr" port Ille -cmi. fl foe !fl( ,eaperllnc:e. F-loly I lift lo 111..., thould havt 11111 dlolce, .and ~ _, • Ylncemoat GI P1)till.., w'e::: w-OltraPtldk lbcl-·-lopl. lo -!IOO. -LAWllENCE,'Kan. w11eo perfo.-i1J 1 Mu• .. "1 ldn' '11111·• i two_fllrldant tilll t otatt-DSAll LAWDICI: u-1 It r 1ilotlld be tldlr"1 r--.. .J -..,.. ~"IP'"• ..... weiltl>t ._I Aid,.. cao Md~ old 1 maia olerflllaallaw. · I dtllb....,ial It • _., llllfoiell .. .... -. .. At doto -... Ill !wt • . • ' ~-~ •rneolll -. ..... M oMtod Ill t -...... -lo ......... If "7ta1 AM Landtlt will bo i114 lo ·' • boopltal. 'Ille prlct lo • 1111• poillJM• lo Dmi11t -llwl .. ·-•nil I with YfJ1r prob!emo. -them !<I I• 1nd.&ale. t. llf ~rtvbloe It long ovtr"41tt. I ~ ot the OAfLV PJLOT, enckisU\a..• ]\1any ot your readera wUI prObablJ bellev1 dlat no wom1u, married or setr=-addre~. st.amped envelope. I • ' . I I ) .. MRS. GARY 'FARMER Exchenge1 Vows MRS. STEVEN R. DUFFY H11w11li•n HOMymoon -Fcrrmer-Pratt Rites Read in· St. Andrew's Cbrllt~ wreaths and oendlea decorated St. Alidrew'1 Pretby. tetian Church for the eveninc weddinS ol Sulu·Pratl and GarY Cu:rtll Fanner. , Parents. of_ the bridal couple are Mr. and Mn. Edmund C. Pratt ol Corona lie! Mar and Mr. and Mrl. Paul Fanne:. of Fullerton. To say her ·WWI after the Rev. D. ~1 .. Dlerelllield: • bride 1elecled a velvet• A·llne gown and a full len411' ~ bordered with white ·velv~ .!lowers. Her bouquet was an orran&ement ol. wlllta .,.,.. nations and roses accented with pine. Long red velvet dreases and bouqlleU ol. red c:ernalloo1 and pine ceat..red with votive candles wmi selectad for Iha bride's at- tendanis. Maid of hon0r was Miss Lois Ana .Blllc:klller and bridesmaids were Miss . Susan Winblad and the Mmes • .JamOI Spalding, Robert Atkinson, Robert Burchill, Ronald Lee IJld Modesto Llanos, sister of the bridegroom. F1ower girl was Carrie Clark and ring)learer wu Danlon Dodds. Tom Cotton served as best man and mben were James.Clark, rup and steven Pratt, brothers of the bride, Gary Dodas, Dennis Towle and Llanos. " The home <if the bride's perents wu the settfug for the recep- tion where 350 guests greeted the newlyweds. The new Mrs. Farmer graduated from Tustin Hilb School ud received her BA degree in English from Pitzer College. She was a 11165 National Charity League Dehul8nte. • Her husband graduated tiom Fullerton Union High School, at- tended Fullerton Junior Oollep and· tamed his BS degfte in phyliral education at San Diego State College. He alJo served in the Navy. The newlyweds traveled north for their honeymoon trip. Friends Learn Of ·Troth News Reptile Prints Set Style Pace Mr. and Mrs. GUltav Van Ungen of Costa Mesa ·and McArthur innounce4 t ·h e engagement of their ·daughter, Karen Marie Van IJiigen ·to William Ehrlinger of Cosla Mesa . . 'Ibe news was revealed dur- ing a dinner party given for close family 'friends by the bride-elect.'s. ~ts in their t: ·borne. Amoilg .'those attending k: were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert '· Archlbald of St. PauJ, Minn.,. the bdde's sister and brother- in-law ·and the Rev. and Mrs .. Rollo Boas of Riverside who · just returned from three years of missionary work in TahiU. 1be couple are planning to marry June 20 in St. James !' Ep1'«lpal Church, Newport '. KAREN VAN LINGEN ~~future bride, a native of June Bride Rhodesia, is a graduate Of Newport Harbor Hlgll School and Orange Co8SI College. A senior at California St.ate College at Fullerton, she is majoring in EngUsh and work· ing toward a teaching creden- tial. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ehrlinger of - Hanover, Wis., i.s a graduate of Janesville High School, Wisconsin and CXX. He also attended the uruversity of Wisconsin. Youth Named, Given Trophies Friends of the Newport Beach Public Library sponsored the third annual Creative Writing Contest and presented engraved trophies to the wibnera. Presentations were made by Mrs. Lester Kephart, Junior Frienda coordinator, at the Christmas party. Sash Waistlines Receiving awards we re Teresa Noack, Joey Miracle, Cheri Kingsley, Laur t.e Sashes wrap waistlines for Hansen, Janet Smith, Gigi zpring and summer. Gonnan, Lezanne Weber, The look <I the nptile prlnl 1 bounds In spring clo4hes, es- pecially fn party wear, Adele Simpson cften chlf- ron printed in cobra and Dz· ard. nae chlffonl were ao rraglls looldlli ""' collect th<m "floaters." ' Steven Duffy Claims Bride . Larry Aldrich of New York Mary Lou Heimer, Mary , linkes the sashed look in a Kotob, Colleen W a I t e r 1 , were Danny and Jimmy Ro-pink dress with a cardigan Kimberly Frye. Kirn Kay, dine, the bridegroom'& cousins, jacket and a matching scarf David Adams, Claudia and ring bearer was Jeff Or· of the fabric worn around the Denigan, Duncan Coffey and Garden Grove Community ·Cburch WU· the setting for the double ring ceremony linking Clbdis Walter and Steven ·Ricbard Duffy, son of Mr. and ·Mn. Richard E. Duffy of N"'1>ori Beach. The Rev. Robert Schuller officiated. neck. carmen Scbmenke. chard. 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii During a reception in the !I 'lbe bride, daugtUr « Mr. 'llld Mn. Dooald F. Waller of SilM Ana, wore a gown of Wblte satin trimmed with .-. lace ·and seed pearls. A French illusion veil fell fiom a floral headpl,.., and Ille carried a nosegay of white J'Ol(S ll\d stephanoti.<. Miis Sussn Duffy, siJler or llebrlckgn>qm .... tbe maid d booor, while Mrs. Richard Wllter, the bride's sister-i&- lsw was the -of honor. ()tber -...,.. Miss J""1 BrOlleaU, lbe bride's c;tUl!n. Miss Penny Clwter, Miii Mm! Mclnlyr< and Mn. 'JI.Irk IOeRs. Flower girls home of I.he bride's parents, Miss Cynthia Hedberg, the bridegroom's cousin, presided at the guest book. Hostesses were Mn. Elna Huffman and Mrs . Richard Wiley. Special guests were Mr. ind Mrs. Charles E. Duffy of Slate College, Pa., the bridegroom's grandparents. After a honeymoon I n Hawaii, the bridal couple will reside in Tustin. 1be bride, a graduate of Rancho Alamitos High School Is a oenlor and I sociology major at california State College at Fullerton. Her husband,' a graduate of the same high sdtool, .-, UC! where he is a tenior in the electrical engineering field. ·_,, Linda and Chrisline1 .. --------llOdine, the bride.,-'• -·They ..... pink ...... and carried .-. Sermg· as bf!lt man wu Da•ld Htdberc, the brtdell'OOln'1 coustn: Ulhen ,... 'llicbml and Joe Wallir, biodlers <I the bride, Kendyl HoadJlbeD, Terry Braund and O'llc Ivala1e, candleli&htert B0to S...eet It Is! ...... , "' """" -" ........ ..... .. " ... , .. -'"""' ...,........,...., ............. .. .. "" " ,.. ...... .,_. ....,... ............. -....... """ ................ ~ "" """"" ........_ ............. CMMM,.. .... """""""' -c.... .,. ... ... . ,..,.. ... ...,. ~ ....... . at CERTIFIED NOW th• "Better Cir•" Store Mff•I SVU·70 RATED #11 BUILT~N DISHWASHER by t'ric• locWos _,_., See this dishwasher and maay otller fine appliances in otll' new Kitchen and Laandry Center Bridal Couple Honored ..,,. Cllllornla Club In Loi Mlltlel -Ibo selling fO< • .-p11on booorlng Willard Eftr<lll Dunlap Jr. and his bride, tbe former Ella Ann Scbltafer, who udwlged wtd- dlo1 vowa in Kamuela , l{awalf. Parenla ol the bridal couple are Mr. and Mn. Henry Schaefer Jr. of Harbor llland and Mn. Willard Everett Dunlap Sr. ol Newport Beach •. ..,,. bride -a white holollll wflh -head leis for Ibo traditional Hawalfan ceremony. She wu attended by Mrs. Ernest John Caldecolt and the bridegroom -Caldecolt lo be best m111. ·Aller honeymooning In Hawaii, the couple eitablilhed lhelr home In Loi Angel ... ~ new Mn. Dunlap at· tended Msrlborouah Sc)iool and Orang. eo. College and graduated from the University ol Southern Callfomla. Her husband Is a gr-ol the University d Or<gon. Medical Group Every oecond Tuesday of tbe monlh memben <I Orange Shores Medical A!eistanta' A9ociation assemble at I p.m. Localloo mty be obtained by calling Mrs. Janls Anderson, 4111'2511 Nuptials Solemnized Linda Jean Llor!M, d.Ugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Stev· en J. Liodas'of Huntington Beach, became the bride of Roy A. Seenian Jr., eon of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A . Seeman of Laguna Beech, during rites performed in st. James Episcopal Church. The newlyweds will reside in Cape May, -N.J . where the bridegroom ii stationed with the U.S. Coast Guard. South Coast 'Plaza SANT A'S HOME ••. AWAY FROM HOME lll$TO. At·IAN 01to0 rurw•r. (OITA"'°" .. i r • I I I • ' l ! l ! I l I • ~ = <D TRAWL -_ ... AMBASSADORS CLUI INTERNATIONAL •w The KNIT WIT Certified Appliance 642.0248, MG-4720 WI SUVICll ALL MAKD 333 E. 17th St Costa Mesa ~r~""'~l--1''··_,,.,-1;. Sf,.jP.?>t:. ;Tk~~: ~dd-~ 4d~~ 1!3~·~. 3'33 '&U:/.R.. 77'71 ~ 'p.~'/.-#tu.Nut ~.f<d . ., ....... ,,.,.. , ... • .,......,. ~1'1 MILU •OAO MIWl"Ofl'T •IAC.M, (Alt•. ,_ ntONE: 644-4600 SOUTM COAST Pt.AZA ~!2-r!!'f... ....... -·. ., ....... "" .. °""' .. ,..... COSTA Mal.\ ., - ... ' " •· • .. I~ , i h ... • .. . ' . ._. ~ ~ ~ . " ' . - -• • ., DM. Y I'll.OT Coed s Win Wi th Tabl e ' ,,.... ....... .,flllm N.,.. port llal'bpr RIP School ,..., -prlie la I llble Hlllnc -~'4 by Hall'• J-., I"-, Square, SptaAnl, ,,,. .......... wbo each will noeln' II ol tlle S7$ prise, were -llombeat, Cin-dy Tl1kr and Pally Williama. '!be ~ ol tlle mCllly will be med to purcllUe equip. 1111111 far the ICbool't -mUlal ~t tbat otha> wile could DOI be boulJ>l Tbe tludetrta med a May · Doy --and telected Ill-••• cblnl, ayltl.l and linen flllm lbe ttore. Dlspla11 wore Juclpd .. «l,uiatlty and --Homemaking j u n l o r stu- dents from all over the county ...... Invited to parllclpate. Gifts Gathered For Children er-County Chapter ol tile National Society o f Interior Designers will aatber tonipt In the Balboa Bay Club for a cocttail buffet. , Put ol the evadntl'• en- tertainment will include • grlllldlland view of t h • FloaUng Christ.mu T r ee Parade. Gath e red under the ctu-i.tmas -will be Rifts whtch will be dooated to the Orange CGunty B 111 n g a a I Preochool Program In Santa Ana. 3 DAYS TO THINK Jt41n lnht ,....,."-• IM Westcllff ,.1.,. .... ,,.. '41-1"4 • Penny Pincher Ads Turn Se ns• Into Do'.li rs Mondlf, Dt<embrt 21, 1969 Holiday Candles Lighted for Tea Candles were lighted in the Irvine Cove home of Mrs. Neil Nelson for the traditional Candlelight Tea of the Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Section of the club, the event honors past presidents and all club members are invited. Mrs. Louis White , fine arts chairman, and ·~~ Betro thal News Told CECILIA POLTRACK June Bride Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Poltrack of Stamford, Conn., have announced the engage- ment of lheir daughter, Cecilla Webster Poltrack lo James Robert Lynch, son of ~r. and Mrs. Frank M. Lynch of' Foun- tain Valley. Miss Poltrack was graduated from Drew University, Madison. N.J. and is compl~ting her MSW degree at Boston College. •Her fiance, a graduate of the Universlty of Connecticut, served as an Army Captain in Vietnam and now is studying for his masters degree in business administration at Boston College. Thatspeciel look~ her alone I I • • .. , Wrapitupn $295 $171 - ,,,~ -11 HJlllOll -.AMI •IWPOIT CllfTD $1ts f:,,• ' ~·::. ~-~ ' II . $150 Roinontic Dia monds for Ch rllhnal .... $325 $150 $275 1 OJ WIST 4,. STlln $A.NTA ANA .... ~' -... Mrs. M. K. McEnery, co-chairman, assisted the hostess with preparations. Lighting the final candles before guests arrive for the 2 to 4 p.m. e':'ent are Mrs. Nelson (left) and Mrs. Bert Sewell, refresh- ments chairman. John E. (asses In Oklahoma Horoscope Cancer: New Outlook TUESDAY SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov. 21): =:":,.,."':::..._'..._,..:,!.. "~~~': Good lunar aspect today coin-111C1 90 c""" "' onwrr .1.11roio.1 """ DECE"8ER 23 .. 1_ ms. tn. DAILY "11.0T, llm J240o M cides with reunions, catcumg Gr•l'l4 c..,.,,1 1111i.n. Htw Y1~ By SYDNEY OMARR up with correspondence,li~'~·Y~-~·~~·~··~iiiiiiiiiiiii~i receiving of larger-than-usual FULL MOON coincides with batch of maU. Idealialic posi-• general restle•mess. J\tany lion substantiated by fa~. charged wJth ma.lntainiDg Jaw SA.GITrARIUS (Nov. 22.- ud order could have dHficult Dec. 21): Keep on even keel ; Umei fulfUliog duUes. applies especially to domesUc SLOW occasion could result in frayed ARIES (March21· April 19): area. Preparations for special DOWN You exhibit tendency to want nerves, Think before you i something which is not ob-speak. Avoid sense I e ! s tainable. Realize value of what arguments. YOUR HECTIC you do possess. Get this CAPRICORN (Dee. 22-Jan. HOLIDAY PACE' ill 19)--You can make one close • message clear and you w I have gained much. Think. tG you very happy. In tum, you I et • • • also will feel glow of sati.sfac· tf TAURUS (April 20-May 20): tion. Accomplish this by,.; m /J/}_ Give full play to desire to ~rmltting individual in ques-1 a {{ie ~ know. Means probe, f!Sk ques-tiqn to set pace. Be rece~ve. , tions. Answers are obtainable. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. PROVIDE A llSTFUL Key ls to let others know you 18): Remember those whcl mean what you say. Then serve you. Gift or token of' ap-Ill! PAUSI FOR precialion goes a long way. • puzzle pieces fall into place. Build bridges or good will. I GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Neighbor preparing for I REFRUHMI NTI DROP IN FOR A BIT OF Money questions arise. How journey may make special re-I much to spend, what to buy quest. Grant it. 11 and for whom? Look beyond PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): ~ the immediate. Remember Devote more time than usual • those who served you, who to children. Emphasis on I CHRISTMAS CHEER were loyal throughout the creative s o I u t I o n s to I year. problems. Break fr om status ~ AN D FAVORS CANCER (June 21-July 22): quo. Be sure to partcipate. 11 You can be more expressive. Being a spectator today does •m ~~ ' Where you were brooding, you not suffice. ~ f. d f t' . IF TODAY IS YOUR I . now in reason or op 1m1Sm. BIRTHDAY you are a v1'lal t'n-a te A A new ouUook is indicated. Be ii original, fresh. See with new dividual, seldom bored or bar-Ill! eyes. ing. You are active, often • W IG & BEAUTY / LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your restless. But during past year I SALON -k y Now you will be undergoing a In Hilltrtn SqM1re sense of drama is heightened. you made family adjustment I Wrappings, tinsel, holiday which helped settle emotions. I splrit ta e command. ou are testing, but also an exciting ~ able to enhance.any gathering period. ,.; CNN M......s4a.J44' by your presence. Help make To fll'ld CYt who'• lucky tor yOU 1n w 250 D, I• 17,. Sr. unfortunate persons happy. 1~m~~~' ~·"'~~":"~· :"'.'.'~'~' ~s~,~·~~-~-~-~-~-~~-~~~~~ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22), OPTOMETRIST Spotlight shines on your ability , to adjust, socialize. You don't have to give up principles in order to be pleasant. Know this; act accordingly. A friend who makes request may be testing. J. P. Connole O.D. e EYES EXAMINEO e CONTACT LENSIS · e PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Kathleen Riley of Newport LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Beach became the bride of Don't take for granted that e BROADWAY CHARGE AVAILABLE OFFICES In The BROAOWAY, FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER, NEWPORT BEACH 644-12 12 EXT. 301 i lob1 , PllDI~ MRS. J.E. CASS Recites Vows Su rvey Sta rts Countywide Newport Ha r b o r Service League and the Mental Health Association of Orange County have begun preliminary stud- ies toward the Orange County Drug Program survey. Thooe heading up the sur- vey are Trenton Parker, prG- fessl onal consultant; Mrs. Horace Benjamin and Mrs. Lyman Farwell of the service league and Miss Kathy Lam- bert and Mrs. J ames Batchel- der of the health association. Women's League The Orange Coast League of Women Voters meets in various locations throughout the 1.ear. For information regarding the next meeting date and time telephone Mrs. Henry Cord Meyer at 644--0838. those in positions of authority· John E. Cass, son of Mr. and will und-?rstand if neglected. Mrs. William Cass of Los Plainly, this means check gift- Alamitos, during double ringl~i~nv~i~ta:tl;on~li~-s~t.~Do~n~·~t .i~nv~i~te!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=: rites performed in St. Cecilia's trouble. Catholic Church. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riley of Woodbury, Conn., wore a floor length gown of white peau de soie. Spanish lace trimmed the front, and accenting the back was a train which flowed from ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST FASHION CENTER 14 STOltH-ALL 72• 5outh Coast ?Iua MISTOt. AT MN Dll!OO ..-rwAV, COSTA - the shoulders. A fabric bow --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:.~-caught her illusion veiling and forming her cascade were mi'niature red roses and white carnations. Attend~g as maid of honor was Laura Andreen a n d bridesmaid was H e at h e r Prescott. They wore gold gowns and carried yellow , white and bronze chrysan- themums. Best man was Robert Cass and usher was Norman Andreen. Following a reception hi Mesa Verde Country Club, the couple left on a trip to Oklahoma where th ey will reside. The bride is a graduate of Tustin High School, Orange Coast College and California State College at Long Beach. Her husband is a graduate of Western High School and at- tended Fullerton Junior Col- lege. Yul e Costoms Before the 1860s -the same era which saw bustles come into fashion -had passed, the exchange of colorf ul Christmas cards \\'as one of England's mo s t cherished customs. LONGINES The World's Most Honored Watch To Give a Gift of Time ... a fine Longines watch from Weisfield's! The elegant First lady in 1 14-K. gold case. 17·jewel, shockguard move1Dent Slim bracelet. Chriatmas •!shes that •ear well ••• • ett.er S dresses • et. home •eer sporta•eer • knl ts • coata -I ~I • J e•elry ' I • step out ot your car and into Pat}icia'a A fast beat Ultra Chron for him! Self·windlna:, calendar date. Water•-and shock-resistant. 5Dth Year Together Anniversary Celebra .ted ; t J... ' t h-ir. and Mrs. W. B. Holland cele.brated their 50th weddll}g aMtversary last Sunday in the decorated clubhouse in a Newp;ort Beach mobile home park. The reception was arranged by their daughter, sons and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. D. E~ Creene. Debi and Nanci of .c,topa del Mar; Mr. and Mrs. ,W. B. Hollat¥l Jr., Stephen, !)avid. Lynette and R~., of Claremont, and Mr. ~and Mrs. Jerry L. Hollind, Brad and Susan of Temple City. Among the many gues'ts were-n.leces, nephews, cousins and fai:;nilies from California, Nevada and Arizona. Mrs. Hol land was born in Missouri while her husband was raised in Montana. They met while he was stationed at Fort Riley, Kan. and were married Dec. 26, 1919, in Kansas City. Upon Holla'nd's NEWPORT GOLDEN WEDS retirement in 1962 the couple movedlo Newport Beach. Mr .• •nd Mrs. W. B. Holl•nd . To avoid disappoinl1nent. prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Women's De- . Pflrlment one week before the wedding. ' Pictures received following the wedding will not be used. For engagem ent announce1nents it is imperative that the s•lory, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be sub- mitted six weeks or more before the wedding date. If deadline is not met, only a story will be used. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are available in all of llhe DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Women's Section staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. BULOVA .THE PERFECT " GIFT ~d;cs' dainty, proctlcol Bulova. J].jewet movement, anti·mognetic, ~hodc .. rcsistont, El(pcuision broce• let --' Lod!e1;' 17-fewel, 2-dia mand watch. Faceted crystal, exp(ln· slon bracelet. Anti-magnetic, :s.koc:k re~istont. Mon'i unique 17·jewe'I, water-resistant, shock· resistant wotch. Men'1 "Oteanogrce>her". 17-jewe!J, 1 water res1stont to J33 h. A'-ltomatlc! t Coltndor wi ndow? Two-tont bor\d, Yule Cards Date .Way Back to 1900 The modem era o f Christmas cards dates from 1900 to 1910, when a number of new publishing firms were first established. But the big boom crune im· mediately after World War I. At that. time, public fancy wa s won over by the syfnboiic designs -Christmas trees, holly wreaths, g I e am i n g candles and church bells. , Donce Club The first, third and fifth Fridays (lf the month are lhe dance dates selected by Lace 'n Leather Square Dance Club members. The music l!llW at 8 p.m. in the Recreation Center,"Huntington Beach. .. • ' Aak Abovt Our C.nvenitftt CfNit Plow IAN!Willlte.\10 • ~nl b.111 _.._ STOii HOURS: The Store Mo11. ttw. Set. 10 'tll ' , ... That Confidence Built JEWELERS FOR 42 YEARS Su•ul.,. 11 'til I p.111. 'tll Chrltft!Mlt HARBOR SHOPPING CINTER 2100 H....,., •w .. c..... w ... 145-t•IS HUNTINGTON CINTER N111tth11t'-' 'c...,- ltl-1101 ' Christmas. Rings In -. Two G·e~ts· NEW YORK (UPI),..:. Are St. Met and Sanla one and Uio same? It depends on w b I c 'b Chrislmas legend you bank on. Sl Nicholas, bishop of .a place called Myra in Asia Minor back in the year·~ was known for his generoua ways. People l!ltarted to , believe that surprise gifta came f Int in hlstory, peo- etherlands setected t. Ni las as a patron of hildr . lie was credited with · g them good things at Christmas, . He's the Christmas splr\ In France (Pere Noel), in Ita.ly (La Be(ana) ·and in S witzerland (Christklndli). Whatever he's called, in many places or the world, he's Lhe · equivalent oI Santa Claus .. • Dutch settlers in New York dubbed their St. Nick Sinter c-. Klaas. That is believed to have been the beginning of the name Santa Claus, American MRS. W., B. GRAY Excha-Plad9" ' Balboa Island Home Of Newlywed Grays ' children's benefactor at Christmas. Santa's ouUit -beard and fur-trimmed red suit -was first described in um by the American minister and poet, Clement C. Moore. This now famous "The Night · Before Christmas" told of Santa's fur.trimmed suit and his sleigh with reindeer, Making their home o n studied at the Sorbonne and Balboa Island are newlywed Boat.on University. Her · bua- \V. B. Jerry Gray and his band is a gradute of Orange bride, the former Jo Carol band is a graduate of Orange Conover. CO.st College and attended Peering Around FYING orr fa< Hawaiian holidays -'llloolal Quinn al Lido lale: who w 11 accom.. panted h!' Illa d a u • h I er Letlda, • oevenlh chder al Mar)ouc>unl School In j.ol Angtlll, and her lrlend Julie Grimm, dautbter of Lldoltea Mr. and Mn. Ted Grimm. The trio departed Saturday, Det. IO, boand for Honolulu, Kon& and Hawaii and will return' after the ew ear. Who UsttM To Landen? DAILY PILOT .21 3 DAYS TO THINK J(DJO tnhi W•lcLltf ~ .. ....... MAii IT A HAWAIIAN CHatSTMAS "MIAT 1'1N•S TO .0 NAnYI IN" H~WAllAN SHO .. S ...... w-1 .............. 644·D02J 11tOUIS1 Oetty ti•• -l'r!My • M9!Mlly It I•,,,. Today the Santa story may be a little harder for some children to believe -those who live in houses with no fireplaces and consequently no chimneys. The Rev. Wllllam White =U;CI;;·=======:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;;;;;::;::;::;::~~ performed the ceremony forrr lovely Lines 9497 SIZES s.i6 Oh, what lovely lines seams arch high above column -slim front banding. 'Th is smooth shape ia ideal for that viVid knit you want now. Printed Pattern 9497 : NEW Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. the daughter of Mrs. Frances Conover of Santa Ana and the son of the William S. Grays of St. Louis. The Fir It Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana, was the setting. · Given in marriage by her grandfather, Dr. Walter J. Shudde, the bride wore an em· pire peau de soie gown with a cathedral train. Her Juliet cap or lace held her veil and lhe carried a bouquet of white p o m p o n chrysanthemums, pink baby rosebuds and baby's brea th, centered wltb an orchid. Attending as maid of honor was Miss Susan Salquist and bridesmaids were Mrs. Robert Allen and Miss Nancy Price. They wore gowns fashioned with beige lace bodices and avocado green crepe skirt.s and carried pink cbrysan· themwns. Best man wa& C. Muwell Pinley, and_ mhm were J1UJ1"'.lloWriger and Wllllam Tinkey. ' - The brJde is. a graduate of <;>ccidental College, S be Girl Talk razmti!i11'0~-=- Goodwill Indultries recognized the Girl Scouts of Orange County with awards for experineos and originality in the costuming of Christmas dolls. Twenty.five scouts received honors following a doll fair , clown and puppet show and ·the story Of Goodwtll'a be~ nings in 1902. Tile young rla were conducted on tours o the Goodwill workshops, where handicapped men and women are trained for industrial jobs. Size 12 (bust 34} requireii 1~1 Selly is Top Bananas yards 60-inch fabric. SAY ITWITH OMEGA From left: Flexible mesh bracelet watch in 14 karat go1a;·s335, Florentined 14 karat gold with Roman numerals, $330. Thir1Y diamond Omega in 14 karat gold, $650. SLU'ICK'S Jewelers Since 1917 NEWPORT BEACH -644-1380 18 FASHION ISLAND Yavr Cller;1 Anounl WtlcetM -l1nkAmtrlc:1rd, Mllt!W O\t..,., too. o,_ M .... tin TM141ey ...U t:JI SIXTY-FIVE CENTS i n On Any Comics Pago coins 10 r each pauern -addl-::;ci:i:i:ii:Jij:i:JCiCiaaccclCICzzlli:i:iaCiaaaccl:ICl:i[jl:J~~f: 1~ cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling; otherwise thlrd~lass delivery wUI take three weeks or more. Send to Marian MarUn, the DAILY PILOT 442 Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. PriYlt NAME, ADDREM with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. NEW FALL-WINTER PAT· TERN CATALOG -over 100 styles, free pattern .coupon. SO cents. INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today, wear tomorrow. $1. INSTANT FASHION BOOK -what-~wear answers,' ac· cessory, figure ti ps! Only $1. WEIGHTS.· WATCHERS. • Some t1tking, some'llsttning ind • program tl'llt works. ,. 5mt IROCttll~ll QUIOI . -BEST fh• DAILY Pl1.0T •ff•n MM •f th1 hit f1•t1r1t, by 1ct•1I l ~!"<'IY of ,,,4,,., 1v1!11bl1 lfl 111y 111w1ptptr ill tJ..1 111tl0tt. 11111 til•larl'·,,,.lllno P'••t<11011 C••r- anc• S.lel You'll find ttlouwnch of - 1tyln In """"' 1111 MMtl ulor-411<1\lllts fltt 11111t- r1tt1t llfflt for !Ml tllflt-Mw iooa.-llO _,, 1Hlr at ~-coio.ttl ...... lnft. Join -1w/nolnll u111roa lllM'll fOdty, ft Wl\llt; ~·· thNd-11111 "''" M lrJ for 11'11 prl!;1 Of -II So. Coast Plcao-COJTA MESA lllllock'a Fashion Sq~ANTA ANA ' . ( ' : . ' Broadway 'Center-ANAHEIM -' ----._......... - ZZ DA!lY PILOT Morlday, C!t!rnbtr 2~. 19f>t • -~--------· " 4$ ................... ~ ..... --·-------·~~-~---•ic&c wweac-•• ..... -·--•*'""•-• w••---· .. ---••0011••--'--...-• •••"4••••4 ••·---------· •. ; .. , . . -· .. _ .... Abandon 1<itchen Detail . .-. With Simple Desserts During the holiday season, enteitaining is at its peak. ~re are-some sure finds Us- ing California raisins to help ybl.t:. enjgy the s e a s o n ' s festivities and keep you out of U,e ~en as much as possi- ble: . For quick and easy baking comes a raisin pie without a crustl,··J t proves • worthy finale for the fmefit Yuletide dinrier. Crumble a· pastry stick and·comblne with a butter and sugar'bai.ter, adi:J-rallllna and walnµts -it's ~dyjo .bake}._ A ~c French &aoce witn a rai!in tlrfist will tum leftover tu~ey ,jnto !I ' goumiet':!I de- !l«ht. PIUJnP, flweet California seed1es!i r~ complement amt tidd a dell.cious contrast to the-sauce's c.rtamy texture. ' Pour tt over tblck ll1ca Of RAISIN FElnvAL Pll' cooked turkey arid top with· llelldoua lappe4 with wblp. Parmesan cheese. Thin pop it ped cream ar lCe er~ · in the oven for a quieh bake. . 'A cup butR:r • It's an easy entertaining '4 cup sugar specialty that will delight 3 ens guests and family. 1 t.eupoon vanUla Yuletide Raisin Ambrollanl 1~ cups CaWornla Medlia are treats for fruit enuhsts rallinl as well as those who ' enjoy 'n cup chopped wllmitl crunchy, ..-tt»sfed• 1w·•et1. 1 ltick pie crud mlz. California flistm giVe tbell ' Whipped cream confections a chewy sweetness Beat butter end 1 u 11 r that will have your holiday together unW crtamy. But In gues~ coming back for more. esp and vadlla (mixture .Make 'good th'1p baJ>pen may look 1llpUy eurdled), ihia holiday IWOll -add _the Add ralllns and walnutt. . natural goodrless ol California Crumble ID pie crull mix and seedless raisins to y'o u r · 1Ur unW well dlltribated. favorite recipes. Use them in , • Turn Into lf<ued I-Inch pie cake1, cbotles, . candy ~ plate. Bake in moderately breads -for lllfta and ..... 11"" • -m ~ r. or to enjoy _younelf, about 31. mlnutel, Wltl1 Id. '-"'' . COol before cuWng. Gamlah With '!)dpped cream. -1 pi<. RA1!1N ALLEMANDE TUllKEYBAKE · Pimnp Calilomla raltinl, tout.cl 11ivmd a1nionds and Parm111D cbeeM cbarac:terla the 11.1pttb uuce In this dllh. . Z II~ fi""1 cJmied · . -. ~ • t 2 t1blecpoona butter ., 11 Cup Cllilomia teedlels rallbls . \I ~ loost.d almonds I llbl-flour , II lelipoon lilt 1¥• cu~ chicken broth I <a ,Olk ¥, cup wbipplq mam v. dlji(.p-alid Parmaan cll<e• • th!Ct 11~ cooled lilrby Cook onion in butter uutll aolt but . DOI br_or.ied.. Stfl' Iii raisins, almonds, flour and Alt. Slowly stir In broth. Cook, sUrrtng over moderlte hea~ 6-to 10 mllllles until '...,.~ Bat ,en l'oit DcbtlJ with cream. SUr tnto 1auce and coot a minute or two loll.ger. Blend in cheese_ Arrlnll" IUrUJ ..... io ahlllow boka'. • Cotlir with nlJin llllCI. Sprinkle with a d d 1110 o a-1 Pannelln ~ if desired. Bake in hol 0H11, 400 .ie.,.. F_ 15 mlnuloa or anltl hot and glued. MW. I wvtnp. YlJLSIJllE BAlllN AMlllOBIANI Becmll• thele are '° euy to make, Ill Iha JOlmplm help. II cup .-.., (bill but- tor) '>I cup ~pr legs I tabl-arat14· ....... I prMI •• lcup~lloor II t•~-lllt * te..,1.n blklnc powder II cup Colllll'llla _. ral.linl llcup~- Btat h>ll"ther ·-·· "'II!'! ep and .,..... peel un-Ul rwl!y. Blend In flour ralllld with 1111 and bal<lll( pQWder, Add ra1llm and cocmd, IDlxlnl ...U. LEFTOVERS lll!COME DELIGHT Drop In 1n11T1 -...., lightly"..-boklnr -Bake tn m0der1te oven. JIG de/jlttl F. I to 10 mllluta or unlll lipUy brow:ied, RAllnove to wire ncb to cool Mates about z 4ozen c:ooklea. ' ( ' -Mondl1, December' It, 1969 DAILY I'll.OT p ' I ·:Ru~.: ~!~f.reshments Say 'Cheers' lfo«l.t'-bolldlJ-lo ' · · ' re111y:r;;:;:;..... _,.. " ,_..,.-li...,d:a r":~ Ing flio and -.. -with ........ bot -od ...... If the air -la cr1op and cold, and ...,... -ta filling, -111 ' II .... in-deacriblblo Ila-.. 1llliie -· Try thel!I dellcWI, ~ -nc!pea at :rear lloll-<1"1 party. Willi 0t -''mood tetttnc" t h e 1 • r e gull'lllfOed to lllUe a Jq hlL AMERICAN JIGG NOG Bet! IJ ... ,olb until ll&hl: beat in 11 poond supr WI ll1lztun la thick. stlr in I qL mlll< 11111 a fllth ol ftum_ Chlll . I bouri, pour into ' punch bowl Fold In I qL heavy -atlllly wlllpped. Qlll 1 hour, dust wttb nutmeg. Serves2t · Quid. Rodpe: Use eQ Illig mix from """ dairy; add IJ ; ounoes rum to r qt. " miL Fold In 1 cup heavy cream wllipped. Chill; add nutmeg. Servei 12. BOT BIJTl'ERED RUM Disdve 1 teispom 1ugar tn a mug with acme ~t water; add 1 ounce rum, a cinnamon stick and a pinch of nutme(. Fill mug with bollin( water; top with pat of butter. EGG NOG ToAST COMP~ETl!S PARTY MOOD Remember how Mom took the trolley across town to buy , ~ those feather-light dinner rolls? ;_ Pepperidge Farnfremembers-and brings you Golden Twists~-. .,. .. ·' ' . ,. • 1 at DAILY PllDT pven-fresh Cookies Greet ·11otiday :Vis1fs:r ·,~~~rmty · •• Fnm O\'ens all over tilt Christmas cookies gives'yOu a, mlnuln or until Ughtly brown-with oonftctJontn I u tar. ~ri~.1 lnlf qar •. Add §Eflour .. . ...... "'In a pnbeeted Sii J.L _. , marvekJus fttling of ac,-ed. Cool on racks. Yield : 32 Yiek;t: Appraxtmit.tly·I clot.ea. RUts anca nUx~ Bltbd in butter ~ ~.,., ~ ~ ."19.,. a.is •nuta or wvr1d comes the tngrant complishment. And paekfil cookies. wlih "foi'k ' «,' blender l• / 'L~ lwill·~ ·broni ~ U of Olristmas. Soon lovingly in a preuy apolhecary ENGUSll Nl1r BAI\ unUI doueh ct;i' fOl<lber. .1 ·.,. ~ ""'°'billdos -°""roll lo tches ol yeast doogh, rich jar, qecaraled coffee iin or an· ~tEXJ~~10COA ~ =: !.!a~ltlcka) b~ Chll1 far eue ii\~~ Pit1Gt11· (.~ , -. t·:" ·'*4. 't'I ..... ,_. • .P.llC8' an 'lh butler. will be baked to a tiqu• bo1, cookies make tile 1 cup (l •tick1) buller • 1 en yolk " , • Roll out·<Cft f1oo!!!11 """-ln l'mbdll'liwl ' lloit-""'°' ..S lo "'•oil' Yllld: It "'brown and topped wilh perfect gil~tor thooe near and 11,.._ vanilla _ -lo, \\·indl lhldalelij~,lolo ter· ""*1&117 add oliMr'iill --' · . , nuts anil spices. ' far. '1 cup IUP< Ula i u. cu-11•·• rem•'or u 11\ or J.llldi doelw wtlh belt Wllil J1P1 ¥d.11a11J:'Add1 -• ··--•n .... - • Our collecUon of cookies is DOTCR KRAKEUNGEN ~ t:s~::n regular all• P.u,iOie fl::. •'"' ~a • . Oin'"'1edh Cutt.er:'-f.litCt Oii ·bak-ea )'Olk • mt ft~~ ~' ~, --.~.11e11 lnlacent of a truly old· o/• cup (11> sUckJ) butter pulJ>OS< floor io 1.._ aall I• eeb; b~• in Pl"'healed ~h.~·pc1 . =~· . f ·mpo ~--. ...War aJI. aishipned Ch r Isl ma s in 1~ cup sugar , 11, cup cocoa 1 egg white · ' , 375 degr:i.,oven .7-10 .minutes. ..~"!':':"Y ... ~ t:trla, Jiolland, l I a I Y • ! teaspoon vani1Ja l tablespoon inst.ant cof.ft.e % cup chopped nllll ~. Cool ~ , ~· . QUD•.._,,. .... 1n1 , • 2•;;:_ ~ gland and Mexico. These •cups s"ted re••lar alt· powder lna=•..'...1---~· .M•kaJoto.limdwldlcooldes iAg. · '. I ' ·-....i~. tteipes so Unique -and .. purpose f1our •-al ter; grad ";M --.;.:;:: ;d .. .,y;~adJnl a tlabt Ja,yer ol ,Sbape:" lido' • 1~ In · 1 ••IPNI 111-gyyeJ' easy to follow -that yo1.1'l l 2 tablespoons milk ~lc~~af= ~ nuts beat until light .;d~ jam betwMD lwo cook\es. Top c!teMe;,er.;""-~!fi".'lnl:o ·ea ~ ~ = =~ t to try sever•l of them 1 esg. slighUy beaten ,,1 cup chopped mara>cbino Beat ln' en yolk and vailW,.; wllh .. ,OiocOlale B. u I te r :WZ-S !boa, '"II ~ 1 cup , flnnlT ~ llgbt ild fill your cookie Jara wilh a Sugar, colored cherri,. Sill lq)elller flour .and Nit; ~· Yleld: I dozen .111· -, ,,.:-: ~""~'id. ball • i..wn -' • limplete international Inamix.ingbowlcreambut· Coofectionensuear ·111t~Y add, to ttelll)ed ipCh and .1 ~ .2-incb pnUJwttb.tbumbtotorD.m :%· ~ ftneif chopped fh.ABurv, ter: gradually add sugar and mtxtuie. Spread evenly In JS x aandwicb cookies indent H..;. ) blmdMld a1monck J ~color and Interesting vanilla; beat until light and ..:~ =~y ~ c~; 1;',!j 9 • liP<h baking pan; bpult CeocoLATE JllllTEI\ lilt!";;'.' ~ ···:..: '!Ii arp. (Ill lllckl> bullet . pes <i these < o o k 1 es fluffy. Gradually add flour and vanilla; beat untll light and top JigbUy wllh en white 'and .· FROS'nNG desr<e,.' ..... ~{m~-.. ,,._;t~~-.:.1 _;. te a table all by milk to crtamed mixtqrt. Chill "·A-f~-spriz}kie with nuts. . b'·-· "-'-·..-m • l'llCkl. P1D .J.-n w , a llV'l'f '?"• · ves. To ser\'e \\"ith dough for ease in band.ling. fluffy. Sift togeu_-rour, Bake in. a preheated 325 ·%ti -.--14 butter "iii-...Jll"Mlrvu. 'Vl!W. J.f togetber Bour, c ·nn am 0 9:1 lltm! Eggnog, of course -Divide dough into four equal eoeca, coffee powder and salt; degree oven »= mlouteL ·, "1 ~ cup copfecUooen iugar dolen coct:5ea.. ··r; ckwtr; nutmec and baking · tlat creamy, smooth cup of parts. \Vork with one part oC gradually add ~o c:;re~ed Cool altgbtly In )>an on wir:.e ~ ,ani.•re (1 ounce) . ' , ' ~-Blend in lrown suaar J!P-pitality that's ~g tht dough at time: nfrigerate }llixture. Blend m nuts and , rack; cut into 1-tDcb ban er ~ n ~~tened cbocolate, VJ:i:NNl:sg CRllCZNTS and almoads. cut In butter uo- ljlppiesl <i holiday traditio..,. remaining dough. Divide each .cherries .. Chlll dough for ease dlamoods. Cool compietelT • · m<lled .'11<1. cooled 1 cup (I atieb) -.,. lil lplxtuie ~hies @!WI .You'll have partlcular fun part int.a 8 pieces .. Roll in handlmg. before removing bars froni , Blan~ almc:it)ds, halved "% cup 1U1F i-, 1peu; Jichtly ma In milk with e cor at ing the Dutch piece out to an 8-inch st.zand Shape into balls Loinch in pan. Yield: 40ban. ·--cram toeeU)er tJuUer and l~ teaspoonli•lhllla-fort just until dou&b Ip e J u I a a s j e s , and the and twist into a pretzel shape. diameter and place on baking AUSTRIAN Ntrr · sqg,,-unUl . Ugtlt and 'fluffy. .2'n CUJ:ll.. ~ repllt, llJ.. p~ into a b&ll. CblU dough · wich-style Austrian Nut Plac'e on baking sheet. sheet. Bake in prehea~ed 325 Bt.nTER COOK!~ Bl~ in chocolate. FrOlt top P!JrpClll ~ •. • · for Q9e in handling. Cookies will get double Brush cookie with egg and degree oven 20 mmut~s; of cookie .. Place~almood half 1 cµp gound'Dldl · On Dptly' floured IUl'face ves from friends and fam.ily. sprinkle with sugar. Bake in remove to wire rack. 1 ~IL Sifted regular all~ on top of ea¢! cookie. ' C.ODfectlonen 1Uftt . roU dough to ~ • l n ch ·t;:"-::...:":.::a~yf:.::ul:.::<i.::...f:.::reshl::_:Y:,_b_ak_ed_:..Pr_ehea_t_ed_400_de..:gree __ o,_e_n_3-_<o __ wru_·1_e_w_arm __ d_ust_coo_k_ies purpose nour nALUN HOLIDAY · ln·a mlxVll.bowl~,b<. th~ cut :With floured .....; 'h cup sugar le'i'; lfadually actd;IUllJ" anti cookie cutten. .Wltb ~ , •1, cup finely c hopped COOKIFJI vanl:IJp,IDdbeatuntllllabt..,. ·.spatula transfer to bUina SPICY FLAVOR TAKES THE CAKE . Emergef!CY Dessert Pumpkin Spices Cake • Now b: tht time to fill the kitchen vdth the s p i c y fragrance of every on e's favorite pumpkin recipes - ies, cookies and cakes. This picy Pumpkin Pound Cake ~ as an especially appealing ' Beef Jerky ----- aroma \\'ilh the addilion or pumpkin pie spice and rich dark rum. Its firm buUery texture and not-too-sweet flavor make it ideal to ser\'t' at late afternoon tea parties or with &trong ·Pioneer Food. Returns NEW YORK CUPI) - Shades or the old west : beef jerky, which pioneer Americans ate from necessity. makinl a comebaa as ~It food aold in groceries and supermarkets. . Hickory"1110iled round !ltak 1 Uled for the modem pro- duct. The orlafnal product WIS aun-drled and then 11moked . Jerky comes from the Pcn1. vian Sp1ni1h wonl charqul, or dri<d beef. North Ame ric•n Indians ali.i1 made a type of jerlc;y, called pemmJcan, wliJch 1till Js used by 80ml hunters 11nd explorers 't'! )Gllfl euedllioo& 1be Mam' pe~can wu • I made from lhinly·!iliced lean \"eni!on, bear or buffalo me.at. 1U11-dried, Oien pounded into a well-seasoned mau, mixed with hol fat, _cQoJed and shaped into small cakes that were stored in buffalo or deer hide sacks . The Indians sometimes ad- ded finely groQnd cherries or berries for flavor. ' Cowboys who wanted a com· pact food to stuff In their oad· dl•bags adopted the Indians' food . Until r<'ccntly, the modern co1nmtrc.lal version was prlmarlly a western food item, but it now is bejn& marketed naUoiutlly ln lood storts. • black coffee after a holiday dinner. \Vrapped in foil or plastic lt keeps "'ell and can be frozen for use as an emergency dessert during the holiday season. srtcv PUMPKIN POUND CAKE :l cup! sifted flour I tablespoon baking po\\'der l tee1spoon salt '1 teaspoon baking f.Oda l tablespoon pumpkln pie spice 1 teaspoon orange peel 3 large eggs 2' • cups sugar I (I pound) can JM'T\Pkln 3 t cup m~lted butler -4 cup milk '• cup dark rum I cup chopped "'at,1ut1 Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sift together rlour, baking powder, salt. baking soda . pumpkin pie spice and orange pttl. Beat eggs until light and flurry. Beat In sugar until blended. Beat ln pun1pkin and butler. Combine mllk ~nd rum . Add alternately with flour mixture. Stir In v.·alnuts. Four Into a well·greased Bltil~t pan or 2-quart cake rnot« Baie 5S lo 60 minutes • blanched almoods •,I cup (I sUck) butter fluffy:Graduallybleadlnfi"!"'. sheel Bake in a ptt.heated . 1/r cup (1 stick) butter, l/J cup sugar ~·nuts.:~Cbill douCb for-eue,. 8 de~ oven 15-20 minutes. aofteoed 1 egg yolk m handlliig. Form 1 teaspoon )\eniove irru;nedlately t o . Jam l/,, teaspoon vanilla of•dough into crescent shapes wire rack to cool. Decorate Into a mixing bowl sift JV, a.ips sifted rel\Jl&r all-and place on,.baldnC lheet. wUh frostln1. Yield: M dozen. .... . .~ .. Joyous greetings from all of us at Van de Kamp's. A yearjul of thanks is· extended to you.during this Holiday Season. Besides keeping ycmr traditional favorites, we've truly enj_oyed ,creating new bakery products /or yourpleasure. Our Co-workers look forward to serving yOU a¥llin in 1970. As always, we'.ll continue ®r. policy of using very special.. care in ~ng tire · finest and freshest ingr.edients in.all of :our products as we've done for the lDSt fifty-:fi.ve .years. . ' . ' You and Yours have our very best wishes for a joyful Holiday Season and a wonder:/ulNew Year. ·,' I Holiday Sugges_tions Mon.-Sun., Dec. 22-28 ,...,., .. , ... ,,., ~···· 14.ot ••••••••••••••••.••• (leg.,,,,,. 7Y2••· ••• •• ••• •••• ._., ••• (leg. 3Sc) 49< 29• Lftht.,. hrit f,..lt Ceke $2 59 2·1b. •••••••••••••••••• (leg. $2.79) • 1 ~b ................... ( .. 9.1t.•9l Sl,39 DolH& r,.Jt C•h2·Jb .... , ••• (l ... $2.19) 12.69 Olft WNppH fl" ......... CMcof•... •2 79 t lb., u .... ' .......... ( ... -:-.,.,,, • is ................... ( .... $1..59) 11.49 C.._..... ..-P•t9' Miwts. In..,,., , ..... , , , 7'JC ... r c1 ... c.,._c.1t .. Pica. •f" · .. • ~ ~ ............ (91w.. •> 39c J•l .. •h-(fhlW.,.,~ C ... '-'!fl ·. 16.oi ........... .,. ••••••• , ... ffc:) 59'= C.it• Cl' -·· -"""" "°''"' CH• S 2-to,.rS •••••••••••• '............. 1.35 .......... -!h ~1 •••••• , ........... C191.SJ.29) $J.19 Pi..,f ••• •. • •• • •• ••• ••••••• (i.e., 3't) 35c vc.o............,~ ....... ....,. ..... llNlhoW,.. ...................... : ••••••• 59'- • ~lll:c ·~ ............. ,... .......... _ ....... f'tll.1 ~= Van de .Kamp's.- IAKlllll l . ORGAN ~IJSIC , . MAKES _.,P!NG MORE ':U"I-.. t<. ~~ turn' on ~~ lilbt •••• Why Mt. the woril'• . Jarresl <boc:olate 'bar • • • Ghlradeili, ol tile San Fran- claco Gbira. pits out'& s pounder~ M0Dey iJ always Dia( You CllL live it in~S ways. HIVJ. you ever seen.a Rt~'" glfi oerdficate?--Jt eomu li>S, tt"or ZO dollar delxlmlnaUw, ts. put la. :a t0Vel7 liltle IOld i1f>x and~I c~ ~P wilh a · 1iive1y lfow ao4~-dgift1ag. What ttm ~, pve:~mebolly a prime'"iihk.d lnnef, groceries,rJr 1 Week, Of\ let them sel-4 fr0m th e g..-geotl! bOOnty of our )lift shop or yacht shop • Even more fun is to have a 10 dollar bW canned. Cans come in 2 sizes, one abqut equal to a can of toma~. which is alao gay to pul. a diamond watch in, or any oC thooe small package gifts that might aet lost tllldtr the tree. 'Ibe next siu: will hold 3 dozen cookies nicely. There is a bounty or dil'· fertnl labels you can aelect to glue on the outside, and the person who does the receiving has to get a 911 opener to find out what is really inside. "BELIEVE IT OR NOT ,.l'MA LIFE ~RESERVER" •• Empress Flotation Jackets .... Ir he or lbe hunta, boats, skis, ride!' .1 motorcycle. or just sits in the cold watching a foothill game, try ooe on foe giving size. U she falls in Die wi~r-it not on)y floats her, . fut it fights exposure. He ca'n sit against an iceber1 In Ule duck blind and be cocy. An , this \ warmth and it'1 slfai=p~Iooltjng too. Yacht shop ls also the place for port ~d starboard boat shoes. One red and one green. Of cOutse landlub- bers always say why are lhty labelled salt and pep. per, so -they are fun fOr everybody. The Yacht Shop is really lights on place. If still yOu don 't know where it is, when you're checking out your groceries, Jook up aod you'll" see the clolhes, lhen you'll want lo clamor up the stairs. You can also find bean bag uh trays, Coke waste baskets, a great collection of gal1 scarves, Hang Ten swim trunks, miniature c a r 1 , . lamps, and old world tr..,.s. WHILE OUT IN TIIE GIFT SHbP Benclni's wooderful little satire figurines are loved by an • . . Frantic musi- cian!, cave men a 'd women, another "Adrift on • Rafi." They just 1141• yuu into wanting to have them around. Ita.Uan baking pots, fired yellaw on the outside with their own bas· ket holders, give an eitra special wanntb to tuna aQ(f noodles. For a t w o 11 family, 2 pint s I 1 e d euter01es to be carried torethef tn their own JiWe Inly wllh halldles. Vol')'_ ·Ind newsy. ' TIIE GREAT WALL HANGING GENEllATIOll • •. Wlli love Flavia plaquts .. the IJ t t I e loYJng peo- ple who win the hiart.s or old and young . .. Or yau can find a felt bamer to bug on the wall with a little "'1 or girl, lbe face and bait are all done with yam. RICHARD'S TllE PEOPLE STORE Wbert ••• pleue pleue •• we urge you to get on h phone right now and ~r your pumkin pies, your SljD. la Claus cakea and ~ ma11toltns. The baltery w:tn have them au wrapped up wtlh )'Olll' name "* u-. and we don't want You 111 be dl..,apjlOJnted Saob Clliul 1' htre and Chr!atmas b W<>Oderful. • ' I· • • To all PW Special 'Fr;.endl iind 'Cuawmers. ' We're. here bet;au;se you C!lre .abou~ fine foods arid good Bf!rvice. · . It htu· I,een flit' p~ure -~ sr'e you through the_ Ye<f"• • , j. FANCY, SWEET, t.ARGE SIZE CALIFORNIA NAVliL . . -------~-------------. To each of you, we wish all the joys of Chru'iflll¥· _ I , ' ,. ' . . <i~ , . . . , S ' ORANG IS I\ DELIGHTFUL S~D BASE LARGE, NEW CROP, FUERTE AVOCADOS 4 ; $1 FOR Parker House Rolls -. 1. . .. --, ' Pumpllfn Pfit 11cN All• •n•m ' . Cran~ryy Muffins 61e 1.49 6 ... ne. EASTERN YARIID .TANGY, PLUMP, fl!ESH ' ; : ) CRANBERRIES ~i:.· .· · 2r • Ii • FOR YOUR FRUIT BOWL, RED EMPERO~ GRAPES · · · · :· · 1r · _,,, •• -• ·~ <>/ , , ~ __ ;,_LI.. -:·" , .. .. lollNCEM~.: PlJMPKIN AND WHIPPED CREAM , Harvest Pie 1.93 . We hove .... ·""'nMI' of Christmas goodies, boxeCI cookies, plum pud· ding, Hai'cl· seuce, fruit ceko, Bourbon \ ' •.. PHONE 673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY IN OUR DELIVERY. AREA Organ Serenade For Your Ple1sure 'by Bomico F.•y LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE ZACKY FARMS FRESH TURKEYS-INDIVIDUALLY BOXED HENS 65•L.. TOMS . . • NORBEST-LIMITE.P SUPPLYI TOM TURKEYS WITH THE POP-UP TIMER BAR-M BONELESS AND FULLY COOKED ~ Whole Tavern HAMS 1/2011/4 Tavern Hams 1.59 LL JONES DAIRY FARM LINK SAUSAGE ' RICHARD'S OWN, WITH MILD SPICE ISLAND SEASONING' Pure Pork SAUSAGE .... LIDO BRAND ss•L .. 39•LB. 1.55LL WHOLE HAMS SHORT SHANK 4-6 LL AVG. > , ' Q.S·LB. , Butt or Shank HaH •o cuoTU sucn .01111'11' 8't" LL . . ~ RICHARD'S FINE " ·-··· • Lean Ground BEEF , · 53•L,. • ALL WH.ITE MEAT -. LONfil ISLAND · .TURKEY ROLLS 1.49La. DUCKLING 69e ... EASTERN ' FANCY LARGE CAPONS 9k ... PHEASANTS ...6.95 FANCY SOUTH DAKOTA A NEW TWISTI . NEW CROP. SOFf:,AND 'FRESH, DEGLET NOO.R. ·DATES .. ··· · · ;-:29' •" · Bolls, Fruit· ChrimMs Breed · end - Stolen! GEESE 9k ... S.MOKED TURKEYS 1.49 ... " . 2Lb.'¥1~r~x ' •' <, 1 "·,, '· ' . YUBAN COFFEE . 11.i. · '''": , •• . · P~ILADELPHIA CRE~M CHEESEaoz. 35' YUBAN COFFEE 1 .t.' :· :-l3l·Y : . · ... ~ Pillsbury !:cescent. D1nne~ Rolls aoz. 39c ARDEN AA BUTTER ~» .,ii, -~ 79e~·' . " : . REESE'PETITE SMOKED OYSTERS.,"o•. 39c SUNSHINE COOKllS · • '" · ', ,. OSCAR MAYER lemon or Cfierry Coolers11oz. 41c '"' " Little Smokies or Little Wieners 10• 49c ' LAURA SCUDDERS · -· · · l(NIJDSEN'S. 1.· PARTY MIXED NIJJS uOZ: 69c ·· HAMPSHIRE SOUR CREAM , ARDEN EGG NOG' . -~ .. · • . .59( · ·· · SEll.'S Liv· ER PATE KRAFT MINIATURE ' . <1 ',_., .. ' PINT 4¥4 oz. ssc 39e . MARSHM~Lows ,.v. o.; :2 ..,39e . . · · IMPORTED FINN cR1sP PLAI~ oR CARAWAY c "H SUGAR ,. ·; ' . ·,,. ' ,. ; . ' .· . . . Tt-llN RYE BREAD tOZ. 3 ... •1 POWDERED' or BROWN 1.: 2 ;..29c · R1cHARo·s · PILLSBIJRY FLOU,R r•: . '~"'·' .. A9C L "-.; .. 8:~N.DIED MINCEMEAT 1 LI. OCEAN SPRAY ·· .. · · " . , CRANBERRY COCKtAfL!.oi. .. , &tt .~.-' .. "· HUNT'S WHOLE . SPICED PEACHES #IVs S IW WHOLE CRANBERRY SAUCE '" SI W JELLIED CRANBERRY SAUCE S & W YAM.S LINDSAY PITTED ~ LARGE RJl't OLIVES WE'VE GOT· ALL ·MANNER OF ,'. LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEAS and HOSTESS GIFTS Delightful gourmet gilts of food, wines end ctndies. • 39c JOHNSTON. PIES 9" . APPLE, PUMPKIN or MINCE 59e 49e SARA LEE CROISSANT ROLLS 6CT. S.O.RA LEE ' BUTTER GEM ROLLS ,6CT. 39e SARA LEE PARKER HOUSE ROLLS net. 39e l9e ' SARA LEE FINGER ROLLS BIRDSEYE COOL WHIP BIRDSEYE •. AWAKE BIRDSEYE QUICK THAW CHERRIES BIRDSEYE QUICK THAW MIXED FRUIT BIRDSEYE QUICK THAW 1JCT • tOZ. llOZ. 1101. 29e 39e 39e Strawberries 10 oz. 3 , •. $1 llRDSEYE PEAS 1101. 6 ... •1 ' BHIDSEYl , CUT CORN , 'i .11oz. 6..,11 •BIRDSEYE , · CHOPPED BROCCOLr ~ .... llOZ. 6 ... '1 BIRDSEYE ........ -s & CARROT , YAN DE KAMPS Chicken Pie • J • • ~~·~~·~··,..,..""'~r'"~l~~~-~.'•1,..•~1~,.,...,..~~~·~·~...,,,.,.,.,~,,..,,.,.,~~~r'"f"l"""""''""'"1""'"-~....,~~~r~,.... .. ~-·~•-.:-r1~·r...,.•=~·=-·-·~•~•~·-·~·+-•+n1~1~•**""~m~·~·--·-·~1·-·-·~·=-·~·t~·T,-"_,._,_,.~•~·-·•~,....= Mon., Dec .• 22. I 969 .• ' Maple -Leaf Ducks .. 69 ' \ c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lb Fresh water Eastern duck! .•. plump and juicy and tasty •.• for "back-home" kind of dinner ! Western . Oysters .................. 89¢ El Rancho Sausage .. . .. .... 59~ Plump •• ."for a tasty stuffing! .••. 10-oz. jar. Lean co~try style .•• seasoned r ight! Eastern Oysters ................. ~t09 Jones Link Sausage .............. $1~ For YO!ll' fa\l'orite dreasing!. ~.¥!pint. Little link! ••• big oD. flavor ! Breakfast treat. King C.rab Legs ...................... $1 ~? Alaskan crabs. s,veet meated, arid so rich ! 1i!ake this holiday more memorable ••• for dinin g pleasure! Alaskan Crab Meat ............... sr~ Cooked Shrimp ...................... $3~:. Start the meal with crab cocklailf. For a salad, cocktail ••• and enjoyment! FREE! Rose Parade Tickets! ·Great seat.A .•. resen•ed ••• at 320 W. Colorado ••• for a apectac.ular view of a spectacular e\"ent! FIFTY \VINNE.RS ••• each gets two reserved seats ••• plu11 free parking ••. No purchase required ••• just fill out the cntty blank at your ,El _Rancho! \Vinnera name3 '"ill be pasted •.. and will be notified 1ilon., Dec. 29. •~=-·=· ==·=====·========~ -. ' -· . . . F!llLl) RIPENED!, .• ~-tushed . ~here fresh from the\HaM-•aifan ls· lands. Until you've tried really fresh. field ripened pineapple, you haVl!n't learned how truly deli· cioua thia rreat favorite can be! Fancy Nuts ......... ~1'..~.1 .. ~'.'.CH .......... 49~ Walnut.~ ~1Jbort.s, Almond., Brazil> ••• !ill Ut• nut bowl I I , . . j\ ~)'j ,. \ ,1,J ..... I I, ' ' ' •• '1 }' ~-., ... ' ~ , . • • ~-~ ' . ,/ I " t.~~ .. ~ .. ' .. , . ' .ii~ To you . and .your family, all of .us at-El -. For the. plumpest, .iuiciest ·turkey yo u could wish._'for1 lbok to El Rancho! Fresh or frozen, yo\i-can be. sure that every bird has been clean~.~.,dra\'ln and graded,.under th.e watchful eye of persnick~ty 1overninebt ins~r~: Ready for the oven, your ttlrKeY, is sure to·be the center. of ,attraction ••• and isn't that the waY, it ~hoWd''be r" . -GRADE "A" FRESH FROZEN ··················~~, GRADE "A" . FRESH FROZEN; •••••••••••••••••••• . . Compare the quality •.• and see that El Rancho offers the fin. ~.value for your food dollar! Far.finer birds ! •.• Southern California l"aised •• • plump tender -birch • ; .-at a price you'd expect to pay for lesser quality! Roa st one of these beauties to a golden perfection ••• carve it with pride ••• and serve 'vi th satisfaction ••• Shop El Rancho ••. for yout best buy Jn a fro.zen turkey ••• anywhere ! ' . . . EL RANCHO'S FRESH GRADE "A" ···~················ EL RANCHO'S FRESH GRADE "A" II. \,,· · "'-•' .................... -"' You 'll nevef find . a finer turkey! Selected from Sa n Fernando flocks, 'vh~1-e they're lfl'O'vn to our s~i .. fications ••• processed and packed exclusively for El Rancho. Rushed to.us FRESH daily to insure ffesh .. ness. SalisfattJon g\Jarantecd ! Of course, you'll find turkeys at cheaper prices (we have them too, take a look ) ••• but tqis is ~he superior bird your family and friends deserve for Ch ri.stm.&s, dinner. For Fixin' the F~ast! Cubbison' s Dressing .............. 49¢ ?i[elba Toast or Corn B1'1':ad ••• 13.oi. pkg. Poultry Seasoning .................. 19¢ Schillil\fs ••• just r ight! ••• 'Va-ounce tin •. Heavy Duty Foil ............. :: ...... 49¢ Alcoa ..• .25-ft. roll , •. great holiday aid J Roasting Pan ..................... .' ... 52.19 Blucstone ••• 1:! to 15-lb. capacity! ""EXTRA FANCY! ••• J:ed ' velvet yams, 'rith buttery • smooth golden mea t! 1·ruly a treat! ' Broccoli ................... .-..... : ............ -..:. 19~ Garden fresh ••• an9 ao "'·clr;omc a.t all,f. dinner 1 Water Chestnuts .............. ~2 1or ~¢ For a ti.De dressing ! Lu&nna ••• 6 or.. Marshmallows ........ : ....... : ......... 25¢ Campfire ••• t~lb. pkg .••• fo~ delicious yam.It Roasting Rack ..... _ ................. 69 ¢ Easily adjustable ••• cltr<¥ne ,plated 1 Meat Thermometer ;.~ ........... $1.95 Your turkey will roast perfecU~ t. • • ... ·' . ' ' } I ~ . I • • -• -..------~ ·-~ ~ ---~-~• .... ,_,_,;_• -·,.-" 'f,..,l ,., ;+-;;,w ""+••.•> '\'•P<'fl ~ "T"'l'4 ''• 'C'"' -............-__,,.~-----...-· ----___,.-_,.---~ - ' 1 · ... . '\, . -· . ' I.· . I , Mon., OS. U: 1969< I ' ' (. . r!Jl ·Rancho -extend warmest wishes for .a joyous holiday! • . . • -· ... ,.. . eT or •• • -· -· !' -· ... ~( ~-·:.; . ' . . . . · "Q.Jr~·~J" Hams ........ S15! t . . Hormel's famowi .boneless ham ••• fully cooked! , . . . . "Bar M" Hams S159 • .. . .... Ll Tave rn style: ••. boneless_ •• lean ••• fully cooked! . i lo ~ • ... c•: ' . ~.· 'Christmas Grocery Sp~cials! t {;'. S·$W· · Cr-nberay Sa~ce~ ...... 4: $1 , · S&W : .. f '\\'hen you want to serve the belit,.. whole 9r strained ... .No. 300 canJ·of tangy goodness! . . . ., ~~i· Yutian Coffee ....................... 69~ :f .. h· ,. ¢ I 5 ' i ~ Savor: the difference in Yuban .•• and sa,·e the difference at El Rancho! Two-paun~ can ••• $1.37 : J h . t I p• 59c ·''-o ns on s 1es .................... . Apple, ?ilince or Pumpkin ••• your choice of holiday favorites ••• flaky crusts, 9 inches big ••• ~ "' ' S & W Mince Meat ............ 59~. }'Javor that won't bake-out ••.• 28-ounce jar I <Royal Host Ice Cream ........ 79¢ Catering quality ••• all flavors! ••• 1/:i: gallon. P ,..., •. p· M' 33¢ um""tn 1e 11....... ........ ... · Cool Whip ............................. 59¢ l ibby'!1} •• so smooth and creamy• ·•No. 21f2. Heap it on pies ••• pile it on ice cream! Qt. size. Small Whole Yams .......... 3 "'$1 S&\V .::. amooth and syrupy! ••. No. 303. Dari gold . Butter ...................... 79' Creamery fresh ••• Grade 4'AA" quality I Pound • . Glorietta Peaches ................ 39" Elberta. ••. •liced or halves .•• No. 2V2 can. Glorietta Pears ...................... 43¢ Firm ripe Bartletti ••• sweet! ••• No •. 2~ can. Jell 0 " . . . . . . 3 29' . . ........... : .. ,.,................. "' t • I I • I Serve colorfl1)'.1&lads .. '" brigbt·deasert! ••• 3 oz. Small: Whole Onions ............ 39' ~&\V .,. round out the menu! ••• No. 303. Cucumber Pickles ............... ::39" S&\V • , • crisp slices in 22..aunce jar! -Stuffed Olives ............. , ... : .. ~ ... 59' Spencer , , • .!!:•Will& ••• 7Y2 ounce; rJa~ _ ' . . ·. Ripe Plffed Olives .......... ~ .. 39' Imo .......................................... 35¢ Use it as yoll''fould ~cream! ••• pin~ · S & W ·. APPie '.Juice ............. 43' S • . ' 3 $1 .: p1ced Peadles .............. "' · S&W ••• firm-and.flavorful I ••. No. 2Yt· In puncb .... in J'ell-o ••• or to enjoy! ••• Quart. 'S • d p :.' I ·43; · · p1ce ears .............. , ........ . ·s & w C0m ..................... 4.$1 Cream Style or:Whole Kernell ••• No. 803. · S&W ••• Red or Gl'ttn , •• l~unce glas•! : 1 .5 & W i umbler Packs ........... 49' Olives. Pickles, Maraschino Cherries, CocktAit . OJ'lio.us ••• your choice ••• in cocktail-type alaaaJ - ; . Birds Eye Vegetables ..... 4 "''1 Pea.s \\·ith Onions -PeM, Potatoes with Cream, or Green Beans, Peas or Corn-eacb with butter I Whole "am .................... 79~ EI Ra.ncho's great ham ••• for flavor! Delicatessen Specials! ' Cream Cheese ...................... 35' Kraft's famous 0 Philadelphia" •.•• 8-oz. pkg. Pen & Quill Dips .......... 3 !:· .,1 · Clam, Fr. Onion, Garlic, Blue Cheese, Chili! Biscuits .... P1LlSBuR1 DR BALLARD .... 3 c1n,25' Serve them piping hot! ••• 8-oZ. tubes. Polish Pickle Sticks ... .. .. ..... 45¢ Pulaski ••• snappy crisp • , • big 32-oz. jar. Edam . Balls ............................ $1.89 Great cheese from \Vis-Cal ••• 20-oz. size. . ,. ' • EL RANCHO!S -OWN!' . . ... . . . . . . .. ,,' ' ... .. •. >. .. Ham Slices ·, S12t . • •• ········---··-·-· l,i.. Cen~r Cut •.•• thick oi-thin sli~! , Holiday Spir(t81· ·. . ' Seagram's 1 Crown .... ; ........ '5.1' Blended whiskey you'll be proud' to Jic!Url·iith. Johnny Walker Scotch ... ; .. ;:'J.50 Red Label ..• 5tb ·, •• don't forge~ the sod&! Cabin Still ............ ,~ ... ; .. :.c .... ~.:.!5.3f Sportsmatl decanter for a great gift! 6th.' ' ' ' . , . Christian Bros. Brandy .... :.\29 Serve an after dinner drink! ••• fifth. . Above liquor itenia ••. a.n.d ma.n11 manv mm ••• available in attractive Holidav Gift-W"'P'-, . . ' fine Wines from Chas. Krug Little W1'er.ers or Smokies 49¢ . · . .Yin Rose ....... ·· ....... ""!'·-i·, •• , ... : .. •.tJ' I ..... . ., .... ,...., t. , . ·,· •t.s• Oscar ?.layer ••• party favorites!.-•• 5t/2 oz. · : lllllVU!l!'llJ ••••••••• ~ ••• ,,,flfTH •• :.".:........ .f Oscar Mayer Sliced Chunks ... 59¢ · '. Cheniti' Bln:.:: ... : ...... """ ........... ~;;,•t.79. Bologna, Cotto Salami or Braunschweiger! 8-oz. Cre.• SherTJ •••••••••·"""····:·~·~.~···~ .~Jt ; .. EL RANCHO MARKETS WILL aosf 1 P.M. ClfRl$TMAS EVE-CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY . Price! in effect Mon., Tua., Wed., Dec. 22, 13, 14. No tales to dealers. • I Open dauu 9 to 9 ••• Sunday 9:90 to 7:00. . . : Ask the m•nager 1borif out~~i111ent:C~r;eAecoitnt S1,rr/c1 HUKTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. &. Algonqujn St. . -. .. ' NEWPORT BEACH: 27.27 Newport Blvd. • 2555 ~stbluff Dr. (East~luff Villaee .~) • \ • • .. .. . , : I I I I I I ' ' I I . . ~ .. . . . ' . . 1 • , 1 , --."""";'f.'t·Pl,'~.-'<9 4 <0.S{•,",*'Sf<~+"''( Q-O~>i P•'f·''".'"'i*,"* 'i+,;,;; ~.!". e;, ,'1".1'>'. ! 1,:t_.I' ''.' ~!j!8 . DAILY PILQT " Cigarettes 100-MM's Carton '3" PliJs Ta119s s30•. ·fl• Clrton , ... ' Ice ,. Cream In Assorted Fl<M>ts ...... Calllll& 1/z"GlllOR . at FrqiJ .. ,ies ~ 3 -~ S) Bel-aU-CAll:·Except .Blliebeny). !lils TaMato Soup Town 'HOIJSe-So Good! ·. ll11J 11Jo11 / 111.0 II / 1J111/ /;,,, '' Orange Jilie ...=. ,i ~ 25-· ~ lolls Dinners ~:=w '.'."':" 371 Pies Whip T oppiag .~':.': . -~; 491. 'f :. 5 .... 541 ·~Cranberry Sauce . .= ·::~ 251.,. SkylarkBGkH Bread ·s.1e! . Eaq..,. • .., .... ~ ._,,_ •Qiilf:s:IW'aJ•_.•._.Fsw ..... -.,. .... u., c ._ ............. 3· 3 • Mlft.O .... KD% .. .... .... ,,.. ... ~ Ready· To Serve ••• P~rly log l.ll-1-lal--39 ~rtady lli"!I f« ~. c llolidoy ~ ..... Just PllW ~1Uri! f/,,(11 /11\ 111111 \ ,,,,, ll11\•.' Flour d:.1 .. ~1- Mayonaaise ~:-;::. Pepper .................... CrOllll Bllct Spiel ;· 581 !' E~waiis Coif~ ... ~ t, 531 : '=.391 ~Libby Pumpkin ".:-211 l111ene Eu log ··'=-'::." 971 '~ 391 J C.1aed Yams =. •::-35' llllfll Sal.a = ~ 3r '!;.· 371 ~ Foil'Wnp ·~:~~ ... 24• Gr* "A" latter ::r ~ 79' Olives ; .~"?!. Dill Spears· ~::~~. Cake lixes "':.~t" Onien i:.c.::= lbs. Oranges Bananas . Avocados Tangelos . ·::: 35' ! StuHiag lix . ..~r. ·~....-451 •:::-29--lilice leat :.~ ~:-53, ' ' 1 I Satmis Tho l'llct lo BUJ y., lloidoy Pludoal .)> ' Callfonlil lln1ls a=:.99c ....... ~-..... • YoMSllllllS. llltF1"' fBIJ l1W. Rip' ,._ 11c Fll'lt To Sib 0.... 8rt•k· ........... -11<. IMst Calf111i1 .... 29c ...... tr.Sim~ Slolllr_ ... _ . llllflnll Ju:M I . 2 ... 29C ...-c.-s."" " .... -... Joiq Mum Plants Neal llflr •• : $199 a.tit.II ...... Of t.to.. ............. . .. large Ens ::-.~l" ... t:; i: ·97; -· . . . -.. .-. . . .. .. .. . MERRY ·CHRISTMAS . · • ROM Alt OP US . AT IUIWAY •••• . TO All. Of YOU · .. -. . ..... .. . . -. ... Kodacolor Rim .,.. $)14 1 ·111" $)04 11.p. .. 21 ---i.i•••• n. ~-•r Pollnil rm ~ .... 1411 ' lllllmlatlc: Camera ' :,:$.~ ...... Cll .... 111t11 r...w So U'lllll - • Jfl PILOT·ADVUTISER IN! 1'"1<W(, Dfiimber 21, \."9 Boneless ............. •Ol-.h ........ God • llololl l Tlllf 11111 a.t .. 491 · Ground 'Chuck i = · .. 6911 Sl .ced B . ·= : 6'9• 1 · acon t ·~,-~:• . Gou· ... rm1 ... e· 1 !.=:::·~~·= · s1·19 ..... Gii ·--•Llnlltll .. .. ' CaDrled Ham:~--:!s4f 51 Pork Steak r::. t .. 79-Canned · Him ~ ~~ •7• Veal Chops a.;::• .. 7911 Coped Ham .:;.: : 'r/ Chuck Steak-=:: .. W Oysters ·' ::n-=. ~ '".:" '9111 Pork Chops ·u-.. 7911 Sausage ~ ~-=' . \:. p• Beef Steak ,= .. 9811 Oscar Mayer = ::: ·~I Top Sirloin ."=' .. •1• Lunch Meat ~=t ~. 3511 ' ..... ., ............................. .,~ ........ i;.; : ' l .1111/; II 'f'/11·.,1• J/11111 ·1·-Surifl!: 11111 ·.,.' . . . Baby .. Food: r~~ ~-· Bread =i5r~ ·:: 25~ C. heese . s;~:=:=,r ' wicNs, ~ c-des. Potato C6ips e ~89~ 111fru, 54c '*" < . . ... . . I 1/diti1111ul (,'r1 •uf //11/idu 1· /1 11 1 ,: . . .. Biscuits .,., •tl&fd's ..... ,, Re= ~~ - .. Yuban Coffee .... .JJc - Margarine ........... Ill.' . ... Crlllny&toolll In Tum . • -"" ' - II . • • • . ... ' I" . I • • ( • • I c c l -. JI PILQT·AD'i!RTISU . Monday, Cecetnber 2~. 1'''> ' ., •' ,, .• ' . ' . .. ·-- . J ST·TO · ••••• . ( ~' . . . . ~~ • . ·' . '1 ~ 'saountAl , . I . ~ . . · Fad lfark~)s ~ish All Of You A VED; ~R~Y CHRISTMAS . DECEMBER 24th HOURS -9 A.M. to 6 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 22-24 . MONDAY. tnru . WEONESDA y ALL STORES CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY .•• , , ' FARMER . JO~N FULLY COOKEO' SHANI HALF .c lb . . " . ' MRllER ~O~N or HORMEL O~RE 81 159 , 'BONELESS HAM GOURMET ·~ 1£. , _. . FAVORITE . lb. . iiili~~siusAGE ~·~· 33' . . . ~ - ' -_·· .. · . I rices. USDA CHOICE or FAD TENDERFUL -BONELESS 89c ROAST SH~L~gER Lb. LEAN, DEPENDABLE FRESH 49c Ground BEEF Lb. FAD SLICED BACON • 1-LB. PKG. 69C FIRST QUALITY FRESH WESTERN OYSTERS 10-0 Z. JAR 79c OCEAN HARVEST SHRIMP COOKED 89C · 7-0Z. PKG . · USO.A CHOICE or FAD'S GOURMET FAVORITE IFTS ~ --~~Jt~N 19· · YAHnEE . 68. PEN & QUILL ., VARIETIES M,OllDl'C&l,.,,·, ... ,88 1 .• CHIP 3'$1 jy """ IROS. ·• IE<>. • RJN FOi 1Hf , RtG. 0 • ltEAL·ESTATE GAME ~;99\: ~ • WHOLE FAMILY ··t 2.9•1 DIPS SAVE 17c I sa~; :~ 2' '19 HOT WHEELS 88c HALF GALLON 89c ~ ~rt:.c;~{;A»t. ~~~ ~:~~~RE . FAD 47' · · .. ~,.~:., :. · • ~'::1::!: EGG NOG a" = • ·fillalsTMIS · . JREEs ..;' _, I ,. .. >ING!! ROll 78' Olt30"t~,ACX II ., 26 .. -116 'R6t.l PM:IC .' ... 1.21 30~ -10 K>l.l fOl l Ol..,APEl !. .........• -·-·---.1.41 25 CNT. IAGS 'O BOWS Uc f BOl.T TAPESTRY Rl!aoN t7c SPOOt. CUlllNG lll&ON lfr 20" TISSUE WRAP IOXEO ... ·-···-······-··-·····6St IOXID • CHRISTMAS :, IAll ORNAMENTS • • IPAIHION 139 '"" ... "' 12 •• • l!'"loxol 12 ...... , • 111i· ... "' 12 .. _,., • 211• ... ol 12 ... 1.11 OCEAN. SPRAY • STRAINED QR WHOLE CRAIBERRY 25' SAUCE 300 CAN FOREMOST • FAMILY PAK ICE 59c CREAM G~L •. GOLD MEDAL • INCL. 4c: OFF ·, 5-L8. BAG 49c FLOUR . s,":.' ' FAD o REG. OR SOURDOUGH EIGLISH ,.~K 2 9c MUFfllS VIRGINIA LEE • 1\1 LB. SIZE FRUlt SAVI $179 CAKE 2°' STANDING RIB ROAST Cl-:IATEAU- BRIAND LARGE 87'. EYE lb. '1''· LI. Hot.IOAY AT DISCOUNT PRICES "OTTllO 121 POINSmlAS ,: ... ' I ti-, •. ,, h ,.,. '•"-•rtlft bul'ICh ··-··-······ -·~--D_AJ_LV_P_llot_). • • GOURMET'S CHOICE EYE of the ROUND 139 u. STOCKING ITUFl"l"'l • NAVEL ORANGES • RED DEUtlOUS · ·10:.9.1~. , I • I DAILY PILOT Safety ·First 1'te open houst, the "at ! . ' and the all-evening are some of our most t holiday customs. IY and informal, they tuler on the hostess than n meals and they en-cNor entertaining. ~ng to tht Grocery ~rm · of America' anll'llle United Slates Depart -ol. Agritullure. however, u..f may also encourage food· """' llloeu if tbO food serv· lot ii not 19felyJ. as well as f~/~etJn • OU holi· <IQ k1tChen care, these ex- Poill point out that Ille Jward ht lQCb' popular forms of hos- pttaltty lies in the fact that mQ1 foods wUI develop harm- flll,)lcteria il llley are oet out OI\ a "help yourse~' biai1 f~ ll:riods al Ume at room t ature. Htl, poultry, fish, egg• ontl oilier dairy foocl1, 11 '!ill aa ftbls t'Ontalnlng tbMi · i eta, are particularly SUI--• bl e, as are the casse- • with rich sauces and the crkmY dressings so often in· chtftd in buffet menus. ftete delicious but aenslLlve foodl requir e the protection of vtJ11 oold (below 40 degree• P') • very hot (above Iii d• ,,.. Fl to keep them saft. Wanning ovens, 'trays ,and Clldl• may only malntllln the at the hijh end d the "~ zone" in which ba(!i. W'8 thrive, (60 to 120 de· ll"MI F), while crushed ice llftdtr plates or tr111 ft\IY oolY maint.ain the low end. lift party plann!nt lvalds thole hazards by Um1Un% tho "IWIJt yourself any J:ime of. fll'le.p to such dur1ble anack! 11 cheese and crackers, pret-llia. nuts and potato chips, at loUday goodies such as fl'lft cake .and cookies, with \!II r'8I food offered-fresh Ne the oven, range or re- ••tor-at plaMed times "'*" 'veryooe eals.. -''DoUble batching" is a .prep- aNUon technique which al- kMI a hostess to set her ,buffet t1ftet , during an ·eitended ape house; but it 11 impor· tut to keep the "do ahead" Pflttlons refrigerated before clOklng, or frozen if the stor-•lt period is to be longer tbu a day or so. Clrtful storage of all foods 11. fJ1 important safety rule, ~ II preparation under sani- i..., conditions. Such frequent- i,1 Ulld gadgets as can open- • and cutting boards may ht. a source of food contam-_ijon if they are not waahed I after each use. the most baaie aafety of. all, acconlia1 to the .. ,is at GMA· -.nd Ille ls this: always start wholesome food. Never ute eey product that has an alleolor or aroma, any frozen ct that thawed too long use, or any perishable 1 ct that was not stored relrlgeraUon. a free booklet with information on food , write to Kitchen Care, -1300, Washington, D.C. llllU.' Jadgets ~or Gifts ' 'l't\lngs fOf'-the k I t c h e n Qowld In catal-. Tho po<> lllt who allegodly h 1 • t •"'>'lhing all IM>Uih tllo beule probably don't have a 111'1~'*· 7.e1ter, Outer, or ~ in tbt kitchen -IO · a Jiii! ol\MY of llleoe thlnp wlll ltt apjreolatad, 0000 yO. ••· pltln bow it1 1 •·· '1111 stripper tam the ool· Ind llnd from ·citrut INN In ..,. contlnuotll •P~•I· 'l'lle ....... shav• carrotl. Tbt flvttr puts those rldaes Kf'OI• 1CUCU\nber,1Ucchln1 or potato when you sllee. I~ 1't notchlr ii a V..shaped '11dt that enables one to .P.,1te frultl jnto perfect, •""11 not.cbtd halves. If money ii no object. why DOI eonaider the gilt or an ~muer.Thl"'"'I ,_., · hid five'demit.ull ~Jl1 ehrom~Jattld and <otl > tholf who Mtm to everytllln( for t b e probljlly don\ ~ .... f<N' caviar. NOt OM GI.,..,.. ........ 14vtr ptale. Amon 14'. ;&:avlar Jan\ on t1tt ='=1.~·::i=::: . ~piece -filled wUh ·- 'Lunch Cut-ups Y ....... ,. luneh·lt-01 U1e y<llll' bridle-club cu\letl lo I ft I ' I Into he a rt1. dl•Dflda, clubl or l pidel. Oil eut .... allce or bread ..,....iy, thto put logcther wltll flllln1. THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF. THE BALBOA MAR· KET WOULD LIKE TO WISH YOU AND YOURS A MERRY CHRISTMAS ANO THE HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS -AND WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR LOY AL CUSTOMERS .fOR THEIR BUSINESS AND THEIR FRIENDSHIP, AND WE Will Tl\Y TO SERVE THEM EVEN MORE EFFICIENTLY IN THE .YEAR JO COME! TIDE: SOAP GIANT SID LINDSAY COLOSSAL ' --·· : .. ,..:,,_·1 •. ~ ---·---...,_-> -·-• - MARKET W• 'DELIVER . ! '• ·1; •. , ... .. .. "'.. ' ' '" ,. 1-. I :1. -:. ... Y ' . { ' ' . . ' '· ' . ' Oltl/' r :.~.! ~·-''\1 I.'., .:·.~ •' ~'-, ' 'G ' ,_ • ,.> I . "~··. t ' ... .~' ~ -,,. ' ~ ,-f' : ~ ··' t .. 1·. . ... ., .. .,. ... -_ •• • •. • : .. •• • I! • ' . .;. ~·· -: . , t,,-,l ~ ,~, '~' ..... ' ' SAVE. (VOW WITH THESE -~IN~ llOLIDAY BARGAINS .. . -._ -:.. _........ . -.~ . .!.! ~·>:·· ,. -., ' ._.: -;t_~ ~-·.- -"'·':' ; . . --. ' . ' . •, FROM OUR DAIRY. DEPT. . -; . ' "' ,) -... r<~· ' .- 'KNUD$ENS ,, ' ' so·un ·CREAM"·-' .., KNUDSENS . '. , ' •, t ''" ;. . . ORANGE JUICE 48 oz. IOTM & .. ,; .... _ .,. -· ~. •' ' ' ' KNUDSENS CREAM CHEESE 6 OL ' '• ,,._ . . ' : ' ...... " -... . ... WE GIVE BLUE CHIP · STAMPS·· I . ~;. :_ ,:' , '',.f;' i I •.)" I ""; ,, .-, .,. i . !: ~-~ " ! PITTED OLIVES ' .. . FROM OUR MEAT DIPT. USDA CHOICE BEEF IONILISS .SIRLOIN TIP OR RUMP ROAST $ PORK CHOPS 9. • 49~ 39~ 19~ LB. c " BORDO GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 2 OZ. TIN 10~ FRESH FROM OUR PllODUCI DIPT. RED·DEUCIOUS A~PL~S GIANT HEAD ' LETIUCE 10~ 19~ TANGELOS 2 ...... 25' 10!. NAYIL ORANGES :4··~··,. . ' ' i-. . _,, ; __ '. A·l ' -I -• • , ... ' . .; _. . --. ..,.. ~,.,_ .. "· '>". • 1~ ' ' ·.·;,:,: . . ~ .. . . , .. ,·. ' . ' • ··~. ., . - • ... . ' _. ·- " ' '. ,. '· ) .!. ... -~ l . • -. ;·- " : . ;.-, .. >N .. .. .. • . ' .. DAILY PILOT :it ... r~flJ:ge~~ by Any -Name LETS ASK ( 1· ' 1 • C, -d (""'; THE (QOK This year try a wild dee ed 3 lable•i-is simple syrup onlona In drlpp!np . • Sherry Laced for Birds Rice ~i_.aste , ~weet an Lignt Nin~ "i~~~~~1E£:.~J '£:"':~:f,~~~ i:~F?.~~~·ry. ~~~:~1;'0::.~~'0,; ... J... or goose. sauteed; or 1-1 ~ cups slic-i1J C\JP sherry ingredients llahtly together ,!i-DEAR:nAif: 'hla laiJw the hot fat (375 degrees) fot t to 5 dozen. J u LI ANNE If yoo would like to get Nan SHERRIEO STUFFING ed pecans, browoed in oil Salt and pepper to taate and 1Ute for seuoamg. 11dy-who bu been~ her 1 'ii minutes UDill very light ZUKOWSKI, R I c h a r d s • Wiley's free leaflet, "Festive 3 cups uncooked wild rice or 2 cups boiled chestnuts Cook rice1 after washinc U11 only~ !or nloisture ~Jilt; recipe for Anp1 Win,. for lfOlden brown, Drain on paper Gebluer AFB, Mo. Cookies," send a self-ad-ror a 14-18 poonct bird 1 cup celery and leaves, many times in cold water, In as stearmfrom'roastlng bird is .., many )'Mn. Tbe' Polish towelina md while llill warm 'Dley'rt deH«btful! They dressed, stam,ped envelope to 6 or 7 pork sausages, cut in chopped consomme or broth made of surOciect. Never llll bird too ~ call. tltem. Clt.lrmcW, atft: a llWe CMfectiontr'1 really do look llke '1uad Nan Wiley in care of tbe DAI-J-lnch pieces, sauteed 3 tablespoons parsley, chop-the giblets. Saute sausaaes, fuJ I and _rpist and time as ~ "IOve ~ .. ~1-""-"'-·~"'rthem.--:Makes __ ._1>ou_1_ ...... =·-"..:.M.= ... __:•enl=oa=•..:.la=":::'·__:_:L..:.Y.£r.::1LOT=·-_____ I::ll:.:CU:::;P::'.::''=l""=d-=Ol1IOl!S=·=·=··=·te-~-~ped=--------="-=m..:.•..:.":...'.=rom:..:...:p::•:::"·..:.the:::•::...:.:••..:.••..:.•_"'_ua1..,.~.,--'----=--=- ~. lel'V9d ·at,, the ·"Ont iii- lil>C' .. -••• -clinl .,.1.inti... tbOhlub :u • to 11 houn. . . ' ; Fo<.t!le ~~~,4 ~ ... need JJ ... Ytfti,,¥. cuP ...,ar, II pound'snelted_-.., l · cup cream. 1 ti&1p0011 -vanilla, II t.upoon tall and I to I eups GI !lour. (Savo the a .~a whilll I« an·antIOJ cab.) Beal tho ... ~ odd .the • llJ.PZ' I buUlr, . er-. ' and ::=i~-:7:1n::t ' :sna11e • """"' an( ImwI ~UJ!lil · ~'lJiOII ooul Wry thlo. CUI. lilto J.!Dcb ' atrlpo. Wl1h ·a l!aile; mob-a 1111 In th<.mldille of each llilp and pQU·...e end lllroulh-Twjll, Fey-In deep 1191 lot WI llPI inn:wo oprlnkle powda<d IUI!' over .thein alter llley are drained. Some aerv·e them plaln.· J.!$5. JOll!i XROEPIL, llUptjqtoa ".lleacll. 'J .,..,...llle...,,...uloed (f•' ..... dalltwemJPieome ..,wti. ____ _ ail.4 " ,..-Ure! W•lle . ....,. ......... ;"Yll'ln la .. ....... ... •••1tlrtius. I .• • DEAK;JtAN: I am -~ to ' -~ nCtpo far Mtpl • Wlnis. II bu .been In the famlli I« _.ii...,. II lscallod ·a.-au-. eblelH) aod 11 .......... ed a1 ~ .... s. •.abcial and 1amlly 1aillerin,t. u . well ... wound the -• hotidajl: r Bact In Michlpn ,1 h ... I &n &old by .the pound ~-Pollob .......... and tliey ... 11a111_ ad ·--11111 a -~·.,...,,__ "-,J~"" .... . ,.·Ywnood ...... ~1'eup -· I tabieij;Oi;n ,-0< inarforlne (J!le\ted . &l)ll cooJ. ed), ·1 ~ ~ ere~ J cups lifted all--floor, I teaspoon vanilla, 11 teaspooD Ah and I teaspoon ,...,... ~ (opti{NI). • Beat the .}'Olk{ WI thick and '~.,..i. G~ beat Jn ~ 111111:.-Gently ltir "in ~ -· Pold in the 'F ....... Add·nit!lla; Sit !lour, ~~ ~IOP.ll!er~ .:ii_ mW a aOlt = ; Divide "°""' ;jn llO!t. On f~~llke~~ ~ t1lan '""~ ·-Inch )hick. QR the douih Into llrips lnchea .-wide •. '1ben •lull <liQonallraf'.-IH!llM to 11Mie d1Unonda. CUt a slit in ,.t11e am.r II -eac11-diamood ~ pull one eqd,tliniup. . Fry a few .... limo In deep ' ..... . 'Nut Torte Festive ; ' - GIVE llUE CHIP STAMPS· PlUS ADVERTISED SPECiAlS Al6ERTSON'S 18 to 24 LB: Grade 'A' Toms ALBERTSON'S HEN TURKEYS f.;~: ........... -........ 42t FRESH HEN TURKEYS ...... ·--......................... _ .. 59t FRESH TOM TURKEYS-·,_ .......... _ ................... 55t STANDING RIB ROAST~'=.~;:-:: .... _ ....... -.. •· 98t FAMILY PACK GROUND BEEF~--·-·-··;.: 49t FRUIT DRINKS~~~~ .................. 4/1. F'All•; WRA' p ALBERTSON'S 3 ....... ¥11• 25-FOOT·HEAVYDUTY................... 7,. ' . .. . POTA 10 CHIPS~!~~~~~~ ............ : ... 59~ DIN .. R·NAPl(INS'cH1FFol'J60'• 24~ SNOFLAKE •••• , •••••• NAVEL ORANGES::..'-7 ... 1. GRAPES t.-::.~~"':~~.--·· 2 ""'29• SWEET JUICY WHITE COACHELLA • GRAPEFR.UIT 12for1°0 RADISHIS/GREEN ONIONS~::'~' 4i.25• FRESH DATES .,k ......................... 25• NO.IRED YAMS NORTHERN 2~~;·25c ROD'S GEORMAt DRESSING~~;;!" 49• ROD'S GEORMAE DRESSING :::'.i.": ... .79• FARMER JOHN PORK SAUSAGE, .. ·-......... _ ... 654 HORMEL SLICED BACON ......... _ ....................... • 78t FRESH PACIFIC OYSTERS ............................ 100..1. 884 COCKTAIL SHRIMP MEAT, ................................ n.-109 • FARMER JOHN PORK LINKS-... ............ m•.2/67t BEEF & BEAN BURRITOs---............ _ ..... 594 • KNUDSEN'S 56~ • SOUR CREAM PT • NESTLES 46 MORSELS • 12 oz. PlrnDRIPE 3/1 • MED. 01~~300 • M/MALLOW 23~ CREME ... " 1 oz .. HORMEL 54-' 12 oz. ~ PK(), SLICED •-112oz. DANOLA HAM CINN"-MON 4St ROllS ,,.,,,, PE~~EC~~~~ 59 ~' M• p k' p· Joh"'" 694 1nce or ump tn ies 91Mh ...... Birds-lye Vegetables ~::d~~'.: .. 29t •oral Flouride Family THth Paste .......... 39 1 Vitk1..M foonvlo CouAh Medicine .... 961 Sli" Med""icotioft· Nl'w VofliJ\ino Clearasil .............. 82 12 f•poturt Colored 126 F~m 991 ..;i+. s ..-'ie,h c~""' lOOt.Alll11 ButterMJll<t In-Store Bakeries Mean Hours Freslaer Products For You ••• HOUDAY PIE SALE LEMON PUMPKIN '· .. ,MINCE POTATO DINNER ...... ASSORTED VARIETY BREADS FRENCH -R"ff ·ETC . lW lHAffl!PfErR GOLD MEDAL KENl\JCKY BOURBON 12YR.OID BUYACASE-699 ONLY 6.30 A FIFTH EACH CHAMPAGNE"-> ............. 1" ROSE 1J,,......,o.1iiiidw ,,, ••••••••••• ftfllr 1•s ICHIDAI SARI SET ,_... ...... 1" RUM & BRANDY • .,..c. ...... •·•>4" Don Q Rum '" ,.. ....... 9'' Four Roses •n ......... 10" C111tSTMAS OlfT flUIT W«f!S MAD< ONIY WITH CAUOINIA ANO NOWTH"NEST FINEST fMTS. Al.SO MADE TO YOUlt srECIFICA· Brown or Powdered 2 · 21 CONVENIEHT lOCA TIONS nc:>tG l..oN 90Uf$T. C & H SUGAR CHECK THE PHONE DtRECTOflY FOR THE STOflE 'NEAREST YOU ••• ~ H.ntfll9f0tl leach-15511 So. Edwards Fountain Valley-16042 M~gnaHa ... ~ Hllllfill4)tot1 l1adl -ltl 1 AdalllS Corona ff! ~r-3049 Coast Hwy. Law• .l•ac•-700 So. C-' Hwy. I ) ' I 1f DAILY PILOT ~ .. ' MAYFAIR MARKETS WILLIE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY STOIES WILL CLOSE . UJ;tlP.M. WEDllllDAI DEOEMIElll WESTERNER OR MOJAVE FRESH FROZEN ·~?&HEN TURKEVS INCLUDES ALL CUTS BEEF RIB U.S .D.A. INSPfCTED THE FINEST OF THE NEW UOP ROAST c MAYFAIR BLUE RIBIONorU.tDJ.CHOICE lb. RIVERSIDE OR VALLEY BRAND W_E_H_A..;V;;_E A_L_L_V_A..;Rl;;;.ET_IE-S A_N_D_S-IZ-..... 10 M TURKEY 5 ES OF SELF-BASTING AND STUFFED US D • 3 ~/> TUIKEYSALONGWITHTHEFINEST GR. A. DE·"";,A" ., SELECTION OF DUCKS, GIESE, LB GAME HENS. JUNIOR TURKEYS FRESH FROZEN · AND BONELESS TURKEY ROASTS . FOR YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS T/·lf: FINViT TURl\f;l'S ANYWllERF. MAYFRESH TURKEYS U.S.D.A •. <iRADE "A" FRESH FROZEN YOUNG~ .. ¢ YOUNG ~s~ TOMS ..... HENS.. " ~o~~< El~~~.~~~~:A __ ......... lB. 7 9< HAMS OONElESS s 149 READY-TO·EAT HOffMAM T ... VE RNORRAIH MASIERSMOKED. l!I. U.S.D.A. CHOICE 01 MAYf.11: llUE 11110111 SLICED BACON ~:;.;<HAW( ____ u. 79' PORK LINK SAUSAGE "0'M" ·· "' , B·Ol.fl(U •..••...... 33: .. 49' BONELESS STEAKS ROUND.CHUCK I ec FAMILY , SWISS . SLICED BACON ~;}~,·-··--··-II. 69' BREAKFAST SAUSAGE ~;~',~~"'.""" MAYFAIR'S EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE LABELS AT SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES ZAROFSKY llO-PROOF IUWICX'S BO.PROOF CllAICOALRLTERED ' EXTRADRY VODKA or GIN HALFGAL s2 98 S6.99'"" e 'Ml!RRllP.!Y.~.~~'.~'."~".m, $ J 39 !HMc\l~a~ct>o~[ .~~~~.~'.~:.~~i~ $ ]89 HQJ!~.g~~~!~N ~R~H~T.i$3'' r -1 ~.1,~,\~,\~~~g!!,,T,~!!oo, ·--.. "''"SJ 7 9 . ~; ... ii.l BLENDED WHISKEY s3•• s299 ; • 1\ .• ~ 5PltlNG H!ll10-Y'EAlt Ol.0,I0."'°°'0UA•f flllH \ Yf!WiP: {~l £~~H'.l!l~!p~·~-~-~~... . . !lnH $ )79 ''!'~~~ .• ~,9,~c~!lDM~i~~fjlf.~ll.~.---·""" S)99 ' .,.. .IOYALDCCAllO•COIDIALS $"19 Llllfl\[ O(J.ll:tilHl' CACMl 011 llllf'Lf !;I ~ """ ·--B"""·-I 11 JH £ ROYAL CREST TOM & lERRY BAITER noz ..... JI~· lie AU. MA't'fAll Ueutl DU'AITMfHtl Offtl A C::OMPllTI "fll lltT 0' llllllfOtTt• ... llOMUTIC QtAMl'AGI« ANO WHS. TIAIHID Clll KI AU ON llVl'T JO AHfSt WlfM TOUI Nl lCltOH. WI HAvt All T .. NAf10HAllY ADYllTIKD llANOS IN DICANll lS ANO G/fl WIAllHO. 1oll1 WEOISCOUIT "ICE ff!llFlH 10o/co CASEOISOOUNT ,,, , ti 'I"''' 71 ltt(.,PltKLPflf ~tli .. RfG.l'lllCt P!~:·•t> ... SEAGRAM'S 7 .... SS.19' S..17 BALLANTINE'S SCOTCH .... So 99 S6.29 SEAGIAM'SV.O. So.95 Si.IS l&ISCOTCH ...................... $7.60 l6.84 llM BEAM -....... $5.29 S..71 DEWAR'S SCOTCH !"..~/[ ...... $7.50 S6.7S CANADIAN CLUB $6.95 $1.!5 CLUNYSCOTCH ..... --......... $6.29 SS.66 l W. HARPER -$6.29 SUf SMllNOFFVODl<A __ , ... S4 .89 S4.40 ANCIENTAGE -S5.99 S5.ll CROWNRUSSEVODKA ...... $3.79 $3.41 YOUR CHOICE · lb. CRANBERRY ' !!~N~!AN. O~J~L~~~ .. NIB LETS CORN gR~~~~ANT Al SO KITCHEN SLICED BEANS NO. 303 CAN ... PRINCELLA YAMS NO. 2 in (AN ..... , •. _ ..• -.. -......................... . $ for · FRUIT COCKTAIL ~,~~~s~•N .... Si$1 MAYFRESH ROLLS "0~,~g:" 4i$1 ltYJWIOO ~IOOIOOW Van de t<amp's SPECIALS Mon .. St1n, Dec. 12 21 Pumpk in or Mi nce Pie .... •·i"'h 69c ·~ DtWiy Spuio.fs! ~!~~N~S~~~~ . 49c ~~~'~ff..~GG N~~ o' ""49' ~~~.~,,.,,!OP~IN ~.oz s" 39' !~!£~.!,~!!'...... ''"'C'L 69< ARDE N BUITER I ROEN SNOW BALLS Preparo.d Povllry 49C , "-',°''"" 7"" "'"'" 4"" Dresstn ~ • ""· "---" .., "'"' -··--7 & .......... 14-tl. m~fair Froz.m-Food FROZEN :Plls : ~-JOHNSTON 9" PUMPklN,MfNCE,APPLE · . AND BOYSENBERRY EACH Green Giant FROZEN VEGETABLES LE SUEUR BABY PEAS WITH •UTTER SAUCE lO;OZ,P<G. BRO.CCDLI SPEARS WITH BUTTER SAUCE 3 9 c CAULIFLDWER.wnH cHE'ESESAUCE ,,.. Q~~~§,E<A~y,1~~--·····--· ... •0£CAN 4~s 1 CODLWHIP f, ~os (Yl QT. c Ir-/, ..•..... 59' WHITE BREAD 3"'· 53' , l!RIDGf FOflt> . lOAF C ~a_yfair Frui« & Vtgttat.hs-..... LARGE.SUNKIST NAVEL lb. !!~.~~~.~-...... 3~ 1 !!!J.!!!!~-·-.. 2 •u. 15 C §~!:~.~!......... '"" 1 sc ...... 1 oc U S NO. l l:U.$5£T "'™'l/M SITT _ ..... POTATOES ~~!!~.~·······. . ............. 3 f 2 9c SUNSHINE CHERRY COOLERS •••L ... ---39c BEEFEATEI Giii $6.19 SS.ST CHRISTIAN BROS. BRANDY $5.79 14.76 · 7Y,·oz .... 29e ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS WI 11\llVf fMl l lCHT TO ll•u~f SA~I' TO ' , GORDON'S Giii . $4.59 14.11 BACARDI RUM .................. $4 .99 S4.49 , ~~!~~!l.!-!'!~~~~~1.:'!~~..... -· ,.,.,s109 • l"., • COMMllCIAL Df,t.ltlS --· Bm Claw• THRU WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 Coffee Cakes .. Plr. ,,. 39c __ MA_. _Y_F_A_l_R_M_A_R_K_E_T_,._o"_·~-~_•s_, 11~ ~ ltYJUIJlOOllYJll fOOW _ 175 East 17th Street, Costa Mesa I AU ' .., • . • -------............-----------~----~~------ ,, J$ PllOT·ADVERTSER (N) DAIL V PILOt /J3 y , -. OPIN " CHllSTMAS EYE TILL 1 P.M. CLOSED CHllSTMAS DAY! ·1· ·- . . ' . , I , : t : ' ' •L~~~~155 HAM i,;:i;::i='l:= 0 &=.t='R' __ ~;~_: 7_3~~c titLw;;;;TBI~ WIOLE 01 '1 s.~. GmN $139 UOUN HONmUCKlfAllWHIUM!AT ,..,,, $298 8 MEDIUM SHRIMP "-TURKIY ROAST •'•· HALF WESTERN 79c •ROZEN HONnsucKlE cooKED 10Nr1Ess ,1h-li..$359 --------: FRESH OYSTERS ';;:· TURKIY ROAST ,,, , . PARM BIST "I JELL·O GELATIN 1·2·3 •l'o·OL 23c PROZIN ORADIAA pkg. . FLAY·R·PAC BUnER CHERRY, LIME, ORANGE, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY .PEAS SWEET CUCUMBER 4 l~-·" $1 LIBBY'S PICKLE SLICES .... 2 1 ~::·29c ONE POUND 1c:ir1 .......... 79~ t-IEAVY DUTY 2s 49c MAGIC CHEF FOIL MAOICCNIP ft. roll .---. CAKE MIXES ASSORTED VIVA PAPER NAPKINS pkg. 29c 29c • ef 140 regulor SllAITA RIPE, PITIED bo• U.S.D.A. CNOICI DllP T·Bone or Club STEAKS. u.s~.o_A-'\.. SI 1 1 s ... CHOICE BEEF_ . iONiON'"iiOi'i $!~/ 1••········ ' BONELESS . STEAK TOP SIRLOIN '149 U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF lb. BIRDSEYE ..:,, YEGET AILES (..0"11D llAr /JD21c •lOCCO\.I "'""""" CUT COllN C...,.,ID HAI 1'1""'-CN •l"-IAND l UCC"INI (AHOTI -~- PARTY ICECU81S 3'-"-1•. 27c bag KERN'S SLICED 100•.29c STRAWBERRllS pkg. ' 3 ••300 $1 BEVERAGES GEM BLACK OLIVES · -:::J lll"tle1 CMt.l•te Chips 0 2-01.J 4tc Van De Kamp's Bakery · , cons PLAYORI GOLDEN CREME LAURAICUDDIR'I &MIXll pkg. 31 c NO DEPOSIT TWIST OFF Brown 'n Serve ROLLS of 12 SOUTHERN STYLE 5 !::$1 PRINCELLA YAMS .a .•• 39c b1I. ••• LIQUOR SPECIALS ·~4:.~':y · MINOY IUM & 100%GRAIN BRANDY VODKA PORYOUR TOM• JERRY' '6'' FULL V1 GAL. DELICATESSEN OL' VIRGINIA FRANKS ~· 1:k;~· .49c A'Ssoiln'::rA'i:t:·~Di;s' 3:; 99c SfAGARDfN 3 99 POTATO CHIPS 59' r•911lor :':Jc ; ILIRlllT APPU ---ClllllAMH ITIWll APPLE ' I VJ·DI. IOllS ........ Dumplings ANLI NIT ltAf -·· ..... 13-01. CtfPUltlL 30-oz. 55c J5c tac ciliP CARROTS 2~!:29c , SHRIMP COCKTAIL .~-.:;. c j · POOO Ohl.Ml SU((D DELUXE Wl5CONSIM ro ..... irod 12 .... 69c AMERICAN CHEESE ,,.M .. ; ,., u.1. M0.'1 I RED VELVET ~ llOTHSCHlLDS V.S.O.P. IMPORTfD $498 NAPOLION 8RANDY """ $3~.? YAMS lllGADOOM IMPORTED BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY FINEST QUALITY-All NUT YARllTlll 49.:. V>-lb. 39C HAI KARATE MAIGUUlTA ~-TIOUILA pancr $399 AmR · MEN'S .,;,, · WHlT!o•GOLD ... -A """ SHAVE97cc1LOHE·1•1 LARGE BROWN MUSHROOMS 2:29c ==-~~-----..,~--..-1 While King 'D', Incl. 1 De Off, 49-or. pkg .......................... S9c OOUIL! SJllUNGS KENTUCKY, 86 PltOOf $438 A·ot. •i1• ' 4·ot. 1i1• TllAIOHT BOURBON '"'" •••. $!.SO "O· $1.92 ~;}, . 6YIS.OlD CASEl2'1fTHS·'47, _ . .,.,,, "} Gino's Jr. Cheese Pizzo in o bog, pkg. of 6-21h-oz .•......••.. 79c Gino's Jr. Pepperoni or Sausage Pizzo, pkg. of 6-3-oz. ....... 79c t Skippy Dog Food, 26·oz. can ................................. 2 for 35c 1 Skippy Pet Slew, no. 1 can ................................... 2 for 31 c j Borden's Cremora Coffee Creomer. 4-oz. jar .................... 29c ; Borden's Crtmora Coffee Creamer, 8·oi. jar ... : ................ 49c , Blue Bonnot Morgorine. Incl. 2t Off, 1-lb. ........................ 29c ----COFFEE -All GRINDS MJB 1 ·lb. con .................. , 73C 2-1:>.con ................. Sl.45 ·).lb. can ................. $2.09 GOLDEN GRAIN WILD RICE MIX 514-0L 59· C pkg: - While King Water Softene r, 57·oz. pk.g .......................... 63c Crisco Oil, 48·oz. bottle .: ........................................... 95c "Woolove Powder, 1-lb. pkg ......................................... 37c Woolovt liquid, 16-oL ............................................. 47c Von Camp"s Park & Beans. no. 300 con ................... 2 for 37c Hunt's Tomato Pottt, 6·ot. con ............................. 2 for 35e i 23.-0 Barhor Blv.i. at Wiison St.~ Harhr Sho~plng <:enter, €osta Meu ·--~'------ SUNSHINE HI-HO CRACKERS 13-oz. 43c pkg. -.-.~., .-l'f'1,.,....,....,. •. ......,.. __ _. _ _._ ........ .,...,.........,. .• _,--~,...,,..-.,....,,_...,.-.....-•-w--..-..-----..--··---...---r~~-~~~.,......._., w '\'" '•''' f *i .. -... --...---,...,.~-,...,.. ...... --~--~~-~----------~~""! If DAILY "LDT 4 PILOT-ADVERTISER Monday, Dtcembef 21, 19M Hines Family Members Go Solo • Kitchen Performances By JOHNA BLINN foods they all ,..med to Ian-Jl<•P<ros them. Now I love tbe "You've just Sol lo have the food by the sau ce . reaUy going lo dd a lot o! corf.. lo adorn and Davor Alma said. '"I jult ...... that NEW YORK _ An o(fstage cy. fresh broccoli made with those motivation. Cooking's an art Grandmother always cooked c 0 0 t l ti g , she carries vinllla k:e cream. girl. I haven't had mudt·tlmt •~-'-_.0 • ui---. Hl""'• "The food in New Orleans is hotothcherry tok m~.toes like P1:1t's llke anythlog el,se .. Ydoo . J1ust spa&hetti sauce with an old eve ....... 1 .. 1 down into the base-Maurice, much more 1 ham-to teach htr anyWna lht, bul °"v"'""""' wiu.i nu~ ,_, a mixture of Creole. West In-m er.ma es. have to put your nun to t," wooden spoon, She measured ,, ..... , and Did phi! two -a group dian food -they use a lot o[ "Her lasagne ls out or her husband said. out tlle salt throwing it into ment to use that trusty old red burger man, baa a Oair with s.he's taught me to make • whSch aounds like an act from spices and throw fish.beads in-sight," Alma . said. Pat's ''Everyooe bas to learn the pot and blew on the spoon stove!" vegetablea flavoring coobd T(Ollderful ltallan me1l with thre VaudtvtD• era -.was 1 to their .. fish ste"' -and so-pa.re:nt.s~ Crace and EmJle, . sometime. l learned b y beforeJastlng. . Every member of this close-carrots with hone:y and snip-potatoes, vegetatiWI ' and hot culinary'happerliq. called •Southem'"food/' ·D~ ll'eside in N~burlh, :N.Y. "l watching my mother and she "My mother'• very sen-knit family can make out in ped fresh herbs (mint or. ltallan sausages. For the conftllltiona. spiel said, Typically, bis mother make her broccoil wlth pep-never he1:1rd or a measuring timeinial and still keeps the the kitchen. Dad's specialty Js pal"lley). It's really the Hines "When "f!'nl in blteh where from the qu intet ranged {.(om fashioned Southern fare rel,y· pers. When that vinegary cup," Alma said. same spoon even though it's smothered cabbqe flavored women who win hands down in we can'l cook, I'm ml1er1:1ble. their "sausage dly.1 and rice ing 00 such staples as fish. s!eam be~ns to reach your "And that lady knew every grey and wom with age. We with bacon, onkm, garlic ind tbe kitchen, however. Pat's like .me an( lovts to and hean nights" to their cur-okra, yams, smoked mea~ no.se, it's nearly done," Alma move she was making when kid her about the spoon on her hot red pepper. Oreg excels Holidays. especlaUy, -are • cook," Alma sald. BO th rent salad days. 'Ibey ended in (ham hocks and bacon) and laughed. she was in the kitchen," D1:1d old red slove, the one she with a flaming banana-Ice lime for fiJ:Jng fa m~1 I Y women cook ln tbelr itpantl !:ePP~eti=1':-~lraa;a~! mixed her greens cooking · Obviously, It takes a nose to said. cooked on.for years and years. cream sweet. He uses a heavy ravorltes. Last year, ror ex-quarters for when the 1roup is . dinner "~ them altogether in <lle"}>Ot. be a good cook, the group con-.. Jusl like my grandmother ! Finally, ll was moved into the Jemaican rum, gene r o u 1 ample, Pat le,.med to make working, lhe Hines 1tt three ~ d~M~~;;; "Vegetables are part of my chided. "Anyone with any You're spoiled after you've basement and rtplaced with a amounts of butter to fiambe Greg's favorite sweet PQtatet separate suites : C1D1 for Alma straight man lo hiJ brother daily diet and are very hard to sense can learn to cook,'' Pit had really good Italian food," new wall oven and aurface the fruit and a dusting cl pie from Alma's recipe. and Dad, Gregory and Pat and Gregory) and Did (hr: doubles 1_1_•_t _on_the_r_oa_d_unl_ess_A_lm_a_lns_l_st_ed. ________ Pa_t_s_ai_d._J_al_w_ay_s_j_ud_g_e_ou_r_r_a_ag_e_. _Ev_m_now __ w_h_en_sh<_'s_ground'--"-pecan--nuta __ or_ms_· _tan_t __ '_'SIH:_did_._H--'-ju_st_bea_irtiruu_·_y_,•_~th-e_th_lnl_f,.._M_a_unce_·_, J_r_. _ on drums and is chief kib- bitze.r) play supportm.i roles in the kitchen while mama, Alma, who'a the 1erllor cook and Pat. Grqory's wife. ilar in the kitchen. _"We can la ugh about it now, but those were the daya of Vienna .sausages, rice an<i canned pork and beans," Maurice Jr. said. "We all go through that at one period or another in our lives," Alma said, turni ng a:ome &lu.ling pork chope that wafted aromatically from the kitchenette in their Americana hotel suite. "1 had to create things to feed my family. And one can of sausages, priced at 15 ceD.s would go a Jong way with a can « beans. flllat was only four years ago." "We all got jobs, t started out as a atapler. That's got to be the most boring job ever invented, feeding that little booklet into th at h u g e machine," Maurice Jr. aaid. "Mom worked as a aecretary. 'Ibe three ol U& us- ed to me« ,t the Automat far lunch each day. We got by on about a dollar and a half," Gregory aaid. He w a s employed at the lime as a bank microfilmer. While the group honed the act. Dad held various jobs, ranging from a groct!ry checker and ballroom bouncer to solt d r J n k P1esman. "And I'd say tonight I'm treating. lt was during our court.Ins days." Pat said. 'The former Pat Panella o f N•wburgh, N.Y., and Gr.gory Hines were married last year. Better bookings brought an their "salad days" and better a c commodations, complete with kitchen facilities. "I've always heard good music and enjoyed good food," aid Dad, .... of ... of the original -girlJ at Iba Cottoo club and native of New Orleans. "I lil<a lo try out ..., food. When. we io to Europe," Maurice Jr. l&ld, .. I like to try out all the d i ff e r e nt restaura!U, By now l know Lendon so well, I jult blend in- to the city." "Pat's opentd all kinda: or new avenues for me in- troducing me to various kinds of pasli lrom rigatoni to ziti (tubular) to vermicelli (very thin spaghetti)," Greg said. "It's all macaroni, anyway :1<J11 loot at it,'" his father jolhtd. "But It Ill doesnt last. th< same. Each variety is used for different things like :r.iti ill Mrved with roast beef. , .'' Grtg prote<ted. "lt'1 all that brain washing yOQ've had," Dad said, smiling slyly at Pat. "'Now, I don 't like camed beans as a rule, but there is 1 certain brand that J like,'' Pat said tolerantly. "One brand can make the difference in fl avor. Now you can take .a can of tuna fish," Maurice said. "Ju.st lake off the label and you wouldn'l be able to tell the ctiffmoce,'' Dad observed. 1'But it's the· way the tuna is pi1Cked," Maurice insisted. And so the group argued in !rimdly fashion llUlJina to Caution Prevents Disqster More than 21 percent of all flrt& ltart in the kitchen. A few bale cookinc precauUoos can pttvent fires. Ntvtt leave tlM kitchen -lll'ollinc or f,,,.. foods. Neftr Id the beat stt too high -brolllnc ... frying. JCeca. .tbt range and the ~ poU and pam clean --..,iott<n and drips are fire-. Ir,_ erupt, don't try to --tho pon. Bllml .. ~ ... that ...... -lpftad and CIC. .... .... lloo't IQ' lo -I IV•ase r ... • ...... 'Ibo .,..... will ........... l!ftad the Jlre. 0.-.. .... fbr -fl can al*lde A reeomm•nde" H · tlnpilllln( ~ Is baklng _____ ............ _ --dlozlda 111 lhot -. tho flrt. ,._ aoda by handfuls ""to a. -o1 !he lirt att.r r111t """""' oil u.. 110UrCe or h .. t. Prices o re Dis· co•nted Except 011 f Qir·Traded ond Goftrnment Contmlled ltern~. 12-22-69' • • • ~ .,: I ' , ' 14BY FOOD:=~~.'. ...... -... 8' JUNIOR BABY FOOD ::.'l.~:: ..... 11 ' SIMILAC :-=~~-........... 26' FOLGER'S :'o7~c.1.1 .... ._. 73c FOLGER'S ~r::.1c.-11 ••• _._ '1'1 LGER'S cor'11 • '2'' 4'01.Ull.-...... . SANKA ~::.1u. ....... 'l'1 Yu.AN .,,"""'"' 'I" t•L Mt ....... , NESnA ~~~~-.17' MUIM =:~'=~ ......... _._ '1'' INSTANT COFFEE ~.~-'I" ... 4a,t.-~ SHASTA MIXES ASSOITlD 2oc Jl.0'*1 IOnLI CIANBERRY SAUCE :'l'.'i'~/l:~~-25' MANDARIN ORANGES :r.rll .. 23' APPLE SAUCE :'m .................... 36' SPICED PEACHES :W. .............. 29' DELMONTE PIARS """""--45' FRUIT COCKTAIL l:':"':'.~ .. -.-2S' EllmA PEACHES ~..:'..'....29• -PINEAPPLE:"::.".r ... ~-22' CRAlllERRY JUICE ~~~5S' ... .,ME .,._.""""..., 17' "..... •.Ml l Ll1\..-,,-•.•. __ _ Out WN &er)dlrPrlte! FOREMOST EGG NOG =~ 49c -.. ~ PUMPKIN PIE MIX l:'!:_,..,_ 33• GIEIN BEANS ;:'~~-·-·-29' GUIN GIANT PEAS UOLU•-··22' DB. MOlfTt CORN r.':" ... _23' PICILED llEm l!'.~!'.""-.. 29' VEG-ALL ~~.~.... 14' v.a Jura==· .. -···-·····-·42' TOMATO Jura :.-.~·······-···30' -SHRIMP :::.'."C.:.~.·--··· 43' OYSTllS ?.r"~~·--·-37' _,,.LED HAM ' ' •= 47' ~·· . •)\N..W ..... -PfAlftlT IUTltR ;:<:r,... ___ 87' .,.. Pl!SERYIS :':~: ..• 49' A (OMPUTE SllECTION OF HOLIDAY POULTRY •'LUMP DUCKS• GI ESE • ROASTlllG CHl(KINS •ITC. ... ~a,t.-.... PRINCELLA YAMS GOLDIN "40.MNCI CAN 37c r PRESERVES ::~0~"'J~,'t-~--45c LOG CABIN.SYRUP :::~~-.. 68' """ HEINZ PICKLES :::\'., ...... -49' DEL MONTE RELISH :~ ............ 27' .,... RIPE OLIVES ~:.:.'.'.'.'.~~ 36' STUFFED OLIVES ll.·~<::::.~ .... 52' .,... STUFFING MIX ~.~n~:'. .. 43' OYALTINE m~~~ ............ ~ ....... 66' o--J PEANUTS ~~~:~~.~~ .. 49c: MIXED NUTS ~:~i'll:~.~ ................ 75" AURORA TISSUE :::'u ............ 26' CONDENSED MILK ::~~l~~ ....... 3S' Our IJJW E\o:r)dly Prlte! POTATO CHIPS U.U--.SCUDOEI 49 ( 1 l-OUNCI rtl:G. GLASS WAX m~~ .... -.. ·-···-·49c JELLO !::~~~-~-·-.. ·-·· .. ····--·20' SHELLED WALNUTS ~--.88' PlnED DATES :=r:::~ ........ _ .. s2c: SUNMAIO RAISINS :~.--33' rt: MAZOLA MARGARINE ""·"'·· 38' LADY LEE SOUR CREAM,..,.,,,.49' FOREMOST SNO IAUS ""'"··· 79' JONES SAUSAGE ::';L .............. .'I" FISHSTICKS ~:~~t·:.~~ ................... 93e JOHNSTON'S PIES'"'·"'·········· 69' 1•rrL1.r..,..M.•11Cll BEEF STROGANOFF :':'i' :~:. ....... 49' BREADED SHRIMP ~~m~~t·,~ .... 35e TURKEY W/GRAVY ::':';:C:i~n •. '1'' ORANGE JUICE :~~ ........ -.... 26' ... 4&,t.-.... STEWED TOMATOIS HUNT'S 21 ( 141/z.OUNCI' CAN HAWAIIAN PUNCH ::~ •. u •......•. 3S' POTATOES :~T.:~~~.~~ .............. 45' STRAWBERRIES ::',"r..~~'.~ .......... ..27• COFFEE RINGS ;:~~~~~, ............... -65" il lVlllllY •MAHI (llllCI. IAlt&lll 'l BREAD lllK,011 53' 410Ltll ...... , •• , ................ ,_, COOL WHIP ;~~.1:~~ ............... -..... 57' EGGO WAFFLES :~t',~~~~ ............ 44c: VEGETABLES;·:~::_~~.~~~~.~~! .. 31' 11n 1K1 MAii$, Wl.:10 unon. MWI VUUAIW) RITZ CRACKtRS :o::T:. •... _ ..... _36' GRAHAMS •A<lfK IOlllT lllAf 33< 1••1.1011 ........ -............ . scoonR PIES :m~~ ................. 43' ROLLS IAl'IUT OA' llMfl 33< IPUllOIJISAMQIJeT.•11, • .,._,,,,. STUFFING BREAD r::~·~.'. ..... _25' C & H SUGAR l::.":.::~-·-·-·· ... 55' OurlJJW ~Price! BROWN'N SERVE ROLLS MAIVIST DAY 12.couNT PMcr. SVAl llTllS 33c LADY LEE IUTTER::~~:""~":"'"~·;.;· .. ;;;-;:,7:9·;__:;;;:;,:;;;:::::,:::::;:;;;: ..-:--;:;:;:;::;;:s~:;;::;,·-•1 !!u~!.~!,!rr 10!1 l ~~~~!~ .. ~~~~.~~ ....... 10 \~:39c &l(n IUJNU CAlffHllA l 'HC.UOJ a Jl•llSf OIAlltfS AT llW innNf,,..,, • ---------·-----------------..e ... 4s,t.-.... MUSTARD MO II NOUS I 24-0UIKI JAlt 27c FRESH DELECTABLE SEUCTIOll OF HOLIDAY BAKERY GOODS (AT MOSTLUcxYSTORESI ...... ·-··· LOOK FOR THE m ms1 •• , THEY AREEXTIA-SAYINGS MADf POI& !lE av MANUFACTURER'S nMl'OtAln"...,.. MOTIONAL ALLOWANCES , •• ADDING I.IP TO GREATER SAVINGS fOl YOU. • ~--------------------------·· i OlllCTAIU Diii TllATS fOI flSTIVf HOUDAJ PAlllHI AlLMEATfRANKS 59c EP RTYDIPS 34 Ul<lfUAllll (t!OLPl .. 471.),,.,,J.U.Pt:t. ~l~AllU\~ .••••••••• , ... Mrl.C. C I ~~~~~~~~.1.~ ...... 11z.1ws 35c =~~=.~~(!~~~~~.~!,. .... 52C 1 5-11.CANNEDHAM $497 OSCARMAYERSALAMI 65C HI ... IOTIL hf1U, ftMI totl IMt, ... vrn-... c.....n IMl.J ........... -.. ... MACIU.• .. cont ........ tt. ... 9-11. CANNED HAM $865 IDB'S DRESSING , • .,. 57c .. _ lllTAI.""" 11'lL -"'"'' ... , 4 ..... IMIT 16 IL IMI 16c} •, ••••• 1141.,Jll i:~~.0~. • ............. 55c ~!.~.~~~-~!:'!.~~~ ........ 68c ____ ..,. __ _ !AST MINUTE CfflfSTMAS GffT IDEAS ••• AT lOW PlfCfSf ,, t 2 TIER WOODEN SPICE RACK 1btlte• ...... net ,in I! ••ttlu ti h111 •• •111 ., Ht 11 .... w ... , .. $)97 hmu.fnttl GIWTir RIGHT GUARD ANTl-PUSPl•ANT DEODOIWll' 5-tHC"' l f"llf • ., 79c "'"''"'" """""" tlCIH ln1L Asslrttf ............... .... i111r• '"••le 97. lil1 ... USHt C ••ih. OlD TIM( AD coAsnas »smttt custm ....... •~ tllit •fnt1l•nn1S. M CllWtfUtfN 99 f lttti. c OUI LOW NICE • ~al lmt but ' • rith bot -ble. to it h '1llo pis ,,.. Ima llld ---------·----~---~~~-~---------~-~~.......-------------.... ------· ............ -... ~ . • Pll!)!•lDVERTISE~ J .7 (N) Monday, December 2~. l 'lbt DAILV '1LOT• II • I • 44-0 • '" 11 ·1. '·•.!· . .. ' '"' ·' '•.'-", ··,~' '>. .. " ,... . tJ~E •. R-Y . CUJllST.M~S .. ~J~si~:~.~~-,. , •. WaGUf 'FOODS .. r v 't 0 f lJ.~J1.A l'1 ~ '"'"111 ": ... M ... F·"·•' . , •• 'esc .., e .a:ea ure n 1J .~. .• • ura..,e .[-A ~~;:~~;!:~~ ... :.:·:·:·:·;·~~~ ;:: ·~~~~o:R~~~ ' ' . .• E y · s· . ,,,._ . " '" s 1" RIVERSIDE AND . '111• ,~.,. ......... ,,,. ,1. POPPY BRA. NOS . CLOSED CHRISTMAS Oft,. Y . . OPEN FRIDAY, DEC. 261h A,l 'B flillt.> , _.'! C;r"•tio'I I oz. 39c :~~~ !~:~:!.;"""""i/~!: 98 OVEN TOMS HENS ... · ··~ "' ;t" FISH STICkS ,........... c . READY . Honfytuc.ldt Slic.d 21 01. $I "' · ; TUlKIY w/GU.YY • •• • ··' '·P•!i• 18 22 LBS I 0 I' LBS Hon•y1uc~!• 2 lb. I ot. s31 t • ' • ~ ' l'URKEY ROAST • , •••••• pk9. BREAKFAST SPECIALS ,. -~. ·c :t• . '· . . ~ : ,, ,... II • • • p'(>pp'f, BRAND -BONELESS lb ' TURl(EY 4.s 9· 5c , ··o· •st LBS. .Ui, ·11!'t· .. . • • • • • . LARGE 16-0Z. BAG c iEA. LB. QUAIL-'iol :r1N-WHOLE OR CUT YAMS IN SYRUP •• , , , , ••••• 19! aun 75c !HAM fl29i WHOU 75c PORTION lb : s~u LI. : HAM lb . . . . ii Liquor Dept. Specials :• i ·: ... SCOTS MIST $369 I.. SCOTCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIFTH ,. 11 .0LD CARAVAN $349 I~ BOURBON . . . . . . . . . . FIFTH .. ~ KARASOV $299 ~. t:j · Y O.DKA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIFT" ~ , 1 .. SUNDERLAND ,2 ,, ~'t·• .. DRY GIN (:I . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIFTH f:" . ·; LO!JIS THE VIII-White, Pink, Sporkling Burgundy $189 1::!! 'CHAMPAGNE...... FIFTH ~!~ I ·~'1f Holiday Delicatessen ,,, I PH ILADELPHIA : !OELS MINI FYNBQ-T.QZ. PKG. ~: CRUM CHEESE .. ';~~: 35c : DANISH GOUDAS .. .. .. 49c 1~ SUGAR I SPICE : Jl\NE ANOER.SON-14-0Z. PLASTIC MOLD :ni .HAM GUlD 1 ~~~ 49C : CRANBERRY SALAD .. 35c "~ GALILEO OL' VIRGINIA ~:• iiA"ili1M H ·SALAMI ++ + .ALL G•INDS YU BAN 1·LB. TIN 69c Si ,, . I 1 • 1.oz. CHUB FULLY COOKID L'IJER ..,.. MINI GOURMET OR· HORMEL CURE "81 " BONELESS. HALF · $149 . HAMS. • • • • LI. . \ .. 'IONEUSS ' . *oMAINE L1nuc1 2i:f2sc ~ • ' I ' 11.oz. CHUB 89 'I ·. I 118 OAl~Y PILOT , ,, ', ~ } I ,, Mt!'nday. Oectmb!, 2J, 196' . . an as1c ' .. .. . ,, . All of us Qt ALPHA B:ETA ··wish:· you a very MERRY c:HRIS~MAS. ' ' ' -~-----------~·-..--· -----~ ... .• . ' I . . \' : ,. ' f'• .. ·~ I • "" ~ ' WE Will OPEN 1 HOUR EARLIER DECEMBER M,OPEN 9 AM, CLOSE 7,,j .. !, ; All ALPHA BETA STORES WILL ~E -dOsED CHR~'TMAS DAY:' . . .. ; , •• • ' . I ' I.. ~· ,; '. I ., . '\ . . . . •l " . • ..• Your ALP~ B!TA Nei1hllorhaod Butcllet 1!111 Miii it u.·Wi Awoft),.Pfaildl1 oti.1 BUTCHER'S PltlDB,:.~ltEATS . . MUTI YOU'U. 91 PIOUD TO '•YI '. , ', ·· •DISCOUNT PlllCEO •U.S. GOVE•NM£MT INSP£ctio BE£, •QUALITY AHO SATISfACT!OH OOARANTEEO BONELESS HAMS • ,,..,,,ntJOHH s1 .4911. •LUER MINI-HAM s1.59., DUBUQUE . "ROYAL BUFFET" 'l~!.!!( 7 ... $All ";..:;:;;, .. CAN u WITH CORN Oil FOil GUARANTEED lUIDattlESS Af'ID fUVOR 3 lB. CAN .•3.59 •CAt1rOANI~ ~~OWN •I.UT($ l~UF 111$.IDC l OUT • IOASTS wm .. lll!Gl• • TIUSUO Willi (.z SfUH Cl,4110~ fllll COHY[~ll!IC[ Ill $1Ufl lll~ • COlll'Lf.1( tOOIUAG IN5ll\ll;llOllS H!ClUOll) l JHllfNCIO C00.U Wiil CHOOJl fT ••• INf•,UllNC!O coo•s MOS1 CllUlll<IY $HOUIO LB. SAN,DWICH STYL'( IO OZ. JAR • WESTERN. FRESH 78" OYSTERS · ALPHA BETA IVT~Gl"S Pll~C DEPEKDABlE QU"1.HY COOKED.• 8 OZ. •1.tEO. S~E · , PRlED nae , ·SHRIMP '7r l·lB. P-'.CMGt: WIUON CRl.IPllTI AlPllA I ETA AtSO·rtATUllES " rULL YARlaY Of U.S.D.A. GRADE " uTOP OF TKE C.IJ.lfOllllA CROP" ALPHA IETA BUTCllEl'S PRIDE ms11 ANO FRfll!N TUR~IYS fDR YOUR llOllllAY DINING PlEASIJllt G•OUND SLICID BE~ BAC~N AlPllA BETA llltCBU'I HIDE BEEF .¥!·'•~' STANDING '1::•99c RIB ROAST ... ECONO PAK Of"J.LBS. OR~~ ...... 71 1 .IOHN l·~- rvtt1 OAY IOW OISCOUHT /tlCtS 10.0l. PITTED JSC tlkl.t. llATU•Al He \(.OZ. ~ATll':Al 3~ l\l:t-ll. ZMllOI . .&k I \Ii-LI. '1TTtD Ilk l l.Ql. lllfl ION J5e "WiM l ur• i11 I~ Sl1•" :IO·lt , IMi. -u. •u.!'OSt •RUSSET POTATOES \l).l9. lit •NAVEL ORANGES ""' 97' tl!OICt MEAT PRICES EFmTNE 1hrouah WEONfSOAY, OE~~MBER 2' YAMSET 2:2~ ililp SWEET . lUSC~US . RED 2 I 2ftc NUTS GRAPES : .,-. . ~ ' "' . ' • t . cliiitY .. 19~ P1!00Ut£ Pll~ES Eff£CTIY£ ti"""' WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21 IAltlMCQM tlAUlfTU:I • -..... , llMllQ • W.11 ru cow:crtl ... AU lAXAIU' 1Jhl$ ... IDOYI flll l lMIT , ..... UUJ Tt tlMMU"Al ..... ' . , ; \ L TOTAL DIS(OU NTS EVE!l t DA ' " !~ti-~~-~' ~HEINZ . :u'.otiNc't.1" . " '4'.M . ~SWEET PJCJ.~~S 59'. y· ' ' '. ·.' ! '" . • ' ' ' '·. . IOIAL Ol~C'JU "IT~ EVER1 DAY :i-LB • .BAG Cl H SUGAR 10-LB. BAG G1Q11u!at1d BORDEllS • 9-0UNct BOX 31 j MINCEMEAT 3lt • 2B·OUNcl: JAR 63c H~ • 2$-0z. Mioce-.at ftl1lll 7Sc ftc 1'0. I TALL CAN • t:VAPORATED 111 CUNATION Mill Ile ~BAKE."tS . 12-0UNCr: AN ~CHOCOLITE CHIPS Uc "IV' J!/,.!Jl. BAm_Y FRE6ff VIRGINIA' !ft Jll FRUIT CAI\ 11.99 VALUE PlU.Si!Ull.Y • REFRIGtf\AfE.D CHOCOLITE CHIP . ·41; COOlllS 16-0'L ROLt. ' 4lc SUGAR COO~ • 18 OZ. ~~ qc ~ RL'11R IETI • 1&.0Z. ""· -~ POtATO CKIPS 89~ VAi.ut R ' • ~ ILPKI\ 'lTI • l>OZ. PKG. a6' ~ DIP CHIPS' a~ V).l.fJt u11~ com1 BRt AO or POULTRY @ l.?-0\JNCt BOX CUBBISON'S ••; STUFFING lie "" r···--·------... I fl,OR IST QUAUTY .. I FWJ11filtS AT J DISCOlJ1i"t: PRICES I f~ESll CIJl g· 1 POINSETTIAS " C , I CARNATIONS .,. ' ""·-011'-~I • 21' I . I POTIED '" 1 I I POINSITTIAS """ I I m0t•a .. 2.11 I 1 J.ILOOM '°11>1$El'f~ ' I 11 rm LEMGll wr Wint. l'llKMMC f 1 or f.Sll CUT rLOW£RS ' ~-------·---..,..,.. \oOStA lo,(;.,..-.1.,1.L 1/tll .:. '· HUNTINGTON_IL\CH-9041 Act.Ml HUNTINGTON wcH~tlMl N :M-'• St. POUNTAUI YALLIJ-nH W~ SOUTH LAGUN'i-Jdll I. CHlt HI_, LA•UNA HILLs-!.tJl41 C.0. ft t• L•IH l~Y1Nl-11f~I c·.,tw.,. •wt..nlty P11,. ' iaNQli°Et DlllllERS 43' 37' " ' ' . ,, . -. ' . . . STOl!l Houlis( ' : ·I' .. ' MONDAY through FRIDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.- SATURDAY and SUN DAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.tol-.., ~.. , . UDa:M •ooo srAMrs I ' IN AH't LOS ANGEi.ES, OllANGI . ' QI 11v1moE COUNT'f Al PH A Bl!R · ·' ~ . ' , e ' I ) r Monday, Oece"1bef 21 , 1~6ct DAit Y PfLOT 17 Allen Surveys . Wreckage After 13~ 7-Setha~k PLAYOFF DUCATS. ON PVBLIC SALE PUblic over-the_,nter aalt of tick~ for a possible Ram NFL ~jlloi>slfp. • football game In Los ......... i .... 4 weht · on sale at all Ram outlets' tbii Drni.tig and will cooUnul as long as tM' suppb' Jasll. Priced at $12 and' $f, the Uckels may be purcha!ed at the· Rl!tn box' office; lOZ'll W. Pico Blvd.; the :CollaeUm< "'* office· and at ·all mutual iig'enclef~ Alt .box Of-: fices will be open daily-trom'tla.mr:unut 5 p.m., but will be closed ChrlstmM Day .. Sale of Ille ticketa I> limited lo 10 per person on a first-come, first-serv~ basis. At the present time, the Ram offtce is in the process fl. filling orders received by mail du.rin& the· last two weeks. .Mail orders are sUJI being accepted af the Ram olllct on West Pico Blvd. f.~C: Hope·s' .. 'fltird Time ' ' . '. Is Charm A,' •• f• C • .. KANS~; CIT.\'" <.v:'> -<:oach Hank Stram lhlriks. bis ·Kansas City Chiefs have regained a high level of perfonnaiice~ and is opt.imJstic about challenging, the-· O~land Raiders for a third time.-this, t'~~ time ' for all the American FOotball 1 League marbles. . / ' "I think that we are back to a JeVel,.a plateau, of performance," Stram said a.fter ttie Chiefs whippfd the· New York Jets 1J..6 'Saturday to gain the AFL t1tle game against Oakland Jan~ 4. "The game was w~at we needed to get us playing well." The Chiefs now have :two weeks to·.1e·t all their players healthy ~,prepare for tbeir thlrd battle with the RaJders. They lost.27-24 and t0-6 lo Oakland during the regular seuon. ' " The last defeat -at Oakland nine days ago. -coe:t the Chiefs the AFL Western Division Championship. Strall\ refuses to lose any-sleep over il, ht>wever. I . "I emphasjze," he said. "that it.would have b8en lreat to beat Oakland.· But we still hiid :t.o~Wtn tJUs week, which ·w~ did , tb be involved in' the championship game LIKE JOHNNY o'F:OLD -ll3.Jtimore 'luarterbaetl Johnny Unitas, 36, :showed flashes ol hls old time brilliance as he led 1.h~ Colts to a l:J.;,victory over the Rains Sunday. Unitas, a 14-year",pfD, yeteran, Completed 19 of 33 passes for · 260 yards. Unilas hands off to Terry Cole in above play. The Rams • face Minnesota Sa:lurday. for the NFL Western .Di- vision tiUe. and get to the Super Bow~· · ·; "'That's M ajlproacb,'4lHJ.;liblJ thing 111,1t's important to me, and to Ulill team, is \\inning the championshipi "You can think o( it (the Oakland loss) as the end of a 14-game see6on. That's the way I look-at it -the end of 14. This week, we played the first ol three." 'Reflettinl 011 the vic:tDry over the Jets, Stram ~ scarcely contain himself. "Am I using the word 'great' too much," he fina lly asked an interviewer. Stram singled out Len Dawson's· pass. ing and the Chiefs• fourth-quarter i!Oalline stand wllen µ,ey IO<C<d tbe Jei. lo take a field goal altl!r holding from the one-yard line fOf' three downs. "Considering what it meant to us-.'-' St.ram said, "that had to be the all-time great goalline stand in oUr.hlstory. The Chiefs have four players. to gel healthy, but a team spokesman said all are expected to be ready by Jan. 4. Defensive end Aaron Brown has-a hypttextension of the knee, defensive back James Marsalis ·a twisted knee, cfefensive tackle CurJey Culp a twisted ankle, Mitt Gurett.a-bnlleed ankle. Mad Jimniy Ellis ]leady. to Fight fraz.ier Anytime 1 MlAMI (AP) -Jimmy Ellis was mad iMugh to light Saturday night when-ht new back from ~ ~es wh.ere' he didn't get to figbt _1'Jbe World Boxing"A ssoc i'I ti-on' s 1'avyweight champk>h, strangely, wasn't apgry at Hector Mendez, the promoter Mio failed lo come up with his $75,tloo guarantee to fight Gregorio Peralta as llCheduled Saturday night. Instead, Ellis Was ltl.11 bUminc abOUt a stat.men! be hl!ard.Joe ~r.malre on te1evision three' w~s 8go just befOre leaving:MJaml-•'Ellis is runnina; out on me again." . _ "t wasn't running out on nobc'ldt b;eeause no fight bas been signed;" 1teamed Ellis. "But I want the whole world to know tonight I'm ready to fight Joe Frazier tomorroY.r. He talka too much. He's a rather Smoky Joe, and I want to stomp oot the fire." Mleh,lgan Coach • :~'-~Y Baeli; · . . . Trojans Win Schembechler Fails ' . I To Maich Reputtt:lion Beef ,Bowl CHICAGO -Jim Dooley will be back next year as head coach of· the " Bo Schembechler has been -portrayed by some writers as a hard-nosed W®dy . . ' Hayes type. However, lhat wasn't the character' of the Bo Schembechler this column llad 'the pleasure of chatting with during a weekend press reception in Pasadena for the Rose Bowl-bound University Of Michigan Wolverines -the team Scbembechler coaches. Schembelcher \\'as pleasant, ac· comodating, frank . And he sho~ coinpassion for a blind writer waiting to interview him by put- .................... WHl'{E WASH •..... , ....... ,, ... ting off dinner , several minuJes to the sightless scMbt "could ask him questions·. The only time Bo showed any stern opi· nion was when he was asked how he felt about Ohio ·Stale being ranked over the Wolverines in -national ratings arter MidlJgan had beaten the Buckey~. "I don't give a damn about rankings," he retorted. "Our conference is the only thing we're conce rned about. 1~Physically, USC (Michigan's foe in the ROie Bowl) compares with any team in the nation. And ifs offense compares wlth Mlaaouri's {MisSOUFi whipped the Wo!y~M -46-17)." Corilinjnttng on the 24-12 upset over Ohio Sfafe; .- "We,dfdn tt lose any of out edge the day bef0!1 '!'e lplayed Ohio State when the story broke that 9 · WOQJd ·IO· to 11* ChicagO Bears -all sign9, po~ to this 'Rose Boy,•!, win Or lose.' \\'e were rub '! • at the Bears' annual alumni Darty Sunday going for the champklnship. "We said night. r -- v.·e'd beat Ohio.~tate. after we'd downed·, 'Ownti-George ·Halas told all Ule old loy,·a, 51~.''. ·:· Bears that "this is· the worst mess we {;:;,· One Orange County iport111 writer ble"-' ' the duke In bit Sunday colu m.a •ben be sa id that 11-11chigan it being called mighty beeause of one game -tbe UU win over Ohio State. 1 • Obvious!)" fle•1 · :_, Uebilorined ! lbobt Mtchlgan .s· lie Is about Its two losing • scores fbe bad the WolVeiine·s fanlng tO :~111souri, 40-:13 and to Michigan Stale, Z3· 12 ••. the scpres were 41).17 and Z3·13). Mlchlgu mauled II.I last five foes, in· eluding loWit (51-t), lllh:tois j57.e), · WlsCOl'lsin (a5-7), Minnesota (3i-t) and Ohio Stale •. ~ The Uru=·v , ity of,:.,Mkfttga~·s outstan: ding mar · ba~ will pu~ 0!1 a free public i Ormanc!) • '"Dec~ · 39 3 t . . Pasadena's etvic A¢itor,iup>. lt starts at .a p.m. ? • ' ;:;, * ·/'(:{ "' West Gemian Kurt Beridlin .Wired con-' gralulatioDe 10 Bill Toomey Saturday after the Jatter erased Bendlin's wor~ decathlon 1'wrd last week with 8.4lt Points. Toomey, by ihJ way• is "handicapped by stiffness Jn .his light ,hand occasionally, something which be' iijl bothers him in almost every!ievent when perfonnlft: He was accid.entaUy cut by a 11roken dish as a youngster.· Sometimes •t;e ~s trouble just buttoning a shirt. ' have ~en in for-49 )i!ars, but we will pull out of •it and be back again.'' ·. PApa Bear Y•as referying to his club's I· 13 record. the poorest in-the Bears' 50- year history in the National-Football League. ' .• BEVERL'f HtbtS-use· won the lith annual Beef Bowl Sunday night when Michigan football coach Bo SChembechelT" limited his team to one serving of prime rib. "I'd rather lose the Beef Bowl than the Rose. Bowl.1\"'Schembechler ~mmented. Fifty-on~}l'rojans coiuumed 268 powldl' of .prµne rip 'l'hu'"Sd,ay nighl while 50 Michigan players took care of 169 pound s of meat, "We're gounnets -not gluttons," one Michi8'ii player quipped, Altbough the Wolverines were tolif to eat !lo more than one slice. of beef because it was "fattening." th~y a~e 95 ROWds .of·J?crt~~s 7 flve ,l1lore. pound~ th.iii.consumed :by USC. -, .~l,."don't know· If· they know wh1n'~ fat· ~ni~;· a . spokesman for Law ry11 ,?tstautPnt commented.. ' • , NEW YORK -The Chic~o Bears and the.Pittsburgh·Sleelers will •flip a coin to dete.~ne .which of the two National FootbaJI League clubs gel the top draft choice in the annual college draft Jan. 27- 28. The Bears and the Steelers tied for the worst records in both leagues each with 1·1·3 records. a·s the NFL closed its regular season Sunday. Detroit beat C'hlcago 2().3. New Orleans edged Pi~tsburgh 27-24. ' Ree ling Rams Regroup For Saturday Playoff By HOWARD L. HANDY Of lh• INIHy Pli.t !lift LOS ANGELES -A distraught George t\.llen faced the pi'ess with a look or con- cern that belied his oUtward approach to. Saturday's Western Division chaml pionship game with the Minnesota Vlk· ings in Bloomingt.oo 's Metropolitan Stadium. Allen 's Rams had just dropped their third straight decision after winning 11 in a row and the momentum he had hoped to gain with vict'Ory over the Baltimure Colts had hit a snag. The Colts won a 13· 7 decision before 73,326 in Memorial Coliseum Sunday. "I still have a lot ot COnfidCnce in this football team~ They have worked too hard ror the past four years to Jet this bother them. They can Still do Uie job. 1:- "The Rams are a team built on 40 men · worRng together. In the· last three games we haven't had one -big play necess·ary for victory. Catching a key ~· a long punt.return .or some other plar that gives you momentum-to go on. to ~e. ·\o~~ greatest problem le to retrieve tl\t!! rbomentum we bave·toit for U1c Vik- ing game. Whatever that is1" Allen added a bit· facetiously. "Thiara: why yoo never want ·&O JO.SC. ... ,. ' .~ . . ',. ' Laker o -utlook .. Brighter After 133-1'17 Win Everylime you do, it takes something out of. you ." The Ram ment"Or kept the pr~ wajting for a full 15 to 20. minutes outskl the dressing room. He explained Ule delay, "Gabe lRoman Galx'iel, Ram quarterback) and (Bill) Truax took Uris one pretly bard. I talked with them and told them ithese la.C three games are history. We can'·t...d01anything about then1 no"'· Our job is to ge~ ready for the next one." Allen a ppar~nUy impaned words of wisdom to <!W_t;r :Pl<?et:s as we11 during the lull folloWltlg' the l_ame and the ad· mittance ol Ule' press to the dressing quarters. "''· · He told team tbembers :they had one more big game cOming uP ·and then ex· plained to the press about his being upset by the loss Dec. 7· to Ml~ . "I know what one k>ss can do. I feel that iJ we had won lhat ·one. we would have gone on to an undefeated seaso:i. ;'Yes, I believe we have had an em<r tional letdown after winning II in a row but 1 also don't. believe a l06s ever helps anybody in anything. ··One other thlng," he added before turning to plans for the coming week. "There i.s no such Uting as a· meaningless Eame as 'some of you have.printed.'' The Ram mellM:lr was asked if he woold \\'ork the team on 'Monday. "No. 'Ibey need freshncsS .ot' mind more than they need prac tice . thl8 late in the year. \Ve will workout 'lueSday morning before leaving for Minnesota that afternoon. "We will hold-<WOrkouts oC I Yi hours on Wednesday and:..ifhursday and slack orr Friday. We wiij ~ outskle for awhile and if the weather is too · bad. wiU continue LOS ANGELES (AP) -Losing the t)).e workouts in the field house." services ot Wilt Chamberlain was a big David •·DeacOn" Jones is confident the blow to the 'Vestern Division title Rams will be ready for Miilnesota. "We are going to be Teady and we are going lo chances of the Los .\_'n~eles takers' new win that game," he said following the coach Joe Mullaney. When he lost Elgin Colt loss. "\Ve will have to Concentrate a ' . Baylor; Je~ry West a{Kl·othcrs, things got Utt.le harder and we are going to have to worse. start taking thtit ball away fi-om them." But the situation rapi>cared to brig hten f\1axle Baughan, defensive signal caller, ~unday night when the· ~akers snapped a suffered st.rained' ligan1ents in his right five-game Nati onal Basketbal l Associa-knee in the see'ond quarter and didn't lion losing streak Sunday night against play the second half..He is expected t:'I be the Philadelphia 76ers, 133:117. ready for Satuid11 y's game.: Baugha?i i~ And they did it with a balanced scoring the only injury suffered in Ule Colt con- sttack and good free throw shooting. test. ~1cl Counts, the reserve 7-foot center. Over in lhe, Colt dressing room. got the Lakers rolling to a 62·50 halftime linebacker Mike Curtis was asked for 1 lead by scoring 13 points i.n ~he second prediction on gext week's Ram-Viking quarter.' · ". ,-• ~ '-r• . game, "If ~ Rams don 't make He gave way to:B~lor and West. both mistakes. they 'll' win. The Rams didn1t back in the· lineup after injuries, in the kill,out there today and they W'.ill have W third period and when the Laker lead hit haril to win ewer the Vikings." . reached 19 points, Philadelphia \Vas out Coach Don ~ula feels the big di!- Lf ii.. ference is in qtlflrterback G,abriel. \¥est, hitting on 13 .. or JS free tbrmvst i •·"lf -G8be·-.pla)'s like he's capable of .totaled 3.1 points to 'lead all scorers. playing that.wGuld be the big dif~ereuce. '' Baylor had 28, Happy Hairston and Quarterback Johnny J.Jnitas \\'as non- Counts 18 each am:! Rick Roberson and coinmitt.al. "I don't pick anybddy.'' Dick Garrett 14 each. Running back Tom Malie praised The Lakers were 39 of 44 frorp the fr9.t Baugban. "The Rams weren't as good in thro\V line for an .886 percentage. ' the Se'.corid half after they ~ Maxie. He The ~kers take on the San Diego calls the defensive signals aQd this makes Rockets tn San Diego Tuesday. night. a big "difference:." .. ' ll•ssaere in Oalilfind:·Oil.pes_ Fall!}.56-7 1: (~ • ' I OAKLA'ND·<AP) -All year leng. tM unUI now its widest margin f ·ctefea ~ ·passes fllllilg-.in for tht ~red Wci.r'tc~ 'Beathard pass anct 'took-it 57 yards tO Oakland ~Iden have been the kind of and lost the AFL title to the Ra.Hiers in Wells, said, 11 ( think we'IJ be ready for score. t.eam that could capitallZe on an ~ 1967, 411. the Chiefs. All we have to do is1 p_lay our On the first ~lay alter the ne.-<t kickofr. ponent's mistakes. The Raiders now move into the ttague game throtigti fo.k;ti,uh1itri <l. football."' Hoyle Grtttpr tumbied.' Carleton Oata, Sund1y, the ~ Oilers made a liile game against the Kansas.Pity Chiefs The game waa ~~~ l~°"' It · 'recovtred or Oakland · and liamonloa leaSOD's W9l1fl o(, .. ttl.1n~-fifst· here on Jan. 4 and to·• man ~Y aay began. In 6ne four-mlnu!e and 22-s~d threw a 24-jard scoring pass to Shermnn quarter •f Q>e ~ftl't ~ they are ready. -• . • period, in the ftrst quarttt the Raiders put on the Cirst play. "' w•itlng. " < " " J" ~· ;.,_ " Quartmbock Dal')'1t Lamoqica; 'the 28 points on tbe 11COrcbo8rd and they On the next aeMes, Bealhard fumbled, ftl f p I<' I.. If • -lll'!kland's;t1.?lv~,..tr.~11 AFL'a Moot Valuable Pljyer; whO thrtW co,ISted in {Jun there. Tom .l\eallng r~vered for lbe Raiders ' gOrS 0 , r O , ~ OOt ,vft l!f.:1 erlean Foolbali ~ ,ji!lw/J , "' lliouchdown -•P.l'\11 I/'• .Oilers Flnr · ' !II a tl'\IC\ld?'ffi ·-~ ';@" l!I\, ~~~ ~lar, CW,nonlca • · · • ' ' ' ' J ' w" thO' -.i ~Oiitr•· aaJd, "we'll be up rOI' Kania1,City:1 don't pass to. F' · <~maif<;,\'o• ' of "1~ l'"ij,r-3) ylrili to ' ' 'Pjl\Sb~1 fl<i Qicl< '.A.mo~. w li>•Jt~· · \ho' ticld' l~te In Sunday'I .. rrerealrld 'tht; · ' Ui<1 care wlio we meet in tbe Sii'per Bowl ·as fiellsati'"'8l ' ' ' ~Jlrtlllr,.nil. one waa '• · 1!!¥ · ; J , ·r 'I .! ,g,me 'w •;New q~· . 's'ltta · rr9ili a j:,ut ~· bis left "!Jl"''lostlotheJ!a\d<l'linpool,,..... longasU..OoklllldRaiders~ieinit." aoodforJ3• • ~'l' '.' •,"~'fr'~· 'l~~:\ti!t1golnaon;ito\t'' 't!Y•· \'r''~ · · ··a ~'brokeOUi.<il,theOekl Pllia'i' a-~-' • Rod !l\lfODon, I opr.:1>1 team•man;1ll , ',Qo;.,lhe L ;c~· y ~ Ille klckorr. ihe game waa ' over }or all vractlcal after the Salhts ·~cored .the willnlllg tou •Wii u. tlle l\ilid<IJtinul• o! "d<liiton 1<o! to 8ootm ~ m 11Q,w .._.Jlllii;w11111ca~ two. LOil!MJ.7 -<:tOtti ' A..._, 'lntet«\Aill 'a' Pete ,...,,,...,. play. New llrleW wo~, 27·24. • ' • ' ' ill ' .. • - I -.!"""!~---------------------.... -----------.... --..... ---.....---~~--·· . -- • H DAll y PIL~T Kentucky Remain s .. Near Top • By ASSOCIATED PRESS Kentucky might be the No. t college basketball team in the ~try but the Wildcats fall ~'lhort as far as being a top. ranked host. ;:· The Wildcats treated their ; guests rudely for the 12th time in 17 years, winning the Ken- tucky Invitational Saturday ·night with a 98-76 victory over Duke iQ the final. Jt was also the fifth straight .. time Adolph Rupp's cagers had taken their Dwn touma. men~ in the friendly confines of Memorial Coliseum which Is 'nestled on the Kentucky campus amon~ the bluegrass of Lexington, Ky. Kentucky, with six stnaight victories, had beaten.Navy, 73-- 59 in Friday's first round. In the biggest upset of the night, Baylor knocked No. 3 New Mexico State from the ranks ol the unbeaten, 87-73. The Aggies had won eight straight. Villanova , No. 9, also l~t: dropping. a 59-5$ decision to Penasy!vania. U~. No. 2, fourth-ranked Dav1ds'on and No. 5 SouOt Carolina were idle whlle Notre Dame, No. 6, got by In- diana 89-88, No. 7 North Carolina pasted Tulane 96-87, Tennessee, N.o. t, trimmed La Salle 55-47 _, and undefeated Ohlo U., beat Ball State 92· 81. form in a row. - As for scoring, Pistol Pete Maravich of Louisiana Suite is malting it no con t est. 1'-1aravich tossed in 49 points in leading his mates to an 111- 103 victory over Clemson and has scored 29'l points in six games. Saturday night Pete sparked I.SU, leading only 52·51 at the half, to its fifth victory In six starts and at one point Maravich either scored or assisted on 24 straight points. Dan Issel dropped in a basket, breaking a 47-47 t.ie which sent Kentucky to its rout of Duke. ls.set finished ttofld•Y. December tt, 1969 , Hav en at Work games inclucling a .61-58 decis ion over Marina for the title Friday night in the 41st annual Hunting· ton Beach Invitational basketball tournament. with 20 points while . the Newport Harbor's rugged Lee Haven is seen at tourney's most valuable work in battle for possession ·with Marina High's player Wildcat Bob McGowan Rick Jvlosier. Mark Cronkrite of Marina ( 42} is in chipped in with 2'5. background. Newport's Sailors swept through four .Baylor, which Jost to New--~--------------------------------------- fl.1exico Stai.e earlier in the year 102-83 at Las Cruces, turned the tables ln what Coach Bill Menefee called "Our greatest victory" and said his Be11r players were ''still on Cloud 9''. "We beat them wilh a switching m.an-to-man and zone defense and by hitting 55 percent of o.ir shots to their 37 percent," Meoefee said. Bill Chatmon led the 5-2 Bears with 26 points on 12 of 18 from the field. A free throw by Steve Bilsky gave Penn a 5W2 lead and the Quaken held on for their vic- tory. Notre Dame got 30 points each from Collis Jones and Auetin CaJT with Jones' basket with 26 seconds left providing the clindler. PAIRI JYGS RELJ¥SE D Pairings for the Troy Jnvila· tional basketball tournament reveal Estancia opening up with Kennedy Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at Troy High School in Fullerton. Complete pairings: Tuesday 1 p.m. -Katella vs Buena Parl< 4 ·p.m. -Servitt . vs Santa Ana~Valley 5:30 -EStancia·V5 Kennedy l :f-El "Modena vs Troy Drag Racing Returns To Raceway S unday Drag racing returns to the March 28 competition on Orange County International Saturday night. Raceway Sunday with the first Drivers in the competition race in the $33,000 All·Pro will be awarded championship chimpionsljlp series scheduled points on the basis of qua\i - that afternoon. f)'ing, top speed. low elapsed The series , is composed o( time and the number of wins four races for top fuel scored during each or the in· dragsters and funny cars. dh>tdual r3''*5. Defending champions are Don The AU-Pro title and $1500 in Prudharrime of Granad' Hills cash will be given to the funny in the dra1sters and Charles car and ·top fuel driver to ac- Allen of Glendora in the funny cumulate the highest number cars. of .series points in addition to Other dates for tbe serie& ln-lhe · separate purses eamtd elude Jan. 18, Feb. 22 and durln.g the course of the March 21. series. The first three races will in· Just qualifying for the All· elude lhe tight quickest ,..[Pro aeries will be cx- quallfiel"I In each division · 1CeptionaUy tou.gh. Many of the while the fin&! cmnpetition will coonV;''s top dri vers are be expanded to host the wintUing in C31Uomia and il quickest IS cars in each is cir.peeled that the ratio or division. entries to starting posiUons The first three events are will exceed four to one for the set for Sunday afternoon with first three races. ·i Mo11arch s to ·Shop Around After Corona'~ Petty Move One \vot1ld assume thal coach Jerry Tardie and his Mater Dei High basketball team are in the process or shopping around for an- other tourna1nent to enter next year after what transpired last week. The Monarch.~ were 45 minutes late for the nightcap with Corona in the quarterfinals of the Corona lnvitational's 16-team affair. A trailer accident on the Riverside Free- way !urned the normal 30-45 minute trip from Santa Ana to Corona into a near-three hour nightmare and because of the misfor- tune, the Monarch \\'ere knocked out of cham- pionship contention . When Mater Dei finally arrived at the gym, **************" ROG ER CARLSON the Corona team was sUll there. So were the officiaJs. So was the crowd. No later game remained on the schedule so the gym was slill free for use. And reportedly the Corona coach wanted to play. So did hrs team. But a Corona admin- 1stralor intervened and said "no game." Thus Corona had a free ride to the semis. Mater Dei had a free ride back to Santa Ana. The Corona incident brings to mind a couple of other incidents similar in nature. Chaffey College was nearly 31} hour a.'ld a half late for a football game with Orange Coast College a couple of years back. But OCC didn't take the easy way out. The Redcoats realized the problems a team can endure occasionally v.'ith transportation, went ahead with the game and smacked the tardy Panthers. Marina Hi&h failed to come up with offi. cials for ils game v.'ith South Torrance last football season but improvised with a make- shift crew after a delay of some time. South Torrance accepted the situation, then weat ahead and won. 2tl-6. * Support for the Huntington Beach Oiiers' basketba1J team bas been stunningly poor. The Oilers have had super-tough teams the past three seasons en route to 41 consecutive league victories and three loop titles. But frankly, during that span the re were a lot of oneslded contests that bad as much suspense as the Doris Day Show on TV. Now, the Oilers must work a Utile harder for the vlctorie& but the crowds have fallen off considerably. Tbe 41-game league winni ng tilreak will end tbJs year. But Newport Harbor, J\.1arina or We!tmlnster ha,·e no claim on the title- yet. llunlington, with its horde of football play. erg still rounding Into basketball tempo, Is highly respec led. Rancho Alamitos will ver· ify that. * For this column the last year of the 60s has been a good one. One of the really line prep events 1 was privileged to witness was the Corona det Mar-Antelope Valley quarterfinals baseball game. The Sea Kings upset Antelope Valley, 2·1, in 14 innings. Another brilliant effort that comes to mind is the five-overtime basketball victory or \\'estminster over Newport Harbor. ,..he Lions won, 97·95. alter trailing by seven in one of the overtimes. And the 21-21 tie football game between Lo.a.ra and Fountain Valley is anoUler evmt that stands out. There were many others -too numerous to mention . li-1erry Christmas and Happy New Year! Broncos Tarnished, Huskies Gain By Utl&td Prtra• lntern1tiOJ11I '1'be Washington Huskie1 hive ettabli&hed themaelves u a national basketball power .tttJe Senta Clara's lustre has -• bit lmli•hed. Washington whipped Mlsaoori 9Ull Salurday nl(ht to capLl.ire the Sun Devil CJl&!ic at Tempe, Atii. That give the ffuSkJea a clean &.o record and rs sure to vault them • bll hi&her than Um I current 15th place they hold In the national ratings. And Santa Clara is i;ure to tu.mble from its lofty no. 8 ranking afler the Broncos lost on the road to Houston and to Okl&homa Clly 101·94. That dropped the Bron<oo to 4-2. lfouston also pinoed a 77-73 loss on fourlh·ranked Scluthe.rn California of Los Angeles Salurda1 night to hand the Trojans their aecond defeat in .!ilx games. In games tonfthl, Santa Clara hosLs Fresno State, Ne\v ~fexlco ts at California, St. Johns at Stanford, Pistol Pete Maravlch and his Louisiana Stllte Tigtrs visit Oregon State and San Jose State plays a~ Colorado State. In other games Saturd<'Y. l'l'cw f\.fexico w hi pp cd Washington Stale M-i6 lo snap th,· Cougars' 11ix·game nn· ' beaten string in the finals of the Lobo Invitational, Oregon downed Gonui.ga 74-63. Wyom- ing handed San Jose State ''-' sixth los.s in seven games sg. 81 , Bradley beat the Universi· ty of San Francisco 9$-80 In lilt conr.olation finals of the Utah classic. UC San l R Barbara upset Seattle in overtime 105-98 and Northern Arizona edged E a s t e r n Washln~ton 81·80 In double overtime to win the Fresno State classic. Fresno state took t h e measure ol Cal Poly Pomona 97-M for the consolation prite in the Fresno Slate classic. Elsewhere, Texas Te ch defeated Long Beach State 75- 61. Nev11da·l.11s Veges nipped Tulsa 90-119, DePaul outshot Ne \lada-Jtcno 10~·71. Soulhern Illlnoi• dropped S•n Diego State 67-53, • Estancia Scares 'Griffins, Bows in Title Tiff, 55-51 11 BJ~· VE CEAIW!Y / played a oolld first half and ficulty In dis pen.In' with San "" .. ..., ....... •Mj! kid by seven at the half over Clemenle as the D1ablca sl)ot The, . Alamilol Grlftins the fwnbUng Eagles. 'nle • out to a 14-3 lead in the open- were1 to ~ over _:.eoDd half told a different Ing four minutes. Ille ~ii• Eq1es ID ~tur• story ·u ·the Eagles nearly Diab lo tt.ntel" D•n Kratz day I t I chal!)plohlhip flew ,_. the now fumbling virtually destroyed the Sari. g~ the San C~te , Griffinl fOr Ole tourney title. Clemente defense arly in the KtwliUs buketbafl f toutoJ. Estancia trailed through contest. hitting for five abort . :l'Ibey won b'i I nolt, IS-almOlt the enUre cont.est but bank shots in the first two JJ. undtfeate4 Grlflfn&, tumed:a. routine game into a periods. Kratz finished with 2l • ol •i&bt llnipt, llullllef tirtlle fourth qoarter. points. ' Tralll"I· by four with 20 IAs Alamitos guard Mike MCOndJ left, Eagle guard Grimwood was named most M h Mike Haya hlt a near-valuable player of the three· . on .... c ", desperation 20-loot jumper day toornamenl, and team- .... C wtth eight seeonds to narrow mates Christensen and Don lhe gap. Soderberg were named to the ITl•lall" Vi"e Estancia's ensuil.lg full court a 11 -tournament Team. 0 press backfired and L o s Williams, Orgill and Rick Alam!tcs forward Randy 'Vadsley o! Mission VlPcio Christensen took a long pass were 'also named to the In Tc;>. ur~' ey for on eaay layup to provide lourney stars . • tbe four.point margin. 110NTAHA u.11 .. Jn th~ other tourney games, oivu in '~ "! "~ .,~ Mater Del Rish'• .varsity ?.fiaslon Viejo c<>pped third Ja1m11111 ' 1 s 13 basketball tum. ~ the apot wiJh a 75-55 rout of San ~~;1~1h ! ~ ~ ~~ Rolling Ruts ntanint at Clemente, Servile too~ the , c~r~•,rt : ; : ; 't in the Jlnt rou of the comolaUon ~ with a ~~1~..'e, ' 2 ' ' Rancho Alamitot In tational . lackluster 54-33 win over Sad· ,.,,.,.,.,,., 1 , , s basketball touml:m -t after dleb&:Ck, and La~a Beach 'T'!i~1s 2~ ,~ '~ t; running its reCord ~z with lost .Its third atrwght. 63-50, LAGUNA llACH Of) · in thel ~ and finished In eighth place. fG ·"! I'~ TP three ww l 1"----Est.ancia's first quarter was :_:~;~ ~· , ~ 1~ tourney. . .r, ·a neJr disaster. The Eagles T•txi• s ' s i 1 Coach Jerry Tard"'-: 5 crew · Immediately jumped out to a H•rbo1" ! ~ ~ 1~ swept past Nogales for fifth 8-2 lei1d and were then ~;:,~"11 1 2 o .t place honors in th~ O>roni af-outscored 13-2 in the next fi ve 5~hw•l'1r : ! ~ ~ fair with a 94-78 rout after minutes. ~~;:'" , a , , they were knocked out of Skip Williams Estancia's N~'•wendt• 1~ ,! ~ ii championship contention when nashy center. ~as virtually 101111 scO<"•..,. C!.l•rttr• the host school refused to.play contained in the first half by ~en11n1 1e ?J 1s ,!-:!? Friday night when Mater Del the tall Griffins as he tallied L•vu,...Mr:;,~N v:~J~,o~~ .,....,.. showed up late because of a only four points in the first 16 '~ 11~ ": ~~ traffic jam on the freeway. minutes. -:,~:,,~:... l ' e • ,Ralph .c;handos led the easy Estancia, now with a 2·3 Krat• ~ : ~ 2! win SAtufday afternoon, scor-season mark, launched ils ~~!~'"°" , , ' .i ,Jng 35 points on 12 field goals rousing rally shortly into the c.11ro ~ ! : ~ and 11 free throws while mate final period on a short bank ~~,e·s a o ' o Werner Raes chipped in with shot by Williams and a driving St h,ner ! ! ! ~ 22 counters. layup alonft the baselt1e by ~:~~~.~' o o 1 a Chandos led the Monarchs Gary Orgi I. The two goals rota11 SAN CLl!MIN~ <;;1 12 75 again i;i rebounding with 22 bi:ooght the count to 42-41 fa fT ,., T" while reserve Steve Kemper With 6:40 to play. s. LorntNlrdl : ! ~ 1: came through with 15. The Griffins took contfol =..':i<chif•' 1 2 ' s Raes helped Mater Del again • and increased t h e Gaulden ', ', ', " · · 'th · MtCtslln 7 break ar1t.all tie 1t the end of margin to six Wl JUst over Mnc11e11 2 ' 2 " one quarter with J2 Second six minutes left. The Eagles o. Lombard! : : : ~ period points to lead ire slowly c.h.ipped a.way at the :~~so~ s 0 2 lG Monarchs to a 14-point lead at lthead , tra1ltng by fi ve and then ·Totals ,,0,e ~~out~~.~' 14 .ss the half ree. Mluloo Vle!o 71 13 19 17-7' ',,....,11• DEi !H l With just over hair a minute san c1 .... e~1e n • 1s n-.u ,0 l'T "" Tl' to play, Orgill fouled out and LOS ALAMIT:~ (~~ .... T" C~tndM Wal~I• McM-mln R11s 1: 1; : :: 15 s~nds later he was joined ~oder'l)e•o A r ' 1• ,: ; ! ,; on the balCh by forward Les t~~~,!~'•n ~ i ~ ; Klll"I H1rnelltY>t Ktmoer Knlllln Frill Haupert Tot11s ( l 1 1 1 Hester. Grimwood ' ' , 1' ~ ; ! : The game seemed Jost for ~;:;1~~ ; ~ : ~ a 0 1 0 Estancia until Hays hit his ll!rYP , o 1 t 1 0 I , jumper, with only the buzzer TD!ll• ESTANCIA ~~1) 17 15 JS ,: 1: 1: ,! stopping the last gasp rally. l'G l"r "' .,,. NOGA.LIS 1111 Even though shorter than °•9111 ~ 0 0 ', ", JICI l'T I'll Tl" H1s!tr • 15 0 3 30 Los Alamitos, Estancia still wrnl.l!m• /. l • 1s M. E1<wir11 UrlM Crin_., ' 1 s 9 had a 41-34 edge in rebound-~=~~.. : ; ~ ; ~ ; ; 1: ing, including 20 by Williams Tot•I• n • 11 " J . E1qu!r1t E. Esqylr1I Wl1~1tm ScMon1 TIUl'l'I"" 1 : J1 ! in addition to his 15 points. LM Al•~C:::"" ~~·~:'',, 1.s-55 ~ 2 , 10 Mission Viejo had· little dif· E1t1ncl• t 11 1s 11.....s1 t 0 , ' TOl1l1 3742371 Sctt't "° Olr•rttn Mtltf Oti 2C l l 23 ?~f( NOMlll 2( 11 22 D-11 Vikings To Face Matadors Pairings for the 16th annual Covina High Christmas basketball tournament have been released with first round action slated !or Northview and Covina highs the day after Christmas. The Orange Coast area's on· ly entry -Marina's Vikings meet San Gabriel's aMtadors at Northview (3 p.m.). The complete pairings : At Nortbvlew 4;30 p.m. -Helix vs Alla Loma 10 :30 a.m. -Bell Gardens \'s fi1ontebello 9 a.m. -West Covina vs Ar- rOyo 1:30 p.m. -Cantwell vs LakewOod 3 p.m. -S•n Gabriel vs Marina Noon -Cathedral vs Pius X 7 p.m. -Northview vs La Salle ; 8:30 p.m. -Poway vs l\1illikan Al Covina 10:30 a.m. -Edge\\·ood vs Notre Dame 9 a.m. -Azusa vs Arcadia Noon -Fullerton vs Muir 1 :30 p.m. -Rosemead vs Jordan 3 p.m. -San Marino vs Pasade,na 4:30 p.m. -Serra va Glen- dora 7 p.m. -SOuth Pasadena V1 Damien 1:30 p.m. -Monrovia vs ·Covina Pro Hockey MAflOl'llAL ~•AG"I l!l tl DlmlN H...., Yert llOJ!etl Mll'llrtll ....... C~lc.100 Tor<111to W L r Jlta. Ot OA ''''1Jlot7' " 1 • •1 tu " 1• 7 I 411 111 '' Hll ,,. .. ., 1,,,,,," .. lllJ,1'&4f.t Wllf Dh'I•"" SI. Lo..11 lS 10 ' MhlnlW!t f 11 t Pllbbu'911 t ll J Phl!td•l~I l 12 II Ol~l•n<I I 11 4 lot Allt!llH • 11 , Tlflf'I 01111• HI ''""" M;M'll\llfd TIHloiMf'I ...... Ml11n1tolt at II. Loul1 • ,,. I • "" 1J J7 ,, fO n a " ,, " k '° '2 10) u '° 10.. '• ! • • ~ ! • I ' f • USHERS ~~ GREEN STRIPE Since 1853, tbt qtlgi111.1 llaht Scotch Beautifully 1lt't·wr•ppcd.for the Holi'dayt. ' • • • f. ... \lill .... All-tour11ey Selections Sunset League schools' players dominated the all- tournament selections of the . 41 st annual Hunting- ton Beach Jnvitational tourney. Eight of the selec- tions \Vere of Sunset vintage. Back row (fr om left) are Lee 1-laven of Newport Harbor (MVP), Dan Broderick of We stmin ster, Lee \Vallers of Hunting- ton Beach, J im .AfL.derson of Rancho Alamitos and Kipp Baird of ~ar1na. Front row : Dave Eccles of Newport Harbor, Curt Carlson of Huntington Beach, Bob Beal of A-farina and Taras Young of Newport Harbor. Compton's .<\.lbert Nero is not pictured. Prep Mat Results Dave Womack and Jim McNaughton or Westminster High School each captured tv.•o first place medals over the weekend duri ng the Nort h Torrance and Cerritos wrestl· ing tournaments. \Vomack took both crowns in the 123-pound divi sion, while teammate McNaughton won both titles in the 141-pound group. Steve Eredia of Marina garnered top honors in the 98· pound class in the North Tor- rance meet. Bob Jtaun, 136-pounds, and Dave Jackson, heavyweight, both finished second f o r Marina. The Vikings placed fourth in the eight team in- vitational wilh Westminster placing sixth. Rick Masters, who was just a fill-in from the junior varsi- ty, won the 136-pound division for Wes tminster in the Cer· CdM Gives Back Win ritos meet. In this lourney the Lions wound up fifth out of 20 teams. JUNIOR VARSITY Coron• ,,.1 Mir IU l l!Jl S•n ci.m..,•• 91-0lson (() olnnm Aikin.on !S.CI O·S1. 105-Ml,kl,... (C i pfnnrd Oeloi'' IS'J t :AS. 115-RDYles CS.C l pjnMd Marlin IC) c 10. 11l-G•a~am !Cl dK Areola !SC! 11-t. 130-S..ars !C> dK Ysl1s CS.Cl 1·3. ll6-J1rrett (SCI pinned C•lno IC) 1,s1. l ~l-Ciamo1 tC l dee Rosales (SCJ 23-'· J.18-Nixon (Cl pinned LOPtl ISCI 1:17. 151-Gr1~1m \Cl p lr!nfd Pirman !SCI 0:57 16'--Penberll'rr Cl pinned 8ro11er> /SC) 0:41, 115--Re~!er ICl plnnml Mot.mer !SCI O:l'O. 194-Slilmaker (C) dee P1u!lOl'I !!Cl ll-I. 235-San C;,"'Pnle won by fnrf~i!. Corofll d1t ;.~·· <»I (UI S1nf!110 98-Soetn (~) dee Olsen CC) 11-4. 1il6--1/ol'kl1r IC ) pinned HamUton (SJ o.2J. 115-Cra\9 ISi pirmrd Bandel CCI !;]A. •• 12l-Gra,,am (Cl aec Cumach (Sl JI· 130-Andenon (SJ m<; S<=ilr~ IC) :.2. 136-SP'ar (5) pfnMd Catina !C l 1 :21. • l41-Ci1m1>1 !C l dee Nakahard IS) 1· ' !..._Nixon (C) pinned HUiier' fSl 2:4t. 151--Groham (Cl llrd Trombley ISi 2·2. 161-PenberlhY (() pinned Ander..,., fS l ! :is_ 1111-Reuier (Cl won by ForfeH. 19..._Slalmaker ((} wori bv Forr~il. 1lS--Sln!lil!>O won bY torfell. CffOfll d1t Mir (>61 Ull LI "•11 I E)! 1·1 130-BoMcum !El ,1n11et1 C111rone 4SJI J; l ;J7 13'-Guerrtro !SJBI dee, OiGlal• (El; 4·1 hl-llenn CEI ctec. Jahn...., !SJl li •• l•S-ROberll (El dee. Ch!•O (SJll); ,, U1-Jtnn111'1l' CE) pinned Z1b1rowskl ISJBJ1 l :Sll lU-Mul!ord (El P-il'lned Zsl)(lrowi.kl !SJBI; 1:U l7S-Cl1ir lEI JOlnllKI Burris ISJllll 5:00 . · lt~-Wlelarnl i$J8 ) Pi1'ineod C1!dwtl! IEJ; 1::12 HV-S•ackbertt~ IEl "fiK. Norton (E )1 1.0 Jun!Of' Va•tllY l!dln"n 011 114) SI. Jol!n loK• H-Metlll (El plnntd Nh!10 4SJ811 3,3} lC'"-M•Htrl !SJ8) pinned O.vlt !El; :55 \15-AIWna !SJ8) pinned HeleY (E ); J:SCl 11l-Dul1AIV IE) pinned llyran (5J!l)1 ,,,, 130-l "n 0 11 (£) Mc. C1r1MH (SJ8 ); A·O 13'-Garclt CEI dee. Li1!1e (SJI ); •·• l'1-Mlkul1 (5J!I) dee. Jghn11on (£); '" l.U-V1nbemor'U ISJI) dee. Mori· moto IEl1 4·2 157-luelllerl (El OK. E1rlY ISJlll; .. l61-!.oor-1kl !SJ8J dK. Wh1n !El; M 111-Hell !El dee. !lurrls (SJ8l1 .. , 1tC-Em1>1Y (El p-IN'lfd JIUey (SJ!l)J ,, ... NV-Alcnie (SJI) dtc.. Let 11:11 \ 1:45 ff-OlfOll !Cl won b1 lorftil. Corona del Mar High School 106---Mlelllfr ICJ pinned lvev IPI VAJISITY 3:,1. Corvn• HI Mir ,s, Si n Cl..,,•nl• 12 has o(ficiaJly forfeited its lJ~wtn IP) pinned Bi ndel !Cl 91-Waoc: tCcf.'i\l plnlled All (SC l, opening 38-36 ba~ketball vie-''fn....c,a111m (Cl p!n,,..d ltlchar.i,on 1G'"-~.11B1n11e1 ICdM) plnllt d Blinlli tory to Newport Harbor after IP/~l;.,~ fCl dee. strk~l&nd (P\ ~a. !SCJ. 1:s2. Marina Defeated Marina High dropped a 49-43 decision to Garden Grove Fri· day afternoon to open Its varsity svl'im season in the losers' pool. V1~1Y M1t1111 (4JI Ut) G1nl4'fl Grovt 100 Medley Re!1y-1, M1rln1 (Jot."" son, Willilm1, J1cob1, McConntvt~eYI. Time: 1.4'1.t. l!DO F"r--•. Oi!alon !GG\ 2. Lii· tleiot.n IGG) l. Haoas IMI. Time 1:04.S. 50 Free-1. McConn1vt!wv fM) t. Rlclte (GG) 3. Rownqulsl (GG). Time: 23.7. 100 lndlvld111l Mrd!tY-1. C•dt IGGl' Jalln1on (M) l. HlrdY CMl, Timi: 1:16.9. • Dlv•nt-1. Corney (GGJ 7. Nlellatl (Ml 3. 1C1nt !Ml. Poln!s: 4a.<I. 100 Flv-1. Ho!lowll" fM) w, Clrll!I' fGGI ], J1cobs IM). Time: 1:02.0. 100 Fret!-1. M~c.nnaughev /Ml t. Ccllon !GGl 3. Rosenciuli! CGGl. Time; 51.8. JOC !lade:-!. Ald!le IGG! 7. Johnson (Ml J, Hoops (ML Time: l :tJ.O. «Kl Free-I. HOllowey (Ml 1, De1~n IGG) l. R<:lbertson IGGJ. Time: •:2J.I, 100 Brust-1. C&M (GG) 1. Wll!(1ms (M) l, Hird'/ IM). TJmo : 1:06.1, •H• Mtri11;1 C4ll {42) GI ...... Grovt 100 MKl!ff RtlaY-1. M1rlfll \Hovkk, S"losa~a. 11.ooftl, Prlmel. Time: 2:06.,. 100 Free-1. W!lso<'> IGGJ 1. RoblnJOn IMI ). R•»mus .. n !Gel. Tlmt': ?:H.J. 50 Fr_..1. Prime /Ml 7. BIKM-1' !GGJ l. Mit1nl !GGl. Time: ?•.O. lOC INHYidl.LIJ MK1la1 --I. $hlouk1 !Ml 7. Pert11M (GG) s. Fllltenkn111 1Ml. Tl""': l :ot.l. 100 Fir-I. Stolt fGG! 7. Soat~ (Ml 1. No third. Time: 1:111.1. lOC Fr,,._1, 8udwr tGGl 7. Prlmt !Ml l . Rotrlnson CM). Tlmt : 59 ~. 100 81dc:-l. Havick fM) 2. H1 rwurl (GGI J. Wiidt~ IGG). Time: 1:10.J. .ittt Frtt-1. Flllrtnkru. (Ml t. ll:asmvssen CGGI J. Sc:al1 (GGI. Tl""': ~:JS.!. 100 Brtl•l-1. Slllosek, (Ml 7. M1lln1 (GGl J. P'rk!ni (GGl. Timt: 1:17,,. 400 Free ll;elaY-J. Gard~n G•t"1! !llucher, Wiison, Ra11m11uen, II'•· taln1J. Time: 4:09.7. the fonner USed an ineligible 136-B~weU !P) alnne.;I Casino (() l l~8l1nHKI (CdMI pinned Cannacto 1 42 ISCJ, 0 '41. Ml tilll U1l IHI G1rdt11 Grow player. 'J,i-()jo;u!i (Pl Pinned Climpa rc J 123-Clltk (CdMI olnntd PIP'r (SCJ, ?00 Medll'Y Relav-1. Marini (J.~llln~. Corona de1 Mar principal 1:s1. 3:~. Dav1e1, 1<111t, N1e1.cnl. Time: 2:02.s. I th DAILY l.U-Nlxat> !Cl dK Sl>orl1 (PJ 4.7, l JO-Curland (COM) CIK. LOP'l (SC J, :ZOO Fr-I. Rollin• IMI ?. C11rdln11 Leon Meeks to d e u1-G••ll•m !Cl won by deMutt. ti·•. fMl l. Courle1 CGG J. Tim•: ''"'·'· PILOT. "We In the ad-l61--Slum1> (P l dee Penbl!r!hv <Cl I-11'-Mllllln (CdMJ drew wllh Lopet sci Fr_..1. Connell (GGl 7. Tt1t1 (M) 4. (SC). l·I. l . Sore<>scn (Ml. Time: 71.t . ministration misinterpreted 17'----Jleut~r !Cl WOii &. lorfeil. u 1-CeM1Y !CdMl pinned A~;" 1oc lndlvld11e1 MedleY-1. Nle1'°" IM! the CIF rules and have 1to1--S111m1ktr ~C) Pinned eor•~t 1Pl 1sci, J :ll. ?. Ferou'IOI> IMI l. McNt1r !GG!. 1:4 . l•l-8t1r (CdM ) ate. Hlrnlndtl Timt: l:ot.O. , declared the game forfeited to n5-Polv -.i by 1or1~;1. csc>. il-•. sci F1r-1. 11:11111 !Ml '· G11111er (MJ 1. -Newport. It's clearly our fault, Edi'°" 1111 "~;:1,'Yst. Joli"'"'" 157-~c"::.:>~10.\~ci d«. T. 111n1111 c~1:'F~~·1.T~1.!~'·1M1 t. McK!b- not the boy's.'' ... ,, •• ,. ''' ,, •••• •·•••· ,,,,,, lr.1-Adar.n ICOM) •lnMd Ander.on ll9fl (GG) 3. Corlt1 fGGI. Tlmo: 1:01.0. ·-""'"' ·~-""""" sci e1ck-l, Aollln1 !Ml 7. McNe1< Newport Harbor wins, 2-0, l :S4 isci, 5:ll. fGGI l. Frrtusen /Ml. Tlmt': 11 .'. I he 106--JaAnn!I CEl cite. 8Yron (SJ8)1 l •l-Hllll1rd CCdMl plnne4 M10dtn 50 8rea,t-1. Connell IGGJ l. DeYltl upping its record to &-1 or t 1J.2 i sc~. •:11. IM; 3. Ro1r11Mt IMJ. Time: :w.o. "ear. 1lS--Cillcio (SJB) 11«. Martri 1EJ1 lto1--w1n1on (Cdffll drew wll~ Chi-200 FrH Relay-I. Marini !Sew-..,_, J ll·l molll !SCI, l·I. Hel11lkk, C1rdlMi. Tnt1J. Tlmt': Tiie forfeiture involved a lll-O.Ovidsan ISJBI cite. SWHneY NV-Romtf'O 1:sc1 -" b"f tort.it. 1:st.1. player who did oot change 1;;;.iii;;iiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiii;;iiiiii;;iiiii:~,li..,~,..;o.,..;o...,;;;;,..;;;;;..,;;;;;..,;;;;;,..;;;;;,..iiJi.,i.,.iiii_iiO:;;;,:..,;;;;,..;m,..,..iiiJiiii,..i<.iJ,..iii),..iiii.,.iiii .. ;;;;o residence and came back to ENJOY "LOCAL" R • ~rooa del Mar a!Jer at· W HERE'S A GIFT ! tending Newport Harbor the SERVICE ~ ·' ! prioryearon apermit. ~ =YOU CAr'I OPEN EVERY DAY!. Under CIF rules, he can not M i:A participate for one year arter s . 1 s making the change. n Bob Paley •nd As1oci1t*' INSURANCE Phone 642-6.100 5'1CIAL HOLIDAY PllCll s117oo OIG. ·''''·'' i ,..,...,.., lr.H•ll•lioll Otlrt• J ust push t,.,. button 11 and drive right in I OPEN • ClOS£. LIGHT •• LOCIC I ·Seacoast Bulldera 1651 Pl-'CINTIA AVI. COSTA MESA • • Pro ·Hoop Standings ... '''''"' oni.i... w L ,,,, 0 1 -·"" " • .... llollllnot• • " .w '" Mllwllllc" n " .. ,. ' Plllt.delph!f " " ,,. " Clnc:'-11 " " ... " ...... " " ·"' "~ ...... " " ·~· " WHI-Df¥11111~ AIS.ni. n " ... cnru90 11 lt "" ~·,1 S.n Fr11l(l1co lS 1' ••• • l.,,. """~ lS 11 . OJ • Photnl• u 71 ••• • S..n Ole<lo 1• 21 "" • k•l!lt " n .111 ' Sf!W•lllf'I ltnuff• N-von nt. a.111more '1 o.1'1111 1U, Plloenlx Ill Allelllt IH, ac.IOll lc.6 S.n DI"° I~. Cln<:l,,,,,tll 111 Pf'lll-IPtllt ltt, Stn Frtndsca •• S1tlllla'1'1 •itwltt Mll-ulr." 111, Pr-II\ 111 Atl~lt 1 ti, Chict llO 111 I.Oii Aflllrlft lll. Phi11odt4Pll!t ill ~1111• 112, SM! Dlt1111 N T.e.y'1 GllMI No 911n!'t K.fledUled, Tue1411,•1 01ll'ft l o. 4nftlb 1: S..n Dle!HI $Nt11f I I Sin Fr•mhu• ... E11ler11 Dlvl111in • L l"ct. GI lndl1ne " • .111 Ke<1111t-T ~ " ·"' • Coralln" " " ·"' " Pllt1~•1l~ " " . 414 111 .. New Yark " " .. ~ 11'> Ml1m1 ' " ·"' )Sr; Wt1lern Olvl1lon New Ortr1n1 12 10 .6tl W1shl11'1l1C<l J7 11 .SIS 5'1 LOI A~111!lf1 U Ii .'83 4'·• o.u., 16 11 .~11 1 ~... U 11 .364 JC•, IU"'lllr'I Jlnu111 Kenl11eky 13'. Ntw Yark 175 lndlln1 1l1, Pltt1bll•!lh IU Denver Ill, Ml1ml 11• . Sulld•Y'I Re1ulh W•M1ntt<M 17(), LO• Ano'"'" JOI K4'fl11Kk• 11)1 N-Yer-JCS Ml1m1 122. c:.roi.ne 111 ;, ' .. ". . " ... . . .... .. . . . . Monday, Cttcmber 22, 1969 Saddleback Fi ve Idle After 72-60 Tri'(J,mph saddleback college's basket· ball team will be idle for a week after posting one wlo ln three outings al the Chabot Christmas C I a s s l c in Hayward' Coach Roy Stevens' club dropped Hs first two games of the tournament, then bounced back to trip Cuesta College of San Luis Obispo Saturday afternoon, 72"60, for seventh place. Eric Christensen paced the Gauchos with 21 points while Ben Mahar tossed in 16 and Randy Lawrence hit 10. The win ran Saddleback's season record to 5-4. The Gauchos will nex1 com- pete in the College of the Desert tournament Saturday, Monday and Tuesday at Palm Desert . Olrl•t.emen. the s e con d leading scorer in the tourna- ment, was named to the all- tObrney team. lr.lDDl.ltACI( Ot) 5ml!ll Cllrl•l•nMn l1Wt9fl'i ..... , "'"" WOOdburv All ... Edw1rdl Liii.., .... M1rrm Tol1!1 Clltl 111101 F uhrmeft P ulllft AlderM>tl HOKIJI ·~ ... ljlCN1nne 5/ltrrr11n Tatels H1lltlme Cuel!1 ''· •• PY •• • ' .. • • • ' • • • .. • ' ' ' ' • • ' ' • • • • • ' • ' • ' • ' ' " n " CUESTA l•I ,0 PT .. ' ' ' • • • ' • ' • • ' ' ' • ' ' ' • ' ' • • ' • ' ' " " " IC!H'e: Slddltbldl: •mwPOaTCDMTD& l"1clf~ Cont Hl&hWIY bttwee11 Jimbo,.. ind MKArtflltr. ff'M\fay mlnut" •w1y. '' • " " .. ' ' • ' ' ' ' n " ' " • " • • • ' • ~ "· . ' . v .•. ;., • DAil Y P1l.Cl1' ff • Pro Grid ~ Standings , i:...,.1111e1 "'-"°"' St. loul1 ,. ,ltftburtll C1111lftt Div! .... o.n,, W1shl111tan H-OtlMnl Phllt0.11111111 II 2 1 .t4 JSJ.SN s ' • ,)$1 4 f1 .lOI w.-.-C"""""'• CNlr1I Do.,.._, ,.. "' ., Jl• JI! ,., 17' 111 Mln-t1 11 1 0 .IJ1 m 1U Oltfllfl t ' 1 At2 2Jt ltl GrMft t1Y I I I .J7I * 7'1 ClllClto 1 II I "71 211 J3f c .. 11.1 D+¥"* lo5 4""1t l " ' . ,.. ... 81tllftlor• . . ' .... "' Atr11111 ••• .at "' "" Franc.loco .. ' .m m kMIT'• ..... ti New Yon: 21, c ..... 111111 1• AllaMa 10, Mlnrlnal1 1 B1llimore 13, L.ot A,...lel. f DeT•oll a , c~ J Si n Frtno::lsat 1(. ~lledel,i.lt New Orl••ne 27, ~llllburtfl M Gr-9oY Al. SI. l.Gula 21 0.11.11 10. w1,~1,,,_ 10 "' "' ... "' " NEW TREADS* Tubeless Blackwall ] ;J.i11c l1 a11d 14-inclr sizes Your Choi ce ... Any Size Li sted For E.\t:ll .l:!c 34c 110c SIZE 7.00x 14 7.50x 14 8.CJ()x 14 J>[u£ 1-'ed. £,.c, Tax F.ach And 2 Old Ti res Whitewall• Only '2 More Per Tire! Price• Effective Beginn i111 Today Th ru Tuesday, Dec. 23 ,-------------------------------------------------, __ ,•••<l!l.Jll·•"' •-•Ollttn . -•.r.1111.1111 ...,,wt .. ,,.J -•-"'Ill'' .,..,.,,,.,,11, • -··-1..... -Oll.lllet,Cl l• .. \I ·-·-•tt t ll!I -ltt-l l•J,,...t!ll • ..,I UJ1 • .,, ••• 1 o,('\0<11(1•1 ... -.. 1"" I l -MllMJMtl111 __ IO,lfll ' ......... ,,,,"° Ill ...... -·1••V" ~ ..... 001 ... t,-Jnl I r--4111 -Ol l JUI ,._,..uLOll, Ill "'' '°"'"'(~~">l•WJIJI -"t Hll ,________________________ _ ___________________ , ' Ail!. A-..,t h•rt C•11•tt1lt 11I Crolllt ''•Ill ! ---• ............ , ........... Mllafl1il* .. ----------------..... --..... -..-~ ...... -------..... --........... --...... --~-~~-------~---. - 41 DAILY PILOT Monday, Oc~c:mbt, 21, 191)'1 TUMILEWEEDS By Tom K. Ryan 'fflOI( 11'1.l fJE 01RIS11MS IN A FEW W>.'!S, FEUAS, I# WE GOT A Ll'L 6 YEAR OWi, NAM I: LESS ORPHAN IN 10WN 1HPJaJG!l)\ GElA l'RESfNT. LE'S OllPIN AN'l!tlYHER SOMErnlt>IJ WEU.}hiciWE ClUD GIT'ER 11\:R OWN fERSH'NALMONOORAMME17 BEER MUG! PIDNT YA HEAR HIM SAY 'THE KIP DIPN'T HAVE PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz .. I• i, ft I SAlll ~! l S'llJ nlE UTTU llED-AAllEPCila!SllE 11.iAS 60Jll6POWll11(E LIFT Wllll.E I WAS 601N6 UP!! TELEVISION VIEWS Ed Sullivan I Review Misses By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEIY YORK (AP) -Ed Sullivan's Sunday night hour on CBS \va s a patchwork of en tertain- ment highli ghts of the past decade. While bits and pieces were fascin ating, the idea was more intriguing than the execution . \Ve saw a moment of Richard Burton in a monologue from his Broad\vay show "Camelot." There were two "Dollys" -Ginger Rogers and Pearl Bailey - singing the same song in their ow n \\'ays. There was a lot of Barbra Streisand and the Beatles. THE VAULTS of The Sullivan sho\v must be a t.reasury of performers' material. but his summary ~as surprising and disappointing because the ,..-.Archive material took second place to the evening's ·guest stars -Petula Clark. Robert Goulet. and Diana Ross and the Supremes. ARE '10U OUTA ' VER MINP? roN'T NO NAME? .. • BE AISLllPJ._ 8 ~I ,~\ •• ',.. PERKINS 1 .... , ...... ~,., ... -r ...... •i·..t~ ... JUDGE PARKER Tl<E THAT Wo\5 °™E 6U ... RO AT \ ),l,\RCOTICS nlE FllOMT GATE. SAM~ me . A6ENT5, HAVE MAN PAlll WAS EXPECTI-.i6 nlE Pt.ACE HAS ARl?lYEO! HE'S IM ·'SIJRROIJMPEO ! ntE 6ARAGE HOW ! SALLY BANANAS ly Charles larwtti By John Miies By _!11_1rold Le Doux 00."f •• SUT I lOLP YOU rve CHECXEO IT! IT'S MONOAY DlCEMIDt 22 1:00 •Ill""' (C) (60) Jmy Dunp~r. D tlll ._..,,..., IC> llDl ·-.... -(C) (IO) Gu1st1 1r1 Lindi Rallltldt. P111I Wlnc:lllH, Scoty MltchlU, ToQ' lurte t~d Muln• Grnns. llJ.. ....... ·-(C) "Tio 1111 l" (wtlttrll} '57 -llindolpll ~Ott, Rkh1rd Boont. MIU/Mn O'SuUiY1n, Arthur Hunnicutt D Dick Vn DJtie (30) m Tiii Flln..,_ (CJ (30) IB ._ Tnlt (Cl (60) tl1l CI> Ml• -(C) ('°) :ill (JJ C1S -(C) (3~ ti), .... Cltul (30) m ....... ti) (60) Ja~ Wh itt. PURE~ I' 5:10 D ltNIC N.....mc. (CJ (60) BOY, 15 Hf' WF<ONG ··I t<NOW Pl-•NTY Of WIVES WHO Af<o A"--FOi> HIM , 100. <B\ ~~ r i , ' II 1111 l111tt 51me (C) (JOJ m"' ,...,,.. ... ,... (30) &J Otflcll " tllt P'mldt11l (30) la Ci) H11nlllJ'·lrlnkltJ (C) (JO) ID Twin Cird1 H11dlin1 (C) (30) 9 (I) T\t M1111t111 (30) U) Nttkitro l4 (C) (60) m ltMIR Ntwl (C) (10) j 7:00 fJ Cll ht~lft& ,... (C) (30) I 0 Whit's Mr LIM? (CJ (30) m I lM llCJ' (30) B ltat t11t Cltck (C) (30) fa Ct111HdltJ/Mlltu1I flllld (30) ~@ Molld1y Slltw (C) (2 h1} •Cipt1in l'ltwm1n, M.D." Gre111ry ~ ~tk, Tonr Curtis. n Allor•' <lO) ] (j) Trllll « c.n.,.v1ncu (CJ m Cew'• ..,., <CJ <JOJ m ""' •~ !Cl 130> •• '' 11 D IDI Ill ID no ""' ...... tcl {~) "'Tht '"'"' "' IOmlllll." ""' Drrit 11'111 lric:Ur colltel 11M1 pro- poM lodUnl • ell l\rN11111 tutPI tht OM to lit i.tfd to Ill tltdtd pt f tt offlctr. Aron KlrMi4 and Sol· omon Stur"' lflllll. ,,,. •a (JJ "'"'' ..., (Cl llD> LllCJ' ft1t1 thtl lht"s dut to bt rlff'llCtd wh1n H•IYY hlm llJIOl:lltt ntrflllY ID Ulill: h«. Wpdt au• 1uella. 1 0 ,,.. .. 1161 (C) (30) m-FIWI -(Cl (IO) m"" '" •• .., it> llOl ... __ (60) , .... 111 [)) -._,._ (C) (fo)S.m mtlb 1n MnJ buddJ in Palm Sprlnp. O lliC6ll!DAIC .. ...,,,_ (C) MJ"w-blM Mt T11111k Ywn&" (mulietl comedy) '64-l11nn Dar· 1en, P11nel1 'fiffln. TI111 lJMJita, Piul LJll(k. fltMJ Sl111tr1, BM Dtnver. A pl1Jful con111 cmnf. mort inle11t on stud)'ln1 lh1 111r1 than thei1 ltookl. b1com1 tfn'l)!vtd with 1 local ni11rtcJub. (II) e "'" c.... t11t ... <C> 100) Milton Btrt1 is !ht Dtl]td of bouqut11 1nd butl1 throwll ~ 1utrts )In Murri)'. Pit H1nry, l od· d~ LQltr, Ann Jattrey1, Dtll1 R1at and John Gary. D @(I)!!)T1ot """"' (C) (60) Duncan tells Trte)' ht 1us· 11ect1 Pllllip rnurdertd B1)'10f; Stn· ator J1nnin1s trt3911 his tl!.11 11alnst tllt bank: Jona!tltn his • con,lron!1tion with his k1n1·lim1 bl1cll:mailer. t'll NU Jo1m11I (C) (60) "Gut• dhl's lndi1.n Altc Guinntu n1r11\u 1 pro111m commemot1Un1 !Pie 100\h 1nniversarr of !ht birth If !ht lt11 M1111tm1 G1ndhi. Ill la £1trtllu J lbtN (30) ,,,.u a m-.., <•> <30> Doris i11Yite1 her oHiet llltnd1 It !ht 11nth fol 1 lamlly Cl!ristm1s. but they h&'t't mor1 t11morous p!tnL D lt.n (C) (30) Buttr Ward. m He s.id, • s.w CCl c3o> EE """ Otttrl (60) 8) ltriltl Milkll (30) ; Goulet, for instance. presided over a sketchy f:ummary of the top shovr music of the period, but J11UCh more jnterest.ing was a (e\v seconds of old tape showing a boyish Goulet making his TV debut. Equally interesting was an old black-and-white tape pf Barbra Streisand in her Sullivan debut in 1962 ,J.nging "Cry Me a River.'' follo\ved by a recent color tape o( a very sophisticated Streisand perform- ing in Las Vegas. ~ ~ d°"""Jo"'1 7:10 11 9 00 c:mmD CIS Cllll-dr111'• "'"" (Cj (60)"J.T.H Story, 10:00 fJ a (]J Cini_ lntll (C) (6G) . ANDY WILLIAMS sho\v each \veek is a hand· some, tuneful hour of music and gentle con1 edy done in excellent taste. And the annual \Villiams Christmas show when the whole family -parents. ~rothers, sister , \\'iie and chil dren -takes part conveys the spirit of the holiday better th an a n1· yariety show since Perry Como's day. · . The p~ram broadcast Saturday night \\'ilh i: holiday music and. the reflection of genuine fa1ni :· -aff~on. resulted 1n a very fi ne , happy hour , On · of 1ts buill·in attractions is that the vie\vers can se ' .Ji ow much his children have grown in a year. ;· There "'.as no glamor but plenty of adventure .and danger 1n NBC's actuaJily special F ri day ni.ght. "Sahara" was an account of a caravan of men and camels carrying a cargo of salt across the vast desert. THE DANGER -lack of \\·ater, gettin_g lost. sandstorm -was al"•ays presen t. The 1ncn plodded ahead, carefully rationing food and precious water b etween oases. •. The. Photography \vas striking. the script \Vas filled with the small and fa scinati ng delail and \vas well presented by ~harles . Boyer. It certainly de· stroy~ any romantic no ttons about shieks and Bed0UU1 s. . ABC HAS signed ··Be\vitched0 ' for another three leasons. The situation comedy is no\Y in its sixth season and the ne\V agrft!ment ins ures the presence of producer \\'illiam Asher and hjs \vife. E li zabeth 'lontgomery, the star of the series, through nine r ears of fantasy. , Dennis the JtJe11ace STEVE ROPER ' . M11(E NOMAD HA"> TAKEIJ Hlf. YOU/llG' l.fECAANIC ?.-ll 70 At,/ IJAIU5U4L R£5TAURMT, .. 7H£ PI T srJp·:.. By Saunders and Overgard , DOtol'T TELL M! You·Re NOT oM THE MAKE F"OR. THAT CMARACTER AT THE NEXT TABLE.'-I SAW ')tlt.J GIVE Hl"1 THE EYE, FlllTZJ.' Mun AND JEFF By Al Smith GORDO MISS PEACH f uTuRe- H uss11NDS Of A//'lRICA - CICERO, Yo u DON'T BELIEVE "T+-IEA..E IS A SAN'TA Cl-AUS, Do You ? -OH, SUR.E., l DO, UNCLE JEFF.'-· I COUNTED F IFTEEN OFT~EM UP TONOW.1 PAT//lNf;E, FRIJOJ-E FAN.l. r1esr Wl1/le. WORKJ}J(; 0 ..AS HARD AS CUil ,LfTTLE PAWS PVIM!Tf Jil/AIOIU0 5 Cl! YOU CICN'T .eJJCl05E SEV'-- ADDRE 55ED, .SiAMPeo E/.JVE l..OPES[ SORIN!Wi ~CIPE-DOEsN'r I/AVE W//J05.f I WONDEIZ. WHAT Ol.11" FUTUll:E WIVES W IL.L. BE WKE I l~'T Kl'low1 sur I "II\ <iO\l'ICi TO llE PICKY ... By Gus Arriola ly Mel ,,,, """" ' I c,;;: . • , .. - 11·.:i:a. !£\.•-le 11': !1•.)!° 1 r~schldulid rnim 0tc11nbtr 13. of Sln1tr Sltvl l1wr1nw and b1l1tt ., sll~. lontly b!1ck youn11ter who tt1r Elfw1rd Vllltll• 1utst. :!fiends • woundt d Cit lfld nu1MS e ..... (1:) (60) Tom lltddin. ~1ck to lift. Ft1lur1d in Ille east ! Ktvln Kooks, '°n of 1d0f llolt· l HD01i;1: Jnnttt D~l1; T~trua :iritt: Michael Corrin: 0!11 fl· , :n:. Holl1nd Tay:o1; i nd H1ltn , .Grtin. 0 SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS * Christmas Mus ic Special Carmen Dragon and the Glendale Symphony Orch . ".J 1 IPICIA I tovnds ti Qr!U11 ~".l) G!end1l1 S)'mphony 0Tcheflr1. :'} Stu111t tllt Sbll (C) (30) l?lls tr• """ I. Orvis, .lontlh1n ') and Wiii HutchinL 1 ! ltGW I TM T111111 S.UIHI• Chrtltiln (Cl (45) fututtd i re :~•Y G1ier, Jtcll lt .loteph, Su11nnt ~d Geoff Edw1rd1, The Collt1late 0 fiJ) (l) r@ Lt•t, A111rlca1 Sl1tt-(Cl (6()) "LO't't ind tll1 hisi· tivt Min." 'llfilh Ann llvthertCll'd, Hamilton Ctmp, M11i1n111 McAlr· drew Ind Iris Rtlntr. '"LDYI '"• ltlt Dltler lM," with Dlrid Htdi· $0ll Ind Mary Ann Mlltltey: ''1avt i nd th• Bld'ltlor," Arin Sothtrn, Brandon De Wildt, l r111dt Benet. fJ Dtll1l (C) (60) m flews (C) (60) Geo1j1 Pull\lm. m ""' ....... (60> eil) firill1 lint (C) (SO) 0'l'lttD1lat- in1 for PHtt:' £u1tn1 ROiiow, !'Of. mer Undtr11Ct1t1ry of SUit, i nti J. Roll.rt Moskin, foni111 Editor II Look M1111lne, tllscus1 withdftwal from Vi1tn1m. Ill """ .. ·-(30) :ophonlc Orch1str1 o1 Solrttllm ICl:SO Ill Cf'idlM C1101t11 (30) '1lllornl1, pl1yln1 undt r mvslc di· :dor iJ1tk Whelton, 1u1n cGnduc. :• St1n Kinion, Op&rl 1!1r M1rl1 11:00 fJ DD CD NtwS (C) 1rtlno tnd her ton Rosi1no. Th1 ' lttlt An11l1, 1nd Th t Youn1 Slin!J 0 TM W•tt11111t C'.'icr1l1. 0 Tlrt Mlltlt It• (t) 0 Mlllioft $ Movlt: (Cl "'l1lt h int ol ltndllpu1" (dr1f!l1) '65-l1111 Turne r, Rlchud Burton, MidM!tl r.ennit. rrtd MttMun1y, Join Caul· !ltld, Eu11ni1 lton·Tovld!. TM rk:JI ind corrupt wilt of an En1tilh O)Oritr lilllit& l!ll m o oo a Ill ,.., «1 m m m .... (C) '\Ob11m1n 11111 i" lavt wilh t ltril· ll:JO 1J 9 (j) Mtr'f l rirlll (C) li~nt dtclor whllt in ll1nchipur. 0 tD (I) m Jttl11111 ea,.. (C) fU Tnrlil • C.-.11111m (CJ (30) SUb liOst is Hu1h Oofrns. '1i) J.,.u I« 1t1 Dtttft11 (CJ (60) D • .,., ._ (C) GUtltl ,,. it Cil aJ Tiit Mlllit ,_flt (C) AAtt Brook. Grice Hohttl. Yit ~ Ttclnk.tl """' l O Damone •M Anthony l'la'liftY. '"")Frtlld Chi (l O)( J~lit Chlld. 1 2.,112icfa:1T•t JtlJ I I•••• !I) Clt!Kllt ti It" (30) I 11 llhW: ........., Oii a frll•• l'O M1 Wt1N '"' Wtlct1111 tt ti (myaUiry-drlll'lt) '!1-f•rltf Gtlftl• !C) (.JO) "W1r l rtwMft Mtn 1MI' er, Jloblrt Wt1Mr, ll:utll Rttntll. Womtn:• L1IO 0 £0 LlllP-ln (C) (60) Tin1 Tim 1unt1 in • ttlutt lo tht p1st, '1tlrina lht 111b tnd t1n11111 lllt IDM..W. ........... (co1111dr· m11110t) '4'-4tynla Jtl\"•· Mtr· 11rwt IMllllrfon., GODIM With111. s)n11 ol MY1r1t '*•dn. (R) 1r:oom1"": "tllr.....,.. (cerned)) II;) lid: ... .,. (l O) '3-Grtt1 Qynt, Dmb l"rlca. at I IPICW I Cllrhtllm M .. Yt'hltt "'IUI \'C) (JO) EE~ Mwtllt/FtlblJt (30) m --<Cl (IQ> Ill HH """ (C) (60) TUE50AY 1;00. Mnie: (C) "'l'lltrtlr ..... t" (l'llJlttlJ) '56-John 1'aint. mu-(C) 111 -.- tt:OO CJ (C) .,.. .,.,,. OM"" (drllfl•) '56:-Mldlll lley, Wollt Hgyos. ir:oo e "Attilb ..... ..... .....,.. (muslc11) 'JI -.llci 1111'11)'. )H~ DAYTIME MOVIES '""'tt. I l:ID D """" ... '* A11t" (001'11• l:ICI m .,...., Watlf" (my111rr) '&l td1) '!il. -Ann llJtll. [d111wlld -D111a AndrlWI, Anrie lat". Gwenn, Jotln Mclntlrt. l:JCI n "Sb'llt'" (tOl!lldyl '41-tlau· dtlt• Colbtrt, 117 MOiand • Z:JO C!J -..tetaf1 ...... 11~ (mr.11k.ll) 'J!-Tyrent Pftff, All<• flJf. Don Amecll1, Cllltl Mttmtn. m "lwnp 0111" (d11m1) ·at -1 •:oo II "II'• • 11f•flit•rftl Utt'" (dr .. C•rr Gr1nt. Do111I•• f11fhnb Jr., 1111) 't7 -J1mn St1111•rt. Donn• V"octor Md 11ltil. Rctd. Gtorll C:r1ha1111, Ward ~"d. ' Nothing to Say Hollywood's 'Hello Dolly' A Lavish, Beautiful Bore By JANICE BERMAN Of ni. DtOr •not '''" 'that movie 'With Barbra Streisand, long.awaited and much-heralded, t h a t 'eX· travaganza which 'gathered dUJt on the shell while David Merrick's smash mu s I c a I version played to packed houses on Broadway, has finally been taken out or the can. lt's packed with dau.Iing mu SIB .BLOWS! Whale Watch Cruises lsginninqDec.ZD Leaving From the MLBDA PAVILIDI Daily Al 1 pm Adolis $3, Children $2 CALL 673·5245 HAL ttOACtf'S Ntw "THE CIAZY WllUllF "UlllB.& ~ HAmY" _ .. __ ... __ _ _ ,. _____ . _In .. --w. C. Fields ,,, •TM Barber Shop • n. Ph1rmai;lst • T"-F1t1I Glass of 8eM t"T'aint a Ill nighl out •..•• ) ~-1ec1\.,o~--_., __ _ £dlll JlllWIUl"flAtTVlll FUCKfll~ NOW SHOWING 1t These Two County Tht1treJ GROVE 9611 Chrdon Grove llvd. 537-6600 sets and costume~ a n d brilliant choroegraphy. It's also a bore . No, I'm not an effete Im- pudent snob. But it seems to me that when so much time, money and talent is lavished on a production, that pro- duction should have something to say. "Hello, Dolly," for all its noisy exuberance, is silent. The book is simple, its humor quHe witless. EYen Walter Matthau can't save it by 'Wrinkling his scalp. The charm ol the production line is in its staging -and it dies there. Barbra Slreisand sings as gloriou'1y as ever, but plays OlllY to •her audience NIXON TOPS TV RATINGS NEW YORK (AP) -Presi- dent Nixon's news conference t.1onday, Dec. 8, was the top. rated televisioo program for that week in the Nielsen 70-ci- ty survey. The 30-minute news c.:on- ference v.'as seen on all networks, but the rating vt'as for NBC. The rating was 29.9. The news conference edged out the "Hans Brinker '' special on NBC and ''Marcus \Velby" on ABC, which tied for No. 2 with 27.3. WOULD YOU BELIEVE REUBEN'S •+ the Oren9• County Airport is +•king RESER YA TIO NS for New Y ••r's Eve Perty? DON'T MISS OUT Coll 540-2.475 somewhere beyond the set. Sht drains the role of Dolly Levi, Thorton Wilder's warm, womanly matchmaker, of all compassion and tenderness. What she substitute,, is an ac· cent that range.. in a schizoid fashion between Sou t be r n drawl, Brooklynese and Brit- ish. The only point where she touches base with any kind of human emotion is in a brief duet with Louis Annstron,. And without him, she couldn t do it. Ifs a sad feeling to write all or this. But the way the coun- try has moved and changed , plays like "Hello, Dolly" can call up nothing but a little wistful longing for th'e simpler days, when a lady showing a bit of leg was no lady, and when musical -comedy was a renectian of the times. IL isn't any Jooger, and t wonder if it ever can be again. Not that the musical fonn is dead. Look at "Hair." Maybe you'd prefer not to. No mat- ter. It says something about the way youth is changing, soniething far beyond the ex - ternal trappings. It talks about alienation and hypocrisy and Jove and joy and truth and beauty. Perhaps the topics are cliches. But the ideas behind them are not flawed _ "Dolly" says that love, love. love lnakes the world go around. But for a play or musical or song to n1ean anything, there has to be con- flict, there has to be some idea beyond that of a middle- aged grouch who run,, a feed store. It's too superficial, and it just won't work anymore. By the way, as I end this tirade, I might suggest that you take the kids to see "Hello Dolly." They 'll be able to see a world that they'll never really experience, a world without hardship or hunger or pain. , . ........... ...... ltllllilf MERCHANTS' FREE TllnTn CHRISTMAS SHOW ~: DEC. 23 & 24 at 1,30 2905 E•t C••t HitllW9f Corofta del Mar-pl!. 67J-6J6G lJlli\MJllliliiMJll'lM"5MMJI SHOWING "MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" A war111, e1cltl .. eH nf1119'"ilbl• ~ro l•tffMftof..,.,.I A SHOW FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN TOOi oo 0 N e~v ear ·s , Eve at . Disneyland - () 0 O' Harbor Area Space Oass On TV Show The Space Scit!nce Learning Program of the Newport-Mesa UnifieJ. School District will be the topic of the television show, ."Campus Prof i I e Presents -InnovaUons in E:ducation." The se ries presents outstan- ding experimental programs currently in operation t.hroug- out California:. It is sbown on Channels 5, 11 and 52 . Nine students will appear on the upcoming show with three tel{;hers. Monty Fones, mobile science laboratory teacher, w i 11 present a lesson on moon geography to fourth graders Susie Hirshon . Doug Brockmeyer and Cindy Frost. Siz: participants in la.st sum- mer's high school science in- stitute will review t h e highlights of their summer work with John Johnson, science department chairman at Corona del Mar High School. The students are Sten Vermund, Howard Royster, Maria Ricca, Roxane Salyer, Nelson Johnson and Steve Burlingham. • The program will air on channel 5 at 8:30 a.m. Dec. 27, on channel 11 at 6:30 a.m. Jan. 2 and on channel 52 at ,9:30 p.m. Jan. 11. Mt1t1day, Otc1tnbtr 22, 196? .Fir•t of Serie• X '!! , rrJI(Plol Change Upheaval ..... ., .. '" .... ~ .... ' EXCLUSIVE Ahead for Movies (l!:•h.,'f ,.,.._, W~tl 111$ •'*d fot -WOfld <Ill ... 1.rn.1-1 lfl !tie .... , ckc1dtl FC41r 01'1 wr--.POMl.,..11 t-0.le ttlt' QW9t!Ofl I,, ffWlr OW'I f\9)11$ -movl•. 1e11vl1Wln, -lh.11•1" ~d nlUllc. TOll•V \/'""'" Scott prottcls I v~ ot HollV'llllllld In ffle lt1t'•.I By VERNON SCOTT IJl"I .....,..... Ce11e1M,...ftt i10LL YWOOD -Revolu· lion, upheaval, change and cootroversy will mark motion pictures in the decade of the 1~7'0s with ext remi s m gradually giving way l o speciaiized programming for children, teen-agers, young adults and oldsters. It will be a period of new directions and change from the movies or toda y . P..foreover. the face o t Hollywood itself will undergo · traflstormation. The old RKO, 1ater Desilu. si.udio was absorbed by Para- mount. Paramount's lot (an enormo1.1i5 one) is now for sale -as ' Cemetery, parking lo~ ol light industrial site. MGM, the mammoth of studio properties, is on the block. Twentieth Century-Fox may be sold because the value of the property bordering Bever- ly Hills is worth more than the ctimpany. Ten years ago... Fox sold 260 acres to Century City for $60 million. WARNER SHA1TY Stz: and nudity will run iL1 course. But just as the general magazine has betn disap; pearing -the Saturday Even- ing Post, CoWer's and others -so is the general audience mOtion picture. Disney will reap millions during the decade speciali.z.ing in films for "Iamily en- tertainment." Youngsters SHIRLEY Macl.AINE coming along -Peter Fonda, for instance -will make the JOHN McMARTIN "in" or with·it film for the SAMMY DAVIS, JR. -· . I\~·::®:·!:·:~:"!""':·:::~\ ob~ss"'"' generation. t\1lke Nichols. Alan Pakula and others will tell it more precisely as It is for adult au--- diences which no longer can abide cla~trap, unrealistic stories with patented endings. But there will still be room for the big. booming musical: "Hello , Dolly!" "Funny Girl," "Sound of Music," "Paint Your Wagon:' Some ingenious producers and directors will occasionally put together a motion picture plea.sing to the entire spec- trum of moviegoer. Movies will continue to draw material from Broadway. novels and re-makes. But better original screenplays also can be looked for. RATING SYSTEM The rating system \Viii become more than a guideline. Individual moviegoers altn-0st The recently sold Warner will be able lO classify Bros. is shaky as a physical themselves in the X (no code plant. And Columbia must de-approval from the Motion Plc- pend on the success of its pie-ture Association of America), 1-"="'o= lures ye a r -by -ye a r to R (restricted), M (Mature) or determine if it re.mains an en-F (Family) category. tity. New stars will abound, but, Only Universal, a sprawling as in the '60s, demonstrate complex ol. movie, tel~on less staying power. • production and tourut"" at-Certainly Barbra Stl"eisand, traction, is safe f r om Liza MinneUI, Robert Re:dford, bulldozeni . Clint Eastwood, Mia Farrow, But new. compact, Kim Darby. Dustin Hoffman, economical plants are being Katherine Ross, Ali MacGraw, constructed. Cinema Center John Voight will pack theaters Films -a CBS subsidiary --mini or otherwise -with is an example, being built fln young people. the old Republic lot. Still others, unknown at the Physical plants, however, moment, will become major are no longer important. Their film attractions v i r t u a 11 y overheads are burdensome, overnight as did Hoffman and taxes high, and the studios in-Strei.sand. hibit independent production The old Actors S l u d I o by laying off the cost of run-method is moribund and ning the lot on producers ren-dying. The predictable style oi ting space. Marlon Brando. Paul Newman Continuing a trend begun in and Rod Steiger is tias.se. the '60s, there will be more So. too, are departing the location filming around the "heroeg" John Wayne, Burt United Slates with interiors -Lancaster, Richard Burl<>!l, and tbe bulk of exteriors -Charlton He.:iton and Robert being shot in S o u t he. r n MltchlXD. California because of !l'> REALISM =;::;::;::;:;:;:::~==1 diver s ity of seen• c Movie audiences want -~ ':"...bacJrarO':lnds. ----reaJ1sm--;-wrucll7""'in the '705; e NOW SHOWING e EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT Ttlt EVEllGlllCEH rllM PJ1[5ENTEO l't <OYE l'ltW !ITAllS lENA N'!'MAN. A SAHDRlWS PllOOUCTION Ol~tCTEO l'I' 'llLI<Of !IJOlolAN. Al>M1$SIOH •LSTlllCTEtl TtlMllA.1"S.. NOTE' Wo will be clOffd Wod. & Thurs., Dec. 24 & 25 for employHs Christmas. NEW TREATERS should play hob with the Another enormous change in handsome profiles: .Rock motion pictures in the coming Hudson, Jim Garner, Cary 10 years will be the continued Grant and Gregory Peck. di.sappearance of movie All will make room for the theaters as they have been in young. the past 30 years. Fewer film comedies will be The rococo palaces are made because television has a bting to'rn down. not to be virtual lock on s e t • p i e c c replaced by drive-in theaters, humor. but by mini·tbeaters. . An increase will be seen in These are small theaters the number of S<H:alled Mo- without balconies Uiat ac-lion Pictures for Television. commodate from 200 to 500 These are mostly I o w - patrons. Jerry Lewis has budgeted, low-brow. quickly alre1t1y begun establishing a made, poorly written motion atring of them across the pictures made e:cpressly for country. television and later release Other entrepeneurs a r e abroad in the theaters. following. Again, economics is The descending star will ap- t.he ke)'. Mini-theaters are pear Jn them more frequently automated. there is no pro-while the up-and-comers will jectionist and possibly no hold out for feature pro- ticket-aeUer. The film runs ductions. au\omatically, and lhe Jl'°Oper One detects a rebirth of the amoun1 of money is inserted motion picture in the 1970s - in machines to gain entry to and Hollywood -now that the the theater. old mOfUls are dead or dying, A single manager-us her-the studio system abolished bo~ocer is all that is reqUired and a realiza tion among the to man a mini-theater. new breed that film can and But the name of the movie will combine art and cn- T~hnirob-' A Poromou111 Pw;t~re ALSO-Dick Yait Dyke I• "THE COMIC" Starts W1dn1sday .. ~L ........ Rio THE 5UNOANCE KID OJ.ILV PILOT :fJ ~-... * M M...,.10 .., .. STANLEY KUllltCl PRODUCTIO• 2001 GIPfll»Olipl'V CINEMA SClllN ?lfETROCOl..OR EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING SHOW TIMIS 7:00 &-t :JO MATINEE SUN. 2 • _,_..,. Second Gr11t Pix ~"""°·"'·~ ..... , ..... ,~ WESr. "'""'"""' ~ ~~ .. ·, .. .. .. .. .. • .. • - Starts Wednesday , \\ALT DISNE\'"S IOI ) .-11 c..•rm.1i.-1~M DAIMlllllS game is still stars and good tertainment, some th 1 n g HARBOR ot ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE 546·3102 Pictures. television doesn't attempt. •\ _ _::::.:::.::: __________________ ii ON HARBOR ILYD. -ON( MILE: SOUTH OflSAN DIEGO fWY· NATIONAL ClNl:fll•l ~"°l'tAT!ON I I Fo-·x··~~-ClllST World Premiere Enga9ement ~n "One of the smashing box office ,.. ... ,......, ..... ,...21s1 1ucc1s1es of 19701" -L.A. Times NOW PLAYING The One, Only And Origlnal I WiWiiiii°iii1 YIRNll LISI lmRYIL ... --"TBB CllRIS'nlllS I TREE" ....................... Holly Mis•ion Susan Balson, above , plays lhe role of a dedicated nun who befriends two motherless children. tonight al 7:30 on Channel 2. wben the "Slslers" ep isode of "Guns1noke" is aired. ' ' • • DUS TIM \ HOFF MAM MIA FARRoW· tvlM • ... ,.,,., ,1 .... ef • 11111tettef11111•.'' -Ch•rlet Ch•l'l'lpl ;" l.A. f i111e' "U"tt .. t1 .. e1tly, It h ... ef ..... ,.,. .......... ,....... •• ftl1111 of ttle ,.....,.. -L.A. h:•111i111r -""'·- e CONVENIENT SHOW TIMIS e w ... -TlllR.-Mlley, OK. 11.1a.1t-1:Jt -4 tilt Coatht1•1t Shew hety 0.,, "-'f .. 9". Jt 1 :Jt-J:Jt-1:1t-1:J0-9:Ja 11.-. ' 'I .. I I . \ ,.._..,,.._,.... ..,~:~~."7"'f!"•,-r·~-~~~,.-,.,,,,., -. ~r;+----r---:··~:-----... -..-.-...-;-r,-, ---~--~-·---·•--•• • .,·~1~• •>•·~·--.,••,•"""".,"-"""_.,,., """·"""• "'", ~."""."'"""."""."""•""~-·-----.·,--·-~ -. ~ .. . ... • l l l Fear Funds cJJt ' \Y., .,, PareriiS-Seeking· ' .. ~ ' ' Mongoloids Help WASHINGTON (AP) An The motheN' organization a organizAlion of mothl!:rt ol .wUrungioo:atta group ·cali'.ed Mongoloid children plans .an · ''Mothers <!f 'Yo11.n'a appeal for ptit\late moM:y If Congress' fisc al a• cuts oU M o n g o 1 o i d s , ' ' recently federal funds for· a · prom!s:ing mounted a national Jetter· researq.h program a g a I n s t writing campaign protesting Mongolism. · what it said was a threat to . . the program because of' 'pro-The .research program ls posed cuts in appropriations reported to be the ooly one of for the National Institute o! its type stih iQ extstence in the Neurological Diseases and United States and fs altned at Blindness. determining whether'a sllll-ex-perlmental 'drug can improve Mn. Donald G. \Vymcin of the ~iou.:i mental re.tardation Alexandria. Va., a; s~ f M I ·..i. for tile organJza.Uoh ·or 55 0 oago 0•~. mother~. said in an .1·~~. LEGAL "NOTICE her organization . was en-- couraged earlier this week when ·a Senate appropriatioas subcommittee-increased by · $11.4 million funds recom- me-nded . by the Nixon ad- ministration's bodgel for all projects-of the neurological in-· · st!J uU:. About $50,000 had been •ij~l.<ij ~W"1r.iilitl sougbl for the Mongolism pro-• • ject. ' ~ .. \ LEGAL NOTICE SUl"EalOlt COUltT 0, THE $T.t.Tli 01' CALll'OINIA FOi THI COUNTY oF. ORANGE Yff. A...Ul NOTICE 01' Hl!AlttNG OF PETITION FOR "llOSilliTf 0" '#ILL AND 'Olt L.ETTEltS TESTAMENTAltT SU,lltlOlt COUltT 0' THE STATE .OF CAL.lfO•IUA ,Olt TNI COUNTY 0, 01tAN$1f Ht. A"4ilt NOTICf Of HEA•ING 0, ,lfTITION fOlt 'ltOIATE Of WIL.L. AHO 'Olt The liubcommittee, headed by Sen. Warren G. Magnuson (l).Wash.), sig11alled out:the projttt for special praise iii its report. Is Seetng . .Qefiev~ng? A ki ng-sized eagle in a parking lot? No,. not really. The eagle head was en rou~.1from Azusa to Pasa- de~a \\'here it wiU form· part:.of a II.oat for the Tour .. projeet are not provided bi the ulLimate appropriation , said MNJ. Wyman, "our on l y "But Mrs. Wyman sald she feared for the p r 8"£.J' a m because or reports fresident Nixon plans io veto the new appropriations bill,·•including appropriations for all the Na- tional Institutes of Health, ·if it passed Congress in its present form. · atlernative \viii .bi to try to seek money from private foun- dations." , 1£ funds for the Mongolism She ·said the experimental drug -designed to duplicate a , . .;. ' .. · • " , i ... ' if , ... .. ,,. .• .. ~1 -~·;~.;·'" . .. " ' ' nattiral chemical deficient in the brains of Mongoloids - 1 already has resulted i n definite improvenpmi h.1 ~ cle ·tone and cootdinitlon ~mong,.childr~n'lreated by Dr. Cbleman, bixt that . ·:the l.Q. (intelligence quotient). results .. UPI',.... ' . nament of Roses parade. The Chrysler Cdrporation float wil depict a giant ·eagle iil a salute to· tbe Apollo 12 astronauts, the parade grand marshals. are lnconclusive as yet." Atrs. Wyman said that, ··largely as a · rerult of an .,Associated Press slory Oct. IS describing the launching of the letter-writing campaign, a~ proximately 4,000 I e t t e r s were,sent to Magnuson's office ' urging his subcommittee to. approve funds for ·the pro-· gram. . A spokesman for Magnuson confirmed that a "tremend0us1 number" of letters had come' in. mostly from one part of the county. ' 'j, They're givin_g for ·y9u .. ·.what ~are you giving for them? . , ". Wherever the fare, whateve~ they are · doi ng, our men and women iii uniform are still part of our comm unity.-Your United Way gilt will tell them so. It helps the USO provide places wh «;re ou,r I servicemen can relax and meet friends J!O.d friendly people . And it sends the famous USO shows far and wide as a rem inder of horrle. With your gift,-their U~O becomes your USO, too. .. ' One gift works many wonders/GIVE THE UNITED WAY ------- • • .. • . . . . -' .. HOUSIS fOlt SALi HOUSll'PORIALI· HOURS POll'IALI 1 !llfn'ALS · '-'" · • 1111 c;-01\ ''1100 Oooioral 1000 00,..ool· • llOo Hoiltl ....... llM<h-1400~ !IMdt 1411f Ho•°' U11fu,11llllW:' HOUSIS ~OR SALi 11110-rol · -. · · " . i j · · i t..t• .Moio · r' ·_,aiiipr<tlil1iil#. u':l;;J~ ~lt~T E.· • AIR ~~fTED .. , .• ,., ~~~ . NEW l{OME i ,;.;.,2~~-~~~lt~~~rtt1 ED.Jor l\>o I ct J;:AS? O ~l S 0 N ... lly .. noo ... hreeualn · · . W0111dbo .d•iilhtedwilhttU1 IMMEDIATE MOYE IN mo.<julol~c.r ·~.!Pi\u!a . .. g~~ t~_R<ti~ ~~~~ se·e·· .:. ~~.~~~ .I~ =~M~.~~ ~~~ 2::..~~.Jii ~-;M ...... for,,..-..i;;;.ri ,12·x'1s TRleLEX """walJ!ln< dttt..., 10 • ·• • ,. ·Lowly · ·m · """""""1-.j llOJ:. 1t1o1,...1 . maalft'·bedNe.aul&e wHJi EAST ' SIDE ~b'35.~~e&n":: I ~ .. :n ... ~:~.500le -~;xc,m; . s20 w 1 • ~~v ..... 't '110 ~~· :,otiilt·~~~: !olr. • rirrs, Wardrobe ~ au.me 1be exiltl1W f1IA 1'*n :rht-fioe11t In oriental --~ ,,v .... , ·~~~~ , , . 1 1 f-.J. ~~~ • I prtnte both. y--EARNS·.$S,8po 00 tbla ]lftetl<aliy new ;.;. =:: ;!\.~ J~"';1cy! move In wl,th wcy lowdown. FIUNTilllGTON ·IUCH NEW E>otc. Hon\o · /poql ~ !.fo~;:f .° '· : !':;':,.':° =~ ~ .....;:"'~~ ~: -~" "°I"'· · ~~·~~~"~n~ · Ceil Now 962·.1353 · ' . ::,;.'~-·~~"'"" .:ViJ ~ ~. " * " . their awn .tiiltb! DeP&bt each. Dd1,Z)Ce ldtcben wi\h .dl.Uon.1Truly a tine 1 ..... -aft&. · )'OUl' wl.tei w!.th a redei'tined built-ins. OnJy ~ • <kMll • .......__... ~!for thOH wbo ' .._-i. -· · • : COit..-~ ,"' :· · 4ioil' ::h:~~;"'~ ~ ;:;,:;:o ~~ ORAHOE COllNTY-i . ~1}",.~,"'~;~ ORAlt~~~fY'S Newport Btoch · 1100 HuntlOgiW. Boo<h •* NewWf -..'. noo * S!lfm· ·*~ twen.Allthlafor$2&,000· ~ut.Manicured ' 'LARGEST . 262tHARBORILVD. HARBORHIGHLAN·DS. p l ·FORChl .IAYfl'.P'.r ··• ··· ·' ., , Owner wW help lliiance!! ~· E8cJosed garqea, 'un·HARBOR BLVD. 546 1640 Belleve US, these hornet are 00 r 1tm111 3 Bdma 2 ,,.~ boo1t .. ' .. -· •.•• I BUY YOUR WIFE A H<iME ,,,_ now at 136,9"'l, S.. 546 HIO OPl!N EVE$. TILL 1:30 hanl to find.·Bright, c!e&n.3 HAVE 2· lhorp 3 lldr,m S..ndy ·~ Pmoi.~ .,..: *· .·AflRES . *", FOR OIJUSrMAS! today. Dial 64>-0300. OPEN .. EVES Tlll.(1::11 $24 9501 bdnn 2 both hon\• with oozy AND I· lhorp 4 lldrm m•nliy, hoUllJl!p ...it, $500 • . ; . ' • • ' . ' • """'""'· patio " nicely llHt buys I GI"'· ,.HA mo. f . ·* Mof pl!Anho.~;. Eve.. Call 67H,116 CREAM PUFF! Occa&lonally ln l'esale homes one comes alona:: that's In fabulous LIKE NEW CONDITION I:: we have it. It's an IM· ?.IACULATE lara:e 3 bdrm home in a prime area. Cose to parlc l: playground. Beaulifully manicured lawn, wilh sPrlnklers, enhance the exterior &: inside you'll f ind lovely ca~t1 throughout & dish~·ash er. OOUND NICE ? IT JS & IT'S ONLY $27,900. YA BETTER HURRY!! 645-0303 WITHIN PRIVATE · 4 BEDRM +DEN landocaped. Walldn< HAFFDAL ltLTY 61>-10<5 I "1:-olon. ..;"'!"f'"" 'Jiii°, at Harbor. Center · WORK SHOP l\fe11. Vtrdet.2 bathti. Built.In dilltance to Mariners School. MJ..4405. ' 2 BR. 2 ',, dent din. room. l ~,~. 111. q:c. ... ; :rm Harbi>r Blvd 1 WALKING $22,000 PRICE kltcbon, covered patio. <Mn-Pri.,. 128.500: Cut ~24 . tn . lfha~'Pll ~ " I 1969 Volu~~ C.l\.. Dl1t11nce To Beech in•ex<"e11ent Colt.a Mesa lo-er helps "1th the fUl&JlCing. (optn ew1) South Coale Huntington Georpl,..,U~:-RW,tor S~ ....... '!)' 1 $145.5 MllllOfl This 3 bdrm. 2 bath home ~-3 nice' 1ize btdfooms 'i:"~~Ll 2955 Horbor Real .E•if:le. H11rbou; 1'405 ~ -· m:.~ .. ~' . , J; , m,, 1 •• !!!!!!~!'!!""l"l~!!"'!!!!•l ""'"tly paintod, plus new and • ho'"' fu!I of ... oh LUXURY BAYfRONT LOVlJY 1...-2 BR, 2 Dey, 111(-+!!, "'""" · SAIL AWAY drapts &: carpets. Plans tor carpets, Oversized lot wttb 2·. Br.,' ~% ba .. 5401 Loi Condom, Apt. :w/l BR., 2 BUll'..pERS. cloee oul!J Trf. BA. '.T,rplc, i:iew· cpts~· ,in;. • ~4 #a met' i: ! family rm. & entry avail. BIG, BIG 14 x 30. \VORK: I.dmu Street, Park Estates ba. Bay views· thruolit. level 3 A: 4 BR home1. Xlnt mef. po41. $2SG, · A&t. •·Phone~-Jitd~· , 2nd Story could be added SHOP for Dad! Towering aection ot Lona: Buch, (213) F'rpl., telT.: mooring It pool financing. ,!\.take reison&ble 6*-0733 •Miki" 'le'~ •v&a: · ' TQ VALHALLA for panoramic view o1 ocean. trees-Qft bUge custom cov. 597~ privilea;es. Xlnt trms. $65,IXX> oHer. Ori&" price $-M.500. . 2376 HIWPOIT aYD. $65,IXX>. ettd patio! it,250 00\VN for R. C. GREER, Realty Builders Acent. ~ ~·Sho.'91 3220 . . -fnl · ... ,; · But don't leave Ne'"'""rl un-Kathryn Raulston any buyer or NO DOWN Costa 'Mesa 1100 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 ~ tU ~· • .. -·--·--;:·achy ........ VETS. ,. . • KIDS . RUN Mlulcin Vltfo 1708 I'' BLKs lo,,...,,_ 3 Br, 2 2 BR. -IJv,. 'Ka>. 3 --. '""~ ..., .... , ""' WE SELL A HOME -Ba, 2 story A-frame, 19vely Frplc, 1% bi;, liU' t.-11. ~ ""'· 2 Bd. don, I~ halh. EVERY 31 MINUTES ANYONE CAN • ADU.tTS WALK ELDORADO l'fOMc R•ldentlal """"-1285 l.2!o5 -""-Cill • -· 11816j $26.soo and the owner wants W lk & L Anume this 6%% . 0ov·t to the ocean &: live in th is "' ~'~· l'ls.mT? •kdaya; ~s 1: ~ enough down only to COVOI' Caldw.U, llulctr & C.. a . e.r ee loon. ~ely 3 bdnn 2 hath 3 bdrm. 2% bolh opaciouo ~~":.. ~~·Jot.3 :'::..!:'.: · ....-.-· · r....;,,-,JliMi' •. 1;,l his COit.i. 1'.Wne >'Our tenm SJe New,POrt Center Dr~ ~ with all extras in-home. '34.950 ~-._ --_n:~ -""' and· move ~· ~wpo;rt Buch, C•llf. ~~ ~vd. :tilat,Apf!amsM· cludiJv intercom A: covered Grah11m Rlty. 646-1414 thruout. Inuned. OCCU~T .. un1.,.,..1ty P.;k 3237 -. . " . l»-0700 644-2430 ---~~·~v~~..Oiiiiiiii• I polio. Ult/mo. pays ALL. N•ar Nowport ""t Office Tenns .. VA ~ moneY.;"" ot . . . . • $25. ,., WJi.. &'Up ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 262' HARBOR BLVD. 5461640 DOWNTOWN Full price only $23,500. for a ---• FHA . Im. avail. Call'~ uk Biand new ~ Bdnu.. '9 bath Bvbekll" 4: · l ·Bft.. Jiii! poof ASSUME GI LOAN real vaJue. CAIL SW.1151 Unlvenfty Park 1237 for Nel Shukrs at · Xiaion Tnhouse $275. Avafi, now ~ _.:m Ktttt.:e' ;. Heritage R<ti !:elate Copen ~ --·• Vl•Jo Rlty Co. srl"50o or 2. BR. 2 Ba. Avall .1/15 S2!JO TV a-n · ::;·,~ ~CNr eves.) 830-28Q11. 3 &•Den~ $340 JlartMii~l' · ·· ,, · 3 bdrms 1% bath. lmmedl-·SHORT ON cAsH? 3% fun rm tnhouse $025 · • • • ' ·• ate posseS1Sion. Good street. l:l=ii=ii=i=ii=i Owner.will help -says he1l Apts. For SeS. t910 3·BR. 2 Ba. botiee $300 BACH. Qt. olda:' '~· SIO GI loan with }ow payment. $25,958 take low down payment; ~ .. . 3,BR 2 Ba ho.iee · $400 mo .• , co.np. ~,·Call OPEN EVES TILL 1:30 fl")' 10% down. balance, easy terms -Jets · ~ ~12 or 24 unl~: * RCd Hill.Realty 833-0820 after 5,,\2'7l:E. -·~'C.M. $23,500 ttik it over. See th~ , .. .,. Wtik to haach. A..,.ec. ·•'NASSAU P~;JO'- • COA .. TS Spa:rk1ine5 BR,2bl.,thhome Xrul 3 brand 2 ha home lath11a~a.ByOwner/Back a.v ,.3240 . ·l'l:llm..~•' ln excel. Joe. Cpt.s/drps, blt· • ...:.. y -~ Bldr "-'~-Co < ~ 3 UNITS Newport '"'· potlo. Compl .redec. Ex· ~.• ·~,,~eel h II 5.16-'519 ~~-. · EXEcunvE Home 5 BR.3 llT·J:. ~ "'· '~ • WALLACI c.I. terms. CALL MR. NEL-r •• RENTAU &. Cpl" d,..., ete<: hllnll. MIRIUMAC i09bs RIALTI>RS $29,950 ot SON 541).1.151 Heritage R<ti -·F llhtd 1300, 54WHO · Fun! uni!I .,,an. a.;.lld un. C.M. C!o.e to Oty Park &: aboppUw. 'Ibis cute 2 ·bdrm &: den home ka tures • large fenced lot, hardwood Doors, Heatilator fireplace, fruit trees etc. Priced rlrht at $22,750 ~4~!:,.., ~e Calta Mesa, Span-Vlctorl1 Estate REALTY -~· um 2000 2 B~i7z ~~ ... ~\~ ::c ~~':; ~ G$ Nmi-1.,,~~~~~!!:'J!!!!"' I islt tile tool, rentals on large MUil i 2 BR Hse I rar. Modern, on Univ. Park Center, Irvine aen.r,I} ~ Bonnie. PL _7Sl-o328 $145 1: .111111;.. ATI'RACTIVE, J 1~ FIRESIDE SUN 1TxllO'th ,_'~t • .:-OOt. me 1.185 * 642-1771 Anyt!mo'* Anytime M·I lot. 60xl40'. Cloolng C&ll Anytime 833.fnl a. 'dlL·I B hor hdr, pool, util paid.~ mon . V\U' ut:1l UtOOme re-El.tale, bar&aln. 922 Sunset ~._.,, rv 11y1 e C •I u. ..1:,. 11 .. 1 .... , ad, "'I>, .., ~ ,_ Ulnl In.,.._ NEED MONEY? v · ~-Dr. 5.11·""' or 640-4188 -----· ··FOR LEASE ..!"-"" ":"'"'''--'"=...,. ""• ~ ~-- \\'ill be ~Uf'!I in front of thia Exclusive With ,. . wacant ~n'd Rlcidy A REAL 'buy! 3 BR, l'ii ~A. CCN'ORll chi M11r 1250 Lovely. 2 bdrm home In s.,y. HUGE 2 BR. Dln. rm .. bltns, w.itace Ave., C.M. Palos Verdes raiUd hearth Newport To buy a new home · Investi. You. can be settled in ·)'OW' home. 2 units, 2 BR uch. ahOres. Newport Beach home l~I ba.; frplc, New cpts. 1 BR. apt.· lets ot ·~· fireplace, 3 bedrooms and ~ate our iuar&nlttd trade own kl~ for Christmas. J 5Zl-3871 or 827-7694 THE BEST featares FA heat. nice con. Fantastic pd.tlo;· 2 car Pool,·pr, UtU pd. SJ¥. llM paneled study or fourth bed· 11t 111 plan_ Let us answer your bedn>om 1% baths built-OF THE BLUFFS temporary charm, l a·r & e iaraie-$275 Month ~onrov\a. ~ room, with 2'ii baths lor con-qufftiona with no oblJp.tioa. in Jd~n. Fenced . Yarn 2 Meil! del Mllr 1105 · muteT bdrm. 11replaC41! in Scenic Properties 67SS726 E-~E Jae 1 .BR. frplc;, venience. Built in buffet in •Victari• Fair eDOIJSh! car-·garage.·A &DU& home' or A spacious 2·bedroom home UR. lmmed. occupancy 2 paneling. Prl pe.tio. l.adult. lcnoely dining !'0001, with a a sharp rental. $17,900 and VACANT with ?Ulltic beam celling. Leue thn& June 15 1970 : BR, 1 Ba, w/w crptJ drp8. no pell. $1.56 yrt~O: ~7621 : burstin& with storage space '46-1111 let's talk. ternl! custom decora.lin&. A pat» completely furnished 'OilJ stove I: refrW~ hll"Ced. air no;..ii&dll!klr' ltefric 4 hal: caleswerthy. . MOYE IN FOR nmk vlow from tlle living • lor lurthe . . heat $250 on lae. Util pd No •• .,. . ilm • . . ' kitchen. $35,900 and an ex-ORANGE COUNTY'S . &. CO. room and bedroomJ and a now r intonnation. pets. 501 MariPld M&-1449. plate. , J4. WC?!UB ~ .,.nent ""1 In Fouotaln VaL f =::z== =:=::::mf LARGEST CH1U5TMAS private •>' deck owrl-2 BR, So ct hwy: Frplc. '"°642-6046="°--~~~~.,..;I.I '"'· BEACON .BAY 262t·HARBOR BLVD. "Ai<nt" For A w;,. Buy" "°"' ,.,.., """'°""· ..... the Bay. All ""' Plus '"'"'· PA1JL.WmIE ""'" ....._"lfltna. Beam t BR iu,,.. Baell-"""'-M2·77T1 rate muter, large covettd min& pool and tennif club, _CA:INABAN clnp. l'73:690C pool, uttl pUl,:$lllt.'No E":ceptionally spaciaus home OPEU J~611fl~'4,!JL• •·""' CLEAN AIR patio for famUy Jlvtna:, cozy Call us 'about th1& outatand· aaALTT Co. 2 BR, l% BA (fplx.. Pri -bch. or"childr.n. ·~ I ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2629 HARBOR BLVD. 546 1640 . OPEN EVES TILL 1::11 OCE4N . !TWO) VIEWs ·' Exciting vitt from aw Drive in Newport Heiahta. 3 bedrooms, dlnfn& room, dt:llL"<e built·ln 1k\tchen plua tremendous basement rum· pw room -$4.000 down. $39,900. Panoramic view lrom l\faoco . Hil.ands, de- lightlul 4 bedroom and form. al dining room, tastetully decorated-term.-.431 ,seo; 644-7171 O THE REI\!, ."'\.. LSTl\'fCRS with-3 ~;boorns-;-1amily ~ -~ ~--....._.,._...,,_ lmma.c, c--aann. 2 baths, w/ Hving room with •lone tire-in& value. 11133 Baker ' C.M. 546-5440 Vlew;fl'Pl,c. ~Wts. nO pets. TRAIµlt. :~. ;onl~, room le firepla~ _PIUS sep-Divorce Forces s.1. ell!Cfronlc filternig he&tlna: place, sprinklen horit Ind ' ,,~ ' . ' $225 mo. 6f6..22ilt:t : . . for-stµdeftt or~ .... arateapa:rtmenA __ t .. ~~.2,bed-1.ovely view home. &ck le coolirw mtem, Beaut. fi~lorbe~j,:~tnt:e_~: ·-.--~-·-DUPi.EX.-;i>o:.cr.tt.·•BR. Stl-0811-!f,3J~~-,'," rooms. v.v.oue11w. oca-n ..... area 4 1, ~·roo tow ma.int. yard, l.ge, tam. ,.3 .,.... Newport le11Ch 2200 %% SA, bltnA. ·-1c. Gar. u .-:. , . .,· ....... J, ' , t1on for children • commun-....Y • • ~ ms, nn, aw.' patio Xlnt ccn:t. oae for only ($29,950;00). · ... .,. iwwplf 1 ity beach -tennis courts • 1am &: din. rms. Vacant. Im. tJtruout. J Car Pr w/aukl 546-2313 .i.:=::= FIREPLACE, Pool, 2 bdr., 2 $325 ·mollse: 5i41)..7513 ~, \ . hl : . . :ie~I;ioaho~ '":::~ =o:S::~;~,~~~~e !:. ~e~:.~~~a: ~~!~1=!~:tr., ~uJa:t~t~d;.!~·1~,:~ Hunttn.tOri ........ 3400 ~~9~oP~NfNCJ.) s •or 6 bedrooms. $19,500. &.54&·5llG ancU.. "1.500. dtn, :formal din~·" 2~~ ba. Can. <213 > 222-4309 or 67~ c.LARGE'iJ2 2'~11K. fqllc:, . . l~Dl~TI . , Call !or app·t. ,____ Riold ... ,,. Rou '15-nis l!aa ' "'""'""" An Oce.n Ml9. · new cpi.·..-<1rpa;,4hl or. · !)Cql!"~S:Y,. inhn macnab J:~ALTY COL~E!'E PARK ---· view lrom kit~ din. nn. & WATERFRONT Loe< Bdrm, l<nced _.-1d. ·$250 . L""""· ~·· - 1-(7141 642 -35 . --4.,BR. ·'2 ...... MoH Vont, 1110 !Nb'. Br. Pluo!l°cp" &-. new""" cpt' •. ,.,,pkg. 96>-8994 °, . ........,. "'""""".prlVIC)i. .. , IMM 8 Beaut, 1ndacfl.. Lanai for AValJ · Jan 1 $575 mo. JtENT Or Jede l SR. 2 BA ~~ 6.-:~ 901 Dewer Drive, SI.Ute 120 .,,,~5~% J.'Hn AC 4 BR. 2 A, tam mi. le,tllu'e. Hav,f a..Joot, you'll fi75..2Tl7. ' . fam ~rm. "'nr· adlla, bitns'. ~ .• rtcz.4..,,,hladl- N""'POl't B<ach NEEDS PAINT Prlce $20.t .>-$39IO(Down = ~~~~ many ho happy"""" do. . $2:IO. !ltl2-tl612 " '"":: • _ _.,,,, ...... .. ·$l50 PER MONTH Well hWlt .2 bdrm ho'!'o, '"" °"-tl:L!!!..,'"'!'ion .5!<>-IW $35.IOO. e BILL fl_A·VIN, Rffr. Corono dtf Mor 2250 NEW 3 BR all bUllll, J..&, "'""s.,._ ";;:~ ..... ID tra !up double gara1e, ac-'•un ·-2111 E. t, CllM 6'f3..321l · aJk · -~. "'=··!":-_•'.,.....,...! :\ <.\.• .IMMEDIATE ...,· to .ftar --~ R'' ., ... •7J.GR ,'7J..11M. Eves. lll5 tOU·S > SA .•" ·~3 2 BR. comp. tum...c:on....1oc. Jge.yd, w to beach.~ ~«_8*Dliitied z-• -~~.-i'ii-;;ii-\.Oii-= C.-t.M1 ,Park. • • · ·· """-' So. ol h-. ·-·mo· . M4;-!151J6 ,'U-..o...;, _ _..:111-· , ... , ... POSSESSION • room to build. $i9.750. ·oc&AN VIEW = · 511 ' ERNLEAF ., --NEAR THE BEACH a,..11)\aJii .. vlow! u;~ on Glvo Tht Car Awoyf° C ; ,.1 u. o,.;> V. Franklln)Utr673-2222 2 ~r. ~~ .:w(t.zse lo1 R<nq .r..pi 11'5 k> ISIO. AUume th" LOW 6'4 % ..; DUPLEX C ZONE a hill. 4 BR .• hlt..;.".6(1:>11 y 't need Ith 'N• orono -_, "'"'°'"hie No .t Jnalu, ..... _,,_.., •••um FHA 1--· at only 2 bdnns each aide, 2 aara;ea 2" Id ·~ ou. won. ere. ear Owner,.fJ "av l n '· SIMI at ••lboe lslencll 2355 plea.. •. 'C.,,;l.':J:tl'-4455. , ' .,..,,~R· ""~" , -·· -· _ ~,,,.. o . ~.soo '"'"'"'""' ochoot•; ...,.. ·~.~ .... ~ dOwn ·C« S2SOO ... •-te..& ..... • $160 monthly includes all .. ~.,,750 with tenns. CORBIN-MARTIN ping worship t S.v the .-""' _........ ! ·, .... ..,_" I ' I Extra 1:..-e cul '•·sac lot. WeU,.McCardle, Rltr1. REALTORS ~.1662 ' ' e c. e ' cub'·lr good car) $135/mo. $37S mo/yrly. 'Avail Jan. Fouftt11ln \t'11i-· 34)0 ap· '"'lt·~IMTC:' ' wl" roo· -m• lo• boa~t 0,. -"· 18lo Newport Blvd,, C.M. 0 '... c ·&r expense ." loolc what 61'.~ Int on confract, Ar-3rd. 2 'BR; 2 BA. Frplc, . · -"'."'' · ,.. "' :1•• ''"fl' er! Reuonable dO\'lfl P'""" 548-7729 644-0684 e\lel. BY ....___ pancy u1 nn um ..,. 1 .. , • • ua.u 3036 E. Coast Hwy., 001 else ~ Uhil .. 1 4· bdEarly2oc<Uo·•·th . ::t· cl bedroom cot•· ... e. R-2 p8tio1, dock. Adult& only. 3 BR. 1%. BA, J .. ' ·bonus rm. ' 17QJ ·18th~Stfeet ' ""3-• vwu1:1'"-lri aUam.able . · So of HiJhwa,y . Taxes 615-7880. ChUd'1 playhouse In rear. , 11~:, 642-11'.IQ· . : 1 $131 PER MONTK ~~~~~~ Rent? PAY $25,960 GI =·.3·Br~» ba, din :n~n =n: =~ '°;: dM. ripen until 11>ld. Prin-RENTALS1 Side yard lot boat or? :.Vell SINGLE· MWl.s ~ LviurJ Tndudes tues, insurance, WE SELL A HdME rm, nn, to schll, pay. Call Perron Realt,y ~-ooly. Owner/~. Hou1e1 .Unfurnished' Jand11Caped.·96l-IlOO aft 5. cvden W:, ~. 1 ~ jirlnc;pal a'hd '"""" °" EVERY 31 MINUTES 5TBREl.DLREVME.-L heh, -. onl>. $3.l,500. w.1m•evn. 540J!IM. ~·-·~ . . • • ·-4. BR, 2 Ba, ""'"· d""° nr d uh ·~1 iijld ., FHA loan at 5%% .annual w 968-T109 · -General 3000 echool1 Ir 1hop'g .. $200 mo. plete privacy. SOtmt.8A.Y pie FORMAL DINING alker & Lee ' NICE -"" 2 .... N .. h ••• Lido Ill•. 1351 ... M&-4256 ·or84J.192$ CLUB,.u>n. -·~ ·,woM, 3 spacious bedrooms, 3 baths, PIUSh carpeti~. Cdl\f, \\'tll kept. Frplcs. ewport M . -$250. J Br, pr, pat)(), frplc. _ · Ne\Y"POl't Bwta.. , . , 2 baths and ELECTRIC 279o Harbor Blvd at Adams ~p~. Parle like profeg,. Trtt1. My kJw price $61.000. l'IREPLACE I: pool for BAYFRQNT ~O. ~S .blk to beach. Ir Sllnte Aftll Helfhh '630 ·f7M>-~.· i kitehen. N I c e residential .:545-04S5 Open ;til 9 P~f sloriaJ J.andacapinl:! 5f0.l120 ~5787. Chrlstmu. Dlx.2 BR, 2 !IA HOMES Bay •. Childttn O.K. Bkr . ' 1 U BR fuln'6l!i~!i1fiq area nea:r .shoppins:, !IChools f ~~~~~~~~~l~T~A~R~B~E~L~L~2'~5~5~H~o~r~bo~r DIAL direct 642-561&, Charp townhle. $27,500. ·iX·ln t NeW or oldtt; with 'pien 5M-«IBO. ~ ACJlE hone nnch 8.nd!or • '175. C;lts. ~~~ ahd churches. Va111e priced HARBOR ISLAND RD. THE QUICKER YOU CALL, JOUI' ad. lbe:n sit back ~ tmns. Aient~ 6 "llfps, 3 BR, to 6 BR. $125. 2 Br aep house. Gan.p, ll«heed dot kennel. Clftn 3 pool; pl&.:1525 )'W&ntla · at $2',;ax>, excellrnt ttnns! Lovely Bayfront Homt THE QUICKER YOU SELL Its~ to lhe phone rill&:! · GIVE Now_ Uni~ Fllnd · Fh>rn $l49,500 lge yd for chlkiren I: pets. Br bout, 3 children at.1 ;,:;:::::::;:::=::=:;#::i::;,,I ·WE SELL A HOME with pier & ~;p ----Wolkor Riiy. 675-5200 Blue il<'!I"" 64.>-0lll. C.H. $2:IO. °"""' 540-2536. Nowpw1 ·1Mcii .. 1'Mll EVERY •1 MINUTES 2 •~--+ -~ t A--·rol lOOIA·-· I 1000 ~"ol 1• 3368\lloLklo,Nll ()ponSUn. ::::0 ,. ~uuo•oa a~.mtn _,. '""9rl _....... ! $165. 2 B.r r.ondo. Patio, L-• hach ms WA~-• 'I " l W lk & L Spacious bavside vatio R/O, rttrig. washer/dryer. --·· dock , _...;.;. . ;! . •Oa a er ee qu;.i location -I ..... Boach 1400 II«. hall• pool. Chlldr.n • LARGE, -, redec. I-Br. Yr':,,."'';f!.i..~ ....... comlortahle tndltional -· , CLEAN CLEAN pet O.K. Bia~ dllplei Octan view. Adalm, " · .,.....,. 'I'~ 'lll3 ~~., "'· Lla1ed !i4:;.~ )'ilh S~tt~lA-/tt.~s· a bdnna3 botha, Jo•lljaob $>15. Sharp. Br, 2 Ba. Din~ .::,,n;."""· c-.iii,,.., . •ua T,, a I • h , 139xp7><'0. 12".5\') IUll .-. rm, frplc, opi., drpo. hlbm. • . !'=8'01 . . . . . . .. , Ope11 DaOy 1 ·5 1220 Dolphin Tarr, CdM Fonnd dlniti: room. 3 BR1 2 ha.th1, h~ llvlnc room \\'hh fireplace + family room overlooking large pa- tio. 2500 IQ it livfna area. Lochen my er .... 1,,' HAR•O.. • rurz • wit lne lui/f.fn Chudle Ele<:trlc bullt-w, "'""'· ..,. Blue ·B<"""'· ecs.ew. C.M. L N'--' .. ._ 2 .BR. ·1 BA •. ~ .a • " en, dbbwuhrer, FA heat. $97. 1 Br yd, pr lbwe .... .,._. • ··~ bay. View.' .P'ti P•.tlo . r:.mi:mb=-r~ :: 1atp livlfW ~ with fire-w/w.; Chlid OK. ' • FOR Ude, $250. GOod ·view, ::!,;a no~ -'!'(I· low 10 '°''" M\ir lllf!PI. word1. place, double a:arare, cover-. Broker'5J4...4MJ . family rOom, 3 BR, 2 Jarae · I I ~.aluminum patio. Your • , paliot. p.rder)ini HrVioe DECGUL ' term~ 1115.d,.Br, yd, pr,,w/w. Incl 4.....io lltl~ ....... aClll . I I I I r lf*H,•-Chit~::~ Ml1~lon Vltjo' 2111 ~e;f:s~: iiall'Tir1i113111"' $135. 2 Br d•ptex. rar, fenc.d -· 11.n:c llil- YOUR_OWN PLACE IKYOPE I J yd~A"1ll,_.Cblldreo OK.' Br"""'· 2 Bath ,.BAUIOA , -AT THE TOP . . p..1 -.1 ~-• Bia cu--·earpettrw,· patio. available · 21> ..,.. --.. w!ley I'. I' I I f nc.., to ...-. -lnimOd_i.tely. $2llO p'tr BAOiELdii APr-.'IJil'@I . " --In y-.,. . . . . I • bdnn•.' bothl, l500 "I .ft, C9ol•MOoo UDO month..,-· C.U ·ud llO,.. _,m J:. . ....,. 18!0 N""'°" Blw., C>t Small home with '°"" 1 r-------· , cpta;..,,., hlt-tn., boat ·door .... 1or Net, -al Blw., ._ •· . CALL.6460928 Ev<& 144-1'55 rru;1 ~ u-. Slluai.':, I Hy DA I I J In douhle raroae to l.....S lJl5. 1BR Older, -.rltth a Mtoilon ·vi.:Jo. -Co. New VIEW Hom.1 :bj~0a;:;;t!:i~i:j 4 I I I I' I w~.'t:'~:'~ich~ait:.a°: ::X ~t =.~:; r~~·~: :!:!:: ·~=A;s..,..~ ~·'-!· -· D!Mr Shoru Ivan WeD1' 3 . . . . . tiful blonde sil'igin9 in the on tttm1. Call 3 10 9 PM only fC.4691 ._._ ~.. lfUNTINO~~•t ' brand new home" 4 bdrm< """"""· Slt,7'0. ,...------~ bolktub, pulS i.i, oar lo Ike P•ul Jones RNlty I BR ~-; ~ ·, ~,1, Aph. """'-p' · s~·-... " 3 ~-' "l"NID 1-.•• .•.1 1<11--· ·~~· • '-·~· -·· •~• · · w bR , pcn!i'uer mt, f1m. nn ,.. ' ------. • -c.ve. ~ yard. Cpfl,. • dnpn. $1t0 Chnarll al Mn 1-N ~1~oo.~J. ~ Barrett Realty I' I I r 0 ~~:::; ,::--... ~."=" 51/4°/a LOAN Mo.~: "f'319· 111!: NEW -VILL.\GE INN 'Nim 114'.'hnY6'- Co. 1430 G<laxy Dr. 146-1560. ,. • • • . ,.. -lop·~ ... No. a....... .. usume. Pymnt. 1161/mo, IMMACULATE 1 BR ...... --· I••: ,... 61""'~ - 4 VACANT LOTS IQW-U!Dr.,NB t.. • ~~~mus r r r1 r r r: ·r I ~.':.!:" ~s: ~g;':~ 131 E. 2111 =-="ti!:,'.';: ".°' 141._~_aa .. FREI a CLIAlt 641.slOO • • I mlt '°"" . 2nd TD avail 3 \iii ........ 1% BA. U'l3. It! """"' mald, pool. '""""" BACIWJlR a Jiil - Will trade $13,000 equJC, ar ::c...: UTT£lS 10 I I I 1 · I I I * BR.ASHEAR RLTY * . • Jut mo. + depoett. ""· 5tepl fo ._ch. .fmi ac-Sl4D '·•· ......,, _. ~ wh•t have ycut 1 BR, 2.BA, famfly ran, -• . • • • • • • 169JQ .Beacft. Blvd., HB 5Z1-38T.l or 827·7&94 1 ceptlna .,,,ua.tto.; • s. l130t -....... Ln. --DAYIDSOlil Realty '"'' deco,. 2 ,,. old·•lnl ' 347-«IOI Em. llQ-1118 CHEERFUL. Ocon 2,Br.•Tl! Cout ff")'.,~~ IW'!llef"'"'*•-1 •. , -"'°"· 1144-183.1 ~: Ji'.·::..~~"1 1 _s~c~.~~~ttt~·L~n:!rs!_ ~~!N!!!_$WE~~lt_!l~N!_!:l'!:!!~~··~SSl~Fl~'":!A~n~o~N~I00~0!.._ 11IE SUN NEVER SETS on w. Wilson. No '"''" I ~lld. -'\ • • yfNi IJN!TiD riJlib I -,_ 1:~-..,. .DAILY1'1LOTWANTADSI lllS"rll\OoC.UMl-:18Ca Dial"!-11711 ... REIULTS NotdiYoor.~ •• • .I • I .. , l1'19 C.UfllY, • e 2 BDRMS. lmmac. Quiet, · .Gi.E Adults, Ju x u r y cpts/ctrps, blt·lnl, beamed ratden apta, w/tull f'l'Crft-cell. Adul111, No pets.. tion """..i•w-.. , Sl40/mo. Herltqe Real . -... -.-.. -.. --- ""' • . 1 · _...,.,... A com.,.ete E•ta•e ~ -'-Jor 1.tr. Nelson. prlvoey. South Boy Club - Apts. 277 So. Brookhunt. 540-U.Sl Whlddy1 Wint? Wh1ddy1 Got? Sl'ECIAL CL.AlllPICATION FOR MANUF'ACnJRER SlT,500 lnvatment Into the hO. 1 Bualne.u Of the dQ". 25 yr, biatory ot suCCHS, now expanding operattons to So. Calif. Complete factm'y in- stalled & ready to go. Will train Princip&l of M£:n1t. abilities. C.Ontact immed. Once in a lifetime opptJr. to make that high income most people dream oL Starting salary $12,000 + ·llUbslantia.J prollta. Call Ken Ctillord (TI4> 774--7050 ' A-(THJ Tn-4"'1 ---=T"o"w"'N"'H"o"u"s"E,--t--New 2 BR. 11A BA A t A 2 Gorden Ol'OYe ~10 BR. Crpu, ""'· ••If clng NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS Spocl1I llm ' SING'~ Ad··• oven. 66-2108 an w. Wilton --.. "'ta Luxury · 5 Ll--5 tlmes-5 ...,cb llULll -AD MUST fNQ.UDI! WOOD Finish Removing Ii \Vood Bleaching Route tor Sale. Removing o.ld finish from modem & antique furniture. All \\-'Ork done on ptqen apts with country QUIET 1 A: 2 Br p.rden apt. club' atmosphere and com· Bltns, patio, htd poo I, plete privacy. SOUTli BA y adults. no pets. $160 mo. 1-Wl'lllf Ytll M•• .. ....... ~--WU W•llf In It .... a-YOUll Priont 1111/W . ...,_., +-$ !Inn ef llllv•rlltlne. '-NOTHING !JOit IAll -T"-A0l$ ONLYI PHONE 64~671 CLUB AP1'S 13.lOO Otapman ~ Ave., Carden Grove (n4J 1",..=---=co=R~!AN=o"E"R,--;D'°'r-.: J\J·l Or Commercial. Va.. 638-3030 Delm.e 2 BR. 2 BA. g:arage, cant. Clear. Near Briatol. To Ploco Your Trld1r's Porldlio Ad Sl55 rno. Adulta. no pets. C.M. Trade for houae or du.. L11una &nth 4705 5f&..2GU. plex in this area. Call • ICHARM'""''--IN-G--%-bdrm.---u-ni-t. I NEW 2 BR, l~ Ba, di~h~hr, 67$-$187. Newly r edec wJw cpl.a, d.rpg. upstn. Sl50. 7661~E-.-id-,-3-br-hm-.-&-2-,.-.,- c ........ 11,,., & d'rapes.' \V. Wilaon, 642--7958 Stt -...-.... t L. apts $29,950 val or 2 hni1 Completely tum. Lge. tree ~-;;::,:,· ,:;ap:::..:::..~~~~-w/5 rear apts, mo inc $788, shaded patio. 120 yds. from STUDIO apt, 2 BR, 1 1~·-BA. S59.500 val. Trd $l3 M eq tor \Voods Cove Beach $175 mo. Patio, Closed garage, nr s.Cal hm. Ownr/bkr 646-3750 l\UISS!on Realty 494-0731 shopping. Adult&, O'J peta. CHARMING Partly 1 urn seaside studio bungalow, &atden getttng. Lease $170 inc gar, all u t lllttes, Tel.e-oclear. Refs. 494-m5 SEE NEW VILLAGE INN Steps to beach. $35. wk $145 mo. LAGUNA 494-7201 SEE NE\V VILLAGE IN,N fonner Saddleback Inn. $28 a week. Lag. 494-7201 RENTALS ~ta. Unfurnished Gen•ral . 5000 S1'5. 642--2389. 40 ACRES rec: land with 28S5 MENDOZA DRIVE ti;ees near ne'v lake NE 1 &. 2 BJt apt.I. 2 mllt-level. Utah. Value $100 J>Pr acrt. CID bltn. N~f-t Trade all or part for car, ' 11• 0 Pe. s' diamonds, boat or ? &li4-418;i 54>-5421. See Mgr, Apt A 2 BR. $1.55. Crpb. drp&, !~.'. ~lly~sui~t •• !';ryin bltm. Pvt patio. encl gar. "" Y>"-U Adults. 549-043.1 clean. Will trade eqty for 3 BR, 2 BA, upotn, New home Ol' car or anything. 'I 548-2434 alt 6, 6424741 aft 6 shag cpt. Bltns. Xlnt North C.M. loc. $195 mo. ~7~151 Whatdoyoubavetotradt? List it here -ill ()ranee .l BR apt,·stn&le adults. Sto\"e Count;y·s lara:est read trad· & re.trig. No pets. 545--087'6 lna post-IP'! make a dea1. * * ./XMAS AT LK ARROW· customers' premiRs. AlSCI HEAD. Dr'dmatic 4 BR on . au work done by hand using aoJ.1 COUl'le & lake. $125,000 paint ,A v~ remoftrs. dear Low dn. Trade in-No compehtitJn. Customers eome' or ! (TI4> ~3103 do own refinishing, SSOO Ml'N. Home Big Bear (moonricf&eJ 2 Br. furn. $19M, Full, F.q. $10M. For cash Jor route. I will teach you. Call (714) 689-2000. Ext. 48 "Leave Message·• units, am res.Ide nee, lot or I O 631 O ro·s. 6JS.3450, Mr. Kin&. nve1tment ppor. 4 Br home Tustin. Trade for TAX SHELTER lot or acre in Redlands Al· 50 have Tahoto lot for Red. FOR SALE : Real Estate lands property 0~ vi c. Corp .• \V/$250,000 ta."t loss 838-3284 96l-OJl7 next a yrs, 80o/" interest or or mt're. Box .4 876 Daily Pilot 3 acres near Reno, value S3,000. Will trade Monty to Loin fol' late model Dodie 6320 Van camper. n~v" , .. :;6';9,., dryer, 2nd TD Loan $50 value. Trade. for freezer Prompt, confidential servtce or '! '?of equal value. Call 642-2171 545-0611 Vena, 645-1443. Serving Harbor area 20 yrs. * * * S1ttler Mort919t Co. 336 E. 17th Street VEN DOME -------··-----. ----·-LOVELY Le• 1 Br. crpll, REAL ESTATE drps, bltins, gar. Adults, no General RIAL EST A Tll Gantr1I Mort919os, T.D.'s 6345 IMMACULATE • .t.P'l'S! ADULT & FAMILY pets. $135 mo. 646-1762 1----------1·---------SEASONED 2 & 3 BR. Adults only, no Rent1l1 W1nted 5990 Office Rent1I 6070 4 -1st TD's; $5,237 Approx . SECTIONS AVAILABLE Clo1t to shopping, Park * SpacioUll 3 Br's, 2 Ba bal. each; 8%, aJI due J.8 pets. 998 El Camino Dr, LAGUNA BEACH mos. 10°1o Disc .. 191.1210 C.M. 546--0451 Air Conditioned $5400 lllt TD, 8%, 6 mos. * 2 Bedrooms LGE. 2 & 3 BR. Pool. Crpta RENTAL FINDERS ON FORESI' AVENUE sCasoned. Due 2~~ yrs. 12% & drps. Kids & sml pets ok. tree T• , _... De:sk space available In Disc. 49'-8100 497-1021 eve. * Swim Pool, Pul/pttn * FPpl; IM!v/lndry fac'ls 1998 ?.1aple Apt 3, 548-2808 • w. ~ CMI• ,,._ neweat off.lee bulldlng at ---- '4M111 prime location tn downtown ANNOUNCEMENTS 1145 Anoholm Avo. N-rt Bnch S200 COSI'A MESA 00·2824 1 ;;;·;;;;;-•;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~w11111n1 .. u.n11at Laguna Beach. Air condi· ind NOTICES ~ ••-It UTl!CIS ti ned •·--• bea tllu1 0 ' -~'=· u F nd !F Ad J 6400 • RENT • 3 Rooms Furniture $19.95 & UP ? :Onth-To-li-f1'W'lth Rentals WIDE SELECTION NO DEPOSIT 0 .A.C. HP'RC Furniture Rentals SPACIOUS now 2 bdr m 2 bath. Nr. shopping. $240 ~r mo. M1r!ner Squirt Aptt. 1244 Irvine Avt., N.B. e LANDI.OROS e FREE REN1A.L SERVICE Broker ~-89!2 NEED 2 BDR APARTMENT for under SlOO Mo, Cal I 842-61!r.ll after 5 P~t Roomt for Rtnt S99S 517 w. 19th, 01" 548-3481 ......................... !"!"!'!' --~-------: $160. 2 Br townhse. I1 Z Ba. GRACIOUS ADULT LMNG $15 \VK & up w/ kitchen $30. 2 Br ' B. h'. ,, •• bJ-ln Ex wk studio apt. 2376 New ...... rt New <:pis, _pool. Teen &. sml • • • '"" ,...;. • ,,,.., pet OK. Blue Beacon citing bay & ocean view. _B=l=:vd=.="="'::"="====== Motels, Trlr. Crts. 5997 entrances: Frontqe on ou rH s Forest Ave., rear leads to LARGE White Male Mixed AfunclpaJ parking Jots. $50 Breed Dog. Dal'k head 1 per m~th for space, Des_k marks. No collar. Believed and.c:hairs available for _$5. to be from the Laguna area. Bustneu hours answennii 673--04SJ servlce available for $10.1=~=~~---~ All utilities paid except COAL-BLAC1\ kltten 'vi flea telephone. collar. Approx. 4 mos. old. DAILY P ILOT U23 Charleston St. C.M. 2'22 FOREST AV ENUE ="'=l.~9-=J_. =~~~~~ LAGUNA BEACH FOUND, Black & ,vhitc kit· 494-9466 ten 1v/col!<.1r near 2200 block AIRPORT CENTER ol Placentia Ave. 834-25.19 New 1, 2 & 3 roon1 deluxe or 642-3643 WEEKLY rates ~a Lark iu ites. Adj, FneivFO __ U_N_D_P_oodl __ e_v-ic-B-,sh-.,-, MacArthur Blvd. ro m Motel, 2301 Newport BJvd., & Ellis. Jacuz.zi pool, e l evators . ~ 645-0111. c .r.f. subterranean pk'g, boat $16.5. 3 Br, 2 Ba, RIO, \V /\V slips avail for tenants. & drps. Children 0 K . 642-2202 Broker 534-6980 East Bluff 5242 Costa Mesa ;;';.125""' C,call=,:54&-;;;:...:;184,::3:c· =,,,.....,, can 962·27'16 600 SQ. FI'. 2 offices & BLACK Lab puppy wearing e NEW DELUXE • Misc. Rent1l1 5999 rtteptlon area; ad~acenl 10 black stud collar found 3 Br, 2 Ba apt. for lease ---------~~County airport. Newport Pier. 673-8507 5100 MERRIMAC WOODS SINGLE Car Garage, Corona ·~" I ' Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din del Atar, •')fl a mo. Call • Just completed, 1 or 2 BR, rm. & dbl g'"'""e, auld. 6 ~· I Lost . 6401 BA furn or un!urn with air ~-Th-Eim ndustrl1I Rental 6090 door opener avail. Pl!! ok. cond, cOmpl soundrproofed, Pool & rec. area. Nr. Cath· LOST: 5 yr old r.ta1e Altered self cleaning ovens, wood olic Church. Income Pro~rty 6000 NEW BUILDING Sealpoint Slan1ese. Declaw- ceUings, dswhrs, lush land· e ONLY S2'5 • 4 UNITS Balboa Peninsula, 1260 L:ipn Ave., Costa Mesa ed. Vic, Hun Ii ng ton sea.ping \\'ith streams & "'a· 865 Amigos Way, N.B. \Vinter rentals $500/mo. Each unit 1725 sq ft 2 tJH· Harbour. Reward! 1213) terfalls, elevators, BBQs. Poten!ial summer rentals 1ce11, 2 reat rooms, llo/2'l0 592-5886 clubhouse, saunas, jacuul & Corona dtl Mar 5250 $500 per week. Owntr leav-electric. Ample parking. wsr==,~1~:r'",-m-aJ'"e~b~lk'"1'"w~h-1 -ki~t. swim pools, p:"iv gar. "'1 I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ing area. Price $45,000. Ceil C. Robert Nattress Realtor ten, w/1-male gro\vn storage, Everything new.] I Martin RJtr. 548-6332. Co1ta Mesa 642-1485 p/wht Sian1ese, Balboa Isl. Starting at n 40. Adults _, _ 1--•c'".'l "'B"A"R"G""'A"lo;N;---675-43n please, Just East of 2600 ~ Lot 6100 Harbor BJvd, ne!Cl to Nabers ~ Pomona at 19th St .. CM. Du-1 6 r.Jo. old renialc Scalpoinl Cadillac at 4l5 Merrimac IHl't• plex on C·l lot, 63' x 270'. 180 DEGREE VIE\V Siamese kiUen. Vic fJf Way, 545-6300 ON TEN ACRES Make offer. 541-6661, 547·2331 of ocean &: C!Oistline, small Ha1ecrest homl'.'s. 3123 Cork. 1 &: 2 BR. Furn & Unfum DUPLEX COM. 2 houses. but bldable lot, I..a&una Bch. 546-&t35 Fireplaces I priv. patkls I $55,000, $8.000 down, Income Paving & util m aft. !st ol C~A-M~E:.O,;..,B_l_on-d~po-rt_P_o_nl_•_n BRAND NEW Pools. Tennis. Contnrt Bkfgt, l •$=41=5='='•=· ="'r....,..===== yr. Low dn wllow mo. pyt, female cat. 1 yr old. Needs 900 Sea Lane, O:IM ~6U 494--8100 or 494-1137 medication. Lost on Avon $150 & $170 <~1acArthur nr. Coast Hwy) ~usinftt Proparty_6050 St., N.B. 847-2765 Acre1ae 6'200 2 ACRES. ~-ta M• .. _ n 1·• ------1GREEN Parakeet \V/ ye\IO\V COltOLIDO AP':'i. 2 Br. ........., Lo I I di • rise area. u,ng term lease. 40 Acres, So. Cali!. $25. patch on he.ad, 1riendly, vicl wer eve s, stu Oii, pen... Pearl Devine, P . O. Box 00":'.:N, S25. PER l\fONTH, ~1esa Verde . Re\v. 545-3833 "°""'·, ~~~:· .. ~0 .~01. 1940, Huntington B e a ch, S2.49a. FULL PRICE. L. BLK Chi., broken left ear. Ile ~~~s, pa ...... ,,_ • .,. .. ' 9'l646 Shewfelt, 326 \V. Third St., no. 566Jj, call colic.cl t21JJ UTILITIES PAID I & 2 B<lnn. 2 sv.im pools. Adults tJnly, no pets, Fu111 il desittd, 6.f2.3m 3a1 Avocado St, C.i'.t. 5ee Mgr on premises --,=~--,=--,.,-I :=========-1 L.A. Phone: <213)623-Slllt 589-39:,2 Reward! Sl95 mo., utilities paid 8u1int s1 Rtnttl 2 BR., glll'8.ge. Yearly. 6060 ?.T r. Forney, Bkr. S40-386l RETAIL SHOP 1&20 sq ft. $150 1no. 1 BR, l blk to Tettiflc Location. Air BACHELOR unfum r ro m I market, avail Jan 1. Adults Cond., carpels. Bt-autiful SllO. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 only, no Pets. 673-8936 Store J>'ront. Ideal for Men's HARBOR GREENS Bdrm. Heated pools, child \Vear, Gifts, Specially Shop, eare center, adj to shoppin&:. Btlboa 5300 etc. Hillgren Square, 270 E. No pets. 17th St .. C.~I. 2700 Peterson \Vay DELUXE upper 3 BR, 2 BA, Call 9(6-9707 Corta Mesa 546.0370 crpts, drps. bHns, '' blk -sro="RE=s,-or"""'o"F"F"1CE=s::- from bay &. heh. Adults. $35 to $150 util incl. St. tx· S190 mo. 545-1098 posure. 569 W. l!tth, C?tf Huntington ltich 5400 Roor.1 Suitable for gift shop, Excelle"t park·llke sunooncJ. --~~-----men'• shop or ladies shop. 1"11• w /heatol J>OOl•. Ex~a 2 BDRMS,. 2 BATH Call Jim Berk!hi,., 67~9405 parking. N ea r shoppifl&. MARTINIQUE GARDEN APTS Adults only. 2 & 3 BR API'S im Santa Ana Ave., C.i\1, MJr, Apt 113 646·!>542 -HACIENDA HARB.DR Sl50/?-.Io. HEATED POOL Office Rtntel 6070 fned, cpVd11>s. Klds OK FINE STORE /OFFICE DELA WARE SM.IDIO Apts. For Lea .. 2620 D!!laware, H.B. On Via Lido 642-2221 anytime S36-I8l6 Approx. 1500 Sq. Ft. NICE 2 A:. 3 bd.rs. Crpted &: .Sk l'tr Ft. NEW Adult living units. drped. Nwly decor. 3 blks LIDO REA\. TY INC. t It 2 Bedrooms. Bltns & from bch. 3 bdr w/dbl at· 3377 Via Lido 672-7300 dsl\whr. Pool. G11.ragcs.. tached gar It trplace. ~1711 MODERN 3 room suite, Sl504l70. All util pd. CHEZ ORO AJ>'l'S. 8234 cpl$., air cond, janitor aer. No pet., 241 Avocado SI. AU •-JLB N 1 2 3 CM. &42-2 540 a.n .... , · u, • • vice ample pa.rklnr. 29'25, 64 · 1 bt"'· Priv. 1a.r. pool. Util So. Cs.nt. 1st Nat. Bk Bldt. LRG • ..2Br, 11,I Ba, Studio in • rm. 536-8038 or ~2727. 230 E. JTlh StrTet Tri-Ple.x. Crpt. drps, &10\'t . 2 BORi,fS. 2 BA. pvt, patio, Costa lote&a &U-1435 patio. Cll1JOl'I . No pets. Cou-heated po o 1, "'asher & MARINER'S CENTER pie or _family W/l child. dryer hook \Ip. 962-399t Office in Stor. Bldg. Rent or Reftt Req, mo. 726 JoAnn. -Lie. $754125. Beauty 1hop,' C.M. See Sun. l~ PM or Laguna Be1ch S70J llf'n1e tqUlp. 149 Rivertidt call OWMr at 846--J;.$4, A ' NB ••• "'I' octA.N FJl.ONT 2 BR. 2 BA, \e., ' . V'W'",... ... f~ fdla Apts Near10ra.nn Co. Alrpm:t ~ ua. Adul1.1 only. 20122 $¥ta Ana Aw. 5-i0.2796 VILLA ME5A APTS 2 Bit unlurn. pr1 patios. htd pool. 2 car tncl'l i ar, Chi!· dtt11 1'-elcomf". no p e I ~ pleue! SIGO. Alao turn Sl85. 1\1 w. wa .... 646-W~ Yrly $200 fJl' $183 fum, \\'JN. 200 -1000 SQ . .FT. Newport TER. only! Newly dee. Beach Ci\'lc Cir, area. .Adults. no peU. 538-~ ~tarial strviets. 3345 TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD Newport nlvd.. N. B. 6~1601. BAY LIDO BLDG 3'ltl0 Newport, N.B. or-ncis available:. Rm 30I 675-2464 Ot '41.al32 ~fALL Office on bu1y cor- ner Costa ~ttsa. $M/monlh utllltles t~uded. 6'2""6S60 Like Elslnort 6202 LOSI' Husky pup, n1a1e, vie. ---------1 131h A: Bay NB. Contact al 3 ADJOINING h lllsldt 645-0566tJrl309~\V.Bay. l&kevle~ lots, near casino l..Osr: Grandma's bracelet, $3,000. ~2449 ?, discs & l Holy 1nedal. -£--1868 3 ACRE:S 40 miles north ol<j,_.,'""==,-:;===== Reno near Honey Lake at p , 1 foot of Sierras. Level, clear, .!~ ~~ _ 13·000· 530-2449 ACTING 2 LOTS. Country Club Hghts. $795 each. 10% down. Do You want to be.a ful! time ' *642-2651• worklr,g profcss10nal. Do you hal"P-the self discipline BUSINESS end to subjc\·t youl'$ell to a 1·ig. FINANCIAL Id British training course & Bus. Opportunlllas 6300 --THIS 15 NOT VENOING SPORTSMEN the ar1ist1<· humility to at· cept n1lnot roles until I h e training J)('r100 is complete ? If so THE LONDON LA· GUNA ACT O RS WORK· SHOP might ~ able to help The nation's Iaraest ft'3n· ·you. No prcviou~ e.'CJ)C'rience chise organization has a llni. necessary, no age barrier. ited numbt'r of ne~· opJ>OI'· f\Tcmlx-r~ of lhi~ exclusive tunltieg for the aportsmind· group will only ~ accepted eel man or V.'Oman to get tnto upon a satlsfactory personal thf' field that they enjoy the lntervi{"\V \vilh the director. most. 1 Call 494-441» for appt \\le nted an ambttiou11 ind!· \•!dual v.·ho would like to reap the ttwards of th~ ever· increasinc recreation *Don't! exploeion -a pe"" whO C'l•l us if )'OU still lx-licve in is asplrinr to extreme.ly cave style daUng, hi&h monthly earnh1p, 21 Hr recording This is oo, of the most amai.. ORANGE CO. 547-6008 ing, but fUn busine~ses you'll * LICENSED * flVtr have 1n opportunHy to .ipiritual Reading, a.dvice look 1nto. on nil tnntters. Love, You do need at leU1 $1,647.SO ~IalTiagt'. Busil'll!Q, 312 N • lo sl.~7.SO cash to start. El Camino Real. San Wrl~, alvinc phone number Clemente. 4~9136. 492--0071> to: 10 Ml -1D Mot ALL SEASONS SPORTING GOODS co. Al..COlfOUCS Anonymot.1$ Phone 54.2-711.T 0&' write to P.O. Box 1223 O>sla 1.tesa. • ' Are Y ,pu Letting Cash Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY PILOT WAN.T-AD 1. Stove 2. Guit1r 3. Biby Crib 4. Electric S1w S. C1mtr• 6. Waaher 7. Outbo1rd Motor 8. Stereo Set 9. Couch 10. Clarinet 11. Refrigerator 12. Pickup Truck 13. Sawing Machin• 14. Surfboard 15. Machine Tools 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 11. C1bln Crulaer 19. Golf Ce rt 20. 81rometer 21 . St1mp Collection 22. Dinette Stt 23. Pl1y Ptn 24. Bowllnp 8 111 2S. W1ter Skis 26. Free11r 27. Suitc1se 28. Clock Will Sell Fast! 29. Blcyclo 30. Typewriter 31. Bir Stools 32. Encyclopedia 33. V1cuum Cleaner 34. Tropie1I Fish 35. Hot Rod Equipm't 36. Fiia Coblnot 37. Goll Clubs 31. Sterling Silver 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bedroom Stt 41 . Slida Projector 42. Lawn Mower 43. Pool T1blt 44. Tires 4S. Piano 46. Fur Coit 47. Orapet 48. Linens 49. Hors• 50. Airpl1ne 51. Orgln 52. Exercycle 53. R1r1 Books 54. Ski Boots 55. HIRh Chair 56. Coins 57. Electric Tr1in 58. Kitten 59. Cl11sle Auto 60. CoffM Tabl1 61. Motorcycle 62. Accordion 63. Skis 64. TV Sot 65. Workbench 66. Di1mond Watch 67. Go-Karl 61. Ironer 69. C1mplng Tr1iler 70. Antique Furniture .71. Tape Recorder 72. S1llbo1t 73. Sports Car 74. Mattrtss, Box Spt1 7S. Inboard Spoldbolt 76. Shotgun 77. Ssddlo 71. Dirt G.1 mt 79. Punching 819 10. Biby C1rrl1gt 81 . Drums 12. Rlflo 83. Dosk 84. SCUBA Goar Tll•s• or any other extra things oround th• house may ' be tumed into casf,i with a DAILY PILOT WANT-AD so Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT . 642~5678 1 PILOT ·ADVERTISER c L A 5 5 I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 llEST Ill-\' SI ----~-- l.toncfay, Dtctmber 27, 196' Monday, Dtetmbtr 12. 196' DAlLV PD.OT ~ When You Want it done right ••• Call one of the experts listed below!! JOBS & ~L.C?Y~_!NT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT/JOBS &_,Ehl_~O_!M_! Jobi Mon, Wom. 7100 lot..-Mon. Worn. 7100 Jobo-Mon, Wom. 7100 -. ---.. -ACCOUNTANT -·--- C.pa.blt of being controlltr, mwit have JOOd recent ref· OHie• Temponwy T ,<It. J erencts and' long term out· _ ·JW" _ klok, mmt start at $700. ~ Beauruur local omco. call p d I be ...I: A "°' Weotcl!rt Pe"°""'' l1IU 0 3ft Vt ltlllNOlll..f • hr1'MMI _.,_, Agency, 2GU WestclW Dr.. "''' c-,... 0r. • N,.,,.,, •-• N B ... 2710 A m .. IT'HI "° .. °"""~ c-,, .... ,.. -;-:Ad;:::-~::;;=::;:r .. =-... =,,.,:---·ll merican ... 11~~,~·-'!!'',,.46~.,,~,."!!""!! Sh1 rp Secrettry f o r r.1ALE COOK _ p r-,1. Hosp. fast • peced Newport exp. p1-et'd. Contact Person· Be1ch Agency. Type nel Director. So. Coast MERC HJ4NDIS FOfC ·:• .-t4N&J I~ f " SALE ANO TRADl1 SALE AND TR.tQI ;;;;;;..,·-=,..c..:::.:::: . ...:..:=,:'ooo:-:.:',u;;..rn;.;;i;;.-· 8000 -·====:: . -... - lill:)![ltU·iM 'I DECORATOR GETS CANOllATION OF 18 LUXURY APARTMENTS Sp1nlsh & MediterrMllll Fumltun All BRAND NEW 9-pc. Mtdittrr1nt1n Bedroom Sujte In PecAn SIRVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY Baby1lttlng 6550 G1rd1nln9 6680 SERVICE DIRECTORY P1perh1nglng 6.S..70. Shorthand 100, Comm. Hosp. 31872 Cst. org1nlze & f o 11 ow llwy. So. Laguna, 4!J9..13ll th r u . u n d I r 35. Glad you're a Ex!. 356 Phone: 642-3910. 425 * MOTEL MAID * IRe9. $349.001 -···-··., ........... NOW $1'1.00 Got91011s Spanish Custom Built Sofa with m1tdiln9 love Seat-Choice of beautiful l1b<ics. IRe9. $419.951 -·--·NOW $225.00 · Spani1h Dinln; SetJ --···············-··············$71.00 Solid Oak End Tobles and Coffee Tablei . .$19.IO Tall Decorator Table Lampi BABYS11TINC, my horn~ weekly, dally, eves. Reason· able, reliable, 642~7 JAPANESE Gardene r , exp'd, comp, yard service. Free estimate. 968-2303 P1intlng 6'50 ------N. Newport Blvd. GIRLm Pa.i1 Time 0ver 30 * AIRCRA•""l' MECl:I, * 49.J-9~36 P AINTING, paperhanging, Overseas Information • • • J\-IOTEL assistant mgrs or J IM'S Gardening & lawn Brick, Mltonry, etc. maintenance. Res & com· 25 yrs exper. Old entry Call (TI4) Tl4-2610 trainees & nm.ids wanted. \\'Orkmanship. Reas. Fl'ee -;-::==------·II 2376 Newport Blvd., 548-9755 est. 642-1322 Assembly. IR19. $49,9Sl ···-··········----NOW $11.00 Sp1nlsh Hangin9 Swag ;,,empt 6560 mercial . * 541)..4837 E:XP·D. ELECTRONIC Join up with us! 11 NEWSPAPER delivery-early IR19. $49.95 1 -·····-··············---NOW $22.50 A decorator drean: house on display -a rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was reg, $1295. ~CL~E-AN=-u~P~SP=E=c=r-ALJ~sr~ BUILD, Remodel. repair Mowing, edgtng, odd jobs. Brlclr. block, cone re t e , Reasonable. 54~ 110L1DAY SPECIAL, Int. & ASSEMBLERS At.I route in lrv!ne Area. Ext. painting. Lie & insurd. Wiring & P.C. Board fabrica· Xlnt No "get-<1uta". $200 per Free ests. Loccl refs. 30 yrs llon. Appl. in -non AMERICAN n\o. & .....,wing. Approx 16 carpentry, oo job too small. Lie. Contr. 962-6945 Busineu Service 6562 ------INCO~tE Tax -Personal & Corporate Returns: Avla· lion, ~tedical & Marine a Specialty. Publ ic Ac· countant. fi75..ll96 For Ap- pointment. 1'"'AST efficient bookkeeping service, posting, bi 11 in g P&L's, & collection. 962-0527 Carpent•rl,.!19 6590 CARPENTRY . MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small. Cabinet tn gar- ages lei o t be r cablr!ets. 545-8175, U no atl.!Wi!r leave lll!lg at 646-2372. H. O. Anderson GEN. Repair. Add. Cab, Formica Paneling. MarHte. Anything! Call Di ck. 673-4439 REPAIRS * ALTERATIONS * CABINETS. Any size job 25 yrs exper, 548-6713 CARPENTRY, Cabinets Remod. No job too small, qual Y.'Ork. C.all ~2576 REPAIR, Partitions. Small Remodel, etc. Nile or day, Reas! Call KEN 540-4679 Gener1I Servlcn 6682 Experienced BARTENDERS servlnt all Orange County. 63 .. 2233 ex,...r, "Chuck" 645--0809 "" .,.¥ _. TRANSICOM CORP. hrs week. 962-4633 * PAINTING • lnt.JExt. 851 W. 18th St., C.l\.I. Loca' "''""''"· !nun,.,, ASSISTANTS & ilnewport . "'"''ce-64 6-524•, 64 &-365 7 RECEPTIONIST GIRL personnd For Better Painting, Inter· Prepared resume must have ior & exterior, &t"OU.StiC cell.. 11\'0 Yl'S, dental experience. agency H1ulin9 ings. 6464077 Eve, hl'S. All union benefits. 6730 I --EX=rE=R~IO-R--IN=TE=ru-o~R-Salary $3.« per hl". Call for &33 DOVER DRIVE & l\!AINTENANCE appt. for inter.view. 633-T:i.ll All NEW NEWP08T BEACH YARD/Gar. O eanup. Re· move t~es, ivy, trasb. Grade, backhoe. 962-8745 e HauU.ng. llave -X ton pickup, licensed & insured. 494-1003 Clean Up And Haul $10 a load. 646-2528 6U·3870 ~==·=646-=3-1785_•=--I BABYSITTER for teacher, PAINTJNG-Ext-lnt. 18 yrs, responsible, to take care of Red, White & Wishing you Exp, Ins. Lie., Free est. 6 yr old girl, 9~~ yr OJid boy, Acoulit. Ceiling. 548-532j alt scl).I fron1 2:45 to 5:30 Blue abundance in 1970! beg, Jan. 5. Call 830-6484 for Pl1sterlng. Repilr 6880 interview. Refs desired. Lake fl)l'C5l aN'8.. temporary service (Sec us tor "prosperity insurance.") SACRIFICE •••••• $398 CREDIT AVAIL. NO MONEY DOWN hi PAYMENT NOT DUE 'TIL 197C mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd.H.rbo~·tB1v11.1 Costa Mesa Only Ev•rv Night •Tn 9 -Wed., Sat. & Sun. 'TH 6 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Housecle1nfn9 6735 e PATCH PLASfERlNG All types. Free estimates Call 540-6825 *********** Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7100 School1-ln1tructlon 7600 BAY & Beach Janitorial. carpets, v.indows, floors, etc, Plumbing 6890 Marching along with Res & Commc'l. 646-1401 PLUMBING REPAIR BABYSIT-Need mat u r c woman lo sit w/3 yng chUdren, 2 days \Vk. Begin, Jan. t.1y home. Own trans. $100 mo. Reis. reg. 545-4197. BABYSITI'ER Wanted: 2 Boys 2 & 5. Start Jan 5th. 5 day wk 8-5. My home. Must have own trans. 645-1105 NURSES Registered ·even-STOCK Clerk: Shipping, ing & night &hlfts, pt. Receiving, Fillinfl: orders, benefits. Apply Personnel deliv. No Exper neces.s. $500 Director, So. Coast Com· per mo to start. s day wk. munity Hos p., 3187! Coast Chance to advanCP.. Write Hv.'Y .. So. Laguna. 499-1311, Qualifications, weight & IR A MAN GIT A MAN'S JOI OPERATING * APT CLEANING * No job too small Jo'ast & thorough 642-81&1 • 642-3128 • Williams Cleaning Serv. I========= CARPF.TS, Windo\vs, flrs, etc. Res or Con1c'J. Xlnt \vork Reas! ·Refs. 548-4111 e \\'lNDO\\IS DIRTY? Free est. 15 years exp. Roofing 6950 ALL TYPES; rock, wood & asphalt shingles. LEAKS REPAIRED. Work guar. 847-ll36 Johnny Dunn 642·2364 ========= Ironing Sewing 6755 6960 -------IRONING In n1y l1ome, $1 hr. A l terations . Also bilbysitting. Call 54;)..7641 • ~ssmaking • Alterations Special on coat he1ns * 646-6446 * BABYSITTER, \valklng dist from F.V. elen1 schl .. refs req. Call 96&-ti700 att 5:30 p.m. BABYSITIER, full Ii me 6:304. p.n1. Thru-?-.1on. 1 child. \Viii prod. trans. Aft 4:30 p.m .. 646-8243 * BARBER * to manage new Barbershop, Sheraton Beach Inn: for cl'!tails, call Lou Evans. 536-1421 TOP RATES MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS TOP BRASS COMPANIES ext. 356 height to P. O. Box 145, Purche1ing/ Mat•riel Costa r-.tesa. Control Manager TEXAS OIL COMPANY Opening for exp·d Individual has opening in w/purchasing & inventory Beach Cities area. control backgmd. Xlnl. Co, No experience necessary. benefits. Age not important. Good SERVICE CENTER character a must. \Ve t:rain.. Employment Agency Air mail: * 500 Newport Center Dr. * D. P. Dickerson, Pres., (Fashion lsll Suite 200 NB Soulh\vestern Petroleum By appt, 6444981 Corp. PUNCH PRES_S _ =""F"I."W"o"rt"'h"c. :'T:C'"'C:'':',,-::: Cement. Concrete 6600 Jinltorlil 6790 TILE~ Cer1mlc 6974 ------* Verne, The Tile Man* Cusf. \•·ork. lnstall & repairs. No job too small. Plaster patch. Leaking s hower repair. 847-19571846--0200. BARBER. Very p shop in beautiful Beach. 49-1-5054 We're recruiting SETUP OPERATOR TIRE MAN, experienced on- $3.00 ptr hr. Min ·1 yr exper. Jy, tor changing tires. in. HEAVY EQUIPMENT Train NOW to operate earth·moving BULLDOZ- ERS, BACKHOES, GRAD- ERS, DRAG LINES, CLAM SHELLS and SCRAPERS. Th• Conttructlon Industry 11 loomlngl You can earn top money in this fut moving, action • packed field! Keep present job and train at home in your spare time followed by Resident Training in the actual operation of heavy earlh·moving equipment under project conditions at our school owned facllitlet near MIAMI, FLORIDA. Nationwide emplo)'ment assistance. F or FREE in- formation fill out coupon and mail today! CEMENT WORK, no job loo --------- small, ~nable, Fee CLEANING Service Jn Your estin1. H. StuflJck 54S.8615 Home For Exchange Of All Useab!e Hschold items, Call BLOCK Fences-Driveways 673-6001 . BEAUTY Operator, female,: prefer w/clientele .: Progressive new s a Ion . 494-5054 Patio s-Planters-Remodel· ing Lie. 642-9852 L d · 6810 Tree Service ~.-~cap!.!!~----6980 --,B"'o'"'y""s'"'1'""0--"'"14.--- carr:1er Routes Open * CONCRETE FLOORS. patios, etc. Reasonable, Call Don, 642-8514 Contr1ctors 6620 TAKATA NURSERY Best Design SprlnklC'rs Installed Drain P ipe Installed Free trim & Clean·up ~i46--0724 TREES Prutit>d, top p C' d , ren10\·C'd. 26 yrs exper. Aerial \O\\·er cqp'd. 49.t-4305 and 638-723-1 IO< Laguna Beach, So. Lquna DAILY PILOT 642-4321 TREE SERVICE, gen'! yard ---=-..----..=-·II cleanup. SP RI NK LER Bookk••per F/C REPAIRS 64S-5848 A top.notch nat'I Co. stable NOW for: XI ti A · stalling shocks, etc. Good • nt. btne 11. pp. 1n per. son. z.D. PRODUCTS, 3190 working conditions. Paid in· Pullman, Costa t.fesa. surancc, fringe benefits. Ap- ply in person. PHONE WORK A. H, SHlPKEY --------• II Women & Girl~. Pleasant TIRE SERVICE relephone wo1·k from our ol· 420 w. Lincoln, Anaheim Newport Beach . lice. No exp nee. Full & TYPIST • GQ.70 wpm. Book· part time. $2 · $5 per hr. Call Office Apply 230 W. \Varner Suite keeplng exper. helpful. !\1r . Andrews 675-3551. 205, S.A. C.:-::=."";,:::cc: •. ;c.::.:::.= & 111 Orange County ll·--=P~/~T~G;--on-1-r-a'l""'Olf=i~c-1-1 WAITRESS, need an attrac- & Beach Cities. Local firm needs gal with tive, for food, cocktalls. Ap. ply in person. El Moro For prompt reply write to: UNIVERSAL HEAVY CONSTRUCTION SCHOOLS, INC. DeTJt. 1203 P.O. Box 476 El Toto, Calli. 92630 Name··········-···················-·· Age ·······-····----·--··-··· Address ··-·-··········-·--·-··-City ·····-···-·-State ----ZJI') ................ Phone -·-··· .. ·· ROO:-.I Additions -Palios- Block Fences-Drive\vays- Planteni. 642-9852 Additions * Ren1odeling Fred H. Gerwick, Lie. 673-6041 * ~9-2170 Paperhanging Painting 6150 GENE'S m•~E~S"E"R"v'",-& reliable. Beaut. NB off.11 , _______ _ ices. Top benefits. Call Shir· Trees, shrubbery trimmed, oUiee exp. to work 4 hn; a 16555 Pac. Cout Hiwa.y Sun. * AIRLINE & day, call Loraine, Westcllu set Bch after S:30 TRAVEL CAREERS * Personnel Agency, 2043 :=.:....,;,.="°™'°':--I \Vestcllff Drive, N.B. 645-2770 * WAI'JRESS * Carpet Cleaning 6625 ---CARPET & upholstery steam cleaned, also c~t in- stallation. Results guat. For free est. call ~5971 A-OK shamPoO Christmas special $7 .50 rm-less for halls clc. Alc;o comp housecln'g 827-JlS2 CARPET & Furn cleaning: for 1 day service & quality v.·ork, Call Stel'ling fol' brightness! 642-8520 INT./E},,'T, Aver. Ext. $127.50 labor only. 8 yr. guar. painting avail. Also. Apts &: Comm'!. 548·1546 EX·PAlNTER, now sch I teacher V.'ili paint E"ves & \Vknds. Xlnt v.·orkmanship, Ft't'e est. 646-4519, 540-0062 &for removed. 549-13.59 ley, j46.54lO JASON BEST Upholstery 6990 CZYKOSKI'S Custm. Uphol. European Craftsmanship 100% fin! 642-1454 1831 Newport Blv, CM. CHARGE IT! NO MATTER Employment Agency 2207 So. Main, Santa Ana COASTAL AGENCY Professional Employment Assistance A member ot Snelling & Snelllng Inc. 2i90 Harbor Bl, Clot 510-6055 1-farbor Blvd. at Adan1s -.. COOK * M/F. Apply: l-luntlngton Va 11 e y Con· valescent Hospital, 8 3 8 2 Newman Ave. H.B. DE LICATESSEN MAN -19:> E. I75th St., CM. "Legal" Secys. "NCR" Oper. '# 482 1'Modicol11 Secys. 11 Keypunch" Opers. II -~-""'"...--..-... ... --Apply Flyihg Butler Recept/Gen'I Office Xl nt PUblic Relattons posl· 673-0977 Hon for outgoing gal w/ac· WE have .an opening for a curate typing skills. beginner 1n c ircu lation $400 minimum m a nagcmenL Permanent Statfm Agent 'ncket Sales Resl!t'Vations Air Freight • ~ Communications Travel Agent Excellent Benefits situation for high school 40 hr week. Convenient lo graduate who has co~pleted AIRLINE G.G. Frwy. his mil!tacy obligation and SERVICE CENTER 1' lookiog for • bMln•" SCHOOLS I A with a bright future. Con. Emp oyment gency tact Benton Williams at the PACIFIC * 500 Newport Center Dt. * DAILY PILOT for an ln· Inquire Today (Fashiop lsl) Suite 20(I NB tervlew. 543-6596 By appt. 644-4981 "Bookkeeper-Secy11 11---..-,.,.,,,-;.,-.-==--WOf..1AN to clean house 1 610 E. 17tb St., Santa Ana $4S5.33R~~f~T[~!~i~g job day per week. References JOIN THE FIELD in beaut. So. Santa Ana oH· required &15-2438 WITH A FUTURE! ice. Xlnt Co, top benefits. Schools-Instruction 7600 . .\.ge/education no bt-_!Tiert 11Master" Stenos Diamond Carpet· Cleaners JS7 21st St. Costa Mesa 11ome & Apt Cleaning 64>-1317 Free estin1ates WHAT ==,,--See_,r,..,•,,m"'""'. ==~11 'First Class'' Typists DENTAL ASSIST ANT Call Kay 546-5410 -;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;·-,;.;-;,·;,;·,;;;.I Let us help you qualify, JASON BEST • INi\KEEl'ERS INSflTUTE En1plolyment Agency INTERNATIONAL McteVHotel/ Apt Mgmt Sehl A U!VISION OF ANTHONY SCHOO~.S 1n1 S. BROOIOIU&.'T ANAHEIM, CAUFORNJA Oaues form every week C1rpet L1yJng & R•pair M26 FOR CARPETING OR CARPET LAYING C. A. Page 642·2070 El•ctrlc1I 6640 ELECTRICAL service & repair. 24 hrs. 7 days. No j ob too small. Re.model ,& additions, If it's electrical, \\-e fix it! 646-4772 ELECTRICIAN, licensed, bonded . Small jobs, !\fnintenanee & repair . 548-520., Floors 6665 CARPETING f r'Pt t stin1ate Lie. contr. 540.7'162, 5464473 G1rdening '6IO GARDENING &: landscaping. J:i. yrs exp .Clea n -up, sprinklers lnst'd &: repaired. 673-1166 AL'S Garoenl.ng A: Lawn l\lainlenance. Commerci&I, industrial & residential. * 646-3629 * \Vhlte elephants! Oime.a·llne ' ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fast Service & Expert Assistance DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT ~ ------------------ ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES Announc•ments 641 O Announcements 6410 --------- wanted in Newpt Bch, Start Jan 2. Intv. now, 548-5602 Oishv.·asher -Part time nights. See Terry, 495 E. 17\h, Costa f\.1esa * DRIVERS* No Experienc:e Nec:essary! Musi have clean California driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL "Private" Sectys. 'Rank & File" Clerks ''Conversion'' Hostesses "Statistical" Typ ists 2207 So. Main, Santa Ana •RECEPTIONIST for laboratory, afternoon shill. Lite typing. Inq: Pen;.onnel dept. lloag Memorial Hospital, N.B. .PHONE FOR APPi', Ask for Betty 77G-S800 AUCTIONEERING REGULAR 2 WEEK TERM .. In~ yoonelll Learn to auctipneer. WEST ·B School ot Auc- tioneering, 206 W. 4lh, Santa Ana, 835-8147 SfITCHERY CLASSES Sewing. Help with Oui&tmas ideas. 645-1400 600 w. 4lb St., Santa Alla Open Dal\y t.t DO YOU WANT TO CO Sat. U SUn. U.& SOMEWHERE??? PRICES SLASHED! THEN LOOK 11rro A •• "' SO% Savlnrrt CAREER 8' Sofa .l-low seat fis9.t5 5 Pc Span eame .. r $16US AS A Kine Ss 4ullted mattNss a-= ~~~~~~~ 5~ ft.;:~·:.::~ LEARN: A,•prond Fumltvro In a radio ttAtton on prcle11o 215:) Harbor. CM ~ slonal equipment from work. 5 P1e<:e Double AnUil\tt lnl D.J'1. nA.1-• " .._ CA~L 172-3100 ~~-" .,., • -...,.. •• lnstltutt ol Oroadco;st Arb I ;''"°"-;;;';;c:ell:;;;;~m.15::::;;;18"'=::-:=:d 1601. N. Brl8tol, S.A. 3 pc, Belie MQC. Met. Student Loons no bums, tranL-tct. Good F'ft'e Placement Strvt~ to excel. ~. ~ fiS.30M - _-DNl Y PllDT Monday, ll<<:t11>brr >>. "" "' llCHANDlii R>it "'"lt<;ttANl>1$i FOii Ml!RCHANDISI! FOil MERCHANDISE l'Olt SALi -AND TltADI ~4lE ANO TltADl SALE ANO TltADE SALi ANO TitADI PI TS 1nd l.l~sTOCIC Dop 112.1 l'um!!uro • -,.._ ·a °"'"' 1130 M11 .. 11•-l600 r.11 ... 111nooua 8600 SCI AM-LETS' AISWERS °"11'1 -_,,. -IW<l1- Delloo -KEYHOLE A true mlllic lover ii one ~ when b& bears • hem. lllUI -~ "' ... be.ttrtub, }JUtl·bl& ear to tie KEYllOLE. ! USED 5 pc, an~ White dl~tbe tel 129.95. Used 5 pc. Antlque whlt.e dinette set 139.95. u ... ' pc -white dinette set $49.95. The Factory, 1885 Harbor, ........ PRIV. Pty Forced to Sell: 1D' Sofa, Otiwendale Ma. hog. bdr set, con90le R W• tng ma<'h, etc. 846--41119 a.h C wkd!IYI er anytime \\'k· ends. GRAND Pl/4NOS 1--ROC-K--SH_O_P-llt--E-G-UL_A_T_IO_r<_School_ AJI New .. 10 Year Warn.nly Trapeze tel &. Slide. Cood Ptloca eood until Ott 31st Christma s Specials O:incllUon. $50 each. S'l)..1576 * tlAPPY SOl.t.JTJON TO DOG ENJOYMENT I J TnJnini gUt Ctlrtificatce. Puppy claue1 ns.. Novice Knabe 51" $2710 l'IOW $2160 6" b1m l&W $17 !15 Knabe !i'8" s;µoo JllOW $2700 , .. mmb lllW • ~Ina • Knlbe 6'4". l3l60 .... -~ Wilts lrom $49.9' F1IChtr fT $1195 now ~ S lb tumbler PS 10 G..Uon abow aqaurlum, all obedience. $2), 546-0989 aettuorle. included. Good MARTJNCREST KENNELS con4ltlon $20. lft-7324i AKC Red & while male =""-...;.,"'-'_.:;::.:__, I Cocker Sparuel p u. p p y , ICE SkatN fl, round mirror Beautiful Christmas ~ 2 redwood planten: $5. present. Xlnt dlspoajtion, 644-{)569 hu had ahots. 4:91-1088 aft 6 Yamaha 5~" $2445 now $1850 6 I~ tumbler $29.60 Wwiltzer ~ SZN5 now $1890 12 lb, tumbler $35.90 Theee are legitimate reduc-Also ha~ 90me used equip. tionl and are ~tremely F'REE load of material with ror Sale Ftrewood. l'OOll wltt~• at these prices. each tumbler Orange &: Eucalyptus 90 Daya caah, low i11trrut FREE cuttlne material with ~70 on lnltallm~t sales, X·ma.s each saw ~~=~C.,:.:'""--- delivery guar. Supplies, J'OUgh material. REL AXICISOR-Oe.luxe, 6 GOULD MUSIC <0<0nul• "•-ttte dw• 1"°· Orienlal pagoda 4' high $35. 675--095f 20§ N. Main. S.A S47-0681 w/putthase) -• Bir dl:scounta on comp line --·· · PRE.ffOl.llJA Y SALE or l•Pklm oachmecy 'Ill Ml1<:. Wonhd 8610 PIANOS & ORGANS Some ' ~ the most popular models lnclLldlng; Hammond X7T, H-100, E-100, 8-3. T·200 ete. FREE 3 DAY LAS VEGAS HOLIDAY with pur- cl.ase! ! I J""s~oNecRAFT s WE BUY s 179'11 Altamirano Lane fat my hon1e) H, B. Open 9-9, also Chhsl.mas eve, 847·1320 *Christmas Special $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES • Color TVt-Pl•no-St•r•o1 1 Piece •r Howe hill CASH IN JO MIHUTIS PM, wk , da_y1. LOVE FOR CHRISTMAS! * Great Dane Puppies * Minh.lure Scbnauz.et'S • Terms Available • MARTJNCREST KENNELS -BEAUTIFUL Dane !emale, good home important, A.KC. 642-SSSS or 545-8993 BEAUTIFUL Alaskan Husky Pups to pull Santa's Sleigh. Love Kids. 612-mt. WHITE Standard Pood l e puppy, female, ARC, 5 mos, shots. 642-3449 Trade.ins accepted &. terms. HAMMOND tn CORONA. DEL MAR ~ E. O>a,,t Hwy 673-8930 Open Eves & SUn. afternoon COCK-A·POO puppies 8 weeks old, ready to pick·Up on all malle up jeweh')'~ ! USED ZIG-ZAG SEWING Christmas eve $15. 968-1495 Som __ ,, MACHINE $40-2005 before 9 • 541-4531 • 25% DISCOUNT e ex ......... ent rings, pend. AM or after 1 PM ENGLtSH Bull, 8 wk&, AKC ants & ear rings ~ man}' champ stock. otters. Roll Top Desk 557·9102 Lapidary supplie!C, ca.sting Call 5415-crzss POODLE. Toy Silver male. ::;', Jim :~ Cooper 1-A-u-sr-1N_A_M_ER_1c_"_ TRAILER SALES Sal "llu 1 ta, Servlee, Patil y rom 1 ma n lmlnediate Delivery who lives In ontl'' All ?dodda WE SERVICE WllAT WE SELL! 324 So. Harbor, Santa Ana 1 Blck So. of Bolsa 531-106& YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE ALL SIZES NOW ON DISPLAY BAY HARBOR J1rll1Plll l 31111 10 l'l s 3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B. 642.M05 S4o.176' Authoriml MG Dealer Mollllo Homo s.1.. BMW 1-125 BaXer St., Costa Mesa 1--------- \1 block Eut of II-Bl"'1. A BMW • Costa Mesa 1n41 ~!H70 ,.. THE FOLLOWING NE\V BMW'S IN STOCK FOR lMMEDIATE DELIVERY" MODEL SALE! ONE MILE FROM OCEAN e 16 • 1002's All color s COSTA MESA e 4 • 1600's GREENLEAF e 4 -2SOO's MOBllE HOME e 2 . 2000'1 SALES LOW FINANCING AVAIL. 714: 642·1350 SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 28 x 8 Boles Aero nice turn. T & M MOTORS , I NC. twin bds. Self contained. 8081 Garden G~e Blvd. Reas. &t.2-363.l SM-2'l84 Open Sunday 892-5551 Bicycl" 9225 COOPER ------- supplies &. equip. Jf!\\•elry -----tools & supplies. Roogh cut Machinery, etc. 8700 Christmas special $35. BOYS STING RAY '62 l\l!Nl Cooper 997. Reblt eng. $lm. or trade 613-9183 1965 Karmann Ghl• Moor Coupe. Xlnt Cond. lmmacub.te inskle and out! One owner. $1295. See: at 480 ..........,,C.M. MG MG Sales, Servic.?, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Modoll J1rluporr 31111µor1s 3100 W. Cout Hwy, N.B. 6-12-MO;l ~o.rroc Authorized 1-IG Dealer MG USED 9 pc corner group. $69.95. Auorted used waliiut end a: rocktail tbl.s. $4.95 ea. AUOC1ed used b e d r o a m lamps $4.95 ea. 'Ille Fac- tory, 18115 Harbor, 540-6842 USED almost new Spanish l!l!'Clional W/mllfChing th! I: lamp $199.9'.>. U&ed 2 pc. Spanish iofa &: chair $79.95. The Factory, lSIG Harbor, ........ IF you a~ buying a Piano ar Organ this Chrisbnas & are Interested in some real- ly greti.t deals, please 11hop WAR.D'S BALDWIN STUDIO 1819 Newport, C.l\f. 642-8484 gem stones, rock cutting -· 962-5059 BC.rand New, $30. machinery. Some excellent FORKLIFT .SALE I DOBERMAN PUPS ==,-,',,,'~-.,,"..,'~-..,16,,23_·~-1=========~ ~tGB '6T Conv. \Vire whls., rocks re~ to tumble in 1 Dec, 20 thru 31st AKC * * 642-8961. GIRLS Schl-l'lnn Tandem DATSUN lo1v mile, new batlf:rles & '115 USED aSsorted oc.caslonaJ chaini, $12 l'L Used auorted dbl & h\'in head- boards, SS ea. The Factory, 1885 Harbor, 54D-6842 BOX spr\J"IK!/mattress St-I. Open Every Nice & ·Sunday Atlm>oon P.faple trundle bed $49. Ken. I .. ""!!!!!!!'""'""'""'""'""!!!! more ga.s 30" sto,·e 549· ORGAN SALEll Dishmasler $19. 8J0.6037 TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! FORCED to lll!ll 8' 1Iedit. Large selection of prixiwnl!d sofa, 1 pc Bassel din rm se t, OI11ans. Special discowit on 5 pc Basset BR set, coffee & new models. end Ible· m 8l6-09!tl FR E E * FR E E USED 36" walnut desk &. Cassette player w/purchare chair $19.95. 3 used walnut ol any Organ. atudl!"nt desks S7.95 ea. 2 us-COAST MUSIC ed rattan n iwl bar stools NE\VPORT & HARBOR $7 ea, The Factory. 1885 Cosla Mesa * 642-28jl Harbor, 540-6842 Days 10.9 Sa! lQ..6 SUn 12·6 lb. packages. $200 off regular price BASSET PUPS, AKC Bike, Perfect Condition.1____ -----lire11. Xlnt cond. $2100. FIVE J\:I GEPof & 6 Lift trucks, must sell! 847-8204 eves & "'knds Call 644~39. NEW'. 5411-6968 Aft 3 Pf.1. LAPIDARY SUPPLIES 714: 6-12-8393 or 897-2-133 "°'" M''"· Localed at AIR COMPRESSOR Horsea 8830 Mini Blkff 9275 '70 PICKUP the back of College Cenler IO H.P. Call Dursa Motors ·.:.:=:::.... _____ :::: 3 HP Nova 1\·lini Blkc. Was \V/camper, 96 hp oved1ead 549-2009 18621 Beach Blvd., Hunting: GIVE the "Excaliber" for l 169. Now $9a. Good Con-cam, 4 spd, dlr, 6 ply tires, !\Ion. thru Sat. 9-5:30 ton Beach. 84241340. Cluistmas... ThoroUghbred 3 dition. Call 833-2355 back u;> lights. You name Friday 9 to 9 --yr old Chestnut Gelding. it! Serial # Pl..521208873. FREE TO YOU 833-0263 3 HP Jl.'tini·Bikc, Briggs & Full price $2099. Take &mall POOL TABLES Ou'istmas Special $275 up. CHUCK'S 2T;iO 1-fatbor at Adams, CM OWNER IW. must part with beloved pet, med. breed young spayed female, housepet, good hunter-type, loves <'hlldren, free to penn, OJ" tl'mp. home. 846-3818 12123 POOL TABLES Secant Pool S1\10KY Sheperamer. Pu~ BRUNSWICK-All.IF breed parents Weiner.mer - TRANSPORTATION Stratton. Runs pertectly $70. dn or trade. Call Phil, -"=6->1=7;3======-l 494.9773 or 545-0634. Botts & Y •cht1 9000 ~ Motorcy_<,!,•~ 9300 • FREE Basic Boahng CoUl'SE! offered · SUZUKI 8(1CC. All ne\v over. a.u.a DATSUN m va to public by Balboa PO\\'t?r hauled Engine, expansion Sq I M · h chamber. etc. :\.1nt cond. & ,. . . ., ua< ron every on. nig t Beautiful. $175. Call 8-12_3159 Leader 1n The Beach Clues for 13 week• beginning 7 ZIMMERMAN pm on Mon., Jan l 21h at '67 YA1\1Al!A 305 Big Bear Ncwporl Harbor Yacht Scramble!.t'. 3,500 Actual ML, 2845 HARBOR Bl VO: MGB * '67 MGB RDSTR \VI HDTOP + OONVERT. TO~ :+ TONNEAU. "Choice" local, 1. owner. Sold new & serviced. by Us. Wire whls "'/recent Pirelli radial tires, Sparkling orig. British racing green. ShoW· room condition! On1y $1995! r.tARQUIS 1\ITRS; 900 So. Cst Hwy., Laguna BeaC'h, :191·7503, 540-3100. OPEL VW BUGS F'ROfl,1 $399 5-t9.. 3031 Ext. 66 or 61 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • • 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 2 Door seda.n. 4 speed triUIJo mission, (GNZ074) $599 e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-3881 '68 BUG, aulo, :slick, radio, plua e"tras, under wananty and 0000 mi. Same as new $1790. Bus, 66-1992 Res. 675-1898 '62 VW. GOOD COND. $600. * 640-8191 1970 V\V Bug 4,000 miles, private party, Best offer. 536-7848 '68 VW, am/lm, olher ex· traa. BESI' OFFER . 494-2208 or 675--5937 eves. '63 V\V, runs godd, must sell $650. 289 \V. Wilson , ApL C. C.l\f. Custom Slate Table German She;phcrd. 3 mo's. From $289 Pref. room to roam, like 8 BEAUTlFUL King bed -quilt. PIANO SA ed ma!trest. C.Omplete, un.. LEI WE ARE Clul), 720 \V. Bay Ave., New. Bell helmel; b o I h $350. 540-6410 port Beacb. No advance 546-9378 '67 DATSUN BEST Oller -IDness. '68 VW Bug. Call -642-8099. '31 Riverside, Newport Bch. 1966 V\V BJ,.UE COUPE. Very Clean. Radio, ·$1050. '6.} Opel. good condition. Call LI 8-5982 ~tust sell, ne\V tires $'700 =~~-=----,==·I negot. 673-4272 eves. '67 VW Bug. tan EXCEL. u...i !lo5, wort h $250. OVERSTOCKED! 84U536 eves. M. k ust ma a room for new 1WIN Bed with box springs, shipments arriving dally ~ad & bolatef!. l'Xcellent Pri -•-,_ _ _. · ces DUSSncu on. , ....... . condition $60. 83J...2C66 aft 7 Spinets, C.onsoles. Grands Chrlstmas delivery guar. 100% Financing fann (714) 54S-5185 aft 5:30 * SECARD POOLS * p.n1. 12122 532-1992 AKC Beagle -Male. Older. 323 S. l\lain St. Orange Full trc1incd cold nose Christmas Gifts Galore! hunter. Must be country 1~gistration needed. Regis· NE\11 '69 Ka\\'asaki 2:x> cc PICKUP ler at class, bring ll(lfel:iook Sldc\vinder, under $ 6 OD . 4 spd, dlr, xlnt cond tn & ~~i8~~hl. Questions: Call 847-7671. or 847-2987 out. Local. \Yill fine pr'Yt 250CC YAJ\1AHA Endural, pa~'ly. Take small down. PORSCHE like nu. Call after 6 PM or UETI.52. Call Ken 4!»-9T13 or PORSCHE '68 fillL, 1 "ttkends. 837-3969. 5f.>.-06.14. OWNER. XLNT C 0 ND. COND. EMPl-extracton. $119;). 6#-1506 VW Bus -Almost ne\v, 9000 Eu.rope .miles. $T";iil takes! 545-5050 Offlco Equipment 8011 EWRITER. Adding COAST MUSIC NEWPORT & HARBOR Co6ta Mesa * 642-2851 Days I0.9 Sat lQ..6 Sun 12·6 New dlx Leeds luggage, 4 humc. Loves _children - pc11, orange $125, Anlique 96U'745 12123 mirror $5. l\tan's 3 stone LABRADOR Rtt1iever-tree dian1ond ring $30. Scarves, lo gd home, 8 mos old, jewelry, access., strong & health.v. Lots ol 18' THOMPSON Lapslrake. J ohnson 50, Fath, bow rail, elect anchor winch. Nu ca11- vns cov. Tilt trailer. $1795. Cona\\'ay, 548-5551. 112 \V. Coast l-h\')', NB Auto Sarvico1 ~O~RA=N~G=E-C~o°'u~N~T=Y~'~S-="'°"=· =· =c•:=LcoL'=6'='""=m=o== VOLVO iiii&iiiiiiP•iirii!t•~!i!!iiiii9iii4iiiooiiJ DATSU~OD~AL ER TOYOTA ---VOL v-0---1 machine, calculator, very reasonable. Xlnt c o n d • 892-2423 CHRTST.r.tAS gifts • Hani· lallie&-gil"ls quality clolhing, cha1·actcr. Call 557~10 Sat mond, Steinway, Yamaha. elc. 2:>c up. New cond. or Sun, 12123. 2.i' OWENS 'tit wfntooring in Nrwport Bay. $39;,Q incl"s mooring. Call -531--0500. BEACH DOT DATSUN BILL l\IAXEY 1970 HERE NOW A --~ ~~-uto Supply 1-lunt!ni;:ton Beach RE?lfAINING '69's Garage Sale 8022 New & used pianos of most 673-8441 GARAGE Items, Lumber, 0 BIG GARAGE SALE makes. Best buys in So. * AUCTION * lawn chairs to be n!paired, Calif. at Schmidt l\Iusic co. broken brick :i.t pcs in alley S111bo•c.l•,_ ___ .:90=10 8'2-TISI or 5""'142 ITIOIYIOf TIAI Your ""' Deals Are Slill At Wholesale i-,6~7 ~D-A~T~SU_N_R_D_ST_R_ • • • --• • DEAN LEwlS SAT· TUES 10 AM - 5 Pr.t l907 N. ?a-lain, Santa Ana. If you "ill sell or buy 216 Ruby St., Ba I b 0 a fOOl BRUCE CRESANT give \Vindy a try Isl. 12122 *********** Pricl's to All Complete l\Iachine Shop SPEED EQUIPMENT REBUILT ENGINES Ne\v top, new clutch, 4 spd, 18111 BEACH BL VD. 1!166 Harbor, C.l\of. LIDO SANDS I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio Auctions F riday 7:30 p.m. we·~ Selling Almost Every-J' w· d ' A ,. B MAKE your child's hoh<lays thing! Honda. 50, Complete """ OPEN EVENINGS in Y S UC IOn am ~appier w/an adorable 1cr- bdrm &el, d ining room set AND SUNDAYS 2()75:~ Newport. CM 64s.8686 rlor pup, free to good home. f15, tape recorder, wonder Until Christmas Behind Tony's Bldg, Mat'I. \VU! save to Dec. 24th. Christmas SABOT ""a9 $2'95 ••••••...••••••••• •••••••••• llO\V $265 complete also psychedelic colors & deluxe 1l2j Victoria, 0.1 ~ 18361 Beach Blvd, HB 8'17-0991 * OPEN 7 DAYS * dh·, blue book $1SOO. Sacri· Hunt. Baach 147.a.555 lice SI400! Small doy,'ft, will ! mi N. of Coast Rwy, Oil Bch fine prvt prty. TYM412. Call TOYOTA Roy 494·9773 or M5--0634. 1970 HERE NO\V ENGLISH FORD LOW PRICES ON REi\fAI NING '69's Your Best Deals Are Still Al 2912 \V. C.oast Hwy Newport Beach * 645-0810 9425 ORANGE COUNTY'S DEAN LEWIS 1966 J-Iarbor, C.M. 646-9303 ~ntiqun, _Classics 961 '57 MORGAN + ~ Ne1v T'Jp, new brake!. • cellent c o n d i t i o n. $.l.SOO. 642-1724 after 6 Pl\t. 1950Ford S lati on Wagan Woody * 54&-1625 * horse, ptbl crib, child'• la· <;OIJLD~ MUSIC SERRA t.'rror-Limited (501 84&-Z146. 12122 ble & chair, 1heets 50c, 14' 204'i N •. Main,··sA 54.T-0681 supply of these f\1exiean alr VERY ,frlelldly daisy-lype gla.sg boat w/Johnson 15, I l'l~~,.,...;,!!!!!,.,. ... ..!..; !118..lls. LA dealers are ask-dog. 11 mos old, very lamps & chairs, Maytag VERY·. rare· -phrytr piano, 1ng SJ ca. S4 per block. We playful. Family w/children washer (new) $75. Whlripool ba~ grand, with Ampico ask 80 cents ea. $3 per only. 548--&152. 12123. washer, GE dryer, metal elfpre11sion. Hear block. 548-6449 KlITENS, i,. AbyW/lian & &Iris <Kaster) 2ffi, sports Rlchmaninoff play h is '$ Honda 350 Scrambler TV domestic, 2~ mos. old. eq uip &: cooking stuU zig music his we:;. Ask ques-~5", pool "'/pump & tilter, 897-5480 or 836-4493. 12/23 1.ai sewin& machine. 'Lots tions? 494-6261. ~s liner, lg~ tent SMALL Puppies for more. SACRIFICE, \VurlitzC'r W/!1;1derooms, ladies golf Clristmas -Spanicl/Poodle TUES ONLY: 9-4 \Vig, t'ncy, spinet piano, beaut. cond.. clubs, !IOfa bed. 3158 Ku1y mix. 540-1129 12/22 LIDO 14 #50 '69 1-IOLIDAY Travel Trlr. VOLUME ENGLISH Oean, try ••.••.....•••• $595 19' self-cont, tandem Whls FORD DEALER . LIDO 14, New Trail~r sips 6, all xtras. Owner sac:' SALES· SERVICE 1965 TOYOTA La.ndcruiser -==========:I sails, try ........... , , .$Ill95. _m="'='="°'U""'SJ800=;,· ="'="~'9:;7=I OVER 60 IN STOCI{ SCHOCK BOATS 613-2050 -e 2 &:: 4 Dr. t.1odels LrDO 14 SUS5 Trucks CJ500 e 2 & 4 Dr. DC'ILL'tcs Xint e 2 & 4 Dr. GT f.1oclels lamps, roto.. broiler, watch, Make oUcr. 673-3646 Lane, C.r.1. misc. items. Bath·tub, ha.nd u,;---;,-7.-==-..,==IDARLING black &:: white kit· cond. Sails, hwy h'lr. CAMPER TRUCK •Station Wago"' See at 001 Lido Nord. * 675--0188 * 1970 G.M.C. -X ll.D. equip. Many with fully automatic knit drem1. 847-6319 HAMMOND Console Model HO . Ii N-GAGE TRAIN tens, male, trained, good M·3. Xln't cond. $695. Call BO~RD, ~e\v, lncl. 2 w/chlldrcn. 6-16-4241 12123 545-&177. trains, bldgs, landscapes I:=-~=~-~-,'-= 11' O'l>J\Y Daysailer VS. Ser. # 225ffi3l. ' trans., air. rad.Jal tires, ra. $2995 dio, vinyl roof. ""SW tires. Demo $1595 Used $1195 UNIVERSITY BRAND NE\V STD. 2 DR. Appll1nc" 1100 etc. $100. 642-5663 0 ; Sr.tL black puttbred female BALDWIN Acrosonic Spinet M5--l5.\4 Dachshund. House trained, 2 Piano w/bench, ivory & ;;;;~""--,~~-~-.., yrs. 646-8430 12122 gold $250. Pvt. ply. 642-5~. FENDER Vibrolux Revcrb 2'=;--"'"°,.,---_::.= OLDSMOBILE $1785 FULL PRICE 2/GO Harbor Blvd ORDER NO\V 14' O'DA '{. used $495 ?I.In Zone Boat Co. Bal\lOJI' NEW 2 dr. GE rehig., from model home ••••••...• $178 Refrigerators • • . . from $38 Console Color TV, contemp ca.b .• nt'w picture tube • $248 Whirlpool auto washer •• $50 DUNLAP'S 18l!i Nl!WJ>Ort Blvd., C.l\f. mnaa * COLOR TY SALE * R1dio 8200 ZENITH tra.n1o cean lc portable -all bands. Like ·new. $90. S48-fil85 aft 5:30 Television 8205 Lease Color TV or Black & Wh,ite. Option to buy. 1970, 23" O:ilor TV, hand· Fr"ef! 11erv1ce. No dcpQsit 110me walnut cabinet. while A-Active TV Rental Co. they last $29!1. Perfect for (1) 522-1153 Oui&tmas. First payn1ent 11 " GENERAL Elfictric li1arcb 1970 at Henclel"3()rl'S penonal poctable, like new. 1877 11arbor Blvd., C.M. l year old. VHF &. UHF $25. 548. M 54S-8TM KENMORE Auto washer, 8 =21~ .. ~eo~.-so~1~.-«>~lo_r_rv=.-.-.il\ cycles, late model, "Int demo In your home, year cond. $65. S.1&-8672 o r "'"""' ,,..,., ""I 847-8115 · cgu::....."'-·,c-e-~· .c-::,.,:='---1~" PORTABLE HOTPOINT Elec dryer, late Excellent conditkm, modeJ, xlnt COl1I;! $65. Also fl5. !'."48704 1 Hamilton ps dryer $45. =====-====== MG-8672 or 847-8US Hl·FI & Sltroo 8210 SewtngMlchlMt 1120 BEAUTTFUL Boi:ak Amplifier & Fender fu\1ALL <:;hrlstn1as puppies, i\l ustang Guitar, $350, lo r e liable homes. ~fi-9508. MS-9439 12123 * * * * CHRISTJl.lAS Kitlcns, fluffy FAMILY ?.lembership l n grey, have nice manners & Irvine Coruit Country Club \\"eU trained. 54~1878 12123 for sale, Pvt. ply, 673-9131 KIITENS, 12 \\·ks. old, ~~ CARPET Jnstaller has one Siamese, Burmesr. roll, avocado nylon carpet, 548-!Jj76 12/23 double jufe·backed. \Viii sel~ FREE Tu good honie spayftl all or part $3/yard. 540-7Z4:i fem a I e Collic/Sbcpherd. GO-Karts, xlnt cond. 'vith :>16-6387 12123 McCullock engine" \Y/spa.re f Puppies ~ P 0 ct 1 eng $225. Ne1• f\1ac 100 Adorable 8'17-9847 o 12/~3· never n1n 's75. 673-4335 LIDO l<I w/oover & trlr. PLY\VOOD and mahogany Regulation si pool tbl. Of! scraps, 646-2377, 12/23. whl naug. couch. like new. 2 O:lck·a·poo hall g1"01vn, l 61'".,..7316 :silver, 1 bro11•n 536-8121 GORGEOUS Furs: Tourma· PETS and LIVESTOCK llne Stole. Autumn Haze Coat. Priv. Ply. Wkcnds or Pets, General 8800 ="'~'='-P-'-'M'-. ..:":cl;_l ..:"'=..=·56;_1:::2_ 1GJVE a live gill! DRESS ring, 5 rubies, 18 $2.25. Bunnies $1. diamonds, setting in 18K pigs $.50. 54;_6-.;.996.i;.;.;.' --- a;old Value $900.. SeU fo1· $650 n-- cash. 962-8372 -...._,'-'1 _____ ..;8:.:8;::25 Doves Guinea 8' Flipper Sailboat, Aqua, "'/trailer, $325, Good Cond. Call 673-1576 Power Cruisers '64, 29' UNIFLYTE; bridge, T.S., loaded; "'""· $13.500. 6·12-2565 9020 fly, xlnt SpHd--Ski Bo111 9030 lo&' Ski Boat. Mere '150 motor k. trlr, new \viodshield, uni· qUe hetms·"'het'I. Leaving area $450 or best otr. 673-3646 Costa Jl.1esa ' Theodore 540-9640 ROBINS FORD '61 Corvair ~ ton Pickl.1p, 2060 Harbor Blvd. side &11.mp, great for loading Costa Mesa 6-12-0010 :~~~:'.SS49~:'~~~-ans, FERRARI - ·~1 CHEVY P. U. Big --------- Engine. Dual Carb. Gd FERRARi Tires. $22:>. Call aft () Newport Import. Ltd. Or- \\'kday11, 518-4159 ange Count)''• only author- ·53 FORD Eronollne panel ized dealer . Good cond. $595. Call aftet· 6 SALES·SERVICE-PARTS Pl\t. 6~214 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach ·51 Ford ~~ Ion Pickup, 4 642-94<5 540-1164 sPt'Crl. Authorized Ferrari Dealer &lj..1472 19'1 GMC Ii Ion P.U. Asking KARMANN GHIA ~~~i-'1t Equ_irP:..· _ _;.90.:3:.:5 su· c 11 --54~8 a 64:>-1691. Eves. "GJ KARi\fANN Gl:tia, xlnt PERFECT GIIT FOR TH E 1 -.:.:...~"""-~~--c:ond. Like new, l lady l'ACHTS!\IAN LESS THAN '66 F'on.1 Ptck Up, owner. J\1ust sell ~1050 or !-I ALl''-PRJCE: Raylhron &.cyl Good ~harw. best olr. 54S-9823 RD1', Ranger II. Portable, Conaway, 5'1S.5.l~t ,64 KARMANN GHIA I2-transiston, 3-hand , LARGE '68 CllEVY \\'IN· Radio. Gd. Cond. 6'16-3001. printed cir<:uif, the finest DOW VAN. Big 6, auto, xlnt . . available. Like ?le\V, $100. cood., ttnlcr seat 642-6574 ITS Beach house lime. Big· 6'>-0589 :=:;;;::;;::=;:;:=:;;~J gcst .selection ever! See the J~O~H~r;"'so"'-N-~-5--HP-. _u_...i_ £.•mpers 9520 DAILY PILOT w ANT ADS! speakers. model SJNGER. Automatic lig zag, l=wa=lnu=t.=1385==· 6<=>-8584="=== Cariiet layer ha.s HI Lo GERMAN Shepherd pup, I mos aid. No attach needed nylons Sl.99 )'d. Shag~ AKC reghrtrred, bred fot' to do d · t:1mern & Equi •-from 3.50 up + my labor, r;ize, 11 weeks, rna1c '"'5. loud SD 2, fresh \\'aler only. Xlnt ,;hapc. $110. 548-5185 aft 5:30 LEAN, CLEAN, read)' to roll on your Chri:i1hnas vacation. '68 Dodge Van Vista Top lpcl'n1ancnl f i bergl a s!I "bubblc"-you can stand up insldel Range, <1H1l o ovf!n, bottled gas, stainless ~t~l :sink, irater tan!-:. ice box, double hlde-a-bed, "'ardrobe cupboard, Iola o( other 1tomge plus outsiM lugga.gc rack. Sleeps 5. Use l!LS :station \\'Bg(ln bel\veen trfps. Low mllf'agc, v_,g a.utomatle. Only $3993. Pvt. PArty. ~1891 alt S:JO, anytime Weekend!. ea11na, monogram11, P· -"" ...... ., • ., ooc72 ~ Boil •1,·p Moori ng 9036 blind hems etc.: auto bobbin ~fOVIE Camera 16 mm Zeis! ;;;;c:;~F,;;pc;ir;iy.::anlii.;. :;84:;7·,:';:":C'::;;; I .;i~::;~:;;;::.;,=--,,.,,,-----~----· - winder. S Year guar. r;fovlkon. Proft>ssiona l BEAUTl!'"'UL Kitig bPd...quilt-SLUE l\Ic.rlc Collie puppic, J:r ANTHONY ski boat. 80 .blume pymll of $5.27 or feature~. l.4 sopnar I\'/ ed mattnq. Complete-un. JO 1vk n1ale, champion hp n1~. lrg, whl. tr. S9!i0. $42.00 cash. 526-6616 \\'\de. angle & telephoto, A·l. 11~. SlOO. w o rt h $250, 11toc:k. 10 show home anly. 646-U81. $150. 8.J~ evt1, RAVEN OOLLIES, 642-4-124 . Mutlcol lntt. 8125 CAMCO drum set, a btauty! l Yr old. Datri wood. Bu.'t, anan, 11 1t IUn tom. 2 rMtched lf" ti two 21" ZtlcUen cymbals w/Ooor llandL 1$$(1. 833-1040 LEICA 111 F 1.5 Su1nm3rit. LADIES Cockloll suit \\1th SILKY TetTiers, ANC. shols 8o1t·Y1cht F·2.8 ~·ide angle. ( 2.8 mink ool.lar, ~ize 14, ""'°m &. de\\"Ormed. Read.Y for Ch1rffr1 9039 lelepholo 8S mm. & F 4 135 l\\·lce $50. 644-29-17 Otrlshnrus. 839-TI65 --- mm. A-1 $21\. CHARTER A BOAT SLID~ proje-ctor & !-"'OUR ROSF: BOWL BOX TINY TO\' poodle, ft'mal.!, and see! P.lagarlne.s. 35 mm. A-1 $~. SEATS. BEST Of"FER! ! ACK 6 wk&. okt S'lS. 540-7126 Ne\\'J)Ort Chri6tmAs Parade r~J85 an !i:30 PM 545--0197 nr 67).-8086 wkencb. or alt 6: 30 pm Paroe11 af 6 _ U> per hr AIRLESS Spray paint rig & Boxer pups·lletuties! Inc boot, skipper, mixc.ra ('(lu!prntni. 'SS Chevrolet Reacly for Christmas. Rc!trvalion CBll 646-9000 truck. 646-1503 Rcason11.blc? •194-8&.'16 LB OAY & EVE CHARTERS FfRE\\iOOO For Sall!". Dry LOVELY Purebred white Chrl1tm11s Pan.de. $3:J hr. up Euealyptu~ OC'lhwtd & pood1e11, lll.hot~ dr\lo""Onned, Inc. liklpJK'.r. 12 pt(lplc '10' !1'8C'keid. Call ~. $40. '499-1111 or 49-1""4i46 houM>boal. Jfollday Marine &12-5221 E-300 SUPERVAN, 69 Ford V..S. Stick. Lim .slip, roof rnck, dbl bed. carpet. Se:<1 offer bl'fOn! C hristmas. &15--1458 GlBSON Gut&ar. Les Paul FOR Sale: Scuba gear. a.Mom. Ulled 2 mo's. COit Brand new. Never 1.1M!d. S5l5I wl1G cue. Alao., F'UA 968-6470 before 3 pm. GTRLS Bicycle. Near New. OllHUAHUAS. AKC, 2 ========= Sl\fALL 8' camper i,, Schwinn f'alr 1..tJ:ty, $35. ~1, 2 fema11!". ~. Mobfle Homes 9200 Cl.hover. Beautiful \\'OQrl ln- 40M' • \Vahwah prdal. 0N°"EW:,.:.t"'w'"1n.:5l::::u.: . .::s."0"'1'°ve""n-.-.,. 8ac:rtfiC9 all $G). '9M8l6 qu11 .Jurigs, wm a.coept best SUGlrrt.Y tJltd Olds offrr. 839-1649 aft 6 Ambuudor trumpet, 2 'J'\\llN 38 tcllb& t.ruas., com· mnutb p~ ctn:1 cut ple1,,, hrand ntw, tlP.VM' u,,. JTS. $t6-3S:'l'1 td. C1ll SU-3161, 5f0..9538 • Ca.11 675--0l43. ~16--2962 ---...:. ter. Sleepa: 3 adults. ms. POOL T A_BLE POODLE Ptdlifttd PuPJ!it'll. Rare Opportunity. MOBILE 673--9993 4:<8 rompljtlt', M&-1625 :, wb. old Sllvt'r. Apricot I l.JVING on the BEACH. -- BOYS • ~,,, b1·--··· ..... Choco. Sr.-i. 673-1576 Limited ~PA.eta. in new acJ.. !):.U::•:::•o..::ll:.:unC!!;l:.:":..._9525 ... ,., '-J"... "" dltln11 lo Dtift\\'OOd Beach lrlcyclt'I S4 lo S15. 64U200 & MOf\'Tlf old mo.lei, Ju1lt Cub • 1\1odeht on display MEYRS 1.-IANX ~ 2389 Bea1le >& h3U Poolee. Lo\~S 1100n. 21t62 Pac HW)I, HB. Fordhn.m Ave. ---'c.'h;;;liile~E:;l:;"""'=::nll::f:...,:•_ l;ch;:•:::·1d::ro:::n:::·.:.>_:"rot:.:;:.. :,1!3~Hmi;:!!.,-$J6.7513 ~ 5n-2729 •· • New nylon top. Low mile- age, 4 wheel driv~. 54&6214 TRIUMPH TAKE OVt'r pa yme nts, nothing down, 'ti6 r e d Triumph. $700 balance due. 258 Santa Isabel, Costa Mesa. MUST sell '66 Triun1 ph Spit- fire Mk II, r&h, tonneau, gd !ires, orig owner, only 13,0CKI mi. 528-8783 1960 Triumph TR-3 New paint, :rebll, eng, XLNT cond, S650, or best offer. 546-3072 VOLKSWAGEN '62 VW GOOD COND. $575. • 675-#12 "69 V\V Bur;:, dlan1ond blue, 2.(XXl nil, pcrlect S199:i. l\lust Sl"ll immed. &12-8584. /1965 VOLKSWAGEN Squa.reback. Xlnt con d . $1150. 847-1623 anytime '61 V\Y Van. New tires, ne11• brakes, needs eng. work. $250 Call altl'r ;,, &16-j768 ... '64 VW Bug. Top Cond. Nu inter. Fl\.I rad. SUXIO. Call - S44-83ti9 1970 VIV $1900 NEW f>IS.96.10 CHARGE IT! Autos Wanted 9700 WE P~.Y ..• CASH for us«I can a: trucks just call us: for fte etimate. GROTH CHEYROlfT Ask for Sale:i Manqer 1B2l1 Bear.b Blvd. Huntln;-ton Beach KI 9-3331 WE PAY WH FOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ~1200 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for good, clean used cars, all makes. St-e George Rq Theodore Robins Ford 2060 Harbor Blvd. C,fl,t, 642-0010 Will Buy Your Volkrwagen or Porsche &: pay top dollan, Paid lor or not. Call Ralph 673-0900 DAILY PIWT WANT ADS! _;, -.--., -.......... -... -.. •, 14 PILOT·AOVERTISER '• Mondi)', -22, 1'69 DAft.Y Pll.ol' '.17 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TUNUOlTATION fRAiiSPO~TATION TRANS POR'TATION TRANSPORTATION f~NSPORTATION _ TRANSPORTATION ""'"' Wini,.! 9700 Aulo Luilng 9810 u .. c1 c;.,. 9,900 ·Used Cars 9900 CADILLAC UHd C1r1 '9GO Ulld Cira "'° u .... Clrs 9900 UHd C... 9900 U_. Cen ,_ -lM.l'Oll'l'S wAlfl'ii> Onlrice C'.ounttes LEASE • RENT • Immedia te delivery on all CADltLAC CHEVROLET . CHEVROLET MUSTANG DUNlON1 FORD 8h.L TO~UY~OTA 18881 Beacb Blvd. H. Beacb. Ph. 847-35515 1970 FORDS & FORD TRUCKS '63 SPORT Fury, hdtp, ,'69 Cdv, l50CO ml. Silver wt '62 CADILLAC cllr, good ninnt?r, full price blk llhr I: landau top Fl\f While, rebuilt ena;., dlr, xlnt $~00. MPRil7 Call Phil 1 t ere o. $f:600, 61J.8282/ runni11g oond. Car well tak· 56-0634 · 673-7829 en care of.· Need forelj'.n car • • '55 Chevy, Mllnllfl ' lpd tra111., 283 bored 29'1. New wide ov.U1 • mw. Outch lHS MUST ANG CONV • Yellow w/black top, 289 w/ l.apMd manual n.ns., runs well, $1~. '7MC93. out. $475 or ~at otter. Auto Ltotlng 9810 All popular makes. Ford aulhorlztd lcasinc syiilem. Get Our Competitive Rates '°'67"E"'L'"""oo=R'"'A"'oo"'"". "'Fu'°'l~. -•• -T~& I in trade. Will line prvt prty. air + $1200 xtras, pert cond, NPV821. c..11 Phil m-9773 or I() n\I; ~tusr SELL! -""""'~=·-·=--~--6'14-4265 ''65 CAD Eldorado Convt. A 1963 CHEV!IOLET 49MOOI -· LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL Th90dore IUICK NOVA STA. WAGON '"·04-CJIEV=~N-.,..--w-..,.-.-283~ 9 pusenger, Automatic, ra· cu. in., 4 apd, new-rear md dlo and heater. CDG490) and tn.n1., brakes and tlttl. Let our Jeue experts show you the beat plan ior your personal needs without obl i- ca.Uori. ROBINS FORD 2060 1-larbor Blvd. '67 RMERA Flllt pOwtr, lnelUdlng air, slr1:1td buckets, 40.000 actual miles. '6.') DE VJLLE Convt. All P\\T, extra~. am/frii, U750. $&..-ia dn & T.O.P. 892-562{) Real Beautiful Car. 1 Owner. Prlv. Ply, Full pwr, to.et air. vibrasonie, gold color. beige vinyl inter. 64&-2803 $699 V•'Y cl•an. $92!1 or bell ol· fer. 5f4..3246. CoAta Mf!sa 61,2-00JO 9900 $2'95 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2Stin l!arbor Blvd. °'8ta Mesa ........ "' LEASE "' 1969 Mustang Hardtop, V-8, air, P.,vr Qisc brakes. pwr stnt i 19. per mo. U n10 i.,;;. . . ' 63 RAMBLER Amer, hdlp, dlr, runs good full price sm. 001.9'20, ca.11 Ken, 494-9773 II~~@, D(!!A!'!IL!'!Y~· P~lL<Yli~l"D!!'l!'!~'!'I E!!"". A'"· ~,,ti '65 Coupe DeVille. '""'· 516-8943/-194-5189 eVt's. TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A D,ll~ Y PILOT CHEVROLET 1967 El Camino, Whitt', auto, R&:H, lo mi, Sl'F.IO. Call 64frl691. Eves ~ 1935 Chevy 2 dr Coupe. Gd. Cond. $600 or best o1ler. Call 67:J.:1576 SOUTH COAST fAR LEASING 300 'W. Csf Hwy, NB 645-2182 9800 LlNES. Yoiyean use them 549-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 for ju8t pe:rinies •day. Dial 1970 l:JARBOR ai.vo. .6'2-S678 COSTA l\lESA WANT AD '64 MALIBU, xlnt oond, new tires, l owner $850 lirm. 613-3663 or ~ Jo-hnson+son1 ~~~~~~~~33~~3~33~~~~~~~~ LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS 1970 CONTINENTAi:-MARK Ill CONTINENTAL MARK Ill 1970 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL A New DlmensfOfl '" Lu1ury and Spaciousness America's Mott Dlsth1e1ulMed Motor Cor ~ 1970 MARQUIS The Medium Price Car with The Most DRAMATIC STYLING SINCE THE CONTINENT AL MARK Ill WE OFFER YOU SOME EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS A brand new 1970 Lincoln Continental Mark Ill, Me rcury or Montego would make an excellent Christmas gilt for the whole family -Set yours up for delivery on Christmas Eve. ~~~~~~~~33~33n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MORE CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS We have ·some beautiful used cera that would make wonderful Christmas presents • our prices are right too • you don't h•v• to wait for January cl111rance sale prices, we have them now. CONTINENTAL 1964 CONTINENTAL l door 1ed111. Dnert Beige 11111~11 wilt! blll!!d '68 CONTINENTAL 4-0R , SEO. IMth.., 1nrer1or. Fully ru~lll''I' equl11P8d h'lchldll'IQ o1i11raetlv1 light eh"'"'' Y911ow wl!ll bl1Ck leelfl. furl pOwtr • f&clory 1lr. L!c. RAU '25 •• Interior •rid i.n111u n!Of. Full power equl~ $1895 ptd, f1elor)' •Ir, ek. WX.IFJ.U $4395 '68 CONTINENTAL COUPE MERCURY ltoyal Mir-metallic llnllll w!tl! oMttnlng 67 COUGAR 2-DOOR lnterlOr. blKk J.tndeu rvot. Luxury equi~. C.OinD11!1ly IHI stff•lllG """"'· flCIDry •Ir, pow-Lfmt !rot.I with matchl,,g vl11yl bl.OC:klla, 11110 , 1r door IOCkl, el<:. VTP 101 $4195 2&t IMlllM, P.S., R&fi, new Cir 1r~111, Dne C1wntr 111<1 '"vlcrtf by our compllny, VOR,ll, $2175 '67 CONTINENTAL 4-0R SEO. !INul!tut Iron blue fnlll•!llc llni1h ... 1111 m•tcr.. 1968 COUGAR XR7 .. !Hitler lnt.,!Or . !11.tck landau roof, lull'f lu•u•y eqvi~ fnd f1c1orv 11r conc1;uonlf1.!!, AM·FM ril(lla, 1i.rft If.-Otclt'. ~"""tr Cfr. Polar wl!\•1 Wl!h bl.ck Landau root & bl1ck 8Hll11l11Uy m.1lnr.ilned. TTN02'1. Dlfcktl •~Ill. 1uto!'rWl!IC lr1n1., power 1~trlng, $3395 POWl!f' brlll.U, RllCllO, h111tr, llC, l ie. W'P JlJ $2395 '67 CONTINENTAL Convertlble bffllllh.ll Oce.n T11rQ110!i1 llnllll Wlrh '67 MERCURY MARQUIS 2·DR . rNkhl"!ll lflttflor ""° wn1111 top. Col'nJ!ltltlY lull· ,.,., !!Quip~, tun -·· Nlo·FM ra.:1111, te ttory H•~ .... Be1\ltll11I ... '"" nn!sll with •Ir, lllt Wl'lffl, Ill(, • ne" tlr1n, UOAll•, rnaldll"ll !nle<lor, tully "°"''' otq11lpped, l•c· $2795 tory 1lr, l11r>d111 ~oot. -a""""'· Orl'ftn orily 30.000 mu-. UZNtl,, $2495 196S CONTINENTAL 4 llQOr, DtHrl 9tlte l!n"l'I wl"' lllOll<f Je.tthtr '69 MERCURY COLONY PARK ln!trlor. Fully huur~ 1<111iPIMd lncluOlng lull t Pau~w S!tllon WffOll. Fully IUllUl''f tQUi,.. ~ ..... , .. IKIOrY 1lr. Unu-Jly c:IHn. Lk. lJW IU. ~. ru t llO-. IKlarT. 1tr, 11c, 8HUlll11 $2195 pawdtr bl\lt •I"' rnakl'l 1111 lntet'IOf', Cllreft,1Hy '9Mlnlllrled. YWR. 141 OTHER MAKES '67 PONTIAC GTO 2·DR. H.T. Vold m_, meta!llt flnrih !Oiltll bl•ck bl;c~el 1ea11, 1uio. 1r.,11., rH lo • l'lnllr, llOwtr ,,..,.. '°'\!• 11,tory •Ir. l!ffulllul cor•lltlon. T"JW $2295 1967 BUICK RIVIERA llffU!llul "'eralllc fllllt ll .,. bllt.11 lnlerlof', ""''"""' With •II the !u~urv POW•• IC<fl•. El· Ctptl0r>1lly clea11. Lie'.. UVV 011 $3095 1967 MUSTANG 2 OR. H.T. fl rl!l1n ricing grffl1 finish ""/blick l>udltl 1e1ls, 719 VI ~lne, '°""°le, rid., Mr., pcwltr 1'"'·• pwr, brto., •ulO. traru;., tic. TWYtlt $1795 '69 TOYOTA COROLLA 7 OSI> .• '""· lrllM. radio • 11ee ..... Wl'lll• WI bl.o<k ll'lttrlor, U.000 &<tual mli.t. 9t1lllH11I (ono;I, xoc J11 $1495 1968 FORD FIDO 8' PICKUP Rtdlo, ht~ft!r, llU•Cl'll$M MW by Jollht0<1 & "°"' Ellttll1nt c.ondl!lbn. Lie. Ott9t7 $1895 '68 CADILLAC SEO. OE VILLE Mt.-. tlnltl'I Wlll'I ble<:ll lllllMll r90f lllWll OIKtl 1H11\ef lnterlff. Lu•urv equipped. Full powtr, l&e:klry 1lr c01'141UIOnlflg, AM·FM lie!' ... "4 .. II" 5tetrlng whffl. OM . .,_, 11Mllltf11llY _I,,. !tined, 20.-ml'n. VlT.52t BARGAIN CORNER In Our Bar9eln Corner, we have numerous used c1rs. Some clean, s om e not so clean. Some th1t are duplica- tions, some we've had too long-in any event these cars ere real b1r9eins. LOOK 'EM OVERI '6& MUITA,.. UC:. NIM nl 18:11:. MlltCUltY l ·Dtff UU ~lllr M,f, l'ODIO '8& tUICW ltlVllltA Sita M '86 POltO eALAJUI M: ,.Dr. "'""" SVPIQ, '88 tUICIC ILlciltl. Lk, Yl"U Mf '67 CMlt'(SL•lt JOt I Or. "T. "x $976 $1276 $1376 $1676 $1676 $1876 '88 '0 '"''''" s1976 4 Dr. s.c. Uc:. •Hv m $2076 '2291 $4195 $4595 Johnson .son IL a ltil © © IL ltil © © ltil 'ii' a ltil ~ ~ 'ii' 4\ IL • ~ li.\ 00 ~ nmr I ~ ~ 00 © (ljJ 00 w I © © (ljj@{A\ ml I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I NEW CAR$ 540·5630 642·0981 1 MJie South of the San Diego Freeway USID CARS 540·5635 58Jml Ext. 66 or fl 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSfA MESA '67 Chry. "300" 2 Dr Landau, all pwr-alr, new tlrff, MUST SELL! 644-4265 CORVAIR 1961 CORVAIR Station Wagon. Qrlclnal Owner. $245. can 543-6728 COUGAR · e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harl>or Blvd. Calta Meu. 54().8881 • • 'O FALCON $1H7 2 dr. redio, h.1 .. r, •ut. in•fic tr•11•., ,.w1r ,...,.. 1119, 1c:11101nl11I· 6 qi. L.11. YXU lOJ 'H MUSTANG '68 Cougar XR7 1Ht OLDSMOBILE Automatic, air, power 1teer. CUTLASS Radi.. h•1f1r, 1vfo111.+I• tr1n1,. p1w1r 1tttrln1. fee• tory 1lr, 1tinyl roof, V-1 •11· 9lne. in&", vinyl roof, etc. 2·Dr. Sedan. V-8, radio, $2399 heater, automatic, white '6' MUSTAN6 $27n "302:", v.1. pow1r n..r1.,, p•w•r di1c lirtlrff, •uf•ll'i•• tic. tt1n1., AM-FM 1t.r .. racilio, tiritM 11111. Lie. YJ.W Ot4 walll, tlni.d ...... (PCS932). $895 e UNIVERSITY e 'H fAllLANI $liil MS-3031 Ext. 66 or 5l • 1970 HARBOR. BLVD. • Terl111 1 dr. H•rci't1p. Rt• cil!o, h11t1r, 1~tffi•.h1 tr1111., power •t-•ri!tf, v.1, Ylnyl roof, lroi.r1h1111 lllfe,.. !or. ·Uc. VZX tlS '67 OALAXIE $17'7 100. 2 fir. h1r4top. R1dt .. h•1kr, •11foin11 tic tr1111.1 pow•r 1k•rh11, V0I, •Ir c0Mltionh11. Lie. 1UU 211 COSTA MESA DODGE 54~1Dl Ext. ft6 or 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD. BRANO NEW 1970 OLDS SPORT COUPE Fully factory equipped in. dudinr head mt!,. seat ~Its, back-up lights, wind· shield wuheni, outside mir- ror, c&rpettl, etc. $2498 Ord•r Yours Ti>.Day e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Hubor Blvd. O:llta Mtsa Sf0.96f0 Orie MU.. 2"lO '68 Olds Ct!tJau $1700. Im· mac cond. Pvt pty, ~7 PLYMOUTH '66 l'OID SAVE 61l1xi1 lliOO XL Radi•, h•aler, eufo1t11tic tr1M• min ion, pow1r 1t•1ri119. 'H MHCUl'f $9U Vov111r ·'·'•••· •11to1t1•ti•, pow1r •f•1Tin1, redi•, h11t• 1T. llc. RPP t56 '6' MUSTANG $2467 M.ch I 42S v.1, 4 '''"· power 1t•1ri119, ,.w.r ltt•lr11, r1dl1, h11t.r. .YXR ... 'H CAMAIO $2476 H1rc1t.,. v.1, .m; .,,,..., ,._r 1t.•ri1t1, rMi., ll1ef· .,, 14,000 ma ... u1r. -1 Uc, YCL 276 '6' MllCUl'f $117J C•111••· Vov•1•r ,.,.,., "' tometh:, powef 1tHri1111 ---------llr1dlo, h11t1r. l ie. RPP fl6 <XmAMESA • • • • 1966 PLYMOUTH 'tt fAllLANI $2271 4-Dr. V0I, 1uto. tt1111., f ... fory •ir coltlliH011i1t9, ,.w. t r 1t11ri~1. pow1r M1ha, h••tar. Uc:. YCU 201 1'66 DODGE Coronet 4 Dr. Sedan Automatic, power steering, radio & heater. This Is a real iood buy! (511 AGBJ. $899 e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd, O:Mta l\1eaa 540-8881 1964 DODGE Dart 170. Au to mallc transmission. Must sell. Make oiler. 540-8886 FALCON Station Wagon wtlua:· gage rack. R&I{, Gd tins, runs gi:I. $150. 968-3640 FORD 54IJ.3001 Ext. 66 OT 61 1970 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA '61 Ford Falrlane 500, 6 Cylinders. NEW; Starter, SO!inoid S w I t ch Carl>., Ma 1 1 er Cylinder, Fuel Pump, .Rebuilt trana Pte:l8tlle plat•, CI u t c b Bearings, and U-jolnts. Wm trade loi VW. SH at 2500 N"'POl'l Blvd. No. S. C.0.ta M.,. '66 Ford LTD, awner desperate-kJ&died w /a Ir, fl.I., p.b., l ttreo $1095. M4--4917 '6' Falcon ~uhlra J'ulJ,y """" equipped. Dir. 1695. Pbon<MU023 2 DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission. <RTI'803) $899 e UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 54().88&1 '65 PLYMOUTH vaii'atit'2 dr, 3 1pd, '225' 11lx, new tires, paint. chrome wheels, $750 or ~t offer. 544-3074, 'H FOID $14'4 F11lrl11n1 100. f Dr. HeN. top, v.1, '""'"''"•· ,..fJ., h11t1r. ,..w•r 1t11rl119, f••• tory 1ir conditlo11ln1, whit. wall tlr11, tlrittd ti•••· STY 105 '69 FAllLANI $li'1 4·0r. V.S, t t,1fo, tteM,, fM• tory 1lr 11ondltfo11i1t9, jMW• IT 1t .. ri111, ,.Wlf ~elrn, h11t1r. Uc:. YCU 201 '70 'fW $2511 F19'h•c:lr. 111tom•tfe. low, low 1t1il11. CZ4t55) '62 IMPUIA~ $467 ,66--80-NN-EVl--LLE--, -.-dr·llcrow~. 2 Dr. H.T. Y·t, ... t •• tr11111.1 ftftory •Ir uito hardtop, PSIPB, pwr win-clitle11l11f, !M>W•r 1t•1rh1t, dowa, fact a.tr, new tires., power br••11, power wh1· good tu mll•ap. $1715. alt dow1, p•w•r ••1b, rtdle, PONTIAC 5 Pl\f. 548-8206 ho1t1r. Uc. AWW 100 ======:.ll•u CHIV. $1Mi RAMBLER 'M Station Wag, Americana 330, low mileage, xlnt cond. $650. 494-3034 C1prict . I Dr. H1rdte1t. Auto. tl'1111., f•ctory •Ir, pow1'i 1t11ri111, ,...., i,,,i.:.,, r icllo·, h1ot.r,. -,illyl roof.· JIYI 41t '67 COUGAR slitf ·v.1, •uto. tr•111., f1riory eir co..dltio11ll'lf, ,..w•r ---------ll1t.erl119, pOWOf bro••·· r4• LADIES Manicured 'SO Conv .lie, lloitor, •lwti ,.0 f. u .. T·Blrd. AH Pwr. Nu Timi. m 716 Pm. cond. ISIJO. -·11 '•M=°'G~A7lA7_"'x11=-.....,51=n 642-8235. soo. J Or. H1rtlt.p: V0t , '67 t.ndau, 30,(0) mi. Air, r1dlo, ll11tlr, ••te. ttiM., fvll power, new radial tires, ,.w ... 1tnrh11. Uc. YSY Jmmac. Fae. warr. 2 yr or 120 T-BIRD l0,000 ml. SU-0.\74 'H MUSTANG $107f =="-======= ll H.rdtop. V•I, "Jtt" •• TORONADO ''"· ""'· ,,,,.., "'""· -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;11•1cl tr•111. Lio. XTH 012 • 'H TORINO $220 F11tb1••· l tO Y0I, ..... fT•n1., f•ctory oir 10-41~ fionl111. ,.w1r 1foorlftt, pow1r br1k11, r•dl9t ~ ... or. Us. 1DX 116 1911 TORONADO, white with black lrl""1 !Op. Top condJ. tton, Jow tnDt!ace, equipped with eveey factory optional availabl t-. lncludln& I track floe deck. First $3500 take• ltl t 673-2252 ·:;e roiU>. Ste '° •ppreclal•. ''!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II Cofner of Brookhurst I: I; DUNTON FORD Warner (Mobll Station) lt.B. 'Ci Ford Vli\o>Bus, 1'8dia &: hie tng:lne. Pttlect .. ndlllon. """· ~ VALIANT \VHAT A DEAL '&o VAU&nt St8. Wq. $200. 6n-5493 or f75.043T 2240 5. ..... 546-7076 ~ I I I - ~-~~-~~~--~~~--~----------------------------.... ----.... ----.......................... ,. ' .. I PILOT-ADvtllTISU Uncle Le n Selects Christmas -Card ·Contest Winµers •) Undt Len, whose column present! Santa left./You run "~fery Christmas to the whole thought lo ~end bim a card to L .. 11111, GM,., K0tn1t. •· •11 ~·111:11 A111U&. t, ~•2 "'""""' or1", ~un· .,, Ph11M• t i. • .,'.,,, c~ c"i. MeNu DAILY PILOT 'afro" ish h• ••ff ff ••ah u ().fl~ SOulfl LM-1 Klmii.,lrl' ti,_~ kad'll Ml•-lrattl•, I, Ull Mlellle (Mfr. II, Ult "'ltcUll L111r, oooupla a prominent corner by Baby Mary's roomtAnd 5 •1 v.· 1m appy anu...... · 11c11ellltf, ,, mn A'ffllkle F.l:.111111, Westm111t1er. wntmtm1eir 1911u1i.. 1.,. N•WNrt 1MC111 M&m' ,,..,.,.., im or the, COll'llca page every )'elJ ·r-.1erry Christmas' to all DENISE O"'!IERS, S, 1,..,u. All cards enlered in Un cle M1uJot1 v1t1o. cvnt11I• •rntt1t1, 11, u1 1111 ,.._ ,1.,.n1. a. 1~1 Lo."' Lint, Ml•lf ,,. ...... All. t, c.11 .v.n-1 1:11.., M'""lfr11 A.,..,., ,_l•lt V•tlt'l'J !fl T•ll'\tl'IY Mc'(-, f , ''°"' MtfdOWll,_ Avt., F1111nl•lll V•lllYf C•rll fuell;et• ~ ~ ' -n's -tesl will be lurned M , v•• • ,._. Hunll1191on ~' Cw•• ,,..rlmM. I. PJ-; t, a:i WMe Frnl "-· Cool}t Sf,fnM•u in the 0 A 1 LY h 1· [ I W · LC ........ on' 1 .. .,.,, .... te "'"'· 1"'1 LMlll L1rw, Hllftll1111tan li•cll; Mn.ti l l'lfl l'i.>er, lt. m WP.e "°'"'" ---v ". o roam/In your sweet ill e Jody Circe, estm1nster, over to Fairview St ate 1w1 Morw"M s1 .. Hllftlll'lt!Ofl ,..._", "-· coe•• """'' o"'*" r,_. -•, • ~ ha \ e(\ L111rlt Jovtt, NJ Lorna Clr'Clr, Ce11t1 co • • 1c, Jgj$ Qwll c.tur1. F,...111tln v.i1 ... 1 c;_wrlt Llf"I., f, 10»6 l'r,....lnt C11'o , et;, ~l•ln V•llrt1 Kitt Ollfllt\ lfri. r IOO!ol Out ll Cour1, ''<lufllt ln \11llt'f1 l.lndt Croudl. 1\'o, t9' luc.AAeH "Md. COlll Melli Cllrltllt LYM C.rrol~ '· IM i lti•I f<lldf'tu), Fllllftflln Y1!11,1 •l!:t1.,. cwr1er11. 11. lfH1 a.n i=.n,.. PILN,, S se ect the 1969 hoc n<". L--ause her dra1•1·11g is nenl llosp1·1al for dls lr1·bul1·on (o pa-°"111 "11'"• 1, •1~1 Tr-re · t2ll Avi ion si .• Cnt• Mtw• .l°"""'°'1 ue1.· MtM P•,111 GIJltl, '· ISSO S..0.• lltoM. Hunll119lwl IMcllJ ''"" lno l•t 111me .J-r Tflbt;nd. 10. tu Vie 11ttvt111. wirmer of his Uncle Len's "Then fol course) you can-and clean and she did such a lients lhere. Here is a com. c.w1 Mtt.11 w.ov °'''"' •· 1141 t rvu•J, •· 1111 L•mbtr1, >t1111n1"" Hl'#lllOl1 kldl. ood . b f d . s I 1· r . "•A l tlnt O<lv1, Hunu,.,.1on IHch; KtUY llHCll; Mwlf<l<I "obln, •. lllO •lrwt Christmas Card Contest. nol. \~·ail/For you fear you g JO o ray,•mg noopy p etc 1st o entrants m Wl'I'; F•nl, t, mz ,,,.1nt orlvt, Hu~i.,.ton tdOfr.• .iven), H1111llrqtor. 8Mch. J0t L1.,.11, "14 0 1111t l-. Me~ h II b I l /y I k d the dog 'from the Peanu's le t lle•cl11 &Ob lloudltr ... an Ltrflbtrl Pall'! llutler, I, 1161 ltulll Of~. 8ucll; kit\< Llrlllt , t, '°'4 0 1- Foun11111 V•llfy, • \Vinner of the compeUtion, 5 il e a e. CM.I 00 an con S : o r1 ..... Huntlnt1lon e11e111 Fellpe ll•r· Hun!lnghlfl 1eK111 Jan JollnlOflt 1"410 L•"'· NtwPOrl ••Klfl OeMr Amdl. Loll 11t1c.i..rd110n. TG. tm TOUCiM both ~ see 9 li\tlC trike/That's for COmiC Strip) in his favorite ,.,.,. I, l~l .. otler Clrclf, Hu,.. Tryon, WlllmlM!tl! Htc!Or .A111r1, JQ91:)1 Orlf!'ll'ood Drive, Soulll LttUlllf Ave., Founl•ln \llllty; MltY I!. "Santa'":,berl1·td\rleawinhgedleppiee\rins~ J\1ary, and. wow. thut bike!/ posilifon -ly inhg on his back on ... ~~~~:1.H~~;:,"·a!:; ~'!!.~;~'{,~ ~~kin c';:,~111 ~:~,'Ji,i,:*e~·e'~ ~·~ ~f:11 H'!!~.':~1.Hu~'i''~c11 1.,;:t ~-~~ •• ~.~~"': .. ~!. ~ ... ~.~:io.-,'.c,•, =::i=~··v.~i:y, ~ • .,!~~,;: ·---,..... h Cb ' That's for me/And so you see top 0 his dog oose. (The dog 31 U Oubl!s SI .. Cosr1 Mtw; Rllond• ~::1~1~~;nd~!~;.,_.~Ui~1.~~~'~. ~~ ~:r1n~:~es~,·~!v1~:"-r~tt11.9~~ $1llr wl~ '· ,.;.7 ll~~·s, .. :.....~:;'. n~~,.~~'w'::.c11,:= un.'Vra '"6 a uge r1stm as The thrills Santa brings.'' hou.~e is trimmed w i l h Schllf'ld1r. '· 101tJ ra1eori. Foun111n Ltmt>itrt ori-n. H1Jnl!nt1ton ludl; Nell llt ic11; ''"'' rerttl•. 11. nu Aw11on Foun111n v1111,, Ktn Wlltoft. 10 .. ,.., •••'91 01-JonH..,, rs21 ""' v 111e tree and for the verse s!lc Christmas lights.) vane.,; Mf•v uu11111'°"' 71167 e~•f. Scott, 1. 1J10 w1111 lltMd, w.11m1n11•ri s1 .• cos1• M&s1 1 11111 c.,,. .w11t•. t:m: $1nda1Wood St., Foun11111 v111rn uree 0.1.,., N.w_.t •ut111 Ct11'1l' Cl'lolu er. PATRICK RUSSELL, 17. invkln Lanf, Hunl•lllllon I ll<~ I Lance Cll!net, 1, 16JOI NIDnrM LIM, Mtilll'llM O•lvt. HoJnUntlan lrkfl. Oe•row, 6. Ml l"rlncltan ~In. C-11 UI• M&tlPIM, C..-del Mlor1 Jallfl wrote S ft f h rd . Kimbril~ Kutil', 11. •10 Em~r,ld ll1y, Hunflntklll 8t•cll, 1 /NH; Jirfltrt o.,,_, I, !fit clrllf Cort\', lt, 1511 l'rlKHll LIM, ~ a pa 0 er ca ' IS 2914 Clubhouse Road. Costa DA\\~ BLOCK. 9. !'3'.:!6 S\\•an L~un1 Btacll; Jt•MITf Kuni, '· "' Tenl Mlmll"tllO. t-U. 1$11~ "°"" •1$drnal, C•I• ,,.,.., (flrl1 l urnelt,.. IM<lll i..11i. ........ ,, 11, IW'O knll Laurie Hansen. 9. o! 2024 Aliso Mesa, 1·ust because h,·5 card Cl-le. Foonlai·n Va 11 e y, E"'""'ld ,,.,, L1!1u111 etcell: JUI C••"• s1m1ox. a. 11547 Wn..lf'r c1,.. ~·· cos11 Me111 M1r11; ~d•m1. ,'M•-~•''e.!t_,!!'.~, .. !.· ,..,'"",.., .... ,_! VM& st .. '°""''111 v1t1t1; Cbri.tt ''-Rc .. ncaum, '· ~ 04<inv Clrtl•, cir, Hunll111tot1 8etctu Hellftt-e Cno i.11 11, .o.I &obr<o W11, lf-1 lleKll; ... _ ~ .,, ...,. -Cl\litl. I. IJO S-1 •Old,.(0$11 M ... ; Ave., Costa 1'1esa. \1135 1~etl dra11o11 and his: because she 111as the only one HunUngton l!IHcl11 Lisi '""k', 1. :ium name tlWrll, ,.,.1 wooo~11tt, L1uren Me11r. l1'l5 Mani! s1~ lrvlM1 s1., coil• Mesi . M•rh' Sfll"dtf, 11 •. 11"' Oesot., ~t• M101Yn OrlYe. $DU111 L•1uM; Jeffre., WfftmlMler; Dan"' Ltnon. 1, 16kl LesUt $f\11fer, 16!'02 Concord Line, Mt .. ; Jim Stwdlr, f, 27"' OeSO.. Laurie, daughter of 1.1r. and thoughtful message \\'a s , of Uncle Len's readers v;ho M•rks. 1, :iom M1rl1Yn Orlvr, Soutll Woodruff st.. wes1m1,..i.er1 c.111., Hur-t1091on llfleh1 Rllond• c1111re11, it, P"'' Jo MtC•nn. 11. IOWI c ost• fi!esa. Mre.MarkHansen,turned out ' __ _: __ .:._ _ _::._ __ .:._.:._.:._.:._:._ _______ .:._.:::::::::...:...:::.::..:::::_:...:::_:...:::__::::::.:::_.::::.:._::.:::::::::::::_..:::.::.._.c::..::::;=..:::;=....::...::.c;c::::....::__...:.::__::_...:.:;_:__.c.;._.c..; ___ c..._~~.,-,---~ lG be whal artisls call a '"speedball" when she visited the DAILY PILOT. She whip- ped 0£( a large-scale drawing of a Christmas tree in le~s than 10 seeonds while staff artist Charlotte An d r e s e n watched her. That's the way she drew her winning Quistmas card in the contest, too, according to Salley Hansen, her mother. Laurie's ca rd, originally drawn to be used as a spet·ial Christmas greeting f r o 111 her.self and her brother, ~fark, 6, was converted into an entry into Uncle Len's contest at the suggestion of Laurie's mother. How long did it take to write the ve r s e? "About five minutes," Laurie said matter- of-factly. Both the card and the versr will be published on Christma s day as a special DAILY PILOT greeting from Uncle i..n. Meanwhile the Hansen fami- ly is preparing to enjoy the payoff on Laurie's creativity -a special holiday trip lo Disneyland. Laurie's father. coordinator of special educa- tion for the Newport.Mesa Unified School District, will take the day off to join the family for the "V.I.P." day at the Magic Kingdom. Laurie, who wanls to he both a teacher and an artist. credits several teachers \':ith helpirig her develop h e r creative bent. They include her current fourth grade teacher a t \Voodland School, ffliss Kaye Liesch, as \\'ell as her first. grade teacher al lhe sarne .school. Miss Linda Casey, and a special reading teacher who has worked with her al lhe school, Mrs. Sarah Brant. Eight other entries in the contest were lielected by Uncle Len for special mention and for prizes (Kennedy half donars just like those h~ passes~ each week for the · bf?st ca nists, verse wMters and ti ers among his yow1g readers). Special mention w I n n e r s from · among U1e 104 entrants in the contest, as selected by Uncle Len, include : CINDY AMEDO •. 11 , 2.100 Margaret Drive, N e w p o r t Beach, for her unusual design using stenciled letlers insi de hand-drawn Christma s bells lo spell oul, "Happiness is a joyful Christmas for all!'' ANDY J\IORROW. 8, 321J Colorado Place. Costa Mesa. for his abstract dra>'ing or what looked to Uncle Len like Santa Claus and holl y leaves ;iJl worked into a single design. KRIS FERN'STROM. Jfl , 323 BO\\'ling Green Drive. Costa Mesa. for '"hal is perhaps the most complex and "artistic" drawing entered in the contest. The card depicti; the Nativity and portrays figures kneeling around the Christ child. The drav.·ing, un- fortunately, is too gray lo reproduct! satisfactorily in the newspaper, Uncle Len e...:- plained, but 'sho~·ed great artistic talent in its sh adinc .and tones. KIM WLL, lt, 300 Dahli::i. Apt. B, Corona del ?<.1ar. for one of the mo.st clever entries. lt shows a boy sitting in a cor- ner wearing a dunce cap and wriUng a letter. The wall!i a\}- pear to have bee n scrawlM upon (probably by the boy 1 and there appear to bc- scratch marks on lhe Ooors made by skates he is \\·earinl! The note he is writing, read~ . .. Dear Santa. I've been a ve r)' aood boy ••. " JANET S;\flTR. 10, 2040 Aliso Avt., Costa ~lesa, for a lengthy and imaginali''' ,·er:;;!' which is illustraled by se\·l'!ral 1ir1wings. The verse reed~: "'Christmas Eve's a thrill lo meJThe only ttmc or {"ar I see &he shining Chnslma:; tree/With light bul bs shining , •'Up above the tree so hight Behold the star!/Like in the Sky/They shine so bright/ And. oh, JO wh,ltt'. ••vou ICtlr'I to havt a 11\lle thrill,/And then rornrs the chlU/As mother lucks you Ught in bed/And r;o1tly luSM';S 11top your ht1d.!Thcn she whb pen.'Good nlght'IAnd do sleep Ught." 0 Thtn you fall into 11 deep. d•rk aletp/And jump r111t of bed to take a peep/At all the ' ' Sears .. .. COMPARE OUR PRICE! 11-in. diagonal measure picture Color purifier keeps colors vivid no matter J1ow often il's n1oved about •••. .\.utomatic Chrotna Control and a keyed Automatic Gain Control cut annoying color pulsations! GREAT CONSOLETTE VALUE! l8·io. Diagonal Measure Picture Detachable legs let you turn this con- so lenc i nto a table model. 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